HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT B C LAZIER ARCADE AKA WALL STREET BUILDING 1990-1999 LEGALtil,t// st" e//4.s/o* /* €; a/( sC DE'ARTMENT oF coMMrNrtr oH" ",J/6P/'7e /gTOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ATT coMM BUILD POST"ED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES PERMT Perm:it #: Bgg-0057 ilob .Address: 225 WAII, ST LocaEion. - -: 225 ITALL ST (adding Parcel No. -: 2101-082 -22-000Project No. : PI{.f99-0070 status-. -: ISSIJED 2 neApplied. . : sOA/1,2 /1999Issued...: 05/L2/1999Expires. . : 1,L/08/1999 APPLICANT PTATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRAEIOR PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON eO 81620OWNER WAI,L STREET BUILDING i,A,zIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VALL DescripLion: REROOF BI'R SPUD ROCK SAI'IIE Occupancy: 82/R3 Dpe ConstrucLion: V 1-HRI\pe Occupancy: ValuaEion: 53. Fireplace ldf,ontaeLon: Restricted: Phone: 970-949-L905 Phone: 970-949-L905 Phone: 970-475-55t0co 81557 TOV/Comm. Dev.FOR SAME Not. in Eable! Type V l--Ilour 7L7 *Of GaB Appliances:*0f t{ood/PaLl€t: Building--- --> Plan Chcck- - - > Inwe6t'j,gacion> wilt call- ---> 510 .00 331.50 - oo 3.OO -oo 100 - oo .o0 250 . OO 1, 194.5O 1.194 -5O .00 1,194.5O 1,194.50 . oo RegEuatant PIan Rewier- -> DRB Fee-------- Rcc!€atiot! Fee---- -- ---- > Clean-Up Deposit--------> TITAL FEES- -. - - Togal calculaEed Feeg- -- > Addisional Fees---------> . ToEaI Pcrloit Fee- - - --- -- > Palatrent6 - -- - -- - BAITANCB DVE--- - Dept: BUILDING Division: JRM-Dept: PLANNING Division: PI,ANNINGDOMINIE PER BREIiI:TDept: FIRE Division: DepL: PIIB WORK Division: LEONARD Item:0510 04/L2 / l.999Item: 054004/.L2/L999o4/L3 /.L999os/Lt/L999It.em:0560o4/L2/L999Item: 0550o4/L2/L999 O BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T.fRM AcLion I APPRO PI,ANNING DEPARTIIENTJRM AcLion: NOTE.}RM AcLion: APPR ''RM Action: APPRO FIRE DEPARTMEI{T.fRM ACTJ.ON: APPRO PI]BLIC WORKSJRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED PLANS TOAPPR PER DRB APPR N/A APPR PER Clean.up approved amount Add sq dele *of GaF LogE I FEE ST'UI'A.RY ****t***t*t*r** * * r * * * * * I * , a * t , * * * L * * * , * * * * * * See Page 2 of t.his DocumenL for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknorlcdge that r bave read thls application, fillcd outs ln full the infor.mation required, conpleEed an accurate pfot p1an, atrd Et.!c th.c all the inforrnation providcd ae required is cor-ect. I agree to corqrly eith tshe inforoat ion and ptot plan, eo cdtply si.th al,l torn ordinances and stat.e lawe, and to build ghls Ecructure according Lo che Torn. e zoning and subdiwieiol codea, deBign levictt apltlowed, unlform Building Co& and other ordinance€ of the To|.n applicable Cheretso. REQUBSTS FOR TNSPECTIoNS SIIAI,L BE MADE T9{ET TY-FOUR HoURs IIr AD\aNeE BY TELEPHoNE .AT 479-2139 oR A1 ouR oFFIcE FRoM gloo AI,I 5:Oo PM efund s.nd ctean-Op Dsposit To: PIATH O srcNAruRE * O oR coNrRAcroR FoR nrMsBrJF AND owNER **************************************:l***************************************** COND]TIONSPermit #: 899-0057 as of 0s/L7/99 Stsatus: rSsItED :t******************:t***:l******ik********************************^***************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/Ar,T coMM BUILD pERIqI Applied: o4/L2/L999ApplicanL: PLATII CONSTRUCTION Issued: O5/L2/t999970-949-L905 To $q)j-re z LL/O8/L999 Job Address:Location: 225 WALL ST (adding 2 new skylights)Parcel No: 2tOL-082-22-000 Description: REROOF B{'R SPI]D ROCK SAII,IE FOR SAME Condit.ions: 1.. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI. IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO (IIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE.3. STAGING PI,AN ATiID PARKING REQUIREMENTS ARB REQUIRED coNrAcT coNsT rNsPEeToR Nt 390-4677 TowN oF vArGNsrRUcfloN pERMtrAplcAfloN FoRM INFORMATION MUSTBE COMPLETE OR TFE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contact the.Eagle Cgunty Assessors Office at 970-32&E640 for parcel # Parcel #-?to/ - of2 - 2L- aoo p",,n;r* {3 1Q '00{7 Job Address; Other ( Address: Job Name: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New () NumberofDwelling U.lrst 6?,H Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances SK+-8/fr4, BUIDING: $ /4 aod PLIJMBING $ \5 .- - ^ CONTRACTOR INFORMATIONt\oo r/N 6 \e, . - ,/ , , p6, bAlEt^-/qe- Q?P ^G*.at Conrracror, /'l/]fl-t (ots-n au ctary'Address: n4i';\P;-e- - :'\/\ rownofVailRegirrr^tionuo. /ftr-B pnoo"* 7b '- ?4?- /454 Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reeisnafon No. Mechenical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Address: r, I 4,t Phone# \ J Addilioml ( )Repat( )Other ( ) Number of Accornmodation Units: No 11 GastossJ Wood,rPellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTIIER: $ TOTAL $MECIIAMCAL $ Address: Phone #Town of Vail Resistration No. Plumbins Contractor: w**#/fu624/J67 Alteration $ A4-m-Lgfr L6.@IAF' FR$l PI-RTH RIIFINBCII'ET.TO 4.,92452 P.AL ffiffitffi tdlil roNspE!!.ttQ{ErAJplml :En4Py ffiFn #nql|'sNl4ffigF1gn!5I FffiiffiFTtelr'V 4.Ntil TVJ{IL EtIilO ffi --"---.rvfD{vmry{ --=-S :,rfrlltrf,lltTr ffi t orsg{trE s loNsrul8 ar - qe4Jro+ftrwnglt stpnSqtaro@N-----beu'Po/trryntdlrPcffiot/Jo|grtrl gduo ()s&u ()FswY 4Fv IEttrI3rillro +ntuF-T7oc9 --xog ----vl Dg4tscFr +4rqo )FCsTEI ( )fuqsqd ( )gwry ryr*tffi {rar!v* ( I tgx1 ry]}tlo.lf, PrJ-1 ' ('lftT?a-dE-:oorp@Ol ( lrewtl -4tsf vot o 1 | oL ? e t | t'"i\fr"' gY, & OLOA - b zan {qut't f,uoJ xouvla# 1;nurd HOUsnx1SlC1y JO lfiOI A4-@_L999 TAIaAAN FROI'I PLRTH RMFINGSCINST. tnYf,{ !f,trL Df,vofs IIffii gilIrilrc fififo?rildr€} *"'*'*"ry7,TH-Tf*j," ) CIol p/tr - {p a@NF Fd 4?9?45? P.@ 67Tntru6XW SSrZ'&ral6 uqe owrwJ w$ WaMuW9[ ,tt?g6qtry;Ptwdq TO '4 r@ I m rqnnd ary nqge'{sn 4 G o? oil lFg Ilf Fp prE €d FotD eu q.tud tps rnw 1 4 tqp wgn'oo 3q fs dtr gtrr-d fc q rygrsd q rqrr4m osp t'nlagf,npna engoon peq rld q PGtr'Drn t4l5D@€9 1 :alqrmd se uoe rz mnd 1qqe6o qFsuruudry rwftepr oq mer Srry'ft*tg ?ouod :l*s { g} 8ql 4 o1e op.|kr ga(orilfies'fr!'Et Ilussffi q pel qUrn murgep FEsoFm e,rory suourrrqr*ttqs$eFg'nnmss FFPFJT'rrlra60o[f -{P Jo Fwxsst I st4PFntF serod 11sFl l4sP'Fu rmuar[lerts@truDeEo-Flr l,ros flprumtol:lq ru'E w$'I ;g4-34ru ga gc ftuc'u aq) FFffi w swcs (gt rry*&u1 se spo,tilra-t'ralIPrErql ilFPslstspP 4@rntstl$qmnA + fq *r.rasr" F.r*mrumr,oqffiJp o4.ar rtr 8o$ru s lnmle w r+al (sryo& qqru) e..neo@A faoddy Pu|E&q 34J [EA]o s'$ol. I ra:!r$er plld r'ryfi silml ?H-taa-Lggg LwASAy| FR0t4 PLR"|H R00FING&CUNSr.4?924s2 P.A3 :p.foldolqFd$HrioffPFqd l@If,'l TO nfr.ffi#" €f, qto sucod p,.o*',id A fuie rsrmrp epe ryro pru*:o q qPF q TS Glod +-l* &-Fi e "od;4rs q gnp'uad rc spo6 qlfa Jo'un4{ 3o agx c|D rlqa f,$lEof q 4Ft r ue m,rc1!$ 4$ IqIlatF sl { :so6 taFahi'g .lpoo IF$JD l*-f Eopd6 q pat'"d *^try-d A-;Erirttti trypt t Jn &F e Ddag tuFqE& p,-66r Fry ryf T$'* iq{qq q"apqeae qgmlst!ffi!"qffi.1.b"d"il'!q^q'fu"|&;.s;*p'^Hffil { ilF$qc EI papuo* fumlrq eqnTtTqenmrrdF urY :f,t;44 :ssmts'g =E *' pd$ffi&-;-sq@d 45 p@".an 'rqdo1 -g p :sxsqqdi-qJ" i.F&i';s4rttssirs qqwD w ffiffi:* t oq moqoF tql tr:cer fq44l4lTEqltr:r rrurfrcJo p '&G'F Brl3 fcJo rrFdrildsr lo iiaiq;' loprtmfclot*sFflo@I d$wlAr -r .q*tpilffiffif ? |nF,ftcs rtog po,rffi oq a[ LtEs ry gt :TD E ;t; ?p F- tFor tetl6 ,,..E us'f dc rsffir rs r# e.rrqe tq - t"dn+nor J" I+q-aTdffi:;F# ;;il-trfr, *r are w smn pelsipeD s ffit'd qF pie sF EI qp,1iliS.ln{roio"ryc +a 1ry!'t3'1 C{d ;ryi rttq$A :uqs'GFxr q4q.,, r-engt q'rp'frffi;-*t .;'*'iie 1o?spor 1p'nc r FE e,'ndr <r+ ffi q qop q i{F* s*r - -"T:t-s uosrd u rtnfqtua :'*ttKI rD a q q6 .ro i*a!ffi"q*-p "t1qgit + iqopr or'rgoc s#st -p sFpvr qle wrs.Ilc"tot pl eiir* id"goln"uqseiqeo+C'ql'ff m t .ro !*$ cgqnd -rc ,{.tp 1IIEhryF Ef]ry:gff 'rc qrqpp rqro '{q n .1a1 'rco 1+ t|El'iFor- far'"s ir|5 iry+ $ DryeB ?a4l eq q eedc n FdeP ro :F 'rq or$Ipo,,*,qv IELF;- q ierb'J E#t"qnr q rsFFrS spoCap Fg'rqEn a (mlfiEfil l.f,Yr cnfllltr t[o sllForEt( ;ir's€ tcoc] aryfs'Is1vH4lw[qlivl}NDfwdNo|J.?fiUr',Clm :J'Strgns 666t'I rtrYfiilYr drr'vc LlwfftgtrE\all.tJ.O'lnrurm(slVS:nnr\liilMld'IW^ilo]$l0l f\rcnfd lIY.X0Mfi0l$il't{uil{GlElSEgfllt1trlgUilfl${$tru'lllooflv dlt If rtl4llB: DAlB F|IASE ANCSTER TtlE Fq.rOwING qfiErHliNAFE nEOtnDINS n|B I.GED ffi A TTIHICWAY?RMTI*: L trsrlisaurnddPcd?. YE;- reIao DAIE: RE a 3. {. 5. ( - iiluoEAlsu[ ALLCONIRACTONS TOrrN oi' y{rtr|.flEt !C WORKS rAl{ttARY L l99t wllEN A'P(E[,JC ftY Et!'rIT; IS R4JRED l0+- b ddldod tcag ecrmce'rrrwirsfu ltdtbnierd-wsy, qF€|o.rr$ fi pbf.pq.VZ -YES- m-A- Qroruitirynro*ffiI 1'E$-- No'}1- IEtud*r|fYbdngnF{'efl \88- }iO F Isaffi re uGdltto ftl dh dltth$Eqiniug r[ivacay? aES rd) v 7. & bqdaingeqntrtdut dc$dec$afftfrd-Wry' Gard'sFtticFqlcltt? YEI_ rsj._ &eTaocablc,Rifhd.YavMftd0ttdg YcS- l0; A. lstleRig[<G$ey, crroemsuptlh poFert7bbc rsodtr gt84; qddtrg ahiq? t€5'- ls--- e-F-lwosLGa-pmgcairy(rtudrg'riltrcqidtrcrunno4ynstcopm? I'(} tryri wtnd ffES r lry of rtcc qoditoq e4frtsc WayW rilnbe ffi' rlr& WayI\IEifmfiicrb oey bc dtrisldGtWicWd's dlci c i.Amnnnfiy D6d.Sirr'r" tftr hnry qsEitffi ilcc cdt Inod Smt too$blltckd 4T9-AI9B. *rffi*!ffi1 fiS I}ISWE$ED .$r TflB ldBovE qJEsilS{$ Cwllre va'd zsvz6lv 0t_'I-SNOJISNI{]Od H1$ld l,loul l"lutrO:al 666I-EB-VA Re,rcof construction notes: The following iterns arc in conjunction to the Vail Villagc Constnrction Dqcuments fatced to flre of April 2, 1999. TheY are as follows: t. We have taken all the steps to keep the sito as safe aB we GaIl. We will have our saf€ty mouitor at the site 100% ofthe time noiltoring and directing pedestrian traffc away from the staging arcq aild towatds the pedestrian walkway in &orn 9f-the store frorrts- we will also install orange constnrction feocing around fte kettle and in between the brick posts to produce u *alh,vay for pedestrians. rhis is where the safety monitor will direct traffic to. 2. All cgress and ingress has been taken into consideration when preparing this job' we.will leave room fo, fir"1*cts to gJ tb*"gh while the crane is set up' A11 Plath rucks will be parked north of the "ro*.d-s bridge. No trucks will be parked a the site after 1l:30 am' No deliveries after 11;30 am. 3, Alt walkways will be kept as clean as possible and a thorough cleaning will be performod upon complctction of the job. 4. we are aware tlrat we fall withirr the construction hours of 7 a,sr and 7 p'nr, swerr days a week. we will be done with the job before the hoours charge to 5 workiltg days per week 5. The motor for the kettle cfeates a little noisg but it is not to loud. No music will be used 6, .all nearby tennants of the wall strreet Building will be notified in writing about the conStnrction. 7. The crane, firlly octended with orrtriggcrs, is 26' widc and 40' long with a maximum of 132' of extenSion. This iS the biggeSt or worst case scenario crane tlrat we would use' Smaller crues .*;;"td[, butTwanted to submit a worst case scenario' The smaller crane$ are 26'wide and 35'iOng, with a maxiruum octension of92. The width ofthe crane can be snraller if half outriggers are used. The use of half Outriggers are acceptable' but have to be deermined on siti-Uy WebU crane service. Webb crane was used for the p.ei JAti"q "nd th€y arc awar€ oitrt91ol*'t requiremcms' the crane will be used twice, once to load tle roof with Built Up noonng iBun) mate4-sl and the other set up is to load ttre roof Jth rock a3cr the job is oomplete The crane lill be set up as long as it t'kes us to roan tne ioof with eithei materials or roctq and then ttr3 crane will be taken off oftlre site' The crane will taken out of the village both ti*o o," "T thu crane. Ttcrc will bc no overnight pffi oltfr" lr*. in tt " uillaie as instructed by tho Town of Vail- on site. tn'd e9rz6L,OJ. 'ISfnFf{IJmU Hftfld tltHl WffitAT 666I-tu-VA le 9r0 Noilhgham Rod e1 P,O. Draner 59:10 AYon. CO Et@O (970)049-1905 Fa{szopl*st:e wc herdy pfopoEcto flmish all labor and matedal needed to perfoqm tlc roofing spccified bclw aud e "iJJ"tn ttO. 'lrtrotrca *c"ttr) are a pat of this prgal' , Roofmg ProPosd Pagc I of3 ffi "#;;;p..if"d, ru rouowing.conditions shttt lppll Tte Srarantce will be l);ffii;G -rt*lauv ilut pt"o constuctim uorkcd on {c job' t€trmctive tro the lasl oay uBt r'r! es,'' uetr\T r "*'* -'ril, J*s specifrcally mcntioned in the ailgc,h€d llduifding p.*it nd dumpstcrs aE Irot included in qr wchm*y prrpoecto fifnishaltndaial ardtabccompbte in accordrnce with abova/aracbcd spccifiotims' for fu sunirf: |ffifftffi* urhich are required to T,o4q oy.porti* of tbp work arc includod in thrs proposal' No riircctt-m,rs nashiqgs (witrdow si$ ac') are mctuoco' a) NI natedal is guararcdtobe as specifcd- 5) All qrrk *all bo complctcd in a rvorlualiko nmer according to spccifications submittcd ADy deviitiolt fiorn writtcn spccifrcariffi iJru" *"a. .*fv "po *itt* otffi uod tutt uto*" an cxta charge ovu and abovc the cmtact Prico' ii eU -" "*f*tt'arc firlly covered by Walcnan's Compcnsation Insranm' Zl nir Uia o,c, be widrdrawn if not accopt€d iltth'n JU oslE' h/{ ,( rutt €/. E-,U &./a tbtcil{''tnt t"l!t*t* tt, at 9r' 6l^t W'| Brand€ss-Cadmus Real Estate, Ino' 476-1r+50 JoS !'|re: Attn:Craig Jagoe 28'l Bridge Street vail, co 81657 February 10, lgsg Wall Street Building Vail, CO Wblrnc Whhtbr / UIA/€ Sbe atta4red sheet(s) fior all oric9s/options---- DOILARS $ ' See attached PsyrtrEst to be ss followsl Au$orind Signature, PIart Construction Inc : @ml.c Auttwrized Sigttafiirc' Owner or Agent: ' Retum one riglted coPY m otr oftca Effince "f ProPord: Thc abovdrttac'M hercUv t*tptA. Yor arc artborizedtoaoY $dU be made as ordined above' @'d z9re6lv ul_'lsMntgt{llmU ruUld l,lldl l^lUEArAtr 66€,T-ffi-vA Roofing specifi.rsoo "[f$ffirl?rl% *"t strc€t Buildhs 'il'*r*.?rfl.itrHH#ffi-$ilatch cur. b's with a 2" x 10" wood crrrbs' The intcrior finish of the reised i'iriUi ii eictittdlfidm this proposal"*rffrf '"* 31 lvlechsricallv fast€Nr- l %" ogrlite. inpulrtion over ortire built'up roofing area using scrcws and plmes at a rddtriffi pc.lif 4' shect oT iff ulati@" Slmr,si.t$ks.;xln*1"ffi xsnf#gpfi,ffi""#n*919iffi**,ffi**nu* *t*g,*3mm,*'ffiH$fihffi#," dm"'* flashing :l#*#ftrtr ffi%s;g*sH#isffiFi; ffi ff rgnl,"ffi Hf, the tt'ree Pricc for work as specificd in Section I rnd II above:J4ZJ22.N Itffi\*d ilffl"1"*11y mg*?lrffi;':' vcnhlatio" *r Pr6o 2 oI s, TL" VJI Stl rt BuilJing, Rofind pbPn'L ltc]ttarv l0' 1999 ffi'd zsvz6Lv oI '-LEl{]l@NI{nU HIY]d 1'l0ul l,{H,ffitaT 666I-@-vA aI'd -[Jl{}I"$nlmm:;m,:n*n**nHm,:*l.ll"'oH"!i'."*ffi"liltl8lffi '"ffi.,".3.i*'* ioiAitr;;;ifia--6i-Plliih-edftructidn"lrn wiififiitre 3,0'dav period rvillaEw us to "lock in"- CUrrent meterial piices even if ectual purcheses sre made seveml months later. 2l Plath ConStruSrr-on carries grgnrQfip liability in+rance rn thq q4ngq4t-o-f-$!.00Q,000!0 per :lgff ffi ,,llfi-*ilt'f ffin'$ffi *i"f'mn;3S,%ffi H,S["11tq9*Bg,'t,illH"fi 'ff ffi $fl 3' insuranci'corterage ts included in our price' ;l#,Hst3iisfl$*ifrx',sffi'Hg-f'ffi'trH!".Tfdt#'!ffiffi*"Itr1ts13*.fftloli'1$dffir"fl charges will apply to movE thE €tdsung system or mstall a ncw syslEm' g"ilffiltjrgifdtt#ffrTffi'rffl n *tl nced to bc rcmoved and put back bv a ticensed clcctriciao" This AHf Tfi $;Sfvjf ffi*dru$*#HH*.1fm*f r;flup,*'fi tL',Bffi elffiffi "t* EI Final ns!'mtnt 4re Plth Constrnaion (rc) dull be $lbje$ ro satiEfrcto{y inspection of Wayae Whinlaer- 9J PC shall be ill strict compliancc wifh all lma, regulations, md otdinancer in pedtrmiry this prrymat.' tol pC rrnrrants thd the maffiials and lsor fumished wilt fully co6rn to tbe ordcr ad spccifcdioor prwided on page 2 of this prcpocal ad will be frE€ ffon any drfectg and fit for theprpooe i!&o&d by iVgC, and $,iU meet s orsd the sety sandards ertablfuhed rmder dl ryplicable lanr, including wittrout limidon rhe Oocrpdional S&y rrd Ilealth Act, Thcsc arc continuing vrarrantieq eecPre63lv &signed to.xtlod to thc irturre par:fcnaro of labor ad naerials pwidedby PC. The dttrlatiolr cf the rrarraties shall be a middun 0f 10 pars' I lJ pc shalt de,ra4 hold lwnlw md irdefi|ifi u/Bc aon all dainr, li*ility, al(l lsser (inclrdi4, momcy fcs) relded o the provision of any lahor or malerials- l2l rlME N Or Tr{E ESSENCE. lll tn rhe ffint that PC b,roachcs ury prcnision of thig oontrtat, WBC trall be entitld ro al renedieE wtrich sbsll t€ cum$l*iuq md all dflnager, including witbout llmlatioel mseqttc[tdel df,lsgE3' locs d rens, lnemrFio dbusinesc' atd rtaso[dte aroraey fccs' fat Alt iusrranoc will isctud. WBC as additiooal naord imrrcd- 'i ' ' l5l Neittrer WBC nor PC stqlt rsign this proposal without pridt uritlcn mnsent of rhe otic'' '' t6l WBC's friture to insiet in any one or more ingtances upon rUid petfrrmaocc of any pwicion of this propocal drall not be cootrued as a caivar d WBC" l4 AII clairls fof money dha from utsc shafi h &&iect b dedrction by \tlBc loy rcason dany clairn for breh by PC undtr thic eft'posal. lgl lfanyofthe&|tEtandc0nditiomofthirpr,opelarcfoundtobcruenforce$Ie,tncrcnainiru, tcrms rnd cotdtior ahall rernain il firll fsce and eftct f-ttqlffi#iguack scoia cffiEi*"bnftsiier in tbc base bid- $ 4er.o 2l horride rnrnufactucr'. s wartanry mvering all buitt-up material and labq for a #" $Htr#ffi"TTil"d;:- - *u"uieuascuio <{ -- l0 yeds ton thc Pod. 3 .f 3, 1.lrq V"ll st'."t B"ilJitog, Roofing Prop-.I, F.kurrv O' 1999 aT,'d zsrz6lv 0I 'lsttDlthll{Ilu Hltfld hnul t,&jwzar 666T-ffi-w REPTlSI A7fOSlfr99 Gdc8l Aetivityr Addre*rr Locat i on r Parcpl r Descript ion: Appl icant : Ormor: Contraetorr rlr.rN oF vRrL, Fptp.RADF,......'INgpgcTN troRt{'s}#ETs'FoR 899-Oq57 7/ sltg Type: ff-C0l{tt EEs bJALL ST ee5 HALL ST (adding E elol-sae-ze-soo new skylightsl REROOF zuR SPUD ROCK SAIIE FOR SiIE trLATH CONSTRUCTION I.IALL STREET BUILDINE PLATH GT]NSTRUCTIUI'I PA6E AREAr 6G9/ 1999 .Status.l ISEUED Constrl AtrOltl Ocel Use: l, l-HR Phoner 970-949-f9S:t Fhoner 970-476-5610 Phone: 97S-949-1999 Loeksr Holdr, and trTIUITYNoticer NEEDS Notice: ADIIED Notices-... PUB T.JAY trERiIIT SEE LEONARD IAR TO UALI"IffTIIJT{ FOR SilryLIG}ITS Inspection Request Requectorl FAltl Rcq Tirar OBIOO Iterc rrquested to O0mS BLDG-Final Inforrat ion. . . . . Corrents: FOR CLEAN Utr be Insp Phonec 949-19Os DEPTISIT - RTJOFINE iIATERIALS Corrents Tire Exp lioB*?ff Inspection History.,... It:rt,gOSl0 driveway grade final Iterl: @ols BLDG-Foot ings/Steel Itctl , OO@O BLDG-Foundat ion/Steel Iterr '60ffi. trLAN-lLC Site FrlanItrrr 6S03o BLDG-FraringItetr a{g * * Hot t}n File * t rt er r'CbFO.,,'FLD6-Insulat i onItcrr mG65, ELDE-Sheetrock Nail Itetr O@AO * * Not On FiIe * rF rt di;-.&C,?o BLD6-1'| i sc. Iterl 60090 BLDti-FinaI Iter: @53S ELDE-Terp. tr,lQ Itorr S&53r FIRE-TEiltr. Clg Iterr @53e FH-TEI{P. UIU Itsrr {tO533 PLAN-TE-IP. ClO Iterr @:t:f7 pLftN-FIhnL c/u Iterl 6053S FII{E-FINAL C/lf Iterr OO:t:19 PI{-FINAL U/U Iterl inal C/(J s' tt Department of Communiry Development Tla 75 South Frontage Road I // :''#::;;:;#"0" glf sc FAX 970-479-2452 '/oB B *c:4, vrl/,ys /* January 14, 1998 Mr. Kenneth Heuman 1000 E. Island Blvd., #3204 Williams Island. FL 33160 TOWN OF VAIL Rc: Unit#:otJ,vait Dcar Mr. Hcuman Thank you for your faxcd lettcr scnt January 12. I rvill fax this lcttcl back to you in addition to mailing you thc original. First of all, I'm told that you may contact David Rhodcs at thc Policc Dcpartrncnt, Wcdncsday through Saturday, at (970) 479-2200, for inl'ormation rcgarding rnoving inlo tlrc Vail Villagc corc atca during ski scason. l:,(r(;oitd rJ', I wanted to updatc you on thc progrcss bcing madc by thc owncr(s) and cont|actor in t'cbrriliiing thc condo uuits. Wc approvcd an insulation inspcction for scvcral of thc units only ycstclday and no drywall had bcen installcd at that timc. This mcans that completion of thc constt'uction tnay takc longcr than you had anticipatcd. In addition, thc Ftoly Cross clcctrical utility has inforrncd us that thc cxisting main clcctrical scrvicc to thc building has adcquatc and safc capacity fol only fivc (5) of thc rcsidcntial units on thc thild story of thc Wall Strcct building. At this timc, it is anticipatcd that thc clcctrical scrvicc rvill bc ablc to bc upgradcd somctimc in thc spring, at which time wc will bc able to pcrmit occupancy of thc rcmaining rcsidcntial units. You may want to consult with the building owncl'ol'contractor about thc timc schcdulc for thc completion and occupancy of your parlicular unit. The good news about the projcct is that, as a previously nonconforming building with respect to building code standards, the renovated structure will pLovide a much highel level of fir'e safety for the occupants. I hope that this will serve to answef your inquiry. If you need additional information, please feel fi'ec to contact me at (970) 479-2321. Very Truly Yours, Chief Building Official {g nt "uornr"* .j " Jdn 12 93 O?: 56p Davis & Fourlen RE S ru27t9'7 Rmsden, o ?o-4"t6-aas? o p.1 To WIIOM IT MAY CONCEFJ.,I: Myname is Kerrro6 Hswnm and I an an ovvner ofCondo #301 *zz5 Wall Steat. Vail, Co, At fu endofSeptember 1996 drere was efire h&r .Well Sbeef Buildi4g: I g *rytog thst 6e owners rvill he Sle to novc bnck into orr condos gometime befween Jmuary 15, 1998 urd Febnrary 2E,lggE. This meam anove fu furilg Bki season. t un gotlqg 9.n q areurption &at tbs Torm ofVail hae rorne typo ofunitte,n code, rule or taw th4 governg e moYe in sitntion in tlre core ofVeil villagp. Ifttet ig fts *asi, I am il need ofa copy of nrch * oid"" ruls or law. I rrust maka my tnoveru and my oher delivery llBe peruons awar of #h so ht ftry "-plmrhead Pleagc lirwrrd a copy to re st he addrels soted below. Ttd you for your p:oryt dedioo to fig mder. TO:TOWNOFVNL FROM; KenueftHewnf,n 10@ E ldndBlvd., #3204 Williem'a Icln4 FL 33160 305-931-9585 "W;^t! KemcfrHermm il,,r,^^* lr6e.rl-io-r U*zy eqs> f qia& t\,*urVa, N\iV6. 6db6 {,(;.t!'f,;r'; !)04^{,:, ,t-.r +-lq' L l'f) ( ul' _t ol Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Wall Street Building ProjectDescription: SkylightAddition Owner, Address and Phone: Wall Street Building Condo Association, 281 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657, 476-1450 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: nla Project Street Address: 225 Wall Street Legal Description: Part of Lots B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village Filing I Parcel Number: Buildins Name: Wall StreeV Lazier Arcade Comments: Project#:PRJ99-0070 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions; Slrylights to match existing Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5/lll99 DRB Fee pre-paid: $20.00 F]EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\g9\WALLST.WPD Qucstions? Call thc I'li.ur:ing Stall'ei.l ,rt-:128 APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL .ENERALTNF.RMATT.N f?Lt 11" 6> .' This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any project rcquiring design rwiew must rcccivc Design Rcview approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit For specific information, see the subnittal rcquircmcnLs for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application carmot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd intbrmation is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Environnrental. Commi*sion. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TOVINOFVAII B. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:I-or:-Blc-BLOCK: 5Z FILING PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCELUContactEaglcCo.Assessorsof6ceat9?0.328-8640forparcel#) ZONING: t, NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: F. G. MAILINC ADDRESS: H.TYPE OF REVIEWANT|FEE: EI Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition - fiMinor Altcration - $20 PHONE:{>L-/./f2 $s0 Construction ofa new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comrncrcial building. lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRBfeesaretobepaidatthetimcofsubmittal. Latcr,whcnappllngforabuildingpermit.pleascidcntiff thc accuratc valuation of the project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. OWNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: sUtLDTNC VnrenIRLS, LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:r Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia .Sot'fits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door'l'rinr [{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirnncys Trash Enclcisurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ryill-s+t tl. 'g eurdt. tLb v,soe/ ,/*ft i' pa(:k + Please specify thc nnnufacturer's color, ntrmber and atiach a srnall color chip *t All cxtcrior lighting must nteet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nuntber offixhrcs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identifu cach fixture type and provide thc hcight above grade. lunrens output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. Uodated 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botaniqal Nanrc Corrrnron Namc Ouantity Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED; *Minintum rcquircmcnts for lantlscaping: dcciduous trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrous trccs _ 6 fcct in hcightshnrbs - 5 gallons TIIrc Sguarc Footaec CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL J orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rebining walts,'fenccs, swimming pools, etc.) please speciry, lndicate top andbottom clevations of retaining walls.^Maximunr hcight of walls within ti. tont r#*k is 3 flet. irtaximum hcight ofwalls elsowhcrc on the property is 6 fect. Urdatcd 5/97 o o TITILITY I.OCATION VERIFICATTON Thi.s form is to vcriS scrvicc availability and location for new construction and should bc uscd in conjunction with prcnaring your utility plan and schcdulimg installations. Thc location and availabitity of utilities. whcrhcr thcy be main trunk lincs.or proposed lincs, must bc approvcd and vcrified by thc following utilitics for thc accompanying sitc plan. Authorizcd Sianature Date U.S. Wcst Comrnunications l-800-922-t 987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578 | Cary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd Husky/John Boyd T.C.t. 949-55t0 Floyd Salaz;rr Eaglc Rivcr Watcr & Sanitation District * 47(t-7480 Frcd Haslcc I Plcasc bring a sitc plan, floor plan. and clcvations whcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vallcy Watcr & Sanitation signaturcs. Firq tlorv nccds rnust bc addrcsscd. NOTES: l. Ifthe utility verifrcation fornr has sighaturcs fronr each ofthe utility companics. and no colnlucnts arc tTmdc dircctly on thc fbnn. thc Town rvill presunrc that therc arc no problenrs and thc dcvcloprtrcnt can procccd. If a utiliry company has concems with thc proposcd construction. the utility rcprcscntativc shall note directly on the utilify vcrification form that there is a problcm which nccds to bc rcsolved- Thc issuc should then bc dcailcd in an attached lcttcr to the Town of Vail. However, plcase kccp in mind tbat it is thc respon"sibility of the utility company and the applicant to rcsolvc identificd problems. Thesc vcrifications do not relicvc the contmctor of thc responsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennit fiom thc Dcpartmcnt of Public Works at thc Town of Vail. Utility locations must be obtained beforc digging in any public right-of-way or cascnlcnt within thc Town of Vail. A 2. 3. 4 Urdated 6/97 o lt. III. n/ PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A prc'application confcrcncc with Town of Vail staff is rcquircd. No application can bc acccptcd unlcss thctna[datory prc-application lt_.:!ils has bcen conrplctcd. tiis the applicant's rcsponsibility to schcdulc thisrnccting by calling 970-4?.9-ZIZB. TIME REOUIREMENTS Thc Dcsign Revicrv Board rnbcts orr thc t st and 3rd Wedncsdays of each month. A complctc applicationfornr and all.accontpanyinq 11t:.i-ul nrust bc accepted by the iommuniry oeu"ioim"nt nepartnlcnt anrinir'um ofthrcc and a harf(3 r/2) wccks priorto thc iate of the DRB public hca.ing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will bc rcvicwcd for conrpliancc with thc Dcsign Guidclines as sct fodh in Scction 1g.54 of theMunicipal Codc. NOTE TO ALL APPLICANTS: A' lfa propcrty is locatcd in a mappcd hazard arca (i.c. snow avalanchc, rocldall. floodplain. debrisflow. rvctland, etc). a hazard study nrust bc subrnittcd and thc owncr must sigu an affidavitrccognizing thc hazard rcport prior to thc issuancc ofa building permit. Applicants arc encouragcdto chcck with thc planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB apliication to dctcrminc thc,rclatioiship . ofthc propcrty to ull nrappcd hazards, t]' Basic Plan Shcct Fornrat. For all survcys. sitc plnns, liurdscapc plans and othcr sitc improvcnrcntsplarrs, all of thc following nrrrst bc shown. I ' Plan shcct sizc rtrust trc 24" x 36". For largc projccts. largcr plan sizc may bc allowcd.2. Scalc. Thc rnininrunr scare is r,,=20,. Ail planinrust uc-at ti," sanrc scarc.3. Craphic har scalc.4. North arrorv.5. Titlc block, projcct nanrc, projcct addrcss anrl lcgal dcscription.(r. Indication ofplan prcparcr. address and phonc nuntbcr.7. Datcs oforiginal plan prcparation and all rcvision datcs.tl Vicinity nrap or location nrap at a scalc of t ,,= I ,000, or larger.9. Shcct labcls and nunrbcrs. l0 . A bordcr with a minimum lcft sidc rnargin of 1.5,,. I l. Narncs of all adjaccnt roadways.12. Plan legcnd. D. C' For new constmction and addi..tions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicatepropcrty lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be rcmoved must be taped. Theapplicant rnust ensurc that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. Ag sitc tapingsand staking must be completcd prior to thc day of thc DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Revicw Board on their schcduled netting date andwho have not asked in advancc that discussioi on their item bc postponed, will have thcir itenurcnroved fronr the DRB agcnda until such time as the item has been rcnublished. E lf the.DRB approvcs thc application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approvalnrust be rqsolved pgg to the isstance of a building permit. U$ated 6/97 o v.STAFFAPPROVAL The Administator may review and appove Design Rwiew applications. approve with certain modifications. deny the application. or may refer the application to thc Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. Thc following types of Design Review applications nray be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that is consistent with the architectural design. rnaterials and colors of the building, and aplnoval bas been received by an authorized mernber ofa condourinium association. if applicablc: B. Any application to nrodi$ an cxisting building that does not significantly change the existing planes of the building and is genoally consistent with thc architectural desigr. materials and colors of the building, including, but not lirnited to exterior building finish materials (e.g. stonework siding. roof materials. paint or stain,), cxterior lighting, canopics or awnings. fences. antennas. satellite dishes. windows. skylights, siding. minor comnrercial facade improvcrrents. and other similar modifications: C. Anv application lbr site irnprovements or modifications including, but not limited to. driveway modifications. site grading. site walls, rcmoval or modifications to existing landscaping, installation of accessory structures or recreational facilities. ADDITIONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separatc review by any local, state or Federal agency otler than the Town ofVail, thc application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examplcs of such review. rnay include. but are not limited to: Colorado Dcpartrnent of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engiueers 404. etc. B. The applicant shall be responsible for palng any publishing fees which are in excess of50% ofthe application fee. If. at the applicant's request. any mattcr is postponed for hearing. causing the matter to be re-published" then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by thc applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Commurity Development Deptrtment to have desigr. land usc or other isbucs which may have a significant impaqt on the commrmity may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an oubide consultant is needed. the Community Development Departmcnt may hire thc consultant. The D€partment shall estinrate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount Shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incured by the Tov.'n in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. Uodated 6197 o D esign Review Action Form Project Name: Jewels of the West Project Description: Sign-wall Owner, Address and Phone: Bob Akkad, 225 Wall Street ArchitecUContact. Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 225 Wall St Legal Description: Block 5C, Vail Village l't Parcel Number: Comments: TOWN OFVAIL Building Name: Lazier Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Jeff Hunt Date: 3-9-99 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\99VewelW Board / Staff Action Action: Staffapproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: FEB-Z2-S9 12, 62 FROM r ll '' TOV-o Ttis application is for any sign that is locatcd rvithin the Town of Vail, Spccific rcguirctDrrtt$ arc ?\?ilablc f'rom thc Departmcot of Community Devclopmsnt. Namc of Building name and Nanrc of ewner:, AZ2 2>-r r- Mailing addrc*ts: Signature of olner: Namc of person subrnittrng:11o-t71-Sqg (Ifdifrcreil than owner) Addrcss: F. Typc ofsigrr (see back for dcfiuitions): cou-DEv-oEPT, SIGNiA\M\.Itr NC APPI.,ICATION Hanging sign Arvning tD.s?5"s2cs2 Qucgions? Call rhc Planning Dcsk at 479'21 28 PAGE I/2 TAWNOF VAIL A. B. E Frec standins.H w*tsisrtr Other, spccify: D. E. tr D G, H- I. I\. L. $ip Siz;e of sign and siz.e of lcttcringfor each sigl proposea: 3 ' 5 F lf,ugth of bu$incss frontage: Hcight ofsign above gradc; Nuurbcr of signs proposcd:-. , Nr,rnrbcr and sizc of cxisting signs: Locatiqn of cach ei prgpo5sd location) $ (afiach a sitc pla$ and an elcsation dnwing or a photqraph clcady indicating the M.Materials and colors of sign (attach samplcs):eowoq)_ <T _ 3< +lTAcHg)P*cna 5 WH'T€ N.Describe ligbting ofsigrr (existing or proposcd):€yr srr n,6 O. Busncss liceflsc and/or salcs tax liccnse vsification is REQUIRED prior to planning rwiew: Sale$ Tax Administrator's signaturc lSally Lorton 479-2125): P. FEE: 520.00, PiJUli s1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT QF SIGN AREA. o OF , Job Address Eion. . .el No.. Project, No. :r TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArL, co 8J.657 970-479-2L38 DEPART1TENT COMMI]NITY DEVETOPMEI{T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,IOBSfTE AT AL,,L TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUII,D PERMT : 244 WALL ST: 244 WAL,L STREET z 2L0t-082-51-006 : PRrJ99-0282 APPTICAIVT colrrRAeToR OWNER Descripcion: Valuation: Fireplace Inforn tiort: R€Etricted: NADEAU & SONS CONTRACTING #15-1005 ALPHA LAKE ROAD, WIIISTT,ER, NADEAU & SONS CONTRAETING #15-1005 ALPHA LA,KE ROAD, WHISTLER, HTLL BI,AIiTCHE C 311 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8L657 Phone z 504-932-3807 B.C. CANADA VON]-81 Ptrone: 604-932-3907B.C. CANADA VON1B1 CONVERT 4 EXISTING RETAIIJ SPACES TO 1, TENAIiIT FIN. Occupancy: R!/82 Multi-Family Residence w,/ Busi Qpe Const,ruction: II 1-HR Tytrle II l--Ilourq4pe OccupErncy: 200, 000 *of eea ApFli,rnc.. I Re6tuaratrt Plan Revier--> DRB FcG----------i------> Recreati.on Fee--- ---- ---> C]e|r!-Up DBpoEit-- -- - ---> TOTAI FEES------ Add Sq Ft: fof o.t Log. ! Tolal CaldulaEed Fees--->Building- - ---> PLan check- - - > Inwe6tigaLion> will call- -- - > 1. 140 . OO 7{1 . OO .oo 3 .00 .00 200.00 .00 500.00 2, 594 . 0O 2, 534 . 00 2,5S4 . 0O Addilional FeeB---------> .0o IEem: 05100 0e /.29 /.L99eL0 /t4/L999Item:05400 09 /29 /L999 09 /29 /L999IEem:05600ILem:05500 BUILDING DEPARTIIIEI.IT 'JRM AcLion: NOTB PI,ANS TO GGOODEIJIJ AcLion: APPR PLANNING DEPARTI4EI'rI.]RM AcIion: NOTE PI,ANS TOAKiIERIILF AcEion: APPR routed toFfRE DEPARTMENTPI]BLIC WORKS BAI,ANCE DUE..-. .OO DEPts: BUILDING DiViSiON: GARY DepE : PL'ANNING Diwi-sion: PLANNER f35I' "t*t Division:Debt: PUB WORK Divi-sion: u;\ u '.\AV;'at LLIJ!E4 Permi-t #: Stat.us. . Applied- fssued. . Elq)ires. aoCaL Pennit Fee--------> Payncnta- --- --- t*t*t*ttt**t**tr**i***tt,rt**tti.tttl*tt!rtilta FEE SUl.d,tARy **tl!tt*ttttttttttrrr*tt*tt*.}:r 899-025s ISSI]ED 09 /29 /L999 L0 /Le /L999 04/ Ls /20a0 *of Ylood/PaI16b: 2, 544 . 0O TOV/Comm. Dev. lean-up )proved mount date See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply to this permj-t DECI.,,ARATIONS r her€by acknowledge chag I hav€ r€ad thiE applicaEion, lllled oui 1n f,uI1 fhe infordabion lequired, compleced an accur.ale plot plan, and alat6 Ehat aLl tshc inforrnation provided as required ie correc!. I agree to cotlply wilh the j,nforBation and plot pLan, !o conply nith all Torm ordinanq.s and 6tatc 1.x6, and co build thi6 Btsructurc according to che Town's zoning and subdivi.aion code6/ deBign r€vi6lr approved, unifolr! Building code alrd olber ordinanceg of che Tovn applicable th6r€to. REQUESTS FOR INSPFCTIONS SITALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR6 tN ADT/ANCE BY IE'JEPHONB AT 4 gend Clean-UD DeDogit To: NADEAU & SONS EIGNAT1JRE OF OWNER COIVTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND O!