HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT 2 ONE VAIL PLACE AKA GONDOLA 1 BUILDING 1979-1981 LEGALI Atn ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2240 SOUTH KALAMATH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 60223 (303) 922{t68 (303) 321-2156 Mr. Steve Patterson Chief Building Official Departnent of Cornmunity Development Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Steve: AKA 878-979 February 7, 1980 As per your request, I will try to reconstruct for youthe structural steel configuration and conformance to drawingswhen I arrived on-site at ahe Vail Gondola One building. on0ctober 2, 1979. As I reca11: A. 9rfy.the ninor connections conformed to the erectionoraw].ngs;B. llajor structural nodifications of joints and jointdetails !ad been attenpted with no request forengi-neering assistance as to the resuitant strengthor adequacy of these nodifications;C. Although the rnajor portion of the steel was upand in p1ace, the addition of the roof beforeplacenent of the diagonals and repair of theconnecti.ors to the satisfaction of the engineel poseda potential co1l"apse situation. CONCLUSIONS: This writer feels that you were correct in re- , quiring a proper procedure in the repai rscledule, including the stoppage-of the placernent of additionalweight on the frame until rbpairs were cbmplete. If you have any questions, please do nothesitate to ca11. Very truly yours, ALBERT KNOTT & AS INC.ASSOC IATES , RMR: dn STRUCTUML AND MECHANICAL TESTING INSPCTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES AM ( PM-" BUILDING:PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATTON / STEE- ,wAOUCn / D.W.V. ')l' G^49 '-\utxc /,.-1 1/ trRoucH/wATER.// tr INSULATION - O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t rNsdfhoN REouEbr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL' tr o FINAL E!'-APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR . rNs#troN REeuEsr INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES weo -ffi FRINEADY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr B tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,r rNsPltroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME i@ wED rHUR FRIINSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. U ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr E FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING Y tr tr ROUGH CONDUI tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL fI"APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE t-,QJ-'ryCr tNSPEcToR o departnent of community developmentbox l(Xl Yail. cdorado 81557 (3031 4?6-5613 TO}|N OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTI-'IENT AT THE OCCUPANCY IS PLANNED FOR f on l/6/,fo ,UNIT NUMBER PROJECT }IAS ief Building oo ,"rr}?lo* REeuESr ,/oneO-/--Z-4- READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MoN @) F VAIL THUR FRI @ LOCATION: BUILOING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGFOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED a rNstehroN REouEbr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME @ FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr o tr UMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEE- UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr y'r,*ot tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO rNsPftf,o* REeuEsr DATE JOB NAME CALLER ,Qo",. z.- READY FOR TNSPECTION: MON TUES WED ffiA FRI - AM PM / t \_-_..,/' LocATf oN: ('/'tt' / -t- TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING T] ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS r] CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL T] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPFOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsPtt?o* neouesr TOWN OF VAIL,//oo.r, ,/:-r/s'a JoB NAME - G" 4/,/d f .E " g . CALLER LOCATfON: /' ,'/ .l READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ruES wED (ffiiO rar PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ y'rrrunr- {'. '-/ r tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPft oTro N REQUEST OF VAILTOWN J.BNAME- a ' ,6{ '/one.zCALLER TUESREADY FOR INSP LOCATION: wED (@ FRIMON AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr B tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB EE drrrurr- (, { O "FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION: C] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED rNsPtf,o* REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB (--.' ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIH T] FINAL INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES - O '*t'**f'81'-qrF!F:r'*.rzt - rNspftfio* REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL G",^/oA / wED rHUR @ ----@ r" tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING .- E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 5-4'@ rNSpEcroR rrus*ilor.r . TOWN OF REQUEST . VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLEH MoN @ wED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB €> ELECTRICALI tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED /l-ra-flDATE 4 /. I '. INSPECToB rNsPlcfu* REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECT Ctr,,- CALLER TUES WED @ FRI ------€U))'" BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H, TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ! leenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION". !-tf-r' -.JinZ+. INSPECTOR - JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL .';'i IDATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTIoN: to" .- r,iii) INSftTION REOUEST l/;: ,, .!. ,/,;; -( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING T] INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT u tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -rrusfirroN neouesr TOWN OF VAIL DATE i : JOB NAME _____ READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL C] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr EI -FiNAL O FINAL tr ATPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o'rNsPliroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOB LOCATION: FRI AM,PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE i' I'^. .INSPECTOR It DATE _ READY FOR LOCATION: rNsilbir" REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trtr T] FINAL tr FINAL E]'APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'f JOB NAMEDATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI rNsiltnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL I] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE - INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: t JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED tNs* o CTION REQUEST /4.. ------ PM TOWN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUI/IBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr A tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL FINAL POOL / H. TUB t t|lt ROVED CORRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oo rNSt&roN REeuEsr :// ,'. TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: MON /// -t*= CALLEB r lgES-/WED THUR -4;i PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL i tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr E tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING OUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr tr FINAL E APPROVED CgFIF[ffi-TSrlS: DISAPPROVED --. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE , .::,'-) INSPECTOR o CTION REQUEST ./ ,/ TowN oF vAlL oorr T@ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUlLDli,lG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr o tr u GAS PIPING p$rcernocK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL EL tr tr tr tr tr ECTRIGAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT o o tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR i rNStnoN REeuEsT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:TUES THUR AM PM,.\,FRI i''i t! , I i1,, A,-t,.'Yl0c; n F.-+,t, TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V-tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr u tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH fI EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNstTroN REeuEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED i THUR ,' FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL T] INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr- tr FINAL T] FINAL - ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST H tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E . : . -. tr_ PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER trtr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr FINAL g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR : .''1 , |;':-DATE . i -, I i -I -.' JOB NAME o rrusilt0n REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: adNlDEBGRouND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FOUGH / WATEH tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL B"APPROVED CORRECTIONS: fI DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i I,1 " aii oi rnsililon REeuEsr TOWN OF VA JOB NAME )DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -1 ,. ^ ! CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI AM(c BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION C] GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oa lrvsilfronr REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL -/onte 4/l-1 ll-, JOBNAME \j CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON rues r fif rHun '6)'*FRI :;/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr o tr tr BOUGH / WATEB tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL i H. TUB a':--l-Llail. tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL fur,p?frfrED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR (-lo.tv (.' f i- urt DATE ra/zz / ,t!)JOB NAME ------@s,* trusil#on REeuEsr TOWN TUES WED THUR FRI "--'lR OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER EffiOUNDATION / STEE_ tr o o o FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB T] FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL --e RppnovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ;'-INSPECTOR rNSthoN REouEsr OF VAIL WED THUR FRI JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING:7-z- tr FOOTINGS / STEEL NDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL yfaeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED zt--'//QINSPECTOR -,.--//l t'- t'<-'-'^ ,-t' ,"rJGroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VA JOB NAME CALLER TUES DATE READY FOR LOCATION: Qey /1-(n , , d&rtr. (9 ,..rr? t /.) WED THUR FRI Gb ? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION !, tr GAS PIPING SH POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL NAIL / aeeaoveo ' CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNSs}roN REeuEsr JOB TOWN OF VAIL ,:<-/t',' ,.(.;-(,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS E FOUNDATI r] FRAMING ON / STEEL tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL U FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .", ,": ' ,INSPECTOR I t !. prh!.rylv.il DATE ICIT , BLOCK_,FrLrNG department of community development additional information or correcti.ons the Pfan Check which is now in tbe Building PiIONE # Iuwsr box 100 vail. colorido 81657 13031 476-s613 The following are required to complete Department for review: ' ,-,Ex tr (-oztztate^s )o department of community developmentbox lfi! vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s5r3 May 8, 1979 Roger TilkemeierVail Associates Eox 7VaiL, CO 81557 Dear Roger, This letter is to affirn our telephone conversationof today and to l-et Vail Associates know I see no reason why the Town Building Office could not issueConditional Certificates of Oecupancy on the Gondola IProject. Unifor:m Buil-ding Code Section 306 (d), Temporary Certificates, allows portions of buildings -. to be oceupied even though fhe entire building is not completed, if the uncompleted portion of the buil-ding does not pose a threat to the persons occupying the completed portion. I hope this will clear any further questions you may have, and if not, pl-ease feel free to contact me at rny off ice. Sincerely, Mark W. Marchus Chief Puilding Official ,l ,?"' ,* INOEX Page fio. Index - ---- 'l Program Requiremnts --------- 2 - 6 ProjectSchedule l- 8 Budget (Estimate) and Area Calculatlons----- 9 - 12 Zoning Review----- -- 13 T.0.V. Zoning Forest Service 0rdinance--- 14- 25 Survey----- 26 AdJacent T.O.V. Property--- 26 Lodge at Vail - Donovan's Patio---- 26 Agreerents tlith Others 27 Se] ection of General Contractor-- Archltect-Engineerlng Fee-------- 27 Letters and 0ther Related Materlal 28- 16 I 26 t PROG4 RAM FOR GONDOLA I BUILDING A. BASEMENT: 1. Park'ing for approximately 8 cars plus loading-unloading area. ?. Auto-truck access over Forest Service property from south. 3. Clear height at garage door 9'-6", 4. V.A. I. locker area requ'i rements:(Note: Approxinntely l2 sq. ft. per 'locker inc'ludig bench and dressing space.) a. 50 lockers for Ski Patrol (See menp) b. 80 lockers for Ski School c. 30 lockers for Lift 0perators d. 5 lockers for Maintenance e. 20 lockers for hostesses and others (See menro) f. Toilet facilities with showers S. Direct access to Ski Schoo'l area via stairs h. Separate toilet and sink for First Aid Room i. Small offlce for Flrst Aid departnpnt j. Janitors closet and miscellaneous storage k. Other special detailed requirements from each department will be obtained through meetings. 5. General storage area and possible cormercial area connected to Plaza level . 6. Service yard and entrance drive to be we'l I screened from lodge views. B. PLAZA LEVEL: Ski School: l. Approximately 1,000 sq. ft 2. Direct access to baserent locker area and tollets 3. Indoor service counter 15' long 4. Two small offices and neeting area -2- al.o- Program for Gondona I Building Page 2 June 9, '1978 Ticket Sales; 1. Men and wornen with 2. May be 1ocated to l- approxlmately 150 sq. ft. each south on forest servlce property and poles with space Items. Located next property. 'l . Approxinntely 'l ,000 sq. ft. 2, Seyen windows for sales (facing east or squth) 3. Direct access to basement storage area and toilets 4. Indoor service counter'l 0'-12' long 5. Space for storage of tickets, credit card forms, etc. 6. One small office for manager, 8 x l0 7. Area for Polaroid camera, skl pass "p'icture taking" operat i on 8. Closet for personnel - Toilet Room Conrnercial Area: l. Two - three shops 1000 - ]200 sq, ft. each 2. Shops to face north and east 3. Baserrnt storage with stainivay access 4. Possible use of basement commercjal approximate'ly 1200 sq. ft. Public Toilets: c. Publ'ic Ski Storaqe Area with Attendant: Storage for 300 - 400 pairs of skisfor boots and other small personal to public toj'l ets on forest servlce SECOND AND THIRD FLOOR: Four Luxury Condominiums: I. Approximately 2,000 sq. ft. 2. L'iving room vielvs to south east view) 3. Elevator service to central halI - direct access to plaza level . -3- each (perhaps one unit with ^_+3 -a Program for Gondola I Building Page 3 June 9, 1978 4. Thrce bedrooms - three baths 5. Kitchen with best line of appllances 6. Living room - dining area with fireplace 7. Niche if possible for desk-study area 8. Jacuzzi tub in master bath 9. $20/yd allowance for f'loor covering 10. Colored plumbjng fixtures 11. Electric heat and dornestic hot water 12. Insulation as per state standards 'l 3. Thermopane type windows 14. Concrete topping on f1oors 15. 5/8" drywall on stee'l studs 16. A1] Oak cabjnets, doors and tr'lm 17. l,lood paneling to be vertical graln Flr 18. 0n sundeck-terrace per unit mjnjnum l0' deep, '15' wi de. Customi zing Recomrnendati on : Ne should design a base unit to begin with and then permit owners to work within this framework as per Nortlwosds; -4- o i GoNDoLA I PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCoTT, INC. Job #1671 Archltecture/Plannlng Vail, Colorado Drawer 2299 Vall, Colorado 81657 GONDOLA I MEETING MINUTES February '1 5, .I978 Present: Paul Testwuide Gordon Pierce Mike Reece l. First Aid Room should have four fold down cots. 2. Room for c'lean up - large sink. 3. Room for toboggan storage and drying (each toboggan 6'-0" x 2'-0" x 6") l0 - 12 toboggans per day - 20 maximum. Need high ceiling space and floor dra'in nearby. 4. Toilet Room with sink near First Aid Room. Add First Aid cabinet near sink. 5. Supply lockable shelves for radios, skatjes, drugs and emergency gear. 50 electric outiets for skaties. 4 electric outlets for radio. Recharges. (Ribbon outlets?) Each skatie 3" x 5" 6. Relocate driveway for skier-toboggan access and better snow removal. 7. Emergency front doors 3'-6" x 6'-8'- no glass lites - solid core with metal kick plates. 8. Time clock and board for cards. 9. Location for nnuntain phone. 10. Locker Room shou'ld be locked during day. 11. Add ramp near exterior entrance for spring-access. Check grades for positive drainage at front entrance. Add radlant heatlng at exterior soff'lt area. 12. Provide a connercia'l size clothes dryer for drying bl ankets , etc. -5- cc: MEMORANDUM To: Phil Ordway From: Linda Johnson Re: Proposed hostess locker room, Gondola I renovation Date: May 18, 1978 The following are my ideas and thoughts on the needs of a hostess locker room with the renovation of the Gondola I terminal building. l. Full lockers for 20 people. It would be best to have the lockers designed large enough for each individual's ski and boot equlpment as well as clothing. This solves an obvious securjty problem as welI as keeping things unc'l uttered. 2. Closet and/or storage space for uniforms, first-aid suppl ies, office suppl ies. 3. Central space, out of the flow of traffic, for daily information and announcements, schedules, tirB clock. 