HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT C FOUNDERS PLAZA LEGAL/u /,/rr'z frlinn J' thrnVt, 'er c 6r-r/* /16r TOl44\,ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Ornmunity Dwdopment 75 Sodh Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: Town of Vail Restrooms DRB Number: DRB040032 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVE PLANS-INSTALL PUBLIC RESTROOMS BELOW VENDETTA'S RESTAUMNT DECK AS PORTION OF STREETSCAPE PI.AN Pafticipantsl APPLICANT Fritzlen Pierce Architects 0}0il2004 Phonet 970-476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-1 Vail, CO 81657 License: C000001,,{02 ARCHITECT Friulen Pierce Architects 02107 lzo04 phone: 970476-6342 1650 East Vail Valley Dr, #C-L Vail, CO 81657 License: C000001,102 OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 0210712004 Phone: C/O FINANCE DEPT 75 S FRONTAGE RD VAIL CO 81657 License: Project Address: 75 S FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL Location: 227 WALL ST., VAIL, CO Legal Description: Lot: C Block 5C Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG I Parcel l{umber: 210108223008 210106400003 Commentsr Approved per plans submitted BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mo6on By: Action: STAFFAPR Se@nd By:Vote: DateofApProvah 02/2O|2O0r'' Conditions: C-ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprhte revie^, commiftee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building perconnel prior to aonstruction activiues. ConO; ZOt I o DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of apprcval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year foltoring the date of final approval, unless a buiHing permit is issued and constructbn is ommenced and is dil(7endy pursued toward compleUon. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO x la RECE I|/I, T0l4nm Application for Design Review f-EB 0 6 2& Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projecG requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew. cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparbnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cruncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: d Block:S1 Physicat Address: E,Z7 L/*-c Sl. r./ | ttrM,u,r,onr\2, t Vtuc-Aa 1q (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: 1aT' Name(s) of Owner(s):ffiuuaeV*tu MailinsAddress: 71 5. *a""**lZo, tV t t(^ fi(&67 Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: G MaifingAddress: l$f1 €,.ll.hZr,r,,x Drrv--, ,f/r ,'lJ f nt"s1 Phone: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site imprwemenB, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs E Conceptual Review O New Constructiontr Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duptex) I Changes to Approved plans tr Separauon Reguest Fax: For Ofrice UqF;}nty, Fee Paid: --V cnecr< r'ro.: w{'U# av:- Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other t t/A MuDN A4E7* L Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIATS Tvoe of Material Color DAI4V- AEEV ffiavn*e ftY' Zl , z-rr:j EFTLL 74116f--a tt NIA I\" /Fl M<r=.1 Nh t'-a I Pl fue,rrrJ a N/a 9u^lde Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. fae t, tr#-Atr-ka'l€p gDN*, VQNE##- t</* Page 6 of l2l02l0ilO2 o dryilt-lo b..IJ -ft---r-- .**" ",!lf;s;. VAIL SPORTS TRENCI.I CRATE RE CML BLDG. N.r.c. I"\.. 4.Gdrrrrttra I ^aar||lattaal.aaa.araa b Ltt D|r.r. lrE/lll rrtr{t lf,LrxrJ 8b-r-r liltt EE-_ coNDos BLDG. l\\lt/ ] 14 F{ UaF F1 rq &l{(r) rq (, l-1 F]F{ hltr{ z Fl F{ tttFl iltrl T PAVEMENT ON TSPHALT EASE .A o ,,4_ Ezrn RESET O(ISNNG PA\GRS As NEEOED PLAZA BLDG. ONE VAIL PLACE HILL BLDG. STONE COEBLE, R& SP€ORCATONS VAIL SPORTS 6'iJ:-+' f,IDIH TYP. AT FOTJNTAN '| 0F6 LAZIER ARCADE E RL E TON PtJaTq t{oRlH sc Le 13.3A 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 T0: RON Pf{lttiPS {FR0M: PAM BRANOMEyERAP OATE: 03JUL85RE: FlUt'l?ER' S PLAZA office of lhe town manager MEI,{ORAMPUM tuted