HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE TOWER 1973-1977 LEGALDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TNsPECfON FTEOUEST , TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ! orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrlr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM PM APP ROV E D I uporu rse ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nrrNSPEcr CORRECTIONS APPROVED TOTAL FEES: $ PLUMEIING.' MECHANTCAL PEF|M|T TOWN OF VAIL lL:l E orseppnov /5* /,J,--,'7. /q77DATE J.BNAME Loa>oo ,.au r-rl +a1 owNER fl L/, lJrr1//4rrt4 ADDRE'S q@ /y'n D*rrlFp coNrRAcron Cr,-'n^,loa.r= *pna /h* r?)ilpnl USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: D nrew fl noorrron We,enooet [ *.pol" RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER I.F MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArloN $ 14 Oo"e VALUATION $ REMARKS:BEMARKS: PERMrrr=e( ''/6 n-- )n PERMIT FEEH-",X L rNsnEcforu HEquEsr ?-7 I ,--..TowN oF.VAr\. J'BNAME i.ra'=*t,-'ED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnneu FOR INSPECTION LOCATION TUE FRI AM PM flApeRovED III UPON THE CORRECTIONS ' -V r 'r'i ! orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr qoLLowrNG coRREGTTONS: \ , lF J L,,l -t ));- /))t-':_i1 \ ! --'l z F J EXITS FEO. DArE oF APPLrcArroN .IMHZ ?45 ,n7 CLASS OF WOBK NEWI) ALTERATION (-tAODITION ( IBEPAIR{l USE OF BUI LDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STOFIES OFF ST, LOADING NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADDRESS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL ( I FORCED AIR ELEC ( I UNIT r. TYPE OF CONSTBUCTION I 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D e r qf)r .r DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPRINKLERS COMA. STANDPIPE SMOKEPROOF ENCLOSURE OCCUPAI\ICY SEPARATION T0wN 0t EIIJILEI!NGi l,A IL PEFIMIT \3 ACKNOWLEDCE T I HAVE ATE THAT THE AND AGBEE TO COMPLY CES AND STATE G CONSTRUCTION. TOTAL FLOOR ABEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED ffirA Fr<orn&//E oFn7z SIGNATURE OF OWNEN OR CONTRACTOR BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM JOB NAME CA E orHen MON COMMENTS: AM! PMr'TUE n panrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI flnppRoyED florsnppRovED [] nerNsPEcr t!=a'I.'I UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE FXU JAI{ 21911. 126 JACKSON, N.E. ALBUQUERQUE, NEV{ ilEXICO 87I08 $0512*2571 Ittallllo VI NT ITAT I I'O arr.co orl|oxlllo tlfltotlar|oN rYttEt l^l.atilclNo routP[ENt lttllxo 2t5{ wEsT SECOXD AVE. DENVER, COLORADO 80223 (303) 922-2552 PROJECT LOCATIO NIDWEST ENOINIERING SERYICE INC. LODGE SOUTIT CONDOHIN IIJM ARCHITECT MECHAIfICAI ENGINSER GEI{ERAL CONI8ACTOR Plnkard Conetructlon Co' BALANCING cREw H. L. lltav & v- Rarlck . DATEJSorober-5--I973 s/N 26530 SEED INDICMOR AMMSTER VOLIT{ETER INCLINED DRAEI GAGE MACNEMLIC GAGE t t I I I I I t I t I I I I I I I t t t I t PRESSURE GAGE PRESSURE GAGE- DIEFERENIIAL PYROMETER THER.{OMSTERS METHOD OF BALAl,l cE: Bathroom Regietera rcad r/capture Box uaing velometer & Controlled Orlflce. CFll verifled w/Anernome Eer. Corridor Exhauat Regtatere 6 Kitchen Hoode read rr/Anenometer ' Cabinet Heet€rs reed w/Capture Box ullng Velometer and Controlled Orlflce. DTFFUSERS AND REGISIERS AND GRTLLES SIDEWAI,L DIFFUSER-MAKE MAKE CEILING DItr'FUSER -MAKE MAIG EXIIAU ST REGI STER - lrfdt(f, Barber-Co lnrn MAKE ST'PPLY REGISTER-MAKE MAIG R TUSN GFTLI,ES- MAKE MAIG TTPE El50 Ft. i-rNN D PROJECT ALTIII'DE VELOME-rER CoRIIECTIoN 1.17 AIPLIED To: AFEA (K-FACToR) x VETOCITY STATIC PRESSUNE COHiECTION 1.36 RECORDED PRESSURE READINGS ARE: UEASTRED CORREClED t MIDWESI ENGINEEilNG SERVICE INC. -1- it Nbuguerque, New Me:<lco Denver, Colorado { I AIR SYSIEIS nEclP Smn"t I JoB: IXDGE SOUTH @NDOMINIUM E VAIL I zoNE oR FE.,D AcrL * or - I'l,tNCtION lJltIT NO. MAIN CFt'{ Cru 3Eil.D RHI'ARKS | ,*nrrr". D-l 40oo 4430 lll I D-2 3e40 4001 102 I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MIDWEST ENGINEEBING SERVICE INC. Albuquerque, New Mexico EQUIPMENT DATA -2- Denver, Colorado PNOJECT LODGE SOUTH @NDO}IIN IIJM A) UI''IIT NO.D-1 Exheuet Fan MAKE Penn REX127B SER. NO. RATING 4100 Cn{ @ 0.5" S.p- SPEED,RPM B)MOTOR Weetinghouae g.P.31 4 SERIAL NO. FZR lYPg Fs PE. 3 Rr{reo SPnED 1725 MEAS.V0LTS 212-212-212 sr 1.25 nlreo Volrs 230/460 tr.tElS.A,fS. f.l-l.f-l.I Ft. D56 nateO A,PS 3.6/I.8 c)SIARIEE A1.Lie Chalmers l'iODEL 010-000-510 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t CLASS TEERMALs 3 - H 34 (prrsr) AMP.BATIm 4.56-5.Q Thermalg changed D) DRJVEN 8" oD stfiAvE x BoRE lrl BELTS A64 SIZE X NO.BELTS 1 DRWE CHANGE 1VP52 BELT CgANGE NONE FIIAL BPM Not Acceeslble FINAL AI'@S 3.9-3.7-3.7 E) Pu{P IN oT}T RISE FTT.'TEIF TN ATTN NrlAD 8EA:T COIL IN OI'I DROP COOL COIL IN OI'I DROP FAI{ rN -0.52x R$.{ANKS oul 0.05'|RrsE 0.1q't I :<l )</}ll I kt z FI tsr A F Et-z (J) Iz u IJJ- ; t: uJo f3g lrJf> ln t I I lil lu I zl:o I I t: I d |l ul =(,z uJ @ ou, F lll F zI F o J ItP o (., ttFz J e, z |l, (J Itu F z tt =f{z Az 8 t< (A Irl A Y I I l: li Glrl lE l!I I Fu u,l oEa I I ITIIT-II TIDTE'T EIIGIXEENING SERVICE PROJECT IODGE SOUTH @NDOMINIT'M LOCAtTOX FAN SYSTET D-L T EST ED BY DAT E I I-I- AIR gALANCE DATA r-r-trorltrr.Fl*r, DENVER. COLORADO Ilco r ARCHITECT ENGINEER GENERAL COXTRACTOR r{ECHANICAL CONTR ACTOR OPERATIONAI, CHECKREQUIRED L2 l9lL2 II IIIIITI TIDI{EST €XGI EEN ING SERVICE PROJECT LODGE $UTH CI)NDOM]NIIJ}I L OCATIOX F X SYST EIt D-1 T EST ED BY DAT E I-TI AIR BALANCE DATA rrrrtf,?,o,tr..t.,f,Fr DENVER, COLORADO RCHIT ECT ENGINEER C ENERAL CONTRACTOR ATECHANICAL CON TR ACT O R REOUIRED MIDWEST ENGINEERING SERVICE INC. Albuguerque, New Mexlco EQUIPMENT DATA Denver, Colorado FROJECT LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINITJ}'i A) UNIT NO. Penn REX127B -6- B) nl SER. NO. R{TINC 3900 CFM @ 0.50r' s.P. SpgnO.Rp[,l MOIOR t'leattnqhouse iI.P. 3/4 SERIAL N0. FZR Tt?E FS PE. 3 MTED SPEED T725 MEAS.VOLTS 212-212-212 SF 1.25 MTED VoLTS 230/460 MEAS.AMPS. 1.7-1.7.T.6 FR. D56 RATED A!,{PS 3.6/T.8 SIARIER Allia Chalrnerg MODEL 010-000-510 CLASS TmF0'1ALS 3 - H 31 (RXq'D) A,p.MTrNc 3.48-3.79 CIIEER The-mals .hmt.d D) DRTVEN 8" oD smAvE x BoRE 1" BELTS A64 SIZE X NO.BELI'S I DRWE CHANGE rvP56 BELt CEAreE FINAL RPM Not Acceastble FJNAL AITPS 4.0-4.0-4.0 E)PI'MP II{RISE FT T MEirl T N l"1I FN NDI.\D llElA'N Nr1TT. TN NT'N NEtl.\D NAAT. 'AYT. TIiI rrIIIl NP^D FAt{ IN -0.62rt oUI 0.08rr RETARKS IN O1'T RISE 0.70" I I ITIIII UIDW€3T EXGIXEERIIIG SERVICE I IIII AIR gALANCE DATA IIrr[rotj..trExf,F DENV ER, COLORADO I PROJECT I,ODGE SOUTH CONDO}IINIl'M ARCHITECT EN GIX E ER FAN 3Y5TEM D.? LOCATION T EST ED BY G ENERAL CONTRACTOR OAT E ^{ ECHANICAL COXTR ^CTOR(-: I TEST 3TEST 2 OPENlNG REQUIRED , FINAL TEST 4 II IIIIIII TIDiE9T EI{CIIICERING SERVICE PROJECT IODGE g)UTIT CONDOMINII'M L OCATIOX FAN SYSTEIT D-2 T EST ED BY DAT E IIII AIR BALANCE DATA IIIIrlluo,t}r.nExF DENYER. COLORAOO I ARCHITECT ENGINEER G EiIERAL CONTRACTOR IECHANICAL CO TR CTOR c 9,'4 p *t< r -; REQUIRED , FINAL II IIITIII IIDIESI ENGINEERING SERVICE PROJECI I.ODGE SOUTN @NDOUIN IIJM LOCITION F AN SYSTEIT D-2 T EST ED 8Y OAT E IIII ^IR BALANCE DAT^ rrrrfl!1,o,ffi.,t.'Fr DEXV ER, COLORADO ARCXITECT EXGIXEER G ENER L CONTRACTOR TECHANICAL CONTRACTOR REQUIRED ci'1 l!f.<. . r^; TEST IT IIIIII HIOWEST €}IGIXE ER ING SERVICE ITII AIR BALANCE DATA I IIrIllrot[,tEtfI DEXV ER, COLOR ADO PROJECT LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINITJM ARCfI IT ECT ENGI'{EER FAX SYSTEM LOCATIOX T €5T €D BY G EN ERAL CONTRACTOR DAT E M ECH T{ICAL CONTR ACTOR TEST 2 TEST 3REOUIRED OPENING D- 2-r r-2 II IIIIIIIII-I XIDTES' GNGII{EERING 3GIVICE AIR BALANCE DATA IIIIlrerlr.Iexl DENVER, COLOR DO I PRorEcr IODGE g)U'fH CONDOI{INIW LOCATION FAN SYSTEIT D-2 T ETTEO EY DAT E ^RCXITECT EXGINEER G EXERAL CONTRACTOR TECH NICAL CONTR ACTOR ( -,-r - *.<) . ,.* A-L<- l-e.u '.,. '+ REQUIRED D-2-14-2 I I rIIII TIDTEsT ENGI}IEERING SENVICE rITI AIR gALANCE DATA IIIIrI IEuqte. nExtF DENVER, COLORADO I PROJECT I'DGE SOUIH COI{DOMIN ITJM ARCHITECT LOCATION ENGINEER FAN SYSTEM D-2 G ENERAL CONTRACTOR T EsI ED BY OATE MECHAXICAL CONTR CTOR -te€F C t.": {-r'!i, TEST 4REQUIRED OPENING ITIIIIITIIIII XtOfEsT ENG|}'EERING SERVICE AIR BALANCE DATA PROJECT I,ODGE SOUTH CONDOMD{IIJM rrrrrtuo,iltr.it_rf,|rI DENVEN, COLORADO ARCHITECT E CINEER FAN SYsT ET D-2 LOCATIOX T EsT EO 6Y G ENERAL CONTRACTOR DATE IECHANICAL CONTRACTOR t ?1 Edr| ,* t{ (( REQUIRED D-2-L8-2 B) n\ D) I I t I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I MIDWEST ENGINEERING SEBVICE INC. -I4. Nbuguerque' New Mexico EeuIpMENT DATA Denver, Colorado PROJECT tOpcg SOUTH ONDOMntIUll l) [Jlfrr NC. Kitchen Hood MAI(E Klch-N-Venc 1275 (2 Speed) CFE' I\T/.\ EATING I7O CTM SPEED.RPM SERIAL NO. |'rvDF PE. MTED SPEED I{EAS.VOLTS RATED VOLTS MEAS.AI,IPS. lR. RATED AMPS MANIT. SIZE CLASS $tsR!,tALs (rrtsr) Al,P.RArrrc rmFo,tAls (nrQ'o) ew.nAttwc gTEER DRIVEN SHEAVE X BORE DRTVER - SHEAVEXBORE BELTS SIZE X NO.BEI,TS DRIVE CEANGE BELT CHAI'IGE FINAI RPM FIIIAI AI,IPS C) PtfiP IN OI'I RISE FILTER IN fiN DROP EEAT COIL IN OITT DROP COOL COIL IN OI}T DROP FAI{ IN OT'T RISE MIDWEST ENGINEEBING SERVICE INC.-r5- Albuquerque, New Mexlco Denver, Colorado EQUIPMENT DATA PROJECT LODGE SOUTH CONDOI.{INIIJM A) ulnr NO. Trane D34A004 SER. N0. 106287 (8th Floor l'leet) - MTING 320 CF!1 G 0.10" E.S.P. SPEED,ru>M B)MdlOR Trane H.p. 1/30 SEBIAI No. Not Acceseible TrPE Not Accessible PE. I Flr\TED SFEED Not Accessible MEAS.VOLTS sF ItnTED voLTS rl5 MEAS.AMPS. I'R. RATED A}.TPS 0.9 c)SIAXfER MODEL I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I I I T I I I CLASS TEERI.IALS (ErIS"I) A},IP.RATII{G rEEM{ALS (REQ'D) AMP.MTING OTEER Bullt ln overload orotectlon. D) DRWEN SHEAVE X BORE - DRWEA SHEAVE X BORE BELTS SIZE X NO.BELTS DRWE CHANGE BELT CEAM}E - FIML RPM FINAI A!{PS E)RISE FTT '|IFEI Y N .rI FN NI}ND IlNA'|l NATT, TN rlll1r NPNP aaYrr. anTT. TN mFr nElnp REMARIG IN ottT RISE MIDWEST Albuguerque, New Mexlco ENGINEERING EQUIPMENT DATA SERVICE INC. -,5- D€nver, Colorado PROJECT LODGE SOUTH @NDOMINII'M A) UNrT No. cEB Cabinet Heerer (Tvpical) Trane D34A006 SER. NO- 5A'1306289 ( 8th Floor North) RATING 460 CIl,t G 0.18't E.S.P. SPEED,RPM B)M04[0R Trane H,P. SERIAL NO. 5GF77468A ryPE pE3066N PE. I MTEp spEEp 1100/900/700 MEAS.VOLTS SF MTED VOLTS TI5 lmAS.Al,IPS. Ii'R. RATED AMPS 0.9 None MODEIc) E) I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T t I t ULADD THERMALS (ErIST) AMP.MTIIre II{ERMALji (nnQ'n) nW.nagIUO OIEER Built i.n overload protectLon. -\D) DRTVEN SHEAVE X BORE - DRWER SHEAVE X BORE BELTS SIZE X NO.BELTS DRWE CHANGE BELT CEAI{GE FINAI RPM FINAI AMPS RISE FTT IITIJI T N ATI'F NPAP IIN A'I Nr)TT. TN NIln NPAP nanT. anTT. TN nrrn nRnp FAI{ IN BISE I-iFulFItjEc'j t I I I ooE)UJ7 -_----.---l 'l l-i c g. Fz J Yz UJ: d Fz J E 0 {ot.oL'6(u +Jo c' @ I T 0J F z l! d, ul ulz(,z uJ o F lu zIF o l: !<;l; r zl: @l: I lE IF lu 3i=l! XEA lg3 lE ;TI I FUut o e, o, I I I I I I I t I I I I I t ::l t I I I I I I iJ o o TO: FROM: RE: DATE: MEt'|ORANDUI'I TOt.tN COUNCIL PLANNING COMMISSION LODGE PROPERTiES * BUILDING BULK CONTROL AUGUST 6, 1974 At their meeting on August I,!g74, the P]anning,Commission reviewed a request for a buitl;il";rii';;ni"ii-"u"iince-(exceeas diasonal .length) i""-ift.-uaaition of i tiastr and storage buildjnd to the south side of l;L;fis;;;i-iils; uriioins.- Forest Service peim'its have been obtained' In accordance with criteria #(3),of the zoning ordinance, the P'lanning Commission found: (1)Thatthegrantingofthevariancewillnotconstituteagrantof\r'' iiiiiiii-pii;ii6; in.onittt"nt with the I iir':tations on other piop"itibt claslified in the same'district (2)Thatthegrant.ingofthevariancewi]]notbedetrimenta.ltothe\-' prrili rt"irtn,-litety, or welfare, or materially iniurious to fitopeiti"s or-improvanents in the vicinity' (3) That the variance is wamanted because: : (a) The strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement ofr-r ite sp.ciiilO "idtiiiion noi,ta result in practical difficultv o" ,nn""urii"v p6iri.ul hardship jnconsistent with the oibectives of this ordinance' (b) There are exceptional or extraord'inary.cirucmstances or condit'ions ;ilii;;6i; io the site of the variance that do noi-apptv geirbrally to other properties in the same zone' (c)Thestrictor.