HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL WING 1992 EXPANSION BACKGROUND PART 1 OF 2 LEGAL7 This background information was compiled in the spring of 1992, relating to the proposed expAnsion of the International Wing The Lodge at Vail. at \ K['.,! Arr1 b lvvc KAts14^/ '-gptiV,r RECflVE0 ApR - t ggKoAf[ ,'. ;l,l,.H--rN THE r.JNrrED srares-plshnrcr coupr FoR THE DIsrRIcr oF coLoRADo " cn'r aqour ifAR 3 01992 Gvil Action No. 89 N 1098 J{MEg R. iTANSPAKEF LODGE TOWER COI{DOMINIUM ASSOCI.ATION ANd TOWN "ilil RECOMMENDATION OF IJNNED STATES II{AGISTRATE JUDGE Plaintiffs'I-odge Tower Condominium (todge Tower) and the Town of Vail (Vait) commenced this action seeking to in'ralidate a land exchange between the United States and western land Exchange company (western), acting on behalf of lodgc properties, Ine (IfI). The dcfendants are oayton yeutrer, Sccreary of thc u.S. Deparment of Agriculture (USDA), F. Dale Robertson, Chief of thc US. Forest Service, Manual Luj"n, Secretary of the US. Department of thc Interior (Interior), Gary C-argill, Regional Forester and Neil Morclg State Director of the Bureau of l-and Managemcnt (BLM) (rcfcrrcd to collectivety as the Tederat Defendans), LPI and Western (refened to collectively as the '?rivate Defendants"). The Private Defendants have moved to dismiss and for summary judgmenr Both the Plaintiffs and the Federal Defendants have filed motions for partial Plaintifiq v. LODGE PROPERTIES, INC; WESTERN I-Al.iD Excx{ANGE coMpAl{y; cLq,yroNYEUTTE& SECRETARI I.JNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OT ECNTCI.TTN EF. DALE ROBERTSON CHIEF, UNITED STATES FOREST SpnUCt; N,tAIrLidLUJAI{, JR., SECRETARY, UNITED STATES DEPARTME}N OF TI{E iTTEiKiE _Gld\RI_E _CARGIIr, RS6IONAL FORESTER, ROCICY MOUNTAIN RECION,uNrrED srArEs FOREST SERvrcE NEL l_Mgncri srere DRicroiiBUREAU OF I.AI.ID NIANAGEMENT, TINITED STATES OiBANNTENT OF T}GTNTERTO& Defendants. summary judgment. On January 8t lgg1a Spccial Order of Reference was signed by united States District Judge Edward w. Nottingfam punuant to 28 u.S.c $ 636(1)@) and Rule 603 of the Lncal Rules of Practice refening tbese motions to me for a proposed recommendatioD as to disposition. For the reasons contained heren, it is my recommendation that the motions of the Federal Defendants and the Plaintift be granted in part and denied in pa.r I further recornrnend that the motion of the Private pgfgndants be denicd"l I. TI{E FACTS The land at issue comprises 2.07 acres, known as the lodge Parcel, situated in the Town of Vail and formerly owned by the United States Forestry Service. On June 26,lggg, the United States exchanged this land fili 385.81 acres of wilderness property in a tbree-uny transaction involving the United Stateq Western, and a third party.2 A overvien, of the events, particularly the administrative process preceding the tand exqhange, is necesary for a full undentanding of the issues presented by the various motions. A The First Decision to Bchange and Environmental Assessment I The parties have submitted voluminous briefg as well as supporting documents. After oramining the briefs, the supporting documentation, and ttre administrative record,I hara determined that oral argument would not materiatly assist in resolving the issues prEsented. ' -JI9 land acquired by the United States consisted of private inholdinp 1t 16s Fqgles Nest Wilderness (the Wilderness Parcel). LPI obtained an option to purchase -tbe Wilderncss Parccl from Janice Stcrrett and Vaterie Olsen. In a three-way ilosing out of escroq the Private Defendants paid Sterrett and Olsen for the Wilderness Parie! the United States issued a patenr to western for the Indge parcef and LpI coweyed the Wilderness Parcel to the United States ln late 1983, the Forest Scrvice proposcd a multi-parcel land exchange to which LpI, through is agent westerq respondcd-' (vol I, p. 4).' In December of 19g3, the Forest Supervisor notified thc Boards of County Commissioncn in those counties affeaed by thc proposed exchange. (vol. 1, p. 60). on January 6 {n4,the Forest Supervisor isnued a Notice of Publication describing thc areas and terms of thc proposed cxchange. (vot I, p. e5). On January 11, 1984, the Torn of Varl, througb Paul K Stricklan4lodged an initial objection to thc proposed exchange. (vol. I, p. 75). Orcr the next several months the Mayor of Vail as well as dozens of Vail residents wrote to the Forest Service expressing concerns over and objections to the proposcd orchange. (VoL tr, pp.7-159, vol. vII, pp. 120-154 168). On January 31, 1986, the Rcgional Forester is$ed hir first Decision Notice (DN(l)) regarding the land exchange proposal. DN(l) inctudcd a finding of no significant em'irnmental impact (FONSD based upon an Environmental Asscssment @A), conducted in November, 19&4. (vol. wt p. 1). on March 7, !98f', vait appeated the FONSI. (vol. vII, p. 9). Thereafter, on lvlarch 13 and 14, 1986, other Notices of Appcat were filed by a 3 As originally proposed the cxchange between the Forcst Servicc and Westcrn included a larger Lodgc Parcel than the one finally conveyed, as well as an additional parcel, known as Spraddle Creek, which uras not included in the final transaction . Ad. Rei Vol. tr, p. 1. ' Citations to the administrative rccord will be by volumc and p-age (V. _, p. J. For rez$olut not disclosed by the file, the pagination of the administrative record was accomplished in reverse order. As a result, the initial page of each document has a higher page number than later pagcs of the same documenl citizens'group, as well as by Emmett Mossman and David Cooper (vol. vII, pp.z+32). The appellants submitted a lengthy Statement of Reasons in support of their appeals; appended letters from town of6cials, residents and property owne$; and attached a petition with over 1100 signatures of individuals protesting the proposed orchange. On May 19, 1986, the Deputy Regional Forcster issued a statemcnt indicating that the Novembcr, 1984 EA might have been deficient As a result, the DN(l) was withdrawrt thereby mooting the pending appeals. (Vol. vI[ p. 309). A supplement to rhe original EA was ordered. (Vol. VII, p.310). B. The Second Decision Notice PN(2)) and Appeal On June 19, 1986, a new Decision Notice and FONSI were issued by the Regional Forester. (Vol. I, p. 173). DN(2) also contained a finding that the exchange was in the public inrcrest, as required by 43 U.S.C $ 1716. The accomparying revised EA included discussions of the proposed exchange, alternatives to the proposed exchange, and public interest e\Eluations for each alternative. (Vol. V[ p. 110). In discussing the first altemative, which involved a conveyancc of the Lodge Parcel to the Private Defendants, the EA assumed that the most probable use of the property would be for the addition of 1fr) hotel rooms to the I-odge at Vail. (Vol. VL p. 9i). The EA noted that this assumed use would provide a significant positive benefit to the economy and tax base of Vail. (vol. u, p. 91). 'On July 2& 1986, Mossman, C.ooper, and Vail appealed DN(2) and the EA (Vol. V[ pp. 11&167). The parties to the appeal were pcrmitted to make-oral statements at the ofEces of the Associatc Deputy Chief of thc uS$.r (vot v[ pp. zfl , 2g). Thereaftcr, on April 29, 7987, the Chief of the Forest Scrvice rcmanded the matter to thc Regional Forester. (Vol. ! p. 176). In essence, the Chicf concluded that he had no basis for rwiewing cither DN(2) or the EA becausc no appraisal had been made of the tands involved in the proposed exchangc. (Vol.VI, p.301). C The Aopraisal Process. the Third Decision Notice @N(3)). and Appeal The land subject to the exchange was appraised (vol. v, p.z$. Thc appraisat of the 2+ acre lodge Parcel noted that the existing zoning I Vail was for open space. Nevertheless, the appraiser assumed that the most feasible use of the parcel would be for recreational residential purposes. (Vol. V, p.%Q. As a result, the valuation of the l-odge Parccl was predicated upon development of onc single family rcsidence (thc highcst and best use permissible under the zoning which the appraiscr determincd to bc Eost probable once the land was placed in private hands). (vot v, pp. 25G51).' DN(3) was issued on September 17,7!n7. Based on thc 1986 EA DN(3) concluded that thc cxchange would bc 5 Decisions made by Forcst Supewisors are appcaled to the Regional Forester; decisions made by the Regional Forester arc appealed to the Chicf of the Forest Serrrice; and decisions of the Chief of the Forest Scrvice rray bc appealcd to the Sectctary of Agriculture. Reviewby the Secretary is wholly discrctionary an4 if not qpccificatly acccped for rwiew by the secretary within rcn dap of filing, the chiefs decision becomcs final 36 cFR $ 211.18(D(4). ' The Forest Service Appraisat Handbook 6bu soo.r2 $ L141)) requires tbat appraisen determine fair market nalue of land as jf printely orvied inespectira of its present ornenhip. Although Vailt zoning for Forest Scrvice land nas open spacg thc appraiser concluded that in private handg the zoning would be upgraded to permit somc t'?e economic utilization 5 in the public interest and found that it would not have a significant environmental impacr (Vol. I pp. 182-187). Appeals were again taken by Vail Mosman, Cooper, and L,odge Tower, the latter requesting intervenor status. (Vol. V pp. 14, 1&15, and 299-303). The appeals raised numerous issues, including alleged deficiencies in the EA the FONSI and the appraisal. On June 16, 1988, the Chief of the Forest Service upheld DN(3) on all issues except the validity of appraisal, and remanded the to the Regional Forester for the linited purpose of reappraisal. (Vol. I, p. 189). The Chiefs instructions upon remand were to reappraise the Lodge Parcel as if it were zoned "the same as existing and/or potential zoning of nearby similar or adjoining private properties." (Vol. I, p. 189). A subsequent appraisal r"as compieted on November 1, 198& (Vol. tr, p. 347). The appraiser concluded that, although the surrounding properties were commercially zoned the highest and best use for the Lodge Parcel under the most pmbable zoning applicable if the ProPerty were in private hands. would be for one, or perhaps two, residential homesites.' (VoL II, p. 357). The appraisal valued the L07 acre parcel at $915,000.r The appraiser cited political legal and economic infeasibility of upzoning including incompatible adjacent land useg physrcal constraints of the site and political opposition to developmenl (Vol. II, p. 357). Additionally, the appraiser cited two recent hiled attempts to simply subdivide property for single family use. (Vol. II, p. 356). t Vail submitted an appraisal rcport prepared by an independcnt appraiscr who concluded that the LM acre parcel had an estimated value of $4263,000 based on a highest and best use of 37 condominium units averaging 1,5fi) square'feEt per unit. The vas! difference in naluation between Vail's appraiser and the Forest Service appraiser was cleady due to a divergence of opinion regarding the zoning issue. Vail's appraiser took the Chiefs instructions literally, and appraised the propery as if it were zoned commercially. On the D. The Final Decision Notice (DN(4)) and Appeal On November & 198& yet another decision notice and FONSI wcre issucd by thc Regional Forester. (Vol. I,, p. Da). Unlike previous versions, DN(4) addressed the matter of public access on the existing Mill Creek Road. While reserving a perpetual easement in the pateng DN(4) fuither provided that'Indge Properticg Inc, shall have the rigtrt to relocate said access easements at thc lndgc's sole cxpensc, provided such relocation does not interfere with use of the road by the United states or the public.' (vol. I p. 193). It was specifically noted in DN(4) that the Lodge Parcel had been reduced from 2J acres to L07 acres. DN(4) made no mention of the fact that the development assumptions in the 1986 EA were inconsistent with the development assumptions utilized by the Forest Service's appraiser in naluing the l-odge Parcel. Administrative appeals to the Chief of the ForestService were filed byl-odgc Tower, Vail, and Mossman, and Western was granted leave to interrane. In additioq Iodge Towcr requested a stay of the decision pending appeal. (Vot M p. 8). On December ?Z lW the Reviewing OfEcer (the Associate Dcputy Chief) granted a stan indicating that deeds or patents should not be exchanged until the Forest Service ruled on the merits of the appcat. (Vol. M p. 23). Prior appeals had resolved all manen cxcept thc adequacy of thc reappraisal. with respect to this remaining issue, bNl+1 suted: 'The approred appraisals other hand, the Forest Service appraiser took into account Vail's zoning history and thc town's attitude toward development of the lrdge Parcel in arrMng at his opinion that thc most probable zoning of the property in private hands would be primary/secondary residential. meet the rcquirements of law, policy, thc Chiefs remand order, and the appraisal instructions which were concurred in by the Ctrief.n 6vol. I, p. 193). on June 16 1989, tbe reviewing of6cer affirmed DN(4). (Vol. M p.607). On Junc ?5,7989, thc acting Assistant Secretary of Agriculture deterurined not review the matter. (Vol. It p. aB). E. The exchange orocess Forest Service, the Defendants were taking steps to insure that the exchange would ctose on an expedited basis if the appeal proce$ concluded favorably to them. On May 3Q 1989, the Forest Service, LPI and the third-party owners of the Wilderness Parcel executed escrow instnrctions. These instructions required that all documents and monies necessary to close the exchange would be held in escroly by a title company.' (VoL I, pp. 13+38). Furthcr, and notwithstanding the pendency of the appeaf on June ltg$g,the Regional Director of Iands for the Forest Service reguested the BLM to issue a patent for the l"odge Parce[ certifying tbat the cxchange met the rcquiremenc of law and regulations. (Vol. L pp. 295- e7). On June 26, L9{39, and within minutes of receMng the notification that the Secretary had declined review, the closing out of essrow occured, and the title doorments were recorded" By the time Plaintiffs filed this action, approximately ten minutes after the recording ofthe deeds and patents, the status quo ante had already been altered thereby ' A cash equalization payment of $145,000 was paid ro the Forest Service by LPI in order to balance the value amount of the 2.07 acre parcel with the 385 acres of wilderness acreage being exchanged. (Vol. l, p.296). effectively mooting Plaintiffs' Motion for a Temporary Resnaining Order filed along with their complainr TI. THE EEDERAL DEFEI{DANTS'MOTION FOR SUMIVTARY JI,DGMENT A Proprieqv of Summary Judgmcnt Before delving into the merits of the Plaintife' Motion for Partial grrmmsly Judgment, the Court must first consider the propriety of summary judgment a1 thic s6gg ef the proceedingp. While it would appear that suis for judicial rwiew under the Administrative Procedure Act based upon an administratira record would readily lend themselves to resolution on motions for summary judgment, therc arc indications in the decisions of the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit leading to a contrary conclusion. E.9.. Heber Vallqv Milk Co. v. Butz 503 F2d 96 (10th Cit.1974); Nickol v. United States. 501 F.2d 1389 (1fth Ct.1g74). These decisions suggest that when a court rEviews an administrative record to determine whether the agency's decision is supported by substantial evidence, thc court must entcr findings of faa an4 thus, summary judgment may bc inappropriate. I:ter cases have read Heber and Nickol as not precluding surnmaty judgrnent in administrative rcrriew cases, but rather as simply requiring tlnt the hiat court explain ie decision in sufficient detail to permit appellate rwiew. Eg- Hallcnbeck v. Kleppe. 590 F.zd 852 (1fth cir. 1979); Hill v. Morton. 5E F2d 327 (t}th cir. 1975).,0 I have fully reviewed the administrative record in this case, and my Recommendation !0 It should also be noted that Nickol and Hill invofued review under a "substantial evidence" standard. As discussed more fully in the tort jg1@ the appropriate standard for review here is whether the agency's action was narbitrary and capricious.n will outlne in detail the factual support in the record for cach of my conclusions. I have further determined that the the issues raised by the cross motions for summary judgment and ry the motion to dismiss can be ;esolved as a Eoatter of law by a review of the administrative record, without further judicial proceedingp. As a result, is appears to be of little consequence whether my recommended disposition is deemcd to be punuant Rulc 56 or is considered to be a non-Rule 56 determination based upon an examination and rwiew of the agenry record. B. The First Oaim for Relief flhe Forest Service's Finding of Public Interest under FLPMA) Both the General Exchange Act, 16 U.S.C. $ 485 and FLFlrdA 43 U.S.C $ i716(a) permit the Secretary of Agriculture to exchange lands in national forests upon a determination that the exchange will sewe and benefit the public interesl Additionatly, FLPI\4A mandates that in considering the public interes! the Secretary shatl give full consideration to nbetter Federal land management and the needs of State and local people, including needs for lands for the economy, community.expansion, recreation areaq food fiber, mineralg and fish and wildlife . . .' 43 u.S.c g 1716(a).tt The Plaintiffs'fint claim for relief asserts that (a) the Secretary's decision to enter into the exchange is not in the public interesq and (b) the Secretary improperly applied the criteria identified in Section 1716(a). The Federal Defendants have moved for summary judgment on this claim on the _ !r $imilsl "public interest" type findinp are required under 43-US.C $ 1716(b) (the Secretary must find that thc Federal tand is "propeifor transfer out of Federal omership : . .:)r and 36 C.F.R. $ 25a3(a)(1)(iv)(he parcel must be nsuitable for elimination from the NIFS."). 10 Founds that (a) the complaint fails to state a claim for retiet p) Plaintiffs' failed to adequately raise the issue of public intcrest in the administrative proceedingis; (c) thc .Secretary's public intcrest determination is not rwiewable; and (d) even if reviewable, thc Secrctary's decision was not arbitrary and capricious. The fint staim for relief in Ptaintift' first amended and supplemental comptaint alleges that the land exchange here in question is not in the pubtic interesg and that the Lodge Parcel is not proper for transfer out of fedcral oyncrship. Paragraph 45 of the first amended and supplemental complaint contains a summary of facton supporting thc Plaintiffs'position. In addition, a lenghy statemcnt of facts, contained in paragraptrs 1,t-39, is incorporated by referenc€ into the first claim for relief and discusses the Federal Defendants' decision to cxchangc the Indge Parcel for thc Wilderness Parcel. (Complain! paragraph 26(a)-(g)). Thc government asserts that these allegations.are inadcquate because they do not sufEciently speo$ the reasons why the rctcntion of the lndgc Parccl in federal ownenhip would better promote the public interesl of course, F"R"CP. g(axz) merely requires a short and plain statement of a pany's claim for relief, Altegations pass Duster if they givc the opposing party fair notice of the clairn and permit bi- to prepare a resporxive pleading Runyan v. united Brotherhood of carpenters 566 F. Supp. 600, 608 (D. coro. 1983). A complaint should not be dismissed unless it appcars.beyond doubt that the plaintiff can prove no sct of facts which would entitle him to relief..Conleyv. Gibson. 355 US. 41,45.{6 (1957); Harbert v. Raoo. 415 F. Supp. 83 (D. Okla. 1975). Judged by the liberal pleading 11 standards aPplicable under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the allegations in the fint claim for refief contain the requisite specificity to withstand a motion to dismiss or a motion for summary judgment premised on pleading deficiencies. The Federal Defendants ne>d contend that judicial review of the Regional Forester's public interest finding is baned because the plaintiffs failed to raise the issue during the administrative appeal process. Absent exceptional circumstanceg a reviewing court will not consider questions which were not raised before the administrative agency. Hormel v. Helvering.312 U.S. 552 QgaQ; Wilson v. Hodel. 758F.2d 1369 (10th Cir. 1985). After reviewing the Statements of Reasons (SORs) filed by the Plaintiffs, and the attachments thereto, I conclude that the public interest issues were adequately raised during the administrati"e pro""sr. For example, the SORs relating to the appeals of DN(1) and DN(2) are replete with discussions of factors which were either allegedly not considered or not adequately considered in the initial Ed Specifically, the SORs take issue with th; FONSI in light of the EA's assumptions as to the proposed use of the Indge Parcel S the Private Defendans. The fact that the contentions are directed at the EA rather than at the public interest facton identified in FLPMA is not signficant, since many of the samc consideradcns.are applicable to both. Deficiencies in the appralsal process and the agency's highest and best use determinations are discussed in detail in the SORs filed punuant to the appeals of DN(3) and DN(4). Although the SORs may not have expressly identified these matters as going to the issue of "public interest" under 43 U.S.C. $ 1716, this, in itsef, should not'bar the Plaintiffs from judicial review under the Administrative Procedure Act 72 While the plaintifR have satisfied the procedural conditions precedent to inrokc their right of judicial review, the Federal Defcndants' position concerning thc plaintiffs' substantive right to review has rcme degree of meriL The Administrative Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. $ 701(a)(2) expressly precludcs judieial rwiew of any administrative action which is committed to agency discretion by law. The C,ours have construed this exclrsion narrowly, holding that is application is limitcd to those rarc situations where a statute is drawn in such broad terms that there is "no law to apply.' Citizcns to Preserve Overton Park v. VolPe. 401 U.S. n14rc (1970). Though the exception is narrow, it has consirtently been applied to the ultimate finding of an administrative agency that its decision is in the public interest E.e. Sellas v. Kirlc 200F2d 217 (9th Cir. 1952), cert. denied. 345 US. 940 (1953); Ferryv. udall. 336F.2d706 (9th cir. 1964), ceft denied.381 u.s.904 (1965). More specifically, the "committed to agency discretionn cxemption has been found applicable to public interest finding made in connestion with federal Iand cxciange rtecisions. @ oubv. Hickel. 67 F.2d 1048, 1051 (6th cir. 1972), cert. denied sub nom.. siena oub v. Morton.411 u.s. 920 (1973); I-ewis v. Hicket. 427 F.zd 673 (9th cir. 19/0), cert denied.4fi) u.s. e92 (1e71). The fi'al determination as to whcther federal lands are appropriate for transfer out of federal ornership and whether a land exchange is in the public interest involves a weighing and balancing of costs and benefis. This weighing and balancing process is not governed by legal principleg but is peculiarly within the ocpertise of the administrative agency charged with managing the land i1 question. As suciq the ultimate decision that an 13 exchange is in the public interest is nonreviewable.o Although the finding of public interest, in itself, is not reviewable, this does not m€an that the entire decision-making process relating to land exihanges is outside the realm of judicial scnrtiny. Judical review may still be available on specific questions. National Forest Preservation Group v. Butz ,|85 F.2d 408 (9th cir. 1973). For example, 43 u.s.c. $ 1716(a) mandates that in considering the public interest, the Secretary of Agriculture must'g"c full consideration to better Federal land managment and the needs of State and local oeople. including needs for lands for the econom.v. communitv expansion. recreation areas. foo4 fiber, ninerals, and fish and wildlife . . . ." Under Section 706(2)(4) of the Administrative Procedure Acg this Court has the power to "hold unlawful and set aside agenry action . . . found to be arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion" or otherwise not in accordance with law." One of the matters to b€ addressed by the C.ourt under 5 U.S.C $ 706(2XA) is whether the Secretary properly considered the reler/ant hcton identified in 43 U.S.C $ 1716(a). Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe 401 US. 401 476 (1970)("court must consider whether decision was based on consideration of the relevant factors . . . .'). See also Florida Power & Light Co. v. lnrion. 470 u.s. 729,743 (19s5); Motor vehicte Mfgn. Assh v. State Farm Mur Ins. Co., ,163 U.S. 29 (1983); Kapcia v. Immigration & Naturalization Sewice. 944F.zd701708 (10th Cir. 1991); Central States Const. v. Small u Likewise, the Plaintiffs would not be entitled to a raniew of the Federal Defendants' decision to determine whether it is based on substantial evidence. A substantial evidencc review is limited to situations where the agency is exercising its nrlemaking porer or its decision is based on a public adjudicatory hearing. Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe. 401 U.S. &2 (L970). 14 Business Admin., 770 F. Supp. 12147, 1453 (D. Kan. 191) The administrative record in this case reveals that the Regional Forester's finding of public interest was premised in substantial pan upon an assumed use of the Iodgb Parcel for additional hotel accommodations. The the 1986 Environnrental Assessment, which formed the basis for the Forest Service's NEPA finding: of no significant inpacq as well as for its FLPlvlA findings of public interesl indicated that if this proposed use wias approvcd by the town, approximately 100 hotel rooms would be addcd. (vot v[ p. 093). The 1986 EA also stated: Potentially, the most sigrrificant positive benefit of exchanging this Parccl is the economic impact on the Town of Vail. Spraddle Creek and the Lodge parcels could be added to the Town's ta:r base. Also, stimulation of the local economy could be enhanced through local workforce memben if development occurs on these parcels. A study conducted in 1gg3 by managemcnt consultants Pannell. Kern & Forrester indicatesthat the Vail Village area needs additional hotel accommodations to effectivelv market its services. Additionally. increased accommodations will be needed to meet needs associated with the proposed ski area expansion. This parcel would offer that oopornrnitv. (Vol. VI, p. 091). Atlhough both the findings of no sigrificant environment impact and public interest were predicated on the use of the lodge Parcel for dwelopment of hotel accomodatiory even the 1985 EA recognized that such a u;e was dependent upon a change in Vail's zoning classifications. (See vol. vI, at p. 093, where the EA observes: 'In fact, no development can (rccur unless the current zoning classifications are changed to allow more intensira uses such as those contemplated by Indge Properties, Inc."). After the preparation of the EA, the Forest Service essentially abandoned its poaition 15 that the lndge Parcel would be utilized for development of hotel accomodations. Instead, during the appraisal process required under FLPMd the Forest Service appraisen adopted the position that the most probable use of the Lodge Parcel would be for primary/secondary residential development as a single homesite or as two homesites. (Vol. [V, p. 379). The appraisers concluded that there was little or no demand for additional hotel rooms in Vail, and that the adoption by Vail of zoning which would permit the constnrction of hotel accomodations or any other commercial use *as highly unlikely. (Vol. M pp.385-383). The Regional Forester accepted the Forest Service appraiser's position concerning the most likely usc of the l-odge Parcel. Thus, in the Responsive Statement to the conpolidated appeals of DN(4), the Regional Forester stated tbat (a) the lndge Parcel was not Physica[y suited for development as a free-standing hotel; (b) the economic viability of a new hotel development was questionable; and (c) the the torrn of Vail was not likely to zone the parcel for commercial or multi-family residential developmenl (Vol. M p. a56). DN(4), issued on Novembcr 11, 1988, implicitly adopts the opinion of the Forest Service appraiser regarding the most probable use of the Lodge Parcel. (See Vol. I, pp. 194, wherein the Regional Forester adopts the. Forest Service appraiser's valuation of the l-odge Parcel). Yet, the FONSI and public interest finding is premised on the information contained in the 1986 Ed which, in turrq considered an entirely different utiti-a1ie1 o11t" property.s ! The Federal Defendants' brief in support of their motion for partial sunmary judgment states that the public interest eraluation for Forest Service land cxchange proposals is accomplished as part of the NEPA evaluation. See Govenment's Mcmorandum 16 The Federal Defendants argue that thc discrepancy betwcen the the most probable use of the Indge Parcel identified during the raluation process and the assumed use for purPoses of the public intercst and FONSI determinations is simply a result of different standards applicable under the FLPIvIA mluation procedures and NEPA I have reviewed the FLPIvIA valuation procedures contained in the Uniforu Appraisal Standards and thc Forest Service Appraisal Handboob the statutory facton which the Forcst Sewice is reguired to toke into account in Oercrnining whethcr a tand exchange is in the public interest; and the methodologr to be employcd in complying witb NEP.d I find no conflict among them. Where federal action consists of conveying federal lands to private dwelopers, neither the public interest nor the enviromental impaa can be adequately considercd without an agency assessment of the most likely or probable use of the propcrty oncc it comes into private hands. See Northern Plains Resources Council v. Luian 874F2i (fr11, 666 (9th Cir. 1939). The Federal Defendants apparently acknorledge that they must ana$tre public interest based on the most probable future darelopment of tbe land by the transferee. They assert that they complied with this requircment by eliciting statements from LPI that it wished to utilizc the Lodge Parcel for hotcl expansion. See Federal Defendants'Brief opposing Plaintifrs'Motion for Summary Judgment, pp.z+zs). However, wherg as hcre, the agency dercrmines that neither oristing nor reasonab! probable future local zoning would permit such a use, the dweloper's hlpothetical plans are at best spcculatirc and at In Support of Motion for Partial Summary Judgrnen! p. 9. 17 worst illusory. In shorg the administrative record clearly establishes that the public interest findings made by the Regional Forester and affirmed by the Chief Forest Service are based, at least at best. The spirit, if not the letter, of FLPIv{A requires that the factors identified in 43 US.C. $ 1716(a) be evaluated bascd upon the most probable utilization of the Iodge Parccl While ajudiciat tnbunal should not substitute its judgment for that of the Forest Service concerning the most probable development of the subject propcrty, the court cannot abdicate its rwiewing responsiblity under the Administrative Procedure Act by sanctioning the selection of a use which the agency itself views as largely fictional. Based on the foregoing I conclude that the Federal Defendants are not entitled to judgment as a matter of law on the Plaintiffs' fint claim for relief and thercfore, I recommend that the Federal Defendants' Motion for Partial Summary Judgment on the firit cliaim for relief be denied"il C. The Second and Fifth Claims for Relief (Valuation under FLPMA) The exchange provisions of FLPMA require an equalization of rralue between the parcels being fansfened into and out of federal on'nership. In this regar4 43 US.C. $ 1716(b) states: " fite fact that the mwing party is not entitled to judgment uiider the applicabte law is an appropriate basis for denying a motion for summary judgmenr See Krieger v. Ornenhip Corp.,27OF.2d265 (2d Cir. 1959); Welt v. Koehring Co.,482F. Supp. 437 (N.D. ru. 1e79). 18 The values of the lands cxchanged by thc Scaetary under this Act and by the &cretary of Agriculture under applicable law relating to lands within the National Forest System either shall be equal, or ifthey are not.equal, the values shall be equelized by the payment of money to the grantor or to the Secretary. ooncerned as thc circumstances require so long as payment does not cxceed 25 Wr centuE of the total value of thc lands or interests transferred out of the Federal ourenhip. The PlaintifR' second claim for relief conrcnds that tbe Forest Sewice failed to appraise the l.odge Parcel in accordancc with applicable regrlations and instnrctions regarding highest and best use and, as a result, the land was significantly undervalued. The fifth claim for relief alleges that the Forest Senice appraisal underlying thc cxchange decision valued the bdge Parcel as of May 15, 1987, although the final decision to approve the land exchange did not occur until November q p88. This delay, arguc the Plaintifisr resulted in a violation of agency guidelines which provide that an appraisat is only nalid for one year from the date of an exchange agreemenl. Forest Service Manual $ 5413.1(2) (Unless fixed S an exchange agreement, the appraised value is nalid for one year from thc date of the appraisal.). The Federal Defendants have moved for summary judgment on ttre second and fifth claims on the grounds that (a) PlaintifFs have no right of action and/or no remedy under the Administrative Procedure Acq and (b) Plaintiffs lack standing to raise valuation issues under FLPMA While I disagree with the Federal Defendants on their first poing I fully concur with their second contention. The Administrative Procedure Act vests the federal courts with judsdiction to rwiew l9 agency action and also constitutes a waiver of the gorernmentt sovereign immunity. The Federal Defendants acknowledge this Court's jurisdiction, but assert that because the exchange has already occurred and a patent has issued for the l,odge Parcel, the Plaintif& have no right of action In support of this position, the Federal Defendants rely on several decisions indicating that only those who assert a superior title to the government have the right to attack the validity of a federal land patent E g.. Fisher v. Rule. 248 U.S. 31q 318 (1919); Rayoath. Inc. v.. citv of Anchorage. 544 FJd 1019 (9th cir. 1976); Kare v. united States. 489F.2d M9 (9th Cir. 1973), cert. denied.4lZ U.S. 975 (1974). FLP\'IA itself creates no private right of action. Nevertheless, and contrary to the Federal Defendants'position, the Administrative Procedure Act does confer a right of action in favor of aggriwed persons for judicial rcview of administrativc agency decisions. Sierra club v. Hodel. 