HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE PROMENADE LEGALII*W//1'// h,t/"u Va'l rlC,;f.lJllil G'r,EU)r\li\- Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colot"do 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 570,479.2+52 webl www.vailgov, corn Project Name: VAIL PSYCHIC COLOR CHANGE ProJect Descrlption: APPUCAT.IT TOM MERINO PO BOX 6357 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 ProJect Addrcss: 160 GORE CREEK DR VAIL LODGE AT VAIL-VAIL PSYCHIC SPACE DRBNumber: DR8070215 O5l2Ll2OO7 Phone: 970-485-3061 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR A CHANGE OF COLOR Particlpants: owNER MOUNTAIN WOLF PROPERTTES LLC05/21|2007 6532 VIA ROSA BOCA RATON FL 33433 Location: Legal Description: Lot: A Block Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO CI}IE) Parcel Number: 2101482-2100-4 Comments: SEE CONDnONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gondltions: BOARr/STAFF ACrION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O61 0612O07 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prlor to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Condr 202 Approval of thls project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. EnVy:. 0610612007 By: RLF Action: COND 1. The applicant shall uUlize only whlte letters for'Vall Psychic'on the awning and shall not include black shadow lettering on the awning. Planner: Rachel Friede DRB Fee Paid:$20.oo r0lyN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Rd. Development Vail, Colorado 81657 97 0 -47 9 -2138 / 47 9 -2139 FA]{970-479-2452 Departrnent of Community June 6,2007 Tom Merino PO Box 6357 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Re: DRB07-0215 Vail Psychic Sign Lodge Promenade Lot A, l,odge Apt Condominiums Dear Tom, Thank you for your change to approved plans application for signage at Vail Psychic at the Lodge Promenade. The application has been staffapproved with the following condition: l. The applicant shall utilize only white letters for "Vail Psychic" on the awning and shall not include black shadow lettering on the awning. A Desigrr Review Action Form has been included for your records. Do not hesiiate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Best, R^rLd*-k Rachel Friede Planner, Town ofVail (e70\479-240 Rfriede@vailgov.com 2036372940 HYATT REGENCY GREE '11 :1 5:30 a.m. 05-14-2007 Best Copy Available T,,^\4.'i -\PU()"...sdt to€- x;s t\\."!3Str.se83:$='G s)NEfttx *$EiN F t-oq- €o E ) e - =s'S ,EE Plq lr'=E 5t>'$\,\-Nt =.8.*q9* [$;fibh$ E'+ J(Tlo- \\o-O3LrJUJIr z EEI & * Larsen & Lynch llc tr^ ,,,04'["iTJ*tHt,;;- n le Edwards, CO 8 f632 e /s-f l,BrC F. Blake Lynch Diane R. l.arsen AprllZ,2007 VIA HAND DELIVER1 Warren Campbell Senior Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Susie Huxford Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Metaphysical Gift Shop 172 Gote Creek Drive Unit 162 Lots A,B and C, Block 5C, Vail Village l" Filing Dear Warren and Susie: Thank you for meeting with me regarding the zoning issues with respect to the use of 172 Gorc Creek Drive, Unit 162. Michelle Marks has entered into a commercial lease dated October 3,2006, as tenant, with Mountain Wolf Properties, LLC, landlord, forpremises described as Condominium Unit 136, the Lodge Apartment Condominium (the "Lease"). The condominium described in the Lease (the "Premises") contains 481 square feet according to a physical measurement made by Equinox Architecture LLC. The Lease provides that the tenant shall use and occupy the Premises only for the purpose of operating Vail Metaphysical Gift Shop and Psychic Center. Michelle and Tom Merino obtained a Town of Vail business license for operation of a business on the premises. They have temporarily ceased business operations since my meeting with you and Matt Mire. Since that meeting, Michelle and Tom have revised somewhat their plan as to how they propose to operate Vail Metaphysical Gift Shop and Psychic Center (hereinafter the "Gift Shop"). The purpose of this letter is to set forth their plan of operation and state the reasons we believe the plan, if enacted, complies with forcrc Phone: (970) 926-9 r00 Fax: (970) 926-910r Blvnch@larsenlynch.com Dlarsen@larsenlvnch.com Rtverwalk at Edwards . Emerald Building IARSEN & LYNCH LLc April 2, 2007 Page 2 the Town of Vail zoning regulations. It is my understanding you will make some sort of administrative determination as to compliance based on this proposal. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a Retail Store Plan for the Premises prepared by Equinox Architecture LLC. The plan shows the location of the check-out counterhash register, rotating display shelves, built in shelving for merchandise, the retail show room and the reading room. The total square footage is 481 square feet. 440 square feet, or approximately 91.4% of the space will be devoted to retail show room. 4l square feet, or approximately 8.6%o, will be devoted to the reading room. The products to be offered for sale at retail from the Premises include, bur are not limited to, the following: (i) quartz and crystals; (ii) incense; (iii) international oils' (iv) metaphysical books, tapes and videos; (vi) candles; (vi) bath salts; and (vii) healing stone bracelets. These products will be displayed in the Retail Show Room shown in Exhibit A. During the winter and summer seasons, store hours would be from I l:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. six days per week. There will be a sales clerk on duty most of the time the Gift Shop is open. The Gift Shop will be open with regular hours of operation, not by appointment only. During May and other off-season periods, the Gift Shop, like other retail operations in Vail, will either close or operate with limited hours. The Psychic readings will take place in the Reading Room. This activity will occur during business hours, but it will be an occasional activity that will not necessarily occur every day. The psychic readings are an incidental service component to the business plan for the Premises, but it is incidental to the offering of goods for sale at retail, as distinguished from sale ofaccessory products which is incidental to the offering ofa service. The sign at the bottom of the window the reads "Psychic Reader * Open * Walk-lns * Welcome" will be removed when Tom and Michelle return from California, The Permitted Uses of the zone district applicable to the Premises are stated in Section l2-78-3-B if the Town Code. The relevant code section states"The following uses shall be permitted on the first floor or street level within a structure: l. Retqil stores and establishments, including the following:... " There follows a list of specific types of retail stores; including "gift shops" and "variety stores". The plan of store operation presented herein qualifies as the operation of a retail store. The term "retail store" as used in the Code is not limited to the specific types of retail establishments listed immediately thereafter. Even if the term "retail store" was limited to the types of retail establishments listed, the plan for the Premises would qualifu as a "gift shop". The interpretation of a zoning ordinance is subject to the same rules that govem construction ofa statute. Courts generally look firstto the plain language ofthe ordinance and, absent a det-rnition contained in the code, will give effect to the plain I..ARSEI.I & LYNCH tlc Apil 2,2007 Page 3 meaning and common usage of the words used. The ordinary and generally accepted meaning of the word'retail" is the sale of goods or commodities to ultimate crxitomers. More than 90 percent of the floor space will be devoted to the sale of goods. There is no express limitation in the Town Code as to the incidental offering of services at a retail store. Generally, zoning ordinances are not conshued so as to exclude by implicatiorU that which is not clearly excluded wi*rin their express terms. We respectfirlly suggest that the plan ofoperation as set forth herein is a permitted use under the Town Code. Thank you for responding to me as soon as possible. Sincerely, ,CRA_ 4. ntate t yncn -'{/ cc: Matt Mire [xl|tBtT_/_ 33|7', l cf) '-lcrl. t7'-2' - 6'-5" Ll 7'-6 112 LINE INDICATES AREA BOUNDARi |READ{NclI ROOM I /€l o A \*)[tll SHELVEg ( 16" DEEP):-N (lllrl- lrl =o ECK-OUT NTER,/ RTGI9TER RTTAIL 5H ROOM F--L|NE OF CETLTNGI CHANGE fi\f.)ROTATING PRODUCT DI9PLAY (l6"xl6"x7O') (23'xl ?'x6'-7") 5'booo 3s i\ = M ILFI(L l6'DEEPx6'-7 T GENERAL NOTES are an SCtvtcE and are a, the erclos:c propcrty of EQUINOX ArchkzCture LLC. They ruy not be duphcated, dsclo5ed, or reproduced wrthout tha exprea>ed vtt^tten cot3efit of EQUINOX Archrtectura LLC. Dravalnqlr were created lron leld measuremenls ol extshfia conditons. An rnch wag added lo lhe overall-dtmenztons to accounL for thc thrckness of drywall, Dnensons ere to lace ol lramnq. Area calculdaong arc to the center ltnc ol exshnq wa\9, Oue to the conplexby ol bhe detqn procees, om:satona and dscrepanctes may ange, Notrfy thc Archtfz'ct nmedtatety to resolve any E5ue5 ?rtor to afty congtrvclton, All conetructfon and construchon method5 shall be n comVltance ol all applcable codes n lorce at lhe trme of constru clton, Chanqes lrom thc dans made wfthortt consett of the ArchtLda arc unavthonzed and shall relene the Archttect ol responabrltty ol any and all consequcnccs rcsulttn6 from such chen1ca' 4.44O 3T RETAIL AREA 4I 3T gERVICE9 AREA 461 5T TOTAL AREA Tr)WI'J OT VAN. DISIGN REVIF-'r! sTAFr- APi)irovALcr.go.cn RETAIL STORE PI-^AN lj ^- h) C/ ct EIoToo @ .9t(, oo. IE .9o t CLo o =o N u x6l!oi!66!(}\J :> EtoGo Eo o !I'qi:E r.. :;< l *i d \rO txh I a cc.,r.rJhtii 0EvEt oo\lEhr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 tax:97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov. corn Project Name: VAIL PSYCHIC SIGN Project DescrlpUon: VAIL PSYCHIC SIGNAGE Participants: Project Address: Legal Descrlpdon: Parcel Number: Comments: Motlon By: Seond By: Vote: CondlUons: DRB Number: DR8070167 Locatlon: LODGE AT VAIL-VAIL PSYCHIC SPACE LODGE APT CONDO Cn-lE) owNER MOUNTAIN WOLF PROPERTIES LLCO4|24|2OO7 6532 VTA ROSA BOCT MTON FL 33433 APPUCANT TOM MERINO 04l24lZOO7 Phone: 970-485-3061 PO BOX 6357 BRECKENRIDGE co 80424 160 GORE CREEK DR VAIL LoE A Block: Subdivision: 2101-082-2100-4 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalz 0413012O07 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbafr and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB appnoval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. MCHEL FRIEDE DRB Fee Paid: S55.OOPlanner: TOWN OFVAIL 75 SouthFrontageRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-21381479-2139 Fex970479-2452 April30,2007 TomMerino PO Box 6357 Breckenridge, CO 80424 Re: DRB07-0167 Vail Psychic Sign Application Dear Mr. Merino, Deparhnent of Commrmity Development Thank you for your application for design review for an awning and windory signs at 162 Gore Creek fuve. iou application has been staff approved and you may install the sign at your earliest convenience. As discussed, the sign will not include any borders on the windows and will only have ..Vail Psychic" on the awning, per the most recent submittal by Vail Sign. A Desigrr Review Action Form has been included for your records. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. Best, &^rura^"* Rachel Friede Planner, Town of Vail (970Y79-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com ffi TOITN ffliAILW Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Deiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. ENADE.Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:-Subdivision: UI) @ o KrARJ D \ 6'- V Physical Address:(Ltv'L Parcel No.:Llorc I LLlaal (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) '-zoning' Name(s) of Owner(s):4Ocr;1h nt <1r.,^v ()- r- L.s A /ann t/1E ND (.rs '",',rysc'f*l owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: 6 te-t\-*'/& Tyoe of Review and Feel M Signs n Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition n Minor Alterafon ( multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duPlex) E Changes to Approved Plans D SeDaration Request retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board' No Fee already approved by Planning Staff or the $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landraping, fences ancl /Ln Wt*4tc- No.]:an".g xo., \\'tk oy, Separation Request 4Po I, (print name) description) 'OINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above, I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townt applicable codes and regulations. (Date) Page2 of 4/l1106/03 I0t4,m SIGN APPUCATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Community Development. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Name of Business: V*l L "SYClr le B. Building name and physical address; looke ? cay.eN,.{DE lbL 6OSE Cl*-ev'e C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): !Freestanding Sign FWallSign QHanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box trDaily Special Board lJoint Directory Sign QSubdivision Entrance Sign tr Building Identification tr Mural tr Window Sign tr Sign Program tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic trJemporary Sign dother E. F. G. H, t J. K. L. Number of signs proposed: I Number of signs existing: F Sign message:{ntl tsvant a Ps'lLt+\L g+*DeL Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@t/+"=L): t6'tx lX"lqb" ArrNrNk wltpd s,.^llLflreuNk Length of business frontage: lL' Height of sign(s) from grade: G t Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): illASign lighting plan: o Indicate type, location and number of fixture. o Include height above grade, lumens output, Iuminous area. u Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. Page 3 of 4111106/03 N, The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. NOTESTO ALL APPLICANTS Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Depaftment prior to application deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associated application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/plannino/drb/meetinos/default.htm Review Criteria The proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) and Title 14 (Development Standards) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Desiqn Review Board MeeUno Reouirements For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative, shall be present at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. Staff Aooroval The Administrator (a member of the planning staff) may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modiflcations, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Page 4 of 4lll/06103 WruMMilG 96" wlde awnlnq 6" xO4" main coVy 2.% oquarefeeYtotal oi6n area 5f x6O" bay wtndow w lO"xGU sidewtndowo 23'xAt wlndow ol6n 4 oquarefcat ot37.5 ua el6nlframc (1O%) TOWN oF VAn. DESI:-.N F,I-VIEW 5-ioi ''-' pPi-'iloVAL \1 DArE: _ .