|iteralinterpretationandenforcementofther-' sp"citiea-reguiiiion would ieprive-the,"ppli!11!. of pliuiteges'"iiqi"o by the owners of other properties in the same district. The Conrmission voted unanimously to approve the variance requestg t-he Chairman abstai ni ng'. l,l. LAPIN/nm a F\r-e o lnwn u l|il box 63r e Yail, colorado 8t6sz 303.476-5613 Julv 5'lb', ?T+tfg'ft l? f :ffi?' u liilo 3l{, u,,, Denver, Colorado 80202 Dear Ross: Approxirnately four nonths ago you and I ha<l a telephone c-onversation'relating to a disputed tap fee for the Lodge South. The controversy centered around the question of how nuch of a credit the Lodge South should be allowed towards itrs tap fee because of the fact that the Lodge South constructed a sewer rnain at a cost of $12'420.00. It is ny opinion, based upon the rules and regulations of the Vaii W-ater and Sanitation District, that since the Lodge South sewer tap fee was $9,000.00.that you should re- ceiie a credit of 50? of this tap fee or $4,500.00 The balance owed to the Vail Water and Sanitation District can be conputed as follows: $9, o0o. oo 9,000.00 $16-,T0T-.T0 Paynent Sewer Tap Fee Credit $9 ,690 . oo Balance Due $i-.!.lo'-q-q. I would appreciate your check inmediatel-y out this outstanding account. Sincerely, VAIL WATER 6 SANITATION DISTRICT so we nay close -/)J,ffi^Q f 6*-D Stanley F. Bernstein Director of Finance cc: TerrelL J. Minger, Town Manager Gene Snith, Attorney for V.lV.S.D. t)(ent Rose, District Engineer avls Water Sewer Total Less: Tap Fee Tap Fee Tap Fees R OG ER S,/NAGEYLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT South CondominumiPROJECT: DATE: TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: nrt JUN251974I ILL Arrived with Ken Jessett ot iob of 9:30 o.m. Pointers were finishing poiniing of porking level cei ling, oll potchwork complete. lnstollotion of unit heoters obove ceiling hos not begun. Met Horold Show obout l0:00 o.m. Horold discussed possibility of enclosing porking level. we pointed ouf thqt either sprinklers or fire opening occess (20 sq. ft. per 50 lin. ft.), ond heoting ond ventiloting unit would be reguired in oddition toon overheod door. One or more porking spoces might be Josf . We olso looked ot ceilingdomoge olong outside woll beneoth srnoll indented bol- conies. wind is cousing wofer to blow bock in on these oreos. Recommended thoi ioints ot concrete ond edge chonnel be reseo led ond oreos cooted wifh some liguid roofing cooting used on oll top floor bolconies. In oddition, o short section of mostic bosed diverter should be odded ot top of concrete r,roll below steel to gei drip off foce. Noted thot deod stop opporently wss never instolled ot fixed leof of frosh room door. ROGERS ,/ NeCil ,/ UruoHlnr Architects Engineers Plonners l5l0 Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo. 80202 INSPECIOR: Edword A. De Vilbiss/dks cc: Horold Show, Worrglrf Foster, JohnTelephone573-1331 ROGERS/NAGEYLANGHART PROJECT REPORT PROJE DATE: Poge One o: 277 -% Condominiums TIME AT PROJECT: TEMPERATURE: RII. FEB 71974 John Kloossen,hos returned. to the. iob site os of Mondoy , Jonuory 2gth ond is infhe process of orgonizing., for finol completion, oll finol inrp.'"iiii it"ms token pr"uiorrty.He indicofed thot the bulk of ihe items hove been reloyed on to the vorious subcontroctorsond most ore giving no problem ond will immediotely complete ihese items. However,o few subconfroctors, such os the sound system subcontro.tor, i, giuing o hord time forthe replocement of the wrong confror boxon the speoke*iiir. ihe mechonicol re-plocement of lhe wrong shower heods hove flotly been refused ty the mechonicol sub-controctor. lmmediote oction musf be token by the Generol Controctor to see thot the eecorrect shower heods ore ordered ond instolled. Cooperotion is being received by theelectricol subcontroctor ond heoting subcontroctor ond their for"m"n] lnsulotion thot wos to be instolled in the ceiling plenum obove the goroge floor :ll-ll-1": It been complered.sorisf-ocroriry. Bo*s to* -uJ"n ur.a-.r*na rhe perimererwh'ch does not give the guolity of insulofion thot we reguested. In mony coses, insulotionon the perimeter woll hos not-been occomprished properly ond doei not go up to theunderside of lhe deck os required. No outhorizotion for poyment will L given untilcompletely insuloted sotisfoctorily ond in the monner rhot iros been freviously requested. . Serious problems with the evolotor for the Lodge with on extreme qmount of downtime experience lost weekend with os much os 6lours ot o time, 4 doys in o row. Dover,the elevotor subcontroctor, hos service personnel in the mountoin oruo; horn"u"r,'rit ' scrvice elevotors in other surrounding towns. They hove given verbol committment to JohnK loorsen ond the mointenonce pcrsonner ot rhe Lodge olon'g with t*' ., nor.r, ph*"numbcrs ond where they con be reoched; ond hove olso insiructed mointenonce personnclwhot proceduros con be done in on emergency situotion to run the elevotors if foilureoccurs. Two leqks develop-ed on Jonuory 30, rg74, one being in the mechonicor pipingchqse, SE corner. John Kloossen opened up this chose in Ro-om lZl oJ found thot it wos ROGERS ,/ HlCel ,/ t_.lHCHnRfArchltrcts Enginccrs plonners 1610 Aropchoc Sr., Denvcr,Colo. gO2O2fefcphono 222-4731 INSPECIOR: Worren ROGERS/NAcrVTRNcnaRr PROJECT REPORT pROJECI: Lodge S o outh Condominums No: 277 Poge Two DATE:/31 /74 TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: o hot woter pipe leok ot fhe.floor line iust obove the bosement level. This wos nof ofrozen pipe, it wos o pipe ihot possibry sprif or o pin hore reok deveroped. He is in theprocess of trying ro find o. service prumbei since he .onnot ..;i; ;; sle, to be obre tocontoct rhe subconrro"r.prur*_l oiisrnoty on rhe pr"i;;i: iiirlrf,*r,ns o ror ofstroin on John ond the fronf office of the Generor 'contro"to, i, *qulu.a to give him o1the help he con possibly gef . The other reok is in fhe unit heoter on the third froor, Eosi side. Dove Ebererwos confocted ond will repoir it the some time he reploces trrllilo"fi"g cocks in thisunit, which will be rhe firsr porr of nexr week. A heorins;r;br;;;; RoomTgghos beentroced to o defuctire disposol unit in the kitchen which hls been tiro.ing fhe circuifbreoker which couses the ihermostot to molfuiction.. This disposol lo, e."n reploced witho new one, the defuctive one hos been retumed to the monufi;;;";;;, reprocement. Temperoture in voir rosf-night wos oppoximoterl -r0o; room femperotures thismorning were holding ot 70o, with thermostots set af 706. ROGERS ,/ ruaOfl ,/ UATCnRR1Architects Engincers p lonners 1610Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo . g}n2r€fephone 222_4731 INSPECIOR: Worren Fosrer/dksffi,cc: Pinkord Const. cc: Horold Show, Ed 'S rt- F€ H'gk 'f6'-{Serf tf{rffif p tSrrrsff*affirlj ftlwaasat frlut{}irrg 'Psg /' i." "ewi !'n Lr rti i: l"i liiPttI '{ri* F f4,I 0& t.& I THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURS{IANT TO THE RESUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OII 7'IIE UNIFORM BU{LDIN'G CODE L'I;RI'tFl'tNG TIIAT AT TIIE TL\IE OF ISSUANCI; ntts ST"RIICTL\RIt WAS IN COIIIPLI'4NC|| WI1'H TllE I;ARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TO\4)N REG'L|LATING RLitLD - ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR TIIE FOLLOIIING: LODCE SOUTH Use Classiiication Res ident !a I and vehicle parkino C;oup 1t-70 H and F-1 Buiiding Pernrii No.Typc Construction LodEc Properties, Gore Creek Drive and Wil Fire Zone 3 ttsc Zone CC Denver, ColoradoOwner of Building U Q$-s-:-*-. lJuihiing Ofliciul =r,ET: c-eD>-? nt6N POST !N A CONSPICUOUS PLACE I m (r) F.ro tu ulF 6l (\l @ o c |JJ zllJ U,l uJ Fo ulor o- (r (o (,zzz (L ('z uJ!Jz(tzlu November 19, 1973 Mr. JomesW. Pinkord Pinkord Construcf ion Compony 1075 South Yukon Street P" O" Box 26227 Lokewood, Colorodo 80226 RE: Lodge South Deor J im: Rtt Nov201973 FlNl*' fr As you ore owore, your iob superintendent, Mr. John Klossen, hos been ottempling to solve the mechonicol oir problems on fhe subiect proiect in order to sotisfy the controct documents" As lote os Thurs- doy, November 15, 1973, yovr subcontroctor, Cipro Sheet Metol, wos ot the iob sife with o quolified technicion who wos opproved Ly Jerry Aldrich of the Building Deportment to ottempf to moke the mechonicol system o working system thot would conform in oll re- spects to the building code ond the confroct documents. On this dote the technicion otfempted to reod the exhoust system; however, he found thot he could not occomplish oll the reguirements ond so stoted to- your superintendent, John Kloossen, lhot the system must be completely bolonced by o quolified engineering "orniony. As you ore olso owore, Mr" Jerry Aldrich hos demonded fhot proof be given to him thot the system indeed does conform to the buildino codes ond controct documents before o permonent building o".rpon""y con be issued. Iotr F(f I(,zI tro z a(r UJ(ton FllUl. Mr. JomesW. Pinkord November 19, 1973 Poge Two You ore therefore odvised thot the ogreement of August 21 , 1972, which wos on oddition to ihe controct between yourself ond the owner hos been initioted by the owner ond Midwest Engineering hos been contocted to perform the blloncing of the system" We will owoit the reports from thJ independent festing ogency to determine exoctly whot problem.s^hove o."rrr"i on the system ond further determine if it hod been indeed in- stolled correctly ond, in turn, determine the responsible porty for the costs. we will odvise you os soon os ihese reports ore received ond schecule c meeting to discuss some. Respectfully yours, Wo rren Foster WF/rlm cc: Ross Dovis Horold Show Ed De Vilbiss Ken J essett John Kloossen -t Jerry Aldrich rN6r=rilbt FTEBUEST VAIL onte lli t,\,t,o 7 b JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E plRrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED 2.'-l!:=sq-''.\(JHYn -' Irar ,:l ,L.1 r Ali.lpttt ! neeRovED ! orsaeeRovED E nerNspEcr / \r El uro" rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTIoNS: '/,)r./coRRECTIONS T.'i' ijrr,_,.*,. ffibr,,-.-,-. FlNl. g November 13, lW3 RU iloV r 1ii3 il lw 16p73 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Officiql City of Voil Box 100 Voif , Colorodo 81657 Pursuont fo our felephone converscrtion this dote, November 13, 1973, between this writer, Ed De Vilbiss ond yourself; we confirm thot you will give o permonent building occuponcy certificote for the subiect proiect under the following cond it ions: Thot wifhin three (3) weeks from this dote thot documents will be forwqrded to you by o registered boloncing engineer certifying thot oir quontities ore exisf ing per locol codes ond the Controct Docunents. lf this ogreement is nol fulfilled ot this time, you will toke immediote stePs to rescind your porfion of the ogreement. Respectfully yours,y' ;"@ Worr.n Foitet WFldks ccr Ken Jessett Ed De Vilbiss Ross Dovis Horold Show Jim Pinkord Bruce Reed South Condominiums Deor Mr. Aldrich: John Kloossen II ;.