on de.tni,l-ed dUuuaLons wi,tlt CoX,(.ezn Wne, Rod SLL{en, &ob ?anben, atd. Joe Staw$ot, M tJQ,t-L da tLeaQ.ilrnh into the CouncLL agenda,s, ninatz6, and tapet, and the Decenben 1982 itruer o( THE VAIL TRAIL, T. have pLec.ed togztlvn the (olLowing in(onna.tion negatd,Lng Founden't Plozq(i.e., PLoneen ?Iaza, I Vdi-L Ploza, and the Gondoln Bu..iLdLnS ?Inza): 1'l Although vaninuts i-d.e.d,r wene d,i.tu,saed" ,LQgahning .indLv.idusl yttaques and a bou.Ld,en, the (,UaL pnopoti,tion is ptte,tented c.tQord4 in Joe Stutden'r Meno o( 5:q:97. &. An on-i4irwL gondoXa call uJar's tn be enec,tQn (W[ifun and .te.t Ln covnlLQ,te on a tub,tanLia,L ba,sel in f,he Plaza, wi.th one pet nq.ne.nt plaque a.ttaclled.b. The otLgLvLs.L tno {oundent aeLze,te.d in Decenben 0d 1982 wotte PQLUL SaLbakt cnd, Eaftl- Eaton. .)l 3l c. In 1983, CluvI-ttq H.UI, fuitbana Panh.en, and Wt. and ti,u. F.itzl,ugh Scott tr)uLQ. telLe-tad .aA "(ounduta."d. In 1984, Joz Stn$en wat out-od-town and appanentlq no lne toolz uyt the job o[ malz.Lng the aelec.tions. Thene(otte, i.t wou.t-d bz appzopnLate to wne Lnd,LvLdua.b don bottt 1984 and 1985 in Dzcenben o[ tbLs qe.o.n. The Counci.L ehttte the- nanz "FoundutjA Plaza't a,t thQ,ilL Oecenben 7, 1982, won[z Leaaion, ni.th tlrc aotuM,L ded'Lcatisn rt{ the PLnza occuhring on Deeenben 15, 1982. At to coat o( Lrata%Lng the gondo.ta can and tlrc pI-aque, I hsve attaehed eopiet o{ memot tha.t wene cilteu.hted tn nenbent o{ tlrc Vintage Vail Covvni,ttee in 1982; and i,t eppeaA tlnt at tsa.tt the onLginal futent o( thi's cowai.ttee waa to paq {on the pLaclue, on poat o{ i-t. Ftr^the}1, thette uan intent on tlrc pwd o{ the Town o{ VuLL to poun eement, wth Va,<L Attoc,i.a..te,s upyttqLng the gondola cilL. In the Septenbort 7, 1982, t^roLb seA6i.on, Joe staudeJL sugguted the Vintage Vai.L Comni.tl.ze would be Ln ehmge o( ttevi.tnLiz.ing the gondoln eatt. Shou.td qou hnvz enq quuLLon's, pLente do not huitnte to eontac.t me,. CENTRAL RESERVATTONS (303) 476-5677 MARKETING/CHAMBER SERVICES (303) 476-10o0 Denver Line 595-9488 VAIL RESORT ASSOCIATIOI.- 241 E. MEADOW DRIVE vArL, coLoRADO 81657 DATE: May 9, 1983 TO: Vail Town Council Members FROM: Josef Staufer, Chairman, 2Oth t Foundersr Plaza JSlsc Birthdav Committee One of the events the 20th Birthd.ay Committee sponsoredduring 1982-83 was the ded.ication of a Found.ers' plazadirectly behind the Viltage ticket office. The idea of the Plaza is to install a Gondola f car(donated by Vail Associates) in commemoration of thefirst gondola along with a permanent plaque which willlist the founders honored in 1982 while leavinq roomfor additional nanes in the future I.propose that since the 20th Birthday Committee will bedisbanding at the end of the l9B3 summer season, the Towncouncil lake on the responsibirity for selecting a founderto be honored each year on December 15 Thank you for your consideration. 'i'- G FROM PAULA A. PALMATEER "'/,/ %4- "dr,lwrrff Wag zuust ///a ru /'t ,{,^*gret / a//e-t'-t r/ v 'r' 'Wo"eu, lweft'f4"l""rrtl lnH:,i / frre"1 p"w\ fr= ffi,Lflr Allen, Cy (Buck A1lenr s Family) 2800 S. Universj.ty Blvil. #129 Denver, CO 80210 Aubrey. George & Barbara 420 D. Adams Denver, CO 80206 B Bailey, Dick c Doris 23O Bridqe St- Vai1, CO 81657 Barnes, Marvel c,/o Vail Home Rentals 143 E. Meado!,,t Dr. Vai1, CO 81657 t / Bass, Harry f, Doris 1150 Mercantile Dallas BIdg. Da11as, TX 752OL Bass, Richard & Marion 6905 Vassar Dallas, TX 752OI Beal,. Monie 11919 E. Ptarmigan VaiI, CO 81658 Benedict, Fredric Brofos, Marij ke The t{illorts Box 759 Vai1, CO 81658 Bro$rn, Byron & ViAnn P. O. Box 547 Vai.l, CO 81658 Brown, Keith & Carol ,/2000 E. 12th Ave. ,/ Devner, CO 80218 V Brown, Roger & Monica ./Box 42O / cypsum, CO 81637 Ir/ Brown Stewart 225 wa1l St. vai1, Co 81657 Bro\rne , Jebbie Box 714 Vail, CO 81658 Burdick, Larry ,/Box 972 Kihei U/Maui, Hawaii 96753 Burdick, Marge ,/P.O. Box 1268 ,/Vail, CO 81658 V Burnett, BiIl Box 2 50 '/Minturn, CO 81645 