HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5B LOT B D COVERD BRIDGE BUILDING HYDRAULIC EVALUATION OF BRIDGE ST WATER MAIN 1994 BOOK 2 OF 2 LEGAL{l Ames Backtlow Assemblies: The Right Choice tor Today, Tomorrow, and the 2lst Century I Feafures o lrfon Conoslve 300 serbs shintess steel (l@d lrce) body, Superior sfiengfi. . 4(M shorler r-lnd fo end dlmevrslons lor compct, inexpenslve lnsltlhfion' . Exd/rrrd lor retrcfif lnsdbtions. : lWo Whter ln welghl reduces lnshllation and handllng cosfs' o Conpactsfbinless sH relhl nlve yith a hhnced rofrry dlaphagm nd no eltsing seals for rffii/o hng tan peilormnu. . FUW w,vhmibll inlinq no specbl fools. r Preleefed pafenled cam+hck ass enily lor long lem relhW, fow head loss, wolwtiwblllty. . Single fwobolf groovd atyb cover lor quhf'. and easy access. . Ody ASSE 1013 approved arrrlmily tw verlial and hotlzotrfll a@lfrom. . Optlomlalrgppdnln o Hol and cold w|r,r aflleattorc. NIES I Appliation Ilre Ames 4ffifiss provtdu Prol*tion to iln p|rlblevlater suPlY ltom cow tamlmfron nwed bY a cntstl connec' tM ln a hlgh lnard afllatun I lnstallation Ilre 4000ss slpuld be Insblled with a nlnlmum c/ff,mrc€ ol 1! betuwt llP lowwt polnl ol the assemblY and the fuor or grde. Tln t006s naY be huiFllled trcrkonhllY or veil/rr/lY (hw up). Relu to lorel coder lor sry)frc hntalbtlon reguirwnents. Ihe assem- llysfiarld be lnstalledso fle dlccharye an be posldtdy drdned amY. I Nafnnal Approvals* ut" uscFcccHB, AssE, Fil, AWWLCST\ULC vAtvts & ffi Kn0'tl ASSIIHIS TI.a AmcF Comryny lound€d tn 1g1O hat tong been an tn tustry t€F,d€r ln prcduc//''g r/f//tngs and vaMcs tor Plpellne srrslems. A,, Ames Ptoduc.s arc mflxttsrlnnfdatl}[/lr80,(msq.rLhcltlty lnWoodb,rd4catnomb,r$urlt'0qdffiycort0?/ &Prory''€rvtcp. I Ames 4000ss & Dimenslbns stzE A I c o E F Nel Wt. nllh Gele3 l{et l{t. w/o Gate6 2Y."n 38"'10"1OI2'18"8th"148#60# 22'38"10"10%"mw a1h"&62#zr 10"10ra"ztw 235#65# 27V."4a1h"15"1t yl"3{t"11"380*110f 29W 52h'1Vtz"1f 3T t3%"62of 2tx* 10"AW 55%"171h',.t 5"I 16"881#tN 14 Errg q104'oirB 05c -Qr& 2 a 2yf &S Documented FIow Clnncterlstis (,tllltri,,tssttut4ttvdrcl) 150 250 now Rate (cPM) I 8" & 10" Documqtted How Chanc/rlrtsfics M&lalnss,trrluvetllel FIow Rate (GPM) 915.666.2493 1485 Tanroran Avenue p.o. Box'r387 woodrand, cA 95776 Fax 916.666.3g14 I Specifications Ihe reduccd pesswe fu*flow pnwiler sfiall conslsl ol tso hdapendrerlily oper- atlry, qrhg lorded a n+lpch vm utln a hydnullaty qen/cd illw,rrffit p*surc Hiel ralve locf,td lf,/twff,//ruttl tfi,owilt,- cdrcrrecft$requtndlbef coobardqpebml lnlel aN ottful rap;illenf seal sisf off nlves. When nonml bw oxlrh Dotfi cfiecft wtreo ae opn ailtllr prwueh iln am b- Nee,n the checks, alld rrro rona, b at feasl 2 PSI lowa flwr Ap Het ptwtrc. Tlro dll- leralnthl prorr;n rc rdW wlvo ls clolrd d Wnonwlflow. ll cesntlon ol nomalflow occutt,t!redlller- ".enfial prewm rdiel valve wil autottrrrilrri/y q open nd dfurclnrgeto nffirhl,ttlrezono al lenst 2 PSI lowq iltrrntltefilef prssuro. This action will Novant a ffiw or fuksi- phomge co'rdllfrut. Afrr. he rqulrad dlller- onfbris eelaDrishad, aho dllleruilH prcswe dielnlrc qgafir closes. The an.chs*s lncfu& a shftros$ ste6, spl/lng and cpllrr+,m,, nldDer M dlr- nd a rcfiactnt/o senl Th body stnil be mnu- lacturd lron 3ll0 sertco shrnhss steor, @ hq wlh a dryh tw-[r/l guyqd W acceos coror. ilo $pech, toors sian 60 reqnnd tu sur/chtg. Trto tM tM rlriilh conpact wtffi a rilry &phrtgm and w slld/f7g s€€/h. Tha ldlal ralr elrll dbclnqelnafrf rffilc I Phyeical Clnncterlsttcg S126 - 2tA',3",1', f,8o,ltr Baledwoilnry$rrllito-175N Hydrcsblic peseue - 950 poi T*rynturcRange-WF-lffF Flange dlmenslon in accordance with AVI|,/IA Chss D Bcdy mteful - W eortes sbt ress sted AsetnUy shall be ASSE l0l3 approyed lu lprfrrlhtsh//atutr',AWWAC,5lr{0 'Contacl the fac'tory lor specific approvals AME6 -/'t-- ' 4" & 6" Documentd How Characlenbfics Flow Rate (Gplrt) tAwtS E Mn0W ASSl&tS Form # RP,/SS 6/s2 720 1722 t@tsTEpll W Approved/A\ (t(JLc).tw .,MEK-LET'' Mechanical Outlet Tees PRINK-LINE i FINE PROTECTION PRODUCTS Threaded Outlet oNt\ o Etlr 21hx1 2"2 x 1'/+ zlhx1'h Grooved Outlet '-L|NE "MEK-LET" may be used for any tee connections where a threaded or grooved outlet . MEK-LET's can be converted into a cross when necessary. UL and ULC Listed and FM at 300 pounds working pressure. SPRINK, INC. A James Harclie Company 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA.92631 Soec'tications sGiea u ctrange wrh(rjl notice. o Novemb€.,1992 Sprink, Inc Prinled in U. s A. Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 t I Ductile lron Grooved Fittings ,t\ @ @L]TTEoI W Approved SPRINK LINE HRE PNOTECTION PRODUCTS Fig. 110 90'Elbow Fig. 111 45'Elbow '10 i 110.0 Ductile lron Grooved Fittings Dimensions - Weights Fig. 150 Goncentric Reducers Size A wt. Lbs. 3x2 2'h 1.6 3 x 2'lz 21lt 1.8 4x2 2.5 4 x2tla 4l 2.4 4x3 3 2.4 6x3 4 6.0 6x4 6.2 8x6 10.8 SPRINK, INC. 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton. CA. 92631 A James Hardie compary @ Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-0631 nili.d to dtrflre wfilbur nntie 6 M.rch 19ag Sbdnk- lnc Printed in LJ. S- A. H|nTR.HruR, ilG. frftb A Sub6iI6.y ol Jay R. Smalh Mlg. Co. 57 10 TWCI.WAY WITH SINGLE CLAPPEFT SetSctew - "B€artni-J _____-_..\\ NeopEne Gaskst ----+ TWcl.l,vAY WITH SINGLE CLAFPEFI FUNCTIC'NT Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 500 G.PM, minimum (Ref . NFpA No. 14) to supplement the {ire protection water supply. Swing clapper provides unobstructed waterway. Exposed design is an economical method ot satisfying tire dept. inlet requirements. FIEGIULAFILY FUFINI6HEEI: Cast brass two-way inlet body, swing ctapper and pin lug swivel. Back or angle outlet as selected by figure number. Lettering as selected. Size 4" x2lz" xZW. OPTIONAL FINISHES: - B Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - O Polished Chrome Plated LETTEBING AVAILABLE: AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE SPECIFY thread and lettering all,@4fudl r- + t<- 10" ------i FIg.5710 . . . Back Outlel Fig. 5715... Angle Outlet TWGI.WAY WITH trIclUBLE GLAPPEFIS FUNGTIclN: Used as an auxiliary inlet connection providing 500 G.P.M. minimum (Ref. NFPA No. 14) to supplemenl the fire protection water supply. Drop clappers provide unobstructed waterway. Exposed design is an economical method of satisfying fire dept. inlet requiremenls. FIEGiLTLAFILY FUFINIEiHEEIT Cast brass two-way inlet body, drop clappers and pin lug swivels. Size and outlet as selected by figure number. Lettering as selected. 7Vt" Flg. 5720 Serles Back Outlet Flg. 5730 Series 9e Angle Outlet Fig. 573s 45'Angle Outlet OPTIONAL FINISHES: - B Polished Brass - C Rough Chrome Plated - D Polished Chrome Plated LETTERING AVNITIELE: AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE SPECIFY thread and lettering 0ullct LocationsEact AnCls Fig. llo Fig. ilo. $lzo A I c D 5121 5731 41/zx2%x2Vz 71/,111/z 8t/,11Y4 5722 5192 6xzYzx2V2 Q1/"1lVz I '103/q 5723 5733 4x3x3 91/z 111/z 91/,1'l 5721 5734 6x3x3 10 11 10Vz 11 5735 45" Anqle 4x2'/zx2'/z I 11 Page 5-7 NOTE: ALWAYS INOICATE HOSE THREAD FEQUIREMENTS ALL DIMENSIONS IN INCHES PUIfH-ilffi, m. fiUft} A Subsidrary ol Jay B Snith Mlg. Co FIGIUNE| INtrIENTIFICATICIN PL/ATES FUNCTION: Used lo identify and trim exposed fire dept. conneclion installations. FTEGf ULAF|LY FUFNIBHEEl: Casl brass or red enameltinish aluminum plale, size and material as selected by Figure Number. Raised lettering as selected. @ 1z', OPTIONAL FINISHES: (Brass only) -B Polished Brass -D Polished Chrome Plated VARIATION: -F Sillcock Flange Plate (brass only) -E Any engraved lettering 1 inch LETTERING AVAILABLE: AUTO SPKR. STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE AUTO. SPKR. STANDPIPE WALL HYDRANT PUMP TEST CONN. SPECIFY lettering. oo a(D 6 5962 Brass FIECTANG'ULAFI IETENTIFICATIGIN PLATE FUNCTIC'N: Used with fire deot. conneclions for indentification. FIEGLTLAFILY FUFINIElHED: 4" x 8" cast brass or red enamel tinish aluminum olate. material as selected by Figure Number. Raised lettering as selected. i gr! It: D:t Fig. 5970 ... ... .... Brass 5975... .......Aluminum OPTIONAL FINISHES: (Brass only) -B Polished Brass -D Polished Chrome Plated VARIATION: -E Any engraved lettering LETTERING AVAILABLE: NORTH DRY STANDPIPE SOUTH DRY STANDPIPE EAST DRY STANDPIPE WEST DRY STANDPIPE ALL DRY STANDPIPE STANDPIPE DRY STANDPIPE FIRE DEPT. CONN. COMBINATION STANDPIPE AUTO. SPKR. FIRE DEPT. CONN. PU[,4P TEST CONNECTION SPECIFY bflerins FIRE DEPARTMTENTDCOINECTION @ @ 6P ATJTGI]V|ATIC trIFIAIN trIEVICE FUNGTION: Used to drain low point of system between fire depl. conneclion and swing check valve. Seals automatically under pressure. Installed in horizontal position only. FIEGILTLAFfLY FIJFINISIHEEI: Cast brass angle or straight connection, male N.P.T. both ends. Size and design as selected by Figure Number, Flg. Slze Deslgn 5981 1/1 ...... . Straight 5982 7t' .. .. . .. Straight 5983 Y2"...... ... Angte 5984 Y."..... ....Angle t srLLcocK FUNGTIGIN: Used to manually drain low point of system between fire dept. conneclion and swing check valve. FIEGIJLAFILY FUFfNIgHEEI: Polished brass flanqed sillcock with 3/4'femate N.P.T. inlet x male G.H.T.; stem shield and removable tee handle kev. OPTIONAL FINISH:wh Pase 5-18 PIITIE.HHtrR,IilG. A Subidiary ol Jay R. Sntlh Mtg. Co FEATUFTES clF BALL SHUT.CIFF VALVES . Large ports to minimize pressure dfop and turbulence. . Low torque operation. . Speed of operation. . Positive closure. . Flow in either direclion. . Straight through flow. . Forged strength up lo 600 lb. pressure rating, . Ease of installation. . &nserves space. . Visual indicalion of operating condition -open or closed. . Tested hydrostatically in the open and closed position. . Simplicity of maintenan@. . Durability. . Reliability. . Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, lnc. . Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation. Chrome Plded Brass Ball FUNCITION: Used in the trim assembly ol alarm check, dry pipe and automatic water con' trol valves. Used to control manually the flow of water to small open head extinguishing sysl€ms and as zone conlrol valve. FTE€ULAFILY FUFINISIHEET: Forged brass body. Cadmium plaled vinyl insu- lated haMle. Chrome plated brass ball with nylon seat. Female N.P.T. inlet and outlet. Size as selected by figure number. GAPS ANE CHAINS FUNGTICINT Use to cover and protect male threads on valves and hydrants. Discourages entry of toreign matter. FIEGTIJLAFILY FUFINISHEEI: Cast brass cap with female hose thread, pin lugs and chain. OPTIONAL FII{ISHES: -B Polished Brass -C Rough Chrome Plated -D Polished Chrome Plated VARIATIONS: with rocker lugs (suffix -RL)272'and3'size€vai$:#J:T,.,'"n,--t, @ FUNGTION: EIRAETS WITH EIET SiCFIEW FIEG|ULAFLY FUFINI€IHED: { Ca"t brass flange with set screw. € ttn. srze 4711 ... .... .. .. -... 11/2" 4712 ..... ........ .. 2V2" 4713 ...... .......... 3" FLANGiES Used to lrim pipe entry. EiTAMP STEEL SIPLIT FIINGi FTEGUI.AFILY FUFINIEIHED: Chrome plated stamped steel split ring tlange. Fig. Slze 4723... ...........2Y2" 4733..,. .............3', Oo IIOTE: ALWAYS INDICATE:HOSE THREAo REQUIREMENTS:Page 4-10 CAT.PAGE2-4 HOS E AS SEMEILY ACCESSiGIFT I ES Q,ry CA \EIINET ESCUTCHEGIN tPot. tRough Chrome Chrome Plated Salh tPol. Bmss Brass 1.mte. 2.00 wT. Vt 1 2 3 5 BFtASiSi .AEJIJSTABLE PFIE€IEiUFIE FIESTFIICTINGi EIEVICE tPol. fPol. fRDugh Ghrcme Erass Chrome Plated Satin Erass ......... 134.00 154.00 139.m 159.00 .........175.m 205.m 185.00 215.m wI. 2 4 c 5 Fig. xo. nfl ,81 'lr2'SteelEscu tcneon. Fig. tlo. 27f6 11/2".. 27ffi Z/2". .E|FIAEiSi FIACK NIFPLE Fio. ilo. m0 BF|ASSi FIEEITFIICTINGI E ISIC. 11h" . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 20.mFi$ ilo. 2156 1t/2"12.00 16 00 14 ffi 18 n0 279C| stEFilEsl HctsiE FIACK ctNLY Bsd Pol. Polyoster Chrcmo Coated Plaled 5n ff) cn fyt EtFIASiS; AUTc'MATIC EIFIAINVALVE ) ..1 Discontinued Flg. l{0. 21fi 11h..un1 ^h' Fig. ilo. nn.. Tt'Jl|q, fn q) avl OAT.NAGE2_5 EIFIASS HclEiE AtrIAFTEFTS Slze Fem x Fem Female r Male Fcm r Fem Male x Femalo Male x Male Male x Female AB tFig. 2805 Fio.2810 F19.2815 fFig. 2820 Fis. 2825 Fis.283lt tFig. 2835:hx ah 1rll 1 rl 16.00 16.00 16.00 11h r tlt 37.00 28.m'l1{r1 29.00 35.m 28.mth r.1h 50.00 '| 0.00 r0.00 10.00 9.m2 tN 2x1 2 r1k 38.00 48.00 48.00 /$.m 35.002x231.m 56.00 31.00 29.002h, ,h 20.m 49.00 2!Ar1 20.m 65.00 $.mtlArllf,17.00 42.m 42.00 45.m 42.m 2h rz 29.00 40.00 ,0.00 38.00 44.m 2h r?h 93.m 22.ffi 27.W u.ffi n.ffi3 rlh 57.00 71.003 r?74.00 75.003 r?1,77.W 54.00 54.m 51.00 76.003 13 121.00 204.m 121.00 79.004 14 200,00 237 00 n7.fi 25S.00ttAxi258.00 452.00 452.00 280.q) fAdd fo.opri0nal Finishes -B Polished Brass i0% t on Retumabh For threads olher than NST or NPSH add gO.OO oer outlet 15 LBI SEiITRY WAFER BUTTERFTY VALUE . Ductile iron body totally encapsulated with integral seat EPDM rubber. Nickel plated brass disc (AlSl 316 on request). AlSl 420 stem @ LISTED 175 PSt. Size 2"3"4"5"6"R,' Face 1o Face 1.693 1.811 1 .811 2.O47 2.205 2.?05 2.362 D 3.819 4.567 5.197 5.984 7.165 8.150 10.3'l E 8.82 9.09 9.41 10.00 10.60 11.50 12.50 K 7.32 7.32 7 .32 7.32 7.32 7.60 7.60 WEIGHTS (LBS)17.4 18.3 19.1 22.O 25.7 31.0 39.8 . Test Pressure : 350 psi o Face to Face : API 609/MSS SP 67 o Maximum Working Temp: 250 "F . Flange adaptation : ANSI B 1$5 class 150 Availade with taclory-installed internal tampsr switch, consisting of two UL Lisled microswitches ratod at 3 amo./l15 volts. Provisions are made for inslallation of oulside tamper savilch manufactured by olhers. LISTED FOR 300 Psl.w.P. Slze 2"'h 3"4"5"6"8" Face to Face 1.693 1.811 1.811 2,o47 2.205 ?.m5 2.362 D 3.700 4.212 4.960 5.906 7 .047 8.031 10.20 5.51 5.83 6.10 6.69 7.48 8.07 9.29 K 7 .32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.60 7.60 WEIGHTS (LBS)20.7 21 .8 z,t.o 27 .7 33.20 38.70 47.50 . Test Pressure : 350 psi . Face to Face : API 609/MSS SP 67. Maximum Working Temp: 250 oF . Flange adaptation : ANSI B 1s5 class 15o Available with lactory-inslalled intsrnal tamper switch, consisling of tvro UL List6d microswitches rated at 3 amp./115 volts. Provisions are made for installalion ot outside tamper switch manufactured by olhers. FOR w.P. @ VICITANTE WAFER/LUG BUTTERFLY VATUE . Ductile iron body. EPDM seat. Rilsan coated duclile iron disc (AlSl 316 on request). AlSl 420 stem FL WATCHMAN GROOUEIT.END BUTTERFTY UALUE . Ductile iron body (with polyamid coating). EPOM rubber mould€d diso. AlSl 420 stem LISTED FOR 175 PS|.W.P. size ?"2"'lz 5"6"8" Face to Face 3.819 3.819 4.567 5.827 5.827 5.236 D 2.874 3.500 4.500 c.gl'J 6.026 8.626 E 5.315 5.591 6.889 7.362 8.268 9.213 K 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.32 7.60 7.60 WEIGHTS (LBS)18.9 19.8 23.8 29.5 41.4 47.3 . Test Pressure : 35O psir Maximum Working Temp r 250 oF Availabl€ with factory-installEd inlernal tampor stvilch, consisting of two UL Listod microswitches rated at 3 amp./1.15 volts. Pro/isions are made lor installation of outside tamp€r switch manufactured by olhers. APPFOVED P. O. BOX 3158 FULLERTON, CA 92634 I'TIT t_-,,rFs/-r rU-IUttcot"otaTEo COiOraA C^ . Ctlal 73t-55oe FIG. 65 AND FIG, 66 REVERSIBLE C-TypE BEAM CLAMPS - 3/4" AND 7-7/4" THROAT OPENINGS Size Ronge - (Fis. 55) 3/8 & f2 inch rod (/2 thru 8 inch pipe). Size Ronge - (Fig. 66) 3/8 & f2 inch rod (/2 thru 8 inch pipe). Material - Carbon Steel with hardened cup point s€t screw and jam nut. Function - Recommended for hanging from steel . beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (Fig. 65) or L.U4" (Fis. 66). Features - All steel construction eliminates structural deficiencies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or bottom flange of the beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allowing the rod to be threaded completely through the clamp. Open design permits inspection of thread engage- rnent. Application Note - Fig. 65: add 1-112- to rod length when clamp is to be used in set screw up position. Fig. 66: add 2" to rod length when clamp is to be used in set screw up position. Approucls - Underwriters' Laboratories listed and FactoryMutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E, type 23, and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-59, type 19 and 23. Exceeds requirements of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Pamphlet #13, 3/8" rod will support 1/2 thru 4" vpe, V2' rod will support V2 thru 8" pipe. Ftnish - Plain, Electro-Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Qrder By - Figure number, rod size, and finish. l-l-e--,olI n------1 -{-,'}--n ,iil:: FtG.65 FtG. 66 l-' F lo-ro]rE SIZE PPEA SIZE ac noD ROD E SIZE PIPEA S|TF BCD L o .-+-. \/ APPROVEO MEA apprcved o PIBV2 System Sensor's PIBV2 Supervisory Switch fits to the open position of fire sprinkler control valves of the post indicator, butterfly, or other valves. lt contains two SpDT (Form C) contacts. The PIBV2 is designed to operate when the valve position is altered f rom an open state. ONE SWITCH COVERS MANY APPLICATIONS Can be used for butterfly valves, post indicator valves, wall post*, recessed wall post valves, and many types of pressure reducing valves. SINGLE SIDE ENTRANCE FOR CONDUIT Makes installation faster and easier and helps elimrnate unwanted call backs. Durable metal enclosure qives the switch protection from adverse environmental ionditions. ADJUSTABLE LENGTH ACTUATOR Eliminates need for cutting shaft. Extends up to 2,,from nipple. Has coned tip for easier installatron. Removable 1/2" NPT nipple simplifies installation. UN|QUE Bt-DtRECT|ONAL DEStcN Easily installed switch operates with rising or falling flags. DURABLE SWITCH ASSEMBLY Two 10 Amp 125/25O VAC, 2.5 Amp 24 VDC switches provided as standard are locked in a synchronized position and enclosed in a rugged terminal block for added strength and durability. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. SEMS CLAMPING PLATE BRACKET Enables wiring to conform with UL 753 paragraph 17A.2. OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH KIT Mechanically activated by cover removal. 'For wall post mounling aenarn restri(lions applV =ry'TEtW.5ENSOfrt,A D/V/S/ON OF P/TTWAY 3825 Ohio Avenue . St. Charles, lllinois 60174 . 708.377.6363 . FAX: 708.377.6495 In Canada: 416-675.1695 . FAX: 416.675.7078 An lS0 9000 Certilied Company GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Agency Listings: UL, FM, ULC, CSFM. MEA Contatt Ratings: Conduit Entran(es: Enclosure, Cover and Ease: Mounting: Actuating Lever Extension Length (max.): 5hipping Weight. Service Use: 10A@ 125/250 vAC 2.5A@24VDC 2 openings for 1/2" conduit Die-cast zinc, corrosion resistant finish I/2" NPT 2" f rom n ipple 2 lbs. Central station NFPA 71 Local NFPA 72A Auxiliary NFPA 728 Remote station NFPA 72C Proprietary NFPA 72D 3 years Operating Temperature Ranges: 32'F 120"F (0'C - 49'C) Overall Switch Dimensions: 4-114"N x 3-1/z'nW x 3-114"D (l0.8cm H x 8.9(m Wx 8.2(m D) --- t.-.- MAOE IN TH€ U S A Warranty: ""'' oi-'- .-,,-'-!"\ ' tamgrer screws , 11 ..* - li, ,.,',' 'Y '1--r "t ,llliu 'E -'1 r-) I ,ol.lioll", lll[ ru.p., p,oor I I lrll wrench lLii (PNwFDw) -- - -sorinrili 'w#*i;#,*-', lj' Threaded 3 1 /4" D 3-1t2" W '''"t%*,"r,,n 1=V' lern iexwl IH{: FOLLO\ llNG ARE 'aXAtr4PLES OF ACCE?TABLE MOIJNTING POSITIONS I HF f {]I LCWING MOUNTING i,osn roN rs NoT 4qgEeTABLE: ACTUATOR VEHTICAL (PO Nrtuc UPt Lil ii. -ti J :.'. /- ACIUAIOF VEH I ICAL (DOWN] ACTUATOH HORIZONTAL NOTF:Co6honrnd I connecl,ons will close{hen v.l!. noves 1,5 0l ils lolal kaveldistance Nipple set sc.ews Acluating levei- Typ'car FACP Conneclion:. Relaining nut Ireak wne as shown 16. !peryrsron orconn.crion OO NOT.llow irtipp€d wne kads lo errend b.yond swilch 6ou.rng, OO NOI l@palres. Post Ind icator/8 utterfly Va lve Superviso ry Switch (PlBV2) sha ll be insta lled o n each va lve as desrg n ated on the drawings a nd/or as specified here in. Swit(he5 Shall be mou nted so as not to interfere with the norma I operat ion of the va lve and shall be adlusted to operate within two revolutions o{ the valve controlorwhen the va lve flag has moved no more than one fiflh of th e d istan(c fronr its norma I position. The mechan ism sha ll bc contained inaweatherproof diecastmetal housing, which shall provideasideentranceforl/2"conduitandincorporateal/2"NPTnippleforatta(hmentto the valve body. A ground ing provision is provided. The switch assem bly sh a I include two switches each r,vith a rated capacity of 10 Amp @ 125/250 VAC and 2.5 Amp @ 24 VDC. The cover sha ll contain tamper-resrstant screws Jor which a security wrench will be supplied with each switch. PIBV2 sha ll be Underwriters Laboratories listed for indoor or outdoor use The PIBV2 sha ll be Factory Mutualapproved. Engineer/Architect Specifications: PIBV2 Supervisory Switch e I Ordering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFD20 Waterflow Detector, Schcdule '10/40, 2"WFD25 WaterflowDete(tor,Schedule1Ot40,2-1/2"WFDIo Waterfiow Detector, Schedule 10/40, 3"WFDI5 WaterflowDete.ror,Schedule 10140,3-1/2"WFD40 Waterflow Dete(tor, s(hedule 10/40, 4"WFD50 Wsterflow Detector, schedule 10/40, 5"WFD60 Water{low Dete.tor, s(hedLrle 10/40, 6"WfD80 Waterllow Dete(lor, s(hedule 10/40, 8" Wf DT Waterflow Detector, Fit5 1',1-114",1.1/2" ferrous and brass threaded 1ee5; 1", 1-1/4", 1 112",2" <appet sweat tees; 1" CPVC lees; and 1-l12" polybutylene tees WFDTNR Waterflow Detector, non-retard, fitl same tees as Model WFDT Ma5ter Pa.kedi 6 unitg Supervisory Swit<hes Outsid€ Screw and Yoke Valve Supervisory Switch -lwo SPDT Switche5 Post lhdicator/Butlerfly Valve Supervisory Switch -Two SPOT Swit(hes Alarm Bells KM5'6-24 Aell,6", 24 VDC, Polarized, 97 dBA KM5-8-24 Bell, 8", 24 VDC, Polarized. 102 dBA KM5-10 24 8ell, 10", 24 VDC, Polarized, 104 dBA KBs-6- 120 8el , 6". 120 VAC, Polarized, 95 dBA KBS-8.120 Bell, 8". 120 VAC, Polarized. 