HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT A B C LODGE AT VAIL LODGE PROMENADE SIGNS LEGALO De sign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Squash Blossom Project Description: New Awning Sign Owner, Address and Phone: Patrice and John Cogswell, 198 Gore Creek Drive, 476-3129 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: 198 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: A poftion of Block 5C, Vail Village #l Parcel Number:Building Name: Comments: associated light sconce (w/ frosted glass) is approved as well Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: ltlDzlg9 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved F IEVF,RYON lt\DRB\APPROVAL\9E\squashhl.wpd DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 R. I Qu"oion.? Call thc Pl,rnning Dcsk at 479-2t26 SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application is for any sign that is located within thc Town of Vail. Specific requiremotts are availablc from the Departmcnt of Community Dcvelopment. -.blame of Business: Buildins name and Name of orvner:Phone:-//6 - Mailing aaz;/\-e-- Signature of owner: p6o"". lze -stz;? ".,- 4bf! D. E.Name of person submitting: (lf different than owner) TOl'i/NOTVNL Address: F.Type of sign (sce back for definitions):Date Re.oivec NoV 01 19ggtr Free standingtr Wall sigr El Other, specify: trF Hanging sigt Awning G. H. Sign rncssagc: Sizc of sign and size of leftering for cach sign proposcd: Lcngth of busincss frontagc: Hcight ofsign above grade: 3a',I. J. K. L. M. {/t '*'-' '/- ' ae 3"iL4//^9 t- Numbcr of sigrr s proposed: / - a.zzr. - t^ ', / x z.z,zt.rzg Nunrler and size of cxisting signs: re r-Z a, ,', e a( -3 r' ,-' n / " Location of each sigrr (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation dnwing or a photograph clearly indicating the N.Materials and colors of sigr (attach samples): o.Describe lighting of sigr (existing or proposed):.F zanv/ozrr P.FEE: $20.00ItlJS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. u (lt. a\ F- 1" :, 1', 3.5 " fine lewE|tyl6€-To7{. ,x sN \i.t t*- r! j-- I I I I I I I I ! '16" Type is 47.3" x 1 4.1'{1-. \- Type Square footage is 4.6 ,'" 4.7" " - 2.'1" '', "l .3" 12',1" --l ! lh i' i;qti^-rr' nrot*rni "i \,_.-ar :,i', j:j.j....r^ .:, d Ti'pe is "17.3" x 14.i ' 'i1irr Sr-tuarr fcr-tla8* is '1 f, 3/8' - l' + l'6" + r''f" * 4^" 5f^a/-Bt'uo,'-' o t 1,6,, r 2>'3"{ o t.t- . -L't rl ] N0v Blossom tlne Arts of the Amerl(as .4.ft.,c t- /.-.r-,,, . 'r/ /7a. --;is /,//.r,2_-- ./.-zc- >Us4J/./)/ /-.-',!| /;zu/J t /.< c) \ ir\ t __>^ /^, / t2 . ':...'') > )-,t 'o ' "'t y'""/. ,://,/_ ,.' /)-\<, l/. ,42 0-.f4 / /. ,/\ \Z+-r afr' - L t-o- / L-r',// --:>-Te -:,'.''--/ -'-y' '' "''t" 't71)'t .r' ON THL LODCE PROMINADL. VAIL VILLACN ---- lgti Core Creek Drive . Vail. Color.rclo 81657 . 3OJ 476-: t19 or\o-,Zun \ |--lr:T-3r:r 'i11 FF: I f :F-.bE!4= 1 o LL I o 15 ::+ t.1rl F-. r.l 4 F. r.l = Fro'il- die,rl ; l-- r. 't'# hryibtob{do.last - rrr] lac rviode of /+" ptale Scdo 3" 'll 3+lt+ X AV,'rrt K 1'' deep oo Srae U;er-r " - T' deep |. L | -.ttt-:rif Fl<.t o lrl Vrc,* Vi€uJ daap ,,+' l*:,n, x E+" x ?"deep \\/hen I mrkc,r sculpture. I lnr inflr.rcncecl irotir bv rhc irrrgcs I rrsc lnd bv their origirrs ald stories. Tb mc rhc srorics melic rhe images molc rrreaningfiri. Nlosr oi rly clients seem co agrec. ScULPTURAL As I work rvith rhc rock art inlges I confinuc ro leern rhcir rncrrninq. Thel come filut i rinre belorc rvriring rvas invenrecl. All iriston, all lcarning lrad to bc passcd fronr one gcncrarion to thc nc\t b\ stofics thar ntrtrlr'rrp thc entiretv of ivhat r,, as lirrotr n. I'hc storics irnd nrlths lssociircd \\'ith each figult are ofien rs inrriqrrinq as the imiges thcurselvrs. TASLES & CHATRS Ancient man left rock carvings (petroglyph$ and rock paintings (picrographs) in caves and on rock faces all over the world. They are usually very simple, even primitive. But rhe besr ones are powerful. They speak ofjoy and sorrow, life and death. Many are quite whimsical. Those emotions speak to us today :s clearly as they did to the artists who made those pictures, many centurics ago. I draw my inspiration from these ancient images. Ard in re-creating them, I hope to make them livc again in things we use every day. M. MYERS MASSIE STUDIO As always I want to remember my former partner and mentor, sculptor Frcd Myers (1916-1990). I want to thank Herrainco Design Associates Inc. for designing this brochure; and photographers Bernard Granr, Jim Karzel, Matt McComrick, Rob Melnychuk, and ke Milne. I also want to thank Deborah Young for taking rhe cover photograph ofrock cawings found near !?'aikoloa, Hawaii; and my clicnts who ler me photograph my sculptures in their homes. Copyright 1995, Myers Massie Studio, Inclv OAll Rights Reserved. Mollie Massie with husband Hein Poalus, and sorzs, Kees and Roben. M. z*;;,bLYr;' i':' d "i r't ,;} -rf I * !. t&l t 1", r." .t I'r q ,jL- s": "..{'- FuNcrtoNAL There is no limit to whcrc rhe rock art imagery will fir. I see ir nor just as statuary and wall afi, but as gatcs, railings, tablcs, mifrol ftanes, 0re screens, light sconces and much more. UNIQUE My clients and I continue to think of ncw ways to usc rhe images. I enjoy working individually wirh each clienr ro create custom work. Sculptures and furniture pieces that are unique - that you cant buy anlwhere else. MYERS MASSIE STUDIO ARcHtrEcruRAL I use weathering steel for my sculptures. This rype of steel was dcvclopcd fbr building bridges and large structures. The narural color, or "mill" finish, of weaLhering steel ranges from dark gray to a warm reddish gray. Left orrrdoors, weathering srecl will rust tr.r a reddish brr-,wn color which is similar in hue to the ancienr cave drawings. The rusr forrns a protective coating. o P.€tlNOV-1€}-9A HED 1B:4A ANNIE EGAH \oF-E .-ro(U(,>og"8l, ctx)Ut{rJto)\ '1,.tt] lvtrcfoI .r'lI'tnqO\'Ixtro ,g ! oo o o) pr oo (u l.lo cr ah .: \o g3oo.{ C.}-d5oo .. q, _._ @7.dD+) to i $'t ,gt5l'vv, p|\ l. ) (U +l IA3oEt, d0:I 'HB adk tsr PC o &(H( 0;i5!$tn.l qtF (E\O ss.rgq@t-: .rl3(htr tar8o !U \rr -l orloJ.+ i\oorhl5ps a trE:o TJ r_t_t H4 -a(\rtcn1 E6ot*TEI *tc u gtr l+{ €C;(UF1.s _ogJ 1Jd -3e gudti€IE:n l(U:o.s| .-{ 'Flg o o ooqtg @ g, ru!o l,o .! IlJE-(g' J-Jqt,C'r{Jl t!.troqt 1)t4' I9.ffl-Hq J>\UECLrr H, -E cr{uNtr.r{ OtrtO a.rlJo E gJ d-:3l=oooQ,grooTt 00E_qfi.c6 l.a (/ .Jtlao!urqq' {FJ H3 { {-l JIJr$ 0{g ,fgic,qtJ -l. lFl6,r>lgi &r,6!H!6i>.b;.rtrHT ;EIrtl'rlitisI r--r I l=oovto' F.lE. 6-6l 9..a/}: I .8:F{F 8-f.