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TOWN OF UAIL � DEPARTMEI�IT OF COMM[Jl'�Tl"l DEVELOPNIENT ��, 75 S. f�'RONTAGE ROAU �n�� ���� � �Z_ 'VAIL, CO 81657 � 970-479-2]38 ��,...;,,� �� ��c�-�sz �S NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTFR QN JOBSIT� A�T ALT.TIMES ��c� �"��� � 'a��c�' ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT f'ermit #. B03-0103 �� r''� ,\U��� Job Address.: 17� E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: FLNAI, Location......: 174 E G�R� CRK#4fl4 LODGE @ VAIL Applied...: 0�/08/2003 Parcel No....: 210108221 f159 [ssued ...: 45/20/2003 Project No...: Expires...: �2/10/2003 OWNER WAGENT�NECHT, JOHN, KAT�.L, KAY05/08/2003 Ph.one: � N1RS. SHARQN R. WAGENKN�CHT, AGENT 277{? NE 58TH ST FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33308-2728 License: C�1�TRACT4R RZEPIEJEWSKI & COMPANY, LLC 05/08/2003 Phona. P.O. BOX 4659 AVON, CO $1620 I,ic�r�se: 118-A APPI,ICANT RZEPIEJEWSKI & COMPANY, LLC 05/08/2003 Phone: 97d-926-1945 P,O. BOX 4659 AVON, CO 81620 I.�icense: Desciption: REMDOF,L 3 BATHSIKITCHEN AND CHANG� TRIM REVISIONS: CHANGING EXTERIOR WINI�OWS/DODR ADDINCr 3 SKYLIGHTS AND 1 BATI-�ROOM Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Canstructic�n: III 1-HR Type III 1-Hoe�r Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $357,000.00 Add 5q Ft: 0 I'ireplace li�formation:Restricted:Y #of Gas Appliances: 0 #!of Gas Logs: U �ot� V�'ood Pellet: 0 ***e�**�rrsaxk:�xa�t►*******�sm�:**�«:x*axrrs��r�r�r*�*��r�st*r*�r+x�*�t FF.F.SU�IMARY "'*s**�`*"�«s*r*swas.axx+�**r�x��w*aa�*�txxt�ta�t*****s*t+***ts**** Ruilding----� $2,432.95 Rcstuarant Yfan Review--> $D_DO Total Calculated Fees--> $9,017.37 Plan Check---� $3,581.42 I�R«I'ee--------�--�---------> $d_DD Addilional Fees----------> $0.OQ Im�estigatioir> $0.00 l�ecreation Fee------------> $0.DQ Total Permit Fee---------> $4,017.37 lUill Call----� $3.00 Clean-up Deposit----------> $a.00 Payment�------------------> $4,017.37 TOT/LL FEES-------------> $4,017.3� BAL.At�CL DUE---------> $0.0� #############*####**4#*�R#�i�#++#**#�ki#4t�#+k#####i####�#####ig#+kiE7�#��k8*M?k�*###k#!�###ti##Y*#*##�#*ik*�Yrti��%�*�8+d#*$i***�*tWk�k&7��M7�S*#�k4****#*##*#*### Appravals: Itein: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 05/I9/�0�3 GCD A�tion: AP Item: Q5400 PL�NNING D�PARTMENT 07/08/2003 Matt Gennett Actian: AP Item: 05600 FTRE DEPARTM�NT Item: 055�0 PUBLIC WQRKS i � *+,:�*���.«*�����***�**�*��*�������*��***�**��.�:.*�,����*.����**�*��..�.*.�»*���:�����*:���«��:*�:�:**���*.�,�*«*�**:�**��****���:������*.*�«��* See page 2 of this Docurr�ent for any conditions that r�ay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno�x�ledge that I have read this applr�ation, filled out in full the information required, comple#ed an accurate plat plan, and state that all the information as required is carreet. I agree to comply with the inf'ormation and plot plan, to comply with aIl To�vn ordinance�and state la�vs, and to build this struclure accarding to the towns zoning and svbdivision codes, design re��iew approved, Uniform B�ilding Code and other�rdinances of the Town applicable thereto. ILLQUESTS FflR INSPEGTTpIV SHALL BE M.4DE 7WF.NTY-f�UUR HOURS It�,4nVAMCC DY T'EI.EPHONE,1T 479-2144 OR AT OliR C7Ff'1CG N'K�M 8:00.�llV[-4 PM. SIGNATURE�F(3WNER OR CONTRACT�A F(]R HIMSELF AND OWN�F � i PAGE 2 �**��:�**�:�+��*����**��*******�***���**:��****�*��******��*��*�:�***�****��***��***��***:��***��*�***��***�� CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Penzlit#: B03-0103 as of O1-30-2004 Status: F�INAL ����***���***�:��****���***��**�*�:***�r��**��:*�****���*�:�*�:***��***��*********�*�:�*�***���***�****�*x�***:�� Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: OS/08/2003 Applicant: RZEpIEJEWSKI &COMPANY, LLC Issued: 05/20/2�03 970-926-1945 To Ex�ire: 12/1Of2003 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 174 E G�RE CRK#404 LODGE @ VAIL Parcel No: 210108221059 Description: REMD(?EL 3 BATI-IS/KITCHEN AND CHANG�.TRIM REVISIONS: CHANGING EXTERIOR WINDOWS/DOOR A.DDING 3 SKYL;IGHTS AND 1 AATHRQ�M Canditioils: Cond; 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECT�ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI-IECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS 3N WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLD�.): SMQKE DETECTC�RS ARE R�QUIR�D IN ALL BEDROQMS t�ND EVERY 5TC)RY A� FER SEC.31 Q.9.1 �F�'HE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROV�I, [5 REQUIRED BEFORE ANY W�]RK CAN BE STARTED. � � rr 241 Brc�adway L` PQ 1259 1��,L F.VA I.T_��;�F 7 Ea�le, C� 8l 631 G L �� S S '`�'•�v I� ,�� i h h c� � � /1 � �)70-328-7228 ,; /`°�� � �' � � l � ---- � �.../ I _ _. _._._ __ _ , I3i11 T� --- � E-mail � �` - -- - — __ � �Arci� Dcsi�n, [nc. PO Box 2238 � evgm(,ropircat�lcvisioz�.com Vail, CO 81(5$-2238 - I)ate Ynvoice# 10/30/2003 f32320 __ _ - --l --- - - —� - - 'Terms �Due Date _ . _ _ ProjectlJob - — —Net 30 I 1/29/2003 I -- Rigney —L _ Description �_ SQ. Feet � Rate Arnaunt Rigney Residence glass list � Re: Dave kitchen- 1l8" clear tcrnpered single lites 30-4 318" x 12 1/8" 30 27.00 810.00 12-9 3/8" x 7 1/8" 12 27.Q0 324.00 6- 9 3/8" a 8 1/16" 6 Z7.fl0 162.04 (�- 9 3/$" x 10 3/4" 6 27.00 162.00 french dc3or 1/2" cicar ternpercd therrnopanes 1-2Q 13/16" h 15 l3/16" 1 67.38 67.38 2-20 13116" x 15 15/16" 2 67.3$ �34.76 1-20 13/l�i'x 15 l ill6" I 67.38 67.38 french door 1l$" cicar tempered single lites I-ZO 13/16'�; 15 13I16" 1 27.E�0 27.�0 2-2� 1.3/16' x 15 15/1G" 2 27.�0 54,Q0 1-20 13/16'x 15 1 ll 1 h" 1 27.00 27.()0 sliding doors Subtotal Ali accounts 30 davs past due will be subjcct to a servicc charge of Z%per montla, � ti�hich is an annual rate of 24%. Attomev fces and otl�cr costs of collection �vill be Sales Tax (0.0�) added wl�c�� applicablc. __— --- I -Total � ; Payments/Credits Ba[ance Due Page 1 ' � , r�'.. 241 Bre�adway � � T � �'O 12_5<) . �a�l�.'7►�� V t'��I1��,Y� Eagle, CO 81�i31 'C3 L n S S 'A'�\� t� !1 I K k t� k 970-328-72?8 � ' . Bill To E-mai! Aren Dcsi�n, Inc. PO Box 223t� ev�,*m(r�ropircablevision.cam Vail, CO 8165R-2238 - � - I)ate Invoice# �0I30/2003 R2320 Terms Dve D�ate ProjectfJob Tict 30 11/24I2�03 F.igne�� Description SQ. Feet Rate Amount 1/8" clear tc;mperc;d single lites 24- 15 "7/8° x 26 lfti" 24 27.99 671.76 wardrobe mirrors U$" clear mirrors 1- I3 1/4" x 75° 1 59.12 59.I2 1- 16"x 62" 1 55.12 55.12 !, 1- 153/4" x62" 1 55.12 55.12 �'glass shelves I/4" clear glass with flat polished edges 8- 3 1/2" x 17 3/4" S 12.56 100.48 I� � t b3U ; b'�" n 6 � �� l' ���� IZa-n10 1 l �- ---� -- -v -- -- - Subtotal $2;777.Iz All accounts 3U days past due will be subject to a service charge of 2%per rnonth; �ales Ta�c (0.(30) $0.00 which is an annua! rate of 24%. Atton�.cy fees and ather casts of�llection will be added whcn applicable. -- Tatal �2,777.12 Payments/Credits �0.0(1 Balance Due ,�`2,777.12_ __.-_�.r�-- Page 2 1012512�03 12:43 97�74�1$92 �ZEP CO PAGE �1/02 '+ � � Desigri I��v�ew' Board �►+c�rzaM ���tn� ������ ��� Department nf Cammun�ty Q�,«IQpmenQ �5 Snuth Frontage Rraa�dl Vafl,�lorada 81657' tet: 970.479.2I39 tax: 4aCr.�79.2452 �reb: w�vti+v.ci.�aiLc�_t�s Pro�ect Nanne: Ri�ney R�idence DRB Nurnber: bl�6�3Q492 Pra,�ect Description: Insk�il and encicsse air ct�ndit��ning r�f package ��1it. The enClc�sure yvili matCh the eXiSitr�g ci�imney's an the rnof a€t�� L.odge at'Uail id�Rtically. R�r¢cipants. (�WNE� WACENKNECHTf ]OHN, K�tRI., KAYii/03J�003 Phone: °/a MFtS� SHAFtC71�1 I� V�IA�ENICN�GHT, A��NT ?770 N� �BTF�! 5T FC7�tT LAl1bERDALE FL 333D8-2728 ti��rtise: APPLTCANT F��PIE1EtNSKI &COMFANY, LLC 11/43/�DD3 Phone; 970-9z6-1945 P.O. 8QX 46�9 AVON, CC7 �162C} }.�cense; CC�l+1°7"RA�TOR�ZE�IE]EL�VSK� &COINRMIY, LLC 11f 03J�00� Pha�r�e: P.Q. BQX 455� AVOI�, CO 81E��0 License: i18-A Proje�.t Addrr�,: 174 E GORE CREEK pR VASL ����: 174 E GORE C�.K #444 L�PGE @ VAIL L�gal Description: Lot: RBC Biock: 5C Subdivision: Vail billage�iling i P�r�l Nultther: �IQ10S��ib�9 Commen�s: 5ee C4nditior�� BOARQ/STA�F ACTYON Motior� By: Action: �TAFFAPR �ecnnd By: vote: nate of q�pro,►a�; 1 i/o6lzao3 Cor7ditinns.' �an�: B f RLAN): I�c��hanges�these pians rt�ay ae m�de without the writt�n�ons�nt of Tt��rn af vail stafF and/c�r the��propri�te retti�w comtriittee($�. �Cond: d C�'�N�: afte appr�oval r�q� not e�nstitute a perrtvt Por b�ailc�in�. Plea���onsult with Tc�wn of V�if 6uilding personnel pric�r Co constructiph activitEes. TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT� VATL FIRE DEPARTMENT � 75 S. FRONTAGE R4A.D VAIL, CQ $]657 970-479-2135 NOTE: '�HIS PERMIT MUST BE P�STED ON JOBSIT�AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Pearr�it #: A03-OU23 '�c_ _:a �'-��'_�`� Job Address: 4295 COLUMBINE DR VAIL Status . . . : [SSUEQ �catian.....: 4295 COLUMBIA R�AU Applied . . : 06/17/2003 Parcel No...: 2101122I 1000 Issued . . . 07/0$/20p3 Project No : ��jC.:' -��i`(C; Expires . .: O]/Q4/2004 dWNER WIND STREAM CONDOS 06/17/2003 Phone: 4295 COLUMBINE DR VAIL, CO 81657 License: CONTRACTOR SUPERIOR ALARM AND ELECTRONIa6/17/2003 Fhone: 97d--926-8788 P.O. S4X 2�68 EDWARDS,CO. 81632 Licens�: 429-5 APPLICANT SUPER�OR ALARM AND �LECTRONI06/17/2003 Phone: 97fl-926-8788 P.O. BOX 2568 L�'DWARDS,CO. 81632 License: 429-5 Desciption: NEW F[RE ALARM SYSTENI Ta BE 1NSTaLLED Valuatian: $22,240.00 ���**�**���*»�*e�*�n�em�s��t�r�s*#�a*ssa��*�*rx�sw�mr�srw*s*��+***��*:+ FEE Sl1h1MtlRY a*�**:*e*��rs*wswsrs�e*�*��:��**w�srz�sww��nse.t+:ss**s*�serss� Electricxl-------> �414_00 Total Calculated Fees--> $417.DO DRB Fce-----> $0.00 Additional Fees------> $6so.00 Investigation----> $0.00 ToTal Permit Fee-------� $1,Q67.00 Will Call--------� $3.oo Paymenis---------------> $1,06�.00 TOTAL F£LS--> $417.0o BAL.ANCG�UE--------> $0.00 �ssr*e�e.�ss*s�*�.*******�a**sss***«*��+sr.��:ar****�*�*�***t:r:ss�fa:�*►«ssx:*sa�*s**s:a��er�:�:�saaa�s«t**s****r►**ss.**�*****�**rs*�*�*s�*s+ss*a*+ Approvals: Item: 056(}0 FIRE DEPARTMEI�T 46/27j2003 mvaughan Action: AP move hallway d�tectars toward living raoms provide a�ea caverage �f living area and outside bedrooms. MMk*#�MRir##�*�k*3s*1*WttNftWbY**t##�t�#*tt�#*1#*###Y*k*�#w�####*######4#+###*i,k*Yt+F####4*t*#f*#�Rrk�Ftis*#t#*##i+KS**i#**#3:k##*#+M+k��###Rb*�+M+F*####�# CONDITiONS OF APPROVAL «***.���*.*.��.�*�*�.���*��*�*****���*�*��**.*�**«��*�«��*�,�.*.*�.*�*�*�*�*�**�***.�*�*�«*#****�*«���:*.*����������*.*�.*«���**��**�«*�**�***.��** DECLARA,TI4NS I hereby acknowledge that I have read�his application, filled out in full the i�rformation required, completed an �ccurate plot plan, and state tha#all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buiid this structure accord�ng to the towns zoning and subciivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and ather ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FQR[NSPECT[ON SHALL BE M�1DE T'1�'EIVTY-FOUR HOURS IN.4DV C TF,LEPHOV A ' 74-2135 FROM$:DO AM-S PM. i 1 1 TOWN�F VAIL DEt°'"ARTMENT UF C{7MMUI�(IT'Y DEVELOPMEI,iT 75 S. F�2.ONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CC3 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PQSTED ON JOBSFTE AT ALL TIMES ELE�CTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0087 ����LU > Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Locatian.....: 174 E GORE CRK #404 LO�GE @ VAIL Applied . . : 06/23/20a3 Parcel No...: 210108221059 Issued. . . . 07/03/2003 Project Nc� : '��-� �5 L �S �� Expires . .: 12l30/2003 OWNER WAG�NKNECHT, JOHN, KARL, Ii.AY46f23/2003 Phone: � NIRS. SHARON R. WAGENI�NECHT, AGEN'� 2770 NE 58TH ST FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33308-2728 License: CONTRACTdR MARMOT ELECTRIC 06/23/2003 Phone: 9?0-926-099a P.O. BOX 4511 AVON, CO 61620 Lieense: 250-E AFPLICANT MARM�T ELECTRIC Q6/23/2003 Phone: 97Q-926-0990 P.O. B�X 4511 AVON, CO 81620 License: 250-E Desciption: remodel of hotel raom Valuatian: $25,000.00 rt*s�rssr*��4**4**�*�rrs►*s�+�rw�r�r**+a**t*s***��***�****x�at*:s�*�se**t FEE Sl1MlV1A RY ***�e��restr*t*ttr***r********+*#***+**+�**�*******#******♦ Electrical---------� $45a.0o "FotalCalculatedFecs--> $453.00 DRB FeE--------> $0.00 .;dditional Fees---------> $0.DO Investigation—> $o.00 Total Permit Fee--------> $453.00 Will Call--------> $3.00 Payments-----------------� $453.DO T(�TAL FEES--> $453.00 BALANC�.DUE-------� $a.00 *ras*rsrsesse*ss�s*s+ss:�**tt**s�s�ss�rswss�ss��*�s�****r***�*st�ss»rrsv�*r**s�t**�r�r+r��rr:�sr**�***�***sr*sr*f*st*st**s**t*r*�*�a*�s���ar*at*s►srs Approvals: Item: 06004 EZECTRICAL DEPARTNIENT �6/23/2003 DF Acti.an,: P,P Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ***�s�*****�*�**e�*�s�w�srrs�rt***a*�*a��e*�s**�ser�rra�wx�sa*x***s�rz�a�*��***r��ta�***�*a*�*a:+s*+�**x�**e**Mr*s*asss*rrrws*�*:��rR*r*rw�s+�r**��rat�*x CQNDITIUNS OF APPROVAL cond: 12 (BLDG. ) ; FIELD INSPECTiONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE C�MPLIAi�TC}'s. 1�f W k�Y�k a t t F##*i'*�*�*rt##M##*##i E#rt�R R R A t�k M i�F*i i��k E*8 t t/*i*#�+k 4*#i i i i##t#i#t F rt t�k A t i s*##4 i#F Y�#M##AI�F�h�M�1�1�*�k�M*411+Y f t�kµY��Y*M�#M rt f�l N*#M�i#t**k*#*�*�k w**L��k 7*8# DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tl�at I have read thia applicatian, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tt►at all the informatian as required is correct. I agree to comp�y with the information and plot plan,to camply wit� all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisian codes,design review approved, Uniform Buiiding Code and other ordinances of the Tawn applicable theret�. � � � REQUE3TS FOR INSPECTION SHALL HE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HC}URS IN AI?VAhI Y TLLEPHQI�€���?I79- OR AT�UR QPFICE FROM 8:00 A�i-4 PM. C� f �.- STGNA�- OF QWNER Ol�CONTRACTUR FOR HIMSE�.F AND OWNEF r � ETE O�uNS /�� �j ` APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF II'�COMPL ��� 'lJ �J� fi P - ,�.. � n mit#• � ` r� _� r it #: _ � Inspections) � ' ��p'���' W O V EC L PERMIT APPLICA�ION J 75 S. Frvntage Rd. Vail, C�lorado 81657 CO T O INF - Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail R� �lo.: Cont�and Phone #'s: ���� �..CTr'��C�fG��'�- .2� --�- ���� �-�lail Address: Contractor Signature: �,.--�;�--�" _ �' COMPLET� . FEET F�R f�EW BUILDS a�c� VALUATIONS F(�R ALL UTHERS (Labvr & lMaterials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUGTUR�: ELECTRICAL VALUA7I4N; $ (�� ; Contact Ea !e Coun Assessors O�ce at 97'Q-328-8640 or visit www,ea �e-coun ,com for Parcel# Pa rcel # �'� �' �r�� � ' Jab Addres : �`���5 �, � 3ob Name: � ��' ,�.. .,. � � t� �r � Legal Descriptian Lot: ' B�ock: ��lirag: 5ubdivision: '�. 1 ' Address: Phon��,�� ��C( 0 �rs Name:�Q � En ineer: Address: Phone: ;� 9 Detaiaed descr�ption of wark. ,� �4 ���-`� � . � Work Class: New ( ) Add�tion ( � Rerr�odel { ftepair( ) Temp Power ( ) 4kher ( ) Work Type: Iraterior E�cteriar O Both ( j Qoes an ENU exist at this location: Yes O N� � ) Mukti-farsii9y ( ) Commercial Restaurant( ) Other( ) ' Type of Bldg.: 5ingle-family{ ) Duplex( ) ,' No. of Existing f7welling Urrits in this buiiding: No. of Actornmodation Ur�its in this building: Is th�s ermit for a hot tub: Yes N� Doe� a Fire A1arm Exist: Yes No ( ) Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ) No { } R��E�VED �**���,:x,:�*:�x*���,��:*X�:�x�x�:*x����*�:�***F�R OFFICE llSE ONLYxx��*x ,���x�x�'��1'���J�1��x,�� �x���:��� OtF�er�ees: 'Date Received: EV. DRB Fees: Acce teci B : Planner Si n-aff: o��zsnor�z 11V ai I'�data\cdev\FURM�1PCRNE I'TSIF.LECPET7M.BGC '� � • ��� : ,�; � � t �w,. ,,, ' ,� .. � , .r,., .:,— �i , i � ��. a k , i � 1 . . , - :.F�; L�, ,� , � h , � � � �� .. � , ! � � �• ��,a�� —� r r :h. .. i�ra..�. .�ii�... ' : �. .I�.n.:Y ' .. `I I [ Y 4 � I I d I � I I I L � n� C I P r' u ' TQWN OF VAII, FIRE DEPARTMEN�'� VA[L FIRE DEPAR'�'MENT � 75 S. FRONT'AGE R�AD VAIL, CO $1657 970-479-2135 NaTE: TH�S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON l4BSITE AT ALL T1MES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permbt #: F03-0426 �7�0{0 3 Jab Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 174 E G�RE CRK#404 L4DGE @ VA[L Applied. . : 06/24/2003 Pa.rcel No...: 210108221059 Issued . . . 08/25/2003 Project I�Ia : � j�,.,s"`�5�fS t 3� Expires . .: 02/21/200� OWNER WAGENKNECHT, JOF�+i, �AR.L� KAY�J 6�2 4�2�O3 Phone: � MRS. SHARON R. WAGENRNECH'I', AGEN'3' 2770 NE 58TFI S'I' FORT LAUD�RbALE FL 33308-2728 Lice�se: CONTRAGTOR ALL STATE FIR� PROTLCTI�N, I06/24/20D3 Phone: 3�3-288-3901 6d45 E �5'TH #12 COMMERCE CITY C� 80022 License: 370-5 AFPLICANT ALL STAT� �IR� PRQTECTZON, I06/24/2003 Phone: 3Q3-288-3901 6D45 E 76TH #12 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 License: 370-5 Desciption: 1�EMODEL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $6,fOd.00 •*+�*s****��*►*s���s�:�ees�s�sw*w�**s�s*r***�s*�r�c*ss******s�+*ae*s*r�a FEE S[1NIMARY ***s*►*****�**r***�*x**s**�++*�*�aw�sr��+wss►rs*�:**w��*�s*z�e Mechanieal---5 �140.Da Restuarant Plan Review—> $0.00 Total Calculatec�Fees---> $178.DD Plan Check---� $35.60 DItB Fee--------------> $0.UO Additional Pees---------> $7172.00 Investigation-> $0.00 TOTAL FEES-----------� $178.00 Talal Permit Fee----------> $350.00 Wik1 Call-----> $3.00 Paymenls--------------> $350.00 13ALANCE DUE--------> $0.00 ss��:�*s**�**r*sr�z�#r+ss:ar�*srr*�*�*�**�*�rwxrvt**t�rw*rr*+r«�*a*�*****�*********x*+���*x***��*rsw*sww*+:azs****s**sssss�as*xt�***�*rssssss�i*���r�* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEP.ARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 07/07/2a03 mvaughan Actic�rs: AP CaNDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : F'IELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED 'Td CHECK FQR C4DE COMPLIANCE. ��*��+�****a���*r�****�a*�*��**�*�����eraa***�*�a��a*s�s**r*�r�e**�s*rs*rsM�e�eesx*s**��r*.ma�r�as�s*�*��*�****�****�*�****+�****s**swrt****��***e**�* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read th�s application,fiIl�d out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to cornply with the information and plat plan,to cornply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure accordir�g to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approve�,Uniform Building Code and ather ordirsances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INS��CTI�N SHALL�MADE TWEI�TY-FO U S iN ADV�CE Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 FROM 9:00 AM-5 PM. , � I �, �'�a _ /- SIGNAT OF OWNER�R ONT'RACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND dWNEF TOWN OF VAIL �ARfiMENT OF CQMMUNITY DEVELO�NT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C� 81657 970-479-213 S NOTE: TH3S PERMIT i'v1UST BE PQSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAN[CAL PERMIT Perrnit #: M03n0238 �i;�- �' 1�� -� Job Address: 174 E GORB CREEK DR VA1L 5tatus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 174 E GORE CRK#404 LODGE @ VA1L Applied . . : 11/07/2003 Parcel Na...: 211}108221059 Issued . . . 11/26/2003 Project No : }� �-5�j-�;;.,�;ti �� ;,��, Cxpires . .: OS124/2004 OWNER WAGENKNEC�iT, JOHN, KARI�, KAY11/07/2003 Phane: $ MRS. SHARON R. WAGENKNECHT, AGENT 2770 NE 5$TH ST FORT LAUDERI�ALE FL 33308-2728 License: CONTR.ACTOR Main Mechanical 11/07/2003 Phane: 974-984-3250 6560 County Road #335, Unit 1 New Castle, CO 81647 License: 271-M APPLICANT Main MechaniCal 1.I/07/20d3 Phone: 974-984-3250 6560 Cflunty Road #335, Unit 1 Naw Castle, CO 81647 License: 271-M Desciption: add forced air cooling to unit Valuation: $5,500.�0 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #of Uas Appliances: 0 #�of Gas Logs: 0 #of V1WoQd Peflet: 0 +�«*�*�z*�**�*******��*r��***�*���*�*a��*�*a�rs*�*��ss�*�*.x*�rs*v��*wg* FEE S UM;VIARY +k*s*W+kt�sswwtrw**x�*»wrxs*+c*+ssMS*r*#�*xr*xr���*sxMrxrtrt#x�aa MechaniCal---> $120.Oa Restuarsn#P&an Review--> $0.40 T�taf Calculated Fees---> $253.0� Plan Check---> $3 0.00 DRB Fec-----------------> $0,0 Q Additianal Feew-----------> S a.a a lnvestigatian-> $0_OD TOTAI.I'EES------------> $153.00 Tatal Pemtit Fee-�------> $153.�0 Will Call-----> $3,0o Payments--�------------> $153.00 HALANCE DUE--------> $o_oa �w*�*s*+a�****+*s���a*:t�fi*��s***+rst******.�ssv*��aa�*r*at*«*ara*�**:�aes•�r�rs:ess**�*�ea*a�*s*a*+**a�«r**s�****��*was**�a*�*ww*r*��*w+�r�ww�s�*s��* Item: 0510fl Bil'��DING D��ARTMEI�T`I' 11/07/2003 DF Actian: AP 11/24/2003 GCD Action: AP Item: 05600 FTR� D�PARTMENT co�vDZT�orr o� A��xovaL cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T� CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA�+TCE. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : TNS'I'ALLATION MUST C�NF`ORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ,AND TO �HAPTER 10 C?F THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER 10 OF T'HE 1997 IMC. Cand: 29 {BLD�G. ) : ACCESS TO HEATI1�tG EQUIPMENT MUST COMFLY V�1ITH CHAPT�R 3 AND SEC.1017 OF THE 1997 UMC AND CHAPTER 3 OF TI�E �997 IMC. Cond: 32 � � (BLDG. ) : PERMIT,PLAN� AND CdDE AN.AI,YSIS MUST BE POSTE� IN MECHI�NICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 3� (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BO�LERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DR.AIN PER SEC. 1022 OF TN� 1997 UMC, dR SECTION 1�04 .6 OF THE I997 IMC. :��.*:*���*�*�«»x*»**.:.�:*�**�*..**��*�:*��:��.�..����*�*.�*�:���:��*�*��«*�*���**��+�����«�**���..�:�:*«��«��:�����:�»�*W�*.x:.:�**:«��«*�*�.*� DECLARATIOl'�S I hereby acicnowledge that [ have read this applicatian, filled�ut in fuDl the information r�quired, completed an accurate plot pIan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comp(y with fhe inforrnation and plot plan,to comply with ail Town ordinaraces and state laws, and ta build th�s structure accord�z�g to the towns zonir�g and subdivision cades, desagn review appro�ved,Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INST'GCTION SHALL BE MADE TWEt�ITY-F�UR HC1�IL5 II�ADVAN E HY TE EPHONE AT 479-21�9 OR AT UUR nFFICE FRQM 8;00 AM-4 FM. r � �, r'r ui�.�.� GA.�f,���id%r� 1 SIGNATURE OF QWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF � � APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCE�TED IF INCOMPLE�'�OR UN��A�_Ot�� Project#• I Building Permit#:�l�i��3� �����?- Mec�anical Permit#: � 970-479-2749(Inspections) ����� TO OF AIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd. P Et will not be accepted without the fa ing: Yail, Colorado 8165 �� ro Me n I Room t sca e t clu • M ic m Dimen ns � � -� • b #io uct Si ar�d cati • at� ps C d ize a Lo ��f p� ���j,�,,,,4 . l �`�� � � • E me Sp�ec Sh J CQNTRACTQR INF4R�v��TiOiv Mechanical Cantractor: Town of Vail Reg. No.; Cor�ta�t and Phone#'s: wllail�r V��'(.,N�P%iC�LyI1JL, ��� -� Ci�'�tZl�a t-}W '{�z��P-' ��7tli-�`��b�".'3'��G II E-Mail Address: �wict+K(�; S��?W�5.Kc� Cantractor Si nature: c��. ,��- I CQMPLETE VALUATION FUI� MEGHANICAL PERMIT Labor 8� Mater�als MECHANIGAL: $ �,�j�;�'= Contact a Je Coun Assessors O�ce a#9T0-328-8640 or visit www.ea le-count .com for Parce!# Parcel � ` 'J,y � b I�a e: wv�,�E r'�, v�iL �;�,•�ti �Z °� �`� ��.�e,� ��„`�,�� ,lob Address: t1� E��>'� L�ct� �t�c� D� Legal �escript+on Lot: Biock: Filirag; 5ubdivision: IOwners Name: �a,,,i��;�;� I Address: �;,t,�� �, �•w�L Phone: Engineer: � Address: I Phone: Detailed description of work: i�n�) �v�•.:r wii":. ��n�;,N�� -1-v �F};T Work Class: New( } Additian ( ) Alteration{� Repair( ) Other( ) � �Boiler Location: Interiar( y Exterior( ) Other( ) �oes an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No(�Q � Type of Bldg: Sing�e-family( ) Duplex( } Multi-family(�) Commercial( ) Restaurant( } Other{ ) IUo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No. of Accommodation Units in th'ts building: i No/Type of�ireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances( ) Gas Logs( ) Woo�d/Pellet( ) Wood Burni�g( ) I II �lofType ofi Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances� ) Gas Lcx,�s( ) Wood/Pellet( ? Woo�Burr�ing (h10�ALLOWEDa Is this a conversion from a waod buming fireplace to en EPA Phase II device? Yes O No O ***,�*w*,�,�,►****��*�,�**wFOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****�***�*t*,�***,�,,t****x** E?ther Fees: � Planner Sign-off: Acce ted 8y: ! DRB Fees:_ _ _-�Date Received: � � 11Vai!tdatalctle v1FOR.T�15\PERM IT5IMEGHPERM.DOC 0 7124l2042 �CD�,p���, �.2,ecc� �c�,rc.e,� �u.as�'�.