HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE TOWER BUILDING PERMITS 2 OF 3 PART 2 LEGAL75 South Fronrage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 April 30, 1997 Paul Jacobs Jacobs, Chasc, Frick, Kleinkopf & Kcllcy' L,LC 1050 lTth Strcet. Suitc 1500 Dcnvcr. CO 80265 Via fax: 303-685-4869 Depart,nent of Cownunity Development RE:Appcal of thc I'EC's Approval of Lodgc Propcrtics, Inc.'s Minor Subdivision Plat Approval Dcar Mr. Jacobs: I havc rcccivc6 your faxcd rcqucst for an appcal ofthc abovc rcfcrcnccd approval. Thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission, at its April 14, 1997 mccting, approvcd a nrinor subdivision for thc Lodgc Propcrtics, lrrc. parccl (Lots A & C, Block 5-C, Vail Villagc First Filing). This upprov"I was icportcd to thc To.'vn Council at its April 15, 1997 nrccting. Thc Town Council did not call-up or appcal thc PEC <lccision aftcr rccciving thc rcporl of thc PEC approval- Appcals of actions rclatcd to Titlc 17, Subdivisions, arc rcgulatcd by Scction l7'16.190' Tou'n Council Right to Appcal. This scction statcs: Within tcn days thc dccision of thc PEC on thc final plat shall bc transmittcd to thc council by thc staff. Thc council may appcal thc dccision of thc PEC within ten days of thc PEC's action. lf council appeals thc PEC dccision, thc council shall hcar substantially the same prcscntation by the applicant as was hcard at thc PEC hcaring(s). The council shall havc ifrirty days to affirm, rcversc, or aflirm u'ith modifications thc PEC decision, and the council shall conduct thc appcal at a rcguiarly schcdulcd council mecting, In summary, thc PEC's action was reported to thc l'own Council onc day after the PEC's dccision toapprove the final plat. The Town Council did not appeal the decision and thereforc the PEC approval stands. Thc only right of appcal in Titlc 17, SuMivisions, of thc Town of Vail Municipal Codc, is by thc Pagc I of2 {g*rn"uoruo Sincerely, -- , Af|Y'rf (/ r) -K./4 l/r^_a,<-Va oominic F. Mauriello, AICP \s Town Planner c: Town C;ouncil Tom Moorhead, Town AttomeY Mike Mollica, Assistant Director of Community Development Pzge?of 2 o Td$nsorlr{cil(scction 17.t6.190). Thcrcforc,yourclicntdocsnothavcstandingtofilcsuchan Spfl.gliuglhc PEC.action rcmains in cffcct' Sinecrcly, --., , ntnY'tf U n^:KJJ tJtx-oa-.AVa nominic F. Mauricllo, AICP \s Town Planncr c: Town Counoil Tom Moorhead, Town AttorncY Mikc Mollica, Assistant Dircctor of Community Dcvclopmcnt ?xge.2of 2 SUBDIVISIONS 17.16.170 Planning commission - Public hearing. The planning and environmental commission shall review the final plat and associated material and information and shall approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove the plat within twenty- one days of the public hearing on the final plat of the suMivision or the final plat is deemed approved. A longer time period for render- ing a decision may be granted subject to agreemenr between the applicant and the PEC. (Ord. 2(1983) $l (part).) 17.16.190 Town council right to appeal. Within ten days the decision of the PEC on the final plat shall be transmitted to the council by the staff. The council may appeal the decision of the PEC within ten days of the PEC's action. If council appeals the PEC decision, the council shall hear substan- tially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the PEC hearing(s). The council shall have thirty days to affirm, rcverse, or affirm with modifrcations the PEC decision, and the council shall conduct the appeal at a regularly scheduled council meeting. (Ord. 2(1983) $ I (part).) 17.16,200 Council acceptance of dedications. Within thirty days of council approval of the final plat, the council shall (if they so choose) accept in writing by the mayor, the lands dedicated as herein reguircd, or accept the monetary payment in lieu thereof. (Ord.2(1983) $ l (part).) 17.16.205 Filing and recording. The department of community development will rccord the plat and any related documents with the Eagle County clerk and recorder; however, no plat for subdivided land shall be recorded unless prior to the time of recording, the subdivider provides the Town of Vail with a certification from the Eagle County treasurer's office indicating that all ad valorem taxes applicable to such subdi- vided land, for years prior to that year in which approval is granted, have been paid. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The community development department will retain one mylar copy (vail I I-16-93) 2n lacobs Ghlse Fnick t(leinkopf lGil.eY LLC ArnrrrYr rr lrr hdqud:n ?lerr lOtO f7tt 3r- 3ritE lXlO Drrn+@ t@ll wr*8r-'tr,'o 6ZOttllt{/06r FPF-"t-tg'? 15:35 & JCFKK BobArmou BobMclaurin SYbillNavas PailR- Johnston LudwigKurz Michael D. Jcwcn RobFord KcvinR. FoleY R Tbomas Moothead ;, DominicMarrriello y' Priotity hadliog iostnrctions: F'rom: PenI Jecobs TOWNCOUNCILMEMBERSJoAnnlVrlgbt! . gm)479-215'l o P.AYLL To: (nq4it9'2rs7 (97O)47e-2r57 (970) 39$1790 (970)476iM70 (970)U5-s2n (e70) 47e{489 (970)47G9384 (nq --(nq4t9-2r57 (97O)4792452 l(- DeliverinmcdiatclY Datc:Aprlt2l,19!17 Nrnber of Pagcs Sncluding cover sbcct) Origiuldosu€d(s); )L Mllnotfollow Clicnt ManerNo.: 0ltE lXll Commeots: PI,EASESEEATTACHEJD' rF YOU DO NoT RECEIVE ALL PAGES OR rlIE Tn:{IryISSto!{ $NOT CLEAR' PIEASE "rMi6a-rit" tnrrptronE nircy sAllltEns AT (303) 6Es4800' coNsrr'o'rntlTY Nggff:pery hcdtain hfon-diotr aqi ttis ftsinilc cowr sbFct and aly docuDcsb wbich mly-acc thc l8r firn of lACoBs CI{A#iil&-dE$rKripF d rceddv u.c. $ ) $hich b hudcd fc rbp 'sc of 6e irdivid,,.I ", -6;-;li; it ir ra*,roa; j c2) vhich orv csrrrb i'tuodior ffi;;'il".r' ytf :l#;H.""i'; ryq ffi f'ffi &{frffi $i",1ffir,L-6;4ry6;o"'r=-JiG'**'-ciruraqcryvrng or othcr usc of thir.*-ioat'o c'frt "'Udaot f"-pitOfta' T'."-'FI-YY G comBtEicdioo a o*, prlal;iit;u*ttt ;-gt drrc a"m"oot of tbc cmsrrntu*io or fu r!ou! to [s 0t our crpcola Tbokyot- FFF-21-1997 rt,- o JcFkK pf P.gP/tL Prul A. lrco[c 692.4420 Jncobs Chnse Fnick Kleinko Apnl2l,1997 Ketley rLc Arrorily3 ar LAU hdeerderu Pha lOlO lTrh Sr. Sutu lt(D DEivrT CO 8026t ,Or.66t4A@ rrE,4r.6E .486, TO: MEMBERSOFTEETOWNCOUNCIL Re: Appeal of the PEC's Approval of Lodge propertieg Inc.'s Rcqucst for a Minor SuMivision to tho Lodgc Torrcr lbrccl Dear Members of the Towu Council: On behalf of our clieng L'anne C. Wells, an adjacart Foperty owner, wE hcrrcby ap'pcal to tre vail rown cormcil tbe Aprit 14, 1997 desision of-thc Torvn oflail planning md Euvinrnmental Commissiou C,PEC') rsgadiry the 4pproval of Lodge Properties, Inc.'s Rcqucst for a Minor SuMivision to tbe rodge tovrer rarcet. on behEr of Mrs. wclls, wc objcct on thc groumds of lack of noticc as adjaccnt rp€rty owner to thc PEC hcaring pusnat to vEil Munioipal code g 12.20.030(B), whichreferstovailMunicipalcodc$ 12.16.13o. wefirrtherobjectorthebasisthd the attached documeot entitled, Declaration of Land Allocaiot, *a otherrclsvant miscellaneors pages, r/vErE nsvcr prcscntcd by tbc applicat to the Town plumer (or thc PEc) for an accurate historical pe.rspective ad analysis of the poposed suMivigion Therefore, tbc plameds waluation oftbe requ€st dd r€Glrn-*aaioo to tbe PEC rhat ftg rcquested subdivision be approved was based on an inaccurare and incomplcte rccord. apparcntly not formd by thc planncr in thc Towa's rcgords.It is orn position $ar thc qpprovtd suMivision may adversely affeci adjaccnt pmpety md vail, gcocra[y, by iucrcasingthc current aod ftnrre derrclopmeutrigbts on the rcmaining Lodgc at VaiI popcrty. Tbc Declaaion qflsd Allocdio!, d*d July 10, lgz, is both relerrm and importaot to uudcrsauding 6c history of the Lodge ar vail propcrty ud for tbc required zoning 4pprrovals obtaincd for the oonstggtion of the Lodge Towc in trs ealy 190s. Thc Declaration ofland Allocatioa legalty identitreata oetcrnrinco lfog "luilding site" for the Lodge Tower as ibe cntire 3.04 acrc-parccl of thc Lodgc at Yail propcrty and not mersly thc buildiDg orvelope of ttrt Lodgc Torrtr as $ggested by th€ applicaol witbout &is dcsignation of a largcr buildi"g sitc, therc Itlx-lElr JCFKK P.B/tt i I I FFR-21-1997 15:37 Membss of tbc town CrouDscl PageZ April2l,1997 would not have been the requisite amount of square footage in the "building sib" for zoning apploval ofthc proposcd building as rcstrictcd by thc GRFA rario at rhat tina Our undcrstanding ofllris docrrnent srd the Town's approval ofthe Lodge Toltrer based thereon is that the Town and tbc Lodge at Vail achowledgdthatftc etrtircpqcel, as dcsignated was tben completely 'bruiltorf" in terns of the dcnsity P€rmifr€d at tbat tituc. Itdec4 this occurredjnrr prior to thc adoprtion of anew zaning anqduent wtticb deqeased the ellowod GRFA ratio (fe., allowailJ dcosity) sienificantly, To orn lnowlcdgg no zubdivision of ftc Lodgc Tower building covetope was pusrrci or qryovcd whco tbc building was condominiumizcd in Ostobcr of l9R. It is oru positiou that no'subdivision would hevc bccn approvcd - or should now bc approved - because the Declaration of I ^end Allocaliss defines the building site as the lager parcel ard h:carse any proposed subdivision would not be in compliancc with the 'foum's zoning ordinances - at the tinJ or to&y. Altcrnatively, on bebalf of Mrs. Wells, \ile r€qu€st rhar the Town Corsrcil vote at its wort Eectiug to bc hdd tonorsw at Dootrto appcal 6c PECs ppoval ofthc reqgcsted subdivision pursuant to Vail Municipal Code g 1?.20.030(D), which rcfen to Vail Muricipal Codc $ 17-16-190. As further support for the qrpeal and reconsideruion of the PEC's approval of tbe ' subdivision wc rcfct thc Toqm Council" the PEC, andlor tlre aning adninishator to Vail Municipal Cod" $ 17.04.V20{E)(4), which provides $at the zoning adminisbator, PEC ud/or couucil (whichwa is qplicable) may witdraw any app'roval of a plan or plat or require certain conective measLres to be bkcu followiug a det€rminatios ttat inforoation provided by the n:bdividcr, or by anyorc on his beha$, upon wbich a desision vas based is false or inacqrate. fuaio" oa bchalf of Mrs. wclls, wc rcitcratc 'L-t we appeal the pEC,s Erproval of rhe reguested subdivision of tbe Lodge Tower pacel ad/or request thc Tonrn Couucil ovote b app€sl the decision of the PEC within the ten days ruauddcd by tbc.lbwn Codc. |clxrFt50at.t trR-21-19:I7 15:37 fvienbss of thc towl Cousel Psgc 3 Apjtzt,1997 Wcuouldapprcciatebeirg idonndofthc ordcone of6c TosnConmcil's votc ad when thc ryPcal hcadng is sst so that nremay mnke a fullcrprcscrntion of orr objec{ims dthzt tima PAJ/vs Atlachcnts oc: Dominic lvluicllo, Towa planncr (dafiach) R- Thmas Mm6ca4 Tonm Attorncy (dec;h) Vcrytulyyoug JA@ES CI'ASB FR,ICX, FPR-aL-LS'? 15:38 -- STASE OF q'IORADO @UIItt OF EAGIE lfg Coutscion Eztrlire* " (Seal) " : o .T-o_1 P.zE/IL suDs<-ibed arrd SS. DECJ.ASAEG OF LArD AI,LOCACIOII '.?. thc descrLption of tle .bui1dJag site fop the proposed )-11*e is as f,o116ws: CDcsceigcion uay be a €E sl.Eveto3rs BaD Eay'd,eseripiion). STATE OE COLORADO . COITTY O? EAGIX ss. a.p*I""H*"filT".u%m ffiS*according t-o Ey best lsronledger. Infornation ana teiief, to-rrii3-- _ 1- Erat tlris stateErrrt is aade ia coujunetion rsitb tho fi.Ijnqof a* apslieation foq a buildins plraii 6-ib;-io-d ii v"ir-.ia:i"- _csEPJ-y ritb the requirencnts or- .Artic!. c:r, secrion 3, ordinencertrrtec 7 (series of ts,E9) zoning 0rdiaance i"" trr" torai of-Gii asaqsnded ly oraiaance Nrruben I (Series ol-is7oj ana ddi""rce ilr:nifr 15(Serics oi tszot ) ) ) 3. tbe prcglosed buildj-ng site conr.^aits ?1g,655 squa=e feet.and, -iile ecisti..rg buildi.rg csntains ln.7w Effiet -e.nd theFoposed additicn conr+5s 7!.385.65-@e&; the -tgt+ buSding fqua,:re feet is 26,f65.6S --3ffid in rhc ar-oresaid Zonin-f---Gdinance as @.., ice E hibir.Ai *JJ. . -The grolnsed- buifCing anrd/or existing buiLd,ing and additioaas ii reiates to the bui].ding site aree, co4rly to the'Froo:r areaR:tio fon ttre zoning-w;ich_appU.es to tie uuififing site, as defiaedin ttre afo:resaid Zoiing Ond,Gince as anended ILil,* LOOGE PROPERTFs SOUTF$, rNC;) ) ) .Tlrc foregoi.ng affidavit and declaratistfirrl to before Ee, a Uot =y Pullic, byby!}tiF -, . h----, dri of r'a,E ;.l]:I .. drfly : (ft^, $*h$i ,o. . SybAltiatullr ffr,rr,.l FPF-aL-|9SI t5:38 ?iicta Itt -. o -G .3' s-2g,o'. tl E-a l-3.. G, ra lr - t' .Etqlce fi:aFtn|llg rEf tltt ' Achr€l nborA;. FA.f-) ofncry building dt ==- + €2 Gg E-g E0,g:ts!. n. 70,38ll.is.q- {- FTI\IE; a-bi,='g bGf G'z+Jl|at *5aaI \ fR-zl-tsln 1s:s O^..r* / -I rN L lNC. IIAN:iTilTTAL o- :-.*..' _ _ --'j+.-- P.gz/tL .Cf,;c* tirle: t CoryofAno Colcrrlaioar 'Erclo*a or drr fiotlowing: l#._z/n Shct No.r t-Dctr: t .a r''lf rnclqnrr cre not or li*ed, ls-ndly .!6fift'rF ql arci.' R N L, lNc. ryr_ nb. Ed.W!&A8C}IITECNNE ENGINEENING FI.ANNING lefr-St*t Strlrt, Dcnvcr, Cdscdo Cl2@ Dqre 6 / g /tZTelefhcrc mq3l' ' -..' - " Ft?,T,l . FPR-?L_LX? 15!38: .- - ,5.':..'f:P.E/IL i'r$ffi *;lt'li$:;qff ' ;''ii i'ai,:i;r'i+*:it;F;.;,:tt.':*Hlti* l"+ . i ;:,;tji:r :F;xli.+ : f i i.., i :i,; ;.; ;1*"*; i_,'' . - -.;1" -a J. --,': f,'i . g ..r : - Tobl per flor. a,srr.U q. t. , r":"' g. 't""''rJot,i = ' t--..,,. t .Totcl,parbuildirU ..' Elt\r 5 F:'*s . ct. E TatqtEdolredAecss ' .. $' ..-r---^-'-'--l': It-5 ETeoEntAGs '. .r ^. r'.. .t ", :.--:'. 'r' Best CopJeS I Available . 'i' .. 1 O--;i.' t'-t i-_'.:- i-i! azn iE l'16 ccr can52t4 i,!-*'-:*; ' -i ..i* " , " : 1-{'i' '777.4. t. + t91;. I t'- t.."I . Acftrol Foln A-o (FA.n.y 'of new bsilding kaq-p6u 70r385:65 j ' . '.'.'-...:. _ 2- . :.t . ,.:-, i',;,:i "TL'!'.)rt ,:.i -'a .':::( ."-.f = r?Z.Zsa ti' ':', ' l. l PPR-ZL-tgg?15!39 P.L7/lL =;=/e*!