V But1er, Fred Box 1l- 13 Vai1, CO 81658 c Carnie, M/M Jack 2920 Manns Ranch Rd, Vail, CO 81657 carilr, Mrs, Douglas 3O00 Sandhil] Rd. Menlo Park, CA 94025 Caulkins, M/M George ,/435 Westwood Dr. , ,/Denver, CO 80206 V Caulkins, George Jr. 160O Broadway o , Denver, co Bo2o2 Jt "C-/ tn LI , Lt 4t AAl,/ Gypsum, CO 81637 Vail.r CO Brittan, M/M eor Boc 67O Vailr CO 81659 Brittan. B- J. & Cheryl A Place on Earth 568 W. LionsHead Mall Vailr CO 81657 Box 40 /Aspen, Co 8161I V Benway, Larry & Willie Bishop, Arthur e Camille L5I0 E. toth Denverl CO 80218 ,/ Bishop, Witliam F. ij,ll'}3'!i;,, ,/ Boyd, Steve 6' Susan 2637 W. Arosa don .C Con!. .Chavd, Ernest Box 6 Vail, CO 81658-OOOL Clark, rf. C. l-O2 3 LionsRidge Loopvail, CO 81652 Close' Ted e Ann 4875 S. Fairfax LittLeton, CO g0l21 D Cont. Donovan, John c Diana /P.o. Box 6Ot /vail, co 81658 v Douglas M/M Morgan /L536 Ashford Lane , /Birmingharn, Mf 48009 V *r22 Cohen, AI 8 Martin Lane Engleerood, CO Coventr-y, Caroline 950 Logan Denver, Co 90203 Crowley, Charlie & Ginny P.O. Box 43O Vail, CO 81658 Cunningham, Jim P.O. Box 418 VaiI, CO 81658 D Davis, Ross E 22O S. Claremont Denver, CO aO222 De La Lama, Victor c,/o Vail Home Rentals I43 E. Meadow Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Dietler, Cortlandt E. 1670 Broadway Denver. Co 8O2O2 oimit, Charles ,/ 28OO S. University Btvd. /Denverr Co 80210 V/ Dixon, Dick 2975 Bassingdale Rd.vail, co 81652 Dobson, John & Cissy 227 Bridge St-vaiL, co 81657 Domenico, Vince 12405 w- 19th pl-ace /Lakewood, CO 8O2I5 V lr/ Drisko, Dr. Robert 210O Stratford Rd, Sharlrnee Mission, KS 66;,20g Duddy, Bil-], & caroL 2725 Bald Mtn. Rd.Vail, CO 81657 Dukel Benj amin J. 5550 S. Steele Littleton, CO 8O2IO Dunlevie, Ernie 79050 Ave. 47 Stardust place Bermuda Dunes, CA 922OI L Eaton. Bruce Box Edwards, 81632 Eaton, EarL 333 w. 5th st. Eagle, CO 8163I Edrvards, Mar j.e Eldridge, Susan Erickson, Kent Etters, Pepper Box 957 Vail. Co 9165g F FalLer, Siggy Broadmore Hotel CoLorado Springs. Fitzsimmons, James Star Route cypsum, CO 91632 co 8090 (corky )& Carol ; L Onr. [rlannigan 1 Mrs. Jo]rn 1022 Humboldt Denver, CO 80218 Fleischer, Mari lyn 62 Meadow Dr. vail, co 81657 Flewelling, A1 & Roxie Freeman, Annelise 401 W. Beaver Creek Cr. Vail, CO 81657 I'ri-cker Klause & Edie P-O- Box 370 i/ail, co 81658 lritz. Joel ?. O. Box 356 7ai1, CO 81658 Jersbach, Charlie 2820 A- Aspen Ct. /ail, CO 81657 !o1d, Fred & Judy 1777 Juniper Lane /ail, co 81657 lramshammer Pepi c Sheila 131-"'ldg"^l!:- | //ail, Co 81657 W ireenwood, Mrs. Mary )555 N. Post Oak lane louston, TX 77024 iuadagni r Antonio ;435 Field Ct. rrvada, CO 80002 i. laIL, Chris '.O. Box 57I 'aiI, co 81658 astings, M/M Merri I t ox 326 'aiI, Co 81658 ausermap, Dick ox 1l9O reckenridge, CO II Cont. Hankhammer, Ray ,/Box 1025 | ,/Vail, CO 81658 L/ Higbiel M/M Harley G. Jr. 1400 Hurnboldt Ave. ,/Denver, CO 80218 l-/ Hil1, Ivlrs . Cortf andt ,/311 Bridge St. ,/vail, co 81657 V Hitchcock, Peter S. /8853 Kings Highway / Mentor, Ohio 44060 L'/ Hobart, John H. ' ,/Lasalle Street Press ,/325 w. ohio st. VChicago, I1 60610 Holland, Bill and Ann ,/c,/o Bank of Vail ,/17 vail Rd. | ,/Vail, CO 8f65? \,/ Hoyt, MitcheII 4027 Lupin Dr. vail, co 81657V Huebinger, John Aspen, CO Jackson. Jane B. Box 68 Lahaska, PA Jacobson, Tom Box 538 VaiI, CO 81657 Joseyl Clint, W. 4008 Miramar DaLlas, Tx 752Os Jr. & Betty Jouflas, Chris 319 Belaire Grand Junction, CO K Kelton, Arthur Box 1048 Vailr CO 81657 KendalL, Bob & Gloria 278 S. Bald Mtn. Rd. Vail, CO 8165780429 K Cont. liiddei; Robert D. 2942 S. Filmore Way Denver, CO 802IO Kindel, Ted & Nancy Box TT Lichfield park, Az 85340 Knox, ElIa The Vail Trail 2211 N. Frontage Rd.vail Co 81657 Knox, George Jr. 291 Bridge St. VaiI, CO 81557 Krentler, Cathy Box 665 Vail, CO 8165? Krueger, M,/M Ben 1628 Vail Valley Vailr CO 81657 Kuehnr Ottie Box 27 67 Vail, CO 81657 L L Cont . Loken, Mike & Barbara Malloy, Chuck e Peggy Edwards, CO 81632 McAllister, John & 10300 w. 73rd Arvada, CO 8l-021 McBridge, John Box 1940 Aspen, CO 81611 Meyers, Charles .