HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT B C LAZIER ARCADE AKA WALL STREET BUILDING 1980-1986 LEGAL75 soulh fronlage rord ysil. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 24, 1986 ofllce of communlty development Ms. Maxine Reisr Gourmet Cheese Shop Box 1473 Vail, Colorado 8.|658 Dear Maxine: I wanted to get back to you concerning your request for additional seating in }r|all Street. As you nay recal 1, we had discussed your desire to have one or more benches similar to those on Gore Creek Drive to be located on l,lal'lStreet- I have spoken to Ron Phillips about this request and unfortunately,the Town is not in a financial position to fund the construction of these benches. If you and your neighbors would be willing to pay for them, the carpenters in the Public l,lorks Departrient could build them. If you are interested in pursuing this matter, I would recomrnend you contact Stan Berrymanat the Public Works Department for a cost estimate. I hope that this answens your questions concerning the possibiljty of placing seating in l,lall Street. If you choose to pursue th'is matter, please contact me as well as Stan. Si ncerel y, 4*nS^ Thomas A. Braun Senior Planner TAB: bpr Or hwn 75 soulh lrontage road vait, colorado Ol65Z (303) 476_7000 June 24, 1986 ot olllce of communlly developmenl Ms. Maxine Reisr Gourmet Cheese Shop P.0. Box 1473 Vai1, Colorado 8.l658 Re: Dining Deck for Gourmet Cheese Shop Dear Maxine: I received your letter dated June 20 to the Town council concerning your request to lease a portion of }la'l 'l Street for outdoor dining. to better understand your request, it wou'l d be helpful to see a site plan showingprecisely where you would ljke to'l ocate tables and chairs in the area adjacentto your_shop. As you are aware, }lall street is public'ly owned property, andapproval from the Town Councjl would be necessary before an outdoor dining deckcould be considered in this area. In addition to the Town council reviewing this proposal , the planning and Environmental commjssion may be reguired to review this request. It would betheir responsibility to evaluate impacts on pedestrjans, vehicles, and the overal 1 design features of your proposal , It is during this planning commission review process that the Town staff will have an opportuniiy toevaluate your proposal . Unfortunately, the review process for a request of this type is lengthy, and Idoubt that approvals could be granted before the 4th of Ju1y. for your'information, the following summarizes the steps you would have to tlke if you choose to pursue thjs request: 1. Submit a site plan to the staff of the Department of Community Development for their preliminary review. Discussion of the iequest maythen be scheduled with the Town Council to seek their approval toproceed wi th the appl .i cati on. 2. If approval is granted by the Town Counci l, you may apply to the Planning Commission for a conditional use permit to establish the diningdeck. From the.time an app'l ication is submitted, there is a 30 day timeperiod before the appl ication is considered by the Planning Commisiion.This is to allow for adequate notification of adjacent property owners and the staff review of the proposal . oo oo 3. If the proposal is approved by the planning commiss'ion, the dining deck may be required to be reviewed by the Design Review Board. In addition,a lease agreement would have to be finalized between yourself and the Town Council prior to operating the dining deck. I hope thjs answers some of the questions you may have concerning the processfor establishing a dining deck on Town of Uail'lind. Please do iot heiitate tocontact me with any questions you may have. I will be happy to do what I canto assist you in thjs matter. Si ncere'ly, ,/w<tn,^ Thomas A. Braun Seni or P'l anner TAB: bpr cc Peter Patten Ron Phillips luun 75 routh tronlrgc rold vrll, colorrdo 81652 (303) 476-7000 March 3, ]985 The Fraises Corporttion Unit 309 The Lazier Arcade Bullding Gentl emen: ofilca of communlly drwlopment Re: Unit 309 Lazier Arcade Build'ing Pursuant to your Co'rnercial Core I request, I where the have researched above describedI dwellinq is aand a multi-famil res ident rc A. Pete Pattenl Jr. Dl rector APP: bpr of Cormunity elopment the permitted uses in property is located, Please see Section * sct UwwY'c^1"''^ [ (v€{xld-e'^h^l r Dl; rrt a ^\, /. r^ t ' F n , - y r . E t .. ! tr..^t rr, r.QrTril: U\J.iiJL:,;r\.i. lJl'r lJi'rVLjrl-r rt r IVll a ",. ,:r':,,t.\ , jr,.. i n.l": ;;;: ..-..:,L,,lL ririiU /i,1,,/.i !]UiiJDIi!0 ii'\a:.i r:l i lr titc real pl'olot'Ly ie hcl'oby C:.v,ceC inlio li'ho follot'rlng' i'oo lil.:pIc cGtatc0: ' (a) i'it'rci;ccr, (lt) iet, sinpfe crLiiies ccnsis'';i:l{; of cJ.;5!r'; (ti ) r.irri',lti !cr be u{,cci or.:l)' ac rcliLdcncc , al)i-.i'Litcnis, cisrt (ij) unitc io nc risco ciiiy ec :.ti1oJ) cri'o.'iicr: l,t:ti';l;, ot'lc (f) uil.tt; to bc uscd only iru nIl :riiilr"l:iio,l1t r siiol oI' off ice lii'lii, end 'cr;o, (2 ) rrn j.';l; io b: uLotl cn).1' ac LlLi 11ty or - s\;or-a5e u;ri'c$; cac;l ulii u con$is'Es of ';ne inciivicitrcl e:L'r s;)eci) cnclocccl \/1lilln the pcrj-nlctcr ',ti:i11s, - fioors, ccllitrg:j, t;i;dovis ind <ioo;r's o.f sucl'r uni'c1;.s sirc'r;:t r:r:<l llil:.:.!:'cci o:l -cltc (l ondo;:-niulr i'iap tcSei,ic't lti';ii alL ii:<tu:'cs and irnJrrover'lonts l;lcroin corti;a:.ici, lluii nc\*- inch:ciLrlg stl'u()il;f irL col:po:icnts of the b'.tiici-i':g Locatcd in such unlt. (b) fi:c rt:::li,ir.1n; pc::'ticr: oi"Lrlc enij-r'r-l prciiisos rei'c:'i'c(l Lc ai5 r;lle t:cl:crar c'.riL;ron clencni': uhi cli shafI be hclc (in fee siir'i>ic) in c'r:'i;;on-t'y tl':c o';,'rlcrS r /.:lCil suci: u.llcliviCc'.j ln?c'l'etii t'ein8 c.Dpui'uoncrr'c to c;'!c of the niho';ecil (l-9) unit'o. Dcc.larant itcrcby rrsLabU.$hc5 snch unij-'riccd 1n1;ci'es-v ili thc e(.'ner.aI co;irnon eicracil-l;s ai)pur"tonall'i tc cJch of tl"le uili-vc as thc i'ollor';in1;: ,r -.'r.ibl.,.ra.!\-1 unclfix',:,:r .,i'F. rn s.c { l) nr r.ar.i'.rlt.,:, I ]01 l At 101 ]01, 4\.,r zv) 4V4 205 jtlgn_o: L.i-f lc,'r Corr<.1 or;i;iit:n Ur,i.t ill rr'.r,-.r h.j A, 1') 7.) 3.1 ).2 14. I b.7 :' ,o :..'. .|.Darf,n eI'lE . '.i. 1 r:1frlif,lllJf,1' 'i, Ilul;5 r,r ?n]) \'t ;L )vz ' -.( n1 )All )05 )UO '1o1Jvt -,nd)wv t, r ^r,r- t^.,r\1- lira,r, n-. ,ri.,'{ ^^\""r _r' '" v C <'fiiiorrilr i,ur; i:ttll;ci' 'l:+ i 1 i t it nr. 'lr r..-^ r'a:-:= j-:j1tr-:'-.1-::: :::-'.:j j-: t'-....i-..,, - !r\n, i.'111'\,Lril\,\r'rr-r.rrJ.t Ii t;i1i 61 vL lv4 -g (./ a .i. on ttr 1; e;r a rr 1: uncl r' j.cj e, c .,. ri1;?t:i, 5t ( l'/erccli;at{o J ra) l+-2 r.1 ril 4. i,; 4.$ 4.u ,.) -2- /Jr!/ r Zd4 ; -.-:e:-:.1----- I -t: I /t'// -zA4 ,t/^,'//rt .1//;i 2A , ft&R PLI ' FF, BU?-DING Ir'1l {l{lIl il \lll!liili'l { {l\lul ^JJ, I Ail - --l I )". I t(i,,li.tt \.r1.riiriq l\t\ IrltiljT- I q \lidrti \tt{ {I I {, li lr -7- --=Il- -a.-a.(l .2. a. ,l ftYIPD 'F/.oo* P/.//,/ 75 soulh tronlage rold vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 25, 1985 oftlce of communlty develoPmcnl Mr- Robert T. Lazier Tivol i Lodge Vail, Co]orado 81658 Re: Unit 309, The Lazier Arcade Condominium Building Dear Bob, Pursuant to your request' I have researched the permitted uses in Corrnercia'l Core I where the above described property is located, and a multi-family residential dwelling is a permitted use for Unit 309, Lazier Arcade Condominium Bu'ilding. (Please see Section 18.24.050 A.'l . for reference. Patten, Jr Director of CormunitY APP: bpr {,k ilrl' l'lo''t'Ttll a /a.i( Cecor"W V".., - /. T L \.'- o1-\all)o -.- -''?- rele&r.^ /a;f ,Eeco.ofu 2orc. Eu* aT /or7 Skue fqffq7son tJg at€ Pe%rrLt.ct+el ?otrof t-,lorb efffie Zczziev t".He h/& (^ (a,-/. o?d ake czsc,n ? Z"4flens epctla t*"err}s a+d .a Bcror-Yrqrt< .fr n"u )4, hiqt €4?ea?=. de ar? h-eoe bl qwtttt.te dA r€sp1a5eb;/ffy a /,n case^bT enut -dunaa1e YoWaolu ffi"it prosaa.-Yc, q*d & ftfuXe ?*pwYq .u|ca-, euu'(c,( 7, ,tu 4r'yecYtq causd. b,r*ccs doe To oc{t, 4/or,(. V" ?4er4or7s cL }4p t^, "rrndCTf,e Or?A A.re Aq)a{,e g€ oqar' ryoa,\a,rt ezT hee{ E frr.creac&Lces. Oun lJor& EfC be Yarttd frdy SefYep1*-,- vfre 3o /?s3 /.:d, $ ir{i \q I N h 0\ -ll\tl \; ll\f I\(q'f\I \\l t st\l\J I I Ar- I t.c. E a ,1 Cotv / (tpr/ sog) ilNlSla1 Ir Nrill-I I 0\| n\ r- I $ t \ 't \ ,9\ \*I \ s \ ^I\tr; \\i \ t$ ls \ \ /b"2" 1 7/) 2" rtoln ElEt1 t/V I\l b \ a/6f 7a $l ea4 \ 0 \\ .\\ l 0 \l \ ,/ e2 I t- .s\ \t(\ __ _]--7---= I t/oZ / //Yn \ \ \oi Foif J /r(n* t \(\ N \-{-.,t ' "a/ ;// n-77s yoa7/ I 1 !n a lIt\rl '3'2'7 /tvo.>7FQ ,tuaa?:vq )t '- --' _J Wftu- ShT#,,^:'|acnr tsir Fit q76- o?d( 2/'- 7'.Zlt ta-.zt'- /t' !r;?t.1 J NN N N \ n). N.\\s d N\ \ NI N -x, N\N /f:7' \ Ns \ \iI $\ a \t. tza.7" a 75 south frontage ld. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 llfll Town Planner PJ:br Encl . tnwn u department of community development January 4, 1983 Tom Gilbertson Hong Kong Cafe 229 tlall Street Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Dear Tom: This letter is to inform you of the procedure that will be fol'lowed by the Department of Communiiy Dlvel opment i^egarding i1.1ega'l s]9!:' Start ing. it: .- ffifii:;l=il; "!1aTii-'rt.ict1y adhere to the pi6ceaurEs outlined within the vail ffi;i;il;i'code wnich state that it is unlawful to displav anv sign w'ithin the.. town without receivin!-io"n-oi-vuil approval. Violat'ioni are subject to penalty ina7o" rin", and we will begin issuing summons for il'lega1 signs' Inthepastwehavereliedonacooperativespirit.inhavjnos.iqnsthatwereilleqal removed without fine or penalty. "ine'protjferation"ot ilratk boardsjil=iil;;;rv'iirpiuv boards and the.repeated iisptay of these s'isns by .several businesses has resui"tea in ou" decision'io stricti.y Lnforce the sign code requlations.Thesetypesofs.ignsarenotallowed-.Eachrestaurantand/oril;"i;";ii;*"a'u-iiu""!quut" io6i aisptav uox in which to post menus' current entertainment, specials, etc. (see attached intornatlon,1' If you have any questions regarding exactly the type and number of signs you are allowed, or would like to apply to the Design-itevjew Board for a djsp'lay 6li,-pi"it"'contact me- Thank ybu-for your cooperat'ion' I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' Sincerely, Project Application Project Name: proiect Description' II|\J LA€GFj fnFr\/l' CIF Di';i::'L-AV 'r, |VDr'rd:i*Al)D i;r rn\l ,:,}F rjr(l i l,)r)^F Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot E 4 n.z-r , Btock 5{ , riting Vl,,- \lr,t^r.ri l-lr{sr ,zone t''(,f, 1trc Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: seconded ov, T4?.:14 DISAPPHOVAL Summary:6-d E Statt Approval box 100 vail, colorado 81682 (3031 476-5613 October 22, L982 Rob Krewson Aspen Custom Jewelry 408 Hyman Aspen, Co1orado 81611 Dear Rob: 0n 0ctober 20, 1982 the Jewe'lers display window Si ncerely, department of community development Design Review Board and adjacent door. DRB Submittal of 10-20-82 approved the Custom IProject Application Project Name: sa6 S#: ao. lqfrz- Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Archit€ct Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n: Lot B , Block 5 -a , Filing f fheT 07. e zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: /./o^t /0 /6r/3t- DISAPPROVAL 7t*&2> 4-' a ta44i-' 6luE- f EEulaL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Chiet Building Off icial l)ll!;(:l:ll'.! l(ill ol; l)lttJ'i;:t''l -- Rp..noveL oE--gl"rrNg -b-r-q-L{ay .wrrvgsaE..t-sxEtraodprryG -.