HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL 1996 APPEAL OF DRB DECISION PART 1 OF 2 LEGAL �ast Villag� Homeowner5 Assoc �7U6275HS6 0�/Q3/1936 02 : 43:2� PM P_2 _ E�,s� VrLL�� H()MEOWNFRS A�SS�i.tATI�N, Ir��c. Officers: President - B.�b C`ral��n Secrekary - Gretta Pa�°ks Trcasurcr - Patnck C;ramm I?irectors - luditlt B��kgwitz - Dollah Briclgewater - Ellie Ca�•ikins - Ron Lan�tley - Bill Morton - Cprvtie Ridder To: Vail Towr�Council Fram: Jim Lamortt, Executive Director Date: May 3, 1996 RE: Appeal of Design Review Roard Deeision Lodge at Vail International Wing The Eiorneowners Association finds that the proposed remedy for the ir�terconnection of thc proposed Lodge at Vail International Wing does not achieve an accepta�ile degree of compati- hility with surroundin� prc�per-ties. Further, there appears to bc sufficient evidence to indicate that the pr�posed interconnec- tion does nc�t conform to the terms and conditians of the Lodge at Vail condominium declara- tions. The design that is aecepted by the Tawn Counci] should not create a conflict with the reQuirements pf the condominsum declarations. As has been rriade known in prior public hearings regarding this project, the Homeowners Association ibelieves that there is a more acceptabte solutior� than the present propasal. It is our position that there shauld be a reconf guration of�e proposed International Wing, allowing the building to be diminished in size and height, while permitting the developer to regaining the lost building area on the adjacent I,and Exchange Site. The Homeowners AssociatiQn urges ihe Tawn Council ta reject the �esign �,�view Board decision antil such time as a more appropriate solution is found for the interrelationship and ir�- I terconnection with sunounding buildings. ' cc: Tom M�orhead Posl Office�3ox 238 Vail,Colorado 8 t 658 'Ceiephone:(970)827-5680 NlessagelFAX:(970)827-SSSb , . MAY-07-1996 13�22 �JCFKK � P.01�0� �ACObS COvER SFIE�T C.I1AS E � F�ICk Td: Holly McCutchcan (970) 479-2157 KLFiN kop� �riority handling instructions: X Aeliver immediately _ Deliver within 2 hrs. � Fram: Ann B,Fri�k �►E«Ey D�te: May 7,.]996 LtG Number pf Iyages(inc�uding cover sh�et) 6 A77DlNEyS AT LAW prig1nal document(s): _ WEII foIlow _ in the mail � ovemight delivery Wi�l not follow ClientMat#er�To.: ZIS.Q02 Comrne�ts: Accompanying thi� transmiEtal is a letter to the Tawn Council. PI.,EASE PHOTOCOPY TAIS LETTER FOR DISTRI�fUT�ON AT THE TOWN COZ7NCII., MEETING TQIVIGHT, 5/7/9b. Thank you. ' I �ox�r�Err�rr�Lrav xc�TrcE Thia facsimile cvver sheet and any dvcuments which may accontpany it contain information from rhe law firm ofJACOB5 CHASE F[�iCK ICL�INKOPF&KELLEY LLC,(1)which is itstended for � I,�,dFp�,,,dEHCe pl..zw, the us�e of the qadividu�l c�r entity to whtckr,it is addressed;and(2)which may coatain infosmation that is privi�eg�d,canfdential,and/ru otf�nvise rxCmpt fivm di�tosure�dcti-npp9icablc law. If thc 1050 77� S`r, reader of this mc�a�e: is not thc intended recipient ar the emPlpyee �r agent r�spons��le fpr Sv;� 1 spp delivariag the mesqage to the inteaded recipient,any disclosure,�.issem�natinn,disti-ibution,c�pying DEAIVEQ� CA g�269 or other use of this cornrnunication or its substance is prohibi0ed. If you have received this cammunication in errar,plcasc cal,l us callcct to ecrangt for the destruction of the comrnunica[ion � 303-b8S.48�00 or iGs rcturn to us at our exp�nse. Thank ypn. E�uc 303.689-4$1�9 ' , MAY-0?-19% 13�22 �JCFKK � P.02re6 J aCObs awN 8. FR��k 892-4422 CNAS� FRiC� � May 7, i996 KLEI N�Cdp� & . �'ia F�csr�rrrr�,�v�rL , ��I�� �'ovv�Cvuncil �' Town of Vail ; 75 S. Frantage Rd. West LLC Vail,CO ArTOaneys ._ �.w �e: May 7 Ti�wrs Covncil Meeting Regarding r#ppeal of Desigre Rev�ew I B��rd Decrsiorr—Lodge at T✓ail Internatianal W�ng Dear Tov�m Council: This firm c�urently represents Anita Salt�t�e owner o�Condaminium iJnit 527,Thc Lodge at Vail aparhnent cc�ndorniniums,on whose behalf this le#ter is being submitted. Ar�ita Sa]tz and �er architect, Lyran FritaJen, wiil appear at the May 7 hearing and ma�e a presentation to you The faliowing is a sum.maty of t�e points that wi11 be rais�d on behalf of � A.�.ita Saltz at the hearin�: � 1. Lod�e Prope�Eies, Inc. ("LPI") is trespassin�; vver Saltz' br�lcvrry. Accordin�t�archit�t LyAZ�Fritzlen,the dmwings re#lect the construction of a new concrete slab and joist floor af Sal�' balcony,thereby requiring that her balcony 1�e removed and rebuiit. Saltz has not given LPI her permission to cc»mrnit this trespass. Secause Sa1tL}�as nc�t given her approval for this tresp�ss,LPZ�ha.s iepresEnt�cd tbat it does not need to obtaig Sa�t�' pem�.ission. LPI's contentions arc without merit As discussed below. I�ndfp�NdtNet P�un �OSO ��TH Si. LPI contends that the pmposed Internahanal Wing vvhich is def,ined herein � as includi.ng the conference eenter,the hotei units and ihe penthnuse sufte,alt;ho�ugh S�RS 1500 penetrating Saltz' balcony and/c�r�exterior wall,does so within 8,204 feet above sea DeNVtK,C� 80265 ievet. LPl contends that Sa11z' balcony and tloor of her entire condominiinn unit is 303-685-4800 k�x 303-685-4869 ][}XK-S 534-1 . MAY-07-1996 13�22 �JCFKK • p,03ig� ?own Council May 7, 1996 Page 2 faur feat lower than it shvuld be and therefore LPI is pernutted to commit this trespass. This is wrong for the fvllowing reasons: a. If Saltz' balcony flaar was built four feet taa low,the floor af her entire unit rivas built four feet too low a�well. it was LPI or its prcdecessors who surveyed the properky and con.�tructed the bu�lding, Any mistake here is c�aaz�ed��inst LPI,not S�1tz. b. Paragraph 3.1(c)(iv) of the cont�aminiuffi declaration {the "Declaration"� specifically p.rvtcct,s S�t�in a situation such as this. That para�raph gives Sa1�tz an easement for an encraachment upon aay p�rt of the Lod�e at Vail in circumstances just like this—where LPI has buiit in the�wrong place ar the encroachment is due to s�ttling or shifting,ur 'for a�ny other reason," c. Saltz ovvns tl'�ose four feet that may have been buitt tao low t�hrpugh�dverse pvssessiQr� (the condominiusxi has been ownea anr�occupied far over 20 years�. d. It clearly was the intent of the parties at the time that th.e sauth win.g was subm,itted to condorninium own,erstzip that the unit owner owned the s�ace within.his unit and his balcony even though it may have mistakenly be�n built four fect lower ttpari it shoutd hav�tseen. e. ParagrapYs 3.4 of the Decla�atian provides that the balcanies are a limii�d cc�mmon element with exclusive use fiar the ur�it r�wner.s arsd access to th�se balconies is limited to the unit owners and tkle invitees of the�anit owners. Saltz has the right ta prevent LPI from coming on to her balcony to construct any part af ihe Int�raational Wing. f. Faragraph 4,2 vfthe Declaratian gives the Baard of Ma.nag�rs a right af acces4 to each �artment unii and its appurtenant comman elements only as may be necessary for "maintenance, repai,r or replacement vf commvn elements , . . or fvr the making of ernergency rcpairs." Just yester�y, LPI reprssented that it would not r�move and rebui�d I��Irs. Saltz' bal,cony. That has not yet been confirn,ed hy LPI's and Mrs. Salti' archikects. Mareover, irrespective of whether LPI remaves aud rebuilds the Saltz halcony, LPI wi.l� con�mit a trespass si.mply by t3�e fact ihat construction debris wi21 blow onto the Saltz property. We fail to see 1�4w that can be�voided frvm conszrucrion of a sv-ucture only six inehes a�vay from the Saltz gcoperty. �ua�c.ss�a.� MAY-07-1996 13�23 �JCFKK • P.04i06 Town Cvuncif May 7, 1996 Page 3 2. The Intema�riona] Wing wi11 be built to within srx inGhes af Saltz' unit. A nuisanc� is that which abstructs the reasonable, comfortable and peaceful use and enjayment af one's property. A.nythi.ns which materially lessens the enjoyment af property ot the physical cvmfort of pecsons in their homes is a nuisancc. SS Am.Jw.2�d, § 1,Nuasance, It is�imply a ma.tter of comnaan sense to understand tnat the��ltzes' enjoyment of the use of their tuut,which they have vwned since 1984, wi�l be lessened and interfered with by a structure that comes within six inches of the Saltz condomininm uuit. LPI's Internation�l�iJing,as cuarently designed, violates Saltz' privacy an.d property rights and exceeds the Town's z.oning c�rdinances. Mrs. S�ltz has a cl�im for nuisance due to thi�invasion of her privacy,#he extremely close praximity of the Int;�rs�ational Wi.ng and the naise and distvption fror�r the elev�tQr shaft,vents and use of the hotel room an�penthouse decks. Anita Saltz bought a fi�th floor co�dominiut�n. SHe did not buy a garden 1eve1 apa€tment t�iat comes within s�inches oF an exteriar walf or tenace of an adjoining btulding. 3. LPI strxtes ti�at pursuant to the Decfaration, Saltz cannot objeci ta the Tntemational Wing on the basis of the obstruction c�f her"easement for light and aiz�-" Hawevet, this da�s not elim.inate the Saltzes' claim of nuisance ar trespass. Furihcrmore,if LPl �ttempts to hoTd Saltz to what was stated ip the Declaration at the time she bought l�er unit,then recip�raca�ly, LPI shauld be held to wh�t they represented to Saltz at the time she purchased her unit. Ai the tiine nfpurcha�e, LPI r��r�s�.mted that(a)it was unlikely tha#the International Wing wauld ever be built;but(b) if the ZaternatiQaat Wing is bui�t,it will be built as depicted in the mode]present�c�to the Saltz�s. Notahly,the 1983 Ynte�rnaxional Wing model and plans, approv�ed�hy the riTail Planning and Envirvrunentxl Commission("PEC'�in Qcto�er 1983 aze markedly different from the current plans and drawings for the Intenuational Wing. In ]983,as well as in 1993,ths decks f�om the penthouse suite w�ere planned to came helaw Saltz' balcony. Currently,the plaas call for the pent�ouse deck to come six fe�t hi�,her than tl�e floor of Saitz' balcany and urut. In other words, purtivant to ihe c�nrent plans,Anita Sa1tz wilL walk out onta�.er'balcony,aad withia six inches vf her face,is a wall vv�th a planter in it,tre�trunks Etnd then people partying on the decks justt gast the trees and shruBs. 4. $y his letter dated January I7, 1.996, Torvn Plannera Andy Knudtsen, indicated his cancerning regardi.ng some of these same pvints. In addition, Mr.Kn�dtsen wanted LPI to obtain tl�e con$ent of fhe holders of the limited,cammon elements(5a1tz' with zespect ta her balcony) and the ge�e�l ce�mmvn elements(the c�nd,ominium associ;3tipn) to ihe Int�r,national Wing proj�et. As we understand it,neither ofthese conditians hav�been met. JGF1cK-3}a4-I . MAY-e7-1996 13�2� �JCFKK � P.0Si06 Tovvn.Cauncil 1V�ay 7, 19�6 Page 4 5. The rationale for the I'own's density and bulk ordinances is underscored by the International Wing development. A parcel of land can take just so much developrnent. AIl of the prd�lems the Tawn is currently facing with the International Wing have flvwed from LPT's erroneous logic regarding zone loi and pa�cel of land. In 19$3, LPT vbtained the Town's �onsent, in a written contrac�nat#o apply its density ardinance to blo�k the Intetnational Wing development The Town's ag�eement was based c�n LPI's definitioa of"parceP'and determination af tha size of the "zane lot" on which the lt�ternational Win� is to be built. LPI is wrong with respect to botFi definiti�rns. a. LPd started this entire proc�ess in Y 983 by defining the parcet of land as rr�l , including the sauth wing or nortEi wing candominiums—buildings bui.lt dirc�tly o�t�is parcel of I laud. (LPI also excluded the Lad�e Tower,which is alsa built on tl�is parcel of land) LPI ba5ed its � exclusion of the condominiums an �ie contention th�t they are built on a pazcel of air. Nv ane, anywhere, except LFI,has ever defnec�parGel in this ma�u�er. Ind�t;d, "thc lcga] concept of l�nd iacludes an indefinite ea�tent upwani,and includes everythiz�g t�trestrial,not otily the ground or soil, but everything whieh is attached to the earth, whether nature, as treeS, herbage, and water, or a product of human manufacture,As hotases and pther buildings. 1 Am. Jur.2d Adjoining Zandowner §1,Vai. 58 g. 832. b. LFI cca�tends that the south wing and north wing condominium units are not � included in the density count because they are not built an the same "parcel" on which ihe Inteinatianal VWing is to k�e built. If these condon�iniurn �uuls w�includet�,in the d�nsity caunt, then the Lodge already exceeds thc applieable zo�ing for density, This excess densit�is anly further exacerbated by t��Tntematianal Wing. �n addition,the drawings indicate that the In�ernational 'Wit�g will conta�n many two-bedroom"suites,"thereby allawing LPI to coun�each af these suites as or�y one hotel u�it for t�e density count when,in fact, they are equiva�er�t,with respect to ihe exp�ct�d number vf hotel guests (and the impacts and burdens imposed by additiona�peaple),to that of two hotel units. c. In 1972,when Ll'I was trying to dbtain approval for c�nsiruciing the Lodge South Tower, Ross Dav�s represeated to the Tawn and county authorities that t�e siz.e vf the applicable z,�ne�vt was 3.Q4 acres,ih�by wntainigg sul�icieni land square foutage to 5uppc�rt the � density of the�,odge Tower. Naw t�at LPI want,to build the Intera�atioilal W ing, it claims t��ax the applicable a�ne lat is 2.089 acres because if it were required to include in its dexisity count the Lodge Tpwer,the Ladge would exceed the allowable density many ames over. A�air�,in 1�391,LPI listeel, as au asset,the full 3A4 ac�e parcel. ,CF'K1C-35Y1�� MAY-07-1996 13�2� � JC�KK � p ��0� Town Cauncil May 7, I996 , Page 5 Saltz respectfiilTy requests this Tawn Council to require LPI ta submit its proposal tQ the PEC and begin the proee.ss i�a public arena--#he process to wluch alt other dcvelapments are subject�ed, It was passibl� for S�lfz tQ chall�nge the PEC's prelir�unary agprovat in 1983 because she did aot own the unit a#that ti�e. �INe appreciate your tiu�e�nd Consideration. v�Y �Y Yo� JACOBS CHASE�RICK KLF.�IVK02'F &��,L�Y LLC r � i �� ��_ /� � Ann 8_Frick I 1LtiKK-5534-I TOTAL P.06 L�1 � � /� il ►� TOi�'N OF VAIL � 7S South Frontage Road Office of the Town Attorney vaid, Golorado 81657 970-479-2107/'Fac 47�-479-2157 Apri125, 194b VIA TELECOPIER & U.S. MAIL Mrs. Anita Saltz c/o Mr. ]ack Saltz SELCO 46th Floor 767 Fifth Avenue New Yark,NY 1 Q 153 Re: Appeal of Design Review Board Decision Lod�e At Vail International Wir�g I Dear Mrs. Saltz: Your�ppeal of Design Review Board decision af scheduled to be heard by the Vail Town Council at its evening meeting on 1VIay 7, 1996. The evening meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. �, If you have a�y questions ple�.se feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, � ,r�l �'�j,�,,.n.-�� - ( �t. Thomas Moorhead Tawn Attorney 1ZTM/aw xc: Andy Knudtsen ��RECYCLEDPAPER i � DISTRIBUTI�N LIST Ann B. �'rick, Esquire Robert tiV. �✓1cLaurin Lia A. Woodall, Esquire Town Manager Jacobs, Chase, Frick, Kleinkopf& Kelley, L.L.C. Tawn of Vail l OS0 17th Street, Suite 150� �3enver, CO 80265 Pamela A. Brandmeyer Assistant Town Manager Jarnes S. Bailey, Tr., Esquire Town of Vail Bailey, Harring & Petersoz�, P.C. 1660 Lincoln Street, Suite 3175 Susan Connelly Denver, C4 80264 CammunEty Development Director Town Qf Vail P�r. Jim Lamont Post O�fice Box 73 Red Cliff, CO 81649 Jim Brown, Esc�uire Brown & Harmon One Norwest Center 1700 Lincon Street, Suite 3000 Denver, CQ 80203 Ms. Lynn Fritzlen Post Office �ox 57 Vail, CO 81658 Mr. Jack Zehren 141r. Gre� Cnstman Zehren and Associates, Inc. Post Office Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Rick R�sen;�,squire l 120 Lincoln Street, Suite i I00 Denuer, Cl� 80203 d;,-,f.. J SENT BY:Xerox Telecopier 70�; 4--24--96 ; 9:28AN1 �DUNNABPLANALp�}'�STN-+ 3034792157�# 2�� � LAW OFFICElS DU [V, ABPLANA�P & CHR�STE�ISEN� P.C. A�IIOF►�IONAL CO�IOYT16N .laMN w,oUNN TNC VAIL BANN BUILCIN� 7tl[riioNr: A�THUR A,AaRLhkALP.J R. �u lT[300 co�oi.4�e-oaQ4 /1LLEN C.CHRI9TCN9C�u GIANC L.M¢lIMAN IOD S4UT}I FRONTAOE ROwo WE9r T�LECdP1ER: �9rY0)�F7a-47B8 R.C.iT[rM[ti30N UAII, 1�..'Q�,ORAOO QI@B7 KARCN M.DUNN � VtCULLCOUMfLL' cc�rincq�.taK��qwr I JE11R1'W. MANNAFt � 24 Ap�il 1996 Me . Ho11y McCutc eon Town Clerk Town of Vai.l 75 South Frontag Roed Wes�. Va►il CO VIA 'TEL�C�d�IER Re: Appeal f Design Review Board Dec�.sir�n Lo�ge t Vail Internntional Wing Dear Ms. McCutCh on: This Firm represented Ms. An�.ta Sa�tz, the owner of � Condom�nium Unit 5�7, The Lodge et "(��1i1 Ap���ment Condominiu�ne, iri aseo�i�ttian with the above matter. Appeal from the above action ; wae filed on the lUth of �April. • Ms. Saltz ae advi ed ua that s�a has received no notice regardl.ng the da e whan a hearing in this ms,ttsr is to accur on her appeal . Neither heve W� e�eived �ny auch notice. Please fnrward auch notice to ur c11.�n (unlesa she directs y�u otherwise� , by telecopier, if p asib�e, nd forward aJ.l future naticee direetl ta her, at the foll wing ad resa and telecopier number: Mra. Anita altz ' c/o Mr. Jac Saltz � BELCQ a6th Fl�oor - 767 F'ifth A enue New York NY 10153 TELECOPIER fl. : 2Y2-6�4�2221 � If you have any que�tian� rec�ardit�g thi� x�queat, or if yau are un�ble t� CO ply wit� it, plea�e contact diateiy. xy tru urs DUNN, A�P NAL & CH BEN, . � � Arthur A. Al�planet , Jr. xc: Mrs. Anita 9 ltz , � � � DESTGN REVIEW BQARD APRIL 3, 199f� MINUTES ZTEM# 2 - 1NTERNATIONAL WING Transcribed by Judy Rodriguez, April 16, 1996 2. ]nternational Wing-Appeal of thc Zoning Admir�istrator's decision to approvc a AK buffcr to be built between a proposed addition and tbe existing condominiums. 174 E. tiore Creek Drivc/portions of Lots A, B, and C, Block SC, Vail Village lst Filing Appellant: Ms. Anita Saltz F'lanner: Andy Knudtsen I`riike Arnctt- Item No. 2, International Wing, Appeal of thc Zoning Administratar's decision to apgrove a buffer to be built betwecn a proposed addition and the existing condorniniums. 1 assume we have a lot of folks here today for this particular itern. I would j ust like to apprise you all of the format for this particular item hcre. We are going ta start out with an overview from Mr. Moorhead, the Town Attorney, and then a synopsis by Mr. Knudtsen here, khe Torhm Planner. We will then here frorn the applicant and then we are going to have public input and let me forewarn you that the public input will be limited ta 5 minutes per person, We�lon't have all day, 1 would alsa like to remind you on behalf of tt�e Board that this is ' a court of lavv. We are}�ere to revicw designs�that's our primary function and t n lastly the DRB willlaok at the actual issue of the staff approved buffer between he units there at thc Ladge. i/1 <:'� Art Abplanalp- Excuse me Mr. Chairman.. Mike Arnctt- Mr. Abplanalp Art Abplanalp- for the record,yes Arthr�u�Abplanalp, representing tl�e app�llant. Are we considered a rnernber of the public and onl}� limited to 5 rninutes for our presenta.tion? We are aftcr all the person wha is seeking the ap�eal. Mike Arnett- Let me ask my legal side. Torn Moonc�ad� That is within your purvicw to set the per�od of timc and if you consider them.as public input, it is appropriate to limit them to 5 minutes. That's wit�in your dis�retion to allow as much presentation as you feel is appropriate. Design Review Board Transcription of Tape,Intemational Wing f:leveryone\drblintwing.403 April 3, 1996 l � � i � Mike Arr�ett- Well A,rt's point is that he himseif represents thc applicant. Arn 1 right? ' Art Abplanalp- Thc appellant. Typically, vwe are the peoplc who would speak first ar�d who would rnake ...statements. ' M�ke Arnett- Well, this is different. Art Ab lanal - I understand that. P P ? ' ,.,� Mr. Chauman, a housekceping rnatter; everything rrrust be spoken into ��5 �,,,t�s`�� microphones and people have to identify themselves for the record. � � Milce Arnett- Alright, and so as I said getting back to our for�nat, we are going to hear from Toan Moorhead now, Town of Vail Attorney. Tom, Moorhead- Thank you Mr. Ch�irman. On Novernber 1, 1995,the Design Review Board approved the plans as submitted by the Lodge Properties, Inc. for thc approval af the International Wing. That was appealed to the Town Council and it wa�heard by the Town �ouncil on Decernber 5, 1995. At that tirne, on motion by Peggy Osterfass, far approval of the design plan of the International Wing as presented, with the provision that some additional buffering be warked out v�ith regard to the terrace area . Additional buffering, lan�iscaping, or whatever that would be, that the staff could wark out with t�e applicant to imprave the visual impacts frarn the • adjacent property. Staff was to decide by working with th�developer,on w�at tl�at additional buffering wauld be. That motion was secondctl by Kevin Foley and it was approved 6-1. Pcggy had stated that hcr intention , on the rnotion was just on the west side, to mitigate the impact on the Lodge Candominiums. ', Qn March 7, 199b, Andy Knudtsen with the staff consultation, approved the submitted plans for the buffer to be constructed between the penthouse on�he Internatianal Wing and the cxisfing condominium dwelling units. That staff decisinn was appealed on behalf of Anita Sal�z by letter dated March 3 4, 1996. It was stated in a letter from Mr. Abplanalp that the reasons for appeal were: 1. Thc plan which was provided and identified as that receivi�g Town of Vail approval was virtually unintelligible,but to the e�ent it is intelligible, it clearly has no relationship to that which was approved by the Town Councii. Thereforc, the applic�tion must be initiated as a new process, rather than being subjectcd to wholesale redesign at the discretaon of th�Community Development staff. Design Review Bvard Transcription of Tape,Inlemational Wing f:�everyonc�drh�nhving.403 ApYtl 3, 1996 2 . � � � 2. The ncvv plaan has an area which is bctween candominium unit 527 and 533 on the west and the penthouse structure on the east, which is not labe�ed,diagramed or the subject of any elev�tion and which was not included an the prior plan and may be an clevator shaft and it may have a sloping roof or�iat roof. It may be twa foo�t hig� or it may be twelve foot high. I�]o information has provided which gives any infornnation regarding these yucsti �an finally 3. The roof plan or the roof section identifies thc location of the outer section. Onc can only speculate even as ta whether the Ladge Apartment Condominium is on the left or the right of th�t section, but it is clear that the latter does not represent a section indicating the size or the impact of the structure, which apparently is pianned adjacent to units 527 and 533. I would also point out that this matter is subject of an aetion presenfly pending in the Eaglc County District Court, of whach the person who has appeal�d this staff decision, Anita Sa1tz, is a plaintiff in that actian. Mike Arnett- Thank you Mr. Moorhead. Andy? Andy Kr�udtsen- Thank you. Andy Knudtsen, I'm the staff planner on the presject. What I thought� would tio initially is just bring everyone up to speed an the context. This is the Lodge here. 