848 F.2d 1068, 1076 (10th cir. 1988). 'section 702 of the ApA permits actions against an agency even when there is not an implied right of action" under the particular statute pu$uant to which the agency purported to acL Id. The Administrative Procedure Act confers a broad right to review agency decisions, with only narow exceptions where (a) review is orprcssly prohibited by satute; or p) the matter is commited to agency discretion by law. 5 U.S.C. $ 701. Absent the applicability of one of these two exceptiory the agenry bears "the heavy burden of overcoming the strong presumption that C.ongress did not mean to Prohlbit all judicial ret/iew of [the agency's] decision.n Dunlop v. Bachowski 421 U.S. iffi,567 (1975); Sierra Oub v. Hodel. 848 F.2d 1063, 1925 (lfth Cir. 1988). I conclude that under the circumstances of this case, the doctrine precluding attack 20 on land patents has no application. Many of thc cases cited by the Fedcral Defendants involve suits brought by advene claiman6 to fedcral lands. Thcse decisions stand for tbc proposition that the Quiet Title Act,28 U.S.C. $ 2,109a, supplies the exclusira remedy for 5ugh glaims, and that the claimant cannot avoid the mandates of the Quiet Title Act by bringng an independent suit under the Administrative Proccdure AcL E.9.. Donnell.v v. united states. 841 F.2d 96,977 (fth ctu. 1988); Mclntwe v. united States. zSg Frd 1408 (9th Cir. 1986); I-ee v. United States W F.2d 1406 (9th Cir. 1987), cert. denied sub nom. I-ee v. Eklutna- Inc., 4&l U.S. 1041 (1988). Hovever, in the present case, the plaintiffs are not adverse claimants to the l-odge Parcel. The dispute here does not invohe competing claims to title, but rather the alleged failure of thc Forest Service to follow its orm regulations and instnrctions in processing a proposed land exchange. This tlpe of claim does not fall within the ambit of the Quiet Title Acr In addition, the administrative record ctearly cstablishes that the escrow arrangemenb and other mechanations of the agency to faciliarc dclivery of thc patent within minutcs aftcr thg sqmpletion of the administrative appeal were specificalty designed to preclude judicial review under thc Administrative Procedure AsL Thc case law amply supporB tbc proposition that an agency cannot cut off Administrative Procedure Act r€view or the availablility of a remedy by simply expediting delivery of a land patent. See DonnelF v. United States. 8/.1F.2d968,972 n.5 (9th Cir. 1988)("We dcctine to construe Mclnqrrre as requiring the absurd result that the governmcnt could deprive someone of property title by adurinistrativc unongdoing and then immunize its actions by sclling the contested property 21 on the eve of trial."); National Forest Preservation Group v. Butz 4tt5 F.2d 408, 411 (9th Cir..1973).'5 AlthougtL under the circumstances presented here, the Administrative Procedure Act creates a right of review despite the delivery of a patent, I conclude that the p[aintiffs lack standing to seek review of the Forest Service valuation of the lodge Parcel. My conclusion is prernised on the fact that neithcr of the Plaintiffs can demonstrate a real and immediarc injury arising from the alleged underrraluation of the subject properry. Standing goes to the court's subject matter jurisdiction. United States v. Citv of Twin Falls. Idaho. 806 F.2d 862 (9th Cir. 1986), cert. denied sub nom. Ciqv of Twin Falls. Idaho v. Envirotech corp., 482 u.s. 914 (1987). In the context of an action under the Administrative Procedure Act, the standing requirement has both constitutional and statutory aspects. Article III standing requires that'federal plaintiffs must allege some threatened or actual injury resulting from the putatively illegal action before a federal coun may assumc r The Plaintiffs point to various statutes and regulations, which they allege were violated by the speedy delivery and recording of the patents and deeds. Lg., 43 U.S.C. S$ 1716 and 1718 (Secretary of Interior may issue patents for Forest Service land exchanges only after any disposal authorized by the Act); 36 C.F.R. $ 25a.10(d)(administrativc rights to appeal apply to decisions apprwing land cxchanges); FSH 5,109.13 - land Acquisition Handbook $ 38.4 (prohrbition of conveyances of federal lands before completion of congressional oversight and resolution of appeals); 36 C.F.R. $ 211.18(4xi)(an administrative stay remains in effect for 10 days after a decision on the merits, unlcss a different period is specified in the decision documents). As the Federal Defendants point out, each of these prwisions can be read as applying only to proceedings which are part of the administrative review proces;, and as not bearing on the timing of an exchange once the adminislrative process is at an end. Nevertheless, when considered in combination with the Administrative Procedure Ac! there is a clear intent manifested by Congress and the agencJ itself to p€rmit not only an effective administrative appeal but atso an effective and meaningful judicial review. 1',' jurisdiction." Linda R.s. v. Richard D., 410 u.s. 6\4,677 (lg7g).In other words, standing in the constitutional sense mandates that there be a nens between the defendant's allegcdly illegal conduct and the plaintitFs purported injuries. Sabine River Auth. v. US. Depr of Interior. 951 F2d 669 (sth Ctr.LWz). The "injury in fact" necessary to support Articlc III standing nced not be substantial; an identifiable trifle will suffice. United States v. Studcnts Chaltenging Regulator.v Agency Procedure (SCRAP). 412 u.s. 69 (t973). Neverthelesq the injury must be perceptible, concrete and specifiq Id. at 68$ as well'as rcal and immediate, rather than conjectural or hypothetical. california Banken tus'n v. shulu.416 us. 21,69 (L974). Aplaintiffmaynot rely on 'the remote possibility unsubstantiated by allegations of facl that ftis] situation might have been bettcr had respondents acted otherwise, and night improne were the court to afford relief. warth v. seldin. 42, vs. 4go, 507 (1925). Normally, a mere allcgation of 'mjury in fact" uill sufEce, but, if controverted b1 thc defendant, the plaintiff must demonstrate facts zupporting his allcgation. Public Citizen v. Lockheed Aircraft Corp, 5615 F.2d 708, 774 n.22 (D.C. Cir. 1977). In addition to Articte III standing the Adminiitrative Procedure Act has a separate and distinct standing requiremeng namely, that the plaintitr bc advcnely affccted or aggriwed. This has been construed to require not oniy a shoving of "injury in facg" but also that the interest sought to be protected by the complainant is arguably within the rcne of interests protec'ted or regulated by the statute which purportedly authorizes the complaincd of agenry action. oarke v. securities Industry Assh. 479 us. 3ss, 395-96 (19s?); 23 Assosiation of Data Processing Service organizations v. camp. 392 u.s. 150 (1970). PlaintifB cannot demonstrate standing simply because they have been injured by the Forest Service land exchange. Rather, in the present case, the Article III standing requirement mandates that Plaintiffs show a nonspeculative causal connection between their injuries and the alleged violation of the equal value prorisions of FLPMA Northern Plains Resource Comcil v. Lujan. 874F.2d661 (9th Cir. 1989). Plaintitts attempt to establish this nexus by arguing that the Forest Service appraisen' failure to follow regulations and instructions regarding the appropriate zoning resulted in an arbitrarily low appraised value for the Indge Parcel. They further contend that this insuffisient appraised value assigrred to the lodge Parcel may (a) adversely impact the value of surrounding properry; @) result in a low assessed value of the l.odge Parcel for property tax purposes; and (c) permit other ProPerty ortners in the tovn of Vail to contest property tax assessments. In support of these contentions, plaintiffs point to the fact that the county assessormust take into account recedt .sales of like properties in setting actual value for tax purposes. May Stores Shooping Centen. Inc. v. Shoemaker. 151 Colo. 700,376P.2d 679 (1%2);Colorado and Utah Coal Compan!, v. Rorer 149 Colo. 502.,369 P.zd 796 (196?). Plaintif;ts have made no showing that the appraised ralue assigned to the lndge Parcetr for purposes of the exchange has negatively impacled either the value of property in Vail or the assessed valuation assigned to the lndge Parcel or surrounding land.r Further, r In an attempt to solidiff their contentions regarding injury in facq Plaintitrs have submitted affidavig from the Budget OfiEcer of the town of Vail and the appraiser for the Eagle County Assessor. The Budget Officer's affidavit simply states that if the Forest Plaintiffs' assertion that the Forest Service appraisal will ha're a sigrificant future bearing on values or assessed valuations is simply erroneous. While the price paid for comparable properties is clearly a relevant factor in valuing nearby reat estate, the comparable sales or market data approach to value prohibis consideration ofcxchanges or $raps which do not involve cash. E.g.. state v. McDonald 88 Ariz l, 352 P2d 343 (1960); Department of Business & Econ. Dev. v. Baumann. 56 lll. App. 2d 3e.,308 N.E2d 580 (197a); Hay v. Boggt. 77 Wash. 329,137 P. 474 (7974); City of Cheyenne v. Frangos. 87 P.Zd SOa (Wyo. 1971). In addition, unlike actual cash sales priceg appraised valuations of one property may not be utilized to estab[sh a value for other reat estare. Sce c.RS. $ 39-1-103(5)(a).r' The plaintifFs allege other injuries in fact, including (a) damages which will be Service appraisal was used as a basis to establish assessed valuation, it woutd adversely impact the tom's ta:r base. This adds nothing to the plaintiffs'position regarding standin& The affrdavit of the the appraiser for the Eagle County assessor comes somcwhat closer to the nark by stating that the appraised value of the lodge Parcel "is one fasto/'which would be taken into account for arrMng at actual value for assessment purposes. Howorer, the matters to be considered for determining actual value for tax purposes are set by statute in colorado, and are not left to thc discretion of the county t$( assesson. c.R.s. g 39-1- 103(5)(a) expressly prwides that value shall be based upon the cost approach, the market approach and the income approach. As indicated in the toa, infra. these appraoches do not permit the consideration of exchange transactions. Furthermore, the afFdavit of Jody Caruthers, the Eagle County Assessor, attached to the Federal Defendant's reply brie[ states 9"t tt q 1989 full year fair market value for the l-odge Parce[ as set by the assessor, uras 53'606'760' and that, in fact, the assessor did not take zoning into account in arriving at thir value. It is, therefore, clear that neither the 'raluation nor the reasoning of the Forest Service appraisals played any part in the assessor's valuation for toc purposes. t' Prior to 1983, c.R.s. $ 39-1-103(5)(a) did permit consideration of "rrnoqm or recognized rralue" of other properties and nappraisal value for loan p-urposes on mmparable properties" in setting actual value for ta:r assessmcnts. The statute nas amended in 1983 to limit the valuation methodolosr to the tradional three approaches to value; namely, cos! income, and market data or comparable sales. sustained by relocation of Mill Creek Road; (b) injury to the sceniq recreational, and wildlife values of the lndge Parcel; (c) reduction in the value of the lodge Tower condominiums by development of the adjacent lodge Parcel; and (d) an adverse impact on the environmental values within the town of Vail. while these averments may well satisff the injury in fact rcqutement for Article III standing, thcy have no nexus to the zone of interests sought to be promoted by the equal value prorrisions of FLPI\,fd Thus, they fail to meet the test for standing under the Administrative Procedure Act See Data Processing Service Organizations. Inc. v. Cramp. 397 U.S. 150 (1970). Since none of the plaintiffs' alleged injuries futfill the dual criteria for standing to 13i5s shims relating to violation of FLPMAT equal valuation provisiory the Federal Defendants are entitled to judgnent as a matter of law on the second and fifth claims for reliel and I so recommend. D. The Third Oaim for Relief (Failure to Comply with NEPA) The 1986 EA analped three alternative cou$es of actio& one of which involved an orchange offederal for nonfederal lands. The EA assumed that one of the properties to be exchanged out offederal ownenhip was the lodge Parcel. The conclusion reached in the EA was that the environmental effects of the proposed land exchange would be insignificanr Although the final Decision Notice approving a land exchange @N(a) and the Forest Sewice's final FONSI were not issued until November 8, 1983, they were premisgd on the 1986 EA which was never amended or supplemented. Plaindtrs claim that the 1985 EA was deficient in that (a) it was predicated ori a use 26 for the Lodge Parcel which was later rcjectcd by thc agency isetf; (b) it failed ro take into account the environmeirtal cffccts of rclocating Mill Creek Road; (c) it improperly assumed that any identifiable adverse environmental conscqucnccs muld be adequarcly mitigarcd through regulation by the torvn of Vail; (d) reasonable altcrnatives to the exchange of thc l.odge Parcel were not considered; and (e) inadequate consideration *.as gl"en to the the cumulative impacts of the Forcst Scrvice land Adjusment Program. The Federat Defendans have moved for summary judgment sn thir clain, asserting that thc administrative record reveals no dcfisiencies in thc Eid The National Environmentat Policy Act has dual aims First, it reguires the agency to consider every sigrificant environmental impact of a proposed action. Second, it obligates the agency to inform the public that it has aken into account environmental concems in connection with its decision Baltimore Gas & Electric C,o. v. Natural Resources Defense Council. Inc., ,162 U.S. 87 (1983). NEPA does not elevate environmental concems over other objectives. It simply mandates "that the agency take a'hard look'at the cnvironmental consequences before taking a major action. The role of the courts is simply to ensure that the agency has adequately considered and disclosed the environmental impact of ib actions and that its decision is not arbitrary or capricious.n Id. at 97-98. An agency is required to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (Etq if it is proposing major federal action which has a sigrrificant impact on the environmenl fu Club v. Hodel.848 F.zd 106E (10th Cir. 19SS). The applicable regulations requirc an agency to list those actions which normally require an EIS and those that do not require either an 27 EIS or an EA 40 CF.R. $ 1501.a(a). ln situations not encompassed within either caregory, the agency first prepares an E4. 40 c.F.R. $ 1501.a(c). If the EA indicates that the environnental effects will be insubstantial, the agency issues a FONSI. 40 c.FR. $$ 1501.a(e) and 1508.13. It is the agency, not the court, that is to take the'hard look'at environmental effects. The court may not substitute its judgment for that of the agency. Kleppe v. Sierra Club. 427 U.S. 390 (L976). The decision of the agency that is action will not have a sigrrificant environmental impact may be overturned only if it is arbitrary and capricious. Marsh v. Oregon Natural Resources Council. 490 U.S. 360 (1989); Village of lns Ranchos De Albuoueroue v. Marsh. l992wL 21811 (10th cir-, February 71,1992). "If tbe record before the agency does not support the agency action, if the agency has not considered all relevant factors, or if the rwiewing court simply cannot evaluate the challenged agency action on the basis of the record before ig the proper course, orcept in rare circumstanc€s, is to remand to the agency for additional investigation or explanation." Florida Power & Ught Co. v. Lrribn. 470 U.S. 729,74 (1935). As previously discussed in Section I(A) of this Recommendation relating to the Forest Service's public interest finding the 1.986 EA analped the environnsata! impact of transfering the Indge Parcel out of federal ovmership based upon an assumed future use for development of hotel accomodations. As the Forest Service recognized in its November 1, 1988 appraisal" development of the lodge Parcel as a free standing hotel was economically and phpically infeasible, and any hotel or other comnrercial use of the 28 ProPerty was politically unlikely, given thc position of thc town of Vail regarding such development The Forest Service's official position from the time of the 1988 appraisal through the final administrative appeal was that the most probable future zoning for the lndge Parcel would be primary/secondary residential. In addition, the property was appraised upon the assumption that it would be utilized for dwetopment of one or two residences. The failure to consider the environmental impact of what tbe Forest Service iself believed was the most probable futurc use of thc subject property was arbitrary and capricious. Upon reaching the conclusion during the appraisal process that the most probable use of the I-odge Parcel would not be for hotel accomodations, the EA should have been revised to take into account this change in the Forest Service's position Such an approach would have been entirel;r consistent with intcrnal Forcst Scrvice instnrctions, as contained in the Land Acquisition Handbook (FsH 5409.13 $ 363(1), which provide that',[tlhe appraisal may necessitate rerrision in the EA or EIS.' It would have also ftrlfilted the mandatc of NEPA that the agency take a 'hard look' at the reat environmental impact associated with its action. For similar reasons, the Forest Service's failurq to take into account the effects of a potential relocation of Mill Creek Road was arbitrary and capricious. The 1986 EA uas prepared based on an assumed devclopment plan which did not contemplate the relocation of the Mill Creek Road right-of-way. Indeed, it was not until the finat decision notice was 29 issued on November 8, 1988 that the matter of road relocation was considered"'! DN(4) expressly gave LPI the right to relocate the right-of-way casement for Mill Crcek Road at its expense. (VoL fV, p.2). The Forest Service has never considered the environmental impact of moving the Mill Creek Road right-of-way or the alternatives available to lesen any adverse environmental consequences which might flow from such relocation. The Federal Defendant's contention that aay relocation would have a de minimus effect is inadeguate. Such a decision Eust rest with the agency after it takes a 'hard look' at the issue. It is not a matter to be addressed by the courl See Florida Power & Lieht e.o. v. Lorion. 470 U.S. 729,744 (19SS). For these reasons, I conclude that the Federal Defendants are not eDtitled to a judgment as a matter of law on the thhd claim for relief, and recommend that their Motion for Partial $rrmm6sy Judgment be denied as to this claim.! m. THE PL{INTIFFS'MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMIVIARY JUDGMENT .{. Second Claim for Relief Failure to Properly Appraise the Lodge Parcel) For the reasons previously stated in Section II(C) above, the Plaintifh lack standing s The matter of relocation arose because the oristing Mill Creek Road right-of-way would have to be moved in order to accomodate a subdiviJion of the Lodge Pariel for thi dwelopment of trro single-family dwellings. The fact that the final decision notice authorized relocation of the right-of-way is yet another indication that the perceived most probable use had changed between the date of the 1986 EA and the November & 1988 decision notice. D For purposes of disposing of the Federal Defendants' motionTor summary judgncnt on the third claim, there is no need for me to consider the other alleged deficiencies in the EA raised by the Plaintiffs. However, thesc will be discussed in relation to the Plaintift' Motion for Partial Summary Judgmeng j4ftq. 30 to raise an allegedly improper mluation under FLPlvlA's exchange provisions. Thus, thc bases for Ey recommendation that thc Federal Defendans'Motion for Partial g'mms1y Jurlgment should be granted on this claim also dictate that the Plaintiffs'Motion for Partial Summary Judgment should bc dcnicd. Even if the Plaintifh'had standing to seek rwiew of the naluation process emplopd by the Forest Service in connection with the l-odge Parcel, the administrative remrd fails to establish that the procedure or nethodoly employed was arbitrary and capriciors. Thc Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Iand Acquisitions (Uniform Standards"), adopt the generally accepted definition of fair market value; namely, what a tnowledgeable willing buyer under no compulsion to purchase would pay in cash or terms equivalent to cash to a knowledgeable willing setler under no compulsion to scll (Vot. M p. 3aSZ). In determining what a willing buyer would pay, the appraiscr must look to the highest a best use to which the property could be put under existing zoning. (Uniform Standardq Vol. M p. 3a5G). An cxception to this principle is made if thc appraiser concludes that there is a reasonable possibility of a zoning change. In such a sinntion, the property should not be appraised as if the zoning change has alroady taken place, but rather the porcntial modification of zoning should be taken into account to tbe extent it affects the cash . consideration which the hlpothetical buyer would be willing to pay. (Uniform Appraisal Standards, vol. [V, p. 3a5G). See also Forest Service Appraisal Handboo! FsH-54@.12 $ 133d. Where the subject propcrty is being conveyed out of federal owncrship and into 37 Private ownenhip the land must be appraised based upon its probable zoning and value once it comes into private hands. Id. This guideline is entirely consistent with the concept of fair market value. A hypothetical privatc willing buyer presumably will not continue to employ the subject property for the existing Forest service useg. and hence, the consideration he is willing to pay will bear little relationship to the value of the land premised on its historical use I the Forest Service. The Forest Service appraisals of the l,odge Parcel fully complied with the mandates and guidelines of the Uniform Appraisal Standards, the Forest Service Appraisal Handbook, and generally accepted appraisal procedures. These appraisals considered the highest and best use to which the property could be put, the existing zoning, and the reasonably possibility of a change in zoning to accomodate a use more consistent with the parcel's development potential. Based on these considerationg the appraisers concluded that the most probable zoning of the lndge Parcel once it came into private hands would be primary/secondary residential. While one might disagrce with the conclusiong tbey certainly caDnot be deemed arbitrary and capricious. The Plaint'fFs asscrt that the procedure adopted by the Forest Service appraisers violated tbe instructions issued by the Chicf of the Forest Service. Specifically, they note that the Chieidirected that the Lodge Parcel be appraised "as ifzoning and potential zoning is similar to that existing on adjacent or nearby similar priuate properties.'r (vol. M p. a33). PlaintifB further point out that the zoning on adjacent private lands is commereial and high- denisty multiple fumily. 32 To the extent that the Chiefs instructions can be read as requiring an appraisal of the l,odge Parcel premised on commercial or highdensity multiple family use, it is inconsistent with the concept of fair market rralue, and does not comply with the requirements or suggestions contained in the Uniform Appraisal Standards or the Forest Service Appraisal Handboolct Neither the Ciriefs instructionq nor the opinion of thc Rwiewing Officer guestioned the Forcst Service appraiscrs'conctusions that once in prirrate hands, the highest zoning reasonably probable would be primary/secondary residential. Under these circumstances, an arbitrary mandate that the lndge Parcel should valued as if it were zoned for commercial usc would do violence to both the concept of fair market value and the purposes underlying the egualization of value called for by FLPlvfA"a B. Third Oaim for Relief (Violations of NEPA) ,o In dl probability the Chiefs remarks concerning the zoning of adjacent land werc not geanJ to preclude the Forest Service appraisen from following the Uniform Appraisat Standatds or the Forest Servicc Appraisal Handbook Ccrtaintn if the appraiscrs' investigation revealed that the lodge Parcel would be zoned similar to surrbunding properties, thcy would haw been under an obligation to value the parcel as if that zoning was already in place. Howwer, once the appraisers determined that the Irdge Parcel rvould Prgbably not be zoned commercial or high-density residential they wre clearly obligatcd to value the ProPerty based on their opinion of the most lftely zoning which would be assigned to the Property in private hands. It should also be noted that neither the reviewing appraiser, nor the Accoiate Deputy Chief who handled the appeal suggestcd that there was any conflict bctwecn the Chiefs instructions and the appraisal procedure employed by thc Forest Service appraisers. a Valuing property for commerciat or high-denisty residental use wher4 in fact, thc most prohable future zoning is primary/secondary residential would effectively preclude any exchange under the prorisions of FI-PMA Given the cquatization riandate of FLPIrd.Ar no reasonable person would ever consider making a substantial paymcnt to equalize vatue when the value of the parcel sought to be acquired was premised on a use not feasible rmdcr probable zoning. JJ For the reasons set out in section II(D) of this Recommendation, I find and conclude that PlaintifB are entitled to a judgment as a matter of law on their third claim for relief alleging violations of NEPA Specifically, those violations consist of (a) the failure to assess the environrnental impact of the exchange bascd upon the assumed use deemed most likely by the Forest Service itself in light of probable zoning restrictions; and (b) the failure to consider the emrironmental impact of a relocation of the Mitl Creek Road rightof-way, even though such a relocation was permined at the discretion of the transferee. The Plaintiffs have also raised additional grounds for their position that the 1986 EA and the Forest Service FONSIs were arbitrary and capricious. They claim that (a) the EA did not address alternatives to tbe land exchange and road relocation; and (b) the EA failed to take into account the cumulative effects of this and other land exchanges. If find no merit to either ofthese contentions. The 1986 EA did discus three alternatives; an orchange of Federal lands, including the lndge Parcel for the Wildernes Parcet; a corweyance by sale or under the E:rchange for Schools Aa of three parcels to the town of Vail; and taking no action. The Plaintiffs state that the EA should have also considered acquisition of the wilderness Parcel through outright purchase or by eminent domain. The Federal Defendans respond that Congress bas not appropriated funds for such purposeq nor has congress specifically authorized the use of condemnation power. 16 u.s.c $ lra(c). NEPA and the regulations promulgated thereunder only require that reasonable alternatives to the proposed action be evaluated. E.g.. Headwaters-Inc. v. BIJVf. Medford Districl 914 F.2d 1174, 1180 (9th Cir. 1990). Furthermore, the range of alternatives which 34 must be consideted in an EA is less comprchensive than in an EIS; State of North Carolina v. Federal Aviation Adm., lW2 WL 31178 (4th Cir" February 24, l{Il)); Coatition on Sensible Transp.. Inc. v. Dole. 826F.2d 60, 66 (D.CCir. 1987). As the United States C.ourt of Appeals for the Second Circuit has statcd: "[I]t remains something of an anomaly to insist that an agency assess alternatives for an astion that it has detcruined will not have a 'significant' effect on the environmene' Citv of New York v. United Sates Dept. of Transp, 775 F.2d,731 7u (2d Gr. 1983), cert denied. 465 us. 10s5 (1984). see atso otmsted 7% F.Zd nt, ZN (Sth Cir. 1980. I conclude that, under the circumstances of this case, the failure of the 1986 EA to consider alternatives which could not be effectuated without Congressional appropriation or delegation of eminent domain power wat not arbitrary and capricious. Forsimilar reasons, I conclude that the EA's discussion of cumulative effects was not arbirary or capricious. Essentially, the Plaintiffs complain that that atthough the EA dealt with the cumulative effecb of outstanding exchange proposals, as well as proposals for outright acquisition, it did not delve into the effests of.potential future orchanges for which no proposal was actually on the table. Again, an EA is not designed to cxhaustively study the cumulative effect of possible, but speculative, futurc transactions. rv. TFIE PRIVATE DEFENDAI',ITS'MorIoN FoR suMMARy JIIDGMENTAI.TD MOTION TO DISMISS The Private Defendans have also moved for summary judgment on the grounds that .: Plaintiffs cannot attack the patent issued for thc lrdgt Parcet uniesi they assert a supcrior '''iri title theretq and that the Court lacks subject matter jurisdiction to consider the claims ri:: .,'l 35 against them. The first of these arguments has already been considered and rejected in connectionwith the Federal Defendants'Motion for Partial SummaryJudgment. Under the sircumstances here presented, the issuance of a patent did not deprive the Plaintiffs of either a right of action or a remedy under the Administrative Procedure Act See Donnelly v. United States. 841 F.2d gffi, nZ n. 5 (9th Cir. 1988); National Forest Presewation Group v. Butz 485 F.2d 408, 411 (9th Cir. 1973). The Private Defendants' jurisdictional argument is likewise without merit ln a suit for review of agency action under the Administrative Procedure Acg the court may assert jurisdiction over any private parties who are necessary in order to afford full relief. Sierra Club v. Hodel. 848 F.2d 7068,1077-78 (10th Cir. 1988)(ioinder of private parties appropriate under F.RCP. 20). See also l-eague to Save l:ke Tahoe v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agencl'. 558 F.2d 914 (fth cir. 19Z)(oinder of private parties appropriate under F.RC.p. 19). Furthermore, to the extent that the Private Defendanb'position is predicated on thi fact that they bave already received a patent, it must be rejected for the reasons stated above. Having disposed of the Private Defendants' contention that private parties cannot be joined in an action such as this, I now turn to their argument that not enough priuate parties have been joined.z Under F.R.CP. 19, a person must be joined, if possiblg when (a) he claims an interest relating to the subject of the action, and disposition of the case in the " I will treat the Private Defendants' Motion to Disrnis as a motion under F-R'CP. 12(bX7). 36 Person's absence would impede or imPair his ability to protcct his interesq (b) failure to join a party would leave existing parties in a position of incurring double, multiple, or inconsistent obligations; or (c) a person's absence would prcclude granting full relief to the parties alrea{y Presenl No contention is made here that the failurc to join the formcr Wildcrness Parcel owners would impair their ability to protect their interesq or that the existing parties might be subject to multiple or inconsistent obtigations.Rathcr, the Private Defendants argue that the absence of the foruer Wilderness Parcel onnen from the tawsuit will make it impossible to afford complete relief. The Private Defendants are correct that the entire exchange frnsaction cannot be unwound without the presence of the former lVilderness Parcbl owners. However, this observation, in itseE, does not compet the conclusion that their joinder is required under Rule 19, or that the action should be dismissed for failurc o join them. Certainly, in the event that the C.ourt ultimately orders a rcscission of the exchange, complete relief can bc afforded to the Plaintiffs. Likewise, as to the Federal Defendantq the status quo ante can be restored without joinder of additionat parties. It is only the Private Defendants who smnot be placed in the same position thcy occupied prior to the ctosing of the exchanga Rule 19 is intended to embody equitable principles. Britton v. Green. 325F.Zd3n, 382 (10th Cir. 1963). The Private Defendants apparently perceived that a speedy closing of the exchange would provide somc insulation against the Plaintiffs' claims. Of course, the disadvantage to such a procedure is that if it is not successful, full rcturn to the status ouo ante might not be possible. These are matters which the Private Defendans should bave 37 weighed before agreeing to proceed with the exchange ctosing even though further fitigation was a foregone conclusion in light of the vehiment objections vocied by Vait and other parties during the lengthy administrative process. C.onsequently, I recommend that the Private Defendants'Motion to Dismiss be denied. V. APPROPRIATE RELIEF The above desclibed failure ofthe Forest Service to propcrly consider certain factors in its decision-making process flaws the EAr the FoNsIs, and the DNs. The appropriate remedy in such a sih:ation is to remand the matter to the administrative agency with directions to reconsider its public interest finding and its FONSI after taking into account the most probable use of the Indge Parcel in tight of likely zoning constraints and the impact of any relocation of rhe Mu Creek Road right-of-rvay. Florida power & Ught v. Lorion 470 u.s. 729, 744 (19s5); sierra oub v. Hodel. 848 F.2d 106s (1&h cir. 19Bs). Since there are claims still outstanding not resolved by this recommendatioq and in order to avoid piecemeal consideration by the agenry, remand should await completion ofjudicial review regarding the remaining clains. Based on the foregoing I hereby RECOMMEND that the Federal Defendants' Motion for Partial SummaryJudgment be GRANTED IN PART AI{D DENIED IN PART. Likewise, the Plaintiffs'Motion for Partial Summary Judgment should be GRANTED IN PART AI{D DENIED IN PART. The Private Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment and Motion to Dismiss should be DENIED. 