HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT 2 ONE VAIL PLACE AKA GONDOLA 1 BUILDING GENERAL 1977-1978 LEGALa // /) (Ww,f^;l Forest Supervisor a UNITED STATES DEPART$ENT oF AGR|CULTURE FOREST€ERVICE White Riven Natlonal Potest P.0. Box 948 Glenwood Springs, C0 8160 I 272Q December 12, 978 I To*n of Va | | P.O. Box 100 Va I I, Co 81657 Gent I emen : Enclosed is your copy the shot"f section of Enc losure approved' Spectal Use Permtt for road to the Gondo la # | bu i ld ing, of the access 6800-rr (r/3J !7 o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS UEREBY GMN that Gordon Pierce, representing Vail Associates, Inc., has applied for a Variance from the provisions of Section 18.24.180, Parking and Loading, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vail in order to park fifteen (15) cars within the basement leve] garage of the proposed redevelopment of the Gondola I Buil-ding loeated on Lot c, Block 5c, vail village lst Filing. A Public Hearing will be held in accord with Section 18.66-060 of the vail Municipal code before the Town of vail Planning & Envirorulental conunission on August 22, 19?8. Said hearing will be held in the Vai-l Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL DXPARTMENT OF COMTIUNIIY DEVEIOPMENT James A. Rubin Assistant Zoning AdministratorASSISIaIII A()IrTIrg .tl(l!lr lr r !; Lr.1L(Jr '\ \ Published in the Vail Trail on July 28, 1978. -./ Itt -t MEMORANDUM .TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COI\4MISSION FROM . DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOP}IENT DATE 2l August 19?g REF Vail'Associates, fnc. Request forParking Variance Gordon Pierce representing Vail Associates, Inc., has applied for a Variance in order to park fifteen (1b) cars within the basement leve1 garage of the proposed Gondola r building. A recent amendment to the cc1 Zone District does not allow parking onsite. Vail Assoeiates, Inc., has petitloned the Forest service for access to this site from the south (across forest service land). This request is contingent on that access being granted. CONSIDEBATION OF FACTORS (Section 18.62.060) The relationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structuresin the vicinity. I{ith access.from the rear of thls property, the only possible negative impact would be on the rnternational Room of the Lodge @ vail. .The buildlng in which this room i-s located has no dwelling units and should not be adversely affected by the occasional traffic from the 15 ears using the underground parking faci lity The degree to which relief from the strictor literal interpretation and enforcementof a specified regutation is necessary to, achieve compatibility and uniformity of' treatment among sites in the vicinity or toattain the objectives of this ordinance withoutlrant of special privilege. The purpose for the recentry passed amendment restricting o lFts{ &nuo - 'LANNTNG o FvI*'*MENTAL coMMrssroN o Pe. 2 - 21 August I9Z8 onslte parking in the ccr is to reduce the number of cars using the nain pedestrian areas of the Village. With access from the south, the main ped.estrian areas of the Village wilt not be lmpacted at all. The effect of the requested variance on lightand air, distribution of population, transportationand traffic facilities, public facilities andutilities, and public safety. . This proposed variance reque"t *:-ff have a positive impact on the movement of cars in this area of rown. rnstead of having to dri-ve to and from the site for delivery of people and goods, cars and delivery trucks will be able to go to the underground garage. It will also have a posltive impact on the public parking problem by eliminating the need for these cars to use the public. parking facilities. FINDINGS: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a grant of special privilege in-consistent with the limitations on other propertiesclassified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detri-mental to the publie health, safety, or welfare,or materi-a1Iy injurious to properties or improve- ments in the vicinity. We feel the proposal would not be detrimental to any ' other properti.es in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulations would result in practical difficulty or un- necessary physical hardship inconsistentwith the objectives of this ordinance, -Mnuo - pLANNTNG sr'uffino*MENTAL coMMrssloN u Pg. 3 - 21 August 19?8 There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site 6t tne varj-anse that do not apply generally to other propertles in the s ame zone. This site is'unique because it is in a CC1 Zole District and has a proposed accessway that does not infringe on any maJor pedestrian area. The variance request to allow 15 parking spaces on the site is provldlng additional private parking while having only a minor impact on surrounding properties. , We recommend approval of this variance request, contingent upon Vail Associates, fnc" being granted access across Forest Service Land. Util€d Strtcr DeggirDcnr ot Asrlculture - Fo.aat Sawlca SPECIAL U5E PER$ITof oct. 21, ifl76.)(p.L. 94-529) RcL FSLI t7 33. o. RECORD NO. ( t.2)r. R EGroN (3-i- 02 c. FOREST (5-6) d. DtsTRtcT (7-8) /r Fr Holv Cross " :,. usER No. (9n 2l 1_04 2 r. K lNo oF usE ( 13. ls) 3 tsrArE H&rD 0 B h. c_ouNrY ( 18.20LIjagre u a'7 k, cARo No. (2 r) Act Vail, Colorado (N.6.t (hereofter colled thepermittee) ishereby oulhorized to use Notionol Forest londs reconstruclion, moinlenonce, ond use o{ o rood within the sw}4Mlk of Sec- B, of ol (Addrer3) for the con struction, T5S, RB0W,. White River This permit is subiect to the generol provisions listed herein ond to the speciol clouses ond requirements, it"m" B fhrough 15 , on of this permir. poge(s) 2 rhrough 3 ottoched hereto ond mode o port This permitcovers,o,right of ,rroy . :057 - . miles in length, 20 ft. in width ondcontoiningopproximoiely '9r4. ocres, ond locoted upon the ground ociording to the survey line, figures, m€oSUr€.ments, widths, ond other references shown on the ploi oroched heret'o ond mode oiort ft"r"i f. -' Psrmit closs E , GENERAL PROVISIONS L This permii is subiecr to oll volid rights existing on this dore. - 2. thg Permittee in exercisinglhe privileges gronfed by this permir sholl comply with oll opplicohle Stote ond Federol lows, Execufive-Ordeis, ond Fed-erol rules ond iegulotions. . 3. The permittee sbll.cut only such timber os necessory in cleoring for rocd construction, reccnslruc- lion,.ond, moinienon-ce' Timber so cut.tholl, unless otherwise ogreed to, ie cut inlo logs of lengths speci-fied by the Forest Service ond decked olong the rood for dispos-ol by the Forest Servic-e. . 1. Th-e permittee slroll do overything recsonobly within his power to prevent lorest fires, ond will nor dispose of moteriol by.bu.rning.in open fiies during ihe closed seoson estoblished by low or iegulction without o writien permit from the Foresl Service, .5. The permiltee sholl fully repoir olldomoge, other thon ordincry wecr ond teor, to Notionol Forest roods ond iroils coused by the permittee in exerJise of the privileges gronied by this permit. 6. 1'{o member of or Delegote lo Congress or Resident Commissioner. sholl be odmitted io ony shore orport of.this ogreement or lo ony benefit tfiot moy orise herefrom unless it is mode wiih o corporotion for its generol bene{it, ,. 7- .This-permit moy be terminoled or suspended upon breoch of ony of the conditions herein or of the discrefion of the Regionol Forester or the Chief, Forest Service. TIIIS PERIIIT 19 ACCEFTED SUBJECT TO ALL OF tTs TERM5 AND CONDITIONS PERMITTEE NAME OF PERHITTEE Tor'rn of Vail,,/ DATE 'ilt/zs rssurNG OFFICER N^)':2rylrcN^r""f ) // i "/ %rnu V9r,uo,--- TITLE Forest Supervisor )),/{ aPo e!l{t7 zToo-r s ( | r/721 .2720 Tro\^lrl of a o 10. 8. fYee Use This pennit issued. free of drange under regulation 36 CFR 251.2. Specifications Construstion of the road strall be in acconLance with the soeci-ficalions set fortl fu e:rhibit A, attached hereto. Irlainterrance l-l- . L2. l_3. The perrnittee shal1 prcnride maintenance rnde necessary by his useof tlre road construsted-under tllis perrnit: provided,-rhat haulersof products frcm Federal lands ana it1 other-Effii&al haulerswill be required to perform or bear the.ir prcportionate share ofnnirrtenance rnade necessary by thei-r use of the road as deternriledby the Forest Service. Use by the Goverrurrent The united staes shall have unrestri-cted use of the said right-of+vay and any road construsted tlrereon for arl puq)oses deer,rednecessarlr or desirable iI connection with the protecti-on, adrninis-tr1ti9n, managenent, and ulilization of Federal rarrds or resources, ard, shall have ttre right alone to exterd rights and privilege,sfor rise of ttre rightrcf-way and road thereon to states and rocalsubdivi-sions ttrereof, and lo other users incl-udilrg renbers of thepublic, except users of Land or resources ov,rned oi conLrolred bythe permittee; P:rovided, That such use shall be controlled blithe Forest serviG-soE not unreasonably to interfere wittr useof tie lod by ttre perrnittee or cause t}e tt'e perrnittee to bear ashare of the crcst of maintenance greater than -tlre pernri-tteers usebears to all use of the road,. Erosion Control The pennittee shal1 be responsible for the prevention and controlof soil erosion and gullying on the area covered by this perrnitas reguired by tne District Ranger. Reveqetationr Ground Ccnrer A11 earbh sut. or fill slopes favorable to revegetation or otlrerareas on whictr ground ocver is destroyed. in the course of con-stnrction, will be revegetated to grasses or other suitablevegetation as reguired by ttre District Ranger. . 2720 r4. 15. lbvrn of Vail O Revegetation, Seedi_ng or plantjng Seeding or plantjrrg will be done at a tirre of the year, in a mqlner, and witJ" slncies which the District Ranger considers willoffer tlre best ctrance of success and will be repeated annually urrtitr sudr areas are accepted in writlng by the DisLrict Ranger as sati-sfactorj-ly revegetated, and stabilized. Ternination UnLess sooner terrainated or revoked in accordance with the pro- visions of ttre perrnit, ttris pernrlt shall e4pire and becorlre rroia upon issuance of a nevr autlrorizaLion or one year after publicationof regulations by the Secretary of Agriculture under the provisiorsof Title V, P.L. 94-579, whichever cones first, but a new authori- zation to occrpy and use the sarie National Forest land will be issued prwided t}e pern-ittee will conply with the then-existingrules ard regulations governing the occupanqg and use of llational Forest lands. ': f,.. +1l'-; ,: b--'6 \g - | ,T qt *l .r') o ]{I|EREAS. Vail Associate6 hag proposeal to redevelop the building and area known as the Gondola I site located io the Vttl village I'ilst Filingt WIIEREAS, aaid developnent wlll require incleased tehlcular tiafflc through the Vall Village cor€ unless at! a1t6r- ttltive accegs can be. foundt WHEREAS, al,terDatj.ve access has been proposed fEorn the r.regt of the redevelopnent acrosa Unlteil States Foresg Service land thereby requiring a roadlray permit fron the Folest Servlce. The Tqxn of Vail has the auChority to iaEue a building permit for the ledevelopnent of the Gondola I site, hgi.€ver, the Tavn does ngt have juri6dlction on Fora6t servica Larld outside of che tol'nr s bouDda.i€s i mIEREAS, the access and roadway ploject is necessary for the follot,irrE reasons: (a, rf the roadeay pernit is not granted. the general public rill be adlersely affected by ailalitional vehlcles i.n the pedastlr.an .rc. to selvice Vail Aesoc{abesr net' building; (bl Adalitional traffic ln rn area ldentifietl as pri- oarlly pedesLrlan ie undesirablet (c, The ner bullillDg proposed by vall AsEoqiatea. Inc., if butlt vithout the alternate acceaE, rould have an undeairable public e ffecl t Res.Page Z wRERE;ls, the Project fits the 'tot'n of vailra effort to leduce vehlcular trafEic on Gore creek Dtive and Bridge street through the vail village core, anil is in keePinq ',lth the recently enacletl Pedestrian !4alt ordinance' As described iD this resolution, certaln tnountain-orientetl activities perforried by vail Associates, rnc. uill algg be serveil by the rgaduayt t{tlEREAS, the othet affected' neighboring prop€rties and the public generally are in favor of the ploposed alternate accessi and WHEREAS, Che Town CouncLl f,inds that the alternato access i.s necesgary f.'r the protection of the publit healch' aafecy and lte1fale i NO!i. THEREFORE ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOI{N COUNCTI' OF THE TOWN OF VAIIJ' COI,oRADO' TUAT: (f) vail Associates, Inc' has proposed and the To\n'n has agreed to the lmplene[tation of a Ploject to develop an access roait, approxinately 300 feet long and 20 feet $ide' to serve on- nountain facilitj.eg, such as a sun ileck, ski PatEol facilltlea and first aid loonr mountain personnel locker lootns' anbulance loading facilitie6, antl new lift ticket and ski school offices' In adilition, the roadway tLll serve a6 access to the building that Vail Associatea' Inq. intends to builil as replacenent of the old Gondota I builaling. (The "on-nountain facilities" are not to be lnclucled in the pernlt request. sinee those facilities will be included as part of the 1979 Sunfte! oPeratinq Plan to be subnitted by Vail A6sociatea' Inc' to the United States Forest service. ) (2) The roailway pernit to be issued by the united StaCes Folest Service ehall be in the name of the ?own of vail and rrill be unaler lhe exclusive control of the To n' Provided' that Vail Assoclates, Inc. shall construc! and rnaintein Lhe road' unalel an agreenent rrith the Aot|n of VaiI' SPecifically' aI1 costq of conatruction anil naintenance of gaid road shall be borne by vail Asaosldtes until further agreenient betseen the Toitn and vall AssoclatGs 'i' \I. r_i "\' .''1 U REsoLUTIoN No. lb . N-, ft\ \series of r97E- nt\ ,\\", \v \ r\\ \.., A RESOLUTIO}I OF TdE TOWN COUNCTL ' \ \ \}nELATTNG TO THE ACCESS ACROSS UNTTED \ ISTATES FOREST SERVICE PROPERTY TO THE d GO:IDoLA I BUILDltiG TO DE DEVELOPED BY \ r ,UVAIL ASSoCIATES, INc.r SPECIFYIIC TBE \, \ .,' IURPOSE oF THE PROJECTT SETTINC FORTH \ \FTECSNICAL REOUIREMENTS THAT IIILL BE I.THEri PROVIDING THAT TltE ROADWAY PERJ,IIT 13 FRO$I TIIE UNITCD STATES FORAST SERVICE TIILL BE IIELD BY THE TOVIN OT VAII, AND vAlL ASSOCTATES, rNC. WILL CONSTRUCT AND }IAIIiTAIN T}IE ROADWAY UNDER AN ACPEE!'T6NT WITg THE TOWN OP VAIL' sTATII.IG THAT TI]E PROJECT IS NECESSARY TO PROTECT THE PSDBSTRIAN AREA I'IIROUCH THE VAIL VILLAGE CoRE; AND gETTING rORTH DETAILS RELATING 'TO TEE POREGOINC EF 'i PagE 3 (3) llhr spectfl€it rordt ay Bhall b€ conattuct€d ln tbe crner rnd fall of 1979 bt vrll lsaoclatca, fnc. (l) !h3 tscbnical spsclfl€.ttona for the roadray rr€ .a follotrs r (c) ApProxlllAte l€ngtlr - 300 f€et. (b) co.struction vlatth - 30 f€et. (cl olterational eidth - 20 f.et. , (al After conetructlon and revGE€tacion, the only portion of ttre property that vlll be used la the 2o-foot roadrday, exc€pt tor snow sto g€ flon ordinary Plor,'ing activity along the roadway ln the winter. (5, the Toutr council h€reby authorises tie Town llanager to apply to the gnlte.t Statba Forest servr'ce for r epecial ulr pernit for the purpose of th€ vithln describ€d roaalvay project' The tortrn llanager shall slgn fot and oD behalf ol the Eartn councll. and the Tonn Cierh ghall rtt€st to his Eignatur€ |nil affbc the 6ea1 of the ToYtr as lay b€ r€qulr€d. . TNIRODITCED' nBlD' IPPnOVED' tr|r, ADOPTID, this tSth atay of July. 1978. F}6r- ArIESA: ffiTl-i- .l t x APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE An d/0r CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Ordinance No. 8 (Series of 1973) App 1 i cat'i on Date t uly_?lr_1929_Publ i ca t i on Date Hearing Date Hearing Fee $100.00 Final Decision date for Town Council (we )Vai I Associ ates , Inc.of Box 7 , Colorado (Address) Phone 476-560.l -(-trm-do hereby Connission request permission to appear before the Vajl Planning to request the following: Variance from Article , Section toZoning Change from Parking Variance Conditional Use Permit in to a] I ow Zone. For the following described property:Lot/tract/' Block Fi ling Number Gondola I Site Clearly state purpose and intent of this application To request permission to park a maxjmum of l5 cars within the basement garage of the proposed redeveloped Gondola I Building. What do you feel is the basJs for hardsh'i p in thjs case? Not permitting thic narking worrld he a hapdqhip fnn fhe Tnwn nf Vail ag well as the occupants of the bujlding inasmuch as these spaces would have to be provided elsewhere in the Village. The easy access from the south over Forest Servjce property would not cause any burden on Village traffic and would actually be improvement over the Dresent situation. Vai I gna :-- BEPLY fO: SUEJECT: 2710 Special Use Permlts and 79; ForesE Supervisor ' I{RNF You may want to be made presentl Bike Path proposed by the Town o May 10, 1978 a New Road Access and and Vail Associates. for New Road to 01d Gondola Building This notice will a1low you an earli de Eo corment on the re- lated addition to the old gondola building proposed on National Forest 1and, also. The proposal ls currentl-y being studied by thls Distrlct for developing the EAR. Input at an early date w111 help inprove development of the EAR for your review. Qmc ERNIE NTINN Dlstrlct Ranger cc: The Town of Vail Vall Associates (Jin Clark) , "| STATE'EDE'ARTI\,'FENT;$ nc nrc u r-rf 9f Vall Propoaal Btke Pa ' Page 2 ltaY 22, 1978 I FOREST SERVICE ACCESS ANO APPROVAL: Although we are assuming that this should cause no delays, a letter of intent or a mero describing exactly what js needed for fjnal written approval along with a time schedule wou'l d be very assuring at this time. Thjs is obviously a task for V.A., but our office wil'l continue to supply any necessary documents to assist in obtaining the permit. SURVEY: A survey of the exact property line with elevations, easements, utiljties, etc., should be prepared and finalized as soon as possible. A letter of approval from the T.0.V. should be acquired to make certain this document can be used in good faith until jt is actua'l ly recorded in Eagie. ADJACENT T.O.V. PROPERTY: Hopefully, a meeting with the T.0.V. staff will reveal the.Town's-intentions for landscaping the "park." Although this information is not critical to our schedule, jt obvjously would be helpful . LODGE AT VAIL: It would also be helpful to know what the Lodge has in mind for thejr adjacent property. In any event it is imperative to have a meeting with Hal Shaw sometime jn June to revjew our intentions. V.A.I. should revjew the easement along with any related agreements. This should be done by June 27, 1978. -26- Gondola I' Page 3 t4ay 22, .1978 o AGREEMENTS l'IITH OTHER PERSONS: V.A.I. should also review any other agreerpnts (such as Cortland Hill 'l etter) , etc., and notify the architect as soon as possible for any legal - or sensitive problems to prevent further conflicts. SELECTION OF GENEML CONTRACTOR: If this project js to be negotiated wjth a General Contractor and sub-bid out, a day should be set aside in early July for interviewing. The "pros and cons" of this subject should be discussed prior to any fjnal decision. ARCHITECTS FEE: Although a great deal of Architectura/Engineerjng costs ($25,000 +) have been expended to date with little usefu'l physical material, I feel that a'lot of general information has been acquired. This might represent about a third of these costs. I suggest that our flrm work on a time and nnterjal basjs not to exceed 6% of the construction costs plus out-of-pocket. I think that if condomjnium owners and shop keepers who might require special customizing work shou'l d pay for additional Architectural/Engineering servlces. I've attached, herewith, a blank copy of the A.LA. Owner-Architect Agreement for your use. -27- i :_i:.r...:r ,i.::-.ij i:,.:: :-r: .,'...:.. :... 1;;.. .,;i;:1,j,'':':'' ''' '::'-': - t'O :;;ll r.r: ;:)1., Policy of Title lnsurance lsrued by Transamerica Title Insurance Company SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON- TAINED IN SCHEDTJLE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS IIEREOF, TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California corporation, herein called the Company, ineures, as of Date of Policy eho$'n in Schedule A, againat loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and coatg, attorneys'feee and expen6€8 which the Company rnay becorne obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. In Witness W hereot, Traneamerica Title Ineurance Company hae caueed thie policy to be signed and eealed by ite iluly authorized officere ae of Date of Policy ehown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company Prcsident By By Secrerary 2. 3. SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l.Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) re- stricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordi- nance or gpvernmental regulation. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subse- quent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claim- ant had paid value for the estate or interest insured by this policy. CONDITIONS AND I . DEFINITION OF TERIAS The following terms when used in thjs policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and, subject to anv rights or defenses the Company may have against the named insured, those who succeed to the interestof such insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representativcs, next of kin, or corporate or fiduciary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming loss or dam- age hereunder- (c) "kno.*'ledge": actual knowledge, not constructive knowledge or notice u'hich may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (d) "land": the land described, specifically or by reference in Schedulc A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property: provided, however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A, nor anyright, title. interest. estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modify or Iimit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relatinc to said land. 2. CONTINUATION OF INsURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCE OF TITIE The coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policv in favor of an insured so lonc as such insured retains an esiate or interest in the land, or h-irlds an indebted- ness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a pur- chaser from such insured, or so long as such insured shall have liabilitv by reason of covenants of warranty made by such insured in anv transfer or convevance of such estate or interest: provided, -however, this policy shall not continue in force in favor of any purchaser from such insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a pur- chase money mortgage given to such insured. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACTIONS - NOTICE OF CIAIAA TO BE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CI.AIMANT (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, shall provide for the defense of an insured in all litiga-tion consisting of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract for a sale of the estate or intercst in said land. to the extent that such litigation is founded upon an alleged defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy. STIPULATIONS (b) The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writine (i) in case anv action or Droceedine is bequn or de- fense i3 interposed as let forth in (;) above. lii; in case knowl- edge shall comc to an insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company mav be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) il title to the estate or interest, as insured, is rejected as un- marketable. If such prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to such insured all liability of the Company shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; pmvided, however, that failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured under this policy unless the Company shall bc preiudiced bv such failure and then only to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost to institute and without undue delay prosecute any action or proceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company may take any appro- priate action under the terms of this policy, whether or notit shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede liabilitv or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a dcfcnse as required or perrnitted by the pro- visions of this policy. the Company may pursue any such litigation to final determination by a court of competent juris- diction and exprcssly reseryes the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from anv adverse judgment or order. (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Company to prosecute or provide for the defense of any actionor proceeding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Company the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option, the name o:f such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or procceding, in effecting settlement, securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such actron or proce€ding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. NOTTCE OF tO55 - Ul trATtON OF ACTTON In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b)of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writingof any loss or damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company within 90 davs after such loss or damase shall havc been de- termined and no right of action shall -accrue to an insured claimant until 30 davs after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damase shall terminate any liability of the Company under this poliiy as to such loss or damaee. E-.- Continued on Front of Back Cover ^FORiI No. c-tocrrt - i --i f FOt UEEW|'H COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LANO TITLE A3IOCIA?ION OWIIER'! FOLIC!'--FORI{ b IEAO (AXEI{DED IO'I7''O) CIIEDULE A ' Amountof[rcuranceS 250;_000.00 PolicyNo.4101725 ? Dateof Potcy . December L4 | L978 Shcet I of - 8:31 A.M. l. Name of Ineured: - tl'OlfN OF VIIL' a Municipal corPoration !. lte eerato or inrcrcct in tho lanil ilescribeal hercia end which ir covcred by tLir policy ir: IN FEE SIMPLE ' 3. The catate or interest rcferreil to herein ir at Date of Policy vertsd in: horw oF vArL, a.Municipal corporation FoRM No. c-600('-2 0 FOR USE WITH COLORAOO REGION AMERICAN LAND TIILE ASSOCIATION LOAN FOLTCY I97O (AMENOEO IO.r7.7O) FOR UgE WITH COLORADO REGION A'/TERTCAN LAND IITLE ASSOCTATTON OWNER.S POLICY-FORM B-t97O (AMENDSo ro-r7-tq|, SCHEDULE A-Continued The lanil referred to in this policy ia aituated in the State of Colorado, County of EagLe ' and is described as followa: A tract of Land lying in Lot C, Block 5-C, VaiI Village First !i_ring, rocated in section'8, Township 5 south, Range 80 weit of tie6th Principle Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorad.o, moreparticularly described as follows: Beginning at a steel pin marking the northwest I/16corner of said Section 8; thence s 89044r00" I'I a distanceof 163.45 feeti thence N 10052'07" W a distance of 99.87fEEI tO thE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNIIJG; thCNCE U 1OO52IO7- Wa distance of 99.48 feet to a point, said point beingthe southwest corner of a tract of land described in aground lease between Vail Associates, frrc.- and X-BarFly Inc.i thence N 79o29t44" E along the'south line of .said tract A distance of 44.00 feet, thence N 10030'16. walong the east line of said tract A distance of 42.00feet; thence N 70o30r59u E a distance of 43.64 feet tothe common west corner of Lot F & G, B1ock 5-C, VailVillage First Filing; thence S 11007'00" E along the westlot line of Lots G, H, I, J, & K, Block 5-Cr. VaiI Villa_oeFirst Filing a distance of 147.74 feet to a point; thenceS 79008'00" W a distance of 88.06 feet to the TRUE poItiT OF BEGT,NNING FORM NO, C-6000.3 FOi UAE WITH COLORAOO RSGION rcAN LAN' t,t.. ^".o",^t,oN LoaN "..,.t: (AMENDED o AMER 6. 7. 8. 'ON U'I WIIH COLOFADO REGTOT{ AMERICAN LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'A PC'LTCY-FORM 6-IE7O ro. | 7-?ol (AitENDED rO.r?.tO) SCTIEDULE B ltir Policy does not insure againsr lose or damage by reaeon of the following: l. Rights or claimg of parties in poseession not ehown by the public records. 2. Eaoements, or claims of casements, not ehown by rhe public r,ecorde. 3. Dircrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, ahirrtagb in area, encroachmente, and aay facts which a cor. tcct lurvey and inepection of the prernises would disclose and which are not shown by thc public recorde. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretolore or hereafter furnished, impoeed by law aud not shown by the public recorde. 5. Tarea due and payable; and any tax, epecial aseescments, charge or lien imposed for water or rewel acrvice, or for any other epeeial taxing district. Easement for utilities .along the Southerly 10 feet gf Lots A & C, as shown on the recorded Plat of Vail Village Fi.rst Filing. Restrictions which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, as contained in Protective Covenants of VaiI Vi11a9e, First FiIing recorded August I0, 1952 in Book 174 at Page 179. Riqht of the Proprietor of a Vein or Lode to extract and remove hisore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect Qhe premises hereby grantedf and Right of Way for Ditches and Cana1s constructed by the authority of the United States, as reserved in United States Patents recorded in Book 48 at Page 475. 9.Deed of Trustto the Publicfor the use ofto secure dated recorded from: Town of Vail, a ColoradoTrustee of the County of Eagle: Vail Associates, Inc., a municipal corporation Colorado corporationz $225,000.00: October 18, 1978: December 14, 1978 in Book 279 at Page 616 Continued from Back of Front Cover 5. OPTIONS IO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTIE CTAI'IAS The Company shall havc the option to pay or otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant anv claim in-sured against or to terminate all liabilitv and oblieations ofthe Company hereunder by paying or tcndering piyment ofthe amount of insurance under this policy togeiher with anycosts. attorneys' fees and expenses incuired"up to the timeof such payment or tender of paymcnt, by the insured claim-ant and authorized by the Company. 6. DETERMINAIION AND PAYMENT OT TOSS . (a) The liability of the Company und€r this policy shallin no case exceed the least of: (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant: or(ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (b) The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in liti-gation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs,- attorn€ys' fees and expenses in litigation carried on bysuch insured with the written authorization of the Company. (c) When liability has been definitely fixed in accordancewith the conditions of this policv. the loss or damase shall bepayable within 30 davs theieaftdr. 7. UM|TAT|ON OF uABlutY No claim shall arise or be maintained under this Dolicv(a) if the Company, after having received notice of an ailegeitdefect, lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, - bylitigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encum- brance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonabletime after rcceipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litieationuntil there has been a final determination bv a court of'com-petent jurisdiclion, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title. as insured, as provided in parasraDh 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed bv an'insuredin settling any claim or suit without prior written consent ofthe Company. 8. REDUCTION OF TIABIIITY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amounrof the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made withoutproducing this policv for endorsemcnt of such payment unlessthe policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction ofthe Company. 9. IIABIIITY NONCUMUIATIVE It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-pany may pay under policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charse or lien onthe estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under thispolicy. The Compani shall have the option io apply to the pay- ment of any such mortgages anv amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under tiris policy to said insur-ed owner. I O. APPORTION'IAENT If the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is estab- lished affecting one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequentto Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and sholsn bv an exDress statement herein or bv an endorsement attached'hereto. - II. SUBROGATTON UPON PAYMENI OR SETTTEMENI Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Companv shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and reme- dies which such insured claimant would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued. and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remcdies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. If the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the pro- Dortion which said Davment bears to the amount of said loss.if loss should resuii lrom any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that psrt of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. 12. TIABITITY I.IMITED TO THIS POIICY This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on neqliqence, and which arises out of the status of the title to ttrd tistate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed bv either the President, a Vice President, the Secretary. an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. I3. NOIICES, WHERE SENT All notices required to b€ given the Company and any statement in writing r€quired to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to Transamerica Title Insurance Company, P. O. Box 605. Denver, Colorado 80201. Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany HOME OFFICE 600 Montgomery Slre6l San Francisco. Calilornis 94111 (,r1s) 983-4400 Arizona Operallons 114 West Adarns Slr€el Phosnix. Arizons 85003 (6021 262-05't1 Northern Calilomia Operation3 6850 Fegional Street Dublin, Celifomia 04566 (415) 829-3800 Soulhern calitornia Op€rallong Thlrd and La Clonega Los An9€16s, Californla 90048 (213) 65s-3000 Colorado Operalionr 1637 Calilomia Slreet D6nver, Colorado 80202 (303) 53{-9066 llichigan Operetiong 20830 Rutland Drave Southtield, Michigan 48075 (313) 569-3100 Nevada Operallons 437 South Sierra Slr€el Reno, Nevada 89501 (702) 786-1871 OFgon Operetion3 409 S.W- Ninth Avenue Portland, Oregon 97205 (503) 222-9931 Texas Operalion3 3820 Buftalo Sp66dway Houston. Texas 77098/7131622-2611 Utah Operalion! 3080 Soutr State Strggt Salt Lake City, UlEh 84115(801) 486.5781 Washington-Aleska Operalion3 Park Place Sixlh Avenue at University St,6gt Seattle. washington 98101 (206) 628-4650 Policy of Title lnsurance lssued by Transamerica Title Insurance Gompany TiF Transamenca lillll T'itle lngrance Services Transamerica Title Insurance Company Arcpohoe - Douglos 2dr0 W.rl Liftl.ron Eorl€vord litll.ton, Colorodo 801 20 (303) 791-,1255 Denvsr - Adqnr 1837 Cclifornio Str.ot D.nv6t, Colo.odo 80202 1303) 53t-9065 Boulder 13lZ Sprucc sl.eel lould.r, Colorddo 80302 t3031 a,a3.7r60 Engl€ Vail Proferslondl lu;lding P. O. Box 1700 Vdll, Colorodo 81567 13031 o6-5922 El Poro 418 Souih W€ber Slresl Colorodo Sprins!, Colo.ado 80903 (303) 63t-3731 Jeffcrron I 675 Corr Sr.aer to&.v/ood, Colorodo 8O2l s (3O31 234- | 67s Lqrim.rl5l W63l Mountoin Aysnue, P.O. lox ll00 Fort Collini, Col.rodo 80521 (303) ,493-6461 Mr|q 531 Rood Avenu. G.ond Jun.lion, Colo.odo 81501 l3o3) 234-8234 Pltkin 600 Eolt r'toin Srre.r P. O. Bor 2230 A3p6n, Colorodo 8l6ll (303) 925.1766 Pueblo d27 North Mcln Slreet Pu.blc,6lorodo 81003 (3031 5,{3-0,151 Roull - Jockson 507 tiD.oln Str..t, P-O. Bor 2m Si.odhoot Sprinsr, C.lo@do aO177 (303) 879-16lr W.ld 918 Tenth Strcol Crlol.y, Colorodo 8063 | 1303 ) 352-2283 AGENIS THROUGHOUT COTORADO Basement garage and storage Basement lockers-toi lets, etc. First Floor (she1 1) Corrnercial Condomi n i ums Note: First floor tjcket sa]es, ski school , etc. 45.00 sq. ft. t ,t^./I / i'\ V6 b//t $20.00 sq. ft. 35.00 sq. ft. 35.00 sq. ft. 60.00 sq. ft. GONDOLA I BUDGET: Preliminary Estinate These figures should be carefully analyzed and compared with Northwoods. Light frame constructjon may reduce costs, but restricted site and possible utjlity problems could offset thjs. Also, it will be very important to set a s'i ngle standard for condominiums and let potential owners 'i ncrease costs at their request. Total estimated construction costs: $1 ,250,000 Total estimate developrent costs: $l ,350,000 PARKING VARIANCE: It is suggested that we have a hearing not later than June 27, with the T.0.V. regarding this nntter. Parking areas can easily be used for storage, but parking prob'l ems require nnre planning such as mechanical ventilatjon and, therefore, should be determined in advance if at al1 possible. Hopefully, the hearing will clearly determine our chances of on site parking and we can proceed accordingly. The parking variance procedure wj'l I formally take about six !'teeks. -9- ROUGH COST CALCULA PROPOSED GONDOLA I June 6, .|978 Lower Level: Garage and Storage at Other Areas at Plaza Level: $20lsq. (5,699 $3s/Sq. (4 ,646 Ft. Sq. Ft. ) Ft. Sq. Ft. ) $t'13,980 162,610 $300,800 577 ,860 35,000 $l,.|90,250 * 59 ,500 $1,249,750 71 ,4.|5 20,000 20,000 All areas at $40/Sq. Ft. (7,520 Sq. Ft.) Second & Third Levels: Al'l aveas at $60/Sq. Ft. )(9,631 Sq. Ft.) Plaza, Landscaping, Drives, Etc. Contingency 5% Total Construction Budget - Architect's fees at 6j[ - Other fees? - Uti 1i ti es? - T.0. V. Charges - Past Costs - Real Estate Costs - Demolition of Existing Building Total Development Costs This figure shou'l d be cha'l lenged by a general contractor as soon as possible based on latest schenatics. This averages out at $4S75q. Ft. for a'l I areas. -.|0- .> FL00R; AREA CALCULATI0NS PROPOSED GONDOLA I June 6, 1978 Lower Level: General Storage * Parking (8 cars) Fi rst Ai r Area Ski Patrol Lockers Mens Toi lets Ski School Lockers Lift Operators - Maintenance Lockers Wax t.lomens Tojlets Hostesses Locker Room El evator-Stai rs-Hal I Ski Check Public Toilets Mens Toi'l ets: 3 Water Closets 5 Urinal s 5 Lavatory sinks Womens Toilets: 5 water closets 5 Lavatory Sinks Ski School Offices - Reception Ticket Sales Commerc i al El evator-Stai rs-Ha'l I s-Storage (gross ) Total Pl aza Level -ll- 2 ,880 2,8.l9 832 756 304 I,000 385 154 2?0 300 660 Sq. |l Fi tl tl tl tl ll tl ll tl tl Total Lower Level 10,345 Sq. Ft. * Approximately one half of this rny be used for comme rci al . Pl aza Level : 650 600 Sq. Ft. ll tl I,042 I,l30 3,350 778 7,520 Sq. Ft. , t.t FLOOR AREA CALCULA1TONS PROPOSED GONDOLA I Page 2 June 6, .|978 Second Level: Uni t One Unit Two Unit Three Stai rs , E'l evator, Hal I Total Second Level * (lncludes bedroom space on third 'level) Thi rd Level : Un it Four Guest Apartment Elevator, Hall, Stairs Total Thi rd Leve'l 2,831 Sq. Ft. (gross )1,980 Sq. Ft. 2,240 " '!l 2,070 ' '!l 5]0 " rl 6,800 Sq. Ft. 1,821 Sq. Ft. 500 ,' rl 5]0 ', rl -12- TOWN OF VAIL P. O, EOX lOO. YAIL, COLORADO 9t657 . PHONE 3ml-426-56ta -9ry'Ks / o urn.rqdcr daAL i.,' NN/,i,c, Ih. OrowLrq 8!..:l In. 3Jx5C5 Dorrr lr!.:75:ll :' / DAT E SIGNED o MEMORANDUM T0: Al'l en Gerstenberger, Town of Vail FR0M: Bob Parker DATE: November 21,1978 RE : Memorandum of Understandi ng regardi ng Gondol a I Publ'ic Toi'letRelocat'ion Issues Regardi ng my meeti ng wi th J im Rubi n, George Gi rvi n, Jul i e Takahashi ,Gordon Pierce and yourself on November 20th, the fo'l 'l owing represents my understanding of the gist of our discussions: I . A probl em regardi ng sewer servi ce was i denti fi ed; namely thatthe exjsting line beneath t^la'l'l St. is believed to be a sub-standard 8" ljne which cannot take any more load. This mayrequire that the material from the public toilets be routed toupper Bridge Street, requiring a booster pump! 2. Four toi'l et I ocati ons were di scussed : a. in the ski slope south of the ticket office;b. beneath the p'l aza surface, but connected to the north wallof the new Gondola I bui'lding;c. beneath the pl aza on the north edge, accessed on street I eve'l f rom Wal I Street;d. somewhere beneath the north half of the plaza, accessedfrom above (from the pl aza surface) ; 3. The Town of Vail stated that the first two locations were notdesirable from year-round access, or plaza master plan pointsof view. Town of Vail agreed that Pierce could remove the con-necting toilet concept from his 6ondola I F1an. 4. George Girvin and Julie Takahashi agreed to address the northplaza location in detail, and get back to the Town of Vail andVail Associates with a recommendation for its spec'ific siting. 5. Bob Parker and Gordon Pierce would proceed with detail toiletdesign as soon as Town of Vail decides on location. GordonPierce and Vail Associates to determine layout and capacity forfacility. 6. Bob Parker spec'i fi ed that Vai I Associ ates accepts cost responsi -bi'lity only for the "toilet package" aspect of the project, i.e.the excavati on, structure, fi xtures , sewer I i ne excavati on andconnections, stairway venti'l ator and lights. Any special plaza ameni ti es such as screens, berms, fountai ns, p'l aza I eve'l handi - capped toilet, stajr cover, €tc. wou'l d be funded by Town of Vajl. 7. Bob Parker further requested that Vail Associates would haveoperat'ional responsibility for the toilets for the months Novemberthrough April only. Town of Vail would have operational respon-sibility May through 0ctober. 8. Town of Vail and Vail Associates agreed that tjme is of the essence in this project, and that decisions as to all of the above woul d be expedi ted j nsofar as possi bl e to at I ow construc-tion to begin in the spring of 1979. Rt,lP/rjb cc: Harry Bass Dan Feeney George Gi rvin Tom Harned Charl i e Langhoff Jack Marshal I Gordon Pi erce I 'l ,t., 'i -t'- +F Fisr.'-: .-l'$ .\; f,-E\ .N - lt I ,g) -)r<r. I 3 ; T:rll $ FP $irt$ -.,9 ..f ,i $E- :S. t..l irli l,1ilLr:t,ii\s'i1;s I I isi ,<f-llro .t .; .$ .t !rs,t p G$ +- ioia ,s i$li i :IF N. II iq ll Iti I i'. isSi+iJ:5! s_) -t t{ NT tr- \s. (t: I '' fYl s = ,! 5 {S+ 'l l. I I I I''r t I I I 1 'i : ;, ': : ,i 'l ,l 'I l rl ,l :l .I.lil Iil il I i--,l il tl I,lli +ri ID- $.1 trn .L .i v {sI s+ .l-I s N s P 'I : 1l; I i I lr: I *- :\- ^a srs.s \- r--s{-\t Fs= €q$3 €-s i*rt+!rs$*SXrF:S+ Gr's Nn':*,* =sjSs |, o r\ PT t: : ir ! .t .l l: a -a .fs{ r \fr st$ SJ J Btrl $!s i,c'r Y\$ ->r)z ^, G luun l|tl box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.5613 department of community development 25 August 1978 Vail Assoclates, Ine. ATTENTION: Phil Ordway Box 7Vai1, Co1o. 81657 Dear sir: Please find enclosed copy of the Mj-nutes of the Planning & Environmental Conmission meeting of August 22, 1978. Your request for Parking Variance was approved, but.please be advised of the ten (10) day appeals period whlch makes the decision of the Planning & Environmental Commissionfilal on September 1, 1978. JAB/gew Sincerely, *rt*flr6'dk^J James A. BtbinZoning Ad&inistrator Rovston Flairamoto Beck & Abey Aprll 20, 197t1 lrlr'. Terrell J. ltlittgot' Towtr lhnag"er Tolvn of VaiI P.O. llox 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 IlIi: Condola Onc Dear Terry: On l\rcsday, April 1tl, 1978, I nx..t wlth Crrrtkut l)Ict'cc trttd Tom llrlner to rc'vlcv urchltecturtl pn4;tcss c.rtt Llto Crlncbla Orc Sitc. Sc,'vcral opblonal desigtt Iruvo bccrr studi.c'tl lut<-l inclurlc: 1. A strucLurc which covers the total buildable parcel. 2. A st.rtu:Ltrt'tt tvlti.clt covcrs ortly a lrarL of Llrc build.Dle lrtt'ccl , lutL uy4.rclu's 1,o bc l hlglrcr ittttl nrrt'o lxrxy building. lbnr rurtl Crl.cftlrr lxr(.lr rlual.i I'it,rl the d<:si;nr to rlttc l<lr 1t hatl rnl bcen rcvicwcd by Vuil Assrriulr*;, I lr11'ot: witlr tltc (nn(:cl)l ol" <xrvorlttll only a lliu't of' l,ltc site, buL fclL thrLL Llrc desi6nr diroction wls rurt cxrnsislenb with tlre rccent r.llscussi<>1 wjllt 1.lrc l)lllt ol'pr'<tvious dlst:ttssittttr; wilh llte Archltcct. By that I nprun l-ltcrc wts lt.tt lt.bl;cncc o l' lrxr I' ovcrltnngrs;, ll:tltlott lcs, etc. , to rellevtl the large norl,h u:rcl ucs[ rrralls. lhe buildirrg wrs vcry earJ.y in desipp and wa.s not prcscn tt-'rl as llci ng prepared for a design crllique; therefore , my cormerrts are a bit protnrture. 1lrc site pJ.ut apJrttxrt:lt rvas gmd, particularly j.n tlree a^spcsts: 1. l'lte dcsjgn considcrrld thc use atrd fcltm of the public space sout:h 0ll Llrc building. 2. Tlto dcsil';rr urnsidcrcd tltc total spircc l'rom Christy Sports to 'lho Irxlgc lr.s thc alca to be desigtcd. 3. 'i'ltc tlt:s.igt r:onsj.clcrcxl tho 1xrbl"1c lt(locssi along tlte eiust side o-t thr: builcli.ng us a special con'idor of varying wldth. I irrrlse;rpc Architccts: l;tntl l'lrrnrrirrg I hhirrr l)r.ri1tr llul I'li'tninli lirvironntcntrrl Plunning Prilcipuls: R('l|crt Roy(t0n l^(LA A\t I l nnnrot') Asl-A lil(lon llcck ASL Kirruo Abcy ASI,A Lruii O, Allqy AIA fnlricitr Curlislc AsLA Asvrciirtcsr 225 Millcr Avcnuc llirrokl N. Kohtynshi ASLA lvlill V;'llcy llohcrl f. lllllcrkln ASLA Cnlihrniu 94941 0rorgc W (;irvin ASLA 415 J81.7900 Rohcrl S. Scnn ASLA -44- t !,1r. Terrell J. Mint{er -z-Aprll 20, 1978 Problcns I scr.l uL Llris tiru: ura: 1. Tlre shirpe aud pnactlcaltty <lf tlre prugrsccl public res0roofls. 2. A co,rqrl.i.catcd basonent/parklng 1cvel. 3. Inadeqrra[e space for anbulance turn-arornd, vchicle rmnuvering. 4. 'fhe ur cncxnr problem of coordinatlon wlLh The lodge. I suggest tltat thc 'Ikrwr initiatc vcry soon a rneting with the frr<ke owner to explore lur ovcrull rhrvt:lt4lnlnt pnrlgrrun iut<l Lhc,. 1xx;sibilit,y ol'sharlng in tlrc prcpnration of nn ovcra'|.l Mustcr Plan. This rnry irx:lude a cr.xrmiltec oll Council nEd)crs,'ltrwrr st.irl'l', tnrl Q>rdon l)lcr'<:<1. I will bc lrnppy Lo participaLc In such n-'.cLlngs lrul .in clttr;ign ;lrcplrrablorr ln Jurrr,.'. Itrtclosed i.s lr List of srrgl;c.st,crl slcps of dcsiglr, ol'rxxrrdinal"ion nccessary, and o[ assigrrnrlnL of <krsi.1gt respnsibility. I lrrn no[ clcar a.s lo thc funding of tltc ;lro.jr:ct ()r' s()ur'c(! o[ dcsig'n fixls. Srr<:lr dcrclsions mry af.fcqt thc scopc of dcslgtt iuld lujs.i.tluurrrL of t'c.sinnslbilltlcs. Area of Dcsit'n 1. Pliw;r slxrcc owncrrd by the ltrwn. 