HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL 1995 DRB NEIGHBORHOOD INPUT LEGALI: i This packet includes neighborhood input received during the DRB review of the International Wing. Most letters were received during 1995. a I Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 o VoiI Colorado 81658 . 303476-6342 . FaJ"l 3034764901 November l, 1995 Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 Re: Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing Expansion Dear Members of the Design Review Board, On behalf of Luanne Wells, I hereby object to the Design Review Board's final review of the Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing expansion application. The objection is based upon the failure of the applicant to comply with pre-established application requirements . The significant failure is as follows: - Failwe to obtain authorization from owner.* - Failure to provide complete information. - Failure to provide information on a timely basis to facilitate a complete and accurate review. The following is a discussion of the aforementioned three points. - Failure to obtain authorization from Owner Division 18.54.040 of the Vail Municipal Code requires that the "owner of authorized agent of any project.... shall submit for final design review." The Lodge at Vail Site Lot A,B, C Block 5C as described on the O DRB application consists of three condominium associations, Lodge. Properties, Lodge Tower and the Lodge Apartments. To date only the Lodge Properties has signed or approved the application. The recently submitted survey and title report are inconsistent with the site description on the DRB application. The survey and title report rely on "excepting out" the condominium subdivisions of the Lodge Apartments Parcel of 1971 and the Lodge South Parcel of 1972 to establish the "Remaining Lodge Properties Parcel". These condominium subdivisions are not land subdivisions as defined by Title 17 Subdivisions ofthe Vail Municipal Code ( Adopted by Ordinance#4 of 1970). I Andy Knudtsen Page2 November l, l995 Therefore the Lodge at Vail site should be treated as one site and not as three independent parcels, therefore consent must be obtained from all tl:ree owners. Now that survey and ownership information is available it is important for the Town to revisit the issues brought up by Mr. Jack Reutzel's in his letter of February 23,1994 to Mr. Tom Moorehead. This letter questions the reliance on a condominium subdivision to establish a "site or parce|'. The precedent set by allowing two owners or associations sharing the same building envelope to be treated as separate entities for the purposes ofzoning and redevelopment is confiary to the Town of Vail regulations and common sense. 2. Failure review. to provide information on a timely basis to facilitate a complete and accurate As of Friday October 27, 1995 a completed zoning analysis was neither available from the Town of Vail or the applicant confirming existing and proposed GRFA, density, site coverage, landscape area, and height in relation to the allowable. Reliance on the 1983 PEC approval is not acceptable due to the many changes reflected in the current proposal. The aforementioned documents, which. are necessary for a complete zoning analysis, are set forth and required by Section 18.54.040 ast follows: " B. Conceptual Design Review" l. Submittal Requirements ... c. SufFrcient information to show that the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to be located (i.e. square footage total, site coverage calculations, number of parking spaces, etc.) " "2. Staff/DRB procedure. The departrnent of community development shall check all submitted material for compliance with applicable provisions of the zoning code, subdivision regulations and Section 18.54.040 C Section 2... If the application is found not to be in compliance with applicable provisions of the zoning code and Section 18.54.040C, the application and materials shall be returned to the applicant." \ These materials are required to be submitted four weeks prior to a scheduled review as established / by the Town of Vail Department of Community Development Policy. Suffrcient time was not provided for the staffor interested parties to review the appropriate documents. 3. Failure to provide complete information. Andy Knudtsen D4dA ? November l, 1995 We are still awaiting copies of the following information which was requested at the October 18, 1995 If this information is not available we would request that the review be tabled until it is. - Revised east elevation addressing issues brought up at the October 18, 1995 meeting regarding privacy between the two buildings. - Revised walkway planters on the east side addressing the issues brought up at the October 18, 1995 meetins. I respectfully request that the Board delay their review until the aforementioned issues are properly addressed. Sincerelv. Lynn Fritden Architect cc: Luanne Wells and Paul Heeschen Dr. and Mrs. Smead One Vail Place Tom Moorehead TOV Attomey Jack Reutzel Attomey Jim Brown Attomey for Lodge at Vail Apartments Town of Vail Design Review Board Town of Vail Town Council Anita Saltz Lodge at Vail Apartments Stanley Shuman Lodge at Vail Apartments David and Rhoda Narins Lodge at Vail Apartments East Village Homeowner's Association, Jim Lamont Administrator L19206\ANDYl027.WPD o February 23,1994 Tom Moorehead, Esq. Vail Town Aftorney 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lodge at Vail Proposed Exlansion Dear Tom: This memo has been prepared to address the cenftri legal issues surrounding the Lodge at Vail proposed expansion. There are several plaruring related issues that will be bettei addressed through the Town's review process should the need arise. This memo addresses the following specific questions: 1- Does the crurent proposal submitted by the Lodge at vail violate the allowable density of Comrnercial Core I? 2. Did the 1983 Agreernent between the Lodge at Vail and the Town of Vail lawfully waive the density requirement of the subject property? 3. Has the Lodge at Vail vcsted its right to build the additional units? 1. D-oes tbe current proFosel suhmitted hy the I adge at Vail violate the allowable density of Co$mercial Core I? There is some confusion as to the area contained in the Lodge at vail's proposed expansion. Nonetheless, we believe that no matter how the applicant defines the "Lot", the density limitation of the Commersial Core I ('CCI") district has been exceeded. There are 90 dwelling units existing today on tfte "Lotu. No matber how the Lodge at Vail defines the geographic limitations of the "Lot", (thc 2.088 acres identified as the "Total Rcmaining Parcel" or the2.7073 acres identified as thc Total Remaining Parcel and the "North wing Parcel" all as defined in the applicants l9g3 memorandum to the Town Attorney). district. Ifthe Lodge at Vail is proposing the additional units Ln the 2.088 ame Lot fte . : 3a3ss+=e=rl= -A3 FEE 23'94 I6zt TomMoorehead Esq. February 23,1994 Page Two density is set at 52 units. If thc applioant is proposing the additional r.urits on the 2,7073 acre Lot, the density is set at 67 units. In either event the current number of existine units exceeds the total numberpermitted by the CC I disfrict. Some of the existing 90 dwclling units may have been conshucted prior to the adoption of the Town's zoningregulations and therefore would be considered legally non-conforming uses. However, those units still count against the density cap on the Lot. The Lodge at Vail argucd in 1983 that withln a defined geographic space more than one Lot could exist by virnre of separate owncrship of the air rights separate from the real property. In this particular instance, for example, the Lodge at Vail seenn to argue that the 2.088 ames is rcally 4.L76 acres for purposes of allocating density; the surface 2.088 acres and the 2.088 acres lying'above the surfacc owned by a dilferent entity. Instead of fifty-two dwelling units, thc Lodge is entitled to 104 dwelling units on the 2.088 acreLot. The code's deffnition of a Lot from which density is detennined is defined as: a parcel of land occupied by a use, building or stucture under the provisions of this title and mecting the minimr:m requirements ofthis trtle. A site may consist of a single lot ofrecord.... Nothing in the definition gives any indication that common ownership is a requirement of a Lot. Yet courmon ownership was the key clernent to the Lodge's rationale in 1983. Sincc thcre rsere two separatc owners ofthe surface€state and the air estate, there had to be two Lots, each of which were entitled to 25 units to the acre. The logical results ofthis thinking is readily apparent. Density control has legislatively bcen acknowledged as a lawful exorcise of a municipality's police power since it pronotes the health, safcty and general welfare of the community (C,RS. $31-23-301 (1) . To allow npo or more ownerships to occupy the same Lot and allow each ownership the same density rights fiushates tle purpose of density limitations recognized by the State enabling authority and implicitly recopized by tle Town,s Code. ln any event I believc thc Lodge at Vail's 1983 legal memorandum setting forth this double density proposal was rejected by staff. As a rcsrilt, the Lodge at Vail tbreatened o o- Tom Moorehead, Esq. February 23,1994 Page Three suit and the Town executed an agreement purporting to waive the density requirernent. If the Town staffagreed with the Lodge's position expressed in a memo from its attorney to the thEn Town Attomey, there would have been no need to execute an agreement resolving "the dispute [relating] to whether certain of the dwelling units of the Lodge Aparhnent Condominiums located on a parcel of air space above the real properfy owned by the Lodge, is athibutable to tbe land owned by tlre podgel," 2. nid the 1q83 Agreement between the Lodge at Vail and the TqWn of Vail lawfullywaive the density rerluireFent of the suhject property. The Agrecment waivcs the <iensity contol section of the Commercial Core I Distict in - violation of state stahrtes and was done for no other purpose but to relieve a particular property from the restriction of zoning regulations. As a resulf the 1983 Agrcement is ultra-vines to the state enabling legislative and the Town Code and is therefore void. It is well settled in Colorado that conhacts executed by municipal corporations in which there was a failurc to comply with the mandatory provisions of the applicable statutes or charters are void. (Swedhrnd v. Denverjoint Stocklandlank of Denver. et a1., 118 P.2d.464, Colo. 1941.) Colorado Revised Statutcs, $31-23-301 (1), empowen municipalities to, among other things, regulate and restrict height number of stories, size of buildings, the size of yards, the density ofpofulation and the use of buildings, stuctures and land. This same section also requires that such regulations "shall provide for a board of adjustment that may determine and vary their application in harmony with their general purpose and intent and in accordance with general or specific nrles contained in such regulations." State law furttrer mandates that Board of Adjushents hear and decide all matters upon which it is required to pass under ordinance (C.R.S. 53l'23-307} The Town's Zoning Code had in place in 1983, and today, a procedure for granting variances ltom the literal int€rpretation of the Zoning Code, including densify, where a hardship would result. (Town Code Section 18.62.010) Section 18.62.010 (13) of the Town Code vests jurisdiction to grant variances from the provisions of the Zoning Code with the 3@3F;9'43FJ31, t o{}.'=FEB 23' 9.1 L@2 @ Tom Moorehead, Esq' FebruarY 23,1994 Page Four plaruring commission. Applicants for a varianco mu$l cgmply wrth the criteria found in Section 18.62.060 ortae rown code. The Lodge at vail failed to^follow mandated p-""Jur., for obtaining the density variance ant therefore, the 1983 agleement is invalid and rmenforceable. The Town is not estopped from furding the 1983 Agreement unenforceable because of a line of cases statingthat cstoppel against a municipal corporation may not be utilized by a pri.ru* p*ty if the nunicipuicorpotttion ftnds a previouslylxecuted agreement invalid" ---r--rt-.^+^^r.r-+rasntiianT'ticrrinJ., N.rrmandvEstatesLimited,5i4P.2d'(See Normandy x,states M€rroPottran ursu'r;rw 805, Colo. APP., 1975.) Notudthstauding the ulta-vires nature of the Agreernent, if given its litBrat reading' the Agreement is contract ""trt e in vio]1ti91.orfllfibfished case^!1: !?t:,$*:alcJlt sf Boulder, 362P.2d 160, Colo. 1961; Kingq Miu Homeowne$ ^sBW".*t""a 557 P2d li86; Colo. tgZO; aua rnfonrration Please' Inc. ffimis.io"L"s of Motgat County, 600 P.zd 86, Colo' App' 1979') Thc Agreement p"{p"rtr t" -"ire Ue 6ity t quit...ol within Commercial Core I for th.e Lodge at Vail. No other property *ititi" |Ct n* been given rclief from the density requirement fite ttre Lodge at VAL'gy wui"ing the density requirement, the Town Council, through its Town Miuager, has roiieved t6i todge at Vail from the restriction of zoning ,"g,rlutioor, thereUy creating for all intents and purposes a dificrent zone' 3.noes.the Indge at Vail have a v ? prior to 19g?, Colorado was one of the number of states that recoglized a vested property right only upon substantial reliance on the issuance of a vahd building permit aDd-a substantial step toward "o*ptttion of the project. (see P-rf\/ Tnvestnents' Tnc' v' Citv of We.stminster, 3SS p.Zd t:Oi, Coto. 1982, Clinev. City of RQultu,4.50 P '2d 335, Colo' 116r.) Th;e rcq,rirements *"r" not and, to date, have rot been satisfied by the Lodge at vail. The 1983 Planning and Environmental commission approval of the exterior modification in 1983 car-e does not vest the project. No building permit was ever issued uvm"TovmorreliedonbytheLodge.Re{gceonthePlanningandEnvironmental Commission approval in tigf as a site specific dcvelopment plan, thereby statutory vesting the rights must fail sincc there was no stafttory vesting possible in 1983' o,-o Tom Moorehead, Esq. FebnrarY 23,1994 Page 5 ' I would be happy to provide you with additional information in any of the issues discussed abo* ityou determine it necessary. Thank you in advance for your consideration' Very tnrlY Yours, DEUTSCH, SPILLANE & REUTZEL, P.C. Jack E. Reutzef JERji d{'r,€LLA ; ' it,-1 t I it-{i It" .- i4'+ I it##"'i " Siii -f ;l' Easr Vrr HonanowNERS Ass ofiicers: President - Bob Galvin Secretary - Gretta Parks Treasurer - patrick Gramrn Directors - Judith Berkowitz - Dolph Bridge*ater - Ellie Caulkins - Ron Langley - Bill Morton - Connie fudder To:Town of Vail Design Review Board Town Council From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: October 17, 1995 RE: Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed DRB Application, October 18, 1995 ' Please be advised of the following recommendations that are offered for your consider- ation in review of the Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed. 1. The scale of the proposed structure adjacent to the passage way between One Vail Place and the International Wing, as proposed, should be equivalent to the passage way between One Vail Place and the Hill Building. The International Wng, as proposed, should stair step down towards the One Vail Place passage way and Eaton Plaza. The width of the passage-way between One Vail Place and the International Wing, as proposed, should be the same widih as ihe passage way between the Hill Building and the Golden Peak House. The passage way should be a minimum of 25 feet. Design should allow for a qualitative or adequate pedestrian circulation around the building. The building design should anticipated and be compatible with an in-filling of the parking areas located south of the proposed building site that would provide for a plaza giv- ing direct access between the Village and the Mountain. Should the Land Exchange site develop- ment option not be exercised, allowable GRFA can be relocated to lower floors, thus lowering the profile of the building. There appears to be no requirement in the zoning contract with the Town of Vail that it must approved adjunct uses such as convention facilities. 2 A different roof style should be employed, without resort to dormers, so that view blockages from surrounding residential units and public walkways of Vail Mountain and the Gore Range are decreased, The cathedral ceiling roofcovering the penthouse unit is excessive, it should be substantially reduced in order to lower the apparent building height. The proposed roof forms increases shadowing on pedestrian walkways and public plazas. A different roof form could cause less shadowing. The privacy of, or view from, existing residential units should not be diminished The upper most floor should be removed as it appears to exceed the height requirement. 3, Flat roofs are neither encourage or allowed in Vail Village, the building should con- form to the 40%o/60%o height and sloping roof requirements of the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines. The architectural design attributes of the proposed structure should be reviewed for compliance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guidelines by the Town of Vail professional de- sign review consultant. All buildings in Vail Village and many others having lesser impacts, have been required to be reviewed for compliance by the Town of Vail's design consultant. 4 The roofterrace should be removed in order to maintain the privacy ofadjacent resi- dential units. The size of terrace allows for large social gatherings which are inappropriate at this level ofthe building, given the adjacency ofresidential units and the failure ofthe applicant to provide privacy screens. Post Officc Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Telephone: (970) 827-5680 Message/FAX; (970) 827-5856 5. How will noise and odor from building exhausts and mechanical systems be handled? Will they interfere with residential quality of adjacent residential units? Adequate protections should be given to surround residential and commercial properties from these factors.. 6. Building should conform to the design requirements of the Vail Village Master Plan, which requires commercial uses to be located at the plaza level. Parking for the building should be required to be located underground on the site. The Homeowners Association requests that all substantive design standards and review re- quirement be imposed upon this application as they have been imposed upon all other buildings of similar size and scope that have undergone development within Vail Vifiage in recent years. The Homeowners Association requests the foregoing within the ethical context of advocating equal treatment and standards for all property owrers within the same zone district. Failure io prot ide for equal treatment and standards has the potential to seriously undermine the ethical in- tegrity and intellectual authority of the public design review process within the Town of Vail. RNrrR SRLTZ ]r- ruo.eel4 967J14?O trr 26,ss 15 r 12 P.01 D*lgp Revlsw Borrd TorYnCoundl Septenber2l,l9!ll VIAFA)(TO lg7Ot47}.?A5Z AI{DYIAREGGUIJ\RMAIL Me.SurrnConnelly Comr-unity Developeinent Director Towaof Vdl 75 South Enorrtege Roed Vell,Colurdo 81657 Re Intemrtionalwing etThc Lodge etVeil DerrMe. Coonclly; My husband, frck end I hevc bcerr the ownerc of Condomlnisn ltl-S9 tt The l-odge at Vall slnce 1986. Druing this time wc hrve enjoyed the chrrnro and fectlldee of the Town of Vall end Vdl mounteln both in winter end rnDDeL Thc vlew thet we enfoy fion our condoniniun io vcry lnpctant both to our q{ruty of llfe end to the nonetery ydus 6f 6ru rnlt . !ft-r we rccognlze lhetLodge ftoperdee heo rrequlrenent to cxprnd theirfacilidea end thereby Increerc theirprofitr, we rtlongly feel thet Ore neede of dl Vdl pmpcrty owtrerB end cltlz€Ds nnet be concld€lrd. We ffnrefolr reccommend drrtthc thlrdflooretrurtute be rcrnove4 and fire butldtng be pulled beck rt lerot 2!i feeet 6on Vell One Plece, co es to .llow for edeqnrte pedeetrlencirculedon end vlewo fron Fouaderc plua" Slncelely. Anita Saltz k^c^!!tok'al<^ 15146 rnclsa* & crlMPfl'ff &rQr#lTtrtlb1r gt*ul4 t.ttudr* at S4.q&ut $tSagr.$t.[.muz rAx(970) &e-usa octob€ 17,1995 Ivls. S\rsanConndly Connunity Dorclopmcnt Director TowaofVail ' T5.SouthFroutggc Rord Vail, Coluado 81657 '' Deer lv{s. Connelly: re: Iff€f,uetioual Wng at The Indg6 at Vait I am the owncr of Coadominium 35.3-365 at the Lodge. l"{yq'ifc Sydnoy, our four sons, and f speod a good dcal'of tino throughouttleyear : cnjoyiug *o *onders of vait. we have an uneucrrnbeircd viov of tbe Village a"l nOu"t"i" Ao. our unit which is on the upper soritheast corncr of tto Lodge looking past wrldflowcr and ovrr wbat is crrtr'emlythe International Wrng (Xerox picuue eos.losed) Although I ara a direstor of The Lodgo Gondoaiuium Oqmerc Association, I amvniting solely in my individral capacity as s unitbwnatr. AA you koo#; the Associaioa is a mcmbcr ofthc Esst \lillage Homeowaers essociatioD, 8od EVIIA has alrcady expreeed maoy couccrns whicb I sharg; Although it is in the interest of Lodge Propatiee to increase thdr profitebility Uy crca:tne additional facilitics, the locatio4 design sod scale ofthixe ftcilities should be plaoned witb consideration for atl affected parties and thb cifizgry as a wholc. r; r..ii.ii.ri. .'-. : i... . .. 1s346 r{F| ' ex & cr}trFFff r0 0 sts?ffi6 P.@, Ms. Suoan ConncllY Town of Vail Page2 Wirh this pcrspec'tive in min{ t would hope tbat tbs DRB will look at the proposed design in conformanco with its own'pcrbrmaaco re$tr€oqots witt roipect to scale, roof desig!, the rcquircmcotg tbat congcrcidl usc bc lisitcrl to plaza levelg rmderground parkiog to be located at thc sita, requirod pessagc wsys bctwoen adjacem structures' €fc' To the escnt poesible, views ovcr, and pivacy of, €Ndtting resideotiat udts should a61!s,riminish.i- It would appoai ttat tte upper mos! floor errc€€ds the het€b requiremeol, a-od the Peottroussunit itselfis a lutcry th4t sarvoe targely to most the hubrir ofthc ow*r. It Sould be rcnovcd in ordcr to redrce the bnrilding height. I bave beeo'irprcsscd with the continrod:efforts ofthe DRB and ttlo . Toqrn Council to €ncourags cnlightcoed dwdopnent in tbs rouat and I subnit ' riese comnats with tho hopo that tboy will b€ of rssistaco to you in the ': oourEpofyoursoosideratisaoftleproposedlctersaiomlwtng, .' !' : "' Verytruly Yours, Stairlcy S. Shdan 4/*.