�'err�ustu� �I'��'�[c�.y1. . � . � � a � T�iPN�F YA1L Town af Vail Mechanical Cad�s and Des�s;qn Criteri� � You must obtain Design �eview Baard (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterivr work. This includes and is not limited to removal and replacement of driveway snow me�t systems. Please contact a planner at 47g-2128 f�efore submitt�ng your mechanical permit application. ♦ The Town af Vail has adopted the 1998 Inter�ational Mechanical Coc�e tIMC) w►ith th� 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code �UMC) as an acceptable altemative. ♦ Afl new construction within the Town of Vail is cansidered to be of unusua�ly tight constructior�,thus all combustivn air is requ"rred tn be drawn from outside t#�e structure for mechanical equipment, Referen�ce the 1997 UM�C Sec. 701.2. Town of Vail Fire Ip ace Ordinance In September of 1991,Yhe Vai!Town CQUncil adopted an ordinanc�which restricts te construction and use of open hearth fireglaces within munici�al boundaries. Since thattime the ordinance has undergone r�umerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet efFectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the follvwing criteria has been adopte�i; ♦ Cunstruction of open hearth wood burning firepiaces is no langer permitted within Town of Vail municipal baundaries. ♦ Dweil%nq [Jnits- Each new dwelling unit may contain: One �'!) EPA Phase il certified solid fuel burning de�ice and no rnore than twv (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no mvre than#wo(2) gas appliance fireplaces (B bent). • Restricted Dwellin Un�ts- Each new rQStricted dwellang unit rnay cantain: One(1) gas log freplace and not more than one{1) gas appliance fireplace. ♦ A+�cammodation U�its-Each new accommoda#ion unit may cantain: One(1}gas log fire�oiace or one {1) gas appliance fireplace. � �f two or mvre separate dweNing units or accommodation units are combined ta form one larger unit,the comi�ined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exisfs) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convert up to fiwo existing fireplaces to gas. ♦ If during the course of a remodel art existing woodbe�rning fir�place is altered or moved,the unit mustthen camply with all provisions af the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted tv n�tural gas or repia�ed by an EPA Phase II certified unit. \\V ailldaEalcde v1FORMS�I'ERMTTSWIECHP&R3v4.DOC 0?!24%2f102 � � � � � Main Mechanical, Inc. ' 6560 County Road 335 .�^'��; Unii#1 '�', New Castle,CO 81647 PhoRe: 970-9843250 Fax: 970-984-3226 Submittal Data foa� Rigney Remade� The Lodge at Vai1 1?4 E. Gore �Creel� Dr. Units 40►2 & 404 Va�l, Colorado October 21, �003 � � Index of Equipment Carrier SOGSp24301 Raof Top Unit Neptronic SKR14 Stea�n Humidifier Rohertsharav 300-224 Thermostat Hart and CoaIey VX Supply Grille Hart and Cooley LS Series Linear Diffuser Hart and Caaley RH45 Return Grille • ! Prc�du�t �o�s . • ❑�t� Sing�e-Package � Electric Coaling HEATING&GOQ�ING �n'f� 1-112 to 5 Nominal Tons Single packaged Cooling Unit for Resid�ntial and Light Commercial use. Features/�enefits On�-piece cooling unit with ogtional electric heater, low instaTlation cost, dependable performance and easy maintenance. Easy Installaiiion Factory-assembled packege is a compact,fulIy self-GOntained,electric cooling unit that is pre-wired,pre- piped,and pre-cbarged for minimum a " d ins#allation expense, SOGS units are ` b ° ' available in a variety of standard � caaling sizes with voltage options to meet resitiential and ligh!commercial requirements. Units install easily on a raoftop or a graund-lcvel pad.The high-tech composice basepan i elir�inates rust problems associated � with ground level applications. E�6Gient operation High-efficiency design with SEERs (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios) of 10.0. Durable,dependable components � Compressors are designed for high efficiency. Each compressor is hermetically sealed against contaminatian to help prornote longer life and dependable operation. UN�T 5aG5 Vibration isolation provides quiet operation.All compressors have internal high-pressure and vvercurrent protection. Convertible d�ct canSgurallon Unit is designed for easy use in either downflow or horizontal applications. �ach unit is easily converted from horizonta�to downflow with addition of two accessary duct covers. Durable,dependsble components Copyright 1999 CarrierCorporation Form 5�GS-1PD � � Drrect-drive mul�i-speed,PSC transfer and cooling ef�iciency.The positive basepan to roof curb se�l when (permanent split capacitor)blawer �vaporator coil is fabrieated frorn the uAit is rovf mounted.A convenient motor is standard on all SOGS models. copper tube and aluminum fins and is 3/4-in.wide perirneter flange makes Direct-drive,PSC condenser-fan IoGated inside the unit for protcction frame mounting on a rooftop easy. �ators are desi ned to hel reduce against damage.The�ondensea coil is g � internally mourited on the top tier of the �own8aw operation is�easily pravided energy consumption and provide for �it.A F10P(Factory-Installed Option) �n the field to allow vertical ductwark cooling ageration down ta 55°P outdoor metal louvered grille is available on all connecrions.�he bascpan utilizes tcmperature.Motormaster�II low knockout style seals 4n the bottom ambienr kit is avaitable as a field- �odeIs.Copper fin coils and pre-coated fin coils are available from the factory openings to ensurc a pasitive seal in the installed accessary. by special order.These coils arc horizontal airRow mode. Corporate thermostats include the recommended in applications where Cabinets are constructed of heavy- Time GuardCx�II anti-short cycle atuminu�n fins are Izkely to be damaged duty,phosphated,zinc-eoatec� protection eucuitry.Lf a non-Carrier �iue to corrosion.They are idea]for prepainted steel capable af thermastat is used the Time Guard II seacoas#applications. withstanding 500 hoz.irs of salt spray. field installed anti-sho�t cycle kit is Interior surfaces af the evaporator and recommended. Low sound ratings ensure a yuiet electrzc heat campartments are indoor and outdoor environment wi#h insulated with cleanable semi-rigid Reirigerant system is designed to sound ratings as low as 7.5 bels. insulation board,which keeps the pravidc dependability.Liquid refrigerant conditioned air from being affected by strainers are used to pro�ote clean, Es►sy to service cabinets provide easy the outdoor ambient temperature and unrestricted operatiun Each unit leaves single-panel aceessibility to serviceable the factory with a Pull refrigerant chatge. components during maintenance and Provides improved indoor air quality. installatin�.The base {Conforms toAmerican Society of Refrigerant service connections arc pan with Heating,Refri�eration andAir providcd for checking opezating integated drain pan provides easy pressures. ground level installation wikh orwithout Conditioning Engineers No.62P.}The a mounting pad.Com�enient handholds sloped dtain pan minimizes standing Evaporatar and eandeaser coils are are provided to manipulate the unit on u''ater in the drain,vrhich is provided computcr�ciesigned far aptimum i�eat tiie jnbsite.A nesting feature ensures a �th an external drain. Tab�le af con#ents Page Features,Benefits . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . .. 1,2 Model Number Nomenclature. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .3 ARICapacities. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... 3,4 PhysicalData . . . . .. .... . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . .... . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .5 (�ptionsand Accessories . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . ... .. ... .. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . b,7 BascUnitDimensions . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 8,9 Accessory Dimensions. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .10 Selection Procedure . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. .11 Ferforrnance Data.. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . 12-17 TypicalPiping and Wiring. .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . ... .. .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. ... . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .. .1� ApplicationData .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. .. . . . .. ..19 ElectricalData .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. .20 Typical Wining Schematics . . . . . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . .. . � � .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. ,. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . 2]-23 Controls . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . .24 Guide Specificatians .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. • -- . . . ., .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. .. , . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . 25,26 2 � � tVlodel number namenclature SDGS 024 3 0 1 AD �ptions — Wire Grille Model No. AD — Louvered Grllle 5�GS—Single P2ckage BT — Wire Grille and Vinyl-Coated ElectriC Caoling Condenser Cofl Fin XT — Louvered Grille ahd Vir�yl-Coated Nominai Cooling Capacity(Tans� Condenser Co[I Fin 018—1-112 CC — WCre Griife,AL Evaporator and 024—2 CU/CU Condenser Coit 030—2-1/2 CU — Wire Grlll�,CUIGU euaporetor and 036—3 candenser coils 042—3-112 AC — Lauvered Grille,AL Evaporator and 048—4 GUICU candenser Goii OBO—5 AU — Lavvered GNlle,CUlCU Evaporator artd Condenser Caifs AL—Aluminum CU—Copper Packaging Serles V-PYa-Hz 3—208/23�-'f-60 5—2081230-3-60 6—460-3-fi0 �►RI* capacities COQLING CAPACITIES AND EFFICIENCIES UNIT 50GS NOMINAL TONS STANDAR6 CFM NEt COOLING gEERt SOUM�RATINGS" CAPACfTIES(Btuh) (Bels) 018 1-1!2 660 18,pOQ 10.0 7.5 024 2 800 24,600 10.0 7.5 Q30 2-112 1060 28,600 10.0 7.5 Q36 3 1200 34,4U0 10.D 8.0 042 3-112 14b0 42,000 10.0 $.0 048 4 1600 4&,506 10.0 9.0 O60 5 2000 64,OOQ 10.0 8.0 LEGEND � NOTES: Bels — Saund Levels(1 bEl=10 decibels) 1. Rat�ngs are net values, reflecting the effects of circuiating fan heat. db — Dry�ulb Ratings are based on: SEER — Sessonal Energy Efficiency Ratio Cooling Standard: 80°F db, 67°F w6 induor entering-air tempera- wb — Wet Bui6 ture and 95°F db outdoor entering-air temperalure. ' Air Conditioning 8 Refrigeration Institute. 2. Before purchasing this appliance,read important energy cosl and t Rafed in aecordance with U.S_Gavernment DOE Department of efficiency information available firom your retailer. Energy}lesi procedures andlor ARI Standard 210l240-94. $ Tested in accordance with ARI Standard 270-95(nat listed in ARI). 3 P� . � � ysical data UMIT SIZE 5aC,5 o�e o2a �an oss oa� oae asa NOMINAL CAPACITY(ton� 1-��2 Z z-7�z 3 3��2 4 5 OPERATING WEIGHT(Ib) 254 260 258 262 294 324 389 COMPRES5C3R Reciprocating Scroll Reciprocafing REFRIGERANT(R-22) Quantlty(16) 2.6 3.5 3.fi5 3.75 5.7 B.0 8,0 REFRIL'aERAMT METEltING DEVlC£ AcutroiTM Device Orlflce I�(In.) ,034 .034 .034 .D32 .034 p32 ,03p CONOENSER COIL Raws—Flnslln. 1-17 1-17 E-17 1-17 1-17 1-17 2-17 Faee Area(sq ft) 5.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 9.1 12.3 t2.3 C�NDEMSER�AN MomtnalCim 20fla 2400 2400 3000 3d00 3&QO 3600 Dlacneter{in.) 22 22 22 98 22 22 22 Motar Hp(Rpm} 1/6(825) 1l8(825} 1/8(825) 1l4(1100) 1/4(11p0) 1!d(1100) 1!4(1100) EVAPORATOR COIL Rows—Flnslln. 2-15 2-15 2-15 3--15 4-15 3-55 4-15 Face Aree(sq fl) 3.1 3.1 3.7 3.08 3.OS 47 4.7 EVAPORATOR BLOWER Nnminal Alrflaw(Cfm) 60� 8�0 1000 1200 1400 160p 2p0� Slze(In.) 10x10 10x10 10x10 11x10 11x10 11x10 11x10 Motor(Hpj V4 1!4 1/4 1/2 3/4 3!4 1.0 RETURN.qIR�ILTERS(In.)• Throwaway 20 x 20 2fl x 20 20 x 20 20 x 24 20 x 24 24 x 30 24 x 3Q 'Required fllter sizes shown ara based on the iarger of!he ARI(Air Conditioning&RefrigeiatiDn It�stitutej rated cooling airflow or the heafing afrHow velociry of 3db ft/min for throwaway type ar 450 ft/min for high-capacity rype. Air fi9ter pressure drop for non-standard fllters must nat exceed�.Q8 in.wg. �`t.gt cor r v� ao - �L . �.� ,s . , ryfi .� Q�41 aP�''S 4 � � � • Opt�ons and accessor�es F$ctory-installed opt�oras power supply for the entire unat, resulting in lower Louvered grille provides hail and wandalism installed costs. protection.A wire grille is standart�on all models. See FI�t roof curbs in both 8 in. and 14 in. sizes are motlel number nomenciature for louvered grille available for roof mot�nted ap�lications. �pt;a�' Square-to-raund duet transition l�it enables 024-048 Coii options include copper/copper and vinyl-caated size units to be fitted to 14 in.round ductwork. construction for refrigerant coils, Units are shipped �ompressor har�d start kit assists compressor start-up standard with copper tube/aluminum fin construction. (�y providing additional starting toryue on single phase Se�model number nomenclature for coi] options, unxts and prolongs compressor motor life. Field-installed accessories D�ct conversion Itit cansists of 2 duct covexs to be Economizer with Solid-State Controls and Berometric pIaeed over the horizontal supply and return duct �elief�ampers openings when the unit is converted far downshot Manual Air�amper{259"a op��� applications. Ffhe�Ra°k Thermostats provide control for th�e system heating Electric Heaters and cooling�unctions.Thermostat models are available FlatRooiCurbs(8-in.and �4-in.) lII bOtt1 �YTOgCE1IriLT1a�7I� and non-programmable Square-to-Round DuctTransitiun Kit versions. The rmos tats Controls Upgrade Kit Controls upgrade ki# supplies high and low pressure Crankcase Heater saFery protection atad protects the u�it from operating in Compressor Hard Start K1t(for use on singRe-phase un4fs onlyj unsuitable conditions. Riggdng Kit Crankcase heater provides anti-flaadback protection Low Ambienl Kit(Motormasler�II Cantrol} for low-load cooling applications. Solid-Siata Time Cuard�II Device Rigging Itit includes lifting brackets whieh are inserted Quct Corrversion Klt(Horizontal io Vertical} inco the hasepan handholds to rig unit for rooftop Economizer with solid-state contrals and applieations. baro�uetric relief dampers includes frlter rac�s and Low-ambie�t kit (Motormaster II control) ailpws provide outdoor air during caa�ing and reduce the use of rnechanical cooling down to outdoor compressor operativn. temperatures as low as 0°F. Manual out5ide �ir damper includes hood and filter So�id-state Time Guard II device pravides short- rack wittt adjustable damper blade £or up to 25% cycling protectian for the compressor. Not required outdoor air. �arith cotporate electronic thermostats. Electric heaters provide heat in the unit when Filter rack features easy installation, serviceability, required. Heater sizes range from 5.0 to 20.0 kW. The antd l�igh-filtering performance for vertical applieations. elec�c heater design allvws the use of a single-poiat ELE�TRI� HEATERS ODS CATALiDG NOMiNAL CAPACITY USED WITH SI�ES OROERING NO. (kW) 018 024 �30 036 042 048 060 ELECTRIC HEATERS(2fl81230--SlNGLE PHASE—80 Hz) CPFiEATER052A�6 5,0 X X X X X X X CPHEATERO65A96 10.0 X X X X X M X CPHEATEROSQAO� 90.0 X X X CPHEATERU51A00 15.0 X X X X X CPHEATER054Aa0 2p,p X x x ELECTRIC HEATERS(2081230—3 PHASE—80 Hz} CPHEATER055A80 5.D X X X X X CPHEATER056A00 10.0 X X X X X CPHEATER037Ad0 15,0 X X X X X CPHEATEROSBAOil 20.0 K )( ){ ELECTRIC NEpTERS(A60—3 PHASE—80 Hz} CPHEATERO60A40 5.0 X X X X CPHEATERQb'tA00 10.0 X X X X CPHE/1TER062A60 t5.0 X X X X CPHEATER063AOU sa.a X X X EEGENa O�S—prder p€stribution System fJOT�:Efectric heakers are rated at 240 v and 480�.Reter to MultEpficadon Factors table for other voltages. 5 • � ECOIWOMIZER ��� • � FILTERACCESSpOOR i �. .. (HQRiZONTAL �* :':: APPLIGaT�ONONLY). - Fei_TFF P�U NflT REM6VE �;''� FROM DO'WNROW D35CHARGE. �a� �.':� ... REPLACEMENT �� %:n:C3`�P'vJMIxLf! � PANEL �• � r� h- HOLEFOR ECOPiflMIZER " " WIRING HAFiNESS r. " a• st,. t �1fap2• � y.� I � � � RAINH04D DOOR �' �� , - L0.TCH pMQLE °� °�f:6tY4..K p@�Fd�CiRF�FFl �a va^ .x:�''";� - � r���cr�rae�aaa�F� �� � 5ii)F WIF'M1 +�hl tAG'I I S'IC3� HINqED FILTER ACCESS i700R �NSTALL F4LTER ACCE55 ALUMINUM FE�7Ff� DOO�R&TIGK�R FlLTER C r�IL � FG:JfhIC4AIT=R G � 0 a 01a�C Fl�:N�.F. �r<Rr�:G [�1P�ll. FILTER RACK MACYUAf.OU`I'S1DE A1R De1MPER �ENO FLANGE AT90°-SCFtEW TO ❑IUIDER VYITH 1•IN.SCREW REP�ACEMENT I PRNEL I I� I r � TQP FILTER RAGK � AIR HOOD��S�pE � EVAPORATOR COIL • � DAMPER r° BLAOE � r � � � � �� � � d � • • • • r • � r • � BOTTQM FILTER � RACK : 6 B i ■ � • � ase unit dim�ns�ons 50GS024-03F D I AEEN514N5 I H t] AflE I N I NCHES �[r.�ron�ra�eon 66.0 151 0 I f7.]91 11-0.00F 17{F501 110 OG1 T0.1 qCIIIFN 13.iA] � SL� �HAE �z�z a���? � R[TIIqM �� �411►f1 Y j pyj� �06.1 m�lOP[NfMG APEII1119 j I�YI [16 PY I � plly 1 flll I Nlly 1 NII * SUPPLI � • R[iIINM J�, ��� I NI �02.-0 ppCT qlCi 1 - ��� 111 fIS.dI! OPEIIING ' • OvL�l�S r n� � plll RB , � � I � ����€� ��3i�t����� iit t [��EBS[R t0it U.[]I� 1�9.6 SS9.5 Nl.d � [f.ell Iti,573 le.e31 C4MVRCSSOfi,BLOffP,[LC[IA�[x[AI TOP VlEW ii:�a3 fiEAR VIEW 1 EIECTNIC A[GESS►AM(L 790.5 - II!!i lii.all U7.001 FIELO[XT'A1 =�•� � SCflYiCE R011T5 Id.11] � A�.S(1.1$)plA,f,Q, �fR[�7G� 72.2[G_6l10111 NOIC ` LOMIROL E1TH . F 57�.7 • ♦ + d22_I51 • C� . . . 77.1 iJ�.7 17.l31 Z • ' ' , ' �7t.2 f5.70] .� na.an �2'7 326.5 I 67.i h.6E] � [IY.651 172f.J -�1 li./!I l31.d Iq.2�1 il31 � � S-� 132.7�] �qpAlA dITLFf II.BII l0.77] L� Slb� Y�EW i'ii_a°ie5e�i oFT' Ffl01YT 'lI�W RICiH7 9DE ViEIN REQEIIREU CLEARANCE TO GDMBlJ5T18LE MATL. REQUIRED CLEARANCE FOR OPERATION ANp SERVICING MILLIMETERS[IIV.] MILLIARETERS[IN.] TC1P OF UNIT.........................................................._.......................355.6[34.00) EVAP.COIL ACCESS SIDE.............._.._._..._..............._......._.._._.....914A[36.00� OUGT SI�E OF UNIT............................__---..........,.................,...,..SO.S[2.00� PCRNER ENTRY SIDE....,..................._.......-- ---•-.._..............7066.8[42.0� SIDE OPPOSITE bUC?S................................................................355.6[1d.00J (EXGEPT FAR NEG REQUIREMEM1iTS) 607TOM OF UMIT.............................................................................12.7 0.50 UNIT TOP.......................................................................................12192[4$.00] �LECTR�C HEAT PANEL.................................................................9t4A E36.0�] SIOE OPPdSITE�t1CTS.........----.----_.....__..._.. . 914A[36.�0� -°,-.,........ DUCTPANEL...................................................................................304.8(12.00]. NEG.42EQUI�tEQ CLEARAIVCE5. MILLIME7�RS[IM1i.j 'MINIMUM DISTANGES: IF 11NIT YS PLACED LESS THAN 304.8[12.00]FROM BETWEEN UNITS,POWER ENTR1'SIDE..._...._........................1065.6 42.00 WALL SYSTEM.THEN SYSTEM PERFORMANCE NlAYBE CbMPROMISE. UNiT AN�UNGROl1NDEQ SIJRFACES,PpWER ENTRY SIDE...914.0�36A0� UIVlT ANp E3LC�CK OR CONGf�ETE WALLS AN�OTFIER GROUhIDED SURFAGES,?OWER ENTRY SIE7E.........................1066.8�42.00� llhllT �LECTRICAL UNIT WEIGHT UNIT HEIGHT CENTEIR Om6RAVITY CHARACTERISTICS fn.[mm] � Ib kg '�A'� 5( Y Z 50G5018 298/230-1-BO 254 115.2 35.02[889.5] 2D.6�506.6] 13.0[33D.2] 15.0[381.a] SOGS02d 206/230-1-60 2fiD 117.9 35.02�889.5] 19[482.B] 13A[330.2] 15.6(381.4] SUGS03� 20 812 30-1-5 0,2Q6l23fl-3-60 258 117.0 35.02[889.5J 19[4826) 14[355.6] 15.�[38i.0) 50GS036 208l230-1-60,208l230-3-6Q,460-3-6� 262 119.9 35.02[889.5] 2Q.0[50.90� 14[355.6j 13.0[330.2] 50GSI14? 206I230-1-6Q 208f230-3-66,460-3-60 294 133.$ 35.02[869.5j 19[d62,6] 14 j355.6j 13.0[330.2] 7 Base unit dim � � ensions-50GSO42-Ofia 66.0 e�s.e 9a.a ass a I3.3tl! [II.00I tl).{91 III.Od] �IIEN310M5 iM fl ARE ill i��ICX€S 10.� p�� � C2.i71 � SUPPLI iC$i:� ��sa'�' � pF41qE111 1 � OFTIq1AC .. � REIUpN 1 � SUPPI� 105./ �IA 1 Rtk �� f16.00] II �{��XG i � OP(MIIIG �IIA u � � �uu IY � �� �� 3uPPV� qETURX �- ��ar� ����I OUfT 00CT � � /02.0 �ENtN6 OPEAIIW � 113.631 �ll II Y�r � � � � v,�voRarox ca+� � �aT.� � i+6!I .1ft.t 3+1.3 ]Sl.d � ����aas�_ _==s�����g� fl].!1] 1i1.617 [I1.271 ee.� [dIMxSEA COiI� [3.481 M .� TOP VIEW REbR VIEW COYP6ESSOII,qL0�E1,tLEC111iC MiAf 6 CLCCIB3C ACGESS �090.i n67.! d�2.B�} L�7.001 t7.0 � Fi[L�EIItR1 [O.IIE SERYItE PDRTS u.i[i.159 D��II.O. AOffR CIIiqA A ' . � � t2.2 f0.E81 OIA Nd,E �6 LOM7qOL fXTqi 6d0.2 � f11.1Z1 � . , . Z 1�/.6 i7.� . . . �i_ae� . �z�.i ' ta.asi ' �it.au eT.� �t 7 I 1).i31 � !2?.� - f1.661 [It.f31 � �7}.? 5.0 li?).! 4•.-..-i�t6.3 � [i-6�1 10.201 u�.tz� \\ ne.tet `--17PAIK d17LE1 LEFT SIDE V1EW X'2Z a°aa's>>-6:d: FR�NT VIEW RIGFiT SIDE V1EW REQUlRED CIEARANCE TO CDMSUST�BLE MqTL. REQUIRED CLEARANCE FOR QPERATI01�AND SERVICIMG MILLIMETERS[IN.] MILLIMET�RS[EN.) 7[]P OF I1NIT............................. . ................... ..........._.�.�.��..350.8[Z.00], POWER�E'NTRY SSpESIOE.........................,.....................................914.6[35.00] DUCT SI�E OF UNIT.......................................... ... _...........___....._..__..1066_8[42.00) SIDE OPPOSITE CYUCTS..........__..................................................355.6[14.00] (EXCEPT F6R NEC REQUIREMENTS) 80TTOM OF UNIT.............................................................................12.7(0.50] UNIT TOP...................................,.....,..........._..................,.,.,.,.....,.1219.2[48.00J ELECTRIC HEAT PANEL_...............................................................914.4[3�i.90] SIDE OPPOSITE�UC�fS..................,.............................................914.6[36.00] DUCT�ANEL...................._...--- -................,......,......................304.8[12.Ofl]. d9EC.REQUIRED CLEARRNCES. MlLLIMETERS pN.J `MINIMUM DISTANCES: IF UNIT IS PLACEO LESS THAN 344.8�12.00]FROM BETWEEN UNITS,POWER ENTRY SIDE......................... . ..1088.8[42.00] WALL SYSTEM,THEN SYSTEM PERFaRMANCE MAYBE COMPROMISE. Uf�lIT Af+�D UNGR�UN�E�SURFACES,POWER ENTRY SI�E...914.0[36.Oa] UNIT RNQ BLOGFC OR CQIVCRETE WALLS AhlD OTHER GROUNDED SURFACES,fiOWER ENTRY SIQE.........................1066:8[42.00] U�I1T EL@GTRICAL UI�iT WEIGHT �1NIT IiEfGHT CEMTER OF GRAVfTY CHARACTERISTICS in.[mm] In.[mm] Ib kg "A° X Y Z 5QG50d8 208l230-1-60,2Q8l230-3-6Q,460-3-fi0 324 i45 3fl.9B[99p,2] 20[508] 17[432] 17[432.0] SOG5060 208/230-1-60,208l230-3-60,460-3-60 389 176 38:98[990,2] 19 E482.6] 16[4fl6] 17[432.0] g � ` � Accessary dimensf�ans UNIT SfZE �4S CATALOG A B C p ORDERING NO. ln.[mm] in.[mm] In.[mm] In.[mm] 50G501B-042 CPRFCUR604BA60 8[203] 11-27J32[301] 30-518[778] 28-3/4[73�] FLAT CURB CPRFCURBO{77A00 14[356] 17-27132�3Q1j 36-5I8[778] 28-314[730] SOGSO48-060 CPRFCUR8008A00 B[203] 75-27/32[a02] 42-1/8(�070] 40-714�1022] CPRFCl1RBd09A�0 14[356] 15-27l32�402] 42-1/8�1070] 4Q-1/4(1022j NQTES: 1. Rc�of curb must be se4 up ior unit being fnstalied. 2. 5eal strip must be applled as requlred to unit being installed. 3. Dlmenslons in[J are 9n miAimeters. 4. Roai curb is made of 16 gage steel. 5. Table lisfs only the dimensions per part number that have changed. 5. Attach duchvprk fo CuI'b(Flanges of duat rest on cu�b). 