{I{ER ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************PermiE, #: 899-0255 Permit, Tlpe: ADD/.ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: NADEAU & SONS CONTRACTING 504-932-3807 CONDTTTONS as of L0/18/99 STAtsuS: ISSI]ED Applied: 09/29/L999 Issued: LO/L8/L999 To Extrrire: Q4/L5/2000 ilob Address: LocaLion: 244 WAT,.L STREETParcel No: 2101-082-5L-006 Description: CONVERT 4 EXISTING RETAIL SPACES TO 1, TEIiIAIVI FIN. CondiE.ions:r-. FrRE DEPARTI4EMT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ArVY WORK CAtiI BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE.3. ALL WORK TO BE AS PER 1997 I'BC, 1996 NEC, 1998 IMC OR 1-997 uMc, 1994 ttPC OR r_997 rpc & OTHER APPLTCABLE REGTILATTONS.4. CONSTRUCTION TYPE .A,PPEARS TO BE II I-HOUR. A}IY EXISTING EXPOSED WOOD USED FOR BACKING, MOI'NTING FTXTURES, ETC., TIIAT HAS BEEN EXPOSED BY DEMO MUST BE REMOVED & REPI,ACED WITII NONCOMBUSTIBLE MATERIAI. APPROVED, FIRE_RETARDANT- TREATED WOOD MAY BE USED WITHIN (]NSIDE OF) PERMANEMT, NON-BEARING PARTITION VTAI,LS ONLY.5. AT I.,EAST ONE EXTERTOR DOOR THRESHOLD MUST I{EET ACCESSIBII-,ITY REOUIREMENTS (1/4N VERTTCAT MAX OR T]P TO 1,/2'' BEVELED L:2) . 6. FINISHED CEILING MATERTA],S MUST BE APPROVED SO AS TO BE ACCEPTABLE AS THE TOWER SIJRFACE OF AT I-,EAST A 1-HOI]R FIRE -RESISTIVE FI.,OOR_ CEILING ASSEMBLY I,{IIEN CONSIDERED ALONG WITII TIIE EXISTTNG STRUCTURATJ COMPONENTS.7. STEET COLI'MNS AND STRUCTT]RAL MEMBERS FRAMING DIRECTT.Y INTO STEET COLI]MNS (THE STRUETURAL FRAME) MUST BE INDIVIDUAI,LY PROTE TED TO ACHIEVE A ]--HOT]R FIRE-RESISTIVE RATING. 8. ALL RECESSED TIGHTTNG FIXTURES ARE TO BE APPROVED, LISTED FOR USE IN A 1-HOUR FIRE-RESISTIVE FLOOR-CE]I,ING ASSEMBLY. 9. PREMTSES IDENTIFICATION TO BE POSTED AS PER SEC. 502, T]BC. 10. EXTERIOR DOOR }IARDWA,RE IS TO BE AS PER SEC. 1003.3.1.8, I]BC. ,lt* oF vArL coNsrRu.r,oir=RMrr ApplrcAroN F'RM i#:1?lii?yf 5Kg3"i"dt??fr "-"r'jl7f 'sz*aaeof orParcet# Plumbing ( ) Block sundrns.,,r{ Legal Description: Lot Permit # Job Addrcss: Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL S CONTRACTOR INFORMATION mone+ 3!3:-965- 25f f Wood/Pellet | | --.1 Alteration Additional ( )Rcpair ( )Otler ( ) ?rKlL SPRC5 Number of Accornmodation Units, A OTHER: $ TOTAL $ /5-loas frLPNfr Lk, RD, tl{ttTttfl. TownofVailRegistrationNo. f,OJ.- B "n*" Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Addrcss: Phonc # #e FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: eezelrnq x.,I VfrIL. PLACE Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Filing_ SuMivision trt(K ttutl.Tt Adoress: !0/: uR.8r{NJ 5T. tll((.|.-ro c$r1,oo4 i0 3 -4 8a - teg] e'crritect: fvtU(f l.{J ST6JC.$ 5 General Contractor: Town of Vail Regrstration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Regisration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Rcgrstrauon No. Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelline Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: PLIJMBING 'NlO^/ SIGNATURE: SEP ez $99 ecelve TO:ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY RECISTERED WTTH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMIJMTY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, I999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATEzuAL STORAGE FROM: DATE: SLtsJECT: CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITEI) A. Unlawful dcposits: Subject to subsection C ttrereof, it is unlawfirl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be liuered, trackcd or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud. dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon ary stre€t, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice: Abatement: The Director of Public works may notii/ and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks. mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within trvent_v four (24) hours aftcr receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event thc person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified" the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud. dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shalt not be applicablc: I . Within the immediate area of an1, construction, maintcnance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line. gas line. telephone line or any appurtenance tlereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessry for the protection of &e public safet-v; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an altcrnative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes anothcr to violate the same, may be issucd a summons to appear beforc the Municipal Court ofthe Torvn for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l4-I of this code. E. Notice; Pcnalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the noticc of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof. and any such person shall, in addition to pat-mcnt of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof. upon being found guilty of a violation hcrcunder, be punishable as provided in Scction l.l-l ofthis Code. (I997 Codc: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: _ Position or Relationship to Project: (i.e. confactor or owner) 11 TOWN OFVITL Department of Cotnmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAIICE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparnnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Deparhnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) wecks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned rnaximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparEnents with regard to necessary review, these pro1ects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparunent to expcditc this permit ,ts soon as possible. I, thc undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not pickcd up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Work Sheo vas tumed into the Community Development Dept. Bp.eaeln4) {S r"n"uo" ro ,;o MEMORANI'UM TO: ALLCONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKSDATE: JANUARY I, 1999RE: WHEN A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED JOB NAME: DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDTNG Tm NEED FOR A.PIJBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is lhis a new residence? YES NO 2. Is demolition work being performed tfrat requires the use of the Right-of-Way, €asements or public property? YES_ NO 3. Is any utililv work needed? YES NO 4. Is the &ivervay being repaved? YES_ NO 5. Is a different access needed to the site other rhan the existing driveway? YES__ NO 6. Is any drainage work bcing done rhat affecs the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES NO 1. Is a "Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES_ NO 8. A. Is the Right-of-Way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging; parking c fencing?YES_ NO_ B. If NO to 8A" is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES NO If you answered YES to any of thcsc questions, a '?ublic Way Permit" must be obtahed- *Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Commun$ Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandsval from Fublic Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signature Date: Company Name l. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit ABplication. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at eitlrer Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility oompanies. All utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction trafiic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a s€parate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zong (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the tra.ffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements tlnt may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15e. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. J. 4. J. 6. TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective January 1, 1999, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town ofVail roads or $reets. The Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Final Ce*ificate of Occupancy issuance {p r"n""*"oru o 7 :+*p, s/:tqk r?n ??;::#T:{::H::;""3W1 Era,y,r11 fhrqoq]_ EVail, Colorado 81657 Tf;'{i,'"?f *,, ColvtvlAtls, b4rt h.s) ole !Nlwm[if,#*INT'ORMATION NEEDED WHEN l. 2. 3. rl -l JCa*"t{cfl Jr.lV mAr,-oss cArclrlA'o", C le c{ tti cq( = cord"l+ 4 {f o* TO SCALE, FLOOR PL.{N OF IVIECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCAIE, WITH PT{YSICAL DIMEN$IONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQTIIPMENT IN n{EME.HANT.ALR..M A{y oDq( ( = F" K , sgow szn AND LocATroru on cotfousrloN AIR Ducrs. FLUES. vENT CONNECTORS A].{D GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER FT FVATOR EQUIPMENT Wil .I ALSO BE INSTALLED IN THE+. . MECHAMCALROgM c l, r: ekla*ao, I d A6' I 7ail. c/t10( sta*tfuw" I v- TAILURE To PR'VIDE TffIs INT'RMATIoN *ILL DELAY Y'UR PERMIT. L t*n,\Ne q^,/ EY,i5-li nq vooaA l2ein1 tla(At frr bactri^] , (tc . i ,t tD,t(d { celliu1 > J f KTd t'Ii+y tze !a/44"r ba'ch'4/ L,)i|fqitn (;n/,ae a(\ a5>em'z&tz {p **o'^o" a TO!{t[ OF VArL75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD\IAII-,, CO 81GSz970-479-2L38 OTVNER BUSINESS NOIB: TIIIS PERUIT MUST DBPARIUETT OF COMMT,NITT DEVELOPUEI{T ELECfRICAL BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PBRIiIT pertrit #: 899-0206 ilob Addreaa: 244 WALIJ STLrocatlon. , .2 244 wall st/Breeze_MaKParcel No. . : 2101-082-5X_006ProJect, No. : pILJ99-O2gz Status...: fSSUEDApplied.., LO/La/L999 Iseued. ..: LO/L8/L999E:cpires. . : O4/LS/2OOO Phone: 7L9-836-L470 Phonez 7L9-936-L470 co 80424 co 80424 !oCr:. C.lcqlrt.d !.r.- -- >Addltlor.l t...-- -- -- - -- 'ToC.l Dar[lg F..--------> Dqt[trta-------- Description: Remove/inEtau erec ancl llghting in 4 uvaluaLlon:8, 000 - 00 'J ttt!tlti rttt trtttillitt tttt ttttiitt t tt t t litit, trrr.rrirrrrra r FEE $n tRr r.rarrr*.!rr.rrartrrrrrrrrrirrf rr'' .,rirarrtrrrr Bhctrlc.l---> Dlt !c. & rlatlEatslon> rlll crll- -- - >ro:Iltr tEIg-- - >BArAtfcE Dtl---- .oo APPIJICEI|T EXTREMB BIJE TRTC INC.p. o:_tox 5496, BRBCKEI\IRIDGB,CONTRACICIR BXTREME ELBCTRiCiNC. 3:_ 9._Pgx s4e6, BRECKENRTDGB,HIIJIJ BI'AI\ICIIE C311 BRTDCIB ST, VArIr co 8165?BREBZE/MAX 1{l .00 .00 .00 3.O0 14?.O0 147.O0 .00 1a7. 00 1{7.00 .rr0r+t rtrrttttt+tir?rta atei aatE ri?t+aa.ra r!r,ra.r!r**i a tttar,r.r.rrrrti r*t,r arrtaat trttrrrr..ar.rr r rt t r$rii,r.rrrr +EZt?, i g g g :#ffiryfrffi.ffi;Xr.ved,Hi;S ;H"'* :ili:il:,LO/t8/1999 tJtiittttaarttrittt'trriiJrtrtrrirarrallaatta'trirrrtlttrarrtrtrrrrrrr*art COIIDITION OF APPROVAI,1. FIEI.D TNSPBCTIONS ARB REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COII{PIJTANCE. lt *art't Itttl!ltlttttt t,.toa irr lr tt'tii,,'ittta t'attttttat*tt tt a *ttttattr'tra t ratrrtta i at*rttrti t rttirt.r rrrrtata t,r tttrrrrrr,rr*trrr.t rtt t DBCLARATIONS I hcrcby rcknorhdgc thlc r hrvr rId !trl. rFplic.clqr. fiu..l ouc tn full !h. inforErElo,n r.qulrcd, cqrl.t.d ltr rccurr!. pro!pr|n' |lld rer!' Ehrts r11 t'h' lnfolu.ci*r etJia"ii- rqorr.a l! corrtct. I rgr.. so cccpty rlth tsh. ,.nfcrutslon .nd D!.ou pl.n,to corPly rlth '11 tofln ot'dl' ncaf rnd ctrto r.rr, .rrl to bulld tshl,a .t!u6tur. rccorcrng to eh. aovn,. aonlng rtrd ruHLvL.r.6tlcodc'' d"''gn r'vL'r 'ttttrov.d, $rtfot! ruirdrig ci;."a o!h.r ordln|ncc. of t'h. Tora.ptrrtc.bL uh.r.to. REQrrrrTg ftrR Mlplgrrorut slnlrJ BE gtDE l|lr|rt-rorrR HOtRa rr rD\ralct Br PQrqq- o28z ,t* oF vArL coNsrRua'o?rrR'rr ApplrcAroN F.RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETN OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTf,'D Corrtact the Eagle Courtty Assessors Qffice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# Parcer# ZIOI.trtZr 5l.ObL o"", lo/t8 lqq JobName:Bt JobAddress: Zrl{ lr)afl ST Plumbing ( )Electical Do Mechanical ( ) Lot Block Filing Subdivision Buildiug( ) Legal Descripion: Other( ) O*na.rUr'*r@' Architect: Phone Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: \l Alteratron fr)Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Ac commodation Units: Number and Tlpe ofFireplacrs:Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ PLI]MBING $ Gas Logs Wood/?ellet VALUATIONS p ELECTRICAL: $$ffi-- MECIIANICAL S CONTRACTOR INFORMATION OTHER: $ TOTAL $ Electrical Contractor: FY Town of Vail Registration No.tvz-E Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of VaiI Regisfation No. e f^o-, Address:?O- S Phone # I nsulbt\c-q-, Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: v so' TO: . " . ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY RECISTERED WTIT{ TI{E TOWN OF VAIL FROM: TOWNOFVAILPUBLICWORKSANDCOMMIJMTYDEVELOPEMENT DATE: JANUARY I, 1999 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTTONPARKINGANDMATERIALSTORACE COIIE 5-2-10: ITEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITf,I) A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawtrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement; The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes anothcr to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks. mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debns or material within twenty four (24) hours after receip of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice witlin the period of time herein specified the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent rnay cause any such s€m4 gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notifred. C. Excepions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: I . Within the immodiate ar€a of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance thgrsto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necossary for the protection of the public safety; and 3. To public areas designated foi the dumping or depositing of said rnaterials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to app€ax before the Municipal Court ofthe Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis code. E. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hereof, upon bcing found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishableasprovrdedinSectionl-l-lofthisCode. (1997Code: Ordinance6(1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: -lt oate: lol1614l (i.e. conlractor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 BUILDING PERJT,IIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Deparfnent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Deparhnent, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser anount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparnnents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attcmpt wiil be made by this departrnent to cxpedit€ this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned. understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check F'ee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agrced to Oy II Dat€: lDl l% lq Work Shiet was turned into the Commrmity Development D€pt. {g**" ro TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANIIUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PIJBLIC WORKS JANIJARY I, 1999 WHEN A.PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED DATE: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TI{E NEED FOR A.?UBLIC WAY PERMIT': l. ls this a new residence? YES J. 4. 5. 6. 8. NOX- Is demolition work being performed tlrat requires the use of the Right-of-Way, easemetrts or public property? VeS_ NO__X Is any utility work needed? YES NOK Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a different access needed to the site o0rer than the existine drivewav? YES Nol( Is any drainage wo{< bgine done that affects the Right-of-Way, easemerts, or public property?YES -NO X - Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" requird? YES NO)a A. Is the Right-of-Wgt, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES NO /- n. r-t to to 8A, is a p4*ing, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?YES_ NO )a ' If you answered YES to any of tlese questions, a "Public Way Pernrit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's offrce or at Community Development. If you have any questions pleasc call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. NO_K- Comparry Name TowN,ir,r ,. I DE'ARTMENT.F 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL,co 81657 970479-2138 Electrical - $50.00 o COMMLTNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 499-0023 Job Address: 244WALL ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 244WN-L STREET Applied. . : llll8ll999 ParcelNo...: 210108251006 Issued. .: l2ll4ll999 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 0611112000 APPLTCANT BESr ELECTRTC, THE tL/IS/1_999 phone: 970-3281610 P O BOX 273 EAGIJE CO 81631ticense: 101--E Also is CONTRACTOR CoNTRACTOR BEST ET,ECTRTC, THE LL/18/1999 phone; 970-3281"610 P O BOX 273 EAGI-,E CO 8163 r-License: 101-E Afso is ApplicantOWNER H]IJIJ BLANCHE C T1/78/7999 Phone: 311 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 815 5? Li_cense: Desciption: FIREALARMALTERATIONS Valuation: $2.000.00 FEE SI.JMMARY DRB Fee_> Investigation-> Will Call > $3.00TOTALFEES-> $s3.oo $0.00 $0.00 Totd Calc'ulaled Fees-> $53.00 Additiooal Fees->$0.00 Total P€rmil Fe€-------> $53. 00 Payments----> $53.00 BAT ANCE DUE_->$0.00 Approvals: IIEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTIt/t9/1999 KATHY]tEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT tt/LB/1999 JRvr Action: APPR n/a ACtiON: NOTE ROUTED TO F]RE DEPT It/L9/1999 MIKE_M Action: APPR appvd by 450 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioll, filled out in ftll the information require4 completed an accurate plot plaq and state that all the infonnation as required is corroct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cotrrply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt rwiew approved Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-?138 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATI.]RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNER t?** oF vArL coNsrRucrl o ON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICAIION WILL BE REJECTEI' 970-328-AU0 for Parcel #Contact the Parcel # Date: Building ( )Plumbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filine Subdrvisron Architect: Description of Job : }therJr ) fn onn"r"u*,",?{: I &l e* C< Address: ? I ( /3* ,,J {e .<fv.*'l'phone# Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Ntention({ Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLI,JMBINC $ Additional( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECIIAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION g orFrER: gLlz4t O a. a o TOTAL $ "7 P",ir# 677-- d 2tg touNane: /F *< e-Z < / za.l o-,t Job Address: General Contrector: Electrical Contractor: le c 7'u'caddress: Address: Phone #n qq ' ooz3Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Registration No. Addrcss: Phone # Address: Phonc # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: Date Receivet Nov 1 t 19gg TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH TItr TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED A. Unlavfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawtrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti! and require any person who violates or qruses another to violate the provision of subsec[on A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the snme, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud" dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Wod<s, or other authorized agent, may cause any such san{ gravel. rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense ofthe notified. C. Exceptiors: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Wit}in the immediate area of any constructiorL maintenance or repair prqiect of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main, etectricity line, gas [ine, telephone line or any apputenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the noticc for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violatc the Same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court ofthc Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of this code. E. Notiie: Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuso to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shail, in addition to payment of the expense of rcmoval incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided insubsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by Position or Relationship to ,*", ll-/l-- rT (i.9. contnctor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213I FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Publio Works) review and approval, a Planning Deparhnent review of Health Deparhnent review, and a review by the Building Deparhnenl the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. AII commercial (large or small) and all multi-frmily permits will have to follow t}le above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a l€sssr amount of time. Howeveq if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depar8nents with regard to necessary review, these projects rnay also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparhnent to expedite this pennit as soon as possible. I, the undcrsigncd, understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by thc cxpiration datc, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future peimits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was tumed into the CommuniS'Development Dept. {g u"ouororo TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAII-,, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 NCTTE: Valuat.lon: lLraplrca fnfo:iutslon: Regt'rlcled: 8ulldlng-----> P1ln ch.ck---> Inv..c l,grt{ on > wi.ll cd,1- -- -t DEPARI!{ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVBT,OPMEItr TIITS PERIITT MUST BE POSTBD DE[4O. OF PART/ALI., BI'DG. ON iIOBSITB AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D99-0039 ApPtIeAIi[f IIADEjLU & SONS COI{TRACTING phone: 604-932-3807 #15-1-OO5 AJ-,PIIA LAKE ROAD, WITISTLER, B'C' CANADA VONlB1 COr'ITRACIOR NADEAU & SONS COr'ITRACTING Phone: 6O4-932-3807 f15-1005 AIJPHA LAKE ROAD, I{HISTIJER, B'C' CAf'IADA VON1B1 OWNER IIILL BLANCHB C 311 BRTDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Deacriptlon: DB!'O FOR INTtsRIOR OF BUILDING PENDING BI.,DGI PERMIT Occupancy: 82 82 T]/lge Const,ruct,ion: Tlpe Occupurcy: ilob Addreagz 244 WALL sT r,ocat,lon. ..2 244 WALL ST, BREEZE/IIIN( Parcel No.. : 2101-082-51-005 ProjecE No. : PRJ99-0282 SEaEus...: ISSTED BAgptied. . : 09/3o/L999 Issued...: 09/30/t999 E:cpires. . : 03/28/2OOO .00 35 ,00 36.00 .00 irirrtrttfir*rrr**rtrrr*rrrtrtr*rr**rtar**.+*a*ttt.}tt*i*t*r FEE suilnRy Add Sq FE: *of Oae Log6:*of Wood/P.l].L: *.rt., i, trt * * * i+t t rt * t't tir', tt|rt* frf lit tt * t * * t t t lr { t .OO AoC{l ealculrt.d FssE---> 35'00 -oo Addillorial E.aca---------> .oo Total gsttrit F..--------> .0o P.ln!enE.- - - -- - - 36.00 BAIATICE DI'E.-- - 500 *Of Or. lppllrnc.!: 20. OO R6Etuarant Plan R.vlcw--> 13,00 DRg Fa.------ -- .00 R€cr.rtion P..----------> 3.0o clcrn-UpDcao!|l't-"-"--1' tcnAtJ tEEs----- Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPART!,IENIO9/3O/L999 KATIIY Action: APPRITI:M: - O54OO PLANNING DEPART!'IENT09/30/L999 KATIIY Action: APPRIEbm: 05600 FIRE DEPARITIIEIiITO9/30/L999 KATIfY Action: APPRIt.i:m: - 05500 PIrBr,rc woRKsO9/3O/L999 KATITY AcEion: APPRItbm:' 05700 EMTIRONMEIITAL IIEALTII0913O1t999 I(ATIIY Act,ion: APPRIti:m: 05900 LIOUOR09/30/1-999 KATFY Acbion: APPR APPROVED N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON: PEN. KIiI-Da-pE ; PLANNTNG Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DepE: PttB woRK Division: Dept: HBjALIH Division: Depts: CLERK Division: itlttti t at*trl+** *t*t J tt *+ ra? ir'rri' t See page 2 of Ehls Documenr for any condiEions Ehat may apply to thlE pennit. DECI.AR.ATIONS I haraby rcknorl.dg. thrC t hw! read €hlr rppticrtlon, filt.d our In f,uIl Cb. Lnfosuablon roquired, corPl.!.d .R 'ccur'C' Plots plrn. rna a!rc. !hrt' rl1 th. infon El,on provlaLd .| rrqulrcd i. corr.ct. I .g8.. co coEttly sith gh. j'nf,orartion 'nd Plot Flrn, fo coElrly rleh all Torrn ordlnanccg rnd .c.t. l-e!, rld tso bqlld chi.a atructsuE. lceording Eo th. Iovn'a todl"DE rnd 'ubdivlaloncodar, doaigm !.v{.v rpprovad, ItniforE Buildlng codc .nd oth.r otaLn nc.. of ch! Torn aPFl'lcrbla th.t.Eo. REeUasTg FoR INgpEerIoNs SHALL Ba uN)E ftrE$Tc-FouR HorrRa IN ADVANCE BI fEfAPHodB AT 4?t-2138 oR Aa ouR oFEIcE FRol'l a!00 Al't 5!00 PM I l I I I FF EM TY ---- , -8tE0.a (BOOI( 233, PACE 1 15) cEilERt_o{E ofIO' ETSE||EITT y\-T o..\e * s"J[#i,EsF "o*, -w '\t FF ENTFT -8t8O.5 l Errr.el-_rr_ _ _ tda'E *r I _-1- FT EITFV -8tEO.6 I ,o. | .--- r=- ar 79.en!I if h..- - . Eroo.ol 'o.{ \z_}-- FF O'TRY FF EMFY -Et?9.3 illl -/ +crzg'z l\ FF ,,{rkY -/ / E, *net E? "ar dtr f!4r|G- \. =Ar79J ----*D5 1'*1 o NGRESSArs EGRESS &sE|rEhns cr60.1 :ii usis t.1 rFr5 FF A{TRY -8180-6 Er60-Q#t +6l60.A I t ovE*t l|c FF E ITV*El8t-l .FF E -81€Ff ENIFT -41El.1 LOT C-l ff EIIITRY-alEl.2 (RESUB. PART OF LOT c) I T,ffi EJ2 8rE3.7 \- aao< eftgns _ a' R .*.rf a -:-F---8gl# qrrv FEO aflJolNc ot,It ,. es'-r4a s".r!! An t,rg la rl O+! rJp a a a at rnrl-lr-tfir ?q.tgrllrffAtllsLlrrtl tt40ar poaracrt riltt E''''AJ}'[],rcltilD3..Gt|I,.nrtr.l \j'!&( F^fn_*, EEQAE}',|N'|dli{rt ', tD Sttf Pft l|}ltltlr0''ffrrvfiF{ltr+L Vbhcdt or* *fld,4roliflt,tr./ll5ta, At{trcff, 1990 Int Net[mQco |lurt|rrECSEtIlls tuilc S00, 200D[ln$t Strlr Vrrco*r, Dill e.Hrb V6CllJ ,o"rilllf' t t//e,ry /+ttnat" _-- (f 76b -?c57 nB I[ frqFriat-vrl Ccetrdo Dfr Stn Tie Ca.r SrToiloolos' alhr&olml Ib$. IIF GIED b iled lo pmvtb l}& rrlulyht r of0. Ibc lElutananrl Arrrttd tutwo polcrdcs b yr[. Cdondo. tib dtr*rcbrDcctcla CllftyArln* IJ. 1t99. ldrfihnrry, CIEH cmrfidctrrn fmsrcl EOD ro roryidr orlurlrddr*ordr l\filo to fl Fhr I s?dtf rn mltly b pregtr l{ rn lor eqhc lr o?drln &lr. t$ir !r*r, pu{irt r nsralyofilrrn|wrl rondftkncrqd caccnrrckrcd torL*r I lroD.|tlar I kY+r{Vtuhrry ftc C\ltth"t{l1 }dd1j td OD Vdpbcr a6r drr dlJrll cfio Ft* t Ewirennrnhl A:srnar crArrrel by CJtlf. Tlr &tblfl Bruldiqg losrtcd tt 245 &idfc $rut fr Vd, Cnturd!, ruiltry htuq e rertl Aop rn fir &g [uer Hil! 8ti 50 i!'d 698r sFs cG llgEHl 9803trl Bt t !l C,',,:. I -. t -o ri I0'd 8I0'0N 80rstr 66, 0t des !008-6Zt-l0t-T: l3l 'l'9 Hnurllds SPECTRUI'I G.C. -t.F t.3-Llf:t t lr2l gpooqdrorcegv@ttS mprglrogauoiteq ,ttrn ratrE, TEL:1-303-329-8003 JACO8!j C|f|SE Sep 30'99 15:08 No .018 P.02 ag €eE 4s69 F.0: r:F grolX4xllr | '(FryI II rgro.g{rg.rotrrEa I| 2-t-\ iT*'T:::1tlI rFtll'.u.s tFrtJ !...-.G--r-r.-- rrqfi! 't-t ' l$Nq3tllj'torDtrg qIoNoEEgltr itFEr{oO$orlru$lraF rlrullb!'filslfl.g/t I I .lf,iwltIiir +ontrnooo.'towryl &gsrn} ilros D{6[lU{/nqflz[#l E{-rF-illr.-.- u&gopeortrp; L-- -rg.F{11 '$ynrrf egp rrurccq.nff ilS{ gcrrpf, Orr urtu Frop rgirr pa,{pdud frfitr rqluog o;p at qiln rn s"p 13glngo olu1 r&rmmm'y *rnn&rd F1ftr ilg uo Fr&{ B eilq rrB $1i0't ..f lgn cE l||D q & D|glqF sFilFa I rertpqegpr,tslpodegto.fF.g ?rOnCOr.oupEqndora.g Ir totr gcr p4c rtr pc (tr301 Fot) up 49|lD oofiv u| Flrtol|n plr Edc qtus q.rggn gq1 org, 'Ar{od rrf1r rgfo ,{m;lre q Frroq rr nf (tEA?t pg'r&lo.rg gnaftqtn igp4 5 rrg grrpq SDil rpmoe, ptoulo+u a[ lFdnrtuEiltFd I I orrrtd 49rq pg4q $! rFil ftEq geqJc Oicfps lD gB |ortd r [16 rQfo rse'l {roo{ rrFlJ .|lt .$m qaDo€ !d rldot Hg eo !g rq*ot frlios Tt |'|aoq vry eoq{ qr^ QJo F.rl lpG '|t|' 'gnurqur drd Eqrrd pc rnotr I rrrulDF r W[''!ooU lirg rm so rdoqt tr!fl .ig rr:rrog sqi [rA 6EO fiaogptr rirogr puof! "W A du$ ptq ql rAoqv trf,rcq og q rog tqs Drn tnnr I I ;',I :l )Er0 -c33 .lllxrggs 99' ot6t'- 8.8r{ !DoJO'4rl r,eRrqn Dnr0 dgt tto tt lt ,nrI Onnn t,|. rittr ttrr. r. ,.. ,I lttSlf l|ts cc!1. Irr-d5a negcQsqTgz ;turmrr lj +lO[ rrrqo orry rq6 te 'd i 9tF-1+e?:36 AH tRrE:E t?G .r6t !taa4l'\lulfl$? lD' EEt-OSea fiunlccrartiqg- t'Eodclin-Not lfr+ cuo6DE-Norltrdy Iiu3 l{ tt o{r ltr 'o"ua'urar.n, r Mr,Ortai'rt .{r..'_rE. P-OZ I I1--_-_J_I{a. e{*Onro-worl l*Gtt l I I Fma,oruf-* I I 2t.q l'nshirto.d I I t f 'all0Eb:giie*- -- I ltzsFtodilFnm! I I f-vulror;tA-vfiEi- I ld4 S Fr'a*rforf I IfIEmfffi**'I I l9ilS.ldcrCoyniw t-.. ---^ -. H*lirror|$c$Gff Scdt rhafoelfiosftrt cn* ib-;iDmw-- LornrElcntlos raor flcr()rel AilFfCIr 8n|Fh| 0f Cdht fih Dtrnl tl TOt hfot Ocqrra rrrrl wrlt rdrhrs u,t"r o00c6Gd len Oc qqgn ud blrlam hcb of tb. Outh.Iil Buildbt ltl &oa str of Itr lvg rrd fry h 6c Vd ltea lfo rrsSt , *sr edbcted &ou $o n"liialfllg of olrr Voil Fbcr u rc ogcor t(}f nr hnrcrt, A! rryb eolocrrit {ou(ha vril Php srrr aurlnearth 6r rir'or cud4r rerdrrr (As+ r!.prr$ a6!0dcd fim fu @fir h{el dridl oontlrrcd 4EM irrsdct rtgr rvrrp d rle Dollt (fuiuo3 rool o rrfi u r{arob{, cqo$C i! rt hr* i of thr eolhctrrl lrytee frrntrr4efticrl tlc rsutu ffi dr!il|r lofiGd h rLr bora rocE rlould bo ltrnc*cd qa D[0p@ {Dorad oftrou* of rDc drlrfd cordliras tth lrrr,vtrl rr+nrar* I}r rhtcrmr 6$ fo ttc bolhrcoq nly m cetard ro Dr tfu00, !0 'r-g'.r 0?€y j{n t&.3stf: 6tl0lrl 3g rl,.l 666I-'- l -'J3, /tcio6r Gor.Cnolr | ,r--..- -J- S0'd 8I0'0N 60:SI 66,0t das f008-6et-909-I: -Er '3'9 HndllSds I I ;';;;;r.l e?!s6 9r DRSEZEro utt rrp U€U; Uhlrhd t?0 46a Ega4 sr8_gtat , r.O C.? ltorrd$g.UN&,t 3ohrrMaMarp Dtfnab oc: *lrrqlcSlal ihlt6'a 6FSF ssg i€r I py rc*vrOra tr brt*cttd utFt {irrrftr flc d$r*rU h $c Grtutfitr b,,ildhe ..&!mr jni||l ttfiDsr'[|r rtsra bc !||tad $ Acr4 lilir rorr|rnts l uo61 6gri6"-,oort lha. orr rrry ocrrdg r,i,t tlb hr ie p Hrfo nt r Socnl cacrcor ufurtf Aftcnol tnfef rcfuilht rdordd r podh cte wol rcpremrhg rryilc.,llqd0 udr ruoirud nl prood eoddnhle lf & aolilofil tcrl6 y6s*lE*ivr (Co*''.fi! rur*vr qOosrc rrq'!!o iri!, &h larftrl rair,lty, .l. nIt ponUr b co&f Ar rfrliqilr of Oc afi EdE,ood codliou. m" j; ofiol ir tc tr$ rtr &lrwr! i! rlr OsdrE hr6C rs ASIr4, fidrvo. od {ieorc oftlh'n'ddh I rqnrnof a'rrfiicrrwilagr tr*rrn h or nqemunaofi Jlto.ooo, I I{r. Ocnhlr{ tru etd h 6p u&mcd rsds svlrw rc tildy to trvr & Ifllftmffid llntrs fir cr{ of $Go lrepatirc rlrrul{bc a{ oftl|rftol bfu railbt ifnutm qr msrtiorr or nead pLab do rat bdtsf ro crl l[! a 30]60&Oze. :Ftfi9 StrrrrJ ctil,J 6f€,t-tr-.at Y0'd 8I0' oN 60: 9I 65.0q des t008-6zt-t09-I: 13l l':'g Nnut::as ,tt') ,^W trp.'"gt 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 97G479-2120 FAX97&4n-2157 REPTI3l PAGE 31 AREA: GG12/23/1999 07:50 REaUESTS - IIISPECTII t{0Rl( SI{EETS FORtL2/23t1999 Actlvlty: 899-0255 12/23/Lg Type: A-C0l!ll Ststue: ISSUED Conetrr ACOI{ lddreaa: 244 i{ALL ST Location: 244 UALL STREET Parcel r 2LOL-O82-51 -OOG Deecriptlonr C0IIVERT 4 EXISTIIIG RETAIL SPACES Appllcent: NADEAU & S0l{S C0IITRACTING Orner: IIILL BLAIICHE C 6feZt.Contrector: I|ADEAU & S0l{S COIITRACTIIIG Finance Department TOHil 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 Occ: T0 1r TEI|AIT FIll. Phone: 604-932-3807 Phone: Phone: 604-932'3897 Uee: II l-HR Locke, Holde, end l{otlces.... ACTIVITY llotice: SLIIT 32 llotlce: JOB REDTAGGED EXT.I{ORK HAS ll0T BEE}I APPROYED gee connente Inepectlon Requeat Inforrnation..... Requestor: llED nments: BREEZE llAXpected... Actlon Conmenta Phone: 97Q-376'6122 Tlne Exp Iter: @O30 BLDG-Frar t,tLztss ',"o.Jill, l?J u,€o[M\&#pbtkaaui,f 't Cd ^J, iii{af,# """' ff?i9,3b'?;I;::t::l9,;f. !#',P"1' i*d, ia*,ffi I c] a ( lr io r *o' 7lfti rten: ooo60 s'-os-sl,eeii,.*fis{ <nza-" .f 'ffiE {i rt4 ( c€}t;+ir,are 04 Or4dW (" re; -l (447a 111r trtY;; ,Mrt-su:Yryfu"rtel- oo226 FrRE DEpr. n6*ffi(11fto6-T4t( /iSPfr t0ffhau-T l4ll{inq2.YlrX rten: ooo6o ELDG-sheetr**ft8{€45€ of f, ,.",, li6l3'ff,lTH:: o'r z U c- Wfai A:CV l2/2O/99 Inenector: €D Actlon: ll0/ ,."', li6l3' ff 'lT H:: o'r z U c- tAVPi A:CV "trlF cL.sE? /A5rlr BLr l2/2o/gg Inspector: {D - Actlon: tl0/ bort\+rrfp&c{.ton f9l (eo ficqre of 1l o a,1 ^'l Y '''u"''' / ("q n.0 \ \ t v\1" TVWI'I OFVfrIL t2/23t1999 l1:55 REOUEST9 - IllsPEcTll tl0Bl( SHEETS FORIL2/23/1999 Aotlvltyr P99-0132 L2/23/lg Type: B-PLI{B Statuer ISSUED Congtr: ACO}I Addregcr ?4{ IALL ST Locattoni 244 fsll Street, Breeze-tlax Parcel: 2l0t-082-51-006 75 South'Frontage Road Vail, Colprado 81657 v7M7v2120 FAX9tu4792157 REPTtST Tfililt 0F VAIL, CoLoRADO Finance Department PAGE I AREA: GG Uee: Tine Exp Descriptlonl Plunbing only to nove plunblng Appllcant: YALLEI IIIDE PLUIIBING & HEATIIIG 0rner: HILL BLAIICHE C Contractor: YALLEY rtIDE PLUIIBIIIG & HEATIIIE Inepection Bequeet Infornation.. Requeetor: llED Req T ts: Occ: linea Phone: 97O-949-L747 Phone: Phone: 97O-949-L747 Phone: 3176'6122 trte Inepected. fnepcctlon Hl,etory.....Iter: e0210 PLIB-Underground Iten: 0O220 PLIIB-Rough/0.!.v. Itllllgg Inepector: CD Actlon: APPR APPBOVED f,otea:. flovteet hEe been perforned on reJ.ocated drv, correctl.on to cop aen tee not belng ueed. r.r+llUST REll0VE 10Of PROPAIIE B0TTLES FB0ll IIISIDE BUILDIGT Iterl e0230 PLlB-Bough/lleter Iters 00240 PLItB-Eas Plplng Iten: e0250 PLllE-PooI/Hot Tub Iten: 00260 PLIIB-l{lec. Itelr 00290 PLIIB-Final REI'ITTANCE COPY TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97Q-479-2L38 tt)*// *frfff 6ui//tt)Y ^ vwll/t -/f vv\-' -; ^I u., vt'ffi7 /g {/ DEPARII,IENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT Clean-up approvod 0ttl$ufit dats Permit 898-0059 75 .00 4B .75 .00 wilL call----> 3.00 Reeeuaran! Plan RevielJ- -> .00 Total CalculaLed Fees- - -> 245-75 Additional FeeB---------> -20'oo Total PeruiC Fee-- _- --- -> 226-75 Phone z 970-47L-0420 Phone z 970-47L-0420 226 .7 5 Building-----> PIan check- - - > I nve st igat j. on >RecreaLion 8ce-- - -- - --> .00 20 .00 100 .00clean-UD DeDo6i.t - - -'- - - - >Paynente------- ToTAIT FEE9----- 246.75 BAIANCE DUE- - - .OO I hereby acknotrladgs lhat I have lead thi6 apPLi.cation, filled ouL in full plan, and state thac all the information provid6d as rcquired is correc!. to couply rrith all Town ordinances anal 6Eate laws, and to build thie code6, dcBigtr revicw approved, Uniforn Building codc and other REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY 6cna Cl.an-t P Dctto.it To: CHURCH HILL cONgT lhe inforoacion required, coEplcted an I agree to conlrIy wich the infon.tsion EROU 8:OO A.lt s:oo PM TOV/Comffi. DgwotE: rrlrs pERMrr Musr BE posrED oN,loBsrrE AT ALL TrMEs Refund ifiSitT 3ll"fiurro pERMrr Address: 10 WALL ST Status..t.ion...: 10 I,VALL STREET (WALL STRApplied. Parcel No..: 2LOL-082-22-002 Issued.. Project No.: E:<pires. ]\PPLICA}TT CHTJRCHILL CONST.CONSI]LTAI\ITS INC. P. O. BOX L8296, AVON, CO 81620 COIiTTRA TOR CIIURCHILI-, CONST.CONSI'LTAT{TS INC. P. O. BOX l-8296, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER BRENTWILL CAPITAL LLC PO BOX 232]-5, ANCHORAGE KI 40223 Descript.ion:REpLACE TO SLIDERS TO LARGER S]ZE Number of Dwelling Units: 001 Town of vail Adjustsed valuaEion: 3,000 Fircplace Infomatsion: Restricled: *Of Gas Appliances: *of Oas Logs: #Of !'lood/Pallet: FEE SUIi{MARY '****+*itir+rrr Item: O5l-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Divisi-on: 0411311998 JRM Act.ion: APPR APPRoVED JRM IEem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PL,ANNING Division: 04/L3/L998 iIRM Action: APPR APP PER REED IEem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divisj.on: o4/L3/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A rEem: o55oo PttBLrc woRKs Dept: PLB woRK Division: o4/L3/L998 JR![ Action: APPR N/A See page 2 of Ehis Documenu for any conditions thae may apply to Ehis permit. DECI.ARATIONS . : ISSIIED .: o4/L3/]-998 .: o4/L3/L998.: Lo/Lo/L998 accurate ploc and plot plan, Fubdivision SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR AND OWNER PAGE 2 *********************************************************:l********************** EONDITIONS OF APPROVAL PermiE #: 898-0059 as of O4/L4/98 Stratsus: TSSIIED *******************:r*************tk:k:l:k******************************************* Permit l)4pe: A-DD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O4/L3/L998 Applicant: CHIIRCIIILL CONST.CONSIII-,TAI\IfS INC. Issued: O4/L3/L999 Job Address: 10 WALL STLocation: 10 WALI-, STREET (WAIL STREET #302) Parcel No: 2101-082-22-002 ********t*********************************************************************** CONDITIONS ****************************************f*************************************** 1. FIEL,D INSPESTIONS A,RE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN AtL BEDRooMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC. **** t r* tttt t t tt rtr r* * **l,tt t t r *r r * i *+ i+ r*r r * r *r, * i, *t * ti r !r ** * * ir tt t TOf t oF vAltr, c9rJoRADo SEaEeE!B Number: REc-o385 Amount: Pa)'llents uetshod r CHECK Notatsion: Scat eutlt 226.75 04/I4/9a Lz t24 34'7't IniL: pBM Pcr ic No: B9E-0059 T!,p.: A-BUILD ADD/A!a sFR Prrc.l l[o : 2IOI-OA2-22-OO2 siLe Addr€ss: 10 WAI,IJ ST Locatiott: 10 wAt L STRAgf (wrII, STRtsET *3o2) Tolal FeaE: fhi€ Payl.nts 226.'7s Total Al,r, PmtB: Balance: BUII,D PE .00 r*r+rJ !r a*.aa rr aa ati. rtrttlJt i *t t AccourtE Code Ds6cripuion DR OO1OOOO31122OO PRE PAID DES REV BOIRD BP OO],OOOO31111OO BI'I'JDING PBR.I'IT FEES DR 001000031122oo DEsI(n.l REVIEW rEEs PF OOT.OOO03ll23OO PIJAN CHECK FEES AD OO1OOOO24O31OO CIJSANUP DBPOSITS wc 00100003112800 nr,L cAlL rNsPBerroN FBE A[ount -20. oo ?5-O0 20. oo 4a .15 t-00. 