4. Separate office space for supervisor with space for typewriter, phone, small calcu'l ator. This space should, however, be designed with privacy in mind as we] 1 as beinq 'l arqe enouqh for staff meetinqs and conferences wi th 'indi vi dua'l s . * 5. A "vanity" area with full length mirror and sink. 6. Locker room needs good ventilation, good light as wel'l as a design for good traffic flow. 7. Electrical outlets to charge at least two radios and an eventual 20 receivers. * Provide centra'l meeting area for use by alI departments. Hu."y t Jack Marshal I Bob Parker Tom Harned -6- SCHEDULE FOR GONDOLA I May 15 - 3.l, '1978 Rough draft of program and meetlngs with V.A. department head. June 6 Revised progrars and schedule approva'l June 12 Meeting with T.O.V. staff to discuss program. June 14 Meeting with U.S.F.S. New program - access road permit June 2l Received letter, U.S.F.S. approval on basement south plaza Program. June 23 First conceptual presentation to V.A. s ta ff. June 27 Verbal hearing w'i th P & Z ,referdnce 'parking varjance. June 30 Final concept,ual presentation to V.A. staff. July I Intervjew general contractors July 7 Presentation and meetjng with T.O.V. staff & Eldon Beck (Consultant). July l0 Submit for parklng variance. July 14 Receipt of U.S.F.S. Special Use Permit for access road. July 15 Select General Contractor Ju'ly 15 Decide on all rnchanical systems July 20 Final design presentation to V,A.I. staff inc]uding out'line specification July 25 Presentation to Planning Corrn'ission for parking variance. July 26 Beg'in Working Drawings July 27 Presentation to T.0.V. Design Review August'l Final approval on pariing. (t'lote: If parking were turned down or altered this area in the basement could be used for storage). September I Contractor to give V.A.I. maximum guarantee pri ce. September 15 V.A.L staff to make final revielv of p'lans -7- L O S.HEDULE FoR GoNqlLf,I November 1 Begln Speclflcatlon November 20 Complete llorking Drawlngs and Speclficaton. One week for revlew of drarings and Speci- fications. December 2, Submit for plan check and bid out all work. January 20, 1979 B'ids due February 16 Draw up demolitlon package for b'idding purposes. Finalize a1l changes and prices. Begin to order critical items (structural stee'l) Bid out demolitlon work Demo] i ti on bids due V.A.I. moves out of building Begin dernlition work Begin construction 0pen V.A.l. offices, Ticket Sales, Ski School, for staff December I0 Bui'tding to be totally completed for occupancy. (l'hy be necessary to have additional nnnth to finish 'luxury apa rtments . ) Ithrch l Ihrch'10 itlarch l6 April I Apr:i'l 27 Ithy I lhy '15 Nov. I0 -8- -- luwn box l(X) reil, colorado 81657 €03) 476€613 November 23, 1981 .Eernhild Schleicher P.0. Box 3517Vail, Colorado 81657 Sincerely, Town P'lanner P.l:df depanment of community dwelopment RE: DRB Submittal of 11-18-81 Dear Bernhild: At the November 18 meetlng of the Design Reyiew Board, yoursubnitta'l for Sou'leiado-Vill Storefronl g Siqn was appr6vedtith the-fol'lowing stipulations: sign to be-4 sq.ft., Uandon storefront to match orange/red color on sign.' - I Project Application Prolect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Comments: Design Revlew Board OISAPPROVAL-o 5Ummary: _ APPROVAL Project Application e"r" 0ctober 30, 1981 ProjectName: PetitCafe i. r t.'' r+ ,'.'i.'ti',i. ' Owner, Address and Phone:A Ente One Vai l Placeo Vail, C0 8.|657, 949-5777 Contractor fstXX&X, Address and Phone: '')Jeff Heermans. P. 0. Box 559. Avbn. C0 81620. 949-4a75 Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Fi rst5L Zone - Comments: *Des"rgn Reviqw Board Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: E statt Approval,Town Planner /t//{lrr llI Date: 5 & A ENTERPRISES One Vai'l P'lace Va'il , Co]orado 8'1657 october 30r L98l /cw Enclosures Mr. Peter Jamar, Planner Town of Vail 7:5 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Jamar: Enclosed is the sign application that you requested we file for the signage on the Petit Cafe awn'ing. Accompanying the application isa photo^of the sign (which also sat'isfies the iign design), as wellas the $20.00 submitta'l fee required. Should there by any other information I can furnish you or the Boardin processing this application, I will be pleased to'do so, Most cordially, Rona'ld J. Silber Fee Paid $ZO'OO SIGN APPLICATION Date october 26, 1981 Name of Project Petit_ Cafe _ Name of Person Subrnitting Rona'ld J- Silber Phone q4q-q777 Location of Project One Vail P'lace Description of Proiect The following information is required for submittal by to the Design Rer,iew Board before a final approval can Sign submittal fee is $20.00. the appl icant be given. 1f. A. S ign l'laterial _Canvas B. Descrjption of Sign Canvas Awning sign C. Size of Sign D. Corunents -Jhis-1e-Ltering wil'l replace the existin$ivood sian -- S i gn Acir; i rr-r s Lra tor -.-now hidden under the awning. I.IATERrALS SUUNIIT[D I'JITH APPLICAIIOil 1. Site Plan 2. Dravrings siiorlinq exact location t. Photogiaplrs stroiv'in9 Jrroposcd I oc-a [lon 4. /rctual sign . _- 5 . Col ored sca I c drali ng -----.-6. Plrotograplrof sign X -- Anrrroved for ni(B Srrllnrittal Di!approved for DRI] Subrnittal s ilt'i- Adiliii i;, t.ln trr r I Fee Paid $20.00 SIGN APPLICATION T Date october 26. 1981 Name of Project_Petit Cate_ Name of Person Subrnitting Rona'ld J. Si'l ber Phone g4q-srzz Location of Project One Vail Jlaee Description of Project The follovling jnformation is required for submjttal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given' Sign subrnittal fee is $20.00. I, A. Sign l'laterial lalyqq _ B. Descr j ption of Sign .fannaq Awnin+ligtr---- C. Si ze of Si gn _._g' li9h-L24_-1ang___-:__ D. Comntents Lbis lettering will replace the exjsting wood siqn .- --- now hidden under t[e awning. !!tr_[814! s !uq!!LULJ'-!l IfH 4?i]Ul4llo-i| 1. Site Plan '--- exactlocationZ. Ur'awl rlgs snolJ1 q 3. Photograplrs shorvi ng ;rroposed I ocati on 4 . /rctual si gn 5 . Col ored s'cal t cjratvi ng 6. Plrotograph of sign X __ S-ign nc,;irit-r:.ai6i Approved for [],'(B Subnritt,rl Disapprovcd for DRli Strbntittal si.Ji iidiitilii rii'ai0r oo S & A ENTERPRISES One Vail Place Vai1, Co'lorado 8.l657 October 30, 1981 oo Mr. Peter Jamar, Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Re: Petit Cafe Bay Window Application Dear tlr. Jamar: Enclosed are the below listed documents requested by you in the material to be submjtted schedu'le, particularly those requirements sited underIII., "Addition - Resjdential or Cormercial". In addition to the below'l isted forms, we have attached those documents you spec'ifically requested; namely, (d) elevation of addition, (e) photos of existing structure, and(f) specifications for all materials and color samp'les...deve1opment. In reviewing the attached material for design consideratjons, I would'l ike you to consider the following: 1) Sun/Shade Consideration: The awning should not increase the spring and fall shadowpatterns. If shadows occur which are undesirable, the awning can be retracted. 2) Facade/Window Consideration: The proposed bay window will offer a c'lose-up and casual view of the interior decor of the Cafe for pedestrians. In addjtion, the fo1 lowing forms are attached: Mos t cordi a1 'ly 1) Project Applicat'ion2) Design Review Board Project Informatjon L'i st3) Site Plan -lR+ /cvw Encl osures Ronald J. Silber PETIT CAFE , r,,.. : , ,r Ol DRB pR'JEcr INF.RMATI.N LOO r'l l'l'irr;''i To.make a bay wiMow in place of the ex'isting frontnindow Iloof $j di ng Othcr l'irr I I Fasc i a Sof fi.ts l'rrindor.ts l,Jindovr 'l'i'.inr Doors Dcor 'l'r: i.lrr l{an<! or Deck Rails ' F lues Flash j.ngs Chirmreys 'Irit'sh [nl:I osurcs Gr'cenitous es Other Al-l-male_ri-a.l,shal-j . C.s-1-o_t:_te*ns_te[ e,tt-i-sl-jrlg -be--.-fr-ued .the--sars--- -c-si-orjsl-ell-!'e€{al-. [5*_s-t-!_aqhed.-pbsto:--elqri-s_[i-Bs--ss!Lsll:wt-!-i._onI_ B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES NOT APPLICABLE Botan'ical Name Coilmon Nc1nle -o.s-uUJl Si ze SHRUBS PETIT flb DRB PRoJEcr TNF'RMATT.N LIil til:.tt,t ,;Il l' . til l,l'rr,i,.,i To. make a bay window in place of the ex'i sting fr:onl window ittf olt:'rIiott i, r' ll J itr:r I ;r1rgrt o,.':r l lirr-i'l:ll i/ri.l; A,1-1-ua!erjal shall - . Qolu:-ts-.rna-t-s-h-e-x.i-s!-j!19 bp_..-freUed_ t-he_.s_Aqe_-_,eSlqr__to_r_a]l__0qte-rl-rj1. q:- _el.i-q!-r.!s, *__15.es_c-t-tq-ehe_d-pla_t!-gof e.$.-s!qg_!qLslruct_!_j-ol'l_ l',rr I I l:ascia Soffi ts I'f irt d or'rs l'j i.n cl or'r 'l r'.i ru I)oor s Door 'l'r ilrr llancl o:r: l)cch ltail s 'F1uer; Flir.sh j ng,s Ch inneys 'lrilslt lin::1 osulc-s 6Lc:cnlrorrscs 0tirer: ilat.cr.ials B. LANDSCAPING l'ltrnre of Designer: Phone : PIANT MATERIALS TRETS NOT APPLICABLE Botani cal Narnc Corrrrnon Narnc Quq!U-!r Si ze sHRUlls OQ oo // /'/ it EXHIBIT A ' 'IF. 4rl.F'It .,rdt+(' o,1-\ / t' //'l I,.\ \ ::J)1:" \lr\ ''r-.)(t ' llrStctt " -") 1 =7 H\..rrON \2v \.{\LL rw Bay t.Jindow Dirpnsions Width - 7 feetDepth - z+feet Height - s+feet t' SCIL{3/t ' /'o" U**,//,4 t, o s ,(.\ l.ll) \rt e a t[H$ 7 trtattr tstt 3 ?fr'*?' *'r Hs?+.f1* -t ,:-IL a- f *t C', @ -{H -Dt F a t.. ; ONE VATL PIACE Commercial Space #6 Design Considerations ,t 0-2 i,-g l in a Dutch door The handle and kick-type locks will be t FACADES: Materials: The materials usedstore front itself. Thefinish. As seen in theand glass do compliment Color: shall be primarily wood and glass for theentire building is surfaced with a stuccoother store fronts of the building, woodthe stucco build.j_ng appropriately. The r^7ood surfaces of the store front wirl be stained in right :"*"1i3:"m dark brown cotors-to-blend ni"eiy-wi.tn ti," buildins as Transparency: This store front is very "people oriented,, with targe baytype windows to help enhanc.-ttliric flow around this side of thebuilding. Wi-ndows: The bay type windows wil-I give a pedestrian sense to thestore front and compliment trre 6lner bay windows seen on thatside of the buirdin|. iil ;i;=; irset_r ,i:.i-u.-"i double panevariety wirh srandaid treat;;;;: The window rrim witl be oflight and medium brown *ooa. ----- Doors: The door will be of hardwood variety _._?,?1]"r. a people oriented feelins.wr-rl be brass in nature. Dead boltto secure the door. styleplate used Project Application Project Name; *-- (,. (/ I r._a(t''i -r/o Project Description:''i*=I Contact Person and Phone. '..;/' i,, ii r. x Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Block Filing Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL -- t{:.t t Iv Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: tl a box 10O vail, colorado 8'1657 (3031 476-5613 0ctober 21, 1981 T0: DESIGN REVIEI^l BOARD FR0M: Department of Community Development RE: Souleiado Siqn Variance Reouest App'licant: Bernhild Sch'leicher department of community development Descriptjon of Varjance Requested The applicants request a sign variance for their shop located at One Vail Place. According to the provisions of the Town of Vail Sign Code the applicant would be allowed 4 sq.ft. (storefront: 20 linear ft.). The applicants request a signage of a tota'l of 8 sq.ft. whjch wou'ld be double the size of signage allowab'l e. The applicants feel that the proposed signage is. consistent.with adjacent signs (Curtin-Hi1l Ltd.) and would harmonize well with the storefront. They state no reason of hardship. Criteria For Approval A. There are special circumstances or condjtions apply'i ng to the land, bui 1ding, topography, vegetat.i on, s'i gn structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adiacent right-of-way, which would substantia'lly restri ct the effectiveness of the s'ign in question; provided, however, that such special circumstances or condjtions are unique to the particular business or enterprjse to which the applicant des'i res to draw attentjon, and do not apply general ly to all businesses or enterprises ;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant;C. That the granting of the variance will be in genera'l harmony wjth rthe purposes of this title, and w.i ll not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the v'i cin'ity, to adiacent property, to the ne'i thborhood' or to the public welfare in general; i Page 2 D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applfcant's business or use;E. Such other factors and crjteria as the design revievr board deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff Recommendation The Department of Community Development Staff recommends denia'l at the requested variance. No hardship has been shown and we fee'l the signage a'llowed and designated by the Sign Code would be adequate to identify the shop'in this location. r1 I lulryn u l|flI box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 October 21 , L98l TO: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FR0M: Department of Community Development department of community development REI Souleiado Sign Variance Request Applicant: Bernhild Schleicher Description of Variance Requested The appljcants request a s'ign variance for their shop'located at One Vail Place. According to the prov'is'ions of the Town of Va'i1 Sign Code the app'l icant would be allowed 4 sq.ft. (storefront: 20 linear ft.). The applicants request a s'ignage of a total of 8 sq.ft. which would be double the size of signage allowable. The applicants feel that the proposed signage is. consjstent.with adiacent sjgns (Curtin-Hi 1l Ltd. ) and would harmonize weil wjth the storefront. They state no reason of hardship. Criteria For Approval A. There are special cjrcumstances or conditions app'lying to the land, bui lding, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or wjthin the adiacent right-of-way, which would substantially restrict the:. effectiveness of the sign in ouestioni provided, however' that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the appi'icant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises ;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the app'licant;C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmony with:the purposes of this title, and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinity, to adiacent property, to the neighborhood' or to the public welfare in general; , ')+ Page 2 D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicant's business or use;E. Such other factors and criteria as the design review board deems applicable to the prrposed variance. Staff Reconmendation The Depantment of Community Development Staff recomnends denial at the requested variance. No hardship has been shown and we feel the signage allowed and designated by the Sign Code would be adequate to identify the shop in this location. .'3 , box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development 0ctober 21, 1981 T0: DESIGN REVIEI'I B0ARD FR0M: Department of Conmunity Deve'l opment RE: Souleiado Sign Variance Request Applicant: Bernhild Schleicher Description of Variance Requested The applicants request a sign variance for their shop located at One Vail Place. According to the provisions of the Town of Vail Sign Code the applicant would be allowed 4 sq.ft. (storefront: 20 linear ft.). The applicants request a signage of a total of 8 sq.ft. which would be double the size of signage allowable. The applicants feel that the proposed signage is consistent with adjacent signs (Curtin-Hill Ltd.) and would harmonize wel'l with the storefront. They state no reason of hardship. Criteria For Approval A. There are special circumstances or conditions applyingto the 1and, building, topography, vegetation, sign structures or other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacent right-of-wayo which wou'ld substantially restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question; provided, however, that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, and do not apply generally to alI bus'inesses or enterprises ;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant;C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmony wjth:the purposes of this title, and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working'in the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general; e ,' Page 2 D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify the applicant's business or use;E. Such other factons and crlteria as the design revielv board deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff Recommendation The Departnent of Cormunity Development Staff recqnmends denial at the requested variance. No hardship has been shown and we fee'l the signage allorcd and deslgnated by the Sign Code would be adequate to identify the shop inthls location. AtLdenttum to AppJ-icati-on for a Slgn Yariance for SOULEIADO - A Arench Cor:ntry Soutlque. !lr. Peter Janar Town of Vail nevelopnent Vail, Co.19 0ctober 1981 Dear Peter, the already affixed letteri,ng IFRS{CH CQIIffiRY $IIIIQUE tt ttrlsrlf, measu.res 8 sf. Acoorcllng to regulatlon, the shop has a sign allowance of only 4 sf. fhe store front rneasures 2O feet. Therefore 1 woulcl like to withdraw roy appll"oation for approval of the erlstlng sigr and re-apply for a gign varia.nce. The letterlng ls in oonsistency wlth the lettering of the neigfrboring s4tlque shop ttGrrrtaln-Ili}l LTn' ln style and slze.:Egtetioally the letters fit the size of the frane work above the shop rve11 and har"nonlze vith the storefront. fualler letters voul-d-.Look out of ba1a,nce. Peter, I a.n unable to get hold of a site p1a.n and you thought that you nlght have one j.n your office. Slncerelyt 6u"t' l,l ,6&ladn Bernhiltl Schleicher A*ddup flo 3$pltcatl,€e fea e Sf6n Tast"anea fer WISAIXI * I &s& efisrtrrJr 8o'gtlgnr. Hr, Pctec Jaoes Fcnffi of Y*$, lwrlsffit Yalll Ce.ft $s{"gb|P 19S1 De€ Fst@l tna cira*Cg af,ftfl{ Xatter{sg xlptffiE gffig$!tr Srffietr#r:npr^Edmusci s sfr *c*i*:ae €e c?srX*qtm* ler rbsr bal a s!.8n sl,Imm* of or\r 4 af. fhr c-bra fissat atrffirac 80 f,i&' &*r*3pw X *sn!E l"lkc to vl,ffmr ry *lpl.lao*{ea for rpprora} of th'f xtstl,EF c{S esd^sr'€pFly f68 * ri.gn wsiasoa. Sl lsttry!.ls ts ts caur{r}mry irtth t}lo lettci*S 9f q? no}6!