'The existing condominiums, the propose�i lnternatianal Wing, the bu.ffer, which the Council vated on in Dccember o#� 1995, is right in this area and fur�her shown on this baard right here. This is the ane condition that the Cauncil put on the project and it is the only issue whic�i we are focusing an today. What we have here is in sections, the existing Lodge Condominiums at this po�nt, and terraces that stack up ta a planter with ev�rgreens on this side and the Presidential Suite of the I�temational Wing ovcr here. In pla�D,you can see that there are threc raws af landscaping, separated by sandstonc ledges,the highest plantcr arca is up against the Presidcntial Suite with the evergreens right in thc center wberc the mass of the building is. We, uh, Zehren and Associates, the architect, worked quite hard on this. Staff and Zehren sent back and forth approximately four to five different design iterations and eaeh one was an improvement over thc previous. Thi� last onc sufficiently addresses the buffer, in staff's opinion. �� � 1 would lik�e to add one ather point. We got this letter just a few rninutes before the DRB convened earlier today, from tbe East Village Homeowner's Association, and if 1 can pass it out to the Board, as well as �he audience. The one point I'd like to put on t�ae rccard is that the Design Revicw Board Transcription of Tape,Intemational Wing f:leveryone\d�\intwing.403 Apri13, 1996 � , � � � dimensions of the approved drawings have been very c1�ar,not anly were they drawn to scale and the seale could be used to understand them,but they arc also shawn on the record as to the layout both in hcight and length of thc proposed planting materials. � I have a qucstion, In Mr. Apblan...Art's lctter, were you referring ta the plans that we approved, or are you refcrring to thc buffer arca; when you are talking about the unintclligible plans. Art Abplanalp- These arc not the plans that wcre approvcd, first of all. ? I agr�e with that. I'm just asking you what yau were rcferring to. Art Abplanalp- I was rcferring to these that was actually Qn the table at the tablc at the time. ? Ok Andy Knudtsen- And just that I can clarify,the file has these drawings in them. Art Abplanalp- Mr. Chairman, the approved plans did nat have the cicvation of that roof whic�was one of the things that we were complaining about. Thc approved plans,that we were provided has no elevation,has no indication and that's an illustration of the whole problcm here, thcy were incomple€e. Mike Arr�cft- Are you satisfed that you are seeing it now? Art Abplanalp- 'That�articuLar.. We don°t know what it is. We'll get into that if we could. Mike Arnett- When we do get to review these designs,we will cover that roc�f form. Andy Knudtscn- If i ean just closc, Andy I�udtsen again. The decisions that are before the Board today are citber to uphold the staff decision, overtum tbe s�aff decision,or modify�he staff decision and that's all I have to say. Mike Amett- Alright. At this tirne we'll hear from Jay a�e you representing the Lodge? Jay Peterson- Yes, we're here and the manager af the Lodge is herc; Greg from 3ack Zehren's officc is here; Tim's here frorn Jaek Zehren's office to answer any questions. We have been over this a thousand times with the staff. You've seen the fuli presentation af the full International Wing,obviously somc of you haven't, but we'rc only here discus5ing a rnitigation (litigation?)of a buffer area l�etween the International Wing Presidential Suite and the Desigzi Revicw Board Transcriptian of Tape,Inlemational Wing f:�everyonc\dtb\intwing.403 April 3, 1996 `� ' � � � Lodge Condominiums,the top floor condominium units. We think we have addressed that. If thcre's ar�ything that is unclear, I don't sce it, but I respond certainly to a�nything that Art has a questian an as far as any heights, �nassing of anything,the type of vegetation, the height of thc vegetation,bu1 I think the drawings are pretty clear. In Peggy's motion whcn she made it, all shc wanted was do something to buffer it a little bit mare and so we worked with the owners as much as we could, with the owner of the�niddlc unit, ivhich is next to the Saltz's unit, we worked with t�em,they did nat have a problem with it. Thcy are here representcd today. So, truly just Mrs. Saltz that has a continuing question about it. Wc will res�and to any of their concerns. Mike Arnett- Alright. Yes,then we wi�l have public input at this timte. Art, if you'd like to start. Ar�Abplanalp- This may be two stages, Mr. Chairman, first 1 would request the Design Review Board to do two things. First of all, cont�nue this hearing until a tirr�e when we are able to have �n oppartunity to review the file. We've been trying since the fourteenth of March to look at the file in this case and we have nat been able to do that. First Andy has not... Mike Arnctt- You have not been permitted to see it? Art Abplanalp- Pardon me? Mike Arnett- You have not been permitted to see it? Art Abplanalp- Correct. That is absolutely correct. Andy vuas vcry coaperative and then when this d�ecision was made, he referred me to Tam M�oorhead and Tom indi�cated that we would be permitted to sce it. Finally, on the twenty sccond of May,he provided copies of the materia�s. Mikc Arnett- Twenty second of May? Art Abplanalp- Twenty second of March, I stand cc�rrected, pardon rne. The twenty second of March we told him we wanted to sec the�le,bccause we kncw it was incomplete. Wc have other documents that were in the file carlier, COpl�S, so we knew th�t things had been takcn frorn the file. We tried since the twenty second of March to try to find this file. Tom said go tiown to the District Court; everything's there. We didn't do that,because th�,t wvasn't the inFormatian we had. The last item on this packet, which I givc you, est�blishes that that was not the tru�h. The material which was scnt, pardc�n me, which was in the fi1e is called the fourth supplemental Design Reviaw Board Transeription of Tape,Intemational Wing f:leveryancldiblinlwing-403 Apri13, 1996 5 ' � � certification of the designated record. Mike Amett- I,really,you just lost me therc. Art Abplanalp- This is the cover sheet for the matcrial, which we were requesting to see. Mike Amett- Ok. Art Abplanalp- That material was not scnt to the Districi Court, until thc day before yesterday. If we had gone dowri to the District Court, as he said, to look at this material, it would have been a wild goose chase. He misrepresented to us what was in the court file; we were denied the opportunity to scc what was across the street from us; we prepared for the hearings as be5t we can bascd upc.yn what we had scen,but it's an i�justicc. The Town of Vail �avonders why people are movr'ng frorn the Towm of Vail; this is an ex�mple. Yau can't, this is supposcd to be a fairly infortnal hearing. Andy and the staff are great, as far as availability of materia�s. Mike Arnett- I've got to agree with you. Art Abplanalp- When we come across the street, it's a stone wall a�d this is an cxample. �'or that reason, in vrder for any intel�igent review to be done on this, we have to havc an opportunity to see the file, And so we ask far two things. Fi�st o#'all a continuance, and secondly, a direction to the Towr� Attorr�ey to turn the rnaterial, to penrnit us td look at the file. Additionally, we see additio�al diagrams here. Wc understand that Jay has additional diagrarr�s that we have not seen and it may be possible somc of these things can be resolved. ', Mike �lrnett- There are additianal diagrams that he has not �een? Jay Peterson- Wc have different renditions of what we wcre proposing to do with Mike Arnett- This is a staff approved? Jay Peterson- This is a st�ff approval. Mike Arnctt- This is the relevant document? Jay Petersan- This is the relevant document. T,�Iike Arnett- Art so cantinue, this is what we'�e dealing with today. Design Review Board Transcription of Tape,International Wing f:�cveryonaldds\intwing.403 ApI7j 3, 1996 6 ' � � Andy Knudtsen- You're ta.lking about the first or second iteration? Art Abplanalp- No, no 1'm talking about, for insta,nce, the drawin�s you sent to I�-. Brown, the Condominium Association, which answered some of the questions. There are drawings out there, Mr. Brown faxed that to tne, he was k�n� enough to da that, and what�e does what Jay and he da is ... them. But therc are questions related to these plans and the plans they have these. T�e plans that the Dcpartrnent of Community Development relied upan on incomplete and conflicting. As an exarnple,the clevations of this project, which were approved, w�ere approved back in October, before any of this happerred. The or�ly full elevations of the building, I don't think that they wcre ever approved, thcy were subrnitted in March of 1995 according to the material that was provided to �ynn Fritzlen. '7 1'm sorry, I havc to disagrec with you. Art Abplanalp- Ok, we'rc not going, as an example, this staff approwal of tlus str�cture, which goes bacl�to October, and we'll gct ic�ta that in a moment, is a hip roof, five feet high. That is ihe last approv�al of that structure. So, limiting it to thss now, the questian of whether there should be a cantinuancc, if you choosc ndt to,thcn we'11 ga ahcad, but othcrwise,this is the first order of business. Mike Arnett- If 1 may adciress that,the first order of business,just 1�riefly. To be hancst with you, sis,you're not the ones reviewing this applicatian, we are and we personally do not need another week, or two weeks, ar whatevcr, to look at this staff approval and decide upon it, We'vc not made up our rninds, let rnc guarantee you that. We will be reviewing thx5 and wc do respect your opinion, but that wauld be contrary to precedent for this Soard to set back an application. We oftcntirnes especially items of tkis minimal complexity, oftentimcs see them and either apprQVe or deny thern in a mecting. So this is nothing, in no way uniQue for us. Is there someone else from the public sector that would like to be heard here. Art Abplanalp- That was only a question, wc �obviously have more as far as the .. of this. However you want to handlc it,but that's only the question of having a continuance. Mike Arnett- Does anyone have cornments along that line? Mr. Rosen would you. Design Review Boa�d Transcription of 7"ape,Intemakional Wing f:Veveryoneldrb\intwing.403 April 3, 199( 7 • � � Mr. Rosen- Mike, what I'd like to do. I represent the owners of Unit 533, I?r. and Mrs. Cavanau�h, whieh is a unit right here in the middle. We have a couple of coznrnents,but for sake af this discussion, I would like to just make my comments after t��presentation rnadc by the appellant, if that's possible. Mike Arnctt- All right. Mr. Rosen- If not, I mean I don't want to cause some problems hcre. Mike Arri�tt- Ok, well I suppose we'll continue vvith publie input then, regarding specific�lly t,he architecture of this buffer. This is all we're dealing with tc�ay, is this buffer. Art AbplacYalp- Well, if we're back to that. If we're off tlze question of a continuancc, then we do have some additional presentation. Mike Arnett- Go ahead. We'rc going to start his five minutes from�ight here. Art Abplanalp- Thank you vcry rriuch. I'm�oing to do my vcry best to work my way through this stack of exhibits, which illustrate a number of problems with I the presentation and specifically the division between the two structures. 'I �irst of all tet me say, that although this is in litigation, we're trying to put ' this an this. When we becarne involved in this, it was apparent that and of , thc last�iesig�the Town Design Review Baard l�ad, invobved an elevator �, which penetratcd the limited common elements. That was denied�t the Town hearing. It was recognized in the first set of drawin�;s that Andy had, that January as a result of which this�levator structure has�hey have had to move tha�, whic�has affected ewerything vertically bclow it. That particular problem has created internal problems within the building. No plan,pardon me, no approval should have been grantcd on thi�, becausc of thc fact that the buffer on the upper story resulted in�rablems o�th.e floors below. We have a�ist of various problerns and the retief that we have reqt�ested. Yau can ta�Ce them undcr advise�r►e�t, check them off, do what you wouTd like with them as wc go alvng. But, thcy give an indication of thc problems with the program as it stands now. Because of the limited tir�e, �'rn�oin� to try to zip through thesc cxhibits, as best 1 can. The �rst exhibit is the staff approval back on the first of Navember. This is in the final. It does cross-rcference a letter to Jay dated 11/1/95. Actually, the letter follvws. I think Andy wiil agree wit�that it was actually Novernber the seventh. None of thase provisions relate to buffering to protection of anyane, alt�ough they are all Iegitirriate concerns. It is Design Review Board Transcription of Tape,international Wing f:�everyone\d��ntwing.403 Apri� 3, 1996 8 • . � interesting to note, that for whatevcr rcason this particular project is getting off for what is apparently the eighty three parking fee rate, w�ich is �bout half of what it is now, for a Tawn which is in dire financial straits. Jay Peterson- 1 object. This has nothing to do with the Design Review Board and what we arc here for. Mike Arnett- You know Jay, �ou'we got a point there. We are here to review this design, sir. I dodt really carc about the parking rate. It's not our purview to decide parking rates hcre. All we want to know, all we want to revi�w here, and all I want your input on i s wha�do you think of this particular buffer. T'hat's it. Confine your cornments to this particular situation, if you wauld. Art Abplanalp- � will do rriy best. Exl�ibit two is the last cross-scetion which was approved by the Town of Vail and that is in conflict wit.� what you have before you, but therc's nothing to supersede it. It says that the roof, and I'm speaking af this now, Exhibit 2.1, thc roof of this structwe is five feet above t�e terrace wall. Therc is nothing in the Town's �lc to supersede that, including this clevation of? which does not appear on the approved copies you'll see, as we go through hcrc. Now,there's been some questions to whet�er that's a hip roof. 1�c approved plans on the ncxt two pages establish that it's a hip rocaf and it is not a flat roof as indicated in January a�d I still can't tell whether that's flat or not. ? T�at would be a gablc roof. Art Abplanalp- That's what I read it, but I c�on't scc a gable roof on here. It ddesn't indicate t�at because of coursc this was again not on the plan approved by the Town. Ail of this is new. Now, the next page also establishes Mike ,Arnett- When are these plans dated hcrc? Jay Peterson- First of all, Pd like tv say that 1 think this rs thc plan that he is referring to. T�is is not our drawing. Mike Arnett- That's a cross-seGtian that wc never saw. That's an intcriar drawing that the DRB never lookcd cven looked at. We don't do insides, we do outsides. Art Abplanalp- It's the only thing that was provic�ed to our architect as a drawing illustrating the diagram of this. Now, again, if you can't see the file, you don't what the Town's working with. Design Rcviaw�oard Transcription of Tape,international Wing 1':�everyoneld��ntwing.403 Apri� 3, 1996 g • � � Andy Knudtsen- Art, it might help just to point something out here. The�idge af th�roof above the elevator shaft is running on an east west axis, which the section is an cast west section, so this ridge that you sec here is the top of thc roof. You can also tell that this ridge is at the same height as the sandstane led�;es separating the planters and also the sarne height as the railing ofthe condaminium owners. Art Abplanalp- Ok, if you look over at Exhibit 26 Mike Arnett- What time you got there? ? 7 and thirty seconds Art Ab�lanalp- If you look at E�ibit 26, you wzll see the plan that was approved by the Town. Iv�ikc Arnctt- 36? Art Abplanalp- 2b. That is the cross-section and as you will note, there is nothing on this having anything to do with that roof. Mike Arnett- I can't find 26. Gcorgc Ruther- Mr. Chauman, it's been time. Mike Arnett- 26, Why dan't you just show me yours. Has anybady found it yet. Going a little slaw when it comes to page flipping. What was your concern about page 26. Art Abplanalp- It's nc�t the same drawing. 1'hat is the staff approved drawing. That is what we are appealing from. It has nothing to do about the roof here. Mike Arnett- Andy, could yau respond to that7 Is this the staff approved drawing. Andy Knudtsen- Yes, it is. Mike Arnett- V►�'hy do you think it is so drastically different from that? This is a cross- scetion that clearly shows k.he same fe�tures displayed in that drawing there sir. Art Abplanalp- That crass-section is here,not at thc roo£ This has been added to the drawing Design Review�aard Transcription of Tape,internatianal Wing fleveryoneWrblinlwing.403 April3, lg9�i ia - � � 1Vlike Arnett- What's your paint? Art Abplanalp- The point is that tlais doesn't put any li�nit on the roof. Ne�ther does the other half of the approval which is Mikc Arnett- If I'm not mistaken that roof is thc same as that roc�f. Art Abplanalp- No, you're pointing to the rniddle of the two terraces. Accarding to this Andy Knudtsen- Art, if I could just interject here, It's clear that the roof of the elevator,the ' terraces, cvcrything is below the hcight of the rai�ings of the balcon� with the exception of vegetation which wil� obviously grow up above the height of the planters. If your point ia a cancern about blocking the views ar something like that,maybe you could talk about the concerns of your applicants, or your clients in rc�ation ta using the buffer. Art Abplanalp- That's what I'rn trying to do. Well, as you will sce, this again is t�e approved drawing. They are saying that this limits the height. That height is not on the city approved drawings. They are not the same dacumcnts. Mike Arnett- You are not quitc typical, sir, to say that the height of the ridge will not exceed the heigl�t of the railing. We use thase sorts of conditions on a bi- weekly basis. Art Alaplanalp- Bnt it doesn't say that. It daesr�'t say that anywhcre. Mike Arnctt- �t explains it�ere. It displays it here. Art Abplanalp- When yau say the first here, that's what they are rendering you to today, that is nat the appraved drar�ving. Mi1ce Arnett- What is not the approved drawing. Art Abplanalp- Wl�,at you have been presentcd to�vday Mike Arnett- Yes it is Art Abplanalp- It isn't, I beg your pardon. The dravving that you ar�e being show�►today has been rnodified by the arldition of the roaf feature, by the addition of �ang�aage which was nat on the city approwed drawing. It's a matter of what record you havc to come back on. Design Review Board Transcriptian of"1'ape,intemational Wing f:'�everyone\d�\intwing.403 April 3, 1996 l' � - � � Mike Arnctt- l regret to inform you that your time is up. �Creg would you like to respond to that plcase. Greg Cristrnar�- This part here shaws the roof beyond. He's right,the section is cut through here and we're looking this way. I}ust put this roof on here for clarificatian,but it's heya�d and it's showing that it's level with these ledges. Samc vaith t�ese elevation nurnbers. Thcy are vn there just for clarification. Andy knew all the elevations at t�e tinne when he approved it. Andy ICnudtsen- That's �orrect. In conversations with Gre� we c�eveloped the various alternatives; each o�e improving aver the last one. �t was clear that the elevator roof wou�d not be exceedsng the height o#'the railing, Mikc Arnett- Alright, Rick, Mr. Ros�n would you like ta cc�rnment on the architecture, please. Rick Rosen- Jus�for the record, my name is Rick Rosen. I represent Dr, and Mrs. C�.vanaugh, who are the awners of Unit 533 and as the Bvard can see, 533 is the middle of the condonainium units. I really just want to ga on record and explain�hat the Cavanaughs have not bccome involved in the cantraversy, quitc frankly beca�se we understood that there was going to be a building built there at some point. They resounded to that fact and what we did was we decidcd to work with the architects and the owners of the International Wing to come up with some s�lutians that might help mitigate the impact that was going to happen with t�at. We have worked with thcm very closely. The�have answered our questions,provided us a nurnber of taken care of a couplc of concems that we had. 1 think those concerns also were sent in a�etter to Andy when this whole revicw pracess was going on of which were included hcre in this particular design. We have no objection with t4�is design. We're actually qui�.e happy with what thcy've done. 1�hey've listencd to our sug�estions; listened to our complaints; have w4rkcd with us. We've got a couple of minar things that the owners arc working with right now and we would just like to go on record thanking them for their support and helping us. Mike Arnctt- Thank you Riek. Could you point out again who you represent. Rick Rosen- `JVe arc Unit 533, which is right he�c. Mike Arnett- The on�dead center. Design Review Board Transcriptson of Ta�e,International Wing f:�everynne\drb\intwing.403 April 3, 1996 12 � � � Rick Rosen- Right Smack in thE middle. And just real quick for clanf cation,I had a qucstion and I think Jay would g;et up and say the samc thing. We had a question an the height of that particular elevator shaft. 