& 1320 N. Sheridan Mihottis, Dennis Box 16L Vail, CO 81657 Milhoan, Randy o Box 1114 VaiI, CO 81658 |4iller, Gaynor Box 790 vail, co 81658 Miller, Jack J. 484 Moore Rd. n"""" ,./ t/ Susie ,/ l3;,, ,/"*"'7 nt Langmaid, M,/M ,loseph ,/Box 99 ,/VaiI, Co g1658 l-/ Lapin, Merv I43 E. Meadow Dr. vail, CO 8165? Lazarus, Fed & Irma ,/333 Tonence Ct. , / Cincinnati, OH 45202 V Lazier, Robert & Diane ,/Box 627 ,/ VaiI, Co 81058 V Lewis, Chuck & Penny Copper Mountain : Lilly, Don I'1cCoy Lindley, Mrs. Grace C- Rt. 3 Box 11.5 I.layzata, MN 5539I Woodside, CO 94062 Moretti, Cesare & Box 37 Vai1, CO 81658 Mossman Emrnet 1430 E. Bates Ave. Engle$rood, CO 80210 Murchison, !lrs. Johr. Box 55 Addison, TX 75OOI Murphree, Gene Sr. Box 3612 3 Houston, TX 77036 N Nelson, Chupa Box 355 Edwards, Co 81532 New5a11r 56y3 Box 753 Vail, CO 81658 ""=v \,/ "r/ ll Cont. Nottingham, AI IJO;< P Avon, CO 81620 OrLaughlin, pauL Eagle. CO 81631 O1son, Jack Box 42 Avon, CO 81620 O1son, Richard 4O1 Race St. Denver, CO 80206 Orrison, Carl Reinecke, James 9908 County Rd #76 Ohio City, CO AI237 Rinquist, Penny 88 Cove Rd. Oyster Bay, N.Y, Rowe, Gordie & B, 4275 E- Columbine Vail, CO 81657 Royce, Polly 2209 Bay Side Dr Carona Del Mar, CA Ruder, Bob 92625 /v/ Dr. / e sally II77L t way Parker, Robert & Barbara ,/265 w- Forest Rd. ,/Vai1, CO 81657 | ,/\-/ Parks, Bud g Gretta #I Cantitoe Lane Englewood. CO 80111 Perry, Kent & Marty 215I Hahrthorne Pl Denver, CO 80206 Petersonr Dick Box 1O53 Vail, CO 81658 Porter, Robert Box 562 vaiI, co 81659 Pulis, carolyn 650 S. Altoon way *2C Denver, CO 802 3l Pulis, Warren & Helga I979 Sunburst Dr. VaiI, CO 81657 3 Rau, George Stoi"re , Vt . 4575 Streamside Cr. Vail, CO 81657 Ruder, Steve Box 46 Avon, CO 81620 Sampson, Harol.d 3966 S. Pinehurst Carona DeI Mar, CA Schober, Isabel 3053 BeIlflower Vail-, CO 81657 Schober, Manfred Box 3662 vai1, co 81658 Scott, M/M Fitzhugh 352 E. Meadon Dr- Vail, CO 8L657 Seibert, Betty 3J.65 S. York, Denver, CO 802I0 Seibert, Elizabeth 1999 Sunburst Dr. vail, co 81657 Seibert, Peter 2784 Foothilt Dr. Ogden, Ut 84403 Shepardl Morrie 4820 River Bend Rd. Boulderr CO SJ.evin, Jim s Daphne 1985 Sunburst Dr.vail, co 81657 92625 \/ ,/ ,/ /. ,/ ,/ lr/ ,r/ ,/ ,t/ v/ S Cont. ., .''. '/Slifer, Heather ,/Box 22 ,/VaiI, CO 81658 V Sliferr Rod ,/ 230 Bridge St. , ,/vail, co 91657 V Staufer, Josef & Anne ,/I00 E- Meadow Dr. ,/Vail1 CO 81657 V Steinberg, Dr. Thomas I & FJ.o t8I W. Meadow Dr. ,/vail, co sr657 lr/ Stevens, Willian 90 Corona T Cont . T\'reedy r John D. 160 Race Denver, CO 80206 Tyler ' l4lM Tim 4850 S. Dahlia Littleton, CO 80121 Ward, Geroge & ShirIeY Box 6 vail. co 81658 warren, wiltian V. Jr. 6453 Bayou GIen Houston, TX 77c57 Weiss, Mr. Albert D. Box 1002 Vail, co 81658 Welin' Chan Big Tihber, Mt. liestbye, Hemmie & Irene Box 5f2 Vai1, CO 81658 White, Gerry 4l-6 Vail Val1ey Dr. vail, co 81657 Whiteford, BifL & Bittaan ,/ LO75 Humboldt , ,/Denver, CO 8O2l-8 V Wilcox, Shorty Breckenridge' cO Winter, will-iam C- ,/ 6320 La Jol-la Scenic Dr. r,zLa Jolfa, CO 92037 t/ Wooil, Henry C- ,/7O woodley Rd. L/winnetka, rL 60093 l-/ woods, Larry Box 231 vail, CO 8l-658 Y Yihlein, Dr. AI & Ione Box 765 vair, co 81658 V \-./ Denver, CO 80219 Stewart,. Colin C. 7395 E, euincy Ave. Englerrood, CO 80237 Stoddart, John Jr. 210L E. 4th Ave. Denver, CO 80206 Stone, Father Thomas St. Marks 314I W. 96 Ave. I{estminister, CO 90030 Sowell, James 3509 Patornic Dallas, TX 75205 T Talmage. Ed 90 Corona Denver, Co 8021-8 Taylor, M/lt Vernon 1O7 Roekledge Vail, CO 81657 Tayl"or, Vernon Jr. "/ ,r/ 6900 w. Lakeridge Rd. (,qU^*. Denver, CO AO227 Teipel, Walter, Jr. ,/2100 s. 43rd St. | ,/ Milwaukee, WI 53244 t'/ Testwuide, Mr. paul ,/Box 597 , /vail. co 8165? l/ CENTRAL RESEFVATIONS (303) 476-5677 MARKETING/CHAMBER SEBVICES (303) 47G1000 Denver Line 595-9488 VAIL RESORT ASSOCIATION 241 E, MEADOW