+{ r +Jrf(or>LoFfC o trg ooO It Fl -6dBtrt{ 6d --,6 Itt.aIIt:II Ilr I IIt![:(r( lF idl*lois Ed o F{ !o.+{ +J)o o o o06 $'.tOt ilF qt ra'' vi9i rJl 3.1 J-l rr<6 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I E\o\ZSIl&l t!.iVF34o t&o v 9Q tnXrur{s nJIvaF61 E?oo a4 r\rl| o\ zoba f $E :,:.9 E'; '{lE A€ IFgdstf. .. r&rEo a,r-oXoFt&Z xsIt<Ir.Ix IL Ixf {--xf I xf * t<f )<fi I '<E * )c Ixf I >ar( TL FH t5g IEHIIE{I atl Estr I I l Fi qi t: i' : ..: _.r(- !----, I .. ;;:- 'l-.! Eo VIu)o k m r*l CN q,Jg_cJF*cr LN , I I I I I I rlltr..'-sr ffi:JJVIS s) ';;'.4t t {i, \ .{t''a.cr'{i' { I rI .n :3IVO\ 35/r/rl \nrrrvlsrIEE€- 'ilnf ilfflcr oo Design Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL ProjectName: Cosbar Project Description: New awning and sign (3.75 sq. ft.) Owner, Address and Phone: Lilly Garfreld, 188 Gore CreekDrive, Vail" CO Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Hightech Signs, PO Box 8375, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: 188 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: File under Cosbar in Signs Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingName:Lodge Promenade Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic F. Meuriello Date: lZ-4-97 (Consulted with DRB on Dec. 3,1997) Arrning must be centered below the balcony above. Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\9?ICOSBARDOI DRB Fee Fre-Paid: $21.83 ' . ... r. Fjlr.!'t. ',:i Oucslonr? ( l tllc pt[nnirt D(rt 479.2t2r TOriiNf'F Nrnrc u,,;t,f ing mr;'in;i id' Nuu,cofortr!1; ':2 Mnitirrgnddi Thir rpplicu:rlon h ffirny FlBo thflt ii toc$od whhilt th$ l.owil of Vcil.rru,rr tlrd trctrttlrrHrl.ol(bnrnrroiry frcgoprnCtll. SpqJifi c.cqrirln|q)li drc nr"ilr c A. ll D, F F. (i" \s/Slgnrttrr( Of Nlnrc afpvxli1 'l).|'( olrtgt (r,Lr lri$t for d;0lrihbm): sizc ol'rl$ ond !t".e oflc(c{.nA for d.rt, rlFl t.crr,J,th ot buslnq!! fr6,iitlgg:l- hrl I l!',ght of,{gn {trovg hodct l"!','r ror {rf*ig;lF ttlppii:trt, { | ,1rci{irrlt al otch iig,ri (rttitch o l'r {rir.,icr, lu(l!rlion Hrr!lhr'ss Iiccnric irnd/or rrrot trr ligonsc vsificatlo[ ft ! Ir.', " Tlr AJ,nirlrnlr6.rr rt6u-t.a (Arttl e,_r."rri rill1r r?0.00, i'LUs sl.m nrR soulnn -eL n H, L .l t(, t.. M. N o. Sip.n 4b,' * ?f-?r:*c 'ir';;.ti; t ,,k , .{, I * rt &.r.rl t, ri r,r t4 ir,i,i. ll' l<" x36"1 ^' * r'r'*'*i***n****.**nilidi-";".f i..r,F*{..*+*********l:t,?,:.," :v'11 q : :r...,r:j.:.;i- a?irr*:t* +,+,*.r Irnnusncrloii REpDRT .$ k RECEIVE 9ENDER toant nlrr (ilc lillhrtnE olllgn 1er isltrrg ur pru'*"uj, ,-tt TIOTE i9is 949 45?o OK {. r. +'tr * * *'r, !r !t * rtr *( $i r! * :t: S 't ,* !d rfi !. * li r( * I tt *+il.r*.t{ *.*;f .ril: * * * * * t* tr ri r}:t|x{r {: { *.f ,t * tG-d e9L99a6 .2 ;i;r'u? xa € r t 6€ t u.r a5-l o-AoN Lis€,t fu' {n Cug"hoh et\TDrttrrCTa,r{*t-t,cFEG,176- D;Dg JJs TErlj $ I co o IUT u) * atuJ l- (f, o7 =z.4.6 dE6> FH5A . '.. l".lr oo SPACE DEDUCII|IIIS l= 15.0 I f.0= 012 2= 150 I f.0= 012 3= 1.8 I l0 I 112=.06 4= 1.8 I l0 I 112=.06 5= 4,2ll f.8= 0.1ll 6= {.6 ll 0.8 = 015 7= 23,0I 3.1 =lf3l0lA[ 2.69 A 16.0 I 5.0 =0.f5B {f.5 l( 20,2 = 5,A2 C 2f.0 5.0 = 0.83 DEDUCTIoIIS -'2,69 rOTil {52 SOUARE FEET { 6 3 5 C0S1'lEIlCS c o Projcct Name: Furclub of Vail (revised) Project Dcscription: New Awning Sign Owner, Address and Phone: Ronnie Lipton, PO Box 991, Avon, CO 81620,390-5156 Architcct/Contact, Address and Phone: Annie Egan, PO Box 2103, Eagle, CO 81631 Project Street Address: 174 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lodge at VaiI Sign File Parcel Number: Comments: New wording and font attached. Sign area not to exceed 3 square feet. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Lodge at Vail Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 9t29t99 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\Furclub.wpd Board / Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid: s22.90 6 ^t t i. trnir" F.... {'-}. " 'rJ-G )sillt [+fr o n{ .?! 6 ,\J_ z u llj Lrl zz 1l .^l:\5 naJ{\_ _ 3--)F 3 iit--S N-----Zr-= #\--. c\,l" l._ -t I I r^(al/ -e, ,fl Ion{eliooe i i:r[ *ffiE'w'', )v o*n:f, ''1l,na ',:!*b t{, Uu .-u*[j P"L*i^t] &')r r n - r+.hlttf)r'Lry\--'ffin"4)> o*n"T o g IL H b B 2H e .sF G 6R'zl "ff\H -.\ H.\ G, ' .J ,of<t!ott J;s 5'''(nCt ! ,rj ; O o D esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Furclub of Vail Project Description: New Awning Sign Owner. Address and Phone: Ronnie Lipton, PO Box 991, Avon, CO 81620,390-5156 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Annie Egan, PO Box 2103, Eagle, CO 81631 Proiect Street Address:174 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lodge at Vail Sign File Building Name: Lodge at Vail Motion by; Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: l2ll8l98 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved FJEVERYONI.]\DRI]\APPROV,,\L9II\FtIRCLTIB. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $22.90 Qucstions'/ ('all thc Planning Dcsk ar 479-2 l2li B. SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION Tltis application is for ary sign that is locatcd rvithin thc'l-own of Vail. Spccific rcquircnrcnts arc availablc ftonr thc Dcpartnlent of Conrmunity Dcvclopnrcrrt. Narnc of Busincss: Buildingttanteauda461gcs: The Lodge at Vail !74 Gore Creek Dr. Nanrc of orvncr: Ronnie Lipton Phonc:390-5156 TOll//N OF VAIL Mailing address: P.0. Box 991 Avon. Co. 81620 Signature of owner:D. E.328-6825Narlc of pcrson subrnining: Annie Egan Phonc: (lf diftcrcnt than owncr) Adtlrcss: P.0. Box 2103 Eagle'Co. 81631 F.Typc ot'sign (scc back for dcfinitions): tr Frec standingtr Wall signtr Othcr. specify: Sigrr rrrcssagc:Furclub DK Hanging sign Arvniug c. n.Sizc of sign and size oflcttcring for cach sign proposcd: Lcngth of husincss tiontagc: Hcight of sign abovc gradc: 1/, 1 ?tlt. i. K. I 7t Nunrbcr of signs proposcd: r Nuntbcr iurd siz.c o{'cxisting sigrs:one (to be removed) proposcd location):&ncA M. Materials and colon of sign (attach santplcs): hlack sunhrel Ia f ahri c wi th pol d I etter.ing N. Dcscribc lighting of sign (cxisting or proposed): nD h €_ O. Busincss liccnse iurd,/or sales tax liccnsc vcrifrcation is REQUIRED prior to planning revicrv: Sales Tax Administrator's sigraturc (Sally Lorton 479-2125): Locatiotr of cach sign (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drarving or a photograph clcarly inrlicating thc P. FEE: $20.00, PLUS $ 1.00 pER SeUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. Qucstions'l ('all thc Planning Dcsk at 479-212E t]. C. SIGN/AWNTNG APPLICATION This application is for aty sigrt that is locatcd rvithin thc Town of Vail. Spccific rcquircrncrrts arc availablc lionr thc Dcpartnrent of Cfornnrunity Dcvclopnrcnt. Nantc of Busirtcss: Buildirrg nanrc iurd addrcss;The e at Vail 774 Gore Creek Dr. Namc of orvner: Ronnie Lipton Phonc:390-5156 TOIffN OI. VAIL Mailirrgad&css: P.O. Box 991 Avon. Co. 81620 Signature of owner:D. E,Phonc:328-6825Nanre of pcrson submitting: Annie ( I I diflcrcnt thiur owncr) Addrcss: r.Typc of sign (scc back for dcfinitions): Co. 81631 tr Frcc standingtr Wall signn Othcr, spccify: tr Hanging sign tr Awning Sign nrcssagc:FurclubG. H.Sizc ol'sign and sizc ol'lcttcriug for caclr sigr proposcd: l. .I, K. L. Lcngth of busincss frontagc: l-lcight crf sign abovc gradc: 1/,t?tl Nu rrrbcr of signs proposcd:Nunrbcr zurd siz.c of cxisting signs: 7' one (to be removed) Locatiorr ol' cach sigrr (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drarving or a photogr ph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): N. M.Matcrials and colors of sign (attaoh sanrplcs): black sunhrel.la fahric with gold lettering Dcscribc lighting of sign (existing or proposed): O. Busincss liccnse iurd,/or sales tax liccnsc vcrification is REQUIRED prior to planning revicw: Safcs Tax Administrator's signature (Sally Lorton 479-2125): P. FEE: $20.00. PLUS $ 1.00 pER SeUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. o SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS: tr Complctc Application. n A site plan showing thc exact location whcrc thc sign is to bc located. tr Elcvation drawings or photos showing proposcd location ofthc sign or awning. B Colorcd scalcd ( t/4"= l') drawing, including specific lcttcring and dimcnsions and a photo. if availablc. tr Sanrplc of proposcd lnatcrials. tr Drawings showing how and whcre sign or awning will attach to thc building and how thc awning will be constnlctcd. tl Condominiunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORIES: l. 2. SUGGBSTIONS: L Copics of the Sign Code are available liom thc Department of Conrnunity Development. You nray wish to chcck the Code to verify thc type and size of sign you are allowed. 2. Bc spccific. Vagucness in the dcscription ofdcsign. size, constnrction rnay delay the approvat ofyour sign. 3. Mcasure the frontage of your business to detemrine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. 4. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning, Lighting may not shinc into pcdeshian or vehicular ways. 5. All individual business signs will be rcviewed by the Dcpartment of Community Dcvelopmcnt. New sign prograrns or amendmcnts to sign programs will bc reviewcd by the Dcsign Review Board. F:everyonc/fonns/signVsignapp.8 I 3 .i. f.' ' Frccstanding -A single or muli-faced sign aflixed to a supporting stnrchrre. or inrbcdded in and extcnding fronr thc ground and detachcd from thc building. Awning or Hanging -Any sign attachcd to a building and cxtending in whole or in part nrorc than 9" beyond thc building linc. Wall - A sign attachcd to, painted on. or erectcd against the wall ofa building or struchrrc with thc cxposed facc ofthc sigr in a planc parallcl to thc facc ofthc wall and not projccting nrorc than 9" fionr thc l'acc ofthc wall. Display Box - A ticcstanding or wall sign cncloscd in glass lbr thc cxprcss purposc ofdisplaying mcnus, currcnt cntertainlncnt or rcal cstatc listings. Joint dircctory sign - A liccstinding, hanging or wall sign that lists all thc tcnants within a nrulti-tenant building. Subdivision cntmncc sign - A sign to idcntify a nrajor subdivision, a condominiunr contplcx. or group of apartmcnt buildings having at lcast 100 lincar f'cct of fiontagc along a vchicular or pedcstrian way in any RC, LDMF. MDMF. HDMF. or SDD zonc district. 4. ). 6. .:.rfF [ryr-.-ltlTiFrilq?'r!$f, q!l!.*-T!ra'.:'n,"llf!::lrl!Bl9L*1:F-rjYrrjl-,| "rlf ...ryti;T !FI,:lF-?tr'..|,L l .i- j oeQn Review Action rort TOWN OF VAIL 2-,Category Number Date Project Name: Bullding Name: Prd€ct Description: Owner, Address and Phone: co Dtbs? Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- SubdivisionAt 0rtaf &snl, ^r.ri o- Zone District ProiectStreetAdaress: 11 L 1-c-'*r a *s-f',- *N:t\<- Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval ! starnpprovat Conditions: Town Planner o*e: -be c- . 7 , 7 lp DRB Fee ere-pan 4 L-t't . o1l \7rr t t. Fi t (tlu C,ftlt.P1l''' o AIIPLICT\TION DAIE srqN/trrwrxg--ltf4gtlllE (Plooso ?rInL o! TYPe)nilE oF iiruecr -- .___ge--Etrw+-t'g--E-- NII{E OE PERtioN $uFHTrrrNc Jlry+trcs-uttoNB otr-({' n I'fll'?{tt TDDREIS NN{I OF OI{NER IDDRESs SIGNAET'TE OF OWI$ER I/OCATTON OF FROJECT rjD gc, ?E€J4 aI\|A DESCRI1IION o!. pttOatECT t | (.rljrri&e oN &lA! t , wt.Jbo|^'S IlB'.l3liffi ff "l"l3Tll' ggoll'F8"gi#sEfl l'3lBilTl*t*i"if ou"o" REVIE9I EOARI.'. A.DEscRtElIoN oF THE 3r6N/AwNrNG (!'ttl]E stANnrNGr ' llAt'I,, FRoJECTTNG' ETC) r INCLUDE gX6N HESEIGE B. STC;N OR T\SINING I{A?ERIAI" r*-fr't--, arf e"*tTL 1-- SSZE OE Oltr8ALt gIGN' SIZE OE' LDT'T'IIRII{G AND I'OCO 5/ItElcHr OF DEsCRIBE SIGN AEOVT' GIIAIIE LICHTING (EXI9TING OI{ UROP'OsEE)E, t. ll, IENCTH o!' uus]NEss FRoNTACE (tr) colrDoMrNlttM ASSoCIATTON ePPRovA! (rmlcEl--------- 4, - gitr PIurit"rrlloril tbortng trrct location ot rlgn or nrnino on the bullilingpnotoiraphe ehorlng piopoccd loaaLion coJ,ored rcrlc drarlnEgrmDlc of Proposad nrtcrial.8 plruiogr.rptr- o! rign l! tvrilablo \'v 0vEtt PFrfN . L*LttEFl'1?t^tN a? (A'L .b4npN ?'r-Ll DA{dc--o frCitT- FAr rr.' 4'11' ?{sL ?tr - 4t1- ztZt to 2 g I { ) .--\\----. --..\.-=---- slt?fCrot> t,ttr^tD,t l sro,rA 6E F L LDD&E fro,'re^btDA L'oaAtta'N a. gO ,( l*1',"a'- f I 'r..-\42r>t- Project Nanle: Proiect Description: Contact Person and FJ - &o^'n Z 3z- Owner. Address and Phone: tt. Architect, Address'and Phone: Legal Description: Lbi Comments: Design Review BoarO Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL I i Date: .'El''g8 "' . 'e '-. l ^ ,. Prqiect Application l/_ -1 /.< /QrDale //'/ "t Erl J*,,-e-[(.<Str,"d-rq ula Z 3z-Contact.Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: { Design Review AolrO Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner ,'r", 7r/ Srhl ! s,"u Approval .. a Zat\tt l.r trt o DOoIrl o Irt ttFN e5 Ft r? 9o Ft t,?IdIO [=I IT z ;I F' orrt rd F'F anoz ocItEH BH o ouFFIv,o le IF 1 z EEI oil oaz FIF ,E'tt Ho .(,l !Hoz € FE ori orlz DIv Eo H |.aoz ort Uno ca Eg otrlooFl{ B!{oz oq ntFI tttg orl-loz on t aHzo F|{ FIFll,F o nHNtt orrl o 6g F orHoz ul{N!t oil E BIrlFt{zo Itt Eoo r Eg3 lE gEEEiF EEEEF E k i-o a tFlI C- =LO 6 .D(o1tt t: u il u E E E E HHr EE Eg oz E!l P Frlt{lol €l lo!l 0ll{oz ttto B o .P E'!t t^IF' IJ I t- F UtrtoonH E FI Eo Ht{zF\t\ IT\rlll Iilt! lIH IlFr/ ty E nuo.E !lo 9E Egl{20l.{ rlgE tour lrgtz EE EE ia 3EFY at,NIo C' rrt EI 1!l IH E' l Bbtclx r- FPP S) /-\ {- }-c Eb . -s., \ PPy:':' :' illl ltr\ l+ EegEg;[ EglEegg I€;;?i E BSEE! risrHE ?r € sg[3 Rg,:H' gggoorttn F€I I ; FT ,a ll ,-,,r 4 RlQa, ERI AN uf:tlrr , f0; SEtsti ll,o:-or-Ak-/oo u4. t\fr)Fid.lai";-ir: FR-ci{: fb l/AR.sil- &tu-, ,-------(-' h ,. -\LAA"- il^r- tr fl u wit-L' o' A-u-X't4 Sl'- wi*1,- k4 e^-'lL ho Y'- o : J+ ,t^'utJ -a-*ltNvu4 J ,tX'*^ ;F-*, 7-^1 ^- W u- ^I^4-l-o-a**u-tul'Y_-i--7- (d-l^-6- to---, iqofthelfs- d ),=Yl,JgiISt-^* c.,3r-o' Creek 1rr p. tr l,'./qr., r)ri..'r' (JO9) 4'io-1777 €l -7t -r^s't+ hi Thts ts 422-9417 "'...2fiQ$gp.r{.tr..: .;r . - TEL N0.3O342294L7 Jun.14,91 13:48 P.01 ffitJtl4resr N A divirioft of: CUfRADOSTEEL. .':ZOr9 Wrdrnortr Eqrlcvrnt ' latsnood, Crrlorado Kl2l5'2$32 '272-1612 r,'Ax fiAtsMImAL slEEf .. .8etsy - Destgn ltrrylc'r.r Board Jr,ue 14, l99t 3i (l U .{ ti' hi Thts ts 422-9417 .30342294t7 Jun.14'91 13:48 P.02EL Noo A divisiur of: CUOIADO STEH,. lhE 2Ot9 Wufswonh Brulcvrrtt . Lnhcwoorl. CXrlorrds Wzli-ifin ' 003)212-t(rl? . ltAX (303)42f-9{l? tl 1.8O0't. 13.1tfd .5 ..1 {.J (t, U' b F.) N) I(o b { I ( cfol5l\)l\)roEF{ q == E (o (rl 5ro T ool r- r l - r {rrlr 2aisttl oo;E3 It Ittrn 85utrr 9o t; tI 2 Etlt orl ttFI!oloz ttcU-F' EFrz Gl ,EttuItv,gl zIllt oqt g z F'u Or E E E HE EE Hfi oz 9T'E I!ao2 E E o '|oI fiI Et: H |.aoz oIrl rrt, ailg uFIglova.f EFIoz ol!' TI Eg Ft€FtIr'I<Utrt il E.rroo 8EE,g!UH FTE 94 BE HE nt rtl'lf,o-F'?t €*ttt o Eg gE r.r}.lzdoFr oE 9E :tt I Eo EEETI'fgH HI -l( EHutF'la l'ao !, rrt UiE F'oq'qo FIFf| a'f EE -Hoo-Z tfo€rtIrrrE tnj1zg,f)lf EgE\F= Q2t{ }+d-zo fa HTc' trttFfitfg lsH ffie C F I , C i t/ ? I t D ti 7 IDt .l ; I E \1^-Fv b Dts6|z ou ,fzl{zo I EF'vtttF 3 il C^, \ cG oHNIt o)it o lrt F F 6Ha3 nlatr oq E B G',t{zoIt, ,cF h ttt D ,l 'r|-l E Fr' In aa * tail t'a6 rt o,, E|.loz 'rt ?F' o 9EH E g EctFl4It!l Ecr El{-6} ^!ltc€Hzo ou F€}tD!lt' bo' gE EgLzo5rtlE,ur6LGZBEF'E ET33,u$s 3EFY ?l, qJ Pv oc {F'lrt Fl.ti' I I!tox .l I F P--'Tv'itF ' Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and r.Ftrr4--r,7-*?---- "F ""Tt _zFffif[Fl{ Op,- Lz-4ztt-- fr47r44 t Project Application Owner. Address and Phone:7e {-)'7 / Zone - Design Review Board / Motion bv: L d-n-{ Secc::Ced ty'. I V APPROVAL b q.e,e-rrf ,tl-O ,^" t/r/e r DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner o*", a/ s/et E statt Approvat q &,/^',- Uo,-r LJ* -/ /o-Y ,-+oft)t*7--J-V, t' ur J^o- J",.7^ 6 L- L, 2--- ry, "at/+F" "-ry 2 ),. r-. "bJ t1 .&, D -D C- nrtc.., c-*,'o n k; n''uJ-rr'[ - erFt'-,,;i. IjLs- rM D,Y* obi 1t 6,Mr l otL1 z^?-rJr,' € d-*<+ cz-- 272 // r/a' ?-'t V *t'll 717 BL) '- Rst-q FP P F ? ETH ' HEcgH OH 8ggo rll FakolOHH2t{z,6lE o Atrt Gtiloqlu€),l.l EzEl i-h E$[r H\EsrF tsh 4)h,o o C' r' FI EI Illt, g FIox - Il'ltl hl" 2,a ''rt3t rJ trl oDooito it ntI'll85Fr? 9o.}| t€ll<lrtlg 2 Etrt o.tt UF'uu,oz o€EtH BHzo ,o Eoo zt tr, oit 3 FIn oo Hv,o tf{oz }| CI E ori oIzttv 5t) |'t{oz orrt ItnIF'g ttF'tnovl{ BHoz oil ru eF'g !!olt a !tu oltlGt ttF aoaaa' E E E Erkr ll,EE Hg 9IH E o Hg gHiE r 8 518,8 B r EglEegg ls 9ilgl t! ;?;i E BSFEa FE Eu Fl-r+ nrADr9 € Bi[F rs*: fl'sE g rti-OR-gttRiEE, b"Ji8n6S p I N) \o N 9E EgFIzOt{ il EEtoV,Hl,'z fiEE!e3 trtorrt Gtn 3Et{Y t- ' * SALES CONTRACTt nfT3pJ":pfc*G;rffiilo 3990 South Windermere, Englewood, Colorado 80110 Phone: 303-789-0533 PAYMENTTERMS l,l€rdran&€ d$€ribed h€rcon is ofi€r€d for sale in accordance wih the Toms and Condliono shown on the rewrso sid€ of this Agreement on the follow- ing paym€nl tsrms. ll .' t DatE Offer uaae 'l- Ab' 1l Eslimatod Date ol Delivery El sory. aeposit *itfi balanoe due on r€o€ipt ol in\oice. Accounts are delinquent afbr 15 days. lnbr€st charges of 1tl296 p€r monh are du€ on delinqu€nt accounts. DEPOSIT FECEIVED (D€posit must accompany this confact) rc (e'tr Oiclte-Be.g /c-",,sA.er< Vo,'t^n cHecx, *-DArE-AMr.- aaaress 3/6 5 Hunicr As/.n to. 6lbll ZiD Code DeliveryAddress l6Ll 6orc crec< /l ll4,;L phone t17tr' 77/| / tXf- Z-7'17 OFFER y'ro-7 j/+ c; ..Le 'UzvLL ! eTer; fl clsH' DArE-AMT. tr VISA NAME ON CARD CARD # D MASTERCARD EXP, DATE in<, Prlce $404- Sales Tax $ Total Prlc. $ LI A./ee{J AGREEMENT All tem6, condtions and prices oontained herein ghalt expire lhfuV (30) days hom dab of ofisr and at any time bsfore that dab are subject to chango or wihdrawal without notioe unlees Purohaser has first sign€d and dslivBr€d lhis agr€€ment b 56116r. The undersignod Purchs€r horeby repb tris ofier and orderc end agl€es b purdras€ and pay br ths Ebow d$cribed merchandse and b b€ bound by all terms ard confiion6 sld€d, Includng T€rms and Oonditions on r€r€r6o sita. .IIIPORTANT II{FORIIATK)O{ ON REVERSE SIDE - READ BEFORE SIGNING. Purdaser her€by acknflledgss recsipt of a compl€bd oopy ot this Ag.eorngnt and ackno.rl€dges thet Purchas€r has read and und€rstands €wry- thirp conuined hercin. Dalad: Purchaser Acc€pH tor Colofado Canvas Awning Co., lnc. Aufiodz€d Signatirs Purcfiaser '.A I TERMS o'o CONDITIONS Prlces, Taxes: In addition to prices shown above. Purchaser agreos to pay all Golorado, county and municipal sales taxes imposed on the sale and delivery of the merchandise ordered. Dellvery and Instaltatlon: ThE date spocified for delivery is €stimated only and aclual lim€ of delivery is subject to production schedules of Seller and of Seller's suppliers and of prior orders on file with Seller. Seller is excused and is not liable for delays caused by its own or other's labor troubles, allocations, scarcilies, casuahy, delays in usual sources of supply or any similar or dissimilar cause be- yond Seller's reasonable control. lf delivery is to be made by Seller, it shall be to Purchaser's address indicated above. lntended Use and Fltne$: All canvass awnlngs, patlo covers, umbfellaa