7. Insulated panels:1-in.thick fberglass 1 Ib density. B. Dimensions are in Enches. C �6 3/l6 B l7 3/8 D TYP. 44 Sf16 00 00 I TYP. �re ° �f-t� � � �`� p � SUf'P�RT B �'— 13/16 A ^ � � • � � SUPPpRT A <2> sine —12L cz� 0 o ENA WiEW �� ea� a o DECK PAN C[N3ULpTEO) 51�E PANEL 0.75" � BRSE PAN 4'0�� 3.0" �OTTOM SUPPLY � SUPPORT RIB(S) SEAL STRIP (FACTaRY SLJPPLIED) COL�NTER FLASHING ' NAILER (FIELD SUPPLIED) ROOFING FELT {FIELD SUPPLIE�) CANT STRIP INSULATION {FIEL�SUPPLIE�) (FIELD SUPPLJED) ROi�FING MATERIAL {FIEL�SUpPLIED) Full Perimeter Curb q � � I Determine cooE�ng and heating requ�rements at design Enter the Electric Heater table for 208/230, single-phase, condirions: SUGS036 unit. The 5-kW heater at 240� most closely Given: satisfies the heatirag required. To calculate kW at 20&v, Reguired Caoiing Capacity(TC) . . . . .. . .. 34,OQ0 Btuh multiply the heater kVi�by multipiication faetvr 0.75 found Sensible Heat Capacity{SHC) . . . . . . . .. . . 25,OOQ Btuh in the Wattage Multiplication Factors tabfe. Required Heating Capaeity. . . . .. . .. . . . .. 15,OOQ Btuh 5 kW x 0.75=4.6 kW Condea�ser Entering tlia Temperature. . .. . .. .. .. . 95°F 3.75 kW x 3414 Btuh/kW= 12,802.5 Btuh Indoor-.4ir Temperature . . . . . . . . . . 80°F edb,67°�'ewb N Determine fan speed and power requirements at design Evaporator Air Quantity . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1200 cfm conditions. External Static Pressure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 0.2 in. wg Before entering the air delivery tables, calculate the tot�l �lectrical Characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .2D8-1-fi0 static press�are required. Frnm tE�e given, Filter Pressure II Select unit based on reqt�ired cooting capacity. Drop table,find: En[er Net Cooling Capacities table at ca�ndenser er�tering �xtemal static�ressure 0.20 in,wg temperature of 95°P. Unit SUGS03b at 120Q cfin and 67°F Filter .12 in. wg ewb (entering wet Uulb) will provide a totai �apacity af Total static pressure 0.32 in. wg 34,4�0 Btuh and a SHC of 25,400 Btuh. Calculate SHC Fnter the table for Wet Coil Air [lclivery — Horizontal caxre�tion, if required, using N�te 3 under Cooling Discharge, 230 and 460 V. At 0.4 in. wg external static Capacities tables. pressure and medium speed,the motor delivers 1286 cfm. I[I Select electric heat. Adjusting for 208v, the inotar delivers 1 i59 cfm (deduct The required heating capacity is �S,OOQ Btuh (givea). 10°.�a). Determine the clectric t�eat capacity in kW. 15,000 Btu� =4.4 kW of heat required 3414 Btuh/kW 10 � � Performance data 1VET CUOLIIVG CAPACITIES i0 G 5018 �vaporator Air-CfmBypaas Faetors--BF Temp(F} 52510.118 80010.959 67510.187 Alr Ent Condenser Evaporator Air-Ewb(Fj 62 67 72 82 6T y2 82 67 72 TC 15.7 1&5 20.9 16.5 19.2 21.5 17.2 19.8 21.9 85 SHC 13.5 11.6 9.5 14.9 12.7 10.2 16.2 13.6 107 kW 1.T5 1.80 1.83 1.77 1.81 1.84 1.78 1.82 1.85 TC 14.5 17.3 19.9 15.3 18.0 20.5 16.d 18.6 20.9 95 3HC 13.0 112 9.2 14.4 12.3 9.9 15.6 13.3 10.4 kW 1.82 1.89 �,92 1,$4 1.89 1.93 1.86 1.90 1,94 tC 13.3 18.0 18.7 14.0 16.7 i9.3 14.8 17.2 i8.8 iag 8NC 12.4 10.7 8.8 13.� 11.8 9.5 94.8 12.8 16.1 kW 1.88 1.97 2.02 1,91 1.99 2.03 1.93 2.00 2.04 TC 12.0 14.5 17.4 12.8 15.2 18.D 13.7 15.7 18.4 11S SHC 1l.S 1�.2 8.4 12.8 1'!.2 9.1 13.1 122 9.7 kW t85 2.fl-0 2.11 1.3$ 2.06 2.13 2.Oi 2.08 2.14 SOG5024 Evaparatar Alr-Cfm/Bypas9 Factaro-8F Temp(F) 70D10.1B3 8�6/6.221 90DIb.242 Alr Ent Conden,er Evaporator Alr-Ewb(F) 62 67 72 62 67 72 62 67 72 TC 22.6 25.1 27.4 23.3 25.8 28.0 23.9 2&.4 28.5 85 SHC 19.2 16.1 ]2.9 20.7 17.2 13.5 22.1 1$.1 14.0 kW 2.38 244 2,50 2.40 2.46 2.51 2.41 2.4T 2.53 TC 21.3 23.9 26.3 22.0 24.6 26.9 22,6 25.1 27.4 95 $HC 18.7 15.7 12.5 20.2 16.9 13.1 21,6 i7.9 13.7 kW 2.50 2.57 2.64 2.52 2.59 2.65 2.54 2,6Q 2.66 TC 19.8 22.6 25.1 20.6 F32 25.7 21.2 23.7 26.1 1fl5 SFEC 18.1 15.2 12.1 19.T 16,4 '�2.8 21.2 17.d 13.4 kW 2.61 2.70 2.77 2.65 2.72 2.79 2.fi6 2.T3 2.81 TC 1$.3 21.�] 23.T 18.9 21.6 24.2 19.7 22.1 24,7 11S SHC 17.4 14.7 t1.7 '68.9 15.9 124 S9.T 17,Q 13.0 kW 2_69 2,83 2.91 2.73 2.85 2.93 2.7T 2.B6 2.95 50GS43D Evaporator Atr--CirnlBypass Factors-BF Tem p�F) 875I0.150 1 p00l0.19d 1125I0.222 Afr Ent - COndens�r Evaporator Air-Ewh(F� 62 67 72 82 67 72 62 67 T2 TC 26.4 29.6 32.4 27.2 3D.3 33.0 27.9 30.9 33.5 85 SHC 23.8 19.9 15.7 25.6 212 16.5 27.1 22,5 17.1 kW 2.77 2.84 2.99 2.79 2.86 2.92 Z61 2$7 2.94 TC 24.9 28.1 39.0 2J.9 2$.8 31.6 30.5 29.4 32.0 95 SHC 23.3 49.3 182 1$.G 20.7 16.0 19.0 22.0 16.7 kW 2.94 3.01 3.08 3.06 3.03 3.10 3.08 3.Q5 3.12 TC 23.4 26.4 29.4 24.3 27.1 30.1 25.i 27J 30.5 705 SHC 22.6 18.8 14.8 24.3 20.2 15.fi 25.1 21.5 16.3 kW 3.09 3.19 3.27 3.14 3.21 3.29 3.16 3.22 3.31 TC 21.8 24.8 27.9 23.(J 25.7 28.4 23.9 25.9 28.6 115 SkG 21.8 19.2 14.2 23.0 19.D 15.1 23.9 20.9 15.8 kW 3.23 3.37 3.d6 3.29 3.39 3.48 3.35 3.40 3.5Q See Legend and Notes on page 13. 11 � � Perfarmance data �cont) NET COOLING C.APACITIES 50dS036 Evaporator Air-CFmlBypasa Factors-BF Tamp(F? 105UI0.095 120010.123 1350f0,1d9 Alr Ent Condenser Evaporator Air--Ewb(F) 82 B7 72 82 67 72 62 B7 72 TC 31.8 35.3 38.7 32.7 36.7 39_5 33.4 38.8 40.1 85 SHC 29.1 242 19.Q 31.4 2fiA 20.0 33_4 27.6 27.D k1W 3.48 3.57 3.66 3.50 3.5° 3.6$ 3.52 3.61 3.70 TC 30.2 33.6 37.0 31.6 34.4 37.8 32,0 3�.1 38.3 95 5HC 28.4 23.6 18.5 30.6 25.A 19.5 32.0 27.1 �p,q kW 3.66 3.T5 385 3.59 3.78 3.87 3.7t 3.8D 3.89 tC 28.5 31.8 35.3 29.4 32.6 3fi.0 30.5 33.2 36,5 1�5 SHC 27.B 23.0 'i7.9 29.4 24.8 19.0 30.5 28.5 19.9 kW 3.86 3.95 4A5 3.88 3.97 4.08 3.91 3.99 4,10 TC 26.6 3D.a 33.4 27.9 30.7 34.1 29.1 31.2 34.6 115 SHC 26.6 22.3 17.3 27,9 24.1 18.4 29.1 25.9 19.4 kW 4.b1 4.15 4.26 A,66 4.17 4.29 4.i3 4.19 4.31 5DGSO42 Evaporetor Alr-CfmlBypaas Factars--BF Temp(F) 1225l0.6d0 140010.Ofi4 157510.093 Alr Ent Condenaer Evaporator Air-Ewb SF) 62 6T 7Z fi2 61 72 62 67 72 TC 38.9 d3.6 48.3 40.2 44.8 49.4 41.4 45.8 50.3 85 SHC 35.6 29.7 23.5 38.8 32.2 25A 41.4 34,5 26.4 k1H 4.08 4.17 4.27 4.'!0 4.20 4.29 4.13 432 4.31 TC 36.5 41.3 46.1 37.8 42.5 47.1 39.4 43.4 47.9 95 SHC 34.5 28.9 22.8 37.6 31.4 24.3 39.4 93.7' 257 kYY 4.34 4.44 4.55 4.3i 4.47 4.58 4.A0 4.50 4.60 TC 33.8 38.7 43.i 35.6 39.8 d4.7 37.3 40.6 45.5 105 SHC 33.1 27.9 22.0 35.6 30.4 23.5 37.3 32.8 25.0 kW 4.53 4.72 4.83 4.63 4.74 4.86 4.69 4.77 4.8$ TC 31.3 35.7 40.9 33.3 36.8 41.9 3d.9 37.6 42.5 715 SHC 31.3 2fi.6 21.1 33.3 29.3 22.7 34.9 31.7 24.2 kW 4.73 4.93 5.11 4.B2 4.99 5,13 4.91 5.03 5.16 sa�sa4s Evaporator Alr-CimlBypass Factors-BF Temp(F) 1q0616.�84 560010.113 1800J0.149 Air Ent Condenser Evaperator Alr-Ewh(F) 62 67 72 B2 67 72 62 67 72 TC 42.9 48.Q 53.0 442 492 54.2 45.5 56.2 55.i $5 SNC 39.4 32.9 25.9 42.7 35.5 27.5 45.5 37.9 29.0 kW +1.6$ 4.77 4.87 4.7� 4.8� 4.90 4.72 4.82 4.93 TC 40.9 45.8 50.9 42.1 47.0 52.0 43.8 4T.9 52.9 95 SHC 39.6 32.1 25.2 41.6 34.T 2fi.8 43.6 37.2 28.3 kW 5.10 5.20 5.29 5.13 522 5.32 5.16 524 5.35 TC 38.5 43.4 49.5 39.4 44.5 49.6 43.7 45A 5f7.4 105 5HC 37.2 31.2 24.d A1.5 33.7 2fi.� 41.7 36.3 27.9 kW 5.50 5.86 5.75 5.$7 5.68 5.79 5.62 5.69 5.81 TC 36.0 40.9 45.9 37.9 41.8 4&.9 39.8 42.6 47.6 115 3HC 36.0 30.3 23.5 37.9 32.8 25.2 39.8 35.3 26.7 kW 5.93 fi.15 6.25 6,02 6.16 6.28 6.12 6.18 fi.30 See Legend and Notes on page 13 12 � � Performance data �cant) NE'I'CO�OLING CAPA�ITIES 50GS060 Evaporatar Air-Ctm/Bypass Factors-BF Temp(F) 1T5�lOA39 2a�0l0.�53 22501Q.079 Alr EM Condenaer Evaporator Air-�wb(F) 62 67 72 62 6T 72 &2 67 72 TC 53.9 61.5 69.3 56.1 63.6 71.1 56.0 fi5.2 72.4 85 SHC 48.8 41.4 33.4 53.7 45.2 357 58.0 48.8 37.9 kW 6.12 6.33 6,52 6.21 6:38 6.57 6.25 6.42 fi.62 TC SQ.T 58_1 fi5.8 52.8 G6.0 67.5 552 61.4 68.8 95 SHC 47.4 40.1 32.2 51,g 43 9 34.5 55.2 47.4 36.7 kW &.44 6.fi9 8.89 6.53 8.74 6.94 8.63 6.7$ 6,gg TC 472 54,4 62.2 49.6 5g.1 63.7 52.2 57_5 64.9 iD5 SHC 45.T 38.7 30.9 49.6 42.5 33.3 52.2 48.0 35.5 kW 6.75 7.07 7.27 6.87 7.11 7.33 7,Q1 7.15 7.37 TC d3.7 56.4 58.2 46.6 52.0 59.6 49.'! 53.3 60.7 115 SHC 43_7 37.2 29.6 46.8 40.9 32.0 49.3 44.4 34.2 k4V T.OB 7.43 7.6T 7.24 7.50 7.73 7.38 T.53 7.77 LEGEND EWB-Entering Wet-Bulb kW-Tota4 Unit Power Input SHC-Sensible Heat Capacity(1000 B#uh) rc-rotal capacity{l000 etun)(net) NOTES: 1. f2atings are n8t;they account for the effects of the evaporalor-fan motor power and heat. 2. �irecl interpolatlora is permissible.Do not extrapolate. 3- The following farmulas may be used� sensible capacity(BtuhJ tldb - �edh �.�{a x cfm t��,b= Wei-bulb temperature corresponding to enthalpy oi alr leav6ng euaporator caA(h�,�b) totel capaciry(Btuh) hlwb- hewb- 4.5 x cim Where: h�wb= Enthalpy ot air entering evapQrator coil i3 � WET COIL AIR DELIYF.R —HORIZdNTAL AND DQWNF�4W DISCHARGE UNIT 54G�OI$-D60 230 ANU 480 VOLT ���� Motor 3peed Extemal Static Pressure(in.wg) SGGS Q.p p.� p.2 q.g Q.d .Q5 .06 .67 .08 .09 1.0 Watts 227 212 1B6 177' 165 153 Low `� — — — �- Cfm 1000 915 925 716 93D 340 — — — — — Watts — — — 01B Med — ` ^' — — — -- — Cim — — — — — — — — — — — H�a� Watts 2d7 275 266 253 242 234 226 — — — — Cfm 1150 1032 963 807 698 503 25� — — — � Watts 290 275 270 267 264 262 26� Low � — — — Cfm 880 82S 765 693 600 450 281 � — — _ Watts 386 375 365 360 355 350 344 335 392 024 Med — — GFm 1138 �085 1610 946 885 787 650 495 360 — — Watts 485 4T5 470 4fi0 455 445 d37 430 415 385 High — Cfm 9415 1332 i266 118� 11D0 1000 900 78a 480 256 — Watts 28fl 275 270 267 264 262 260 Low — — Cfm 880 825 765 693 60D 45� 281 — — — � 4Vatts 380 375 365 360 355 350 344 335 312 030 Med — — Ctm 1136 1aB5 1010 946 BBS 787 656 a95 380 — — High Watts 485 475 470 460 455 445 437 430 415 385 — Cfm 1�15 1332 1266 1180 1100 100a 949 780 480 256 — Watts 576 586 556 538 512 497 48'4 466 45{1 435 Low — Cfm 1385 1297 1220 1165 1090 995 905 846 7i5 609 — WYakts 68� 671 66q 624 604 620 60� 558 534 512 495 036 Med Cfm 1572 1460 13T5 1305 128fi 1192 1125 104fi 891 900 730 Watts B10 SOQ 790 782 7�fi 742 723 709 688 Q6i 627 Htgh Cfm 1685 1fi20 1560 1486 1389 1322 1284 1i70 1Q00 897 660 Watts — &75 660 65fl fi40 630 fi20 610 595 560 Low — Cim -- 1387 1326 1275 1204 1142 1084 995 918 850 — W atts — 886 855 825 795 779 765 750 735 718 70� Dd2 Med Cfm — 1458 140fi 135p 1285 1224 1163 1097 �013 932 870 Watts — — — 1000 950 925 910 890 675 855 833 Nigh �F� — — — 14$8 142d 1360 1236 1233 1148 1Q71 1005 Watts — 727 712 700 689 666 644 fi22 595 569 — Low Cfm — 1fi46 1600 1575 1505 1450 1390 1300 1205 1145 — 048 Med �atta — 853 936 821 807 782 T56 730 699 667 64d Cfm — 18SQ 1830 1770 170Q 1642 1565 1482 1385 1290 1210 Watts — 979 959 943 92T 89T 868 838 8Q2 766 730 Hfgh Cim — 2090 200.8 1997 t922 1845 1750 1600 155� 1A25 1380 Watts 7033 949 $64 836 822 8Q8 772 737 7�5 67d fi42 Low Cfm 2�50 2900 1945 1905 16b0 1820 1775 1695 1627 i530 1d96 Watts 108d 1054 1fl24 994 971 955 92B 897 867 838 8C13 06fl Med Cfm 2Pd8 2179 2110 2058 2000 1932 1885 1929 1740 1638 1569 Watts — — 1154 1152 1120 11D2 1084 3fl56 1D29 997 965 High Cfm — — 2278 220T 2124 2t14t 20�0 1960 1856 1748 1645 NOTE: Deduci iQ°lo for 208�. 14 P � � erformance data (cont) ECONOMIZBR/l-1N.FILTER PRESSIIRE DR4P UNIT 5OG5 PRESS�IRE DROP (tn.wg} 018-042 0_12 OA8,060 p,.gp MULTTPLICATION FACT4R5 HEATER kW VOl�TAGE DISTRIBUTION ��p�T�PLICATION FACTOR RATING Vl3160 209 .89 240 208 .75 23Q .92 240 1.00 440 gq 480 460 92 48D },pp Example: 15.0 kW(af 240v)heater on 208 v =15.0(.75 mulk factor} =11.25 capacity at 208 v UUTDOOR S�UND:ONE-THIRD OCTAVE BAlVi1 DATA-DE�CISELS UIYIT SUGS Frequeney�Hz) 018 024 P34 036 ��? 048 DBd 63 45.8 44.1 44.3 51,6 56.i 52.2 53.0 725 57.5 56.4 59.0 62.5 63.6 63.5 6�.4 250 62:9 6T.6 E6.8 E6.5 88_5 7Q.5 71.7 50D 67.6 65.4 $6.1 71.4 72.7 71.9 73,1 1000 69.0 67.�6 68.8 75.4 7&.2 72.7 74.1 2000 652 64.4 65.4 72.9 T1.3 69.3 72.2 4D90 61.d 6Q.7 BL6 69.3 68.0 56.4 87.4 640U 53.5 54.8 56.0 647 62.2 60.5 60.7 LE�aEND Bels-Saund Levels(1 bel=10 deci6els) �5 ' � � Typical p�ping and w�ring VERTICAL �ISCI3ARGE RppF-MOUfYFING o � CUF38 0 �--� _-^e F�QOF ; � - - RETURN-AII3 � FLEXI6LE DUCT SUPRLY-AIR, REXIBLE DUCT CEILINa CONCEPiTRIC�IFFUSER BOX (f I ELD-SUPPL IED) INDOOR. � � TH�RMOST�T RETURN AIR TOPCOVER FROM POWER �� sou�c� :,�:� � pp `'---� DISCONNECT PER f+IEC 1(� � � �pplication data Condensate trap —A 2-in. condensate trap must be field openings. Rerriave the inserts similar to removing an suppli�d. electrical knock-out.Use an accessory duct cover to seal the horizontal discharge openings in the unit. Units instalied in ��MiN. horizontal discharge orientation do not require duct covers. � ot�i7�ET� Airflaw — Units are draw-thru in the Cooling rnode and blow-ttuu in the Heating mode, � 2°nni►�. Magimum covling airflow—'To minirnize the possihility of cvndettsate blaw-off from the evaporator,airflow through the � units should not exceed 450 cfm/tc�n. Mtnim�m coo�ing aireow—Tl�e minimum coo}�ng airf�ow Ductwor[c— Secure downflow discharge ductwozk to roof is 350 cfm/tou, curb.For horizontal discharge appiications,attach ductwork Mipimum ambient operating temperature—Atl standard to unit with flanges, units have a minimum ambient operating temperature of To eonvert a unit to dawnflow discharge — Units are 55°F,With access�ry low ambient temperature kit,units can equipped with factory-installed inserts in the down-fiow aperate at temperatur�s doum to U°F. 17 � � � Efectrical data UNIT VOLTAGE OUTD0012 INDOOR SIZE V PH-Hz RAIi,t9E CUMPRESSQR pAN MOTOR FAN IJlOTOR ELECTRIC#1EAT POWER SUPPLY 50GS Mlrt Max RLA LRA FLA FLA Nominal kW` FLA IJNIT MCA MOCP -!- -/- 13.9(13.9 2D120 018 248/230-1-5D 187 253 9 45 0.80 2 3.8/S.Q 18.112p.& 24.8128.3 2513D 7.5116 36.1/45.7 47.4($4.3 5�lfi0 �!- �1- 18.8118.8 25125 024 2081230-1-90 187 253 13 B� 1 2 3.015.❑ 18.1/20_9 25.1/28,5 25130 7.5/10 36,1141.7 47.6154.6 5016fl 208/230-1-60 1$7 253 14 73 1 2 -1- -!- 20.8l20B 25/25 3.$15.0 18.1l20.9 25.1128.5 2513fl 7.5/10 36.1/41 J 47.6154.6 50/60 030 11.3115 54.2/62.5 702184.6 80190 208l230-3-fi0 187 253 8 68 1 2 -1- ----l- 132113.2 20/20 3.8l5.0 10,4I12.Q 15.5717.5 20126 7.5/10 2Q.8124.1 28.6132.6 30/35 1i.3l15 31.3l36.1 43,6147.6 45/50 2E38123D-1�� 187 253 15 8'1 1 4 -I- -1- 23,1/23.1 30130 3,8l5.� 18.1120.8 26.1/29.5 3DJ3D 7.5110 36.1141.7 48.6l55.6 5QI60 11.3/7 5 54.2162.5 71.2Y81.6 $019Q 2 0 812 3 0-3�0 187 253 1'f 78 1 d -!- --1- 17.8117.8 25125 fl36 3.8/5.0 10.4112.� 17.BIf&,5 25125 7.5(10 20:8124.1 29.6/33.6 30l35 13.3f15 31.3136.1 42.fi/4&.6 45150 460-3-60 414 506 fi 40 1 2 - - 9.5 15 5 6 9.5 15 i0 12 1fi.8 20 15 18 24.3 25 20 812 3 0-1-GO 187 253 99 105 2 4 -f- -!- 28.7l28.7 35/35 3.8l5.0 i8.1/20.8 28.7l31.0 35l35 7.5f10 36.1/41.7 50.i/57I1 60/B0 11.3115 54.2l62.5 72.7C83.1 9fl 15.0120.0 72.2/83.3 95.31169.2 10(7/11 Q 208J230-3•60 187 253 11 85 2 4 -l-- -!- 18.8198.8 25125 3.8/5.0 10.4l12.0 18.8120.0 25125 042 7.5l1D 26.8l24.9 31.1135.1 35/40 11.3115 31.3/3fi.1 44.1/50.1 d5l60 15.0120,0 41.7/4$.1 ST.d/65.0 60l70 A60-9-fi0 41d 506 5 42 1 2 -- -- 9.4 15 5 6 1D.0 15 1a 12 17.5 2D 15 18 25.1 a0, 20 2a.ip 32.6 35 2Q8-23p-�-60 197 253 25 131 2 4 -I- -!- 387/38,7 50150 3.8/5.0 18,1I20.6 38.7/387 50l50 7.51fa 36.1147.7 51,4158.3 fi0l60 11.3115 54.2/62.5 79.9!$4.4 90 15.0l20.0 72.2J83.3 96.51110.4 1Q0I125 2081230-3-60 Z67 253 15 1(78 2 4 -!- -!� 25.4125.d 30130 3.8l5.0 10.4I12.D 25.4/25.4 30l30 �+�$ 7.5I1 D 26.8124.1 32.3136.3 35l40 11.3115 31.3136.1 45.315�.4 50lfi0 15.0l20.0 41.7148.1 58.2186.2 fi0170 460-3-60 414 506 7 4B 1 2 - - 12.5 15 5 6 12.5 15 10 12 17.9 20 15 18 25.4 30 20 24.10 32.9 35 20$l230•7-60 187 253 29 147 2 6 -I- -!- 45,0/45.a 60/60 3.815.D 18.1120.9 45.0I45.0 60lBO 7.5110 36.1141.7 53.6/60.6 6Q/70 11.3/15 54.2/52.5 76.2/86.6 90 15.0l24.0 72.2183.3 98.81112-7 1001125 208/23fl-3�3� 187 253 18 '�25 2 6 -!� --l� 3F.2f32.2 4D140 3.8I5.Q 1Q.4l12.� 322132.2 40l4D 060 7.5110 20.8124.1 34.6/38.6 4Ql40 11.3I95 37.3l36.1 4�.6/53.6 50160 15.012Q.0 41.7Y48.1 60.5l66.5 70170 460-3-60 4i4 506 9 67 1 3 - - 14:9 20 5 6 14.8 20 10 12 19.0 20 15 18 2fi.6 30 zo �a.�o sa.T 35 18 � � LEGEND EXAMPLE� Supply�oltage is 460-3-6D. FLA — FuN Load Amps n e C AB=452 v HACR --• hfeating,Air Condltlonfng � BC =464 v and Refrigeration AC =455 v L�A — Lacked Rotar Amps C � U$ 452 1 4$4 1 455 MCA — RAinimum Circuft Amps Rverage Voltage= MOCP — Maximum Overcurrent Protection 3 RLA — Rated Load Amps ,�37,� 'Fuse ar NACR Breaker. = 3 IVOTES: _ 4�� 1. ln compliance w+th NEC {Natlonal Efecfrlcal Code}require multfmotor and comhinatlon load equiprrsent (ref�er fne maximum devlatlon irom average vo3tage. Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protaCUve device 4S7–452 =5 v shall be fuse or HACR breaker_ The CGA (Ca ��–�57 =7� Assooiatlon)unRs may be€use or circuit breaker. 457–d55 =2 v 2. Minimum wire size is bas9d on fi0 C copper wl m deviafion is 7 v. 60 C wire is used, or if length exceeds wi ine erCent of vofte e imbalanee. datermine size irom iWEC. P 9 3. Unt]alanced 3-Phase 5upply Voltage 7 Neveroperateamotorwherea geimbalance= 140x — greafer tha 457 age of vo[ = 1.53% %Voltage ounf of phase Imbelance is satisfaatOry as it is below the maxl- Ilowab3e 2%. = 10D x RTAN?: If the supply voltage phase imbaiance is more than ontact your local elsctric utllity c�mpany immedlatefy. 19 ' . � Typical wiring sc ematic 208/23�-'I-60 shown �oi9-oea o�air r�EL6 ��w�ia 8LK elc MASIN�FN YYIAE ' '� ---1MIEYLY6-- W8 6LK- S�iE 2 AWG, SUPQLY -Wa TEL-- rst pFM M2 YEL-- 2d W132 YEL [AP� ' � PpWER L'SED WITH BpN COUIP'_GND '�'—YCL —� FI C F ACCE5SORY � � SI l fLCLT.+�EnT ' � OP710N DNf Y. �--"` I UStD�WITH � � �LN T-' I H[.SIER�pPTf�NS, r --CFO 4TR m L_'_ _'� �WI YCL Lf�NP S.IG Kw, WP29 BLIi w9 Bl fptA-96d) � � � _ ; SDGSO60 pNEY iAAWIN'UM WIR[ � � Yf.L��T0 ,4TH 7bN S I ZE 2 AYlG. l� U' TI � -0iX I �l�il�"�RED ip HIR USE� AIITN • � 60 hMP S.B. I YFL �---T[o� � ACC[SSORY - FLi? i1 �H - ELCCT.HEAT 6Q AMV 5.6, ' Beu�wxi I�M OPI IQN DNL7. 70 H1B og rE, USFD WI�H T —{ YE�— L�PI �---B�RH-- sD AkP S.B. zo xiR� oa �EATfR OPIipkS Efl4 Td M1137 BLN IS K'N �q3fl L� 0361 �_ 60 ANP S_B �� 20 !(W ftl361 PRINARY IS b ?-0 NW fDd2-060) � XA%+MU41 WIRE W13B YEL � o S17E Zio AwG �-20 KW SNOWN SEC ELiCTRIG HEAT iAdNl Wz5 GRN-YCL-�—W26 GAN-Y[�� SCHElAATIC FOR VAA11i0N5� �RN•vEt ��.�t�-Y�L 'P 1 1 � SEGONDAAT L � WII A�N- 24V W127 t1RN � ` �i2+ k[D� w�z3 oaN n � TDF R �M G ra� — Wi6 GRN�-- —�T iIMER 8 � WII BRH AU1O§M WIO &�N 1Ci �. — —Wil3 Y{� � - � L_�ry10 BRN [OOL Y `/ �U10 TC7 �I W721YHT �_—_—_—'�'_' 7 itur I 79 BF9-- ovr �° — --W143 PNK HRI IS WW7 i . I< ° HR I ---W130 HR � �qi � HRI a r I10 KWI W� 3 BgN � W� � —wi39 Vi4 - � HRZ I cppl 1 �0'0 HR1,2 5 3 t15 NIY} uE�T -b ix7 w. oF` - -� e � HF3�W76 BAN � ° — W14P GRd "� HR�..2.3 d d f?0 NW7 SYIrA BRN i HRA SEE NOTEt2 130 6RN � ACGESSDRY ELECTBIG HEA1— -—-—-—-—-—- COMMON— — — Wl�i BRN 24V SPLICC DOX l KD UNIT COHPOAfNI ARBANGfMEuT TPS�i.3i 11M S[OUEXLr OuT00o1 fIM �I'�.[@p$PLI{[ f LQNTACiCR sE�T�o� aK oTEFNlNAL IMAPKE07 4AW CAPACIiOA Q� a TEAHINAL IUM?fAFKEDI COMP CpMPRCSSDR t40T6R � 6 e SPLICE EOUIP E4UIPN�Ni [��eeirro er-�erac�tfa Cafiat[550+� INL90R{AX O SPI iL[ IFIA41(COI FII f�J$E S[<Tiwi 5[[riox zJ t3 —FFCTORY wiRl!IG GHp GRpUND soa5G600x�r � --f1ElD CON1Nbl WIAING HR HEA7EN FELAY �� �� --fICLO PpWER WIRING NTR HCATEft Siu��[n. --ALCFSSORT Ok OP'90NA1 IF St COYXIC110N � M INP06F fA!t HbT46 �AO i �ax � WIRIHG IP eNIEANAL PRO?EC34R 0.[et.uErl �ow —Tp INDI�AT( CONMGN 0(M OUTODDR FhN HOT4R PO�ENT,aL ONIT� OT DUADRUPIF TEAMINAL �P2 ��° raax k4T TO REPRESENT 5.8. SLOW BLOW fIISk �� WIRING ST iMENRlSTOA $TART iC THi�MOSTdt-((pLING LOYP TDR ilNi DCLAY RjLAY [au�r TH iHkRH45TAT-H[ATING Gxp IBAN TRANSfQRNER SF[H(ji[x � � NOTFS- 5[�Ew�n[ � I,IF pNY qF TME ORIGINAL M'iR[S fUR:Y15NE6 ARF REPLA<C0. f�i MIRik6 C 5oaro�lecn IT MUST CE R[PLACEP WITH 7Y� s I _ orsto�.[r C 90 DEGREE G wIBE oa so�saie e sa --'- rca wlc I I I'S EDUIVALCNT. R � �" CAP I � 7�vyvi��-� - - ^.SCE PA1LE PAGES F4P THtRIkOSTAT AND SU6AA5[5. x �ev row[a�x1Rr 3.115t 75 DEGREE COPPEA CQN�UCi0R5 FOR flfll; INSiALlAT10N. d.F�7A HIGH SPEED iFM,p15C6N4[CT RE'� WIR6 FRQM 1DH;3 AXp CUNAE{T BLN W!RE fROM IFM. FOR MEDIUN 5P[ED,�ISGONHECT RE� WIRC FApM IOR�,3 A'Hp CONNCL7 BLII 'MiRC FROM IFFI. 20 . . � � � Typ�cal w►irir�g schematic -- 208/230-3-60 shown �IELD C ia-o�s on�r YAXIMtlM WIRE ' J"'� � &� ■1/6 BLM t35 BE� �Le � SIIE 2 ArG�. =prER+�-� ��� r[L OfN . �'--1�� YEL I d9 iEL I ChP1 USED W41N �p��w157 BL ��35 YEL OT �8an . FCCESSOAr ' 060 ONL7 ELECT.HEdT /�, �� OPTion oxLr. �TF—� MI39 BLI{ IISED wiTw � � 1r '—"�K ^ � � L2 HEATER bPi10R5 �Q � � 131 TEC CCn�P 5.10 d i5 Ke , � L �rE� � - L3 wti�iwuw wiqE T SfIE 2 A�PG. , � ;Q - TDR �1 CBLU ���13 RE ---T�� �1 flC0 usEO r�rx , T t�� rei "« ticccssnar � � fut S,� HTR � ap�,.�, iFw ELE{i.HEAi J IO [API fl" rE� �£D�NIQH1�. 30 AN�P $.B. HTR I �SB BLK �eR 0 ItEkFER OPThON5 ' � 10 ANP $. . TQ ZO KR tOkLYI F114 . HrA I NAMIMUI�\!RE I �0 J,IlP 5.8. N�p PAIMARY 512E 210 ANG. p TQ� 151 YEL �o 0 . � I 19 AN . � gTR � LECT 112i 6AM Y'EL M26 6NN�YEL ,�hNP S_8. NEAT� �— � GR�YEL GR lYEL 24 KW SHOMN.SEE ELE{TAIC HEAT �p SCHEYATfC FOA Y6RITfflqS. — � SECONDARY � - - ■�� BFlM a sov wizi eaK � � — — — — I N flE ■I t3 QR .9 � A fl IDA il BA e — 16 G8N "o xlp 5q auro si Ttl — ii3 re� ��;` rro aA t�, r ACCESSdRY E9.ECTRIC HEAT �uto rct 72 M'HT '---------- Hcer � �f �° a — �f63 PNk HRI [S N�1 M19 BR� �. I HR I _ I55 BRN I 1 lN� —� �1 BRK � NRf d Mp2 t�a R�1 , � I �I I 162 VI HR2 I num RftiT 're% 16� �pti HA1,2 d 3 415Kx1 UFf � I ' � ,z — HRS 1a aa HP1.2.3 b l 124 BNI � MI 9 BAN I . � HR4 SEC NOiE12 i55 8R CONMOR— � ' J �I27 9fllf 2tY $P�ICE BOz �� lINI1 COMPONCNT ARRANGEMENi 6 FIELQ SPUCE C CONTACTQR i��r �� ��u�EaE�c[ s���+� A �� o iEAMINAL twAAREDI CAP CAPRUTOR o iEAMINAL IUXNAM1IKE�1 <�MP CONPRESSOR NOTOA 6� • 5PLiCE fOUIP E041�PNENT t�acitto D{�f�YCWl1[6 Cd�PAElSdF iMrop r,ui o SPL�CE IMhAKED] FU F115E stc�i� xcT�ae :� �� —�AtTOB� 'YtRr�G GNR GROUM� � --F�ELD tOMTAOL NiflING xR HfhICR RELAY i��u PT !3 �� -- f iEL6 POwER riqtNG HT�3 HEpApTpE� M p'{6p tancnioir --- ACtES50RY OA OPPIONAL���M IINTERNAF�Pfl0iEC10R cAp� tta � N1AIX6 [t[cr.x[ar �� —TO iN�iCAiE COMMON �M DUTD40R F�N wOTOR POTENiIAL DNLY: OT 01{A6AUPLE TEBMINAL AP7 �FM IAAA XOT TO REPHESENT 5.a. S�ow&LOx FUSC cF ■fRfqG TC IMERwOSTAT•CqOtiMG TDp TIME 6EEAY RELAY TH THCA405TAT-HFATING ���"� TAAX TRAMSFtlRNEA 4EE nEA�E� NOTE3: scHe►�uc � — � i.if tiNr OF TxE OkIGiNA� triRES iuRR�SHEO A8E AEPLACE�. E�•�"�� iT AuS�0E AEPLACEO wliN iYPC 90 OCGR£C[wiRE OR L 5 id6su2-oco ____ _ OiSLOAAECI li'S EOl1fYALENT. A loUaa�a a oae L _ _ �tM nEC I 2.SEE pAlfC PAGfS FQq THEALLpSSAI AND SUBBASES. ���� t�r sruc t�y����T�� 3_USE �5 DEGREC COPPER tON�t1CTOR5 FOB FiELO iNS1ALLAiI4X. I.f4R HiGN SPECp IFM,DISCONNCCT RED NIRE FRpM TDR;3 AAfl CONHECT BLK MIRf fROY IFN. fOR M€OIIIM SP£E�,OISCONHECT PED NIRf FRON TOR;J AHO CONNECS BLU �IRE FR011 ifN. z� l � � � � Typical w�rin� schematic -�— 460-3-fi� shown (IEId � C pi$-6A8 QN�Y � MAf(IHUM WIRE ' i WI 0lN W135 EILtt � Bie— SIZE 2 AWG. pOW�R - � W2 YEL /� r[l Of M �SIiP-LY `�-r cAP2 '�� �—Wi52 BW �'i' W136 YEL �--axN dT �60 ONLY �—W139 �Lli � t� I15ED WI1H �� ALCESSORY �/"� � W�137 YFL� tOMP EICCT.HEAT I'1--G_._BiK� I L3 orTioe oxir � — +� � USED svliH TDR - HEATER OPIION$ � �TEL I ��-���Wf3 Rf 5,10,15 k 2D HW � iIAXINiIM WIR{ ` FEQ— S12E 2 AWG. . .,. ��� woa� r�i . �Ec —- � 8eurwHT � iFy �A�� Oa 1E4 ��' : I w�55 B�a Or��—BX 5EE ELEGiRiC ELEttRiC HEAT SCNEN0.11C IkFATEBS I I I �■15fi Yil. �t PB1NARy d6QV �_—_� TRANI w25 GR4-YEL�W75 6AN-kFL� GRN-YEL GRN-YEL IP 1 � �� � Wil BRN S((ONpARti 2aV -- - W12T 5RN � — — — — — — W123 Rf! �- W123 ORN q �W G A R �i�R WII BItN �A `9 Wi6 GRN 1 TINFR B WIO Bfl �uTO Sw '�c� � W113 YCL - [i C_ [2 wt0 BR toa � Y �CCCSSORY ELECTAIC HEAi .uio �ca —^`���-------------- NE�� f Wi2 WHT W70 ARX � orr �° I — Wi63 PNA , HRI W13� ARN �o e i I ta� 4�� '�3 %W� W158 DRH I �—wib2 vi — NR2 cno� i � ,i � euio W�g� g�p HRI d 2 IID KWI I Off'�e ��z I HR3 l0 BR � . . — Rfll,7 d 3 IIS KY(1 W159 BRH � n - HE4 d I NA1,2.3 d 1 t20 RW) -—-—-—-—'— SEE NO'Et2 w'S3 aRti COHNpN— — w137 BNN 14V SPIILF BOX I1N17 COMPONENT ARRANGENENT �� ou x �w - G] F IEI D SPLICE C CONTACiOR ifln oi.3� r��SLWEMCE $«��� {7 TERMINA�. lMkRNED� CRP CAPACIiUF e T[RRINp� (UMNAANCDI CONP COMPRESSC3 MOTpR o� caxvaESSax ixoopar�x �SPiICE IkAP6E�) EOUIP Edi�iPMEN7 6 c �N� GR�GN� [MfR411f0 �I�[X(AGi1C0 5[¢ti6M SSt7'�Ow 1a ii —fA.C70Rtt WIBIWG HA N[ATCR RfLAY �FiELD CONiRUL WIRING Ifll INp60A FAN MO?OR s�x6lCaT_ �� �� �-F�.EIDP�WCRWIRfNfi IP INTCRNA� R�ADT[<TQB toxw[nia+ ---A(CCSSDRY OR OPTI�OXALOF3� DUT60DA fAM MC10R C�'P� �� � WIRING OT OUA6R1lP�E TCRMIHAL �i<<����� r R —TG INOICAT[ C4MMQN 7C 7HERHOSIAI-C6pl_ING FOIENFIAL pNLY: TDR TIHE �ELAY NELAY C�v3 ��N 7aax kOT 10 REPRf$fNT 7H TNE�MOSTAT�HU7ING wtr � WkRING SRAH TRAHSFOANER CpIP Lonir N6TE5: ��� I.