} le o t{EltoRAilDt t{ . T0: gtrn Bcnnrtcl.n fROt{: Xant R. Rorc SITEIECT: lodgr South TaD FecRchburrclcnt DATE: 9 llovrnbrr 1973 It hes brcn d.t.lrlnrd thrt lodgt SouthCondontnlum le cntl.tl.d to a nchbuFtrtrsntf,gr thc cntcnrlon of naln ratcr tlnce to thorur of onr-hslf thcl,n tap fac. Agaclelant: 018,000.00 '' A'nount Peid: 11690.00Arowrt to b. rrfundcd: 690.00 6 November 1973 Mr. Jerry Aldrich Buildings Deportment Town of Voil Voil, Colorodo RE: Lodge South Condominium RU lt0v ? Fr3 Deor Sir: This notice is to inform you thot the bothrooms in fhe obove proiect hove been provided with on engineered mechonicol ventilotion system to provide the required ventilofion rote in occordonce with UBC Vol . l, section 1305. Ken D.W. Jessett KDWJ:mroo Yours ft" FlMl:d =6nr H fD(A Orrttf€smfp Pf (#rrupessrs ffiuffirm (#f ffimtl ffiuilhing $ePurtmrnl TIIIS CEI<TIT;ICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO TI\E RI,SUIREII'II'NTS OF S}'CTION 306 OF THE U,\IF,RJII BIJII.DINC CODI' (:ER|'II;Y'ING TIIAT AT TIIE TI]ITE OF ISSU'INCI' THIS STRUCi'URE |,|ASINCo||PLIANCI'|yIT,II.rHEVARITI|S\RDINANCESoFTIIETowNREGULATINGBUILD- ING CONSTRTJCTION OR USE. FOR T'HE I;OLLOIIING: Nrnte Use Cl:issificatron Owncr of Buildin ing Address RESIDENTIAL AND PARKING H and F-lGroup 14?0 Fire Zone-3-- Ure Zone CC1 Building Pernrit No.Ty pe Construction PROPERTlESLODGE GORE CREEK DRIVE A]''ID WILLOW ROAD Building Oiiicial tsillt POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PI-ACE Lt Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Department Town of Vail VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: Lodge South, Inc.is the owner and developer of the new Lodge South condominium buitding. In my capacity as an officer of that corporation, I offer my assurance that we will not permit any of the buyers to take personal occupancy until you have made a final inspection and issued a final certificate. -/srncerely yours, Chairman Lodge South, Inc. Tlte DGE, November 6, 19?3 Rlt toI ? $n lN THE iiioootvoori rrri,qr.rruen =_--,iloa<lfiu*-%rold W. Shaw P. O. BOX 1168, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 . TELEPHONE: VAIL 3O3-476-5Oll DENVER 303-222.7078 OnrttftrutB Pf (Srrupunrg flJueuffi (Bf ll{s"tt Buililing BrtrrurtmBnt '\1 t . ,,.1 1 TIrrs ct;RTIFIC,tl'E ISSUED PLlRS(JANT TO TIIE RI:QUIREIIENTS OF SECTION 306 OF TIIE UNII;ORI: Br./tLDtNG COD,j CLItl'tt,'l'lNG'l't1,1'l'AT' 'I'IIE TIlt'IE-o-F ISSUANCE TIIIS STRUCTURE tttAs rN COIttPLIANCE lvtTII TIIEVARIOIISOnOnVANCbSOFTHETOWNREGULATINGBUILD- /NG CONSTR IJCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOIIING: TEMPORARY TEMPOMRY TEMPORARY LODGE SOUTH CONDOMINIIJM Use Classification H and F- Building Pcrmit No. 1470 Type Consrruction Fire Zone "3 ur. Zone uu Inr.'l Owrrcr of Builtling Lodge Propertaes rttg AdJrc'ss Gore Creek Dnive at4 Vlfflo" 3"9 qL-.-- Building Official lsirn POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE rNsPE.dlot FtEEUEST DATE /o',31- 7?JOB NAME OF VAIL ,fiu lov 2 t973 rfME REcElvEo t.i?.t A"€U f]orxen MON GOMMENTS: TUE E penrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR APP ROV E D E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: coRRECTf ON t- @ n uadz;E 4tam l,la lonlat/r ,oA {o Rz:xt"<=.,.^mP,tt o" t*.n " @ lJo t-tl AoST [-4 k '1 tLL€5 tN q)/rs eN u I r i:. :.,- o .- tnlun n #z/-+? box 63r r vail, colorado 8r6s?3O3.476-5613 0ctober 26, Lg73 Ross E. Davis, President Lodge Properties, Inc. 2230 First National Bank Building Denver, Colorado Dear Mr. Davis: Ed De Vilbiss has asked ne to contact you in regard to the procedure required for the reinbursenent of a portion of Lodge South tap fees. No fornal lines need be fo11owed, however the following infornation will be necessary: 1. The total cost for the installation of storn and sanitary nains, excavation,backfil1, patching, etc. 2. A prorate of the sanitary sewer costs verses total cost. Reinbursenent will be nade on the actual cost of sanitary sewer main installation up to one-half the appropriate tap fee or the cost of the main installation, whichever is 1ess. Unless otherwise directed, refund will be nade to the firn or individual originally paying such fees. Very tru1,y yours, VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT ,X*/AQ*- Kent R. Rose, P.E. c.c. Edward A. De Vilbiss KRR/cs FINII-E October 16,1973 Mr. Kent Rose, P.E . Town of Vqil Building Deportment i Voil, Colorodo 81657 RE: Lodge South Deor Kent: Ross Dovis, one of ihe Owners of_Lq!g: Sorth,_hg requested thqt I contoct you relotirre to theEoEiGe, opplicofion form, etc., required to obtoin their top fee refund. Pleose correspond with Ross regording this infcmotion. Yours truly, EAD:mcg EdwordAJDe Vilbiss R OG ER s,/NAGE YLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT o PROJECT:Lodge South Condominiums No: 277 DATE: t0 / ts / tS TIME AT PROJECI:RLr ocT 19073 TEMPERATURE: Work on touch up oreos ond complef ion of the second f loor condominiums. Pointing to begin on the sto irwoys tomorrow, October 16, 1973. Estimoted completion end of the week. Lovotories for six bothrooms still horae nof been received by the subconiroctor. These ore the ones thof we re domoged ond hove not been shipped os of this dote. Electricol subcontroctor hos follen behind on schedule ond should be pushing to complete oll instollotion of fixfures, woll plotes, ond so forth. Cobinet locks for the utility cobinefs hove not yet been rece ived . Estimote to hold o finol inspection on fhe condominium units on October 22, l?73. li()Cl-lt\ ,/ NAGt-l LANGHART Ar clri lr.cts I rr<;irrt,r,r s plonncr s _f 610 Aropohoc St . , Dt nver, Colo . g)nz r..f eprfor're 222_4731 Ed DeVilbiss, John K loosse n , INSPECIOR: Worren Foster/mca ROGERS/NAGEYLANGHART PROJECT REPORT PROJE DATE: No: 277 t0 TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATUREI Fil.t ocT 191973 Progress on oll phoses of construction continues with minor items such os setting of noil holes, touch-up point, removol of sploftered point, etc. ond must be compleled prior to ony finol inspection. Pointing subconhoctor continues to work on second f loor . Reviewed with the pointing fcemon the poblem on the gth floor bothrooms. Poinf hos o croter effecf ond will be repointed. Problem on se\rerql bothrooms show o different color of point being opplied over the specified point color. conhoctor continues to work on tenont improvements throughout the floors. Cleon-up operotions continue on oll upper floors. All oreos must be complete ly cleomd os soon os possible . wood doors thot ho're been disoppoved becquse of color voriofions still hove not been corrected. Monies ae still being withheld from the poy Reqrcst until corrected . On Mondoy, October 15, 1973, fiml inspecfion will be conducted on Units 4D, 58 ond 5C. ROGERS ,/ rueoel ,/ utqoxaRr Archl tccts Enginccrs Plonncrs 1610 Aropohoc St., Denvcr,Colo. 80202Tefcphone 222-4731 INSPECIOR: Worren Foster/dkd Condominiums cc: Pinkord Const.Jerry M L&tr Dovis, cc: Horold Show, Ed DeVilbiss,John Kloossen, Ir r r ^5'Itav 'l { r t -\- 'l \ \\- Y'1j\" Xlnturn, Colorado 81645 "rtt' 2720 Sprclel Urrr Iadgc rt V.il octobcr 3, 197! Lodgc Prop€rtt'el , &lc. 223O Flrrt htlonrl Dilrt Bldg.D.ffer, CO 80?05 Attcntlont nor! Devle GGatlareE! tlrfu lette! do6r.Btf tb.r $eptrnbcr, 1973, rctlry con-cornlng tlr perktnq rtor on torart Saryl,cc lald ncrr thcIadge at Vr1I. lnrsont rt tbc E ting Grcr Rora Devl.r t(rnt Roce Don Alrcudfrcd OttO Peul tlertrul,de Chen fellnltol llngJtr G?rgg IadgC Frotrrerttce, Ine. Sosn ol Vrt.lVel'l Aaroclatan, Ine,Vel'l lr;ocl,rtca, Inc.Vrll Arocl,rtoa, fEG.vd,l Uroeiatar, tne.For.tt ScntccForcrt Seirlca Ih. prcaent rnd formr dnlnrgr prttar! rerot! thG rrctrrr c4rletncd by Vtit Arrocdrto!. tou rtrtad thrt louhrd rtudlad thr .ltrrrtloa rnd ur fully lrrril ol ths run-otl lnttcrnr. Iou alro rtatod tbrt 1ou rrr rrtl,cflcd rlththe rituatlon tglg rnd tb.t you llrtlclpetc ro problo,X.nt Rorc strt d tlrrt tlro dninagn rltuttLsn rr affccttngthe lbw ol Vel'l rf ntlrtrctory orcGllt for tbc tlpa ofgnta ovrr trhr neln rtaholc. It F, agrccd thrt nedrd €oldolr *1 fafirlc. rffi.+ lrrclyerbulrncr, lttt rrlntenlrc., rnd ,fod rcnlcr, could brprcvldcd ry Ertq, tbr rccatl,y oonrtruct€d blt prth. ttl.r rguld lnvolvr gradlag r 20 foot clrGr.nt Lncdletcly rdJa-ccnt b tb. (btlldolr bultdlng. It rrr ttrlrtld tlut thr blke lntb rould bc und by th. ernlcc vob1chr otly durlng tlr.rcgular Jkl rero'a. ?hll rsc.aa rould ellriHtc ths mcdlor tbc acrllc trrfflc through th rrtn vlllrgp cgr3. o r llnsr prrtlDe_ rfgFg, -ir trntorarrlotrrl hlfdfne rdlf bref-rrry d,tbr-Yrl"l f|.cclrtrl !o.df tm criancyrp.*hg rtlcd la tbi t {f. ot vrll prrttrg lot. itnr prrvlcly rgrrrd tlrt i.dglr eragartfer. IDGr nuldprcvlCr t{rr qprc.r rnd eccrr tor tonrt grrrrlco urr. 9{_rgg rtrtrd tf,tt ttp of thmt tprcrrr oould r- uf.d byvrll frpclrt r l,t .ilch.rrrgr tor ln ap.s tn tht tr--mdlrtr dffm. ra.r nnly tho Chrbllrn!,r lot cr th.nla tola lotr llrr Fortrt S.lvlcr rrlll rtlty ladgrol_rolrrtlrr, IDc. lrr vrltlrg rr to tbt ur of -lto .pre..rlb.n d.t lb rnr tlnrllnd rlth Urll lrrochbr. In onclurlon, rtl conclont of tho lorett 5crylcr trrcb.fD trttrfhdr ttre prntt tr brlaq rrl.tt n rrrd illlbc aatrt to 1lort ntta orphtrd. ?1.|'. contrst ous offl,cr l,t tfen rrr rly qu.atiaDtccrcrrnlng thlr trttrr. llgernty, t. R. nffitmDlrtrlct nrngnr ecl tllsn et Yrl,l, Ist Roa.trrit f.roelate., IDGI, ttad otta 2 PROJECT: DATE: Lodge South Condominium3 No: 277 TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: Aspholt poving hos been insiolled on the new pction of the porking lot. serrerol ctreos were noted to the Superintendent, John Kloossen, thot showed excecsi\€ pockets hornycombing ond requires odditionol fines to bc rolled In. cost forwqrded fa opplying the seoler to the opholt poving in the omount of oppoximotely $5r000 is excessive ond we horre been directed by the Owner, Ross Dovis, not fo opply this seoler ot this time. All exterior Stucco qnd concrete finishing hos been completed. All concrete rough surfoces now ctre reody fc pointing opplicotion. It wos ogoin noted to the Superinfendeni thot in the Goroge Porking Areo, sheetrock ceilings hove been opplied with iope ioints ot the verticol woll srrfoces which is conhory fo the conhoct documents, Light fixtrres E in the corridors hove ocrylic diffusers in lieu of the gloss diffusers specified. These ore to be reploced. Light fixturesA in the kitchen ond hollwoys, do not fit snugly to the sheehock ceiling. Solid ond hollow cce wood doors still not been worked on. These doors must the controcl documenis. show o definqte cola difference ond hove be restoined to conform to the ogreements of All noil holes must be set, puttied ond stoined on kitchen cobinets. Where pomling shows o row edge, povide trim sections. Pointing of stoirwoys hos not stcrted. Pointing of oll units completed to fhe third floor. Informotion giren to John Kloossen os for os requiremenls fa touch-ups removol of poinl from stoin beoms, wood, ioms, eic. ore needed pior to firnl inspection which will be scheduled sometime the week of October 8, 1973, ROGERS ,/ Nacrl ,/ LtNcrnnrArchitecfs Engineers Plonners 1610 Aropohoe St., Denvcr,Colo . g}n2Tefephone iZZ-llgl ""t ilnkgd Co*tr*iffioris, cc: llorold Slgw, Ed DeVilbiss, John Kloossen, RQG ERs,/NAGEYLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT Jery AliFiE R OG ER s,/NAGEI./LAN GHART PROJECT REPORT PROJECT DATE:/20 /73 TIME AT PROJECT:n|.t sEPz?En TEMPERATURE: All phoses of work conrinr.rc on the entire proiect. Ail kitchen cobinets hovenow been instolled. All bothroom vonities hove been insfolled.r"."t r*instollotion of five lovotories on the for.rth floor fhot *.r"-ur"r."r] tonro"to,is proceeding to f ine replocements. Applicotion of Sfucco confinues on the moin front enhonce ond oil exposedconcrete is hoving fhe finish oppried ond is expected to be done by september28, 1973. Pointing subcontroctor continues to work down throughouf the buirding. Minororeos of defects hove been nofed to superintendent ond the pointer for co..e"tionpr ior fo ony finol inspecfion. Poneling on the elevotor lobby enrronce hos been compreted. Light fixtrreshove been sforfed on the 8th froor. Londscoping hos siorted with fine grodingstorted todoy. Poving operotions ore to be siortea on september i',-ltzs onacompfeted by Sepfember 28, lg7T. f.re-finol inspection of the 8th, 7th ond 6th froors is schedured for september26, 1973. ROGERS ,/ ruROil ,/ r_aruOrnRrArchitects Engineers plonners l610 Aropohoe St. , Denver,Colo . g}iflzferephone 222-4731 Worren Fo$er/dkd onst., Jerry NodL-@ INSPECIOR: IO75 SOUIX YUK ON SIIETT POSr Of Ff CE ror 26227 JAMES W. PINKARD GETERAL l|A'fAGER August L7, L973 Mr. Ross Davis Mr. Harold Shaw Mr. Edward A. De Vilbiss Mr. Jame s W. Pinkard Mr. John Klaassen '16. Jerry Aldrich . Cornrnencial & lndustr.ial tAKEWOOD, COTORADO 8O226 TETEPHONE,986.4555 Rrt AUB 20€73 Mr. Warren Foster R N L, Inc. 1610 Arapahoe Street Denver, Colorado 80202 Condominium 6rado Dear Warren: Pursuant to your Project Report dated August 10, 1973 (re- celved August L7, 1973), as was previously stated in \^rriting, we will be unable to submit the landscaping and site workrevised bid until the plans are finalized and approved by allparEies concerned. According to our information frorn the rrfieldrt, the most recenEsite plan (received in our office August 10, 1973) shows ques- Eionable finish grades at rhe south side of the building. John Klaassen is working on obtaining local sub bids for what work can be bld at. this tine. Please see to it that the quesEionable grades are resoLved without de lay . Thank you for your time and attentlon. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. Bruce A. Reed Project Manager BAR:bc Building R OG ER s,/NAGE YLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT PROJE CI: DATE: No: 277 / to/ts TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: ;iil AUG 1 71973 ;j ; i ;;;:?, J;,ff ;1T I" l rl if . Discussed sched-uling ond nrogress of the prciecf cnd po.inting opplicoiions with John Kroossen:ii"fJ::t#.ii'.rloors-prior't" p"l"i'"s iust be comptefurf "ii".""a prior ro ony oppricorion on fhe 8th floor' where textured wolls curve, fhe texture is os reguesfed by the owner.Any oreo thot is excessively rough ;;";;;; or-ony imperfections in sheefrock musr be repoiredond/or corrected prior to pointing opuroiionr. spe.ifi.otion, r., i"r,t-" on ceilings in unitswill remoin in effecr- spe.ificoii#;;; ;r; surfoces olso remoin in effecr. Discussed the wood doors on. the subiect proiect ond reminded fhe superintendent thot these '1T:1J: ;il:i: :::ff1;:3: o"a .'' ""'', '^rr.",i ""J'iri u''"qJ,,". ,o be eirher reproced or sheetrock instollotion ond toping conlinues throughouf olr floors-. rt oppeors thot topingoperolions must be reouired to improve"in orJu,. to stoy oheod or oti f inting ond mi1 work in-:i",[:H L";:l; :; i' * l;; ;;;i i" i :# il',.o,si' fh" -roi;; ;;;, however, k itche n cob i ne rs were odvised bv Mr ' John Kloossen thot hours,per d1y ore being cut down ond some personne r hove left the projecr. Thir "orra bu"or-"';;;;r, ond musf ill"""rr,g.r"d throughly i,n,,,,ujior.ry. circulor enfrv hos been poured oround the perimeter wifh bolonce of work to be completedthis rottowing week. The 8rh h;;;;;i;;';i'inir,. p.o;",;;,i.","1'.oor,"a on Aususr ,rd, wzt.We ore stillowoifing our prices for ihe."uir"i londscoping a-*i^gr"""a hope to be obre to instorllondscoping ond moteriors the second *"J .ii.prember. Tentofively, o schedule hos been worked ouf ond discussed with John Kloossen concerningcomplef ion of the proiect ' lt oppeors thot o.tob.. rr, *"r-. ,""ririi. a.* for the upper froors,l3i'li'l;.j'1'';Ii.ffi:,';i::"111'::"jj:'j:t #r;, n"1l'1.',", wi, sride ond wi, become ROG.ERS ,/ NRC6L ,/ 1eNCnanr Archr tecfs Engineers pf onners 16,10 Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo . ilLZJ2r erePhone 222_4731 :",ff"q.1=c.;,cc: Horold Show, fa OeVilbE Ross Dovis John K loossen,rerry A ldrichararrr-, INSPECTOR: Worren Fosterr/dkd I e.LrAe*..# I O75 SOUTH YUXON SrlEEt ?o3T OFtTCE .OX 26227 T.AKEWOOD, COtOTADO 80226 TETEPHONE:986.I555 JAMES W. PINKARD GEI{€RAL TAIAEER Rtt AUo t 0'!q?3 August 9, L973 I'lr. Jerry ALdrlch Cblef Bulldlog Offlctal Town of Vall. P. O. 8or L00 Vall, CoJ.orado 81657 Re: Iodge South Condoolnlr.m Vail, Colorado Dear Jerry: Conflrning our telephone conversatlou of tble nornlng r Byp- sum board faeteoed to style 'rMt' Mllcor ecceaa paoels (per Plul,ard Constructlon Co. Letter of Auguet 8, 1973) uret be oechanically faetened tbrough uee of acrens or bolts. Ad- heelve cao Dot be ueed. Ihanlc you for your atteDtlon to thls oatter. Very truly youra, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION @.w ProJ ect Mauager BARstp Edsard A. De Vllbiee Tarren troater LyJ.e Everaon Jaoes I{. Ptolerd John Klaagsea cc: !{r. l,fr. Ur. ur. Mr. . Commencial L Industnial Building F o(r) utJ Lq N J o c uJ z uJo F LIJullrFa LUo'r (L cc o ozzz E z uJ UJ =oz uJ August 9, 1973 ulFllUl. 5 Io Frt AU0 1 01973 Mr. Bruce Reed Pi nkord Consfruction Compony 1075 South Yukon Street P.O. Box 26227 Lokewood, Colorodo 80226 RE: Lodge South Deor Bruce: We ore in receipt of your letter doted August 8, 1973, directed to Jerry Aldrich, concerning occess ponels for subiect proiect. Informotion in this letter indicotes thot you hove worked out on olternote solufion for fireroted ponels for the proiect. We odvise you thot this methold is fotolly unocceptoble by this office ond is controry to fhe controct documents. Access ponels for mechonicol iiems ore specified under Sections l5A-18 which quotes in port, "Access ponels p,rovided by subcontroctor sholl be in occordonce with Architecturol Specificofions, Division l0 Speciolties. Provide fireroted ponels in roted construction . " Division l0A-02Access Ponels, quotes in port, "Fireroted (U.1. opproved) where indicoted." Section 9D-04 of the specificotion, Ceiling System - Suspended, colls for oll ceiling including bolconies ond roof soffets, to be two-hour fireroied except for the goroge ceiling which is to be o three-hour fireroted. \ I Mr. Bruce Reed August 9, 1973 Poge Two It is cleorly designoted fhot these occess ponels sholl be fireroted for fhe specified firerofed construction ond will remoin so. you ore, therefore, direcfed to hove fhese firerofed occess ponels &livered immediotely to the proiecf ond nof to otfempf to chonge the design os indicofed in your lefter of August 8, 1973. Respe^ctfully yours, / " L h-n-L,,.t4,zdn, Wqrre n Fosler wF/dkd cc3 Ed DeVilbiss Lyle Everson Jim Pinkord John Kloossen Jerry Al&ich Fil\f ls etae..".',Je- I o75 SOUTH YUXON STIEEt POST OFFf C E tOX 26227 tAt(EwooD, cotoRADo 8o226 TEIEPHONE,986.'555 JA ES W. P|l{XAnD GE ERAL IAIIAGIR Angust 8, L973 Rtt l,lr. Jerry Aldrtch Chlef Butlding Offlcial Tova of Vall P. O. Bo:r 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lodge South Condonlnirn Vall, Col.orado Dear Jerry ! Conftnlog our telephone conversatLon of yeaterday after- nooo, style rbll Milcor accesa panels (not fire rated) nay be used ln the ceillngs of tbe aubJect proJect 1f eald panele are lostalled rlth tbe trltr flange nouoted oo the top eurface of the gypelro board coverlug the celllng, and a plece of sald atteched to. Ae sas further dis- necesaary at Auo I ts?3 &qsv Pleaee forrard :rny correctl.ong or 8ddltions you may wlsh to ualre to the above etateoent slthout delay. cuesed, bevellug the blnge elde of the door. lbs.k your agaln, for your proopt Very truly youra, PINKAND CONSTRUCTION CO. Wrr-fu{ ProJect llanager BARstp cc: l{r. Edrard A. De Vllblea Mr. I{arren Foater Mr. Lyle Eversoo!lr. Jamee ll. Plokard l{r. John Kl.saaeen gyPsun boatd sould be atteotion to thl.s Eatter. . Gommencial I Industnial Building xlntrrrn, cO 816{5 27tO tprcl,rl Oro!h. Lalgc rt Vel,l /\ irnty 21, l9?l "' )'1 '1t nr. Rorr E. Dillc, Prctl&nt I"odg. Prop.rtl.r, IE. 22110 Flrrt trrtlonrl lraL Bldg.D.Erar, Golora& Derr llr. DaYlrr H. brur rttc.ntly ralcvrd ltour tpoelel tlrr Appllerttonfor tbo proporcd Frtlng rrce narl tbc LoAgG rt Vrtt.!!hr follordrg ooneatr en e rorult of our rrLlrr. Hc quertlon tJn feulbl,llty and nfcty of pertlug r 1O pcront gr$. tl* problar o'f lDor rc3rd on tba ercr a..dt toaddnrlrd. €r rpprortutrly lOO .cr.t on Vell Funtdn Gontrlbuteto thc nmtt thrt nnr tb,ougb tbll perctl. tlrc dralr rgn proDfn Lrr mt born proprrly tdirelrrd Ln tbc nrlrrd gredlng plaa of tlry 18, 197t. f&r prrllng rclrerc doo Ft rppo.r tp br feeslblcto lln, nurbor, end pbcernt €c ttrlcta. cr ltc exl,rtloe.torrg. rb:d rnd grrbtge collactlontrca ahoutd ct thor bc lneludcd rrlthtn tb. ttgFg pcnlt rppllcetlon or raovrd frol nrttronrl tora.t la$i. t. ttr thnr E?9 prrttng rprcr gboutd br rpeclflcrlly lncludrd ln the d.tl,Era, pmd, rd rbrrr on thr propordplrtr. Pcrlrpe *n eould bcrt crylaln our Gonc.rnt by Ec.tlnq Ylth your OctgnGrrr Pherl frcl froc to coltrct our otflco endirke rrreigracntr for e 'gtt togatbr.r l. on b.b. d.at R OG ERS,/NAGE YLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT No: 277 DATE: TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: , o, t **rr* ao o ,r,o* ott "t ' u tn* A meeling wos held ot the iob site with Horold Show ond John Kloossen on Tuesdoy,July 17, 1973. liems discussed ore os follows: l. Woll cobineis ore to be lowered 6" in oll locotions except over the ronge ond refrigerofor. This invorves odding o ii"ce ofAll-Threod ro the onchoring system ot the ceiring oni oiding opiece of poneling fo the fop edge of fhe drop ,off.t. 2. Instollotion of the cutfing boord os set info the counter-fop onUnit 8A is opproved os instolled. 3. Additionol piece of formico is to be instoiled on the sides of fhecounter-tops for bocksplosh on the side of ihe kitchen which hqsthe bqr. lnstollotion of the formico behind the refrigerotor shollbe os instolled on Unit 8A. 4. Due to the instolloiion of fhe bi-ford doors ond trim, rhe side of iombs ond heods sholl be pointed out o dork blqckish brown to e liminote the white surfoce . 5. lnstof lotion of the fire stond-pipes wos discussed with fhe AssistontFire chief ond detoils *"r. 'rroik.d out for fhe complete inrioirotionwith his opprovol . 5. Instollotion of the fence to be instoiled in the front portion of thebuilding hos been uorked out compreie with John rLossen J the iob site. ROGERS ,/ NaCfl ,/ UaruOnAnrArchitects Engineers ptonners 1610 Aropohoe St., DenverrColo . g)nzrefephone 222_4731 "ct P.inkgrC gontt., J"rrr Nos"l . Ro; DF cc: Horold Show, Ed Ou Vihiri JohnTiG;, F PROJECT REPORT Lodge South Condominiums Jvly 17, 20 ond 23, 1973 Poge Two 7.Delivered to John Kloossen, o lisf of rooms thot will receive high 91d low pile corpeting with ocfuol somples left ot the iob sire. Thresholds for low pile corpeting to be instolled one inch obove floor surfoce. Thresholds for high pile corpeiing to be instolled1-l/4 obove floor surfoce. Ceromic tile hos been insiolled in the bothrooms on gth ond Zth floors. Grouting complefed on fhe 8th floor, reody for pointing. Instollotion of wood bolustrode bolconies continues. Nofed to Superintendent John Kloossen thot severol bolusfrodes ore very rough surfoce. These pieces must be corefully checked for ony bod, splinters ond remove prior to insfql lof ion . Discussed with John Kloossen cleon-oui procedures qround fhe entire site thot must be undertoken immediotely. Requesi thot the Sqn-O-Let sitting in the northeost corner be relocoied os soon os possible . Elevotor is experiencing breokdown problems. Sevicemon hos been colled, however, due to this condition, the complete checkout musi be completed by Dover represenioiive prior to occeptonce byile Owner. No word hos been received on corrective meosures to be utilized on oll wood doors . Progress still remoins slow ond working fowords the proiected completion dole of September l, 1973. 8. 9. 10. ll 12. rNs"=.1o,., FrEouEsr TOWN OF VAIL 946 l7 J.'.1 zg JoB NAME Lr rA. /'.rn TIME RECEIVED q:,5 (AUIM CALLER Feecz Corr,.r KIorHen MON COMMENTS: ! pennnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION(i;>WED THUR FRI--@PM EJappRovED t,/lr{uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORBECTTONS: ! otsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS i*]", t,r 5 e)et a'JP grLrae....G t075 soutx Yu xoN sTtEEr POSr of FtcE gox 26227 JuIy 12, 1973 Mr. l'larren Foster R N L, lnc. 1610 Arapahoe Stree E Denver, Colorado 80202 JAMES W. PINKARD 6EIIERAL III I'IAGER tAKEWOOD, COT.ORADO 80226 TEI,EPHONET 9 86. i| 555 RrI JU1 131973. Vai1, Dear Warren: Regarding your project report dated the following comments. 