98 dBA KBS-10'120 8ell, 10", 120 VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Sprinkler Product Replacements A1010'00 Replacement Artembly Kit lor PiBV2 (wrenchet, Screw Pa(k) A30l 1.00 Replacement Atsembly Kit for OSY2 (Wren(het, 5(rew Pa(k, J hookr) A1008-00 Repla(ement Delay Me(hanisrn for WFD 2'-B" tites ( 8lac k) A77-01 02 Repla(ement Terminal Block for WFD and WFDT A77-01 -08 Repla(ement Terminal Elock for WFDTNRPRK9 Repla(ement Paddle Kit * 9 paddles for WFDT and WFDTNR (see WFDT for 5ize5 rn(luded) 546'7000 Tamper swrtch Kit for WFD, WFDT, PlBV2, and O5Y2 S07 66-02 ReDlacement TamDer Screwt tor Covers ot wFD. WfDl, WFDTNR, OsY?. PlBV2, and EP5WBB Weatherproot Ba(k Box tor KM5 and KBsWFDW Reolaaement Ta[loer Prool Wren(h for Cover ot WfD, WFDI, WfOTNR, OSY2, P|BV2, and EP5 Replaccment Hex \ryren(h tor OSY2, PIBV2 osY2 PI BV2 Pres5ure Switches EPsl0 1 Alarm Waterflow Prersure swit.h. One sPDI, 4 20 PSi EP5l0'2 Aldrm Watertlow Pres5lre Swrtch. Two sPDT. 4 20 PSI EPS40 I Supervisory Low Pressure 5r\.,itch, Ooc SPDT. 10.100 PSI EPS40 2 Supervrtory High/tow Pressure Swrtrh, Two SPDT r0 100 Psr HEXW @ Colryrqht 8/91System Se nsol flr s documcnt s nr:t i|rtcndcd :c l)e Lrsed tqr iIslilllation p!rpote5.A05 197 00 Grinnell ERW steel pipe A-135 schedule 40 schedule 40 pip€ available in lrade sizes , l'lhro 2' in lenglhs ol 21'.?1'.25'weighli bundle weighl ol pipe with water i 1 21', 21' 25' I loral tohl total I lootage I loolaqe lootage ii,rzo:roso lr/soi;r 1071 1224 1215 sires pcs. per bnle t0 51 44 30 lrade I sire In. t- i 1rn 1tt2 2 61 irqt_ 3l 30 1315 iooo i 1 900 2315 I 924 63C 21' 24', 25',bdle. bdb. bdle. r,eigM weight i vreighl 2470 2822 2940 2431 2778 : 2894 1' pipe werghl ol piperloot werghl (]f wateri iool werght ol pipe w lh waterrloot 1'1" pipe wetgirt oi ptpe/100t weignt oi waleri loot werqhl ol prpe wrlh wale, iocl 1,1" pipe werghi ol pipe/1001 vrer0hl 01 \!ateri lool wer_ohl ol prpe w llr waler fool 2' ptpe wergf'l ot prperloot weighl of waterifool weighl of pape with wateriioot zth' pige weight oi pipe/loo1 weight of waler/loot wei0hl oi pipe with waterifoot 3'pipe vJeight ol pipei loot v/etqht ol water/loo1 .^/e,Efl cl p pe wllh water,l00t 3%'pipe ',ve rghl ol pipeiloot weighl 0f water/iool wei0ht of pi0e wllh water/foot 4" pipe weignt oi pipe/foot weight of watefi loot weight of pipe with waler/lool 5'pipe weiqht ol prpe/foot weighl of water/lool , weight of pipe with water/foot i 6'pipe weight ol pipe/foot wei0hl of water/toot weight oI pipe w th water/{oot 8" pipe werght ol prpe/loot weight of water/loot w€ighl of pipe with waterilool 10" pipe we qht ol p Delloot v/e ghl ol water/loot v/er!hl ol prpe with watertl00t 12'pipe werghl of prpei lool werqhl ol wal€ri fool wcrqhl of pipe with waleri iool XL allisd XL th,eadable li0hl wall pipe 'f' - 3' in lenglhs ol21'-24'.25'weighli bundle n0mtnal vreighl fl. 12210 r'Y:ii 1 2 5214 bundlE sazes pcs. per bdle.r.0. i 1,191 i 1.452 l -: 16q7: 2154 ,. 2 581 3476 I3200 schedule 10 --- i;al i tst:.-.: l:" l!4 j20a >FR . '',l|:; r ^^")Jd I lbr loolage weight/bundleSl( 10 allied schedule l0 1'-{'in lenglhs ol 21'-24'-25' trade size tn.0.0. nominal . bundlewall n0minal i sires 21' 24' 25, \ 21' | 21, ZS' ttricln€ss werqhl lpcs. per total lolal l0tat bdte. bdle. bdte 1.0. I in. lt : bdle. loolage lootage loota0e i weight weight weighl_-- I I - | - '--_- l 1097 I r09 I r 40 i 91 1911 2184 zzTs iz67s 3053 13185 rraz j ros liiT-or I rzei - Gq i rszr 1 z:rs- 26s0 iii60 Goi ros i zoe I -6' ; .zsr raeq ' ,szs izosq roos irtzz--ill-lT-l! 2157 I r09 | 264 | 37 | 777 : 8Bg I s25 i20s1 2344 12442 zo:s - 'zo J :s: i :o I o:o ' ,zo ,sol zitz', zioil zsqa-ltt--' 3-,26q. q 1133 i 19 i 3ee : 456 !15 \trl . Dl4 i20q7 3760 rzo I asz 1s : 399 456 4ts rgg: zzeo ,z:ot qzooi izo i*r i ru i :lgg ' ,'so is'zziit iisssllo's 1 1 315 1%1.660 !: 2 1_{p 2.375 2.87521h 3 31/z 3.500 4.000 q 4.500 XL 1.221 0414 1.635 157 0i? 229 r 813 s/10 1404 0 409 s/40 168 037 205 227 065 292 LiY 2.08 787 365 146 511 1ti8 208 097 096285 304 408 l 2.26 : 634 5 0l 348 I49 1.8 I 0 i1 252 252 264158 158410 4.22 353 236 589 433 758 361 320 7 94 . 1078 197 911 4 81 4.28 9 78 13.3S 561 1079 6.17 5 51 lr i8 1630 : 7 .17 14.62953 866,1730 2328.i +, : S2S 1374 23 03 13.40 23.5S .3699 18.70 36.90 55 60 18 97 12.51 31 48 28 55 21.69 50 24 10 48 34 10 74 58 272 088 360 49 56 4S 00 98 56 rutterboll BUTTERFLY vALVES VALVES TAMPER SWITCH \ 11., rDl BB-SC100 (Threaded VALVES ..:- i1 trnd<.1 WITH BUILT-IN .;\ i r !.-iLl!- .-i ; ",1 ./^\\:,r - BBVSC100 (Grooved Ends) TAMPER SWITCH I llJ, I I .a I int i _fri _ ----lfi L'\:/-6 THREADED ENDS BB-SCS01 (Single Circuit Switch) BB-SCS02 (Two Circuit Switch) /?.. | '^ - it l- -- ).t, /:\ j GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS01 (Single Circuit Switch) BBVSCS02 (Two Circuit Switch) DIMENSIONS _ INCHES srzE 1 'tt 1,4 2 2 '/z A 21,'a 3r.,4"s B 5riro 5t3l:;l J' .tz Ar..6.t.,; c | - t6 l rs/ r(,2 -i. ti)2",3 " ,,, D 1 ??'zz t t:.2 ilt..3,,:t ,.. E F G I,: ? -,:2, 10 0' H 2 ',t- l -r:r; w it l" L."z zJ 2.50',325' MATERIAL LIST NO.PART MATERIAL SPECIFICATION Indtcator Sintered lron FOOOBP 2 nousrng Bronze ASTM 584 1 Eody Brontc | 19lM ?ry 4 Handle Mall lron sr Brass Slain Stl i TYpt: 1.i045Drsc 0 Disc Seai Vilon' Elastorner _,._. _ Die Cast Alttmirrtrtn7Swrlch Horsrrrq M I LWAU KEE VALVE COM PANY SPECIFICATIONS FOR SLOW CLOSE I 2 5 1 SLOW CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Provides slow openirrg arrri closrnq propertie:; n a quarter'lurn valve. Tite [)rlrpose s 1o elir]tinitlc hydraulic shock ard walcr harn!-ner In iire protec tron and othcr rqu,cl uysloms Econornrcally rr:rrllce:: cuntbei-..torrtc OS& Y r;ale VAIVCS Compact lroillwc ghl nrctnual oileri)lor has scotilr yoke de:ri!ln & v sual posrtion n(J c;)tor Close i:O,-t pled f()r PosJlrv,. r:l|P:i Orrve Available wrlh or wrthcut a bUll in s!pervtsory I;tm per SV/ltcl-r UL/FM rated al 1/5 osr. Also avar able at 350 psi with NYC BSA approval. DESCRIPTION SUPERVISORY TAMPER SWITCH KITS AND BUILT-IN ASSEMBLIES PATENTED Avarlable lar;lorv assembled or as a lieparaic kit {or ' ekl asscmbly Vy'he rr rnounleci on lhe BB.SCl00 S ow C os-:e val,,,c:; i|rd wirr:d rrp. the sw tch s qnltls; a'ty movc rl:nl of ll'ai va v() d sc irorrr lire itrl ofrcrt f)oiiltio. li :i t-i( ) :,rqnals ,1r"y' lair pc'Iro wrti] il)c swrlch Supervrsc.,ry coirlTo rs avtlab e w th e: rther onc of llvo S PDT r)rc',^,,rc.l rnicrc s\,,rtch(es) S\^/rtch natrng 10 Arnprs / 115 VAC ' 6Lr H2 05 Amps/ 28 VDC Wrre leads a(e 24" c a lenqths See bac" oage 0l raslllrcti']ir:) long Consu t faclory for spe' ih is spec; shcct lor' InstallatrorffiAppovec @GD","o ifa r-jse lvrii r ra Af:)!roveo t)t ti r l,!.! 'jL,ri- i-1.. a:oaro oi ll:at! e Ap-r-.et: !; |er Caiel)(liir Nf) !J9ii lll lil,4 ,:r. r,(ri 175 ir (l lii0 p.j BB-SC100 BB-SCSOl BB-SCS02 BBVSClOO BBVSCSO.I BBVSCSO2 BBHSClOO BBHSCSOl BBHSCSO2 BVHSClOO BVHSCSOl BVHSCSO2 BB.SCKOl 8B-SCK02 Valve Less Switch v,./lsrnqle c rcu t swttcn Wtwo crrcurt switch Valve L.ess Switclr '"v/srngle crrcLr rl s\r',/itch wll\,i O c rCUrt SWttch Valve Less Switclr w/srnq e arrcurl swrlch v,//two c fcrr 1 Swrlcn Vilive Less Sw lclr 'r'Jlsrnq je CrrCritl SWttCh WilivVO Clrajr, rl Sj\r',i lCh Sr tJletrv sor-y, hr nper Sv.,r:ch S'.r1tr:..vrso y Tanrpr:r S*r tch 175 p:;r Threaded E nCs 175 psr - Grooved Ends 350 pt;i Tnreaded E nds Groove,J ! rds SrnE c CircLrrl -rr,^.,o OrrcLrits ULi FN4 NYC BSA 1't 1 1 t/!' '/!'Aooroved ULiFM NYC tsSA Approved NYC BSA AiJprcved NYC BSA Apprcved 2", 2 M I LWAU KE E VALVE COM PANY 237'li South BLrrreil Sllreet Mrlv',,aukeo. Wrsconsrn 5320/ GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Star Galaxy line of sprinklers are Super Stars. Galaxy sprinklers feature extremely small f rame designs which are both skeam- lined and aesthetically pleasing. Galaxy sprinklers, Model SG (OR), are perfect for the most architec- turally sensitive projects and built tough to last. The glass bulb ele- ment does not prolect beyond the width of the sprinkler base, reduc- ing the riskol damage during instal- lation and when in use. The Quick Response Horizontal Sidewall, Model SG (QR), reacts to heat as much as five times faster than a standard sprinkler. lt is designed for horizontal mounting and is ideally suited for hotels, motels, and hospitals. This sprinkler allows piping to be con- fined to conidors, closels or service areas, thereby limiting exposed flping. All Star Galaxy sprinklers are shipped with pre-applied Star- Seal sealant. This eliminates the need to apply pipe dope or tape in the field, saving time and money. OPERATION The glass bu lb contains a measured amounl ol {luid. When heat is applied, the fluid within the bulb expands. When the Finishes Factory Bronze, Chrome plated, While, Black and Almond. SIAR SPRINKLER CORPORATION /,414) 76q 550n . /8OO\-55R st'l^ . FAY /,11.1 r 7Ac pq?6 INSTALLATION Horizontal sprinklers should be installed according to the latest ou blished standards ol the National Fire Protection Association. Horizontal sprinkle rs must be installed at a minimum ot 4" (10.2 cm) to a maximum of 6" (15.2 cm) below f inished ceiling. A specially designed Model SG (QR) sprinkler wrench must be used to install Model SG (OR) sprinklers to prevent damage and ensure warranty. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Sprinkler inspections should be made on a regular basis to detect possible damage or alteration. Aulomatic sorinklers should be replaced after 50 years of service or if they are painted, corroded or damaged. A sprinkler that has been actuated can nol be reas- sembled or reused. RePlace- menl must be made with a sprinkler of the same size, tYPe and temperature rating. CAUTIONS Star Model SG (OR) SPrinklers are shipped wilh a factory aPPlied coating of Slar'Se al thread sealant, eliminating the need for Galaxy 112" Horizontal Sidewall Quick Response Model SG (OR) rated temperature is reached, the bulb shatters and opens the sprinkler. The sprinkler then dis- charges water in a predesigned spray pattem lo controlor extinguish the fire. TECHNICAL DATA For use on wet pipe. dry pipe, deluge, preaction or preaction deluge fire protection systems. Approvals UL listed for light hazard only. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi, 1206 kPa Physical Characteristics 1 /2" (15 mm) orilice wit h 112" (15 mm) NPT threads. Discharge Coefficient 1/2" orifice: K= 5.8, (8.36 melric) Temperature Rati 135' F 155' F 175' F 200'F 286'F Bulb Color Orange O'J L, 93' C Red Yellow Green Blue 4!92 field applied pipe dope or tape. Star Sprinkler recommends that no additional coatings such as tape or pipe dope be used. Al- ways store unused sprinklers in a cool, dry place. Never hang objects f rom sprinklers. ORDERING INFORMATION Please specify: 1. Sprinkler Type 2. Orifice Size 3. Thread Size4. Finish 5. Temperature Rating 6. Quantity 7. Wrench Quantity AVAILABILITY AND SERVICE Star Sprinkler Co rpo ratio n products and devices are available worldwide th rough a network of distributors. For information olease write to Star Sprinkler Corporation or call 1-800-558-5236 for the name and address of the distributor nearest vou. SHIPPING INFORMATION Ouantity 100 Box Size 17-518" x 9-3/8" x 5-1 /2" 44.8 cm x 23.8 cm x 14.0 cm Weight 18lbs.,8.2 kgs. WARRANTY Seller warrants lor a period of one year from the date ol shipment (warranty period) that the products iurnished hereunder will be free from defects in material and workmanship. For fu rther cletai ls on warranty, see Price List. 1/2" Model SG Gallons Per Minule- K = 5,8ffi 1 5.8 26 296 ' '5t'r.;11.4 76 50.6 2 8.2 ZZ SOr 52t,lt.S 77 50.9 3 10.0 213 3C 7 53 42.2 78 51.2 4 11.6 n 31 2 54 42.6 79 51 6 5 13.0 30 31 8 55 ,(}.0 80 51 9 6 f4.2 31 323 56 €.4 81 s22 7 15.3 32 328 57 4i'.8 A2 52.5 8 16.4 33 3.3 .58 44.2 &3 52.8 I i7.4 3a $ I :59 :.,14.6 84 53.2 10 18.3 a5 34 3 60 44.9 85 53.5 lt 19.2 36 34 8 6l ,t5.3 86 53I 12 20.1 37 35 3 e 45.7 87 9.1 13 20.9 38 s5 8 63 .16.0 88 54.4 14 21.7 3s 362 64 ,16.,1 89 547 15 Q._5 40 36. 7 . 6. , ,16.8 90 55 0 16 4.2 41 37.1 €6 i47.1 91 55 3 17 8.9 42 37 6 :67 i:,17.5 S2 55.6't8 24.6 € 38.0 r:68i.,.f.8 93 s5.9 i9 25.3 44 38.5 i\69;l <8.2 94 s6.2 20 " 5.9 45 38.9 i ::.7g,jiJlt.5 s5 s6.s '21 6.6 46 39.3 ?!,j:i18.9 S s6.a 2. n2 a7 39.8 r'72.::i19.2 97 57.1 a n-a 48 {o.2 '79 .49.6 98 57.4 24 4! 49 {O 6 7.{ ',4r.9 g 57 .7 6 LO 50 41 0 75 502 ]m 58.0 Discharge Tables Liters Per Minule - K = 8.36 13.7 m.6 27.4 34.3 412 4a.o 54-9 61J 68.6 75.1 82.3 89.2 s-0i6 '110 rt7 18 10 137 14 15r 158 t65 171 192 r93 r95 r96 197 138 r99 201 202 203 2M 2o5 207 204 209 210 211 215 217 214 219 521 528 535 542 549 562 569 576 583 590 597 604 610 617 624 6,15 652 658 672 679 31.0 185 114 37.9 192 116 43.4 199 118 49.0 206 120 53:6 213 122 57.9 219 124 61,3 226 126 65:7 2?i3 128 @.2 240 13) 72.6 247 131 7S.8 2s4 133 78,9 261 135 81:9 268 137 uB 274 tB 87:6 281 140 *3 284 142 92'9 2S5 1.44 95.4 302 145 97.9 30S 147 lm 316 149 IG 322 150 1(F 329 152 107 336 153 r@ 343 155 Horizontal Sidewall Model SG (QR) Shown Approximately Actual Size gTAR SPRINKLER CORPARATION Eax 5l | .3O7 West Latton Avenue Mil|9aljkee Wt 53201 (414) 769-5500 . I SCto-558 5236 PRINTEDINUSA 1t2" Model S Quick Response Upright and Pendent G Glass Bulb Sprinkler GENERAL DESCRIPTION The STAR GALAXY line ol sprinklers are SUPEB STARS. Galaxy sprinklers feature the smallest of frame designs, whichis both streamlined and aesthetically pleasing. GALAXY sprinklers, Model SG are pedect lor the mosl a rc h ite ct u rally sensitive projects and are built tough to last. The glass bulb elemenl does not project beyond the width of the sprinkler base, reducing the risk of damage during installation and in use. The Quick Response Model SG sprinkler reacts lo heat as much as five limes {aster than a standard sprinkler. Quick Response Model SG sprinklers are available in both upright and p€ndent types. The upright model is generally used where exposed piping installations are employed. The pendent sprinkler is used where there are finished ceilings or where the space above the piping is nol adequate tor upright sprinklers. OPERATION The glass bulb contains a measured amount of fluid. When heat is applied, the lluid wilhin 5/91 REV. 1/92 PNP the bulb exoands. When the rated temperature is reached, the bulb shatters and activales the sprinkler. The sprinkler then discharges wder in a p{edesigned spray pattem tc confd orextirBuistr the fire. TECHNICAL DATA For use on wet pipe, dry pipe, deluge, preaction or preaction deluge fire protection systems. (NOTE: Pendent sprinklers are to be used on dry pipe systems only when installed in accordance with NFPA 13or appropriate NFPA standard.) Approvats: UL and ULC listed, LPC approved. (NYC) MEA 395-91-M Maxlmum Woil(lng Pre$sure: 175 psi, 1206 kPa Dlscharge Coetllclent : 'll2' orifice: K=5.8. 83.6 metric Bulb Color Finishes: Factory Bronze, Chrome plated, White', Black', and Almond'. ' UL and ULC listed only. INSTALLATION A specially designed Model SG sorinkler wrench must be used to install Model SG sprinklers to prevent damage and in su re warranty. Sprinklers should be installed according to the latest published standards of the N atio n al Fire Protection Association. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Sprinkler inspections should be made on a regular basis lo detect possible damage or alteration. Automatic sprinklers should be replaced after 50 years ol service, or il they are painted, conoded or damaged. A sprinkler that has been actuated can not be reas- sembled or reused. Replace- ment musl be made with a sprinkler of the same saze, type and temperature rating. CAUTIONS Star Model SG SPrinklers are shipped wilh a laclory apPlied coating of Star Seatn sealanl on the lhreads eliminating the need for lield applied pipe dope or 135' F 155' F 175' F 200'F 286'F 57' C 68' C 79' C 141' C Orarge B€d Yellcnfl Green Blue Physical Characteristics: 1/2", 15 mm orifice with 1/2'. 15 mm NPT STAR SPRINKLER CORPORATION (414) 769-5500. 1-800-558 5236. FAX(414) 769-8535 s2001.87 tape. Star Sprinkler recommends lhat no additional coalings such as tape or ppe dope b€ used. Always store unused sPrinklers in a cool, dry place. Never hang ob.iects lrom sprinklers. Never install p€ndent sprinklers on dry pipe syste ms wilhout first consulting the authorities having jurisdiction. ORDERING INFORMATION Please specity: 1. Sprinkler type (upright or pendent) 2. NPT connection 3. Orifice 4. Finish 5. Temperature rating 6. Ouantity 7. Wrench quantity Availability and Service: Star Sprinkler Corporation products and devices are available worldwide through a nelwork of distributors. For inlormalion please write to Star Sorinkler or call 1-800-558-5236 for the name and address of the distributor nearest you. Shlpplng Informatlon: 16-1 /2" x B-1/2' x 6-112" 419 mm x 216 mm x 165 mm, 18 lbs.,8.2 kgs. 1/2" Model SG Discharge Tables kPa Ornl kPa Dm. kPE Omt kPa Oltl35 r87 130 953 255 1335 380 t63o lo tl 12 l4 l5 '17 t8 l9 m 2l 24 25 6.n 27 i.11 10.05 26 30.69 11.60 29 31.23 12.97 g 31.n l.{ 21 31 32.29 r5 35 32 32 81 16 40 33 3.32 1740 3,r 3082 18 34 35 34.3r 19 24 36 34 80 m.00 37 35-28 20 9r 3a 35.75 21 70 39 $.22 22 46 40 $.64 220 41 31 14 3.9r {2 37 59 24.6r $ 3A.03 6 28 14 9.47 25.94 45 38.91 26.58 a6 3s.34 27.m 17 g.le ?7.82 $ 40.18 28.4t 49 {O.5O 29.00 50 41.01 s2 11.82 53 12.& 51 Q.62 55 €.01 56 4310 57 €79 5€ 14 17 59 14 55 60 44 93 61 45 30 62 45.67 63 '16.0464 46 40 65.16.76 66 47 12 67 47 4A 6€ 47 63 69 48 18 70 18.53 71 ,48.87 72 49.2'l 73 49.56 74 ,€.89 75 fl.n /7 50.89 7S 51.e 79 51.55 80 51.88 81 52.20 83 52.S4 84 53.r6 85 53.47 86 53 79 87 54.r0 8a 54.4r a9 9.72 90 56.02 91 5633 92 55.63 93 56.93 94 55 23 95 56.53 96 56.83 97 57.12 98 57.42 Et 57.71 100 54.00 10 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 70 80 85 90 l(r0 r05 110 r15 r20 r25 264 135 971 260 13,€ 385 l6,to324 r40 9€9 265 1361 390 1651 37,a 145 1007 270 1374 395 1662,018 r5O 1O2,t 275 1386 4{}0 1672458 r55 1041 2m 1399 405 1683 495 160 1058 285 14 t 1 410 16S3 529 165 1074 290 1424 415 1703 561 r70 1090 295 1436 420 1713 591 r75 1106 300 144A 425 1724 620 ln 1122 305 1460 430 1731 64a 185 1137 3r0 1472 435 1744 674 19O 1152 315 148,{ 44O 1754 699 r95 1167 3m 1496 445 1764 724 2@ 1182 325 1507 450 1714 718 205 1197 330 1519 455 17&l 771 210 1212 335 1530 460 1793 793 215 1226 3,r0 r5,{2 465 1603 815 220 1240 345 1553 a70 1813 as 225 1251 35O 156a r75 1822 857 ?3O 1268 355 1575 a8O 1832 8n 235 1?8? 360 r5a6 ,485 1E41 897 210 1295 365 1597 a90 1851 916 245 130€ 370 160a 495 1860 c15 250 13U 37s 1619 500 1869 l 402" 35 611 Pendent Shown Upright approximately actual size WARRANTY Seller warrants tor a period ol one year from the date ot shipment (wananty period) that the products fumished hereunder will be free from delects in material and workmanship. For fu rthe r cletal I s on warranty, see Price Llst. Cubtc O.clfl.t-r P.r l.hub - K : 03.5 @ --l LNrn STARSPR'NNLERCORPORAT'ON gox 5ll . ]07 We5t Layton Avenue Mtlwaukee W 5320l t4t4t t69 5500 . t.800.558-5236 PAINTED IN U S,A' .t'ttl!+ | , I'Hp lffiterflow Detector @@ WFDTNR: Operating Temperature Ranges. Comparible Tee Fittings: 5l) ipping Werght' WFDT: V,/F DTNR: Warranty: MEA approved System Sensor's WFDT Retard and WFDTNR Non-Retard T-Tap Waterflow Detectors are designed for primary signaling in residential and branch line signaling in larger systems. Both models fit any tee that has a 1" NPT branch, including: 1", 1-114" and 1-1/2* NPT threaded ferrous and brass tees; 1", 1-114", 1-1/2" and 2" copper sweat tees; 1" CPVC tees; and 1-1/2" polybutylene tees. The design of the WFDT and WFDTNR makes them easy to install and simple to maintain. Either can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal position. Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to local alarm system. Delay mechanism asse6bly (Model WFDT only) anc switch assemblies are field reolaceable. PLASTIC PADDLES Nine different f lexible paddles til 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and 2" tees. Sizes are marked clearlv on the oaddle for ease of installation. PADDLE FASTENED SECURELY Plastic paddles slip over actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw HANDY DEPTH GAUGE Insures proper installation depth of detector to tee. Provides paddle with proper clearance in tee. SEALED RETARD (MODEL WFDT) Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. VISUAL SWITCH ACTIVATION (MODEL WFDT) Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy cond itions. SYSTEIWSENSOR. A D/V/5/ON OF P/TTWAY 3825 0hio Avenue . St. Charles. lllinois 601?4 . 708.377.6363 . FAX: 708.377-6495 In Canada: 416.675.1695 . FAXr 416.675.7078 An lS0 9000 Certified Companv (MODEL WFDT SHOWN) RUGGED SWITCH ASSEMBLY Dual SPDT switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strenqth. Accommodates uo to 12 AWG wire. lOO% SYNCHRONIZATION Fires both alarm panel and local bell simultaneously. DURABLE TAMPER RESISTANT ENCLOSURES Long Iasting covers completely enclose the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. lmproved self-guiding security screws and removal tools make detectors resistant to tampering and simplify field marntenance. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Agency Listings: WFDI UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA Conta(t Ratinqs; WFDTNR: UL, MEA 10A@ 125/250VAC 25A@24VDC Triggerrng i hresirold Eandwidth (Flow Rate): ,1 10 GPM Overall Dimensions, Installed. WFDT: 4.5"H x3 75'.w x6.7"L (l1.4cm H x 9.5cm W x 17rm L) 3.75"Hx3.25'\ryx4.25"1 (9.5(m H x 8.2cm x W x 10.8cnt L) 32"F - 120'F (0"C - 49'C) Threaded le.rous ar]d brass tees. coppcr swedt tees, CPVC 1ss5 strd polybuty ene tees 2.6 lbs. 1.5 lbs. 3 years ---!-t^-- MAOE IN THE U S A SPRINK- LINE FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS W Approved Ductile lron @ Screwed Fittings @LtSrEDl FEATURES......SPRINK-LINE Ductile lron Screwed Fittings are 100% aiFtested in a water soluble oil solution. SPECIFICATIONS......oimensions conform to ANS/ 816.3; Material is to ASTM 4536: Threading is to ANSI 82.1 NPT. UL and ULC Listed and FM Approved at 300 pounds working pressure. Duclile lron Elbow-90" Ductile lron Tee-Reducing Figure 815 Size A B c Wt Lbs Box Qtv 13/rs .46 95 ,l 1 1't,ltlt 1'tz .70 55 'l3lc 1'lt 17he 1'lz .68 .77 65 55 1 1't, 'l3la 1't, 11la 13h 1rl" .ob '74 65 60 1tl. 1 1 13ls 1tl'c lel'e 1',tt 13lt 1'lz 1 "/,s 1sl'" 15h 1r'/,r 't'.1, .81 .90 1 .03 1.10 50 50 45 40 11h 171.t 1e/,s 13lc 17lr 1e/'o 1rl'c 151" 1'Y15 .87 .96 1 .10 45 45 40 ltlz 1 1 1'tz 'lt I't 1'tz 1'1/,t 115/'e 1',tz '1 13/,e 'It3/ro 111,e .s7 1.14 1 .14 1 .52 40 40 30 30 111 1 1't" 1'lz 1' 1t, 'l '/. 11V'6 1 .03 1 .10 1.31 40 40 30 11h I'l't, 1r I'e 1't, 1 'Y,.'1'3/" 111'e.|,h 1'1/'c lttl'c 1"/'r 1.l, 1'3/'c 1'lt 1.14 1 .23 1 .38 1 .50 35 'l( qn 30 211,2 2tl,2.18 15 1t t,2,1,2,1,2.31 15 ltlz 1 11h 1,h 1% 1tl" 211, 171'c '|,h 1 ' '/'o 115/'t 211,t 1rh 2 2tl'a 1 .50 1.6'l 1 .65 2.03 2.37 25 20 20 15 I 1tl, 1th 1t lt ltla 1t l, 1 | 5/'" 2 17ln 161, 1.1,'l"l't 2 2,h 2tl't 1 .50 1 .67 1 .91 2.05 2.11 20 20 20 20 15 2'h 1tl,15lt 2the 2.22 15 Bullhead Tee 111,5 131'.68 1V,3 .97 45 1!3/'I '3/'c 14 35 'l1t.1 '3Ar 11V 1.43 30 1t t,1t t,1,|,1th '| 13/1 .52 30 11t,2't,2'lt 2.00 24 1th 1t t,2 ?fI,2'lt 2 1 .94 20 1tl,1'h 2 2t 1,,2tl't 2 2.00 20 2 2,|,25le 25lg J.O/10 Central Sprink Inc. O Figure 811 Slze A wr. Lbs. Box otv .24 240 .40 120 1,1,.64 70 .v5 40 7'lz 1'5/,"1 .24 30 2 2't.1.74 20 2'lz 3.28 10 Ductile lron Elbow-90" Reducing Figure 812 Size A B wl. Lbs. Box otv 13/,e 1.1,a qe 160 1 x'lz 1e/r .44 10 'l x tl,lt lt 17/,e qa 90 151,5 1t lz .64 I 1.1.60 1 l,x1 .71 55 1tlzxtl,1.1 .95 45 ltlz x 1 1r3/,"_99 40 1t la x 111.1r!