38 oatea tshi/ aayof Marctr, 1912 Uuited States Magistraa Judge 39 TO: FROI'I : DATE: SUBiTECT: a t the Lodge South Conctominj,um Builcting.Applicant: Lodge South Condominium Association DESCRIPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The Lodge south condominium Associatron is requesting to add a 96foot eleva tor adctition (E.1. square f eet,l on the east sicte of theirexisting buitctrng- rn order to construct this prolectT a helghtvariance and common area square footage variance are necessaiy. This bullcling is a regar non-contorming structure. The Lodgesouth bur.lding is toca tect in the commercri.l core r zone distri;t 'hich has a height maximum of 4J teet for 4ot of the buitcring and3J teet for b(JB ot the builcting. The todge south ctoes notcontorm to either of these height consicreratrons. rn fact, mostof the Locrge is over tr.ro times as high as the maximum height ot43 teet. The erevator will be usecr as a servi ce el.eva tor ancttheretore needs to provide access to all. of the 6 stories of thebui. lcling- The proposecl eleva tor \^ri.lr.r ma tch the highest exrstrngroot rtdge ot 96 teet. In Commercial Core Ir 20t ot the allouecl GRFA for the property Common af eas i nc I rlde hal lvayS, ncl common enc.l osed+common close ts, lobby a can be considered as common area. gcrea ti ona es. The allolred common areE LODGE SOUTH Totaf Si.te Area:.3350 acre or 141593 sf Site Coveraqe: teet. The -6rffig-Eommo n area is 't ,249 square teer. wrth theadoition of the proposed elevat,orr the burlcrrng r.rourd be 4r995square teet over the a r.r orred common area square footage. For ;l1:_^."_u^"^on-.? common area variance ls also berng requestecr.Please see the tolrowing zonlng statrstrcs i"i ini, buirdlng: Atleued An t (Please note site coverage inc.tudes builttingE, grounctpatios and decl(s unjess otherwise specitred in the urbanGuicle Pla n. ) d-tstwe ktq fiffi;nzr (AUt ot totalsite area,| Al Iowect Existing EI e va torrotat exi.sEffl Rema rning sf Al loued Existing Over allowed I!tb'|4 sf lIr542 sfgt sfrT]ffi twith efevaror) 5.1. st t t ,6'14 sf 57 1526 sf 451852 sf Ievel Desrgn GRFA: PEC . !) -5- I 5.uest for teri or alteration in0r lhe Lodge at Va ppl icant:ropertr es 6. Request for an amendment to the icipal code in order to add ]ow !,suDscrrption r o tac ties under condi ti ona uses in -.-"'""--'*-orcier to adci an entry to the west side Kristan Pritz showed site plans and elevations and explained the request. Sheadded that the staff recommended approval . Donovan was concernea dnat the lirgeevergreen_be protected' and Pritz answered that she had been assured by the appiicantthat the large evergreen would stay. Jay peterson repeated ttrii asiuiini.. ---' Rapson asked about the purposi of chaning the entrance, and Jay stated that it wasto facilitate the flow of traffic. R?pson moyeg ?nd=viele seconded to approve the request per the staff memo. Thevote was 6-0 in favor. ma ndaenti a'l a nt canE: Wherry poi nted out thatAfter more discussion, cul tura and oDencatlons, Inc. his needs were very Rick Pylman explained the request and added that the staff recorrnended approvalof only the changg il !1," Agricurturar and 0pen spiie-riistrict and thereforerecommended denial of the-proposal as submitted. Steve l{herry, the app.l icant,gave his reasons for wanting the rezoning. The Foreit-service site which hiscomPany had been using could not be used any longer- aob'ioote oi-il,e Firreiiservice stated that the Forest service hao.ittilil {l,.i"v io r,ru. a temporaryuse pernit but would not be able to renew it. He aaoea inii ilre Foreit'5e"vice did have an area designated for this use on Vail Mounta'in. ltheffy stated that thislocation would not woik for his business. Ihe!fv aiiJ-iir,"o if 6;;i;-d;-; - variance and was told that there was no such thi-ng-ai-a-ifI-variance. patten statedthat al'l conditional uses in-the Primary/Secondar! ion" Jiit"ict were pruiil uier,and.to.add-a private use would be a basiardizatio-n oi tni'iining coo.;'-onii i--conditional use is in the code, it is very difficult to iurn oown. Donovan felt that the Forest Service was.shirking their duty an<t should allowthe use on their land...patten replied that the Forest service poiiiv wai'io"alt9mpt to e'liminate.this type of servjce. He added ttrii ttre siarr iouio worfwith the Forest Service in air attempt to addrisi ou""iii-ui.r in the MasterPlan and spread out the responsibility to provide uses. Briner moved andinvolvinq only the uonovan voti ng agai nst. 7.uest for a si covera variance jn order to build a on Lot 4ocl( U, Va t I Ri dqe vIston. AppIIcant: Mike Baskins different from other radio signa)s.on seconcieci to approve the request Tom Braun showed site plans and elevatio_ns and explained the request. He statedthat the staff felt that the location of the gurale was tlre-most-iogicar-one---- 9l^!!.,]9t and the..garage size was not excessive.- The staff recomm6nded approval.Air:!91' dlscussion'=viel-e-qrovgg qno_Rqpso_n seconded to app"ouel_!e__reg.ge.!.!._pLi-.the s:aff memo. The vote w .l oca ted nex t tr.l="J:o *nexc _c, :n proposed eleva tor. Tinergnt - t- ha-t--Jarfur"E_be tr4eell U5 and AU f eet. :h ; .alr toveLhas a The eteva tor shoul d he proposed ch tn llost ' s op j. n1on, not greatty change the situation on this portion of thebu:,.lcling. The actctition greatly change the buiovera I I imetevat6aa;as ti-crease rhe size of the bu n9 whi exr s ti ngdoes not ca ses i s a.l rea dy too large f or the site. impacts on In stattthe addltion has minimal negative the usess ln Common Area Variance: Wr l1 l^iah +t'1'Yldt'$' na-tntal-n@on.rh common area to this property has no negative impactc on existingor pbtential uses and struciures in the vicr.nrty. T he p-Eep_ose_d_ele va -to The deqree to lrhich relief from theand ent orce achleve uni foe vlctn ant of s ege. Common Area Va ria nce: rs still inte reta- o s tn Heiqht Variance: It voulcl be a grant 9t speci,al prrviJ.ege to af.Lon the heightvariance. rt is certain.ly truE trrit trre existing building,ii alegal non-contorming use due to the fact tha t it hras consEructeclunder a different type of zoning. vail has rnany buildings whichfal"l e1 thin this citegory. The proposeo height ot 96 teet isover twice the maximum height of 43 teet a.lr onecl uncter thecurrent commerciar core r zoning. To approve such a great heightvariance rroul.d be a grant of speciat privi.tege. once agalnr many bui lctrngs in vait are over their alloerect GRFAand common a rea aJ.l owances. To approve the adctitional commonarea ot El. square feet would increise the t,otar amount over the'al.l-owed common area to 4tgg5 square f eet. To approve the additiSD-al El square feet ot common area rrouJd Iprivileger as fr6-st- o the same gquare footaprootems have not be c The effect of the requested va r 1a nce on liqh ano a r, distributionoI popuj'a t Oll r tra nspor ta ti on ano tratti c faci litiesr DubIic a c:. l r ties and utrliti.es, anA ubJ i c saf,etv. Heiqh t Va ri a nce: This variance will have some impact on light and air in that thesi,ze of the shadow cast by the stairwell will be increaaed ih&ddd \ Total exlsting 'l ,3Ju at f ota.l over allowed ( includingelevator, 41995 sf Densi ty Common Area (GRFA allowed zut, AJ lowa bl e DU's: Exrsting DU's: AJ ioweo Exrsting EIeva tor a 42 21335 sf'l ,249 afat sf wlth New El eva tor:96 tt 94.5 tt 9t ft 2. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon revi elt ot qriterra and F]'ndrngs, Section tE.62.06(J of theMun]'c o the peoarEment of communrti DEvEl6 nt recommenddenlae hergnt vartance ano Oenr.a.t e conmon a rea t--,..:/'rne r.elalronsh I poEentral uses and structures 1n the vicinil to other exi.stin Heich t Variance: The additrona.l height ot the elevaany actlacent properi tes. An exis tor shou-td ting starr not grea tower a try I rea).NA tr{\)'^t-9 4tY $,Yxr .21 ^q-c"I *t.ton. Allowed3 Approximate Existing l6t ot exlstrng root61t of exrsting roof I6t of existing roof 5t of existing roof2t ot exr,sting root Proposect e.levator 96 f t high: Revrsed Height Brea kdown23t ot exr.st,ing root6lt ot exrsting roof l6t or exrsting roof 1. up to but qt the buildlng may be buittto a height of 33 tt or less. Not more than 4Or ot the builcting may behigher than 33 ftr but not higher than43 tt. Hei ght s: 96 tt94.5 ft9J ft EE ft E5 tt gf_enge !eted upon ihe folLor"rinE--iEcffi inpa ct STAFF RECOMMEND; 'O[' --- The statf believesfron this proposat. be a grant ot speciaono ei"Eher-vE;ia;a;-. tha t, there Howeverr are the ho:rct-eaf signiticantstatf feels that rt impa c ts woul d oerriafoiiTl?bo For this reque9 ts. eprimary F€6sonr Btatt mus! recommenct t*lo 5q f*pJl -liloo I due to the e ional e.leva tor aclcli tiorr ui.tJthi.s area. height of the t Inot clisrupt the t.r.ow ;ed eleva tor. The of trattic througrr Common Area Va ria nce: The a ddi. ti ona J A t trilI hav me im there a re opent ng-e east end of t,hebe blocked by the e-leva tor actdi t,ion. f he wi I I no effect on eclestrlan or a uto trafti.c- on the o hallway which lJill noqt a dcli ti ona I common area r rs noc a-rffisize of Ehe en e covere s a oblem.. RELATED POLICIES IN VAIL'S COMMUNITY ACTION PLAN Not applicable. Such other factors and criterra as the n each floor of the omml ss 10 deems a Jicableto the orooosed variance. FI ND I NGS issron shal-t make the f ol.lor.rintln!!!Lngs before qrantinq a varlance. That the grantj.ng of the variance sill notspecial privilege inconsistent r{i th theproperties classitied in the same dj.strrct. Tha t the granting of the variance rriI.l. no!public health, satety, or weltare, or maproperties or improvements in the vicinity. constieute a grant ofl imi ta tions on other be detrimenta I to theterral.ty J.nlurious to That the variance is warranted for one or more of the foltowinq rea s on s: The s.trict or Jrteral interpretation and entorcement of thespecified regulation wouJ d result in practical. difficu.lty orunnecessary physi.cat handship inconsistent with the oblectrvesot this title. There are exceptions or extraorctinary circumstances orconditions app.ticable to the site of the variance that donot app-ly generalty to other properties in the sane zone. The strict or .literal interpretation and enforcement of thespecified regulation wou.td deprive the app.ticant of prrvilegesenJoyed by the owners ot other properties ln the samedistrl ct. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEET: p.lann.- ,i I Environmental commisl Communi ty. Development Department August 12, l985 In b- pEscRrprroN oF REQUEST SuttritE rt5y1Tlg The Lodge south condominium Assocratron is reguestrng to adcr a 96 -foot hj.oh elevator tower to the east sicte of the Lodge Sou€ticondominium bui.rding. Totar sguare footage for the elevatoradclrtlon ig 8l .<duare feer. The elevator wi. ll extend up to theath story ot the buil0rng. The elevator lJitt be usecr primarl.lytor servrcing the 42 exrsting condomini ums. LODGE SOUTH Total Site Area: Sr.te (80 r si te ot tota.t area J .335U acre Al lowed Existing Eleva torTotal existing Remaining sf or 141593 st ttr6'14 st 11r542 sfaI sf.llr623 sf (with e.leva tor, tPlease note si Pa ti os and ctecks Guide Plan. J GRFA: Densi tv te coverage inclunless otherwi se 5L sf udes bui.ldings, ground .leve.l specrtrect in the Urban Design \// Common Area )fi iEFa-TE;eo Al.Iowed lIt6'14 sfExisting 57 t526 sf Over allowed 45r652 sf Allonable DU. s: aExisting DU's: 42 2(J\t Allorred 2r335 sfExisting 't,249 sf Eleva tor Bt sf Total existing '/1330 sfTotal over allolred (includingetevator) 4,gg5 sf Up to 6()t ot theto a height of 33 building may be builttt or .Iess. t. Not more than 4Ot ot the building nay behigher than 3J ftr but not higher than43 tt. K..)$ A request for an extert or afteratron in order to add aneleva tor to the east side of the Loctge South builctj.ng.Applicant: Lodge South Condominium Association Helght Allowed: 2. Approximate Existing Hei ghts: tbt ot existing6l t ot exr s t. jng 16t ot exrsting5t ot er(rscing2t ot extsE.ino Proposed eleva tor 96 roo t roof roo f roof root tt highs 96 tt 94.5 f t9t ft E8 f tu5 tt Revrsecl tseight BreaJ<dor.rn r^,1 Eh Neu EJeva tor:23t ot exrsting root 96 ft6lt ot existing roof 94.5 tt16t of existing roof 9.1 f t *Prease note that lhe southeast corner of the elevator adclition(approximate-ry 9 st, encroaches on the Lodge at varl property.The app.trcant has provicrecr the enclosect letter fron the Loctge atVarl givj,ng their approval for the encroachmen!. 4t' tVL, t/rr*q+ al : l:, ^: : ::... ^t:u :1 _-o_"_t-r_o t-is - i _s € I e a r.l y a -t e sa I n on _ c o n f o r m i n e::..?:.u."..,yf:it _.o_lp"_recl^to the Commercrar Core r zontng ';"6;;;: ment.s.Wr th respectstructurear o@theteet. For this reasonreguest a common a rea va memo., allor.red amount is equa.l tor it is necessary tor theriance tor th:.s propgsal. 4 t995 squa reappiicant to(See a ttachecl buitcting a ctua I ly bui tcti ngproPosed 96 teet.linit otfor the Under Conmercia.l Core I zonlngr the maxrmum he:.ght ot theis 43 feet. In adclition, only 4Ot ot the buitOing canhave a herght ot 4J teet. Th-e Lodge South conctoniniumhas a height range between 9b feet ancl 85 feet. TheeJeva tor .r.rould ma tch exactty the highes t, root ridge ofThe new root is over twice a! n:.gfr as the allowed height43 teet. Therdtorer a height- varrance js requiredaddr ti on. II q I6.24.O10 purpose The Commercial Core and to mai.ntain the commercia I area, wj. establ ishments 1n a I criscrrct is intended to.provide sitesunigue chara c ter of the ta i I Vi I la geth its mixture of lodges and commercialpredominantly pedestria n envi ronmen t. purposes )arking, wafking or makj ll iveries. B. !ehicle penetra tion Appiicant: Not applicable. Statt: This Desrgn Consideration's maJor emphasis is toreduce."auto penetration into the center of the village.,.The Lodge is organized in such a way that parking is locatedin the rnterior areas of the site. Thereforer -thrs DesignConslclera tton is not appticabte to thrs proposat. It shoutdbe noted that the erevator actctiti.on wirl decrease the entryLtay nolr going into the parking garage on the ground level oithe Lodge South building. An adequate openrng of LZ f__eerriJl rema in it theldctr tion islf v e Depa r Emen umwrnfficiposar narntains thisvehi cl,e penetra tron shoutd notproposa l. C. Streetscape F ra meuor.k Not applicable. S treet E n cl osure or an access sray is lU feet.reguired width. Interior be actversely attected by thls D. --r^lra and statt: This consrctera tion sta tes that ,,an enclosure is most comfortable when its walls are1f as hiqh as thectosed.'.The extEEiE nclosure of Applicant ex terna I a ppr erGfi 9 rea ter proposed and the Lodge South Towersthan l:1. This ratio rriitel eva tor addi tion. space between theis currently anot be a f tected Lodgeratioby the F. Street Ecloe APplicant and statf: The addition wilr provide more interestand. i r-regutari ty to the building edge and facade of theeast eleva tion- G. Buitdinq Heiqht Applicant: The Lodge South Touer Condominiums is currentty 1-lol::gnforming buitcring tocated on the outer boundary oiEne comnerciar core r zone distrrct. rhe proposect eleva toradclj,tion is located internally on the Lodge at Vail. propertyat the east enct ot the Loclge South Tower condominiums.Although this tocation wirl cause the most impact to theLodge at vai.t, both the onnership ancl managinent ot theLo.d.gg strorgly approve of this addi tion. No request toradclrtional height is reguired since the proposed efeva toraddition is to be no higher than existing-po-rtions of thebuilding. The commer rr rre r distrrct is inter. .d J ensure adequa te119htr air, open space, and other amenj,tres approprrate tothe permitted types ot burrcrings and uses. The distrrctregulatlons in accordance with th; vair virlage uii"n DesignGuide plan and Deslgn Consrderatrons prescrtbe site deve.lop_ment standards that are intendect to ensure the rnalntenanceand preservation ot Ehe tight,ty clustered arranfements ofbutlclings tronting on pectest,rian lrays and publj.c greenwatsrand to ensure continua tron of trre buirorng scate "no "rchit-ectura.l qua.lrties that distinguish the Vl.Ifage. III.COMPLTANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PLAN F'OR VAIL VILLAGE The Urba n Design cuicle pJa nproposals tor thj.s area . IV. COMPLIANCE WITH URBAN DESTGN CONSTDERATIONS T,OR VAIL VILLAGE eleva t"t .oo-i tiJr, "no thet aAaa ^h6 l ^.-^ rr cr lrlt Lflg::::::ill:I.:^:-".j-e_:-.ii" is presenriy used as a parr(ine ?Il":".r.::::_ o.._r-rl.:I_ ",r":, ano a pecresrrran wa.rkr.ray up rothe ski I j.f ts from the Lodge. The etevator adcti tion shhave ve back closeTWeoestr . 'r nepresen t.t y use cloes not ca.lI out any specific The purpose of the comparison between the proposa l ano the De€ignConsldera t j.ons is to shor., how the new destgn strengthens ordetracts from the overarl intent ot the Desrgi considerat.ions.Be'low each consideration is the appricant.s response as well asthe statf 's response to that particutar item. A. Pedestrranization legJica19: The proposed eleva tor adcti tion wi.tl conr:.nue tocretine the estabrished separa tion between p.o".iii"ns andvehicre circura Eion along the east bulrcri.ng edge ano theLoclge pa rl<ing Iot. staff: The ereva tor addrtron is rocated on the interior ofthe Lodge development. It is not close to a ma3or leOestrian e-leva toEl for the Statt: The apptrcant actually is reguesting addttionalheight as a greater portion of the buildlng wltt now be atthe maximum herght ot 96 feet. The exrstrng building hasonly 16t ot the root at 96 feer. With the elevator addition,23t ot the roof line vj,tl be at 96 teet. It is dililg]lE_Jo , ;servt ce for the buildrng's 8 floors. The roof line will not also where the present el.eva tor is located. As stated in- the Design Considera tion "The height critEra are intended ex xrstin to encourage height and rnassing variety and to discourageunif orm builcting heights a.long the street.'. It is staf f .s opinron that the criterra cannot be apptied effectively tothis proposa.l. due to the f act tha t to have a usef ul eleva tor,it must service the I floors ot this exlsting building.Staff does teel that the Loclge South condominium builctingdoes require special consideration due to the exrstinghej,ght ot the building and purpose ot the service elevator. Vr ews Applicant: Neither establlshed view corrrctors nor streetscapevlews from pedestrian ways will be adverse.ly affected. statt: Establrshect vierrr corrldors and vrews from pedestrlan ways will not be adversely affected by this proposal. Vier.rsot the ski mountarn from the I-70 'and Frontage Road areasr.tilJ be af tected. The actditionat he j.ght of the eleva Eor acldi tion wi-tl btock out a sma.Lt portion of the vler^r of theski mounta i n. I. Service/Delrverv Applicant: No impact. Statf: All service and delivery areas are maintained giventhis proposa l. S un./S hade Applicant: The proposed elevator addition LriJI have insig-nltrcant effect.on the spring and fall shadow pa ttern overthe surrounding Lodge at Vail properties and parking lot. Staft: The existing stair tower already casts shadovs intothe parking area belon. The proposect eleva tor will increasethe shadow pa ttern slightly. Howeverr the sun./shade criteria1s designed for the purpose of limiting shadow patterns on acl ja ceht properties or the publ i c ri gh t-ot-way. rnJh-i.E-c?se, the ilevator a tion t{i.tl not affect adjacent proper- ,J. ,ties or pu gnt-ot= Statf recommends approvat ol this proposal. It is fett that theproposar is either not applicable to the Design consideratlons oihas very little impactr -it any, on each consrcteratlon. Stattaiso teels t,hat some rerief must be given to tha "iri"t interpre-tation ot height considerations for ihis building due to the factthat it is a non-conformi.ng structure. staff recormenos approvar,ot the project, contingent upon the Fire Department anct pubJrcWorks concerns being addregsecl. v.STAFF RECOI,I..ldNDATION Fi re Department J. Fire servi ce recalr wilr be reguired in.the ne' e.levator. 2- compriance with the vai.r Fire Departnent ararn systemwill be reguirect. Publrc Works 'l' The ereva tor actcrl tlon must not change the ex:,sErngdrainage pattern on the property. t)k Street Edse: 1/ Applicant and Staff: There is no change in street edge,provides a jog in the facade linepoint in an area of high buildings Lodge a :ai l -3- 8/12/85 except to the extent that the which gives some interest and a and parking. The allowed height'in Comnpreialfeet. The canopy is definitely aanopy focal I^ WtK{,4+ Staff recornends approval of this proposal . The project has an overa'l Ipositive impact when compared to the Urban Design considerations.staff feels that the entry addition and porte-c6chdre wiil qriattv Iimprove the appearance of the existing entry way. Staff reiommenis that ZUf,,the Design Review Board level , the applicant be required to prcvide I some additional landscaping to replace several of the aspen Lrees thatwill have to be taken out due to the infill of the existing p]anter areas. *S<y(".ea ,/ .F. Buildinq Heiqht: L.i Appl i cant: The building height is well below what is allowed in Cormercia'l Core I. Sta ff: The height of the canopy is 23 feet. Core I varies between 33 feet and 43 below these height rnximurs. Views Applicant and Staff: No major views are affected. some of the condomin.i ums to the north of thecanopy may, have their views of the main Lodge_bui'lding b'lcicked. However,views of the ski slopes do not appear iq be-UloikeO. " - --" Service and Deliverv Applicant and Staff: All service alleys are kept open and full access under the canopy forfire and emergency equipment is provided. Note that traffic int-o tne Lodge will now be organized so that visitors entering the property willuse the south entrance on the parking lot and visitors exiting will usethe north exit. WL Sun/Shade: App'l i cant and Sta ff : No adjacent properties are affected. V. STAFF RECOM4ENDATION: r4-r G4. Lodge at Vail -2- BILZ/BS regulations in accordance with the vair vilra_ge urban design guide pranand design considerations-prescribe site aeuef-opreni"rilililo, that areintended to ensure the maintena.nce and-p"eservation ot itre-irgr,ttyct us tered arran gements^9 f bui r din gs ironting ir -pil.iiriui"u'v, .nopublic greenlravs, and to ensure c6ntinuatid oi il;-b;;i;;il scare andarchitecturar qua'r ities that distinguiih tt,t vir iui.l'' ' 9 "'v This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for theCommercial Core I district. III. N{ FOR VAIL VILLAGE proposal does not "g]gt. to any of the sub-area concepts listed inurban design guide plan. IV.VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison between the proposalto show how the new design strengttr-ns-or detractsof the design considerations. COMPLIANCE WITH THE AN DESIGI,I GUIDE PLAN "This the and considerations isfrom the overall intent A. Pedestrianization: B.Vehicle Penetration: Applicant and Staff: No change occurs to what is c.!!rcet Enclosure: currently on site. Appf icant and Staff: This submittar has no impact on the pedestrianization of vair village.The area is currenty,useo ur . pi"rinj_tot, entry-.and-aeiiu""y a""..The canopv and the sirosequent i":"iiiiiig oi irittii"inilinies the experienceof the visitor to the. Lodge in itr.i-ir'" ."". is now covered when theguest unloads his or her iar. Applicant and Staff: There is no effect on_ street enclosure, as the parkingbordered by three to five-story UuiiJin6s. To a certainwill .create-a. pecestrian focus .no aiufit attention frombuilding heights.. lot is already extent the canoovthe upper T'NTIED STATES MAGISTRATE JTIDGE T.JNITED STATES DISTRICT COTIRT UM]ED STATES COURTHOUSE DENVE& CO 8f.294 BRUCE D. PRINGIJ Magistrate Judge w2717 CERTMCATE OF T,IAILING Civil Action No. 89 N 1098 : I hereby certi& that a copy of the RECOMMEhIDAITON oF TTNITED srATEsIl'rAGrsrMrE JITDGE_qqfd March 30, rggl entered by Magistrate Judge Brucc D. Pringle was mailed tbts w day of March, l9g\ to theiolloring persons: Charles B. White, Esq. Wayne F. Forman, Esq. Andrew W.lcwr, Esq. Margaret E. Porfido, Esq. 410 Seventeenth Street 22nd Floor Denver, CO ffi202 Randall M. Livingston, Esq. Jo-es S. Bailey, Jr. Esq. One United Bank Center 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 3800 Derwer, CO 80203 Jamgs W. Winchester, Esq. Assistant United States Attorney I:wrence A Eshvitll Esq. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Kenton W. Fulton, Bq. Deparrment of Justice I-and and Natural Resources Dvision General Litigation Section P.O. Box 663 washingoq D.c 2w4+0663 -a''/4,;-v42;L,--,4- Secreury tdMagistrate Judge Pringle t() T0: Planning anO Environmental Comnission FR01'l: Cormuni ty Devel oprent Department DATE: August 12, 1985 SUBJECT: A Request for an exterior alteration in order to expand the entry onthe west side of the Lodge at Vail APPLICANT: Lodge Properties Inc. r. THE PR0PoSAL q0 4, tJ,)etqB The Lodge at Vail_.is requesting to expand their we-st entry by 90'rlru"" 0feet. They are also proposing-to add'a porte-cocn!"e-oiioit["#entrance. The roof ridge-of.the-porte-cochlre is 23 feet in trelghi.The following zoning statistics for the Lodge are iistea below: LODGE AT VAIL l'lAIN }'III{G 0NLY (Does not include North Hing, Arcade, Condos, Lodgeprorenade) Total Site Area Lot A: 2.08g9 acres or 90,992 sq. ft. Site C0verage: Allovlable: 72,794 1E0Z x ioET-site area) Existing:-iffi8l (Please note site coverage includes buildings, ground level patiosand decks unless othenrrise specified in thi urdan Design euiae iian) G. R. F. A.Al'lowab'f e: 72,794Existing: 19,192 sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. ft. ,t-l I Y. t Common Area: Allowable: 14,559(2EFIJ-I owed*-> GRFA) Existtng: -*2-515 New Total Comon Area Including Entry -l#,JOF-sq. ft. larkinq: Jh" existing parking is not decreased by this One additional parking space is provided due to realiqninoparking layout adjacent to the porte-cochEre proposa 1 the II. C0l,lPLIAll'CE WITH THE'PURPOSE SECTIOH 0F CCI ZONE Purpose: Section 18.24.010. The Conmercial Core I djstrict is intendedto provide sites and to majntain the unique character of the Vai'l Vi'liiqecommercial area, with its mixture of lodjes and comrnercjal estiblistrmeniiin a predominant]y pedestrian environrpent. The Commercial Cop I Oisiriitis intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenitiiiappropriate to the permitted types of buildings aird uses. The districi--- by arrd bt:t.rvccn tht: !64'',' .l)ro1rcr.t.jc,s, Inc:., ("l'hc Cor'lroratiorr") ancl Llrc Toryrr of \rai1, a ( "'I'he Torvn'r ) , TJll ij A(jltljl,,irll,i,i'l' r-'n t.r:r't.tl i rr t.o t.h.i s tl I r .1' ,', 1', I f)83 il C()l ()rado (i(.)r'l)()l'il L icln, Cr:lorado l\tun i t: i 1.lr I Corporl L i un , 1. The Corporation is .mentS located thereon \r,hich ("The'Lodge"). Being more and containing 2.OgO.acres. 2. The Lodge is located within the CommerciaL Core. of ttre Town of Va1l. I NECII'ALS the.Oivner of ccltain rcaL are collectively knorvn as particularly described on prolrcrt y and 1m;rr.<:rve- the l,odge at Vai 1 the attached BxhibiL t'Art I Zone District 3. A dispute has arisen betrveen the Corporatj.on ancl the Town as 'to qiirether the zoning ordinances oI the Torvn woulcl allow the additlon of 34 uelv accorffnodation units and one dvrelling unit (collectivety referrecl to ^as "Units'!) to the Lodge 4. The dispute relates to whether certain of the drvelling units of the Lodge Apartments condominiunrs located on a parcel of air space above the real property owDed by the Lodge,.1s attributa.ble to the la.nd owned by the Corporation itself 5. The parties now rvish to compromisc and settle all differences rvhich remain between them. II AGREBIUENT NO'l? TIIERE FORE, the parties agree as follorvs: 1. The parties agree that the density control sectj.on of the zoning ordinauce for Commercial Core I shall not prohibit the Lodge from building the Units 2. Be{ore the Lodge shalL proceed with the construction of the Units it shall be required to cornply with all thc appropriate or.clinances of the Town and obtain permission lrom tlre appropriate boards and commlssj-ons of the Torvn and rulthcr olrtain a1r rec1ui.1.ed aud nu"*""uty permits. 3. Slrould the Loclge go forn'ard with tlre crinstruction of the Units it shall be lur'tlrer requiled to const.ruct er:plrurlecl conlerence and meetlng rc;om facilities iu thc Lodge so that whcn such cripansion 1s conrpletc the Loclge , ,*'j 4, Ht3>tll tVh 't"u rill:! | I ('rrnl,;r tl t.r.rt.ir I (:(rtt l(,t.r.tr:(! :rrrtl trr(.r:1,.i tr;,, 1,1,1111 $ilritr:(f r,;lt !t.ir i:; ? ,'100 .l t:t:|. i.lr ,s izr.,r nlrl'tr ()r I r.:l;r-; ()J lvlr i t:tr olrr: r.rronr shltj I t:r,rr r ;t i ^ 9'll 0 , 0(t0 Fj(luii l"(: J ec L nror.c ()r.' -t(-,ss.'b347 ' 4. The corPorat.i()lr slrall not illstjt.ul,e flny legaJ. ncti.)1 aga.inst 1l(: 'l'tlt','n concerning any of the clispu[ccl lssucs; sct.torth hereiu. The Lodge b], cntcring into this Agreemcnt cloes not waive its rights to r.equest an adclitionar six acsommodati.n units nor does the Town waive its rtght to oppose such Tequest'. IN WITT\ESS day of ITIIEREOT,the parties heve slgnecl thls Agreement tbis , 1993. THE LODGE PROPERTIES, INC. TOII'N OF VAILA Colorado ilunlci.pal Corporatlon t :t l" J car; t tt at lcar;l by ar Tll:j AorruurliN't inrcrsd tnr' ur * {aa.y ol' Ae#-, 1983 ,r1' rr||d butwcen tbo LodSo Propertlos, !nc. . a Colorado CorP(rro[lon, ."'/'hrl Cur1.'e511ion") rnd the To*n of Val1, I Colorldo l(unlc,pul Corgoratlon, : "The Tutt'n" ). . I RECITALS 1. The Cornoratlon i6 the Cnuuer cf err t a1n l'nr.l rents loc|lted tlter€on rvhlch rre collect!.vely kno'xn lo "The Loclge"). Belng mot'c pertlculrt;ly clr:scr'lbed on rnd contalning 1.090 tcres. . Froperty 8nd hrp''19Y6- the Lodgc at Vrll thc tttachcd Exhlblt rrArl 2. The Lodge la located wt thtn f.he Corrrrrgrclal Core I zone DlBttlct rf the Town of Vell. 3. A dlapute bss arleen botrveen'rbc Corpst'ntlon rnd the Town as' o trhetlier ttre sonlng ordlnances of rhLr f6v::r uould allo$ the &ddltton o! .l ner.r irccolnmod&tion unlts Rnd o!)'r ..Jpe) ltng unlt ( co1lectlvely rater'red to s "Llni te" ) to the Lod8e a. The dispute relatcs to $'heth€,r'c-'ttaln c,! the dwelllng unltr 'f the L.';dee Aperlments Condomj.ntunc llocr.ted un I pBrgel oI atr EPlee .hove tUe real property owner! try t.he Lcds,'. 16 sttltbutable to tii tan, iunRd bl, the Corporatlon lteel.f . 5. The partles now wish to conrl'r:lni--',r $:rri set?10 all dllferenioE cllrain bettveen them. T'llEnX fOnE, the pnrtles Tlre partlee agree tbur for Ccmmerclal Core t II AGNDEUENT trgl Eti ac f ollows: []r0 r1 ::i;ri 1: i' cS:.!!u.l ntrni !. lirrt proh i.irl t nectlon tlre Lodge ol t.he f roln zonlug bulldt ng Urr I ts tlte of I .400 ifi.s ,rRAir[ft 9-ii-9t-t,,l r,r.|,'Fhl r ,"JUa ,tI --.jt!ttfF-- I s.,111 l.ir J tr 1'uLitJ ct'll f ril'u'lt:(! :rnd J rrr,.t ln aLy'n, Dot(? (tl lcrrlr rrf s(Jrrtrc Jeot mor'c or 1o88. 4. The corporrtlon ehall not ,hsrt tliL" D.ri:}. I real lctl on egrlnBt the r$o conggrnlng any of the dllrtruted ignu+s e;.'L tcr'-l- t:e"eln. Tlle 1ogtqe bJ ;!erlng lnto thlo 46reement doss no! rr.:rr': i1-r;rilir3g to requeB" Irr t,c,.i.'. 1j]lr*.r. .)l !ccolnrhrrdatlon uDlt6 Dof doeg. thg T',-'qn riElvr.r .r f.l li8,ht to gppoS€. Brtch iquFE!. . In $ITNBSS UIIEREOF, the parrlgE have elgne.l thls Agrcemcnt **, I t ,. 'y a Lr-."rtd, tr983.U T'HE LCDi:L tnQPERTlES, lNC. by TUIiN OIT VAILa C:1or.r.tlo ltuniclpal Corporrt t on Itlrt l. i rr[ ,'rrrrlll !riri.t:c Wlt i clt i|i Ut l0lrs l rvhirlr rrtre r(r0in shol I .Crull nf n At lcrrrit. ol{t)llanager E . Drager, re a ldent ,4 ''/'/ / /,r-. --/[,'fu--iliclrarc'! CapIan, LyHiBiT. 'H'' THE IODCE APARIMEM CONDOMINIUM EXHIBIT A.I I.DGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPENTY OWNED BY DECITRANrS AS OF DATE OF A part of lota !, b, and c, Block 5-C' Vall Vlllage, Ftrst Flllng, Corinty of Eagle, State of Colorado, oore partlcularly descrlbcd ag followg: Beglontng !t che Southresg corner of lot e, 8lock 5-C, Vall vlllage, Flrat Ftllng; thence North 24'LL'O0'tscet a dlstance of 119.67 fcet; r,hence North U'17tOO'tsast a dlet,ancc of 143.00 fcet to e potnt of cune; thence along a cunte Eo the rlghc havlng r radlus of 96.00 fcet, t centrtl engle of 64'00t00tt, end an arc dtstance of L07.23 fcct to a polnt of tsngent; ihence along satd cangenc Norch 79'17r00'lasc a dtsteocc of 245,42 feet to e polnt of cunre; theoce along a cutare to thc rlght havlng a redlus of 582.79 fcet, a ccntral angle of 2'03'54", and an arc lcngth of 21.00 feet to a polnc; rhence Sotrth l0'30r16'lact a dletancc of 369.21 fcec co the South llnc of satd lpt t; thence South 89'44t00'1Jest and along satd South llnc a dlatance of 490.63 feet to the pol.nt of begtnnlng. E x ll; BiT nBo THE IOEE IPA TTGNT CONDOI.IINIUM I.ECAL DESCBIPrION OF ISnIU TIINC ThaE prrB of lptg a and b, tlock 5-G' Vatl Vlllrge Flrst Ft1lng, Couocy of F.gh, Statc of.Golorado, oore parttcularly deecrlbed aa folloa: Cocnclng et chc So'ughreet corner of lae er Block 5-C, tald Vall Vl,llegc Ftrrt Flltng3 chcnce N.24'llr00'ts. aod along the Norttnrerc llnc of rald lot e, Dlock 5-C, 119.67 fcct; thcnce N.U'lr'00'E. rnd rloog thc Nortlnrcag ltno of aeld tot a, Block 5-C, 109.65 fccc to thr Snrc potnt of bcglnnlng; chcnec N.D'17r00't. and aloog che Norttnrcet ltac of loc e, Block 5-Cr 33.35 feet to a point of cunre; thcncc along the North llne of lot e, Block 5-C eod t cunte to the rtght havlng e radlus of 96.00 fcet, a ccotral angle of 64'00'00t', an lrc dtatancc of 107.23 fcet to e polnt of tangenc; BhGnec N.79'l7l OO'8. and along thc North ltne of lot r, tlock 5-C1 and ilong catd trngcnt, 245.42 fcec to a polng of cunc; thencc along rhe Noreh llne of lpB b' Elock 5-C and t cuilG to the rlghc hevtog e redlue of 582.79 fcct, e ccotral eoglc of 02'03t54", En lrc dlstancc of 21.00 fcct co e polnti thcnc. S.10'30t16'ts., 18.97 fcet; Ehcnce s.79'29r44'T.' 146.65 fcet; thcncc N.10'301 16'1.t., lji.OO feet; thence s.79'29'44'!.,29.85 feet; Ghbnce s.lo'30t16'E., 6.00 fcec; thence s.79'29f44'T., 16.35 fcct,; thence s.lO'30t16'1., 8.90 fcet; shcncc s.79'29r44't{., 8.35 feet; Bhcnce .S.lO'30t16'ts., 6.00 fect; Bhcncc S.79'29r44rT., 167.81 feet to the tnre polnt of beglnnlng. Extisir "c" THE LOME APARTMEM CONDOMINIUM EXHIBIT A.3 IICAL DESCRITTION OF THE SOUTH WING oF THE CONDOHINIUM BUJIJING (1) bgal descrlptlon of the northerly portlon of the eouch wlng of the condooinlun bulldtrg (comonly referred to a8 the fourth floor of the condoolnluo bulldlng). The alr Bpace above the clevatton 81191.62 feet above ran sea level over thc followlng-deecrlbed property: That parc of Lot a, Block 5-C, Vall Vtllage Flrer Flltng, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, oore partlculrrly deecrtbed ee follqrs: Coroenclng at che Southrcac corner of Lot a, Block 5-C, aaldVatl Vlllage Flrsc Ftltng; thence N.24'll'00'b. and along the Norttnrescerly llne of cald lot a, 8lock 5-C, ff9.67 feet; rhence N.U'17t00'E. and along che Norttroesicrly llne oflor a, Block 5-C, f09.65 feet; thence N.79'29 r44'ts. , 15l.Blfeet to the tnre potnc of beglnntng; chence 5.10.30'16"E., 44.30 feet; thancc S.79'29r44'1.t., 10.00 feer; thence S.10.30t 16"E., 40.70 feer; rhence N.79'29'44'8., 10.00 feer; thence S.l0o30'16'ts., U.05 feet; thence N.79'29'44'E., 16.65 feer; rhence N.10'30'16'1{., 2O.10 feet; thence N.79029t44,8., 90.25feet; thence N.10'30'16'T., 28.00 feet; therrcc S.79'29r44'!.,' 38.35 feet; thence N.10030'16'T., 57.95 feec; Chcncc S.79'29'44'T., 8.00 feet; thence N.10'30r16'T., U.00 feet; thcnce S.79'29144'tt., 29.85 feec; rhencc S.l0'30r16'ts.r 6.00 feec; chcace S.79'29r44'T., 16.35 feec; thence S.t0o30r16rE., 8.90 feet; thence 5.79'29 t44'1t., 8.35 feet; thence S.10'30r16tE., 6.00feec; chence S.79'29r44'T.r 6.00 feec to the tnre polnc of begtnnlng. (11) Iegal &scrlpclon of the eouthcrly portl,on of the aouch wtng of the condootntuo butldlng (cocoonly referred to aa rheflfth floor of the condoolnluo butldtng). The alr space above the clevatton 8r2M.89 feet above Ean aea level over che followlng-deacrlbed property: That parc of loc a, 8lock 5-C, Vall Vtllage Flrar Flllng, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, oore partlculrrly descrlbed as follons: Comnclng at the Souttnrest corner of lot a, Block 5-C, satd Vall Vlllage Flrst Flllngi thence N.24'11r00'ts. and along rhe Nortlnresterly llne of satd lot a, Block 5-C, U9.67 fect; thence N.U'17r00'ts. and along the Norctnreaterly llne of Lot a, Block 5-C, 109.65 feetl thencc N.79'29r44rts., 15l.El fecc; rhencc s.10'30r16'ts., 44.30 fcet; thcnce s.?9o29'44'T., lO.oo feer; rhence s.10'30t !5'ts., 40.70 fcet; rhence N.79'29i44'ts. , lO.O0 feat; rhencc S.10'30tl6r'E., 15.05 feet; rhence N.?9.29i44'E. U.65 fcet Co ghe CnrG polnt of beglnntng; chences.ln'Jor16'8., 84.70 fcec3 rhence N.79'29r44'ts., O.oO feer; th..ncc S.10'30r 16'E., 66.10 feet; thence N.79'29'44"E. , 6.00feet; thcncc S.10'30t16'ts., 1.66 feet; thcnce N.89'44 rOO"E., 24.44 fcct; thence N.79'29r44'8., 23.90 feet; thence N.1O'3Ol 16'T., 46.00 feec; thence N.79'29'44'ts., 9.30 feer; Ehence N.I0'30t15'il., 130.80 feet; shence S.79'29r44'T., 69.25 feec; thence S.l0'30'1618., 2O.10 feet co the tnre polnt of beglnntng. -2- \o t.r x|lol, I. tlll, ![.' tolt l.clrlSl alt^H. urts l. DltU !a |ll[t A. l{ccllt. OrrDsca.r ol lb Cogry ol l'tr', fiitr ct Cclar&r lcE t llrrbL ocrtd.r.tto.r-brlby tr'D3,-lt.d ont 3a l8 nfictll tlc.' . abr.