3ay cieared it up by tal�ing me through the plans, as well as Gx�eg Cristman and it was quite clear to us it was definitely beluw the railing. 'I�ank you. Mi�e Arnett- Thank you rnuch for your input. Is there anyone clsc from the public tha� would like to comment. Mr. Brown? Jim Brown- Thanlc you Mr. Chai�-rnan. Mike Arnett- Identify yourself. Jim Brown- Yes,my name is Jirn Brawn. I'm a lavvye�-and I represent t�e Lcjdge Apartment Condornir�ium Assaciation. My client is the awner of the general and li.mited common elements that are established according ta thc declaration. The limited common elements specifically include the decks adjacent to Units 533 and 527 owncd by Rick's and Art's clients respectively. We were conc�rned that the earlier design, proposed by Jay's client, impinged on those limited common elerncnts and in part, 1 believe, this drawing was addressed ta that concem and I believe it is clear now 4hat these destgns, the design before the Board today daes not impinge on the limited common elements, in partieular the decks of 533 and Un.it 527. The second concem that we had was that the applicant's desigz�not impin�e on the general comman elements, specifically beams, girdcrs, �upports of the building. And there was some concern that that might be the case. 1 rcccived today frdm Jay, late this morning,just before 1 had to lcave to come up here, a fax which speaks to that issue. And interestingly enaugh, according to the condominium declaration here,the condominiurn regime, if you will,begins a�a specific elevation. That eleva�tiun is 8,204.89' above sea level. So everything that is above that elevation is part of the condominium regirne; everything that is below that elevation is not part of that regirne. Jay showed rne�oday a diagram that was attached to the decks that I did not have a copy of, which established that the floor level of these condominiurns is at 8,2D4.89'. Is that correct, Jay? Jay Peterson- That's correct. Jim Brown- Anci as a result of that, it appcars that the support beams below the decks are not part of the condominium regime and therefore, do not appear to be part of the cornrnon elements, which my client owns, Now I want to stress i'm saying appear�to be the case, as I mentioned, wc just got that information taday, and we're getting that inforrnation to our architect ta Design Review��ard Transcription of Tape,lntemational Wing f:kvcryone�drbuntwing.403 April 3, 199Fi �3 . ! � revievv,but at this point in tirne, we do not havc an objection to this design. It appears the intrusion on the decl�s themselves has been resolved and it appears tt�at the concern for gcncra� cornmon elements has been resolved also. T�ank you. Mike Arnett- Thank you for yaYU-comments. Anyo�c else? Lynn Fritzlen. Will you pull your rr�icrophone down. Lynn Fritzlen- I'm Lynn Frit�len. I'm an architect and Mrs. Saltz addressed a couple of �uestions to me in regards to the plans. Mike Arnett- Are these included in her letter of March 14th? Lynn Fritzlen- No, there is na correspondence for mc in that. Mike Az-�ett- Oh, this is for Art. I'rn sorry. Co ahead. Lynn Fritzlen- In that package, she was under the impression that her deck was a timited camrnon element that required perrnission for acc�ss. A�d i said as a practical matter, I cauld not understand how they could leavc the deck in place and construct a roof deck structure undcrneath it. And so far, she or Art has nat received�any information that does address that. C guess the interpretation at this point is that the it is owned by the association, Jim, is that corrc�t,or hovv does that wark? Jim Brown- Lynn,the information I got ftom Jay late this morning,I faxed irnrnediately to Art and that did include the cross-sections and the supports that Mrs. Saltz had been looking for. And thc infarmation that I got fi-om Jay indicates that the deck itself is right at R,204.$9' whieh is where thc condorr�inium regime begins �nd goes up. It does not appear that the supports to thc decks are part of the condopniniurn regime and Jay nated in his lEtter ta rne, which 1 provided to Art,that Lodgc Properties has �.duty of support to the condom4niurn regime. So although the condominium regime begins X feet up in the air over the�round, it's Lodge Properties obligation ta sup�ort the condominium regime and Jay noted in his memo ta me that there was na speci�c requirement in how thcy do it and no specific requirement that they seek the assaciation's consent before they change those support element. Mike Arnett- Excuse me, if I may interject here, �owhere under Itern No. 2 dfl fi see the condominium regime or the supports far this deck. What we're here to c�a today as a D�sign Review Board, is focus on this particular issue, which is the buffer bet�ree�those units and this unit and I'd likc to get back to that. Design Revicw Board Transcription of Tape,Intemational Wing F.�everyoneldtts\intwing.403 April 3, 1996 14 . � i � Lynn Fritzl�n- I'm sorry it was such a lengthy answer, it was just a ma�ter of uriderstanding and I just wanted to cla�ify it since Mr. Brown. T gucss t�e other thing that Mrs. Saltz askcd me specifically about is the loeatic�n of any meehanical equipment and the height of the elevator, which in the section there �s the shaft indicated at two different hcights, 2'6" and 3'6". Typically, the clearance above an elevator docs not vary in height and for this type of elevatar it wou3d requirc about 12'3" in cicarance, so that would bring the raof of thc cicvator up to a rnini�num af 3'6" above thc deek and that is not entirely consistent with v�vhat is shown. Although we do not have a section through the e3evator so those were her cancerns. The dthcr thing that she c}uestianed was it appears that there are some ducting from the kitchen that is coming up from the kitchen to thc roof and being vented ta the side. And she said that the ducting and thc equiprnent is not addressed on these drawic�gs, You know this has been continuing , concern with DRB;t�ese plans get through the Board and then we end up with a roof that's full of rr�cchanical equipment. Mike Arnett- I bcg to differ. We eover Lynn Fritzlen- I'nn just stating her concerns,that's a�l. Mike Arnet- `Nc cover that when it originally went through thc DRB. That's one thing we always try to pay closc attcn�ion to on downtown prajects in particular is roof top m�chanical. And we've been through the rooftop mcehani�a� and we'vc already approved the roofto�mechanical where it exists. And I think what yau see is what yau get�ere. And rest assc�red if w� rnake a motion in favor of this, we will modify it to stipulate that the height of this elevator shaft, the ridgc peak, not exceed 42" or 3'6" off the terracc, so that it be no highcr than the guard rail height. Jay Peterson- Michael, Greg's here to verify this, there is no mechanical o�the roof. ' Mike A,rnett- I'm aware of that. We've been through that. That's always one of our big conce�-ns and it's been addxessed. Anyone else from the public? How could I �orget. Jim Lamont- East Village Homeowner's Association. �ecause this is an appeal to a public hcaring, is there any prohibitiQn against tbe public speaking on this? Mike Arnett- No, five rninutes. Design Revicw Boazd Transcriptian of Tape,Intcrnational Wing f:�sveryone\drfi\intwing.403 Ap�ril 3, 199l� �5 . � Jirn Larnont- Ok, five minutes. I would yield whatever additional tirne i may havc after my comments to Art. Thc Homeowner's Associatian is spccified in the w�ting 1 think. Our questions are what you see �s what you get and to make surc that those are clearly defined,so that all parties have an cxpectation is met. You shouid note that we are under subpocna by the plai�tiffs in the litigation. I represent a neighborhood association that [ t�ave been dirccted by the Board to attend all mcetings and to make cnmrnents in terms of clarification with regard to this matter. So our letter is written in the spirit of rnaking sure that we have sufficient? sa that �11 parties can know what their expectations are. As far as the aesthetics of this rnatter, that's ]cft ta you all and I would hopc that you wou�d make your best efforts to meet the needs of all parties. Thank you. Mikc Arnett- Thank you, Jun. Have wc left anyone out? Art Abplanalp- Could I briefly res�ond to your suggestion of conditions? Mike Ar��tt- Certainly, let rne get my pen rcady, Art Abplanalp- Wcll, ac�ually I was simpty going to refer the Board to tbe one page that I provided earlier. Mike Arnett- Which onc was that? Art Abpl�nalp- Whieh was the list of possiblc conditions for Mike Arnett- Is t�is on the l4th letter? Art Abplanalp- No, it was handed out to you witl7 my packet. Many of those can be �andled as conditions modifying the stafFs action. Sinc�e wc havcn't bcen privy to see the file, we dan't know what's therc or whethcr any af these conditinns are in fact satisfied internally. If the Board is in a�'eement, and I thit�k if you look at Andy's first letter back in December, he certainly was in agreement that some of these were, in fac�, cancerns. He requestcd elevations, with this one exception, they were not ineluded in the plan. Maz�y vf these are logically included in the conditions which m`tght be placed on the staff approval ar�d can be handled that way. But since we haven't scen anything, we just don't know. And 1 wvuld just suggest that the Board take a look at thvs�one by ane and see whether these would be logical for your�nclusion. Desi�n Review Board Transcription of Tape,International Wing f:�everyoeeld�\intwing.403 April 3, Y996 16' - • � Mike Arnett- I"rn daing so naw anci for example, Penthouse away from apartment condorninium units. It is away fram the apartment condominium units. Uecrease the height of the penthouse level of the roof and the pitch. Now th�se are itcros that have already been approved. We are nat here today to discuss these iterns. Art Abplanalp- �Vell, !'ll not argue with you and I give one by one. The first six items related to change in design. 7-12 realiy related to incomplete items. So, such things as getting the elevations. Thc last clevation that we were prowided is an elevation w�ich is abau#three stages back. We don't know what the Town is relying on, but if the Town is going to go out in tcxt is this built in conformity with it's design review approval,the Town respectively needs to know what the design revicw approval cou�d be. Mike Ari�ett- Those would be the tirawings dated on what, Decembe�sotr�ethir�g of`95. Jay Peterson- Or is he talkin�about these plans. Mike ,"�rnett- I'm not sure. Art Abplanalp- Well, certainly these would be among therr� Jay, but�he last elevations that were provided to L.ynn were Ntarch, I believe, 1995 and as an exarnple, they contemplate a stair structure. Mike Arnett- But sir, 1'rn sQrry, 1 must reiterate and �'m not trying to be rude, we're just burnped into review dcsigns here and this is a design we're here to review today. That's it. Fini�o. We're not here to lc�ok. over the previous approval. We're here to look over this particular staff approval. This is wh�t has been appealed. Tnis is what has bcen brought back to the DRB for us ta loak at and for heaven's saJce, I'd sure like tv get to looking at it. Art Abplanalp- Mr. Chairman, if you will look at the plans which were submitted pursuant to Andy's request on the Sth of January this ycar, in response to the Tawn's direction,thcy inctudcd elevations of both ends of the unit. They werc bcautifully done. The architect did a great job, Another set was submitted in mid February. We haven't been permitted to see thosc. There were six plans and naw tbere are two. Mike Arnett- I don't understand this. Is this sornething�a do witt�t�e legal stuff that's going on. Tvm Moorhead- [f I could say something. Mike Arnett� Please, to clarify it. Dcsign Rcvicw Board �'ranscription of Tape,Intemational Wing f:l�weryone\drb\intwing.403 April 3� 199fi I� • � • Tom Moorhead- Art bel�eves that if he writes in a lettcr enough and if he says it enough, that it becomes fact, that he has not had an opportunity to revicw this file. 7That is absolutely untrue. Mike Arnett- Thank you. Tom Moorh�ead- He has reviewed this fiie. This file has been cerkified with the District Court. Art Abplanalp- Two days ago. Tom MoorhEad� He looked at it last weck. He l�as been providcd copies. He had asked for �copics at that tirne. �Ie was provided copies. He asked to laok at the file again. He was told tbat the �le was in use, which it was, because we certifying additianal matters to thc Bistrict Court. He�elieves that he has some identity other than his client. His client has bcer� served this. Andy Knudtsen has appeared and testified at a deposition for five hours. He produced thc entire record at that deposition. Andy Knudtsen was subpocnaed by Mrs. Saltz to the hearing. He produced the entirc rccard at that hearing at�d for Art Abplanalp to say he has not had an crpportunity io review this filc is absalutely untrue. He chooscs ta rnake issues that don't exist and I take �ssue with that position and that is�ot a fact, because his ciient has had continued aecess to this file. Mr. Abplanalp chcroscs to continue to harass and overburden t�ne staff with mcaningless requests ovcr and ovcr again. Thank you. Art Abplanalp- Mr. Chairrnan, this is the typc of elevation which Andy requcsted in Deccmbcr; which Jay provided in January and which we agreed this is app�opriate and it hasn't been done to this. Mikc Arnctt- i�vir. Abplanalp, i would havc to say that perhaps this sort of nc�toric wil�be useful in your caurt case. But, once again, we're herc ta look at this design and at this paint 1 think we're going to go on with what's on the agenda here, vvhich is the appeal of thc Zoning Administrator's decision to approve a buffer to be built bctween a propflsed addition and the existing condominiums. That's it. ThaYs what our job is today. I appreciate your opinion and I do have your iterns here and we are going to address those. I think thc ones that are relevant, however, not the ones ta pertain to a prcviousty granted approval. Alright,now if we could once more and briefly have a brief presentation that describes the quantities and spccics of the buffer by whoever is most gualified to give said. Thank you. Design Review Board Transcription of Ta�e,lntemational Win� F.�everyoneWtfi\inhving.403 April 3, 1996 �g � � 7ay Peterson- As far as species, we've got ground cover here,juniper here,this is spirea bushes h�r�and over here, additional gound cover here and these are pinion pines here, seven o�them, a minimum af six feet in height. Milce Arne�t- Ok, and describe the,this surface is sandstonc. Jay Petersan- This is a sandstoae ledge. Mike Arnett- The surfacc of the roof is. Jay Peterson- Uh, copper. Mike Amett- Trcated copper? Jay Peterson- Yes. Mike Arnett- Muriatic acid? Jay Pcterson- Yes 1V(ike Arnet#- Ok, gentlemen,comments regarding this particular application and I don't knaw if you've all had a chance to look over this,the ftrst item on 1Vir. Abplanalp's list was regarding thc rclocation of the elevator away frorn the apartrnent candominiums, I'�l start by asking if that is a possibility of relocating that any closer tv this, Jay Peterson- P,�o, we have moved it out of their limitcd carnnr►on elements and so we've r�ovcci it 2 �/2 feet from where it was to take it further away, but w�had ta rearrange everything down in our'building to do that. We cannot rnovc it anymore. it's obviously �function of the intErior design of the building and this is nat possiblc to move it anymore. But we have kept it as low as possible, which is below their railing, Ivti�ke Arnett- And in all cases,you do avoid the cornmon elernents. Jay Peterson- Yes sir. Mike Arnett- Between these two buildings. Ted, do you want to start. Ted Hingst- First, I'd like to say it's wonderful to see so much interest i� these projects. Personally, I feel this is an enormous imprc�vement for positive growth. I think, considering what alternatives might be out there, this is a definite p1us. The ground cover, what were you praposing. In terrns of the ground cover that you were proposing to put in,what type plants are you planning Design Revicw+Board Trans�ription of Tape,Intcmational Wing F:�everyone\dtfi�ntwing.403 Ap171 3, 1496 19 -. - ! � on using. � It's c�etailed an there. Mike �lrnett- lt's kind of hard to read from this side. � ?? and junipers. � Soport, it's like 6" tali Ted Hin�st- Ok, so what we're seeing is then a stair set of green. ? Yes, they vary from 6" to 18" and t�en the trecs are going to be b"to 8'tall. ? The ground cover will start to �'ow over on top of the ledges witlx a cascading cffcct. Mike Arnett- Any other comments. Ted Hingst- Not from me. Mike Arnett- Gene? Gene �Js�elton- Well, it appears to rne that the view fram S2? and 533 is going tv be substantially impraved over what we have right now. I like the barrier. Mike Arnett- Alrigbt, Clark. Clark Brittain- t think that this whole discussion,wc shQUld probably just get back to this buffcr thing and I �hink there's a lat of fvresi�ht and planning exhibited here. I think they have gone to a lot of trauble. l think that the dccision should be upheld. Mike Arnett- Brent? Srent Alm- I have a questivn about the sandstone. Is there any concern about sc�mconc wanting to get out there a�d walk on thc sandstone? Is it a safety issue? ? Na, it'll bc 2" thick at�d mortar set, so �f sornebody does walk, it wan't be able to support the load. Br�nt Altr�- But, would somebody be able to walk out there`? Design Review Board Transcription of Tape,international Wing f:lcveryone\d�t+'vntwing.403 ApCil 3, 1996 20 - • � `� Yeah, people w�uld be able to walk on it just in terms af maintenance. Mike Arnett- Therc was initially a concern for the benefit of the other mernbers that this would become a party area far the pen#house located on this floor and I think this basically, garden concept addresses that concern quite well and that it more ur less,precludes the eventuality o�there being a part�in this area betwccn the existing units and the proposed premicr suite. Jay Peterson- And there i�an irrigation systenn up�here, so the only time anybody has to go out there far maintenance, for wecding and thin�s li9ce that. 1Vlike Arnett- Mr. Rosen do you have �,quick comment? Rick Rosen- Just a quick qucstion oa�the nnaintenanc�, since it's be�n brought up. Let rne just have the applicant just give us a quick comment how tt�a�'s going to be maintained, as far as the vveeding and that typc of thing. Mike Arnett- Certainly, who's in charge vf the landscaping here? Jay Peterson- John can probably address it bcing the same type of what we do all over fhe Lodge. We have maintenance people on site. Obviously, it doesn't have to bc sprinkled by hand. The type of ground cov�r and the type of � plantings that we have, it's certainly a minirnal type of a rr�aintcnar�ce syste�n. Whatever ncccssaxy to keep them nice,we obviously do. You can tell by thc grounds at the Lodge. Mike Arnctt- Does that answer your question? l7ick Rosen- 1 just have one other quick question. As in most projects, is there going to be a bond as far as replacement of the debt landscapit�g,that lype of thing during the period of the first ycar. Mike Arnett- Wc gcncrally don't ask for a bond, we generally put it as a condition of approval that if any species die,they bc replaced, as per the original approval. ? �t's to our advantage to keep tha# in gaod shape. With a premier suite on the other side, they will be loaking at parts of it as well. Brent A1m- I would just add that I think the buffer as proposed daes provide good screening, but still s�ems to allow views from thase adjacent units. It's unfortunate that they have this little problem, a building bcing built right outside their existing units,but it seems to be the way it is. Design Review Board Transcription of'Tapc,Inlemational Wing f:`ev�rycrone\drblintwing.403 April 3, 1996 21 � i Art Abplanalp- For clarification, since the Board is going to approvc perhaps the conditions,there is addition�l information on the two maps that have bccn presented today. I would simply request, and that's part of our problerre, that it wasn't on what Andy had available, I would ask that any motivn refer to these two plats, rather than what Andy had, which did not have all of t�is information on it. Mike Arnett- Let's date tl�ose plats. Art Abplanalp- Thase are actually da�ed the same date as the other, �ut the difficulty is that they can change. M�ke Arnett- Well, let's date t�em and initial them today, Andy. Art Abplanalp- Thank you. Jay Peterson- I disagree with Art's perception of�hese. Mikc Arnett- I agree w�th you Jay. I preYty much sec that as the same drawing I saw displayed earlier,but it's harmless. My questions are the clevation I do�'t see o�the elevator rpof would be the west elevation. The part that if you loak down betwcen t�e balcQny rail of Mr. Roscn's clients, the Cavanaughs, if yau look directly dcrwn, standing at the rail, vvhat do yau se�. Do we have anything therc, or do you plan to tnake that grow into the railing. ? Yes, there will be a sandstane wall. Mike Arnett- Qk, great. I)ocs the Board feel that the quantities of landscaping as displaycd are sufficient? Anyone not feel that they are sufficient. And the railing details are as we initially approved,right, as per the original approval, the handrail details, the gu�rdr�il details? ? That's correct. Mikc Arnett, 4 think this has gane a long ways towards satisfying the concerns af the neighborhQOd. I would echo Brent's comment that it's unfortunate when Yarge buildings are develaped that do impact people's views,views that people have beeome accustomcd to, but�n as much as this is not in a designated view conidor,I think that it has been the case in the past, and will continue to be so, that noone's right to a persc►nal view is guaranteed. I think that these people have �one out of th�ir vvay to do a nice project Design Review Board Transcription of Tape,Intemational Wing f:�everyone�drb\ietwing.403 April 3, 19�J6 22 . � � here. I'm surc the landscaping, for their benefit, as wc�l as the owners of this unit and the ones adjacent,will be suf�icient and well IInaintained. 