�f ANY 4F TNC ORIGINAL W1RE5 FU�iAISNED ARE flEPLACE�, sL°�"¢p IT uUST BL aCPLACEO Mi1N "YP€ 9� DEGREE L C(IRC OA SCNCMA'flC r I FpRYNIMG I ir�s [oaiva�ENT_ � s �oe.xa+�oeo __ _ _ orsca�rxc�r z.g[[ PRICC �wGCS FpR TH[aMp�TA7 AND SUBBASIS. sacsa�e a so i _ r[n xcc fl — _� 3.U5[ 75 �EGREE iQPPEA CONDUCT(7R5 FOft FICL� INSTALLAT101�. Uv i' �t 4 FOR NIGH SPECD Ir�M,DISCONNfCT AEfl 21V SP 1 21V POMLR GtiFV k . WIRF Fft6M T6A;3 AMD t�OHNEC� BlK NIA€ fRDH !fM_ FOR NEDI�IN SPEED.DISLOMNECT RED wiFE FAOM TDfi'.3 AN� CONNECT BLU WiRf fR4M IFN, 22 5 , � � Cantrals �perating sequenee power to compressor/OFM. After a 30-second delay, thc Cooling—When the system thermostat calls for cooling, IFM shuts off. If the thermostat fan selector switch is in the 24 V is supplied to the "Y" and "G" terminals of the "ON' position,the IFM will run continuous4y. thermostat. This completes the circuit to the contactar coil NQTE: fln units with a Time Guard� IT device: ance the (C)and indoor(evaporator)fan tin►e delay relay (1FI�}.The compressor has started and then stapped, ii can�ot be nortnally open cantacts of C close and camplete the circuit aestarked again until S minutes have elapsed. thrcnigh compressor motor{COMP) to outdoor(condenser) �{eating— Tf accessory eleetric heaters are installecI, on a fan motor {OFM). Both motors start instantly. The set of call for heat, ciacuit R-W �s made through the thcrmostat normally opan contacts of 1FR close and camplete tlhe circuzt through IFM.?'he IFM starts instant�y. cantacts.Circuit R-G is made which energizes the IFR.If the On the loss of the thermostat call for cooling, 24 v is �eaters are staged,then the tlt�ermostat closes a secand set of removed from bofh the"Y"and"G"terminals(provided the °Ontacts (W2) when second stagve is required. When faz� switch is in the "AUT4" position) deenergizing the �hermostat is satisfied, contacts o en deenergizing the �teater relay and the IFR. compressor contaetor and opening the contacts supplying 23 � � � Guide specifications �ackaged Gas Ffeatingl�lectric Cooling Ur�its semi-rigid foil-faced board capable of�eing wiped Constant Volume Appliaation clean, Aluminum fail-faced f�berglass insulation HVAC Guide Speci�rations shall be used in khe enkire indoor air caviry section. Size Range: 2 to 5 Tons,Naminal Coofing 5. Unit shall have a field-svppLied condensate trap. 40,000 to I30,000 Btuh, C. Fans: Nominal Heating Input I. The evaporakor fan shall be 3-speed,direct-drive,as Carricr Model hTumber:SOGS shown ou equipment cBrawings. part 1—General 2• Fan wheei shall be made from steel, and shall be SY5TEM DESCRIFTION do�able-inlet type with fanvard curved blades with Outdaor roaffop or ground mounted, electric cooling corr�sion resistant finish: Fan wheel shall be dy- unit utilizing a hermetic eompressor for cooIing duty namieally Ualanced. Unit sha�l discharge supply air verticalIy or horizontal- 3. Condenser fan shall be direct drive propeller type ly as shcswn on contaact drawings. C�ndenser fan/cail �ith aluminum blades riveted to conosion resistant steel spic�ers, be dynamically ba�anced, and dis- section shall have a draw-thru design with vertical dis- charge air vertically. charge for minimum sound levels. D. Compressor: QLFALI�'Y ASSURA.NCE 1. �'uliy hermetic compressors with factory-installed A.Unit shall be rated in accordance with ARl Standards vibration isolation. 21U/240-94 aztd 270-95. 2. Reciproeating andlar scroll compressors shall be B.Unit shall be designed in accordance with UL Standard standard on al£units. 1995. E. Coils: C. Unit shall be manufactured in a facility regisiered to Evaporator and condenser coils shall have aluminum 150 9001 ►t�anufacturing quality standard. plate fins mechanically bonded to seamless copper D.Unit shall be UL listed and cULus certified as a tatal tubes with all joints brazed.(Copperfeopper and vinyl- package for safety requirements. coated eonstruction availabie as option.) Tube sheet E. Roof curb shall6e design�ed to conform ta NRCA Stan- openings shall be beiled to prevent tube wear. dards. F. Refrigerant Components: F. Insulation and adhesives shall me�t T�FPA 90A re- Refrigerant metering device shall be of the fuced ori- quirements for flame spread and smoke generation. fice feed type. G.Gabinet insu�ation shall meet ASHRAE Standard 62P. �,. Filtcrs: DELIVERY, STC1ItAG�AIVD HANDLING Filter section shall consist af feld-installed, throw- Unit shall be stored and handled per manufacturer's away, 1-in. thick fiberglass filters of commercially recommendations. available sizes. Part 2—Products H. Controls and Safcties: EQUIPMEN"I' I. Unit controls shall be complete with a self-con- A. General: tained low vnitage controi circuit. Factory-assembled, single-piec�, heati�� and cooling 2. Units shaIl incotpc�rate a solid-state compressor pra, unit.Contained within the enclosure shall ba all factory tector that prov�des reset capability. wiring,piping,controls,refrigerant charge(R-22),and I. Operating Characteristics: special features required prior to field start-up. 1. Unit sha�l be capable of starting and running at B. Unit Cabinet; 125°F ambient outdoor tefnperatwe per maximusn 1. Unit cabinet shalI bc constructed of phosphated„ load criteria of ARI Standard 210. zinc-coated,pre-painted steel eapable of withstand- 2. Compressor with standard contro�s shall be capa- ing S00 hours of salt spray. ble of operation dawn to 55° F ar�bient outdaor 2. NQrmal service shall be through a single removable temperature. cabinet panei. 3. Unit shall be provided with 30-second fan time de- 3. The unit shall be constructed on a rust proof basepan Iay after the them�ostat is satisfied. that has an externally trapped, integrated sloped J. Eleclz�ical Requirements: drair�pan. All unit power wiring shall enter the unit cabinet at a 4. Evaporator fan compartment top surface shall be in- single location. sulated with a minimum 1l2-in.thick,flexible fiber- K. Motors: glass insulation, coated on the air side and retained I. Compressor motors sha11 be of the refrigerant- by ad�Zesive and mechanical means.The evaporator cooled type with line-break thermal and current wall sections will be insulated with a mini�num overload Frotection. 24 f i � � Guide specificat�ons (cont} 2. All fan motors shall havc permanently ]ubricated cail temperature scnso� for controlling �cot�denser- bearings, and inherent, automakic reset, therr�al fan motor operation,�vhich shall allow unit to aper- averload p�otection. ate down to 0°F outdoor ambient temperature. 3. Condenser fan mator shall be totally enclosed. 8. Filter Rack Kit: L. Specia�Features Available: Shall provide filter monntin�for downflow applica- 1. L4uvered Grille: tions. Wire grille shall be standard o�a�l units. Louvered 9. Controls Upgrade Kik: grille shall be available as a factory-installed option Shall provide high and low pressure safety protec- to provide haii guard and vandalisrn prot�ction. tion. 2. Coil Optio�s: 10. Square-To-Round Duct`�ransitions: Shall include factory-installed optional coFper/ Shall have the ability to convert the supply and re- copper and vinyl-caated refrigerant coils, turn openings &om rectangular to rounei. �. Economizer: 11. Coanpressor Protection: a. Econoimizer controls capable of providing free Solid-state control shall protect com�ressor by pre- cooling using outsic�e air. venting"shart cyclin�." b. Equipped with low leakage dampers not to ex- 12. Duct Conversion Kit: ceed 3% leakage,at 1.0 in. w�;pressure differen- Shall enable conversion of a factory suppfied side kia3. discharge unit to downflow discharge airflow unit. c. Spring rehzm motor shuts off outdoor damper on 13. Crankcase Heater: power failur�. Shal� pravit�e anti-floodback protectson for low- 4. Flat Roof Curb: load cooling applications. Curbs shall have seal strip and a wood nailer for 14. Electtic hcaters: flashing and shall be installed per manufacturer's a. Electric heater shall be availablc as a �eld- instructions. instalted option. 5. Manuat Qutdoor Air Dannper: b. Heater elements shall be open wire type, ade- Package shall consist of damper, birdscreen, and quatePy supported and insulated with ceramic rainhoad which can be preset to admit outdoa�air bushings. for year-round ventilation. c. Electric heater packages must provide single 6. Thermosta#: point power connection capability. To provide for one-stage heating and coolir�g in ad- dirioa manual or automatic change�►ver and indoor fan controt. 7. L�ow Ambient Package: Shall consist of a solid-state control and condenser 25 1 � � � Carrier Carrier Corporation•IndianapoPis,IN 46231 4-DO A Vnited TechnologlQS Company Manufacturar reserves ihe right to discontinue,or change at any time,apsclfications or desiyns wlthout notice and wifhout incuning ob3lgat{ons. �ook 1 4 New Book i Page 28 Catafog No,525-077 Printed in U.S.A. PC 102 Form 50GS-1PD Tab 1a'8a Tab �OP2a Replaces:50SS-2P� • � �nufacturer of i�he wor1� best commercial humidifier... r� � � tr� � r'� IC � ,� R�sid�ential �Y H �amidifier �t"t�'�t ^�*at�;.,g�.�`-+,-�,. �.T,r• (Pafent pending� ��I �a ��c s; ���t �Fir�ally: � �:-� a + K�K °s� �i `'� ,� �uperior quality, cosl� efficient resid�n�ial ,�;� o r{. �� '�''` �7 U11771 C�l f%E?t'f %` �� ;: .�;, ;F�;,�� ;.:s.,:,� .aK .a " e `c '��� ������ 1'11�PTRD1�►IIC .�-rrKR �, , , �? ., � t + No expensive p/asfic cylinders fo buy � �As • Envrrr�nment�lly frierrdly-no p/asfrc cylinders to throw away � 15 • No more blocked draln sol�noid valves • prain wafer tempered ta ,below 940°F (60°C) .. � � Features: • Capacities from 4.5 lbs/hr (2.05 kgJhr) tv 921bslhr (5.45 kg/hr) �i���-� • Immersion humldlfier • OnlOff operafron ��e • Perrnan�nt, cleanable stainless sfeel evaporatian charrrber 8���� • Siphon drain requires no drain valve ar external trap • Self-cleaning eleetric elements � • Simp�ifie�i cantrol wiring using pre-assem�bled cables with telephone jacks (included) • Electronic humidity cantrollers • Ter�nperature sensor (4TW) fo prevent fogging c�n windows (ap�iona!) • Stafus ir�dication (LED) on the humidifrer and the humidity controflers i�/ • Easy t� irrsfa!!, operate and mainfain � � • Kifs incfude a!1 accessories ( � • Various contra! canfigurations available - . , . k ' *SKR FIESIDEiUT1AL HllMIOIFIER � n e p t r o n i c� Neptronic SKR Selection Guide S K R 14-'I 2 4-R O1N 14-120: 1.4 Kw, 4.5 fbslhr(2.D5 !cglhr), 120VAC/1 ph/60Hz onty (CASA) 25-240: 2.5 Kw, 7.5 Ibslhr (3.41 kglhr), 240WAGI1phf60Hz only (V(L�A) 30-240: 3.� Kw, 9.0 lbsJhr(4.10 kg/hr), 240VACf1ph160Hz only (CHATEAUa 40-240: 4.0 Kw, 12 Ibs/hr(5.45 kglhr), 240VRC/1ph160Hz only �BELVEDERE) R: -Wall mounted humidity car�troiler with setpoint adjustment -Airtlow praving switch D: - Duct mounted humidity controller with setpoint adjustment - Airflow proving switch S: - Duct mounted humidity controiler - Wall mounted controller far remoYa setpoint adjustment -Airflow proving switch - One (1) 1D' (3m) pre-assembled contral cabae with telepharte jacks (to connec# the duck mot�nted humidity contrallsr to the humidifier) tJ: -Two terminaY blocks to rep�ace the jack connectors. No controllers, ncs cables, na airflaw proving suvitch. I and 1N options not availabke. 0: -This aption is not required I : - integrated airFlaw proving switeh and high fimit duct humi�istat fo replace ths airflow praving switch 0 :-This option is not required W:- OTW tamperature sensar. Insfalled an#hs interior side of a windowpane and wirecf to the humidifier to prevent fogging on windovvs. All kits include: -One (1) On/OfF humidifler cornplete with: • One (1) remote alarm dry contact (1Ampl24VAC) . Qne {'t) dry eontact (3Amp/24VAC) fo start the HVAC fan en a call for humiclity - (Jne (1) SAM steam distribulion manifal� • 9" (229mm) long 7l8" (22mrn) diameter for SKR14 and SKR25 • 14" (356mm) long 1 3/$" (35rnm) diameter for SKR30 and SKR40 - 6' (1.8 m) flexible steam hose of appropfiate diameter to match manifold abave -Two(2) pre-assembled control cables with teiephone jacks (One (1� 50'(15m)ar�d one(9) 10°(3m))far R, D and S kits only - Operation with maximum 0.5" S125Pay duct static pressure at steam distri'�ution manifold lacatian CQAITF��L QtAGRAl1AS :-,,�� -r�.� , y.� � �� ` 4 � s:� � % t� .; �� ' a ��� . � _� , i * �� � "�� "��� � �F �$ � ��� ;"a.���� �,�,. �� � �UP�Lti' � � .z_� � � �� z � � � � � �• ��� L� �R p�� � � aptional `'S � �,°"o � Cables: ��.�w —Included Kit "R" By athers ` � in � p t r ca n i c� � � qE31DENTIAL FiUM101SF,EFI .. �`�' / II � � � �� � �- o �� ,� � ��.��� f � � � ��� ��� ��- � _ � �.���� � �� HD - �. ��� : � OR p�g � ;� Optlonal Kit s�p,3 : i ':, '�~� Catales: " ,,.. The fan must —I�tCluded operate cantinuousiy By others s j ��` � � / a � , � �.�� �� � r��r � . ��: . � '��"°�,,� '��.� � b� �k gmrca.c..a� P+.IF�NIY ���*"��¢- i ��' qq 7 � � � � � Ha � � M. ;� � Op G� � �"��ti1017a1 Ki# "S„ Ca�iles: 3;�,. The#an must ---Included operate continuously By oth@PS PCB - Humidifier printed circuit board HR - Wail movnted humidity cnntroHer SR -Wall mounted remoie setpoint contraller HD - Duct mount�d hurri�dity controller APS- Airflow provfng switch * APS/HL� fnt�grated airflovw proving switch and high limit humidity sensor (repfaces fhe APS) * OTW - Wi�dow t�mperature sensar (two (2) 22 AWG wires, maxirr�um 100' {30m)) �SKR RESIDENTIAL HUMIQIFIER � � � � � GONNECTl�N DIAGRAM ��:� .:�,: .��. � Control wiring ; , Pan �in Water su I (s�e cantrol diagrams) : 1/z� 1�H 318" 14mm yco er , • (13mm}, ,(13mm), ;;X.-� t ) PP El�ectrical� Air gap ; : , ::* power supply • � � � ���,Manual valve , , .. *(by others) 1"(25mm)�J�; . minimum ---- BY OTHERS � � Drain h�r���.�tS�i� 'm�s�`''�'`$�; '"y�,��� " ��'.���yi . �� i, � � � • � �" {t��,r�'�,`������.i� � ����'_re;;k?�n,��� ��� . ����� 5KR14 SKR25 8KR30 �d�fl CASA VILLA CHATEAU B�LVEDERE CAPACITY 4-5 Ibslhr 7.5 Ibslhr 9 Ibs/hr 92 Ebsfhr (2.OS kglhr} (3.41 kglhr) (4.i0 kgli�r) (5.45 kglhr) POWER 1.4 Kw 2.5 Kw 3 Kw 4 Kw VOL7/�IGE 12fJV 1 1 ph 24QV 1 1 ph 240V/1 ph 2dOV!1 ph AMPERAGE 12 A 11 A 13 A 17 A WIDTH �0.5" 10.5" 10.5" 10.5" (267mm} (2fi7mm} (267mm) (267mm) MEIGHT �`�•5" 14.5" 14.5" 14.5" (368mm} (368mm) (368mm) (368mm) DEPTH g� � � g, (229mm} �22Smm) (229mm) (229mm) �'� �� Weight: Empty: 22 Ibs (10 kg} 1 With water: 35 Ibs (16 kg) �s 1 DISTR/BUTED BY . - _ � a • �' / _- _._.__._� � ., � � z =t.�: ; � � � � ���� � � �aG�it�a�r. �L�CTRC)fV�IC W�LL ��IERMOSTATS �� � DELUXE PROGRA►MMABLE MODELS E��,.:. 4..:.t`R kµc�.t.'w�a.. .�k)A�mM�N�1. r�- The line oi Deluxe Programmable 7hermosta�s offer state-of-the-art control for residential and comrnercial appl'€cations. Designed #or newr construction or replacemenC applications, theae models fe�ture 7 day programming with the choice of 2 or 4 program periods per day,a key- pad lock, a cover lock, and optional remate indoor and autdoor tem- ? perature sensors. They aiso includ`e as standard features automat€c � � changeover, permanent program m�mory retention during any type of "° q.}` ( power outage, and a smart fan option that can run the fan continually ,, ;�. �' ? during occupied periods, which is a requiremant in many commercial ' �� � , � ' appihcetions. It comes in a stylish slimline design with a large easy to ' � �` � � � re�d liquid Cryst�l displ�y(LCD). � � � �� ;� �' � "- � ' _. 4R" � ;��. "'°,�„�:;.�. � . , . � •Automatic changeover ,; � Smart Fan provides for continuous fan during occupied periods � '' {Seven Day models only} : " • Locking cover Electrical rating 24 to 30'J.�C � • Keypad lock A.C. Current ' .050 Amps to 0.75 A�nps continuous •Selectab9e°F or°G readout per output with surges to 3 Amp Max. ! • Remote indoor and outdoor sensing capability . D.C. Current Q Amps to 0.75 Amps continuous ;. • Short cycle pratection during norrnal operation � per output with surges to 3 Amp Ma�s: � • Built In anticipation ' Temperatura setting range Heating: 38° !0 88°F/5°to 30°C •Additional features an multistage models Coolins: 80°to BB°F/16°ta 40°C � Can be tied in with a fresh air/economize[package Temperature sensing range 2B°to 124°F/0°to 48°G . • LED indicators Tetnperature differentiaE - t1°F'/t .5°C. � LCD serrice symbol display options O.D,T. range -50°F to 124°F/-48°to 46°C • Adjustable outdoor balanee points to lockout the auxlliary heat and/ Minimum deadband � or compressor(30�-226 and 300-227 only) (between heating and cooling) 2°F/1°C ' N07E:This thermostat eontains electronic eircuitry replacing the con- • ventional mec�hanical anticipator. � - � � , r UNI-LINE � ORDER NQ. APPLICATION 7 Dr4Y 5-2 DAY COlViME�iTS j 300-225 � 1 HEATl1 COOL • GAS OR ELECTRIC HE4T � 300-227 3 HEA�'/2 C�OL OR 2 HEAT/1 COOL HEA7 PUMPS • AD.�USTABLE BALANGE POINTS i 3D0-229 2 HEAT/2 COOL OR 2 H�P,T/1 CpOL = GAS OR ELEC7FiIC HEAT ; � 300-224* 1 HEAT/1 CflOL � GAS OR EL.�CTRIG HEAT ` 30Q-226 2 HEAT/� COOL H�AT PUMPS • A�JUSTABL�BALANCE POWTS ' I 300-23D' COOL ONLY • W/FAN SWITCN ' I 'No common requlred � � � �' � . � � • � ` � � � � UNl-LINE . ' ORDER NO�. DESCRIPTi41+1 COMMENTS ° P iQ-528 INDQOR SENSOR 8T1'LISFi DESiGN COMPLEMENTS:ANI!DECOR, CAN 6E It�1TERCONNEGT�D� iQ-529 OUTDOOR SENSOR WITH UP TO S,IX INDOOR BENSORS FOR TEMPERATURE AVEFIAGING. 1�D-531 OECORATIVE WALL PLA7E CAN BE USED ON ALL M4DELS y 10-546 ADD-A-WIRE ALLOWS 5 WfRE THERMOSTATS TO BE CONNECTED TO 4 WIRES, � CAN ALSO BE USED TO REPAIR BROKEN WIR�S. /QI.� I � ;. . ri �T; ��� ,''� r"� y. "., `� ���ites;;;�' �-nlnum � ��� �r� � � � , � �' . N �� am;�4�d'� 4"�I� �' �� '.pJ' . . . . . �;t' � , I ' �'' HV� R@�ISteF" HVDAvailabieSizes in. �' t��'F '��+€` "° .. � "' A4 E u �EX s �� truded alumin � um ca � ,,� nstruction ��, �- . ■Twa rnws of indivitlually adjusted ��� �,y��r�����„�� � ''�� face bars for harizontai and vertical r ��t���� ��.� �� ���.�� ', -e �X��Y � _ �aa�����* a�, � $ �� deffectior� -�o K-x��K�x-x x K �x x�a-R-�-x-� 4 3 t ; �'� ' I�R-R �R 7( X X�li--R �;���.���� '��` , „ ■Pivo#e�bars far e�s usitive settin � �.�������� �x �,�,������������ " 9 Opposed 61ade dampep g � ��.��4 , 30 — -— - _ _x J( K-}f X-X X X--K�1(�J� $� ����,� �,� _ �8ric�ht White or Satin Anodized finish x��x-�x x-�--R-�� �� !§�y a'�r'��7�',�a °2 t ++e1?: _ „rp .y �s`��'.` ' i ����` h`k"' �� � %...� � 1 � 3� ._ 35 -X x-�--R�i� A�?�R� � � --{ 3-3f8 .. � � _,. _. __--_. � : � _, �_ •� i--5,!$�. . � Note;Screw hole location detaiis an page 144 � ,i< Otiier siies available upan request � � — � I �FSrto LisTEO oucr 5�`� � >I'cE SIZE � � FLUS MINUS — � �_'�4 3�� 1/�6 u57EC 512 E ' � -�- � , ,,, V/\ GI+`ille YXAvailable Sizes in. ■Extruded aiuminum ca�structinn � �'r'^�,�....`` �''� � R�X--X K-X_"R�i-R__X_-A 3C ■Verii�a�front ba�s x�-�X�� x-x-�x��c ■5ingle raw of indivldually adjustahle x-�X-x �x--R 1� face bars �2 �� � ■Pivoted bars for easy positive setting ta -- � K-x -�X�7�x-7�X- ■Br�ght White or Satin Anodized finish �� �x x x�x� �K�� X-x��� ,��i., 9`F`i: . � . - y�`� ���,u,jµ ''�N�����'�ir.."� ;:� . x cLfi :9G:d 1t,,'"�0�rY�����,,� yY �. aa __.^�.. �z-�-x-x—x-x �x�� �-- ------- ----x x K x �'-'�` �--- � � h�ote:Screw hale location details ort page 144 ��57EO I «STEm °�E' athEr sizes availahle upon request 52[ SIZE Pw5 � ulNUS ° 1--7/� 4{16 USrCb � �—�� I/J� S/< 4o fnginecring Oata on Page 114-1 f5 ���' �x. �'s�� pS4�s��s. n' ��'�n� azd : � Y 3���i�h�'�h�ii,�'; . . � � �.����:�+-��,oES LS/LF Series �aw Ta u�aER ��� �iffuser x L `�'� �'�'� ; �Extruded aluminum construetion FINISH I �y � , i Ceiling,sFdewall,�ill or floor SA-5atin Anodized a�"� ; W-Painted W ' . ��� �� ,. applications 51ZE �� i Availa6le in 0,15,or 30 degrees znd LF(for fluor �ength x Width(inch�s}� � peneil proof bar deflecdions application) MaUNTIh�G STY�E ` � � °�;� �'� � _ ■FOUx moUnting styles-standard,hanger 0-Standard(Floor or 5ill} �;� ^��'"''?" � bracket,mounfing fram2 and LS(for sill, � -Hanger Bracket(2''thru 12"on4y) �. � SCrevUholes in ma�gin sidewall and �pTE:#1 mounting style requires i �`� ■Maximum one piece length l2",width �eiliag hemmed duet(ar hanger bracket = applications) �-Mounting Frame 24" • ■Lengths over T2"made in m��tiple 3-Screwholes in PAargin units with keyway splices to furm BAR STYLE 00-Str�ighi �ontinuous lengths fl1-pencil Proaf ,� ■Bright White or Sati�t Anodized finish 15-15 degree deflection 30-30 degree deflection Nate:Floor applicatian must be ordered TYPE as"LF."Eight inch maximum widtE�for 1-Grille only constant traffic;l2" maximum width for 2-Grilie Witb Control Grid occasional traffic;maximum length 72", 3-6rille Wixh�amper 4-Grille 4�th Controi Gnd and Oamper �ee following pag�for dimensianal data. �' � � L Series �ite�ed cdrner sections furnished as shown.Order as: "� �"� �I�el'ed MCl1 �orners < <:��� T T T — T s� ��� `�r�c �. - MODEL MITER WIQTH F1N1 ,�;� ��� ''�;;�a"� ' ➢�GRE'� SA � �' W (5pecify Miter An�gle) MITER TYPE •5pecify I(Inside)or 0(Outside) deflection on 8ar StyBe 15 or 30 only °'' •Far all sidewall applications specify Mitered Cornar Sections f�rnisi�etl as shovan.�lank � 51 iSidewal�a Anside)ar S�(Sidewall off baffles available upon request. Outside) •Far Bar Style 15 and 3U sidewall also fluGT specify up or down-SIU,510,S�, �.--.� wiorH SOD i � M�I�NTING STYLE i ��° 0-Standard(Ffaor ar Sill) � 1 -Nanger Bracket(2"thru 12"anly) � � ��"-� � � �INWA�tO NOTE:#1 mnunting style requires inside i -------- hemmedductforhangerhraekei �_ - 2-Mounting Frame IounvAAo � 3-Screwholes+n Margin BAR STYLE aa-stra��nt �1 -Pencil Praof 15-15 degree deflection 3�-3Q degree detaeetion . Engfneering fJata on Fage 122-123 64 � � Hart�Cooley x i n s c a d l c o n f ti d e n c e k L Series - �ir�ensional �a�a Mounting USfED wiDii�P�us i-z/u—_ MDV0�111 �-{ +{ ovc-=us�co wiorM r�ouMTiNC scREw � Style 0 '/'��I I �f/� �I (MWIb7HM1715]EO �` ONETISCPEW AEO'D Style 1 �I FRICT�.'ON DUCI C6LUR J I �N LiSTE�wIpTYS SPRING (BY OTIiCRS)� GF 2".Y^IJ2� R 3° �_� i{ �i . I rwa scRtws acq'o 1 � HaNG[R J_ ok �iSYED wID7Hs II il BRACKET-- -{ OF 3-Ij2" TO e2" � APPPO%. — " (kOT AVAILA@!E I 15' ON ,-' -- ~ �-1�3 ON LI5TE0 WIDTMS � LI$TE9 WIPTH � CErvtER �� -�_ OF t,i/2") AlINUS if/33 .. DUtT SIZ[=LISiCO wIOTH- -�-� 1 � �� �—IISTEO WI6TM 1�18 F--Lt5TE6 LEkG£H PLU3 1-7/'J1 � PLUS i-7/34 I I DVCT SIZC = LISTED LCH9TM MIMVS 7/32 ", �� —�r-- � 11STFD 4ENG7H MINl15 11^52 - I � f; i � I pUCT 5R� = LISTED L€NCTH MINl15 7/,72 I E LISTED LENGTH MixuS 11-32 1 L .._ I LISTEO E[HGTH PLUS 1-]/32 , ' Mnunting ���o,„or„P��S �-�„�6 Mounting /3 ���D w10TM PLUS I-7/32 ��16 Style 2 � � 7—� b2PR0a.19 r-LISTEO WIOiH PLUS t-�/32-� C4 IE �S "' !.� � 1 _Ifi JI�E J ��i. , ��� 9 tt . � __" I �� � ON CENTER �I � + _� . 1 5/'.6-� ! 1 � �� I-1]/10 I/� • �— � �.,.._.._.. _ I �/sa E '�'�. 5/16--� r � � u5TE9 WI7TN MINVS I/S2 � ��-LISTLD W16TH—.- � —LISTCO'�I�TY NINUS I1/32 .- euc•srzc-usreo wro�rius E je USTE�WIDTX--� xo.p f�suE DALL=WSTED LENUtH v6U; 1-r5/�5 � FACE VlEW (DUCT 512E= LISTEO wiqiH) t�97[o�ENCrH Pws �-7/a2 - NQ.2 FMME=GSiEO LEN.'sTN PWS 3/52 � — i� - LiSTE�LENGTN PiUS 7-�/52--—�1 I I � � • I j 7S i I F--tiSiEO LENG'M AfINUS �1/!2—�� ��STCO LCNGTM MfNUS 11-3Y�� � auc�szE= ust[o�[HCrs+u�nus�/sz(ceaze)-.