---.-groca4 a,.D PEFLrq,+v*.],sF-E3cs#:[:.';?r1""3H-::f ffi ,_ffif-B]:;#;tt#:__" HOr..lC F+rvC C_r:ru .'J'lrc f'r,l l,,i. in;l inf or.n:rL ir>rr i:, re rirri r.r:tl for. :;rrl,r:,r t Llrl by tirc uPl,l ir::rrrL to thc Dcsrllrr Itr;vi.clvlJOard l.rc Jorr: a final :.il)l)r.{rvJl c;rrr 5c Jl j"vcrr: A. tlljll,l, lii(l ltlA'f[RtAI.S Roo f Siding Othcr tJaIl Materials Fascia Soffit s Win dow s ll]-ndow I _rrm ooors (@ Aorye &:* Gtrs Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues F lash i.ngs Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhotrs es Other-- Gt-azluc B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: 'fypc o f _ i1:r.t-.:r-,!! !Color exr) ,*7zs t'oaz- |.j,-4'|w 'w ->e,',.| - | KJllv STAI tJ w/ S+, rsp.- Fatnr( 1rc- ulAtTe To m phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quanti ty Size SHRUBS J tm I AYP6 /\ --L)ci-oBeu S, .,1u.Z I ISU l-fcernplTAL {6rara grr/TS iinn^lU=s rcxl KEYIe- Atr'ol.tcqzur^.J tr t | / -fVnr.-- LiisTo.-r JEwrJ-E''s / Dsn-^y [,,r.lnvoo". filoplrrcnr, n^Jtl I I I Ilr:. t/ ^ I| ,Hg rn FDvaat5rL AND e'1 ,, n/ gr- dl€ {ntu c.osTucn J rgwtl-tyLs , Lo cn7ra: I'NF\ ll* frt L^zts \rz{ADE 6uru.orxJ6; , ilnva eJ'ffEsag2 A Desrr-e. | ,' lTo j€sv-u?" TNe 4.rsTr16 FF. oe- of Tlrelrz- 624(JND Fr4oe- I I iS*oTo P?our'>e Hr6A€(- Vtsterern/ AMD pa-1 p.a-cdrvs-rVE€S Fsn- :--\liTn€ Vn,. sAot'pqt-. 7-l ,s a7rE.\fl It r-rrysls7gnrT wlTA 7ul€ ll - rr ''lPtfzsT FAz,.Ad-1"-Apa yryrxt Tr.t€ Aeqprrva 4r TEla^/s,pAegvcv o^/ j" i?oeE- l-? ap Tue Vo,.- VtLrAae' De,or G"Xre,s,.61sws'] wArcA il'rt,'ttl P*-E'IBES OPSVE:5' Ava/oa ATfpFc.rtV€J€SS' AS A rn\)os ?acrwz- it llv --AE- <-Yzg>Ttsl\, trF EpEgrrrraN SC.ALE/ etTrN/6 TAe. VaLLJ&. ol= I lTen^rsenF€..Jf STou€-Fl"<rN]S As ?Afte- ATT€J:\C-ToF.S. Trre Se-c,onto I iPaaa6-encr1 &! P^6e- 17 . (rru-s 1=g;r- a Hl6AtA"- Dqeq. OF'i-r I_ il ea67v2-u.1 A7 Trle PEp€STrarAN L€VFI- r -fAArv cri- r-q€ Iiu?fst- Ld& Fncxoe or:. N B:J^-DING. T,;|e W,t.tlc.@g'17 67 TD€ i igXrSf , n.tC c-rh \L.r-. F.-ol- t-t 1<6 WINDO^^,( WrTl{ 'ftA LXeCgz Wtilpd/,6 ':?rziro*W lS C{MJStS-i:r/i WITA TFIAT QtfE,c:f lVE, \Al Arue_ --r!f e f erz< r=r.-t f6 6).g q- Tp-A rvs " anzaalq-1 ?rzspag> E"X cEF> s Toe Pec-$.-n r-.=fvDE P v-r.f:ra 67- S57o To 1O7o DtgCUSSeo ,5n1 7s6-1 l$. l1- lE 6-(t^r s, ts-i-I=v!rr wlTA -rA€. (>€cue- 6r- Trz-ANs pA ra€\i c{ w l-lr.ll a)tulE c-r\f(u4 F(r<Tg a? }TAAL Fusrru55Eg3 ALofUG TA€. AE<.AaEi_, ANb l< Bn r--a' rv c/sllr T0 sornE- ax -rENT Bt TA€. Ex.rpArvstE: ,or= soLtD WA L Af TUA SeaylCg_ AN|D alP.D LFft.Od trA-enS ltar-n€I>ta-?:t3-4 -fo .TLia NO€1-a 6r- Vo,t CUsfO".' Jg-g.-€K'S. t oPAaa= z Oc;Toos- =t 14$z iSufrr-r=nr=n-rrp-Co-"-,6g-6i ( Cor,n vveo) Il< l,Il?yzo?oS@ l?l rnErS,cNS.A'vb PF{poF_rro\rs 79 [rlti /vEd , wtveo"ts Ara€r c^orvstSna2 Lr.//rl-l TAe Dlrng,vslf,,\rs tsND ll ,.,. l' -'Tpt-grzar,.lC€S REC.1nnF.rEA/D UrVD€fL ' WlVpC,^..rS" Cr..: ?a,Ae l'l / ^.-u\[se<-o^ro ?F,GF- vur'-il3€zs) -11 1,, TA€- l_lgtrr:s op Tu€ 7p,7eos€D L,; wl YvDorrS Wlr-L t3€- lrrerz,,rx,h,lb.7E:L}/ 1 -q" AFovE Tp€ wEL-r4,^J6 slJcpp6g (8' ,s DEe<e:tr9l€D As FrecaTe^^a=,) , r\ur) Trl€ gtr-r- c,f- TA€ wtvEa\^r wtt& BE trT A A€tanT aT s>?eratxtrnA7€L,/ /\,'/+ lrv<HE< ( l$ rr,rr-las 15 De<cet6tg) AS APr;af467=,1. I Wr'.-,," @E iA= DIS.CUSSED AT 'TI]€- TOE OF PAG€. Ib, IT IS IJIY drINIoN -{ ltD( s D FFtCtEr\rr AEjrreocraTr6N wtu_ Be. pBqVtoa., B,l fUrr= Fuur--wrrvpo.^1 alJs7sff. Drsruny urvr?S prz{tpos€p Rr<- pgp4E-ngvi A FE\"J INcAgg -ro TAe e€a{z- dF Tae 6Laz.rna Sugp.nce.. i-u. pl6FLFq HrytrS W rLJ- 6e LO'tJS-frerJ<Jrg> Ot OAf- ANE) r/vttr- Q;q/nr n/ A N U rNrZ-gZ- OT S A I=LVES A ^,)D NI4AES F6fL T1l€ T>IS F r-N',1 6.;, lrvprvteuns Je&a-cu rTE ns. lass. UrVtTS v)tt-w 4G- lN Ptacg iDUKTNG BusrVsss Aodr.-s FNo wtr,* tG. ?DLJ-€D 6,Fcl(- lNTo TA€- SAoT SPA('€. Ai TVIGAT fu- SEcua|t1 E€SSSNS. ,Tu. Gr-A'er\JG wE HAVIS Sa€].c-T@ tS.h, (t€D/a (gg'-ysenvE Gunss 'lS or<car6B,p.6;132 ON p^6€ /c) rnE.rL- tzt=S ISTA ,( 1J1.1 6,zrtr--o6r= Acer/UC. F, or. Slr-,rLA(_ S€_auRlTq IZFASsNS WE F{aV6_ la3gfg> ln 6ETF, .W/Nocr"..r F?pt"1:._, B6'.cnrlse. oF lTq TArry+*egSlSTAN- IEApa*cn:ir.rsTrc.s trrvp L-rya,J- rn nrNTbcJAr!<E eunutTtgs. 7t"a PE4?oS€.t> FrrJ,S,-l r^rooLr2 Be_ A D'F€,k- Ae4N?-e 71J Do ^JO7 F-OPoS€. lvfEd.e,F.(- h/lNDO1^, Ar?jfrc'DuATr0\r I ?AOE 7 o Azog,s- 5, llgz Suen-gngrlrau Ocm mE\rrs (carn,uve;c\ FIT lN Acc€pT,l3,Lv Wl(F 7ne ?rLg>orrtVArVf(-.l woOD FreF'nEg AF ?TAF L Ptsrn.l t^/lvptrrds /V Ttt€ An{$. rlNcE j oNLy Ttr€ (^/tNDtryv EL€fnE J-fg A€€.}|. /.NVOLVrp lI\./ TUe. f44?o9ED ^aorllFrcATr6-f\rs, fAlS COf^/c,LtJr2El rnq lltEyAcUnTr6"..l d/1 a-o]vroaff\A1€ u/ff A -rA€ Vn'c VtCunO,g DegrCrv Co--s roe,*rr*.fS .t' [%ro,-,'> N. -{oco [rt-c+lrrecz For- Tue- Aro,1.nt1 Y, o. Eox l7s= \/. t^Ybl'-, LoLoR.FD.o 61652, {7a -zsro l'ltc |'t'II'|i"itlil inforr:r:rL jolt i:; rcrlrrirt:d for :;rrlrr:,itt;rl by tlrc allpl ir:lr.rL to thc Dcsil:rr llr,y.i.",lJoard l;cl'rrro a final rllproval c:Lrr bc l:ivcn: A. Bl,lLtrliiil MA'Ir RIALS Roof Siding Other l{al1 Mat erial s r asc ra Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors(p llorw gaue C-ree exrr) Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other - Gue71n16 B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: phone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanical Name TREES '[ypc of rtl'rt_.:!i!Color AT coR^rarr' €tlaa DARE- Conrnon Name Size A,\roDrzED ltllnrr rygnl C.oslleE.s Ar{ou geo Asrrn r uurrt gld&:FFg\tl PSgg $36qrp 61p7 SHRUBS i; I I't't " i-- tl .! Jf-' :]ir, , :r /l: ,'I i ; [\_\xi i f.i \-l I \,\t\;r1\ t {"{ .;d/. (' -_: \.t --\' .--:i.t -U o; rYilg 3o 9 T $oI it .. --rl t IJt-'") i .&l; " "PRESEIItlilI Trout Scott Edwards Jim Viele Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Duane Piper Jim Morgan PLANNING AND ENVIRONT![NTAL COMMISSION August 23, 1982 1:30 pm STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Dick Ryan Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP 1. Approval of minute: of August 9. The minutes were comected to read "Ed Drager" instead of Bil I Ruoff asked towait until Scott Edwards was in the room to consider the Lodge pool bubble. Also comected were the words Trout used to describe adding othbr pets to the Mountain Tropics request. Trout had said ,,other non vicious pets.i' Donovan moved and Piper seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. votems 4-0-2 with Viele and Morgan abstainjng. Bil I }lilto 8.st for a conditional use rmit in accordance with Cha r 18.60 to us wasn a ex'i stat the Town str icant:ct. .l Bill-Andrews exp'lained the need for expansion. Corcoran noted that the project was fair'ly sheltered and not too visible. Andrews added that there wouii be some cuts and that they would be reseeded, Morgan wanted to know if there were any other projects or activjties at the bus barn that had not come through for approval , and Ryan answered that there weren't. Oonovan moved and Vie'l e seconded to approve the conditiona'l use permit, The votewas 6-0-l in favor with Corcoran abstain.ing. 2.. Request for an exterior alteration red t' oFder-E-TI Dick Ryan reminded the board that this had been exp'lained at the last meeting whenit was tab'led. He added that he had spoken with several business owners in ihe Ps! fg! days, and that they impressed upon him that a safe entry into a shop wasdesjrable. -Ryan used the casino building as an example of making steps safer,especially in.the winter. He a'lso added-that some rblief was pr6posei for th6 facaileof the covered Bridge building to enhance it. John Dobson, thb aiplicant, askedthe board if they hid any pro6tems with page 2 of the memo, jna iib;i;;d'nonouanobiected to the staff's opinion on street 6dge. Barry Baker, the jnanager of the Snug shop, explained that the snow plc,w push6d snow dbwn into his entrince, andalso snow was brought into the recessed itairway by boots. In the surmer,-invalidsand ch] ldren were often carried up and down the stairs, {F!f I PEC -2- 8/23/82 Dobson showed e] evatjons and perspectives of the pioposed remodeled building,and repeated the rennrks about thb snow problem, ind'added that the awning "' was a problem wjth vandalism and blocking visibiljty. Ryan stated that J;ff ljltlgn .of .9us9.Davis was-working on the problem of-the "Covered Bridge wiJtt'and thenorth side of the Covered Bridge store building, cons'idering ieconstructionof the bridge and the entry way onto dridge street ir6; ih; bridgel Comments: Morgan: It would be better to have the steps inside, but this is an improvement. ?ifl; -I!: :I:p: now are stated to be a prbbter, bui you are not eliminaring steps.r teel that the front as is is a strong identification to the Village, even frorethan the Covered Bridge- This is the initial ,introductjon to the Vitiage, moreso than coming out of the park.ing struETu-FEl- Donovan: I feel the same way t iid at the'l ast meeting--the windows are in thesame.'l.ine, the rock wall will meet Pepi's rock wall. i feet the confusion couldbe addressed with signage. When people walk into a tanAing, they know thit there l; guyjousty more.than one 'level.' li they wa'tk into one l6vei, itr.y *uy not-l'no*tnat there is another level. I feel the streetedge is not good.on itre [roposat.viele:.I'm in general accord with the staff's anilysis ot lire p.opoiitl--il;;'ln.compl'iance with the Urban Design Guide P'lan and is an improvbmeirt in safetyand access. would there be a change in the stairs to the creek? Ryan: Therlwould be temporary steps. Edwards:. My only object'ion is construction on Bridge Street. I like the new planbetter than the existinq. J19ut:, Areyou changin! the.floor elevations in the inner space? Now there areTlve steps dov{n. You feel there is danger, but there are five steps up to an ex- FIof"llnling which doesn't atter the iaf6ty factors. Nuny tamous