and related hardware ate solely for use as aun. shade. Seller does not wa ant fitnoss for use ol any of such ltoms tor any purposo other than use as a sunshade and a$umes no liability or rcsponslblllty for destructlon, damage, or Injury to porsons or property caused by wlnd, hall, Yeater, snow, lce, llre, falling debris, vandalism, mlsuse, abuse, accldant, and all other causes of physlcal damage. Warranty: Seller warrants clear tltle and rlght to transfer tb Purchaser alt goods descrlbed hereunder and warranls mer- chandise is of good quatlty and workmanshlp. SAlter agrees to ropalr or replacs at Soller's optlon any merchandlso In whlch de- fects are found for a perlod of one year from data ol Installation. Purchaser understands and agrees that fabrlc and palnt colors may lade gradually and that steel may rust when exposod to sun and wealher and that such ladlng and rusting are normal and not a defect covered by this warranty. Limitation of Seller's Llability and Remedies for Defects: tl merchandise or workmanship is defective and such dEfect is at- tributable solely and exclusively to an error or omission ol Seller, Seller at iis option may require Purchaser to return the goods, or so much ol them as are defeclive; and in lhal event, Seller will repay, at 'rts option, the purchase price or a portion thereof, or SellEr may repair or re- place such delective goods or parts. In no ev6nl shall Seller be liable lor incidental, special, or conssquential damages. Repairs or re- placements under the warranty do not acl to €xt€nd ths warranty beyond the original warranty period stated above. Llquldated Damages on Purchagst's Detault: Purchaser agrees that ord€rs for goods made to order and orders.which require materialsnot kept on hant by Seller as part of ils inventory may not b€ cancalled by Purchaser without the express permission of tho Sell- er in writing. Purchas€r lurth€r ggrees to pay the f ull purchase price descridbd on lhe lace hereof for all goods made to order uponwhich Seller has tommencgd work or\tas placed irrevocable orders lor mat€rials nol stocked as part of Seller's regular inv€ntory requiled for the compl€tion of Purchaser's order. ]f Seller has not placed irrevocable orders lor materials not stocked as part ol Seller's regular invenlory or 'rf Seller has not commenced work prior to Purchaser's defaull, Purchaser agrees to pay 50% of lhe purchase price described on the fac€ hereol as liquidated damages. Credit and Dallnquency Chargos: lf in Seller's sote and absolute judgment the tlnanclal condltlon of Purchaser at the tlme any goods are ready f6r delivery does not lustlfy lhe terms for payment speclfled elsowhers lnlhls purchase order, Seller wlll traire the rlght to sei other credf terms or requh6 payment In cabh before deltvery. ll Purchas€r falls to make payment ln accor- danco wlth any appllcable terms, Seller may, at lts option, requlre lmmediate payment ln full. It ths purchase prlce or 1ny p?rt thereof ls not promptty pald by Purchaser by the due date, Purchaser shall pay a dellnquencycharge of 1-5% par month or tho maxlmum Inteiest rite illowed by hw on all-amounts due. Purchaser agrees to pay all costs ol collectlon Incurred by Sollor, ln- cluding attorney's fees, and court costs. Security Interest - l/lerchandise Remalns Personal Property: To securo the payment in accordance with the terms of this Agree- ment, PurchaiEr hsr€by grants Seller a security interest in th€ above dEscribed merchandise free from all encumbrances. The parties agree lhat all of such mbrihandise shall remain personal property and shall not become req! property atter inslallalion at Purchaser's res- idlnce. Atter delivery to PurchasEr, the merchandise shall at all times be in possession ol Purchaser at Purchaser's rEsidEnce and shall not be rsmoved thEietrom without the written consenl ol Seller and so to remain in possession of Purchaser until payment of purchase price in full. Upon default, Seller may, at its option, enforce payment in full or it may take possession of said property and may sell it at pri- vate sale or ai public sale (at which it may become the buyer's), applying the proceeds toward tho expenses of sale, cost to,take posses' sion of said propeny, and ihe balance due lrom Purchaser under this Agreement, paying the surplus, if any, to Purchaser. Seller's rights under mechaniCs lien laws are in no way limited by the above. No Repreeentatlons or Slde AgreementS: Seller does nol make any representations or ofler any inducement Except those which are expressv set forth in this Otfer. Unless at least 50% of Total Price is paid by Purchaser at the time Purchaser signs this Agr€€ment, no persod has Seen authorized by Seller to accept other tsrms of payment whhout the prior written approval of Seller, signed by an Executive Otlicer of Seller. Purchaser acknowledges notice that no person has been authorized by Seller to make any represer alions of to off€r any inducements €xc€pt those expr€ssly s€t torth in this Ofier. This Otfer sets lonh the entire undertaking ol Seller and, it accept€d, will con- stitute thE entire Agroomont bstw€€n the parties. No repr€sentalion, promise or condition which is not set forth in wrhing in this instrument shall be binding on €ither party. Non-Walver: Seller's waiver of any breach or failure to enlorce any of ths t6rms or conditions of this contrad at any time shall not in any way atfsct, limit, or waivE Seller's right thereatlerto enforce stricl compliance with every term and condhion hereof. II ^III. RMT ' l-' / 1 ' t { // I ,-,r ilg= -E':. ru\.o-o +q, ?-| s-\ ---\-\\\ \)\t,o -\sa\ .r1 J=R C) --*f*.z. T'!f- C) oz, z, o, =(D o '1J-t (.r. (Dr| ci It.-"ulD-rfi 79t f') L Itl o 1l r =9', rD (D -5 a.at =.aiaf ro l(-t-t( rK r.>.|( tm t8 I I I I I I I II II I 'u o (D IDlu N,lA I rl lo t-J{J or(Dotn.)oq,l. 9. g.= oo J "tl -+r -t -o (J'-:(D <'J' r+ al. l-ott9ls l, 11 6lF le lZ lrn|,tIF,tr lf>Pthv. lirlEloV, ltotr.Vnle' lint^ lFla. I ''d^l- tr't!lIHlol6lslv IC Ur.+1J.o =-(oA5c+ =- -tturrDo o-o-J3(D0-.q t .i (O 5pJ5(O )o )' -+t (D =(D<-no J.orD1-'€ 3ut rl,@ct+hO -'f$ o,, o oO(f-ulrrD-n-o(D oc qr5 (D 5-bo)oJ'J 0, t/t -=o -J.<rfA, ct.