HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE TOWER 1971-1971_001 LEGALt fl7u 1 cK. M.O. CANABY - AUDIT THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK - APPLICANT Iturr"{''o{ ""'^ ffi#-TEMP.FTLE BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Ju rid ictio n of--Ye1L-lolorsda Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOF N n iA VI o 7. \i b rov 0 (n ul o {T Lop av @ V*re I oascR.ffiszt ertacxeo snert) MAI L AOOFE3S , ZIP2230 liret Ngtrt Bank Bldc.ties South. Inc. r Danrrar (hltrrrdn niif MAI L DDRESSP. O. Rox 26227 |-ICENSE NO. ARCHITEC' Oi D€SICNER MAIL AODNE9S PHOIIE IICEN3E NO. E*u'n"" (Structura LICENS€ NO. 2223 EIret Natrl. Bank Bldg. U5E OF A!ILDIHG 8 CIASS OI WOrK: E NEW tr AOOITION tr ALTERATION f] REPAIR D iJtOVE tr REMOVE 9 Describework. Elght (8) floore (slth garage) plus partial basement for nech. & elec. steel stud and dryrall psrtltioos; fire retardent ahate roof. 10 Change oJ use from Not Aopllcable I I Valuation of work: $ SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type ot 'f.Const. .l- (Totalt Sq. Ft.3l;.'.,"o 35e Flrt Sorlnklcrs Rsqulr.d E\|/Gs DNo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTlCE SEPARATE PEFMITS ARE REOUTRED FOB ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEFMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF T2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO B€ TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFTEO FESEIT\I OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT lf. Plnkard, Preeidcot SOIL REPORT AV RNL, tNC. TRANSMITTAL TO: Mr. Jerrv Aldrich Town of Voil Building Deportmenf P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 No.Lodge South Condominium Gentlemen: Enclosed orc fhe following: Copies: Title:Sheef No.: Dote: I l€tter doted Ociober 16, 1972 to Mr. Jerry Aldrich ond I Letter doted Morch 2, 1972 tron Koppers. lf enclosures ore not os listed, kindly notifr us ot once. RNL, tNC. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING BY: Mr. EdwqrdA. DeVilbiss/lp 1610Aropohoe Street, Denver, Colorodo80202 Doret V/29 172 Telephone (7fr21 222-4731 \I 5 Dcccnber 27, )972 ur. Ed Devl lblgg RNL, lnc.l6l0 Arapahoe Dcnvor, Colorcdo 80202 SubJcct: Lodge South Dear Ed I do nof feel thet the rlte plon you enclosed In your lcttcr ofDrcembcr I regordlng Lodge soufh condonlnlur dralnage tr adequalc.Tho plen lr thc orfglnal sheat nunber A-l rtth fhc parklng rpccoscnsod cnd no extra rork done. lt seonB to ne fhat'lf coieone rcrorsrloug abouf geftlng c arcdlng plan approvcd fon an area, morc ofan cffort rould have been madc. To me, a gradfng plan conststs of rxlstlng and ftnlrh coniour ilnesat lntervol conrlstcnt rlfh fhe type of rork ?o be donc, l.c. gcloser Interval for csphclt rork is conpored to dtrt rork. contourson gortlons of exlstlng properfles, roadways, ctc. should bc rhownso that your propcrty rtll ba put In propsr iorrpectlvc vlth thcturroundfngr. The dltch through your parklng lot ghould br clccrlyshoyn and rhcn caleulated ahould.€rrry ar much rctrr ct your stormlalor. Any pondlng rround thr catch basfn chould hc cleirly dcl lneatrd. It-la.not my poeltlon to dcrlgn a gradlng plan for thl3 !lic, butonly fo rpBrove or dlrrpprovc gnc. Thlr I nlll do rhtn one isrubnlttcd. Lct nr knor lf you think I ra belng unrqrronrblc or lfyou nccd rny clarl flratlon. Yourr truly, TOT'N OF VA I L Kcnt R. Rgre, P.E.Torn Engfnccr df ecr ltrrcn Fortrr Brucc Rrcd Rore Orvlr Hrrof d Shar o December 8, 1972 Mr. Kent Rose, City Engineer P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominiums Deor Kent, Enclosed ore two prints eoch of the site groding drowings for the Lodge South building per your request. The three smoller drowings ore copies of the opproved Forest Service londscoped loyouts. As you con see, it hos not been necessory to chonge the groding from the originol controct drowings since the cotch bosin locotion ended up directly where the flow line wos originolly estoblished ond the loyout on the Forest Service property retoined the fill or- rongement os wos originolly shown, odding only o rounding of the edge ot the top of the slope. Let us know if you need ony clorifi- cqtion or oddi tiono I i nformoti on . Fll\lb= f;EAD/clm Enclosures Worren Foster Bruce Reed Ross Dovis Horold Show Dccenber 20, 1972 Mr. Brucc Rcsd Plnkard Conrtrucf lon CompcnyP. O. Box 26227 Denvor, Colorcdo 80226 Re: Lodge Soufh Oecr Bruee: Undcr the provltlonr of Sectlpn 802 ( | ) Unl form Plunblng Code, flexlbl€ comprotslon Jolnts rre an acceptablo mcane of Jolnlng plpc. No plpc slze I Inltetlon It specifled; thercforo, u3rt ol comprorslon Jolnfs on upto and Includlng lrrplpc lr accepfabl. ln the Town of Val l. hZ. Due to th. acecis problem, cloanouts tff "rqulred at tho bace of tho naln stacks, Dly be Instal lcd lmncdlafely above thc flrgt floor. Yourg tru ly, TOHN OF VAIL Harvey A. TravlsBulfdlng Inrpector dt I a O ,,inn '/A MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATIOJT 4 Jurisdiction of TOV.IN OF VAIL, COLORADO Applicant to complete numbered spac$ only. WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPAC€} THIS IS YOUR PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION South Condominium See pl ans t[s:: rtrrcxeo sxr er I MAI L AODi €S5 ZlP2 Lodee Properties South. Inc. of Denver. Colorado CONIA C1OR MAIL ADORESS PHONE LICENSE NO.3 ctpRA, INC. 2065 S. Cherokee. Denver. Colorado 80223 74t+-2449(phone ANCHITECT OF OESIGiIEI MAIL AODFEsS 4 Ron"rs /Na ee 1/Lansha rt ^ Denver- Colora MAI L ADORESS FHONE MAIL lOOtrESS 6iANCH us6 0F tutLornG 7 Condominium 8 Class oI worK: E NEIV tr ADDITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR Mechanical Sheet Meta 1 TypeolFuet: Oir E Nat.Gas fl t-PC. E PERMIT FEES Type of EquipmentSPECIAL CONDITIONS: Aar Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. ReJrigeration Units-H.P. Ea. Boilers H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Svstems 8.T.U. M Ea. PLAN|s CH€CKEO 8Y Gravitv Svst€mE-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor F urnaces-B.T.U, Wall Heaters B.T.U. NOTICE \ \ THtS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WOdK dR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN\80 OAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREEY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE R€AD AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORR€CT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYP€ OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 12 /26172 OF CON TRAC TOi OF Unit Heaters'- B.T.U. M AL FEE M.O. CASH !a412 cK. M.O. CASH WHITE - INSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT ROD _ TEMP. F ILE O | /z/7o -/ry 4 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ril- Jurisdiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. 1*-r. l[s:t rrrecxeo sx::rt ZIP PIIONE ,fl LtcENSE r{O. AFCHIT'C'I Ot DESIGNEh L AoDRESS ,J PHONE LICENSE NO. ENOINEEi MAIL AOOi E35 PHONE u3E OF AulLOlN6 8 ctass of work: tI4rw tr A00lTl0N tr ALTERATI0N D REPAIB ,Zz t{-e-^ TypeofFuet: Oit E Nat.Gas E UPC. [] PERMIT FEES SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Air Cond. Units H.P. Ea. Un its-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnsoe Ea, Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. 8.T.U. M Ea.APPLICATION ACCEPTEO AY PtaNs cll€ckEo aY APPFOV€O FOF ISSUANCE AY Floor Furnacos-8.T.U. M Wall Heatars-8.T.U. M Unit Heatsrs- B.T.U.NOT ICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORIOOR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 OAYS, OR IF CONSTFUCTION OR WOBK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMIN€O THIS APPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL TH€ PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ^*,J rt 2/*n AC TOi OI AU 'HOiIZED AGEN TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION Jkt:od WHITE _ I NSPECTOR CANARY _ AUDIT PIN K _ APPLICANT MP. FILE a //fr 5 PLUMBING PERAAIT APPLICATION WHEI{ PROPEBLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PEBMIT Juridiction of to complete s,/,'aes only. (LJSaE ATTACHEO aHEarl I oas cr. MAIL ADOi€SS IIP MAIL ADORESS PHOXT AiCXIT€CT OI OEIICNER aDoiESs FHOrl E LICEXSE NO. MAIL ADDi'55 PHONE LICENSE NO. M IL AODRE55 ARANCH U9E OF AUILDIN6 8 CIas of worK: E}{{EW D ADDITION N ALTERATION N REPAIR TyP3 ot Firtur. or lt.|n WATER CLOSET (TOI L€T}SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WAsH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. APPROV€D fOF ISSUANCE BY LAUNORY TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WOBK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHOHIZEO IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANOONEO FOF A PERIOD OF .I2O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCEO. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFI€OHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 5t cNAToif O a coNtia<ltot ol alJ_THoirz€D aGENT DRINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR. SINK OR ORAIN WATER PIPI PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION ,/ /2 /f 4u WHITE - INSPECTOF CANARY - AUDIT PINK _ APPLICANT GOLOENROD - TEMP. FILE o ?r'eotA MlsStssrPPl DENVER, AVENUE . POST OFFICE SOX ?6227 coLoRADO 80226 JAiI ES W. PINKARD GENERAL I.IANAGER TELEPHoNE 986-4555 TO Tora of Vall DATE Noyeober 27. L972 7655 WEST P. O. Bo:r 100 ATTENTIO{: }tr. J€rry AldrLch. Bulldlnq Offlelal REFERENCE: JOB I{AXE: Lodse Soutb Condonlatuo - Val1. Colorado SUB.I EGT: WE ARE IRANSI.{ITTITG TIIE FOLU)WII{G: ()ls APPR,O/ED ()ron(r) FoR ()FOR ()FOR YOUR APPRWAL YOUR RECORDS YOTIR PURTHER ACTION @RRECTION AND RESUBUITTAL Pleage return_Approved or Pleage return Prlnts for FOR YOUR PB.OPOSAL FOR YOT'R PR,OPOSAL ON REVISIONS PER YOTIR REQUEST BY () () () () corrected prlnts Floal of each Approval Fllee and Dtstrlbutlon REI{ARKS: No. of Cooiee (dl.tr. dsted( ) Ilrarrlne l{o -Descrlptlon Prepared By 1 tlov. 22. L972 SprLnller svaten Bot reaulred in haacnent.R N L- Inc- I R aa aa€tg, u,J trJF S(\lI oJoo E-ut z uJo Fu,lllt G.F(t, uloI o- E o ID oz =z 5o- ozEtlllll z_(tzt! RTgVED NOv z4 Pt. November 22, 1972 Mr. Bruce Reed Plnkord Construction Compcny 7655 West Mississippi Q'' Denver, Colorodo 80202 Rq Lodge South Condominiums Deor Bruce, Just received Jerry Aldrichts confirmotion by ielephone conveniotion fhot o prinkler system will not be required in the bosement. Yours truly, cc: Worren Foster , ultlUllld E o-aE FE -oz J JuJo 2- at,Gu,ooG l v {i.t, drrqrd A. De Vilbiss 'r",cA!r. , I '{)531 West oo Materials Testing Service 8th ,Ave.825-5261 Lodge Sout S1 unp: []" Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock ?3 50 260c) Cyl inder Di a (-,. .r,- l i) ia, i1l t 2@ 28 Day 1 HoId 337? I TCil 2480 3536 PorteMix Concrete Calcium: 1l Wind: 5-10 mph Hunidity: 30% REPORT TOr Pinkard Construction RNL fnc. Anderson & Hastings, Engineers i tI i uenver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT for pinksr6 Job No or l. D. 53L-I Date Tested: L1"/21/72 Mix I.D.: 6 sk pulnp Water Temp.: Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: 6.01.6 6.oo9 Ave rage : REMARKS: Time Batched: 10:35 Spec. P.5.I. at 28 Days: rEsr CYL|NDERS 531 (1Or113 ) Cylinder Dia. 2@7 Day Cylinder Dia. Locati o Airz 4.&/" Air Temp.: 24 Total [^Jater: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed:11 : O0 Truck cr a Iicket'#Ll+71+8 3rd Floor, West Deck Wt/Cu. Ft. : l_43 .44 YjeI d: Concrete Tenp,: 52 F A Moisture: Ti me Te s ted By: 14 Day Weather: snowing & cold Tested:11:15 ii i 'q531 West 8th Ave. Uenver, Colo. 80204 Date Testedt LL/L|+/T2 Mix I.D,t)/4 6st sturp:4 Water Temp.: Total Yards: 21 Max. Agg. Size: 825-5261 MATERTALS REPORT fo' Pinkard Construction Job No or l. D. 53L-L Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket fLl$zo matiria ls Test ing Srruice Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: l-l:20Tinre Batched:11 :0O Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: rEsrcYLtNDERs 531(10lr-1o8) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 5.996 23gt+ 5,y73 2327 Average: REMARKS: Weather: Cloudy Time Tested: 1l_:30 Cyl i nder Di a 2@28 Day l-@Hold 5.9% zsi' under'4 3ooo 5 .977 3 58t, Locati on L/ 8" Ai r: t+. 3 Air Temp.: 16 Total |'{ater: l.ltlcu.Ft,t742.6L Yield: Concrete Temp.: !8 F A Moisture: Tes ted By: 14 Day 1l ?)6t 3?,9 Wind: Calm Calcium: t/ Prote-Mix Hot 'vfater Added L0 ga1. Water Added REPORT TO: Pinkard Construction RNL Inc. Anderson & Hastlngs, Engineers Mat '.a531 West 8th Ave.825 -5261,enver, Colo. 80204 or erials Testing Service l 'Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 512 Ti cket # MATERIALS REPORT {or Pinkard Job No or l. D. 537-L Date Tested: yO/25/ZZ Mi x I. o. : 5*Sk Water Ternp. : Total Yards: Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched: Sl ump: 3u Construction Location: Ai r: Ai r Temp. : Total Water: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Time Placed: 9:15 At'I Basernent FloorGridC&E20&2\ Wt/Cu. Ft. : Yiel d: Concrete Temp.: F A Moisture: |.leather: Time Tested: Tes ted BY: MTS Day Cylinder Dia 2@28 Day 6.at2 27)O 6.OL7 277r Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days:3O00 rEsr cYLtNDERS 5jt-1,(96-98) Cylinder Dia. 1q 7 Day Cyl inder Dia. 14 6.oL5 LY' > Average: REMARKS:Holiday House 27 \1 ,_ REPORT TO: Pinkard Construction Mat 1531 West 8th Ave. Denver, Colo. 80204 825-5261 - MATER|ALS REPORT {o. Pinkard Construction Job No or t. D. 531-1 rEsr CYLTNDERS 53l- (95-99) Cylinder Dia. 297 Day Cylinder Dia. 5.99r r)20 6.ood t$T Average ' 1479 REMARKS: Proto Mix REPORT TO: RNL Inc. Pinkard Construction Anderson & Hastings Engineers oo erials Testing Service -. Date Tested. ro/r7/72 Location(rgggg:p:9Easr Wat1s Mix I.O.z l/4 6skSlunp: 3*,' Air: t,.2rt Wt/Cu.tt,t Ll+Z.% Yjeld: Water Ternp. : Ai r Temp. : 50o Concrete Temp. : 59o Total Yards: 2I Total Water: F A Moisture: Max. Agg. Size: Max. Size Load C.Y.: lleather: Overcast Time Batched: .10:50 Time Placed: 1I:20 Time Tested: 12:00 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 1000 Tested By; MTS I ':i'..i ' 11 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck Ti cket fi,4ZfO 14 Day Ze Cyl i nder Di a 6.oLs 6.o23 28 Day I Hold 2829 25t+7 c-gu"> Noveinbor 20, lnz Mr. lruco Rcod Plnkod Conrtructlon Corpony 7655 Wrrt Mlnlrrlppl Dcnwr, Colorsdo 80226 Ro Lodgr Sorrrh Cmdoorlnlurn Dcr Brucr, Thc ?lont ond Sprclflcotlmr clcorly rhow two wrt rion$lpc ryrfir. Thorcforo, wl do not rnder$ond thr corc?olrdrrco hoor Gulf Autonntlc Sprfnklr Conpqny &i.d flovrrnbor 15,ln2. Yorn rndy, Edunrd A. De Vllblr AD/cln , FINL ,.az rcttvAl&rch Novcnbor 16, 1972 Val I Pl umblng Corporatlon660 Front Range Rd.Llttleton, Colorado Gent larlcn: Mr. Bob Turnor has agkcd fhat I rrfte to you requcrtlng a chockfor t75.00 to covcr fhe cost of a subcontractorir llctnrc forBlll Burke €xccvatlng Co. H€ hag already glvon rc all fhe ntc-€s3ary Informatfon regardlng Insurancc, etc., !r tal I ra o corn- p lcted app I I eatlon form. It has aleo come to nry cttentlon thai you havc not yst submltfcdpernft "ppIlcatlons for thc Lodge South and the HotIday House. We rlll opproclcte lt lf thlg ts do.o as soon as posilble. Theformg arr encloscd for your convonlcnce. The rate schsdulo lcnor t7.50 per $1,000 of contract valuatlon. lf you havc cny guostlons, pleace feel frce to contact thlsdepartnenf Yourg truly, TOIIN OF VA I L Olcna S. Toughl | | Bul ldlng Departrnrnt dt Enclosurcg 6t, trL--,,.trrn, tob fl RZd-' ley - 6?7 3 ta./S.o Ss-otza2oX A- t November 16, 1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Town of Voil Building Deportment P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge Soufh Condominiums, f etter of November 14, 1972 Deor Jerry, Enclosed is o copy of on oreo cqlculotion for the bosement. Nofe thot fhe spoce titled "combustion oir" is only 3'-2" in height. Thus, the net bosement oreo is only 1,237 sq.ft., or less lhon 1,500 sq.ft. requiring on outomotic fire extinguishing system (Section 3802 (ol). Pleose let me know if you reod this differently thon my interpretotion. Fllul. d = EAD/cln Enclosure 22 No\, 7Z leu-eD 'rz.'Do 6* T14s DaTe, /'?esu,-r'; Tlraal lSoo& ? 26' 5 Pa..c HutT ex$f 6 -t r!S T;l 6SS, tNfsR,PP"6TP,lttJ Qfr Moe€ oF uTtOEUAD APf {^l , €Dt- Yours truly, f uo... oo Vow fulrr, ailb\rrUlt .lM5 -ag Ae. A? I I n.n ?4 1,b Ir 7?,O r( ?ct ,? r. l?'o t% fs.dar f^lcr)Jg@,lrr- 4'lt+,+9 J, 7l , L 019,? 2 l?b ,1 l-------l*?1,oa €, fr. I $A. Novrnbrr 14, 1972 Mr. Ed OeVl lblss RNL, I nc.l6l0 Arapahoe Donvcr, Colorado 80202 ., SubJoct r Lodgc South Dear Ed: I heve Jurt ehockrd thr flre prcvrntlon cyrton ar rubnlttod by Cull-Aufonatlc Sprlnklrr Syrtus and havc tho fol lowlng conncnt ! ' Ths rub-bsse|Bent uurt bc provldrd rtth an rutomatlc rprlnklcr syrtrn at r.qutrrd by Sectlon 380t (b)l and rhall bc In accordanct rlth Sectlon ltO l (d). lf you hcvc lurthar qucstlonc, plcEse lerl lree to contact thlr offlcr. Yourl truly, Totlr oF YAIL Jrrry L. Aldrlch Bul lt!log 0f f f elcl dt cc! 6ulf Autoarttc SPrlnkler r{,}:tu //^- k//* o o HcatisgStcesboat Spfil,gs Planbi;g & 6660 S. Broodwoy Littlrton, Colorodo 8012l 7r1-3707 1 0ctober 25, 1972 Plnkard Constrrction 7655 I'lest Mississippi Lakewood, Colorado Re: Lodge South Sewer Service Attn: Oick Zlegler lle hereby submit our proposal for the sewers for South At Vail. As follows: Sanltary sewer, earthwork, & temporary street patch ----- Storm sewer Tota'l the Lodge // .Je llor .f ln{. , ,1p-ii- l'<r -d' [.4',tV tb*"vrl\\F, .1\tr |' cr \\,- LVE/ce Steamboat Springs Plbg. & Htg. 4A2-.-*, Lyle V. Everson, Pros. A@I'IITING OFFICE 603 Ath STREET cR€€LEY, COLORAOO 8063t {3O3t 353.2879 COLORADO PIPE LIN CONSTRUCTOR P. O. 80X 1445 GFEELEY, COLORADO 8063I DEIIVER OFFICE 5215 COLORADO BLVO. GoMM€RCE C|TY, COLORAOO 8OO22 (303t 287-324a .._.-"_-"# o October 2s L972 PINKARD CONSTRUETION COMPA}IY 7655 West l*tississippi AvenueD,enver Colorado AITENTION Mr Rictrard Ziegl_er Gentlenen we are pleased to subrnit our proposal for construction of thesanitary-sewer service and storrn sewer for ttre Lodge southCondominium in Vail , Colorado as follows: A) sanitary sewer, Earthwork, and Road Repair $151400.00 (L.s.) B) Storar Sewer 2,250.00 ([.S.) PROPOSAI. TOTAI $22,550.00 lbank you for the Yours very truly opportunity of quotlng on the above work. INC Lee Nelson c$r$m$ToRs KLN/lw TIAGO orrlcES: oaxvEi, co|-oflaoo to|.onaoo gPRlHll9. Eol.oRAoo P lnkard Construction Company 7655 I'lest Mississippi Avenue 9. O. Box 25227 Denver, Colorado 80226 Attentlon! Dick Ziegler Gentlemen: We propose to furnlsh all labor, equipment and materials fotthe construction of Sanitary S e+rer Service and Storm Sewerfor the Lodge South Condoninlum at Vail for the below listedprices: Sanltary Ser^rer Serrrlce Storm Serrer RECE[Vrn orir 25 n 1,au"qilA$t-- CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 8f50 wtsl 49rh AvtNUE. p. o. Box s45. ARVADA, COLO. 8ooo2 _ 424.4451 2635 DEITA DR. . p. O. BOX 4637-COLO. SPR|NGS, COLO. 80909- 47t-4466 October 23, L972 - $10.00 c.Y.- $20.00 Ton. Plans and Speciflcations for thlg Respectfully submitted, TIA@ CONSIS.UCTION COMPANY Rock for E:<cavat ion L Llzt'Drain Rock A11 work to comply wlth the ProJect. DGD:ahp b.*.-o--G:\--(€ Donald G. Doughty, EsLinator - o o rtlp!lotcd lo ihc approval. October 24, 1972 Ur. Rlchard h. Zlegler Pl nkcrd Constructlon CompanyP. O, Box 26227 Dcnvar, Colorado 80226 J. H. Eaxter CornpanyFlra Refardant-iroated Shakes Dcar Hr. Zleglcr: Approvol lr hcrcby grcnted for ths ure ol progsure-trcated, flre-rctardanf roof rhakrs as uanufacturcdby.thc J.H. Bcxter E Company a3 per l.C.B.O. Rosatrch RoeonnondctIon 2658. Shokc lnrtal laflon rhal I b. ao Rolscrch Rcpcrt tr prrt of thls Yourt truly, TOI{N OF VA I L Jcrry L. AldrlchBulldlng 0fflclal dt S ubJcct: o 7 655 W EST t tSStSStPPt AVENUT POST OFFICE tOX 26227 TAKEW OOD, COTORADO 80226 fELEPHONE:986-/a555 JAiIES W. PII{KARD GE ERAI NA AGER October 20, L9Ta llr. Jerry Aldrlch Tolrn of Vall hrllitfug Departrcut P.O. Box l0O Vall, Coloraifo 81557 Re: J.H. Eaxter Coupany Flre Betarilant - Treated Roof Sbahes Dear lilr. Al<lrlch: Enclosed, pleaee fLnil brochune prepared by the above rentlorcclflm, regardlng thetr treateil roof sbakes. I eubnlt thls for your approval ln lleu of the Koppers Treatecl Roof Shakes, whlcb have been approved by the Board of ZoatrXg at a neetlng on Fcbnrary LO, L972, Caee B-2-?2. Eoth pro<lucts, Koppers and Baxter, csny an approval by ancl Unclerrrltere t Labels. Both prorluctg are cheni.cally preaauretreatgL:Jqrter's ghatres are certlflecl acceptedl per I.B.C.O. Repoft 2l+03. -z6la In orderlng our treatedl aatcrial for rooflng at our two YalI proJects, we bave founil that Koppere can not guarantee a speclflcilellvery clate for thelr naterlal. For us, a epeclflc rleltvery tlate ls a nust so that ve may schedule cnrr work. The J.B. Baxter Copany bas glven ue a ffum clellvery <late 1f thelr product ls acceptedl. Tbelr dellvery correapords rlth our echedlulee of progress for both of our proJccts. f,ovever, la order to natntaln tbls dellvery tlate, I mrat have your reply etatlng approval or dleapproval of the Baxter ptoaluct. lloank yor 1n advance, for your attentlon to thle natter. Your proorpt :reply wlIL be greatly appreclatetl. Very tnrly yours, PII{KA8D COISTRTTISTOi{ CO.x:Mc-fl"4;Rlcbar'il A. Zl-eglet Agaletant ProJeet Manager RAZ:bc . ComrrteFcial 8, Industnial Building at o October 19, 197? Hr. Lerls L. McClonrhan Gulf Autonatlc Sprlnkler Company 5656 Chostnut Placc Dcnvor, Colorado 802 16 SubJeet: Lodgr South Condonlnlunr Deor Mr. McClanahan: Pleagc lrt thlr scrvr to vorlfy thai thc Informatlon rfatcd In your lrtfrr of octobr? 17, 1972 rcgerdlog thE xcicr trp oado for Lodgc Souih Oondonlnlumr ls cor-rlct ond your foeords arc up to dcte. Thunk you. Yourt fruly, TOWN OF VAIL Kant R. Rorr, P.E. Torn Eagl n.ar dt cc! llr. Eruco Rrrd, Pfnksrd Conrfructfon Congtny Auroua,trc Spnnvrr,ER CoMPANTY CONTRACTORS AND ENGINEERS OF UNDERWRITERS APPROVED FIRE PROTECTION 4d Oa&a Tanz October L7, L972 City of Yail P. 0. Box 100 Vall, Coloraclo B1-:5>l Reference: Lodge South Contlomlnium Gentlemen: We und.erstand that the flre line tap on the above referenced proJect vas schealuled through you to be perfornecl by I'laterworks Sales Contrnny. We also understancl that at the tine thls tap ves rnade r lt vas l-ncorrectly orclerecl and tlone as a l+" tap lnstead of the necessaly 6" tap. Our forenan has lnfornecl us that the Clty of ValI has agreeil to accept the 4" tap and. increase fron the valve. In orcler to keep our recorcls up-to-date, ve voulcl l1ke to have you verify thet the ebove informatlon ls correct. Yours tru1y, GT'I,F AIITOMASIC SPRINKI,.ER CCI,TPANY LL,Mc:ntr cc : I'tr. Bruce Reed,Plnksrd Conetruction Conpany act6 oiflaTfitr Ptac! a/c toa ata.Tu? DENyER. CoLoRADo EOgl6 Fleltl Superlntenitent t alt ag HOUA'ON DAlrYER D October 16, 1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Town of Voil Building Deportment P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominiums Deor Jerry, Enclosed is o copy of o letter from R. C. McBride of the Koppers Compony noting thot, ot the vorience heoring, the venting of the cold roof wos undersfood to be provided ot the eoves rother thon the ridge. This is olso my understonding, though I wos not in ottendonce ot the meeting. In my opinion, it would be impossible to ochieve on oir movement up through on 1-l/2" deep cold roof spoce. Thus, vents ot the ridge would be redundont. The open venting ot the eoves ollows ony collected moisture to escope which is the primory function of the venting. Yours truly, EAD/clm Enclosure I '\et*eu Fllul= g \ gl 9 tO(t e r\r IL €'e ov t(oPpERS Oear Ed: Finally got my hands on the Architecural Review report (see page II). Architecturaland Construction lvlaterbb March 2, 1972 l4r. Ed DeVilbiss - Architect Rogers/Na gel /Langhart.|626 Stout Street Denver, Colorado the minutes of our variance hearing in front of Committee in Vail. Attached is a copy of that $" Essentially we are approved with the single change being - venting at the eaves rathLr than at ltre ri{gq. This veiting is to be ipacETTITi6Tirn-ETETyffiETible with the iold roof lattice. 