ouitainsi - nave this type of entrance, but the decision of the entrance for retail reaionsls not ours to make. I'm concerned about tlre landsciping or ilre aiei Uv eir. - Creek. Bnnr It will be done with an overall upgrade of the area, but it won't be donethis construction season. Trout mentionbd ttrat at the iiii meeting, tnere-wii'discussion about remonstration against a possible improvement district for thearea, Dobson answered that it didn't makb sense to iay o.k. if I donit know ihedetails, but I am sure we can work something out. Trout stated that he was concerned with the town getting an easement or a rightgf way for steps leadjng to the creek. Corcoran iemina6a him that the town didnot olvn. the property by the creek. Ryan added that there would be steps to thecreek, but not on the ?gtr:ol property, and at present they woula oe-iehporiry - until the 'improvement district was f-ormed. Trbut was conieinea auoui-[he'ib"st,q$ RVal expla-ined that the cost would be shared, plus the Town would share in'the cost as well. Dobson felt that morally and politically it was not a good idea to ask someone !::gf: !l legistation he hasn't seen. ."I witl agree to participate in the iype0t rmprovements the staff has recommended up to now.,l Vie1 e moved and Edwards seconded to approve the alteration and modifjcationto the.covered Bridge bui'lding as per the itaff memo. viele amended this tosay "without the staff condjtions oi approval .,' After disJussion, the vote-was3 in favor., (Edwards, viere, Morgan),'b against (oonovan,-i6rt;'piperl-wiilr-- Corcoran abstaining. /. ,i's. '. i. ,1 PEC -3- B/23/82 Edwards seconded the motion, and the vote was 4 in favor and 2 against (Donovan, and Piper) with Corcoran abstaining. The motion passed. fact that there would be less traffic, stating Dobson agreed. that there would be more traffic. After more discussjon, Viele stated a new motion, that of approval of the alteration as per the staff recommendation and conditions with number 3 modified to read: 3. That the applicant be responsible for the construction of new steps down to the grassy iandscaped area by Gore Creek,. that the applicant_provide. ...public aciess to tire landscaied area, and that a'landscape p'lan be submitted for the upgrading of thjs area. 3. Request for a conditional use permit to convert an3partment to retail= (Edwards ''"ta)' Dick Ryin reviewed the memo and gave an update on the conversion of space-'in Vail V-illage. He added that theie had been a reduction in nunbers of employgg units, but-there was st'ill a mix of residential and conrnercial within the Village- Dobson stated that because of noise, lack of access, etc' that the space.was not Sood foi-ieiiadntiat anO tisted buiidings that had iommercial space on the second fl oor. Trout and Vjele stated that they were in agreement with the staff. Donovan felt the use shou'ld stay as it was blcause the iore was dead at nite, and the housing was needed. Piper felt that there was no way to know whether or not there was a need.for empldyee fiousing and that a survey should be done to find out. Morgan ieii-tnat it ihou'td be used as employee housing, and that there was a need for this type of housing in the va11ey wherever it nny be, and that the Urban Design Guide P,l;n djd not encourage commercial when it deleted residentia1 units. Dobson stated that the record of the Town Council was never to turn down a request like this and he wanted the same consideration. Morgan also disagreed with the Pi'per moved and Vie'l e seconded to approve the request for the conditional use wittr ttre one condition of approval per the staff memo dated 8/18/82. The vote was 3 in favor, 2 igainst (Donovan and Morgan) with Corcoran abstaining. 4. Request for an exterior alteration and modification.approval for Conrnercial Core J for the Hong.Kong Cafe to construct an add'ltlon on tne souln s]oe _oricant; Tom Gilbertson Peter Patten showed sections, perspectjves and an isometric of the proposal and reviewed the memo. Gilbertson-staied that he did not agree with the condition of partic'ipating in an improvement distr;ict. Duane P'iper, architect for the proiect, described the addition adding that it would give more life to the plaza. Trout moved and Morgan seconded to approve ihe exterior alterations per the staff rnmo dated 8/16/82 including the one-Condition. The vote was 3 in favor, none against, with 3'abstentions-(Piper, Corcoran and Donovan). The motion passed. C6rcoran reninded G'i'lbertson th;t he had l0 days in which to appeal the condjtion of the approval. -&;-- Patten asked to have this item tabled until the the 'list submitted by the applicant of adiacent been complete, He added that this was the last day review for exterior alterations. PEC -4- 8/23/82 meetjng on September l3 because property owners to notify had not meeting under the rules of the 90 Bjll !li1to, the Council representative, asked the board if they would give the Council some direction concerning the conditions regarding the improvement, distrjcts. Corcoran rep]ied itrat ttris was one item he had planned to bring up at the iojnt meeting on September 21. 5. Apnlication for exterior alteratjon and modif icqt.ipUn-Commercial Core I ium' Appl icants: Bud and Greta Parks Donovan moved and Piper seconded to table this item until September l3 at which tinn the applicant milst be present with all required materj.al , or this proiect would be piri into the next time slot (the November review date). The vote was 6-0 in favor of tabl ing. 6.t for two variances: Setback and GRFA to make additions and i rovemen ts on emace.pp I rca Patten explained the memo and showed the plans and elevations. He added that the-condominium had twice as much GRFA as was allowed, and that the lots were only 2J feet wide (though MDMF requ'ired 20' setbacks), adding that the build'ings werl constructed white in the county and that the zoning was added when they were annexed'to the town, and then the pioject was subdivided into very snnll lots, adding to the conrpl.'ications. Jim tr4anning, architect for the project, showed site and f'l oor. p'lans -and e'l evations and statea-inat ttre property wai owned by 2 fami1ies each with 2 children, needing one more bedroom, ani that one ch'i'ld had Down's syndrome., requiring more supervision. He added that sirice 1977,5 simi'lar proposals in this subdivjsion had been presented to the board,4 of which'had been deirieb by the staff, and the PECrhad approved all except for the Curfnnn request in .l980. .Pitten agreed that 5 had been presented, but that they were not exactly alike' 'Morgun siated that he tended tb favor the variance, but where did one stop? Pip6r mentioned that in rezoning in annexation, one reason is to bring some confor- mity and continuity. He found it Citficult to support any addition to GRFA over thai which is allowed. Specific to the air'lock, he was in favor of this, since it was encouraged, but thit the stairway would add to the problem of snow removal . Donovan agreed wfth Piper. Viele felt that imposing MDMF setbacks was a hardship because ii it were taken seriously, nothing could be built. It seemed unrealistic to him to look at GRFA restrictjoni on such a tiny lot. Trout agreed wjth Viele' with respect to snow removal , as did Corcoran. Corcoran was concerned with a power lihe that ran above the clwei'ling and asked the applicant to determine i.rhether the power company had an easement for the 'l ine. Patten mentioned that the town had received a'l etter from the secretary of an organization that owned the Common areas in.favor.of the proposal., but he was sp6aking only for himself. Donovan stated that there were 3 condo associations in the group of condominiums. F . f8t|-'|r PEC'-5- 8/23/82 After additjonal discussion concern'ing the total GRFA on the site if it were treated as a nornnl "town-housed" project (ttre total GRFA was not known), the applicant was asked if he wished to table the item for more study on his part. Patten admitted that he had no 'idea what the GRFA would be if treated as a "town-house" project because of lack of records. The feasibility of a study of any kind was discussed. A poll of the members revea'led: Morgan did not feel the setbacks were any problem. P'iper wanted further study, because as it stbod now he felt he could not approve it. Donovan approved of the bedroom setback. Vie'le wanted to I ook at Trout agreed with Viele. the project tota'l with some meaningful nunbers. Corcoran wanted to look at the entire project Piper asked how they could look at the total own 'individual lot. He fe1t that they should lrhnnin! asked the members how they wou]d feel the project as a whole. Morgan sa'id he would feel the sane way unless it were found that the units were over in GRFA. Donovan stated that she didn't feel that she could approve the setback encroachments Vie'le felt that he might be wi11ing to change his mind depend'ing on the resu'lts of the study. Trout was concerned with the tota'l GRFA. l'4anning requested to table his request until September 13. Piper moved and Viele seconded to table as per. the applicant's request. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 7, Reouest for a conditional use permit in Comrnercial Core III zone district to conduct outside auto emission testing next to the Safeway store, Patten reviewed the memo. Ruth Cogan, enviromental hea'l th officer, explained that tie test would be directly in front of the store, and that it would not impede traffic, and that cars could go thru the test in l-l/2 minutes. Donovan moved and Morgan seconded to approve the request per the staff memo dated 8/17/82. The vote was 6-0 in favor. Patten announced that on Septerber .