- . ! i .:..j+ il i';.i ri '': t ; i ---___ 'rcr-rr. -: Sr4-tit_ x'r. ; :.: ; ::l I: ;i: i .,: ftIrA- P.11 -r!t EPR-2L-19g7 Ls"E & t, 1l facobs Ghlse Fnick l(rinkopf l(ellcY ILG Arrurqr rr lrr n&frrfro?lerr lOtO lTtl 3t t|rifi lfm D:rw* GO tO'l3t t6{8r,','o gry14sttJ/|[/, P.AVtl To:TOWN COUNCTLMEMBENSJo,rooWrgrc (Yml419-2137 Bob Annour BobMcl-arin SYbillNavas PaulR- Johnston LudwigKurz Micnd D. Jorrrfi RobFod KcryinR'FoleY R TbonasMoorhead DmioicMilrielo Riority hrrdling insf uctious: !'rour: PenlJecobc Datq LPil2l,l9lfl Nrmber of Pages Gncludiug cover shcst)rL Oriqiuldocun€ot(s): X Wiltnotfollow ClisntMdcrNo.: 0lE8'll0l Commcots: PI,EASSEEATTACIIED' IF YOTJ DONOTRECEIVE AII PAGES OR TI|E TRAI{STdSSTO{ $ NOT CI'EA& PI'EAS ;ri6;irili rrr-ienonFvrErr sexpms Ar (r03) 68s4800' COr.rEonVmLnV t'K"nc'e lbis bioilc cwtr-$1** trHffiy#:fiHffi,'#'.ffi;;;l'""ay1'.'1.ffi ffi$ ##ff";t2"*a;;E d'""*.'d!;;be,' rrbih'nn' cryvos w otrcr usc of trir t-t-l'aioo - iE etbctt"cc rt-etiuU"e' If lorr hart t*i$ slt csnornicdioo h *, p-ffiiiolir*r --g. t6.o" o"tt .tion of thc ooon'oicatiat i lu td,- to * st orr GrpGors' Tbltyott- (nor479-21s7 (970)47v2r57 (e?0) 39F1790 (e1q47eo4-70 (n[rws-szt2 (e70)47e4+89 (970) 47Ge384 (nD --Q70rn9'2rs7 (97o\47v2452 -L DclivcrimrncdiarclY ffi-?L-Lg€n 15:3 Pf P.EP/LL Plrl A. lrcobr 892,4420lncobs Chnsr Fnick Kleinko Krlley Ltc Artottryr ar L^u h*oederw Ptur lOI0 lTrh Sr. Suirt I tGl D€iur. CO 8026t ,or.6E 4W rrs ,Or.6OrAt69 Apdl2l, 1997 frc far for lggmcdhtc DEhtbutton ild Con TO: MEMBERSOI'TIIEIOWNCOITNCIL Re: Appeal of the PEC's Approval of Lodgc Properties, Inc.'s Rcqucstfor aMinor SuMivisionio the Lodgc TorrtrParrccl Dca Members oftbe Towu Council: On behalf of our clienr, Luanne C. Wells, an adjacent property owner, wc her,cby appeal to tre Vail Torvn Council the Apdll4,L997 dcision ofthe Toum of Vail Plaffiing and Eaviromeotal Commision CPEC') rcgading thc approval of Lodgg Prop€rtiesb Ino.'s Request for a Minor Subdivision to the Lodge Tovm Parcel. On bchalf of Mrs. Wclls, rvc objcct on the grormds of lack of noticc as adjaccnt prop€rty owrrcr to the PEC hcadng pusuat to Vail Muicipat Codc $ 17.20.030(8), whichrcfcrsioVailMuuicipelCode$ 17.16.130. Wefirtberobjecturthebasisthat tbs attached documeot entitled, Declaratiom of Land Allocation, aud othcrrclwant miscellanaors p6gcs, wErE nsvcrprcscnrcd byth applicant to the Town Plurner (or tb€ PEC) for an accurate historical perspective md analysis of thc poposed subdivision Tbeleforc, tbcplamcds waluation oflbe rcque* ard recornmendation ro the PEC tbat the rcqtrsted srrbdivisionbe approved was based on an inaccurale aud incomple0crccor( rypffitfly not foundby Orcplanncr in thc Town's rccords. It is our positior that thc ryproved suHivision may adversely afrect adjacent pr,opety andVail, gc,ncrally, by incrcasingthecurertaod firtue dewlopnentrighs on thc rcrnaining Lodge at Vail propctty. The Dec,ladion oflsrd Alloc*ior, tt*d Jnly 10, l9zl, ls both tElcvant dtd imporont to rudcrctading thc history of the Lodge d Vail property md for the required zoning approvals otnaincd for thc oonstustion ofthc Lodge Tower in tbo oaly 1970s. Thc Dcolargtion of l,and Allocation lcgally ideartifed nd detcrmined thc "building sitc" for the Lodge Tower as Oe entire 3.04 auc-parccl of thc Lodgc at Vail property and not nercly thc buildtnC cnvelope of the Lodgc Towq as suggesled by thc applicanl Without rhir dosigniion of a largcr building sitc, thece 'cDIf-altr-r 6FR-21-19:t7 15:39 P.EBAL M@bcrs of tbo towo Cormscl Ptrylez Apdl2l,1997 would not have been the requisite anrount of square footage in the 'building db" ftr znning approval ofthc proposcd building as rcstriced by thc CRFA ratio Bt thst time. Our tmderstantliry oftris docuncrrt srd thc Towrr's apprwal of thc Iadge Towet bascd thereon is thd thc Town ryrd 6c Lodge * Vail *howledgdtbattrc cdircparccl, as dcsignst€4 was'qFo complebly "builtout" in t€rns of the dtusity p€rmitted at that time. Indcc4 this occrrr€djnrl prior no tltc adoptiou of a nery zoning ancudment wtticb deqeqred tb allowcd GRFA ruio (ie., allowable de$ity) sigoificEntly. To orhowlcdge no suilivision of6c Lodge Tower building envelope was prrsrrcd or ryprorrcd whco tbc buildiug was condominiunizcd in Ocobor of I gn. k is oru position that no 'subdivision would harre beco approvcd- or should now bc app'rovcd - bccause the Declaration of I -enrt Allocation def,'"s tbe building dte as the lsg€r pucel ad bccauss ury proposed srrbdivisiou would not bc in complianccwiththc Tom's zoningordinrnccs -attbe tirne ortoday. Alternatively, on behalf of Mrs. Wells, we request that the To*'n Council vote at its rvort sossiodeiresdivenccting to bchcld tonorsw al[oonto rypcaltrcPEgs apEoval ofihc rcqupsted snbdivision pursuant io Vail Mtmicipal Code S 17.20.030(D), which refers to Vail Municipal Cods - $ l?-16-190. As fiurhcr srpport for trc agpcal urd rcconsideruion of thc PEC's approval of thc ' rEqucstcd subdivisim, w rpfct thc Towu Cormcil, the PEC, and/or the aning dninisffir to Vail Municipal Code $ 17.04.020(EX4), wfdch prcvidcs thd the zonrng administrator, PEC arrd/or council (whichwa is ryplicable) may withdnw my rygoval of a plan or plat or rcquire certain conective measrres to be bkm following a dstcrnindion ttd infomaion govidcd by the subdividcr, or by anyorc onhis be,half upon whir:h a decisionwas based is false orinaccilrtlc. Again, on bchalf of Mrs. Wclls, nrc rcitcranc tbat we appcal the PEC's approval of the reguected zuMivisim of the Lodge Tower palccl md/o rtquest tho Towu Cpuncil to votc to appesl the dccision of the PEC within fhe ten days mandalcd by thc'l'own Code. Ar.rgH FFR-21-19!rr 15:g P.U/tL lvlernbcrs of th towu Cormrel Page 3 Apdl2r,1997 We would 4prcciare being infrrnod of thc orftomc ofthe Towa Cormsil's rote md wben thc Tpeal bcariog ig set so thd we may make a fullcr prcscqtstion of orr objectior d lhd tiEF. OPF&KEIIEYIl,C PAJIYs Afiac,hcnts oc: Dominic Mnricllo, Twn Plmncr (dech) R Tbmas Moortca{ TownAttutuy (w/ach) Vcrytrulyyotry JA@BsCIIASBFRICK FR-21-1997 15:36 b-rar SteEs oF corcnAE ) )@UII:I OF EAfiE ' lrtr'Idirra is Es follows:,Is^^--.- :1(Descniption uay be S?ATE Of COLORAM . COUTT OE EAGI,E ss. O'-)Or ss. ECI48.6:rI(tr 0F LAi[D ALLoCA:rTOlf P.EE/II t-. - I= *ss L EErE . _ . beiag filrtt dullt srcm, ulno oath .dcgose ea statcats &FC tnre rncl GoEFrlgE accorrd5-ng t-o ry best lcnosrledger. infornatloo and belief, to rit: 1- lrat tJris ssateEent ie aade Ia conjruratioh rritb tbe fflingof an apglicatiou for a building penit to tbe town of Yail.ard tocorylv iitl ttre rcqrrirencnts of-Astic1e VIf, Seetion 3, ordirrenceItuber ? (seuies of t96s) Zoning 0rdllancc for the Towa of, VaiI as enrnded by ffiiaancc lluEber 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinarrce lluube:r 15(Serics o't tSfOl '2. tlrc descnlgtion of the 'bui].ding sl,tr for the pcoposed desoription). 3. tbc gmogrosed DuiLding site coniaias 218.655 - 6quaF€,_fee8, anrd the existlrg Duilding contajJls __';gL780 _ squane f"et E$d the Foposad, additidn iontaj-is 7!-sas.cs-!EGire{t; tirg total bu!.].dlng-que,re feet is ffi,165.65 -s-ffied in the ar=oreseid tonb'g Gdinance as ffi, rc ErhiLii'Ao stfsch.d. *. The grolnsed building and/or c:cisting build.ing-and additioa as it relrtes-to-the buildiag site ilrrtar coqply to the Floor Area Rltio fo:n t[e zonlng g]rl.ch apptles to tie buildinE site, as defincd in the aforesaid Zoning Ordi,nance as alerrded I s Eap Eay LOoGE PSOPEfiTIE5 SOUTr}, INc.') ) ) .Thr foregoing afftdavit and declalatj srrcrn to before Ee, a lto}ul Public' Dy _ei* --... b _ dsi of 'rlr,_hl - .,, : GJ $*S,*o. res drily subsgei,bcd ald I I trR-e1-19:7 15:31 JCFXK-- 5 ---a. * U .lrrrA.' ' 'gt'E '- ..lfi'm rq. 0. +19.@ rq. ft; -?|8'ffiq,. UG at'1.. € tEI: o-, d g Gg E'itzg Eolirircc ruoainlng frr rtY ccniruction -. . Aauct FfeotAr." (Fd.f-1 cf nry huilding 80,875 q. F. ' 7u,385.e5q- F. Fll\fl- =l-----sI^{'t' !E f \ I .t. titl I PPR-zL-tgEn 15:31 ',.-€ JCFKK '- .'t P.gn/tL I, N L, INC. TTANiMTTIAL O1 'Vcil, Golorado llltt!7 PTOJECTT LodF dVcil CondorninftG Gartlcargta .ciio. I 'Eaclscd orc tfro bllowring: Dafe:Title: GgyofAno Cslqrlqriorrr $rcct No.: ,I I lf endeirrc oe not cr listcd, kindly nirify L qt arcd.' R N L, lNC, lYt---@!@!!& ARO{ITECNXE TNGINEERING FIANNING 1626 Srqr Shcct, Dcnrmr, CrJ'todo tffil Dore 6 / Z /lZ ]-i I I Teleir0rcrc . zE2q3l ;|jr6l ''f+ ,,*il .,i .!: I ';.r.. . ::.tS..ili' 1l,S3.dt q', fr.:-;1.-- . 6. - '' l.&5-75 s. ft-' -ora'g . Toiol pcr for. 81564.35 q. ft. . = 'Totol-p..buitdin9't'.. 1' , Scwicq grd lJfility Arc€s 15:31 JCFKK ! .. Toiol pcr f,er. S;56 : '". -3 P.EBILL floorPrr'I9tul t Totsl Endcd Ares: - Best. - CoPYe> Available 1 ' ='l ':;:":: ' t : -'*+:' r- :.:+ P.IA/LI t I ..tsloirc. rurrining fur rnw - "cqrdnrtlon 80,8il5q. ft. JCFXK ll I FPR-?L-tgn 15:32 P.LT/IL'aJ --:- O---- .J..rl+ I a I I o rat. - I !t It'l ,i (' 't l!.t tl il .: -- -t-t.: TOTfl- P. 11 R N L, tNC. TRANSMITTAL Title: Copy of Areo Cqlculqiions TO, Mt. Ed St-b|., Bld Town of Voil Voil, Colorodo 8l6t -./ Gentlemen: Copies: I Enclosed ore the following: Sheef No.: IDote: l J/t rt OK r,J. lf enclooures qre nol os listed, kindly notify us ot oncc. R N L, lNc. BY'--f t.-!C-D"V!-[b!s .ARCHiTECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING 1626 Stout Sfreet, Denver, Colorodo 90202 Doie: e / n /n Telephone PROJECI: (3fr01 222-4731 3q. ft. iq. ft. sg. ft. sq. ft. !q. ft. tq. ft. 8,564.35 q. ft. Totol per building Service ond Utllity Areos Totol per floor Totol per building Bqscment Areq Totol Encloced Arcqs Eolcon)r Areos ' Cowred Po*ing Areos lrd€,7.4O x1. ft.i.' ' :. :.ll,8ll.80 q. ft. I t. 21144,,87 q. ft. . 1: 'r-. i l. 73r9O7.12 q. ft. ri: 12,573.75 x;. ft.,.t.': t- or.zzz J: o =u,l u,l =oztll iolo'n". remoining for new conslruction Actuql Floor Areo (F.A.R.) of new building - 137,780 q. ft. : 80,875 sq. fi. 70,385.65 q. ft. ' , .-i r\e7 q @t- Wry 2 t?Z,Z7a F'i.I : /oo.).ul ' t- Jl ,(?3-s'a -!..a,-1, (,1,,: 7- . . . /.1/ t :- = EZ ,t;x. ;* .11,.?- .- . . . /.q {'/-.. :-".o (r,:.: ,r r'. 1-.). ,,(/c: ? -r-) ,-oraio.3T:x / s 7,7q,64 STATE OT COUNTY OF STATE COUNTY t-\ol LODGE PROPERTTES SOUTH, tNC. I. Ross E. Davis , being first duly sworn upon oath statetnents are true and correctdepose and say that the tol'lolJ].ng acior:ding io ty best knowledger. information and belief' to wit: 1. That this statenent is nade in conjunction with the filing of an application fo:: a building penrnit to the Town of vail and to conply iritfr tfre requi:rements of Anticle VfI, Section 3, Ordinance tiunier ? (Series of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as "r."aua by ordinance Numben I (Series of 1970) and Ordinance l'lumben 15 (Series of ]970). ' 2. The descniPtion of the building site fon the proposed building is as foLlows: SeeAttochedMop, Exhibit "B" . . . , .(Descniption may be attaehed on surveyonrs nap may be used to snolt descniption) . 3. The proposed building site contains 218,655 = square feet, and the existing building contains 137,780 _sguare feet and tne o:roposed addition contains 70,385.65-quare-feet; the total bu:lding ii"lr" feet is 208.t65.65 -=ffi€-d in the aforesaid Zoning O:rdinance as anEnEecl. -Fl .R. oreos, see Exhibit "A" ottoched. 4. The proposed building and/on existing building_and addition as it relates to the building site area, conply to the Floor" Area Ratio for the zoning which afp1ies to the building site, as defined .The fonegoing sworn to before netttris _-.._--.h__-__ d.Y affidavit and declar"atlon a Notary Public, by of M:v Commi scion Expires ( S-.eaI ) fl COLORADO ) ) EAGLE ) 0r C0L0MD0 ) ) SS. OT EAGLE ) SS. DECLAMTIOII 0F LIu\D ALLOCATION in the afonesaid Zoning O:rdinance as amended. ffi' \o4tos r*r'- i. .y Commlsslon dplrcs t*ar. | 0, I 97.1 f/i\"F hn'*,'. ctC'GI Jr ll,c!o() u,G N'C'.o(o oo Joo tr- uJ zu,o Ft!u,(EFIt F)oFvt (o(\l(l' o =zz JIL (' 4 lttuzoz Y uJ Fou,tr () E F roz JIU(,{,z U' u,('oG Lodge bt Voil Condominiums Floor Arco Rotio Compuioilons F.A.R. Avqiloble F.A.R. of site ond plozo crcdit l%r7V sq. ft. + 191878 sq. ft; = 218,655 sq. ft. F.A.R used by existing focilities Bolonce remoining fior new construetion Actuol Floor Areo (F.A.R.) of new building - 137,78O q. ft. 80,875 rq. ft. 70,385.65 eq. ft. FlM. A Ol Or STATE C0U'lTY or C0L0MD0 ) ) OF EAGLE ) SS.DECLAMTIO}I OF LA.ND ALLOCATION , being first duly sworn uPon oath fGITottfig statements are true and cornect knowledge, information and belief, to wit: aforesaid Zoning Ordinance as amended. 1. That this staternent is rnade in conjunction with the filing of an application for a building permit to the Town of VaiI and to comply iritn tne requirements of Anticle VII, Section 3, Qrdinanee Uumler ? (Senies of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Vail as irnendea by Or"dinance i'lumben 8 (Series of 1970) and Ordinance l{umben 15 (Series of 1970). 2. The description of the building site fon the proposed building is as foLlows: See Attoched Mop, Exhibit "8" . , ,(Description may be attached on surveyorrs map may be used to snow descniption). 3. The proposed building site contains 218,655 square feet' and the existing'builcling coniains 137,780 -lseq;F_e--Feet. and tl. .pnoposed addition contains 70,385..65-.feet; the total buildingp:roposed additj.on contatns 70,385.65 square reer; tne rorat D iqrrir. feet is 208,165.65 --s-d6Tf-ned in the aforesaid Zonlng Ondinance as - --:::J-:-:-a----amended. F.A.R. oreos,see Exhibit "A" ottoched. r, depose an according 4 as it Ratio in the . The proposed builcing and/on existing building- and addition relates to the building site area, cornply to the Floor Area for the zoning which applies to the building site, as defined //.t-* STATE COUNTY OF COLOMDO )) ss. OT EAGLE ) .The foregoing sworn to befo:le rne,thi s lO day ---. --.,.Y---_-- H;v Cornmi scion Expires '(Seai) affidavit and decl-arati-on a No!4ry Pub1ic, by r of subscribed and 6l^.q"M t Ross E.Davis say t EIL L LODGE PROPERTTES SOUTH, lNC. was ;-y Commlsslon bxplres tvlor. 10, I97'l ft. o,-/e GJN ct ct UJooo tuE 1 (\t 'c,.c| aooo ECo-Joo dlrl zi!o F GFU'.F oFu, ao(\l(o c'zzz o Etrltuz c,zl! Lll =F(J u, tsI() : F CT (9z J JIU(, z oG UJoo IE tT xAr' ' Lodge ot Voil Condominiums Floor Areo Rotio Computotions F.A.R. Avoitoble F.A.R. of site ond plozo crbdit 198,777 sq. fr. + 19,878 sq. F.A.R used by existing focilities Bolonce remoining for new construclion Actuol Floor Areo (F.A.R.) of new building - 137,780 sq. ft. 80,875 sq. ft. 70,385.65 3q. fr. ft; = 218,655 gg. Fll\llE= ' II I'I I I R N L, lNC. TRANSMITTAL TO. Mt. Ed Sttrbl", Bldq.|nspecror Town of Voil Box 631 Voil, Colorodo 81657 Sheet No.:Dote:Copiesl I Title: Copy of Areo Colculotions 0{, lf enclosures ore nol os listed, kindly notify us ot once. R N L, tNC. ARCI-TITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING BYt Mr. Ed DeVilbiss 1626 Stout Street, Denver, Colorodo 80202 Dote: e / n /ZZ Telephone ot Voil Condomini Enclosed ore ihe following: p/70) 222-4731 rq. ft. q. ft. sq. ft. 3q. ft. sq. ft. sl. ft. 8,564.35 sq. ft. ' Totol per building Service ond Utility Areos Totol per floor Totol per building Bosement Areq Totql Enctosed Areos Bolcony Areos ' Covered Porking .Areos 1,d8'7.40 q. ft. I\I l* Totol covered porking 9{l cors i "or".'"39'cors . -i- I 16 cqrs .i 214 cors : '. used by existing focilities - 137,780 sq. ft. itoloit"" remoining for new consiruction Actuql Floor Areo (F.A.R.) of new building 80,875 tq. ft. 70,385.65 sq. fii. ?lNl- . -.. -_-;atrl -.--?:-5$=rrJi -&.lar*LriEurtJtari{.JLir.r:Ff:!sarj;a:r:5: r-} .,- : -- -,.---:-----.-/: ,--'. ")-' ii trtl-l'/\ ',rX (.,r.',: i.'. .... . . -./.i/t )-.. .7 .x 1lt.?- . .-..-/'Q1'/-::-l.o i',1.:.J ''. 1--)..- . -(ft:.7-r.-)/f ./c.{ o / L/tr, J-o fiiiH ci o!ra .'t iJ -c.43.fijaf!r o o. aouots.l'rPBc.!oooF9.o{ F;l P. 0c 'p F;iJft5O.+3OF.:OGO='vo-ht{Gt.c)O.