{ \*_[e+ _ '* +'%-*r" .A Iazrv . IY-T*Id5 "Et!!E 1t xll loqo andlT x{ houre sTAFF'-- 9q 314' = 1'O" r0l{,r\lm Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Developmerit 75 Souh Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Cashmere Door widening DRB llumber: DR8010388 Projecl Deccription: Widen entry door by 4" to meet building code requirement Palticipants: OWNER LODGE @ VAIL Ltll6l200[ Phone: 303-476-5011 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL, CO 81657 License: APPUCANT ATI-AS CONSTRUCION INC 11/16/2001 Phone: License: CONTMCTORATLASCONSTRUCION 11/16/2001 Phone: P,O. BOX 275 MINTURN, CO 81645 License: 255-A PruJect Addrers: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: CASHMERE OF VAIL l-cgcl De$ription: Lot: Block: Subdivlsion: Parcol Number: 210108221000 C.ommente: BOARD/STAFF ACTION trlodon By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcvalz LLlI6l200t C.ondltions: Cond;8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Envyt tllL6|2fi)1 By: jar Action: AP Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0ffi5126 That the door is wklened 4'only Planner: ludy Rodriguez DRB Fee Peid: l2O.O0 General Information: This application is br any project requiring Design Reriew approval. Any project requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refur to the submittal requirements for theparticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed bythe Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, /'-1 Description of the Request: (L? f'cnt Application for Design Review Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us 'floaR.--i T-l A):r(rr.J(--.-. r4Zi'T Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:Subdivision: Physicaf Address: ('*e-,.t*q?et l,/*rt- ,,pi< t#, Twr Lcoe* e-t V*tr-- q7(4t ----Parcel no., ;,",- -t. l , Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Tz rer<= T),<-FznJ B?(l-- Mailing Address: Name of App11.6n1' A--C-,+S (.pjT-€i,<-cT-r orJ 1,OL. Mailing Address: ?. a ' 8o* tt G rW,pT:- ep (o & t 6{2 6?€ Q4. furJL - o-ro3 Type of Review and Feel D New ConstructronD Addition t}. Minor Alteration ! Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 C.{*vf fi, r, -..l .(t-.Lc .* For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square licotage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board $20 PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMTTTAT REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITT DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. l6-HOV-Ol lrl:Se |||hrO. CAEHNERE LONDON e2e?334 r r 66 P. Or Appllcrtion tur Declgrr Revlcw O|'rft|t CAortrrath*|tttfthdrmFrb.4 Ul6nb rrGt td: t70.r}92Utt h t 0.t t:rFz*l; rrlfl.(rl,rt Tr lTrqT.l.E-rrt rrcFtt cqtng org' rsfi +ax rrt Fqd 'tqurtl qn '..r.r irrrln|r9FordtaEGEEE -Ufrigr!n!+C!ADd|. **r*ow eansr rqrrEEk n E3g?.=?qoq n I rq:*a r-rfotnir Ocrr na,t,-crriri-H-qii-,rir i d;rr! =Tf|lE llltlLbr uE errf|rr |,3l.Fnsr hFlnd. n* Fsar nq dro ria u lr cnr-r ry::-qT._a!]ll r'tu-h 'bil'! .td liFrrpu ihrrunr tnar r.ad rcr rfpvl rrri Crrrrrl&trrnrtrr r- r td-c tdt I hd-rl r$rdon cr-.- r-a-; F ;d- d;itf,t blptbndtb lffit'fhrtrod tob_ftct --9ithiior: . tEr.ltoltr: F.qaltlr Ggtffitd.Cak bprtdtt.) ntE t*r{.)doffit|)t rtnt|Ki-r: Onr(i)ffin1r} ral.o?rOtht nr5tEldi-r lll nt no6c Loecr rr v il 97&32F86{l i' Oc"C<*:q.+- $tGtD - cf-tcB !l.Cm.dlc O th hrfrroea {nt-w tr O:!a5rts'd 'lr ii;Hov-o I g? :2 t furdrdtdr tFufrrdwrEul3.tc fi rthst ihnt sE tqt a&6D|ltnElEilq.rrr:rH hildht (Ei- 210 S.! i|rtfi? crlqfc} bdrrdrEb hlb rd JE lFordE, rdr rilrofr0 9ilr& fim rG, |nAad,tg' tE .tru||er*,ac. l:0 h rlr*|t b F.! lf€t ep.ald bt rtmhe dchorbrn!|lr|bd lr00 t50 TD tursc f.ilr n!3 rFrrATor, Al g,t[rTA. cl.lne€{lsalo rHE tlEF n|: o?fnrrT 0f gfir|rrr DdBo?irm,tl s.rn trfliletu4 vrl-.riEiAmtls?. ?Af wo E1(' SZ3 9o{ ot l j NOTES TO ALL APPUCANI'Ii Pre-aoolication Meetinq A pre-application meeting with Town of Vail staff is encouraged, The purpose of a pre-appliotion meeting is to identiff any critical issues pertaining to the applicant's'proposal and to determine the appropriate development re/iew process for an applicatio.n. In many cases, the pre-applicauon meeting helps to o<pedite the development review process as critical issues are identified and dealt with in the preliminary stages. A pre-application meeting may be scheduled by contacting Judy Rodriguez at 97 0.47 9.2128 or iradngucz@Clyj!!.f.qJs Time Reouirements The Design Review Board meeE on the lst and 3rd Wednesdap of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department prior to applicaUon deadlines. A schedule of DRB meetings and associatecl application deadlines may be found on the World Wide Web at htto://ci.vail.co.us/commdev/planninoidrb/meetinos/default.htm For a new residential development, the application deadline is typically 3.5 weeK prior b a Design Reriew Board hearing. Review Criteria The propcal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forth in TiUe 12, Chapter 11 (Design Review) and Tifle 14 (Development Standards) of the Municipal Code. Reouirements for orooerties located in hazard areas If a property is located in or adjacent to a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debris flow, floodplain, wedand, poor soils, etc.), the Community Development Department may require a site€pecific geological investigation. If a site-specific aeological investigaUon determines that the subject property is located in a geologically sensiuve area, the property owner(s) must sign an affidaVit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a building permit. ApplicanB are strongly encouraged b consult with Community Development sbff prior to submitting a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. Reouired Plan Sheet Format For all survelc, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvement plans, all of the following must be shown. 1. Plan sheet size must be 24"x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. 2. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. 3. Graphic bar scale. 4, North arrow. 5. TiUe block, project name, project address and legal decription. 6. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. 7. Dates of original plan preparaUon and all re/ision dates. 8. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. 9, Sheet labels and numbers. 10. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". 11. Names ofall adjacent roadways. 12. Plan legend. Desiqn Review Board Meetino Reouir€ments For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site b indicateproperty lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be rerroved must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tai:ings and staklng must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail b appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. (a member of the planning staff) may rs/iew and appruve Design Review applicatjons, tertain modifications, deny the application, or refer the application to the Design Rwiew-a decision. All stafr approvals are reviewed by the Design Reriew Board and any staff decision is subject b final approval by the DRB. Additional Review and Fees If this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: C-olorado Department of Highway Access PermiE, Army Corps of Engineers 4&1, etc. The appliant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in ocess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the community, may require review I extemal consultanb in addition to Town staff. Should a determinaUon be made by Town staff that an oftemal consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultanL The Department shall estimate the arnount of money necess.rry to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. The applicant shall pay oeenses incurred by the Town in o<cess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any ocess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Staff Aooroval UTIUTY LOCATIOI{ VERIFICATION This form is b veriry service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and availatrility of utilities, whether they are main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Date QWESr 970.384.0238 (tel) 970.384.0257 (fax) Contacf Jason Sharp PUBUC SERVICE HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.458.2s28 (tel) Contact: Bruce Miller HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOC. 970.99.s892 (tel) 970.99..1566 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky E(CEL ENERGY 303.s71.7518 (bl) 303.57L.7877 (fax) Contact: Paul Kellogg EAGLE RryER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT'f 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee AT&T BROADBAND 97 0.919.1221 x 1 12 (tel) 970.949.9138 (fax) Contact Floyd Salazar *Please provide a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining approval from the Eagle River Water & Sanitation District. Fire flow needs must be addressed. I{OTES: 1. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will preume that there are no problerns and the dwelopment can proceed. 2. fi a utility company has concerns wlth the propced consbuction, the utility repreentaWe shall note directly on the uUlity verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be d€tailed in an attached letter b the Town of Vail. Howarcr, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve idenffied problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility b obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Wlity locations must be obtained before dioging in any public rightof-way or easement witiin the Town of Vail. A buildino oermit is not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained sepantelv. pnopdseo LANDscAprrc Botanical l{ame Common Name Ouant'itv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS D(STING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. TvDe SouarcFootaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGANON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materiab Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other ]{otes: LIST OF PROPG;ED MATERIAU; Tvoe of Material Color 3" , ba Fnr. lrc.ul? (fe,,.z! Cr"rozJ ('cf: t)-l+K To //r*tL4 \ ( Please specify the manufacture/s color and number and attach a color chip. All elfterior lighting must meet the Town's regulations regarding lighting (see Trtle 14 - Devdopment Standards). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the number of ftxtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fxture type and provide the height abwe grade, lumns outrut, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the light fixtures. Questions? Callthe Planning Staff at 479-2138 T0l,tN TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS o Stamped topographic survey*, if applicableo Photos or plans which clearly convey existing conditions*o Photos or plans which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)*o All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used.tr Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicableo Written approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable o The Administrator and/or DRB mav require the submission of additional plans. drawinqs. specifications. samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*), II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: 11/18/2001 2AiA7 ,ru,*,a,FEA.H VA-LEY t*PAGE 01 11116,01 Scott Dohrrty 53i19 Gounry Rd.21f l{rw Gardr, CO $0tr7 (970)87&5EEa Fax: (97O1876.0'155 EOti Atlas Constructiorl ,lOD: Cashmem Vail TheLodgg atvail Shdwe and base cabinets: - as driawn by S. Heid - 28 linear totef sh€il\res - 1.75'fiflck sfiefvim - conoealed shelf ftEteners - paint grade shelving - 14' lineer bese cabin€ts - double paneldoors w/finger groow as drawn by owrrer - inbdor adiustable dtehros -'floding' f, sotiO aEertops - solid alcbr beseAoekict - continunrs? fae lramc fiice indLdes In$tallatlon Price: $44m.0O to be completed atthe addres noted above. I undertand thatthe proposed improvements include: ?- (Ca.r ,se- fra^t de % Ft 7{ Raquorrta- O*OE 2fto. ,pFrq?^lT< fttJD % ,A E<ud Nd,a-+fRo<)/\rr- ILNIT. TOINT PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITIEN APPROVAT I.ETTER. I, (print name a joint owner of poperty located at (address/legal description) t1\ t (-*+ c-PzrtL V;z .,*,.s:r1 ilo ufrtc- , Cct provide this fetbr as written approval of the plans datd to / o q / 2oo t which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Dwelopment Department for the propmed improvements I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to emure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulaUons. (Signature) AilGGotrsnnrctim h P.O. Box 276 lintum. CO 81645 Norember 15.2001 CharlesViola Lodge at Vail ':i Dear Mr. Viola: This letter is a request for permission [e edace Ute door in the Cashmere Vail with one to match the neighboing $oe. Please rsriery the attacfred photo and let me knour if u,e can proeed with our order for a similar door to match the neighbors. Sincerdy, James Otis President oo oo 9i.: llntltrl l}ir.: lt:3.:6 Fll ,-m Jntif mGttY owrGrwnnTCilr'FROnt&Ernr f 0,trtt*ax fb-a Qcf-Cfa4f .rFitontrofFlFqbceurrr(rddrrsenEr : fugtbo) t?{ 9 .-.,c. $ : govtb il* l*tr ae wrfttro rgrrd nf re r*rn< ,t*rt tg /nq / Z*, *;,tdt l,",' }t?| $UnlEd btftTmr d Vdl Cormrfilo 0arbprrt O+e6rGlt h tt Oromnd imgorcnrrb hl h cgrulctcd at s* drcrs nrtr ohm; l 'r&s&ur trEt uG l,qrF, .'l.t^ureruar rxlure:P.?t*.*+ FttaT d,e_ Z, rzttf R,,,n,u, ".*&g..acp&fL-AtD -'-"q* _. Adtl-zJl ti*ettGoat*)c_ I fttltrt t'{htdad tiot 'rinf nOdiFr-aiont nrly tc rrdc b !r t r5 fttr t tc r .Sc oa tnc Gri(w D&!$ b ctEul co.rllitFl r tn $E TO II agOlctDts Codag rtd rtSdSrS. t;#,,/, v-o I 97 22?ot is ro'd 99 t t gtalozo NOqHO'l SU3ltHSrr3 a': tr to-AoN-gt P.a. t Ct November 16, 2001 Mr. Peter Diktenberg 174 E. Core Creek Drive Vail CO 81657 Dear Mr. Diktenberg: The Board of Managers for Lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your request to remodel your condominium. The construction will include the following projects: l. Interior tenant finishes 2. New Exterior door to match adjacent door. Subjcct to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves ofthe proposed plans: l. An approved condominium construction document is signed and all conditions are adhered to. 2, All required permits are obtained from the'lown of Vail. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincerelv. vSta V. Charles Viola Executive Assistant Manager Managing Agent, Lodge Apartment Condominium Association The Lodge at Vail, 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81552 USA Tefephone (970) 47G5011 Facsimile (970) 47G7425 Intemet: wwwlodgeatvail.com 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMTTn"ffifl F; d.perh.et of community devclopmont TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT wp'E or PERMtT EF autotr.rc EF Er-ecrRrcnt ! MECHANTCAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE p11g ocr. 11. 1989 0041 54 )E!! r. wPE oF coNsTRucTloN I ll lll I v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI RM DrvtsloN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - EXPAND EXTSTTNG SI{OP TNTO AD.TOTNTNG PERM|TNO.