7 / 6/73, l{e respectfully submit According to all information in our possession, a color selectionfor the hardware at the bi-fold doors was never requested noraccomplished. Originally, specification requlred'rstandard hard- Itare tt. Our kitchen cabinet supplier has meeEing personally with you, the cabinet in question could not be sides was pointed out and agreed inforrned us that, at the Lime of fact Ehat the small overhead manufactured with doors on both fo. Final approval of all tenant changes has not been forwarded ro thisoffice. To date, approval of most work from eighth rhru sixth flooris in our possess ion. Thank you for your time and attention. Very truly your s , co. Projec t Reed Manager BAI{: tp cc: Mr. Ross Davis Mr. Harold Shaw Mr. Jerry Nage I Mr. Edward A. De Vilbiss l4r. Mel Johnson Mg-{.ichard Ziegler ,,1(r. Jerry Atdrichz Mr. John Klaassen . Comrnencial 8. Industnial Building SouEh Condominiun Co lorE FIIUIE= g Jvly 9, 1973 Mr. Kent R. Rose, P.E. Town of Voil Building Deportmenf Voil, Colorodo 81657 RE: Lodge Soufh Condominiums Deor Kent: Per your requesi ond morked up prinl, RNL Civil Engineer, Mr. Bob Schuetz, hos corrected our drowing ond we hove enclosed three prints for your opprovol ond file copies. Noie ihof N.l.C., os noied, pertoins only to Pinkord Construction Co. since the originol is o conlroct document. The Owner is thus indicoting thot the work moy be done by o different controctor. Regording previous discussion of o double inlet, Ken Jessef undersfood fhot you were originolly questioning the ovoilobility of o single lorge inlet of the size originolly specified with the thought thot if it were not ovoiloble, o double would be required. lf you understood this differently, pleose odvise us. The Owner, Ross Dovis, hos olso requested thot we study the porking ond londscoping requirements with o possible reorrongement in mind using the previously opproved droinoge provisions. lf fhis is done, we will forword copies for your review. EADldkd cc: Worren Foster, Ross Dovis Iot (r Ia j LU(, z at UJ(5 tr j:; . PROJECT:No: 277 DATE:7/ 6 / 7s TIME AT PROJECI:Rrt JU1 121973 TEMPERATURE: Very little progress occomplished on the proiect for this week due to the Fourth of July holidoy sitting in between two wo* doys. liems nofod ond discussed with Superintendent, John Kloossen ore os follows: Hordwore for bi-fold doors ore to motch the bqlqnce of the hordwore ond ore noi to be bross, os instolled. This item must be corrected immediotely. Kitchen cobinets were reviewed wiih John Kloossen os for os instollotion, counter-top plocement, ond specificolly the instollotion of the cutting block which is to be set in per o detoil submitted by Pinkond Construction Compony. This cutting block will cut into the bock of the bocksplorh qnd be routed out for setting purposes. Overheod cobinets in the kitchens do not hove qdditioml doors on the Dining Room sides per the controcl documenfs ond is prescntly being checked by Superintenclent, John Kloqssen. A somple insiollotion of fhe vonify counter-top ond lovotory instollqtion hos been mode ot the iob site. specific detoils were worked out with Mr. Kloossen os for os the setting of the lovqtory on the underside ond the whife silicone coulking instollqtion ot the edge of the formico return. The instollotion of bi-fold doors is to be chonged so thot trim fits snuggly ogoinst rhe bi-fold doorr. Finol opprovol of oll tenont chonges hos forworded to the Gencrsl Contrscior by the Owner. ROGERS ,/ ruACil ,/ UNOnAnr Architects Engineers Plqnners 1610 Aropohoe Si., Denver,Colo. 80202Telephone 222-4731 R OG ERs,/NA GE L/LAN G HAR T PROJECT REPORT I NSPE CIOR : Wo rren Foster,/dkd ggillkordConsr., lffi cc:Horold Show, Ed DeVilbiss, John Kloosr.r, ls Testing '531 West 8th Ave.825-5261Denver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Pinkar Job No or l. D. 9J3 Date Testedt 7/)/7) Location: l4ix I.D.: 6 SlunP:2 3/1*" Airt 4.V/" l,later Ternp. : Air TemP. : 760 Total Yards, 3O Total Water: + I5 ivlax. Agg. Size: 3/lr l4ax. Size Load C.Y. Tinre Batched: 1O: lO Time Placed: 10:45 Spec. P. S. I . at 28 Days : 3ooo rEsr cyLtNDERS 9g (Set )) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day 6.oLi 3909 5.006 t+27:- 6.03r t+zot Average:4055 REMARKS: Porto-lvlix RNL Inc.; AndersonCity of VaiI South I Materia t Service Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 5ll Ticket # 91[8 ftr AUGtgtg73 Flatwork--in slde [{t/Cu.Ft.: ;.l+5. )Z Yi el d: Concrete Temp.: 680 ga1. F A 'r'1o is ture : : ? + oo 22111tr6lleather: sunny Tirne Tested: 11:Ot) Tes ted By : p. lvi ar one ,/ l@ HoldCyl i nder Di a 6.oo2 ( QOl, 2,9 28 Day )+7Oz j,500 4OUJ. REPORT TO: Pinkard Construction; Pinkard Constructionl & ll asting:, Engineersl Mateltof Testing S8rvice (set L )) Cyl i nder Di a. c.)a) ',ffi(n t RNL\-/ SSSI West 8th Ave. Den"er, Colo. 80204 825-s261 Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Porto-mix Tiill' n:u 9279 RLt AUBt31973 MATERIALS REPORT for Job No or l' D' 903-1 Date Testedt 7-Ll-7) Mix I.D. : 6 sk. po^Slurrp: 11 l,.jater TernP.: Total Yards: 21 Max. Agg. Size: Time Batched:2:00 Pinkard Co ..r'" Loot.,e Location: lr*" Air: L.9 Ai r Temp.: 640 Total Waterl. + 6t Max. Size Load C.Y.: Ti me Pl aced: J : O0 *s7* Floor slabs !,ltlCu.Ft.:146.66 Yield: Concrete TemP.: 8Zo F A l"lo is ture : l,Jeather: Sunny Time Tested, l:OO TEST CYLINDERS Cylinder Dia. 6.004 6.ooo qo?-'l 2@ 7 DaY 266) 2589 Spec. P.S.l. at 28 Days: 3ono Tested By: P'r4' l@ l+5 daYs Cyl i nder Di q2,2 28 DaY 6. ooo l+11I 6 . oo4 t+o62 Average: R EMARKS: 2626 4100 I@ 14 Day )2?? REPORT TO: Pinkard C ons tru c ti on ROGERS,/NAGEYLAN GHART PROJECT REPORT No: 277 6 / 2e /73 TIME AT PROJEO:I r(r. JUL cr tg/J TEMPERATURE: Drywoll subcontroctor continues instollotion of sheetrock on third ond fourth floors ond up. Toping operotions ore continuing from 8th floor down, beginning on 6th. As previously discussed, the wood doors for the subiect proiect show mony voriolions of colors, extreme domoge, ond hove been officiolly disopproved. Formico instollotion for kitchens, wolls, ond counter-tops wos reviewed with John Kloossen ot the iob site. lnstollotion of vonities - noted thot underside edge of counter-top must be flush with voniiy or bose kitchen cobinet, Some pieces of hordwore hove been domoged either in shipment or in instollotion ond cqnnot be ollowed. Question hos been put to Superintendent, John Kloossen, obout the finol finishing of ol I wood trim ofier insiollofion. Bolconies hove now been completely poured, instollotion of oll hondroils oround the perimeier continues. PROJE DATE: ndominiums ROGERS / NeCn ,/ llNCnRnr Architects Engineers P lonners l6l0 Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo. 80202Telephone 222-4731 cc: Pinkord Consfruction, Jerrv Nocrel cc: Dovis, Horold Show, Ed DeVilbiss, John o 27 Junc 1975 llr. Bruco Rccd $ox 76227 O3nvcr, Colorado Dear 8rucc, Thlr lct?er lg to conflra ourof 27 Junc 1973 rcgardlng the Lodgo South. tr lcphonc convrrsatloncloctrlcal rl rlng In I Tbo C.B.O. hoe Indlcctod thlt rlncc fhe croar Inquortlon far. Inrpcctcd and accopfed by thr StafrElocirfcrl fasgector and rlnco thr nethoC of rlrlng doereot cnrfa ri unoafr condltloa, he rl I I accept therlrlag ac ll. Horcvcr, the rloalndcr of thr bulldlngaurt br conplotcd In occordsnce rlfh thc Torn Ord I ncnce. Yrry truly yours, TOT'N OF YAIL tlorv.y Travl r Bul ldlng Inrprctsr ccr R. l{, L.Hrrold Solth rJ rNsFEr|lo* TOWN'OF F|EEUEST VAI L ol;:e 6 -ee-'7-? -JoBNAME . ilME RECETVED i.fD O '{g/'pM CALLER florxen E pnnrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rnr A3o ^@ p,aee RovE D n orsappRovED ! ner NsPEcr D upor,r THE FoLLowrNG coRREcTroNS: CORRECTIONS ; ! i i l I i G - 3v- 73 26 Jrnr l97l Edrrrd O.Yllbllr, Erq. R. N. L., lnc.l6l0 Arepahor StrutDtnvlr, Golerrdo 8A2Oz RE: toDGE SOUTH CO|{DOHI!||UHS AT VAIL 0rrr Ed, I hrva nvlrrcd thr rcvlrd lot frulrtgr plae and rr rc?urnlog on. Go?y. lt lr rPProY.d rlth tho rlnor cheagor Indlcltcd. Oal coPY rl | | bt r.?fla.d by thlrcfflco rnd on. forrrrdrd to Ed Brernlag ol thr Forcrt 3rrvl cr I D lll aturn. lf yol hrvr no obJrctlon to ?hr ehregu tldo' plcrrr rubrlt a ruvlr.d plrn tr 3oon at porrtllr. lf you do hevr rry qurrtlonr, Pltar lol fru to contrct rr. Vrry truly yourr, TOIX OF VAIL Xrat R. Rotl , F.E. Torn Englaoor G€! Ed Broralng r/rrc.Icraa ?ortrr rJ R OG ER S/NAGE T.,/LAN G HART PROJECT REPORT PROJE DATE: TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: Rrt JUL 21973 Drywoll subcontrqctor continues to work down on qll floors ond hqs now rcochcd the 4th floor. Toping operotions hos storted fo foll behind rchedule ond requircs oddltlonql men br toping to kcep up the present poce. Wood doors for oll oportment units delivered to the iob sitc hos storted bclng inciolled. Ther pre-finished wood doors do rrct conform to the color selected. Alrc, vorlotion of colors fiom one door to the other wos obserwd. These doorc ore disopproved untilo sotisfoctory solution hos bcen orriwd ot br the corrcct color of oll prc-flnlslrcd wsod doon. Formico inrtollotion hos begun in ond qround the kitchen wolls, kitchen cqbinets will be set lmmcdiotely bllowlng. Applionces hqve been deliwred to the iob cil6 in crotes. Elcctricol problems horrc been uncovered. Elcctricol subcontroctor hos run oll electricol wiring in Romex which is in violqtion of the Voil Building Deportment code. The Voil Building Inspector, JerryAl&ich, hor qdvl$d this office thot he will noi opprow the use of Romex coble in ony commerciol qreos which includes the corridor, stoirwoys ond nightlightc. This molter hqs bscn rcfoncd to thc Generoi Controcfor for immedioie oction. ROGERS / NAGEL ,/ UNOXANTArchltscts Enginccn plonners l610Aropoho€ St., Dcnvcr,Colo . BOn2rercphono 222-4731 INSPEOOR: Worrcn Fostcr/dkd cc: Horcld Show, Ed D"Vilbirr, oh ,@ c'N N OF lNs a* €. oPECTI TOW F|EEL'EST VAI L DArE'-'a -A t- 73 NAME nME REcErvEo ljic arvr JOB @:CALLER a /")a-f\ a- ^^l;I ( l-, \./ \r !'r, v l/ fJottea 5 c {. et't t/t';P ! pnnnau LocAroN FRITUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: t./finrr RovE D ! orsaenRovED E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNS: CORRECTIONS I ner NsPEcr L-at-13 JUil 2 2 r9?3 No: 277PROJE DATE:o/tg /ts TIME AT PROJEO: TEMPERATURE: nu JUN?51q73 E lectricol ond mechonicol subcontroctors ore now working on the 2nd ond 3rdfloors. Drywoll subcontroctor is instolling sheetrock on the 5th floor. Toping operotions continue on the 8th ond 7th floors. wood doors ond fromes o."'b.ing hung on the grh floor ot this time with the instollorioo of hordwore continuing in the some operotion. Generol controctor, superintendent, John Kloossenf wos coutioned fo inspect very corefullyoll wood doors forony possible worpoge outsidethe reolm of speci ficotions. Kitchen cobinets hove been del-ivered to the iob site os well os opplionces. Instolloiionis expected to begin immediofely. Stucco operotion continues on the exterior with the finish coof being opplied on ollelevotions. Bolconies ore being poured on the 8th ond 7th floors. Fondroils continueto be instolled on oll bolconies. Generol Controcfor wos noiified of our concern of the use of bothtubs for sforoge oreos.Any domoge to these oreos will be o direct responsibility of the Generol Contrictor. Detqils concerning fhe instollotion of counter tops fur kitchen cobineis wos worked outct the iob with John Kloessen. PrSergs.s of the profect hos picked up slightty bur is srill for behind rhe proiecredrchcdulc. R OG ER S/NAGE L/LAN G HART PROJECT REPORT ROGERS / neCel ,/ UttOnenfArchiiccts Engincers plonncrs l610 Aropohoc St., Dcnvcr,Colo. gO2O2fcrephone 222_4731 INSPECIOR: Worren Fosrer/dkd @l-oseT;RossIfoE R OG ERS,/NAGE L,/LAN GHART PROJECT REPORT PROJECI: DATE: Nor ZZ__ TIME AT PROJEO: TEMPERATURE:Ft-E lZ J,s^r 7Z FROGRESS OF WORK: Drywoll instollotion continues fhrough the 6th floor. Instollotion of drywoll bosicolly compieie ihrough rhe 8th ond 7th floors. Toping operotions hove storted on the 8th floor drywoll . Pipe insulolion ogoin checked on the iob ond deficiencies ogoin were noted in nof complying with the controct documents. These items were discussed with Bob Turner, Superintendeni, John Kloossen ond olso with the subcontrocror. In severol coses, lhe drywoll will now hove to be removed where these pipes fhot we re to be insuloted hove been covered up. In severol coses, the heoting lines hove not been insuloted properly. Metol studs ore now complete through the second floor, revisions to the metol studs