& coaporr- irr. ccrr.-rbla rddrrrr ta ,lt0 tlrlc Elcrl l.*iet&-5rir. orrlro tol0l, Gtct.rd hr:t cl Drc. E;--oI'oGa., iil cr th' 'olttr-'&rctlrl nl tltctt L.as- fr 3b rrat ct lllr, lt.:. ct 6lorrdo' 3. rllt ExHi tsiT 'Oo II1|EI FEr.le gtllllllgl-egg L.,.,fr-- I rrrt of lrtr .r l. !a e , llcb t'Cr lrllI1llo. ?t!rt tlrrdr Gc*Y d tr3b, lccr oC CrLirtr ur frtfcgbslT |rlcrlbd o trllrr rttrh .3 t fcbrc scFra cc 14 r' lio t.E. lrtl lUb., llrrr tillll 3b. rottl ta'ilr00r ll: l Srts of u9.at !..3ilucr tstlb t!'ltr$i lrr3 r dlr:rr ol Uf .O tlt tr r FIDB cC rrcrrt sbrf flcf a crrsi-aa:f d'itc lrrLaj-r !{F oC f '00i;;'a crcrrl rirrr cr ll'oo'o0ir d I irc irrsrrr ot loi.tl trog co . Ftc o(-;;;r;; ciia. rlo[ retd tujri nrtl t9' ltr6o'r irrt r alrcc. ol lAt.at trc 30 . DctlG ct ortrar t 3trea a:tl a GuFf, cc 3bllar uvtar r-crdlrrr ot ltt.lt t-c. I cr*rrlrirr cc tt!rt'". rod ra rro blt$ ct tl'00 fric to . ,olorlt irrr folb l0"O'llx loc r dlr3er-ot !6t.lf l..t to ch. tqrtb llt ol iU toc rl cbrr lanth lftft'00tr tb.t !a.loc r.ld lqr;h ltn r dletrmr cl l!O.t! frt-to 3b Dcl'Dc cl bqLotS; - .J,i,laia.l!:i,:Fnll f r. - ---''.'t-- "?':: -- -=-:tr tL ooa o. . t*t-,tIt..lra, I/UItl3r,:c rb a.trrccOd tcl Chr rror&lf. hru ;:'l':'li: fii:::ffi i..l!,Ei::'*!*f ,*.., Gh. ilr,. Oacrl:o - l;. '::lj.,Ta*rrrj,JG:::'?liEJrrct.r roi-oririil!- 'il: ,'!,I !3rcptr:rcslcG, vrrrEiiii',::.:5^ E:3.c16 D{.-crr ri,o "i i;id:;T;;1il.fl1'S..i: ff;:33ttt-1" "vrrrsr 6 r..a t.ccl.rtoo t-, Ircr|rrd Ghb lliL dry ot R*. . . , I l9rl. |lrEt c ot4rDo ,3ar /rD (!G, - caal ... *qiffi,?:rrErlt !t h.{ rei *'gicirl '1, r"r9 '.bi '*'l :t't. : j,iE|El!trf,lFtr;l:lEl!r\ E E-I- --l -tlb aa - o |llil a omo r aut _Xtt t'| eC Eqr. Ullllf q fd d otltcLt x.l. ,: tb lcarjola lrtrrrot ro rclqb{rl btor , lttt lt f-l l. lu&tt,.t,-.... -:I t ,a, Je.rqir.,.., !r J.!rr,r ri.r i,It h.rr t Nrr t r, ll lrrt r, I' I rt- --q.r{.:.rrr rrh: ..r-.i _, ., 1"!l:3lEtrIt:6 tltS:t{:.r ., \\ $ g\c CI \ v tv / .a ,/ \l \ \ / t-L\5Qsr-v 1tr ar l| \\ \ /\;: /IT: L .,t ,t \ Community Development Plan Routing Form Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Partch, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Rcturn To:Andy Knudtscn, Community Devclopmcnt Datc Routed:A'*at 1, / 77 ? Rctum By:wtl?, Projcct Name: Projcct Address:r 0- /- Projcct Lcgal: Projcct Dcscription:a/r^ s/u-./'-,^-4 Lj,r--r Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions SIIAltl Gonstruction MarchT,1997 To: Lany Pardee From: Scot Lowry Re International Wing Steging Plan Larry: If you have any questions or concerns during the construction of the International Wing Project please contact any one of the following: Jim Aughenbaugh Superintendent, SHAI{ C onstruction Job Site- 479-8980 (after April l5s) Scot LowrT Projecl Manager, SHAW Construction Job Site - 479-8980 (After April l5e), Mobite- 3}O-8472,GJ Ofiice- 242-9236 Attaehed are (5) sets of Plans showing the proposed fence lines during construction and applicable dates. North Court Access Access to the North Court Yard of the Lodge at Vail through the Founders Square area will be limited to 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a,m. on approved working days. All equipment and materials used in the North Court Yard will be kept inside the fence line. The Lodge at Vail will post a bond or present some other mutually acceptable means to insure that any damages that could potentially occur to improvements on the access route will be corrected. Work on Saturdays Request We would like to request permission to work Saturdays from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for every weekend that is not a holiday weekend. We anticipate that in order to meet our schedule we will need to work the majority of Saturdays. Work on Sundays We understand that in order to work on Sundays, we must ask for permission in writing two business days in advance. Normal Work Hours We understand that normal work hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. 760 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction, CO 81506 (970\ 242-9236 t f 24 I -56 I 8 SIIA11' Gonstruction Work on Holidays We understand that work on the following Holidays is not permitted: Memorial Day Fourth of July Labor Day Thanksgiving Christmas New Years Dav Skier Bridge We will leave the skier bridge open through April 20, 1997. The bridge will then be closed until Thanksgiving 1997. Noise Ordinance We have reviewed the Town's noise ordinance and will comply with it. Road Maintenance We will inspect all access roads that are directly affected by our construction actMties on a regular basis and will take measures to clean them of excessive dirt and debris as needed. We will apply a layer ofscreened rock on the portion ofForest Road that will be used by us for access into our construction site to help mitigate dirt that may track onto adjacent roads. Forest Road Accessibility We understand Forest Road is used by emergency vehicles. We will not stage any vehicles on Forest Road that would hamper access of emergency vehicles. Vehicle Staging We will not allow any trucks, especially trucks delivering precast, to stage any where in the Village while they are waiting to deliver to the job site. Trucks will use the approved route from I-70 directly to the job site to make deliveries. Ifyou have any comments on the above please contact me. I feel that the most important part of maintaining a staging plan that has the least amount of impact on the Town is to have an open line of communication between us and you. I appreciate your cooperation and look forward to working with you throughout this project. Thank you. Sincerely, Scot Lowry cc: Clark Atkinsoq ARC, Tim Losq Zelven& Associates 760 Horizon Drive, Grand Junction, CO 81506 (97 o) 242-9 23 6 t f 24 | -56 r8 a. b. c. d. e. f FILE COPY TOWN AFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Department of Community Development Scptember 18,1995 Jim Broun One Norwest Center, #3000 1700 Lincoln Ccntcr Denver, CO 80203 Re: International Wing Lodgc at Vail Dear Jim: The Town of Vail has schedulcd the Intcrnational V/ing for a final Design Review Board hcaring on October 4, 1995. Interested individuals are wclcome to attend the bearing which will be held at thc Town of Vail, Council Chambcrs, located at 75 South Frontagc Road. The hearing will bcgin at 3:00 p.m. Ifyou havc any qucstions, plcase call me at (970) 479-2138. Sinccrcly, ,ffi1*Jv4q Andy Knudtscn Scnior Planner {p*,uo Jim Brorrrn - Jay Peterson Lynn Fritzlen One Norwest Center, #3000 108 S. Frontage Rd. #307 FriulerU Pierce, Briner 1700 Lincoln Center Vail, CO 81657 P.O. Box 57 Dflrver, CO 80203 Vail. CO 81658 Onc Vail Place Condo. Assoc. Mr. Chris Ryman U.S. Forest Servicc C/O Steve Simonett Vail Associates Holy Cross Ranger District P.O. Box 3459 P.O. Box 7 P.O. Box 190 Vail,CO 81658 Vail.CO 81657 Mintum.Co 81645 Riva Ridge South Condo. Assoc Riva Ridge North Condo. Assoc. Summers Lodge c/o Marijke Brofos c/o Rick Haltermann c/o Rick Haltcrmann P.O. Box 759 P.0. Box 3671 P.O. Box 3671 Vail,CO 81657 Vail,CO 81758 Vail,CO 81657 SiEmark Building Gore Creek Plaza Wall Street Bldg. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fritch c/o Vail Management Company c/o Mr. Robert Lazrer 91458 Kenyon, Suite 200 Zehren & Assoc 183 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81758 Mr. Jack Reutzel Denver, CO 80237 Mrs. B.C. Hill 31 1 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Jared M. Drescher I l0l3 Tara Road Potomac, MD 20854 201 Gorc Creek Drive Vail, CO 81758 Greg Chrishnan P.O. Box 1976 Avon. CO 81620 Mr. Randall H. Woods 55 Meade Lane Englewood, CO 801l0 Mrs. Luanne Wells 712 N. Palm Drive Beverly Hills, CA 90210 386 Hanson Ranch Road Vail. CO 81657 Jack Zehren Zehren & Assoc. Box 1976 Avon.CO 81620 fh. Harold J. Smead 6 Quail Meadows Drive Woodside, CA 94062 Ms. Anita Saltz 6 Martin Butler Court Rye, NY 10580 tY <U,\!/ "i.^, 0/ I't 't*'-*' oaJ' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 e7 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD POSIED ON JOBSITE AT PERMT PETMit ALL TIMES #: 896-0074 SHAW CONSTRUCIION CoMPANY Phonet 97Q-242-9236 ?60 HORIZON DR, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81506 SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Phone z 970-242-9236 ?60 HORTZON DR, GRAND JUNCTTON co 81506 LODGE PROPERTIES INC Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. ]-74 E GORE CREEK DR INTERNATIONA]-, WING 2\0r-082-23-009 PRJg 6-0054 Status. . . epplied.. Issued. .. Expires. . TOV/Comm. Dev. ISSUED 04/2e /tee6oe/t8/ree6 03/t7 /Lee7 L74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL co 81657 Description: ADDITION TO LODGE AT VAIL APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER OccuPancY: Type construction: Type OccuPancy: Valuation: Fi rcptlcr Infornation: Restr i cted: Clean-uP DePosit Refund approved t?." = II 1-HR TYPe II l-Hour ? , 000, 000 #of Gas ApP [i ances: amount date Add Sq Ft: 30742 fof 6as Logs:#0f lood/Patl'et: *** FEE sullltARY ffiH**r***f*Jr*ll*iffi Bui f,ding--> ??,31&.6 Restuanant Pl,rn Revier-) .OO Tot![ Ca[cutated Fccs---> 59'106'00 Ptancheck--->14,5?1.nDRBFee.--_----.----_>5m.00AdditionatFees---_--->Investigation> .oo Recreation tcc-------> 3O,71?-W ToteL Permit Fee-----_-> 450'070'80 Ui|'tca|'|'-.-->t.66ffi*,ttl.*t'Payments-------__-_-l450,070.80 TOTAL TEES-----. **Jrffi.ffi*firJrf**ir**ffiffi***irJrriHr*ffirrffi*****************tti*+*********t**t*trH*ffirffint*ffrffir# Item: OslOO BUILDING DEPARTMENT ---.-Pepg!--EIIIIDING Division: 647ieZise6-oAN----- -AaEion: tlots cHUcK PLANS EXAD{rNER 08'/20',/1996 CHUCK Action: APPR -- i*r,,r,^ h:-..i[6fr;' 6sAoo-FiIiiwrNs-DeFAHrMitNt-- ---- -- -.-.-PePt: PLANNTNG Division: 64-n9/fi96-Dlw--- -- -AcE.iona NQT-E ANqY BLA\NEr0971371996 ANDY Action: APPR Ancly Knudtsen iirein'r, os-ooo'Tins DEpARiEEiiT --- -_ _'_ ____ Dept: FIRE Divrsron: 047i9/1996 olnt Action: NQIE l'lrKE FrRE06,/ii,/iggb MrKE M Acrlon: liFFn [ppionea per conditiql_s__ _,i€r"fi;, os56o"iijErTc wtji.frg---' oepi: eUa woRK Divieion: 64119/19-e6-DAN-- Action: NorE rERRT-P!I--- 0471671996 l,ennv-p Action: APPR sEE coNDrTIoNs See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovLedge th.t I have read this appl,ication, fitted.out in futl' the information. required, comPteted an accurate Ptot pl,an, a-nd state thit al,t thc infornation provided as r$uired is correct. I agree to compty vith the inforrnation and ptot plan, io conpfy yith att Tolrn ordinances snd statc [aus, and io buil,d thig structure according to th! Tovn's zoning lnd subdivision codcsr'disign r:viev approvcd, Uniforr Bui Lding C6de and other ordinancca of the Tol,n appticabte thcrcto. REAUESTS FOR I]{SPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TIENTY-FOI'R HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEP}PI{E AI 179-213E OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROIT E:OO AB 5:OO P o Send C[ean-UP DePosit To: SHAiI ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-00?4 as of 09/18/96 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT CoMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: SHAW CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 97 0-242-9236 Job Address:Location! fNTERNATIONAL WING Parcel No: 2101-082-23-009 Description: ADDITION TO LODGE AT VAIL Conditions:1. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE Applied: o4/29/tee6 Issued: 09/I8/7996 To Expire. 03/I'7/t997 ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. Applicant shal1 submit a redesign of the walkway between the One Vail Place building and the International Wing. The current design of pots on shelves shall be replaced with the traditional planter design. Redesign shall be subrnitted by 10-1-96.4. Applicant shaLl submit a revised drainage design to the ToV on or before 10-1-95. 5. Applicant shal1 subrnit a recorded access easenent (including the legal description) for the access easement between One vail Place and the International wing prior to scheduling a framing inspection.6. No signage has been approved. Iemporary construction signs as well as pernanent signs for the uses within the Lodge must be submitted for DRB review and approval. 7. A parking fee of $360,964.80 shall be paid by the applicantprior to picking up the building permit. 8. The lighting fixture approved for use as landscape lighting. is MR-16, 2-Pin, Gx5.3 | 14789, Q20llrl-6/nsp(esx). Initial Lumens shall not exceed 260.9. AII landscape and regrading shall comply with sheet L7, dated 9-6-96. No improvements Ehall be alLowed on the USFS properEy. 10. dRAINAGE AND SITE GRADING HAVE YET TO BE APPROVED.1],. CONTRACTOR HAS UNTIL OCTOBER 1,1996 TO HAVE SUBMITTED AND12. APPROVED DRAINAGE PLANS, OTHERWISE THE PROJECT WILL BE RED13. TAGGED. THIS CONDITION WAS DISCUSSED AND UNDERSTOOD BY TIM14. LOSA, PROJECT ARCHITECT AND JIM ELLERBROOK, PROJECT ENGINEER15. ON FRTDAY SEPTEMBER 6,1996.16. Permit is approved on condition adequate water pressure and supply are |iovided per letter fron-Tim Losa, zihren & Assoc DATE: PER}IIT # PERI.IIT APPLICATtrON Legal Description: f.ot SC Block Owners Nane: Architect: General Description: Csnrna.ga-c,t.q.- Cel2= ph.Lfd 5)l\ *** **:r * * * * * **** * * * ** * *** *** Town of vail Req. No.,/d?-tr)Phone Nunbear- qio LaL.ffi4V/- rg zz_Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: ****************!r*************** FOR oFFrcE usE ** ************ * ****************BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERI.TIT FEE: I'IECHANICAL pERl.tIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTI,DTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.IBING PI-,AN CHECK FEE:I,IECI{ANICAL PIAN CHECK FE8: RECREATTON FEE: Ph. g[*"" and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Apptiances ,(* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALuATroNs Gas Logs_ Woodr/pellet lvork class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration \-odutaionat 1 llnepair J l-other Number of Dwelllng Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Units: ********** ** *** ***** **** ** ******* TOTAL: Electrical Contractor: Address: CI-,TAN-UP DEPOS TOTAL PERUTT BUTLDTNG: SIGNATUREs ZONING: STGNATIT'RE: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT BEFTIXD TO: ?5 3oulh trontago ro.d ,.i1. colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: SROM: DATE: su&TECA: offlce of communlty devclopmcnt ALL CONTRASTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT TIIETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORI(S/COMMI NITY DEVELOPMENT IitaRcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING T MATERIAIJ SIORAGE rn suurnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit.any .Jif,-r""i, sand,, debrisor material , incr'uding_trash Eunpsters, portabre toilets andworknen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaii, -;ii;y or publicBl?:"_::-any porriin trreieo;. --,iir" ;i;;r:;i_;;":;" arr rown ofvarr streets and_.f?"-d= is approxinaieiy-s-it.-lti pavement.This ordinance witt be stribily--lnforced by the Town of vairPublic works DeDartment. --i.""in] found .,riir.Ii'g this ordinancewilr be siven a-24 hour rriri;;";"ii""-t"-;;;;;;'=.id nareriar..In the event the person so notified.aoes-noi-";;;piy with thenotice within ttti^31 tr-"t-ti-".-iiecitied, trre puf,ric worksDeparrment erirr remove said mate;i;i-;r-irrJ'E.pli;e of personnotified- The provi=ions-or-till oror.nance shall not beapplicabte to c6nstruction, ,.i't.r,.rge 9-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiiiiies in the ,ijfr[_"_".y. To review ordinance No- 5 in full, prease stop by the Town of::li.::ii:i"3,":f,i*mll"::"";;;i" a copv. rirani< vou for your ?osition )r 1/zq/qu (i.e. contractor, orirner) 75 toulh trontsge .oad Y!ll, color.do 81657 (3o3'l 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlcc of Gonmunlty dcyclopmartl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pen]tJ.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineer"s (pubric works) review .;d ;d;;;i,t'iillliil!"i.p."t .ntreview or Hearth Departmint.review,-un[ "-review uy ilre"duiraing SSrt[HE',1;.[3: "r.ir.ted time ro"'u-tut"r ""ui"n-il.v"Lil,u, rons All conmerc-ial ('rarge or smal't) and a'[ multi-famiry permits wi'have to folrow the ibove menti6ned mi*irur requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd tare J-ielie""umound of time. However, ifresidentiar or smar ter.projtiis-ii,iiii' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-necissiiy-""ui"*, these projects mayalso take the three-week perioJ. Every.attempt wflr be made by this departrnent to expedite thispenni't as soon as possible. - ev E'\'"s\r ' es r'rl l:-Il" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame - ;1|=1.-q=eKtL Auo*drJz -P"6611;;"---' Communi ty 0eve'l oomont Departmenr. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please ihe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'public way permit.: YES ls lhis a new residence? ts demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public propeSy? ls any utility wor4< needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affeaing lhs right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a'Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? I have read and answered all 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u_ algwered yes to any of lhese questions, a 'Public Way permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applicafions may be obtained at the pubtic Work's office or atCommunity Development. .lf you hlve _any questions please calf Cnarrie Davis, the Townol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. NOv1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',)x Job Name questions. \/rs /qu Ol/11/98 18:28 Janury 14, 1998 To: Fron: Rc: FAtr 9?0t79E981 INTENATIONAL frNG silfiw Gonstruction FrvL LoD(rf E16- JdAtcucio Dick Ilunn Ctrrlic Drvb Scot Irwry I1CO Lcrrd 125 Lodgc et Vril Atbcbed is tlre le6er from Yoder regarding the smoke alrrms. \Ve prwcm thc probleor umil the Spring slxn doum ifthe detectors have corrccted the other items on the list from tbe Fire Department Sprinkler tead corrers replrced n (4) locerions Phonc systGm is confirmed to be worting in all rooms Closer on Serr"ice Stair is fixed Drywall is hung at Sqvice elwatorlobby Pleaso call with questions. Thank pu. 760 llorizo Driw Gmdlucrhu, CDtl56 (vlol242-yr%t f (9m) 241-5618 Sincaely, C, va02 also udered dcflcctors to bclp to be sct offby thc fan coils. trre ot/t1/s8 Jan,- I'rl-99 16:28 FAI C'2=22P 370{708981 ITNG I".U Err€ttn€aring J-s+e- ress INIENATIONAL Eor P. Ot Y0nEnIt ilr.i;i l;;;ii':l;l f r;, i:, i. ,:l /{ ..{" I}fEM r' i"li(li/l4ei iil;l .J .', \./ .4 J L ,-; ii; r; , ,' L' ,'.' OR.A ND U M TO: FROM; DATE: RE: CC: Mr. Timl-os., Z&a & Associrtoe Strnton O. Humpb'deq P.E. Jaruary 14, l99t fatcnedondWlng; Thc hdtc $ Vdl YT,C#964/j7 Mr'. Scot Lowry, Shtw Conctruorion VIAFASCIMII,D (l)Pegc Wc hew rcvic*ed with Scot, Shew Corrcatctioo thc resryding the sapkc dc{c*om bdng ret ofrty ths hot air from thc fiur coils. Wo awry onc.r thc boitcrr are ured at firll capacity. thir problcnr to go At thir tirr ths boiks fceding ths srrter that r€ oP€at, .rc rt nidmd c.pacity, Tbe conrcquorcc it thrt holt€r thur plroood naic is being pumpod the ftn coils and th$ bciog blown out of ths fin coils- Thir houcr thrn nornul is reting the mrolc to thc boilcrr tho airdctacrors off. We e*pcst thet whcn more hctdng s1roteme arE tmpcrrttre ftom tha lbn coilc will bc rcduccd. The lowcr air liom the fra coilr $urld mt uip tho tilnokc ddscilon. Plcasc call us for rny dir$rsiou. JN{ I 41e91 SOtUmo alE EFAvr4, cnErr 6l.vD. gttttE to7o IOiT O['FlCli 8OX t7{o. Ar'olt CYllI'L/rDo aTSIIJATI1D ?trE fln II|I On('utr rtrc'. Dt''|vr& rlELEPFol!, !tit.9a9am. tAt( 9tll'tre-l9tf ot/14/9E rt 16:28 F I 970 INTENATIONAL ING lYednesdey, Jenua r! 14, Town of Vail Charlie Davis Phone: 970479-2453 Fax: 9704794452 SIIAW Construction Scot Lowry Phone: 970479{980Fsx: 970-479{981 3 {79E08o Eor I)ate: To: From: Pages: Subiect: Infotmedon fron TICO Inrpcttor. TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF CONII\4UITIT DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLIDG. Permit #: D960012 fob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : FINAL Location.......; LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL WING Applied . . : 08/27/7996 ParcelNo....: 2101.08223N9 Issued...: 09/0g/7996 Project No . : ?? Expires . . .: 03/02/7997 APPIJICAIIT SIIAW CONSTRUCTION COtr{pANy OS/27/t996 phone: 970-242-9236 750 HORIZON DR GRJAI,ID iIIJNCTION CO 81505 I-,icense: 108-A Also is CONTRACTOR or'tNER I_,ODGE PROPERTIES INC 08/27/L996 phone: L74 B GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 8L657 License: CoNIRACTOR SHAW CONSTRUCTTON COMpAlry 0e/27/!995 phone: 970-242-9236 750 HORIZON DR GRAIID iII]NCTIOT CO 81s06 I-,icense: 108-A Also is Applicant -r I {ft^k-, W4j-w<Y <- uftlnn Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $65,000.00 Fireplace Information: Reseicted: Desciption: DEMO OF CONFERENCE ROOM AND EARTHWORK ONLY wood Peller offiffi******* ** FEE SUMMARY Building-> S565 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review-> AddSqFe 0 #ofGasAppliances:0#ofGaslogs:0#of $0.00 Total Calculated Fees-> 91,285.25 $0.00 $0.00 Total perqrit Fee_> 91,285.25 Plan Check-> S3E? .2s DRB Fee--> 5100.00 Additional Fees-> lnvestigation-> will call-> SO. 00 Recreation Fee-> ta . OO Payments-> iL,285 .2s TOTAL FEE$-> 51,285.2s BALANCE DUE-->s0,00 Approvals: I€e.m: O5100 BUIITDING DEPARI'I{ENI 08/27/!996 DIJ|I Action: APPR o8/29/L995 DAN Action: CANC TOM MOREHEAD NEED TO OK 08/30/L995 DAN Action3 APPR Iten: 05400 PI-,AI{NING DEPARTMENT 08/2911996 ANDY It,em: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIE 09/03/1996 CHARIJIE Action: AppR pER MIKE MCGEE Item: 05500 PUBL,IC WORKS 08/3O/t996 IJARRY_P Action: AppR LARRy PARDEE Item: 05700 ENVIRONMENTAI-, HEAIJTH O8/27/L996 CHARIJTE ACtiON: APPR Item: 05900 IJIQUOR 08/27/!996 CHARI_,IE Action: APPR See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiog filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is coffect. I agree to comply with the information and plot pla4 to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUE$IS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI.EPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM . 4 PM, SIGNATI]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF Act.ion: APPR Andy *udr".P PAGE2 *****l.t****rit ***********:ts:t!*****LHdil**il**#*************:***********************************fit******** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Perrrit#: D9G0072 asofOT-7L2003 Status: FINAL *drlit*{i****ffi*lnF*rl*l*:t***,.**lr.t*******l*!t!ffiffi*****'t*r*********!ki****i******************** PermitType: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applied: 08/27/1996 Applicant SHAWCONSTRUCTIONCOMPANY Issued: w/03/7996970-242-9?3,6 To Expire: 0g/OZ/1997 ]ob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAL WING ParcelNo: 210708223009 Description: DEMO OF CONFERENCE ROOM AND EARTHWORK ONLY Conditions: Cond: CON0002844 THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR DEMO AND GRADING ONLY. NO FOOTING ORFOUNDATION WORK ALLOWED UNTILFLILL BL}ILDING PERMITIS ISST]ED Cond: CON0002845 Applicant shall provide a letter of credit, good through November 7,1996, for the regrading and landscaping of the site, in the event that the applicant does not pick up the building pennit. Letter of credit shall be for $31,250 and shall be provided at time demo permit is picked up. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, co 81557 97 0-4'19-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NoTE:THISPERMITMUSTBEPoSTEDoNJoBSITEATALLTIMES ELECTRICAL PERM]T PCTNit #: E96-0211 Job AddreBS Location... Parcel No.. Project No. APPLICANT B&B ELECTRIC 2818 l/2 NORTH AVENUE, GRAND JUNCTTON co CONTRACTOR B&B ELECIRIC 2818 r/2 NORTH AVENUE, GRAND JUNCTToN co OWNER I-,ODGE PROPERTIES INC t'14 E GORE CREEK DR' vArL co 81657 :-74 E GORE CREEK DR SIAIUS...: ISSUED LODGE AT VAIL INTERNAITIOAppIied. .: 09/04/.L996 2!0I-082-23-009 Issued. . .: 09/04/1996 PRJ96-0054 ExPires..: 03/03/1997 Phone: 303242245O 81s 01Phone: 303242245O 81501 Description: TEMP POWER FOR CONSTRUCTION TRAILER Valuation:s00 . 00 ******ir*r*****Jr**rffi*ffiit*J(*t#***Jcffiffirffi FEE sul 'lARy r#t'l*ffirff*li,H<ffiffi*ff**fr-kfJnt'tlt**tiffir*tffiirtr EtectlicE(---> 5o.oo DRB Fee Total, Catcul,ated Fees---> 103.00 Investigation> Ui l, L Ca t l,----> IOTAL FEES-.-> **HrJi#rirffi#*r.rri*.rrkriffirri*irt**iitsff,rrri*r (***lrffi**ffir**|tJ(ffriiffi:tt|*iflffi*i**ffi*i Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT ----- Dept: BUILDING Division: o5/d4/1996 ctiAnl,ie Action: APPR FoR ERNsr *******ffi*****'oHJ*ltffr*ffirffit*ti**t***t******r*titffi(ffif,*****rr*rilcHr**t**tri.rffi******Hdrid"l'itrr.kf$ffd(ffit** CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *********f* *#t** DECLARATIONS t heneby acknoyl,rdge that I have rcld this appl,ication, fitted.out in futt thc information required, comP[eted.an accurate Ptot ptan, and state thit al,t the infornation provideA as riquired.is €orrect. t agree to comply with the information and Ptot Ptan, to clmpty vith aLl, Toun ordinanccs and stite [aHs, and to buitd thig stfucturc according to the Tounrs zoning and subdivision codcs,'design revieu approved, unifonn Bui(ding code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thereto' REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIEI{W-FOUR HOURS IT{ AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE .00 3.00 105.00 .00 103.00 103.00 .00 Additional, Fees---------> TotaI Pcrnit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- N 479-2':8 oR AT oUR orFrcE FRol.l 6:00 An 5:00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: Job Address Location... Parcel No.. Project No. ISSUED 1o/ot/Lee6 !0 /0L/Lee6 03 /30 /L9e7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0161PLTIMBING PERMIT L74 E GORE CREEK L74 E GORE CREEK 2t0t-082-23-009 PRJ9 6-0054 DR DR Status. . . App1ied.. Issued. . . Expires. . KIMMEL MECHANICAL, INC. 3700 E.41ST. AVE., DENVER, KIMMEL MECHANICAL, INC. 3700 E.41ST. AVE. I DENVER, LODGE PROPERTIES INC I74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL ROOF DRAINS co 80216 co 80216 co 81657 Valuation: Phone z 303-322-8144 Phone: 303-322-8144 1, 400 . 00 *1ffi#ffi(*******ffi*ffi**ffiffir#i***** tEE SUllllARY Ptunbing-----> 30.00 Restuarant Plan Rcviev--> .00 Totat catcutatld Fees---) 40.50 Ptan Ch.ck---> 7.50 ToTAL FEES------ Investigation> ,00 Total Permit Fee--------> 40.50 t,i tt Cal,l,____> j.00 payments_______ BALANCE DUE__________> .ootr*Jr**hf**rrt#****************li * *rdrH*Jrffirff**t l******ffir* Iten: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:L0/01/!996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ffi rffirnHnhiir**t**fH*ffiffiffiffi**ffi DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful,t the infornation required, conptcted an accurate plot ptan, and statc that a[[ the information providcd as requircd is correct. I agfee to compty uith the infornation and ptot p[an, to conp(y Hith atl Toyn ordinances and state [rvs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, d€sign rev'iev approvld, uniforn 8uil,d'ing Code lnd other ordinances of thr Town appl,icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIEI{TY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY os/24/96 00306 FAI @oos tr[ff#[::i;shsr:',r::i*=!*l***ffis#P'o''lr*r,___DAIE:___ Pw{, _u5f at ePPLIcATroll xl'sr BE Frr-Y'rlD onT couPr;EllErrY oR fl IAY Not BE AccEiEgDD-- f,rr*****{**r***rrr*rrr**+*l*r. pEnurT rrrFoRuAf,ror rt**.r*...****rr**ri* {!.***;..I l-Butlding t[l-Plttubiag l-Elactrical [ 1-[echiai-cal t ]_otherafob N||!e: L€gal Description: trpt Block_ Fillng Ottn3ra Na&e: Architcct: coneral. DescriptLon: Ph.,F Ph. work clasas [ ]_Ne{ [ ]_Alteration lflrlbct of DweUing Unitsr _ ^}rffi"r and tlpe of Fl.rcplacess casv fi!r**!a t***r rr!r*t at**lr't**a***rt*+rl t + e I l-Repait I J-other of Accor"'trodlatLotr Unit€, --Gas Iogs Wood,/pellet VAIIIA8fONS **ttl**** ti:rt* *r!r*rt***r***r*****j Otmn: I !o|lAl,3 . PIuEblnE Mdrese: lfechanical Contractor:Lddres8: *tt * *** I t* a r r ra* *t * *a**r*,r!r*trr IBUU"I}INC PERI1III rEE: _P_rrniBrNc penrrrr i!n,}TECEINIC.AL PER}TIE EEE;EI.ECTRTCAI, FEET OTHER ?YPE OF TEE:DRB FEE: Town of Val.I. neq. NO.Pbone Nl$ber: Tovn of Vail Req.Pbonc Nutbcr:,3,i,a BUrI{)ING: J, T lirrnrBnlc, i'FbET ,t;;:;:i.:::r:::::--: Address: Electrical Address:Contractori .lddr.ss: Address: IXJ-ACd.itlonal Nrubqr Appliancas EI.ECTRTCAI.I $ uEcEAnre,AIJi f- IJob Addies", l?.*. e. hXe G Af t Tpyn of vail Reg. ffo.}c4 F\Phgnc NuDbGr: FOR Off*p^lSj ** *_* *'r * * r r* r rr r **.* :r* !r *, r,r r i***lggD._ryc Pr.rtN cmcK FEE: _P,Lrrualilc ptanr cnecx },ee:ECEA}|ICII prar cgucx rnr:RECRENXTOI| .EEE!CIEN{-I'E DEFOSTT: TO,IDAL PERET! FEES! EIIDTNG; STGNAfi'IIEs zoNrx6t STGIATTIRT: --t -- -l- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit *: E96-0292ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: I74 E GORE CREEK DR Status...: ISSUEDLocation...: 174 E GORE CREEK DR Applied. . : Lr/1,3/Is96Parcel No.. : 2IO1-O82-23-009 Issued...: II/27/1996Project No. : PRJ96-0054 Expires. . : 05/20/1997 APPLfCANT B&B ELECTRIC, INC. phone: 970-242-245028L8 L/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501 CONTRACTOR B&B ELECTRIC, INC. phone: 970-242-24502818 t/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND JUNCTION, CO 81501OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INCI74 E GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 81657 Description: FIRE AI-,,ARM SYSTEM Valuation:4, 200 . 00 **************t********rr**ffi**********ffi**#******* FEE SUl.lt4ARy i*********************ft****************t**ffi****** 95.00 .00 93.00 93.00 .00 *****************ffi********ir****************t****:ht#*rhlt*******ffffrff****rHrtH(ffi********ir*ffi**ffiff****ff********ffirffiffi* I!e+i .gqQq0_EI,EqTBICAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:ll/13/1996 CHARLIE Actionr APFR N/Arrb.m:' .05600 _EIBE pEP4,RTMENT - , Dept: FrRE Division:!!/,!3/.!996. qEABLIE Acaio;; NorE pLANs ro FrRE-DEi,i.'-I1'/2I'/L996,JEFF_A Act.iona AFFR FIIG-oept.-Aflpioires ***ff******ffi***********ffiffi**fiffid****ft**ffi***********r.ir***#***ffi**ffi**tr****ffir****t*ffi******* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. A FI}{AL INSPE_CTION APPROVAL IS REQ'D ON THIS PERMIT PRIOR TOA T.C.O. BEING ISSUED2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************ffi********ffi*******Jrl***irlt***'r't*****ffi**ffiH*M******ffiffi**********ffi*****rtrbtrtffiffi* DECLARATIONS r hereby acknorrtedge that r have read-this aPpl.ication, fiLl,ed out in ful.t the information required, cornpteted an accurate p1otpl'an, and state that aLl the infornation provided as required.is correct. I agree to compLy rrith tire infonmation and ptot irl,an,to comply with al'l' Town ordinances -and state [aws, and io buiLd this st ructu re-accord i ng to'the iown;s zoninl ano subdivisioncodes/ design review approved, uniforn Buil,ding Code and other ofdinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2'138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI4 E:(x) Ail 5:OO PI.I STcNATURE oF oUNER oR coNrRAcroR Fon xnrsElF-lno- E Lect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investi gat i on> Ui tl. cat l.----> 90.00 .00 .m 3.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE OUE-----TOTAL FEES---> 93.M -i.*Contact aE 970-3 Pr"" TOWN OF PERIIIT # Ea li, le Co 7!fo' rsesso eL ll t p 2': nc or rc PARCEL /I:PERMIT VATL CONSTRUCTTON APPLICATTON FORM DATE: 11/11/96 Nrrmber and Tvne of Fireplaces: Gas Appria.Fcels__ cas Logs_ wood/pelret, - rii 1a 4 -- -:- !v:'r- '!rr''e**************************** *****F{#iuol&J1fi********************************* I Pire Alarrn ?y_r_l?Ilgt J-- Er,EcrRrcAlr 6 4'200'00 orHER: $?LUMBING: l'lEcHANrcAl: $-_.---- Toiaii +_- lit * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION ***************************ieneral Contractor: Shaw Construction .n,.rr.,h ^€ rr- { 1 rr^-rcrlel-clJ- \-LTIILId(jL(JI': Dtlcrw vL,rrDLr uLLaull TOWn Of Vail Req. NO.rddress: 760 Horizon pn"""-N,r^UJi: -'I7S'-f llectrical Contractor: D & B Electric, Inc. 