*er{36.. r$bt*s,q rheF-*giurteisrglll I# ** rtytr gEfl ei[*t*aet{ttc*']3f f&c lct*m fLt th6 slrt of th*-fud mx* above thc rbg vrlX *nS nawartgt xittr ths atoea$cnt. [bl}ls lstt€cr rqldlloee otrt of blesa. Fe*tc:p X rs rn*btra tG 6gt bo14 of e eitc BX,ea tl$, Y$l t&os&t thct fruu, Ef8ht trerc ens !.n ymr of,fiso. /-,/p/ {e(4h'ln&blsfiths ${onen S rgelh#m lFu I S,rn fsCaruc *tnryts*r F. PgGc iI* 36d4 ef YalX g*nl*ret Tal,ls Cor 1h b$tffi,sf ir tJr ffirirtryntl.gs tbsr &*fal*fll I# Bl*r Pctsr thr airtilY !.ff;tral frttcfaC f[lEeg ffi W arErElGI ff. falgfnf ta nCll.*tfm+ fDr *lr'l bm r rf*n rllrous {f €ul.r* af. i&o sE"r fbadt rmftErr ffi f*t. lbpdome I rddd ttkr to rttifur ay r|l|rlletlo fe afg*wrl af tb.U*fa* stga S rrqgflg *!qr r rfef vdrmf &{F *g&EIf,&-lfr*sb r9 SGebG rpr trttb th f*ttdss tf, ihr d'r&regiarilr rQ7f.r rrA !tuc.*nt$fo*ffy tb l.*t*rffitit th. s|n* nf &t fu W rlsr* k *FS !.rll d f+++.qt+6 *tthib* r*wt*'orrfr hL[* ]*btxl ml{lJad ffii #f btslr E?tfr^ I er rmDlc to Grt bLi sf, a d"tl DLc raril p tkght &t 1wnildbi k"t sff tla tenr dfl.** it_llgar\rf !rn/",-,rot .l 4-a c&*ld$"il gohl'd,€bc &ld|k ta *fryff*tf* fau * S[*n Hm f,s ffii*u&] c i tian**1ry hEqEG EB. Psiic J@ &F* ef f*$ Exrnsl:rtYri,l, S,f9 0c.k ttsl h- Hlrl ibc^rfmify-*Hnif f,cttrl$t q!*fffi ffi ffi rtranlrI {. fs+!g to qrrrtr,rnr lb. rbgF hr r rtea drffi s3 G:t4 af. lhr tet kf Enrcrr S SetAIhfss* tr ffit* lih b *,s*rrr ry ry{e*tl* fb rrpwr} pf rbrg{'**teg *q * o.'"*F fiw * *eA rii* , lFf_ltttdag ll tE mrrtry s,tL ttr rrBtu{rs d lEr nddhb"r.f,s Tflryr abr |futlil.+fll li!ilF tE etflr g @ tbr l*ttcrlflt thr d*r cf t*i#,kr ffi* $gur *Lr 'entl Hilf d, lrrut* rdtb&r ffi; 4r*trx rr*tg lxr#lrs* ** *c brnsr* *r.I m u$* *o #q-Sf& *f r r*** g,m d p thffidbt &t re,dfiirt ffi Es t1 ygg; c1lqlsrr Fff' . buuLlct ,Je(rle.4hnffifs s*l#thp I h142li-catior, ,1" APPLICATION FOR A SIGN VARIANCE I. This procedurc is re<luired for any project requcsting a Variance. The application will. not be acceptecl until all infor:mation is submit.'.-.i-. 1 A. NAMtr OIT APPLICANT ADDRE9S PHONE 8.. NA}18 OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS . PFONE C. .AUTHORIZATION OA PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS PHOI.IE D. LOCATION OII PROPOSAL ADDRUSS LEGAT DESCRTPTION lot block Filing E. FEE. 920.00. :!!'' fr' Four (4) copies of the foJ.J.owi.ng inforrnati-on: A' A statcmcnb.of thc prccisc nature of the variance requcs;tccr,the reguraLion involvedl or,.1 th" practlcai airricutty or unnnecc:r.physical Lr,arcls:hip inconsistent: r.rith the objectives of this tiLIethat would resull from str,i.ct or literal iiterpretation ;ind erfcr::ment of thc s;:ecified regulirLion B' A site plar-r.shoiving all existi-ng ancl proposed features on tiresite, and on acljoining sites if necJsi"iv,-plrtinent to thc varia::.requested, includj.ng sj-te boundaries, reiuirecl setbact r, truiraingLocations and heighis, toponraphy ana pnysicor iealui"", "-rri;",sign locations, proposed sign locations and any related data. c. such additional material as the zoning acrministrator may pre_scribe or the appricant may submit pertin6rrt to the apprrcation. III. Tine Requirements The Design Review Board rneets on the lst, 3rd and Sth Wednesdays of': the nonth. An application with the necessary accompanying naterial nust be subrnitted L7 days prior to the date of the neeting. -'I..- Soulelaclo - A French Country Boutlgue 1 ValI Place, Vall, Co. 81557 476-2149 Ur. Peter alenar fown of Val} Develcpnent V411,0o. 19 October 1981 Dear Peter, after talklng to'Mr. Mlchel Lalanne, the owner of- 9OULEIADO I would I1ke t,o epply to the Deslgn Revleu Board for approval of the letterlng already afflxedtFntrxlcH countny BoutrquEtr ae shosn on the photograpbs I already submltteil. Sf-rcerely, ,t t ttl ,;i#i&', ;{,..*"1,k{ o "' Manager of Soulelado ,'I'IE 01; PIIOJ]iC]. VILLAGE PI,AZA BUILDING -: PIERRE LnGAL IIiSCnr])]'roi{LO't c lllocli J-L Wlst ITI LING l)DSClll l'TION OF PllOJltc'l' Store front commercial space -- Village Plaza Building -The followin.g jnfornration to thc Design Rcvierv Board A. ) BTIII,DlNG I,lATERIALS: Roof Sidin g Other lVa11 L{aterial,s j.s rcqui red for sulrmittal b1' bef ore a f in a1 alrlrroval can Col or the Applicant be givcn. Fasci a Soffits li'i n d orys ,liiridor,,' Tri m Doors Door Trim Iland or Decl< Rails Flues F]qqhinoc Chimn eys Trash Encl osures Greenhouse s Other Type of lilateri n1 The entrance is a victorian glass paneled r^rood door with carvings finished in spar varnish. Flankj-ng Che entrance are two large pane beveled glass bay wi-ndows which extend out nearly as far as the overhanging condominium. Along the top of both windows and the entrance is a row of sma1L beveled windows while at the base a buildup -of moldings provldes characte,l, At either side of the shop are wall. mounted lamps sirnilar to the corner streetlamp but at a reduced sca1e. These are rnounted on framed panels with pl"anters placed in front, below. Signage gold. Painr colors are off-white, beige and PLANT I''ATERIALS(vegetative, Landscaping l,laterials includirrg Trees, shrubs ,and Ground Cover) is again gold Jeafcd dimcnsional letlges app 1e B.) Lotani ca I ilarne Comrnon l{a.ne Quantitv Size Alrp-1..i-<:;r Liorr Oet. 1, 1981 APPLICAT]ON FOR A SICN VAIIIANCE I. Tiris procedure is rcclr*ired for any project r:cqucsting a Variarnce. The apptication wil} rrot be accepted until all infor:mation is subm-itt. ; A. NA}4E OT ADDRESS Mlchel- Lafenne t APPLICANT ylnlfred Proctor _ r . c. Box 1597 , eun vallev , rdaho 822__nuo*o {339J:ee ." B.NAI{E OF ADDRESS AppLICANT.S REpRESENTATM Bernhlld Schlelcher F.o.Box JJ17t Va11, Co. 81558 ..PrtroNE 476-5504 C. AUTIIORIZATION OF PROPERTY OI.INER SIGNATURE ADDP.ESS PHONE?k-rz<- o D. LOCATION OII PROPOSAL Co. 81 6ADDRBss ?"Vllt"$?i8B1lv"r.r LEGAL DBSCRIPTION lot Ph,. 476-2 block Filing E. FEE. 920.00. li's SCUL!,iAtU-VAIL 1 Vail }lacer Vall, Cc, 816rT476-2i+9 Tol;n cf ValiDept. fcr Con;lunlty l)evelcpmentAttn. itr". seter janar Vail", Cc, ii 1657 0c tc ser 6, 1SB1 Re,i Adde.rrCi;.in fo the appllcatlcn fcr a sign varl"ance anC apprcval cf Lhe exterlcr colcr cha.r:ge cf SCULIIIADC. fn iule cf 1,q[,1 the ;,artnershLp between i.ir"s, ii:l1 ei:d I'11e hel Lala:.lne-trf:.nifreC f,roctor was di,gsol.reri "[1r. ]-ala::ne ;;aCe a :eparate J"easeag,reement r,:Lt,h Vail- Assoclatesto lease the spece where SCULEIAIJO is now icc::icl.. The apprc;:ci ext:er.lcr cclcrg Crld appiy tc CL.r.'i,ill:-I{IL!, but d.c not a6-::'ee rolitti our l':.ench ccuntry tfiene" lr'e Ll:erefc:'eare appl;trr:a fcr apprcvai by the DRB of the cclcrefrencir blue, cren,le an<l off-v;hlte as shcwn in i;he ,:nclosed r h ,^'f r : rrtl n1^, e. l,.iv v! The ;CUL;IA}O slg;i, tir,:it oad been affixeci tc f;s r+all (as si':r-vrni:: th,e enclaseci p:]CIi,)gr&j:h) has bee:: ta;er icr.r::, slnee tt leas ln vlclat,J.on cf the :"ules cf the Diq,B, I arn as*ing fcr r tempcrary pernlsglcn tc l-eave tire letters "FRJI.":H ci..f;. riiy tourrLur" bfilxed. l4f . Lalat-lne i-n c'n e hrrrrinc f.nin 1n Frarree and ;fi11 fetUfnuv trrc- t+iir ;i c. 'r"uJ"", -iFt"i'^irli"oi'.*"I*rcn wlttr F.r. LalanneI. v*Ll} then draft up a propcsal of cur new sign, that w111, n:eet the requlrements of the DRB and w111 be approved at theneetlng on the 21st cf Octcber. A apolcglze sineerely for havlng caused a dlsdurbance vrlththe cther merchants anC the DRB. Cordlallv 6;,,rhL "&n'od,h. ngfiA}g}d sch1eleli:r encl. I 3 phctographs a, Project Application ..\l t, g-3t-gl Project Name: Project Descrip lion: Cun',,r,"rcv-( \[ate # b 1rc,.,fa,l(- contactPersonand enone t*RR4 l,htlu*r( ?.r'e-r7sO Qart ase€.) B.x 7 LtrlL attsg Owner, Address and Phone: oPr- tl,^1L qLA(E (aNty). A ssA), Architect, Address and Phone: (.,tbt cft'o^f *"/ ;fl o": Legal Description: Lot & , Btocx fC , Fiting FlRsf , Zone Comments: Design Revlew Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Town Planner Date: D statt Approval (-t l -- ii"rrr:r (ri: r ! ii rri"r-..4196 Aemae-----eomm.au",o^-th.#, b. ------**a Ltr;tt, l;i:',i.!.il't't():i: l()'l' I t,,t.tx:x 1(l t,l rir: E,'z<?-'l't()l'i: t.Ut' . -A--._.lll,(-x:K 5J)- .tilt,ti;r; __ttnS-Z - - lilit:(:i1 il,1 tf i:; ()l: l,lt().,t l;il1 E *ts.- r "-,< -dtr<- fl" r* 7,e- -.c.2 m a/e/r agt-- - - 'llrc fol Irir.;in;1 inforrrr:rt iorr i:; lloar<I lrcl'rrrr.: a f irr:r I ;rpprovir I A. llllll,trlii(; i'tl,'l'l:lllAf.S Roof Siding 0thcr lia l I lllatcrinLIs rc<prilr:d for ::ubnittlI by t-lrc appl ic;urt to thC c;ur lrg givcn: 4 sE€ .o^2,< .ta..<o l)cs i r:n lt,-:v j.cr+ :.'d'^,.> lyqo gl_!!L!g!al Color ttlzBl''a, - -- --<.q*€. - - 54&9' /''iU.'/.-U. 'y't'18/ auila^' :... . _ -._- Common Name Quanti ty Size Fascia Soffits Windovrs lilindou Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Flues Flashings Chimneys 4- C-F,A P tl tcs Rails Trash Dnclosures Greenhorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: . Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES SHRUBS Botanical Name :jj! i_ J ..,) \ ,i. ( ') Nl= VA tt P!- Ac F t3u"tLDt N('- ,r((3 -/,!o'P \ -1 r>-.4 l''ra'o- rti.or-l.o!r,^t?'tl \ \tt ,---t - --//" ..-Aut1,--rl{Lo.,tf- -.---''t:6d,EiJ.u' 11u ' z"f*'q I U 6+:i. \{\LL . ,r"t t$' o.a-' guttotN"\ , -tt'\ --t \{- I I I \ t Project Apptication ! Project Description: "'l' Conlact Person and Phone ..itAl.1 - 'irlilltr^ ,.,!,/ +/.,: '.7<,.2C, ':, -!./ -J-15-a) Date /O -t 7 - */ Architect, Address and Phone: .T n Rqview BoardDesig /1-r -y DISAPPROVAL ,r^^"rr1-FfrW,-ruF-*@ *-1)z' 3'L E Statt Approval -v I-". T iil l;{.;lli' j , |. i i ..; \lt iil:;.ir,i..i, s.ra,ten4ayr..-/.r4a/F,.t7rai/ - /.V d C{@q4, Ote uJ|'*Z (a^a.,v,.'/*\-r a,Zr.) fO li;l.j : i..,i j'lr t;.l l i. i 'lhr. f'r;!lr,r,'inr,, itrf rrr.li::l iirtr i' lloli rd l;c1'o;'c ir f i rre i ;tlriLrov;r I A. fiUt LI]iiir; l,,tA'ft;iliAt,lj Ir<-ro f Sidi ng 0tlter l'la11 lr'1atcria1s Fascia - (r-.F alao,^ion) Soffits Itlindovrs l{indovr T'rirn Doors Door Trim Hancl or Deck Rails Flues Flashj ngs Lll]-mtleyS Trash Encl osures Gtccnhols es 0ther J17.t /ac 'at -r I'i.(iu i ;, rl l-ttl :;r,ri,r;' it Lirl lry t;:r t t lr(r ,liVCll: -i:lg ltt" ll:r !i:tf-t,:l.l iiic itPlJi.;rrii 1.o tilc I)c:; j ltn iirrs'j,,t (lolor It @4 -doPa--l/{-&,"aq ee-aA--".2/Lz"Auz-V/,4ads*-AeLtz"*"J,e"r.,h/ 7(--",*"(- 1r.r#.al lraa',tr' 3 D 6....t/t ,"/t i,to,ot ,/a/-4/ * 6ppltc..h, tt s..6..,,/tJ $ /.;soe a I /artr /-/e Comnon Name qls&ilx Si ze B. LANDSCAPING Nane of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name SHRIIBS T ?' l: ititij:ii) r,(lVl,R5 s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION oo TYPE I , iil i ,',i. i SQUARE F00T/IGE SQUARE FOOTAGE TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL 0ther Landscape Features (reta'i ning walls, fences, swimning pools, etc.) Please specify. hJ vrt, !t ry / I I I I I \ 1 \. It ONE vAtL PlhcE \ \\ --'Y-t' - ,*f--v ,uo*' ffi \ \A\LL -tt - _-.--' i- f '- \ --- 1.-'.'- ;b; f z*r,gf*-;;[v+A<{Mv.{p6\,r,h\vffi 'rt .OO ,.1 Project Nam6: "+ Project Description: - Ownsr Addr€os and Phone: Aichiiect Address and Phone: Lesaf Descriprio ^,r* /c/o //&( Zoning Approved: Dealgn Revhw Board Motlon by: Seconded by: )- /tr-r/ Chlef Bulldlng Otticial ^4x4't tha pdni.rylvril - ,*l,l "t UI LIE t / Project Application I ,rr" I '2)-t/ Owner Addrees and Phone: Archatect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Flling Zoning Approved: Deelgn Revlew Board 2- y'-t/ Motion by: Seconded by:i DISAPPROVAL.r,mtsqrP/|Ct/$lna{! Chiel Building Ofiicial ,l .a Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Zone: zoning Approv€d: /t "^r" r/'t/?l Design Review Board t"'"loljr -(lrcrnl'.rt APPRovAL )(*-fl,' ,rr" t /t "/[ I // l DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Chiel Building Off icial ,,. ,/.,"4 6{.' Proiecl Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and phone: //54Tfr tt- LesalDescriptio n rct&9#-4Ao"fu: uf aah€ '/T L/r? L . Filingf -La->4- Project Application Zoning Approvecl: Design Review Board DISAPPBOVAL ng Admin Chief Building Official DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, January 7, lgSl Z:00 p.n. l. Essence of Tine Exterior changes VaiI Village Inn plaza 2, Lionshead Directories Lionshead Terminal Building 3, Architerra Vail Earth fntegrated Housing, Discussion only 4, Warner Duplex Lot L2, Blk 9, Bighorn Srd, Discussion only 5. Streamside Townhouses , parcel A e B,Resub'of 20-1 6 20-2, Bighorn SubExterior changes 'OneVail PlaceSigna t ge \t 4 lrq---- 6a" F_:h, .J t- Ne*= bfackd atbatcK Qr wvunitrA an fad<wall,J -T- lz^' J- F- zh,' --t}4--J-ffil ? T la"J- T^ _{. f-rzL-ltri-l l;';i;'ii:lt; E' .lI -l ..:. ,rlI .trt: :, .r1a : fJ ..:!.1a:, :/.'..J A.i'- a I f5tJ.'l a d -r IQ" _t G<_-Ndvz Wau,k*anWtoL Brrwunttg ortfackwall Needa bgU<J oT 1t64ck--fumani\an cnverlnal 4-- }ked bptxcl an wck- ttzl( Wfriana^ Pstlo fi^Ake Arc rryvaYal. ud,tll wWYAPtacd. Tlz" )_ T ??'t -I p-rz"-+ cla''prt+ I;*E l€rez , 6A( tdiwaar,.') [)6sterc) 6F Tfr/s rfl€rtlt 7A ('ait/f t,+ft< ,rt,/ fVF ciiE ek /l> t;E ,)ret,r Errz2 o.un'Z ^; 't' t. t : t''-'l Project Application Oot tt r4a -S,ar> I I Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Arrl'ratcalAddress and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official \ \ ':li f'... : 1':'- +i: --Fi d i{,i-14iF}'/i''! n..rF:",' . l', -. . ;..+ s .." -)rreSF - .;+t' :- ^o=-Project Appllcation --.; Project Description: owner Address and Phone: Architect Addr€ss and Phon€: Legal D€scription: Lot Zone: Zonlng Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board DISAPPROVAL Summary: ryry Chlet Building ,u r-cO- ..-!l/j.? /-F,, i'1' LIS'J, Oil I,lA',l'l,llll ALfI 5iHut.t'ir-g NAMJi OIr I)llO,TI'iC'l' LIiCAL DIISC-'llI p'l'I 0l'l DI'SCRIPTION OIr DltO.IIJC'I' -iirz'-tlE T-i<orJli LOT }I1i..,II,lG Thc fol l.otvi n g ittlitll'nilrLiotr to thc' Dr:s.;i.gt't llcvicrv Boartl A. ) RUILI)iNG l,tATlillIALS : Roof Sidins Otlicr \i'a11 tr{atcr.'ia1s Tascia Sof fits l{indows Windol Trim Doors Door Trim Iland or Deok Rails Flues Flashings Cirinrucyg Trash Enelosrtr-cs Green)rouses Other is rr:rltti rccl f <it' subtn.i.t1.lr 1 by thr: Appl ioatrt bcfolcr a {in:r} app:'ovlr1- cfln be giv(:ll . Tvrr,: of It'!n tcriirl Col.or lrr \ - . \l'r1T \ I'tt ,,ic, r)A rtv If,/ --t\)cr,u i\irrrr,,ua -[''loAY - L.)' PLANT I.lATt:,RInl,S (Vcgc'LaLive, L,anclscaping l.laf c'rials ancl (iround Covcr) Do t,,i1n:i. ca l ililmc Conrnron l{lnrc - ?Fr I Fr v\j rr, rr , fltrrirC;Ue l-r,jilY -Pg'-rt lt'itK ;l' (rNc1eo., tf.rws, lJnS/ Al.nCvosY -Weoo*-- $RlC( * flNt.D ('t\)t,i.t f,fto''',tJ including'Irecs, Shrubs, Slanlj.lr Si. zc '.1 lrF ! - *** o Date Proiect Application q Project Description; Owner Address and Phone: . Archilect Addrees and Phone: \ Vrsiu -aroR LlqceLegal Doscription: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Date DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Chief Bullding Official Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Addr999 and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Deslgn Revlew Board Date Motion by: Second€d by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official !". GONDOLA ONE BUILDING M Y 28, 1980 The following changes are required by the Town of Vail Building Department: 1. Move exit light above door 126A to above door l3lC. 2. Change lock on door 126A wjth key on Corridor 126 side. 3. Change door and frame on door 112A to swing into Corridor I22. 4. Move door and frame 123A East 4'-4-7/8, reverse swing to swing toward Corridor 122 and lock to be on Corridor 122 side. 5. Add exjt light above relocated door 123A. 6. Add a directional exit light mounted on end on East wall of Corrjdor 122 adjacent to the existing emergency l lght pojnting toward door 121A. 7. Exit sign above door 049A to be mounted on end and be two face directional into Room 049. 8. Replace light bulb in Exit light above door 059A. 9. Change door 06lA lock to be keyed on Corridor 061 side or install passage lock (no key). 10. Change surface mounted exit light above door 104A to end mounted two face directional. 11, Add a surface mounted exjt'l ight on the North wa'l 'l of stair 052 at the first floor landing directing thru door 0528'i nstead of down sta i rway . 12. Add surface mounted exit light on North wall of second f1 oor landing above stair 129. 13. Add keyed lock on door 129A with lock on stairway side. 14. Add keyed lock on door 1298 with lock on stairt^ray side. 15. Add surface mounted ex'it light on south wall adjacent to door 1298 at second floor landing. 16. Add surface mounted exit l'ight at second floor landing across from door 1Z9B on end partion wall between stairs. I7. Add light on wall urest side of building south of chimney. I t GONDOLA ONE BUILDING MAY 28, 1980 Changes requlred by the Town of Vail Bui'lding Department page 2 Copies to: Roger Ti'lkemeier Dan McLaughlin llayne Beaudoin Fred Rethemeirrr Steve Patterson Minutes Meeting Planning and 5-27 -80 Members Present SandY Mi11s Dan Corcoran GerrY lYhite Ed Drager Boger Tilkemeier (came in during Item #4) Staff Preselq! Jim Rubin Council Member assigned to Environmental Commission attend PEC was not in attendance' of of 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) Sandy Mj-11s made- a motion to approve the minutes of tbe above meetins. E; ;;;;;; ""t"^nirua the motion' The vote was unanimous. 