\J\-/'-'f'v- z9 lJ BUILOING I .000 ELECTRICAL 2 .500 PLUMBING 500 SPACE.UECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.B-F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERIIIT 153 0tr fra4o cK# r'oa{ /%0, ffi PLAN CHECK f,t99 ELECTRICAL 43 NEW ALTERATION AODITIONAL ( XI( REPAIR PLUMBING 10 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAI HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES R€CREATION FEE R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 Exr wALLsI | |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 405.00 JOE NORRIS OCT. 19, 1989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL rr. cur | | | rLotNG oFFtct,Aa - - DATE RICK PYLMAN II{ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING )NING A BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I haye read this application, tilled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stato that all the information provided as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structur€ according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and g rwn's zonrng ano suDotvtsron cooes, oes (inances o|lle Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO:Cettror+ cof.rli IBS) tropt e.Dct(lr.,r. (6 SgSb SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND TH€ OWNER. ffi LODGE PROMENANDE JOB NAME: COS BAR EXPANSION NAME CAS BAR INC. I88 GORE CREEK DR vArL PH 6-7734 rrnu MORTER ARCH. tu TowN oF vArL REG. No. 256-8 476-2850 GENERAL CONTRACTO 145-E TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. 949-r403 I,rrlIITE RMR ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL rrnm VAIL VALLEY PLIIMBING 949-7 77 L TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACT OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT hn doprtnent ol community davrlopment TO BE FILLED EUT COMPLETELY PFIORTO ISSUANCE OF WPE OF PERMIT E eurlorHc ftruuarnc Eb€LEcrRrcAr-'D FouNoATtoN EJ uecHaHtcal n 'i|v I r\-l tr\\ Kr\tf.Mr I rL, C'c.\Er. t rt rrr-rD'JrrE onre \--- \,[:t\1 q\5q /( F )r x )r LEGAT DESC. LOT BLI(-- FILING t-oD{.€ ?Pcnar;.,lr.Da JOB NAME:\ xssr\bs OWNER Heue Ccf:, $se- \f9( urrrrnonrssib6 C<;et C??-.t tP crw CAru eo m..RL '143{ ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRFSS crw OA\u ptr.tt?C,5tt)5 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rowH or varr- nec. xo. 28"'' R rrrr 4?^. ?*\o ETECTRICAL rrnM(tHrtg ?relt- EL?(' \tr.- ' TowN oF vArL REG. No. \-\ -.-) --:vvrttr^urun t.'o Q{Qr\r-ioa PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu ( )Nu lAtttq Qtpm.A't l- rowN oF vArL REG. No. irt.Q t.... Qan'+aa\ MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FtRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REO. NO. T€LE. I.TYPEOFCO STRUCTTON I ll l lV V zOCCUPANCYGROUP A B E H I R r| r DIVISION 122a31t^ GENERAL DESCRTPTION OF WORK : -22r \> t..<-.-, 4-l.-r r i.:- PERM'T T{O. - z9F: BUILOING lr -c.()c) a t) \, Et ECTRTCII_25c.oo A PTUMBIHG tso.po V rEcHAlflc^r-t\ 14. ctc-r,> c:lt WPE GROUP G.R.F-A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERUIT 1{3c! PIAN CHECT 9 Ct () t) EIECIRICAL n3':- NEw ( ) ALTERAIIoN (V) ADornoNA! ( A) REPATR (PLUMBING DWE!!|NG UNrrS A@OrrfrOoAnON [n{rTS- HEIGHTIlIFT. - NO. FTREPLACES MECHANIC^l RECREATION FEE &VALLUE oEsrcr REvrEw Bo^ao ctEA'r.uP oEPOgr -c]!JI ()c) . USE TAX TYPE ELEC. oF ----------:---- HEAT sou^ GAS IYOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEEq 4c'g ? DATEAODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO: Y II 'NITIALsr.cw I I I roxrxcroulrr$eron DArt- - E BUILDING NOTES:BLASNNG PANKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the inlormation provided as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo tho Town's zoning and subiJivision codes, design revlew approved, Uniform Euilding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicablo thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNEA OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIf AND THE OWNER. o ' r' I 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: CTT EI TF /-TF . otflce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH T,IIETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sumrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unla'rfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpster3, poriable i,oilets andworkmen vehicles, upon any street, sidewaik, alley or publicp199" or any portion thereof- The riqht-oi-"iv i" ar-r- Town ofVail streets and.59"g= is approximately 5 ft. off pavemenc.This ordinance wir-r be stri-t:-y enforcld by the iown of VailPYPJi-" works Department. persons found vior-atj-ng this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said nrateii_ai.-rn tbe event the person so notified does not conply with th;--noti-ce within the 24 hour tirne specified, the puLt:-c worksDepartment will remove said mateiiar at ir." ""p."se or personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance shal1 not beapprrcabre to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i.n the right_a_way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fuLl, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. ttranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: 1i.e. ili Date contractor, owner) onroe Englneerlng Consultanls September 29, 1989 The Lodge at Vail L74 E. Gore Creek Dr.Vai1, eO 81657 ATTN: Mr. Paul Jepson RE! Commerclal spaces Gentlemen: Mec #t7or/3o9,,-r--i.,._\-r...\ As requestedr Monroe Engineering Consultants has conduct-ed an observatlon norr that dernolition has started of themasonry wall construction betveen the existinq Vickerscallery, the existlng cosbar shop and the exi;ting Fitastore. Our observation lndicates that both of these rralls arenon-load bearing valls and it is our opinion that thesewalls ean be removed wlthout affecting the structuralintegrity of the existing building. ff you have any questions or conments please ca11. Very truly yours,ffi Peter D. Monroe PDM: lm P O. Box 1597 48 E. Beaver Creek Btvd., tt307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Project Application oat" 14 - ll - 81 . \i I. -- proiecr Name: L$5 b'\;*- | 'riT iY f 'Mc ,1rr47- ('(/ft.Ja-rr Conract person and pnon" *t.'..-)C F C-4.. f'C.",r'- I Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Block Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 't r- Ll X t"" Approval October 10, 1989 Town of VailAttn: Rick Pylman P.O. Box 100Vail, CO 81658 Dear Mr. PyJ-man: Lodge Properties Inc. has reviewed and approves of Cosbar of Vailrs request to remove the existing bay window which is located to the right of the door ofthe old Fila store on the Lodge Promenade. The Cosbar will replace that bay window with one that isidentical to the existing bay windovr for the Cosbar. The Cosbar will be responsible for all the workinvolved in this project. If you have any questions.please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, far.l l,4p*^' Paul Al JeppsonDirector of Owner Servi-ces cc: Jim MorterLily Garfield tT4East Gore Creek Drive Vatl. Colorado 81657 803J176-5011 Telex 45-0375 o September 29r 1989 The Lodge at Vail L74 E. core Creek Dr.Vait, CO 81657 ATTN: Mr. Paul Jep.son RE: Commerclal spaces. Mec +L2Ol/3O9 Gentlemen: As requested, Monroe Englneering Consultants has conduct- ed an observatlon now that demolltlon has started of the nasonry vall construction betveen the exlstlng Vickers callery, the existing cosbar shop and the existing Fila store Our observation lndicates that both of these walls are non-load bearing valls and lt is our oplnion that these walls can be renoved wlthout affectlng the sbructural integrlty of the exlstlng bul1dtng.. ff you have any questions or comments Please call. very truJy yours, G'$m^^- Peter D. Monroe PDM:lm P. O. Box 1597 48 E. Boaver Cresk Blvd., f307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 onroe Engineerlng Consultants oo FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING TEMPORAIiY C Of O DATE: (/- CETTI FICATE OF OCCI'PAI{CY o\i l-\ ,PERMIT NUMBER OF PRQJECT'r' \r r l'\\ \Lt- lr,DATE \. \ ' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON FRI .. .a to I CALLER TUES \- i. .. .: WED THUR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING T'l D ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: -r ftouc* D HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E D FINAL B FINAL APPROVED:? ,,'-O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niRsr* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT Il] l--DATE " | -)() Jo8 NAME rl INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL / ttt__.' AM . PMINSPECTION: li! \ \ -i. i CALLER I. '!--0 MON TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION:' {_ 1^' r-\0 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEE" PLYWOOD NA tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR E] FINAL APPROVED - CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Prffisvo" / ? ,,'- -- ).tonte ,/{ - ' - ri ./ tNsPEcToR rs. departmont of community development TO BE FTLLED OUT COMpLETELy pR tOIJOIS,SUANCE OF pERM CONSTRUCTION PERMIT \ ..r \ --l\ -1..\r.., Vr-\r.... .'i:ttltt \\- \\(:\'\\'\\tl pL0Msr.rci- rouNonrrON ffi onuolrrron hm )E trfl TYPE OF PERMI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL L'trJL.FILING IOB NAME: ASPECTS 162 E. et r'rnrr,re BARRY & ,DEiBIE SCHRAG 2835 DUFFY LN MAIL AD DRESS crrY RIVERWOoDS, IHLL ARCH ITECT prnr,l HAZARD & ASSOC. uo,.ooo*r* Po Box 1068 - clrY vArL PH949-4958 GEN ERAL CONTRACTOR SHAEFFER CONST. towH or vnrr nec. ruo. 129-B 845-s656 LECTRICAL NTRACTOR rINu EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC ao** o, uo,,- rao, ,uo. 156-E 827 -57 7 2 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM GUAMNTEBD PLI]MBING 949-4320 MECHANI CONIRACTOR plqy sTONE MECHANICAL 124-v TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 827 -57 24 OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE JN_!N__q!L9, 1991 PLANS ATTACHED 005i 42 IT i TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I V V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP A 8E H IR M otvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; 22a 34 ..REMODET, TNTERTOR OF' RETATT, SPACE PERMIT NO. z F f EUILDING 64,r40 EL ECTRICAL 15,000 PLUMBING 950 MECHANICAL 11 ,000 TOTAL 79,20O TYPE GROUP GFFA VATUATION PERMIT FEES 1HR B 0 79,200 BUILDING PERM IT 640 \ t4Ai Nv \- l.- r-. rY l .l^q"l ul PLAN CHECK 4t6 E LECTR ICAL 270 ffirroNAL ( ) Rr.PArR ( i PLUMBTNG $t5 $4 ll4r334 IN ITIA L ST. CUT llxl MEcHANTcAL $z2 $6 #4r33s RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO C L€AN UP DEPOSIT 250 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES 1,623 DAN STANEK LO/LO/gI IUILOING OFFICIAL DATE BETSY ROSOLACK IO/9/9L ONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE B LAST ING PARKING :oNtNG & BU|LD|NG NorES. AWNTNG I{EED S SEPARAJE APPROEAL. FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DEMO I I-ll,'I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required ts correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordirroved, Unilorm Building Code and othe( ot/rlgde\of the Town aprticable thereto. ro: sHAEFFER coNsr. 4a' <brl.LA /<4"/4( ln, C^.]P0 BOX 373 SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFVAIL, C0 8f658 ANo rHE owNER. ). consrRucnoN PERMIT s61s rclql1t NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE t/2 hn departmcnt of community devclopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT D pLuuatruc! rourolrlen E Det*ro("*'tx< EI!! BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT t?Z E. BL JOB NAME:J Ur"l GENERAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. r. IYPE oF coNsrRucnoN t tt trt tvd. 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP IB€ H I R M DIVISION 122a34 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUA 7(/zao AOOITIONAL () REPAIR ()ALTERATION DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - - NO. FIREPLACES THICKNESS R.VALLUE !E4I_ AODITIO ST. CUT trNta[\o/r., {ITIAL BLASTINT N, rr, "^^-* \N N.\sJr.il I her€by acknowl€dgo lhat I have read thls application, tilled out in full the lntormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town'g zoning and subdivision codos, designlaws, and tO build this structure ACCOrding lO lne I own S ZOnlng ano SuDolvlslon coo€s, oes review approved, Uniform Building Code and other orl(nances of the Tow.n applicable ther€to. ANO THE OWNER. 7<-''zc /7/ 6rtE - t EUILDING NOTES: a. 75 south front.g€ road vrll, colorldo 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 ot 479-?\39 t offlcc of communlty dcvclopmcnl BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail flire Deparfinent Approval , Engineel''s (.Pub1 ic Works) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A'll commercial (large or smal'l) and al'l mul ti-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every atternpt will be nnde by this department to expedite this permit as seon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date Work Sheet was turned into the Conununi ty Devel opment Department. o 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 l3o3l 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUELIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , inc).uding trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpface or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour Irritten notice to remove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the Public works Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to Project (i.e. contractor, owner) Date -.1 2t'-lu ?xb EWD VALE W' r^rP'trFY- Lx4 gllPvt WW" "EAWTW-Itr@tT*'hr-: .'ltrtT nfr- I^'tltPUIJ* lur.zqp'ji4pn' ,H['-+VF+ Wo, G,2p)Ut1 {.t-ari.euelrtq+Vprz\AUaue'N1Lf:W U.{-L a,^J#tuP n, _i/A"hued&4j-l(=^l lyq-pg'6.1 OvttIT? ,jtF^rFtu6 -PeEF++t-e'D b(tJr"{.tP, . , etsTwArt+ qlP) \pNaqLtTl,vA+&JecrYru I --1 r----\-- I I ro*nlv.i| | OevelttlI Plan Euild l'$"'* t Pk' -t I F-- -LL tl f ltrp muance or gr3n1;nn of a pe'mit [ii:']l'1'':'." :l1rl i:l, lo :: i:ll 1"t - - -.lplroval ol, any viotation of any ofr pl any other ordinanco ot the juri a dernrrruzrsrupnTanr specfiel ll rt i,l'., tr tr _ il i I ',,ulll'll,% a penn itrasduwnTtanf speclll not orevent the buildinq ofllcial 1r correclton 0l orrors In saro olans, uatd. oorr.ll /, t '7/ ofi rss ! ss tr_ trcfi s irn T!" and 0r an code ol shall tho 0thof lldrzt|leiaAA,"eT.aet'1e4r4- PY44T Fzp slaa/,"+r.rurua Et?-agi*u ?*UEL qffi W*ezle,Y''A!J--'4Ca,lrysb. fl-ap-rlAp ("uu")- ''hti?;:J t-.71t MICHAEL EAZARD ASSOCHTES ARCIIITECTTIRE PLANNING P.O. Box 1068 Vril, Colondo E I558 303-949495S Frx: 3O3449-483t ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 E. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager lo.l '1 I t2VTlAl- ld:s'l-:; - LFFt.r11 4 WT,t. l2l) J.-t,. | | -<?''r:l:t qfte FxIb, flreP KEY'AITI r^Ta C.ztUttz @ 7t - I c rJ) tyr,*- UubtrP1> 4)o v// llF.).,/ F(O. r2Rl^l./Af.