2, Splce bcLrvccn tbe PLaza and Tlte todl"c. 3. Clu'i.sty Slxrr'ls property bctuccn Pluzir lurd [lrc bulldlng. 4, Pirs-s:r6ewry to lJridge Strcct. 5. Crlnrtcqtion to Vlall Strcct. 6. S1:uce south o-f Lhc progrscd buildiug. AssigrurcnL oI licspotsibility 1. &ts:mqr (nlrca<iy prepared by Cr:rdon's office). 2. Irrol;riun stattrrcnt of cxlerior st)irces; ir, Joitrl. cllot'L - 1'wrt/lU[.]M/Plorcrr b. l,'irr:rl sl:rlcrrcnt to bo wrltLen by lUliSM or Town. 3. SchcrruLic dcsig'n alternativcs: a. Crrndola building and adJacent nreil - Plerce. -45- .t t a- Mt'. Torroll J. lvlittl-;cr -3-Aprll 20, 1978 b. Ovcrtll. lltcrn:rtlvcs - ru0*dt. c. W<rtl< sr:ssion witlr Corurcll/P.turtttirtll llxrril,/DtUl/StnfI and Piclcc/llcck to discusrs ulternalivcs, decido upon deslgn goals, dcsign directton. 4, Prelininary lhster Plan: . a. Iluilcllng and VaiI Assoslatesr pnrperty - Plerce. b. P1azr, adJncent spaccls - RIII& . c. lbrln revierv 5. }trster lrlnn/ltraslng/CostAnalysls: rr. ([iiun: us 1'or prcllnlnnries. ) 6. Working Drawings for Plazr: tr. 'lb lrt: rrr:ptiatcd. Please dcbate thcsc uork arrangerrcnts with all inrolved. CaIl re if there are questlons or ncrd Ior lurther analysis, t{ith best rcgards. Sincerely, noysroN, ItINAlgto, Btill( & AtlleYn6H+'rr6-n*, Eldon lleck 'Ht tlt cc: ,lrtr. Cor<lon Pittrcr: / l,!r. Allen c,crs[cnbcrgcr Mlyor Slilct' [,1r. Fltil Ordwzty -46- Rovston Hairamoto Beck & Abey Ibbrua:ry 15, 1978 lvh. Teruell J. Minger Torn lhnager Tbiwn of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vai1, Oolorado 81657 Re: Gondola One Design Beviery Dear T1erry: I have recently sulcmitted to the Ttovn ry opinion regarding the potential valueof the north porti-on of the Gondola olre slte as an open space. I understa.nd that the Council has decided aeainst that optlon. Ttis letter is now approprLate as a recording of the neetings held on Februarry2, L978 with Gordon Pierce, with you, and with the Desigrr Review Board in which design rcdifications to ttre total puject ruere discussed. tlr reviav conrBnts are as follorps; 1. The choice of used brick as the najor building wa1l naterial is good. The proposed tile roof rmterial is acceptable, however, a wood shake nay be less e4lensive and nnre appropriate to the Village. 2. Ihe baserent level connercial space in the north building hasdifficult access and visibil-ity problens. The use of the lsuler space requires sorp t]rye of stainrell at the southeast comerof the building at pIaza. 1evel, and results in an apparentfotr story building heieht as vleured frqn Wall Street. W @ncern is that a mrgtnal corrrercial rrse will have dispro- portinate effect tpon ttre scale of the building and qlon the success and deliglrt of the central pla''a. I suggest that the lorryer leve1 connercial space be deleted or be used as a tvlo leve1 internal space with verticaf access withih the building. Ttris san result in deletion of the southeast corner stainrell wlth raxlrnm connrersial e>posure at that @rner. Llndscape Architece: Principals: Associates: 225 Miller Arenue Iand Planning Roben Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design Asa Hanamoro ASLA Robcrt T. Batterton ASLA Californig 94941 Park Planning Eldon Beck ASLA George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900' Environmental Planning Kazuo Abey ASLA Robert S Sena ASLA Louis G. Alley ,AIA Patricia Carlisle AsLA [fr. Terrell J. Minger -2-Febrrrary 15, 1978 Ttre north wall appearan@ can be fuproved by biinging earth rpto the nain floor level and planting trees along the north wa11. tandscape within this space and at ttre terminus of Wall Street is essential. Neither buifding has proceeded irl design study to the pointof solving the problens of scale and detail. The npdel slrows the bulldings as being bloclry and nrrre simllar to Lionshead design than to the Vi[age archltecture. It seen:s essential that roof overh€urgs be rrsed, that portions of exterior wa11s and balconies be corryosed for an in and out appearan@, andthat windor,v sizes be studied carefully. Cordon and I discussed wildow design brieftry and it is irportant to ob.serve that oneof the visible design diffenences between the Village and Lionshead is the scale and detaillng of windors. Lionshead lacks srmll scale windows, the Village does not. Ttre north side of the Iodge along Gore C?eek Drive is a good exanple of the conpositlon of roof overhang, stepped '*a11s, balcony design, and windou/ detail . The plaza design is very irrportant. It should be a rich srn.face,preferably brick, and pnovide places to sit in relation to viqr;s and the sun. It's an ideal place for outdoor tables, unbrellas, floners, and all of the color and life characteristieof urban places. Ttre design of the steps and change in l-evel requires further thought. If at all possible, the design of the plaza and planting should extend to the west wall of the Plaza gsil6ing and include the narrow a1ley connection to BridgeStreet. The steps as pncposed appear to divide the space and the shopping and circutation erq)eriences nay not be pleasant.I ntould 1i}e to work carefully with Gordon on the desigr of these spaces and of the perineter landscape. I have previor:sly e4rressed the opinion that the north buildingis too high and wide. Careful design of balconies, etc. rray solve the height and bull< problens and Gordon should have the opportwity of working it through. The visp of the ski slopes from the steps at the south end of Wall Street is valuablefor the pulclic and ttrere nnrst be a critical appraisal of the impact of the structure on the vlel'. Design or narru,\ring the building nay solve the problem, 3. 4. ri .+ ,o In conclusion, a good design solution li possible. Oooperati@ of atl arljaceat prop€rty owner:s is necessara to actrleve the best solution for ttre Tcnm. I recmend that cooperatim be soltcited end th*t a cqretrenslve lan&cape plan be pepared for the area. Pleaee call lf anl'one has qretlos & ABEY Ur. Cordon Pierce !h. Allen CerstabengBnItr. Rod Slifen ltu. Itail Onduay ;!b. Diana lbuehill .JDesign Reviw Board }fr. Ilemell J. l{inger -3-FSruary L5, 7978 !;" luwn u |lflI box 100 . Yall, colorado 81657 (3031 476.5613 dopariment ol comrurity development 7 February 1978 Mayor Rod Sljfer Town of Vail 8ox 100 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Ref: Gondola I Dear Mayor Slifer: 0n Thursday, February 2, 1978, I had a series of met.ings with Gordon Pierce, with the Vail Design Review Board and with Terry Minger to review the current architectural design of Gondola I, and to discuss potentia'l open space uses of a portion of the site. . l4y detailed letter documenting the Design Reviel, cetings will follow later this week, The essentjal topics djscussed were tlese; l.) The south building replacing the exlsting Gondola structure can be functionally and visua1 ly successful on the site.It services the skiers and sunmer users well and will be a desirable addition to the Vtllage. 2.) In my opinion, the proposed north structure is large for the site and will significantly change the scale and environ- ment of the area. The proposed building is one story too high and perhaps 1?' - 2p'too vride. It is my understanding that a smlller structure'is not consjdered to be economically viable by the developer, and so, is not to be considered as an optional use. 3.) The choice of bujlding materials is good. l'lith further study of roof overhangs, balconies, and architectural detai'ls, the box-like qualities of the structures can be relieved. Anything bullt on the site rnust be consistent with the scale and proportions of nearby buildings,. Because of the high visibi'l ity and senli -public functions of this particular site, it deserves the attention and public debate now in Process. The possibility of preserving the north part of the site as a public -3.l- Page 2 Mayor Rod Slifer Town of Vail 7 February l97B plaza is extrlcrncly attractive and in long-range is the correct choice. I urge and support such action for, in my opinion, a unique and valuable space will be irretrievably lost if the north building rrere to proceed. The space is valuable because it is adjacent to one of the three major ski lifts and in effect, is one of the doorways to the mountajn. The vlews of the slopes are excellent, it is protected and has jdeal sun exposure throughout the year; it is a connection to the shops and activities of the Village; and is potentially one of the most comfortable p1 aces inVall. There are few p1 aces in the world where a ski conrnunity connects as successfully to the slope as does Vaii. There are even fewer places wlth a space as well located and potentially usable as this particular site.It should rcmain a public space, it must be designed to realize its full potential and requires the interest and collaboration of all adjacent property owners. As the conrnunity continues to thrive and grow, I believe that we will see an increasing need to protect and wisely use all spaces avajlable.It is timely to consider the acquisition of key parcels as being of highestprlor'lty in preserving the quality of Vail. i cannot reconrnend too strongly that this particular parcel be acquired by the Town, Respectful ly submi tted, Eldon Beck eh.tu("\W1) Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abey E8/s'v cc: Terry Minger Allen Gerstenberqer Gordon Pierce / - -32- ..rrtil DESIGN REVIEW BOARD February 2,1978DATE OT MEETING: UEMBEBS PRESENT: Lot '8i11 Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd ,- FILING ACTION TAKEN BY ubtron: VOTE: BOABD: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: Abe Shaplro , BLOCK SUMIIIARY: ffin o DESICN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MIIETING: IIEMBERS PRESENT: Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro BLOCKt ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: Ruoff FILING ABSTENTION: DISAPPROVED: SUIIIIIARY: \IailAssoci#glnc. January 17, L978 I{r. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager The Town of VailP.0. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Terry: RE: The Village Gondola Redevelopment Project As you know, Vail Associates, Ine. now has permission to proceed with the above project, subject only to approval of the architecLure by the Design Review Board of the Town of Vail. As we discussed, however, Vail Associates believes that there is an opportunity to improve the current planned access to theproject, provided that the Town of Vail is willing to take a leading role in the improvement of that access. Access to the project from the southwest across ForesE Serviceproperty is probably in the best j-nteresE of the Town of Vail andVail Associates. As you know, such access from the southwest would also permit, by agreement of Vail AssociaEes, delivery services for lower ldall Street, thus reducing somewhat Lheexisting vehicular traffic on Bridge Street and through Checkpoint Charley. Also, the U. S. ForesE Service has indicated that, if requestecby the Town of Vail, such access across its property from the southwest could be obtained prior to the st.art of constructionthis spring. Vail Associates, therefore, requests that the Town of Vail Eake whatever steps are necessary to indicate its support of access from the souEhwest to Ehe U. S. Forest Service. As indicated in the attached letter from Vail Associates' architect,it is critical Ehat such action be taken by the town wichin the next Lwo weeks or we will have missed the deadlines for preparationof working drawings. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657,303/476-5601 Mr. TerrelL J. Minqer and you Attachmenttj Page 2 I look forward to hearing from you at your am prepared to discuss the details of thlsdesire. Thank you for your attentl-on to this trulyVery V January 17, L978 earliest convenience,matter with anyone matfer. Yours, Manager Conmercial TATES,-_.rNC,t&l,zn ordway / Development Pbrsl Bdncr & F[rhugh Scott Inc. Archit€cture Plsnning P. O. Box 2299 Vail. Colorado 81057 303 47S3038 January '12, 1978 Mr. Phil 0rdway Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Gondola I Schedule Dear Phil: As we discussed yesterday, the schedule we have set out for ourselves r€garding the &ndola I proiect is at best, very ambitious. l'lith the assumption of using a "fast tract" mthod of construct'ion such as we have been using for our schoo'l pruiects, and assuming we have no changes ln the present program' (as now approved by the Town of Vail stafi) we can probably have most of the building in operation by this Chri stmas. However, I must advise you that any maior change to the design concept' such as changing the direction of access to the building' will cause a Iate construction start which in turn will result in higher building costs. In terrs of the calendar, we just can't accept any changes after January 25, and still meet our budget and schedule. I would great'ly appreciate hearing from you the minute anything should deve'lop. cerely, GRP/Jm R. Pierce P k..- C. 3t, tQ-o PL-r*- t++ , T*re.s*#tt*,* D-ct, l, t ?) I l-?1-- :"'-:--i-=:-i='a-H- .. - tr - 3";. i-.-- IL t|EE, cl'. . Fl-r- l/r|.tlffiie artJ l|lt 'dld -Eflsr af.;::--;lxrra5taits.n dar- D tli tf-t n+t. . Al-* .t|'ll- rl'r-a rt| s. .rab' 9$-r-' -tD r. tt.- 14 irl rtl.lr.F. fl5. ttll- il * tlir ba a|{'F-r rrrl'l (tldirtrllo {*r r., (|tt J t"t't .ts4 rtxr.Jtl.rt -- .J-a&.a,b.r' '11 ".".t *o' l- ' il"r{'fl !l.rt a .zl*;c/,4r;. tElt$tlftS'itiili , I ; ^ - F,hl J plai t tsTi\':;'lrrrfi t'*j;re f-ttl--trr'r.Irt'. fFfl{I---lF - '|| .' dtrf " tr' ff f f l|-l r-r -- rt t'!' otttr-' IJf f rrrrt G - ir r"""tt- .. rn-F-rrrr1flrrt'.' l' br. *rr -- r-. ltE" r c""rtro' 5--.tr-' - d t- iT 1-:-':,:-;-tra t-'|'.at$. OlJ|''' Ga..t tt bslt' - IElf t'l ,tttrt lr 3i. G!'r'tt grFrr Jiilig'- ;;; '.-. 1- 1i :J".:ill.il I"'L1 L t '- t - lx l{1o,1':t !btr3.rro. lrotor. t'r'rto' tc' a llr Fl| t|| Itclttctt o"!""vr --..-- ---..-r, .nt,- -h- FtL '|.|l.' 'r' "t"t lc Ft tr|.b Dtol..crt "ll all- lr ....f,rr !!tt l!' lrrr' ot tht llltc'o't ot r'lt r.. F. ba..aa Ot||rto? rl' oa'!3" !tr'l! d't'l J'ou"t ttl' ltL: ..ili-..-r'' 'r' r"tritt t!' :t:t: t:-::.'::'i: ___II--*-#-:=+**-*l *tldrdC?r, f r--5*rt-lqf u*e _ lh_ crulrn. 8,, I rE tFa-.-. Lt H trtnsdh rdlalrt. t r.tar. ttrar. II I -ta(.-.rd tr"l,r bJ ttr.-dl-F-? d t'r ra ryr- tsurt ttra.tt. r. t3 lr Lrr r|, r,llaa1'a!: r'i:: .- ?.!' ro- r. -iaa1i; i-ir.tr-,-IErifurt.t OfrlEr!- d ? ! rt t_tL.. 1't!. tE.. o! riaEErll-It lltLl - h hltd- d- r..31* $fi5gld--L-f,t hI;e iFiirffilr"-t_, r+rttr f- -.-_4, E t!,E..l LF- rt, rtat. - tqr-L ta - :?:.-:ry.n! --.tr..t-, Dc., t'; .-rlit o ewtarr.!r..s,.-_rrri.. n t. I:tlrr aLtta. ftr fZfnl. - .r? rF.! rrrrar. b tir* cfa-cliter rr|-i:b.t!r_ ?t !."4 a-rr. .r! tr c- Glftrr Fisrr-ii-;oC-tt .lra.rr. _ !r,r !J:tlt 75l-.-*F_ bt h-{ 3 - hp1 d I rb '--e.. I -aOa. - rt -iatLa. taai. lB., a ncr ctrrtla. tlf rnato cld rdldrDg.Fatr-, lb-, -l.€r7d tltllr' h.J tlEra, .! Lr (rr|tif-l d frF rctr .ttr.taa f! l{f. Octt. Colorrb. &rcrtHI toltsrr l't.t t 9o l. r, , .aa l, alod !-C. t'tt,. Vt!ttaA. ltlst !{Ltf,c..o6rdt{ to tL !.otdaa pLt tLt!.ot. Cqttt oi !.91r, St tcof Cola&t .rd I Frt ot tot t. tlel t<, vlrl' g:ttltaa ttE ptL:IG. oountyat J4t-, ltatt of 6lado, bl.Dg Est p.rtlcafGlt rtcrcribcd: toll<rrt CtF rcl.!{ .t rL htb.rt corrrr of tatd lor f ,thaac. lrt aly alocl Cta SctLrlt ltr of ..Id tpt f . dl.r.[ccot l?.9t l.rt ta a totot of ilt rr.ctldt,lt.h th. rcrterly lideol I rt lar.y .!a tia crr Dofut ot bagtDnlnq, thanco on rn rDglst tr. lclt ol ta'ot't5' .:ra 116g r.ld lcatcrly rldc . diltinceot t.OO L.t to t"bc lcttarly alat of taid .t trlqf r thanc. or.n r.tL to tL rlgit of t0.O0.00. .rd .lot !!ld lorttcrly .ld.a dlrt .Ca ot 20.05 f.ct t! ti. L.t rly al.d. of trlal rtlirrayitlcr o .! argl. toth. rlght ol 90.00'04' .!d .lq rridt rt rlt al& ! dlrt DcG of 1.55 l..t to r polnt otr tlie SouthcrlyILr ot aald Lot tr tt*nce on .t| nngl to the rlght of 85"08.56. aad rlq Sdrth.ilv II-ra ! dtSt|||ca ol 20.10 fe€t, rcre or leaa,to th. tra. Jpj.nt o! beglarl'|gt. oe Iilr rd Ir dr. lr .EII| r{tf b Dt,q'.dr afttlrG:?=:- d t..r ca frtru.G|r d E-rE. -tE-, rffic.dF.rt EgFrtt t rc|.- |.L-, -tA n ftI, tild t!:=,r_D- tta. taa, actrl- D b rrEtc d Ci. r.t:r-i.I. d .tor@rlr! t!-.c- d ti.ar &r.r e.Er, L .r Dr.-rrti (brE :!^-!d.^S, b' rrttr it$&br Dtrtrrc,t, 6lcf, lrot att!-I--F-a !..Fora bi .|.|| |bat, t! D.cs..;t -nrl[] - f'E.f d 'trt-t' -a{-t at r.d ffir 6,ttta. t E!:=tifs.:fi#fr,ruffi.-'cr,_D-. E-I tr E til. fF ir5 of rE D;d =1!E=:' -rG- c.--; ; -."" .'--""ry tn tltlltlrbrH *r t- - { d -3r rr. dl. -l-rbl*tlrtbd ;alr ra, G., lu1 Grlb |h'lbrrb,h-qrbr- / rfqlr l- -r. *-;t_'rh d h, ba,rr ra -|* c. d Fd.6 -t- th fh -.. l- !!Fr. 5-IlrfFq,--frtf r-l. r -.* rl .-, a !t F. rha rEI l- I . F. tt-, iLtE. c|rEaB, !rc. 'J HtNonv & v{n FROFgSSTON^L COFFOfrlrrON ATTOFINEYS AT LAW TWENTY-THIEO FLOOR 'IRST NATIOhAL SAN|( EUILOING 02I 3 gVAflTEENYH S'REET oglavEi, coLoRADo 6o2oa c^tlg looa[ss: HtxLAw ?StcFnoxE: 30r 292-900(' FAt:3 r. lttfaoir lrga:l itrLtoN E. HtvaF. Jn. ht nwtit B. ruLTo{ an l4oLo c. wacr'rct rircBAfL,RtloY tlroMA5.J, ncawrN c|l^arL€s w. rirco€nxolY RO€ € FtY O. fHOWALf€'| FFr€O ^, ^!glJOHN I, OPACE OARY O. IA?IOF rirorres .r. coxstentrrsE FIC HAFIO A. FI NItE FOLF A. H NNI I{G Prcxaeo s, irars lrcHA,lo w. aREtt|.auPt J. C. rrM 3CAr83loBEFl |..IO€8,JR. oanY |l. tolcv JAHES n. tlOClti.Ow CXAFLES H. JACO65 OENfl'5 A. G RAHAI. oavro l. orMuRot03Eit c. FTFpLE oun me iur9ER January 20 | L978 Town Council Town of VailVail, Col-orado Re: Appeal from Administrative Actiorl Proposed Con-struction Gondola #l Terminal Area Council Members: This law firm represents Plaza Lodge, Inc., a Texas corporation (Appellant) owning property in the Town ofVail located between Bridge street and the Gondola #l Terminal area. This is to advise that Appellant here- by appeals to the Town Council that adninistrative actionof the Zoning Administrator rendered on or about ilanuary 6, L978 (according to information furnished the undersigned by the ZoninQ Administrator via telePhone) whereby certain construction plans submitted by VaiI Associates, Inc. were approved, and a deterrnination was made that no Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was required. Appe1lant asserts that such action was in error and con- stitutes an abuse of discretion in that the proposedproject clearly will have the impact contemplated by subsecLions (4),(13) and (14) of Section 15.200 of the Zoning Ordinance Further, Appellant is advised that the only proposed means of access to such project, during construction and after- wardr. is by means of two purported easements consisting in total of a l5-foot strip, I feet of which purportedly lies on Appellant's property. Appellant denies that its Property is burdened by any such easernent-. Additionally, Appellant asserts on information and belief a HtttoRY & Meven that such proposed project does not comply with thezoning reguLations for the zoning districl in whichr tt is-locited. Accordingly, Appellant hereby appeals such aflministrativeactions and reguests an open hearing before the TownCouncil Respectfully submitted, Town Council {Vail) Page 2 itanuary 20, LgTg CEARLES W. MC DERMOTT Cgllrtzjhs cc: Diana Toughill Kevin Conwick, Esquire Lawrence C. Rider, Esguire oo tY Fbo^-: - ' _ .-___. Ji;.,i .-f)|T:- <e* >a\x11?i I ,ou--'ri Ct*-i t o'I ?'' -l rg I, 11z^ 1c 12 tP 'l-, /1 -,-; 5t-u.15 A 18 --- a'11 I . ::f,, 4.)r X 7s: af ' - ll - / e_'-- i. --t'''' ryg.hi:i Af{; -q >-z-_ i,l- l,li,l letli;r I t, rSA 7,25= t1). ,ll t - ,, .-r _ 1- \- q 1t - r rtr -ti;i 6lo ,ots ^ t'a s - lb / j I itl-t,i r' t l:l C o rv1 uttQvc\q I ti- lr t-L i ?Va, 4T'rl -Irti t- )lf ll 3e'ask l3-as: Ai'- .l,i 8.7sX(: 9f t----*- 347 Ae,as X r1.t=3Xj 8.9X .5)?s : 9.27 X6 X,s :9q,7 tt x (.2s = /X.s x A (-?l =3.arx S-"t =S.}rX S;.-?:rx.r= 2'f 5ls l'l l7 t{af tlY o?7.,o - [4.f x [1-9 = vzl O^z ve.. I -Tun o 1,rr+ U-*- - Co,*. rvte,wc.\a I 8,tou1 srY a'* 4ol-et 6q7 (*.b.,u U,,',* a )( ryl.ano.Xol, ^p+) foo,,-r1- n gg f, *aa lr6o6' 2)}63, 4r o >-r ', 8? 9's*/ I Corviolow / Rori I 3 r,/ t 6 Ponki ^ o. Ro<- o.r-z Wp^,,,f Ia,d 4> ) +(otk6€vzTql +ieir#, fE.e - at lti -*--7Oo €q- tr+-v lg,qo 9 ,ou( li-..,. U^',-f s (J^,*s tt t t3i 4 Q 5p..", Qac-C Un'A U*i* I 6 t-3'3 I.O',l 4^l fr"uol" I Bq v^a',,,,,,n ItLo,o I Onz | | .-.rLc-uol I lz6- Gu^/o( o 0n* 6er 11:.. loB ,,(renernl O F Fi.z Ia.;1s?i. l5:=, 211 i {. .-<_-A.y X ,?o s. ,,.'L180 l 7- > s X r o : l C. f )c r3,p ? ,/ l s . x !4,o= ?10 9 = Y3J7 -l r4,tt q *- qqtti..'''.' l,5 : 3a3 t( 6 : n,rt,alft-' b /go t, a A ax-.t - lg.tsA %5 ' ,i.i-,.jr lt Oait't_ -tr - e<l :t<fI re I ,i-s X 1(-eS= I/.5 -7t X 11 = A 3;At xAo --1. lf x 42": (6- s x Lt A-r) -- ,srr X 11 =-e -F- 12- r1 5- - lqvel .f = -el Y8S b3 Ji "/ /9 II^?IRIT A VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. GOi,IDOLA I RIIDIIVET.(TPMENT coNDoMrlrluM ,:rlE.\J. T " J 1 4 5 L97L 2570 "t o 2/, 2146 959 VailAssociateglne December 27, ]-977 Mr. Terrell Minger Town Manager Town of VaiIP.O. Box 100 Vail , colorado 81657 RE: Vail Associatest Redevelopment of Village Gondola Property Dear Terry: This letter updates the program presented to you in my December 16, 1977 letter requesting administrative approval of the above project. Your review of my December 15, 3-977 letter indicated a possible problem under horizontal zoning with bulk storage being on the ground floor rather than in the basement. To address this problem, we have worked with our architect and the Town staff to arrive at the following adjustments: 1) We-.!r1v_q lqa:dened the basement by approximately twenty feet -=Li.n iorne aiEaJ, i"a reloiated ttre Ernployee locker rgellr-.tjl-an 1l underground area beneath the south patio. These changes permit 5.400 square feet of storage in the basement. 2) We have shown a total of 4I parking spaces in the basement, by use of valet parking, which is permissable under current zoning. 3) As suggested by the Town staff, we have reinstituted approximatety 3,900 square feet of commercial space on the plaza level as a result of providing additional parking in the basement. I have attached Exhibit B from my December 16 letLer' with an additional column reflecting the above adjustments. You will notice that we still meet our maximum parking requi-rements with several spaces to spare. Box 7, Vail. Colorado 81657.303/476-5601 o Mr. ferrell I'tinger Page 2 December 27, L977 with the horizontal zoning guestion novr ansvtered, we trust the Town wil-l be able to proceed with adrninistrative approval inunediately. once we have received that approval in writingr irl€will be pleased to meet with the Tohrn council to iliscuss various ways of improving access to the project. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly yoursl Philip E. ordway Manager Commercial Development Enclosure /j VA ',,rl Changes in Gondola ments of the Town I. FLOOR AREA BY EXHIBIT B I Redevelopment Programof Vail. PROPOSED USE AND LOCATION to meet Parking Require- Basement First Aid, SkiVail Associates Parking Storage Comnercial a O a a a Patrol Locker Sq. Ft . Proposed LL/29 /77 902 L,7 57 -0- 8,556 L,932 13,L47 Sq.Ft. Revised 12/L5 /77 902 L,757 10 ,4gg-0- -0- -0- 5,908 1,168 746 460 -0- 8,282 5,707 $,929 2,8L6 -0- -0- 7,840 L3,649 24,305 Sq. Ft. Revised L2/24/77, 902 L r757 10 ,4 88 5,400 -0- Total BasemenE PLaza Level o Cafeteriar V.A.I. Storageo Ski Schoolr Tickeu Saleso Public Restroomsr Coumercial Total PLaza Level Second Level r Five (5) Condoninium Units Third Level r Itrree (3) Condominir:m Units ToTAL GRoss SQUARE FOoTAGE Total V.A.I. Use (excluding storage, loeker rooms and public restrooms) Commercial Cafeteria SLorage Condominir:ms TOTAL NET SQUARE FOOTAGE L3,147 L8,547 2,570 -0- 1, 168 746 460 3, 338 8,282 -0- -0-1,158'746 460 3 ,885 6 ,2601 7 ,9427 ,942 7 ,942 5,707 3:,92!_ 3, 309*4,777* 2,570 -0- 13,549 24,305 5,7O7 u56_ 2 r8L6 3,885 ' -0- 5,400 13,649, 25,75L *These figures actually should have been 2,81-6 and 5'270 tively. The difference in each case is 493 square feet, were allocated by mistake to Vail Associates use rather comrRercial in the Ll/29/77 presentation. respec- which than to EXHIBIT Page B 2 V.A.I. UseCafeteria Cornmercial Condominitrm Total Parking Required Spaces available in basement under Spaces Proposed 11.03 17. l_3 t5.92 18.00 q2.-gq revised program = Spaces Revised Spaces Revised 9.39* .00 .0017.00** 27 .00 38 .00 9.39 .00 t2.95 16.00 3ei-q-A- 4r.00 *The reduction from 11,03 to 9.39 spaces reflects the error inthe original proposal referred to above. **The condominiums have been reduced from nine to eight plus aguests or maicls quarters. Thus, this parking requirernent has been reduced slightly. /*.v Assoclabs,hil Inc. December 16, L977 Mr. Terrell l"linger To\^tn l,lanager Town of Vail P. O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Proposed Redevelopment of Vail Associates' Village Gondola Property Dear Terry: As you know, the above redevelopment as VaiI Associates proposed it to the Town of Vail Planning Commission on November 29 | 1977, complies with all existing zoning ordinances except for parking as shown in the attached Exhibit A. The only other issue concerning the above redevelopment proposal has been access, about which we have had many discussions with you and your staff. This letter is to inform you that we have made the neces- sary changes in our project to meet the existing Town ordinances for parking. The attached Exhibit B demonstrates how we meet our parking requirement and describes the changes in the pro- gram that we are making to do so. rhis letter is also to advise you that we have 1egal vehicular access to the southwest corner of the property via existing easements as I have demonstrated in Exhibit C. Atl of these easements are valid and legally enforceable and, as you know, Vail Associates currently has as much right to vehicular use of Bridge street as any other person or entity. Therefore, since we now comply with alt aspects of the Town of Vai] zoning ordinances and have demonstrated that we have existing legal access to the southwest corner of our project, we formally request that you provide Vail Associates with written administrative approval to proceed with the redevelopment of ttre Village gondola property. Furthermorel we request that 1'ou provide us with this approval immediately so that we will have time to file whatever damage claims we may need to file in connection with the proposed Torrrn of Vail Mal1 Act. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 Mr. TerrelJ. Minger Deeember L6' L977 Page 2 Your prompt response appreciated. to the approval request will be SincerelY, vN.PrySOcrArES, rNC. \(.-LPhilip E. ordwaY Iuanager of Conunercial Developmen' PEOI81 Enclogures Distance between Bldgs. None Required Lot Area Setbacks Height Density Control Building Bulk Site Coverage Landscaping Parking EXHIBIT A ccr Required/Al1owab1e 5,000 Sq. Ft. None required 35' .8 GR}A 17 ,764 80"/ L7,764 sq. ft. 20% 4,441 sq. ft. V.A.I. use 11.03 Cafeteria- 17.13 Commercial L5.92 Condorniniums 18.00 ?roposed 22,2O5 w-0' E - Approximetely 24'N-0's - 0' 24' minim:m 31.5' L3,649 387" Approximately 8,500 sq.ft 68"L Approximately 15,000 gq.f' pLaza (no detail land: scaping plan submitted) Maximr.ru lengrh 125' Maximum wall length - 125 Maximum diaeonal 160' Maximr:m diagonal - l-48' Walls offsef 1' for llorst case r 132r with each 5r of length no offset. 62.00 Note: This information was taken from a memorandum dated LL/L/77 from the Department of community Development.of the Town of vail to the Town of Vail planning -Conrnission, with the following changes in the "proposed" column: a) Maximum wall length has been reduced t"-iili-u) -en"r.g" building height has been calculated specificaif' u! Si.Sl Tfrerefore, [he only variance required in tne exhibit is Parking' /j EXHIBIT B Changes in Gondol-a I Redevelopment Program to meet Parking Reguire- ments of the Town of Vail. I. FTOOR AREA BY PROPOSED USE AI.ID LOCATION Basement r First Aid, Ski Patrolr Vail- Associates Locker Roomsr Parkingr Storager Coronercial Total Basement PLaza Level o Cafeteriao V.A.I. Storager Ski Schoolr Ticket Salesr Public Restroomsr Comrnercial Total Plaza Level Second Level r Five (5) Condominium Units Third Level r Four (4) Condoninir.m Units TOTAI GROOS SQUARE FOOTAGE 7 ,942 7 ,942 5,707 35,078 2,8L6 -0- -0- 7 ,84O L3,649 24,305 Sq.F!. Proposed Sq "Ft.Revised LzlLs 177 902 L,7 57 10,4gg -0- -0- L3,L47 902 L,757 -0- 8,556 L,932 L3,L47 2,570 -0- 1, 168 746 460 3, 338 8,282 -0- 5, 908 1,168 746 460 -0- 8,282 5,707 .35,078 Total V.A.I. Use (excluding storage, locker rooms and public-restro6ms) 3,309*Commercial - 4,7'l7t' cafeteria 2,570 Storage -0- Condoiinir-rns L3,649 TOTAL NET SQUARE FOOTAGE . . . 24,305 *These figures actually should have been 2.8L6 and 5,2?0 respec- tively. The difference in each case is 493 sguare feet, which were alLocated by mistake to Vail Associates use rather than to consnercial in the II/29/77 presentation, LL/ 29177 o EXIIIBIT Page B 2 Spaces Revised V.A.I. Use Cafeteria Conrmercial Condouiniun Total Parking Required Spaces available in baseuenL under 11.03 17.13 t5.92 l_8.00 62.OO- revised progr€rm 27.00 38 .00E* g. 3g* .00 .00 17. 00** *The reduction from 1I ,03 to 9,39 spaces reflects the error inthe original proposal referred to above. **The condominiums have beenguests or maid.s quarters. been reduced s1ight1y. reduced from nine to eight plus a Thus, this parking requirement has EXHIBIT C LEGAL ACCESS TO THE GONDOLA I REDEVELOP!4ENT PROJECT VaiI Associates, Inc. prefers that access to the project be from the llill Creek mountain access road to the southwest corner of the Gondola I property. By eJ-iminating commercial sPace under the revised program described in the attached exhibits, Vail Associates has such access available under their existing permit with the U. S. Forest Service for all- proposed activities except the condominiums. Holdever, VaiI Associates also has and claims legal access to its property for any and alJ" proposed uses as follows: L) Via upper Bridge Street and,/or Hanson Ranch Road to Seibert Circle; 2) Between Christy Sports and the l{auserman Building via two vehicular and pedestrian easements (attached as Exhibit D is the Cramerus Easement Agreement, and as Exhibit E is the Hauserman Easement Agreement); 3) Across Vail Associatesr property, between Vail Associates' two new buildings, to the vtestern boundary of Vail- Associates' property; and 4) South along the western side of Vail Associatesr pro- posed southern builcling, on The Lodge at Vail property, ,within an existing 20 foot vehicular and pedestribn easement to the basement garage entrance at the south- west corner of the proposed building. The Lodge at VaiI easement is attached as Exhibit F. The pedestrian bridge originally connecting Vail Associates' two proposed buildings has been eliminated from the plans. As shown above and in the attached exhibits, Vail Associates has legal access at this time and, therefore, requires no approval whatsoever from the U. S. Forest Service on the question of access. Once Vail Associates has received written administrative approval from the Town of Vail to proceed with the Project, VaiJ. Associates will of course welcome and support any efforts by the Town to seek suitable access directly frorn the southl^Iest. PI'.RCI{ASE AND SALE AGREEMENT t. PAR?IES. This Agreement made and entered into as oi the 23rd day of December, 1968, bet$teen \/AIL ASSOCIAES, INC., a Coiorado corPoration, trereinafter referred to as "vail Associates,|| and HaLTER .t. STALDER, iIR., and Ross E. Dr1VIS, of Denver, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as ttPurchase.r. t' 2. PURctgsE. Vail Associatea agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to buy The Lodge at Yail and assaciqted property,.hereinafter referred to as the "Purchased Property," for and in. consideration of the purchase Price and subject to the following terms and conditions- .3. ' PRoPERT DESCRIPTIoN. The "Purchased Property" is situate in Eagle County,'4olorado, and is described as follow, to-wit: Lot a and that Portion of Lots b and c which lie west of the west line oi the gondola bui).ding extended nortb to Gore Creel< Drive, alt in Block 5-e, vaif Vil- Iage First Filing, as shown and more fully described on -uhe survey attached as'exhibit A hereto, consisting of acres more or less, and as described by the metes and bounds descri^otion attached as Exhibit B hereto together with all im.orovenents sttuate thereon, including the lodge buil<iing known as The Lodge.at Vail, a cafeteria and swirnning pool (herein referred to collectively as tire 'o . "Lodge Building"); together with all furniture, furnishings, fixtures, egui^oment, machinery, fittings, apparatus and other tangible personal property of every kind or nature whatsoever, now or hereafter attached to or locaied in and used in any way in connection with the use, operation and occupation of. the lodge building or any part thereof or any business con_ ducted therein by vair Associates, incruding but noi liroited to a1l chairs, desks, dressers.. beds. rnatresses, tables, sofas, carpeting, drapes, dishes, Iinens, motors, furnaces, kitchen equipment, tableware, cooking u.tensils, appliances, boilers, generators, fans, heaters, switchboards, electrical eguipmeit, gas and electric fixtures, elevatofsr. campressors, vacuum cleaning and all pool eguipment, fire prevention and extin- guishing apparatus, signs, shades, venetian b1ids, awnings, 'screeDs, cleaning ald rnaintenapce equiproent and alI heaiing, plumbing, Iifting, ventilating, water circulating, air cooling and air eonditioning apparatus; and together with ari out- standing shares of stock of the Riva Ridge ctralets Managenent cor.c-. a colorado corporatioa owned by vail Associate", rnc.;' and together with consunable stocks and su.lrplies, guest supplies, all ^oe:sonal property in the nature of hotel nateriars and supplies now or hereafter located in the Lodge Suilding; but not including the .oerso:1a1 p;operiy of any -2- o guest,' invitee or employee; and not including any water riEhis or the rrrater welr and accessory equipment rocated in l.ot a adjacent to the parking area; : . '4- REsERttATroN oF LqsEr\€NTs. vail Associates shall treserve for the benefit of, itself, its successors and assigns, the follorring easements on the purchased property: l.L a suriace easement for vehicular and .i pedestrian use 20 feei wiCe along the west Lineof the gondola building and extending I43 feetnorth of the north line of the gondola building,as narked on Exhibit A; 4-2 an easement l0 feet wide to giveaccess to the wat'er weII, as marked onExhibit A, together with a utitity easernentfor water lines connecting to sucir we1l, as marked on Exhibit A. purchaser may, however,at any time and at purchaser,s sole expense,relocate within the easement the well eguip- ment, weII irouse, lrater lines and accessory equipment used in connection vrith the well. 5. TAXES AND OTIIER EXSEPTIONS. Title to the purchased Property shall be conveyed subject to the followingr I 5.I General taxes and special assessinents'for the year L968, payable in 1969. vhich shaMe prorated between the part,ies as 'of the date of closing. 5.2 The matters described in Exhibit C hereto. 6. PL?C:IASE PRICE. .The purchase price for the Purchased Proper'"y shaIl .be g55O,OOO-(adjus-.ed to date of o Gentl emen: I would I ike to rroint out certain opment of the Gondola I buildinga decision is nade by the Town Plprobably prove irrevocabl e. Vail Planning CommissionVail, Co'lorado 81657 November .|6, 1977 r'acts rel ative to the redevel - and r'ts former approaches before annl'ng Commission which will Many aoree with me that we, in theare rapj dly apnroachi ng a poi nt ofdefense of the life style we chose we helped to create. For some ofand economic hardship are of real core of Vail Village, no return with respect toin a compati bl e atmos phere us loss of property values concern as wel I . Having always sunposed that a Town Planning Commission cameinto existence as an objective body beyond the influence ofspecial interests, and therefore capable of long range thinkingin the area of varied publ ic needs, I hope that you are taking intoconsideration the implementation of the Mall Act in conjunctionwith the proposed Vail Associates project. As a practical matter, onitting a l ittle nore than 9,000square feet for food services, storage and offices (as vre'l 1 astheir very large de'l ivery and parbage disposai requirements)the Plaza Bui'lding and the projected Vail Associates buildingsare very close equivalents You wi'll want to think in terms of an additional 264,740 itensper year for retail sa'l e alone amounting to more than 44,700extra manl oads when normal mai ntenance tri ps i n a troubl e-freeyear are added. The Plaza lodcing facility (open only 20 weeks yearly) might approximate the larqer residential area in the proposedVail Associates bui i ainq in del iverv and mai ntenance requirernentsin a nornal ly troubl e-fiee year. S,"OQO man-l oads shoul d be added, making a total of over 50,300 in excess of what we have tod ay , Pktztt [,rrr)trrt- lirrx6IJ Vt:i[.(]rrkrr.rrrr)o 9.16f7./3()3) tL76-4.t3() In hand-cart loads, I, project nore than 25,000 'rextrasil which must still be unloaded bv two men -- or one man in two trips. 0ne must consider not only additional congestion on BridgeStreet (particularly should t'he Forest Service deny permissionfor commercial and condominium del iverr'es and services fromthe southern end of the complex) but the adequacy of existing and projected passageways for oedestrian and barrow or go'l f cart traffic. Last, but not least, the hand labor involved would put many a qood citizen out of business in favor ofthe corporate shel ter-seekers or individual fortune-hunters who beseige me vreekly. It seems to me ooor p'l ann'ing notof our up-swinging stable conmuni Progress is a qreat thing as longtion of the word. If there mustis a good maxjm not to knock what The core of Vail Village works atthat the Pl aza bu i'l di ng i s a good the future health of upper Bridge Even vrith a shift of}lall Street and only where there woul d be on a dark icy al'ley vehicles. Vil l age Center, I cannot see a focus on deterioration at the Eastern boundary no motivation for improvement of outlook i nacces s i bl e to emergency or pubf i c servi ce to ta ke thesety into reali as one has a be an interim works. present and barometer i n Street. ruou'l d-be ravagersstic view. careful defi ni -of inquiry it it fs a quite possible forecas ti n g I doubt if there is anyone on the today who has read the ProtectiveFiling, as of August .l0, .|962. Vai'l Planning Commission Covenants of Va i I Vi 1 l age ' Fi rs t My purchase of Plaza was predicated on nent not quite ten years ago. the validty of that docu- Ten years seems a very short time in which to peremptorily negate an't'mportant part of a contract of sale. It is mytions for thinkino(and whit hope that your Conmission wil wise and practical future plfor what is demonstrably andis not) in our Vail Village. I indeed live up to exPecta- anning, providing in Your econonical ly workabl e No one, to my know'l edge, envies you your decision It nright not only chanqe the character of the"life we knew, but pose questions as to derivation of'legal authority for changing same. There are solutions in this case' as in all cases' given a sincere desire for solution and sufficient expenditure of energy and money for effecting a ioinder of reasonable comnon goa1s. Should any member of your comnission care to listen'to my proposed so'lutions, I wlll be happy to ob'lige. Sl ncerely, 'dzzpza '{AAZ iloanne Hi I I f q?2 : : 1r the lands. Or.'nC f It,!t.. -) ''ROTECT IVB COVL'}IA}ITS OF v}\IL vrLtnGE, t"II{S't rr r.ING. llicL! coul{fy, col,oR^r)o h'IEfLSf,S. Vail vil lacJa f nn, Ltd., a Ilnltcd parenershlp, oa'nc! ol D dl.vl(l(:d p()rL.i..Jn of tlrn foIl.o.ri.rrg descrtbcd and Voi.l t'55ociat.(,!',, Lt-d., a linritcd pirrtnL.rsh j.p, is thc of all oLher portiorts of Lhc follo'"/ing clcl;cribcd Lands: Rocordod Au6uat. 10, 1962 SooL 1?4 lagc lJ! a WI{ERE s, Vall vt11a9a'tnn,' Ltd,.. and Uotl *oo"roao", Ltd., herelnaf,icr Sonet jJnes refcrred to as g"rTrers, deslrc t,o plaec eergalD re5lrlctlons on thc usc of the Tracts, Elocks' and LoLs slh ct.flr on th() l.tap of Vall Villagc, Flrsc, 8!l!ng, f,or the bcncfj.t of Ourlers. 6nd lhcLr respect.lrre gE.1n.tecs, srrccr.::::or ancl asslgns, ln orclcr Eo escabllslr and rnalncatn the clLl::acE,::: and vnlu<r of real €stacc ln Vatl Vlllilge, NOI{, 'IIII|REEORE, ln consldcratlon of, tJ|e.prerilsc!;, V.rll Villagc Inn, Ltd., actlng herc by and through J. Roberc Fo,rl,:: A ttorn cy-in-Fac t utldcr a PoHcr of AtEorncy, dated t\uquil: J, 1962, rccorclcd ln Dool. /74 ot Page 178 of tha rccord.s of Lhc Cl,crk ancl'Recordcr of Eogle County, Colorado, and va!I ;r5soc!]' LtC., for'thclnsclves and thclr ra:;pcct.lvc grantees, suc(:esscrs an(l a5slgnsrdo hcrcby lmDo:;e, csLabllsh, pubLlsh, ac)..ncr-rlc,lqr, daclarc and agrec wiLh, co and for tha bencfll of all p':rsons who rnay hcrea f tcr purclrase or lcirse and f rom E,Irnc to' !1rrc so owrr or hold ;rny of the Tfacts, Blocks and LoEs ln vall !'ilJ-nge Flrst lrillng, Ehat thcy own and l',old aII of thc l.lnds tn V.rlI Vill;rgc. FlrsE Fillng, !rubjcct to the followlng restrlcLLorr3, covcnants, and condltlons. all of which shall bc dcF.rncd to n:.:t wlth thc land and to lnure to the bencftts of and bc bh{.llng r)pon Ehe cMners, thclr recpcctlvc irancces, succossorc irnd ar;sign:;,r I. PIANNING AND ARCTIIIECTUNAL 'CONTROL CO.\C.ITNEE I.t, eorunJ.f.tcc. The FIannltg and Archttseccura.'r Control Cornml-ttoe, hcrelnafcer referred to as fhe Cq:l'nll:ccc, shall conslst of flvc rr.rrbcrs vho shall be dcslgna'-cd by c'"r:c r thclr succossor or asslgnc, to revl€1r, study, and appro'ro or r.'cjecf proposcd lrnprovcrlclt3 trlchlJ| ch() arca dcscrLb4d .'-n --h.J l.lnp of Vait vi-lliigc, Flric, Alttng, of wlrlch chceD rcsEr'.ctlve covcnantE ;rf,c ma(lc a par'C.. I.2.. 8'1]_!_s_. The Corrunlttce shall :n,rke such rulas and by-Iaws and adoirE such p::oced\rrcs ag !t rray deem approprtatc to govern its procecdlngs. f .l. apgp13[ 9! Pl.nn, llo bulldlng, ouc bulldlng, fence, wlrlI or ocher lflllrrovehcnt eha11 ba coliseiucted, .:!3etcC or maintal.ncd on any TEact. Illock or Loi, nor shJli rny addl:l thcreEo, or altcratlon thcrctn bc madc, untstl plans lnd sp.rctl fat:lons shor.ring t,hc-: color, Iocatton, materlals, landsca3lng, .1nd such oghcri lnf,ornra tton rclaClng !o $uclr lmprovenent as '-'hc coffnituco nlay rea3onably requlrc shalI havc bccn c ubrnLt,t,cd :o and approvcd by Tlrc ConulltUcc ljr' trrtClng. I ..ir!\ .- U ThaL l)orElon oi Lhc lthllii; of scctrlon ? arrcl the .'ilrllh'k .rnd ..jDLttllri of !lcetion B, nIl. in Township 5 SouLil, Rnrrgc B0 lr'csL <)f Llrc 6 ih t,.]4. , Eii.JIc CorLrty, Col.or.1(lo, incJ.udr:d vrrLhin tho follou/- in5 dcr.:crli:,:d bountlaricl: lltginrllrr(_l aL ir rcrck co:'ne r on thc lilrc l,r-'!vt'r:n tlr(f abovfj such Scct,lons 7 nnd B, :;(:c for Llr,-r l,/16 corrlcr Lrutwc('n the Nt of 'said :iccEiorlr; ? and C, vht'lrcr: t,)lc \rJ Ln(.:1;s corrier to ti)(: 1./,1 cornc.r: bct-wr-'en such Scrctions 7 .1nC B, i.Iio i: rock corncr, l.rr:lrs $.0"23'n-, .r ClsLirrrcc oi 211.14 fr..('E; thcnce .q.8ro4I'It., a dir:tarrcc of 1t,40.93 {L-c.t irlol)q Lhc trrre boundarl' of r'hr h1ri Lc l(r.vcr N.rL.i.ona l. ForL.st; thcncc X,0"?1'!{., D dir.;ii.rrcc o! 422.58 ftur;, tl:t.:rc,-. il.8"13f1., .'r dirLirnce ot 4to.22 tcct l !ht:ncc S.'t2'i:, '11 ., a clir;t.;nc<: o€ 30'/.16 f(.:eLi thr:r,cc :r.8900?'n., :, ditiL.:rrtca af. 5'1I.69 fcct; Lhcrfcc 5.7r":f 7 'li., l diutarrce o! 70't.69 fco!; th.:nc,.; li,O'23't,'.. o dis:tnncc oi: 6.<,i,.7? f(:(.: to the ri ou.';h(': r 11' rJ ltlrt-of -w(r)' r l.n(a oJ: U. S. Itlqlrr.riy tio. {; i thurrr.ri: S.7g';;6,I1 . , a d.i.j;tancc o! 27?.F,.0 {rrt elong cuc'lr r;qrrrt-)rr:rl.y. r i(jht-of- .way 1i,)c of such U. !i. lljghwi:), No.. 6; ';henr:e S.0"02'n., ir cii:'tince r:f I?60,12 J'cr:u; tjrorrcc ]i.81"01"r,|., D clis ilrtrcc of 491.!3 f e c':l Llrcn<:e S.'J2"29 'W.. ir d:rt.U)cc of 4(r5.I2 f cr::t; LJrc r.rcc l.l .80"0'w., a disUorrcc of l?0.44 fccti th(tncc N,6Zo26'l{., o Cir:!nnce of 61I.50 fc4Lr L}rcncc N.0"09'?., a cl,itit l)ce of. 443.2 fcc.c; th/.jl1ce s.0!.''ri4'vt.. ! iir;tinco of 1322.52 fcct to ghe ;roi n t o{ bcA inn i rrr; . t,' t{,I 1.4.1. tha dultablllty of thc lrnprovencrt i:nd, tnat€Elal3of rrhlch l.t lrt Co bc construcEcd to tha sl.te upon whlch lt lslo ba !o::rt,:d t L..4-2. etrc naCure of, adjacent and nclghbortng l$prove_n4ntS i . t.4.3. the qul1lty of t' c rtu1tcrlal3 Co bo ucillzed, l,'rn7 ProPoced LoProvoncnt, nnd thc cffcct of any proposcd 1ngrovcmcnt on theadj irccnt or nalghborrng proparEy. !t chtll bc an bbJec[Ivc of .The Comrnlttcc to makecertnln :hrE no l,urro,.,cm(.:nt, wirl bc i:o shd-lilr.or sro clisslmllarco oghcrs ln El.!e vlc!'!ty th'!, vtlucs. honctary or aasureilc, 'd '- L I ba Lmp:r tre-d . t.5- Ilr"q! 9-l _&!- _c-c8m.tl-r_e.5 .Lal_l--]!rj. ro ^cr. rn etre.!','nt Th,r Comnl, r tr:r: f.'rll.s ro :rpprovu oi afilf,lfro"i-.pllis anA::!)!.clf !C.rtlons sulnieLccl t.o .!jC wlt]rin sljEy dnys of srrbrnlsslonar:''l no sutc to cnJol^ thc con:icruceron has bo"i.,. "ouunorraoJ-prro,to tlrc c,)mplc.jlon Hrcrco!, irpl:rovirl ftha.Il noe be rcqulrccl ir nd,th.r rch--ed covcnJncg :Jhall b,r cc t.cnninr.:d to havc bc,-,n 6u11,ccrnp Lled wlth. 2. L\ND TISE. llha L:rnds ln VaiI Vlllagc, Flrct Ftltng. shallb,: us cd ::or tho f,ollowtng purPo!; es : . ::.1. Thc Loe!; ln Rlocks I ancl ? shill be uscd onlyfor prlv;rtc resl,dcnccc, cac,h Lo con.aln noE morc tlran two lir.ipara.eJpi! I. t,tlr: nl:S :1 .2 . Thc nunbercd Lot,n ln Block 4 ahcl that piut ofSlock 5 ::h.olrrng 'LoLs r-!J un:j u !:ircyeLl,, anc ',LoLs 14-rB unsurrreycd,.nlurll bc r:scd onty for rcr"r-)rouscs. ?.3. Thc lcttL,rcd Lot!, ln Dloclc.r 2,3, S, S_A, E_g,5-g . 5 -O .rnrl 5-E ::hn Il. L:c nscd for aPnrErnenbs, ::r.Citll xhops,:;c!'Ylcc alrops. f,cst,atu:anEs lrrd tco-rooxuj, hoLcls, lo<lgcs,Irr():c:;slcn.rl of flcr.s antl rncrllcal cllnjc$. Itob!: I.t nn<] N of,!:l()ck 5-n rn;ry br: u.tcd n3 aucomol)lltl sr:lrvlcc {rcirclon sltos. 2.1. The Lote tn Slock 6resldences. EultL-farolly Cwclllngs,not .ltcensea to seMlquors. .'