+ enclosr.uo 0cT, -18'95ilfEDl l5:56 on. limt-nlvls AvE TEL:el4oOooo P. 002 DavidJ. Norhs, M.D. Rhda S. Naths, M.D. Thc l-oilge at Vail #535 174 East Gorc Creek'Drive VaiI, Colorufu 81657 Octobcr 2, 1995 Ms. Susau ConnellY Commuaity DeveloPmcnl Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8L657 rc: Proposed Inlernational Wing at The Lodgc at Vail Dear Ms. ConnellY: we havc owned coudominium 535 at the Lodge at vail since 1985- Aftcr having skied at Vail since its opening ycar and affer looking for many years' we purchased this condomiaium for its locaf,on and parlicllarly for its vicw of thc Gore rauge' Our family l*s enjoyea spcnding time in Vaii in both summcr and witrler and feel thal lhe cbarm of Vail \riinage is in irs scale ana phnned usc of spaco. As condominium owrers in the Lodge at Vail, *-. hrlre an irtcrest inihc conrinuetl prolitability of the Lodge, but feel that there should be a design which does nor impact so tregatively on sg mPy peoplc' The dcsigJof thc proposed International Wing at ihe Lodge goes counler to the planning we have Seen in offu, p^tt. of the Village- ft is a large stn -cture, whose height is out of scale with the surrounrling open sPece. The " Presidential suite' to bc built oa the roof of the structure will "e"Jtli q""iity of life iu Vail for us as wcll as markedly decrca.se the monc{aql value of our propcify .ta thst of rhe surrounding condoaniniums in the Lodge and adjacenl buildings. we have been shorrn photograpbs of the views fiom our windowi which we feel arc raisleading. The architects have drewn in the outlisc of tbe proposed buildiug, but the line d,rawings they prosctrled do trot refleA the mass of a twO itoryt*"t rru wtricU wiU be truilt only tea yards frorO our liwing area and the faA tbat the .oof desig-r, calls for a large terrace whjch will be used fs1 sltsrteining located only feet from our window. An area in soch Proximity to living sPace is inappropriate for such use' ocT. -18' 95(rT[0] r5:57 nn.lllil-nlvls lvn -2- lVe would have uo objecion to a design erfuigh sliminates thc 'Presidential Suite' and any building above rhe forrrb floor of the existi4g Lodgc building, climinates the roof area ". " pot"otiit cdertainilg site and givcs adequate dcarance lo bc building to the East' We *ooid be happy ro *ork rowards finiliag a tlcsign which would satisfy thc economic considerations -of tl" Loage and would presenfe thc quality of life that so many of us have sought by buying in Vail Village. We ate rnernbcrs of the East Vail Home Owncrs.Arsociation end arc endosing a copy of somc of lhe crrnccrns raised by the association with whic'h we agrec. These oonoerns should be addressed at the dcsig1 teview public hcaring. We arc sure that a salisfacrory solution to this problem cal bc found sincc there arc so many people who would likc to find a way to use this important aras at the bass of the mounlain to benefit all conoerned, TE[,e14 0IOOO P, 003 Sincerely, Rhoda aad David Narins OCT. -18' 95{lfED) l5:57 un.Hln;-olvrsAvt TEL:el4oOooo -3- Conccms of the East Vall Homeowncn Assoclatlon whlch should be consldered ln the deslgn review public hearing Thc ssrlc of the proposed struc'turc adjaoent to the passagewey belweel One Vail Placs and lhe International Wing as proposed should be equivdent to lhe Pirssage between One Vail Place and lhe HiII Building. The International wing as proposed should stair slep down towards thc Onc Vail Place Passegeway and Eaton Plrzn- The width of the passageway between Ole Vail Placc and thc proposed International Wing sbould be the same width as the passageway between lhe llill Building and the Golden Peak House- (A minimum of 25 feet)- The roof should be Hipped with no domrers so that vicw bloclcages from sorrouudilg rcsidcntial uuits and public walkways arc minimized- Tbere should be no terrace spaco otr the roof of tbe second Ievel iu order lo maintain privacy of adjacent residenrial units- The size ofthe terraoe would allow for large social gathering.c which are inappropriate at thi$ teve, of thc buildiug. How will the noise aad odor from building cxhaust aDd elevators be handled? Will they iuterfere wift &e resideutial quality of the adjacent units. (This has been a problem in the Lodgc in tbe past). Thc buitding should conform to rtre 40Val607a heighl requirement of the Vail Villagc Design Guidelines- The proposed roofincreases shadowing on pedaslrian areas and public plazas. A Hipped roof would be less shadowirg. Building should conform to thc dcsign requircmcEts of the VaiI Village Master Plan, which requires commercial uses to be localed at lhe plaza level, . Desiga should allow for a qualitalive or adequate pedestrian circulation around lhc building. The buildittg design should be compaliblc with as iu-filling of the parking arcas located south ofthc proposed building site. The lwo story third lloor 'Presideutial Suite' should be removed, Parking for thc buildiag should be required to be located underground oo the site, P.004 JAT'IES FRANKI.- I H LAl'IONT B€BE2?E636oo EVHA FAX TRANSMISSION P.el To: Judy RodriguEz From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: Tuesday, October 17,1995 Ifyou do not receive all pagcs, pleasc contact: 3 pagee including cover. ANOV a- East Village Homeowners Association Post Office Box 23E Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone Number: 303 -827-S 680 Fax Number: 303-827-5856 Subjcct: Intcmational Wing, as proposod, DRB application, publio hearing 10118i9i Special Instruction: Please review and respond as appropriate. Iudy: Would you please forward this letter to the,appropriate staffmember. I wanr in included in the official record and presented to the Dedgn Review Board as well ss the the Town Council, rvhen the matter is brought before each entity. Thank you. JAl'IE5 FRANKLIH LAFTONT 383A2?3856 EasrVIlu HovtpowNt R$TION INC. Bob Galvin ffifE ?ArkS Tlerswcr - Prtnck Judrtht€rkowltz-l)otpnbnoE€uatcr-EulecaulhinJ-RurLarrglvl-Drlllvlvttgn'connicRiddcr P-92 utrlccrs: Directtrr To: Town of Vail Dcsign Review Board Town Council From: Jim Lamont, Administrator f)nte: October 17, 1995 RE: Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as proposed DRB APPlication, October 18, 1995 please be advised of the following recomnendations rhat are offered for yuur r,uillirJvr- ation in review of rhe Lodge at Vail, Intcmational Wing, as proposcd' I The scale of the proDosed structrue adjacent to the passage wav between One Veit Place and the Intemational Wing, as proposed, should be equivalent to the.passage way between One Vail place end the llill euiiaing. The International Wng, as proposed, should starr step down lowards the One Vail Place pissage way and Eaton Plaza. The width of the passage wa1' between Orre Vail Placc and thc Iniemaiional Wing' a3 proposcd, should be the same width as the p.i*gu way between the Hill Building rnd t[r GoiOen Peak House. The passage way should bc a mrnimum of 25 ftet. Design strouldallo*'for a qualitative or adequate pedcstliarr uirculaliuu around thc building. The building design should aniicipated and be Compatible u'ith an in-filling of itre putclng areas licated south oTthe ploposed_ building site that would qrg"iqe tbr a plaza giv- ing birect iccess bet*cen the Village an ihe Mountain Should the Land Exchange site dwelop- iiifui"l,i,ii"" ""rbe exercised, alloriable GRFA can be relocated to lower floors, thus lowering the fron.tf tn" building. Theri appears to he no requirement in the_zoning contract with the To*n bf Vail that it musr a-pproved adjunct uses such as convention facilities. 2 A different roof style should be employed, without resort_to dormers, so that view blockages fiom surrounding iesidendal units and-publiu watkways uf Vail Mourttaiu and the Gore Range'are decreased. Thicathedral ceiling roofcovering the peqllrgusg unit is excessive, it shou-ld be substantially reduced in order to lower the apparent building heighl. I he propos-e{ roof forms increases ihadowinc on pedestrian waikways and public plazas, A different roof form could ca-irse less shadowing, fhe privacy o{ or view from, existing residential units should not be diminished. The rrpper nrost floor should be removed as it appears to exceed the height requirement. 3. Flat roof$ are neither encourage or allowed in Varl Village, the building should con' form to the 4Oo/o/6OY'o heigh and sloping roof requirementu of dte Vail Village Utbarr Dcsigu_ G:idelines. The architeoural desigrr attributes of tbe proposed sfucture should be revewed for compliance with the Vail Villagc Urban Desigtt Guidelines by the Town oJ-Vail protesstonal de- sign retniew consultant. All buildings in Vail Village and manyothers having lesser irnpacts, have bien required to be reviewed tbr compliance by the Town of Vail's design consultant. 4. Thc roof tenace should bc rcmoved in order to maintain the privacy of adjacent resi- deptial units. Thc size of teracc allows for largo social gathcrings u'hich arc inappropriatc ot this level ofthe building, given the adjacency ofresidential units Nnd the failure ofthe applicant to provide privacy screens. Pust Oflist Eer 238 Vail, Colorado B16!8 Tclcphonc: (970) E27-5680 Mcssage/ltAX: (970) t27-5850 FRAHKL I Fi L AT4ONT 5. How will noise and odrrr fiom builcling exhattsts and mechanical systemg be handled? Will rhey intErfere with residential quality of adjacent residential units? Adequale protectioug shuuld Lrc given to sruround rcsidential and commcrcial properties from these factors.. 6. tsuilding $hould conform to the design requir€ments afthe Vail Village Mastel Plan, which requires conmercial uses lo be located at the plaza level. Parking for the building should be required to be located underground on the $ite. The Homeowners Association requests that all substantive design standards and review re- quircment bc imposcd uFon thi$ application as they have bean imposed trpon all other hrrildings of similar size and scope that have undergone development within Vail Village in rscent ,€ars The Homeowners Associatio rc(lue$t$ the foregoing within the ethical contcxt of odwocoting equal trertment and standards for all propefi.v owners within the same zone district. Failure to provide for equal treatm.ent and standards has the potential to seriously undermine the etbical in- tegrity and intellectual authority of the public design review proc€s$ within the Town of Vail 98275As6 o 3ANTIES o P. SE -,---\ JAI'IES FRANKLIH LAI'lOhlT 3Bge2?5e56f[Y-)r,-il hfi' fWry,trV'1 \JII' EVHA FAX TRANSMISSION 3 pagee including cover. To: Judy RodriguEz From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: Tuesday, October 17, L995 Ifyou do not receive all pages, plcasc contact: Fast Village Homeowners Association Post Office Box 238 Vail, Colorado 81658 Phone Number: 303-827 -5680 Fax Number 303-827-5856 Subject: Intcrnational Wing, as proposcd, DRB application, public healing 10i 18i9i Special Instruction: Please review and respond as appropriate. Judy: Would you piease fonward this letter to the,appropriate staffmember. I u'ant in included in the official record and pres€nted to the Design R.eview Board as '*'ell es the the Toutr Council, rvhen the matter is brought before each entitv. Thank you. P.At JAI4ES FRAHKLIN LAT'IOHT 38882?s456 P -@2 EesrVu,uOE HonrowNnns TroN, lxc. Officcrs: Fteudent - Bob Galrtr Secreta,l - Grcna Purks Ttcrsr:rer - ?atnck Gratun Direcrofr - Judith Berko*itz - Do)ph tsrldgcuttsr - ljllrc gaul$ns - Kon Lutie\ - Dill Nlonon - Cofulle Rldder To: Tcvn of Vail Dcsign Rcvicw Buarrl TiNVn Council From: Jim Lamont, Administrator Date: I'Jctoher l?, 1995 RE: Lodgc at Vsii, Intcrtrtltional Wing, os prooosed DRB Application, October 18, 1995 ptrease be advised of the following recommendatlons that are otlered for your consider- ation in revierv of the Lodge at Vail, International Wing, as propcsed. 1 The scale of the proposed stnrctrrre adjacent to the passage r,r'ay betu'een One Vail place and the Intemational Wing, as proposed, should be eguivalent to the passage rvay between Ono Vail Flace and the IIill Building.- Thc Intcrnotional Wing, as proposed" shou-ld stair stop jown torards the One Vail Place passage way and Eaton Plaza. The ra'idth of the passage way benryeen One Vail Place arld the Intematianal Wing, as proposed, sltuultl bc tltc sattts width as ths or".er rvay betrveen the Hill Building and the Crojaen Peak Housc. fhe passage rtey should be i min"i111*n'of 25 feet. Desigo should allorv tbr a qualrtattve or adequate pedestrian u'irculation around the building. lire buiiding design should aniicipated and be compatible with an in-filling of ift" p"t6og "*as iiicated south of the prop.osed buitding site thal would qr.ovide for a plaza giv- lng iirecr iccess bet*'.un the Village. and_the Mountain. Should the Land Exchangc site derrelop- mEnt option not be exercised, alloriable GRFA can be relocated to lorver floors, thus lowering the froCtc oe tlc building. Thcrc oppears to t,e no requirernent in the.zoning contract rvith the Town btV"it that it musr approved adjunct uses such as convention tbcilities. 2- A different rocf style should be employed, qithout resort to dormers, so th4t view blockages ftom surrounding iesidentral uruts and public walkways of Vail Mountain and the Gore nung"-aru decreased. The cathedral ceiling roof covering the penthouse unil is excessive, it . lfto,ia U" "uUstantially reduced in order to lower the appuent building height T-he propos-ed roof foroas increases ih^rt,:t*ing on pedestrian walkwa)'s and public pl:rzas. A different roof form could cause less shadowing. itre piivacy of, or view from. existing residential units should not bc diminished, Thc uppcr most lloor shculd be removed os it appears to exceed the height requiremcni. j" Flat roofs are neither encourage or allowed in Vail Village, the building should. ccn' form to tte 4Qo/oi6oo/o height and sloping ioof requr€ments of the Vall Village. Urban Design^ Cn idetines The architectiral designattiibutes of the proposed structure should be reviewed for oontpfi*r* with the Vail Village Urban Design.Cruidelines b,v the To*-n of Vail professionalde' sicn reuie.v consultan:. AJI buiicings in Vail Village and rrany others ha'ring lesse.r impacrs, have bin reguired to be rerierred for compliance by the Toun of Vail's design consultant. 4. The roof terrase should be removed in older to nainrain the privacy of adjacent resi- dential units. The size of terEce allows for large social gatherings which are inappropriate at this levet ofthe building, given the adjacency ofresidentialunits and the failure ofthc applicant to provide pdvacy screens. Post Olfrce Box 23E Varl, Colorado Ul65t( Jelephor:e: (970) 827-i6S0 MessagerTAX: (9?01 827-5856 ES FRAHKL t I.I LAT'IDNT 2?5956 P. s3JAf,Io E3Ao 5. llow rvill noig,e and odor from buiiding exhausts and mechanical syste;r:s be hnndled? Will they interfere rvith residential qualiry of aijacent residential uni$? Adequate protccl,ions should be giveu to surruuutl residential end cottulcrsiai propcrtics from thcsc factors.. 6. Building shouid conrbrm to the deslgn requirements of the vail \,'illage Ma$er Plan, which require$ c{)mmercial uses 10 be located at the plaza level. Parking for the building should be required to be located underground c'n the site. The Hcmeor:vners Association requests that all substantive design standuds and revierv re- quiremcnt be imposcd upon this applicotion es they have been imposed upon all other buildinge cf simitar size and scope that have urrdergone development rvithin Vail Village in recent years. The Homeorvners Association rcgue$s the forcgoing wiihin the ethical context of advocating equal treatment and standards for all propeny ouners within the same zcne district. Failure to provide for equal treatmeDt and standards has the potential to seriously underrnine the ethical in- iegrity and intellectuaL authority of the public design review process within the Town of \rail. l0l16,.96 lZi36 !'4.f, lL. 9704784901 !'RII'ZLEN PIERCE '-' T'OV rd 001 Fritzlen Pierce Briner October 15, 1995 Andy Knudtsco Senior Planner Town of Vail Planning Dept. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado 81657 re: Lodge at Vail Intemational Wing Addition P.0. f,ojr 57 o Vdit Colordo 61658 . 303476-6342 . Fax: 38476'4901 .\,v V',s,1,-t Dear Andy, on behaif of LuannE \1'e11s, of One Vail Place I have the following comments. As you are oware we have filed a forma! protest with your departrrent arguing the validity of the zoning of this proposed pmject' Torn Moorehead has told mc th* @ ug"rryg$ thut gr*tr tn uCOitio*t O he agreement does state thal thc project requiles compliance with the DRB application and review process. A review oft6e Lodge Propertics proposal is scheduled this Wednesday, October 18 at the regularly scheduled, DRts meeeting. We do not intend to debate the tecbnical aspests of tbe zoning at this meeting but we do have the following: l. To datc a complctc and curent surv'ey has not been submitted to the Town a.s is required by Section 1E.54.040, Section C, rlivision A of tlre Trrwn of Vail Zontng Code' The 1982 survey submitted by the applicant does not reflect curre$t building height, location or toglgraphy tror does it meetthe other recluirements of Section C. Most importantly the lot area and the legal description are not stated on the suwey. A partial survey, showing miscellaneous grade elevations is not appropriatc given tle scope'ofthis projcct.Once this survey has been prepared tbe proposed "site pl;" ; detined in Section C should be superimposed ovcr the surveyorrs information' The survey and site ptan should be submitted fo'.r rveeks in advance of a scheduled review, as is required for all applications so that all interested parties may have an adequate oppom:nity to rpvierv the documcnts. -t nIV R)r, d_t-- LA/I8iS6 12:36 FAX a. Andy Knudtsen Page 2 October 16, lS95 9704764901 FRITZLEN PIERCE o T0v qAoo2 /)t-,v, 2. The title reporr submitted does not match the legal description on the application. Since a recent surv€y has not been submitted iX i,s not possible to correlate thcse two. Thc title report excepts out several parcels that are not excepted out on the application or on what survey information is available- It is my belief ihat the property stated on the applicatioq Parcels A.B and Q is o\rued by a numkr of entiries furctuding tbe Lodge Properties aad the application should tre submitted jointly by the Lodge Propcrties, Lodge Commercial and Rcsidential Condorninium Associations and Lodge Tower Association. Without a survey refiecting the boundarics of these excepted parcels or the Lodge Properties parcel it is not possible to determ.ine if title report is accurate and if the Lodge Properties aione is the qualified applicant. 3. As of this date the staff has not prol.ided a zoning ruz[ysis to the publio confirming conforntonce wrth allowed GRFA, paxking, height, site col'erage, exteriorlighting, landscaping. Also I have not seen an analysis by a Town of Vail representative in regards to conformance rvith the Urban Design Guildelines that are applicable for this district. We are requesting that this information be made available to neighborlng propeily owners at least four weeks in advance ofa scheduled hearing in order to have adequate opportunity to leview the documents. cc: Luarure Wells "Iim Lamont, East Village llomeow:rcr's Association Anira Saltz Jack Reutzel AttorneY Frank Heeshin Jim Brown AttonreY AttorneY Tom Moc'relread TOV AttomcY L r92o.i.ANDY I0!6.WPD Sinccrcly, 0CT- 2-95 l'l0N 13:05 D nt o Facsimile Cover Sheet To: DEs/G f\t rLEV{Eu Bonag Company: .TO a.r Lt Lau A,C f ( Phone: Fax: 411 2-<F.S L FfOm: H. J. Smead GornPanY: -.:' ;;'l ..ol Phone: (970) 479-9433 Fax: (970) 476-3820 Date: tDlzl?S Pages includlng this cover Pagc: L Gomments tfE i aNtTEtrau+rtonrAL 4rtrVC -T&E LoO6E October 2,1995 Via fa<: 479-2452 Design Review Board Town Council Ms. Susan Connelly Community Development Director 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Co. 81657 Ref International Wing of The Lodge at Vail Dear Ms. Connelly, We are owners of Codominium nunber 2 at On€ Vdl Plarc, 2M Wall Street, and spand a great deal of time here in the Vail Valley. We understand that change is necessary for the growth and vitality of the Valley, but we are extremely concerned with the impact of the proposed expansion of The Lodge. Having reviewed the 14 concerns of the East Vail Homeowners Associatiorl we share and support their concems and most certainly support the elimination ofthe tbird floor of the proposod structure. It is also very important that ttre stnrcture be Fllad back at l€ast 25 feet &orn One Veil Place to allowfor adeWac pede*rian circrdation and viws from Fqmdens Plaza. Your eforts in reviewing projects and allowing only the projects that are compatible with the neighborhood are appreciated. Very truly yours, f f A -^ +L (l A.^.4 H. J. Smead t W Ann Becher-Smead ils es(THU) o8:JS DR, NARrNSdvrs AVE TEL:el4 682di6 P. OO I t\t Srsc fton^ ,$tadrg 5.${nraunr 7lr U)itt\.Anrme $rn Urrr,S.