DRIVE vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 All VRA Lodge & Property Management Owners/Managers 4: y9, know, the lgBZ-83 season is vaj'l 's 20th anniversary, and the 20thBirthday committee has sponsored a number of re'lated evenii: the icesculpture contest, the Founders' plaza dedication, the Birthday party, Christmas Show and the Ski Museum exhibit. flg s!]tt need to make some major purchases ie., a very n.ice plaque forEne Praza and to recover some costs incurred during the season. To do so, we have organized an end of the seas'n ski weekend completewith a race' an awards party and prizes. The cost of the weekend willbe only 9100 per person (Oounle occupancy). For $]00, each person wi'l I receive: . Three nights of )odging, doub)e occupancy, April g,9 & l0 . Three days' lift tickets . The opportunity to participate in a race on Huhky Dory,Saturday, April 9 A chance to win really terrifjc prizes (we'11 buy good skiequipment, c'l othing and other prizes from our meicFants in town ) . An awards party following the race with hors d'oeuvres and coors bee r. Coors. is.oqr co-sponsor and is paying forCard holders outside of Eagle Cbuntyi l,le'll accept the first 300 people who cail VRA for reservations. March .l5, 1983 We expect to make $1S,000.reducing the ljft ticket anddonated. Currently, we have.|00-more- Can you help out cat I etther of us with your th'i s event. a djrect mai) ing to Colorado \l }l,ttt. yr4..' rlr, tr Ife 40 trr,il r'if 1oq,,ri cl, I \ \ tr"t'l 'dltu Josef Staufer 476-5622 Dick El ias 4 76- 5651 fl,,nry*_4W u- JW, That's possible primarily because VA is drastical)y race fee pri ces and because ai1 lodging has been 58 rooms available for this promotion but we needwith two or three rooms for that weekend? Please answer or with any questions you have regarding t-'t- 'n*. Birthday Party -- recap/critique susiers comments:..Thanks to pat Dodson for the ice arena and tomuch help from indivia"ai ;;"i;;"".s , in suppi_ying dance ftoorsand laborers. Bgl"i9 rrit""-*.J"p.o3..t coordinator and didfi"ff::=]":.il::n.i1tt-:-. "uppo.i-i.o* special evenrs commirtee Karhy F;s;il;'b;'ii:^Y1 people' cg?rs a bis rrerp witrr the beer.was we 1 r'." ". i,," ji:.F lffii:" ;:;:ijl;.:i."if,:*;" ji:."i,.ciiii i "" rcorunents heard rhat "we-=r.""ia"f.ir" pifi." 'riil! Eir= more of ren,,.well attended bv l0cars' a-i"t"Jt u!.r r-"-"oi.,r,n"a (400flcases)resulting in soie porice ""tiiiti at the p..t-rtri"h was unforrunate. ffilr-:;:"::.T1.": _ r was exrremety sratif i.ed by rhe succes of :kfF"i:":F"di..:; ;::;.i;; j"lii:I,.:ffi,i1::;i":*ti,;' ,,ex t t ime ; -;J' !_ Hi;':!' ""S""*l;;, ::: ;,ll;*;*:$iliii: and no dance contest'. -;.;;";.ii." "ru 1ove1y, bur r rhinkunnecessary. The.key r"si"ai."i_is eith". ii".-or low_priceadmrttance, a oood, ;""d-;;;;-"r,a i.,.*p."=i"u-i"".. Arong withthat. however, -we nee_d *.rry *or" controls.__ more p,olice, morepeople at the doors- - a coiiei-"i--g" may h-e,-p contror- the crowd.I was extremelv ---,- I ti "" - t" "i; ;'J'=JiJ::ry.i:: i. il.. il:.';il,:: I; t' iJ:till l.l;" ".."" -in Local papers and xvrur. ;;=i; and Grace-Jia-I=great job withlF'i'I3i"3::iri:: n Ui;r:5j:;i" set phoros (at Er,e raii-,i",i.r *":j"ff::"_:t; Y..y_, _ very supportive but we need ro pran morel{:i"i ;F i;"*".i:"ti:.-ilii3;;";3,,mj,;.:;til::"iFi"tffIaovertising did worr veiy-r.ir"'"" evidenced uy Ltre turn-out. Dobson Arena i" r?.t equipped with the er.ectronic wiring required;l,l:;";":i";::.]tru ir'il-"J J."n..a t"-["Jg"l-ruout g150 for !1"3", up. volunteers k/ere splendid!ot help in the future? We nay needperhaps high schoof Lias;-";;: "= Can we count on this kindto budget for workers __ Foundersr plaza recapr/critigue Susie's comments: Came off beautifully with good mediacoverage. More VAI participation (nanigement cornmitteeand.marketing) was appropriite. program was good -- brief,intimate, friendly. -i uit more advaice planninf ana wewourd have had th- plaque