'ddress: 2BLB I/2 North Ave.l-TFai-dJEEi 0r- 'lumbing Contractor: .ddress: iechanical .ddress: Contractor:Reg. No. *******************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* Town of vail Req. No. Phone Number: Ofq 242::ir:;o- Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber; Reg. No. Peoqa- 6 6 5\ , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTEDVIt****************************:t PERMIT INFORMATION ***************************** t [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing [Xn-Efectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: Lodge AL Vail Job Address: 174 E, Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filinq snRn rvr q r ^r\r . Owners Nane: Lodge Properties, fnc. Addressz I74 E. GgS lfgek Dr,,Vail, Cp5. Architect i Address:Ph. General Description: FIRB ALARM SYSTEM .Jwork cLass: [x]-New [ ]-Al-teration [ ]-Additionat 1 l-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: UILDING PERMIT FEE; LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: LECTRTCAI, FEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: BUII,DING PI,AN PLUI'IBING PI,AN MECHANICAL P RECREATTON CLEAN-UP DE TOTAL PERMIT BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE! VALUATION DEPOSIT REFI'ilD Itc, Ir;3 l\JontrtE-D DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT o L/-t,/- 17 DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8l-657 9't 0-47 9-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER JOBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #: E97-0052 Job Address Location. . . Parcel- No. .Project No. B&B ELECTRIC, INC. 28tB I/2 NORTH AVE B&B ELECTRIC, INC. 2BL8 t/2 NORTH AVE LODGE PROPERTIES IN L74 E GORE CREEK DR Description: TEMP POWER *********************t**********************************r** I74 E GORE CREEK DR STaTus... LODGE AT VAIL ADDITION App1ied..2LOI-OB2-23-009 Is8ued...PRJ96-0054 Expires. . Phone t 97Q-2 815 01 I S SUED o4/14/Lee7 o4/r4/ree7 ro /17 / LesT 42-2450 GRAND JUNCTTON/ CO GRAND JUNCTION, CO Phone: 970-242-2450 815 01, c VAIL CO 81657 Valuation! .00 FEE SUlil14ARy ********************************************************** E Iect ri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigation> i t t caLl.----> TOTAL FEES---> TotaI catcutated Fees---> Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Pernit Fee--------> .00 .oo .00 5.00 53.00 Payments------- 53.00 .00 53.00 .00BALANCE DUE---- ***********************************t***************t*******************************************t******i*t************************* Dept: BUILDING Division: FOR ERNST DepI: FIRE Divieion: ***t**********it*******************t****t**lr***it******************************t**********************t*t************************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. *******t****i*****************i*t*******************************************ff*t****t**********ff*******************it************ DECI.,ARATIONS I hereby acknortedge that I have read this apptication, fiLted out in fuLl the information requ'i red, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at[ the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and ptot ptan,to conpty Hith ttt Tovn ofdinances and state [aws, and to buil.d this structurc according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, tlniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabl,e thereto. REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL 8E IiADE TI|ENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE Al 179-213A OR AT OUR OFFtcE FRolt 8:OO At't 5:OO P ITem: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTO4/14/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPRIt'em:. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Jiot - o8l-J3-6q Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******* ** *********** * ********** * BUILDING PERIi'IT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: -TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PER}'TT APPLICATION FORMDATE:4/LI/97 PERMIT /I , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COltpLETErJy oR IT r'IAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I** ****** ****!r************** *** PERMIT fNFORI,IATJON **************** ********* ** **rl [ ]-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing [X]-Electrical 1 1-uechanical t l-other Job Narne: Lodge at Vail Job Address: 174 E. Gore CreekDr.. Vait Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, Owners Name: Lodee Prooerties. fncAddress:Ph. Architect z .4!jEN,e 4E!r', r, u Address:P}r.?11-b zs7 General Descripti6n; Electrical-Rernodel I{ork cLass: [x]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Addttional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Number of Accomnodation Units: ^)F&"" and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_vIt********************************* VALUATTONS * **** ******** *********** ****** ***7l E?7- aosi'-BUILDTNG: ELECTRICAL: S:O!1.-OO OrrrNN: Ip^LUl.{BrNc: f _ MECHANTcAT: $- TorAL: $- rI* ***** ** * *********** * * ** *** coNlR AcToR rNFORl,tATroN *** ** * **** ******** *********f Eeneral contractor: shaw construction Town of Vail Reg. No._Address: 760 Hotirorr phone Number: 242_9236 -.--Electrical Contractor:B & B Electric, Inc.Address:28ta 1/2 North ffi Town of Vai.l Reg. xo. )&-t Phone Number: gl O -Zt*Z-ffi Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CI.EAlr IIP DEPOSIT IEFIII{D TO! {s:. oo 75 3outh fronlage roed Yrll, color'do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ofllco of sommunlty deyclopmonl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this perTit requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval,Engineer''s (public works) reyiew and approvar, i Fiinnini-b.pu"t "ntreview or Health Department review, ani'a_review uv ihe duiioingDepartment, the estinated time for a total review-ilay'i.["'ii r6ngas three weeks. l]] .:fr:ry'ial (1arge or smalt) and alt mutti_family permits willnave t0 roilow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialill.:Tlll proiects.should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentlat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned lglirlTilq.with resard. to necessary review, tt.i" pioj".li"ruyarso tat(e tne il1ree week period. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as seon as possible I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Lodge at Vail Project Name 4/rL/97 0tT[ 0 Communi ty Development Department. 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT; oftlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, r""r, sand, debrisor material , incruding trash durnpsteri, portabre toilets ;;a---worknen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaiil -;ri;y or publicpl?:e or any portion theieof. rhe rigrt_"i_;;t-;n arl. Town ofVail streets and.Igag" is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent,.This ordinance wirr. be striitiy -enrorcla uy ttre-iown of VaiIPubric l{orks DeDartment. pers6ns found vihatinq this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written i"ti""-ti^;;il;:"=aid narerial.fn the event the person so notified.does not "orply with tbenotice within the 24 hour.time sleciii.-,--irr.-i"[1ic worksDepartrnent wirl remove said mateii.r-"t it"--""p""se ot personnotified. The provisions of thii ordinance affiir not beappricabre to c-onstruction, ruini"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the =l!tt-"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in furl, please stop by the Town ofYii-l B"ilding Departnent to obtain a copy. rhanlc you for yourcooperatj_on on this matter. ead and acknowledged by: Foreman/Contractorosition/RelaEnEffi (i.e. contractor, owner) TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 APPLICANT B & B 2818 CONTRACTOR B & B 2B]-B OWNER LODGE t74 E E tect ri cat---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> lli Lt CaL l.----) TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. ELECTRIC, INC. 1/2 NORTH AVE. , ELECTRIC, INC. 1/2 NORTH AVE. , PROPERTIES INC GORE CREEK DR, 90.00 .00 .00 3.00 93.00 270I-O82-23-009 PRJ9 6-0054 GRAND JUNCTION, GRAND JUNCTION, vArL co 81657 I SSUED 05/re /7ee705/re/tee7 tL /$ /ree7 42-2450 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0082ELECTRICAL PERMIT L74 E GORE CREEK DR StaUus. . LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONAppIied. Issued.. Expires. Phone:970-2co 8L501 Phoner 970-242-2450co BL501 Description: NEW UNDER GROUND SERVICE Valuation:5,000 . 00 *****************************t***************************** FEE SUl.l14ARy *******t****t********************************************* TotaI Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaL f ees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- 95.00 .00 93.00 93.00 .00 ************i****************************************t**************************************************************************** rtem: .06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:05/19/7997 CHARLTE action:-ApFn-r,On ERNSTIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ************************************************************************t******i************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'rELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. ALL FrRE ALA-B!,I_WOBK MUST-BE TNSPECTED ellD ApFAoVED-iiy-----'--'THE TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPT ********************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow ledge that r have read.this apptication, fitted out in futt the information requi red, compteted an accurate ptotplan, and state that atl the information provided as required. is correct. I agree to compty riith tire information and pl.ot ptan,to compty lrith atL Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure according io-the Town,s zoning and subdlvisibncodes, design revie!, aPproved, Uniforn Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Totn appLicabte thereto. 479-2138 oR AT oUR oFFICE FRO 8:0O A 5:0OREOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT r^Conracc Eag.r-e Counry Asseasors f t""at 970-318-8Q40 fo1 Jarc_el /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION PARCEL III}I'I - O97 .2?. aEl PERMIT APPLICATToN FoRM PERI'IIT /I DATE: S_tr,-9+ , APPLICATToN !'!UST BE FILLED OUT CoI-IPLETELy OR IT I'!AY NOT BE ACCEnTED If***** *** * ********* ** ***** *** * PERMIT fNFORI'IATJON ** ** **** *** *********** ** *** * * ^l [ ]-Building I j-Plunbing [X]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other Job Narne: Looer AT vRlL Lega1 oescription: Lot BIock Job Address: l?4 E C'oRs CR€EK O'€., VR|L rtfinS suBprvrsroN: Ph. Architect: Z€Hc4! i AssocreTer. Zrvc.Address: Po.B. 191t. Avor cs Bltozo Ph. 9+i - ozs:F General Description: uilaEnhsu.$ _. Work Class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER:ELEcrRrcAr-,: $ fooo - unJcart*"4 MECHANTCAL: $ t*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATJON *** ******** ********** ** *** * fgl3rar cortractor: SllEw corrrstpucrro.q Town of Vail Reg. No.-_Address: ?(oo !{oerzor.l 8t Phone Number: 2 +z- qztffi} Electrical Contractor: BiB 6uEcrrttc,a*c.\ddress: ZStB I Tor,{n of vail Reg. No.-Q29- Eg. G rnnro Jlrr.lcrr6r.l c6 8ts6t Phone Number: Z4Z-z ?luurbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO._\ddress: phone Nunber: Owners Nane: Looce Pr"pe,"rr "s. :r"rc Address: BUILDING: I PLI'UBTNG: $,J TOTAL: "lechanical Contractor: ),ddress: r******************************* FOR ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE: ]LUMBING PERUTT FEE: TECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ***** *** ****** * ********** *** *** BUTLDTNG PINN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'TECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON TEE: CI.,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING! STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT]RE: CLEAIT T'P DEPOSIT REfl'TD TO! 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEcT: offlce ol communlty deyclopment ALL CONTR.,ACTORS CURREMTIJYL REGISTERED WITII TT|ETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/CO!{MUNITY DEVET,OP}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track. or deposit. any "Jif,-r""i, sand, debrisor naterial, lncluding trash &urnpster3, p-ituri. toirets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl sia"waix, -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any portion theieof. TIre rishr_"i;;t-;n a]t Town ofVail streets and.:g"g= is approxinateiy 5 ft.-6fi pavernent.This ordinance wilr be. str_iliry-enforc3d uy-ite-r"wn of vair.Public l{orks DeDartment. perslns found vieraain; this ordinancewitr. be given a 24 hour written i"[i""-ti-i!ilJi!t="id mareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes-not-"iipry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-"p""iiiil,"il";"ttic worrcsDepartrnent witr remove said nateii"i-ii-irr""""iil"e of personnotified. The provisions ot trris ordinance shall not beapplicable to clnstruction, nainlenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ,i.jt[_"_r.y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu'I, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. OREYN AN / EL€CTITICRL c,ositionlnel5ffinE$(i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh trontage road Ydl, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty devctopmenl EUILDING PERI4IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this peryrrt requires a Town of vail Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer's. (public 1gtftt reyiew and approvat,'a ptinnini-bepa"t entreview or. Heat th Departm6nt review, "nb'a-i.uid ;i-;;;;";riiainsDepartnent, the estimated time for-a totar "iui.n-iluv"L[l'as tongas three weeks. f]t cgtnngrgial ('rarge or smail) and ail murti-familv permits wiilhave to follow the above menti6ned maximum requiremlnii.""iesidentialand.small projects shourd tar(e a lesser amount or-iime.' However, ifresidenti'a'l or smaller.projects impact the various alou" mlntioneadepartments with reoard to necessary review,-the; i;;j;"ti'ruyalso take the three-weet< periloJ. -i 'v'r' e'reJs ',' \'i'E.-t') Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispennj.t ag seon as possible. -' - -- -'rr-- ! es e' I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. v*rL Corununi ty Devel opment Departnent. O MEMORANDUM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9, 1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'lS REQUIRED Date: 5-ru-q:+ Please answerlhe following questionnalre regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? Ns 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefly? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) fs the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different acress needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? rr /a 5gg Gglcenl e.6Nt&t+c7or-- 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property lo be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by CommunityDevelopment? . lf you answered yes to any of these queslions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please calt Charlie Davis, the Town' ol Vail Construction Inspec{oi at.479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job NamE Contractor's Signature Date {s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPL]CANT B & B 2 818 CONTRACTOR B & B 2 818 OWNER LODGE T74 E DRB Fee Investigation> tlitl, Cal.t----> Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. ELECTRIC, INC.1/2 NORTH AVE., ELECTRIC, INC.1/2 NoRTH AvE., PROPERTIES INC GORE CREEK DR, I S SUED 05/rs/ree7 05/re/7se71r/fi/ree7 42-2450 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9?-0083ELECTRICAL PERMIT GRAND JUNCTTON, GRAND JUNCTION, VAIL CO 81657 I74 E GORE CREEK DR StaLus... LoDGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE Applied..2I0I-OB2-23-009 Issued...PRJ96-0054 Expires. . Phone z 970-2co 81501 Phone z 970-242-2450co 81501 Description: ELECTRICAL REMODEIJ IN LOBBY AREA Valuati-on:10r 000.00 *******i*************************************************** FEE SUfl ARy ******************************************************i**)t Etectricat---> 1E0.00 .00 .oo 3.00 ToTAL FEES---> 183.00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Add i tionat fees---------> TotaI Permit tee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE_-_- 1E3 .00 .00 183.00 183.00 .00 ******************t(*********t(*******************************i************************************************************i***i**** Ite.m: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/19/1997 CHARLTE Action: AFFR-r'On ERNSTItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***********************************************tr*****1*****************************t********************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************************************************i*****t********************************************t*************************** DECLARATIONS r.hereby'acknowtedge that r have read this apptication, fi ,ed out in ful,t the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that at( the 'information pfovided as required.is correct. I agree to compty iith tire information and pl,ot pLan,to compty uith al't Toun ordinances and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io- the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniforn Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte thefeto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHO}IE AI 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE TRO}I 8:OO A[ 5:OO PI.I ri l. ;*Contact Eagle County Asseesors PERI"IIT # PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: 5.IL.q+ , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED}I Il******************** ********* PERMIT fNFORI,IATION ***************** * *** * *** * * * * 't [ ]-BuiJ.ding [ ]-Plumbing [;]-Electricat [ ]-uechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: Looo!:lr- Vnru Job Address: 1?4 E. Gp:E cr6EK otl .. VatL Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing susprvrsroN, Address:Ph. Architect: zEAEcr{ i A.ro.. :r,{c.-Address: P,o.A- lgat. Avrn co gl6zo Ph. 9+€t -ozs+ ceneral Description: work crass: [ ]-New [;]-Atteration t l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of AccommodatLon Units: ]re. 17? -g?fla o"n TOI{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON Electrical Contracto r: Bi A ELgcr. rc., a,\|c. _.\ddress:lBr Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mectranical Contractor: Address: * ****** **** ** *******************FOR Town of Vail Reg. No.2J.g-E Phone Nunber: q-to-z+z-zrl6o Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO._ 3UTLDING PERMIT FEE3 ]LUMBING PERMTT FEE3 {ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE ! Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ** *** *** *** ***** ** ******* ****** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLtl,lBINc PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI'IIT FEES: BUTI.,DTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: VALUATION I CLEAIT I'P DEPOSIT IEFIIND !O: 75 3oulh tronlage roed Yail, colorado El557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TECT: offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TITETO!{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,lARCH 16, 1988 CONS?RUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE rn suurmary, ordinance No- 6 states that rt is unlawfuJ- for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit. any soir,-roci, sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trash lunpsterr, port.bt" toirets andworkmen vehicLes. upon-any srreerl "i;;;uik; ;ii;y or pubticp1?9" or any portion theleof. The righr_";_Gt-;n alt Town ofVail streets and.Ig"gs is approxinateiy 5 ft.-Lfi pavenent.This ordinance wilr be. striitiy -enforced by the Town of VailPubl-ic works Deoartment. pers6ns found vi;larin; this ordinancewirl. be given a 24 hour written ""[i""-t"-;;;;;t=aid nateriar.rn the event the person so notified aoes noi-""rprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-=p."iiiil,..i;";"ttic wortcsDepartnrent wirr remove said nateii"r ii-it"-""i"i=e of personnotified- The provisions of ttris-oiai""i"" ;fr5ii nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, urainienance or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities i" it"-ii!ii_"-r"y. To.review ordinance No- 6 rn furr, prease stop by the Tovrn ofvail Buir.ding Department to obtain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. acknowledged ositionTnelaElonsh$to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh tronllge ro.d rell. colorado 81657 l3o3'l 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlco of qommunlly doyclopmetrl . BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TII'IE FRAME If this perylt reguires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Engineelts. (.public wopks) reyiew and approvai,'i iiiiiir'rii'bipu"t entreview or Hea'lth Departmdnt_review, anb'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated rime for-a totar ;;;il;"y"iai!'is rongas three weelts. All corrnercial flarqe or smal't) and all mu]ti-family permits willhave tq follow ttre irove menti6neJ-mi*irum requirements. Res.identia.land.small projects-should take a resser amound or time.' Hoiever, ifresidential or smaller.projects impact the various-auove mlntioneadepartments wi th reqard' to- necessai"y "eui en,-ih;;; ;;;j;.ii' ruyalso take the three-weet< perioJ.- Every.attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit.as. soon as possible. - I' the under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. VAIL Communi ty Development Department. MEMORANDUM O TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9,1994RE: WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'lS REQUIRED Job Name: Looar sz vnrLDale: sll-q> Please answerlhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a'Public Way Permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) lS demOlitiOn work being perfOrmed sEE Ger$aeL c.anr.*cTor a|.|Fo that requires lhe use of the right of way, easements or public properfy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Bevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pad<ing or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of lhese questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be oblained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Community Development. ll you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town' of Vaif Construction Inspec{or, at.479-218. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Signature Date G TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT B & B 2B1B CONTRACTOR B & B 2 818 OWNER LODGE I74 E Etectri cat---> DRB Fee Investigation> t, i L l, Ca l.l.----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . . ParceL No..Project No. ELECTRIC, INC. 1/2 NORTH AVE., ELECTRIC, INC.1/2 NoRTH AVE., PROPERTIES INC GORE CREEK DR, 54.00 .00 3.00 57.00 I S SUED 06/0e/tes7 06/t7 /les7t2/14/tee7 42-2450 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E97-0106 174 E GORE CREEK DR Status... LODGE AT VAIL ADDITION Applied..2\OI-O82-23-O09 Issued...PRJ96-0054 Exoires. . Phone z 9?O-2 co 81501 Description: ALARM SYSTEM *******************************t********************r****** FEE SUt4l.lARy Phone:.97O-242-2450 co 81501 Valuation:3,000 . oo ****************************************************/r**rtxx GRAND JUNCTION, GRAND JUNCTION, vArL co 81657 57-00 .00 57.00 5 7.00 -00 *******************************************************************************************************t************************** Itqm: .06000 EI_,EqTRICAL DEPARTUENT--,_ Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:06/09/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:g6/,09/,t997 CHARr_,IE ACtion: NOTE PLANS TO FrRE-onFi.'-o6'/L6'/ree7 MIKE_M AaEion: AFPR eoiiDrrionAi_, ApFnoVer, ***************************************************************t****t****t******************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD TNSPECTIqNS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. (:ONDITTONAL FrRE ALARM pf,AN APPROVAL - SnS- NOiEEpI_rANS rJACK EU!'FTCTENT DETATL. FAST TRACK nFFnovel GRANTEDoN _ coND r r r oN-_AhL_DEyIQE S, ^ wIB_r NE r LgeAr i CiNl- OitA nAT rOlt-,'- eNpDESIGN CoMPTII wITH NI'PA ?2 AND iov-6nDiIIATICES.--iIISFECrTcjft4!!D FULL FUNcrr_gN_TEq!-IS BEQqTRED. AppROtEr, uxFlnns-wHEi,iINrERNArroNAI.r WING CQNSTRUCTIqN SrARrS. - - Auy-pEFreieNcifrE-'TDENTTFTED qry_ ots^gBrQB_rQ 7 1L121__yugT BE eonnnctED-Ei- gTgt .LACK OF DETAI! DOES NOT CONSTTTUTE AFPRoVAI,-OF FIAHE-As'- " SUBMITTED. -qU-L!-qOMPLIANCE IS REQUiRNO. AFPOAVAI,-_I5 -E-NAWTNN AT BUILDER'S RISK. *******************************************************************************i***********************r************************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fitted out in fuLl, the information requircd, compteted an accurate pt.otptan, and state that att the infofmation provided as required. is correct. I agree to.compty riitt tit" into.rition and ptot ptan,to compty t'rith atl' Tovn ordinances and state [aws, and io buitd this st ru ctu re.Taccord i ng to'ttr. iown;" i"ni"g *a subdivisioncodes, design revicw approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of tire Tonn afpticabte thereto. Totat Ca [cutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE----- REQUESIS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E I.IADE '*conEacc Eagle count"rf::i"il" q#i oF vArL coNsrRuclac e70-328-eoao ro.vpl:::i";:" q#i oF vArL coNsrRucrro* o pARcEi, l|r_ pERMrr AppLrcATroN FoRM DATE:5-ZC-q" PERI'IIT # Ph. 'PPflG-us1 , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDrt [***************************** pERMrr TNFoRMATT.N ***************************** t \"t ---' LouJ voL-tAc'€[ ]-Building [ ]-PlunbLng g(l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibat [t]-other{!""nnsyrr€^^ Job Name: l-oDoe AT vn\L ilob Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ filinq srrBDTvrsroN: owners Nane: LoooE prlopttrres. ]:r,lc,. Address: Architect: zerrcarq i Assec. :rr.ro.Address: PoB tqa6. AvoN c6 gtrozo ph. qtf - ozS t General Description: a/ work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ] -Repair [y ] -otherlehooru_ Number of Dwelting Units:Number of Accornmodation Units: I'llrmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances , * * * * * * * * * * * * *** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** VALUATIONSItsUILDTNG: $ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBfNG: $MECTIANICAL: $,'i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** CoNTRACTOR INFORMATIONfeneral Contractor: sHAw c6r,ls'r.uc/r or.{\ddress: ego !+or,zo* Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* f lectrical Contractor: Bt B Euecrero .t,-rJ'2lt1X,';[ \ddress : eBrg Ta oTHER : t_I, oh___gh1gss_ TOTAL: *************************** Town of Vail Reg. NO._. Phone Number: qlo - zqz], JJ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: qro. z4zlEi- ?lumbing Contractor: \ddress: ,lechanical Contractor: \ddress: rrt****************** ************ FOR ]UILDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMIT FEE: TECHANICAL PERMIT FEEs ]LECTRICAL FEE: .?HER TYPE OF FEE: IDR FFF. Town of Vail Reg. No.2b6- E Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:!'IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP TOTAL BUTLDING: STGNATUP€ ZONING: SIGNATUFE VALUATION ']LEAN UP DT,OSIT REFIIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE ! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-01J7 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. ELECTRTC, rNC. 1/2 NORTH AVE., ELECTRIC, INC. 1/2 NORTH AVE., PROPERTIES INC GORE CREEK DR, 8, 5 57.00 .00 .00 3.00 8,560.00 L74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 2LOt-082-23-009 PRJg 6-0054 GRAND JUNCTION, GRAND .JUNCTION, VAIL CO 81557 I S SUED o7 /70/res7 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER B&B 2 818B&B 2 818 LODGEI74 E Phonet 970-242-2450co 81501 Phone : 97 0-242-2450co 81501 Description: ELECTRICAL WORK FOR ADDITION Valuation:500, 000.00 *****************tt**************t******t****t*****t******* FEE SUltlARy ***t***********t******i***************t******************* Etectri cat---> DRB fee Investigat ion> Ui tt Cal.l,----> TOTAL fEES---> Totat Catcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynents-------- BALANCE DUE---- 8,560.00 .00 8,560.00 8,560.00 .00 *******i********ff********i**********#******t****i**********************************************************i****************i*** Dept: BUILDING Divrsron: Dept: FIRE Division: **************t*************t*******************t******************************************i************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIETD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********t**********i**********************t****************************************i*****************t**************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby ackno!,tedge that I have fead this aPPl'ication, fil,ted out in ful,l. the intormation required, compteted an accufate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required. i.s correct. I lgree to compty riith tire in'tormition and ptot ptan,to compty Hith atL Tovn ordinances and state [aus, and to buil,d this structurc according io'thc Tovn,s r"ning "no subdivisioncod.s, design revicw approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinance" oi ittu iown appticabte thereto. rLqm: -06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07110/1997 DAN Action: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/10/7997 DAN Action: AppR 479-213E 0R AT ouR oFFIcE FRofi 8:00 Al,t 5:00REOUESTS TOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE TADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT ,+.Conta-ct Eagle County at 970-328-8640 for PARCEL /I:PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE. O.:+_ oA_1+ APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COI.IPLETELY OR IT MAY N"rl$t^0""t11""****************************,r pERMrr rNFoRl{Arron ****"Tfit.c0ililfr.tE{t,$bv,l*i** t i-Buitding [ ]-prunbing Q<r-Erectrical [ ]-MechanilYr" "i i'-ottr"t i:. : -:. l_ : :....:. :.: : -." :... *'r PERMTT rNFoRr{Arron ......16t[96$ Job Name: L-oDce AT vnrL Job Address: taLE_, G"R€ q!5le.r$rL Lega1 Description: Lot Block_ Filing sunorvrsrou, Owners Narne: Lbltel e8lleqrrEi, fNe-, Address:Ph. Architect: :zEtltrrt q Artoc,, tNc-.Address: Fo,B. tql6 AYoN co gtr,zo Ph. 94q-ozs+ General Description: work class: txl-New [ ]-Alteration f*l-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: Nlmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ wood/pel1etI f********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************IBUILDINGs $ PLUMBTNG: SE ELECTRI cAf, : f_5ooO9-q_qpMECHANICAL: f OTHER: TOTAL: INFORMATION ***************************'t*************************** CoNTRACTOR Seneral Contractor: SHRw coNs.riucr, o Fl .1Ql -at 7jSlectri-cal Contractor: EiB'(ueciaic.':r,,rc, _ \ddress: \ddress: ?lunbing Contractor: rddress: 'Iechanical Contractor: \ddress: (******************************* FOR Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: -{ Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: UECEANICAL PI-.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: ]UTLDING PERMIT FEE:,LUMBING PERMTT FEE: IECHANTCAI PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNAtrI'RE!:ornnents: ]LEAN UP DEPOSIT REFITND !O: 75 3outh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303, 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEC?: olflce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITE THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit. any r"ir,-r""i, sand, debrisor material , including trash luurpsteri, po=t.uie-'toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewair, -;ii;y or public -q1?9" or any portion theieof. The right-"i-riy 6n au Town ofVail streets and roads is approiirrateiy 5 ft. -Lfi pavenent.This ordinance h'lrl be. striEliy--enforced by the Tovrn of vairPublic I'{orks Departrnent. pers6ns found ,ri6raiing this ordinanceYill be given a 24 hour writi"n--n"[i""-t"-;;;;;""."id mareriar.In the event the person so notified.does not- cornp:.y with thenotice within the 24 hour.time-=p""iiiil,";;"-;"[tic wort<sDepartrnent wirr remove said mateii"1 ii-tn"-'"*p"i"e of personnotiried. The provisions or tnis-"iair""i]! :fr5ii not beappticable to cbnstruction, ,uini"rr"rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" ir,"-rigii_"_".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur-r, prease stop by the Town ofYlll B"ilding Departmenr to obtain a copy. riranic you for yourcooperat,5_on on this matter. luwn 75 toulh tronlaga roed nll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 offlce of communlty developmerrt BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perytlt requirres a Town of vai'r Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s. (.public fg.frt review and approvat,'a ptinntni'bep."t entreview or.Heatth Departmint review, rnh' a-"eui.; Li-il;"driioingDepartnent, the estimated time for a totar "eui"n-il.y"i.["'is r5ngas three weeks. All conrnercial (large or sma'll ) and all mu]ti-family permits wi.llhave to fo'llow the above menti6ned maximum requireminli. iesioentia.land.small projects_shourd take a 'l esser amouni of time. However, ifresidential or smaller.projects impact tne vJrious;il;. ,n!ntioneadepartments with reqard to-necessai^y revitw, tt .r" pr.j".ti"ruyalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wi]l be ']g9e by this departrnent to expedite thispenni't as s.qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and timeframe.. Communi ty Devel opment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Job Name: LooaDate: +-oo lq*Rteas arding lhe need for a'public Way permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent aocess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public property? YES W/" e'c' NO 1) z',) 3) 4) s) 5) 7') ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? . 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenis or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musi be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. DateJob Name Contrador's Signature *-/, oI/02/s8 11:33 t89?0 488 0295 o NWCCOG @oo1o NWCCrc Etwdor Inspection progran M: /J-ft-?n Cr,6+nrs FtenkKihn To; Frgtt: Locarion: /0{ FAf epq CpgeU 2&rcVArt da ftaaV Permit t{Lmbec tvtu€tue # ?a-ae? F ttc€/.9r$ -c&.atthcsoratocatisrwas inspedect andbs{rxt onard a ffi4Firnr klEpecrion cartmcate hs been rNqj3d. ulf/f,ila/Uqm {1dA,gd + {g€pe{ Cotmrents: s,nran,o €rtag&A-^ Qqws f&ill oF v,4tL sroract W^tang hDef Af VL/L tr EfoetsPlff Revisw fi ef"mr Ts€tstd lrspeaion EletrerTlpe: r(fpfu ?kSAleE tr The plarr travp been ralfrluerl sd hnrd to corfuin b ail sppltcable Atifsl f 7.rardtEC cod.s- 3Ud*billgBtiEn.rrrr T,O'dN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657970-479-2738 E tectri ca l.---> DRB Fee Investigat i on> tli l. L Cat l.----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit t: 897-0L62 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 1,332.N .