. shall be used lor p:!va!elrd rncribershtp ,clu.b houses 2.5. Tracts.; through j ana tfre arcas .sho.rn as p_1, , P-2 and p-3 shall be dcdlcated !o 6uch use as va!! .ns3octates,LEd... and J.ts succcssors anrl asolgns, sha!1 eestg"oao, j"=-!.:rno evcnt sharr such deslgna*-ed u'e ba rnconsrstel! vltf trc:.ecovcnin F,5 3 . EJ\s LyElgTs J\-blD RIGrrrs _oF_sr y_ 3.I. Easercnt.s a:rd r1gh--s_o€_way fo: roaCs, !tght:_-:g,hcatlng, clecirtelty. gas, telcr?hone. vater, seve!:ade. brlClcpa!l'rs, and pedesrrian g51rc1., and any o._her klnd o! publlc o= ::":1,f":]lc uslltry scrvicc arc rcacr../iC as shon/,n o:r -.}c p:a:of, Vatl, VlIIage, pirst Flllng. llo fence, va:.l. hedge, ba=i:e:or olher lnprovemcnt shaII bc arectec o: maintaljlcc-a:,o5g. c:r;across or withln thc arcas rcservcd f,or easer.ents and r1-chF-j_of-way. 4. ... SICNS. No slgn', btllboarCs, pcs:er bcardg oradverttslng stlucture of any krod cball be. ertcrcd or Fnrntarn..con any loc or ctructure 5or any pu4lose ehatsoevc=, ezcc?: !: uc:lsigns a5 havc bcen l5rprovcd by fhe Ccn.:nltEee as rcAsonablyneccssary for.the !dcnt!(1cat1on of, resldenccs end placcs o:bus lncss 5 . WATlp, A.|ID SFanCE. Each sCructrue Ccslgned foroccupclncy or use by hr.:_non beingo shall.conncce }'tth i.he r^,at,_irand sewcrogc facilrtlee of t].c vall water anc sanlia!!on Dr:j--!:c:,No prlvate ',rell shall be nsod as a source o: r.nater jor htr:l:r co:15,s?-tlon or irrigat.ion !n Vai! Vllltge, Fljrsc il:.1ng, nor :hai.! rnyfilclllty other than those provlde4 by thc vall '/ctcr ard, Sanr,:a_Cion Dlst,rlct be used for the dlsposal of sewage. .l.iachanl,c:r Igarbage dlsposal factllt.lee shall be provtCed, ln cach p_1-_chen or f,oocl prcparlng area. 6. TItnSE J\IID GA.rIBAGE. No trash, ashes or oL\crrefuso may be thro.,rn or dunped cn any land. wlthls Vall Vlllnge,Flrst FIIlng. Tltc burnlng of refusc olic cjf'doors ghall no: bepertnttgaC ln VaiI village, !.lrsc Flllng. No lncLnerator or ouher dcvlcc for the burnlng of refusc lndoor3 shalt be con=t=uc-tcd, lnsLalled or used by any gcrson er(cepg as approvcd by Thc rl, , I.4-4. ouElook o( any { Car;llttaa. Each -Dropcrty orncr shall provide sultablc recep- i.ac!4s for chc colLcctlon of rcfuce. Such receptacles shall be screencd fron publi.c vlcw ind FrotectcC fron .discur6ance. 7 . LMsTocK. t{o anlmals. }ivcctock, horses or pc.rl:ry of any i.:,nd exccpt, dogs, caus dnd oEhar household pets skall oe kcpt, rr!s,'rd or breri'in VitlI Villogc, tjtrsL frittng, rxccpr, Ln arcas deilgnirEed f,or such pulposcs by The Cony0Letec. 8. TI€ES. tio trccsj shall be cut, t rl:runed or removed, !n vniL VlIlagc, llrst FlIin9, c:(ccpts with prlor written approval oa Tllc ConinicCce and by pcrsons dcsign.rted by :fhc Coriunlttce. 9. SET Etr,CK lUjQUIRtl',.:jNTS . Thcrc shall ba no gcnoral r4qu1r.:ncnt. for the locaLj.on of inprovemu-nts with relat.ion top:o?cr:y llncs. but thc locrtion of c.rch imDrovcrr'tcnt tnust bc e:p:or.:d ln advcnce )rrr Tlr,: Committco. .L9::g:[ril_!I!g,_!!9. prgpg-rIrP:ov,rq rn a..vrnqe )!. r:\,) uorn'nrcrcc. .11=g::gj ll rlt_ll!s,_!.!.9. prgpg, Loca'::-cn for coch-!r,]prov(:rtrcrrL, .Ihc Conrnittcc slrir.:1 consider the Ioc!L:-.)n of cxigtlnc and futurc lrnDrov<urc lrnpr ov<:t!lg Ll q s .-on adJ accnt propertll,* o_c-rj::l o!_ cxrscrng anc. rururc rrrPr ov(:r' gn r!;.-on a(J a,-c.gnr Property i.:o_:. j,I-og_of ad j nccnt, propor ly o!^'rtcrs, end- such oLhar monctary .or adE:hetlc cons lcr.crat ion!: asi it m;ry clecrn appropri.rCc. lO. IJ,NDSCAPING Aj{ D CARDI:NING . AII surf acc areas il isturl:ccl by consLrucL:.on ghJlI.be rcturnccl protngEly 1:o Chc.tr n::u: : condLtion and rcpl ntcd in nltivc arasscs, exccpe whele ::uch 8.-cas are to bc j$provcd by thc construcLion of gnrdens, Lr...Trs, ir tid cxterlor Ij.ving arcirs, rvhich rvlll bc pernlttcd only ;r l ici l:hc plnns t.hcrafor r;h.r II havc bccn appr:ovcd by ,the Ct:-..n i, tl:cc . lI. ARA1 REQUIR!:IIENTS. No scructure dcslgncd for :rtn n \rsc or'habltatlon shall ba,conlrtrucLcd u[].css Lh(J aggregatO iloor irrea, c>:cluslve of opcn porchcs, bascmcnts, carports and(j:rrJges, rihalI be in c:.lcc:is of 900 s(!uarc fcoc. Tho Conunlttee :i'r)aII (-.ctcrmlne front thc Ccslqn of the ilnprovcmcnt v/hcthcr unl:en u'htch is paruially bclorv gradc shall quaLif,y as arcas to be Lncludt d l"itiin thc minimr,un pcrrnissiblc arca. 12 . TMDE n'A.rI]S . No word, narne , symhol, or comblnatton't),crcof shaLl bc uscd to ldu.nt.tfy for conuncrcii,l purposes a hous.o, :riruct'uro, busincsri or ccrvlcc in ValI V.tlIagc, Irirst, FiIlng, r:nlc.::i chc 6amc shall hilvc bccn flrut approvcd tn wrltlng by Ahe Cc:nr:l.i.l,i,cc . 13. TEI:,! on^Ry sTnumul€s. No tamporary structurc,(.):cavl!.ton, btscrnint, trallcr or tcnt shall bc permlttc4 ln valI Vlllage, Flrst Flllng, excepE'a6 rnay bc necessary during con- st'ructlon and authorlzed by Ttre Coflllnltt,ee. 14. CONTL&,ITY OF CONSTRUCTION. ]\lt struccu-res conmenced J.n ValI Vlllage, First, Irtling, shal!. be prosecured dlllgently to conpletlon and shaII be complcted wlt,hj.n t2 rnonEhs of corunencement, except wl.th wrlecen consenE, of Thc coruntttec. 15. NUISANCE. No noxlous or offensive actLvley shall be carrled on nor shall anythlng be done or pcrnltta'd, $/hich shaLl constltuCc a publj.c nuisance ln ValI Vlllage, Flrst FlIing. 16. FENCES. No fences, #alls or other barrlers shall be permlttacl for the purpose of, encloslng or demarcaElng propcrty boundarlcs tn Blocks t, 6 and ?. 17. EFrEgt ,L\D DUMTION oF CO\EN NTS. The condlt,lons, restrlctions., stlpulatlons, agrccments tnd covenants con:alncd hcreln shall be for the baneflt of and binding upon each tract. ln Vall vIllagc, Flrst IrilLng. and cach oh'ne r of properiy thcr:eln. his succcssors, rcprosentallves and asslgns and shall continue !n full foi'ce and effcct, unt.ll January I, 1999,.at, whlch timc they shall be automatically cxganded. foi 5 successlve terns of l0 ycars cach. 18. ,\IIEIIDMENT. Thc condltlons, resCrlc!'lons, stlpu- latlons, agreemcnt,s and covenants containcd herein shall not, bc waivcd, abandoncd, germlnated, or amcnded excep!. by vrrict.en conscnt of the owrrcrs ot. 15% of, the prlvately o*rrcd land tn- clucicd with!n the boundarlcs of'Va1L VlIlage, Fi.rst, Ftling, as ttre sarne may thon bc sho,rn by tha plat on flle ln the offlcc of the Clerk and Recorder of, Eaglc CounLy, ColoEado. 19. ENFORCEI"itrNT - If any pcrson shall vlolate or threaten to vlolate any of thc provlslons of ehla inst.ru'ncnt', lt shall bc lawful for any person orlt shall bc lawful for anv person or pcrs oqs._g.rnllg rcal:_ffi ,; E-rT-rr"[ !9_l$ll! u! o E 4i-r_-_ _."*'. _ 'e - ----..._=--_-___:_-at. IAw Or tn equlcv t'O entorco tnc DrOVlSlOns O! Chts rnsEru- IS!!, go_ r qs !"{1.U - the_p: l:9i : _kl " ! llg_e*Ufc E tc n I ne t o. vTolatE-_ltrdrfr,,.aiid-to ?-cEiine! airriageo.la-tuaI anil punlcti'c, for o j i o \I a -5- ?.4 ;.. I iI I { ,a I i f .l t 20. SEI'EEI\BILSIY. Inv-a}ldatLon of any onq of the provtslons of thls InstrurnenC by J rdg"nent or'ciurt orCer or dccroe shall tn no wlsc cffcct any of r}c other provLslons uhlch sltnl! rcmaj,.rt ln full force antl effcce. a Jtssoetates. Ltd., a as vlco prestden!, of is tho other General lldted, partae:sbl.p, and lry rtohn B. teeedy lhe va!! ColporaEton,. t.'hich co=poratto:l Partner of Vall Assoclatas, !:C. I.I'ITNESS my hand and s eal . E(EC{:rED thls 4 t}r day of ugust, }962. RobcrE If crnller, Attornay-ln-Pact for vall vlllage lrur, LCd-, Under thrts ccrtai-n Foh'er of; ^ttorney,dntc<l Augru-c ts 3 . 1962, and recoriled l.l1 Dook lJjL, oe Pagc LZL of, the recorCg of Eagle. county, ColoraCo .Tohn o. 'Ir,recdy - Vlce lrcsldene Jj sTrTE O3 COLOT..AIO I ot' CIrl .4}D COU:fllf OF DENVER ) mlc forcaolng !.nn truncnt' !'as acknortleCaod bef,ore me onAuSust4,Lg62,byJ.nobcrctrotlcr,asA+-torney-ln-Facc forVrlIVll'la9crnn.I.cd..unl.]cracerEnlnI,c'./erof^tt,orney, . Cncc.l Augue!, 3, L962, rccoralcd h Sook -!Z-, at' P^<Jo' t7E ' of,' , thc rccorcll ,of Llrc clcrk ancl Rccordcr of Eagtc cottltcy, colorado, arrclbyPcccrl.'.salbcrt.oncofthoGcncrllPartncrgofvall '. -7- My ccrlrDlssj.on l)qtlres , V,-*.C ?. ', a c ny }\ss LTD-, A LtnLted ibcrE - Gcneral Pargnof -A- o MEMORANDUM. The for the T0: PLANNING C0I'IMISSI0N FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: NOVEMBER 1, 1977 RE: PR0P0SED REDEVEL0PMENT 0F GONDOLA I SITE following is. a surrnary of the proposal submitted by Vail Associates subject site: ZONING SUMMARY CCI compE6wTEI-ii6Fosed SDD . ccl Requi red/Al I owabl e 5,000 sq. ft. none required Lot area $etbacks Distance between Height. Denslty control Bullding Bulk none required 35 1 .8 GRFA 17;764 maximum length 125' maxirnrm diagona'l .|60' ' walls offset I I for each5' of length Proposed 22,205 h|,- 0' E - approximately 24' N - 0' s - 0' 24' 'Minimum Plans not detailed enough to calculate/3 stories wil'l fit within height I imit. l3,649 l,laximum wa11 length - 132' Maximum diagonal - 148' Ilorst case - 132' with No offset buildings r_o ?age 3 - PrcpoSed redevelopment of Gondola I Site ( . Floor Area by proposed use and location tcontinued) Shop Connercia'l I Restrooms SECOND LEVEL Total P'laza Level 493 2,As 460 --FCondominium Units Cafeteria Cormercia'l 'Condominiums Total Second Level THIRD LEVEL --T'Condominium Units Tota'l Third Level 8,282 7,942 7,942 5,707 5,707 TOTAL GROSS SQUARE FOOTAGE 35,078 . 2,570 4,777 13,649 T0TAL NET SQUARE FOoTAGE 24,305 Total Vail Asseciates use(excluding storage, 'locker rooms and public restrooms) 3,309 Page 2 Proposed redevel opment of Gondola I Site o Site coverage Landscaping : rg] f, I rtv ZONING SUMMARY CCt compifi wiTfrlFopbsed SDo (continued) ccr Requ i red/Al l owabl e 80s 17,764 sq. ft. zo% 4,441 sq. ft. V.A.I. use 11.03Cafeteria 17..l3 Coumercia'l 15.92 Condominium_!8.9[- 62.00 Proposed 38'g Approximate'ly 8,500 68' Approximately 15,000 sq. ft. plaza (no detailed landscape plan submitteo) -0- Floor area by proposed use and location: BASEIiIENTl--FlFst Aid, Ski Patrol Va'il Associates Locker Rooms Storage . Conrnercia'l Total Basement PLAZA LEVEL --EETeTeria Ski Schoo'l Ticket Sales ' 902 1,757 8,556 I,932 . 2,570 I,168 746 13;147 sq. ft. .1, - - - o EXHIBIT C GOiiIOOLA II SCHEI'IATIC ORA}'II{GS BFtg*':m€- Fcl< .::' - GONDOLA tr REI-IOVATION JULY 2rr tl1l qoo s.Fr. uNr!.w EXHIBIT C Page 2 GOIIDOLA II SCHEMTIC DMTJIIIGS FFt ..F ': t{ $,f j't- EH .1, g z.: z aif; 'EI!.6 (t plo FEfiry <ar€EHH" 38. a a ,--F---hb- rF *-sg'$ -fr5.f; o -,U EXHIBTT C Page 3coNDotA It scltEl{ATtc oRAtlIlGs TF ititD*i {tt jt =' .l'85 d.S ag G $Tg( ': Ui d6 oo GOI{DOLA II SCHEI,IATIC DRA}IIIIG5 EXHIE:T C Page 4 Extsrl${G Goxsor-A, 4. :: t:: ( t.a 1-27 4I oo GOI{OOIA II SCHEI{ATIC DRAIIIIG5 ETHIBIT C Page 5' 5. R'T'F i$l \ iR \; .s, R\ i'-FRli .ttf*$i \rrk xH$,.,.._hl =S'sg i$ea t{ Q EtR' RH J\t:t '-'s".E oI luttn box lOO rdl, elorado 81657 lg)3, 47Ss613 Phllip E. Ordway ldanager of Commercial DevelopmentVail Associates, Inc Box 7Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: department of .community development December 30, 7977 Proposed Bedevelopment of Gondola f property Dear Phil: The revised plans for the proposed project, whichr have dated December 29, lg7z, have been reviewed in detailby our Department. The plans as submitted, are in conformancewith all applicable zoning regulations as set forth i-nTitle 18 of the ldunicipal code of the Town of vail , specificallyConmercial Core I zone district, Chapter 1g.24. Zoniug is hereby approved subject to your letter ofDecember 27 pertaining to valet parking and to easemenE agree-nents submitted as exhibits to your letter of December L6, rgrz. A detailed laadscape and pl-aza plan must be submittedfor approval and you should request conceptuar approval priorto proceeding wlth working drawings. ff you bave any questions regarding this approval ,please give me a call. ILST/gw cc: Rod S11fer, MayorTerry Minger S. Toughill Administrator Ftr.ro.,ro Heisht .|8.24.130 Density Control (G.R.F.A. ) .|8.24..l40 Bu'ilding Bulk PRELIHINARY ZONING REVIEt.l SIS4MARY I8.24.010 DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS 8.24.090 Lot area .|8.24..|00 Setbacks EXISTING None on west & south sides of building.l2' on east side. 35'-0" at ridge 25'-0u average height No G. R. F.A. 7 ,072 None Required. (No c.R.F.A.) Fenced in area I ,'l 20 sq . ft. None a'l 'lowed REqUIRED AND ALLOI{A8LE None required. See Article'18.54. one foot offset for each 5' of length over 50'. 160' on angle. 80% or 17,764 sq. ft. One ft. of open spaceper four feet of G. R. F.A. 14,250/4 - 3561 sq. ft. 2A% ot property 4,441 sq. ft. None PROPOSED - None on Y,rest- Varies on east 14 - 16 feet at== 4- 0n F.S. propertl on south- 32 feet on north Vari es. ,|8.24.110 D'istance between buildings Connected to Hi'll building None requ.ired. See Article 18.54. 35' average 80% .l25' unbroken wall on north. l25, one wall with 136' on angle tti.z+.tso Site Coverage 18.24..|60 Open Space 18.24.170 Landscaping ' .|8.24.'180 Parking 15 cars t,4 Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey October 77,1977 li4r. Tere1l J. llinger Tbwn l,{anager Tcnm of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Gondola frte : Design Revieqt Dear Terr1'; On Trresday, October 11-, 1977, Crordon Pierce flew out to reviqr with ne his prcgress drawings on Croldola One. I was pleased with the direction. lty @rrtrents are: 1. The deletion of the lowest condoniniun tmit, labeled No. 1 on the drawing, frees the total lower space of the large building for skier activities. Thi.s pennlts better arrange* ment of eating, vian'ing and ticket sales spaces and has the potential of extending a p\aza. like design throughout the total ground floor. Tlee design possibilities are excellent and it seens that there is room fot things such as a great fireplace, skier lockers, relaxing spaee, colorful barurers and posters, and a true center of the skler environnent. 2. TLrere is adequate space for a central storage and delivery room below grade. Apparently. other nerchants on Bridge Street are rnre receptive to sharing the use of such an area. The quality of Brifue Street vnuld ilprove if delivery vehicles are elininated. 3. The mass of the two buildings is still 1arge. Gordon has r.reny thoughts in revision of roof form and rla11 alignnent to reduee the apparent scale of the structwe. Ttre best architectural solution rnay require the deletion of the equivalent of the floor space of one condominium to achieve an acceptable design. The presence of the 2O foot easenent on the west side allolvs freedorn in the architecture and permits tree planting, This solves one of my serious concerrrs. l.andscape Architecls: Principals: Associares: 225 Miller.Avenue land Planning Robert Royston FASLA Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Urban Design -Asa Hanamoro ASLA Robert T. Batterton ASLA California 94941 Park Planning Eldon Beck ASLA Ccorge W Girvin ASLA 415 383-?900 Environmental Planning Kazuo Ab€y ASLA Robert S. Sena ASLA L.ouis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA lvlr. Terrell J. Minger -2-October L7, L977 4. Ttre nqss of the strrrctures is rnre solvable if two addi-tional condominiuns were deteted, one frcrn the north, one frrcnr the south building. Itrcwever, if skier facilities are superbly resolved, if the cmtral storage facility sar work, and if the scale and bulk of the building car be successfully resolved without loss of rmj-ts, I vould be incUned to respond rmre farrcrably. The arehitect sbould be gi-ven every opportunity to solve the design problem before we require building size reduction. 5. The location of the central p1.aza., design of grade changes, and overall cirsulatlon is inproved frqn our lasb neetilg, I'11 keep in touctr as design prf,gresses. Sincerely MYSIIIiI, I[AMI\4JIO, BECK & ABEY Eldon Beck bh/ cc: J IUr. Atten C'erstenberger lvlr. Cordon PierceIh. Ctrarles Langhoff [,!s. Diana TouehiU ,t Plerce Brlncr & Fltzhugh $colt lnc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box229tl Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 October 10, 1977 11,ll\/ I'tll" ,l : .rt ,i I r ll- { i.'\_\ I t.I l!\''tl l,'I \i ,,' r" l-i Mr. Eldon Beck Royston, Hanamoto, Beck & Abey 225 Mil'ler AvenueMill Valley, California 94941 Dear Eldon: Thank you for your letter of Septenber 29, regarding the Gondo'la Iproject. t,le do appreciate and share your concerns, especia'l ly those regarding the sensitivity of our vi11age. I thought that it would be he'lpful if I reviewed with you in writing the various points ofyour letter, so as to keep a'l I interested pirties abreast of our ongoing dia'logue. l. Since you were here we have greatly reduced the grade dif- ferences in the p1 aza area, but still fee'l quite stronglythat sorB grade change helps define the plaza, assists invertical pedestrian rnverpnt and inproves the view corridor from lrla'l'l Street. Perhaps you will agree with this point when I see you, or have the chance to change rqy mind. In any event I feel that ther^e is a more comfortab'le relation now. 2. A'lthough I am fairly satisfied with the circulation patterns around our project and with the relationship of adjacentproperties I feel we still need some work jn this area. 3. I feel that we have considerably reduced the complexity ofthe plan in the past two weeks and with a little more timeI know we can improve on the third dinrension. 4. The north half of this site is not totally resolved as ofyet, but we have made some good progress towards making itwork. I am not sure specifically what your thoughts are onthe subject. Mr. Eldon Beck Page 2 October 10, 1977 l,le learned two days ago that Vail Associates have a thirtyfoot easernnt along the west side of the building. [,le are present'ly waiting for inforvntion that will reveal what this neans to the prnject. I will prcbably have this data by Tuesday. I certainly appreciate your thoughts on the tirn elemnt and as you know by now there has been a helpful extension of the conceptual phase. 0n this point, however, I hope everyoneis aware that these efforts don't even begin to touch on whatI consider the design phase, not to mention the period re-quired for detalled working drawings. Page 2, Item l: Perhaps on this point we each have a difference of op'inion on what our project does versus what is there on the site.It definite'ly seems to rrE that our scheme greatly irproves the facilities for the skiers and the sunrrcrtirn guests. In our schere the plaza really becomes a definite and wel'l de- fined space versus a very arbitrary "no-mans" area in the heart of town. Also, I believe from the ongoing dialogue Phi I has had that most everyone has expressed a very good feeling toward the "l'lanmade" p'laza look. Page 2, Item 2: I agree that a tal'ler bu'ilding to the north would probably have a devastatlng impact on |.lall Street. I will bring along the view corridor sketches you prepared so that we can discuss them in rrore detail. In discussing with V.A. some of your concerns regarding the skier facilities I find only mild resistance to the location of the ticket windows and rnstly enthusiasm for the location of the ski school. Perhaps we can improve even more so on the concept when weneet. None-the-less, we haye discussed various a'lternatives with the rountain departmnt with the resulting schematic being preferred. Paqe 3, Item 3: As we discussed on the phone, this item js the rnin thrust and concern of your letter. This issue is really out of our hands, but I can tel1 you that theye is a genuine fee'l ing ontheir part that they are improving the area visually, eco- nomically, and functionally for the skiers and everyone in the business cormunity. 5. 6. In any eyent, I will notlfy you by ltonday rnrning about rV, Intentions for arrivlng ln San Francisco Tuesday afternoon. l{lth best regards, PIERCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT, INC. f5.a- t, !4r. El don Beck ./, ,,, Page 3 0ctober 1A, 1977 Gordon R. Pierce GRP/Jm cc: lilr. Terry Minger My. Jack Ftarsha't'lt16. Diana Toughill l,lr. Phil 0rdwqy .u VailAssociates,lnc. llr. S,. Douglas Mclaughlin' Esq. P.0. Box 1408 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Proposed Redevelopment Vai'l Associates' Village Gondola Property Dear Doug: This1etter is in response to your September 22, 1977 letter concerning ce,rtaln requests and concerns raised by your cllent, Mrs. Hlll. My.responses below reflect oui conversation in my office severa'l weeks ago, when you ldentlfied certaln ltems as needing written agreement and other ltems as helpful suggestions by Mrs. Hlll rather thin requirements. As such, I wlll address the issues relevant to written agreement first, specifically items I, 4, 5, I and 9 in your above referenced I etter. l. Restriction upon plac'i nq a ski business oq Ute premises: Vail Associates will ;gre r-a ski shoP, Pro- vided that such restriction on Vail Associates would be automatically dropped as soon as Mrs. Hill were to sell her property and/or cease to have a ski shop as a tenant in her buildjng. For purposes of this agreement, "ski Shop" ls defined-as a ;iiii commercial opeiation wirich provides ski iqulpment renta'ls and/or sale of the varlous types of major ski equ'ipment such as skis, boots, poles and ski clothing. 2. Repalr of Mrs. Hill's building caused ?v removel gf-the,brtelgygv.-t99f:_ Vail AssoETiG agrees to unlierwiite the cost of removal of the br€ezev{ay root as well as the cost of att reasonab'le repairs to the side of Mrs. Hill's building, consjstent with the existing condition and materials'in place on her building- 3. Avoidance of loud niqht-time operation: As we discussed, Vail Associates agrees to ur property which would create a n6ise nuisance in the out--of-doors. I belleve we agreed, however, that an operation llke a discotheque is permissible as long as it does not disturb Mrs. Hi'll. Altiough I feel that we have clear conceptual agriement on thjs issue at thjs tirne-' please be advised that any fonna'l agreement on ttrls subJect would require specification of declbel leve'ls, so that wi could a'll agree in advance on what level of noise is oUje.iionuUl; to Mrs. Hill. I might also mention that this issue lPPlies only to opirations generating noise within our cormercial space. Publlc disturbances in plUttc areaslare, as iltays, a respons'ibillty of the Town of Vail authorities. 0ctobe r 13, 1977 Box 7. Vail. Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 - a.J- 't1r. S. Douglas McLaughlln,Qq.Page 2 0ctober 13, 1977 4. First Righ!of Rcfusal for I'lrs, Hll'l to leqs!_lggme@ce: I would, of course in the new cormerclal space. At tnis time, however, lt ls premature for me to make a formal rlght-of-first-refusal corrnitrnnt, because I steadfastly represented to the public Utat we will not begin dealing with the tenant selection process until sometinB between Thanksgiving and Christmas. As I nentioned to you during our last con- versatlon in ny office, at this tlme, I foresee no problem whatsoever leasing some space to l.|rs. Hil'l , but I cannot lrrevocably conmlt to a right-of-first-refusal. lncldentally, by copy of this letter, I am requesting that Mrs. Hill send me a letterof interest concerning the amount of square footage and type of use she is interestcdin. I wjl I contact her as soon as we begin thinking about specifjc uses for theretall space, probably sormtime between Thanksglving and Christnas. 5. A choice no worse than second cholce for l'lrs. Hill to ourchase a condomlnium in the ne mr-;TITTas s00n-E thcy bccorne availabie for markct. 