'ttre ventln! cylinders must be blocked with fire-retardant treated wood, exterior treat- nent (NCX). Presently, Mr. Al Stocker, with Koppers laminating facility in Sumner, lJashington, is working on both the beams and the decking. Several details must be rorked out before we can competently get into'the fine points of engineering with John Parks of Anderson & Hastings. Two maJor ltGfis remaln to be answered withln the Koppers Organizatlon: l. Spanability of the decking 2. Obtain'!ng Undevrgriterrs Labcratories labels fur the beams and deck i ng . }{e should have these answers by the middle of next week. Right now we fee'l that going to 4rr solid sawn Southern Yellow Pine decking wil'l be our resultant determination, subject to your review. If I can be of assistance in the meantime, please feel free to contact me. Istill want to discuss the prospect of working laminated wood exterior light- ing standards into your project and will submit to you some sketches of similar structures Koppers has engineered recently. Sincerely yours, .arKt"ti(rt /11e,)1,',gL Faceh,?d ffiFt.[Us \--, R' C' McBride -Vsales Representative -H MAR 6 i972 - lbalrt d..l t a a.dsl nt-rn 2 t &tbltf ,s RCM:wb ]i+[,9 October ll, 1972 Mr. Rogs Davls Lodgc South, lnc. 2230 F lrgt Natlonal Bonk Bld9.Donvcr, Colorado 80202 SubJccf: Lodge South Utl I ltles Dsor Mr. Davfg: Ar per our dleculrlon thlr date, the sanltary gcwer andE?orm scyor ytll be conatructcd at th€ sono tlmc dorn GoreCreck Drlvo to thr Intersoctlon ol lll I low Brldgc Road. Plons for the:anltory seyor and ths gtorn seter shall be Bubml ttcd for approva I before consfructlon begl ns. ltlorkfor excavotlon rhall start lmncdlately. lf thlr proJtct trundo13!ken at fhlr tlms, uork must be completed no later thanNovcmbor 15, 1972. The ranlt?.y erlcr wl tl bo relnbursod as pcr rulcs and rcgula-tlonr of the Yal I lloter ond Sanltotlon Dlrfrlc?, rnd thcconctrucflon ol the gtorm roror shall be at thc orngrrs exPonSe. Val I Plumblng Corporetlon ls hereby approvrd ai a m. ln-llncconfroctor. Londrcaplng and drolnage plans hove been tentatlvely epprovodth I r drto. I All othor cxcavoflons for other utlwlth the lnrtal latlon of ths rerer Yours tru ly, TOYN OF VA I L Krnt R. Rosc, P. E. Torn Eng I ncer Plnkord Conrfructloa, U. 3. i,7/-X- | | tlog shs I I bc coord Inatcd I I n6r. dt oc:Forrlt Srrvlee,Pui'llc Scrvlcc o 0ctobor 9, 1972 Mr. Bruce Reed Plnkard Constructlon Company P. o. Box 26227 DenYor, Colorqdo 80226 SubJectr Lodgo South Uti I ltlar Ooar Bruce: Thls l3 In rogard to your lctfer of Ociober 4, 1972, In rhlch you made rtatemontr to clcrlfy tome of the ltemg dlscusscd In our ne.tlng on September 28, 1972. There lg stl ll a mlsundlr- stlndlng on rome ltomr, the nunbers of rhlch corretpond to prlvloue correspondonce ! 2. Sanltary sexcr malnllnc lnstallctlon:a. Shall be oxtended to read rr...norfh of thc proJect property to a newly conrtructod nonhole.rlb. Shall bc extcndod to rrad 't...lnltol latlon of aerer llnc and manholc.rl.. Thc orlglnrl cost of tha totcr I Ine and manhole Instal la-tlon lc above rhtt ult orlglnal ly Intendodl holcvcr,thlc etatonent ll toncrhat gupcrfluout as ! rofund Yl | | nor be srade ln accordanco tlth Yall lctsr and Sanltcflon Dlstrlct'tRuleg and Rrgulotlon3'r a! you hava strted In I tcm 2b.t. Dclctc. The monholo rlll be congtrucfed tt th. rome tlme and by tho camc contrcctor that conltructs thr molnllne. I hopo thl: rlll scrve as flntl clarlflcaflon on thcse ltcnr. Thank you. Yours truly, TOUN OF VAIL Kcnt R. Rose, P.E. Tovn Engl neor dt o 7655 WE9T MtSStSStrPt AVENUE PO ST O FttCE SOX 2 6227 TAKEW O OD, CO r.OtADO 80226 TEIEPHON Er 986-/t555 JAiIES W, PINKARD GEflERAL ||AIACER October 4, L972 Ur. KeDt R. Rose Tora Englneer Torrn of Vall P. O. Bos 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Iodge South Condmlniuu Uttlltleg Vall, Colorado Deer Ke[t3 wlth regerd to your letter of Septabet 28, L972 couflrnlng our neetlng of that date, re hereby relpectfully eubnlt the folloolng addttlong and clarlficatlons to the ltens dlecuesed at seld [eetl.ng. fre lt€o nunbers used la tbla letter eorrespoad to tbe aunbere used ln your letter. 1. Ttre Vall Flre Departneat will lnsta1l the fLre plug at the rest property llne of the proJect. 2. Sanltary eser nalnllne lnstallatlon: a. Vall requlree 180 llueal feet of sanitary eererr Lu atreet, routed in a aoutherly directioa fron the uan- hole exletl.ag oorth of the proJect property. b. Oroer wtll be eotltled to partlal refuad of tap fee per Sectlon VI, Paragraph 5 of "Rules aud Regulatlooe of Vall water ald Ssritatioo Dlstrlct Renrleed AprLl 13' L972". Refund w111 be baaed o'n actual coets of lnetellatlon of agFer. c. Vall authorltlas cuet appro\te sery€r lay-out. Berleed utllltles plan [trst be eubnltted. d. Recctlt of blds for sanltery sercr eork ln etreet per sectl.o! VI, Paragraph 2r Subtltles a and b of the abovc neotloned |tRules and Regulattonstr .e. Inatallatlon of acer per Vall requlreoents would create addlttoael coat over and above lntent of ortglnal Contract Iloernentg.f. Vall w111 inetall usn-hole at south eod of eubJect ualn- lloe. . Commer.cial 8, lndustnial E|uilding . !lr. x.ot R. Bogs Tora Engl,aeer Tm of Vall October 4, L972 Page trlo Addltloral lten:ViliE6iiliiie do aot tuteod to lasue a street cuttlng pernl,t for laatallatlo! of, utl.lltles unlees street cao be restored tolts orl.gl.nel condltloo La tlne for rl-Imo use. If yor have any correctlons or addl.tlons to the abwe atateoenta, pleaae fonard soe Ylthout delay. ltanh, you for your tfue and atteltLoa. Very truly yours, Bruce A. Reed ProJect Uetrager BAR:tP qc: l,lr, ltr. Ur. ur. Ed DcVllbtaa, Warren Folter, Lyle Evereoa, Joho Klaaaacn, R N L, Ine. R N L, IBc. Steeboat Sprtrye Pluobfag E gerttrg Co. Pluksrd Coostructloo eo. Fll\lle fi October 5, 1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Town of Voil Building Deportment P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re Lodge Soufh Condominium-Voil Deor Jerry, Enclosed is o copy of our Chonge Order No. I ond o letter to Bruce Reed of Pinkord Construction Compony covering our list of ifems resulfing from the Building Code check. EAD/clm Enclosure cc: Bruce Reed o October FINL G@PV 5, ty72 Mr. Brucs Rccd Pinkord Conrtruction ComPonY P. O.lox262?J 7655 Wot MlrisiPPi Denver, Colorodo n226 Rc: Lodge South Condorninium - Voil Deor Bruce, Enclorcd ore copics of proporcd Chonge Ordcr No' l ' with oll iiems which, fo'our knowledge, ore required to conform with the Voil Buildlng Code Rcquirementt' ln oddition to ltcmr enclolcd, plcorc note thol thc following rc- quircmcnb murt bc mct: | . Aquo "K" loth for stucco muri be inrtqlled in occordonce wiih Rcreqt.h Recommcn&tion No' 1254' 2. Fireplocer ond chimncyr murt be inrtolled in ocsor&nco wlth Rcsorsh Rcconrrnon&tlon No' I l4l ' 3. Wc wlll coordlnote rlomer conncction locotionr ond dctqilr with thc Firc DaPortmcnt. 4. Copicr of concrete tesfr rhould be forwsrdcd to thc Bulldlm Dcportment. o Mr. !rucr Rord October 5r lnz Pogc 2 - Thr odditlorpl dctcll rcquirrd for evolustion of the rmp puap ryrhm ir not ffnlrhed, but wlll be In tho noll torprow. Youn truly, 11K./ -/-wvelmra A. DeVllblrr EAD/cln Enclorurrl cc: Jerq;r Aldrlch, Voll Bullding Doportmcnt I l l FINL G@PV o w00 ;Aw "",|i^l t@t''- LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM AT VAtL ITEMS PROPOSED FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. I Item 2. The following structurol steel beoms in the second floor froming sholl be encosed in two loyers of 5/8" Firecode gypsum boord to provide o 2 hour roting for these beoms in oddition to the 3 hour envelope floor enclosure: (locotions ore given by column lines) Line G, 3 to 6; Line F. I to 6; Line l, D to H; Line 6, C toc. ADD------- --($ t,693.00) Omit the fireproofing of the structurol beoms ond metol roof decking in oll exterior roof locotions os shown on the 8th floor reflected plon, Sheet A-9, except those soffit oreos immediotely obove the exlerior bolconies conne cting the corridor exit doors ond the stoirwoys ot eoch end. DEDUCT -----($ 633.00) Item 3. Provide o solid concrete woll between stqir No. 3 ond the ground -" (t) level covered porking oreo in lieu of the open orch odioceni to the ,rlfl 'Lu''',/ sloir os shown, os requested by the Building Deportment. t't (t 'l' ADD------- --------($ l99.oo) Item 4. Provide seven (7) doors, one ot eqch floor, to enclose wesi stoir No. - .\7. Eoch doorsholl be hollow metol doorond iomb, 3t-0'. x 6'-g" x - (-l)\Jl-3,/4", l-l/2 hr. lobel, door iype ,,A',, iomb rype 2AD, hardwore , ,n llr'L ''-' group 2 with lqtchsets in lieu of locksets. t.lYA '[f - ADD------- --($ r,802.00) Item 5. Delete portions of bqlconies on the 3rd, 7th ond 8th floors odiocent ,.f A) to wesl stoir os shown on Detoil A4-2 doted August 4, 1972. ^ 4?\" oEoucT---------- -------($ r,162.00) ..rt{A v lr- -Poge l- o #i; lfem 6. q, Item 7. Item 9. Item 10. Item ll. o) Door No. 74, 2nd floor only os shown on Sheet A-4, sholl be provided with o I hour lobel . All corridor doors on oll floors sholl hove o 20 min. roting. ADD------- --------($ 68.00) Sprinkler riser ond heods similqr to those shown for the trosh chutc on Shcct M-10 sholl be provided in the loundry chutc terminoting in Room 202 on the second floor. Heods sholl be providcd on the 2nd, 4th qnd 6th floon. Cold wotcr service ond connections to oll dishwoshers rnoy be deleted. l/4" lincs moy be ue€d to oll refrigerotors. ADD------- --------($ 109.00) Provide fhe chonges to structurol sleel, Defoil SD-lR doted September ll , lWz, showing o proposed reqrrongement of wind brocing on Col . Lines I ond24 (not required on Lines l0 ond 16). ADD------- ---------($ Provide Pello stondord size units No. 1628\ilC in lieu of 244O os shown for windows type'8" ond "C", retoining the originol locotions of cose- ment ond fixed types. DEDUCT---- ---------($ As shown on Sheet E-3, delete five (5) "H" fixtures ond three (3) "N" fixtures including rough-in. Provide four (4) "Q" fixtures vroll mounted qt 5'-6", two on outside of moin entry orch diogonol surfoce ond two on inside of moin entry orch surfoce. Outside fixtures to be swilched os previously shown forrrH" fixtures ond inside fixtures io be switched os previously shown for "N" fixtures. (Refer to Propored Rwised Lighting Fixture Schedufe, Sapr, 6, 1972), ADD OR DEDUCT---- -----------($ ) Provide fixfures os shown on Proposed Revised Lighting Fixture Schedule doted September 6, 1972 not including ltem l0obove. ADD OR DEDUCT---- ----------($ ) @^0)' Item 8. -Poge 2- Item 12. Provide the welded wire fobric concrete flotwork reinforcement os follows: o) Provide 6 x 6 lO/10 WWF in bosement slob in lieu of 6 x 6 5/6 as shown. b) Provide 6 x 6 10/lO WWF in portions of porking level slob norrh of column line ulu cnd o portion northeqst of column lines [G,' and"24" in lieu ol 6x 6L/CWWf os shown on drowings ond detoils.c) Proride 6 x 6 l0/10 WWF in the extcrior sidcwqlk north of o line 5'-4tr north of column line "L", Item 13. Provide ond instoll o 4'-0" x 6r-0rr grovel oreo with steel ongte frome ond steel groting os shown on ,Snow Grill Detoil" dofed August 21 , lg72 ot the front entry sidewolk in line with the fence os shown. Item 14. Item 15. Item 16. ADD------- _____-_-($ 345.00) The both tubs os shown in the drowings moy be reversed, end for end, wherever the chonge moy focilitote the plumbing instollotion. NO CHANGE lN PRICE-- -------($ 0.00) The Comprehensive Generol Liobility lnsuronce limit moy be $500,000 insteod of $1,000,000 os specified in the Gupplemenfory Generql Con- ditions, Section I l. 1.2. No CHANGE tN pRtCE-- --------($ 0.00) Prorideon qdditionol l-1.2,' 6utlet from the fire line with hose cobiner in the bosement on the 'noll olong column line " 16" ot column line ',H". ADD------- _---_-___($ 'l W Provide continuous portitions ot exit bolconies with one less kitchen win- dow, i1 lie_u of bolcony roilings ond two recessed doorwoys per Drowing No. AD-ASR, doted October 5, 1972. ADD OR DEDUCT---- __-__-___-($ ) Item 17. -Poge 3- D3142 ftttvr1.tUrtr aa,4tr<,:4 aE*fl?l€'\t _aht Ar-{. aeR3 \-aw=. ?ur 1-l-ailwwlNluM Ft VNI L or{o 7^|R71AL AezR nAil Aq _ L ,=&7 <.Gh6i WtlJ*1y a1 3tBa$q, t+ 73a\ Zlrfr1AL ftm F1;5N 4;q-L AIDzL6E tnt f "np.Quo ?x-n'rp,tl? ?r a.lr.rzt+l n^c.,rriiZ'oIq:_ryu o6iir. Plc_?,-o-fu1art aNlo + n nzk wtfl t%a.-rttlN uD6 wlftl wLw, tx) utelS fiffi wu^y fr aRn*ry atr ez , @n4 7655 WtSr MtsStsstPPl DENVER, AVENU[ . POSr OFFTCE BOX 26227 cotoRADo 80226 JAIIES W. PII.IKARD CETERAL IIiAXAGER TrL€rHoNa 986-4555 fO Hr. Kent D. Rose, Tovn Engloeer Torm of Vall P. O. Box 100 Vall- Colorado 81557 ATTEMIO{: REFERENCE: JOB M!{E: Lodge South Condonlofi.n - Vall, Colorado SUBJECT: Culvert h(tenslon 9IB ARE TRANSMITTI}TG ffiE FOLIOWIIG: No. of Coole s ( ()Ltr. dated ) Draulne No-DescrlDtlon Preoared Bv 1 Sept. 28, 197 Letter explalnlng proposed culvert extension R N L, Inc. 1 Sept.29, 196!Partlal Slte Plan R N L, Inc. ( ) rs APPRoI'ED 6) roR &) FoR()ron()roR REUARKS! BY YOUR APPRO/AI YOUR RECORDS YOT'R FT'RTHER ACTION @RRECTTON AND RESUB!.{ITTAL Pleaee return Approrred or Please return Prlnts for PROPOSAL PROPOSAL ON REI'ISIONS REQUEST () () () () rOR YOIIR FOR YOUR PER YOUR corrected prlnt.s Flnal of each Approval Flleg and Dlstrlbutlon iL --t;- o (tt c) (nFro (r:)6cit utJutF .\lo c)o Jo() .E-ut zulo FuJultrFat uJo q. E (o 'o =zz Jr o =CEultu =(tzut ffiflysn of.r a A&i. FBNI* E = September 28, lWz Mr. Bruce Reed Pinkord Construction ComponY P. O. Box262/7 7655 West Mississippi Denver, Colorodo 80226 Re: Lodge South Condominium qt Voil Deor Bruce: Enclosed ore severol copies of Drowing AD- I R dofed September 29 , 1972, showing o proposed extension of the existing culvert to o point ot the edge of the porking oreo. Pleose submit o price for providing ond instolling the culvert os. shown so thot the Owner moy consider outhorizing this work to be done. Sincerely yours, I DeVilbiss EADlclm Encls.Io E, Fc z J J UJa z U) CE uJoo CE N*f t44o!1 $<-- FrlEht9 All{rv+o l-auaa__fuu114 truIrUNIUM r.r fAjL m-L[& -._ A AL Aff? t7 4A 4F7a" .b4 a October 3, 1972 Mr. Edward DeV I lb I ssRtlL, Inc.l6l0 Arapahoe Street Donvcr, Colorado EO?O? Re: Lodge South Doar Mr. DeVllblss: Reference your letter datad September 28, 19722 l. Approval of Trus Jolsts at 2,ft'on center vlth 5/8" type X gypsun board celllngs ls hereby granted for use lnyour condomlnlums os p6r l.C.B.O. Research RecdmmandatlonNo. 1694.6.2. ApprovaI of I tl4n Homosote spoced 24rr on contar Is approved In accordanco wlth Resqarch RecommendatlonNo. t0t6. Il. I-]: 3. Furrlng to l6ttbe rcg u I red by I s acccptab lo. on cenier for 5/8t' gypsum boord wl | | not th I s Department; 24'r on centeri os stated l. Thti Is to eonflro approvli of dry flre "xtfngplrharsInstallad ln thr'opgn parklng level ln lteu of, rot hosecablnet. Flr. extlrgufrhrre. shoult bc 20 poun€ .mfnlmum and a monthly malnfcnqicc schodule chal t 6i eciabllfhoO for: thbm. Locatlon ls to be sufflclent s6paratlon'fo Reference your letter dated September 29, 1972t af ford rnaxlnun coveroge. Yours tru I y, TO}IN OF VA I L Jerry L. Bul ldlng dt Aldrleh0fflclal 1\ Sepfember 29,1972 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Deportment Town of Voil P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re Lodge South Condominium ot Voil Deor Jerry: As o result of o phone conversotion between Ken Jesset of this office ond yourself, we understond thot we moy consider instolling two dry fire extinguishers ot lhe open porking level in lieu of two outlets with hoses from wet stondpipes in this oreo. This would be more sotisfoctory for outo fires, ond olso would not be subiect to f reezing. Yours truly, EAD/clm cc: Ross DovisFllUl. E = DeVilbiss {rr'} v,?) FllUlE d = s"Ou., 28, lg72 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Town of Voil Building Deportment P. O. Box 100 Voif , Colorodo 81657 Re: Enzion ot Voi I Condominiums Deor Jerry: As I indicoted in our conversotion, we ore proposing Io use | -3/4" lhick Homosot e over Trus Joists ot 24" o.c. for floor construction in the condominiums, with 5/8" firecode gyPsum boord ceilings. The following ICBO Reseorch Recommendotions ore enclosed: Homosote Report No. l0l6 Trus Joists Report No. 1694.6 Though the 2'-0" spocing is not specificolly covered in the Reports, ihe Denver Building Deportment ond other locol code outhorities in this oreo ore occepting this system os meeting the requirements for I -hour floor construction . Our structurol engineer hos checked the l-3/4" Homosote thickness ond hos found thot it will be oll righf for the 2'-0" spon. Will you require furring ot 16" o.c. for the 5/8" gypsum boord ceiling, or will the 24" Trus Joist spocing be occeptoble os we hove it shown? EAD/cln' Enclosures -Otr F(r Ioz J do z .t)E LU o IE Youra.lruly, \ m ?) a, 3| Yer 6l €2 \o. / e.-ra^-' "itnte rn ational Conference of Building Officials lEttisf, ronnfitcc nff0nnEmfito|l qolrtasoTr ITEATI|EaPR0OFINSULATING BOARI} HOMASOTE C{)IEAIYY sixteen Inches (16',) on cente!. and ls Becured to the ffoor i;:t'ffi *T ftffis*"{ffi ; :l ;*liii:ru; :l^ul!^lnrej inche_s _(9,,) Iong and a flve_slxteenths_tnch ( ri,,, I 919,T"!9" head. Nails arc spaced not more tl|an slx inches{o , on center et all bearings and are countersunk one_sixteenth inch (r1,"). The squaire enO oe tne Oecf<i""']" 't""- Tit^"^{ t_{9 the supporting hember *iin nuJ ""ii"" ",t'rnrrv i'"i*Er"lf "1f"*"'"'*.'l.iili:"c#if ffi s"T"TfjllX'*:isu4rc lreor. uecjilng is designed for dlaphragm ac on, theattachmFnt and auowable shear values 'are iJ'""fli-;in hTable No. II. The floor decking is 0""-rgneJil";;Jr;;;;;iir"":HlS',!',:#"Ai,X?:1.ffi :1"]li1l,lit9 .or cotn-postfion flooitng ts appued to liomasoteroor oecr{, a rayer of one-fourth_lnch ( %,1-ptywood or three_s-lxteenths-inch ( r:1,,,) hardboard must' hi"i i6 ,ppirJ i"'t},. 9:",kllg Thq plywood or hardboard rs apiila ioTf,lul"-iou,anq qrrr rriee surtace by m6ans of Homesote adheolve. Utglq ;i:er"iiF"ifl:J'"tili[hgi*"ff ,1*"tll"f ;Tix*glTFsquare yard. The joints of the pl)'wood oi fre"ffoara ir"sfsEgEErtrtttmespect to uto"u of tii Eomlsfi';;."fft' One-hour Flrc-resl8flvo Floor-Cclltng Construcdon: Theconstructlon consists of on€ and etevei tnirlv-se.onii" r""n(1t1") thick Homasote F.roor Deckinl nirinb-iJiiii""_i',io-groove Jolnts on ends and edges app ed on top-of w.,6d loistssn.rced.-16 .inches on center -fuith'r'r eertinl'o? "."_rr-"ir,ii"nr I z- ' ). thick Fire-Shietd Tvpe Fsw-l i""itU""J' "'pniild" t.cotd.Bond R-F r Resitient iirrring r "hd;;i; E;;;.1i""it"-four inches (24") on eenter ' P.O. BOX 240 WEST TNEMTON, NEW JEIiSEY OE62S f. Latroducdon: At the rcquest of the Homssote Companv. lltrhll"*Ti'"*?y""#,;* jln*l?"arn,,g'-'l,l'lxl.";'"ll: _cxamlnauon of the test data sub;itted in connection wftfrHomasote Weatherproof tnsrrtating ii;;"d.-' - If. Daorlpflons Homesot6 ls menufactur€d from reputpednewspap€r and treated with. weatherproonng chlmicats ana' preservativea. M&terial is pressed into iequire-tt Uiiciuesses. r1 Flltoen-thlrty-s6cond!-tnoh (L6/gp1) Homrsote InBulEflng' .B^II9Bq.*"p,.!lt:"1 sizes ?ary fiom foui-i&t by rourreer_ (4. y {') to eight feet by fourle€n foet (g,x 1{,) ahd arelfes e.B.e eovering for lnterlor walls, ceiltngs, exterlor wallganq pro'Eected exterior sofits. When used a.s sheathing, sheets' aro .nalled to conven onel fram.ing witfr two_inctr i1" t Sat-vanired roonng naits spa.ced at th-ree trrcte.- fi;i o'i centerar eqges end slx inches (6,,)-on center at Intermediate sup_!9"t!: B.ulding p-aper is_ apirred at ; ointi - oi- iiieeti-?or u"e. a.6 weatnerboaming, Hornasotg verttcal pBnel lolnts arenaited dtrecuy to t;o-tnch uy rJur-inciilZ"'ii;f lii'0, *itr, l_ thre}.eighths-tnch (%,,) m-astic.atted litnt Uelween aaloU-tng panels. A one-inch by three-tnch 1!"x3") wooa Uatteni il nailed over the masuc joint. &termeillete itiras ere "p""eO/ slxt€en inchcs (16,,) on center. . Twdrty-onFttlrty-seonds-lnoh (pl,/3p,,) Homsrct€ Shoath_ It t^ite.er _:l1"".vary from two f€et by eight feet (2,x8,)Io ergnt feet by fourteen feet (g,xl4i). F,or use aswea,thorboardhg the vertical panet jolnts u"u- iiu"i to . ll9lEl:9Tg-lTi!{-seconds-inch by three_inch 1ztjs2" * s.,JornE Da.cker teaving a. nve-eighths_inch (9i,,) spa,c€ betweengd joining panels. Fir u"u . a" -srr""tr,i-r,g, bf".irJiii jJ"'" tn*four feet ({') wide are nailed to studs-ipiced ,t-a-mi*r^u*of sixtee_n inch€s (16.) on- center witJ.. irail size anii spacinga.s aer forth for ffte€n_thrrty-seconoi-inlrr--iio^i,,i. tt i"r.!heatfdng. _ Ftvc-elightns-h ch (/a"l Homrsoto Underteymsat Board:F orFfoot by four-fodt -14, x *,t stils-;tipju"tL ,n ir"-luleung materiBl over suonoor. Ho|r|.goto lloot Docklng: Ava$able in thlcknesses of oneand. llree-etrh ths i n chcs ( i t6,,l, ont ;; J;e";;:;ii-r.i-r,i in "n""( r 7b - , and rrvo and thr"e-elghths inches (2%,,t1 Alt thick_nesses a,re manufactured in two_foot (2,) wid; !heJ[i, eighttoe!^(B'),.ten fe€t (10,) or. twelve reet'ir'z,l in r""tir,i'tr,ruuand fvc-eighths-tnch (g %,,, wlde supporting menrbers are pro-vlded.for edge neiting. The one and- fhree-e'ighths-,;ch (rg6"t 1-.I- i" ljllg.q \\.rth lo-penny nails splced at-nve nnA-on'e-nalfr.rcrres I o r/a , on center. one ald seven-elghths_in ch (l%,,)deck is naitcd \a'ith l6-pe;ny naits spaccd if -di,i"ilj'on\e_n*rr i-nches (5%,,) on cente; a.nd-t*o and'thrce_eighilr.iir"fi'iz o6 " Idecli ts ne ed with 20-penny nnd- sp-ii-"J ii'ivl'"ia" on"_n"rtinches (614") on ce-.ei. sd,e raue -No. i t-ior'iri"rJef,re roordaekint spans &nd roads. .The Homasote F.loor Decking is app ed as described abovewith-end.joints occurrinF at j(rist ioc'atio;". ifrJ i_ii"irnn"t"arc formed from Nrr. 2s gauge galvanized sieel ."O "reinstalled perpendicutar to the lois-ts at twengy_gexf'1n"6""(24" 1 6n cen[er. The channels ,iC a[tr"j"d'io'l?"ir"ioi"i *,tr,two 5-penny common naits. The one_hali i""t ' i'rl;i tni"r.Firc-Shietd wallboard is applled *itf, tf,J fong iime'ri"i.,n per_pendlcxtar to the channels' ana is itiacnil-i.i "liiii '"r,."n"r \a'ith Gotd Bond one-inch (1,,). tong rji.Jni"f f-'b"-i""*, ""p*""a twelve inchcs (t2',\ on eent"". "a,adili"iij -"ir"iin"i* ""uinstalled at walrboard end jotnts. riil"i,ii"'rie-ii.?iiif, *iu,t&pe and Jolnt conrpound. r . An alternate rnethod of construcuon conelsts of one and tA ili1,"-""$-;i"i:";;"tf, :i'"'J"jl';ll,;,'1,1,"*$n:e.S j.:f B:f, :;ltlll I ro , on eenter as described tbove wtth e ce inq d *"- lll11 eishths-tnch ( ti,,) thick type ,.X" sld;; ;;ii#";'.lJ wittuoara is ai;pricJ-ptipondicurar to the wood roi"* lll lll iliftTiilie'"lHliiifr i:#lr'l.{ll*,liir.":,,",ty,:mir.slfgy all joints are treRtcd with- tnpe ".a jJii-,t ".mio'ii",i. " - ,l Homreoto lT:,:l'"*,_ y: l- Lli", ^::i1 g9q L+; . q,.d'o'i'a" " ":i u.*'iiii ii"sgg"f :,:: fflq:T.g:,,1.X l; ir,i-piJti' *iiii-",ir"il,#t"" "iiFgered over &lternrrtc joists. _-flf. Eddcnco Suhlnltted! Tests by approved agencles. offfteen- thirty- seconds- ineh 17s132,,i ti,rlf 'g"rn?i]ie""i,".t Homasote Roof Decking and inipact. foint'foaOing ie"t"'onIlomasote. F.loor DeckinA: by an afproveh ace""v ;E n"" i""t"are submltted. Recommcndotlon - IV. Re{.olrr|n0nd[l ion: TftIlt lho fo ou.lng ]tro(lu..l$ tutnu-fnclrrrerl D.y the tfoDxrsoto ('ouUrnny "nO rniiaiflii rr.i .."t'iiir,In PErt Il of thtl report &ro ietfiforto;y i.lt*i,ot"" i,i'ir,.provlsions of lhc l'nlforrrr Rull(ting (,ode: L Ff fteen-_ill trty-seconds-lnch 06 t $2", Hom&rot6 In.ultr-lng Buttdtns-Ro&rd for thc iotii*in'g u"Gi"( ) As cxterior shenthlng $lthout bulldlng DaDer whoncovorr.rl by lrn approvr:rl u,eatherhoardlni(b) As w-eotherhosrdlng rvhon appllod to an epprovedsh@,thtng,(") 41 ,: nn_tlro.tro:rrrfing npptlerl r roe y to etuds sith_oltt huilding ltlrlx.r. ,-The decking is designed for Ingtalla,tion on nominal woodJotsts one and orro-lrrrlr' inches (tri,,) tticr.