'T'hat 1 l�ope you wauld know that if far same reason these quantities as listed do not app�ar sufficient,they will be upped, as I'r� sure they will be. j have nothing to add. I think it was a fine job. I think staff had every right to staff approve this. I understand why it came back,but at this p�int i think we're ready for a motion. Brent Alm- Mr. Chairman, I'd like to make a rnotion to uphold the Zoning Adrninistratar's decision to approve a buffer to be built between a proposed addition and the exis�ing condominiums at the lnEemational Wing with the following conditian: That the height of the elevator roof not exceed the heigh�of the railing or 3'6". Milce Arnett- Wc have a�notion. Dc� we have a second? Gene Uselton- Se�ond. Mike .Arnett- Second by Cer�e. All in favar. It is unanimous. Thank you. Art Ahplanalp- Referenee to this refereneed set of plans. Mike Arnett- And also would you add t�at, Brent Alm- And that the plans that we're looking at are datcd 4/3/96. That's it. Mike Arnett- Gene, would yau amend your second. Gene Uselton- Second. Mike Amett- All in favor. 2. International Wing- Appeal af the Zoning Administrator's decision to apprave a AK buffer to be built between a proposed addition and thc cxisting condominiums. 17� E. Gorc Creek Drive/gortions of Lots A, B, and C, B1ock SC, Vail Villagc 1 st Filing Appcllant: Ms. Anita Saltz MOTYON: Alm SECOND: Uselton VOT�: 5-0 TJPHELD - with the clarification that the elevator shaft not eactend above the height of the deck railing. Dcsign Revicw Board Transcriptian of Tape,intemational Wing f:leveryone\drb'Unhving.403 April 3, 1996 2'3 ' � ' � � FIL�D IN THE C�OMB�NE.D CLERK'S OFFiCE DI9TAICT COURT, �AGLE C�UNTY, CO�,ORApO c�se Ho. �s cv �6z (Caneoiidated w�.th 9s cv �77 � '��R � � ��g� - _ �---. '°'���(2J1AI lY�1��1.L2i39D 0 ORD�R DENYING Pft�S,XMINARX IN.Tf7�CTiQN �Y ANITA SALT� , �zain�i.f�, ve . LODG� PR�PERTIE� , �NC. ; T�utN p� VAILr e municipal, cor�nratibn; T`C1WL� COUNC�L 0�' THE TOWN OF VRILF anc� E08 ARMQUR, SY9Z�L NA'VAS, PAi��, I�. ,70H:vSTON, MARGARET A. �ST�R�0�9, �C�VIN R . FOLEI�, M�CHp►FL n. ,7�w�a� and ROa FORD, aa th� Town Cou�tcil oF the �r,wt, of Va%1, Defer�dertts, and vUANN� WELL9, Plaintif� , ve , LdQGE PFtbFE:tTI�5, wNC, , anc� TH� TpwH OF VAxT,, CC>yQ�DO� and it8 aqente, in their of�icia� cap8cit.iee, namely, �HFi �'av1N COUNCr�,, Tn'nIN MANAGER, TOWN A'I"'I'�7RN'$�Y', �'LANNIx^iC At�D ENVIRDNi�S�AtZ'}�L COA'1MISSI�ON, D�SI�iY R��IEW �pARD, ANi}Y KNUDT3EN, in , }�is ��ficial c�;pacity ae Sen�,az° Planner �nd zoning Adminfetrntvr, and DAN S�ANL"CK, in his vfFfcial capnc�.ty c� ��� BUILDZNG ADMINIS'TRATOR. Defer�danta . Tx�s CAs� cvncarns Ghe prc�poeed �xpansion �f tr�e International Wing of the Lodc�e at Vail (her��.n�after "t�,e Lddg�" ) , which is own�� by Lvdqe Propertx�o, Znc� (nerein�fte� "LPI " ) . Tha Lodge i■ �.itt�ated on 2.089 ecr�9 wi�hin the Comrnerci.al Core 1 �oniriq di8�x�.c� ( "CC1" ) , This zo�e wa� eetablished by t;�e To�rn r,f Vail in 1973 . Tk�e Tawn �$ter advpted a deneity regulation fot CCI in 1980, �Thi�h Iimita conerructiori tr� 25 dwelling units ax 9�J hvtel raom� per acre . 8 ��kld ALE8BZE0L6 OI sZSnv] pautqa�o� ai6e3 �W02L3 Sb� 6� k36-�[ -�dkl . • • � Fl�zntiff we11� �o �he awn�r of e candominium at On� Vail P��C�, lacst�d adjac�nt tn the eite upon ��iCh LPr p=v�vsee ta bu.�ld �he_ Int�r. n��innei Wing. Pl�intiff 5altz i� . the ownsr aF �Qr.domini�m �n�t 527/52g o£ the Lodqs Ap�rtment Con��minium, located on *h� �ifth flo�r ahove the Lodge . Fleinti�fs seek AuYe 106 relie� ar.d e prelirninar� injunc��en �rohibiting, the i��uence of � buildin� p�rmit Lo LPI an the q-ound thnt th� :Ir.tern$tiana� Wing exc��ds the allowable dendity ia CC1 ; that the 1963 Ag��ement betk�een th� Town and LPI can�titutie� illegal contract zoninq and �� vo'd and unenf�rceable; and th�t the 1993 Pl�nning �hd �nvirvnmenta� �ommieeian ( "P�C" y epprovnl h�� 1�peed �nd i� n�� void. Plainti�f we11e aleo deeka decleratory judc�m�nt tha� the 1483 Agreement is vo�d crd unenforceable and � declara�ory judgrnent that the Tbwn vlolnted Wells ' pracedural and subg�ar.tiva du� prace�� righto by entering �nto the 1983 Agreement . P�ei�ti�� wells a1sQ eaks �he� the Cour� man�ate trat the Taw� zoning procedu�ea prvc�sses be adhered tio ar.d applied t� the Inte�natianal �ing, th� aarne as they are applied ta ail otiher propoged develvpr�enta . Ths ma�ter �s no� befvr� �hio C�ur� svlely end only #or the purpoee of ruling on the preliminnry injuriction . xhe Co�r� h�� received a cer�if�ed recozd fr�m the mown concerning' the h���inge he�d before tl:e Flannfng and Environmsntal Cc�mmisaion ( "p��° y , th� �e�ign Review Soc�rd ( "�RS" ) dnd the Tvwn Council . � The ��xtified record cvn'�n�r1� z�umerau9 eupplernenta rt�c�ue�ted 1ay �h� variau� paxt�es . �7u�ti pridr t4 t�e he�ringf the Court receivad, 2 E d�'.�kfd �L69E�L�Oa'.8 '{]7 s�anv] Patttq¢to� ��fS2rZ '4cQ2[d 9b' BO 9B-B1 �2ldtf 1 � � irdm both P1r�ir�t��,ffs and D�fer.dan��, a lengthy memc�r�n�tum canccrni.ng Ghe�r reepec�ive pps�tione ansi arqumente for or egain�t �h� prel�.minary injunction . At t'�e h�8ring, the Cvurr, waa pr��ented w�.th very Timited '�estimony and literaliy hundred� of page� s�£ dQ�ument� and cozreapond�n�� which tha Cottrt w�# to c�neider, The Caurt al�cs h�dr� arg�am�n�s at cvutt�el whic�,, ta d larg� extent, were a ' 9ummary of their written memor8ndurn� A bz•i�� recit�ti�n of the pXa�a�a requir.ed ta nl�tai.n a building pe�mit in the Tvwn a� Vail i� 0esentia],. A pexsvn de�ix�.ng to �bts�n a building perr�at make� application fvr PE� apnrav�l . This applica�ion is presented t� tf�� Commu�.�ty nevelapm�nt ��part�mo:�c etaf� :or �heix revicw, nncl �hey ��ork wi:h ��is etaf� to make tf:e applicatio�i acc��table to at��f . When th� ett�f� a.a satisfied t�:at the application ie �CCeptable, they preeent it tt� tk�e �lann?ng ar.d �nvironment�l Cvrnrn�.saion . Th� hed.rinqs before t:�e PLC are public hedringo , e�hd ad�oining p.roperty nwr��r� are r�otified. A,riy peraon d��iring to challenge '�he ciecisiot� a� the PEC cQ7 do so� by eQpael to the � Town Council withi n t�n ( 10 ) daya a� the P�;C decieion. Lixewias, r_t�e T�awn Cauncil me�cingg �re pLblic, +dnd nat�ce of �the pending �p�slicatioa� woulrl �ppear on �h� Town' s eqenda, Fa�lo�.�ing the p�C apprcave�l , �he applicenti nnugt then ep�ly for L+esign tteview �tvard e�pproir$1 . Th� p�oce�a i.� si,milar �a p�G� in that thQ applicant tt�en ��vrks with the p�anning staf�, . e�nd when th� �taff xs satief�ed that thv t�pplication ia r�edy to !ae pr9sented to the Board bt a public h�arang, with prior notx�e t� 3 b 3`.�lfd 9L"�9BcE0G6 ° � I m'l.tno� pau(rymcs� 7j6r73 ';+IC]233 Sb � .�'i0 86-�j �hdH � � � adjaining p�op�r*_y �wnera . Onca dgnin, any pereon wi,�hinq �o r.h�lleilg9 th� decig;.on Qf the DR� cdn do eo by eppedl� ta the Town CQUnci.l. within tei� � 101 day�; and once �ppxoved by t?�e Town Council, a buiJ�.d,ing permi.'� can b� ibs�ed, mh� DRB doee not hav� authdrity to overruld dacisi�n4 0� �he pEC, anr] they �ra e�p�r•ate anr� distinct �Cte which must take pla.ca, with 6Cp,srdte dn�. dA�t.inct bvdrda, both ha�vi�q dppeal, fro:n �h�i.� de��.�inr�g �o the Town C4ur��i1 . �oning �nd denaity �r� ig�u�s be�are the F�C but r.ot be�4x.� tt�a pRB . Appraval by the PEC �.s s Prereq�uieito to a n�8 app�.�.ca►tion, �nd et��� dA�e not pre��ont an mppZ3�atfon to Ch� 1�FtH until it i� �etiaf:�ed the apglicant ha� ��C ap�irovgl . AcGord�,nq],y, the DR� dve� not heve nutharity to xecone�ider th8t whi�h he� been epprovac� �y the PaG. The Town coneader� the Car,�missione and th� Bodrde �cs be se�ara�e and di�r.inct entitie� errc� edmin�i�tra�tiue agencie+a ; and �h�ir d��i�ians , when approved by the Towa Couneil, ar� f1nal . The on.1y appeal therefr�T would ba to the Di��rict Cau�t, purauant to A�le x06, which muat be taken with�n 30 days . Under th� fxlCtb of ehf s c�.�e, no ane rs�pealad ;,re PEC' s �.9t33 ap�roval o� tk�e LPI ' 8 Ap�1�CdCiGtl tint�l th� filing Of �.h�,g Cdpe in Uecember of 1995 . All parties concec�e that the ��aintiffa ' nppeel of the URS d�e�lsio�tr which was �laeliz�d cn �ccember 5 , 19�5r wam tirnely m�d�. The P1.Airi'�1f��3 Cor.t�r.d �.ht�t until auch time �� the adpl.i,cs�icrn receivQd �pprav�l trom t3�� bR�, th�r� w�,e nathing to appenl . The D��cndents " pra�.t�¢� f� �}��C the P�C � and the DRB are entirely �eparate grocesaea and thst the PEC ag�rvvA1 i� e atatu�ary prcr.cquieite ta a DR8 �ppli��'��.on . 4 � 3'Jtfd E3�E5F3Zh;dL6 ' UI �'7��'4J 1�euFq�q� �C��3 °L]0213 Sb� 60 F36�9I -2idH _ ..y � � � ! � IT I5 'TH�:R�FbRE the Ordtr af �,hia Court that pl,aintiffe ' Motian for Preliminary Inj•�nction is denied and thet' the Tawn may iasue �: bui.lding permit to thc Def�ndeht LPI at su�h ��ma ee it is adm�.r.istrative�y ready to dv so. The Court cautione tha� LPz procted� an thet build�.ng permit a� it� awn peril� �vY��ect t� the ul�imnte outcvme o� t2ti� case . The Court cicniee t?�e pre�imir�ary fn juactiar� fox Ch� following �'ea�on� : 1 . The Court doe� nat f�.nd that the Plaintiffs wil� �uffer irr�parabLe inju�y and that �here ia r�o smergenc� �involved in the �ituaC�.csn t�ecaue� Plaint.iff wollg hag known of th� p�C agpreval aince 1983; 8nd �ven ii� she claime �h� did not r�cs�ive pro��r notiice v� the PEC approval hearingg, �he c�rtainly t�md A ful.� umderetaading oC the ei�uat_or� af�er rac�ipt by her now dec��aed hue�band af the 1983 Agz�ement in June of 1964 . Aciditia:te2ly, Plaintitf 9a.ltz i� �eherged with knawledgr of ��e A�greem�nt �nd i�, b�y covenant , preCludecz from chal�.enqi�g Che develooment, 2 . dr,e of the Plein�iff6 ' cla�rn� ia �or monetary �amages; and Cher�fnz�, th.e+y have an adequa�,d r�medy at 7.�w. 3 . The Court is not se�iefied th�t there SB a r�a�on�bly �stronc� probabili*y Qf su�ce�e on th� meri�n i.n Plaintlffa ' cornplaint, becau6c at l�ast Plaintiff �aells had �c�ll . knowle�ge of �,hA p�ac$edinqs e:nce 1983 but did nat �ppeel the P�� appro�;a1 on a timely b��is Gr rseek a dec�.eratory judc�men� af the Tawrt ' g actione when th� Tawn Board, intarpreting ita awri vrdinnnce4 , d��ided tnat �pI ' � applic�tivn did not exceerl thQ zc�nin� and dene�ity� regul�tiona fC�� Zvne Ccl . 5 9 �JKei �3ZE96ZF.OL6 ' a I s-�.xnoJ pauc qaro� 7 i$g3 'W02i3 9b' 68 96-9I -23d'o' ' ' � • � . The Court determa,nes that qranting a : �reliminary injunction at th�Q tim� wi11 di�serv� �ha publxc i.ntereet by �ncauz�ging persons to w�it prolar�g�d per�ad� of tim� before sepking redreea of aYleg�d quaei.-juriedi.c�ivnai abu�ea, wh�.cb is r�ne ot the pz�imary policy reaeon� behind reqtai��.ng apP�ale, pu�euant �o l�u1e 106 (a) (4 ) , to be Pi1ed with�.n thi.r�y � 30� day� . I� �h.is r�gazd, �ha Cour� adapt� the wo�d� of the Tenth Circui.t Court a� A�apeals in Th�itr.h�r � ter= �►, ar_��. o �n ��,�, �,p,� ' F .2d 1472 ( 10�h Cir. 1990 ) , a� �allo�r� : whether the reaenn is c�llgd lachea , e�tap�el, wa�.ver, or pubZic policy, �hall�ng�� �4 the proc�dtuxal Snvel�dity a� a zoni.nc� or�dirz�z�ce dnd canstitutiandl challenges based th�reran muet be brvught within a reaeonab�� t3.ma from enactment of th� or�inarace . If not br�ughti in a tYrn�iy manner, the pLai.nti�f will be barrsd it°om challer.qinq the zonznq ordinance. 5 . Tre Pla�ntiff9 ' clairn thc�t L�r ' s p�C �ppro�re�� hae 3.ep�ed i� without mer�it. �'h� `�own haa, f4r mdny yra$x, and in ���cral other canee preaen�ed tn th.�e Cvurt, taker the �oeition � �haC n�w arcinanc�s pas�ed whiie aa applicativn is p�ndi.�g do not epply t.a t�� �ending applicati�ot� . Tt ie truC that• md6t towr_s and citie9 da not adopt th?e poli.cy, buL �ea �.onq ae i� i9 uniforYnly ngp]aed, �t doe6 nat v1 olr�te a.ny etatutd� nr conetitutional Qrovisivn� . fi . �'inal�.yf the Couxt dPtermines �h�t the be�8nce of ec�u.i�ie� do not favvz the in junction under the #a,cts and circum�tanceB a� this case. 6 � 3''.]'tfd 9�E89ZF0G5 'OI :�.,cno� rsurq�+o� 5I9v3 [�iQ2f.� 9b' E� 9B-9[ -Z!d'a� , � � � DONE A�n STGN�D in Chambere th�.e l�th dey vf Ap�'ilr L946 . BY THE G4UF�mt DI9TRI T JC1DG� 7 � � B 3�k1d E3�E5eZ£cdLG • a7 e�ano� Paut9aia� ai8�a �W0213 9b� �im 96-8[-2idtf I � � � � ��1 � � !� �'Y �„ .: �, , �� TOj�VN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rond Departrnent of Community Developrnent Yail, Colorado 81 f57 9?0-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 97D-4?9-2452 April S, 1996 Mr. Ja Peterson Y ��leststar Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road '►�est Vail, Colorado S 1657 Rc: Thc Lodgc Intemational Win� Dear Jay: On April 3, 1946,the Town of Vail �esign Review Board (DRB)considered upon appeal the staff a�proval of March 7, 149b. ?he DRB voted 5-0 to uphold the staff agproval. Please call me a 479- 2440 if you would likc to discuss this issue in any greater detail. Sincerely, , An y Kn d cn Senior P� ner , cc: Bob McLaurin Tom Moorhead St�can C:onnelly Patn Brandemcyee Jim Lamont Jim Broun Lynn Pn�len Greg Cristman Jaek Zxhren Art Alplanalp Ann Frick Michael Arriett Rick Roscn F:evaryone4�ndyr46_leae�'�pecerson.404 �•RECYCLEDF'APER M [�sign Review Action ���, n TOWN OF VAIL Gategory Number � � Date ��'_�•;�� ��� � � I'roject Nart�e: - - � � "�C { - ,� �, Building Name: Project Description: , x:, f � --- 1 f Qwner, Address and Phone: � �`' . +. ,- �__-l� � < ! � ��' Architect/Contact, Acfdress and Phone: -� � r_ �� �' � 1 `� 5 � ' �_ c=�-�- � � � �.egaT Descriptinn: Lot Block Subdivision Zone District � Project Street Address__ _ � _ _ � � ,!C ,r' ! : , v�� , Camments; I I �I i I Board / Staff Action �' Motion by: Vote: Seconded by: p Approval. ❑ Disapproval ❑ Staff Approval Condi#ions r , .: � � � � � t• , � . . f.; Town Planner Date: �� DFtB Fe� Pre-paiti - r,��. �'.�;-�. . ..-_ .,_ -�-1,r � �, � ., t�..*.. �<^.,�� �., • ,� . :� ,�. � �,• + .� ;��. j � ~Z� � �? � s � .�_ ti �, �i� _�r�i� +,f4, ���.� ,�'" ��•• �-�,�b�ir - ,'�� `' rt: J`� � `*� ! 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I� !,J �!Ct-� �S �� c� � r�;1 e��� c'1-i / '�-�-- � p �/'� �.,f ,� �� C/� �� ��.r.�«�IJ1� ��Zt �'c l�`' �F � `i ,��,` � .� '�-� �-��.�'�_�., ��'�� � r� ! 7/�-� � �� ✓ �`'� ��'�GL<`�j � 1 �� L[-L L c�� C_c�l-u-s.-�i �� � �� _ /J ��j �"-�_��v$ i��%�— " s �� �l r�.• ._��- � " �—��"�'v� �2-v� � C-�P.���--�-� f f�d�— �'�i�+�-�� ' ..�y. -� v�,i� �� � �? ,�^ ��1;�--�-•`�-,,, . �'—�'�,'�� .��t._-a'-?rf lr�.z-y �C_,k r d � � � � �,[� v �'� �I" �� ./�---°�t �� � ��-�l ��� � f� ,� , � � �Q � �� � � � �,� � �� ��.-� �,��_ ,4 � 5�����Ca ��� ,� G � � � ' LZ-�-i2�4_ l ���'� � r�i ��y��"\ i�//'�� /�_d_�. ���1 ' � � Lodge at Vail International W�rig }����'` Appeal of Anita Sa�tz Request action: Related to change in des�gn: 1 . Reloeation of th� �levator away from the apartment condominiums , as close to the penthouse as passible � 2 . Move p�nthouse away from apartment condominium units , at j � least to the distance af the 1993 plans 3 . Decrease the height of the penthouse roof to the level in the 1993 plans, using a 3 : 12 pitch roof and changing floor heYght ' 4 . Redesign the area under the balconies and condominiurn units in order ta prevent connection with common elements of apartment condominium, including the balconies and �he structural memhers supporting �he balconies and the cantilevered portians of the condominium units 5 . Reorient stairs in order �:o permit the roof serving the emergency staircase to be lowered. 6 . Relocate flr eliminate venting on fifth level R�lated to incomplete material, whe�her or not design is changed (possible conditions of approval ) : 7 . Require complete plans , sections and elevations , identifyinq critical views and features (as requested by Andy Knudtsen but appar�ntiy not supplied or approved) (e .g. , plans of each floor showing reconfiguration d�,e to elevator reloca�ion, sections identifying �tructure of elevator and views showing relationship af elevator roof to elevation of condominiums and penthouse, and elevaticans showing reiationship of elevatar and other new features �o elevations of condorniniums and penthouse) 8 . Provide design drawings to es�ablish how construction will avoid the common elements of the condominium assflciation (as requested by Andy Knudtsen but apparently not stzpplied or approved} , including but not limited to the ba�cony and/cantilevered condominium units 9 . Require information and verificatian that there is no venting and mechanical equipment aver or through the roof (as reques�ed by Andy Knudtsen but apparently not sup�pl.ied or approved} 10 . Require verification that the venting out the roof is nat a kitchen vent, establishing the location of kitchen venting, and prohibiting venting of odors through roof 11 . Prohibit pen�t�atian, destructi.on or use of cammon elements of condominium association, whether generai cammon (consis�.ent with request by Andy Knudtsen but "41`} apparen�ly not part of final approval } 12 . Prohibit woad-burning fireplace on wes�. side of penthouse, due to cross-wind effect on condominiums I � ��• � � C< �� // �-_✓ . ��-"'L n�/i-�_-����! /L� .• -'� �'�.� � Agenda last revised (4/2J98 11 am) �' ; _n ?T�� �� /_,� �- AESIGN REVIE�'V �OARD AGEl�'DA �,�, ��yt Apri13, 1996 � :_,. ��.�-- z�_ 3:OU P.14�. �'�',� ,-,� ,�����.. PRUJECT��tIENTAT�O�i /LUNCH 12:3d SITE V�SITS �-, -. 1.45 :��j__���-� 1. Town of Vail - E, Lionshe�d Bus Stop , 2. Lion Square Lodge - 660 «✓. Lionshead Place U ���'f 3. Sirotkin- 14l S '��esthaven Drive �Z'� �t d�r 4. Arr�old Residence- 1827 Alpine Drive � '���"'� `���� e �-.��z-, 5. Gray R.csidcnce - 2672 Kinnickinnick Court �J --� 6. Rath - 2399 Chamonix Lanc �� ; C �'�1�Q�� / 7. Muell�r- 3152 Booth Fal�s Court �� l_ ./� -1���� __--__-�-- 8. I`vlay Residence- I067 Ptarnaigan Road ,� /�-a'�% 9. Hubcap - 143 East Meadow Drive �S' _-,'t_�.-,y�'ti`�--t rz-' `� ,�>�.i's `�i c/ �`r Dri�•cr- G e�r��e � � , -� �� ��--�;�/ ;_ _ r� f s �� '� ��_� ,c-Lc. ; ,.