+C F0q.tto\3H.oooHoH(OP.OrJ.P.OFOpr aG|Fd F' P.Po340 n ii' >'l ooFP'prooots. ('f uJord9..t:Pc+'Ht'1rlt\o P' P.,.\ n ar .r.1 vri.H. H P =pptso FJOH ctPOv.oP.b p,ooooootsc5/\ SFjd.oP.xp-H('5ts' ^,n6FlP. c, IPEFHooPPD'()aPo(fH!'dlc0oltn GCHFrrJctf'CNcIOYOPtg.ct olto op.trpp5H.cngr l-at,J |''JctX<P'Ft!tp3ts. P' P. rJ a\ r'!' t-, FJ ctP.C c|o:l E doo)ct oooF,o3dc.5iiP.oo|r') IONtrcfoc+P-i'(DoP' oq!Jda P.F,P cfP.B AP.P. ppo o.o odooo P \:ool HOp.o<ctts tsOctP!'.P' Fl o 0q10 .-LE e dP.ooctF4PTJtrcioP.oSroHPlJFPooP,o€lJc} g P.(?<ijctoo!'PO c-4r-J 9. OoP.€HcrPOFFlopFjSA oc.o Fh c+o : P. cra al c+ r. 0qo o H.) a? O|tr r P, Fl oo .FO E|J.FroHr5c+F oo .|Haa tsopOct!JOc-a P.O ts.{ 3om.t POoFopo<-fOoFlc. c+p oH. F:o H, PcfHF'oooP9.,4ooHrH PH.P.Jt-t qq @cu3tD' F.O.roo 16 o<o.o .d.f ot-l c| ooo ptd()PFoEF'ErtljFJP.ooOFIiJopo.!HPts'ctoo€F 'o4, t. a H.d5aao H.f}+Cfo. Oct 3oHFl t-loo 5 lrrP. 0qoo/.t\ e .r lJ.aa 'st 0l ctocrAF{ dP.POotr (-iptrFrriHH/h H' rf Ft \., Ht Oci4loo OHottlnrJ g a o \o 5 PP. dq. a? 1o cn H H c) l-t{ zFl ..- F! U: pH PC F3 P.- FJ Fl!rt 4 c- H H Fi tra) c+iooo oEct a,o o oHlHt ryOci3!t.oddNH.oHllI, P.P'. pr0q oc t{ H. FttszF.oo<o €Fj ootrlH:d HHopo F, l'rjScro3F"noorrlF,' Oo }J. FJ ctpoc|JHrio oord F] H'H.tO a Ocf rJ tJ avtrotqHFtHoo'oo o. o p ctP.A'cl ',dHOootsiroFP..FOttcidP'4|./)c+ O .. F-:h.+€ts'n!_\Cti'opogo/.P-5q.tsH4i,r\-p.oJOSJpNij (.. 6''.!JP'P'ts'Oljq.P.-t6u)ii r-., @ rt O O' tdc3=6(D(DP' tl C C. c+ 'F.) 3"rtrFrHOl'FhP.O|J.+CP.t>PO5F'HtrO.+c+YP'rf4|'l'OB!'tsoooFOOb,oFrBp g-1 P. o o o ctootsq,ctulop.OClciP'GloacopoooOr,.5Oc+0rijEUgICCr5l5F 55pHPtj!rOFTHO<H(+OOPEts5'J{lttl4ctH'rd5.+lJOictHO { Fl ,O O:tC1dp.'dooP.tJ8to.Ac+44l3POcP.ol3Pp,cOclC.4 =:<=oct1- t'3 P ri 5 P' A)e=4(Jcr:l339P'!' =aottFruOi5cft3cti:cooo'|Jl'cq c. o t-j ots. o p c d ,ooou',ao'Eo ==c+OtrFlO'11pJpFrF.F |-LAFFJtr,lJO(t Ft o. K A <+ cf(t.|OF()rjP.vptrooooljoo2a;:riP.Hr+'ri 3 C, P.Htrots.oP.oO7H|cio5lJ.+O-UIZFocr3pO3irP'QF\clOOOO5(D(AAcfic"+CP'itts-FOooFa*5Htbgccttnd-Acl E|oaFlouP'ctoP.Hoci-ad(A v\ -tE\.t\+e- S \is'\n b.jl;{a!-_*+'--f ai P. =, ? ?-S j-='< 2 x 6 " -:'= r\ '.i! $ FJBts6e:'Ri, z f 8f;; ; ?I=g-.8*V=lH-5I n &=e;3 7 =lrdrocl'IV)cr!X-tlurEFvr;E_L = x i 3: :::EdEA i'F"ii=coa*:-o)hirt=Zo-;J e;dogat-JFaTFli5 ;d3:-i=Y,bonFr'n|1e I3E: !'i3 :; i: . al=e'1oogP';'4s B';vv =:' < 3 i. E: =ib rr d C o il 1 La ag tsH ,g E (D 'J 2 ic =-r< L/I oq l- E @' < oI oz I * f; F ; 3 : =-l ga I ; 6 I P:3 " =3l 5'e I b A 6 fr c+ '= :Bl i: I s ; iliq; iiI ;F I E T ;HrE ?gt 3tfrEl "e I E ! 53 E i :.El i. I Fi E s;: r j:l I I "s B -n i -sl I | ; 3 g[Fn :'t € I , F fi;;; 3fl e 1 ,; ;:gc+ ;Bl SLtrtst 6 I I i*"d i i'.'l ' I r f E-a -: ti. Fl 5; I E H rn;E : o Pts t Ir tI 1I a II I .i ll. P : F c-- =6cil f- =>o =.tid= o 't2 >= = (: lw\ O.5 rttt43Aolrtt. rEtoc, st FIoo (I, POo oh l-. dJJco(trrl -tltnO r-t 3cr C-:t l-! OoJrHEIrco<+pi5tDF l-l.P =6GI'.g, j c- =zF:E5=oc; €r)cc4-l :c ' -F* P.c = ,5I 7o €o 4,u or+ IF : F rlo o!t Poo EE:' () 'it.tr Fr (tott!oi 3t o3' :(}'nl!t r1o. ln FrPooc.CrEl '13 .-J (!'.:' :GTFvfI.r)rrO3ittfJS(D40 Fo!,500,30 = r'l FAlooya 1 l-A D(1}f. =!DE ''Pd5F= r+OJt Fooc)c0=.PP= FP$Hrl 'i aJ ;o:t'4 .+ ..) trlrr 'a C-) C:. C |: O'tD ".} f-tm'r't>./<>tt.i tF 1/, *7't|J:trroc=c.t Jr:cit5p?,cr t) :rdEo="1lDoFEc+to.+O5DOFot':lio6t3ottS dcLHxJ'-t-Fv6PIFO d.l' 3l = j ; n"r; c.a6i'+.=fi,tu6la.tr.2 -rr9' H'dmo--a,€=o r-t Fl J \'/ :](}oroE -ra_J-P .>. c- o o lJ P' !r' oai|r}7' ;Hl,?'.r;a.coP.;:?r'+O;6ot'::x=Oia+4o-E4 !) ogl 5v(DoOr,'t-<, O rt vt 55('Ar,.a= -r1 aride-t'r'oqj_:,-P'2.2 r-. t= = t: i75{:c: 5, r^' '..|.-'Ja ts it .l lT':.^xX.ir'|).?lno't- -t?(D=-'to\c:l}. i+i^ttE;oP:'tt tr r"- E.r<+Pc-r l+i.er();idoCf |t iftt(roL'r+ot! D'JFQd4r+P O (D. 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Ciu D' \ cr ctxD{lo 'l n'ooPr (D 5rt )F FtrE c0lr TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: IIEMORANDUlII Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department october 28, 1996 A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow for the conversion ol one interior parking space to common area' tocated ar 200 vail Road/Part of Lots A, B and c, Block 5c, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower Condominium Association, represented by Stan CoPe, Managing Agent Planner: Dominic Mauriello I. BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPT|ON OF THE REOUESTS The applicant is requesting a common area variance in order to add additional common area to accommodate a tujgagemag storage area (162 sq. ft.) in the Parking garage (first level of buitding). fnis wout-J b6 the iirst phase of a two phase remodel. This phase of the addition will elimina-tb one exis1ng parking space. Since this site is nonconforming with respect to parking' the applicant is requiied to piy into the parking fund for the loss of one parking space (cunently $16,ii3.38). Phade 2 of th'e iroposal creates a common hallway (86 sq. [.) atong the front of the buibing adjacent to the building entrance. The area being enclose_d is behind an existing wall and bebwln dxisting second flooideck. The area being enclosed will not increase the perceived bulk and mass of the building as the space is currently substantially enclosed. The i.equest is to allow an additional 248 sq. ft. of common area and 86 sq. fi. of additional slte coverage. This building was constructed in the early 1970's. The building was constructed as part of the Lodge at VaIt property. The Lodge Tower (a.k.a. Lodge South) was divided from the property afteiconstruciion in October ot tgZS when the building was condominiumized. The subdivision of this lot incorporated only the building envelope and provided an easeme.nt for access and parking adjaceht to the building. Therefore, as a separate parcel of land., the site is ironcoitorming with respect to site coverage, GRFA, common area, landscaping, density' and parking. This existing site constraint is the reason that these variances are necessary. On October 13, 1 986, the PEC granted a site coverage variance to allow the existing entrance and lobby area to be constructed. A minor CC1 exteiior alteration was also approved to allolr this addiiion. The PEC, at that time, found that a physical hardship existed on the property to warrant the variance. Staff believes that a physical hardship continues to exist on the property. il.ZONING AMLYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Siz€: Standard She Coverage: Common atea: Ffmr 1: nla Floors 2. 7, & 8: n/aFloors3-6: nleToral 4,075 sq. ft. (3lt%) I dwelling units Parking: Per code Not : *per varianc€ aPproved on 10/13/86. III. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS Existino 13,qt2 3q. ft. (89.7%f 2,006 sq. ft. 5,220 sq. ft. 6.490 so. ft. 13,700 3q. ft. (117,7%) 42 dwelling units 55 spaces (31 enclosed) Prooosed 13,138 tq. ft. (90.3%) 2,254 sq. ft. nlc n/c 13,954 sq. ft. (119.8%) nlc 54 (30 enclosed) cc1 Multiple-FamilY 14,554 sq. ft. Allowed 11,643.2 3q. fi. (80%) Upon review of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of theTown of Vail Municipal Code' the. Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested common area and site coverdge variances. The recommendation is based on the following factors: A. Gonsideration ol Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or Potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The proposed variances and associated deyelopment on this site will have little,-il dny, impact to adjacent properties. The conversion of the one parking space is mostly within the first level parking {-ea by adding a new iuggage storage area and providing a new hallway. The proposed . improvementJwill not be visible to the public. The reduction of parking is miiigated by the requirement of paying-inlieu for the loss of one parking spaae. The proposed addition will not impact the perceived bulk and mass of the structure. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal lnterpretation and enforcement of a specifled regulafion is necessary to achieve compatlbility and uniformlty of treatment among sites in ths vicinlty or to anain the obiectives ol this title without grant of spscial prlvllege. The property was originally part of the Lodge at Vail property' but was subs-equentiy subdivided and therefore causing the nonconformilies on- site. Therefore, a physical hardship exists on-site. Historically' common area variances have been granted for "full-serv6e" properties and hotels when there are no impacts to neighboring properties- f '.\svoryoneF€cvnemosUodlorer.oct B. 3. The eftect ol the requesied variance on llght and alr, distributlon of population, trarcportation and traffic facilities, public iacilitles and u$lldes, and Public safety. The proposalwill have minimal impacts to the stated criteria. Litde impact to trinsiortation will be made, according to the manager of the Lodge Tower, bue to the use of van transportation to the site during peak times ol the year and due to the mitigation of the loss ol one parking space' The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speclal p1vilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specitied regulation would result in practical ditliculty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. f :\Bv€ryoneb€cvn€mosuodlovret.oct IV. STAFF RECOI'UENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the applicant's variance requests subject to the following findings: l.Thatthegrantingofthevariancewi||notconstituteagrantof:pqF|.. priviregt inconsiitent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health,safetyorwettare,ormateriallyinjurioustopropertiesor improvements in the vicinitY. 3. There are exceptions and extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not apply generally to other properties in the CC1 zone. 4. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specifled regulation would result in practibal difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title' The recommendation ol approval is also subject to the following condition: 1. The applicant shall pay $16,333.38 into the Town's parking fund for the eliminltion of one parliing space on-site, prior to obtaining a buildin-g-_ . permit for the buitciing aOdition. lf the fee is paid after January 1, 1997' the iee shall be increased in accordance with Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Code. f '.\overyon€\p€cvnemo3uodlowsr.ocl P il C'i S D frl',' IppnovEDNov t ( 1996 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM ISSION october 28, 1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: John Schofield MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Schofield Gene Uselton Diane Golden Public Hearing STAFF PRESENT: Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen George Ruther Dominic Mauriello Dirk Mason Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:00 p.m. 1. .A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floor, utilizing the 250 ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Potato Patch. Applicants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit Toome Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. Staff believes there will be minimal impacts involved with this request and recommends approval with no conditions. Greg Molfet asked if the applicant had anything to add. He did not. Greg Moffet asked for any public comments. There were none. Galen Aasland said the applicants had made the changes that the PEC required. Diane Golden agreed with Galen. Henry Pratt also agreed with Galen. Gene Uselton asked tor clarification regarding the landscaping requirement. Greg Amsden had no further comments. Greg Moffet had no comments. Henry Pratt made a motion for approval in accordance with the findings in the staff memo. The motion was seconded by Greg Amsden. Planroing and Environmcntal Commission Minutes october 28. | 996 o It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a sign variance to allow for a treestand-iry_s101 for an individual business in a muiti-tenant Ouilding, located at Mountain Haus, 292 E. Meadow Drive/a portion of Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Applicant: Leslie and James Glendining Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request. He said that stafl was recommending approval with 3 conditions attached to that approval. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. The applicant had nothing to add. Greg Moffet asked lor any public comment. There was none' Gene Uselton had no comments. Greg Amsden had no comments. Galen Aasland noted that this business location has been historically unprofitable and he suggested that the PEC give the owner any benefits possible to help. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt agreed with Galen to give as much exposure as possible to this business. He asked il the applicant could move the sign to the planter location? Mike Mollica said staff hadn't reviewed with the landscaping crew if this would be possible. An issue might arise regarding the irrigation system in the planter. Dirk Mason said a letter would be needed from the Mountain House Association to change to this locatio n. Greg Moffet was in favor of the sign in a more prominent location. Henry Pratt made a motion in accordance with the staff memo, with the addition of a 4th condition to allow the sign further out into the planter if desired by the applicant. Galen Aasland seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 3. A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow for lhe conversion of one interior parking space to common area, located at 200 Vail Road/Part of Lots A, B and C, Block 5C, VailVillage'lst Filing. Applicant: Lodge Tower Condominium Association, represented by Stan Cope Planner: Dominic Mauriello Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes October 2t, 1996 I, Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He stated that there would be little or no imoact on adiaceniproperties and that it would not be visible to the public- Dominic said there *Jr "bnvJ.ii narO'snif on the site. He stated that staff was recommending approval with one condition as stated in the staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Stan Cope stated the intent of this application was to add storage. He stated that next spring the ioOge fbwer would come again befdre the Commission to request a whole new entrance to address the aging parts of the Lodge Tower- Greg Moffet asked for any public comment. There was none. Galen Aasland said this would increase the guest services, but Galen didn't like decreasing the parking. Diane Golden said that this was an improvement and she had no further comments' Henry pratt disagreed that this was a hardship, rather a self-induced hardship. He did' however, have no problem with this application. Gene Uselton agreed with Henry regarding the hardship. He asked the applicant if the parking lot was ever full. Stan Cope stated that most of the time the employees park there. lf full, restrictions are placed on empfbyee parking. Stan stated that the intent ior the whole program was to have people take transportation from the airport into Vail. Greg Amsden asked if the parking was common parking? He stated that philosophically he had a problem with removing parking from the Village. Greg Moflet stated that he was in favor ol encouraging people to take public transportation to reduce the number of cars in Town. Henry made a motion for approval in accordance with the slaff memo. Gene Uselton seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0' 4. A request for a minor amendment to SOO # 5 and a conditional use permit to allow for the addition of conference space, located at 1100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: simba Run condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn Fritzlen Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of fhe request. He stated that statf was recommending approval with the 3 conditions and 3 findings listed on page 3 of the staff memo' Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Planning and Environtncntal Cotrunissiotr Minutes October 28. t996 3 Mike Schult, representing Fritzlen Pierce Briner, asked, that the condition that required restriping' Oe optionat.' H6 also woitO tit e the storage space on.the parking mezzanine, that is currently. used for long term storage, be allowed to remain. Mike would also like the wood storage on the lower level to O" f"pt as-an option. lf that would not be possible, he could convert it back to Parking. Greg Moffet asked for any public comment' There was none' Gene Uselton asked if the parking spaces met the current standards? Mike Schult said no, that they did not meet the current standards. Mike stated that alterations would be needed to accommodate any handicap spaces. Gene Uselton asked if all the units had wood burning fireplaces? Mike Schult said, Yes. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if any consideration had been given to converting the fireplaces to gas? Greg Amsden said the 10'high proposed skylight, asshown on the drawing, gives him noid.ea wnai tne building will look lik; when it is Oon'e, since the drawing does not show the rest of the building. Mike Schult said the drawing is in two sections. He explained the renderings and showed the proposed conference room.-He explained that the skylight would come close to the existing roof. Thd one on the right and the one over the pool area will be visible lrom the road. Greg Amsden said he couldn't see the entire elevation of the existing buildings. He didn't however, have any problem with the restriping. Galen Aasland stated that he was in favor of the conlerence room. He said the applicant would have to turn the storage back into parking to be consistent with other applications.. Galen a]so thought the drawings were inconsistent. He stated that handicapped spaces should be added. Diane Golden said the applicant would have to convert the storage space back into parking. She was however, afraid thai once approved, the applicant could move his storage back in there. Henry Pratt said he had no problem with the conversion of the space. He was not in favor of parkihg at the entryway. He said the applicant would need to restripe the garage and convert the btorag6 back to part<in!. Henry was uncomfortable with the architecture's mass and bulk. He suggested that the applicant take another shot at it. Greg Moffet agreed with Diane and reminded the applicant to ask permission, not forgiveness. Gre[ was in livor of inside striping, with no parking in front. With the elevations received, it was hard to try and figure out what the skylight wiykd look like Jrom the street. Greg was in agreement with Galen and Henry's comments. This raised the question as to whether to table or deny the request, Henry Pratt asked il this was tabled, would that give the applicant a chance to formally ask for parking spaces? Planning and Environmental Cornrnission October 28. 1996 4 o , FILEOC. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t3V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 October 30. 1996 De par nne nt of Co mrnuniry Deve lopm e nt Stan Copc Lodge Tower Condom inium Association 200 VailRoad Vail. Colorado 81657 RE: Thc common arca variancc and sitc covcragc variancc at thc Lodgc Towcr Building, locatcd at 200 Vail Road/part o[ Lots A,B & C. Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing. Dcar Mr. Copc: Thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission, at thcir Octobcr 28, 1996 mccting, approvcd your rcqucst for a common arca variancc and a sitc covcragc variancc, in ordcr to construct a ncw common arca on this sitc. Thc proposal includcs two phascs. Phasc I is thc intcrior parking garagc convcrsion, which includcs 162 squarc fcct and Phasc ll is thc common arca hallway cxtcnsion on thc cxtcrior ofthc building. which includcs 86 squarc fcct. Thc approval carricd with it thc following condition: I . That thc applicant shall pay $ I 6,333.38 to thc Town's parking fund for thc climination of onc parking spacc on-sitc, prior to obtaining a building pcrmit for the building addition. If thc fcc is paid aftcr January l, 1997, thc fcc will bc incrcascd in accordancc with Chapter 18.52 of thc Zoning Codc. If you wish to procccd with thc parking structure interior addition, plcase fcel frcc to apply for a building permit for that work immediately. Howevcr, if you plan to obtain an approval for the exterior components of the building, you will need to obtain a minor exterior alteration approval and a design review approval for that work. Plcasc submit both applications in order to obtain approval for the cxtcrior components of this proposal. Ifyou have any questions, pleasc fccl free to call me dircctly at479-2148. Thank you for your patience in the process. bU'il,*/. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planner DFlWjr tgo*uo'ut* IIIIIIf*lo-Fl*-i I I I I I I I.lLt; l:rt- I \\A\\\ ..,\{(u d v!,P2rl , to 7- ti l\)'lL lo'u) t;-1,*;rl J b G J P \'F \ t"l t\q\ U 0 .J ^l!t" c\ 4'tr, ),\ j t.'fuJ..' b bil\i ${s |rl .z- 'tr lrt -;:4 ttr y rt I fh ,- T0: Planning and Envjronnenta'l Commission i FR0M: Conmunity Development Department DATE: 0ctober 13, 1986 SUBJECT: A request for an exterior a'l teration'in order to add an enclosed entry to the Lodge South condominiums. APPLICANT: . Lodge South Condominium Association I. THE PROPOSAL In order to fac'i litate the development of 'l obby and adm'inistrative spaces, an enclosure of 83 square feet has been proposed by the Lodge South Condominium Association. The enclosure would allow for access to the new lobby area from the maih entrance to the bui1ding. Any proposal that adds or removes square footage to a building in Conrnercial Core I requ'ires review with respect to the Urban Design Guide Plan. This review process is jntended to insure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways, public greenways, and to insure continuation of the building's scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Vi1Iage. Specific review critenia incl ude the Urban Design Guide P'l an, the Urban Design Considerations, and zoning considerations. The following outlines this proposal with respect to these cri teria. II. COMPLIANCE l.lITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The Urban Design Guide Plan proposes a nunber of phys'i cal impnovements to Vail V'i llage. Referred to as sub-area concepts, these improvements are designed to reinforce the pedestrian network and the quality built environment of the Vil'lage. There are no sub-area concepts relative to this proposal . III COMPLIANCE I.IITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of comparing the proposal with these design consideratjons is to demonstrate how the new development strengthens or detracts from the overa'll intent of the Vail Village Urban Design Gujde P'lan. The Design Considerations incl ude: A. Pedestrianization B. Vehicular Penetration C. Street Enc'l osure D. Street Edge E. Euilding Height F. Views G . Servi ce and De] i very H. Sun/shade .\, IV. There are no direct impacts on any of these considerations resulting from the proposed deve'lopment. This is due to the re1 atively minor nature of the improvement proposed, as well as the 'l ocation of the Lodge South Condominiums. Located outside the Vi'l lage Core and off of any major pedestrian way, the criteria considered in the review of this deve'l opment are not applicable. Zoning considerations relative to this proiect include parking and site coverage. Two parking spaces would be removed from this site as a result of this development. As permitted by the Cormercial Core I zoning, cash payment to the parking fund wou'l d be made to compensate for this ioss. The proposed development does increase the amount of site coverage on this property. A variance is required for this aspect of the development and is covered by the attached memorandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommendation for this request is approval . It is felt that the add'ition wil'l have a positive effect on the structure, whi'l e having no adverse effects on VaiI Vi'l lage. v. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: APPLICANT: Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department October 13, .l986 A nequest for a variance from the site coverage_standards to allow ior an enclosed entry to the Lodge South Condominiums Lodge South Condominiun Association e I. .tl. The applicant has proposed a new entryway to facilitate access to lobby .na illii,inittrative arbas that are being added to the Lodge South donaominiums. Site coverage (the area of a site enclosed by a structure) ii iirit.a to 80% of a siti in Commercial Core I. The existing Lodge ioutfr Conaominium site'is 14,950 square feet. As a result of this proposal , site coverage wou'l i increase from 12,969 square_fe-et to 13'052 !qrli"-tr.i. This reiults in an increase from 86.6% to 87.2% site iJu.rig.. As these numbers demonstrate, the site is nonconforming at the pr.i"ni tir". Increasing this degree of nonconforming requires Planning li,rriliior ipprova]. Th; area in-question is a concrete walkway and the aevJj opment would result .i n no loss of landscaped materials. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS UDon review of Criteri Findinss. Sect'ion 18.61.060 of the Munici e fha r sted variance actors: Consideration of Factors: The relationshi of the ested r ance other existi otent'i al uses and struc ures In vicinit ree to ich re'lief from th 'l i teral nte tati orc nto a specified regulat eve t,e cini to atta As proposed, the additional development at the Lodge south condominiums ;;ri6-;;i-;dversely affect existing or potential uses and structures in its vicinity, It is important to consider that the property is deve] oped over its al'l owab'te site coverage at this tirne. The proposed development wou'ld increiie ttris situati|n by only .6% This in itse'lf does not create iust .iu..-ior grantjng this virianle. However, the-Lodge-South Condominiums were at on6 time i portion of the Lodge Properties' A subseguent III. subdivision of this property following the development of the Lodge South Condom'i niums resu'l ted in a nonconforming situation. It is fe] t that this subsequent subdivision has created a physical hardship thatjustifies the granting of this variance. The effect of the d variance on li ht and air di stri b opul ati on tra ub ic fac ti es None of the above elements are affected by this proposal . SUCH OTHER FACTORS AND CRITERIA AS THE COMMISSION DEEMS APPLICABLE TO THE PROPOSED VARIANCE. FINDINGS The Planninq and 'l Commi ion shall nak the fo nq t nqs ore qranE varl ance: That the granting of the variance wi1 I not constitute a grant of specia'l privilege incons'i stent wjth the limitations on other properties c] assified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal jnterpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficu1 ty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condit'ions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply general 1y to other propert'ies in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Staff recommends approval of this request. It is felt that the additional site coverage being added to the property does not create significant impacts and is not a gnant of specia'l privi'l ege when considering the subdivision of this property. IV. v. f .4. To,rr+t/ f loorr ?, q,S, FToort 2, ?y? tc+Fhtr Pt^rle-rf -J.9_ T.oi. I LqV+ t C**on aflsy-. {-(. z 1,6 20+ 2|. 4 - l,+qo$ v ? ) r- - b,uto $ S,L?o f,p = l,gtorfr,= A,oob# +oo {, Lo* e.ree( i 0,33''ll s1.Fr, lr'l,ss{C s?'