|6,'there would be a study of the subdivision regu'lations. The meeting was adiourned at 4:25. airlock, was opposed to the front setback and the in MDMF and a'lso the building separation: GRFA when each building was on its deal with the situation as it exists. if there could not be a study of i, JuIy 8, L982 Vail Associateg Inc. Mr. Tom Gilbertson c/o Hong Kong Cafe 227 WaIL StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom, This letter shall serve as Vail Associates, rnc.'s authorizationfor X-Bar Fly, rrg.t d/b/a "Ilong Kong cafe" to construct a buildingon that portion of land covered by the Lease Agreement between vailAssociates, fnc. (Landlord), and X-Bar Fly, Inc. (Tenant), datedFebruaryl,I979,hereinreferredtoasthe''Lease''. Vai.1 Associates, Inc.rs authorization, based on the plans sub-mitted by wheerer-Piper Architects, dated May 24, rggz, i! contingentupon the following conditions: - A11 terms and conditions of the Lease shall remain in fullforce and effect. Tenant must adhere to all permits, licenses, certificates,or other authorization required by any governmental agencieswith jurisdiction over such an improvement (see 3.b. and Z.b.of the Lease). Tenant shall submit to LandLord al1 Certificates of Insurance,showing coverage to the Premises and any new add.itions thereof.Such certificate shalt name Vail Associates, Inc. as add.itionalinsured. Tenant and Tenantrs Contractors shall obtain and keep in forceBuilder' s Risk Insurance, Workments Compensation fnsurance,and Comprehensive General Public Liability fnsurance. A11 improvements to the Premises shall fall within the tegaldescription of the Premises, as described in "Exhibit A" ofthe lease. AIl work shall be done as expeditiously as possible in a good. and workmanlike manner. o Page Two, Letter to Tom Gilbertson o this proposed expansion fill be'We are confident thatbeneficial .mutually President, Vail Associates, Inc. HHF:pP 82-v4-2.7 l:30 pm ort*,ru AND ENVTR'NHTNTAL cor4Mrsst August 23, 1982 1. Approval of minutes of August 9. Z, Request for an exterior alteration and modjfication approval for the Covered Bridge Store building on lots C and D, Block 5, Vail Vil lage lst Filing in order to fill in the northern part of the entry to the Snug store. Appl icant: John Dobson 3. Request for a condiijona'l use permit to convert an apartment to retail space on the second fioor of the Covered Bridge Bujlding. Applicant,: John Dobson 4. Request for an exterior alteration and modification approval for Conunercial Core I for the Hong Kong Cafe to construct an addition on the south side of the existing bar and restaurant. Applicant: Tom Gilbertson 5. Application for exterior alteration and modification jn Contmercial Core I fbi^ Cyrano's Bui'lding to enclose tvro decks and add a third floor condorninium. App'licant: Bud and Greta Parks. 6. Request for variances for GRFA, setbacks and sjte coverage in order to construct an addition in an l'lDl'lF zone district at 4254 East Columbine Way. Appl,icants: John and Debbie 0dum . 7. Request for a conditional use permit in Commercial Core III zone district to'conduct outside auto emission testing next to the Safet^ray store at 21 5l North Frontage Road hlest. Applicant: Tovtn of Vail 8. Request for a conditjonal use permit in accordance with Chapter .l8.60 to construc a bus lvash and fuel pump facility ro the east of the existing bus barn located at the Town shops i;r a PUD zone district. Applicant: Tovrn of Vail Published in the Vail Trail August 20, .|982. a Vail Associateq JuIy 8, L982 lnc. Mr. Tom Gilbertson c,/o Hong Kong Cafe 227 wa]-l- Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Tom, This letter shall Serve as Vail Associates, Inc.'s authorization for x-Bar Fly, Inc., d/b/a "Hong Kong cafe" to construct a building on that portion of land covered by the Lease Agreement between Vail Associates. Inc. (Landlord), and X-Bar Fly, Inc. (Tenant) ' dated February I, Ig7g, herein referred to as the "Lease"' Vail Associates, fnc.,s authorization, based on the plans sub- mitted by Wheeler-Piper Architects, dated t"lay 24' L982, is contingent upon the following conditions: - Al1 terms and conditions of the Lease shal1 remain in full force and effect. - Tenant must adhere to all perrnits, licenses, certificates, or other authorization reguired by any governmental agencies with jurisdiction over suCh an improvement (see 3.b. and 7.b. of the Lease). - Tenant shall submit to L,andlord all Certificates of Insurance, showing coverage to the Premises and any new additions thereof. Such certj-ficaie shall name vail Associates, Inc. as additional insured. - Tenant and Tenant's Contractors shall obtain and keep in force Buildert s Risk Insurance, wOrkments compensation Insurance, and Comprehensive General Publlc Liability Insurance' - All improvements to the Premises shall fall within the legal description of the Premises, as described in "Exhibit A" of the Lease. - A11 work shall be done as expeditiously as possible in a good and workrnanlike manner. Box 7, Vail. Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601 )" Page llwo, Letter to Ton Gilbertaon o proposed expansion will be mutualtyWe are confident that thisbeneficial . President, VaiJ- Associates, Inc. IIHF:pp 82-V4-2.7 'l MEMORAI{DUIl T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Coriinlission FR0M: CommunityDevelopnentDepartment DATE: August .l6, -|982 SUBJECT: Exterior al i;eration request to expand the Hong Kong Cafe toward the south. Applicant: Tom G'ilbertson I. THE REqUEST r Proposed is to expand the upper level of the Hong Kong Cafe {the. greenhouse bar'area) to the louth out tb ttre existing rock wall. This has been a somevrhat "forgotten" area as the existing patjo is-well below grade and is not a desirable outdoor space. The addition would add about 625 square feet of floor area. New restrooms, a food preparat'ion area and an additional exit are p'l anned' as well as seating for abbut 20 people. The exterior design of the addition will be similar to the existing business. The sunken effect of the expansion area allor.is the adilition to possess a 1ow profiie and unobtrusive presence. II. COI'IPLIANCE l1lITH PURPOSE SECTION IB.24.OIO The conmercjal core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the urrique character of the Vai'l Vjllirge contnercial area, with its nixture of lorlges and cottmercial estab'l ishntents in a ptreclominately pedestrian envi ronment' The comrnercial core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air' open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of bu'ildings and uses. The distrjct regu'lat'ions in accordance with the Vail Village uri:an design guide plan and <jes'i gn considerations prescribe sjte development standards that-are intended lo ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tjghtly clustered arrangentents of buildings frortting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, ancl to ensurc continuation of the bujlding scale and architectural qua'lities that distirrguish the vil lage, The proposal is in compliance with the purpgse section for Vail Vi'l1age. III. COMPLIAI{CE I.JITH THE URBAN DISIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE A. Pedestrianization This area is not pedestrianized--tro change. B. Vehiclc Penctratiorr No change in as a resul t orrgoing vehicle of this proposal uenetration for deliveries, etc. will occur tlo ong Kong -2- 8/16182 'l oC. Streetsca pe Frarue'rork The proposal nray slightly irnprove rhe streetscape franrelork, as it will nnke more intcresting a portion of the north side of the p1aza, A iarge amount of landscaping exists between r,ihere the addjticrn will be constructed and the p1aza. D. Street Encl osure F. There is real1y no effect on street enclosure. However, the addition rnaybetter define the p1 aza edge in this location. -slree!-ldsq The llong Kong provides some relief in its scale from the large Lazier Arcade l3u'i ld'ing. Furthermore, it is set back four feet from the eastern edgeof the Lazier Building, and this existing jog wjl'l rennin. Buil ding Hej ghiL This is a very 1ow profi'l e one story addition, and jt rneets a'l t height requirements for Vail Village. Vi ews No vievt planes, as designated in the Va1 I Village Urban Des'ign Guide Plan, are affecteci. Service anclQel_ile1x No s'ignificant changes are foreseen. lqlAbrle The proposal will actually improve access to sun as it takes auray an unused shady spot and creates a sunny jndoor eating area. I. IV.ZONING CODE CONSIDERATION The proposal meets all CCI District regu'lations. STAFF RECOMMENDAT IOi'i The Department of Connrun'i ty Development recom:rends approvai o'f the expansionfor the Hong l',.ong Cafe. tile fee'l this should be an irnproverlent to an existing "dead" space. The infjll of this area should prove to be an attractive additionto the edge of the Village P1aza. The following is a conditjon of approval: l, The applicant agrees to participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvernent distrjct if and r'lhen fornred for Va jl \til lagc. ELr u. H. V. I oate I Application APPI]CATION FORM FOR EXTtrRIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COILUERCIAL CORE I (CCI) I. This procedure is reguired for alteration of an existing which- adds or removes any enclosed floor area or butdoor ieplacement of an existing building shall be subject to thl planning and Environmental Cpmmission' The application will not be accepted untit all information buildingpatio or review by is submitted,. A. NAME OF APPLICA}IT ADDRESS 227 waLL sx.pHONE 476-L818 APPLICAI{T'S REPRESENTATIVE Wheelar pipet / Areh 1973 N. Frontage Rd. Vail-,pgoNr 47CI-I664 B.NAI4E OF ADDRESS C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE SEe ATt ADDRESS P.O. Box 7 - B.C.D.C.PHONE 949-5750X5530 D.I,OCATION ADDRESS OE PROPOSAT I,EGAI DESCRIPTION LOI C Block 5-C VaiI Villa irsE Filin FEE $100.00 plus an amount equal to.the then current first-class Posiagc rate for each property owner'to be notified herewrder. IMPROVE},IEN1' SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOIVING PROPERTY LINES A}ID LOCATION OF BUILDING AND ANY II4PROVEMEbITS ON THE LAND. G. A LIST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF ALL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY A}ID TIIEIR ADDRESSES. II- Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 35" ai a scale of l-" - ZlAt; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the Community Development DePartment if juslified; tr F. #2.4*z^-t 75 soulh lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476.7000 office of lhe town manager June 9, L982 Mr. Ben ,WahleVail ,Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 7ValI, CO 81658 Dear Ben: As you are awate, the Town of vail has an outstanding option on i portion of Vail Associates' property irunediately north of thL Vail Village Tlcket P]^aza area, The Torvn bas recently considered exerciiing this option and has concluded that it is'of no public interest at this time and, therefore, does not intend to exereise its oPtion. Furttrermore, should we choose to pursue thls option some tinre in the future, we would see no impediment to the expansion of the Hong Kong Cafe SLnyyeW yours '//u u hieh'aro Cartan Town Manager cc: Tom Gilbertson 't Vail Associates, Inc. Mr. Tom Gilbertsonc/o Hong Kong Cafc 21" I E. Wal'L St.rcctVaiI, CoLorado 81657 @ry June ro , rsBz h O*'t l,ftusi^f#u RE: Addi L.ions and }lodrf