[.muzr FAX (970) 479-24s2 October 17,1995 Ms. Susan Connelly Community Development Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ms. Connelly: re: International Wing at The Lodge at Vail I am the owner of Condominium 363-365 at the Lodge. My wife Sydney, our four sons, and I spend a good deal oftime throughout the year enjoying the wonders of Vail. We have an unencumbered view of the Village and mountain from our unit which is on the upper southeast corner of the Lodge looking past Wildflower and over what is currently the International Wing (Xerox picture enclosed). Although I am a director of The Lodge Condominium Owners Association, I am writing solely in my individual capacity as a unit owner. As you know, the Association is a member of the East Village Homeowners Association, and EVHA has already expressed many concerns which I share. Although it is in the interest of Lodge Properties to increase their profitability by creating additional facilities, the location, design and scale ofthese facilities should be planned with consideration for all affected parties and the citizenry as a whole. *l ! Ms. Susan Connelly Town of Vail Page2 With this perspective in mind, I would hope that the DRB will look at the proposed design in conformance with its own performance requirements with respect to scale, roof design, the requirements that commercial use be limited to plaza levels, underground parking to be located at the site, required passage ways between adjacent structures, etc. To the extent possible, views over, and privacy of, existing residential units should not be diminished. It would appear that the upper most floor exceeds the height requirement, and the Penthouse unit itselfis a luxury that serves largely to meet the hubris of the owner. It should be removed in order to reduce the building height. I have been impressed with the continued efforts of the DRB and the Town Council to encourage enlightened development in the town, and I submit these comments with the hope that they will be of assistance to you in the course of your consideration of the proposed International Wing. Very truly yours, -"/fu, {fu^-- Stanley S. Shuman enclosure 0 1995 rOV'miliU1'pfy'D,qPJ" Rhoda S. Narins, M.D. The Indge at Vail #535 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 October 2.1995 Ms. Susan Connelly Communiw Development Director Town ot Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 re: Proposed International Wing at The Lodge at Vail Dear Ms. Connelly: We have owned Condominium 535 at the Lodge at Vail since 1985. After having skied at Vail since its opening year and after looking for many years, we purchased this condominium for its location and particularly for its view of the Gore range. Our famity has enjoyed spending time in Vail in both summer and winter and feel that the charm of Vail Village is in its scale and planned use of space. As condominium owners in the Lodge at Vail, we have an interest in the continued profitability of the Lodge, but feel that there should be a design which does not impact so negatively on so many people. The design of the proposed International Wing at the Lodge goes counter to the planning we have seen in other parts of the Village. It is a large structure, whose height is out of scale with the surrounding open space. The " Presidential Suite" to be built on the roof of the structure will affect the quality of life in Vail for us as well as markedly decrease the monetary value of our property and that of the surrounding condominiums in the Lodge and adjacent buildings. We have been shown photographs of the views from our windows which we feel are misleading. The architects have drawn in the outline of the proposed building, but the line drawings they presented do not reflect the mass of a two story structure which will be built only ten yards from our living area and the fact that the roof design calls for a large terrace which will be used for entertaining located only feet from our window. An area in such proximity to living space is inappropriate for such use. -2- We would have no objection to a design which eliminates the "Presidential Suite" and any building above the fourth floor of the existing Lodge building, eliminates the roof area as a potential entertaining site and gives adequate clearance to be building to the East. We would be happy to work towards finding a design which would satisry the economic considerations of the Lodge and would preserve the quality of life that so many of us have sought by buying in Vail Village. We are members of the East Vail Home Owners Association and are enclosing a copy of some of the concerns raised by the association with which we agree. These concerns should be addressed at the design review public hearing. We are sure that a satisfactory solution to this problem can be found since there are so many people who would like to find a way to use this important area at the base of the mountain to benefit all concerned. and David Narins -3- Concerns of the East Vail Homeowners Association which should be considered in the design review public hearing The scale of the proposed structure adjacent to the passageway between One Vail Place and the International Wing as proposed should be equivalent to the passage between One Vail Place and the Hill Building. The International wing as proposed should stair step down towards the One Vail Place passageway and Eaton Plaza. The width of the passageway between One Vail Place and the proposed International Wing should be the same width as the passageway between the Hill Building and the Golden Peak House. (A minimum of 25 feet) The rool shouid be Hipped with no tlorrnels so Lirat view bltlckages from surrounding residential units and public walkways are minimized. There should be no terrace space on the roof of the second level in order to maintain privacy of adjacent residential units. The size of the terrace would allow for large social gatherings which are inappropriate at this level of the building. How will the noise and odor from building exhaust and elevators be handled? Will they interfere with the residential quality of the adjacent units. (This has been a problem in the Lodge in the past). The building should conform to the 40%160% height requirement of the Vail Village Design Guidelines. The proposed roof increases shadowing on pedestrian areas and public plazas. A Hipped roof would be less shadowing. Building should contbrm to the design requirements of the Vail Village Master Plan, which requires commercial uses to be located at the plaza level, . Design should allow for a qualitative or adequate pedestrian circulation around the building. The building design should be compatible with an in-filling of the parking areas located south of the proposed building site. The two story third floor "Presidential Suite" should be removed, Parking for the building should be required to be located underground on the site, ANTTA SALTZ Srx MARTTN BUTLER CouRT RYE, NErv YoRK Iosao Design Review Board Town Council September 25, L995vIA FAX TO (97O) -479-2452AND VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS Ms. Susan Connelly Community Developrnent DirectorTown of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8t657 RE: International Wing at the Lodge at Dear Ms. Connelly: ocl 0 2 fi95 .COMM. DEV. - uulyltvt, uty,NY, D vail My husband Jack, and I have been the owners ofCondoninium 527-529 at The Lodge at Vail since l-996.During .this tine lre have enjoyed the charms andfacilities of the town of Vail an-d Vail- rnountain bothin winter and sunmer. The view that we enjoy from ourcondominium is very important both to our quality ofIife and to the monetary value of our unit. Whereas we recognize that Lodge Properties has arequirement to expand their faCilities and increasetheir profits, we strongly feel that the needs of allVaiI property owners and citizens must be considered.We therefore recommend that the third floor structurebe removed, a.nd the building be full@tfe-sc-Tr6rit vail one pld-edf-='o-as to affow-For iiiteqir'atepedestri.an" eirculatldn- and views from Founders p1aza. As members of the East Vail Home Owners Association, weshare the fourteen concerns addressed by the EVHA andincluded with this rnailing. Thank you for all your efforts in helping to developprojects that are conpatible with the surrotrndingneighborhood, ?nd in their design exhibit a spirit oigood neighborliness. Sincerely, ,."\ O /,/ | --'1- L4/(-La,-.ltsZftlq,',a Anita Saltz Encl-: Photos taken by Lodge Properties of our presentview. and overlay as dbne bf Lodge properties arciritectssflowing the building envelope of the fnternational wingas presently proposed. There are several units thatare altered more than ours. EVHA list of i.tems to consider. 9t26t95 Items that should considered in the design revierv public hearitrg: 1. The- scale of the proposed stuchtre adjacent to the passage r'vay betrveen One Vail Place and the Internaiionaf Wing, ur proposed, shoid the equivalent to the passage r'vay betu'een One Vail- Place a'd the Hill Buildini. ihe Intemational Wing, as proposed, should stair step dou'' torvards the One Vail Place passage way and Eaton Plaza' 2. The l:4uo_fibg_pessage walr between one \/ail Place and the International wing, as p.opo."iffiuta G-ttr. rio" width as the passage rva.v betr.r,'een the Hill Building and the Golden b"ui Hout". The passage u'ay should be a minimum of 25 feet' 3. The roof should be hipped r,vith no dormers so that viervs blockages from surrounding residential units and public walkrval's of Vail lr.{ountain are decreased. 4. Terrace on roof shogld be removed in order to maintain privacy of adjacent residential units' Size ofterrace allous for large social gatherings rvhich are inappropriate at this level ofthe building. 5. Horv rvill loise atrd odor from building exhaust ancl elevators be handled? Will they irtterfere rvith residential qualitl' of adj acent residential units' 6. The Buildilg sSould cor;rfonn to the 4091/60q'i, height requireureut of the \''ail Village Design v ' Guidelines r '. 9. Roof forms increases shadou ing on pedestrian u'alkrvays and ptrblic plazas' A $ipped roof rvould less shadorvirig. 10, Building should confbnn to the design requireureuts of the Vail Yillage Nlastet Plan' u{rich requires cotumercial uses to be located at the plaza level' I l. Desigl,should allorr for a qualitative or adequate pedestrian circulation arouud the btrilding' 12. The builclilg desigl slould anticipated and be cornpatible rvith an irr-filling of the parking areas located sotrth ofthe proposed building site' 13. The privacv of or vierv frour existing residential units shotrld not be dirninished. The third floor presidential sttit shottld be reuroved. 14. Parki[g tbr the btrilding sht'ruld tre reqtrired to be located ttudergrottnd on the site' tl b .F .olr 00 b0 .Fl'rl>o.rl $Fl f={ odp. r.l F- e.l r11 Hvp a? .1.',.. / .'I? h^ f.a a-, zH H NJ EJ TiAI P.o<H. P. 0q 0a o'o P) t.ooat -t Ho € { r_ TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorad.o 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 Department of Community Development September 18, 1995 Ms. Anita Saltz 6 Martin Butler Court Rye, NY 10580 Re: Intcrnational Wing Lodge at Vail Dear Anita: The Town of Vail has scheduled the Internadonal Wing for a final Design Hearing Board hcaring on October 4. 1995. Interested individuals are welcome to attend the hearing which will be held at the Town of Vail, Council Chambers, located at 75 South Frontage Road. The hearing will bcgin at 3:00 p.m. Ifyou have any questions, pleasc call me at (970) 479-2138. Sincerely, *1nJ,/ '/ t l"4t,gtry / z'-L{ fr4 Scnior PlaMcr fr,N.-Iv'n uts1tJ rlYt- "ilh( ril2ro\ @ 6,y {P'"n"uo'uo Jim Brown One Norwest Center, #3000 1700 Liriboln Center Denver. CO 80203 One Vail Place Condo. Assoc. C/O Stcve Simonett P.O. Box 3459 Vail, CO 81658 Riva Ridge South Condo. Assoc 74 Willow Road Vail. CO 81657-5306 SiErnark Building Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fritch 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81758 Mr. Jack Reutzel 9145 E Kenyon, Suite 200 Denvcr. CO 80237 Mrs. B.C. Hill 3l I Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Jared M. Drescher I l0l3 Tara Road Potomac. MD 20854 o Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Rd. #307 Vail, CO 81657 Mr. Chris R),'man Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Riva Ridge North Condo. Assoc. c/o Rick Haltermann P.O. Box 3671 Vail, CO 81758 Gore Creek Plaza cio Vail Management Company 201 Gorc Creek Drive Vail, CO 81758 Greg Christrnan Zehrsn & Assoc P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Mr. Randall H. Woods 55 Meade Lane Englewood, CO 801l0 Mrs. Luanne Wells 712 N. Palm Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 v LYnn.tntzlen frialen, Pierce, Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 U.S. Forest Service Holy Cross Ranger District P.O. Box 190 Minturn, CO 81645 Summers Lodge c/o Rick Haltermann P.O. Box 3671 Vail, CO 81657 Wall Sheet Bldg. c/o Mr. Robcrt Lazier 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail. CO 81657 Jack Zehren Zebren & Assoc. Box 1976 Avon. CO 81620 Dr. Harold J. Smead 6 Quail Meadows Drive Woodside, CA 94062 Ms. Anita Saltz 6 Martin Butler Court Rye, NY 10580 :Ut-19-$5 UED 2:52 PI'{ p)0lirtFlltFr.rnN--.o -.il,i: }Ic. 353c2653 BROWN & HARMON, P.C. OI\IB NORWEST CENIER I?OO UNCOLN STREET. SUITESM} DENVER. colon^oo 8020!rJ!0 TET.ETHONE (303) 832{m FA(SlMll.F: (3m) Er*2653 F.$( COVER SHEET ,AME E BROWN DAVID S. I{ARMON of C.'Fl JOEL D. RUSSI{AN ualr(mittal, please call is 830-2653. lf you DATE: TELECOPIER NO.: TO: EROM; NUMBER OF PAGES TO FOLT,O\f; If you have any problems in the cf this at 832-6000. have a r€turn fax to us, please uee this number. COilIMENTS: iRj$cemwqiflH'z' JULf glgg5 IOv-c0fvl[4, DEV, il[i / ATIORI\.EYS AT IAW rnE rnfo .{Allo| cox?AntE9 nf ts f^csrxrrE xEssrGE rs AtloRntv-Ft I vlLEoED Aro coilflDEl AL lrFofrfrAllol TTIEIDED FOf, '|{! USE gf lllg lri9lYrlrral lx tt{llfl ra^,r€o ElLAl. lr IXE iCADEI gt llll9 l'lgtsl6t ll IOI tlll, TExDgo RECtptErt o* lflE EltPtoyEE 0t Acfxr REgPotistglc I0 DEUVER ll To m€ lrrExoED nEctPtEfl. Yq, ttt IEREty xOTtrtED IHAI ltry DtssEHrrATt(Il, DlslRlBullot 0R c0P I0 0r tHtg tAx t8 8IRICILY Ptofilll .D. lf you l|AvE REGEIVE0 frlls tAr tt [Rrot. PLEASE tNftEDtAiltY roiltv Us tY rErEPltoitE Ar3 tETuRr rHE oRtclt^l lrEBSAEg tO US At rxE A80vE AD0RESS VIA rHE rJ. g. P03T t.tetvlcl. 'ili - 1Q-Q[ uF'i] ?'F1 p]J t l01lilirl{AR!{C}io iAi: ti0, u3c2653 BROWN & HARMON, P.C. ATTOR}iEYS AT IAW ONS NORWASI SAI\X CENTER r?dpuNcol\l STREET, surrB 3m0 DErfl/ER. @LOnADO 802011330 t]Er#PHoNE (303) 832,.6ffl FAcSrMrLe (303) 83S2653 'AME; E" AROWN DAVIDS. TTAR}ION O( C{rl }OEL D. RUSSI{AN July 19,1995 vIA FA)( TO (970)479-2452 AT.ID YIA REGUI,AR II{AIL Ms. Susan Connelly Community Development Director Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, C() 8165? Rc: International Wng at The Lodge at Vail Dear Ms. Connelly: As you may recall. I represent the lodge Apartments Condominium Owners Association in connection with tbe proposed Intcrnational Wing ar The I-odge at Vai!, and have been so engoged since late 1993. I havc been actively invohad in thc Town's consideration of this rnatter, and have corresponded with, had discussions with, and attended meetings witlr your staff, mo$t partiorlarly Andy lfuudtsen, Senior Planner. lv{ost recently, I attended the NIay 3, 1995 Design Review Board meering concerning this matter. At that rneetir.g, the DRB expressed serious concerrls regarding the project. It was clear that the project's dcsign *'ould havc to be revised to obtain DRB approval. However, a subsequent DRB meeting wa$ not sctreduled at tbat time. At thc conclu$ion 0f fte rneeting. I spoke with Mr. Knudtsen. and asked that I be provided copies of any additional subr:rissions by the applicant and that I bc advised of any subsequent DRB mcotings to considcr thc mattcr. Mr. Knudtscn agrccd to my requcst and assured me thot he would keep me informed as the malter prog(essed, Under these circumstances. you can imagrne my surprise u'hen I received today a copy of a July 5, 1995 memorandum prepared by the East Village Horneowners' Association" Inc. which contained the following stot€ments: I have been informed by the Town Attorney that The Lodge at Vail International Wing, as approved, has rcccived a favorable :ut-ig-gl vtll 2:53 t}]1 ilOliNFOUN iAi ll0. 3ijsOt,3 !. l Ms. Susarr CnnnellY July 19, 1995 Iagc 2 rcsponse fiom the Design Rwiew Board (DRB) at a recent .on"rptuul iiuiJi" *rri;;. _The Town Attorncy exPects The lndge ", V"it wilt seek final rericw at the July -12' 1995 DRB mecting' i; ;. t.pottta [tbat], speakip. o1.$fli of The Lodge at Vail C-ondo'minium'qssdi:iation at the DRts concep-tual reriew bearing, its attorney stated 'The Indge .at Veil ConaominiumTsociations (iic) supports tlre application' Immediately on receiving a coPy of the memo I telephoncd Jim I-amont, its author a'd rhc Adrninisratoi oi tn" b""" viiitgu Homeowners' Aisociation' Inc' to inquirc es to thc source of his information. Mr.LanontadvisedthattherehadbeenaDRBmeetingtorc.vicwthc-proposcd Internationat Wing on June 21. Contrary to Mr, Knudtsen's asiurances. I had not been rrflrvided notlce of ,itfs *e.ifng and therefbre was not afforded an opDortunity to attend on kfraf of my clienr. Mr, larnont went on ,o "auit. ,f,ti a "senior Viit staff person" (whom Mr. tamonr dectined ii'ioi"iity t itirttO rtoo Gro r,i. "t the June 21 DRB meeting that the Conclominium ownerJ Associition's attorney (th,at is, Ee) h.ad said that the r\ssociation supported the Wing. -Thit ;*,"tent is falsc. 'My client.irad specifically authorized and iusrrur,lcrl me nor ,u uUi"", io tt" Wing ffiropoled at the MCy 3 DRB meeting)' ba'rcd on the proponent s "g;;;;;;tftui **irtlni dAgi "i"uatots not b; uscd for transport cf the Intcrnational Win$s laundry, etc. I was not uuinolizeO to state my elient's suppgrt for rhe \Uing, and have Pevgg done so' Morcuvcr, I uudcrstand that the wing may have been redesigned between tbe May 3 and June 21 DRB mceting. unles_s ano ,iniiti have bad an oppittrnitv to review this ffig; ;'J Jii*r, it;ii ",; "*t, I cannot srate the Associatiorrls position with respect to sarne. Fundamental fairness and due Process req-uired thst I be provided timcly noticc of any redesign of *r" facitity and uo opp6rtffiioiu pttt.ol_?l_d i," heard at the DRB's cuusiderafun ur rrtn".'i *otlfO appiiciai" your wrirten ixplanation as to why \{t' Yrnudtsen, did not advise me of the June-21 DBP ;;;'iil-;;d l:ot l" aia not provide tt *(! information " to ni ,*oeiign of thc wing, contrary to his priar commitment. In light of the foregoing, I respectfully tequest llr.1t t ui p-rovided (ai copies of anY" rcviserl r.tesign u, ,p""in."1iooi'a, to itte rnr"rnurional wlng sublnitted to the'l'own of vail on or after May 3, iigiil-6) .opies.of *y *iout"t oriranscripts of the June 21, t99p- DRB mecting "nA uny qth*iiiig meeting tu6Jquint 1o MraY 3, 1t95 concerning the Win$ (don,r hesitate to uii'iri.'i.i-v iiiir;e";"'i.i1 Also, I iequett ths't vou provide each member of the DRB a copy ot rhis leuer so thiitl,.t tr,"y may b, "d"i;;d if itre toregoing@ circulnstancc$. .UL-19-95 T/ED 2:51 ll'{Bl0VrNt-HLRtr[']fi IAI I{0,303tl302653 Ms. Susan Connelly July 19, 1995 Page 3 Tha* you for your anticipated attcntion to thi.s. s E. Broun JEB:lbt 2l?J.bot-rry.lo2cc: Tom Moorhead (vla fax to (970)479.2l$n Jim l-a.mont, Adrninistrator, East Mllage flomeowners Association, Inc. (via fax ro (970)827.5856) Ms. Anita Saltz (vla fax to (914)9C1.0147) Mr. Jorgc Bosch, Prcrident, Iadgc Apartmcnts Condominium Ormcrs Association (via fax) DA <rw4_i XCi S*-* 4,.& -7o,'.i 4 I'tk* pL* ' 4 s^l+e ANITA SALTZ SIx MARTIN BUTLER CoURT RYE, NEtf YoRK 3o5ao JuIy 10, L995("f ^7^;izll,*, lt-'^'*'r' Town Council Mayor Peggy Osterfoss75 South Frontaqe Roadvait, colorado Srosz PIease addparties whothe DesignBoard, andthis issue Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely ,,''__- - L-r'- .- L..! Anita Sa1tz T\v . 0}illtlvi, uLv,,tEi, , frff-w Dear lls. Osterfoss, ily husband Jack and f are the ohrners of acondoninium at The Lodge at Vail. We wish to go on record as beinq very stronqlvopposed to the expansion of the In€ernational win&at- The Lodge at Vail as presently proposed, W6berleve .this_ proposal to be illegat in that itj.gnores the density regulations. We also wish to state that we, as condoniniumowners and members of the Lodge Condorniniurn OwnersAssociation, never voted for this proposal. As weIitere present at every neeting, f do not understandwhen or by whon this-vote wai-taken. our names to the list of interestedwish to be informed of aII rneetings ofReview Board, the Architectural R5view .any. otirer -agency ot ToV before whomls cllscussed. APR-06-9E THU 11:48 REI{AX VAIL INC. FAX ttO. :O:AZO00S24\0 ,* t^tlo d.cPost-it- Fax Notc 7621 lp€ngi l'" tfutoq Hrjupr *p 1"" figt+ tnnJr:x4 Y d l*eil' *A/ 1"" qr)e vh.- l/Lrara- | ^,$)t/lPho]e. Ir**rt*_n*o I F,'/,". IH oNE vArL pLAcE coF{DoilrrNruM ASsocrATIoN owr*nns \n I 7,4=\r \ $l .UfX I.*/' 'J I rsV / Po ,L,/s ECTORY 1+:i:.: aj r1;ii..:r: i:,i.:r::;:, iii::; ,.: l::l ffi c-01 Mrs, B. C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 r i-5542 c-02 Mrs. B. C. Hiil 3ll Bridg€ Street Vail. CO. 81657 c-03 Mrs. B. C. HiU 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO. 81657 c-04 Mrs, B. C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 c-05 Mrs. B. C. Hill 311 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 c-06 Mrs, B. C. HiU 3ll Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 M-01 VAIL ASSOCIATES. iNC. C/O Accounts Payable P. O. Box ? Vail, CO 81658 (303) 476-5601 Ted Ryczek 479-3fl7 R-01 Mr. Randall H. Woods 55 Meade Lane En$ewaod, CO 80110 H:(303) 'l6L:tzLE Karen Ron Byrna & Assoc. 476"L987 Parker - lvlaintenance Fov APR-08-SE THU 11:49 REI{AX VAIL INc. FAX N0. 3034766652 f . ut tr I R-02 Dr. Harold J. Smead (Joe) 6 Quail Meadows Drive Woodside, CA 94062 (303) 479-9433 Ann tsob & Karen Weedens R-03 Jared M. Drcschcr [1013 Tara Road Potomac, MD 20854 (301) 983-1516(h) (703) s2s-ll0l(o) (303) 476-1410 $/estficld Rcalty 1000 Wilson Road Ste. 800 Arlington, VA 22209 Irene M. Bob & Karcn Weedens 524-7466 R-r.)4 SIig R.O5 FOR INFO 476,6E92 R-05 Mrs. Lu'a:rne Wells 712 N, Palm Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 II:(310) 271-1606 Richard Stamp 94q-4886 \ri tl TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 29.1995 Departrnent of Comntuniry Developtnent 44u-lkl Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner CC: Bob Mclauren Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica "J"F!!_E CSFY Mr. Chris Ryman Vail Associates P.O. Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Dear Chris: RE: The Indge at Vail, International Wing This letter is to inform you that revised architectural drawings for the International Wing at the Lodge at Vail have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Dcparfinent. A conceptual Design Review Board hearing has been tentatively scheduled for May 3, 1995. A final Design Review Board hearing will be scheduled later once all zoning issues have been resolved. If you would like to review the proposed development, please stop by my office. If you have any questions, you can reach me at (303) 479-2138. Sinqerely, f:\rndy\lener\lodge.329 ,/ (\ March 29,1995 I l\ , B4l'\ FF.X *") I ^U \$Fffi;.it " -..tf 1.\ffin(uaa'"'s1 ?"' th,'*frIffifldcsz} 1'''\nr_rvr' ?'- (l RE: The Lodge at Vail, Intemational Wing This letter is to inform you that revised architectural drawings forthe International Wing at thc Lodge at Vail have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Deparhnent. A conceptual Desip Review Board hearing has been tentatively scheduled for May lleeS. A final Desip Review Board hearing will be scheduled laGr once all zoning issues have bfen resolved. If you would like to review the proposed development, please stop by my ofTice. If you have any questions, you can reach me at (303) 479-2138. Sinccrd, Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner CC: Bob Mclauren Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica f:\andy\*te odge-329 a fi dname;name2;address;csz;de*t l rim erownBllti i One Nonvest Center, #3000 , 1700 Lincoln C*t"t€ Denvrc1,CO 80203 ffiHi.JimffifiF, .,. i Jay Pe19rso4Pfi,,{ffiffi, H'l 108 S. Frontagend. #307ffi[iii Vail, CO 8l657$ri iJay $D,8,, One Vail Place Condo. nssoc.ENUfilffiPi' C/O Steve SimonettENffi P.O. Box 3aS9H'f,$DFIELfi: Vail, co 8 tssE$tuFlEffii; St"u*S. . t Mr. Chris nvma"ftNufrlfiffi ii Vail Associate"g$$ffi P.O. Box ZF g'pj; Vait,C_O 816SZ,* itChtitg' ,ist U. S. Fore st S ervic edN$"F;l#fi fii, Holy Cross Rqnggr-Dlstrict$". fti P.O. Box l90EfiffiH#:, Minturn, CO 8l645P i Forest Service ffiP,i : Fl \ a^# rL,de*\ a'h"'""hl Fritzlen, Pierce, P.O. Box 5 Vail, CO 8165 c/o Marijke Brofi P.O. Box 75 Vail, CO 8165 Riva Ridge North Condo. Assoc P.O. Box 367 Vail, CO 817 Summers P.O. Box 3671 Vail. CO 8165 SiErnark Buildin gffiDFfBfjD' Mr. and Mrs. Robert nritchE- N'DFIELE 183 Gore Creek Drivel Vail, CO S1758Su, ffi Mr. and Mrs. fritc l ii Wall SteetB c/o Mr. Robert 386 Hanson Ranch Vail. CO 8165 c/oVail Management 201 Gore CReek Dri Vail. CO 8fl7 l*t Mr. Jack Reutzel#,#ffif{fi*ffiffi Zebtq,& P.O. Box 197 Avon,CO 81 Zehren& Boi 197 Avon,CO 81 iilo ri. slir.viewAve', #206ffi#iffi Enelewood, Co 8011Lffiffi Greg *rrke TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX s03-479-2452 March 29, 1995 Deparnnent of Comntuniry Deve loprnent April 11, 1995 Mr. Jack Reutzel 9145 E Kenyon" Suite 200 Denver, CO 80237 RE: The Lodge at Vail, International Wing This letter is to inform you that revised architectural drawings for the International Wing at the Lodge at Vail have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department' A conceptual Design Review Board hearing has been tentatively scheduled for May 3, 1995. A final Design Review Board hearing will be scheduled later once all zoning issues have been resolved. If you would like to review the proposed development, please stop by my offrce. If you have any questions, you can reach me at (303) 479'2138. Sincerely, /4u,,.Jh1 Andy Knudtsen Senior Planner CC: Bob Mclaurin TomMoorhead Mike Mollica r 1 I f:VndyVettedlodgc.329 DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD !,TEETIIIG TAPESUay 3, 1995 BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 2 3 4 6 I 9 Lo 11 L2 1.3 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 29?-OO2O 2 fLoor plans here? MR. CHAIRT'{AN: We donr floor plan really. we just deal with MR. CTIAIRMAN: at VaiI International wing. ne speak. Item Number 'l , the Lodge Here he is right now as thi s about isa the MR. PETERSON! Sorry, I apologize. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MR. PETERSON: Can you see okay, the t care about the exteriors here. MR. PETERSON: Okay. MR . CHAIRT'{AN: I f we can start lrith a brief overview of where this project stands in terms of planning and zoning, et ceEera. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Righr. At tine today is the conceptual review just to talk the architecture. we will scheduLe this item for finaL . review once it has been deterrnined that it planning and zoning and al. l of the townrs zoning processes and (inaudible) procedures. Until then disc-ussions shoutd be conceptual (inaudible) the background at this tine (inaudible). In 1982 the Environmental Commission made an exterior arteration approval for this project. At this time the architects have rinited the erterior of the drawings, however, (inaudible) renains the 1 2 3 4 J 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPEIITER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 3 same, and I am now presenting the exterior of the building. MR . CHAI RI'{AN : f rm sorry , did you say the building as presented in I 82 isthe exterior of the same as it r different style The progran and BOARD you're bringing it to premise that whaE vras speak? s presented today? UNIDENTTFIED SPEAKER: No. It . The 1982 drawings s/ere more the density remains the same. BOARD IIEMBER: The bulk and the isa sirnple. mass has remained the sane? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The architecture, the detail is somewhat different, but the bulk and the mass is the same, the heights, the ridge l-ines, theyrre all the same (inaudible). I dontt know if you have it here. we can certainry have it at the next meeting just to show you what was approved before that planning Commission; but alt the heights, we have sotne (inaudibre) where there werenrt (inaudible) things r.ike thati but the roof line, the ridge line, aLl that stuff is the same, al_l the floor e l evations . MEMBER: This application as us today, Jay, is based on the approved in L9BZ is valid as we 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 16 L7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-O020 4 MR. PETERSON: yes. The exterior alteration (inaudibre) the planning conmission there is no -- there is not a finite period of tine that that is good. DRB is good for one year. The pJ.anning Connission is not. What we have done during this 1O-year period actually was (inaudible) is to since the village has changed, and what the village has become' vrerve changed the exterior detail somewhat fron the other ones. Rather than naking it exactry like the Lodge, we have deviated a littre bit fron it. we like this idea better. If need be, we would go back to the old sty1e, but in dealing with, I think, larger parties and with some other people, looking at it from a (inaudible) standpoint, I feel this architecture detair is (inaudibre) than the other plans show; but (inaudible) the planning commission, what they will be looking at wilL be the sane thing ( inaudible ) . BOARD MEMBER: Did you just say you did recejve final design approval on this? MR. PETERSON: No. We received final PJ'anning commission approval for exterior alteration; otherwise, our approval would have gone avray and then we would have started over again. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Who is presenting 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? I 9 10 11 L2 13 T4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 5 thi-s? MR. PETERSON: Jack is here. Let me say one other thing too. When we went through the Planning Connission process before the exterior alteration process before., what happened was we went to the Planning Comrnission, we dealt vrith all of the neighbors, we made various changes. ft was called up at Town Council, agreed to with all the neighbors as far as what wourd be done. Town councir sent it back with one modificati.on as far as the separation between the buildings. We made that nodification. The Planning Commission approved that change finally. MR. CHAIRMAN: Hour can you remember this? MR. PETERSON: It r s trust [8, because I r ve been dealing every six rnonths. It is true. wer many, nany tirnes f or this one. But minutes. MR. .CHAI RMAN aga j-n, sir? MR. CHRISTEN MR. CHAIRMAN if you would. I.IR. CHRI STEN like yesterday, with this thing ve geared up a lot, (inaudible) in the AtI right. WeLl, what creg Christen. Gregr proc€ed with your This (inaudible) here is was your name presentation, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 14 15 1A t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 6 what you \rould see from the plaza side. Comnonerrs Plaza is over here. This is One vail place right here. This is the corridor between one vair p.race and the rest of the new facade. This is an entry into the International wing, which goes up two floors or down to the conference reve1, which opens on that side. These are planters here. The guest rooms are right here. These are all guest rooms that have decks, and this is the presidential suite and then the terrace that's separating the existing lodge right here so they still have views through this corridor here on that side. Then this side is r^rhat you can see from the mountain- This is our conference space down here for public space. Then these are guest rooms here (inaudible) separation on the other side. BOARD MEMBER: If we were to look at the end elevation of this, those upper floors, how deep is that building? frm just trying to pj.cture it. rs i-t about a hundred feet across from tape to tape as we sar.r it todav? MR. CHRISTEN: Well, theyrre the off-site. This is the conference rever here, which is down below. This is the line of the conference rever there. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? I 9 10 11 L2 13 BOARD MEMBER: So itrs pretty much the BOARD MEMBER: Sets back to the MR. CHRISTEN: This dashed line, the deck that's up there is this dashed line that you see right here, so \,verre going out this f ar ( inaudj.ble ) about that far on that side. MR. PETERSON: This elevation here, you can't really see it, but this next to One Vail place is cut back. This is part of the change that we made when we lrent right there. That is cut back. That is cut back at an angle, so it then opens up. MR. CHRISTEN: This point here is 14 feet avray. Here is a window of one vail place that angles (inaudible). MR. PETERSON: Itrs on the second and third floors, Greg. BOARD MEMBER: ft appears from the old plan to the nevr erevation, particularly you can see it in the north'erevatj-on, that the nassing is a rittre bit different on the -- you know, on the west end on the top. It l_ooks as though therers.more mass there. The end of t\is third floor, just visually it appears to be about two-thirds of the way down the building, and on that it seems much closer than the old BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O L4 15 1,6 t7 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 2s al- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 l-5 16 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 8 building. Is that right? MR. CHRISTEN: ft hasn't changed as far as the old -- BOARD IIEMBER: This gap is definitely bigger than that gap. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) . MR. CHRISTEN: ftrs the same (inaudibte) that we used to (inaudible). BOARD MEI'{BER: ftIs c}early not the same as these drawings. I donrt know what these drawings represent. MR. PETERSON: rtrs (inaudible) if you can provide floor plans at the same scale as the drawings (inaudibIel. BOARD MEMBER: These must not be the finaL plans. HR. PETERSON: The set they were working frorn was finally approved. Werve gone over this, we'11 just verify, because the (inaudible) will be Lhe same. BOARD MEMBER: That string up there, is that about approxirnateJ,y the ( inaudibJ.e ) ? MR. CHRISTEN: That would be this ( inaudible ) right here. BOARD MEMBER: I wonder where the I 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 T2 t-3 I4 15 16 17 t_8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 29?-OO20 9 artist stood when he drew that still see the background'of the have been a very tall ladder. deceiving. MR. you can catch what. International wing. MR. vantage point wouLd accurate rendi_tion Therers a lot more that rendition. north elevation to rnountains. f t nust Thatts extremely CHRISTEN: We stood right there .and wouLd be the top of Huey frorn the PETERSON: Yourre looking at the be. I wouLd not call that an of the view towards the mountain. blocked off than what appears in tops of those aspen trees from what I assume that MR. CHAIRMAN: Any other general comments to present to uS r Greg? MR. PETERSON: The only thing I have is that the rnternational wing has arways been a part of the naster pIan. It shows this (inaudible) that location. Itrs always been there as far as what was going to be built. views wilt be blocked in that area, depending on where you stand in the plaza. Therets no guestion about it. Ide have found the (inaudible) as far as any view corridors are concerned. We meet all those. That one, that view was listed as one of , r think, 3 9 views that the Tor,rn 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 72 13 15 16 1,7 Iooked at wayr way back and lrere discarded when they finally came up with them. But it was looked at at great length, and the master plan has been updated since we have done this project. rt has stayed as far as a nodification to the virlage. r think we conpried with that. Architectural detail is different than what we had before. Irrn going to ask Jack to say a few words about that, vrhy r,re went to that and why we didnrt stick with basicarly ord architecturar details rerated to the Lodge itserf because he and r had rong discussions (inaudible) discussions about that, why not match the lodge. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) we feel that this direction gives us a little bit of a break, stil1 (inaudiblel compatible to the color and materials. If we donrt use as dark of wood ( inaudible ) instead of on the side. The notion was to create a scale in the village (inaudible) a large lodg.e becomes even.Iarger, but this project becomes you know, the scale is nrore consistent $rith one vail Pl'ace and sone of the other buirdings within that area so that erelre taking a cornprementary but dif f erent approach to the detail and colors, and I like the idea, and werd like you to consider it. And the BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-0020 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 15 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 11 alternative, of course, is just to nrinic exactly whatrs at the Lodge, and as tine goes on (inaudible). The Lodge cannot stay the sane forever, and we feel that this offers some colors and some detail that (inaudible) detairing updates, and makes it look more ( inaudible ) . llR. CHAfRMAN: Before we go to design, board member comnents? r assume we have someone here representing anot!rer point of view. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: IIn the general manager for the Lodge at Vail. MR. CHAIRMAN: Not -- is there anvone frorn the public here who has a comment to make? MS. FRITZLEN: I rrn here representing LuAnn We11s, who is an owner at One Vail place. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay, Lynn Fritzlen. MS. FRITZLEN: And the reason I came today is Andy called rne and that this was being (inaudible) for design review and that if we had any ques_tions about the. validity of the granting of the (inaudible) for this project, that we should bring it up at this tine. MR. PETERSON: To the extent that all the players are present at hearings and issues are laid out on the table, rrm not sure that any answers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 I4 16 L? 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 t2 to your points r.ritl_ be available at this time, but I think it's good just to get everyone alrare of what the concerns are. MS. FRITZLEN: Mrs. Wells has retained an attorney, Jack Royce, i-n Denverr. and rnaybe it woul.d be best if I could just read one or trro paragraphs from the letter he sent up today to update the fite (inaudible), and fim not going to be tedious. MR. CHAIRMAN: Make it quick. MS. FRITZLEN: Okay. Thank you for (inaudible) Design Review Board consideration of the Lodge at vairrs reguest for expa.nsion. r cannot have the opportunity to speak with you in person regarding our continued involvement on behalf of Mrs. IJuAnn WeLLs. Now, Ire spoke about this natter in March of L994. we,raised several professional.issues to be resolved prior to the applicant rnoving forward. These issues are Listed in a letter to Tom Moorhead, date-d March 2, 1994, and attached hereto for your convenience. rn fact, lre had earlier raised our legal and planning issues to you in a letter of December !3, of ,.9.3 , also attached f or your review. If this rnatter is now being considered at the May 30, 1995, DRB meeting, vre are then to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L1 t2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 13 assume that the issues raised have been addressed. rf sor please advise me as to the resorution so r may be better able to advise my client of her options. If the issues presented at earlier neetings have not been resolved, f renerd our concern about utilizing the DRBrs tine for a proposal that per his letter is not adnitted under the present noncategory. I think it is important to note that during the last 13 rnonths,.the applicant has not attempted to contact us regarding a resoLution of these issues. And essentially the issues that we brought up and have been made a part of Tom Moorheadrs file and the Town,s file as well, is the density was (inaudible), as Jay stated, granted in 19 in Lgg2, so it's been about 15 years, and it at least the way I understand it, it was granted through contractual arrangenent and not through a rezoning of the property. I would say Jack and Jay are probably more capabJ.e of addressing, you know, how those issues were addressed, but r think Mrs. vtellsrs concern is that this is a 15-year-old approval, and that it would be nore appropriate for people like herself to have (inaudible) neighboring properties through more 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 t2 t3 14 1.5 conventional zoning and STE process, and that itrs guestionable in her mind and in Jack Roycers mind, whether the L992 allotment density is stirl varid. That's it. MR. CHAIRMAN: IS thAt it? IN thAt case we go to comments from the board. Hans. legalities. BoARD MEMBER: Well (inaudible) the frm not certain where we stand with this whole thing. The architecture defined Iots of gables and (inaudible) and things. Basically rny thought is itrs an outrage to do this, absorutery. you have now frorn down in the viltage a beautiful view of this. Itrs narrow but you 1ook past the Wildflower Restaurant and you see the mountain, and then you look up at that (inaudiblel and therers nothing left. It,s like the big wa]1 of china. From here arl the vray to Serrano's Iet,s block off the mountain, letts close out the village I think the concept of it is just so contrary to what anybody's trying to do, but now letrs keep open spaces, views and do things nice, and then we go and build this propose this massive block, which (inaudiblel on into the buildings you have. No more distance, no more pleasant vistas, no more (inaudible; and I think it's just wrong. And perhaps BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-0O20 16 I7 18 L9 20 2T 22 23 24 z5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 I? 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 2e7-OO20 15 itrs just a romanticist's approach to this whole thing and totally beside the point because the legalj_ties are all in your favor; but I can assure you one thing, as long as Irrn on this board, this will never receive my approval, never, no matter what you do. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) . MR. CHAIRMAN: Why donrt you wait until werre aII done comnenting, theD you can have a little tine for your (inaudible). This is just a conceptual review. BOARD MEMBER: There's a big part of me that agrees with Hans, it wiII -- if it does come about that our hands are tied, rrrerve had to vote on a Iot of things that we didn,t necessarily agree with the zoning on, so thatrs not our issue. I think that the, you know, the general atrnosphere of the architecture is verv nice. I do if this ever occurred, is there some way of naking more of a contact with :the mountain? You know, right now at least you can walk -- rde drove up, you know, underneath the vista ( inaudibJ.e ) . Vte could at Ieast walk up into the plaza directly. It woul,d be nice if there erere more interaction visually certainly, but at Least on a (inaudible; basis. If a pedestrian can walk from one 16 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 L4 15 15 I7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 3O3 ) 2s7-OO20 side to the other vrithout being confronted by a waLl of grass on the mountainside. And the onry exception to my appreciation of the architecture is that conference room waII. I donrt think thatrs particularly appropriate. Itrs a little bit commercial, shaII we say. BOARD IIEMBER: I agree with the comments regarding the architecture, especially sallyrs- r think that the conference room as proposed looks a bit like a branch bank, and that tied in with the otherwise alpine rooking structures is kind of a departure. But I also agree with Hans in that I consider this a huge visuar interruption, and r cite the design review guidelines, 19.54.010 Section E where it says that our duty here as a board is to protect neighboring property owners and its users __ not just the people you represent, Lynn, but I think . everyone who comes and visits this community _- to protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that a reasonable provision has been rnade for such matters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drainage, sound, and sight buffers. I think that the nassing of this building, whether it has been approved in Lgg2 or not, departs fron the intent of the Design Review Board25 1 2 3 4 5 5 ? 