-"pii"i"i,lt '.r.. Page I ol 2 ,?!ai,r...v 2ot 2 (d) (G) Rcport No. 1016 Aa oxt rlor eoltrt, porc.h and oorport o€lllng moto.rlrl FlvGalghthg-lnch (%") intertor type tongue and troove plywood subffoor, o loyer of tan-thourandths-trch (.010") tlrlck rosln stzed bulldtnB;nper a,nd ff fteen-thtrty-secorrds-lnch ( ll " ) tntek Homssote ln-rulotlng Bullding llo&rd for th6 On|sh nooring as Isubstltut€ for thc double wood floor as sot lorth lnT&blc No.4g-C of th€ (:ode. For uro as shesthlng, the ctlectve length of tihewall rhatl not bo less thon ten loet (10,) lor each GolDor or let-ln brace Eplaced. Th6 efrecllve lencthol tho wall Ehall rot Inoludc secflons betN'oen ooin-Ingr whlch Ero lols ln wldth thon th€ holfht of thocmrller oponlng. Ifom.asoto nool Docklng for uro ol onc ed ttru-ofghths-inch (I%,,), one and revon-elghttrr-ln& (lrL"r, end- two lnd threo-olghthr-lnoh (2/6") thlohcdrci- urnof ehathlng, provlded: (o) Tho roof llve losd and apdrs ilo not G*cGcal thorc lctlorth in Telrle No. I of this report. .t; 'il .T: I l) . lllu t0. t{r.lomB]E RnF [o||rs tlt FouilDs pER sQUtRt r0oT . rSp.B are_ limlted jy !/21O defiectloo, Spacing b oerter-to-crnter olI. thrca ind one-h[lf-indr (.1N") widc frnrninl in iDches, Itlu ilo. [ - tttowABr.E sHrrR yAru[s tr{ proul.|Ds pEn uilE t F00T foR HotlsoTE oEcnile' : ' ( b) The 2lr -lnch deeking ls not required &s & dloDhricmto resist horizontsl forces. Dtaphrogm volui lor ttrclli-inrh and I t/s-ineh rool decldng ore ar |ct torthIn Table No. II. - 4. tr'fv}.elghths-lnch (%") Ifomaaooc unatorlwmettt DCrdas &n ti8ulatlng matodol over a, subfloor,- 5. One rnd _ olcven-thlr6f-rGoonib-lncl (Ul,) HornalotcFloor Decklng provlilcd : (s) Tho dockln8 doc$ not ipsn moFc tlien dxtGot lnch6(16"). (b) Tho floor llv6 toad doee not oxcooal 40 pounalr pct 8quore loot. (o) Vyhero the lloor ilecklng tr aleCtgnoil a! r i[ophratrnto roslst horluontal wlnil or c€ltrnlo lotol€s. ahcmothod of Ettochment anil allorvablo rhoor vrluoraro gs let torth ln Teble No. ff. Thls rmomlDenatstion ls rubJect to ennuol re.sxmlnrflon. 'Tbc two-foot- by cislt-foot (2,r8,) parob .ro fcri.n.d to wood tuo-togs s-poce<l with the panels cnds strgg.rcd fou| f..t ({,) In tio lonj-trrdinnl dircction. 'Th-e tobulated sheer values shall bo ndrrced. !5- per c.na for dlrphn&n ._sheors acting prr.llel to uJlt!.gg€rpd penel ed8er..rne (traphragm rcngth to widlh mtio for rvood frarn. cotrrtrucdoo rhtUnot ctceed 3:1. The ellowable dinphrrE n lencth ro wldth r.t!o for ffiffi:r,l * mesonry wall con$truction shill be based on dciccdo rr (a) lto rllorveblc dlaphngrn dcC..cdon ir d€t rr.incd by tL! fo=tut ! .Or (Eto) (r) WHEREI Ap = allowebls dlophtlgm deiecdon in incher.4 = tle unsuppottGd height of th6 wall In fect.t = tho .Iowdbto flerlrr.l clmptqllve rbc!8t|r of tLo wrll la_ pounds ptr tquarc i.och,!;to = th(. rnodulur of elrtdctty of tho u,all iE pound, DGr rqu.ra t = th€ wdl thlckness it| lnch.!(b) Tbe diafrhngnr de8ecdon is dctcrtdncd by thc fomrulrr nd - s + r, __ .00321 Lol (0.".)' , 5Wl. x lttE---]o.-Il;F- - --.5iiiTi- WHEREI A d = totll dtrlhragm deflection in jnches. t\ ! = shc:rr dettection in inches. A D = bendlDg defleLtion in inches. u:ii'"*. = titrJt"",T $iilIn!* ".H*'itT."xs,5:Jff31'ffl ".o,o . = ditphrngm span in fpet.E = Modutus ot elelticity of di.phrrgm cbord la poundr lrrsquare inch.I = ohent of jnertjs of chond in inchea.l t.i" *r,"" *li.jtl.1";o,'Xi"',: f::t;"..nry wauc rhq vrruc or Fr rherlnot rrcccd 140 &s determincd by tho f6rmular F _ 19000 (Q^",1 Lt'" = --lo;;it;;u'q- (f) t. h*tnty-one-thlrty-rcconds-lnoh (Pllf3') Horna.otc Dr.|ulrtlns BuUdlnT RoErd for tho lollowlnf usoi:(r) Ar cxt€rlor shctlrlng wlthout bolldlnc DoDor.(D) Ac wcthorboordlng rvtthout shothlnfr bi bulldtn3popor.(o) For ulo an shc8thlng, the ottocdve longth of thc wa'll rhsu not bo lest than ten foot (f0 ) for ea,{!hoorner or lot-ln brac€ r.6plac€d. The eliocdvo length ot the wall sha,ll not lnelude seetlons between ouin-lrgr whlch &ro le$s In wldft thaa tfto h6tght of th6small6r openlnt : ll} . .t, l$ n T m ^r)--J p( rh Pl, to mul|os ?rt squmE F00l Ltvt t0a0 50 P0u[0s Ptt stutnEF00t UYE LotDtEcttFI Gt|aE33 S "r)l,lvr lord PlrrDr.i lod SF|cln3 ol I Lir| tord Phrtr|nlrtr I D||i to|d 32 48 60 48 49 50 24 32 48 58 59 (r0 r rcltl3s(l|' Incirr) M^IIfUII sPtCnG 0f su?P0tts(h lrci.rl rntl||ul, I0mtIAtwrotf 0r sufP0Rts(h hcils)|.rttsttt rtlowtBtE s{alith Ur. Frl Ft.) x0. 0F xAtls PEn SfrntNG PEn 24"wtot sltEtl 5 I r{l ( Floor Deck )@ o .-#Jt90 I lonrasote-6f'TEr Keystollc @)230 rt6(Rmf Deck ) 32 lOd Rinc Shank Corrrutorr 140 230 t'ta ( Roof Deck ) 48 4 l&l Ring Shank Contrnorr I00 I tiO Spacing of nails to nralginal nrt.nrbeni parallel to spnn ( in inches )ft 4 3, Page 3 Report No. 1694.6 (E). TjMS TRUS JOISTS: l. General: The TjMS TRUS JOISTS are similar to the TjH TRUS JOISTS except that top and bottom chords consist of two uprigit nominal 2-inch by 3-inch members. The 2 by 3 members of each chord are spaced to r€ceive the web memben. Stapl€s are driven with one leg in each of the narrow faces of the 2 by 3's. The staples are placed 6 inches on each side of a panel point. They are driven simultaneously into both narrow faces ofboth 2 by 3 members. 2. Steel Web Members: The web memben arc identical to those used in the TjH TRUS JOISTS cxcept the llattened end provides a minimum end distance of l-l/4-inch€s to the centcr of th€ pinhole. The tube gauge varies blsod on structural lequirement. They are supplied in 1- l /4- and .l-inch diametcrs. 3. Connccting Pins: Connccting pins arc solid stccl l/2-ilch anc l/4-inch in dimrr't!'r. 4. F.nd Bcaring Detailsi End bearing dctails irle dcsigrcd li)r thc specitic installation, Trvo No. l2 gaugc clips arc inscrtod betu'ccn tlrc web mernber and the chord nternbcn and a 3/4-inch pin driven through the asscmbly. Th!' clip transfcrs thc load lion thc web nember to thc supporting nrenrbcr. Thc (lip wraps around thrcc faccs of thc chord membcr to prcvent rotatiol of thc clip. (F). Dcsign: TRTJS JOISIS are designed in sccordancc with recog- nized dosign criteda- Allowrble load on web members, allowable wood bearing load on pins, chord section properties at pin locationl and recommended drtlcction timitations arc sct fo h in tables Nos. I,' II,' Itt I and IVl, rcspectivcly. (C) Onc-hour f'ire-resistive Rool'-ceiling or Floor-ceiling Construc- tion: The construction consists of TRUS JOISTS spaced a maximum of 32 in!'hes on center with a subfloor of minimum s/8-inch thick exterior gluc tongue and grooved plywood and an underlayment of 5/8-inch thick plywood applied with joints staggered with the previously applied laycr. A single laycr of plywood is permittcd for roof construction in accordance with Section 4305 (b). Kaiser l/2-inch Type X Super Null-A-Fire gypsum wallboard rs applied with the long dimension perpcndicular to fhe joists and is fastened to the joists with s-penny nails spaced l2-inches on center located a minimum of l/2-inch fronr the edge of the board. Resilient furring strips forlned from No. 28 galvanized steel are inslallcd perpendicular to ths joists and arc spaced not to cxcccd l6-inchcs on centcr. The tirrring strips lre fastencd to cach joist with l-.5/8-inch long No. (r u,ood scrcws. A llnish laycr of Kaiser l/2-inch type X Suptr Null-A-l"irc gypsurn wallboard is instulled with thc long cdgcs of thc board perpenrlicular to tlrc turring strips and is lastcned to thc l'urring strip with l-inch long No, 6 sell'-tappirtg scrcws spaccd 8 inchcs on center. Whcrr wallboard cnd joirrts fall bctwocn luring strips, addi- tional l'urring strips arc iDstalled so that thcy spsn bctwccn at lcast two joists and extend a minimum of 3 inches beyond the end ofjoint. The second layer is finsihed with tape andjoint compound, IlI. Points of Vniance with the Uniform Building Code: The Uniform Building Code does not specifically ptovide for this type of construction. IV. Evidence Submitted: The results ol load testc on component parts and full scale load tests on joists as well as an analysis of test results prepared by S.B. Barnes & Associates, structural engineers, have be€n submitted. RECOMMENDATION V. Rccornmcndation: That thc TjL, TjH, TjM and TjMS TR(IS JOISTS as describcd in Prut Il of this rcport are I satislbclory altcmatc nrcthod of construution to that spccified in thc Unifonl ltuilding Codc providcd: l. Thc joists arc labricated in accordlnoc with thc provisions set tbrth in Rcse,rjch Rcport No. IrA-128. 2. Thc 1'RUS JOISTS arc dcsigned using the working strcsses sct forlh in the Code. Lumber shall comply with TRUS JOISI grading rules copies of which are on lile at Conferenc€ Headquartcrs. -1. The allowable loads do not exceed the values set forth in Tables No. I, No. II and No. lll. 4. Increases for duration of loading as provided for wood members and their connections may be used in accordancc with the limitations specified in Chapter 25 of the Code. 5, Top chord shall be designed as a continuous member subject to combined axial and bending strcsses, The bottom chord shall be designed as an axially loadcd tension member whsn ceilings are directly applied to the chords or to stdpping not more than 24 inches on center and the ceiling load does not exceed l0 pounds per square foot. For conditions more severc than this, ir sharl be analyzed and ric$gned as a continuous member subject to combined axial and bending stresses. 6. Dcncctions are lirnitcd as set lorth in Table No. tVl using beam fonnulae and considering the full arcas of the top imd bottom chords and thc modulus of elasticity assigned to the type of lunttrcr uscd. ?. Whcrc a onc-lrour tin'rosistive tinre pcriod is rl}quircd construcl.ion shall comply with Part II of this report. 'fh$ rccourtnendation is grantod fbr a pr:riod of one ycar frotn datc, at which tiurc a rcqucst shall bc nrade lbr re-cxunination in accordanc.c with thc I'olicy and Rules of Proccdurc of thc Resca.rch Committcc. TAELE NO. IV - DEFLECTION LIMITATIONS TRUS JOISTS LIV€ LOAD PLU!| DEAO LOAD Roof Member Plaster Ceiling f Member - No Plaster Septcnber 28, 1972 Mr. Bruce Reed P I nka rd Construct I on CompanyP. 0. Box 26227 Denver, Colorado 80226 SubJcctr .Lodge South Ufl I ltles Dcar Bruce: To conflrm our m€otlng of today, the lollorlng rare thc polntrye dlscussed concornlng thc utllltles for the Lodge: l. The flre deportnenf rlll allor wrter to be tapped to thb 6rl exlstlng rater llne ond a hydrant rlll,be Installcd on the same I Ine for flre protecflon. The orner must undorstand and ll wl lllng to accept reduced prEseure In fhe event of a flrc In adJacent bul ldlngs 2. A screr maln llnc orust be Instalted froa nanhole approxlnately l80f north of the Lodge. Thls llne nust be Inrtaflod by an approvod rncln-l{ne contrcctor and the rocd r.3torcd to lts ei<isttng condlti;;. - aio"-aie to br let,ln .accoidince wtttr I ' fho Rqlos and Regulatlons f,or fhe Val I tlatcr end Sonltatlon Olrtrlct. 5. l.nstallbtlon of gas I Ine wl I I b€ coordlnated wlth thc Ingtal la- tlon ol thc cerer llno and tl ll bc bt-'.oughf In f r:om the same locotlon ar ths lewcr.Fonhole locatlsn. 1. Ferert Servlco vl | | lsgse ! parklng gcralt condltlonal upon lpprovod lcndscaplng plans to bo rubmlftsd to the Town and to_ fhe. Fsrrst 56rvlcs. Approval of fandrcaplng plan'rl ll be cond I tl ona I upon spprov€d dra I nage des Ign . Storm ltercr friay bs Installed ln conJunctlon rlth. tho sanltary grfor or you can nrks usc of the exlrtlng culvert batreen f,l I lor Srldge and Forcst Roadg... I f yorl Yours have f crtha.r q,srgf lo06, -itrulyr .,, plraei feel' freg fo contlct me..:. : Hr'.-Ed..DcVl lbl9!, RNL, toc. ,,1 T0rr.l 0F vAt'L , : Kent R. Rose, P.[. ' : ' T,\uh f ^r'l nao r Voil Plumbing Corp. 660 Front Range Road Littlefon, Colorado 80120 September 22, 1972 l,lr. Kent Rose City Engineer Tovm of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, C0 81657 Dear Mr. Rose: Pursuant to our request that you telephone conversation of today, I would like toqualify our company as a mainline contractor. lJe have ln our employ a man whom we consider to be one of the finest equlpnent operators. He operates our 3500 Ford Backhoe with a thirteen foot boom. The way I propose to undertake the task of installing the sewerline for the Lodge South is as follows: l{e will cut the black top before starting excavation. Our mnwill then try to excavate. l{o deeper than the sewer line hasto be installed, if he can dig lt at all; I feel certain that he can, and wil'|, do the Job faster than a larger machine. In the event that he cannot make fast progress; due to the slzeof rocks encountered, we wlll frmedlately back flll what he has dug and bring in a larger machlne. I personally know of many cases where he has dug, installed pipe and back filled more than 300 feet of an installation such as thisin one day. However, that was in Denver where te did not have the rock problems that we may encounter. I know that you are concerned about having your streets torn upfor a long length of time. Please be assured that I want to expedit0 the job as soon as possible, just as you do. lle are enclosing a copy of our insurance certificate. If thisis not satisfactory, please let me know and I wl'll have the limits raised for this particular Job. n+3701 nvgql Very truly trours, -/@Lyle V. Everson President LVE/pb cc: llr. Bruce Reed Pinkard Constructlon THE *OERN cAsuALTy AND sunnrfoMpANy THE WESTERN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HOME OFFICE-FORT SCOTT, KANSAS 6670I CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ,. . . 19p..:1..i.11 rhis is to ce'titrtx$IB{otpwfrSttgbSarltfl45norilhElal il{PrEdfy. srgf&S€Ug,he&f )ffid5.0fdfiltthsffi" silEloase Name or Insured.... -plgr-u-r"e. -c-g-*g:.*,h.r...Y*ll-..1-r-y"t-ttu-..9glP:...e.i...-EY-Ti-o-.1 pl-.Pltg 99:..1....1..9-9-b.: 99lg: Vallr Colorado This certificate of insurance is not valid unless it is signsd by a duly authorized representative. Plunblne Contracttag THIS CERTIFICATE 15 NOT A CONTRACT OF INSURANCE NOR IS IT AN ENDORSEMEHT TO POLICIES LISTED BELOW. Descr iption of Work.. Va11., Colorado Location of Work FO Rfl OF ITSU RAIICE POLICY IIUXBER EXPIRATIOT OATE LIfITS OF LIAEILITY Cov.rate l! not provlLd tor lten3 lalor unla3s Indlcet.d by "r':Worhmq|'r Compen3atlon Employlr'3 Llablllty Fully complies with State Law $ G.||.r'l Llabl llty 'x" indicated Form of lnsulance ff;omprehoslve Garrral E llN|ufrcturrrr' ard Contractors' ! Owncrs', Ladlordt' d Tanarlr' tromptetcd Operatlonr - Products n lndq.nd$t Contrrctors Tllcontr".tu "l A;c 566778 L-L5-75 Bodlly Injury loorooo. :a"lperson 3OOTOOO. ea"h urlence 300r000.$-aggregate Proprrty Danagr IOOrOOO. each t E occurrence I00,000. aggegate "x" blasting or explosion 'c" collapse "u" underground damage 'd" undei8round resources "e" blowout or cratering x! d c ! tr ! Ercc$ Llablllty Pollcy eacn $-occulrence subiect to under lying $-aggregate polic ies and retentim' Artomo!ll. Llrblllty AGc 566718 L-L5-75 Bodlly lnlury loor0oo. each 300r000.eacn occurence P|Dp.rt' Dem.t. 1001000. sach t-occurrence Allowned artomobiles d Hired and ;;-;; automobires Et Specified Artomobiles as listed b€low: n The inclusion oI ony indemnity clouse negotivcly cmendr, extends or oltcrs tha in dris certlff cot. is 6r infornotion ly.Thc inclusion n conirocbol liobilit ofbrded by thc tcy or pol i ci cs IATN!]NBACH ofli rmotivcly hcrein. D ate Sclterba n. Lnz I,lttloton1 F tirc8...................... (citYl Folm WC 700$R9 :'-i I-_ --.-. -. - -. ; l89O W. Littlctorr Ulvi.t. Liliiciu;r, Colo. 80120 Cololado (state) tG=a : {.) t tr'in ,3aZ ut{aD 2ut 1Fl tt-7Z'O ov)oo!o,z>u,uC rc E ol o Xz ' tTlluroF O\A l:>O,Z U ..F v,o! o3'tto5 F (o N Itr 9 F .fi EESF:" i 3 ry H lF : E Z_oi lf, g F F iFgg' r .'-. F ; oBE F F FFr c)coH^,,-.r',-Frq)H : fg * g f Fq$g g EE bsr:qrxlsrd E fi l* s + fl.Ffrq q ?i F[;<'S;';*'*L ; E'lX F a "FEd 6 EF ,Eg':T':(O.E ug nt a' lui 6 I se[FenEe -tr*.ri5 gEe s $H;$Fri; #f [i-Ht$ [ f -FF 'r O orH* !i :'P. -ti-F * F + g I H$F i P8. o ci a oit g :"c | 5 i ' a 8. g lg tu E 6 =r-l - fl i g '{ F3 ; PlP:r:'P:- P:- P i"'- ; .6 r3 P sl3*38u33;; E or- i,, EU.,€.EEE.E g g 4..P.6 :' ur gt ur o v, ttt o vt u o. Q ,f* '- ii"i.!.i'r.:.i.ii. il *. d Ot' *oa " ii c'l !t,ri'1 i i I ,Hotato. roU,. o o o t-l F:l o,HozIo :'q.tF*l*a 7. EF5!t la .'. 6 o t'3 Ftn;ttO\JF.r O rtr 'F- iEl Ul(o{N cn or tto )-. tsr19000ao@{o) ooqto a.(t uqrurur('rso) oaootf0t z F CN z F > (t, ,.1 z t sFr F c€ s, F I S, O O O O O ') F ooH ^',Fs [r t rr s * g 3 s s s s i g b sqI tfo F.o o *o 3 ; F ? ? ? f t i; $n s sF i [ 1 I s s s s + I ; sq; Fg9[ g I Ai g g g I I I I r ?, * g F3i Atse ; g ;F s I a $ $ s s s $ F -L gBii aEr n ; gE I B g g s s & & p p B_ Fn; €B_, * fi "Y g ' ' 5' 38 r--oA -e s g't fl F 3I '?h' g E *6 S e 3* os'e pj R P'. " F gF iu:' ts ? &5 ii r xi:; E ;F s i 1; 3dr : '-.u i g q; 8.pr18i H f **'-flg il ig g f, ..+o. 6E , 5; E 8. Fa e,I e Pil 'o',*. E >etH i e g ,E Fil ,Es $ g E ,. z; fiF -3 $ ; T FH X,[ ,E s E : E+; F A' € -s Ag E6 e' fr P ;F '3\)rc u). Z ' q'aj"3 5(a o ta. t.,-1 tt smFfo H nEF*uFtO 'a='grJlo(o{N) <rr o Uon 0t t\) oI o.oFl c, o!tooFt (A Ut\)o < t-h3g ;t< crRol.tgil Eg I63 =flg g <(,) '"rP; 85il rnP Fgnt 8.Es ;oo --:to!t 6-6E Qr+toP<;o6Fjrntt'6'o ulo Ito Hr i s o itoo ot5 P FO oFl 7f YE PS !' z g lrt v v, o z F U' : z o v, $g etr (./> rn-9 l.r (0 f\t llt lElr tr rlolf ri ill <9 <rjF. (Y) o g September 13, 1972 H Nool 6 9 Mr. Jeny Aldrich 8 Buildins Officiol tr Cify of Voil 7 Box 100$ Voil, Colorodo 81657 I I Re, Lodge South Condominiums ot Voil a ItJ! Deor Mr. Aldrich: saf, Completed preliminory review of ICBO, September 7, 1972, letter ond P with the exception of item 3(o), o clorificotion on two or three ofher ; items ond previous voriences. lt oppeors thol we will be oble to sofisfy ! yovr code requirements. zz $ Mony of the items referred to ore specificotion referrqls ond to drowings .i in our detoils monuol, both of which hove onswers contoined therein which fi ore nol on lhe drowings. t!z 9 At your convenience I suggest o conference io review oll items so thot T *. moy conclude them fo your sotisfoction. FIIUEfi Will cqll ;rou for on oppoinfmeni eorly nexl week. Yours truly, -, IO | / ,/) tl - lt otrlo Cdaf,ad. Lr l)f Ut#tW Edword A. DeVilbiss XP EAD:lp ROAD International Conference of Building Officials s350 50urH [.f' WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 (213) 699-0541 Septernber 7, 1972 OFFICERS PREAIDENT PERRY C. TYREE FtEG IONAL BU ILDINO OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORAOO FIRSI VICE-PRESIDENI EUGENE B. PESTER SUPEFIINTENDENT, OEPARTMENT OF BU ILDING AND SAFETY POMONA. CAI.I FORN IA SECONO VICE,PRESIDENT NEV\/ELL FOCK CH IEF BIJILDING INSPECTOFI YAKIMA, WASHINGiON TREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF EUILDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PRESIDENI TED E. DUKE BU I LDI NG OFFICIAL BIL'-INGS. MONTANA EiECUIIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORXMAN MILL RO !l/H ITTIER CALIFORN IA MANAG ING DI RECTOR JAMES E. EIHR 5360 5, WORKMAN MILL RD. \^/H ITTI ER. CALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORD C. DOWO DIRECTOR OF INSPECTIONg KALAMAZOO, MICHICAN DONALD A. ERICKSON D I RECTOR DEPARTMENI OF INSPECTIONS M I NNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA BTLL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. \/vASHINGTON CHARLES R. H INKLEY CH IEF 8U ILDING INSPECTOR MOUNTAIN VIEW, CAI-IFORNIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARD. CALI FORN IA JACK D, WHITE BU ILDING COOE ENGINEER KANSAS CITYI MISSOURI VINCENT R. AUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BU I LDING VERNON. CALIFORNIA DICK T. JORDAN DIRECTOR BUILDING OEPARTMENT AU6TIN, TEXAS RAY J, NOKES BU ILOIN6 OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA EARBARA SANTA EARBARA, CALI FORNIA Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Box 100 VaiL, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Aldrlch: Pl-an Cheek No. 8645 Project: Lodge South Condoniniums RECIfiCK We have received letters dated August 7 and L7, L972 from the architect in response to the eosments raised in our letter dated July 26, L972. Our corunent s follow the same numerical sequence to those in these letters. Since revised plans and specifications rdere not resubmitted' rde are unab l-e to verify the corrections made. GENERAL COMMEMS: 1. Coment remains. No revised plans were subnitted with the letter. 2. Cosment lemefng. NONSTRUCTIJRAI, COMMEMS : 1. For your infonnation. 2. For your information. 3. (a) Conment renains. The high ceillng lobby through the second floor reqrires two-hour wa1ls and labeled 1| hour fire assenbLy at the openings in the second floor walls. (b) Comnent remains. Compllance with Sectlon 4303 (b)-3 should be indicated on the plans. 4. Coument remains. 5. Coment satisfiecl. OFFICEg OF ThE EXECUItV€ OTRECTOR T. H. CARTER I'A'lAGINO OIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL OIRECTOR D. R. WATSON ftueae- ^"sto" Q,o* d 2 6. Cment satLsfied. 7. Corment rernains. You to verify. 8. Conment remalns. Please refer to ICBO Research RecorrnendatLon No. 1497 for speciflcations or you ehould refer to Code item nunober, or refer to other IGBO Research RecomendatLon numbers. 9. To be verifled by you. (a) Coment renains. |-inch Flre €ode C. Reference should be made to ICBO Research Recomendation nunber. (b) Coment remaing. (c) Codrnent remaing. 10. (arb,c,d) Comnnent renains. InclLcate attachnent on the p1ans. 11. Gomrent remains. Fire retardant wood does not comp ly with the Code reguirements. L2. Co@ent not appll.cable. L3. Cotrment not applicable. L4. Connnent feme{ns. 15. Corrlment renaLns. 16. Gomrent remaLng. L7. (a) Comnrent remaLne. Three-hour protectl.on required of second floor begms. (b) Co@ent remaLns. No Detail Nzl-A provided. See cotumn flre proofLng note 9 (d)-04. (c) Coment rempins. (d) Cment remaLne. L8. Coment remaing. 19. C@ent satisfied. 20. Co nent satisfieal. 21. VentilatLon patt of conment satLsfieal. Light part of cment not satisfLed. 3 22. No Page 8 (d)-4 provided. (a) Comrent remains. (b) Connnent remaLns. IGBO Research Recomendation nurnb er should be specifie<l. (c) Coment renaing. (d) Coment satlsfied. (e) Co'rnnent satLsfied. (f) Coment remalns. Window (e) shouLd be a labeled three-fourths hour fire assenbLy. (g) Cotrment satisfled. (h) coment remains. Stalmay is roofed and has enclosute walls, therefore, ls not coneidered an exteriot stainvay. (i) Coment satisfied. 23. Coment remaLns. 24. Conment remaLns. Drainage over gite should ehow on the p1-ot plan. 25 and. 26. Conrnent satisfied. 27. You should verify. 28. C@ent remains. 29. Connnent remains. 30. Co@ent remains. Notes should specify glazing to conply with Grapter 54. 31. Coment remains. 32. Comment remaing, 33. Coirnent remaLns. 34. Coment remaLus. STRUGTIIRAL CO}IMEMS: 1. (arb,c) Conments rernain. Statement ehould be placecl on the plans. 4 2. Co@ent remaLn6. Soil report not subnitted. 3. Co@ent renal.ns. No new calculetions subnitted. 4. Connent remalns. Sectlon L.2 of the A.I.S.C. ltunual of Steel CoustnrctLon requires the design of connectl.ons for contlnuity for dead and live loads unless connections are sholcn to have inelastic rotatLon capacity to avoid overetressing of the fasteners under dead load plus llve Loads plus lateral loa<ls. 5. Coment remaLns. IGBO Regearch ReconrmendatLon is reErl.red for roof and floor decklng. 6. Con'nent remains. (a) Should have Regeareh Recormendation dependlng upon detail of connection. Eow does force at Line G get to Line H? (b) Attachment should comply wLth Research Reconnnendatlon. (c) Corrrment renalns. See allowable shear valueg for one-inch anchor boLts TabLe No. 27-I. 7. Corment satisfLeil. 8. Coment satlsfied. 9. Coment satisfled. You should verlfy. 10. (a & b) Cornnents satisfied. You should verify, (c) Cornment reme ins . (d) Corment satiefied. lL. Coment satlsfied. L2. Conrment satisfled. 13. Conment remains. Crose sectlon should be provided to show supportfor vertical. reinforcLng. L4. Conrneat satLsfled. You should verify. L5. (a) Co'r rent remal.ns. Pipe colunne sholrr on Sheet S-2 are on Line L. (b) Cornrnent femains. (c) Goment remains. Shoukl shorr weld and plate sl.ze. (d) Corment remslns. (e) Coment ron"alns. llhere ls Detall 2-SD-20? 