-�=1 1. Sir�tkin- Conceptual review of a residential addition. GK 1�15 `Westhaven�rive��ot 52, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Neil Sirotkin MOT`I{JN: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Inter�ational Wing -Appeal o#'the Zoning Administrator's decision to appr�ave a AK buffer to be built between a proposed additiQn and the cxisting condomini�ns. 174 E. Gore Creek Drive/portions of Lots A, B, and C, B�ock SC, Vail Village 1 st Filing Appellant: Ms. Anita Saltz MOTIC►N: SECOND: VOTE: 3. Lian Square Lod�e - Lobby addition and site area improve�nents 1C 6b0 West Lionshead Place/Lat 1, Vail Lionshead 1 st Filing, 1 st Addition Applicant: John Railtan, representing the Lion Square Ladge Condor�inium Association MQTION� SECOND: VOTE: 1 � � -� . � 4. Gray Residence- Changes to appravcd p�an� �'� 2672 Kinnickinnick CourtlLot 6, Block 2, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Harry Gray MOTION: SECdNI�: VOTE: 5. Towm of Vail - East L.ionshead bus stop renovation �-W Applicant: Town af Vail MOTION: SEC4ND. VaTE: 6. Mueller- Final review of a new duplex R$ 3152 Booth Falis CourtJLot 4, Block 2, Vail Village 32th Filing Applicant: John I��iueller MOTION: SECt)ND: VOTE: 7. Arnold -Conceptual review of a new single family residencc R5 1827 Alpine llrivelLot 45, Vail Village West, Filing#1 Applicant: Steve Arn�old MOTION: SECOIVD: VOTE: 8. May - Conceptual re�-iew of a new single family resadence G� i067 Ptarmigan Road/i,ot 4 and VVU2 of�, Block 5, Vail Villagc 7th Agplicant: Roy and Paula May MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 9. Hubcap -Interior expansion and addition of a second outdoar dining area. Dh'� 143 East l�eadow DrivelLot P, Block 5D, Vail `Iilla�e lst Filing (Crossroads} Applicant: Lance Lucey MOTIQN: SECdND: V�QTE: 2 y , � � 1{l. Rath - Concept�al re�-ie�v af a new single family residence. DM 2399 Ghamonix Lane-'LQt 17, Block A, Vail Das Schonc Applicant: Milce Roth MOTI�i�1: SEC�ND: VOTE: ��EIVIBERS PRESENT MEMSERS ABS�NT Staff A�ro�-al s Chicago Fizza - Sign. JC 1031 W. Frouta�e Rd., Unit F Applicant: Greg Kraft Vaij Associates, Inc. - Sign. L'� 27$ Hanson Ranch Raad/Bridge Street I,odge Appiicant: Larry Ast Mueller Duplex- Plan ehanges. RS 3155 �ooth Falls Ct./Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Village 12th FilFn� Applicant: Johann M�eller VVD Condos -Replace exterior siding with stucco LW 1527 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Valley 1 st Filin� Applicant: �-Iormel Foods Gorp Senderos - Window rep�acement. LW 6�Q Vail Valley Drive/Pinos del Norte Applica�t: Manuel Senderos,Unit 1 King-Window changes LW 1881 Lionsr�dge Loog#25Nail Pointe#25 Applicant: I'vFatt King Spraddle Creek Estates, Lot 2 - Plan revision. L� 1058 Riva G�enlLot 2, Spraddle Creek Estates Applicant: SBC Deveiopment Corp. 3 � � � , , „ Johnson Residenee-Minor exteriar changes. L�� 2705 Davos TraillLot 14, Block B, Vail Rid�e Su�divisian Applicant: Michelle Johnson Innsbruck Meadows- Regrading of driveway and revised iandscaping. �R I 2832-2842 Kinnickinnick RoadlLots 1-6, Innsbruck Meadows Subdivision Applicant: Bab Borne McIntyre - Exterior changes to existing residcnce L;'� 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/T ot 11, Block 2,Liansridge Filing#4 Applicant: Scott Mclntyre l�ail Villaae Inn -New sen�ice dvor. L�'� 1(10 Ea�t?��feadow DriveNail Villa�e Inn Applican� Josef Staufer Si�n language interpretataon available upan request with 24 hournot�fication. Please ca11479-2114 voice or 479-235G TDD for izlfonnation. 4 , � � LAW OFF9CE5 � DU N N , ABPLAN.ALP cx CH RISTENSEN, P. C. A PI70FESSIONAL CORP4aPTIpN JOHN W. DUNN iTHE VAIL BANK BUIL�ING TELEPMONE: ARTNUR A.ABPLAMALP,JR, SUITE 304 (`�701 476-0300 ALLEN C.CMRISTENSEN DIANE L. HERMAN 108 SOUTH F{20NTAGE ROAD WEST TELECOPIER: i97074J6-4765 R. C.5TEPHEMSON VAIL, CQLORA�O 81557 KAREN M. OUNN SP�eIAL COUNS€L: CEATIFIED LEGA�A$SOSTANt JERRY W. HANNAH 3 Apri1 1995 �_Jt r lCy1-.; fi �� � � Design Review Board '��f� �✓��� Town of Va�l �,. 75 South Frontag� Raad West �'�.c_ cv-� �� '����/ � Vail CO (� I�e: Lodge at Vail Internationa� Wing This Firm represents Ms . Anita SaJ.tz , the owner of Condorn�nium Unit 527, The L�dge at Vail Apartment Condominiums , on whase behalf this letter is being directed to you. This afternoon, the Vail Design Review Board is scheduled to consider an appea� of a staff decision approving modifications to the plan of the Lodge a� Vail International Wing. For the reasons set forth in this letter, aur � client req�ests that the appeal be eontinued until the next scheduled hearing of the Design Review Board, and that appropriate directian be given to the Tozan of VaiT staff to permit consideration at that ti�e. The basis for the r�quested continuance is the fact that the Town of Vail staff, and particu�.arly the Tawn Attorney, has refused to permit the examination of the actual file within the custody of the Town vf Vail since the action fram which this appeal is taken. Notwithsta�ding a request under the P�blic Records Aet, that materiai has not �aeen Frovided. Qn one occasion, on the 22nd of March, we were permitted to review copies of material apparently taken from that f�Ie, but even that has been denied since that time. As recently as Monday, the Town At�orney has directed us to review the file at the Eagle County Dist�ict Court, where he has continually ind�.cated that the enti�e record is located. Today, we zeceived a "Fourth Supple�mental Certification of the Desiqnated R�cozd" which apparently covered �:he period since mid- January, estab�ishing that the documents which we have sougl�t to review had npt been lc�dged with the District Court un.til Monday of this week. Any trip to the Eagle County District Court based upan the Town Attorney' s assurance ws�uld have been futile and reliance upon that direction would have been without foundation. Our client would have incurred significant expense with no result. Fortunately, we d.id not believe that the Town Attorr�ey' s statements were correct, but we were correctly convinced that ths record which we sought to review had not been cer�ified to the Dsstrict Court, but couTd only be found across the street from aur office, in the Town' s own records . Our efforts to review these records has been cont�nuous since the time this appeal was filed and, in fact, began with that appeal . The chronology fallows : , � � March 14 - Letter filing appeal - requested review of material related to apgeal March 19 - Letter to Town Attoz�ney, pursuant to instructions f�om Andy Knudtsen, requesting review of material related to appeal March 22 - Let�ex to Town Attorney, identifyi�g missing material and requesta.ng opportunity ta review the original file and rni5sing material . March 25 - Letter to Town Attorney, identifying more specifically the missing ma�erial . March 27 � Le�.�er f�om Town Attorney advising that missing documents "are not saved or maintained" March 27 - Letter tr� Town Attarney in response to explanation of missing material March 28 - Letter �a Town Attorney requesting opportunity ta review original file, or, in the alternative, the copies previously provided April 1 - Letter to Town Attorney attempting �Q �confirm refusal to permit review of either original £ile or copies of original file . April 1 - Lett�r to Town Atto�ney con£ir�ing refusal to permit review of either original file oz copies of original file. . Aprf1 1 - Fourth Supplemental Cer�ification of the Designated Recard - establishing transmittal of documents (represented to have already been in the Court file} which were mailed to Court two days before this hearing. These documents are attached t� this letter, for your reference, with the pertinent references highlighted where necessary. �ased upon the foregaing circumstances, we request that the appeal hearing scheduled for this date be �ontinued until the next �esign Review Board hearing, and that the Town Attorney and Department of Community Develvpment be directed to permit public inspection of the actual file in this matter, rather than copies whi�h any office may choose ta make available. Thank you for your cons�deration of this problem. V uI our , DUNN, A AN F & H� � - ENSEN;'� .C. r G���,-� Arthur A. A p ; al , Jr. ; ; ; � �/r � LAW OFFfGES DUN� ABPLANA'LP & CHRISTE�N, P.C. A/PIO/LSf10NAL COH►OMATEON JOMN W. OUNN VAIL '�ANK BUILDINC 7ELEPMONE; . ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP.JR. ALLEN C. CHR[STENSEtY SUITE 30Q (3033 470-030p OIANE L. HERMAM I09 SOUTFi FRONTMGE ROAD WESS TELECQP1ERe (3031 a76-a76S racciw�counsE�: Va.�L. COLOFA00 81637 JERRY W. HI.NNAH KAREN M. DI,FNM CENTIFIEO LEG.��u,5915TJ�w7 .14 March 1996 Town Council Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road W�st Vail CQ , V�A TELECOPIER AIV'D ViA FEDERAI, �XPRESS Tc�wn of Vail Planning and � Environmental Commissi.on �� 75 South Frontage Road West � ��'I Vail CO � VIA TELECOPIER AND VIA FEDERAL EXPRESS �'1.�`CSL Re : Lodge at Vail International wing Dear Sir or Madam: This Firm represents Ms . Anita Saltz, the owner of Condominium Unit 5Z7, The Lodge at Vail Apartment Condominiums, on whose behalf this letter is bei.�g direc�ed to you . By tha.s letter, Ms . Anita SaLtz appeals the action of the Town of Vail Depa.rtment of Comrnunity Deveiogment and, to the extent and if any action was t�ken, the Town o� Vai1 Design Revi.ew Bdard, approving certai.n revised plans of The' Lodge at Vail znternational Wing. Despite repeated requests for information and nc�tice of consideration of proceedings, no�ice was not provided of either s�af� consideration or of any consideration by the Design Review Baard. For the reasons no�ed below, there is uncertainty �rom the recara regarding the nature of the action which purports to apprave the plans which apparently h�ve, samehow, been given approval by the Town of Vail . The Town Councii considerea and gave conditi.onal approval tq the Lodge International Wing in early DecemLer, I995 , despite objectians by adjacent awners based upon both d�szgn and trespass into the comr�on elements flf the Lodge Apartm�nt Condor�inium. The Council was assured by the develaper that no trespass occurred under the ofiered plan, and imposed anly the condition that the plan be redesign�d to increase �he buffer betwee*� the Internatir�na,l Wing penthouse structure and the affected Lodge Apartment condaminiums . The develaper then submitted a revised proposa� to the Department of Community Dsvelopment which confirmed the exis�ence o� the trespass pr�wious�y ic3entified in the plan presented to, considered and conditionally ap�roved by the Town ' � � Counci.I . Tha� revised plan was disapproved by the Department of Community Development staff, at which time interested partzes were eff�ctively eut off from negQtiations which occurr�d hetween staff and the developer. �n the 12th of Masch, 1996, this Firm �eceived notice that a rev�,sed plan for the Lodge at Vail Interna�ional Wing had been approved by �he Town of Vail . It is that approval whieh is the subject o� this appeaZ . . Ini�i.ally, there is uncertainty regarding th� source of the approva.l, and therefore th� nature of the appeal . The Town Counc�l referred the plan cons�dered by i.t in December back to the Depart�nent af Community Develapanent staff. However, the "approved" plan provided by the Town o� Vaa.l indicates that it was "Approved by the Town of Vail Design Review Board - March 7, 1996" , and also indicates tha� i� was "Approved by Staff - Andy Knudtsen - 3/7/g6" , Therefore, the Tawn ' s reeor�i indicates that approval may have vccurred either by the Design Review Soard ar by staff, or by both. We shall rely upon the Town to determine who took the action and to direct this appeal to the anpropriate body, in accardance with the Vaa.I Municipal Code . With reference to the reasons far this appeal , they are multiple: I . The plan whzch was provided and identified as that receiving Town of Vail appraval is virtualTy unintelligibl,e, but, tn the extent it is intelligible, it clearly has no relationship to that which was appraved by �he Town touncil . Therefore, the applic�tion must be initiated as a new prace�s, rather �han being subject to wholesaie redesign at the discretion af Community Deve�opment staf�. 2 . The new plan has an area which is �etween Condominzum Unit 527 and 533, on the west, and the penthous� structure, on the east, which as nat labeied, diagramed, or '�he subject af any elevation, anci which was not included on the prior plan. It may be an �levator shaf�, and it may have a sloping roof or a flat r�df . It may be two feet high, or it may be tweive fe�t high. �vo information has been provzded which gives any in�orma�ion regarding these questions , 3 . Neither the "Roof Plan" nor the "RQaf/Plan�er Section" identifies the Iacation of the latter seetion. One can anly speculate even as to whether the Ladge Apartment Condominium is on �he left or ri.ght of that sectian, but it is clear that the latter does not represent a s�ction indicating the size or impact o� the structure whicl� apparently is planned adjacent to Units 527 and 533 . ' � � When, and if, our client and the other objectors are provided w�th any additional plans which are necessary to make unde�standable thase two crcaps which were provided to us, i� may he able to identify with speeificity other proble Yc are not now e . s letter, in addition t� initiating the appeal as set forth above, we again request copies of all submittals, maps, plans, corresgondence and other material presented to the Town af Vail in association with this matter, or exchanged between the Tawn of Vaii and the applzcant. Ve truly y rs� UNN, ABP NAL & RI NSEN, / �,,_ ' / ���-..� Art�ur A. Abp� , �7r . xc: Ms . Anita Saltz Mr _ Tom Moorhead Ms . Ann Frick Mr . Jay Pet�rson � ' LAW OPFICES � DUI`�y ABPLANAL.P � CHRISTE{��N , P. C. A pR�FE55iONwl[6RPpqwT�(ye� JQHN W, pUNN THE VAII BANK BU�LDING TELEPNONE' AFiTHUR A.ABP�A.NA�P,JR. SUIT'� JOO �9�01 u76-0300 ALLEN C. CHR157ENSEN OIANE l_ HEqMAN ��8 S4UTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST TELECOPIER: i1. C.STEPHEN$QH VAIL, COLOFA00 81657 f970� s76-a765 KAq�N tH. DVNN SPECIAI COUNSEL: C[�n�iCO LEGw�a55i5FANT JERRY W. NqNNAH ].9 March 1996 Mr. Tom Moorhead Town Attorney Town of Vaa.l Vail CO VTA TELECOPIER Re : International Wing - LQdge at VaiZ Dear Tam: Andy Knudsen has adrrised me that we shoul.d now contact you in order to arrange an opportuni.ty to review the file with reference to the Internationai Wing, including that portion of th� file created subsequent to the I�ecember decision of the Town Council which is now in litigation . You are, therefore, the custodian of �.hese records und�r CRS 24-72-201, et seq . We understand that a decision was made by the Town of Vail on I th� 7th of March to approve an amended pian. As you are aware, we hav� appealed that decision on behalf of our client, An.ita Saltz . I attempted to contact you yesterday and today in order to inform�l].y make arrangements for the review of the material which has been delivered to or is in the possession of the Town af Vail related to the Inter to return m ca Therefore, the purpase of this let-�er is to y re�ues�, pursuant to CRS 24-72-201 , et seq. , the opportunity to review and, to the extent deemed necessary, to copy, all records in the possession of the Town of Vaii which have been developed by, submitted �o, or othez-wise cc�me into the p�ssession of the To•,an oL Vail , si.nce th� 4th of December, 1995 , and are related to the Lodge at Vail International Wing . Please contact me at 476-�300 and eithes advise me or �eave a message regarding the tim� when this material can be inspect�d and copied . In accordance with CRS 24-72°243 ( 3 ) , I request that the �time set he within thr@e working days of the date of this letter . V���r�.�y yours�� � � I3UNN, ABPL,ANALP 6 HRrSTENSEN, P C . % �� ' � �� �/ �,� �---� ��wt �--� � Arthur A. AbplanaZp, Jr, / J xc : Mr. and Mrs . Jack Saltz � ,�� LAw OFFICES , DUN �ABPLANA,LP �c CHRISTE�N , P. C, ♦P4p�C5510N11 LOflPORAt'ION JOHN W. DUNN TMQ VAIL BANK BUILDING T�I.EPNONE: ART1iUR A.ABPLANALp,JR. �jUITE 30Q �9��� a76-0300 ALLEN C. CHii15TENSEN DIANE t. HERMAN IOB SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST 7ELECOPIER' R. C.STEPHENSON VAIL, COLORA00 81fi57 C970> 476-a765 h4AREN M. OVNM SPECIAL COUrvSEI: G£ATI►IEG LEGaL�S�Sr.+.N� JERRYW. HANNAH L� Mazeh �77� Mr. Tom Moozhead Town Attorney Town of Uail Vai 1. CO VSA TELECOPI�R Re : In�.ernational Wing - LodgE at Vail • Dear Tom: As you are �ware, earlier this week I requested the opportunity to review the Town ' s file for the International Wing of the Lodqe at Vail . I was advised that the fzl,e would be made available at Noon taday. At noon today, I was permitted to review a nurnber af documents which were apQarently drawn from that file, bu� I was not permitted to zeview the �i.le . Theze can be no question that a numriez� of maps were not provided, and that at leas� one staff inemorandum was not sunplied. The documents which were readily iden�ified as missing included the following maps , to which r�ferenc� is made in two €nemoranda in the fiFe : Ma�s referred to in Zehren and Associates memorandum dated 2/25/96 : Maps A1 . 1 and AI . 2 Maps referred to in Zehreri and Associates memorandum dated 2f16/96 : Maps A� . 1 , A4 . 1 , A4 . 2 , A4 . 3 and A4 . 4 I am in possession af one staff inemorandum which was written a�ter the beginning of the year, which I obtained earlier, but which was not acnong the material supplied, This omission illustrates th�e problem with the fact t�at I was not provided �he apportunity ta r�v.iew the file, as required by law. I have no idea what othez documents are in the fil�, or what documents have been removed frorn the fi1e, but tY�e public is entit�ed �o review that file . Please make arrangements to produce the actual, fils tha.s afternoon, in order that Y en.ight i.nspec� what it actually contains , at least at this point in tirne . Very tru�y you=s; -� J .``i� �" ' �"1 i?UNN, ABPL.ANALP '& CHRIST�.�iS�EN, P .G . �. � /� , r .__-� / � Arthur A. Abplanal Jr. `; �J LAW OFFICES DlJ N�,ABPLANALP �c CH RISTEN�Pd , P. C. •PRpf£55tOn�AL CORPORATI6N JOHN W, DUNN{ TME VAIL BANK BUILDING TELEPHONE: ARTHUR A.ABPLqNAiP,JR. SUITE 300 (9701 a76-p304 A�LEN C. CHRISTENSEN IOB SOUTN FR�ONTAGE ROAD WEST TELECOPIER; OIAME L. I�+ERMAN (970) 476-4769. R.C. STEPHENSQN VAIL, COLORADO 81657 I(AREN M. OUNN SPECIAL CQU�SEL: CERTIFf�iS LEGALA55157�reT JERRY W. HANNAFi 25 Maxch 199F Mr. Tom Moorhead Tawn Attorney Town of Vail Vail CO ' 'JIA TELECOPIER Re: International Wing - Lodge at Vail Dear Tom: You are aw�re that there is pending a request for an oppor�unity to r�view �he actual file on the above matter, in order to idc�ntify and obtain copies af material which we have not been provided. I have specifical�y re�uested a number af maps which were submitted in February, and you inda.cated taday that no prngress could be made on that matter Ya�cause Andy Knudtsen was out o� town today. In order to faeili'tate your effort to obtain and provide the rnaterial which has not been provided to us, and to assis� you in yQUr conversatians with Andy Knudtsen, I� have identified a number o£ documents and i.tems which I have been able to estabZish, based upon the information whic� I was permitted to review, wer� provided to the Town of Vail but not included in the material � was permitted to inspec� : 1 . Response to reques� for detailed statement "addressing the Conditons of Approval. from the Desi.gn Review Board approval of November 1, 1495" (referred to in letter to Clark Atkinson ftom Andy Knud�sen dated 31 January 1996 , which fallows this letter) ; 2 . Information sub�itted by axchitects on February 2 , 1996 (referred to in letter to Peterson from Andy Knudtsen dated February 7 , 1996 , which follows this letter) ; 3 . Maps submitted by arGhitects on February 16 , 1996 (referred to in memorandum to Town of Vail 2-1fi-96 , which fol�.ows this letter) and identified as follows : A1 . 1 (dated 2-16-96 } A4 . 1 (da�ed 2-16-96 ) A4 ,2 (dated 2-16-95 ) A4 . 3 (dated 2-15-95 ) A4 . 4 (da�ed 2-1�-95 ) " � � 4 . Ma�s submitted by archa.tects on February 26 , 1.996 (refer�red to in me�orandum to Town of Vail 2-16-96 , which follows this ietter) and identified as follows :. A1 . 1 {dated 2-16-95 ) A1 . 2 (dated 2-16-9s ) Natu�ally, while we can identify the foregoing items which, wi�h the po�sibJ.e exception af Item #1 (which may not have been submitted at this time} , havE been received by the '�'own, we stil.� wish to a.nspect the file. Natwa.thstanding what I am certain is your good faith statement that all developments have been :forwarded to the District Court, we have reviewed the lists of items the Town has provided, and which are intended to identify thase items which have been farwarded �o the District Court to sugpTemen� the record. Those supplements do not include the above informatian and material . Very truly yours, � � r, DUNN, ABPLANALP & CHRISTENSEN, P.C . f � ��� �� !rY+�/�.�'✓• / Arthur A. AbpZanalp, Jz. /' � ; / � �, xc : Mr. anc� Mrs . Jack Sa1�z . - � �' i � ��.-��__ �"` To �',r� t ,� l...1'7il.�n From rCr''` ` r'^,,,�� tl � �1 � C`.4.� CA �� Fhcne� pf�� l� �(1 Gi��,'(G-� T�b�OF �.�II, F�. ,� ?b_ y ,� �x 75 Souzn Front¢ge Raad ,G►�cce of rhe 7'o��n�ittorn�v G�ai� Colora�do 81657 � 974-�f 9--2107/�'ar 970-479-2157 ?viarch 27, a 996 VI:� T`�LE , A7 ]� , .�nhur.A,. Abplan:�Ip, Jr., E,quire T7unn, AbpIanalg &: C�ziS'�nsen. P.C. 108 S_ Front.:�e Roaa. Suite 3a4 'G'ail. CO 816�7 �2e: Salu�'�%eI?s ti�. L�d�e �'rcperties, �nc., �t aI. ��r�rt: Iz�z�spon�to ��a�.lr r�q�est for m�ps svbzrz:.�t�i by archir.etits oe�Febru3�: I 6, I 996 and �'eb��26, 1996, th�se zr° not p�� of the r-^ord at �his�me �s the - �.t• re�•ious xterrt� C_� e�'ort �a� aeea�,buff'�r_ I��e se�•eral it�rati�ns of a desi�be:ore one is subrnit��d w-hich is �.ce�tab]e zo t��e To��n and thc �npficant are not save� or m�:ai��d 3s �az��f t��e � are na lor����r ��-� w• T e r�cor�_ e ��.ai c�.�s,�r-.L w ch �ti�zs approved b�� st�i oa farch 7, I99�, and�.�-�ich h�s been app�e ;r Ani�.a Salrz, is p� o;�the ��cc�rd and w� sez�,�ed upon rlair.� Salcz rhrou� vcur o�c�.. If}�au are:n�ssesson of a me:nar:nauzza ar other dxum�nt� ��at hai�e �tot beea made ��zt of d�e aff'icia! xec�rd, ple�.se �ubmit the�to me ior re.�i�ti��so tha� ar:;.�is ,�_ :nev can be resalved. ti't'.N CCIZE�S" �'4L7,I'S. � �� � � � R. Thomas ?�Taor�ea� Taw�s� 4ttc�m,ey ��G"au° hC' L�'1C��' Fi171.uC�t5e:1 } �•?