|-btfZl-Y , AW'AF-t*4" \ .) Fli- (vt/'+-1,- , T(2'e4tFE?L-WV w/++Ed ?rP. taaYwALt-ct-VALL'aJ"'/rr.qt*, r lown of Vail 0gvolopmont ffi;r*e kl_4tttL) NF,f , pran To pH*lAtLJ .4. tJEv,/ ?Tt2, I2?l - wALL C.L{), -1c f E pR4"I+pEUldl tr e ury. I g1- Aburr-, @F,:4T+PJ Flrc tr tr Validity of Permit sec, 303 (c) 19 U. o proval of plans and a pcfniil lor, cr an ;o,lsions of this code tion. ThB issuanco of and other data gMll requiring the tnd otn0t f>E+"1'r,Lm'rJ 1r[;r= t-gr-*- nn \,.AIL d:/!.! App${0 tA51 7'11 MICEAEL EAZARD ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTI]RE PLANMNG P.O. Box l06t Vril, Colondo 55t 303-949-495 8 Frx: 3(B-949-4838 ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 E. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager \o'-1.91 o o +-- r$+_- tL-- L|-J ro'- 4t' '1'-g" r Erf'-\| $$ +$tr +- Ztr $F Flre n F-t 7 _ls i'i$-aiF'-lfrl '$ ,qPBR.OVED TOWN OF VAIL ti // / ) /2a. ev....u4(fu p ---..D^rL/::/1:I- Iotvn of Vail Community 0evelopment Plan Euild Heatth ,i t-E df n'/rl T1 ;- Vztictity 0f permjt Sec. 303 (c) t9 U.B.C. . fhe r$rrance 0r grantlng of a oermit Or approval 0f plans and, specrlcalrons shall not be construed to be a permil for, or an rappr0val of, any vi0lation of any ol the provisions 0t this coder0r 0r any othor ordinanc0 0t the jurisdication. The issuancs of a permit based upon plans, specifications and other data shall not prevsnt the building olficial from thereafter requirino the c0rrecti0n 0f Brrors in said ptans, sp€cifications and ittre, data. " qpproved iDenied \l N--{ sE o aate /b -//) q/ hIICHAU- EAZARD ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTTJRE PLANNING P.O, Box 1068 Vdl, Colondo tr558 303449{95r Fu: 3(8419-{lli}t ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 E. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager lo-1.41 wL. o o UEI. p -rn )u A_ s_l : s_a a\t HE9CAlI,llr'l I r", t2u ffi Rr|5 , ,{ r1',, , | \,- At4Totln,TT trre rsaranf,il,5uu"nt"n"*rt.;k# , i' il ^r' ,1i I FUTPr BFt t. speciticatro.ns 8,S0-.UF E2*tEAIt !9 a qitF. . t/ ,'1t",)'' ll.' I approval 01, anfqllulll4aL@y FllriHlf,g/rsqng !',,' . *' \1r.,.t" L-Qr11lArhu' LTgEAR lF.lc4CID! any othoLofulFqltgr,tle iurisdication. 8ig Y' , ( tl ,f I I.b a49 ulc;lTt!{Q. (11F2r,^:* based up0n.plans'.s!-ecilicati0ns ang.Pry ^i. 1\l' ^,{,t | \' 'fd? prevent the buildino ol''ci8l fronr therEa{th lr ,t'. i iUt, _ :9::bilion of error's,ii fa, piarrs, spcd,irca{rdrrs @ l,tiliil /ii J.\\o f,l:fr' I. j-..r I ^oo'4 $ oun,ro ... - ,._-El! i t I ,'j I l I I I I t",L !r0I le0 flo ir ll r'- ii{'\ + ill \ ir "W- /ll t \=Hr,. or lL -- ._ -. - -1 I - , . Plan ooo,& Dsnied t1,1 =f, - P1 r€q=€.J 'F-rfrs TJ o Iown ol Vail _ _oy!l BuildMf"{ € -=€ ..€ Validity o uur&l lilc,ArJp. tlurl.'lTlH4.q'|tPoFo^cttg1, 4tqt 'Ef v9n1,crl ct5tutf, s4ffi Ae? lt/'9t4r1?5eYlll uruF.' of . B.C L_ _ _\ o ,\ ; I lr \ cc,it;ctlOn 0l tsrrorii ;:i b: 't EWaRlaAu rLAu c;ta-' . ,,, rz,Ti'\lt:;[ '-' : tt,rt /()'//(' '// MICEAEL EAZARD ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTTJRB PLANNING P.O. Box 1068 Vril, Coloredo t1558 303-949495E Fax: 303-949-483t ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 E. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager ro.-t,11 o ,LL ri Jifrs ^-+-NilaPg-c rTr ISFE>\p FF# jrl - F$$ O?L $F: ilq o Itt'ln l5ts lr_ Il? rI'tE_ $tft 8 -$F !!_ Is s{l t I 3iF o o ffiffiVE D TOWN OF VAIL /1 /r ,/ ev.//*.,4h**4==--..-.....-DArL/-aJ-!-:.?( Iown of Vail Communrw 0eveloomEnt approvat 0f, any viotation of any of tni piorijii.i'it'ir,irioo,or 0r any.other ordinancc or tn,i luriioicltion. iiii lrriilncJ or 1^?tllll lls.qd upon plans, specitications ino oinri oiii'r-r,riln_or ffevenl rhe buitding ofticiat trom rnerearloiiiq*iio inecorrection of errors in said ptans, speciticaiioniianj""otio.dal;r " o^rE 7o -/a-?/ ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 152 E. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager MICEAEL EAZARD ASSOCIATES ARCIIITECTT]RE PLANNING I P.O. Box 1068 Vrll, Colondo n55r 3B-949-{95t Frr: 3(E4{9-ltilt ?I+EDJUE.EeW\cM zWeusc= futrYtrD BY.. "d/z<tr'.#,,:(---= . _._._pete.1p I Iown of Vall Communtty 4.r l I Sec.3$ (c)19 U.B.C. lhe r$uance 0r granting of a permit or approval 0t plans and an approval 0t, any violation of any of lhe provisions ol this coda----4r of aFysth€F€nlifiaf, ec-efthe jurisdieatiof, . +hs,issu8ncc ol a permit based upon plans, sp8citicati0ns and other data shall -i--*- - -- iciaffih?rsaftsrrequrring thoI corriction of errors in-said Dlans, speciiications bnd othe,I' data " L) ,/OAIE /t) '/L '// ASPECTS OF'VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 B. Gore Creek Drive Owners Barry & Debby Schrager MICEAEL EAZARD ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTT'RE PLANNING P.O. Box 1066 Vril, Colondo 8r55t 303449-{958 Frx: 3G-949-4838 la.-1.t1 . . Y,r,F '. ,r .,.i-r. - i-\/vr!FJ/ / -1" .l8dr t.i-'''li-!r {;l INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT TOWN OF VAIL / ,o, *oru a:DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSUTATION D SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .' INSPECTOR ptl$sxop i" l: 5rv> I I INSPECTION '? {Y J REQUEST E IMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT rowN pf-/ Ua VAIL ,^-, [" /30 /f / JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOGATION: CALLER TUES $neenoveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED si Nl# "n* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL pnoucH / D.w.v. faoucr / wArERFRAMING BOOF & SHEER N GAS PIPING" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H- TUB E SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ae trT DF OC tr- MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL O FINAL CORRECTIONS: \, oare // )-a/- 9/ rNSPEcroR nffisrroP !t .!N t, REQUEST EINSPECTION rT. fi .,rl READY FOR LOCATION: @I TOWN OF. C\, CALLER TUES WED THUR @ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr o tr o tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION'/ STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr D D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E} FINAL Itut€CHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS .LL tr SUPPLY AIR ,Elj---i O FINAL -{-D FINAL APPROVED o DTSAPPROVED /tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED2{eeeaoveo' coRREcrroNS: 7-F ./ .t o^rE ///- ,/ - t// rNSPEcroR \,.} t*"INSPECTIONTOWN OF{ /a; I REQUEST VAIL NAME t UALLE11 Bt tr tr Jtrtl D tr tr tr ILDING:PL tr tr D 0 tr D ! UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: EI HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 'hiFs*"" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF 3"_ ,iP t_ REQUEST F' vAtL "q CAL "^r, l/- / ?/ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND CI ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER " pLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING [rr.rsulnrroruE SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICA O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Xnppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR f .l REQUEST }INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL l/ a-l THUR FRI t ., READY FOR LOCATION: )["-q'-tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: F PROJECT I ,o" ,ot. INSPECTION: BERt5NUM ll, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB FnrernocK NAIL o tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ' '' ' ii:,,',-.F' - r-'#en6t4z- PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROSECT DArE LlOl' 24- JoB NAME - CALLER READv FoR INSPECIoN: - MoN ruES wED THUR (FI) ot q LocArloN ltoz- €' atPg c aeatL rt tr DISAPPROVED lk"n er r.rspecrroN R Eeu r RED ,t '.!t - ' ' '' _a!'6_:::I ,-. lttspEcTloN REQUEST -* TOWN oF VAIL I t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION D POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR,or, /l-21*9/ 'r" t INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL I .i REQUESTb ,, -l l/,tt PERMIT DATE READY FO8 INSPECTION: LOCATION:/he NAME ON CALLER TUES WED TH NUMBER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS,/ STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W-V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr !D tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR M ,,*o.tr FINAL 'o"r^oreo fi O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF 'I REOUESTFVAIL iPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \\ \c- Cl,r.oor= \\ -Al> -\ JoB NAME MoN ruES @e-fl rHun rffir plli -'__-.-\l: READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:FRI CALLER BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL f'\ ':J e\-\NAL \ t.'\ \J tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL !'neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t ., It D^rE ,/1-22 -V rNSpEcroR a''t ' -INSPECTION ]' ,,v REQUEST b VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oorc ,4=J -2/- JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM e$READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B D tr tr tr tr D tr FOOTINGS / STEEL louruonrroN / srEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING INSULATION CI POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:_*.r tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nffis*o" [- I $e" r*sPEcrro*ts coMPLEtEI) The Ltens belou aeed to be cooglete before glvlog a peroLt a ftnal G of O. Please check off Lo the box provl'ded. FINAT PLU}IBING DATE! tltlI I FrNAL ri{EcHANTcAL DATE: I | ' I}iPR0VEMENT suRvEY REsrD. NAUE: TEUPORARY C OF O DATE: I I I,ANDSCAPING DT'E FILE NA!{E: . '6) coNsrRucrtoN PERMIT,. F\S/= I _nn\ffi/ f""'o' dcprtmmt of community dcvclopmcnt TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT n eutlotNe I pLutttgtttc n ElecrRrcal tr FoUNDATToN EI MECHANICAL N NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE ocr.26, 1989 0041 74 r. wPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lv v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A8E H IR M OIVISION L22a34 fi Enltlt8f ff qiilotohHPlf bmm"rmr PERMIT NO. z9F fJ BUITDING ETECTRICAT PLUti|8ING TECHAT{ICAI 2 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. ^\ VALUATION PERMIT FEES q'q (n.BUILOING PER IT cw rafts ,rtr5w /fu/ /ry & .lon.r/'l PtAt{ CHECK Y fio' )ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATIOI 6T'( ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUIIBING DWELLING UNITS - A@OMMODATION UNITS - A HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES ECHANICAL 30 RECREATIOT{ FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGI{ REVIEW EOARD CtEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXr. wALLs I l- ltonn - |USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $30. 00 wooD JoE NORRTS oCT. 26, 1989 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDEO. Y N INITIAL sr. cur I lxl onc oFFrer^a DAr-E NG ADIIINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ING A BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appllcation, fllled out in tull the Intormation requlred, completed en accunte plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and io build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unitorm Building Code and ot5Tr4ina3ges olJhe lown agplicable thereto. ffilrune oF owNER oR coNTRAcroR FoR HTMsELF ANO THE OWNER, LODGE PROMENDADE BLDG JOBNAME: JILL VICKER'S 6ALLERY IGCH. NAME .TTT.T. VTEKER I S r^tl^ppREss 194 E. GORE CrRCL clrY vArL PH.6-2070 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING rrnu IIVAR SERVICE, INC. rowr or vet neo. ro. 131-M 296-4s45 TOWN OF VAIL RE6. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO ' .hrt' dop.rtmcnt of oommunity dottlopmcnt TO BE FILLED OUT COMPI-ETELY Pf,IOR TO ISSUANCE OF TYPEOFPERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMEING FOUNOATION Dn D h Do D BUILOING ETECTRICAL MECHANICAL )r . LEGAL I DESC. LOTl',f.BLK_ilN ToBNAME: ]tl( l)rczazE &/rh. OWNER neue / ,r.,, ^nnrro \t\\\ t-r't q (r crrY \',t ,. .\r *\-Xfr. ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRTI TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. )r.r.r.,.o.RRM TOIA/N OF VAIL REG. NO.(.lJNIl{JttelUI( PLUMBING FIRM U(JNIXAUIUK MECHANICAT "o" H/@ @a,.fila TOT^/N OF VAIL REG. NO. UUN I KAL lUK rete.5e3- e?6- /5/t OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRU TOWN OF V^IL REG. NO. TELE NulE-t.rvrl..-Bn'Ytla ,\, Ctt |\Brl l.rll rrLrctolIE DATE PERMIT NO.'{ (-l l.wP€oFcot{$RucnoN I ll lll lv v 2 occuP flcYcRouP ABEHIRtf DfVfSfON t22t3a WPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION NEW( ) ALTERAITON ( ) AODTTTONAL( ) REPAIR( ) A@OlnroIr^no u rTs- NO.FIREPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES review approved, Uniform Buitding Gode and other lhereto. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan. and stale that all the lntormation provided as required is correcl I agree to comply with the lnformation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according lo the Town's zoning and subitivision codes, design o 75 3oulh fronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2L39 I r. I I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communliy deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash durnpster-, portable toirets andworknen vehicles. |pon any street, sidewaik, atley or publicgtlge or any portion thereof- The right-oi-".y 6n arr Town ofVail streets and.5gug= is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wilr be strillry enforcid. by the iown of vaireg!]i-c works Departrnent. pers6ns found viilatinq this ordinancewill be qiven a 24 lrour written notice to rernove-said naterial.rn the event the persirn so notified does not comply with th;---notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the p"f,rir worksDepartment will remove said nateriar at lhe expense of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance .nlfi not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitities in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, prease stop by the Town oflair au.ilding Department to obtain a copy. ttrank you for yourcooperation on this natter. and acknowl onlRelationsh (i.e. contractor, orilner) HVARsERe 4045 Elati DENVER, COLORADO 802I6 Phone 455-5226 ".or, ,1 " !/1'. !/4 " FoRM 20. Avslt bl€ ko^ /ffiJ,r. To.rnlsnd.M.'! ol.?o PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT .r. -- INSPECTIONTOWN OF Q rr(( REOUEST VAIL t /')| \"/DATE JOB NAME (7. t.'P READY FOR LOCATION: ON: C INSPECTI \4rt WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER .- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING E] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr D FINAL ! tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr o o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL D SUPPLY AIR/r'fa/ ktt e-,\ tr FINAL fl aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oxe /0-3a-f9 rNSPEcroR nffisrop ? (6) coNsrRucnoN PERMITtrffifl 1,.,,,*, doprtmcm of community dcvclopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL . r\\ '. \ NorE - copy oF pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE \frXrS \N\t\.