8 9 10 11 t2 13 74 15 16 I7 t-8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O t7 guidelines, and as nuch as it totally seems to di-sregard the intent inasrnuch as the sight buffers and in terms of its nassing. rn other words, rrm tarking about specificarly (inaudibre) if a buirding of this height srere to step do$rn more signif icantr.y tovrards One VaiI Place, so that if you're at all faniliar with the walkway that goes up between the Hong Kong and the Lodge property there, that Iittle view corridor, although legally itrs not an accepted view corridor, f think it's one of those guaint little glinpses of the rnountain you get in Vail that appear f rom time to time, and yo.u. people are talking about virtually eliminating that view corridor. And if you showed a 1ittle sensitivity in terms of taking this basically acceptable architecture and stepped it down to a more pedestrian level towards the Vail one building, f think I could be in favor of it; but as f see it personally, there is enough here that r would consider in vior.ation of DesJ-gn Review Board guidelines that I personally wouldnrt vote for it. Because, as it says on page 54 5 -- 454 B, that if the project is found to conflict vrith design guidelines, the board shall disapprove the design of the project. That,s enough of that paragraph to read. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8. 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-0020 18 MR. PETERSON: euick comrnents . l-{R. CHAIRMAN: co ahead . MR. PETERSON: you know, thereIs a Lot of buildings in town that frd rather see not there. You go over to the Golden peak, it would be wonderful if that buiJ.ding werenrt there. That building goes back up. The Serranors building when that goe6 down, once again, that building is going to go back up bigger than h'hat it is. BOARD I.IEMBER: There is a di.fference. These are buirdings that were, as Judge Jones would sdy, the ultirnate remodel . MR. PETERSON: True. One Vail place building, the same way. A1l these buildings have built property line to property line; and in one Vail Placers case, itrs built over the property line on two sides. Itts built on our side over the property line, and it,s built on the Forest Service line over the property Line. BOARD MEMBER: All this went through proper processr lou know, in this decade, and all this was set apart with -- you know the whole story behind aII those places. MR. PETERSON: Sure. BOARD UEMBER: Irm just saying at this 1 2 3 4 5 5 ? I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-O020 19 point in time since we have no current pEc notions or opinions on this project, werre relyj.ng on events that occurred in the last decade, early in the last decade. Irm sinply referring to what f read in these design guidelines, and frm just letting you know my inpressions of how they relate in this project. frm not saying the building shouldn,t be buiIt, I,n saying it should be built with a sguinted eye towards economi-cs and a kinder view towards the esthetics of this community. But we have the opportunity nord to look at this as a brand-new project for the Design Review Board. Let's be kind enough to let us see the mountain frorn that plaza, fron that little walkway r spoke of, you know, letrs deal with it sensitively. MR. PETERSON: Once again, I plan to solve the problem with the exterior'alteration. (inaudible) the planning Commission and what you showed thern, and we have to go through that process fi-rst, no matter when we do it; and that process has been gone through and, in ny opinion, I think in the Townrs opinion, that approval is still valid. The Town will render its opinion on it. But hre did go through that approval process. Also the view qorridor through there 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 t2 L3 L4 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, IN'C ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 20 talks about the massive -- the higher masses being towards one vail place and not towards the other way where itts a three-story building on that side, which is exactly what we have. BOARD MEI'IBER: WeII, that's your opinion. Jfm speaking in ny opinion as a rnember of the Design Review Board. r think the mass should frow from the South Lodge building down towards the pedestrian scale I spoke of, that bringing it down, scal.ing it down towards One vail pLace would accomplish two things. It would agree lrith the pedestrian scale, andr you know, the lower floors of the building. It would also preserve a beautiful, existing view, as r mentioned before that it's part of our intent to preserve, You know, when we have these s j-tuations, you know, they,re not . o.n1y used by your neighbors but by aII the users of this community, that means Local-s and tourists and the rike. so r disagree with.that interpretation. r think the massing shourd extend frorn your own property down toward the terninus of your own properEy. Any other comrnents? I think thatrs enough for today. BOARD MEMBER: I rm sorry ( inaudible ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 1L T2 13 L4 15 anytine it t s scheduled for? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Not for final review. BOARD MEMBER: Not for final review but for deternining the status of the zoning UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: T think weII]- want to meet erith the attorney that werre working with as well- as with Jay and flush out the details. BOARD MEMBER: Okay. So and do you think that will be within the next three nonths? MR. PETERSON: Oh, certainly. It will be within the next coupre weeks. Just so the board knows to.o, hre have worked with various attorneys. Jack is just the latest one that we,ve hired. We did work with Ton (inaudible) I worked on it before, and I took the tirne to go to Denver to meet with him and go through everything and try to work something out. So it's not Like we have not been cooperative. This is another attorney throughout the process. Likewise, when we did the original one, we met vrith al l the unit o$rDers , went through aI l kinds of scenarios and made'various nodifications, and when rire nent through we had (inaudible) everywhere, Pranning commission, to Tolrrn councir, back to planning commission, and no objection from one VaiL place. The BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNC. ( 303 ) 297-OO20 16 T7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 22 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e7-OO20 I{ells were part of that negotiation. so it's not }ike vre haven't I don r t want anybody to think that we haventt tried. BOARD MEMBER: I am not personalJ.y concerned vrith the views of the wells. r am concerned with the views and the welfare of the nany here, and r think you know that since this pEC approval was given, J"y, heck, that was l.4 years ago . MR. PETERSON: Ten and a half. It lras in r 84. BOARD MEMBERz 182, I thought you said. MR. PETERSON: No, thatrs what Andy said, but it was rg4. BOARD MEMBER: Regardless, I think the mental. climate of the community has changed. r think the look of the community has changed. I think werve seen more mass and bulk invade the core of Vail, .rd .r- personally think that, you know, we have to start preserving a portion of this or else, as Hans has said, lre I re basical'Iy creating, you know, a (inaudible) to the city; and the waII, you know, faces the core and deprives us of the view of what we all came here for in the first place. And I think, as I said -- frm not saying that the building should not be built. frm I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L L2 13 l4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 23 saying it should be considered, you know, to preserve that corridor between One Vail place and the Lodge, and that's my opinion. gentlemen. MR. CHAIRMAN: Bhank you very much, BOARD MEMBER: Ird just like to agree with that and clarify ny position. Irm not anti-building. r am anti let I s rnax out everything ere can everywhere in this town, the helI with what we see, the people who come to visit us. At the same time this town has a phirosophy retrs be the greatest in the world, Ietrs do the nicest things in the worJ.d, and we are slowly screwing it up by maxing out everything just for greed. werve got to draw the line somewhere, you know, and this is (inaudible) therers no buirding there now, and there ought to be not one of these which says the bigger the better. There ought to be a building there that speaks to the people who come to visit this tolun, come to see the mountain. (rnaudible) I nean, houses and buildings alI over, Chicago, wherever they come from. They vrant to see the mountain. what you guys are doing is eliminating __ MR. PETERSON: No, I rve asked everyotre ta chip in, and one Vail place (inaudible). 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 24 IrlR. CHAIRIiAN: I think we I ve heard enough. Thank you, gentlenen. BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 2.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 2s BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e7-OO20 25 STATE OF CERTIF COLORADO ICATE ssCITY & COUNTY OF DENVER I, Laurie Heckrnan, Notary public of theState of Colorado, do hereby certiiy that theforegoing is a true and correct transcription of ther3fglenced tapes transcribed to the best of rnyabi l ity rNhand and seal WITNESS WHEREoF, f have hereunto set mythis 8th day of February 199G. Notary Public 999 - l,8th Street, Suite 2lg}Denver, . CO BO202 My Connission expires:Septenber 1, 1996 DESIGN REVI.EW BOARD UEETING TAPESJune 2l , 1gg5 BRUNo & CARPEIITER, rNC. ( 303 ) 297-O.O2O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 ItlR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. The next thing will be Iten L2, the Lodge at Vail. See you, KyIe. See you guys. Gentlemen, as you come up here, frd ask you to identify yourselves because some of us __ we have a new member, and f believe f was array at the I ast MR. MOORHEAD: Irm Tom Moorhead and Irm (inaudible; the Lodge at Vail. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. MR. BROWN: Charlie Brown, nanager ( inaudible. ) MR. ZEHREN: Jack Zehren, Irm an architect MR. CHRISTEN: Greg Christen ( inaudible ) . MR . CHAI RMAN.: oKay UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The Iast tine we hrere here, we presented sorne ideas f or the International wing (inaudible) wall between the buildings to all.ow for some visual opportunity to see up to the mountain. Those views were (inaudible). Wetve done a couple things since that neeting, and we hope they hetp. The basic concept falls back to the configuration of the buirding which takes the basic BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 29?-OO2O 13 I4 15 T6 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t3 L4 t5 15 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 3 plan and the basic massing and form that we srere given from the previous work done by another architect, Warren Clapner, back in 1993, which was taken through Planning and Zoning, and Jay peterson is not here today to go through aI1 the (inaudible). MR. MOORHEAD: Tom Moorhead, if I could just state for the record that I did receive a call from Jalr. Jay explained that hers having a back problen, but explained he couLdnrt be here and he issued his regrets. But he did understand -- also one thing that he and I talked about are where there are some issues that he and r and Andy need to tark about that are outside of the parameters of the discussion thatrs going to occur today concerning the design revi-ew considerations. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So in that respect, we have tried to remain as true to the previous plan as we can. MR. CHAIRMAN: Jackr. can I interrupt for -one second. Just do me one favor, because again I wasnrt here and Brett rdasnrt here. This may sound stupid. Are you tearing anything down and building something up? f donrt know where yourre __ you know, I am totally disoriented at this minute so UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: LetIs get the 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 t_1 T2 13 14 l-5 16 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 29?-OO2O 4 site p1an.We can start rdith that. MR. CHAIRMAN: That would really heIp. UNTDENEIFIED SPEAKER: This is the existing lodge, and the conference neeting space be in this area, but itrs (inaudible). And then existing One Vail place is right here. So what talking about doing is in essence rebuilding the conference meeting space, droppinS it down a little bit and then on top of that building lodging rooms and one single residence on top. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. UNTDENTTFIED SPEAKER: So sone of the concerns and by the way, lverve also gone back and did the master plan (inaudibJ.e) essentiarry this kind of thing thatrs represented and a]rows for this to be a three-story structure in more or l_ess this conf iguration. What !,re I re trying to do, and what i"re r re trying to work with then, is a scheme f or this area that puts a meeting space about t\do levels up, rodge rooms, and one residential condominiun on top; but actualty that unit would be part of the hotel ( inaudible ) circulation ( inaudible. ) Then therers aLso a courtyard area created by the (inaudible) in this area whi-ch adjoins to the Founderrs plaza area here and creates kind of a softer, lrreener planted wi l1 the werre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e7-OO20 5 area here as a complement to the more urban metropol itan area here . so that ' s the overar r. scherne . Nol{, one of the things we did rel-ative to concerns with you is we started way back here on Bear creek Drive, and we .took.a series of photos f rorn there (inaudible). We have those, we can pass those out, we have those photos (inaudible), the profiles as currently designed; and in order to ;irovide those to you (inaudibley originally. BOARD MEMBER: We saw that today. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And so from the photos fron that (inaudible) we \rere able ro construct the profile of the buitding as it will be seen. So those are again taken from back here ( inaudible; back on Bear creek Drive, then the base of the stairs right here, then out to the plaza (inaudible) the restaurant. So thatrs the sense of this (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: And essentially the present view corridor that some of ny associates here were- talking about is the space between the Hat prace and the building, is that the one thatrs sort of UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: That Iittle space. This is the space right here that will go all the way back down the street, so it starts way down here and works it ' s $ray up. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t3 L4 15 16 L7 18 L9 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 29?-OO20 6 BOARD MEMBER: Right. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ItIS not a fornal view corridor. BOARD MEMBER: No, I know that. We know that. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: But it obviously is a view (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: yeah. Again, I was just working on orientation. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Right. Now, what hrerre showing here in this elevation is this is a view rooking from the mountain back down. This wourd be the neeting space, and this will be the prof,ile building. That was previously approved by Clapman way back in 1983' so werve just taken his drawings and put then on these sheets, and this one shows that, same scheme from the other direction J.ooking towards the rnountains. BOARD MEMBER: And what does that red line indicate? Is that UNIDENTIFIED SpEAKER: Where our buiJ.ding is now designed. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: The red Iine is where our current (inaudible) is. And one of the things vre r ve done since the rast meeting is next to 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 15 1? 18 19 20 2\ 22 23 24 z5 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 7 One VaiI place where previously it had come this (inaudible) $rerve taken this space out floor (inaudible) flows this direction, and for a softer (inaudible). So that whole upper gable is gone UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ThatIs aIl 9,one. But I think it's helpful to see the evolution of this. The previous (inaudible) came over and had a piece of flat roof right here, and then it dropped down and over, and our goal (inaudible) the roof over, and this is actually next to the stair (inaudible). Also at the last neeting we had incorrectly shown the edge of the Lodge right here. It is actually over here. So thatrs another part ( inaudible ) . UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) Iower the pitch of the roof (inaudible) cut back the third floor to pulI away fron One VaiI place. This is where we are today. Comrnents not related to linaudibrey had to do with the character of the warr in the neeting roon, and last tine we came in it was more ( inaudibJ.e ) so $rerve introduced some heavier columns in the core and kind of a French door system where we could open up the meeting room and get some wind volune (inaudible) set up a littte pattern thatrs up with at the top al l owed BOARD MEMBER: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 l-5 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 8 more consistent with some of the rest of the buirding. So that was one of the changes (inaudibre) fron Last time. Then you see here the new profile on this corner of the buirding, and that of course vras ( inaudible; right here. The nunber of units, the rooms and keys and that type of thing remains consistent with where lve were rast tirne. rt,s aIl within the planning and Zoning agreement hre reached back in rg3. We also discussed last tine our reasoning and our approach'here and rnateriars and colors, and what we wanted to do was have sonething that was compatible wj.th the existing lodge but uses some of the color a IittIe differently (inaudible) green thatrs on the siding of the 10dge, we wanted to use on sone shutters (inaudible) and go to a more naturaL color wbod for (inaudibre) using the sane j stucco cor-or as the Lodge but letting just (inaudible) by the transitional building from one.vail prace to this- building, the International wing of the Lodge so that it does help break the scale a little bit. It doesnrt just becone a big wing at the Lodge in the exact same (inaudible) and color. so thatrs where hre are with it, and BOARD MBMBER: .Do you have the site 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 15 !? 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 e l evat ions ?I know those are less inportant. UNIDENTfFIED SPEAKER: No, we donrt. BOARD MEMBER: How deep is the building approxinately? UNTDENTIFIED SPEAKER: This is the plaza I'evel, eighth inch scale. About 6o feet deep looking on this here, which is. the connection frorn this plaza out to where the ticket windows are. BOARD MEMBER: fs there any flat portion of the roof or just the erevation (inaudibre). UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible. ) BOARD MEMBER: Jack, one of the things that we always get surprises with buildings of this type and I think this building is wonderful, and I appreciate what yourve done, you know, in cutting back the building, and it was certainly something you didntt have to do, but we always get surprises on rnechanicaJ,s, rnetering. TelI ne about, do you plan to have air conditioning? Do you plan to have anything on Lhe roof ? Do yo.u pl an to have I mean r 1rou should have seen just before Serranors, before we finished serranors, they had this absolutely wonderful buil.ding with four or five huge meters right in the front. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: It WiII bE BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNc ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNc ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 10 controlled by the existing boiler room in the Lodge. They're going to upgrade their equiprnent to acconrnodate this new addition, but there vronrt be any equipnent on the roof. BOARD MEIIBER: Hor{ about A.C. Are you going to air condition anything? UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) this space in this area, werll put some eguipment, and f donrt know exactr.y how thatrs alr going to fit, but we can enclose this behind the wall in this area BOARD MEMBER: Think about that. yeah, that has to be really great looking to hide sonething that I s -- UNIDENTTFIED SPEAKER: ItIs a faiTly large neeting room (inaudible) 56OO sguare feet, and that I s where we are. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: 5, OOO . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: O, OOO square feet. So given the south ( inaudible ) interior space that- will have to be air conditioned (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: Andy, is this a final? MR. KNUDTSEN: No, not at al I . In fact, this is just a conceptual. There are many legal issues that we need to resolve prior to scheduling this item. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 1,4 l-5 16 t7 L8 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-0020 11 BOARD MEMBER: Okay. WeIl., Iet's talk about the architecture- we have two architects here, so I rn going to keep guiet BOARD l.tEl.tBER: We -- early in the work session, hre reviewed Clapner drawings, and Ird say, of course, your architecture is in Ieaps and bounds in a positive direction from where it was before? When __ those plans were approved in 'g4. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: I83. BOARD MEI'|BER: r83. And I think generally the architecture is, I think, very nice; and r think the improvements you nade to the neeting space on the lower level are also a positive aspect. I think that wilL be very nice on the lower level. I wonder if you night consider on the upper level, on the left-hand side or the east side there, r wonder if that roof could also be gabled -- f mean or hipped rather, to reduce the nass a rittre bit nore there, and maybe that fireprace could -- r have no idea what it does on the inside, but rnaybe that fireplace either just reduces in its mass or frips to another side of the room. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible) . BOARD MEMBER: And maybe reduce the height of the fireplace a little bit. other than that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 1.5 I7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 I think it looks very nice. UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: That will probably balance up the (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: And what is the stone along the botton? UNIDENTTFIED SPEAKER: HeTe? BOARD MEMBER: Yeah. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: (rnaudible). we really haven,t gotten into the final detail yet. Irm not sure if we wouLd do that (inaudible) formalize this a little bit. It is a public neeting room ( inaudible ) . BOARD MEMBER: Great, Iooks good. BOARD MEMBER: f remember last tine f vtas very outspoken. I apparently caught sornebodyrs attention. I think it's very (inaudible) you stepping this back there and opening and softening the height. One thing to me that would be interesting to see, there is so much fenestration, so many ins and outs, cant,ilevers, delightful business. What happens on this side, is that a blank wall that you (inaudible) in there or could it possibly recall or repeat.? UNIDENTIFIED SpEAKER: (Jnaudible). BOARD MEMBER: frm talking about this 60 feet here, is this going to be a straight atucco BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-0O2O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T2 13 14 15 16 T7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e7-OO2O 13 wall. with nothing in it? UNIDENTIFIED sPEAKER: There,s a couple windows. No, I rm wronlJ, there aren r t any windows. BOARD !,!EMBER: This side wall, when you look up in this nelv corridor, and then you see a 30-foot taLl fixture with a J.ong stucco walI with absolutely nothing of refinement opposing the wonderful design on both sides. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ThatIs a tremendous opposition. Adrnittedly, we have not studied that. BOARD MEMBER: Maybe there could be an offset, perhaps even off a foot or sor which enables you to put a gable over it or bring some of __ BOARD MEMBER: To the front, to the side? BOARD MEMBER: whatever. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: we do have one thing (inaudible) right in here. If we can ger a coup-le things happening along here. BOARD MEMBER: And the side there. Maybe some fake gable, something to make it (inaudible) and not be a foreign object bet$reen ( inaudible ) . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I was just going 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 to emphasize a point that this is (inaudibley even if you have a two-story developnent, focusing ( inaudible ) . BOARD !,!EMBER: ( f naudible. ) UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Right. I agree with you. Itrs a very important area. Itrs sonething that we have not addressed. BOARD MEMBER: But I think over on the step back here and over here, as Brett says, bring that side further over (inaudible) clear (inaudj_bte). one thing, perhaps to me personally, still Iooks a little cold is the conference room, this area. you have a gable on the left and on the right, the entry doors, and in between compared to the upper, I,m looking at a shopping center lower part and a residentiaL upper part. Is there any way to somehow unite these a r-ittr,e more, perhaps introduce a third gable in the niddle somewhere or sornething a little __ you know what f mean? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudibte. ) BOARD MEMBER: yeah. Maybe a ( inaudible ) . ft ' s so horizontaL r so bang across, and the other part of the building is so articuLated, that f would try and vary those two a bit more. UNTDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible. ) BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2s7-OO20 72 13 L4 l-5 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 1 L2 13 T4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 15 BOARD MEMBER: you just look at that, you know, that rong f ace al.ong that roof line betvreen the two gables UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible. ) BOARD MEMBER: That's really it. I think Irn delighted to say (inaudibJ.e). f donrt know the legal situation. ft obviously lcill be nicely sJ.oped ( inaudible ) take that part and put it ( inaudible ) . BOARD IT|EMBER: Itrs a wonderful bui l ding. (The tape ended and was continued on the following tape. ) BOARD MEMBER: -- could not find a solution, so they came back a few weeks later, and said we donrt need air conditioning, but the tenants said we donrt. So, okay, so this, thing was going fine. Then a month Later, hre come back again, oh, by the way, werre going to have air conditioning (inaudible) the windows. you know, of course (inaudible) two out of three inches (inaudible) and that didn't go and some buildings (inaudible) and I just want to prevent some of those things that we know about nechanical stuff now and not Iater. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: we wouldn'I want 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 16 I7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 that kind of arrangement. BOARD MEMBER: because case in point. just brought that up BoARD MEMBER: (Inaudible) I only wanted for window units sticking out on, so ri-ght into the street or below the windows. lr{y comments arer }ou know, obviously itrs a wonderful buitding. This gentleman just said thatr |ou know, one of the reasons for alr that grass is because he wants everyone to be able to see the mountainl therefore, everyone on the rnountain is going to see that. So as somebody said, Hans said, r reaLly think that that conference room, the roof really, really needs some work, that whole area. f donrt think just the dome or __ f .meanr you have a wonderful J.ooking building from the front, a wonderful looking building fronr the back, and then, you know, as you were explaining the project to me, I nudged Ton, and I said whatrs that thing on the bottom. Okay, now, that's what sonebody is going to sayr- theyrre going to be on the ski Lift or sonewhere and say whatts that thing on the botton, and r really would rike it to capture the wonderfur architecture that you have on the top. Thatts the only comments I have. Itts great. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297 -OO2O I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 L1 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 t9 20 2T 22 23 24 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O L7 Certainly we'll work on that. BOARD MEMBER: Jack, do you have a section showing how that roof of the conference room ( inaudible ) . UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible. ) BOARD MEMBER: Right there. UNTDENTIFIED SPEAKER: So the terrace of the deck from each unit, each roorir wiII sit rj-ght here (inaudible)- so there are some things we need to do. BOARD MEHBER: SuTe. UNIDENTfFIED SPEAKER: Certainly. BOARD MEMBER: WeJ. l, that I s great. you know we donrt vote on this thing, butr lou knowr you know we Love it. UNIDENTTFIED SPEAKER: WeJ. I, Iast tine there was sone.legitinate concern, and we went back and did a lot (inaudible; and I'n pleased that at Least we see the corrections (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: Okay. UNIDENTIFIED sPEAKER: So our next step would be to come in for approval. BOARD MEMBER: The next step will be wetll have to sit down, staff, and our attorney and fi-gure up where (inaudible). we'll be in touch with25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1.0 Ll. L2 13 L4 15 IO 77 18 L9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 18 you on that ( need to bring you guys, all inaudible ) . BOARD MEMBER: For us you know what you us, you know, the same thing lre bring to right, details and alI of that stuff. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ANd I thiNK thAt the vrestern elevation -- Irm sorry, the eastern elevation (inaudibre; if you'd rike we courd schedure another conceptual if you want to pursue that a Iittle, because particularly the (inaudible) windows design with that (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: !{hen is f mean, is this a year away? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: this going to 90? I think if we . start in | 96. a year auray. If we could we want to start BOARD UEMBER: No, thatr thatts wonderful. S fine. Okay, can get the approval, we would like to isBOARD lilE!!BER: So it UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: start sooner we would. f donrt think and stop ( inaudible ) . CERTIFI STATE OF COLORADO CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER ) ) ) CATE ss BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 3O3 ) 29?-OO2O 2 3 4 T, Laurie Heckman, Notary public of theState of Colorado, do hereby certiiy that theforegoing is a true and coriect transcription of thergtgyenced tapes transcribed to the best of myability IN I{ITNESS }IHEREOF, I have hereunto set nyhand and seal this 8th day of February 1996. ,,/ ,//h_%laurle Heckman, RPRNotary Public 999 - 18th Street, Suite ZLBODenver, CO 80202 My Connission expires:Septenber !, 1996 5 5 ? I 9 10 11 t2 13 I4 I5 15 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 DESIGN REvIEI{ BoARD IITEETING TAPEsOctober 18, 1995 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. 1 L2 13 T4 L5 16 .I7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, TNC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 2 Ir{R. CHAIRMAN: AII right. Item Nurnber 10, the Lodge at VaiI International wing. f assume this is the finar. review of the addition to the Lodge there. And who is representing the Lodge? MR . PETERSON : i{e aI1 are . MR. CHAIRMAN: Everybody? MR. PETERSON: Jack Zehren, Jack Zehren is here and Mi-ke Gregg is here from Jackrs office and John Valponi, and Irm Jay peterson representing the Lodge. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And we also have Jay Field frorn our office and Tim Loveset frorn our office. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Can we do this one more time . Ide got J"y, r^re have this gentleman is MR . BROITN : No, f ' [t not with them. My name1s Jim Brown, I represent the Lodge at Vail Condominiurn Homeowners Association. MR. CHAIRMAN: And if you guys would introduce yourselves. MR. ZEHREN: Jack Zehren $rith the architectural firrn. MR. CHRISTEN: f rm creg Christen. Irm with Zehren & Associates. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1L L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2s7-OO2O 3 MR. VEEHLAN: frn Dave Veehlan landscape architect with Zehren & Associates. MR. LOVESET: Tim Loveset, architect MS. FRITZLEN: And and Irm representing LuAnn WelIs. MR. CHAIRMAN MS, FRITZLEN MR. CHAIRMAN someone t s here to present. MR. PETERSON with Zehren & Associates. MR. BROWN: Lodge at Vail. MR. VALPONT: manager Lodge at Vail. Charlie Brown vrith the And John Valponi, general frm Lynn Fritzlen, And One vail place? And one Vail place. All right. I assume WeII, the Last time that just a second, , is that L4 r^re talked about our bui lding the Lodge and the existing spot where the International wing (inaudible) and I assune you al1 (inaudible). We have a conference room at the botton and we have then three I'eve-l-s of rooms up above that, and it goes f ron this part of the lodge to 14 feet from one vail place, and therers a corridor that goes down between thern. This is the conference level. BOARD MEMBER: Excuse me when you say 14 feet frorn one Vail place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 !2 13 )_4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 4 feet from the wall or frorn the projections? MR. PETERSON: From the wall, which is the satne as the property line. Ievel. BOARD MEMBER: Thatrs anazing. Ii{R. PETERSON: This is the bottom It has a 6r000-sguare-foot conference area with adjacent bathroonrs and preconvene area, and it also has a banguet service area and then a service eLevator as well as the guest elevator that goes up to the rooms. This is a nerd storage area over here and its access from the lobby is over here, come down existing -- whatrs now car.red the Golden ski Room, and we come down this corridor down a ramp down to this level, which is lower than the lobby, then the Golden ski Room. And this rooks out to the mountains. This is sornewhat of a glass wall, this wall right here, and it's approxinately -- this is the existing rnternational Room right here, this dashed rine, so vre were pushing it that far. BOARD MEMBER: Excuse me, if I nay interrupt - r{e don't do f r.oor plans. r rearize that in some cases it's critical to the appearance of a buirding, but werre prinariry interested in exterior architecture- Site pIans, landscaping, that sort of thing. 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 11 1,2 13 T4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-0020 5 MR. PETERSON: This is the south elevation. This is what you see fron the mountain. This is the conference area down below. BOARD I{EMBER: Now, how has that changed frorn the drawing that f saw this norning? MR. PETERSON: What r have here is the elevation as it was presented approxinatery in June, and f can show it to you if yould lilie to compare the tlro. BOARD II{EMBER: yeah. MR. PETERSON: Based on the earlier ( inaudible ) there was a request to make the conference area (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: Right, I recal.L that. rt seems to rne r was looking at another change in that direction that Iooked -- yeah, there it is. MR. PETERSON: Instead of this kind of glass f rontage, it becarne rnore of a barance bet$reen stucco and the mass (inaudible). The enc]osure is the same, the space tha.t is enclosed. BOARD MEMBER: Okay. Right, that was kind of on one clairn bef ore, vrasn r t it. MR. PETERSON: yeah. ( Inaudibte ) . So that qras ( inaudible ) . BOARD MEMBER: oKqy. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 7 8 9 0 L1 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z) BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 6 MR. PETERSON: Behind this roof here is a (inaudible) guest room on this rever. And above that is another lever of guest roorns that guests can go out on their own private balconies, and on top is the presidential suite. And then it. has a terrace from here and around. Therers no one on the back side. So this part here is set back fronr this space. I believe it's about 15 feet. So this face here is about on the sane plane as this, so it has some retief in there (inaudible) and this one is ar.so set back. Therers another balcony right here. This is one Vail place here. This is the corridor between the thro. Therers some landscape and some roof s to heJ.p buf f er this walr- so it doesnrt create a canyon walking down that corridor. And this is the existing end of the Lodge at Vail. This is their loading dock,. this is the condo end. on this one, this i.s the (inaudible) wirdfrower Resraurant. werre creating a new landscape inside of the plaza. Ther-e's an entrance into the building which leads to the guest elevator, and which goes down to the conference leve] down here or to the three reveLs of guest rooms. Here on this side balconies off the second level . also, we have On the fi.rst Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t3 I4 15 16 I? 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 7 there are terraces down close to grade with 1g-inch high basket wa1rs. They'rl have cor.orado Rose cut stone around the terrace walls. Out here is the presidential suite again, and herers the terrace on the other side; and the t.errace, therers also another one right here, and this is a stairwerr that goes dolrn for a fire exit. Herers one vail place. Here again is One Vail place. This is a section of the existing Iodge and how it will attach to it. This is the landscape plan, how rrre I re going to landscape the (inaudible). The existing wildf rower Restaurant !,rerre not changing at all other than having hedges- This is the approximate rocation of the existing (inaudible) addition. Werre changing it just slightly in the Iocation, then vre're ( inaudible ) . t{e ' 1l have a patio on the outsi,de of it for outdoor din.ing, and thererl. I be an 1B-inch high warr and a landscaped bern to soften the view from here over towards the linaudible; the other randscape in here in front of guest roons, which are down to the last level, the stairs going into the north side. Then therets a wal.kway that comes around between (inaudible) and One vail pIace. The landscape plannerrs here natching the grades to One Vail Place. Therers an existing door right here werre 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 l-0 LL L2 13 T4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 8 bringing about to the sane height. we had to add a couple of steps in there and then step back down. out front our property line runs like this. There,s we also have a property Line which runs like this, which this line belongls to the Lodge also. we have a (inaudible) patio out here for the people that are in the conference room, and therers arso access up to the parking area here. This is an existing -- there r s three or four parking spaces right here. WerIl be turning that back to the way it is. The only change werre making is werre putting a snaLl bourder waLL to hold that grade, but it's in the same exact location that it is now. This is Forest Service property there. MR. CHAIRMAN: Is that it? MR. PETERSON: WeI I , ere have ( inaudibJ.e ) this would be rhe roof ing obviously. .This is the coLorado Rose stone thatrs going around the base that you see here, here. This is the window (inaudibi"e) this is the color of the stucco, color of the wood siding up on top, and the color of the shutters where we have the -- and the reasons for these colors here are to try to complernent the existing color of the rodge, which is something crose to this. It's kind of a blue. gray. And the stucco 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 10 11 L2 13 T4 15 15 17 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 9 rr'ilI also match the existing lodge. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. BOARD MEMBER: Excuse me, do you have the east elevation? MR. PETERSON: This is the elevation, as youtre walking down this corridor here between vail Place and the International wing. This is the plaza here and you walk down the double steps, and imagine the door height about here. This is a snall roof structure to help bring the scale of that wall down, and thatrs aLso serving as a mechanical vent so any (inaudible) wirr be hidden up in the eaves and in the small gables here, so r{e donrt have a large volume of (inaudiblel. These are alL landscape planters throughout here, and this ties back to the plaza where the restrooms are outside of one vail place there. that shows show on the BOARD MEMBER: Wherers the elevation the f ront of the AIberg? I,foul_dn't that eastern elevation? MR. PETERSON: That shows -- well, yeah. It would be right here, but frve got another drawing. BOARD MEMBER: Woul_d you put it in front of that other one? yeah, that wourd be -- thank you. 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 T2 13 L4 15 16 1,7 L8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O BOARD MEMBER: Can you briefly describe the materials on the AIberg ShelI nentioned. MR. PETERSON: What werre trying to do is create a transition between the nelr rnternational wj-ng and the existing Wildflower, whiqh is a lot of white painted wood. so this area here is arr white painted rafters, gutters and columns. The stone is the same stone that vrerre using on the rnternational wing. so srerve got the stone base and wood hording up the roof. These are skylights up in that roof here that if yourre standing in this space would be a skylight (inaudible) and then it's sor,id. And over that soLid area is the top of the roof, copper (inaudible) roof. And you also have a copper rain gutter and downspout. These doors here are bi-folding doors that open up to allow dining inside and out on the patio, which is on the Iandscape linaudible). BOARD MEMBER: (Inaudible) kind of garden (inaudible) existing restaurant but put it into a perrnanent structure but not lose sone of that kind of openness and sun and airiness, so it becomes kind of a garden room (inaudible). elevation -- as the lodge that' MR. PETERSON: This is what the north you I r'e corning out of the one door of s what that el_evation will look like, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 I4 15 16 L? 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-0O20 11 the existing lodge above it MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. Comnents fron the board first, then werll have sotne comments fron the public. Dan, did you have sonethi.ng to add? BOARD MEMBER: A couple things here, Michael. werve gotten significant public input. Werve got a fax from the Eagle Vail East Village Homeowners Association MR. CHAIRMAN: f have that right here. Werve got some copies here. As f lras going to sdy, Itn going to ask for board comments about the architecture and whatnot, and then werl. 1 get into the public point of view, but hre are just reviewing this application right nobr. So, Brett. elevation, BOARD MEMBER: yes. On the south I think the changes yourve nade to the Iower Level are much more consistent with the architecture up above, which is very positive from rny point of view; and correct me if Irm wrong, but.I bel-i.eve yourve made. sone ad justments to the ridge line on the top as well, which I think has reduced even further the arnount of blocking of anyoners views looking towards the mountain, which is a good thing. The corridor that goes between our -- tbe east side of the building, I have some concern. I 2 3 4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 1.5 15 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O t2 know we talked about it out on the site, some of the other members, and they feel the same way about the planters that are proposed there may be constricting that circuration space too much because once you add those projections into your plans, therers some areas there that r think would feer really tight with such a substantial planter being proposed, and Irm not sure how to solve that problen. And briefly, the Alberg elevation, I think itts unfortunate. I understand that yourre trying to create a transition from the Lodge over to the I{irdfrower, but r think itrs unfortunate that youtve had to depart so nuch from the really nice quality of architecture that yourre doing at the Lodge- rtts such a departure, that it seems rike itts not working in harmony with the whole pJ-aza there, and you night consider.rnaybe I know you want to keep i.t light, but naybe it's just a matter of the nateriars and the colors being more in keeping with the Lodge. And _that was it. BOARD MEMBER: Well, Brett stole everybodyrs thunder,- but actually talking about the Alberg thingr 1rou know, f think -- well, first, I think yourve done a wonderful job on the south elevation. You did exactJ,y what we asked you to do. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 f mean, thatrs an inportant view fron the mountain, and I think nirnicking with the Alberg, minicking the older thing is really a mistake. frd rnuch prefer to see you, you knoiv, producing the really good new rather than just trying to transition from something thatts so oLd. Okay, that|s nunber one. Number tno, absoLutely yourve got to remove all those planters and yourve got to put some fenestration to the wall. .werve had peopre ask for a 2S-foot walkway. Well, you know, lre canrt tell you to nake a bigger walkway, cut down your building, but, strange as it rnay seem, years ago all of those projections that project over the property Iine, I canrt figure it out; but theyrre there, and you have to recognize that. you have to renove the pranters. I dontt think much will grow there anyhow, and you have to develop some different fenestration so that it doesn t t just r.ook rike a hoJ.e, but you realry have to nake that as wide looking as you possibly can. Sone of those projections are five, six feet. I meanr you know, they looked at least that, and if we have only 15 feet, L4, yourve got five, six feet projectionr you get a planter five, six feet, or whatever, then where are we. So, f nean, f think thatrs really the BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 13 t4 16 1'7 18 19 20 21, 22 23 24 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 1,4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPBNTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 14 problen. people are going to walk through there, and we should rnake it a nice space or as nice as you guys can make it. Maybe you should get pernission to put some planters under those projections on the other p1ace. There it night work, you know, get sone plants if they would agree with you, get some green there; but as long as you I re losing the space with these poking out, I mean, I would think thatrs the place to put some stone and plants and not on the other side of it. MR. CHAIRMAN: Henry. BOARD MEMBER: This is the first tine ftve seen this, and lrve got a few nore questions. I guess f '11 start wi,th the AJ.berg. Is the south elevation of the Al.berg the same as the north? MR. PETERSON: yes. It has Less glass because it I s in this therers a snarl fire rearry the fire (inaudible) exit, so it has less qlass BOARD MEMBER: Okay. Because I vras going to ask you if that was a unit there that was going to be looking right into the side of the restaurant. MR. PETERSON: No, it's a small board room. BOARD MEMBER: . Okay. I guess I agree 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t_3 t4 t5 16 1,'l 18 l-9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 15 vrith the others. I think the Alberg room -- I understand the intent. r think it just looks a rittre foreign, especially when yourve got the Wildflower on one side, which has its .own character and charn, and your new facade on the other, which f think is fantastic. r don't like the use of copper because alr of a sudden that seems rike a foreign material in this courtyard. Moving on to One VaiI place, f donrt r^rant to address the legality of the overhangs, but I do have a big coDcern, and maybe you can help ne. rtts rny understanding in this type of construction, that any opening within five feet of the property line has to be protected. Nor.r, if these overhangs are on the order of five feet, and I donrt know what they are, yourve got a 14-foot separation, yourve got 1O feet, therefore, both your openings and their openings have to be protected, which neans rolJ--up shutters or fire glass or whatever the code requires, and I just wonder if your drawings donrt show the overhangs Therers a bay window in one case. That could have a rna jor irnpact on your elevation, and r wonder if you r ve addressed that - MR. PETERSON: Well, it depends on how you interpret the code. The property line is at their t6 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O building face. WeII, the balconies are over the property line, and how that happened, f don,t know. According to the code itrs right, plus the five feet rnust be protected with tvro-hour construction. And greater than that we didn I t have openings. BOARD MEMBER: My experience with the building departrnent here was that when you had a building built right to the property line and then when you built another one nett to it, the property line was assumed to be halfway betvreen the two MR. PETERSON: Right. So it would be seven feet. Werre seven feet away. BOARD MEMBER: From the face, but not from the overhangs. MR. PETERSON: Frorn the assurned property line, thatrs right. It all depends on how it's interpreted in the building department. BOARD MEMBER:. frm just raising an issue because it has a major inpact on them and has a najo-r impact on you if you've got to come back and put shutters on alL these windows, which we obviously dontt r.rant to see, and I think you donrt want to see either. BoARD MEMBER: Are you talking about the windows on One Vail place? 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 L3 74 15 L6 t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 L7 BOARD l'lEl'tBER: yes. Also these windows on their building. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: These (inaudible). These five windows, and itrs a question of whether or not that property line is in the rniddre of the space or on their buiJ.ding line. BOARD MEMBER: Obviously, itrs all rnoved but the overhangs are four feet, but you donrt show them on your drawing so lre have no way of knowing -- at least I have no way of knowing what they are. MR. PETERSON: This is the overhang on One Vail Place here. This is not our overhang here. BOARD MEMBER: So yourre saying nothing projects further than the eave line. BOARD MEMBER: It doesnrt matter. It I s an assumed property line. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ANd thEiT building is more than five feet avray frorn the assumed property line (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: It's not the center between two buildings, though. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: If you take the center line between our wall here, Chuck, we have our w.indows in and their warl or any of the projections on 1 2 3 '4 5 6 ? 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 rt) t'1 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 18 their wall, it,s -- BOARD MEI,'BER: yourre not saying the actual property line. yourre saying the distance between the two walls. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: yeah, itrs at seven feet. BOARD I.IEMBER: The code allows you to have a public way. It could be a street or a publicly defined easement of some sort to go to the nriddle of that space, so that i s why r.re rre saying. BOARD MEMBER: Like I say, if the projections at one vaiL pl-ace are less than four feet, if yourve got a l4-foot separation, itrs moved. I do have another guestion on the section through the wal.kway. Right behind you, Jack, the walk is going up and down. Is that existing? MR. PETERSON: YeS. UNIDENTTFIED SPEAKER: ThatIs an existing fire exit frorn One vail place. MR. pETERSON: (Inaudible) the building, the way I understand it, vras built on grade, and then they rebuilt it in i-gTg to become One Vail Pl'ace rdith the condos, and they put a basement in. At that tine the rnternational wing was already there, so they had to build over the top of the International 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 t-0 11 !2 13 14 1,5 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 19 wing, and then they matched the lever-s of which that is (inaudibte) right here. BOARD MEI,IBER: I s it aD unreasonable reguest to make that sloping instead of stairs? The stairs becone an obstruction. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ft may not be a slope, but it could be a slope (inaudible) 1O percent or something. MR. PETERSON.: Itrs half of this is sloped. f don't believe it r s ( inaudible ) other than half a step (inaudible) steps down. BOARD MEMBER: f think if werre going to treat this corridor as an access frorn the south side to the north, whether it complies to the retter of the ADA or not, f'd like to see slopes instead of steps. Ird also like to see it snow melted, if thatr a practicality,. because otherwise I think it r s. goi.ng to be a pretty miserable space. I agree hrith Brett, think I guestion the planters and the side that the plan_ters are on. f donrt know what yourve got scheduled to pJ,ant in there, and I don,t know if it would !lrow, but I ' n skeptical. . UNIDENTIFIED SpEAKER: AII the planters in the building are scheduled to have (inaudibre) the north side, seni-sunny conditions we have on that s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 17 18 19 20 2! 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 20 side. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Okay. r guess the guestion would be whether maybe this fall to put planters, if it nakes sense, or Do planters at aII. (Inaudible) standpoint we would respond to naking it interesting going through. We could just make it (inaudible) rather to the wa]l and then perhaps hang sornething off the wall or do sonething with the windows and fenestration. So werre open to suggestj-ons. Itrs not anything particularly critical to know ( inaudible ) . UNTDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I don't know (inaudible) enough room here to get (inaudible) against this six or eight feet over. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: They do have a natural jog or two in tbere before you get to the narrowest point of the corridor, which would be a logicar prace to have a planter. The corridor as itrs designed (inaudible) the Line which is existing, the existing Iine (inaudible) One VaiL place srerre actual-ry getting an extra two and a har.f to three feet (inaudible). This rine here is the existing one vail Place. ftts a post tension slab. Our structural engineer is sitting here (inaudibJ-e) so welre holding 'this (inaudiblel overhang over the barance and you'll 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1t t2 13 L4 have access to some other things from underneath there. So (inaudible) which is the existing walI, and it I s also a legal easement. That r s another reason why we didnrt put planters up against One Vail place, because there is a legal easement that vre r re also (inaudible) so qre're actually stepping in these spots to give more room, like where theyrre. exiting. Therets an exit door here, and these projections are ttvo, t!'ro and a half feet taIl, as yourll see. BOARD MEMBER: I think what the board seems to be saying, though, in regards to those pranters is to either decrease them or erininate the projecting feature conpletely. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We v,ere Iooking at something to try to break up this scale. BOARD MEMBER: Sure. Henry, anything else? BOARD MEMBER: yes, sir. In reading through Mr. Lamontrs Ietter, I would l_ike to just briug up one issue, and that is this terrace, which he calls a fl.at roof, I donrt necessarily agree with that, but he does raise a good issue, and that is it is very cLose to both -- r assune thatrs the private condo as weLl as above hotel rooms. And what is the intended use? Is that part of the condo? Is that BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 2e7-OO2O 15 1F, L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 2s BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e?-OO2O 22 part of the hotel? UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: (Inaudible) what we intend to do is there I s an area here that this condo is going to llet (inaudible). As a matter of fact, itts only (inaudible) this one here. werre goj-ng to give then another one on this side, and therets a planter waLl between the two, and therers a terrace for this unit here, which goes up to about here and then back in here, and also there wilt be a higher flat roof for elevated (inaudible). terrace is condo ? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Right. BOARD MEMBER: Okay, that , s it. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. I have a couple of comments. I agree with everyone on the AJ.berg, the. sidewalk, right down to it being heated, thatrs got to be a real I think that will be a real inhospitable plac-e in the wintertine without sornething to -- you r re not going to get the snow out basically. Itrs not going to see the sun very nuch. BOARD MEMBER: So the function of this essentially that it's a party deck for the On your south elevation site plan col-or concrete that so obviously fol-lows of the National Forest land, f think a there, that the border 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 I 9 10 1L L2 13 I4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 23 Little more imagination in terms of perhaps a curb (inaudibre) situation that doesnrt exactly forrow that 90-degree corner where you, you know, round off the round off one corner, round in another corner. That looks hokey, it reaIly does. And there I s another point thatls in Jirn Lamontrs letter that rrve always agreed hrith, and that is that even though you have made efforts with the pent house level, that the buirding should still step back further between one vail place and on that third Ievel, and I think itrs easily acconplished. I know nothingts easy, butr 1rou know, you could shift that entire pent house to the west, decrease some of the deck on the erest, perhaps have a rittte bit of deck on the east, but give a little bit more transparency to that corridor, let a little more light in and just break up that, you know, what still appears to be a fairJ-y sheer warl between the rnternational wing and One Vail PIace This has been a concern of mine from the get-go on this project, and Irm still terribly concerned with it, and it seems to ne fron what r see of thj.s roof planr lourve got basically just a flat there, and this is a problen that could easily be addressed sinpry by shifting this outer mass in that 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 I6 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 29?-OO2O 24 direction, so in rnaking a step above the second floor the west end of the pent house. And thatls about ar] I have to say. I think we should -- BOARD MEMBER: Mike, I have one more comment, f tm sorry MR. CHAIRMAN: What r s that? BOARD MEMBER: On the stain color for the wood siding, is that a solid body or a semitransparent ? UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: Senitransparent. BOARD MEMBER: uy only concern is that that so-called redwood stain has a very comnon tendency to turn very orange when it r s actually applied, and f would encourage you to do \dhatever you can not to let that happen and to naintain a wood appearance. MR. CHAIRMAN: Okay. Do vre have some comments from the public here now? Jin. Keep it brief, though. MR. LAMONT: IrlI try. Andy, in the record my letterrs been included. Do you have letters from the sartz' the shuman retter and Lynnrs retter that have also been put in? BOARD MEMBER: No. IIve got these here. I vras going t,o put then into the record and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 L1 T2 13 t4 15 16 1'1 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 za BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 25 summarize r.rrhat they said. MR. CHAIRMAN:Okay.Do you want to stick to your osrn comments? MR. LAMONT: yeah. These are people that are mernbers of the homeowners association who sent letters, and I want to nake sure that you.all MR. CHAIRMAN: I didnrt get then, but Andy will include them. The only one I have is yours, Jirn, and itts a wonderf ul l.etter. MR. LAMONT: f hrant to just nake sone opening comments because this is the first time I think frve had the opportunity to deal with you all. And itts been a whir.e since rrve even visited with you, but I think all of us -- the only one I really havenrt had any direct contact with at the upper levels of thj-s project is Jay. John, Charlie, and I have been in comnunication, and Jim Brown and .severar other people. So I think therers been a pretty open dialogue about various aspects, not only this prop-osal, but other things that we aIl ire trying to work on. And frm very syrnpathetic, particularly the homeordners association is synpathetic, with the need for Lodge at Vail to get more hotel rooms, because I think that is going to be a rnajor 1 2 3 4 5 6 ? I 9 10 L1 I2 13 L4 15 t-6 77 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO20 26 irnprovement in the vilrage in terms of an econonic benefit. Also, we see the convention facility as being a rnajor advantage for the community. I think where the problem is is sort of a history of this pro j ect , which I ,vron r t visit in terms of my. personal hi-story $rith it, because r \das dealing with it back in the early 19?0s and visited lrith the Town attorney on it. What we woul.d like to see is a scaled down version, a remanipulation of the mass in anticipation of Eome key factors that we think will happen in the near future. And that has to do with the change in reality but real,J,y affects the entire village and that is the Court decision on the Land exchange site. As many of you may be aware, the homeowners association is activery pursuing the notion that that portion of the land exchange site should be developed, and if they are developed, that this buiJ.ding needs to be put, at least in this stage, in the context of that potential. rt doesnrt mean that werre opposed necessarily to erements of this buirding and even the rocation of sorne of these erernents, but in anticipation that other developnents could occur south of this site, we feel that there are some changes and rnodifications to the massing of this building and some of the spatial relationships that25 1 2 3 4 C 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 I5 l-b could arlovr this buirding to proceed if it meets. rf it doesnrt neet, then those uses, we feel, are very acceptabre out on the land exchange site. And r think just briefly, what our feeling is, that the scale of the overall structure l_s better with this gone and this moved over. No\r -- f l oor? BOARD MEMBER: Which gone, Jirn? MR. LAMONT: If this drops down. BOARD MEMBER: Oh, the entire upper MR. LAMONT: The upper floor. And if this moves over, now (inaudible) to keep the hotel rooms, which I think are a community asset. The pent house, frm not sure is really that much of an asset, even to the neighborhood, and r think itrs a use and a rnass that can be rel,ocated at some f uture date. somewhat curious about whatever -- what our interpretation iS, if this is a cerrace. Irm t7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BOARD MEMBER: ft would be a terrace that would qualify as not being a flat roof. MR. LAMONT: And is there some magical definition that we arrived at that puts BOARD MEMBER: The difference between a terrace and a roof? MR. LAMONT: Yes. BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 28 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 T2 13 1,4 15 15 11 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 2e7-OO2O BOARD MEMBER: Corne on novr. A roof has roofing naterials on it. They have smoke stacks coming out of then. It generally has projections. It generally isnrt brockable. rt generalry doesnrt have a guardrail around it. This is a deck. llR. LAMONT: So hre could then Look at all buirdings in town as having a rooftop terrace with this kind of interpretation? BOARD MEMBER: frm sorry, Jim. What are you referring to? MR. LAMONT: WeIl, r think part of the aim of the Urban DeveJ_opnent Guidelines is that we donrt have flat surface areas on the upper floors. BOARD MEMBER: Like the Red Lion? MR. LAMONT: WeLl -- BOARD MEMBER: Like which building? MR. LAMONT: I think what we need to understand is if it's the upper floor, is it a roof or is it a terrace? And if itrs on the upper floor, is it t-he roofing of the building and, therefore, it accounts for and falls under (inaudible). BOARD MEMBER: Okay. Jirnr lou can go round and round with that. Letrs not bother. Thatrs a staff interpretation r believe staff wilr interpret. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: I donrt think 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 'J,4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 29?