00 3.OO /+/Iffi "rru sia476u RKD o ,m Design}-,T:IA.,rigForrn PAGE 8I TOWNOFVAIL Project Name; Wrlt Street Building WindowAtrorarions hoject Descnption: Minor Window Alterarions to Wall Street Building,s East Elewtion. Owner, Addrcss and phone: Tom Hewit,Dd Bleckner, l'tX) Lionsridge Loop #3D Architect/Cootact. Addrcss and phone: R.I),K., Inc; Sally at IZC-ilrt Pmject Street Address: Wall Street Building, Veil Village Iegal Description:Block 5C, Wail Street Building Parcel Numben * Building Namc: Welt Streer Buildingcomthents: IHffJrt:d"*e on lhe building's Eqsr eteverion ro be reprecerf wirh erighrty lrrger Board / Staff Action Motiou by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: townpranner: #/fu' Date: ylil.tgg Adion: STAFFAPPROVAL IVSRYONEIDRB\AIPROVAL\981WALL$T.3I I DRB Fee he-paid: I ac 970-328-8640 for parc-el #. - -jrowN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN I\ryEL il: arot- o*L- r2-'rpo)-perulrr APPLTCATION FoRMtL DATE: )/bt llF tContact Eagle CounEy Assessors Offtce Plumbing Address: Mechanical Contra Address: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt rt :t * rt :-L * BUILDTNG PLAN CHBCK FEE: PLTIMBING PLAN CHECK IEE: I'IECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK TEE: PERr\lIT /i . APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACcEpTED /I * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERl'trr TNFoRMATToN * * ,! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * *l./Iu4f-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other rob Name: l4l,q"llslcr.t # 3or-- Job Acldress. _!A!l{_rt- Legal Description: Lot Block__ Filirg sugprvrstoN, owners Name: -l\onn Address: Address:Architect: Ph. _Ph. ceneral Description, krpl*ro z *ltLno. G'tr/g'b- :-9l;dr*, trly {7 IJ work crass: [ ]-New I vi"-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of owelling Units: 1 Number of Accommodation Units: Phone Nunber: Number and rvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-_ cas Logs_ wood/perlet_I f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,t ,r * * * *ln UUILDING:. {-l{@ 14 ET,ESTRIgAL: $ 6THER: fPLUMBING: $ MEcHANrcAl, $--._ - roini: t@__ f******)r***********'***ltr****,CoNTRACTOR LNFORMA.I'JON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * *Seneral Co4fractor,: Ql'&'^*gh-rt\ (a",az:i*."fr'":t_lo Town of VaiI Reg . No. a tq 6rrctdress: 1/.0 R tQ,'qo ,-*vyu <o stt,," ;;;;"-Nu;i"r,""V:f: aqro \ Erectricar conrracror: SIS'Oo5\rown of vair neg. No.Address: r-- r,'!-^-^ rr!,*r- ^ - - IIECHANICAL PERMI? ELECTRICAL FEE: r RECREATION FEE:]THER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: I TYPE t_--t- GROUP sQ. FT.BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Contractor: #ffi;i:.;ffi ;:ilr1l+:$ lomments: VALUATION ;CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFT]ND t )dqp^ffiHJo ( bg&' Pbq\ ' F..q n .t sz nog 6- t F1l5 -r7,r s f vo .,rlF $ r1a,n rbia tll- -t/"|\ l. ll t,) ll ll/ tltl /11 6hllrb l^ Itl Li'{r,'."1}. {_?a/tr llil/\ z a€ d+lu Yl $:^'tl A1 6 '\)'\c\ F \''- -{l{>'tpu"- t/ A u\d a Y/o,\e ..9Ktn)tt q ?x,sf r4 1 P\o" Pr,,r,$- lr\n.{ lI Jo > Iva- I I sl re et,|$,,-,1 rl' -, rJ- (4*<h ,rl s-f*6rer :wA'.t ttl1.,t'9 d,nlue blo,. f ' aurstreeg 16:15 s7A476U. .-,,,.',RKp^",:' rO?r r7"PAGE 62 P.6t |c?olr|tilrrrr|rlrrz f(RMmrurnno* ?[FtfE 9vrlLE!ffit||f, reum| tOJEGrr I,UALL $TR.EHf Bu:Lblt{Cr El memncrorrs {aeseor'rse lmrat 1'7)7,=o3 0 fl,An|ncAT|otlA|TANGE A? THe HA6" 6'bE ,Os UN rT F 3OZ, TtlEe.F i6 AN ExlSTlNct opav,Atdr Tlrt rs AFFB.IxlM/i-ELY 6'NIDE X {r+ TALL , lf Ttti$ l,\,jtl.,Oo'^J DpgLrriq '{. To bE ENLAH+rFD ; t hl0ULb lroT E,f;i:at./r,.rF tiir Ar.l.r-l.HJr,/.'i{ LAR/4EL TftAN 6' hliOg x gi -A:-Lr a) 1prn.T TH61;ilgqplrf oF rFjE l,r{r or7r1 g1. hir.L.. rii Ner pFsraoyFD. TFIE 8' ?.'Ar.-r- dp€NrNal hiruLD R.EriuiEF r't ETEEL LJNTEL {pxrET}Ne).rF A N6xel ssArvr; il?rer.r* or,r q&o,JTED MA9JNRY CELLg EAcl-r g'.)g. aF THE gpE'NlNq, E iFI 4#il, cofY to: EH.rt - 4.ALLY ._,,.* 916l'lEpl li ,,"'*t Irr r^,t t4 3a 2 V*lt tlcooJ {5^,\d'i. ,, w P\q v c'"r4t<Sllc .-,r.Lrre { 1}1...\r ) viqr vn*ci * s!*,- g' \t/t will Le d,ot'"5 rl t , Jl ' I tYhis \r, 15'.,t;, 9r,,'l s,Ac lldttq UoorLc-I ^/ ht.J. I( -"> lit ll o lhi tttttl , 1 i I , t1 {o'Ns d)ti -" r .orf\Yi", , r >5\Y*;'l--'., q$,Dl9.v Fx, st g c1 tltov l. . "r,'l+Un,.l trl Ja r Vva- I I st r . et 15,',1 ,\ ' ., - wir't a"*<hil d*"'.., 'a P,,\. _. gr ta)tt q ir*l o,, $r",rs F'q,nJ,ua Vlu'l'. 'l 'r1,-' ii : il 'l $N ^be1h.{'r) S4116/1998 1611s 9?6476U ..,,,,,,re,n,.vrf ttrr KFMcts.urANnnn 'EFTG''ur.slm!||r| PAft- tlt F.BI t@r.tfl1 Fr{tlltl? FFOJEGf,: hIALL sTR'ES.T BUlrRlN{A DAYEI JOI t o iH 6 meeruotrotg dnnsrome E cl.*nrrc^r166ivqnrlcE At THC EAS? 6lDe Os uN l1r tF', soz' .rtlEn'P i6 AN FxtiTINA opdvrl,a''T}t^t l$ AFFEpxlMr\lFl"-v 6' tt'ttDE X tr+ TALL. lF 'fnrE NttJDo''J DpqLrrlq rg To bE ENLAF{IFI} ) t N0uLD ,\!0T R,Hi flr'/u e tir., Ar;Y?'"r lt'J'|ie TARAEE THAN &' tli5g x $r LALLf #) 1pn,'l- THE |UTEQFITT 0F THE lrlp.EartAy l.Jtt.L; r'$, l,*e? trFsTe'OYFD" TftE d' thr.+- OPeNrt\rc.r ni,r/r-D fi.EilU;tF .,t $TEEL UNTSL {px'lE?lHq) 6F /d y'i6x2+ IEAM I BEA&*i'/a ol'l q&oursu MA9JNNY CELLS FACH 6IPE AF TIIE OFFNIhIq, CQFV TOI r|ab -.gaLLY .-,,.. - itoNFth ol ob t;u- A REF,T 131 TtrWN OF UAIL, CtrLtrRADO 07116/99 QTt0b REAUESTS FUR INSPECTITN WORI{ SIIEETS FORI 7/l6t9$trAGE TB AREAI CD Activity: B98-OO60 7/16/9A Type: A-BUILD Status! I95UEDAddress; 1O WAL.L STLocationl l0 L,ALL STREET (WALL STREET BLD6,*3O8) , Fareel r ?101-r38?-ee-AEB 0ccrDeecriptionl. RStrLACE hllNDOtl WITH LARGER WINDOIJ . flpplicantr CHURCHILL CON€T.CONSULTRNTS INC. Fhoner Ownerr FRRISES CORF, FhonerContraetorr CHURCHILL CONST.CONSULTANTS INC, Frhoner Eonstrl ADUtr ' Llse: 970-471-qr4eO 974-47t-44efr Inspcction Request Inforrnation.. . .. Requeotor: FATRICK Req Tine: $Bl0O Conments Itemc r^aquested to be Inspe 8raag0 BLDF-Final Tine Exp -ra:1 ' tff4tf*- ILL CffLL PATR :/r? 1-O4AA' UNITS 398' 349 Connent s Inspaction History. . . . .Itenr 60030 BLDG-Fr-aming A4lA9/95 Inspeetor: CDItemr 8CICI64 BLDE*Sheetr-ock Nail,Itemr 8lfr674 BLD6-Misc. Itemr O0O9O BLDG-Final Act i on r APtrR AF'PRUVED oo NOTE: THIS PERM]T MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT #0f Uood/Pa l. Let: :r****tt*trrfrr*ffi*trt**lrt*lr**t**Jr*lr****rt***t****ffi****** FEE sullllARy *******#*irffii*ff*ffi****#ffi************ff*******#* Bui Ldingr----) 35.00 Restulrant Ptan R.view-> .m TotaL cal.cutated Fees---> m-75Erur rqrnf----, 5).uu Restulrant Ptan Raview-> .m Total Catcutated Fees---> 80.75 P tan Check--> 22.75 DRB Fee-------Investigation> .0O Recrcation Fec--------> .00 Totat permit Fre_-----_> EO.75l,,,it|.ca|.|.---->3.00cl'ean-UpDeposit-------->.ooPayments----------------> TOTAL FEES-----******r.lrffi*ffilrJrJrLk*tt*****!hltlt**ff*r**ltltfr*t}**tffi******rffi***ffi#******ffitr****ffi******ffi**rtffi******ff*ff***** - :i :Jry;T} 0t l:./,1 fiii. 04' .'[9,,6 10 i '! r),.'iq98 t'oml or verr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 87657 97 0-47 9-2L38 i .- L DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMEIi Permit #: 89s-005ff Job Address: 10 WALL ST Stattrs...Location...: l-0 WALL,, STREET (WALL STREAppIied..Parcel No..: 2101-082-22-008 Issued. . .Project No.: Expires.. APPLICANT CHURCHILL CONST.CONSULTANTS INC.P. O. BOX 18296, AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR CHURCHILL CONST.CONSULTANTS INC.P. O. BOX 18296, AVON. CO 81620OWNER FRAISES CORP t BLECKNER EDWARD JR, 1641 SE 7TH ST, Description: REPLACE WINDOW WTTH LARGER WINDOW Phone:970-477-0420 Phone t 970-47 1-0420 FORT LAUDERDALE FL 3.I Occupancy: R1 Type Construction: Valuation: 1r 000 Fircptace Information: Restricted: Multi-Family Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances:fof 6as Logs: Itqmi .05100-Bv-rLDrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: Burr-,DrNc Division:94/L3/1!e_e.q -Jwr -AEEioii; AFFn AppRovED JFti--rtem:' .05400 -PI{ANNTNG DEPARTMENT - - pept: pTJANNTNG Division :Q4l13l1e9q-JRM AaEion;--EFFR eppnovED pEF-fleeb-."'''--'- -* Itbm:'05600_E-I-RE DEP RTYF:NT -- '-- -DeipE:-Frne Divil ton:04113,/1998 JRI'{ --[Cal;ii; AppR N./AItem:'.05500_P_IIBLIC WORKS -___ -_,,_ Dept: pUB WORK Div ..ol04113/1998 JRM Acrion: AppR N/A tt*****f,ttfffiffi*******:t**ffiffii****f,rrrt****ffrtffi*f,**ffi*t********t**tr************t******t****ff*** riF,ll***rt*ff***r****^ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to rhis pernii DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknon[edge that r have read.this appLication, fitted out in fuLl, the intormation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and statc that rtl the information pfoiided as riquired is correct. I agree to conp[y Jith ti,. iniormatron and pt.ot pl.an,to conp I'y vith atL Town ordinances,and state-taus/ and io buiLd this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviav approved/ thiform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Toun afpticabLe thereto. REQfJESTS FOR IIISPECTIOIS SHALL BE IIADE TIiIENTY-FOI R HOURS tt{ Al,VAllCE BY TELEPHONE At 47g-21.3A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI 6:00 AH 5:00 ptl Pbb #3 send ctean-up Deposit To: cHURcHHtLL coNsT SfgUfU r., oo Page 2****************************************************************************t*** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0060 as of 04/L3/98 status---: AppRovFtD*************************************************r.r.************************+ir*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: CHURCHILL CONST.CONSUIJTANTS INC. 97 0-47 L-0420 Job Address: 10 WALL STLocation---: 10 WALL STREET (WALL STREET BLDG #308)ParceL No--: 2101-082-22-008 Descript,ion: REPLACE W]NDOW WITH LARGER W]NDOW Applied-- -. 04 / 73 / LeeBrssued---r 04/L3/t998 To Expire. Lo/1o/1998 ************************************** COndit,iOnS :t'trt*'t**tt*** * * * * * * * + **** * * r** r * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCII.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY . REQUIRE STAI{PED trETTER FROM ENGINEER FOR STRUCTURAL CHANG!:S PER}IIT f -- , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY.NOT BE ACCEPTEDV .{* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *t -/'tvf-nuitaing [ ]-pluhbing [ ]-Erectricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other rob Name: [u4u l[*{o,af $ } o r rrob Acrdre "". _W1l sfr.reY Legal Description: Lot Block__ Filing sunorvrsrou; !-- ' rlt lr 'Owners Name: P a\ \:.ltcltuva t Address: Architect: --- Address: EI,ECTRICAL: f TOTAL: { Ph. Ph. GeneraL Description: Vty *a< | ;,,"-rl.r, '7'V4t b St 6"' y tr/ tt' lr' ___- work class: [ ]-New 1l;--atteration [ ]*Additlonal t l-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accomnodation Units: Number and rvoe of Firep).aces: cas AppJ.iances-_ cas Logs_ wood/perret_,l *i * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * VALUATIONS * * * * tr * * * * * tr ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?t Jr * * * * \durr,orHc: g looa- PLUMBTNG: $ OTHER: $ f *******'******rr********'*.1*t*- coNrRAcroR TNFORMA'I,roN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Generar con#racior(-rti"(rhrll (o,ue{15]3ln ti__../oc , ^ Town of Vair Reg... No. 6lrl BAcldress: Y. u.15 ti @ h6tf/ pr,or," Number: ''q)i:iO;- t$t-*Erectrical contractor{d F{J6'"-., V t- __ Town of VaiI Reg. NO.AOOTeSS: i1:i:119 contractor: Town of vair- Res. No.-._Aqqress i phone Nunber:_ T::l::::.1 contracaor, , ,_,. Town of VaiJ. Reg. No..-__-_Address: ;ffi phone llu^r"i,- -' - ******************.th f on oFFIcE UsE * * * * * * * i * ** * * * * * * * * * :r * rt * rr rr Jr * * * * '"!'. ,i BUILDfNG PLAN cHEcK FEE:BUTLDING PLUMBING P MECHANICAI, EIJECTRICAIJ OTHER TYPE DRB FEE: sQ. FT. PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT_FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE; ZONING: SIGNATURE: P Comnents: CLEA}I UP DEPOSIT REFI'ND VAIJUATION PAGE A3il"63/831L998 65:57 4IUz)I_lUlUl-l { r- uJ u oHrr H fF-- .-------|-1ln-!-aIH] ul{7,d. I 1sOI ot oo Et 61" kwo'z 'rlt--lAf y tt't- I t,(, \l/r rr ilu* + 3,oii- .\ jv cj Yl6 t i"A ui11u4s .l I -&a'a* "J l, rr' ) Pf n"'"' i Flo'r, orfffiooP{ oa ot F-) - +jt,.i.p,E6 ,#)tuf *301 /{/rr,-Vt t, h u* *qtlnf; )\ ?>,t ,,1"t/V :ftr:,r;1 -./5 Sloel I'Bg*^ ;a 114"c(ilo ch*;1a uor&ad i x t'Q ir"V llt 'x16 K 6 t' ,r A u lJl,tiC t I'l ! Vlo',, oFf,WffihP'q $o(D'DPLS oo trJ J+q4'*i 309 afr{r' 'tv ( i '- ilt"rt. v' t' 'b uw ,4tt^(N oPout"-t "- 41o. f. ' J il)l ?r,6,.,1 , I,Y SJr.et I r* i,r lt.. r (Mo rh*,r,0t'x y "* /i"x d' s'6' 6 Y/6 f i,' ,lt !, rllu,i, ?J',r :-L I : I It _.1 t j .. \ 1.. i I 1 rtrlLl I li ,. Flo,', 9q['ootac {It of Et [-!1,,('t,"t t-.' | 'Ey tt$ t ',i v, n fr-u* + 3.rS 1 Jvci Y/d t ioA *Blud< Flo, a Town 0l "'r-:''Fdt Fl nklk=[ | i I f l-,Ll./ v tq6'o&o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1 at rq*/ tlrlr'r / NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JoBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit Job Address... z 225 WAL,L ST Status...: APPROVEDLOCAI,iON : WALI., ST BUILDING 3RD FLOOR ONLAPPIiCd..: O7/3O/7gg'1Parcel No.....: 2101-082-22-000 rssued...: OL'/I5'/I}}BProject Number: pRJ96-0201 Expires..: O7'/L4'/IggB WARNER PLUMBING & HEATING 310 w THrRD ST, RIFLE CO 81650 WARNER PLUMBING & HEATING 310 w THrRD ST, RrFLE CO 81650 WAIJIJ STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627 | VAIL CO 81657 llccheni cat--> PLan Check---> Investi gation> tli l,L Catl.----> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER tim ALL TIMES M97-0131#: Phone r 3036254208 Phone: 3036254208 Phone: 970-4?6-5610 Fi repLace Information: Restri cted:#Of Gas App[iances:flof Gas Logs: ***ffi*********t****t*ft***********tffi*t*lr,t****f******r FEE SUllllARY *****i***********t**ttt*ffff*****ffi*************lr***r** Description: REPAIR FIRE DAMAGED MECH SYS 3RD FLOOR Valuation:39, 180 .00 fof llood/Pa l. Let: .00 Total calcutated fees---> 1,005.00.0O Additional, Fees--------> .00 800.00 Restuarant Ptan Rcvi cH-->2m.00 DRB FeF------ *rtst*f,rr*****nr*t**t**,H************rt*rr*hr*****#r*****ffi****************************ii*1l$**lli;;;;;;;ii************ill*** ^Tgeq'i ,991q0 -BU.ILDING- DEPARTMEN!- Dept: BUILDING Division:9\/rs/\9,99_JBM ectlonl-AppR RppRoveofLem:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepL: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIEI,p_TNSPECTTONE ABE B QqTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. ? . goyBusrroN ArR Iq pOurnED-itER Ssc. --6d7 bF"rfre-Isei- uMe . "--' 3 . INSTA I,ArrON_llqu_.coFR0BM rb-vaNuFAci0nns- rn-sinue iioll-s -auo - Tq_AppENDrx cHAprER 21 or rlre- 1991--rrMa:--- -- -4. qAg_ApplIANqEq_slALL_EE VENTED-AOeonDrlrs ro cHAprER e AND_ gE4!! _TEBMTNAIE- _4s_ SpEq rq rED- rN--Fnd . 9 d6 -or-rHE--1 0E 1 uMC: - s . AgqEqE TQ HEATING- _EQUrPMEllt-uu-St-c0MFLi wiru"Suc . 5 os -al,ro 703 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. Eg_r_LEBs !rAr{! EE_Mp-qNTED QN FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ UN_LEqq I,IsrED_ FoR_MouNrrNG oN-e0MeuFlriii,E-F-L66RiNG:z . pEBl4 r !, p_LANq ^ANA qADE_ANer.,v s I g _ MI USr - eE-Fo-siED--iN-ME cHAN r cAL- RooM pRroR r9_4I!_ r_Nqeqc11Oll-nnQue5il8. DBAINAGE OF,MECIANIqAT-NOOMS' CoIIiAir'rrUE HEATING OR HOT-WATERSgppl,l BorLEBq^qHALI, en EourpFED-wirH-'A iil,-o-oR DRA-u--Fnn"iieel2119 0F THE 1991 uMc.9. USING EXISTING SOTLERS AND PRIOR APPROVED VENTING. ******************************************************************************** .OO TOTAL FEES----- 3-OO payments------- DECLARATIONS l. hercby .acknoutcdgc that I havc rcad_this appticatim, fitted out in futt thc infornation nequined, corpLetcd an accurate ptotPta, {rd state that .t[ the informtion provid.d as required is correct. t agree to corpl,y riith tirc informtion and ptot !tan,to.corpty uith att ToiJn ondinances -and statc [aus, and to buitd thig structure according iothe Toyn's zoning and subdivisioncodca, design rcvicv epproved, uniforr Bui tding Code and other ordinances of thc Tovn afpticabtc therato. RECITESTS FOR INSPECTIOfIS SHALL BE ll DE TUENTY-FOUR ]lOt RS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHO{E Ar 479-213E OR AT OtR OFFICE FROI E:(X) Att 5:(ru ,,, SIGI|^TURE OF OIINER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER o TOI'N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAT BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE Pernit ALL TIMES M97 -OLL7 AT #: Job Address. . . t 225 WAIJIJ ST Status. . .Location : 225 WALL ST 2ND TEVEL ONLY App1ied..Parcel No.....: 2101-082-22-000 fssued...Project Number: PRJ96-0201 Expires.. APPROVED 07 /18/ree7 08 /r8 /ree702/t4 /reeB WARNER PLUMBING & HEATING 310 w THIRD ST, RIFLE CO 81650 WARNER PLUMBING & HEATING 310 w THIRD ST, R]FLE CO 81650 WALL STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 62?, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3036254208 Phone: 3036254208 Phonez 970-476-56L0 40, 000 . 00 #0f t,cod/l'at',.t' ****************************ffffffi***********tffi** FEE sullllARy *t**#***H*ffi*******lr****r***********r#*x********r rr Deecription: MECH REPAIRS FOR FIRE DAMAGED SYS Fircplace lnformtion: Restricted: y Valuation: flof Gas Logs: .00 Total Calcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat tees-------->1,003.00 Totat Pernit FeF-------> Payments------- Dept: BUILDING Divi-sion: Dept: FIRE Division: #0f Gas Appt i ancca: 800.00 Restuarant P[an Revie!r-->200-00 DRB.OO TOTAL FEES-_-- 3.00 l4echeni cat---> PLan Check---> Invasti gation> Ui t L CaLt---> 1 ,003. 00 .00 1, @3.00 1,m3.O0 ]IEN! .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT08/I8/1997 CHARLIE actioni aFFnIt'e.m:'.05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT08/78/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N./A COND]T]ON OF APPROVAL I. EIELD INSPECTION9 ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. qQuBlrsTroN Ar-L Iq BEaUIREn-pnn snc.--6d7 bF-'rHe-rsti--uMe; --- 3 . rNsrAI-LArroN _wsr qoqFORM- ro-iiANuFAciunnS- rfriiinOet iollii-fuip. Tq^AppENDrX CHAPTER 21 oF rHE 1991-UMe-.-4. qag_AppLrANc-Eq_SIIALI, Bn vSNTEn-aeeonDrNe To CHAPTER 9 AND_ gua_L_L_rEBr4r{$q_E-_4S_Ep_EqrE'rED-ru--src-.-goii-oF-rnE--1ee1 0u-Cl-s. aQqEss ro HE4rINq EQurpMElrr-urijr-edMpl,i witn"3ed. 5ds-iifro703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. EQTT,ERS SHALL BE-M0UNTED oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr.- qNlEqq I,IsrED qqR VouNrrNG oN colrsustrErE-Fl00RiNG:- ---'--- 7 . pEB!4rT, plANq^AryD cgD ANAl_,vS t s -rdu5i-Es-posfrED--ili-uecHANrcAl_ BgoM pRroR rQ_41!--r-NqpEcrroN-REouEsi;8. SB4IINAGE OF .LTEC44}-TIqAI-No6US-T6IITA,TIITWE HEATING OR HOT-WATERggppry BorLEB.q^$HArr! BE eourpFEb-iiirH- A iir,ijoR DRAlll--Fnn"ijed.'2119 0F THE 1991 rIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS l,!.Ciy.rytcdgc th.t I haro rard.thi! .Fpticrtion, fitt.d out in futl, thc infomrtion rc$ri red, conl.ct.d an accuratc ptotptah, .ld .tatc thlt !tl' th. inforration Providld as rcqui rcd is cornact. I agrcc to corpty iith tire iniorratim and ptot il,an,to.Filply Pith.tl' Tovn ordindrces _and 3t.te.t s, and to but ld thls structurc acco|dlng io tne rorn's zoning afd subdivlslanco+e. dellgn rcvial rpprov.d, Uniforr Bu{ tding Codo *rd oth.r ordinencas of thc fohn afpticabl,e thrrcto. IE{ESTS FOn liS?EcTIOt{S SH LL BE IIADE IllE{TY-rOUl lF|rns n A0VAI{CE BY TELEPHO|{E AT 479-21* OR AT OUR OFFICE fnOil E:m Ail 5:00 ptt SIGI{IIUTE OT O{tfR OR CSITRACTOR FOR HI'ISELF AI{D OI EN Jan-15-9El 07 ?O7 P.Ol RTFLE, CO 81650 970-625-4208 PHONFI 970-625-3848 FAX FROM 'TED OTTrcE OF WARNER PI.TTMBIT{G & HEA']TNG IIiI(.-. 3IO WIiST THIRI) STREE'I' 0,\v \..t/) \\S' -r\ N\r'i*( Wc rrs transmitu* 5 *pr"s imluding thri frrffiItiftrl rlrcct. Ptcasc notify ut if ell slrects arc not reoei\red. PROPOSAL SHOPDRAWINCS COPY OFLETTER CHAT.ICE ORDER PRINTS A DDENDTM/MfJT}IFICATTON-ffi'31'P I I l,t I Y) ' $0R YouR; I REMARKS; --- sPtrclFlcArloNs- BILLII{CS QUOTE APPROVAI- INTORMATION REQUEST A(:I'loNA"*j \l FAXTRANSMITTAL Jan-15-g,El Q7 2O7 P -C,Z I I I , Wrrner Plumbing & Heeting Inc. 310lVest Third $treet Rif,e, Coloredo E1650 (970 ) 625-4208 m€mo DATE: January 15, 1998 TO: Town of Vail RE: Permils - Wall Street Building, Vril, Colorado ==i:==g:- GoodMornfuU" Waroer Plumbing & Hcding Inc, has bccn informed from Lrzisr Con$ruction that a mechanical permit was nener filcd for thc above rcfueoced Proiect. Here ir a cory of the applicadon that war stored in my job book. If you r€c€ivcd thir or not, t cant tdl. I do have a pluurbing pcnnir (p,9?-01 00). I^rzier Construstion hrs prid f l Cm3.00 towards a mcchanical pcrmit, check numbe0258- lVarner PtumbinS & HcotitlS; Air Maimenrrrce and Luier Construction apologier for rny incoworiarce we heve ceureyou or the Towl of Vail. We are rcqucting a meclrrnicel pcrmit to be irsued. ttrank you for your time and ptcase feel frse to call ifyou have ffiy guestions. Sinccrcly, Valaric Ptgni Warner Phmbing & Heating lttc, Jan-15-98 07 2O7 a P. (l3 InRllIT tl(;1#'ir Eagte County Assesgors O 28-8640 for Parccl #. f Ficc TOIIN OF VAIL CONSTRU TTON PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: Jr_- APPIJTCATTON II'IUST BE FIIJLED OUT COMPIJTELY OR IT litAY Nor BE ACCEPTED !**********rr**********:l*****l** pERNI1 INFrORl.tATfoN it**********************i**** ^-/-/[ ]-Butlding trlprurnuing [ ]-ElectrLcal llfrechanical I J-othcr Job Nane: l.-\r(\tiL'$r'.\r\r hn Job Addres=, Z&5U.b0!5rrcr-\+l alql - oBZ:-o@Legal Description: Irct_-_---sfoEli.-_ Filing. sunurvrsr.oN, _ Onners Nahe:Address: Adalress: ph. Ph,arcfrltect: eenLra!. oe scri.ption: Work CI.a6s: I J-Ne], [ ]-Alteratj.on [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of lxterling units: Nurrber of Accornruodation units: lqrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv 1(* *" * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * t * * * * * * * VALUATIONS Gas Log's_ Wood/Pellet ** ** *** * * ** :l * * * * *******r* *!k* ****** OTHER: ITOTAI.,:I@ ******************, **** i.*** BUIIJDTNG: T EhECTRICAL: S Town of vail Reg. NO.Phonexnrb""tQf o:_:f ilo--EJ6 Tosn of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: {K#q"+f""* * Phone Number : rc:k;ZFEHAOf,_ Town of Vatl Reg. Phone Number$111 PIJ,II}TBING PI..AN CHECK fEE: IIECTIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE! EI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEEST BUII,DING: SIGNATURE: ZONING; SIGNATI'RE3 r{EcHANxcALr 4@:b NTR ACTCTT JNF(II{MA'I' I ON Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plurnbi49 Addresd: l{echanl tractor: Address: **:)t**** ******r****!t*i*t*a*t**** FOR BUII,,DTNG PERI{IT FEE: PLUMBING PERilIT FEE: MECHA}TICAIJ PERMIT FEEI EI,ECIRTCAI.I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Cor|brntg: Jan-15-E,El f)7.o7 F-()4 75 roulh ffonlrge roEd ttil, coloitdo 81657 |3oa, 479-2r.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged by: To_review Ordinance No. G in full,Vail Bul-tding Departnent to obtaincooperation on this natter- p)-ease stop by the lown ofa copy. Thank you for your '*(:F'?fIP., otllcr of communlly derclopmcnt AIJL CO}fTRACIORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THE TO}IN OP VAIL Tor,{N oF vAIt puBLIc woRKs/coI{I.tuNITy DEVELOPI,TENT DtAROt 15, 1989 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTATJ STORAGE rn surunary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter. track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dunpster-. poriabr-e toilets andvorkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk. alley or publicplg:" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 3n all Town ofvarl streets and 59ads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wirl brr stri,Liry enforeid try the iioin or v*iln1 !]i-c works lr.:r)art-r.cnt. pr.:r::;6nr. found violatjng this ordirrancertr.lr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said raaterial -rn the event the person so notifJ.ed does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 hour tine specified, tfr. iuiii" WorksDepart'nent witr remove said nateiiar at i.he "xpen"i of personnotified- The provisiqns of this ordin"""" itiii-not nuapprrcable to cgnstruction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rigtrt-i-way. contragtor, owner) Jan-15-98 07 2c)7 TO: FROM; DATE: BE: P. 05 MEMORAryDUM, ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIBED Please answer the fbllowi ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easgmenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent aooess needed lo site other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting lhe right of way. easements. or pubfic prcperty? ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permlt" required? A. ls the dght ol way, easements or public property lo bg used tor staging, pafting or lencing? B. ll no to 8A. is a pad(ing. staging or fencing plan required by Community YES Ng x N Y K Y K Y 1) 2t I 3) 4) s) 6) 7l I I 8) Development? ll you answered yes to any of these queslions, a'Public Way Permit'must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Wofi's office or at Community Developrnent- lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspec{or, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all Jarr- l5-g|El A7 2?O P. Ol rROM THE OTrtCE OT'WARNEN PLTIMililG & HEATING INC. 3IO WEST T}IIRD STREET RIFLE, CO 81650 e70.625420t PHOI{E 97G625-3848 FAX FAXTRANSMITTAL DATE: TIME; TO: ATTN: JOB: PHONE: FOR YOUR: REMARKS; $"os Ca[.0'a"[t"tt-, S.I^)*QQ --:it PROPOSAL SHOPDRAWINGS COPY OFT.ETTER CHA}.ICEORDER PRINTS A ])DT'NDUIWMODIT ICATION SPECIFICATIONS BILLINGS Q{JOTE APPROVAL INFORMATION REQI]EST ACTION FAX: Wc ale transmitting J[lcopl;s iDclufing this transminal $ret. Plcasc notiff us if alt stroe$ are not rocdv€d. ' SENTBY: Jan-ls-='B o7tzo O O-rruJt=x, eromi{ Port e.r. reSB Q=o i"o floGl- J tar taaraarllfffillllrlfratfirliHaatt}atitantr.a.lhiiailtalmlatt.ihlaln*tiaaa urYcs ucrr 1,0 copyrtrht 19E6'1994, rhar8 md llr*irtct. Stllrirc' lll (616) 5r3-81f2 tttaaraar.'.tlrlrttlltltltrtttittttrtr'tlrhharnrltllttl.r'.ffi.ra{Hlal|llltlftftlllt.a}a'|ar*tatt DTXL GI.EllM SPRITGS fr66 ctE[ ^tEctEllpo sPrlrfs co- 61601 tat-z5lr r-800-2!t2-!2{5 o7-z?- t99f lnrr SllEEl tr lLDlxG tlart toar ir bmcd on r Da.lgn lcnp. giffercrcl of 90 Ihe !fu'g Fir foot of rldttttofr t. 600 rPT E EErrtrG llEtcl|I ls lt-m FEET, Y[u$E 15 I.9(9 Clf,lc IEEI ! EIt6tD {;tEf tXCg, fgfAlltc >}>>rrr>r>>>>>>>>>>rr, 9E.4 lqrAfE fEEI Z tLSCD IllLLs, r.t lttltdino openingi.loTll tlo t>>> 1196.6 Salr lE 'EEIrE stzE ts 13-5 trrc bt tg.t uloE, loTllllc '> 261l.l gullE fEET Uf $q, IypE tS: U.VrlrE = .t5l, DoLbt. parn, Clc.r chcr Stt IYPC lS: U-t.kE = -06, f rd|F lrsulrtld cErLttG TrtE lS: U.Vrlrr - .(EI, lrncondi t i o|red Attic Sp.cc tborrc tL, rypE ISr U.Vllrr - 0, rloor oye" rny Conditioned SFrca 'r-/ llEtll6t tlr! Totrl tnfl for tha o.rtsi* r6llr acc ?.1(? thc tot.l 0rull lor thc Erpotcd openines .rc l,tlt Itc tot.l tnfi tor the ctlIings 790 Ihc totat llut tor thc fl60ts 0 thc lllrl infittrrtion tcr thE oPehi nge i3 6,$2 nfE rorAl lllfi Fn rflrs 8$tl lt 14,2t5 .t i; fh! tot.l tGGt ol rediatldr rt(lJi rcd this rodi 2!.1 8ED 2 cEILttG ||ErGiT ls 15,00 'EET, l/ollrE rs 2,025 qJtlg rEEI 1 tIDoOED tPEtl t I0s, TolALtrlG >>>>>t>>>t>t>tt>>ttt" 54.4 sqJrrt ftEf I ErFGED vtlls, .1ot incltdim oFerii rEs,loT^L lxc '>t> 95.6 sqrArE ;EEl Rqr| sr2: t3 10.0 t{ra bt ll.t utDE, Tor LtrG rt 115.0 sqr rE FEEr gfIDO, IIPE tS: U.VrluF = .t51. Dflble Panc. Clcrr Gtisa tlll TYPC 15: U-Vrlrr - .06, Fr F lnrul.t.d CEtftlC IYPE lS! U-V.lrE = .0Et, ItErylditiqFd lttlc SPccc Abor. fLOt typE fS: U-Val|' = 01 Flecr Ever Eny Cofidi t iorEd 3pace IEltLogs llre lorel 8n[ tor thc ost3ide rllls rre 516 IhG fotal 8n[ for the Erp€sd 0Fnir{6 !r. ?.6D1 fh. 'et 3nI for t'tc ceilinF thc\_.rl flUll lor th. floorg the SIIJI infi ltrotio.r for the +eni nes is Tr: lorrl rrul rq Tills r@l ts /fllt 0 1,5!9 7.rtt th. tltrl t..t ot rrdi.tlofi raqri tcd this roF t'1.9 ti Jan-15-98 O7 22O Pr!. Z srll e cErLnG lEtc|ll Is 12.00 t!!t, roufiE 13 c'10 orlc tEEt 0 AEO flIllcSrlotfftlc >>>>>>>>>t">t>>>>>>>, 0.0 tlu|lE rEET o :IFO6ED Ut!S. not irctdlno oFnlr!$,lotAl'llc t>>' 0.0 sntnE tEEl t0l 3lfE tt 7.5 LflE !r 9.0 lllDE. roltttlC tt 67't sonrE FEEI upql wPC tS: U-Y.IIF ' 0, ro otcninrr in thir roc ttllL tytE ts: U-Ualu!. .06, Frlr lnsulrtld SEtltrc TVPE lS: U.V.Ill3 - ,031, bcondi t ioncd lttis Sp.GC rbotc trol lrpE ts: t -y.hx r 0, t toor ot ?r 6ry co.rditioBd tFca IEtrL6 lhc tot.[ tlul tor thc dtrid. mlts arc 0 Tho lotrt 3tw lor th! Erpocd opc'ri m3 rrc 0 thr tot.t Bwlt for thc cci ti]|3s 103 It iotal aIUI for tha floorr 0 lhc lful lfiltr€tidt for the opsni 'r|s i3 0 t[E tol^L lru Ff, l|rts nmr ts uE The tota! tcct of rrdirtlon rcqli rcd this roa 0.t AP cEIlJC |ttclll rS 15.tn 'EEI, YOllrlE 16 a.6to ctrtc tEEl 4 E rOSEt' (fcr t rcs,Iorrlt rG >tttrtttt>>>>>>>>>tt>> 94.9 gql|rE rEtI z uFsED yllls. not inctrdirr op.ningB, T0lAl I lG t>>> (17.6 SUIIE fEEl ror srzE 13 16.0 tolc by 19.5 uroE, Torllllc " !12.0 $qfim iEEr gt|ool IIPE 13: U-Y.trr. -551. Dot'blc Pme. Ctcrr Clrtr lOlL IttE rS! U.Yalr.E = .06. Frar ltlul.trd cEltlIG lm ts: u'YttlF - .01t, urcondi t i ottcd Attlc sFcG ^bovctlofl IYDC t3: U-Yrtr.r - 0. f loor orY€r Bny Cotditimod Spcr Th. torll llUll for thc qltridc |.'[ts srG Ihc total SIUr for th? ErFcd oFli tEl .re lhG totrl iruH for thc cei I itras Thc totfl 3rult tor th. floofs Ih! lruN in{iltratlon lor tte opcnings is tlE rorrl l fl lm llls l@l ls thG tctrl tdt ot .ldirtion reqrri rcd this roo l|ErTro39 e.!6lt 1,m7 9it6 0 6,ln ta.ltl 25.6 1e FDl cEILrrc rcro||r 13 lt.$ rEEr. votltr 13 2.152 q|Blc lEEt f ErPGtD rttxffcs. TOIAL tlG tt>>>>tttt>>>t>>>>rrr> tf.a SClltE fEEI I EIPGO gtLS. mt inclrdirN cPcni nts. foIAL I IG >>>> lt5'6 suJlIE FEEI n zE t3 1r.2 tqc by '1..0 stDE. rorlllrc >' 156.t 56JllE FEEr trh.-- IYFE tt: U-Y.lr. - .551. Dq.blc P!tr. Cl"rr Ct.ss I'ILL IYPE t3: u-Yrle = -6. F.* lmutltcd CEIL|XC TIFE tt: U-Yrl\! - .OB, UrEorldi t idrcd Attic 3p.cc lbve fLqX fyt6 t5r U-Valte r 0, Ftoor over atv Co.ditiond 3Fc. [€Al!63 P-03 Jan-15-98 07.2L fh. fottt lllll for thc aft3id. rrllr ere perl I ll trt Nrul for tte ErFcGd oP.nint3 rrE thl-btrt !Iu|| for thr ctitingr th! tdtrt Blu[ lor th. ftoor3 th3 lrux Infittr.tion for thc oF.nin$ is r$E rmr|- llu|l ril nls rm 13 The tot![ feet of ?dlatlm Fcqui rcd this toqr P -o4 6tt z,gF 370 0 1.5t9 7,tzo 12.2 tj { IATI I $llu6 tctGxr ts le.(p FErr, voltrlE t3 tao Gtrtc FEEI 0 lItoSE fEllFs.'t'rtltl(i ttttttt>>>t>t>t>>>t'>' 0.0 EilX[l FEET 0 ErP@ l[LLs. mt irctrdlne oF.tritrtBr lollt IIG '>>> 0'0 s||lrtE fEEI rtgl 3tzE tt 10-0 u|6 by 7.0 utDE. rorrllrc tt 7'0.0 SqrrE fEEr rffDd lY?E t3: U-Vrlu. . 0. Xo oPGninS in thir rom lntl IYPE Is: u'Y![uc t .06, tralP lnsul.tcd CErLfrc lfpE tS: U-ValUe = .0II. Unccndi t i onEd rttlc spcc lbovr ffm TYPI 15: U-v.Lut : 0, flogr o'v?r .ftf Cordi tiot$d Sp.cc IEtTtoss Iic totlt trul fon th. qrttl& I.l [s arc q th! Tot.l lttil for thc Grpoocd 0penings arc 0 tir totrl STul for thr c.ilin$ 210 Ih. tottt !tu|| for thc t]oorr 0 f h l[ l.#i lt|ttial for thc opcni ngn it 0 tlltl-tlrt 8ll!| fn ls t(H tS Zl0 n totrl fsst of rdiltiq| r.qri rcd thit roon 0'l pr rlt cEtltrc l{ttc|F ls l5'$ IEET' l'ollrE l5 ''1t5 salc tEEr t aPGo ccttlcs.rol ltIG >t>t>>>>>t>>>t>>>tll>' 54'6 8fllnE tEEl I ETF(|I€D l|lll$. tst irlrdine oFti tr$,Tortl I llc tt>' 1'l'1 s.|t|tE flEr t8t snE ts tt.3 LCG !v 2Z.O rtDE' tortLtllG >> El7'0 tloulE ftEl gtlgn ltPE ts: U-Y.tlE r .551, Dobtc Per*' clctr Gltra llLL lYpE t9: u'V.luc - .0'!, Frrn' ItEutrted cEtLrF IttE 13: u-v.luc - -o:15 ' utordi t ionod tttic *E! rbw tLfl TYpE tS: u'Yrluo = 0, Ftoor fiGr Frv cot$ltlon'd sp'c! IGTILGS the Totlt Fru[ for tht qrt3ldc nllg rre t00 ric totil lrut for th. €xPo*d opening* ert e'6?! Th! rot.t olull {oF th3 ccilings Eel ll|c tolnt ltt{l for the tlcors 0 lhr Bttn intlltrrtion to|" tho oFnings i3 5'5!g txE roflt BIUII tor T[rS lu 15 7'W Th: tcttt {act ot radi.tion ra+i rrd thir root l5-2 r{ xz IEO I* cElure fi:lcllr t3 '15.00 FEET,vourtE Is 2. tm flElc |EEI Jan-15-98 07 22L I EEIISCD oPtl llol.lgl^t IIC Dt>>tttt"ttt>>tt>>>>> geta a I8.O ICJATE FEE' o3!D l[U3. mt itEludins oFri nr3,rolt|.llG t>t' 132.0 su|lnE FEEI rdrgrzE t5 10.0 Laa tt l{.0 tllDE. tol^llm rr la0.o lf,r lE fEEr utno tvt! t3: U-Votrr = .551r DorDtc Pm?. ct.|. Glrst gl!! IIFC tf: u-y.hE r ,06, frr- rmulrrcd cttltlc TYPC lS: U-v.tc E .05O. UlEondi tlon d rttic 8p!c. lbot a flm fYtE t3! U.Uotrr = 0. floor ovGr fV Cotditidt d sFc. tEtlttEs lhe lctlt Srul for th. ants id3 r.ltt rrc 7ll thc fotal lllll for thr Erp..d oprni rqt rf. tgj rht iot.l lllll tor t||! cclllr|gr 4m lhc tot.l trull fo? t'lrc floorr q f|rt lIUl infl ltrrtim for thc o9qrimr ie 1.171 r|rt mttl rrull 7il TNtt rdl ts trl07 L. wa lhc totrt t.ct ot r.di|tisr r|qgi rcd !hi3 ?odr 5'f ^ ? P-(I5 rhe lotrl 3lffi tor thc drtsidc rrlts ara . lct.l 8n il tcr th. ErFccd opdritE! rrc th. tot.t llw for thc c€lting3 Ilr! tolrt llltl tor the f loor' Ihc lTull infittr.tiq! lor thc Qetrlngs i3 IflE rotA! lrt l tfi Tllts lml I$ ! tot.l icet ol rrdiation rcqti rrd thir 'odi J. $r[ l+. cErlrrc r.tcflt tr ta,m FEEI. nu||E ls t40 qflc fEEr 0 EIPOICD ctllms,Tol LlI6 >tt>)>>>r>>>>rt>">>>> 0.0 gn$ fCFr 0 arOSE0 tlt!!s, 'Et i|tlrdi'tq oFni nes, roTALllo ">> 0.0 sglrtt ;EEI lfl slzE tS 7.0 !Ol3 bt t0.O gloE. rorllttc 2t m'0 sqrm tEEr Ir$Cl TYPE tsr lr'YotlF - 0. Io oFnitrg8 in thlt roo lo IPE ls: t-Yrtlr = .06, tr* lmulltd CE\.,.c ifPG l$: tl-Urtlt = .0!8, urotrdl t Io.Ed ritic sP'c' tfrovc flql TIFC lE: U-Vtluc - 0r ttoor ovlr rry coriititld spccc lcrl[033 0 0 at0 0 0 210 0.! lhc - tal lltll fa tl|c drttide salts or' fht .el Jttlll for th! Erposs'd OF nitlr rf' rts--totrt rffUl tor thc cel t itre: Thc totrl iBIUi tor thc t foo.'s the fiUll inf i ltratiql lor thc oFni]{s it Il|c rotrl ln Ffl lllls rocl I3 ,Pl fr'T c€tltlc rEroff ls 15.00 F€El, yoruc ts 6'+55 O[lC f€EI I EIFqSED tD?llIGs,ToTl! trc >"t>t>"'>>>>>>tt>t'> t''4 sc'llE fEEI 1 EoicED lllLLSr tEt inalrdin! qPrni rBr r lor^! I lG tt>t 1{A'l gcarE tEEr lm srz! tS l!.t lorc ry ?Z'0 utoE' lorlLtllc '> 297-0 sq'l rE FEEI Ula|ql IYPE f s: U-Yalur s -551, oo{tlc P'rE. clcrr 6ltlr tf,tl fytE lS: U-ValrF = .06, ir..G lrsuletcd CEIlrrG rlFE tsr U'Y.l'r. - '0!3, Urcondi tlofrcd rtt ic lpce rboru lloal ffPE ts: t'Velr! = 0, f tor ovar 'fty Condi ti ond $'ce IEAIL(89 t00 ?,66 lPt 0 t.7v,iw 13 TZ Jan-15-98 07.?l c totlt flat of rldiotion rrqulrd thir rcqr Prge J tr.2 tJ 6@ t+&+7 cErlrs lEt6|ll ti 1t.00 fEtr, votltE l3 3,150 qrElc fEEr t EltGEc eflrrctrTollltrG >>>ttt>trt'rttttttt>t> lE.o s{rltE fEET t GrpcED sLLs, rst irFldlrre oo.ittrg5,loT LI|G >>t> t:n.o sflllt 'EEItql SIZE ts 10.0 ttr b,r ll-0 utDE. l0tltllc tt t50.0 $rnrE FEEI glnq| IIPE IS: U-l,.lrr ! .5t1, Dovbt€ P.n , cl..r 0183 ItrLL rYpE t3: U-y.l|t - .S. FrdE lrEUtstsd lEf ttrc IIPE t5: lJ-Y.lt! ! .8 5, Uncddi t ldi€d Attic SFc. lbo,r tLq* IYPE l$; u-V.hr = 0, ftoor ovlr |'rt Cdrdl t iotrcd 3gGC IEIT!F thc totrl rnfl for tl|G d.trid. rtlr rrl 713 th. fotrt alrl| for th. ErPo3Gd $cnlnin are lqt ?hG tot.l lnll fot thc coilinr3 t50 Ttro tot.t Blull tor th. lloors 0 ftr tlut iifiltlltidt tor th. +?ni.rE it 1,1?1 lfE rotr, gfur rrn lfirs ndl tt ,,al IIt! rdtrt fcct of rrdi.tiar r.qli rd thir rqt 5-{ P-06 tr T5 l---------- t"'-"' Il\' | $rr !t+6+7 cErrllc lGtolr ts le.o fE€T, YOrfi ls 8'0 clllc FEET 0 EpGED Fttttcs.Iorat tlc >t>t>>>>ttt>t>>>tt>>>t 0'0 Dq m fEEI O EtP(|t@ gllls, mt incldi|€ fcni|rf|c.rot^ltlc >>>> 0'0 gnrE 'EETtffi sIzE rs ?,0 toffi bt lo.0 utDE. rorALlrc '> m'0 6cn|E 'lllglsq| llPG ls: u'Yltuc = O, lo eFdingt in thl' roc $LL IYP€ tS: U-V.tuG r .05, fr.m ltEulrt'd cEtLttc llDE Is- u.vrtrr . -03it, unoofdi t iq:d lttie gptct rbovc Fltln rwE ts: u'Yolue - o. tl€r ov.r tny cordi timcd sP'c' iE Tlosg lha Tctrl 3llrl{ lot tlre oqtridr t..l[s rrr 0 rhe Totrl llul fof thc Erpo&d oP.ninls af6 0 Thc totst llull fcr thc ccilittE ?t0 Thr totrl lnfl for rhc ftooE 0 thc 8ru1 infiltr.tiotl tor the og.ni ngc if 0 tE TOrr|' Stull rq lll3 n@l ts 210 TlrG totll fcct of radl.tiar re{ii td thir rooltr 0'l T3 1- I IPI 8 cEtrtio llEtGtT r5 lt.0o FCET,vd.rrE rs 6.45t 6llc FEET 3 - '.)SED otEIllGs.IoIlL lrc tt>>r>t>t>t>tr>t>>tt>> 98'6 sc'AtE rE€t e- 6ED tALLs. mt includiq opdri ngi.IoTA! tIG >tt> I29'l lcJrrE FEEI td-stzE ts !!-5 LolG by 22.0 gtDE, rorllttc tt e97'0 scJ lE tEEr UlFOll P€ tS: U-v.lrF = .5t1, Doubtc PmE' cleff Ellst UlLl IIPE rsr U-Urluc ' .06, Fr.rF lnautated cElttrc ryPE lS: U-VrtrI : ,Q!], uncoriili t i orFd tttic Sprcc A!or'. I Jan-15-9El 07.Zl Fr-dl Tt?C ts! U'Vrlue - 0. o floor wcr ant cdrdl tiotFd tp.cc Pigc 6 rh.-fot l llu fot th. qn3id. |rtlr rrc . Iotrl llttl lor th. ExF.cd oPcni 1136 .r. lhr tot.l llll{ for th. c.iting3 lhe !dt.l llui tor th3 f(oor. /Ihc ttlll lnflltrrtlar tor the o9dtl ]!s is TIC mrr|' flrf, FA ril3 Rq|| 15 tic tot.t fcct of r.di.ticr rcqri rcd thlr .m lEAr!ffi 1,m {rtttsl 0 6.1,|E, u,951 u.,.t..