/'e 111 1_14 2 x3l 'I 15/'.1.39 30 2x l 2't,"1.58 ZJ 2x111 231'"1 .67 20 21hx2 251"3.01 15 Ductile lron Elbow-.45" Figure 813 Size A wt. Lbs. Box oty 250 .33 150 1'tt .48 90 11t.71 50 11lt f .93 5C 1t 1t,.1.55 18 21lz 1 '5l's 2.70 12 Ductile lron Tee Flgure 814 Slze A wt. Lbs. Box otv 1't .33 150 90 1'tz .85 60 1tl,1 .30 11lz 1'V,.1 .63 24 2 z',1.2.63 12 2" /,c 4.55 I - - _-r€f,L Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714) 999-06311340 So. Manhaftan Avenue Fullerton. CA 92631 ^4. t-I-, -.-- z- TNT FTIIULIUlficoi?oiar€o coRora^ ca. (rlal ?:t?-55er FIG. 42 ANGLE BRACKET Material - Carbon Steel Funcfion - Designed for supporting pipe at various distances from wall or column. Finish . Plain, Electo-Galvanized, and HDG. Order By - Figure number, size, and finish. ntl U MAJX. APPNOX.HOI.E STOCK REc. WETGHTsrzE A B stzE s[zE LoAD LBS. PEn lm FIG. 50, FIG. 57, AND FIG, 52 SIDE BEAIVI BRACKETS Size Ronge - (FiS. 50) 3/8 thru 7,/8 inch rod. Size Ronge - (Fis. 5t) 3/B & t/2 inch rod. Size Range - (Fig. 52) 3/8 & t/2 inch rod. Matefial - Carbon Steel Function - Practicaland economical bracket used to support hangers from steel and wood beams. Approuals - Fig. 51: Underwriters, Laboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved, Note - Fig. 51 is used to accommodate current rod schedule per National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) Pamphlet #13. It is necessary thii whenever the NFPA rod schedule is used that thisbe indicated so that specific weight load requirements are satisfied. Specifu rod size and Fig.5I NFPA. Finistr - Plain, Electre.Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number, rod size*, and finish.*Certified saleg factor of 5- per3:15.1.2 NFpA#1S. FIG. 50 IfL* LilJ- FtG.50 HOLE STOCK WEIGHT 3/8 2 3/4 2 TL6 3/16v2 35ms/4 2 32 7/A 2-V2 s/4 2.V2 15/16 3/8Ya r/2 100 ^4. -\i+,f-IUIIUltrcoB?onaTEo COROI|A CA. (71.1 73?-s519 69 FIG.2OO,,TRIMUNE" ADJUSTABLE RING HANGER Size Eonge - V2 thru 8 inch pipe. Materiol - Steel, Ml. Galvanized to G-90 speci- fication. Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Spring tension on swivel nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Swivel nut is easily removed. Approtnb - Underwriters' l-aboratories listed and Factory Mutual Engineering approved. Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E, tyw 10,and Manufacturers Standardization Society SP-69, type 10. Moximum Temperature - 650"F Finish - Mil. Galvanized, HDG, and Stainless Steel. Order By - Figure number and pipe size. P'PE RoD srocK H: ffi.",#srzE slzE A B c - stzE Loib-rbs. irrn roo 3/8 3-r/8 2-s/8 t.s/8 ,.--l*\-./l\ _t_ I l2sax I-I/4 32D ^4.fI, lutEu INCORPOBATED COBONACA. {7r4)737-5599 TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FOR FIG. 25 SUBGE RESTRAINER Shou,rn here used with Fig. 200 and Steel Pipe Shown here used with Fig. 200 and CPVC Plastic Pipe ,n| T!IGU INCOFFOAATEO COROiIACA. (7!4)737.5599 32C FIG. 25 SURGE EESTBAINEE Size Range - l" through 2" pipe Materisl - Carbon Steel Function - Designed to be used in conjunction with Tolco Band Hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type actMty. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirement as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) #13 (1991 Edition), 4- and 4-4- Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic pipe. Approuals - Underwriters' laboratories Listed when used with Tolco Band Hangers, Hgs. 2, 2 NFPA & 2OO. Finish - MIL Galvanized Order By - Figure number and type. Type 1 For use with l" & l-L/4" Type 2 For use with 1-l/2 &2" Surge Restrainer Fig. 25 Tolco Band Hanger otv 6ctors The Model 10/10 System Sensor vane-type waterflow detector, with a computer designed paddle, now fits Schedule 10 through Schedule 40 steel pipe sizes 2" through 8'l The design of this unit makes it easy to install and simple to maintain. lt can be mounted in a vertical or horizontal position and is suitable for indoor and outdoor installation. Switch assembly and delay mechanism assembly are field replaceable. UL listed and FM approved. Other advanced features include: SEATED RETARD Assures that the retard is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. VISUAL SWITCH ACTIVATION Permits installer to accurately set the retard even under extremely noisy conditions. RUGGED SWITCH ASSEMBLY Switches are enclosed in a durable terminal block for added strength. Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire. l00o/o SYNCHRON IZATION Fires both alarm panel and local bell at the same time. DURABLE METAL ENCLOSURE Long lasting cast zinc cover completely encloses the electrical components to keep out dust and dirt. TAMPER RESISTANT SCHEDULE IO oR SCHEDULE 40, ONE SYSTEM SENSOR WATERFIOW DETECTOR NOW FITS BOTH! ^ lmproved self-guiding security screws and t removal tools make detector resistant to tampering and simplifies field maintenance. ---sYsTEtwsENsoR=A D/V/S/ON Of PlTTWAY 3825 Ohio Avenuc .5t. Charles, lllinois 60174 .708-377-6363 . FAX: 708-377-6495 ln Gamda: 416-675.1695 . FAX: 416.675-7078"ffi@gE . General Specifications Engineering Specif ications Vane-type waterflow detectors shall be installed on system piping as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any <lear pipe span of the appropriate nomina[siz6, eitheri vertical or horizontai-run. at least 6" from any fittings which may change_water direction. flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24" from a valve or drain. Detecto6 shall havd a sens-itivity in the, range oJ 4to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi for 2"-8" pipes. The detector shall respond to waterflow In the specitaed. direction after a presettrme delay which is field adjustable. The delay mechanism shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation. The actdation mechanism shall include a p6lyethylene vane inserted through a hole in the pipe and connected by a_mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall cdnsiit of-t0 Amp (dual SPDT switclieVform C contjcts).Aconduit entrance forstandard fittingsof commonly used electricalcohduit shall be provided on the detectors. Alldetectors shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories for indoor or outdooi use. Approved: UL, CSFM, ULC, BSA, FM ffr ItF\J wFD 2- - 8' Contact Ratings: Triggering Threshold Bandwidth Static Pressure Ratino: Overall Dimensions. installed: Operating Temperature Ranges: Compatible Pipe: 5hipping Weight: to no.rdlrn.qbb lntlirting ton ot lblad FACP 10A@12s250VAC 2.5A@24VDC (Flow Rate): 4-10 GpM 250 PSl (Max) 2' - 8' 3.5"Hx3.0'Wx6.7.D 32"F - 120"F (0.C - 49.C) Steel water pipe, schedule 10 through 40. Varies, 4 lbs. - 7 lbs., according to size. CONTACT RANNGS 125/250 VAC 10 AMPS 24 VDC 2.5 AI|PS Typlcsl FACP Conn ctlon \ii,frEiBifr'T)UfA {F.!Lc.n.nl P[{ A7?{r42) G.o!.{ ,ar.r Frrlrb Pna a3tbgs) @-u u"r '..,r I\ WFD 3rvllch assembly Eaeek wlrc a! shown for suD€rvlllon ol connection. OO liOT .llow strlppad rYir€ leads to enafld beyond rwalch hourlog. OO NOT loop wiras.Typlcal Local Bell Con.|ection 0dering Information Waterflow SwitchesWFO20 Waterflo$/ Detector, schcdule 10/$, 2.WFD25 Wd€rfk v Detector, Schedule lu4f'. Zlfz'WFDIO Waterflo$/ Detector. Schedule lcr/i1o, 3.WFD35 Waterflow Detector, Schedule 1U4O. J4n,wFDil0 waterflow oetector, schedule 10/40, 4,WFD50 Waterflow Oetector, Schedute i0/40. 5-wFD60 waterflow Detector, schedute 10/40, 6.WFO80 Waterflow Detector, S(hedule t0/40, 8.WFDT Waterflow Detector fits 1 ', 1-114., 1-112. steel and brass threaded teet Master Packed: 6 units Superuisory SwitdresOSYz Outside S(rew and yoke Supervisory Switch -Two SPDT Switches Post lnd-icator/Butterfly Valve 5upervisory Switch -Two SPDT Switches Presur€ Switch€s WP51G1 Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, One SPDT, 10 psl WPS I0-? Alarm Waterflow Pressure Switch, Two SPDT, 10 psl WP540-l Supervisory Pressure Low Switch, One SPDT, t0-1OO pst WPS4Gz Supervisory Pressure High/Low Switch, Two SPDT, 1Gl00 PSI Alarm BellsKM5{-24 Bell, 6', 24 VDC. Polarazed, 97 dBAKM5€-24 Bell, 8', 24 VDC, Polarized, 102 dBAKMS-IG24 Bell, 10', 24 VDC, Polarized. 104 dBAKB5-6120 Bell. 6', '120 VAC. Polarized, 95 dBAK8*120 Bell.8', 120 VAC, Polarized, 98 dBA KB5-1G120 Bell, 10', 120 VAC, Polarized, 102 dBA Accessories546-7000 Tamper Switch Kit for WFD Detectors, PIBV2 and O5Y2A301G00 Accessory Kit for P|BV2 (Wrenches,Screw pack) 43011-00 Accessory Kit for OSY2 (Wrenches,Screw pack, J-hooks)A3008-0O Timer Assembly for Waterflow Oetectors. 2-€' sizes (black) A77-01-02 Terminal Block ReolacementA4027-O0 Paddle Kit for WFDT onlv - 3 Paddles507-6G01 Tamper Screws for WFD'Metal CoverWFDW Tamper Proof Wrench for Metal Cover (WFD Detectors,wFDl o5Y2, P|BV2)HEXW Hex Wrench for Supervisory Switches PIBVz All sprinkler items other t{ran waterflow switches are single packed. A (opynght 7/1991 by Sy5rem Senror A D,vr\m oj p,ltwry Recessed Residential Pendent Model SG-R Glass Bulb Sprinkler GENERAL DESCRIPTION The STAR GALAXY line ol resi- dential sprinklers are SUPEH STARS. GALAXY FESIDEN. TIAL SPRINKLERS Model SG-R are perfect for the most architec- turally sensitive projects and are built tough lo last. The glass bulb element does not project beyond the width of the sprinkler base, reducing the risk of dam- age during installation and when in use. Galaxy sprinklers feature an extremely small frame design which is both streamlined and aesthetically pleasing. GALAXY RESIDEN- TIAL SPRINKLERS are speciatty designed for use in residential structures like homes, condo- miniums, apartments, dormalo- ries, hotels and olher living areas. Galaxy's unique design requires very low flow rates and pressures, This feature helps re- duce pipe sizes and water supply requirements, The Galary Series Residential Model SG-R is designed for use in areas with finished ceilings. The 1/2" of adjustment in the re- cessed escutcheon permits pre- cut drops which saves on installation costs. 5/93 PNP OPERATION When the sprinkler is exposed to a fire's heat, the quick response glass bulb in the sprinkler reaches its operaling tempera- lure and the fluid inside elpands forcing it to shatler, activating the spilnkler. Upon activation of the sprinkler, water is discharged in a predesigned spray pattern to control or extinguish the lire. The SG-R sprinkler responds lo fire much faster than standard sprinklers to help reduce lire damage. TECHNICAL DATA Approval UL listed for residential use. Maximum Working Prcssure 1 75 psi ( 11 .9 bar) Discharge Goefficient K Factor = 4.3 (62 illetric) Temperature Rating 155" F (68" C), Bulb Color Red Threads 'll2'(15 mm) NPT Sprinkler Finishes Natural Bronze, Chrome Plated, White, Black and Almond. INSTALLATION A specially designed Model SG sprinkler wrench must be used to install Model SG-R Sprinklers to prevenl damage and ensure warranty. Sprinklers should be STAR SPRINKLER CORPORATION installed according to the latest published standards of lhe Na- tional Fire Protection Associa- tion. Sprinkler spacing and water flow rates musl be in ac- cordance with this data sheet. MAINTENANCE AND SERVICE Sprinkler inspections should be made on a regular basis to de- tect possible damage or altera- tion. Residential sprinklers should be replaced after 20 years of service, or if they are painted, corroded or damaged. A sprinkler that has been actu- ated cannot be reassembled or reused. Replacement must be made with a sprinkler of the same size, type, K-factor and temperalure rating, and it must have llow and pressure require- menls compatible with the sys-tem hydraulic design. Maintenance must comply with NFPA Standards. CAUTIONS . Star Galaxy Sprinklers are shipped with a factory applied coating of Star-Seal sealant. Star-Seal eliminates the need for f ield applied compounds or tapes. Star recommends that no additional pipe compounds or taoes be applied. s2002-07 Page 1(41 4) 769-5500 r (800) 558-5236 e FAX (414) 769-8535 Pagcz .Always store unused and spare sprinklers in a cool and dry loca- tion. rNever attach anything to sprin- klers. .Star Galary Sprinklers must be installed using one of the spe-cially deslgned sprinkler wrenches. o Sprinklers must ,rever be painted. ORDERING INFORMATION Please specify: 1) Sprinkler type 2) K-factor 3) Finish 4) Quantity 5) Wrench type and quantity 6) Recessed Escutcheon Finish and quantity NOTE NFPA Standards require that every facility where sprinklers are installed must be provided with spare sprinklerc ard an appropri- ate sprinkler wrcnch. AVAILABILMT AND SERVICE Star Sprinkler Coporation Prcd- ucts aie available world-wide through a network of distributors. For information please conlact Star Sprinkler Corp., P.O. Box 511 , Milwaukee, Wl 53201, (800) 558-5236, (414) 769-5500 or FAX (414) 769- 8535 for the name and address of the distribu- tor nearest you. s2002-07 SHIPPING INFORMATION. Sprinklers Box Quantity - 100 Box Size - 17-98" x 9-318'x5-1f2' (44.8 cm x 23.8 cm x 14.0 cm) Weight - 18 lbs. (8.2 kgs.) Escutcheons Box Quantity - 50 Box Size - 19'x 13'x 5' (48.2 cm x 23.8 cm x 14.0 cm) WARRANTY Seller warrants for a period ol one year from the date ol ship- ment (warranty pedod) that the products furnished hereunder will be lree lrom defects in mate- riaf and workmanship. For fur- ther details on warranty, see current price list. SPRINKLER SPACING TABLE Sprinkler SpacinE Sprinkler Location Max.Sprinkler Deelqn DischarEe Minlmum (from anv wall)Sinole sprinkler Two or more sprlnklers 12 ft x 12 tt (3.66 m x 3.618 m)6 ft (1.83 m)13 gpm O 9.1 tr$ (49.1 dm3/min. @ 0.63 bar) 11 gpm ea, O 6.5 psi (41.6 dm3/min. @ 0./15 bar) 14fix14ft(4.27mx4.27m)7 ft (2.13 m)16 gpm O 13.8 psi f6o.5 dms/min. @ 0.96 bar) 11 gpm se, @ 6.5 psi (41 .6 dm3/min. @ 0.,t5 bar) l6 ft x 16 tt (4.88 m x 4.88 m)8 ft (2..14 m)17 gpm O 15.6 psi (68.1 dm3/min. @ 1.21 bar) 13 gpm ea., O 9.1 psl {49. t dms/min. o 0.63 bar) 18tlx l8ft(5.49 m x 5,49 m)9 tr (2.7s m)17 gpm O 15.6 psi (68.1 dm3/min. o r.21 baf) 13 gpm 6a., @ 9.1 psi (49.1 dm3/min. o o.6s bar) 20ftx20ft(6.10mx6.10m)10 fi (3.0s ) 2r gpm @ 23.9 psi (79.4 dm3/n{n. @ 1.66 bar) 17 gpm ee., O 15.6 psl (68.1 dm3/min. sa.. @ 1.2.| bar) : MIN 11 Spdnkler Parl No. Flnish n87-O2 Brass na7-12 Chrcme 2287-52 White 2247{,2 Black 287-72 Alrnond Olr ol tra. (54.0 mm) 2 t5r1f SG/O/LD-2 Standard Wrench Part No. 1849 SG/LD-2 Socket Wrench Part No. 1948 Escutcheon Part No. Finish 20w-o2 Chrome 2084{3 Gold Paint 2@4-04 Whfrb Paint 2084-05 Soecial Palnt 2084-06 Black Painl ?0,8/,-07 Pdsftd Brass Figure 1 Installation Clearances IHTERIlOUNTtrIN SUPPLY i 3632eA 9552 i I ElE Arl dle lhe for AT wilh draw I I I I il gO Horns & $ERlEs 7000 Strobe H rs a-complele line of high performan.pe AG andoptiond tlashing strobes. ldeal for liie alarrn rr--i-';';-;'*' twrlr lur llre alarh flP- tr.e t gh oulprrl, low drrrenl draw and depeMabllity@ncern.rlRE '-1I --, I'|t- sgflis or.rtrrr lUUao.ll.o 7004 34 Jt) e rugged, vandaFreslslant construction wilhtot lhe hom medranlsm and t_"*ah" tens ioi -TlLlII:l!:f rans€ of mounrins optionF is provioecr or ovrooor inslallalions. !vrsoor inslallalions. i featurc a wllo inpr.rt rcllaoe rangra torru^rn d wtLrs tnpur vorlaoe fango lof compatil)ility Por'vgt supplies and are polarized lo allow o_f lnstallatton wi.ing. patentec! $trod li;;;;;ets -Blffenl lllan a horn alone and address nrowinolpr alerting the h€aring lnpairerl ! - nal.llashing slrobes qowpr consumplion 'tidels are fully faclory assembled lo sav Strobe hom rnodels have slngl€ input lo for 2.whe, landem olreration of lroin anc Incorporale a rosonatlt Orlllo deslgn for trrcreas6d soun0 HOQNS.: All models havs BO0IO peak canillepower sirobes witlr Fll"lEon a,white.lens, Hom and srrobb operatd sirrnulrin;il;tiir-d "".r r€ns, Hom and stfobg opetale sitrultan€ou$ly from 6ne4). i : I w, crM, rn, rP A,B.c.o l-----il f I u[. cFM. fM, nrP Itl C$r * ?0* ol no*lrl hril rotb.. ut L Inid do^ { l0 ht b nid!.dir x . pC I'or'rr Ind dtth hr0! h..'C x h.m !L'Tiflhlln rn a. t0| coft ot I'Edl fE rlfr q,|nh iit|'| ha tFi[ .{ ir!k. = U,arnyil'rr Lalorrlorl.t 0t 6fldr_ d ItP = OV ol o|ia!o. rjt, cf . Bslr, fM, nfl. csA SUnFAIE (Er!o$0d s0uEs t002, 700d, 3t. 31. 36 8 SUflFICE stnt€s 700?, ?m1.31,3,r.36 F FllrSll {3hohr Hornl tuq G fLuSil (slrob! Globe Valves Soft Seat Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Eg[lxxl,''l,,, The Central Model F15 Soft Seal Bronze Globe Valves are designed for general service as shut-off, throttling, or drain valves. The Central Model F15 Soft Seat Bronze Globe Valves provide positive shut-off under normal operating conditions. They are recommended for water service only. The Central Model Fl5 Soft Seat Bronze Globe Valves are of casl bronze construction strictly in accordance with ASTM 8-62 specifications 85-5-5-5 lor superior corrosion resistance. The hand wheel is manufactured trom cast iron materials to meet or exceed the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories, lnc., Factory Mutual, The American Water Works Association C-509 and ASTM A-126, Class B Standards. The Central Model F15 Soft Seat Bronze Globe Valves are rated at 200 psi, non-shock for cold water service, and are tested twice, air under water for consistent quality. The Central Model F15 Sott Seat Bronze Globe Valves have a soft rubber seat for tight shut-ofl under all operating conditions. (Mfg. Source: Non-Domestic) Dimensions - Weights Size A B c wt. Lbs. 1t2"2.05 2.60 2.09 .66 3t4"2.36 2.70 2.24 .83 d'+'2.68 3.50 2.46 1.50 1t4"3.08 3.85 2.85 2.13 1 112"3.46 4.30 3.22 3.06 2"4.00 5.10 3.43 4.88 SPRINK-LINE F'RE PROTECTION PBODUCTS 114" Test Valve & Gauges Materials List Parl No.Oescriplion Material Sp€cificalions Body Bronze ASTM 8.62 2 Hand Wheel Cast |ron ASTM A126-8 t Hand Wheel Nut Steel Commsrcial 4 Packing Non-Asbestos Commercial 5 Packing cland Brass ASTM 8.16 o Packing Nut Brass ASTM 8-16 Stem Bronze ASru 8-62 'Not UL Listed or FM Approved. (l{o requirement) Fig. 736 Bronze Gauge Test Valve* rfu" NpT FEATURES . Working pressure: ir(n psi WOG non-shock cold water. Facilitates in-line gauge replacement white systemls pressurtzed P1590 3 1/2" Water Gauge Pl591 3 1/2" Air Gauge FEATURES . UL Listed. FilApproved. U.S. Made, Range: O4E PSI ffi Central Sprink Inc. @ 1340 so. Manhattan Avenue Fulterron, cA 92691 Telephone: (714) 999-0323 FAX: (714)999-0631 ^-,:r@n|- specitications qrbjecr tochange wilhour notice- o December 1993 conrralsorint rn. prinra.r i. rr q ^ oGlrekValve-gO Horizontal or Vertical Grooved End Swing Check Valves (250 psi) Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Corporation 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 E^IilSl''J,.'' The Model 90 Check Valves are aftractive, compact, lightweight, swing-type unils that allow waterflow in one direction and prevent flow in the opposite direction. They are manufactured wiih a cast iron body and stainless steel clapper assembly. A resilient elastomer seal facing on the spring-loaded clapper insures a leak-tight seal and non-slicking operation. The units are designed to minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The valves are manufactured with grooved ends and are easily installed using Listed mechanical grooved couplings. They may be installed in either a horizontal flow or upward vertical flow position. Tapping bosses are located toward each end ol the valve and may be drilled and tapped for gauge, ball drip or bypass piping connections. ln addltion, a large tapping boss is located on the downstream side of the clapper and may be drilled and tapped for connection of a system "main drain." Applicatiom: Model 90 Check Valves are general purpose valves intended for use in private fire protection systems as follows: '1. In automatic sprinkler system risers, as an economical substitute for the alarm check valve. 2. In connections from public water supplies to automatic sprinkler or standpipe systems. 3. In connections from fire department pumper connections to automatic sprinkler or standpipe systems. 4. In fire pump discharge or bypass piping. 5. In connections from gravity, suction, or pressure tanks to automatic sprinkler systems n rechnical Model Number 90 Style: Swing Check (grv x grv) Size:.2V2",3", 4", and 6" Approvals: U.L., F.M., BS&A (Cal. No.284-75-SA) Working pressure: 250 psi Factory hydro test 10S/o at 500 psi Standard finish: blue enamel Grove soeci{ications: standard cut grooves per AWWA C{06 Takeout dimension: 2V2" - 8" t.o. 4" - 9" t.o. Shipping weight: 21/z' - 8lbs.3" - I lbs.4" - 16 lbs.6" - 34 lbs. ;ro.+lccfi,on - llodal 90 Ch.ck vdve (OlY I grY)Olmondom - Uod.l90 Check Ydve (9.v r Iw) %" Hax- boll with O-ring Blackst pln wlth rellinlng dng and 2 flrt wlahera Locknul. Fbrloc Rctllning rlng Dlmenelond Oata - Mod€l 90 Ched< Valve (grv x grv) V!lva 8Ee Valve Dlmenglonr . Bols Locttlons llax. Tap Slte (opllonal) x(t.o)Y z A B c Bosr Ar Bors Bt Bosr Ct 2Y2" 64mm 203mm 27/s" 62mm 215/rc" 75mm 1e/ $" 40mm 2%" 70mm 45/rc" 11Omm VB" '16mm 16mm th" 32mm 76mm 203mm 2ta" 64mm 3V' 83mm 1VR" 4'lmm zYs" 60mm 43/ s" 106mm 1A 16mm aa 16mm 1%" 32mm 102mm 9" 229mm 3i6" 86mm 35/s" 92mm 1U," 44mm 2%" 67mm 51/r" 129mm 19mm Vt" 19mm 51mm 152mm 1Ot/2" 267mm 4" 102mm 5" 127mm 1%" 44mm 2%" 67mm 55/ s" 135mm s/r" 19mm Vq" 19mm 2" 51mm lMay be utilized for gauge, ball drip or meter-byp.lss connection. 2May be utiliz€d for gauge or meter-bypass connection. 3May utilized for maindrain connection for "riser-check" applications. Flou Ys. Fdc$on Lorr llodol 90 Chack V.lYe t 0.0 t{o Floru (GPM) - 0.5 |.o {oIto co (, t! 1.0 Nole: the friction loss, expressed as equivalent length of schedule ,f0 pipe with C = 120, is as follows: =9ft. = 14ft. = 21 tr. = 19ft. 21/2" 3" 6 f III / .i d,y 'sl -a /I //// / 7 { /, / I // SPRINK-LINE FIRE PROTECTION PNODUCTS FIG. A97 Fire Hose Valve t(fitsfEDl W App.oved /A\w FEATURES . gn PSt Wo*ing Pressure. Ductile lron Handwheel. ilale or Female Outlet. Natlonal Standard HoseThread Materials List Item Description Material I Body Brass 8584 2 Bonnet Brass 8584 Holder Brass 8584 4 St6m Brass Bod 816 5 Handwheel Ductile lron 6 O-Ring Natural Rubber 7 Packing Nut Brass Rod 816 I Seat Seal Nalural Rubber 9 Loc* Nut Srass Rod Bl6 10 Clamping Ring Brass Rod 816 11 Clamping Nut Brass Rod 816 12 Wheel Washer Mild Sleel IJ Wheel Nut Mild Sleel 14 Set Screw Brass Rod 816 't5 Reducing Adapter Bras. 8584 16 Adapter Seal Natural Rurrll. Dimensions-Weights Nominal Size Dimensions in Inches Approx Nel Wt. (Lbs.)A B D E , ,2 6.12 5.08 3.92 2.M 1't ^"5.0 4t;7.68 5.90 4.92 3.35 2'1"'11.5 Available with male or lemale Nalional Slandard Hose Tkead. Male Thread Shown 1112" &2,/2" Cap and chain 2tl " x 1'12" Reducing adapter ^-. - Effiilil. Telephone: (714) 9S9-0323 FAX: f1a) 9994631 Central Sprink lnc. 0 1340 So. Manhattan Avenue Fullerton, CA 92631 Soenili.