16. Comrnent satisfied, you should verify. In answer to your queetlon concernl.ng the constr:uctlon of roofs over balconies we have been allod.ng noncombustlble constr:uction petmltted by SectLon 1710 for roof proJections at the top story of buildlngs for private balconiee. The area of prl.vate balconies at all stories have been exempted frorn the buLlclLng area. A11 data is belng heLd pending receipt of further instr:uctions from you, If lnstructlons are not received, data will be returned in 90 days. Please feel free to cotrtact ue Lf there are any questlons. Yours very truLy, IMERNATIOI{AI COIIFERENCE RIlt: glu RO GER5, NAL:I L, IA NGHART PROJECT REPORT ,*Ojrar. Lodo" ot Voil NO ': 277 t' 'r DAIE:ql/72 PERAT JOB & WEATHER CONDITIONS: PROGRESS OR WORK. Generol Controctor hos porred oll externol concrete footing pods ond for the pct week hos bsen in thc proccss of opening up the bosement oneo. Under ground flowing wotcr os expected by the soil reporl wqs Gncountered, therefore, the contmctor is procceding with the use of sump pumps to keep the woter down qs low gr porslble rc thot thc footlng pods in thc bosement oreo, thc droinoge sysicm ond the sump pump oncos moy bc Inrtollcd. Concrete footlngs in thcse onaos one being poured immcdlotcly qftcr thc de-wotering prcce$ hqs been completed in the cncored opening. Progres ot this tlme ls extrcmely slow, however, once the concrete footing pods in the bosement oreo hove been completed the foundotion wolls ond columns in this oreq will bc pourud ond the structurol steel components will begin to be erected. lt oppeors thotthestructuol steel will begintobeerectedthelotterportof theweekof the llth or the first port of the week of September l8th. Progrcss of the proiect should improve during the month of Scptember. -\ rflg'i/,rl Vn /oY t €2 \o^ DOCUMENTS DELIVERED OR RECEIVED: ROGERS,/NAGEL/ TANGHART orchi tects 1626 Siout Strcet Denver, Colorodo 80202 Tel . 222-4731 Pinkord el Hoiold o FlNl= d = Sepfember l, 1972 Ms. Diono Toughill Voil Building Deportment Box 100 Voif , Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominium ot Voil Deor Ms. Toughill: Enclosed is o leiter from our slructurol engineering consultonts relotive to one of fhe ICBO review letter items regording slob mesh os originolly pecified. lf reguired, pleose provide the necessory opplicotion form ond schedule or oppeoronce ot the eorliest possible dqte with your Boord of Appeols so thot we moy discuss fhis item. EAD:lp Enc losure Yours tru ly, L: ] ANDERSON 2O BRYANT STINGS NVER, C & HA . DE CONSULTING ENGINEERS OLORADO 80219 r 922-3796 ro August 30, 1972 Mr. Ed DeVilbis Rogers/Nage I /Langhart, Arch itects 1601 Arapahoe Street, Third Floor Denver, Colorado 80202 RE: Lodoe South Condominium Dear Ed: Structural comnent number 11 in the lCBO plan check letter to Ed Struble, indicates that the resh provided in the floor slabs do not meet the 1970 Uniform Bui lding Code. The section referred to, 2608 (g), is minimum reinforcing for ternperaf ure and shrinkage. The reinforcerent provi ded (6 x 6 - 10/10 WWF), according to the latest Wheeling catalog, provi des a superimposed slab capacity of 328 P.s.f.This is much greater than a required capacity of 69 p.s.f. Our own cal- culations show that for a single simple span, the npst severe condition' the slab capacity is 248 p.s.f., which is much greater than 104 P.s.f. reoui red. We fee I that the structural capacity of the slabs, as shown on the structura I drawings, far exceeds the requi red capacity and additional reinforcerent is unnecessary. The nresh specif ied provi des reinforcement at 10 inches o.c. each way and is adequate for temperature and shrinkage reouirenents. lf we may be of any further assistance in this matter, please call us. Very truly H,L ,.. . -,'.y6^rr{ --- ibr - -- tkn . --- vdl Pa rk . ,.. t.:l_l' {.:\tc , , irl "! \i:: L$iiI copiet i.i I >_ J DP/pn i -*z;:,4J+' $'ta qi-&, I l- ; I - - --- l /! 72. s-o" ;;-2 13 . 2 t'-ffieAs/o".sea/ceJ "e a4/ c\ orLoc o a/4' / e,n,ls /e. llncr x ? !loor5- . /2 X 2/ l/, 4. Qc^t{r-n* re4,-, -- " / /y' slaa e g /'1 :\ i- -i '- i I ;- I i- --; -'i. ll ._r,_L -Lt'l Augusf 23, 1972 Ms. Diono S. Toughill Voil Building Deportment Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81557 Deor Diono: All drowings of fhe existing Lodge ot Voil hove been retumed to the Owner. lf these drowings will be helpful, I suggest thof you contoct Mr. Ross Dovis ond borrow them from his files. Yours truly, EAD:lp Fll\llE- d 1. tr Ft I(!z) .J Lllo z otr LlJ(,orr /oY €r2 \o 4o,e rc b &'.8 fu^rt FIIUL G@PV Augut 17, lgl2 Mr. T. J. Ko)rynotl lntrmofbrol C.onfrrncr of lulldlng Offlclolr 5ill0 Sorrlh Worlnon Mlll Rood Whlttbr, Collfomlo 90601 Rrc Lodgt Soulh Condonrlnlumr Dcor Mr. Koyonoter: In rrvlcwlng )rour oiltrnnt! ;1lotlw io tho chrck lld ptpord fu th. t,odgr Sorrfh Condonlnlumrr n rrcd yun lnlp ngordlng an Intopntqtlon of thr dcflnltlm of flor ono prr Scctlon &7 and rhl oppllcdlllry undcr Srctlon l7l0 or lt muld opply tro ilre rxtcrlor bolconht. lf thc: bolconbr orr rpl Includcd wlthln lho floor srro vr rvould prrfcr io prwldo thc mof crrhongr o nqrcomburtlblc but mt protrcrrd for flro rul$oncr, cxccpl uirn lhly on dovr bolconbr uEl tr rxlt puryorcr. Do pu conrldor thot thc prlvoir rxirrlor 5'-0' bolconlo foll wlthln thc dsflnltlon of ur$b floor qro, Sccllon 407? EADrlp ccr lulldlng Depodmrni Vsll, C,olorsdo Archlfcr @crtrq NStsETZ I fo or) August 15, 1972 Mr. T. J. Koyamatsu Internailonal Conf€renc€ of Bul ldlng offlclalg 5560 South l{orkmon Ml | | Road lihltfler, Call fornla 9060 1 Re: Lodge South Condoml n I ums Docr Mr. Koyamafgu: Encloscd ls an answor from RNL, Inc. on your Plan check for the Lodge South Condomlnlums. There ar€ several ltems whlch I revlswed wlth the archltect today and have been taken cere of by varlonce. Referencos ars to gour plan check lctter; 2.Thls ltem odJolns U. S. Forest Servlcc property and by def Inltlon o trPubllc Waytr. A varlance has been f or the sotbcck f rom f h I s properfy I 'l nc. ls grrnted 7. 2t. 22, A varlanco wos granted fo pernlt the use of a rrcold roof rf ag deslgned by KopPers. Mechanlcal ventl latlon has becn provlded and the Bul ldlng Department rlll accepf the mechanlctl llghtlng In fhls I nstance (h) - Stalrg rlll elthcr be encloscd as r.qu€sted or a varlonce rl lt 6e apPl led for ( I ) - Has booR redes I gned to. rnect smokeproof enc losure requlremcnfs. | 8. Tho Va I I Bu | | d I ng Deparf rnent he e allovcd undcr Seetlon ll05 to onl lf you havc furthcr questlonl, Depc rtment . Yourg truly TOI{N OF VA I L allorcd the cxceptlon t thc mochon.leal .Yentl laf lon. plrrs:b contae? fhe.Bu| |dIng '. Dlana S. Tough | | | Bul fdfng Dopartment ! ,]..! dt *: v ..' ' ,. 'b-' . :e, .: (i)(9 Frt) (f,o(D ul t! (\loAI t C) uJ z ITJ Fulul Fa Ulor (L (I o (o ('zzz J(L gz LIJ Luz(,z LU Augusf 7, 1972 Building Deportmenf City of Voil Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominium Gentlemen: Our copy of the UBC review letfer dqted July 26, 1972has been received ond in our opinion oll items nofed hove subseguenfly been brought info confiormonce with fhe Uniform Building Code ond fhe Ordinonces of the Town of Voil. Our discussion regording eqch of fhe listed items noi including the struclurol commenfs beginning on poge six is enclosed. The shucturol comments ore covered in o seporote ond occomponing letter from our consulfing structurol engineering firm, Anderson ond Hostings. From the body of the review iexf we would like to bring forword ond discuss those items to which we hove given speciol ottenf ion resulting in modifico- tions or supplementotion with informotion not included in the originol contrcrcf drowings ond speciffcotions in order to ossisf you in evoluoting those items which were not odeguotely covered in the zubmission for o building permit. Poge l, ltem 2. (o) thru (e) Included with this letier ore four prints of Sht. A-l revised ond doted AugusJ 12, 1972. We request ihof you crpprove os provided in UBC Section 106 ihe use of fhe oreo designoted on the revised site plon os U.S.F.S. permit lines os "yord" ond "public spoce". We errored in not including this informofion on the originol drowing. FlNf. fr =I (r F 'r zI .J LU(' z a u,(,o(E ":\ tf u or, /-vxtu/ /oY { ,7 \o^. FlNl. Building Deportment August 7, 1972 Poge 2. Poge 3, ltem 17. (o) Beoms shown on Sht. S-2 supporting columns F-2 ond G-4 will be individuolly fireproofed with o two hour rofing in oddition io the three hour envelope os designed. Poge 5, ltem 22. (i) (l) ond (2) The west stoirwoy will be enclosed os required to conform wilh UBC Section 3309 (g) with one hour doors of oll floors. In oddition, the connecting portion of bolconies on the fhird, sevenfh ond eighth floors io fhe bolcony vestibules will be delefed os shown on ihe ottoched bolcony plon io prevenf occidenfol egress onto fhe bolconies from the bolcony vesfibules. This leiter ond fhe enclosed letter review moy be considered os port of ihe controct documents submiiied with the opplicotion for the building permit, ond ony odditions or chonges will be preformed os confoined herein. Pleose nofifo our office if furfher informofion is required or you would like us to hove o conference wifh you - we will offer our full cooperof ion . Sincerely yours, EAD:lp Enclosures Archiiecf CONFERENrcE OR The following items qrc nofed in the order os they oppeor in the leiter with reloted rebrencing. GENEML COMMEMS Item Item t. 2. Existing ond revised grodes ore shown on Sht. A-l, Refer to yord ond public poce provided by U.S.F.S. permit lines Item I. Item 2. Item 3. NO NSTRUCTURAL COMME NTS Item 4. No comment. Refer to U.S.F.5. permit lines os shown on revised site plon Shf . A-l . (o) Occuponcy seporotion is provided per Shfs. A-3, A-l l, S-7 by 8" concrete block ond 8" poured concrete wolls. Refer olso to block pecificotion section 4A-M in conformonce with UBC Toble €-8, Items fl qnd 28. (b) Columns ore encosed in concrete fire protecfion poured up to level of concrete slob qs shown in detoil SD-9 to mointoin seol of 3-hr. envelope ond confinuify with concrete slob. Three hour 8" block occupqncy seporofion woll between lobby ond porking orco is supported on 8" structurol concrefe slob, detoil 5 Shi. S-7 in onfiormonce with UBC Toble 4i!-C ltem l. Remoinder of seporotion wqll is 8t' strucfurql concrete wqll continuing down to fioundofion. The occuponcy seporotion, between the first floor lobby ond po*ing oreos, exfends ihru underfloor io seol wiih concrete slob os slrown in Seciion 2, Sht. A-l I . Provided Sht. M-9. Apprcved by vorionce, Town of Voil Boord of Appeols lvleeting, Februory lO, 1972, to focilitote instollotion of "cold" roof reguired to retord melting ond refreezing of snow. Provided. Indicofed on detoil sheefs AD-7 ond AD-8, ond plons 3 ond 4 on Sht. A- I I . Specified br oll shofts, pecificotions 9D-04. Assemblies ryecified l0A-04 ond l0A-06. Ppvided. All porfifions ore min. I hr. door 74 pr door schedule is l-3/4 solid core qnd will hqve o I hr. roting per chonge order. Chuie dischqrge ond gprinklers will be provided, os indicoted qpecific- otions 10A-06. (o) Provided. Refer to +ecificotions 9D-M "Ceiling Sysfem - Supended". (b) Provided. Refer fo ?ecificotions 9D-O4.ffi specific United Stotes Sypsum publi*red detoils. Enclosed is o copy of USG Monuol. (c) Prcvided. Refer to USG A-1202 os specified in Section 9D-04. Item 5. Item 6. Item 7. Item 8. Item 9. hem 10. Item 10. Item I l. (d) Provided. Refer to interior portifion foce os ryecified USG Sysiem A-1n2. Prcvided. All eove over{rongs ond proiecfions ore supported by noncombusfible steel beoms ond steel deck. Finish wood trim is fire retordont os Fecified inSection 6A-05. All overhongs over exterior bolconies ore proiecfed wifh 2 hr. roting, shown on plon I on Sht. A-9. Not opplicoble. No shower stol ls. Not opplicoble . No bothtub enclosures . Not opplicoble or required. Provided, with pecified heotilotor ossembly. Provided. Specificotions 9D-04 qnd USG ossembly. Refer io enclosed monuol . (o) Provided. See ltem ond discussion ot beginning of letter. (b) Provided. Detqils SD-10, A2l-1. (c) Provided. Where opplicoble. (d) Provided. Wherc goroge is open on fhree sides, odditionol ventilotion is not effective. Requesi occeplonce of exception per UBC Section I105 Poge 74. Provided. Provided. Sht. M-7 pecificotion Section l5D-05, D-1. Requiremenfs for ventiloiion ore met by continuouslyiliroted system os shown on Sht. M-7 ond specified in Secfion l5D-05, D-2. Defoil Shts. AD-6 ond AD-7 slrown the omouni of openness into living oreos for noturol light. Both fypicol kitchens provide in excess of 25 q.ft. of opening if doorwoys ore counfed. lf, in the opinion of the building inspector the doorwoy openings ore nof ollowed br nofurol light, the omount of kitchen cqbinets over the open counfer (though needed by fhe owners of fhese condominiums) will be reduced os requesled. (o) Provided. Refer to specificotions hordwore schedule beginning on Poge 8D.4. (b) Provided. Corridor portitions ore one hour. All ceilings minimum of two hours. Specificotions Section 9D-04. (c) Provided. All doors opening inlo corridors will hove twenty-minute roting. (d) Provided. (e) Provided. Refer to Defoil AD-l l. (f) Provided. Windowtype "C" strown in elevotion l, Sht. A-7 is not operoble, see defoil sheet AD-5. Will close off open oreo of woll common no $qir no. 3 ond covered po*ing oreo shown in Section 3, Sht. S-l by moking woll solid. (g) Provided. See stoir secfions I ond 2 on Sht. S-4. (h) Not required, os eosternly sfoir is on exierior stoirwoy os referred to in UBC Section 3305 (k). l) Provided. 2) M exit enclosures. 3) No doors. Item 12. Item 13. liem 14. Item 15. Item 16. Item 17. Item 18. Item 19. Item 20. Item 21. Item 22. -2- o fu,aVeo.@-tWanefi6 , @w(eav QVAWnS llen 22.(i)l) Provided. Seven I hr. doors with closing devices per UBC Section 3309 (h) 6 will be provided by controct chonge order. 2) Provided. Portions of bolconies on third, seventh ond eighth floor will be deleted so thot bolcony is nof connected to open oir exit vestibule. (i) Provided. Refer to Shts. E-4, E-5 qnd +ecificotions Secfion r6D-02. Item 23. Provided. See elev. l, Sht. A-7 ond plon Sht. M-5. Item 24. No roof droinoge system required. ftems 25, 25 & 27. Provided. Refer to shts. M-8, M-9, M-10 ond specificotions Section l5H.8. ,zProvided. Closs lll poneling is glued ro I hr. drywoll. 29.t -Provided. Soecificofion Seclion 8E-0?29.t2Provided. Specificotion Seciion 8E-02. 30/tProvided. See orevious ltem l0- ond U!30/2Provided. See previous ltem 10. ond USG Mqnuol .3l{ }rcvided. Specificotions Section 4A-05.3l { tPrcvided. Specificotions Section 4A-05.32,/ Provided. Detoil 10, Sht. AlO. (Even though code intenf moy nor ,he for exterior decking). 33f .Provided. Specificofions Section l4A-02, lost sentence. t+aorh./ Item hem hem Item Item hem -3- SrWo?\T+slnrgx i#-, ?-/-/7tv^. ... ,// {zz:1,:4- lN?td IEq ?*tbA ae WbJy Wt-e1E? otn -fl+e ?P n-ef. e:NLy, t6lale.F6tpqlter) q ? t-ar-a WLelEp b *+ ) )q14 ot-r -rge ol lz +.* FLR1-, ANDERSON I2O BRYANT & HASTINGS CONSULTING ENGINEERS . DENVER, COLORADO 80219 o 922-3796 COMMENTS ONTHE REI'IEW DONE BY INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS FOR LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINIUM PIAN-CHECK NO. 8645 l. a, b, c. Rogers,/Nagel,/Ianghart, Archltecte are provldlng a quallfled lnspector to observe constructlon Fogress throughout the prolect. otrr offtce wlll make lnspectlons ae regutred and requeeted by the Archltects tnspector. Bearlng type connectlons are not requlrcd. 2. Pertlnent solls lnformatlon ls enclosed. 3. The 80 p.s.f. total load used ln the deslgn of the roof was a early estlmate of the type of roof constructlon. A more careful examln- atlon of the flnal constructlon lrdlcates a dead load of 15 p.s.f. Thts allot.rs a llve load of 65 p.s.f. Thls wlll malntaln a total load of 80 p.s.f. The drawings wlU be changed to lndlcate a snow load of 65 p.s.f. 4. The structure ls dealgned ualng type II construcUon Fef . 1970 Manual of Steel Constructton and Speciftcations for the Deslgn, Pabrlcatlon and Erectlon of Structural Steel for Butldtngs, Amerlcan Instltute of Steel Constructlon). Thls permlts the deslgn of beams as slmple epans for gravlty loading provlde that the connectlons have the capaclty to reslst lateral loads. 5. The 3" concrete elab acts as the horlzontal dlaphragm and thls shear ls transferred to the wlnd truss at line l, 10. 16 ard 24, thru shear studs attached to l2 lnch beams Re/25D10. Slab retnf . Re,/answer +rr. 5. a. 9ee Attached Calculatlons. 6. b. Beam llnes C e G at T.O.8. elevatlon 149'-2-Il/16" ts a moment reslstlng frame for lateral loads slmtlar to lower floors. 6. c. See Attached Calculatlons. 7. The basement wall ls eupported by the slab on grade and {14 dowels @ 12" at perlmeter of basement. Re,/lSD2. 8. Refer to ISD{, whlch lndtcatee bottom of footlngs extend to a mlnlmum of 3'-6 below grade. ANDERSON & HA,STINGS CONSULTING ENGINEERS .t2O BRYANT . DENVER, COLORADO 80219 . 922-37s6 9. Hqtzontal baaemcnt wall relnforctng shown tn 4S7 ghall be changed to {t4 @ 10" o.c. 10. a. Answered ln questlon No. 3, f 0. b. Corrcrete cover for *5 baro wlll be changed to read 2". 10. c. The conncettonalong ltne C & G shall be ae detatled on detltl lSDf 6. lO. d. The deck does not need to be palnted !t lnterlor areas. ll. The rclnforcament shorf,n, wlll bc revlsed to be 6 x 6 - 6,/6 WWF ln place of 6 x 6 - lO/10 wwT. 12. The elevator loads were lncluded tn the deslgn of beams and columns at the elevator. 13. Sectton lsDl,. the pler relnforclng note shall be changed to read *3 t1e 'sets" at l8' o.c. Seetton 18D4, the colurnn relnforclng notb shll be changed to read *3 tte " getg" at 12" o.c. Itl . The eectlon at the tower right.hard slde of the aheet should be changed to Sectlon 5. 15. a- These ttiro columns are called out on lS2. lS. b. Uae sta$frd'fr.amed beam.conntctlo"n dccotding to AISC Steel Code. !. 15. c. Attachment ls callcd out on 383. 15. d. Archltoctural. 15. a. Therefcrencc on l8Dl4 thqt l. cut off onrlght hand stdc should read 2SD20. 15. a. Ths conncctlon wlll be mado uslng a 3/16' flllet weld all arourd. o Gt. 6c, & OotrrNGS coNrut,*o ENcTNEERS &urU__&.ptotutUHw B,?K n, 8 S 7Z*n Ch.cfcd _Slsr _ot_ /brc. *a^e. : Z6.o/c nax e A/// Ea>a 4g'l r 3'/ g;u@z Srzso.s @ /2" o,o. 6u-^e @rr/-- g,o * &r. (arc AE:E z7-c) - 3,6EaLfub:4 b3rw6 fueatgteo frrl+ ,ab*e. *ana € = 7oF@6ltqt 8n/ Fure = /y'a.OE S+esz tq,/Ata br^Wgg *at< =WOOO =. 36 esiDtW ' 5a64,<. M-- dopi 1ack6a6-D) JEZ Best t Copf eS Available i{I 1.l ,lrt I l I l il ,ii ins !t Dqta Tctrd: Totol Yordr: 7 lYotcr Rrducer: F n Wind: Timr Eotchcd: L$5 TEST CYLTXD!ni m 3 DoY l. 2. 1 a. Avcroge RE}|AIf,t: 'tr-[ 2988 flst Ir- S#ts, Tolol Wqter: idir Entroining: Humidify: Tinc Ploccd: ?$5 44T7 hv 2%9 ,ovl 825-5261 2531 West 8ilr dvo.Box l2l3 lder, Cob.8O3@ ilATERIALS ft?Olt tor tlalg{ ffinclln Job t{o. or l. D. Mix.l.D.: a & Slump: $. Air: 4#rf rrr. Hotll Trmp.: Air Tcmp.: W 14 Doy 22'8 b749 t+9q3 t+826 1ffLD : 3.r -. ]UIGG Denver, Colo. 8O2O4 Tlclrr r lrct r. IAi lll j L9s P, O.af 2tn '$ ;ir' trJ2 s. Box l2l3 Boulder. Golo. 80302 Toto I Yordr: Wolcr Rcduccr: Wind:Hurnidity: Timc Botchad: lS@ Tino Ploccd: J3@ TEST CYLrITDERS [rL zgtL 3 Dov N Doy 279L 2800 279f. Xrolo f,lr $q;llrr Toto I Wotcr b 33 Air Entroining: Tichr p L n53 c2loj4-enazLLocorron: Iadgc Soo FoOtcrr --_'--Wt /Cu.Ft.: ll*.Olr Y i.ld, Concrcte Tcmp.: 7e F A Moisturc: Co lc ium: Wcothcr: O1q'OAft Timc Tcstcd: 5S1O 14 Doy l. 2. 3. 1. Avrrogo REI{ARXI: TE Dov b955 t+655 l Kf.I' tr8O5 sLF i 0 \'ri? ilattiab Testing $tuice |IATERIALS REPORT for lblert Oaclnrotto Job l{o or l. D. 5tt-L Dotc Tcrrcd: ,qstt 75, lffz Mix f 'D': 6 * slumP: 3ll Air: 3.5, $t eag.lVotriTcml; Air Tcmp.: '12' 2531 West 8th Ave. 825 -5261 Denver, Colo. 8AZA4 .r,, *:iE - .x, . .-{."1. tAIERIALS REPORT {or Job lto. or l. D. Doto Tcstcd: Mix l.D.: 6+ ah' Slunp: 1*" Woicr Tcmp.: Torol Yords:7 yds. lVotcr Rcduccr: Wind: Lt. Breeze TimcBorchcd: 3350 TEST CYLINDCRS 3 DoY l. 2. 3. 4. Avrrogo REIIARKS: 825-526r Pfu*ard Construction 531-1 Tichrr n Ansusr Lo, Lnz Loco,ion: +Pit;!i*3"13i; 5::.lH lal"rr, 3 3/l+!.n' l+.)fi ytt/Cv.Ft.: yicld: and 12 Air Tcmp.: 75o Concrctc Tcmp.r 8Oo Toto I Wotcr: FA Moisturc: Air Entroining: Colcium: Humidity: Wcoihcr: OVgf CaSt Time Ploccd' Irt2O Timc Testod, 4330 fiL L9t 2Ot 2L, 22, a^d 23 2Qt Dov 14 Doy 2@ a Dov I HCILD t+6292888 269]- 4489 2790 \559 Prot o-lt{lx Cqrcrete-supplLer \Yo</ F" eibf r u Qt* F t. f' t."1 ls hsting SruicetEil ,T"'*,[:i:lllfii825-526r ,Qr\z,\s \fan./ .y--. 's. .l' HATERTALS REPORT fo, Plnkard costruction t- r...'\) Jcb No. or l. D. 531-1 \Y Ticlrt r Dofo Tcrrcd: August LA, lylz Locorion: J9gg9--Sgtg-9oqi9. lgrotfqe Pedslilffine I Faa #2L, 22' 19; 18' 15' Mir f .D.: 5+ sl( stump: 3 )/t*Ri,, 4J* Ylt/cu.Ft.: Yield: and 12 IiL" Wotrr Tcnp.: Air Tomp.: ?5o Concrclc Tcmp.: 8Oo Totol Yordr: / yds. Totol Wotcr: F A Moisturc: Wotrr Rcduccr: Air Entroining: Colcium: Wind: Lt. Breezg Humidity: , Wcothcr: Overcast Timr Borchcd: 3 3 5O Timc Ploccd, 432O Tinc Tcsrd, 43 3O TEsr cyLtxDERs 53I Lgt 20, z]-t ?2, and 23 3 Doy 2@i wy- 14 Doy 2@ a D"v I HOI,D r. 2888 2. 269r 3. 1. Avrosr 2799 REMAI(S: Prot o-t{Lx C ocrete-suppller ?'rth^\AM 7655 WtST MtSStSStppt AvENUE . pOSr OFF tCE 80X 2 6227 DENVER, COIORADO 80226 JAIIES W. PINKARD GE ERAL iITIfAGER TEIE?HoxE 986.4555 TO Bulldtng Departnent - Town of Vatl DATE August 9, L972 P. O. Box l-00 VaLl. Colorado 81657 ATTEMION: RESIREI|CE: ()ls JOB I{AHE: Lodge South Condominium SUBJECT: I.C.B.O. lnformation IIE ARE TRaNSMITTING TTIE FOLIOI{IT{G: APPR,OVED @ roR()roR()roR ()FoR BY YOT'R APPRO/AL YOUR RECORDS YOI'R FURTTIER ACTION CORRECTION ATID RESUBUITTAL Pleaee return_Approned or FOR YOT'R PROPOSAL FOR YOI'R PR,OPOSAL ON REI'ISIONS PER YOI]R REQUEST () () () () Please return Prlnte for corrected prtotg Floal of each Approval Fllea and Dlstrtbutloo REIIARKS: %\,r# ,r"t /ot'€ z \oo We No. of Cooles ( )Ltr. dsted &;l llrard no No -De scrlD tI Preoared BY 4 41 Sit,e PLan R/N/L, rnc. 1 n/N/r,, rnc. ltlrtcn, Ca'tc& 8t6at 2?2O spoclrf rh Loder rt vriL Autuft t, lt72 lgre ls 8. Drgltt'b f-{b. rt Vallvrll, 6 8163? Dcrr Rorft I rcr tbrt tt ladgp rt vr^fl tr roqugtlao rpprcvef tor r bul,ldlng D.lrft ud rod.q f,oa r rr tddltiou to tltr l€agDthrt lrcfud.r r prlDdrl ter l7 D.*fng tFcrl on ntlorltorut lrnd. Itt hrd rrqnrtrd !r Bnrrert{.y unds p.trrft 6 udl Arpcl*an.t'|lt erroertr?ff h- watcd to silfrgslb ti. gortlon oftlrlr pcnl,t ercdrl f,or tlp l*dlrtr L4 |'llrct;a*atr. er your runr.t tt for lrlyetc pertlng rad lsld Dt bao1ll tc tAr Wrrref p6llc, r 6119r p.rrl,t Lr rcgrd,,rrd. 'b rrml, n*dt frr l,a bersl. en !1rr p.rst ot t.bsq;;nfrd vrln of b LrC. t u rttechlng r .et ol rfirUcrtto! totr fisr r sprcdrllbr D*rlt. r Frrtt rl,Il b. |.pa rdbJrct tor L I earyletril rpllcrttm r&lttrd 1l qurdnpl.tertr 2. epprd otr r lmdsfr Elrn ffnE br tb.hfr br* dtrc trt b tb bt dll b. brladfd t. r copf of th. pt"rt #rrflgt tba propor:<l F*lug Phrn pla lor nvlrrg tb ptr*fag rra twfrat, rtauctilrttg63 ln{ nFlry tb .t|lp ba} d fgovldfaA ln rs.' todl pld prrllry Erlslt. Er Er EOlnXltlstailec rryr eEl t.o*T|ll frncfrElyfu d rrit .4E.ih I'O a*t I nn, Q-or*i t, :P I A-. /.nbe *a.e. : Zt'r,O/( ha./ e Eih n*,u 7g'' I r 3'/ g;uEFE ,rctos @ /2" o,o, lrro^r- {2ea6,r- ?On rt (urc Tre^e Z7-c) /Vtrrrtt.rz r?fu.'l ' - ,L/-. -= ;i,E-2 z, t' 1 S7-uDs,Q.471-'i -,t/rJr,, 6c' frrlr- /-h,:rz'. 9-trnrz A iL = 7t- ^' t':' f'zz'rt (.2;a-t:Zoft;'?+tj/' r.: = Sgr*ar: lttr-r-r't"l 't'" vi - (,"./ F-48rc = /hO,OE .f)>Apttc y1t*LL 7e@OTatT*F ' b0 y6c ( rcc'T#/^€ %^D) o Best . copy availableo .'j* O Jufy 27, 1972 Mr. B.ruco Ree d Plnkard Construcflon ConponyP. 