\ lED T cErltrc |CIG||I ts 15.m fEEr, Ud.ltlE ls 2.250 AllC tltl t €lPffiD fCItfGS,IOnLttC >t>>tt>t'>'>tt>>>'>ttt l!.0 Sqffi iEEl t EIPo3ED lnLLS, rtt irclldi'tf olrni nge.lolll I lG '>>' 1t2.0 glnll n;l lffi 3tzE ts 10,0 tilC b't lt.o Ut0E, roT^tlllG >r tt0.0 sqnrE FEEI llltoil, TVpf t3: u-v.]u. r .151, Do6tc P.ne, clc.r Gtia! lll!! TtpE tS! U.Vrlrr - .06. frrF lmulrtd CEttllO lIPc lS3 U-vahF. .01!, lrrco.tdi t i orEd lttic SFlca lbqar fLu TIPE fs: U.yrlua: 0, Fl6? ovcr lfry Caditiorrd SacG llra l6irl IIIJI tor thc cjtsldc r€lls rre thc tot.l arul for tnc hporrd op.trift$ orc fi t.t lI||| for tlu ccl llnrr IlL.Jtrt rfifl lor th" ltoore ri. truI infiltratim tof th€ +nin'3 it fll! loT[ 3rur tfl tllls rm ts Iic totrl fcrt ot radiatlon mqii fcd this roon lE|rloss 7t5 tgi:l at0 0 l.'l7l t,a7 5.4 t, rtrr i cEtLnG llEtollt 19 14.00 f€Et, vtttliE lg &0 qj8lc tEtl 0 EIXFED gclf f$,lOT|!lfG tt>t>>>>>t>>t>>">>>tt 0'0 Sqlnffi rCEI 0 EIPGF urLS. rpt irrlndir Qclti tlgt. roT LllG >>>> 0'0 Srnrt tEEl r(If, StIt l3 7.0 fqc bt 10.0 urDE' IOTILIIG >> lt'o glfitE rEET UtFOa TIPE t5: u-Yal$ - O. Lo of,e'ri t{s in ttis rflt gLL IIPE t3: U-V.tc ' .06, Fr* lnsulrted cEtLttC TYDG tS; U-Vrlrt. = .6:t. uncon litiqpd lttic Sprr; rhvc FLo|I' T|PE rS: U-Vrlu. - 0, floor oYGr tnv Cofidit ion'd SprG' llt Tt093 Ihc lotat trur for th? ditsidc rslls arc 0 rh! tot.t 8Tu[ tor the Erpacad oFnlttgs erG 0 Thr totrt Prull tor thc ccitirtr 210 rha mtet lTltl tar th! tlars 0 fi. m$ Iitittrrtion lor thc +nl tlgs i8 o r||E totll orul tc rllts nffi ts zl0 fi? '-l fact of rrdlrtidr rcqrri r.d this rE 0-t P.A7 Jan- lfi-gEl 07 "2L rtr !4 Ps$e f q G [Erclr rs tz.o FEEI. El|C ts ?':b Glflc F€El 0 ftE ttcrlto8, tqlllt5 >tt>t>t>ttr>>>rt>>>)>> 0.0 q.nlE tEEl f EIFm tntls. tst lnclrdirr op.r|iry3,T0lll IIC >t>> 1(f,.0 SCJllE TEEI nxr srzE t3 9.0 tfl6 bt 7.0 uloE, rottlltc t> 6i1,0 lflrr€ fEEf gtFql IytE t3r U.Yrl$ r $. ro ogrniqn in thic rcc gtll IYPE t$s u.y.[lr t -116, frr: lmulrtod c[ttr$ ?fP! t!: U-Y.hr = .0$, llrcofdi tio.:d Attlc se.3c Above frd llPl 13:U-Vrlr,. ! 0. ;locr c$cr |r| ConditiarGd 3pcc lhe lotrl llull for thc fltridC rrllr.lC thc lgtrt trul tor thc E P6Gd oPc.rl ]rga .?c thc ror.t alltl tor th. €cilimt lia tctal lnfl for ti. ftoorr tic tfux itrf l ttmtim tor thc oF ri.|rE i6 lr IoIAL tnx Fc rxl$ lul 19 rha totat fcct ot rrdirtidr ra{pi rcd thiE ?o4 IICITLIES 5!3 0 t@ 0 o Tr" 1.t l,r9 cttLuG lrErcxr rs 15.01t fEEl,vou||E 13 t.040 dntc fEEr 2 EIPTGE (tEI ll|s, rolll I IG >t>>>>>>>>>>>>t>)t>>tt 1t4.0 S,|nE fEEI t EI?GE sLL$, nct ittctdltrg oFalt\gB,ldlll llc >>>t (11.0 tqJ||E rEEI lC I:E ts 21.0 LOXG bt t6'0 t loE, lotAl llG >> nb-o SU,|IC tEEt 9tll./ IYPE rs: u-v.[uc . .t51. Dodtt. P]8. Clcrr Gl.33 U tL TY'E 18: U-v.tur : .05' frrn lEulltrd CEIlltc TIPE 13: lr-Yltrr = .OtI, ItEordi tlolrcd rttic Ef*e lbw tld ?yDE tsr U-Valw . 0. Floor over rny Corditimrd tp*r Iha lotrl trull tor thc qrt3idc mllt lre lhr lotlt ltul for thc ErPotcd opcni qs rre thr totrl Brul tor the ceitit€s rft€ totrl lruB fo. thc flcor3 th? Btltl inliltrttiot lor thc oFing3 i3 TnE tolll Bllll Ffi lllls r(xr ls Ihc total lclt of rldi.tiqt rr(pi|.Gd this rooi |Cr 0s3 2,2r9 7)Q, t,otE 0 9, td9 t9, tft 52.9 ,tY rfD t cttrtrc lEtotfr t3 lt.oo fEEr. t,otll; t3 3,120 qllc fEEl ? EIPoEED FEttrG3, torlltlc >>rt>tttt>t)>>>>>>t>> le9.0 glJ lE tEEr e EfifEO gltl8, tFt itEhdlng oFlitrgr,loTllttc t'>' f06'0 gfnrE fEEl fiEt stzE 13 lI.0 tflG by 16.0 utDE. roflLtrc t> ?0t.0 Sou rE tEEr Ulf||Irl rttE l3: U-Yrt|r = .ttf, oqbtc Prt. Clor cl..c l||l! I'PE t3: U-Vrtuc = .06, lrrn ltEuhtcd CetLlIG I'PE ts: lt'Y.tr: = .0$. Unsodi tldEd rttic SFGe lbYG I lfr rYtf ts: U-Vllue ' 0. floor over dry cotditiald tFC. i lr! llots ric lotrl trul fof thc qrtsidc rtll3 .rG l.612 I thr tot.l tful| {o|. the ErPosod oFhin!3 !t. 6.19t I lhc totrl llUll for th. c.ilings &24 Ih? tc3.t sIUl foP thc floors 0 P-O€| Jan-15-9El 07 2?? lhe BruI infi ltr.tio,l for tie oPehi nos is Pagc E r ,IAl ltull Ffi Tl{Is Ro. ls rhc-iotal f€lt of ?tdiotion reqrl rcd this roq! P.09 E,l9ll 17,(57 ?E.{ tr\ u r 9 cE[trc BEtG$r rs 12.00 t!ET, wlltt ts 960 cl[lc fEEt o :IPffiD OEXITCS. TOTILIIG t'tt>>t>>t>>t)>>t>t>>' 0-o sctltE fEET I tI9oEED l5L!S, not imt|dim oFr i rriB, ToTtL tlc trt' f6.0 sqtlE fEET rm srzt lg !.0 Lflc by 10.0 llIDE. rglrltrc >t lll.0 tqllE FEEI Utxooa wP! tS: U-V.[LE = 0, ro oF.ni nls in this rql u|Lt TfpE tg: U-Urtu: = .(b, FrdF trtulrtqd CEltIm TYPE t3: U-Vrlrr = .0I], uncoldi t i oncd lttic splce lbovc !!dt TytE tsr U.VrtF . 0. floor ovor any ConditioEd Sp.c. IIEAIIN thc tot.l lrUll for th. dltsid. ratls are 516 Thr total BIttrl for tht Erp6ad OPdrings .re 0 Th€ tot.l sltlt for the ceilin$ 240 Ti! totrl Bfuil for thc tloor3 0 Ita 0lull infi lt..tio.r {or thc opcni nge is 0 IIE IOTIL rrux rn rHrs Rarn rs ?TE a. ths totrl f€et of rodirtion t€qJi rGd this .oqt t.f t l0rrl s tittflllllaa.ffiflltlatattttatllLlltfirf,r'tta'i'illtfi-rr'rE "'t"tttrrlttill vo-utE tt >>>>>>t>>>>t>>tt>t>>>ttt>t>ttt>>t a7.017 cullc EIDOSED eErlIGS,lOraLllG >>>>>>>>>>>> EIPIFO tntts, Dbcrr! Ir.dt ttt irFldin0 opctti nir lfi|L se|rrE nttl, ol r.tta b.lor ir* FLm l|D cErLtr6 slzl lt thr Totrl 8fW for tha rttls rbove grad? lr? lic lotrl BIUB for th. rrtts bclcl. grrde rl"G Tho lot.t !ru[ for thc ErFoBCd +cni ngE ar. The totrl ltUl to. thr seitirEr Iha tctal Slull tcr the ftoors rlF ltul lnfltt?rti4r for thc Qenit|ee i3 dld.l 2 r.Ft -7 0.0 'EEIfEEI fEEI 'EETrEttL6t 16,1?? ,6CA 0 54.410 TorrL Brull, rlls aurt0rrG l2l.?t0 /PriQTg slwl ThG totrt f€.t ot rtdirtim rcqui rcd znz -e aaaa{,raaaftlt|latittanrtataatttllartattrta6tttttllllttt''lirlrt'tarttttt-t*fft'4"'l Erd .r....r ,l ,lJ {i,ti!' z|Jfr||,t 3 Uiltl { rxtr S}lnlll btm rnuilHf tl ?- 6 'l t tfll 6- .l N ero Q a^te ' Jan-15-94 07 2?Z ot re.*t P. lo LL^LXJ. \-j,g h-r,+'([At vl rar r obl fo.,r attf oo-- t- d.a.lLaanal.t.r|trhitt,aaaataain..l}tiaLil la{t'r"rtE .ititlilll't'il'frt" [Elr(ss Yera 3.0 Coryrirht t9!6'199{, IhaEG drd AiEocilt.., tatlrlrr. ll (616) 5:$r-8672 r.fifftiaatttatrtt.t.ra|al|laltllaltta..a.arrltlLlrltlll{tltFrrlt"...t"lttltllllt Dtrlt cLErsrD sPtlllcs !i166 GLrr rYE cltxmo SPttrGs 00. tlcot 045-zllt t-400'252'526, tt-29-1gn $L! SrrEEr offlctl t3.tl6s ir bcrd c't ! g.tin trg' ollfGrficc of t0 tic 0turt ler toot ot tldi.tion il 600 OF;IGE A cEtLtIG l|Etclr rs 9.00 fEEr, voLt,|E rs 5,$9 qflc fEEr ( EIPOSIO OPE tlG$,TOf|Lf Il >rr>>r"""'>t>t>>>>> Zl.t $UmE 'EET2 ETFGEO iA!LS, ret irrtrdlng opcni ngt,Iqr.l ulc >>>> :n6.t ssJllE fEEI tffi slzE ls 2?.5 tdc bt 19.5 clDE. IoltLlfG >r {lt't $qr rE fE€T UtlDCl TYPE t3: U-yrlE = .551, Oor.6lc P.||e. Cledr 0laat lO!! tyDE t$: U.V.IU.. ,06. Ff.x In6ulrtcd CEtftF IYPE Is; u-Y.l|! = 0, Co.di tiorGd sFc. rbovE Ft' lrPt lt: U-Vatrr = .0!5, lloor, ovrr Errlccd, tlncqditia*d cp*G ti. Totrl ltUll for tha ErFsGd OP€nltigs rrc 3,66 Ilr. totrt fflfi t9r tha critingr 0 thc fotll Brul for thc qtteidF se]la .?e fhe total, gTuI tor th: flmrs The trul infittrotldl tor thc oFnlneE i8 fltE lolll trul Fd llll9 Fql ls Ilt?t68 t,6{{ 7Q t.045 I1,037 za Ih? totnL fGGt ol r.dlriim ncqui red thi€ ro l lE.4 OFFICE f, i cElLttG |Ercill ts 9.00 rEEr. t oltrf 15 2,160 o|lc tEEr r EIP|EED fEt|lrcs.rollltrG >r>>>>>>tttttt>>>>>,'> 19.I sg,nRE rEEr I tIpGE0 lllLLS. mt ittcltding oFlitrg!.ToTlltlE tt" at'l SUnrE ?EEl rm SIZE ti f2.0 tdC bt 2O.O gtDE, TOItllrG >> ?t0'0 ScnnE FEEI urt[n IYPE IS: U-YalrF s .5t1. Dalclc PorF. clatr Glr.r l,llll IrtE t3: U-Ualuc ' .06, frcr Insul.t.d CETLIIG TIPE t3: U-v.tua '0. cordi t ic|ed apac? abor,3 fl(xn IYPE 13: U-Valuo t .S5. Froor. ovar Encloscd, UrEordltlm.d,Fcc HErILOSS The lotEl Brul for thc outtida r.tlE .r€ ari lhe Total BIIA {or tft; Ereoccd openirrgc rrG 9|i5 Ihc -rt 8rur for the cei t irer 0 T\_ rl llUtl tor thc floors 5!a t thc BTull intiltrrtidt tor thc op€nimr i$ l,tal V fltE rgrr|. Bflfl fan TIts R(n'l tS I.119 ThG total tcct ot r.dirtion r:qul rcd this rofli ,.2 Jan-15-98 07 z?z Prlc Z offlcE c cEtlr|c rEtgtl ls 9.00 iEEr. vq,uc rs t.t3 ottc ;EET I EIFCD OCIllGS,rltIlttlG >>'>">>>t>>>t>>>tttt> l9.t tenlE IEET ? lIFffi ULLS. r?t irrlrdiry oFning6, r0Tl! llc >>tr lIt.3 rcj|rE tftr rilr SlzE 13 t0-5 rflc ry 12.0 utDE, fotrLrrc >> t26.0 s{ntc FEETglm IltE lst U-Yalc . -ttl. Doubt. prn. t[sa1 Q[rs3 t|lll IITI lsi U.Veluc = .06, frc lr|3|rl!tcd Cllllm llpE ls: U-Y.hE - 0, Caditioncd 3pece rbo4 Ftdf, WP€ li: U-Ylllc = -0t5, floor, oycr Emlocsd, lJrror$ i t lomd rprc; P.ll rh. lctrt 3lU[ for th. olrt.{de t|rtlr erG lhc Total OfUil for thc Erpor.d oFGniEE rrr Tlr. t6t.t STlll lor thc ccilings rh| tct.l llufl for tho floorr lh. llul ihflltratler for the opcni ngs io lilE ror^r.8TUH F(n Tlls lot l5 Th totrl fnt ct rrdiltion rcqrii rld thlr ros llEllross 990 E' 0 ?02 l.tet t.66t ',E L of cE\-dG lElBflI ,5 g.O fEEI. I :XF0iED OElllGE.lo?lt.lle rrr 1:IFo3!D tlllL$, not imludlnt oFni n$.loTlL IIG >>t> RXn stZE lS 9.t rdc bv la,o glDE, IOIllllG "lltlodl ME lSr U-Yelrr = ,551, 0ortle Fme, Claar GlBt t|,lll WFt 13: U.Y.tus =.06, frum t nEutatod CEtltm TfP€ lS: lr-Y5tur - 0, Ccditioned sFacr rberr tl,8t wpE lt: U'Vclue = .035, floor, oEr Enc [ocd, Unconall t lott d tp.cc lEufc ts t.fi16 dnrc rEEl to.l lc,,uE tElt c6.t 3qflm FE:r 1l(.0 ssntE FEEI lh! Iotrl BtU[ for th€ drtsi& rells are Ihr lotrl llUll lor th3 Erposcd oFliftgs rrc lho iot.[ llull tor the cel Urss llr! totrl ElUl tor thc floorE Tha Erul Inflttrrtid! tor th€ opc.rltrg6 is rlE rorrl rrur rfl rus re|| t3 nte totrt fcat ot rdirtiqr rc.Ni rc.t tiis rsr HEATLCSI 558 9't, 0lla5 r,:nt 4,0t6 4.f OFFICT E cErlrs xEtclr 13 9,m tt€t, l,lrlE rs 1.t01 ct ltc FEEI 2 EIFED OClttcs,lgtllllG >rrrrr>>>rr>>>>rD>>r> 3t.3 tCtlE FEEf | EI'Go UltLs, not irrldinr opcninge.ToYtLlxc >>>t t7.5 SCrAfE FEEI Hxr' *lzE IE 16.0 tflC tsr l5.t gloE. lorrLlsi >> ltp.o Eq,|tE tEEr Vll. nPa 13: U.Y.ttr = ,551. Double Paru, Clerr Gllrr $lL ItPl lS: u-Y.t!. =.1}6, frar- lruulated CEIUrc fW! 13: U-Yllrr! - o, cordit ioncd rgrer abovE floll lYrE t3: U-lralua c .d15, floor, ovcn Errclaacd, Urcordi t i orad gDlcc IEITLO6S Jan-15-9El 07 =?2 The fotal Bfllll for th€ qjtride r|lls are PitP l n lit lnfi tor rhc trFartl oflrlrts ar. rhd-otrL Bnlt for thc cci I iml The rotll llt ll for thc floors Ths lllrl intiltrutiqr lor tha opanfryr ir fiE rorrl 8rul Fc Tl|lt rc ts Tl|e tot.l tcat qt rdl.tim r.Sri rcd this rodr P -42 47t t,910 0 I|tz ?r&, 5.t;E t.9 q O'FIGE F cEtutc lttlclt ls 9.ln fEEr. wlutE tg 1,?60 u8rc FEEr 0 EIDGED eEllllls,flrullc >>>r>rt>trrrtr"rrrrrr 0.0 SCli|EE fEEI 0 EXIWD lnlls, rFt irrludi,lf opdri rr|3r rorAl t rc r>>> 0.0 SqIRE TCEI ru EIZE lS 14.0 LflC bt 10.0 lrlDE. lolllltc >> t{0.0 SctmE FEEI yllDO lYPt lt: u.vll|r = 0, f,o op.nings in thls rcq l5[L fttE lsr U-YakG = .06, Fr* ]r|gul rted CEILIIG T|PE lS: ll-VrlrF . 0, Con litiqr.rt rprc? rborrG flH Pt 13: U.Yltrt ! .035. Floor, oyrr Endloccd, ltrccdi ticnd rprc lh! lot.l 8lU[ for ths outsidc l|(ls rrc Ihc lct.t llul tcr th3 Erp€cd opcni ng. 6rc lic rot.l Btur tor rlrc cclll,|!3 Thn tot.l tIU[ for thc floorc Th intlltrrtlo|t for tl|€ oparri rrJs ia t\-.ttt ttu rfi l|.l3 tq ts Ihc tot.l fcat of radiitidr rcryi rcd this ?odl of;tcr G cElllro |Ct r ls 9.00 fEEr.lLrE ts 2,205 trntc FEEI t ltPrffiD lFClll l33.IoTlL IIG >rrrr>r>>>r>>>>>>>>>r>r9.l 5$rtE fSEr I trtffi l ll3. nct I rrlu.tirn opai nsir l0lll ltc >"t t!.E 3f,Jtll fEEl r(n sIzE It 10.0 lflC by ?4,5 gloc, l0lAulG r> 245.0 3qnnE t€Er IImt rYPE IS: U-Vrlr* !. .t51, DOrblC PrtG, Clcrr lih6a I|LL fYtG t8r u-Y.tuc = .06, rr..r I mutrtcd c€lLllc TlpC ll: U-Urhp = O, csditimed spece rhove Itfl ltPt 13: U.Yrtuc = .0t5, tloorr owr ErEloEcd, ttro.rdi t ionGd spocc [8 r|63 0 0 0 224 0 a4 0.( , n|C lqtll llUl for ths qrteide valt3 o.e Ihc rot.l llul for thc E p€cd Opcnirp rc rtc totll Nfu for thc cciting3 tlte totrt ftur tor tha floors ItG trull itrrfttratim lor thc openings ir rl|E rolA|. SIUll Ffl rlrs ror ls lh. totrt faai of aadletlfi reqri red thil roqr IGAIL(FS $e vi, 0 vn t,tzl r.050 5.1 It OFFIGE II GrErLrtG tEtct|I ti O.OO FEEI.v(!-uE tf 2.E6t a,|tc tEEr Jan-15-9El 07 z?3 Z CIPiISED lpEtllcs. Tof LIIG >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>r>> PEs€ 4 !I8.' SCATE FEET i lllfD lr (t3. mt lnctrdini opclrirEs.Torrlrrc ">> ,8.5 Sqf iE fECfIffitzE rs lJ.o r c by ?4.5 urDE, rollLutc " !u.5 squmE fEEr vlltxx TYPE lS: U-Vilrrt - ,551, Do6te Psne, Clcsr Elrst t l,l TYPE lS: U-Yrluc = ,06, trdE Insullt.d CElLlt0 IYPE lBr U-Uetr.re;0, Cqdi t isred cpocc oborr! ftflI rYPE t5: U-Vrl[ r .05t, ttoor, ovrr Encloscd, t ncordi tioncd spece Ih€ lotsl 3fufl for th€ Brttidc |||l ts crc Ih€ lotat ITUI tor th! Erpoaad Otrni.ft rrc flre totrl llUll for the cci ti.lgt Ine totll 8lW tor ti! t loorg Thc 3ru|| intiltrltim for tho oFni n$ ig Tm r0r L 8ru[ F(n lflts tu ts lhe rotll tcsr of mdl.tlcr rcr lrcd thic rdr fctrtsg 124 1,9t0 0 5t0 2.{t 5,44f 9.1 aD OFFICE I cErLrrc l|frcfr r5 9,09 iEtr, volu€ tg e,57t c|.ltc rEEr 3 ErlFostD 0PtIlI03,t0T ltlc >t)lrrr>trrlr>r>"r>" 68.4 sqnrE fEET a HfitsEo gttls, mt iiEluding o?cnings,torAltlc >>>> 1t3.3 cqj|rc tEEt tott StzE ts lJ,0 tflG by ??.0 eroE. rorAr rrc r> et6.0 sqnrE rEEr gl$ry TIPE lS: U.vcluc :! .51, Dorbtc P$.. clGEr cl.E6 5' YPE lS: U-Ualtx = .06. Fru lrt.ivlgtad CErEG TttC 15; U-Vrll! - 0. ColditiorEd sp6ce &\rc FUIF rYpE lS: U-Vrl(rr . .015, lloor, owr Eirloacd. afrcordi t i dr.d 3p.c. Ihc Total SIUll for thc outside raltg are Thc Totlt NTUI for th. ErpoJcd op€ninss are Thc totc I t?W for thc ccilints ftc totol STltl for th. ltoora The BllIl inflltratim for tie openims is rHE T0r r ltulr tfi TNt3 tmt ts lhc total tccl ot radlatlon rcoui r€d thls roor ltEtTLoss 5,410 0 4tE 4,779 9,571 rc.0 offlcE,l cEluffi lrEr6{r ts 9.m FEET, vflltr ls 3,060 qrtc rE€T I EXF(FED lpEtllGS.IOTALllG tt>>>>t>tt'>t>tttt>>>> ru.3 SC111E ;EEI 2 ErDffio llrlL$, rct inctrdiry op.nirtc,ToTlLlrc rr>> ttj.0 SqrtlE fE€f fiIIt StzE 13 17.0 lora by a||l.o utDE, roTlltrc >> 3{0.0 lr|JlnE IEET Ul5.|tl TIPE lS: U-Volt! = .551. Dd.6le pEne, Clrrr ollsr Ltlt IIP€ l9: U-Velue r .06, frurE lmutated CEllllC lltE ls: U-vatu! . 0. Ccndi tioncd aprcc abovE Fl@l llFE IS: U-Veltrc = .olt. Ft,oor, ovcr Enclosed, uncondi t ir|Gd sprcc lhe'- t6l, EIul for ah. qJtride Hal[8 rre rht-.ot ETtlll f qr thc Ergoscd 0pcnings are lhr totrt gTlm lor the ccitings The totll llufi tor thc llmrs Ih! lllr{ intiltration for thr o9.ni ng3 is '|G roTtl BTUI| fc ltt9 tqt ts HFTILqS 1,tn r, E69 0 JLl 5,!r{ 11, l{4 P. l3 Jan-15-g'El 07 .23 P- tzt thc tota( faat of rdiatidr raapl red thlg roqr Pose 5 OF'ICE I cElllt6 llElclll lg 9.00 fEfl. vor.lflE rs 3.2t3 clDtc 'EEI{ EIPGED CEllrfGS.IOIlLIrG >>r>rrr}t}t}>r>>>>rrrr 9l.E $p nE fEEI 2 EXPOSED tlLts, '|ot irrlrdirr openinl8,t0TlLll6 r)rr 113.1 saArE 'EEIrd S|ZE lS 17.0 tilG by ?1.0 UIDE, ToT LlrG >' lt?.o SUAIE FltfgllEf TIPE ls! u-v.tlr = .551. Do,hte p.ne, clerr cla33 UlLt TIPE lS! lJ-Ur[t': = .06, lrr: l ulrtGd GElLtlG IYPE lS: U-Vtlt.F | 0. Condi t io0ad 3p.Gc.borr. tln WPE lS: U.Vrtu = .0t5. Ftoor, over Errloocd, lrrEof5l rlo.lad 3p*. lEttt0c3 1,6n 1.5J1 0 571 6,e98 rr, I t2 er.9 ot ct t cEllllc ltEtoltl ls 9.00 fEEr, utLu[E rs 2,t65 cr,t]tc iEEr 2 EIPGED 0PE{lIGS,l0I^ltIG rrr>rrr>r>r>>>>>>>>>}> $.t i{lnrE fEET I ErPffil' ll t!5. nor imtudlng oprn lngs, rortl I rc >r>' ir6,5 Sqr RC FEEr l&l slzE Is lt.0 tilC by 19.0 9t0E, IOTALITG >' ?85.0 sqj E FEEI UIXD(la lYpE lS: U'Vrlu. = .ttl, 00.bte P.ne, Gledr C15ra LAll IYPE lS: u-Yrlu. = .06. frer lmulrred CtlllfB IYPE tS! U-Vrlue = 0, Ccndi t ioicd sp!6c.bov. fuln TYDt 19: U-Yrl|.F = .G15, Ftoor. oyer E.ElorEd, ttEo,r.li t i m.d 3p.sr t rLoss lh3 fotil llull tor th! dn3id! rrll! .na 52,| fhc Tot.l 8rufl tor the Er(FGd Qcni'tls :r! 1,9t0 lhe totrl lIUfi tor thc cGilitrgs 0 Ih. tctll 0lul for the ftooru Lt6 Ih. BIrfl inflltrrtisr lor thc op.ningc is a.641 rrE lotll lrur ;m ttls t(xx rs 5.5;10 lh! tot.[ fECt of radi.tlon rrqrl r€d this rosr 9.2 lo l!,6 Vi llhr lotll rlut for tt! drtrlde xallr rre th. Tot.l Bn|| tor thF Erpcrcd Op.ninos rrc lh. tot.l. 8n|| tor thF ccilirEt li. totll BIUI for thc floo|.3 The SIUI infittrltlon for ria opchi|re6 ir TIE follr Brui Fo[ rtrs n(xr| rs thc totrl fcat of fadlatiql requi rcd this roq,Lt otftct i ccllllc t{trcr{r rs t.00 FEEI, I ' 1$D otxtilGlt, toTtt lrc r>r>rr>trrrr'>r>>r>>>> I r_'|'CD tS[!!. mt lffitrding oFtings. ToTAt ttc >>rt lfl Sl2E ls ll-S Lotc bV 19.0 ytDE. lOfALtIG r> LllDfl TYPE lS: lJ-Voluc = .t51. Double ponc, cle.r Gl.rr tALL ME ls: U-Value = .06, Fmno tniul€ted CEILIXO IIFE lsr U-Valuc = 0. Cor,*li t i oned specc above vot uE ts 1.967 otrtg ftEt 19.! $tnm fEEr E6,t surrE rEEl 2tt.5 sql E fEEr Jah-15-9Et 07 =?3 tLU ltif 13: th.\otrl lnfi to. ttc o{rridc lrllr erc Tie Tot.l llllll foc rll. FrF*d 09coi nge rr Il+ totrl l'ltl for t*re ceitingt Ihc totrt ifl|| tor ttc flors Iic lrull Infl ltratic for rh! op.ningr ir l||E Torrl flw fn titr rq tt rhc tot.l fcct of mdlrtian rcqui r€d this ?oc P-l5 U.Vrl$ = .0115. ftoor, oy.r EElorGd, tfrcohdi t iqEd rpcct Pagc 6 lErrlGs a5t 9:tt 0 5t0 | ,32t 1,081 t.t v or;IcE I cEtltl6 lltlcll rs 0.@ fEET. lfi,l|E t9 2.1!! q,trc rEEr 2 6FFS Otltf85, tOtALtIc rt>rrrr'r)>>> I EIPoSE lLLLS. not imtrdirp oF tings.rolAttlg r>r> ?4,0 SCnrE FEEIt&t srzE tt l?.5 [Orc !r 19.0 UtoE, IqtAlttc r> ?I2.5 s(rl|tE fG€rvlm, ll?€ 13: U-Vrtrr t .551. Dqlbte prE, clqr cl.3s lILL lwE rl: U-Yrl|| = .06, ?rrn tnrutoted CElLlS lttE t3: U-Ueh: - 0, Cordi t i6;Ed sp.cc ibovp FfdI Wtt 13: U-Vrlrx r . (I15. Ftoor, ovc? EElgrGd. Urotdition d.FG! lhr lotal 3rui for thc q|t3id. sl]' rfc rh. lctat Nn{ for thc Er!D*.d ecnings are n t. I rrull for th. cci I i ns3 th)4ot.l 3n l tor thr llorr lh. lru inf i ltr.tld| tor $r op.TriEr i5 Irc l0lll 3ttf,t Ffl rrts lot rs lhe tctll fc"t of radlatlon rq irE{ this roq llt Tloss 600 t.ot0 0 0 2,&t 5.Il! t,0 0l lESr 106 c€tltlc rErG||T t5 9.m FEET. \rolt.tE ts 1.5:10 qrrc rEf,T 0 It9oSCD etllrcS,Tolfflfc rr>>>>>>>>>rrrrr>>>D> 0.0 SflrllE llET 0 ErguED lnLLS. mt irElr/ding oFni ngr, rottltlc rrrf 0_0 lqJrrE ,EErrq tlZE ts t.t LflA t'y 20.0 gtDE. roTrttxc >> ll!,0 s(rAnE rEEl UlIDtC, IYPG ll: U.Vrlue .r 0. to opaningi in thia ro(rl LtLL WpE 13: U-V.l|| | .06, Frur ln3||latcd CEIIIIE llPt lE! U-V.IE r 0. Cordi t iorEd cp*e rbovc f|.|[ IYDE lJ: U-Vrlq. r ,0I5, floor, war Ercloacd, Utcordi t i qrd 3p.c! Ttr tq3al llufi tor thc artiid. I|[ k lra lhe totrt En tor tho Erpored ecning: rrc Th! tot.l llul for thc ccilingE Tlre totrl llur| lor rha ltoor6 nc Brul inti llfatfr| for tho a9trrim3 i. r[E TOI|[ lrutr ffl I|trE tolf rs Ihr tal tcct of radlarlon rcqui rcd thia roq lllArLoss 0 o 0 2n 0 27i2 0.5 Jan-15-9El 07 .23 TOrAtS Pt7 t il1rt...G|.ifft}rfaaff.al.}..--...r.lttttaitaalittrffi..tffitfrlaatttlr.r'..t lfitrElt t>>)>)>t>ttt>rt'>"t>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>'!>' !gr!(7 OllGfECt EIIH0 C'trllcs.I{tTtLllc rr>rrr>>>>>>>>r>}>>t>rr>rr 5re.! gIrE fEtt Ell4ED llll8,&tre irrdc fDt imlding oFrl|Ir l.!!5.! !qr[! t!!t totfl gJ|fE FEET, of lr]tr bctfl tr.dr 0.0 t{JmE tEEtrlu an cElltr Stzt t3 3,tutJ Sqrlf rEE [E 1168 Th! Iot l mH fr t'hc nttr rbotG g.rtr .rr lu.l05 Ih. lot t tTlI ts t||| |rll3 botor gmdc .rc 0 lhc lot.l lnfl tor tlrc lrFc.d oFniqr .'e U,n1 lb iot.l ann fof thc c. l|!$ 0 lfr. tot.l llllt for th. floor! J,qE Ti. lnl| infiltr.tiqr tor th. opcnirnt ir :lt.tgf r0rlL lTuI, ltl3 ttJrLDrrG 8,591 0 ffl||l lh. totrl frat of rrdirtiqr rt$ti F.d 1:n.? E.d ol rtpo P. l6 z 3 tfl el3l rmll b l*n 7 ltl 8 rr6L2 I llrl illt 2) Jan-15-98 09: 03 P-01 310 Wcst Third Street Riflc, Coloredo tf650 ( e70 ) 62il208 0\s fr'$' JR I just spokc with Nathan lltamer about your rcquests The boilers and vcnting has bccrr in rhc building for mary yerrs. Tlris hls becn tcst€d ud inspccted by the State Boiler lnspcctor. These stic,kers are still on the boilers ifyou nccd to sce thcnr. In other words, I Gan not nrppb the reque*ed infornation. I did not calt you back becsuse I dO not have your numbsr. Tbanls for you time lf you nccd more informatiorq plcrsc call and Nmhan or I will hclp in ary wry. Again our epologios for this being wer lookcd. Sinccrely, Valsrie WPH 6u//r . t /-g"qJ b*/-" c'-r\' (* 4"^1 /4J+ ( \Yrrner Plumbing & Heating Inc. memo DATE:January 15, 1998 TO: Town of Vail RE: Wnll Strect Building I ATTENTION:JR Jan-15-98 ()7!Z.3 rtws I TOILET I I ----\\- --..\. (.rl \ r,'t.;z--i/ P -t7\ lclJJlq fiilJ r?RRt{.rt:,a 2t -t61" n5" .-l :ra " ttl ;lF/z kt2h./C, fi.+'17-/'t ) a . t!/,^, t.li, a. '6 ./t i et ,.tt-.... .r/'!.1. (fi "'r-ttP.!:(;ll '),./7 lF6ilif#f,'Ji-Y ,r." tt-\-'\.. ' ;/d,'t'"g /r) 1".:.?V {..(rt J, TItitrll4' ("c.rt6..4/t7 ill,€r f'/ tUuees- ,n z.'{:' l/tc,7;-/ - r*t-"-"-'--' i l.7l-; r'x4/, P.i ;I-]'i' ) \'rrs*'1 It.r I I UIQ'I- or':ri -.lTawnof dil - OFFICE COPY -Bc,t Let?' Nql- otrt o D o esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Passages Awning Project Description: Add logo to awning Owner, Address and Phone: Peter Apostol,476-8953 Architect/Contact. Address and Phonc: N/A Ptoject Street Address: 244 Wall Street kgal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Motion by: N/A Secondedby: N/A Vote: N/A Conditions: N/A Town Planner: Brent Wilson, PLO Date: June 12,1998 Board i Staff Action Action: StaffApproved F TEVERYONEDRB\APPROVAL\98\PA SSACUS.6 I 2 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $23.00 1hq'Lryrz This application is tbr any sign that is locatcd within thc Town of Vail. Itorn thc Dcpartmcnt of (lonurrunity Dcvclopntcnt. Nanrcorownc' Pe+e t ]\?oto. \ ^,@3Mairingaddrcs', 631 El-,tons?tea,cl C'rrcl<, Va,il CA tiAOt Signature of owner: Namc of pcrsorr submitting: (lf diflbrcnt thtur owncr) Addrcss: F.Type ofsigr (scc back for definitions): El Frcc standing tl Wall sign tl Other, spccify: r'.yrt,- Sign ntcssagc: 1 ui J Qucstions? Call thc SIGN/AWNI NG APPLICATION Specific rcquircnrcnts arc availablc '()6'tr:o Narnc of IJusincss: Btrildingnanrcandaddrc*r, I VCLi I t--tO(q(- DU,U(d-lK( , Zffif frbiif4i,St.I i"/ddi I a.ae- St,^d Planning Dcsk ^t 479-2128 A. B. C. S D. E. e("51 tr Hancinc sisrr d' ,qwn]ng - G. H. I J. K. L, Sizc of sign and sizc of lcttcring for cach sign Lcngth of busincss liontagc: Hcight of sign abovc gnrdc: L. GA ,f) Ntunbcr of signs proposcd: I Nunrber zurd sizc of cxisting signs: Location of cach sign (attach a sitc plan and an clcvation drawing or a photograph clcarly indicating thc proposcd location): TOlr'N OF VIIIL N. M. o. Materials and colors of sigr (attach samplcs): a- I0a0 Dcscribe lighting of sign (cxisting or proposcd): -Tl, Dr,t r-\cLir10 - CnL .Street(arw {1 o{ FEE: 520.00. PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SrcN AREA. $r< SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: tr Complctc Application. 0 A sitc plan showing thc cxact location whcrc tlrc sign is to bc located.tr Elcvation drawings or photos showing proposcd location ofthc sign or awning.tr Colorcd scalcd (l/4"=l') drawing, including spccilic lcttcring and dirncnsions and a photo, ifavailablc.tr Sanrple of proposcd nratcrials. tl Drawings showing how and whcre sigr or awning wilt attach to the building and how the awning will bc constnlctcd. tr Condonriniunr Association or Landlord approval - attach a lotter. SIGN-EA.I.EG[!B.IES: l. Frccstanding -A singlc or muli-faced sign aftixed to a supporting struchlre, or inrbedded in and cxtending liont thc ground and dctachcd tiom thc building. (tT\ Awning or Hanging -Any sign attachcd to a building and extending in whole or in part nrore than 9" bcyond thc \_./ building line. 3. Wall - A sign attachcd to. paintcd on. or erectcd against the wall of a building or stnrcturc with thc cxposcd thcc ofthc sign in a planc parallel to thc facc ofthc wall and not projccting utorc than 9" liorn the lhcc ofthc wall. 4. Display Box - A frcestanding or wall sign encloscd in glass for thc cxprcss purposc ofdisplaying rrrcnus, currcnt clttcrtainl cut or rcal cstatc listings. 5. Joint dircctory sign - A frccstanding, hanging or wall sign that Iists alt thc tcnant$ within a nlulti-tcntuit building. 6. Subdivision cutrancc si1llr - A sign to idcntify a nrajor subdivision, a condominiunr oonrplcx, or group of apartmcnt buildirrgs having at loast I 00 lincar fbct of iiontagc along a vchicular or pcdcstrian way in any RCl. LDMP. MDMF. HDMF, or SDD zonc districr. SUGGESTIONS: l. Copics of thc Sign Code arc availablc fiom the Dcpartnrent of Conrmunity Dcvcloprncnt, You nray wish to chcck the Codc to vcrify thc typc and sizc ofsign you arc allowed. 2' Bc specitic. Vaguencss in thc description of dcsign, size, construction may dclay thc approval ofyour sign. 3' Measurc thc frontagc of your busincss to detemrinc thc size (arca) of the sign you arc allowed. 4. Lighting lbr awnings may spotlight only thc sign lcttering on thc awning, Lighting may not shine into pcdcstrian or vehicular ways. 5' All individual btrsittcss sigts will bc reviewed by the Department of Conununity Developlncnt. Ncw sign progranls or antcndntents to sign prograrns will be rcviewed by the Design Review Board. li: cvcryolrc/lbnlrs/si grVsignapp.S I 3 ,,0Y s-lbsN)X.y)Jqc{YS>\J=N V) \) I-\1---r Y | ___---l- f.),1 fJ .Il.r " r')* A i i iJ fl{ )J rl -r + -r r'r!r :'\ ?r i 'r' 11 {r "' 'ir i -ltl1 ! :ilr i t.*4ri.r tttr:, IuiLlrj -r';f{'f-' '5!1*ET*f'mt'5 --tJ '! -:.- i) ? T c0rf tr:l'\, :g''j r.-,trlrii, r li-.r:'?L _:aii/ ,J II'il.-rrtiT w Q) $ -$ t urL oi J ,s r.. rl\ -'Jf--i ., Iq -'u.*;)(,f-( '3 ':(-lr1i ; ?<o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL hoject Name: Wall Street Building Window Alterations Project Description: Minor Window Alterations to Wall Street Building's East Elevafion. Owner, Address and Phone: Tom Hewitt/Ed Bleckner, 1000 Lionsridge Loop #3D ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone:R.D.K., Inc.; Sally at 47 6-9228 Project Street Address: Wall Street Building' Vail Village Legal Description: ParcelNumber: -- Block 5C, Wall Street Building Building Name: Wall Street Building Comments: Three windows on the building's East elevation to be replaced with slighfly larger windows. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: STAFF APPROVAL ,1,TML Town Planner: Reed OXate Date: 3llll98 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\98\WALL ST.3 I I DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20 Qucstions? Call thc l'lannrng stalt at 4 lt)-tt tn APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAI, INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval. Any project requiring dcsigtt rcvicw tnust rcccivc f)esign I{cvicrv approval prior to subntitting fbr a building pcrmit. For spccific informatiorl, scc the submiftal rccluircmclts fbr tlie particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot be acccptcd until all the required ipfornration is slbmittcd. Thc projcct nray also nced to bc rcvicwcd by thc To*nr Council and/or thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approval expircs onc year aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTiON OF THE REQUEST:lPV, TOl'i/I.{ OFVAIL B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PFIYSICAL ADDRESS: ZONINC: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAlLln-C ADDRESS: BLOC (-FIL]NC: y' V J /.12t€P E- D. E. Vmt PI{oNE: owNER(S) SrGNA'l'U nE(S): PHONE: NAN,TE OF avrUCaNr: P . t-.D. , lpz- . 116. 924 5\, MAILINGADDRESS: 4?'ovrr. G. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncrv building' D Arldition - $50 MMino. Altcration - $20 tr Conceptual Rcvicw - $0 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conrmcroial building. Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcmcnts, such as' rcroofing, painting, rvindow additions, landscaping, fenccs and rctaining walls, etc. For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to mect with Desigl Rcvicw Board to dctcrminc whethcr or not the project gcncrally complics with thc dcsign guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc orl conccptual revicws. DRB I'ees arc to bc paid at the timc of subrnittal. Later, rvhen applying for a building pornit, please identify thc accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRON'IAGB ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO 81657. updated l/97 U LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chintneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Othcr * Please speciff the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identif each fixnue type and provide the height above grade, lumcns output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixhues. os\i-\il2oE3tllv.oolu--lotzlolHIrrleIdrolqlillotqlIIi-loI.n+(--I${a:::f).lVtlt_si_PT{rtut($kQ)\NIIiEE-FfiH;;qirho \tl{f.czs(04r f,a oFs--Gl?oE3tuv.oqltrlAIzlolOIrulol?IololJIu_lOIqlII-+II t, t'Lo+ c-', 3\(< s<- \)c.^( O. L(.,.3-'h t r 6\ .'OBSITE AT Permit TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRO!{TAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DBPARTIiIEIT OF COMMUNI.IT| DBVELOPMBNT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON DEMO. OF PART/ALL BIJDG. .tob Address: 22'l WALL ST SEaEus.. r,ocation. . .: 227 WALL sT (HoNG KONG CAApplied. Parcel No. .: 2101-082 -23-025 Issued. . ProjecE, No.: PRJ98-0059 $<pires. ISST'ED 04 / 30 /LeeB os /L2/t998 LL/08/L998 APPIJIqANT CONTRAqTOR OgINER Descript,ion: WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 3939, VArL, CO WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P.O. BOX 3939, VArL, CO HKC PTNSHP L1_83 CABrN CrR DR, VAIL 815s8 81658 co 816s7 Phone: 970-845-9598 Phone: 970-845-9698 Lof oa. Appll.nccr: 690. O0 Restuar.an! Plan Reviei--> 449 . S0 DRB Fee-------- .o0 Rccrcation Fee----------> !.oo clean-upDepo€it--------> @ AI-,L TIMES #: D98-0004 DBMo oF EXISTING BUILDING sTRuc.AND Err REMAINING apilfoved Occupancy: 82 B2T\pe Construction: T)pe Occupancy: Va1uaEion: Firaplace Infonqallonr Rc.Er{ct.dl 90, 000 IEE gttlll4ARY Buildlng-----> Plan chsck- -- ) InveECigation> will call.----> "'"".';;,";;;;;;;;;;'ffi;;""i"'""""i:r?i"?3'.'**3i1i';;;;;;;';;;;;;;".;::'"' 04/30/1998 CHARLTE AcEion: APPR CHARI,TE DAVrSiEbft;'ds4do--p-tilffi'Tro-DEFAHirqElqt ---D'pE: PLANNTNG Division: O4/3O/L998 CHARIJIE AcEion: NOTE PLANS To GEORGEO5/OI/L998 GEORGE ACt,iON: APPRi[am;'os6oo-Fins-DEpARlstENi ----- DeBE: FrRE Divj-sion: O4/3O/]-998 CHARLIE ACIiON: APPR SEE CONDITIONS -rEbm:'05500 pttBlrc v'IoRKs Dept: PIIB woRK Divr-slon: 04/30/]-998 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO i.ARRY O5-/L2./L998 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR PER I.ARRY PiEbm: ' 0s7dO--r-liiirn6wu-r-ntai--Hgliltii DepE : HEAL,TH Division: 04/30/L998 CIIARLIE Action: APPR ASBESTOS COMPLETE------igbm;' o59oo -L-r-oudn DepE : SLERK Division: o4/10/L998 cIIAflLrE AcEion: APPR N/A ; ;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;';;';;;; DECLARA'TIONS I h.rcby ..cknovledg. tshr! I hav6 re.d ghis applicaelon, tilled ouC in full th. lnformagion required, cobPleted an eccural. plo! pl.an, and atate that all the infoaration ptovided as requlred ls corlecE, I agree to co[ply rrltsh tha infornation and plot p1an, to cornply $irh all Torn ol:dinances and 9!a!. Iao6, and to build Ehis etruclur. tccotlding to Che Torn'6 zonlng and subdivlslon codes, deaign revie$ approved, uni.fotrn Buildinq code and oEhcr ofdlnances of Lhe Tosn apPllcabla ghereEo. TOV/Comm. Dev Cfean-up Deposit Refund amount date Add sq Ft: Sof Gi6 Log.:#of wood/Prll.c: .oo Total calculaued SeeE---> 1,39r.50 .oo Additional Feee---------> 'oo .oo Tocal PeftiL Fee--------> 1,391.50 250. OO PalmenLE-- ---- -- 1,391.50 . a. RBQUESTS FOR INSPEellOtfs SHALIJ BE !,!ADE T1iEMTY - FOUR HOI'Rg IN ADVANCE BY gend Clran-Up Depo6it. To: !{OODSTONE HOUBS ***t**************************************************************************** Permit #: D98-0004 StrATUg: ISSIJED ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 05/L2/9e Permit fipe: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG. ApplicanE: WOODSTONB HOMES, INC. 970-845-9698 Applied: 04/30/L995 Issued: 05/L2/L998 To E4)ire1- tt/o8/t998 Job Address: LocaEion: 227 WAtt ST (ITONG KONG CAFE) Parcel No! 2101-0g2-23-025 Description: DEMO OF EXISTING BUITDING STRUC.AND EXT REMAINING CondiEi.ons:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIIY WORK cAlI BE STARTED.2. FrEtD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. No exterior demotiLion is allowed under this permit. Interi or only! :oncacc Eoglc CounCY Assessors aE 970-328-8640 for Parcel f.Offtce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON FERMIT APPLICATION FORMDATE:-- OUT COMPLETELY OR PERMIT TNFORMATTON Date Received }lAY 15 1998 PER.\trr ,t{__p ze,f%-6t\R9EL t ! ( . APPLICATION }ruST BE FILLEDIr***************************** NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** fob Nane: Bl-oc Filing {,v Add ;eneral Description: .jpmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances, I tr * * * * rt * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** VALUATIONS k5c resq )]UILDING: jL ?LUMBING: $, \ddress: :Iectrical Contractor: iddress: lgqo oo'o$Er,EcrRrcAL: $ MECFIANfCAL: $ CONTNACTOR s _ y '- -OtL ,Iumbing Contractor: rddress: Iechanical Contractor: rddress:Reg. No. r rt J< :t rt rl :t :l rt :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE ?t* * * * *** ** * * * ** * * * * )t rt ** * ** * * * *'!( }UILDING PERMIT FEE: ,LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAI., PERMIT l.EE: |LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT I.EES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: l-Electrical t l-i4'Job Acldre=t(tu , .rork CIass: [ ]-New [ ]-ALteration tll-adaitionaf\ tumber of Dwelling Units: \ Number I Legal DescriPti lwners N.t", BA lrcnitect: R Address: Ar'nr.,.L.ua\ pn.tlltt-74tl Ii-.1 L,is [ ]-Repair [ ]-other of Acconmodation Units: s-Gas Logs_\ Wood/Pe11et **tl****************************** OTHER: S TOTAL: S Phone Number: <Llq -qLq If Town of VaiI Phone Nunrber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. r,-iv a t^ ITVDtril:W GROUPft-3 VALUATION lonments: CLEAN I]P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: ,,?Concacr Eagle Coun cY Assessors 0fflce TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION DATE: PERr\lIT /' ""* PgIqC'cxDSl OUT COMPLETELY OR llt' MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERHIT f NFORMATION * * * * * tr * * * * * tr * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * t l-Buildins [ ]-Plunbing t l-Electrlcal [ ]-Mechanibal ffi-otfrer D*frrO Job Name: Lega1 DescriPti sr-ock5l- FiLing susorvrsroN: Owners Name:Ph. Architect: General DescriPtlon: work class: [ ]-New p(-afteratLon Nunber of DweLllng Unitst . O P.Q. Rox l)nr [)q;l Ph.4]L-4sob [ ]-Additional [ ]-RePair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconmodatlon Units, O Address: Address: Pt l1prnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appllun".=.$[ Gas Logslj[ wood,/Pellet- ,| ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t( * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * ,( * * * rr * * * * * * * * * * tr * rt * rv tr rt * * * * * *ut ^ tn^nurlotNct $ Er,EcTRrcAL: + OTHER: + tl o,o o' MECHANICAI,s f TOTAL: $ *****.co CTOR INNONMAI'I * * *'rt * **** *tr*r(rr*** *** t ****** Add Eler' Addr aL Contract,or: \. PLumbing Contractor: i.J\[eddress: --------Tl- - I"lechanicaL Contractor : Address: * * * * * * * * ,( * * * Jr * * ,r !t * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * * FOR BUII,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMI'I FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: sQ. FT.ATION Town of Valt Reg. No.Ai:-ft- Phone Nunber! Town of VaiI Reg, No' Phone Nunber: Town of VaiL Phone Nutnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OFFICE USE ***********rr******************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK fEE: MECHANICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP TOTAIJ P BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: conments: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REEq{q_!q:Lrot -o3l - il- 'ot s 9- /-r APP-b1-BB @8t44 FROM , TOV - COM - DEV -DEP T ' ElEMoIJrroN Corrnacron: BTTIISINc OqD'[R;CnrrEm AstsEsles lxgrc'lon; lD z 9?64'/:t2+ t z' DEl,(oumoN SftiE: of ms&rials uscd ia d:c, coartnrct'ron of the O.K. Demoli-tion Inc Hong snrtoe$:5-6-98 -Comotedon-al* 5=2?