\ SEPT.29, 1989 DATE 0041 32 gg! SQLuuetNcn rouruonrron t--J I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lV v 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF wORl( : - RF'MONET. SlrNP qPANE PEP T]RAIJTNCq B,Y PERMITilO.: zIF BUILDING 9.400 ELECTRICAL 2,600 PLU[8It{G 1 ,000 EX KATIIY WARREN ARCIIITECT.TECHANICAL TOTAL l3 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES R-1 13 .000 BUTLOING PERUTT I fi r44 CNF 7/3'tt6ctw n// /o/,q" * PLAI{ CHECI(9tt ELECTRICAL ILIL NEW ALTERATION OOO( ADDITIONAL REPAIR PLU[IBING t0 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - ECHAT{rCAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATIO TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD FLOOR CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT r00 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. SOLARHEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 392.00 wooD JoE NoRRTS oCT. 5, 1989 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED; Y N INITIAL .t. "rr I | -l .olNGOFFtct,Aa - - OAT-E BETSY RoSOLACK OCT. 5, 1989 ING ADUINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING xl.IING & BUILDING NOTES: I her€by acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, complot€d an accurat€ plot pl8n, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plen, to comply with all Toryn ordinances and stato laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, de$ign review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the thereto. CLEAN UP TO:CoIIEN CoNST., rNC. PO BOX 3015 vArL, co 81658 ffi OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF FtLtNG LODGE PROMENADE BLDG. JOBNAME: JILL VICKERS GALLERY rnTC JILL VICKERS GALLERY 194 E CORE DRK crw VAIL px. 6-2070 FIRM KATHY WARREN @ clw vArL PH. 6-4506 FtRrr CoHEN CoNST. , rNC. TowN oF vArL REG. No. 123-B 47 6-4687 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-rX1403 PLUMBING rrnm VAIL VALLEY PLIIMBING ,o*n o, u ,,- "au. no. 118-P 949-7 7 7 L TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. * 'l CONSTRUCTION PERMIT hn d4rrtnant of cornmunity dcydoprnent TO 8E FILLEO OUT COUPLETELY PAIORTO ISSI'AI{CE OF WPEOFPERMIT E[Ful-ornc d*uur,nnfferecrntcru D rounoltron fl MECHANTCAL D )t F A LEGAL DESC. LOT FruflG. JOBNAME: \ OWNER #ue 7 *t Vtt-u,errs btu.x(tlq\l e.conEU*d . nerr rooness Lboue PIU*rswtO c,- .,r, Vrf,, nt.tt?t-xo?4 ARCHITECT m,renonrss P.0.00 13?o "'- Va.,- nr.V?6-{f0b GENERAL CONTRACTOR o^u (aeel (Dp+.Ir.v. roun or vrl nee. ro. l)3 - A rELE qtG- VAF " ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR nnm Wtlt1E 0,Vrf,t" gtsctrnic r flN oFvAfL REc.no. l9{' € rELE 1t(1- I(o9 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR nr" Urtrl%'t r-e/ Pt l"lar'^r(t rowxorvrtneo.ro. llt - P IELE qY7 -Vl+l MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TO$'N OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRr| TOlrvN oF v tL REO. NO. TELE rEnMt a av crc' .\Ert vrr ffi90 ocT 2198e .rVE Ol I t, PERMIT lro- - q{ I }E\t.wP€oFooNsrRugno[ I il ril rY Y e occuPAflcY GRoUP A I E H I n r ALIERAflO ( ) AOO| ONAI.(' REPATR( DwELLlf{G U JTS - lc@lr|olr nON t'$Tg- HE|GHTINFT. - NO.fNEPIACETI AOO|T|OI{AL PEAUITS NEEDED: Y 'SfuSh{o=J=- !/'7A-AOMnTSTRATOR oAIE' I hereby acknowledge that I tave read thls application, titled out In tutl the information required, completed an accurate_ ptot plan, and slate that all the Information provided as requlred ls coirect iagteo to comply with the Information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and statelaws, and lo build this stru_cturo according to the Town's idning and subbivislon codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildlng Code snd other ordlnances oith -Toun nppticabte thereto. - :t l' luwn o |JflI 75 soulh fronlage roed vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC VIoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, incruding trash durnpsters, poriable toir.ets and.workmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewalk, alley or pubtic _q11:" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofvarl streets and.Igaqs is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr be strillry enforc6d by the iown of VairPyfli: works Department. pers6ns found viLrating this ordirrurr"ettrtr be gi-ven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with tt.--notice within the 24 hour time specified, trre pu[ric worksDepartrnent will remove said materiar at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beappricable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. o in fu1r, please stop by the To!,rn ofvail Buirding Departrnent to obtain a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this natter. and acknowled (i.e. contractor, owner) '- :.'+ :' vi'.r ":': ; try--:iit:1rcffi*.-.'Frn4ri,?F.'-o INSPECTION REQUEST. AM@ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o MIT NUMB READY FOR LOCATION: ECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL rr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu pt-vw&o NATLTNG tr GAd. pr..\ tr POOL /tr rlltsuLATroN B SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oo.. 1o-t1-(1 rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor.\-\S--\ JoB NAME t INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL t ii I\s C CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: CTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST I VAILPERM DATE \L UMBER OF - qr-!SITN JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: \ r-,*]\s\\-\nrr,r-\ PM \ '*. PROJECT BUILDING:PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB FINAL MECHANICAL: o tr tr tr TEMP. POWER '-1..tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL RAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED oerc //-/r-Q rNSpEcroR pffisrop I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ \ \\ \ (-\,,1 \-\\ INSPECTION TOWN OFa\ r,'..\",.' THUR FBI REQUEST.T VAIL i IDATE READY FOR I EC LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER soN\\r,ruES \Srq BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED .-,: CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED l. INSPECTOR \b\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \--\=\\ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL \.\i,\- ( ,-. THUR @ I INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED PMREADY FOR LOCATION: tr tr tr D tr tr P FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING Vo cns PTPTNG -/",,;'2_-, INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr o o E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR {Aeenoveo, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED '....''''//r'-' oor, /Ht V/? El rNSPEcroR pfifr*oa FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belob, iters need to be complete before giving a permit a flnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING IIl_J FINAL MECHANTCAL DATE: FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCd'PNICY TEMP0RARY C of 0 AFFIN IlY FUR9 TJED€LRY VAtL Colo8.i+i:b AoftE CEEEK ST {o" gtc'-L t+rkrl 5-6 st' e'F' 2t^' l-.; l-.o _________{ ,,, $+stc sn.er2 oF AUJNt^./b- J4DZ tw -(o_cqtL 4rti-LtH /IL Lt77t2/n/o- /'2 " 74 <-1-RtttJ)tNto' /3 gGslltt-L rlf i'I r j; '!r.,i)-t.\- -..'t5 i.Y| l! ]D .rf o, o ,A ct !I' o,-l cl . ,L....;'.'. I -. - '(lU c|J)rl o:t -J !r.tt al.l Ep ri .D r zz,o0r0,n ;|.;|tJmo,J,oo o -+l -t :J 'lt 'ooaDl-t"rprA a). '0().D1:Jn E' |D IAo1 'ct a+ oJ o '+l ']C'1o .Dnrt ]v{ H. itl i I 5o3 .D lb h.rn. Ft, 1.';l = -lrrl i.J f an tncot :lnlc, -tf,: .rt-Itr- o { o :"P:' -o c, trl =r 1 -r.OOrrt.i{loor.rOt't,-l (o -J(ur O,'r: :l76t^ Jl()t 3=l 3ah:: olo'rl'ct n'1 rto'O .J()clrrl,D 3tto:L .-. Oofntul :il 3ld llCItl l,<llolto I I Ct >-J Or(nF -.8 . I . .aoor1-o o *'ocr>ar <::ro n.1 (b, O -J (io o-O rto (:< ft o'1 Dl(D-idu)fDr O- cr,X '1 O-1; 9J vl-t ^:'or J'q FU '38ot5 O .-O -rrolJ) lt\t1 Io) C; 14 Ol-(r " -.r. 1 trr P 3.o E tlo lTrF'll8 |ttrl'' .l . atr .+ -l.-'o J(nmJ(t:r -trraDOc .-r rr' (rl -J:l'Do -t, n -i al tO ::t,, :t (O gt vl'tfc11 r7-t :t() -...: ftg, ai-r r,, oo, ttJ< gai rD5 ID(o -., cu<€foEUl -'n3i :art pr.' -n.D J aD < -rr . lD J.O tD -t.-.1 il .vrurltrt,.r o -,.t\t nr (r c-)1:f,.lrO .r.o(tul.,D-L -l C.' 'D' 1Jlruc o, 1nt.-ha =-h,uo!1 P a r-o =orrf attL 1 F trt {to J.'u $.oJ o'-t alt ro f P UI tl ID o.tl 9rot .r .D5 '3:' o c)o :l!ilo :fr+ a 'm trt t' . ., f.i' l- '' i -.f *.*trl'E, ,tF --tm- 1J.E '-'E T'(') r --{ o|-to{z, >1.o =z'm'm {. :.{r-2, r6l..=o{ ,cr''m :-c)' c):.-'mo 'ou{tt'm ct .1'.c-o {c)f -trorz P 'ttFoCrrrlr){ (t mwof, F{ -E{o = t. V, ttE 1jl .u tb'. ,, F t, Ft,,...a.J b hl)H tt) tr) lu IDF t, F{)l 'o I t, CtO clO F.C e>O -tr.r.C c}= |DO a+ -ct€"tf|= -r.(D aD 1rDO Frv|(n1aDr J{s ur3 |O CLJ.O c+ r'gt -r.r g :tJ.5 a'< (+."' rt .D cl|DctaD J.d o r,| 9, o -r..J! J.J rt CLO (' -'h rt('|,.l o.E DraD aD -r. r.| 9r rt{rO9f.fr.(JiJr.t) -i3 r.o 3< o.'r -o lrO 5O O, -r.:t 5 -Y g, !t5o,r+lDCL=OrT, .D J -ct CLfD-t t tD -J.|Dq O .-i rn .t.'iC < JE -t -.-.. 'J.-.. g, |D Cf .D 3 O Ja r' c J(Et.f,- 9'| -''E| (n F'-r..+1t .f O ci -. €J=€clJ s...o 0, 't 9, (/| J. -J. at.+Or-t.J=J'rr < t''n -+rfD.-l o| -t.J.!O q,5 =J|D -c'13 rD ll J.cL3EE C ct lD q| a(+ C, -l .-r. < ct gl FC, 5 g, 'J'=-J.EDr),Dr+rO=t^ JD 3 0 -r:' -J.3rr'D JJ, 0t t :t 3 -r. -r.(Ogl< .+ gt J+63n -h 9t raD ulc ta O'. (! 3 5 c+,D rt -t t .D 9,o-.J. q, .D -'t. !t< .Et:' -t O-i13 do,3 R=arrt o,'15 C. [!.-+ a, tl -r' a aD -r (D o 1 (t. 'i ,J. O zaDo f = cLo 1c-l. O ct>.D.t3crO,J'rfl o .D<1J Vrl- ri t .Et .+ ct ct -V)(1 cr:' 5 -'.(+o<or€.Dr)'t = r+ J. FrocL o- ..tN rft-r.lD 9r =ro .J.tllr+n :' o --.,.'t (-) r+ -.. 5 \<.orDcr5:t" t '|, =.D(O t t/|t ln tt -,.E-r. t- ur oJ -.r (.ctOJmcl 4 -J,<t-n(O .{ Or 3 .Dm _fi :J, <t Ul O, r-i -b5 .D c+' 1J :t 9'r -r, .Dt loE (+ r, q, C\5 tt cl.-+f'O5-. 't ft.+< C, r...tr gr .D |'o 3 rt J.c+ t -CfF, 5 () r+.D r cL.' .D ='t \-' oEvrct c, -{ =tmt- oo.n {(JH FOtD:z =:: t.t:<t6t f<; l H l" I J i =mm.{ =.P I I I f a-flcG' --{-{.mE**.t*+ gt t-or') { oz, o'Tl 'opo'€otat r A CL.' .D IAvl r |D rClI o ID UI alL !g, o5 o =or|?r ts-cta ts 'rN) H '5 'F ts o PJr|o P. t-r ooQ f.t orrd o Fl cr F.oa FTo =.:' r.o H H. !-! al = =m o'n !T'r c) =f ts.tsts P. o Fh o{ p, o H al =r4t m ct z, =o=am 1 m ''t.D.Dor/|ovl-nU|Tlvr tlr (O =o,.-tc1o F{ o Fl o Boo |l ts. (D PJF'H o ts Ot(n{ ct lD mT'5-o =.(D II lu)N t !tl- o z,1 a./1 Fm'ttFmL/'m2, -t -{ m P.HH P. (n P. p., o p, o pr o o p, ft Poo o oo a rTo o o Fl ooT' FJ H. o !, o oo tso\ t\, rtg 'Da=o5 iD cfg .DT' oI .D { CLA-t (Davl TI3'ooF .|'r,art .arr {rr,9i.c'} l< (f{ (rrF.: ' I> F z, ooooo lc{ <. .. ' I> 'rl(! oooo l{ mz. -t oooct lH mC, rrF.F.HO lO{ tz,rrllllc)l{r4 vr&!+*as I =Fr-.,1|DFIm OO('rlJ .l -n6l Ooo(rl(trl-. I .D 7I(J oooocro I {oooooo I J-z. oooooo | -.6t rot-E a/l 9,ctxr O- =oratt ft a./1 'io7 =|DlJl rt{d3 .at {a {t .at} .lrt .lrr} lal o{ urNP I rtl - ooourNlJ lm pm oooouro IIETrJ oooooo I cF OOOOOOG'.. o. :'(cI .E 3 r} UI 1.o.c)E .D lrt .Dr 13-t o{|DfD(D i:t.tJoo oE rt€ ciOi J..J :'1d= .D .D .D_..(Ovr X. tf, J. =0, = |D (D.D=O t,|{ CL CL -r.. -n roo{0r 5't =.r. OO -. F a'ro.D =.+ < ul '9, O J.Un .DO' {-i€o = o cD 'to.D ori o, It z,1 1rr!0, cL=vr c,,s.D cD,D{l .rCCLO O r-.1t--n.D !, Elo-t ct ItZ = 56'o||D vroEO t{o.DUr lA Ar -.1rl J. rtro(oo: .J55 .D0(Dx, 9r53.D .^= lD< ct gJ 5J.rt tD .iJ{ t<Ec,' -.. (It J. -ro 3 5._. Fr (! <1 fDc,Cr CL (+.J .D 'J' 1EJ J.D-t ct rOfD q.+ ll r-t €c= -to ' 'J' lD O. 1.r. -l t^(D1 aDO riotA =9,rro (D -lo :t -r. F,.D -t .tra |D(DC 9'!t3.D !l.D4 'l.DO.+<J'9t:5 -(l.t F Ul Ur Ct .<-r.to :'rtO|D c -J. o. -= CLAAA 0, o t-fJ 31, J. Ul .+Oo.Dt o1c attD 't o'o '3€ 39r(D.D't-t.D,C ct rt.D(< J.a 5.I lra ,U'-l(o c =tn cr3t 9, -r.f .-i{ Or}OD'1or-c J.-3 -(Dc cl.ol, -,. crt - -t'Gr r((t aD.D(r3o.D.o't=o:trf3ou11 1. (I'. ctct:'|DtD CL -l1o,cr.Dlc(D o€.it -o-t clo|D:t9,or5 ct. 6 .-t=.D€3J. C:e rv| F_tt+ ED c, vr<|Dt-l').9'rr-tr -.. (D aD.-f 3vroc+<:trt.D .DJO 'Dvr ci m ar,N o i '\a J OJ,rj F,^VJ-tULb ,J V)< r!-* a,l rutC cr-tdo,J <-J 3e? *- -i +d.iF et ^d. -,f ).J- tlt 4w V) '?3 S C'- i LLI o.i 3Jrargd$ e a fJJ.,r n .,gE 5 * 3: tO 't .llIdF f, D=r ,J., r!'l;:iij 3l -,'dtri-.r r.I \dslg'i' rr t[ .ir*t tr'{ mld. S-{'d i", '*, i'Fl I lt4 ,'*o'r.l :l lq r. I ;;r i:-I .r1 |i'-qd\ '*1 ;il ;.- -q':7::Fi t'-l' lr \,o M u- iy] 'J ,-J f, (-.L I ll-l;t I r^r*<d / tf\ 9 -J =-T o pf--,7b-----1 t lmn April 17, T0: SIGN FROM: Tom RE: Sign 75 soulh trontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2139 1984 APPLICANTS Braun or Kristan Pritz, Planners Appl ication Requi rements olflce of communlly deYclopmenl I. 2. 3. }lhen applications for signs are submitted, the following information i s requ'ired : Site plan showing exact location where the s'ign is to be located. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) {a) sca'le drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign will be) (b) the sign itself ls made (c) photograph if slgn is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee wil'l be required at time of applicatJon. (over) r.!:' '... ..:.ti, ivt \:::' ''l- ".'i i:,:'r:' >'o cr t/lO i''l -'.rlo Or rt(: .-r < lDAlor.J rcl f 'tt1 (Cl '-'tn l" tn 0J -..'lJ !tro J 14.:tu5l, ."!hl* ='-l:t6 3Erlr. lI 3El |.=ti't| 1rt'o E;. 'fl,o 3!o !1. F.Oo:fn ,., I ^o5ft Il_thlt;; It" I I I I I ('ttl 'u ct:r0O.JatOo-lut fo10- .tf r./l:rn D'O-J-tr lD vtO (O t,r l"a I I)lt{<ltDll^ I :. 1) !F nfro,x 'Fi opJ;orcut :t cvrl Fh :l ^rrX a t!-aJ,^ rf P. lr! IloItitolFro Eo '1o o- .n o1 o;o(tJ rca,r:l ,t,aJ cr)rrTtT 'DCaJ<'lnoc o-( ol1: Ict fl;l .Ac.T 3. rtrt l=l -rl (Do \r 9, A vl cl =2 .o 'o -t)'' -l c) op rr |D I IFK t-t t-lo- Fl. f =2oq,0,o :t.3.J(DOg.oo o-t'ta !'t'otD'l-hlo IA LZ, !o,D1)n =t=-o :f .DtF B F;r E .Dln'l 'El!.o:t o l-i "o'1.o 1Do(t ltt .+ -lr.o =rn,D':lrt:t -tlt4aDo C .'.Jr''c, --.:J'DOJ,a '; .t u:l ::I,l :J tO ig r' -hlD J,D < --h ID J.O fD ''t-.. -z zl .ln c)fD (t{/r o .r.t.t Ju Clo-1 :t '(IC) J. orrvl.lD -lr'1()rD ' '1 Jlruc o, 1,u.-ho- =r -ttr, oa1 P 2 ar: :J o,r} ,u1 o, t F P I F.g ? fir l3 E B I H F $ I I I It' F E' IDl4rl J,T' :T.o o-h an rr|J c'l ln tll0 o .A (o5 P .l- |D5tclrt:' o 'm c)oil:llo:lafIA t o l,a'rJc'rl t'.-r:l () -J..3 riA, rt .J fJ rO -.. o,<€aovUt *r n({ :Jrf T''u nJ.!.o:r -'| !tt'n-l 'l I I I.l II|. . .-|auf3< o_ .-ttD :t ID t' . ., t.i' a. ...:'.'.t.'r.' ll t{*.*,[t'g tlv-tm-I r--{ !T'I- 'E,)-.. -1Oot- -lc)>rao{Z,H.o3=. rrl.m = :{r-2rc,..=o{ .Gt'm :.c),r-l: ._mo .oF ,_{Gt-rrl IJ .T. e, '!,'-t z t-{..-{ crf{ rot- z. z,TIctF =-{o= a.t l a-flc'Gt -{{,rrlE*.*.*-l CtO .+O FrC Cl>.D -trJ.E ct= lDO.+ - r+!t-l o 5 -J..D |D'l 'Do 0r ur 1r.1 .!|(n=Ecrvr3lo o_ -r. o rt .J_ 9rr J. -. s:: 5|.-J.J E< (+ --.r r+ |D ct JD €ID J.o- o ur o, q, .J. J. -J. =cfc|-cr|n-hcltt a/| .l o1t 9r.D |D -.. -..) o', ri.+ol|,.iJ.o=.-.. -b .+r3 J.n 3< o,J JO 9, !t 5|D O, J'= = -i A,!tf!r.taDA3crE .D -. -rt o.D-t l//| rD .r.O Er ct ." l, a.t r'+C < :' C, 1---t. J-J.o aD cr.D 3 0:t3 r E 5Glo o| -..1J vr 0r-r..'1O ff O ci - €5 5ct .-t t J..O O 1 9l Utl .J. r. .+r,} o -. r,= = ,'Et < Cf t1 +l.Dci9r5-i.doF,.t :t .J|D Jc 13,D lt -J.o 3 !t-.. E C: cf lD 9, J rt'O 1 -..< rt O,:DO 1 Ar -r.5.J, tlt n 'D ct JCt Jtn |D 3 0..JJ -J. =60 =J. o' t = =l -J. -r.raUl< .+ gr ct UlW +rlrl f aD rAC(/|O. aD3=.t.D rt -t |, tD 9l(f- -r. 0, .D -+r. Tr< Tr= 1O-{rco-r rDaDdc .D 0ro a33'A85.'g aD !t (D o "t cr. -t -r.(D:ztDct = = cLo 1(J. O .+>.I'rt3do,-'l-o tD lD<!t urrd=!ci d.