for oll chimneys hove been completed. Stucco operofions ore now storted on ihe chimneys so thot the finol roof opplicotion of shingles moy be storted. Texture T-l I I wood ceilings hove been storted on the 8th floor slope ceilings with instollotion of box beoms being instolled in o follow-up procedure. Electricol ond mechonicol subcontroctors ore proceeding wifh fheir work. Plumbing instollolions ore continuing on the lower floors. Heoting elements ore being instolled immediotely in front of oll drywoll operotions. Electricol subcontroctor instolling oll conduits, iunction boxes, etc. immediotely before instollotion of drywoll . Exterio r stucco work continues oround the perimeter of the building ond opoeors to be being done in o sotisfoctory ond competent monner. Hondroils hove storted fo be instolled on the 8th floor ond will proceed down os soon os oll bolconies hove been finished per floor. As soon os outhorizotion hos been received, oll tenont work is being forworded directly to the Generol Controctor ond the Superintendent. ROGERS ./ NeOel ,/ Urucnenr Archi tects Engineers Plonners l610 Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo. 80202 INSPECIOR: Worren Fosier,/dkd Ross Dovis cc: l.lq16lcl ghsv/ Jerry AldrichT e lephone 222-4731 Ed De Vilbiss John K loossen "531 West 8th Ave' Denver, Colo. 80204 Date Tested s/lt/zl Mix I.D.: 6 sk SlumP: 4" t 4 Co F (set z) 7 DaY zt61+ 2)) i Cyl inder Di a. 6. ool 1@ 14 DaY 2gr8 Cylinder r\ rl< | o .tJl t Dia 2Er28 DaY l-@l+5 DaY )850 16L5 /v '\'712 Average: REMARKS: POTTO 2250 Mix REPORT TO:PinKard ' CitY of Construction; VaiI Materials Testing Service MATERIALS REPORT {.,PinKaTd/ *'@ Job No or l.D. 903 Water TemP.; Total Yards: / Max. Agg. Size:3/l+ Time Batched: 8:30 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 TEsr cYLlNDens 903 Cylinder Dia. 2@ 6 .010 6.or7 Days : Air Temp.: 48o Total I,'later: Max. Size Load C.Y.: 9 Time Placed:9-11 3000 Tested 825-5261 Location: Balconies Air: tt,.Z{o Wt/Cu' Ft' Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock 1ru6k 860 Ti cket # gfit - Rtt' JUL 61en 6 storY .1,1 nA Yield:. l-r+-L. tv ncrete TemP.: 620 A Moi sture: Weather: sunny Ilme Tested: !: 15 l,laIoneFl\/' P ' Rl{L Tnc.; Anderson & tlastings, Brgineers; Moy 31, 1973 Mr. Kent Rose Town of Voil P. O. Box 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominiums ot Voil Deor Kent; Enclosed ore three (3) prints of our revised porking lot droinoge plon prepored by our Civil Engineer, Bob Schuetz. As you con see, he hos odded ponding, ond curbs to the previous loyout. lf this loyout is still locking in detoil which you would like to hove clorified, pleose coll Bob direcily ot our office ond he will work with you on ony problems. EAD/clm cc: Ross Dovis Horold Show Bruce Reed Worren Foster EnclosuresFll\ll*, rF R oc ER s/NAc eL,/r-AN cHen r PROJECT REPORT i ,:' O PROJECI: DATE: 05 TIME AT PROJEO: TEMPERATURE: Wire mesh instqlled for schcduled concrote pours of today, ldy 14,1973, ond Tuesdoy Moy itl, tg73. Drywoll subeonfroctor confinues to lnsfst! drTwoll-. ceilings on ihe Eosf Ffoor. sloped ceiling oreosore hovins the block iron ondr''.t "h."illl/ri"r inrrott.;:-;;;;jring wi1 commence on rhese oreosimmediotely with the insrollotioi..q"i;; o'u., ,r," suspension system p€r the confrocf documents. John Kloossen wos coutioncd obout moking sure thot.oll oreqs of rhe exterior woils must hove compreief:lJHi:i"ir'iiill';i;.i,'l1',*:ll'#;s srir hqs ";;;";;;prered. ,rsou" ""iiins, ona All exponsion_ioinfs hove been reviewed with rhe Gcnerolos possible. Exferior Sfucco *o.k "ontinr"r.' i"p porfion Confrocfor to minimize os much crockinoof Sfucco hos been seoled. lo9.ERs ,/ Nlcel ,/ 1arucnanr 119lrrects Engineers plqnners lflO^i:"rdoe Sf ., Denver,Coto . BOn2ferephone 222_47if--- oTNSPECTIclN TOWN OF REBUEST VAIL JoB NAME nl c frcaE* c^<.. ,t<rt CELLER fficrA €Fl I)I LI-- E ornen MON COMMENTS: I pnnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR ,a:;;- (*.-.-' QA ,AM] PM ELeppRovED E orseppRovED D nerNSPEcr ! upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS ls Testing a Se rUIGE "P531 West 8th Ave.825-5261 a Materia ) 3/ l- Ai r: l+.8 tlt/cu. Ft. :rl+3 .92 Yiel d: Ai r Temp, : 456egrees Concrete TemP. : Totat ttater: F A Moisture: tlLt JUN 1 4 €n I)enver, Colo. 80204 MATERIALS REPORT {or Job No or l. D. 9O3 Date Tested z 5/to/73 Mix I.D. z 6 3/4" Slurnp: Water Temp.: Totaf Yards z lu* Yards Max. Agg. Size: Time Batchedl 7z20 Spec. P.S.I. at 28 DaYs: TEsT cyLtNDens 903 (Set l-) Cylinder Dia. 2o7 DaY 6.o25 2U+7 6.ozJ 2L92 Max. Size Load C.Y.: Ti me P'l aced: 8: 0O Also: Dillon, Longmont Vail, Castle Rock Truck 510 Ticket #8?L9 i.leather: fair Time Tested: 8:20 By: P. Mal oneTes ted Cyl i nder Dia. 119 14 DaY 6.ozL zBiB Cyl'inder Di a 2o 6.0?5 6 .0r8 28 Day 1@45 day 250l+ 3656 3 08OAverage: REMARKS: '2a'/tJ Supplier Porto l{ix REPORTTO: lity oi'Vail; Pt-nKard Construction; .tlil Inc.l Andcrson SHastings, l:n3ineers; Pinkard Construction toD6s+ Seslr+ alc oni e s rNsPEctoN TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL t onre lO'Ma+ z3 JoBNAME T|ME REGETVED ?. a> AM@ caurn Fr=rz C-^.r€l E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnau LocAloN R rH Ftrl< READY FOR INSPECTION THUR E appRovED ! orsnReRovED f| nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS PROJ No: 277 OOttt TIME AT PROJECI: TEMPERATURE: R OG ER s/NA G E L,/LAN GHAR T PROJECT REPORT Drywoll subcontroctor continues to instoll sheet rock on gth floor. lvlcto I studs ond shccf rock hq,ver'ol yet been pioced on the bock side of the two interior fircploces. sheetrockiig .i atr, ir".,ceilins hos sto*ed. Verificotion of the sheerro"k oni;.;;l"i.l-n-oppti"orion for rhe grh floorceiling hos been verified for complionce with the specificcflon. for ir,o-hour rofing to Mr. JerryAldrich, Building Deporrment tnspecror, from Mr. 'G"o.g" M;ii;r. or'Notionot Gypsum. Deroilsore to be forihcoming. Instollotion of the sheetroc,k: fireproofing system to be underside of the sloped . Roof system wosreviewed with Mr' John-Kloossen ond drywill forcmen. sheetrock to be opplied i" *lp""j"aceiling rystem with the fire-rreoted rexrure T-llt opplied,;,h" il;;ock surfoce. Steel beoms in these sloped oreos hove been fireproofed by the drywoll subcontroctor. AddifionolsuPport required, for fireploce chimneys obove tiie ,'oof ,till hor rioil."n completed. Metol sfud instollotion is now complete through the fourth floor. Arlechonicql ond eleciricolsubcontroctors continue rough-in.' E tectricol-outlets hove u""n ,"io"ot" d ond/orodded for complioncewith the stofe code for distonce between outlets in oll livoble or.o,. -ptulnuing subcontrocfilhoppeon fo be in odvqnce of oll sheet rock opplicotion. Mechonicol heoting subconiroctor-is being pushed. of this.timc to kecp oheod of woll qnd ceilingsheetrock opplicotion. pr"gr"r, .f W.rk i, ;"- ,l; "; r;;;';T;. -=t ROGERS ,/ NeCel ,/ t.tNOrnnfArchitccts Engineers plonners l610 Aropohoe St., Denver,Colo . g}ifflzrefephone 222_4731 Pinkord Conslr.Jerry Nosel, R;;D"ri,cc: Horold Show, Ed DeVilbiss, John-KGG" l. lf Hank Alb6rg of U.,S. Gypsuro volld cone and personallylnspect the celllng instol, latfon, and gfve hls approvolln ttrlttng, statlng that lt yas rjone according io- ULB 5I5 l4ay 8,t973 Attent lon: bruce Reod Dea r lir . Reo d: i"r.y Al drl ch, gh t ef erl I I approvc the 8fh condl ti ons: 2, That the .syster,orlglnol tosted of the 1972 UL cel ilnE syBtsrn, Boaro Yours tru ly, Pulldlng Offlclel of the Ctty of Vall,fidbbo cel llng under the fol6cwlng used Is equlvllent to that of fheeIerrent.s, as l nd l cafed on paGe nlne (9) f I re res I stance I ndex, knorrn as ULG 5l 5ut| ||zlng t" FIrec-oOe t. nr:"r- .. - -: Jerry,Aldr,fch, Qa|ta Dry:S.l.l Llulldlng Off lclat . ' :,ii ANDERSON & l2O BRYANT . HASTINGS DENVER, C CONSULTING oLoRADO 8021 May 7, 1973 Fts' I M't1 zg Mr. Jerry Aldrich Building Official City of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 -{G]. ondominlums Dear Mr. Aldrich: Our office has made a total of three inspectlons of the structural steel erection of the Lodge South Condominium. The first inspection was after the first tlerwas in place. The second inspectlon was made during the placlng of the second tier of steel and the thlrd visit was a final struc- tural steel inspection. During ourvislts to the Job, a visual lnspectionwas made of the major- ity of the field connections, includlng the welded and hiqh strength bolted connectlons. It is our opinion, that the structure was constructed in accordance wlth the plans and specifications (based on our observatlons at the job). We cannot, however, verify the bolt tension of the high strength bolts. The bolts did appear to have burnished corners on the nuts, which based on our past experlence, has lndicated proper tightenlng in accor- dance with the specifications. AEA,/pn ccz P/N/L, Archltects (Mr. Warren Foster) ENGINEERS ! r 922-3796 UNITED STATES GYPSUM MPANY TN suffi@ DEN'ET' coroR^oo ilt - ;*:ru$fu r CO ht i-, .,' ,r 'l 4 6c:lon | .' tt .-r:tt't l{r. Edrnrd A. DeVllblee Rogere, fagel & tanghaf,t 1510 mapatroe 32O I EASI 2ND AVENUE !t-- - jkn& copies 1rr73 _ May b, 19? I3' Lg Q Hn1 ?3 Demer, colo. 80202 Dear Slr: lte 2-hour celllng systen, IlL test nunber G515, hae been approrrcil fon aue- pcniled celllng lnstallatlon, prorrlcll.ng thet the Ln plaee etlffness per ItL ilefLnltlon of suspentletl eelllng syatems, page 9 of the L972 lll. fire reelc- tance inilex, 1a equl.vllent to that of the orl.gLnnl teeted elenenta. As you knor, the ltl 0515 eelllng systen Ls a 2-hour rateit eyeten utillzlng |' ffre- coile C Gtrrpein Boartl. Upon requeet rrc rroul-d be hspry to lnepeet gueh a eyeteu to deterralne thatlt ilocs confou:n to thc llL and IISG speetfleattone. Slneepely, tr. B. Alberg Jr. Unltedl Statea Denrcr Dletrlct l&nager l:. - ..., r..,-_ *.-_ HBA:kt ROG ERS,/NAGE/LAN GHART PROJECT REPORT t-, 1 E PROJECT: DATE: TIME AT PROJECT: -1- r-t\ \ )e .rq [' ld< '\e., ) NorJz--- TEMPERATURE: Dry woll subcontroctor hos storted instqllotion of portitions 8th floor. The ceilings will be storted8th floor, first port of the week of lvloy 7. Ceiling suspension system insfolled doin throughthe fou*h floor. Stud portitions completed through thJ 6th floor. lnstollotion of oll insulotion ond sound blonkets for porty wolls wos reviewed with John Kloossen ond dry woll foremon. Perimeler coulking for sheet rock wolls hod not been yet instolled. All outlets were noted tobe seoled ond rcund-proofed in oll porty wolls. The hireploce instollotion continues. Minor revisions mode in the field to occommodofe field condifions. Instollotion oppeors to be inqccordonce with lotest ogreements. Mechonicol ond electricol sub-controctors continue ollrough-in. No work hos been complefed for ihe insfollotion of roof shingles. Minor corrections torhe froming sysrem for fireploce chimney stocks still hos not been compllt.a. stu"io-;;-r;;;;" conlinues orou nd ihe entire perimeter. Procedures for heoting these qrcos due fo low temperotures sti ll is in force. ROGERS ,/ ruaOn ,/ UNCnAnrArchltccls Enginccrs plonncrs 1610 Aropohoc 5t., Dcnvcr,Colo. gO2O2r.fcphonc 2ZZ473l Plnkord Construction Co.cc: Rols Dovis, Horold Show,Ed DeVilbis RNL, tNC. TRANSMITTAL TO:Mr. Jerry Aldrich, Voil Building Deportment P. O. Box 100 f, rt: 2, MA,r zJ Sheet M.:Dote: kindly notify us ol once. By, Edword A. DeVilbisq/clm Gentlemen: Enclosed ore the bllowing: Coples: I eoch Tifle: Reprints of UL ceiling rotings G512 G5l5 lf enclo$Jr€s orc not os listed, RNL, tNC. ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PTANNING l6l0 Aropohoe Strcet, Denver, Colorodo 80202Tefephone 222-4731 (7/721 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Lodge South ot Voil Dore: 4 /30/73 i iiiii i i riili ;iil;ir iii: iiiff ; : ;tfi# tE'tt;: ii;i *ii:: ! i ;iili i:;i:lt illi ;iii;; i; ;it;i*:iiiiilii rl ;iiffi ; I 3iiffit;:igiiif,i i+::siisii;= ; i*iit=.i id EE, rs. E r E: :3::ii rgs: se iiii;ii; i::iiSggis ::;ii;5 l#;i5ir iiE; i: a F$;:iElt *ig if;lFiiliiliiit;ruii;i }riii:ilii i "i j j.i @ F-: f iiiiiliiiiiii*liii'I !i;€i il!::ili:l $i iil +t'.t ilii! iilii+ilftrir lE; '#iiE i#;l:::;;si;j;it;i*a ilc ltaiEj ftfftii;;ii:!