-elions subiet rd .h*d. wirh^r n ^di.A .a na^.rh-" Ductile lron Grooved CouPlings KmusJEpl W Approved /ii;:\,/ _z-\ \w PRINK-LINE FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS FlG. 771 SwaY-AwaY CouPling specifically designed to give secure rigidity.in Grooved Piping systems' The housings firmly grip the pipe grogves and ncrtotlir'"i to pr"u"niverticatand lateral movement' Recommended for heavy duty use at valve connections' c IlF ffi Dlmensions Bolts Net Wt. Lbs. OeflectionPipePlpe End cap Max. Working Pressure psiSizeo. D.A B c 11,1.900 3/'64 500 3 1To 3/rx 2 2.10 Less Than 1 o/o 2 2.375 1/'16 500 e1/"'z 5 1 t"/',u 3/rx 2 2.40 2/,2.875 1/ '16 500 4 q3/1 t"/r" 1 tt/ra 1/^x23/,2.75 1/"x23/n 3.25 3 3.500 '1"500 4Tt 6lz 4 4.500 3/500 3y^7s/''4 2 t/^x 23/,4.62 5 5.563 s/'16 400 7 9vo 2 3/^ x 3 '/.6.60 6 6.625 3/'16 400 8lt 10r/8 2 3/rx3'/o 8.20 I 8.625 400 103/^13y8 z/4 3/ox 4s/o 10.20 SPRINK, INC. A Jam€s Hardie ComPanY 1340 so. Manhaflan Avenue Fullerton, cA.92631 Telephone: (714) 999-0323 r!, j !o chanoe witho{i n.ri., O No!€mb€r 1982 Sprink, tnc. Ptinted in U.S-A. FAX: (714) 999-0631 mnrmff DtsIGI{ Ilr0uaflfi sfiffiT tare:ilVRE) BRIDGE BIIIIDIilG tupatior:?2? BAIFB SI. Euildingrll Contractor:VlB8 C0il$nrcU0fl cals[atd 8y:ffi5T1 CI,IXE Corstsuction: I l-OdustiDle tt]-Xoa-Cdrstille occrFrct:0olillRl U'IRD I Ihte:C-25-9{ otnmo 16.19{-0{l $sto [0. nfm SPffi &nbact lb. fl29l Daring [0. t.P.-5sifuei$r8 ft. ST51H DBIfl [rl-xrP[ 13: [rt-tI. n . lxl-0tllxiRt tArAtD ffitp:r I l-l{PPA 211 [ ]-llflA 231C: llc0Rt: CIIRW| t 1-0mR (Spcify): I l-H.XlflfiD. ilIOE BTI. MTE: r Systo TTF t lrl-flEl l l-D[y t ]-04ffi [ l-PRt-AcTIfll T sPRIilroM OR ilOZZIfi i ilale:Star lhdel:Q.ft.5SltSsUSize:f2 [-lactor:S,8 t {.] lbrperahre Raury:l5s-l cltxuufi0t{ ffinff tXl-SPtrmC rulilc:IrPA-t3 R Area of $prinkler Deration:l500 Density:.i5 kea Per Sprinller:l20 Sq. Ft. [ose Allocarce @ll; Insidel0 [ose lllmrce GUI: 0ltsidel250 lack $prinklu lllqralcet GPll Required:t50.18 rCr lactor 0sed: herhead;I20 PSI lEuired;?2.{s tlnderEoundtl{0 rAM SI'PPIY r [AIB, FIS| figl r r P0ilP l)lu I Date I li!e:6-24{ 114.1{. Rated capacity: Static PSI:130 At Pil; lesidual PSi:9{.32 Elention: Ggil llosing168l,15 Ilevation:0 Incation:Gore ft.. Dr. I Bridqe St. Source Inf onation:Uor ftst r rufi 0R nffRll0tx i Capacityq Slemtionl rm,[r hof llon: E/rr frl iJ';isq" li9l2 i i {lsr:,Uiiit ITDRAULIC SI'[[AII rum suPPLt m0niu$l Strtic: 130.00 pi. Ruidualr 9{.32 psi. t 681.15 gp.[ose: 250.00 gp. s$ba rcquires! 72.t8 Fi. 0 {50,18 qp!. (includinq floee Allmance] sryDIy amilable: u3.{2 Fi. Safety laqin: {0.93 pi. t{arfuu velocity in the systu is 17.62 ft/sec. Continuity at all mds satisfid to 0.01 gp. IIITIT I,MEO PIPB TNE ffiNiD t = {5 DffRH 88fr 10 = SffiDlfLE 10 E = 90 DEIE 88fi l0 = SffiD{llfi l0 L = 90 DSSS UfS I|m ff8fl Xt = ffIllIALIT=ffiff{SS$ AD=ICMIDIAIEIR B = ElllSREl VIIVS $ = C0PPR TIPX I G = GlfB TILVB 6 = [!PPR fiPt Ic=ffiffinry8 ff:$llft*r,= CP = CPVC totB: lile: BRIDGtl$.llt WF Sprinklu kograr by IPB Sofbmie, Irr. PaSt I ms$nB nfl KHATIoI [-f]I10t r{oDE {P$) (@r{} {rEE!) cu 72,t8 450.18 0ul 66.69 0.00 12.5 v2 65.65 0.00 12,5BRl 63.30 0.00 17,5tR2 5X.2X 0.00 17.5sl 51.21 0.00 r2.562 53.77 0.00 12.5cs3 53.51 0,00 12,5ml {9.{6 0.00 21.5n02 {5.00 0.00 31.5[03 {0.55 0.00 {1.5ilo{ 36.10 0.00 sl,sil05 31.6{ 0.00 61.5F21 {9.16 0.00 21.5826 49.{6 0.00 21.5r22 19.{6 0.00 21.5n6 49.46 0.00 21.5r10 t9.t6 0.00 21.5ru 49.t6 0,00 21.5r02 t9.t6 0.00 21.5fon t9.t6 0.00 21,5rB {9.{6 0.00 21,5m{ {9.t6 0.00 2t.5t05 {9.{6 0.00 21.5 m6 {9,{6 0.00 21.5t07 {9.16 0.00 2t,5m8 {9.{6 0.00 21.5r09 {9.t6 0.00 n.5ru t9.t6 0.m il.sru t9.t6 0.00 ?1.5n2 {9.t6 0.00 2t.5n{ t9.{6 0.00 n.5rl5 $.{6 0.00 2r.5ns {9.{6 0.00 21.5nl {9.{6 0.00 21.5n9 {9.{6 0.m 21.5n8 t9.{6 0,m 21.5 n0 {9.t6 0.00 21.5t21 t9.t6 0.00 21.5t21l t9,{6 0.00 n.5t?3 {9,46 0.00 n.5t25 {9.t6 0.m a.5w t9.{6 0,00 21,5101 {5.00 0.00 31.5 l{2 t5.00 0.00 31,5t03 {5.00 0.00 31.5n}{ {5.00 0.00 31.5t{5 {5,00 0.00 31.5m6 {5.00 0.00 31.5r{? {5.00 0.00 31.51t9 {5.00 .0,00 3i,5n0 15.00 0.00 11.5 HI$ rfrIIxElS.fiB !fiF.Sphtla ProEal bl fPB Sofhare, Inc. Pa$: 2 P*E$utB flnn nffimlfi x-rAcmRrdlE {P$) {ffi} (rEET} 203 {5.00 0,00 31.520{ t5.00 0.00 31.5r05 {5.00 0.00 31.5206 {5.00 0.00 31.5 Nl t5.00 0.00 31.5208 {5,00 0.00 31.5 208r {5,00 0.00 31.5209 15.00 0.00 31.5210 {5.00 0.00 3r.5Ir0A t5,00 0.00 31.52ll $.m 0.00 31.5 2114 {5.00 0.00 31.5 212 {5.00 0.00 31.5213 45.00 0.00 31.5 2134 {5.00 0.00 r1.5 2138 15.00 0.00 31.52u {5.00 0.00 3r.52ls {5.m 0.00 31.5n5 {5.00 0.00 31.5216 {5.00 0.00 31.5 2t7L {5.00 0.00 ]l.5 ?l7B {5.00 0.00 31.5 nle t5.00 0.00 t1.5 2r7D {5.00 0.00 31.5 211 t5.00 0.00 31.5218 {5.00 0.00 31.5219 15.00 0.00 31.5220 15.00 0.00 31.5m {{.08 0.00 ]l.5mu fi.88 0.00 31.5mu il.88 0.00 31,5 [028 {0.55 0.00 11.5[02r {0.55 0.00 {1,5t02 {0.55 0.00 |l.5mt {0.55 0.00 {1.5il{ t0.55 0.m 11.5m5 {0.55 0.00 {1,5[06 {0.55 0.00 {1.5[07 {0,55 0.00 {1.5[08 t0.55 0.m {1,5[09 {1.55 0.00 {1,5xlo t0.55 0.00 {1.5ul t0.55 0.00 {1.5[12 t0,55 0.00 {1.5n3 {0,55 0.00 {1.5n{ {0.55 0.00 t1.5nt5 {0.55 0.00 tt.5[16 10.55 0.00 {1.5m7 {0.55 0.00 {1.5[18 {0,55 0.00 41.5n9 40.55 0.00 41.5[20 10.55 0.00 11.5[2] {0.55 0.00 t1.5t22 {0.55 0.00 fl.5 file! g8ffiE$.1I8 rfrEr.grl*lu hogru by IPE Sfhare, Irs. 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Etf 51.5 51.5 51.5 ftt 51.5 ntE 51.5 f,l I 51.5 51.5 51,5 51.5 51.5 5tI 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 fft 61.5 1.3 51.5 61.5 {.3 61.5 {.3 61.5 61.5 {.1 61.5 61.5 61.5 6t.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 {.3 61.5 {.3 (1 f, file: flIffil$.ffi EF.Spinller tmgu by rPE Sofbruer Irc. 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[Xl-olDIllIRI IMND GRouPrI I I-IPPA 231 [ ]-iltPA 231Cr tleml: finwi I l{Ifia (specify}r l)(l-SPBcIlIc RULIIGTXPPA-I] R lrea of Sprfutlu qFrationrl500 Dosityr.l lrea Pu Sprinller:106 Sq. n. [ose l]lorance 6fl1: Insidero lose [lovance 6Plll 0utside:250 Rack Slrinkler lllfiancer @!l lquirdl55l.33 rCr factor thd: hehead;l20 lflDMrlrlc DEsIo{ il{m$0Tl0l{ sHtiET DaterS-25-9{ clt RADo t3c.t9{-0{{ Syste! Xo. mUmnmR Contract t{0. f1291 Draring to. l.P.-4 Ceilire [eiqtt:8 ft. []-u.[MAnD. Iil0E BIr. DAlEl r syst€r lype r lxl..lfET [ ]-DRY I l-DHI]cE I l-PRl-Ac'Iml * sPRilnm 0R il02fi,8 r trale:stu hdelr0,R.PflDn$ SLze:Llz K-lactoil {.3 ttryerature tatiqrl5tl cilxxfitT]0{ suilnRr PfI Reguired:76.96 tlnderqround:U0 $TN $'PPIY I Ttilfi 0R RBmV0IR I Capacity: Blevation: trB$r hmf flor; r mlm flIn $sI r r HilP I)AIA r hte t Tire:6-t-91 1U.[. Rated Capacity: static PSI: /3O [t PSII Residual.Pslr ?4 - ZZ Slevation: irj,iiiliii' 6at./, L,cration:0ore &. h. I Bridge st. Source Infonation:Ilor Test B/ 3t IID-ta0tIc s0[xAnI NM $PEI ITflMTIOI Static: 130.00 pi. Resifral: 9{.32 pi. 0 6S1.15 9p.[ose: 251].00 gp. SlsteN resires: 76.96 pi. | 551.33 gp. (includinq [ose lllcrance) Suply arailable: 105.87 pi, Safety largin: 2S.92 pi. Iarinn nlocity in the spte is 22.50 tt/6ec. Ortiruity at all ldes sati.sfid t0 0.01 gp. rNTfiG MAO PNE TNE l,Mffil) I = 15 DffiB IIIfi l0 = SCHSIIIJ {0 I = 90 DEilS 88fi l0 = SdEDlllS 10 [ = 90 DiltB Iffi l|m 88fl IL. fiIll lllll=TltsOffi lD=lCM[DIl[8lR B = illllf,lU YALIB 6 = C0PBR IYPB I G = GAIITAIVE O = OPPR flPE L':**o fi:ffi*' t0l$l t. , Filer BIIlGStll,llE 1l[Er grfu]ler Pmqrat by lPts Sofban, Im. Pager I ns$m nfi nsffIot l-Irflon (P6r) (ffil . 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Smm runn Coatract Xo, f1291 Drariry llo. F.P.-2 ceiling reigh8 n. SISTN DSIff [xl-mA r: t htl. n . [l(l-0RDnnRr [rZltD R0trp:r l{rPr Al I HPr illC: UfltrE: ClllVE: Fmn {slecify}r I-sPBcmc mlXcrmr.l3 t n-u.uam. ODI BI:. llA$: r SYsto IYP t lrl{lEl'l l{ll t l-04n@ l FtBE-rm0 r SPRIXruA m mzflJ r kle:star Fdsl:0.n.Pf,09[tfsSiu:LlX l-hsts:5,8 lqeratue btiry:l55-l rra of ghtla Sratioml500 Ihnsityr.l5 rrea Per SEiril€[lll0 Sq. Ft. 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PaF: { tmffi Ifi EmlI6 t-ftclu e__.ql-js_._ry_ n7 9.?t 0.o 61.5n8 9.7r 0.00 61.5n9 t,tz 0.00 61.5m r.n 0.00 6r.5n2 9,n 0.00 61.5ngA 9,n 0.o 51.5 m6a t.n 0.m fl.5t55 Sr8 0.00 61.5156 9i7l 0.00 61.5 x05t 9m 0,00 5r.5I 31;9 0.00 U,52 31,t3 0.00. 12,53 3t.[ 0.m n,5| 3L9? 0.O U.55 31,91 0.o u,56 lt.tz 0.00 12.57 3t n 0.00 u.5I t&9r 0.u u.59 31.$ 0.00 r2.5r0 u.gr 0.m u.5ll lt.gr 0.m u,5u $.n 0.m u.513 3&9r 0.m U.t11 3?.9? 0.00 r2,5t5 u.9t 0.m u.516 $.tt 0;m il.5tI n.01 0.00 12.518 U.S 0.00 U.5l0r u,9? 0,00 12.5l9 ; tl.tl 0.m U.5 Filer BRIIEE1S.ffiB tllEr Spinkler kogral by IPB Sofhare, Inc.Page: 5 nfi DIilmm fYPt IimilCS mfln XOV I${G1X M LENGII mICTI0ll c-vtl,lj[ Pe Pf Vn0CIfI (cPr{) (ilcfiBs) (FEET) (nEt) (rEEr) (psvm.) 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(PsI) (P$) (rT68c) m4 > I05 69,78 105 > 1!7 51.16 20i < T08 1?.00 T$7 > m8 3{.09 t1)8 > 202 17.09 211 < 208t 11,11 1t7 > 203 t1,27 208t ) 208 1?.t8 208t < ?09 15,22 209 < 210 5{.0t 210 > 2l0A 19.37 210 < I02 ?3.tl It3 )2i5. 70.41 215 > 2154 17.65 215 > 2l3A 17.51 215 > 21t 17,69 216 < 217 17.55 r09 ) 217C 13.0? zLtC > 2I7D 19.5? 217C > 2t1I 53.O 2t7t > 2r7B 18.23 2L7I > 2r7 35.26 218 < 219 ?0,36 219 > 220 20,77 219 < T10 41.13 A5 > 2131 17.51 2134 > 2l3B 17.70 nil ) 213 17.37 [03 < [I0 0.00 810 < [09 0.00 809 < [08 0.00[08 < [30 0.00[08 < [07 0.00[07 ( [06 0.00 [06 < [02 0,00ml ( mn 0.00mu < [018 0.00 [0lB < [02 0.00 n02 ( ma 0.00 [02t ( xo8 0.00 [02t ( [03 0.00[03 < [0{ 0.00ml < n05 0.00flll < [ffi 0.00[06 < n2 0,00[12 < n3 0,00 ut < E5 0.00[13 < A{ 0.00[16 < [17 0.00 xl? < [18 0.00 [I7 < [20 0.00[19 < [20 0.00[20 < [21 0.00[2] <N22 0.00 1,687 )(L T 1.{52 l[, 1.{52 16 E 1,t52 n 1.I0{ l{t 1.{52 )0, 1.104 n B 1.101 n I t.{52 n E 1.687 n E 1.10t n t 1.687 )G T t.{5t I T 1.10{ xI t 1.{52 n T 1.10t n T 1.t52 Xt t,{52 n T 1.10{ )(t T 1.{52 n 1.104 trt T 1.t52 Xt 88 1,10{ )G 1,101 n T 1.{52 [, T 1.{52 n T t.104 xr 1.10t trl T 3.260 10 EttT ?,635 10 I 2,635 10 i,t 1.t52 Xt E 2.515 10 tr 2.15{ 10 2.15{ 10 1,152 10 E 1.10{ n T 1.t52 It E 1.t52 It T 1.t52 n T 1.10{ X[ 1.10{ n T t.{52 IL E 1.{52 n Tt l.{52 tt I l.{5? xt 1.10{ xt I 1.{52 n X I tEl Vl 1.10{ & t 1.152 Xt T 1.10{ )0, T 1,452 Ir T 1,152 N ET 8.00 1I.50 0,00 10.00 3,00 13.310.00 5.33 0.00 2.33 0.00 8.83 2.00 {.75 5.00 5.83 3.00 13,00 1.00 16,00 5.00 7,00 8.00 11.50 6,00 10.25 5.00 9.00 6.00 16.50 5.00 8.50 0,00 8.00 6.00 9.50 5,00 7.50 0,00 9.57 5.00 7.50 5.00 1s.75 0.00 10.50 5,00 5.50 6,00 10.25 6.00 16.50 0.00 4.00 5.00 8.50 38.00 61.00 12.00 i7.50 8.00 19.25 3.00 13.17 12.00 23.00 0.00 9.00 0.00 9.33 3.00 12.00 5,00 6.00 3.00 10.50 6.00 8.33 6.00 1.12 0.00 1l.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 15.00 9.00 23,83 6.00 8.33 0.00 11.00 5.00 5.33 3,00 l{.00 0.00 6,00 5.00 5.00 6.00 9.67 5,00 6.00 5.00 9.509.00 1{,83 0.130 120 0.00 0.153 120 0.00 0.020 120 0.00 0.072 120 0,00 0.076 120 0.00 0.021 120 0.08 0.0?? 120 0.00 0.079 120 0.00 0.0?6 120 0.00 0.081 120 0.00 0.096 120 0.00 0.1{3 120 0.00 0.27{ 120 0.00 0.081 120 0.00 0.021 I20 0.00 0.081 120 0.00 0.021 120 0.00 0.29{ 120 0.00 0.097 m 0.00 0.165 120 0.00 0.086 120 0,00 0.076 120 0.00 0,105 120 0.00 0.109 120 0.00 0.101 120 0.00 0.021 i20 0.00 0.081 120 0,00 0,078 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0,000 120 0,00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 I20 0.00 0.000 I20 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 1.49 10.02 1.53 9.95 0.26 3.29 0.38 6.50 0.18 5.73 0.19 3,{{ 0.37 5.79 0.t6 5.86 0.99 6.82 1.29 7.76 0.67 6.19 1.61 10,54 2.81 13,6{ u,tI ),t1, 0.35 3.40 0,69 5.93 0,17 3.40 2,19 1{.16 0.73 6.56 1,59 10.3? 0.6{ 6.11 1.20 6.83 1.10 6.82 0.60 6,96 I.04 7.97 0.35 3.{0 0.32 5.93 u,00 J,at 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.!0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 10,33 I.,JJ 8.83 2,75 ,83 10 12 2 3.5 4.25 I 10,5 3.5 8 9,67 t6 9.15 10.5 4,25 10.5 4 tJ 5,5 11.25 10.17 1l , 9.33 9 I 1.5 1 1'I 1.12 1l I tt 1{.83 I. 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Brilding:ll Contrasifi :VI3I,X OfiSIlHt$Itr Glqlatd ly:SFiIt q{.m &nstnntion: t l-CoMstible [Il-xon-co$rntible 0c$parc}:fiXllXARl [AtllD ii'/tn Dated.t9.+ mmnrm r&,t9t-0{{ STsle Xo. lrnn n$n Coffiast Xo. ,1291 Darfuq Xo. l.P.-3 crili4 [ei$h8 n, SlSlEI tlEIfr ul-mr u: ul-u. n . [Il{DI$il unRD R0u?rI I rB.u$m. I HIPA 2ll [ ]ffI 2llc: nG0nS: cllRvl: t l{lin (Secify): lll-sPK1trc milG:[tlA-I3 B [llE lYr. DllBr rrea 0f sFintler 0Fatiol:1500 I rysh! IJpe t h$ity:.$.I5 [r]{El I I'DRI I ]-DEn6 [ ]-Al-rctrff lra Per SEintler:l20 Sq. n. lose Ulorame ffi: Iuide:0 r SPRIXnfi. ffi I0UEE I E6e lllffirEe @[: ([tsid$?50 lhk:sts bdel:0.t.P!0ilS tad Sprfuklu lllaance: Size:l/z l-lrctcr5.8 t t.l tqeratEe tatiq:!55-t catxttuflil suuRl @l lquird:57{.18 tcr fadDr lhd: 0veriead:120 PSI Bquird:?2.53 0ndsgond:i{0 ruR $tPH.t rruRnxn$$r rfltroD$ar Ihte t lin:6-F9l lU.I. ratd hpacity: Static PdIr I7O lt P$; rsi&al lsl: '14"72 neuattotz cil ila$: ^h$h li Bleration:0 Locatioo:core &. 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PaS: I m$$nx nfl &BTAufi K-nmmmDB (Pdr) (@!l (rm) 61 72,53 57t.18 0 Sfi,rc0ul 66.20 0.00 12.5u 6!,6{ 0.00 12.5ull 61.03 0.m l?.58r2 f9,75 0.00 17.561 51.63 0.00 12.562 50.tt 0.00 12.563 {9.7E 0.00 12.5[01 t5.5t 0.00 21.5w2 {0.89 0.00 31.5t03 36.1{ 0.m 4r.5m 31.93 0.00 51.5105 n.59 0,00 61.5t21 {5.51 0,00 21.5t26 t5.51 0.00 21.5t22 t5.51 0.m a.5n6 {5.51 0.m a.5n0 {5,51 0.00 21.5ru |5.51 0.00 2I.5n2 {5.51 0.00 ?1.5rut {5.51 0.00 21.5103 {5.51 0.00 21.5fof {5.5r 0.00 21.5n5 1t.51 0.m 21.5106 $.51 0.m 21.5r07 {5.51 0.00 21.5m8 $.51 0.00 21.5r09 $.51 0.00 a.5ru t5.51 0.00 ,1.5nt t5.51 0.00 21,5n2 15.51 0.m a.5nt $.51 0.m a.5n5 15.51 0.m ?l.5n5a $.51 0.m 4.5ff 15.51 0.00 21.5ru t5.51 0.00 a.5n8 {5.5t 0.00 ?1.5t20 t5.51 0.m a.5m {5.51 0.m a.5nu $.51 0.00 21.5m $.51 0.m 21.5n5 $.51 0.00 a.5tzt t5.51 0.00 a.5nt $.t9 0.00 31.5firz t0.89 0.(n 31.511lr {0.89 0.0 31.5fit{ {0.89 0.00 31.5r05 t0.89 0.m 31.5fl6 t0,89 0.00 11.5ll7 10.89 0.00 31.5tlt9 10.89 0.m 31.5't10 {r}.89 0.00. 31.5 lile: nlFEUi.fiB rtr.Sphkl€r Pmqu by IPB Sofbme, Im. PaFr 2 nHW nfi Eflrnu [{mmroB (mI) (er) (rEEll 203 10.89 0.00 3r.5 20t {0.89 0.00 31.5 205 {0.89 0.00 31,5 206 {0.89 0.00 ll.5 20t o.89 0.00 3r.5 208 t0.89 0.00 31.5mn m.89 0.m ti.5209 t0.c9 0.00 31.5 2t0 t0.89 0.00 ri.5 nm {0.09 0.00 31.52ll {0.89 0.00 3r.52l1l {0.99 0,00 i1.5 212 {0.89 0.00 31.5213 {0.89 0.00 11.5 2l3A {},89 0.00 31,5 2138 {0.89 0.00 31.5 2l{ {0.89 0.00 31.5 2Ur $.89 0.00 31.5 2t5 t0.89 0.00 3r.5 a6 {0.89 0.00 31.5 2l7t 10.89 0.00 31.5 2l7B t0.89 0.00 31.5 2l7C t0.89 0.00 31.5 nn |0.89 0.00 31.5 2t1 t0.89 0.00218 {0.89 0,m 31.5 Jl.l t19 t0.89 0.00 ll.52N t0.89 0.00 11.5 m u.8t 17.10 11.5 mu 16.05 n.23 31.5 mu n,70 0.00 31.5 ma Lz.n $.$ fl.s E0?a 12.89 0.00 {1.5 m? ll.l3 0.00 r1.5 m 9.69 0.m {1.5 m{ 9,4 u.60 ll.5 m5 9.!7 17.75 ll.5 [06 11.66 0.00 11.5 mt 16.25 0.00 il.5 m8 21.{5 0.00 {r.5 m9 26.il 0,00 {i.5 n0 30.?7 0.m {1.5 nl 1t.23 t6,22 {1.5 [12 1t.20 15.62 {1.5 ut 12.16 0.00 il.5 nt u.n $.91 11.5 n5 u.63 19.78 {1.5 xl6 11.93 1t.85 {1,5n? 12,02 0.00 {1.5[18 11.68 1{.69 |l.5 ll9 12.20 15.02 11.5 t.l {.3 {.3 5.8 5.8 {.3 {.3 5.8 5.8 t.3 {.3 t.3u0 12.55 0.00m 13.67 0.00u2 12.03 0.00 {1.5 11.5 {1.5 Pile: SBIIFE$.il8 {[F Spfukler Progal by fPB sofbftre, Inc. PaS: 3 nsgru nfi Efiul0 [-ncMro8 (P6r) {@r} (rE[) [2{ ll.16 il,36[2{A 10.77 t{.11u5 15.|l 16.88x26 15,79 0.00tn 13.86 4,59xzr 1t.56 0.00[29 11.95 21.66[30 21.10 19.75s{n 31.93 0,00s02 31.9t 0.00s03 31.9t 0.00 s0ta 31,93 0.00s0{ 3r.9r 0,00s05 31.91 0.00s05 31.91 0.00s07 31.93 0.00s08 31.93 0.00stlg 31.93 0.00s0 31.93 0.00sll 31.93 0.00s2 11.93 0.msl3 31.93 0.00slt 31.93 0.00sl5 31.93 0.00sl6 31.93 0.00st? 31.93 0.00stil I.93 0.00sil $.93 0.00slt t1.93 0.ms20 31.93 0.00 sma 31.93 0.msilB 31.9t 0.00s2l 31.9t 0.ms22 31.93 0.msr3 31.93 0.00st5 ll.et 0.00str 31.93 0.00s27 31.93 0.008U il.93 0,00m n,59 0.mtl2 n,59 0.mm n,sg. 0.mno n.59 0.00m 27,59 0.mn5 n,sg 0.mn6 27,59 0.00n8 n,59 0.00t09 n.59 0.00n0 n,59 0.00 nr n,59 0.00. n3 n,59 0.00ru 27.59 0,00n5 27.59 0.00 nl n.59 0.00 51.s {.3 {.3 {,1 5.8 5,8 {.3 {1.5 tl.5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 tl.t R1 E tl E 51.5 51.5 [tI 51.5 51.5 51.5 tt -t 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 tl.1 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5r.5 51.5 51.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61;5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61,s 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 filc tffil!;h lUFspimkr Proqa!t nB 9oflrlre, &s. PaF: I ilmSI ltfi Etllll0f l-nc[aru (r$l (o{ (nm) w n.w 0.tF 61.5tr8 n,5t 0.m 61.5n9 a.$ o.il 6r.5m n,w o.il 51.5w n,w 0.m 6r;5n9r ?.s 0.0 61.5nfl n',9 0.00 61.5Ett nJg o.il 61.5r55 u,fi 0.00 6r.5m$ n,g 0.o 61.5I fit.tt 0.00 12.5x 50.tt 0.00r fl.{? 0.00I s.{t 0.005 10.{2 0.006 fl.{t 0.00? 50.o 0.mI 50.t1 0.00t s.|l 0.00t0 t0.{t 0.6u t0.{t 0.mn s.|t 0.0013 !0.tt 0.mIt 50.o 0.0015 50.{l 0.0016 50.11 0.0017 50.$ 0.s$ 50.1t 0.s$r t0.{t 0.00l9 s.o 0.00 .t u.5 12.5 u.5 12.5 It.t lt.5 12.5 12.5 u.5 12.5 12.5 n.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 u.5 u.5 liler BRIII&IS.fiB rlf,Bt Sprinller hqrar by nB Sfhnre, Inc. 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Mr DIUrm Tm lmffi LElem 4Y LKom $I Llxofi ruc$il c{llll3 Pe Pf vumrn (ffi) (rrffi)(nBr) (r8m) (rErT) (Pslit?.)(P6r) (PsI) (n/sH) Pager 9 BffiN HO [008 [08 nll ( n15m <nln{ <n5n5 <n6n5 <wn6 < m6lm6 < m6t m6t < nlnl <n2 t02 < n0162 <1313 <10.l0 <t . t3 <1616 <19I <2x <33 <l? <88 <99 <t0 18[ < l8t8 <17 fl <16{ <55 <510 <u11 <12t6 (15 15 (l{ l.{52 t[ Tl.l0{ nl,l0t E, ? l.{52 ILl,lot I[ ? 1.687 n B8t 2.15{ Xt 2.635 10 1,10{ n I l.{52 n 2.635 l0 2.15{ Xt T 2.15{ n 2.15{ rt I 2.15r n 1.10{ n 1.10{ t[ 1.{5? n r 1.10{ It 1.10t n 1.452 tr Il.lot ttl.l0{ tt 1.t52 n r t.{52 IL 1.{52 Xt 1.t52 tt T t.t52 It 1.t52 lL l l.{52 n 5.00 15.00 0.00 10.00 5.00 7.00 0.00 0.33 5.00 13.00 16.00 27.11 0.00 1.3t 0.00 5.25 5.00 7.50 0.00 5.17 0.00 l{.00 10.00 13.50 0.00 12.00 10.00 18.50 0.00 12.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 l{.00 0.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 l{.000.00 10.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 l{.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 10.00 6.00 8.00 0.00 2.00 5.00 8.00 0.00 10.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.0m 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 I20 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.0!0 r20 0.00 0.000. 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.000 m 0.00 0.000 120 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.m 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.m 9 l0 L .JJ I 11.17 I.JJ 6.25 2.5 5.t/ 1l 3.5 12 8.5 t2 l0 l0 8 l0 10 8 10 l0 I L 10 File: RIIf,tsS.l[B rfiF Spinklu koga by t?B Softrare, Irc. Hfi DIilBm TnB nITIXS Lffi$ 4V llnon $t Etg$ tRrc$st C-Wtfi Pe (eu (ilctrs)(rm) (rBm) (FEEn) (Psi/m.) 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Bnildinglll Contractor :VIELI C0nSnRUCtI0ll Calculated By:RUSTY CLll{E Constnntiol: t l-Cobustible [X]-]ton-Co$usti]1e 0copancllffiDllllRY ilIARD I DaterS-25-9{ c0mM,m RK.f9{-0{{ Systs [0. rnST flroR crntnct ilo. ,1291 Draring ilo. f,P.-lA ceiliry [ei$L8 n. sl$il oBsr0'l lxl-rrPA l3r I l-tT, XAt. [X]-onDnAN mAtD ffi0l,prr I l-[tPA 231 [ ]-t{lPA ?31Cr fIGURI: CIRVEI t ]'mm (specity): I l-l)|.xAzllD. nDE BY:. AUI: r systen Iyts r lrl{Er [ ]-DRY I l-DHtrE I ]-PRB-AtrI0n r sPRII{rum 0R lozztE r llale:stu he1:Q.R.PilDX[1S Sixe;Llz [-!actons.8 t€qerabre Ratiq:Is5-f cllfitunfi sffiml [ ]-sPIcIPIc Rl,UilG:[t?A-13 R Area of Sprfirklu 0perationll500 Dmsity;.15 Area Per Spinller:l20 Sq. ft. 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Systa resiresr 62.9s pi. 0 516.n S-p!. {ircIudirq Eose AIIomm*l $ryry anilable! 106.21 Fi. safq larqh: {1.25 pi. farim velocity in tle syste is 20.68 ft/sec. erdnuity at all mdes satisfid to 0.0i gpr. rufITC UMO PIPB lNB E6AD I = {5 llEflB Elfl 10 = SC[Hlll,8 {0 E = 90 DHtts Eflf 10 = S6illltr l0 [ = 90 DHts lffi t|m nHn XL, = f[IX SIi I = lB Q OGS lD = lfi[L DIIIEIER B = lllllHILI Vll,YB CK = @?B IIPX I G = OB YIIIB CL = C0P!18 ?IPE I':** fi;ffin-" I0IIS! tilel BRIfrEls.tflB iSBr $prinilu Progru by nB sofbrdre, Inc. 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Page! n ,,.M8W Efi MVUId [.Fl[lTRxilrs (rsl teu (FtrTl n? $.df 0.m 61.5nr r.61 0.00 6r.5$r ll.fi 0.00 61.5m $.6t 0.m 61.5ru $,6i 0.00 61.5n$ u.66 0.00 61.5no $.66 0.m 6r.5r55 19.fi 0.00 6r.5f56 19.66 0.0 6r.5ms $.$ 0.m 61.5 . l tl.?l 0.00. 12.52 |l.10 0.m u.5i {t.tt o.fi 12.5{ |l.15 0.m ns5 fl.?t 0.m u.56 |l.fi 0.00 12.57 11,75 0.00 lr.50 0.75 0.& tr.5I t1.75 0.00 t2,5l0 {l.15 0.00 12.5u {1.t5 0.0 u.5U ll.ll 0;00 12,513 ILNS 0.00 12.5ll t1.?6 0.m u.5ls |l.15 0.0 12.516 0.75 0.m 12.5r7 |l.75 0.00 12.5lr 0.75 0.m u.5ut {t.t5 0.0 1t.519 tl.r5 0:00 r2,5 Filer SRI0GDIS.IXB imr sprfukler hogral by m[ softrare, inc,Pag€i 5 rifr DlllltrtR flPB flnilGs LHGTX rull IHGS Im Lil6m fRICTIOll C-YlllE Pe Pf VStrITY (@r{) {u{ffi) (rEm) (rE8T) (rum} (psr/rT.) 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BID nxn Duxslm TrlE rlnilcs ltrsIE 4v mi0H l1n l$sm rucTloll c-vAr,w Pe pf IKiCITYrfor (cFi) (rxffiEs) (Bnl (nET) (rBT) (psrfi.) (Psr) (Pfl) (roAm) m <ru6 t13 < 11{ il{ <n5 tf15 < n6 n5 <n7 t15 < m5t [06 < n06A t06a < tri t21 <n22 n02 < [0162 <13 13 <10. l0 <4 13 <i6 16 (19 I <2 2 <3 3 <{ 7 <8 I (9 9 (I0 l8r < 1818 <17 t:t < 16I <5 5 <6t0 <u ll <12 15 <15 15 <l{ 1,452 TI, T 1.101 n 1,104 n T 1.152 n 1.104 n I 1.68i )fl. 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BRIffE 5T, Bnildingrll Contrastor : IIIELE CUISURUCTISI Calculated 8y:Rtl$11 CtillE Construction: I l-Colbusti$e fi(]-llon-Co$ustible 0copary:0Dullfll lrilRD I Date!8-25-9{ commm Rm.l91-0{{ Syster llo. m,m, SPICE Corftact ilo. ,U91 Ilrarinq l{0. t.P.-l ceilitq [ei$t:8 ft. STSTil DBSIAI ll(l{rPt 13: I l-tI. HAl. [)(]-ffiDIl{ARI [AlAlD 6R0llPrt [ ]{rPl 231 [ l-frPl 23lc: Fififf: CIIRVE: I l-wn (specify): t l-H.nurRD. M,DI BY:. DAIT: r Sptel ryPe r lxl-lfEf I I-DRI I l-DtrflcE [ ]-lll-Aell0li r sPRI[roR 0R llozutE r blelStu hdeh0.l.llPRIGFIS Siuelv2 fi-fact r:5.8 @eratu'e tatiq:lss-f cM0tall0r $[aRt I l-sPmrIC filtilc:fffA-I3 I lrea of Sprinller 0pratimi1500 Dasity:.15 hea ?u 51rfurl1er:120 Sq. ft. flose Allrance GPll; insider0 X6e lllmme @[r fttsidel250 Raci Sprinller lllwance: oPil REuirdr583.37 rCr Factor lbd: 0verleadli20 PSI Rquired;{8.72 thderorourd:U0 TATR SIIPPTT i mTm nfr $st r r m0 DAIA r Date I Tix:6-?-9{ 114.[. Ratd Capacity: StaticPSI:I@ AtPSI: Residual PsIt94.32 llevation: @X Flnirq:6 er .,8 llemtioil0 location:Gore S. D. I Dridge St, Source Infonation:f ior ttst r nxK 0R Rsmrun r hpacity: Eievation: Itnlr hmf flou i:fl{:'It- ttrtt' i-rut- .*":'S ff1onr..);'.1i{ II0.RA0rIC Snt{[ttI ATK $nP',T ilTORIOfIOT Static: 110.00 pi. Residoah 9{.32 pi. [ 6SI.15 gp.[6e! 250.00 glE. sFt€| rryirest 18,72 pi, 0 5S3.37 SF. tintuding Eose Allmance) Srryply arailablet 103.21 pi. $afety ergil: 5{.{9 tsi, tuiru velocitJ in tle systn is 19.51 ftlsec. entirmiqt all mdes satisfid tr 0.01 gpr. NMM ffiEU PI}E TIPB I,ffiD F = 15 D!ffiB HJfl {0 = SC[Dll[E {0 t = 90 ffienxE 88ff lo = s[mLB l0 tr = 90 DW LOS lW[ EXff X[ = fiIil llllT=180fiffi AD=IffimDilnn E = llll8ll,I YIIVE fi = C0Pts llPX K G = 011 Vl[!B O = $PPR IIPB I':**n $;ffin-" sts: file &lDG&ll.fiB rl[F SpfuBer Progu by nB Sofbare, Im. Pagr' I Plss0$ nnn H,8l|tuol [-tAcl0Ril08 (P$) (@t) (rw) 18.12 58t.37 0 {2.35 0.00 lt.5 39.65 0.m U.5 37.03 0.00 17.5 25.72 0.00 fl.s 21,59 0.00 12.5 26.31 0.00 r2,5 26,31 0.00 12.522.I 0.00 2r,5 18.07 0.00 11.5 13.1{ 0.m {1.s9,1i 0.00 51.5 5.07 0.00 61.5 22,n 0.00 2t',5n6 22.