1ex located on Lot 31 A licant. Conditional UEe-lermi!to a11ow the e ansion of the Red Lion It at request of the a cant. Nove11 Lot Jim Rubin explained this item: He said there has been a change since trru'-il"*o-was written' A recent survey shows the trees to be in a diffe""nt "t"u itran originallv believed' The applicant tinds that he now needs a front set-back instead of a side setn*s;]"- in" tttta=hip is that to build the garage elsewhere on the iot would mean cutting several trees' The applicant sai-d he didn't have any further-corments other than that he wirl-wo"X *ittt One ini--ithoever else to make this '"- ""tV 1ow Profile Project' Dan Corcoran said he does not want to see the pad that is th.". for Parking now Paved' Gerry \fhite said he sees no reason for granting a variance' He said it is not--"t"iiy a unaergrouna saraee^b1t a one story bullding. ue aoJs-""i-it"r it i; necesia"y to build a gatage PSC Minutes 5-27-8o--Page Two and aethestically it is not pleasing' Trees would not have to be cut if they simply did not build a gar^ge' EdDragermadeamotionforapprovaloftheSideSetbackVariance Request for p.A. Novelly on lbt ?, Block 1, Vail village 6th Filing. with the amendment to a front setback variance instead of side t acknowledging that this is being approved because the hardship is the cutting of trees, ther,efor"^,'"o trees =19*1d be cut for this project. In addiiion a memo shouf a'Ue sent to DRB saying.t!"!--Plg-, recommends that they limit the paving in front of the driveway anc not extend to pad that is presently ised for-parking' Also ask them to recommend a landscape treatmeni. nog*t Ti-lkemeier seconded the motion. Sandy, Roger and Ed voted for Ihe motion' Gerry White voted against as he felt there was no trarastrip and no reason for granting this variance as ih" g*"uge did not have to be buil-t. Dan corcoran abstained. Dan Corcoran asked if the trees will still die' The appllcant said they had talked *ittt n"*trd Golnj'ck and he did not think' the trees wouLd die. Gerry White said he sti11 feels that thil garage should not be constructed. Jlm Rubin said they do'have the right Just cut the trees without comming to Ed Dragbr made a motion to adjourn the meeting' The vote rvas unanimous. The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 P'M' to build a" ga'ra,ge and could the PEC. roval of Amended pfe! elg-Conge-ilI4 for One Vail Place Jim Rubin showed the amended plat and he and Dan Corcoran r*pf"i".A about it. Ed Drager made a motion to approve the amended. plat -"" pres.ntEA' Sandy Mi11s seconded the motion. Sandy, Ed and Gerry voted fbr the motion' Dan and Roger abstained. Jim Rubin presented the Condo Map' Sandy Mi1ls made a motion to accept the Condo Map as presented' Ed seconded the motion' na, S*"av and Gerry voied fbr the motion' Dan and Roger abstained. Dan Corcoran seconded. d Gondola I Buildin s[* PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION A May 27, 1980 1. ) Approval- of Minutes of May 12, 1980 meeting. 2.) Setback Variance Request for Vigor Dup1ex located onLot 31, Vail Meadows Filing No. 1. (Withdrawn by Applicant. ) 3. ) Conditional Use Permit to a1low the expansion of the Red Lion Inn in two phases. (Table at request of applicant. ) 4.) Side Setback Variance Request for P.A. Novelly on Lot 7, block 1, Vail Village 6th Tiling. Approval of Amended Plat and Condo Map for One Vail Place (OId Gondola I Building) o GENDA .; 0 }IEMORAND UM TO: FBOM: DATE: RE: PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OT' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT May 20, 1980 REQUEST FOR SIDE SETBACK VARIANCE FOR P.A. NOVELLY ON LOT 7, BLOCK 1, VAIL VILLAGE 6th FILING. DESCNIPTION OT VARIANCE REQEUSTED The applicant wishes to intrude ?.5 feet into the eastern side setbalt on the 1ot to construct an underground gatage for two cars. The variance is requested due to two mature trees to the east of the existing house, whieh presently has surface parking off of Torest Roa.d, separated from the house. The applicant wishes to preserve the trees and locate the garage to the far eastern portion of his lot. CRITERIA AND T'INDINGS Consideration of Factors upon review of criteria and FindinEs, section 18.62-060 of the ends annroval of the requested Varianc : The relationship of the requesled.Jrari?nqe.!o other existing or potential uses and structures in the vj-cjtnity. The lot to the east is The plan for this house so that there will not and the new house. presently under construction for a house. locates it on the eastern side of the lot be a problem with distance between the garage The degree to which relief.frgm the-st{ict.or literal i+terplgtation or to attain the obiestives of this tit thout grant o spec ial privilege. A physical hardship is demonstrated here in the form of existence of mature trees. lt is the staffrs objective to save natural vegetation to as great an extent as possible and the vari.ance requeSt is consistent with other approvals for similar variances in the Town. The effect of the requested variln raffic facilities' Puotic faciJifids and utilities. and public safety. The granting of this request removes surface parking in view when one drives Forest Road and puts these cars in an undergrouncl garage. 'w I PEC Memo-Novelly Page Two--5-20-80 Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicabLe co tne proposeq varlance. None. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmgntal Conrnission shal1 make the following finds beforq granting a variance: That the granting of the variance 11111 not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on otherproperties classified in the same district That the granting of the vafiance will not be detrimental to thepublie health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to'properties or improvements in the vicinity That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regul-ation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do no! apply generally to other properties in the same zone. RECOMMENDATION The Department of Conrnunity Development recomrnends approval of the 7.5 foot setback variance with the condi-tion that no mature trees are removed. G t€5IDU{TtAL tlAlut lrl€ o.i:ER ,'-)i,i ]\v i.IIJIF. OF rrrllcl ACDfigSs 'F iLul6LOI BILl-tr6 tomEss t l.PASE}€IITlsr noon lro rlocr JRO FLMR 2, tlsoarrjsT FLmR(lo FLmR xD FLmR --- 3i Brcaarrlsr rrcmto nma ,I = "/6 00 -.-._+ BlsnrSrorLET. /O x \,fl(ge xm-r B,qnD DoFA stt{ics 26 * .75 FT.LL BATH(sic',ER oR T[rJ, BI\SIN, TOII.ETJ Rcd,s (Ll,lntc mp{i, ,- ffi,5; a;;rcti$@ Lm JffD FLMR q, 5. 6. 7, 8. g. 10. l. 2. ,, q. ^''a./\- =16.v ;ii,ffi x x =ffi AFMNFNTS 3.m LMrlt =x- .50'= CN'TSITE HAIER TgrAL POINTS 10.S poln:s = 1.C0 wtr t}TSPECTOR .00=sJ z/otz.5:o x l.flJ =5. -'t .r'. rd.l3{lllcT}€C0}?LEI|G|oFccxISIRLgrtGroFA|lstntrTLl..ESln€DlSrRlcTsF^ll- ;{if*u--ii'; iiirsic.rl-rr,;''ecirc.'l oF nu. ff,alls:s io DET.L..rrriE I}'' truL'[R 0F PolrlTs ib"irE lsieiisn'ncotrut;:'j io rv= rl^rrr i''iD sl"'ei Tt'r F!5' ""iD rv\TE scl:'ril€' '\5 i;riiurb]-ru,u*n'!-iis;rlrcr srvt-t- t'"'r€ ,'rrY 'JUUjI;,-ills lilcEss^?Y lN-n€^oirl6l:v\L ini:'iii'pnio. " iris t;r:'accirql sii'.Lt ALa) D[ltirll;r[ nc LUlLDlls o'1t-R's r{'\rER nflt-9f'll TSS''n " "'' n' qr' rrr /,2Ox lm ='-tr,2'0o ,?o. Dl*?rAsr-ERS LAf.ORTES Gen n'sr'aJ -Al tcE t'tAcitlNEs c'/ x - ;b /. v T,sArNAs C x ,E watn coolb.s & ,ir,qiEiFot(ll'rirs i x ,E {x{x {x ; ' 2..-{O 2.50 1m .ql silll-i,ulic Pocls JAclIzI gurslDE IIATER . {.f,tlt{L.u1 oF c\sJ RII EAI}IS noss KITO{N DISFI.IASI€R i-arr,oues LIS9 OF MATERIALS NAME OT PROJECT LEGAL DEScRrprr o**#L ,or-.*€C--BLocK E@7- TTLING DESCNIPTION OF PROJECT The following information to the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wa11 Materials is required for submittal by the Appllcant before a final approval aan be given. Type of Material Color E.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Fascia Sof fits Windows Ilindow Trim Doors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails Flues Tlashlngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Name Conmon Name Quantiliy-Size ttI @@) Project Application -Fa-/-ffi Prolect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: /t.rd S, Mk Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" 6- ''/' lo DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL //zrh"/ A -*f;Z *Carl Drz BT Date: Chiet Building Ofticial ttI Project Application Proiect Name: o^," 4- /6 - Fo 9r__Xr- / Proiect Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architecl Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zoning Approved: Design Revlew Board /.-so-(t, DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial rtI Project Application Project Name: Proi€ct Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: 4* ta- 8o t:-nl"frk, - 5"e-,4.e- '.t/Ur-'z*x-. ( Architecl Address and Phone: Legal Doscription: Lot - , Block Filing Zone: Zonlng Approved: Design Review Board /Lz-/- ^2,rr. ,Yr>,/ \-/l// U<-J Motion by: Secondod by: DISAPPHOVAL Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Ofticial UI t7ld.t'fr.t t{e Project Application 3 -:+ -sc Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot U t,r/,. ^ ,1.r1 -, Block - , ril,ng vvr t (//g( . r./-tir'a.L- fa,Uc/"/ // (- Zone: Owner Address and Phone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board z/-e * trcDate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ing Admi Chief Building Oflicial l't @Project Appllcation 3-1-'() Ut/-h i-.2' r) .: , (.,{ .teJ-Zt-a'&.', Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: .,t -,tn. , ,/. .1..r^'uJlLQt( Y!0 t,t " i t.r ri- tlP Design Review Board o.r. 3- 3o-FO DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official rto Date F-'.., t'" Project Application J* 5- to Proiecl Name: Proi€ct Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL a( ,i l tt/t r\/ ng Administrator Chief Building Oflicial I 1 l lr 4:t - -#ne- /&)Z-p-*44 t!_^-- *inl" tt,kemeier /traL Manager of Special Projects RT/mem Encl osures Vail Associates, Inc January 16, 1980 Mr. James Rubin Town of Vail P.0. Box 100 Vai 'l , Col orado 8L657 Dear James I Please schedule the Village PIaza Building, Commercial Storefrontsfor Design Review on January 31, 1980. Attached are the information sheets. If you have any questions, pl ease cal'l me. S i ncerely, . VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 LI.S',l' ()1,' t,:t'i't;)llAt,st I . NAIII] OI.. PITOJ]IC1' VILLAGE PLAZA BUILDING -- Goremet LtrGAL DUSCNIPTIOi'I LOT c DLOCIi 5-c w lst FILING l)ltSCIlII/tION OIr PROJIiCI' Store front conmercial space -- Village Plaza Building The follorving i.nformation is roquircd for sul)mittal by the Applicantto thc Dc'sign Rcvicw Board beforc' a f inal apl:roval can be given. A. ) BUILDING I,IATERIALS: Type of Nlaterlal Color Roof Pollshed and laquered copper roofs over Sidin g curved $y wlndows give this special Other \!a11 lr{aterials international deli a cosmopolitan l-ook. The wood trim is thin and follows the curves of the Fascia Sof f its 11'i- n dorvs I{indow Trim Dcors Door Trim Ha.nd or Deck Rails Flues Flashi.ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other corner windows and the canopy. Contrasting colors of the trim and panels Plus accents of brass and copper make for a would be cut our dimensional polished copper l-eaf on the door and r,rindows which are Iivelv attraction on one of Vail?s most important corners. Fascia signage agai.nst a brown black background trimmed with go1d. The J-ogo would appear in gold trimmed with thin gol-d leaf pin striPes. Common l{a,me Orrsrr f i rrr (i zo B. ) PLANT }fATERIALS(Vcgetative, _Landscaping }laterials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Covcr) Eotarri.cal Narne lidMD OIr PITOJIIC.I'LACE PLAZA BUILDINC -- Entrance Upstairs Condominiums LIGAL DDSCNIPTIOII LOT C uI.,oct;VV 1st pILING DUSCNII'TION OIi PROJI'C'J'Store front commercial space -- Village Plaza Building -to J -{.' The following informationto thc Design Rcvi.ew Board A. ) BUILDING }.IATERIALS: Roof Si din g Other llta11 lrfaterials Fascia Sof fits lf indols ITindow Trim Doors Door Trim Iiand or Decli Rails Ilues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Narne is requircd for submittal b5' the Applicantbefore a final apl)roval can be given. Type of Uaterial An architecEural r4otlf picked up from the chlmnev shapes ls used to frame a delicate tlacery of wrought lro top lncorporates a numeral- plaque with radlatlng branches. Bel-ow are fu11- helght gates opening in the center. Vlne and Leaf theme characterizes the ironwork. Color would be dark brown with stucco surrounding arch. Our recorunendation is to have Robert Lepper design and fabricate the wrought iron. Common Ne.me QuantitV Si ze Col or P.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping llateriars inclucJing Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) LIs't' oI'' lti\'t't:trl A1,s I{AITE OI.. PITOJ]ICI. VILTAGE PLAZA BUILD LNGAL DIJSCII I Pl'I Oi']LOT C ]]I,OCK 5-c Wlst ITILINC I)DSCIIlI''IION OII PROJI'C'I'Store front commercial space -- Village Plaza Building a The follorving informationto thc Design Rcvicrv Board A. ) BUILDING }.IATERIALS: Roof Sidin g Other \Ya11 lr{aterials is requi red for sul:mittal by the Applieant bef ore a l inal a1r1>rova1 can be given. Fascia Sof fits lTin dorvs llindorv Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ral1s Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Narne Comrnon lila_me Tvne oI lvlaterial The entrance is a victorian glass paneled wood door with carvings finished ln spar varnish. Flanking the entrance are two large pane beveled glass bay wlndows which extend out nearlv as far as the overhangi"ng condominium. Along the top of both windows and the entrance is a row of smaLl beveled windows whiLe at the base a buildup of rnoldings orovides character. At either si.de of the shop are vra11 mounted lamps si.milar to the corner streetlamp but at a reduced sca1e. These are mounted on framed panels with pLanters placed in front, bel-ow. Signage is again goJ.d leafed dimensional letters on a nearJ.y black fasela which is trlmmed ln go1d. Paint colors are off-white, beige and apple green accent. Col or B. ) PLANT I'IATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping l,'Iaterials incluc]ing Trees, Shrubs ,and Ground Cover) Quantity Size I i11 I NAilIt ()tr PttoJtic't'VILLAGE PTAZA BUILDING -- CuTtin-Il T |- ,l LIIGAL I)1:l.SCnI P'l'I ON Ul rtJLlr VV lst IIILINC DDSCIII I"IION OIr PROJ IiC'l' Store front commercial space -- Village Plaza Building LO'J' The foll.owing informationto thc Design Roview Board A. ) BUILDING I,IATERIALS: Roof Sidin g Other lVa11 l,laterials Fascla Sof fits l,iin dorvs l{indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Decl< Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Botanical Narne is rcquircd for submittal by the Appllcant before a final- ap1>rova1 can be givcn. Tvne o,[ Itaterial Col or RaJr vri ndows featuring beveled gl.ass oanes. narrow tongue & sroove wood sldlng set into stucco arched oDenings. Entrance has sheet copper canopy which is allowed to develop a natural greenish patina, a street lamp on the faecia coxner is in the same maEerial. Other details include wrought iron brackets for the canopy and 1amp, engraved brass pl-aques and gold leafed dimepsi.onal sign letEerlng. Colors w-i11 be dark green/b1ack with persimrnon accent against off-white stucco. A rectangular planter with seasonal f loivers will grace the corner. Common l'larne Orrnn |-i rrr Si ze B. ) PLANT I"IATERIALS 1\/ocrot-lti rro\ '*t -and crouno alSl|i"aping I'{aterials including Trees, Shrubs, F. Planters Scope of che work: The work -+;_::-_:___ specr trcal lons shall includetransportation for the s itespecified herein. to be performed under . all labor, equipmen!, lmprovemenEs shown on this section of Ehe tools, material and Ehe drawings and Concr anters Materials: The concrete tree planters shall be exposed :iC::g",au pea gravel, circular concreEc wirh a drainage holern cnc oase and interior dimensions of 48" diameEer ,.,d 30,,heighth as manufactured by Arco Concrete, Inc. 5BB0 SheridanBlvd., Denver, CO (303) 42g-502 I (Arco Model /tpL_4BR) Ins!gl1acion, .Tl" Contractor shall install rhe tree planterstn accordance wirh !he manufacEurers specifications, it,"planters shall be free of-cracks, ctrips or any damage wheninstalled. The construction manag". ,t.ll be- respoisible foractual field location of the units within the desii.gnat.ed areaas shown on the drawing. Planting Min and Insrallacion Trees: The materials of the planc mix shall be: o) a)1/ 2"-3l4"cru shed s tone . organ rc SECTION VIII, Page 13 Stone shall be washed, or i,reste material. Topsoil. Topsoil shall be ferrile, friable, naturaltypical of topsoil of thar locality and shall beobtained from a well-drained sire itat is free ofof flooding. It shall be without admixrure ofsubsoil or slay and shall be free of sEores, lumps,plants or Eheir rooEs and sEicks and shall not bedelivered or used while in a frozen or muddy condi- !i9n. Topsoil shalI h:rve an acidiry ,ung" of pH5.0 to 7.0 and 100% shall pass through a L/2,, ""r""r,. 31::!. Native rnounrain peat shall be finely shreddedand free of plants, roots, sticks, scones, lumpsand noxious weeks. Shredded particles shall notexceed l/4" (one-quarEer inch) in diameter. peat (measured in air dry condition) shall containnot more than 552 moisture by weight, ash contenEshall not exceed 20%, the acirJity level sha1l bewithin che pH range of 3.2-7.0, and the percenrageof organic matter shall be 602 ot greater. . . ,n_," ."+tt - ,-*,,$. \r ["'E t".-'r '':3 L) iME RC;'|RY VAPOA J xrcn PREssuRE goorum Mounting Watlt Cat. No. r20V | 277V Spec Rof No.' Wstts Cal. No.rzov | 277V Sp€c Bof Nol Colllng Mount 100w Ml302 M3302 G12 70w trt352 M3352 Gt4 Fendant Mounl 100w M1312 u3312 G12 70w M1382 M3362 Gt4 Wall Mount .100w Ml322 M3322 G13 70w MI372 M3372 .Gt5. numb€r rol€t6 In lhe Hslo Technic€l lor morg d6lrll6d . . rl' leE EG!I Testing Consullants Inc. uloft^rony: WELDER AND WELDING Wcldsr or wclding ope4llgr'r n8ms Wcldins proccrr -......=-I44..ft 525 t. lllSSFSm 16. r DUtYt& Cfll}. l8l0 r hDlf: 30$trt'lttl OUALIF]CATION TEST RECORD Porition .......F..9 lFlrt. horirontrl. overlead or vortical - lf verricst ln rccordrncr with Mrtorial rpecilicrtion.. Sgccification No. .....,...,....... ........... Clarrification Dcrcribc f iller metal (if not covered by Atl6 rpocif icationt SnIb..,.....,... ldBntification no. Scmioulornrtic ttatr whelher uoward or downwrrdl ( f.4ft..e.s..........