{+" 7"rt Go^er allt.torl'- Lt q? tlf 4 aare- l-ovwr* orr^ olL*^n*t 351. o4 qllourll.e &BFzf,i' 4OT9,oo 4, w t ,!i oa ffi ffi -ODGE IIOVtrR 'I VAILVTLLAGE 0n Gan; P*', {lto u, PoHazt- f,c' ln. BtoortrrtLl /Yr L/ tr323 8e. Srro (),oor S,,t, C"^,.o -ODGE .ovtrR J VAILVILLAGE i tt€ l-7't VA,- CE /-oeea *r V*,- tr ' Go. Cr'"=* ilu 8/es7 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ol the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on October 28, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A request for a setback variance lor a bedroom addition and a garage addition, located at 2704 l-arkspur CourVLot 5, Block 3, Vail lntermountain. Applicant: craig MccullyPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request to amend Section 18.26.040 of the Vail Municipal Code to add "time-share estate units, lractional fee units and time share license units" as a conditional use in Commercial Core ll, located at 242 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract C, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc, represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for a common area variance and a site coverage variance to allow for the conversion ^ ot one interior parking space to common area, located at 200 Vail Road/Part of Lots A, B and C, lplock 5C, VailVillage 1st Filing. --TAFplicant: Lodge Tower Condominium Association, represented by Stan Cope' Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request lor a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Planner: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Dominic Mauriello A request for a sign variance to allow lor a freestanding sign tor a business in a multi-tenant buifding, located al292E. Meadow Drive/Mountain Haus. Applicant: Leslie and James GlendiningPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a sign variance to allow for a window sign greater than 25 feet above grade and to allow 0.94 square feet of sign area beyond what is allowed, located at Crossroads Shopping Center, 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot R, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Linda FriedPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional use permit to allow for the addition of conference space, located at 1100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn FritzlenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Y A reouest for a rezonino from General Use to Medium Density Multi-family, and a request for the esta6lishment of a Spe;ial Development District to allow lor the development of '18 EHU'S, tocateO on an unplatied parcel on b portion of Parcel A and part of Block D, Lionsridge Filing # 1 Applicants: Eagle River Water and Sanitation District, the U.S. Forest Service and the Town of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen A request for an exterior addition to a master bedroom and bathroom and addlg a 3rd floor' utilizihg the 250 Ordinance, located at 8028 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Appticants: Padraic Deighan and Birgit ToomePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A discussion item regarding vehicle storage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts. Planner: Dominic Mauriello iltililil1 The applications and information about the proposals are available lor public inspection during reguldroffice hours in the project planner's'office located at the Town of Vail Community Delelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. . i Sign language interprctation availabte upon request whh 24 hour notification. Please call 4792114 voice or 479'2956 -*" , .L TDD for intormation. i Community Development Depattmenl Published October 1 1, 1996 in the Vail Trail. i,i .. .;1,no Fir; fl i 7i t anh I t, .!,.,1 1i".,.1 e1o .rrr i I J\,!7e :t.t') ()(n,h!r'11,, leei, l.t{!c l."cr (irrl(rnini(rr A$',!irrr',r :l)() \'nillt.)rJ \ rrl, i ,n,trr(l., I li,5l l{ l. I1,. L,rnnur.n.r \i,,.!Lr Jn(l nrr !(^ rrJ!! t,'ri.|lr!e rr lhc hdgo To\!r ll!jLli!S. l,trJrr,l Jl :tx) \.',1 l{.,.(l n$r oi I nr. A,tl .\, C. lll,Jel 5( . \'r,l \ill.,!. l{ 1,1,,r.r 'l l^. l'1.r,r,,'r r l,'!\trn{,tr.or.,1(,,n,r,\n.n,..,r r[(i rr!n,5qr ]\, l()9n !n.cr,rg. rftr.^.J r,drf.l'tr\r 1,tr r L,itr,rr' r'{ !.nr_ntr. .!nl I i.t.,.,,Lr.rlf !x!:|lt. In d.Jtr h,.dx:uu,r r |r$ r,{rtrn,tr',tr..,, 'lr',vrr'l|.tr.tr^'lrr.l'hl..rs,'1h.,..' l,l'.^r I r\ rlr rdrrrn'. t.,rl!,i! !I.r!(!,rtrLr\hn,.\\htrlItrlrl.\l6rnt" rt.rrnn,ll,h.'nllhr[..,rsmnrrrrrnrll\rr t\r!rr\rnr,r,ll'f.\r!rr{,rl rl,flurl,l.n:.. $hr(ll ltrInl(\lir, srtr.'rr tirt ll'urpF*rt.rIk1l $ttl, rl tlrr l;,llNil! ur!l't;nl I l l,.n rl,r r 't,!r.r shrllt.lr l lr,,r l \.ls r,, rl,L l,\\ r: tr.(lirs ti,hJ titr rl'r (t(,'i,,, !{,.n ,trrfrr.rlx,q\l,,rr,i,ir. nrrrrr,,'1 .r,' r,t r r{,rl.l,rr Nnnrr li{ r|J h!,l.lLrl.xt,irii' ll llr(lr.r\|l,'nlrlrrrJ.x('u!l,l,l,),',rl l,r.\rllltr.rrLr,r!r,l rrrr,n(|.rtr.$rtl'(l'rl|.r ls al0l il,! /r,,,r,1 ( rrl,. lr t,r t!rn, l,' t,,,L.(11 \vnlr tl,, tirl|,$ nrNltr,. t\ r!{ x'l,l,tr'{r. t,l!r\e l!(l ti(! n, rt,til! 1,,' ., I'L,,hl,,rtt,f,,,,r l.n rl,rt \v,xl rn,,r{,l,.,tilt Inr\(\.r,rl'}iItlx,rl,','hl.'irrrlx ],,,\rl l,irltr .\'f,r,i .,{rt,,[a,r\,'r'r|c hqrl,l 11. r,rr trrll r$l t,',,l,l.riI I nrrr,r crr.rrtr irhuiri rt,t,r,(.rl rrnl r ,lL\,!,, rrvr$ rrrt',,!xl li' rl,.,r s.il l'1..,{ nntr,,,r liil, rt}pl,riri.n,{ ,r ,x.1., r,,,ntr.,,,, nt,tx,\,rl li( lh. r\lLri'tr ,ar'rlrrrlrt\ ol thr\ tr!,lh'\,rl llltnrl'.r\c,n,!(tN\r!{,\.t,l.in.li.llrf.l,,(.rlln,c,l,rrrtltitIT(l.ll ls lh.n'l},{,li{r,r,l t.nrrnL( rr lh( t'r',\.\\ Utl'LG*t" llutr.r! |: Ururljllo, AlCf DFM4r I *" t)ursrr*c L) AE s .-g - -F tr.-AUo r/. @ t I\5v fjLarrreRr APPNOI'ED BY TTG TOIIF{ ffVAIL Pt.|0ffrcAlowtmiFfntomFSnr STE b *rto^rc- I f[.tlqa r rErt V{". tt o " TOLJN OF VRiL COM-DEU APPLTCATION FOR PLANNTNG AND ENVIRONMENTAI, .; COMMISSTONAPPR'OVAL SBNNRAL INFORMATIQN This oppliootion is for uy projoct rcquiring sppfoval by thc Planning and EnvirbnrnonLnl Commission. Ior spwific infornution, rco thc rubmittrl rvquircmcnte fgrthe particular approvd tlat ls rquostod. Tho application can not bo ficccptcd until atl roquircd information is subrnlre& Thc proJoot may aho nood to be rsviervcd by thc Touat Council and/or lhc Dasigr Rwiow Board" A, TYPE, OF APPLICATION:tr Adtlitionat CRFA (250) El l3cd and Brca|rf!.rlfl Conditionel Ues Psmitg Majuor trMinorSubdiviuion ' sEP 17'96 16:06 N0.009 P.02 ""a"*il) Cstl thc Planning starrat 47e-2138 tr Amondmmt to an Apprpvod Dovclopmort Plan tr Employoo Housing Unit Cfypc: -.- -)O Mqjor or b Minor CCt Extcrior Altcntion (VsllVlllage) tr Major or C! Minor CCil Extcrior Altrration (Llonshod) Spooial DiWolopmont Di.gtsiot Mqlor u El Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD B,DESCTRIPTION OF Ttts REQUBST;(oA;v2vlq- g*r. ( t)NG S/, tr ltczoningtr Sinn Varlence ! viiancc- tr Zoning Codo Amcndmcnt /r> Ltt6645c- c.I,OCAT'ION OI? PROPOSAL: ADDRESST_ 2og',_ U,+U- ZONINO:D. u. F'. c. NAME OT OWNER(S);oC rrfr7 MAILING t176 - owNER(S) STGNATTJRE($): NAM I] OP REPRESENTATTVE; PHONE: H. trEH - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUJnEMENTS FOR THEAfPROP|UATE FBE, SUDITIIT THIS APPLICATION, AL[. EUBMITTAL nEQUIBXMENTS ANII TIIE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OT COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH F'RONTAGE ROAD, MAILINOADDRBSS; vArhcoLoMDo tt637. Rovinod 64r(r n DLO GE TO\MER IN VAIL VILLAGE To: Department of Community Development, Town of Vail From: Stan Cope, Managing Agent Date: September 19, 1996 Re: Application for a variance for common area and parking The Lodge Tower Condominium Association is requesting a varianse to add 248 sq. ft. of common area to the building. The space will be within the cunert foot print of the building in the covered parking area. We will need to eliminate one parking space in this area. The plan is to enclose the parking space this Fall but not make any exterior changes in this phase. The wall to the outside of the building is already in place so there is no visual impact The area to be enclosed in this phase is 162 Sq. ft. The additional 86 sq. ft. would be added in the Spring of 1997 after an exlerior alteration was approved by the Town. Our goal is to completely re-model the front entrance and arrival area of our building. The purpose ofthe addition is to provide additional storage for our guests' luggage and skis as well as for our guest service staff. We feel we need this space to provide the level of service our guests expect of a fine lodging facility We also wish to free up space in our lobby which gets very congested at certain times. The Lodge Tower has 2l two bedroom and 2l three bedroom condominiums. Currently, we have 3l parking spaces under the building and 24 spaces outside for a total of 55 spaces. While we realize we are eliminating a parking space, most of our guests arrive by van and parking has not been a problem for us. During our busiest times, our guest service staffis available to valet park any additional cars. As everyone knows, the Lodge Tower is not even remotely within any density requirements of the Town's current zoning guidelines ( the building sits on l/3 of an acre). The request for additional space does not add any additional site coverage or mass to the building. I believe the request is consistent with the common service areas of other full service lodging facilities in Vail. The storage area.and access corridor will allow us to provide a higher quality of service to our guests which has recently become a primary goal for the Town of Vail. I believe the trade offis good for everyone. The accompanying drawings show the initial addition in yellow hash marks and the Spring, 1997 addition in red hash marks. \ \lL r i\l r)li\i \ , .toi; I'llrr\t-_ .); !' l;6 !);iJ F.A,\ ,);t l;(, -la,) j sEp-19-1996 63: Z?Fr"r FROt't A-ICEo [II IIiVAI To: Depannent ofComnnrnity Developmcnt, Town ofVail From: Alicc Snavcly, Presideut D&te; Scptcmb?r 19, 1996 Rc: Applicaion for a verirnce to corunon area aad parking for the Lo{ge Towcr The Board ofthe Lodge Tower has apptwed ths filing ofu appllcitio! to the Town of Vail for a vuiance to add 24t sq. fl. ofcomoon spacc to our building Thc space will be used for additiooal sroragc for our guests' Iuggago and skis as rell as for our gucst .cenice staf. The Board frels tlis additiorr is noccsrary ifthe Lodge Tower is to prolide thc level ofs€rvice our gu*ts sKpect ofus, We rerlize that a parking space in our covered uea rvill bc lost and that this may requira an additional fec. S}.IFT-ELY UtJ G L TO 797a4?64993 P.Alo T0lilm VIITACI :l-c li \;6._l L AoAt) \AiL CllnP-\lx.) 81657 FHOI(E 9i0 1?6 ttro TOTAi- P. A1 \a /nK \|A,il_ c.oLOR{i[ sl6i7 I'lloNE e 7r1 +7() ottil LODGE TO\ATER To: Department of Community Development, Town of Vail From: Alice Snavely, President Date: Septernber 19, 1996 Re: Application for a variance to common area and parking for the Lodge Tower The Board of the Lodge Tower has approved the filing of an application to the Town of Vail for a variance to add 248 sq. ft. of common space to our building. The space will be used for additional storage for our guests' luggage and skis as well as for our guest service staff. The Board feels this addition is necessary if the Lodge Tower is to provide the level of service our guests expect of us. We realize that a parking space in our covered area will be lost and that this may require an additional fee. I \.ra VAiL RL)At) IN VAIL VTLLAGE F.{X 970 476 4t-r9} i-r-, ,. i ,r,* I t,, a,'',],1 'r,tl:,. ,:"- 'i i 1 ;rr,r1r- -lrll"ifr' 'l' ::i' ' ,.,i,.,''f,, i i' '-1 ':::i : I t'er* F; i d i 1 ir'lr.Jfil'i,f 1 I' !J -1'dl:1 ,,i:!;1: .;itr.r :',,ii.ti.1i{r:j Fl lill' Ii:: :'-'- j Hrnaunt Paid 1:111. i'r E. gEl il!-r,rl-:''iE r'r' 1r-t t- ti*'l ' THtrttlt{ L.tfJU i'rr:'r'ir L3::'!-tiPl l-':EFtTHfl t, TOWNOFVAIL n^^,.-k!-Q !DEPART'1\IEI\.TOFCo}I}IUI\-*TTYDEl-ELoPItENT'R &soc- o^rt /ADDRESS ACC()UNTNO. A1 2-----2,fu DLE TO TO\TN OF VAIL =-aaitr:r-Ei^L 0t 0000 424r2 STUDIES 0 | 0000 42.{ l2 I-OVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM st.000r 0()00 42i7r P ENA LTY F EES /REJNTreTIO 0l oo00 4 |]l2 pLnN REVTEw Rfi-cilticK FEE [s40 pER ilR.l0t 0000 42332 o Fr I tou Rs I N s FlieTiON--EES--_0l 0000 4lrl l2 CONTRACTORS LICI]NSES TEES SIbN N PI'LICN I ION FLI:s20.00t4ln LID|l-roNn L stcNncE FEE [st.00 pER sa.FRvlL n l(l l'l(()Jl:C'l |)ONAIION l'Kti l'n llJ l)l:51(tN lUrVlLW BOARD FEli INVESTIcn TION Flil: (tsUlLDlNG TOV PARKINC FUND I-OV NIJWSPN PI:R DISPENSER FUND r /\xAnLt (a) 4 . >-/. ( STATE ). UI UT'UU 'IIUIU I n,\ArrLr, @) 4 . 02. {TQIN_)ul lruuuclj/t JN IION OTlll:R 0t 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFN "250"s200.00 =l 0t 0000 4 |]30 CONDI'IIONAL USE PERMIT s200.003ul (ru00 4t3t0 ExrERroR ALTERADqN [LESS THAN IooSeFTT-s200.00ot ooo04l330 EXIERIOR ALTERATION [MORE TIIAN IOO SQJT]-s500.oo0t 0000 4ljio spECrA L D EVE LOpr4 E N T qt STqIT--[NE-WJ-51.)u0.000l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELW 5l,000.00ul u)00 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRIET_IMIIIOR-ANiEND s200.00iil0l 0000 41i30 SUBDIVISION ;q 0l oo00 41330 VARIANCE sz50.o00l 0000 4t330 ZONINGCODEffi s250.000I uo00 4lti0 RE - ZONING $200.00utlttsK L' I tl El(a GASE t I cr.r t{.oLJ TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 Octobcr 30, 1996 Stan Copc Lodge Towcr Condominium Association 200 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 D eparune nt of C onnnunity D eve lopme nt RE: Thc cornmon area variancc and sitc covcragc variancc at thc Lodgc Tower Building, locatcd at 200 Vail Road/parl of Lots A,B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village I st Filing. Dear Mr. Cope : Thc Planning and Environmental Commission, at their Octobcr 28, 1996 mecting, approved your rcquest for a common area variancc and a site covcragc variancc, in ordcr to construct a nclv common arca on this sitc. The proposal includes two phascs. Phase I is thc intcrior parking garagc convcrsion. which includcs 162 squarc fcct and Phasc II is the common area hallway extension on thc extcrior ofthc building, which includcs 86 squarc fcet. The approval carricd with it the following condition: I . That thc applicant shall pay $ 16,333.38 to the Town's parking fund for thc elimination of one parking space on-site, prior to obtaining a building pcrmit for the building addition. If thc fcc is paid after January |, 1997, thc fec will be increased in accordance with Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Codc. If you wish to procccd with the parking structurc interior addition, plcase fecl frce to apply for a building perrrrit for that work immediately. Howcvcr, if you plan to obtain an approval for the exterior components of the building, you will need to obtain a minor exterior alteration approval and a design revierv approval for that work. Please submit both applications in order to obtain approval for the exterior components ofthis proposal. Ifyou have any questions, please feel free to call me dircctly at479-2148. Thank you for your patiencc in thc process. bU'tL.r,k Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planncr DFlWjr {,7 *u"'"tto '*'* Q^,'J 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 October 30,1996 Departnent of Community Development Stan Cope Lodgc Tower Condominium Association 200 Vail Road Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The common arca variancc and sitc covcragc variancc at thq Lodgc Tower Building, located at 200 Vail Road/part of Lots A.B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village I st Filine. Dear Mr. Cope: The Planning and Environmental Commission, at their October 28, 1996 meeting, approved your request for a common area variance and a site coveragc variance, in order to construct a new common area on this site. The proposal includes two phascs. Phase I is the interior parking garage conversion, which includcs 162 square feet and Phase II is the common area hallway extension on the exterior of the building, which includes 86 squarc fcet. The approval carried with it the following condition: I . That thc applicant shall pay $ I 6,333.38 to the Town's parking ftrnd for the elimination of one parking space on-site, prior to obtaining a building permit for the building addition. If the fee is paid after January 1,1997, the fee will be incrcased in accordance with Chapter 18.52 of the Zoning Code. lf you wish to proceed with the parking structurc interior addition, please feel free to apply for a buildi'-rg perrrrit for that work immediaiely. Howevcr, if you plan to obtain an approval for the exterior components of the building, you will need to obtain a minor exterior alteration approval and a design review approval for that work. Please submit both applications in order to obtain approval for the exterior components ofthis proposal. If you have any questions, pleasc fcel free to call me directly at 479-2148. Thank you for your patience in the process. Sirrccrelv- t ., tJdt(odtq Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Town Planncr DFtv{/jr {S *""r"uo ru"* ::. :) l:.. l:1' ': ir: i, j YOr-IJ:fioi f/ roo rr)s-9 f^ t{) \a J dto co ru o{ F fr = 'RBSEE du8 6EE 3Ed JI-s5i aD COo tr' .1'.