{t 0.00 21.5 2?.0 0.00 21,5u.{1 0.00 ?1.5 2X.{l 0.00 21.9 22.11 0.00 21.5 22.n 0.00 21.5ml 22.11 0.00 21.5 xz,tL 0.00 n.5 z?,tL 0.00 21.5zt.|l 0.00 21.5 22,11 0.00 21,5 22,11 0.00 21.52l.rl 0.00 21.5 22.$ 0.00 21.5 zz.tL 0.00 21.5 22.{l 0.m tl.5n,$ 0.00 t1.5n.u 0.00 x1.5l?.fl 0.00 21.5nsl u.{l 0.00 21.5 22,11 0.m r1.5a.{l 0.o 21.5 22.11 0.0 21,5 12,0 0.00 xl.5 12.{t 0.0 21,5nu 22,$ 0.00 21.5 22,$ 0.00 n.5n.$ 0.m 2l.52l.ll 0.00 ,1.5 lE.0? 0.00 3t.5 18.07 0.00 31.5 18.07 0.00 31.5 18.07 0.00 ll.5 18.07 0.00 il.s 18.07 0.00 tl,s 18,07 0.00 31.5 18.0? 0.00 11.5 ls.o? '0.00 31.5 . s$m8ccl n U2 ml Br[ st s2 cs3 m1 i02 [03 xl{ m5 w t22 n6 n0 nl f02 t03 t0{ r05 Hl5 I07 filt r!9 nl tlt n2 nl n5 n7 n9 n8 tat ru n3 t6 nl $l I[2 l{E t!{ f05 1!6 fl}7 t!9 fl0 FiIe: frIfrEl$.ltt rSBt Spinklu hogil ry ru8 sffiare, Irc. Page: 2 assmB nfi sllJlnil [-tl[m(r$l (0{) (r88T} ?03 20{ 205 206 n7 208 t08[ 209 2l0A ttt,,t,. 21U LLl, ttJ 21lA 2138 a{ 2t5A 215 n6 2l7t 2178 2t7C zflD 211 218 219 220 ml mu m$ ma [02[ [02 [03 ml m5 il15 [07 mt [09 n0 nl [12 [13 xl{ n5 n6 [17 n8 [19 n20 .[21 wz 31.5 31.5 ?tq 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 Jt.5 31.5 31,5 3l,5 31.5 1l 5 31.5 1t ( 31,5 3t.5 n.5 31.5 31.5 1l I 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 ?1 n 31.5 31.5 31,5 tl c 41.5 {1.5 fl.5 |l.5 {1.s o.5 {1.5 tl.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 41.5 {1.5 11.5 18.0? 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.0? 0.m 18.07 0.00 1r.07 0.00 18.0t 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.t7 0.00 18.0? 0.00 18.0? 0.00 18.07 0,00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00t8.o 0.m 18.0? 0.m 18.0t 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 18.0? 0.00 18.0? 0.00 18.01 0.m 1E.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 10.07 0.00 18.07 0.00 10.0t 0,00 18.0? 0.00 13.7t 0.00 13.7{ 0.00 13.7{ 0.00lt.?{ 0.00It.r{ 0.00u.?{ 0.mu.7{ 0.00 13.71 0.00 13.?t 0.00lt.?l 0.00l3.r{ 0.00 11.?t 0.m 13.7t 0.m 13.7{ 0.00lt.?{ 0.m 1x.71 0.00 13.7{ 0.m t3.7r 0.m 13.7t 0.00 13.74 0.00 11.71 0.00 {1.5 lt.?t 0.00 13.?{ 0.00 filc mmS.ilB Wr'Si*is Progil by AE Sof!ilrer Im. tM$ nfl E[vanff [-H$mtilE (rsl {fll (rB8fl mr u.fl 0.mno 13.r 0.v0u5 13.7t 0.00u6 13,?l 0.00wt lL?l 0.00 [2S . l!.tr 0.00x29 13.fl 0.00It.?t 0.ssor 9.ll 0"00s2 9.{1 0.00s01 9.tt 0.00s0{l 9.{l 0.ms0{ 9.11. 0.00s05 9.{1 0.m$15 9.{1 0.!0s? 9.{1 0.ms8 9.lt 0.ost 9.ll 0.00s10 9J1 0.008tl 9.t1 0.0st2 9.{l 0.o$ll t.o 0.00sl 9.|l 0.ms15 9.r1 0.00st6 g.il 0.ms17 9.u 0.mslu 9.at 0.ms10 9.o 0.s$9 t.|l 0.00s0 9.rl 0.00sts t.rl 0.os00 g.ft 0,ot21 r.o 0.osr 9.o 0.ost rJt 0.sss 9.o 0.0s6 r.tr 0.0s? 9.o 0.os! 9.o 0.sm r.E 0.t0n2 Lf, 0.0ilt 5.0r 0.mn$ 5.d 0.00n 5.0t 0.sn5 5.0 0.otr t.o 0.om 5.o o.trt09 5.0t 0.mn0 t.sf 0.00ru 5.O 0.mn2 t.0? 0.00ru 5.O 0.$ 61.5n{ 5.0? 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P4er 4 nssn8 nfi nEfAnfi l-nfl$[0r]8 (Psrl (GP[) (r88T) 5.07 0,00 51.5 5.07 0.00 6r.s 5.07 0.00 61,5 5.07 0.tv0 61.5 5.07 0.00 61.5 5.07 0.00 51.5 5,07 0.&t 61.5 5.07 0.m 51.5 5.07 0.00 61,5 5.0? 0.00 61.5 t0.l? 18.50 12.5 11.05 19.28 12.5lf.il 21,97 12.5 l7.tE 0.m ns 16.91 23.$5 I2.5 16.55 13.59 12.5 10,82 19.08 t2,5 11.?5 19,80 12.5 15.23 22,63 12.5il.?3 0.m u.5rr.l5 21,02 12.5 17.07 21.% t?.5 22.57 0.00 t2.5 19,06 6.12 12.5 19.{7 15.59 12.5 20.68 0.m u.5 17.30 u,t2 12.5 13.37 21,2t .12.5 12.32 20.36 12.5 x0.68 0.00. 12.5 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 qn 5,8 5.8 5.8 5.E 5.E 5.8 5,8 5.8 5.8 File: BRIDGE1S.fi8 (eH) (I{crrEs)(FEE[) tnET) (rffiT) (PsVrT.)(PSr) ccl > 0l 333.37 4,540 40 CfE 25 42,57 67.57 0.011 140 5,42 0.96 5.61 n ) u2 333.37 3,935 0l C 1t,11 33.26 107.13 0.025 150 0.00 2,69 5.19 u? ) m1 333.y 1.5t0 {0 BB 5.75 26.61 32.16 0.011 1{0 2,r7 0.46 6.61 tRl ) BR2 333.37 {.260 l0 II 6 12.00 18.00 0.025 120 0.00 t 11,30 ?.50 r [01tsr fre fla Deprdent Pressure hss Device in the preceeding pip aaoruts for I0.8{ pi of the total friction los rPfl . rItB! 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Resldualr ll3.0C pst. ! 1126.el gpr.[oger 25l,ll gpr,) 88 gpr.,f/n , )lf ,,) ,rl,',"yd,[ ,n,W,,u'|t 4rr /' Syrtu rcgulreur Supply avrllrbler Safety llrrglar tarlrur veloctty Corttnrltl it Ell {l.ll psl. t 1C6,39 p8t. 58.68 psl, tn the systen ls 21.23 ft/sec. noder mtlsfled to 0.01 gpr, ( includlrq loae lllorancel ///n /t/P't"l 6te. TINIrc [B$ND t'15 Dl08El ELBO| E " 9e DlGffit ltB0f L " tl 0lOill tOtc il8n $B0r I " ttB 0B C[086 B " lUltlBlll llttll 0 = 0All llllS C.. CffiC[ It[W t0188 r PPI TTPB LIOT}ID {l . SCIBDULB 4e lC . SCffiDULl l0 & . t[Ilt Hil',t lD . [CTlltt DIttllTlR ffi . c0PPtB ilPB I C[ = COPP8I TIPE til = COPPIR TTPB I Pt = P0?-[0c cP " cPtc llle' BlIDGllS.IEt t PBt$$U88lro0B tPSIl 'T[E' Sprlntler Pr0grar by IPE Softrare, Inc. ttot ilE{IIr0lr [-FAcf0R {GPil} (FrBr) Pager i ccl cc3 |ll U2 8Rl BB2 c8t c$2 c$3 ilel t{t 2 ilo3 m{ re5 F21 t25 d77 Fl6 Fll nl F02 ru3 t0{ r05 Ft6 Iet fc8 F09 nt n3 n2 rt{ ?t5 n5t il? n9 Ft8 t20 t2L ult r23 t25 t24 1fl fl2 It3 Tt{ 1e5 106 te? I09 lrc te8 2el {9.16 41.92 4?.71 12,49 {e.28 3? ,93 26,51 28. 38 26.90 15.90 21.c0 r8,66 l{.33 rf, cf 5 .65 t3. cl 23. fC 23 ,0t 23. 0e 23.t| 23.tC t3.$ ?3.rr 23,t| 23. tl 23 ,01 23.t0 13.m 23,0t 23,[! 23. te 23. fl 23.ee 23.t| 23.C0 ?3,Ct 23. Cl 23.C| 23.Ce 23,ft 23,$0 23,m 23. e0 23. ti 18.66 18.65 10 ,66 18 .65 18.66 r8,66 18.65 18.56 18,65 r 8.66 18.56 t.0c 5,$t 5tc.88 c.|l 0.0N t ,0r c. c5 0,t0 c. el c, 0l c.cl N. Il c.05 t,tt l.t0 t. 0c 0.00 0. tc c ,00 t,tl e.e! c, rl 0.00 c,et 0 .0e Lil e.e0 t,fl c.tt t, t0 f.fc t. tl e.ei f .0l c.0e 0 ,00 l.r0 0,ct e .50 f.$l 0.00 t.0t e.tl t,t0 t.c0 t.fl c.tc t .ll t.cl 0 ,8c 0.ce 0. ct c.c0 t. tt e.e0 e t2 12.5 12,5 u.5 l1 t l2 .5 12 .5 JI.' {1,5 51 .5 6l .5 2l ,5 tl,1 21.5 21 .5 21 ,5 7t,5 21,5 l-t.t 2l ,5 t1 t 21 ,5 21 ,5 tl.l ?1,5 2l .5 21 .5 2l,t 2l .5 21,5 2t .5 tl I 21.5 2t,5 ?1 q 21 .5 21 .5 21 ,5 3l .5 3l .5 31 .5 31,5 3l,t 31 ,5 3t,5 31 .5 tl I 3l .5 80uRct tlll|r lllMm.lil 'lfl' Sprlniler pr0grer by igl $oftrare, Inc, . r -rgfrlffi ;;iilgymor tr8rl lenl Pager 2 ztz t0.662)3 10.56,l!{ r n,[62t5 1t.66 zt6 I rt.6$, 211 ' lF;6f2r8 10.ffizegl tg"6['2f9 t8.[fzlt 11.662U lt,s.zln 10.6f2r2 18.6f213 18.66lU ' t8,t[2r5 1t,t6216 lt,t6211 18.S2r8 ll.tr 2t9 : tg.etzlt .18.5{ E|l $.33$lB il.33utzt 1t.33[!2 l{. !3[N3 1r.33ff{ lt.trffs lt.t3[f6 lr.ilat? 1t.33n0 u"tt[a9 l{.3]il0 1{,t3nl u.33gu t{.33n3 t{.33nf u.t3f,15 . l{,33816 , lf,t3xl? l{.33ln ll.l3u9 il.33[?t 1{.t3Ezl lt.3lN22 l$;13r23 ll.i3[2{ l{.t3125 1r.33!t5 lt,3lEZl lt.l3[2t H.33 129 ' 1t.338ll ll;lt802 lt.llSt3 llilC f.lll.ll l.tf r.fll,ll t,ff t, tl e. cl l.ll e.ce t.|l t.tl l,It t.lt t. tl t.tl t.|l. t.ct t.tl t. Nl t.lt f.ll i.ct f.tl r.ff f.tl t,ll t.tfl,ll 0.t$ t.tl t.tl t.|l 0.fl t, tl t.tf t.tl 0.00 t.ft a.tc |,tl t.ll f. rfl.ll r. clt.il f.tr e,ul.ll t. tl t,tf f.tl t,tt t.fl t,!t ilwttl0il l-rucTon IrBrrl 3l .5 31 .5 3t ,5 3l .5 31.5 31.5 il.5 3l .5 3l ,5 Jl.5 31 .5 il.5 1l t 3l .5 3l .5 3r.t 31 .5 31 .5 il.5 3l .5 tl.5 4l .5 {r ,5 4t .5 {1 .5 It .5 {t .5 {1 ,5 {l.5 41 .5 {l,t {1.5 tl,! {l .5 {t .5 {l.t 1l,5 {t .5 {t,t 41.5 {1,5 {1.t {l ,5 {l .5 {l .5 {1 .5 {l .5 {t .5 {l .5 {1 .5 {1 ,5 {l .5 51,t !r.5 llle3 B[ilren$,ilr . PIBSSURI[oDr tP8rl 'lffi' Sprlntler Progral by lPl Softrare, Inc. t[0t il,8{tllolt [-FAc10[ IGP||I tF![Tl Fage: 80{A sc{ st5 $05 $0? $t8 6e9 st0 8lt sr2 813 814 815 816 811 slt $19 s20 82el sz08 821 all 823 s2{ 825 nl0 82? s28 rcl il2 tfc3 It{ re5 ilt5 He8 m9 tfl I nl tfl2 n3 tl4 lfl5 In5 ||r? fl8 n9 me t2r t22 n9A ile6[ f55 l|05[ I I, 1N. Ce lt. tl 10.t0 lt, tl le.ct lt.tl 1C.rl r0, cc It. ee l!, tl lf.tl lt, ft 10.0c It, tl lr. ff t0,ft lc. el lt,tf lt. ee 1N,t0 10.0c 1t. tl lc. tc lr,!0 tc.t0 tf. fl le.tf 10. tf 5.55 5.65 5.56 r,bb 5,66 ].DD 5 .56 5 .65 5 .65 5 .55 5. 66 I .66 5.56 5 .66 5 .56 5 .55 5.55 5,65 5 ,66 5 ,56 5.56 5 .66 5.56 5 .66 5.56 n.t? u,e5 c. e0 t.c0 0.cl t. tc t.t3 t, tl c.cc 0. tc c.0c r,|t t.fc 0,c0 c. cl t. tl 5. C0 e,c0 c.cc 0.tl c.ce 0,9e c.c0 r.|t c,c0 0 ,80 c. cl f.m t.l0 !. t! t.cc c. tf 0.ce t, cc 0.0f r. tc e ,0e t. t0 t.e0 t. lc 9. e0 c,tt t. cl t.il 0.0e 0. c0 t.tc 0. t, e.e0 t, ce t. tc N, tc 0.0e LC0 t.ct 10,50 19.28 It t 5l .5 5l.t 5l ,5 5l .5 5l ,5 tr.l 51,5 51 .5 5l ,5 5l .5 51 ,5 5l .5 5l ,5 5l ,5 51 ,5 51 ,5 51 .5 5I, !ql ( 51 ,5 51 ,5 5l .5 5l ,5 51 .5 51,5 bt .l 6l.t 61 .5 5l .5 5l .5 61 .5 61 .5 6i.5 6l .5 5l .5 DI. ] 5l ,5 Dl .l 51,5 61 .5 Dl ,l 5l .5 51,5 61 .5 Dt,l 6l,5 61.5 61 ,5 6r .5 61.5 l2,t 12. 5 5,8 5.0 FlIEIBRTDGEIS,IEB'TI8' , Pnr$8unB Ploflil0DE lPSrl loPr{l $prlnhler Frogran by trPB S0ftHare, Inc, ErSI,[TI0]r t(-FtCroR IrEEr I Page r 7 10 l1 12 IJ 14 l6 l't 18 t8A 19 14,1{ 1?,18 15,89 Ib.JJ t0,8? 11 ?t 15,23 18.22 l?,15 1? .0? zz,56 19,05 19,{? 20.68 r?,30 IJ.JT t2,12 20.68 2l.91 0 .00 23 ,8{ 23.58 19, e8 19 .88 22,63 0.00 ?t,0? 23.95 21 .55 25.32 25 ,59 0 ,0e 2t.t2 21,21 20,36 0.00 12.5 It,i t?..5 12 .5 It,l 1l I 12 ,5 12.5 12 .5 12,5 .ll.l tt,7 1t t rt ( 12. 5 12,5 12. 5 5,8 5,8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,8 .- 5.8 5,8 5,8 5,8 5,8 f zxz(.*Z IlIE! BRIDGTIS.TBE "TIB' DI[I{BIER IYPE FITTITOS L8[oru {r!rcm$l (FEETI BE0TN BIID FLOI il0DE ll0DB {cPr,il Eprliller Progran by IPB Softrare, Inc. E0tr t8il0t[ T0I r,Eilcffi P8tclt0il C-IALUB Pe IFEBTI lrEBTl |P$I/F1. I tPsll Page r Ff lIBTOCITY(P$rl {rT/sEcl tf1 tr'? ut u2 BBI BB2 c8l t{01 r,t0 2 ile3 [0{ It05 t21 t25 FzZ tl6 Fte re3 Ftz r03 F04 i05 F06 FC9 gc8 n0ill Fl3 Fl2 t15 P15r Fl6 Fl7 Fl9 il8 N2t 12tI t22 F23 F25 N2l 101 109 lle I0z ?e3 I0{ 105 2C6 205 2l tA 211 LLL ccl UI U2 Bn1 BR2 c$r cs2 c$2 c83 il01 ilo2 t{c3 te4 il01 t21 r25 t22 n6 Fl0 tcl ?02 Ft3 r0{ rc5 TO'i r09 te9 flt rtl Fll F14 815 115 Fl6 T1? il7 t2i E2l I21 F22 123 P23 ile2 lt1 T09 ll0 Te2 T!? Te{ 1C5 2e6 t05 2l1r 2l1A 0, ce c.00 0 ,00 c.00 c, c0 0. cc 0.0t L00 0 ,0c c. c0 c,cf r.0c 0 ,0c 0.00 0.00 t.00 t,il 0.0c 0 ,0t t .00 t. te $.r0 0 .00 t.00 c,00 $,$e 0,t0 0.00 0.00 0.cl r, tc c. c0 0. tc 0.00 0, c0 0.0c 8.tc $.00 c, 0i 0.00 0 ,00 0 ,0e I ,00 c,e0 c,c0 0.00 0 ,0c 134 li{ 23,r5 20 t5 IL l2 ItLL 11 22 , 10 10 10 t2 4,5 ?.5 1t ,5 t2 ,5 {,5 tt .5 {.5 1.5 .lt.l tt { 4,5 t2 l{,25 4,?5 f,?5 5.5 t 1.5 0,0t 9 ,5? 4, 25 q ll,l 3 .00 9, 00 10.00 lc.c0 10. e0 14, Ce 9.5e 13,50 0 .5e 13,5$ 14,0e 0,5c 9, 50 13.50 0 ,50 13,50 1{,00 0,50 9, 50 it.5e 0 .50 13,50 1{.00 0.55 9.50 13,5C 0,50 13,58 14,25 4.15 {,75 5,50 9. t0 1.50 It,bt ll.bl 9,25 0 .50 13.5$ 0 ,58 I .25 2.21 0,18 1,{8 0.cc 0.e0 e ,0c 0.00 0, cc 0.00 0,00 0.e0 0,00 9. 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'l|0t8r The ll0tt Dep€ndent Pretsure Losg Devlce 1n the preceerllng pipe sccounts for 10,82 p8t 0f the l0tal frlctl0n loss "Pf" {,260 l0 t 4.26s le {,260 lC 4. 26S 10 {,260 10 4.250 i0 2,154 10, T8G 2.154 )(I 2,154 r(t 2 .15{ )([ 2, 15{ l(l, 2 ,154 ]{t Lt04 lG E 1,10{ Ifi, t 1.452 {[ I 1 .104 )(r1,lt{ l(t Ef,i04 )0, Ir,t0{ tfi, 1.104 n T 1,{52 til', I 1.104 )(L r,10{ l(t E I ,104 xt I 1,104 tG 1,104 XL T 1.{52 |il', I 1.t0{ It 1,1t4 l(t E 1.104 til, El,t0{ r(t i ,104 )(I I 1,4!2 r[ T1.t0{ xt, r,10{ )(t, E 2,535 lC TGI 2,535 10 2,154 XL 2. 15{ l(t 2.15{ l(t 2.154 l(t 2 . 15{ ltl t,452 tfi, tB 1 ,452 )(L BI 1,10{ l(t I 1,104 )fi, I,r04 til, E t5,00 38,00 e ,08 0,00 14,11 5.e0 5,0f e.00 0,00 0.0e 0 ,00 0 ,00 25,00 15 .00 12,0[ 12.00 12.C0 12.0$ e .09 0,0e 0.0e c, cl 0,$e 2,80 5 .00 6,ec e .00 2.90 2,ge c,r0 5 ,00 5,00 0 ,00 2.CC 2.8e 0, 00 5 ,0e 6,00 0,ee 2,ee 2. CC c,ee 5 ,00 6 ,0c 0,ee 2.00 25 , e0 37 .00 0 .00 0.00 0 .00 0.00 0 ,00 0.e0 9,50 5.00 5 ,00 0 ,0e 2.00 12,0e 18.00 0,030 120 0,c0 | 11,36 8,12 6 ,00 12,e0 0,930 120 -2.11 c,35 26.00 {9.?5 39 ,9t 2t3 ,9t 0 ,003 1{0 0,00 22.e0 42,0s 0.030 tze 5.{2 0.030 120 0.00 0.030 lzg 2,11 0,030 129 0,00 0 ,000 120 0 . 00 e.000 12i e.e0 0,e00 rzc e,00 e .00e ns 0.$0 0,0e0 123 0,00 e,000 120 0,e0 0,c00 120 c,0c 0,960 Lzs e,00 0,000 tzc 0,00 0.e0e rze 0.ee c,0c0 rzc 0,c0 0.000 120 0,e0 c,00c 120 c,00 0,000 tzs 0.00 0,0c0 120 c,0c 0.000 rza 0.00 c,cec lzc $,c0 c.000 120 0,00 0,000 t20 e.0c e.000 120 0.00 0.00r t20 0,0c 0.00e 124 e,0e0,0t0 120 c. t0 e.000 120 0.00 0,000 120 0,00 0.00c tzr 0.000.t0c 120 0,c0 0.000 \n 0.00 0.000 120 0,c0 0.0ee lzi 0,00 0,000 tzl 0,00 e,000 120 0.000,!0c t20 t,cc e.00c 120 0.0e 0,0e0 Iza 0,00 0.000 120 0.e0 0,000 rzc 0.00 0,000 120 0.0ec,mc t28 0,c0 0.000 r20 0.ec 0,00e 12e 0,00 0 .000 120 0. e0 0,ee0 120 0,00 e,000 12e 0.e0 c.00c tze t, c0 0.0e0 t20 0.00 0,00c tze 0,00 350, 88 4,269 10 t 360.88 4.260 10 L,T tr1le' 8IIDGEI$.TII DIAI{EI8R ?TPB FITTIIIG$ I',tsIIOf[ {IilCB[s] {rEEll "TIE' $prlnkler Progron by FPB $oftrsre, Inc, EOtl t8llglfl rff tEll0Tfl lRICTI0ll C-vltuB Pe {rEill (r[m] {Psr/rll (P$ll Page: Pf yEtoclty {P$r) (rr/sEcl gBGm t[D F!01{ ll0DB iloDE tcPt{l te6 I06 10? rc0 fc8 ztz 208[ zcl 2e8 2t9 21s 152 215 214 211 109 219 22t 110 213 n0 Ic9 808 EC7 806 t02 [02 E9 2t BE2B 803 Ee{ [05 [06 fl12 s13 At q El4 EI? m8 [20 EZ0 ull fl22 n/J 824 [0? s25 825 [28 921 [29 st9 908 s0? 806 2a{. t0{ 105 2t1 m? T08 297 107 208t 2t8[ 209 210 103 215 t10 211 218 2t9 219 215 ile3ill [09 8C8 [0? f,t5 Iel flt2 8C2[ EC2[ [03 [03 Hll st5 [12 il3 Ii3 815 El? [17 ll9 [2C [21 922 fl22 Egl [25 [26 828 [28 [0{ 609 st8 80? t.00 e.e0 c .0e 0,00 $ .80 0,00 t.00 N, C0 ,.0c 0 ,0r t .00 0.t0 s.00 0 ,0c 0.t0 t,c0 c.rf 0,ec e .00 t ,0t e.e0 0,80 0.0e c.ec c, 00 8,ec c.00 c.ec 3 .0c 0, tc 0. $e 0 ,00 0.00 0, c0 c.00 0 ,0c 0.0c t,00 e.ee e,e0 0.ce 0, c0 0.$c 0. t0 0.0c c. tc 0. $0 0, c0 0. c0 0,ct e ,05 0. cc r,00 0,ec 0.00 t T I I T T I E8T 2.15 3,5 1C 10,33 5.33 L,JJ I 2.15 t0 tl 1,5 4,25 I I ?3.r? 10. 5 I ?E ll.5 LI 5,5 11.25 il 9 tt 2,33 :I42 lt i t?IL 14.83 il ,33 l1 5 I J.0l I t.rt 5 2.25 t,? tt I LL 1t,5? I 8,5 U 5,e0 5.00 0.e0 2.00 0 ,0e $ ,00 e.e$ 2.Cg 5 ,00 2.gc 2. $0 5,CC 5 .00 5 ,00 e.e$ 9.00 0,0e 5 .00 5. 0e 2,00 38.00 c,e0 e ,0e l2 ,00 c.ce 0 ,0t 2.00 5. C0 5 .00 0,00 5 .00 2,ic 5,00 5 ,00 t.ec 5,el 2.00 c, ce 5.0e 5,eN 5.e0 5,CC 2.5C 5 .00 ? .0e 5,!0 0.00 5 ,00 0 ,00 5,C0 ? ,00 ? ,00 1e.50 t. tl 0. e0 I,IJ 8,5C 10 .00 12,33 5 .33 2.33 8 ,00 4.1t 5,S3 I2 .0r 13 .00 8.5 e 9 .25 6,!0 8.C0 32,11 l0 .50 5 ,5C q ?q 13.50 61.00 5 .50 ll,25 23.00 9.0c 9. 33 1{.00 5.+2 11,00 6 .00 t{,08 19,83 t,5t 11.00 13.90 5,00 6.00 0,57 6,00 8,50 7 .83 6 ,00 14.92 I0 .00 t. tx ( It 11 .0e 5. tc 19.00 17,5? 18 ,00 8,50 8.00 0.0e0 0,0e0 0 .0e$ 0,000 0. 00e 0 ,000 0.e0e 0,000 0.000 0,000 e .000 0 ,0e0 0. 000 0 ,000 0 .0e$ 0, c0c 0.0ee c, c00 0,009 0,000 0 .0e0 0, ec0 0.0e0 0. c00 e. eee [. ec0 c. c00 0. cg0 0 ,000 e,0ec 0.000 0,000 0 ,000 t, c0e 0.000 0, e00 0.000 c, c00 0 .000 0, cce 0.eeo c,t0c c .000 9. t00 0. c00 0,000 0,000 c, e00 0.ce0 I ,000 0.e00 g. e0t 0.000 0, ec0 0 ,000 L104 )(tl.l0{ l{L 1 .10{ xt 1,t04 t(t 1,10{ ){L 1,1e{ l{t 1,10{ nt,l0{ l(t 1 .104 l{tI.i04 I(t 1'tc4 t0,Ll0{ x[ 1 .104 IL 1 , 104 l(t 1,1e4 nLl0{ lG r,101 )(r I,104 XLLl01 l(lt,tc{ l(t 3.26C r0 2,635 t0 2,635 10 2 ,635 1$ 2.15{ n 2.r5t n 1.10{ l([ 1.t04 lG 1 .10{ xt 1 ,104 )(r 1.104 ){t, 1,104 Ntj.l0{ l(It,u4 r(t I .10{ 1il,Llt{ l(t L104 10, l,104 1il, 1 ,10{ )(I 1,1C4 l(t 1.104 l0 l,lc4 lG I .lc4 tfi, 1.10{ n 1.1e4 )il, 1,104 l(L I ,104 Xr, 1.10{ Ifl,l.l0{ Iil. l,l[4 tG I ,104 )(t 2,15{ rN2.tt4 l0 2,15{ l0 2.15{ 10 T I 120 0.e0tla 0,00 120 0. e0Izt e,00tze 0,00t20 [,cct?e 0.0e 120 0.00 r20 0.00 120 0,00 120 0.00t20 0,0ctze 0.00tle Lco 120 0.00 120 0.00 120 0,00tza 0.50 120 e. 00 120 0,00 r20 0.00t?0 0,00tz' e,e0tlc 0,09rze 0,0erzs 0,00 120 0,00 120 0,00tzg e.00 12e 0,00 12e 0.0e 120 0,00 120 0.8er?g 0,0! 120 0.0crza c.50t20 0.00tzc c,00 120 0.00 r20 0,00 120 e.00rzt c.00r25 0.0e 125 0.80 120 0,0e 12e 0, t0 120 0.00lzc c, c0tzr 0.00t28 e,ee Lze 0.ce L?0 0,0c 120 e.0e 120 C.00r20 0.0e 0, 00 0 .00 0 , c0 0,000.00 0. 000.09 0,[00,00 0,e0t,0E 0,000.00 e, e00.0r 0,00 0 . e0 0.0e0.00 0,0e 0 .00 0. 000,00 0.e00.e0 0.00c,00 0,000.00 0. 00c,0r 0,0c0.e0 e.0e0.0$ 0,000.00 0,000,00 0.000,00 0.e$0.c0 0,0e e. e0 e, e00,c0 o.ee 0 ,00 0.000,cc 0.000.00 0 .00 0. e0 0 ,00 0 .00 0.000,00 0,ee e ,00 0.00 c, c0 0, c00.0e e.00c,00 0,00 0 .00 0.000.00 0.00 0. 00 e .00c,00 0 , 0c0.00 0.00 0 ,00 0 ,0ce.e0 0,e0 0, rc 0. c00.00 c.000.e0 0,00 0 ,00 0 .00 0, 00 c,000.00 0.00t,00 0,c00.00 0 , 00 0, cc c.00 0 ,00 e. c0 0 .00 0 .00 0. 0e 0.000,00 $ , e0 e. ee e.00 T I I ETCT E T T T E T f nI I T T T I E T ET I I T E1 e[t I ftle' SnlDcng.Tflt BEoIil BlrD ttoll [oDE il00r tgPt{l DIAIIITER TYPS FITIIIIG$ I,EllCTfl{rNc[Esl lF8trl 'T[B' tprlnkler Pr0grar by FPB $0ft$are, Inc, B0[ LEleu T0T LBllGl[ IIICTIo}| C-l/ttUX lFBEll {F8Erl tP$r/Ff.l Page r Pe Pf llff0CIIY tP$rl lP$rl lFr/8Ecl s05 $0{ 8e{t $02 s03 8e1 st1 Dlt DI J 815 st6 $05 01{ $l? g0? 824 c)1 825 s08 820A s20B s20 921 819 sl8 $28 s26 s2? s2l [55 H05[ fll9 [05 n9[ fl?0 [18 tf0 { t02 il03 tc9 tfr 0 nl ft2 [16 il4 l{15 fi6 [17 [86[ [06[ t2t 112 tcl c62 13 s05 8e5 s0{ s${ s02 8e2 sl0 sl1 $lt 816 st? ct? sl3 615 nI0 621 s23 823 s25 8e8 $2Ct 82el $20 82C s19 $e9 $28 828 t{c 5 [e5 s!5 u05[ [05[ H9 n9 [19 m5 t${ rtz re8 r09 t{lc n0 Hll il3 [1{ tt: Hl5 fll6 lfo6 *t6[ f21 t02 13 lc r ?q 5,33 I 11 ,25 I 1e.?5 ll 1.5 n,25 12 .5 It 5.33 t.5 l? q t,5 2 * 11.25 I i ,83 6.t? ls.25 9,42 1 l4,) tt r .03 1 5,1? 5.?5 I.JJ 2.61 8.6? l .8l { .33 I 10 2 .33 I 0 l0 2 .JJ il,17 I .33 6,25 2.5 t{ 3,5 1C,00 0.00 5,00 5.e0 5 .0e 2.e0 2 ,00 5 .00 0,0e 2.&e 5.t0 5,e0 5.CC 2.00 5,C0 5 .00 2 .00 {. $e 5.C0 5 .0e 1 ,89 0.00 7 ,00 0.00 ? ,00 6.00 5,CC 2.04 8 ,0c e,00 6, CC e.00 5 ,00 5.0e c,00 {,c0 0, c0 e.00 0,t0 0. ge 5.C8 5.NC 5 ,0c 5.e0 0.el 5.00 0 ,0c 5.e0 16,00 e.0e 0 .0c 5.Ce 0 ,00 0.0e 1C,00 I r tE 5.33 5, C0 16. 25 6,t0 12.i5 14 ,0c 5.5e l4 .50 5 ,5C 10.3 3 6,50 14. 5e 5,5t 7 ,0e 5 ,00 15.25 5,e0 13,83 13,t? 10.25 16.{2 2.00 21.00 8. 25 5 .83 I .00 t3,?t 2.25 11,r7 J.rl 18,00 5.33 t,0l 11.01 I ,83 4.3 3 4, 0i 10. e0 ? ,00 5.33 t3,ee 15 .06 10 ,0c ? .0e 0.33 13.00 21 ,t1 1.33 5,25 ? ,5e 5,1? 1{.0$ 13,50 c, e00 e,eoe 0.000 e, 000 0 .00c 0.000 0 ,000 0 .000 0,000 0. 000 0,0c0 0.000 0, c00 0. e00 0, c0c 0.000 0. 000 0.ee0 9. r00 e,000 !. e0r 0,000 0,000 0.e00 e ,000 0,e00 I .000 0 .000 0.0tt 0,000 0 ,00t e .00c e ,000 0. e00 0,000 0.0e0 0, ee0 0 .000 c,00c 0.000 [.00c 0.000 0,000 0.00e 0,000 e,000 e, t00 0.000 0. ec0 0 .000 0 ,000 0.00e c,0ec 0.309 0,122 0,r0 2,1540,c0 1.104t.00 I .10{0.00 1.104t,c0 1,t0{t.00 1.104 0, ec r ,10{0.00 l t0{e,00 i,10{e.00 1.1010.ct 1,1010.ec 1.104t,0l Lt04 0 .00 1 .104e,0e r , r0{c.00 Lt0{c,00 Ll0{0.00 r.le4t,ft Ltc4$.00 1,4520,t0 1,10{0.00 1.101[,00 l,t0{0.0e i.1040.08 t,rc{,.0t 1.4520.00 l.l0{t.c0 1.1040.ll 2,154T.ec 1.4520,cc l.{5? 5 .50 I .10{{,c0 t.r04e.e0 1.10{0,00 Ll040.e0 l.l040,ec t,{52$,0c l.{52c,c0 1,452r.00 1 .104r,c0 1,10{0.00 l .l ${0,00 1,1${8.0e l.452t,0t Lt040.e0 1.10{0.c0 1.16{0.00 1.1s40.08 1,5870.00 1 ,68?c,0c 2,t5{ e. e0 i .104 c, c0 1 ,452 360.88 2.535 216,?3 2,15{ t0 I )(Itfit )(tT l(t f ){LE lftE vlnAIJ .T tfi', xttr :(t t TtT r(tT )il, tr)(tf NTl(tr XT, Btr t(t r xtT I{I, EI )(t,rt E1 xt l(t Et )(IT xl, t )(I', E l(L )(t t(t t )([n?)(tf xl NEE [! t0, I! ru )(I', I l(I, T IGT )0, T IL )il, r l(l,, UT l(t E8t t(l IG ){I, T IG l0 l(t f tzt 0,00l2e e.00r28 0,00 12e 0.00 120 0,00 120 0.90 120 C,[0 120 0.00 128 e.00 120 0,e0tza 0.N012i 0.e0tzc c.tl 120 0.00tzt c.c0 120 0.00 12C e,e0t?g 0.0etzc 0,00 120 0.00l?0 0.0c 12e 0.00 120 C,00 120 0.00lz0 0,c0 120 0.0e 120 e,00r20 0,00 120 0,00 120 0. e0 120 0,00t20 0.90 120 0 ,00 120 o,ec 120 0,00t20 e,00tzc 0.0c 120 0,c0t20 0,0e 120 0.e0 120 0,c0tzg 0.e0 120 0,00t?s 0.0e r20 0.00 12e 0.00rzt 0,00tza 0,ee 120 0, t0t?g 9.00t?g 0,00 128 0.0et20 0,00 124 0,e0tz[ 0.c0 0.00 c, 0e0.0e 0, eee.ee 0,00 0 ,00 0 .0er,r0 0,0i0.00 0,ee0.cc c,000.00 0.00 0 .00 0 ,00 $ , e0 0.000,0c 0,0c0.00 e,e00.00 e. 00 0 . e0 0.00t,00 0,cc0.ec 0.00e,00 $,00 0 .00 e. 00[,00 0, 0c0.0e 0. e0 0, e0 0. e00.00 0,00$.00 0,000.00 e , e00,00 e, c00.0c 0.000,00 0,00 s .00 0 .000.0c 0,000.00 0,000.r0 0.000.ee 0.008,00 0,00 e . 00 0.90 0 , e0 0,00o,ee 0.000.c0 c.000.0e 0.00t,cr 0,0c 0 .0e 0 ,0e0,00 c.cee.e0 e.e00,00 0 ,00c.00 0, e00,00 0. e0 0 ,00 0. 000,00 0,00 0 , ee 0,00 e, 00 0, c0 0, e0 0.000,00 0,c0 0 .00 0.00 0, N0 c, cc{,33 21.23t.14 t9,08 llle' lRImHS.l[["T[[" Sprlntler Progral by tPB goftHsre, Inc. FLor DIillEl8B IIPE rulllilo$ mfl0ffi 80tr ffiltglB T01 tiil0tB tRIcII0lt c-trAtuE pe tcP||l (ilc[88] (ru811 lrsBrl tFEBrl {p6r/rT.l tpsr} Page r Pf l|Bloclty(PSrl (11/sBCl BE0m SllD lt0D8 I0DE I T telt3 l519 162L32{3458?90tt Il8 18[l? l815 l?{556lt lll1 12 ID I,]15 14 1e?.16 2.154 ll6 ,6t 2 .1549.fc 2.15{ 10.5C 1,1t4 3? .18 1 .10{59.rt L452 23.30 1.45219,f0 Llc{ 38.95 1,1046l,59 |,452 ?e.35 1.1e{{1,5? 1,10{ 65.69 1.{52?{,0{ 1.104 23.58 L{s2 4?.98 l,{52 23,96 l.{52 5C,91 l.{52 25,32 1.{52 )([ IB til, il, )([ IG Ifi, )(t IL [|J II tfi', ItI It n t(L vtAI' f,t 10, 12 8.5 tt 10 l0 I 2 IE 10 I 10 10 I t l0 I 2 T, l0 0.e0 t0,0t 0, c0 c, c0 e .40 6,tr 6 ,0c 0, ce 0.00 5, t! 0 ,00 r, cl 6.e0 0.0f 0.00 6,00 0.s0 5,00 0.0e 12,C0 18 ,5C 12.00 1c,00 le.e0 1{, 00 8. C0 t0,[0 1e.e0 1{, Ct 10. ee 10,00 14.0e 2,tt 10,00 [. ce 2.04 8. t0 le.cc 0. e8? c.lt2 0. ete 1,188 0.329 |,2t2 0.036 0 ,093 e.348 0. ?14 0.105 0.393 e .2{l 0,1{3 e, e35 0,135 0.037 t ,150 e.e{1 12C e.C012, e.00 120 0.00 12a 0,t0 120 e.ect25 0,t0lze 0, e0rzt e.0tt2a e.00t20 0,0ct20 0.00 L?g C,0N 120 0, 00 120 C,0Ctze 0.00 120 0,c0 120 e.e0t?c 0. cct25 0.00 1,05 9.441.89 tc.210.00 e.eoc,88 6,20 3 .29 12 ,662,81 il.58e,29 {.530.93 5.393.{8 13.063,00 u,93 I .05 6.823.93 13,933.38 12.?l9,29 8.C60.36 {. 57 r . t0 9.30c.01 {,64 r ,2t 9.85 0. {1 {.91 o.(D ld =E t crldtr v,cl'tct(f,(f,J (E cD I =oJL CI Lf Llr E:c {t Eo[3 :l cr"flftn E\o {ISd} 3HflSS3Ud (ta a r1"c" t 1,fl+ ', lt t0RrutIc suiitRY glltn sltPPtt ltr0nltrl0l Strtic: 1f8.ll Esi. l$idual: 1f3.ll Cai. t 1l?6.01 gpr. llose: 25l.ll gpr. Srster requires: 15.08 psi. I 6f1.37 gpr. Supply avrilabler 116.13 psi. (including Sose Allournce) Srfrty lrgil: 5f.55 psi. llxirur vrloclty in the syeter is 21.57 ft/s3c. Crntlnuity rt alI nrdee srtlefled to f.l1 gpr. fITII|G tt6tt0 PIPE TYPT TEOIIO ' 15 0E6ttt tt809 .90 0Etttt ttl0tl. 91 Ottltt t0t6 I0t* tl.B0T. Ttt 0l CI0SS. EITIIlrtr Vttvt. Gtlt VltVt. cffCI VitVE : scIt0ut t {l scIt0ut.t 1l iltIx {til. tcl|lil. 0IiltTEl COPPTR IYPT ( COPPER IIPT I COPPIR IIPT I P0I-t 0c cPvc tl 1l xt t0 cr ct ci PT CP r0It$: ttlrt 0rINflS.Tt[ 'lflE' Sgrtnktrr grograr l; fl[ Softe.f!, Inc. lrqr: t trlss0lt ft0H ttttru0r t-ft0Ton mft 0r;stTr(?srl (0Pi) (FftT) (se.il.1 (ilr/s0.fT.lt00[ ccl cc2 cct U1 U2 Ert Iu 0st cs? tst ilt il? it3 ifl it5 fzt F?5 tt2 I16 I$ f|lilt tf3 Ftl ffl Ftl ilrill Ftt tu flf frt rtl t1t n6l frt Htfll fn r21 f?ll fet tzt rtl Ilt Itt Il3Ill r|5 I|6 rlt n9 rtl rt8 ltr 6 5 x 3 3 ?1.5 31 .5 t1 .5 $1,5 61.5 21 .5 ?l .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.6 2l .5 21 .