�i.."f'CdF_DP.iPE'E ' �t , • � �p,W OFFICE5 � DUNN , ABPLANALP gc CHRIST�NSEN , P.C. A RROFESSIONI,L CORPORATION JOHN W, DU1JN THe VAIL BANK BLJILDING YELEPNON�; � ART}iUR A.A9PLANALP�JR. SVJITE 30O �9��� '��6-0300 ALLIEN G CHRISTENSEN T�4ECOPtER: DIANE L. HERMAM IOB SQUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST f970) a76-a765 R.C.5TEPHENSON �/AIL, CaLORa�O B i fi57 KAREN M. DUNN SPLCfAL CCUtiSEL. CEATfiIED IEGAL,A55157ANT JERRY W. HANNAN 27 March 1996 Mr. To�n Moorhead Town At�orney , °I'c�wn of Vail Vail Co VZA TELECOPIER , fte: Lodge at Vail International Wing Dear Tom: With respect, it is not possible to believe that the Tawn has disposed of all plans and matera.al which was discussed during the evolution of the International Wing design review plan, unless �hat was a calculated ef�ort to eliminate the possibilty of review by the public . It i� , on �.he o�her hand, possibl.e to believe (and consi.stent with past exge�ience) that the file has be�n "sanitized" and that the maps and vther material are not in the file but tucked away in some se�re� place. With reference tca the material wh�.ch was grev�ous].y in �he fi.].e, bu� has been removed, we sh�ll �preserue that for use at a later time, in order that the more likely of the two above scenarios might be established. Never�.heless , you have my thanks for your letter. _ _ - ---- -.,} Very truly ,yaurs , t � � , � / `� , ;�DUNN, ABP�LANAL�P &��HR15rTENSEN,, F .C . �- �� � �,. Arthur A. Abplana p, Jr. '� LAW OFFICES DU N N� ABPLANALP �e CH R15TEN�N , P, C. �PAO�CSSIQNAL CORPOA'LTIDN JOHN W. DUNN TNE VAIL BANFG BUIIDINCa TELEPWONE; ARTNUR A.A4PUlNALP�JR. ''�,,`UITE 300 �`�7Q, 4��g-0300 ALLEN C.CHRISTEP+I9EN 41AlVE L. MEFiMAN 108 SOUTrI 'rrRONTAGE Roao WESr TEL£COpiER: f970) �i76-4765 R.C.STEPHENSUN VAIL. COlORA00 81657 1(AR€M M. DUN1.1 CEATIFIE�LECiAL wS515TaN7 SPECIe.L COUHSEL. p JERRYW. HANNAN Zp MC��C� 1996 Mr. Tom Moorhead Town Attorney Town of Vail Vail CO VIA TELECOPIER — 'Y79-�/S�' Re: Inteznational Wing ° Lodge at Vail ' Dear Torn: It is necessary that I take anather look at whatever �he Town of Vail chooses to make available to me relat�d ta the above project . I abviously feel that I am entitled to see the actual file, but your feel differen�ly. If that is anly the copies which were made availab]�e last Frid�y, that is what I shall deal with. I would like tv review th� material which you choose �o make available this afternoon, between 1 : 00pm and 3 : OOpm. Please let me know whether that is acceptable . You or Anne may call tha.s office at 476-0300 . You may leave a message if i am not available . V� trir�.y yo s , N ANALP I � EN . U N� AB & C S , _ j Arthur A. Abplanal , Jr. � � LA�N �FFIGES DU N N;,ABPL.ANALP Se CH RISTEN�N , �. C. A PAOf4$SIONAL CORPO�i�7�ON JOHN W. �UNN Thi��VA�L BANK BUILOING TELEPMONE: ARTHUR A..ABPL4NALP,JR. $uiTE 30O f9701 67fi-0300 ALLEN C.CNRISTENSEN DIANE L. HERMAN 108 S�UTH FRQNLAGE ROAO WE57 TELEGOPIER: i9707 476-a765 R.C.5TEAMENSOM VA14, CQLQRADO 81657 KAREN M. 6UNN SPECIAL C04NSE�: CEATi�iE�LEGa4�SSi5T4NT JERRY W. HANNAN 1 April 1996 Mr. Tom Maoxhead Town Attorney Town of Vail Vaii CO VIA TELECOPIER TQ { 970} 479-2Z57 Re : Internat�.onal Wing - Lodge at Vail ' Dear Tom: T have received no respanse to my letters of last week requ�sting the oppnrtunity to review the above fi�e {or the portian which you permitted me �o review on the 22nd of March) Qr to several telephone calls . Am I to assume that fur�her access to the material whose review I have requested is being denied? You may contact me at 476-Q300 . P�ease leave a message if Z am not available . Ver� truly o rs , DUNN, A ��AL & CHRTSTENSEN, P .G. Ar r �,bplanalp, ,7r. � LAW OFFICES �UNN , ABPLANALP �c CHRfSTEN�N , P. �C. A VROFE5510r+AL CORPORATION JONN W. DFJNN THE VAIL BANK BUILOING TE�EPMONE: ARTHUR A.ABPLANALP,JF2. SUITE 300 �g��� '�76-0360 ALLEN C.CHRISTENSEhI OIANE L. HERMAN 108 SOUTH FRONFAGE Rono WESr TELECO�PfER: C9701 47E5-4765 F. C.STEPMENSON �/All., COL4RA�0 81657 KAREN M. ❑[JNN S�ECIAI COUnSEL. � CERTIPlED LLWL ASSIS�TAN7 JEFiRY W. }1ANNAli � APZl.� L77U Mr. Tam Moorhead Town Attorney Town of Vail Vail CO VIA TELECOPIER TO ( 970j 479-2T57 Re : International Wing - Lodge at Vail ' Dear To�t: This letter will confirm our conversation of this afternoan, during which you advised me that I will nat be permitted to examine either the �ctual file in the above matter or th� copy of portions of the fiZe whieh I was perrttitted �a review on the 22nd caf March. Yo� have advised me tha� both the actual file and the copies will be in active use until the time of the hearing an wednesday. It is also your position that ouz request to review the file in order to prepare for the appeal on W�dnesday is harassment, notwithstanding the fact tha�. we have nat been permi�ted �.o review the actual file a.n this action since the time the d�cision was made in early March, despite repeated requests . You have instructed me to review �he file certified to the Eagle County District Court, which I have advised y�u is incomplete . If I am in error regarding my understanding af the Tawn ' s position with re�ezence ta the denial of any opportuni.ty to review this file or the copi�s which were grovided of parts af it, and I am to be permitted to review the actual file or the materfal. which I was permitted to review on the 22nd of March, I shall rely upon you to advise me of that fact . Vez ru y ou , D NN, AB LP .& TENSEN, Arthur A. Abpl.an , ,7r. � � � � � � � V �� DISTRICT CaURT, CO�TY �F EAGLE, STF�TE OF COLOF�,a,D4 � r� , Z � Civil Action No. 95 CV 362 FOURTH SLIPPLEMENTAL CEr�TIFIGATION OF THE �ESiGNAT�D P,ECORD ANITA SALTZ, Plainfiff, v. LO�G� PRG»E°TIES, 'k��C.; i 01,l1lN OF VAIL, 2 R1Uf11C:paf ccrporatiora; T�V'�!N CC)UNC!!� OF TI�E TOWN OF V,4�L; and 80B ARMOUR, SYBILL NAVAS, PAUL R. JOHNSTON, MARG,�RET A. OSTERFOSS, K�V1N R. FQL�Y, MICHA�L D. JcWE i i and ROB FORD, as the Town Couneil af tt�e To4vn of Vail, Defen�ants, and LUANNE WE�LS, Plaintiff, us. � �.ODGE PROPERTIES, iNC. and THE TOWN OF VAI�, C�QLOP,,^-,DO, and its agents, in their o�ic�al capacities, namely, THE TOWN CQIJE�CIL, TOWN MANAGcR, TOWN ATTQRNEY, PLANNING AND ENVIF�ONMENTAL COMMlSSaON, �ESiGN RcVIEW BOAR�, ANDY KNUDTSEN, in his onicial capacity as Senior Pi�nner and Zonina Administrator, and DAN STANEK (sic}, in his ofricial capacity as THE BUfLDING AQMINlSTRATQR, Defendants. COMES NOW, Hally McGutcheon, Town Clerk for th� Town of Vaii, upon being duly cautioned �nd sworn staies tha ein d contem�craneo�s'� herewith is th� fo suppl�men�t t�o��h,e�uthentic recard of the Tawn of Uail which has be=n previcusly ident�ried by �arties as the d�signated record. This record i�as be�n maintGined in the regular caurse or ANITA SALTZ & �UANN�'ELLS, PI.AINTIFFS V. � EXHIBIT A LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. & TOINN 4F VAIL, ET AL. Case No. 95 CV 362 (Internationai Wing) INDEX �F FOURTH SUPPLEMENTAL FILED 04 01 96 VI_ Supplementai Do ments ' 2. Letter d ed 01.i 7.96 m A. Knudtsen to J. Peterson re: proposed archi#ectural r fferin een decks on third floor with attach�d �etters af eoncern 3. Letter da#ed n1.19,96 from J. Brawn to A. Knudtsen requesting inforrtiatian 4. Letter dated 01.29.96 from A. Knudtsen to J. Brown 5. Letter dated Q1.31.96 from A. Knudtsen to C. Atkinson 6. Letter dated 02.Q7.96 fram A. Abplanalp to A. Knudtsen with attached Memorandum dated 05.18.83 7. Letter dated 02.09.96 fram A. Knudtsen to A. Abplanalp 8. Letter dated 02.�5.96 from R. T. Nloorhead to A. Abplanalp 9. Letter dated 02.07.96 from A. Knudtsen to J. Peterson re: buffering at the Internatiana! Wing - Staff review of prapose� changes 1 Q. Letter dated 02.15.96 from J. Peterson to A. Kn�udtsen � 11. �etters of 7ransmittal dated 02.19.96, Q2.26.96, and 03.Q6.96 from Zehren & Associate5, lnc., to Town Of�;/ail Community Development 'Depa�tmPnt 12. Praject drawings from Zehren & Associates, Inc., af the �.odge at Vail Ir�ternational Wing Roaf Plari and Roof/Planter Section 13. Letter dated 03.04.96 from J. Baifey, Jr. to J. Dunn, R.T. Moorhead, a�d A. Frick 14. Handwritten notes of A. Knudtsen dated 03.05.96 15. Letter dated 03.05.96 �rom A. Frick to A. Knudtsen wi�h attach�d subpoena and �heck 16. Letter dated 03.05.96 from A. Frick to H. McCutcheon with attached subpoena 1 � � � the Town vf Vail's business s�bjeet to my contral. Such supplemental record is identified on the attached index (Exhibit A). � Hally L. McCutcheon, Town Clerk STATE OF C�LORADO ) ) ss. �OUNTY OF EAGLE ) . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me an ',�' day af April, , 1996, by Holly L. McCutcheon, as Town Clerk of the Town of Vail, State of Colorado. Witness my har�d and official se�ne E.wrigtst,Notary Pubiic My Commission Expires 6�17-1999 !1.�y C�rnmission expires �'5 S.Frorrtage Road f,c %���,�� ���:( .1.�.;--� Notar}� Pul�lic ,• CERTIFfCATE QF MAILING � � hereby certify tha# a true and correct co�y of the fore oing Suppiemental Certifcation of the Designated Recorci was mail�d t� the follawing o t�e � �r day af April, 1996 6y U.S. Mail, postage prepaid to the follow�ng: , Ann B. Frick, Esquire Lia A. Woodall, Esquire Jacobs Chase Frick Kleinkflpf 8� Kelley LLC � 1050 17th S#re�t, Suite �500 Denver, CO 80265 .Joi�n W. Dunn, �squire Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. 148 S. Frontage Road, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 James S. Bailey, Jr., Esq�ire Bailey, Harring & Peterson, P.C. 1660 L�ncoln 5treet, Suite 3�75 Det�ver, CO 80264 / ' , �l-•yr,�, ��2-� c''�� / � � , ' 17. Letter dated�.06.96 �rom A, Frick to R. T. Moorhe ad, B. McLaurir�, A. Knudtsen, and D. Spaneck �8. Town of Vadl Actior� Form dateci Q3.fl7.96 19. Letter dated 03.07.96 from A. Kn�dtsen to J. Pet�rson with attached Action Form 20. Affidavit dated 03.07.96 with attached transmittaf le�#er from R.T. Moorhead to J. Bailey 21. Letter dated 03.09.96 from L. Waodall to A. Knudtson wit� attached facsimile transmittal 22. Leier dated 03.09.96 fram L. Woadall to H. McCutchean with attached facsimile transmittal 23. Letter dated 03.11.96 fror� J. Dunn to J. Bailey with attached 1996 Resume of J. Lamont 24. Letter dated 03.14.96 from A. Abplanalp to Va�l Town Cour�cil and PEC with attached facsimile transmittal 25. �etter dated 03.15.96 from R. T. Moorf�ead to A. Abplanalp 26. Letter dated �3.22.96 from A. Ab�ianalp to R. T. Mflarhead 27. Mem�o dated 03.25.96 from R. T. Moorhead to A. Knudtsen , 28. Memo dated 03.26.96 from A. Knudtsen ta R. T. Moorhead 29. Let�e� dated 03.27.96 frorn R.T. Moorhead to A. Abplanalp � � �sa.v��sy.;..w.ic..in.�c��rv:w,.�e�u�� EAST VILL�E HO�r'IEOWI�ERS AS���IATION, INC. Of,icers: Pre�dan! - R��C,ah•m Secretarv - Cretta Parks Treasiue* - Patrick(sra�;a Dn-ecter� - ludith Berkowitz - �olph BridgeK•ater - Ell:e Caulkin_� - Ron Langley - Bill"vl��-tou - Cc+�nie Riduer To: Desi�n R�view Board /1����� J �Frc�m� Ju� La.�nr��rt, Exc�utive D�i��ector %�� ,�.,���. ,;���-- Date: �pri13, 1�95 1� � ,/ J� � �cav-�� RE: �ppeal of StaffDecisi�n regard`ang certain aspects of+�it I�lternarianal Wii�g, a�osed. t� The Hc�meowners�ssociation has vie��•ad the 1�wvo e�l�ibits used by the staff tc� r.nder their decision rag:irdi�ig tha desi�n of porti����s of tha ruof top terra�a cantiguaus w�itll the dzcl�,ss of adja- cent prc�perty owr�ers. Their is i��sufficieitt infc�rm�tinn provici�ci in t1�e c�oci�inznts tci det�trnine, witi� accuraeti°, tha implication of the dssign upan adjace4rt propert�,�ow�ers. Tha dncumznts are schematic ir na- , ture �nd da�lc�t cun#ain su$ic�eni detailing or dirtrem5ioning to firn�ly establish ralAtive haights und distances of uliprovenients fron� adjacent proper�ies. Purt�iarcnore, the docurne�its do not clearly 1l�CIlI1CV L�1C �LfU(:IUT3�TCIil�IUR:i�llP �Ct��C;C(1 �]]�pI'U�USCLI it17(� GX1StS[l� 1I71�Tf()L��menls, such as thc pr�apKrse�l struch�ra r��ith the e�isfiin�, builciing as its related to tha balccinie� of a.ctiacent pr�pert�• owners. �dditionall��, �ere ar� inc�nsist�nc��heh��een the fivo drawin�s of elem�nts shoe��n, the most naticeabl� b�ing th�roof form cc�verin�tha proposed e�evatoc shaft. Given lhe �•ritieal importancc uf acc�unting for knc���;n dis;asices and heights that pr�yte�ct sight lines, scre�ning�l�ments, as 4r�e11 as the azst�atic of sln�ctaral int;:rcotin�c±i�n betw��n gru- posed and esistna�,buildul�, th�se conditions should ba spacificallY�(di�n��sionallS�}documented in�z appror��l docur�iants. ��'ith the informtttion availa,4�le fur rzvie��-, th� FIvmzc�w-nars.�ssoci- atic�n dc�s no�b�lieve th� prop�sal meets its r�quiramet,ts for a successfiit resoluti��� �f sight, �und ana relatzd matters ass�ciated �vith tha proposed project, 'I�ae Hor�uza���n�rs�,ssociatiou r:.quzsts that this matter I�tabl�d until s�rch tirn�as sut�i- ciant documentA.rion and �ocuments arz pro�•id�d by the upplicnnt. � � Post Office Bo�?38 \%ai9,Cclorado 91658 Telephane:1.97U)t32?-56FSC� MessagelFA�:(97Ui � ! � 1 r/1 J rr / , `` Z-[: l • C�.� � �} ;' � � � �� � � /,� �c� � � . Lodge at Vail International Wing Appeal of Anita Saitz Note: Circled and em hasized references on documents maY not be on ori ina�s but are intende�d ta focus th� reviewer vn the areas���of concern or interest. ''� i • Lodge a� Vail International Wing Appeal af Anita Saltz Note: Circl.ed and em hasized �efErences on documents ma not be on ariqinals , but are �ntended to focus the reviewer on the areas of concern oz interest . ' Exhibit 1 . Design Review Board Ap�roval and letter ta Jay Peterson Exhibit 2 . Copy of parts af C7ctober 1994 pl�ns r�lated to elevator apQarently approved by DRS, and capy of elevator specifications Exhibit 3 . Copies of part of �October 1994 plans related to building floor plan , apparently approved by DRB, identifying effect af el.evator relvcation (resulting fram earlier planned violation of candominium cornmon elements} incorporated into final approved plans 3 . 1 Penthouse level 3 . 2 s�cond accommodation unit l.evel 3 . 3 first accommodation �nit level 3 . 4 kitchen/International Room level �xhibit 4 . 4 . 1 . Copy of part of 1993 plans relat�d to building elevation submit�ed by developer 4 . 2 Copy of part of Octobez, 1995, plans relat�d to building elevation initia�ly approved by Design Review Board, and ider�tifying inconsistency with current design plan Exhi.bit 5 . 5 . 1 Copy of part of October, 1995 , plans related to penthouse floor plan apparently approved by 17RB 5 . 2 Copy of part of earlier pl�ns related to penthouse floor plan Establishing different configuration of staircase and enclosure Exhibit 6 . Copy of part of October 1995 plans illustrating difference in prvfile of stairwell structure which is permi�ted if stairway is changed to original configuration Exhibit 7 . Minutes of Town Cauncil meeting of December 5, 1995 Exhibit $ . Letter from Andy xnudt�en to Jay Peterson - DeCember 8, �995 � • i Exhibit 9 . Flans related to proposed madzfication- dated Janua�y 5, 1996 Sheet A1 . 1- Roof Terrace Plan A Sheet A1 . 3- Roof Terrace Plan A Sheet A4 . 1- Terrace East Elevation/Section Sheet A4 , 2- Terrace Elevation/Section Sheet A4 . 3° Terrace Section/West Elevation Sheet A4 . 4- T�rrace Section Exhibit 10 . Letter from And�r Knudtsen to Jay PetersQn - .�anuary 17 , 1996 Exhibit 11 . Letter from Abplarialp to Andy Iinudtsen - February 7 , 1996 Exhihit 12 . Letter from Andy Iinudtsen to Jay Peterson - �'ebruary 7 , 1995 Exhibit 13 . Letter from Town Attorney ta Abplanalp - February 15, 1996 Exhibit 14 . Letter fror� �Tay Peterson to Andy Knudtsen - February 15, 1996 Exhibit �5 . Memorandum from Architect to Community Development - floor plans and crass sections - Feb. 19 , 1996 Exhibit 16 . . Sheet A1 . 1 dated 2/16J96- missing Explanatinn by the Town Attorney - "The several iterations of a desi.gn before one is submitted which is aceeptable to th,� Town and the applicant are not saved ar maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would c4mplicate the record. " Letter to Abplanaip, Exhzbit 32 below. Exhibit 17 . Sheet A4 . 1 dated 2/16/96- missing Explanation o� Tawn Attorney - "The several iterations of a d�sign before one is submitted which is acceptablE to the Town and the apglicant are not saved or maintained as part of the record as they are no lonc�er rele�rant and wou�d complicate the zecord. " Letter to A1�pYanalp, Exhibi� 32 belaw. Exhibit 18 . Sheet A4 . 2 dated 2/16/96- missing Explan�tion of Town Attorney - "The several iterations of a des�ign before one is submitted which is acceptable to the Town and the applicant are not s�ved or mair�tained as part of the record as they are no longer relevan� and would camplicate the record, " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. � � Exhi.bit 19 . Sheet A4 . 3 dated 2/16/96- missing Explana'tion of Tawn Attorney - "The several iterations of a des�gn before one is submitted which is acceptable to the Town and the appJ.icant are not saved o�' maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the record, " Letter to e�bplan�lp, Exhibit 32 below. Exhibit 20 . Sheet A4 . 4 dated 2/16/96� missing Explanativn of Town At�orney - "The several iterations of a design befare ane is submi,tted which is acceptable to the Town ar►d the applicant are not saved or maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the recard. " Letter ta Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. Exhibit 21 . Memorandurn fr��n Archi�ect to Communi�y Developm�nt - flaor plans and rooftop plante� section - Feb. 26 , 1996 Exhibit 22 . Shee�. Al . l dated 2/16/96� missing Explanation of Town At�.orney - "The several iterations of a design before one is submitted which i.s acceptable to the Town and the applicant are nat saved ar maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relev�nt and would complicate the record. " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. Exhibit 23 . . Sheet A1 . 2 dated 2/16/96- missing Expl�nation of Town Attorney - "The several iterations of a design be£nre one is srabmitted which is a�cceptab�e to the Tawn and the applicant are nat saved or maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the record. " Let�er to Abplanalp, Exhibi.t 32 below. Exhibit 24 . Memorandum from Arch�.tect to Community Development - transmitting roof plan and roof/planter section - March 6 , 1996 Exhibit 25 . Sheet A1 . 1 dated 3/6/96- Roof Plan Exhibit 26 . Sheet A1 . 2 da�ed 3/6/96- Roof Planter/Section Exhibit 27 . Staff decision approving modifications set forth on plans Exhibit 28 . Letter from Abplanalp to Town - March 14 , 1996 - appealing decision � � Exhibi.t 29 . Letter from Abplanalp �o Town Attorney - March 19 , 1996 Exhibit 30 . Letter from Abplanalp to Town At�orney - March 22, 1996 Exhibit 31 . Letter from Abplanalg to Tvwn Attorney - Maz�h 25, 1996 Exhibit 32 . Letter from Town Attorney to Abplanalg - March 27, 1996 , � � I ,� I . Exhibit 1 . Design Review Board Approval and letter to Jay �eterson i � TOWN C3F VAIL � �ategory �Jumber_. _� Date ��� -�- �.� •— Pro�ect Name: ,�7 7�{��ir � r�.� •f,��> Building Name: 1��r2 � ��' / Project Description: � _ ��-r��.,.w c� ��� c�.�.�, 2 � �f-�C�l�'i ,►-x��e.4� r.� v�.-.-L 1 ��'S Owner, Address anc� Phone� �� ' �{-- � �� ' Architect/Contact, Adaress and Phone: �.-c�� ,�4--u� .��c�� Legal Description: Lat 61ock Subdivision Zone District L��..�� Project SEreet Address:���I� � ��� �.—f-�-z.�a�- �'f�. Comments: ' _ _ c� �a n / � �^ � � � L� _ --�� /./ "� � y�" . Board / S�affi Aetion h�iot3on by: _�l�-��'�-'� Vot�: �� , Seconded by: �1 � - �Approv�! — (7i5_nDr:�i^I = Stau ApC'DVa] C�nditions: � Town Piannz� C�:�� '� . � D�6 Fee ���-paio � � • ! - . ��•► . � � �,� �lE ,s �o��v oF v� 75 South Frontage Road Deparrrnent of Communiry Developm� Yail, Colorado &I657 970-�79-213$✓479-2139 FAX 97D-4?9-2452 � November 7, 1995 Jay PetersQn, Esq. . Va�Nativnal Bu�7din� 108 S. Frontage Road VaiI, CO S 1657 . RE: The�nterz�ational Wina at The Lodge at Vail O�Novembes I, 1995, the DRB voted 5-d to approve the plans for the Intemational ��Ving. Condztions of agproval are as follfl��s: _ A. Prior to applicatian for a building permit, the applicant shall deriicate a public access easement throu�h the corridor between the proposed Internabonal Wing and Qne Vail Place. B_ Prior to application for a buildin�perrnit, the applicant shall provide detailed drawi,ngs to t�he Tou'n of Vail Fu-e Department which show that the existin� improvements, as wel� as ihe propased construction, will be sprinkler�d. C. Frior to applicatian for a b�uilciing pemut, app�cant shall provicie approval from tl�e I3_S. Forest Sezvice for the use of U.S.F.S. land adjacent to the�nteinational Wing - ga�io. If approval cannot be �ecured, the applicant shall return to thc DRB far �pprowal af a modified design of the landscaping, site pl;anning and e�-ad'sng. DRB e�courages the applicant to expa�d Lhe la�ndscaping in the area, if that i5 acceptable to the Forest Service. D. Tbe DRB-approved drawin�s indicate that alt impravements comply with the Tou�n standa.rds for height and view corridors. However, verification of the co��tr-uction documents must be provided at tirne of building pernzit. Prior to ap�plication for a building perinit, the appli�ant shall provide doeumentatian to tl�e Ccm�munity Development sta�t to verify that the proposeti stivcture daes not eacroach intc� any established ar adopted view carridor. Docuznentation s�all in�r3ude a surveyor's stamp of t�e elevatians and sections, 5pecifyi.ng the USGS eIeuation of the proposed ro�f ridges, plate hei�hts, chisnney caps and view 1 _r. i • �� � � A��� � �� . � �h � �... ' . 