- fio{ ruo.- [nottt Joo I0V-C0lr4lr4, DEV, DEpt \ 1k$ \ it '' f,,'' ' !-"''r,.i.....i itr,'o' l:i:i.l!l'.Iti, 'i.;';':" t,,:: L:r ,- t ii::lIr" l i"'a it i Fr:.-'::i k':r)::'l'i:.:' |[r:r'i1 !i ;i; i(i,-z t'..o !',FI(1. Ct i'.r '.O r"-.n f "O i,:.(i... L:oa 1,.,lrl i3.O ,r.F; trl F.o:ctO F.rt-, oEc 3 0 19S J S rt o ? \l e{ =r< \-. aEeg I =FHgN, Fo 5 I H\$ \b We> FH .< gE Act ivity: 897-OO3l 7 /3t/97 Addressz ?00 aJAILi RD Locationr LODEE T0WER S{IUTH Type: A-MF Farce I : elErl-b8e.-e4-0]aaDescniption: REROOOF TJITH LIKE' *1 HEAVY Appl icant : FLATH CUNSTRUCTION Ownenr LODGE S0UTHContraetorr trLATH CONSTRUCTION StatuE r ISSUED tronEtrr AMF Use: I FROcc r SHAKES ELASS Phone: Fhone: Fhone: rB'' 3143949 1945 476-4493 303949 1945 f lnspict i on Reqr-rest Inf ot'mat i on.,.Requestor: STEVE- Req Ti me : Comments: Items r.eqr-rested to be Inspected... OOOgra BLD6-Final Fhone r 949-l9tDE t i on ,Comnent sYuct/ ,-,4^Exp I--------f Inspect i on History..... Item: O@tZtSO BLDG-Framing Item : |arZroTo B-LD6-Misc. Item r tZt[tO9Et BLDG-Fina1 t(( '-**irf*o*'",, ,..-, :,.. -{ TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TOWER SOUTH 2I0L-082-24-000 .00 .m #1 R1I TotaI Calcutated Fees---> Additionat f ees--------->.0O lotal Permit Fee--------) 500.00 Payments------- I ,7tO.2O .00 1 ,T7O.2O 1 ,770.20 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on ***ir***f,f,r*rt*ffi*,r*irrrffi,o'r*ffi******ll]ll*lili;;;;;i********li]ll;il*******fflllfl*lll*;;;;;;;;;;i"*.---.*#**- Item: ,O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division:03/25/1997 CHARLTE Action: ApFn CHARLTE DAViSIte!:'.05400-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: pLANNING Division:03/25/L997 CHARI.,IE ACTiONJ APFN PER DIRK MIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPART\,IENT Dept: FIRE Division:03/25/L997 CHARLIE Ac.ion. APPR N/AItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:03/25/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A ft ffi**ffiffiffi *ffi ffi ffi ***r"rht**ffi **ffi ffi** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions t,hat may apply to this permit. I. hcreby .acknow Ledge that I have read_this apptication, fitted out in futl. the infornation required, compteted !nptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to compty riith tire informationto comPty Hith att Toun o.dinanccs -and state taws, and to buiLd this structufe according to'the Town,s zoning and DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY D PMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT permit *: 897-0031 o EVEI,,,O APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCT]ON DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 OWNER I-,ODGE SOUTH AMERICAN PERSONAL PROP, STAN COPE Descriotion: REROOOF WITH LIKE, Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation:Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace Information: Restri cted:#0f Gas App L iances:flof Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pa I tet: ***ffif,****ffi*irtffif,ffilti*lt*ffi*ffiffi***** FEE SUl,ll{ARY *f,f***t**kttffi*i**ffiffitffffitriffi****** Bui tdi ng----->76E. @ Rcstuafant Plan Revi ew--> P l,an Check---> 499.20 DRB Investi g!t i on> Hi Ll, cal. t----> 106,023 .00 Recrcation Fer---------) 3.00 CLean-Up Deposit--------> DECLARATIONS HEAVY SHAKES CLASS "B' Multi-FamilyFR Type I Fire-Resistive Status...: ISSUEDRpplied..: 03/25/L997Issued...: 03/25/L997Expires..: 09/21/L997 Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 476-4093 REauEsrs FoR rNspEcrloNs SHALL BE rADE TIENTv-FouR HouRs It{ ADvANcE/By 479-2138 oR AT^uR oFFIcE FRoll SeM Cteen-Up Deposit To: PLATH CoNSTRUCTION OR CONTRACTOR FOR AND O}INER ******************************************************************************** Permit #: 897-0031 CONDITIONS as of 04/30/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMITApplicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION 303949190s Applied: 03/2s/L997 Iseued: 03/25/1997 To Expire: 09/2t/!997 Job Addrese:Location: LODGE TOWER SOUTHParcel No: 2101-082-24-000 Description: REROOOF WrrH LrKE, #1 HEAVY SHAKES CLASS .B' Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEITINGSTAND FTOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE lt!,ATERIAt.3. FIRE DEPART}IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.4. ALL WORK MUST ABIDE BY 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 * ******** * *** *** * ** *******Q** ****** *** * * * ** *********(l* ******* TOIIIN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0267 Amount: 1,770.2O 04/30/97 13:53 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19315 Init: CD **************************************************************** Permit No: ParceL No:Site Address: Location: Thie Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4t332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41335 897-0031 Type: A-MF 2101-082-24-000 2OO VAII-, RD LODGE TOWER SOUTH ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER I,770.20 7,77O.20 .00 Amount 768.00 499.20 s00.00 3 .00 Total Fees:L,770.20 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Deecription BUII,DING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE ""8:'#-,Qr. DEPARTI''ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ADD/ALT MF BUILD BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMIT Pernit #: 897-0031 Job Address:Location...: Parcel No..:Project No.: 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TOWER SOUTH 2I0L-082-24-000 SHAKES CLASS "8" Multi-Farnily Type I Fire-Reeistive Status. . . App1ied. . Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 03 /25 /Lee7 03 /25 /tee7 0e /2r/Lee7 APPLICANT PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 8L620OWNER LODGE SOUTH AMERICAN PERSONAL PROP, STAN COPE Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 Phonez 476-4093 Description: REROOOF WrTH LrKE, #1 HEAVY Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: I FR Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireptace Intorration: Restrict.d: L06,023 #0f cas Apptiances:fof Gas Logs:#Of Uood/Pal. tct: 'w**ffi**'f,fiffi*****ffi FEE SUllllARy768.m Restuarant Ptan Revi ev-->499.?0 DRB FeF------ Add Sq Ft: .00 Tota I catcutated Fees-) 1,-nO.?O.m Additiona[ Bui tding-----) PLan chrck--->hvestigation> .m Recreation F!c------> .m TotaL pernit FcF-----> 1,T7o.zotlit|'ca|'|'---->5.@c[ean-upDeposit-------->500.00Payments-----------=---_> TOTAL FEES---- ffi*iff*ti*tr**H*ffi1** Ile,Iri .951q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDTNG Division:03/25/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt€.n:'.05400_PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:o3/25/L997 CHAR]_,rE A-tiona epFR pen DrRK MIte{r!"95600-EIRE DEPARTUENT Depr: FrRE Division:9?/25/L29_7-CH4BI,IE Aq:tion: AppR N/A _--. __-__- _____ _:Ite.qri'.955Q0_PqELIc WORKS Depr: pUB woRK Divj_sion:03/25/L997 CHARLTE ection: AppR N/A see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIOT{S I. hereby _acknovtedgc that I havc rcad this apptication, fiLLed out in ful,L thc inforration requi red, co?l,eted rn accunatc ptotptan, and st.te that at[ the inforration providcd as pequired. i.s coprect. t agree to corpty rii ttr tire inforratim end ptot iLan,to.corPl'y vith al'l' Tovn ordinancca -rnd state. [rHs, lnd to buiLd this structure according iothc Tom's zoning and suMivisioncodcs, dcsign revia, aPprovcd, Uniforr 8uiLding codc and othlr ordinances of the torm aFpticable therGto. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOT{E AT 47}213E OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}| 8:OO A[ 5:q) px 1, Scnd Ctarn-Up Dcposit To: PL TH CoN{STRUCIIoN ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0031 ae of 03/25/97 Staru6: AppROVED******************************************************************************** pernit Ttt)e: ADD/ALT MF BurrD PERMTT Apptied: O3/zs/t997Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Issued: 03/25/L9973o394e1eos To Expire. o9/2L/L997 Job Address:Location: LODGE TOVIER SOUTHParcel No: 2101-082-24-000 Description: REROOOF WITH LIKE, #1 TIEAVY SHAKES CLASS "B' Conditions:1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRSD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATTONS rN WA!LS,CErr.,,rNGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEATED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAIJ.3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI., IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.4. AI,L }IORK MUST ABIDE BY 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 U:rL* l++ao/-{ tu[Jr'r uf AddresEs VHTL LIJI'I-ULV lu: uU5-4/9-'14J2 i)Lf ./ Yr-l 1U :4b r{o . uub l' . uI PE,ruIT ffffi/t e4c'urf)wn oF vArL cousrruflU PENUIT AFPIICATTOil tr'ilI nms:,9,/&,</?7 BIock. a+#Vn APPLf,Cf,llXO}f IIUB!! BE III,I,ED @[ OdIPI.EIEI,I OR I[ IIII IIOID BB ACCEDTED ]**rt*r*a*.tt*r**rr*r*.rl*r rrt pEmtlf Il|FOnilATION irtt*ttl*tt**t*fiat*******r*r 7tr t l-Bulfdlng t l-Plurblng I J-Electrl.cal I l-Ueobtrnt'cal I J-ot'her ilob Narer itob lddreEs; flf ^ llrnber and llrpe of Flreplatresr cas Alrpllancar_ cas lrogs_ wood,/Pellet_ ^lt*******i***.r*****t********* rt**t VAII'AIfOI|S t*****t***********t***tt**lt****l tl nYurr,ornc t t.lQl- AA,3,O DLtsrBrcrEB !- orHERs r- - ElrtuBrNcf ffi utcnrrrctrrrl.J]..lX rrortrr: WPL,ttUBfNcl I l a t at ** * a a**a *** IEeneral Coqtraat . * *. GOlf:IIUlnrt'|Q JNFORIII|TTON . *r * r * r * * * **. r* * * i rr r}r f |.f fr r7 " +l#ry;@-",,, Ipyl_.: ylll R99r .Y.ry48 Nahgs lcohltcctr Ph. General tlssorlptlont llork Clarrs I J-tfet I l-llteratlon I l-lddltlonal I l-Repel.r I J-Otheq Nurubar of DwBIIIDg Unlter Nunber of tocomnodatlon Units: t I TlOTlIts AddrerEs(J)t-t-.-t-.2''592-lr> Rq7- a,631 Phone Nuaberr Electrl-cal contractor! _--- llown of ValI Reg. NO...- Phone Nuuber!AddreBB! PluDblng gontractorr t'leshunlcal Cqntractor : AddEaEF: Toltn of vall Reg. No. Phone lfumber: Tofln of vall Reg. l|o. Phone lfirnber: *lrt **t r*tit*rl*t**.* rt** *tt rrtaf fOB oFFICB US8 *r.rrirrr**fr**r****rr*rrr****l BUTIDING PENHIE FEET PU'TIBINO PEBIIIT FTBI UECIIAIfICAL PERUIT mg! EI.EdIRTCIIT FEE! OTIIER TYPE OF FEE! DRB FEE3 EUIIflTNG PI,ITI CIIECK FEES EH'UBTI|O DI.IIN CIIECK FSEI UECHA}TIC,AIJ PIAI| CTIBCK FEE: RICREATTON F8B3 CI.EAN-UP DEPOSTSS AOTAD PERIIIT rEBS3 EOIII'INC' SIGNATUNB: EONINC: SI€ilTIIIRB! !11 Addrergl Colnsntat ilf if;,!!:;,:i,:,'!llrfif ,,t!& tlAn 2 5 CLEAf, IP i(jV . C()lviM. o LODGE TO\A/ER IN VAIL VTLLAGE Ms. Pam Wamer Plath Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 5920 Avon, CO 81620 March 6,1997 Dear Pam, This letter is confirm our discussion on Feb. 28ft. We agreed to use the heavy duty 24", Class'8" shake with a 10" reveal. The total costs of the roof will be: Initial contract Initid credit for heavy shakes Additional credit for heavy shakes Snow fence on north side of building TOTAL $102,271.00($ 4,450.00)(s 3,095.00) $ I1.297.00 $ 106,023.00 Any necessary carpentry to replace damaged wood will be done at cost plus l0%. We are anticipating a start date of April 21,1997, weather permitting. Sincerely, ./, .,4lL%- Stan Cope Managing Agent Lodge Tower Association 2OO VAIL ROAt) VAIL COLORATX) 81657 l'l l()Nli 970 47(r . 95 i0 FAX 970 4?6 4091 o Page2 of 4 X'ebruary 19,1997 Field File Revised 3/25197 Roofrng Specification for The Lodge Tower L TEAROFF/MISCELLANEouS: ll Tear offexisting shake roofing and remove all debris from the site. Plath Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible and practical during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of Plath's work areas will be performed upon completion. Plath Construction will take all reasonable precautions to protect the interior of the building from water and weather. However, Plath Construction will not be held liable for any interior damage sustained from leaks caused by sudden and/or unforseen storms that occur during the tear offphase of this work. 2l The ridgevent and ridgevent flashing witl be left in place. This work wag done last summer and does not need to be replaced. 3l Inspect the plywood for water damage, and replace* as needed. * This work, drequired, will be an additional charge over and above the conlract price, and will be charged at the rate shohtn in the hid documcnts, "Reroofing Specifications" - Part 3, Parugraph 2. No additional charges will be incunedwithout prior notification of, and authorizptionfromthe owner. 4l Plath construction will provide all permits required by the Town of Vail Building Department. tr. DRY-IN/SHAIGS/X.LASHNG: l] Install "Jifri Seal" Ice and Water Guard by Protecto Wrap with a double ply at areas from the eave to 6' up slope from the exterior walls. At all remaining area's, install the membrane with 12" side and end laps. Install materials according to manufacturers' specifications. Extend membrane up walls a minimum of 12" at roof-to-wall junctures- Use mastic as needed. 2l Install #1, Class "B" heavy cedar shakes (24" shake*), laid with a 7.5" o<posure, with laced I 8", # 30 felt each course. Use starter and hip-and-ridge shingles as needed. The hip-and-ridge shingle will also be laid with a 7.5" exposure. 3] Install 26 gage prefinished (Vail Bronze) flashings as needed, including a24" valley, step, and endwall flashing. Install 26 gage prefinished drip edge flashing at the eaves and rakes. 4l Ltstall snow fence at the eaves of the north side of the building as per Wayne Whitaker. All pricing for this option is based on design and an attachment system as specified in the attached details #l and#2. The pricing for tlds option is contingent upon Wayne Whitaker's approval of the structural integrity of fte bracket design and attachment system. All snow fence pipe and brackets will be painted to match the existing trim. Exclusions and Qualifi cations: ll Added costs for working under adverse winter conditions is excluded from the base bid. All pricing tssumes that all work will be scheduled and competed during spring conditions. 