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21 .5 ?1 ,5 21 .5 2l .5 21.5 2l.t 21,5 21.5 21. $ 21.5 21.5 tl.3 ?1.5 21.5 2r. t 2t .5 21.5 ?1.5 3t.5 31.5 3l ,5 3t .5 3t .5 31.5 31.5 31 .5 31 .5 31 .5 tt .5 tl.Jt? r.ttt5.23 r.tf t5.88 ffl,37 t5.t3 r.llt2.91 t.tl It.rt t.tl 3t.tt t.tl3t.lt r. tl 29,66 t.tl 2s.65 l.rl?t.6t t.tttt,31 f.fl u.er t.flt.fr t.tlr.il t.tlt1.5r t.tf21.5t l.tl?1.6t f.tl1t.6r r.fl?t,il f.tl 21.6r t,tlrr.6r t.|l21.5r l.tl 11.6r t.tl lt.6t t,tl?t.6t f.ffIt.6t f,rl u.6t t.lltt.6t t.llu.er t.tl ll.il r.flfl.il t.fl ?1.6r t.tl lt.6r t.llil.6t t.tl il.{t l.tl il.fr 0.tl2l.er l.lru,6t . f .rf il.6t t.tf?1.$ t.tfut.6r t.alil,il t.tl il.ft t.tl 1r.31 t.tltt.n t.tl tt.3t l. ll lt.3t t.tl 1t.31 t.tl11,3t t.rlrr.il t.tll?.3r r. rl ..tl.9t r.rl 1t.31 r.rl 17.31 t.rl I t2 12 $oUn0r 3 3 't rild:}llfifl$.Illt'T[[' i Pm$sutf rtollr0tE {f$I) (rPr) $prinlter Prograr bJ t9[ $oftetrc, Inc. Paqc: EtEVtrIor x-frcT0t ilft 0trsllt(r[rr] (s0.fr.] (rPtrsQ.fr.] i 212 : tt.3l ?ll 1I:31 zfl' tt.3t2t5 tt.312t5 il.31?j tr.31nsI rr.31 ?f8t rt.il ?tt il,3r2{ u,31ztt 1r.3t21ll tt, sl212 tI.31213 11.312lr rJ.3t?16. 1t.31tt6 ll.31zfi il.3t llt lt.3tllt ,r ,lt.3t22t rt.3tlfl lt.9t||lll l.t,.gltft?t 12,91l||2 u.grm3 12,9rsl{, ti, N7l|tsi 1?.9rHf6 lei 9l Itlti . tt.g,mt l?.gtfftt t2,91 Nlt lt.gtnt u.9tut t2.9t il13 lt.$ [1{ lt.gl[t[ u.gl n6 12.9t filt lt.gtfi$ t?.gl[19. 1t.3til?t l?.t,fl?l u.ttil?? 12.9t[?3 tt.r,[?r 11.9,ff25 u.gt [eN tt.gt il21 ' 12.9till| t?.gtffit ll.rtSll tt6lstt s.6lstt r.6l . r' l.tl t.tl t.tl f.tl t. tl f.fl f.tl t.tl t. tl t.il t.tt t.tl t,tf t,tl l. tf t. tl l.lf t, tl l. tl t.tl t. tl f.tl t.ll l.tl l.ll f.tl f.tt t.tl l.tf |,tl l, tl t. t0 l.tf t. tl l. ll l. tl t.rl f.tl t.tl t.fl t.tl t.tt l.rlt.il t.D t.tl l.rf t.rl t.ll l,tl f.rl f.fl t"|l t.fi t. tl 31.5 3t.5 31.5 31.5 31 .5 31 .5 31.5 31. $ 31 .5 el t 31 .5 3t .5 31 .5 31 .5 31 .5 3t .5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 It.5 11 .5 | 1.5 t1.5 fi.5 il.5 It.5 t1 .5 t1.5 fi.5 It.5 It.5 il.5 fl,5 t1.5 t1.I | 1.5 il,5 il,5 {l .5 11.5 tl.5 t1. $ il.5 I t.5 |l.5 t1.5 41 .5 {1.5 t 1.5 t1.5 51 .5 31 .5 tt.5 ,rt,, Ur0rrrr.r*, 'Tilt' Sprinkler Progra* by fPt Softuare, Inc, page: ' Pttss|,nt r[0tlr00E (Psr) (6Pi) tttl,tII0r r-frcI0t tnil(rrrr) (s0.rr.) 0IrslrY (6Pr/s[. rr. ) 5il1 5tl sf5 sf6 $il $t8 sf9 $11 s11 st2 s13 stl sl5 s16 s1t s18 s19 s?l s2t I s2tl s2t $22 $?3 5?l s25 s26 $2t $28 utI ltf 2 m3 H{ 9t5 Ht6 HfE gt9 Hll ltlt lt12 g13 lt 1l lt15 ut6 [17 ll18 Tt9 g2f fl21 u22 ul9t ltf6t 955 lnSl I t 8.61 E.6l 8.61 E.5l 0,61 8.51 8.51 E.6l 0.61 8.61 E.6l E.6l 8.61 8.61 8.61 s'. ot 8.fl 0.fl 0.61 t.6l 0.61 8.61 I .5{ E.6l E .51 8 .61 Ltl E. 6l t.3l t.3t r ,31 r.3t | .31 r.3t | .31 t, 3t t.3t t.3t t.3t | .31 t.31 t.3t t.3l r.3l t.31 r.3t 1.31 t.31 t.3t r.31 r.3t t.3 t r.31 9.6t ll.t7 l. tl t.tf t. tl t. tl l. tl l.tf l. tl f.tl t.lf 0, tf t.fl l. tf t. tf r. tl t. tf r.tl t. tf l.lf t,tf t.lf l. tl t. tl l. ll t. tl r. tl t.fl l. tl t. rl f.tl t.fl t. tl t. tl f.rl f.tl f.tf t. tl t.fl t. tl f.tf t.fl t.fl t. tl f.tl l, tl t. tl l.fl t.tl f.tl t. tl l. tl t. tl f.tf t. tl 18. tl 18.r6 51 .5 5t.5 5l .5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 5t .5 51 ,5 51 .5 5t .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 5t.5 5t.5 51 .5 51,$ 51 .5 51.5 51.6 51.5 51.5 51 .5 51.5 JI.J 51.5 61.5 61 .5 51 .5 61.5 61.5 61,5 01 .5 61.5 61 .5 51 .5 61 .5 61.5 61.$ 61 .5 6l .5 61 .5 6t.5 61 .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 51.5 12 .5 12.5 i.r 5.8 121 1?l t. 150 t.t55 tllsl,tIIDltlS,Tft tTX[' Sprirller Prograr ly fP[ Seftu.ri, Inc. Prgr: I Plfs$ult f10t ttrvrrl(}t r-ilcr0t ilil oEtsrTrr0rt {Psr) (tPtl (rrrr)(s0.fT.l lrPrrs0.rr.) 3 ll.il 21.3t 12.5 $.0 121 I ll,l9 ,: l.ll 12. $ 1t.t2 23.t1 12.5 tf.{l 22.96 12.$ ll;21 18.56 1?.5 u.13 19.3t t?.5 $.8 5.8 5.8 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.8 $.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.E 5.8 1?l l2f t2l 121 121 t.ilo t.t93 t.l9t t. t55 t. t5t t.lel t. 195 t.191 t. ??l t.2t5 t. ?f8 t,196 t.tr2 | .lfi Ir, t1 t2 t3 1l 15 16 It 10 t0l t9 t?.$ 12.5 l?.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 t?.5 t?.5 12.5 12.5 u.I u.5 lr"il 22,)l"tt.29 t.rl' il.2i ?t.tglt,l9 23.31?1.t2 26.01 lt.|| il.66lt.tt 2r.9t It.ft t.tl u.rl 23.19lt.6r ?0.611t.6' 19.t2 1r.61 t.tl 121 12f 121 1?l 1?l t2l 121 12f file:8R100tlS.THE B[0II ril0r00t r0Dt OIfrTTTIR TTPE TIITIII6S (ilrilrrs) FL 0ll {cPi) 'Tflt' Sprinkler Progran by FPE Sottuars, Inc. ifil6Ifi t01, itIGril T0T tilr6Iil rnlcrr0lr c-vil.t]E(frfr) (rur) (rrrr) (Psr/fl.) Page: P€ Pf VITOCITY(Psr) (Psr) {fr/src) cc? cclcc3 cc? ccl tll tll ||? |J2 8t1 BRI 8R2r t0Ti: Ihe f Ioe8t? rslcsl cs2cs3 cs2ill rs3ntz llllrf3 it?mr n3iis i! |tzt ill f26 t2l F22 f26 t16 122 tl t f16 fl3 fllru2 ftlFt3 tt2 Fta ffiru5ftlru6 ft5 flg fl) n8ftg ril tfg tll fll i13 fll Itz fll 11$ irl t15t f15 fl6 f1$ flt t16 F19 flt ilt flt f21 f2r F21t l2l t22 f21 F23 t22r2s f?3 t2l f23 Itl m2 Itg ltt rll Il9 Tr2 ltl Il3 Il2 Itl Tt3 It5 Ttl 2t6 n5 2t5 216 2rlr If5 2lr 21ll 2t2 211r 4.26t li G 6.35t lt I | ,26t lt 6r 1.26t ll 1,26t 1r t.26t lt tt P fessure loss 0evice r.26t lC t t.25t lt iT r.26t lt t | .26t 1l t,26t 10 r .26t 1f {.261 lt t,26t 1l 2.15r il. It0 2.15r It ?.15t rt 2.15t Xt 2.15t r[ 2.15r It l.lil il. t 1.lil tt T 1,152 Xt T 1.114 tt 1.111 Xt i 1.1t{ It t 1.11r )(t 1.lil It T 1. t52 I[ T l.lft xr l.lil It t 1.1t{ Xt t l.lil It l.lil tt r 1. r52 It r l.lil xt l.lil It t l.lil It t l.lil Ii l.lil Xt r 1. r52 It Tt.lft il. 1.lil It t 2.635 lt T$T 2.635 1l 2, t5t rr 2.15t tt 2.15r Xt 2.15t It 2.15t rt 1,t52 It Ti 1. r52 It tt1.l0r Xt T I .111 t[ 1.101 rt E l3t 2.66 t7r 39.91 2t 22.0e7r.1, l.ll 6 f.li 6 1?.ll in the preceeding pipe 6 6.tl 23.75 26.t1 2l 5.tt t5 t.tl 12 0,il 12 t.tl t2 t.fl t2 l,li 22 16.01 3 i.tcI r.tl ll f.l! 1l l. la il t.t| t? z.tl t.5 5.tl 1.5 5.tc .5 t.fl 11.5 2.fr L2 z.tl .5 l,0c t.5 5.ll 7.5 5. t0 ,5 f, fl 11 .5 2.ll L2 Z.tl .5 l,ft t,5 s.tl t.5 6.il .5 r. tl 11.5 2.tl t2 2.il .5 r,ll t.5 5.tl t.5 6.tl,5 t.fl 11.5 ?.tl L2 2$.rl 1r.25 | . tl {,ts t.lf 1.75 l.rl 5.5 l.fr 9 t,tl 1.5 t.tl 6. 57 g.li 9.6t 6.ll t.25 s.Cl .5 l,fl 11.5 z.ti 135 .56 213 .91 t?.ft 7t.11 6.tl 18.14 acc0uIts {0r 12 .01 19.75 26.if 15. t0 r?. tl 1?.tl 12.t1 12.01 38.C1 3.fl 9.tl 11.0i tc.fl 1f.0t 1l.fl 9.51 13,5f | .51 13.51 11.10 !,50 9.51 13,51 l.5l 13 .51 1t.t$ | .51 9, 5i 13 .51 0 .51 13. 5f 1t. tl t.5l 9.51 13 ,51 l.5l 13.50 3t.tl t t.25 { .75 t. t5 5. 5t 9.fl 1 .5f 15,61 r 5.67 9.25 l ,5c 13.$l 1|| -5.21 lti t.t0 l?C 1 ,3f 12t t.r0 12t 1.31 l?f |.0t psi of the total 12r -1 . 3l 12C t, tf t2f f.fl 12, l.ll 121 l.cl 121 l.ll 12C t .00 12C l.ll 12C !.lf t2l f.rl t2l c.rl 12t 1 .0! 1?l l,lc 120 t. !l 1?r f.lf 12t l,ll 12t t.ll 12t f,ll l?e | .00 120 l.ft 120 e . e 0 L?t t. tf 12r l.lc 121 0.lf 121 Ltl 121 l.rl 12t t. tl 1?C t,tl l2r t. tl 12t f. fl 121 l.ll 12r l. fc t?l l.lf tzr l.ll 12r f.ll t?l l.fl 121 f.0l 12t t.fc 12f r,llrzt t.tl 1?r Ltl l2t l.tl 12f r.ll l2f l.ll t2f r.l0 12t r. cl 1?r r.0l 12i !.lc 1?0 !, !l 2,92 7.91 I , 65 3.55 t.tg 1.91 2.11 i.91 t.lt 7.91r 11.3t l.gt frlction loss 'Pf 't.3r t.91 l.rt 7.91 t.il t,tl l.il r.tf l .ll r. tl l.|| f.all.lc c.tt l. lf r. rlt.il t.flt.ft t.rf l.ll t.rft,il t.tlt.|| f.tt r. ti t. tlt.$ t.fft.lt t. tlt.il t.tft.ft l.llr.tf 0.cl t. ta t. tlc.tc Ltlt.il t.rl l.ll l . ll f,ft l.ll t.il l.lf l .lf l.ll t.ll l.ll t.il l.ll t. tf | .ll t.ll l.ll f.ll l.tl t.$ f.fl f.il l.ll l.ll l.ll t,il l.ll t.|| l.ll t.il f.ll r.tf l.lf l.ll l.ll t. fl l. ll f.l0 l.lf t.ll f.ll t.ll l.ll t.ll l.ll l.ll l.ll c .0! l. t0 t .lf l.ll r.il l.fl l.lc l.lf 351 .3' 351.3t 351.37 3Sl .31 351.3t 351 .3r 0ependent 3$1.3r 351,37 t. cl r. tl f.fc f.tl t. ta 0.tf r. tf t.tl t. tl 0.t! t.tl t.tl t, tl t. tl c. tf t.fl 0. il t. tl t. tr t, tf t. tl t. tl t.tl t.fl f.fl t.tf t.tf l. lf f.tl t. tl t,il t. tl t.ll t. tl t. tl f .ll t.|l t.tl l.ll l. tl l .ll t. t! t.tl t. tf t.fl f.ll r.tl r, t?1 c.il3 f.028 l.128 t,t?8 l.128 1t ,83 t.t28 l. f28 t.ftl t.ill l. lll l.lll t.itl f. fll t.ill l,lll l. lll f,lft f .lll t.ttl t.ill t.ill t.ilf l. lll f.tat f. tfl t.ill t.ftf t .lll l,lll l.lll l.rl l .lll l.llf t,ill t. tfl l.||l r.tfl t.ill t.ilf t,ml l. lll t.ill l.ill f.atI l ,lfl t.||l t.mN | .lll l.lll l.fli t.||0 t. tfl l. lll t.ill tih 8ll06tlS.Tllt ETGIT IIO I0Dt t00t 0IiltItn lYPr ftTTIfr6s (ilflrrs) Ft otl (GPi) r. E I6I r{ (firr) 'Ttlt' Sprinllrr Prograr by FPE Softuare, Inc,Page: PE Pf VIIOCITY(rsr) (Psr) (rr/src) t0v ttt6ril T0I tttGrl| rnIcII0l{ c-vrrtJr(frrr) (rrrr) (Psr/fr. ) lt6 Tt6 Ttt rfE 108 ?12 2t 8l 2t3 2f8 2f9 211 Tt2 215 211 71t Tt9 219 221 rll 213 flll ilt9 mE mI ilt6 ||f2 il2 ltc?l l||28 fit3 fitI m5 ltt6 lt12 il13 fi15 fi11 il1t flt8 lt2l [2| l|?I il22 lt2 3 lr?l ilt7 [26 fl25 l|28 l|?7 il29 st9 st8 st) st6 ?ll Ttl il6 2C1 ilt TIE 2al ilt 2t8t 2fEl 2t9 21f Tt3 tt( 216 211 218 219 ,10 215 if3 fl11 Ht9 l||I ltf t Ie5 ||t1 m2 fit 2t l|t2t l||3 m3 [11 l||5 H12 ||13 [13 il15 il1t [1t il19 fi21 [2t $22 u22 fl21 fltI fi26 [26 lr28 ||28 il1 st9 sf8 $f7 i.tl r.il t.tl N.al Ltl t.rl f.tc 0 .01 r.tf r. tl l.tl t.rl t.il 0.fl c. cl t,lf f.tl t.il t.aI f.fl l.rf t.tf c. tt t.fl t.tf i.rl t,tf t.tc t.tl LCI t. tl t. tl t. tf l ,ll c. tl t.tl t. tf r. tl t, tl r.tf t.tl f,tlf.tl |.rl l,ll t. il t.tl f.ta t. cl l. tf t. tl t, tl t. tf f.tl r.fl tt I I T tI6i iE I T T t T I I T I I T I il T I T IT Gtt i t,t, 2( 1t 10.33 5.33 2 .33 I t.tt ,83 1l t1 3.5 I ,25 I E rt,tt 1!.5 t r.25 11.5 11 l.) t I ?t 11 9 9.33 l2 t 1? l.{2 11 I 11 11 .83 2.33 ll ?2 t1 0 1 3.6t 1 3.5 5. 83 I 1 .92 ', al .1t ll 1 12 1t.67 I 8.5 E $. tt 5,tl t.fl 2.tl | .0t f.tl t. tl 2.tt 5.tl 2.fl ?.ll 5.tc 5. tl 5. tl t, tc f.i0 t. tl $. tl 5. tt 2. tl 38. tl t.tl t. af 12.fl t. tl t. tl 2.f0 5, tl $.il f.tl 5. tf 2, ti 5.tl 5. Cl t.fl 5.tl 2. tl r. tf 5.tl 5. tl 5.fl 5. tl ?. ll 5. lf t.tl 5.fl t. tl 5. tl t.tl 5.tf 7. tf 7.tl 1t. tf f.tl t.tl t.tt 8,$r tc.tt 12.33 5.33 2,33 8. CC t.75 5.83 12.01 13.t1 8. 5l 0 tt 6.tf 8.0c 3?.1i 1t.$l 5.50 9.25 13,50 6t.fl 5 ,51 11.25 23,tf f.i0 9.33 14. e0 7,33 6.42 11.t0 6.fc 1t,tf 19.83 11.ft ( 1? 13.t1 5. tl 6,ll 8.6t 5. tl 8 ,51 7 .83 6.tl 1t.92 1f. tl 2.75 5. 17 ll.tf 6. 0l 19.r1 tl .61 1E.tl 8.5C 8.ft t. r0t t ,0fl t.ttf f .ilt t.t|l t. ftf t.ill t.||l I,tfl t. ftl t.ill t.||l l, t0t t,tff t.ttf c.$0 0. 0tl t.ili t.$l t. t!l t.ill t.||l t. ftl t.ilt t, tfl t,||l c. ctl f.f!l f ,ill f. tfl l.lll t.||l t.mf t.tfl l.l!l r. tfl t.tfl t.||l t,ill l.flf t.||f t. ftf t .lll t.ill t. tfl t.||l t.ilf t.ill t.ffl 0.il| l,lfl t.||l t.il0 r. ftc f. ftl l,lil rr l,lil n t.ilt Itt.lil It 1. ttl Ir l,t|t xt l,lil il. 1.10t It 1.lil It l.lil It 1.t|4 It 1.1t4 It l.lfr It 1.1fr It 1,lt{ Xt 1.114 Xt l.lil Xt l.lfr It 1.1il lt l.lil xr 3,26f lf 2.635 1l 2 .635 1l 2.635 lt 2.15t il. 2.15r rrr.tcl Ir I.lil xt l.lil il. l.1il It l.lil It l.lil tt l.lil Xr l.M It r.lll n 1.1f1 rr l.lil It l.t|t It 1.[t xt 1.l|| It |-ltl xt 1.1t4 xt !.1il rt l.lil rt t.lt{ n l.ilr It r.lfr It l.lil It l.lil il. 1,lft xl l.ilt xt 2.15t 1l 2.151 10 2.15t 1l 2.15t tl tza 0.tl 120 0.trtzt t.t0 12t 0. fl 120 0. tf l?t t.tl12t r.ct 12f r.rl 120 l.tct2t r.ff Lzt r.0l t2t t.!r12) l.tt lzf i.if 12C l.lC 1?C Leo l?t t.00 L7) c.ll l?t t.c0 t2f t.!0 12C l.lC 1?t t.ti 12t l.r! I2l C, Ct r?t t,tf 12C l.l0 12t N.0e 1?C f.t0 12t 0.01 12t i.rl 1?l t.eltzt t.r0 lzf l.lf 120 l.ll 121 t. 00 Lzt l,ft t2f l.l0 12t t. tl l2c t,tf 12t l,!0 12t l.ll 12N C.ll l?t t. tlLzt t.rl12t t. cl 120 r. rl 12C t,tf 12r f, tt 12t f.fal?t t. 0!t?r l. tl12t l.ll12t l.le12t f,lcl?t l .ll 0.il t.f0t.il c.tct.|| t.tll.rr f.t0t.m t.tlt.l| 0.tlt,il t.tlf.il t,tlc.|| t.tlt.|| t.tl0.il f.tlc.|| t.tcc,il t,t0c.tf t.tlc.t0 c.tf !.tc t.tlt.|l f.tl f.0t | .ll t. ct l. tlf.t0 t.tlt,|| t.flt.|| f.flr.ft t.tl t.il l,ll r. ff l ,lt r.il l.lle,cc t.tlr.0r t.fl r.il l.lf r.il l.tl t.il l.llt.m t.rlr.it t.tlr.tc t.rl r.il l.l! r . ct l.lf r.il l.rl t.il t.tl l.|| t.tf t,ta l.tl r.|| t.tl r.|| f.fl t.ll l.fl r.il 0.ll r.il l.ll t, lf l .ll t,|| f.tl |,|| l.0l t.|| t.tl r. ct f. tl t.il t,tf t.lf l.rl !.il t.tl t,|| f.tl r.|| t.tl file: llI06tlS.Illt EtGIt ttot00t t00t ttott {0Pi} 'Tllt'Slrinklrr Progru by fP[ S0tterre, Inc, 0IntfItR TlPt fITTIil6S tilET|{ tQV tilt6llt I0T Lfil0Trt rRiCII0t C-VtttJt(rrflrrs) (f[rr) (rrrr) (frrr) (psr/fr.) Page: I Pe Pf I,IIoCIIY (Psr) (Psr) (rr/src) st5 $tl s t1[ s02 sf3 st1 st1 s1? sl3 s16 sl7 st5 sll 511 sfI s2l s2? JZJ st8 s2tt $2tB s2l s2t st9 s18 s28 JZD s27 H$5 l|t 5t lr19 tt05 g19t g2l ul8 {tl m2 l|t3 Hl9 ul [11 u12 T15 u1l u15 U16 UlI H06l utSl tt2 t u2? tJt 1 Is2 13 st6 st5 st4 scl st2 st2 slf sl1 sll (i( s16 s13 s15 sJ6 s23 s?i s23 s25 st8 s?il s2tt s?l s2f st9 st9 $28 $28 m5 ]il6 H55 HtSt TtSl [19 T19 l|19 n6 l||1 gt2 mI ItI ]t1l l|lI Tll l,|t3 Hta l,tt 5 l,tu l{16 It6 llt6t lr21 Tt2 13 1f t I I t tt I T TT TT IT I r t T T I tt T I T I T T IET T I L25 5.33 1 11.25 1 1t. t5 12 1.5 It t( 12. 5 1.5 5 .33 t( 1.5 2 I 11 .25 t 7.83 6.t2 1t.25 9.t2 2 1l Itq 1.83 I 13.15 2.25 5. l7 r.r5 5 1 .33 2.6t 8 .67 1.83 t,33 1l 2 t? 8 9 tl 2 ?1 I 11.1t t. 33 6.25 2.5 5. 17 1l 3.5 lt.tc t.rt 5.tc 5. tf 5.tl 2.fl 2. tt 5. tl t. tl 2.tl 5.fl 5.t0 5. t0 2. CN 5, tl 5, tl 2.tl t.fl 5,fl 6,fl t.tl t. rl t.tl t.fl 7.tl 6.tl 5. 01 2,tt |.0t t,rc 6.tl t. tl 5.tl 5. tl t.fl r.tl f.tl c.0 | 0.fl f.tl 5. tl 5.fl 5.fl 6.fl f.tl 5.fl !.il 5.fl 16. tf c.tl |'tl 5. tl t. tl t.tt l|.tc 1t .25 5.33 6.00 16.25 6. tt 1?.i5 lr.tl 6.5C 11.25 11 .5t 6,51 1t.33 5.50 t{ ,50 6 ,50 7,t0 6.$ 15.25 6. tc 13.83 13. 12 1t.?5 16.t2 2, tl 21.01 8. 25 6 .83 9.0! 13.i5 2.25 11.1I t t( lt.fl 5. 33 ?.6' 12.6t 1.83 r.33 1.tc 1C.tl 7.tl 5. 33 13. tl t5.tl tf,fl 7.fl t.33 l3.tl 2t .tl 1.33 6 ,25 ,.5f 5. 17 lt.tl 13 .5r t.ill Lte0 t.r0l t.||l t.ilt t,t!l f .ilf t.ilf r,||l r, fct | .0ct f,tcf t. tfl t. ttl t.0tl t.||l t.ill t.ilf t.lll t.il0 c.ilf r.ill t.frl r, ffl t.ill t.ill t.ftl t.ill f.ftc t.||l t.ill t.ml t.ill t.ill r.||f t.ill r.ill l.fcl t,ilf t.ill f. ftl t.||l t.ftl t.ill t.ill r.ilf l.||f t.||c r.ill t .lll t .lll t.ill f.lll t.295 1. 316 0. ct 2.1s1 e. cf 1.1f{ t. tf 1.1c4 t.m 1.1c1 t.lt 1.101 t. af 1.1c1 t.il 1.1C1 t. tf 1.1i1 t.te 1.141 l,|| 1,1t1 t,tf 1.1t1 t,tf 1,1t1 t. tf 1. 1tl t.ti 1.1t1 t. t0 1.1i1 t.l| l.ill t.il 1.1t1 t.|| 1,111 f.tf 1.1i1 c.tf 1.152 t.il t.ltl t,il l,ltl t.il 1.1t1 t.|| 1.111 t.|| 1.$l t.ft 1,t52 t.ft t.lrl t.ft 1.1t1 c,il 2,151 t.tt 1,152 t.il 1,{52 t.|| I.1rl t.il l.ltl t. ft l.ltl l.ft 1.111 t.rt l.lfl t.ft 1.t52 t.il 1.t$? t.tt 1.t52 t,il l.il| t.il 1.1t1 r.il l.ltlt.ft 1,1t1 t.|| 1.t52 t.il t.lrl t.il r,lcl t.ft 1.1t1 t.|| l.ltl t.|| 1.687 |.il 1.58I t.il 2.151 t.|| l.il| t.ft 1.152 351.37 2.635 21t.99 2.151 Lzt N. tl 12t 0.0! Lzt 0.0! 120 0.01 12C a.tt 120 0. el 12f t.rl 12t t. tl t?c !. ts l?e c.09 lzc !.i0 1?0 f.f0 120 t, tl 12t t.tl 120 !.t0 tzt t.tf l2l l.ll Lzl C.ll t20 l.l0 120 l.l0 t?f l.ll tzi t.ri 120 l.lf lzf l.tf t2t t.ti 12, r.!9 l2l i. !0 12i i.l0 126 0.80 12C 0.0e 12f t.c0 121 t.tt 120 f.tr l2t a.0c 12C t.tl 12C t. rf t20 t.tl 120 f.rc12f t.r0tzl l. cl 12f l.ll 120 t. fi l2l l.lf 12t t. rl tzt t,!l t2c i,ll lzf l.!t l?t t.e$ tzt l.l0 l?f c.ll l2l l.rl lzt l.l0 12t l.ll t2t 1.12tzc Lio Lic t,e 00.ct t,e0l.cl c,NoN.il t,cl r. it t, ttt.il t.tlr.m t,tlr.il t.t0t.il t.tlt,t0 t.Ocl.!c N.clc.lf t.r0t.$ t.ttt.m t,tl!.m t,t!t.il t,tt r. ct t. tlt.m t.tct.tc |.ilt;tc |.01Lt| t,ftr.n t.tf t. !f t. tl t.tf t.tf t. lt f. rl t.il t.tl t, lc l,ll !.ec l.fl c, cc 0. cl t.l0 !.c0 0. tc l .lf t.tc l.fl t. tf f. tl t.m l.ll t. tf l .ll t.rt l.ll t.il l.ll t.m l.lt r.tt l.ll t. lf l .lf t . lf f.llt.tf l.llt.il l.ll t.il l.fl t.|| l.ll t,il l.ll t,lf l.ll t. ll l,ll t.lf l.ll t.il l,lf t. tf l .lf t. tt l,ll t,il l.ll {.12 2f.67 {,13 18.58 1t TI It xt xt It xt xt II Tt TI It It IT TI II II II II II IL II It IT Tf It II II Tt II IT It It It II II II IT II TI It II 1C I T T t f I filer ltIDtElS.Illt Bt6It ilto r00E t00f tt0!l (0Pi ) 'lllt' S0rinkl0r Prograt by fPI Softuare, Inc. DIrrflrn ilPt FrrTIfl0s tEx6ilt t0v rrt6rH T0T ttil6rfl ftlcTlot c-vil.l,I(mc|lE$) (frrr) (rrrr) (fE€r) (psr/tr.) Pagc: Pe Pf Vr[0CIll(Psr) (Psr) (fr,srcl 1l tJ 19 2 I l6 .t0 I 2 I I I I t8l 18 g 0 1l t? t5 tl xt xt tt Ii tt xt It II IT TI It It TI II T|' It l2 8.5 1? 1l 10 I 1l 1t e 1l 1t I 10 1 ? 1l 1l t8 1l 16 { tl 1t 16 15 lft . 32 2.151 113,5t 2.151 c.|| 2.151 18,1t 1,1t| 36.16 1.1f| 58.t5 t.15? 22,16 1.t52 18,56 t.ltl 3t.91 1.lf| 59.9r 1.t52 19.82 1.lt| ||.16 t.ill 63.95 1.{52 e3.11 1.l|l 22,95 1.452 t5.7? l.t5? 23.3{ t. t52 19.59 1.t52 2t.65 1. 15? 12t f,0! 12t f.tl 12r t.tl 12t t. t6 12t t. fe 1?0 t. fl l?t t.tl 12f t. tc 12t f,tc t2, t.tl 1?0 0.ll 120 t.tl 12r t.tf 12t f. tf l?t f. il t2t c.tl12t r.tit2t t. fc12t f. fc t.tf 10. tf | .0t t.tl t. tl 5 .ll 6. tl t. tl t.tl 5,tf t.ff t.fl 6.tl t. tl Ltc 6.il t. tl 6. tl t.ll 12. tl 18.51 1?,0e It. c! 1C. tt 1{.0r 8,f0 lt.tl il,c0 11.10 1f .0r tt, fl lt.tf 2.fl 10. t0 Ltl 2. tc 8.al lt,fl t.f83 r. t97 0. ftl f. t83 t,313 r.192 r. t3l r.t88 t.331 t,201 t.tcl t.371 r.229 r. 136 t, t3l t.t?8 t.t36 1.1r3 t. t39 1.ti t.8l t. tf c. 83 ? 11 2.69 a.2l t. 88 3.31 2.85 1.il 3.'I 3. 2l t.21 f .3l 1.03 f .l7 1.15 t. 39 9 ,lE l|.tl r.tl 6.f3 12.32 11.2 7 t.t1 6.22 u.71 11. 61 6.61 13.66 12.39 t.85 t. t5 9 .0$ | .5? 9.61 t.r8 lrl lrl trtr ==L] L] Ef- =J{E g- EELLJ=cr tt, E,o.t9 LrJFf ErIJo- (nfJz,0cfOJFtJ(f($ I 3EJL {U Lf TJ T tr ru E TU EI ul > ] .EL tr, f, IJ' L gf ru = Dro (Isd) 3HnSS3Hd t t"' % .ct'8{ flY08rutIc s0iiARr tfTrt s0Pil.t lrf0llrrl0n ttrtic: lli.tl psi. Irsi{rrI: 103.f0 9ri. I tl26.l0 gpr. losr: 2$l.ll gpr. Ststfi r0quircs: 1E.52 psi. t 5t9.15 gpr. tnpply lvrilrbllr t16.5l psi. lincluding llosc tl I ournce ) trfety trrginr lrrlrur roloct ty Continuity rt rIl FIIIIIO I.T6TTO IITfS: ?0.12 psi. la thr syrtu ie 29,11 ft/eec. oodre srtisfied to l.l1 g0r. TIPE TIPI tt6il0 fr trt: fr la [= Cq rt 0t6rrf ttEoT 91 0t0rrt fl.00t1 9t 0[ct[t roffi IUnI rr80rl Ttt tt cr0ss SUTIEnfrf Vrtvt otTt vlrvf clrtcr vttvf scltED0tt rl sclrt0|Jtt 1l IilIt Trrr tclt|tt 0ItItIil c0PtEt rilE c0Ptil TtPt CO'PfN IYPE P0l-t0c cPvc tl 1l t0 ct ct ci PI ct i..r:r .:iil,i,irj., file:8lI00t1S.TllI PTTSSURE ilo0f tP$I) 'TllE" Sprinkler Prograr by tPI Softuare, Inc.Page: ft0u ttt{tTl0il t-rAcT0R lR[A(6Pi) (firr) {sQ,rr.} 0i ts Iir (ilr/sQ.fr.) ccl LL T. cc3 UI U2 8t1 8n2 tst cs2 cs3 itl It|? It|3 - ill it5 t2t r26 tt2 f1[ ttl ft1 ft2 il3 ftl ft5 il6 ft7 ft8 ft9 f11 f13 Ett ill t15 t t5t ilI ft9 ft0 t2l t2l f?tr r23 f25 I2l Itl It2 tf3 nl Ir5 Il5 TIT It9 Tll IIE 2tl Er. 55 1t .94 t 8.52 r 0.19 t 5.33 il.8r 53.5E 5{ .58 63.33 62.6t 5r.28 t9.9 | t5.6 r {1,28 it.el 2t,tl t5.6t 19. 39 l5 .5' 13.0 t 11. t8 1?.11 13. 31 12.t, t1.91 1t. 66 9.53 1t.t5 1t.81 t2.52 12. t6 11,22 1t. E9 t?.21 12.15 lr.l2 1r. t6 12. 6r 13.53 1$. ?5 15. 10 1t.62 1t.51 15 ,83 t9.91 t9. 9l 19,91 t9.9 | t9 .91 {9.9 t | 9.91 t9.91 il.91 r9.91 r9.91 t. tl t.tl 579.{5 f.tl | .0t t.tl t. tl t.rl t. cc t. tl t.tl l.l I t. tl t. t! f.tl t. tl f.tl t. tf t. tl t. tl t 9.31 t.tl 21.16 t.tl 24.t1 18.91 18.tf 19.r2 f.tl r.fl 2f. t8 tt.t3 t9.l I t. tl 2t.11 t. rl 21 .75 2f.61 2t.,2 t. tf ??.61 t. ll 2,.29 23. t8 f.tl t.il t.tl r. tl r.fl l.tl t.tl l .ll t.tl t. tl t.tt I l? ta b b 3 I 2l .5 {1.5 51,5 61 ,5 21 .5 21 .5 2r.5 ?1.5 ?1.5 21.5 21.5 ?1.5 21.5 ll.J 21.5 21 .5 21 .5 21.5 {.t.4 ?1.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21 .5 2l .5 ?1.5 ?l ,5 21.5 21.5 21.5 ?t.s 21 .5 31. 5 31.5 1r ( 31. 5 tl .5 31.5 2t ( 31 .5 Jl,t 31.5 t.161 t,1t5 t. 16I t.158 t.l5l t, 158 t.1t1 r. 162 t.159 r.168 t.1E1 t.1t2 t. 1r8 t.188 |,?t2 t. 192 s0utcI 12f5.E 5.8 5.8 b.u 5.8 5.E 5.8 5.8 5.E 5.8 5.8 5,8 5.t 5.E 5.8 121 12l t2f L2l 121 121 Lzl l2l 121 12f t2l t2l 121 t2l t2f filc: 8[I06tlS.Illf 'TllE' Pttsst,8t f t 0l,l r0rr (PsIl (0Pi) Sprinllrr Prograr by tPt $oftuare, Inc. Page: fl.fvllI0t t(-ilcI0n Attt 0tIsITI (rErT) (s0.fI.) (0PUs{.fI.) 2tl ?tt 2tl 2t5 2t6. ztt 2tl 2l8t 2t9 211 2lt 21r I 2t2 213 211 215 lt5 2fl 218 219 221 Ifl m28 lil?t ilt2 m3 ||tl If5 flt6 mt m8 ||t9 iltl Iu Ilt It3 lttl ui ||t6ilt [10 il19 t2l [2t lt22 ltz 3 ll2l [25 t26 t2t t?8 n?9 stt sf2 st3 | 9.91 t9.9 | {9.9{ t 9.91 t9.91 il.91 t9.91 t9.91 | 9.91 t9.91 19.91 {9.91 t9 .91 It .91 q.el lt.9l t9.9t t9.91 t9.91 t9.91 t9.91 t5.61 t5.61 t5. 6t t$. 6t t5. 61 | 5.61 15. 6l {5.61 r5.61 t5 .61 t5.61 t5. 51 $.6l t$.61 It.6t r3.61 t5.61 15.61 t5.61 $.51 t5.61 r5.6 t t5.61 {5.51 t5.61 $.61 t5.61 t5.51 r5. 6t t5.61 r5.61 |l.28 I t.2E il.28 0. tf t.fl t.tl f.fl r.tf f.tl r. tl t. tl t.fl r.tl t. tl f .ll t. tl r.fl r. tl t. tl t. tf t. tl t.fl t. tl t. tl t.0l r.fl r. tl r.tl r.tl t. tl t. tf t.fl l.ll f.tl t. tl l.ll l.ll t. tl t. tl f.tl r.tf r.tl t.fl r. tl t.il l.llt,tl f.ll t.ff l.fl t.fl l .lf l.ll t.fl l. ll t. tl t.tl t. tl 3t.5 31. 5 J.t,) 3l .5 3t.s 31.s 31. 5 31 .5 31.5 3t.5 31.5 lt ( 31 .5 3l.5 Jt,l 3l .5 31.5 31.5 3t .5 3t .5 31.5 It.5 il.5 It.5 41.5 t1.5 il.5 |l.5 | 1.5 il.5 t1,5 {1,5 t1 .5 t1,5 t1 .5 tl.5 t1.5 il.5 {1.5 | 1.5 t1 .5 il.5 t1.5 11.5 | 1.5 t1.5 {1.5 | 1.5 tl,5 t1.5 t1.5 r1.5 51 .5 51,5 51 .5 file:BlI0Efl5.Tll['Tltt' ' Plfsstlnt froflr00t (PsI) (6Pr) Sprinklct Prograr by fPE Softrtrrs, Inc. page! trtvNl0il (-ilclot rlEt ottsIIY(rurl (sQ.fr.) (6Pt/sq.fr.) $ilt stl sc5 st6 stt st0 st9 511 slt s1? sl3 sll s15 st5 s1t sr8 sr9 s?l s2lt s2t8 s21 $22 s23 s2l s25 s26 s2I s28 Tt1 il2 Ht3 gtl ill lll6 Tt8 ut9 lttl nt gt2 u3 Tll T15 Ht6 utr ltl t T13 t{21 uil u?2 [t9t ut6t u55 l||51 I I It.28 I t.2E t1.28 fl.?E {1.2E It.?8 { 1.28 It.?r il,28 r1.28 rt.28 t1. ?8 r1.?E | 1.20 r1.18 ir.rr I1.28 t1.28 il.2E It.2l t1. ?8 r1.t8 11.?8 r1 .28 | 1.2E t1.2E r1.28 r1.28 36.r1 36.91 36.91 35.91 36. tl 36.91 t6.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 3f,91 t6.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 t5.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 36.91 59.21 59. ?1 l. tt l. tl t. rl t.tt f.fl l. tl l.fl l.fl f .ll l.ll t. tl l.ll l,lr t. tl f .ll t.fl l,lf t. tl f.fl f.tl f.tl f.tl f.tl r. tl t.fl t. tl t.rl r. tl r. tl t.tf f.rl t. tl t. tf r.fl r, tl t .ll t.tl f.tl t. tt f.rf r. tf Ltff.tl r.fl t. tl t. tf r. tl t.fl t.fl r. rl t.tl l.rf l.ff t. tl f.tl 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 5l.l 51 ,5 51 .5 51.5 51 .5 5l .5 51. 5 51.5 51.5 (t ( 51 .5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 51.5 5t .5 51.5 bl.D $1.5 51.5 tl.l 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 5t .5 6r .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 51.5 6r.5 61. t 61.5 51 .5 6r.5 61.5 61.5 6t.5 61.5 6t .5 5t .5 6t.5 6r.5 61 .5 l2 .5 12. 5 ..r..:t.:iir,,:!:ri$idriagilii\fC/aiiriitd.tt,... !,,u i.rlaixi(it j€iffilml fllc: Ntl06flS.T||t 'T[t' Sprinklrr Pro9ril by tPE Softrire, I0c. Prgo: ' ttEs$ult ftolt tttvrTr0r l-ftclot lltt 0ttslTl r0$ (psr) l6pr) (frrT) (s0.rl.) (GPirs0.fl.l 3 I 5 6 I I t tf u It It ll It tl tl tl ltl lf 5f. 21 t. tf $9.21 t.tt59.?l l.tl t9. ?t t. tltg.?r r.rl59.?l t.tltt.2t t.tlsg.?t t.rl s9.21 t.rl5t.tt r.rlf9.21 t.tlgr.2t t.tf[9.?l t.rl n9.21 t.rl {9.21 f.rlt9.21 f.tli9.21 t,tf 59.?1 f.|l 12.5 t?.5 12. $ 12.5 12.5 12.5 l2 .5 12.5 12.5 t 2.