*.f-m,.lF-ss-ff l]-qil F No. OPERATOR r( TthcKr.t;ss lr backing strip usad? Filler mctal diameter and trade name Flux for submerged arc or gar for gas mctal erc or flux cored src welding Guided Ben:d Ten Rarultr Typo RGrulr Typc 8.rult Tesr conducred by Laboratory Test No. RADTOGRAPHTC TEST RESULTS We lhe undersigned. certify that.the rlatements in thir record are correct and that lhe welds were prepared 8nd tested in accordance with the requircmenrs ol 5C or D of AWS Dl .l , Structural Welding Code. Marruf acturer or Contractor Authorized by .....,........,. Tcst witnessed by Dato it 4 sEP 2 I r{Ec!. Vail Associates, lnc. September 17, 1979 l4r. Harold Wol fe Beaudoin Construction 1260 South Inca Street Denver, C0 A0223 Dear Harold: Lr.st Wednesday, September 12, I verbally instructed you to work your sub- contractor, l,lars Steel , overtime to weld the second floor bar joist and the second floor decking to enabie netai studs (exterior) to cont'i nue. As of this morning, the only work done is the bar joists whjch have been wejded. There has been no deck'i ng placEZ-6r welded. I have been informed by Beaudoin and l,lars Steel's forentan that certain items (second floor decking) would be down by last Friday night, September 15. llothing has been done as I was told that it would be done by a certain time.I find this extremely irritating, very frustrating and totally unacceptable. I am now informing you that Vail Associates, Inc. is not going to pay for any overfime incurred by liars Steel for the following reasons: i. The'workers are taking advantage of their. boss as well as Beau'dojn and Vail Associates by goofing off. 2. The vrorkers are not starting on t'ime and I, personal'ly, have seen them sti'l I standing 45 minutes after they were to begin work. 3. The workers are taking extended (up to 30 minutes) coffee breaks twjce a day. 4. Due to the workers totaj disregard for producing as they should for llars Stee'l , Beaudoin and Vail Associates, I cannot justify any additional. compensation. The structural steel erection was scheduled to take three weeks to conrplete. the present rate, jt will take two to three additional weeks and it is alreadyits sixth week. Vail Associates wants to be fair and reasonable about this but at thjs point in tinre, we are tired to being taken advantage of and tired of being lied to. I At in Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 '.;..rrt. ttqtvrv ,rvtts' September 17, LgTg Page Two was hoping my verbal give Mars Steel added DlVim cc: llarry Bass, Jr. Rick l4acCutcheon ,Jack Marshal I Roger Ti lkemeier Richard Beaudoin Wayne Beaudoin _ lt{ars Steel Gordon Pierce & Associates direct:ive and letter to you on Wednesday, September 12 , would incentive to produce. As of this date, nothing has happened. o . Again, this letter is to confirm that Vail Associates, Inc is not going to pay for any overtime for Mars Steel workers. If prroduction ever increases, we can again discuss this matter. Sincerely, VAIL.ASSOCIATES, INC. Eit-,'rvtpu,/4; Dan i'lclaughl i n Project Manager t I mo=*nflo,u*rAoru TF I.J trST-ONG Goonu^roo WETDER AND WETDING OPER,AIOR QUATIFICATION TEST RFCORD Welde r or weld i n g o,pe r'aror,s n u *E -__,Sam,_ g_S3_tg- g__l I a ldenlification No.Welding process. _._-9{44{-- {------- Semiautomatic MachinoPosilion3cw IO SOUTH TE'ON SIREF' ENGIEWOOD, COIONADO 80t t0 PHONE 30:t.76t{650 ll':1T:,:^.::1:,1J"",P1::'^.rric.1l- ir u"rri."r.r"r",.yrre.1!er, upward or downward) 'Material specif ication In accordance with Procedure _Specificarion "o. - - - alrlC bii) Materiaf <^A^i{i-^+i^- 436 to A36 -------.-d_t--i^-436 to A36 PJtop Thickness range this qualif ies FILIER METAL Specification No. 9f4_5-._J -€__-5-:-l-___-___ ClassificarionDescribe filler metal (if nor covered by AWS specification) 87018 F No. yesls backing strip used? Tesl conducted Test witnessed by per Fiffer metaf diameter and lrade name Flux for submerged arc or gas for gas mefal arc orflux cored arc welding boratory Test No.296-79 Test No. Manufaclurer or Conlraclorfrars Stee.l & we- lhe undersigned' certifv..fhat lhe sratemenls in this relord- qie correct and ihat the welds were prepared'nd tested in accordance wifh rhe *q;';;;^l; ;;'ii ", D of nws br-.r, iiri,"rr"r werdins code. Gulded Scnd Test Rerults Type Result Type RBautte.J u r\q'r q4 L> bg X-tag AcceptabTe RADIOGRAPHTC TEST R,ESUITS Authorized By -_--- f tof, I offvlf,. cno. t0l0 o n0lt: WELDERANDWELD|NGoPERAToRoUALtF|cAT|oNTESTREcoB ldontlflcatlon no. Poririoa .....,,,...4'. 1n...;--..-.....v..|iflrrt.;......' iFlrt. horlzontrl, overhead or vortical - lf vsrtical ln rccordancr with Pr Mrrrir! rPccilication Dirmcter rrd wrll thicknesr lif pipe! o.th.erwtJ? ioE! Thicknesr ranga thir qualif ier FILLEB METAL Sgccification No.ctasrif ication -....Jf..f gF)*......-. r ruo. Dercribc fillcr metal (if not covered by AWS ipecificationl ....---.-. I.AEOMIORY: 52! t. }ltSSS$Pn AYL r t0!Dr-ttrl Testing Consultants Inc' Wcldrr or walding operutot'r Wcldirq pocarr Ssmirutomttic Mrclrinr + lr backing riP used? Fillrr meld diameter and trade name Flux for submerged arc or gar tor gor mctal rrc or flux Guided Betid Tert Rerult Tvpc R6ult TyF.R6ult Tcrt conducted bY Laboralory Test No. RADIOGRAPHlC TEST RESULTS we thc undersigned, certify rhat-the stalement3 in this record are correcl and thar the welds were prepared rnd tested in i".orarnio "r,ittr ttre requirements of 5C or D of AWS Dl.l. Structural Welding Code' Manulacturer ol Contractor Arrrhorized bv .........----.. f)atc ............... ':, ,t ji I i l' ,l ; :.t I..{ '{-! Ii{I .j rl I ,j i i ,-* *o r.*d ',1 l t&L t ol VailAssociates,lrrc. Vail, Colorado 81657 $5, 040 . 00 01- 000- 2105 PLEASE RETURN THIS PORTION January 2, 1980 Installation of brick pavers on Town p"operty: 95.04lsq. ft. .for 10r x 100r gS,040.00 Vail Associates, Inc. Vail, Colorado 81657,303-476-5601 lnc oo We have read and agree conditions of the above H;*",,,i""'bf P. 0. Box 100 Vail, C0 81657 Ihar Jim: This will confirm our conversation of Monday, November 13 regarding the payment of parking and recreation fees for the Village Plaza Building and the credit for the brick pavers we are present'ly instal'ling per our agree- nent on Town property irmediately north of the building. Per Bill Pyka, we are enclosing a check for $12,052.13, $2,092.13 is for recreation fees stil1 due and the balance of $9,960 is to be applied to the parking assessment fee; $5,040 remains due and payable. 0n January 2, 1.980 our company will issue a statement in the amount of $5,040 for installation of brick pavers on Town property at $5.04 Per sq.ft. for an area 10' x 100'. The Town of Vail will simultaneously issue an offsetting bill for recre- ation fees to offset this amount. Si ncere'ly, Encl osure cc: Harry Bass, Jr. Jack Marshall Dan Mclaughiln F to the terns and letter.\ l,lanager RllT:im Ti 1 kemei er Special Proj Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 ../a p. o. Box,t"o* J:.H:J"l:lt *,." J""-,"," L:DArE /e- eZ-a? Cr,A-eL _J &^- Project Application Project Name: Proieci Description: _ Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Zone: Design Review Board '-3/ Motion by: ,"r" /- H- 8C DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Chief Building Official , _ .. i1,..:, !riC. iiovcr:rber ?0, 19/9 l'lr. Jirn Rubin Tor.in of VailP.0. Box 100 Vai1, C0 81657 Dear J.i m: lhis r,iill r:orri''i r-n our conver.sation payrnent of parking and recreation the credit for the brick pavers we ment on Town property inrmediately Per Bill Pyka, we are enclosing a recreation fees still due and the the park'i ng assessrlent fee; $5,040 ects Rt,'|T: i m Encl osure cc: Harry Bass, Jr. Jack Marshal I Dan McLaughi 1n Box 7. Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 of i"ir.lnday, l'lovember 13 regard'i ng lhe fees for the -Yj]lage-.Bl s:g_Buj I d i ng -andare presently instal 1 ingpdFbur a$rcc- north of the building. check for 512,052.13, $2,09?.13 js for balance of $9,960 is lo be app'l icd to .rerna ins due and payabl e. 0n January 2, 1980 our company will issue a statement in the amount of $5,040 for jnstallation of brjck pavers on Town property at $5.04 per sq.ft. for an area 10' x 100'. The Town of Vail wjll simultaneously issue an offsetting bill for recre- ation fees to offset this amount. Si ncerel y, We have read and agree conditions of the above 1 , .--l to the terns and l etter.\ ' ' .\J )rt-,---, DATE i)'-t,--) i '/)'1 SSOCIAIES, Ti I kemei er Special Proj LIST OF MATERIALS rt o llageVi o rre DePlaza Building -- Pieg NAr'1E OF PROJECT LEGAI, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 5-C FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Store front commercial bpace -- Village Plaza BIdg. The to A.) following information the Design Review Board BUILDING MATERTAI,S: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Ground Cover) Botanical Name is required for submittal by the Applicant befoie a final approval can be given' Type of Material Color The entrance is a victorian glass paneled wood door with carvings finished in spar varnish. Flanking the entrance are two large pane beveled glass bay windows which extend out nearly as far as the overhanging condominium. Along the top of both windows and the entrance is a row of small beveled r,/indows while at the base a buildup of moldings provides character. At either side of the shop are waII mounted lamps similar to Lhe corner streetlamp but at a reduced scale. These are mounted on framed panels with planters placed in front, below. Signage is again gotd leafeil dimensional Ietters on a nearly bl-ack fascia which is trimmed in gold. Paiht colors are off-white, beige and apple gireen accent. B. ) PLANT MATERIALS (Vegetative, Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs, and Quantity SizeConunon Name LIST OT' MATERIALS rt o lage o Pierre Dei nai'in oF PRoJEcr vil Plaza Building -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 5-C FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Store front commercial bpace -- Vi11a9e Plaza Bldg. The following information to the Design Review Board A. ) BUTLDING }4ATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.) PLANT MATERIAI.S (Vegetative, Landscaping Materials Ground Cover) Botanical Name is required for submittal by the Applicant befoie a final approval can be given' Type of Material Color The entranqg is a victorian glass paneled wood door with carvings finished in spar varnish. FJ-anking the entrance are two large pane beveled glass bay windows which extend out nearly as far as the overhanging condominium. Along the top of both windows and the entrance is a row of small beveled windows while at the base a buildup of moldings provides character. At either side of the shop are waII mounted lamps similar to the corner streetlamp but at a reduced sca1e. These are mounted on framed panels with planters placed in front, below. Signage is again gold leafed dimensional letters on a nearly black fascia which is trimrned in gold. Paint colors are off-white, beige and apple green accent. Conmon Name including Trees, Shrubs, and Quantity Size ort o Anderson-Palmer CandY Store LIST OF MATERIALS ;'NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT C BLOCK 5-C FILTNG DESCRIpTION OF PROJECT Store ftg"t'co**"."iat sp". e--aldg- The to A.) following information the Design Review Board BUILDING },I.ATERIA],S : Roof Siding Other Wa1I Materials is required for submittal by the Applicant befoie a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color The entrance is through wood framed double doors, each 36" wide with brass kick plates and brass hardware. The single large glass panel in each door, as well as the three Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.) PLANT MATERIAIS (Vegetative, LandscaPing single-pane windows, are timmed with a gold leaf border. Beveled glass transom windows appear over the main windows and double doors. The fascia continues the understated desiqn of this storefront. The storefront colors are tan & beige with a dark brown accent. Signage is by means of a double- faced panel hanging from an ornate bracket at right angles to the storefront. A gas- light style light fixture hangs over the entrance. Materials including Trees,Shrubs, and Ground Cover) Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Si ze rt o Anderson-Palmer CandY LIST OF MATERIALS StoreN'AME OF PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT C BLOCK .f -u FILING DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Store front'commercial space -- Village Plaza Bldg. The following information to the Design Review Board A. ) BUILDING MA'IERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door. Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Ground Cover) Botanical Name is required. for submittal- by the Applicant befoie a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color The entranae is throuqh wood framed double doors, each 36" wide with brass kick plates and brass hardware. The single large glass panel in each door, as vtell as the three single-pane windows, are timmed with a gold leaf border. Beveled glass transom windows appear over the main windows and double doors. The fascia continues the understated design of this storefront. The storefront colors are tan a beige with a dark brown accent. Signage is by means of a double= faced panel hanging from an ornate bracket at right angles to the storefront. A gas- light style light fixture hangs over the entrance. B.) PLANT MATERIA].S (Vegetative, Landscaping Materials i-ncluding Trees, Shrubs, and Quantity Si zeConunon Name JOHN SON VOILA ('on.rultitrg tngintt'r.s o ND _ARCHULETA, INC. w. I Johnson Robert H. Voiland S. J. Archuleta Edgar A. Mueller David M, Houdeshell Robert B. Hunnes October 15, 1979 Mr. Gordon Pi-erce Gordon R. Pierce & Associates Box 1I23Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gondola I Buildincr Dear Gordon: On Thursday, October 11, I visited the site with Bob Hiland and Ray Reed. Ray has been supervising the field repair ofthe structural- steel frame. We walked through the project and reviewed the 61 items in myletter of Septemher 26. AII the items had been repaired except +2, #3, #19' and part of #40. Harold lVolfe was informed of theseitems, and workmen were proceeding to finish these items as Bob anrl I left the job. I believe that the repair work of the last two weeks has correctedthe errors in the fabrication and erection of the structural steel frame. Very truly yours, JOH.NSON-VOILAND-ARCHULETA, f NC .. Dn al -t1\.1,/- llf ,tT ll'hvun- Robert B. Hunnes, P.E. RBH: fw ec: Steve Patterson 2305 CANYON BOUL€VAND 63A5 WEST 52N D AVENUEffi MEMBER BOULD{.R, COLOAAOO a0302 444 l95t aBVADA. COLOFTAOO AOOO2 420 2055 a Roger filkeneier Secial Projects Manager Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, CO 81657 Re: Corrected Figures qr Parkirlg Asses$rent and Recreational Fee for Village Plaza Dear Roger: Follourhg our neetjng a cor.ple of r,reeks agor I have the folJ-o^dng nevr inforrnaticn to submit for yorr review. I appreciate yor:r stcwing ne tlnt part of tle building ttrat is outside of the lb,vn boundary and tr,ave also decided that tlre v*rcle basenent level and tlre corridors, receptitrr areas, and restroom facilities on thefirst floor shoutd not be included in either the parking assess- nent or recreaticnal fee calculations. t"l1z new calculations are as foIlolrs: PAFKING ASSESSMENIT box lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 October L6t 1979 f.) Doellinq Units tlnits 104 (2 q>aces each)Irrit 5 (959 square feet) 2.1 9onnercial- 2592/3OO slpace #I-347 gpace #2-389 Spae #3-425 Space #4-440 gpace S5-380 gpace #6-611 3.) office 790/300 Ticket Sales 410 Ot]:er Office 380 TOIAL 21 Spaces PRO\i:IDD 6 Spaces TCNAL RE}AINI}IG 15 SpaceS department of community development 9.46;-U L.46 8.54 2.63 --ttRoger Tilkeneier-Village Plaza 10-16-79--Page Ilvo 15x$1000=$15,000 lte $151000 is to be placed into a Parking r\.rrd as nore specifically descri-bed in Section 18.52.f60 (2) of the Vail Mmicipal Code (a copy of which is enclosed). The $1,000 r.sas the assessrent per q>ace at the tine tiat the village Plaza building was ap6r:roved. RECREATICD{ FM For ttre RecreaLion Fee, f tr,arzie included only the Residential Space,tle Cqrrerciall Space, and the Ticket Sales and Office Space cn ttte First Level. Tlhere has also been a 75t credit given on the Vail Associates Tidcet sales and Office Space. lte s5tecific figu:es are as follcrys: 1,) Vail Associates Space Ticket Sa1es Office Space TOTAL 790 x .75 x .25 (75? credit) = $148.13 2.1 Connercial 2592x.75=$1944 $7185 TOrAL REtrREATICb{ FEE 59,277.L3 Thanks again for your attenticn in this nratter. Sircerely, 9eoe.'dl t#;'* Jares A. Rubin zoning Adrninistrator Brcl. cc: eiII P1&a :caj $148.13 410 380 ?90 $1944.00 $7185 Ot Oa AITA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 22lo SOUTH KALAMATH STREET DENVEB. COLOBAOO 80223 (303) 922-8368 (3031 321-2156 AKA 878-979 0ctober 11, I979 REPORT: Vail Gondola I CLIENT: Beaudoin Construction Cornpany 1260 South Inca Street Denver, Colorado 80?,Zs Attention: Wayne Beaudoin PR0JECT: Final Walk Through Inspection for Vail Associates Concerning Gondola One Building Steel Franing PR0CEDURES: Mr. Bob Hunnes (J.V.A.), Mr. Robert L. Hiland(Pierce and Associates), Mr. Harold Wolfe (Beaudoin Construction), and Mr. Ray Reed (AKA) reviewedall points mentioned in Mr. Hunnes letter as needing repair. RESULTS: With some rninor conments on the truss bridging and the northwest diagonals, all previously nentioned discrepancies have been corrected. Welding now conforms to acceptable levels as established by AWS Code for quality in building construction. Mr. Wolfe of Beaudoin Construction will handle the final repair verifications. The structural engineer, Mr. Hunnes,will write a supplenentary report on this final inspection. Respect fu1ly, CC: Dan E. Mclaughlin Stcve Patterson Bob Hunnes Robert L. Hiland STRUCTUBAL AND TIECHANICAL TESTING G c..oo Arn \o\i'-\ oo ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, INC. 2240 SOUTH KALAMATH STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80A23 (3031 922-8{168 (3031 321-2156 AKA 878-1079 0ctober 8, L979 REPORT: Gondola One lttelding Repairs CLIENT: Beaudoin Constructicn Company 1260 South Inca Street Denver, Colorado 80223 ATTN: Wayne Beaudoin PROJECT: Albert Knott and Associates, Inc. (AKA) was askedto inspect welding repairs on the Vail Gondola Ibuilding as outlined in the Septenber 26th letter fron RobertB. Hunnes to Gordon Pierce. PR0ECEDURE: All connection points on the building were in-spected, including those not nentioned in the above referenced letter. Every attenpt was nade to fabricate and erect the repairs of these connections in confornance withthe specifications and drawings. Where this was not possible,additional weld plates and an increase of weld sizes were therepair nethods used. RESULTS: Using the letter from Mr. Hunnes as a guideline, the following repairs were not finished as of 5:00p.m. Saturday, October 6. At the first floor franing (reference dwg. 