+lii+it ;iis s3**! # ffi:i:frit;€i;rse:ii €l;i -E!; d iiiiiiiiiiiffiigiiiiii; p\A \ '6 P ,-\ o ;itr ;; ;;; l-iS9. EE '.!ri.!tut "; i'*; ff;;i ti li: .;;E;; si ;;; i,A il g .sE f ;B ;:;iffi ;s ;i: iifi€;-;f ;":; ''Ef;;sti!; t*t ;*i!#if; ff; Hfff; j6i Jid !d (\,1 - T lqI orl ra; F.: O - fr.= i E.a-;,VE|,Td*J sF*-= e-"=ss .!,8 gJd ,gi:;Eex x;.=9; ;E:..9;r -f ui ff*i *ffi#i i f fiffimffffi *,, *ffiffiffii c.i !i j d ; ;3 ;*+fiiiiiiiiiiiilsli;:ii ;:iift:;i#i*, fiiit€ +iili: ;ifiiiiii;iliiii .riilii ,*$ei.!:ii :i!ii;:i;;!il;ililiitil :*tt: ,i3;;il ;;:iliifi;t?;iit'ii!i:i;ls sgtiE filiiiiliiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili' .:6id ;vj .j F dt oi ; gr i .; .!..- X:i d; Er AA T *f.t!TE ir',ru t9 |$ ili5{;& ;;it; ; fgi;E3 q:E o!-:le iEEii ii= X262F.at at, I.lE E -\A o ,ffiiiiiii;;i;iijii: iiii;*i#iiiiiiriiitr i;i ii ,;ii:E;!;i€e !i;*ii ;xi,ff;##;trffi;rlq;s ;iii #trtrftrigitr;ff i;s;rir,3fjt;i;i:ffi ;' f :fi i; .: c.i ct +di .d !.: S tis T lqt9 |-i r.: 9 slpt5 r*r€s F,! h Hd 'E Et<xago B.i P.s s'ast!; s JE5-l | ;+s rt;;; di| :EtE;;;^3 tdEI ije i€==* I'sEiI iii -trlig :eif,I i{= IiE ':1 5t"i; ;:" lcE!s -EX.EI i;: 3?EE! :--=| :.i Ei.i; Ej6E | : ;:; €€€;; j;i: lE d:=i:i'l!$ ';s3fxe z Hg 7 Fa d, H I O rNsPE.?,ot TOWN OF HEEUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED cALLER C t Pr(rf f PEA3 'o,t4 w ^fiqfu NAME E ornen E panrtal. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRr O3-io dilrn,r --\L;/ .MON COMMENTS: Q!5) flaee RovE D ElorsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr ! ueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRR-EGTToNS: connecrro Ns @ p" r,^,e"L#,{llSq < ,t, lI6 t t.tn1n..' 24 b, eto? INSPECTOR -oINSFECTIclN TOWN OF ,(o o.tt 5o<lfl FIEEUEsiT VAIL AM PM cll.:tea -Fo a T, al/tR oerc /3 APL 7? ToBNAME TIME RECEIVED E orHen MON COMMENTS: D pnRrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE APPROVED E orsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr D upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: IcoRREcrloNs /V oN { oare 13 [QQ. T.3 ,a llarch 20,. l97J ng plrnr for Lodgr South, tbc l4r. Bruco Rcctl Plnkard Conrtr. Co.P.O. Box 262?7 Lakcrood, Colo. 80226 RE: Lodge South Deor Brucc, Ourlng a rcclnt rovl.f of the;rluabl fol lorlng dlrcruptnclcl vorc notedl 2. Floor dralne In south rntrY uPc, t970). 4*!, UPC; 1970). il l. Cleanoutr arc rcqulrod to bs Inrtall.d.t th. bata of each :'3t!ck; (lectlon 406 I1107, UPC' 1970)' Flvr lrch vrni thru thr roof rl l l not arct codo rugulrr- f5t?l due to thc rxcoltlvl nunbsr ot flxturo unltt .nd tho horlzontol dltfcncc Involved; (Tablr 4-l I 4-l' UPC, r970). 4. All tub yants ghotntlttltn nurf bc Increlrrd to llt; (Tablc 4- | t 4-5, UPC, 19701. ,. llunber 5 vcnt ttlck lr rrqulrrd to bo l.ncrcrcod fo 5o; i(Tablr 4-l t 4-5, UPC, l970). 5. Slnk rartos on nunbcr 5 & rl rrgtc rtcckr aro r.qulred br 2H; (lsblc 4-1, UPC, 1970). fay must br vsnted; (Tablr 7-l' to roqulr.d to b.7. Slnl vrntr on nunbcr t f { Yaat 3t.ck3 .rl lltr (Tcblr {-l E 4-t, UPC, 1970). C. Nlabrr I vrnt stack, tl D.r plan, lr rrgulrcd' creatrd foo 2n to 5' ebovr thc rrconl floorl 4-5, UPC, t970). 9. l{slbrr I vcnt tttck, 13 Plr plan, lr rcqulrcd crrrcrd toos 2r to tn .bovo thr rrcond lloorl to brrln-(Tablr 4-l I to br In- (Tab lr tl-l I lO. laittlt barllrnt drala llnr vrntl; (Trblr rl-5, UPC, lgtot. Gorrcetlon of tho tbovr'.dlrcpprnclcr rupt br Corplctrd prlor to ,l {lart rpprovrl. eoni I ou.d ' s:i: f 07t :tOUth YUION SrrElt . ?OSl OttlCC lOr 26227 Dl YCl. COtOTAOO lO22lt a& m Uare Propertteg Sou 4 2230 Flrst Natlooal B8nf, &dld{-g 521 Seveateenth Street - Dcsver. Colorado 8O2O2 XllEfIfG: M-- Ross Danle I|FBECEs JOE iAllE: Lodce South Condmiol'rn - Vail. Colorado ltarch 20, 1973 @ rttEs w. ?rxx RD ctrrElll rrrAcEl ttrta.oxE 98&/455t tftnh*A SUIJEGI: Hater Tao BE INE ruf,SUTTtING lTB FOLIIHING: ( ) AS APnqrED BY ( ) ror YouR APPROTAL( ) Fm touR REcoRDsc) Fm' IOrrR FrrRluER ACtroN( ) FOB @RREC?ION AND nESUEt{rTtAL ioo ( ) ron IouR PRoPoSAL( ) rm, YonR PRoBoSAL oN REilrlsroNs( ) PER YOI'R BEQITEST() Plcaee return_Approrred or corrected prlntr of eech Plcrrc rcturo Prlats for llnal Approval Fl,ler and Dlrtrlbutloo lEUAlfS: Per the terna of the CgotEact- thle lnvolce is to be oal,d bv the Orrner. Io. of CoLee ( ()Lrr. dsred )Ilras{nc No-Ilescrlptlon Prepared Bv 1 fiarch 15. 1973 Involce No. 2586 for connectlon charges Vall tlater & Saoltal cre3 SU tt".. f grn{g13t6 Dlstalct International Conference of Building Officials 5350 SOUTH WORKMAN MILL ROAD . WHITTIER, CALIFORNIA 90601 June 4, L973 FrL6.' 7 Ju* Plan Check No. 8817-B (213) 699-0541 OFFIqE6 OF IHE EXECUTTVE DISECTOR T, H. CARTER A YT MANAoI NG DIREctoR JAHES E, BIHR AEgHNICAL DIRECIOF D. R. WATSON OFFICERS PRESIOENT EUGENE B. PESTER OIRECTOR OF COM M UN 'TY O€VFLOPMENf POMONA. CALI FORN 'A FIRSI VIC€.PRESIOENi NEWELL POCK CHIEF BU ILOING INSPECTOR YAXIMA, WASHINGTON SECONO VICE.PREsiIOEAT JACK D. WH ITE AU I LO ING COOE ENG IN EER XANSAS C ITY. M ISSO(J RI TREASUREFIVINCENT R. BUSH SUPERINTENDENT OF BIJ ILDING VERNON, CALI FORN IA JUNIOR PAST PRESIO€NT PERRY C. TYREE REGIOtIAL BU tLDING OFF tC tAL COLORADO SPRINGS. COLORAOO EXECUTIVE OI RECTOFT. H. CARTER 536c' S. WORXMAN MILL RO WH ITT IER, CAL IFORN IA MANAOING OI RECTORJAMES E. BIHR 535O 5. WOEKMAN MtLL RO, \tl/H ITTIER. CALI FORN IA OIRECTORS GAYLORO C. DOWD D IRECTON OF TNSPECIIONs XALAMAZOO, M ICH IGAN OONALD A, ERICKSON DIREC IOR OEPARTMENT OF I NgPECTIONS M INNEAPOLIS. M I NNESOTA AILL P. HORN CHIEF BU ILDING INSPECTOF PIERCE COUNTY TACOMA. WASH INGTON ROBERT B. FELONER SUPERINT€NDENT OF CENTI?AL I NSPEC'ION WICH ITA. KANSAS CHARLES R. HI NKLEY CHIEF EUI LDING INSPECIOS MOUNTAIN VIEW, CALIFORN IA VICTOR L. TAUGHER BU ILD IN6 OFFICIAL COUNTY OF ALAMEOA HAYWARD, CALIFORNTA VINCENT R. BUSH sUFEFINTENOENT OF BIJILOING VERNON, CALI FOFN IA DICK T. JORDAN OIRECTOR BU IL''ING DEFARTMENI' AUSTIN. TEXAS FLOYD G. MCLELLAN. JR. OIRECTOR OF BU ILD ING ANO SAFETY COUNTY OF OFANGE SANTA ANA. CALIFORNIA Jerry Aldrich Buitding Official City of Vail Post Office Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Aldrich: In reference to our letter celved conflrmation on our If we do not hear from you an lnvoice to you based on PLease feel free to contact on this maEter. ;:;:"::',.ffi."ch e, 1e73 Suggested Valuatlon:$860 ,000 . 00 noted above, we have not re- suggested valuatlon, within 30 days we will forward our suggesEed valuation. us if there are any questions Yours very trulY, INTERNATIOI{AL CONFERENCE tsu f Plan Check Englneer TJK: hb 76t5 Wt3t nttEtsslPtt AvExuE . ?osr otFrcE gox zdzzz February 7, L973 tfr. Jerry Aldrtch Bulldtng Offlclal Tonn of ValI P.O. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 t^r!wo0D, coLolADo !0226 lElE?HON Er 916.4555 JATES W. PITTANDatttll|. t|f,rc€r F,ue:E EB?' Re: Lodge South and ltoltday Houee Condoulniums - Vall' Colorado Dear Jerry : Per our te lephone coBversation of Februaty 6, L973, regardlng the propoeed Vent-A-Rldge at the two subject projects, the Vent-A-Rldge eha1l be instal.led without the wlnd deflector striPs on each side; thus ellninating sn6ffiffid up that could poesibly leak back lnto the roof cavlty. IIf you have any further comments regarding the Vent-A-RLdge, please gend at once. Thank you, ln advance, for your tloe aod attention to thls metter. Very truly yourat IEF ; PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO.,@a nichard A. zLeehk Aselstant Project ttanager RAZ:bc farren Foster - Rogers Nagel Langhart' Inc. John Klaaseen - Pinkard Conetructlon Co. Abe Shaffer - Pinkard Constructioo co. Bnrce Reed - Pinkerd Coostructloo Co. Qr"***du'- cc: lnduetnial Building '.i -lt . Commencial & 7 655 W EST MISSISSIPPI AVENUE PO ST O tFtCE SOX 26227 o ?uha\n JA]IIES W. PINKARD CE'{ERAL flAI{AGER Jauuary 31, 1973 l{r. Jerry Aldrlch Ghlef Butldlng 0ff1eLa1 Bulldtag Departtent Tonn of Vall P. O. Box 100Vall, Colorado 81657 Re: Iodge South Coodml.nl.un Vail, Colorado Dear Jerry: Conffumlng our cotl[eraatio! of January 29, 1973, the polyethyleae coated steel foll epeclfted to be usedlu the I.C.B.O. Reeeerch Co@lttee Recomendatlon Report llo. 2538 w111 not be requlred to be ueed ln the roof conetruction for the aubJect project. ApPeoveY Eorwer, roof ventllatloa ridge of the subJect roof. utrst be acconpllehed at the frank you, agaln, for your Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSIRUCTION CO. tLue and ettentlon. @' 0$^./ Bruce A. Reed ProJect Manager BAR:tp cc: llr. Bl DeVllbles, R N L, Inc.llr. IJarreu Foster, R N L, Inc.l{r. Janes W. PL*ard, Pfukard Corstructlon Co.!lr. Jobn Klaaas€n, Plnkard Coagtnrctlou Co.l{r. Rlcberd A. Zlegler, Ptakard Cooatructlon Co. TAKEWOOD, CO TORADO 80226 IEIEPHONE! 9 86-,4 55 5 .F \ t-s 5 tr€g ?3 . Cornmencial 8. Industnial Building . .z -\l trlo--{ -f 9,', ozz0 1R(mrD?c ffl\t\ -{ z f'l ls IN l{ -{( m # ng rn. $l-..t\la Prr oi F Irl tr I .J e- F!7 t\I - trCOD 8 E rr'Tr r+DTfgq1{ r ? j frI q\g n 0 m. R r Unl R E;;;tri Nq'- fiSo-i " fr-- z!- l lHi t\c 3 !!z ? DX il06h!+ttrn tr'n Ilrll7t)lr NF tr N+ t $z] R b" lfl ut]DffEs4 7.nZl 0; z f]r RB 4P zT n -- -o =l7fi R )c' rn E Fna ) !- r o(\ n 6z j It I.c ?s 11 R N 3s (2o ___ 3_rqz-lrA tr \ \I rn' \ D S {. ,n '\a'o fn \ n Fzrt\ alr { FnN na 0L ar\ t\lro\I\ \ ( \ N o 7655 W EST rAtSStS3r?Pr AVENUE PO ST OFFTCE aOX 26227 tAKEWoOD, COIOTADO 80226 TEtE?HONE' 9E6.'555 JAIES W. PII{r^RD oEXERAL trTXAOEN January 23, L973 f.t: l"Ir. Jerry Aldrich Town of Vall Vall BuiLding Departnent P.0. Box 100 Vall, Colorado 81657 !,.+..'-- ''o..-'.e\i\ Lodge South C_gidoninlum - V411, Colorado t- - ---/* Some time ago I spoke to you on the phone regarding the wood doors roe are proposlng to use for Unit Entry Doors off corridors at the subject project. At that time you asked if there were any test reports available for the Cal-ltood Doors regarding fire ratlngs. Enclosed, please find correspondence and test data as prepared by the state of Cal.lfornia regarding the required 20 minute rating. I hope the test nade by the state of Cal.ifornla roill be sufficlent evldence of the fire rating. Thank you, in advance, for your t irne and attentlon to thi6 matter. Very truly yours, PrNgrD CONSTRUCTTON CO. 4/,4,ft/.- APPf,a.ren .;{#--{*ddd.-r t - Zc-lt $P.C^tl V Assistant Project Manager RAZ:bc Enc losure . Commencial I Industnial Eluilding v - .r.r-.