ready ind grre -conaota'car refurbised. Bonniets comments: Very nice event __ comments from long-time 1oca1s who werethis kind of thing. Paula guestioned why pete seibert wasnrt mentioned .and why founders who were pr""ari weren't ealled forward.We think that we should ao-sometting every y""i-__ add anew founderrs name to an on-going plague. This ought tobe a Tov council funcLion, "6t-[f,"-2oih Birarrd"y-"o*rnirreebecause' the committee wili disband. this summ"..' w. suggestthat ilosef write a letter to the--councir requesting thatthey take the action in the f"l"re. I got lots of positivevery appreciative of i I I { i{INUTES - 2Oth BIRTHDAY SPECIAL EVENTS COI{MITTEE October 19, Lgg2, VA personnel Conference Room Those present: _ S;";; - pyle, Jeff Koch, JohnGelderman, Louise bence, Jini eiin, Charlie Maas,Eric Nakata, Bonnie Fulton. The 20th Birthday Eventsare: Dec. 15th Birthd.av _Ice Sculpture Contest aid Charlie suggested that we deal withthey're relatively small and easv toup at this meeting. this group is charged with orjanizingParty, Dec. 23 Christmas Show, anthe Pioneer Plaza Dedication. the last two events sinceplan. and could bE wrapped 'r' 't \ For the snohi or ice sculpture contest, the group outlinedthe needs, i.e. snow or ice supply and locaf.ioni. There is :?"":1" about getting enough snow-to do sculptures. Four ]:.:tl"l" were prioritized for sculptor" r'gaidens,,:, {reekside,.n tronL of the Golden Bear, Golden-peak n6ar Mill creek Building,some flower boxes/berms in LionsHead (a must), the "&tpt,ri"fountain in front of the covered bridge, and -- an additionalsuggestion that may need more consideiation -- the pioneerPlaza. After analyzing the benefits of ice versus snow, we decidedto sponsor an ice sculpting contest because ice is more mobile,isnrt dependent on weather] can be site-specific, wirl probabry l:,T?t: lasting. and attactive. It may be more expensive buthte'11 cover costs r,rith either an entry fee or posiiU:-y Uygetting the ice donated (Bonnie will Lheck). The purpose, inci.dentally, of the contest is to help decoratethe town for the birthda! week, to generate publiciiy and toprovide some fun for locils. The-timing agreed upon was that we,d have the ice delivered on.Frrday, Decernber 10, a11ow work on Saturday and have the judingon Sunday afternoon. (1 p.m.) The rules for the contest are: l)entries must be in to VRA{Bonnie) by Novenber 25th so ere know how much room and how muchlce we need; 2) we'11 allow no more than 25 sculptures; 3) theentry fee will cover any costs incurred.; 4,) hand tools'orriy;5) no dyes -- clear, pure ice only; 6) the theme will be 20 Y9ar9 in vail 7) competlEon is open, no ag.e, erc. categories;8)prizes wilL be awaided for lst,- 2nd and 5rd place 9) allentrants must be residents of Eagle County l0)-we want somekind of plaque identifying the nime of thl sculpture and theoes].gner. (l MTNUTES - 20th BIRTHDAY SpEcrAL EVENTS COMI4TTTEE _ 7O/Ig/82Page 2 We'l1 lry to get S99g cash prizes so that we have a good 9?*p?tiligl: -specificatJ_y, we'd like ro offer $lOO tortlrsti 9$200 for second; $fOO for third p1ace. We'11 look :?.,?"f. coJnmullly service organizarions fbr a sponsor. Johnwlrr check with !1Sfe-Vafley Home builders; Boirnie_ Rotary,Shawna - BpWt Jeff - Vail B6ard of nealtors. The entry fees may also contribute to the prize money. !Bonnie will check with the TOV regarding the locationswe discussedi Shawna wi1l, 1ater, -approich nearby shopowners. The purpose of dedicating the area surrounding what was oncethe gondola r building il ro provide a focai ;"i;l for rhe20th Birthday, to contribute to TOV beauty a'na heritage and,of course, to generate publicity. q tl r?aE aPefifor Bonnie will check on_ a suitabler p€rmaD€nt plague.We'1l invite Bob parker and pete Seibert anh Ejrl Eaton (Jim); RodSlifer and Don Simonton and Covernor Larun (Bonnie).The social committee will be advised and will inite others.Bonnie will also check with