0, Box 26227 DenYer, Colorcdo 80226 SubJoct: Lodge Soufh Condonlnl unrg Utl ll fy Consfrucffon Dear B ruco: I an vrltlng ln rcaard to the loca?lon and constructlon ofutl lltlcs for the Lodge South Condomlnlun proJect. Ic. havcnet rlth offlclsls of other utl llty companlos, consldered cl Iposslbllltles and belleve we have come up rlth the best solu-tlon for evoryono Involved. Fron Bush.of the Yal I Flre Dcpartment ranfs to roglryc thc 6rrwater llnc on your propcrty lor o flrc Dlug. lngtallcflon of cplug horo rould grsatly boncflt thc Lodgc complex E3 far osflrs ratlng for Inguranco purposes and for flro protocilon. Reservotlon of thlg llne noans that anothcr rater llnr rlll have to be wafer cnd brought In to servlco thc bul ldlng. Sanltary 3cter,grs src al I aval lable ct tho Intrrsecflon of Gore Groek Orlvo and Tlllor Brldgc Rocd. For thlt reoaon, re vlllcllow ihe ontlrc ttrrat to be closod ond thcro ufllltles rouiedthls way. Exlstlng pow€r ond.tclcphonc roem tb bc In confllctrlth your proposed bulldlng and rlll hovc to bc novcd The atnttery scw6r and Hlf6r n!ln €xtenrlonr In tho 3tr6et rhtllbr conrtructod by. a oalnllne contrtctor llcrnred In the Town of Val | . Tho eonltary rerer rl I I bc ttralght fron thc oxlstlng nanhole fo r n.rly conrtrucfed mcnhslc In fron? ol youp proporty. Your sarvlcr IIn. cln run fron thero Into thr butldlng. Lt+hfhlr fypo of orrangencni, re.rlll thon rorvlcc the tcrar maln'lxtenslon In thC rtruet and you wl ll br rorponslblc for only'thl srrvlc. llne fo thc bulldlng. Thr rotcr naln rlfl lay o df rtancc ol at lcart lOf aroy'f rom thc tonltlry sGrrr q tz-,&-z-*. t z -*/ - . t' 7 ..JV Zi- '/ I l: Pl nkord Constructlon ConPany July 27, 1972 Page 2 The only storm dralnage avallable ln the area ls a corrugated rtcel plpe tmncdlately south and trest of thc bul ldlng slle. The bulldlng ond iurroundlng ground nust be made io draln Into thls, or out Into the street. No cstch boslnr, roof dralns or underground pcrforatsd tlle dralng vlll be ollorEd to bc conneeted to the sonliary ter.r. An approvcd gand and grcase Intercepfor vlll be requlrld for floor dralns In gorage area belore raste water snters storm scrrcr5. We wl lt also requlre that a conplete new roadroy sectlon b€ con- structed eftcr completlon of the utllltles and before tha cnd of thlg constructlon ssason. The roadrlcy sectlon thal I be equlvalenf to the exlgtlng and shall be constructed In accordance wlth our speclflcatlons. Reconstructlon of thft roadley sectlon before the rlntsr s€ason le an absoltrte musf for thc Town of Vall a3 uell as for the Lodgc Feel free to contact ma af any future tlme In regard to fhose matterg. Thank you for your conslderatlon. Yours fru ly, TOI{N OF VA I L Kent R. Rose, P. E, Torn ENglneer clw International Conference of Buifding Officials 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORf.qA 9OfP1 (2'13) 699-Os41 OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE RE6IONAL BUILDING OFFICIAL coLoFaADO SPRtN6S. COLORADO FIRST VICE.PREsIOEN'T EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENI. DEPARTMENT OF BU ILDING AND SAFETY POMONA. CALI FORN IA SECONO VICE.PRESIDENI NEWELL POCK CH IEF 6U ILDING IN5PEC'IOFI YAKIMA, WASHINGTON IREASURER VINCENT R. BUSH SUPERTNTENDENT OF BUILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA J UN IOR PAST PRESIDENT TEO E. DUKE BU I LOING OFFICIAL AI LLINGS, MONIANA EXECIJTIVE DIRECTOR T. H. CARTER 5360 5. WORXMAN MILL RO, WH ITTIER, CALIFORN IA MANAGING DIREC"TOR JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S. WORXMAN MILL RO. WH ITTIER (:ALIFORN IA DIRECTORS GAYLORO C. DOWD D IRECIOR OF INSPECTIONS XALAMAZOO, M ICHI GAN DONALD A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF I NSPECTIONS MINNEAPOLIs. MINNESOIA BILL P. HORN CH IEF BUILOING INSFEC'TOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, l/l/ASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHI EF BU ILD ING !NSPECTOR MOUNIA IN VIElJ\/. CALI FORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILDIN G OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEDA HAYWARO. CALIFORN IA JACK D. \/vHITE BTJILOING CODE ENG INEER KANSAS CITY, M ISSOURI VI NCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILDI G VERNON, CALIFORN IA DICK T. JOROAN OIRECTOR Bt]ILDING OEPARTMENT AUSTIN,IEXAS RAY J. NOKES BU ILDING OFFICIAL COUNTY OF SANTA BAR6ARA 6ANTA BARBARA. CALIFORNIA t CR I[ 31 t972 Ed Struble Building Official City of Vail Box l-00 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. S truble: Ju1-y 26, L972 cc' Occupancy Classlfication: F-1 and H Fire Zone No. 3 Stories: Eight OFFICEs OF THE EXECUTIVE OIRECTOR T. H. CANTER MANAGIN6 DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR TECHNICAL DIRECTOR D. R, VI,ATSON Condmrinium 1I Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. Sq. Ft. 3. ,r4/ 6\\",*- ,r* ,.!#1"., 1' 6 .q PLan Check No. 8645 Project: Lodge South Type of Construction: Fl.oor Area: Basement - L,L96 (F-1) -11,056(H) -7L,242 Balcony -l-0,080 Occupant Load: 356 Valuation: $2,130,000.0d) 7 1970 Unif ord-Buildiiig- C6de Seismic Zone No. 1 roN Data for the above project has been reviewed for conform- ance wLth the Uniform Buildlng Code and our c otrElents are as follows: GEMRAL C@IMENTS: 1. Bullding was checked as a Type II construction per Table No. 17-A - Chapter 19 and revised Section 1705 (c) tn C''.R.. accordance with the City of Vallrs Ordinance No. 5 - 197L. Flnish grades should be s hown within 15 feet of building to indicate amount of gradlng involved. If the property line is 5 feet 4 wall many problerns of compl-iance ence is mede to the foLloving: Re ots{.K ii:rl.! inches from the southerly r,lF'will- be involved. Refer- V{' (a) See Table No. 5-A for protected openings for F-1 and H Occupancies. (b) Section 504 (b) for percent of opening permitted. (c) sectlon 1903 (b) for protection of openings. (d) Sectlon 1306 for 9-foot yard requirement. (e) Sectlons 3304 and 1306 (d) for Limitatlon of balcony and eave projections into yard. <,R - <6l,rnrpr,r1. Ret,l\."s L - 3.p 7 ntz -2- 1. 2. 3. 'ji5!) '= c,c 'c.i s. "4trp c,5. 6. c.R. 7. C,ni'8. \?.srt., R.R r+97 9. c,R. NONSTRUGTI]RAL CCE MENIS : The building area inc l-udes mezzanines and balconies, except for private balconies or Portions thereof proJecting beyond the ad- jacent exterior wal1 line. Unobstructed yards of 36 feet should be neintained on three sLdes of the building for area purPoses. Section 506 (a). A three-bour fire-resistive occupancy separation in c onf o:mance with Table No. 5-B and Section 503 is required betveen the foLlow- ing: (a) First fl-oor parking second floor). garage and lobby (1obby opens into (b) First floor parking garage and second floor apartments at cohurs. IlorlzontaL occupancy separations should be supported with a structural systen having equivaLent fire-resistive Protection. SectLon 503 (b). The item nunber of TabLe No. 43 or an ICB0 regearch recmrendatLon nurrber should be noted on plans. Vertical occupancy separations should extend through underfloor and attic areas, lnc luding areas where fire-resistlve ceilings are specified. The first floor trash room should have an aut@atic fire- extlnguishing system. See Sectlon 3802 (b)-7. Wood installation between decking and shingLes showo at DetaiL AD-12 shouLd not be used for a type II buiLding' TabLe No. 17-A. EncLosures for floor openings should conply with Table No. 17-A and Section 1706. Details should clearly indicate thls. TyPe 1I building requLres two-hour vertical walLs and l-abeled one and one-half-hour assemblies at openings (chimrey r trasb chute and linen chute) enclosures should be two-hour fire-reeistLve con- struc t ion. Rooms in whicb linen chutes tetrinate should be separated fron the reuainder of the bullding ltith a one-hour occupancy sePara- tl.on. Section 1706 (c). Note speclaL treatment of chute for shaft protection as it enters the rom. Sprlnklers should be installed per Section 3802 (b)-7. 'rd .r.)- ,Jfv' ,_E2V , -::1)" < 5r,. -3- ,9:tra 10. The systens specified on Sheer 0-2 of the specifications should be clarified to comply with itens listed in the tablesin Chapter 43 or applicabLe ICBO research recomendation No. L497 as follovs: cons truc t ion C,n. (a) Ceiling - two-hour and three-hou/should specify 5/8-inch FireCode gypsrn board. C.C (b) Interior partitions - plans should specify hor,r gypstur board is attached. C.a. (c) Shaft should specify structural menbers. e t\, (d) Exterior waLl should specify atrachment of gypsum board. 11. Eave overhangs and similar architectural projectlons should comply with Section 1710. (See Detail A0 19) projectlon should be of noncombustibl-e construction. L2. Sbower stall valls shouLd be finished with a hard, nonabsorbent surface to a height of 6 feet. Secrion 1711 (b). Flbergl-assor other prefabricated finishes should be covered by a researchrecmendation or cmplete justlfying data under Section 105 should be submitted. 13. Doors and panels of shower and bathtub enclosure should c omp l-ylrith Section 1711 (c to e). C!6_> c.R, *r/n rlA Asa.u.t a,r. a cjly' ,7 \rr- i C.R. 14. Aqua K-Lath should be specified to be insralled per Research Recornmenda c ion No. 1254. C.P. 15. Heatilator L23-28 should be installed per Research Report No. 1L41 which has limitation on the height of chimney to be supported by the fire chamber assembl-y. The sLab at hearth shoul-d be de- signed to support thls assenbly. C,R. 16. Specify type of metal studs used and provide detail shmring how studs are lnstalled. L7. Envelope cel1lngs should satisfy the following conditions. Sec-tion 4303 (b)-6. e F (a) Should not be used to provide fire prorecrlon forglrders supporting more than one floor. C R, (b) Columns should be individually fLre proreeted. C.F, (c) Duct and outlet openings are Linired to 100 squareln each 100 square feet of celling area and should tected with approved fire dampers. beam and lnches be pro- 6|tr\r 3 $tbt'i a ( 1(l '; . 20. 2L. C.a. 18. Ventil-ation at garage should cooply with Sectio'n 1105. Mechani- ca1 ventilation is requlred ln garages exceeding 5000 square feet. Exhaust ventilation at or near floor leve1 shoul.d be provided. An H Occupancy more than firo storLes iu height or having more than 3000 square feet above the first floor shouLd be of one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout. Section L302 (b). Mechanical ventllation system in baths sh o.rld provide five air changes per hour directly to the outside. Section 1305 (a). Fan capacity should be specified. ^, \ . ..' , l<. Efficiency dwe11i,ng,.+rrit to_ cmpLy*dith Section 1308. For pro- viding required llght and {en_tilatioa\ the kitcben areas should have c omon wal1 50 percent open or have ninimum of 25-square foot opening into adjacent room per Section L305 (a). Exits. Cl+r. (d) C< (a) e,tt (b) :' . *, (c) -4- Electrical outLet bo:res shouLd be of steel and not greater than 16 square inches in area. Exit doors should be openable frm the inside without the use of a key, special- knowLedge, or effort. Section 3303 (c). Note also tbat surface mouoted flush or surface bolts areprohiblted, Autonatlc flush bolts are allowed on pairs of doors provided the door wlth the fl-ush bolt has no knobs or surface mounted hardware and the unlatching of any leaf re- quires only a single operation. I'Ial1s and ceilings of cotridors should be of one-hour fire- resistive construction. Sectlon 3304 (g). An architectural section through the corridor is necessary to determine how this is accmrplished. Tnterior openings into corrLdors should be protected as set forth in Section 3304 (h). Twenty-mLnute rating for door assemblies requires cmpllance wlth a epeclfic research rec- mendation or a labeLed fire assenbly. The latter would result in a 45-minute ratlng slnce lt ls the mininun pre- sently 1abeLed. Stainrays east and west ends of bulldlng should have a mini- rnum wldth of 44 inches. Trim and handralls should not pro-ject more than 3-1/2 lnches ln the required width. Section 3305 (b). 22. _gir /[h,,n t'r 'c._! -)- (e) Guardrails for stairs, balconies, and landings should conform with Section 1.714. Note that max imum c learance between intermediate rails is 9 Lnches and rail height should be 42 inches. Openings in exterlor wal1s lrithio 10 feet of exterLor stairways shouLd be protected with self-cl-oslng three- fourths-hour fire-resistive assembl-ies. Sectioo 3305(k). East stainray should be congLdered an exterior stalr from second ftoor to flrst floor leveL - A three-hour occupancy should be provlded at first fLoor at garage area and any openings at apartment house area within 10 feet shoul-d be protected. Six-foot 6-inch nl.nlmum headroom cLearance for stafimays should be indicated on plans. SectLon 3305 (e). Note that thls ls from a plane tangent to the staimay tread nos lngs . c.n. (f) /i ';;t.t;.:, t 1. , 'c.i (e) (h) Easterly stairxray should be enclosed as specified in Sec- tton 3308. \/'1) fivo-hour fire-resistive wa1ls are required. 2) OnLy exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosures. c@ (J) Exlt signs should 3312 (b) (c). ,F, 23. VentLng is required forstories. Section 1706 shaft area or 3 square be provlded Ln conformance wlth Section elevator shsftg extending more than tlro(d). The larger of 3-Ll2 percent of the feet per eLevator should be provlded. ,jlr .- 3) Doors shoul-d be Labeled one and one-half-hour fire assembl-les with additional requirement of uraxinun 4509F temperature rlse above ambient after 30 minutes of fire test. l[3': <i> West stairyay should cmply nith the fotlo.ring smoke proof enclosure tequirements : 1) The doors to the stairatay and the baLcony vestibule should cmply with Sectlon 3309 (e). 2> Barrier should be provided between third, seventh and eighth floor balconies and the balco'ny vestl.bules for. the suokeproof enclosure to prevent accidental egress Lnto the dead end created. -6- )V/h C, P. 24. Roof drainage should be conducted under the publlc sldewalk.r Section 3207 (e). .r' *..tt,e,* 25. Dry standpipee are required in buildings four or more stories*t-i*rh'"r/ Ftl)in height. Section 3803 (b). Detail of fire dePartment con- nections at staintay ehould be provlded. lln':'{' ,,, f, - ^*L"i.t. 26. Wet standpipes are required as specified in Sectlon 3804. Loca- tC'' *:^- -r- {-L^ -^11^e -*,1 Eita+ 11 aat a-^a -1'a..1,l 1ra {r,{{aa}arltion at the cellar and firet floor area should be lndicated. /'t*'"' 4rt r D r''r7'jjtit -i'-'- ---. C::ri ''..*.-... :. .:.l'a v'"' r'.P. , l'.-a-)r -"-;' / '-.J / i..L e.*., 27. Fire-extinguishing system plans should be submitted to you to detemine cmpliance with applicable building, pLumbing and flre c odes . c.\f . 28. Tenporary standpipes for fire protection during constructlon should be provided per Section 3806. C,t. 29. The lnterior walL and ceiling finishes should be speclfied and cmply with Table No. 42-B and Section 4203. C,*.30. GLass and gl,azilrg shouLd conply witb Cbapter 54. Type and thickness of glass should be specifled. C.f,.31. DetaiLs should be provided showing atlaclnent of atl fireproof- ing to these structuraL members. d.rt.32. Provide details of how masonry veneer at fireplaces is attached. O.C, 33. Wood decking at westerly exlt court fron building over basement garage area should cornply with Section 1904. C.il.34. Elevator doors shouLd be !.abeLed one and one-half-hour fire assemblies. STRUCTIIML C€}IMEMS: 1. Speclal inspection in conformance with Section 305 is required for the foLlowlng work: C. !. (a) Structural cdrcrete where the deslgn is based on an ulti- mate compressLve strength ln excess of 2000 pounds per c.R. gquafe inch. (b) A11 welding except where done in the shop of an approved fabrlcator. '' ,:r=* 'c,r, ? c'R,2. c,n. 3. C.E, 4. -7- (c) Instal1ation of high strength bolts. Plans should specify if bearing type ls requLred. The foundation investigation report mentioned in plans was not included in data fonvarded to ua. It should be subnitted for review. A 65-pound per square foot gnow Load shoul-d be used in the design of aLl- roof, ba1-cony, coLumn, and footing members Ln accordance with your instructions. The bolted connections at wind frames should be considered as rigid connection for vertical dead load and live loads. Thls wil-1 increase the colurnn moments at Lines C and G. Calculations shoul"d consider corbined dead and l- lve and l-ateral (wind forces) for the most criticat arrangement of loads. Welding data or details for steel- decking used as a diaphragn should be provided. Information should c omp l-y ririth a specific ICBO research recomnendation or test data submitted in conpll- ance with Section 106. No approval- for decking used at floor area, so calculatione for shear and details of attachurent of metal- forms shoul-d be provided. Concrete reinforcing should cmpl-y with Section 2608 (g). Details should be provided on roof or floor diaphragm connec- tions that indicate hon the shears are transferred to the follor- ing vertical- shear-resisting elenents. (Connections should bejustified with structural calcul"ations for compl-iance wLth alLow- able values.) (a) Sbould indicate shear transfer frorn concrete to girder, Lines C and G. (b) Roof diaphragm to frame at eighth fLoor in east-\rest direc- t ion. (c) Fron grid Lines C and G to basement wall-s at Lines C and Gat first fLoor l-evel (tbese are the wa11s in line nith the frame and have to take the second floor shear forces). How is basement wall supported at flrst floor level? See Detail 4l s-7 . Plans should indicate that foundations extend below the frost line or should cmply nith revised Section 2905 (a) (City of Vail Ordinance No. 6, Series L97L). < F:: <. c.R, 5. tr'Ce. 6. -F-hz \,r, i. ,. i"d3: 8. -8- -,'-\' C!!, t 9. Mininum reinforcement ehould be provlded for reLnforced con- crete wal1s to conply ttitb Section 2622 (d). Eorl.zontal steel at basement wall shqrn on Detail 4, Sheet S-7 and De- tail 509 should conply. , C,5- 10. Regard to General Notes, Sheet S-7, Note No. 1a roof (snow)'--"' Load sbould be 65 pounds per square foot. Note No. 2 (c) 2 (b) sbould read 2 inches per Section 2608 (h). Note No. 3 (c) are Lines B and E reference correct? Note No. 3 (f) - Researcb Re- port No. 1092 does not provide shear values for seam welds in painted deckLng. -/"..\/C.S - 11. FLoor slab should have mlnLmum shrinkage and temperature tein- forcement equal- to .0018 gross concrete area, (Section 2608 (g)) unless it cmplles with an approved ICEO research recmrendatlon. iCF fZ. DetaiLs and calculations for elevator supports should be pro- vided. .r., C.t. 13. Cohmr ties SD-l sbould conply wl-th Sectlon 2608 (f). The maxl- t ?-'- mrlm space shoul.d be 6 inches betneen vertl.cal bars without pro-*)' viding lateral support. 6,F f+. The two details Sheet S-2 both designated 5/s-2 should be clarl- fied. 15. Where are the folloring details? d**ffCp-.*f , (a) Plpe cohnns Line K, Detail 3/S-3 shown on floor p1an. 5?ge- C,R. (b) ConnectLon of W10 to I{12 at third floor at Detall 3/S-3. lpgo C'R, (c) Attachent of pLpe colurnn to supporrs ar Detall 3lS-3. 15s('td C,*. (a) Reference of Detail A-D/on pLans. 5f61- C,?'(e) Derat!-2- SD 20'referred ro ar Detait 1 $14. 'S tt'(") Eors are 4-lnch x 3-U2-inch x 3/8-1nch angles attached to ca4tilever bean at Detall I S014? Enclosed Ls Lnvoice No. A 9326 cwering the plan check fee. o -9- A11 deta ts belng beld penittng further I'notructione frm you. If lnstrirctions are not received, data wL1l be returned ln 90 days ta confor:mance rrlth Sectloa 302 (b). Please feel free to contact us lf there are any queetlons. Youre very truly, T.IK:8[t:hb Enclogure IMERI{ATIOML CONFERENCE . Koy€,Datgu Plan Check Eoglneer 7655 WEST MtSStSStPPl DENVER, AVE NUE . POST OFFICE BOX 26227 coLoRADO 80226 JAl{ E5 W. PINKARD GENERAL I'tAI{AGER TELEPHoNE 986-/f555 ATTENTION: RBFERENCE: JOB T{AI{E: SUBJEGT: WE ARE TRANSI.TITTING TTTE FOLU)WITG: No. of CoDies ( ()Ltr. dated I Drawlno No^Descrlptlon Preoared ByIBezre. funnn APpttctnot PntxnnoI,t tt .nlFp4ipnEttr rAt ,l /T)futt. Or A umrmr6'y'Ent."A u)R.NLltOutrcaIL4-s778 .5rrr Sziurir rtl.3.14 I EA.Oclpl . 7)alas - . Spm. .d Dcrens n^lL. ()AS REI{A3KS: APPROI'ED t>fro*()FOR()roR ()FOR BY YOUR APPROVAL YOUR RECORI}S YOT'R FIIRTHEN. ACTION CORRECTION AIID RESITBI.TITTAL Pleaae return_Approved or PROPOSAL IROPOSAL ON RE'ISIONS NBQUBST () () () () FOR YOIJR FM, YOUR PER YOT'R Please return Prlnts for corrected prlnts Flaal of each Apprwal Fllee and Dlstrlbutlon I 1 1 +il ROEERT It TF{OIr,PSON. lNC.CONSULT'NG ENGINEER *.b 1 rr Kkr^t rTOr SOUTH FEDEFIA- H-vg. . SUTTE O . DE {\r'en' C€l-OBrm Oart T rt rt ROBERT W. THOMPSON, INC.. CONSULTING ENGINEER Soile aad Foundation Inve stigation Propoeed Condominium Vail, Colorad.o Prepared f,or: Lodge Propertiea, Lnc. Atta: Mr. Roee E. Davis c/o Rogers Nagel Larrghart 1626 Stout Street Deave!, Golorado. Job No. 471 March 31, L97Z lTOr SOUTH FEOERAL eLVO. . AUITE O . Der{v€R, eOLQRADO €Oer9. (@3) gA+*7a trt coNcLUsroNS SCOPE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION SITE CONDITIONS suBsoll,s BUILDING FOUNDATIONS BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT AND RETAIMNG FLOOR SI,ABS LIMITATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS WALLS I z z z 3 4 o 7 7 8 FIG. I . IPCATION OF EXPLORSTORY HOLES FIG. Z - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY HOLES FIG. 3 - I€GS AND LEGEND OF EXPIPRATORT HOLES FIG. 4 - SETTLEMENT vs. FOOTING SIZE FIGS. 5, 6 & ? . SWELL CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS FIGS. 8, 9, IO & II - GRADATION TEST RESULTS CONCLUSIONS l. The eubsurface conditions consieted of an erratic combination of sand, gravelly sands and gravel with cobble. For the moet part, the soils were very dense. Free water was encountered at erratic depths acroas the site. The depth to water ranged from 10 to 15 feet below the ground eurface at the time of our inveatigation Z. The proposed building should be founded with spread footings on the upper natural soils. Footings should be designed for an allowable soil pressure of 5,000 psf. 3. One small area of soft soil. was encountered near the northeast corner of the structure. Some overexcavation beneath footinge will be necessary in thi e area. 4. The upper soils will adequately support elab on grade construction. 5. Some precautions will be neceesary in the mechanical loom area to protect againet ground water. SCOPE This report presents the resulte of a soils and foundation investi- gation for a proposed condominium to be constructed by Lodge Properties, Inc., in Vail, Colorado. The report presents a description of the eub- gurface conditiona encountered at the site, recommended foundation syeteme, criteria for deeign of the foundation system, and precautione for constr- uction details influenced by the eubsurface conditions. Factual data gathered during tJre field and laboratory investigation ale pr€sented on Fige. I through I l. PRO POSED CONSTRUCTION. We undergtand an eight story, steel frame building will be constructed at this eite. The first floor will be located at approximately elevation 55 and will be a elab on grade parking area. There wil.I be a baeement area for mechanical. equipment in the center portion of the building. The presently planned baeement level ie elevation, 54*. Maximum interior coLumn loade were anticipated to be 420 kips. Exterior column loads were estimated to be 160 kipe by the structural engineer. The exterior walle of the structure will be masonly with shrcco finieh. STE CONDITIONS The eite is located on Lot A ancl parts of Lota B and G in Btock 5C of Vail Village, let Filiag. -3 - The site is immediately south of Gore Creek Drive and adjacent to the existing Lodge Condominiums. This site was used as a parking lot at the time of our investigation. The entire area was covered with snow. A telephone cable crossed the building site in the northeast corner and a power cablewas located along the southeast side of the site. These buried conduits could not be accurately located because of the snow cover. Presence of the conduits limited the areas in which borings could be safely drilled. SUBSOILS Subsurface conditions were investigated by dritling 5 relatively deep borings and 4 ghallow borings at the locations indicated on Fig. I. Most of the soils encountered in the borings consisted of a very dense mixture of gravelly sand and gravel with cobble. Logs of the soils encountered in each boring are presented on Figs. 2 and 3 . Test boring No. 2 was located near the northeast corner of the proposed building. A layer of silt wae encounteted in this boring from 4 to 8 feet below the existing ground surface. Boringe 8 and 9 were added to delineate the arbas where thig eilt may be encountered. Silt was encountered in both of these borings at depths approxi- matel.y 4 feet below tbe ground surface. The pocket of compressible eoils appeals to be localized along the northeast side of the structure. Gradation tests oD typical samples obtained from the borings are presented on Figs. 8 through ll . Gonsolidation tests were made on eamplee of the eilty soils obtainod from test holes 2, 8, and 9. The eilty soils are highly compresaible as indicated by the test results, Figs. 5 through ?. -4- Free water was found at varying depths across the site. The high- est water encountered occurred at approximately elevation 54 near the southeast corne! of the proposed structure. The water table drops from teet hole 3 to testhole 2 and it appears to be flowing towarda Gore creek. rn boring No.l, which is located near the center of the building, the water table wae encountered at elevation 46*. we believe it is possible for the water table to rise as much as 3 to 5 feet d,uring the annual spring runoff. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS The subsoils at the eite consist essentiall.y of ".r""y dense mixture of granular soile. These soile are capable of supporting medium to high loade with only slight settlement. we considered both deep foundations and shallow spread footings for the proposed etructure. Driven piling or drilled piere do not appear feasible at this site because of the presence of frequent large cobble. In our opinion, the most economical foundation is spread footings supported by a combination of the upper soils and compacted etructural fill. Foundations for the structure ehould be designed for the crlteria presented below . In order to obtain reasonable footing sizeg for the magnitude of loads planned, we recommend designing the footings for a maximum allowable aoil preeaure of 5,000 pef. Fig.4 presents allowable.design pregsures which vary with footing eize. The purpose of varying the preesure with footing eize is to equalize settlement. Fig.4 was computed for the on-eite soils aesuming an allowable total settlement of I inch. -5- The allowable design pressures are for total deadload plus realistic live- load. The allowable design Pressules may be increased 30% for short duration liveloads. Because of the granular nature of the soils, settlement of the build- ing will occur for the most part during construction when the deadload of the etructure is applied to the soils. Po st-construction settlements should be very small. The slab on grade floor at first floor level should not be poured until the upper floors are inplace and most of the deadload has been appli ed to the foundations. \ille encountered soft soils to a depth of as much as 8 feet in the vicinity of test borings, 2, 8, and 9, all of which are located in the north- east corner of the structure. It appears that exterior footings and prob- ably the first line of interior footings will require overexcavation in thi s area. We recommend excavation of the soft soils in this area to aPProx- imately elevation 55. The compressible soils should be replaced with sands and gravels compacted to a rninimum of 9570 density as determined by ASTM D 155?. Placement 2nd compaction of fill beneath footings ehould bc lntpcctcd continuourly durfuig conltructlon. Footlnga on controllod fill compacted to the above requirements can be designed for a maximum allowable soil preseure of 5' 000 psf. Continuous foundation walls ehould be well reinJorced. 1/[e recommend a minimum amount of ateel equivalent to ttra t required for a simply supported span of l0 feet. -6 - Exterior footings should be protected from frost actlon. We und,eratand the normal depth of frost protection in the vail area ig 4 feet. Because of the cobbly nature of some of the subsoils, machine excavation may be quite rough in the foundation areas. Prior to pouring footings, all material loosened by mactrine excavation must be removed. we suggest moistening and compacting the surface of all footing excava- tions prior to pouring the footing. BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION At the time of our investigation, a baeement at elevation, 54f was plarured in the cente! of the building. Based on the conditions encountered in our borings, it appears that the water table may exist very near the propoeed basement floor level. The water table can be expected to rise 3 to 5 feet during wet seasons or wet years. Depending on the finally selected floor elevation, it will be necessa:ry to construct I of 2 alternativeg. Either the floor must be designed to lesist hydrostatic head and constructed as a water-proof slab or. a drainage syetem must be lnetalled to plotect tlhe baeement level. rf a drainage system is installed, it ehould consiet of a minimum of 6 incheg of clean free drainlng gravel beneath the floor elab connected to a peripheal drain graded to drain to a positive gravity discharge o! to a pumped sump. The drain shourd consist of a 4 to 6 inch perforated pipe laid at least 2 feet below the floor elab in an envelope of clean, free draining sand and gravel. Pervioug backfilt should be used around the base- ment walls to within 2 feet of the ground, surface. rt-7- There should be an impervious membrane provided over the glavel layer immediately below the floor slab. BASEMENT AND RETAINING WALLS The basement walls and possibly the uphill wall at the flret floor level will have to support backfill loads. These walls will not be free to rotate and we believe they shouldbe designed to resist the lateral earih pressure trat restrr condition. To minimize the earth preBsure on the walls, we suggest backfill of all basement and retaining walls with clean, free draining sand and gravel compacted to 9O% density ASTM D I55?. The backfill ehould be drained by providing a perforated pipe at the base of the wall. rf this procedure is used, the walls should be designed for a lateral earth pressure of 50 pcf equivalent fluid pressure. The upper z feet of backfill should consist of the more silty and clayey on-site soila compacted to high density to minimize infiltration of surface water. rf the walls are free to rotate and develope the active earth pressure, they can be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pcf. The above equivalent pressureg do not lnclude an allowance for surcharge or hydrostatic loadg. FLOOR SI,ABS The first floor area will be a parking garage. The on-site granu- lar soile will provide adequate support for slab on grade construction. rt -8 - Any existing fill should be removed and replaced compacted to high density beneath elabs on grade. prior to pouring any floor elabs, we suggest ecarifying the natural soils, moistening to near optimum moisture content, and compacting tJre soils to 90% density as determined using the procedure in AsrM D 1552. rf new filr is required beneath slabs, the fill should consist of the on-gite sands and gravers or similar soils. LIMITAfiONS The borings were spaced at fairry crose intervars to obtain a reason- ably accurate foundation picture. Variations in the subsoils not indicated by the boringe are always poseible. we recommend that the compreted excavation for footings being inspected by a soils engineer to assure that the subsoils are as indicated by the borings. placement and compaction of fills should be inspected during construction. we will be happy to provlde these services if desired. If we can be of furt-her service report or in analyeis of the influence of deelgn of the structure, please call. in discussing the contentg of thie the subsurface conditione on the ROBERT Wj' THOMPSON, INC, ,/J,*t' r,'ilwn-. RWT:kc cc: w::dIq\ u.'?| Anderson and Haetings rtt o |-I Scale ltr -30t T.s.#8 a o Property Llne \ €"o -"- : ,i IOCATION OF EI,PrcRATORY IOI,ES Proposed Buildlng oT.H.ll1 o Flg. 1 Ht{ trrtr{ I zoHH FI,{ o o T. H.llL Elev. -61.5 T.H.tf2 Elev. =63.0 T. n.#3 Elev. =63.5 T. H.ll4 E1ev. -61.0 22lL\ 2513 2siL 5013 WC-7.9 -2Oo-24.2 20/o L4/3+3L13 l{c=4.5 -200=25.7 0/4 4016 L5/L2 22.8 DD-102.4 -200-75. 1= L7 /L2 L2.3 -200-13.2 L6/6 3016 3Ll6 EKPiORATORY HOi.ES 2716 L8/L2 20lo 2olo 20/o IOCS OF Fig.2 frlF{ I zoH trr T.lr. /t5 E1ev. -61.0 T. H.#6 Elev. =63.0 T.l{. #7 EIev. -62.5 T. H./18 Elev. -63.0 T. rr.{f9 Elev.62.0 HH s/6+3/3 14c=22.2 DD-102.6 T/L2 5 23.0 DD=104, L -200=88.6 H trl Fl I z H H > Itf L0l6 4014 2516 IOGS OF E:(SIORATORY HOI.ES H h I z H rdFlf:l EEl Asphalt Paving on parking lot.EI l(t F111., sand, graveLly, silty, clayey, moist, brown to dark browntal -,n Silt, alightly sandy, sriff, moisr to very noiat, reddish brownVl (!rL) l7l U Sand, stlty, some gravel, noist, brown to reddish brown (SM) t4J l--l [..-l Sand, medium. dense, fine to nedlum grain size, molst to wet,Lr.l reddlsh brorn (SP-GP) l-:l [;.1 Sand, gravelly, rnediun den6e to dense, moisr to wet, reddieh brownu (sP-cP) I o-tl [..ol Gravel, sandy, dense to very dense, moist co wet, reddish brownl.*l (cP-sP) W Gravel, sandy to sand, gravelly cobbLe, very dense, moi6t to net, bl reddish brown (SP-Gp) I n Drive sample. The symboL 50/3 indicates rhar 50 blows of a 140 f pound hanrmer faLling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.5 inch oD Eanpler 3 inches. I E Drive sarnpLe. Ttre symbol 40/6 indicates thar 40 blows of a 140 poundI haruner falling 30 inches were required to drive a 2.0 inch OD sanpJ.er 5 inches. ':- Indicate6 free water leve1 at the tine of drilling NOTES 1. Test holes were drilled March 1., March 3 and March 4, I9TZ with a4 inch dianeter continuous flight power auger.2. Elevacions are approxinate and were taken from topography by Richarde - Huffs tut Ler. 3. I{c indicates naturaL moisture content % DD indlcatee dry density pcf -200 percent pesslng /1200 sieve I.EGEND AT{D NOTES Fig. 3 o FI 2 r.s l-{ t Hz r,1 5r.j 1. 0.l F.rt{ 14o 510 FOOTING WIDTH . ESTIMATED SETTLEMENT vs. t5 FEET F.OOTING z0 WIDTH Allowable Soil Pressure = 5 ksf .*5o I d fi+rr-1 t4t rl m }J .l ;rl uto FOOTING WIDTH ALI,oWABLE PRESSURE vs. 15 zo - FEET FOOTING WIDTH Allowable Settlement l. 0 inch Job No. 4?1 EETTLEMENT vs. FOOTING SIZE FLs,. 4 o x f'l,0s I F' o (a {)kno.a F 3 Noturol Dry Unit tfright r L0Z' 4 gcl l{oturcl Hoirtu. Coniani - ZZ.8 prrcrni II,*i). r )ori e due to Mett ,ng I //t1 \I \ \ I I It I' TvPi aI p c o sandl fro n #D I I 7I f, llctlrcl Ory Unit Wright . tct llcturol loirtura Conlrnl r prfcrnt ; -- APPLISD PlStlUiC - rr? 9mll-Csrnl i&rio.r Tot Rrrrlrr Job No. 4?1 Fig, 5 o o d X 14I (":o io I a/- zo oo_. \., o qz Iti T4 Noturol Dry Unit tYright . 102. 5 gct Noturol loirturr Contrnt - ??.2 Da?G.nt Typica llcturol Dry Unit W.ighf - pcl tolurol Hoirturr Conl.nl - glrcenl APPLIEO TN E ASUR j At?Ll3O ?ttttUlt - trl Srnll-Csroll&rion Tut RrerltrJob No. 471 Fig. 6 l o. X Fl t^ ^Uts< I 5r oo frz 5 Nolurol Dry Unit Wrighf r 104, I gct Noiurol loirturr Contrnl - 23.0 9.rc.nt I t E d .F t€t r under :tting. cor stz nt P s \ o Typic rls m rlc o from l H#@ APPLI gO PRgS3URE - r.t Xoturol Ort Unit W.ighi . pcf Nolurol Hoirlurr Contrnl - glrcrnt ; -- AttLl:O Fltttui3 - rrl 9nll-Cmrll&tion Tr* RuulrJob No. 471 Fig.7 o I a t t! a \,: t t i o a F I a a a o! a a I- a cLAY (r!^lrEl lo 3lLl (ro-ft.l?rcl \ oR^v€L 42.5 % s^No51.6 70 srLT Lt€tulo LtMrr To PLAsTlclrY SAMPLE oF Sand, gravelly (SP-GP) rRoM ANo cLAY 5.9 7o rNoEx o/o Hole 2 at 17 t oottLll (\l at{oh cLlY lrLrrtEI lo ltLt trqFtrrllrc) oi^v:L 36. 2 I, Ltctulo Llra I T aaMtLG 6r s8rrd, te'xo45.L olo arLr ANo cuev 18.7 % % FLlrrrcrrY rlroEx nl, gravelly (sM'{M) rnouHole 2 at 27 1 trt-alrt aoli |ls .trrt trtr v 5. srrngaio sEil.roo rlo..o.!o .|. .d} O Ort Olt Or. r.a t'' ^l- lro ' rt -llta arl Ltt . tlt Lt tlt n7 OIAIETEI OF ?AIIICLI II TtLLiJETET9 t ttt. a lrt aoar t-r a ar I Drr tlo I rt .nla a'l lil rll lt ?alDr^rtttt Of 2lrtrgLt tt rtLLr|Itrttl GRADATION TEST RESULTS @laLll Fig. 8 o: a I (,3 a to a0 to ': ! a oJ oL y (tlarlrcl i0 lrlT {Lo.-tlllrrcl aR^vEL 44.0 To LIEUIO LIMIT saMPLE Or Gl.avel, sexo 40. 0 % srLT IO PLAsTt c t TY sandy (GM-SM) FRoM ^No CLAY 16. O o/o rNo€x lo Hole 2 at 35 I ooatL I I (! oi^v.L 36.8 7o lAxo 58.9 % s.LT Axo GLAY Ltoulo LlHlr 7, FLAlTlClrY txoEx rAr,rFLr oF sand, gravelly (SP-CP) rnom HoLe 3 4.3 %l' at 121 t |4. a tra aorra in a rr I Jrt ffi,rr trtJ.$ rrt ,lftlr .tr tat rlr 5l or^ralEi oF talflcLC lt tlLLtd€rEr5 .. rr' k' 'h' J 3'fu 3. sr^fiollo lEr.'oo r5..d!o .aJlir ;;;;;'";. ,,''. n r.rt -lllr ..'| | I rlr ll. orarlTEr or t^lficl! lt rt|.|.rrlEtarl o I- I o3 a o: a! I oI I cl-ly ttlrllrcl i0 ttLt {ro-rl.ltlcl oE GRAOATION TEST RESULTS Fis,. 9 {t: t Fa f i,:a ! I |'a I oR^vEL 1.8 To LIOU IO LIMIT !]AMPL€ OF S Nd srxo82.8 7o sfLT ANo cuav15.4 % PLAsrrcrrY txoEx 7o raou Hole 5 at 8|' L7.7 l, ol' at 12 I 7o o ! I a aI I o a- : I oa I (SM) cLlY t2!llrEt t10 ltl? ttc-r!.tttc) on^v€97. 3 olc crxo 55.0 % !r Lr axo cLAy Lleulo LrMrf 7o FLAsflctTY txoEx 3ar.rL: or 6and, gravelly€M-cM,) rioM Hole 5 GRADATION TEST RESULTS ao ao t\0 : ^E/-OItr. trt. r,r3 iErurnet llra ao lar |'fi a$t rlDa u s 3Trho^ro 3-Enres.\o I cLElr souert ortnrrot.roo .ro..o.!o .. l.t .i h. vr- ,h,' - t.-- l.- @r ort olr or. r.t ttr ^1. 'lo ' 't -lt3r .r r.st rtr xr la.t ,trorAlEl E r o atlloLt rt rtLLfgErtRS u s. sTlftolr0 tEirES.t(to .!o..o.!o .t ott Or. r.a ttr -l- l|O I rt -h.tt 110rarft:r oa rltftCLt tt rtLLf{rt!rl Fig. 10 rrn rrx[ tElDtttot I u 5. sTltolRo SErlat'a aott rrr{ aait rJfl .t6o .roo .ro t o.!O .|. 0r^r E t c I LI I'I T ILL TIJE 'T T t o o I a I ua o: ! t I a o a ! t o! I it! t t oG cllv Itl.rrrcl t0 ttLl (i(r-trrarlcl sR^vEL 49. 9 To LICIU I O LIMI T saMPLE OF gfavel, % FLAsrr c l rY sandy (GP-SP) tRoM ANo CLAY 8.4 % f NoEx % HOJ,e ) at Ll' srxo(]. / %SI LT coaalg I s Eo 9t c!^v trlratrct ftt ttl? rrc-rurtrc) orlvrL l, Ltctuto LlMlt TAMPL! OF 7, st LT axg CLAY PLA'TICITY IXOEX F iOM RESULTS t,% v s tTlxolro tErrEsqo I cLtlr soulrc otEfarxcl.too .!o..o.!o .a l.a .4 vr. ri.. rh' y !.ftra.a tra aotr in a r|t I lr.a tto I rr -llla .'r orlrtT: i of 2 ICLI IT IILLIflETETI GRADATION TEST @alLal Fig. 11 .\ SIATE c0uIlTY or coLoRADo ) ) OF EAGIJ ) SS. DECLARATION OF LAI,ID ALLOCATION affidavit and declanati a No/#y Pub1ic, byof I, Ross E. Davis , being first duLy sworn upon oath depose a statements are true and cornect according to my best kno$tledge, information and belief, to wit: 1. That this staternent is nade in conjunction with the fiJ-ing of an application for a building perrnit to the Town of Vaj.I and to comply with the nequirements of Anticle VII, Section 3, 0rdinance Numben ? (Senies of ]969) Zoning Ondinance for the Town of Vail as amended by Ondinance Numben 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance Number 15(Series of 1970). 2. The descniption of the building site fon the pnoposed building is as follows: See dttoched Mop- Elhibit "B"(Descni[tion nay be atta descniption). 3. The proposed building site contains 218,655 aquare feet,4--:--=- ' ...and the existing buil-ding contains 137,780 square feet and the pnoposed addition contains ZO.SES.OS- square feetl the total building-squl:re feet is 20S,165.65 -E5-Gffie-q in the aforesaid Zoning pnoposed addition contains 70,385.65 Ordinance as amEnd-dilFlAlRloreos, see Exhibit "A" oftoched. q. The proposed building and/on existing building and addition as it relates to the building site anrea, conply to the Floon Anea Ratio for the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined in the afonesaid Zoning Ordinance as arnended. STATE OF COTJNTY OT COLORADO )) ss. EAGLE ) The foregoing aworn to befone me,tt'i " -_-.._-.[O__-__ d.y tty Colnmi scion LODGE PROPERTTES SOUTH, tNC. on was ($eai) Expires i'VGdmb&nqdrsllrr' tQ r97'l .ctFI t\l (t) c) IJJ o UJEI $l No J o Etu z uJ UJtr U' oFa) (o (o ozzz (,z UJulz z UJ ul(r FO UJFI t F I z TJ UJo z U) r!(t A Fil\il- E)Jlr n4','t Lodge ot Voil Condominiums Floor Areo Rotio Computofions F.A.R. Avqiloble F.A.R. of site ond plozo credit 198 ,777 sq . ft. + 19 ,878 sq . ft, = 218 ,655 sq . ft . F.A.R used by existing focilities Bolonce remoining for new construction Actuol Floor Areo (F.A.R.) of new building - 137,780 q. ft. 80,875 sq. ft. 70,385,65 sq. ft. TOI1N OF VA I L BUILDING PERMIT SUPPLEMENT IAI PROJECT Lodre South CondoOtoluo _ The slgnatures below certlfy thaf the foltowing excerpts fromthe 1970 Uniform Building Code, as aniended and adopfed by the Town of Vai l, Colorado, have been read, understood and wi | | be adhered to: Section 302 (a) Approved plans shall not be changed, modified,or altered without written authorizstion from the Bui lding 0fficial Section 302 (c) The issuance of a bul ldlng permit does not give authority to violate any provislons of thrs code, or any otherOrdinanco and shall not prevent the Buitdlng 0fficial from there-after requirlng the correctlon of same. _Seqlio4 104 (b) The lnspection card shall be read, f llled outinTuTi@;ted conspicuously in the vraterproof holder furnishedby the Bullding Department. Do nqt cover up any work not signedoff by Bui ldi ng lnspector. Section 306 (a) (d) NO BUILDING SHALL BE USED OR OCCUPIED EITHERffiR^R|LYU|,lTlLTHEBUlLolNGoFF|c|ALHAslsSUED A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS PROVIDED FOR HEREIN. Ordlnance l5 (1967) Before any sign (temporary or permanent) shall be approved by the Town of Vai Imay be used S I gn Revi ew Ord I nance 2 or posted, lf Comm i ttee shallbe licensed any nork.with the Town of Val ( l97r)Genera I Contractor and ALL subcontractorsI prior to the start of ' STATE OF COLORADO )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregolng affldavlt and decla swcirn to before me, a Notary Publ th i s .loth day of Julv was du I y subscr i bed and Ross Ilavl s & Jsncs lf. Plnkard rat i onlc, by. t9 My Coinm I s3 I on Exp I res { seAL ) ,,' Commlsslon oxplrss Mar. 10, 1974 a'o R N L, tNC. TRANSMITTAL PROJECI: TO: Mr. Ed Srruble, Bldq. Inspector Town of Voil Box 631 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Lodge ot Voil Condominiums No. zzztTt Gentlemen: Enclosed ore fhe following: Copies: I Title: Copy of Areo Colculotions Sheet No.:Dote: lf enclosures ore not os listed, kindly notify R N L, tNC. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING 1626 Stout Street, Denver, Colorodo 80202 Telephone J+l 0K ,h 0,) us of once. BY, Mr. Ed DeVilbiss 1 n ,.1 (3/7ol 222-4731 Dore: e /n/ZZ Lodgp qt Vsil Candominiums Enclosd Arcos Solc$le Unit Areos Unit Areo1: T.7F8-.ts l,162.35 1,23€.75 | ,665.75 t,593.00 2. 3. 4. 5. sq. ft. q. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. q. ft. 8,564.35 q. ft. N1* 6. 1 ,665.75 Totol Per floor Totol per building Service ond Utllity Areos Totol Per floor Totol Per building Boscmenl Areo Totql Enclosed Areos Bolcony Areos Covered Porking Areos l 168.7 .&sq. ft. 59,950.45 sq. fr. ll,8ll.80 q. ft. 2,14.87 s9. ft, 73,94,7.12 rq. ft. 12,573.75 !q. ft. U,1n.79 q. ft" Best Copjo: Available tlr uloo C) u, &. ;9o00oo E.oJo C) uJ zul ;llJllJ U' F Fo ro6l(o: o4zz i z E IU UJ =az Y UJ Fo u.lF (JE F t E.{ Jll,lo z ct,G|lJoot & tq.Fe qt;V.ll ind.rl"l"* Pc*lng Piovisionr Po*ing Rqrrctcd Pcrfting Ppvided Covered Po*ing Covercd in new building Exislng in Lodge Totol covered porking Surfioce Porking LoQe Properties U. S. Forest Service Totol $rfqce porking Totol Porhlng Provided .3J cors_ 63 cqrs 98 cors V cqrs-'8ig:. I 16 cors FllUl$ l' F.A.R. of site ond Plozo crbdit l?8,m sq' ft' + 19'878 s9' ft' F.A'.R used by existing focilities = 218,655 rq. ft. Bolonce remoining for new construction Aetuql Floor Areo (F 'A 'R') of ncw buildlng - 197.78O sq. ft. 80,875:q. ft' le7,<@v Wqi=t"2,Oeal' /o.t.u.^sl ' 1.,^ st 27 \ 3.o-.2- (t.r ' u.o) (/," x n;) A?raJ c -o {53 5-a Gs "-e)(p J,. ro) @ 4q-4 t4 - -r'-- e? f 8. ts- (t7o.ao) (ilr,oo) ( s'7'ro ) /'/t:-'88 /bly. s'o(lt. t s-) //./o .. o J 1tt/, t o ( 0o oo) t./f,fo /ore?o-37 ;1. !,1 ADO Aol,klt. .s/a-q?be/t.'"t 5-.C..1 /to X 1s', to- ( s-X J,t) (t x ,e)(t.r x r) JJ,d\ ( a,t { J* x ?l,s-(?,r x t', r-) J'/ * co Y{ /\?t (t<* ")t4,5-x ?,o X 7, f/2. cc r )((. ro l2,ttl ,/Q I J? .78o,oa'Kft/ pfr r.o,-u Ailtr, /3 2, 2 fO = f /'7o /4L4'/it 1/D r International Conference of Building Officials OFFICERS PRESIDENT PERRY C. TYREE REGIONAL BU ILOI NG OFFICIAL COLORADO SPRI NC5, COLORADO FIRST VICE'PREsIOENT EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINIENDENT. OEPARTMENT OF BUILDING ANO SAFETY POMONA, CALIFOFINIA SECONO VICE.PRESIDENI NEWELL POCK CHIEF EU ILOI NG IN5PECTOR YAX IMA, r/VASH INGTON TREASURER VINCENT Fr. BUSH 6UPERINTENDENT OF BU ILDING VERNON, CALIFORN IA JUN IOR PAS' PRESIDENT TED E. OUKE BU I LDING OFFICIAL EI LLINGS, MONTANA EXECUIIVE OTFECTOR T, H. CARTER 536() 5, WORKMAN MILL RO WH ITTIER, CALIFORN IA MANA6I NG D IRECTOF JAMES E. BIHR 5360 S WORXMAN MILL RO. WH ITTI ER. CALIFORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORO C. DOWD OIRECTOR OF I NSPECf!ONS KALAMAZOO, M ICHICAN DONALO A. ERICKSON DIRECTOR OEPARTMENT OF INSPECTIONS MINNEAPOI-I5. MINNESOTA BILL P. HORN CH IEF EU ILDING IN5PECTOR PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA, WASHINGTON CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BU II-DING INSPECTOR MOUNAAIN VIElJv, CALI FOFNI A VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU II-DING OFFICIAL COUNIY OF ALAMEDA HAYv\/ARD, CALIFORN IA JACK D. u/HITE BU I LDI NG COOE ENCINEER KAIISAS CITY, M ISSOU RI VI NCENT R, BUSH SUPERI NTENDENT OF BU ILD INC VERNON, CALIFOFNIA DICK T. JORDAN O IRECTOR AUILDING DEPARTMENT AUSTIN. IEXAS RAY J. NOKES EU ILDIIIG OFFICIAL COUNIY OF SANTA BARBAFA SANIA BARAARA. CALI FORNIA 5360 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 AprTL 20, 1972 (213\ 699-0541 OFFICES OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECIOR T. H. CARTER MANAGINg DIRECTOFI JAMES E. BIHR "3:t:i,iiE'8l"' Re: Lodge South C ondominirm 1"970 Uniform Building Code PRELIMIMRY REVIEWEd Struble Building Official City of Vai1" Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: We have made a preliminary connection with the above 1970 Uniform Buil-ding Code c orlnents are as f ollor,ls: GENEML CCS,IMENTS: review of the data submitted in project for conformance with the and Vail 0rdinance No, 6. Our 1. The following cotrEoents are based on the pl.ans and the archi-tectts notes concerning Code requirements. NONSTRUCTI'RAL CCMMENTS : fhe parking garage shouLd be properly considered as an F-l Occupancy. For a building to quallfy as an F-3 Occupancy it must be used exclusively for the parklng or storage of passenger or motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than 9 persons per vehicle. Sec-tion L109 (b). Since this building includes the condo- minium above as we1l. as the parking structure it should be consLdered an F-1 Occupancy. A three-hour occupancy separatLon is required between the parking garages (F-1) and the condominiun (H) above. Table No. 5-8. Wet and dry standpipes are required in accordance rsith Sections 3804 and 3803. 2. 3. -2- 4. Trash Chutes: (a) Trash chutes should be enclosed in a two-hour fire- resistive shaft constructlon. Opening s into this shaft should be protected wlth one-and-one-half-hour labeLed as s emb l ies . (b) Trash chutes are not permltted to open into a corridor. Sectlon 1706 (c). (c) Where trash chutee terninate at a trash roon at the lowest leve1-, special constructlon at tbe ceiling llne would be tequlred unless the shaft construction extends to the floor of the Lowest level. It has been our pol_icy to recmnend that the trash chute at the celLing line be fitted with a ninimu L8 gauge tight steel collar. AJ.so, the chute below this colLar should be conetructed of an 18 gauge steel material. A flre danper on a fuslble link should be provided at the end of the chute. The trash room construction should be of tno-hour constructlon rrith a Label-ed one and one-haLf-hour assembly for openings there- in. 4. Light and VentlLatLon: (a) ALL interior baths shouLd be provided with uechanicaL ventilation to provide five air changes per hour directly to the outside. (b) In rooms or areas where borrored 1lght and ventiLation are used the room mFy be assuled a9 a portion of an adjoining rom when one-half of the cormon wall is open and unobstructed and provides an openLng not less than one- tenth of the floor area of the lnterior roon or 25 square feet whichever is greater. 