ications toExisting Honq KoncJ Cafe Dear Ton, subsequent to our rneeting of June 9, rgg2, where.in you s.tatedyour inl-entions to proceed with the proposecl expansion oi theHong Kong cafe on ground being leased fronr Vail Associates, rnc.,this is to notify you that any such expans.i-on is being underta]<enr,/ithout thc consenl of Vail A!sociates, Inc vail Associates. rnc. feels c..rr! such increase i,n the amountof usable space is beyond the scope of what was oriqinally inteldedunder the term of the Lease Agreement, dated January ,to, 19zobetween X-Bar F1y, fnc.. and. Va.Ll Associates. fnc. The aforementionedagireement \"/as negotiated by vail Associates, f,nc. in good f aithbasecl gn a soecific lrroposal whj.ch called -tor the ttTiTz-dffin-'f'a pcrtron of the 0.036 acres (1,608 scJuare feet.) of land beingleased- Your desir:e to increase the imount of improvecl space by anadditjonal 609 squarc feAfTT2st incrcase) farls beyond the scci;ejf roftrt r*= .t ti.ip.a*a ,rt,au, tfru t.r*"-oi@ . During our inee.L.ing you stated. you had no obligation to ;::::T.Yi;'.:=:::i'::=";l,x:l:":"';::l::,,:. i:o,":5:.i:.3":;i3i.:.sub-paragraph (b) , page 3, vihich states "'l.enant shal1, at renant; sown ccrst and expense, procure every perm-it. license, certificate orother autirorization recluired afLer the CofimencemenL Date in connectionwith the larvful and proper use of the premises or required inconnection wit,h an1; building or improvements hereafter erected onthe Premi scs". under tl:is section "or other euthg-rization required" includesVail Application - Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81658, 303/476-5601 -rr Page 'two Le.tter: to Tom Gilbertson Form for Exterior Alterations or such approval I{odifications in as therein cited. Commercialis hereby notCore I (CCI). granted.Any BW:ppcc: llarry W. Bass, Jr.Harry H. Frampton, III Roger Lessman Kevin Conwick Ri.chard Car:l_an 82-V4-2.7 I Hovrever, Vail Associates, Inc. stanCsyou in an effort to resolve these issues inmanner. ready to work witha mutually satisfacLory Bernard K. tr{ahleDirector, Commercial Development /l ?d1.. ILlr I l{ t u",our#lorrr.* ADDITION TO Ft-CONSIDERATIONS HONG KONG CAFE SCOPE OF PROJECT The leaseholder and proprietor of the Hong Kong Cafe, Tom Gilbertson, plans to expand the present space of the bar area of the aforement.ioned buslness. This expansion would enclose an exlsting sunken patio occur- ing directly south of bar. Approximate increase in area would be 625 square feet. Ttris patio has not worked well as an outdoor area because of the sunken aspect. The new enclosure woutd be bounded by existing stone walls and the desi-gn characEer will be slmller in concept and materials Eo the present bar. Gilbertson wishes to preserve Ehe ambiance of the exisEing business. . The sunken effect of the expansion area allows the new structure a 1ow profile and unobtrusive presence adding to this feeling of a ttnon-buildingtr is the heavy landscape to Ehe arears exposure. The function of the expanslon area will allow seating for approximately 20 additional persons for service of diinks and appetizers. The spaee will include a new food preparation facility and toilets. PEDESTRIAI{IZATION Proposed project occurs in totally pedestrian area (void of vehicles). Area of enclosure ls pre- sently not used as walkway, either public or private. VEHIGLE PENETRATION No access occurs, via vehicle, to this area. Deliveries are by way of !,Ia11 Street from childrenr s circle on Main Gore Drive. No additional traffic to C.C. I is anticipated. STREETSCAP E FRAI"IEI.ilORK Proposed addttion is surrounded on all three sides (fourth side ties to existing structure) by existing planters and greenbelt. Landscape softening is adequate to new structure. 1. 2. 3. 4.STR.EET ENCLOSI.JRE The Hong Kong Cafe presefits of adjacent patios and plazas. exDerienced from uDDer levels to lo Itself as an extension Very little impact is the east and south.experienced from upper HILL BLDG PATIO None impaired. STAIRS TO PI,AZA HONG KONG 5. 6. From vantage of plaza areat new construction further deflnes back bt existing planter lTee-o Height at planter is about tztt above exlsting Posts' STREET EDGE The existing sPace for Hong Kong Cafe provides for some relief to tte iottg arcaae of xhe Lazier building Uy atopping back to the west aPproximately 4 feet' tiris existing jog is malntained. BIIILDING HEIGHT Structure is approxlmaLely 4 feet above grade of planter adjacent to Plaza.l,Iall Streec froneage averages an lncrease of only 2 feet to 3 feeL above exlsLing facade' The buildtng conEinues wilh a low profile- sunken "pp""i"t"e r,rith I roof addltion of primarily glass' VIEWS7. F ry rtLr/rt r"*,4 , Un e/ Ar* ,r;/aaffi/ %l'f ', le 6"{# e"/*ZZd/2 o,qy'a # 'e Proiect Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Com ments: Design Review Board I lt r..\- rlr^,, X li,lV(lDate ,. t'.! (, rll\ |t- Motion by: Seconded by:,"tv APPROVAL DISAPPBOVAL .E statt Approval " trtrNtrEPT BUILDINE/DEEIIEiN DBA JERRY SINGLETON P.O. BtrX 519 VAIL, COLtrRADO BI65El (303) 476-4tr22 IJrne 7, /78y' 6rtt a/ l/*tZ Buldwa Dsp*zrnlatr 79 .fuuf,f koulres ,€a+u) (*t , lo. 8ur7 \rnp .9b: fiC 5D//tpD Etsclilre- tS f*r /re,/r/sr* aF ilt,r #/ GRe *pa) ar lllr u/ta sTzsar Bur2onvd. Ha atau/p ,0*a 6 gn//*reaa f*r litd 1^11ppacuS o,{ y'Ab &ufll 'Sror aF 71o3 lnf 6 ,al*Z/ {*a Taaa Lurv\aaus fue'eTft Brba. flF Ltl^/fuaa/s ft 816' {tu(drD EP€ Oicte\ rN TTrt ?+ap aqp( ftrfa1/+/. ftg 6ytbsrb /0, tttrl( fiio tr ,t77fr- from frv{ f7r*^tr6#- aF fi(r l,/rAt- SfrrcT Euzot)g /d MDan t tt/ftttt4,4ssacreva)/ &raea ut Ne 7*r 44*,Uae. ?zrysr 42/tsr. '--S^lC*qL o . ll Brondess -Codmus fleol Estote, Inc. e 281 BRTDGE srREEr . vArL, coLoRADo 81657 UIay 22, 1984 Town of VailBuilding Department 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Dear Sir: Pl-ease be advised that the Wall Street Building CondominiumAssociation approves of the change in window size of Unit #4 (AKA #308) Wall Street Buitd,ing, owned by Edward Bleckner. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. Wal1 Street Building MClcp REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (303) 47&2855 DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 aIt Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application !" .,t, o *I lJ r LJ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date t-,Ar*-,.-,*- DISAPPROVAL Summary: LETTER 0F TRANSMITTAL SePt. 5, t989 lor Town of Vail Dept, of Comnunity Developenent17 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, Co. 81657 - Iwo copies of drawings for submittal to DRB for an addition tothe Anerican Ang1er. - Design Review Board application. MErich Hill - 1960 NEWTON STREET, DENVER, COLORADO80204 (goel ezz-o+os P.O. BOr ?81 VAIL, COL0BADO 81668 (sosl lzo+ssz I Jr I tt .DRB APPLICATION fiTTTTHIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE-APPLICATION.MEETING: DATE:Sept. 4, 1989 luEETriiG: s:qb '-:20;1 98 9 INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTEOffitr windows and change APPLICATIOi{ [)ATE OF ORB ..+rd j.*d - .. . ....1. A pre-aopljcation meeting with a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to Jelermini if any aaaitionat information is-nteoed. No applicaticn will be accepted uni"rt it is coilpi'ete (rnust include ali items required by the zoning administratcr). ii is tfte applicanits responsibility to make an appointnent w'ith the staff to finci out about aiditional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0i4PLETE applica- :' iion wiil streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the numoer oi-iona.it'ions of apfrovai ihat the'gRB may stilulatb. ALL conditions of approvai must -iij: - a';.' '"!8. be resoived befo.re a build'ing pemit is issued. A. PROJECT DESC.RIPTION:Addltion o'f,. three display naterial B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address American A er and American Ski Exc Legal Description Lot Block Zoni ng c.NA6E 0F AppLICANT: Joe Tonahill and Tom Higgins Fil ing Addres s 225 vtall. St. Yail, Co. D. NApE 0F AppLICANT,S REpRESiliTATlyg. Paradigt Designr_nlilh Hil] teiephone. Lt?6-1477 Addres s E. NAME OF P.0. Box 7)t VaLI, Co. OI,INE telephone 476-6397 telephone {?t{sisnature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tiine a building permit is requested- g6/ O VALUATION o - $ lo,ooo 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 50,001 - $ .500,000 0o,oo1 - $l,ooo,oooOver $1,000,000 II,IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS $ $ $: $t $5 $ FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ so.oo $1oo. oo .$2oo.oo $300.00 TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeti;g submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'ite to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be inartia. This work must be compieted before the DRB vis'its the . si te. ?. The review p"o..r. for'NEll BUILoINGS will nonnally'involve two separate meetings of the gesiin Rev'iew Board, so pian on at least trvo meetings for their.apProval. 3. Peopie who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Eoard at their scheduled meei'i ng and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be repuol i shed. .t{t:' '&It.#.a :.'.-.il,.r_ *'-..a! 4.The following items no They, however' have to a. l,|indols, skYlights and simijar exjsting Piane of the building; lonqer have to be presented to the.Ot:]g-n Review Board' '-'ii'! #";;Ltil;;a'io-in[' itniig-nd*i n'i strator for approva i : exterior changes that do not alter the ano b. Bui'lding additions that are not viewed wnich have had letters submitted fron the addition; and/or approval from the associ ati on. You may be required to conduct Nafural Hazard Studies check with a Town Planner before proceeding. from any other lot or Public 1R1c1' adioininq property owners approvlng-ii.ni i6r', or manager of a condominiun on your proPerty. You shouid5. I LIST OF I'IATERIALS oEscRlpttoil 0r p The foilorving information is required for submittal Board before a fjnai approval can be fiven: A. EUILDING I'IATER,IALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL o +lAl,lE 0F pil0JECT: American Angler and American Ski E+S-b4Cg-- . Ti'iiu"briinrFirorr'iinEii-noonEs!'---ffi Roof Si di ng 0ther ttali uateriais Fasci a Soff i ts t,|i ndows l,lindol Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name ..= !t' .:: wt noows cco and pa by the appiicant to the Design Review. COLOR stucco creme white pine oak stain p rne royal blue prne oak stain pine royal blue PLANT MTERiALS: PROPOSED TREES E)(ISTING TREES TO 8E REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' of Designer: Phone: Botanicai Name Common Name 0uani ty Si ze* for cohifers. ' (over) Indicate height o ..