=gg ftot*tdcdq,d ld coqub d*tr Kong Cafe Base Mountain Sports Cfficcrdtro*ef EFirdb'Ds l--r - | r-\-pl ' \)( k dtltlr8'3h*ilcdIbou6@.dl r D@.'1 307 *I oE@ th*,I po6cr6r crlDrcst ASERA rod gt$o of Cohr|do crrd6eai,oaae a A$omorBuildiaststpo6r. algo ceittr,' Oa f hgtc inspected 6o bailding O bo dE$olieLod, s li$ed h thD DeEolitlot Site bloch tbsye, saryled all snrpcct rr*eriale Cn. accondslce wi& AIIEM) md brd theo emljzed ftr &apracoce cf asbstor, ard to rns bes of rny abilitytrvc dderol.ud &a (r +pcoprie qglg{ ngn E$o):_ I r ub4* rxirg rnywficrc h *ro buiHing A$odot Eddbd Iarpec*or *g^-t"'u, -/-zslb+ oalt ACM lrt b tE bqildiaS, iE VA? std/or tssiEpri8Frtrd roo6lE E! rll AIigvI .tr! I fo(|Dd br' ben Do.ap&aclfi tatovgd n* lhb bqlldbg I ttltiry tllr rII nr&b*rca fioo eir muit'nicg/rcr{6wlb D*lt ti:cl, gaedy rcroscd b r6o8ldls sAL /tec€ nEeE! (mc iaernu{o oa cFC naCu&lscb cl,lt *2-affI-\ l{o- 15 tr Eildilg orrlcr or tr Coascfor Slrrqc;Dgar rafoi'At/',Et-..ttultbal.cr&lo9zflrt ,t TOI,'IN OF VAIL DEP75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/AI_,T COl,tM BUILD PERMT Job Address: L,ocat.ion. . . :Parcel No-.:Project No.: Status...: ISSITED Applied. . : 06/L5/i,998 Issued- -.: 06/L5/t999 Er<pires - -, L2/L2/L999 Phonez 970-845-9698 Phone: 970-845-9698 APPLICAIiIT CONTR,ACTOR OI,IINER wooDsToNE HOMES, INC.P.O. BOX 3939, VArL, V'IOODSTONE HOMES, INC. P. O. BOX 3939, VAITJ, CO co 81659 81658 HKC PTNSH 11s3 eABrN crR DR, vArrJ co 81G52 Clean_up O"porit n"fDescripE,ion: TOTAL REMODEL OF EXISTING BLDG Occupancy: A3 A3Tfpe ConsE.ruction: MIT Type I:E)e Occupancy: Vafuation: 6L0,000 approved amount rv Heavy ri*u.gate Add So Ft: Fiteolace Information: Rcstricted:*Of ca€ Applianccs:*of caE Logs:*of wood/Pal1ec: FEE SI'UMARY Building-----> Plan check- --> rnve6giga!1on> will calL -- - -> 2175O .OO 1,80?,oo .00 3,00 Restsuarant Plan RGvlaw- - > DRB Fee-- ----- - Recreation Fee--- -- --- -- > Cfean-Up DepoEit------ --> TotaI Calculalcd Fo!5---> Additional Fees-- ------- > ToEal P€rmit F€e--------> Pa)rment€------- .00 400.00 .00 ts0 . o0 5,7{0.00 .00 5,740.00 5,7{0.00 ...-....T:T*.:lli;;;;;;;;;;;;..i........i;lil;::"....*.THll"?Yl;;;:;;;;;;;;;:.-..-..-.--.;::,". II,Ern: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{T DEPI.: BUILDING PiViSiON,0611511998 .]RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER:GARY GIt,CM: O54OO PTANNING DEPARTTqEI{f DCPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON:O6/L5/L998 JRYI AcLion: APPR APPROVED PER.GEORGEITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARIT4EIiIT DEPT: FIFTE DiViSiON:0611511998 iIRM . ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER:M MCGEE 6Eitizl338o"iffi+tF *REfi"": AppR see condi'?8HE' Pt'B woRK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to tshis permiC. DECI.ARATIONS I heEcby ackno$lcalg€ thal I have read thi6 applicahionr fillcd oqt in full the informagion required, conplcted an acculaEe plot p1an, rnd rtrt. thrt .11 th. informaCion provld.d ar r..qulr.d 16 colrect. I a9re6 to coEiply witsh thr lnfor!|rtlon rnd plot F1an, to conpLy itilh all Town ordinancee and 6tate Iawe. at1d !g bui.ld lhi! ltrucgure accolding to the Town'E zoning and eubdivieion code6, de3ign !rvl.r, approved, Unifom Building code and olhcr ordinanccs of the Tolrrl applicable th€rcco. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC=IONS SHAIJL BE UADE TIJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\IINCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM B:00 AM 5:00 PM L._olc-, Bt[<:c $c^^\OrL(-.1r- -{i\ I rTY DEVELOPMENT ,4, E9 .'OBSITE AT ALI., TIMES Permit #: 898-0161 ?LOL-082-23-025 PRiI98-0059 send CIcan-Up Dcpo6lt To: I'IOODSTONE HOMES SIGT.IATIIRE OF OWNER OR CONTRASIOR FOR HIUSEI]F AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit. #: 898-0161 Permit, \pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD pERMr Appllcant.: WOODSTONE HOMES, INC. 970-84s-9698 CONDITIONS as of 07/28/98 Stat,us: ISSIIED Applied: 06/Ls/L99sIssued: 06/L5/L999 To E>cpire. L2/L2/1_998 r.Tob Address: tocat.ion ? 227 WALL STParcel No: 2L0L-082-23-025 Description: TOTAI-, REMODEL OF EXISTING BI,DG Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTME}iIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AI\TY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED,ONE HEAD IS REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY INSIDE EACH OPENING IMMEDIATEI,Y AD.]ACEIiIT TO PROPERTY LINE.4. FIRE AT,ARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. SIIBMTT PLA,NS WITH pE STAMP.5. FOR CODE REVIEW PURPOSES,BUILDING WILL BE CLASSIFIED AS A TYPE V-N BUILDING WITH A FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM REQUIRED BY THE FIRE DEPT. THIS WIIL PERMIT 3 STORIES PLUS A BASEMENT AS PROPOSED.5. NEW LANDSCAPING PI,AN MUST BE APPROVED BY TODD O BEFORE TCO7. NEW WATER TAP FOR THE IRRIGATIONMUST BE MADE OFF OF THE WEST SIDE OF TTTE BUILDING8. NEW IRRIGATION PLAN MUST BE APPROVED BY TODD O BEFORE TCO9. BUILDING DOWN SPOUTS MUST BE TIED INTO THE EXISTING TOI'IN DRA INAGE SYSTEM10. EACH BUNDIJE OF FIRE-RETARDA}ilT-TREATED CEDAR SHAKES MUST BEAR AN APPROVED LABEL CERTIFYING THAT T]BC STANDARDS IIAVE BEEN MET. THIS MUST BE I/ERIFIED ON SITE BY A BUII.,DING INSPECTOR. ]-J.. SEE LETTER & PI,AN BY PERRY MATTHEWS, FPE, FOR TREATTIEIfl| OF3 OPENINGS IN WEST EAERIOR WALL WITH COMBINATION OF LEXAN MATERTAL, NON-OPENABLE WINDOWS & SPRTNKLER HEAD PROTEqIION OF TIIE OPENINGS (LETTER & PI,AN DATED 7/L4/98). DEPARTMEN:T OF COMMIJNI TY DEVEI,OPME}TT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOWN ,OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIT CONIRACTOR OlrlNER ilob Address Locat.ion. . -Parcel No. -Project, No- I,EETRIC UMLIMITED ]-758 ALPINE DRIVE IJECTRIC UMLIMITED 1768 AI,P]NE DRIVE ITKC PTNSHP 1183 CABIN CIR DR, ELECTRTCAI., PERMIT : 227 WALL ST: 227 WALL ST (BASE MTN) : 2L0L-082-23-025: PR,J98-0059 ,fOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES Permit #: E98-0170 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 08/04/t998Issued...: 08/12/L998 E>qgires. . : 02/08/L999 Phone: 97Q827-5980 Phone: 970827-5980 INC 1, VAIL INC 1, VAIL VAII_., CO co 81657 co 81657 8165 7 DescripEion: ELECTRICAL FOR TOTAL REMODEL Valuation:25, 000.00 tr,:lrrrrrrr*r*r aEE 8tni,tlNlY El€ctrical- - - > DRB F€e Inv.otIgation> will eall----> TOTAIJ FEES- - - > Tocal. calculated Feea-_ _> Aaditlonal Fees--- --- -- -> ToEal Permits Fee--------> Pal'urnts- -- --- - 450. OO .00 .oo 3 .00 453 . OO 45f . OO .00 453 . OO 4S3 . OO BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO ItsCM: OSOOO EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTT{ENT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:08104/1998 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JR}TItem: .05600 FrRE DEPART14ENT Dept: FrRE Division:08/04ll-998 'lRM Action: APPR N/A **i***.* CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI'IAI.ICE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. DECI.ARATIONS I hcrrby acknowl.edge thau I have read thi6 application, filled ouf in full thc infohation requirecl, conpleEed an accurale PLots plan, and Etat6 char all the infoloation provided ao reguired is cor!ec!. I agree to comply with Lhe inforriralion and plob plan, to comply eifh rll Tg$n ordinancea 6u!d stsate 1a$e, and to build lhls gEluceurc eccording Eo tshc Toitn'B zoning and Eubdivision codas, dcgign revicw approved, Uniforur Building code and othar ordinanccs of the Torn applicable tsheteEo. REeUEsTs FoR fNgPEglIONs sHALt BE MADa TwElfTY-Fom FouRs IN AD\,ANCE BY TELEPHoIIE AT 479-2139 oR AT oltR oFFIca FRou e:00 At4 5:00 PM Fj'.--"',_..'."g"' ' .l :onract, Eaglq Councy Asscssors 0fflce rc 9707328-8640 for parcel /. TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUcTroN PERMI! APPLICATION FORM DATE: 8_.3:l& ^ APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEI,Y OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED c * * * * rt rt :t :t rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION ***************************** ', J-Building [ ]-PJ.urnbing Dfnt""trical [ ]-Mechanlbat [ ]-other -e Q8- oral PEF*\IIT I' ri-- rob Name: @ Job Address: ,egal Description: Lot_ nlock__ Filing sunorvrsrOu, )wners Name: \\K-g Address: rrchitect:Address:Ph. .* C.'a VA.r Ph. ;eneral Description: 'ork Classr [ ]-New 1,r1-etteratlon [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ 1-other 'umber of DweLling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units:<> pmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appllances, * * * * * ** * * ** ** * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * ** * VALUATIONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* I,UILDING: $OTHER: $'LUMBING: f,TOTAL: { * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' tA' * * *' * * * * * CoNTRACTOR INToRMATION * * * '& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * *eneral contracLor! EI,EcTRrcAr,: $ 2.5 ec.6 MEcHANICAI,t $----__- ddress: lunbing ddress: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: €,\fS.-qg1F Town of Vail Reg, NO.ZooE Phone Nurnber: AZ-f -SRo Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail- Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No. OFFICE USE * * * tr * * * * * ** * ** * * * ** * * * * * * rr * * * * * BUTTDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PLAN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: 'lectrical- contractor t -!ES-@v-clclress: '{^O. -6-c*_ s683 VA.'.r_ Co ErASg contractot, Elt- O|TD echanical Contractor: ddress: *******************************FOR UTLDING PERMTT FEE: LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: :LEAII UP DEPOSIT REFTIM TO: 75 south ,rontage road vail, colorado A165? (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: olllce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL puBLIc woRKS/coMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PATKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposii ;t-";irl-rI"x, sand, debrisor material, inc11$1nS tr"=ir-Iu.psters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv norti6n th";";;:--itre rignt-oi-way in arr Town ofVaiI streeti ina.roads is approximatefy 5 ft. Lff pavement.This ordinance wirr ue ;t.i;ii;^enforced by the Town of VailPubric works Denartment:--;;;;;n= found viotating this ordinancevill be siven a 24 hour "rial;;";otice-to-;;;;;;'".id rnareriar.In the event the person so notified.aoes noi-compfy with thenotice within rhe-24 hour ti*"-rp."i;i;;,"ii""i"fric worksDepartment wilr- rehove said mare;i;i-;r-inJ"E"ilire of personnotified' The orovi='o"=-"r-IilI= "ror.nance sharl not beapplicable to c^onstruction, ,iin!.r,unce or repair projects ofany street or aLley or any util-ities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in full, pJ-ease stop by the Town of:31i"::ii3i"3,":f,i:'*:ll.::""iilin a copv. rirani, vou ror yo,,, onlRe contractor, owner) . TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E98-0203 JobAddress: L2TWALLSTVAIL Status...: ISSUED F.r'*J- Iocation.....: 227 WALL STPJET (HONG KONG) Applied. . : 08/28/1998 Parrcl No...: 210108223025 Issued . . : 1l/13/1998 ProjectNo : pBfgB.bEn Expires. .: 06tz6fi9gg .A,PPIJICAIflI SIIPERIOR ALARU VAII, 08/28/:-998 phone: 3034?6?300 PO BOX 2544 VAIIJ CO 81658 License: 429-S Also is CONTRACTOR OlllliIER HKC PTNSHP 08/25/t998 phone: 1183 CABI}I C]R DR vAuJ co 8L637 I_,icenee I COIfIRACIOR SITPERIOR AIJARM VAII-, O8/2e/1998 Phone: 3034767300 PO Bo)( 2644 VATIJ CO s1658 L,icense t 429-3 Algo is Applicant Dosciption: FIREALARMSYSTEM Valuation: $2,000.00 El€ctricd__> 150 .00 FEE S{JMMARY rtrtttrrrrl*l*l***'}*,*,}*,}**,r,r,}*rtrr*a*a***l.t*i.*tt'r,rraaatr*aaa Total Calculated Fees-> S53 .00 DRB Foe-> Investiglfion-> will cbll-> s0. oo s0.00 s3 .00 Additiond FG€s--> Total Permit Fee.-> s0.00 553.00 $0.00TOTALFEES-> 5s3. oo BALAI{CE DUE-> Approvals:It6m: 06000 ELECTRICAJ., DEPARTME!fiI LL/L3/L998 CIIARLIE Act.ion: APPR CHARIJIE DAVIS Itemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTMSIT 08/28/t998 trRt4 Payrtcrfs-.------------> 553.00 Action: NOTE PLANS TO M.MC€EE LO/08/L998 JEFF_A Action: APPR fd approves plans |'|'l.....**,}'||||||||ll...''*******.|,l.t||ttl+..ll|..'l'+*..*.|*.|i..'.''...||***.'|*'*t| CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in firll the information required, complet€d an accurate plot plao, ard state that all the informatim as required is correct. I agre.e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this sfiucture according to the tovtns zoning and zubdivision codes, desigr rcview approvd Unifcm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SENT B\4 SUPERIOR ALARM; , , t 4r. l9r G'IrOI 9. ell'Ft.t it 970 926 8790;FEB-13-0t 15:08;PAE 2t2 f.O.755 P.3/4 lgln$lm'D[lgln{SlfAtrrf L.DETTtN?yfiIn mnrDrtlrvAr{cEDy 4t)21$Cf qJf OlFlcEDrSf ltmil-t tla. Tolll{ OF VAIL, Idr tlI8C120 Keyword: €Ac:Irl Ueer: LcAIrtpBBIr og/3]-/oo AdditLonal NotationB for Inspection item: 0OOOO ADD,/ALT COIT|M BUIIiD pBRIil Permlt l{o: B9a-0151 Appllcant ! WooDSTONE HOMES, INC.gtatus 3 IasuED Addrege: 22? WALL ST Irlne fnsp. Date Text 20 LI/2O/98 2I INSTAI,IJ A SECOND IIAIIDRAIL ODI THB RETi{AINING SIDE OF 2L LL/2O/98 TIIE CVRVED STAIR IIEADING FROM UPPER LEVEIJ. IT IS OK FOR THE 22 It/zv/ge 2![D mIDRAIL Ncrtr To BE c1]l{'TlMrous. IT uAy Ba INTBRRUSPED By 23 Lll2vlge ?HE DISPLAy AREA & COI|TINTIED ON l.ItE UppER WAL,rr, BUr SHOITLD 21 LLI2O/95 mVE AA UUCH COVERACB AA RBAAONABTTY POSAIBLB. 25 Lrl2O/98 3) INSTA',L ADDRESa NIn{BERS 1"227"' Ow TTTE BXTERToR AT TgE 26 aL/2O/98 2 !,IAIN ETtTRANCES AA pER SEC. 513, 1991 rrBC. 21 L2198198 EIIIPIPYEB BRBAI( ROOM HAA BBEN CREATED IN EIJBVATOR EQI'IPMEIfT 28 L2/O8/98 ROOItt, INCLUDING 2 WOODEN SHELVES. rrALF REFRIGERATOR, 29 L2/O8/98 MTCROWAVB, B:KTEITSTON CORD & POWER ATRIP. TIIIS IS NCIr 30 l2/o8/98 PERUITTED IN TIIE ETTEVATOR EQUIPUENT ROOIi{ & UUST BE RELOVED 31 L2/O8/98 pRrOR TO RET,EASE oF C,O. Erter Option: I-Ingpect r4)/Down=aelect, PgItIr/PgDn (F2 ) =Page, F3=Pirsr 12. ESC=Exlt I'rom Oq VIIL Id: lllaC120 Keyword ! @AeI!l| U6er: IJcF|lltPBEL ogl3t'l0o Adailtlonar iiotatlons for rnspection ir.em: o0ooo ADD/ALT col{u BItrrJD pER gcarit trlo: B9a-o151 Appl-icant: IifooDSToNB HolrBs, rrc. Statr|s: I8{[IED Addrese: 227 WALIr AI Line la6tr'. Date Te:rE L 06/06/98 RBTiTOVE AIrIr AATUR ATm SUBqRADB PRIOR TO CI]NCRBIE PLACEUBNTg a6ft9l9e EL8\TATOR SHAEr rRorir FocrTMG To BAaB{BNA sL,AB APPROVEDS t g6/25/98 rnoM 2ND LEVtsIJ TO 3RD TJEVEL COlrpLErE VERT. BAR TNSTAIJ|TIOII I o5/2s198 cl|!r [c]:r vBRrpr coNsrRuqrroN oF gHA.Et BEIoTf rlrrs rJsvErr DuE To 5 06/25198 TrrE FAqr qnrER INSpBCrroNa rIAvB Ncrr BEEI{ REQTTEATBD 5 Og/A3lg8 O APPROVAD PITANA ON 8rT8 I tglo3lgg l{o rrrc suB rrIED oR AppRovm a' o9/o'3l9S UECH ROItGg REoUIRED BRrOR TO pR ttdl!5cr l}{spEqfrorr t o9lo3l90 PIRE PR('TEqIION AND ArARX SysrEU ROUGf,Ut REQIUIRED L5 .O9/O3|9S *** NO ONE ON SIIB*t*r 1l s9129t9|' coqrlete dryrau ln urder Btal"r atorage 1t LAlOTlgA T{IIS IrEPECTION nAs CALiIJBD In n!|DR TgE BeH PER!(IT ! &t+l Optiqr: i I-Iuspect UplDwnaseJ.cct, Pgqtr/PgDn(F2)=Page, F3=Flret 12, BBC=Exlt TOI|N OP VAIIJ Id: IitIAC12o Keyword: @Aef.Irl User: LCAIi|PBBIJ Og/gf/OO Addltional NotaE.ione for Inspectlon iEem: OOOOO ADD/AL,T COMM BUILD pBru,r Per.ndt No: 898-0151 Applicant: WOODSTONB ltOUBS, INC.gtatus: IBaUED Address: 227 WALL AT Line In6p. Date Text L o8/05/9e RE!,IOVE AIJJ SATURATED SUBGR.ADE PRIoR To CONCRETE pLAcEtr{ENt . 2 o6/L9/9s BITEVATOR AHAFr FRo!,t FO(IIING To BAaBMEITT SLAB AppRoVBDa 3 06/25/98 I'ROU 2ND TJEVEIT TO 3RD LEVEL COMPLETB VERT. AAR INSTATJATION 4 06/25/98 CAI{ NOT VERr Fy CONSTRUcTTON oF sHAFt BELOW THrS T.,EVEIJ DI'E TO 5 O6/25/9e AnB FACI O:IIIER INSpBerrONS EAVE NCIr BEEII RBQUESTED 6 o9/O3198 NO APPROVBD pr,ANe ON SrTE 7 o9/O3/98 NO IrJC SUBMITTED OR APPROVED s o9/B/9e ti|Ecn Roust REQUTRED pRroR To FRAritrNc rNspEcrloN 9 O9/B/9A FIRE PRO:TECTION ATiID ALARIT{ SYSTEM ROUGIIS REQUIRED 10 o9/$/9e *** NO ONE ON SrTE**** 11 o9/2g/gg corrpl.ete drytrall in uader etair eEorage L2 LO/O7/99 TIIIS XNSPEcTTON WAA CALLED IN TTNDER TrrB UECIT pER!'!rT ! Enter optlon: I=Inspect, UplDown=select, Pgttp/PgDn (P2) =Page, F3=Firet 12, BSC=Exlt 1t TOIIIf OF VAIL Id! lrllgc12o Keyword: eAellr UEerr LCiNtpBBL os/3L/oo Additional Notations for InEpectLon item: Oo0oO ADD/AL,T COUM BITILD pERIrl Pen&it No: 898-0151 Applicant,: wooDglollB Eotr.rEs, Ilcc.gtatuB: ISSIIBD Addrege; 227 WAIJL AT Line Insp. Date Text L 08/05/98 REUOVE ALL SATUnATBD SnBGRADE PRIOR TO CO!|CRBfE PLACB,TENT 2 O6/t9/9e ELEI/ATOR SHAF:r FROU FOOTMG TO BAAEI,IENT SLAB APPROVEDS J 06/25/98 FROtt 2ND LEVBL TO 3RD LEVEL COltpIrEtrE VBRT. BAR INSTAIATION 4 06/25/98 CAN NCrf VER.r Fy coNgTRUqUON OF srrApp BBro$ THrs rrEvEL DUB TO 5 06/25/98 THE FAqr OTHER TNSPECTIONS HAVE NOT BEEN REQITESTED 5 O9/O3/98 NO APPROVED PLANS ON EITE 1 A9/O3/98 NO ILC gUB!,rITrED OR APPROVED I O9/O3/98 UECH ROUqI REQUTR8D PRIOR TO FRAUING INSPEqTION 9 o9/o3/98 PIRB PROEEqIION AIID AIIARU sYsTB't ROITGIIA RBQUIRED 10 O9/O3/98 *** NO ONB ON gIIErr** 11- O9/29/9e complete drywalL in under Btair Etorage \2 LO/O1|98 rHrA rNSPEqrrON WAA CAIJTTED IN UI{DBR TI|E MECH pERIitIT ! Enter Option! I=InEpect t\)/Down=gelect, PgItp/PgDn (F2) =Page, F3=Flret 12, Eac=Exit TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21s8 FAX 97U479-2452 Date: June 19, 1998 Plan analysis based on the 1991 Uniform Building Code Project Number: PRJ98-0055 Building Permit Number: B98-0126 Address: 227 WALL STREET Contractor: WOODSTONE HOMES Architeot: PEEL/LANGENWAITER Engineer: BOYLE ENGINEERING TOV Plans Examiner: Gary Goodell, Chief Building Offrcial Occupancy: B2 Type of Const: Type V-N, sprinklered, with existing structure having some Type IV H.T. features. NOTE: The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide to selected sections of the code. Report created using Plan Analyst software by b w & a. (719) 599-5622. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( l99l edition) with permission of the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO). SEPARATION; DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREAINCREASE NORTH: Property line EAST Public way SOI-.ITH Public way WEST Property line FL NAME OCC 3 Retail Sales Room 82 TOTALFORFLOOR 2 Retail Sales Room 82 TOTAL FORFLOOR I Retail Sales Room 82 TOTAL FOR FLOOR B MechanicalRoom 82 B Stock Room B2 0.0 Feet 41.0 Feet 41.0 Feet 0.0 Feet FIRE PROTECTION 0.0 Feet 21.0 Feet 21.0 Feet 0.0 Feet RESULTS: Area increasedZ6.25% for open area on 2 sides. AREA 1357 1357 1402 1402 1296 1296 400 399 RATIO 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.13 STATUS ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok MAX ALLOWED 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 10100 {g*tn"uor r" TOTALFORFLOOR 799 IOIOO BUILDING TOTAL 4055 ZO2OO Interior Bearing wall Any lnterior nonbrg wall Any Structural Frame Any Exterior Struct Frame Any Shaft Enclosure Any Floor/Ceiling Assembly Any RooflCeiling Assembly Any None None None None I hr (see Sec. 1706(a) for exceptions) None None (see below for Class "C" roof assembly required) None 0.08 ok 0,20 ok HEIGHT AND NUMBER OF STORMS The actual height ofthis building is 35.0 feet and the number of stories is three. This is permissible, since the maximum height permitted for this building is 40.0 feet and the maximum number of stories is three. The normal maximum number of stories permitted for a Type V-N building is two(2). However, in this case the Town of Vail Fire Department is requiring, per the fire code, that the building be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system throughout due to the lack ofacceptable fire department access to the site. Thus, per Sec. 507, LIBC, the maximum number of stories may be increased by one, resulting in a three-stories-plus- basement Type V-N sprinklered building.- Table 5-D EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING PROTECTION Table 5-A &$ec.2203. NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST BRGNON-BRG OPNG BRGNON-BRGOPNG BRGNON-BRG OPNG BRGNON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT thr* lhr* NOP NR NR None NR NR None lhr* lhr* NOP The exterior walls may be of any materials permitted by the code (Sec.220l). "NR" = No fire-resistive rating required. "None" - No fire protection requirements for openings. 6'NOP" = Openings are not permitted in this wall. * -- These walls may be required to have a parapet wall 30 inches above the roofing. The parapet wall is required to have the same fire rating as the wall. See Section 1710 for details and exceptions. NOTE THAT EXCEPTION *E'UNDER SECTION 1710(a) SHOULD BE APPLICABLE IN THIS CASE, AS LONG AS ALL OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF T}IE EXCEPTION ARE MET. OTHER BIJILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-A ELEMENT MATERIAL RATING Stairs NOTE: See Sec. 1706.(a) for Shaft Enclosure exceptions, FOOTNOTES: 1) Elements in an exterior wall located where openings are not permitted or where protection of openings is Any J required, shail be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater. - Table l7-A, footnote I 1l) A self-closing, 1 3/4 inch thick solid core or noncombustible door is required between the basement and the lst floor. --- Sec. 1703. l7) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with thr fire-resistive construction and doors to basements are required to be of noncombustible construction or | 314 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. 1703. DRAFT STOPS: If there is combustible construction in the floor/ceiling assembly, draft stops shall be installed so that the area ofconcealed space does not exceed 1000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed 60 feet. - Sec. 2516.(q4.A.(iiD If there is combustible construction in the rooflceiling assembly, draft stops shall be installed so that the area ofconcealed space does not exceed 3000 square feet and so that the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed 60 feet. -- Sec. 2516.(04.B.(iiD OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS - Table 5-8. None required. ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR B2 OCCUPANCY: A lhr occupancy separation, including l-hr opening protection, is required around rooms containing aboiler or central heating unit with greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. Storage areas in excess of 1000 sq.ft. are required to be separated from the retail area by a lhr occupancy separation. - Sec. 702.(b)2. EXIT REQUIREMENTS: EL NAME OCCUPA}IT NTTMBER EXIT PANIC DOOR NOTES LOAD REqLIIRED WIDTH HDWR SWING 3 Retail Sales Room 45 I 0.8 No N/R TOTAL 45 2 1.1 No N/R 2 2 Retail Sales Room 47 I 0.8 No NiR TOTAL 47 2 1.2 No N/R I I Retail Sales Room 43 | 0.7 No N/R TOTAL 43 1 l.? No N/R B MechanicalRoom I 1 0.0 No NiR B Stock Room I 1 0.0 No N/R TOTAL 2 2 1.2 No N/R 2 In areas where 2 exits are required, the minimum separation is l/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- Sec. 3303.(c) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304.(b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted. Exit width is in feet and based on Sec. 3303.(b). Exit width is to be divided approximately equally among exits. Width shown for all areas is based on other exits (0.2). Width shown for I st floor is based on other exits (0.2). Width shown for other floors & basements is based on stairways (0.3). For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304.(0. For the minimum width of conidors, see Sec. 3305.(b) 4 For the minimum width of stairways, see Sec. 3306.(b). FOOTNOTES: 1) The second floor is required to have 2 exits when the occupant load is l0 or more. -- Sec. 3303.(a) 2) Basements and floors above the 2nd floor are required to have 2 exits. - Sec. 3303.(a) See Exceptions HANDICAPPED ACCESS: 1) Handicapped access is required to at least one primary entrance to this building. - Sec. 3103.(a) & (b)3. 2) If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the maximum slope is 1:12. -- Sec 3307.(c) Handicapped access may not be required to levels other than the primary entry level. -- Sec. 3103(a) exc #2 STAIRNOTES: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the minimum run is I I inches. - Sec. 3306.(c) The minimum width of a stairway is 36 inches, 44 inches if the occupant load is greater than 49. -- Sec. 3306.(b). Also see exit table above to see if minimum width is greater than 44 inches. Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than44 incheswide) - Sec.3306.o Provide a guard rail where drop offis greater than 30 inches. Minimum height = 42 inches, maximum opening size:4 inches. -- Sec. 1712.(a) The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. - Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as required for thr fire-resistive construction. - Sec, 3306.(l) Stairways are required to be in exit enclosures. -- Sec. 3309.(a). The walls ofthe enclosure are required to be I hr fire assemblies. The openings into the exit enclosure are required to be I hr assemblies. - Sec. 3309.(c) Note: Openings into enclosure are lirnited to those necessary for exiting normally occupied spaces. A connection to the exterior is required with the same fire protection as the exit enclosure. -- Sec. 330e.(d) A banier is required at grade level (to prevent occupants exiting the building from iontinuing down to the basement) . - Sec. 3309.(e). The space under the stairs (enclosed or not) may not be used for any purpose. - Sec. 3309.(f) Provide a landing within I inch (l/2-inch at doors used for handicapped access) ofthe threshold. - Sec. 3304.(i). The minimum width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. - Sec. 3304.o The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. - Sec. 3303.(d) ROOFING REQUIREMENTS: I ) The roof assembly on this building is required to be Class "C" or better. - T ahle 32-A 2) See section 3204 and ICBO research reports for requirements. AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: An approved automatic fire sprinkler system is required to be installed throughout the building in accordance with Sections 10.203 and 10.501, l99l Uniform Fire code flJFQ. Please provide sprinkler system plans for 5 review by the TOV Fire Department as soon as possible. If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shall be supewised by an approved central, proprietary, or remote station service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location. - Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standpipe. - Table 38-A A hose is not required. - Table 38-A WALL AND CEILING F'INISII: l) Wall and ceiling finish materials are required to comply with Sec. 4204.(a) and Table 42-B. 2) Carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a Class I flame spread rating. - Sec. 4204.(b) 3) Textile wall coverings shall have Class I flame spread rating and shall be protected by automatic sprinklers or meet the acceptance criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 - Sec. 4205. INSI]LATION NOTES; l) All insulation material including facings are required to have a flame-spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450 unless it is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a wall or ceiling. - Sec. 1714.(c) exc.#2 2) Any foam plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- Sec. I 71 3 . GLAZING REQUIREMENTS: All glazing in hazardous locations is required to be approved safety glazing material. - Sec. 5406.(d) There may be additional requirements for the glazing proposed for the west exterior wall, if an acceptable solution is reached for installing glazing in a wall located at the property line where glazing is not normally permitted. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : In all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural or artificial light and ventilation. -- Sec. 70s.(a)&(b) HANDICAPPED REQIJIREMENTS : NOTE: Section numbers listed below are from ANSI Al l7.l - 1986 WATERFOUNTAINS: l) One must have a spout within 36 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.15.2 2) Spout must be at the front ofthe unit. - Sec. 4.15.3 3) Controls must be at or near the front ofthe unit. - Sec. 4.15.4 & 4.25.4 4) A cantilevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the unit of27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep. - Sec. 4.15.5 (l) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The clear area is required to provide for a forward approachwith a cantilevered unit and for a side approach otherwise. - Sec. 4.15.5 &Fig.27 b,cd 6 TOTLET FACILITIES: l) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room. -- Sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3(a) 2) When water closet is not in a compartment, the clear area required is: a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach. -- Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 2S b) 48 inches wide by 66 inches deep with a front approach - Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28 c) 60 inches wide by 56 inches deep with both approaches. -- Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28 d) Side bar is required to start within 12 inches ofthe back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Sec.4.16.4 &Fig.29 The rear bar is required to be 36 inches long. - Fig. 29 3) When water closet is in a compartment, the area required is: a) 56 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at the back and one at the side. Door is at front or side. -- Fig. 30(a) or b) 66 inches deep by 36 or 48 inches wide with grab bars on both sides and door at front. - Fig. 30(b) d) If a floor mounted water closet is used, the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fie. 30(a) & (b) e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches ofthe back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wall. -- Fig. 7.56a & 7.56b The rear bar is required to start within 6 inches of the side wall and be 36 inches long. -- Fig. 30(a) 4) The bars are to be 33 to 36 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(a),(b) & Fig. 30(c),(d) 5) The top ofthe seat on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the floor. -- Fig. 29(b) & Fig.30(d) 6) Urinals are required to be stall type or have an elongated rim and be within 17 inches ofthe floor. -- Sec. 4.r8.2 & Fig. 29(c) 7) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the urinal. - Sec. 4. 1 8.3 8) Accessible lavatories shall provide a clear area underthe lavatory of29 inches. - Sec. & Fig. 3l 9) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front of the lavatory. -- Sec. 4,19.3 &Fig.32 10) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the floor. -- Sec. 4.19.6 & Fig. 31 # SHEETIDENTIFICATION CORRECTIONSREOUIRED/REMINDERS I .4.6, A7 ELEVATIONS Provide attic ventilation that complies with section 3205(c) for any enclosed attic spaces. 2 A5 UPPERLEVEL PLAN Provide an attic access (22X30 min) to any enclosed attic areas.-- Sec. 3205.(a) 3 4'6, A7 ELEVATIONS The north and west exterior walls are required to be approved l-hour fire- resistive wall assemblies. Table 5-A & Sec.2203. Please provide details indicating exact materials used and/or identifu an approved assembly. 4 l\6, A7 ELEVATIONS Provide a parapet wall above the roofing on this wall with the same fire rating as the wall or provide construction details complying with Exception E to Sec. l710(a). 5 A6, N ELEVATIONS Openings shown in west exterior wall, at property line, are not permitted. Please submit revised drawings either deleting the openings from the west exterior wall or a solution stamped by a : 7 fire protection engineer that treats the openings so as to provide a reliable equivalent to an approved l-hour fire-resistive wall containing no openings. 6 Any fire alarm manual pull stations shall be double action. 7 Al PROVIDE ASSEMBLY DETAILS The ceiling of the basement is required to be a lhr assembly. -- Section 1703. 8 A'4 BSMT & WALL ST LEVEL PLAN A solid core or metal door with closer is required between the basement and the lst floor. -- Section 1703. 9 A11 DOOR SCHEDULE Note: Manually operated edge or surface-mounted flush bolts are prohibited. - Sec. 3304.(c) l0 A4, A7 Provide a banier at the ground floor in the exit enclosure. - Sec. 3309.(e) 1l Al l EXTEND HANDRAILS 12'BEYOND STAIR. Stairways having 2 or more risers shall be provided with a handrail. Such handrail shall be between 34-38" ht. above tread nosing, extend 12" beyond the top and bottom risers, be grippable, and ends shall be retumed. 12 A9, Al0 ELEVATIONS. The roof assembly on this building is required to be Class "C" or better. Please provide the details and/or identifl, the approved Class "C" roofassembly that is to be used. --Sec. 3203. & Table 32-A. 13 A9, A10 ELEVATIONS. Provide drains and overflow drains or scuppers. - Section 3207. MAJOR UNRESOLVED ISSUES: l. No Openings Permitted in West Wall. This wall is on the property line and is not permitted to have any openings, per Sec, 50a@) and Table 5-d 1991 IJBC. There are factors, however, that lend credibility to the concept of allowing some or all of the 3 openings to remain, including the facts that: -the openings already exist in an existing building (although they cannot be considered "grandfathered" because they were never permitted by any previous edition of the TOV's adopted building code), -the use of the building is retail, and no occupants will be sleeping in the building, +he building is relatively small in overall area, compared to the maximum area permitted by the code for this occupancy and type of construction, -and, it is unlikely (although not impossible) that other structures will be built up to the adjacent property line in the future. -Two options for meeting minimum code requirements are: a) Submit revised plans showing the three openings eliminated, replaced with wall construction having at least a l-hour fire-resistive rating. b) Submit for review by the TOV Building Safety Division and the TOV Fire Department an alternative designed and stamped by a quatified fire protection engineer incorporating a combination ofactive and/or 8 passive protection of the openings that is deemed at least equivalent to a Type V l-hour fire-resistive wall having no openings. 2. Parapet Wall Requirements. North and West Walls. Sec. I 7l 0, I 991 UBC, requires the construction ofparapets at the top ofexterior walls located on property lines. Exception'E" to Sec. 1710(a) provides an alternative to constructing parapet walls that can be applied to this situation. Please submit details for the construction of these wall and ceiling assemblies that clearly illustrate compliance with all of the requirements of Exception "E" as well as the requirement that the north and west walls be approved one-hour fire-resistive assemblies. 3. Separation of Basement From First Story. Section 1703, LIBC, requires that a separation be provided between usable space under the first story and the areas above. Please submit details for the floor-ceiling assembly and opening protection, including the door, clearly illustrating compliance with the requirements of Sec. 1703. 4. Occupancy Separation for Boiler Room. If the boiler or central heating unit in the basement mechanical room has a rating exceeding 400,000 BTUs, please provide the details clearly illustrating that the walls and openings for the boiler room meet the requirements of Sec. 708. 5. Class "C" or better Roof Assembly Required. Please provide details, specifications and/or identify an approved roof assembly that is to be used to meet the requirement for a Class "C" or better roof assembly. Also note the related requirement in item #2 above for construction portions of the roof assembly in accordance with Exception "E' ofSec. 1710. 6. Sprinkler System Plans. Please provide sprinkler system plans to the TOV Building Safety DMsion for routing to and review by the TOV Fire Department. 7. Safery Glazing. Please indicate in the window schedule which glazing panels are required to be safety glazing in accordance with Sec. 5406, UBC. Also note that tempered glass in heavier thicknesses may be a component ofany potential solution for item #1 above, 8. Attic Ventilation and Access. If there are to be any concealed attic areas, please provide ventilation and access details. 9. Handrail Extensions. Please revise the plans for handrails to show that handrails are to extend 12" beyond the top and bottom risers in accordance with Sec. 3306(D, 2nd paragraph. IMPORTANT NOTES: Section 303(c) of the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the Town of Vail, reads as follows: "(c) Validi$ of Permit. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans, specifications and computations shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, r j. 9 any violation ofany ofthe provisions ofthis code or ofany other ordinance ofthejurisdiction. Permits presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of this code or'oJher ordinances ofthejurisdiction shall not be valid. The issuance of a permit based on plans, specifications and other data shall not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said planq specifications and other data, or from preventing building operations being carried on thereunder when in violation ofthis code or any other ordinances ofthisjurisdiction." PARTIAL PERMIT. After completion of this preliminary review, the findings of the Building Safety & Inspection Seruices Division are that the plans as submitted are suitable for the issuance of a partial permit authorizing the construction of X'OOTINGS, T'OIJNDATION WALLS, UNDERGROIIND UTILITMS ONLY PENDING SUBMITTAL, REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF COMPLETE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS SUITABLE X'OR THE REMAINDER OF TEE CONSTRUCTION. ROUGH FRAMING OROTHERCOMPLETE ROUGH INSPECTIONSWILL NOT BE SCEEDULED OR APPROVED UNTIL THE ITEMS NOTED ABOVE HAVE BEEN RESOLVED. Note that Section 303(a) of the 1991 edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC), as adopted by the Town of Vail, reads as follows: "The building official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole building or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate information and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent requirements of this code. The holder of a partial permit shall proceed without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be granted." GRG:grg cc: Mike McGee, TOV Fire Marshal File, Permit #898-0126 TOV0N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Job Address. . . : 227 WALL STLocation : 227 hIALL STParcel No..... : 2101-082-23-025 Projects Number: PR,J98-0059 OWNER HKC PTNSHP 1183 CABIN CIR DR, VAIrJ DescrlpE,ion: INSTALL 1 GAS FIREPI,ACE DIRECT VET T DEPARTMEI{:T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: T1IIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MEC'I{ANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0143 APPLICAI{I SUTTON INSII,ATING WEST, INC. phone: 5398 CR 154 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO 9l_601 CONTRACTOR SUTTON INSIILATING WEST, INC. phone: 5398 CR 154 #1, Glenwood Springs, CO gL601 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Ercpires. co 8L657 ValuaE,ion: (DECOR ONLY) ISSUED 08 / 04/L998 08 / 0s /1-99802/0t/L999 *Of, GaB Log€: 970-945-1313 970-945-1_313 1_,920.00 #Of wood/Pallec:Fireplacc Infonnation! ReEErict€d:#of ca6 Applianc.g ! FEB ET'UMARY M€chanical---> PLan ch€ck-- -> Inve6t.igatsion> will CaIl----> 40 .00 10.00 . oo 3.OO .00 . o0 53 .00 . oo 53. OO Regt,uaranC Plan Rcvirir- - > DRg Fee-------- TOTAIJ FEES- .. - ' ARE Total calcula!€d FreB- - - > Addlclonal Fees- ------- -> Total PermiC Fee--------> ITCM: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I DErrI,: BUILDING DiViSiON:08/04/1998 i'RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRIVfIECM: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DEDT: FIRE DiViSiON:08/04/l-998 iIRM AcEion: APPR N/A Pa).mcnCB - - ----- 53.00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL IRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.PER SEC. 607 0F rHE 1991 UMC.TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND 1.z. 1 5. 5. 8. FIELD INSPEETIONS COMBUSTION AIR ISINSTALLATION MUST RE TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHAI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O5 OF THE 1-991 IJMC.ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMEMT MUST COMPLY W]TII SEC.sOs AND703 0F THE L99l_ IIMC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NLESS TISTED FOR MOIJI{:TING ON EOMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED TN MECIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AI.I INSPECTION REOI'EST. DRAITiIAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI.,OOR DRAIN PER SEC.2LL9 0F TIIE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLA,RATIONS r b'rGby rcknorl'd9a thrc r hav. r..d chiE rltltllcation, fillcd out in full th. lnforn.tsion rrgul,rcd, e€rtpl€E.d qn rceurrtc plotpl'n, rnd aB'tr tsh't ell thc lnforuatlotr providcd a. rrqul,r3d La colE ec. I agrec to coDrrly rith lhc infotration rnd plot trrn,co corPly rith 'll ?oen ordid.nc.r and .tat. larr. end Eo btrild thls .tructuEr rccording to t'h. Tonn.. zonlng .nd subdlvLEioncodla, &llgn rrvlow epprovld, Unlforu Builaitrg codc rnd othar otdin nc6E of gh. Toylt rpplLcablc th.r.to. RBQI'BSIg FoR MtPEerIoFs a8.arrl 8E MADE l}tBNTt-FouR HoIJRg rN ADVANcE By TErrBDHotrE AT {?9-2138 oR At ouR oParcE FRorir B3oo A}r 5:oo pM AIG AtrT'NE OI OIID'ER OR COI+TRACIOR FOR HIUS!&F AND Ofi}IBR -'Jtttt-t'i "5 , Asqeqq^rc ot'f lrp 6qf ^ l, -' a;r4$,ff Sjliili1'.j';:\;i' oF vAr L "o,,"rnu"@ffe R e ce iVO bu*",, r,ttru - i! ztot - o?a-J) -o5 *%I.t1:,ifW ,"tri[e oa rggs or6/ APPLICATION MUST BE ITILLED OUT COMPLETALY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED i-r'--:*--"' ,f * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t tr PERMfT INFO.RMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * b-t l-Building I J-Plurnbirrg [ ]-alectrical 12,34,rectrani-cat [ ]-other )wners Name i \rchitect l .nrob Name: /fas. V1+/ +o4t rob Addre s;t AIJ_U+& n Legal Description:Lot Block__ Filing sunnrvrsroN: Address: I1L3 (ebr>! Ct Tn pn.fl€ed* Address:Ph. renerar Descripti"", T/l.<-lq t/ f 4o^A./"rhu, Gene 4Z IJ 'lork crass: [ ]-New [ffirteration [ ]*Additlonat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Iumber of Dwelting Urrits , /Number of Accomrnodation Units: fmber and 'rype of Firepraces: cas Apptian""=. / cas Logs'- wood/pelret t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *lIUILDING: $,LUMBTNG: $ EI,ECTRTCAT: $OT}IER: $ I MECHANICAT,: $-I TOTAL: f r rt J< Jr * :t * * Jt rt * * * * * * * * * * ** *. * * * * * CONTRACTpR INFORMAI,f ONIeneral Contractor: h)flnt> V?)./1) F L.+urt I <Town of Vail neg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FUS-leZp- wn one Contract,or: iddress: ilectrical Contractor : iddress: ,lurnbi.ng rddress: * *********rt************ * * * * Town Phone Reg. No. of VaiI Number: of Vail Number: Reg. No. Ieclranical Contractor: rddress; rrt* Jr* rt:t:t*rt*** **** * ** * rr * * ***** * * * }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE 3 ]LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER IYPE oF FnEI )RB FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION I CLEATI UP DUPOSIT REFUND TO: I f2 'I ti lt tI I I?I I 11 aaf t I&tor 42GCDC itt" ,N OM: MEMORANDUM N LL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REQUIHED 1) 2l Job Name:Se Date: Please answer lhe following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a'public Way permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easernenls or public properly? ts any ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls differenl access needed lo site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? I have lead and answered all the ab l.to 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) B) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Developmenl? llVgq algwered fes lo any ol lhese queslions, a "Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Cornmunity Development. lf you have any queslions please call Gharlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Conslruction Inspeclor, at 479-2158. Job Name Contract questions. ,t TOWN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD \/AITJ, CO 8165'7 970-479-2]-38 COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M98-01-5L Job Address...:Location..-...: Parcel No.....: Project Number: APPLICAMT CONTRACTOR OWNER llechanical---> Plan check- - - > Investigatsion> will cell- - -- > 227 WALL, ST 227 WAIJTJ ST (BASE MTN) 2LO]--OB2 -23 - 025 PR,J98-0059 Status...: ISSIJEDApplied. .: O8/L3/L998Issued...: o8/27/1998 E>qgires. . : 02/23/1999 Phone: 8]-620 Phone: 8L620 WEICH PTIJMBING ATI,AS HEATING, WEICH PIJUMBING ATI.AS HEATING, HKC PTATSEP 11 83 CnSrN CrR AND HEATINGP. O. BOX 8284, A}ID IIEATINGP. O- BOX 8284, AVON, AVON, co co 970 -845 - 03Ll_ 970-845 - 031_t_ DR, VAIL CO 8l_657 Description: TNSTAI.,L NEW HEATING SYSTEM Fireplacc InformaLion: Rcstlicled: SOf Gas Appliances: Valuatlon: +of Ga€ togs: 18,000.00 *of Wood/PaI let.: FBE SUI4TARY 3 50 ,00 9{] .00 .00 3.OO ItCM: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI\4E}flT08/2L/L998 JRI4 Act,ion: NOTE ptANS OB/27/L998 MWOODS ACLiON: APPR APPRILemr 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT08/27/L998 MWOODS Acr.ion: AppR N/A Reatuarant PLan Revi€e- - > DRB Fee-------- lotal Calcule!.ed Fe€s- - - > Addltional Fees---- -----> TolaI P€rI[it Fee--------> Pa! nenEs------- . oo .00 453. O0 453.00 ,00 453 , OO 453 .00 BAIANCE DUE.---. DenE : BUILDING Divi-sion:TO GARY PER GARYDept: FIRE Division: . CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. COMBUSTIONAIR TS REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 IJMC.3. INSTAI-,I-'ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI]FACTIJRES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1-991- I]MC.4. GAS APPI,IANCES SHAT,I-, BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALI, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EoUIPMEIflT MUST COMPI",Y WITH SEC.505 AND703 0F THE L991 IJMC.5. BOII,ERS SHATL BE MOU}TTED ON FI,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBIJE CONST.UNLESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUST.IBi,E FTOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOIJEST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOII.,ERS SIIATL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2i-r-9 0F THE 199r- IIMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I h.E.by ro*no!.lodgc chrE I hrv. r.rd thl. rppllertlon, flllca ouE ln tull thr lnfoirallon rcgulrcd, coEpl.ead rn acculrca plo!Plrn. Ind .:::. :1.: r11 Bh. lntolrlrtlen Drovldca ra ragutrod l. co!a.ct. t rgr.a to coBply rlch th. LnforrnsBlon and plo!. pl.n,to cdbly rlbh t1l Torrn ordtnrncct rnd .t.r. leya, rnd ic Ehl. rCauctur! rccordtng to Eh. Toen,r tonlng rnd Eubdlvtrloncod... d.rlgn rcvlcr rggrcvrd, unlfor$ Bulldtng cod6 rnd cEh.!o! Eh. Toen rppllceblc thGE.!o. RSQ! tST! FOB rrraPtelIONA AHADL BE IiADA ta|El|tl-ForrR t|ot R.s IN Et TELAPI|oTB tT a7t-21ta OR At ouR oFFrcB pRo ai00 Afi 6300 ptt AIOIIAT{'TI O? qfi4 OR GOFIFACIOR IOR HIXS8I,P AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIqENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE PermitMECIIANICAL PERMIT Status.. Applied. Issued. . $cpires. ,fob Address. . . : 227 WALI ST Location- -. -..: 227 WALL STParcel No..... : 2101-082-23-025Project Number: PRiI98-0059 APPIJICAI{T F&LSTOVESP. O. BOX 318, lEADVrr_,,trE, CONTRACTOR F & I-, STOVESP. O. BOX 319, IEADVITJtrJE,OWNER HKC PTIiTSHP 1183 CABrN CIR DR, VAIr_, CO Descript,ion: NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM Fireplacc Inforeation: RcaErictsed: Y *of cas Appliancr€: co 80451 co 80451 8L657 Valuat,i-on: {of ca6 Log6: AT ALL TIMES M98-0L67 ISSITED o8/3L/L998 oe/24/Lee$ 03 /23 /Lese Ph<rne t 7L9-486-8443 Phone:' 7L9-486-8443 17, 840 . 00 #of wood/Pallet: r r * * i * | * t t t t t t t t t t * t t + t t . r 'r , r t t t t i * t * + + r r * * f * FBE suMMARy .rrr*rrirt**t*r***rr****rra***r Mechanical---> Plan ch€ck- - - > IoveEtsigation> will call----> 90. o0 3.00 .00 .00 453 .00 {53 .00 , o0 {53 . O0 453 . O0 Re6lurrrnt Plrn Rc'!-iew- ->TotEL Calculatcd Fee€---> Additional Fees- --- -- ---> Tolal Pcnrit Fec- -- -- ---> Payuenta----- -- - BAI,INCE DUE---- r r t * il ** at ** t*t* * ir *lr ft J r t r * r.r r * rr *r r ** t r tt a * * Tr* * IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTII'IENT DCPE: BUILDING DiVi-SiON:09/2L/L998 CHARLTE Action: APPR charlie davi-srTbM:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPts: FIRE DiWiSiON:O8/3L/L998 JRM ACTiON: NOTE PI,ANS TO FIRE 09'/L4'/1,998 MIKE M Action: APPR appvd. as noted CONDITION OF APPROVA! FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRSD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANEE. COI{BUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TI{E 1991 IJMC. INSTAI.,IJ\TION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTIJRES INSTRUSIIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 IJME.. GAS APPLIANCES SHAtt BE VEIiITED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 9 AND SHAI,I, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 T]MC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQU]PMENT MUST COMPI-,Y WITH SEC.sO5 AIiID703 0F THE 1991 UMC.703 0F TIIE 1991 BOII,ERS SHAIJIJ BE coNsT.BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOt NrED ON FLOORS OF NON I'NIJESS LISTED FOR MOr-TNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE PERMIT,PLANS AI{D CODE AIiIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM PRIOR TO AtI INSPEC-IION REOUEST. 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 I ROOM PRIOR TO AtI INSPEeTION REOUEST. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAIJ ROOMS CONTAINING HE,ATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BoILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 IIMC. ********************************************************il*********************** DEELARA:TTONS f hcraby rclcnoryl.dg. thrt I hlrc rrrd tshl. .trErllc.tlon, flllad out ln full thc lnfolu.tlon !.qulrrd, conplclad In rccur.tc ploL FLRn, rnd .crc. thrt r11 tshs lnfqrl clon pravLd.d .s rcqut rcd {e c!'rr.cE. r .Er.. co co[ply rlth the inforr.t,lqt rnd plo! ptan,go co4r1y rr'th all Totn erdin.ncct rnal llltq hva, and !o bulld thl,. rtructute eccording t'o th! Torn'E aotrlng rnd rubdlvlsioncodc!, d.algn r.vl,.r rpproved, lrnlforE Eulldlng codc md obhar grdl,Rrncc, 9f th.appllceblc th€tcto. RBQttEStg F4, ITS9ECTIONg sHA!L Ea IAITE tt{ltn I-FO! R ||OURa Ir AnriaxeE !t AA 479-2139 OR AT OI,R orFrCA FROI{ Br00 A 5:0o PM SIONATURE OF O!{NER OR CONTR.ACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNER c-t(/ al TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD vAIr_,, co 9L657 970-479-2138 APPLICAIVT CONTRAgTOR OIiINER Pl,uubing--- --> PIan check---> Idve6tiEacion> will call----> ,Job Address Locat.ion. . .Parcel No.. Project, No. WEICH PIJI]MBING A}ID ATLAS HEATING, P. WEICH PLITMBING Ar:{D ATLiAS HEATING, P. HKC PTIiISHP 1-183 CABIN CIR DR, : 227 WALI ST z 227 WALL ST: 2101-082 -23-025: PR'J98-0059--:-\ HEATING o. Box 8284, AVON, HEATINGo. Box 8284, AVON, vArlr co 81657 Phone: 970-845-0311 8t620 Phone: 970-845-0311- 8r_620 E a{- a t'4 tL r StaLus...: ISSIIED Applied. . : 06/1,6/L998 Issued. .. : 06/1,7/L998 E>qgires. . : L2/14/1998 5, 000 . 00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEN:T NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,IOBSITE AT AIrL TIMES PLI'MBING PERMIT PermiE f: P98-0080 co co Descript.ion: RELTOCATE PIIBLIC BATIIROOMS } FEE SUI4MANY ValuaEion: 75.00 14.75 .oo 3.O0 . oo 96.75 96.75 .00 95 .'t 5 96.75 RestsuaranE Plan Rcwicn-- > TMAI, FEBS- - -. - Tot'al calculated Fee6- - -> Addi,lional F6eB-- --- -- --> Total PermiL Fee--------> Palments-------- BAI,ANCE DUE---. - Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTTiIENT Dept.: BUILDING Divisi-on:O5/L6/L998 .fRM .A.CTiON: .A,PPR APPROVED .]RI\4-Itbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTUEI{f DepE: FIRE Division:o6/L6/L998 JRM Acrion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. -.--...*.-;,,. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read thiE applicatlon, filled out in full th6 informatlon regulred, cornpletod an accurate plat p).an, and elaLe tha! all the informauion provided ae required iF carrect. I agree to conply vich the infornation and plot p1an, to conply with all To$rr ordinancea and sbabe lat{s, and to build thia strucEure according to the Town'6 zoning and Eubdivi6ion codea, d.6ign revier approved, Uniform Building CodG and othcr ordinrncc6 of lhe Tor|n appl,icablc tshereeo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPESTIONS gHAIJIJ BS MADE TI^IENTY-FOUR HOI,RS IN A.DI/AI.ICE BY TEI,EPHONE AI {?9-2133 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM ,: . APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLEDI r*************tr*************** PER.\IIT I} BqX-or{g-, DILi OUT COMPLETETY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT fNFORHATfON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * t( 't rr * * * : - 3oncaic EagIc County Assessors 0fftce ae 970-3!8-8640. Jor parcgl il_. TOWN oF vArL coNsTRUcTIoNyEL lqnl -Otz- t q -OLt' PERMTT AppLrcATIoAt FoR!{\ oere:_C-?eg b, r-Buitdins ?4-Plunuins t l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-Other rob Name: 6a.r fn.. .#J.,.tJob Address: Q) geft"{---+ Legal Description: Lot Block Filing susorvrsrov: rwners Name: KKc F,*-"*s\t ? Address: .\rchitect:Address: Ph. Ph. teneral Description: .tork Class: [ ]-New X-efteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repatr t l-other Number of Accomroodation Units, I Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet ********************************t BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK -FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TO?AL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: luhber of Dwelling Unit,s , -J_ ']pmber and Type of FirepJ-aces: cas Appllances, k * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS\it]UILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $?LUMBING: $.$ot-'MECTIANICAL: $ToTAL:$W 1* :tr * * rt rk * * :t * * * * * * * ******'***** _ CONTRI{CTOR INrORMAAION * * *.* * * * * * * * t< rr,t * rr * * * rr :t * * * * * Jleneral Contractor: LzralJ sJrr.,.- h/r^.rnS _ To.;n of Vail Reg. lJo.-_-tddress: -- phone Nunber: ius-EC1F-- ilectrical contractor: iddress rddress:Town of VaiI Reg. NO Phone Number: 3Y&lro31/ Town of Vail Reg. No Phone Number: r J< :t :f rt :t :t rt rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * * *FOR OFFfCE USE ********************rt*******'t*, IechanicaL contractot, ?ffi'MPrddress: ]UILDING PERMIT FEE: )IUMBING PERMIT FEE: IECHANICAI.I PERMIT FEE: .]LECTRTCAI, FEE; )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: GROUP VALUATION lornnents: I CLEA.}I UP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: REF,rrrl 0o51v{bi1 rohN oF uArL, cuLokADo FAGE eq 1i./e0./9S bB:O6 RticUEgi$ f-Utl INSITHCTION NURI{ SHEET$ FORIIt/X{r./\b AREAr GG 5 i-.1-!F:r!6=rlt==5i: -a =.: - g.j:J::,:.=:"!: =.: =:*5===:::;:::::l;;: s: c:8 j;:::j: s!= i- ij *:g=3= = === i: r3 i: = :a,: r:: :: .:.: l:========E== ===:t E :Activity: 89Et'-{lrltrl 11./e0/94'l ype: ti-COMM Statr-rs: 15j$UED Constr-l ACUM Addressz E?7 l.lALL iil Locat i an r H[7 UtrL.L $'f r Farcel: Elrrl1-r3Bi-a.j*rillEg Dercription;'IOTfit- .REF1{1$EL {Jf: EXISTINt3 Appl ic'arrt r NOOirbTOl!b. HOt4Eg, INf . BLDG Use:.IU IJT OwnEr; Hl,,;C l-,TNSHF, [iontrae'b sr I WUOiLtS] UNii- flfJr4fi:5, i NC" Ffrone : 970.-645--9698 Fhclne: Fhorre : v TrZr-€45-9698 Inepact I on' Iter: It eo; : ftenl Iten lIten: I t.em l Iten: History... ".0g31tA drivewary grade final gtgl0l lzt tsLD6-F' oot ingsl5t ee 1 $6/13i9A trnspector-r GRG' $B/tzl6/?A lnspectrir"; CD 5 ile l{otes: RE.FIOULl ALL SFTUBATED SUEFRAIE-,FRIQR '/0 "CEFlffr€TE" FIACEUENT"' 'r, Hf ii g, f h" ? ; : ; : : fi : : " I i* * * *' ^4&MF ! !rd,{ffiq'i@ ffi^ d{fs.c,. Notes : llLEVri I Ell sH,+F I F;ROM Fuo.EElEnASEfCfr f lrsLf,g/AF,fnE €psqt n /fl 4 fi : i : : i' P - i il' x^:, ;' il u = I o, u = * u Tffiiw,€{fi{ #r44?4w\i#;tr' J f fi l }HI " Ei'iil ?HuFIIi ?Ew'T'ffiM Wx1nM.+wtft v"' e7/A6/9tt Inspeetor': GRG Action: CR f tnlpriqe,s Fpper pondbm '87/A6/9tt Inspeetor': GRG Action t CR /T jrj ppliqe,s .Fppen pondbm as/'c4t qa Inspect ']r : tiRE Ar:t i on I AFF$,-{{. &#ft I f fit$y1o/S4ayt-su$/Ee/e$ Irrsp,ee'bo:., gP . _{"t rT. Wfft,*t. sr+rfsT'IryHE@ LI 'rl Hf5[ [Ll:ii?,?i;* o'-" 3] Jrtsfr/ a//rr=s //q/ufrstT9/U\/t)g Inspector: CD Ag!-row?DNn,..bfNIE Notes: NU AFI-,H0uED F,LRNs on s{/'fi.4- {l//4/fl fNO ILC SUBMITTED NR NPF'ffiy'EN ' ,, \t)p'vwrifl'?rrfuancr s,y,m,t^1#ffifr/, rroryr'ulFili+sliul iiffi"tr4ffiffif* #ffiW r'",r; r y ae r r + r e xa ; " : ;- : i l,, ?'n o H i' u * " " " o -. rVji. i Hd &*va, t{ae ..#re# $?;!,Fb:?;:friilll[: .. o*5,h, /afv6imur g /3/ /f ( OSftGUf lrl-oB-llheetrock Nai ! r lr-=I -q7/3tlv8 Irr spec'tor-r GRG ecd;rffiApeS, hlE$r LXT 3/B" TYpE X fiA/e4l'r{t Inspect.or"r GRG flct ion: tlFFf{ Nfu}il}XIE/RIFR WALL 5/flX O9/E9/\a Insprectr.rnr uD Action = r'n ftffi/$s-llrEe ^ /-Notesr complete cirywall in r-tnder stair "{ '*lr{AY"(Z / Qr/4o1/A'/ /qA Inspector: JRlrl fet ion; tA Af'FR 5EE fUleS / t O t{EF,"f 131 F.AGH 34 AREAI GG iidclregs; P;37 {,,tf-li-L. ST i-..rcat i sn r iiET WfiL.t- 5'f f-,ar*ee I I,fijl,th [ *tr8j]-,j;-. tiicI Dest:fiptionr'TOfAL I{l:f4fiUE{- C}l; IXl5-fING FLDti r.rpp1 icant I Htl0l-is I Ot'lH fiiiiyll-jEi. i lic. Owner: HKC F,l"l,lsHr, hU>L,lUtv-54*l*t{..iorrtra.ctsr": hJOt"tl;S ilOhlti Hrri'lHSr l.NC, l-'Jl.Ji'r Lr[: VRIL! CUL{-]RllDO tt6 /3./9R .i rip+rLrt. or'; iilii:r /98 .i lr * prect cr' r tjli r+r.d- Flil Of.l[ $hl tiITE*{** &Y/t4/98 I nspectulr i'FiG Iten: IAEOSIA B|-ilt]i* Innr-rl.at i oir $9/AS/94 Inrpec:L rr r {--:lJ Iten: ra€tla6B ALllli*tiheBtroc.k f{ai1 t/J:l / 37 i9A L.nspec:trrrr [iRlj &8/:.34/$g lri*pect, Lrlt l;Rti lA9le9/9S ,[ ribpret-:t or': LIJ dlct i on r AI-'F'R HEfiI)ER fiFF DUT RfiFlHF{r Nt^|. Aet i sn; fit-'{-'R HFlf-'ROVFD Act i ofi : lll-,F,R tdEs"l- E:x'l 5/g " IYF E X . llction: tlF'FR NOR] H EXI-HRItlR I^IALL S/SX Actrorrl l-'l.i t.op two levels tJ* e i liery.reEtor.: trfiUl. F,hone r 845*36O7 Rerl I-riiel ttrB:OUr Llcnneribsr FRGH l"{IlYl IF NEEII FE Act ipn {lc'mment t+ f;,n:uN "iu I V }"IT it, a T i me 7 t1i.r/! | !! tilutl ,.t-... }tE EME Actirrlr Acb ian: FiTJbSRFiIJts sr dl'y TAIN, NTots ! Ri:lrllrVE. t-tLl- 3rA-i UITATEI] ihLnd-'i: rr r-trida L ron,;'$teel I t9/qg lrrspet:torr L;11 Flctinnr trff T]IrIU I,.IRLLr'ELEVF]1.IJR SHRFT NOTESI EI.,i-.I"'A'I[iIi SHAFT I:TREFI FOtrTIhIIJ TE FASEI4ENT SiLNE AI]F.ROVEDS ^ ,tnO#/c!/i6 inspecL{r}- i LID Act ionr trfl CFIU I^IRLL/ELEVfiTOH SHAFT I\JJi/lUU-YTbtes' I-l{UM gNI] LE,UEL, IB 3RD LEVEL CtrHF.LETE VER-T. FRR INSIALATINI Y I/ /N.'', L':ii' NUI V!.RIF}' CONS]RULIION IJF SHITFT BELOI^' TI.II5 LEVEL DUEll Ilo9lV fHF. FArr orFrER INsr,EcrIoNs HnuE NEr HEEN REouEsrHD ' lt / ' td'7 /A6/98 Inspecuurr &Ru frctiorrr Cft Tie splicer upper' bondbn"- m8/e4l94 .[risperbnr'; CiRG Aqt iorrr AFFR 5. taNTRY & CUFTVED HfiLLS tdl/ee/9u lrrspectr:r'r* [-:D Actionl 6lFiFtt F-RONT STAIRS tlND HEAT l-I :Ltem; er$5era F[.-frI,,l-'IL.U liite Filarr Iten : 0ia03o HLlili--Frr;"nr rrrp frS/A3/98 Irrspect; or": {:,D Flction: t)N DEI{tEti Notes r hlt l AF,FRUVEII pt*trNti BN SI f E Ni] 1L.I"' 5L}HPI I TTHD trR iAPFROVEDl{Hcl-t H{iuill l [iHtJU] RED pRiOR TO FRFrl"lINii INSpECf ION FIRE I..FO.T[:C]Ii]N ITND ALARFI SYSTET{ RSUEHS Rb-I.JUlRED Notes: (:{.,mf}.1 el:e rl;-yw.r11 in r-tnder stair' stcrage WTtu",oeq il:r'rjrril98 tZtT:4o Hh.U{-lLbTS FUii i'\.i$F,[,L:TION I,JORK gHUETS F:nRt Ll;/ B/qU xctrvity? Fgg-qrlL'1 ri-:/'d./'ie, iype: f{"-LgMFi $batr.rs: iS5l-lb-lt Constrr trCOFl Flrcrre : I7ti-t*843" 969S Fhone l Fhone;97S'-c45'"969S ,;;;;,-;il;,;;;-;;;;;;;::'::- -- ---'.-"'-'- -- ECT]VITY hlst ice: tfLD F,EklllT * tJFr$ [:tl8-fi1*6 Insp*c'tion Reqnert ].nfoi''uabion,,.., ExpIL,,1RE i'equested to be lnsperted".", raklSrita BLDE*F i na I n,/ r) frrtal rfit ee I n[:r,Tl,]l TotJN pF unlL, coLoRADO itr'ttg,/T8 Q7246 FiEfiUEST$ r:OR IN$LrEf,TlgN NORH ijHEETS FORT IE/ S/98 '1F.ABE :J5 AREflI EF NOTESI .iHIS INSIJF JTION !.IAg f,ALLED IN UNDER H[ FIE{:II I'ERMITI ffF}F.RI]I/EI] 1fjT fihID BASHI'IENT LEVELS, LEF1 NN E FtrR CONTRACTOR IIST] 'iHE. CURREI-'T ITROCEDURE,CETLING LlD NEAR ELEVAI'OR NT]T D ltem! |AOAE|A * d. hlot On FiIe *. * It err AgO70 BLDLr-I4i tic" Item r OetCIgra BLIrii-Filral l ben l ta0g30 SLDti -1'e'mp. C/O tL/EA/\B Irrspectrrrr 6Ru Notes: FI1IOR IU RHLEffSE OF THE.*FINAL ["U. FOR SUILDINE trODE FUR- PTJ,r)tsS, J L;ONRE{;TIC'NS FIUST III: COMF.LETEDI 1) INSTALL AN rqlrIlITIONtlL S(]REtl AT FAU|1 OF THE 3 WINDO{,IS INTHE LIEST E I-iIRIi]t{ t^ltilL-o t^,}.tICH ARE 1O IrL NFN-OITERABLE l^lrNDCJttg, Stl T THE LTii:;HII{IJ LL"-VER I5 SECURED IN THE LOC}(EN PtrSITION. C} IN$'I TLL, A StlCT',T'iD HRNDRRIL ONTHL RINTIINING SIDE Of: [I.IE CURI/FD s-IirIR LETIDING FRUTiI I-IF.F.ER LEVEL" I'i IS OK FOR erlD liANl)R).tlL NOl TE BE CtrNT INUOUSi. tT mAY BE INIF-RRUF'TED Tltf: DI9iF,LrlY AHEfr & {:ONTINUED ON llJE UF,F.ER i,.lii|.-l-, BUT SHOUL HiiVE A5 FiULH COVHRAGH f.Ig REFSONABLY F.TJSSIHLE. ACt iON I FIFF'R 3 CT]RRECTIONS 84 FINALCT] \or^'Jtp^*o oo 51 $4-16-zu{J1 kr*pocdon Rcqr.0:14*enu-.-.-, -_" .: _-."-"_*,*rtnrL gc"i Flequested InspeL"t Date: A.e*lgn6d Tol Itttp€cflori Typ€! lnebsctlan Ai*a: SiEAddre$: Wadnesdr!, Ap{il 18, 100{ CDAHS BLDG GG 2?7 lLA'LL ST l/AlLarwrulsr AlF ntrftnte&ggt Acfh,ff {]orlit Tyf*r PdE l: fpD$cstt Cciihac.tol: 888-$t6t ?1010flr230?s TyFo: odsupcnry A-CoidM sHta: lmFtum: $ub TY!a: Ac0lrtItLs: MF{T ssSI,|ED $G lrdoeios'T(}NE HoMEs. hnrrvosnsTo$lr fffit Es. lf'tc. Ptp*rc: S7S&{58698 Ptrc*e: 970"8d5€688 *lJ*. AI'PRA'PRCVET} S0 llt-['&-Ffn{f: WQOfiSTOI{E 0Gr06r1}g ln*nsctff: Ctr Aclbn: COCERTIFICATIOf,OfiCUPAFTCVcsnmstils; ADI'TL COi{MS . fiEitOVE Ar.L SAn RATED SIJE0RAp€ mnR T0 ffii{CnE"rE PLAfJEMfrNTlUrr: 2O E|.BC-Fo4rftdrtkrrr/Slacl tOF{Dfid} * Aooft\r+d .t 66/199{l lffimctor: CD Adton' PAPARTI LAPFROVAT Coffinen$: SF,U WALL/ELEVATOff S}IAFT o?](Bgs ftr$a6cto{i GRG Commerrls. Tb qttc€s uft{r Dondbm8t24r$€ Sripdc&{l GRG Conrrunb' S. ENTRY & CUHVEDWAI"LS CJ:a2JgS lr|sFdqtfr: CD eoflx arib: FEON"''ST,!*RS At'lS I{EAT Ll Ac$oni en Adhri: AFPRAPtrfIOVE0 Aiilon' IIsFRAPPFOVED REOUITED [am: fbm: RSPT131 Rlrn Id,: 561 Cotm$fb: tl6t?jg$ Coffitr.r*ei $w?4,98 ColmnnlgrGE!ffi Conmrn&: too?€8 Conmaltr:1007ffi Commc|tbr 1O S.D6,ltftrc,s a.-FFhdffD H-DGTeflrF. t1/2ry!E Comnidr: 11n&F8 Cotrilor$: lffipedon Jftr, ADUTL COTfiAg. THIS APPROVED t$T ATW BASET|ENT C0FREGT FRnCEqrfrE,CELft|(l c/o B{FhIAL@ Y$l|DCnffi,{ ?) ilsTAttA FROM [,$E TTG *ADgsotd--. ^f,*'ff AFPR APFRfi,ED 1l hF[ KT BY ASTE CfiOilT}E EXTER'ON b&l$ffi iiFffExrE$lvpex .ltgperbr GR€, /Cclort: ,qPPRAPPROIIEOHCHTHEXTERTRW|IIS/AX rhspa*ts{: .CD Ac{on: PAFARTIALFpnCUALt)p'tirobwblnipsdon CO Arfron: COCEFTIFnAIEOFOCCITPAIICY ADDTL Cfiilr$ - cofiD|.tr.hilal h uLh $Fcbraoclor9oEsr .'RU Acton: PAPAI?TlilffPPRqrlt IPPR SEE I.IOTES hrilshrl|hm lmhn; cgtGll t6Asr' wlbni E{O H.D*F||€ICJO wffH$rlEny. 12r08/lBg lnqrcloc OnG- nsn€nlt: 'EMFLOYEE EREA( nootf.,.ConEnsrir: {EIHFLOYEE BRl2rm88 Mr ORC Conrmnts: 0a/13t0't CotrImr&i fil/fiilo1 Cotilmr$: 0/ztl&o1 Co{rmr&: n.f,|+TEMP.C/O Pt.tl+FruAtcJotE/'tsfi Co|turruib: IraD8ciof : Gr Si$rtYbheor* {"c 2ttE) FI.EVATOR FOIJFIftNT P{"Ah$SrC FhtAL $toRt(s AtL EhD HAI'FRAI. ON TCO {n$*s Acjffi: DNOE}trD lon l' -Auorcd"i racfloil APPRAPPROIjED$fifii0 d sr srl of 8|r ftil CO nqd. A hlb rrgmg|g rtfiIflll.nt h* EXTET{S|OI.| COiB & I Lilolr: co - EIFLOYEE 8EEfl( RCIOU I Cil,hELl,D[il62WOODEN {TEHSNNCORD& FOTI'ER: ROO|i,hEll,Dlil€2 RMiliMJSTBE A*0on: gNDElffD ie98{409 TFFMVAL OIF ItC RECN.NED Eil-rOCl(ED BY STORiIOS. RETPVE Al mlflb )l EXIT t.T9ED FOR STOIiCIE REIIO\E ATI ITEIF FTIE DEPARITffiNTI{AS REFT 131 'I Ut^rl'.| OF: VAI L-i CULORiIDfI F.AGE : AREffI CDll/l?/98 t?B;J.8 k{:GUEST$ f:OR INSF,tsCTION l.tORH $l-iEET$ FOllr l1/18/9& Aitivity: F9&-d-rtJtl0 11,/lel9g Type: B-F,LMS Sbahus; ISSUED Constni ACOM :AddresE l 837 wflL.L :i1- Locat i on : Ei:7 u,ALL 5I Ftarcel : il1Ol-"{4tli:*tJ-.4e5 Descriptionr RELSIATC F,LIBL.IC FATH]iSCrFlS Appl icant I l"lHItlH f,LlJlrltiINtr RND I{ERTING OwnBr.; Hl(C FTNSHIT Con,tractsrl NEICf"l F,LUf4ISING RND I.IERTING Oc:c: Use r Fhone : 97fit*645-tZ,Jl r F,lrorre: F,hone r 97O"645".t2tJ1 i lnFpect i ori REqt.te st lnformat iun,... Request or: HEATI{ER Req Tine: 0t{l:dttl.;l Lsmm*nts: tiARY Itens r6quested bL' be Irspe*ted.., rAragg0 trLltlB-FinaI F'hone r ,945-E,i1l t^IILL CALLItzr4-34rzrS ilct i on lnepectlon Iten! Iten: Histury,... " 0ftE I g F,LlrlB,_Ljnd e r*Hr-c! r_rnd A6/19/9li Ins;:iectar.: {;D Notesr ltlUSl t:,RnvIuE [:l!G" Utll-'Hr-I T IEEi BCtgerA FiLfvlEr-fio r_rgh z' D, i.l. V. fr&/el/29 In*pecLsr: CD Notesr !{ATER CtlLUNtl TEST CAF RLL ABRNDC}NED SEf,URE VENT STACR. BE AHqRE TIJfiT I8'i . {"JTITE:I? f,LOsET. Agle.IlA trL-MB* t't o r-t gh /l^la t e r. $AlP1,/9S Inspetrtor: CD OEe4m F'LMH-Gas F iping . crerp5rzr F LlviB-Frr:o l./Hot'f r-rh 'Age6A F,L.ivlF-i{ i sc" AOe96 FLfil]-F ina I Lg/3A/9$ lnsrrector: t,I) CIUrSSB F I RE-F it\iAL. C./fJ Csmmertts Act i on I trH I^IATER TJOLL,TYIN T EST CALCS $IND DHSITJN FOR $LIMF'/INTEfiCEF.TCJR It en : Itenl,Itenc Item; Itenr Iten: Artionr fiFFFt SEE DONE I,'IAsTH 'ihID UENT I.lNE$ .RT 3RD LEVEL CLERRAI{CE I5 REOLJIRED Actionr AFFR 73 NOTES rJOR AN NCEESSIBLE FrSI AIRTF:.57 Actionr DN NOT REffI]Y Ttib,N oF vArL, coLoRADof1/le/98 08rlB REAUESIS f:OR INSFEtrTItrN TJORH SHEETF FORrIl/11/98 Fstivityr 1498*lI131 flr'fE/98 Typer B-'f'lECH Statr.tsr :] :'pddressr il87 WFILL 5T I t-scat i on I €3? ttFtLL 5 | ( FRSE MTN) F.A6E 6 AREA: CD I$SUED trangtr: NCDM . Use:. trancel: AlOI'-BBt-e3*Cte5 Dercr iptionr' INSIiILL llEl^J HEFITING SYSTEM Appli6antr HIICH FLUMBING eND HEf1TINE ,OUnGr! HKg FTNSHtriiont*ectorr HEItrll FLUIYIBING riND HEf{TIN6 Bcc: Fhoner 97fi-€45-O311 F,h on e l Fhone; 9'7O-843-O311 Inspnct ion filequest lnf orm.at i on. . . . . Reqnc*toPl HEATHHR Req Tinel OB:EtE CommEnts: 6ARY 904-54etgIten*'rtquested to be Inspected... Aetion trhonp:645*0J11 Connent s Tine Exp tl€t3g& {{EtrH*FinaI .In*trsqtlon Hlstory Iter: OOEOS FIECH-Rough' Iterr @0.e4n trLFlS-Gas triping , i AA/eA/qA Inspector: CD , @9/U3/98 Inspector: CDIterr 8031O MECH*Heating ltcr,l 60398 MEtrH-Exhar-tst HoodsItc*r trSs30 IYIECH-Ej'-rppl y Ftir Iq.B#il 0034'a ME[H-lvlitc. It'err OO39& M[:-CH-F inal , , lU/3,6/9A Inspecterr: (JD NO trRESSURE ON GAs LINE 16* pr NOT READY Actionrflctionl Aet i sn: DN DN nFtF,n Cotrrmnb: 08124/98 CotrmanR09/2gsCorilnfib:{ttlzgts Co|trnuir:: 10U07/S.Aom.tFrfi !- 1to07/98, eon*ns$; i .a fi.9.fic CD Acton: PAPIftIIALiFpROVILbolFlr|r*r*pcti CD t don: COCERTRCA]EOFOCCUPAiICY ADDTL COrfiS - cor|E|ab Crrrl n t|ndil rlt Stuhffi* .NM TCdON: PAPARTELIFPRCN'AL APFRSEETTIC'TESIrFDrcbf, .nU ADD1LCO[fflS-tHS APPRCI,ED TSTAND ?D!nl G00 friltbr:hr:.F 84ffftlALCO lrflon: CO CIF TFE FI,IAL C'c, FOR gJI XiPI"EIEU tl hFTAtLAttl W'LL.VI'HCHiRE TT} NFSECLNED}ITFE |Hr:bn: -,hn:-!n;hn: hnr:ht: EREAI( ROCII }I*S trENCRE'ITEDIH ELEVATOR {G 2 U'AODEN STIETIIES.I{ALF REFRBERATOR, tRD & POYER STRF. TI{8 B T#T FERIilTTED T.J TI{E , EEIIJFffiNT ROOil, hTLUDNF ? U'AODEN STIEIIIES,I{ALF RE' i'0CRCnYAVE,EXTEi'|$I)I{CORD&POY$ERSTRF. It03 lSlWIiilCRC'I'VA1'E, EXTEH$Pf{ CORD & POVTER STRP, TTOS IB I#T PENItrTTED T.I fiE ELEVATOR EOIJIPIENT RC'OilI & ffiJST BE REI'OVEDPRFfi TD REI..EASE OF C.O. '*' F'er5 D.re Rle Ac.4€lrzr pe/-&]i-' # €?.g.=oa., :-'€ I .o+u< aEdS -.---*r_-(f-yynt r'tirt t(c vgpp (au tu PEa Q - {r-ro- rrr! trzolvt B*gtcslrr .LFufL. CctWfuen/ $coc5el ut-rrfffitice- t,JcLuDr ur, bTfr,'guey' (^.r=, 92 e&tauW)) LTrrntua F&rr,P tuo{T llurwt ga,v,3-dsas r'r-- gaen6a(^t& -Tlr+r.trurn/G FtNnu AflPeor*- 2eo'.r a4 rCo'rrrro ,t/6r^ gfuy r4ccrs Tb ti4lci*n*ucr?L 2",lru (Sncmt< : ; r t\r trtattr ,aF Doot) iswlER"{224of.rrtE Acilon: DNDETffiD Dfrlt Acdon: COCERTFICSTE OFOCCTJPAI{C 58r.s"tixl tt:t7fig 638 5rS Conilnardi: .?f L/v(J Tlt I tb tlt trrz-s r/Otsfttys inua *r,;1G ftz*1* S)4&u ktelp,P,- ln,frret,tLS/ltsPttyS itrtua *)NG ftLau1- Sful.tbte.iftPE -- pt't0 ll**rsPnc ltaor 14slTtzl€an s€E rc6 Ovfiw /f-g$88 tnusr BaPc&tailA Rrn Id: 409 \Q€r#ME/ .f * ftiltt\rCor|sTn*:ffi: AD!flcatt c{iihrtior: Onnar;Dwblhn: l&0cc: Inepecilon Request iteque ,ied lnspcct Drh: Asshned To: lnsptaf,on Typoi In$p€cton rqre!: $lte Arltlress: l!! H*Ot61 , Ty?e: ACeic|M Offup6ncy 210108323025 wooDsTor-t€ HoMEs. ['8. wOoDsToNE r-fottEs, hrc. HncPTfSHF TOTAL REiiOOEL CF El(lSTll.& BLDG OLD PERhAT' WAS F€|T'126. JRM IEffiE,FebMry BI.D,G \rltfrr??7 ttAiJ.sT ?2T WATIST SmI3: lmpAre: tssr.ED GG Reo lesbd ln3sccfion(sl tbft: *{0 BLDG-Flnal C}OReqncbr: WOOD8TONE HOMES,Cmimenb: Wlll Crll*qf,illfii c'Avr$ Itsnr Conmerns: IDU'IToBFIS: EMFLot'EE bm f,ogrrncrr: CtrmoyEE BRtAt( ki*if,:. ln.!l'r{ hm:.2O Flegu€sbdTher,\ Pftdrc:{ A lt(/l LlVtAl_Entxtrsy, lilc.rchds 0f:00 *H 91+6044 LCATTPBELL K ;: ADDTL GOMMS - EMPLOYEE BREAFffiIHAS BEEN CREA ROOM, r.nLUfiNG e IVOCDEN SHELVES. |"|ALF REFRISERA] COftD & POWER STRIF. TI.IXS tS hET PERMTIED N THE ELIi 6E RSIJIO\EDpRIORTORELE,ASE QF&o. A t ldn: lbm: 51O .tlv6v6y grdde frnat (ODtbn€t) tO B|-D.GFoo0rla$,.Sitrl {OotbrcD " ADDroved l-06/t8gl- lfl*g€cior: GRG Actloo: Comm€nts: #5c{81 0f o.c.botr $E|t,firy GgO6 18 Inspactor: CD Aclion: Comm6r{s: $OUTH STARS ASID Rf:TAS\r. APPRAPPRO{'ED APPR AFPROVED :GD Adon. cs+EFq|ffi+F.fiF 't rFrp.rsY COiT{MS . hIO AFPROVED PT.AI.IS ON $|TE ftM [.C SUBNTTTED OR APPRC}\'ED MECH ROtJ€ll REOUIft€D PRIOR TO FRit lt{G F,fSPEcTTN nRE PROTECTFTI Al.lD ALARM SYST€iI ROtK4I.TS REOtJf,RED ** NO OiE qN s.|TE* lnspocror: GFc Aclbn: APPR AFfRO\,ED HEADER OFf Cur RAFTE R.tWr, 6lFD Inlonnadsn Sub TYpe: AcotrfU*€: MHT Ptpns: 97G8zl$9(B Ptbn€' 9?0|-84SSA 08/06,98 lmtEctor: CD Acuor!: COCERflRCATEOFOCCTPAIICY COMmeTF: ADDTL C0tM]iS . REI,OT/E ALL SATURATED SUrcRAD€ PRIOft TO COhERETE PI..ACEMENT Bl-DGFounrlslionrSt€€l {OilioflaD " ADprord "OgI!}98 lficE€cb{: CD AcIbn: PAPARTTALAPPROVAL Cotnnrsnb: CMUWALUE,LEVATOR SIAFI . 06/1St/98 lniFscbr: CD icton: COCERIIFICATEOFOCCUPAI|CY CONUnenb: ADDTL COilMS " ELEVATOR SI-IAFT FROOIFOOThT TO BASEII€NT SI.{S APPROT,EDS06rl$98 lm,elor CD A{ton: PAPARTIILAPPROVA CoMmsrtts: CMU WALUELEVATOft SFNFT O6,leS/!98 Inspdbr: C0 Arilm: COC€FTIFICATEOF*CIPA'{CY CO flI6 t3: ADT]TL CO},l}l!S - I?OI'I zND LEVEL TO 3RD LE\IEL COI|FI.ETE VERT. EAR T{g,TA-,AIION CAN NOT,\NERFf CONSTRIJCTSiI OF S}NFT BELOYV TH'S LEVEL IX..|€ TO TI{E FACT OTHER II.'SPECTMil$ HAVE hIOT BEEN REAUESTED O7/t6,€8 lmp€ctol:,C,RG Acilon: CRCORRECTIOITIREOUIRED Co{nments: Tle so{cs6 bpoer bondbm OA/24S8 Inrp(&br: GRc Actbi: ApPRAPpROITED C0mmsr$s: g. ENTRY & CUR!|EDWALIS REE|II31 t 'Run Id: 409 {Ordlorsll(RequFsd) {ODooilal} * AlproqEd * GFIG- - Acflon: AFPRAPPRCVED 11/t0i!B Cofltfit€r*i'" lns!€otff: GRG TloNsS4RN LCOGR6 Aclhn: COCERTFrcATE OFOCCIJFA}.ICY Acuon: DNDENED Dfnf i Adon: CO CERTIFKATE OF OCCIJFANCT JiI( RSOT/i ITA,$ BEEN CREATES IN ELEVATOR # r?B-oau e€sto REpf131 ff,/?f;tgtt Inspactor: Cb Ac'tlon: APPRAPFROVED Commerits: APPROVED lbnr: 60 BLOB'$hoaAock Nail {OFdsnat} n Approved "* l O7l3tl98 lnspgctcr: GRG " Adlon: ATPRAPPROVED Comtn€nis: WcST ExT s/A-TYFE I 0eY2i$gs Coft tsnts: 0€r2SS8 Corn(flgnls: 0!9l2Srg Comflr$ti:190?trgomnlrnla:i it(y0?.€8, Cqnrftsnis: lnsp€ctor: GR.C Ac{ofi: AFFR AFFfrOvED h&ORTH EXTERIOR WALL 5/8X lnsp€crofl CO *cton: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL top trrru leirslg lna!€clor: C0 $c,tlon: COCERTIFICATEOFOCCUPAI.TCy ADDTL COMMS - comDlBta dvwl$ ln under iiatr sto{eFe InsFadof: JRM Acilon: PA PARTBL APP'?CII,AL APPR SEE }IO?ES lnspecto{: JR}J Actoo: Co CERTIF}oATE OF OCCUPA}.ICYA$TL COMMS - THI$ INSPECIION WAS CALLED ht lJt\DER THE IIIECH PERt|trTl APPROI/€D { ST AND SAS€I'ENT LEVELS,TEFT hPTE FOfi CONTRACTOR TO USE THE CORRECT PROCETXJRECEILIT'JG tID NEAR ELEVATOR T.IOT DOI€ Run Ic[: tt09 l|m: il, BLDSfrlkc. frem: fll BLD&FlftEle fiem: 6lX) lilulmr:rq,|I|||:elbnr: lHn: lbfn: hfin: 12/04€8 hl*s€cbr: GRri Adon: COCERTIFKATEOFOCCUFANCf COMMEdb: ADbTL EOM*llS. E]iTFLOYEE BREAI( RSOfr/i ITA,$ BEEN CREATES IN ELEVATOR FOL[PI'E}'T ROOIT. h'CLIJDING ? WOODEN SHELIIES, HALF REFTH3ERATOR, MICRoI,VAI/E, FXTENSK'N CORtr & FOIN'ER STRIP. THIS F I,'OT PERTfiTTTED IN TF€ ELSVATOR EOUIFMENT ROOM & MUST AE RETNOVED PRff)R TO RELEASE OF C.O. trt > Dde- .Rr-e ffcaayt pdAntf +L< eF 4l'i\Arfd:rJl IAPP ee,J,/tz-- gr* P <F ?p O, Fr rT FQovl BngtptepT LF urL CaWt fuera/ Scoc<EO crI 7Tf *&ne- Z lMc Lu Dr u 6 >rftr'e u,*/ (^",=-, Bt Pifid,r4) tr- trc€unTo€. Fau',P ,atj.tT fZoowt dr,JA dsFS forL g,rerl6A(ru:g- B€) \ _ </z*Gq) -TL*rurur,t74" flNnu ffpffo,tv+<- 2eo.^ e4 fco.'r r-ro AJ6r e fu_M n ccrss Tb ,14 fc/h,+^l,< rt( E"lnu ( SZrten<t< I M F(.our 6tr DooR)+ ilrtttrt?inz-S/CItsPt+ys itruu r]r,,vl Hota Spptrthr4 1fuPE -- p*t0 tlnrvo Pnc a.ror ttlsrrtzu-aa stE rc6 O,+tu lf -ectfi8 AMTL COf,IMS - PRPR TO RELEASE OF THE FUTIAL C.O, roR BULDIT{G COD€ PIJF- POSES.3 CORRECTff)ftIS MUST BE CO}jIiPI-ETED: Ii IISTALL AT\I ADOITIOML SCREW AT EACH Of THE 3 I,YI}IDOW5 IN fiE WEST EXTERTO* VIIALL. WHICFI ARE TO BE I.IOS} OP€RABLE II'IISOW$, SO TI{AT TTIE LOCKhIG LEV€R IS SECURED IN THE LOCKED FOSTTff3N, 2} FISTALT A SECOiF HANDRAIL ON THE REMAINIhK SDE OF ThIE CTfil'ED STAR LEADIT'IG FRO}I UPPER LEVEL, rf $ OI( FOR THE 2}ID I"IAIIDfiAIL I'IOT TO B€ CONNNLNUS, IT TIAY EE hITERRUPTED BY TI€ D*SPI.AY AREA & CONTF.IUED ON THE I.JPFER WALI, BUT SIIO{,JLD HAI.'E AS MT'CH COVERAGE A,$ REASONAALY POSS}GLE.3} INSTALL ADDRESS NUMBER$ {227i OI.I THE EXTERIO,FI AT THE 2 MAh{ ENTRA}ICES AS PER SEe.513. 19!t1 UBC. - frtL W)B$ ft-t tD liflz-t-4'a/ a.tt Arts thdsT Be ^ - \NlLhu"TpMA) (9iot vta z rs Pe&tq *tG ctalztwr:21 FROI ] r0 I RM(ING HMSE I a Ftt].E N0. i 9t4 691 €/,34 d.. 28 1ss @4:4wt1Pl @dr"Wffinae @ EST 1958 Highland, N.Y. 1252&?217 TEr.: (914) 69r-2927 FA)ft (9r4) 69t-&34 April27, 1998 Town of Vail I Il South Frontagc Road west Vail" Colomdo 81657 Re: 225 Wall Stect Vail, Colorado To Whom It May Conccm: Wall Strcct Condorniaium Association wishes to inforrr you in a changc of goneral @ntractors atthe225 Wall Strcct building. Effcctive immediately we are switcbing from Vail Contragtors to Slove Oeriradt Rcnovations. n;: o"tt Since,rely, | ------f5l'-- lJw- FP Steven Turk President WeU Sffi Condominimurn Association C)- nf,'tr(r*(. f u?< rPaulTozzi J) qD o J J o I F\Ii-f h$-i :rll' $1,llr @ ro N OJ oz6.J(J3 5 0+- 'fr$E[ <r- nr o,^-tr o9: 6 6;s -r(Jb = 3: i: Ez :9:E S:g ;r o l-*.,\l \r Iul $41 I I r rtl rll LN c] ET rl-l cr{ LN.{o .)a rU O -a W Full Service Remod $t\ ,4f"l Yz f; Er3 l^J1L( Interiors & Exteriors Commercial Residen tial 970-479-9202 *.@:l@ steve cirrrarot ?;. WALL STREET BUILDING coNDo Assoc. BOX 1105 PH. 476.1450 vAtL. co 81658 ilroo e IE0 r:loeLot lqr:2eqO5!lll.gtt. fltru sya so 7" C^u q;ru i, h'e ;,-:,: 1'r*a^v a'lv t..