2l Miscellaneous flashing not associated with the roof system is excluded from this proposal. 3l Gutter and downspout is excluded from this proposal. 4]The existing counterflashings at rooflwall junctures are to be re-used as per Wayne Whiaker. Page 3 of4 5l Our bid includes replacing all plumbing pipe vent flashing as specified. We have included flashings at all pipe penetrations 4" in diameter or less. Ttr. GtNEnu,Noms: ll Please be advised that materials for this proposal have been bid at cunent market prices. Due to volatility ofthe market, material priccs cannot be guaranteed past 30 days. ** Please take note that a illetter of intent" received by Plath Construction, Inc. within the 30-day period will allow us to filock inil current material prices even if actual purchases are made several months later. 2l Cedar shakes for this proposal have been bid at the current market prices shown below. Due to the extreme volatility of the cedar market, price changes prior to the acceptance of this proposal will require renegotiation ofthe contract price, to reflect any such changes. ll tt3tt shakes,24rr lengths, medium thickness: $ 155.00 per square 2l tt3il shakes, lE" lengthsn medium thickness: $ 130.00 per square 3] tt3tt shakesr 24il lengths, heavy thiclmess: $ f 80.49 per square 4l tt3tt shakes, lE" lengths, heavy thickness: S 140.62 per square 3l Plath Construction canies property damage liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00 per occurrence. Plath Construction caries auto insurance in the amount of $2,000,000.00. Plath Construction carries appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorado State Compensation. No further insurance coverage is included in our price, and if required, the additional cost will be added to the contract price. 4l Upon receipt of the contract prioe, Plath Construction will issue a warranty certificate guaranteeing roofing against leaks due to flaws in workmanship for a period of two years from the date of roofing completion. Leaks qualifing under the terms of said warranty will be repaired promptly at no cost to the owner. This warranty does not cover any subsequent interior damage that may occur. 5l A forklift and crane have been figured for the loading and unloading ofthe roofing materials and a trash chute has been figured for the removal of debris from the roof. A staging area will be required for setup of these items at the ground level. Barriers and overhead work signs will be posted as per OSIIA regulations. 6l All safety requirements will coordinated on the jobsite by the job supervisor according to OSHA guidelines and tlte revised OSHA fall protection safety code. The use of perimeter warning lines is not adequate on a pitched roof application under OSHA's revised guidelines (OSIIA instruction STD 3.1) effective 2/96. Nl personnel on the roof will be using fall restraint ropes and lanyards at all times. A job site inspection will be performed prior to the commencement of any work to establish safety procedure. 7] Pricing in this document is oontingent upon verification of field measurements as soon as the winter snow loads are gone t Page 4 of4 ,/4'Steet Brqcket P 48' o,c, mo x, I 1',-^|', Il'"1 Notes 1, Brockets to be constructed fron l/4' steel ptote. 2, Br^ockets to be 48' o,c, n'rox, 3. Pipe to be 2' o.d, structurol pipe' 4, Point q[[ exoosed notenlol to rrotch existing tr-im, 5. Log into roFters using 4 eo. l/?" x 7 setf topplng togs per brocket. Hotes fo l/?' Dio, Bott s t/?' il Plath Construction. Inc. SPECIFICATIDNS Snow Fence Detolt S2 / Volt Lodge Tower DV6 tO, / FILE NANE vtodgea oo"?/rr/97 F,ar.cel : E1€rl-OBE-e4-AA6 Descniption: REFLACE ROOF IENTApplicant : trLATH CONSTRUCT:ION Owner'! LODGE TOWER Occ: . User II FR trhone:3O3949 19OS Fhone: Contnactor: FLATH CONSTRUCTION F'hone: 34J949 19AE------;--- Inspect i on Reqt-test Inf ot'mat i on. . . Requestor': STEVE Req Ti me : Comments: TWO Items nequested to be Inspected.. A@344 BLDG-Final C./O Phone: 949-19OS FINALS ON THIS PROJECT . Act ion Comments y'S-T'ima Exp . Iten: OEIOlO BLpG-Footinqs,/5tee1 Item: {rooEo BLDG-Foundat ion/5teeI .: Iten: OO5fltA ,FLAN-ILC Site trlan -.Iten: A00:lfi BLDG-Framing -.- --+'sF:r, wryq?t Item; ffiO4O #r* Not On Fildn * * ' ttemr o€ro5o ffid6-t"sr.rJat ion Itern: @O6Et BLDG-Sheetrock Npi I Iten: O@08O * * Not On.File * * Item: q$07A BLDG-Misc. I t e'm : OOO9O BLDG-F i na I I t em': rl@53rZr BLDB-Tem p. tr/A Item r .O0331- FIRFTEIIIP. C/O I t em r.-orzr5,5d pw-temp. c/o .Iteh: 00533 FLAN*TEIYIF. C/O Iteil: ErG537 FLAN-FINRL C/OIteA Oras3s FIRE-FINAL c/A It6m: 0ra539 Pt^l-FINAL C/uIten: O654O BLDG-Final C/0 I n -,iJ' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER ADD/ALT MF BUII-,D BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Permit #t F.96-0293 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST TIMES Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO I-,ODGE TOWER 2OO VA]L RD LODGE TOWER 2101-082-24-000 8162 0 81620 Multi-Family Type II Fire Resistive Phone : 3 0 3 9 4 9 19 0 5 Phone: 3039491905 fof t,ood/Pa L l.et: 39't.75 Total, Permit Fee--------> Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . ISSUED oe /25/ree6 os /25 /Lee 6B/24/ree7 Description: REPLACE ROOF VENT Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: fI FR Type Occupancy: Valuation: L2, Fi reptace Intormation: Rest ri cted: 975 fof Gas App I i ances: Add Sq Ft: #of Gas Logs: .00 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> **r(*******************************************t**t****r**** FEE SUlll,lARy ********************************************************** Bui Lding-----> PLan Check---> Investigat ion> l.l i Lt Cal,l,----) 175.00 113 .75 .00 5.00 Restuafant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> CLean-LJp Deposit--------> .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00 .00 100.00 391 .75 391 .75Paymen ItEm: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/25/1996 CHARLIE Act,ion: AppRIt,em:'.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT09/25/I996 CHARLIE Action: AppRrtem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9? /25/\e_2q^CUABIIE _ Asllon: AppR N/AIt'em:' .05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/2s/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: *************************r*ff***Jr**t***********i****************************************************************tr***ffi***rtr** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit DECLARATIONS I. hcrcby .acknoH ledge that I have read.this apptication, fiLl,cd out in futL the information rcqui red, compteted anptan, and state that atl the infonnation provided as required is corrcct. t agree to conpty riitn tit. ln?o"*ilon l:,::tpll^Yl!h-il! tull 9f!yn.g:;_ano stlte.taws,.and to buiLd this structure accordins io the rowl,s ioning anocodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinanccs of the REOUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANfE BY TELEPHONE accurate ptoi and ptot ptan, subdi vi si on Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: PLATH TURE OF app Ii cabte FOR HII.I **************************************************ltit**tt************************* CONDITIONSPermit *: 896-0293 ae of 04/30/97 Statue! rssUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/AIT MF BUrLD PERMIT Applied: o9/25/Lsg6Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION rbsued: O9-/ZS'/L9963039491905 To Expire | 03/24/L997 Job Address: L,ocation: LODGE TOWERParcel No: 2101-082-24-OOO Description: REPLACE ROOF VENT Conditions:1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ro$N oF VAIL, cotoRADo Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0267 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *19315 39t.75 04/30/97 13:53Init: cD 391.75 * * * * * * * * dr * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * !k Pernit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41335 896-0293 Type: A-MF 2101-0 82-24-000 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TOWER ADD/ALT MF BUII-,D PER 391. ?5 391 . 75 .00 Amount 1,75.00 113 . 75 100.00 3. 00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE rbwN op varr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OIINER Description: REPLACE ROOF NOTE: THIS PERMIT DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 896-0293 o DEVELO Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO LODGE TOWER VENT 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TOWER 2101,-082-24-0 0 0 8162 0 8l- 62 0 ISSUED oe /25 /tee6 oe /2s / ree 6 03 /24 / ree'l Status. . . App1ied.. Issued... Expi-res. . Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: fI FR Type Occupancy: VaLuation:. !2, Fi rep[ace Infornation: Rest ri cted: Multi-Fanily Type II Fire Resistive Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 fof 9ood/Pat tet: 975 #Of cas Apptiances: Add Sq Ft: flof Gas Logs: .00 Total catcutated Fees---> ***ffiffif**|t**tiffi*rwt*ffiffif,*ffild****t FEE SUI ARY rffi****ffi**ffiffiffi*********tf,**fH******** Bui Lding-----> Ptan Check---> Invest igat ion> tli l.L caLl,----> 175.00 113.75 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Deposit--------> Additional, Fees---------> Total. Permit Fee--------> Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Di-vision: .m .00 100.00 391 .75 .00 391 .75 391 .75 TOTAL FEES----.:t#*ffirrtt***ffrffiffinHr*****i**ffr*lr|t***tffiffi***********rHQffi0trurt**trir***f,*****ffiffirHr*ffi*ffi#ffi** ITem: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09 /25 /'J.996 CHARLIE Action: APPRITEm:' -O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT09/25/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIIEm:'.O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 9? /25 /I22A^CIABI,IE --As!ron: AppR N/AIte.m:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/2s/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A *s**f,f,*-fr**f,i*ffffir See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIOTIS l.hcreby _acknovtedgc that I have fead.this apptication, fitl,ed out in fuLl, the informltion requi red, conpteted anptan, and stEte that a[[ the information provided as requi red is correct. I agnee to conpty riitn tire iniormationto conpty vith att Tovn ordinances,and state taws, and to buiLd this structurc according io the fovp,s zoning andcodes, design revieu aPproved/ l,rniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the T_ovn aipl.icabLc REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE T}IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE accurate ptot and plot ptan, suHivision Send CLean-Up Deposit To: PLATH OUR OFFICE FRO}I *********************:l*************************************tl******************** CONDITIONSPernit *: 895-0293 as of 04/30/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** pennit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT applied: O9/25/tgg6Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION la6ued: 09/ZS/L9963039491905 To E:rpire. O3/24/L9e7 Job Addrese:Location: LODGE TOWERParcel No: 2101-082-24-000 Description: REPLACE ROOF VENT Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ************************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO * ** * * * !r * * * * * * ** * * *** * * * * *?* * * * * * * * * Statemnt**************************************************************** gtatemnt Number: REC-0267 Amount! 391.75 04/30/97 13:53 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *19315 Init: CD o*** 896-0293 Tlpe: A-MF 2LOL-082-24-OOO 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TO}IER Total Fees:Total AL,L Pnts: Balance: Description BUII-,DING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILt CAIJI.,' INSPECTION FEE 39L.75 **************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 39L.75 391.75 .00 Amount 175.00 113.75 100. 00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 81657 9"t 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REPLACE ROOF Job Address: Location. . . ! Parcel No..:Project No.: PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO PLATH CONSTRUCT]ON DRAWER 5920 | AVON CO LODGE TOWER VENT 2OO VAIL RD LODGE TOWER 2101-082-24-000 81620 81620 .00 1m.00 39',1 .75 #: 896-0293 Status...: APPROVEDAppIied..: oe/25/tge6Issued...: 09/25/L996 Expires. . : 03/24/1997 Phone: 3039491905 Phone: 3039491905 DEPARTMENT OF' 77 Rr,.ronprEO A-LS-17 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AIJL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMIT Pernit COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ^!6rnd 74 - fof t,ood/PaL tet: tt.tJr****trffiffi**'r|t*t*'t*'t|h|hffi*ffffitr*ffitffilt FEE SuilllARY ****ffiffi*****ffirH**ffi**ffi***ffitrffir* Bui Lding-----> 175.m Restuarant P Lan RevieH--> .00 Total, catcutated Fees--->391 .75 Pl.an Check--> Investigation> tli l.l. cat l.----> 113.75 DRB Fce-------- Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: If Type Occupancy: Valuati-on: Firep[ace Information: Restricted: .00 3.@ Multi-FamilyFR Type II Fire Resistive 12 t975 flof Gas Apptiances: Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs: .00 Addit ionaL Fees---------> .00 Recreation Fee---------> CIean-Up Depos'it--------> TOTAL FEES----- Total, Pcrmit FeF-------> PaytEnts-------------_-> BALANCE DUE---- 391 .75 .00 391 .75ffirt i ITe.m: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT09/25/!996 CHARLIE Action: APPRIIQm:' O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT09/2s/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItQm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 9?/25/I22Q^CSABI,IE Aslron: APPR N/AItem:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS09/25/1996 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ff **tffi**!ffir!*****i**f,t*f,ff,*ffi*******ffit*ffiffi******* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hefeby .acknol ledgc that I havc read this apptication, fil,Lcd out in ful,l. the intornation rcqui rcd, corptetcd an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atl the infornation providcd as fequired. is correct. r agree to compl.y iith tire iniorrnation and pl,ot i1an,to.comPly Hith al'l' Tovn ordinances and state larrs, and to buiLd this structure according iothe ToHn's zoning and suMivis,ioncodes, dcsign reviev approved, uniforn Building code and other ordinances of the ToHn appl,icabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL 8E I'IAOE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAiCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:M Ail 5:OO P SIGTIATURE OF OIII{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF IHO OUITENSend Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLATH *************'l***********it****************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0293 aB of 09/25/96 StatuE: APPROVED **************!