-*fr . ' PLANT IIATERIALS: Botani cdl Namp Commoq l'lame Quan itv 5i ze , .::iion;tt SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROU|ID COVERS tv0e Souare Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinrning pools, etc.) Please specify. 't n,l7f.iiiiio-ry ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Bl ock Fil ing ADDRESS: 0t,lNER ARCHITECT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Al I otved (30)(33) Prooos ed Hei ght TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front (idac Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retai ni ng 'ila11 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage 2nl 1qr 15' (30)(so) Hei ghts Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : ( 3oo ) (600 ) (e0o)(r2oo) tF^\ rrr'rl'r\Icu/ \ ruu / /rq\fcn',| ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Slope Actual Aval anche Sl ope Phone Fl ood P'lai n }letl ands Geologic Hazards Comnents: Zoning: Approved/0isapproved Date: )Eatt SlqnaEure . .r! UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NA}IE LOT BLOCK FILING AI)DRESS The location of utillcies, whether chey be main Erunk lines or proposed llnes' 11ust be approved aod veri.f ied by the follor.ring uEillries for the acconrpanying site plan. AuthorlzEd Slenature Date Mouncain Bell 468-6500 Wescern Slope Gas Co. r 800 922-i987 t{arry lloyes Public Service Coutpany 949-5 7I r Gary l{all lloly Cross Electirc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted llusky/Michael Laverty Hericage Cablevision T.V. 949-5530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation D is tric E 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee N0TE: These verifications do nor relieve lhe contraccor of hls responsibilily !o obEain a stleeE cuc permi! fron ghe Town of Vall , Deparrnen! of Publ:c Horks and to obtain uEiliEy locacions before dlgging in any public righr- of-way or easenenE in che Tonn of Vail. A buildine perniE is not a screec cu! Dermit. A sEreec cu! perni! nusc be obEained separately. Thls forn l-s co veri.fy servlce avallability and locatlon. This should be used in conjunctton wich prepaEing your utility plan and schedullng tnsCallaEions. , 't(Please bri.ng a slce plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanicarlon slgnacures ) o Project Appllcation "n4 ll ,,," 1// F/E f and Owner, Address and Phone: Archit€ct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone Design Revlew Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,4 {'s,({, /- T o '1 ., ..:.-sg.rr .:liijg '':.-. APPLICATI0II DATE: 'ur-Y 18, l?8? -:'m ' .J ' ' DATE oF oRB llEETIiiG: *54 - :+.4 *p; DRBAPPLICATION , - .:,i,*jr ****TTHIS APPLICATI0N t.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INF0RI1ATION IS SUBIIITTED**r* '' : -.,':; I. PRE-APPLICATION HEETING: . :" . :-:3; ... | -;1 . A pre-aoplication meeting with a planning staff member.is strongly suggested to .t!'i. Ietermini if any auJitionai intormaiion is-neeoea. No applicat'ion wiil be.accepted .iir: unless it is comoi'ete (must inciude ail items required by the zoning administrator). '":i.:i It is the appiicant's responsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to find - ,, out about aaittionat submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- : .,.* tion will streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing the number " of conditions oi ipprouit that the'DRB riv itii,uiatL. -ALL cirnditions oi approvai must :ei! be resolved befo.re a bui jding permit is issued. '', "-r' - ^(a-l<.a. Laaisc Ar'ada Blrail B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOI{:Eq tap 2:?*5 LLTALL s-fR Zoning enffiz'rt€l€:elhr qOR€I C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: wALL Sr. gLp6. co^.rpo. ns.slc, Address telephone.@ - D. NAI\IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEI.ITATIVE: Addres s telephone H/:t"-t rg;6 NAI'IE 0F Signa Address telephone 47(e-/49 ' ?a&T oF Legal Oescription Lote a lgg:--Block 5-a Fi'ling ls7. permit is requested-F.DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS be paid at the time a build'ing FEE $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 !. $200.00 $300.00 TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremeints, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property ijnes and build'ing corners. Trees that will be removed should also be martla. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the , site. 2. The review p"o."r, for'NEW BUIL0INGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the gesign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Eoard at their scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be repuol i shed. t- ...i4 lonoer have to be presented to the Design Review Board' #"iil=.rila'io-ilr;' ioning Administrator for approval : a. llindous, skylights and sini'lar exterior changes that do not alter the exist'ing pline-of the building; and b. Butlding addltlons that are not viewed from any other lo.t-or-rybli:-:!::t' wnicn trive had letters submitted from adioining property owners- apProvlng the additiou-anoio" ipprouai trom itre alent f6r', or nanager of a condominiun associ ation. 5. You may be required to conduct Natunal Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid check with a Town Planner before prcceeding. 'r*ji I. '?t? .p l'l :-':,1r,-F._.t-1i 4.The fol1owing items no They, however' have to o I. NEl^l I'IATERIAL TO BE SUBI'IITTED aL/r:-- -.: .\\:' Z. Crilrtour intervais of not more than 2' unless the parcei consisis ot 6 acres or CONSTRUCT:ON Topograpnic map and site p'lan of site 1. Licensed surveyor's stamo. 'r containing the following (2 ccpies): of 4" or more gas ol or f r^i r^ more, in t^lhich case, 5' contour intervais will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters one foot above grade. 6. 1 cabl e TV Tcl enhnno 10. 4, Rock outcropp'ings and other s'ignificant natural fearures ('l arge bouiders, intermittent streams , etc. ) . Avalanche areas, 100 year flood piain and slopes 407" or more, if appiicrble. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. Locations of the followinq: e. Proposed surface drainage on and off site sholving size and type of cuiverts, swa'l es, etc. b. Exact locat'i ons of all ut'ilities to inciude existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the strucrure. Utilities to inciude: sewer water c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. Al I easements . Existing and finished grades. AII existing and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas' storage areas' .rvaiks' dri velays, off-street parking' loading areas, retaining walls (with spot eievations), and other site improvements. E'levations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown uncierneath) to determine height of buiiding. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availabiiity. To be submitted with site plan. C. Prelim'inary title report to accornpany all submittals, to insure property ownership' -and all-.easeqents on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) .- 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" diameter or,larger'trees,':other'shtu6s -ani-iib'tiVe Dlants t.are on the site and the location and deiign of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. I\ 2. Complete landscape materials 'list. 3. Oesignate trees to be saved and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as poisiUte should occur on the site plan, so that the inter-reiation of the various components is ciear. The landscaoe plan should be: separate. The exist'i ng topographic and vegetat'ional characteristics may be a separate map. The appiicant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that wil'l be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 8. CI L- Architectural Plans (1/8" = I' or larger) 2 copies i. Must inciude f'loor plans and all elevat,ions as they will appear on ccmpletion' Elevations must show both existing and fjnished grades. : Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shai'l be specified and submitted for ieview on the'matirials list avaiiiUt. f"or the Departnent of Comnunity 0eveloo- mJnt. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the gesign Revrew Board meeting- \ F. The Zonin'g Adnrinistrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addjtional plans' drawings,-specjfications, samples and other materiai (including a model) if deemeo necessiry to deternine whether a project rvill compiy with des'i gn guidelines. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDI}IGS photos or sketches that clearly ind'icate what is prooosed and the'location (iite plan) of proposal may be submitieci in lieu of the more formai requirenent! glven above' as i;";;; ihuy provide al1 important specifications for the proposed inciuding coiors and mareriais to be useil . ADDITIONS - RESIDEiITIAL OR COI.II{E.D.CIAL A. Orig'i nal f'loor plans with all specificat'ions shovrn B. F'loor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos 0. E'levations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Spec'ifications for all materiais and coior sampies on materials list available at Oepartrnent of Community Deveiopment At the request of the Design Re.r'i ew Administrator you may also be required to submit: 'I ocati on of servi ce and avai I ab'i 1 i ty ' See form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered profess'ionai surveyor. I. Preiiminary title report, verifying ottnersh'ip of property and lists of easements' FII{AL SITE PLAN After a building perm'it has been jssued, and when the project is underway, the.following riii Ue requirei before any building receives a framing inspect'ion from the Building Deparunent: A certified improvement survey shot'ling: A. Building locat'ions with ties to property corners, i.P. distances and angles' B. Bui'lding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. G. Statement from each utility verifying attached util ity location verification C. All uti'lity service lines as-bui'lts and exact locations. 