0nce again, however, I cannot formally commit at this time since we have not finalized product concept, let alone deslgn, and have not begun the vari ous other legal and corporate processes required before a real estate product can be offered for sale. As an attorney, I am sure you can appreciate the inadvisability of our making premature corrnitnents on sale of real estate. I will, however, keep Mrs. Hill informed of our progress so that she will be aware of when we p1 an to "go to market". 6. Restructuring of lhe [aserent: Per your letter and our various conversOtionsVailAssoheexiitingeaserrentbebveenMrs.Hill.s building and Chr:i sty Sports with an easement permitting general pedestrian access for the public, and vehicular access only for Vai'l Associates vehicles making del iveries to our new building. In the event that a1l parties are not successful in gaining sultable access to the southwest corner of our property from Mill Creek Road, we would need to discuss expanding the terms of the easement to include deliveries to other businesses and condominiums in our new developncnt. For the time being, however,I arn hoplng that with the support of Mrs. Hill and our other neighbors, we wil'l gain vehicular access from the southwest and thus not need general vehicular access across the subJect easement. 0bviously, it is in everyone's best interest to favor south- west access in order to enhance the pedestrainization of Vail Village. Vai I Associates would, of course, hope to have the full support of l'lrs. Hill during the approval proccss with the Town and the Forest Service in exchange for our making the above cormitments. i would also hope, however, that by working with Mrs. Hill on her specific concerns as we are now doing, there will be no need to formally require her support as a stipulatlon of a written agreernnt. 7. 0tjrer Desiqn Consideratjons: As noted above, I am assuming from our con- versationffiaresuggestiveratherthancontractualinnature. The lssues listed are: reasonable size and height of the building, preservation of Mrs. Hill's privacy through adequate setback of the upper f)oors, and location of the ticket office windows. From rccent conversations I have had with Mrs. Hill, and from what Gordon Pierce has told me of his meetings with l4rs. Hill, I believe Mrs. Hill judges our current plans to be reasonable wlth regard to size and height of - tv- -14r. s. Douglas McLaughl,.lru.Page 3 Oo.,oou,. 13, rgrT the building and protection of hcr privacy. (Futhernrore,0s she is aware, our latest concepts even improve her present view by setting the upper floors back sorpwhat from the existing southern property boundary). In any event, I wlll asslme she is comfortablc with how our present plans address these concerns unlessI hear from her to the contrary. Gordon and I will continue to advise her, as we have in the past, when another generation of refined drawlngs is available for her review. Concern'i ng the ticket window location, we understand and appreciate Hrs. Hi'l l's corments to date. t,le are presently working on a refinement of the pro- gram, to address sun exposure and skier comfort, while leavlng the ticket windows, recessed, along the eastern side of the bul'l ding. Because Mrs. Hill has such a wealth of experlence from watchlng our skling guest over the years, I certainlywill welcome her reactlons to our t'l cket wlndow deslgns the next tlme she ls ln Vail. I hope this response is adequate for your needs in preparation of a agreement or other instrument. These written responses are, I believe, with our conversation in qy office several weeks ago. Please give me a you have had a chance to prepare a draft of a wrltten agreement or would discuss these matters further. Sl ncere ly, cc: l'lrs. Bl anche C. Hi I I Mr. Jack Marshal I PEO/J letter of cons i s tent cal l when like to - JU- Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey Septernber 29, L977 illr. T1erre11 J. lD-rlger Ttovn lvlanager Tcxvn of Vail P.O. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gondola One Project : Design Review Ibax Terry: orr Wednesday, Septenber 21, tVf il , we ret with Ciordon flerce and Phi-1 Ordnray to reviery further design studies of the Crondola One Project. The rneeting was infornational in nature rathen than a forrsl critique. Ttrese were the rpst pertinent conments: 1. The ctrange irr levels and depressed central plaza space sesed to be forced. Elevation ctranges were perhaps greater than they strould be. Ttre spa.ces nnrst feel conforbable with ease of npvenFntr. 2. Ttre desip of circulation spaces and plaza spaces sltould consider the adjacent spaces beyond the 1ot liles of the proiect. The best solution must analyze the relationships of al.l adiacent properties. 3. Ttrere was a feelirrg of corplercity to the plan; perbaps because the drawings trere sketchy and because Gordon had 1itt1e advance notice of the rreeting. 4. I er<pressed specific concern that the north half of the site was not solved, 5- Concern was also expressed that the west side wa,s not successful for there is no space for landscape withjx the paroject. Associate: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robert T. BattertonASLA California 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Robert S. Sena ASLA Iandscape Architects: Land Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Roben Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASI,A huis G. Alley AIA Patricia Carlisle ASLA lvh. Temell J. Minger ^2 -Septarber 29, L977 6. It is apparent to all inrrclved that the project is a con4rlex one and will receive significant prblic interest. It was our feeling that Crordon was openatilg under rmreasonable tirne pressures. Phil agreed to relar< the time schedule and agreed that Cordon is to have the fr"eedom to explore a variety of design poss'ibilities. Ttrese were welccne decisions. Our discusslon wa.s wide ranging and we touched upon our rrarious attitudes tcmard the character and quality of the Village, the imporbance of skien cudort, and the irpact of this project r4lon the area. On Ttursday rorning, I spent sore tirre on tle slte, pbotographed the vierys of the rmrmtairts and the various sight li:res frso the project and tmard the project. It is e<trenely difficult to vi"stralize the scale and furyact of the current proposal. 'lt{y observations are these: 1. We mrst be particularly sensitive to the h-istoric use of the site. Although tbe property is private, the use has been that of public senrice botlr for sklss and forner surrnertire users of the Condola.I believe that the canrnmity vien's both the space and the ski operation as a p;blic use area and is quite concerned with a draratic change in use and appearance. This seens to be the seed of discontent and pnobable iatensive public scruttuy of any proposed change. 2. The enctosed prints represent ssre of the vieqs related to the site and also analyzes the approxinate'wiater tjsn sun and shadepattern. Inpacts of new structrrne on the viws should be carefully docuuented. lhe mintenanee of key viqns ha.s been a subject of discr.rssion and approval of ottrer Special DeveloprcntDistricts, such as the V.V.I. and The l,{ark, and certairtly has been reI1 discusred on the Ice Arena project. Ttre pa.ttern of sun and sbade seenrs to be key to the success of any project irr the Vl1lage. ltre north sides of buildlngs are cold and contained courts vfrich recelve limlted winten sun are not too confortahle. One could nrale a case for a lcmer building on the south side of a lxoject and a higtrcr building to the north. The potential center court space rould be nnrctr rnre pleasant. Ilcnnever, a taller rg.ss on the north section of the site has devastating turyact on Wal1 St:ceet and the leLzicr Building. [&. Teme11 J. Minger -3-Septarber 29, 7977 It seens also that the south side of the proposed stnrctrne rnay be desira.ble for ticket windcnrs with the possibility of food service on a second 1evel deck. Viens of the ski area arebetter frqn the second leve1 than the gr.ormd leve1. 3. f feel that it is necessary for Cordon to approactr the problem from a different direction. Desigrr for this partlcular site should begin frorn an analysis of wtrat the site can accotrDdatewith limited inpact on the conmrnity. That analysis and the buil*ing mass that evolves sttould be considerred as base linedata. Ttre skier conrfort aad the besL skier experience irrcirculation, vienring, eating, q(citstent, should thelr be given highest priority in location and design. Wlth these tuo key factors understoodl, it vouLal be possible thento add housilg units or whatever is deslred and judge wtrether the increased inpact on the cornnrnity is offset by the economic gai-rrto the developer. Cr:rrently we are starting with. an overly anbitious proeram (in my opinion) and have neither the npans nor the information necessary to criticize, evahlate, or under- stand whether the proposed pcoject is appropriate to the siteor not. Because of the unrlsual public fui4lact and ilterest, I suggest that the design prlcess be tailored to e:<plain and educate rather than to irqpose. It is a very *ifficult design problem and I will attenpt to assist creatirrcly as tture permits. I'm sendilg a copy of thiS to Gordon as well as a copy of ugr letter ofSepta$* 8, 1977 So that ny opinions are understood by all. Ir11 be happy to discuss this by telepoone or in reetiags at everyone's convenienee. ldr. Allen @rstenberger Itb. Diana Tloughill D[r. Sban Bernstein}h. Gordon Pierce Itlr. Crerry llhite Erel: Scpterber 14, 1977 o $l,800,000 x 7% $ '125,000 x 2/3 1e5,000 x't/3 0ut-o f-pocket GONDOLA I &ql_r-rtclj_gH_cmE-Ut fl0t', SCIIEDULE $.l25,000 (A-t fee) $ 84,000 Architects fee 4l,000 Engineering fees 3% X $125,000 = $ 3,750 (Budget) rfilrTH ARCH ]TECT STRUCT.MECH.0.0. P,TOTAL ompl ete 79' Sept. 0ct. Nov. Ibc. Jan. Feb. Itla r. Aprl I l,lay June July Aug. Sept. 0ct. llov. Dec. Jan $ 4,500 4 ,500 5,500 B ,5oo 8, 500 .| 0,500 l0,500 5,500 4 ,500 3,000 3 ,000 3,000 3,000 3 ,000 4 ,500 'l nnn I,000 $84,ooo 10,000 5,000 '1,500 '1,000 $18,000 l2 ,000 6,000 3,500 I ,000 $23,000 $ lso 150 200 500 150 250 500 500 250 250 250 't00 't00 100 100 100 100 $3,750 $ 5,650 4,650 5,700 g,000 8,650 l0,75.0 33,000 6,000 1 0, 750 g,250 6, 750 3 ,100 4,600 3,100 4,600 I,.|00 3 ,'l 00 $128,750 $ s00$ s00 7g' -33- oo-- .'l' t/-t- EASEMENT AGREEI',IENT , 1972, between BLANCHE C. HAUSERMAN of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado (hereinaften referred to as "Grantor") and VAIL ASS0CIATES, INC.; a Colorado Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee " ) . t{ITl{ESSETH, that in conslderation of TEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other good and valuable consideration to the grantor paid by the grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the grantor, for herself, her heirs, and assigns, covenants and grants with and to the grantee, lts successors and assigns, that it sha'|1 be'lawful for it, its agents, employees, patrons, and customers and any other person or persons for lts and their benefit and advantage to use certain land of the grantor herein- after described for ingress and egress, and for no other purpose, subJect to limitations and restrictions hereinafter set forth. The easement and right of way hereby granted covers the f o'l'lowi ng descrl bed stri ps of I and I ocated I n Lot L, Bl ock 5 C, Vai I Vi l'lage, Fi rst Fi I i ng , County of Eagl e , State of Col orado: A parcel 7.2 feet in width south of andparallel to the North line of the saidLot L, running from the Northeast cornerto the Northwest corner and contiguousto the North line of Lot L, togetherwith an additional and further easement7.3 feet in width running along the westline of Lot L, which 7.3 foot easementruns from the Northwest corner to the Southwest corner and is contiguous to and East of the l{est line of Lot L,excepting and excluding from the ease- ment along the said tfest line an existingextension of the building located on LotL, whi ch extension is approxinate'l y 2.8feet by 9.3 feet in dimension and is'located approxinate'l y 25.8 feet north ofthe south line of said Lot L. To have and hold the said easement and right of way unto the grantee, its successors and assigns forever. This grant ls made upon the following terns and conditions 1. Grantee, its successors and assigns lts agents, THIS INDENTURE, made tfris?ilaa v or |/Il;tlort^R;r',-.- t- ot f ce. employees and servants, and any other person or persons, for its and their beneflt and advantage shall have the right to pass and repass upon such land by the following means during the fol I owi ng hours : (a) at all times by foot; (b) at aIl tines by motor vehicles used by janitorial crews servicing the building known as the Gondola Building, for the ingress and egressof such crews, and for such purpose only; (c) only between the hours of 7t00 A.M. and8:00 P. M. f or motor vehi c'les other than those mentioned in subparagraph (b) above. ?. The land covered by this easement shall not be used for parking motor vehicles after the hour of 8:00 P.M. or before the hour of 7:00 A.M. except vehicles parked by janitorial crews servicing the Gondola Bullding, as required by the performance o such janitorial services, and only as required by such performan 3. Grantee shall erect and maintain in good repair a barrier against vehicular traffic said barrier to be located on a line which is the northerly extension of the easternmost face of the Hauserman Building; said barrier to be effective as a barricade against entry of vehicular traffic in or upon any portion of the roadway between the Hauserman Building and the Plaza Building to the north of the Hauserman Building, said barricade to be in the form of a gate or simi'lar devise, which sha'll be closed and locked at all times between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 7:00 A.M., except as required for the passage of janitorial crews servicing the Gondol a Buil ding. 4. Grantee shall maintain and keep in good repair the surface paving now on the land covered by this easement, in the same condition in which it now exists, and shal'l replace such paving as often as shaII be necessary to rnaintain it in its -2- o present appearance and condition. 5. Grantee shall at all times keep, save' and hold harmless, and defend and indemnify the grantor against all actions, proceedings, clains, demands, Iosses; outldJs, damage or expenses, including legal fees, which the grantor may in any wise incur in defending or prosecuting, sett]ing, or dis- continu'i ng any proceedings or actions or claims in consequence of or arising in any way out of the grantee's conduct or management of or from any work or thing.whatsoever done in or about the easement areas hereby granted, or arising from any act or neg'l igence of the grantee, its agents, contractors or employees, or .arising fron any accident, iniury or damage whatsoever, however caused, to any person or persons, 0r to the property of any person, persons' corporation or corporations' occurring on, in or about sajd easenent areas, and from and against all costs, legal fees, experiences and liabilities incurred in or about any such claim or any action or proceeding brought thereon. This conveyance'is made subiect to the express condition that the grantee use the easement hereby granted within the limitations of subparagraph I above governing hours and modes of use, and of subparagraph 2 above restricting parki!9 ot motor vehicles; that the grantee perform in accordance with the requirements of subparagraph 3 above governing erection' maintenance, and operation of a gate, and subparagraph 4 above governing ma'i ntenance and repair, and subparagraph 5 above governing indemnification. 0n breach of any one or nore of the conditions aforementioned, the grantor, her hei rs and assigns shall have the ri ght to re-enter, and to hold, own, and possess the eaSement areas hereby granted the same and in the Same manner -3- o and to the same extent as if this conveyance had never been made. If the grantee fails to perform any of jts ob'ligations hereunder, the grantor shall have the right to glve the grantee a notice of default. The notice of default shal'l set forth the nature of the obligat'ion which the grantee has not performed. If within the ten-day period fol'lowing receipt of the notice of default, the grantee in good faith commences to perform such ob'ligation and cure such default and thereafter prosecutes to completion with dil igence and continuity, the euring thereof and cures such default within a reasonable time, it shall be deemed that the notice of defau'lt was not given and the grantee shall Iose no rights hereunder. If, within such ten-day period the grantee does not commence in good faith the curing of such default or does not thereafter prosecute to completion with dif igence and continuity the curing thereof, the grantor sha'l I have the right to re-enter as hereinabove provided. The covenants herein contained shall run with the land as provided by law and shall be binding on a'll persons and all parties c'laiming under them. IN I.IITNESS l,lHERE0F, the her hand and seal the day and year said grantor has hereunto set STATE OF County of C0L0RAD0 ) ) Eagl e ) The foregoi ss. ng instrument was acknow'l edged by me this ?+day of TLWe,,- b--'^-.- , 1g7?, by BLANCHE C. HAUSERI'IAN. My Commi ss i on expi res , (" / Z& h L l,litness my hand and offici :'.*,1,,/,,/ AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 31st day of October, L970, by and between CRAMERUS, INC., a Texas corporation, of Vair, cororado, hereinafter referred to as 'rcRAl[ERus" and VAIL ASSOCrateS, INC.r a colorado corporation, of Vai1, Colorador hereinafter referred to as ,,VAIL., El!Lqg.sgrq: VIHEREAS, Cranerus is the owner of Lot K, Block 5_C, VaiI Village, First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, hereinafter referred to as Lot 'K,,i and WHEREAS, for the payment of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and varuable consideration, the receipt and suffi- ciency of which is hereby acknowledged, Cramerus herewith grants, bargains, selrs and conveys.to vail a perpetual ease- ment more specificalry described as follows: An easement g.0 feet in width North of and pararler to the south r-ine of the said rot K, running from the southeast corner to the southwest corner and contiguous to the south line of r,ot K, which ease- ment shall be for ingress and egress onJ-y for pedestriaa and vehicular traffic over and across the said Lot K. This agreement shall be for the benefit of, and bindl- ing upon the heirs, successors, regal representatives, or assigrrs of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this agreement as of the date above set forth. VAIL ASSOCTATES, rNC. CRAMERUS, INC. - t\n I *--gvj)!. L=---k'=rreslclent ATTEST: STATE OT CO COI'NTY OF LORADO4 ) ) ) SS: STATE OF COT'NTY OF The Secretary of ) ) ) foregoing instrument was acknowledged before The foregoing instrument.was acknowle.dge before me*i= 3l{ day or ilnr , reTo , o, (4rzrf il. lJ"ff President of VAIL ASSOCIATES, fNC. ""a foL^ D, ln:tt: as ASsf. Secretary of vArL AssocrArEs, INC. a Golorado Corporation- WITNESS my hand and official seal . My conunission €xpires hy Sonrissio; expiras f,gt 2l' lgl( COI,ORADO SS: ttris IL day or {t,lnn , _ , Lsl(, r" fu.&qqfnw me as President, and {tOW hltgt, as / CRAMERUS, INC., a Corporation. {FXL Notary P/rblic U ec;, {4"tt^ Pt,.,,t.-., .,- EsptcE&cr' 8, ,,Yn lb. Terrell J. l{lngen l!s1 Mnnngq, lbriu of VatI P.O. bx 1O0 V&11, 6lora& 8165? nsi Gmdola hs Dear ltsry: C Septs$on 7,7gTI Pnofeson von Eclt&e and I mt wlth Gor&s Pidro and Phll C'&r4y ol V&11 Amoclatee to renlew tbs r*'dola &o nnalysls drarhga. I l6tt hrnnrr{.tteo @IEots rtth Dlau lor rm wlth tho Pfannfng Dm$d tn tbtrdfsno:lms trlth Ur. fudnCy o Soptder 8. . .lS.ructlona Fo tbmo: 1. Tho eawfngn wro for o@rrulc nnalyalo rrtbm tban pbgafcal plarurlng ond et&ly do lot provfdo iaeq,rsto lnformt-loir tor do€tgn roactlon. Grtu quslttl€d ttrn totelfy aad agrwthrt doslp mE t ltrrocood. 2. tho urlysLs lrtls to osElgn sdequnta fhrfty to tbo prltrnry fi.netlco ol tbe slte rfilA ls tho quaUty ol eowlce to tbo skLc. Physfunf pfrmiog nxft be poodad by rthtngh andyels ol sld.c nmds - tbi.oSE ancb ra opoce fcr EalttJtS llnea rt tlckot slndow, aholt€a at rrattlnf.rrtens, wtnd dbectlon, st ond lco bulldrp, bg:fcd clrculatlsr cdtn nfnlnn ccogwtlm, t.bo vlslblllty of dsstbstto rsd uouDtatna lrcn tb6 ttolct rsoa, tho tota,l quftty of oqclenco. lbo epace pwfdoa for tbss trrncttos aDd tb locsttm of ffibgtbt.boryaadpbynloal..,.: , : I?ro pl.mry dlrwtld of ths amlplr rt tbls tlm appara ffi rffi*i# "f'" sr*.ulr'. rrtbc tbn v -34- ltr. Te[TslI J. U1n6'c -2-Sopta$q I, l9Tl '. ' j' 3. Godo gtatod tbBt a mdsl o! the rro ms bolng trrllt to afd srrcryone |:r urdffsts$dtn6 tb fupoct m ths Epsco.ftls wfl1 bo rn lnnluable tml. I zuggsst sLso tlat tbo eito bo plDtogreDbod frcrn all lq vtcnpolnte and that ba.lltrrs ur sE dmlce bo ueod to el'nrrrto tbe pobobto b.rlk of dssl8n p@enfs, llt thl,B ttm lt mo tbat tho dclre for ocmd,a rshr:D rll1 weed tho b1d!ry cafnoff of tho adto. ' {. tho rcnreentattcn of fenOecnptry sr t.bo boscstt stnatrre Le Dot rsolrstlc. Ih abeanco ol any pclmtc plnntlns cr tho north, $€st rnd mugh d.des beaum of zco lot ltno conntructlon ts rt roapoctfu.l of ths nolghbore or ccrrunlty Cdtfu wls !,rmr€ of tbso pctblem rlso. ,{ll of tbffi concdrna qono ogossod tn tho metfng. fits m€rttng echs&rlo etabl.lshod rpltos trcrrcodfls lEt@rrs to tb rrchlt€ct and I m gulto onccmod tbst bs i/tll Dot be gtm tho tlrn to firlLy r@rch d€fun opt{roq End to rsach $ mlut{oo esnsltlve to a.U concsrns. lbc pmJoct ts too fEortatrt ,^ to the Ttno to msh tbrsrg!. I heo to rqrlon tno progrosE of tbe ptoJect m uy nct trlp. r : , Slncaroly IttrImN, HAIiU$gIo, EfK & Agldr ' Btdon B€ck bh@: Ilr. All.cn Clenrtrlrtbcggr llb. Dlnn.a TollghfU . Jf,- , Ord Anpllcatlon Da te APPL ICAT ION TOR VAR IANCE And/0r CONOIT ICNAL USE PERMIT I nanco No. 8 ( Ser les o{ l9?3 ) September 6, 1977 Pr.rb l t ca f lon 0a f e Hea r i.n g Feo on da+e for Town Councll t (we) Vail Associates, Inc.of Box 7 Hear I ng Da te F t na I Dec i s i ( Ap p I i ca n t ) Col orado (Address) Va'i'l pnone( 303)476-5601 (State)(C if y ) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vail Planning Comniission to request the followirig: t/erience f rc:? Article Section zon ing chanse rror--' -CU'TI--'t;-- SDf-- Park ing Variance Conditiona I Use Permif to allovr For the following described properiy (see attached) Zone. : Lot/ t ra ct_, B I ock ln Fi ling Number Clearly state p u rpose and intent and refurbishing of portions of of this application R€d€velopment the LionsHead Gondola Terminal compl ex. NXXXXXXXtb)0xXb,tXXX)il)6\t6\)bvd6\'Xe\X0b\,Xn(JXdt(d(XilX|(,(XX0(XXXXXXX ?