5. Unless the roof slope ls greater than 4:12 one stairway should extend to the roof. Section 3305 (n). This stairvay should be a smokeproof enclosure c omply{ng nith Section 3309. 6. The arcbitect has indicated that a Koppers Copany noncombustibl-e wood shake ls to be proposed as a roof covering. We would like to inform you that there is an approval under Research Reco'mendation No. 2463 for this company whlch quallfLes as a fire-retardant roof lf treated wood shLngles or ehakes are applied as described in thie research reconrmendat ion. -3- Plane and other data are belng belil pendtng receLpt of further iDstructlons frm you. Pleaee feel free to contact this offtce tf you bave aoy questlons. Yours very truly, I}ITERMTIOML CONFERENCEtr BUIIJING OTFICIALS TJK:bb ec: Edward A. DeVtlblse _| ;l \--z- .fiu. s: i{?It:t$ 4,:, i f..j:i ,:l ,r jt.ri.!)l,r Forest Products DivisiOni Kopp€r. \hyii*lto,''r.ll:f)t',:4 *t+;';idi ?3',J',';iiibSiU:r'coro 802' I t(tlt3pER5 Mr. Ed DeVi'l biss - Architect Rogers/Na ge1 /Langhart.|626 Stout Street Denver, Colorado Dear Ed: Final 1y got my hands on the minutes of our variance hearing in front ofthe Architecural Review comrittee in Vail. Attached is a 6opy of thatreport (see page II). Essentially we are approved with the singie change being - vent!!,g at the eaves rather than al.!!gj-9.s. This ventins is to be ipacFl!ffiifrlEiyibte with the iotd roof taltice. 'fne u"ntin"gcylinders.must be blocked with fire-retardant treated wood, exterior treatlment (NCX). Ptrcsently' Mr. Al stocker, with Koppers laminating facility in sumner,I'lashington, is rorking on both the beams and the decking. -several deiailsmust be worked out before u,e can competently get into tFe fine points ofengineering with .lohn Parks of Anderson & Xislings. Tu,o maJor items remain tobe answered within the Koppers Organization: l. Spanabllity of the decking 2. 0btaining Underuriter's Laboratories labels for the beams and deck i ng . l,le shouid have these.answers by the middle of next week. Right now we feelthat going.to 4" solid sawn Soiithern Yellow Pine decking will be our resuitantdetermination, subject to your nev.i ew. If I can be of assistance in the meantime, please feel free to contact me. Istill want to discuss the prospect of working )aminated wood exterior light-ing standards into your project and wilI subriit to you some-sketches of iimilarstructures Koppers has engineered recently ,"1 ,,1;::.,# ,,,*, '., "ll'ii:i *fi niil i.. ':,\ ..,. ::. Sincerely yours, tr A ,4- t'' /)i ,' 1 il.', )1, .( ._ R. C. McBride Sales Representative Architecturaland l4arch 2, 1972 -Iw- lkn - \dl RCI'1: wb MAR lironn*tqr t avl r^ 2 .co9b8 t) lv/l -- a aslEl 6 dart oy r,ri't 3 li:o no. -- - - o z0NtNG, APPEALS AND EXAMTNERS N4INUTES OF MEET ING FEBRUARY t0, 1972 t. to order ai 9225 in the Municipal . Clark, Hoyt, Bob McBride, and Jim Cun- BOARD Meeting Called to 0rder: A. The meet i nq .was called o OF Building. B. The following members were presenti Messrs.Knox, Viele, and St rub le ( ex-of f icio).C. The following g uests were presen+: Mess rs.Koppers Company; Chuck 0gilby, Apollo park; ningham, Lions Square. ll. 0ld Business: A. Case B- | -72 - L ions Square ll, Cunn ingham Construcl-ion and Development - Request for building variance to allow aspiral sta i rway to serve a lof f area g reate r than 120 squarefeet. The Board considered fhis matter at the last meet-ing and did further research on spiral sta irs. Mr. Clarkstated that if we g rant fhe variance, we would be ch an g ingthe 0rd inance and we cannot do th is. 14r. Cunninghamfeels th at our 0rd inance is imp ract ica I and is encourag ing sma I ler, cheaper condomin iums fo be bui lt. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variance be denied. 'The motion was secon ded by Mr. Knox and disapproved unanimous ly bythe Board. Mr. Clark then stated that he would be willingto go to the Board of Trustees to see if the 0rdinance can be amended to allow certain conforming types of spiralstairs to larger loft areas.B, Lions Square I p rob lems in obtaining a permanent Certif i cateof Occu pa n cy:l. Doors from the corridors to un its are nonconforming. TheBoard recommended that fhese doors be rep I aced w ithconforming doors and fhat the panel doors possibly used in Phase ll or lll as inferior doors2. Locking system if bedrooms are renreo separately from ma in un it. The Board recommended that a rtbreak in case of f irerr f i xiu re be installed which would con-tain a key to the main unit, which would allow a second. method of exit.C. Case Z-16-71 - Apollo Park ll - Request for setback varianceat tract land - Mr. 0gilby presented revised drawings tothe Board and requested a zero setback at the tract land.Mr. Knox made a motion thdt the variance be granted subjectfo adequate protection be taken that tract land not be damaged. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unan imous ly by the Board. Mr. Strub le w i I I require that . rear property line be staked by a registered surveyor. The building may be bullt on the properfy line, but noportion may overhang the adjacen+ property.D. Rosenouist I and ll buildings - A letfer was written toMr. Rosenquist stating that both buildings must be brought up to Code requirements in order that a permanent Certificateof Occupancy can be issued. Work must start by February l8' and be completed within 30 days or the temporary certificatesof occupancy will be revoked and the buildings will be vacated. Page2 r ' M i nutes of Meet i ng Feb rua ry l0 , 1972 E. Valley Forge Building - A letter was written to Mr. pulis advising him fhat the remodeling work on hi3''building mustbe brought tJp to Code (gypsum board installed over the wooden beams) by May 15, 1972. F. Empori um bu i Id ing - Aadvising him that the outs i de his shop must board installed over letter was written to Mr. Han lon beams and overhang that were insta I ledbe brought up to code (5/8n gypsum beams ) by May 15, 1972, ll. New Business A. Case 9-2-72 - Lodge Properties request to substitute a heavy timber roof, fire refardant treated, for roof systemrequired by Uniform Building Code for type I and ll con-struction. Mr. Bob McBride of Koppers Company f i rsf descri bed fhe noncombust ib le treatment that they proposeto use on all wood parts of the roof system. Their treat- ment tests 180 deg rees h igher than norma I noncombust lb letreatment because the wood is pressure impregnated and notjusf d ipped. Mr. McBride then went on to descri be thetesting which has been done on the roof system. Mr. Strub lestated that he considers the roof system to be a safe one. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be approvedwith the exception thaf ventilation be on 2t centersrather than continuous as shown. The motion was secondedby Mr. Hoyt and approved unan imous ly by the Board lV. Other Business A. The fol lowing contractorrs licenses were approved for renewa | :l. Terrence P. Cowhey and Associates2. Charles lll. Thompson3. Qua I ity P I asteri ng4. Athey Beaman Company, Inc.5. Ben Edgin Painting Company, Inc.6. Batche I Sheet Meta I7. Ca r I and Rockey Becerra8. Robert L. Newmann ll9. A lp ine Mason ry, Ltd.0. C. A. Stan ley Plumbing and Heatlngl. A to Z Home Reoair Service2. Howard E lectric Company3. Boydson Construction Company4. J. A. Hyder Constructlon Companyy lnc.5. G. R. Soencer Construction6. l. & J. Electric Company 7 . Ga rf ie ld Stucco and P laster8. Aspen Construction Corp.19. PPG Industries, Inc.20. James A. Reinecke, Jr.'Consf. 2l . Dwyer E lectric Company22. Vail Contractors23. Vail Plumbing Corp. oPage5. . M i n utes of Meet i no February 10, 1972 V. 24. Snowmass P I umb I ng and Heat i ng 25 . Pete rsen Assoc I ates, I nc26. 'Prestressed Concrete of Colorado, Inc. "27. Loper E'l ectric, Inc. 28. Brent Service29. Eag le Va I ley Roof ing30. Hoe and Grow51. Powers Construction Company32. Hami lton CarDet .service 33. Ace Roofing Company, Inc. Adjournment - As there was no other business, the meeting adjou rned at I I :50 a.m. Respectfu I ly submitted, Ed StrubleBuilding 0f f icial(Ex-officio) ow '€t.. ?a-_--J o o TOVIN OF VAIL BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS MINUTES FOR MEETING OF OCTOBER 21. 1971 in the new C1ark, Knox, rr. III. I . Meeting Ca11ed . to Onder A. The meeting was ca11ed to order at g:25 a.rn. Munici-pa1 Building.B. The following menbers were present: Mess::s. Foyt, Vie1e, Young, and Stnuble (ex-officio). C. The following guests were present: Messrs. A::thun Bishop,Bill Bishop, Gondon Pience representing Mr:. and Mrs. nichiDonald Chaplin of the Mountain Haus; Ter:rence p. Cowhey;Chuck Ogilby of Apollo Park; Evan Bickel1 of Fnederie Bene-dict and Associates representing the Kiandna Lodge; Terny Dnagoo of Rogers, Nagel , Langhart and Mr. Ross Davis Fepne-. senting the Lodge Associates.D. Minutes of the meeting of September I7 wene defenr"bd untilthe next meeting due to the long agenda. Past Business A. Case 8-1-71 - The Mountain Haus - Mn. Don Chaplin appearedto represent this case which has been pending since Feb::uany.'Mr. Chaplin feels thene ane three options open to the Moun-tain Haus: Fine escapes on the outside of the building,which he feels would anchitectunally disfigure it; paititionsections to make the stairways smokepnoof enclosunes; ordoo:r closens. They have tried sevenal types of close:rs,but none have wonked wel1. Buildens Service Buneau.hasgiven them much infonmation and they are going to tny anothertype of device. Would l_ike to keep thein costs down, butwant to please the Boand. Mr. Cla::k necommended that wegive them.the thnee al-tennatives to choose among and thatthey be given a time limit. Mn. Chaplin stated that theywould have one closen instal_Ied this- week and if it works,he will onder thern night now. Mn. Stnuble then stated thathe would not sign a perlmanent certificate of occupancy.It must be a letten which will state all of the facts thatdidntt neet Code. It will be a pnovisional occupancy per"mit.A motion was made by Mn. Knox that the Mountain Haus chooseone of the three altennatives and that the pnoject be com-pleted by December I and conpleted to the acceptance of the.Building Official. New Business Case Z-11 -7l- - Request fon setbaik variance of U r in 1ieuof 10r - Mr. Arthun Bishop, Mn. BiIl Bishop and l"{r. GordonPience appeaned to represent the interests of the Rich rs andMr. Fitzhugh Scott. Mr. Pience stated that they need a set-back on two cornens because of the strange shape of the lot.These lots were onginalLy designed fon reeidences and now conrnencial buil-dings ane being built and it is a pnobJ-ento 6et the larger buildings on the odd shaped lots. Hefunthen explained that the building was oniginally designed with a scisson stair which would not meet the uniform Buirding A. Page 2 Minutes for Meeting of October 2I , L97L Boa::d of Zoning, Appeals and Examiners Code. This necessitated adding two exits ort the corners and that is the only thing that made the setback vaniancenecessary. If they do not get the va::iance, it will be necessary to completely nedesign the pnoposed building He feels that the building is veny much in scale with the surrounding buildings. The Bishops, who ane the adjoiningproperty ownens on the west stated their feelings as follows:. This is a viol-aticnr but is a practical type of thing and should be eonsldered es dfl exeeptlon. They have no obJectlon to the building as it is designed as there is adequate sPaoe to get fire equipment thr.ough and also to Pnevent fine from jumping from one building to another. The Boand feels thatthe objectors are objecting to the building rathen than to the setback because of loss of view. A motion was made byMrr vnrrncr +h'f +he vaniance be granted. The motion vlas"ii;";-;;;";;P;;"il ii'."ilIu"a.seconded by l,br. Knox and appnoved unanimously by Case 8-19-71 - Tenrence P. Cowhey - Request for building vaniance for an alternative method of exit from a sleeping room. Mr. Cowhey stated that everyone concerned thnough the planning and building thought that they were r.neeti-ng the Code. The Architect stated his opinion and had no written notice from the Building Department whether this was satis- factory. During this period, Ed was on vacation. The fabni- caton spoke to Dick and until the 10th of this month, he was under" the impression that the pnoblem had been resolved: The wal} in question is glass and the.ventilation is p:rovided nean the ceiling. They have not tried to evade any of the p::oblems, and the mater.ial is already fabricated. The aethetics of the building pnohibit windows or door-s and the fabrication is such that they cannot be added now. M::. Hoyt made a notion that an intenion door be placed in the master bed:room between the two rooms for exit. The motion was seconded by Mr. Viele and aPProved unanimously by the Board. Case Z-13-7I - James Slevin - Request for setback vanianceof 5 t on the northeast side in lieu of 10 | in onder to preserve trees and 1ot contouns. A motion $ras made by Mn. Hoyt that.we gnant the setback variance. The motion was seconded by Mn. Young and appr"oved unanimously by the Boand.. Case B-17-7I - Apollo Park request for building vaniance to allow less than the nequired open waI1 space for natural light and ventilation - The aPartments that contain the wall in question were not oniginally designed that way. They talked wit'n fa about changing the walls and at that time .found out that they would have to build a $tindow in the w911 . They thought they had met the requirement but thene was a misunderstanding and the window was built to the wnong size and the window is about 12 square feet too smal1 A motion was made by t'tr. Viele that the variance be granted since thene is no safety hazand involved. The .motion was seconded by Mn. Noung, and approved unanimously by the Board. D. t\J) E. Case B-18-7I - Request for building variance to al-Iow aspiral stairway to serve a loft area largei than 120 squarefeet - Mr. Evan Bickell presented the facts in the case.The stairs are not actually spiral stairs, but only in twopl-aces do they actually wind. It also appears that Ed hadmi-scalculated the loft area, as it was not drawn to scai-eproperly. A motion was made by Mr. Viele that the variancebe granted with the stipulation that in the places wherestair spinals it be boxed in on the corner"s so that ninimumtread width is approximately 6r'. The motion was secondedby Yr. Knox and approved unanimously by the Board. BenedictrsOffice will- submit a drawing showing what they propose to do. F. Case ts-I5-7I - Request for building variance to all-ow a 36rlhandnail to match existing in lieu of )2rr :required.- A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the vaniance be granted andwas seconded by Mr. Young and approved unanimously by theBoard. (Request made by Eugene Fnenichs and Monie Fnerichs). e. Case B-14-7L - Charles Rosenquist - Request fo:: building va::iance to aIlow handnails to be furthen apart than SBtt -. A decision was deferned on this case so that Mn. Rosenquistcan submit an alternative method. He will have to complywith the Code requirement unless he does submit this alter-native method. H. Case Z-I2-7I - Lodge Properties, Inc. - Request fon Zoning varr-ance ro arrow-;ffiSouth 1ir:operty irneat one point and 5tsetback along that side of the building. Mn. Temy Dragoo of RNL, Inc. and M::. Ross Davis appearedto present their case. They presented drawings of the pro- posed building to the Boand and explained that they will needthis vaniance i-f Vail Associates wiLl not agree to an ex-tension of addition into the near yard setback up to thesouth property line. A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be gnanted subject to penmission not being granted for the other by Vail Associates. The motion was secondedby Mr. Hoyt and appnoved unanimously by the Board. I. Case 8-l-6-7I - Lodge Pnopenties, Inc. - Request for buildingvariance to allow five stor^y building with fi::st fLoor of Type I constnuction ( 3 houn) and put four floons of TypeIlI constnuction (one houn). Code does not cleanly define. a panking structure with othen types of construction above. They would provide thnee smokeproof enclosures fon safety and will put in a wet and dry standpipe systems. They wil-talso agree to pnovide a two hour sepanation between unitsrathen than one houn as required by Code. Would do a founhour fire wa1l to divide building into two segments. A motion was made by Mr. Hoyt to grant the variance. The motion was seconded by Mn. Knox and appnoved unanimouslyby the Boand. ,ji o R N L, tNC. TRANSMITTAL Copies: I PRorEcr: TFF LopElF e Vl{L "'.+217 Gentlemen: Enclosed ore the following: zO.|lNe VAr(1sg FfFlJcATeFt 4 I DIJII.I2|NE W VA'RlAlleE tf?UAISTlN Title:Sheet No.:Dote: ElbF 6crrEr^A'lla prue6. Qrawn> lf enclosures ore not os listed, kindly notify us ot once. R N L, lNC. Bvt ARCI-IiTECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING 1626 Stout Street, Denver, Colorodo 80202 Dote: Telephone pn0\ 222-4731 o APPLiCATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBg4!D OF zoNrNG AUU$Mi-Irf "- BOARD OF BUILDING APPi;iii'- I Koppers DATE:January 6, 1972 Inc., Robert C. McBride ectionorder to respectfully request . r, van0f r--ance frorn the requin-rnEnffithe VaiI Zoning OnainancJ-in- t ' rn making a detenmination on zoning the Board considens only, 1. un-d.rc handship, 2..need ror trre-propdsed-"""ii""J] 3. compatibility oftne pnoposed vaniance with the-suinounain!-aqJil u. effect on futunedevelopment of the a:'ea_ana, -i. health, safetyl and the welfane ofthe inhabitantS Of the fow"l E..r eq.E,,.J, curq rrte werrane ( rn building code vaniances the Boand may considen onry, 1. suit-ability of-altennate matenials and_ methods of constnuition and.2.'neasonab1eintenpnetaii-;;.";thepnovisionsofthecode. The Administnative Official rnay challengegoes beyond the scope of the p6,n"o" of fne .'.''J ,:.. .. . . .. r.'.. _ Denver, Colorado 90216 any variance gnanted whichDoaro. 'rt is undenstood that a fee of $2s.00 is payable in advance:_t:t (1O) day posting perioa is nequired pnior to a p'bliaon the .above requeste. -, .. . , .. ':.' ..: ''i:,.'' , , ; Signed; ' i ' ,.: ... and thathearing '. lnl L),Jz r=li,ffiWffiz=_dfiF'!; #g^Ut*=., ;w?r*1 Aa raw Ga.rr)I t- Y ffi+K=tl#,--^.-g--.,o 4Wlii6o\tfl8^# ! i I -..Y:--;' --- .: I 'o '*sa6./.4O AT e,m?'gQ4flap a J^N, I FlNl. F,b December 7, l97l Mr. Edword Struble, Building Inryector Town of Voil Voil, Colorodo Deor Ed: A letter to corroborofe our phone coll of the ofiernoon of December 6. 1971 , on the following building design. (o) A sub-grode bosement for mechonicol/building supporf functions ond storoge (b) First floor, ot goroge, porking goroge ond enfry (") Second floor, third floor, fourth floor ond fifth floor condominium uni ts. lom colculoting the ollowoble squore footogesos follows: with o 3-hour floor between first floor porking (of type I consfruction) ond second floor condominium units (of type ll consfruction), the squore footoges of the first floor porking sholl not be required to be colculoted in the second through fifth floor condominiums squore fooioges. QmiI/g,J JlVnel ANDERSON ii2 o B R Y A N T HASTINGS DENVER, C O N S U LT I N C coLoRA.DO 8021 Jtlc 20, l!172 ttr. t. J. fotr!.t.u Iaccrnrtlqoel Cooforcaqc of Brdldtog offtcl.ls 5360 So. lJorlrnro ltlll lordIbltlrr, Crllferntr 90601 R8: Plo (lrck Bo. gt45 i D.rr llr. N,otarlta u: Eoclord 1r oa. (r) copy recb of thc rtnrcturrl cdculrtloar oa LodgcProportlor Coodoatqfin, abc.t! I throqh lll4. ENGINEERS 9 . 922-1796 'I Jobn Il, Prtt INTTRNATToNAL CoNFERENCE or ButLDtNG OrrlctAls NEW ADDRESS: 5350 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 TELEPHONE (213) 699-0541 June 15, 1972 OFFICERS PRESTDENT PERRY C. TYREE FE6IONAL EU ILDING OFFICIAL COLORADO gFEINGS, COLORADO FIRST VICE-PRESIDENY EUGENE B. PESTER SUPERINTENDENT. DEPARTMENT OF 9UILOING AND gAFETY POMONA, CALI FORNTA SECOND VICE.PRE6IDENT NEWELL POCK CHIEF !UILDING INsPECTOF YAXIIIA. u/A6H IIIGTON 'REAgURERVINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BUILOING VERNON, CALIFORNIA JUNIOR PAST PREAIDENT TED E. DUKE !UILOI G OFFICIAL EILLIN6S, MONTANA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR T, H. CARTEF 50 SOUTH LOs ROBLES PASADENA. CALIFORN IA MANA6IN6 DIRECTOR JAMES E. BIHR - 50 souTH Los RolLEg PASAOENA, CALIFORNIA DIRECTOR€ GAYLORD C. DOI|JD OIRECTOR OF tN6PECTION6 XALAI'AZOO. MICHIGAN DONALD A. ER]CKBON OIRECYOR DEPARTIIENT OF INIPECTIONS IIINNEAPOLI6, UINNESOTA EILL P. HORN CHIEF EUILDING INEPECIOR PIERCE COUNIY TACOMA, W SH INGION CHARLES R. HINKLEY CHIEF BUILOING INSPECIOR MOUNTAIN VIEW. CALIFORIIIA VICTOR L. TAUGHER AUILDING OFFICIAL couNtY oF aLAME6a HAYWARD, CALIFORN IA JACK D. WHITE BUILOINO COOE ENGINgER KAN645 CtTY, UlASoURl VINCENT R. BUEH SUPERINTENOENT OF BUILDING VERNO'{. CALIFOFNIA DICK T. JORDAN OI RECTOR BUILDINC OEPAi'MENT AUgTIN. TEXAS RAY J. NOKEBI BUILDINO OFFICIAL COUNTY O? TANTA BARBARA 9AI{TA BAR!AiA, CALIFORNIA A Nonprofil Setvice Orgonizalion lor lhc Moinlenonce of lhe UNIFORM BUIAING CODE ond Relqled Ordinonces ond Ofrering Spaciol Scrvic* lo Aclive Closs A Menbars PLan Check No. 8645 Lodge South Condominium Ed Struble BuiLdlng Offlcial" City of Vall Box l-00 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Struble: This is to acknowledge receipt of data on June 13for the above proJect which will be reviewed and our coments f orwarded to you as soon as posslble. Ilowever, to properl.y review structural- plans wewill need cal.cuLatlons that Justlfy the structuraL system in supporting vertical loads, and resisting wind and/or seismic Loads. This tncludes the foundat ions . Please make reference to the above number when send-ing in addltionaL data. May we thank you for your lnterest Ln our services Yours very truly, INTERI{AT IO!{AL C ONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS T.lK:hb cc: RNL, Inc. OFFICEg OF THE EXECUTIVE DIiECTORT. H. CARTER IIATIAOING DIFECTOi JAlrlEE E. lrHR TECHHICAL DIRECTORD. R. WATSON i','{ : g ruri e?4 t3U f Plan Check Engineer 4D ?$t- .U; VOLITER LANDSCAPING P. O. Box 881 Vail, Colo. Landscape c?t"u"a Owner- Lodge at ValI Corp. '- -.. .+.'1.'*..+'\?]9r-Contractor- Votiter Landscaplng 81657 476-3047 ''CREATIVITY MAKES THE DIFFERENCE" Bullding and installing of t,hree crib planters at entrance of lodAe. Description ol service:,.' ,-4it n, y>', qr', q'l. Three ptanters ( | bv 1fi 4 av l!, and /-by * ) witl be built at entrqnce to Lodge at vail. planters w111 conform to surface of driveway. Planters wirr be ! layers high ( Jo inches) and wir-r be l-ined with visqueen, 4 inches of rock in the bottom and covered with 22 inches of topsoil. cribbing wirl be stained oxford brown. Planters will be buil-t using lO spikes, securing 5 x 5 spruce crib. 2, Area wirl be cfeaned up after completion oi work; work will be clone in a professionar landscape manner. Job will be executed the week of Oct. l) ( possibly into the first part of the week of Oct. 22 if weather causes delavs) I have read the above contract and services included and agree to the bid<.price of 1} 2152.00 One hal-f down will_ be required upon the signinF, of the contract unfess prior arrangernents are made. The baLance is due upon satisfactory completion of work. pleaee sj-6n both copihes and return one Bob Vollter dba,/ Vollter Landscaping to voli- t er landsca Lodge at Vail *- n , .. , 'h*A a"".,( Md-/.7,n P *'u rt ''li't {T /if PL'lu' ,:,'..ll \-,i\t' \i.il\il1lil'Ila!'f\GIF .:'F}({-rt .r s-'1(, 1t rEl; Qrt'\ a--il\,.,!