2 copies D. Drainage as-bui'lts. 2 copies showing size of lines, type of material used, E. Basis. of bearing to tie to section corner. F. All property pins are to be either found or.set and stated on maP. G. AII easemen* H. puilding f'loor elevat'ions and roof ridge elevations LISi tF I'IATEF,:ALS ..IIAI'IE OF PiiOJECT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTIOiI: ;llEFi'+?3fi'3f'. oo The follorving Board before A. BUILDIIIG P.oof Siding information is required for submittal by the applicant a finai approvai can be fjven: I'IATEF.IALS: TYPE 0F MATERlAL tc the Oesign Re'riew anr nD other r,,lal t iqateri ai s Fas c'i a Soff iis llli ndows llindorv Trim Doors 0oor Trim Hand or Deck F'lues Fl ash i ngs Ch imneys Rails Trash Enciosures Greenhouses Other B. LANDSCAP I llc: Name PLAI{T i.1ATER,iALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: Phone: Botanical Narne Common Name Siroi EXISTING TREES TO BE REi'IOVED Indicate height for cohifers. . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' PLAITT iIATEi,IALS: (con't) quD n q EXISTING SHRUBSTn atr Dtr!.tn\rcn| \, Yr- l\l-l r\l/ | l-|J Eotanicai llame Corrno n i'lame Sizeuan'i ti' Qnr r: ro f^/rltnc GROUiID CCVERS s0D SEEO TYPE OF tFh!^r-?rrtrllKKlUn l l Url TYPE OR METHOD OF ERO5IOII CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. l-UitC LnLL t\ FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOIIE DISTRICTS nntr. ==-7--LEGiL DESC:i j'P I iui{: LoE-Fi 1 i ng-- Proposed Bl ock AOORESS: 0r..lNtR ARCH I TECT PROPOSE9 U5E LOT SIZE Al loued (30 ) (33 )Heignt Tota] GRFA PrimarY 6RFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Lands caPi ng Fence/Retaining |rlall Parki ng Credi ts: Garage 20' 15' 15' (Ju/\iu/ Hei ghts Mechani ca l Ai rl ock S torage Solar Heat Dri ve: S'loPe Perm'i tted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : (300 ) (600 ) (eoo)(1200) ,.^\ /tAtr\tcu/\ruu/ (2s)(50) ( 2oo ) (4oo ) Slope Actuai Aval anche Sl ope Phone Flood Plain lletl ands Geol ogi c Hazards Corrnents : Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: )tatf 5lgnaEure UTILITT LOCATI,C:: VEP.I.::CAT:C:I SUBD IVISION JOB NA"YE BLOCK r -LLtlr\, A.DDRESS The locari.on of utilltles, r,rhether chey be ruain trunk lines or proposed llBes' musE be approved and verifieti by the follouing ucilj.l:.es fo: che accornPanyirg sice plaa. Dac e ltouncain 8e11 4b6-o)UU llescern Slope Gas Co. I 800 92?-t987 Harry ltoyes Public Service Conpany 949-5 7 8 I Gary t{all lloly Cross Elect j.rc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michael LavertT Herlc:ge Cablevi-sion T-V. 949-r530 Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanicarion D ls Eri.cE 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Auchor::eci S lznacure These veriflcac:.ons do no! relieve Ehe contraccor of his responsibillty to obcain a streec cu! permic froo che Topn of Vall, DeParcmenr of Publ:c Works and co obrain uci.liry locaclons before diggi-ng in any public righc- of-way or easemenc ln Che Town oi Vail. A builCins pernic is noc a streec cut Dermit. A street cuc perEir rrus c be obcained seParagely. Thts fora ts to verlly servlce availabill.ty aod 1ocat1on. ltls should be used ln conjuncllon sith preparing your utllicy plaa and scheduling lnstall,actons. t' *(Please bring a slce plan when obcalning Upper Eagle Valley lJacer & Sani.r,, clon s lgna cures ) ,Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPROVAL Summary: Stalf Approval o a I nJa;Ur'!"+ Wt* = ZZI a;22-^lL''-'- 'TD*a-( = v+ff -S : 6.9 safl- d<rszcro=.o Pr-rt*z.tQ ,ury* = 6.e'l-* ha^,u& 9'A-A 9'r^- z+"DaffiL- (z"W"r; ! ]u,-U-= 3"t4 K tt = 3.1*Xf+q : tSLe(;^+ t+* -3.1|,{Tff. 3.t+ %f p+. ee XL = 6.3 =eff %-f"-e ' ..\''l:'i i ;'t, .. _, .F-. ?-t" t.,\-o Appl i cat j on ttunber Fee paid #au.lD i4%6d sIGN APPLICATIoN 3.7WW< Date Name of P'oj..t /4HU I ?240645 Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project Descripti on of_.project Phone The fo'llowingto the Des'ign Sign submittal information is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20.00. by the applicant can be given. submi ttal approva I A. Sisn Materiar -!U gue B. Description of Sign c. size or sisn Ql4%].la"L Z*t( WA**eL.-',* -- j , t /1' O(t: D. Length of a'U "*i E. Comnents I( it c[< MATERIAL5 SUBiIITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Dralings sF6il1iE exbct location _3. Photogiaphs shoiving proposed lociffi[4, Actual sign5. Colored sca'l e draling - )1gn Admlnlstra!0r\ 6. PhotograPh of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for ORB Submjttal /1W '^'" ri ti I /Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: nl rn , n, i ? , e'{tf-r.- .,;r.-/"- t^-.!.( Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: ,'2 l?i/-tt/ ) .{--f\\ .t ' .1 . ll J.-n Plan ner < lt :''Date: ' /" I i-' ' Statf Approval -! Prdiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and ** -/ yr/t tProject Application '}: -('.,:r',t.-, *n I '.' ,.1 , i t rr 6r ,Jc/L Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ,,d /i" ',, " "', /: Town Plan ner .i ;' ^.t-' / / \// ,'/ ,'l t {r,"u Approval o.,rt APPI icriion ;nrJer -t-r! lrl.|l ?Fq??n.t)lhrt xrrLlLAl tUrt?-o."" Fee Paid #, Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project Des cription of_.Project o^r" ilznr 4, 14ffi . ..;? Phone 476-5A{7'.' The followlng lnfornation is required for subnittal by theto the Design Revjerv BoarC befcre a finaj approval can beSign subnittai fee is $20.00. ,1}.A. Sisn i'laterial / | )nOl)t,\ . \J/v r_J appl icant giveo- B.of Sign U)" C. Size of Siqn Des cri pti o n D. E. Length of Cornents I.|ATEiIALS SUEiitTTED l.fITH AppLICATIorl 1. ,Site Plan2. Drar.rings sHEffi-g exact location3. Photogr:phs shol'ring Pr4. Actual sisn SKET?!. Rituai 3\gn-ELEiC:. proposed 'locElii-- ft\.#gtl5. Colored scalF-ora'.'rtng - 5. Photcaraph of sign Approved for DRB Subnittal 0isapproved for ()RE Subnittli - Si 9n-IAr,rfiiTcFaror Project Appllcatlon t, F 4 ; tf c{t'i Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Planner Project Application Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Zone - Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL El-statt Approval .1 Prolect Application ira.I tr),.,i,Q il +{l Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Oescription: Lol Comm€ats: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: ft ar"u Approval a Tlre Vrlltlloil - Nor.E'tnb( | 28, Igu6 _ Se"rior, AfB o o il t t' J o soon to Voil. .l 75 south f.ontage ,oad vait, colorado 81657 (303) 476_7000 April 17, .|984 G-L=*ttr("a) h TO: FROM: RE: offlce of communlty developmenl fft when applications for signs are submitted, the foilowing information i s requ'i red: l. site plan showing exact location where the sign is to be located. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. 3. Exact des'ign of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as sign wi'l'l be) (b) the s'ign itself is made (c) photograph jf sign is made V$ fp"'lh rif r appl i cati on . .. \',. ^\-\.\. \,J -,<f,t\)t>5P-- \'Nb\--'\ \qp' r''t._-(\u SIGN APPLICANTS Tom Braun or Kristan Pritz, planners Sign Appl ication Requirements FEE: A $20.00 application fee will be required at time of llI (over) o Ap pl ication Number nJo Fee Paid SIGN APPLICATION Name of Project Name of Locati on Person Subrnitting or Project 2::{ \,nJ n t- Sr. Phone 4To-.O4trl Description of Project Srlrrr f,re Nle*r qtoe.a Length of Comnents MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings showing exact location l//"' 6y Photographs showing proposed location Fao ^Jr The following information is required for submittal by the app'licantto the Design_Review Board before a fina'l approval cair be given.Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. . Sign Material tn\nrri= B. Description of Sign ?pp Lgi-rpar rrlcl n-nr .\ '.\ t-$J tli'r- E l(Ai 14 pac'.ND c. size of sisn S 1 X Fffi. I 4. Actual siqn5. Colored siale diEwinq l/'6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submitta'l Disapproved for DRB Submittil-T srgn Admtntstrator Sign Administrator\ 9',I Project Application Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: t. r/-'- Blo'ck ,L c);..(, Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: S€conded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL----'' t:Date /|i:al'lQ'f 'I'ri3 ; )ilr,f' 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 April 17, .l984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS offlce ol communlty developmenl be sig t. 2. 3. FR0M: Tom Braun or Kristan pritz, ptanners R-k ?4/,r^nl ,W- RE: Sign Appiication Requjrements lJhen applications for signs are submitted, the following informationis required: Site plan showing exact location where the sign is to Photograph or drawing showing the build.ing and where Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be colored exactly as s'ign will be) (b) the sign itse]f is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 application fee wili be required at time of appl i cat'ion . I ocated . n is to be located. rt (ov er ) \.t -l-t ..4 . . --af-'"' t.Application Number Fee Paid -7ifrW3g Name of Project I tt lo'qb ^4) SIGN APPLICATION /\n",,./F Vlq3'l Arrt Q. Name of Person Subrnitting Location of Project ,{' Description of Project The following information is required for submittal by the applicantto the Des'ign Review Board before a final approval cair be given.Sign submittal fee is $20.00. | ,/. /A. Sign Material (/ t.tt.-, / / I B. Description of Sign lftc /. T C. Size Vl"4 ,o ' t t' ."t,J '3 Srtc't't* "6726" 4e. /< D. Length of E. Corments {" Tnrt 'Lc //<^'i H+:,t 14rf, l< 4ts <ors /ri,t- MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. 2. 3. 4, 6. Site Plan ,r/ Drawings sEowTnd exact1ocation Colored scalE-dFilJiq Photograph of sign - 7- Photographs show'ing proposed locETlon Actua'l s'i gn Approved for Di saoproved DRB Submittalfor DRB submittil- 5rgn Aomlnlstrator Sign Administrator l Projecl Application I Proiect Name: Alaut lw-<^"Y St-Agrg'+f -r\Project Descriptlon: 5\e?r:-rzo.r \f {tf"rzloicr2 . Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol B lock Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval o APPLICATION DATE: DATE 0F DRB MEETIl,lc: ro(r{ffc, - DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamiine the approval process for your project by decreasing thb numberof conditions of approval that the DRB may st'i pulate. ALL condjtions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address L4=,og uJ*, 5-ot-- 8.,,.-O,-. Legal Description Lot B'lock Filing Zon i ng C. NAME OF APPLICAN- I ' I IIll l(a-.^a\v ? 1. 'rc.