'S-2): Iten I in process. Iten 2 - Do nuts tightened and only 5 expansion boltsin connection I-6. On the second floor franing (reference dwg. S-3): Item3-notstarted Iten 15 - not complete Iten 15 - not complete Item 19 - in process Iten 20 - in process STRUCTURAL AND MCCHAHICAL TESTING -oo oo Beaudoin Construction Co. AKA 878-1079 0ctober 8, 1979 Page Two Item 22 - danaged bean replacedl danaged bridging inprocess. At the third floor franing (reference dwg. S-4): Iten 23 - not started Item 29 - vertical welds on botton of pipe brace are , lot conplete. Iten 35 - not complete. Item 36 - not conplete. Iten 39 - not conplete. Item 40 - not conplete. Iten 41 - not conplete. Item 42 - not conplete. At the roof framing (reference dwg. S-5): All nentioned iterns of non-conpliance on the roof have been corrected to the best of my knowledge and beli.ef. After completion of the above mentioned unfinished itens,a return reinspection by either rnyself or Mr. Hunnes should bescheduled. Also at that tine, Mr. Hunnes should be able togive the structural steel in the building his final inspection. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate tocal1. Respectfully subrnitted, llMR: 11 cc: J.V.A. Mr. Bob Hunnes 0TT E ASSOCIATES, rNC. / ,1:.:i::r,:.l:...ro'tnr AR(' rtrttl:\' rfuc' i!tt { ir. d ;ai !:}itt.t il.r-., i-ra .'1:'.'? 1!13 ^.i'r ii \ r'r.r $ !,ri".t-nr tl€Lr.! i!. V.il!i J lt ! irrli.!irt.| f,6tr. \ 'J ! rlir' .11..2;,t \l !ln-,,!..f .tl n4brr I E '.,j - - rr Se1-.ls61i3r-'g it(. L9?:l F(r. (;o'rdon PiErce t]-rrdi-rn R- Firlri:rt f. lr:l:lor.113Les UDK I13] V.r Ll, il'rltiE,trkl 11 1657 [te ; (ji !t,jo la I grr i. 1,: i nT Dc;-rr tl+rCr-:n I i-tn 3lo5ii,ly. 5.-Ft.lnbg1- ?.4 t t vL:;it:t:tl t:ltt: :;it-t: t-o ltruh .: t- Llrc :;trur:tur-a! .5ccal ?iih e{.tt l{i I:rn,l ;rirrl KrrrL Si:,1t:d};r:rg tlf irt:tir oif ict:. }i* h'ilketl thEou,Ii-l tire pr.:-iEcl an{ lcitkr;rl ;r? r.:,ii;lt rtf tlir': ::t-r,:i.:1 {.:.itriit-:{:l-. iti:rs ulr it:it r-Jr':re i",islirle .iucl accesaible. lly r11.c-'g.:111 iinFferj$ tOn *rtS t!f*t tirr: s..trl{}L h,1C i:e-e-n t'cry Fi]ou ly fai:ri,:al-Ed $nd erE,--i€d. Fe!.a .f f t-hE {rJnnr-rctian;.- rti.:'rc in qi.rilfcin..ini-'i-' .r<i tlr thr-i t.:rjrntr.,r<.:ll {t{){:rr:Id:tll'-:{ .rrr'-I irr rlurllg1.3llg i11sLei1,=ei t!:* f aOr icstof/ sl:e1;to1. h,f'l iqnor.:.1 ,:f:r:r:i f ic i trr-:rnr-: r*lti.;h otlc tlii- igql r;orrt:t:tr:rl trn iltc sh.rF dr-a'.Yir.gs, T!:t:: lfit trlwttrg 5!:r-:cj tf lc ltr:ms w*re note,i as requlrlng repair: At the firet f,lQiir €r.rmingr trr:fr:rttrrt:r: tlre*lng S-2) l. ;\t gri.l litres G-f, G-,1 . H-5, an,L t-I [,rovide sreal Ehins f'-rr fttli berrging r-rnitc;r, (-:t]!\llhti l:s$t: pI'lttlll .qrrti lrtiLd lJ..*\: $rt"rte*'3tl erorlnd as GhD:{n in Se+tians 1/$I r.rnd ?,/li?' 7,- .{t gricl Iinr:* rl-5r f -f p ,.tr':r.l .I-6 prr. virl+ jl {:x.i.!.tl'!f,.i{)fr l-:<rit*_.ls shc,'.?. in -R*,:tians ]/S-3 or .t,/Sz artd tighten the nuta Dn the {..xpil n$ t On tx) I t-+ . .{t t.h,r ::-c+Dnd f lc+r franing {rcfrli-':n.'-:* ,lr-"rt*inq 9-J) Prrrui<1r-r wrttdr;d rlnglr.t br,rt;i"rrtt.t-t:;lttt'rlt itt !i-:r:titln>z 2/:il, J'ili't and 4./:i] ]\t .Jrl.J Iitier: E.I5-'l , .rlraltld.* Hei(lgi! nit'irGtl11F- spLlt:e '1:t :lh{-',"in in :li:c-:t i,rrn tjl$ I - !i...r'.i!r. i.:L:^r.J'i lii:l f.. irjl 1L i.:r. n -t 1 ! : j ! :J2 I i'-' -r:jt-r,.i'j I i rl :t3t I. tiortiol PJ {:r(:i:r F,rr_:tr irtD(-lfinrlOl..r I & ( X N J.t gt,-id 1inee. D.25-3.5, lrtr:tuIl r;ri:i:'.inq txrlts, F,L r_irici Jjti*-q l:'..19-3, rr.r.:ld c<-:]u.::lrr GriF;:1.rte.rlI aroirrrd t-O tr:l{ h1:r:rq. ?. .l-L git'd -iIties; n.?5-2, r,'rlci *l.l nrounci,-':Lil: an!i1ea u'lri<:h h.rr'(: Le. l.rr.rr lrr:cl lloLt:a .rt b-rl ted r:rrn:'r*cl.j r-rr)g. 8. ht- gr jr-t l jnE:s l'-3. ii'cld column cap p:ate rrl I erfriurrl t<-r rtl 2 birnn, Iieltl;ii's Lhe shart cllp at:gl{r:; rrith 1;-.'rt..Ter angiee an'J $eI{i slJ grcrttttrl . i't. grid i irir J, 4'*J rrcrth c.f Linr-- F, :;1.,'i i qr.-r Og Sl:r-'ifir itr SeCtiott l/-q.1 . g1 c";rid 1i:'re .t , { t --i ri{rr tlr rrl I i rrr.t F, ei]l i (:e ax slirlir'n i n Scct ir,n 2/53. lir(,..f i (l{: lxrl t cdl troarn I}1-ovifre' bclteci b*am F I.1'lit erid ]ines, fi-?, {i-:1 , G-4, frllft n-5 xr:],.1 cr3.r;.rlil L1:lf! Fl.-rlesrrrrd base Fla LeE aI I frr'.-1urr.l t(, h'J 4 F.rF.:ir.F. 12. it .L'!lxl 0 lrr:srn :ioi-rth g,f Ijtic H r:(t't{'l l-'elt"f€'rr -Lj.tre'g 2 t -1 , r.'r:!rl itJ I ':rt-rr-tltd lr1 j;r ;rl'rql*s irL l;..it.L r:rrd rrf lrr.:ar,F. 13. At itrifr ]irtes II-fr l.'ir:+l,jriC: l(.r]!gL!I'clIF,.rrtql{.:5 itt the tflE beam c-rnCi r.r€.Ld €.I I crr'orrrrtJ thr: rt:J ig.r ;lyrqlGE On bcth the lfl{ .1t}d H}8. l{. At rjri'j lin*s H-'l , r*'e1d colurr'rlr c'ip pl .tt.a:.rrtl 1...::;e.: p).rtc:.'rl} aroul:d lo h'ld i.rf:*I'J. 15, trl irrld l1trc.-g Il .!r (;rpptrrxirrral.r:ly] 8rrr1 7, r.'r.-.1 8.r1] r-.rrrrurtl t:l:ilr ariglr: i:rrnnd:(:tit.rn. I..lsp irraLall 3b" BrJUrl::p Lube sltoii'tt c]r l:'litl , 16. Bt grid 11tre 3, {t-o trrtrt.lr ol )Jrrt: ll , pr(}vitkr }rtrltrlil }rttrm slrlit:cas :;truv:rr irr St:ct-itln 2/S?. 1?. rlt grjd I jrrc 4, 4' -0 ni'rth of line ll , Fro..ritlc l.sit-ti(l ltrl;:rrl f;Fl 1l:* .ili -qhov;n in l:cctiotr 2/53 lS. ir{.,i-Hi4r:22 l.rtsra:t: l;li,rrinjnrl fr(}rn iirrc lr ta line 4l-leLifeen Iineell s:rt1 1, h'(-:ld,:ill arr-rnn,.i thc cliy.' irrrilL€.g at e;ich eDri of esr{-'h l.tr,:rm. 1t. .rrt th€ t,egt el:r1 t.f:-*t -.;jrjr: (rI tlr.: ltlr.r(:* t*irl I1: flI.$rJ '-i. thC Cta.ir .9rrcl- r:l(:rf.-rt(irrrr-{--}t1 c--xria.nsj.Jrr b.rlt nuls lo leciqe anqleE auFpcrL- inq jols'.s. '!'Iri::.r1.'Ffjr..s to "r11 lr-rEationg +,'ltere tlslL licleg irt{':l'(i l}trr :rr:d i t}tr: nrltllC Z0. .lt- gritl ljrt-:r; i-2, J-J, trtrrl f-{ 1-'rovjrle ..'.'elded {lol-riiecticrli& rfE ::lrfrvlrr i rr .tr:r:t j orr J /ll.l . &it((!or Flerct: I'age Three t'ion<ltt [.1 I o 2L. At Vrid lir.rea I-6, lrrarall rili:lsiii,j bolts. ?2. eE grid lin,:.1 bct'rrecn lirrcs 4 and 6, r:r_rpl.lce den.lq*:d bri.J..Jing. nb Ll:e third fl,:or fr.:-"iring treierence dr;,,liri,; S-.1 ) zl . Frtrvicl6 +r<-r l.J*:d angl.r brir*-:incJ n:i :.r hn'^.n in Sect iclos ?./y:j. -1/r.i!,arrC {/.$ J. 2.t. rih- grlrl llrrc-t tr.t5 snct 2.7 (,:pFrOsi*.r,rt.:lF) I:rt:vitl,3.seL,je,lirir-rnent Eplica sirnilar t.r the L-ne -qh,l.fir iii sectloll 6/'s3. ?5. .rt grid line l, 1'-,!,!. prlrth t:f llr-:* Il, pf{.rvi{tr} i1r.:,* t, l ipan,Jles arrd w*ld aIl" srourid. ?6- At.giid Lir:c::r F rnd ?.7 (:ri;prr.r.-rimatcryt, o,e1,l alr .rroun.rcllp an,;Ie c.-'|rllleclic,rr +f FII? tq :rIrI . 2'1 . ;\t the r".s:it.yirlu rrf griil linc.u F-3. iiuppor-t the,ltl6:r?6brr+m r-rn n i-!er,r seJE algre 4x4:r3l8:<0is'ivit-tr a 1/irtr flitr:rlatif feRer pI.+t*. glelrl F-he sr:st sii.;lr: ..r I l nri;r:nr:! lo t;!,n ir.rl-,.{:olllrilll .:rrri thtr I{16 l.:rr,,.r,r, 28- i\E Ehe e'rgt slrJa ,3! i;rtcr r lriill: F-3, r.*lrr errl ar.:un,r Lhe L-lipSttg I {r_r + ?:1. rlt llne p fr$n ll*e ,t tcr 5, pr,;,rirle brace .r.e .gi:D*.n i_rrirlr;r'elngr $-*, 10, At grid llnes G-3, ueld c,tluiur t:'eP pl..ct.:.rll .rr:cr,rn.l to:.tl.lDean. 11' Ar gri'l llr:e lr Jt-6 riortrr uE rin$ s, ingt;rlr ad,riitional r-:.111g. .J2- At the i:-.ruth_ si,le. of ,-Irid Iint:-r fl-i. xr]lrl ,.rll arnuntl ehe{(.rnne.lti+n plaEe. ll. irL Itrie 5, h(rtwtrt':rr p ..rn,{ rj, ti?ht*n i:olfe ln t-_tt+ Hl0 r;r.>nncctian. '''t' I'L grirl lIv'3-v 4, 4'-0:5r;-si6,:f rirre Ir, r.r'r:rt:rll ,-rcrtiti,,:n..rl i:orce. .1 5. AC the nlrth gfu!* of grkl l irrr-:,.J i{-.?, l+elC all et-ourrct thr:clip .rnglEg crt tirt: ?ltir:10 b*:.rn c,ln*ectiail . 3{i. .l\i qri.-l linr--g H*J, weld, L-oltiir,ri ri,rp Fl,rtr_r tII ;rror:n,l toIfI4x3li Lrt:Brn. )7, ::,.1* a'r;:-;6 srids cf grid lineg tf-'t. ,.,rc1 ti:l .rIl ,.rrorjn,i rhe rlip l'9. PLurnl' tire culrynnri .rE .{r--i,l lj.nes t{-5 arrd lI_6_ ]9. ftigt.iil r-brili.:l;1q ch,:irn on ,lfs,./lrrq li-.1 - (rr;r-dr-itr l,itrcr Figti Fti 1r r fi;:'.'l13lrl r: I 'iLl . r:l- ':rl-l''J I it':c* J-? .:r:ri r-.3, p:'c.,tr!rit: rr,,r: jrjrjr! t+trrteci-i{..:rj: .r:;l.l;u'...'i: ! ri S; r._'r.: i. i t-,:t ,! ,/?l . 4 I. Lri-r Srid 1i:rc -'r, !l'- g sr-ruth of l irrc I , ir-.r:ld ,.-rl l rrrclin,jr:l!p etig1a.. i:r-r!,nf:(:tjcnt fif I.il 4t:?2- 4? - l',t .iri<.i lii:ee r-{, rrel.d al"1 :rrc,iri:.-i tha ciip .-rrrqle co::11ecticr,.:gof tjiE tfii)>iL? l,e.--r!rt ir!.:d llie ii,l 6x5./ i,pir:n. 43, At qrid liric.s *l-i{, instirll mil:=inq h._:Lts. J\t i.lrtr h.-;rif Fr.an j rig (r cf r:''r-:t!(:r.,_ ijrflvrl naJ li_i). !!'rr 4{ - t{t t}rr: :r:rr t}tr*r'r.*it. (:(!r!rr}r r;I f.lt+-. r.t,r-r{ tr!rtt e t-lii. l,1i?r:}6 L.r_-airt f::i,..'r-.rr--'F ir:itr tht hil; L:c.r,l, rJt:incl tirit tlrt: y:1:-!rj, 1,ut ii, ii M:lr i)l-.r.t.'-1 --tl.i !-f t-:rrr-:i', aiid rrr.:!11 il I ar-r.,urr,l . 45. jt!-griri I i;rrll.; J-7 nrrrl J-[. i'rt."rvl(lr: f jttr,r! r;tlf l-r:ric:r:1 on i.lich'16 lliJ.' l,e;in. 46, Al- grid !inE .'l-2, r-hr c,riurrn ifr.1F ittlt r-rf f ,_rs 41 ti-jr-rrllaij-trt-:,nE:r1gllt-r t.c' faeiliLBte eLeer et-ecLi._,lr. rh* v;rlclin,l at ihctt:p t>l t.hr': c:crl r:rrri r ()frk!: ti:rr-l trr e - ?lri g ,,.,.:r 1ct sl-r+uici Lreqru'.tnrl r,if f .;nEl r-*1rl ,1ri1616 '+j th r:olrrlri-.tc:nt r.g6:l q.l rrii:f r.,r j,rl , At grld lii-res J-_t, jl:alsli rniasi:-!g b,lItE. t4't gricl f inr-rs J-6, rr'+jd 6r.11 11rnJ1 r_:.r1r lrJirt(r ,.rJ I ;rrorrr.irl t.f, lrJp LrB.r m . e, 18. t( 4 $. 'tt -i-LI eh*rt.:d r-o3f L.E4nr cflirrje'rtic,rrs, irisial l f i r tcd 5r j f fcnr;7FIsteS; fi.'; .i!rfiu'rr ln jrr:cr.Jor7 :rtls:t nrjd sFEcificalll' casr-c.ctc,f onahc'p cir;rtr'i :j.-{6. >tr\ :t. !titl-l;tir:x-J-{, prrivldi: f lt-t.eA st:if fe:rer-s ae ehc,.,m in t:*ction5,/::5 arrd eper---.ifierrlly correcte.i qln f-l,r-: srlir.r;r dr.:,.cirrg::. trr* -e l"tl 0r:41 .jrrrJ lr11 fixllf; lx:*ur:': ;Fpr:ar l-r1 lial,r: l;r-:erl fallricat-ecj Lr-a: fr, "llrtI. Thj:: <:i.rr_rJ('l !.ir.: grl.r7r:r-:f.r:rl lr), l-,r.rrvjdi19 fitr.r:il r:l-.i ffrir:Br-E$irl'cli liraj*ct frcrn the connectirrn rini,-.x Iiir. flr cnr-lli:Ih t(,1.eF, 3' l;$:.;t t.lit: r::rir3 ot tti(t WIO llesns ir: .:ueiijori: ij;;-!lf O-eonld thc.n )re r,*el ded to thr f i ttsr *t i t f tirr:r:;_ V t5itl At- f,litl k'J fr lrlp hf.:.*rri1 .tj_ifltr!i:J r:ratr.:J 1, .5 !.r:r:t rrlrtlr<:a:;f- 1f 5-ririI inr--'-s tr-4' liarlf ioc iu1ii. w*rclcd mi)rnc.nt FFlicc, as r:+tcc- rir:8l'ro1i 1-i 1;11','1 :iq e . W ll:.-]lll: ri*ci. stdtr of grrld linea r-3, i,-etcl .rlt iirt:nid thc: drljiJtrrig) t.-s rr f titr.. h'l 0 Lrr.rrnr, -5.3- .ri,* ErJri lJr;r_.:: I!--J, r.f!F,BJr r-illrflrld tje girdjJar Lcr jt-e;n _qii jti_rlf.Cjirha:rvtr, (:;orr1(lrt Ftcrr:e F.lgr: ir i yr.: L1r-rrrdr:la I tJn linr:.1 , 5'-6 s,futir of llne t[, 1:rirr.rirJr-: l-rr-:,rm 5piic,:.:l.g sh.]r4lrlin 5e,:Licu 2/15-t. i I 'I r# ln7 - 5{t. pffinarL ,r#5r? it thr-r r.fest e,l,ye .rf hrrlts, AIso lrtVt-1 L tii': r'rlol (lrr L irrr.r F.5, irrsLalL arhlLl.-irirr.rl l-.ltt: 5r'l.l :-;liln,ifel i:e.rrns ;L i.liC: er{}irr_:r r-rlr-rr.r4giqn. .\t qr i d lli.trr;.s b'-3,r*i:*ir -.;!ir':rr Irl l-ru :-:imilar lo lf--rrnr fir-] rr{:tii,f:ti-r)tr.:, ei grld I lrrgr ;r ntI lc F-5r iruld colu!::,il {:np Lr-r irltJxl6 nird u+: Lrl pl.rtc ,rll -rl I .rr-rtr'r,'l rr- IC'Jl]il iO ]-;:-:,tui . +/Ld^:2e En-.-.-- .:1 I I .l sei r l:rti tr-r Arl<l r: I r.1p nt- gpltl litie€ E-.1 .1ii.] R-,I-5 wi:l(l '.:i.1lr.ina .-'nir F t:t:.:in , At qrid lltitl:: 11-'r7:rt-rl.r.l Ehrl rtD!.iligcLion. AL tltr::iritttliq;,-l€t col-rieL of l-.hr: ri:c_lE, ilft,i'i,jr: r_.llit.trrrgltr;rq.{.7.rld .r [[ :.1gr-:u;1d, At Lirt': etul (!f tir<.: l.jItjx40 lrilr ilrt.in fr{:.':r I inr; H-.1 .5, 1}fDVirl.:.: -f ittccl,3eli fr:ri,:r !rl;rti"li: .tl1(i q.te1,l to ltt 2 r;!ran,lr.:l be;,r,rg. Dittr:!r tif tha ra.:f 6Lec:L ii:luLll oF I ine ii ira,-i br-:r-:ri t:o.,,i-lreri liiLh i;*,rrtturilEES, Eo ?t.:r r-1r')rr lri rrrri- :;i:r-r iilin? of thrl {:() n 11 i,'r: t ioi: a . I!ri,.+:':vr:r,haged Dil l--hi: r.rb'.r*rr;*l: i'r5S troter'i .il:,tv<.:, i f r,,'Orti,-l S{:r-r!11 E,r i r ttl ,t;i3,,li1e LIt.1h r,*:p;.1 ie-S WiI I bl: C{liirrtrrir! i n thrlE* <ir*J:l . Iu eptLr: riF thc pr,rlrier,tv rir;F.<;{,_1fur3ryr3, it is 11llr..!}ini-c,ir Lir.,rL ear;lr frr:r-rhlen ccllld l:tl ri;1r.1 ir-*'l i1 tire iir-rlrl l.r7 ;t *onpcL.el'!L. '.:ttl<lirlry i.:r:r:w. Flf . .{htivr; P,.rttergt-.,:t r>i b.lrr'! V.-r il er:il,:lirtg Dr-:i:.rr.Lilrr-rnt r:.rlL,:rl r.<.r ft1:".tr;,4rf;1y r*gerr'llng r)r!-r-:itp inap*,-'tt.:rr t:f w,rL,f,.-il rtpatr:r. I ctfr-'rre,:tItin tO Ttl9l--lr:i; (-'(-:nj-:UlLantg, f6r.:- t.lr Ai iiirtLL,t!-rrl ir:;i.:r-l,;i.rL.eS. BDttl ,)c-ih.:f e Derivrlr i i rin:i ,). rL1 - t-,.lf r-lt.i!rlr: tr::-:Ein.; i.f i:S r,ltLlr f,ltt; d_1tti:EL-Li;egi-1tluiued fOr r+{1lrl iej3til'tl .1i'rti,_:r.:rt, i iic ti,:ll. lf itrr i::oritr.: L,: of fuiLilr.:r .r:j.'-ri:;t.tn:e l,JlF.ir tli i:; [rr-r-rbIefn, i]t.:,i.T{-r c.1ll. V{:ry f r-ni r.' t',-}!!}r -r _ J UH.'iLi rll{ -r,'{J T I,,qi.; u -r'!il.{j ttil L tT A r i }j(:r . #:?*.r. 01 S$))cr Put\er:a-n-J Bulldlng DePartmetrt f,atlc€ottt++ lt'.-un r-re+"--+"]*rt4" U0.\ \ ' ,It CA UO.AJ Q,o To Whom It 1[aY Coneernt Thts letter ls to lnforn you of eertaln dlscrepancles rhlch I would conslder crlrnlnal witfr regard to the eonstructlon on Vail Assoelates ProJect - Gon<tola fl. Coaplete dlsregard to human llfe and safety of those people-rho oafi occupy thls buildlng ln the future has been exhlblted by Be aud.o ln Con struetlon ana Uars Steel and Iron, my forurer employer' 0"" io a completi.on pena)-ty clause regard,for-Llfe and 11nb on thls project has beei *thrown to ttre itna.i The maln thlng that myeelf and my crew are conce:rned. about is the erectlon of the gteel. il-"*p"arte -ana complete the Job wlth atl posslble means of speeclt re rrui" ordered. to weld everyitrtng ln a ternporary fashlon exDect- ing to eomplete the erectlon'welcls ancl. this was not allowed'. They ""E .or fr-a.nlng thls bulld.lng over the tenporary welcts' when r expressed my eonceTn about thls negligent attltuder myself and my eriw yrere lmmedlately term!natecl. We will rnake ourselves avallable to slgn any fornal eornplalnts necessary and,,'or appeax personally to explaln ln detal1 accordlng to struetural rlrawlngs eiactly where the tllserepancles lle antl nhere the temporary welds are loc ated' for lnspectlon. Sln eere IY , Allen frl4 JU U>\-l I UEi\J Mr. Allen wagner - 758-6546 Foreoan ,^ ,/h/'tF Itler Notary Pub I ic '"'-'€ JoHNSoN-al (',ut\!ttrtut:,,,,r,,,"rrYo'tU ARcHULETA' INC'o i4r- |r'.*f W. B. Johhio^ nobatl l{ Vo,lan.l S. J. Ar chulsta €dgt. A- l,,tleller Dhv;(, M. l{o\rdeihotl Flol)ert B. l{unn6! September 14, I979 Mr. Gordon Pierce Gordon R. pierce & Associates Box 1123Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gondola I Buildinq Dear Gordon : On !{ednesday, September 12, eob Hiland and I visited the job siteat the request of Beaudoi.n construcb.ion company to took aL aproblern which was interrupting the structural stcer erectionseguence. I^te met with Dan llclaughlin, Tom gars, r'Jayne Beaudoin,and Harold l^lolf . The immediate problem concerned the steel coltrmn at line 2and line J. This particular column had been fabricated incorrectlyanfl did not support the hip beam as shown on Lhe contract clocunents.In order to expedite steel erecti-on, I made a sketch which inrlicateda.method of temporarily supporting the hip beam. This connectionwill. need to be reviewed and reiniorced. Tom l'lars pointed out another problem connection at the roof online 4 and line r. IIe proposed adding some praLcs as a temporaryrepair. 'Ih is was acceptable for the preserrt time - SeveraL errors were apparent as I walked through the site: I. Very few roof beams have holes punched in the websfor attachment of wood nailers. Some beam web splices were being made r.uith singleside plates rather than pairs of framing angles. 2. # MTMEI'I ?JO! CAti Y(JN EOUt-t V^ltf) 6JB5 rttST 'J?ND AVt irrt F.)U!Ot R. C()Lr)rrAD{r 8030t .lda tllil anvaoa. c..