-J O, o0, cr =< O- ct (D J. TD<E(D -c, 5J oo5 a+ r E o o, ai o 2 5cro1 .A =o)(.l -'t c, rD al' .D @ C'(D .: -o (-l' o-n a-r, 3 9. N (D --h 2 J I I I I 190 ILIt It I lx I l8I tr Ir I I I I I I I t"vr)t-Y |. t-9 I I I =oo 3o cf =- rn r- U1 aJl = --t-{m =.J - r { O =, V, at o, 1\) o.: q, = (ct tn tn ol{lJ.l (ol -l or' cr o9,ct u) 't' ct (o -'l 9J 5 UI o =5 -5 t (D o9rlcfl o o, 5o oo -no5 o a,/', cr3 c|.cfo,l-l I .A ro .-t-lq, (-l' 1 !E-to \rc)>< =o o(D O -r ctO .-f O co-5q,-n (o(D-Jo -t o-'Jojut -o vr ""(t =.)(oF o,=(Ir o .-J-nrDl(Jr Ic (n o-lo- -r. -t I = (o orl5 €lc+ J,tc+ | rlzl-l,/ | IAr|l'tl tt I I <,nl J.lEK"I aLl- | =t? |1r Iu1 | |qlpotr-fJ' I I I I I I 7 r (r- \ldckg1tcL\;')i'/ c\ '-,...,,*\. l.,,tti\1.. e . 6c'.int e1j, 13\6ce"\(. . 2 ' r\t\tte URII flGN 'CRUICC' RO/O|NE .r8 (/, .,\w fi:, L.{.. q elrr.r.i;\ Oorre \rr.-.,-\ "$#J --U, B\"-L lr ,--.,---.--ul ',..I" * = \"-o Category Numbel ,.- ':z-' Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Dare I lr:,'\q; Building N"t", f .'''' Project Description: t Lt ' . Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block Proiecl Street Address: Zone District ) Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval ;J, Staff Approval --Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid ' NAME oF pERsoN suBMrrrrN" 0d.,t(n Sn-Ra,tla n"o*, t/53-153 lFltZrcKednrD(:--€ . O;., Ko+?4- rc.rird l2l9l93 (Please Print or NAME OF PROJECT ADDRESS NAME OF OWNER ADDRES5 *. SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT APPLICATION DATE p11g77g <-*<..^.ULe- L,4_a_- Lot Block Filinq DEScRrprroN oF pRorEcr B6=pt-Ac€ €x|s-tN(-* lWdNTet, "'T€G," 6d at't?e Aic'AJ "Aer <lt.a THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BElNG SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC),INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE.'6ril, ktE,D /bM " HEcne HrrruoLt /68 6qe Tr"rrffifug sreu/awnrxc (FREE srANDrNG, hlALL, R.ci-rc 'r-T(fu06-s (GA) " /lDUt u'rL,El- 74P,4t?." B.OR AWNING MATERIAL l#[t, SIZE OF OVERALL 3t'x 25" SIGN, SIZE OF LETTER]NG AND LOGO ( Ets#) - Scate fu4a,^6 trTrAca€D D. F. G. H.XIT; $ ff:'.9+*"3"il-'3"i'? dlili''""'oi["]!(zs oa) Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location H:ored scaLe drawing Sample of proposed materiafs Photograph of sign if available REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 9tw tkw"^ o; 5rc"+) DEscRrBE rr"*rr*"66ilJQoR pRspe6Eyr Ft{ / srr p(' (- i a, r+r prr Ntc< lJof Oa C*+rtceb LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL ,., t 5.4 # nuo*,t o ( ATTACH ) 1. 2. J. n 4. ;.( 6. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE Sion Administrator TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the foltowinginformation is required: 1. A compl-eted sign/awning application (attached). 2. A sj-te plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. 3. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe locatj-on of the proposed sign. 4. A scaLed drawing which details the design of the sign,as fol-lows: (a) Col-ored exactJ-y as sign will be.(b) A lj-st of material-s to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific J.ettering style and size. 5. If an awning is proposed, submit drawings sho\n/ingexactl-y how and where the awn j-ng i_s attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that wiII be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing anawning, Iighting is not allowed to shine through theentj-re awning which cal-Ls undue attentj-on to thebusiness. Lighting may spottight only the actual signJ-ettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sj-gn code - verj-fy site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, theapplication fee shaLl be increased by 9200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not llnited to: Col_orado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant sha1l be responsible for paying any publishing feeswhich are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at theapplicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causj-ngthe rnatter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department tohave significant design, land use or other issues which may havea si-gnificant impact on the community may require review byconsu]tants other that town staff. Should a determination be macie by the town staff that an outside consul,tant is needed toreview any application, Community Development may hire an outsideconsultant, it shall- estimate the amount of money necessary topay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town bythe applicant at the time he files his application with the Cornmunity Development Department. Upon completion of the reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwardedby the applicant for payment of the consultant which have notbeen paid to the consul-tant shall be returned to the applicant.Expenses j-ncurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwardedby the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. '.\\:xt \tt1r\-J r-\€ ,'.$\.\Jv) -l N+F$lll.-l tl $r\l xtfr \, s{N \* \ 5 C/il \0.b 11 i$${8 t t. LlFol nfo..t,,hl 1 _-1 -tr--ll ,-rEI 't tlr I "c\! $ 1\\e{\ \) !:sN\ oN ..9 :)s .s R \ t\F $f 3 \: I \ R. s\.\) \3 A.\ R\Ij $p.\i\5 ;$:!{3'S.i\- .s Srxt C) \\.1t)e0*2\s.s{|,t\.\ l{l }-\.\) \ DeQn Review Action Forl TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecvGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot- Block- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: ' Motion by: Boa+C / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval tr Stafi Approval Conditions:i. - - | Town Planner Date:DRB Fee Pre-paid revised 12 /9 /93 (Please NAME OF Print or Type) PRO.JECT APPLICATTON DATE SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION c{,/ NAME oF pERSoN suBMrrrrNc ,dgir- D -E :rvr< nto*e ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS OWNER 11 n i,lArt t- Qrcpy tlAorl rt r A tll t- t' tp,t r<, LtGuoNE-+76 -eg4 SIGNATURE OF OT{NER LOCATTON OF PROJECT (addr Lot Block Pilino DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. l DESCRIPTTON OF THE SIGN/AWNING PRO.]ECTING, ETC) , INCI-,UDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WAI,L, MESSAGE. B. srcN oR AwNTNG MArERrArr &D)D/-^J - :,'<''--, aA^_, c,,49 _ 41rr,n-_,_.-J,4_ ,4tu*'tt,.,2, 1t>/<" zz,<, < t442,'a- t! .* -784 1- - C. SIZE OF OVERAIJIJ SIGN, SIZE OF I'ETTERING AI{D LOGO HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE c//4x,'<n € -A,to DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) 1,/61/a- s*/2,<,'.)rr4. a)/<-, Sz5€r.,4 tt<- 5eo ts,2_aj- -) ., ,tl , i i, l. ,F H. I-,ENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIT]M ASSOCIATION APPROVAI, FEE: $,20.00 PLUS $1.00 PEF SQUARE FOOT OF SI.GN AREA/. / .