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 I ?.5 I ?.5 t2 .5 1?. 5 filr:8[I0Et1$.lllt sr6it iltoil00t lt00t Ft 0H 0IlitItn TtPt FIIIIt6S (6Pl() (I|{cilEs) 'Ill['Sprintler Prograr by fPt tfll6lr{ tQv Lfllclil T0T t-filGilr(rErT) (ttrrl (rr[T) $oftuare, Inc. fRICTI0lr C-Vlt|,t (PsI/rI.) prge: 5 Pg PT IIE[OCIIT(Psr) (Psr) (Frl$Ecl c[2 cclcc3 cczct1 |,tul u2 U2 BNl 8t1 . 8R2r l0It: The flos 8n2 CStcsl cszcs2 cs3cst ttl m2 il1 i!3 t$2mr U3 t{15 1il4 i|l fzt r2t f26 f26 t22 t22 f16 il6 fll flf ft3 Ft? f|l tf3 ta2 ff3 ffl fil ft5 Fls ft6 ftg ftt ftg ff8 Flt ffg Flt flt fll f13 ftt fl? fl5 Fll f15 f15l fl6 f15 116 tll nt ftg Fll ft8 f2t f2f F?l f21l F22 f2t r22 f2? f23 f25 F|X t2, Tfl !12 il9 lfl rlt Ttg TI? T1I Tt3 Tl2 Til Tt3 il5 lll 216 Tts 2t5 2t6 ztlt lfs ?11 2111 212 211t r.261 lt G 5.35t lt I |.260 lf 6r { .25t tl t,?6t il 1.26f lt rr Pressurs Io6s 0evi ce t,26t lf r t.?6i il rT t.25t il t r.?6t 1l r. ?6t tl r,26e il r.26t 1l {.26t 1l 2.15r tt IE0 2.15r It 2.15t It 2.15t tt 2.15t n ?.15t il. r.lil il. t !.lil It I l. t52 rr I 1.11r xr. 1.10r xr. t 1.1i1 It- t 1 .1f{ It 1,1t{ It I 1. t52 Xt I 1.1t1 Xt l.lil It f l.lil It t l.Iil tt l.lil It I 1.152 Ir I l.lft It t.tft It t 1.1u Xt t l.lil Xt 1.1f1 It I 1.t52 It I t.t|t Ir t.ll{ il. t 2.635 1r I6t 2, 535 ll 2.15t It 2.15{ It 2.15t It 2.15t It 2.15{ IL 1 ,152 It T[ 1.t52 ri tt l.til It T l.lct It l.t|4 Ir- t 13t 2,66 tlt 39.91 2t ?2. Ct il.lt r.tl 6 t.tc 6 12. tl in the precerding pipe 6 6.ll 23,75 25.10 2t 5.01 15 t.Cl L2 r.tl t2 t.tt 12 t.tl 12 t. C0 22 l6.tl 3 f.tl 9 t.tl lr l.f! il t.tl lt t.t0 12 2.tl t.5 5.!f 7.5 6.fl .5 l.c! 11.5 2. tl 12 z,il .5 t.ft r.5 5.ll t.5 6.tl .5 l. tl 11 .5 ?, fl 12 ?.lC .5 t,tf t.5 s.fl 7.5 6.tl .5 t.rl 11.5 2.tf 12 2.tl .5 t,tf r.5 5.rl t.5 6.tl.5 t.tl 11,5 ?.fl L2 25.11 u.25 t.tl {.t5 f.tl r.75 t.tl 5.5 t.tl I t.ll 1.5 f.tl 6,6t 9.rl 9.67 6.fl t,?5 5.rl .5 t.l0 11,5 2.rl 1tt -5.2f t|t t.tl 12C 1 .3t lzt t.ll 12t 1.3t t2t t.tl psi of the totll 12t -1.31r2r t.tl l2r l,ll l?t 8.t2 r?f r.ll 121 r.tt 120 r.tl 120 !,ll l?t c.rl t2t r.tl tzl l.ll 1?l 0.ll 121 r.lf 12t t.fl 12t t.tl 12t l .ll 12r l.ll 12f i,li 12t l. fl 12e f.ll 12f l.ll 121 t.l! t2l l.ll 12f t.ll 121 l.ll 12t t.tl 12f l,ll t?t t.ll lzf l.lf 12t l,ll 1?l f.ll 12f r. tl l2t t. tl 121 r. tl L2l f.llr?f r. tl l?f l.ll 12t l.ll 12f t. tl 121 t. tl l?t f.tl 12f t.tl rzt t. fl 121 l.rl 12f l.ll 12t r.tl 12r l, ll 12t l.ll 12t 0. fl 2.59 | .17t.58 3.33r.16 1.,2 t.8I t.tz . t.15 1,,2r 11.29 L12 friction loss 'Pf 'f.3f t.t2 1.25 1.,2 c.66 |.,? r.38 1.,? t.|| t.!l 0.tf t,!0t.|| c.cor.|| t.ct 26.51 29.il 2,r9 29.01 6.2C 29. tl 3,03 2f.96 1. 16 13. 76 t.5t 6.99 1 .33 6. It t.gt 6.17 l.2l 7.55 t,17 13.t5 1.21 6.35 1.17 6.03 l.l5 6.37 3.01 12.11 1.29 l,l3 l.l5 6.86 l.3l 5.51 1.31 6.11 l.l5 6.n 3.3? 13.19 Ll5 8.21 t.t6 l.?9 1.r5 6.92 1.61 7.18 t.l6 l.5l r.15 11.75 1.18 9.1E l.lt 8.11 l.t0 t.t3 t.lf l.tl t.il f ..ll t.ll l.ll t,ll l.ll r .ll f.ll r.il f.ff t.m l.ll r.ll t.lf t.il a.ll r ,ll l.ll r.ll 0.ll f. tf l.ll 329. t5 3?9.l5 329. {5 329. {5 329.t5 32 9. r5 0ependent 329. t5 329. t5 3?9. t5 3? 9. t5 t. tl t. tl f.fl c.ct 329. l5 329, r5 129. r5 238 .It 155.33 79.t1 19,31 19.30 30.91 38.91 18. 91 18.40 19.t2 37.t2 39. tl 2f.r8 t9.{3 19.11 21.2r 39.35 | 2.39 21.t5 ?1.61 21.,? 22.51 il.tl 17.3r 2t.29 ?3. t0 t. 0l t.tl t .ll t. tl t. tf f .ll l.lr t.tt t. tl t,tf t, tl l.tl 136 ,56 2 t3 .91 l2.tl t1.fi 5. tl 18.t1 acc0[nts f0r le.ll {9,75 25. rl 15,10 l2.ll r2.lf 12, ll 1?.01 38.f0 3. tl 9. tl il,tf 1t. fl lC.tf lr.ll 9.51 13. tl r.5l 13.51 1t.tf t.5f 9.51 13 .5f t.5l 13.50 t|.ll l. 5l I .51 13.51 t.5l 13. 51 1l.ll t. 5f 9.51 13 .51 t.5l 13,50 3I. tl 1t .25 t.15 1.75 5 .5t 9.fl 1.51 15,67 15.67 9.25 | .5f l3 .5r r.t19 r.il3 0.t25 l.125 !. t25 0. t25 1t ,81 t.f25 t.t25 r.12 5 r. c25 l. tfl t.eic r.et0 t. f0t t.59I c.598 t.69I t.383 t. 176 l.l5l 1. 195 l.195 1.092 0.318 r.t9? LC83 l. t92 t.317 0.196 t.ll6 f,195 f .l9l t.1t3 | .355 r.1t7 t. 118 t.118 1.115 1.12t l.l3t f.132 t.lt5 t. 132 t.ill t, llf l.lfl t. ftf a.lll f,lll l.lll r.$l f.lfl t.fll l.lll 0 ,lll filer BRI00t1S.TllE sr6it Ero t00r l{00t Pago: I Pf Vtt0cITt(Pst) (rr/sEc) 'Tll[' Sprinkler Pr09ra. bt fPt S0ftuire, Inc. tt 0rl 0IlitItR IYPt fITTItIGS LtI6lll t{v trrcTl| I0I tfllGIl| fRICTI0I C-vil.|Jt Pe (6pi) (lrcllEs) (fEtI) (rEiI) (ftrl) (rsr/rr.) (Psl) 106 2il e,tl T06 Til l.ll Iot Tt6 t.0l rt8 2|l f.el Tt6 Ttt t. tl 2a2 Tt8 t. tf 2t8t 2t7 t.!r 2t3 lft t.ll 2f0 zfEt t. rl ?r9 ztEr f.rl ?1r 2t9 t. ie Ir2 21t f. tl 215 lC3 C. Ci 21r 215 r.00 ?fl 216 r.rl Itg zfi r.rf 219 218 t. ft 22r 219 t.r0 Iil 219 t.ll 213 215 l.0l nt il3 r.rl t{19 filt f. rl l||8 ilfg t.rl ilrr lll0 r. cl ilt6 1il7 t.ri fifz l||6 f .cl litz llcl l. ce ilr2l flt2 N. rl l|t28 lll2t c.or 1il3 ||t2t t.t0 Hil m3 t.0i m5 fit3 t,el fi6 nll t,tf lrr2 ilt6 t. tN [13 [12 t. tl fi15 [13 t.fl ilil fllt t.0l fitr fi16 t.tf fl18 illt t.ti fl2t lttt t. tl ||2t [19 t.tl [21 [?f t.fl il?? lt2t l.ll lf23 x22 r.tl [21 X22 a.rf ||tr fl2t f.rl ||26 [f7 t. rl [25 fi26 t. tl I20 il26 f. rl [?t lt28 t. tf lt?g fl?E l.ll st9 ill l. fl 5r8 Sl9 r. rl stl sl8 l.ll st5 stt t. tl l.lil It I 1.1il xl. T 1.1c4 Ir. t.lfl It t 1.1|| tt l,llt It 1.11{ It 1. lfr It t 1.1t1 It r t, lfl tt t 1.1t{ Xt r I.il{ It T l.lCt tt l 1.t0r It T 1.1t4 It Ll|t It [tT l.lft It l,t|t It I l.ilr tt r l.lil It E 3.26t 1t tT6T 2.635 tl ?.635 tl 2. 635 lf tt 2.15{ XL 2.15t It i,Iil It E l.lil It T 1.10r It T I.1il It l.lt{ It T l.t|t It E l.lil It T t.lfr It I 1.1t{ It l.lil It T l.l|t tt t l.lil Ir 1.1I It r l.t|t It r t.ilt It r l.lil It I 1. tfr I[ f l.lfr lr T l.lil It rT l.t|t It T 1.1f{ It l.Iil It T 1.lil It l.tft It I t.lil It tT 2.15t tf 6u. 2. 15r lt T 2. tst 1l ?.15r 1l t.000 l?i t. t0r 120 t. cGl 121 t. tct 121 l. tot 12i c.cil 121 t.tt0 r2f c.t0t L2l t.fil 121 r. tor 121f.0!c Lzt r.il0 121 t. teN 121 t.il0 121 t.lel 121r.fet tzc r. rfr 120f.ilr Lzl f .ilt lzf |.ilt 121 Llir L?l f.m 121 t. r0r 121 t, tat 121 i.Nec 120 l. ||r 12, t.ctc 121 |,mr 120 t.tot 12! t.cef 12f {.ilt 121 c, ft I t?l t.ill 121 | . tft rzt |.ilt 12f t.flf t?a |,||r 1?l t.tal l2l t.ilr 121 t.||t 121 f .ilf l2l t.||t 1?l t.lll' 120 t.ilt l2l t. rfr 121 f.fil r2f t.ilt 121 t.ilt 121 t.lll tzl t.lfl l2l t.tct 121 f.f|| l?a t. tt0 121 t.||r 12, t. t0r t2l l.il f.tlt.m f.tf t. r0 c.0lf.|| e,cl c. ct t. tc t. fr t. flf.il t.0lt.m t.tlr.m c.0l l .ll r. tlr,il 0.00Lil t.tlt.il t.tlt.tt a.fl0.cl t.tll.ll 0.tll.lt t.tl|,il r.tff,il r.llf.il t.tll.m t.fll.m t.ll f.0l !.ll t.il f.tlt.il 0.tl t.il l.ll t.0f c. l0 t. ct t.lc c.fi c.tl t.0t t.0l f.ft t.tl t. tc r. rf t.il l.l0 t.lf l,ll t,fi l.ll f.il r.ll t.lr l.tl t.ll f.lf t.il l.fl |.il l.ll l. tf l.lf t.il l.ll t. tf l .lf t.il l.fl t.il l.ll t.|| l.lf t.|| l.fl t.il l.ll |,il l.Nl f.|| l.ll t.|| l,ll t.lt l.ll f.tt l.ll t.m l.lf t. r0 l.ll ?.15 2( tl 11.33 5 .33 2,33 E 2. t5 .83 1l t1 3.5 t.25 I t 23.1I 1t.5 r.25 11.$ 23(( 11.25 t1 9 9,33 l't 2.33 1. t2 .tl 1 l2 1t.83 2 .33 ll .33 tt 5 I 3.6t I 3.5 5.83 I .92 5 ?.25 ,1I 1t I 12 il.6I I 8.5 I 5. t0 5. tl t.tl 2. 0l t.tl r. tl t.tl 2.tl 5. tl 2.tl 2.tl 5.rl 5.il 5. tl t.ll 9. tl t. tl 5.tl 5.|l 2. tl 38. tl t. tl t.fl 12. tl Lt0 t.ll ?.10 5. tl 5. Cl t. tl 5.tf ?. cl 5. tl 5. tl t.tl 5. tl 2.fl t. !l 5. tl 5. rl 5, tl 5.fl 2. tl 5,fl t. tl 5.tl t.tl 5. tl t. tf 5. rl l.tc 7.tl ll.tf t. tl r. tf 7. 75 8.5t lt.il' 12.33 5.33 177 0.il {.r5 r2. tl 13, fC 8.51 i.z! 6.tf 8.tl 32.1r 1t .51 5.5 | 9.25 13. 5l 61.t1 5 ,5t 11.25 23. tl 9. 00 a ?? 11.et I.33 6.42 11.lt 6. tl t|.lf 19.83 I.3 3 11.ll 5.33 13, tl 6. tl 6.tl 0.6t 6. tf 8.51 t.8 3 5. tl il.92 l|.tl 2.25 5.17 ll.ll 5.fl 19. tl 1r.61 18.t1 8.5 | 8.tl c,tf t.fl t.il t. tl f.tl r,tf t.|l t.fl t.tl t.fl r. tf t. tl t.tl t. tl f.tl r. tl r.tl r. cf r.tl f.tl t.tl t. tt t.tl t. tf r,tc f.0| c.tc t.cl c.tl t,t0 f.tl t. tl t. tl f.fl r. tf t. tl r.fl t. tl f.tl r.tf t.tl t.ll t. tf t.il t. tl l,ll t. tf l. ll t.lf l. ll l.ll r.tl f.0! r. tl r. lf filer EtI06t1S.TllE EtGIt ttofl00t t00E Ft0n (6Pr) 'TllE' Sprinkler Prograr by FPt S0ftuare, Inc. 0itlltTtR llPt FIITIrl6s Lill6Tll t0v ttI6Ill I0l tfflGTt{ fRIcTI0I c-vlttJt(Irclis) (FrrI) (rtrT) (rfEr) tpsi/fT.) Prge: I Pe Pl l/tt0CIIt {Psr) (Psr) (fT/sEc) st5 scl sill st2 st3 stl s11 s12 sl3 s15 s1l sa6 sll s17 stI s?l s22 s25 st8 s 2tt s 2tE s2l s2l st9 s18 s28 )10 s 2, r,r2 t I55 utSt rIl9 il5 |,|19t lt 2l lrlE [fl lltt Ht3 llt9 HtI H1t gn H15 t|l1 915 1115 u17 ut6l TtSl 121 u2? Hfi l3 ll st6 st5 st{ st{ st2 sa2 sll s1t stt s16 stt s13 s13 115 s.l5 s23 s?3 s23 s25 st8 s?il s?tl s2l s2l s19 sc9 s28 (rn il5 ln5 lts 5 tlt5r m5l 919 919 {19 If5 ltl Uf2 lltS ut9 lrt I sll [11 s13 1|l1 ut5 lt15 [15 Tt6 sf6 t lt21 ut2 t)l l1 t.0t !.cl r.00 t.el t.tl t. tl t. tl t.al r.ll c. tt !.al i. tl r.af t. tl t.fl t.fl t.tl l. il t. tt t. rl t.tl t. tl t.fl f.tl t. tl t. tf [.eN t.tc t.tl i. cl t. tl t.tl t.tl t. tf t.tl f.tl | .ll f.tf t.tf f.tf t.tl t.ff t. tl t. tl t. tl t.fl t.fl t.fl f.tl t.tl t. tl t. cl t. tt t. tl t.tl T I I t t r t T I I t T I t tt T I TT TT tl I T t I I T tt 5. 33 I 11.25 1 t|.75 L2 t.5 It,tD 12,5 1.5 ( 1? 1.5 12 .5 1.5 I I 11.25 t t, E3 6.t? 1t.25 9.r2 ll 2.25 1.83 I 13.75 2.26 r t7 5.75 ( 1 .33 2.61 8. 6i t. E3 t.33 I 1l .33 0 9 ll I 12 I 11,1t 1.33 6. 25 1\ 5.lt ll J.) lt.fl | .00 5.ef 5. tl 5. tl 2.fl 2,tl 5. tl t. tf 2.fl 5.ft 5.tl 5.fl 2. tf 5. Cl 5 .0f ?.fl {. tl 5.il 6. tf 7. rl r.il I.fl t. tl t.tl 6.tl 5.{l 2. !0 t.tf t.ti 6. rl t.tl 5. tl 5.fl t. tf t.tl t. tl t.tl t, tf t.fl 5.tl 5. tl 5 .ll 6. tl r. tl 5. ll t. tl 5. tl 16. tl t.tl r.fl 5. tl t. tl t. tl lt.tl fi.25 ). 5J 5.tl 16 .25 6.01 12. t5 lt,tl 6. 5f t1 .25 1t.51 6.5 | 1f.33 6.5f 1t. $l 6.5 | I. tl 6. tl 15 .25 6.tl 13 .83 13.r2 1i.2S 16.{? 2. tl 2l.fl 8.25 5.83 9.fc 13. I5 11q 11.17 5.75 1t.ll 6 .33 2.51 12,6I 1 .83 t.33 t .ll il,tl t.tl 5.33 13. tl 15. fl lt.il 7.tl t.33 13.il 2I .LI I .33 5.25 7.50 5. l7 lt,0l t3.51 f.0e0 g. t0l t. lt0 t. ttl t.ilt t.ill t.0tl f .il! t, t0l 0.tii t. aft r, fcl f ,rl i.itf f,tal t. ttl f,t0l 0.ctc f. t0l t. ftl l.lll t.ill t. ftl f.0tl t. tel t.ill f.000 N.00c t. eft t. tfl N. ftl t. tfl t.ilf t.ml r.ill t.||l t.0tl t. tfl t. ctf t.ml t. frl t.illt.ilf t.||l t. ill t.ill t.ilf r. tfl t.ltl t.||l r.ill t.ill t. ftl t.ml t.att N.Cl 0,00 r.fl r. t0 t.tl t. t0 r.tl r. tl r.tl r.ft t. tl t. tc t. tl f.c0 t,tl t. t0 t.tl f.tt t.tl t. tl t. tl t. tl t.ll t .0l t. tl r.0t t. 0l t.cl c. tl t.ll t.fl t.tf t. tl t.tl t.fl t. tl t.fl t. tl f.tl r. ll r. tl t. tf t. ll t. tl r.lf t .ll t. l0 t. t0 t. ll r. tf t.lf t.t0 t.tl t,al t,tl t ,00 r.tl t.rl t.tl t.fl t.0l t.fl t,tf t.tl t, cl t.tf t.tl t.ll f.il t.tl t. tl !,tl t,fr t,tf t. tt t.tl t.tl t.t0 t. tl t.i0 0,tl t.0e 0.el !,!f 0.ft f.rl t. tl t.t0 t.fl t. tl t.fl t, rl t.il l. tl t.fl r. tl t. tlf.tl t. tl t. tl t.tf t.ll r. tl r.fl t.tl t.fl r. tl t. tl c.tl l,le 2.15t . la 1.1t{ It l.lt{ xt l.l|t It t.lil It 1.l|t lt l.lil xt l.l|t It l.il{ It. l.nr Il l.llt It l.lil It 1.10t tt 1,Iil It 1.1|t It 1.1t{ Xt l.llt tt l.ilt xt I.rf r It 1.t52 xt l.Iil tt l.ilt ll. 1.11t It l.lt{ tt l.llt It l.{52 IL l.lt4 It. 1.lt{ It 2.151 It 1.t52 It 1.{52 It 1.11t n l.l|| It l.lft It l.ilt It l,lfi It l.{52 IL 1, t52 It 1. t52 It l.lil Ir t.ilt It 1.10t Itl.lfr I[ 1.t52 It l.lil tt 1.11t It 1,111 It l'l|r It 1.687 Il T.5EI It 2.15t It l.lil It 1.152 Ir. 2.635 1l 2.15r It I I T T I T r(r T i 12! t. tl 12t t.iltzt t. rl 12t t. fl t2t t. !l 12f r. rl lzt t. tl 12t t.fltzf r.tl1?t c. tl 12f l.fl 12t l.ll t2l. f.ll 120 t.tl 12t 0.fl tzr l.ll 12t f.fl tzt l.f0 L2l l.ll L2a l.ll 12r f.fl 12r l .ll 1?r f.ll 12t t. tf 12, l.rf 120 l.rt 12t l.lN t2f t.fl 12C t.tl 12t t.fc llt t. tl t2t l.lt 121 l.ll 12t t.tl lzt t. tl lzt f.il Lzt t.tl l2f f.r! tzl l.ll tzl f.ll t2t t, tl t2r f.llt2t l. fl 12t t.tl 12t f.tl 1?t t. fl t2t t.tl t2t f.rf 12r t.tl 12t l. rl l2t l.tl 12t f.tl tzl l.ll tzl t.tl lzt t. tl I t fiftr SIID6tlS.IHt 8r3lr x 00t flt0 t00t ft0g 0IllIIIR t0Pi) (rxilrts) 'Tllt' Sprinftl0r Progrrl by fpt S0ftsire, Inc. tYPE FIIIIt6S Ltil6lll t(V tt16T[ r0I ItI0T8 fRIcTI0il C-Vtttlt(frir) (frrT) (rr[r) (Psr/fr.] le (Psr) Page : 9 Pl vtt0clTt(Psi) (frlsrc) I t6 t9 3 I I 0 9 tl 18 17 15 5 l1 12 l5 ll tl l3 t6 t I ? ( I 8 I t8l l8 tt I 5. ll 11 t6 t5 0. ti t. tl r. tl r.tl f.ft r.tl r.ff t. tl f.tl r. tl r.fl t.fl t.tl t.tl t.tl t. tl r. tl l. tl a. tl t2 8.5 t2 ll tl I ll tl E 1l 1l E 2 1i t.tc lf.tl t. tf t. cl t. r0 5. r0 6. tl t. tl f.tl 6. tl t. tl t, tl 6. tf 0.fl !.tl 5.|l t. tl 5. tl t. tl 1?.fl 1E.5f 12. CC t|.tf 1t.tc lt.ll 8.fl 1t. tf 1t. fl 1r.rf 1t. tl lt,rl lt.tl 2,0t ll.tf 8, tl 2.tl 8 ,ll 1t. tl c.ill f .||f t.ml t.ill t.||l t. tfl t. cfl f .ill f.f0l t.||l t.ill t.ill t.ril r.l|t t. fli t.fll t.||l r.||l t.ilf 2.15r It 2.15r Il. 2.151 tt l.lfr It l.ilt It l.t5? It 1.r5? il. t.ilt It 1.[r It 1.t52 It l.1il It l.[t tt 1.152 tt l.lil It 1.15? Ir 1.t52 It 1.t5? It 1. t52 tt 1.t52 Xt 120 t.tl12f t, tl12t t. tl 121 t. tl12r t.tlt2r t.ll 12C t.tlt2t t.ttt2t i.fl 121 f.tfl2l r.tc12t r.tll?t t.tl12r t.cll?s t. tct?t t. tf12t t. tlt2t t.tl12r t.tl t.il t.tlr.il t.tll.lt t.tl l.lt t.tll.t0 t.tl r. tf f. tl t. ct t. tl t.il t.fl t,rf t.tl f.tf t.t0 f.|| t.tl t.il O.fl l. tf t. ft t.0t t.!f l.fl f.$ l .lf r. rl |.il t.tf t. ft t. tl t.|| t.tl I T 1l ld rd =:}cr =fLJ L' o>Z,J(Eo-to-lrl =CI frl I I I Ea.(! .rd F3zt{E g ttlo. (nr:l z.OEtr:) JJ {Ecl I =oJL U L3 L) -tr tr flt E IU Tf lJl :I tr- tr_f rJJ L IU f0 = fi-* E,tn lF fif 08A0tIc stlilrlt $rEr sutPil tlf0f,mlI0l ftrtir: ll8.ll 9ei.lcsidurl: tl3.ll tsi. t 1t26.fl gpr. [ose: ?5l.ll gpr. ttrtrr r.q0lresr 8{.58 esi. | 615.21 gpr. (including Hlsr lllourncc) supily availrflr, __11111 ort, Srfrty lorgln: 21.63 psi. lrriru relocity in thc systcr is 31.61 ftfsec. Iortinrity rt rll nodes srtisficd t0 f.fl gpr. flrilff Lftrr0 PIPI IIPE rr6Er0 f r l[ fEtlEE tl.80U lt ' $Cllt0|Jtt tl t . 9l lttltt tll0l 1l . $CllE0Utt lf L c 9l lttltf t0l8 TUtr EtBe{ It = Tllll [rt[ | .ltf 0l [t0S$ t0 = tCIUtt 0lil[rtt E " NllITElftI lttff Cl . C0Pltl IllE I 6 ' $rIE Vtttt Cl. - c0PPtt Tllt t o " tnttt Ytt',r il ' illlflttttu t , Cp . [pvC [OIE5: t / il|tl .. Yn (,6c F rile: 88l00t1S,Tllt 'Tl|t' Sprinkler Prograa by fPt Softuare, Inc. Pager PRISSUII rtolt ttfvtTl0r t-ftcT0n rnrr 0ilslltroDr (Psr) (6pi) (frrr) ($0.rr.) {0Pr/sQ.fr.} cct rt2 rct ut lJ2 0R1 BR? cst cs? cs3 itl n2 m3 itl ilt5 t?l f26 F2? ft6 fll fil Fl2 il3 lll ft5 Fr6 ft7 ft8 ft9 t1t ft3 fl2 fll ftt t15t flt t19 tlE f2l t2L f2il F?I f?$ f2l Tfl If2 If3 Itl Tt5 Tr6 Itl It9 Tll If8 85 .35 t3.1t 8t.$8 82,51 r9.9$ IE.II 6r.tf 6t.8t 65.1? 55. 2f 56. 66 il.91 u.57 t3.23 38. 91 56.66 56.66 56. 66 56.65 56.66 56.66 55.65 56.56 56. 55 56.66 56 .56 $6.66 56.56 56.66 56.66 56.66 56.66 56 .66 56.66 56.56 56. 66 56.f6 56.66 55.61 56.66 55. 66 56.66 56.66 56 .56 38.35 26.t9 2r.9t 23.12 23.ll t1.3t 9.11 33.13 29.rt 1.85 t.tt f.tt 6t 5. 24 t, tN I .10 f.tl r. tl t.rl t. tl t. tl t.tl t.fl t. ll l. rl f.fl t. tf f.fl t. tl t.tl t.fl t. tl t. t0 t. tl f.fl t,fl t.rf f,cl t.tl l. tl f.tl t. tl l. tl t, tl f.tl f.il l.rf f.rl t.tl t. tl t.fl t. tl f.tl t. tl l, tl t, tl f.fl t. tl t.tl t. tl t.tl t.tl t. tl t.ti f.fl I t2 3 5 6 a 2l .5 31 .5 t1.5 5t .5 6t .5 21.5 2l .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21. 5 21. 5 21 .5 ll.! ?1.5 2l .5 2l .5 21.5 2l .5 21. s ?1 .5 21.5 21,5 ?1.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21 .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 2t.5 31.5 31.5 3r.5 31.5 3r.5 31.5 ?t ( 31 .5 3r.5 31.5 s0l,rc E file:Ell0lflS.Tllt'lllE' PEtS$0tt ft0ll r00r (PsI) (6Pr) Sprintler Prograr by fPE S0fturre, Inc. Pager tr[vtrlot I-fAcT0R lntl 0EtsITt(fEtr! (sq.fI,) (0Pt,sq.Fr.l 2t2 2f3 2t|. il5 2t6 2tl ?IE 2t8t 2t9 ?tl 21t 211t 212 t13 2ta 2tE 216 2n 2t8 ?19 221 m1 ||f2E It2t If2 ltf 3 iltI fit5 It6 ||il ilt0 If9 ltl nl It2|ll Itl n5 ll6 tlt n8 Itt t2l t?t t22 t23 ItI lt25 I25 [2t il2E [29 str st? st3 l.la I6.t9 8.I5 1r.15 13.t9 ?1.31 19.8t 25.85 2t.5{ 26.28 7.ta 15.35 r.l3 15. t9 ,.5t t.tl lt .2l tE. 53 tI.?3 2r.tt 18.15 2t.tt 18.23 t.rl.16.39 23.18 u.9t 2t.51 18.96 25.?6 t9.9t f.tl 15.f5. 23.21 lI. t3 2t . tl ?1.63 26,97 ?3.t0 t.fl 22,11 2t.r9rt.5, r.rl It .5t t. tf t7.57 t.tl lt,5t t,tlu.5t t.rl t7.5t t.tf t7.5? I . tl{t.5r r.rl {I.51 t. fl It.5t t.tl 1t.5I 0. tlrr.6t t. rl tt .5t f. tlt7.5t | . tlrt.st f.tfrt.6t |,lltr.5t t.tl|l.5r t.tlrt.5t t.rlrt.5t t.rltr.5l t.llrt.st t.rlfi.gt t.tltt.st t.ll {t.st t. tltt.st t.tftr.6t t. tllt.5t t.tltt,5t t.rltr.st r.rl tI.5I t. rl t3.23 t.tl 13.23 t.tl t3.23 l.tl 3l .5 31.5 31.5 31.5 3t ,5 31.5 3t.I 31.5 3t.5 31 ,5 31.5 31.I 3t.5 31 .5 31.5 31.5 31 .5 31.5 31 .5 31.5 31.5 tl .5 t1. $ r1.5 t1.5 t1.5 | 1.5 It.5 t1.5 It.5 It. I t1.5 t1.5 It .5 I t.5 t1.5 t t.5 It.5 il.5 It.5 t1 .5 t1.5 fl.5 t1. 5 It.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 | 1.5 il.5 t1,5 t1.5 t1.$ 5r.5 sl.5 al.J (n 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.E 5.8 t.u 5.8 5.8 5.8 5,8 ltl ill ltl ill 1tl ltc ltl ltl ltl ltl ltl 1ff ill ltl ill lfl lfl t.16r f .u2 t. 213 t.259 f.?63 t.153 t.155 t.105 t.2t1 t.2{7 t.235 r.2{5 1.253 t. ?32 t.2tl t.2rf r.?t5 Fill: BtI0GtlS.Tllt 'THt' Sprinkler Prograr by tP[ $oft$are, Inc. Page: tnt$s|,f,f fr0[ tttvtTrot l-ftcl0[ tnil 0Et$ITt l00t (PsI) (6PI) (rttl) (sQ:fI.) (6Pr/sQ.tI.) st{t sll sf5 st6 slt st8 st9 sll s11 s1? sr3 stl s15 s16 s17 sl8 st9 sll s2tt s2t8 s21 s22 s23 s2l s2$ s26 s?? S?E lll gt2 ln3 gtl 9t5 ut6 l||E utt .-ta1l ull ||l2 lt13 llll u15 916 Tlt rlt ItI T2l 921 t22 l|l9t 9r6l H55 Hr5t I t t3.23 t3.23 t3.23 t3. ?3 13. 23 t 3.23 t3.?3 {3. ?3 13. ?3 13 ,23 t3.23 13. ?3 {3.?3 tJ.23 t3.23 {3.23 t3.23 {3.23 r3.?3 t3.23 $.23 t3.23 t3. 23 t3.23 t3.23 r3.23 t3.23 t3. 23 38 ,9f 3E.91 30.91 3E.91 38.91 30.91 38.91 3t. tl 3t.91 18.91 38.91 3e.91 tE.9l 3E.91 38.91 3E.91 il.9t 3E.91 38.9t 3E.91 3E.91 38 ,91 30.9f 3E.91 38.91 62. tl 62. tl t. !f r,0l r.tl t.tl t. tl t.tf t. tl t. tl t.tl t. tl t. tl l.tl t. tl t. tl l.fl t. tl t. tf t. tl t .ll a.fl t.fl t. tl r.fl t. tl f.tl t. tl t.ll t. tl t. tl t. tl f.tl r. tl t. tl t. tl t, tf t. tl l. tl t. tl f,fl t.tf t. tl t. tl t. tl t.fl l. tl t,tl t.fl t.tl t. tl t.fl f.tl t.il t.tl t. tl t.il 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 51.5 tt ( 51.5 51.5 5t.5 5l .5 5t.5 5l .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 5t.5 $1.5 5l .5 51.5 51.5 61. 5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 51.5 6l .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61.5 61 .5 61. S 5r .5 6t .5 61.5 51.5 61.5 61.5 61 ,5 61.5 61. $ 61 .5 6t .5 51 .5 12.5 12.5 - -.*#s4;.-a.ea:4)n&a416<':Hr+:ri ft E4 44t*d.- afth: lllltfl$.Tlt 'lllE' Sprhklor Progrr. [l flE S0fturf0, Inc. Prgr: Pnt$$utt ft0lt EtEvtIIot r-ftcl0l ttEt otrslly(P$r) (Gpr) (rErr) (sQ.rr.) (GrrrsQ.fr.) 3 I 5 f t t I 1f tt tt tl ll 15 1l It lf l|t It f2.il t.tf 12.5 6t.il r.fr 12.56?.rf t.|| 12.5 f?.|| r.il 1?.562.il t.|| 12.t el,rf t.il 12.$ 0t.ft r.|| 12.[f2.il r.|| r2,56?.ff f.ft 12.5f?.t| t.il 12.662.tf t.il 12.[6t.il r.fr 12.5f?.il t.ft 1?.5 Q.|| t.il 12.5 61. lt t. tf 12.56t.|| r.il 12.5 6?.il r.|| 12.561.1t r.tO 1?.5 file: $[I06tlS.illt 8t6lt ilo r0DE t00r 'Ttlt' Sprinkler grogrrn by fPt S0fterre, Inc. ft0g 0IttIItr TYPt FIIIIIIGS tillCTll tqv IfI6llt T0I tfilGT[ rRICTI0ll C-l/ll.|JI (6pi) (nr|trs) (ritT) (ftrr) (rrrr) (Psllfl.) Page: Pe Pf Vttocllt(Psr) (Psi) (rr/sfc) 395.?{ r.26f 11 6 395.2t 6.351 lN T 395.2{ {.26f lt 6i 395.2t t.25t 1l 395.21 r.25r 1l 395.2t t.26t lt t 395.2t 1.25t !t tT 395.2t t.26t 1r r lrf e.tlLzt 1.3tr.t35 121 f.rlr.t35 tzf 1.31 r.El t.el 1. t8 8.912.62 8.91 r.2l 8.91 l|l t|2 l|2 8t1 csl tsz cc2 cc3 cct c$2 cs3 cc1 t"v1 U1 cs3 ml f23 Ttl Tt9 Ttl Tt5 2t6 2tt l3l 17{ 20 II,LT 6 t.tl f.il 7t.17 6.tl 2,66 136.65 a.lzl llf -5.21 3.63 0,9f 39.91 213.91 i.Cll 22.tr t2.|| 0.135 88t Nn2 39$.?t 4.26r ll r.r 6 12.01 t8.ll 1.135 121 l.ll r lt.ll E.9lI lt0It: Ihe flou 0eprndent Pressure Ioss 0evire in thc prrceeding pipe accounts for 11.81 psi of the totrl friction loss'Pf' 8t2 csl 6 6.il 12.11 1.035 120 -1.3f 1.12 8.91 26.il 19.75 il3 ill it5 t21 t26 f22 t16 flf il3 il3 fll ft5 Ft6 il9 ftE ill Flt t13 f12 r15 23.75 2l t( 12 L2 tt t2 L' I 1t 1l tc 12 1.5 7.5 11.5 12 C 4.5 7l .c 1r .5 ( t.5 r.5 .5 11.5 t2 ( t.5 t.5 ( 11.5 t2 1t .25 | .I5 t. tl t. tl l, rl t. tl t.fl i.fl 5.fl 6.tl t.tl 2.tl 2. tl f.tl 5.tl 6. tl r.tl ?. cl 2.ll r.tl 5. tl 5. tl t. tf 2.fl 2.tl t. rl 5.tl 5. rl t. rl 2. tl 6.tl t.fl t.tl f.lr t. tl t.tl t.tl t.fl t,tl 9.tl 3. tl 9. tl 1t. tl 1t. tl l|.tl lt.tl 9.5t 13,51 t.5l r3.50 1t.il t.5l 9,5r 13. 51 t. 5l 13 ,51 lt.tl t.5l 9.5f 13. 5f f.5f 13.51 1{.l0 f.5l 9. 5l 13.51 | .51 r3. 5l 26.f1 1$.tf 1?. tl 12.t1 12 .01 12.t1 1t. 25 t. t5 { .75 5.51 9.tl I .5t 15.6t 15.57 9.25 | .51 lll ll2 il2 U3 itl ||r r2l f26 t2? fl6 fll ff2 ft I il2 ft3 ftl ft5 ft7 ft9 il9 Ftl f11 Ftl nlilsr f15 f15 f16 flI tLl 395.2t r,?6t rl 395,2t | .25t rl t.t0 4.26t lf t.il {.26t 1l f.il r,26t 1l t.fi 2.15t rrt.m 2.15{ rr f.ll 2.t5t il. l.il 2.15{ It 0.|| 2,15t It t.il 2.154 Xt |.il 1.11t lL i.il l.lft xt |,|| 1.452 It l.ll f.iil rt a.fl l.lil It l.cl 1.114 il. 0.ll t.lil It t.it 1.1t1 il. f.ft 1. r52 Ir. l.tf 1.11r n f.ft 1,1|| It f.ft 1.1t{ xt t.il l.lil It t.il l.lil It t.il 1.t52 Ir l.lf l.lil tr l.il l.lil It l.ll 1.11t rr t.ft l.lil It t.il I.Iil It f.il 1.t52 il. t.0t l.lil It l.ll 1.1u It 395.2t 2.535 1l 39$.2t 2.635 tl 3tt.99 2.15{ It 293.53 2.15t Xt. 22i.t9 2.15t il. 1il.3t 2.15r ri 110.32 2.15t It 16.il 38.ll r.t35 121 l.ll 0.f35 120 l.lf r.r35 121 8.12 t.t35 r?t t.33 0.frc 12t t.lc t.||t 121 l.ll r.||r 1?l f .ll r,tft 12f l.fl t.t0r l?t f.ll r.tt| 121 l,ll t.tfc 12r l.ll t.fil Lzl l.ll r.fll l2c l.rl t.lOt 121 l.ft c.0il l2c i.ll t.oft 12e l.ll t. tat 12t i.ll r.ilr 12f l.ll t.rNr 1?l l.al r.f|| 12t l.ll 0.!0r 121 l.ll t.fit t?l l.l0 t.ilt 120 l.ll f . |lt L?l l.ll r.lft 120 l.ll t.tfr 121 l.ll t.ill tzl l.lf t.ml 121 l.ll t.||t 1?l l.ll t.ilf tzl l,ll t.||| lta l.ll r.mt 1?l l.ll r.fil tzl l.ll t.ilt 12r l.ll l.ril t2t f.lf t.ilt 121 Ltl f.366 12t l.ll t,356 t?r l, lc r,nz 121 l.ll t.56t 121 l.ll t.331 tzl l.ll f.2r6 l2l f.ll r.til 121 l.f! | . 151 121 l.ll t.u3 12t t.tl t.516 r20 t.ll t.15t 121 l.l0 t.I6 0.91 t.92 8 . 91 f. 53 8. 9l |.12 8.91 c.c0 0.0! t.m t.tl t.il t.tl t.il t.tl t.tf t.tl t.il f.ll t,t0 l.ll l.il l.fl t.il t.cl t.il t.tl t.0t c. fl 0,tf t.rl t.|| t.tl f.tf f.0l r.il t,ti Ltf l.fl t, tc l. tl t.il l.ll t.il l.fl f.il l.lf f. tf l. fl t.|| l.ll t.rt l.ll t. rf l.ll |,il l.ll f.il l.ll t.tf l.ll t.ft l.ll f.il l.fl t ,ll l.ll l.|| l,ll t.