(n .00 5.00 1,535.00 ISSUED o8/04/ree7 Lo /o6 /1,ee7o4/o4/tee8 LODGE AT VAIL INTERNATIONApptied.2101-082-23-009 reiued.. I74 E GORE CREEK DR Status. . Expires.PRJ9 6-0054 APPLICANT B & B ELECTRTC, INC.28L8 L/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND JUNCTTON,CONTRACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC.28t8 L/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND JUNCTTON,OWNER LODGE bROPNRITES IN'L74 E GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 8L657 Phone: 97 0-242-2450co 81s01 Phonez 970-242-2450co 81s01 Dcscription: FIRE ALARM sYsTEM FoR INTERNATIoNAL wrNva].uation:75, 000 . oo *******ffi*******rffir****tif,*f,ffrr*ff*ffiffii*frff**ft FEE SUllllARy ffi**t*ffi**ffi***ffi**trf*****i******l***ffr***ffirffi Total, CatcuLated Fees---> 1 , j35 .00 Additional, F!€s-------> .00 Totr f, Pcmit Fets-----> 1,315.N Payrcntg-_--_ EAUtfiCE DUE----.00 tr***i****t***tffi**r*******f**ffi***'FtrJnt 'frlf,f,t***r**f,tffi*ffif,f,***fiffii**t******i**ffi*fff,i*r***r*f,**f,ri*rftrr**ffiffi** rlem: O6OOO-ELE9!RIC4,L DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division: ii1ft1/,b'2?4':EttB:B; ;tft FrtEffi ' u::l' ::*L r E DAvis " ; ; ; ;;" "'" ii.,: " ion,r0/02/L99? MrKd-M---[aEio;i; AppR Fire lrarm-/'i"ti'iiinq L)J- *f,**rt*ffi**ffi**tffi***ffi**ft***ffiffit.f,iffi****t*ffiffi**ffi*ftr***tt*******tffiffi'.}/hffir/rfit**ffi*********ffi*t** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t*ffi*ffi***********t********ti ffi DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknovtedge that,I hrvc Fcad.this eppl'ication, f i l,l,cd out in futl, thc infornation rcqui red, compl,ct.d !n accurate plotpLan, and statc thrt rl'l' thc lnforration prolidetl as rlquired is .o"i..i. i "g.1" to coepLy Uith the inforoatiofl and pLot pl,an,to conpLy uith att Tonn ordinanccs -and stlte [avs, ind io buiLd thig structure according to thc Torrn's zoning end subdivisioncodes, dcslgn reviev rpprov.d, uniforn BuiLding c6oe anO othar ordinrncrs of thc Toun appl,icabLe thereto, REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2]-38 NOTE: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER l"lechani ca t---> P Lan Check---> Invest igation> uiLl. cal.t----> 3.00 o THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANICAL PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0161 Job Address.... 174 E GORE CREEKLocation . 174 E GORE CREEKParceI No..... : 2101-082-23-009Project Number: PRJ96-0054 Status. . . AppJ-ied. . Issued... Expires. . co 80216 co 80216 co 816s7 Valuation: DR DR I S SUED !0 /or/Les61.0/ts/Ls96 o4 /t3 /ree7 *********************************Jr************************* FEE SUt4ttARy ************************************************i***i**i** Description: MECH FOR RESTAURANT AND REMODEL F i rep [ace Information: Restficted: KIMMEL MECHANICAL, INC. 3700 E. 4LST AVE., DENVER, KIMMEL MECHANICAL, TNC. 3700 E. 41ST AVE., DENVER, LODGE PROPERTIES INCI74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL #0f Gas AppI i ances: 560.00 Restuarant PLan Revi ew-->145.00 oRB Fee--------.00 TOTAL fEES----- Phone t 303-322-8144 Phone: 303-322-8144 28, 300.00 #Of tlood/Pa L tet:#0f 6as Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional, Fees--------->728.00 Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 728.00 .o0 728.00 728-O0 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Itqm: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTLO/15/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItEm:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENTIO/15/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD INSPECTIONS ABE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2^. gqugq TIoN 4rB__Ig REQUIRED pER sEc. 60j 0F- rHu-rsii--0Me;-'--'3. INSTALLATION-!4qST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES- TNSTNOETTOII'S-AUOTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 2]. OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDiNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ glral,r., TEBMTN4TE 4S_SpECTFTED rN SEC. e06 OF rnE--rs9r 0u-Cl-s. AqgEss To HEATINq EQUTPMENT MUST eOllpl,i wrrH--Sne .sos-eNo703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. FoTLERS SHAL-L EE-MQUNTED oN Fr.,,ooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr._ UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE-FL6ORiNG;- ---'-'' 7 . pEBl4 i Tr B!ANq _At{Q qqDE ANAI,YS r S MIUST - eE-FOSTED--Ii.i-l,reCHeN r cALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST8. DRATNAGE oF MECHANTCAL RooMs eotttAittrNc HEATTNG oR Hor-wATERgqppl,y BoTLEB.F^$HAL BE EQUTPPED wrrH A FtooR Dnaix--Fnn.Sic;2119 0F THE 1991 uMc. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hct'.by acknoutedge that I hrvc read thi! apptication, fltted out in futt thc intorration rcquird, corptctcd !n accuratc ptotptan, and state that atl. the inforration pFovidcd as rcquircd is co.r.ct. I agree to cotp(y sith thc iniormtion and pl,ot il,an,to corpty vith rtt Tosn ordinances and ststc tavs, end to hJitd structur. according to the Tosnr s zoning end subdivisioncod.s, design rcvieu approved, Uniforn Buitding codc rnd other th. Toun appticebtt th.frto. REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNAIURE OF OIII{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER 5E OR AT oFFICE FRolt 6:00 Atl 5:00 P ^ !*coutact Eagle county a3res8or3 t-"ff.95:28-8540 for Parccl #. lr.- Offlce TollN OF VlrL coNslltuellol' PER}TT AEPIJCASTON FONI,TDAllEr IPERIIII * 't-/' !-- , APPTJCATION I{I'ST BE EIIJ,ED OIIT COUFI..BIEI,Y ON, IT IAY ilqT 8g ACGEPIEDUIt*!.*r+****!rt*****t*tr+r******* plRttIT IIIFOnATfOlil *:rr*i!r,r:r'rirrr*r*trrtrIr*trrrtrl)t l-Building ]-Plr'-ring [ ]-Electrlcal =lteehdni-eal I J-othcrtob NaEe!lF\,fob Addiees: I€gaI oescrLptionr Ict Slock_ Flttng onners lfnsei orren| gxpress &Fcl aoar.""r3 Architectr ?nnr,Ilcn _ ad6ress: t cI ratd /<,nd 1ff"t anit ?1pc of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas r,ogrs_ Ioodr/pellet . ft ** **** * r* tt ltt a ** i:t* a* tt,r+* a *** * * t- - - - ':: r-i' x-r t*tt ** * Vf,sf1PIS^E:Ittlti!.tt!ttat**ra:l******-r***r*a fY tr ,{2' ' ct t(? /BUILDIIIG: t _ EI,ECIRICA'L|,I_*_---, onm,r,eItrtUBfNG: rF.rrrlrF.rr?. r-fiZf==--r^, lirJt'rutrdG: t UEcEAmcaI'! r:rFF?b ;dffi; - 4d$i.:li::#;:1"*.lli.ll?iiT;:-;;: zfiN.lddrcse: General Descriptl.on:*-o-L work elass: [ ]-Ner I J-Altelalion t J-Mdirlon"f f l]nepatr I l-"'tbr=llr:Eb.! of Dnelllng Unl,ts:Nurber of Accsmodadlon galts: Phone l{Unbeti ElEctrlcal ContractorsAddrcss:lofn of vail Phonc ltuDber: 7 Tzs PluDblng Address: l{ectranlcal Contractor:Addr.ss: ATEER TIIPE OF FEE: DR.;A FEEr Tovn of Vail Req. No.2tbLPgtrone Nurber, 8t 3ZZ@ torrn of vaff nee, llo.2o4 F\.Phone xunbo-.€ 't*t t!t*ti: a*t t *tt t+*** !r** a * * * tt * * *BI'ITDI}IG PERIfIT EgE!PI.t)UBItf6 PERIITT FEE: rycEANrcrL EaRHI! FEE:EI,ECTRTCAI, EEE, f'OR OFFfCE USE rr*lr***t***t*a*****r*i!*****.i!|*t BUII.DTNC PI.AN CEECX EPE; -P_qlFrIg Pr4N ctrEqR FEE:pq!ryIgAr. pran crr& rur:RECREATTOA' EEE:CLErN-IIP DEpOSf?: TOTAT PERUTT TEES: E(rILDrlTG: SIC}trITT'RE: zot(rrc: SIGNAIURE: sQ.ra. t0oa IVJ 9T.ZZ 96/9A/80 Printed by Charlie Davis t0/10:21am Fromr Charlie DavisTo: Chuck FeldmannSubject; fwd: todge at vail ---NOTE==--===========a0 / 02 /95==Z :40am= Chuck I have a mechanical permit ap in forthe lJoclge at vail ( international wing) . Have We accepted plans on this and have You reveiwed then for approval ? Fwd=by: =Chuck=Feldman=L0 / 02 /96==9: 07am= F'wd to: Charlle Davi6 charlie i need stamped eng drawings ofwhick i have not received yet.. Page: 1 [0f ffinlt*ng::;;|1::t, [ngneefng COnSul{Onls, lnC I eo Eox 5740, Avan, t0 il62a v A I L c o L o R e o o | 970-949-ll9l fox: 949-1959 TO: Yail@tnmunlhTDevelqment 111aouth Front4e Road Yail, C.O Arc51 t^E ARE 9ENDING Yd): 0 iLems: O thop dril)inge 0 C.apg ol lef-t-er LETTER OPPTNsMITTAL o^IEz 1O4*% | \Eo* qb3b5.O1 Attn: Mr. CharlieDavis RE: Arlberq R*l,auranl lpdqe at-Yall 0 change orde? 0 ?10/o4/qb t4echani(€l and ?lumblnq ?rinLs (*aled) Att:,ched 0 Under separale cnver via 0 Printe 0 ?lane 0 Amplee 0 t-he lolla tina 9peclFlatlons below;0 Revieued0 ?urnbhed as c.orrecl,ed0 RevieuJ e Reeubmlt0 ?ejeoted O FRINT9 RETURNEP AFTER LoAT.I To U5 IHE€iE ARE TR,,AI{SMITTED as chec\ed0 For appranal0 For Vour use0 Ae requeeled0 For review E cnmmenL O FORBIWDVE REMARKs: Charlie, tlre undersLand gou need 3 sels oF sealed mechanical drawinqs Lo compleLe Lhe permiL For Lhe ArlbergResLauranL aL Lhe Lodge aLYail. lt gou have ang quesLions, please call. OOT( 'lO: 1. Laa; Zehren 4 Associaleg aloNED Nor een Mct-1ahon F *IA.A)Rffi ARE NOT A6 NOTED. KINDLY NOT]FY U5 AT ONCE TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-419 -2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No..... Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0177 I74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 2t0t-082-23-009 PRJ96-00s4 I SSUED t0 /25 /ree 6 r0/2e/ree6 04 /27 /tee7 Status . . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION/ 6045 E 76TH I*I2, COMMERCE CONTRACTOR ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, 6045 E 76TH #72, COMMERCEOWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INCI74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL INC crTY co 80022 INC CITY CO 80022 co 81657 Phone : 3 0 3 2I8 3 9 0 l Phone: 3032883901 9,655.00 fOf llood/Pal. Let: *******t**i*********i***i*t******************************** FEE SUl,ll.lARy *************t******************************************** Description: FIRE SPRINKLER SYS FOR ARLBERG RESTUARANT F i reptace Information: Restricted:fof Gas App I i ances: Valuation: ,0t Gas Logs: .00 Totat Catculated Fees--->.00 Additional, Fees--------->253.00 Totat Permit Fee-------->payments------- l'lechani ca [---> P lan check---> Investigation> l,liLL CaLt----> 200.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev'i elr-->50.00 DR8.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 253. O0 .00 253 . O0 255 - 00 **t***********************************************************r***r***i****************llllffi-lli;iiii;;iiiiiii************il?*** I!eE! ,q!1q0_EqTI,DING DEPARTMENT_ --,- Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:IO /25 /7996 CHARLIE Acr j_on : APFR N,/AIt€.m:'.05600_qIRE DEPARTI4ENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:I0/.25/.1996 CHARLTE AcEi-on; NorE FrRE DEPT ApFftovAi"flno,D -' IQ'/,2_g'/,Igg6 MrKE M Aaai-on: AppR rine sFKl,n.'wi"dofrilrtibu6lO'/25'/l-996 MIKE--}.{ Action: AFFn CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IELD INSPECTIO\F-AtsE BqQqIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. EIBE-DEPT APPRoVAL Is REo,D pRroR ro Fir.rAi--clo3. CHANGE PIPE BETWEEN NODES 12 4N0-13-TO-2"1/Z-iIICH, ADD HEADr^N_I_,gpBy. DE_LETE EEAD$ TN COOLERS (2), AoD'llna-os-AeijvE "-"- qggLEB,_ _ggNrBoL VALVES ARE NO! AppROfto Fon--riisiar,I[iion rr.rT_H-E_rqNNE . qqNVEBSTON OF CLASS 1 STANDPIPSS-to-CoMEiuarr6i.iWET RISERS SUBJECT TO FINAL HYDRO AN-D_INSFECiiON..---^'.^---'' **************************************r.**********************************!k****** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknow ledge that r have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accuiate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compl,y uith tire iniormation and ptot ptan,to compty t'ri th aLl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buiLd this structure according io'tn" io"n;" i""l"g ""a subdjvis,ioncodes, design reviev appfoved, Uniforn Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the town appLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE NADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE gY TELEPHONE AI 179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 6:00 AI.I 5:OO PH fl (* rrt-,,r ft6il/u'ft6/1' TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMI,TTJNITY DEVEI-,,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0-479-2L38 *************************************************************************** CONDITTONS Perrnit #y196-OL77 as of LO/25/96 Status: APPLIED*************************************************************************** Perrnit Type: I'{ECHANICAL PERMIT Applied: Lo/25/L996 Applicant: ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC Issued: 3032883901 To Expire: Job Address: L74 E GORE CREEK DR Location: I.,,ODGE AT VAIL Parcel No: 2101--082-23-009 Description: FIRE SPRTNKLER SYS FOR ARLBERG RESTUARANT Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. FIRE DEPT APPROVAL fS REQ'D PRIOR TO FINAL C.O 3. CHANGE PIPE BETWEEN NODES ]-2 AND ].3 TO 2 L/2 INCH. ADD HEAD IN LOBBY' DEIJETE HEADS IN COOI,ERS (2) , ADD HEADS ABOVE COOLER, CONTROL VAI.,,VES ARE NOT APPROVED FOR INSTALI,ATION IN THE TUNNEL, CONVERSION OF CI.,ASS 1 STANDPIPES TO COMBINATION WET RISERS SUSJECT TO FINAL HYDRO AND INSPECTION. VOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUqIION PERI.{IT APPLICATTON FORM DATE. to-?-qb 5-'o'_ ,:(:,::t / 7O "' oc>7c/ PERl"lrr //h(c t 7 7 , APPLICATIoN MUST BE FrI,LED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAy NOT BE ACCEpTEDv f,i* ** ****** ***'t********* ******* PER!{rt r}rFoRuATroN **********r********!rr**** ****rt 1 l-Building [ ]-ptuobing [ ]-Electrical fl-t{echanicat [ ]-other Ph. Ph. TOTAL: t_ *************************** Town of Vail Reg. No.3ZOS Phone Number: JgF ,egO/- Mechanical Contractor: Address; ********************************FOREUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PER}IIT FEE: ELECTRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Reg. No. Phone Number: Iown of VaiI .Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK'FEE: !.TECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Contractor: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Job Nane: fCOl€ Resrnurc.rJob Addressr t?rl €, A6CE ?eFF\ l& Block_ filing susprvrsroN, Address: Address: General Description: RdsfOufsrff work class: fl-llew [ ]-Atteration [ ]-Additional t l-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accorrmodation Units: tqrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv+ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pel1et ********************************* BUILDING: I ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $rNG: $MECHANfCAL: $ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *^* * * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INFORMATION; FEE 'a.lAddress: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TIO: 75 soulh lrontage .oad nailr coloredo glGST (3osl 479-2138 or 419-2L39 ottlce of oommunlty dovctopmQnl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII4E FMIIE If thr's permit requl'res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Ensineer's (pubtt. T:fl l;;i;'.il'rpi"ou.t, a plannins Departmentrevrew or Health Department_review, ,nl.u.,review by the 6uilding_i;oi[Hl.,l;"ll: ur.truted time ror'a-total review ,.y.il1".as lons All cornmercial (laroe or small) and al.l multi_famiiy permits willhave to forow itre Sbove menu6neJ-maximum requirements. Residentiarand smalI projects shourd tut("-;-i";lr"amount.of time. However, ifresidentiar or sma'r9r,projects iil;;i'the various above mentioneddepartrnents with' reoa.rd' to-r"""ri"ii-i"ui"", these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wr'''r be made by this department to expedite thispemit as soon as possible.' i;.lil undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time shee t wa i tuFnEd-TnT-TfiEDate WoiI Development Department. o' 75 south tronlage .oad vail, colorado 81657 (3o3't 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty deyelopment ALL CONTR.ACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VATL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPI,IENT l.tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTION PARKING E UATERTAL STORAGE rn surnnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or a"po"it, ""V "oif]-.;;k, sand, debris;:.ffiffTlii"rtl:r"dins trash-iuii=t"r=, porrable toitets and _qr ?s" ;, ;;i-;;;.!ii:.ilI.if f ..i;"=:i;illlli_;li"I";:, l*:i:-",Vail streetJ ana_Ig"g= is afproiinateiy s ft. 6fi-pavement.This ordinrnc'e wilr be strilliy"Jnforced by the Town of Va'lPublic works o"oarinent:--;;;;;": found "ihuli"q this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour r.iit"""i"ii""-t.-iiiJilr="id ruareriar.In the event the person so notifi"d.9g": not cornply with thenotice within an:^31 rro"i-tii"-Jieciriea, the puttic worksDepartment will renove said nateri.r _.t in" -""p"i!e or personnotified' The orovisions-of-trtli otainance shirr nor beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,"irrt.r,..ge 9f repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilitres in the right_a_way. To.review ordinance ll:-a-i, IuIl, please stop by the Town of:::i"3:il3i"g,o:f,if*i*"::"di;il a copv. ri'",,i you ror your rQ //a tion/ReT ationship (i.e. contractor, owner) Zoz*"'or[.,^l*iil o FAX TRANSMITTAL Dute: September 16, 1996 From: Tim Losa To: Dan Stanek Project: Lodge at Vail Company: Town of Vail - Building Inspector Project No: 94889.01 Fax Number: 479.2452 No. of Pages: 3 Re: Fire Protection System Copies To: See Below Dan: Enclosed is the letter to confirm the conclusions from our September 16, 1996 meeting. Please let me know as soon as possible ifthere are any other issues that need to be resolved in order to receive our permit. Thanks. Tim Losa Project Manager cc: Jim Ellerbrook Clark Atkinson Noreen McMahon Scott Lowry John Volponi Mike McGee Roger Collins Andy Knudtsen Jay Peterson Architecture.Planning.Interiors.Landscape Architecture P.O. Box 1976 Avon, Colorado 81620 (970) 949-0257 Fax (970) 949-1080 The above is considered correct unless response to the contrary is received within 7 days from the above date. S:\PROJADMI.I\94889\FAXES\DS9609 I 6.TRL Z E H R E N AND ASSOCIATES, INC. September 16,1996 Mr. Dan Stanek Building Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado,81657 Re: The Lodge At Vail - Intemational Wing Building Permit Dan: This letter is to confirm the conclusions reached in our September 16, 1996 meeting conceming the fire protection system for The Lodge at Vail. It was my understanding that the existing six inch fire protection line in the lodge mechanical tunnel would not be adequate to serve the fue protection needs of the existing Lodge at Vail, Lodge Apartment Condominium, and the proposed International Wing. To supplement the existing line, we would propose to extend the existing dead end six inch line from it's present location at the northwest comer of the Lodge Tower Condominium with a minimum six inch line to the proposed International Wing where it would be connected with the existing line to form a loop. The Arlberg Restaurant, which is scheduled for completion on December l, 1996, would be temporarily connected to an existing riser until the full system is operational the following year. A connection between the existing dead end six inch line and the existing line on Gore Creek Drive would be studied by Alpine Engineering and proposed to both the Town of Vail and the water district as it's installation would coincide with a proposed storm sewer improvement from the Lodge at Vail parking lot to intersection of Gore Creek Drive and Willow Bridge Road. ARCHITECTUR[.PLNNNINC. INTERIORS.LANDSCAPT AR(JI IITf:CTURE PO. Bcrx f 976 Avr>n, Color.rrlo 81620, \970) 949-0257 FAX (970) 949 l(XlO Mike McGee of the Town of Vail Fire Department stated that he will accept flow tests recorded September 15, 1996, de-rated 68.8% for peak demand, for hydraulic calculations. He had also stated that he would release the building permit pending the release of this letter. Sincerely, Tim Losa Project Manager Z,ebrenand Associates 94889.00/94889.01 Mike McGee Andy Knudtsen Noreen McMahon Jim Ellerbrook Chris Gibbler Clark Atkinson Scott Lowry John Volponi Roger Collins Jay Peterson File \o v Ar L r[$*P"8f,',#.,,pEil r n' sPPo "o,uJ tI" :a:;i;: 5't*=' + s' eE -FF { uXa""}iio't ''tsfc;f"I)il oFitrflHoPv S.Simplex fSimplex PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: ARLBERG RESTAURANT B & BELECTRICCOMPANY TYPE DESCRIPTION SIIAW CONSTFUCT]ON G€rErd gorfiactor Rec'd tt/6 R€vlewecr- tor General Arrangements su bj ect to comdianca with ail con- tragl requiremgnts and 14998West 5th Arcnue Frontage Road, Suite 11600 Golden, CO 80401 Sales (303) 277-9733 SeMce (303) 277-9766 Fax (303) 277-1655 4903-9146 Atv 24VDC rsCD RED I HZ(SPKR) 2099-9103 PSBREAKGLASS,I N/O 2098-9649 DUCT HOUSING ONLY 2 OR 4 WIRE 2098-9201 DET / PHOTO LOW PROFILE 2.6% 2098-9811 BAFFLE FOR 2098.920I 2098-9797 SAMPLING TUBE 49" 2098-9805 REMOTE TEST STATION RED LED KEY SW 2098-9211 DETECTOR BASE 2.WIRE 4098-9408 HEAT DETECTOR t35 ROR FOR BASE OPERATIONS MANAGER: ENGINEERING SUPPORT: SALES SUPPORT: CELIA MOORHEAD CRAIG BRYAN JIM CRAFT Arc+thectural Co:'poi'ate Headqi.;ai.ee Srrrptslplua GarCner, MA 01441-0001 U.S.A. (503)632-25C0 Aa 2'-'} -e1 O SSimplo(149!rgWest 6th Avenue Frontage Road, Suite 1600 Goldeo CO 8ry|o1 Sales (303) 27-9733 SeMce €03)22-9766 Fax (303) 27-1655 Simplex Technical Installer Support (T|s) TIS ls deslghed to make the expertlse of a Slmplex technlclan avallable at key scheduled tlmes dudng fhe prolect. Thls servlce ls araltable durlng normal SlmPtex worklnE hours lf scheduled llvo worklng days ln adrance. TIS tncludes tfte tottowln! actlvltles by a factoly tralned technlclan wten delerrnlned by Slmplex to be approprl.te. :+ P?econstructlon nevlew of submlttals and drawlnSs wlth the Installer' + Tectrnlcal advlce durln! Inlttal start up of control panels (tncludlng transponder) . before lnstaller wlrln$ ls connecfed. + Revlew of panet wlrtng and preparatlon of a tlst of ltems to be coFecfed by the lnstaller. + Prollram edttlng to correct mlnor ertors and onasslons. + Asslstance wlth one complete tunctlonal test of the system. + One tralnlng sesslon lor the owneds representatlves. Addltlonat Instaltatlon suppolt may be purchased from Slmplex. TtS enhances expertlse ln Slmplex Installatlons but does not supplant the lnstaller's commltment to: 1. Provlde skltted labor and supelvlslon to Gomplete the prolect' 2. Revlew and understand Slmplex tnstructlons tor Installlng and testln!|, Slmplex . equlpment. Potentlal probtems can be avolded by adherln$ to the followlng: r Do not Inltlalty start up the system exoept ln the presence of a Slmplex technlclan. Slmplex assumes no llablllty for damaged equlpment and waranty may be volded lf thls procedure ls not followed. . Ito not Inst lt smoke detectons (unless protected by plastlc batls) untll nnal constructlon clean up has occurred. Thls ls to prevenl damage caused by dust' dlrt and palnt. Detcciors lnstalted prlor to clean up may requlre dlsassemble' Gleanlng or replacement whlch ls not covered by warranty. o Care must be taken to protect equlpment durlng the lnstallatlon and warranty perlod' Fallures due to external causes (llgntlngl su4!es, Gonstructlon dust, waler damatle' etc.) wttl be repalred by Slmplex only upon recelpt of a valld wrltten Putchase Order' . TIS Includes one complete system lest whlch ls coordlnated by the lnstaller. To avold addltlonat charges, Instalter shoutd schedute thls test so that alt approprlate pariles . are pnesent. Corpo:'a:: Heachuaners Simplex Plaza Gardner, MA 01441-0001 U.S A. (5081 632-2500 A/, 01c,i r. : O Ssimpls(14998West 5th Avenue Frontage Road, Suite t1600 Golden, CO 8eD1 Sales (303) 27l-9733 SeMce €03) 22-9765 Fax (303) 2Z-1555 RESPONSIBILITIES Simplex, as your equipment supplier, vli!! supply the following during Simplex's regular taorking norE tg'".m. to S p.m. Monday'through Friday, except for Simplex observed holidays): complete submittals and drawings to provide equipment specifications and wiring information necessary to meet the project's systems operational specification. Technical installation support (T.l.S.) to include having a Simplex technician available at key scheduled times to provide technical advice. A one-time testing of the completed system unless additional tests are listed in the Bill of Material. One end-user training session unless additional training is listed in the Bill of Material- PROCEDURE CLARI FICATIONS Five r,rorking days joFsite visitation notification is required' Alt conduit, wire, wiring, termination and repair of wiring are not included. . A fire alarm service agreement is optional, but not included unless listed in the Bill of Material. . As-built drawings are not included unless listed in the Bill of Material. WARRANry Simplex is providing a 12 month equipment uarranty to start when the final test is completed' or when the iystem is utilized to pioiect any portion of the building, whichever comes first' Warranty providecl during Simplex's regular uorking hours (g a.m. to'5 p.m. Monday through Fridiy, except for Simplex observed holidays). Simplex r/telcomes the opportunity to quote additional technical labor pncducts (T'L'P') to assist when requested to help increase'your project productivity and profit. Example: panel and/or peripheral termination, etc. NO rEi All of the above clauses pertain only to the equipment interconnected to the . Simplex system that v\as purchased from Simplex Time Recorcler Co' RETURNED MERCHANDISE POLICY A "Retumed Merchandise Authorization Fom' must be obhined through our office prior to any return of equir,,7|en1- when fitling out this form, please i!9!ld3 the quanfia of equipment being retumed and the invoici number on which it '''as billed. Att matefiat retumed musl be shipped in 'new" condifott, or in the -original shipping. con1inef wiU treignt pi*paia. M'aieriat that is rctumed musl ln withln a 90 day period from the invoice a"t". i ij|qf,;king fee of 25o/o wilt be tevied for inspection and return to s,((x:k. Att claimsf(,- t*t'iJi"i.d in ffinsit items must be made, as provided by law' to fie tansporhtion compny by the purchas*' corporate Hed,lquade6 S,r'npiex Plaza Gardner MA 01-:lllr]001 u.S-A- 1508)632-2500 'd/ O2g't Fien S.Simplex M u lti-Appl ica?on Peri pherals and Accessories UL Listed FM Approved Visible and AudibleA/isible Appliances 4903 Series AudibleA/isible N.Y.C. MEAApproved*Notification Appliances with 1Hz Strobes FEATURES: .24VDC Powered Xenon Flashtube Visible Notif ication Appliance : - UL Listed to Standard 1971 - 15, 30, or 110 Candela Models Available - Under Normal Operating Conditions, all Strobe Light Models Rated at 15 Candela and 30 Candela per UL 1971 Have Been Tested for 75 Candela On-Axis - Compatible with ADA Requirements - Exclusive Reflector Design Provides Light Output in Key Axis Directions Allowing Vertical or Horizontal Mounting - Wiring Terminals are Separate from Audible Notif ication Appliance - Polycarbonate Lens - Regulated Circuit Design Protects Flash Capacitor and Ensures Consistent Output . Synchronized Flash Rate Models Available for use with Synchronizing Module 4905- 9914 (Style Y), or 4905-9922 (Style Z) . UL Standard 464 Listed Horn Models: - 24 VDC Electro-Mechanical Design with Electronic Control (No Moving Contacts) - Diode Polarized for Connection to Reverse Polarity, Supervised NAC . UL Standard 1480 Listed Speaker Models: - Available for 25 VRMS or 70 VRMS Input - Capacitor Input for Connection to Reverse Polarity, Supervised NAC . Rectangular Housing with Horn or Speaker: - Red with White "FlRE" Lettering - Off-White with Red 'FIRE" Lettering SPECIF]CATIONS: Rectangular (w/lens) .......4 3/4" H x 6 7/8" W x 2 5/8" D speaker Depth into r", .11 :l ::.:. ].itilt,I,3lilill Horn Depth into Box............................ t 1/8" (29mm) Connections ........................ Terminals for I niOut Wiring #18 to #14AWG Operating Temperature......32'F to 120'F (0'C to 49'C) Operating Humidity 10 - 95% Non-Condensing at 86'F (30'C) Operating Voltage .............18 to 32VDC . Accepted for use - City ot New York Department of Buildings - MEA35-99-E. @ I 996 Simpl€x ]ime R€cordor Co. 4903 SERIES AUDIBLEA/ISIBLE NOTIFICATTON APPLIANCES Horn Current ...............38mA @ 24VDC Typical Horn Output ................. 87dBA Nominal @ 1 OFt Visible Appliance: Flash Rate....... ....... 1 Hz Nominal Cunent at 24Y DC., 1 5 Candela (Effective Intensity)........................ 85mA 30 Candela (Eff ective Intensity)...................... 1 00mA 1 1 0 Candela (Effective Intensity)...................... 200mA Publication S4903-0006-7 2-96 SPECTFTCAilONS (CONTINU Speaker Specifications : Frequency Response: For Fire Alarm 400H2 to 4kHz For General Signaling 125Hzto 12kHz 1/2W, 1W 2W Typical Sound Levels': Rectangular Housing Mode|s............. 1/4W = 79dBA (at 1oft with l kHz input using 1/2W = 82dBA conventional meters) 1W = 85dBA 2W = 88dBA ' Minimum sound levels, as determined by integrated sound pressure measurements per UL Standards 464 and 1480, are 4 dBA lower. DESCRIPTION: Simplex 4903 series audible/visible notification appliances are available in three visible intensity levels, with speakers or horns, in red or off-white rectangular housings. This allows the required notilication to be accurately selected for the intended area. These appliances may be either horizontally or vertically wall mounted, because an exclusive (patent pending) multi- surface reflector is used to provide symmetrical light output in key axis directions. The lens assembly fits securely into its housing, providing a high integrity notif ication appliance that is impact and vandal resistant and suitable for a variety of applications. When multiple visible appliances and their reflections can be seen from one location, synchronized flashes reduce the probability of photo-sensitive reactions. Flash synchronization module 4905-9914 or 4905-9922 will control the observed flashes of synchronized flash models at a rate of 1Hz using the existing two wire visible appliance circuit (patent pending). Standard models will operate in a free-running mode even when connected to a synchronized NAC. The efficient switching regulator electronic design provides over-voltage protection for the flash discharge capacitor and ensures consistent visible notification outout. Proper selection of visible notification is dependent on occupancy, location, local codes, and proper applications ol:lhe National Fire Alarm Code (1993 NFPA72), ANSI A117.1, the appropriate model building code, BOCA, ICBO, or SBCCI, and the application guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Consult your local Simplex representative for assislance in determining these requirements. 4903 AUDIBLEN'|SIBLE SELECTION CHART FOR APPLIANCES WITH HORNS PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION VISIBLE NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE OUTPUT (Candela) HOUSING STYLE MOUNTING STYLE AUDIBLE APPLIANCE 1 Hz Standard 1 Hz Synchronized 15 30 110 4903-9219 4903-9401 X Red Rectangular Horizontal Wall Mount HORN 24 VDC 4903-9215 4903-9403 X 4903-9217 4903-9405 X 4903-922'l X Off-White Rectangular4903-9222 X 4903-9219H X Red Rectangular Horizontal Wall Mount for High Humidity Areas- 4903-9220 X Red Rectangular Vertical Wdl Mount(Retrofit)4903-9218 X . Suffix H modols are intended lor indoor use in areas where humidity is normally high, such as swimming pool rooms, lockgr rooms. stc., and require the 4905-9907 gasket kit. NOTE: Audible output ls attonuated by 3dBA. 4903 AUDIBLEA/ISIBLE ACCESSORIES Red Adapter Plate, Mounts Vertical Housings on 2975-9145 Boxes, 5 3/4" x 8 5/1 6" ('l46mm x 211mm) Red Wire Guard, I7l8" x 9 3/16" x5114" Deep (225mm x 233mm x 133mm) High Humidity Gasket Kit Zinc Plated Adapter for Surface Mount Rectangular Housings, 4 7/8" x 7" ('l24mm x 1 78mm) Synchronized Flash Module. Style Y operation. Epoxy Encapsulated with In/Out AWG #18 Wirs Leads, rated for 2A NAC, requires lomAfor power. 1 3/8"W x 2 7/16" Lx 13/16" H (35mm x 62mm x 20mm) Ofi-White Adapter Fling Box Extension,4 314" x67l8" x'l 112" Deep, (121mm x 'l75mm x 38mm) Red Adapter Ring Box Extension, 4 3/4" x 6 7/8" x 1 I/2" Deep, (121mm x 175mm x 38mm) Synchronized Flash Module. Stvle Z operation. Epoxy Encapsulated with In/Out AWG #18 Wire Leads, rated for 24 NAC, requires 1 omA for power. 1 3/8" W x 2 7/1 6" L x 13/1 6" H (35mm x 62mm x 20mm) Red Surface Mount Box,4 5/16" x6518" x2314" (11omm x 168mm x 70mm) Off-White Surface Mount Box, 4 5/16'x 6 5/8" x 2 3/4" (l lomm x 168mm x 70mm) Red Box for Vertical Mount Housing, 51/8" x7 718" x23l4" Deep (130mm x 200mm x 70mm Suftix H models are intended lor indoor use in areas where humidity is normally high, such as swimming pool rooms, locker rooms. etc., and require the 4905-9907 gasket kit. NOTE: Audible output is atlenuated by 3dBA. MOUNTING INFORMATION: 4903 AUDIBLE,T,= sELEcTIoN cHART FoR APPLn]TS wITH sPEAKERS FOB A'lV WITH HOFN: 4" SQ. 1 1/2" DEEP BOX (RACO # 191 OR EOUAL) BY OTHERS FOR A'lV WITH SPEAKER: 4"SO. 1 i/2"DEEP BOX (RACO # 191 OR EOUAL) wlTH 1 1/2" EXTENSTON (RACO # 203 OR EQUAL) BY OTHERS 3 GANG BOX. 2 314" DEEP (wtREMOLD NO. 5744-3 OR EOUAL), BY OTHERS 4905-9908 ADAPTER PLATE NOTE BOX ORIENTATION PRODUCT IDENTIFlCATION VISIBLE NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE OUTPUT (Candela)HOUSlNG STYLE MOUNTING STYLE AUDIBLE APPLIANCE/ VOLTAGE1 Hz Standard 1 Hz Synchronized 15 30 110 4903-9146 4903-9301 X Red Rectangular Horizontal Wall Mount SPEAKER 25 VRMS 4903-9142 4903-9303 X 4903-9144 X 4903-9167 X Ofi-White Flectangular4903-9170 X 4903-9173 X 4903-9146H X Red Rectangular Horizontal Wall Mount for High Humidity Areas- 4903-9147 X Red Rectangular Vertical Wall Mount (Retrofit) 4903-9168 4903-9326 X Red Rectangular Horizontal Wall Mount SPEAKER 70 VRMS4903-9171 4903-9329 X 4903-9174 4903-9332 X SEMI-FLUSH WALL MOUNT 4905-9923 0R 490+9924 SURFACE MOUNT BOX RECTANGULAR HOUSING SURFACE MOUNT NOTE BOX ORIENTATION MOUNTING INFORMATION (ED): o CONTINU WEATHERPROOF 3 GANG BOX, 2 5/8" DEEP (RACO NO. 539G0 OR EOUAL} BYOTHERS tilGH HUilTDTTY APPLtCATtONS, SURFACE OR SEL|-FLUSH) 4905-9907 H|GH HUM|D|TY GASKET KIT (REQUIRED FOR 4s BOX 4905.9903 ADAPTER PLATE 2975-9145 BOX 490S9903 ADAPTER PLATE VERTICAL MOUNT (RETROFtT) 490$9908 ADAPTER PLATE SURFACE MOUNT HIGH HUMIDITY APPLICATION HORIZONTAL MOUNT (RETROFTT) EXISTING &INCH SOUARE OUTLET BOX IN WALL (NOTE BOX ORIENTATION) RETROFIT MOUNTING REQUIRING BOXr( EXTENSION 4905-9915 OR 4905-9916 ADAPTER RING i:' 't::. ' ':i:..ii.-... Gardner, Massachusens 01441-0001 U.S.A. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World All specilications and other intormation shown wers currenl as ot publicalion, and are subjecl to chang€ without notlce. Prinled in u.S.A. S.Simplex S.Simplex Mu lti-Appl ication Peri pherals and Accessories UL Listed FM Approved Non-Coded Manual Stations 2099-Series FEATURES: . Single Action Models . Double Action Models - Breakglass - Push Type . Pull Lever Protrudes when Alarmed . Tamper Resistant Reset Key Lock, (Keyed Same as Fire Alarm Cabinet). InstitutionalVersion (Key Operated Only). Pre-Signal and Annunciator Contact Options. LocalAlarm Cover Option. Surface, Flush, or Semi-Flush Mounting . Complies with ADA Requirements OPERATION: Single Action Stations require a firm downward pull to activate the alarm switch. Motion resistance is provided by breaking an internal plastic break-rod (visible below the pull lever). The pull lever latches into the alarm position and remains extended out of the housing to provide a visible indication of which station was alarmed. Double Action Stations (Breakglass) require the operator to strike the front mounted hammer to break the glass and expose the recessed pull lever. The pull lever then operates as a single action station. Double Action Stations (PushType) require that a spring loaded interference plate (marked PUSH) be pushed back to access the pull lever of the single action station. lnstitutional Stations are designed to activate by key operation only. This allows access for manual alarms to be limited to authorized personnel. Operation requires key insertion and opening ot the station housing. Ere-Signaloption activates when the lever is pulled. General alarm initiation requires a key to activate a keyswitch located behind the pull lever. Station Reset requires use of the housing key to reset the pull station lever and deactivates the alarm switch. lf the break-rod is used, it must be replaced. Breakglass stations require glass replacement. Iesfing requires physical activation of the pull lever (except for institutional stations). @ 1 996 SimDlox nlne Recorder Co. DOUBLE ACTION STATION (BREAKGLASS) SINGLE ACTION STATION WINSTITUTIONAL COVER SINGLE ACTION STATION DOUBLE ACTION STATION NON-BREAKGLASS (PUSHTYPE) Publication 52099-0007-1 2 6-96 CONSTRUCTION: Station housings and pull levers are construcled of chip resistant and dirt resistant, high impact Lexan.* Housings are red with white letlering and pull levers are white with red lettering. APPLIGATIONS: Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code, (reference section 5-9) and all applicable local codes for complete requirements for manual stations. The following summarizes the basic requirements. ' Lexan 16 a rogistered trad€mark of the General Electric Co. Stations shall be t"O in the normat path of exit and distributed in the protected area such that they are unobstructed and readily accessible. Mounting shall be with the operable part not less than 31/2ft('l .1 m) and not more than 4 1/2tt (1.37 m) above floor level. At least one station shall be provided on each floor. Additional stations shall be provided to obtain a travel distance not more than 200 ft (61 m) to the nearest station from any point in the building. When manual station coverage appears limited in any way, additional stations should be installed. SPECIFICATION TABLE ENVIRONMENTAL: Temperature Range .....32'F to 140'F (0"C to 60.C) Humidity Range.......... up to 90% RH at 90"F (32"C) MOUNTING BOX NOTES: 1. These models can be semi-flush mounted using a standard single gang switch box,3"x 2"x2-1/2". Mount box flush or 1/1 6" protruding (DO NOT RECESS). These models can also be surface mounted on a Wiremold box no. 57445, (4-518" H x 2-718" W x2-1/4" D). 2. For MAPNET ll addressable pull stations, semi-f lush mounting requires 2, ganged switch boxes,3" x 2" x 2-314" each, or a receptacle box 4-314" x 4-3/4" x2-114" (Wiremold no.57445-2 with 2099- 9814 trim). For additional information, refer to installatibn instruction PER-21 -504 (575-1 55). 3, 2975-9022 cast aluminum boxes are for use with non-addressable stations. Reler to note 2 for addressable station mounting. 2otr ? ulJ(, =o z Egul(' AE Eo3o, IF ? utJo =oo q 2 j 2g o IIJEo. qzfG J E UJz llJo -Q 9z-<lh 3Ezzzo<o cQ 9z-<ltot) =f,zzzo<o Gtrt o =G J 4=xo qE:-o E uJ o J zoF)zF9::F9! O- =o r,llJo o ahulEoo =oh=z=t3 = irt afr-trozz EHPRODUCT t.O. 209$,975{x X 1 20999101 x X X 209+'9102 x X X 2099.9107 X X X X 209&.9755 X x X 2{t9&979s X X 2 a)99-9797 X X X 2099-9762 X X X zlg991(ts x X 20999104 X X X 20999105 x X X 209&9108 x X X X 209S9796 x X 2 2{t9S9756 X X z)9$97s7 X X X 21999758 X X X 20999759 X X X X 209e9761 X X 2 209S-9828 Institulional Cover Kir 2000-9803 Replacement Breakglass (English) .2099-9822 Roplac€ment Retaining Cltp for Breakglass 2099.9804 ReDlac€ment Breakrod 209$9819 Flush Adaptor Kit (Black) at9$9820 Flush Adaptor Kit (Beige 2st7$.90.22 Cast Aluminum Surlace Mount Box (Red) NOTE 3 4)7*9178 Steel Surfac€ Mount Box (Red) 20s99813 Semi-Flush (Fed) for Two Gang Switch Box (MAPNET ll) 209$9814 Surfac€ Trim (Redl for Wiremold Receptacle Box (MAPNET ll) ROO\ 5".t (127mm) KNOCKOUTS FOR 3/4 INCH THREADED (1.gcn) CONDUTT TOP AND BOTTOM OF BOX FURNISHED BY SII'PLEX SEMI-FLUSH MOUNTING 1t16" (1.6mm) WALL SURFACE MOUNTING INFORMATION KNOCKOUTS FOR 3/4 INCH (1.gcm) CONDUIT TOP AND BOTTOM OF BOX FURNISHED BY SIMPLEX2-3t16" (56mm) 1-5/t6" (33mm) SURFACE MOUNTING: Reler to Installation Instructions PER-21 -502 (574-656) for additional information. 2975-9022 BOX I I 5" (l27mm) 2-3t16" (56mm) STANDARD SINGLE GANG SWITCH COVER NOT FURNISHED BY SIiIPLEX RACO NO. 773, APPLETON NO. 8468, OR STEEL C|TY NO. 52C-14 (102mm) 2-118" (5.39cm) DEPTH STANDABO OUTLET BOX NOT FURNISHED BY SIIIPLEX RACO NO. 231 0R 232, APPLETON NO. 4SD.3/4 OR 4SD.SPL. OR STEEL C|TY NO. 52171-3/4 0R 52171-1t2 & 3t4. N NOTE: DO NOT USE SHALLOW BACKBOX. NOTE: BOX MUST B MOUNTING INFORIIATION 6-3/4" (171mm) 4-11/16" (119mm) SOUARE BOx 2-118" (s4mm) OEEP (NOT FURNISHED BY SIXPLEX) WALL SURFACE FLUSH ADAPTOF MANUAL STATION 1-1/8" (29mm) RECESS RECESSED INTO WALL 1" (25mm) TO 1-1/8" (29mm). REFEF TO INSTALLATION tNsrBUcTloN. PER-21 -503 (574-6s8) FOB AOOITIONAL INFORiIATION. @o 8" Gardner, Massachusetts 01441{001 U.S.A. Offices and Represer ativBs Throughout the Wodd All specifications and olher inlormalion shown uroro curont as ol Frblicatlon. and aae $rqod !o darlls wittool notice. Pridad ln U.S.A. S.Simpler( SSimplex Multi-Application Peripherals and Accessories UL, ULC Listed. FM Approved** Duct Detectors 2098-9649 Duct Smoke Detector Housing FEATURES: . Duct Smoke Detector Housinq for use with 2098-9201 (photoetectic) or 2198-9576 (lonization) Smoke Detectors . Two-Wire or Four-Wire Operation . 24VDC or 120VAC Operation . Visible Alarm LED Output . Remote LED Outout . Auxiliary Control Contacts . Pre-Aligne^d, Multi-Length Sampting Tubes (Ordered Separately) . Sampling Tubes are Installed with Housing in Place . Ootions - 2098-9806, Remote Test Station (Kev Switch/LED Alarm Indicator) - 2098-9805, Remote Test St'ation and Power On lndicator - 2098-9808, Remote LED Atarm Indicator SPECIFICATIONS: UL Listing Standard......... ......... UL26BA Air Velocily Ran9e............... .............400 to 4000 lVmin (122 to 1220mlminl 2-Wire Operation: Voltage ......15-32VDC Slandby Current .......................40uA Alarm Current. ..50mA 4-Wire Ooeralion: Voltage ......18-32VDC Standby Current .....24mA, add 20mA for remote Power-on LED - A|armCurrent................................50mA,add2.9mA for remote alarm LED AC Powered 102-132VAC,60Hz,3VA, using 2098-9747 Power Adapler Control Relay Contacts ......... ................. 2Aat 1 20VAC. or 2BVDC, Resistive UL Listed Temperature Range ................ 32,'F to 1 20.F (0'C to 3B"C) Operating Temperature Range................ 32.F to 1 20"F (0"C to a9'C) Humidity Range............ .10 to 90%, RH Dimensions ................... Refer to page 4 Color ..,........... ........Grav ,., 1995 Simple)( Tjme Recorder Co. DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING 2098-9649 (sHowN wtTH SAMPL|NG TUBES) INTRODUCTION: Simplex 2098-9649 duct smoke detector housings detect the presence of smoke in air conditioning or ventilating ducts. Sampling tubes are installed into the duct and air is directed to a smoke detector mounted in the housing. The 2098-9649 duct housing with smoke detector is compatible with Simplex lire alarm control panels that provide two-wire or four-wire initiating device circuits. The 2098-9649 duct detector housing requires the addition o1 a 2098-9201 photoelectric smoke detector or a 2098-9576 ionization smoke detector, a matchino detector baffle. and a correct length sampling tube (see selection charts on page 3). Each of these items is separately ordered for proper compatibilty with the specific application. Optional AC power module 2098-9747 is available for applications where the detector relay lunctions are supplementary only. NOTE: Smoke detection in air ducts is intended to notify of the presence of smoke in the duct.It is not intended to, and will not, replace smoke detection requirements for open areas or other non-duct applications. ' ULC Lisled modes aic 2098 9649C and 2098-9805C " Wrlh 2098 9201 photoetectric detector ont, Publication 52098.0040- 1 2 7-95 APPLIGATIONS: Prelerred Duct Detector Locations: 1. A minimum of six duct widths downstream from bends or inlets to avoid air turbulence. 2. On the downstream side ot lilters to detect fires in the f ilters. 3. In return ducts, ahead of mixing areas. 4. Upstream of air humidifier and cooling coils. 5. With accessibility for test and service. 6. For additional information, refer to NFPA 90A, Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems. - EXHAUSTI DAXPEF OETECTOf, (o.K.) Locations to Avoid: 1. Where dampers closed for comfort would interfere with airflow. 2. Next to outside air inlets (unless the intent is to monitor smoke entry from that area). 3. In return air damper branch ducts and mixing areas where airflow may be restricted. 2098-9805 REMOTE TEST STATION AND POWER ON INDICATOR EXHAUST <-RETURN<- AIR RETURNAIR OAIPER FRE9II AIF INTAKE ---*if' OO I{OT LOCATE DETECTOB HERE D€TECTOR (o.K.) FITTER BAIIX DUCT DETECTOR LOCATION REFERENCE DIAGRAMS REMOTE INDICATOR OPT]ONS: Mounting requires standard single gang boxes, 2"W x 3"H with a minimum depth of 2" (51mm W x 76mm H x 51mm D), supplied by others. 2098-9808 REMOTE ALARM INDICATOR 2098-9806 REMOTE TEST STATION .'Dll \JU-_/ ,t;r"rfr,or""*i 2098-9549 DUCT DETECTOR HOUSING APPLICATIONS WIRING CONFIGURATION NOTES ACCESSORTES Two-Wire DC Ooeration 1. Green Power-On LED is ofl in Two-Wire ooeration. 2. Connect only one Duct Detector to a Two-Wire circuit if the alarm relay is being used for control functions. 3. Reler to wiring diagrams sup- plied with the control panel for proper End-of-Line resistor vatue. 2098-9806, Alarm Indicator with Key Test Switch 2098-9808, Remote Alarm lndicator Four-Wire Operation Four-Wire AC Ooeration w/2098-9747 Power Adapler (see note 2) 1.Removing the detector from the housing or failure of 24 VDC supply power will de- energize the Kl relay and transfer relay trouble contacts to open the initiating circuit. Refer to wiring diagrams sup- plied with the control panel for proper End-of-Line resistor value. z- 1.Removing the detector from the housing or failure of 120VAC supply will de-ener- gize the Kl relay and transler relay trouble contacts lo open the initiating circuit. Refer to wiring diagrams sup- plied with the control panel for proper End-of-Line resistor value. 2098-9806, Alarm Indicator with Key Test Switch 2098-9808. Remote Alarm Indicator 2098-9806. Alarm Indicator with Key Test Switch 2098-9808, RemoteAlarm Indicator 2098-9805, Alarm and Power Indicator with Key Test Switch OVERALL DUCT WIDTH TUBE REOUIRED SUGGESTED LENGTH 1 ft. (0.3m)2098-9796 1 in. (2.54cm) Less than Duct Width 13 in. (33cm) to 2 ft. (0.6m) 2 ft. (0.6m) to 46 in. (1 .16m) 46 in. (1.16m) to 71 in. (1.8m) 71 in. (1.8m) to 95 in. (2.4m) 2098-9804 2098-9797 2098-9 2098-9 /YU 799 1 in. (2.54cm) Less than Duct Width 1/2 in. (1.3cm) Longer than Duct Width 1t2in. (1j..) Lg"g"rtM. DuctWidth 1/2 in. (1.3cm) Longer than D,r.t \n/idth 3 NOTES: 1. Duct detectors must be connected on separate circuits for identilication purposes. 2. When the 2098-9747 Power Adapter is used, the only function that can be performed trom the detector is supplementary. 3. Each duct detector installation requires a separately ordered smoke detector, sampling tube, and smoke detector baffle. Detector 2098-9201 requires baffle 2098-9811. Detector 2098-9576 requires baffle 2098-9817. 4. Photoelectric smoke detection is recommended lor air duct applications. Prior to specilying ionization detection, consult Simplex for application guidance. SAMPLING TUBE SELECTION CHART TYP!CAL SPECIFICATION (PHOTOELECTRIC): Furnish and install where indicated on the plans. Simplex type 2098-9649 duct housings with 2098-9201 Photoelectric smoke detector. The detector shall be UL Listed for compatibilty with the fire alarm control panel and shall obtain its operating power from the alarm initiating circuit. Detectors shall operate on the light-scattering, photo- diode principle. To minimize nuisance alarms, detectors shall have an insect screen and be designed to ignore invisible airborne particles or smoke densities that are below the factory-set alarm point. No radioactive materials shall be used. Removal of the detector head shall interruot the supervisory circuit and activate a trouble signal at the control panel. lt shall be possible to alarm the duct detector by using Simplex 2098-9805 or 2098-9806 remote stations. Auxiliary SPDT relays and/or remote LED alarm indicators and key-operated test stations shall be installed where indicated. DIMENSIONS: TYPTCAL SpECtF|CAT|ON (tONtZATtON): Furnish and install where indicated on the olans. Simplex type 2098-9649 duct housings with 2098-9576 dual-chamber, ionizalion smoke detectors. The detector shall be UL Listed for compatibility with the lire alarm control panel and shall obtain its operating power from the alarm initiating circuit. Removal of the detector head shall inlerruot the supervisory circuit and activat a trouble signal at the control panel. lt shall be possible to alarm the duct detector by using Simplex 2098-9805 or 2098-9806 remote stations. Auxiliary SPDT relays andior remote LED alarm indicators and key-operated test stations shall be installed where indicated. INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. Sampling tubes and exhausl lubes are keyed for proper alignment with the duct housing. Templates are supplied with the unit and must be properly aligned with respect to air flow. 2. For installation details, refer to installation instructions PER-21-010 supplied with the unit. 3. For field wiring diagrams, refer to document 841-697. MAINTENANCE NOTES: f he National Fire Alarm Code, NFPA 72-1 993, Chapter 7, Table 7-2.2,Tesl Methods, states "Air duct deteciors shall be tested or inspected to ensure that the device will sample the air stream. The test shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions." The following is a partial maintenance list to follow for duct detector locations : 1. Periodically check duct detector locations to ensure proper air flow and to verify integrity to the standards of the installation instructions. 2. Sensor air entry areas should be vacuumed on a six month basis or as required. 3. Additional considerations are contained in Installation Instructions PER-21 -010. 10 1/2" -- lrzozmmr Il, 'li ... .:; .,,,::.: cardner, Massachusetts 01441-OOO1 U.S.A. Oflices and Fiepresentatives Throughout the World Al 5peL,lL.dl.rns 3n.j olher Inlormalon shown were currenl as ol publ|cat,on. and are subiect to change wilhoul nolice. prnrted In U S A flSimplex o Mu lti-Appl ication Peri pherals and AccessoriesIiSimplex UL Listed to Standard 268 Photoelectric Smoke Detector 2098 Series ULC Listed. FM Approved FEATURES: . Low Profile . Two or Four Wire Operation . Ceiling or Sidewall Mounting . Locking Tamper Screw. Pulsing Power-On Indicator (LED) . LED Alarm Indicator . Magnetically Operated Functional Test . Totally Shielded Electronics . Optional 120 VAC Operation . Optional 135'F Heat Element (Fixed) . Optional Relay Module . Optional Remote Alarm LED SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage Range ............15 to 32VDC (24 VDC Nominal) Standby Currenl........... ... (2-Wire) 45ua Alarm Current. (2-Wire) 47mA Standby Current........... ... (4-Wire) 45ua UL Listed Air Velocity .......... 0-1000 fpm Alarm Current. (4-Wire) 70mA UL Listed Temperature Range ............ .....32'F to 100"F (0'C to 38"C) Operating Temperature Range............. .... 1 4' F to 1 22" F (-10"C to +50"C) Humidity Range ............ 10% to 90% RH Co|or.............. OftWhite APPLICATION: These smoke detectors can be mounted on a ceiling or wall. For ceiling location, detectors should be mounted as close as possible to the center of a hallway or room. lf this is not possible, the edge of the detector should be at least 4 inches from any wall. For wall location, locate the top of the detector at least 4 inches and not more than 12 inches from the ceiling. Detector locations should be determined only after careful consideration is made of the physical layout and contents ol the area to be protected. Refer to NFPA 72- 1993, the National Fire Alarm Code. On smooth ceilings, spacing of 30 ft. (9.1m) may be used as a guroe. For detailed installation information. reference Simolex publication PER-21 -007 (#575-285). Smoke detector field wiring can be found on Simplex W.D. 841 687. r.) 1995 Srmpler Time Recofdef Co. 2098-9201 DETECTOR WITH 2098-9211 BASE 2098-9202 DETECTOR WITH 2098-9536 BASE ENGINEER GUIDE SPECIFICATION: Provide Simplex type 2098-9201 photoelectric smoke detectors mounted in a type 2098-9211 two-wire (2098- 9536 four-wire) base. The detectors shall be listed to UL standard 268 and shall be documenled comoatible with the control equipment to which they are connected. The detectors shall each contain a locking screw to discourage unauthorized removal ol the head from the oase. The detectors shall have 3O-mesh insect screens, and have completely closed backs to minimize entry of dust and air turbulence. Electronics of the units shall be completely shielded to protect against false alarms from EMI and RFl. The detector head shall be easily disassembled to lacilitate cleaning. The detectors shall contain a red LED which shall oulse to indicate power on and glow continuously to indicate alarm. The detector shall contain a functional test switch (Magnetically operated) which, when operated, shall test the electronics of the unit and simulate an alarm condition. The 2098-9202 detector shall be orovided with a 135'F (Fixed) heat element on the detector. Publication S2098-0048-9 3-95 DETECTOR ACCESSORIES: OPTIOiIAL l2OVAC POWER ADAPTER, A)9&9734' DIMENSIONS: ROI'TE ALL WIBES THIS -rG'\€84 il[l||r ,[illlll RELAY MOOULES: 200&9737. USE WITH at9S95:t6. a wlRE BASES 2, OPDT CO}{fACTS RATEO 3A @ 94VDC OR imVAC ar9&9627, USE W|TH 2(t9S921t, 2 W|RE BASES 2, OPDT CONTACIS RATEO 1A @ 3|,VDC, 0.5A @ 12OV C APPROX. SIZE: 2 1i2"L x 1 1,2"W t 1"H (63.5lnm x 38.2mm x 25.4lnm) 209&0739 E.O.L. NETAY' (REOUIRED FOR +WIRE OETEC'ION LOOP) APPBOX. SIZE 212"L r 1 112'V x 1"H (63.5mn x 38.2mft r 25-4mm) TEST TOOLS (DEV|CES rOT SHOWN): 2098-9814, TESTTOOL ATTACH ENT HEAD WITH IIAG]{ETS ar9&9415. TEST TOOL HOLDER FOR 209&9814 STATDARD ELECTRICAI.\ BOX a4rilr2-14")-I M)T SUPPUED'. I AY S|IPLEX ato&gru REourREo w2@&9734 20*97it4 FOWEB PACK* BASE m98-95:t6-' W 2t!9&99)8 REmOTE ALARft It{otcAToR 6112" \ 2G)&9m1 I r tf - -f--f zizs- LocKtNG l.:J (5 o3c'n) ,*Jf#T.^-"'4={---l 2lt9&9536----- BASE Ax)&9211 LOCKIXGscREw- 2098-9202 HEAO { arg&9734 POWER AOAPTOR* r ENSURE THAT BACKBOX IS OF SUFFICIEI{T DEPTH IO ACOo|flIODA1E BELAY IN ACCORDANCE WTIH NEC AFflCLE 3M. *r 1n&9734 POWEB PACK mUST OU T O}l 4- SOUAFE BOX. WHEN THE 209&9734 POWER ADAPTOR IS USED, OI{LY SUPPLE EiFARY FUNCTIONS CA}' 3E PERFORIIED FNOII THE DETECTOR. DErEcroB /A /A DErEcron2oe&e2ol@ (@*'* .** WHEN TT Is [EcEssARY To IouiIT THE a,98€d'5 DETECToR BASE To A 4'-S(UARE ELECTRICAL AOX. THE FOLLOWIIG ADAPIOR PLATES ARE RECOI|'ENDED: (SUPPUED BY OTHERS) RACO, t767SIEELCt r52.C.9t/2 TYPE: RAISED 1^2",OPE , WITH EAR{i 2.3/r" O.C.ffio \ Gardner, Massach usetts 01441-0001 u.s.A. Offices and Representatives Throughout the World All sp€cjfications and olher infonnation shoun wgre cunent as ol publicalion, and are subJect to change without notico. Prlnlsd in U.S.A. S,Simplex o Mu lti-Appl ication Peri pherals and Accessories o S.Simplex UL, ULC Listed FM Approved Heat Detectors 4098-Series Electronic Design o FEATURES: . UL Listed to Standard 521 . Accurate Thermal Detection for Protection of Property. . Fixed Temperature Operation for 60 Ft. UUULC Spacing . Fixed with Rate-of-Rise Operation for 70 Ft. UUULC Spacing . Epoxy Encapsulated Electronic Design Provides: Thermistor Based Fixed Temperature Sensing Dual Thermistor Rate-of-Rise Sensing Fixed Temperature Sensing with Rate Compensation Self-Restoring Operation Repeatable Accuracy Current Limited Alarm Compatible with Two Wire Initiating Device Circuits 4098 SERIES HEAT DETECTOR MOUNTED IN A 2098.9211 BASE DESCRIPTION: Simplex 4098 series electronic heat detectors orovide performance that is a significant improvement over traditional mechanical heat detection. Electronic tracking of thermistors provides temperature sensing that quickly, accurately, and consistently identif ies when fixed temperatures are exceeded or when rate-of-rise iemperature changes occur. Rate-of-rise is determined by comparing two thermistor responses. By combining accurate thermistors with proper physical placement, this patentedt rate-of-rise detection design achieves a high level of performance not normally achievable with mechanical detection. Rate-of-rise oerformance meets FM reouirements for operation at an ambient temperature increase of between 1S"F/min and 25"F/min (8.33'C/min and 13.88'C/min). All 4098 series heat detector models used with the 2098-9536, 4 wire base are compatible with initiating device circuits (lDCs) using Alarm Verification. The heat detector LED will be on continuously when connected to a conventional IDC when in alarm. When used with addressable bases, the base LED is the alarm indicator and will be on continuously when in alarm. ru.s Patent No. 5.450.066. . Models Available for Direct Connect Wiring or for Two or Four Wire Base Mount . Compatible with MAPNET ll@ Addressable Bases-.(135"F Models) . Alarm Indicating LED . International Models Available SPECIFICATIONS: Voltage Range ............ .....15 to 32 VDC (Filtered DC with 30% Maximum Ripple) Standby Cunent........... ...80 pA nominal Alarm Cunent, Direct Connect..........50 mA @ 24 VDC Alarm Current, Base Connect. ..........24 mA @ 24 VDC Maximum Ambient Temperature Guideline 135"F Models .......,.........32'F to 122"F (0"C to 50"C, 200"F Models .................32'F to 185'F (0'C to 85'C) Humidity Range ............ ..... 10% to 95% Co|or.............. Otf-White Mounting/Base Compatibility ........ See chart on page 2 . MOST FIBES PRODUGE HAZARDOUS LEVELS OF SMOKE AND TOXIC GASES BEFORE A HEAT DETECTOR WOULD INITIATE AN ALARM. FOR LIFE SAFETY REOUIREMENTS SMOKE DETECTION IS REQUIRED. 't MAPNET ll addressable communications is orotected under US patent No. 4,796,025. @ 1996 Simplex Tjmo Recorder Co.Publication 54098-0007-6 4-96 APPLICATIONS REFERENGE: Heat detectors are used where property protection is desired and where life safety protection is not required. The combination of rate-of-rise and fixed temperature detection provides two forms of heat detection for use where temperature fluctuations are normal. For conditions where temperature fluctuations are extreme, fixed temperature detection is appropriate. TEMPERATURE GUIDELINES: 135'F (57"C) f ixed temperature detectors are lor normal temperatures that do not exceed 100'F (38"C). 200'F (93"C) fixed temperature detectors are for normal temperatures that exceed 100'F (38"C) but are less than 150"F (68'C). o U.S. AND CANADIAN- MODEL SELECTION CHART MODEL-OPEBATION UL AND ULC MAXIMUM SPACING FM MAXIMUM SPACING MOUNTING/BASE COMPATIBILITY 4098-9401 135"F (s7"C) Fixed Temperature 60x60ft (18.3 x 18.3 m) 1Sft x 15tt (4.5m x 4.5m) Direct Connect (lncludes Adaptor Plate) 4098-9402 135'F (57'C) Fixed and Rate-olRise 70x70ft (21.3 x 21.3 m) 30ft x 30ft (9.1m x 9.1rn) 4098-9403 200"F (93'C) Fixed Temperature 60x60ft (18.3 x 18.3 m) 1Sftx 15ft (4.5m x 4.5m) 4098-9404 200"F (93'C) Fixed and Rate-of-Rise 7O x7O ft (21.3 x 21.3 m) 30ft x 30ft (9.1m x 9.1m) 4098-9407 135'F (57'C) Fixed Temoeraiure 60x60ft (18.3 x 18.3 m) 1Sft x 15ft (4.5m x 4.5m)2098-9211 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-9651 (MAPNET il) 2098-96s2 (MAPNET il)4098-9408 135'F (57'C) Fixed and Rate-otRise 70 x70 ft (21.3 x 21.3 m) 30ft x 30fi (9.1m x 9.1m) 4098-9409 200"F (93'C) Fixed Temperature 60x60ft (18.3 x 18.3 m) 1Sftx 1Sft (4.5m x 4.5m)2098-9211 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 4098-9410 200"F (93'C) Fixed and Flate-otRise 70x70tt (21.3 x 21.3 m) 30ft x 30ft (9.1m x 9.1m) .ULC models are designated with a "C" suffix (example: 4098-9401C). INTERNATIONAL MODELS SELECTION CHART RATING/CLASS 2098-9211 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-9651 (MAPNET il) 2098-96s2 (MAPNET il) 2098-9211 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-92'11 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-e6s1 (MAPNET il) 2098-9652 (MAPNET il) HEAT DETECTOR ACCESSORIES MODEL DESCRIPTION BASE COMPATIBILITY 2098-9804 Remote LED Indicator on Single Gang Stainless Steel Plate 2098-9211 (2 wire) 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-9737 Relay, DPDT Contacts, 1A @ 30 VDC, 112 A@ 120 VAC, Resistive 2098-9536 (4 wire) 2098-9739 End-of-Line Relay For 4 wire Circuits using 2098-9536 Base, One per Circuit 2098-9744 Remote LED Indicator on Single Gang Stainless Steel Plate 2098-96s1 (MAPNET il) DIMENSIONS: BASE DIAMETER HEIGHT Direct Connect 411116" (119mm)21/4" (57mm\ 2098-9211 5 7/8" (149mm)2114" (57mm\ 2098-9536 6 1/2" (155mm)2 3/8" (60mm) 2098-9651 & -9652 61/2" (165mm)1 15/16" (49.2mm) Or***o, NOTE: REFERTO INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PER-21.031 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. ADAPTOR PLATE (SUPPLIED WITH DIRECT CONNECT MODELS) 4" OCTAGONAL BOX11/2"DEEP (BY OTHERS) BASES SUPPLIED SEPARATELY (REFER TO SELECTION cHAETS) DIRECT CONNECT IIODELS WITH SCREW TERMINALS BASE MODELS WITH SLIDE CONTACTS APPLICATIONS REFERENGE: (NOTE: Refer to NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code, for additional information) MAXIMUM RECTANGULAR AREA DIMENSIONS FOR SINGLE DETECTOR COVERAGE 15 ft Rated Spacing (4.sm) 30 ft Rated Spacing (9.1m) 60 ft Rated Spaclng (18.3m) 70 ft Rated€yacing 1sft x 15ft (4.5m x 4.5m) 30ft x 30ft (9.1m x 9.1m) 60ft x 60ft (18.3m x 18.3m) 70ft x 70ft (21 .3m x 21 .3m) 1Oft x 18.7ft (3m x 5.7m) 25ftx34.2ft (7.6m x 10.4m) 55ft x 64.6ft (16.7m x 19.7m) 65ft x 74.5ft (19.8m x 22.7m) Sft x 20.6ft (1.5m x 6.2m) 20ftx37.4ft (6.1m x 11.4m) 50ft x 68.5ft (15.2m x 20.8m) 60ft x 78.7ft (18.3m x 24m) 1ft x 21.19ft (0.3m x 6.4m) 1Sft x 39.7ft (4.5m x 12.1m) 45ltx72lr (13.7m x 21.9m) 55ft x 82.3ft (16.7m x 25m) 1Oft x 41..2ft (3.5m x 12.5m) 40ft x 74.8tt (12.2m x 22.8m) 50ft x 85.4ft (15.2m x 26m) 5ft x 42.1ft (1.5m x 12.8m) 35ft x 77.3ft (10.6m x 23.5m) 45ft x 88.1ft (13.7m x 26.8m) 1ftx 42.4ft (0.3m x 12.9m) 30ft x 79.3ft (9.1m x 24.1m) 40ft x 90.5ft (12.2mx27.sml, 25ftx81ft (7.6m x 24.7m) 35ft x 92.6ft (10.6m x 28.2m) 20tt x 82.4ft (6.1m x 25.1m) 30ft x 94.3ft (9.1m x 28.7m) 1Sft x 83.5ft (4.5m x 25.4m) 25ft x 95.7ft (7.6m x 29.1m) 1Oft x 84.2ft (3.05m x 25.6m) 20ft x 96.9ft (6.1m x 29.5m) Sft x 84.7ft (1.5m x 25.8m) 1Sft x 97.8ft (4.5m x 29.8m) 1ft x 84.85ft (0.3m x 25.8m) 1Oft x 98.4ft (3.05m x 30m) Sft x 98.8ft (1.5m x 30.1m) 1ft x 99ft (0.3m x 30.1m) @o Gardner, Massachusetts 01.t41 -0001 U.S.A. Otfices and Rspresentatives Throughout lhe World All specilicalions and olher inlormation shown wers currenl as ol publication, and arg subjsct to change without notice. Pdntod in U.S.A. II.Simplex TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-21,38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No. -. -.:Proiect Number: L74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIIJ INTERN'L WING 2r01-082-2 3-009 PRJ96-0054 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #! M97-0099 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED o6 /24 / ree'7 o6 /24 /ree7 12 /2r /ree7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Investigation> lliLL Cat t----> FALCON PLUMBING & 3187 MESA AVENUE, FALCON PLUMBING & 3187 MESA AVENUE, LODGE PROPERTIES T74 E GORE CREEK .00 3.00 Descript.ion: MECHANICAL FOR NEW ADDITION Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: Y flOl Gas Appl,iances: HEATING Phone: GRAND JUNCTION CO 81504 HEATING Phone: GRAND JUNCTION CO 81504 INC DR, VArL CO 81657 Valuation: #Of cas Logs: .00 Additional, Fees---------> .OO TOTAL FEES-----7,851.00 97 04340556 97 04340ss6 313,091 . 00 #0f l'lood/Pa I let : *ffi**ffi**ffi******************ft**********ff*ff*rr**t** FEE SUI'lilARY **********tr***ffi*****#trr*******************ffi**** l,lechani ca t---)6,280.0O Restuarant Ptan Revi ev-->.00 TotaI caLcutated Fees--->7,E55.00 PLan Check---> 1.570.00 DRB TotaI Permit Fee--------> Pavments------- 7, 853 .00 7,853.00 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Divj_sion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * ** *** ****** ** *** * **** * ** *** * * * * *** ***** t ** * * * * *** * * * * * *** * * * * * * DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknorrtedge that I havr read this aPpl.ication, fitLed out in futL the infornation required, compteted an accurate pl.otptan, and state that atl the information provided as required.is correct. r agree to compl,y riith the iniormation and pLot btan,to compl'y vith al'l' Town ordinances and state Laws, and to buitd this structure according io'the Town's zonint ana subdivisioncodes, design feviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I E:OO AI,I 5:OO PI4 SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII{SELF AND OIINER Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTo6/24/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRIT.em!' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT "t,''ti. o o . '*Contact Eagle Courity Aeaessore-ffice l['^i.3J'r1,ft3'-'&i":*f:'h. TH,,;; Xi;lr$83f;"F3ii. -PER]trr r-- D rE? wq7 PPtq6-oosl It)ttT'r/rllrr'Pla I 08/21/07 U:33 FAI 308 431 4888 FALCON PLIIItsING Eooz ^ t APPI{IcATlol$ uUSf FE aIIJLED oul couPLETELY oR lT MAy ItoE BE AcctpqpEDarX****************************'t pERltIt INFOil4ATfON ***************i**********i**,l [ ]-Bulldlng [ ]-prunbtng I l-Erectrlcal pg-Mechanlbal I J_other rob Name; L+lgr n* \leil Acb"r,atu-l il.Ag Job Addresss Legal Descriptions Lot_ Block_ flling or4rners Name: Of,f^tonners Name: Orrrib. hfrt+ thbb Address: L;*, E-gl",r{ nr.ArchLtect:@ Address; | , Cotnj^ prr. General Description: lfork Class: [ ]-Nen I J-Atteratlon [ ]_AddLttonat I l-Repair [ ]-Otner Nuuber of Orrelll_ng Units:Nunber of AccommodatLon Unlts: Electrlcal contractor: Addreee: . Plunbing Address: Mecbanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUT'JDING PERMIT FEE: PLI,IIIBING PERI'IIT FEE: I.IECIIAIIICAL PER}TIT 8EE: EI.IECTRTCAL FTE: OTHER SYPE OF FEE; DRB FEE: _,__ G3s Logs l{oodr/pel1et * * ****** ***** ***** **** ******** *** Town of Val.l Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: lown of, Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE *************** * BUU,DING PIAN CHECX FEE: PLT'MBING PIAN CITECK FEE:!'IECIIANICT,!, PI.AN CHECK FEE .RECR8,ITION F8E: CLEIAN-UP DEPoSItr: TOTAL PERUr! FEES: EUTIJDTNG: STGNATURES ZONTNG: SIGNATI'RE! Contractor: *******t** *****. ollDeD{tr I GLEA! UP DFOsrr xErsm m: OA/24/97 1lr33 FAI 303 '136543{ o FALCON PLI'ITBINC [D oor FAX To: Fax #: Subject: Date: Pages: Town of Vail Community Dev - ATTN: CIIARLIE t-970479-2452 Lodge at Vail Inrernational Wirg Mechanical pennit Iune24.1997 2, including this cover sheet. COMMENTS: I un providing the Permit Applfoation Form for the Permit at the Lodge at Vail International Wing. I have calculated the fee ro I need you to confirrn this arnount to me before I mdl the check. Thank vou yow iertP yL'T-H >u6 ,U't'(-q7U' t- a---\0I/ Frorn the dck d... llouglrs A Wang3lln Comptrofier Fdcq| Plumung ard Hsaflng 318't iresa Av$ue, Sdts A Grrtd JurElimr CdoF+. 01504 (970) 43+05s6 Fsr (g7O) 4q/LJ-1r65 l2/O9/57 l2t17 FI97 9El Date: To: From: Pages:4 INITNATIONAL ING0t7sEo [! or fire Loots @ Vtnu Tuesday, December 09, 1997 Town of Vail Charlie Davis Art Hougland Phone: 970479-2453Fax: 97M79-2452 SHAW Construction Scot Lowry Phone: 970-479{980Fax: 97|0.479{98f Subject: IodgcrtVrilRrtcdrDoon 6_a _fl Opnonr # 3 kt*rnELL - f|lt"*f Sr-r Stt+tot''te FbA rldAft<' NnY\tr I cArlol{ Droe pep.n" eraauT D,Ao €^lD Cql'roe tSS,4 Lrs"u4 4ilus f l+DA '(a" nA/)(.€. ErtT- S,aruS Lt.o+'tcO TD Z etxa*l, rr*SSoc '7, "vr (os* C.Q 12/09/97 12t37 FAI 9704798981 $IIAlry Gonstruction Decernber 9,l99il To: MiLcMcGcc Art Houghnd INTENATIONAL ING AAoz Dir*Dunn Fnom: Scot Lowry Dcar Mke, Dic\ Charlie, John and Art: Thank you for taking the time to mcet with us to diecuss the rated doors for the ladge at Vail. The following is a reap ftom our meeting on Friday, December 56 at the construction trailer. Attendees: Dick Duraq Mike McGee, fut Hougland, Charlie Davis, Scot Lowry, John Volponi T60liodzmDdw fuinctioq C\C8f506(n0t 242-y236 t f (gfr) 24 1-561r CherlicDlvir Jobn Volponi ITEM DESCTIPIION l.l Sweral doors were field modified ro conect the factory hardware preparation. It was agreed that if the doors were to 1sx11rin, proper doo.rmentation would bc required to vatidate the labels. Thesc doors will all be replaced therefore no fi.rther action will be taken. 1.2.Applied paneling to I %'60 minute and 90 minute doors was discusscd. The overall thickness of these doors after the appliqud panels is 2 Vt". T\e dccisiou was made that these doors were unacceptablg cvcn on a temporary basis, beoruse the labcl could not be verified due to tle modifications made. 1.3 Mike McGee srggested that we contact Dick Gheen with Buell doors to look into rcplacements frr the 2 7r" doors. It was thought that Dick may have doors in stock that we could use on a temporary basis. Dick confirmed thar 2 t/r" flush or raised panel doors are not in stock urd woutd have to be special ordered. Ihe I r/." doors that he could provide would not be better or frster than the I tZ" doors dready ordered by SHAW. t.4 The following solutions were discussed urd accepted by rll:L Option l: 2 Vt" tenporary flush doors would be ordered and machined in a UL approved shop to replace all modificd 60 and 90 minute doors. Since 2 t/r" flush doors need to be special ordaed, this opioo will not be feasible because the doors would not be ready in time to open the Hotel. 