^\ llrs 6*, &'l lY R"l' o'/'no"!?1^3';:i;i:. ,". tli,,i"'?lo'iloi;.3iil"t"#, o, orr]J?;Z? ,"*t77ronl Trandate Srce Cusu Description Reference Amount ACCOUNT 720 Fire Damage Expenses OPENING BALANCE =0.00 -s82122 . B4 -s82L22.84 t L/2s/e6 c o'J./03 /e7 c04/L8/s7 c0e/08/e7 G1O/22/e6 Cr0/22/96 cLO/22/s6 Cto/22/s6 c10/22/e6 C1O/22/s6 C70/22/s6 C70/22/s6 cto/22/s6 cLO/22/s6 CL0/3L/e6 c1.L/2s/96 C 1,7 /25 /96 ctt/2s/e6 ct2/02/96 c12/1,r/96 C0L/oe/s7 c0t/1,3/e7 c0L/24/e7 CoL/24/e7 C0L/24/e7 C0t/24/e7 c02/14/e7 C02/Le/e7 c02/te/e7 c03/t4/e7 c 03/1_4/e7 c04/\t/e7 c04/1,1/97 C04/30/97 C04/30/97 C04/30/97 C 06/r7 /97 c 06/L7 /e7 G 06/17 /e7 c06/25/s7 c 07 /18/e7 c 07 /23/e7 G08/06/e7 coe/L5/e7 c08/]-8/e7 c cR 1_cR6cR l-1-cR 15 woo37 432 w0037 432 woo37 478 w0037 478 w0037485 w003748s w003 7520 w0037s20 wo037667 woo37667cK 2242 wo037627 L 92027cK 2243 Wf IDE VWIDE VWIDE VwIDE VwIDE VWIDE VWTDE VWIDE vwIDE VWIDE VWTDE PBLDR BESTg STEAM GARTO MONRO PBLDR TMC BRAND TMC ARRIS GARTO ACCI BEAUD RKD LODGE Adv.from Ins.Co.for Fire DamagAdvance from fnsurance Co.Insurance Pymt for Fire DamagePyrnt from Aflstate InsuranceCheck out Boiler System Check out Boiler SirstemStart up Res Boile;-Cap piping Start up Res BoiLer-Cap piping Start up from Fire DamageStart up from Fire DamageLeak!ng Pipe in Ceiling -FireLeaking pipe in Ceiling -FireBoil-er Hydronic Loop RepairsBoiler Hydronic Loop Repaj_rsRocky Mtn. Reprographics Fire Damage Repairs Connect Temp power to Boil_erStirnack Construction Co.Fire Clean-Up Stimack Rocky Mtn. Reprographics Walk thru Video- Wall St. Fire Supervision / Communications, etc4 Site Inspections & AnatysisFor Services Rendered bv TozziVaiI Resort RentalLazi-er Commercj-a1 properties ACCr# 96-401 Architectural Retainerwild Bill's Bed RKD Archetecture & DesignRie Design Beaudin GanzeLazier Commercial properties Lazier Commercial proierti-es Town of Vail Town of Vail Town of Vai-1Vail Contractors CK CK 2244 2245 L0 2I vo-+u_LcK 2247cK 2248 INV# 2 04s84.03 -200000.00 -200000 .00 -9s000.00 -s03909.7s 111.56 J-9U. :' .1 z5> . !J 323 .60 380.53 s14.8+ 49 .40 66.84 490 . )-z 806.s1 92.22 1252.28 8302.32 343 .44 125000.00 10801.43 150000.00 73 .46 312 . so 600.00 2850.00 3340. 00 3000.00 189s.00 3?97.78 740s.80 2888.02 28.00 7318.53 2573 .87 1500 .00 349.29 LLL48.'t2 6000.00 2t.72 25000.00 15000.00 4054.00 8304.2s 2894.75 7500. 00 CK CK ul\ CK CK CK CK CK CK 22sL 2252 zz55 zz33 22564z5T)\-3258 ,- 2260 - 226L NET CHANGE = ENDING BALANCE :ACCOUNT 720 Fire Damage Expenses B411511998 L3i22 97647E9823 RKD len coHsuLTAHTs, I Hc.It erfer szr PAtr A1 F,.Sl 1970t r.$$9r tfrxlt.sllTt I(F|M c$HrLTAtrrTEr hEriEl.t73 [rL Gu,ltE etGlt ffiuwr WIUi STR,EET BUILD'I.,I€I rof r -3J-9J33 E cu*nrrcnnon/cHAr{cEo nn D riEmNG NorE$ { nrsronsr AT THE gA eT €'lDe cE u N i T # ,:,r"1, 'rflE R.E l5 Af\l ExlS?l\lAr Nll"lbON THA? t$ ApFEcxtA4ATELy 4'rnltOE x 6t TALL , lf THl6 NiUDo'r.l tpgti'r..r4 '9 Tr) be ENLAP'i?FD ) t tdCULb l*i0* RF,:n,41',f Sril: At...\,Tf,/t/,A LAR4EE THAl..l l1t hllbg y- ht TN.;L t +) ?HA.?* THE lliTE4EtTY oF THE MnfoO,rtEy N;tr_; rf5 ,\aT DFg.!-&,oyFb.THE lz' AllDE hriilD6t^t htAuLb REf UrEF t c;-:E1o.t LJ\1TEL 60N9lSTlN& CF A Ne xZ+ SEAtu'! I EE/EiNq or{ qRoUTEb MA$ct{,RY CELLS gACp s,tDe_ aF Tt1g oFENtMg, ttt'oo51 orF"r[i'fbPv CT}FY TO: .EI(D - 6ALLY $GtiEDr oo ?e oo 'lfs fs, , TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 Job Address... Location Parcel No.....Project Number 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2101-082-22-000 PRJ9 6-0201 Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. .@ Phone: 80022 Phone: 80022 Phone: co 816s7 Valuation: ,0f Gas Logs: 3032883901 3032883901 970-47 6-s6]-0 36,200 . 00 flof llood/Pa t Let:Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:flof cas Appti ances: *******t*********************t***************************** FEE sU f'lARy ************************t*************t******************* l{echani cat---} Ptan check---> Invest i gat ion> tli l,L Catt----> 740.00 Rcstuarant Ptan Revie|r-->185.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 ,00 Total catculated fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->926.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- +>--&41-o\s-R.iL -B \(< s<- DEeARTMENT oF coMMUNrry DEVELIUMff+ o..\(* 6' \ \: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmiI (r..-LtS{r'.J' a",t ALL TIMES M97-0170 AT #: I S SUED 0e/15/tee7 0t/15 /7ee8 07 /t4/rse' APPLICANT ALL_STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC6045 E 76TH #I2, COMMERCE CrTY CO CoNTRACTOR ALL-STATE FrRE PROTECTTON, INC6045 E 76TH #12, COMMERCE CrTY COOWNER WALI, STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VALL Description: INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 928.00 .o0 928.00 928.00 ****************r************ff****ff******iri**********r*******************************llllff-lH;;;;;;i*ii*i************il?*** Item: .05100_BIIILDING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:01/l_5/1998 JRM AaEionf-AFpn appRovED JFfr--'Item:'0s600_qIBE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Divieion:O9/I9/L997 JEFF_A Actiont AppR fd ok, see cbmments. CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. coMBusrroN ArR IS REQUTRED pER sEc. 607 on rnn:.sgi uMcl----3. INSTAIJIJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES_ rT'ISiNOETTOIIS-EWPTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE 4S SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE ].991 UME._5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMENT MUSr eOlapr.,v wrrH--Sne .sos-nllp703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BorLEBs sHArJr-, BE MOUNTED oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsT._ qN!ESS LTSTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORiNG:- ------ 7 . pEBl,lrTrE!4NS AND CODE ANATJYSTS MT0Si-BE-pOSTED--IIi-MECHANTCALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8. DBAINAGE OF MECqANICAL ROOMS E6NIfAiIITUG HEATING OR HOT_WATERsqppry BQILEB.q_sHAI,rr BE EQUTPPED WrTH A Fr,OoR- DneiN pnn-sECl2119 0F THE 1991 uMc ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS 6 t I hcraby rcknovtedge thrt I have read this lppticltion, fittcd out in futt tha infornation rcqulrcd, corpteted an accurate ptot plan, and stata thlt atl thc information providcd as required is corract. I rgr.c to co pty vith thc information and p]ot ptan, to cotrpl,y uith ltt Toun ordinanccs lnd 3t!tc lavs, and to buiLd this 3tpucturc according to thc Tovn's zoning and subdlvislon codcs, dcsign ncviar approvcd, Unitorm Bui tding Cod. rnd oth.r ordinancca of the torn applicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIIS SHALL BE I{AOE T['EI{TY-FOI'R HOIIRS SIGNATURE Of O{,II{ER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HI}ISELF ANO OIINER IN ADVAT{CE BY TELEPHON -t t /- a) t ,_ aY<^."\ 4. [.K R r L \J tJ*,(S,l-^.",.t\U a .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0229 Status...: ISSUED BUILApplied. . : 09/23/1997 Issued. . .: Lo/2L/L997 Expires. . : O4/L9/1,998 Phonez 970949465L Phone z 970949465L Phone : 970-476-56t0 -B ttt :-<- ""r,H^ (t)'it(E_r\L TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 9?0-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELO NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELEETRICAL PERMIT 'Job Address:. 225 WALL ST Locat.ion. -.t 225 WALL ST (WALL STParcel No. . : 2L0L-082-22-000 ProjecE No. : PRiI96-020L APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 CONTRAC"TOR NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOX 957, AVON CO 8L620OI,IINER WATL STREET BUITDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VAIIr CO 91657 Descript.iorl: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM AND REPAIR Valuation:32,000 . 00 8BE SWUARY rrii ri rrr**r ** r r r r * r *r r rir t I rr EIcct!ica1---> DRB FeE InvcE!igaLion> will call----> TOTAIJ FESg.. ' > Totsrl eqlculrt6d P.a.---> Additional Fr6s---------> Toba1 Fcrnrit Fcc--------> Prld€nta- -- -- --- SAIANCE DUE- -.. 576 . OO .00 .00 579,00 579.OO .00 5?9.00 579. OO .00 * , i e a , * i * r * * t + 'r * * * | i t r * t i t t I r r * * * * t r * * * t . * i r .r r i r r r * r r * r t * J t t r t * t * * i r t r r r r + i r i I j i r * * IEem: .05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARITIEI{T Dept: BUILDING Division:O9/23/L997 SIIARLIE Act.ion: AFPRItem: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Deptr FIRE Division:O9/.23/.L997 CHARLIE Act.ion: NOTE PLANS TO FIR'E-DEFf--L0/0L/L997 MrKE M Act.ion: AppR 2l{D & 3RD FL ONIJY .......:.*.." CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. i *r*r*** ** t titlrttr*irr tiir rrrrrrr*i..rr I tl*rrr DECLARATIONS I h.r€by rcknorl.dgs thats f havs r.rd chis rpplicetlon, fillod ouE ia full fhc lnformation roquircd, conplGE.d an accur.t6 ploc plan, and aealc that all the infor$alion providad as requlrcd iB cofr€ct, I agr€c Co comply i{irh thc infoElation rnd plob ptan, tso conply with all Tonlt ordinanc6B and statc lays, and Eo build thir ltrucCura according to the town,6 zoning and aubdivlgion codcB, dc9lgn r.vlcr approved, Uniforn Bullding code and oth.r ordina.nccE of the Torn epp]lcablc ther6to. REQUBaTS FOR INSPBCTIONS SHAIIJ BE I4ADE TI{ENTY-8OOR HOURS IN ID\IA.!IeB BI TELEPHoNE AT 4?9-2136 OR AT OUR OFPICB RRoH 8:OO Al.t Sroo PM OF OITNER OR C.IoITTRACTOR FOR HIIISIIJF AIID OTINER v F!-J /u,{ JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0361 ( tl 5-( sl- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2]-0t-082-22-000 PRJ9 6-0 2 01 Status. . epplied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED 12 /05 /tss 6t2/06/tes6 o6/04/tee7 APPLICANT STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR STIMACK CONSTRUCTTON CO., INC. 5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO 8OOO2OWNER WALL STREET BUIIJDING I_,AZIER ROBERT, p.O.BOX 62?, VAIL, CO 81657 Descript,ion: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone: Phone: Phone: 303-42s-9400 303-42s-9400 97 0-47 6-56I0 Occupancy: Type Const.ruction: Type Occupancy: VaLuation:612 , 0oo Add Sq Ft: Fi reptace lnformation: Restri cted:fOf Gas App[ i ances:fof Gas Logs:#0f l,lood/Pal, Let: *************************************ff******************** FEE SUl,lllARy ****ff******-t*********************i***ff****ff************ F'1,/82 Multi-Family Residence w/ BusiV L-HR Type V l-Hour Bui Ld i ng-----> P I,an Check---> lnvest igat i on> l,i tt ca L t----) 2,7E8.OO 1 ,812.?O Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--) DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 C Lean-l.Jp 0eposi t--------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Total Ca[cutated Fees--->.00 Additional Fees--------->.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 5 ,353 .2Q .00 5,3 53 . 20 5,353.20750.00 5,355.20 Paymen BALANCE DUE----**ir**********************************#********ff************************i**************t*****************i*i****ff*******ft****** rtem: 05100_BUrtDrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:Lz/06/L?e6,DAN ecEiiiiil AFpnrcem: os4oo_PhANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division: L? / 05 / L2e-Q^DAN__ ___aEli6iil-'Ei;Fn n/aItgm:'.056q0_E_lRE DEpARf\lnNr --- Depr: FrRE Division:L?/o6/Lge_Q^DA!!__ __ Aa-rioii: AppR MrKE AppRovnb-iz:6:!eItem:'0ss00 PUBLTC WoRKS--- -:__L2/05/t9s6 DAN Acdion: eeen n/a *******fi****ff*ff*ft**ffi*ffi***ffi******lri*fflhfrkjct*******rtt**ff*******ffi**t******r*ffi******ffi***********ffi******trf*# see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this permit. DECLARAT]ONS 1,::.":L":g::t:*::f?..Ln?::^:::1.1!i:_il?!!g"!1"^t fitted.out in fur.r. the information requined, conpreted an accufate pr.ottl"l:jlj :::1"-ll.lj|^:l:^i:l:l':ll"i-ry:;i1.d "s riquir"J i"-;";;";;.- i ;s;;;;-;;ilry-Jiii.,'ii""iliiJii}lli ffi"iiii ;i:;,::,::*:L?::h-:j!^]11-:l9il"":::,?lg state. ra!,s, .and to bui Ld this smucture-".L.ui"g 'ii'ti;;;";;;"';;;;;;'jii ,ljiaiiiiiS,lcodes, dcsign revierl approved, uniform Bujtding code and other ordinances of the ror" '"ipii."ti" 'il;";;: REOUESTS IOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ]'IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE 8:0O Alt Send Cl,ean-Up Daposit To: STI ACK TURE OF OIINER OR ANO OII}IER ******************************************************************************** CONDIT]ONSpermit *: 896-0361 as of t2/06/96 status: rssuED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: STIMACK CONSTRUCTfON CO., INC,303-425-9400 a ANY V'IORK CAN BE CODE COMPLIANCE. BY FIRE Applied: 72/05/1996Issued: 72/06/I996 To Expire z 06/Oa/$97 Job Address:Location: WALL STREET BUILDINGParcel No: 2101-082-22-000 Description: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR3. FIRE ALARM AND FIRE SPRINKIJER PLANS APPROVAL DEPARTMENT REQUIRED CHECK REQT]EST PREPARED B DATE: VENDORNAM 5rr 444cK- VENDORNUMBER: DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE:cLpAN Up pEposrT REFUNp FoR Bp #M-o& NAMB OFJOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 000022002 AMOUNT OFREFIrND, € Arn-E DArE AppRoVEp: lO_ k,9T APPROVAL.SICNEIUN.E: o ,OT VAIL ,: FRONTAGE ROAD .L t co 81657 o-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COI"IMUN ITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT cow BUILD POSTED ON \'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 8g6-0361 Job Address | 225 WALL STLOCaTion...: WALL STREET BUILDINGParceI No.. : 2LOI-OB2-22-000Project No. : PRJ96-0201 APPLICANT STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.5?62 LAI',IAR STREET, ARVADA, CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.5?62 LAMAR STREET, ARVADAT CO 80002OWNER WALL STREBT BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, p.O,BOX 62.t t VAIL CO 8165? Descript j-on: RBBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone: 303-425-9400 Phone: 303-425-9400 Phone z 970-47 6-5610 .00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 5,353.2O.00 Addi t ionat Fees---------> Status. . Applied. Issued.. Expires. I SSUED 12/05/tse6 1.2/06/tse6 o6/04/rse"t ' Occupancy i Type Construction: Type Occupancy: VaLuation:612/000 Add Sq Ft: - i rcrrtace lnformation: Festricted:l/Of Gas Appt iances:,lof Gas Logs:l/01 lJood/Pat tet: I I * **** ******** ******** *** ** ******* * **** t*rti * * *********** FEE SUltflARy ************ *t*******t * * **** t*t***** ******* ****** ***i** *** RL/82 Multi-Family Residence w/ BusiV l-llR Type V l--Hour ,oo.00 Totat penmir Fee--------> 5,353.20750.00 Payment s------- codes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the rorn "ipii.iui"'iii""iti. " EOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TI,IENTY-IOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE r *****************i******************]llll*lili;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii********liiiiil?*******?llXIil-lli;;;;;;;;;;iii'*************ill*** ITem: 05lOO_BUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILD]NG Division:72/06/1996 DAN nCEionl- eppn Ite$i"954Q0_PITANNTNG DEPARTMENT_ , Dept: PLANNING Division:12/05/7996 DAN action: AppR n/aIIEm:.,05600_FIRE DEPARTMENT ' DepI: FIRE Division:!?/06/I99€-DA!! Ac[]onl AppR MrKE AppRoVEb-iz:6:6eIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSI2/os/t996 DAN ac'Uion: AppR n/a t***************tl*****i*******************************************t******************************rr*********t******************* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby.acknowtedge that I have read.this apptication, fjtted out in {utt the information required, compteted anptan, and state that atI the information provided as required js correct, I agree to compty Jith tiru inio.*iionco compty Hith atl' Tovn ordinances,and state taws, and to buitd this structure according io'the ToHnis zoning'anO lui L(li ng-----> 'Lan Check---> :nvestigation> JiLt ca(L----> end ctean-Up Deposit To: STItiACK 2 f788.00 Restuarant ptan Reviev-->1,812.20 Dn0 r ee--------.00 Recreat'ion fec---------->3.0O Ctean-up Deposi t--------> accurate ptot and ptot p Lan, subdivision FOR HII.ISELT ANO Ol.lNERTURE OT OUNER OR TOWN OF VATL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8165? 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MusT BE PoSTED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0361 Job AddressLocation... ParceL No..Project No. 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2101-0 8 2 -2 2-0 00 PR,r9 6-02 01 Status. . . Applied.. Issued.. . Expires. . TSSUED L2/05/tee6 12/06/tee6 o6 /04 /tee7 Occupancy ! Type Construct.ion: Type Occupancy: VaLuation: Fi reptace lnformation: Restr i cted: Rr/82 Multi-Family Residence w/ BusiV I-HR Type V l-Hour AppLICANT STIMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.. 5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO BOOO2 CONTRACTOR STTMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO 80002OWNER WALL STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERt, P.O.BOX 627, VAIL CO 81657 Description: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone: 303-425-9400 Phone:303-425-9400 Phonet 970-476-56L0 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs:fof Wood/Pal, Let: Dept: BUILDING Division: DepL: PLANNING Division: DepI: FTRE APPROVED 12_6_96 Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: 612, 000 #Of Gas Appt i ances: *****H****fi*ff******ff***fiff*****H*********tt***ff*** FEE SUllllARy ***f,**ff*****************iff*ff***********H*ff******ff** Bui lding-----> 2,78E.00 Restuarant PLan RevieH--> .00 Total, calcutated Fees---> 5,],53.20Pl,an check---> 1,812.20 DRB tee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Total pernit Fee________> S,}53.ZOuif.L caLL----> 3.o0 cr.ean-up Dcpos i t--------> 250.00 payments----------------> 5'F53.?o TOTAL FEES-----ff***t***************************************i**************************i***************r***t*********************lr**H******** Ite{r: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT12106/1996 DAN Action: ApFnIte.ui "05400 PLANNTNG DEFARiMENT--L2/os/I226 _DAN ___As!ieni AFFn n/aIten:'.05600 FrRE DEPARTMENTI2l06/199q-DAN Acrion: AppR MrKEItb.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSL2/05/!996 DAN Action: AppR n/a ******************t*************t***********#*t**********ffr*|s***********fi**#*ff****ffiffi**i**********ffi****ff****t*ir**** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedqe that I h?y:-::?d-this application, fil.Led out in futl the infofnation required, compteted anpl'an, and state that atl thc information provided as riquired is correct. I agree to compty t,iittr the iniorlraiion ::.::"plly::h-::!^l:I_:l1ip":::.i19 state.ra!,s,.and do buitd trrs itructure"accordine to'tn" iorn;" ioninl-"na accurate ptot and plot p [an/ subdi vi si on 8:00 A codes, design neview approved, Uniform BuiLding c6de and other ordinances of the To|,n alDLicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Send Clean-Up Deposit To: STIIACK TURE 0F Or,lNER OR FOR HII{SELF ANO OI,INER '.- ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0361 as of Lz/06/96 st,atus: rgsuED* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit.Type: A?D/ALT coMM BUILD pER.l,rT Applied: t2/OS/Lgg6Applicant: srrI"tACK coNsrRucrroN co., rNc. rssued: r2'/06'/Lgg6303-42s-9400 To Expire. o6'/04'/tgg7 Job Address:Location: WALL STREET BUILDINGParcel No: 2101-082-22-000 Descript,ion: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY T,'ORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. FIRE ALARM AND FIRE SPRINKIJER PLANS APPROVAL BY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Etectri ca [---> DRB tee Investigat i on> t,i l, L Cal.l,----> TOTAL FEES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 1 ,706.@ .00 .00 3.00 1 ,709.00 APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC TNC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 8L620 CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 WALL STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, p.O.BOX 627t VAIL CO 81657 Tota I Calcutated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees--------> Tota I Permit Fee--------> Payments-------- BALANCE DUE--_ 1,709.0O .@ 1 ,709.@ 1 ,709.@ .00 ***********ffi***lr********t************************************************tr*******ff*****fl*****t*t*******irr*ff************** Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *t**************#*************ff***********ff******ff****t***************t****1*t******ffi***********i******r**r**********-iff*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *************************flzi***************t*****r.*****irtttr************t****t******************t**t*ft****f*fi*********ffi**t** DECLARATIONS I - hereby .acknow tedge that r have read-this apptication, f il,l,ed out in fuLt the infornration rcquired, compteted an accufate ptotpLan, and state that aLl the informati.on pnovided as required i_s correct. I agree to compty liith tfic inionmation and ptot ptan,to coipty vith att Torrn ordinances and state taws, and io buil,d this stnucture-according io'ttre iown;s'zoning ana subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Euitding code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipticabte thercto. REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Ileqri .gqQq0 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT12/06/1996 DAN Acrion: AFPR-Ilemi'.05600 FIRE DEpARiMENi --- - -- 1210611996 DAN Action: AppR ^ - DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ELECTRICAL PERMIT 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2lot-082-22-000 PRJ9 6-02 01 OWNER Description: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Valuation:97, 000.00 *********ff****t******ff*t*******i**************ff******* FEE SUIillARY ****l**********rr**ffff****tfi********ff****fi****t*#**** JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0302 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: L2/os/Lee6Issued...: L2/06/t996Expires. . : 06/04/t997 Phone: 3039494651 Phone: 3039494651 Phone:9?0-476-5610 o DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT 225 WALL ST WALI.I STREET BUILDING 2L0L-082-22-000 PRJg6-0201 OWNER Description: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Vafuation:97,000.00 ********i******************t****************************t** FEE SUl,ll{ARy **********i*********************************************** ]SSUED t2/os /Lee 6 L2 /06 /7ee 6 06 / o4 /7es7 94651 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Etectri ca [---) DRB Fee Investigation> lli Lt CaLL----> TOTAL IEES---> JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: E96-0302 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 1 ,706.N .00 .00 3.00 1 ,70e .oo Status... Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone:30394APPLTCANT NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 WALL STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VALL CO 91657 TotaI Calcutated Fees---) Additionat Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------) Payments------- BALANCE OUE---- Phone: 3039494651 Phone z 970-476-56L0 1 ,709.00 .00 1 ,709.00 1 /709 .OO .00 ********************ffff*********tfr******lr*************rht*****lri************lrt*******i*ffi***t*********************************** Dept: BUILDING Divrsj_on: Dept: FIRE Division: ****************ff*********************************************************)tt***************************ff**********ff************ CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ **ff*******************************t*******J.*****************ff**************************************t**************************** DECLARATIONS I.hereby.acknowtedge that I have read_this apptication, fiLted out in ful,L the infordation required, compteted an accufate ptotptan, and state that atl the infonnation pnovided as rlquired. is correct. I agree to comp Ly uith the information and ptot ptan,to compLy l,ith atl ToHn ofdinances and state tavs, and io buiLd this structure according i"'tt" iorn;" ioning.na subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the town efpticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TI,IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY IEe4i .00900 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT12/06/1996 DAN Action: AFPR-Itb.$i'.0s600 FrRE DEpAnrMnli'i --- - -- 12/06/1996 DAN Action: AppR t DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVEI.JOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PLUMBlNG BE POSTED ON PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArr-,, co 8l-657 97 0-47 9-2t38 JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P9 6-02 0 0 AT 1,. Job Address Location. . ,Parcel No..Project No. 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2LOL-O82-22-000 PRJg 6-02 01 Status. . .Applied.. Issued.. . Expires.. Phone r 30394 I SSUED t2/05/Lee6 L2/o6/Lee6 o6 /o4 /|ee7 9I7 47APPL]CANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALTEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I OWNER P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 WALL STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VAIL CO Description: REPAIRE FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone r 303949I'7 47 Phone : 97 0-47 6-56LO 8t6s7 Valuation:55,000.00 ***i***ff************t*ff*********i*******tff************** FEE SUI'lt'lARy ***ti*****ff********************************************r(* P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---) Invest i gati on> lli l.L CaLt----> Restuarant Ptan Revicu--) TOTAL IEES----_ Tota[ Catcutated Fees---) AdditionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- 625.00 206.2s .00 3.00 .00 1 ,O34.25 1 ,O34.25 .00 1 ,O34.?5 1 ,O3t,.25 ***'t****************r*********,tl.***t**rr***********n**************************r********lllil:i-llfi;;;;;;;;i************i**** Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT12/06/1996 DAN Action: AppRItQm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT12/06/1996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *************************************irt****************************fi*************t******fr**********tff************ff************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL *************************tt*t******J(*********ff:t*****ffi***t***********t*i***ff*i******fi*tt***ffiff**t**********Jr********t***** DECLARATIONS I-hereby acknow[edge that r have fead_this appLication, f il.l.ed out in ful,l, the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required. is correct. t agree to cornply riith tlre iniormation and ptot pl.an,to comply Fith atL Town ordinances-and state [aus, and to buitd this structure according io'ttr" rownis ionint ana su6ivisioncodes, dcsign fevieu aPProved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appl,i cabt,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE HIIISELF AND o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JoBSTTE PLUMBING PERMIT PeTmit Job Address Locati-on . . .Parce] No. .Project No. 55,000 .00 ***i***************#*********ff**********iri********#**** FEE SU ARY *****t**ffi***s***fft**Jr********trt******ff******#*ff***** I S SUED t2 /0s /tee 6 t2/06/Tee6 06/04/ree7 9L7 47 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9't o-47 9-2L38 AT ALIJ TIMES P96-0200 225 WALI.,, ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2707-082-22-000 PRJ95-0201 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. , . Expires. . Phone:30394APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL TP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WTDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I OWNER P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 WALIJ STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VAIL CO Descript,ion: REPAIRE FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone ': 3039 4917 47 Phone : 97 O-47 6-56L0 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES----- I165 7 Valuation: .00 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> 1 ,O34.25 P tumbi ng-----) PLan Check---> lnvestigation> ll'i Ll catl.----) 825.00 206.25 .00 3.00 Additional tees--------> Tota I Permit fee--------> Payments------- 1 ,O31.?5 .00 1 ,O31.?' 1 ,O31.25 **,t****************,t*************rr*nffi*********************ft*********i************n*iMlli-*i;;;;;;;**iii************ill*** DCPT: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division r *************************************************i*********************************************************************t*t****i*** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ***************t*******t***********ff*****************************************ff****************************************ff******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fiLled out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotp(an, and state that atl the information provided as required.is 6orrect. I agree to compty r.r.i th the iniormation and pl.ot pl,an,to compty w'ith aLl' Tot{n ordinances.and state [avs, and io buil,d this structure according iithe town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE HITISELF AI{D OI,INER Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTl2/06/L996 DAN Action: AppRIt.en:'.O560O FIRE DEPARTMENT --_ _ - 12/06/1996 DAN Action: AppR TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Address...: Location. , ....:Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0200 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2101-082-22-000 PRJg5-0201_ Status. . .epplied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 12 /05 /Les 6 12/06/res6 o6/04/|ee7 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER WALL STREET BUILDING LAZTER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VAIL Description: REPAIR FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone: Phone: Phone:co 81657 Valuation: fot Gas Logs: 303949t7 47 303949t7 47 97 0-47 6-5 610 16,000 . 00 fof tlood/Pa l. Let:Fi reptace lnformation: Restri cted:#of Gas App I i ances: **********************************tr*rrt********************* FEE SUI'1t'{ARy **t******************************************************* l.lechani ca [---) P l.an Check---> lnvestigation> l,i L l, Ca l,l,----> 320.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev-->80.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----. 5.00 .00 Totat Catcutated Fees--->.00 Addi t ionat Fees--------->401.00 Totat Pefmi t Fee--------> 403.00 .00 401.00 Paymcnts------- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Item: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/06/1996 DAN Action: AppRItEm:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTL2/06/L996 DAN Action: AppR CONDITION OF APPROVAL I. !'IELD INSPECTIONS ABE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. qQuEUSrroN Ar-L_Iq BEQUIRED pER sEc. 601 bF'rrie-rs9i"uMc;-'-*'3 . INSTALLATION.MUST qONFORM TO_I'iANUFACiONES- rfrSfNOEiiON'S-Ar.rO. TO,APPENDIX CL{APTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMe-.4. qAS APPLIANCEq_SEALL BE VENTED AEEONDTIIC TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ HALL_rEBMI\AT_E _4s gpEqrrrED rN sEe .906-oF-rHFl--rgIr uuel-s. AgqEss ro HEArrN.c__EeurpMEllt u.Sr-eoMFii wirH^'Fse .E6s-jiNo703 OF THE 1991 IJMC:6. Borr-,ERs SHALL aq MOUNTED oN FLooRs oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNsr._ gN Eqq I,r9TED,EgR_UqqNTrNG ON COMBUStrBr.,n-Fr.,OOniNG.- --"--' 7 . pqBurTrElANQ-AND qqDE 4NALYSrs-MTuSi-BE-Fo-sTnD- iii-lascHeNrcal,- Bgqu pBIoB To AN TNSPECTTON REOuEsi: -- - ----B. DRAINAGE OF .UEC!AN_1qAI, ROOMS E6NTAIIITNG HEATING OR HOT_WATERFqPPLY BQI EBq-SHA!! BE EQUIPPED_WitH- [ iil-,-doR- onain-.FEn.i'EE:'2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t. iereuy .".tnort"ag" that r have reao. ttr i st!!!t i cation, fit,ted out in fut,t. re inforrnat#requi red, conpteted anptan, and statc that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y riitn the infornationto co[pty ]rith al'l' Tovn ordinances _and state [aws, and to buil,d this structure according io thc ToHn's zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Suitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn aipLicabte thereto. accuratc pl,ot and pLot ptan, subdivision 8:00 Al'l 5:00 PREOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAiI SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII4SELF AND OIINER AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI'I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2]-38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M96-0200 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUIIJDING 2L0t-082-22-000 PRJ9 6-0 2 01 Status. . .Applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . ISSUED L2/05/7se6 L2/06/ree6 06/04/rse7 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER WALL STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627 | VAIL Description I REPAIR F'IRE DAMAGED BUILDING Phone: Phone: Phone:co 81657 Valuation: #oJ Gas Logs: 303949I7 47 303949I7 47 97 0-47 6-5 610 16, 000 . 00 #0f trood/Pal, Let: 403.00 .00 401 .00 403 .00 .00 Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted:fof Gas Apptiances: ****i**********t***************|H***ffi**********t********* fEE SUt'll,lARy ***********t********************i***i********************* E0.00 oRB **ff*****************fi**********'ht*t**t*************************************************t**tr**t*****t****t********ff************ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: IteEi .q51Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/O6/7996 DAN Action: AppRItem:..05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTl2/06/L996 DAN Acrion: AppR CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. !'IEL,D rNsPEcr-roNq ABE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE.?. gquEUsrIQN 4r-B__Iq tsEQqIRED pER snc. 007 6r-rne-1sii--irMe .'--'3. INSTALI-,ATION.MUST CONFORM TO I'iANDFACTONES- TfrSTNOE1iOF'S-AUO_ Tq_AppENDrX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 199r- oMa-.4. qAg APPLTANCEq_SqAL! BE VENTED-eeeOn-rjrlrc TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ gtr4l,l, TEBMTIIAIE _AS_qpEgrFrED rN sEc.906 OF-rHe--lS9r ur,,,r-c.-s. AqgEss ro HE4rINq EQUrpMEllr-uuBr-coMFLi wirfr--sed.sds-iuin703 0F THE 1991 UMC.6. 9orrJERS SHALL EE-MOUNTED oN FLooRS oF NoNcoMBUsrrBLE coNST._ gNlEqq I,ISr_ED,EQ'R yguNrrNc ON COMBUSTTELE-FroORiNGl- ---'--'7. qEB],IIT'PI]ANS.^ANQ gqDE ANALYSIS-M1USi-EE_FOFJTND- ri'i-IAECHANICAL. ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION NEOIJUSiIB. DRAINAGE OF .TIEC!AT{-IqA NO6MS--E6T.ITAiITIUC HEATING OR HOT-WATER ^SqPPLY BOILEB.q^gHAI.I^L BE EQUIPPED WITH- A F[t'O[- DRATW"FNN''?JNC.2119 0F THE 1991 uMC. *************************************r.****************************************** llechani ca l---) PLan check---> Investigation> tliLt cal. t----) 320.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ct --> .OO TOTAL FEES----- t.00 .0O Totsl Catcutated Fees--->.00 Additionat Fees--------->403.00 Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---- DECLARATIONS I.nereuy."rt n*t.cau that r have .""0 $ri"Qti"ation, tilted out in futt tne inrorrnat tqui r€d, conpreted anptan, and state that !Ll' the information provided as fequired is correct. I agree to compt,y riittr the informat.ionto.conpl'y tith aLl' Tovn ordinances-and state.[aws, and to buil,d this structurc according lo- the Toyn,s zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, l,rniforr 8uiLding code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabl,e thereto. accurate plot and plot pl.an, subdi vi si on 8:00 A 5:00 PtlREOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TTENTY-FOUR HOURS IN SIGNATURE OF OT'NER OR COTITRACTOR FOR HII,ISELF AND OIINER Af tt79-?138 0R Ar ouR otFrcE FRo[ **************************I ************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt********************************************************d.******* statemnt Number: REC-0232 Amount: 5,353.20 12/06/96 09:07Payment MeLhod: CK Notationt #010807 fhitl oS This Payment **************************************************************** Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location Account Code0t 0000 41310 01 0000 4L33201 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 896-036L Type: A-COMM 2101-082-22-OOO 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P 5r 353.20 5, 353 . 20 .00 Amount 2 ,7 88 ,0O L,8t2.20 750.00 3.00 Total Fees:5,353.20 Total ALL pmts: Balance: Descript.ion BUILDING PERMIT FEES PIJAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSlTS WIIJL CALL INSPECTION FEE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Numberr REC-0237 Amountl 1,209.00 12/06/96 09:08Payment Method: CK Notation: #010802 lhit: DS Permit No: 896-0302 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMTTParceI No: 2LO7-082-22-OOOSite Addressz 225 WALL STLocation: WALL STREET BUTLDING Tota1 Fees: 11709.00This Payment 1,709.00 Total ALL pnts: 11709.00Balance: .00****'************************************************************ Account Code Description Anount01 0000 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMTT FEES 1,706.0001 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION F'EE 3.OO ************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO t *** **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0232 Anount: 403.00 12/06/96 09:10Payment Method: CK Notation: #01090? I'nit: DS M96-0200 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101_-082-22-OOO 225 WAIJL ST WALL STREET BUILDING Total Fees I ToTaI ALL PmIs: Description MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 403.00 Balance: .00**************************************************************** *********************************** Statemnt Permit No IParcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3I2 01 0000 41332 01 0000 41336 403.00 403.00 Amount, 320. 