-0020 29 itrs a terracer but itrs standard in its evaruati_on ( inaudible ) . MR. CHAIRMAN: So letrs move on. MR. LAMONT: AI1 right. I think that then our concern is that the building be shorter, (inaudible) the .east end, the building be lowered by a floor, and that the (inaudibre) be protected from the nass of the buirdingi and r think also that the varue of that will protect the units on the upper floor in terms of views, and I think also if dormers are removed, because f think theyrve done a good job with dealing with the hipped roof, that the dorrners be removed so it further improves the views from the public spaces as well as the upper floors. Also, I think the noise exhaust privacy issue' particularly with the so-carled interpreted roof terrace, realJ_y is an infringement on the privacy. It is a najor affront to the adjacent residential property and f think also has a subqtantive devaluqtion of that property, and I would assume the adjacent property wants to address that issue themseLves. Also, I think in anti-cipation of what could happen (inaudible) this property is that the p.assageway betvreen the two buildings is extrenely 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 r'1 18 t9 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 2e7-OO2O 30 crj-tical, and f think itts pretty well outlined in my Ietter that the scale of this face needs to be replicated similar to the space between the Hirr and Golden Peak house as well as -- BOARD MEMBE,R: What is that distance? UNIDENTIFIED SpEAKER: I think it's about 25 feet. MR. LAMONT: Because f think what wefre dealing with in this space is the potential for another portal to access the mountain which then gives us the opportunity to have nore access up through Wall street, which f realty think it would be a major irnprovement, and, you knorar, I know that therers a lot of gray probl,ens in there, but r.rhatever design solutions, Jack, can be made so that thatrs fairly accessibLe for skiers, because r think urtinately erer.re going to see that as a na jor connecting link; and the feeling that f'm getting from that space is the space betvreen the orDonovan Bar and the casino buit ding, it's just. too narrow. f happen to like what theyrve done, not necessarily with the architecture, but r rearry think if this building (inaudibre) this idea of coning down, opening up a building area that then wouLd $rrap around the building has some real merit; and whatever is done 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 L0 11 L2 t3 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNC ( 303 ) 297-0020 31 here, you pursue that before you pursue this part of the building, I think if you (inaudible) if you can create sornething like this that wrapped around the bottorn of the building, it would realIy enhance that whole space. You know, Irm being told one !ray.or another this building may not be built and may be built. I think if it is built, then werve got to make sure that at least this building here is protected in the public interest, and if it has to lose the botton floor so that perhaps therers an (inaudible) and keep it upstairs, that night be a fair tradeoff. But f realty think that the whole mass of the building in trying to keep a major corridor open (inaudible) really allows very exciting possibilities (inaudible) . So those arg about the sum and substance of ny comnents. We will deal with other issues (inaudible). MR. CHAIRMAN: with public comments. Lynn, next ? Okay. Continuing on would you like to go f have been to a rneetingMS. FRITZLEN: before and, as I the basis of the stated before, we had questions about. zoning, the granting of the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 T4 15 l-6 L7 18 19 20 2T 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 32 development rights, which we do not intend to address at this neeting. !{erve kept our comments to that in the past. Certainly the comments about the treatment of the side of the building as adjacent to one Vail Prace is very inportant to ldrs. I{erls and Dr. Speak, who are o\.rners in that building. Regardless of the building code restrictions, which r am certainly sympathetic with, it should be treated as essentiarly a zero lot line situation. There really is not an opportunity to look out, to use those windows (inaudible) and the plans should reflect that. I realize that One Vail pLace has openings onto that wall. The history of development at One Vail Place and the granting of developnent rights for this wing is very nuddy and often difficurt to track, but I think at the time One Vail place was developed, they were under the assurnption that this building would not corne that close to their properry line- (inaudible). reconsidered. I thi.nk the whole site needs to be In generaJ., I rather than the originat 198 has a little interest on the softer, there is the kind of guess I Like the building 3 proposal. Certainly it roof, the colors are relief that makes the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. I 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 t-6 I'1 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 33 building ( inaudible ) to look at. On the other itrs very inconsistent with the existing 1odge. not that Irm very synpathetic to the esthetics lodge, but none of these (inaudible) to pit the buildings together. And given the anount of technology that's available today with photographic imaging and just a simple rendering showing, you know, how the two buildings are going to interface in terms of this really new building type of a different sca.Le (inaudible) the floor heights rdere different, some of the roof lines are different. r think it's necessary to ap least have an opportunity to see hoh, the tvro mesh. MR. CHAIRMAN:Thatrs a good point, ma I am. hand, WelI, of this two that keep sone t hat study light that I MS. FRITZLEN: Okay. Do I stop here? MR. CHAIRMAN: Nor Dor keep going. MS. FRITZLEN: Lastly, the corridor is proposed, I respect the architectsr attenpt to the same intimacy of scale, to give it keep of the same gualitj.es that are going on now in corridor. Unfortunately, if there was a shadow done on that corridor (inaudible) never see the of day for three months of the year. I mean, s realJ-ty, given the current height of this 34 1 2 3 4 5 6 building. And $rerve all seen it, you know. lge know what itts like, and what happens is you have to put plants in there that need no light, all paving needs to be heated. In fact, through the corridor thatrs proposed now, which is going to become a very public corridor once these two buildings are squeezed together, itts going to have to be heated. It's going to al-nost have to be treated as an indoor space because snoer eguipment isn r t even going to -- or snoe, removar eguipnent isnrt even going to be accessible to ir. Lastly -- and Mrs. Wells really has not been able to review this most current set, and I rnet vtith Mandy a coupre weeks ago and asked her some other technical inforrnationr particularly the survey inforrnation and title work. We have not had an opportunj-ty to go over that, and I know some of that infornation is very helpful and (inaudible) architect is going to provide it in more detail, a more detail.ed grad-e solut j-on. we would like to have an opportunity to revi-ew those drawings f or at least tvro hreeks, and not necessarily to criticize then, but just as a neighboring property have the tirne to see that they are consistent with the other topo information thatrs 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 t5 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 2e7-0020 35 available on One Vail place. I'lR. CHAIRMAN: empowered to postpone anything provide you with plan approval certainly appreciate MS. FRfTZLEN: I think most applications are reguired to have this four weeks in advance. r know this has certainly been inrposed on my clients, and, frankly, I think itrs a good reguirement. MR. CHAIRMAN: I agree with you. frn just saying I dontt know that vrerre empowered to do it. Is there anyone else fron the public that wanted to say something? Go ahead, sir. And you are again? MR. BROWN: I rrn Jin Brown. MR. CHAIRMAN: Jirn Brown. MR. BROI{N: I represent the condominium. homeowners association and we find this plan to be an irnprovenent over the prior plans. The onry reason r would rnake any comm.ent is that we would be very concerned about the shift of the presidentiar suite over closer to the Lodge if thatrs what you vrere suggesting. MR. CHAIRMAN: BOARD MEMBER: I don t t know that we, re for two weeks so we can ; but anyway, I That is. Thatrs exactly what f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 L2 t3 t4 15 16 I7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 36 nas suggesting. problen. MR. BROWN: l{ell, we rdould have a ma jor BOARD MEMBER: And what would that concern be? MR. BROWN: ft would be the further ( inaudible ) from the existing ( inaudible ) . We I re right at a very, very delicate balance lrith this distance now, and werve qot folks all along here looking here towards the nountain. we move this over further, and, weII, theyrve got a rnajor problem, and frm not aware of anyone behind this whose views are not going to be BOARD MEMBER: The entire tonn, sir. MR. BROWN: We1l, again, (inaudiblel for a year and a half, a year and a half now, reaching a delicate balance that we have. BOARD MEMBER: Well, I guess the option then would be to reduce the size of the house. other people have suggested to elininate it. MR. BROWN : Yeah . I mean, that I s -- lre are right on the edge with it the way it is. If the deveroper wanted to reduce the size further or do a\day with it, we would not have an objection. BOARD MEMBER: Certainly. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2I 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO20 37 UNIDENTIFIED SPBAKER: As a matter of clarification, as it is, itrs actually two (inaudible) units that are operated through the hotel. frm sorry, three that are operated through the hotel. ftrs not a for-sa1e. condorninium or separate ownership.. Itrs actually operated as hotel rooms, but it is a larger suite. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: And we have scaled it back to (inaudible). MR. BROWN: Right, I understand. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: You realize that that corner is cut off there. MR. BRowN: Right, I realize that too, but visual. ly looking at it frorn the Hong Kong side or the mountainside yourre still looking on this side. This elevation particuJ.arJ_y yourre stilI Iooking at a substantiaJ. mas.s rJ-sing virtually straight up .for .four f Ioors. I rnean, that's what f r n Iooking at. I don r t know what you see, but thatrs vrhat I see, on the south elevation particularly. UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudible ) . UNfDENTIFIED SPEAKER: ( Inaudibte ) probably something vre can do to shift the (inaudible) any more. MR. BROWN: I realize -- I agree with 1 2 3 4 5 5 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 1R L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-O020 38 everyone's comments that this (inaudible) what we originally saw. Irm just still concerned, particularly with the (inaudible) section that says that this board is here to protect neighboring property olvners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made for such matters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drainage, sound and site buffers, preservation of light and air and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations, which rnay have. substantial effects on neighboring land uses. MR. PETERSON: Irn going to disagree lrith that. I think when you look at one VaiI place, when the building is built from property line to property Iine, then you have another four feet of overhang on to our property, certainly I think they share some responsibility as far as what their protdction is also (inaudibre) over the rast 12 years. BOARD MEMBER: That's an existing condition, and therers nothing we can do about it. There is sonething we have to say about this. I personally agree lrith Mr. Lanont as far as the separation between the two buildings. I know itrs a hardship for you all, and with a pain in rny chest I can sdy, okay, 14 feet by 2, but itrs got to at least 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 I2 13 14 15 16 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 291-OO20 39 visually step back some more to let some more air into that canyon. It is going to becone more and rnore a focus point of -- you know, it,s going to be used a lot more than it ever ha.s been sinply because it,s visualty directing people, at least right now (inaudible) - rtrs going to be a werr trafficked area. MR. PETERSON: But I think this was a long, Iong discussion (inaudible) planning Cornmission Ievel (inaudible) 14 feet, back and forth with the Town Council and planning Conmission, and this is a number that everybody arrived at that srerre comfortable with. One Vail place is (inaudible). Likewise, the third floor was kept over towards the eastern portion to keep the buffer with Lodge Apartrnent condoniniuns . That cras al so going back and forth. BOARD MEMBER: I realize yourve got a Lot of people tel, ling you how to design your building. Itts a prominent place, Ird salr as far as the architecture goes. Irn satisfied with the architecture of the International wing as it I s proposed. I just personally still have problens. Irm just one member of the board, Jay. MR. PETERSON: yeah. I think what we need to be looking at at this point is really the 40 1 2 3 4 t 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 t4 15 16 I7 t8 19 20 2L 22 23 24 z5 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O design because the bulk of the mass ( inaudible ). Planning Conmission. I know there is a -- BOARD MEMBER: Jay, coul_d you explain that to us, how the bulk of the nass is designed and how this buirding (inaudibre). r think alr that would be very helpful to hear. Itrs very hard to understand - BOARD MEI.IBER: Jay, let me interrupt for a second. I think thatrs really not our purview. What f see here is a couple of issues that everybody on the board has brought up, that we would like to see addressed architecturally. MR. PETERSON: I'd like to hear them. BOARD MEMBER: Okay. None of us like the face of the Alberg, and, number two, none of us like the planters, and we -- you need to show us I accept the t4 feet. If itrs gone through compromise, we canrt compromise the conprornise, okay. And if that is accepted, you need to do some erork and show us $rhat-ts the fenestration, where are the planters going to go. And with that in mind -- and it night even solve Lynn's probJ,ern, is I think we ought to table this for two weeks, because r think you have to cone back to us with those two new drawings, those two neer elevations, and thatrs a1l. werre looking at, you know, 1 2 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 t2 13 t4 15 16 t? 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-0020 41 and we really need to look at them. f donrt think anybody likes the Rlberg face. Or maybe j_trs not a question of not liking it, werre just concerned how does it work with the new building. Lynn brings a really good point up. why dontt you show us -- you know, just superimpose the old building on it so we see how all of that works, and what r would like to do is see arl of that in two weeks taking our suggestions, you know, the probrem areas architecturaLry that we have, and thatrs alL l want to work on. f donrt need to work on the legalities because I donrt understand it anyhow. MR. PETERSON: I certainly can do that (inaudible) and we can do that, but I would like to add that therers a finite list because I canrt do anything about the L4 feet. BOARD MEMBER: I agree. The couple of things that we have are the Arberg face and what the aIIey is going to look Iike, i.e., planters, removal of p-lanters, heated., you know, and thatrs, I think, where -- thatrs where f arn, I donrt know about anyone eIse. MR. CHAIRMAN: Does anyone else on the board have a concern with the height adjacent to the canyon srith the building not stepping back there? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, rNC ( 303 ) 2e?-OO2o 42 BOARD MEMBER: I \dish we could find a vehicre that wouldnrt penarize the developer to see it step back on the top floor, but Irn new to this. Irve never seen it before, and I donrt know the history, and I dontt know i.f we have room to make a move. BOARD MEMBER: you said naybe a. foot or two, you know, I don't know. We could see that MR. PETERSON: We did set it back on the first go round. BOARD MEI.IBER: yeah, f understand. There is a snall -- MR. PETERSON: (rnaudible) but the other thing is the piece of that project (inaudible) smaller segment. There is an angle. BOARD MEMBER: How is the height being j.nterpreted? I mean, what is the (inaudible) height designed to and wha.t grade ( inaudible ) ? MR. PETERSON: ( Inaudibte. ) BOARD MEMBER: IIrn sure the arch-itect -- UNIDENTIFIED SPEAKER: We have a set of drawings that was a whoLe sheet full of probably a half hour discussion. MR. CHAIRMAN: If you wouldnrt nind discussing that vrith staf f . I rnean, it r s not a DRB 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t-0 11 T2 13 t4 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2L 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 43 issue. We have to assume that the height is legal. At this time r I d like to have the pubtic comments read into the record by Andy. MR. KNUDTSEN: We do you have copies of all but one of the letters we received on this ( inaudible ) rnade copies f or you. I 've got col.ored xeroxes that illustrate most of your concerns, and in general people have their views (inaudibLe) this photograph, for example, fron Anita Saltz with a letter dated September 2Sth says that they recognize the right for the Lodge to expand and think that in general it's a good idea. Her concern is with the third floor structure, the building be put back at least 25 feet from one vair prace, and then reference to the t4 ( inaudible I . The second letter I have is from Stanley Shuman dated october !7, concerning sinilar issues, as well as the patio adjacent to One VaiL Place. we have a ]etter fron Lynn Fritzlen concerning the-application materials dated October 10. We have a Ietter from H. J. Sweeten ( inaudible ) , .and I donrt believe it's in the packet. Theyrre o\^rners of Condoninium Nurnber 2 at One Vail pl.ace, and they berieve that there should be a 45-foot setback between buildings. 2 3 4 5 5 7 a 9 10 11 L2 13 14 T5 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O 44 (Inaudible) werve got a letter from Jin Lamont, which he's covered thoroughly in his presentation today, and srerve also got one fron David Naehrens that talked about use of their units and the elinination of the presidentiar suite on the fourth floor. I think that covers the public input that we received fron the mail. BOARD MEMBER: frve got -- one of the common threads in all these letters and r thought r heard the anssrer, but one of the common threads is the use of that deck for being a party deck. Okay, noerr if they really have plans to use it as a party deck, and thatrs their right, thatrs fine. But if they dontt, naybe we courd put sone sort of a rinitation on it. I mean, if that's not what itrs going to be, maybe we can put sone sort of restriction. MR. CHAIRMAN: Thatrs not our purview. BOARD MEMBER: frm just talking about it. I didnrt say UNIDENTIFTED SPEAKER: I think what it is is a nice terrace area that people can go out on, walk down the center. I mean, letrs face it, therers not a whole lot of use for terraces up here because it gets cold at night. During the summertime you have some usage, obviousry in the wintertirne you have none. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 14 15 16 L7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & (3 CARPENTER, INC o3 ) 297-0020 45 BOARD MEMBER: Oh, come on now, springtirne in the Rockies. UNIDENTIFIED SpEAKER: Every March for a couple of days (inaudible). During the sunmertime, they have some activity (inaudible). This is the corridor and there needs to be nore outside activity. I find that ( inaudible ) . MR. CHAIRMAN: Jay, where are rde at here? Any other conments frorn the public? Jirn. MR. LAMONT: What Jay was talking about, I just came from a meeting with the police department and bar operators doxrntown dealing with our problem of hooters, late night hooters. The only question f have people naking noise. hooters. BOARD MEMBER: Werve been rnissing that, MR. LAMONT: Anyway, I had a question I forgot to raise. Has Jeff looked at this? MR. KNUDTSEN: No- MR. LAMONT: Okay, thank you. MR. CHAIRMAN: All right. In that case r suggest vre move to tabre this for two weeks. That will give Lynn,s people an opportunity to look over the p1ans. BOARD MEMBER: And we need some stuff 46 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 t_3 t4 l5 15 l7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC ( 303 ) 297-OO2O back. BOARD MEMBER: May I rnake a couple comments that r would 10ve to see what Lynn suggested, how the two interface. I mean, it doesn,rt -- I guess a rendering would be wonderful , just to see how the. two forms of architecture blend. BOARD MEI{BER: Can I also ask f or a letter that they met rdith the Town buirding officiar and that the separation and the so-carled assumed property tine issue has been discussed and -- MR. CHAIRMAN: you certainly can. BOARD MEMBER: -- and that zoning issue will be resolved before the next meeting. BOARD MEMBER: Mr. Cha j-rman, I move we postpone the Lodge at Vai l_ I nternationa.L wing. BOARD MEMBER: Table it. BoARD MEMBER: Tab1e it, for two weeks, the next neetino. MR. CHAIRMAN: Do we have a second? BOARD MEMBER: Second. MR . CHAI RI'{AN : Second by Brett . AI I in favor. ( Aye responses r.rere given. ) MR. CHAIRMAN: Thank you all very much. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 t2 13 I4 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 23 24 25 BRUNO & CARPENTER, INC. ( 303 ) 2e7-OO2O 47 CERTIFICATE STATE OF COLORADO CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER ss I, Laurie Heckman, Notary public of theState of Colorado, do hereby certify that theforegoing i-s a true and correct transcripti.on of thereferenced tapes transcribed to the best of nyabi l ity IN WITNESS !{HEREOF, I have.hereunto set myhand and seal this 8th day of February 1996. aur.t_e Heckman, RPR PublicNotary 999 Denver 18th Street, Su.ite 2180 , co 80202 My Conmission expires:Septenber t-, 1996