^ tlll,lhao * Address tel ephone D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Addres s te1 ephone E. NAME OF OWNERS: Si gnature Address F.DRB FEE: The fee w'i'l I VALUAT I ON tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 50,000 50,001 - $ 150,000 150,001 - $ ,500,000 500,001 - $1,000,0000ver $1,000,000 $ ) J $ $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGSof the Design Revjew Board, so plan 3. People who fail to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republished. will normal 1y involve two separate meetings on at least two meet'ings for the'ir approval. Design Review Board at their scheduled postponement will be required to be a 4. The following jtems no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l,lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, whjch have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving the additjon; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium assoc'i ati on. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check w'ith a Town P1 anner before proceeding. o MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED I. NEl,, CONSTRUCTION A. Topographic map and site plan of site containing the following (2 copies): 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. 2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5' contour intervals will be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (1arge boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ). 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f1 ood p1 ain and slopes 40% or more, if appficable. 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmank or sewer invert. 7. Locatjons of the fo1 lowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type of cul verts , swa'l es , etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to inc'l ude exist'i ng sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to include: cable TV sewer gasTelephone water electric c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations e. All easements 8. Exi st'ing and fi nj shed grades . 9. All existing and proposed 'improvements including structures, landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas, wa] ks, driveways, off-street parking, loading areas, retaining wal1s (with spot elevations), and other site improvements. 10. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of building. B. A statement from each utility verifying location of service and availab'i lity. To be submi tted wi th s'i te p1an. C. Preliminary t'i t1e report to accompany a1l submittals, to insure property ownership' and all easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger) - 2 copies 1. Show the location of 4" djameter or larger'treCsn rother'shiubs-aird^iiatiVe plants thaare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas ntith the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. I- 2. Comp'l ete 1 andscape materi al s I 'i st. 3. Des'ignate trees to be saved and those to be 'l ost. N0TE: As much of the above information as poss'i ble should occur on the s'i te plan, so that the inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape p'l an should be separate. The existing topographic and vegetationa'l characteristics may be a separate map. The appficant must stake the site to show lot lines and building corners. Trees that will be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' I or larger) 2 copies . 1. Must include floor plans and ali elevations as they will appear on completion. Elevations must show both existing and finished grades. 2. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and submitted for review on the materials list available from the Department of Comrlunity Develop- ment. Color chips, siding samples etc., should be presented at the Design Review Board meeting. F. The Zoning Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plansi drawings, specifications, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will compiy with design guidelines. II. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly indicate what is proposed and the location (site plan) of proposa'l may be submitted'in lieu of the more formal requirements given above, as long as they prov'ide all important spec'ifications for the proposed includ'i ng colors and materials to be used. III. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with al1 specifications shown B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site plan showing exist'ing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition E. Photos of existing structure F. Specifications for a'l I materials and color samples on materials l'ist available at Department of Communi ty Development At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be requ'ired to submit: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and availability. See attached utility location verification form. H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professiona'l surveyor. I. Preliminary title report, verifying ownership of property and'l ists of easements. IV. FINAL SITE PLAN After a building permit has been jssued, and when the project'i s underuay, the foliow'i ng wjll be required before any building rece'i ves a framjng inspect'ion from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey showing: A. Building locations with ties to property corners, j.€. distances and angles. B. Bui'lding dimensions to nearest tenth of foot. C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of lines, type of material used, and exact I ocati ons , 2 copi es D. Drainage as-builts. 2 copies E. Bas'is of bearing to tie to sectjon corner. F. A1 1 property pins are to be ejther found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H. Building floor elevatjons and roof ridge elevations. |itt oF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: The following information is_required for submittal by the app'licant to the Des.ign ReviewBoard before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR DESCRIPTION OF PR Roof Si di ng Other t'lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts }Ji ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: pn0ne: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers . (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height " PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Type Conrnon Name Size Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF I RRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHERTLANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1'ls, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION * SUBDIVISION JOB NAT,IE LgT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be nain tnnk lines or proposedlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature Date Mountain Bel l I -634-3778 }Jestern Slope Gas Hamy Moyes Public Service Company Gary Ha11 * Holy Cross Electri c Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Va'i1ey Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek * For new consl piease fill out attached sheet, NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perndt from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Tor'rn of Vait. A building perrnit is not a street cut pennit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and locatj.on. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retain'ing t,'la1 1 Heights Parki ng Credits: Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Perm'itted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : Aval anche I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing DATE: LEGAL DESRTPTffiNII-oI- Block ADDRESS: Ot,|NER Phone PhoneARCHITECT Comments: Al lowed Proposed (30) (33) 20' 15' 1.5' ( s01 1 561 (3oo)(600) (eoo)(1200) (50) (100) (25) (50) (2oo)(4oo) Slope Actual Fl ood Pl a'i n Sl ope hJetl ands Geol og'ic Hazards Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: Staff Signature tbTE-4 ---')':--- I l !--- -r . { I i I I I - -i .& :i' oa +..i lszEP. ieaw grrtD|v- Agacroe:l L*A@ *ec,dDtr^gorrOrN(r D 'Brctei<lol*rurr)srrlilteuruqres t COPPTJ$TLY ,8 TFl.ffnffS g&)l 512€ 3'xtl' Wr€DIS*IDg,IA$ED Wsnt;r6D w*rvwnw leos,etu Fuw&srufifril tuwaswwu6J9: WWDftyPwr r'lz",N, ruP(nmf eata#) 3l,t'i,1 . I + VAILTROPHY & ENGRAVING pib. Ecii tsgg,vlLLAGE INN PLAZA vAlLco 81657 Af{Erx.grAr*J cotoP Mrs. Joan Kirby VAIL CUSTOM JEITTELERS ,Bbx 673Vail, Colorado 81658 Ilear Mrs. Kirby, Thle letter,is to confirm the approval by Bob Lazler for the .pluaenent of a new, decoratlve eign at the northeast secondfloor entrance of tbe l.Iall Street Building. ,'Lte approval, of course, is contingent upon the furtherapproval of the Town of Vail and the Slgn Review Board inregArde to size and type of sign to be ftaced on the Wall S&reet Bullding, Iq addttion, it is understood the sign will contain the namesof all Walt Street Building cotrmerciSl tenants. If ! gan be of further assistance in this matEer, please dopr t'hesltate contactl.ng me at any time. Elneerely yours,\-qJL Q.-.e^o-, De1 fuens Froperty ManagerlE,zIer Commercial Propertles Bo:( 1325Vail, Colorado 81658 l.trovember L2, t98L ' : ! l.t ..;_ tv .: -l ,1 : box lfl} vail, colorado 81657 1303) 47e5613 November 12, 1981 Joan Kirby 225 l,Ja]] St.. Vail, Colorado 81657 Peter Jamar Town PJ:df Pl anner d€partment of community development RE: DRB Submitta'l of 11-04-81 Dear Bob: At the November 4 meeting of the Design Review Board' your submittal for a sign directory for the Lazier Arcade Bui1ding uras approved with the following stipulations: need letter from bui'lding o,ner, l.li'ld Bi1l's old sign area must be painted to match bui 'ldi ng. '\i.,2' l i Project Application /D'/ l .r r Proiect Name: {' I ',, Project Description: Contact Person and Phone /-; i< t owner,Addressandphone: C, nt'; o/ /(izttrz ]lilrr. it Enl^, / r:^;tr< f n F,,, / -.,- LJ7, <-/l/.U./.-i.X 0:J / , ru-*,to/5 Architect, Address and phone: r/f, l,'t /f t fr , fr / , f I -, ,l i,l I l,;,ap inn Dlft ta- 471, - Oc/44 +Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing r/7h...,''l;,t 3 APPROVAL Design Review Board ,"" //- y' tf/ DISAPPROVAL *o e5 0(a 3, Staff Approval SIGN /rPPl-ICA'fl0N Fec Pairl dO.* Da te /0-/q.h 47b'3oos l-ocation of Projert ,_.4 b/c/q- Descripti on of proje ct Stqn Di,ztCtoe"l 74r I r ti l//g 'fhe fol Ior,ting inforntation is required forto tlre Design Revjerv Board before a fjnal Sign subnrittal fee is $20.00. Ir A. Sign l'lateri a1 _ttclW0OCl subrnittal by approva 1 can the appl icant be gi ven. B. Descrjption of sisn tAU,recl Ot Sdndl 6/AShd f/L/LuOgd 0w Wt't L.t1 C. Si ze D.Comnients /1tun -fuqh_ *Junnr i n *turru1....- l. ?-. ll/,il_t_&t!!l sU Bi,l I TT I D t I I Tll A Pri_ ] cA'I I 0:l Si te ll an Drai.rj rrrts slrii,.,i rrcl ixact I ocat jon f)itotrlrrr;rp!rs slrorvirrg pro;lo:cd loca*.- ibn - 4. /rctu.rl sign Colorcd sca lc 1ir-aiii rinJ6. Plrol.olrralrlr of s i gn S1 sii ni:i,ii r'i i .s i r-;1 L,r Alrplovcd f rrr ltliB Srrlrrrrittnl l)i s,rp;:r'ovr.t! f or lIl(li Srrlr:rri tt,r I :; iixi /\ilrt, ttt