-i rgro tt:t =t J.d o<9r{tDo-t = .+ J' D,OCLO r+N .-t:'.J, l! D' = Cl -..G1r+r| 5 0 ---.. 1 (.) .-t -.. 5 <.o.Do:t5.. = C, =.D(.o € rtl t -t -t.C-r. f- t 9, -..OCl = fn ri O 'J(ct+'o -l gr = JDm-t|!.ql^O, ct -fi 5 fD.+' 'ct :t or -J. tD€ .DE .+ vt 9r A-t Ec'clnOa-. -t n.+< e -.. -h 0, 'D o Or 3 r| -r.r+€rcr!, = .) .1".D a cll .D3 -t vo-cvrrt -(,no<Jrft c-td ttmvlcrF 'o{ oz zo{ 0r{ F,' q PJ cr H N IJJo Bo o F1 oo f1 H. o o ct -{!mr ooTI {ctnot'= =mrrl.-{ c! c, -lrrl E PJ P ts\o @\o rt t-oc) { oz. o'n .Dno't'o a.rl r oEl1 .D avl ts Or N) a) No:' 5(o -.D(o 0, ct .Dulo1 Eci o = -ctrt P. fT H(, A ts(, o\ ts o PJrto r' H P.P P. ta !T'f c) =-t H. H H H.a o HI o{ oa H o p, vHl lHl cxt or|,r al =G! tr{ o rd Fl Frl o Fl rr P.o m E' H{ o Flo o FJ oo ?f B P. o 9r F.F o H Olul*J a+g .Do:to5 |D N f onotxt o."t'nmmamvl -{ lo =lN"13ilt,{15 =lB(r lr-,OIHtoElealo 3lx s16ih,g13 'l:a, le(r l\J:. l-IHcL 1'\EF I;l3lcrl I Uct |D rD,D.o ]cE=aDovr=.-n.D .DPt E H l^)N -_l t; IEt>lllo lil OrI\tsF{ =3.t g -O O { ur r/r cr Fr F C}lYr lA Ur 6,6 'D lD .D 1=f -.. to = :-r U|lr-.:'€rDo 'tD r+o6 d€ cl jp c -J. q = OOOOOrt -.: :r-1 . -- lf- { <. . . . -=,D .D.o SICLO OO(]OOJ,ro < .J,.J. = -l c)ooon t tt -.. 9, o .-f o )Jl-rHF otO, = .D tD lDr 'J' -l.D5O l^{ ur c+() | l1l Iao o.D5 c). -t t() E m 3|t't{'ll'alr'r.'t{ gr' - - rlo cr l'' l'' I =-.. c' |D-lO F ...o J :Dr| O m OO(nF..D .D 3E 3 C, OOO(n(ttH =ct <t 9r|D|D!, o J' ltr 51 'D F .D o, { -n .D< -J. ooqloQo -t o o- J. = OoOOOO =r, @-, . J(.o (i)o.D o.+ !, NZ, =Ur5 - m {o c r-0, o.= =ra cr ruro 3 -.D (It vt 0t r' 14b+ rac 5rt Co-O' c' r< { CL r} G,-- - r o D| ='n.o ! El -t ttJo :t- c atl5 .+ gt = J'rt an = =c) 3.JfDgr aD vr c arl oo l --r. c =! O :: { .1 5 "'r' vrO.D ,cl .'. vrt ItJ (t O {.+ -.. rt -r aDf,|3 Oij.o o aD {E+1ll{y+€+{ti{E.o. J= n15 -l .4 lfE- - ro () c! 5.t - OOO lrl^, )J6:o it- 3(Dt m ooooulo3.D vta €1'6= aE =un it 9aQQQo5j.rtO a-r a ct = |it{ E< fD tD .. € o cL -l' -r. cl' -t '|,-JO = 5 (t(Dorg, tD < .D |D€5 lDO -nul d ori .+r o.D .J.< 't ct()o, J .D .D :'o,-t ct rcl g'5 .D tn rt r-t ai a-t-Ct.+ € =Et -+' d ro€3. -.. o o -''c. -t J. -t a,a u Jlrl tD 1 t! P "'t.-lO r+-Ct qla =p, vrr+rl .D'1 <.D.-fo t J. o, 0raD 'a t-t Ul -1 :F Gr o- {D -..@ fDro- q, .-t 3€3 VrO cttt, T'|D <JC! 1'D .-i.D .DO r+ =CL< -.' lD v\NAJUC rtCUIO vr z, roSO=CL35mlm-tmgr.D,D.'+OrOUlOc-nm'nU|T H{ o Flo o F.l or FI E P. o p, P.H oo Ho\(Jl{ T''or () =1 LN Fm-o FmUItrl -2,{ -{ m P.PP P.a It H. *E (D'u =o =..D N t September 11, 1989 .lill-','iclters GalleryAttn: Phil Vickers 302 S. Galena Aspen, CO 81511 Dear Mr. Vickers: todge Properties fnc. has reviewed your pJ.anned remodel and you have our approval to proceed. Wefeel that this remodel will benefit the whole Promenade. 1. PAINT AND CARPET BOTH SIDES2. BUILD NEW WALLS FOR STORAGE AND TOILET3. REI'{ODEL FRONT OF STORE4. INSTALL NEW BASEBOARD HEAT AND START UP5. CONTACT LODGE RE: WHERE TO LEAVE CEILING ELECTRICAL STUBS IN NEW T'NIT TO POWER TRACK LIGHTS6. INSTAIL NEW TRACK LIGHTING7. TNSTALL NEW NON-LOADBEARING WALLS TO ENCI,OSE TOILET AND STORAGE AREA.8. INSTAIL NEW DOORWAY AND WINDOWS TO ADD TO THE OVERELL ATTR,ACTIVENESS OF THE STORE FRONT ff the Town of Vail has guestionsr fou may refer themto me. Sincerely, /1 r" A Fru^l ll )*ttmor"lJ t( Paul A. JeppsonDirector of Owner Services 174 East Gore Creek Drlve Vail. Colorado 81657 30il7G5011 Telex,rtm37s \ Project Application | .'-r.l'cl',t -JtilProiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lot Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Town Planner d st"tt Approval Prolgct Application Prolect Name: Prolect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner d'a,"u Approvat L' ' f. . .! ***Irt{ F'tll !'o|- o { o.z =:r|- =o -l tx'm cro:m .c,.t'F{ur:mE .T'Crtzf -l clr{ ro!-z a{ .t,vmI t.t,]- ct -{o =3rI zG' j q, CLOCLO-t.D{ aurO z oFr -n . |D -||-..t ctt |DO r+ - t+!t-t o 5 .r. rD (D -tT' .DCl 9'v|Ur-.t.Dn u!=€tt r 3 |O O CLJ.C, d J. gllCJ r.r.r C:t.r.5.Em < a+-.cf .D rf (Dlt(.) .D -r.{ CL C, ur gr o' -+ -.. -..:' r| O.E |' tr.t(t tt a, 'l &LE 0,m |D .D -r. dfl F| rrarl .+ o o, ..+ -.. o = -..cr .o +3.J.n 3< on ;1 -c,FrE =H |D t' -..:t 5.+q,'E !, :' o, cltD CL= -l 9r.E, (D -r -ct CL.D-t t |D.J.(DCt gO (+ l,| (+ rtz, E<=c1^-..L.. r.!,|Dtr.D3c,J3 rt E t(oI CL o, -r. tt Ut Fr| -..crGt ft o cf -€| 5 5E rl 5 r. f > fo ,l, I N t -..r.*I+ crcl.J-..= ==IF -E < Itfl il H' .D c+ grt -,..J O O, 'lfi I =-..D.-Jc -tlF. 3 .D -o -,.cL 3 ElO -EtCc+|!o|J ,l P ct C, -t ..t.< ft g,| -O 1 g, .J. =rl g) ,.J.CIt(l .D etdo| tll 3,'n ,D=O-J:'J.tl c. Sur'D =I -.. o, Ur :' 3 .J. -r. l.cllrn |'< r+ cl G+ lrlf ir Ut -h Ul f|D tAIo CttOr |DStctl't .D r+1 t, tD gr 1tD CL -r. g, |D Ilh . !t< != -t O'{rI F,I E()J .o|Dlo -.- .D oo cL3lij 9r '! !|€ C. !!lrr .+ |,r€ J- 3I aDEOO-' CrlFl . -t -r.o =.Dlo o = = o-0'tlE oH'3 $ o. ...IO l-rl |D .D(<!' ulIo l- rt 5 !lli- (+ r+ r-t rulI f| Ct:t = -r. (+I c'<!r€|Drr-lI :' .+ J. 9, oI CL O- (+t{ (+tI .J.|D t' =O -.. <tI cto ;' o -I -.. -l (.!.+ -..:' <I .O.DO:tJ| "'tor=|D.Cl€1,I ur !,| ! a.CI J.f Ur C, .r|.ctI o 5 m.+ CL -r.lt| -h..c| -t gr 3 .DI m +r2.e OI F, ct .t|5|DrtI E:t9r -rr |Dl lD !t r+l o| CLI -r €Ct.+flI c,Jd 5f,.l| <Er.{rgr|DCl| or3oJ..+oI -.Crg, 5 o riI .o I CLS aD l. =-t "'cLt.. ii.r;i i .t ## i**' ;iii +ilir;r;i !no'tto aJt -o E {!mr o c')fl {ctFOGr z, '30mm{.{m HFrEtl r#'Jffi 'z alctv = -lo = v, vlcilt {,mct**'rtI{ I cl o.ts|o o |Duo1 Eft o = or+ dt or)x 'rl J 5((I hlo =.-rcl = =m o.n T'!l- c) z,{ C-l H. H H.o o 11 u) 0)H Po 11 o = =CLm-'oo|,-tt u €la, !tsTIF il5 gl[ FFEqt<tohEEe IE F..' .D .Avl lolmlPlo\lu l- I I ctg .D!t=o5o = =m o.n ot=mFvr' P.H C-,r PH H. ot,t a |" u|D5!lc}c1 |D o- CL1 .Dvl UI r ort Fi C) F.too7l 11 o 9tP.H c) @lr U! \J riI .oE5o5o t{ Tl ='ttctF +'rSnt|'+l|'rwrJz' l< O-{ (,lF.:' l> D z, oocrcro lc-{ <.... lD Tro ocroo l{ m = 't Oclcro lH mO urrHFO lO{t=rttttlcrl{m t+{'r{'^{'+{'l{c'- | tua-I|DFIt! e)€'rttts .l -tlgl o cto t'|(nrr I .D' F...... Ic, ooooo c, I €o oooocr I r.z ocroctcrc, I J G:I -o!..48€r.lpa =q|art l}artFtdo=t =|Dttr rt {'.Jrcr3- 1*A&6tAtA l-n fD{ ul l\t u ltrl- o clct olt\' F lm om oocrcrrrto IICrE O OOCTCTO I CF OOOCIC'O ' J.lD -.o. 5rtt.,8 I:t r+ o -t JDEcoln* lDo rr tl Ul a+ l-.r.:tct =rlc,|D c J.!'. rte CLCLE 0rnciJOr.J.ItctooaD5 Cf .ct .+o10'o 3E39rofD-t 't aD ^' c+ ri.D \< .J.o. 5.. -r(oa6{(oc =ur 03lrl g, .J.5ci{ Ar}o0,1 Er "''rc Jr -t = -.(oC CLTIut -r. g a-t 5 'J'rct -'iq.D.Do3oo.n1=O:'r+3tDt4!, -t.J utl.D. ctr+t|D.DcL-l-t 0,ct|D!,.D o!t.+l ti,| -o.l cl.).D:to,0r=ctci(t=(D€3t.Cta 4tA ;Erf+llt (.,tu vul<|D.-i9rul-tF.J' .D .Drf3uroc+<5rl|D lDro.oti r}o a3'o o{(c aD .D -.6:trr|Do .DE rttl atO.Jrd :t -td:' |D o .D-,. t4lo = c, J.5t, J tD .D|D5o ur€cl. CL J.. {r rrlE =o 51tJ. C'Cl -. iDf|oota+ < ut .'9, o a'lA oo, -+!to =!t @-loo oa+o Itz-t -tm0, cL=ut tt,e|D G,O{r rreAO Ct F.-t l--t.D tt ECt -. .<-t ct gt= 5 JCtor|D v,o!r c, J{o.D Ua U) A, -.a+ J. t+ -.!t (Ct Ct 5 -JJ5 (o0o-, 9r -l3|D t^3|D< .'i g, 2r.ct|! .+.r = €<€o. J.CD J.Jo 35.J O, |! <-l ooCtA ct dlD -.. <9' =.D't ri tcl.Dl(+.ocl Ec:r 1C'-t' |D O. -t ,... 1 tiID1 IDe c+ .C, tA =91r}o |D -lo :t .r. 9lfD 1r+gcL .D|Dc o,E3|D !tocL -t|D('r+ (J.Ita -.tll.v, ilj1fiI' " ,t' 'E E!5-o..- s.EUI O, ctr'FucE =Gt'F ct C!CL>T' =!, ulc)cE Lclar l, o. (, ..e Ct \L r-ntd .},olr-L.aJ J vr rF c,CLL C' CLnr(uo LET. L.1, o-0, 0-o oEnE.P'ULO >\E 5cr FP!' ct€ !E -L!,.|J o,CLL E|! .EOc' O.C .PL.aJ Oo.. .ntcto >Erc' .Fat' c crF (tttr d.F - JC C:aJ aJfE E.r E v,t ool,c, L 'r? Ctl !trF! |l' L . L d dENC' T' C' NE(uE€ Gt.FL -OP ftrt,gE .9&e -Exro > I 6(,o tr r- Lct+, c, rF = LL C'I C'+' .P CLl6C EPe d.F lU =.U.F tt o,E> LE- LtlGl +rGtF'e .U=L U|$vrt ul EL Jo,a +l + it tt.t' Gt Vt 1' 3.CC' E' CtLGt.C .PG'L (,0,.tJ .}| Ct Cv, U|+r\ o c+t rF Ec,!! F.O..C Cl O-Gctr .t: rlt !t o-.- O .P !t d,FE .r- Gt .. LE>|! !.tEl 'r- I4e tt C'C: =clur CL .! c,.F O CJ|-> P.r ot. ctr ctr.€.F P L ('tn c E.E tl fitE.r tt'F !r -co+t .tt -c t! (, -o.1,Etl Pa) O .?, E'r: t"i q s! > 3.F}( 5E-Grn d =o, co -+r (t Elzu. t0, ,d lt >(, ; !t" cl |lto>Gat oL-CLc, cL.? alt c,LEC'rF EgtL.r- Ovt +tq, c,ctt.1,attnE'l..}lE 3€ !to ctt.Pg E.FocuroC'N,o!,.co+tE'oct +,.p !te,o>+,('E-rov,3-0,o,L C'I CLEoo,r3 crog+, vroE>a, a!+r= ttt LE0,.r) =oo'FCt F€o oottFF did' -tt-9t- c) -lo =ct -{m P'H \D(pI on =mm-{ 6) q) CD o -tm o'Tl :'f ,t r+ . .D {r-r.C ct:' (D n iO.+ -r..ttt rr| --t () = -J.(D (D 1 | r".rE lDc| 0r(,t./r-:.D > V1n |,=€u t, =t -u O O O-J. O cf J.A, -t' CJ C =J'JE I- 'E m <dJcf (D.+.DE H Ec) (DJ, c) l- -{ O- O t F, o -t. -... J. 3.tOE(,-hct { C')ct E ('10u o, Hm (D aL J.r() o, ct O {Ur -hO or ct-J.O f, J. Z.c) o -n3 J.o 3< o OF - -O 9JO 5 3 Z(D 9, J.> J rq, m.If E=gr.-itDO-= m =--.1 oE rD .-J -.teJD -l'5 rn (D -.r. (D fO qo.+tn cf c+ Z f- = q < 5c -t -''-" J' 5-)0r(Dro=o5 .. z,Strc:f(o OI o' g.' 'J' -c' vl 9t i| -r. ci'ct ci o cf J €| 5=EctJ G,t>lO c+OJJ'===-la 'c, < qr) -tlP. fl, .-t q, -t J-Jo g, c)lct -t:tJO -C'1 .-)l|J. = .D _o r.O=lE rn (, lO E q cl(D tlr J -tt n15 .-f ct -j J.< ct' q, { tItI Fo1 o, J.= m 'ltD -,.@.)(D(.+J()J (J illj u| (D=o-J=-.. -Eilo- 3m(D 5 C 'o I J.o, t, > = -r. -r.(O Z f16 tn < r.t a, (+ ur -llcr ur --ta 6 >< o rA c')fo c t, o . (D = = ct t-l'-1 (D c| -: vr (D o, -{lo o- -J. o rD -ilr+r . 'r:< != -l O --h l- Of|.t coJ (D(D r z.lo JC (D o-o a=15 q,-l 9roc. (D f.r .-+ ur O J' = Z,I (DE .D o'l o- -rl fFr . 1 J.o =. (D olo o J 5 oo -t rl3 (J,o .r 3lo >oc+3crgr-'l+ ro o o(<E t''| {lo 1-.r 5 ElF .i cr ct -J v! OI r) cr =r = r'.-" ZI o<0r€oo-t| = .-+ J, P, OI o-rr c+N c+= LlrI J. aD o.r =- o .J. (o I rf r) 5 O r lJ,I J. l ert-l J.=< c| 'o(Do== @| =o=fDro=tn =I vr u|'u r.c, | -J.f tj/| A, J(lf -{I O f rrl .+ o r(o 1I -n@ io, = (D mI rn +rJ'cr{, OI a, c+ -nt .D ci *I E =o, rD ,tI E lDO rr Ui 9,, e +| ': Eodo +I ()f -J -t t1.i *| < c -J. -no, tD oI o, 3r) -r'.-+EIJEq,=Oc+I .D I O- -t |D| = -t \-' o-lc.an cf tD o-oo- c)-r>o-{ rno z. o'Tl s' 'onrtoP-ooorra Fll r (D(o 9.l Ia o1 ct o -o.-t No:' (o a) oB 0) c) 11o H.ocrB o(+ ct = =m oT1 'u'0r o z,{ Ll H.H o 11 o 0) o Hl o d' @ a)F -n (o oq-t .Dln u l'fl 0)orr o c) oo o p) F o LA{ ai9 (D-c, =o5(D .{ t9lr I F.J | .'Jlo P &.- =o=-Jm (Du|o(4 'Tl l>lrtt-oIFU T lo c)P>l=t@ -{ lx(lt,:tlc^) rnl:{ Ttlqr nrmlrfrlH: {lHf=a19mt..l-llFl ls lEtt<tt€I l0)I I'ttt;ll=IFI ls-I l"Jl13lt3rfcr IF9t;slreL+eH FFlilhlFI -tl rrl:,:'r= =-t = ! O i ul (,'l r+H P(D (D (D -+r J J.5O = -{E (D O (D clO >C ct.o .f (D C -r. gt Z oFJ.J J-r . J= O- -{r=(D .D(D o.o-o-J,(o < J, J. zq A (J.J, 'l', c) cf O5qr=. (D(D JolJ- -{.D = O (, { t/,.+Ooo- o(D- c). 'n (cl -O m€ o, 5 -t cr-o c+JJ. O .D -! O Fo J iDcl o rfl(D (D =E 3 C)Jct < Ut A, (D (Dgr O .r.a -t -t (D n< (D Fci rt O(D O, € -+t .D(< J'Eoo==,f 'r, Gl -t . .r (o G-)o|D oct p, qtz =65 - m -l(D c I-Or CL= =t^ O f-a^o =x-(D @ |, q, J. ln(D-h Ur C, =c+ Co-o o >--r € oci @-1 t- oFr=-b(D E I 1(t.JO -JH 7l- C at,'J c+ gt Z J. 1 l-/,f' 5C) 3-(Do,(D t/) c o--o oO t/t J.C Z:rJ (J =2 ct= J' AO(D (o1vr vr qtJ c, rD -.1c+ -r, cf -'J (Dc)= OE(o o (Do 5 J= o -t 5 -l5 aDo Of cf -On or- =OUr frl3(D u1 = !-J.(D < cf o, 4o O5J. (D. c+ F.t fD cf = q, { €(< (D (Df o o{' J.ctt I O,Jo 3= s(DEJg, (D < rD (D!5 aD O -+r vr -go- dJ o .J.(D -r'( l croF, = (D (D 5.r),5c+ (O O, :J(D Ul c+ ct- at ci.o'-+ E =c = -ho (D = =J. (I) o -r'c1-J. 1 ttr taJ(/r(D 1 (D :DJctO- .t rO CDtJ7 = or 0_ ulcto (D -'t < .D c|o = Jror 0,.D -J .+ ul -t x'so- o J.(D aDa c o c+3E3 t ocr(D E.D <5O .' (D .t fD fDO it 5O<r. O U't 9,' JJ(o Ct.trO lt z, (o3 o,crOc r|-t(Do ul a o t-@ -lm moz, { (D -n (D (D { &gr6&4e+(tl }..Jo('l('llrooooo(g o r g(D oooo't oooo P}JPHO ts 0) c-r H ts. oFl o ^g)rf €p Ft Flo Ht Fl rr o € oFl c+ .D (D o fD l>trn I tg t?lO c, (D 'oo o- 0, a? ct (D ci l-t (D lmlm o, Ilctlc (O -oo5 = cn vl -t .D-o (D c+ .D llttl 4gre+h++6 oo(trrJOOO(tr(ntsoo oooo oooooooooooooooooo {'-+ t,}.rt+ {-+ {r+ {'t(rr$lJooo(nr$Hoooouro oooooooooooo - .t,ar', - z,{m>F6)=m>rnmr{oc, -n>m0 (, 'ooc)7JF;DOmF<CJ(, -o rit(, -l c) o.. = om U''C) 'tl{ o =o-n T' . o=ofD1F Gt A -trocoo v-)-n - 'D-ro noo{z -: J.6) 3D=(o =o,--{ -i =m _r. -{r;o =o0r -t rA,a,/t 9, d., E.J.!o-tloI { < -J. !m5 o(DO Or -o2 Tl =c.\ b- = 91 {crr'|-nF -.r -r|<o -5 .. Vtq(t J.(.r cfru C ct .D 0,E€ o0, =r+ cfo (-) cfo=r(Do70tJ .D m tct5 IIFl.Dl<'tD.€ 3 * (cl tt--r o =(DT =i =o.-t (D f. o,. UI F o 6) -{ c) Tr -r1 - a E, =, = 44 l'l---t=-jgroc|-Jroa,5 fD o, A, E = O O = 5 -+r a(D(Dt^=1rDa--tloo-noJ55.D-Jro-{{€c+P,omc::ln(o-{urotra=-.DJJDt^or.t3ur iFc-t ;rJ(Do, t '6' @ t- z.oao ! z.6) z, A,3o o-{l oovlrg --r. =(clo5 =o|D-: T' '0Fr-o't z,o-lUIm=tJ -{{FlFFrqmVrr .A G'oci F, r) A, z,A' =o c,o3 5 f zq, rD Grmrqx n a,/rm{3 F-{OZ<6'm(f --{Tmma^ -lo + 5o- rlo alo oo, E(D-t -to-t o.(oo o-go oc IA at.' (D |D t =o r,l 0,cf .D 5 |D ro:t-ct -io-t .)'o 5 =o9.;.; a- atl-{ o-t1 --lmn t--L/) F. H o zzlu "F I I t R r t, F zzzzzz lr', No :+ I .- 70s- ---l------.:'l ot o September 22, L989 Town of VailAttn: DRB P.O. Box 100 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Sirs: Lodge Properties Inc. has reviewed and approves of Cosbar of Vail's request to remove the existing doorto the Fila space at 190 East core Creek Drive and move it approximately 4 feet West. Cosbar will be responsible for removal of the door and installation of the new doorway. They wLJ-l also be responsible for roughing in the ol-d doorway. The finish work for the old doorway will be JillVickers Gal-leryrs responsibility and in incorporatedin their current remodel. If you have any questions, please feel free tocontact me. Sincerely, Q*^\N.vw^ Paul A. JeppsonDirector of Owner Services cc: Bruce CantonLily Garfield lT4East Gore Creek Drtve Vall, Colorado 81657 80S47&5011 Telex 4ffi875 i !lr 'it- 'rr r ' t tr. a'r' fIt . 1r r..- ._-tl. r . I I I i 1, : u:,!,it': Frt-,a €bp_i*.', . ..tllv(?l^=-Vr au,er Wt+.LlrV d@l-ryxtoh e*t4L...Wie'?flh*g1i., . I ==--' I r t, .l .a l. I 'i .l t d@r) r'" l'r ,iet) fe?et)(r'* olov4+Aerz- bor( ra.localzayel-ivq IAta- ?A?bar) <l -6lta7 '' ftlaeb'rb\/tf 4* ?af*.cLt!C :Aavtr 6o zIt 3 (D Io I [nr l-t--R t6a. l--o I I !ao oo EE =oD =t.o5 ,1 I y1 li n o € o ct oa A' =o F oo 0t 'tt ofo r(D 0t oov,o * : f-o oo a 3o at o l! (o ;of(D 't ct U'oo o-oo,o l> 11,l! tol<l>tr c,ot2. ct =uo s.o.€ Eoo o IU't> ITlf,lot<l>- oqt (D 1| -' o € d ao .{.. $\\r a !t o !t - . =- F.c -r, -r(D a-/).+ A,-{ O- qr =z. o, :Do=5 = 'o ol(D=m --l x(El. -o .J.o o ot,g,-n q,r dcf Sct -rl -. -r. O ! o l- (om.g = F-o =r 05 U< = = c -J.C) H ct -r.3 2 f).D o-=,-t -r. =I J T'l5 (DI O Ft (D(.o =I cf al! c+t, J= A,l/-- V >a, =-ll^ (D -\Jo -r.\.r -E'(D c) c,+ H ge=g 7 c) <5o=(D > d O--J'! r o-(nc+ ' Ottlnr.\ (D -huJo -{ oo. -o -t =' c rn5a\ 5 -t-I r) c+ -E, O (D (Da\- -r. -X = <Y OJ.O -.P;\ CJ tt < or"^ o, m.f (D =v, C) J.(, -{5 - (cro@ trr = E <r€ -:-+r AC (Do -.1 -.o -o' -t J5 C = (F o-o -J.I gt ftl J. -r 5I ci 5O.1)v -J. :D (ct t/l o_oirlo5 <r-o_-hHO Omc)-h-U' =>-Jfn-{O crt (trrlo =c (t- (Dtt@ = <FrA, g,lz,_ Jct i (Dc+r+ --{q, o|D m- -ro rr|o o,. (t .lc| io c)@c) o. r--.a = go maa EE' = =rrl TI f c) z.1 U) m m a./lm =-t -{ m rn a./)(./, o>p-u '9 = l--o r.-r(J C,H>-n -{ oo>=, -l<r+Tl>oo>. Z,Ff- an rn<Hxv-< Z. Irrnt-e)F)F C) r-l6)=Om =:DmD>c)rF-. i> rrll-:E C) -.1 9, A,OH c+ c+FO .D (Drnz,uroo -tr -+l E go =o o,Io t- It.hb=G!t+tFt- ?Il>JIrLUtpJ-?ttL- IR =(D (l) <.? -ro T' =rrl a) = =rn o-Tt €z.mF L/) -l c+ o -5 at Ioc,n=mu, -{ac m IA O)-E oz.m ooac)Frrt -.