\. L..vt l a€ ."S .t! ^ri Icl .'.rl'tJ {. \,b\ \)s :' t-$t-.:t(<t iJ lr. t. g \1 >F a, I ct lill,"n,tttrttii',+ ! i '' I 'I i ! I.. I . 1. : :.;.t dd i; I Orvl* c\9 0lfsaI lll.<e -L I a Lodge ot Voil Condominiums Enclosed Areos Soleoble Unit Areos Unit Areo T- -W8.75 sq. ft. 2. 1,162.35 sq. ft. 3 . 1 ,238.75 sq . ft .4. 1 ,665 .75 sq. ft. 5. 1,593.00 sq. ft. 6. | ,665.75 sq. ,ft. Totol per Floor 8,564.35 sq. Totol per building Service ond Utility Areos Totol per floor 1,687.40 sq, Totol per building Bosemeni Areo Totol Enclosed Areos Bolcony Areqs Covered Porking Areos * Areo Shown ore Gross Areos, including outside wolls. fr. fr. 59,950,45 sq. ft. ll,8ll.80sq. ft. 1,386.50 sq. ft. 73,148.75 sq. ft. 12,573 ,75 sq . ft . 11,129.79 sq. ft. Fll\llE- l. A. B. CODE REQUIRIMENTs Nome of Owner Address of Owner Proiecf Proiect Nome aODCTE 9,O|-1TH GoNDr^ lafr.rr,l AT VAIA C. Legol Description nq ',i!!, 2. A. B.Address 3.A. B. c. D. t. Sfrucfurql enstneer lspOeera,t ] tbfqrl4S Mechonicol tnsin"., R/N/L ,, Elecrricql tnsineer €/t4i/L Soi ls Engi neer Civil E ngineer 5. 4.Occuponcy Group or Groups Minimum Construcfion TyPe A. Exterior Beoring Woll B. Interior Beoring Woll F€: PARIT'NC, TYPZ T. JuN r a 191 NOr, - ?O{i/ t$ab.rrBLE C. ExteriorNon-Beoring Woll Hr<. ri Minimum Construclion D. Sfrucfurol Frome Type: (Continued) Porfitions (Permonent) | HR. Shoft Enc losures t,"orc rt- inoors , Hfi(. Exferior Doors ond Windows NANE 6.Required Seporotion in Bui lding of Mixed Occuponcy F G. H. It- 7.Fi re Zone FLAO4 P-.-,rra* Fa,l.i s netr M.( roret Nr,frt.,rt-torl At6A. 1", 8. Seporotion by public SF."____E_ b.Anofysis of Floor Areos permimed T4iiAL P ,ucc6tc ,trz too?o 10. Arnlysis of Moxinrunr Height ,?' _(rveetr;canocsn) trrl H rJ] rT EXISTING STRUCTURE Floor Level Basement Common First GRFA Common Second GRFA Common Third GRFA Common Fourth GRFA Common Fifth CRFA Common Sixth GRFA Lodge Prop. Inc. llrl0 2231 19372 sl40 9302 (2605)* 5790 t 334 6710t:' lodge Apt. North l2t 0 5755 1090 12474 2253 I {323. l7l0 12297t:, Iai!!- Area Computations8S2-C May 4, 1983 Lodge Apt. South (rD 8378 t02{ 7r57 , (i) 609s 567 5012 TOTAL GRFA 19,871 = 62 a.u. q4,850 = 39 d.u. ll,107=8 du 15,535=12 TOTAL Common 32,035 (25,338 ex- 5395 567 1024Area cluding 6,697 sq. ft. of Restaurant/Bar space) * du Lodge at Vail total land area Lodge South Condominiums Lodge Apt. North Wing (A-2) Lodge Properties, Inc. --- -\=(-51-0423 ac.l 'z<3350 ac) .6184 ac.I .>-.-./ a 2.0889 ac.;-) = 90,992 sq. ft.\-_ c- From Zoning for Commercial Core l: Allowed GRFA = 808 (90,992) = 72,794 sq. ft. Common Area excluded from GRFA = 20e" 172,7941 - Common Area counted in GRFA = 32,035 - 14,559 = Actual GRFA s Common Area counted in GRFA f 9,871 + 17,476 = 37,347 sq. ft. GRFA TOTAL* Maximum number accommodation units for 2.0889 ac. = Existing number accommodat ion units = *J J1+ 6t*tt +rt'u., ,rrl+/t t 194 ..u.;7 = Sl 52 a.u.=?2 tl Allowed number of additional accommodation units Aflowed additional GRFA 72,794 -37,347 35,447 sq. ft. = ll 2.rt.i Z' ,2 $7roR,tegll. 12. Ano lysis of Moximum Stories Arnlysis of Fire Profection: Cnpc- z,; f',Ror4P H) A. Fire Sprinklers if Required B. Stondpipes if Required C . Fi re Detection snd Fi re A lorms 13. D. Fire Hydront Arlo lysis of Stoirs, A. Genersl Exi fs, Occupont Loods 5l oecqcA^r75 Ftaoz Exits Required NOT LE'S T*qN ? tao 'Lootc C. LaAO I o ot tt! ot,IEI To'7*L 4c. LAo FeC- Ett'.J = ltl_ acf ./rto. twsit,5ilprrll C. Doors O<c. LAO PEt? ExtT = 66.5 9 : Mfrlg ,trf/.tT t*rr.v6r t N DteCG,T toa' OC El(,T TRA',,EL. D.Corridors ond Exterior Exif Bo lconies firr{. WrDtll l qq" AccE69 E,THaR OtcEc;rtart ra errts ; i:i"q} :$,iJlrFr'1:';s I 4'p't : Stoiruroys $t}.rtr, G. Horizonto I Exit Exit Enc losures smokeproof tn to"ur., U% 17*2*-1 1Qt l*14 ?'F'..) Exit Outlefs itI f ri K. f:xit Courls orrd Exit Possogewoys Exit Signs ond llluminotion ,{ rs 216\ t 1N(\t r{O -r'UC\$.''i\0-r3t3cB1-lr\ tt}H\$rufD\ -iltrr{o T ItxsDr +--t ee '|> *p*$= E Ei" tt{ *= id s .Qz,r,O 4at .O1 O\'/ . Ae- '4 \A* t,n Fq 1$q -{t-t 60 $' ,rl o coL :, L-. q! I rEl-r zqi-ft oJ) -t$ilx;-{:CzF v. -E{.(if" t'\-/ ll o c G * fi' c+.t q \.; Tfc t"\ t L rrlU IDt\t 7-c \ r-lY TS?d;F so f otrr: FR 6 s G,+c i fi-i*ti l Fois F.*f,> t I;1 $n:j his.t Bd :k rit e$ "l .\$t irq f r'\-./ i 3_, t o{ L- {-- u*Il\ f* a P(\- ,: /,i.!/r\(DX + c, b_t-t -r ':\ ,// / , "//,1/i.' /..,'',.F t:,/ \ri. F d.t' --l iEE tq F ir J. \ t B:p -n ---{bo'PNl t,o-F { ,l rltrl !l f\J (,'\ o |fi" PtY ._5 12Xa'^/AllERi i ZPvY ret r -> .l(".t^tsi,tt- €' T{4 DeK -,}- fd* -.-..rrl.-!.-!.-..-r.^r.- -. .--.-*.,.*. -..;-- ,;*-. - I I l I I I 'I rl .J I ',t' I l t BUILDING CODE VARIANCE DATE:October 6 1971 APPLICATIONTO APPEAR BEFORE THEBg4fD OT zo NrNG ADJUSiMil,r-"-BOARD OF BUILDING APPiA;i-- r, varrance froft the0f the Vail Zoning rec ul-rements Ordinance in or Sectionorder to f, -tl ,t t respectfully request ano Sect onT Bui lding CodE the nLrorm I rn making a deterrnination on zoning the Board considens on1y, 1. un-due hardship, 2..need for the-prop6sea.u."iin".l 3. compatibirity ofrne pnoposed variance with the'surnounaing-ar"ii u. effect on fuiurel;J"1;il;llJf".lF iilS"r#f: i. health, "ir.ivl'and the ,.ri"o.or rn.building code variances the Boand may considen onlyr 1. suit-ability of altennate mateni"r" i"a- neth6os oF-.Ji"touction and.2' neasonable intenpretation"-oi-trr" provisions of the code. The Administnative official may challeng-e any vaniance granted whichgoes beyond the scope of the p6rvlns of the Boand...t"" gr.rnted whj rt is understood that a fee of $25.00.is-payable in advance and that;rt;il" t lf 3r.o"I";3::i3: p'"ioa-i" nesuined'pi,i""-ti, a public hearing Signed: i I I I I *;i- ?/ -2 APPLICr'.? IO NBOARD OF BOARD OF TC..iPPEAR tsEFORE THE 1.9I'T NG ADi usT ME Nr6UILDTNG APPEALS October 6, lg71 respect fultv oph 3b & Ord. il z- j/-41 reques t Series 1970 .} r, varaance fromJh-E ll1' l-l.r^ lt--'r -l"- ., .,.,= ," ., a - 4 On In g lnc requ].rements or sectionOrdinance in onden to - itr lliiinio:";:"#:l'i:l :il"';*:s"j]...r:?:-d considens only, 1. un- iii. iffffi : a. ;;lfi. ""'iiir''i;" o:33;:li. ry::l:: ;,1 : Jiru::i:i'll#jthe infiabii"ii"'.ii iilSi5lf: 5' health' "ir.iil'"no.n" welrane or ll.lyilot:g code variances theio.11ly of altenn"tu nrutuoi"iJz. reasonable intenpnetations-3:l"S may.considen only, 1. suit_and methods of constr"uCii;; ;;:oi the orovisions or the code.The Administnative Officialgoes beyond the scope of the rnay challenge anv Porrens of the t;"Iilttnce gnanted which rt is undenstood-:li] a fee q, $rj:g.q,rs.payabte in advance and that;n t;il. t "t33 r3"I"e:::.il:]; iioi'i I' oeq ui ne d' pi,ioi -to a pub ric he aning /d^-/ '6k-oi.-r--,. --/ASzt- O/-az4z,,,-z--' Signed: Se ct ion -I Octsbtr 11, 1971 iourr iruly, . ,.. BOATD Ot ZOIIUC, APDIALS Hr. Rob.rt T. Ltrlrrlell , Coloredo SgbJ.at r Vrrtrnc,c Appli.eettoot Dorr .Ht. Lltlcr: , ". llrrat bi lnforrrd rhat thr lodgl picptrtlerrtlo..' hrl,. rppll,td for tro v8rlractr rblcU wilt br irard oulbarrdrt, Oqlob.t 21 tt 9100 ln thc aor torn ofVall offlctr. Oae vrtltqse 1r'ls nooconforrlaco rlth ths Zonlngordtneace Srcttca t, plragrlph 3b rad ordtllragt g;.eerlor ol f970. lbe butldfog verteacr .fu ln !on-eoaf,otlnac. ytth 8tctlon 5, lrblr 5-D, ! ead d, pego55 rltb rrgari Go ttpl! of conttrnsGl,ol. Il you ulrb to paot3rt attbGr of thetr vrrlencrt,plcue br ptrrrat rt tb. r.otlng or rrg[rtrr youiprot..t by ccrtlftrf nrdl.; ,-, -: ArD EXAltIrtnS dr Bob.r! l. ClltlGbrirrra o! tba'"toird I Octob.t 11, 1971 l{r. Robrlt Nott Va1l Arroclatrr P.0.Eor7 ;Yellr Colorrdo i SubJrot! Vaalaac. Derr Xt. NoCtr Aggllcetl.oar thaaa YtrlrBo.!,or rrglptoa youa I Plrrac bc lntorrcd thrt thc Lodgc P.rogrrtlte, IBc. bee rgpllcd for tro vrrllncer rhtcb r11l br'bteld oq lhurrdry, Octobcr 21 rt 9100 la tbc qqq Tova ofvitl olttorr. Oar rrrLaBs. lr la aolcooforraBe. rlth th. ZollatOrdlnrncr Ssctloo 5, grregrrpb 3b aad Ordloaace E, , eorlcr of 1970. Ihe bul.ldlnl v.rlaoc. Lr ln oon-cooforuuc. Eitb lsctloe 5r' Tablr 5-Dr F tad E, yr3e 5t vltb rcarrd to typ.. of co!.tructloo ; It totr rt.rh to plotrrt rttbor otglrr|. br plrrrht atl th. nrrttigptotcrt pf errtlfled'arll, xourr trult. to{BD .ot zorrnc, aPPBAts AxD BxA}rr[tBs:. leDlrt 8.. cllll ,. Cbl{rrr& of tb. lcrld 3r OctobGr 11, 197l Mr. Peter CraEcruaValI, Goloredo SubJcet: Vrrlrncc lpplleatlonr Dcar llr. Crsorrug: Plceee bc !,atorned tbat Lodgc Propcrtlce, Inc. hl!' eppllril for tvo y.rlrrrc.! rblch n111 bc hcrrd onThursd.y, Oc,tobcr tl at 9:00 tl thG nGU ?oso of Valloff!cra Onc verlance le ln noneonforElncc attb chG ZoologOrdlaence Sactlou 5, prregrrph 3b aod Ordiaencc 8,s.rl.r of 1970. Tbe bul.ldlog v.al.anc. k t,n uon-coafornruc. yltb Scctlon 5, leble 5-D, tr rnd Er prg. 55 vlth rcaard to ttp.r of conetructlon , ..If you rtrb to Drot.3t cithcr of tbese ylrlanc.a, ploaee be prrrcnE .t thr lrc.tlng oE rrtl.ter your Iprotc.t by errtlflrd irll. t loure truly, BOATD Ot ZOIIrO, Ap'EALE AND BXAXIrSIS ; I tobcrt t. Clrrlr '-. Chrlarra of tba toerd ilv. t.-I July 26r l97I RNL, Ine. 1626 Stout Stncet Dcnver, Colorado 80202 Attcntion: !br. Ter:ry Dragoo GentJeuen: rn -refenence to your lettsr of July 20 negardlng the Lodgc at vailAddltion, I havs the foll,owing conmente: ften 2 (a) - fn rny discusgion with Jeny, I basement being nentioned and Ion the basie that it will need mcchanical verrtilation. donft recall a subgnadebnlng thls to your attentiona eprinkler eyctem and - lour etandpipes do.have to go firorn the baeemant to the topfLoon;, thenefone, in any open area such as the par.kingg.rrage, I would eay that they would have to be i.n anineulated ehaft ot u8e heat tapee of eomc type. - Il .ry diecus-sl.on wi!!-r_Jenlyr whcn we diecusaed the eecond,thind, founth, and fifth floora could be of type IfI ,one houtr conatnuction on thc basie that hG had two srnokeproof eneloaunee. Thia, of counsc, aB you mentioncd in . Iten 9, will nequire a vanLance. It wai on thie beelcthat I eald I rould nccoulcnd appnoval of slld varl.anci. ' - I agnee with youn interpnctation, but pleacc be informedthat the etzcs of your hcavy tinlen nsubens ehall bo Ln accordanca with Seetlon 2007. - l{hen we diccusssd thiq Item, Jerry wafnrt eur€ whothcr thrbulldlnge r*euld be conne.etad rnd I Etatcil that if theywena lt wouLd a1l have to be non-csmbustible conctructl.on,includlng thc fire retandant T"f . - I donrt gee whore you would nrqulnc a vaniance on Iton t+. - Therc le a llilunderatanding on thLe iteu. I raid I wouldEupport a verianoe fon thc balqoniee to pnoJeot uF to(4o_t ovcr) thc Soutb property linc wh.ich la U.8. FonottSEFt6-pnoperty. Item 4 Itesr 6 Iten 7 Itcn 8 Iten Itep L0 L ---v _9. .: RNL, Inc. Ed Stnuble Buildlng Official dd I : ,:.: The only cormcnts r bgvc ?n your leat panagraphl whLch iB naking th.top floon sepanatc unlte Lnatead of loftr, ie-that you lre nowr rnot\cthan even, .in a llvc rtony Duilding which:aight Rak; g"Gtini 6f ivqriance to ure typc III conttructl.on (one houn) on the tgp four floonga little noro diflicutt. In othcn rordar you an.'"riirrri-?tv"-hoorsand theneforc in a nininun of typc II construction. Thank you fon your retter and r an rooking fonrand to h.artng firomyou. Youne tnuly, TOWN OF VAIL i -i i. o Jvly 20, 197 Mr. Edr,vord Struble Building Inspector Tcnr'rn of Voil Voil, Colorodo Deor Ed, Pursuont to your request of o letter to corroborote fhe ogreements between yourself ond Jerry Nogel of our firm, the following ogreements ore noted: l. The erection of o condominium on the property of "The Lodge ot Voil" in the southwest corner of the property - the seporotion between new ond existing construciion is in excess of 40t. 2. The verticol levels ore: (o) A sub-grode bosement for mechonicol/building support functions ond storoge. (b) First floor, ot grode, porking goroge ond entry. (") Second floor, third floor, fourth floor condominium units. (d) Fifth floor, of the time of your conversotion with Jerry, wqs the second floor to the units on the fourth floor. lt is nolrr the ownerts wish to convert these to one (l) level units (no bolconies i nvolved) . FlNl= JOHN B. ROGERS AIA JEROME K. NAGEL AIA VICTOR D. LANGHAFT AIA GLENN C, BARNGROVER AIAW, ARLEY RINEHABT LANGOON E. MORRIS JR, AIA KENNON B, STEWARI PEE. THOMAS PUNSHON PEWILLIAM L. PETTY PEJOHN M. ELMORE CSI JAMES E, MILLENSIFEFN. MILAN HABT WARR E N J, FOSTEFRICHARD R. HOLTZ =E. UJ u.lz('z uJ ulE F(J llJtf (r F CE -ozI J IIJ(' z at)c uJooE Mr. Edword Struble July 20, 1971 Poge 2 3. Pleose note the following section. Before were Two Story Units Sub Bosement Construction: C) Sub-bosement - Type I consf. (concrete structure) - Portitions, except shoffs, moy be one hour wolls, wolls oround shofts ond mechonicol spoce to be two hour (most likely concrete block). (b) First Floor - Typ. I Const. with screen wolls of concrete block ond cement stucco or equivolent. Wolls ore to be portiol height so os to moinfoin 5@/" or more noturol ventilotion to the outside on two sides to ovoid the use of sprinklers (UBC ll09).FINb Units Third Floor Units Second Floor M,. Ed*?d strubte Jvly 20, 1971 Poge 3 4. (") Second, third, fourth, ond fiffh floors to be Type lll construction. Exterior wolls, wolls seporoting units ond wolls between units ond exit corridors to be of two-hour construction (mefol studs or non-com wood studs ond two loyers of 5/8" gypsum woll boord eoch side being min.). Wolls, interior to units moy be of one-hour construction. Ceilings between units to hove two loyers of 5/8" gypsum wollboord; units on top floor could hove one loyer of 5/8" gypsum woll boord. A subsequent conversotion be- tween ourselves ogreed to exposed heovy timber construc- tion for ihe roof of the top floor units, exception of this would be the exit corridor which would receive two loyers of 5/8" gypsum wollboord. (d) Finish roof moteriol would be fire retorded wood shokes or onodized oluminum. Stondpipes - Require wet ond dry stondpipes. We request clori- ficotion on wet stondpipe, for it would most likely come through covered porking oreo, ond not being heoted would be susceptible to freezing. FlNl= 5. 6. Elevotor shofts ond trosh por. C & D. Require one smoke proof corner) UBC 3309 Sec. g chutes would be governed by UBC - 1706 tower exit (to be locofed on southwest r&2. Mr. Edrrvord Struble July 20, 1971 Poge 4 7. Exterior bolconies - (UBC l7l0) - moy be heovy timber (protected) R N L interpretotion - exposed wood with fire retordont treotment. Note: Bolconies between first ond second floor to be concrete strucfure. 8. Second level pedestrion bridge connecfing nelv ond existing construction - incombustible construction required (3304 - Propose concrete structure, wood roilings with 5@/o min. open oreo obove ond heovy timber roof with fire retordont treotment exposed - Require clorificotion on roof . 9. ltems 3, 4, ond 6 would require o vorionce, which you ogreed you would support. 10. Zoningconsiderotionsdiscussed: You ogreed you would support o vorionce to construct up to the south property ond would support the proiection of bolconies ond roof eoves over U. S. Forest Service Permit Lond. The only chonge since your conversotion hos been the modificotion of the top floor from o two story unit fo two (2) one story units, we would FII\IIl- Mr. Edr'vord Struble Jvly 2Q, 1971 Poge 5 like your comments on this. lf you hove ony further odditions, chonges or reoctions from subsequent proposols, could you inform us oi the eorliest possible time? Best regords, Terry Drogoo TD/dn FIIUb o Ce e UAte Ftc-e Roernr AlhesrenARCHITECTPost 0ff ice Bor 335 Iittleton, Colorado 80120 Tel ephone, (303) 798 -7965 19 December 197O !{r. Ed Struble, Bulldlng Offlcial The Torn of Vall, Box 531 va1l, Colorado 81657 Re: The Lodge at VaiI. In answer to your letter of 2l October, the followlng comments are for the recoEd: 1. Stepe have been provided at the north entrance. 2. wall ralls are lnstalled in the etalrwells. 3. The management Lnforns me that tlre lnside roomg of the employees guarters are not belng used for sleeping thls season, therefore the natural ventll- atlon ln the front le sufflclent. llbese units are to be converted to conmercial use nert gummer. SLncerely yourg: 41 r'1.( i/ cc:tlr. Ross Mr. Don DavLs EIlsha FrO g3 137C Ft4 \_ $ (-\t [l$i{ {$i$r NS -t'-t'-" .9,*1'( $f i$ it Fi rl$\nt0 tt5 r1$iEt i{It - l'.". '0$ Fl rl $\ $$, rfli -J.- -. . o.VLo,'-'- hlI i$.{il$$L .*\.. t) il$[ 3A?AT I a, J^bJ. tq-7'2 IJ7 \t I il t F 7.t e$l$ $t$ a,-- '.iJ. , -. RNL .l rflNUL 4sa6Y*tsz o-J.lon-Com' Exterior Treated Lumber and Plywood 1 . The name Non-Com@ Exterior is the well-known trademark of Koppers Company, Inc. identifying fire- retardant treated lumber and plywood that can be used for almost any application, whether it is outside, fully exposed to the weather, or inside, fully protected from the weather. 2. The special treating formulation used for Non-Com Exterior is pressure impregnated into the wood in autoclaves caoable of with- standing pressure up to 200 pounds per square inch. After impregnation, the lumber or plywood is processed in a kiln where the chemicals of impregnation are cured. The curing sels the chemicals in the wood cells and imoarts durable weather resisting fire retardance. 3. Underwriters' Laboratories, lnc. have subiected the maior sottwood construction sp€cies of lumber and plywood to their fire hazard classif ication test procedure before and after weathering in their simulated rainfall exposure equip- ment. lt was found that there was no signif icant change in performance of material tested after exoosure as comoared to material tested without exposure. The Underwriters' Laboratories Building Materials List acknowledges this performance by stating for the NCX grade, "No increase in the listed classification when subiected to the standard rain test." This same statement appears on the label applied to the various species of lumber and plywood tested by Underwriters' Laboratories. This is an exception to the paragraph describing the U. L. listings for f ire-retardant treated wood which reads as follows: "Unless otherwise indicated, the tr€atment consists of water soluble salts which will be affected by repeated exposure to water or conditions that may result in the condensation ol water." Non-Com Exterior treated lumber and plywood has a U. L. designated rating of FR-S. This means that the material has a fire hazard classification of 25 or less lor flame spread, fuel contributed and smoke developed, and shows no sign ot progressive combustion when the f ire hazard classif ication test is continued for 30 minutes. As indicated above, this rating applies regardless of the exposure. 4. To specify this treatment, it is only necessary to refer to the name Nom-Com Exterior or to call for treatment with grade NCX as shown in the Underwriters' Laboratories. Inc. Building Materials List. Where treatment service only (TSO) is to be provided, the material supplied for the trealment must be air dried or kiln dried to a moisture content of 19 percent or less. 5. Non-Com Exterior treated materials have properties which are very different from other fire-retardant treatments. They can be used in weather exposed locations and still retain their fire-retardant oualities. Accelerated tests show this treat- ment to have oreservative value that will provide resistance against decay and termites equivalent to that provided by standard water- borne salt treatments used for material not in ground contact. Dual treatments can be orovided when material is to be used in more severe exposures. 6. Non-Com Exterior treated lumber bearing an Underwriters' label is available in l-inch and 2-inch Douglas fir, white fir, western hemlock, western white pine, red- wood and southern oine. With the exception ot redwood, thicker material can be supplied with an Underwriters' label by special arrangement. Non-Com Exterior treated plywood bearing an Underwriters' label is available in all of the western softwood sDecies and ih southern pine. Processing time requires 60 days for redwood and 30 days for other species of material. 7. Treatment with Non-Com Exterior does darken the wood slightly, but the basic tone or hue of the wood remains virtually unchanged. The use of separating stickers required in the drying-curing phase does develop marks on the surtace of lumber. These can be hidden by application of paint finishes or heavily pigmented stain finishes. lf clear finishes are required or desired, specify white f ir, western hemlock or southern pine and Forest Producls Division 750 Koppers Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15219 412-391-3300 indicate the type finish. Special arrangements can then be made to treat the material in the rough and mill to pattern after the processing is complete. These three species still carry the U. L. label even though processed in such manner. The manufacture of plywood panels with one face f ree of sticker marks is limited to lhicknesses up to Vz-inch. Light sanding of this face is all that is necessary to provide a surface suitable for clear finishing. It is necessary to specify that an architectural finish is required if this type of plywood is desired. 8. The treatment does not influence the moisture absorbing properties of the wood. Free water does not collect in the wood regardless of exposure to high humidities. This makes it oossible to use the treated product with architectural type cledr finishes in humid areas without running into the problem of excessive moisture affecting the quality of the finish. 9. Non-Com Exterior treatment is recommended whenever f ire- retardant treated wood is to be used in areas where relative humidities above 80 percent are frequent. It is recommended for use for any weather exoosed condition or for any condition where there is an inherent decay condition existing above ground. )Isb*untcn',Wro:' n o' U* FR.S LUMBER l55UE l{o NO INCR,EASE IN THE LISTED CLASSIF- ICATION WHEN SUIJECTED TO THE STANDAR,D R.AIN IEST. KOFFERS PR,E SS UR,E INEATCD AT ORRVILLE l(opPERs Architecturaland Construction Matedals .|. s .r---.-1,-! It o{t F.o3.-|rr;l G.U E lhl5tp J' P\oo\o\ n)\, ct Z,:'P.bo@P..PFJPO€opo u: cq ,-)o\roocltto OctPdldciFI. P. P. E SPFllcto\tro5P.ctP.HonJSP'hrOr-JF-c.r P.gthHqtIIJ O P. cr' OP.O!J!)9'.t@Frq Hld=odtooir:t:lP.5OOFcfi{F5.i.c)OPooo<FP.tn.tF NO\-noZ\nozF5O\FJOo-ct|ro.\,l'5c+.d'' o { F--ooOPIJ€cr}J.5O\rl (-) o P'50.i.Roi'\)lFi(DOoF,t{HHrb(tOOclu'OHrP,cf;fO0t'EpooP.tdFrr,t p. Hoo9)li{ OoortsF.fu.\n5PxlooFlg, (t- o,0rooF<vt.tFr!toogrP. ltP.do nJo\ t<bFl 5' b >: \t I -a l. ;H Fl |.'J HF-..H.z lur tF1 | [^.r lc) IH{lolz Itnt>l(/) I lrt IEtz lF: Itt ItslttIt, l> lFtIFlP LB l;t:^ ctqr}tJJ<tH. OF'FJr-J !, O. OOctordbHrOrrjqP.P.O65P.tO.tp.lrScFrO@(-ro)5P.ct' tsZ, ct' O P'5OciFOO-\l n6o td P.OFltcllJ\NClo(L-ct9,O =ttSPlJots.o5lu5.rcooP ooP.5C r.+, FcqFH'OOO P, \Jl cl'oP.ci9-hti o-HO.tOclEdYtJo^o-o :' -F et .go..o..' { P'- \,llnitcilo !t tr,F5(Dnjo>tpo o .El\ro0,O\ ct F'.FfuFJ !,1 OOFlop =zooO Fr, <f {F,ciCtHur:'choP@9rP-.0:5DO.|OP.OP c) crFtOOOFtOqF|.O5P.PctoSP.|'t50,P.h5(Da NJ NJCD -\l tsJ rd 2 t! |.'J t! F..JoP.o.'P.COdHcqF(D5\-|rOP.P.O 3cro!,itsoPFmFFb5I\JPa-P.Octo-EO ZFI@crFl$HFtoNoqFro!roPo\PctFrOctoooAct\OlgroO.Pc)EI;to{-oEoc6cO5ct tlt I P' 't-ltF,|ctFOts<ciFOOlu-bctoOl-..c)i5ctOO0CFctOH<t(!505\nOFnBro =:5OAIF.,oooo.{oftocfooo(-t - Vt cr-FZcfO.ttO}1l'.)itFP5 HO\OOP' \tlooOP'HluooctP!O:'5. 2 cf1- Fi O o€5hl.@oH'O +- f- t u (,ts) 5 o .:4' !t H.o\'lOo9-.oo'{FdotrO-crP.Fttog.FtElt-booEOP0r<!'|lctoct!,!rurP.tso5.oPP.clOOOS|'tor'r<otrtoIP'aFrrOpOc'OBtsOltoDt4rtO&o|'l-.FtOitO-H'octodOltFlrlooP.P.9,i+lq, IooopO}l.tA9!t p.'oci (D - .. r,. o 5 t ;y oop.FloooSNlc!€(-foctl;JFFOa'5',ioOo'DSooJooc5llO ij5r1 tJ oOItOO l-.2<1 .a OtD(iOt:5FO5cr O ,.n C F, CrrOct"ZF,PctO.r :r o l. o o -j 5. p clO F, 5 fr L.r Vt O ct AFr do '-rl .F, o()@5, al - Opcf g r,- \, o o- lJ ot< 7 (D o.EOF.E(DEN)POI'),F+rPctciv'l<OHO\nVroHEOo.OPbF-F!r+-ciCotcr- O O cf' tJ . Ul ct P,yO\'lOnChFJlrF O ci .. 9, (r- P h a gl {tLoo2 FI Ol l:.) H'o cl FJO i: '.'l -. 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