- (see attached) gnatui.r et APpli air t Vail Associates,nc. EXHIBIT A (Attached to and made a part of a lease dated December 3O, 1974 between Vail Associates, Inc. and Earl S. Dye, Trust,ee) THE PROPERTY The following. described property in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado: A parcel of land that includes all of Lot 4, Block l and parts of Tract C and Tract D of vail,/ Lionshead First Filing, a subdivision recorded under reception number 113260, in Book 27L aL Page 676 of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Reeorder's Records, said parcel of land being more parLicularly described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of Lot 4, Block I, Yail/Lionshead First Filing, thence Lhe following three courses along the east boundary of said Lot 4: . (1) S 04o35'58u E a dist.ance of 59.15 f eet; (2) S 85" 24'02" w a distance of 12.06 feet'; (3) s 04"35'58" E a distance of 190.90 feet to the southeast corner of said Lot 4; thence conti,nuing S 04"35'58" E for a distance of 102.81 feet, across Tract C, Yail/Lions- head First Piling and into Tract D. Vail,/Lionshead First Filing; thence S 85"24'02" W for a distance of l-87.2I feet through said Tract D and across said Tract C to a point on the west boundary of Tract C; thence N 12o43'23" W along the west boundary of Tract C, for a distance of 103.85 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 4; thence the following seven courses along the west and north boundary of Lot 4:(1) w L2" 43 '23" v{ a distance of 16.70 feet i Q) N 44" 50'09" I{ a distance of 52.02 feet; (3) N 4o35'58" W a distance of LO?.84 feet; (4) N 27"05'58.u tr{ a distance of 33.87 feet; (5) N 4o35'58" Iri a distance of 38.47 feet; (6) N 28"44'30" E a distance of 25-37 feet; (7) N 85o24tC2" E a distance of 248.96 feet to the point of beginning, containing 79,780.63 sguare feet or 1.83I acres, more or less. Together with all (a) the right, title and inter est, if any, of Vail in and to any land lying in the beC of dcdicat' streets, sidewalks, gutters, curbs, roads' alleys or avenues, o Hearing Fee Appllcaflon Hear i ng Da te F;nE1 Decisi . APPL ICAT ION FOR And/0r CONDI T IONAL USE 0rd Inance No. 8 (Ser Da+e September 6, 'l 977 on date {or Torvn Council VAR I ANCE PERI{ IT les ot 19731 Pvbllcation Da *e I ( we )Vail Associates, Inc.of Box 7 (Applicani) Co'lorado (Address) Vai I pnon. (303)476-5601 ( State ) (C if y ) do hereby request permission to appear before the Vai I Planning Cornm'i ss ion to request the f ollowing: Variance {ror,'r Arficle , Section Zon ing change i ror cT-r-'to sDD- Park ing Va r iance Conditional Use Permit to allow For the f ollow in Zone Part of ing described property: Lot/tract C , Block 5C Vail Village First Filing (Village Gondolr Property)Fi ling llumber Clearly state purpose and intent of this application For demolition of existing structures and development of new structure(s) on the property. 'fi TJff fiT*{fi9fi iII I R ii gITXI6XX/FHf'K\ XY.O\'X HJXilX'( X XXX XX XXX XXXbXHf A part of Lot C Block 5C. Vail Villa Coun Colorado, bein re rti cu I "r inninq at the west l/4 of Section 8, Townsh'i 5 South, Ranqe West of Principal Meridian: thence 5 8 ' 00" l,l a dis nce f 179.45 f to the TRUE POINT 0F BEGINNING; thence N l0o 5l'40"l,| a distance of 241.62 feet; thence N 790 29' 44" E a N l0g 30' ]6" t^l a distance of 6.00 feetT (cont.inued on next page) di s tance thence N g TO 40.00; thence 29', 44" E a rirc Ef Applic Associates I PR0PERTY DESCRIPTION (cont'd. ) o '.1t;:: dlstance of 4.00 feet; thence S l0o 30' l6u E a distanceof 42.00 feet; thence N 79o 29, 44" E a distance of 43.57feet; thencg S llo 07, 00', E a distance of 221.60 feet; thence S 89v 44' 00,' 1,1 a distance of 89.86 feet to the TRUE POINT 0F BEGINNING, containing 20367 square feet or 0.47 acres, more or less. .1. t t . SCHEDULE OF HEARINGS & NOTICES SPECIAL DEVELOPI4ENT DISTRICTS VAIL VILLAGE GONDOLA & LIONSHEAD GONDOLA FOR FOR REOEVELOPMENTS September 6th Appllcation for Speclal Develop,ment Districtto the Town for I and I I del ivered 4 September 8th September 9th September 29th September 30th {htober 4th 0ctober lSth llovember lst lbvember 4th lbvernber 9th Preliminary meeting with Plannlng Cormission Notice in local paper Fgrmal Hearing, Plann'lng Second Public Notice l,lorking Session with Town First Council Hearing and Second Council Reading Third Public Notice - Ordinance Becomes Effective (eartiest possib'le date) Cormission Counci I First Reading of Ordinance ' tl l[El[o Exlstlng lloor Area By Use Gondola, storage, kitchen . and miscellaneous Vail Associates Office Commsrs141/Betai 1 Restaurant/Cafeteria 24,690 . 4 15,1?8.5 2,53O. 5,O79.25 47 ,478.r5 Proposed Floor Area By Use Gondola, storage, kitchen and mlscellaneous Vall Associates Offlce Commercial/RetaiL ' Restaurant/Cafeteria 54,301 .15 Proposed Addition g,?30.12 square feet 6,489 comnercial_ space 2,24O office space Parking Bequired 2g spaces 24,690.40 15,511 . ?5 I,019.75 5.O79.25 ORDINANCE NO.Serles of 1977 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 8 AND AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OI'TICIAL ZONING MAP. IIHEREAS, Article L, sectlon 1.201 , of the Zoning ordinance ordinance No. 8, series of 1923, of the Town of vai1, colorado, as amended, established thirteen zoning districts for the munlcipality, one of which is the special Development District; ' WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted an application requesting that the Town establish Speeial Development District 8, hereinafter referred to as "SDD 8", for the redevelopment on its parcel of land comprising 1.831 acres in the Lionshead atea, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more completely described on attached Exhibit "A"; WHEREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 8, wlll ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critical site as a whole and in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated. WIIEBEAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to establish said SDD 8. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, BY THE COUNCIL OT'THE TOWN oF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLIOWS: Section 1. Title This ordinance shall be known as the "Ordinance Establishing Special Development District 8." Sgction 2. Amendment procedures Fulfilled; Planning Commission Repor.t The amendment procedures prescribed in Section L8.66.13O of the Municipal code of the Town of va1l have been fu1fi1led, with the report of the Plannlng Commission recommending the enactment of this ordinance. Section 3. Speclal DeveLopment District 8 Established; Amendments to Zoning Ordlnance and Offical Zoning Maps. Pursuant to the provisions of TitLe 8 of the Municipal Code, of the Town of Vai1, Colorado, as amended, Speeial Development District 8 (SDD 8), a special development zoning distrlct, ls hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land comprising f.831 acres in the Lionshead area of the Town 'of Vail, and Title 18 of the Municipal Code and the Official Zonlng Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions which shal1 become Chapter of the Municipal Code which shall be "Speclal Development District 8" and a tnap which shall beeome an addition to the Official Zonlng Map. Eecliqn_4. Purpose of Special- Development District. A special development district is establi.shed to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that wil} be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail, Colorado, provide adequate open space, and paomote the objectives of the Zoning Ordinance of the Town; a special district will be created only wlien the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council , Planning Commission, and Design Review Board, and there are significant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied under the existing zoning. Section 5. Approval of Development Plan. A. The Development Plan for the redevelopment of Gondola 2 which is part of its said application shall be incorporated by reference, and made a part of Special Development District 8 and constitutes a general plan and guide for development within the Special District. (2) B. Amendments to the Approved Development PLan which do not change its substance and whlch are .fuIly recommended J.n a report of the Planning Commisslon ma;l be approved by the Town Council by resoluti.on. C. The development shall require the prior approval of the Design Beview Board in aecordance with the applicable provisions of Chapter 18.54 hereof. (I) The Development Plan sha1l be amended to . reflect Architectural detail . Section 6. Content of Proposed Development Plan. The proposed devel-opment plan sha1l include but is not linited to the following data. A. A site p1an, at a scale of 1 inch equals 4O feet or larger, showing the locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures, uses therein, and all princi.pal site development features sueh as landscaped areas, pedestrain plazas and walkways, service areas, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas. B. A prellminary landscape plan, at a scale of 1 inch equals 40 feet or larger, showj-ng existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as pedestrian plazas and walkways, and other elements. C. Schematic building elevations, sections and floor plans, at appropriate scales, in suffici.ent detail to determine floor area, general circulation and use location, and general scale and bulk of the proposed redevelopment.. Specific detail for these items and the appearance shal-l be submitted prior to approval of a bullding permit. D. A vol-umetric model, of the site and the proposed development documented by photographs, at a scale of I inch equals 20 feet or ]-arger, portraying the scale and relatlonship of the development to the slte, and illustrating the form and mass of structures ln development. o (3) o Section 7. Permitted Uses in the Special Districts. A. A11 permltted uses wlth the exception of dwelling unlts and accommodatlon units as deflned in the Commercial Core 2 Dlstrict, Chapter L8.26 of the Municlpal Code wlth floor areas not to exceed the following limitations: Permitted Use Floor Area Vail Associates Mountainrelated operations Vail Associates Corporate Offices Betail 24,690 L7,45O 9,020 Section 8. Conditional Uses in the Special District. A. A11 conditional uses as defined in the Commercial Core 2 District, Chapter 18.26 of the Municipal Code, and subject to the issuance of a Co.rditional Use Permit in accord with the provlsions of Chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code. Section 9. Accessory Uses in the Speci"al Distriets. A. A11 accessory uses as defined in the Commercial Code 2 District, Chapter 18.26 of the Municipal Code. Section 10. Development Standards. The following developneut standards are minimum development standards in the Special District: A. Lot area and site dimensions. The Speclal District shal1 consist of an area totaLlng L.SSL aeres as specified in Section 3 hereof. B. Setbacks. The required setbacks shall vary as indicated in the Development Plan, providing space for planting and an acceptable relationship to adjacent pedestrian ma1l. C. Di.stances between buildings. The minium distance between buildings on adjacent sites shall be as indicated in the Development Plan. D. Height shall be as indlcated in the Development Plan. E. Density Control There shall be no gross residentlal fLoor area (GRFA) permltted In the Special Distrlct. (4) F. Building Bulk Control. Bulldlng Bulk, maxlmum wall lengths, maximum dimenslons for building erements, requirements for wal1 offset and vertlcal stepping of roof lines shalL be indicated on the approved Development Plan. G. Site Coverage. The site area to be covered by bulldings sha1l be as generally indicated on the Development Plan, but in no case shall exceed 457o of the total site area. H. Useable Open Space. Not Applicable. I. Landscaping and Site Development. At least 40 of the total site area sha11 be landscape and plaza area. Landscaping and other site development shall observe the landscaping coneept as indicated in the approved Development Plan. J. Parking and Loading. (1) Parking and loading sha1l be provided for new commercial floor area conslstent with provisions of Chapter 18.52 bereof wlth the exception that such pgFing Tgy be offsitlin a locati.on acceptable to the Town of Vail. The Development Plan shal1 be amended prior to the issuance of a building permit to refl-ect the parking p1an. (2) Loading, delivery, and garbage facilities sha1l be off-street and beneath the structures covering the service yard as lndlcated on the Development P1an. Section 11. Conservation Controls. A. Developer shatl incLude in the buildlng construstion energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of constructi-on. Section 12. Recreational Arnenlties Tax. The recreational amenlties tax due to the new floor area wlth SDD 8 under Chapter 3.36 of the Municipal Code, shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed $0.75 per square feet of additlonal (5) floor area and shall be paid prlor to the issuance of a butlding permit. Section 13. Effectlve Date. This ordlnance shall take effect flve days after publication following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON TIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ONDERED PUBLISIIED ONCE IN tr"ULL, this and a public hearing on this ordinance sha1l be held at the reguLar meeti.ng of the Town CounciL of the Town of Vai1, Colorado on the at 7:30 P.M. in the Municipal Buildlng of the Town of VaiL. TOWN OF VAIL BY: ATTEST: (6) ,--}| )-.?.t .,: '\V VailAssociates,lnc cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Box 7, Vail, Colorado 8'l657,303/476-5601 September 6, 1977 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of Vai'l P. 0. Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Redevelopment of Vai'l Associates' Village Gondola and LionsHead Gondola Properties Dear Diana: As we discussed last week, enclosed please find applications made by Vail Associates, Inc. for two separate Special Development Districts, to be created for the redevelopment of our Vi11a9e Gondola and LionsHead Gondola properties. After rev'iewing the alternatives, we agree with you that the Specia'l Development District approach js much preferable to seeking variances from existing ordinances. I have a'lso enclosed a copy of the schedule that we discussed last week. Please note the addition of a working session with the Town Coun-cil on October 4th (per my discussion today with Allen Gerstenberger) ;I would appreciate your advising me as soon as possible of any inaccur- acies or changes. Unless I hear from you to the contrary, I t^lill assume you are tak'ing care of al1 public notites (including thia'Friday's) and scheduling of a)l meetings. Your assistance in this rather complicated matter js most apprecialed. [.le look forward to working with you at length on these programs. Si ncerely, ,TES, INC. Philip E. Manager of 0rdway Commerci-al Devel opment PE0/s I Encl osures Terry Minger Al len Gerstenberger Gordon P'i erce Harry Eass Jack Marshal l I7 I.IEMORANDUM. I '| T0: PLANNING COMMISSION ER0M: DEPARTMENT 0F C0lii4UNITY DEVEL0PMENT DATE: N0VEMBER 1, 1977 RE: PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT OF GONDOLA I SITE ' The followinq is a sumnary of the proposal submitted by VaiI Associates for the subject site: ZONING SUMI'IARY CCI compared with proposed SDD . scl Requi red/A'l I owab'le Proposed Lot area 5,000 .sq. ft. 22,205 Setbacks none required ll'- 0' E - approximatelY 24' N-0' ' s-0' Distance between buildings none required 24' 'Minimum Height. 35' Plans not detailed enough to ca'lcu]ate/3 storieswill fit within height I imit. Density control 8 GRFA17,764 13,649 Buildinq BuIk maximum length I25' Maximun wall length - '132' naximum diaionai 'l 60' ' Maximum diagonal - .|48' . walls offsel ]' for each [lorst case ' 132' with . 5' of length o offset 3 posed Floor Area ( a of Goredevel opment ndola I Site by proposed use and location (continued) tt Shop Cormercial Restrooms 493 2,W5 .460 8,282Tota'l Pl aza Leve'l SECOND LEVEL 5 Condominium Units 7,942 Total Second Level 7,942 THIRD LEVEL ----T Condominium Units 5,m7 Tota'l Third LeYel 5,7OT TOTIL GRO55 SQUARE FOOTAGE 35.078 TDtal Vail Asso:iates use . (excluding storage, locker r:oqtt6 and public restrooms) Cafeteria Cormercial Condominiurns TOTAL IIET 24,305 3,309 2,57O , 4,777 13,649 SqUARE FOSTASE a --" Proposed reoeveiopment of Gondo'la I Site 2 Site coverage Landscapi ng Parking ZONING SUI.iI4ARY CC I compEFE?-iliiTF-EToFbsed sDD (conti nued ) ccr Requi red/Al lowab'l e 80% 77,764 sq. ft. z0% 4,441 sq. ft. a ( Proposed 389 Approximately 8,500 681' Approximately 15,000 sq. ft. plaza (no detailed landscaPe plan submitted) : ' 902 1,757 9,556 I ,932 '13,147 sq. ft. 2,570 1,168 746 V.A.I. use 11.Ci Cafeteri a l7.lT\ Cormercial 15.9'l) Gondomin'ium 18.00 62.00 Floor irrea by proposed use and location: BASEI'IENT -0- ---Tirst Aid, Ski Vail Associates Storage Corrnerc i a'l PLAZA LEVEL Cafeteri a Ski. School Ticket Sales Patrol Locker Rooms Total Basement -r-a tt tt Floor Area Ratios in CCI Building A e I Building Casino Covered Bridge Store Gal1ery Golden Peak House Gondola Ski Shop Lazier Arcade Lodge at VaiI McBride 81d9. MiIl Creek Court Plaza Bldg. Red Lion Gore Creek Plaza Creekside Bldg. Rucksack Schafer Btdg. Sitzmark Slifer & Co. VaiI Blanche Gasthoff Gramshammer Average F.A.R. Lot Area Bldg. Area r970 F.A.R.Additions L.4/L L.6/L 972 2 .4/I 2 ,364 1,8/L 2.8/r includes.96/L addn. 11s02.s/r 116 .32/t L65,302 t.75/L 2.L2/L t-g/L 1509 .54/L 3,015 2 .4/t L,220 L.s/t 800 L.3/t 820 , nn3-5e/r 2E\ L.7 /L .4/L l, 8oo from V.A. 5,400.88/L 1s3 2.63/L Current F.A. R. 6 ,ll3 7 ,692 4,674 3,186 6,928 4 ,653 7 ,059 L32 t52l 8, 881 9r955 L2,837 L3,247 I , J)) 10,194 4,2O2 4 ,990 20, 000 3r016 8,498 4,734 14,269 8 1572 11,965 11,354 5,600 19,098 4 ,444 20,600 42,863 15 ,500 2L,L04 22,639 7 ,200 18,000 14,980 5 ,351 17,500 33, 800 I,250 purchased 4 ,180 37 ,609 L.4/L L.7 /r 2.9/L 1.8/L 2.8/t .96/r 3.r/L L.s/r L.8/L 2.L/L L.e/L .77 /L 2.s/r L.5/r L.5/t 3.7 /I L.7 /L L.0/L t.L/L 2.6/L L.9 /L i ORDINANCE NO.Serles of LgTT- AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPBCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT 9 AND AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND THE OFFICAL ZONING IUAP. IYHEREAS; Article 1, Section 1.2O1, of the Zoning Ordinanee, Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1g?3, of the Town of Vail, Colorado, . as amended, established thirteen zoning districts for the munlcipality, one of which is the special Development Distri.ct; WIIEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, submitted an appllcation requesting that the Town establish Special Development District g, hereinafter referred to as ITSDD 9t', for the development on its parcel of land comprising O.47 acres in the Vail Vil11age area, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more completely described on attached Exhibit rtA'. WffiREAS, the establishment of the requested SDD 9, will ensure unified and coordinated development and use of a critlcal site as a rvhole and in a manner suitable for the area in which it'is situated. lIIIEREAS, the Town Couacil considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, lnhabi-tants, and visitors to establish said SDD 9. NOW, TITEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED By THE TOIIN COUNCIL OF THE TOIIIN OF VArL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOIIrS: Section 1. Title This ordinance shall be known as the "Ordinance Establishing Special Development District 9." Section 2. Amendment procedures FulfiIled; Planning Commission Report. The amendment procedures preseribed in Section 18.66.I30 of the Municipal Code have been fulfilled, with the report of the Planning Commission recommending the enactment of this ordLnance. Sectton 3, Special Development Dlstrict 9 Established; Amendments to Zoning Ordinance and Official Zoning Map. Pursuant to the provlslons of Title 18 of the Munlclpal Code, of the Town of Vail, CoLorado, as amended, Special Development District I (SDD 9), a special development zoning district, is hereby established for the development on a certain parcel of land eomprising O.47 acres in the Vail Village area of the Town of Vai1, and the Municipal Code and the Official Zoning Map are hereby amended by the addition of the following provisions which shall become Chapter of the Municipal Code which shall be "Speci.al Development District 9" and a map which shal-l become an addition to the Official Zoning Map. Section 4. Purpose of Special Development District, A speical development district is established to assure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail , Colorado, provide adequate open space, and promote the objectives of the comprehensive plan of the Town; ordinarily a special district wilI be created only when the development density will be lower than allowed by the existing zoning, and the development is regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council, Planning Commissio_n, and Design Review Board, and there are signlficant aspects of the special development which cannot be satisfied under the existing zoning. Section 5. Approval of Development Plan. A. The Development Plan for the Gondola 1 Redevelopment which is part of its said application shal1 be incorporated by reference, and made a part of Special Development District 9 and constitutes a general plan and guide for development wlthin the Special District. B. Amendments to the Approved Development Plan which do not change lts substance and which are fu11y recommended in a report of the Planning Commisslon may be approved by the Town Council by resolution. (2) C. The development sha11 require the prlor approval of the Deslgn Review Board in accordance with the appllcable provislons of Chapter 18.54 hereof (1) The DeveLopment Plan shall be amended to refLect Architectural detail of each phase. Section 6. Content of Proposed Development Plan. The proposed development plan shaLl include but is uot limited to the following data. A. Existing and proposed contours after grading and . site development having contour intervaLs of not more than 2 feet and prelimenary drainage p1an. Supplemental documentation of proposed contours and drainage sha11 be submitted to the Zoning Administrator with the plans prior to the issuance of a building permit. B. A site plan, at a scale of 1 lnch equals 4O feet or 1-arger, showing the locations and dimensions of all buildlngs and structures, uses therein, and all principal si.te development features such as landscaped areas, pedestrian plazas and walkways, service areas, driveways, and off-street parking and loading areas. C. A preliminary landseape p1an, at a scale of 1 inch equal-s 4O feet or larger, showlng existing landscape features to be retained or removed, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as pedestrian plazas and walkways, and other elements. D. Schematic building elevations, sections and floor plans, at appropriate scales, insufficient detail to determine floor area, .general circulation and use location, and general scale and bulk of the proposed development. Specific detail for these items and the appearance sha11 be submitted prior to the issuance of a building permit. E. A volumetric model of the slte and surrounding buildings and the proposed development documented by photographs, at a scale of 1 lnch equals 20 feet or larger, portraylng the scale and (3) relatlonshtp to the slte, and illustrating the form and mass of structures in development. F. The Development Plan sha11 be amended prlor to the issuance of a building permit to reflect adequate vehicular access to the proJect from the south. Access shal1 be provided for emergency vehicles, Vail Associates Mountain operations, loading and unloading for condominium owners and their overnight guests, delivery vehlcles serving the project and lower IVa1l Street as provided for in Section 10, Subsection J (L) (C) . hereof. Section 7. Permitted Uses in the Special Districts. A. A11 permitted uses as defined in the Commercial Core 1 District, Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code. Section 8. Conditional Uses in Special Districts. A. A11 conditional uses as defined in the Comnercial Core 1 District, Chapter !8.24 of the Municipal Code, and subject to the issuance of a conditional use Permit in accord with the provisions of Chapter 18.6O hereof. Section 9. Accessory Uses in the Special District. A. A1l_ accessory uses as defined in the commercial core I District, Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code. Section 10. Development Standards. The following development standards are mi-nimum development standards ln the Special District: A. Lot area and site dimensions. The Special District shall- consist of an area totaling O.47 acres as specified in Section 3 hereof. B. Setbacks. The required setbacks shall vary as indicated in the Development PIan, providing space for planting and an acceptable relationship to adjacent propertles. C. Distances between buildings. The mlnimum distance between buildings on adjacent sltes shall be as indicated in the Development Plan but in no case shall be less than 25 feet. (4t D. trelght. The maximurn height of buildingsshall not exc.eed 85 feet. E. Denslty Control. The gross residential floor area (GRFA) constructed ln the Special Dj.strlct shal-l not exceed 131650 square feet and the number of dwelling units shall not exceed nine (9), and there shall, be no accommodation units permitted.. F. Bui.lding BuIk Control. Building Bulk, maxj"mum wall lengths, maximum dimensions for building elements, requirements for wall offsets and vertical stepping of roof lines sha11 be indicated on the approved Development PIan, but in no case may the requirements be less restrictive than provided in Section hereof. G. Site Coverage. The site area to be covered by buildings shall be as generally indicated on the Development P1an, but in no case shall exeeed 4A% of the total site area. U. Useable Open Space. Useable open space shall be provided as required in the Commereial Core I Distrlct, Section 1-8.24. 