Gov. Lamm,s office to see ifDecedber l5th can be proclaimed ,,Vail Day" in Colorado. DEC. 15th BIRTHDAY PARTYS check on a celebrity to lead theDrrthday-song -- Bonnie will check with him. -Flash Cadi1l_acLs signed for the evening; perhaps they can help with the song. Y1^1"_1..anging for the [o.it paiade -ird. firewoiks. They mayneed more money -- perhaps a service organization wirr d6ntal.e? We still need cake for the party. We might be able to moveVA's cake to the party, but firit. werl1 ask local J.odges andrestaurants to bake, deliver and donate cakes. vle qr.rrf. to keepthis simple: no trays to return, i.,"-=ir";;;;;", no plates, etc. Fundraising is the primary problern. gro,o00 has been arlocatedto the 20th Birthday, but-ai_l is for pro*oti""ii p,rrpo""". weneed- some money. Bonnie will contact Josef staufer. coors _T?Y.,b. willing- to donate beer for the birthday party. Bonniewrrl contact them. Buttons are available and r,6usie has doneresearch on the costs, quantities and timing. we decided toPut a hord on any new expenditures until the funding is resolved. '**-c.fi"isdl.-r*, ' 'r: MINUTES - 2oth BIRTHDAY SPECIAI EVENTS COMMITTEE October 12, LggZ, VA personnel Conference Room Tlg:: present: Jim Bain, Erik Nakata, Shawna pyle, BruceGillie, Stu Sacks, Bonnie Fulton. The group listed_the mdjor 20th Birthday events coming up inDecember, decided on aclion that was neEded immediateiy inamade assignments. The three events are: Birthday party onDecember 15' christmas show December 23 and a fun6raisiig racewithout a date as yet. ::::::.:!::ti"s. on the main issues, rhe sroup discussed rherunorar-slng problem: there is no date s6t as yet. and theoriginial dates desired are not avairable. some other ideashlere suggested for consideration by the Fundraising committee:- a locals/business people fun race with an obstacle course.' move the date of the originarly pranned race forward to theBirthday Week. Tie a fun race in with 20th Birthday existing races duringthe Birthday Week ' Get businesses to sponsor teams (either rocal or front range) stu and Jim reviewed the basic ideas arready diseussed for theBirthday party on December 15. We,lt get "; ;;;t people ast"?:i!+9 together to sing Happy Birrhdiy ro Vail Mountain.!"ld.l-ike to ger ? cel_ebiity'i3 ie"a thi singins. KVMI wilrcue the crowd. rf possiblel we'd rike to haie 6.r"=yorre ,,surprise,lthe mountain wirh a- candle,/torch,/flash1ighLfsf.ikr", (somethingthat will light up the area withtut causing a fire problem. )Following the birthday song, *eie'11 be a Loichright ski downthe mountain and fireiuorks-;" th; mountain. Everyone willbe invited to parade from coraen-pe"t"i"-ii"u=frr-li"rr- for the liltl:--_l:tl"p: a fire truck or police car or a sleigh can leadEne parade to Dobson. we'd like to be abre to give 5way a buttonthat- says "r razas there' for this event. we'd also l1ke to sendin the "record" to the Guiness Book of Records. fn the midst of this gglg_lgdraa-sing ideas came up: ,l +lv) stu) the birthday song, we decidedvalley and have a small - Jim will call Race Citysmal1 svstem. Regarding the sound system for cueingthat werll use KVMT and radios in thesystem for the platform at Golden peakregarding their system; Stu also has a . Publ-icize nationally - Jim contact media committee There was much talk_about getting a major celebrity here tohelp with the birthauy """S. nealistically, we d.o not havemuch money to spend f6r " i." o, .rr"., expenses and contrary tof?t:l:: belief, most celebrities may not want to donate theirt.r-me to Vail -- although itrs worth-asking for. ;;;;i; ;;;i;vRA can offer todging,-t"oJ ""i-p"ii,up;-;;rn;-;*p.rru"". ::Stu will research pe6ple "rr"ii"lr".For the- parade, we'1r need to ask the town to remove barricadesand wel11 have a? l"l.ttY ttre-poii-ce and tfr" iir" aepartments.Bonnie will contact their. Regarding the party later that evening at Dobson arena:stu and Jirn reviewed the id;;; Ih.t *.,ve already discussed:at 8 p'm', stu will tict oii-IrrJ'".'