4, �p �V carridor b�undaries. Tbe urban design sta.nda�s reQu�� a 6�/40 s� � � r 4'���^q h�, � � �� ° � M hc�ight also shall be verif ed• 5 � � q i _ � , E. priar�o issuance of a buildin�perrnit, applicant s�all pay II r���{e���e �� � ace for tfie arkin� demand ge Y ' .�,�: amnumt of�8,594.40 per sp P �. developrne�.t. 'I�e DRB-approved plans shaw a par�cing requirerzzent of 62.6 �, r,_ spaces, so the fes would�e $538,009.44. �'':� F. prio�r to application for a building pernit, aPPlicant shall provide verification that '�;,_ ' alf proposed ligb.ting complies with TOV standards• (;. pr�c�r to application for a building permit, tbe apPllcant sball revise the Iandscape Ji�htin�plan, replacing the proposed light�`Vil�a' ,p,�e�� ��illage Light," iar order to b� consistent with the rest af th�Va � �I. l�or to app]ication for a buiSding pernvt, t�e aPP�'��t s�all redesign the entry statement into the courtyard fram the Founder's Plaza• TI�e applicant shall submit a sketcb to staff, verifying that the entry statement�� bee� "c��'atica�ly reduced in siz�." I. III�j� f1]�11T�, tbe appiicant shall coaperate wit� the Ta'�.'�° of Vail, Vail Assaciates, and surrounding property o��ers to deve�op a master plan for thc area to inte�ate the International �in� with thc Village area and bas� of ski slopes. Thank yau for your cooperation throughout tbe review of t�is project. Please �all me if you bave any questic+ns about thesc conditions. Sincercly, ��, l . Andy �udtse�u Senior Planner �r cc Cneg Christrnan Susa.n Conac)ly Jan Bran�t Lvnn FritT]ez� Jim Lamoat :.;.�; . --�;��� ;�,, � ;�• 1.�, . 2 , _ -.:L ,�;�. : .�v� .�v� � � . Exhibit 2 . Copy of parts af October 1494 plans related to elevator apparently appraved by DRB, and copy of elevator specifications �::-� ''��,..�' �'?� � � � � :�����: , � � 1 1� . • i � � � i � � ' i , �� � 1 f � � . � �� � }. t, � Y , 4 ' ` t � ti�+�i� 1 M �'� � �' � � *ti1;, 1 -��' \. ���r , s �, �`•�1 . ; ��y� �� 1 i �� r �t�1 � � � � i w� � ;,. 1 � ���� �.� � � F �Z�� 1 ,� • �� „�, �,l`7 �'' � �`�'� ,��� , _ `. 1,'�� : � s+� ,w`� � • ,. •�. ` � ''��;�a 1 .L � 1 �;i ,C `,�.�tti�'�:1.—r'�,�`';.:ti'�\.. . �1,�. �;�� , '7 '.1 ``� �. _ ...�-:� --:-, ,.,. ;i�� •�" �• �• :'��`�saC•,sw�,�1 � --� � ,_r.i i��t�� .'p � `, ��\ � S /!�liw���� K��� � .r� ��jl.'�ir� +4. �� � ;�� �,�� � � ��: - --.+�^�- �►. � 1 ��`4 . ��� � . • --,.� h�; �� ��: �»�'; � .,�.,� •>> 1T�r� ��; : ► .:; �':•.� *� . � _:,;��.�i�w''�:"�1t'�t�ti'�4�`���ti��� •,- _�hlti. �� '.' �� .L�'�,'� ti � �:��`,S� i � �'ti\,: � 1 1 :4�:r :y,� .'1� � �.� +i'1Z'+'��':1._�`'��� 1��± . : .'\'i � y �� . ��r 1 �`i 1 . �' .�,�'.' � v � �•��,',,�T:�ti`����\\�\;�'�����.��, � ! .: ..k�...ti ti. w �� �\ � • �� Y . � I� � � � \ +�• � � �� �. � 4� " ��-��` � �.:;-�! 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M�� �. � u�r�ic�l ��a�s o��atio�s s���s.We have m�rc r�al—u�orid exp�ric�c��uildi�g, � +`��t��' s .����`;�. : : V� �� �' � � � � I � �� d� k�� �+£�"x'F,°,�d� t`t,�_,r�M�ir �� � i�sta�lin�,ma���a�oi��and mader�lzi���I�va�or�and�s�ala�ors t��� an�� �����F�r : ��-��� �.�� � -� ����,� � com any in��e worl�, �,�.; �,� �#t�:�}�� � i � , , � �� � ,. , . , � �. a;:� � '�� f: The b���fits af O�is experie�ce also ca�be s�e� in product,dcsl��,l� � 4-�L� � � ~= , ��� � � ✓. � ���. �ai�te�a�c�aad in the 1����1 a�c�s�o��r sertiric��ha�u�e p�av�dc��ou �an�o�nl o� , ��� w�� ,.��; , 5". Qtis[or fas�,tro�bl�—�ree i�stallati�os� l�Ur experie�ce ca� also save��o��imc a�d , � ` , °� mo��y w��� �uu h�ve a �i�h�huildin��o�pl��io� da��to ���t. "��� ' ��� ��' ��� '���� � � ,,� i _ ��� � �� � a , :4�, � ,: ^ : �,s"? r �,aa b'�z?'� h q '� ' p� '•�, { � j�.�,� .. TABLE OF CONTENTS '�'�' ;r� � �,: 2 r � �'' Introduction :F - - �� h, � �.•' � � Y. �• .. 4.r: '2. � Hydraulic Elevators 4 � `• � . ; 6 '�` �levonic°Control - Geared �levators 6 - �,�,' Geaeless Elevators e `� �. .` f :�,•-� Cab Enteriors �� - - Fixtures �7 ' _ Entrances �2 ' � Residential Elevatars �3 �� �� ��� Freight Elevators 14 � ''' Haspital �levators 15 t� � � -e }• i� I tors _ 16 '` � - Esca a , _,� �J� .,. .� . .. � . . �-�t:''�..k ....1.�• _:�f , �C �� f ,�� . . _ . . e -s � . f .. II� I � . 17 _. - n _ Modernizat�o ���. I .. _ a, Maintena�ce j$ �<� � � - � 1 � _ �` Otis Offices 2fl *�'��'"' �,�� > � # �� _ ��" � _ t "�. �r � � ��� , ,�,r'=' ? ,,'����;: `'� ,, ::' � . _._.__ _.. • �, ,.. .:.:;, . , —.�,�G^,`-�'"'°'a,.�"'� p� �? � �� � ��, ; , ?"'� , �� t'� � ''� , x ``" �;L, ia .�. .. f � .. t (�� . � SS YJ +"✓µ�Y 14� y s2r�+C � ._ £._ G� Z ..� 4�:. . � . . I � I` �� '`Y��e.�a, { � , x, iI IIYI ,I I I �X'-��� ; � ��, i I. .�X' r.�,� �SY,�� 4^ r �I w.:a�^ ''��*�� e�, : � �+Y�F v., n .,7 �i .�., rhr - '{ �' a� �� � �a-f,.°,'�, ,� � r��-s .�^" �f �.t;��.,.s, — - � s��: '�.a� = "' i +y�,a� � � ur�` ''r`J�KirF�A� �'s. � .„ •.. .�i� �� . . �•Y Ii Otis Test 7ower, �►�sto y Otis Quality Center, Sristol, Conneciicut t- '^' :, # >;;�. � 2 1420010T1 ��� � � � ��: ��vL��° �����, I i .r� i�m f 1 ` ����'4���� �_� �CC� �e��.�:.:,�y. G�aF���� '�.:'� GEc.REG' .�.. •_:»�_, .� RAU C C���,`smaoth reli- � � � ,�',.�HiNE t.,r,GH�NE t15 r��ar � � C�'EaHC�D ��� �. g`G�tical.a ; �, A��s — �Finsst in the ; , `: i.J ' I M{fOClt 1� Ci �.a ! 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E MACHINE R001'�1 C�Ena i � �G' 7'D'MIN OPENING i `• __ ; ?—TOp � CLEAR HEADAOOM 7.0- ` v ��FlOOR �� � i � � � � � , I cne t f t,�r� � /—I -i� " � <'� n �� 0 i `x"ai�y�.�,�:: � a ; � a�o+:; ��� �I Ca6 I �, ;'�F � R �,,.. � Sw � i � = RiSE R�.$E � - PLAN VIEW PISTON MAGMINE _ EMTqAN�€ , - Pli I !_90rtpr.i l °�OOR �'.^'��;•50TTON. F_00.� `� oi YLINDEfl _ ' ,a,. — - ELEYATION Holeless and � ��'- Semi-Fioleless � � ATOR DIM�NSIONS (HOL�D) ` , r f _ � Chy Speed D SW Alse Pit Clear Stops i (fpm) (depth) �single wldth) (max.) Overhead {max.) I� " �� 725 5'-9' 7'-4' 41'-0' 4'-0' 12'-3' 5 i , " ;25 5'-9' 8'-4' 41'-0' d'-0' 12'-3' S i r 725 6'-3' B'-4' 41'-0' 4'-0" 12'•3` 5 t�� 725 6"-1S' B'-4" 41'-0' 4'-0' t2'-3" 5 I 725150 5'-9` 7'-ti' 60'-0' 4'•0' i2'-3" 7 `<- 72515D 5'-9' 7'-a• 60'-�' 4'-0' 12'-3" 7 72515D 5'-9' 8'-4' S7'-1' 4'-0' 12'-3' 7 125150 6'-3' B'-d' 55'•lQ' 4'•0' 12'-3' 7 � . �56''s�_. 6'-�T' B'-4' 53'•5' 4'-0' 12'-3' 7 - 10�125150 5'-9' 6'-B' 60'.0' q'.p' ��'-3` 7 � 79D 125 i50 5'-9' 7'-�" 60'-0' 4'•D' 12'-3' 7 10�125 t50 5'-9' B"-c• 5S'-p' 4'-0' 12'-3' 7 100125150 6'-3' 8'-�' 55'•5' 4'-�" 12'-3" 7 � � 1DD 125 i50 6'-11' B'•4' 52'-9" 4'-0' 12'-3" � ' ' 100125 i50 8'-11' 4'-a" 47'-5' A'-�" 12'-3" 7 � I ' I E)R EIIM�NSIONS (HOL�LESS AND SEMI-HOLELESS) j 'Sp�ed D SW RiSe" PiY"' r Stops f �tPm) (depth) (single wldth) (max.} Overhead {max.) � i , ��F. I '740 g�_g• �_q• Zq'.p" 4'-0' 12'-4` 3 �00 5'.g• ��.q• 24'-0' 4•0" 12�'4� 3 ;; ii � �-9' 7'-4' 15'-�" -0 �.� 12.'4� 2 (101 5'-9' 7'•4' 15'-0' 4'•0" 12'-�" 2 i �«�' . 5'-9' 8'-4' 15'•0" 4'•0" 12'-4'� 2 cities relYect Canadian code requiremer�ts. ,�equired.Consult your Otis represenlative. 85e in rise over 13'•7'to a maximum pit depth o�5'-5'lor the ma�cimum rise ot�5'-Q"excepi starting pit depth br �.rises behveen 15'-p"and 24'-0'{Model dutbes only)the pit depth is 5•5'wilh two cylinder holes. 8�-0` ca6 with front openings. For other needs eonsult your[ltis representative. 5 i , � � � � � . Exhibit 3 . Copies of part of October 1994 plans re�ated to buzlding floor plan appar�ntly appraved by DRB, identifying effect of elevator relocation (resulting from eariier planned vialation of condominium common elemen'ts ) incorparateci into final approved plans 3 . 1 Penthouse Ievel 3 . 2 second accommodation unit l�vel 3 . 3 first accommodatian unit level 3 .4 kitchen/Tnternational Room ].eve� %4• 't� '��r '? . . . • . .. , r . � �, - .. � , � ' ' . � � . � � . . . _. - . .. . . _ . . .. . . i , � ° •- - - ---•—-- ._— _.i .. _ - �_. _ - --. •— _._ . ` � ...DEGK 6ELOW ' � � ; DECJC d�LOW • 1 I ` - �'-_ i �'J � ` ' ' ��. ___._.. - " : - - _ D E CK 'D�� I � c�� � � � I ,� i I � � I � � � � I D E GC BE L G�LL1 � � I 4 , j � :1? ��'_, � ' ' -� I ' � 4 � • II ' � �_ , I I i � ; 6 -� �-- .�.-_ ' ' ; , --— — — -' L � � _ •---- " � � • ----- ' i � 1 I _ ._._" _ � � �`y �. � � � - - � � . � . �� � :12 '` � � I � � t - ` - . _ `� � I I DE� ��p� � 4:1? PITGN � � i � � i� i I l,! I ` . � i �`� �� � i --------� - � I i !i v�•� � � . � ' J� � _____ � ..� � � — ._ � . . ��r�- � � ; . � T ; � D E G�C 8E l � I I � �I �,_ ; 3 ------_-� �__- �.«.. �.� ��, . �' � � �. � � � �! - . _. .l,f -._�:: _ i ? STAfR � _ � ' °'<< � y�r j :.:,. � . . . - � ;����` � JLtNIDR � � C7E! SU1�E � � ICI 0 � `� � � � _ � _ . . � . � C ,, C� '" � r-i � I ! • '. I I ,�_"'��1' \ � J ' �--> I , • � � ''`' , `�'^ s.'' . L �� I -----_= �� O G� � . C _ ,�, �s .: ` �, . �,�, y` � i - •� �� � i_: �� � � �� ` � � \ I � �_ � i:; , . � � , ' I ' � �!� 8�- • - . . ' ! I I . � - i . � . �. L � � ��� . � �� � .� - � i � � � � � _ ,� � �� . � � I � ` �� � � � � � . � � � � .. . ; � : � , � . - _��._.�__� ,/j � „ �, °� ll '-d'. ' �� _�, � -�-� � -�-'S Y . i. �., ; � \� . �' ST�.�R � . � DEl . 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'_ �`���. �9�� S��k�,,'��''�•�..�'.+� r�r:_.,�,.,,._.��"" "eF. �'. �._. . f� �L S ,t."�.� � a 'Y �,.. / . : �`� ,�-,1 e� r,^ a�i' 1.M, �t ti(` S„�" �*�.u. a z �6 p � � ����i�Js� 2��� �f��'�= � � 7 y, t � � i � ]� . r .c� b. • �� �^`�������� t � � � 4 , ��r '`�` jT.� d-k� :�"�?'4i� , _ � ._-`5 .�','� Y . .. ,.�.�f �t:;' _ `'� ,�''�n+•._"�"�, ....--,��5;��`.,�. �;^c��" ......�r.'1i�N. , c �. � � � Exhibit 5 . 5 . 1 Copy of part of October, 1995, plans related to penthouse floor pZan apparen�ly approved by DRB 5 . 2 Copy of part of earlier p],ans related to penthouse Floor pian es�ablishing ditferent conf.iguration of staircase and enclosure i � . _.� _._..���. - T— .. _ I�f i� �r . � / . � a � � , i \ i� 1 �� � �WJ �t - � . . � ' ' 1 �j �� �a f - -J--b—J � _ -Y-� $TdF� �1 ��b -. �' , � . , � E ' TE RFc.4GE S� i � I • �; t .1 ,', . ��y . � o oR � �_ „�,�.,: �- ��� . : � - - . . - . . r. _� �, _ ,s. ��� :��;; . . . . . - . ; , . , � . �„�R - • . °JJ�'fE . �.F'. c,.' . ' PL . i _" . � ,, � � . . . . . .X�'' . ' .x� �'V�""�^ .• " ' ' . . . •. , . . � . .fC�� _ t' . � �'� ' I.1� �i j : � I 1 • � i� . . � i . � i - . ' � � e � �— —_ . ' . . / 0/9� �- ._ - . S 1 - J� � � �l DE�IlX� ,• KING ��C—� � E �,. � ! �� �� / E I� 1 � � � � ; , � � � �� _ � O � � � r � � or � � _� :� I � � � I � - r.-� T�RRAG� PR�MIER � SuITE �eY � `� L�. � ,NTER '3� �'���'�� , �� � �� J� � � � W / � � � . o � , � �;� :. � � i� � t'SASTER ��,r�� BEDRDOr F ,,- 3Z � � Exhibit 6 . Copy of part of Qc�ober 1995 plans illustrating difference in p�ofile of stairwell st.ructure whieh is permitted if stairway is changed to original configuration . � � � / . 1! 1 � � / ' r, ��� � - �•?��= 1 � 4 �� i � ~ � .�I � �_� i � l�" 'd i� '� � �'� � ' --� - � . � � � � i i �r � t ���� i � �r y �� �" .� , � �� � _ , , r � , � , . � � � � +► � ±B - � �r - � . � � � � _ � � �, r.� �• � � � � '��a - � _ ��m, �� � � _ _ � _ _ � _ _ I , ���g � - ° 1 E � . � � . . �� � � ' � - I , ,� � � , � �4 �I 1 i � � � � i ` ' � � 1 � a �, , � I _ ' � i � "� ' 1 { � I -+ y �� � �I,� I � � � ! � �� 4 _ J` � . . :•�► � � • , ' . . , � ...- . . � . . ....�� � � f � ' .� �' ,� '; 1�� �;�� -. _. �� "r�� ::r;;�:�: � � . Exhibit 7 . Minutes of Town Council meeting of December 5, 1995 vve�is, aa�acent praperty owner, that �tatutory procedur�� w�re not �r�l����� tc�, �np th�t tl�e 19$3 agreement was 1 af. Architect, Lynn Fritzlen, state �propriate �rocedure was foilawed and that rely�on a $3 planning approval was i�ropriate after 12 years. Peggy Osterfass asked what the fime line was for approval. Tam Moorhead informed her that in 1983 there was no time line s�t forth on exteriar alteratio�s, but since that date t�er� has been a two year time limit put into effect. Those opposed to tF�e appro�al of the International Wing who gave input included: Attomey, Art Abplanalp, representing owners af Unit #�27, Mr. & Mrs. Saltz, as well as three ather units. Mr. Abplanalp presented a map which he said depicted the propased sight barriers af certain private condominium owners and stated tnat Rick Rosen represented th� Gabinas, also adjacer�t praper�y owners. Jim Lamont, representing the East Uillage Hameowners Association, requested councii members take info consideration a new opporfunity, and requested this pra}ect be with�Jrawn. Jay Peterson, represent�ng the ' appficant, Lodge properties, Inc. addressed concerns and answered questions. Mike Arn�tt, Design Review Board Ghairman, was on hand to �nswer questions, as was Jack Zehren, architect fc�r the project. Peggy moved to up�ald the DRB approval of the pro�ec wat the st�pu ation t at additional staff-approved modifications be made to the plan to improve sight and sound barriers on the building's west side. Kevin Fo�ey seconded the motion. A vote was taken an� passed, 6-1, Mike ,�ewitt voting in ositian. ltem No. 8. On the agenda was the Town Manag�r's Report. Bob asked council members to check their calendars in order to meet far a special work sessFOn on Tuesday, February 13, and reminc�ed them of the Town of Vail's Christmas party at #he Marriott on �riday night. , Mayor Armour informed those present of his concern regarding raising the speed limit to 75 mph and asked that s�aff research the issue and any possible alternatives. Bob Mc�aurin said he wauld discuss it wifh the �ew Police Chief. C7ther tapics af discussion included: the shortage of bus drivers and overcrowding; tfi�e need far a voice mai6 system for cauncil membcrs. There being no furth�r b�si�ress, a motion was made by Paul Jahnstan to adjourn, with a second from Kevrn Foley at approximately 11:10 P.M. Respe ully submitted, � �� R �bert W. ArmoUr, Mayor EST: a(,Cc�/�'J�G��.l�rx� Holly McCutcheon, Town C4erk (Names of eertai�r andividuals who gave public input rnay be inaccurate) 3 R1��.1,�<..n�'ati�d'i�.w j P!l..1 1 1IL.d..S I��O��'!:� • ! . Exhibit 8 . Letter from Andy Knudtsen to Jay Peterson - December 8, 1995 � / � ���C �, 3 ���� �� Tou�r oF v��L 75 Saurh Froruage Road Depart�nent of Cornmunrty Develapmenz Yai1, C�lorado 81657 9 70-4 79-213 8r4 79-2 i 3 9. F'AX 970-479-2452 December 8, 1995 Jay Peterson,Esq. V+'estStar Bank Buildin� 108 S. Fronta�e Road 1�Jest Vail, CO 8165� RE: The Lodge Intemational Wing . Deaz 1ay: On De�er�uer 5, 1995,the ToLVn of Vail Toti��n Council considerupon appeal the Desi�n Re��ew�aard appr�val of November 1, 199�. The To«m Council votcd 6-1 (Jewcrt op}�oscdl to uphold the DRB appro��ai wzth the conditi�n that additional bufferine be addcd beri��ee� the terra�es adjacent ta l,'nits 527, 533 and 53� and the proposed Pcnthouse Suite af thc Intcrnational 'l�'in uffer to be reviewed and a proved b_y stsfi. thou�h we d� not plan ta 5c�ed�!.le this item for a Desi�n Re��e1u Bozrd hearrng, sta wou i •e o ma•e t e propos�d drat��in�s a��ailable for p�blic re��ie„�in our offices at some datc in t'�c future. Please submit drati�ines showir.g the foll��vintr inforn�stion� A. At If4"' Scale, sho«�all existine improven�ents. Delineate«�hat is a limited common element, a gcnerat comme�l elemcnt, and whnt is under tF�e o«r�ership ofthe Lad�e Properties. B. Shaw the proposed impre��e�nents at 1!4" scale in plan, scc'ion and ele��ztion. The sections should inciude rbe full hei�ht of th� smac�:res on either side of the terrace area. This would include both the prcaposed Pentk�ous� Suite�n�pr��•e3l�ent5, as����11 a5 t�e cxistina u.*�itS �?7, 53� and �35. If it is heipful for you and your client,t�e Ton�n af Vail staff is�villin�ta reti�ietir conceptu�l proposals that would aehieve t�e bufferin�needed in this ar�a. Once}rou ha`�e the exisrine conditions rnapped out, we�x�ould be happy to sit dov,m and meet with you. I would like to ha�•e a final desi� availab�e for pubiic revie�v no later than January 2, 1996. Staff v�rill ma�e a decision on t�e a�plication approximately or,e tia�eek late:. Thank you for your attcntion to this maner. Please cal] me ai Y79-21�8 if;vou would liti,:to �scuss this issue ir. a:�y ereater detail. Sincerely, ���(�I u en ' - 1 Senior P er cc: Sob McL.auri❑ Tom�vt�orhead 5usan CnnneUv Pam 9nodmeyer Jim Lamont Jitn Brow•n Lvno FriQJea Grrg Cris�man Jack Zehren Art AkQlanalp Ann Frick Michael Arnett Rick Rosen � �� c rr-�rr rn n.nrn � � . Exhibit 9 . Plans related to proposed modifications Sheet A1 . 1- Roof Terrace Plan A Sheet �,1 . 3- Roaf Terrace Plan A Sheet A4 . 1- Terrace East Elevatian/Section Sheet A4 . 2- Terrace Elevat�on/Section Sheet A4 . 3- Terrece Secti.an/West Elevation Sheet A4 . 4- Terrace Section � � � � � � u � o a � 7 �f� C) t- t)' .O""� VI� X n• �, , �; - - � �' w � s � r� � � � �.��'� L�- � / �- � � � �� � � � ' �, , ,�� � �.'Ny � _�, _ _ , � �;: , {�� . - - - - , , � �; � .�;, � , . a �, � ti o , ' �. �� � �, � }x, - - -, �� � � � ��� �� �, �� � � � � � � \\ � LL W�� � LY ,{� � � \\ \ �� �� _,, / � „ \\ a J)"� C'� x r /� z u, c � \ • ,��€� - � / 3j t a � � �� ��/ � � � �� � � � LLI Q i � � J �= C O � � a � � �] 4 • n � q � �� W �o � o � ��: GJ `� �� � ��� � Zz � �� � � �� � � � �� {g ��O ��p � � _ � � �� J y[`1 �C`1 � � yy M r � � • ■� ��� �, � � d� � • �� �' _--= L �. �a - � � - _ _ � _ � L� � - -�.� m �'- ia�u _ -- -- - z�� �� r -__ - __ _-- Q L�� n — — z __ _— p - _ - .� — - — �- _ _ � --- - c� -- _- _ —J-� — o�. - a� _ � -- - o _ - ,_ �f7 . 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Letter from Andy Knudtsen to Jay Peterson - ,7anuary 17 , 1996 Pos� .,- rdx i�c��e ,v, � .�1�� ,,�.�:. � Fro;s+ �JYt'1 /,l,) c�.C� �' CO � CO' ,t Pn3f�e� Phane• u ! % �—c}1� 1�V 11 l T V�l'L7.L1J `i F3"y t�,��c— u%!a.} Fax� 75 Sourh Fro�uage Raad De,�artmenr o�'Communiy Devef.�pment TjQi� Coloradn $1657 970-�79-Z13�4�9-2,139 � FAX 97�-�75+-2�52 Jant:.ary �.7, 1996 Mr_Jay�eters4.^. �kre�3�gi�T11C�12FICZ]Ti� �08 S. Fxoz�rage Road'��est Vail.CC3 $1657 Re. ���il Tou�Cowcil requir�zne^i ror buffering at t�e J[�temariomal��'ir�g . De:xr Jay, Afrer revicr��irig�Ix info��on sub*n�tted by your ar�,�itecrs regaYdsn.g the huffe�m�becc��een c3edcti on the L�.iru �lopr c�frhe Intezr:a�ova.l��in�„stair i�as i�;4 f;.11�a^:ni Cozx�tnents: ei^n T�ie d;�tance�para�in;L�e decl:s is in.adequo`te at thzs time. St2ffbelie�es a bufFer of 22 fzz��S app:v;�riaie. Thi3 can bc accomp�ished�;��r.ai.utairii.�-��;h���sting d�cks in tizeir pz�sent ccu�fi�*��ion and reCucina the•vesEern er►d Qf;l�e��hou�e deck. i:!e con�e�t �f a p�aLt�r�TM�°�»t�he decls sl�culd conti��:e to IAe used. F'lease�ro�.-ide� s�ecific la�dsca}�e�3�i in tr°reti�is��ra�;'i:i�s indieatin�tl-,e szze and s�•'cies o?the p�ant rrz��erial. Ln�lud� ap�roxL�nately five e,•er�en�e�s in r.he p�antCr crC2 ada2CeIit t0 L��p���=ou�e. �1so inc:lude a descri�tiQn of h��,�� t�e area�vi�li be maintai�ied?n the a`urure. 5ta:�zs asswr�ssag•�-indwL conzis s'atic�rs fer Lr.e e�:i;�ing eo;>do*niniums w�ll nQt��e i�the reti^.sed c�-'a��in�s. Proti�de�eta.ils ze��tin��te eaet�aior equipmzm, I u.�dess`tand no inec}z2a�ical equi�+ment is required to be]a;ated an she r00f F�exrr'xpre,a!1�ent��c�n be acconr��i�ed v.•i�h duc[wo:�c vaat wi11 be�;3yli��ed�w�y:�i�n ait Cor�c�mini��nS, P3ease veri:y'. �'JwT��'f'S a ti2� P'FIOi FD�t1IIA 2CI1dIl OIl L�'1� I°C�LIZSt�deSl�Il 3��fOt'd�.'f}1��O�'il IT2L:ST:�C�T'���2��JI�':al fir;n:he o�ner of uae.area to be mod��ed,�hether t}us is an i.��d:�,��uai oq'��assc�eiation. Pr��:de T�h,e c�r.de�z�rut�n c3:.clai-atio�:r�1irh ap�:t�niate seaions hi�e�ted.i:.�.icating wh�17c�t�he autLe�it��to r� '_ •a G�"�1 Ctrm.mor�Elem:rt. I.nclude a l�er£�x�ti�is P�`�''-�-`���PPm''�i fQr a:+paopased R�ark. A.nott�r oa�on is,o tnot°e aIl proposed iir:�*at�er�erx�s vucside ar�v ezistiz�a GCE �r LCE. '�3�ank you�c�r yc�artenucn to 1�ese issues. Y���.�e inelw3ed the ccure�onclercti I 3�.ve zeceit-�l frnr3��erc�ste� �artaes far yt�r inform2tian_ I loak ron���d to re�l-�7z��this in t�e t3e�future. 5' cerely, ��� Andy udtse� S�c�Pianrzer Enc. u: Stsan r•oru�dly 7'am IV1oc�xhead • 3ob Mcl.gurr, ' F=e+-cry tv�c'sr.d;a.95,r ma•��ers�.L]7 �4�:�7'G:.SOPf3PE:9 # i • . Exhibit 11 . Letter from Abplanalg to Andy Knudtsen - �'ebruary 7 , 1996 LAW �OFFICES DUN (v ,�BPLANALP & CHRISTENSt�, P.C . ♦GROFESS�ONAL CORPOF.�.Ti^eN JOMN W, pUNN VAIL BANK BUIL�ING 'E�EP3�iOrtE: ARTHUp A. ABPLANALP,JR. SUITE 30(J 1�70�676-Q300 ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN DI�iVE L. HERhn.4N 148 SOUThi FRONTAGE RO:.0 WEST TELECOPrER: R. C. STEPFIENSON VAIt, COLORADO B 1 657 � �S'��d76-C766 --`-.—.'