-\paro b Xv'(.. cHEcK so. l-tl-rl, DATr.__IJJa/L/Y /v\ ,---------..-e:-------TT-v)/ REOUTRED MATERTALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION (ATTACH) Si:te PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available L. 2. { A 5. 6. Sign Administrator TO: SIGN APPI,ICANTS or Ro[|(u Molllllf,iIl ^ ^^ t arili ).1 s' I j, .ll . -!l lrJu' "' ' $l$r f t ilv { d { $ * { * \ \ F 5I .\- "{,$ \ \ i \ z= I-l[=g1i5gf D'tro= =e ,rlvooIP(ltDzfVI ,N \ \ '{l tss t s \s \ \ os ** I I I ]. I I I { $ltll) Category Number *ign Review Action FOn TOWN OF VAIL 7 /6,74Date Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: - l\ ,-r-..,..,^ f ,,, ?l^. Architect/Contact. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision Zone District ProjectStreetedaress: l7G E '-,, (-;1'\nqn+ comments: I J*, -?n n,'^..j o Board / Staff Action Motion by: Z; rri..,--+- Vote: Seconded by 8,.-,-a. ^'..--4 S$pprovat */ -, ,a ,,*.ta,,tir- / ' ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval 5-6 Conditions: Town Planner n^+^.lJcltE.2 lL' 71 DRB Fee Pre-paid $ eo, qe o 2,/6,?1 trlr,-t C.bKB w,*,* A t,tr TffO Ho^-'- 5d4? IMV 4, \,"^ n *,"^2 -"r/.2 L ;f / -J^-Q e @o /4til z-'4 t/il- t " f*-*t- | d.t- /-14/4dt-/.Zd- d^-*J .e -?-6,2 17 ","1'*- cT 4 -e it[,r,.*- n /r*-l / 5"4"r 2 5-O laNYozsl'$\rIp:{r\EVlpNsbRR$$$$$,t$aRst\\l$\\$FI3 r,qID $ \N C\+B '.'' t ^ ,! \{ ;\:- F {'i$t si H{."ct sii$ tqSqd PSil\ \I_{t\-FF\st0tAs${l N $ N Ro eL,/ flTatnbtn ClofrnqJ 'Tt-+i 1/f ikc, Z at?crgotcd to laD ihc Dnb)akanah2 *J,f 6.O., ;ft1 attcrna?i{c 1o a soltcJ/ano {aut7 6e o *tD l'o" lcntr D/ a' 2'O" cil2emenk on et7{cr sidc. ft ," eutrzr?g niolacc, /hc Jb"@.semazt, ?t/ou('d noc /'i[zd 4l *,'t> 6c a6L h yu, as th- ettrl-aft Dn]oD do.,. /te ncD lo ha{- "9, rya@a:las' as &" Zg", a-rc r ry d"t..r $ o,u ,r\t,y "ft:$ K a #s-, / chec|.Z) fil" a&.' relail ?donu?y ou.j-*nid. aiV 4 shge b ou.r rght fis5 -so7i)7ar.g/a.r, tumdoa" as ufclL as eryshT lo our tf hrrry 2. fr>4lastc-*loy + &"fu (whiat has a ""D 69 artu koZt rnc- lo dt/iJ. H.l ou, ;nthz( TcXucst F , slid /an,- sha-,[] 6c Vorof) n &o &s,s / cqhhu,fualon.. ' ,4" hlc 6tre J snalt rotafl goctailan, fi.iLfltjr U e/9v7HtN-g/ 7 realtT Io7rccia!<- Jou. assi.*ncr- in blts,7tttu,,r") ,/ / n,D fo3)/c !* nytTLtn' *,;t*"" (atl mc & h" 'sb'c' lza-5/i3 flhrnt1*, flonnrl/',+ Chunti t t'o ,otlc DRB APPLICATION _ TOTN ,OF VATI-., DATB APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEBTING: O r"lrr-"" ci g/4/gL coLoRADq iiu'D,"rAN J ttggt r'rs rpprrcArfriT;Tlior BE AccEprED UNTITJ AI.,L REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED********** I.PROJECT TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF RtrVIEW: New Constrdction ($200.00),/ lulLnor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)r/ Conceptual Review ($0) c. ADDRESS: /Fb E ()trr t?:t-zz; t)r,v- (trr/r,. p v-2,/ Dr. -,,,n,,7-\.)-------FD. LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: LoI Block Subdivision a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet and LOT AREA: If required, applicantstamped survey showj-ng Iot area. must provlde a current G. I.NAME OF OWNERS: /a..tct,'""Mailing Address:- ifA€ a Phone /zt, iig.) If property is described bydescript.ion, please provideattach to t,his application. ZONING: l,: . ,f,. NAME OFMailing *STGNATURE (S) :MaiIing Addres!-i APPLICANT/ S REPRESENTATIVE :Address: Phone VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10/000$ 10/001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - s 150/ 000 $150,001. - $ 500,000 $500,00t - $1r000,000$ . Over $1r 000/ 000 It DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROV]IT,. BXPIRES ONE YEAR IJTER FINAf, APPROVATJ UNLESS A.BUII-,DING PERMIT IS ISSUED AllD coNstRucIIoN IsSIARIED. **No APPLrcs,TroN vlr]-,rJ BE DRocEssED wrrHour owNER.s srcNATuRE i_.. 1 rEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 AZUU. UU $400.00 $s00.00 VaLIv*" '1n*t f/AA' Condorninlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submit,tal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit,, please ident.ify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal. The town of Vailwill adjust the fee _according- to the table beloW, to Iensure the correct fee is paid. --, nd', t ll^t FEE sci-rE)ULE : EEE PATD: s dfu ' '| -/ t hr',l' 9,q Phone 4? t ' I, t8 -:, at t'/5 ?( ,r<j PRE-APPLICATI o ON MEETING: A pre-appl-ication meet.ing with a member of the planningsLaff is strongry encouraged to det.ermine if any additionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility Lo make an appointment with the itaff todetermine i-f there are additional submittal requirements.Please note t.hat a COMPLETD application wirl streamline theapproval Iirocess for your project. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must st.ake and tape the project site toindicate property 1ines, building lines and buj_ld.ingcorners. All trees to be removed nust be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to t.he DRB site visit.. The applicant musl ensure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirest$ro separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconcept,ual approval and a final approval. Applicantsshould plan on presenting their development proposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining tinai a r"rrr rn rr a l Applicant.s who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoarC on their gshorlrr] ari mar:f ih^ Cate and whO have noCasked in advance';;;;-;i";;;;i;; on rheir irem bepostponed, will have their it.ems removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The foll-owing j-tems may/ at the discret,ion of thezoning administrator, be approved by t.he CommunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formal hearinqbefore t.he DRB may not be required) : a. Windows, skylights and similar ext.erior chanqeswhich do not aLter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addilion proposals not visible from anyot.her lot or public space. At the t.ime such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeLetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromfha..1611+ €.!