160 of the Municipal Code. I. Landscaping At least 607o of Site Development. total site area shaLl be and publie pLaza area. Landscaping and other site sha1l observe the landscaping concept as indicated and the landscape development in the approved Development P1an. J. Parking and Loading. Parking and loadlng shal1 be provided consistent with the provisions of Commercial Core I District, Chapter 18.24 hereof and Chapter 2, with the exceptions that: (1) ( Twenty (2O)uired spaces may be located offsite in the P-3-rxffor J parking lot(s) which is within 415 feet to be reserved for condominium ownerg, olqlgieht gugst5, Vail Assoclates Mount-aln operations, and_shop owners only.---------*___- - €, ::-\ - --_- (2 for ValL Associates mountain related facilities whlch shalL lnclude relquirements for skt patrol , locker rooms, publlc restrooms, Eleven (11)arking spaces need not be provlded (5) oo tlcket offlce, skl school and other related uses. (3) The addttional 8L spaces avalLabLe wlthlu the building may be eliniinated Ln return for vaiL Associates, rnc., helping to reduce vehicuLar traffic on Gore creek DrLve and Brldge street by providlng der.ivery truck aicess for rower Wall Street merchants and the Gondola 1 project. Sectlon 11. Conservatlon Controls. A. Developer shaLl include in the building construction energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. Section l?. Recreational Amentities Tax. The recreational amenities tax due for the development with sDD 9 under section 3.36 of the Municipal code of the Town of Yail , colorado, shall be assessed at a rate not to exceed $o.zs per square foot of floor area and sha1l be paid in coniunction with the issuance of a building permit. Section 13. Effective Date. This ordinance shalr take effect five days after publication fol-lowing the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, BEAD ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDEBED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this and a public hearing on this ordinance shalr be held at the regular meeti-ng of the Town Council of the Town of VaiJ., Colorado on the at 7:30 P.M. ln the Municipal Building of the Town of vail. TOItrN OI' VAIL BY: ATTEST: (6) Rovston Hahamoto Beck & Abey Septerber 8, lWT lih. Terrell J. Minger tlorn l4anager ltanm of Vail P.O. Box 1@ Val1, Oolorado 8L657 Re: Gondola One Dear Terry: ft Septqnber 7, L977 kofessor von l'4oltke and I net with Cor&n Pierce and Phil Orcbmy of Vail Associates to review the Condola One analysis drawings. I left handuryitten connents with Diana for use w"ith the Planning Board in thelr discr.rssions with Mr. Ordrray on Septarber 8. IvIy reactions were these: 1. ltre drawings were for econcrric analysis rather than ph:-'sical planning and simply do not pncvide adequate ilfornation for design reaction. Gordon qualified than totally and agrees that design mrst proceed. 2. fiie analysis fails tc. assip adequate priority to the prirmry functlon of the site which is the quality of senrice to the skier. Physical planning mrst be preceded by a tborough analysis of skier needs - ttriags suctr as spaee for vaiting lines at ticket windous, strelten at valting areas, wind directi-on, snow and ice buildup, log;ical clrsulation with minimrrn congestion, the visibility of destinatlon and spurtains frsn the ticket area, the total quality of experience. Ttre space provided for these functions and the location of that space should dorninate both the econoraic and physical plarming decisions. The prinrary direction of the analysis at tbis tire appears to be the developnent of high return condcrniniurs rather tha.n skier or cormunity service. landscap€ Architects: land Planning Urban Design Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robei Royston FASLA Asa Hanamoto ASLA Eldon B€ck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA l,ouis G. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle ASLA Associatcs: 225 Miller Avenue Harold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Robcrt T. Batterton ASLA Califomia 94941 Ceorge w. Girvin nSL.l 415 3E3-7900 Robert S Sena ASLA lb. Terrell J. Minger -2-Septonber 8, t977 Gordon stated that a nrdel of the area was being built to aid everyone jrn rmderstanding the impact on the space. Ttris will be an invaluable tool. I suggest also that the site be photographed frqn all key vlerupoints and that ballons or some device be used to sirnrlate the probable bulk of design proposals. At this tirIe it seans that the desire for econqnic return will exceed the holding capacity of the site. the representation of landscaping on the bassnent structure is not realistic. The absence of any perineter planting on the north, west and sough sides because of zero 1ot line construction is not reqpectful of the neighbors or ccrmn:nity Gordon aras ar,vare of these problans a1so. All of these concerns vere ercpressed il the nreeting. Ttre meetiag schedule established applies trenendous pressrre to the architect and I am quite concerrned that he will not be given the tine to fu1ly research design options and to reach a solutj.on sensitlve to all @ncems. The projeet j-s too tuportant to the Ibwn to rush through I hope to review the progress of the prrcject on my nert trip. I'lr. A1len Crerstenberger Itrs. Diana TloughiU 3. 4. o Rovston Hairamoto October fI, L977 Beck & Abey Associates: 225 Miller Avenue tlarold N. Kobayashi ASLA tvlill Valley Roberl T Birtterton ASLA California 94941 ceorge lv. Girvin ASLA 415 383-7900 Robert S Sena ASLA l&. Terrell J. Minger Tlown litanager lbvm of Vail P.O. Box 1@ Vail, Oolorado 81657 Be: Gondola One : Design Revierv Dear Terry: .On T\resday, October L!, 7977, Cordon Pieree flew out to revisv with rne his pnogress diawings on Goldola One. I was pleased with the direction. [4y cqmpnts are: 1. the deletion of the lowest condqninirm unit, labeled No' 1 on the drawing, frees the totat lower space of the large building for skier activities. Ttris perrdts better alTange- nent of eating, vier',-ing and ticket sales spaces and has the potenti.al of extending a plraza l1ke design throughout the totat ground f1oor. The design possibilities a.re excellent and it sesrs that there is room for thinF such as e great fireplace, skier lockers, relaxing space' colorful banners and posters, and a true center of the skier environnent' 2. There is adequate space for a central storage and delivery roorn belorv grade. Apparently. other flErchants on Bridge street are nDre receptive to sharing the use of such an area. Ttre quality of Bridge Street uould inprove if delivery vehicles are elirninated. 3. The mass of the t\rro bulldings is sti11 Iarge. c,ordon bas nany thoughts in revision of roof form and wall alignnre-nt to reduce' the ipparent scale of the strusture. Ttre best architectural solution rmy require the deletion of the equivalent of the floor space of onb eon-dominium to achieve an acceptable design. The presence of the 20 foot eassrent on the west side allows freedom in ttre archj-tecture and permits tree planting. Tttis solves one of my serious @neems. landscape Architecls: Land Planning Urban Dcsign Park Planning Environmental Planning Principals: Robert Royston FASLA As{ Han moto ASLA Eldon Beck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA La)uis G. Allcy AIA htricia Carlisle AsLA Itr. TenreLl J. Minger gldon Bechb -2-Ostober L7,7977 4. lihe nass of the stnrctures is rrcre solvable if fulc aditional condsniniurs-t*o. O"f"ted, one fnonr the north' one frrcrn the suth buildin;: Ibrrever, if skier facilities are superbly resolved, it ltre eentral storage facility can uor:k' and i'f t}rescateanouulkofthebuildingcanbesuccessfully resolvedwithoutlossofrrnj.ts,I-v,orrldbeinc].inedtorespond rmre tavoraf-iy: Ttt; architect should be given every oppo,rtunity t" ;i* tft -boien probfen before we require bg1|ding size reduction. 5. lhe location of ttre central pLau,, design-of.grade-dranges, and overa].lcircrrlatiorrisirprovedfronorrlastnEetrng. i,ft f*"p in touc6 as desigfr prcgresses. SincerelyW{,- HAt{AI\ryIO, BECK & AEIEY QC: J rl,Ir. A1len Cerstenberger lih. Gordon Pierce l[r. Charles Isnehoff l4s. Diana Tougbiil Mr. l.l. Al lan Macrossie 3030 Booth Creek Drive Vai'l , Co'lorado 81657 0ctober 4, 1977 Dear Mr. Macrossie, You have requested that I put in writing some of my thoughts pertai ni ng to the proposed redevel opment of the Gondola I buildinq as presented to Plaza Lodge, Inc. byVai'l Associates, Inc. and its architects. Consequently,I wou'ld like to make the fol'lowing observations and suggestions. First, and perhaps the most significant deterrent to theproject from Plaza's viewpoint, is the fact that thebuilding site was original)y chosen because of its pro-ximity to Gondola Ii adjacent to a plaza where the skiing publ ic necessani 1y gathered and from rvhjch the bui ldingderived its name of Pl aza. In .|967 when Mrs. Hi l'l acquiredthe property from i ts ori gi na1 owners the most important consideration taken into account by both interests wasits location. Since the open plaza had been in use since the inception of Vail Vi'l1age (an obvious po'int oforientatjon in the building of neighboring structures) there l{as no reason to doubt that the p'l aza i n ques ti on wou'l d always form the skiers entranceway to the mountain by means of the Gondola -- and where else in the North American continent was there a gondola ljke Gondola I: Now we have learned that there will never again be a Gondola I (which conc'lusion we are not ful)y ready to svral'low and digest) and that a large pant of our plaza may be covered by a bui'lding which would be quite harmfulto our northwest lodging faciljties and ground floor tenants. l'Lo zct Lcrdly< r, [ ]ox 68, Vr i l, (lolorrrrr) o 9LCl 97 - (3 o3) 476 - 45 9 O / i:\l'*\ti [. o No one, to my knowledge, questions or p'l ans to questionV.A.'s tit'le to the land comprising the Gondola I site orthe pl aza constttuting i ts approaches. However Pl azaLodge, Inc. wants al I to know that i t c'laims equi tabl eeasement rights in the said plaza and in the existence ofGondola I, although the'latter is not a question before us now. The above is not to say that Plaza Lodge, Inc. wi'll refuseto cooperate with V.A. in the profit development of itsproperty. l,le wi'l'l i n every way he'lp and encourage thedevelopment of their land providing that it is not at the expense of losing the equities lve possess in the plazaitself or most of the view, light, space and air wethought to have secured by purchase of the Plaza bui'ldingin its location with respect to the Gondola (I) and itsapproaches. in that connection the following suggestionsare offered. A. The northernmost building should be only onestorey above basement level and no c'l oser than 50 feet to the Plaza bui'ldinq. B. Above ground level there should be no connecting wal kway between the two proposed bui I di ngs. c.None of the commercial tenants of the proposed buildings shou'ld compete with tenants presently'leas i ng space i n the Pl aza bui l di ng and suchpromise should be bindinq on the assigns of V.A. Construction dates should be agreed upon and no construction shou'ld conti nue duri ng the off i ci a'lski season. D. E. F. AI I constructi on equi pment, force should enter the cons southwest side of the prope housed on the east side ofsite. Al l construction naterialsqua'lity, designed and ca'lcuthe surroundi ng bui I d'ings. materi al and 'labor truction site. from therty and should not be the proposed bui I di ng should be of good lated to conplement There may be other suggestions that wi'11 come to mind in whi ch case I wi I I send them on to you immedi ate'ly. Sincerely', 'Pl aza Lodge, Inc. fu*r./'-"zt* Counsel and Director I a a Pleas" 6)vise ne u9lea.+& fuook:r4 bt e,n.ur,'o- vn+7 Lt Drn!. JorrN r-'rYr.ER teltdvkA - f6z6 Eou farru,rx r.^* lfn Javlrrl Lr:.n ErtIN. Cor.or.aDo 6012l + tr)U .2qE *f3o' la adop* ib ?or J haue t<nl-"Jot- la byor-' ulaqrt .!, 2o rnf rc ' ho't'ca''r"'to (^r;! coiim oF (errrroru.o,. o+ J€') Ivo" ' 9'9 *''n*." ia 16 Vail Trait orr tf" P'nPt& tor deseloprr-ats c^'.*d 'l1g sJilorro-'o Thor'rstul' qed mt6ut l ttt tt'€ce L{ocrr 6'lel ' Oatt.f lana - f horr',* te +c., I-ra;t 596 F *Ae " D*rt'c-clffsr " 6 v,iroao,, Catb''^1 fie"! t.tuf,- Pcrer') -alhgcdc r Lr,-'ih' -Bo r ,/tlo..r. l5I :, N o vcnt bc r o 72 , rg77 Dear lid I tor: fn the Novenrbcr bth issuo of flro \rail Trailyou repor ted on Che prelirnlnary ptans f or ttreCondola I building remodetling and the additionalbuildlng to the north of it. I am dismayed to thinl< that $ai1 Associatesplans to build 3l ana l+l story buildings insuch a limited area. f know they rvou 1d notconsider leaving an opcn space in the villagelf ttrcy can make money instead, but I think theyare shortsighted to compact so much in so litt1e. Ttr e model is available for vicrving at lJriner, pierce and Scott in the Crossroads Building. The moderndesi-gn is not in character with tlre alpine flavorof the vi11-age. ltre glass ir,alkrrays connecting theupper levels of ttre trso bui ldings remind ,e oidowntoln Den ver. The parking situation is unrealistic. lflrat condo-minium or{ncr is going to use a oush cart bo Loadand unload frorr the Christiania parking lotJ 0nespace per unit is inadequate. I hope the Fire Dept. will_ be able to stop thisproject. fn fact f donlt even see how the constructiontrucks could enter the area. Ilopefully the Forest Service rviLl not give permissionto eneroach on their land for the access to the buildings.ltttry shoutd VaiL Associates expect an easenrent ontopublic land J rt rvilt be unsaie for skiers and hikersto trave traffic in that area. Your editoriar "Tr:ere t s a limit rtt published in the sarree.di tionspea!(s for tnahy people. I,Ie certainly must urgevA ro 'remDer,. reir capital-istic eagerness r,ri th a 1itt1ecommon sense. " IIow can they, in good consciel.lce, proposeadding so slgnificantly to the densi.ty of the viliagl ! ',..It, ll unthlnkable and I plan to notify as many peopleas ti:ne permits to fight this project. Anyg!: rvishing to assist, may reach rne at Box I57r \iail,ot 303-771-0275. I feel" 3ustified in taking this standbecause f am an Eagle County taxpayer. Si nc er e Ly, J o.r,^ Jr t^J .T\\e c Janet If . Tyl er Slvli flln P0PcOllN 1f;\GoN Pleasc read tlre cncloscrl ar tlclc cotrccrni.ng tlrc proposcd pLans for the Corrdota I building and tho addltlonal building. ff you fccl as I do, that you wish to take a stand agatnst ttris proJect, pleaso do any or all of tho followlng: l'Jrt te the Ptanning Commissionlfrlte tlre Vail Tral1 and Villagerifrlte thc Tos'n Council or indlvldual membcrs ther cof.Attcnd meetings concornlng this development If it ge ts to Deslgn Revletrr, f igh t i t tl:ere. Be specific in your objections: Density - heigtrt - dosign - use of space - Do' we' r+ant more condo;niniuns ? Can the tnountain support more beds in tor,ro tfe need light and aLr in the core village lfe need rS^tt<ing space for daytirne tourists Thls is one of the last open spaces in the Time ls a factor. Please act qulckly. '3::Z+ t ,'.t -+a j-r, . ., es thetics .? vi l age Identtfy yourself as a The Editorial from the Tbanks for your support. November 3, 1977 taxpayer, homeowner or what ever. Vail Trail might interest you a1so. To..,dr u) T\t*t Janet lf. Tller &825 So. Fairfax Lane Littleton, Colo.80 121 303-77L-o725 l8J Forest Rd. Va11 303-476-559a 'il : : :, i:r', - . - ..i;-i:-: -ia i: November I , 1977 Town of Vai'l Planning Commission Vai I , Col orado 81657 Gentl emen : I woul d urge thi s Town P'l anni ng Commi ss i on to revi ewpl ans regardi ng the "Devel opment of the Gondol a IBuilding in Vail Vi'llage" with considerab'le care,taking into account the serious mistakes made in Lion's Head' now necessitating redesign of that center. I do not doubt that redes'i gn of Ljon's Head is econo- mical ly justified. The reasons propounded tc me are over-concentration andsteri I e atmos phere . These facts (if they are facts), are best expressed by two friends, each eminently qualified to assess the f uture of Vai I Vr'11age. The first said, "The difference between V'ail Village and Lion's Head is that the former was built by people, and the I atter by arqhi !ects. tr He i s an archi tecT. :: - The second said, "!lhat we have in Vail Vil'l age is our Hansel and Gretal Schmaltz." He'is a businessman withconsiderable acumen and a'l ong history of success inour vi l1age. These observations were made to me well over a year ago, without foreknowledge of the present Vail Associatesproject. I reneat them because they seem to apply parti- cul arly to today's prob'l ems. l'li th regard to our "Hansel and Gretal Schma'l tz, " nothi ng was more mourned by our tourists -- or more photographed than the little belfry atop the Rucksack. It was very,very good business. l>Lct z<t Loblyt :, I Jt>x 68, Vo i t, (loloncr<) o tlLO 57 - (5O3 ) 476 - 4 5 5 O .. 'a l.le who make our'living in Vail are in the entertainment business, whether we like it or not. l,le are not self- constltuted arbiters of publ ic taste, but eager publ ic servants serving recreational needs as best we can with varying sensitivity and varying success. Surely someone should learn a lesson from Lion's Head suffjcient to prevent the same mistakes, retroactively' in a successful Vail Vi'llagei People are different, of course, and it is to this variabi- I i ty that my archi tect fri end ascri bes the uni que char- acter of our vil'l age as opposed to Lion's Head. Never- theless, Vail Villaqe does have an alpine character. l.lhat then are we doing withprojected new center of Vai a'l I too f ami I iar to those and thei r surroundi ng tank separated from sludge -- a l.|hoever envisjoned glassed-in walkways'i n an Alpine vi'l lage' however beautjful that may be in Manhattan or Houston? hink a thousand tourists fai r sampl ing of vi l1agefact that our visitors rrel s' and betweenr a fairy tale vacation Si ncerely, THE PLAZA LODGE t a 'gun barrel' tower in a I ? The desi gn and shape are acquai nted wi th refi neri esforms. In the barrel oi I i s smel ly affai rl The original theme of Vail Vi'llage works very well on upper Bridge Street. It wou'ld seem most unwise to unsett'l e a stab'l e community by anprov'i ng an incongruous addition, without examining veryr V€rV carefu'l 'l y the faul ts requi ri ng redes i gn i n Li on 's Head . l'ly lodae is very small. But I t during a ski season is perhaps a trade and I can substanti ate the pay dearly to escape the 'gun ba building walkways of the citY foin fantasy 1and. ,4 7fa-a-n c.ue' U Joanne Hi I President 1-t a MEMORANDUM'! T0: T0l{N COUNCIL FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/DIANA TOUGHILL DATE: SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 RE: PROP0SED GONDOLA I PR0JECT Allen Gerstenberger and I met with Phil 0rdway of VaiI Associates August 31, to discuss the redevelopment of the present Gondola I site. The following is a summary of the pe:.tinent data: Zone District - CCI Site area - 20,434 square feet Allowable GRFA - .8x20,434=16,347 Allowable Commercial - no limit except height, building bulk, site.. coverage and required landscaping Height Iimit - 35' Building Bulk - maximum wall 'length 125', offset a minimum of l' for each 5' of wall length for each wall over 50' long. Maximum distance between any two corners 160'. Site Coverar. - illiiglnot to* of the site may be covered by Landscaping - Minimum of 20% of site must be landscaped (minimum dimension I0' and 300 square feet). Vail Associates has proposed 16,300 square feet of GRFA in luxuny condominiums; approximately 4,000 square feet for VA use as ticket office, locker rooms etc.; 9,300 square feet of coffinercial space, or a total of approximately 25,600 square feet. The basement area cou'ld be parking, storage or an alternatjve as the Council determines. It appears that a great deal of our "CCl" delivery and storage problems could be solved by incorporating a "jo'int use" delivery and storage area into the proposed new building. 9*ns 2 Froposed Gondola September 6, 1977 As the Counci'l has directed the staff to prepare an F.A.R. maximumfor CCI of I to'l and the project is approx'imately 5,000 square feet in excessof the proposed maximum, we have suggested that V.A. pursue the project under a Special Development District so the Town can maintain control over the project It appears that the early variances necessary will be park'ing and possibly building bulk. The conceptua'l plans indicate that al'l other requirements can be met. Vail Associates wi'l't make a preliminary presentation to the Counci'l on 0ctober 4. ',I \ Project I I I \,r.,, I tl1-t/