******!**********!r************************************************* Permit-Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD pER!,tIT Applied: 09/25/1996Applicant: PIJATH CONSTRUCTION Iseued: 09'/25719963039491905 To Expire z o3'/24'/L997 Job Address:Location: LODGE TOVIER ParceL No: 2101-082-24-000 Description: REPLACE ROOF'VENT Conditions: 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COI.tPLIANCE. ! I UhJFI UF VH IL LIJI"I_ULU I€gat D,eBcrtptlons lpt OunBr! NAhel lrchltect: Tomf oF vRrL consTng|of Pf,'nilIl t-- PEnUrr APPIl'I9Asrpll- FEll2-^"aYYffie- a4-at %o/a BE FIT.T.RD OU,[ COIPI,BTEI,Y OR TT HAY XOA BE AGCEEIIED 1Jj : $u5-479-2452 sEr 2t 9t) lu:4b No.uub lj.ul Etock- Flllns $lnprYrsro\: , APPLICArfOH IIUEII BE FILLED d'llr COIpLBIIELY OR fI rrIY NOII BE AGCEEIIED trrrtat * r* aalrfi rrr.r* trr rrtr rrl EEl|lffif INFonaTIotf t ttttlt t*t t*t* **r* it***t* tr*,A' -[ l-Butrdlng I l-Plunblng I l-Erdctrlorl I l-ueotrantcar I J-other ilob Nan6:.Tob AddraEBs Addroct: Addreer: ,470-?& Ph. cen'rar *',%Hylir" llork Clacgs I J-ilev S, ]-Alteratlon I tJ-lddtttortil t l-Repatr [>d-Other- Nuilb€r of, Dflatllng unltc: Nunber of Aocomnodatlon UnitEr gnber and Tlnre ot Fl.replacGs! cas Appllancee_ Gas I,ogE_ wood./Pellet_-lvIr*t**r**t***rr****r****t***** ***** vJ|IItATrolgB *********r******r*******r**t****1tl tna^' .iurr,prncr t /e{775,0 Er.,Ecrnrclr.,r I crHERr I nrcntttrcrr,t l*ffi TorAr.r IlfFoRIrtll[IoN *** r**** ** *** *i I i r r* * lforyn ot Val.l Reg, Addresei Phone Nunberl Blectrlcal contrectof! _ Town of ValI Reg.AodregBs -- -- Phone Nurber! ' PIT'I{BINC T I f. tr.. rr** r rr r.r.*.*r?r!I Eeneral Con9rrstors rluublng Contractor: Addrega: Tol'n of vall Phone flunber! Torn of Vall Phonc llunberc Reg. No.JIleshant cal Contractor:lddr6E!: *tr* **a i arr. *fi1****rt*++t I rrtai FOB OIFfCB USE *r..rttr**tttt*t***t*ir*rt*lt*l BI'TIDING PERUIT PEEI PII'TIBIIIG PE8ilIT FIB| ITECIIAIIICAL PENUIT Tgg:gLEelrRreAIr lEEe OTTIER ITYTPE OF FEE3 DRA FEES EII'ITDING PLtrII CHECK FBE! EII'}IBINO DlrN CTIECtr trBE3 UACHAITC,AL PIAN CHEEK FEE: RECNEATTON trBE: CI.EtrN-UP DEPOSTI8 TOIIAD PERIIIT FEBS3 EtlIIJII{Ss SIGtlAftlEBr SONINS:gICilAN'RB! CoIIlsntEr :l/tt, { ^ ,, 1,q6il F'fru W b) C'*t,. ,,t t'x'l Lr^l Y^{ nt Urr,My Ail ,'hr,"il *l tJ'*^ a^L h.;i^ anA"'l i a +" ft Z ^uh,! 'fu' filp^^r,^ /wlt, fQ W g"r) fl"lf v^l loq' e, (lh^ L" !tu+ v^** lool , b^,il^g 4 | o ''IY slr,p l",r^l U p*l tu',lk^ U+. ^/ l rl 'lt-u^ r^rpt 91nwrI f. 6 I 4 ct-- { It il,^. 0t^; ^,J" 6" vl"; -- 6'x 11'6n t uxq' Ewal ldo U\A "nhrL Rt*1 \ -4-> G t , - t q al ( 6- t ,/ a\s_:* _ Li r..3R \-.* <-5:- I s4f'\"-r E9-O4-199b t'32t4'?pN FRUn PLRTH RUUFl|{G&CONST.TU 4'ib.lDgi P.A2 o =:FrF- ROOTINCPI I'ldbCdrdot P.O.Ihrrart9ro. Avqr, Cotcr$'tt ' (ro3) 9.19-1t05rl : o t4$tltit itcA i!. To*e/ffiotc:/. ffiaa i'I ..| .. ker I I ! i 476-40% Dei' nfr"i lndgeTor Lt.t."r-* August 27,1996. in Vafl.Vrllage : :l :l ii ! :i i rilr; {:.iIt ! i .:. iv qr dr 8tl :.ii furnisb all l&or and material nr eet(s): ettdbherl sheas(s) ue r ;- i ' l: .Dioj l:,ii::1...|i, xi$ti4g ridgCivprt and replace v e ftit€d) sh -ces.1i: ' il.Irg exposed llcreen at the soffrts : a: ,i rot b6 access€d from thei.: '! I I'v( i I I I I IrYi 'ed i ibiT b,t ptol Pfcifi,gat tihr.<ihd bbe'to rdns fi ililine ftnii$h.an,ll rthc gum ol Junilred aru pot and materid to t't: iSertentv Five llolla :omplae in accordpnce i tc i ' $u,qr'1 iZ.:i,1 1ltt o..&iasl :i r'.DltttdItr .! bltov'ti;li Vgt'Pt ii :. 100%upl i *nConstrul I,:'. : i in completion :i ' ri "intrr+{ o d€a* ou l'.i'..i.':Iposa{: Thdabov fprefy,aecepted. flned bborre. ig, dyn*orAge titw tui in . nffino : ,taohed pttqf, sl od are autMrl2c& v,i I i'.fia 19 lr(,n(xlfr las spec-iff qt ,t- t. I aaqlnI a t / / d*[i' i-- ? 'I ' .i T.l TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 o No'r-t flED DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Issued. . . Expires. . "/[.t! APPROVED 11./08/7ee6 rr/Te/Lee6 05 /18 /tee7 'l ? NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMTT Permit #: M96-0185 Job Address...: 200 VAIL RD Status. . .Location : LODGE TOWER 200 VAIL ROAD applied.. ParceL No..... : 210I-082-24-000Proiect Number: APPLICANT LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone: 9702425790 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81505 CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone: 9702425790 2481- COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTTON CO 81505 OWNER IJODGE TOWER Description: Valuation: 40, OOO . 0O TNSTALL AIR HANIJING UNIT FOR CORRIDOR VENTILATION Fireptace Information: Restricted: #Of Gas Apptiances: fOf Gas Logs: #Of 1.lood/pau.et: *******ffi*ffi****ffitffi*ffi*ffi***ffi FEE SUlltlARY *ffi**#ffiffi*ffi#ffi***rtrt*ffii*rt***ffiffit*#echanicat---> 800.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .0O Total, Cal,culated Fees---> 1,0O3-OO Pl,an Check---> 200.00 DRg Fee--------Investigation> .00 TOTAL FEES----- lli Lt caLL----> 5.00 payments------- BALANCE DUE----*ffi *ffi **ffi**ffi*ffi *ff **ffiffi ffi **ffiffi ffi **ffirffi *ffi **ffi ***i****ffi l*****ffi * Ite{ri .q51q0_E!'II,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:17/L9/1996 CHARLTE Acrion: ApFn FoR CHUCKItem:'.05600 F_'IBE DEPARTUENT Dept: FIRE Division:7l/18/1996 JoHNG ACaion: AppR fire dept.'approves CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATTONS r.hereby acknovtedge that r have read this appLication, f itl.ed out in ful,l, the inform€tion requ i red, compteted an accurate plotptan, and state that al,[ the information provided as required_i_s correct. I agree to compty uith tire iniormation and pLot irtan,to comply t{ith al't ToHn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to- the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revicu approved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabte thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-?138 oR AT OUR oFFIcE FROtt 8:OO A 5:m pr SIGNATURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIITSELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit *: M96-0185 Job Address. . . : 2OO VAIL RD Status. . .Location : LODGE TOWER 200 VAIL ROAD applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED t|/08/19e6rr/re /7ee6 05 /t8 /Le97 Parcel No..... : 2IOL-OB2-24-000Proiect Number: APPLTCANT LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phonez 9702425790 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 8l_505 CONTRACTOR LUNSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL Phone: 9702425790 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND JUNCTION CO 81505OWNER I-,ODGE TOWER Description: Valuation: 40, O0O . 00 INSTALL AIR HANI-,,ING UNIT FOR CORRIDOR VENTILATION Fireptace lnformation: Restricted: #of Gas Apptiances:#of cas Logs: f 0f t,lood/Pal, tet: **************tr**********Jr****************************rrt*** FEE SUl.l14ARY ********************************************************** l'lechan'i ca t---) 800.00 Restuafant Ptan Revieu--> .0O Total catcutated Fees---> 1,003,00 P(sn Check---> 200.00 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 ToTAL FEES----- $li Lt CaLl,----> 3.0O paynents------- BALANCE DUE----t**************************i***************************************************************************t***************i********* TFE$:,91190-EqII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:l1/\9/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR CHUCKI!e4ri"950q0 ErRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FIRE Division:lI/18/1996 JOHNG Action: APPR fire dept. approves CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out in ful.[ the infornrtion requi red, conpteted an accurate plotplan, and state that a[[ the infofnation provided as required is correct. I agree to comp|y iith the iniormation and ptot irtan,to comPLy with aLL To|rn ordinances and state taus, and to buiLd this structure according to the Toun,s zoning and subdjvisibncodes/ design review approved/ uniform Buitding code and other ondinances of the town appl,icabl,e thereto. REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE MADE TI.IENTY-FoUR H0URS lN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT oUR OFFICE FRol,t 8:00 Att 5:00 pl,l SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,INER gn:m'ryhl:rdh$: m'run"nu'o I'EB}IIT , - rDDt'tcfTIeN Ugg! sE lrtrili8D ogtl col0tlElf'I On ra rtr lful D! lsclFlED ,If,*...*..rrrr6..r..rrf*-a.*.i** PISEI! iltom|f,8ls tttttt**rrrtrl"rqrtt,r .^. .-*.,trr - r r-El'rblna t 1-llretrlgll ld-[rcUrnt-orf I l'Othlr - ,l$trE IItOil|f,8IS t ttttt**r rrt fi " rq tlt tt "tt t t t l-hlrdlns I 1-rlt$lne I !'-llretrlsll ld-[rcurnt-orr I l'othlr itob tfanrt Lqpc'q.-!-ar'*r f? va:f ' lob lddrorr rrgrl orrcrlptlont tioE-- tl'ooNq* r1I1- t-aBe-.}|tfr^,.... r.cr.*r z6O Va.rt CA 144tt C.o "'-ih,__,..+o"nerr lfma: @ lddlr||t frpo\|qtl .[+\'..* rd-.--s*'-* rrehltrctr Ae-ttd,r; GirrrF . tddrrr.s @Bt.r,3n V'IG qt'"SS eh.Nli,!!L L.t Ei* ,-tld"cfu{arcrnrrtl Drrcrltttenl 'crlc Glrlrr I l-rfrr I l-lttenttclrr V{',|fFtlttdirl I l-BrDrlr t !-othlr-- Nnnbcr of Dwrrtrlng uinltr: '-tnrrbrE o! laoornoCrtloo Unltrr -Itrunbrr and BlErr ot ?lrip1rtrr'3 cr| lpPllltrcal- Gar ragt-- lfooo,/Pc1let- |tErrrrri**tir.rat.trrltttl***f lr.ta Va1pfr1xqry "ttttrtt'*i*'ttltr'*tt'***rt'trtq;';",. "*#rK;?#5 {r!tgr1,-,-*-,-ffin*:: i- ffiiali;r.a-.EfF. ;6f,ili@ lr*trr*rtrt*rrrrraltti*ttt*tr Cffitf,ClQl I|tFQmlltllt **i'*t*t'tt"**ttrr'-'tt**t thn.iif coiltncter3 - lowri ot Vrtl B'g' No"- ld6rrtgr a ,. s lhonrlfrubrrt ----____--lleottiCrl Contt,rcGotrt - r.r ,-- toun of Vfll nrg' llO'-.a-.---r. r'r- Phcnr nebarsl|ldfffCt 5rrru"!' 'rr'--'D tcdaSrr: . n| _ .r..r'..: .r!.''-F' --r*r-r- .plurbtng oontrrctor! . . , .. . - -'- ,{om o-1y}11 B'9' llo'--Plront l{nrball lbcbrnlcrl eongrrctols Boryu ot Vrll Phorre NuilrBrAddrrsrl r**a'rrrrrrtrirrttartrftt**alllltlr* t9itr orltel utt fit.rtlrfa.it.*r*t..rttt.*tfl*lt 4'IID$IA PDnIIE llDtptlflttllre lEnilI! tsr !,&Cf,ll|ICAL DB|I!! ll!: SIECIBICI& lElro!fls tl?E ol tll! D8l tlEl WMIIIC tttll CIIBGr rEtt ?Im|!fxo Dlllf €Ecf, ftErlEcrrt|ICl! Plllr cBlcK tllt.ttGtlil$!il lrlrglllt'{rl Dl"08f!8tsq!r& lfrft lltgt llliltotf,Otttcl|lE{tl!c zotltilClst(ilft{nrlr aJ-o luun Etrr lRolls DIEIET BUBitlcSr ||rftfntofrrdrrt'ilrrurlil{ilfl 479-2!ll' lr ttt-zIlf fi. c ltringillt firrlcpDQl lI;L flmrci!$t Gott[|ElsTi rtffistlBlD lrttg lEE Eotff 'Or YlI& Il ., torf, 0t tnltj DutEIc rcnt',/co[8Fxtr! EvtISDtrENt xrrcf lf, ttll gr|llloqIlor PllrlIc 3 ||rrEffiil. I]unlG 8s-!rrd.r OrClnrnor to. C ln _full, Dlran rtop by tbr Tgfir ot1ll1_!!lldlng D+rrcr'rrB ro otscrln I eony. rfirnir ycu ior--yiurcooprrettcn on thlr rrttrr. _ o luun tl.ittfilfi||rrr-r.trbnar||tt(fol 179-2llf'or {79-3t19 cfllil gf oilnrilu lril.loPttrltl BUTLDIIIG PERfiTT ISSUAIES TIIIE FRAIE ,: If thr.s prrmlt requl.rg I I'brlr of lrll Flrr'Dsprtrunt Apgroval, Englnrrf E (?utttc Uoffrl Frvlsr rnd rpprcvrl, a Phnnlng Drprruentruilrr.or Hilth Orp$tnrnt ravtsr, rnd r rrvlft Dy thr lulldlng Deptru|Gntr tln rst{urtfd tlm for r totrl ttvlfi nry trte |3 lorryrr thrcc qctll. A'll sonnlrthl '0rrgr or rrnll) anC rtl arlfl.?rnrlly prnnits rlll havc tq follos fhc ibovr,rntlomC rritlnnr nqulruDrtr. lrrldrntlnl rnrl rnrll prpJcctc ghould trle I lcrtrF rmunt of tlnc. lloiltvfr, lf r.uidtnttrl on rynllrr proJctr fnnrct thc 9lrlous lbovr mcntioned deprrhrntr rtth rrgrd t0 nrcgsrry rrvlarr'thue prcJrc$ nry alro trtr thr tltrar mrt pcntod. ' gvry.rttiltpt rlll br mdt ty thlr dcportnrnt to urpcdlte tnit .'ponnlt.ar s.oon rE porslblr. I, thr fttnc. undcrulgnld, undrrrtrnd thc plan chrch procrdurs lnd tlnc Conrnunl qy Drvclounant DQlrtmnt. TOIJN .OF VgIL COM'DEV ir T0t Fnottll DATEi RE; ro:5-t"'rffienrun u o ALL Gof$reoto-nr iown oiitAtl Futuc wonr! DEPAnTilEN? ttAy t, lfffiriiii'r;mtuc wAv PEBF,fs REounED Job l'lrmliDrlu Ptrrrr rnhdrthrfo il|Tuiffi rrilng lhr ntld for a .PuHic wey P'rmlt': , IEI Et/ !E l) lr thb r nrw nrldrnce? 2l ts dcmomon rvork bring Prrtomd' thrl 'lgulnr tho urr of flil tlght of wry, rrscmlntf or P$[c ProPr{Yr 3) ts any utlltty uodc nrcfrd? 4) lc thr ddvstrtfy bclrP nPrild? 5l lr dlfllr.nt rpxf noCrd to rltr other then ulsdrtg dtlwweY? 6) lc rdy dtdwl wolt bshg donr' rftrdfng lhc tlght of wry, rlurunls' or PuUlo PtDPoilY? 7') lr r'Frwctblo Rlght Of Wry Plrmlt' rcqulnd?. 8) A. lr.the rlghl of wry,qlrrttrtill or d public PmPrnY to bc u$d ffi firglng' p.*tt|g or t ndne? l. " f tPto!A,htPuldltg,tnglng orlcnCttg'Pl||| tlqulnd by Oommunlty Drvtlopmrnl? ll you anSwend y|8 to |||y ot lha|| quCrdorrfr r'Publ,OWryfermff muril br obtclmd. 'puUttc Wry Prirnlt' rppioAbnr mry br ebhln*t d th. Pubts Wodt'r otio. or d Co-ri;iliy'Ocrrfhpmdfl il yos trnn rny $rrtfcnr Cfi.o call Ohuilr Dryir' thr Town of Vril ConrtruAbn Inrp*'lor, d. {79'Pl tg' I hrvl rcrd rnd rnsrvrrrd tt t|rr &ffi qurdona / t/ n::":l::"Tllll.3"lll',*::iT:' if:i o! vrrL-cel:ryglgN PERXIT ' Prlcirr'lt =9L.99- Eeiurt APPr'rc'f,TroN FoRl{Orllr lr-rtnG . APPI,ICI{ION UT'ST EC II'&LED OOE C9}fLAII&T OR III ITAY NOT DE ACCEPTED t ------ {*. *. * *. **t* tt " "'***' t l *'r ** Drnrtttr t1.1longrrro1 t ttl f tt t l t *' tt "' r *t t tt' t t r r t I 'llsotrlcr f tn(-u.chenlbal I i-othirtt[ ]-trlldlnE 6 ;-elublne I l-llltgsreslr f '-Jr]rEr-r'"'t'E- |. - ., . ^- er, ,Job Nanrr Looc'a,Jor^'gr r? -Vg'{ trob tddr'rs 'S e.oA O rJzr-r\ f,> Yl66i :t',caal DclcriPtlonlLD&e Ipt 'Tbtrgr tloolt- tddrcrlrot,nerF t{ana: Archltrctr rddr?t.! @btg V';!G q:-Ffl Ph'W orfc640ac 970132[- rlc'rr-T:- T ! t .', I d-.{t^*- Gencrll DracflPlt,tonr I N,ftTU- 4tl({^nuJ'!^'b rr/rllLa4 -:; r{octc Glarr: [ ]-Nrw I l-tltarrtLoa tdtaAttlonrl I J"RrDrtr I J-Oth'r-- Nunbcr o! Drlrlllnt Unltrs - lflrrlbf! of lcootlnooatton gnltr: - ili#iffi; f ;fdfi;cfit@ ron!: lddrr:gs town of vtll 8.9. NO.Etectrical contn€tort - -- - -. pbone NuDbrr:AAdrsEgt .. ,. - Pluoh{ng congrlctor: , - ' ------.-.- Tostn o! VrlI Rrg' NO'-. Phone NunbcFt lg'qbcr and ?ypc Ol Flrrplte.t: Orr fPPlhn€".;- Gar Logl-- lfoqd'/Psllst-- V*r...rrlrrrrrrr*rrrr.rrr*-rtr..;nqlyy^lfft tftttttttrtt*'ttrt*tttitr**ttttr* r- Iielrrlrle'i *-m+*l:-# fdffi: fu .]rrrrr*rr.rrrrf **rrrr*rrttt. COtlERf,clfOR IlIFOtLA.tIoN ***"tt*tl*rtt*tart**t*tt*t Town 0t vall Reg. NO'-flcnerrl contrectorl '.,, - , phonc 'unbtr: .Addrcsst t*tlt.rt**t*lrralattllttt**trrttlt EUII.DINC PERIIIS IDDI Furuerxo DEll{ll t8E: lEcnANtcl& PlRl{Itr Fll: EtSdInICl! l!E: OSNSR TTPE O! TEE: DRB ITE: t lotr OIIICE USt ti*tttt'tllltttr*t'tt*tt'*tll** EUXIDINS DIAI{ CHECK l'EEl PI*ttrlINo Dlllt Clllcx FBEI ltECtrrrIIClS Prttf cHEcK r8lt .IICBDNIION IlEr CIEIH-UPao8ll lllllalttOt IIGilIETNTET ZOltIllGlst