2. Option 2'. l'A" lernporary flush doors would be ordered \rith constnrction labels- The doors would be sized by the mamrfactrre. All hardware rmchining would be done on site. P€rmanent 2 Vt" crt$Lom raised panel rated doors would be ordered to replace the tcmporaries. If this opion is pursued, Mike, Cherlie and Art rryould like to rret with the hardware installer, as a prerequisite to accepting the ffeld machining, to convey what standards of qualiry will b€ elrpcctod. INIENATIONAL TNG $IIf,wl SIIAW Construotion will purzue Option 3 to solve the door problem first. OSion 2 will be pursrcd only ifwe cannot get the doos nachined in time by a Certified Shop. Wc will also apply the applique on the pcrimaer ofthc doon in either case as discrrssed abovc. The above is my interpretation of what was discusecd. Please respond immediately if you disagree with any of the information abovc and I will make the appropriate edits. Sincc the information that resulted in Option 3 became available after the meeting, I would appreciate if weryone will confirm that the above is acceptable by initialing below and fa:<ing a copy back to (970) 479-8981. Thank you. l2/OS/57 L2':37 FAI 970{798981 Mike McGee Art Hougland oc:ARC Clark Atkinson Iohn lhnsen @03 Charlie Davis John Volponi 760 Horizon Drivc Gtod Inctioq C0 t1506 (.yn)242-v2Xl f (9m) 24r-J6rr Gonstruction 3.Option 3: After further discussion whh a local door shop, it may be possible to have the I 7r" doors machined locally by a uL ceftifid shop in time. Tlrc l'/t" doors would be maohined to work in the frames designed for the 2 %" doors, but the doors would have a label (as opposed to construction labels). 2%" pernanerrt raised paneled doors with labels will b€ ordered to permanently reptace the above doors. 1.5 Becarrso I %" doors will be used in the 2 %" frames, there will be a discrepancy at the jamb in regards to the smoke seal making contact to the jamb, It was proposed by telephone to Mike McGec and Charlie Davis on Tuesday l?9 by Scot that dt/t" x 518" applique could be attached to the perimeter of the doq to correct the disclepancy (see attached diagram). Mike said this would bo scceptable on the temporary doors as long as the applique is mechanically fa*encd (scrervrs, brads, etc) without using any glue. Charlie Davis stated this would be acoeptable as well. 1.6 Scot Lowry inquired ifthe dead end conidor issue at Lobby l0l was resolvcd with Chadig Art and Mke. It was confirmed by all that the eirplanation provided by Zelren & Asrcciates was acc€Dteble and no firrther action was requirod for TCO in recards to this natt€r. I2/O9/57 12.37 FAtr 97 98104798o INTENATIONAL WNG Eb 04 ,/r/"t Ve' /E,u^ea*- fi<?t- a-vE- * tvt eaw*i.r rCq7g2stt N9 e'uoe ( e*tn) Y ,/,,,pt-- t o- v L ( an* ^ S t { *rr' qo o,u6o 4,P DeoA a/ Hm '' : ltE/O{i97 rJ: tI FA.t 970{78898I. o{us. 1. l99hc 4:SSF}b0ssrfiHREN AllD ASS(ICIA,!&---'--- O INIENATIONAL WNG ZI}NEF FI-}O.EY AS @os No. 0810 P. 1,/l s. 2@9st DcYrtzt sb l, s& FC NA t"el?inrrrHtudlcY & A*irir tl urtnt 0 Fcrye.rryi1\l O frPurg/rf S Plcucumt (olro r\\N \$3. PecFrlEs trnlrlnl: ' tROLbrrO4 $=fiEE3S -q\O$\) l*n A*.cgrTAG,LrL *effirgB-OCWIIoFEITI t!RETS'IE *!lo EFa.rfl ra-rla.t l aFaE G ltdrFcrul ittltt- aEE:ttl !t. Enrlr: atfr tfa i --t-r--+*--tr.'-|t|.-'l-rrrE-I-r-lI..f rcn tF.drrltt- -ltE:' Itr6r t ctlar F}i'-arE |I rergg r orn-l t!s.d*r -' sJlCa|l*a *c-7!/3- tf,rtr rn'lra-:v r-- DrGUErro jr\o le{tENttE,- _cAur 1 l99?_14 d:S5PUFsseZEHREli AltD ISSOC jA '-= '.-.rr,tt, €a:f2 rrfafrr Fx...ra -H""Sffi30 5' alrl:__--,J r/u/1'.lz I rr\rti\AItUNAL WNU ZII\fiER HI'O'EY A@ No. C8l0 @o4?. 4/7 63 F.(13 A2 * I iw I I I Loqas e y'rrre- ,;1 u .rJl Danish CrQsrnen, Inc. SPECI,ALTY CONTRACTI NG 2480GRAY STREET EDGE$/AilER CO 80214 t303) 233-? 149 Fax 233'4347 Reference: Inbmational Wing - Lodge at Vail Vail, Colorado December41997 Shaw Cmstnrction C-ompany todgeA,tVail 174 E.:Gcg CrockDrive vail, CO t1657 Arm.:Scot Lowry Subjm:Doors &r{S7€crtr*>rlt fltG W,S Dear Scot, Encloscd ls several documents pertaining to the fire rated doors that we have pr:rchased for this p,roject. Danish Craftsmen, Inc. specifrcally followeO plans and specificadons to provi& tbe proper ftre rated doors. We have cncloscd information from the door company where the doors werc purchased and a list of door nrrmbers and ratings. Door numbcr Size Rating ll4A PR 4'X 8' 1I4B PR 4'X E' ll'lc PR 4'X 8' llSA PR 4,X 6'8" 30lA 4'X 6,8" 3@A 3'X 6,E" 40lA 4',X 6'8" 403C 3'X 5'g' 405A 3',X 6't" 50lA 4'X 6,E' 504.4 3'X 6't" 106A 3'6" X 8' rflA 3'6" X E' 2,fYt A .r a*l dPnof ir" :^Y.: -,WW*-,;: /'-' oPrcxf'fi^P \ 90 min. 90 min- 90 min. 9o min. t'Y"< eomin. affw X) min. X)min. 9O min. 90 mrn. 9O min. 9O min. 6O min. 60 min. 60 min. 2o min. aT 20 min- A/o Lo u'"t' n O*US tltr.ortvPt) n,t*ct+ttrlE Fto?-'.DhJ3et*l o*,Is ,^I h e(b sa0lrn€S"tJ'lfl,t"?t Lrcva .D+ fpocF 6F oe6OL FoZ flnli- DaoAS srbP -.il r{t\rs/'t\t6'rnLL H41a4/neL Y*tBS EEO DEO 6* t tt ttc /Vo-p ilo0r ry Stzf*S*aoz Smts thnsts l03A lo4A 302A ?o3A 307.1A 37lA 37t.6A 372A 374A 375i| 376A 37'tA 37EA 379A 4U2A {o3A 47tA 472A 473A 474A 475A 476A 477A 47EA 4EOA 502A 503A 57lA 5724 573A AII other doors on site fir not raed- Sincecly, DANISH CRAFTSMEN,INC. 3'X 6'E" 3'.X 6,8" 3'X 6'9" 3'6" X 6',E" 3'X 6',E" PR 2'6" X 6'8,' 3'X 6,E" 3',X 6',8" 3'X 6'8" 3'X 5'8" 3',X 6'8" PR 2'6" X 6'8 3',x 6,8" 3'X 6'8" 3'X 6',E" 3',6" X 6'8" PR 2'6" x 6'8" 3',X 6'9" PR 2'6 X 6'8.' 3'X 6'g' 3'x 6'E" 3'X 6'E" 3'X 6'8' 3'X 6't" 3'X 6'8" 3'6" X 6'E" PR 2',6" X 6'8,, 2'6', X 6,E" 3'X 6'8" PR 2'6" X 6'E.' 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min- 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min- 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 2O min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. 20 min. John Hansco Danish Craftsmen, Inc. specrurycorvrnac.nruc 2480GRAY STREE-T EDGEWAIER CO8O2I4 (3O3) 23ii-2t49 Fax 233-+I|47 Derember 4 1997 llly9qgftion CompanyrodgeArvsil f74 E. Gorc Creek Drivevail, CO 8165? Aul Scottowry Reftrcnce: Intemational Wing _ Lodge ar Vail Subj6cl' Door Cladding DearScot, All 90 m'nue and 60 minute doon for this projecr ,nar have been cladded, have beencladded by the following procedure. ' -v.vrwa t l ' Pmers grued with go NFM adhesive, materiar safety daa sieet atached- 2 ' Solid or veueer Mapre r.ug ueen anachcd ar thc p€rime@r with warer base Tibbondtr Whire slue TitebonAn;ilff;:fiyilo rn.", anached.3- ffiPo or vencer Maple and paners ."e rhcn craruped in a' areas unrrl rhe grue is 4. The doors are then finished sanded. Sincerely, DA}.IISH CRAFTSMEN, INC. John tlrrsen - .rt" rr$ gn*dA*en d/ Best copfes Available ?ta-356-at ro ? Ia-l?3-6OOO (ll-l !E-5p TERIAI. SAF DATA SHEET lll) ETY thata e*irr.t r: nLd !e trtta drft a rrt et tvLlt ifl'rtatrcra |.-t.t-t. Ctnltr.{ lfEi:i3le' d3Ffil-rr. n r contotrl!! c*trcl lUI A ?ioutq! ctl|lr ^ ! ult n WUAGI'III C ht3tYEs to rt|i t.D. cttt0ra ltdIlL rc(utit cln fr- toE-E3-l ?Lv-wAo3xA-?tLOi|l-tIlLotlfl-cEl Lrfl 1.t ?5-09-l rLV-TlATtt-3ttLotltl-tl( oSttA-31!Lo3rl-< € I LLFL 16- O 6a7{2-tH rlFl llrEt trtl3lt tarr 3xlr r t?r&20 lao I.trFlc!-r- lEE?i2 r t!01126ut|. 7 i 17t Itc7000tto0UFL 4', O IqDG? ,TO NIH t iI 22 tto 7? L LI o U2I ItI , I lr CQtfL9lt L uI t st rt tt,l tI llAtLtrc?at ?.c I ?It o ?tItIl :L.1,!!Ltti/l;lt Ll Irt^tlLlrr Llitl ftlctxtrrrrll LllY Lltll iEnctl|ror??lcx iu 3l lE coi!t0tt€c ls ^r. tIt03ul€ LEYCL SlrOUL0 lrO? alrll ltcorrlr! tD €xtotutl Llrltar a rro!u I I tl;ttltlcrL tt 3u9rccl ro tlt0rttia3.^ - r.A. a0 stl t^rr f?l rourE ol frtoEdl!Erctt0[D t0t arY tr0tlrtttE ?t Ot t€ ?lic rttloc cTloi !rl lrDl fatlon etl. Yrtrt. t.eittrttC nct / aia ||allr sauta ac9ia. 6lra tn.rr, n et Calbolt-at., a rDaclll ty PPt| t0 ?00to0t0c 5o 000ooo .00 -iil&c - drErEordE Cri c|rre o a a t ? c t n t . a t i n a t \r"itttic,r, r.ntarr aFa voalt:n9- uilJdfcf t iito tunt t.y Gruet 3h.tl..l ttrcvlonirir vhrcn c.6 irt !E tr?lL l? ?oo iuctr t3 !rEllxtDlli?rl!!la1 hcirt aondltlortr rry ba .ggf .vrtrd by atPo.e". totbta?ta..-lrp-rrii- lS .ttlott^r:fd roly.otr t./ ..8! t t tn liv.r r.d lidr.nrltllfllon.0vrrrtCdrt?a rry easta ungcnre 1oe!nttt rna 90l3ibl,a dG.th-lat caitaa o6rr 6t thloat lrrltlr{6Ir. Fiqi c6nccat'.ticnt aatcahttat i!tyoul rt r l.t dcgrrrlron Gltattattr{ lcc b/ hGagacha,aarrala ara catrturlo,r.laau.aa t'tra iL.cd't ixyoen-c.r?yl^s Cagt.ity by th. f o?arl'ioh!aoCtoDta. lGdoCad bt55C crygrh lEvcti ray- le- h..rtuL lo !r .t iOl a llt'| art.titrg i..rt al--ara.all Sf*a t aasat tyr lr.!rrtion. lat Do tla6.b.a aIr..{ai 3lr. a\ln rn h.rrtsl .rcar.a. =-=*ltJ ll&fl'llilr$sl l' I t' t I o'' llDortt hara ||rcc{atca 9rotonead In6 rcDcat.d c c€ug. t r coa t I'rtatpo..rr.to'rr(vloia rlta taraanohr Drrfo lnd nalie .rr 3y.t.a c.raca. lalaatrcaal,!larte.tt aqttDa"atatt concGnt|.atlig and inlittrit tbr cont.rilt .at D.r:rr*!€S'LdLlH lr-r rn= rocllrr l!!vrrc! p lur Errril-a.alttara Cltartar hat brio id.r-tti.d aa a rota.tlrl e.r.laca?i fr ti.Itt"iaatlara t laan c r to. lar..crh cD cat oa t llatc a ror4o 2l - trcDabIa L..ratC.tt-ln.l!r, rhd- !r i rubat a?|cc 'l.r.ai.btt lnt!tiD!!.d le l. f -9atc!ncaan'!t ttra iatloial, ?oricotoay troar.. (llt Siout :). Ttrtc clrrriticatlcna r?a!4. fi ao aiirtl rt{dltr (llic t rr:e: yI|lah indlqatrd a dora tat.t.dtoc'laatt.at It loia. llv.. .nd aar!a.r tutg.r, |.s.an rDla.aO(sica( atuala.l-nalGala ttr.at li.-rgtaatiat, Ot|.Cl!oC1^lC rtlrct o? a C t lr y t c . ? - C h l. . r I d a f.qca ? aarl'|!ant. Tiir l. rrrDDort.d b; tha oDrorv.tion ol'rn incrlarrdraClaan3a €t (tv.'t oanCCt iubaoauODt tc IrtOi lrDo.uro (t4O -a70 Crr, ta a?!ra !'aodsctloi 9lrlrt. ,orka.r {n anoth.. tacllity vho ucre rxDcilirt to a.uci lQrar. conc.or.ation (e6 lFr) ahcuCd trc inctC-rr i^ caura iFrctttc ;t?xYLerE cH(ollDl. ; 6-F ./, -G F Nnol9tE- ^!ltrlllc)rtDtoc^llot & ill c'ElEo|OE a/''r eBsAEAaeaE r O I 5NrJ,n3tbtsro Nogltv.r,ltorJ ?e.60 z,g_90_clo rrDtDa Ctlott O? FatDirrtOty taolrGtior ar9.'rdt utcn ra6t taCtCtllFriio6/tevrt of rriciura aDd coadit{onr ct urc. ll arrrrrIa?aat | 3 ohaaicrtr buGh ar tho.a conaaiG.d ia tl|l! D-attcl rrrtfta ura ot rarti.rtef y groacctton it urcC t^ ualt vait{talaa'rrtalcr.d ytrti\arion i:.L.r . t|lotll tDgr0vad €hariE.t ca?rridecart Da l.agtiraa- uo€aa oa|.:rit ccad:rIon3. Iuab a.3!t?|yroo. I ? | - ! I ! I ! I - ! i y - ! t ! 9 !r r!qulr?E._Irr q9!!?tni9 qqqr; uql l-.lrElll .rto3rta-ta a?aat l'3 ohaaicrtr LuGh ar tho.a conaaiG.d ia tt|l! D-attct rrti.a .atll "r tfta Ula Ot rarti.rlefy Drctcctlon it urcC t^ ualt vait{talaa'rtaa!- Ltr ltltatcla.t yI'tti\arion a:.Lar a t|lotll tDDrcvad €hlriert ca?tridoaaatltaSol alt Da l.agtiraa- uo€aa oa|.rrit ccad: rIon3. tu.b a. 3D?trroo. Ir?!tr!tc.t ,t-tltttr rry atrc Da,.!aUlrGO. irt cCittnit rrrrt url r-rl!llliltr att?aveC alr a.rttllaa tatgirrtar.. It t tt. ?Lv'r (f.toa l. r.crtan ll'."a ar!traaa .,r. a D-'aoa.Ly tlttaat rlOS|./rtrl reerovcd |".rDlraCc? rlth.i!PDi9rltD?! ,ror.g!Ion _fIctor. lclcr r. 0tx^ e9"Cti ,tttO-1la .t.tplr.tortr.olactlo{r., tn0 .l.tFirrtc.r/ trot??ttotr I t.ns.l ^hd euidati.!a, laartcan --tE4ll,ll|"lrt hyf i.'r. rt.cc-' NIGIE AG Eltt ATETC ioDa vetvat ?I CnII ot vcntl tatlon ln aut tlci.ilr aou. {^o.cal.ata (l.i.a trt I t Cd. -i.roY. dc torle l I icytling, ?r bratlta cbJactri.l Y!rtrlrtion - I latrua araf at df Iutien t^d tocrt !lh.nrtln. to l,aat egncrntrrClon. of lrarCI Dal,Or th. (oralI arDoar|.a llltt!lat lFa l.r.tatra rhi,l r.ldlnp.r! !nl! lroduc:. lr{cr ro .ln6Eir.a trastl s. ' /|tal,| : ataI afl ia.ta3rahrat aa at I ? c a a aI ,?aaaa?"CO DrI. r DC.rinl th. r!|cclt,lGaticr. cl Arsl llt.l urt.?. i. I i r i . r ! i : i : I R i i ! ! . p I |. 3: I : . I n I : I : : r ? ; : ; : . | . . ! . ;: I I , I ? t , ylhar- !oalrct rllh th. .yrr. ta t att thorar, aa? at tat Gaah eta.cr Lr ry trl florf3stotrL ( lrDUttltlL)cor! r f lctE. r eurLtrtSr occutltra-aLflrosullt to rrtr ?r000ct.rrErt t^v lEsuLt lr 0rrrt l0ut rlalolttlltout rfrL?t tt;ac?a rarcrt!tt ti iiiiiiil!il;iifiilfi;iffiliiiiliii::iiiiiii;iifiii;ii:iii:iiiii;!ii;iii,iu "eD?lata irprrtttbtr g(ov"t (iorth- S: tyrr Sfti atd) MltC lEL cllttn Dl aaI l;3'na ot{t a t t lr 3l|Eurr--q,EtlrEg!.li'!,il"5i".tll.f!?lio!{tclt3' c)'t'?' !'trc rs'''trt t" In rlrca aFd ra-urcd ,o. aDt-t9?toa.a not a D?ar.ura vat3ot- t ! 3 I : a ll ,,r,,,rr,.ri,,^.,,'iii!l?l!iiii?:rleb!Ile!"0.. ?ir.r!?ir.urhr?il';l:i:il::!i!!ii: i"!u"or riD6 coar !litiii.i;;li:ir i'€ffri:? t,*|ii:"!t. ( o*rr' 'iEilt:ililiilE silulil'.. o ,.l.!a ilal 6127; 2rt a.r:62- " acntaosleaeLLtL'ATIr tiEttrt caac 8ccoil E Y,A c ol.^u3l lo g r Y oa C I C YIt i cI U Ytoa It orI D 'l trat tYtr?trD,lotl itbo!!tttt t,lt rta{at "a tc lita*ltriilorl-or Iaaaa IuIo I a a I II D tacatc?lrlIaa tI tta aaattlttt!l i t.lcr tftc?t ]?III Ct! cltlt 6.1 6,r t .D., urt!91 urrrt! rr -l ltr ttl UlrSt! ltl oororle CNllAatrr.IalO Noatrv.f .Hortd rr.Ce /-a_So-ftoeE|gEBtgcoe . ol llFECt D tr r'lt t'oatl]a t't,rttl|Er to nlor Elttt - at|luar.lto!t tuatlcuaa ao act- {a{ucc v?rl?l?t. ga\( polto^ .crt?c\ c.rita", lrcrDlt.t f[ j&ifl.t.t ...) o] psF iCi.n l.r.di-t.tr. tiatva tC t raai .lr lracdiataty- tj Grcattta^q hrr rtCaDad- alva .rtalat tarrltatlcn. (GCp trrr r-nd tlei.t- aat rldtcrt rrtantlc; taaGdlItltlu.tr rttD l.rla aaouitr ol yrtt.. ttttina eDtat ahd lorot tldt ocaaa glll ty, Coatloul ror lt (aaat 15 rirute!- e-t ..6lcat rrta'rrlon. Da oca11..vt.3t!autlil3, - lltn.phr ina or aphad. i^. ray advaraatta lraatt rlall tatr( r...|lt. ttt-.tatt. lonat- roat ior&lp lll! ro. 03.. r. ( tftol Oclllf r..vte? th.n .ir- r9rForralc lllralorar thai alaihtt Gtho.. 4o ota.c.) ro 2Ct ota ,.( | gct|lll.t rr l!t8 16 9e 2. ta 4ill L- r-.raEi ! . 7a Dy'trl -t.t E. C.' l.o I lE to? .tftlc^tra arraa | -lcty-|l& tttl?;t. t? o .J a t uiabla r..y itott It "r I Drtandtr a..cattaa ra c 11$d[$naftaatlurr bgl lt-t cla h..l ?'!talna?t rcgrion rhai..1.|.ab1.. CO P( OOI .rtgradattlon or. arnottlaa ala ctoo- Ifo a tl0tea, ralalno rrllll_r d.3aata.iricr-a, ralatno .rct Or othC? blgh taata.rtura a.trr3aa yitch rErac.ttIt0alaua Ir T|DM F|,It tl rcO6I?IG i i i i, ! 1 ! ! : i ; i i ; i I ! i ! ! : I I i ! t i I i i : : . 3 i I : i i i i | ; I : . i i I i I : ; I i r i t : : : : : i ! r i i : . lits rraacat .cnr.!toaa ltta?oarn chtcrBU?tt€Lr, Iota ltrrtclalir aral.t lcn.. l..ovc carl..l.at.a Gtorhtn€, t 3a r.trtlaaa at{n claar.r tot lcyoa It.ia vttaa y.rh. ODtaln aaataat attaotioD (l lrrltatrOn ra?rlrtr-l9loya .a4! aa! D.t ca c!otnr!e ,! t.th !fl.ct?a ara. riti rc-9 lnd vrtre rcCe"i6lBrlffll.. t .ar.nrtoD tt lrrrtrticn r.rri!r! _ frtol! rt./ol. 10 . ?tr(cttlc alrtltY r.l Frr rulIl''.rtT cnr|rtt4l- "r*rlltrrt*'I.ta? al,?avant trrtol !! ?cit rtra. c. .tl.tli. ..r.,.t.t..rrrr )roarat cOnt.l!! h!tot.n!tci !l!?ocar!oa! yticrr .a, rGact ytthl!9.!Dr.rt. aror.d ccrt.cr virh r r. u r i i i ; - - i ; : ; i i u i I i i 'i . - i 6 il ; i i i iil'ir",r1..t o. .1. r. t. d or ln rhtcb triciion. ..}' rc iiir;ia;. 'iio-idi'uie--iiiy::*iiiffi' l.::,: : i i' a ; ;' -;" ; ; r!0 0ac.c.) tOt 9rA L.8 rar.a a ! c u Lr t ? O 45r t/l dlA cA!(uL^rEo lllQt- lD E arEf rt !|tnrrl. rr ttrJrrE or rttrr- iii.Ii':ii;!:!i!l!{:!!t,.t?{i"3d{,Ifl?fro.l!:t;t?l::1,ri3:[?1,r":e?.".tu,:ii.[i';ij;!siil]i{:;!i,'t?li"io{"Itl?fro.l!:t;t?l::t,rig:[?1,r":'t: "."-;ii#iF::':::: ::.: :: ::i" !;::: :: :: "::li: *:::r:;..:':.::. .. :.:,' "" | /l c69A3AtE€e . o t 5NtlnEtdtsto rosdv.l .Hoatl 'E'a9 a€-9a- fto vcn. h._ -"1k**To*EfiTiii+*,,**Hry.:#:Sil*t saqtloGt r - clutcrE !!-oqUc! tt&ne r!}s trufibsrItr3a:C l.Etng, coagany rdrngifj'6ag. 6r. Ccnc,rcc, ffi;Em/lffie (24 rrout): Chcarr:cc (!t tt€sr): Prod-uc!, CIu!sl.qucl eote PtoDIrc? rIfD aglpa1sy rDDl?tptcATtw fr:38** it ?RE!fiq{ HooD orJuE It€€I?hr I lj,gc: O Rrac?ivlr_f; O fifrFFF5*$*:. 9Fi*enp:_l -tdiarlveg DLvt! tc,ni!!il.ii';13,1i (er+i crs-iiil iEi6i i3i:ii88 ' clQssllIt Pof.nnlrgl lcErtr8 !{witlcn 6rqrror rr - ooporrrr*,*'ffii-Iirff;:"*.H"r*: Hisi.li'tHT6clc$r, c^s lFrntscr r vrlryl AotrASE rclIA&DD?SDI r12-!4-3 r0E -05-{ 0.33 0.03 St#ii'lfl? $ril#*':g"'i.:::i,fi !H,,$ti,i"*ltso3i;.".gIettot rrt - trEltD rDlmlrrcaqtor l!'aYF . i3ir,ffi!5?ffFiff ilg*iol,# $:;"i3 $:?€ffr it l;Tls".,EAs, ffi Ifi |trffi $$:irHS*T:il r t iii'ft fflTr:"iF.itrini.lis*r iliiSf$rffiill.i,". ffilFry* lfod-flallrrrblo . slipp.ry in rh! [,at dlase _ lfsf,tAStQt: iif:at- tlrlduBl via),.l aecEace oonoElcr iurdl fonnatd.hlde (sce SccEloo $tli-1d.Eii3ll*F:Sjriil*#:s!g.:.o,cv,,cdccl.eFiEusc_- _ -- __ ---__--_ _ _ _--;--:--:-:-:::::::T-!I!!!:-_--- _- nay --- ilfqkU.n rnr,ernatrtruATBRr.N, s.e.FETy nCie-HnEET IEBB litrl'T'3ffi8* rt PRElrrw !{ooD or'eE UtEt'il.3l*"" 8t1g{i'Prg.. runbcr3 1' 13t'5i3iIEid.ltl;3?: ".:t,3#'ffipl;li,!1. i= l.*' re'! : r :rs !ro:n Itr9B8TIOF: Ifi"H' $oc"lfiffi$" l?,1otltoi"333t'9. 35 . pff.ii.E. 3i., dr I :rk or sx;lt r fii91"$tt"ot'"E8tgg$d. ill3rf;Tl# : 8I3i.*.. .ry 6!uie nodcraie eyr rrr:rac:o:,t. il:H.?!.i$?l5lTr accRAvrrED Ey Bx?osunE: Stcllq tlr . rrlgt rD X3rsun8s lNGllttOI! $i"r!:i$*ilHiii:l StrlI r 3i'3"11i3.!:n trtd rateF' ocrtacc ETE: Hl$.if tlf.*T!S.lld.f ililrlilh !f;Ii:.'S8fi i;3 :Yi.o[gl]iB;.H16 FprcitieIung't tnry Ctuta can caUg! irriCa: j.c;. e phyridtan if 1r!:caston devclopS I p:.nty ol rarer !c: as leasE 15 iffiltlti!"ir'.I|.,&I?l,ara-iingii Sr.Dforivc Range , ffiTISTIffi,FS;dr t cd. eia*o3| HgFllgi i593#,""n pa rc*arJd durrns coribuscion. trg1.lrr, rntL'naeitrtcr,lERxArr serEri pCil-Egser EEOND I! Pnn{l3tt "ooD 6r.?rR I.ilffi$=TtgEaoNb r! pnB{I3il "ooD ollrE lcr !s ti,bar a/).taceri lrtrrb.illlEo 3IILfidsG : a/25/9s 3rr.le7 i:lf lffid*ffiB*5.i;* Eelr.cc:rraur.d rcaEhrng a:tparatu! .sEllclt 1'l - rcl|:tDEtEIL tlLErgt s ffit*Hf.tlSglm:'"o dihc :hr apilr. *rBSOaCy htlsuREs:No!. r.tul!!d - slerrcr vrr - ErF&Itfc r s"oR c! or qproqd lDrosblncprod::et,/!.DaorbrRtdrl'tg, SctllDa cg and $|!D N/cst l,/.rE C -30 DPM agrluo*O aad Bronptly rau8e - contrlsa: tr .rgilcd, SEBI/ Pro:tBcuogt osltA glts! ost{a PEL N/ce: N/rsg $./est x/e!c 2-00 P??{ 0.?5 PPU oc PPI! SSORrO!rEtrP trrinr !rm:iao.s:ot. r! teqnrr--Errr bcrseen 50 F and 90 *lSHtSInl'lISt3; chir.&ur, {. t oarro ^*r^rl/""r.o'!,rlr.DenoEro ' oo DFt N/ut EDSIIEEA0E oortncLtr fi li,'ilF,.TH!3: ;i"l8T*,!i,Hall. i" Q4llBtril'*i*lii !!:Iiig,"i,E.:' ltis N/ 16 N/ r?loarl srtrrosure liu::r - t any cnoflcy t:lofar.ahould br equippcd vi ch il8ffjiift3$liEi.:*"" tri$TF!ffiTI$i *H*#h;#?.qi,:TT:* - tlr$rq rnrernaurtrrrArERrAL srseri oiii-b:EEsr ss ffi&?tIEB8* rr pRE'r(N $ooD cr,(F itit'S*3Y".' 85i3E?'Pag. tturgcr r i' En PnoElctloatt ;$8"!tt$$F53&1.?"""v ev€ proE€sLron t: aDl,asblng or inlsE,rng: o! gclUr. rtaa tDperuiour cfovct. 'EO?SFTIES conlacE can Ft*|lr,Crr. Cre-an m.?tmlf6r p:or,or.g.d tJHTro8r rr . PArEtcAt s SD.errn:s/coter: !;r$i,lli" (rn vaccs) , *iiiit'l$q..", ftt"tfii'$ifiiltiur, ...r, t*ffilg,,r - slrlrDrrr s Ftteralc.ri toiynerl zlE ron : DirprrrtSlc in rltcr 2l0.rP Al:;* ihan n-Buryl IceEaEe I ,09r3. ? g/I llrgrnrtnrfr!i:'$33$1fi.i:*i:". uir.r ncc $8!3rrGr" ro AvorD, _lilccf{PlEcu,xFl;sErong !|:i(l| arrd baleg _ effi:tF S$Xf$I'ffi:yffi' bc :rl.ercd .urtns corqbrsEro- .Sleulo|| trl _ lorrcot€ctcr& Eroln'lto' iirlliilil#i*ii*ii"ili#ril=Wf,'iFs$IS$Fi*tr"r;":Si:^'i6ry1q*i?sr:E occut ffi!#ffi;Hrffi-:HfTiffi"iffil&{trffiHFffi#iffi#ffii#tft,I!l,Ig:t qrrll -!.rr,. .(inbl Fjr :iis*il:elii*iltrll! sllhilgi.{riiftth:ffi i"ffqi$q+:r:ild=:ir qt_ot_viryl 1t no rv:iineC-oE-f,d&"ifu:iX"EB$rEl$l l$li.lli.Hi|.TiA'l"i:#.;i"::i. iBL T3. l3ir3i.Aons a, eoodglCtlil ttr - lCOr.oOtcAL nfrollqr?tor Th.r! loErrrlatloa hr, *a "a."n Ecr?ad !3r grvrronnor.lat effacr!.sKrlqr rlII - DrSDoslL coFsrDn rrors lraB )lsFgrr&: iilBS'iiadt":Ii"r3fiHglg!?r ceilDrv rich alr epprrc.bla rc<telar, eOlnr &188 Drs?o3rr, r !(8!S lri! | TtTtlOotD!5DS FufDlf : 5006v. 100 $sot HSD9 DltitP.ge trurbar: If}TEBIAIJ SAFETY DATA SHEET r*nHin Interaat,iotr rr ERP{:fll l{coD GLua 96 1 sl2sl 01139 5 Ol tt nbcrU trck grouEtll Cl.rt ffi/lftA.chae Sh:,lt?tng "*. *rr=r._ aoo,ShlgDtng llr|r)! DtlDoa8l _og Bh19 conlai{|sr ahcutd conp l_? '{iEh al1 appli.cab}e federal,3!rtc lad local lrgJiaclons. Slgrlo|t lr9 - TltftPoRr rrpolln'3rots ;"3ff llf, i ig. :i.13 [.iBt'EFf"rllr:f 'tBi3g,i{iff ' D I' a5' eooE Bc: stcllolt xlr . ta60tATeR" rlt?ollMon sllr tttlMl sEC?toc r13:taxic ch6j'€el a rubreor Eo rhc13 qt Eh. Bq.rSltgy ?l arnriDg andanal o: ao CIR- 3?2-: thrt producr c€ntr:.:ra :lle loll,osi,ncrlDoft Ing tttctrir6itrnEs o! 8€cElon IeoirrDlEy lltbt Eo Er6it Ace o! 1985Cf8 luibat gbanicrl Nlarltt-3a-6 g,rco& tm,iPnr0l.0l-. vtnltL rCiltft10.00-0 FORITILDBIIYDB -Prot 55 (ctBonooDsi _ .. _IrRnlfB r Thlr pro(h.tcr ccnte:n3sr-llolntt go eauta ca$gla -qlt fftSer Clrqlt e.l Xar€30-00-0 FoprAtroeryis llllllriuAfle:q9.cflt lrrlrrdeur sgfirporrgnts rcTrrr:d to be lirted-l_atrofldrbd.l fsrarl6iF.lrdc t 3e : 60: s!a!- rlroqrf cc'r[)on!4r t rccnr llad to De l,,at.d aEgo:ynnyr ro.EaEc alrulr ion Jl3{0t-t3-tI tolrrtnyl [l[ JB^3Blcpgllrr+rlyf lgatalc arJlrlrn ttjtoB-9t-0; naE.E .ri32-].g-5; alurlt nrgFlOliO! 77!l-13 - 6 ; DolyvlByl eleoho1 .25213-2{-! ; n-nrE}rylolacrylanidr9Zr-{2-5 slcrrol wl - oasll Dr?ffiatror r5ltlttOF lOf{lBYr I|SDS ratrlr.C Co lollor 15 srIcrlon for .:. DtscttDtEt:Itlil. Btr lffor .tagn ana rcqgoncndrElo:rt g.E icrch h€reln areP?c14!g EO De lccurrg! ar Ef Eho-6r!r hcrao!, lranti:n r.lcBEr.Elonll $i: i,lt"'!iiTlx* i iTli'll"3=,:Il"i3:, -i:!Bd:"p.. r rb.ro Eo a'd NOI\-/A riTANglr HlarRDoSs ('sEE Ncrn;NOr r4Z. 90xEs .IDHESrv8s lier t0.330-0! 0.0E ! chenBoal ;(r.lJr. to the lgrte ctl 6t . 01t or fto:er t0-05 !t or norc:afcohol 25213-2{.5 Lade P.€rr &- s-cl7 _ (r* h{-l S. *fo Cx,c* F. O Uheerrnr',or(^rm?:S g/t/fO ee**crg F,ce CCoScg {^o C^r"c;tb(fs - 6gEll(o ofrIz A/u Wey iSst6 - uL ueub rl4^1. ?zusew,a,sS -GnP. Q-ror.l rb eer cpa*l Oaou^rg F4L fue* Sot*rzro^l 06/30/57 08:02 Aszo 188 0285 Ntcc0G [too1 _ Applicrlior# JobAddrcg: I*grIIlccr: Ovur: MdliDslhorft ElcrdorConErdn MdnEAd&s$, Ph@#: NOIICS I !!rtf crt6t ttr! I hry. rt.d 6d EtlEd ttlf +pLdio triholrlbtorE b3 tur |trd G6tcr Al ncriibor d tM Ed o.6nc.. lpvtoh! tL t/F o( rut ull b! c@@ d! ghtbfaF e lsth c not Tte frutbf sf r ncuft tlocs uot ptrc o Siea rtt dY to vLb o( EGd fu porddo dq otb1rb q locrl hrr rEtdrtia8 Goarrrcdil ot tb pcrfrrc ot e(Eltldan rrgt (P&) $t!.![gofor|!!f (b) dbqe'n Pcmit# W Derrau:r c ftdtlt el:t:br. crcrlrtorr uovbg rrlkt Upo ratf bsb@ $t0,(m.00 sfvdudoo . 350.00 O'tct50,000,lll of vrnndoa - SlSlLltl pbr !600 for . crrh S1,000.O ctrdo ttsuf onr t50,000.00 Dubrriatt cl Ffunt rrdahca &nbn Up b rd btttdrt t211,000.00 dvdudoo - 125O00 Or:r tl4000$ of vrludo - $ltG00 dur g.OO Ot cad tL00.S ortndos 6:trof orr $04000,00 MArOlLAI,',rmAnOqFIlEqi Fe &tn{c rludic$Jt b E rdffi b T&la 3-A of tu UnrelnA&Urretlvc Cods cTGleXo l-A dtbs UuifodBuildhgCoda VALUATTON #/oo, zqt.td ,RMIT APPLICATION CluofWotlc T6lFcr Iht Prid ncc.tpt # Frodbr Apprw.d Dt: '?'/- Ptar Rntltt ADProYd DY: Ebr.iDE phl rwhr lld lrtd irltocdolr rll br cmdwtcd by tte Nortvcrt Coloredo Couttdl of Govcmnrog. nrlr rilt bc totrrrdcd to I{WCCOG tor rwlcw rad epprwal Scteduh |ltPcdlonr Dy contrdlg tbc NTyCCOG Elrrrior brprctor rt (90) 45gfr95 r l0& Pleesr l!*c c[rc&s Pryrbb to !{wcgoc. ,l e7 JFN 2l7 '97 eE 4!464r'/'s EA&r&?FGE.@, PlnY-13-199? 17t@6 P.92/95 vtul, (l,torilCt(, [)sl!<r. Crtonl(i(J Et\8irrcFr.i, hc. It has been brought to ou: attetrtion that a pockct of unsuirabre bcaring soit hqs bcencncounrered berween grids F'2. and. 9 ato.rg ur,id $e_ z. rn" rooiing f;reen re designedbased on 2000 psF bcarlB to bc 9L6" wiai'* ir'-o'ae.p *itu 1iy- ii* rro> oolongitudinal and fA6 at t'-0" raterar confirm rdittrlhe ,oit" *g.*.r, ;;;;** necessaryto achieve the 2000 pSF -bca*ng capacity and itre limits of thJrmr"ilrrc-*ir. The (4)_#6 rongitudinal in thc +ooo psF s'-ir" *ia" rodting strall splice a minimum teDgrh of 4,_0,into the 9'-6" wide portion of rhe footing. If you have any questions or cornrngnts, pleasc call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENCINEERS, N.IC. -A4 2/ q,)"--.^_---__. Scon M. Wasson Engineer Copy: Scot b*ry, Shaw Constuction ' l'.O. tsox 1597 . svou. Qr:lorartr.r Sf 6ZO . (g7fr) 9.19-7106 . F.\X (970) 91e_.195.'| -J-('{l May 13, 1997 Zefucn and Associates, Inc. POBox 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Athr: Mr. Tirn Losa Re; Lodgc at Vail (M&N #ZZg5) Gentlemen: tir 3f nChr'rrrrl t{,){d . Surte r0.i May 9,1997 ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES Timothy losa plan review partial list of items to be addressed Intemational wing Tim: l. DRB approval required (chimney, and windows west side)(sound screen cooling tower) 2.Tc}issues: core and shell complete,exits complete and maintained,fre sprinkler and fire alarm lfi)% 3. Ratcd door vencer as per 601.5.5 of the 1994 UBC' 4. No occupancy seperation between kitche and dining room required' 5. storage area between the kitchen and dining room occupancy seperation is required' 6. Non com lumber can not be used . ?. Service clevator level 100 & l0l smoke doors are requircd' 8. Wood sleepers level 136 can not be used must be non-combustible constnrction' Sincerely Town of Vail Chuck Feldmann Building Inspector Mike Mcgee Fire Marshal o "o/*-- h; Z< 4"/ tf74 f-?-? 7 o 6"n-2, ' -A-r: /./t4 Av s t\-v - '.:: --*r-- Z E H R E N. AND ASSOCIATES, IN.., ARCHITECTURE. PLANNINC' INTERIORS Timothy R. Losa P.O. Box 1976 . Avon, Colorado 81620 (3og) 949-02s7 . FAX (303) 949-1080 1 I i I I i I I I I I I I I ;J ?a Z E H R PN -- AND ASSocrATEs, rNC. FAX TRANSMITTAL Date: Friday, May 02, 1997 From: Tim Losa To: Chris Squadra Project: International Wing Compony: ARC Project No: 94889.00 Fax Number: 479-9821 No. of Pages: 4 Re: Meeting Agenda - T.O.V. Copies To: See Below Chris: Enclosed is a list of items that I would like to cover in this aftemoons meeting. If anyone has any additional concerns, please call me at the trailer after 2:00 pm. The number is 479-6447. Tim Losa Project Manager cc: Peter Monroe, MN (attendance not required at TOV meeting) John Volponi, LV (attendance not required) Stan Humphies, YEI (attendance required) Steve Boyd, YEI (attendance not required) Scot Lowry, SCI (attendance required) Architecture.Planning.lnteriors.Landscape Architecturc P.O. Box 1976 Avon. Colorado 81620 (970) 949-0257 Fax (970) 949-1080 The above is considered correct unless responsc to the contrary is received within 7 days fiorn the above date. S :\PROJADMN\94889\FA X ESUV960823.TRL Town of Vail - Permit-Meetins Issues The Lodge at Vail - International Wing April9, 1997 Code Adoption . Current codes o Adoption of 1997 UBC TCO - Food Storage AreaVHousekeeping/ Mechanicalo 20 June 1997 o Sprinkler Shop Drawing Scheduler Smoke Detection/Alarm Shop Drawing Schedule TCO - Floors I l6'-1". 125'-9". 136'-0"r 15 November 1997r FFE move-inr GWB & I hour rating entire structuree Pull stationsr Permanent heads at all areas ofTCO. Sprinkler system (heat detection) fully operationalr Temporary 120v. at construction areas bagged during dayo Fire watch ifnecessary at construction areaso Construction areas locked off (egress hardware) from TCO areas Elevator Shop Drawings. Guest elevator primary and secondary recall floorso Service elevator primary and secondary elevator recall ll Rated Door Assemblv / . Ftated assembly with %" thick veneer stiles and railso Assembly details for town approval ?r Sprinkler heads each side? East E levationirJ0'lf '. e ' Non-combustible wood framing vs. light gauge stqelr Section 705 UBC (, ul p') Document Revisionso Cl.l - C3.l no changer Ll - Landscape Demolition addedc L2 - Site Materials/Layout o Columns removed - stone sigr wall added as condition of permit A.K.o Stone column removed discussed with A.K. by phonec L3-L7 no changesr D2.l - D2.4 Demolition Plansr Changes only to reflect scope ofFall construction. Interior demolition of housekeeping and food storage areaso A2.l - Level 100-0 Floor Plan. Stair I 14 configuration, typical all levels . Kitchen re-design . structuralrequirements o mechanicalrequirements /l t./ 5J jsgct ftionz.c 0L exception 2.4 . Partition storase . struc4qal-rsquirementsj fire separation UBC 301o Banquet storage 0 ) t: i,1. .t ,.\,"r",lu' t P J, \-' . access to mechanical space aboveo doors dlr_eglly-to ballroomr. fire separation UBC 301 exception 2.4o Elevator mechanical room locationr Storage/Receivingr complete demolition and expansion. new refiigeration o health department requirementso egress from existing stairwell relocated Housekeeping r new area at basement levelr stair to revised lower level MechanicayElectrical relocation o primary electrical shutoffo new transformer location. structuralrevisionssteeVcmu,foundations/basement level Accessible lift relocation Stair redesien at 129o AV/Janitor closet 106 re-desisn A2.3 - Level I l6'-1" Plan . Structural wall location at grid 1.4o Stairre-configuration M.4 -l*vel125'-9" Planr Stair reconfiguration A2.5 - tevel 136'-0" Plano Stairre-configuratiory{eaptqrJ$resQ. Ftoor construition UBc 60il5 .l:lot.z:.6 J ljo A2.6 no changes 42.7 - A2.ll see changes listed above - 7r" plans 42.12 - additional %" sheet - see A2.l above A3.l-A3.3 no changes A3.4 West Elevationo Mechanical exhaust change at chimney A3.5 Loading Area Elevations/Section. Removal ofdoors from south elevationo Stone on exterior elevation. Steel frame structure r Basement level. Cooling Tower in place of chiller A4.l- Building Section. concrete elevator shaft cap/steel framing detail at vent A4.2 - Building Section r Stair configuration - see plan 44.3 - A4.4 - no changes A5.l - A5.2 - no changes Sl - Foundation Plan r Footirrg redt'sign at kilchen area r Footing rcdcsign at loading dock area 52 - kvel I r Stcel redcsigr at loading dock area a a o a a o a ll a a . Steel roofredesign at level I. Stair opening redesigne 53 - Level3r Roofredesign at loading dock arear Stair opening re{esignr Tie backs at deck moment connectionso 54 - Level 4. Moment connections at structure cantitevere 55 - Roof Framing. Light gauge substitution at various membersr 56 - Arlberg o no changesr S7- Sl0 - Details r Various revisions and additional details MEETING REQUESTED BY ARC AT ALTITUDE SPORTS BAR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING MEETINGAT TOWN OF VAIL. ALL CONST LTAI\ITS ARE REQLTIRED TO ATTEI.ID. (r AtA suppOseo TO cO ToMOAB ALSO, SO STOP YOT.'R BELLY-ACHING) NRY-85-199? t7| 13 P.42/93 Monroe t"*"u Eqgtnocrs, Inc. q{EOIGD BY s ?;:,,.:*f? -ri*:tr -ii i ' NnY-e5- n ^ 7r'\{r.t\VY Monroe e. ftvreu L997 L?tL4 Elginccrs, Inc, ,*.J-cf,:F,; * \1.-HLml;srqr- CIIIE:IGO BY OAIE - ria\Ytl 6"mnx E (ET WALL Ek4 Brn \v epT L*2-FSsIc> IAlnA tr Fr- ,.Tq+E$T t o The Lodge at Vail T.dailm Dur.tbo sdrrt ,End Dctvrrtcr Mobilizallon 6.00 d ouAuorg6 l4rAuqrg€2 Trailers a0' Slle Fenclnq end Barlcade!5.00 d 08rAuqr96 1{Auqr9€1 Truck 30' Dlsconnect Utllttle3 5.00 d 08rAuqi95 1{Auq/0e Demolitlon 5.00 d 16rAuqr96 21fAusr95 Tlack Ho€ ,O enddumDs trlos Ercavellon 10.00 d 2AAud96 05rSe0196 Track hoe 3000vds 200 trucls 3[a t SlHcr 10.00 d oc,s.o,80 1grs.ono Bacl Ho. Tmck.l DcllvGrlr. Arlbcrg Restaurant 59.00 d 2AAUoiSi 1'lrNovrgG Derno Erlstlnq Structure 3.00 d 2ZAuql96 26/Audo€Track Hoe l0 Truckg Ercevatlr Foundatlon 2.00 d 27lAttdg0 28rAuqrS6 UnCerground t tlllties 3.00 d 29rAuq/90 03/Sepr90 Footings 2.00 d lxrseptg6 0SrSeprsG 4 Concretc Trucks, Pump Foundatlon /t.00 d 08,seDr96 11rseor96 6 Concrete Trucks, PumD Backlill 2.00 d IZSeD/96 13rseor98 Back Hoe ,5 enddlmps sog 2.00 d 16rSeD€6 17rsed96 6 Concreto Trucks, Purnp Steel 3.00 d 18rSeDr96 zorsen l€3 30' Trailers. crane Root t00d 2$f.Dr96 2',8cor36 I 30'Tnflrr Ertqdor Framlng 6.00 d 23,sep{g6 27rSeprg6 1 30' tTaller Gl.ss 7.00 d 30rSeD/g6 08tGr98 2 Deliveriel Erfsrbr Fhlrh 400 d 08to.rt96 lSrocttlt I tldlvrrv lr cdor Frlrllnq 3.00 d 23rSeDr96 2srseprg€1 30' Trailer Mechanlcal, Elec{rlcal Rouqh In3 5.00 d 26tSed96 0zroct/g€4 Dellverier lnsulatlon 2.00 d 0UOCU96 {lUOcug6 2 Dclivedcs She€t Rock 5.00 d o7roct s6 11/OcU90 3 30' Tr.llerc Prln|e 1.00 d 2'ltoc1r96 2lroct tG I O,ellvery Tape and Finish 6.00 d 14rOcU96 18tOcU90 'l Dellverv lr erior Trim 3.00 d 2AO&96 2,f1ffir96 2 Dellvcrieg Final MechanicaU Elec:trlcal 3.00 d 25rOcU96 2groctt90 2 Dellverles Floor Coverlnqc 3.00 d torocu96 01rNovr96 2 Deliveries Final Palnt 3.00 d oilNov/96 '06rNovr90 1 Oclive.ies Final Clc.n 2.00 d 0zrNov/96 {l8rl{ovr98 furdl 3.00 d l2lltovjgt l4JttldrrSa Underpinninq 16.00 d 06rseprg6 2615ed95 2 Trucks l0 Concrete, Pump FlnrlGrdCA.cm[2.00 d 0!roct/90 ot ()ctnt 20 9rrvcl ?rrrlr Footinq8 end pad3 5.00 d 20/Sep/96 26rsepr98 25 Concrete Tauchs. Pump FanHtGrdnlnr 2.00 d 2Trscnlt8 torscDrL !Enddm Under Slab t tllltles 10.00 d ogroct t6 22,Gr96 2 Deliverieg Precast 31.00 d 27rSepr96 08rNovr96 Crane First floor wall6 and columns and b€a '1.00 d 27tSeD/96 0ZOcUlro 10 30-60'Trailers Level 2 Deck Precast 4.00 d 03r@r96 08rOcU9€10 30-60' Trallert Level2 walls and colurnnc and beams 4.00 d ogroct 96 1aroclrg0 10 30.60'TrrllerB Level 2 StQcl Precalt 1.00 d 16rOcU96 1sroctlg6 10 30S0' Trallers Level 3 deck Ptecast /3,00 d t6roct/96 Zlloctlg8 l0 3040'Trallers Level 3 walls, columna. b€ams 4,00 d 2AOcw6 2S,oCU96 10 30€0' Traller3 Level 3 Steel Precad 1.00 d 28roct 96 z8roct !10 10 3040' Trellerg Level 4 Deck Prec.d 4.00 d 2grocu9€01rl,ovrg8 10 30$0' Trallers Level 4 walls , columns. beems 4.00 d &UNovr96 07rNov/96 10 30-60' Tlallers Level 4 Steel Precast 1.00 d 08rNovl96 08rNovr96 10 30-60'Trallers Roof Steel and framinq 15.00 d 12rNovrg€03rDec/gc 10 Trucks, Cranc soc t.00 d zsroct 96 2efi)dlt 15 GrsC.26 Co|E!.t!. P|nD Rough Ins 19.q' d 2ZGtg6 'l8rl{ovr96 5 Deliveries Level 2 Oeck Rouqh Ins 5.00 d 2Zoct/g6 28tocug6 5 Dellverles Level 3 Deck Rouah lns t.00 d 0/t Nov/96 08rNovrg6 5 Oellveries Level il Deck Rouoh ln3 5.00 d 12,Novr96 18rNovr96 6 D.llveriea Toppinq Slabg 17.00 d Zgrocug6 ?1rNovr96 Level2 Topplnq Slab 3.0O d 29rGJ96 3lroctl!16 16 Concrete Trucks, Pump Level 3 TopDinq Slab 3.00 d 1ZNovr96 t'gNovrg6 12 Concrete Trucks, PumD Level 4 Toppino Slab 3.00 d 1grl'lovlg6 21rNovr96 10 Concrete Trucks. Pump Exterlor Metal Framlns 34.00 d 01rNov/98 20rD,ed98 Level 1 Exterlor Fr.mlno 5.00 d 01rNovr96 0ZNov190 2 Deliverie. Level 2 Exterior Franilnq 10.00 d l6rNov/96 29rNovrg8 2 Dellverier Level 3 Exterior Framlnq 10.00 d 22lNov/96 06rOectg6 2 Dellveries Level 4 Erterlor Franrlno 10.00 d 0grDecrg6 20rD€cr98 2 llellverie3 Roof 17.00 d 0ZDcc/g0 2/UDec196 oo Pint d: 2uAprr08 Prgc ! Town of Vril CFFICEOOPY EtlEE ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATE INC- Anclfi8crurc . AJ$NING tNrBtofis.l NIxc tE AxclllTEc.turE P'o. 0q t976 ArqL C.alor& c1620 6{B) 9a9{t257 FAI('03} 949-1oEO FROJEcT Nrf1E, PROJECT t'l@$1049!Dl TI{E ARLtsERG RE9T4SBANT TI-]E LODGE AT VAIL DRAIIJII€ 1IILE, NORTI-.I EL EVAT ION/gECT ION 3c,lJ.;E.v". t',-O" OArECf26t% FI{A3E. @ 6r{EEt, 9K-l OF s$v^tro sf;lF qfi N$si -nl- ql: rJ-(ur-l g x s= n ,,,\ ,/\ /\ /\ -P q ma.F,/T\ rtly'ffiYn;' /J1-i- \\i Iq\r -t 9 o PgASE: 5HEE I' o q N Y \, Rp FO7O67' -$E<r,qlJ..1 rdtrf-risr q N rrl t\, dJ ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC' AROIIIECTU RE . PI.{NNINO INTER,IORS . LANDSCAPE MCH]TECruRI P,O. 8ox 1976 A\@n, Colordo !1620 p7o) 9494257 fAX {970)949J060 PROJECT I"{AI1E: the Lodge aL vatl 7he Arlberg reoLauranr oRAuJlt€ lllLE, Entrq Foqer Plan noy2.la, . t,_@a ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, lNC. ARCH]TECruRE. PL\NNING INTIRIORS. IANOSCAPE ARC1IITECIURE P,O, Bq 1975 Awn, Color.do !1620 t970r 919.0257 FAX (970) 949J oEO FROJECT NAIIE! the Lodge al vatl 'lhe Arlberg reetaurant DRAllJltlG lllLE3 Entru Fouer - East ElevaLlonEntrq Foqer ' g,6aYgYt ' . t-d DATE,6/268b FrlA9Er e-L/ 2pf\-J ({l ,, IL\ VFUOulFo(',3u-lrrozo JlL/ L*r-\'$^ \l1-T- '..\ti -,J HF.) Oip- AK JIrLl TYPICAL t\Rr I 4zl2 l- BELOIIJI +F EXl9Tt{6 ROOF ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ^nCHTECIURE. PTANNING . INTEruOIS ?.o. Bo( 1976 A\qr, Color.do 61620 (303) 9,19-057 FAX BO3) 949-160 PROJECT NAIIE: FROJECT NO.g$9Ol the Lodge at vait the Arlberg Restaurant DRA/II6 TITLE: Faqer Roof Plan*at\la"a'-o" oalE.anat% Pl.lA9E, co 6l-IEET' t1L/ ,9t\-(2 G