-�. OUC7 SiZ[ • u5i�0 LEHCiH MINUS 7/32 (GqILLE)� 4+—CVCT 512E�LIST LCMLiH PLUS I/8(FR�IA€) �.�: LiSTE�WIOTH Mounting �P`us ,",6 � Mou�ting Style DtY �� -F N--��-T-T-�-F�.'_�T 6eP,� � Style GO •.• � M _ ' ._ n ,,., : D£PtH = 3_�.8 L45TE0 WiDiH �� : �: LI5TEI7 HEIGHT �� / RL01S 2 ..�..'. :-": 3-IS/16 (VLLY OP£N Fu1.LY OPEN - p��� � � � FULLY OPEM FULLY OPEN 0.NCLE SUAFOATS 1 . I '.� � aNO a�rcr ' � er orr+cRS i �••`f i i � i , -.-I �UC' SIZE= LI57ED WPDTH l-- PWS I/4 i-� 6�S7E0 wIDTH AIINI/<_ 1-i/8 TYP. r�--OYER�LL= LIST€6 LEHOTH PWS �1/I6---� I � _ i-��2 2-1/7 I-�--D�C�SIZE _ �',ST[O LENGiH PLUS I�E—�1 F�1/` �A� STYLES rI5118'�� Y -,311G" ►5/16"I� ► �311&" 45` 30° 3/32"r � SYM�BOL SYMBOL TYP_ �5 30 I d . ►I5ri61�� ►� ��16' ►�1i-0'� ►�1/-0"�� i;- � 1 SYMBOL SYMBOL 00 01 4 � Sars on 1/2n CenSers � � Engineering Data on Page 122-123 65 � ,� , k 4 Y� '�{ 1 �f � ,��,�,��i�t�r°� � Grilles—A�ninum t ¢,, ^�� r ft r�:!�i r . a: .�.,- �r� � �EFS Filter Grille, REFSAvailableSizes in. � °���u� �F���r�7�x-���rrz�°��A� ,,�' '�rid Core N �� �: � � X —R�___ � � ■All-aluminum constructian �R k � � X X�i-R�X- � . I�1/2"z 1!2"x 1/2"square care �?(—�-x R . .K�� � —A—z. ��x.-�1� � design R x�7� ��� ,� , ',: ■Accommad�tes standard 1"thick i � % � ��� filter{not ineluded} � _ �. �;� � ��ilter grilles equipped wi�h knurled — _ � ��=� '�' knob fasteners - " • ' - - ■Br�ght UVhite or Mill finish - --�j�- _ � 3g �4 - �J6 . , I oucr si2[ ^�'-�--?LlRS t,/B� � C!EAkANCE FdR FILTER � PEFS = f-3IB ��� y�1�2 R[f510 8 REF1 � �-�/6'���,._.,��� 1 r.y������9 LUS 1_5 �,�.�.�,�— � . L3��I • � � aucr srzc —I /&� c ;�'. RH45 Gri�le RH45AvailableSizes in. ''��� ■Extrutled aluminum canstruction _�_�_ �.-�� ' ■ Horizontal bars at 45 degrees ,,��; x x�—x—�R--R�� .•^+�� ■FacE bars permanently fixed into 6 x x x _ � X�_�__�.,x F ::�;�"""�""" `: heavy aluminum frames at a 45 �� __ x—x--R R ��- �:�� � degree angle �� _ _ x x �__�� �`��,� u ■Bright Whkte ar 5at@n Anodizetl finish — x�� ��;V; - x-R--R- R-R-R.-� '`',�,+.,,.,.,��w�""'"�:,:, }( X .A,.�+" .:�, �I�X X���F+�K „rt,....,�._• K X-R-X�X ;�r"-TM`;,��"�'� '� � ' 36 - -K X�-R�7C ,��,�1�'�+�.�"��.�, -- �X X � x�-x-x�x —R� --x..� Additional sites available upon request ---� oc�cT s+zc = �-- uslco srzc 1J LISTE6 SIZE 11- IMINLS 3��6 I _ 3/� �"�� 45' ' �{ � 3/4-'-; �-'-' i �-.— LISiED 91ZE ---I PWS 1-S/+ �o Engineering Uata on Page 11& T4WN 4F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMI'v�Ut�J[TY DEVELDPIC�IENT 75 S. FR�NTAGE ROAD � VAIL, �CO 81657 970-479-213$ NOTE: THIS PERM[T MUST BE PUSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIPvIES MECHAI'+11CA[., PERMIT Permit #: M03-U084 Job Address: 174 E GOT��CREEK DR VAIL 5tatus . . . : ISSUED Loeation.....: 174 E GORE CRK#4U4 L4DGE @ VAIL Applied . . : 06/17/2003 Parcel No,..: 2L0 1 0822 1 059 �ssued . . . fl6/25/2003 Project No : Expires . .: 12/22/2003 QWNER WAGENKNECHT, JOHN, KARd,, KAY06/17/2a�3 Phane: $ MRS. SHARON R. WAGENKNECHT, AGENT 2770 NE 58TH Sfi FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33308-2728 License: C�NTRACTQR C�LORADD PLUMBING SERVICE, I06/�7/2Q03 Phone: 970-625-0766 2335 AIRPORT ROAD RIFLE, CO 8165Q License: 117-M APPLICANT COLDRADfJ PLUMBING SERVICE, I06/17/�003 Phone: 970-625-0766 2335 AIRPORT ROAD RIFLE, CC1 8I650 License: 117-M Desciptio�i: ventitation far bathrooms a.a�d instail �ange exhaust Valuation: $8,400.00 Fireplace Information:Restricted:Y #f nf Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: l7 #of Wood Pellet; 0 ��*a****�*****s**�**+**�**++*+ka*+*:*�*�s�*+*�►as*»���ss.assrsssrtss** FF.F.SiIMM ARY ts***r***s*�**s++�++���*s�*****�***r****s***�+s*�s**�**s*e** Ivlechanical---y $160.00 Restuarant Plan C�eview--> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $203.00 PlanCheck---� $40.00 DFtBFee-----------------> $0.00 AdditianalFees--------� $0.00 Investigation-> $o.oo TOTAL FEES--------------> $203_00 Total Permit Fee------> $203.DD Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments--------------> $203_DO BALANCE D11E-------� $D.DO r��*stt*#*ss�*s�*asr*s�wrsr*r+errrrrwrsr�www��w*ww****s*r�**f*�x+*s*t**+**s**s�w**�rs�*ssw�r�w�sww��Mxe*+*s�s*s�s►+a***ae�**��:�*�t��*a�*s��*�����*** Item: 45100 B'�.TILD�NG DEPARTMENT Q6/20/20Q3 CDAVIS P,ction: AP Item. 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CQl'�IDITION 4F APPRQVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. � : FIELD INSFECTIONS ARE REQUIRED Ta CHECK FOR CODE C�MPLIANCE. Cand: 32 (BLIaG. } : PERMIT,PLAN� AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE PQSTED IN MECHANICAL ROd1K P1�.IOR TO AN INSP�CTION REQU�ST. SR�ki�i�k�##�K:k3##R#ffii�k�k&k##�kR##�#�*##�ke�i#�k#S4#X�k�k$�k#E#i###4i$N�XtXt7�AtM�K�khi�R4##�R##k�.�+k:F*#*##M9:k�k*##M#�#7�#t*##4�iX��N�5MWY��SM�Y�F+k�F#�k48�k*#$R$#;k8t##R�k###+k* � DECLARATIOl'�iS 1 hereby acknowledge that I have r�ad this application, filled o�tt in full the information require�l,completed an accurate plat plan, and s#ate that all the information as required is correct. I agree to coinply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town ordinances�nd state laws, and tq build this structure according ta the towns zaning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances af the Town applicable thereto. REQUE5T5 FQR INSPECTiON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FdUR HOURS IN ADVANCE `Y TEL�T'HO7VE AT 479-�349 pR AT OUK OFFICE FRQM 8:00 r1M-4 PM. -----•-- �=�,_ -�,.``�p%'' �� GNA7'UItE OF�WNER OR CON FQR HIMSELF AND CIWNEF AP ATIO LL NOT BE�lC IF INCOMPLET�R U G`� _� _ Project #� �3��C�1> Z— I�uilding Permit #: tl"� •-D/U3 Mechanical Permit #: ,� 97D-479-2149 (Inspections) ������ E NICAL PERMIT APPLICATION 75 S. Frontage Rd'. Permit will na# b� acc�pted without the following: Vaii, Colarada 81657 Provide Mechanicaf Room Layou draw le t nclude: a Me Fcal Room Di nsio ❑ ion Air Du L ue and Gas e S nd n � +at LOS . � i Cut/Sp S CONTRACTOR INFORMATI�1�i Mechanical Contractar: Tawn of Vail Reg. No.: Cantact and Phone #'s: G = �..�' �-- �Z�-C���6 E-Maic Adaress: ntrattor Signature: � • j J ��. COMF�ETE VALUATION FQR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials , MECHANICAL: $ ��� Cantact Ea !e Coun Assessors O�ce at 970-328-8b40 or visit www,ea /e-coun .com ft�r Farce/# � Pa rcel # j � " ��� /��-� 3ob Name: • ]ob Address: ` � � � ���� � l.egal Description L : B�ock: Filing: Subdivision: Owners fVame: � Ad�re�s;_ `�� �� Phane�dr �7 � ` � �� Engineer: . , ��- ' � Address: Phone: � Detailed description of work: � - �r . ` � . �' lr � ! ._ -- --�— Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Alterativn ) Repair( ) Qther ( ) �; Boi�er Location: Interior ( } Exterlor O Okher O Does an ENU exist at this location; Yes O Na O Type of B{dg: Singde-family'�) Duplex( ) Multi-family ' Corr�mereial ( ) Restaurant( ) Qther( } Na, of Existing Dv�relling Units in this building; No. of Accommadation Units in this building; Na/T e of Fire laces Existirr : Gas A liances Gas Lo s Wood/Pellet Wood Burnin �lo/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances O Gas Logs O Wood/Pellet O Wood Burning �NOT AL�.OWED} , Is this a conversion frorr� a wood burning fi�eplace to an EPA Phase iI device? Yes ( ) Na ( ) � "' ' *�***�********�*********FOR OFFICE US� ()NLY�*****�*�**�*x�**�� �*���* Other Fees Pianner Si n-aff: Acce ted B : � .� DRB Fees� . Date Received; . ,� ,� ;: �� 11Vailldatalcdev\FORMSIPERMI"I'S�.h7ECHPERM.DQC 07f26l2U0? � � ,p�'� ��`� . k . ... . . . k.,�g� ., '� ' , Y b. - � Fi � �.,�f .... '°'.,:�.k � y�,�� � Y s• rt�'�E4�`a'�+" �=�k,*. � � � .��:,Yi'-� s` �°' ��' r. �, ,���V��, � ��t � � '� �'�1 '�.:ef„ � � ,� ,� �+�..a{� � ,� `'�� ,,a,o' '� a, � �+ �'. �,� �` � [�. N9 �. ;•'� . ... , '� 'I�Ck� � � , � 14 l� . l V iT��l' CLiJ.� Town of Vail Mechan�cal Codes and Desiun Criteria + You must obtain Design Review Board (DRB) appro�af if any af the mechanical work wil! involve ANY exterior work. 7his includes and is �Qt limited to removal and replacement of dri�eway snow melt systems. Please contact a �lanner at 479-21�8 before submitting yo�r mechani�al permit applica�ion. � The Town of Vail has adopted the 1998 International Mechanical Code (IMC) with 'the 1997 Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC) as an acceptable alternati�e. + All new construction within the Town of Yail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus al� combustEOn air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipment. Reference the 1997 UMC Sec. 7�1.2. Tawn of Va�l Fire lace Qrdinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town C4uncii adopted an ordinance which restriets te eor�struction and use of open heartl� freplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that tirrie the ordinance has undergone numerous changes ancf revisians, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressin� the air t�uality issue. Therefore the follo�n►ing crit�ria has been �dapted: � Construction of open hearrth rrvood burning fireQlaces is no longer �e�rrrwitted v�rithin Town of Vail municipal boundaries. � Dweilina Units-- �ach new dweiling uni� may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II certified solid fuel burning device and no more than two (Z) gas applianc�s {B vent) aR 7wo (�) gas !ag fireplaces and no more than two (z) �as appliance fireplaces (B bent). + Restricted Dwelling Ur�its— Each new restric�ed dweEling unit may eontain: One (1) gas fog �replace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplaee. �, Accomm�dation Units — Each new accommodatian un�t may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace ar one (1) gas appliance Frepiace. � If twa or� more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined tc, form one larger unit,the combin�d unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one already exists} and na more �han 2 g�s appliance fireplaces, or may can�ert up ta two existing fireplaces to gas. + If during the course of a remadel an existing woodburning fireplac� is altered or moved, tt�e unit must then compl�y with all pravisions of the ordinance. That is, the fir�place must be �anverted to natural gas ar replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F:/everyone/forms/rrjechperm � � �.� �1 �. TRiPN�JF Dri1L �� H011ll DID 1NE RAT� WITH YOU? Tawn af 1�ai1 Survey , Cammunity Devela�merit �epartment Russell forrest, Dire�tor, (97U)479-2'�39 Chec�c a�l that applies. �. Wi�ich Departmentts� did yau contact? Buil�ing Envirortmental Hausing Admin Planning CRB �EC 2. Was yc�ur initial contact with our stafF immediate slaw ar na one avaiiable ? � 3. lf you were require� t�wai#, �tow long was it before yo�wefe � he!ped? 4. Was your project revie�Ned on a timely �as3s?Y�s I fVo If na, w�y not? 5. Was this your firsttime to flle a �RB app PEC a�p Bldg Permit NlA � 6. Please rate the per�armanc�of t�e sta�persan who assisted you: 5 4 3 2 1 Name: {knowledge, responsiveness, ava1a�ili#y) 7. Ouefaff effe�tiveness of�he Front Serrrice Caur�ter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is the best time af day far you t� use ttte Frant Service Coianter? 9. Ar�y comme�ts you have which wou�d allaw us to better serve you next time? Tf�ank you for taking the time t� c�rnp�ete this su�vey. We are committe� to improving o�r senrice. , � ? � , � r,� � r"k1t%�7'��,� �`�-* �. � , � �� '���J I` � T �!�k.����'�dY �� � --- f 'I l.�'h;�7�� �`�::�A � —f��'� ��'�.�!"��:. ,�:`i� l �� t:y4°�, ! � � � . .. _ .�_.�---___ ....�_ .,�__:..... ;_._W.�_. .....��__..���.��...�._. _...._._�_. .W..., �.. .__ ___ .__.._.� . .. ...,__� . ...,..� ._...._ ......_.. _ ,� _.____�_..:�_� . � ,� . � � , � i::�'--�;,�� � II'.y�j�� �:,�...__ I�����1 � ,:��-�5�1_`�f9;�, � 'r" c���;��r� � _ _ '� .�,�'�'�,�`�fF�_ �.. � Tc J `-'� � �fi:>t�(•� �!� [ )�;T.�,�..: � /� l� i � r�W�.�.� ` _... � I' h !�::� _.Y.. — ���_ . .� � __..�.� _ _..._�..._�_..�._ ` �-� L l���ll �� ��� �E G;,°, r-_._ _W.._.. ._ .�T= -- ---���-f..`V���_.�.___: �__ r._.. . � ..s..... .... _�...... _ . _ __.��� ��}�.`���i r�.�. �: ���f d�'}. � � _ � . ! _ � . _ . +'--- .... . ;__ - ----____�_— ,.., ; - � � j ��.,,, � .�,.. �1 ���� �� r I..l✓'t'.t�„��'°� �s'�,1� l � �''��� � ( � �,a <., � ., �_ 1`�`"� {'���_.f"��.�li __._,. � ~� .�. ..3� } 6:.�r. .,�.� � _ � .,.._. �� � `ti '—_ � ! _ r- 4 �.�4 ti,°'Cl,.�- s.. ..�-.,���� . � ' i - � '. .._ ��� � . �il,�,l�� I�dF:��'�'f�:.'-�I_I�— � _..___..,�,_ �' �°l,l�_t i--I�k�vb9•�4'r" t�J����C y - - I ••�'° ...� {-9�W�'S�1:;S� -,a'���'i�� ,�,t�ii�'! � � .�` � I .. �";i�.���I� � I� ���� � ��� 1 r�.ti�l , : -- � _.__._ .,._ �-•� �."�c �� r ' � ..� �,.. -- __ l ;+ e, �..4,. .1 i. �:�� � � � . 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Do not�se in ccsoidng area. �� E� � � �� 4. 5ufficient air is needed for�roper combus#ion and exi3ausfing af �ases Yhrvugh Yhe�lue(chimney)of tuel burning equi�ment that rnigM �e installed in 4t�e area affected ay this equipment. �t�his a�nit Os 1 L ��a�aus�rug�ir�ram��pac�bea v�iGn�nhroney=�ea�ted�sea �n�r�;p-�a�35Ye� — ��tside�,i� !tn�urning�esi�nt 9s 9ccatec�,gake steps to as�ur�4hat �°�r� r�#��� : n�ir�u}�ly�s sacat�if�+cSec�. Follow the heating =quiomenY manufacE�re�s guidedines and safety standards such as 20°aain.�;sar��a�'— 20�f4"�lrsi't— �i9�se�ublis�d b;r�he�9ational Fire Prot2etio�Assacia�on(MF�A),4he � e �tmerican Soc:�ety for Heating, Re�irigeration and Air CondiGoning �ngineers(�,�HRAt;,and}ocal code authorities. ���i��Switch —, ' �l�c.bott F—�—__._�.� ' � �. Do not aort�ect 7his unit to fume hoads or eollecfivn systems for ` — — — — ',� toxics. '� 5.lr�stallatian�rorfc and electrical vuiring must be done by qualiPeci � �=r�r��r���3��in�S �� �„orr(s�irs arx�rdance uui�h all applica6le codes and standards, ��Sp�rar��r�P����s� ��cludir�fire-sa4ed a+nstruct�n codes and standaTds. � $�'�I'��P�. 4's.�JVhen ct�ttit4g or driliing info wall or ceilirtg,do not damage elec�ricai � 4�+iring and ather hidden utififies. `` �'� 7.�ucted fans must always be�ersted tv the avtdaors. � ��, S.�IE�IER�la�a switch+rrhere it carr be reached from a tub or �' \ show�r Siae�d�P�3'°du�t�anneCtions 8.This�nif rnust be grounded. � ��Ui'4��! I�= P����B �P'r� �� ���➢����'�� �.�ar geeterai ven[ilating usa onfy. Do nrnt use to e.dteust hazardous or +��_�q��s�,��q� ��y��� ���osive materiaEs ana rapors. ��_ �g��g��p��� jg��Q��n 2.To avoid mc�tor 4earing darn�ge and noisy and/or unbalanc�d �_ �.��a�a�����o��� �a��B�� ira,�[ers,keEp dryavail spray,corrstruction dust,et�.,oi�po,�er unit. At#ention:Tt�is ins#all�fian enanual shn+ws Yhe suggesttd instailatian me#had. �ny shuctural atteratior�s nec2ssary�fw ins4alfation must comply with all applicable bui€�ing,heaith,and sareYy ccsde requirements. r�i'd���. 1�='��G����It't'�1��.���'G.i�a� �".�9°'�,7�AI�3 ����r�����s�ll. 7d!laT�s��?���'���l�':��1�� ` , i; t. ; �! � �:°: �� ° �. � �. • A ' � � '�: ! ', ; � � ti I � .� � � � �. � � � .. . � � �1E-2101rtsfalRatEa��a S 9 4•�l 3 3-�d�'3� {P��a a J) — I•••�• ���af� . � � �; - a ' �. d � � � T��2trad�CCaiion is u�ty in the isasemenf ors the f�ndation+nraiE. ��eCi a kxa#ion that keeps ihe�wa ducts 3�,'{�outside as stior#�s .�'d�C 3B������,�9Pd i�3��1t�8&�� �sabde,and r�ghiy equal in length- �a3sat��he siaFe�tr��tturns in raoms whes�molsture ared ador K2�ing all d[�s�s short artd simple as z:�ssf�e prov�es�e�st �����t�: S2ade air retums(ewhich Qicx up stale hcwset�vEd air�o v�rfcxrrrarrce of#he system. Shorter ducf runs help assure tl?at 3he ��aus4ed)st�ould be locateci in washr�orns and�dtcherts,and sys4em�balancad—Yhe arrtourrk uf air brought in is�qu�l Yo the F��FS�n S�pn�a�/'af�a5 Y�i]efe cptlt-an°Ii�1a�3tS afe a150�enefat�d, arrsctsn.�of air�austed. �n6ala�cad flrw�n�use�r such as a wor�cshop. R�tums i��ncsary areas may be dampered scs �crrr�nc�of�e NE-2i0,and may�veet resu'rE�n fres3iny�f 4he cor� �at��can�e shut affi��n not in use_ A central locafi�n such as a a1uring extr�iy cold�nreather. ���Y����ptable,but vvonY clear humidity and o�ors from 1C�l�:�e��sh�Ir§retak�ei��i[�rt�rra 29��sat�9de�dacreei�� �hs ar�d knie.�ans as raapidly. �0�J03�°�#C�r�iVY��9C#t-LiPS lf� �tsin�uan���6�feQY 3`ram any��'ttws�ut$k'��x�aat�st v�n�. G�,�'Gc8! ��9e 9�3r�elaasaa�r111��z�s 9r�ll it�H�-210 vuttere yau c:an remove the front cover for cleaning �� �„��o„���„���„_,�g�y�o�.3ra. 4tre c�e and fitter,and�nrf�r2 yvou can get at�he,tviring fcr�SSib€e �ervfce. �tc� S"�{�#0�mr 60�.�n. If a basenn�nt area is not a��ailabl�ar practi�i,use a iaund�,+or �inirre�arv��gr6lis 2��8ure�s 6'�50^a�r 3 re#urns d°SC3D" 3nec�arucal eaom. if�,au�fvish to irt�talf 4he s'-i�-2t0 i�an attic or� 9�i1 fPae�aEe�iP��fa�rres�o-�e��ae�ilireg�n dnside s�v�l[�. tfse urrcars�ioned spac2,��ou map ne�d to use s�cia('srrshatlation Yhe�table�o s�lect'th�proper grille size. Stale air returras are tsest tect�nia�s,such as cannecting#he ducts to differ2rrt ports than usuaE. ir�stal{ed in lnderior partitions within a few in�hes of tF�e c�i�ing, Canfact the factory or repre�..:�2rrtative Yo discuss your ap�ication., �sBonafh�,�iling lccations are 2asier 4o install,btat are no mare A�iec3ive. � s f ��t�alB�aa�5�'�m ?�7e��f�AJ�P��#ur�s tm 4�1��9� The pr�erred rsrounting locativn tor 4he�!E-�10 is on a concrete ��oa����e�P e2tums are�.nnneeted by ducts to the�I�-2i0. �nciatiws xralf. The foundatioro+rrall�.viil isolate ar3y hbwer vibration. =��tl�,empty 54ud cavities are us�d For retums,as is oft�en done ��u�can us�the angle bracke#s sup�fied with Yhe HE-270 4o aitach rt to '����air rekums for#he furnacs,using�tandard duct�oots#o a car�t�tflundation ywaN_ �CCasiana�ly��ou'91�rnd shelf brack2ts mor� �n���'��P�Pe�Yhe bottom or Yop ofi the wal�cavity. Always b�e €�nver�erf. Use ir2"zip ar tek sceet�rs�o secur�the�rckets 40 4he sure#o sea!around baots yvith caulk. Some 9aca1 codes may requEre rase of tf,e;�E-2t0. enetal ducting ail tfie tnray ftom the�cots 4o?ha stale air grilles,but this lMhen rtmuntimg�he hiE-2�t�2o a stud yuall or hanging unii trom joisis or inn{I 8ncrease�he cos�of your ductwor�systam. Use rigid duats 4o al{aw trus�aes,vse vibration dam��s on d�e rnountir�g�aracke#s 90 isalate any t��air 2o mave�r�eiy and easifythrouGPt ihe ducts. Use the ioilov�ing ua�ra5ar�tf�e blowers may prodvcz. chart ta size your dt�ctwark: Prodide at 6eas3 20"or�learanca at�ront or uni��o�servica accsss to the j ���j��������s����l� �Eawers,fltters and�xchanger cc�re. �aust Air&Qufside,4ir 8"round insulated duc� If grou are installing an HE-21G�9(the piastic c�re mode!�or i�igh (�'�n unif 8 oufside� m�cisture refnovai eapability),mount i�so Lhe condensate gans at the �resh Air�Sfale s�i� 8"rau�d or 8"ouai ngid un- 1�#tom of the unit,and remember Yo connect Yt��ndertisate drain pipe. (behveen un�t�house�,within insulated condiFaoned spacxs) � � •' ° ° � A!I�ucts Tr��E-�'i0�o��se$n ssasc�nd�taoned a�ac��Bike �Fcs arad�raw1 spac�s Tt�e�aust Air Duct and 4i3e Outside Air Duct connect the unit to the r�113S�BE 91�SUL,ATE[? cxrtsid�e. F[exbEe insulated duci is�ypically used. Ti�e�z�aus�c7tfftlet and�res�a3r�nle4 on�he outsida or the building 1lse�g'�ec2lmea�f filexibie Ira�€a6aten�cnc��ca��nn�tFee sta�e a€r six�uld be at least�1en Yee#apart to avQia cross-confamiraation_Keep the'er�tft of�e iwo Plexible ducts ro�ghiy equa!and as short as ������g�O�e��°�70 t���'r���at�eled°Staie�ir�r�rn ��. �9ous2°. �lote that flex du�t is not requir�d ior the bresh air cvnn�cYian.).This will cu2 nois��ransmi�'ted from�e i1E-2104o the �a�snecting?P►e�3E��29D�fl�ye c��ts�de rraust�iseyulat�d, stale air refurrss appro�omateiy in ha9i. 5tre#ch rhe ilez duct reasonabfy 'ivitit ae�led wapar b�u��r cAt��g7n aeasSd��rad�s€ds�����ghe �i�ht in arder to maEntain gocd air�ow rat�s. §rasuiation. �o�'i a���aos��Yd�$a;�e�t�laasa�t�r�re�9 FI�x duc4 is much rnare Ti�gn�s and outlets should�scr��d ac�ait�s#�nsects and+�errr�in resis�ant to air�lo�v fhan aigid dvct;ionger runs of 71ex duct�nni!r�duce ard sh�from Yhe tweather:o;areverrt ehe entnj of rain or snrn,v. the yentilation perFormance or"your sysYem_ T7ae�eMsaust outlet shauld not dump air�nto an�nclosed space or any ot#•,er stueture. � ���g���d.7a➢e����i�P��tT.�3�d�'�C�!f'���� '�°���dD ��[!'a�3: ����s@n�ir.".n�sf�ca�la��e��;�st�0'�ea�•��:rr► � ��.�����e�aa��t��� �J�za�a�l�:���e;�'���� �r��2.w.i��us3,�c�a&�ir±r�s y��a$s,cr9r�rae��,3u�rBaC��nd'Nater � �4�a�zriaessts,���rtB�e�;aasrc���$�an8�r�aitaa�4on es car�or� Lacaie 4he sEale air pick-up atrray from ihe stave to�s atusroa� �not locat��se:=�r�ss:�air;nie!�7es��✓efaieles rreay �e s�rvsc��r J��t 3dl6e�g. i�v�.9c.r.���e tfae �es��iP ir�3�d�r¢s3de a ��+P9�����l��u�;�P�P�9 a��r�3���'������1��8�'�� �i.'ite�2. �o��3ouses.vFt;�a F�arc�-�A�3ae�ting�red�.mod9aag sya��s �4nst�1E-210 unit3 are snstalled wiih the�resh air duct connected directly ro a cold air retum d�tct tor 4he main heating and�oling sys4een—af teast t�geet ffrom the returr�p}enum�a minimize svcticsr� f'ram 4he main furrsace blowsr. ,4 connection clos€:r fo Rhe fumace may ��suPt in unbalancad flovu arxf asscc�ated problems. °e-�E-�54allSta�(�dU,PI 'd�7�-�33-�$�z ��Y�PSS �) ,g}�ge2c�fid . ��r Poou�a�ri88��y�rmrol��eat0�sr� s�-���s � �n mosi»ouses o��siz�se�v�a�±��,���-z7o,one ax turo fresh air �'�e�'�1°�s�a��,�����°�►a�r��--�;����l�ic�i�a�` grili�s,�n a carvtrai part of#he tsouse,provide ef�ecrive disttibudon of ttae ��'��� �resh air ir�a�e horr.e—�arti�tar�r�rlhess tF�e�aie 2�ust air is �humid�stats mnst t;e Bccated irt 4he pr�mary living ar�a. Tmer��rsay �ic��d�p�t�ev�r�l uoir�es. �eca�2he r'resh air is usualty somewh�it �8B�[��P4}^1YfF2Y@ K:UPI°JEl19P.Y9H. f�s�IC�I IOCdL�T1 S`Qf�f�}7�+5 C8t1if0l iS s�oler�laan 4h��cissehoid air,�he Fr�h air su{�pty griiles should t� �6°����9��• �Y5 vait riehumidis�stats anc!tirryees ar� ncr.�ied�n a�ar`fic�r�a,tike a V�alMray�e�arrt�ntr�--eaYher than in a avaiiahle fio�nt sn��'elec�rfieai boxes. �ng area. 3f g�warrt&a�t iPi2Sh a1P lP110��cff'hc rocsrns witfi high aecupane�r�Yo� ��3T�1������p����+� jil���IB�2��s�6D J88� �an s�r2�p p�e�resh air supply. �'�m���3��e af�'pf��C�9�s '��a�°��P��e3�ie�^aa�f@��1��9c�rag zPa�r3: �lall��s ar sprir�g-e�cyur�d�mer swdkches shouk��xe�rouiderl ir��)i ?a�atiaras�er2 snanual ean�rc{t���a�nit�s d2sired(2.�.�fyraoms�. ��a,�,Ir��dIE��9z� '�:es�are vuir�d ira�aralleE 20�primar°/oFaxa�ra9 a�rYtrr,l,�'tS�t!�P (e�rs t�of c�eaec�ed�a aarc..�ir�±�sY2m) t�r�ir carr a�turrr��n m��alty�rom�esa laoations. j �@rsg�e�a�s��i�r,�autle� �"X�4" � Te�o�r srs���a�aa.����tIDe�� �-�a�� ��a6�.a�'��3�7�8'������ac '�J��Gc��a��rEri�¢g s�tie�g ca�e�e�asec9,fAtlo�hrag�e� ,�u�g�i�E�Fee el�r�i�onfraci�r,�cs�ro�e��p;.���rai 3�a�a�e��d ��r ho��s�rad�arc�s a�mnc�sra: ,�nr!ess��aY�#+��e�d�axie�a�ac�rr�s. �Yi�firsi Bine of defense�gainsi radon ahvays should be techniques tfaai Ti�e sci�ema�e bekow'silus#rates i}sree�aaraf�el cotrtmis:a SW-� sp�ine�- ,�ret'ent�hhe�ntry of radon into fhe�orrEe,such as z�nder-si�b suction, y������,a DH-� dehurnidistat,and a TS-9 �me�. vented�hm2�er deainage,an��racic seaiimg. However,ifi maderaYe �evels of radon continue to be�resent,it is imRariant that the NE-210 �f es un�sual�o instcai��o#h a dehumidisiat and a#imer. �Vote ihat the should sfightly�r�surixe the basement—not de-�ressur¢e the to�er requires its odvn operating pow�er fcx 2he cl��. ;�s is typ��, 's�asement. Instail a supPly 9rilEe in the baseenent,with a damRer,so pFD�o���'�as�xample aEl�re i 15 VAC. that�he rador9 mi�igation ex�grt can balanc�Yhe air flaws betvveen the basement and the hiE-210 ta provide this slight Fositive pressurization $��-'� ,�}i-, �S°1 �������:�55 9lt��!'�lT��3�t yIACI 28R��lS�fHC�:�l£' �� �, ���r�aara�e�a1�1�rast��a� �gee�c�°� .�. � �t3Pd����� ��t��������s�����a.����� �ti�rg��ne Yt�u°,�P�''a�� . o� :crsuaily�r��-�d ���rr���i���� �������'ne,�fa�r���k r�a�'c�m ��^�ra����rytcn l 9 ! ���ar�ttea) .�JI�/A6�'�'1�iP?�35��SJ�d8�.9�8�.''�?�.'SD�b�— '�ML'!'