{ <.r',,<t) ol=lol.- " LDE bDHlF Itr..lv, rlotrtr;Fllo l-l"bPF| | h"'lt't'IWllolloIHIFttNthtltlll ,EL3 K@ lbs^lc,t(-/r;F ^bL I I I rrl Fl 'rlm - rr-l<m m m -Tl =mrn.<o3 4ccF<n O-toEFE Oorfl o m'rJo>-{ r-r.(J G'mTIO --m -{ m c, == =i m mro-tt =mz, -l ctm FI =rn=-{ =t-t- l. F P >i8F f;BHd> ;qrn Ffn =2, -rr mq'E > .'ts{ Fo<B -r=BFfi i E3 - 5.€ 539- =6H;* =dES 5l H=lE ;g;=E EE€q ,3 g --8- i=ufrE 5ur -n (D rn U1 C--{. m'.-C.'!9r S Ir-lm- U>2*tI O1* r r+ =..crF <nlFr-j =-,EB io =Ell ;3Uo9 .,-c olc l-@> -n -1 at 2- c>rrC:|l .= T F>-<, -no--Rel =.==3 -.6 -H=18 13io9 fr!:3 E': A' EIE o' ,-. g# H!Eq E9, Er-filF x_?=f; =!:)o-r, o mlr- >li =-i.c);2 rnEHo;E olrtnlrri --99n -==;€ -'z> otztE;" =-<.o = rD -9-€ 5*[-iF-d fr; H=== >*#==--mP efi 3- tsE=5 3B?g>F I='_, $g =a== ;gEEEu2: ,'-J. E?*= gg,_.8= 9>B B= c)>or- -ticr-2.,'e! oa =€-- E;E;- E Eq ' € ;833 =;==2;aq ." -r;=# -n;Ht r-F Gtl-Fr> (, Trr. Ct TlH3s : X=EE Eg:F;88fi ; Ega= =Ed_Efr<nJ ,; -.wor;F- 3+F. cf -t Fl .Tf - t-,-. - ---B"' = EctI EIEF;-rao o 5F*9 ; F3; ='=5;Hr(D o f =o ==in>6l-rD o rn>< rn F'o ={=H -r' ur ci or-> =7(-Fic'Fl F 6' = *- Eil==toFH. 5 '1-r => - - e-.., o f38 ?===29 -ct -ir -) >m rd7JJ.m=' H A E -gtr1.otsurg? rr1 - = r.i?--u G' o2m = _ trJ < o(ru.t . = - F{ tJ.t - =q F (-) r,/t > F ir,tfi .H;ilg*! - CD >- F Yt Ld< LrJ9 = J tLl<, d. d. = =dEo fr-3=.n d= d=oEPP>Z, .a- l! tt H ut,- z. <dFdo=rrrn4 H I U.t r-. OO r_r(&)q =e=><==O= '+==cod ..rr= . - (J LLt LJ= <F Ct sfts () .t > .t', = <, u,J c) sIr: o H-6S z,az, llJ =l- J@:- H lJ-l -r< ><-. =d.t- J (5<F 4 <rruJo tlJ ===2, = 5i-b fE*HgL' Fu.r < JW)Z, j- - h d E (/t lrJ r{trJct(J = (J>- U-< FcO tvt!f |-.JOO lrl >C L= tr- <9 d. Z. tJJq FrO >F'-. OZ, < lrl U.t. O <$J r-. = r/)E 9H= =9'.92 ^+ _<eH<Fr <t!F 4 =- ci ><o JO< F u.lo('l=2 -p.=i 3=--=a = 1<.e, <,=2.-- o =2, = <zctF= EE8; =bEF:+J F E ) l,Lt U1 Et =. LtJ r!a E uI !- -l! = O dd.r-t -SFt-U'rFIOO>-(.) J tJ- o F= tr- trl<f F. <OlJ= J< d,-- =J Cr Ut [.d et-=_-+ dFOFr -trtOFuJFt 9dbd -5===i- fft-cr co<B== Fa- FlrrO> JUJ- rrr6tF X E tr.l CE J-<-v', . rr.r < F< < F LtJ ]-./-' =3 -3I76n='-3E= E-== -8-oEE) rJ.,r o=J z oulL)q. !{ v)OU'rt4 l{tt-, O = lrl - Z,t- G, d.Z, J H O-2-* g=Ho figrLF(/) 6E SEP -SHH5r\. f- V7 >a'-| OH=Jt!OO JJJ= =F &5Hd srzflEF rr- <=Z- 4<U.JdtJ_ U' U.J =lJ',.tl (,z, z.=odNIO!-dt! c, - F...F-Oo- art x, L.J (!t cct,--, d,dc,(J a,t1 Z,uJ tdOFFo |-. .J1 d,J= z, (J(JO Fd,ootJ- z,olrl CLO tt1 C) lrJ(-)d (5Fz, an H= ==oNIFz,J<H(J< r-.>Jo-u- cLO< Z, LrJ =-OFFFuJ< FF oo &,o ccr C' lJ., = L|J F ILo d. UJF(J -(.) UJIF F =lrlJco F o- =o(J UI J@U)OO(\t o-(\,1 o.d.sl' cLn 'lJ F (J z, co&, =z,lJ., C)C' F<<FJ(-'J lr.lH a./1 z,JH <o> lr.lFlrl Cl -2,F tdodF< LLt at)(t t! =c5<.2,-<(J-(J dodDO<u- =tr.l<.d.=(90 =uJF. (JvloOE4ct- d lr.l F (Jc, z.(5 (5 F .t1t! Z. (J |JJ - /.\L, F{ n O <) U., =l- d. = Cl cr (J tt,r+ i:{ cal -oOO O d. V, _r12, = 2*toH o=e (-) |rt u.J ccr!l= c) (.' =Foo-E u.l -j o-,v1 -J<. t/, l- - e.!! -== l+ Ecoe(= o J cr-90 (5(.5u- c, q- l+t(-) -J v, cc! z, ItrF q - o(5+= 4 F L'J 2< f4J = anH41 cL - .na(D= F u..r -O trl ;-.ocE - = Ei5 =- F -= =-ur =uJ F LJUJFo = d co u' t-= =< l! o =oEz_(Je=o =!9 1 c 6E_2.z,= EO J -sz .; ..r, ^HZ 4= J ai- .tJ a/1. = ooF< u_. o= a =oHJ Zsf F,. c.'- Or o Ei *-. =o- O$r Z; <E o+rE 9r n t--fe.. (J. <.= .-trFL p .- '-. <f Ir.J @ FFr p L L = _t v, -j.J1 - 2,- tt, o r! +, t! vt -o) c ur5.F ccl d Nq- o ,; o ==+.. ,nZ =< .r c O; q, (J (j 6'-<E ;:: .nfr _= 3 B gg- c, ftoE9 -.! o Je../, LL < lrJ. !t q- vl z. +r.- p +r +r.F i = ui FFco <) r.L C)< trcrc.,qJOp,, 6 F-i^.r4. rrH cL _J (U.F (U O, (uF = (Jglt QlJ oo- !4 L a a.,- it c tr- f .(-) (.) dld e, (U (Up+'+r =,i 5 Oiltn-= cL o_ cr- L! cL > (,/., t-rlO A> trt -=C;: f+f . u', o > vtFcL ct t! UJH 2 bot F{ -.h -= 4 tr1 =<=,.. F< FC5 r- (\.t (Y) sf !o rO t\ @ E<o_t!,t t- UJ -tr -FOF o c(t< .du >, +' ctt.. O +, C E i-E o .Fo vlo t! 9J c E +r(F o {J +) F-. E O .t.- !t . t F O (U E O Llr (JL = LJ CJ > rU .r. Gt =-O r.o- c,- ('rt L !! o.r F (u E cL E cr ot ,|.Jc -c .-o tnXO.}) 'O(u ! liFF (u+' J O9 = >, 6.e Fq, tnc grro oo ott.p ul.- (\rF o. c q, s .- =A O (lJ .r \d, tnO rts lrl (U L -G -'ta ! .po=> o-+) oE E - lrJ I .|JOO .t O.o (u>L (tJE = o 5 ErF NO O -c c| o'- +r .o O.FCE O- +) +, a(l, t,e= (d c O.erF (t, ! d.E = (F= =Bc| O- (u (t,P +)H q, OO +, oq, -ou) (uO @.n (tsOcn (') o. -q -c uJ >, E O.- c c O .our u) .lt rE (u +) d Lc o E c-o !.--c cL cL CLro o- oE o (6-ilJ O (U . E- +) C (J E -C!i gqFE E- .J O ct v, C ./,c Oo- ct (l' ct |E .d O 'tt .U LO(r.Fsrttrq(l,(,_ 72- -'- €.- - =c 1g< L.tJ .6= (.,.E O, oftt ! o vt (Jo l- ! ! +, - at Ct = lA r< U) (U O) tto- = e).t1 F = tn rts' .qrF N Gd .c.€ O X ,-(u .oF.r'r|- = l-< Our A (u !P at', tn'P Od rgL(U O (tJ!() L 5 l. L '-tn '-x.ti L|n o)o c, o .15 uJ (U E d lrJ O+rS .o . O(o s _CrlU O O_C= ! tt +t. tlt (5.E E -c oo- E rts +,(t ztAP +)J +)ud ttt oE Po EF L L< cr o !16= q, E| o(5 cD! L or c E o14 '-Ot O- Eur CO.6 c OO cL0J O--.|J (U J .- tA .F> A).! .t', c) - +rOC +, +,O !.+ q q- O./l (/r o-O tt .d Lg +r- OP .lJ F .'- O.'- (J O (l)Lt .FO C .tt |.-{ X L t, X O Eut G, E (l, E o, o_c o r-.F +rarEe or'.3E rF r=8 o, .uE E-c +' o -g r-r -c E x -c _c c. j-= ct r- F= F.uo, F Fl!L F.F (U = !>O .(F.|J (lJu- <o>o ctt (J o uJ u- .t1 z,F< =J<o-(JH lrl o-HcL=<(5 uJ z. -(5F |.-..J't! uJ!-. af L.' ' 4...!:'i t . ,D -rt -r. E f+t |D F -lO r+ -clE m -1r|= -i..D.D1 | |-.'E ,D|) o| vl Ul'1 .D ', Llln rn={at ur3 | tO O CLJ.O r+ -' gt 'tC- -/.r,-, C:t-,.J !l f T,m < (tJct(D cl.D.t F. 't,(-) fD J. (-l f.{ Ao ur gr gt r. -/. 'r. = .'+ OE l, -bn -l (-} c, or u| 'l E|. !t Pr >-ill-rf (D .D.J.dO 3tt i+ O 1,tr -bO o,.t_r,O :' J. Z, ,1c) o {r3 J'o 3< o an .1 -O Fr !, t 3 Z.{ |D 9., .J.:: = -Jg, . m'(t !t=o|.+tDA3'm =,-{ q, !t .D -. -.+3\.D .{-t ln |D -..O r-{ l-O CrO c+ rt rt (+ -Z fZ, C <3.C -t,^.-r..J. Clo .D trJD 3 o J .. 23 l' C 5(o O I o- or-''tt j,1 9, . {| -r. crtt rtO r+-1I 5=E rf :' ttI rr r^o 0r 5 D, o -r.J..+ mI r+OJ.J.=='th\ '6 < ttO n]V .D c+ A, -t -..d o F, a)b 3il--.8j8-3o' f, .'l./l r. E c cl.D !, J 'o F,li r+ tf -t .J.< rt O, - 1 g, rl . -r.fr(| a!.-tJO J CtIts?^ t^ .D A o -rJ J. Tt I W)u =a^O = e, -tf P J.gt 3^ = = J.-..,r.ct . 2, f F- U|< r+ gr rt l',r { EhJ a -rt :r- aD 1A .-{ oY) ctao'. aD3ad l-t./\ aD.i5 t,| .D !| {H d:4 - gr tD '+tI\i . !t (< Tr= -t A "lr l- C, lA !c.De, l! O3 f o,1lrEc. Ofr 1 .+ - u'rt -,. 3 Z,lt-l rDt|.Dol (t 'r|Lt . . _r -..o z. |D CtD. o==cLo-t Fh >H'3 I o' -.. Fl\.- rrl o .D<!, ur -{I t-.-+ 5 !lI d r+ct -1, oI f| rr:t = -.. r+ z,I o< er { .D o 1I J *J, OIOI oo-' clN rtj atlI r. aD 9, t Cl J'Gl | .-' n 5 o-r Ur| :r. -i (-t r+ -..J - C| .otDct:'! qI ..'-O=(D(cr€.r =I u l,|'9 d'C, n| -r. l- .t O, -. {.o -1I O J m.-+CL-'.O -l '| -h(o -l ar 3 aD mI rra -l,.44.gur EI oc+ -tr5 |D rt t| 'tt :t 0, aD ,t| 9 tDtt.+r, o, cL t| -r !t C,..+ft - tI O=- 'trlc; I| < c J"$ o' lo ctI or 3 61 -'.cl€I rCrF, 5 at rtI lD I o-t lDl =1 vo .r.. b ri! i 3t ',i:l' I il# in*' :ii;, {ffi,,i;tj, 'f.,T,,.jililJlt tI' f-oc) { oz o'n o- EL1 .D.A UI t- |Dtt| A' o ID UIo1 Erf o = l^,t\t E'ctf aa6 l< c'i' !> F(n F ll- (I,oo tcl> 'nocr t{ mOO l'{ mlrPCt lo1ZtttlI-{{'l{'t{'!, I =loIts .l {lt t(trP I .Docrcr I .D ooo I €OOo | -t.croo a =-u o Eo 'o o,rt r':t ID ct .3.*{'t{'r lal tDtm('rNlJ lm 9,o(no ItEro(f o I c(troo I =tcl !, .D J rf vl 1 .Dac .Dvlat .Do. 'JFI =-ttot, (a ct '-. F A+e+g-r'tO = -{ (,|P.+c'tD c.J.o = ooo. -J O- { (r .cLoo. .D o(>r. J. z, '! cr c)grc|r+ O ,1 HJO, -.|. {Ur t-+O r-< I Io|D= om Q+{'r+'r(t1J .t Hts|D10 F' o m oour3E = 6' OCIO0,.D.D-t 't aD Ftt'rf .+ Ct () O O tD < .-r. H oooe 5. z ooo. J(O Ctt Jur{oc r:tu cr rJ.3 l,/t !, -,. ltl5ci C€ ac; CItODJS-l s! - E a-/rJ' -t a = --rDc a.o o 1^ .J. C =ct 5 -r. Ul,OICr.D-l,Dn3 oo (D. {,t{'{'tn-r:: { Grl\tl.o :' ct - OOC'3 .D r, m ooo(!'t. -u tf OOO(D. .f F OOOrt:'G,.DrDA.d1A'(t .! -tt JD o1J+rl' Jo -J.-ldo.D:t0,or5 a+ r+ af =.D€3t.Cet ruF a.+ @ gvr <|Dct'' J. 9lUIlF.J' lD .Dft3I,|Oci<:t.t.D !D50-oo do 13! C,{lD|D|D {!tltlDo .oCr+t rfcr -.' .J =-ld5 .D .D .Dr. rclV, € (].J.tg, = (D .D.DJcl ut{ CL CL JI. -{r IOE€9, f-t = _.. OC'.J F.l|D|D ='.'i < Ul 'o, o J.u oo, €{lEo =!t rt-too octo 9tz5 -tm0, o=vr crF|D qt|D{r lrCeO clH-t l--b.o =r c,o5rf gtz:r J6)9r|D uto!re 5{o.Dv, vr 9, -la+ -r. rt -J1J (ooJ -1 =5 .D0.D=, oJ't =o ut3 'D< .'t o, =J.r+ fD .+J€ €<to' -... G'-Jo 3 =JO, .D <-r ooCr Cl- .+ a. |D J-(9' =.D1ri rOtD v) (+ltrt Ect 'to-"O Or -t J. 1|,'lfD -l |!A .i€an 39,rfo .D -lo :t -r- oJr(D 1.fIt o- tD.Dc q,!r3 'D E.Da -toOr+ (J.0ta -. ql.o Noa :1 rct 4a=o=-:m'tm.D|Dtnornou 'n an 'Tl t't,r r) =-l dA(o='l 5mo0,ulr+OurE'n1.Do orort G' o J-liF 'fl 5tA T' 'Ef c't ={ a.r1 Fm'ttnm LNmz-{ -{ m ct {ttmI O r-t.n {C, '-rpotlt z, -3 c,mm{.{ rrl r+I(l) !,5o5 ..D l-tr Fd FETF I ci .D rD€,o =.D .t |D .DT'5o =o pv U RTII 'trl'll}lti ''s' ' i' r .l'r,"it i .3Ej.=o cCvlTt .. o, Ctr.ia- L' E E :'Gt ct €'!- c, o6 > a>9coo u u1 9E3- -C LC' = e aJ u cL (, .fue ..- Et- \.r_ .t, L F. .l' .tt +, C,L +' ?vr! o,EO e!:o ELrF.no,c'E LE!: a6!L +, o - q cL.;6 o -oc?vt +t E P - q Ldi .s o>tr tCr t- Cr F+,||r O_F € !E >,c,vt LC',-E'- +' !, rt! E+rc Gt €90 0s +'LoE +' c) CL-. ut*,€ ts o E' ol' E C'F !o, or cn |u'|: - J'+rC C Cr, .JE.- Gr E.E' E .,t1oc E 90o,ut o u t- qF? qt !t!,ia' rF !t ct t- .L L |{,- dlnE! O' O v_q! Nc- -c O E€ .tt'Fo|.r L =9P -!t5 G,€ tu_ts _ c,. C, .P E "!_ {- E ._ cr.oa, xd > -g c,u-11 '" +'Efi ! e[,c| Ll'r o+f .P cL>P 'lt E C'Pe ct6c .r lrr =u.E O .rt !, E > Lvt Ee LAp '|roL O, ..:'r- !6 5 b u$o, L vl 5 -- t4 9! 5 o,CDC!at+,qltlte !t |!gr'! Ec'0, Cc, '€L^ oLei, 64 +, al t- (, O,.tJ .Pcl Coo tn. s! tl> ocE+, .1, rF tr c'E +l d-cO OF=ul o, ctlE > 'r !, 'l' !t Q,6l .d eE .'- Gt.. LE:' FE >|! rt.c E ! 'F!!.14 p at ClE 50- .t CL Gt c,..! O E ]-ttl- >.P? !,-a, .tD cn d:4 +l ad.- > vt c E s'lt nt. E o -.E .- !'!: o€6t o.r 1t€ |lr I .E +tFO tt tl r- lJ c, 'F,F -C C,'F '?'a q 14 >r =o .F 11, 5E€|,| GrrF - =O CO -+, it E:Z' o[, :roEE 6T.- FF rt A >-U| tttaid' a^) omJXJDr.U'nrio -J.o:5rt Gl g, rto1otD<lDlDul(oo-t -t9'Oro|Dl.o EU' o-h ct1IDtovl =o, JGt ct'tcttr-v) €. a'+:' o- o,3 .D c? JD5ti o{r s o1 3o1o =o-{mEalt! Fqg+= r4r+> G, l\l F ]. 'r,E E > c, rcr @ | .{ ctr ut sO:t!| O::rUl . 9, t-' .D . I I{tDrE!, tD 5 CLID v,qi'E-.E sr cr *tfvr B D,= E$ am o,ui> m o a o Gr L r {,DE o|5O a! g :t -t :r r| .-.3 q.+ O_. 1rD _.. X . ; i . . o ai -..d.+ r}:r u 3 |D.Dc! !| ,ar. 3JD r?|D o-t-. n tD o, r}ocl -':f'lD .D E t € ; J -,'3 |D < P, < vr o, ln |D ifT.J.D. '1 Q tO < I |D .D Pr cl.D :! o, ut J.aD crlD | {r 5 .D 9, :'cr t|-t r+5 3rt . rrx iJ. J -t { o|-n, |oX e.t .J. ct- = 30Ctq| 'l 9, r} 'l :t t Ul< |D ct .J. -.. .D.J. = J O c' ;:J Or - A, !c, () O (l -.. CE aD tl {.D ct r+ |D J..+ |D a O o- J O 1 l Gl El € .D J < n <.cl = U ri.-tF !t =J;t |D |D = 9t ,3 rr -t O:t .D F, rr |D O ,D .cr ,D r..+ .D o t .D .O cf fr(Itrd|D o, fD dfDi I .D j. €-t ur .+.t -r. 9, o, u 1 = (t -t tlt x .|,.'o -r. .i ci o| -,. o :: ci -..o 5 grrD:' 5 vt .D cf o-l |D-J .-f lD o 9, .:Jout l, (| .!| -..oJ 1 5 |D lrl r| rt rJ d3 |D O .r' 'r| (rl CL |D O-.r..tol }. O d {! CL Ul .J.9r |'j UI.D :t .J, -tr 3a,) 3 |D Jr) . d 'D !tct t.J.5c' ID Ur .+ rt : .D rO -J.. o, t .D A -..9, w ri 9, Ur .t. aD O.dul < v. fl o,|D-.. 01 Ur !, :t.t = = -J. 5 't t.t tne = = u, cfJC ctO(D !, = O ll :'|D -..O rto rrl a, O. = .-t ... :' .DJ. €-t ,D (o . 't rIl<'t 3 -'' -6 r+ 1J CLg:t !t (t:t <t d r' l,,r < |D vr o g, -t| O ?Jr.r.-'.C = c, |D 5 N !t () ,D C) € ()'c, v', (D O :t !q, tt Er rr Pvr :t (/r (Q cl= o, o-o ct -t -t c -tr o o, -t -t =t { -fi ur .D r) o .D o 3 a, -r. (c! rt :t'i q 3 € t - C, r+ € r+ -.l| 'gr (' jD 9t vr "t ur ,D = O 6 ar+ ct tD O tD 9, It d Tt a... (t --'.Gl -E, o.i ovro -r .+ -:t5 0 tDr+ 9l' --. c-t vr|Do tt a €. 3-n a q zo .-rtt < 3 r .D o .D = 1 10 5 J. J'o rr ro = o, aD aD 1 E 3 lD ,D ClIOrOCroi Fr I X it . f+ JO ^0r rD 'l { c}{ t,q, .t Or Fr o' r+.tti'| rro -t rn < J. n.-.c! < 4,.-i o -t -..-J. o o, 3o-r. o| . n -r. J..D a d .(l .t -t c .--. r J ro 2- . (D-t oroo o. ,to9t 't n < =- rt p, j. tD = -t ry .. . n v5 C.t.(JC;5 Vr ..t Ol g r.| O O rll .J. J|r'ia Ul O-, rlc (O "J(l 5:tur F, .D rt at 'D 3 -t . o. . 1, . E -r. .D (+ .D .D O u .-.} .D -. 9t J r .J..+ -t it |rl v, 5 aD 14 lA -r. O "'J. a1 r|tn A J. uro.l' \., O, -|| ,D lt€O .t ri O * O !q ot, o vt .r.J1 :' k t oor< n D, .+J. J J aj -..or =!E r+ fi N | < cf -!9 rD 5 od aD -(, .-.. cr5!o = ; ai lro = ^.A 5 n .Dlq or -t - -h' 3.riaora ro 6t-' N a, 6 € .Dv|aD .-t rD do r+.D ? o,E'---vr v, 4..: 4 J. ar if u aD ur =6 O- q i' Ogt rr < ,D J. lD o - !-. o J .+ o rt vr r| JD w 5 o,irijni 5tr -- -rr on, ai o :t <atrl ! o, G * o 6-1 5- .Oar rr -,t-f € vt r| g, .t () J 5 ulo .t| a o, .'('r.,! .D iratD 6 t| i,|d =. c g, .D rt i. -.. E o. .+ -t =O =i+ '- -,..o O !t rr X J.< ! |D n n J. J cL :1'- 6 iu -...o q or@- ti = J. J, oQrt cr cJ tn o' olctffuyr3r ,D 5- -' -, O r 5€-' p, ,1, 6161 -/' 5 rn .'+ ati -:j.-- 6 '- rt ct cf - ct r^.Jr, E =| o, (t= ct F. ctb-ooE -'o. a+ - :j. -\< a A 'i -c .D 3 o :ttoo5-= o 3+d bi o a . vt -.. 10- gr !l ql brrFoo. v, E'rD -n ro r :' vt 3 |D.D q 't (D .. ia ":.45- a io in o ' o (o ct .o . = ,(' ul. r -tO ;' it i" . ur ro tO o r.,| .D qJ.o.-r| -d: b i E.*r m r} x € o s (D {r 5 r| i.- o d = g {rt er c-" =to E H o6-+ it6iir-tr =vti j. ,t -ttior' |n rDfD J. rl - =rtn .D J'J' 'D O 1 €!1660 --Ei 5 hi t O-l!f < e, J'r v. { 1 A6=.+--- (+ . t4 -- 7 'r.Dts A, cr (o 1' .D ttl iEb-.- U -ra' t p, E -ati d !t :r. N 1 =F -t sr (+ -OrT _5 J { (' +,li .r- 0, Oa aD o ^q.J. = r or5'! nt a j -... ul C) vr UI c,rr E.u cLll 6 6.i. ' - ri! " - r' c ar J tl o' =... (+ it -- 6o' !t Dr c aD t ur ur ct.! ?c, -J.J. rr ur € rirr' - k = -t- - Ori cL |o q G ELrr e, -r. =in '. d i rr -'-P o .D 1 -i' .D.J -r. sr !r r-; o'€o E ), .D 3r. I -b -r' v) -.! .t -hcl.r 3D rD 56:'r 'D - €!o 14f 3 -r+'- d, i qr :j iG q o o P, E o, o . e, 9|EO tD rr, | -.! a !D CJ O 'D ;5 tD {t c6 o€ == Eirio 91 9, . n}9rl ci o:Jp - o' o cL rtlq=J FrlJ o t 3oro J' tlr, 'n JN rD o:'o . 76J ! cr v oPo 5 .. 1 fl 't 56'-rn <l " < 50- 'rr o er tA Ttl'ot=n {.D 'D qt 11 ::'q 1' rr rua oO -,- i O vlt.t o O. .nE ?rg li ' t(| 'li t o (+ fit -, t+ 5: , ={ P tD aD 1t EL5. - Dr J. O' 'n CL ct- {n, q, 3 o1-t Errt f+ ":in Jn aD '- a^io rr --ur.' q' = mF r. --lc, CI'm aeEr, '3 -l{mE ,it: ;,. ili t$Flc)o(f!r2oa3r) !- io {c' O..' .r. -t ,o55' rl o, C,D..l lD -t. C).o=:'-l CIH -J. 1 |D r| o:t cL z,3z.a a Qt:r .+ c E -r. tD -trlt < ol =< o =9r<CLf|r oDr rn 1 ltrvl 'DO tA .+.. -h |Dvl(n5 ci O-O Blrf3A,o'E':o3:to ort -t frcttDc:un't .-r r -..,r}-J. D, lD:rl.+fl aD t! o1-t oc 9,-.:'Vr -, 5tD -..€3,l =-..U (l1 -.J a+ .-t5:t(t|D lD.D:to o€ =rtl a\, no1t IDt EF'o,o-tr|r|ID 'DrJJrf.DoAO.:t IA ul .-|-ul o.ll <tl o,n-t tD 'o -l Ctl-r, .=c.Ero+'B.o ur nt +r oJ !4 6q Tt ea,vt :: '; 6 u ;- G', o.Lorcv'Eur.o E E .oE 5 o, orF a = E rl- -{J>O tO vr ' 'U vl 'r-o(Jtvl -o o j'r' |u -c co v(t (rr (t {r o E-- cn L slc,cd'E E.'- .!t ! l- t '!: tU +' o q, -E v1 - 6 -o -' o >{J l!.'-> r ii ! f, i6 ! - t! ! E p.ee 6 v1 '= ; o 14 = E E .o or (r o 5 :- i t f 6 tu rF u s 'P F ro 9'- vt Ot o cL o .,r.F : 6 t ) 'r' €+ a ru -+, tn ln i a L - E' o' o E CE (l, F J 5 C U CL orcrru '; .u cl !t 6 ! -o c > c EEv, cL '7- 5 - - vt'i d 'lJ' o PoJo 6' ! - A - d 'r {'r +' . t !tLo. (J q o - q - (' ur ' I ! !.F o - p 6 o E h +r o 'e tA o' c:'!