*r r l$ Col-Wood Grid Hollow Core Doors Specificotions: The core field sholl be cornposed of horizoniol ond verticol wooden strips, forming inter locking grids ot 3/z" centers. Wood grids sholl be loid within o stile ond roil {rorne. Minimum width of stile! sholl be l7e" ond minimum width of roils 2V2" oltel lrimming. Unless otherwise specified, lock blocks rholl be 20" long ond cenlered midwoy on both edges of the door. The lock bloclts shollextend o minimum deoth o{ 4" from ihe outside edge of the sriles. Unless otherwise speci{ied, lpecies oI stiles. roils, lock blocks, ond core field sholl be oplionol with the monufocturer. The com- plele core unit sholl be bonded to the foce ponels osing Type I or Type ll odhesive os specified. Guoronlee-Exlerior,2 yeors (when specified Type l); lnlerior,5 veors. SHORT SPECIFICATIONS: Doors shall be flush veneered Grid Hollow Core or Institu- tional, or Solid Core, Standard or Institutional, as specifred, as nanufacturcd by Cal-Wood Door. Mqteriol: Ilnless otherwise speciJied, all hollow and solid core door cores shall be manulacturedof thoroughly dried low-density s{rft$'.nd or particle board, species at manufacturer's option, tlre moisture content of which shall be ftom 61" to l2o/,. The core unit of solid core doors shall not contaio tnole than onc spccics of r4'oo(1, excepf when specified that species oI edge strips or stiles shall be compatible to thar uscd for face veneers. Solid core doors shall contain no oDen sDaces o; defects in core blocksor strips large enough to materially impair the sriength or appearance of the .loor for the purpos€ intended. Col-Wood Instifutionol Hollow Core Doors Specificotions: The core {ield sholl be cornposed of horizontol ond verticol wooden slrips, forming inler- locking grids ol 3lz" centers. Wood grids shall be loid wirhin o stile ond roil frome. A lock roil hoving o minimum widlh ol 2t/2" sholl be orovided. Minimum width of stiles (including hordwood edge strip) sholl be 2lz" ond minirnum width of roils 10" ofler lrim- ming. Stiles sholl be of o species optionql with the monuloclurer, ond sholl be of solid stock or bonded strips. Verticol edge strip! of o minimutn widlh of not less thon /r" ofter lrimming sholl be bonded to the stiles ond, unless otherwise specified, sholl be mill- oplion hordwood compotible in rolor with loce veneer. Lock blocks shsll be 38" long ond extend o tninimum deprh of 6" fron lhe verticol edges of ihe door, The complele core unil sholl be bonded b the foce ponels using Type I or Type ll odhesive os specified. Guoronlee-lnterior or Exlerior (when speci{ied Type l), 5 yeor!. Col-Wood Institulionol Solid Core Doors Specificolions: The core field sholl be mode up of wood blocks or strips bonded together with the end ioints in odiocent rows stoggered, Verticol edge strips of o minimum width of not less lhon 72" ofier rri'nming sholl be bonded to the core lield ond, unless orher- wise specified, sholl be mill-option hordwood com- potible in color wilh foce veneer. Top ond bo om edges of lhe door sholl be o{ hordwood, ond sholl hove o miaimum widlh ol Vz" ofier t.imming. The €ore unir sholl be bonded to the foce ponels using Type I or Typ€ ll odhesive os specified. Guoronfee-lnterior or Exlerior (when speci{ied Type l), 5 yeqrs. Adhesives: Adhcsivcs uscd for all fabrication shall be at least equal to Type II.* When specified, ad- hesives between leneer piles and between the core unit and face panels shall be equal to Tvoe I.r'' tAs dclined in CS l?1. Foces: Wood veneered face panels (species as indicated) shall be of two or more Diles and shall have a minimum thick- ness of %" before vnding. All faces shall bc smoothly sanded before appli- cation to core unit, Guorqntees: Cal-Wood Hollow,/Solid Core doors are fully guaranteed under the terms of the Standar(l Door Guarantee as set forth by the ,\-ational l4'oodwork Manu{acturcrs Assor iltiorr, cxcept as indicated. FACTORY FINISHING AND AAACHINING Cal-Wood doors are beautifully finished at thc lactory by the exclusive CUS'| Otr,I COAT 1;rocess, rvh ich inclurlcs application of specially fornrulatecl materials, chemically catalyzed and curetl under inlrared laurps. The resulting finish is far suprior to most job-site application-an rJ at a sauings that is totbelieuable! Several color-tones have been crrstorn-selected to en- hance the natrrral grain and tcxture of each species of wood. Edges of ddors are painted a color chosen to bring out the warnrth and luster of the face veneers. As an optional feature, edges nay be color-tone similar to the faccs. Doors arc also available factory-prinred resin, providing an excellcnt base for' coatrng. When specified, Cal-Woot[ prefinishcd machinccl for locks and hinges. stained in a with an alkyd final enamcl doors can be Save on job-site costs-spccify Factory l'inishing and Nlachining by Cal-\Vood Door. 5PBCIES: ALt COMIiER,CIAI HARDWOODS VINYT OVERTAYS MEDIUM DENSIIY OVERTAYS HIGH-PRESSURE TAMINATES dlffio |'707l- 542-6426 - P.O. ROSA, CALIFORNIA PHONE SANTA BOX 1656 95403 DISTRIBUTED BY: Gql-Wood lnstitutionql Hollow Core Doors Speci{icationr: The core lield rholl be compored of horizontol ond verlicol wooden sl.ips, forming inter- focling grids ol 3y2" .enlel.. Wood grids sholl be loid within o stile ond roil frome. A lock roil hoving o minimum *idth ol 2V2" rholl be provided. lrlinimum width of sfiles (including hordwood edge rtrip) sholl be 2Yz" ond minimurr widlh of roilc 10" oller trim- ming. Sliler sholl be of o Bpecio! optionol with the monufoclurst. ond sholl be of solid stock or bonded strips. Verticol edge strip! of o minimum width of not less lhon /r'l ofler trimnring sholl be bonded to rhe stiler ond, unlerl otherwise gpecilied, sholl be mill- option hordwood cornpotible in color wilh foce veneor, Lock blocks sholl he 38" long ond extend o minimum depth of 6" from lhe verticol edger of the door. The conplele cote unit rholl be bonded to lhe foce ponels uring lype I or Type ll odherive or :pecified. Guorqnlee-lrle,ior or Exlerior (when specified Type l), 5 ycors. Col-Wood lnstitutionol Solid Core Doors Specificotionsr The core field sholl be mode up of wood blocks or strips bonded togethe. with the end ioinrr in odiocent rows sloggered. Verticol edge stfipt of o minimum width o{ not less t$on lz" ofler trimming rholl be bonded lo lhe core {ield ond, unless other- wise specilied, sholl be mill-option hordwood com- porible in color with foce venecr. Top ond bottorr edger of the door sholl be of hordwood. ond sholl hove o minimum width ol Yz't orler lrimming. The core unil sholl be bonded ro the foce ponels using TyFe I or Type ll cdhesive os specilied. Guorqnlee-lnterior or Exlerior (when specified Type l), 5 yeors. Adhesives: Adhesives uscd for all fabrication shall be at least equal to T)'pe II.. 'lfhen specified, ad- hesivcs betqeen leneer piles arrd betqecn the corc unit and facc panels shall he cqual to Tr,pe I.' 'As dcfined in CS l7l. Foces: Wood veneercd face panels (srrecics as indicated) shall be -of two br rnore Diles and shall have a minimum thick- hess of 76,, before sanding. All faces shall be smoothly landed before appli- cation to core unit. Guoronlees: Cal-Wood Hollow/Solid Corc doors are fullv guaranteed under the tcrrns of the Srandaril Door Guarante€ as $ct forth by the Natioral ll'oodwork Manufacturers Associatiorr, e\(ept as indicated, o srnE or cAU;olxtA-AG CUNUIt AXO tttvtctt AOCXCV IOXAID ltAOAX, Govrrnor STATE TNE Tfu\TEHAI r2rt o 3rrcF, roon Atel tacraraxro. cariolxta tt||a November 6, 1972 Cal-Wood DoorP. O. Box 1656 Santa Rosal AA 9r4O, Attention: Edwin N. NasLund Sales Dept. Subject: Files ,rOO-r9121 & 2 Gentlemen: Recent information filed with thj,s office by the National Woodwork Manufacturers Asaociation, Inc., advises of atypographical error in the test data covering the subjectlietings. Doors shoun in the original reports as ?t 1n and ?t 1-1/2"in beigbt should read f r 2rr. With this infornatiol at hand, r.re can revise the existinglistings to reflect the correct heigbt provicliag a reEreEtfor revision (acconpaniett by the proper- fee) foi eachlisting is subnitted. The enclosed forn_(Bl-1 ) ngy be reproduced, as a separatecopy is required for each listing. Very trulJr Jrolrs, Af,BERT E. HOI-,EState Fire I'larshal W^r-y'Y }IIJLIAI{ T. PACCIIEITI Aeeoclate Fire Preveatioa Engineer lmP/nk Enc : BI-l (1) cc! NWMA o ttNr or c^Urorxta-lo cutlu|| txt tttvtctt actlc?lOllA! ltlOAX. Go'rra; STATE FIRE A{ARSHA!|l[ o trratl. root A||lu3uttlrq clruroun ttila @lprtl At 1972 Mr. Ian llacDonald Cal-l{ood DoorP. 0. Box 1656 Santa Roaa, CA grt+O, SubJectr FlLea ,r00-r91t1 &, t2 Dear Mr. MacDonald! Enclosed are your copies of tbe lietin6s of two 20 ninutefire doors tested by-Forest Producte_Laboratory and covered \under test reporte identifietl as Pl6O and PlGl. We have reviewed your request for the use of white or Douglaafir, cedar or teduood, in lieu of ponderosa pine as vas usedin tbe fire test, and for the uee of urea resin glue in lieuof casein. In consideration of the subnission of nen tech-qical data-by the National tJoodwork llanufacturing Aseociatioalf'orest Products laboratory, International Conference ofBuilding officiare, as welr ae the introduction of constr:uctioadeteil previouely not evident, approval la hereby gtented forthe requeet as subnitted. Renewal applicationa for the 1972-71 fiscal year are aleoenclosed. Pleage conp).ete these forms and accompanied by tbe $t5.OO renerll fee, aubnlt to this offlce ae aooi a8 po3;ibLc. If re caD br of eat fiutber lssietance, please adrlrl. Very tn'ly yours, ALBRT E. UOI,EEtate Flre llarshal -/+-tuKWE|VED ROBEBI V. UALI,lln Drrvoatlon APfi 2 5 1972 Eaglneer RlfE/Ek Eacloauree UAL-W 0 00 nO", oF coNFoRMANcE FoR ",rr,f ,1215 'O'Strcct Stofc Frrc Morshol Lirting Scrvico Socromcnto, CA 95811 Fifc No. ,rOO Listing No. 11OO-79121 LISTEE---CAI-IIOOD DOOB, 1Ol Transport Avenue, Robnert park, CA grtnr. DDST9N---single srring, particteboard core wood flush door; 1-r/4 Lt.th-ickj maxinum 4 ft. ride and 7 tt.2 in. hieh; facings of ]-plyoak_plywood, masonite or hardboard | 1/B in. f,hick bonded to-cbr6,stiles ald rails. TNSTAILATTON---Doors to be instarlecl in a listed Fire Door Frameor a steeL frame conforning to U.l.r Tnc., Standard for Safety A_L 9?r.and il accordance vith I[I'?A 80 rith three t*1/Z at 4-l/2 btO.1t4 in. fuII nortise butt-tnre hinges. Eardware ehall-be anylisted Builders Fire Door Eardiere having not lees than a gi.gie-point cylindrical letch eet with 1/2 Ln. tbrorbolt. CLA,SSIFICAIION---RaIetI 1,/1 HR. M.ARKING---SFI{ Labe1 . arERovarF--Approved for uae aB a snoke or draft Btop door requiredto have a fire-reeietive rating of not less thsa 2o-ni-autea. - Building Con struct ion Motcriolr L irt Miscellaneous---Fire and panig SafeW Doors---tr'ire f,,,.d,----4pril3lL-w 72 Li.tlng .rplr.r.. Junr 30, t1...?.?.... Upon tha arpirotion of thlr noticr you will bc r.eurrfrd fo fill o rrnrrcloppllcotion ond l|l. Juty 1g?1 APPROVED FOR L|STING FISCAL YEAR ._-_ I .''.)' /' .' / -"-? / //(.9:.: ' 2r;' t'=/:. -a STATE FIRE /./.A:S: i,.I. Your rrqorrt for llrrlng of tftr obovr hor brrn lvoluotod fet confo?nlly rltft thr Firo rnd Pcnic Sclrry Srondcrdr prcvldrd b7 Tirle l9 of thr Colifornlo Ad|t|lnlrt?.tlr. Cr&. , Approrrl lr iub. i.ct to th. Gonaltlon! rnd linltcf ionr tof folth In tho !bcva. Thla N.tlcr nroy only br '.p'.ducrl ln lt. a6f lr.tt. Fonn 8L-7 Rct. ?/lO ?x'' --l nish!l\tt\ li|\- Dl:L b$.z -U tno-{rOl:r ,t oz0rl I(Frf ],Di C rr1 -{ z lrl t n vrr fl R .<mn .i: -Da, n t) I utrnETS8fZs4 7\^ 2l0; L nr RE 4Peir 7t f|\\c- F!7 \\ i, f gq r:NZ6t'i\ z TItmv n f zt n \N-r rn rn cinx Ftr?F ({ ,r r REr]Noi(l t- RElN9Jht t- U 0-tI'' 6l /\l O =z5S--rn oZ7-l n N na ) !- r'0 0\ ) --t 5 7 Jc' m F f;H\F -, ii, Hlh Btt Y > \- \no rrl \ Fnt$ rnn-J 0L.i ! S\t\ ,.le \;t,o rn \ tr ?il(rl't1-rl. riihJ I fil z.^\ fl -l D F Trl --J m {1 in" nrl ! .z T] rnr) _.--l -t {.!t2o;Zr: R{m:'Dr C rfl -.1 c_ o W Z f'l 3m /^)f -1,.', n t' IJIrr (Tl .' R t]DD ET.S8fJ\1-1 7\^z}|ot L trrRuIN =n0:ZYr gr! z q\ |, f g tr ; _l Kq\o' z Nn $zt D \J\'r fnrn --{nr.i r\ X trD Nf6zwrnTl rii /U r RE )\-1 4'oiztr r- REIlNql!t r n q -- !l (fl R -71:rnoz7-l a Nn -l ) t- r 0f\\ -1 5z I F P IH jil t, el m rTIc\j -l C R DF r$ t$ R . 0L .J\ \ \I fn \ D S {\ ,-A \a,o fn \ r a1(n" 7 at rrIlr -{ Ifl z .^\ R -{ D F FINIE- n Jonuory 1l, 1973 Mr. Kent R. Rose, P.E. Town Engineer Town of Voil P. O. 100 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: Lodge South Condominiums Deor Kent: RNL hos recently exponded our stqff io include o Civil Engineer, Mr. Bob Gehle, who I hove requesf to work wiih you on the pre- porotion of the droinoge plon which you hove requesied. Bob will give you o coll this week ond coordinote his work with your requiremenf s. DeVilbiss EAD:lp cc: Mr. Ross Dovis ; January 8, l97t Mr.0lck Zlgler Pl nkard Constructlon CompanyP. O. Box 26227 Denver, Colorado 80226 Dear Dl ck: I F,\ P€T apP t. our tolephone conversetlon thls date, the followlng shallly: 5" no hub cast lron plpe as Installed on your proJect ls apfroved provldlng the plpe ls elther exposed or concea lod Hlth removab le oanels. 2. In the ev6nt fhe plpe ls to be concealed wlthout ovallableaccess, ft must be changed to hub C.l.P. as In accordancowlth Artlcle 4.5.1 of thq State Plumblng Code. lf you have further questlons on thls matter, please feel free fo contact elther myself or fhe Val I Plumblng lnspector, Mr. Travls at the above phone number. You rs tru I y, TOWN OF VA IL tr Jerry L. Aldrf ch f ii ... ,' \Bullilng Off lclat '- i'^4,' ,\i .', '1.lubb,li ' r)u0.7dt -<- tt .-rrr'.* ,, t- ,.41 ryfu-?ry u'1'-7-'/r"/< L/*t f 'ry .?r.-t lP + /63 I C'4t ei * i"t I /' fus-/tr-6c- 4"' eu-'' 2rLJ- /e2' l/t^ JlP a"1d/1"'r-