�9d! ��Unie • j � � �Sd�, ��1ey�6��!�[� o i � . ; ,, . � � � a � - �3P1�.' � • ___---�-�---- ---- ---------��-- ��i9�9'�� '��.�J._.___ ---._. _ 9 � °� �'aP�G��9� u�r',5��.�:�a'����c��g ����S��vn �aat��i�i�g �3E�����I�t�g ��ast�l��'a�a��#ae��s�a�ra�,�ilit��f t�e EBe�i�a1 � ����� ����a�sera� Some controls�nay requir�graunding. ,4lways�round�rnit ����u��d�����������a� ��s���eeag�a�ar��rr��a���r�s�o��;�lE 29� flperaating Vafkage: 115 i1AC,r�Hz Yau srsay�nrish to ansYall additior0al e�dsaust fans in bathrooms far higher 5�rt-up�mps: 3.i ir�fermitterit veniifa{io�raf�. A�h�an verrted to Phe o�atside can do a i'law�rium Gon�in�ous g4cd joa. ,�,raother option is#o c�nect iFre Uath�an gv stale air duct to �ree A�r�rrr�s; 2_7 fhe HE-290. Remave arty�acicdraft darnpef from 4ta2 bath;an_ i,�nYrals�Jo�tage: 135 V�C,�3tiz Ccnrsecd na rnore�han three s'�ath�arvs to 4he H�-2lO. Install a ctm�bie- (low�a�oRage c�ntrot is availabte as a fiactory opfion} �''re swi�'r�in�h��athromrn to tum on i�ath the batfi fart ar�d the HE- 210. Tite dcwtrle-�oie�vitc��eciricalty isofates'Eite�th fan so�hat�t �/',�a�'J�aG��:�����'�r���.���9Cs�0��8�9�;�C��fB dc�sn'd rvn vvhen ghe HE-210 is#ut'�ed on frflm�nother locatict�. ��c�aa����a���l����� �!+?4�I��115 :��1��.�,�f64����fP�3�r�s'.��3��'������3��'�6�'l,r�� ` � ' , � ��'��a�G1�1���, T,�e sta»dard ent�ialpc-co,�,yE-210 makes no candensairon,and daus �.�1r'�R�:�/ic��a�aea�m�.;'ris�ssr��c#�uvitc�a�y fls�r�qu�r��� racyuir�s no condensaf��ans ar defiust evntY�(. ��a��s¢g4a�dta����D�oesa�3s�r��c9�g. Be�use 4t�Ft�-270PW uses a�lastic c�re to prov9de ma:dmum mais�ure remotirai srom @he hcsus�,con�erisatiorr dae,s form,arai et cailects�n Yt�e corderisate pan atti�4cottom af 4t�e��-21c�. �rse�t the sup�lied cvnder�sate drain pi�(1/8"IP pfastic 8ubing,�r�eith an d�c�B�P��7��� ���^d��V�� ac�vai ID af 5ft6'��o tha ni�le in the bottom of 2Ete�an.Secure ehe �II�-f�-2f 0 iisstaEla�icns s�ould ind��cie a�:�a����atd�ag���a4sol drain;�ipe so all ccndesas.�ie�uns 2o a tTcor drain ta ens�re appmoriate oQarafion r�f�he s�tem. A deirosY,cantral is tacfory-insialled:n every i1E-21CA�_ it�easures the ;blany iea�alla�irms aisa sncdude o�e or more��adae�J�'!���9 te�npera�sre of�he outgaE�g�tale�ir stream,ar�d ds�actory-s�at�3°F. ��ra�r�B�s�. Thes��Yic�Yhe���m 2cs�4umed on irom various This�arrs 2hat defrosi�oni�ol dc�sn`t 5fart t�r�l just�efore 5'r�rtc €ceations in the hous�,�r.d are�viretf in paralle!�ifh�he primary corrtroi. c�ld oa;.vr,and s�otis jus�ar�er�St is e]irnipatecl_ �91E��'��ur�a3a91aY�� ��D-�13 3-4��� ��r��s a �; �rage��f d . t � de#ermine 4he 2�a�amourtt or y�n o�-tion a�ci�ic home sv�l1 need_ !ns#ead,mest pc�ple use one qr s�o�nethocis 4o c�trtrol tFae��eratiori nf ' � " i '�}3QIf Yentil3�tN1 Sy5ielits: .�3�OW2d�!?@�����8.t�er�C�d��9 ` � Provide a c3aih/average of 5 cubic feed�er ml��rte(CF�A)of verttilation for�acft 1dd square feet af iivirsg space. A�rsae�is the �CCasional uacuum-cleaning of#he blower wheels can bs done at fhe �rirnar�operatirsg�aniroa that allow+�y�:a�iiabiy achieve this same time�ou clean the face of 4he energy�charoge eEer�ent(yearly). ���ti�n rate. '��g/y���"j��gpc p���p j�p�� This ren4ilation rate�vill pmv�de gcad air a�uaii4y in most homes for !ftlash fi�ters 2ver�,pwyd vr 4hree months tvhen the HE-21�3 is 6n regular �°���,��in��°���`�n�cieiyof Heatirag, isse,or as needed ta keep them�easona�h��;ear. F�2frigera#iaro a�.d�yr-ccv�dirioning Engine�rs��SNRAE). Tt)INAS2i THE F1LTEh5: �+��tis rte,yau wi11�e��sanging#he air in yvur home about�ine 39 Ramt�ve th�retaining screws in the�ro�t cav�r �m����. �������ms are generaliy designed to provid� and swing the caver up; ��E�st't{'sis ver�tiEa�On rate. �3 pu�I the�fters ouit; Be sure to provide at leasi 20 GF�A�er�..on in the horrae, fr�small ' �D wash fhe fl?ers in a mild soap sc�lutivn; ���s�is may mean rnore than nine air changes cer day. R�8 aflow 4he frtters to dry; � re-ins�all�ikars; OR �8 clnse cover and re-instafl Yhe retaining scre�,�vs. �lOTE; The flters can be eorr�pleteh�repiacw�if 4hey are damaged. � Veraulate�nough in°�winter to kee�9nd�humidi�y Eow_ �1 CaH the maraufact�res. �ehi�dlstaf is the�rimary operatirxa conirol�hat aBows you to ven#ilat�on�o keep vrinter humidiEy 3ow. NQTE: F!!f�►s aa�us3&�e ua��d or fhe 2nargp exchange element will �ecc�T�°�la�oced by dus'r arad Fhe N�-�10 won°�do i�s�ob. The�ifters ����������°F cr cco�er,ventiiaisr�g vvith an EFt1!will remove suppiied in the unft are usualiy ab[e to�eep 4he energy exchange `Na#er�raRor froEn 2he home.is��he enrini�,water vapor inside your e6ement clear far several months. Finer fl�ers can be used bu{must�e ���e��/�����m�REe—����9�showering,and c3eanes�more aften_ ca�ldng, :Excess winter-2ime humidity is an appro�mate indicator of the need to R/�CilUlTl $1B��r7�CE�3f���9��Y���.FC�,��pg���J�,�p���` , �r�tilate to con�7oi other h�man-source�Ilutants,iike carbon dio�de Il yE4ifly. and caoking odars. Dttsi colleets only on fhe Face of xhe�nerr3y�,�cchange elerrtent,right in�Id weath�r,lnwwer numidides�elp to�reves�3 condensation�n vvhere tFte fitter sits. The intenor of�he�nergy exchange efemen4 stays +erindows. c.�ean evert if the eiemerrt r`aces are d�tst�rn�ered, ' T4 GLERhd THE E�IERGY E:{CHA�G��L��IEh�T: Smokers wi1!generalfy need abouE double 4he usua!ventilation rate to � remove Ifie fifters(see above); �Q��reasona6le air uaC The r��of radon will also eneral � vacuum the exposed fiacxs of fhe energy P q �Y- � `--.;__ 9 �Y exct�ange elemer�t wfth suggest a higher ventiia#inn ratE and other system madificatioris. a so�brush attachment; Tk�ese guidelines are a�iarting point. t1s lcrtg as the�affutanis you are � aftes yvashing the�i�t�rs,se-ir�stail them(see concEmed�rith are detectatale—lik�water�rapor ar odors—yvur nvse aY�ve) can k�e a good guide,and y�u:nay find ihai fiewer i�ours of opQrabon wiiE � vacuum out dust�ram 4he rest of ti�e unit case. ���=• �ALlTEQId:�o not wash the�aeergy��c9�eae�ge�Ee�nen�. �Iways 8sartdle the ele�een#care�u�ly. �eep�t avuay frarn wa#���-1�re�o ��l�]Id?�f�f➢ a7f,6�s3C9�+2li�dt�.��d�'L9P�'lAp�4i�P?�Hr� avoid damaging it. '�tee energy�xc�aarage e9eaa�,ent c�ra k>e �p���tiP►Q�fl �Rq/. replaced but 9s�xpenslve. In generat,when the ERy is�irst tumed cn at Yfie beginning of the h�atmg s�ason(ar�rfien�irsat instadled},i}evill t�ave�a rut�'fui4-time fiar �' � s � o . several days to g�t#re indacr�umidity leyels under canvol. A pro�}r- set dehumidistat sviA do�his�ertomaucadfy,�ut a timer should L�e set in the"onT Fvsitior�#cr several days if you froave a�roblem with exc2ss 4 � hurnidity. �3��mg��v ��?�i�rrti� �er��an�iti��,��. 1�;n ERV works very wefl wfith a3r�condiflonfng,beca�se its Qnthalpy- trans�er core tivil3 rEduc2 rhe amount ofi e.�tr�a ouiiside rr�ois#ure in the Many modem homes are buift air-tight for�rsergy effciency and outside air that is brought ic�. �,s is#rue duri¢�g tt�e�eating season, eomfort. The resutt is that natural air infi�tr�#icn rates are often tafl Iow ERys shauEd�tssed on�j as needed Yo�ravicie gt�d air quai[ry. io provide accgpEable Rndoar air qualfij. T3�e solution is to use an ERV xa remove g'aseous Fo]1uta�tfs iike: car�on dioxide,smoke,radan, In ihe summer,the outside a�r 9s gerieraltg wetter 2ha�Rhe air inside an �ors,winter-time exc2:,s humidify,torrna9dehyde a�d otfier chesr�icals. a�P��°��1Q�. Sec�use ER�15 bring in aufside air,�e�i�-210 awilf not be�emaving excass i�umidit�fram the i�ame in#he summer,as Tae remov�a9 0;dust and aiher srsaall gartic:��ram your horrae is rrot the �dczs in�ti-re�nter. �ut sir.c:e�s��Js+�iPl�ring ir,mueh less moisYure primary fi�nc4on of an ER�I. �har�any�er ven6Zation rne�ed you can vse in during 4he air- cortcitionieag s2a�n,it is s�ll ihe p�referred vvay ao ventilate v+rhile�Er- �hera�aasulc��v�aa-�����r�r;�a��°� �nnd�icn�ng. Use yaur EliV any time 4hat �+nrindows are c9os�d and yau need ta +Pentilafe,and�the outside air is colder or hotter dMan is comforPabla. r�J'ti�SnlBCf!Y�li��8'�DA3 dS PI�l���Ol��h'�d.�� DiffereM hottsehoid�et�uire dififetent raies ofi ventifation,depending on YYae poliutants found in each home. It is no4 usually practical to �age 4 oi�i �p�-.���-�g�� i���A$ �) e-1E-�?0 Qn�taflatlmn 1 1 1: r + 1 '1 � 1 ' 1� J. :� . � � �. w � � � � , � � � , � '' , , �, . �.. ... .�.___ _ _. . ._ . � i f . �f • • . . � , �� �,� . . . . _ W ti� � 1k 7� .. . . . , t ��'6 .' '. , • �,�a*� � . � . {. ��� y;� +� r . � ,�„ � ,. '►C��' k�>>� '�:7�dt•r a��� .•�' � i.����. 'a Fh� �� ,t 'i• � � ' • � ' . •.' *�� ���rC���i'�"'*fA�'y''� • '' � • . . :f'�� ��++y"�`'''�.e.• �, r' � . . . ' . ' ia�: t N ��`r�� � .'p`!4{ � ����k'_s1r/� �,.��� V� • . ''` ' ' i. : f��y � ��r �p ' �i a R �aa � ��l;e�s .�j`� •. . ' . y k ����k1�� � .M1 . . ,I 'f�{ �,��u'�"��;d�Ai�aVa'��FTr ;R �r+r� .� � r • . • � � Ap • � � y �, ...�.. .. ,.� . . �- ^���.�:��•��� ,,�.. . ,f ,. :.�� a*�' ',��F�^"'{��M",��,`�rir*'p4+:»�'�a n !� 4 ' . c ' �. '. �.1ti taR�y:.�y � ��r�p ��.����iy1 �* ,� . � i,��� �� � �� � .4�Y � ��•'��+ ��'r4�.i 1 'a . e � � •+ 5' F�,i '�g�' }'r,hi,�,{ r�'J-�a r.� �.! * , . :� r . : i.+ a'�' -F i� °.a��:�s� �c .�' �r ....,�`: ' ' '" e.M+�'..'.��' f` :�'� �ti ��»� +''����K i��,�r 4 �, . . ��� ' 'r: }� �4y��y 1..�� rrv t�k� k .` � �� . �� ' S. £ f 1' �r•�} �a �.��'* •a �!a 1� `� �' :+l . r . .. ' . . t ��y.h�. ., ,y ,�d�N.�..r� ��_,.. 1�-+,- :.....,L„1�'��l .�,a��r.�,�_��. JUN-1Q-03 TUE 0��35 AM V^ �Y CQ�TROLS EA� �0, 1 P, 05 ,, .�..�...,..�.,.w.. �_���...�..�,.�...�,,..�.._._.,,� A�r ���tr" + E ��y 7i(;iJi�1' I " '�{.����J� u�_�.���,,.:o ; ff 2�-� w•,�� Che�k�II si,�tc and loc�1 Codes�nd pr�ipCr �-� �i,�,, � � c.l:'ti:,��;�L�. f �„M,o,��, � '� :�,,,� cie.sign r�g��rding stribution s stCn'ts. r_,,..._,. �.ir di y �1, -r� .__.,, �,._.._��',•,•..._._ . ,.,__._w ff the Mad�:l 3�C1 i� irlstuElCd in a utility C�DOri� _,_.._ `�o�:;'�,��..._, ��` __.—�;,. � th�t �i�s any g:ts c7r oil-tire� v�:nted ,_ � � �Z- �� � 'p -- A �� equipme�t, a return dudt systtim ni�lst be ,�'s_. . r —_._._.... ` .....JL�.. ���,'LI. � ieow.c e.,-.:;�;,�-� - r"1T�""��� 7'n� Modci rto. 3�o r��s t�rf� �apacity to u'�''' �J delivcr 1 a(3 cfrr� �,c�airi;t C}.q70 inc}i�;� of rn(na;�a_.ur:r _ ��•�o���k��•�H � water c�aug€� exierr�nl r�;�i,tance. (eq�io�a- 1'JililiGillcNA �r�'EPS�I{�1W110Gi, .�,.��� ,,,Y.,.�...,�..,..�,., � .�, ��F�c�rx,T�rr�2„ lont to�0 fe�S of 7" raund rigid rryetal d��t,� .�.,. , �,'���.�,:':. . F'rUVision st,puld k�c m�de f�r �ir ��-�:�, .��__, - --;:� �L�,n c..N...�, � „j circiilatiari baGk to t�l� unit. UVhar� daor5 ,1 �'. ' � ar� narm�fJy closed, the dovr shocrld havP �_„�w � � a 1l2° ��tinim��i1� und�rcut c�r hava � gri91� ' � �'*� ,r�- install�G� far prnE}�r �ir circulation. hi vr+��r /' I-�� ,"'---i ``� "'�•-°� to as�ure uir;t o �rati�n, it is ac�w�is�r�l� to .�rylsT�w�•akr[;; �� --"'� q � � �-l.---- ��se 7" I.[7, rr�ur�d fiberc�6;�ss cfur,t, �E .� .._.. _..._�. 1 � d.r �i �"' PiTA:}{ —�` .._._...p 4�� AhV]:F b:ir'ySY�IfE C"`E—"'..... W.,..�.,. ��.. �,��.,.�..r......�_,�.,�.....r�.... �I�.It11����#� F iC!1 i;'� � --• �-I�at tQr ev[ip�ralrc�n is obtair�cd irorn � � � "°"� r�=-"�—�°.-��`- se�vice� hat wat��r, M�ryXIRIIlt'f1 waler „ � � tomp�r�tur� ta t�ie hur��idifEer sht�ul�J be �� - ... .� o ' -r��� �� ' �� - - 1�t0 F, It wiil h��n�c.essary ta bl�r�d hot an4 , !,'. ��: --- , � � �--°���' -,i cokd w�ter whPn�v�r _.._�__-,:�� �, �:,A.:�� ,.�'`J� - _ water fcmper��#ure �oisrai�;urrs �}(C�'^C�, 1-a0°F. (Tankl��, dUIT1eStIC W�l�f �� i�� � � � ,,,,,�„ -. systems �Ttay h�ve v�rat��r tem�er�#ur�s in Ai�,.r rs.e:�i'.��na � i exc�ss r�t 14b°F,} � � �.,.�' _�_:� �omP water healers c1e� n�t recover as w_,. .�,._�., ,., ,...�. „�,M_, .,�,., rK'�pidly as oif�c�rs. Thorefore, be Su�°e th�a# .w,.�'"�'�'"„'�'"`"'�'.��,^`-°—^-,�--,�-�-� th4 w�#�r he�Cor I��; suificiei�t cap�city ���������4 r and re�t,vcry r;��� tc� su,p�ly z miniri'ium of I ��`�`I ����r.�����N� 6 ��IlonS per itour pf j q 0°F ho# w�fer I� N;.n ,_� � v 1 'l ,' �' � the hu�r�iCiif�er. , , � ,�\ � 11 `�� �, ,y,� Ta� off irtc hni wa�er tine at ir�e w,'�ter ,- ������ ,_ h�ttter u�ing tiu�s�dc�lc v�lvc prwv��lec��r�ci ,�,�„� ... �t;=.;;s�, r.,.�;�ra P) 7/q" cop�er tubir�c� (not furi�i�hed)_ �t',e -#;��-i:. �.� ,���.,, ��' � r-,---�-�''-�' 11Q�"' Cp�per tubing is Gorinected tQ tF�e s',4�"�' ��"�..�� inlGt fittir,g ur��Lr the unit. F��mave I�ie '`�°`,,, n6;',�4��-_r� ,�—�'"-�-��'"�" � grillc and 1Nat�r Par��l A�s�Aml�ly. Uo��blr� ,..�- �.r.- ``��, ,��...�1.:'r - -_`=M=�°J wrericf� wl��hn ms�hing th�s cotlnzciion. ~�'""'�''�.,,�, r� Usc y/2" f,D. �r larger�I��stEC I°�t�se to c�rry � � th� flushing W�ter fr�,m w�it ta dt�in. r�ti pU NDT SWEAT Of� Q7'E���{WISF C��REGI'l.Y Al"C'�1�FI�D MCTAI. C��t�IN LINF �� ��� TC3 DH�tdN F�rl�ir�G. C�0 NdT U�E 1� �~ �` . S�7LV�tVT 7`Yi�E �11�}�IF�iVES WE��f� CC)J�1NE�TING T'F�L f�LrtSTfC DFCA1N HOSE T� TI�� PLAS'I'�C GR�IN �ITTIf��. �`•`�x, �AMI��E T4 Ta�� GF�11N �I'1-f'ING WILi. RESUl�7. E3L' Sl1RL� C�RAIN LW� HAS /1N o.� ,...rw_ ,M w.,.._,� ,�..��,.,r.,��.��.w�.�..,.......�.�.......,..,,, - ..w.._._ .�� ADEC3lJA7E SLOf�E TD FLOOI� UFil11N. 06/01/2003 �1�54 970748 2 RZEP C� PAGE 63 Range Haods �Mv�el: 1530�3p��h,B3ack- SILHOU�T'�'�c� 1 SO(�ries Page 1 af 1 s$��: s;� � n�na��a �+��� ��� Frnduc�t�uidcia�k 9elect a Rroduct GategorY �� � Cu.tqmy �, Hide-AWBY 3Q I�11Chr BI�Ck ,� �����p��r SILHOUETTE� 15Q00 Series Model 153Q23 LoSate a Dea�er • Compa�ct, trim styling �COmpf�r near you. kitthen. • Fan and light aut4matically tui � Mor�Srvot�n products 51ide out th� Cledr glass visor; pushed ir�. • Duaf centrifugel blvw�r HVI C� � CFM, at e quiet 4.5 SoneS. ' ''�'°��� + InFlnir�Iy ddjustable blower co •• - canyenienfily lacated up fran�; memary - when activated, un "remembers"the last setting � - + Exciusive H�dt Sentry fEature excessive heat and turns or� b speed. �' � Energy-efflcipnk, 24° fluoresce prismatic glass lens provides 't cooktop Ilghttng (bulb not ir��l� Shown In Whke. � Includes 3-1/4" x 10" duct ad� In damper, speci��at�an S�ee�s .{fks?:�'�&".i"ftY :`;.ipa,�,y's;,i� 5ilhouette's{� slirnline deslgn me i�tto the style of any kitehen. The N(}TE: SpetEflcatlan Sheets and Installatlon ��vantages include q�+fet, pawerf Guldes are provlded in Adohe A�rohat perf'arrnance. Reader(.pd�formak.The most recent v�rsEpn QPAcrctbat Reader is recomm�ndecf. �p����yQ�r lacal dealer tor pri� Click here for a free download. inform�ti�n. Addition�l Models Availah ]53001 30 [nch,1APt1iCe i S� 30 InCh, BI5Cuit 153023 3p[nch, Black 153501 36[nch,White 1�3602 36 Inch, Bfscult 36 Tnch,Black In U.S.A. Cell: 1-8D■0-558-1i11 Priva Technical Sup I�Canada■+� �2Q02 6roan-NuTone LLC Cail: 1-877-695-1119 or VIs1t: u�www,broan.�s b�ttp://www.bzo�.n.cozblpxoduc�-deta�l.a$p7�aductZD=1138 5/1.3/2a03 06/61I2003 11:54 970748� RZEP �D � PAGE 84 � ��A� � �� SPECIFI�ATI�N SH�ET nnoaE� � ��a � � ��s . si��r��►Err� TM �►�I�E H�t�DS � Maunts Intq a full-t�d cabinet ebovs the caoktop wl4h qnly a TYPICAL BPECIFICJ4TI�l+I slim,8lidiny yfass drawer vi$Ibls te accant taday"6 cont�emporary �n e Mood shait be 9rCan Mode!153(7(1 S36 5ilhouette�'"" wtd European-�tyled kRchens_ 9 )" FEqTURES ��k sba��b�oonsttucted o�heavy-esuge steel fiMs�ed wlth a . Fligh efflclpnGy¢�I Ce��tifugal blawer wrfh resil�nt anH-vibration durebl9,bl�ck,(white),(discuit)painted finish.It wild instell In a motar mounts star�dartf 30"(or wld�r)CabirlAt wikh a flush or recasseai bo�tam. + $I�w�r tums ON when drawer is pa�tiafly puiied aut-OFF when dosad Nvod to aorrta in a quiet e3T'icient csnfrifugal b[qw�rwhh�utame6a • Front-maunted solid stat�inflnke spaed Contral witft memory 9�n-upe#hightetrtperstur�.ltsh�116edvctedvarkicallythrough • Heak S�niryTM' -Automakicalty tums blawer ON to HiGH spsed 83;"x 10"dualwvrk.Blower and fluorescent flght shall I�t4r�9d when exc�sS hgat 18 d6t��cted ON and OFF u�ing s sFid�ng,temper�d glss�draw�er.An inflnita • 8right,ecnnomicel 24"fluorescent light(F2QT12 tuha not inClutied) spead cantral,wlth mQmpry,�haN be prvvided to adjust blawer . F�rl�matic gl�ss light lens-removes easily for Geaning speed, • Light tums ON when drawar Is pulled out SIIghUy-QKF when clpsdd Air delivery shall be na less thprr�p0 CFM and saund level no • • Dr�wer handle permanently bonded to temAered gle�ss greater thsn 4.� Sones. P,lf air and �ound r�tingr �h�ll b6 • Dr�wAr�Iides in and aut smoathly and precise�y•rernoves#or r,�ertified by HVI. cieaning • Washahle foam filter Unit#o he U.L.listed. • Instetle in standard 30"or 36"wide,�ush or reaessed bottorrrstylsd cabinats • Campact blawer housing-permits us�oica6inst gheHspQCs • InduQ9�damperldud connectar �y,,.�'`*.� /�```�, • Choice af 3 calors and 2 sizes: � r"'�tif Mode!1�3b�1 �0"White Model 15360'C 36"Wh�te � Madsl 15�023 3d"Black Mcidel 153fi23 38"6i�ck � Mp��{1�3qp2 80"Biscuil Model 153602 36"Biscuit SPECIFICA'I`li��l� _c�,� Ip� SHIPPING � ; � ( MObEL YOLTS ANP$ SONEB GF�II DUC7 Wf. ,� - � 153D 12D 3.7 4.5 �OD 3^l�"�c 99" 44 Lbe. � 1538 12D 3.7 4.S 30(1 3'/"x 1U' 43 Lbs, �y - ���^i � HVI-,�100 C�RTIFIEa RP,TIRJGS comply with new testir�g �^„ �� ���,� Eechnolog4as and prooeeures presGS�P�M7�Y H�6 H4m0 VenYllatin9 "�m� �p� In�tilute,fvroff-the-aheffproducta.setheyere¢vellehletocwnsumare. � Prntluct perkarmance�3 rattW dt 0.1 In.skt�b4 srwssu�a,based an � teaka conducted in AN9CA's etate-af-thaart teet�borewry.9onea i arc a tnC83ur*F Q(humantyy�r�eived laudne�,based an laboratory meaeurementa. Broan-NuTone LLC,928 West State 5treet,Hartford,WI 53b27(1-800-637-1453) NuTone,Ine.,482o Rad g�nk Roed,Cincinn�ti,QH 45227(1-804b43-$$87j REF�REPICE RTY. REMA�FtKS Proja�f. Locatio� Architect Enginear Centractor Submittsd 6y Ddt@ 1p� 99041263E 06/�1f2603 11:54 970748� RZEP CO � PAGE 05 MCiDEL 1530 MQpELQ T��o 31LHC11�ETTE ����� �TRA TO�R RANGE HOOo r� ' ` � � � • . � - . � ,� � . s WA�i�V I NG � � R C _ _ R E AUCION 7C�REDU��1fERl9KUFFWE,�LEC7R1Cg1{p�K� PARA REDUGIR EL F�IESGD UE INCENDIb,CN4CllE OYtINJURY7'4PER801VS,D68�RVETHEF��,�,qyy. ELECTRICfi�Q LESIt)N A P�A'$.PROCUR6 LO ING: . 1. Uae thls un�vnly in the menner inoended by Iha �u� rnenutaCturor,Hyou have aueedane,twe+taGtthe �- Utilice esta undad eblo pn!a rrr�rlGa p�aita por el msnuFevturer et the addre�s or televhone numher ����he.Si tiene uated�lguna pre�urns,mmunlque� )Igted in khe werrenty. Con el fabricente s le dlreaydn o eNek�ono'�nd'icados en 7. eetore Servicirtg ar daenfng unk,awhcn ppwgr ° �a9�^Ua. 2 A�tCS dd CrnGier o de paneran aervlda te unlp&0�aAaguo off et servMs penel anp Wtk tl�ls sarviee c�iscon- �ti�ptor en eMpan�ldesarvicio,yeBegure elpanel necting meena ta prevent pow�e+r fram being �a�����qv������� swRdied an axtdentelly Wrygq th�aervice dis- Cu�ndo el diapoaitivo pera deecaneder el g4rvkib cannecting means c�nntrt be locked, aecurely el�ctfim nq pueCe ser�rr&da can elgbn tlpo de trebe, faeten$promlhent waming device, auch ss e t�q.Fo the sarvice penel. aujete fi�temsnte s6 p&rtCf de aerviao,ur�etiquefa de S. Ittst�llativn work end alaetrlcal wlring must Ct advartenaepteminanfa. OOne bY d qual"died person(s)in erLOrdance uvlm 8, 7�o trabejv da Sris�lnrX�a y cemespp eldokrir,o detas eli applicsbte codesantl�ndanis,indudingfire- �iea�atb GCr Gbraonak caf�ieedo y de aaiertfo ron rated coneVUCtlon cadaa and eter�rWrds, �Dp��630 todes los cddlgoe y normaa pertlnen�s,inchryando las SILHOUE7T£Rqnxd�E w0ao c¢dlgpg y �ormau relecivnados con Conetruccl6n 4. SutBcienkairisneetledforpropercornhc�slbnand lAapE�ou,aa qdaaelHcadeparalnoandEC. exhauetlng nf y�ses tha'4ugh the fl�e(chimn�y�af SiLUE7ADSTRA,CTOR 4. Airs euflciente ee neca�a�o p�ro fiaal�ar la cambusti6n iuel bumirrog equlpment to prevent p2CkqeaP�ng, z�decuadaylaseiideaprapredadegaeeepnr�chimer� FWOwU►C hs�ASr�aquiprt�errt menutachire�s guld� da le�fnidse Y 8��'d Gvtl�r�nte�de ei�e imartidsa. Ilnearuleal�tyg��d�hySSUCheathosepubldahed Siga les instrucaones y medldae de aegurlp8p ddf hyihe Netbnal Flre Prolectlon qgg��(�FPA), iut�rit�r�s tl81 equipo y da fes aociedades profaelor�lae e11d Ihe Americen 8octery ior Heeslrtg,F{ah�igera� de$qulpqg¢�t�1elAtadorea y los reglamentaa de +W+�ana Atr�Chditioning Engineers(asFl�.snd aegurttsed b�lee. the lacel cnde aUtnqr�Nes. 5. A mrmr o peafarar�a pared a el techo,no derts ei ceblae�ia 5. 1Mhen ctrtting w dr�lir�g Intv w�ll or tellieig,do not e������pGhlloae oex�fcos s�e wsla, darmage slectrimlwlelne end othet hklden u�Mles. 8, To r�duce ihe risle p{tir�ar efeezr{c ehock,do n�t 4� Pare reducit al rleego da Ineendlp o de tlbsc�r96� u�this rangs haod wiEh an edd'niortsl apeed con- e�bCtrica, no utilice eate ventilador can ningfin tm!deukne. diapoet�wn de una ppntrol dC veP�acid�i da estscio s6lido adidonel. 7. Duaed fene muat aMreys pe ventpcl tp tne o,,h. T, Los a6enicoa can dueto deberdin elempre tener u�a tlaars, a�i�a nac�t�e�cte�or, e. To►sczuGe N1t risk of fre,uae anly metal ducMmrk. $. Psrs neduclr el rles4�de iA�ndio�uaa e610 ductae de 9.7hle unK muSt 48 grounded, metel.. TQREDl14ETHERI3K�DFxF�q►iGETpPGREASE 9. E�unidad sa detie Inaielar can derre�fectiva. FIRE: PARA REOGCIR EL IRIEBd�bE IlICEttGll?DEBIDOA �• Nb++d1'iRdv�surface uni6a unattended at high GRA�AAAG1lIMUL4DAENLA9FIGRNILLAS: aettings.Eiollov4�"3 C�uss s�4king gn�y��y i_ Nunca de�e s3n as�n�tr ias unidaCes de S++vsrfscis apilbvevs�atmsylgnfte,HeatoYla�lowlyonlow cuando teng�n sjuates attoa. Loa reboeae puaden or medium aetdnga. P�vvcar humo y demamas Bresa�as qua ee pueden 2, Always tum hood QN when cooYdna at high heat fncendter.�allente lantamente eI aceite�rt ue�Ju3te orwhen cooking fieming Modg. hsjoa media. 3. Cleen ventlleting(ane A�quentry.Grea9e shaulC 2. &iampna ENGIENDA le campana cuendts codne can nol be elbwed m accumulete on ien ar flher, �i�Sem�fC�"dh+�o cuando oacir�e alimentos Rue ae 4. �se Proper pen bize.Always use oovkwere ep- pueden incend9ar_ proprlate for the slze of the surfacs element. 3. Limpie eon frecuencla loa vendledares.Na debe perm�lr T9 REC+UCETH�R�SiCUF INJUAY TO PER60NS IN v�e�a 9rasa se acurnule ert e�ventitedor nt en al il@Fa. 4. lJtllke un sartAn de lamana adeaaedo.Siempre utilice THE EVENT QF A RAM(�E 7Op GREA$E FIRE,OB- el uleneillo adecu$do a1 tAmBn�4tl�I�MCnto de BFRVE TNE F0t.9,.DWQ�I':' supe�tae. 1. $MOTHER FLAMES with s�lose-t�{ing Ild,Ct�okie Pq�q��C��p��p p���A pERgflwqg sheet,or metal tray,4hen wm ott Ihs t�msr.BE �AR�F4JL TQ PRE'VE9VT BllRNS.If ihe flemes da �TpaOGE LII�NCB+�FOO�D0�4�. �al go au►EmTrredi�tay �vACUA7E At�Q cnu EMLASHOI�1J46,f�CUt�LG816lFENfEh THE FIFtE dEFARTMENT 1. AHO�GU�U13 LLANWS G4rt UM1a 1a1�dluSt2ida a dtart[a 2. NEVER RICit Uf�A FLAl�ItNG Pp,w-vou rr18y be cie metel,daepu�eepegue Is hamYl�-7EhIGACUIhAQtJ bumed. A FIN DE fiVl7,4R QIIEWIADURRS.SE las Ifemas no ss 3. PONqTUSEWATER,indudingw�tdiahck�ttteor apagan de Inmedlata, EVµGUE Y AvIS�A LUS B9MBER05. towela-e vfolent steam e�b�ion will rsyuft, Z, hV01 EVANTE NUhICA UNA Sl4RTEN QU�E3T`�EN 4. UaeenextinpuleherONLYff: LLqMAS-UxtedsopOdrdquemar, A. lbuknowyouhaveaCleeaABCaxtM�gubfrar a. NOUrIU��AGUA�kuluYendotoallasdeaxinamojadas end you elready know hou+ta opere(g It E, 7he iire ie amali and contslned In the erea -p�ede resuBar une�bai5n de vepar vidents. 4. Utfl9ceunexllr�guklnrSt7LAMENTEeI: wherq n 9t�r{�q. q_ ueted ea�que tiene un exttnguEdo�tle clAS+e C_ ThCflre d�aftmetM�pRirg CdVlbd. A8C y lo sebe utikizer. D. You Gan i�gill tlie hre wlNt y0U1'b8ch to an exiG B. EI incendlo es peq�e�io y G4t1t�Aido d�Mro de[ 'Sssad m"iCllchen F�re Sa�etY 71P3'Gubl�Sile6 Oy area donde ae in'raid. rIFVA C. Laa bomberna han eino e�ieatlng. D. U�tedpuedecambstlrellnceridlovonunaeQ�� su eape�de. "Basada en las reoornendesi�r�s pera"Segu�idad en�s COCIne"publ�aa poP lo NFRA�4e 1(�$�EUU. IMSTALLER: Leave Thi�Manual With Harneowner. WOI��OWI�ER: US�and Gare In'Formation on page 4. INSTALADaR:de)e esEe manual con el due�de la c�sa, DUE�A DE LA CAS�4;Inh�rmedbn ace�s de!uso y manb�nimier�ta en la�gina 4. 