.. Ki=cN M. DUNN SPECIAL COUNSEL: CEpTiF:_LEGnL ASSISTANT JERFV W. HANNAN 7 February 1.996 Mr. Andy Knudtsen � Town of Vail � Department af Community Development � Vail CO � HAI�TD DELIVERED Re: International Wing - Lodge at Vail Dear Andy: We understand that there is in process , somewherc wa.tr?n the Tawn of Vail Department of Community De�;elopm�nt, consider���on of possible modi�ications af a plan for reconstructian c� the International Wing of the Lodge at Vail . The plan which is now under cansideration may be compri=ed of the two "floor plans" which were submitted to the Town on or about the 5th of January, but which were not nade available for public cirGUlation at that time . Those two p'��ns contemp�ated � roof , rather than terraces , be���reen the proposed penthause ard the condominiums , and had no relationship to the plans approved �y the Design Review Board and canditianally ap�roved by the Town Ccsncil . Whether or not these two plans com�_ise the proposal w::_ch is now under review, we unders�and from the de��eloper ' s attorne:�__ that th.e plan now under consideration apgaren�ly is intended to �caress the fact, which now seems to be un�.ve��ally accepted, th�� the proposal approved by th� Design Revie-n Baard and conditi�nally apgroved by the Town Council , with direc�ian to ir►crease a �•.:ffer, viaJ,ated the common eleme*�ts of the Lc�ae Apartment Conc�c u�nium AssaciatiQn. A new p1an, whate�rer tha` plan might be, app�_�nt�y is intended �.o elimina�e that violation oi praperty rights . The purpose of this let�er is to poi�:t out that any plar. which is a modification of the plan approved �v the Desigra Review Board and conditionally approve� by the To�;n Council has no- been appraved by either. �he Design Review �^ard a�praved a p1�- with terraces , k�ut which vialated the propertwr rights of the Condc�inium Association and the condominium owners . The direction fr�� the Town Council in early December was simp�y to incr�ase the �uffer � � be�ween the penthouse and the condominiums . If a plan has be�n submi.tted which eliminates the �iolation of the limited com�r►on elements , that is a new plan which has not been reviewed ar approved by either the Design Review Eoard or the Town Council . An such �an is ublic record, and we r� uest a co of that lan . We should also point out a difficulty with con�orm�ty with the 1983 agreement which has recently corr�e to our attention, We understand that the d�ve�oper is relying on the 1983 agreement with th� Town of Vail which it asserts pe_mits constructa.on of the proposed project . Documents which we have obtained, and which accompany this letter, establish that the agreement was pr�mised • upon repre�entations to the Town of Vail that the imprcvements wo�ld not extend so far in heigh� av the lower level of �he condominiums of the Lodge at Vail . This fact is established by the memorandum from Mr, Peterson of the lEth of May, 1983 , and the "three-dimensional layouts" referred to in the fina.I reference of the first page of that memorandum. InteYvening gages between that f�zst page and the layouts are not beinc supplied, in the interest of brevit�r, but they should be available in the Town ' s files . The layouts which accompan�ed the F�terson mernorandum clearly establish tha� the "Area of Expansion" �id not extend �ven to the top of the adjacent praperty owned by Lcage Properties , Inc . Only two floor levels exist at the Lodge at V��.l between the top af the International Wing and the botte�m of t~e condo�inium un�ts . The Peterson plans establish tha� the Town was to�.d that dev�?apment would occur only on the flooz lev�'_ immediately above the International Room, and that the expans_on would include an].y ane floor level . Ther�fore, even if t�e val��dity of the 1983 agreement is not an �ssue (which it obv�ously :s ) , the pre�ise c� that agreement, established b� this mater_al originating from the developer ' s attarney, establishes that d�sign review approva�. above thE �lnor level of the condominium unit= sho�l.d not have been and should not now be permitted, Had the current app�ication been consistent with the represen�ations made in 1983 , the projec� would never have generated the opposition whi�h has occurred. Finally, it must b2 observed that, �_th ��e acknowledge:�ent by the deve�oper that the plan approved by �:�e Desie�n Review �o��d was i�legal due to its appro�ria�ian and violata.on of' the common elements owned by the Loace Apartmc�r� Condominium owne_s and Associati.on, and the lapse of more t�an two years sinc� the adoption of the ordinance requiring iss�_anee of a building permit within two years of Planning and Enviror.�:ental Comsnission a�cproval of a zedevelopment project , the develoF=r is now well outs_de the time period permitted for developmer.� , without eve� a valid submittal to the Des.igz� Review Board. ?� new or alternati:�e plan can be cansidered only through a new F_C applicatiQn based upon some new, non-intrusive design. PEC a��rovaJ. having lapse�, any such new DRB appli�atic�n m�y not be val'dly considered . � � Your continued efforts and coopera�.ion in this matter a.z�� appreciated . _ - �'. � Very trui'x ours %� DUNN, ABF, ANAL� & , R . �NSEN, .C . � � ' 1 Arthur A. AbglanaY , Jr. xc : Mr. and Mrs . Jack Saltz _j . � � Mr•, r•� on ,� c� � uM T0: Larry Eskwith FROt•t: Jay K. Peterson DATC : I�1ay 18 , 1983 � : Lodye aL V�i�. • ' I'aets Prior to May 5 , 1970 , 4^lal �er J . Stalder, Jr. and Rc�ss E. Davis owned �he property descri�ed c�n the attc�hed l:xhiky�,t 11 ( °Total F't� rcel" } . The Total Parcel containC� 3 . 0423 acr�s . On �hlay 5 , 1970 , Stalder and Ds-�vis sUbrnitted a �ortion oF kl�e '1'ol.a1� i�arcel to titie Calorado Cc�nclom�nium 11ct . Tl��s portion i s clescril�ed or� tlie .��Lact�eci �xhihits F3 anc� C . 7"lie !tic_tli Wii�y I'��oL��rty corl <<�i��ec] . �,184 �-�ci-es ( "North Wing I'arce� - L:•:hibit f� } , '1'}lc :'�utl� ��lll�� ['�rcCl is the ��i.r si����� �lescribed o n t;.� a t t��t��d l?r.}li.l�it C ( "�c�utl� ��liny P�rce_ " } . 'I'he North Wing Parce: anc3 Souttz Wine� l�arcel const�tute a s�ngle Iyarcel ownec� by ttze Lc:ye 11�azt���ents Conclominium OwnErs and F�ssoeiation (Lodge �:�artments 1'arcel} . . �r�`/ � On 1'c�Ur.u�� ry 19 , 1971 , tl�e r.em�-�.i.ning �ropezt: ('!`otal lr,�rcel less �t�e Lo�lye Iluartments Purcel) w�s transfer__�,] tc� T ^-�••- I'rop�rties , Ir�c . ( �xhibit D) (7� .Tuly 1 , 1972 , Lodye Prc:perties , Ine . 3.ea_=�3 tc South , Inc . , For a period o� 65 yea�s , �� �ortion of t;.= Tot t'arce� f.ar ttie cons�ruction of �2 individuai clwelling �_;�its 7'liis {��rcel o � ].and is r3escribed on Cxliibit E ( "Lodge ��u�.h 1'ai-cel" ) . 7'Jie Lac3c�� Sc�utfi 1'Urcel c�ntainc�d . 3341 aez=_� . • � '�� � nll oC ' the �bav� occurrea �ri.or to the effe�__ve of the Town vf Vaii 7aning Ordin�ncG litniting density =� �5 ��Er acr� . . �t tlie �resent tinie Lodc�e Pro�er�ies , Inc. s__11 owns 2 . 08�3� acres of the Tnt�l F�arcel ( R�.:�airiinc� Total Parc__ ) . Loage 1'�o�erties , ��zc. construc�ed 52 accc�moaation un�ts w__:, a total - c�t 37 , 3A7 syu�re f�et of GRF1{ on thE 2 . OQ89 �cres . .- ' I . � . I.c,dcJ� Iarc�f�erties , Inc . prc?oses to canstruc� ��p �.0 42 � � .�cicJ� Lit.n�j ] �inils w� �liin t}lewr remaininc t;1�F�1 , �'�r y�r�ur c'c:�nvcniencQ, � h�:ve a �tached three-:_m�cnsional ��. 1��yo�;ts ;;1»wi��t; w1�r�L- ti-aris��iretl above . �: _��' � ,/\ ` 1'�� �. �, � � � � 1 ��� � . • � � : �� V � � �� ` �� � 0 � o � r --�• , � � ` . � � m � ti � '',� � l � • r , � . � . � kJ� ''�' , �`�� � � c� �,� ��,' + .,. _. .._..__�' . . ...__... .�-, h J � � •r � � . � y ��: � a Z � � . R �' � , � r � � . ; .� -�, � ,—� ,��(, � ,�; � � � � �� , � � , 1 � � � �. ` ` �� .� . � . 1 , � `��� . � • y-'�� � '�, � � � � .L��. r . ,� / � i-+�ar-aa a.�r.. n ! ' ,1� �,, ���� � � `� � Y� m � . _� .��� � . . .� � � , . r � �� ��`� \� ���� v � .� . . . ;�,�rti �, � ti � \ \'�� •M1``� 4 � I , � �. �� ! � j �'�� � ` '. f � � � \ \\ � �� � � . / � ,ti�: � , �, �. � f ����� � �`� �%. � � - -- ,, .`�� . . : / ��� �, j . � • � ���� �� r . ,�. �'\�,,` ,\� - ���� � � : �� � r-- _ , ,� .�. . • v � R� � , � �, �'� .;� � � � ��� ��� � � � � � � ��� � � � . / o° � �� ` � ---' n \ �,\ � � � . _ ,.- ��_ � / ,� -�.� ' '� �� ` � �` � f ° �, � � . ' � f`, � . ,�., f .— . . �� �ti `� . '�� . � � �• �� � ��� % ro t ' ,� � I p� � � � � � , � � � � �, �_, -� �, �. m r . (� � � � r � � � � � � . � ,� � � ��� �,, �,,�� � � - ��. : � . � � . Exhibit 12 . Letter from Andy Knudtsen to Jay Peterson - February 7 , 1996 � � �� ��LE ` . M�� ��� i Tor�v o� v�� � 75 Sou1h Fronta�e Road Deparrment of Cornmuniry Development Yai1, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138/479-2139 FAX 970-479-2�52 F����y a, 1996 � Mr. Jay F�terson . ��i�eststar Bank Building 108 S. FrontaQe Road �'��est � Va�l, Go�c�rada 81657 Re: Vail To«ln Council requ.irement for bufferi�� at the International ZT►Ting - Staff re«e� of propased chanaes subFnitted February 2, 1996. Dear Jay_ After rer-��tvvina the infarrnation submitted by your architects on Februar}�2, 1996, staff contimses to hav�the c.oncerns expres�ed in the lerter 7anuary 17, 1996. • Staff'beli�ves that a buffer af 22' is appropriate, particular�y on t�e north side of the Isternarional�'Ving, as tlaat is in the �.�cinity ofthe decks for Condorniniums ��.�3 and ,�527. , • 'Fhe cancept of a planter bett��een the decks sho�:ld continue to be uszd. �hat concept��-as e�.im,inated ��ith the February 2, 199b submittal. The�lanter area should be used, instead of a tesace, across th� area bet���een the decks. s Please pro��ide a specinc landscape plan in the re�-ised drac�vinas indicafiing the size and. sp�caes of the plant materiak. In,cFude a descriprion of how the area will be maintained in the firi�re. � S�iv that all venting and duct wark for the ele�rator can be day-�i3hted a���ay from all cafl.dom�.iums. Please pro��ide an explanation��erifying that#his is the case and that no other rnechanica� equiprnent��ill be lacated in�is area af�he proposa�. Thank yas for}�our attention to these issues. Sincer Iy, . c.� .L��-�-----_. Andy Kn�d sen Senior P er V �t: s��co��a� To�?�9oor3�cad Bob A9cLztui7 F:c veryon e'an d}'�96�en er�ers a�.207 �� xEercct�nr,,PeR � � . Exhibit 13 . Letter from Town Attorney to Abplanalp - February 15, 1996 .._� _ -� ---- -- - _-� � : �� � � ------ � ' �/i3-��'9 � . �. ��� '�'�G �•G�_� ��� ��i� r ��1'L r��Jl'� , V�" � ��� � � � � ��.�r� � � � _� ��. ��� w�. � � � � ��h ��� `s¢ � - ��� J� �s ¢� ,� � �r� p� �`� , • � �� s ��� �� � � � � �� ,� � ��� � �/� � �,,° �a ��. d � � ��' �-� � � �- �- �.�.,� �. ��� � � � - � �� ,,�- �..�.�;w � � � � ,�r�t� �s �.�. �,,��-�. � � � � r �� � ��-� � � � � � -�� r���4, , Y s Z � �`�- .^�r,i- `.ec�'�.,rti crr- �C � �'!���7 �� a'L`c!' �c�. /� • � �/ .��.�. ��dj o,,c `�-.a-� G�-�� -�-�� �:� , ,� 2, d � _ 1 �.s � -� tl�'Z /V� �.�.�� - 3 s�. �.r-�c. .� �...�.. �.�._-�� , �� � �--�- .�.�-,--r., � ��.,� �� �,� ,�-er-�� �� ��.� c✓�-� v� � c� �-�- c�"`'� . ,.��,�r��- � ; ; i �� �� � �� �E � , I i t _ _ f � � �� u., `� � �� a�i�,/��� {�..�.�.�.•o,..�. �.�.�� � � � �'.u.� (l�-:r �..�-�� e��.�..� �. ��3 �`� � ,d`�� �,�-� � �- ��� . � �,.�. �� �� , .� �,� g��e. �,�__�__�� �. �'�- � �.�,� ��- ,� � a- �.�.�,��� ,�..� �u,�,�. ,� �,c�-¢►� �.,�., � ���, � r� �v � �'� �� �� �� d�, �'�..� �..� 1 U',�,�f �',� 4���- i� . � ��',Z ,� ��- ,3 � 1�.�,� -�-�' � r.�^'t�et Q-G �-d1'rtffLs-�� �++L. �-e�C . � . ���_ " ! �/ � / � `�'��•-�r �j rn 'v -- ( . � - � � � . , • ` /� � +� �3 ����Q tC _� . _. �� .1� ,��-�� ��I ,�K� �n�l� w� � `�,C� �.. � �'� � ,�, � �-� �� � ��, r ga �c �°— . �i, `I°S� � 3 7 Z, 4 z,f•�� o JUv ��s ��, � � ��s , i. � � - {; I. ;:i �� ��>� � � ��� � �� �� � t� � � ��i �� __ ,; _ ; ; . :� _ _ _ - .;� i _ _ _ �.; - , �--� '1 - � , i � • �� �o u�r o� �ArL 75 South Frantage Road O�ce of tl�e 7'own AttorrTey va�l, Colorado $1bS7 970-�179-2107/Fax 470-479-2157 --� � � � ll� � � �'ebruar}� 1�, 1996 � r 5� HAND DELIVERED -���� fi�rt!:ur :?. A,!�p?�:u?r. Jr., F���,;rP Dunn, Abplanalp & Christensen, P.C. l08 S. Frontaa� Raad. Suite 30a Vail, CO $1657 Re: International ti'�%ina - Loc��e at 1�'aii Dear Art: � I am writinQ in response to your correspandence of Februar�- 7, 1996 to Andy Knudtsen. I would first like to address the public rev�ew of tl�e International 4��in; - Lod�e at Vail file. As I am sure you are �ware. our obliQation to provide access to pa�blic rec�rds is tempered by the active �e of that record. As I am also sure you are aware since �rour la�v frm is involved in the liti�atio�, this file is presently in active use extensi��elv and is therefore not available for puolic revie«�at those times that it is in use. V�%e ha��e presentl�� completed the filin� of the Dzsignated Record and an inde� of that Record is available at ��our office. I su�aest that any revier�� of that documentation take pIace at the District Court. Any plans, documents. correspondence ar other nnatters that deal «�ith the developrraent o�the site "u; vru.'�.S?G� I(1 t�ie �il;CTatinn an!� ;5f1CY_^�ai� t�P t�!:n�c* rl'F T}^.? T'arnr•.�l '•l'ii, tiJ° `�'.�::1nL'1� v: t.::.4'i�:� -- -- -- r - - - - inspection in a file in the To�;�n .4ttame��'s of�ice. Appoin�ments can be made ta re��i.��� such documentation throu�h Anne �'riQht. The Town ot Vail has not reached the conclusions. nor de �ve feel it is necessar� to re��h such conclusions, t�1at��ou have represented in ��our correspond�r.ce as "uni��ersally accepted�� in re<,a�d to the viol�tion of property ri�hts andlor conformitv w�ith th: 1983 Agreement. Your position that the �'EC approval has laps�d due to a recent adoption of an ordinan�z is not consistent u�ith the staff interpretation that has been heid since the adoption of the ordinance that such ordinance would not intzrfere with previousl�� granted PEC a�provals for exterior altzratian. �� R6'C'YCLEU PA}'ER � � �,5 far, any proposed chan�es to the de�lelopznent plan are subject to staff re��ie�v pursuant to the 'awn Counci� direction that was given at the time of their review of the Desi�n R�eview Baard approval. Very truly yours, ��'� � _ R. Thamas Moorhead � Town Attomey RTM/aw . � � . Exhibi� 14 . Lett�r fXOm Jay Peterson to Andy Knudtsen - February 15 , 1996 � � . $A,IL�EY, G $�, PETERSON A�ROFE55I0.\ALC.OF2PC3c2'�TION A'1':'tl![i�t:YD AT LASV L�ICOL'1 CE`7ER VAII.IdAI'IOI�.IL EA.TiFS BLDG. 168D F.�COiJ�9TFii'E?.SL77'E 81;3 108$4VI�i�01"'��a£r�OAA W'�6T,SL:ITE S07 DE��'GR.COLOILtiDO 30Q0� `VALL.COLO+�J�IIO 4+Cb7 TII.EPHO?�E(9A�)8.7;•1B80 �I.EPfiO.ti'E 1305;S76•Db�: r�wi:aLltII.L�su�i�Ji�o�� FwC9FMII.�{oo�)4-6�o�e7. Fcb=ua;}- la, 1996 Mr. Andy �Cnu�t,cn VIA F�.X NO. 97 0-:7 9-2 4 5� S�nior Pl�nner, Tokn cf� Vail 75 �outh Frontaa� Road Vail, Cnlorad� 81657 RE: Lod�e at �'a11 �r.�e,r.ational S;°irqjTe_race Landscap�ng Dear Andy: . In r��Tiewing your lEt:.�.� ca�sc. F��x'uary 7, 1595, c�lh�c:� I receivea on �rLzuai'y _� , 15�6 , Lh� f�lla:+�r.g ��c r.�•�� cc:a�ents: , 1. The dls��:�c:e ��L+•ec�i L1:C cx::�ti]1�� i3c�:.k5 �7�3 our terrace �s, �t � . minir-�um, 19 feet an� i_^. ^',�st cas�s exceeds ycu~ ze���st a� 22 feet. The a^ea khe_e t�•a s���_�L��ri i� 19 �� zo L��t is s�ntply a plante� se?~✓�ce ��ea, in o_der t�_a� we may ��cess t:.e Iar.�scape3 area for IT�d1T�Et7dt;.E pU:�CSeS �.�i�.?7�L'�. �:dlkln� i:l til� ��atiLe= ds�a . WiLl�u�l. this aCCeSS �re_ r�a:intzr,ance cf the 13t'dSC�D1.:]g �n t?:e nor±h siGe wculd be very airr:.c�'_`. � , � z:�, unclear c` your cor.cern in yc:�- secon�d F�in� i� �that d la^.�srare �uF�eY =Yea re::��i_.� A�twaen the ae�ks o� L�dge Ap�xtm�nL and o�:r t':�Y� I:��°__:.��icnal .winq. 1� la ir.�D055Z�'�!e t� �xlaand t'�e land�cape� are� a=i tne :aa� over t�e Lodge ��artm�n�s as th� curre;,� p?an s',:cr:s t:�e landscaped Gr�a ove� a s�ructur�.l r�ail car=Ying �he 1cGa �11 t:�:e way down t:rcu�� the b�:=la�ny . ; . I b�liave She�:. i.-= . _ �e�s fcr�?� th� r:.anti*�g rate=_al �nd t?:e e�ze and the swzcie� c_ �:� :'_��:;. :��ate�i=_:. . it a_so sF�cifies t:nat tt'��t � a.�ea wi�� �e r:�'�_,_??neu �}' Lodge :�:o�:er�.ies, I:,c . �r,� ,at t:e C�n�aM ' � TM A�=_cciatio:-:. , 4 . Sheet A-4 . ; sho�•.s t^� e"��vator ven� zacing °_as� and away fror� Lodce Apa�� :�t Cfl;�r3c-�i�iu:�=_ . .:o oth�r E?evator vent is $he�`n nor is fu�:er wer�tinc �:eGessary. T?�ere ;s no fltre= meca-:�nical BCL11bi,18ri� �h�� will :�� �oc��cd in �a�s area. 3vc v�ntir.g or �act �crk fo� t3:e ' e?evato� wi11 be daylig::�ted to*�r��d Lodge ��artmen�. Ccndc:�ir.iums . � � Hr. 1Lndy Y.nudtEen VTA F:►X N�. 97�-G79-?.d57 Senlo�' Planne�, To�+�n p= ���i I'ei�7ruar�' 15 , 19�o Page 2 I�' �ou hav� a�Zy c�vesticns = .tculd atiprecia�e a p:o�pt t��cphonc call , as I wouZd Tike to receive fina� a�prcvai fcr our landscaping �lan. Sincere?y, � � r an �'K u • - � . Exhibi't 15 . Memoz�andum from Architect to Gornmunity Development - floor plans and cross sections - Feb. 19, 1996 �trir�to� Hi�U J-I��UI.lH1 �.` Il�tl,. P.O. Box 1976 ��� ��� r� � � ° Lti�U�.1������ 0048 E. $eaver Creek �ivd, Suit�3 AV4N, COLQRRDQ 81620 (970) 949•0257 oA-� �� I � � � �os No. q Sg I o�I l ( FAX (970) 949•1Q80 �rrErJrioN � �� � = � so TO —i~ RE: � Gt�u v� C� , 'V'✓lU � (�2V�i t��.�— �vt �,z e��� 1�'�.� v� `;=��` �lr'Y�'2r.�C� 1 �, �� ;�=��-:--�t Y: - --:; , , ��� . �.� ��;� `�_ .- - I � �' `��•+ _ LT ,�_„ WE ARE SENDING YOU �Attached 0 Under separate cover via Y+e�^'^1 ' �'Ihe iollowing+tems;_„s, , !� ��yj i :�-°r i ':.:-F C S hop drawings � Prin ts ❑ P lans ❑ S a m p l e s���`��O'S p e c i f r[a t i o n s=� `• C Copy of letter ❑ Change order � COPIES I DATE I NO. DESCR�PTIOh! Z. Z' I!��! �• I •I �4-'f•Z /� • � �r �-f'� -' l� � � `o v�s 6 9 '� • �v �c I I � 1 � � I ► I i - i � THESE ARE TRANSMITTE� as ct�ecked below: For zpproval � Approved as submitted ❑ Resubmit copies for approual ' For your use � Approved as noted � Submit copies for distribution = As rEquested � Returned for corrections L, Return carrected prints _ For rev�ew and comment O � = FOR BIDS DUE 19 � PRI�iV7S RETURNED AF7ER LOAN TO l�S REMARKS CQPY TO � ��1 � � � ,� 1 .. `1 C,.1��t�, . ��, �� � I 1'1 � �-��,.,�-, / � � . Exhibit 16 . Sheet A� . 1 dated 2/16/96- mi�sing Explanatian by the Town Attorney - "The several iterations af a design before one is subrnit�ed which is acceptable to the Town and the applicant are not saved ox maintained as part of the record as they are na longer relevant and wou].d complicate the record. " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibzt 32 below. ! ! . . Exhibit 17 . Sheet A4 . 1 dated 2/�.6✓96- missing Explanation of Town Attorney - "The several iterations of a design befoXe one is submitted which is acceptab].e to the Town and the applicant are not sa�red or maintaS.ned as part of the record as they are no longex relevant and would comp�icate the record. " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 belaw. � � . �xhibit I6 . Sheet A4 . 2 dated 2/16/96- missing Explanation of Town Attorney - The several iterations of a design ,� before one is submitted which is acc�eptable to the Town and the apglicant are not saved or maintained as part of the record a� they are na langer relevant and would complicate th� record. " Letter to AbpJ.analp, Exhibit 32 below. � � . Exhibit 19 . Sheet A4 . 3 dated 2/16/96- missing Explanation of Z`own Attaz'ney � "The several iterations of a design before one is submitted which is acce�table to the Town and the applicant are not saved or maintai,ned as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the record. "' Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. � � . Exhibit 20 . Sheet A4 . 4 dated 2/16/96- missing �xplanation of Town Attorney The saveral iterations of a d�sa.gn before one is submitted which 1is accegtable to the Town and the applicant are not saved or maintained as part of the record as they are no longer relevant and would complicate the record. " Lettez �.o Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. � � . Exhibit 21 . Memarandum from Architect to Community Development - floor plans and rooftop planter section - Feb. 26 , 1996 � .... , v `._ ..+ �. . �. � u ...�–_.��.i�.'.Jt:� ' :9 L!:.=.:- D0,3 E. Be�,�er Creek Blvd. `e 303 -- AVON, C�LORADO 816. � DATE J0=N�. I (970) 949-4257 � " � ' � � r'D�•d �A7� (97p) 949-1Q8� ATTENTION � � �O RE: To V� � �� —" VY�Ut�l E .�- r� •��a ` ,��.-�--�.a�� �.► � � 1 `��-��� `� �_.. a '-+.�\ �.�v t��� .- _ ' ' ��� `, �-� - � �� � T,�� .� ._ . ��� , _ - ,.. V�,!E ARE S=!�lGING YOU �A:�ached T Under seaarzte c�ver via (�� � "�'1� the folio:+•i^,g i4ems: > - � Shop cr���•:ings �Prints C Plans � Samples L Spec;'ications ' _� Copy of le:�er � Chznge orcfer ` I COPIES � DATE �I I IvO. i ', �ESCRIPTION I 2' l(� G �(� I I �2� 1,�i �� c� --i-c�'�2re rv�-� �� -�-�,•-- �' ! � � �/�-�• 2— f �E'G `� °i " I� i � I i ! I I ' i � ; r ' � I � ! I i I � � I Tr�S� AF� iKANSIL^li`+�D zs Chevked belo�,�. �For o��rovol = Apprved zs subm�;,ed Ci Resubmit ccc:�s `ar apprc•:21 �For yc;:� use � Apprc�ed as nc'e� �� S.:�mit coR�e� �or ds:rib::::�r+ � = A5 re^,:=_s:ed _ Re:...-e� for correct�ons :� F=_,.'n cer;ec.== prints ; For re::ew and carr�men; ❑ = FOR �:_5 �JUE 1� = PRIr�'T5 �ETUR�'�� �_�ER L=�': TO US -�.'.4AP,KS ===" TG � �c,,' '/�T��"� �y1, p �YL, ��--�.e.��"------- � � . Exhibit 22 . 5heet A1 . 1 dated 2/16/96- missing Explanation af Town Attorney - The several iterations of a design before one is submitted which is acceptable to the Town and th� � applicant are not saved ar maintaiz�ed as part of the recarc� as they are no longer relevant and wouZd camplicate the record. " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. ! i . Exhibit 23 . Sheet A� . 2 dated 2/16/96- missing �xplanation of Tawn Attorney - "The several iterations of a design before one is submitted which is acceptable to ths Town and the app�icant are not saved or maintained as part af the recard as they are no langer relevant and would complicate the record. " Letter to Abplanalp, Exhibit 32 below. � • . Exhibit 24 . Memorandum from Architec� to Community D�velopment - transmitting roof plan and roof/plan'ter section - March 6 , 1496 LtliftL' IV H�� U HJJUI.INI CJ ��al,� P.t�. Elox l�� � � ��r ��� c,,��–�--,I�,� ��r�,r�����,�� D0�8 E. Beaver Creek BI��Su��� 3Q3 ����'' `J� U �"�' ' J� � �'�''— AV�N, COLOR�,DO 81b20 (303) 949•0257 cAr� � _� ,� ,oeho. � 1..T���. � FAK (303) 944-1080 J,7'TEhTION �, , , vl�CL t.-, TO l � YC� � ` r Yv�1��LV�f RE: D � �"° �" �� °` ! � — � �,�►��.�i c���l. vUr � �� � � Ih'E ARE SENqING YC7U �Arached ❑ Under separate tover via _ � � @� the tollowing items: > • ❑ 5hop drawi�gs ❑ Frints • � Plans Q Samples � ❑ Specifications ❑ Copy oi le«er ❑ Change order C C�PIES ! DATE I SCR�PTION 2 3'('ft� �E. 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