- c\' q J 6 o ,t' ucr. !t a, '}J .d (r ct- E 'o '; '; ! O a c 'ttqy | '- ; r^ -<u '-- +' !La, c h L n + o ''- (u t^ qr.Ec6a'4,-o,9''r-rvr-P o E ; G L ol't rF !t ttl ott' E '. U| = -' 6 a c c, c c o.E L 3 i-r o = il- t .- o.t - " ' (' ct or.o o u - 6 b 't C' -tEq ? cl L or+- .E 5 q ; - - o FF. L N +' 'r-' o(F rn L E -' c ! - C'; 6' 'F lu tlj vt {r rtt L 6 O cL cG = F -: vt vr vrorc tn vt vt 6 '; a '-' d 6 c {i o .FLo c c ii irg 9t -c ilci b o ctr L '-ur o..- o 6 ! .d d c {r ? E . - O ,9 . ' o c' rlt .|JEP 'r: 6 o I U-o r^ | U| rF L 'z. d ,tr P F 6G '; ol !tai>f-{ -coru .u E 9' 1^ ; o! a E t 'r.l' P' t 6 c c E) cr 3 ct- cr dr u '; E F = A';> L o = L J at J .P rF \- vr t o'6 i 6 o' L 6' vt o o 'F ]--. c, $- o 1I 'v c'- '-= e '!i u rr- L 5 .rJ {- L, d c+, E '-e.o crod, u tA o ob € .>1 d -b- c cr'-' ' E +t c L $- uo-Jq,(Ur-6U- .- avro 'o o., H vr o - A 3 L+ E +' vrc or o = +r +t L E.F.P (J 6' !t ,a 5 6 o'r- 4 'a '-:': E {r t lt sl ct 'F d .eec az (J E 'rJ '7 5r tr !: 'oO ur I c', vt q', o 'ct o .!t rrr - ; q, L'o ; O E d, c; > rn c' t^'F o t' c >Ep z, ftt C\J - a oJ; al >t +i i o'- o u L nt o 'e o, td d e '-L E ('r :' +' 6J d iJ' - tn (Uf L (I' o cL o .o !J L O C, .C r E 1r qO .r- E -: -o-O CL {J At 6 'J c' '|J tn .- d€ cL (J +, ; -u E- c '- 6 - +J - - E - c o, tr o c x luruE E ir - -> 6 :r'i a^i J+l .F d, 3 6 n c f' .- i:' '; +rp (u- o ct c' 'J q hl u! o o .u -"; i4 r;d > 4 -E tdE 'a +r +t o +' lr, .Fr- | vt +) x '?-- q 6C ij - U L O - -. O = ' L ro = +r E- : J - '; iu '|J E o .c o 1 L +r c,'r vr at ul ' o nt > F tdo tuJ:r . r--. .O ttr !t c oE c, -^ .- (u F.9'?: E o 'Fo 'lr ]n F' o +, ur o,rr F cr- ; E i .F G6 E or> q - E'ap o '- )'r trr c o F E.q, ;- - '; .t' ! - F {r' c {J (UG,t. vl L{J 'e c 'Fyf o,.F r^ td L L = - tn vt- E'- O 'q o- -O O, {r C .U trt J '!- O' L ./t (UE > J O O O O tt- '- E tt- q- 6'- E {J rJ ftt O.| Ut lJ 4t L v| O z .c o H o G i b x ob b .l '': q qI! -. I E o | @ h +r o o u>Lo, ttr vt d, 'r- - - G *-r t > Z; c g,< o '-, tF vt o' 'P c -{J 16 0-o t|J (F c t^ {J! p J b r.'F iuE-- ct ,u- c E $- nrc vt {J ! q i E'F 'r- +r (u Ek !->o -- ; A o o uE cj cu Q. c o- ;J cn E r-O 0., rF q o.l cn d vr- au'+r I lo or! ,rr s s o ir t^ rt- ! o Ec .= E ltJ ? 9J !iF ! iiF t/l t4 .; L d o ,- L oJ iD u .= h .o L q ! 1t 5 d, C t4 tI (U 'l' J oo i ttr o o, > {J !, .d L '}J .lt 0, ': H o, '-- tnoai.F r--{ L ; .; ; = oo oJ'p+, L -o+j 5 = -c ! ct - 5 d ij I - r. l- o i! ../t tl o- . o .c vr.rt ur cL J L L co cn < ct cl coo .tr ir or cl ;-. 'Fr = o--t, (r z' -.,-9!{ i9- O rd O aJ ' F. q-'!- (l, = Eb;i= < yrOcc,roEr- OJo0,15 drF urc'.- (uoc ''r.lllt r,, r... l';( r. l =to,' o'-. o>C FqJo L odo>tJ r{-(uc(U c! cn!o c, >r ulE rJ+' c,o ..J'F O(, '-CE=c.,C O E.EO :rEPvroL LJP.l' -o rtt(u cq-o (' 0!o(ud lpporEc.r dJ G,. q-Evl .? tA 'r-P G,}(u (,LL!t c,.l' 0.>\d CLOo,L vr oJ c,-C crr 6.oPo,E -O c.| Tttn vt Qt E-q, (lC '.-PJvlFOc! vr.F rd EEo cc ..co vtU Cl .F vr,.a- tts lr- . cJ+r!4.lot L 0,, u> C O- +,L ol 'd F..o c,G' O('Ut A, Ctr (JF ulL C -r Ctttt -..- E ('-eat C>(aG' IA T6'UEL 'r- rtto ! X tn{J vlE(u '- vt- .o fit .'- olla C '.-F Etn +t L 'r-I c o o, vr€d Il P - 't-. F .tt|l't4@ cL- E', "\OL'LE Eo,t'on cpcLo .F ttt .i. uf F-.P tJECC tt- Vt ftt. U .(t = tl- c, gl O.l E LC L Co- -(, 5+r O'r-5Yl vt -ltr-tr COqJd u o L oLt oL E.r O E:t .FP 'F=+r d L O, .1t'u P> c,'ePLo vru .|J>EGt{r J.'- X c, O, O = fr.l rrl L E@,E() L. t' .r- C, @'('E1t-c' O'F.trE=9rq- GtOE9r ttrE E.FO .r- Ul.F! q, rn f ! 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't 5 J:l J Vlf- rD -... oomc-{r(flU|nt4(ttDJ'Dt/|0n rn iFc1F(Dpr-* UI Ex, 1- z,oUI(') ro 6i' zo3o o1 c, |Dott J. =roo5J'D(D-1 !'t '!t-'o :'tl=.o{'a'm='c,{dm,FF m'm.Lnr-:v, CDrtlm>< nlAm{ =F.o2,<c)rrlcr{vmmv, {o ,t a CL .r|0,fio oFI !lo-| no1 CL IDrl clco ocvl rr'to |Dvl 5A o FJrf .D =o tO:trt {ro.a o'c,:'' =,Dgn - aJl -lo'Yl = F17t f'r JJ1 F tJl No* 'i: i: q- uo, CL VJ |uvl.u(t, A C'+r(u tn oo Cl. tttc EE 3vl UI G'L'cc, vl |!B Ulc, c d.}| a,L vlU&, F lrlu- tr,G (Jv,oz J 'd, lrJ Fo (, rr.o Jc!ood -Fj- z'Z trJ ()O EU !- l- d, z,O.( OOttt UJ F. arJ Vlo-d o-o>d, >-dFF. F lr, o ad lrJtn oov, c,0 'It-}Joo t"r. OJL(J :Jov1 a,h, a,f, d G.,EItt co EoL' G'E..|t = at,d,lrJ c)(J e =od<9 art oo =crd, llJ->v', o (9 arJz, d, FrlJvl co ><olr, F +, vl-coc=od,(r- r5 tJ c rdtl)o vlJ rt UJFg F JG i!i sl 'I f. rctrrl >cr{'J, m crl *l ol a'l -a_a!l tl o> =ozarnFFrn.AL/l ucl {rnc){ FTo2.m t/1{u c) t- .It OF -lo Lfi Q>-. anNrrlm(J cwm ar .t -n t- V, = l (n T, { -{ O, .DF, -.. 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AJ (rl (cr (,)o tn o ooo oo (JI F O O FOIo o Noo ooov la v, oEI .D r}rico, c,oa =.D:tri UI c, Flcror+=Or.r.J : <t-t-to lDo tt UI 0,€'cl'to .Da l. rut(, = tu.{FI Irl 0,,-{sl! 3{ t-oA ELD o60cclo ''{ '{ t!tl ,r{ nl |rlA|J -lrll.!ot,tt, dElo.,1 E3 6ttE C^r{.iO -4 F{ 0,J 0.t!Jct c, rr.4 trorJ r{ Clo Ul60.r{ ! dl') Ed oDccioC 'r{ v{6 l.r trFl llrlllL!,e' ''{t\ nC.r ttlqlt-l a, Ut F.| F{.r{ A r! a4 Eo.rl t{rtt(!oohoF{ 0Oa€dEtdnl cth!,arl-'"1 Ctalr{4!rrnl t{.{tdntc>odYl rlruur, ri.rl )) 'rrt{ Eiooou hE:U{ ''{..{l.!c0,>o aor, 6'oort 't_{EAkoo.Efl{ ta x4 Itt nt ra nloctt € a,c..4(tg ,oo (!, JI uq aa l.l..{ al- c, C!. IJa(, tr cl !,t{t,o .:l EI 3l t,l EI uo 0,l.!l .! t,oE ('l.r{ IJ'r{ E!. It,o, 6ld ttA JD Fl.r{ .tt q o c!oH !uEt, d'r{ t d c, Eo,o nl o, Lo .!3I9{o UI..1 lrh-t.crJ lt oo '{ rv{.{or l...{ .O \a r,'r{ O r{NAc l,-aoaJEl. O' AOEolrhfr|.trql ('ao.rl{rC .C Cl '.1 r}{ - ba)o-t tr.r{ '"1l. t! bOo> 6a)ur{uq-a€clol. 0tuCLc!too o rlaUts OEoe,EE V'uucSoo g-l>ouol{nl'|r{ u -lO!, f, Fl Lt{Eht,Ltlo o..|C AF{r{ot r,.oaa (JodE r' .'{ort|!"i{0rur, l. .ontu ooo.'|oq{6u '.{f. ri!A, 'ra tr> .tl tl' !, 0, -o rrlo oJotr.dooF IJB r.it{oz .h{trJrJOt{OO.c,ha>H!r.aOrdFtE3(Jo.oou 6 r{ -l .'{ t\u14 ii t'l O O O 'rlqt t-\ O |J tI' '.1 .{ k(J@ O 3 > Fl u(rr ru ol U tu dod oF. o Fl .r{ .{ E > ..{ '{ CLI O .{ lrl t A O O rUo, ocl o > '-\ d o ol rurOO r-{ ({ >r !,{ -{ Utr{ h L,O9! -{ gO-{ c) (/) Oi O qr@ F{ UlC Ja .'l .C OOO@ O c! rn t ul|tr .d O@ vl c, !'t O tl '.{ \' (l.'{ \o d O rn :E t{ rn t bo r,'\ }r lrl lJ t\ EGt I ko h o I u | !E r, I rl tutn 6rco 1{ .'{cn '\ Or rjor h l tr\at td.O u !. '{.t k X.t ! 'r{.t }a O'.lF 0,3a o-{ rd .r! or rtl F{c a, kor ttl AC.C r.b a, E t (J o ts o (J q.l{ t'.t 5 o. !d :r -v, l{g'o o ir'l ci.A Itr{ !,r.l,!4 U C 'r{AAlr '{ 0rllr !, Fl)aldul..{ 60 nllnld ElE '.{ bll3 *llo, o ull.oFt I-{ '1, I>o olo q.r tll.E 'rl Ir, rU l..l.c olL!, Elc, lrl3>i Jltr .o <l IUEElo.rl o.aG' l. '{ruu>r{Fl at'r{ C!tl r{a oboocdr{r{hF{c |0!qo, E Ol3' o trloo lllo.(,| otonltooEl-. uo tJ '.4H FfHl'. !luoFf lal .o vlrl tl4&F{ts 1Jq{ o, :o>oCt{oo'.1 lr .untcdrdO tU '{olt cL,{trrU0rOrJt t 't{C{EO anvllrlda ? 7-oHtlt lr.lEEHZctEt rrlpo.J't h 't' (J;{F4L!FIlqFI& hJ o r-{ t-. (.,o F, F F-.H FJHF!f Project Application 1 Pro.iect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ----=-, Block Filing Zone - Com menls: I I Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner ,/ Date: El' statt Approval On- , -O ".,."t ca*BanE-$ Pra,.?^J paoteq &ior< fttr/,14 tl ir: i',' tri iC, lvt Cr ll: .!. or tl' .crrg l,raa rln! I ,2.9an "ll1. .t .t , II-&. L 8rl8' ?a f'to i :l t, oo Project Application e-o(8r.!",* ,,f -r/,F J' Prolecl Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments: Block g>'t = C2^-.-a v- Zone - Design Review Board Date Molion by: Seconded by: APPHOVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Planner o^," trlz-t )F( Stafl Approval \.oDV' APPI icriion r1i'r5er SIGiI APPL ICATIOiI Fee Paid / / Name of Project ( fayUre LLe.bm,_:__a Name of Person S.ubrnitting Ltif-t' ( o < " Location of Project Description of_.Project fttininr ts>ri-,Val ' The follo',ving infornation is required for subnittal by the applicantto the Des'ign Re,rierv Eoard befcre a final approval can be giveo- Sign subnittal fee js 520.00. IA. Sign !'lateria'l \: \tr<- c-" w nr rv"r <.' t r_r \ t^ r h \ \C r..', \ . ^, < . 0 t ' B.Description of Sign ,fi D. E. Length'of Frontaee fFt.) lll-l'2J/ o14 c"A r\f ' -r,,RtEr tols l!!!!-!r-rE D ir ITri AF p L I cAT I oir 5. Colored Scale oral'rtng - 6. PhotcgraPh of sign Approved for 0RB Subni ttr'l Di sapproved for [)Rts Sub::ti tt: I -I,,r ioh p"pSh Stfi AdmfirsErator' 4 1. Siie Plan v/ ' -2. Draui ngs sho"rl ng - ex.lct l0c3-L'l on 3. Photographs sho';ting ProPcsec 10c3,;l on - v'- 4. Aciual sign h kr (u. 4 Wt\* t '/, ,, /ur,i^'0\|u" -./ E^ tDtt- , . tr. . \\. {' CRABTREIEVELYN November 16, 1988 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road l{estVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Sirs: I am writing to you in reference to the proposed awning by Crabtree and Evelyn on The todge Promenade. I have seen the design and approvedit. We feeL it will not only enhance Crabtreeand Evelyn, but it will enhance the entire Promenade. If you have any questions, please feel free tocontact me at 475-5011 Ext. 504. S incerely, Q",,\\ \&W^$,.. Paul A. JeppsonDirector of Properties 174 East Gore Creek Drive VaI. Colorado 81657 S0U7G5O11 Telex 454375 :g $L \ 0b .t -fIft \ Jt\ 1q| 9 $ c. sl\\ -- \ -)-s----.. b t tt c ,iJ !a lLIttt.a t< I I I I I oo I I J. +| \l -l ll.,Utrt\)ssalTL rnd 'p Fti{ IY \ t^€s- hs e? i.,i ;i: .. i".!atr,.l. +D € ai h () (r,!fc) O)\t (.)os} tN ^.@.Y -.i ,-r:o5xo -Y>At#tt€ dod;9c3:8 $.3$A1si>tl "1:sxIJ,!..iq ,.I ^caxVN ;IUts \b .L $,s $sS($tl.-. \! $ N s ?-I\r ? Rt\\.S -l _t 1o 5 a-1-- -- - a-rLo A Sl Fttbt*-^J--./tvrt Project Nam6: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Applicatlon a)L.tu_, /s-s- qr3t R*/Owner; Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - ,j'(, i/ ,';-2, --f- \ T' /8 /Lh€. s,-L-t-.t4. Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner :,' ., .., ,,oate: | ..i .t ./ ," /i .\-.,"n Approval -. rf, \; TcIrdH .'F-;;;,_----- |lirarltrnqrc Cdl ag-88_88 ,09r SBr 68 Receipt I A6Z36Afkcount il fieRf _GJfitrENlSznTrl 7EE5CRTI$.6 - UILLME, hUI Efreunt tendared ) Itl F|id ata6004t415@ ChETEle returned ) THF|t"tl( 1/CIU Vour crhirr Jttly \TI{RSE sIE{ FPLI TRRDERS, Ll0t{srf; @.08 tlornr p.id 68. g0 8.@ N9 44600RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers tow PAID-ca* K c,ect f o/.;t /, h,--nr-/'- i Profect Applicatlon ,^," r f t f i'/ Proiecl Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone c Owner. Address and Phon€: Architect, Address and Phone: Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner ,, , / ,, )Date: /'1 0 ]r Staff Approval oo .c \)c*! Yl u-an -ftj o,.\-t-. ' SIGN APPLICATION Application Nunber Phone ' Fee Paid #n ro ho#ffi Date Name of Project lrlOrlUfd tU T€eS - VII! VtLL/t6s Name of Person Subrnitting / Location of Project /€8 6. &2€ &ree ?- r*f Description of .Project The following information is required for submitta'l by the applicantto the Des'ign Review Board before a final approval cai be givln.Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sisn Materiat ll(joOb Description of Sign c. Size of sign 4y''w x /64 N : {.0 ilJe"-4 ot( D. E. MATERIALS SUBI,IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Dravrings sh-0ffi6-d'act location3. Photogiaphs shoiving proposed 'locEtloi] 1. Actual .sign-_5. Colored scale dralinq6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal 0isapproved for DRB Submittal )rgn Admlnlstrator\ -- . ' ,nl-.r - O t\- QooricationNumber-..--- SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid N \ "\,0,* pr'on" 4fi-9fJ/ 5arqCred-br Name of Project Name of Person Subrnitting Location or project !0L[ Descript'ion of Project The fo1 lowing information is required forto the Design Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material IIJL noL submittal by approva 1 can the appl icant be given. tB. Description of Sign AL \D+Q- c. size of ttn' J.\,{ |:{. D, Corments Site Plan Y Drawings sFowlig- exact locat'ion Photographs showing proposed 1r Actuai s'i gn Colored scale!-FEwTng / _Photograph of sign {AII8ULS SUBMTTTED t^lrTH ApplrcATroN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ' { f ?ffi ;::,::"r31'oi;o[J tta I ff n llv. Qcl Sign Administrator , ofi%'fiUJilffioiTfi= O 112 Summit County Road #45O BRECKENRIDGE. CO 80424 (303) 4s3.9s3t 4s39617 ,".[,^rd oF U4tt - Pt r*nl r *) G K*,sr*^r Fre , T?- iltfurnoqD Da,e f-to -ttf "u'""'s I G J R e tnft/ -1-eHJ 6D6rg (Co '-^-c..nt4{,L{ 4lOUcD L(rcrE T-a USe TA€ *r\e 3l6d ,Q7 o,L ua4J lacnrou (7gg €.6xza eo. be.). N€ utLL &rr$ct1 lr T? 'r H€ tr,(tTtil 6 9(6il /aJT f (aT utfrs usel b7 &v/atteta A.r-r A CqcsD rS A CobA fs{D oF OUE PZeSgzufg(6il -1-t+*T r.u&s &lftg,n H4 Ye€ TbaD FoA ouL US€ Ar oo| Dril Watto,J ( r'sz e. Gd€E cearK ER) . {,[/F /n'\reu'r- 7UA ilan $ z+" /^) O,**c7p"<rz. Fx( S r'^J6 & beS *&€ n4neooil, 6ocl\, Braoulu Lockr t oN r s S*aru,o on) lfttt+ceico Drrp" ,r t D 6 . &utTrl *?Pp-ou&L r wr= tpouus P(o?as& Ta Re (fuNr 9G,\) AS Fo t[6 u..rS I MAAoorl 4ocb Wzz-qrd n Please reply ] No reply necessary lduures 6Peuu (Usr 6oab Bqroe o? crF cut{tFt FORM 1AO-2 Available liom /t-|.E. G.oto.!. M€65 o1450 Qa b )_ dau H affiil g5$ JF $22.0 )N m34 t' : I I ,r nGn ut:ll 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX s03-479-2452 October 12. 1994 Deparunent of Comnrunity Developrnent Paul Gotthelf, President Gotthelf's, Inc. 122 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Expiration date of approved minor exterior alteration Dear Paul: This letter is intended to clarify the issues related to the expiration date of your minor exterior alteration which was approved by the Planning and Environmental Commijsion (pEC) on November 22, 1993. The PEC's approval for the above-mentioned minor exterior alteration is valid for a period of two years from the date of approval. However, Design Review Board (DRB) approvals are only valid for a period of one year. lt is staff's opinion that the pEC approval of the minor exterior alteration takes precedence over the DRB approval with regard to lhe length of time the approval is valid. However, in order to avoid any confusion, stafi is hereby granting an extension of the DRB approval to match the expiration date of the pEC approval. I hope this information adequately responds to your concerns regarding the validity of your minor exterior alteration. However, if you should have any additional questions or-commenls,please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely,,l^M Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Gotthelf5,.. J Designs in fine.leurelry' 122 E. Meodow Drive VoilColorodo 84657 'e Pfl1vs Pott 7? 303-476-1777 Septenber 27. 1994 t66t n9 dls0,cil' Mr. Jin C\rrnutte Town Planner Towri of Vail 75 S- Frontage Rd-Vail, Gl 81657 Dear Mr. Cr:rnutte: Ae we diecuased, our exterior alteration application for 196 Gore Creek Drive,/ L,ots A.B,C Block 5-( is due to expire ehortly- Ae we will be unable t,o (--omplete the constnrction before the ski seagon comnences, I would llhe tc' requeet a one year extension.I can assure you that the project wi.1l be coropleted in Spring 1995. Thank you for your consideration in thls natter. Pleaee contactnyeelf or Juli Greffeni.us Babcock ahould you need further lnfornation. Sincerely, President Vail Village Jewellere i6"1 4&