.ning with record.ed music,werrr have a cake (trris neea"-"J*" work), a dance contest andFlash cadillac for the live band. Bonnie is checking on the costof 2,000 ba11oons. We need to resolv" ly" major issues: beer/wine licensing andbudgeting. originally, ii.-zoirr"eirthday central committeefert that this 6vent could le selt-supporting, but Jim pointeirout, with agreement from everv""a, that we need to have a base:f:i::l"s budset-of betwee" Si,-ooo - 94,000. Even wirh rhemaxr-mum number of occupants in Dobson Arena (1500 - 2000) eachdrinking two beers at I profit of .50f per beer, we,d onlynet $2,000. The group made some other iuna_raiiing suggestions,namely 60s-oriented clrniv"r u""trr", a cake a..o..tirrg contestwith an entry fee.t o F+_^,,^__ ;, :, . a cake social, an auction of Ski Museumr pI ae.flllSsron to the party, a button which wouldbe admission to the-airlhJ"v-illr[v as werl as to other 20rhBirthday-events, and so on. Bonnie wirl check with pat Dobsonon the licguor arrangements at the arena and will try to get$3000 - 54,ooo budgeied fo, ltre-event. The Snow/Ice Scupture Contest for the Birthday week came upand it was decidea to.rr""i.-rili others -- the st. paul , I"INYi::".. !ar1i-v-af , the Golden a"", t" see how ice scuprures aremade' we talked a little about rures: we,rr have a 20th Birthday llil:l-]lvone can enrer and we'11 have divisions for individuals,Dusrnesses as well-_1,: "q" groups, We'll try to limit the sculpturesto the village/LionsHead aiea but wilr provide rocations foreverf.one to enter. prizes wil1 be plaqires and photos. l,ie needto find judges r*sYseo srru Yrr I'inaJ-J-y, we discussed the pioneers plaza Dedication, \he locatlonof the original gondal "tatio"-witn " memorial plague- VA is:llll looking for a gondola ""r to be donated. Tenrative dares :::_P::._11th,.12 or Dee. rstn ui 9 a.m. rhe weekend is preferredDecause more pi.oneers wil_1 be here and the media might be up.IJr" ::l:*ony iairt incruJe s"u il"rx"r, Rod slif;; and pioneers.The 20th Birthdav social com*illee wirl invite others. we,11nee'd to arrange iot u pA system once we finarize the date. 20 Ycar Celebrat ion r Page Three , .tl'- r\.\0' The VRA presently has dol I ars ) . So far the j Tuesday' July 13 at 2:00 p.m-, VVI r,ras set for a wrap-up of this meeting; items to be discussed include: the wine promotion (Joyce Gedelrnan), the birthday r.ieek events, such as the'sock hop'and the Christmas show (Bonn'ie Fulton) and fund'ing for events and prornotions. It is the feeling of ihe Funding Conrrnjttee that money they raise should go tor,,rards the prornotion of ihe 20 year celebration. Events, when possible, should be self- su pport i ng. $20,000 in its budget ($tO,OOO VRA dollars and $.l0,000 T.0.V. budget looks as follor,rs: $20,000- 2,000 Labor Day - Food- .|,000 Labor Day & Vailfest hors d'oeuvres ($s00.00 each)- .l,000 July 4, .l982 - Vintage Vail buttons and 516,000 VRA float Dick Elias, Chairnian of the Funding Cornrnittee, ind'icated he thought the coiriri'utee could raise an additional $10,000-$15,000. Yet to be deterrnined is costs for such promotional iterns as the poster, radio, print, stickers, and fam tour. Roger Behler indicated money could be raised from out of town lending institutr'ons that do busjnessin Vail. Vai'l Associates also has money in its budget for 20 Year events and promotions. Susie Kincade of Vail Associates and Cc-Chairman of the Media Commjttee agreed to nreet with her committee prior to TuesCay's meeting to come up with a budget for the $.l6.000 andfor items to be covered in the VA budget. Tuesday, then, wjll be dedicated to finishing committee reports (Special Events and Vintage Vail wine) and to g'iving direction to the Fund'ing Committee. Also, a system wi'l 'l be set up for reporting committee meetings (time, place & results) back to Josef and the Steering Committee. ls&, t'Caru,^,(t1 7 {-Yw- VP4' /( h