06/01/2003 �1:54 970748� RZEP CO � PAG� 66 cauTia� _ F��., P�ECauc�an� f. Fo���vae«ry.o���w��►au;� 1. 3damenta pare uao general p4 vaY'�laeion.bfa atl� ��O=�����d�P°�. paGa degW.rgar meterialea a v�pptiw rieegaeoe o 2. To evoid motur OearSn9 damaga and notny�ntll N. ri. expbeMoa. ar un�8lanc�d impe4laea, keep drnvel6 a�rey, f _ ;�y� a��,r g, Para avNar darog al rtwla y evitar qus�es re�vt{�as del ��0�1 d���'°�pO����- ,K'3; �w"� 8banico emnsn mucho ruitfo o BstAn fuera de belanop, 3. WhenuaVngattl6mwstatwiththie tlu �;�; I+�'�1 P^� �L tsdn ma aw�� rn m�nteng�ei motor I�bre de peluse.poNc,alc. a�arlaliliorneticellyr Th reauce tl�c risk af inl�1'�� +,r� ; i r, 3. Sf uae un�m�datbb wn ea/a +ir,� .,y,.. �. P�cduc6o�d abaniw p�wd� powaraff akSarvic�e penel end qpK3erviae�pe neiU� r�:: ,, artancer autom�menCe.Pere redudr el Nbapc�da Pr'e�rrtpowertran6eing3witt�adonac+d�erV�ih. �'3;c:' �-jy?'„" laeloneg�3pa�ue le fu�arzs ei�CtrlGa en el penel d� 4- YCUr hoad motor has a tllormel overbad whlCn wNl '�'' ,. . Y� "–{' serviclo Y�lerce tbn Ilave el penel d�spfVkia panaavitar �I�rt0lnatically ahu4 014 thC Totar ff it bec:omeg ie•Mw ra=�. 4u�alyuienprendatetu�rdeiectri�ecddanE9lmenle, overfieat@t1.The rralor wil rasbrt N"fldn it 400la aynrymK .xr:aerx� A. Elmo6ordesus�h'bGWttienediepaeithradES06feca�e dawn.N1F�:vndorarntinuee to etru�MP&rid rasFarL 1 DBrmic�,sl aml aut4m�ticamente apsgar�el mOtor s� havs the haad 3�y��, �a94rK.a�ertts.EI motvT fuaCbnara ds nuevo�ertdp 5. R�eea�ir,ad aReafi�etion lehel Wti protluctftarfurther ae eMr1e.S1�I rtiahxcantkx�n ap�ndosa yarranc�nda, iMortnatbnsndr�qUi�. �uexenrrarc,wNirr rtue��aeonducaeixer hagabmmpane�. awrr�cox�oo�wu aM��rncoNFaMnau+uecnon 5. Por fevor lea I�stiqueta wn las espatific.�ionee del ' e {� 1 � FIG.2 Gl1B1HET CENIER IJNE eGuipv aera otrna requ�att�s y mayvr irtfartnacl8n. �✓�� T�E IN�7��L.f�� IMEA CENifW.DEL OASMI€TE G91NET FROMT Fl4ENTE DEL TI�N =.� � �"«� �"°'N°� PLANIF1QlJ� LA — ��c� ,�,� �c• IN�'TALACIQN Your new hood wl l l}H�S�dAtl�d 30"wide flush hottom ���r� 0 0 orreaeasAd botlar�l,t�med oriremelees kltc�en C�1bF � �" ' net whdCh haa a minlmum dep{h ot 11"irorn iece to � h • 9u nue�o extrackarcebrAan le psrte IM'ettor de un pebinete inaide af beqc waq, ur-our atn- astAnder da Tfi,2 an Gon la parfe inferior e ree q ahuetada, lTie unitie ducted verticaly,ryqRZVCatel ducting can De n,r d ��� a�.iecr can o e9n marco,que t�anga una profundlda�d mi�pma de aocompllehgd 8g Shown. �T,9d tm dasde ka par�te ironSB���de a le pared. For safe aperatlon,�fie mo�hl�d hoad must be s minb EI ducta ee i$ur�t�ad sube v�artfrB{mente.qun duciv hori- mum of 18'a6ove U�e coalcing surfgqQ. �a, _;J zOrHal se fo puede Inatelsr camo se mueaire. Fore�ieatlrretsllatWn�rangehoodshauk]halnetar�eu ac,aecr � wve°ou Pereoperac�segura��61atd16CG�Py@ff10f119C1DU�fIGQU965f�F In cabinet befare moundng cebinet tu wan. n�ra- esscu dw e un minlmo de 45�72 an eobre�a superlk#de!a aiana, �e.wa� ccEnnaNCe pare una Instalaeldn mbs{ucfd, al axlraetar dehe d8 Ip7'E G���sreoTror�v �w��s �C1�Gr.l►�SDRAV419iFRl71itlU1Yi�F4 YIB7AQ�'ulr�rm AGUIfX08 6N, II1&18�M,t��C Rf BI�8b111B[9 @f119$dd IYiBP�EC 6I 9Ab111816 ITFQtl4�DEL8�B6N2FE CUR6 pn la p�fgd. ���}�N������� FIG.3 e�ecrnu�,u Mnouwura N�TES'E FRQMDAIWsAGESEE8TEp130NPAt3E3. P�,�a��R���y�,,,� p�REELCA.I6NDE1/IpRIDDELAUF11DAa,�9 This hpod can easlly pe installed by followkng chese � pE INg7ALl1R GL EXTRpCTOR EN EL C,ABINEfE bas�a3epg� PARA EYfTAR OAWAR EL ClWtFN.V�ASE PASQ 13 •Mark and put put cabinek bariam. EN R,IGINA 3. -Secure haod tn ceWnek. •MounF cebiafet an wall. A eate extrn�or�to puede inetektrf�clfine�pe 919ufar�do •Conner,�q��arkand powercebte.{FIG.1) ' estos peaos b�aleoe: � •Matque Y�rlta eI hueao en Ie parte IMdior deY gabinete. •Sufete al exVector el gabinete. INSTALL THE H�OD � . "'"ca�'��ea���y��bi aaa'.��i�.i� 1. Mlerkana�uMUtwbirwkboNom.(FiG.2� �Y8-tBx9l8" ���u,���n��n�„ee an�,����u►&�. IN$1"ALE �EL E)CTF�AC7`�R Be eure m ra�B Slte cut-out en�ftwr hofea from FIG.�l the f�vnt of itre cebfnet to as9urq p Bugh rhp�rtt, 1, Marquo y corte al huRCp E14 I�pi�rlo inferiar dsl 2. Atloehd�mpaMduatennnvctor.(FI0.3} suoEC.��tti�i0i� Use twa{2)acr�ws(provided)ro atzsch pqnneo� �trrte�oe oES6�Mn 9a4iA0tlM.(FlG,2} tvr�o housing,p�mperflap�hould open in dlrec- — Prepera le pertsinierio►dai gebin��ep�hp sa muea6a tinn indicated 6y arrow. en pyg,g,qsegGrese que locellce el hueCq y)05 cuatro agujeras despe Ia p�tte fronkal del gehine[e psra 3. RrmmveeleeZNCSd knockqut. aaegurarea que ae mqnt$a raa. Gho�se 9ltlter the iop or sitie nf houaing fnr eiec. : J 2, Su]ate al conec�ar para e�rogl�l�d[odduata.(FICi.3) Wcal cable enpance. Romove the approp%ete ^,:�I�!j ;`��i � � Ur�doa(2)tamlltne(auminlgtritidosT vara sujaier el knoCktut. ,' 'I ' n . � cenectUr af bastidor,Le placs del reguladw deba de 4- 89thousinylneoapening.(FIG.a) r:.�'?(',, �, ebrlraeanlsdlrec�ibndelafl�ha. Ca�aiully lawer housing Inta C�4��1ttoPeniAa with � : 1:' � ': 3. Qalte la pieca de gu�r galP�ndo. sakse eontro9 to tha iront. �eco}e,ya qsa la parte auperior,o parts laterel eel S� RdM1QYtr so4444 G9Y4�.(FI O.5� FIA.S T T 4eeGdor vara la anVada de r�Dle alb�Vipa Qvifa la F�m � ds qulier gdpeando aproP�eds. d. �onge N bastidor dantiro de�husr.a(fY�.a} � C�n cuidado maw el bae�ldor den#ro del h�eco del n�c�sa crn�� 9abinata oon el oonhol de desllxar hada en 1'rends. �oe rcceao b. Quite la fapa de ar.eesa.(�IG.5) � ,!� v���� ���t4�li�i�� V~ti�`�R`�� li����� \`�°�,� � 96fe1/2003 Z1:54 97�748�2 RZ�P CO � PAGE 67 8• Qpon fiMer pene�.{FIG.8&7) fi. Abra el pAnai del fiWa(FIG.$8 7� P�II drawer elleea out Rakate panel dlps Sna FIO.8 Tire los deslf�darea ael cBj�Cir,h��yra.Dd la wehs swing p�nef open, e Iss grern�pel nene!y atxa el penal. 7. m9;p11 mounWg brxkpq. - 7. Ineteia bs sri0art�s pare montar. Insert berrtend of InstO�l lativn rod inno a�aas qpi� �RSer6a la perte doblede de t�v��d0'us�leeifsrt dernro del hue4o(fB atceso en el 6seddor. FIG.S In houslnq.{F6G.8) � ( ) CPOOSethemountinghre1qCqwRhther,�ntarhde. f �� ������ �sCaJa sl aaporte montsnte eon el hueavi cenVel. Hang the bracketfrom tha rop�iflrough lhie can- c ����,�l��E�� Cue�gua ei gaporke dele vedlla a trs�s de e�tGhueco let hole,ae ahawn.Pull brac9�l up belwaen cabl. Q �j����•��l;,f�• , terttral corno ee mueslrs.Thr�el svparte hacie s�rlbs net end houeln FiG_ �,, enlre el gabinele y el�etfdor.(FIB.� B•( 9) i AG i�49..s ; Hold r�ountlng Crep�et in place with rpp,ZWp y� P�4NEL CLIP 3t�fya el soporoe moneant��#�aitir�con da vprl�e. � � �a�ua�c�w�+E� 9e han sumrn�trado dna�os de mmn�.use 1os ascr�s�ra�rowr�_ueesho��wst�rnuen :��r.�•..� 1� 6vmiV1�cotwe parm QaDlnebe3 con el parte�nterbr e botiom cahtne�;vr lanp acrewe far seoessed bot- rsa,o tomNas�argps Care @ebirretea oon le EraRe�Merior lomcaGinels.Inaerttwn�2)a�r�thruugh haus• F�� � �huecada.Inserte doe{Z)tpmilfat a treves del baeUdw Ing s��i(1110 mounling 6racket. �o not tigittan y demro d�3 soporte montente.�eJua'�e los tpm�ias 5crswecomp�et&Ir,{F�G.1a) - «xnpleta�r,er,ce.(P�G.1a) ie k�sertErvo(2)Sdarva.ahnrLorlangsaaPP►4pHAbb� Inaerte doa{2)e4M+tillfos�cortos o faipo�eomo 5ee thiough cvntrd bo%and ir�pe ather mountlng txacket. �txoviado�e trevBe de le r�}d dfe Coni vl y denao del Do nuf Uphten ecrew�ppm�lfetaly,{FIG.11J vtro Soporte mantante. A{o $�ug{p fas tornillas 8. &ecure hvod�Lp�birlot.(FIG_12) complatarnentE-(FlG.11) IUlgr!itood with sidee and front 8c79e ot�abinet 8. 9uJee�e�exbactor al qaWnate.(FIG_f�1 'ftghDett saews in each mounting hra�llel.Pl�cs Allnee�lek�adorcan►oaledoey�trenoedcl9bb'rnete. pleatl�cepg(p�ded)ovar fhe eAda of�heee AJuem Ios lpmubs dentrv de�ede a�patie mont�rroe. acrawa from Inelde at pg�l�tt. Ponge lea tepea de pl��(sumineatredes)sohre lae In�tell nv4{2)8dd�tional acrewe inm esWnet ept- � , extremos de estoe tnmllbe daede la parta kit+arior del tflm,through haleg aWng Rihe froniadge�nf haad. ga6lnete. {Sev FIG.1 a 1 oruwEa auoEe InsL�doa�ba ed"i�aonelas dentro ae la pArte kdarior 8. Roplasa saceee covar. ces�unoo�ES o��caax del gabineta.e vevAa m ioa r�uGrpy,a b largo dalldo del frqnEa del extractar.(V�sse FIG.11� Secure sr,cese cover w111t two(2J screwa rertaved F)G.8 z : , 9. ltoamplaca le tepe de eveaeo. In 6Mp 5, r.:L_o�� Raa�uro la lspe de acceea cmn I�49s(2)LdmtUos qua 10.Mount cehlnai 4n urpl[- ��: j ' ee qul�ror�en d pasa 5. Mska aurQ C84111et is�rely atlerhed za tha wall 16.A�1q+be a�gApin4tv avbre Io pered. endlex edJolning mb�np�g_M�6urYted cebinet must �--� � b�ahle to support the added weignt of tPie haod, A9C9l1rtae vue el gabinete eatd hlen auJetanp a la pal�ell �' ylo loa gBibinRtCS cvntigcuaa.EI gabinete ys Iru�mledo inar�tU�o�Rov i naeas Ho�e 11.Attach duclwerk entl h+Pnt krim.(FIG,13) wtai�u oe ixsrw.h�aw w�Eap ve•CCC3v debedg pocleraguenrsrel paeosa�eqn�a CklBUtraGtor. CnmP�ele t�he duCtwvrk fivm lt�e hood,to the out- 11.8yjete el ducta y los edomo�deI fre�El,(FEG.7ij side,ualnA e roqf eap or 4iDow artd vrall cep.Tepe Gamp3ets�ac+duaaa a�3tle G+sxh�ctor iiacas la parte �II Jpints.ahalvee mey be inetel�id if tsirnmed Fa eactoriw ua:�ndo un rasquema paee ek tectw,o un cp0o y e!�&r duCtw4rk, un�qt�ete Pare kB P��tl.Panga e6tte aislanLe en Ndae lTe Troitk hi m piece�vera ttae gap between the �.q laa wtio�es.Sa pued�n Enetsler aetantea e1 se los rtG�+t� housing and the front�gg oi aapin�{�yut-out � psre que pa��8fredmdar daf dc�o. Mount frpnt trim to housing whh Cavo(2}serew�. EI edamo dei tr�ntG Cvbro e!espacio ent�e el beatlder y (provldsd). FIG-8 `""°°-� el�b frantal deE huem en ei gsbinGte.M�¢I adortro 12.Cen ns4t 4144tric�l wiri ny.(F IG.14) �el f�nte 81 baatldar cort dos{�tam ioa(eurrtin�trados). -- '��.Gbn�ata al wblaada el�Ctrlcv.(FIG.14) Remove the wire bost couer.Attech power c8plq p���� �,��o.Su el l�ble tlE fi+er� to hood usinq propsr connectar.Connect black ����I extrador uaando ef�necmr sproplado. to hladc,whtte tp whtte end green or bare wira to ��$tgrnbte n ro a ro,blanco e hlar�ca verda, ground acxew.Replece+nr�re 6ox cqver. Q9 �9 Y ��N o slembre daenudo.ei mmmo de tterra.RBSmdaca 1a fape ds la ceja del cablaeda. DO NOT CONNECT PfAAtER At�ERYIGE EN. PRECAUCIdN iRANCEA71'M�37tIY)E N4 CONEC7e�R PqTEM61A ELEGTWGA�N LA 1 S.lnstnll lilss drawar=saemb �e"rER n°�E 9 ly�tFiC�.15} } � �su€eo eaorqu E1�TRADA DE 86RVICit}ESTE A�dMEH9T�. Slfda fhe plass intc the drewar�Ildae.et�ts each YOLINi1NC BIAAC%ET 1`�.bl'lA��4 oI iYfRi(1IHIiI9 de h cqJa de vidrlo.(FIC`s_15) drawer clamp(s�e FIG.1�.Rlign drawer trgn and soromE Mo�rwrte Deslioe el vidriosabra k�adeelb�dares del c�JiSn.entlrr tigMen thumti scrarva to aecure drawer. Qe ca08 Abra�cridera dal caj6n(v�aaas�IG.46j. Atlnee To remove glass drawer: FIG.70 el adorna del cejdn y sJu�te�u+mteps qe GeGa�rt� $impy spp�n khumb ac+swa and puif glasg itqm , assgurar el Gejfin_ drawai elldae. Pars quioer el caJ�in de vlddo: in.Fine aqj�stmonts ko drawar#rlm poaltion. � 3lmplemente 8flOJ9 M53 tOtrlillas de deda y ise el vidrio F16.16 +�a,a a r i ) � fueredelaedesl�ecloresaelca�6�v. Th�drawae alide�each have a aerew fqr adjust- 14.A�uate�hnas para fa pasicibrt dal adomo da ceqdn. ing dte helgh!af the arswer trim, If rretessa,ry, ua-se K 3• (FI�.98) Ths verticel adjuatmem scrsw e�lfowa the top antl Ceds�ena ae los desir�a�r4s dG1 eaibn tiene un tamifb bottam edges of tha drawer trim to be meiched p�ra aj�tar el allo del adoma del caJBn,el Aeta fusre wfth the Con[ra4 trlm. neeesarip.�1 C4mlfb de diuste vertiwl permite Que ios 15.Gaflnect powar at sen+lca entranea. flbS pe�lR1ba y abBJo tl�F edamo de8 cajdn,ee efnean 16_Chepk operatlon. cm e!saorno de c�nlyd. i�ae r apaEwa 15.CAnewta Ia hweca oliatriw esa la en1►ede de ewvicfo. ineEare . 1B.Cheques 1a eperpe�{8rt. To�na�os noui 3 06/01/2903 11:54 970748�2 RZEf' Co � PAGE @9 U�E ANU GARE F�c.i, T ��� USU Y MANTENIWlI�IVTU �'aY9 Sum yrour hpod on betare ya4 �n cookln - �R� 1a CttBWiah an I Siempre prenda�I lkxtracror sntea q�aue vomlence a p f fbw in tha kluhort.dlaf tlta hayp T��hEO9 puieer iper8 estt�blecer un flu�o de aire en la eoelnp. C�dge �+n�'�ivw minutas ta��n the elr aRer you tum �p���� ' ,�,;� A� que�I exireclor luncioqe Ror unoa pocos minutas pera ►he rAn�e o}f.Thle umi k¢ep the whafe kFtr,►�gn deaner e,�„o� ` i+mpi�r el eire despuk5 do qug haya apegada el fogdn_ and bcighter. co� q FqOraT MOVNTIN� ��- Ho�see er€v e, �sto mentendr$tbda�e cocina m�g Ilwnpie y m�e clare. Cor1#rols � � NUECO FR�NTl�1, G�ntroles - wniu s�oKru�. Tho haod Is`OFF'when the Or�wer is pushetl ppm- "b�`sE rnso• EI a�ctractor�apapada("OFF')�uando se hs emp��� (SI91@Iy I�, '��11011NTING CRA4KEr a.Y ca�Q{�pp�p(��mente h�p�adentro. LIGFlT.thB iight will wrn�p�l"y�n the dr�r i� �P�E���� WY-La lu�S�pranderd(`bN��ndo ae he tiredo eJ pulled out apprnximeiely 112 inch. t;a}bn h8qa afuere eproxlmt�damante 1,27 cm. BLONVER.ThO Abwerwill Wm'ON'when ihedrew�r pBANICO-EI apa�rico aB prender8('DN°)caienda ee h8 le pu�Mtl out eppraxlmaigy 1-112 Inchea. ����a 31redp�I�y���ie af�er�aproximedemente 3,97 cm. 7Fse biowe��aed is aet uaing fite 61i;ie conWl,Iq- � A la valaddstf de1 abenico aa le flJa uxando el conVOf c�ted to the rlght of tht drawer, desllzante,ioqiizado e I�de�recd8 tlt�cej6n. Ne�t Sentry�• �,a,r Your hovd fe equlPped with a Heet 9entry� tr,�,f,o- Fio.7� Hea�t��nEry'" TM slet Thle ingnrrp���a dev�ce that will tum on or ��ae�e9ul�qp�n�un�3o Ff4at 3entry- e � Eate temi6aRata rts un dieposl�tva que f�sndr�o ev�lersrg ev p� I�pthsblow�er tlgg,nsesexcea�lveheatabnva I�vCIOCidad del ebenle:o guando perra6a ealor gKF�yiyp the cookinp sur��g. encime de la auperh�e de icipdn. I!y4ur bbwer Is not on,Or I�it is rvnnln8 at Ipw�pg�, Puaric c�s 31 au ab�nico no est8 prendl�a,r est�'�vncbnan�ap� ihe Heat Sett�ry`� yvill aense ex�cssWd wo�sing hut, r�w+aE Pusnco �s�e�+rr ��Hd,el Heak Senfrv"'perolhlrfl el calor excealvo da! oveMde the nertnal hspwer corrlrol and tum tMe bbwar fagbn,pUk�r�el conva[narm$1 del abaniao.Y eceler�ra an ta hlgh speed.The blower wlu rlih until dhs tam- FIC,.1$ ��banioo e alla velarJdBd. EI ebanico funoloner�h3ste perAtu+'e draps lv normet ppeiating level.Tha hlpuv�� que Is temp�a�44ra beja al nfvel norrr�srl de oper�t�lbn.EI wiil then audp��y��y retum to 118 qr�glnal setting. � �68n{�qentartcesautom�Ah�nte rsgreearL a au fiJatldn .-, _ ,I C�,�$�,�n,� 6fE84[IEI. wAJiNING rs,�R are* '` FAairr.rv� Limpieza wl.wAl`SOISCQNNECTELEGTRICPC�WER9UP- �u�- � i �Ravoa+oo�. PRECALICK')N PLY BE�OI�9ERVl�l1�,yppq, a-+n-x tp SIEMpRE DESC�NEC7E LA ENERGIA ELECTRICA uucrni4RK ANT�d�E�AR$Ei�VIC10AL EX7TtACTri�� E�3s a mi[d deterpent auttaqre for painted eurfeces. Wcro PO NOT LIgE ASR�$IV�GLOTH, 31'EEL Nfl�p� llgC un detergente suave apropiado para auperticles gA�S,OR BGOURING P01NOERg,W���m�lower vintadaa Nb U5E TRAP03 qe�p�IV48, tb dsen.Do not Imrr�rge bl0wer in water. Fl�.14 �RDUNO SCitEW ALMQ}1AOILLAS bE LANA DE ACER�O POLVOS d]E WBSIt the tdim fiNer In a mUd 0@tC�ysnk salution. ��_ �T�E�� wu�sox cov�x FREGAR. A,spirB el � � � I) T.�w�aEUCad�ne abanlca ean una aspiradora para Ilmpl�flo.No mata e+ The glsea Orawer a�aambly end Ilght�0r►S are easi aairaoc �banico en el ue. romovah{e ior deaning� � �ave ai nRrp de aspume an uns eaiuc�bn ds deterpente 3ee 13 on pege 3 far rempval Of�3ass diawer . � suave. esae�.�U�upt dean in a disF�wesher. � q��yambla�e dsl cs 6n de vidrlo y el lerrte de le luz,ae Rernowa the Ilght leng 4Y�P�ning ihe fiher penel EO¢qU�de qlM46P C0��cllldad pera Ilmpiarba: (�BP d,P�3)and�vtating the 2 metai clips � �4 hOtdErlg tha bena In plece. 'u'Aaae psna ia en pagir�a 3 pare asber comc aarar aJ �LI ht Bulb Re lacem�nt �����J�n de vl�rb_ No�d Gmpia ert une � p � lavadora de platoe. Your hqpq uSes a 24"iong F2oT12 nupreSCent tube QVKe�I IerrtQ de la luz abrfanda el p�nr��rylho(Pean and an F&2 etermr,wnlCn itre eveilable et rnoet herd- � 8,paqine 3}y dsndo w&te a tlos prapaa de metel que wara ataea a npme�nters. eoetlenen al lenit Prt�sitia. Ta check or repsa�a,ae�,�P„o�d�wa�a„t.2)�o- Rermpi�ao del Bambillo de Luz tala ftket panel ciip6�nd Eower filter panel. F��'•�3 cowrao�rwu %Shb iube ft6ckera or doeg npt�ighR,check tl'Ie ptange � �o�O�NO oG�vxrwat. su s�t►aCtor uaa un Eubn fluoraecenta dr�p,9��rp de iarga an the erKfg p(the lube ko make eure they�re prap. ORAYIER MW � F20T72 y un errsncstlo�F�,diapomble an Ia maycxle de monNa�! C.+ion 1451�9(ret�iae a 027ftros Gu6 VHnden�r�aylos pe�s I$C�3S8• erly seatad in the tuba nO�A<rs. • ' rnvae aca�ws p���chedueer o ream lezar�I tub0:1 Sa ue el cs' n. M�+0 tubs cantinuea m flldce�or dces n6t li�hl,18- fORN0.L03� p ) 4 16 oeoa 2)DB la weita a�as prapas del penel del ilnro y p�e el plec�the t�6e_Sllde the buhe inta the haldera snd �"�� p0�ef dal�itra. Rit8:0 the lVbg ya I#�at the pro�gs In tri�R61tl0+a grip : �Y Si el tuhao de luz p�rpqdea a rto ao prende,chequee la:. the t�ab�b and hold it In place. ' � �+ puntaB del fla de tubo pa�a asegursrae qWC ESt&n hien �f�e anC�4f thC tube light but the center tlqes not, �. esenkedas en ioe eoeterses tle�tubo. 1n�SddlYer mey raqulre replacsmaM.'T�s y-}��{s�� g� �� ��pp ��ntintia uerpedeando o np SC pl'ende, baeted behlnd the i�tter p8r1e�an the right hend Blde. ' �emplpcela.Reet3afe el tun4 yd8ht vueke da manera que In�tall the new�r{�by pushing the aterteu�3n ana orurrEw eim� e Sun5ing k cfackwie�a. ces��zaooa a�1 caoH las punlsa en loe sostenp.y�ag���n al iubv y Itl aoetengen en s�sKfp, ff the tube�atlll�ogs not lighi,ordar�992TD661 881- FlG.16 ,, Si ba extremoe a@�tUqC ae prenden,pero el centro na se lasi Tranaformer avells�le irpm your Broen diaui6u- � �.� prentle,es posiWe de que heys reemptd28re6 Arrancador. tvr vr kam the Broan$�rwCe Gsepartment Write B�osn 11� ��,��l bo.,inG.,P.O,Box T4Q,Harttord,WI '�,•'�'"" D�EA CtAMP 61 arrenaedor e�tt��ellcel�da detrna dal nel del flftra a � ��Q27 S ABRAZAOEIIA UE C�410N menG derCtha,Inatale un nuevo errencad�o�empuj8ndolo , ��` y d�ndcrle Be vuelm en dlrecxidrt horar+s. s�OE tubv Godavla no ss prende,orde�e sl irdnsfortnador de lestre#49270651 dlBpqnibie dondg au dlaVibuldor W�tT�c,r,� Brosn 0 C8i departemantn de aervlclo de Brpan,Escriba e FwwsT�NT Broan Mtg.Co.,Inc., PA.�ox idQ,NarRiwd,WI 53027. ecr�w TOIlM40 PNU. AJUSTp vER�CAL �+WE SCREWB rortu��GOS oe oaoo 4 0�f�1/2063 11:54 97074$� RZEP CO � PAGE 69 HbW TQ AVO!@ A COIi1MON RANGE-TOP G�MO EVITAR GUE OC[1RR� UN INCEHOID GR�ABE FIRE D6BID4 A LA GRA$A qUE ffE ACUII1ll�Lll�N uH •You�ranga hood provl�g a protective berrler EXTRAC74R GQMUN beYween the cooking aurfece an��g��nete. •3u extr�Ct4��raporciana una h�rrere protectore •Keep fe�,filoers and greata laden eurTatat srrtra la euperflcle pAwa soanar y be gebinatas. GLEAN eccording m instruclan�. •M8t9t9nga al sbsnico, laa ifrCrosy las au��iaiea •A�aYatum hood ON when ca�cing a�h;g�,� donde se pCUmula la greae LIMP�Ag C4�lorme e to keep the cogklny a�ea end the hood copkr. las ins3rucaaneu. •Uat Bigh heaT aettlopa anly w�e��B�Bry, • ENCIENOA siempre el extrectcr�u�pdv astb � Never lesv�r,pQkinp aurface unsttendgd-ROiF cocirtendo e ftteQo aHO pare mentaner eI eraa para ovarcaueessmolcing y��greasy spllbvers thst �fiCinar y el extrecwr 13mpina. mey�gnite- •Utillce laa hs�mlllasde fuega aNa eatemenfe cu$nc�0 •Ahnrsye uae a0equbte-sized utenefla se&neseserio. -�tpr9paring fleming fooda,gt�ft as,Cherriee,lu. - Na deJe las homillae de la e8�1N� Sln 8tancibn b��CC,elvrays tum hood ON(p y►GH to prevant cusndo est� cocinando. Ei vapor 4 CI aceite a high he�t yi�u�60�1 which cen ceuse p�m�ge qve salpique puede p;2�Sionar un incendlo or fire. 0�cumutaavn de humo. HOW 70 EXTINGfJfSHA Cdh1MCIM Rq1yGE�T� •Siempre utllf�ip��gnsiliva de�tamallo aaactett�lo. GR6A8E FIRE +Si eei8 preperendq BPm�ntos Hameadas,coma is� •Never pick up a Meming pan,lf dropped,}lemea Carczes 0 la Jubilee,ENCIENbA s(�em,�rc al eK- csn�+�,d quick vac4nr en�T4 vara eviter que al rslar puedt� •D4 NDT USe w TERI Aviolent staem expio- causar eiyun deno n un Incerrtlio. S�IOn me�rseult.VJet dlshpq({�4r towela ere QON4 d�LTIMGUIR Ufd IHCENbIb EN UN F�TRAC- e��8�ro�a. '�bR CpMUN �Smotlier flemes w�qo g qp��ing lid,cookle •Wo►evsnte�un�a una 6ertAn p�er es��n IIaR9�aa. eh�t or melal tray. Si se le cae, las I�amas as puaden extender •Flsming gresse r�n aisa be axHngulalied wRn rspltlamerrte. tf�king svde ar a muhl-p�rpq��dry chamicel •iN(h UTILICE AGUA PAf�A ApAC�ARLOf Puetle BXlonqui5her. ocaasioner una explosl¢p db vapor.Lae toeilae de •Tum 41f SurFaw unile-rfyou cen do gp tyt�q� Gpdna rtlojadas tembi�n aon p�llgrpyaa- gettin8 humetl. �Ahngue les Ila�Bs son une ffipe ajuetsde o�rca ahsmle. •Las Ilamaa Rrovocsdee por Is grey�tambig�se pueden apag�r C4�1 biearbaneto de eadto o un ext�nguidor qufmlco. �Ap�gue las hornilise - el puetle h8cerlo sin quamerse. WIRING DIAGRAM DIA�RAIkIfA DEL ALAAABRrAD4 _ , _,..� ....._„�,��. __. . fl.uoaEac�u*urv � LANR4RA FLUOEtEBCENTE C��{Ol @OM6 I fA9LERO0E CONTRO� � � I �g I � {9YM90L1L! � I I � I I IBilIbOUCOp � aa 1 2 5 6 7 8 1�? ax � �� I � o �, I I I I �6 iAANBF SRI4N8FGqIdER I I � 4 m� � � I I �G4R�u3*ne �� 3 ���,f, W �g �� ffi¢ 7 �.c m� �2 �� nj rK �R4 YJ4C UME IF! �� 1'�0'vGl UrC1V fcNTRADA I 'gry�Q . 44NRE WFilfE Ai ORhn6E M ��. � � e ' Tl1ERiq8TAT 5 I QiEEH pFgg� TERMQSTA76 G gu� BL.ICN , OI�CR �� I NEiSiD I R£0 � N010 �91f _ �1� � � /i� !����OIfY ��� HOU81lJIB COMTROL R� CAJA�E G�LER60 BAS7106R GNA QE COhTRO� .�} 06�01I2003 11:54 970748� RZEP CO � PA�E 10 SERVl�CE FAI�TS P'IEZA� CIE S�RVICIO M��EL 1530 �XTRACTOR SILU�TA SIL�(]U�T7E RAIyGE HQQD MQpELO �$30 �cx�rr e�ncu wFm� �rrr�a �r�. r�rtr �,r Na. wo. No. wo. �a. �. �z,n REZn cQVloo c�iwpcn �rq �,�yy� p��p�y DE9cRiPCION � 9BOD9728 98U{18940 98Q0718B FivntTrlm AdoraaoframAl 3 @B15oa78 �tt90�26 aar�pq78 6arew#p.78x3/8(14 Requ�riedp TomiEla#8-18 x SB(se requieren t4)- 3 9809iR18 99060fi'77 9948!l897 Conud7Ylm Adomodemn(rql 4 8996D240 98360f33 9936(1t46 C4nMbIFCnob Pe�llede4�aMrol 5 99170246 89f70i246 9�'l702d5 Serewil&1�x 3t8(a ReOuirad)" Tomiilo#s-1�x 3I9(sa requleren 8)" � g��1�g 9�07� 97006(178 Aa�taperAscembky(Yndudes Kay Nos_7 86� Eneamble}e�de raguisdor(Inc:tuye numerog cleve 7&8) 7 9800522'E 9�p6221 9$D0522'! �?�nper�P Pt�t�de reyltl�da B 9910U379 98�993T9 89900378 p�g�►�6 Bujedereguladar 9 9�7'015f24 g�pp8gq4 gp'ppgggi �{MpurrlingBrsG�{IndudeaKeyNo.�o) Soporte moMante meno tlereCha(incluye numero el�v�1q) "" 97018125 B7Q09847 9700&992 iN Mour�g Bredcet(Inqp��y No.10) SopaRe montante meno izquierd�t,nduy�n6mero aistie�9? ia s�snsd2 8sz�oz s92eoso¢ aasnaetn�e�ti�•u•�yuet��r�ay�,�� Tuarc�defAmuratl�mstal#8itpo•u•(se�au�era���y » �701511J 97pqgq9g g7pObd.q7 �Cancoy Gapuche '�2 9T0(18578 97Q0857B 9706&478 V»riableSpaed311d�C4nh'ol@wrd Table�a de camnP�tlaslizanle pereveloddad varieble t8 87008818 &7p(3g816 97�09619 CoMrolHameae A0em6redodeCantrol 14 99160.9A4 9816Ay44 9S'160344 Sttmw t�2 x a11 B(5 RCi�uirad)' 7omfAo�1&32 X 31�9(3s requieran 5)• is �sos3a 9s��a eaiso5�a scr�r�s.�a x��a�„traci�• rom�.o aa-ie x x�se rey��e�n a�« 9B1sp5�7 �750537 991sp53� screw�&�8 x t�s a�uirod)' Tomillo tiB-�9 H 1 fae requieren d}' '�� Q7009433 9T009433 9Ypp�� �� �g�hl En�dairitemaprordelahqnl�p('��pior � ��,u �7 ��'� �U34b 9�2�342 Rkve�(12 Requirad) Rem�llos[sa r�quleren 12) 18 99'E60319� 9816p819 99�8p319 3crewlJ@.�x 318(#Requt�d}' Tbmuk�hg-32 x 3!e(ee requleren 4)• �9 960�0 a� �0 !_amphplttiGr Sradcet(2 Ftequlred} 3apatB de bvmbilb o t�o de Arx(ae requieren 2� 24 9�270550 982T066p 9927DSS0 LemW�oWar(2 Requ�nad) 3oat�n de bvmhilb o wbo{aa reqw��2) 2i 9B27U851 8B27n8S� 99270651 B�ellsst'rrans{4rmer Translortnsda'delastia � 9�7�3 99270s5s a8270663 S�armrFS-2• ArrencedarF3�2' 23 67�006619 9T90�19 9�mea�9 ��t Hemese Ham�s o alambrado ck ka iuz � �840000.