|L()tt^ort aooo? a20 2055 4 o 3. Columns were being torch-cut to fit in the field, 4. Beants wcre being torch-cut to fit in the field. Arr the above itens indicate faulty clebailing, fabrication, orerection of structural . steeI. As you knorv, it is the contractor's_rg5ggrylqirilr to provideshop drawings wirh correct-dTmensrons=;a-guEfrErtres. ourreview of the steel shop drawings on this $roject pointed outerrors in almost every steel rnember. gased o r-, orr experiencewith many structural iteer buirclings, this is certainiy belowthe accepted industry standard for structural steer detairing. After the steer'ioists and deck are erected, we feel that theproject should be reviewed in the field, since we have alreadyseen severar exanrples of poor workmanship. r expect that manlrsteel members and connections will need to ue mobified andreinforced to correct fabrication errors. Regardless of fabrication errors, trre contractor is responsiblefor.conforming to the contract documents, and although this -project has a very tight schedule rvith approaching winter weather,we feer strongly that the owner should reteive a iinishecl buildingwithoqt structural, defects- Lvith this in mind, we are.willing tovisit the site at your request and recommend field ,"pii." whichmay be required to correct obviously faulty work. Very truly yours, Gordon P ie rce September 14, 1979 Page Two JOH{SON-VOJL-AND-ARCHULETA, INC . B. IIunnes, P. E RBII: fw ./i /W^4- 2fce / JOHNSON VOtSD ARCHULITA, tNC. 7 t ( ttntlrlttn( I tr,: tt tf\ W. I Johrri()n nol)€, r tl Vo't.)A(l S. J Ar chrrlela E (j 9rt A Nluellcr Dnvid M. llo0(jcshell Flob{r' t L tjrnn€r September 19, L979 Mr. Gordon P ierce Gordon R. Pierce & AssociatesBox 1123Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gondola I Buildinq Dear Gordon: I{e have received Da'l Mclaughrin's retter of septernber 12, andhe_is certainry correct in observing that "...:Mars steer hashad a muftitude of fabrication probiems caused by poor andsometimes erroj'reous <letailing. . . ... However, the betaili.,gbrrors ivere made by Mars Steel and not by JVA! Dan apparentlydoes not understand the role of design piofessionars witrr regirdto. buiiaing desicjn as opposed to shoir drawing review. our firm is respo*sibre for producing contract documents(structural drawings) in compliance rith the appropriate buildingcodes. I^le stand behind the documents that we pioduce, and, .Lo date. we are unaware of any significant errlrs in our documents. 'I'he contr:actor i s r:esponsi ble for dimensions which shall bec:onFi rmr--d .end corrcratccl aL. thc job site, fabrication pr-ocesses,and techniques of construction, coordi-nation of his woik withthat of a11 otl'rer trades, and the satisfactory performance ofthe rvork. " our review of shop drawings is only for "....general arrangernentand compl iance with the siructural design. " I-rowever, the steelshop drawings were fraught with errors and, in spite of the factthat we made correctioni on armost every beam and column, manyfabrication errors stirl occurred. our office wilr endeavor toprotect the owner against defects and deficiencies in the workof the contractor; however, we do not guarantee the contractor r sper f ormance .. t#.,-ft .'.'0! I A^,\rrN tt()rrLt vAio n.rri! r!l:.1 5.1\t) Avt r\ut B()Ul Ot ll. C(tLOAAOO sOfO? ,t44 l95l Anv/\oa. coLoF|ADO AOOO2 a20 ?055 " Gordon Pierce" September 19, I979 Page Tsro Robert B. Hunnes, p.E. RBtrt: fw rn fairness to the contractor, this is a gcometrically comPlexbuilding idith a tight time schedure. tt ir.es becn ftrrthcrcomplicated with numerous changes initiated by the orvner. Afew steel coordination probleni could have becn expected, but I tu? surprised at the number of errors we found in trre "r.,op-drawings and in the field. All of this verbage boils down to onedoesnrt fit, the owner should look tothe erroneous material ! Very truly yours, point: If the steelthe people who strpplied oN-vorI,AND-ARCHULETA, rNC 4 ?S3lo9btoo*' uu"*Il ili [?i :i{tfl i i r l;ri ] li l^"' I NC. Vail. Colorado 8.l657 STRUCTURAL STEEL INSPECTION August ?4, 1979 Inspected by: Bob Hiland Kurt Segerberg Bob Hunnes FIRST FLOOR AND CEILING: Gordon R. Pierce & Associates, INc. llllllrlrl Johnson-Voi I and-Archul eta o 0 o o o o o o o o E-3.5, Column 1, bo'lt missing. Insta'l'l bolt. ,, E-3, weld col umn to beam. Too many .bolt hol es. r' E-2.5, two angle clip holes burnt too big south west weld all around angle. l.leld south east clip angle bolt missing. F-3 (north of) beam splice, remove plate and bo'l t together with doub'l e angles both sides per 2/S3. F-4, beam splice same as F-3. F-2, clip angle not touching co'l umn. l,love tight to colr*n uni weld all a round . Install floor beam braces per Sections 353 and 453. G-2, additional holes cut through.column cap and beam. l^leld cap to beam. G-3, added holes were cut through beam and column cap. l^leld all connections. Wel d ba se of col umn so'l i d. G-4, weld base of column solid. Four bolt holes - weld plate to bcam. G-5, tjghten column base bolts. tleld plate to bearn. H-4, we'l d column base solid. Weld cap plates to beam 4 between H &'l beam splices change to angles as shown on Section 2/S3. Two bolts missing in two east west beams. East wall scissor stair holes in support angle too b'ig we1 d nut and washer to angle, also east wal1 of elevator. H-3, we] d column caps to beams. Line 3 between H & I east west beam throughstair, two bolts missing. North south beam splice change to angles north south per Section 2/S3. Beam between Lines 2 & 3 on bolt missing. H-2, add clip angle on north side and weld all connections per l/S3 betvreen H & I on two vte'l d clip ang'l es all around. 2!" square tube cantilever missing vrest of 2 line between H & l. I-2, weld column base aIl around I-2 and cross-bracing, we] dall around per l/S3. I-3 at cross-bracing, weld all connections. I-3 weld 5" pipe all surfaces to beam. Angle west of scjssor stair weld bolts to ang1e. I-4 at cross-bracing, weld al'l connections. I-4 at east west beam connection east sjde extend angle and weld all around. I-6, bolt miss'ing on beam going west. I-6, tighten column base bolts. I -6, ti ghten col umn base bol ts. al I connecti ons GONDOLA ONE BUILDING Job 7860 Page 2 GORDON R. PIIRCE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Arc hi tectu rel P'l ann'ing'1650 E. Vail Valley OriveVail, Colorado 81657 STRUCTUML STETL INSPECTION August 24, 1979 o o J-2, weld al'l connections at cross-bracing as J-4, tlghten bolts at beam column connection J straighten and weld bridging. o J-5, column base plate bolts need tightening. bol ts. 3rd FL00R: per Section l/S3. linebetween4&6 Tighten beam connection o o o o o o o o 0 o E-4, cantilevered section, weld per top and bottom flange per Section 6/53. E-25 between 2.5 and 3, weld canti'lever beam both sides to use plate toextend. East west beam north of E between 2 & 3, wrong. Cl ip angles too short. Replace angle and weld all around. F-3, weld beam to stiffener plate not enough angle or bolts. Add 6"p'late welded on east side. F-5, bolts not tight. 3G weld column cap to beam bolt holes too big. Line 3 between G & H beam splice bolt missing. G-5, south side weld plate to beam holes too big. H-5.5, col umn not plumb. Four between G & H bolts missing in beam splice. H-3, we'ld all around column cap and beam and co'lumn base above. H-2, not sufficient bolts north side of column weld clip angle to beam and co] umn. I-2, weld all connections per l/S3.Install cross-bracing Line 2 between I & J. J-2, install 'longer clip angles and weld all connections per l/S3. I-3, weld all connections for cross-bracing per l/S3. Line 3 between H & I bolt missing. |.leld all around all beam connections. Line 4 between H & J bolt missing. }leld al 'l beam connections. I-4, weld connections as per 1/S3. , GONDOLE ONE BUILDIITG Job 7860 Page 3 GORDON R. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Arc hi tecture/P1ann i ng I650 E. Vail Valley Drive Vail. Colorado 8.l657 STRUCTURAL STEEL INSPECTION August 24, 1979 ROOF: o 4 & 4.5E not bolted at column cap. l.leld all around. o Southeast corner of roof overhang weld on clip angles, all beams. o Beam line 5 E to F, too low. o South of E between 4 & 4.5 weld plate on north,side to both beams. o F-5 roof beams vreld all connections. Add cl ip angle on south side. o F 4 to 5, insta] 'l cross-brace. o J-6, weld co'lumn cap to roof beam. o J-3, install two missing bolts east beam connection. o I-3, rep'l ace west T stiffener plate and weld all connectjons. o I-4, see Detail 5/S5 and redo all connections. Ridge beams splice near I-4 to be we1ded per shop drawings. o H-3, beam to north east too short. l.le'l d section on to beam and makeconnectjon. North west weld all connections. North, weld all connectionswith full depth stiffener p1ate. o J-2 and J-6, to have stiffeners in web of beam. o Facia beam west F-5, G-l too high. o F-3, redo all connections. o Connection near 2.5 and E-25 not acceptable. o f-2, grind out weld on outside p1ate. Install new p'late and reweld.Install cross-bracling line I between 2 & 3. o lnstall stiffener connecti.on at all skewed beams per 5/S3. _!_J r)o ],R, box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 August '13, '1979 department of community developnrent 10.37 SpgcesI I .33 1 .04 8.99 6.92 Roger Tilkemeier Special Projects I'hnager Vail Associates Box 7 Vail, C0 8]657 Re: Parking Assessinent and Recreational Fee for Gondo'la I Plaza (Vi'llage PIaza) Dear Roger: The fo'l'lowing is what is owed on the Build'ing Permit for the Village Plaza Building. The figures are based on the plans that were submitteC and approved by the Design Review Board. 0n the Parking Assessment, the rate of assessment is at $l ,000 per space, which was the rate in effect when the Gondola i Plaza []uilding Plans were approved. The Parking Requirement js based on the six dwelling units, the Commercia'l Space and Office Space on the Ground Level used for Lift Ticket Saleg, Ski Schoo'|, etc. as detailed below: PARKING REQUiREMENT I . ) Dwe'll inq Unitsa.I--UnTil:4 (2 spaces each)b.) Unjt 5 (830 square feet)c.) Unit 6 (54.| square feet) 2.) Conrnercjal 2;697 square feet/300 3.) 0ffice Space2,fr5lffi- TOTAL 27 SpacesPROVIDED {0)Spaces T0TAL REMINING 2l Spaces 2l X $I '000 = $21 ,000 rlrRoger Til kemei 8-13-79 Page Two f . ) Vai'l Associates Facil ities Leve'l One Leve'l Two TOTAL rlr $2 ,654 . 81 7,952 square feet $&l_ square feet RECREATION FEE 0n the Recreation Fee, I have given Vail Assoc,iates a 75% credit on that part of the square footage that is useab'le for lbuntain Operations. The Comrercial Space and the Living Units were g'iven no credit. The Recreation Fee was ca]culated as follows: 3.) 14,.|59 square feet 14,I59 X .75 X .25 (75% credit)$2,654.81 $2,022.752.) gonrnercial 2,697 X.75 =$2,022.75 Living Un jts $7,'l 55.75 9,541 (GRFA) X .75 = $7,155.75 TOTAL RECREATION FEE $I'I,833.31 Thank you for your attention on this nntter. If you have any questions , pl ease cal I nrc Sincerely, Ju'*'-* A- tU^^ ,ii''James A. Rubin' Zdning Administrator :caJ El* oao Gordon R. Plerce & Arsoclai$, Inc, Architecture Planning P. O. Box 1'123 Vail, Colorado 81657il,i cio_zssz June 12, 1979 Town of Vail Building Department Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen : tde have reviewed the three required revisjons which the building department has made regarding the final plan approval on the Village Plaza Building (former'ly Gondola One). These correctionswill be prompt'ly made by our offlce for your final review, Sincerely yours, (,,,A t a,X^t^,7 Kurt A. Segerberg IGS/jm box 1(X) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development [|ay 31, 1979 tr{r. Foger Tilksneier Vail Associates Box 7 Vai1, @ 81657 Dear Roger, As of this date, the Recreation Fee on the Village Pla,'a Erilding is not figuraed. To prevent any firrther delays in the consffuction of the building, we will issue tbe building perrnit with the under.standing that as soon as the fees are figured, they witt be paid. Sincer.ely, a:fu7-'y'2"2f* Mark W. Iilarchus Ctrief Brilding Of f ieial box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development May 24, 1979 Ernie Nunn U.S. Forest ServiceDistrict RangerP. O. Box OMinturn, CO Dear Ernie, With regard to the exit corridors in the newGondola I Building that is to be built this summer,the Town of Vail Building Department and the VailFire Protection District has okayed an aLternateexit 1ay-out. To meet the two exit requirements along withthe separation of exits by * ttre building diagonal-, we have allowed V.A. to provide additional structural_and smoke separation in l-ieu of the $ diagonalseparation and still maintain two exit corridors. Several things we have taken into considerationin granting these exceptions are: a, Height of buildlng.b. Total occupants to be using these exits.c. Separation of commercial spaces fromcorridor.d. Frequency and types of fire and smoke inthis type of mixed occupancy.e. Type of construction used in this building.f. Location with regard to fire protection andresponse time of flre crews. Ernie Nunn May 24, L979 Page 2 After discussing the above items as well as other items, the Town Building Department and Fire Department felt the intent of the code coulcl be met. f hope that this will clear up any questions you might have and if not, feel free to contact Sincerely, 4fuzay'za !.Iark W. !.{archus Chief Buildin.g Official ce: Dave Falk U. S. Forest Servi"ce 1II77 ItI . 8th Avenue Box 25127 Lakewood, CO 80225 Roger Tilkemeier Box 7Vail, CO 81657 Gordon SwansonVail Fire Chlef F GORDON R. PIERCE iffii:g":nil' P. O. Box 1123 vAlL, coLoRADo 81657 (3031 476.2657 o WE D tr ARE SENDING Shop drawings Copy of letter the following items: D Samples O SpecificationsD ! LE|IqlEOr rmnNsrm. ro (atl ?.til:,,,tffuf-,|,i ,.,t.tql *qk 'Ernnb I ?J. $tl, r t attel GENTLEMEN: YoU y'nttacneo D Under separate cover via g/print, 0 Change order Plans coPlEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION 6lql'r4 4-1 4rwh,,ra(4-, - 1kv oh&\ st4lu 4"1,4lruo wt [+ -g .-4tah oekdl) THESE ARE TRANSMITTED D For approval t'For youruse D As requested E For review and comment tr FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return -corrected prints as checked below: tr tr D D tr C tr 19- O PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO SIGNED: Fo|rL t.o-t Ad I'cr @l rorrs4 tn OtfO ta .t'f;,loto,rt rta '|oa .r ttot 4 Hndr', nott t ut .2 -- | t -\(H) I --tlAt-- Lotu(flUfl||.ilc*,' [z'Uue^ Al- 0'delL, bbt' (eVttao %Vlt #e.nsf-lT l_azE; oo * T-t\ --l SF o.\'?1I -:1'' \x Nt+qJs*iI {t[t $:I 3$At-L{tf r\, \Trh x-.nt Fr ilsll$ [.s-l il$\ ilN|l;rf sll e.sll s r:ll $ ,ill \ -il ,Nll c\ ll $ ll r- ll s ilr ll rt ilq ll F iltq ilr $lNfil< ..*J $\1.'lrF l$ lrN l> li l$ l$ ls Ir lo'rf t a rlIr-'lz ilrIt It l$ ilr\ --=-a \\ N \"'i7-F$. llsilL ll=' il,.$h ll S.\it .N $\ iRs t$ rt-\\,\- TI $ fR, _f,. $ :I { =n \5 i P [\lr N.I F +\ t- aa Associates,Vail lnc. April 11, 1979 Mr. Mark Marchus Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Village Plaza Building (Gondola I) Partial Occupancy Dear Mark: The purpose of this letter is to confllm our conversation of several days ago regardlng the need thls Fa11 to occupy certain parts of the Village Plaza Bulldlng before the entire structure ls completed. We agreed that, subject to certain llfe safety and fire requirements, the mountaln-orienEed spaces can be occupled while work continued on the comnercj-al and condominium spaces. As you progress with che plan checks on the building, pJ-ease keep us in- f orured of specific requirements to accomplish the occupancy requirements. Very truly yours, socrATEs, INc. Tilkeneier of Speclal Proj eets RWT/s1 cc3 Tom llarned, Va1l Associates, Inc. Jim Marcan, Vall Associates, Inc. Jim Paxon, U.S. Forest Service Gordon Pierce, Gordon R. Pierce & Dick Ryan, Town of Vail As soc iates Box 7, Vail, Colbrado 81657, 303/476-5601 a AssodratesVail , Inc. March 7, L979 Town of VailPost Office Box 100 Vail , Colorado 8l-65 7 Subject: l,IanhoLe at, Toot of WaLl Street Attn:Kent Rose Dear Kent: Ttris will confirm our conversation this morning regardingthe installation of a manhol"e at the foot of WaLl Street in C'ore Creek Drive. It is understood that the Town roill attenmE to relocate apresentl-y planned close by manhole Lo Lhe Wall Street loca-tion in whieh case no charge wiLl be made to Vail Associates. In the event a manhole cannot be rel-ocated and a ne!{ one isrequired, Vail Associates will reiraburse the Town for theactual costs rohich are estimated to be betveen $1500 and $2000. It was further agreed that an inspection of the present. ser-vice line would be nade while the Gore Creek Drive main istorn up this sunrmer. If this inspection indicates EhaE thel-ine cbn be repaired to satisfacEbrily handle the presently planned 1oad, the new Village PLaza Building (Gondola I) would hook into this line. If the inspection shows major and unrepairable damage, a new line shal1 be built in Wa1l Street. If this al-ternative must be pursued, any other persons tied to the present line would be required to share the proportionate installationcosts or be required to prowide their own service. Box 7, Vail, Golorado 81657, 303/476-5601 Page Two Town of Vailllarch 7, L979 If your understandingoutlined above, please Sincerely, SoCIATES, Soger Tilkeneier from that r Speclal Projects ffiflI:irs cc: Gordon PierceJiu tlarcan Larry AllenLarry li:lder o ie substantiaLly d:iff,erent caLl re rlght €ffay. I - PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GMN that Vail Associ-ates has applied for a Minor Subdivision to Subdivide a Part of Lot A' Block 5-C, Vail Village J-st Filing for use and ownership by the Town of Vail as Gondola I PLaza' Application has been made in accord with Chapter 17.32 of the Municipal Code' A Public llearing will be hel-d before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on February 27 ' 1979 at 3:oo P.M. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said hearing will be heldinaccordwithsectionl?.16.1oooftheMuni-cipalCode. MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jane Zoning ist ,M TOSN OF VAIL I PI'BLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that Vail Associates has applied for a Minor Subdivlsion to Subdivide a Part of Lot A' Block 5-C, Vail 1Village lst Fillng for use and ownership by the i Application has been made in Town of Vail asiGondola I P]-aza' accord with Chapter 1?'32 of the Municipal Code' A Public Hearing wilL be held before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on February 27 ' 1979 at 3:00 P.M. i-n ttre VaiL Municipal Bullding' Said hearlng will be held in accord with Section 1?'16'100 of the Municipal Code' TOWN OF VAII-, DEVELOPMENTARTMENT OF .