-rrq (rysrrL- rrJr Or manager Of any adjaCent condominium association stat.ing the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris fIow,wetland, elc) r a hazard study must be submilted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport, prior. to the issuance of a buitdlng permit.Applicants are encouraged to check wit.h a Tbwn pLannerprior to DRB applicat.ion to determine the relationshipof the property to al1 mapped hazards. For all resldential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior st.ructural walls of thehtti lrtincr: erlq[ b. Indicate with a dashed line on t.he site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding waLls or supporting columns. t. II III A. ? D. F If DF,B approves the appiication with condit.ions ornodificaLions, aLl conditions of approval must. beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit,. G. LIST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT:_/r'o;'A, /.rr,t /,tr/t f /ttttctr.L lr/rtdon ,,-/,/,)(.,,,t,r,/ LBGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT_ BLOCK _ SUBDTVISTON STREET ADDRESS: /?(. F. tjr.,. r',..-t Dr.ty, ( tt r/(.. ri\.l ,,/ -/)-.,,r,,)cl, , DEscRrPTroN oF PRoJEcr:- l.ltt,t.ttr,t)trt/ ('/ at,t,rt,f r,u,nJor,. ",t sttto/r The folLowing informat.ion isReview Board before a final A. BUTLDING MATERIALS: for submittaL to the Designcan be given: MATERIAL COLOR required approval TYPE OF Pnnf Other WaII Materials Fascia Sof f it.s Windows window Trim >" Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FJ.ashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther LANDSCAPING: Name.of Designer:phone: PLANT T4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical- Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deci_duous trees.deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate ,/>irt {, t,r'ac/ + S;l rl /,t^n ,gl,fizrq. Dla tt' o/- Bt-u. crees. PLANT MATERIAT PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Ouantitv Size*co.^on Q*u \ \\ EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METI]OD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs. TVpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footage c- LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior righting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and Locations on- a separatelighting pra-n.- rdentify each fixture from the righting planon the List below and provide the wattage, height-abov6 - grade and type of tight proposed. orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waIls, fences, swimningpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of'retainin!warls. Maximum height of wal-ls within the front setback ii3 feet. Ma:<imum height of waLls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. /D. fl+{ar=sz.t 74a ,.i,r '' ' - ,/\; . | : ., I.l -.; , ,: 71., ,',".,., r,_.; 'v''l L-, i1., . ;::;..,_..-- {J'.r,-,.,-1".IIr+-, l'"'r-'- t':',, t"i C\uvX+.=AI,i?L-E fuZ_ "=T AWl+t .-t(:. ASPECTS OF VAIL Vail, Colorado 162 E. Gore Creek Drive -t Owners Barry & Debby Schrager MICIIAEL HAZARD ASSOCIATES NO.DATE REVISION ARCHITECTURE PLANMNG P.O. Box 106 8 Vail, Colorado 81558 303-949-4958 Fax:303-949-4838 r -l r+ltr F,=P^ t+,e:= i{_\\0UN\'Q\r I --.rfr\-.F\[ixA \{-\{ l}}ntx I -t ,l \x sU)\t\>. t.uv. "Is I!<) * N f\ R a'.!J) trs I€5 iilg:il't$ .rryrNlv1llggl -f\e xf--<-^ LD\u-- W T146.oLD€s= 3V\oLorL. 1HEw^ Ar-re -1\16 v/epa_ W-T?et :/A.tL,'.*ltl-W_ wl-l\TA Lldr- TH€ /6 1,5 A |'lote lHt+ {-ooe 'v^/IL-'t- a l-r Tl{ A Get>+-= ef \IAG PaeP-. ,?wuy =t-tarLr4e7d ,'y x :IYV 'l - rF -l ^(()l- , t",.L/ ra/Y , rq,It/t'/ Mlcbael H4zard Assocl.rtes Arch i lectu/e Plannirrg Sincer), ./ /-/ / ,// +*". t/ /' L L fnne M. Fehfier MICHAEL HAZARD ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 1068 Vail, Colorado a 165u .1().1.1)49.1958 ltax.J0.l.91r).48-J8 trSu []il [ '2 rr ti'11 October 27, L99l . i,n'' rl' ..."' Dear Betsy, I believe that you were the initial planner reviewing the shop, Aspects of Vail. For this reason I am addressing this change to your attention. Since receiving your DRB approval, we have discovered a need to make one more exterior alteration. The existing door is only 2'6' in width and will not allow us access to install cabinets. We wish to remove the existing door and replace it with a door 3'0" in width. As the elevation shows the door shall remain in the same area and frame around the same piece of glass that is now existing in the 2'6" door. i spoke with you this morning about the above change. You said that it would only require a staff approval. I would, therefore, like this change presented at your next staff meeting for approval. If something is not clear or you have any questions, please, do not hesistate to call. Thank you for your time this morning and now. ,"ln)\u !r''1\' f sn- KF" .\t )"" ,J ' ')', \-'. 8g8rF6t6-€0e :xrd8t6F616-[0[85t I8optrotoc .l!8A890I xo8 'O'dONINNV'IdErlmcatlHcuvSTIJYIJOSSY (IITVZVE lfr\THCII'\tTIVA -{O S.[JgdSVre8Brqcs {qqaC 4 ,ftrugSleurroe^uq {earJ eIoD 'g z9.Ioperolo3'pe6$3$'$o JLF s $$F ..li i$- F( \ o d\ 7 0 E # s, $ 16618 A 100 &g r\U \t\ ,,\./ ffm,vilr i i ffl,q, M <c I a I I l I Lamp 1 60WA.l9 "l 1 13WPLC r 1 100w A.19 2 13W tuC Wall rnounted luminakes with die cast aluminum bracket arm and canopy Opal glass ditfuser. Prorection ClasglH{ Color: Black cirlwhite \ fub<+v-..tt 'l- l*- \nAfT6 - ,ryall5376 11!o /Vall5377P 11Ya 5379 ,Vall 1490 15Yt 5380P,ryall 17?s 15% L.-laffs-:'-llta tz2 1ne Ll bLlT f \X'fr\zre fag..-",\ry242, olr€VA':L- -r\Ja WILL- zr-- aL-2-<-$.12 ltr T14'3 t€7-e6-, Lzzc4t--11o+J' oF "rHr=- TWo tr-flzlrrtb Ft xlulze-e- THe tt ITUY-e. \'/tl-t-,. ee />-tJ.-. \./H)l-6 tb-rc.u)btrr-b Be tVpe.. );'' - -/,', n'', ''i/'' j-o l'i' ,\, ilr,'l 'i o ' r'1,. Appl ication Nusber . SIGN APPLICATION Date @ Phone 4/U -,t[Qrp FeePaid#4L Name of Project Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Description of .Project The fo]'lowing information_is required for submittal by the applicantto the Design,Review Board before a fina'l approval ca-n be givbn. Sign submittal fee is $2O.OO. A. Sign Materi a1 (2ot'etzt B.Descn'iption of Sign ( Length of Corrnents MATERIALS SUBMITTED I,IITH APPLICATION 3. Photographs sholing proposed 'locatibn 1. Site Plan,'. oriwi nsi sho-i;i n-g--exact'l ocati on X 4. Actual sign _5. Colored sial-diiiliis x5. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Diiapproved for DRB SulmittaT] rrgn Admlntstrator\ ,J I a I (t/*"/- U,,-r/Z -4dfq-'VT';e-*%