|| l.fl 13.55 23 .25 E.2? ?3.25 3.61 31.51 2.58 25. E| 1.82 19.38 1.85 11,99 | ,12 8.83 2,15 l!.lf f.5i 5.11 r.rs 16.15 0.0$ 8.28 t ar 7 It It6 I T T I f16 fu fl9 il8 r?1 f2ltztt F21t22 f21 t t I I t T6I t23 t22f25 r23 f2l tf2 T|l It3 Ttl Tf5 2t6 5.5 9 6.5t 25.il 3I.ll It9 lll llf 1,2lr2 Tf3 t.tl t. tl t,75 r.rl It5 2lll 211t 211 5?.1r 1. {5? It Tt 25.85 1.t52 It tf 18.19 l.lt{ It. T 24.11 1.11{ tt 9.6t 6. tl 5.tl t. tl 4.25 .5 tile:8tI06fl5.1llt 8tc Ill | 00t Et0 t00t Ft 0r,l 0IttEltt (6Pr) (ilflrrs) 'Tt|t' Sprinller Prograr by FPt S0ftuare, inc. IYPE iliII|lGS Lil€T|| t0v ttt6Ilr T0T ttt{6Tlt fRICII0lt C-Vil.UE(frrr) (rrfr) (rrrr) (Psr/rr. ) page: Pe Pf Vtt0CITt(Psr) (Psr) (fl/src) il6 Ir{ It5 It8 TI? Tt8 2fEl n7 2t8r ?19 tll Tt2 T03 215 ?Ll Tt9 2r9 219 Tll 215 l{l I flf9 iltt fltI l|t6 lil? ||I? ilt?t 8 r20 m3 lill fi15 Ht6 H1t il13 ilIt ltt I iltt fl1l l|2f il2l fi21 fl22 il?3 lt2 | If, lt25 [25 ll2 8 It2l fl29 sr9 sl8 slI st5 2fl Tt6 ICt 2t1 If8 2,2 2u 2f3 ?t8 2t8l 2t9 21f {lD 4l ?16 2Ll ?10 224 219 ?13 if3 fll m9 ilt8 ||t7 m6 fltt il2 il2t 1I?r m3 flt3 il1t l||6 il12 ||13 It3 ilt6 fi1t illr il19 lt 2l [21 x22 t22 [2t fiIt fl26 fi26 [2E [28 ill s09 st8 st7 21.3t 69.9E 18.68 15.13 31.52 16.t9 15.35 tt 1( 15.19 3t.83 t9.36 13.t3 t9.t9 25.25 23.2q 47.21 l0,lt 27.t9 5t.tt 21. 5l t, tl t.fl t. i0 !.ff c.ef t.te t. cl t,tl f.cl t. tl l. tl t.tl f.fl t.tl t.tl t.fl t,ll l. tl t.ll t. tl l. tlt.fl t. rf l.tl t.fl t. tl t. tl t.tl 0.ll t.tl t. t0 0. tl t.tl t. tl t.t0 I I ttT I T ITTT EL I T I I T t r T I T t I tl T T T 6t"t I 2,15 1( 1l 1f.33 q ?? 2 ,33 I ?. 75 ,03 1l 1t t.25 1 I 23,t| 1C.5 r.2$ tt ( 23 l.! 11,25 t1 9 0 ?? 12 2.33 1,t2 1l 1 1? 11.83 2.33 t1 .33 11 6 I 3,5t I 3.5 5.E3 I | .92 ) 2.25 .tI 1l I 12 1e.67 I 8.5 0 5.0c 5.tf r.tl 2.tl t.il t. tl t.tl 2. tl 5.Cl 2. tl 2. tl 5. tt 5. !0 5.tl t. tl 9.tl t. t0 5.fl 5. tl 2.tf 38.il t.tl t.tf l2.ll r. tl f.tl ?.lf 5. tl [,tf t.tl 5.tf 2. tf 5. rl 5. rl t. tl 5, tf ?. tl t. tl 5. tl 5. tf 5,fl 5. tf ?. tf 5, tl 7.tl 5. ta f.tl 5. tl t,fl s.tl r.tl I .ll 1C. 01 t.fl t. ti ,.r5 8.5f la. tl t2.33 ( ?1 2.33 8.fl t. 15 5.83 12.tf 13.t1 8 .51 0 ?c, 6,fl 0. tl 32.u 1t.50 5.50 9. 25 13.5 | 61. t0 5.51 11 .25 23.t1 9.tl 9.33 1r.ft ,.5J 5.t2 11.t0 6. tl il.ll 19.8 3 I. 33 ll.tl 5,33 t3.cl 6.tl 6.tl E,67 6. tl 0.51 t .83 5. tl 1t.92 1t. ff 2.25 5. 1I 11,tC 6. tl l9 .li fi,51 18.f! 8.51 8.tc 0 .l1l t.r?9 t.526 t.t53 t.235 t.t6E t.r52 t.il6 t. t63 f.226 t.5tl 1.125 r,5t0 4.156 t.131 t.t98 t.176 t.183 r.6tt t.1t8 t.ilf t.ill t.ill 0.0t1 t.tff t.ill t. t0l c.etf t.tfl r. ttf l.ill t: ltl r,m! r.ill t. tfl |.ltl t. f0l t.ill t.ilf t.ill f .||l t.ill t. ftl f .||l t.ill r.ftl c.llf f.ftl t.ill t. ftl t,ill t.ltl t. ttl t.ill r. tfl 1.l|| It l.lil It l.lil It l.llr It l.lil It 1.l|| It 1.lil It 1.lt{ It 1.lft It 1.l|{ It l.lil It l.lf { It l.lil Xt 1.lil It l.lil Ir I.lil n l.lil tt l.lll rr l.lfl il. I.l|t It 3.26t 1r 2 .635 ll 2.635 1l 2.635 1l 2.15t Xt 2.15t rt l.lil Ir 1.10t It 1.111 It l.lil Irl.ilr rr l.lil rt l.lil Ir I.lil It 1.1I Ir l.Iil It t.llt It l.ilt It l.1il tt !.lil It 1.lil il.t.lil rr 1. tft It l.lil tt I,lil n l.1il rt l.lil It l.lil It l.lil xt l.lil It l.lil It ?.15t ll 2.15t ll 2. tst 1l 2,15{ lt 12r t.t0 l2l t.tf l2t t.tl 12f t. tc 12t t.tl 12t t. tl 12t f.tl lzt t.tt 12! t.tl l?t t.tl 12t C. tl 12t l,0l 12f e, ie 12t e.tt 12t t.tl L?l t.tl 120 t. !l 12f l.rl l2f t.fl lzt t.tl 12t Lrlrzt t. tl 12t t.tl l2a l.ll 121 o.il lta l.lc 12t 0.cf 121 l.ll 12t t.l0 12t t.tl 12f t.tl 124 t.fl tzt f.lf l?t r.rlLzt l.ll 12t t.tl 121 l.ll tzt f.fl l2l l.ll 12t t.tl lzt t.tl12t t.tf t2t t. tl 12t t. tf 121 l.ll 12f t. fl lzt l.ll 12t l.lf 12t l.ll lzf l. ft 12t f.ll 12t l.lr 12t f.ff izl l.fl 121 l.fl c.88 t.14E.75 23.{55.26 16,31 l.7r 5.ll1.25 1t.5t f.l6 5.39 l.st 5.rl f.36 5.t5 t, 37 5. 19 2.tL 1t.33 t.tz 16.51 9.57 ?t.61 s.et 15.69 t.9{ Lt61.rr t.79'16.11 15,83 r.85 g.tl 1.t1 9,22 5.99 18.25 ?.il 8,22 i.tf t.lf LCt f .tl t.r l.ll t.$ t.il t.ci t,tf f.il t.ll l.tt f.ll t, ct l.ll t,ti f.tf t.il l.ll t. tf l. flt.m t,lt l . ll l.lt t.il l.ll f.|| l.ll t,il l.lf t.il f.fl t.|| l.ll t.il O.fl t,r l.lf f.il f.llt.|| l.lf f.fr l.fl t.il l.lf t.il l.tl t.il l.ll t.il l.ll t.0t l.ll f.lt l.0l t.ft l.fl t. ft c.ll t.0t t.cl e.t0 !,ll r.il t.tl r.to t.tl Fiie: ElI0GttS,Itlt 8E6It ilo rt0ulr00r t00E (6Pr) 0ItttTtR TtPt fITIIt6S LtX6Tll(rrflrrs) (frrT) 'Tlli' Sprinkler Prograr by tPt Softeare, Inc. t0v tilttTl| I0T rilGTil ftlcTI0t c-l/il.t,t(fEfr) (rrrr) (Psr/Fr.l Paqe: Pe Pf vtL0CITY (Psrl (Psr) (fr/stc) s05 stl sill su sr3 sfl sll s1? st3 sl5 sl5 st6 sll Jlr st7 s?l s22 s25 st8 s 2tA s 2t8 s2l s2t s19 s18 s28 s26 s27 T21 [55 m5i fll9 t{t 5 H19t H2l ]rtE t{ll l||2 gt3 {t9 utl H11 fl12 1|l6 ull l|l5 H16 Tll m6t l||5i H21 u22 r,||I 13 1l sl6 st5 sll stl sf? st2 511 su slt s16 st7 $13 t13 sl5 sr6 s23 s23 s23 s?5 st8 s2 tl s2tr s2l s2l st9 s09 s?8 s28 m5 t|t6 u55 flt5A HtSt sl9 llt 9 ltt 9 lil6 ||tI It2 Tt8 gt9 Tll 9tl lt11 Itl3 ul{ u5 sl5 Ht6 ut6 l||61 u21 gl2 cs2 l3 t. rl 0.Nt t. tl t. tl t. tl 0. cl t. tl f .0l t. tl t. tl t.tf t.ft t,t0 0.0t r.tf l.tl t. tl f.tl l, tf t.il t. tf t.fl t. tl f.tl t.!l c.tl t. cl t.tl t.rl t. tf t. tl t,tl t.fl t. tl t. tl t.tf r. tl t. tf t. tl r. tl t. tl t.tf f .ll t. tl l.ll t. tl t.tl f.tl t.fl t. tf 0.tl t.ef t.fl 0.!r f.tt 1.25 5.33 I 11.25 I il.75 1[ 11.25 t2.5 1.5 5. 33 1.5 12. 5 l( I l1 .25 1 7.83 5.t2 il.?5 9.t2 2 14 1.83 7 13.75 T.IJ D.tl 1,33 2.51 E. 6t 1. 83 1.33 I tl 2 .33 I 9 1l 2 .33 I 11.11 1.33 o.ll 1q 5.t7 1l lt,tf t,cl 5.tl 5.tl 5.tl 2,tl 2.tl 5.!l t.fl 2. tl 5.t! 5.!t 5.tl 2,el 5.tl 5.tf 2. tl 4.fl 5. tf 6.tl I.tl t.tl I.tl i.cl 7. tl 6 .01 5.tl 2.tl t.tl t. tl 6,tl t. tl 5,rl 5. tl t.rl t. tf r.fl t.tl Lll t.tf 5. rl 5.fl 5.tl 5.tl t.tl 5.tl f.fl 5. tf r6,tl t.tf t.el 5.ll f.tl t.tt t0.cl \t .?5 5.tl 16.25 6.fl 12,7 5 11.lf 6.5f r1.25 1t .51 6.51 1t .33 6.5e 1t.50 6 .51 i.tl 5. tl 15.25 5 .ll 13 .83 13. 12 1t.?5 16.t2 2.tl 21.tf 8.25 6 .83 9.tl 13. t5 2.?5 11.17 5. t5 1t. tl 5 .33 2.5t 12,5t r.83 r,33 I.tf lt.tl I. tl 5.33 l3.tl 15. tl lr.tl ?.tl t.33 l3.tl 2t.fi 1 .33 D.lt I.5l 5.ll lr.tl 13.5f t.ill t.t0c t. t0l t.||l t,ml t. tfl t, tft c.f!l t.||l f. ftl t.ill t.tcl t.0al c.ml t.nl f .||l t.ill t ,lfl l.ill t.ill t. tfl t.ilf t. ffl t. ttl t.||f t. tfl t.ile t.ill t.ill f .ilf f .ill r.ill t.||l t.ltl t.||l l.||l t. tfl t.ill t,tfl t.ilf r,ml f.il t.ill t.t!f t.ltl t.ml t.ill t.||l t.ill t.ill t.ill t.||t t.ill t. tfl f .ill 2.15{ ll 1.11t il. t.1f{ It l.lft It 1.lil It l.lil It l.lil It l.lfr It l.Iil xt l.lil Ir 1.1I Itl.tct xr l. tc1 xt 1,1t4 It I . 1lr Il. 1.lft It l.1il Itl.lft rrl.lt{ tr 1. t52 rrI.lil It 1. tft Itl.lil rr l.lil It 1.10t xt 1,{52 rrl.llr rt 1.1t{ It2.t5r xt I .152 rr 1.t52 il.1.ltl Xtl.lil Itl.ilt xtl.llt Itl.tf{ It 1. t52 Ir. 1.t52 It 1.t52 It 1.11r n1.lil Irt.llt xtI.lil It 1. t52 It l.lil Il. l.lu It l.ilt It I.lil xt 1.68t Ir. 1.687 Il 2.15t Ir I.ilt It 1,152 rt 2.535 1l 2.15{ Xt- T T t t T t T T T T I tt T T il ET TT I T f T I T tt T t I T I I tt I I T 12t e.tg 12C t.0l t2t r.0l 12t 0.ll tzl t. tl 120 t.ff 12t t.tf lzt t.rl 12t t.tl t2t Ltl 12t f.rf 120 t.rg 12C t,t0 l?f c.r! 121 l. rf tzt l. cl 12t t.rl 12t C, tl 121 t,tf 12f f.tl tzl l,ll L?l l.fl 12t t. tl t?t t.tl 12t t.el 12t t.fo 12t t.il l?t t. tlr2t c.tl 12f l.l0 12t t.tl 12t t.tc t2t l.fl 12t f.cl tzt f.ll 12t l.ll t2t t.|l 12f t.tl tzt f.ll 12f t.fltzl r.rl 121 0.lf 12t t. fl t 2c t.0l 12f f.tf 121 l. rl 12t l, rf 12, t.fl 121 l.ll 12t f.l0 l?t Ltl 121 f.fl 12t l.li 1?t l .ll 12f l.ll r.at f.tl 0.lt t.oe f.il t.tt l. ll c. rl r.il t.rl r.m 0.tl t.il t.tf t,tt t.0t t.il t.tl t.tt t.tl t.il t.tl 0.m c.el t.ot !.a0 !.i0 c.cl t.il t.tf l.ll t.tl r.il t.tl f.il t.tf t.|| r.tl r.tf t.tl t.il t.tl t.il t.tl r.ft t.tf r.il t.tl r.fr f.t! t.il t,il t.il 0.fl t.il t.tl t.il t.tl t.r f.ll f. tf t. fc t.lc l.0l t.il t.tl t.|| r.rl f.il t.tl t.il r.fl t.il t.tl t .ll t,ll f.il t.tl t.|| f.ll f.ll l.lf t.ll l.ll t.fr l.tl t. tf l. rt t.il t.tl r.m l.ll r.il l.tl t.il l.ll r.il f.llr.cf l.le r.il l.0l f.lf l. rl t.|| r.0l t.ct t.fl e,lf t. fl 1 file:0lI06tlS.Ttlt 8EOIT t00t Er0 t00E fL0l 0ItItItR {Gm) (ilflrrs) 'Tt|[' Sprinkler Prograr by FPI Softuare, Inc. rrPt fITIII6S ttI6Ill tQl/ ttI6T[ I0I r.tr6T|| FnICIloil C-VilUt(frrr) (tttT) (frfr) (Psr/rr.l l.g€ i Pe Pf VEI0CIII(Psrl (Psr) (fT/src) I l6 19 ,' 3 I I I I 1l t8 LI 16 D 1t L? 15 1l tl tt t6 t2 8.5 t2 1l tl E 2 1f tf I 1t tl 8 , 1l ,, tl 2 3 I I 8 9 l8l l8 t7t( tl il t6 t5 r. tt t. tl r. fl t. tl t.tl r. tf t. tl t. tl l. tl t,tl f.fl l. tl i.fl t.tl t. tl l. tl l. tl t.tl t. rl t. tl 1t. tf t. tl t. tl t.fl 6,fl 6.tl r.fl f.tl 6.tl t.cl t,tl 6. tl t. tl f.tl 6.fl t.fl 6, tl f.tl 12. !0 18.5C l2.ll 1f.tl lt.lc lt.tl 8, tl 1t. tf lt,ll il.tt 1e. !f l|.tf lt.tc 2. t0 il.tl 8.tl 2. tl 8,tt tl.tl t.l|l t.ill l.ill t.ill t.||l t. tfl t.ilf t.ilf t. t0l f .ill t. ttl t. ftl !,||l 0.il| !. ttl t.ill t.ill t.ill t.ill t. tl t. tl t. cl t. tl t. tl f.fl r. tl t.fl t.ft r.tl f. tl t.tl 0. tl t.tt 0.tI t.fl t.lf t.fl r. tl t.fl t.tl t.tl t. tl t. tf t.tf t.tl t. tf t.tl t.ll l,ta t. tl l,ti l. ti t. tl t. rf t.tl t. tl t.il 2.15r It 2.15a It 2.t5r rt l.lil It 1.11r It 1. t52 It- 1.t$2 It l.lil It l.t|t It 1.152 Ir l.lil It 1,lt{ It 1. {$? rl 1,1f { It 1.t52 It 1,t52 n 1.152 It 1. t52 tt 1.152 It l?r t.tl 121 t.tl tzt t.tl l?t t. tl 12t l.tt 12t t.fl 12f t.0lrzt t.tf 120 l. tt 12t t. tl 12f t. al 12t t.tf 1?0 s.0l 12t t.t0 lzt f.ft tzt l.0l 12t t. tl t2t t.tl lzt t.tl Eact LrlF =z l'-{ErLIo- gtOEE(fEJ -rJ <E{5 I =oJlr bJ td:>fffcr:l=L) Lr [f]Z,Jc|]-Ecl.LJ= OJ >Lf TJ E t-.e E IU cf, ] tr- E-f t_ft L 0f '{-rlt .+ = 'i . -' :'4 IrDltuIIc 8uI[[nr mt8 SUPPII llrr0ilrffirox stailcr ll8.ll p8l. Besldual: ll3.CC p8l. ! tl26.0e gpr. Eorer 25l.tl gpr. SyBter re$lre8r SplI avallrbler 6rfetl larglnr [ulmr reloclty l[ the stster ls 3C.6{ ft/Bec. Contlnutl at sll nodes sstlsfled to 0.tl gpr. 89.69 prl. t 528.3{ gpr. {lncludlng Eose illorancel ll5.3l psl. 16.61ps1, PIililC ITOilD I . {5 Dtclil flJ{tfl I " 9f DlGtEl ll,D0S [ . 9l DlGltl rcXe ilU rtB0t l-?llffC[088 B . Blllltlfl,I WW s - cIil rAtvt c . cmfi Y$IE : ll0llSr PIgE ITPS IEGBXD {l . sCElDlltl {l l0 . SClOlltE 1l 10,'I8I[ ll[[ D. lffllM Dllllnm fi . C0PPffi lIPl I C! ' C0PPBB TIPI I Cll = C0PPEI IlPl I P[ . P0l-[0C CP . CPIC lller BUmlS.T[3 't[8' Bprliller Progru by IPE softrare, IBc. Pager I PnB88UB8 ruot nilmloil K-llCloR [Rtt Dt[8lttIoD[ lPslt (GPu lmrt (50.n.1 (GPn/80.n.| ccl cc2 cc3 ul u2 DBl BBT c8l c82 c83 nl ltc2 ltt3 l||l ru! tzl t2a t22 n5 nl nl il? rc3 tfl n5 n6 n? n0 t|9 nl n3 7t2 nl n5 n5[ tl7 n9 n8rrII l2ll n3 r25 12l ltl It2 tf3 nl n5 n6 n1 tc9fll lr8 2u 9r.8t t.0l 88.9{ t.el 89.59 628.3{ 88.13 t.tc 85.12 t.tl 8t.22 f.t0 12.82 t.ft ?3.13 l.0l 12.11 r.fl 1t.21 f .tl 62.?5 t.rl 58.f1 r.tl 53,31 t.Cl 18.98 r.rlr{.55 t.c0 62.?6 t.tl 6?.?6 f.tl 62.?5 t.fl 62.?5 t.0l 62.?6 t.tl 52,16 t.CC 52.16 r.tc 62.?6 C.tl 62.?5 t.tl 6?.15 r.Nl 52.76 l.ll 62.?6 f.Cl 62.?6 r.l0 62.16 t.tl 62.?6 t.tl 62.75 t.tl 62.76 f.tl 62.75 l.ll 62.76 f.fl 62.15 l.fl 62.16 t.tl 62.?5 t,tt 52.?5 t.tf 52.16 l.fl 62.?6 t.tl 62.16 l.tl 62.15 f.ll 62.16 f,tl 62.?5 t.tl58.il r.tl58.t{ t.tl58.& t.fl58.0{ f.rl58.il t.tl58.f{ t.tl58.t{ r.rl58.1t t.tlt0,f{ r.m58.t{ t.tt58.t{ t.|l N ILt2 8ouncB 3 5 5 3 3 I zl.5 3t .5 {1,5 5t .5 6l .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 21.5 2l .5 2l.s ?l .5 2l .5 21.5 21.5 21.5 2t .5 2l .5 2t .5 21 .5 21.5 2t.5 21.5 2l .5 2t .5 21.! 21.5 21.5 2l.5 21 .5 2t .5 2t .5 2l .5 21 .5 31.5 31 .5 31 .5 31 ,5 3r .5 3l .5 3l .5 31.5 3l .5 31.5 31.5 lllsr BRIDCEIE.IIE 'TBE' Sprlntler Prograr by lPl $oftrare, Inc. Page: 2 PnBSSuBi rmfl l[BIllIIot l-ltclol Alxt Dm8lil[oDr (P8rl (ePu lnffl (60.u.1 {cpx/80.ru.1 2a2 2t3 2,1 2t5 2t6 2,1 2t8 2t8[ 2t9 zta 2ll 2ltt 2t2 2n 2L+ ?15 215 2l? 2r8 219 22) ml m2B m2t m2 8t3 ml m5 It6 sil lt8 8t9 ul nl n2 fl3 il{ n5 n5 nr n8 819 E2l EZI N22 [23 B2{ 825 [26 s21 t28 829 8tt 8t2 Et3 58.41 58.11 58.r{ 58.t{ 58,t{ 58.ll 58.11 58.t{ 58.tf s8.t{ 58.C{ 50.t{ 5r.f{ t8.t{ 58.f{ 58,f{ 58. tl 58.t{ 58.t{ 50.il 58.t| 25,12 21.38 zl.{5 29.20 16.t2 lt.5t l{.69 3t.ll 32.58 {f.35 {t.15 t6.|l 25.88 21.88 t5.?2 15.18 15.ll 8.t9 0.52 0.t9 lf.2t 1t.71 15.?l t2.85 t2.21 il.fl 28.2t 29.3? 21.52 22.68 19.62 f8,98 {8.98 t8.98 t.tf t.cl t.tf t.tl t.c0 t.tf t.rl f.rf t.tf t.0t t.|l t. tf l. tc t.0l t.ll r.tl t.tl t.|l t. tfl.lft.ll 29.r5 26.19 t.tl t.tl t.fl 22.91 22.21 t.tl r.cl t.fl a.tt t.tl 29.50 27.13 t.tc 22.52 23.2r 16.51 t.tl 16.51 18.53 t.tlt.ll f.fl 24.29 19.59 3t.80t.r 25.9? c.0e 25 .59 t.0l c.il c.c0 3t .5 ll.5 31.5 3l .5 3t .5 3t.5 3t .5 31.5 31 .5 31.5 31. t 3t .5 31.5 31 .5 31.5 3l .5 31 .5 31.5 31.5 31.5 31.5 {l .5 lr .5 {l .5 ll.5 fl.5 {l .5 tl .5 {t.s 11.5 {1.5 {1 .5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 {t ,5 {l.t {1.5 {1.5 {1.5 11.5 ll .5 {1 .5 tl .5 {1.5 {1.5 {l,t {l .5 {1.5 {1.5 {l .5 5l .5 5l .5 51 .5 5.8 5.8 il0 r1c t. 2?l r.238 5.8 5.8 lll ltl t.2f8 t,212 5.8 5.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 5.0 5.8 5.8 5.8 qe lllllf tlliltllf r.268 4,2+7 r.2f5 l.2rt t.l5t t.l5l f.158 t.l8l t.110 t.280 f.2{5 f.231 tllllf llf lll uf ul ilN llle! BuDGBlS.l[B 'T[8' Sprlniler Progrsn by FPB Softrsre, tnc. Pager Pn$8U83 rrff EtBrtlr0ll [-tlcl0R lRt[ DBilSITyl|oDr (P8rl {0Fll IIEBT} (60.fT.) {cptr/80.rT.1 8e{t 8e4 $t5 $06 8fr 8t8 6t9 810 sll 812 813 $l{ 815 616 61? 818 819 821 $2tA 82$ 82t 922 521 821 825 s26 82? 828 ffr fr2 ft3 fltl ft5 ff6 il8 m9 nl n1 fiz fl3 il{ fl5 n6 n? [18 n9 f2t t21 r22 n9t m5t t55 ff5[ I 2 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 t8.98 {8.98 {.e8 f8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 18.98 t8.98 {8.9S {8.98 t8.98 t8.98 {8.98 {8.98 {8.98 18.98 r{.65 {t.55 t{.55 t{.55 {1.55 {1.65 {{.65 {{.55 {1.65 {t.6t {t.65 {{.55 r{.65 1t.5t {{.6t t{.65 {{.65 lt.55 {{.65 {t.55 {{.55 {{.55 1{.65 t{.65 t{.65 58.11 68.00 t. tl f.tl t.mt.r r. tl r. tl t.tl r.ff t, cl c.0l l. tl c.tf t.t0 t. tt t. tl t.cl f.t0 f.tf t,ff t. tl 0.00 t.cf r.fl c. te 0.te 0. tc t. rl t. fl t. tt t.tl a.tl l. rr l.tll.tll.tl t.tl t,ff t.fl f.tf f.tlt.tl t.tf f .0a f.fl t.fl t.tf t.tl f.tf t.tl t. t0 0.0f c.00 0.tl t.ft 0. tl 51.5 5l .5 51 ,5 51.t 51 .5 51.5 51 .5 51 .5 5r .5 51.5 il.5 51 ,5 51 .5 51.5 51.5 51 .5 fi6 5l .5 51 .5 5t .5 51 ,5 5l .5 51.5 51.5 5l .5 51 .5 5t .5 il.5 6l .5 61 .5 6t .5 6t .5 51.5 6l .5 51 ,5 61 .5 51.5 61.5 61 ,5 5l .5 61.5 61.5 61.5 6l .5 61.5 61.5 6l .5 6l .5 5t .5 61.5 51.5 51.5 6l .5 12.5 12.5 rllc EUDCllS.tn '$l' Sprlntler Pr0grar by IPI Softrrre, Inc. Pager I m$fr ttfi Bl$ulff [-ttcT{r [m Dil8l?ttnsrl lcflrt tnnl l4.n.l {Gilril.n,t 3 I 5 5 1 I 9llll t2 t3ll 15 l6 It t8 l0t l9 ff.lt t.|lil.n r.nft.|| l.rl60.ff t.rl6t"m t.rf68.4 r.r|6N.lt l.rl6l.tf t.r|6l,fl f.rf5t.|| t.rl60.1t r.ff 68.m O.fl {l.fl f.rlfi.il l.rf5l.lt r.ll68.tf t.llt0.fl t.lln.|l r.|| l?.5 12.5 lt.5 I2.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 t2.5 t2.t rt.5 rz.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 t2.l 12.5 nles BnIDcll$.T[8 Ftofl DIilulER IIPE lIflInCS Liltclfl tcal (ilcsr8l lFBlrl "1gB' $prlnller Progral by IPB 80ftr0re, Inc, tor tB[G18 I0T tBltGI[ ml$I0ll C-Yil,l,l Pe tHBrl (IBETI (P8I/lT.l (P8Il Pager Pf u[tocltt(P8rl (n/68C1 BteIil $t0I0Dt [oDl ccz ccl 3?8.3{ {.26t le G t3{ 2.55 136.55 1.924 l{C -5.2C 3.3{ 8.52cc3 ccz 3?8.3{ 5.35? l0 I 114 39.91 213.91 e.0C3 140 C.9e 0.75 3.82ccl ut 3?8.31 4.25e 10 0T z0 22,t {2.0e t.c33 ize l.3e 1.37 8.52ur ttz 378.3r {.25t lC 1+,t1 C.0C r{.11 C.C33 12C 0.tC 2.{1 8,52u2 BBl 3?8.3{ 4,26t le 5 0.t0 6.Ce C.C33 rzf 1.30 f.zf 8.r28n 882 3?8.3{ {.26t l0 il', 5 12.et 18,C0 C.C3l t20 C.lt r lt.{t 8.52 ' t0IE: Ite ll0r D€peMent Pr€s8ure [os8 Devlce ln the preceedlng plpe acc0unts for 10.81 prl of the totol frlctlon loss 'Pf'082 C$lc81 C82c82 C83 3?8.3{ {.25r l0 t 3?8.31 {.25C 1r tl 378.3{ {.25e te r 3?8.3{ {.250 lC 3?8.3{ 4.26t lC o 23.15 2, t5 tl t2 t2 t2 Lt J I lc 1e lf t2 {.5 1.5 u.5 LL .5 {.5 I ll.5 t2 .5 {.5 1.5 .5 11.5 Il, {.5 t.J q u.5 12 11.25 1.75 {.15 5.5 9tq 5.6? 9.6? {.25 .5 11 .5 c.t33 0.t33 c .033 8 .52 8.52 8.52 8.52 I .52 n \? t.0l 0.0c t,tf f.c0 a. t0 f.tl r.tl c. tl t. t0 0.tl t.te e,cc 0.0c f.cl c.ct |,tf t. tc 0.tl t.tt c. tl 0.0e 0.tc t.cl e,tc e.m 0.tl t. tc t. tl t. tl t. tl e.t0 c.el t.ce 0.cc c.ci e.N0 0. ce c.cl f.tl e.t0 $.cc 0.ce e.e0 6.|l t.ct r.c0 5.Cl 6.e0 26. el 15.00 12.0c 9.51 13.50 5,Ct r2.0c 25.00 {9.?5 12t -1.3r 4.39 1.62 c.85 c.{9 t.39 c.39 t. $0 0. cc t.ce e,cl e.0i 0. tl l.tl t.il e.tl 0.tl 0.f8 t.t0 t.c0 c. cc c.tl t.tl t. tf t.tl t.t0 c.tr 0.t9 f.m t.tc l, t5 0. t0 t.fl t.fl t.tl r.m t. tl t.cc e.tt 1.00 t.$ e.ce 0.00 c.tl s. cl c.tf t.ft e.t0 r. t0 e.cl t?t 0.tlL?l C.0lc83 il|lIt0t nrzr{r2 rtr3m{ m3t{r5 ml127 t{lt125 t21t22 F26n6 tzzllt lt5t03 nen2 tfllr3 ?t2Fi{ t03t05 r{Ir5 t05Prg tc?tf8 t09rlt tfgtil FleFl3 nln2 llln5 n{nsr n5n5 n5il? F16t19 n?tt8 ntm F2l121[ tzl122 t2l123 r22t25 r23124 r23ill [|2n9 lClut Ttgfl2 rleTC3 tt2r{ $3Te5 If4?16 1052r5 2t6 2l tt 211 2t2 3i8.3{ {.25e let.cf 4,26e l8c.tc 4.250 lee.et 2.15{ l{te,e0 2.15{ t(i[.ec 2.15{ )Gc.ee 2.15{ nc.fc 2.15{ Ifi,c,er 2.15{ [t0.ec l.lc4 nc.m 1.10{ t(Le.ee l.{52 10,0.ec I .19{ xtc.ec r.lc{ H,c.ce r.le{ I[e.0c l .1e{ }(ll.ee l,le{ x[e.ee r,{52 n,c.0c r.rc{ )(t0.c0 l.lc{ )il,r.il l.lN{ xt0.tc t.rc{ ){[r.0t I .1c{ ltlr.ft 1.+52 I(tc.c0 l.lr{ x[e.cc l.r0{ Iil,r.0t 1.10{ l0r.rr l.lc{ ttlN.0t l.lt{ H,o.fr l'{52 il,|'m 1.r1 )0,t.t| 1.1t4 l(Ll.|| 2.635 lft.t0 2.i5{ )0,r.m 2.15{ t0g.ct 2.154 til, f .0e 2.154 l0t.e0 2.i5{ l0e.l0 2.15{ )(t0.c0 1.{52 )(tc.c8 l.{52 lil, t. er 12.00 t. ar 12. c0t.e0 n.ao 16.CC 38.eec,e0 3.0e c. ee 9.000.cc le.Ncf.et l0.tlr,ft lc.0l 2. e0 l{. tl 0.e3r Lze 8.e20.t33 120 4.33 0.e33 120 {,33t.lee Ln s.ce c.000 l?e e.ce 0.0c0 12e 0.cc c. cct r 2c e.00Lem nc c.tlc.0ft rzt l.flc.alf r2l l.fl 0.ct0 r.tcl TBG tt5 t. efzltA t.fc2lllr C. C0 l.lr{ n 1 l .lc{ [t 1.10{ n B t.e0 c.50z,et 13.5ez.et 1{,ee0.0c c .5c 5. e0 9.5e 6.ff 13.51i.fc t.sf z.CC 13.5C2,$ r4.Nfr.$ 0.505.tt 9.5e6.et 13.50t.e0 N,502.6e 13.55z.at l{.coc.tc c.5c5.m 9.5C6.tc 13.51t.ct l.5N 2. et t3. sl25.fi 3?.CCt.00 14.25 f.ff {.15 0.00 1.75c.eO 5,5e e. ee 9. ecf.c0 1.509.CC 15.6?6.t0 15.6? 5.00 9.25 0.00 0.50 2. ee 13.5e rzc N.t0 12C C.fCc.ccl L?t f.e9c.cet r2e e.0cc.cel 120 c.eee.0fe rz0 e.c0 e,ecc 12e c.cct.0ct 12e c.cc 0 .0r0 120 c , clt.cm 120 e.0cr,me 12t f .clr.ilc l2t f .rc0.tct izc l.c0Leff w c.mc.cm lze l.rct.m0 r2e l.lc e.0e0 l2e e.ec e. t0e 120 l. ec c,e0c l2c 0.0tt.0t0 lzc c.|l0.fff 12c l.lf0.tcc llt l.l0t.cct tlr t.Nlc.mr l2e 0.0c0.ftf 120 t.elt.t00 120 0.00 t. ccc 12r t.0c0.mc 12e c.Nl0.iec 121 N.ct 0.cc0 lze c.e0c,efl tlt o.fc e .mc 1?c c.ce o.ccc t 20 e.e0c.c|| lzc e.cce,lcl l2l 0.clt.eee txi c,ee II I ?CT TI IE lller BmDonB.t[B EEGIII IIID[oDt [oDr IIOII DIIIGTXR 1T!T FIT1IIIGS IBIIGTI tcPr{l (ilcilsl (r8rT} 'T[t' Sprlntler Prograr by FPI Softrare, Inc, tot 1t[G1[ I0T tltc?l lRlcllol{ c-til,ul Pe(nrTl (rt[T] tPsI/rT.l (P$l Pager Pf TII,OCITY(P8rl trr/8rcl T06 fl6 tc? It8 TC8 202 2t8[ lat 2C8 2C9 211 102 215 nt 2t1 te9 219 220 Tll LTJ il|3 8tl ff9 m8 m'r Bt6 If2 If2 m2t BC2[ n3 Erl Et6 g15 mt tl3 il3 xll Ell [20 [21 [21 821 s22 s22 807 il7 [25 [25 828 [28 6t9 8e8 8f? st6 2tl It{ Tf6 2il TI? TC8 2,1 Tll 2f8[ 2t0[ 2t9 2lf {3 2r5 215 211 218 219 ?19 215 uf It9 m8 8t7 Ic5 If2 EC1 Ic2[ $28 Bt3 m{ m5 [11 812 xl3 ll5 8l{ u6 El8 st? El9 [20 122 823 [2t [21 [25 [25 [28 s21 [29 m{ $c9 8t0 sll t rq 3.5 1e 10.33 5 .33 I 2.15 .oJ le 11 4.25 I ! 23.11 1e.5 q 4.25 tr,l 23 11.25ll 9 9. 33 11 2,33 1.{2 1l 1J l{.83 2.33 i1 .33 tl 0 I 3.6r ,l ?i 5.83 I 1.92 5 2,25 .t, ll I 12 1e,6? I 8.5 U 5. tc 5.m c.t0 2.tc t.tl t.c0 r, cl 2.lf 5.Nl 2. C0 2.tt 5.0c 5.eg 5.tc f.0l 9.tl f.tl 5.tc 5.fl 2.rt 3S.0C f. tl e.ec t2.ce e.el e.tc 2.L 5. fc 5.fl t.tt 5.t0 2.$ 5.il 5. t0 t.0l s.ft 2.fl t.tl 5.tf r,il 5.00 5.tl 2.t0 5.tf ?.le 5.rr l.ll 5.ea f.ce 5.e0 ?.ce.l.0c lr. t0 t.c0 c.ee t.,l 8.5e 1C.0e 12.33( 1? 2.33 8. C0 f.?5 5.83 l?.0e 13 .0C 8.5e 9 .25 6. el 8.C8 12.17 1r.50 5.50 9.25 13.5C 51.00 5.5e ll .25 23.e0 9.0e 9.33 11.0e 1 .33 5. {2 11.0e 6.ec 1{. tc 19.83 1.33 11.C0 5.33 13.01 6.ef 6,tf 8, 5? 5.rl 8.5C ? .83 6. rc l{,92 1e. tl 2.25 5.1? 11.00 5.e0 l9.cc l?.57 18. 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NC c.0l 0. ee e.te 0.ea c. ee c.0c e.r0 0. te t.t7 I 1t tq I le.?5 t2 1.5 u.25 12.5 1.5 5. 33 t,5 rz.5 It L I It.25 I ?.83 6.42 1c. 25 9. {2 I i{ 2.25 l .83 1 13.?5 2.25 ( t1 5.i5 5 I .33 2.61 8.5? { .33 4 l0 I 9 lc .t .33 I 11 t.t I.JJ 6.tstl 5.1? l{ 1C.0t 0.00 5.C0 5,ee 5,el 2. tl 2. tl 5.00 c.cc 2.08 5.0c 5.tf 5.ee 2.ee 5.00 5.Cr 2.t0 l.m 5. CC 6.Ce ?,cc 0.t0 ? .10 c. ce 7,el 6,e0 5.CC 2. Ct t.cN r.fc 6.Cf 0. cc 5.tl 5.t0 t.tl {.tc t.el e.tc f.tl t.fl 5. tf 5.m 5.Ce 6.re 0. tl 5.t0 0.tc 5.00 15. Ce c.tf t.tl 5.00 t.et e.el lc.ec 11.25 5,33 6.e0 r5,25 6.e0 12.r5 1{.0c 6.5e 11.25 1{,5C 6.5C 1C.33 5.50 l{.5e 5.50 1.0e 5.e0 15.25 5. 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Ne 0.ea r.0c 0.e0 N.C0 e.el c.0e 0. c0 LC0 f.ec 0.el e.ee t.e0 e,ce 0.0e 2.154 i.l0{ 1.1e{ I .lt{ 1 .lt{ I .lf{ l. tf{ Ll0{ 1.1e4 I .lr{ I .1t{ I .lf{ i.lt4 1 .le{ 1 .1t{ r.1f{ l.lt{ l.lc{ 1.lt{ 1.{52 I .lt4 l ,lt4 I .lc{ l.lel I .10{ 1.4r2 l,tc{ l.1e{ 2.151 1.t52 r.{52 l ,1c{ I .1e{ l.1r{ l.lt{ 1 ,lC{ 1 .452 l.{52 l.{52 t,lt{ l ,1l{ I .10{ 1.lt{ l.{52 l.ll{ l.lt{ t.lc{ I .lt{ 1.681 1.687 2,15{ I .101 1.452 2.635 12C e.ee 123 C.CCl2t 0. f0 tlc f.te 120 t.tctlt c.e0tzt e.e0t?l c.0etzc f.cci2c Lee 12C e.e0 129 e.cc 12e 0. e0 12C C.0lr20 N.te12t 1.00 120 l.ll 120 t.terzc c.telzt l.rfr2c t.tl l zc 0.00 121 C.tllzc c,ce 12e e.ee 120 0, ccr2r c,ec 120 c.tll2t c. fl 12C C.t0 120 t. tct2c c,tflzc c.tl 121 l. rlr2t c.tf 12r l.l0 120 c.lt t 2e e.lc12r l.ll 120 l.l0l2t l.el 120 f.tltzl l.rc12f 0. tctzf l.l0l2c l.tl 120 0.0c12r 0.00 120 e.ml2r 0.tll2t f.t0l2l e. eelze c. ee 125 e.mlzc e.8e le I t(l )(IT ]GT 10, T lGtl(lIxtI )(t til, IlGlxtl l(I1[I,t 1il, T Iil, rnt l(l tBl(ttxtI I(t BT xIn xI )(T )0 Et xtT t0, T xtE )G Iil, H, I |(t NT Iil, T IG II, TB )(t )fi, IG U,NT )fi, t xI,T )tt T xt H,T |{l, 1il, T IG IIT xI t{txtI )il, 10 2 .154 [t I '-. . I FlIE! BNIDGIIS.TIB EtGIt BltD t[0tlr0Dt [0DB (cPnl DITN$T TIPB FIIIIIIGE I,IIIGTI(rl|cErsl (rBrTl 'I[[' Sprlnkler Pr0grst bI FPE S0ftflsre, Inc. B0I t$cf[ 10t LBltoIE rRlcllo]l c-IA[uE IruBrl (r[BTl tpsr/rl.t Page; Pe Pf VBloCnY(P8Il (P6I) ln/6rcl {li15 ll 19 162l3243158?98 le9l8 l8AIt l816u5{ 65l1 t012 1115 16t{ 15 0.e0 e.ec 0.00 0.0c 0.e0 0.ec t.cc c.tf t. tc t.el t.tc t.tc e.ee t.e0 c.cc e.ce 0.e0 e ,00 t. ce c.0e 10.ce e ,0e 0.ee c .0t 5. ta 5.CC t.et t.cl 5.t0 t.t0 c.t0 6.ec 0. c0 e.ec 6, CC 0.ee 6. CC 0.0c 12.e0 18.5e 12,00 le. ec 1t.c0 14.ee 8.01 ll.tc 10. cl 14.0c tc.0e 10. cc l{.ce 2.e0 1C. ee Lee 2.ec 8. C0 lc. c0 c. 0ee e.00e e. 0e5 t. tc0 e. g0c c. etc e.0ec c.fcc t.0tc c.||c t.cef 0.0c0 c. cgc r.0e0 e.cco 0. ceo c.occ t.cce c.ecc c.ee 0.c0 e.c0 c.c0 |,is c.tl t.t0 l.tc t.tt t.tl t.tl t.t0 t,t0 e.t0 c,ee e.ec e,ee c,ec I C0 e.ee c.ee e.ec e .0e e.00 t.$ t. tr e.e0 e.m c.c0 c.cc c.8c 0.c0 e.gf e.ee e.ee e .00 0. ec 9.00 2.15{ 10, 2.15{ Iil, 2.t5{ )(I,l.le{ )0,l,1e{ il, 1.{52 t[, 1.t52 r(tl.lt{ nt.lt{ xt, l.{52 nl.lc{ xtl.lt{ xr 1,{52 l(t 1.10{ )(I 1.{52 Xr 1.{52 Xri.{52 XL I , {52 )(r, I,{52 l(L 12e e.ec 12e C.eC 12e 0.cc 12e e.e0 12e e.tc 121 C.CC12t t.eltlc c.0l12t t.0012t t,0ctzs 0.00 120 0.e0 120 C .00rzt c.cc l zc e.0erzc e, ccl2c e.0cl2e c, ferlt t.0c I T t2 8,5 le le U J 1C l$ 8 l$ lc I I 10 te iltl lJat er Suppl g lllll vs, [emand fur ve ttlrl ------- BEnAND CLnUE -- $UPPLY CURUE '1t-.IItI II { tIII TII { I 100CI FLOH - 6fTLL[HS F'ER TIIHUTE{GFTI}