� 984p004,2 99400042 Strain Ftellef BusMi»y 6R-4l�1�(2 Requlred) Buje per��y�dritrlrtvrssi6n SR�N�d(se re4uiersn 2) � 88069729 9900BB3� s�a4�194 Accaee Cever Tepe de ecceep 26 B@496936 980GE938 98UQB938 Wire Bca Cover Tepe de fa raje qb�Cablsada � �oa�a sa�ooes� ss,ova� o�arsu,�(a Reaui�sl soe„�de��a,{�e�vwa�,z} � 97�15i2� 9i06B9ti 37008979 LF!Qrawer br�c�Cet Assambty EnsamblsJa a�st�vorie de cajGn mano tzqulpxda p++���res rcay rvoe.a2 s�) (n�rneroa cleve 32�&3�3) `" 9701511� 47W9436 97409d35 RHp�awwerrBrecicetA�aempy Eng�In6l�jedeao�piwtederBJbnrnanoderache � �� ��2 ��� flndudes Key Noe.32&3� {nGmeros dave 32 8 33j Washar(2 Raquirea)` A�ndalas(se reqularen 2)• 36 9701547Q 9TOOA929 9�OOeat;s p��r Aasembly(lnclud��y��,7.�$31) Ertsamblaja dal ceJBn(Incluye nGmarc�s deve 1d S 34) 37 9911198'a 991108� 9�f11069e prarrerEndCep �BPaGelextramodecaJdn � �206� 9442D@Q2 994206(18 Thumb u.r,renr(4 RequliadJ �pmillp r)q�(��q��eren 4} =�d �BQD�'!55 9900716.,5 ggqp7TS5 Drxt�rsr4;l�r�p(2Requirad) Abra�aeradecajc,n(aerequferenZ) 34 9902U13B 98p201�3 99020139 eky�yeryyheel,Co�mtetntoCl�wLye RuE4a tldl rtwtor.direccldn aniRwraria 36 9�12 ggqp���7 gBpp�212 h�4kOFFtetainingRing{2Requlredj qnilWra�antarrnomr(sereqUlH�ri2) 3B 991D04B'� gy1004g1 99100d91 Rubbar Motar Maurx(a Re4Uf�1) Mpntante del wucho de rtatar{se requiee�sn�) 37 99080369 �84359 9�Q08D358 P�1ola p,�p�r � 98264478 9928Da178 9�6260476 BbwerMauntlng�o0rvu1(2Rsqvired) Tuer�edeleverlRartwnt8nledelehenk:o{eerequiehCn2y '� �"'�� ��d 3��4484 Blawer MaunU�9 Rod(2 Rsquired) Verille montenle 46I�banica�se requleren 2) 40 970073t4 9tfl07314 9T0pT314 BlowerScvollHougr� g��a���q 41 990�20138 8�02D138 BBp2q139 BlowerWFieel,Cloeicwlse Ruedadelabanlr.�s,au�idnhoraria d� 9914R156 ��dQ158 �34p156 Fiher9pring{2 R�quiratl} Resarle del flltra l9e r9quieren� � 99U10175 9901017s 9901�17C �rFaam Filhodeespume 44 $70161ZB 97471138 9iDi1�� FdlerPanal Parre[dsf�7trn 46 9�p16 99Q50048 98050�18 u�1it lens l.eMe da lx!ux aE 9aisaasa s9�15o�2 991soa�z 5ccrew#e-t8 x 7r�(2 txequwGal" rom�ilv Na-1A x 1rz{ea rec�weren 2)° 49 9910�if4oe 99i0040@ 991DOd6d P�49#k Cap(4 RsqWred) TapB tle pl�stiGO(as requleran a) 54 99150d71 98150471 9915fY�71 Screw g�p�x 112 Oreen(2�BpulrCd) Tbrnx�4#70.32 x 9f2 vwde(�requbren 2) "• 9Tp�ASZB 9700�BZB 97009628 Grcrn Wirs Assemby ensamblzUS de alembre verae •• 9700�iaS5 9700.5985 9'7005986 COmplete8ktw�erAasemby EnSamblajecomplemdelap8ni� (Ineludea Key Nos. 5.39,35,36,37,40,di} (induye numeros c�avC 6,34,35,38,37,40,41) i" Fl�oi�kUgMTubeF20T12'(Nptlncludad) TuboiluoroscenieF20T1P'(ro;�¢�r�uy�J �StanD�rq Mardware.May be purcha$�p�lacally. "He�ra}es estgndar,pueden aomprarx Iq�almente, ••N4#Ill�ysl�eied. "Na r�18 ilus`,rBdo. �rdar repFaceme�t parte by'PART NO'—NOT Encargua plezas da serviciv por•M[o.Pl�q"—NO by°K�Y ND' por°wo.cao��o' e 0�/01J2003 11:54 97674$�2 RZEP CD � PACE 11 B aa� �a � � Q� a � i e '� � E z � . � '�� � � 3 '� � 12 4 � �` : � �l 11 i � � 14 10 /,�'' p� 19 � i � �\ " n f \� �� � �`'� 15I i 16 � . r r-'�� `l ' � '!4*` 22 ! `��r � � 27 29 � 1, � 47 �8 I ' S0 � i�,f � `4�� �'ue I � F �� � vf � I � I � � 2y I+ �3 i � � � 1� � I� `� � � � � � I a �a �� zs � I '� � � d � t i 2� � I � � I � ��� 30 � 26 � � � 39 I 2 , , 32 I li ` , ai I � ' � � ' d1 "� � �' t � �.�` � . �' � � 6 1d � � � I d0 r f � �7 � k � � i 42 � {;�tl:' 35 :�''� � 5 - 'S, 44 � � ��'+• � � ',`.. � `� � dS i � I i MoDEL 15�a � SILH�UETT� RANG� HCyOD �, E)L'�RACTQ►R SILUETA MODELC� 1530 2 � 06/01/2003 11:54 97074� 2 RZEP CO PAGE 12 � � 47eD�lwtMR9NE LLC MiE YEAA L1WTE�w/!RRAM'Y GRN+*kl 91Y6AN�NiJTdIE LLC EWITAD11►al KI P 9W��rlM�7trw LLC wo�tranro la tlw e���to�eunes W rciiac,ar of Il�Pmtlura tl�e�M p�vtl�e�vlll Bmar.�NLTEno LLL'qo�anl�t a aa�w�+Wa�mrnD�ki+Mdnal ao��aroduqae 9w p�pq�PioCUalos b�kac hvm dsICNA 1l MWOPr�F m+�vrhmerehlp fd a Pohotl af ono year Narn�he tlah W W191na1 6ercaWin SFo f�PC�m��MrMcb'4�a RI III�M EB OCI}C7f llll Pa�d4�n Mo�pahF ds ia fad�e Pntlieei.T41ERE PHE NO f3TNele WARRl1MTIES.EXPAE$fi 6R IYIP�IED.lf1Cl.UDiNG.BIlT NOT PERO fl IMRAMS MxI0AR11NTI�PIJGTA9 GE COi1�RG�►,UUCI6W�0lYPTfiU�P.4R1.�N LINITE�TO,INPLI�yY'11RRAXTIE9 OF yIERCHM1TA81L17Y Oq siRlE56 FOR A PARTICLILAR PRODD$170 MR7�Gl1LAFi. PURPOB@. DuA10 tllC Onwy�ar Palad,iBueemNyTdne LLC wl al!s a61bn.riOMP or M1pb.+wNnaul derye.a�y 6ieetllo tl Oiflod4 dY un.1fa�Y e eV Y�Wp c�Mrk.Braar�-N�7Td:a lLG neMA a eemyl�rd Nn wAo oroauat or PaA whtd,a�w�d ta do aakcnw wwar nomrd wo onn+w.ka dD�+^��++�+�madueeo v a�ata¢uo m msuanw m�cCua�r bep wn�dwroe nanw�«eo soMOw THI6 YYAARANiY DOEB NgT�N6 T4 FLUORE&CEM IANP STARIERg nu0 TVBES.Thk Y y� wortaAp aow roc ea�+�(s)name�mun�sndxa sia awHoo a�e}any p,o��e o�w�ro wrnan ea�a E9TA OARIWfIA k0 8E AP41CA,11 Tl7l03 Y ARRANCAOONEB DE LIMWARA3 MlY0RE3GENTE9. oaun sWpd fe mb�H��e4bslSS.lOGI7af�L Imyropar m�InlanYnCS ar AP��(0{ryM tlq�by 6m�n. E91G g�rsn W n4 W4�0 Ia)�IMtenlmk�b Y�Ne nemtiltl a{p)5Va�5Vb DIOOYGOV a VI�Wo NlRono(1C).�sWly�mtelieWn ar in�mimtwn cotiruy�wmmms�Va9��4UYatlon InetruatW119. � h%'ort(Ide�u�lliiltl!!p!10mtle aRd1Ya�u1901qY�10:.CY4 h.y,en clVMd44P aWItlOMl.4 qW IIiY!Af� ThC tlullutlon�of on I�wplyd ws'v�tY b qmlMtl Iv Na ana-ywr panWtl oa�n��4 A Ms e�vraee yda.`�Fq�WOS o mvibnWes Mep+aP�mONG i0d'Ctrir wnPMhm GV!�10 7!!1�&o�ENUlbw LLC�, W7IlYfla.9M1Y iitbi tl0 nOl IIIIPW�IRBRlWf1 an Iwr lag an Imptlad xare�^N i001R�O 11M 6bOW �1l4H.�'tl!;%1fA0l.G IlW1LIaC1011 CAACOKi 0 10���t1lNRt7nT0 E6 I�flllid011 t000f110�40tlLl. ItmHUUen moy n�.opy m yw. La du�a�ldn da n�Ww�w g�ryq�a nnWklk se dnrod a un aorioao aa un r��^o ea ee0spli�e en le BROAN-Nl1TCtlJE LLC3 OBLIC�sp�p��R OR FEPI_4CE,AT BR�AH-NVTOr�lLC'S OP� � �����'�""O�°°�d°°no pmnN011 rI111Ytl�1fi0 on oranp s�t4+^.p0 d0 c�tplrcpOn tle uM T1VM_SHAIL 6E THE Pt{WC1iA6Eq�g�pLE A�+4 EXCLU9IYE HEMEDY tl#lOER TNiB w.u�- pKanlN ksplfdi.,pw ic ave�e 11�14viOn nrtlaa monabn�a p�,d�ro rp��keres�ueta9. M�'/,BRd�!ldVVrOI'E 11C$HALL NO7 OR I,WBLE FqR tNCI0EkT1U,,,Gf,]qV8EO17EMf1Al Oq � u'09lJQApUN DE BROP.N�N4lTONE 4,C 61;RF7AoN{OREEMF'U�IAA.81tiUlEN00 EL[}tlTS1pp �EG�NL OAMM3E8 AR181NO OIIT OF OR IN t',pn�y7pN Nry1}I.pkpp,yC,T IJpE pq pgflFdR. PE BR4AN•NUTOIYE LLG,6E8ERA 9�ft Cl UbII�GO Y E7fCLV81V0 ftECURbO tEGµQEl A41MCE.SqrtfO imlos Aa nW altbw tV�•s¢lyypn qr ilmNeMan of InIXtlO�qit�0�Mno.qu�dpn. C�OIAPRPDO(t 61UD EHTA[tA�7AkT4�..BRCy,rFaiVTOtiE LLC NO 9ER4RE8P0148ABLE Pqq Oi51403 a7K•CD�fG�0 0n'�pCb^'^4'^��60N t0 SOLL INGflENTALEB,CdJ&WJIEldTE3,4 POR OAN45�PEiCIALEfi OUE SUWAN A 11AQ UEL USO O Thh waeAnb ONee Y«+cpoolM YeOOI Ii7ht0,o�d Y"�"�sY oiea Mve aVw r10Mi,wltloh vory fram DESE11PEtJD CEL PROOUCTO. al.a ta eha.rna wamM�r euoaromas ci�a�.�+nMbs, A+eu"a eebavs no oermnun�¢.zausi5n a�sn�Mcr6�.as mnaa hac�maiao e mre�pua�w+o,aw b TD Guol'Xy h���b een6oe.You musl W>�'wa+PwePM*m^P�Y ai tne eENw ar G�o�w Vve 4�e�mYao�b�er�mantlena0o Puatla na eF+wm e vefad.EW ParanHa ia GraGO�ciir�r desq�w nurtbu mp(�y�,(py yrya�he matl�numbw ond paq�lan a�tl�W Onevpp pip iyyiro af b➢e�os vcpacllkas,y ustad pwC�Umb�bn lener chac darxrlqs,�os cuWaa wfl#�d�eele�o e O�Y d9�47i�l fid p10tlU0t Gt�71t�4111N�pG d 1YS��A�enh 7MNGl.Wl!milit P��tlk�WIYICY �amda.�ala puanlle iwmpR�IObee lae pa'aMIN OMaAMaI. d tl��orlpinat pu�oAase daW. D*n wMcar ai la oarerdle de carvla0.uMM1 d�he(a)na�ae.e eprapum u mmpanra ai mmieaa In 1}�4�5.S9f1[act 9�axhNYT0r1Y LLC,99B o M IeWlara que w menalorc o6iJe Ib)d4r�e��dmerv tlel medeb Y la IC�Il0ectl6n tlo fo plqe,Y�A I1-30¢��-71d7) �°��°�'0�1�Hal!lOIG.W!d3�27 QysuFhlr la ndwakca d�c„�qqWw eaiedq en d pretlude e pV�¢a En Y+n�q p��ppsllV iprvlcb Ou�orb per I�Qa�rd.,uatsp Qepe tla 0��M��da IY h�M o�1p�N 9e carRe. Ifl IhY IJ.B ��KC MVT0114 Ino..�BCQ R00 lanY Rwe,CtinnnOtl�QM�Wii7 {�.8pp..y��a� !�be E.E.U_U..enhe an oontac�o Cd8". 4rvan�luTono LLC�YE6 Nhni S�.la 8bes4�a.Mak.Wi 63027 I7-8G6�937-1453) En ps C.�.U.U.�enl�e an w�of0 OOn: NuTSn.,In�.�pp0 Red Bank R¢ad.GntlnNll,OM 45277(�-0PO-343-06b/) 99tY41d01 R JU�-10-03 TUE 08�3� A� V �Y CONTR�LS FAX �0� 1 P, 06 � � , � ��yW�'��'���-�����'��ti� 1. �ill�i�idih�r mu�� }ae tn�i�allad rri �r�;� wiih air t�r�tp�r�tures��t 6�"F or ak�ov�, �� 7�h� Uuct syste��i �nc! �upply (�rill� rnust kre on �r� in,�-ide wal�, ��. Follc�w �li stat� a��ci lvcr�► codcy r�g;�rdiny �ir cii�lr�buli4n sy5tems. 4• F4llovd �a91 stc3le �ncf Iocal �ode� rcg�rdri�g el4ctric�l wiring. �. M�tximurn v,r�t�r terr��c�ratur4 140°F et unit. �- Co�}ti�3is�tivr� ��iri���e ��n oc,ur ir1 unh�ti�t��d 1QCations wher� tamper;�iures �re at a �;oldar I�v�! ���i:�n the bal�r��:� of the Cc7ntafri�d wpt�ce, �. !f th;, I�tuE»idifi�r i� insi�lled in a uii6ity roQm ih�t hrts any c��s ar �il-fir�� c�q�i�am�:nt, or fun+e:s, tl7(;l.If11I rY�LISt fl�V� ti returr�i ancJ Su�ply du�t, $. flva�t9 c�bstruU�ioii., sucfi �s pl�r�nYaing ar Q�cctric�'�I wire5 wlien cuttirig intn taalfs. ��.�.��'�'��»�p"�w ° <��`s�����o��� 1. Unit �'�h� MoCi�! ��5d n3u�t be insta}le�l in �rt ar�,� witli � miri�mu�n �ir ic:m�er<ntur�: {arr��iCnt ar intake)of 6�°F 7iii�elimirtates�rnf�e<3ted gar�geg, ��tics,or craw! space iriatalG3liot�s. Loc�l`+ Ehe uriit c�oc.e t��the dr�in. F'rovi�ibns sN�ou�c! k�G m�3d� far c.enit rrit�int���anc�and �c�rvELe. �. �s:ch�r�e ���ille �Iriy oi tF�� *alJowi��� typ�s of�ir auticis m��y Jae t�sLd: i��k� rYp�: �f(;art & (;�ole , �od�l hfo�� y GrilJ�_ ����{ � fi��rt & C�uI�T� Grille 7�4U �.�.� I-I�:ri & C�or���:�y�.��7ififu:rdr ...—.,. 4i4 `� �J.�. f;c�c�;e;t�r Grill� 715. 177, 3'r7 � _ E1.S..f��oi;�ter�.. Uif(u^er 20�1$ � _l.����� �.�,.`Grille S�ri�.s 20 �x 10 FG � Li��i-_-....i .� GrillC� c ,�erics 15 F�l,18 Fl� ..,L�r�7� —.�-�,...—. []itfti�er , 7�-78 -�-��--�---��....�... It i� EaQv�i�lts to s�abatilute olh��r return C�rilles or��a�ba���d diffusers tdr those li5ted ��tbove �f tl��fr�4 �i•e3 is at Jeast 5p squ�re fii�hes. 71�e c�riil�. �r h��Pk�uarU d�rfus�r mufit��e Qn ar� inside w:�ll, If insl�,lied c>n an outs�cio w�tlf, cc�nclQn��tio�� rn<<y rc;sult,The�ir temperaturc at t17�?grifle�or��s�k�o�rd wili bo �pj7roxi��iat��y ��� �� ��F �Q���r than th� ir�t�kP �Ir; tYi�rcfor�, th� c�rillv shoulrl �ipt b;, cl�rec��:c1 �r fu�-iitur� or qccu�,�nts. A centr�l haflway is rec;omnlGnd�d, M �..�'�,����,,���� �Se�= Fi�1ur�'�:� 1, 2, 3 anci�f) 'Ttic� Mc�;ic� 35C1 is rr3e�n4,ib be su���t�ciecf frori�th� fioor�c�i�ts. � typical �ornpl4tc iE��;l:.ill;�tic�n is r;hrawrh in �i�ure 1. To I�i;lal! parafl�l to joist, ,�ttach the r�ngle sl�pp�l'ts to the rt�iddl� hplCS ir� th�: �`�CsURlI1C,�Vd�f h tM8 gf}C�t r�tictal �,�rew��rovided, Attach th��[�isf Gir�tck�ts in �l�Sar;��l�i �n:�r�ne��a tf��brackc:t�C1t�c�arc�prQxii��alcly 7 4 anche:;�part, as showr�in F��urz�', witli wuod screws prc�vided. After the��ist brzck�ls �re secur�d, liit fl�c hurriidific;r wr� tfic�� �r'i,^�I� �����por�� rest �nsiC1� th� Far�c:kcts, c;; shUwn in fiigure �1. Ai��r tf�c� h�in�;c�i(i+,r i:.}hui,g, chca�k fev�l of ho�sir�r�and Sl�i�-r�t�7e joist br�cicets, a� nec�sd ary. FT tf�i� is a firiish��� c�iling, pr you Wish tc� insi�l! hi.���idifi�r �erp�r�diC�.rlar �o ti��; �o�Vic,, a;t:�r,� �he �nc�le sE�p��urts to t�e top laoi�s in the hou�,ing. Att�ch ttic jcsisl �i-���;ke�s ii� ,� p4�r;�11u1 rri�9nn��, so that br,��ket edgcas are; npproxirr►ately 14 ir�ch4„ ti�ar t, a��,hoWn in Figur�;3, with wpc�d scr�ws pravic�ecl. �iter ih��j�+ist hr�ekets a�e s�.e��r�;d, Iift ttle hurt�idili�r so ihc ar1�l� ;upporls re�t ins:c��tl�e brack�ty. 1UN-10-03 TUE 08�35 AM V EY CONTROLS FAX N0. 1 P, �7 �?���j��� (t3��:r� Fi J�.ire F) �gure 6 '�. �'U11��C•C nnA� . rw�HSFOrus�;i �ri,; Pnc�,si<•,I 3:�c) i:� }�reri'ire� iE�l�rns�liy �nd ec�ui�pcd . " v�iil� ,� 1�'D Vl1C; c;r�r�l ;�r�c� �lug. eLUE �« {7!@i�l�l.�1�y�[',,C�CiIfC)� ,.�ra�rn�wn�is �!}��;,�,�ril,�tii�I;r�ur3�tii��3;at(f';,rR Na. 4�18) i��1���ir�i7��for mnuMOr��,uT —' lir.ti� Vi�i:,;,�; „��rti�ic��t !a CCl�Etral I'iliril:difir,3lion �r.�u�p- " �1�t:i'�t,F'-.n il��^i C:t:.�ir1 rs�!a tiv�1�urniUily cx�,,�pds t?��r iylan � nl���t��1 v��liir':h r�;ry ;,, , . � � � r�ri F �r ti lf��.r�,�I�ol,tivilch to�to o arc�tiun .�""" C�f L�;: fic.�l�sic�ii��:-r. A cJ�.r,r���s�: fi r�l:stive hiamidily .n«, ��av�:R�,,,,�; fl„±pror,Fv�;r,tatirt c�lu�<.:��roc cc7�lrol swi(ch. �.C7�,:,��7'1(�i t a�x � �. �t�;,;���,7. f�ll ITI^.�1CJ?tiV�l��Of I�UI71� cYf.�l�.��7fOXlIll2tE�]/;�, �a"':�h �:inwUC � ntneK QucK .^AJI`PLY �ii��,;vu flot)r,c�r ii�il�c���ar�i�tc:��r,�•turi��;irpl€ilum o�tluc;t. �,�,,,; 2 L)�� nct i�r„-et� c:�ntroJ en the riirrck p:ith �f furr7ic� �,ucK cii,;�:fi;:r��; ,,ir �3r d�.Yfi�s frai�9 oE3e�1 daors an�� GREEfV �� IIUCK 1�S1�f!v b�IJ:�. 3. �'ri ti��l lil`�t�'il �Ni'�,^r� o � ' � " ��aeivnmvacvE (�c..n[io�� rYy��h# b� affectcri by i�t�a��5, ���i-�iiyl',t, tir�.�;!,:���� ry�i�t�;r�, rs'�di�tcrr3, `stli�c:s:h;�.l �,€r��f,�r;�:, �i,ri�i���.;;, e�r ro�>r7i oc�;ii�e,nt�. 4, Malce ,ure ;�II �pCiCrs are�mecf�anically�'1n� ePt��triq,3fly •'.�. `(I+,:t4�a�;i,,rtil�.:;ic�r loc��u;r�c�F ti�r:i�nn:;t�ts dlr;o��ly securc. lq I�+,���-,i�G:,',t.,t,;. 5, Tr� rar7�ov� dirt t�r other for�ic�n matter fro��n nylorl C�!:�t'lt:�§�f�ab li��a'i'FXtl�;l'I+��d� rit�l�an ��r�d contrc�l i��teric,r, qust light�y wilti a fin�, soft i. f��,�IC,>�f',+�"f it�,h�F��l'7C? F3;_'F',�Il� Of� �iC�1�I,.IRF�ATF. �rush, i:'C��J�'F�:'�L.. C;c�r7t��l.� r�:qi.�iiirl3� ^er��liCe shoul� b� ��"���:� ���� �����tj�� rF�t�.i��i7.r,ci i�� `��:u,�;r,��H PF��,}DUC'i� CQRPORA,- �f��JPd, e'vy�7�,tE,;�, 4ry11 539�i s. 1, Opcn ;,,�Gdle V�lve wfd���nd �afu� in power carc�, t�. S;��n;ro� ��iau�,:��; iri,t3!l�:�:1 u�air�g ?� vQll3! 2• �,dv�tnce humidi;tat t� ce�ll far humi[��ty �nd chr;ek fnr . � 3. hJ;;�li' :,��i�;rru h��r�v1tr�,, c3,'��x�;�;yti,� or in�ui�.�tiori �'1�tc�rflQVr out lhe clrui�. r),ui,,:,rJr�il. In;;�.i�;l±icn ��r� v,rir°w �,i�aulc� e�tGnd to 3. Reduce liumi�istat to re:cort�nte���2c� lev�l. I�:��.t��r;�i�irF�lii����c.r;:^r�� u�a�.�,. , ,, �° ,} ���� ������'��� P���V���iQRI'4R�IT1��1 r�•c7. BUx i���r• Mnr�l�Orv. avl 5370I-ia�7 T�i:r'�r�N« 1;:Fi r��i T �7 I'rncli�s7rr !�',�r f3r�it���`Ia�'IUiyr'.lir(���rrlirv�'� C;�'10�(11 1:l�1 Prirncd�n U.S,p. J�N-10-03 TUE 08�34 RM V EY COKTROLS FAX �0, 1 � P, 03 ' i � � � � • � � , � f»"•�M'°'c��a��^ �i ,i' e�;�„r�,v1 SupP1Y s�nni�� -. �r�r�uni t,�r��n�� Air GIOI'JPI ,f'f;i3tl,f I'C:�: , . . 1 '� �' • r' A,I��rni�1��rrE o� u;7Cl��l�;ic ��I��E c�un�ei�ilaw hc�t ex�hanger �� -� - QA , }{'{11t�4,1�JI,:aare an�s ra�� a:�,cmb���s �.�,,� . i';rir••cc���;;� sit�Cl r�{.;,in� 5a �--�'� ��'''� I�(�IV3'��I,.1 v�]T1:3�1� S{iE1°� I11Uf�7f5 �`' �� �?�r�,ai��;I f;lec;�i�r;�l�•�ti� ��r ii�fer:, .'� - �� � —� �}�tfl�i�tJ� r��!tilfil}� ��1.'IfL:51 S�JS���fil ` Yf;,!Cxsr.angl��Iri�us�x fx.aesl bir Drµ�:�• �rM�.w��:�t�° ��� ��w��� ,� . , „ �' ���tlJ�G�' RxludAlrsiqWl�lm) �240 I 1i0n45 165.'ZPb 91tl�a15 EY�6L'IIY6S{d6C 70� p5%a 6590 M B3� �'U�Illl�.lif�} CC��I�C�f��D«.� �(?�;Ij�'XG�1�l(}()wr Sito(LY•NI'zll' 171�?+iA2G 56xT4x18� 56t1<t19k fitX18�19'S 'il iC,Grrlle�!si#,EI LaSmg —_..,._, .�,,.. . _—�.µ �'��i R1i�tDfS �'Np�'�Wo+pbl 781us 11516s 7151p5 1561us ' �1+�i�'itli i!,y; l;ift'i5 amp (Low/MV�I�� 1.0 .BSi'I.0 1.p1�,� g.��,0 • ,',va�1,�L�!,�t^r;#a� 2�1-y�vlt con�rals �-.—�. _______ _.,.�._— _ ... UperaGng qnnqo -50 la t39 F 4;�tion,��vc�t;�^�I t,���w� inslLil�7lir�si --., . �_�.�.—.-.,____-_. Maler{��rYi16,.r Snaa�APole��permAclunlSph�C9pacl�or y .r,.� .. y .«�� ��.�....�..��„����.�... W��... �n�R'g���C:n^ fllt4c Ex�fau�l Air ninw�� �f?�1llf�'S; � -,.,.,.-� � ' �"�-A�iC�' ��-� • AlUT11f11l�li1 G4�LIlZf'�f,ow ne�i zxr.hang��r �A 1 , - �� 'iiic-r;�a�;l'wd st�:�!r,;isi.�c; � ' � � lrt�;ii�l �tclr�s� 5y5tFii� l�l�"Jf�i `'�!u:tif�r;� �A �«c- _.r-.s,4 �`�+•vc�it c�c�r�(�ofs ;, �,` � �7ujcicyr}� ��i,t:lE.�ti��n�La:l�bl� Hem Flth:qper M,�!rz '••w` S.Rnvly Au APo�.ci � .. . i ; � ,i � • �: NR�NafAIhI1+N Ir.lu�)- 70;i/�7Rf1!��1d 615tG�10l;6� Tpu/!{SSN15dU 940/1145/12rS 55 q r�F�.by,�,..��,�,; ^ esn9ssrrcno �a7ari�a�ne�n a�oo I ?850 4000 40Qf1 �t:=.:��r�:,,,��; ", � �u,�� �f c�=: � �u�e ,.,�._ _.,�. ,._� .�._,.—.—..— — ..— ,.w_._._. � - Q.,� �a;� e=;W �o•a esao )U5'. AS`i. f����'��y�y;� , I Ti ad:l,�iia l•,St�itl';x19� 92Yafl' �-- --,..— _..�.__._ .._.�. �...� , ., ��Pt 90xce;i�7• 74�48'�t79 .�_. ._. .. ,. .. .. a •;e74 uEty4U�7c4? SQ8x4A'siA2 '--"° -,_. ._ �.�„—._, . 1 6t4a s„iN�,.��p�,ti�,iu� k ��a�i'a-�._srai��' saa��s . . SG7K1Z.68k41 J70�11hs d�31ha 90a�lhs ��� 1p601bs �t��bli�e 79001bs � R¢OUtlr .oi�ri.,ifirw.r,,.'a+,;.,��i- .,.{Q r --�a��— �5�0-.,. ..�, —....�._.. —..._ ._.— . .,,... 0 1q.0 tR.o� �O.n�70b �,a5.0�45.0 hrc�xi�riU6i�r:�,a —_,,, LL�. � _�...._.. ,__.. ..--,..,_ .—, . .� ����+•.r�afr•._ .�-__� �--- •�--..w..,,,,.—�„L..�.,�....._.._ ...�. .�.5Uto1�0^F ._�...,_—,. .. T w---r�.___ .,_, . ,....�_...,.._. _. . .__�,.,_—.-..�..._ _..Peronannm�Pli�CaYa4ilvr, . --�.�� �.,G,oacdor�mNn���_. JU�-10-03 TUE 08,34 A� V ' EY �ONTROLS FA� N0. 1 P, O2 # � � . � � z � * y � ' ' • � • � i • . N . � , r �. ��Z�'�er�t �I'+ .,,; �-N�w harnes or retr�fit inst�llation �-Up to 70°/a elt�ctiveness „� �Q � �4D ctm, varia�4le s��eds ��E-���ent�I ,�, �-Fte�t aafy or �otal encrgy rscouery iu.n i rrti��� �. i�e,±r trw�n.vehn�wi � E����ent`� 30Q ,5��1�5 � Larg�r airfJnw a�pficatiores -'°."".��. -- -., Y`` U� �0 $�% efieCtiv�ness �-�-V��l II �Thr�� ��deis, id5 � 41S c�m �-Z•Afr�� � , f' �,I��It G0Rlfi1�1'GI�I ��7�]�fL��f��$ ' ��=r�x��`�1 ' � , �7iJ"/n c�� $�% ef�BCtiV�l�e�S .f.,� � � . � , �. �1D Motlel�, 50Q - 4,4�� cfm � ' . :'� �.�,.�'�"�"�w , '�' �PPI1G��l0�5 ._. i' �-;'-'�cr�k�to�5�ari� H4mes � 5�1�odls � Qitices Cor�venienc� 5tares Veteri�ary H�spitals Restaurants . Hair & N�415alons � - ,._ �.., � � � � _ .-. . .�_ Nursing Homes ,i� �I.�!E;.=,�� �,; ,. Bars & Gr�lls , ��°�, . ; •t,i�; indaar Paals ' ���.��� � ;,` Airports ����-,�ii�� .. ...,.._, - , ,r. '"i �iW CYI.(sS ��� ������ ������������ ■R 11����1'��� �11���OI■ �;r'+ ,,�� +� ,u 5�iiri i � 9P.Y ��+,,� � .-, .,.... ..-, ,,...,..���... - __ �♦ ��I r � Aks '�� ° -.� r...� —' ��-L! � / :»�+ k?�=�•��ff��•i lh'b/ • PU UGx??!Y • P],II�a.71�:�,'r��;_�,,�i911 V.�?]�i5 � 54f7?91 1114 � Fax:5�lp,�91 S2C); ' ;yww.dr;Gh�rT,GS.cfln1 '�"�"�� TOWN OF VAIL D�ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELQPTVIENT 75 S. FR4NTAGE ROAD V�1.IL, CO 81657 970-479-2I 3 8 NOTE: TH1S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED QN JOBSI'T'E AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-�049 ����� �U�-CX(�� Job Address; 174 E GORE CREEK DR VA1L Status . . , : ISSUEL? Location.....: 174 E GORE CRK#404 LODGE @ VA1L Applied . . : 06/04/2003 Parcel No...: 2]0108221059 issued . . : 06/16/2003 Project No : ��j�� _ � ?� E�pires . .: i 2/13/20d� OWNER WAGENKNECHT, JOHN, KARL, KAY06/44/2003 Phane: $ MRS. ST3ARQN R. WAGENKNECHT, AGENT 2770 NE 58TH ST FO�RT LAUDERDALE FL 33308-2728 License: CUNTRACTOR COLORADO PLUMSING SERVICE 06,/04/2003 PhQne: 970-625-d766 2335 AIRPQRT R�AD RIFLE, CO 81650 License: 129-P APPL�CANT COLORADO PLUMBING SERVICE U6/04/2003 Phone; 97�-625-07b6 2335 AIRPOI�T ROAD RIFLE, CO 8J.650 Lice�se: 129-P Desciption: REPLACING ,hLL PLUMBING IN BATH AND KITCHENS Valuation: $3�,OOOAO Fireplace Infomtation:Restricted:?? �af Gas Applisnces ?� #Qf'Gas Logs: ?? #af Wnod Pallet: ?? ***�s*a�**��s��**��*a�**:��s**�:a*�sssss**ss**s***�.�*�*s******rtr*r+es fEE S UMMARY *****�*�`�`**rt*r*��***�****r**s�**ass�sss*ssrs�esas�r�s*ss�a�s Plumbing---> $s25.0o Restuarant Pian Review—> $0_00 Total Calcu�ated Fees—> $559.25 Plan Check---� $131.z5 DRB Fee----r------------> $0.00 Additional Fees--�-----> $0.04 Investigation-> $0.04 TflTAL FEF.S----------> $659.25 ToQal Permit Fee--------> $659.25 Will Call-----> $3.00 Payments--------------�> $659.25 BALANCE DUE---------> $0.00 rs**as+rr�r*«s►s*+****s�******«s*��*���r�a�rrr��*s��s.�s■as«+*:.*a*+�*r�s�.***r��**sr.*�ra���****a**a*r*aa�*r**s*se*s**�*s*+**+**********�*.�*#�*+. Item: 05100 BUILDII�TG DEPARTMENT 06/04/2003 DF Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITI�N OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. } : FIELD INSPECTI�NS ARE 1�EQ�JIR�D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *#�t#E4##4###4##�##**�**#�##i�A#�##Sktl�t#*m#tr#ksks*i*Y**+KSE#f###3##i:*#�#R#*#�R##�*#��t*t�*#b##A##4i#######*3#skik*#ii#4##�F#*k#MR�X�7��K**s�FtRaX�slt�*s DECr�ax�Tlor�s [ hereby acfcr�owledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnatian required,completed an aecurate plot pla��, and state that all the information as required is correct. 1 agree to comply with the informatian and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and staie laws,and ta build this structure according to the towns zoning anci subdivision cvdes, design review approved,Uniform$uilding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. � � REQt1£STS FOR[NSPHCTION 5Hr1LL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV E Y"�EL H��-2149 OR AT(?UR OFFIC@ PROIv[8:D0 AM-4 PM. �^ � SIGN E OF�WNER OEt COIVTRACT(3R FOR HIMSELF AND OWN�F . ��� �� � � � APP�ICA L BE CC TED MP TE QR UNSIGNED �' CO]�Ct #: CJ _� `��1�� � Building Permit #:_�?�--�l4 � Pfumbing Permit #: �� 970-479-2149 (Inspections) � ��vF�,��, � uM�irw E a o�u � 75 5. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81G57 �� NTRACTOR INF�R Plumbing Contraetor. Town df Vail Reg. Na.: Contact and Phone #'s: � � � r��l �� `���d' � E-Ma I Address; Cor�trattor ' �►ature: r COMPLE7E VALUATI�N F�R PLl1MBING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) PLUM�ING: $ �.���(�(� � , �'an�act Ea le Coun Assessors Office at 9TiD-328-8640 ar vi�it www.ea Ie-coun .com for Parce/# Parcel # ( /� Z�, l (��� Job f�arne: 7ab Address: � ` � � � �� � r � . ;� Legal Qescription Lot: B{ock: Filing: Subdivision: Own�rs Name: jti Addre�s: Phone: . �,���,_,��� � E�ginesr. Address: P�O��� etailed descriptiv ork: � �/� �, � �Q Girl (� r-� -j- �,�--� Work Ciass: New ( ) Add6tion ( ) Alteration ( ) Re�air{ ) Other ( ) Type of 9fdg.: Single-farnily( ) Duplex( ) Multi-fami�y( ) Commerciai ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) "� No. af Acwmmodation Units in this bui{ding: No. af Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Is this a c4nversion from a woad burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( } No ( ) ��:*�*��*:�*����,�*�*x,��,�*,�*�*,���**x*,��**�F�R OF�IC� USE ONLY�,��*,��X**�*x,��,��K�*,��*,���,����:�������,� Other Fees: Date Received: DRB �ees: Acce ted B � Pianner Si n-ofF: ��+� �..,�!; ��. .. .-.� .�.._e�. - -, � � ... ;,t, .� .�rfx���±: �.. ��:+: � - ,�� � O7l26/2002 11Wail\data\cdevlFOR'.v15\PERMITS\PLhABPF.RMf.DOC � � _ ---- __---- --— - ------- -_--- - ��:- ;ii-��u:� -����e�tia� �ec���st �tep�ortirt� �a��3 �:5� acn � �* --_-_--..---- ------ .�._____-----�L�.L.-�:s:�.���--_.-____._- _____�_____..______���_ R�qucs�ed irs��a�ct Dade: �dr���.���prn�er�tU,�4YlD3 Ir�s n Ar�a: Ct� " ' .�dtir'ess: �#7.��C`.aOF2��.s���K[fFt Y�IL i?d�^�R�CRK�U�#t�t�E3CE�V.�L .a�ro�nrom,aacr+ Acuvity� 50:3-4�t�3 �yXre� A-�+l� �ub�!`y�p�� AMF �ttag: ISSU�!i7 Cosr�t�'y�e� C7cct�per�y: Use� d!!-hi� k�sp II�: CD C]�ws�r: WAGEY�t�tN�c".t�'i',.K�F4NN.K.AFti..KAY-�T AL. Ag�pl�cant: F��f��:.iE�lSi�1�C�Ap,4l�3Y.LlG F'�tQr�: �70-9'21i-1�+ ��tr�et��: R��:r��EJ�}S!C!&C:'��1APAtJY.LLC �-�sr��tic�: R����3�r��i�SiPi�T�h!€N Af�li�CHAtv��`TFtIRA REllFS�NS:CFtM�C'�INa E�C'�FiIOR WI���d�lC7�R A��tiJG�:iC1iL�HZ'S/tfi��1{ BA i Hi?Q�M ' Costttnent: �XT�RI�^4 Vf1!lt�iCK3WS,r€?t,�C)RS Al�i[3 SKY'bIGH�'���'v'IS��#S RC�JT�D T.�J C� �iARl0E,4NID J�4ATT-G�l1l�S {:amenerit: R�U7'�U CJ�tN�'�Adu4,�'�D i3VT��K�t lt��1Rl�M tIQ�J TC5�"1-U��.f�-L�l.�R�S C�tma�,t: R�7�D 70 G�-{Af3Li� �£�REI/tE6�YlIW�'�t3'v'l�1-f�1=tUFt�� ,,, ` �; R�sga�sbe�Ir�sDe..~tionfs� � � ' ' ,� � � . ;, tt�m� 90 �i..�G-Ftn�! � �,'�,1 � kequesoed'flrne: (iB:t�a A1�1 . Re�ue�sta'� RZEPi�J�E'�ISK18 C�'1MP,MN,L�Cl,be � Phor�: �04-� C'..amm�ks: i�ut � �i�i��4r� ' ," ��,e��ro: �,�� �° �r��red�: �c��� �c F�'t1G�: _ Tk»e E�: � ' r �ns�t3on F4isloonr fkEerzt: '.�215 �Il�� C�Ei�'1.?�JCi7���11'lCN�! tt�arn� 3�! 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