- - MAILED TO: Lodge at VailMrs. Cortlandt iHi11Mrs. Joanna Hill John DonovanLazier Arcade B1dg. 8099990899e99 999999e89904e99e9e99e99 J E4E- oL, AA!tv department of community development 27 February 1979 box 100 vai[. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 JAR/gew cc: Larry Rider Town Attorney Dick B]'an, Director .Kent Rose, P.E. Mr. Roger TilkemelerVail Associatcs, Inc. ReaI Estate Division Box 7Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Constructlon of Gondola I Building Dear Boger: The Town of Vail is familiar with the plannedreconstruction of the Gondola I building this summer. The Town consents to Vail Associates, Inc., use of the right-of'-waygiven to the Tov,n by Special Use Permit P.L.94*579 as theonly access for construction materials. The Town also doesnot object to the s'torage of construction materlal.s on theperimeter of the building site as long as any damage that may be done to the landscaping and/or sprinkler system in the areais repaired.and returned to its present condition. ', ttre Town also understands that the bicycle path behind the Gondola I building will become the access road intothe nerv buildirrg. The Town requests that Vail Associates, fnc.construct appropriate barrj-ers and signage to prevent bicycleriders and pedestrians from going into the Gondola I constructionsite this surnmer, and reali-gn and reconstruct this path as soonas possible after construction of the building has been completed. Tbe Town expects this realignment to be underway and substantially complete by No'rember 1, 19?9. I have also enclosed a letter from Margaret.Burdiekdiscussing Vail fnstitute,s intention not to use the tentthis summer. If you have any questions, please contact me. Sineerely, - A O e- C.e,u,- to tt, V,rLUr-r^ NJames A. Rubin Zoning Administrator w- VAIL INSTITUTE P.o. Box.r}t Vail. Colorado 81657 {303) 476-1871 Zoning Adninistrator tr February 2L, L97g Is to conflrrn that the Vail Instltute Arena and rr111 not be using the tent Thank you for al-l your he1p. Cgrdially, ttua Ny9+r66"d r\L11 MargaretlS. Burdick President AOARD OF 9IRECTORg Msrgarot S. Burdlckprgsidaat ElBins E. White Vice-Prcsidenl Doborsh W Warner Socrel!ry John D. Mills Tfeaaurcl Charlss R. Anderson G€rsldin€ R. Cohen John A. Dobson Gibson Gardnsr Floronco A. Goldtarb C. Fredgric Moyer Thomas C. O'Brien Michael M. Salloway Joan Madison Consurlsnl T€rr€ll tl. Minqet James M. Slevin Honoraty Mamberc ur. Ji.m'Rubin, Town of.Vall P.o. Bolr 100 Val.L, @ 8L657 Dear Mr. Rubin: As per our conver.satlon, thls has been offered the use of the Iee el.te for performances this Sunmer. 168/src t lq- Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Dear lEnqr: Enclced for your re-vie,r is a cost proposal fs or-r firm to prepare working dra.ri-ngs and specieicatjons for ttre above projecb. ot-r p:oposal is based ur design work proeeding witbin tlre sare tine franeas design work on Gcndola I{o. I Buildint ard the prlclic restrcrrs. Sincerely, ROySION, HAI\AtrcEO, BECK & ABEY e: Rod Slifer, l4qfor, Verrcl. Jim Rubin, Plantrring Dept., /encl. Erclosu:re: Oost pJc€nrosal_ febrr'tary 2, L979 I,f. Itsrrell J. Minger ltovn l,bnager ttt/vn of Vail P. O. Box 100vail, @lorado 81657 k:Gor&La tilrc. I plaza @st prc5nsn'r landscape Architec*: land Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA IGzuo Abey ASLA Louis G. Alley AIA Patdcia Carlisle ASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Associates: Rob€rt T. Batterton ASLA Ceorge W. Girvin ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA James J. Bradanini ASI-A John N. Roberts ASLA 225 Miller Avenue P.O. Box 271 Mill Valley Califomia 94941 415 383-7900 @orge W. Gi Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey ftbruary 2, )J79 l.lr. lbtral-l J. Uirryer Torn Manaqer !cr{n of Vail P. O. Box too Vall, Ool,orado 81557 E: [iew Partdlg Stnrctlre Dear lbry: Ar .lanuary 16, L9?9, f ret wlttr Jar Eborle b rcvlew Ute latest plan (dated Deder 29, 1978) fon ttre abom proJec& !{e revLar Lhe 1979, wlth tle itesg glttbd In &nrs l,ftnsarrlur.to 1ou dated, Januanl' 15, fo[o*irtg dardsnl mutts! MRDA. WETIT E}IIFU .8. l. Auto rcess frcn flnt lctrl slDuld be e&ld-nabd to lesen bottJenec* arrf srfuglcn. 2. ltLi.s e:dt shculd bsme a pcdeotrian U.utrEI for pqrle h€adfng into tf|€ rprthet'r part of ttq|gmA. 3. llte dnp..off etnm Etsrld b€ hold fiEthe rffir (80r - l00r) +iD eitnirate canflic{, wlt! ps&strtan aiul siotr4rs. 4. ftrla droB.df etnuld bE <brfsEd S +ornorrrrrrb 16al shutlls blrdrq-off (1.e,, Mlnbrrn, Errt \trdl, etc.). 5. fnis arcp,-off eiurld hala llni.ted qtrol drrfng pd( tfns(1.e., ri.ld.lar b Cbdeofnt Charfie). rAe{ Pr4zr\ 1. Plaza sbrld be dogj.Erd to aodate forn (4) Ed.-€nd€ Lr ta'r.r{ng idtlls no/t, blodctnq tha ttrn etruttb bus stop.. landscape Architects: Land Planning Urban Design krk Planning Environmental Planning Prirrclpals: Robcrt Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA Louis G. Alley AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Associnles: Roborl T. Batterton ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA Rob€rt S. S€na ASL,A James L Bradanini ASLA John N. Roberts ASLA 225 Miller Avenue P.O. Box 2?l Mill Valley California 94941 415 3t3-7900 ::..i j .,',.. l; t'rlr r;:i,i EST PROPSAL Condola IIo. 1 Plaza Worklng Drawings, Specificatiors arxl Ctrrtract DoclnrEnts I^I)RK BSKS rcYSTON, HAMI{J4[O, BEK & ABEY Iandscape Arcfiitect-s & Planrers 225 Mil-Ier Avenue Mill Va1ley, Califonnia 9494L FbbruarT 2, 1979 l{an-Hours |TlP 1.Prepare corplete dra.rings and Etails: a) Site grading, drairnp plan and &tails. b) Site @nstruction layout plan an'd detail refer€n@. c) Site details, includ:ing entqr arbor, stairs, walIs, screens, planters, deds, gazabo, etc. d) Electrical plan ard detaiLs. e) Irrigatior plan arrl details. f) PJanting plan and details. fepare cost estirnate. fepare specificatiors Reviqr and coordinate with Tcwn and Gqrdola No. I building arcf\ibct. Sotals: koject Drarjngs and Specification Refinenent 1. bfjne plans and details as directed by Tlodn. 2. refine Specifications as directed by lrc&rn. 3. Refine cost estimate as directed by lto,rzn. 4. Resululrit all draroilgs arxl revisu witi To^tn. Tbtals: 16 16 L2 163 2. 3. 4. 24 3 3 3 2 4 4 32 60 4 (+ qonsuftant) 4 (+ consultant) L2 10 88 32 24 B. 110 t0 L4449 t' 6 3 m 6 2 U n 26 m Oost Prcpsal r.ebrua4r 2, 1979 Gondola No. l Plaza Paqe 2 Working Dra,vings, Specificaticrs and Oontract DocurEnts SUIO'IAFS OF GTS kincipal 66 hours e $61.00 = $ 4,026.00 Associate I70 hours e 35.00 = 5,950.00 Technical Staff 120 hours e 25.00 = 3,000.00 $I2,986. O0 @rsultints Civil Ergireer Structr.rral Eng'ineer Electrical Enoineer $ 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 $ 3,500-oo Dpenses: Airfare, lodg"ing, priating, etc. 1,200.00 TUIAL, - @ST PROPGAL: $17'585.00 NUIE: ConstrucUiql cbseryati:on is not included in tluis Cost Prq)osal, but will be billed honrly a.s autJtcized by the $o*n. PRELI}IMRY COST ESTI}.,IAIE cordola No. I Plaza Vail, blorado ROYSTCDi, HA}{AI40IO, BECK & ABEY Iandscape Ardritects & PlanrErs 225 l,tiIler Avenue MilI valley, California 9494L February 2, L979 OUA}TIITY I,INIT PRTCE TCIIAL SErtrIC{ CNE _ MAIN PI,AZA t. Denplitiqr 2. Drainage l. Contractorrs Iayout 4. wood wall - 242 L.f. 5. Brid( & Wood Steps 6. Wood Seat Wa1ls 7. Brick Paving 8. Wood Dedcing 9. Raised Wood Planters 10. Sculptural Screen I}. Wood & G1ass Gazebo L2. Iandscape: a. Itees b. Shn:bs c. I\lrf d. Flchlers, Vines, etc. 13. Irigatior 14. Lighting 15. Iardscape Furrdture 1,600 s.f. 770 s.f. n2 L,f. 5,500 s.f. 1,365 s.f. 123 1.f. 30 1.f. I00 s.f. B 2,728 s.f . 21260 s.f. 13,000 s.f.Allclt,t .Lllo,rt Allcr.r $ rc.00 10.00 20.00 5.75 I .00 8. 00 40.00 75. 00 r50.00 A1lqp .10 A1loru .55 A11o','l Allcw subtotal: I 3,000.00 6,000.00 2,000.00 16,000.00 7,700.00 3,440.00 3L,625.00 10,920.00 1,000.00 I,200.00 7, 500. 00 12 | 150. 00 2,000.00 u5.00 1,000.00 I,237.50 2,000.00 1 , 500. oo $r10 ,547. 50 1I,055.00 11,055.00 9132 , 557. 50 16. L7. (i.e., trash re€ptacle, pots, etc.) Contraqtorrs Indirect Costs - l0B Ccnlingency - I08 TOTAL: o PreLimirra$/ Cost EsLirnate Gordola lb. 1 Plaza Vail, Oolorado r15r4 QTJA\}ITT/ Februarlz 2, 1979 Page 2 UNIT PRTCE TOIAL SEC1IICN I!'tO - AI;Lgf WAY .1. Denplltlon e crnding 2. Contractor's layout 3. Wood Vla1t 4. Brid< & wood Steps 5. Brii.ck eaving 6. Wood Decl<ing 7. Itaised Wood Planters 8. Etqu Aricor & Gates 9. rardscape: a. Trees b. Flo,'ters, Vines, etc. 10. Imigation It. Lighting )2. Iandscape F\rrniture 60 s.f. 140 s.f. 2,500 s.f. 632 s.f. 34 r.f. 375 s.f. 5 ea. 2,250 s.t. Allqr AIlq.r $ 10.00 10.00 5.75 8. 00 8.00 17.00 150.00 Allor .55 A1lcry A1lort Subtotal: $ 1,000.00 1,000.00 600.00 1,400.00 14 r950.00 5,056.00 300. 00 6,375.00 750.00 300.00 s00.00 1,000.00 1, oo0 . 0o $ 34,231.00 3 t423.00 3,423.00 $ 41,077.00 1:}. 14. (i.e., trash reepEac)-e, pots, etc.) Contractorrs Indirecb OosLs -' 10t Contingenqf - 108 T(IIAL: MINUTES PLANNING & MEETING OF mvr*ONrvr*t', .""-,f*23 January IOZg COMMISSION MJIMBBRS PRESENT : STAFF MEMBER PBESENT: Absent Absent item onI. *'Thg meeting rvas brought-utre agenda, pres eutat ion Ron Todd, the firstRedevelqpment qf Gondola to of Sandy Mi11s Ron Todd Gerry l{hiteJim lt{organ Pam Garton Roger Tllkemeier Ed Drager Jirn Rubin oi'der by P roi: o se cl Gordon pierce, Architect was present to_address trre commission.IIe had a moder o{ t.h;-;i";;;;;"aeveropml;;";; conool.a r building.fifr*:';,?ol1"i3otr,; 5;;#;;:i"" that rrjs is Jo" on officjal pr:esen_ Ji-rn also cri.scussed George Girvin's wOr:.k on the praza designwhich will vrork in ivith-tr,.-cJ")"io r consti,r"Iion. r\{r.. Girvinhad presentecr a.prerimina;:; ;;;;s. t; ;h;-i;,ii"6.,,rn"i1, with thecouncil recuesting chanEles i;-;;u design. i;; iranni'g & Env'ronmcntalCornmission ivilt b; il;l:;j .i i""rher ctevelopmenr.s. Gordo', Pierc:. explained the- concept .rf the new Gondola rbuilding' Th pubr ic rorlets ".u3 ro-,!. o "iitical poiirt between the'rorvn and vA' 'ri' nur'in-;;;;.;-;pl F-d"";;;;;; to buirci the toiletswith the Torvn nainL;i;;r;";;;;1 J..,.ing the sui'ner mortrr:;. ?he locationi3: il?: i::3,rffio'a-"p"i ;;=;";. rne commi;;;" thanked Mr. pierce Jim Bubln ilren introduceci lv{j.r<er trIcGee, \rai1 Firc. p::otectjon?t'i3"iii;"wr:o needed to '';;;";; ti,.*-urro,';"fi; iecessrty to regari.ze l\{r. LIcGee exprained that ':ere are no lega1 'ire lanes i'vail at this time, and- t.;rus itrere can be no ar.io"."o,"nt and removalof rre'ic1es that- 3.u b1c>,'kinj trrc^ranes. They Irave ad.ptod the1 976 Fi'e cr',rre ar.r o.rui,ig 'ii-,J"Frriil'Departnrent to gt: L ivithin 150 f eetof the f j.rst f roor of . Ea.crr rr"ij iing'*riri-". ;;.;;"s permitteci in tiresefire 1anes. nr"::ftolro.r tr.ii-ii ruirr rr" ir.['"i,rirairg o\vrer,s respo'si_lil:'{"1:.u;:: linl,;:f i;;;"-;ree or ;,;;-;;-alr obstacles once thc Pam Ga.ton made the Motion to recomnrenci approval to rrrerown councir to resaii=I'-trr."rl'IJ ranes ;;-;;;",;;ted b5, 1.rre vail FireProtecr'i.n D-istrici rvith ii." ;.r:'tion of c,r;;-ci,;;k Roatl ers requestecrili".El,ffi::*:1"-;li:; **l_Xl*j""F...i";i;; !Jli,o"o riy cerr:y_,riiiit.. Pg. 2 Minutes r| PEC 7-23-79 Rezonin esldent a1 Cluster to ec the nq cve lopment District The secondof Lots Cl agenda , Jay petcrson. Lion sridg;-FilEil't-o. item throu on h Attorne Larry Rider, Torvn Attorney was also present to expla'nto the comroission that there will bb a contraci og"**runt whiehwill be drafted by lr'rr. Rider *rri.rr rvi.r 1be filed of reeord containinothe 1ega1 format to provid" tor the 1gB Enqrl0yee Housing unltsand the Development Dlan to ue submitted iir-ipprorrl. Ron Todd cluestioned the 3O-clay lease minimum as statedin tl're memo. Ja5' peter=otr un"*ored th't he fert i-L rvould beeasier to enforce the plan to mar<e this h;;"i;; ava.ilable only tolocal ernployees: Th" !g-o"t-1ease, however, is just a minimum rvithlonger leascs; permis;sa.rr1e. " ri-was f elt tr:at ii rvas better to givethe developer flexibility orr-it iu matter. The probl:T :f getting a job before housing, or hc-rusingbeforc a.iob wls brought up. tig pic rert itral-siv'ng the employeea 30-day grace per"i-oc1 rvoutb ue itlu u.r"i-*rv-to-rlcomp11 s1 this. oncethe tenzrnts morzc in they rvould have to have proof of empl0ymentwitlrin 30 da5,s r,a.rrv Ricrer statc-d that there neercrs to be regulations imposedfor the i-ncrcased- dcnsity :,.n0 tiiat the inc.ease in density was amajor concession being girc,., to tlc deveroper 'nci thal; he rvouldlihe to see a looscly siruetured rent contror vrhich he feels c.ouldbe dra'fted in such a way iLruf coulo_be u.""pluuil to trr. clevelopcr.Rent contr:o1 rvas discussecr ana Ja5, peterson r-elteratecl trrat hisclient wil-I not accept a rent control regulati.on. The areir.s tvhere employees c.an be empJo1,s6 ancl sti11 beeligible for the housiug *r='diL..,ssecl , i1" lvas de1er"minecr that it. shoulri enconrpass . thc upper ursie .v3.1 r.v in"i"Ii,i! r,,rirrtrrrn , Red clif f ,Gi1man, Eagle/Va"il a_nd tLe C"ilu Valley. Under Development Standards in the memo,.Jay petersonasked that tiie D:ry care center requirements bc warveo, unless it isproven that it is_actnarr.j' needed. rt rvas rris ieerrng thnt there naybe n919 ' or ve'y :f eru chiliruti in- tht: project. Because recreat.lona]amenities il-re very expensive and rvould aict sutrstanti-ally to the costlt"jli"l.iijffl,rMr. PLter*o., ri"o suggested, that vo11ey ua.rr courts, desirable ";.i -"iiiT ;::i ii:-, 5:13'j *lii,,.fi3ii;, ::"i3.krx;;"., "., . rt rvas aJso s'ggested ttrnt_the Bui).tii.g porrnit be purchasedby a certain tla.be, or the- plo.ic-ci will harrc to come bach i' again f orapproval. Thc commissio., biscu=sed thi_s, ancl decidcd that a July 1deadline shorild be irnposed. rnc-commi".ion zLl so-asr.ecl that d'r-irg t.he20-5'e' 1 periocl , no conclomi niumizati on can occur and thlit the maximumnumber of peopl.e per rrnit bc set at 4. Pg.3 . Minutes PEC 7-23-79 - Gerry White made the Motion that a regulationshould be instituted to require that rentaf feel not be increascdmore than the Nationa.l cos{ of Li.ving rrrcr.rs"-without a variancefrom the Torvn council. pam Garton seco'ded the Moti.on. Thecommission voted 4 to r "g"inri thls Motion with only Gerry ltrhltevoting in favor. Pam Garton made the tr{otion to approve the overallrecommendations as discussed by the commi"iio., and as stated i-nthe mernorandum prepared o-y the Department of community Developmcn.tdated 19 January -tazo witl trre rao:.tion* that membe's of the fanrilyof an employee would be zrllowed to five 1n the project, thatthe areas *'rrere employees can be employccr uno "'irrr eligible for thehousing would be contained in rvhat is referred 1o as the uqrper: Eagleva11ev, I\[i''turn, Itgcl clif f , criman, E";i;7v;ii ""a the Gore va11ey,that the day care facility'u"-oritt"d irom tire requirements, thatthe recreationa.l amenitieL rt ciuoe volrey bar1 cour:ts, a recreationroomr etc', that no condomi.niumization "in o".r." rvithi,n tbe 2c_vcartime period, Lhat the maxim,rm nurnber of peoplc per uni b be set at4, ancl that the Buil-ding permit must ne pur-crrauLo ty July 1, Lg,lg, orthe project must come blck io"-r"upprovzrr-. sandv I,Iil js secondecr thelr{otion and the Comnission rr.ri"O- rrr;;il";;'"pii.i;r. The thi'rd item on the agenria wa.s asliing the coni*i.ssionto suggest a name |i,,r thc' Froltage Road thlo,rgL -iigrrnln (:r portionof old Hi *rhrvav #6).. The two-s'ggestions v,,€i'.e for 1. ) Eas:t VailDrive, or, z.) eigtr.r'n RoaJ. -f[. lIotion was made by Gerry whiteto approve the name Bigtr,r"n Ro,rJ, pam Garton secondc6 the r{otionand the comruissi on 'otccl nnanimou;-: approv'1, Jim ,40rg:u1 v,,;'-."not pr:esent for this ,,,,ote Ilon Tod. tren asl<ed thc commissi.on to rrear his srrortpr:esenta"tio' of :r co'ceptuirl proposar. for Li.onsri-crge F',l 1'g #2.The buver rvho is purcrraiinc til; iand is i,.t;;;;r;d 1n bcing anncxecrto the Torvn of vai 1 and he.-'vould like thi-s o"u, io l)e tr:e:rted as:r'special Development.Di.strict, he wouia rirle the maxirnum de':;ity rercflecL the zoning in an BC.' He wour.d also 1_i.ke t.o disc*ss theposslbllity of clensity transfer. Tlre com*ission revieived thc sitep1aus, etc. , ils presented b], l,lr. Todd. A11en Gero-tenbergc'r trre' br.ieflv 'res*nted trvo matters.The first one was a short discussion of tiret transit al-ter.natives forthe Torvn of vai',. c8. r the bus sys'em verslrs a iigrrt rail transitsystelll' Thc-' l'r+action rvas that tirey u,oulcl 1j.rie to see a rnore detil-i"l edcost :uralys;is done of the trvo altelnatives, but -irrut the r.ight rrLl 1systen should be givcn adcli_tional consideration. Thc secor.rci nr:rtter rv*s the Employee l*rusing/parl<ing Rampproposal for I-',ionslleatl . comrission mcnrbers Pnrn G*rton a"nd slrudy l\lj.rlsexplessed their conccr:n trrat a. lancr acqui:;itiori p"ogr..,n,n shour d possi.br'be give' a irigher p'ioritl' tha' ttr. p.oporea pari.ing GiLr*ge/EmployeeI.Ior.rs ing pro j cc t . The mceting acljourrrc-,d at G:18 p.Il . {*" q,,e y'o .r/1MF1ra€frfr"/7 A'f lue qlY lo ltlptcat( pnua/c prcz?gfl4 6 " SVou, /r".r/ ,on'/n,uror'd' €d",ro b/"/.,,- aflox) Tr<z,Jn c.rnro/ilrlJ 7a- Qqst//lo p/qqa ' S/ou-, y'rosl cothraers fu trtbzo /*r. " /ce /,o/y'w *, *nfo,*/arcts /c/nen {aar;ro "r/P/rrz'a ///qt" M /e //ra,u/, qccoazf " /ce bor'/y'rp'/,, qrouzc/ Jr/",edn Ca&qo nr,r/ F/azz ZHrt /rzt/ fu 4/*t",rr /o ,,..orr/, t)ei,,z'-.-. /o T'Jtrh ol '6."C"1q- A bldq. it) Anct /J"J'fdcy' V€rTCa( o/e/Z/,O//eY.- /tf ,r(a-{)a/ctD ',i,, e*ptoa/ 1e ailq *rb /n*ndr/"u&t)" 7/c.q,/q-' ,Z'h Afi" 4 ro/*orr"'4 /q'lerol, /V"d.i €ttoto s&raVe *d, '/ '-/ tQu",r rr/4 A p"//t ,""'/oo*, (p4a/s ner/oL.L). ti$Vo,u/,n 1sno,{, fr,w s/tis oM'//n"r/// *,/t,o,/ 'i, t/"r4iy ,,,4 Png ryoJl t>y'to*s.ii 'J,JJ ',f,*r/ r*,,,4,, /////h w aF/ H-fu/ L"; =*r//r,h*o.-::i anc/ /3" t-/ao/ n*/e"/ o/"anq"o ft ,s4<,y/.t t r,,/as/ /*q* 4o,, *oo.{ - ,"*zofuLa .r" //oo,i,;,)*)//,n/'r"g*tor/n /, f ,rf v+, /rqr oa 7 €- //f ;zp or, / 1l;,twil* oC Jnrl* rot4'laral "5r,,ph * / '/