00 80 .00 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt****************lc*********************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0237 Amount: 1,034.25 12/06/96 09:0gPayment Method: CK Notation: #OL08O7 firit: OS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131101 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 7,034.25 Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: 7,034.25 1r 034 .25 .00 Amount 825.00 206.25 3 .00 P96-0200 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBTNG PERMIT2101-082-22-O00 225 WALL S? WALL STREET BUILDING ******************************************d.********************* Description PLUMBTNG PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE b I oQo-1 ,,:.rodli op verr, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 gui Ldi n9-----> Pt.n Check---> Invest i 9at ion> U i l, L Ca l. L----> ADD/ALT COMM BUILD DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE Job Address Locati-on. . .Parcel No..Project No. 225 WALL ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2LOL-082-22-000 PRJ9 6-0 2 01 APPROVED 12/05/tee6 L2 /06 /Lee6 o6 /04 /rse7 Statu8. . .Applied.. Issued.. . Expires. . Description: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation:612, 000 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information: Restricted:#of Gas App t iancrs:fof Gas Logs:#0t t ood/Pa I tet: H* **ffi******t* FEE sun ARy :Hr****ffiffi*ffi***t**ffiffiffi**ffiffi**** APPLICANT STIMACK CONSTRUCTTON CO., rNC. 5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA/ CO 80002 CoNTRACTOR STTMACK CONSTRUCTION CO., rNC. 5762 LAMAR STREET, ARVADA, CO 80002OVINER WALL STREET BUILDTNG TJAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627 r vArL CO 91657 Phone: 303-425-9400 Phone: 303-425-9400 Phonez 970-476-5670 .@ Total Catculared Fees---> 5,353.20 BUILDING F.l/82 Multi-Family Residence w/ BusiV l--HR Type V l-Hour 2,7a6.W Restuarant ptan Revi eu->1,81?.?O DRB Fee--------.0o Recfeation FeF--------->3.m Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Additionat Fees--------->.00 TotaL Permit Fee-------->750.00 Payments------- .00 5 ,353 .?O .00 ****r**************** -**-.--.-**lllli-fflI*--.*;ii**-**:i:iil****ll!llli#l;;;;;;;;;--**ki.i*** rtem: 05100_BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:\2/06/!se6 DA\t aiEioii: -l,bFn IIEm:.Os4OO-PLANNING DEPARTMENT DePt: PLANNING Division:\2/os/L996 DAII - -AaE-ion;- EFFn n/aIte.m:'_05600_ELRE DEPA,RTUENT ' Dept: FIRE Division:\2/06/1996 _DAN --AcEl;iiI appn MIKE AppRovnb-iz--e:e-errbm:'ossoo_pllBl,rc woRKs--- n6[ti-ein-froRK Division:Lz/05/L996 DN Adtlon: AppR n/a fir******ffitffi*tffi****************|tffiffi***ffitr*rr*******ffirnt**ffiffi*************H***#**ffirfirffi******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hcrcby .acknowtedge thrt r havc fcad.this appl,ication, fiLled out in fuU. the infonmation required, compteted an accunate ptotpt€n, and state that att the information provided as rcquired. i.s correct. I agree to conpLy iith tire iniornation and ptot itan,to.cotryty uith atl' Toun ordinances,and state [avs, and io buil,d this structure according io- the Tovnis ionint "na subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town a[plicabte thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TI',ENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI| E:OO Att 5:OO p iwf .qs POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 896-036L Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: STII|ACK SIGNATURE OF OI,INER OR COI{TRACTOR TOR HIIISELF AND OIINER L ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: B96-036L as of L2/06/96 Status: AppROVED******************************************************************************** Permit.Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Appried: L2/05/!gg6Appricant: srrMAcK coNsrRucTroN co., rNc. tsEued: Lz'/06'/rgg6303-42s-9400 To Expire, O6-/o4'/L997 Job Address ILocation: WALL STREET BUILDINGParceL No: 2101-082-22-000 Descript,ion: REBUILD FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Condi-tions:]-. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE.3. FIRE ALARM AND FIRE SPRINKLER PLANS APPROVAL BY FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIRED I DEVELOTOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 9'7 0-479-2L38 Etectri ca [---> DRB Fee Investigat ion> lli I t. ca L l.----) TOTAL TEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN ELECTRICAL PERM]T PMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi.t #: 896-0302 Status...: APPROVEDApp1ied..: 12/05/1996Issued...: L2/06/1996Expires..: O6/04/1997 Phone: 3039494651 Phone: 3039494651 Phonez 970-476-56L0 APPLICANT NEW ELECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR NEW EI-,ECTRIC INC P O BOX 957, AVON CO 81620OWNER VfALL STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VAIL CO 8l_657 alob Address L,ocation. . .Parcel No..Project No. 1,706. (X) .00 .00 3.00 1 ,709.@ 225 WALI, ST WALL STREET BUILDING 2101-082-2 2 -00 0 PRJ9 6-02 01 Description: REBUILD FIRE DAI'{AGED BUILDING Valuation:97,000. 0o rB**************r***ftt**tr*ttlr*r**trrt****t*f,ffi***t*****ff* FEE SUlll'lARy **t**ffi*ffi*r***ffi*jntsirht****Jrjoht*Hdffitr* Tota[ Calcutated Fees---> Additional. tees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- 1,709.N .00 1,709.00 .00 1,7O9.W *****r*t*******ff,f,**i**********t*t*ffi*********t****irHr**t*****ffit*ftffi***t**t***i.*tffiffi***Jr**rt****ffiffi**ffi Dept: BUILDING Dj-vision: Dept: FIRE Division: rt****i******t**ffi*ffi***:h***fit***t**************fi*****tlr*#ffi*t**t*tt**********ffi*t************ffi****ff*fffi*ffi*fr CONDITION OF APPROVAL ftffi***tt****t**rr*t****ffi*ffi***tr!tt******ffi**Ht**ffi****lrf,*********tr*fi********t*i*tt*****ffi***tr!t**rttffi****ffi*ff* DECLAR.ATIONS r.hereby acknorrtedge that r have read.this apptication, fi!l,ed out in futt the infornation requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required. is correct. I agree to compl,y with tire iniormation and ptot pl,an,to comply uith atl' Torrn ordinances -and state [aws, and io buiI,d this structure according to'ttr" iornas zon.in! anu subdivisioncodes, design review appnoved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn afpticabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 179-2136 OR AT oUR oFFIcE FROI4 E:OO At4 5:00 p[ Itqn: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT1.2/06/1996 DAN action: AppnIlqm:' .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT -__ - -- 12/06/1996 DAN Action: AppR TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81-657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLT'MBING PERMIT Permit #: P96-0200 Job Address: 225 WALL ST Statu6...: APPROVEDLocation...: WALL STREET BUILDTNG Rpplied..: t2/05/tgg6Parcel- No..: 210l-082-22-000 Issued...: 12/06/1996Project No.: PRJ96-0201 Expires..: O6'/04'/t997 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I PhoneI 303949!747P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81,620OhINER WALL STREET BUILDING Phonez 3O39491747 Phone z 97O-476-56L0 LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627 | VALL CO 81657 Description: REPATRE FrRE DAI4AGED BUTLDTNG valuation: 55,000.00 ***t************ffi***#***ffi**********************t*** FEE SU trtARy *******ffi***r***ffi*ffi**************H**#***f,**t*H**PLunbing-----> 825.00 Restuarant Pl,an Review-) .oo Totat cal,cul,ated Fees---> 1,034.?5 Pf.an Chcck---> ?06.25 TOTAL tEEs-----Investigation> .00 Totat permit Fer------> 1,034.25 Hi Lt Cal.L----> 3-OO payments------- BALANCE DUE--_****Jrlit****ffffif***ti:t***l|ffiff*trffit*********r******************fr***i*tffiffii**f*f,fffii**i**Jr***ffii*****rrtrt* IIqm: .05]-OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/06/L996 DAN Action: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTI2/O6/L996 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: **ffi*****t**t*********ffi**tt***ttffiffiffirtt***thk***Hffitrf***!t*l**fir******f**f,t**f*t*rt***lrrttr*lrft*trtrt*ti****t*ffi* CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********ffi**t**t****t*fi:tk,rffi'ttl**tt***tff***ffi***t*****f,**ffir***t**t*i****f,***t*******t*ffi*tht**ffiffi!ffi**ffi* DECLAR"ATIONS I.hereby acknowtedgc that I have read this appl,ication, fil,L!d out in fuLL the information required, comptetcd an accurate plotptan' and state that a[t the information provided as required is correct. I rgnee to compl,y iith the iniornation and pl.ot il.an,to comp [y vith aLl Tovn ofdinances and state [avs, and to build th'is structune according io- the Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodcs, dcsign revien approved' uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn appl,icabte thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FouR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROI4 8:00 At4 5:00 pl,l SIGNATURE OF O!'IIER OR CONTRACTOR fOR HII4SELF AND OI,INER I DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address...:Locati-on......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: APPROVED 12 /05 / ree6 !2 /06 /Lee6 06 /04 /Lee7 ALL TIMES M9 6-02 0 0 403.00 405.00 .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE! THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JoBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT Perrnit AT It. Description: REPAIR FIRE DAMAGED BUILDING Fireptace Infopmation: Restricted: #0f Gas Apptiances: 225 WALL ST WAI.,,L STREET BUILD]NG 2101-082-22-OOO PRJ96-0201 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & EI,ECTRICAI., IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 VALLEY WTDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 WALI-, STREET BUILDING LAZIER ROBERT, P.O.BOX 627, VArL 520.00 Restuarant Ptan Reviey--> E0.00.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3. OO Phone: Phone: Phone:co 816s7 Valuation: #0t Gas Logs: .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> 403.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> Paymcnts------- Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . 303949L7 47 303949L7 47 9 7 0-47 6-5610 16,000.00 flof Uood/Pat tet: **ffi*******tf,t*ffi******tffi***'*#offi**ff*lHr* FEE sul.lllARy ******************r*****ffi*******t***ffi*****##*H**** APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER l'lechani ca t--> Ptan check---> lnvest igat ion> tli t L Ca l,l,---) .@ Additional. Fees---------> .00 Iten: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT12/06/L996 DAN aclion:--AFFRItelnl'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTI2/06/L996 DAI{ Acriona AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. EIELD INSPECTIONg ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. q9-UqqgTIoN ArR. I9 BEOUTRED FER Snc.--oo7 bF--rHn-rsei--0Me;-'--'3 . rl-{srALLAr roN _MUsr qoNEo!.M r0 MANUFACiUnE 5- rll-Srn0eiioll-s -eun. Tq_AppENDrX CUApTER 21 OF THE--1991--UMc-.--- -- -4. qAS 4ppuANqEq_s$4l! Ep Velrruo-AedonDlNe ro cHAprER e AND_ _s!A!L_rEBMr\4!E _4s_SpEclFrED rN SEc-.E06-oF-lnn -rs01 uM-c.-s. AqQEgs To HEATINq EQurpMENi-uusr-coMpry wifir"see.sds-eNo703 0F THE 1991 nMC.6. qQIIEES SHAL_L EE_MQqIITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ uNI,Egg I,rsTED_qQR_l_{qqNrrNG oN e0MeusTrriiE-FilooRiNc;- ---'--' 7 . PEE!4IT, PIANQ^AND qqDE ANAI.,YS 1 S -MfT5i-BE_Fo-siED_ iII-MEcHANIcAL- BgoM pRroR rg_4!!_rNqpEcrror,r nnoijEsi; -- ----- 8. DRAINAGE OF .MECUAI.ITEAI._N6OiiS"C6IIiTiIIIUE HEATING OR HOT-WATER 'yiB"Br"gfrFrtg, i"tftL. BE EeuiPFED-itirH-'A Fr-doR- Dnaiu--Fnn'sEe; ** * * * **** * ** * * * ** * * t * ** * ** ***** * **** * * * * * ** ******************* * *** * * * ** * * ** * **** DECLARATIONS ' i n."" .*o.rnlPpticatior, fit.ted.out in futt the into.*t ".qu,ired, conpt.etcd an accurare pLotI hcreby acknoutcdge thrt Ipl'in, and gtate that atl the infofmation proirided as rQuired. i.s correct. r agree to corpLy riith tirc in?orrnai.ion and pl.ot itan,to -conPl'y uith atl' Toun ordin€ncca -and state Laus, and io build this structure according io thc toi{n's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design revicr approved, Uniform Buil,ding Coda and other oFdinances of the Toun a!p[icabl,e thcreto. REAUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOI{S SHALL BE TIADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPTIONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I E:OO A}I 5:oo PII SIG|'|ATUNE OF OI,'IIER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIhSELF AND OIINER PERI'IIT /I ^ t APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED OUT CO!.tpLETEty oR rr !!Ay Nor BE AccEprEDU X********************** ******* PEIUTIT INFORI,IATfON ******!r**********************tl .lt!-Buildins [ ]-prunbing [ ]-Electricat I l-rrrechanibat [ ]-other ^ lqrnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: cas Appllances- Gas r,ogs .3 wood/pell et_h_ [**************** ---.,(*7..1.4;!.4I#;;''.JIT******************************* V t f t Job Nane:L $/- ljettz-6r7v rTob Addressz 4// 4.tg Iegal Description: Lot Block ouners Nane3 fA-f /n=r"*- " Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Ph. General Description:)7orttty't 'la3 oF fr,49 hs-s worlc Classs [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration t l-Additional g{,_Repair I J_other Number of Dwelling Unitsl- ?-7aoVzv.t-Nrrnber of Accomnodation Units: BITILDING: $''fD EI.,ECTRICAL:L7rc- orHER: t F. rc*pu"'e, /zzeLItt{BfNG: S + /z-asz -'- TOTAL: INFORMATION *** * ** * **** **** * * *** * * * *** *6i. Town of vail Reg. no.@oo.o+, Phone Number: gr,o -qe6@ Electrical Address: . Plunbing Address: Mechanrcal Cpnlgactor:Address: V*t -Town of vail ffeg. NO.Phone Nunber: rtLulnr'rNG. , 55/Ao UECHANICAL3 ,u::: i . :;;::i :I: w ; :2 *I,*,r:'Address: {zA2 7. Tawn of Vail Reg. No- //O-EPhone Nunber: 3f,:1"Rffi11,".'. No - /0 .4 ********************************FOR oFFrcE usE *******************************BIITLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUI,IBING PERI'fIT FEE: }IECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: ELEETRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PU'UBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:}IECHANTCAL PIAN CHECK FEE! RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI,IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATTIRE: ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE3Conments: CT"EAII IIP DEPOSIT IEIluilD Sfrr4ts.Z- 75 soulh tront ge rold uril, colorado 8165z (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEer: ofllce ol communlty devcloprnenl AI.L CONTR.AqTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED I{ITII THETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N op vArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNITY DSVELOpMENT IIIARCH 10, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & I.IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or aepJsia ;t;;irl-"J,ii, sand, debrisor material , incl-udi1S trasl-turp=t"rs, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles _qr ? e " ;" ;t -;;;H;".i:I.ili""f; i. "ii;ililli_i:i.I.":, iiil#--",Vail streetl inct.roads is approiinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirr re ;t"i;ii;-enforced by the Town of va.irPubric lforks oenartmentl--p"i"3ns rouna rrilrr.ti'g this ordinancewitl be siven a 2l hour r"iit"i"ioii""1o-;;;;;"=.id naterial.rn the event the person so notified.does not conpry with thenotice within ao:__?l frour tirre-iiecitied, the pui,fic worksDeparrment wirl remove said nate;i;i-;;-irrJ'!"ilire or personnotified. The nrovi=io"=-"r-tii! oror.r,.nce shall not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,iirrl"r,urrge ot repair projects ofany street or alley or any "iiiiii", in the "igfri_.-r.y.To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::i1:i"3,Tf,ll*:ll.::"";;;i" a copv. rira,,-r< vou ror your t lnwn 75 routh trontlgc rord r!il, color.do 91657 (3o3't 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlca ot communlly devrlopnc||t BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Ensineerts (pubr ic f if rt "ivietr .na'ipp"ouri,'i'piiiiiil!"b.p."*.n.review or Health Department review, ani'a-"erie; ;i-iil,,Eritarn9 liri[S;',h"ll: ""i*teo irm"-ror'u-iJt r """iii,-iluv"i.il'a, rons All commercia'r ('large or smarl) and ar'r murti-family permits wiilhave to fottow itre Soove il;ii6ril-;iirrm "equirements. Residentiarand smal'l projects should tiie-u-i"irer'anound of time. However, ifresidential or smal t e",p"ojecit-iripi.i' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to-neCesialy-""ui"n, these proJects mayalso take the three-week period Every attempt wir'r be rlgge by thfs departrnent to exped.ite thispermi't as soon as possible. - l-jl" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. x -a;erffi Corrnuni ty Devel ooment Department. .i. MEMORANDUM 'TO: ALL CONTRACTORSFROM: TOWN OF VA|L pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENTDATE: MAY 9,1994RE: WHEN A "pUBLtC WAy pERMtf,tS REQU|RED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of lhe right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utitity work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different acress needed io site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done aftecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7'l fs a'Revocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public propedy to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f19u- alswered yes_to any of these questions, a "Public Way permil' must be obtained.?ublic Way_ Permit" applications may be oblained at the'pubtic Work's office or atCg.r,nqu1ity Development. lf you have any questions ptease callChartie oavis, ttre iown- of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479-21*. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Job Name Contractor's Signature Date PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buitdino oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any of the aoove questlons tnen a ',public way" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Devetopmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vait Valley oiive.' 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction tratfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' This plan will show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan willexpiie on Oct. 1Sth. and will'need tobe resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4l Sketch of work heing performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (tength, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic iontrot ptan or a iiteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. ttre locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g houls to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thai mayneeded- Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pteas6 allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit -is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Buitding Permit" to do work on a profect itself. NOTE: ' The above. process is.fol work in a publlc way only.* Public Way permlts are valid only until ttovemOer iSttr.* A new Public way permit is required each year il work ls not complete. cnjlryay I 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Depanment of Communiry Developnent TTFORIIATION f,EEDED IftIEtr I"PPI.IITG POR A MECIIAilTC.AI, PERMIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PIAN OF I4ECHAI{ICAL ROOM !{ITH EOUIPI{ENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AltD BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN I4ECHANICA! ROOM. sHow srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAI, ROOM. FATLURE lo PRovtDE rHrs rl{FoRllarrof, wrr.L DELtt rouR PERutr. 1 2. 3. 4. .1. 75 routh frontr$ rord vall. color.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (3m) 47+2139 olftce ol community development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OIINER BUILDERS Effective ,June 20, r99lt the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new tonstructionsites h-ave adequately estabrished proper drainage from buildinjsites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads ot- streets. The TowD of vail public trorks Departmeat will be reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Tora of vair roads orstreets and tbe instarlation of temporary o! permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must _be obtaineci prior to any request for inspecti_onby the Town of Vail Building Department tor robtings or Eemporaryefectrical. or any other inspection. prease calr 47g-zi6o t;request an lnspection from the public works Department. AlLow aminirnum of 24 hour notice. A1so, the Town of vail pubLic works Department wil_l_ be approvi-ngalr finar drainage and cuJ.vert instaLiation wi_th resulting roadpacching as necessary. such approvar must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. rl oo f is 7.2c> /7a€,oo 7062, /o7 q, (o? L ,q{ frtq'vc lcs zd CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF DATE IN ON A?R 'ERMIT TO BE KEpT ON JOBSTTE PLANS 11, lggt IN SLOT__r)_:_ 044822,, I)€l T TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL V. Vr//,afeE pr-uMgrt'rc /V . U r'//r, {XJ FOUNDATIONlhzt I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP Ir t tvv ABEHIRM L22a34DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK i - STORE EXPANSTION OF lOO SO FT AS PE] PERMIT NO. z tr f BUILDING 1s,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING PLANS DRAWN BY ERIC }II].L OF PARADIGI MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES V lI]R B-2 I.15 ,000 BUILDING PERMIT t62 $\*l *'s R N ,\ill PLAN CHECK 105 N \,,ETECTRICAL 44 NEW ( ) AITERATIqN ( I{ ruOITIONAL &DO RI PAIR ()PLUMBING """,;^\"5[W(\1"'"'.' MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 93 INSU LATIC FLOOR _ EXT WALLS ROOF Kffis tyl!!ul_ TYPE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: T. CUT x BLASTING X ARKING ll DEMO x I N ITIAL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25 CTEAN-UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 529 MICHAEL WHITAKER 4/26/9L J|LO|NG OFF|C|AL oATt SHELLY MELLO 4/26/9I .J INING ADMINISTRATOR )NING & BUILDING NOTES:13 SQ FT onre- - --! 600 LANDSCAPING & $1;095 TARKIFO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and slale laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other grdippnces of lhe Tow_ry'applicable thereto. f],. H'n 'q ri-. lV , (- [?-Z: tq-xrr\ <'\t\-\i\ ('r. ?ti.,"l f,frc.-x/ 5 -W' GNATURE OF OWNER OF COi CLEAN UP TO: AND THE OWNER. CK DR LEGAL DESC. LOT # 105 BLK-- FILING LAZIER ARCADE BLDG. JOBNAME: AMERICAN SKI EXCHANGE OWNER Nnue JOE TANAIIILL MA,L ADDRESS 225 I{AIL sr c,r, vArL PH 6-L477 ARCHITECT FIRM EXTE PARADIGM uo,rooo*.rrPo Box 731 crrY vArL ,r. 6- GEN ERAL CONTRACTOR ,,*u DAVE RTCHARDT ?? TowN oF vArL BEG. No. 125-8 476-5282 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAtr= REG. NO' MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, OTHER CONIRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO TELE. 75 south fronlage road Ytil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 Date Work Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Devel opment Department. ofllce ol communlty dsvelopment BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME lf this perytit lequires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer"s (.Pyb.l ic l^Jotks) review and approval , a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as longas three weells,. A'll conmerci'al (1arge or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residentialand.small projects should talte a 'l esser amount of time. However, jf residential or smaller projects impact the.various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every,attempt wfll be made by this department to exped.ite thispermiit aS sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time trame. 75 south tronlage road vail, coloEdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENILYL REGISTERED WITH TTIE TOI,n'f OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT l,tARcIt 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE please stop by the Town ofa copy. lhank you for your rn surnmaryr.ordinance No. d states that it is unlawful for anyperson to li.tter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, incruding trash dunpsteri, pori,abre ioil-ets and - workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewall<, alley or pubJ-ic _p_l?ge or any portion thereof . The right-oi-way 6n all Torrn ofvarr streets and.roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be strillly enforcld by the toin of vailPylli: works Departroent. persons found vi6lating this ordinancewrLr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specifi.ed, trre puiric worksDepartment will renove said nateiial at the opense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shill not bLapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or Any utilities in the right-l-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Departnent to obtaincooperation on this natter. -- (i.e. contractor, oqrner) ,tf' lnun 75 soulh frontage road vail cobrado 81657 (303) 47+2138 (3(B) 4792139 offlce of community development Plan Review Based on tbe 1988 Unifotm Codes PROJECT NLI{BER: 41191 ADDRESS: 225 WALL ST. VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY:B-2 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-1HR. DRB APPROVAI REQUIRED: YES NAME: AMERICAN SKI EXCHANGE DATE: APRIL 26, 1991 CONTRACTOR: DAVE REICHARDT ARCHITEC!: PARADIGM DESIGN ENGINEER: MARK MUELLER PLANS eXalatNnR: MICHAEL WHITAKER 1. 2. CORRECEIONS REQI'IRED Tbe itens listed below are not iatended to be a comPlete listing of all possible code requirenents in tbe adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of, tbe codee. Tbe f,ollowing is lot to be construed to be an approval of aay violation of any of the pro- visioas of the adopted codes or any ordinanee of tbe Totm of Vail . AlI fire alarm rnodificatlons to be approved by the Town ofVail Fire Department. AII construction to be mainLained at a Type V- One Hourrating. This means that a1l exterior walls and structural members sha1l be one hour protected, and that the ceiling shall bb maintained at alt wall removal locations and at drop ceiling at a one hour rated assembly. 3. Two exits are required from the basement of this space- 2nd exit shalt be clear of aII obstructions all the way to apublic way. 4. 6-^'\hw-J Inm'illliill/ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF DATE IN ON APR PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 11, lggL PLANS IN "O'_$_ 0 0 4822 department of community rO 8E FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIO TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL qrry V rrnu trf,I8 pAMDIGM MAILApoREss?0 Box 731 xe @T g d N l$ l\ |II,4 a9 tn cmmunaty development ETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT IMIT I pluMerxc El rouruuerroruL L-J225 GORE CK DR 731 ATI I, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II tII IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M 2a3 "'st'&b"Eir'ff,{iodrff"*ffiI'rto-O-rms-pui PERMIT NO. I.JU+O<'{ \ z tr J BUILDING l5,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G H.F.A,VALUATION PERMIT FEESV lHR B-2 t:15 , 000 BUILDING PERMIT 162 l-{ Irtti $) NI \tul 'l. PLAN CHECK 105 \\..ELECTRICAL 44 NEw( ) 4lTER4ridNr r/fiflff[rrorunrI h RFPAIR (PTUMBING DWEr.LrNctJNtis ) '-"lll\.N r\lV T:- _, \1"S$l_,^,x\",,.,UNITS MECHANICALY\\\, "it'-lti'r F''"k\RECREATION FEE 93 =::p\ -o\r*R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25 CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 CHECK ruEQAE:ST ES $ szg TTAKI .0 I OTES: Itr Oa in f ull 'rovidr all T and I he Tc)1,.) :Ft OF 4126 / 9r DATE 4/2619L - OATE ffi - the inf ormation required. ed as required is correct. I own ordinances and state ;ubdivision codes, designtwrfapplicable lhereto.-/tN,4 I ------ COMTBACTOR FOR HIMSELF LEGAL DESC. tor #lQ5 aL r[rNc LAZIEXjiCADE BLDG. JOB NAME:AMERICAN SKI EXCHANGE lnue JOE TANAH_ILL MAIL AopREss 225 WALL ST clrY vArL PH 6-L477 ARCHITECT DATE: //-z-<,/21PREPA}RED BY; DESCRIFTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FORBP # ftrA;< NAMEOFJOB: ACCOIJ'I{T NUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 -t AMOUI\IT OFREFUND: ' ,/A2./A DATEA?PROVED'V APPROVAL SIGNATURE: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE April 29, 1993 5994PERMIT NO, deportment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT f} eurLor,rc E pluMarNc G elecrRrcnl [] FouNDAroN tr{l[EcHAIlc&,"F 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP . ABEHIRM DIVISION L?2a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :Addition of exterior bav windows.500.00 (1000.00 urin 500.00 (1000.00 nin 22000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 40.5 sfLEGAL DESC. BUILDING PERMIT 4L33 JOB NAME: American Ski Exchange .00/Pc 4.00 ll4L3 crrv VaiI 81657 pH 6-L477 ALTERATION 0O[ AOOITIONAL O REPAIRO DWELLING UNITS HEIGHT IN FT, ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO, FIBEPLACES 00/Pc 5. 61pM Paradigm Desl-gn, Erich MAn ArrDRFss Box 731 crw Vail 81658 pH.6-6397 GENERAL CONTRACTOR | / -r_b TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. . -- 47 6-5282 plpy Dave Reichardt V Newspaper Disp. TOTAL PERMIT FEES re'Lsieg{ _ _ _4]8:91 _ _ _ rutLDtNG OFF|C|AL DATE ke Moll-lca 4-38-93 NING ADMINISTRATOR OATETOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the intormalion provided as requir€d is correctr I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design Town applicable thereto. AND THE OWNER. OR CONTFACTOR FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DArE REn'[ APR 2 5 1995 :' PERTIT I{O.-tl ''--/ d4rrtmmt of oommunity dovolopmcnt TO 8E FILLED OUT COUPLETELY PNIOR TO ]SSUANCE OF PERIIIT TYPE OF PERMIT E euuorxc AE ElectRrcat PI.UMBING FOUNDATION r. TYPE OF COr{STnUCflON I u lVV a.oocuPAr,rcYcnouP r$e x r n r olvrsror @t" z t 6ENERAL oESCRtritOr orwonr , AA.laE^ * JoB NAME: A.nanc..l$lc , E*6*r,o,z%'a"1 ADD|I|ONA|- ( ) REPATR( ) OWELLING UNIIS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIR€PI.ACES TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE AODITIONAL PEFMITS NEEDED: INITIAL lerr- rnoness Ro- B.*.7<l TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. I hereby acknowledge thal I have reed thls application, fill€d out ln lull th€ Information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stato that 8ll the Informalion provided a8 required is correct. I agr€e lo comply wilh the information and plot plan, to comply wilh all Town ordinancos and stals laws, and to build this structurs according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinanc€s ot the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: TOWN OF VAIL 8EG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 75 touth tront ge rcrd vrll, coloredo 81657 (3031 479-2138 or 479-2\39 BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRA}IE Agreed to by.. ofllce ol communlly drvclopmrnl If this pennt flQuj,res a Town of VaiI fire Departnent Approval, Engineer''s..(.Pgbl ic works ) reyiew and approval,' a plannj n!' Depariment leview or Health Department revi'ew, ani'a review by the 6uilbing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as l6ngas th!"ee weeks. All commerclal (.1arge or small) and all multj-family permits will have tq fol'low the above mentioned maximum requiremLnLs. Residentia'land.small projects should take a lesser amount, of time. However, if resi.dential on smal'l er projects impact the various above mentionid departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attenpt wi.ll be made by.this department to expedite thispenni:t as seon as poss{b1e. !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. r ,tl 't ;J Corrnuni ty Development Deparunent. .t\ r.t \ 75 south honlagc road v8al, coloredo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&TEet: oftlcc of communlty dcvclopmcnt AI,L CONTRACTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED WITII TAE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPI|ENT I'IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & },IATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand., debrisor naterial, including trash dunpsterl, poriable ioilet! ina---worlmen vehicles |pon any streetl sidewaik, attey or publi-pf?g" or any port,ion theieof. The right-oi-w.y 6n aII Tolrn ofvarr streets and.59ads is approxJ_nately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be striitry enforcld by the rown of vailpl!}iS vtorks Department. pers6ns found vietaain; this ordinanceItltr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said nateriar.rn the event the person so notifLed does not compry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tine specified, tne-iuiiic woirs -- Departnent wirl renove said mateiiat at fhe expenie ot personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sr,iri-not beappricable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. to-review ordinance No. 6 ln full, prease stop by ttre Town of Y111 Bui+ding Department to obtain a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this roatter. Read Y and acknowledged by: v (i.e. contractor, owner) o F-o .* a 1.zr' t ?3 773,,'2 Tov f-/i- / ( , # goo."t I ? Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: AMERICAN SKI EXCHANGE DATE: 4-28-93 ADDRESS:225 WALL ST. CONTRACTOR: DAVE REICHARDT VAIL, COT,ORADO ARCHITECT: PARADIGN OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. ALL WORK TO BE FIELD INSPECTED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. 5/8 DRYWALL REQUTRED THROUGHOUT. 75 roulh frontlge road Iall, color.do 81657 (so3l 479-2138 or 479-2139 Bldg. Permit g otflcc ol conn|unltt drwlopnrrnt SPECTAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST y- ry-73E Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : il0 lrt /)Specific Request and Rationate: /? a..,/_// Cr- zf ar^,, d,.h-J a7l a-*uz.z'.ta.+ ^.--.J&. s /ri -?-!-"f,i."t a.-<.*-4 B r;U /.,J d4 Sm Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: *Please return completed Iform to the Building Department. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Fire Department; Public Works: Date: 4.2r,f 3 41asig_3//26 .73 1a:- "-n rPi.itrTl#rt|c j nr-"-- ' Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application';"/" :. ./ 1,zt ' ?3 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Vr:1, Co 5-eBlock Design Review Board Date Motion by: A 4l*-q seconded ny, B a.-< 5-o DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval 'J l,-FILT A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow the construction of a trash enclosure, located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Seventh Filing/595 East Vail Valley Drive. t'COP Y 3. 4. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Manor Vail Lodge Andy Knudtsen Robert Lazier Mike Mollica After a brief review of the conditions of approval by Andy Knudtsen, Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a setback variance per the staff memo and the conditions contained therein with Dalton Williams seconding the motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved this request. Staff was directed to make sure that the Town receive an agreement on the existing encroachments on Town of Vail property. A request for an exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of the American Ski Exchange located at 225 Wall StreeUBlock 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Mike Mollica made a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that the staff was recommending approval of this request for a minor exterior alteration . Erich Hill, the architect for this project, stated that two schemes were proposed with this project. He said that he disagrees with the stalf concerning their comment of "too much glass". Erich also stated that since the pedestrian approach to the American Ski Exchange is either from the norlh or south, the glass is not that obvious. Tom Higgins, shop manager, stated that it is difficult to work with both retail and ski rental space on the same floor because of the noise and congesUon associated with lhe rental operation. He stated that it was his concern that if the door was placed to far north, it would pose a security problem for the store. He said that it was his desire to have potential customers walk through the retail portion of the store first. He also stated that it was his intent with this project not to add clutter to lhe Wall Street area. Jeff Bowen stated that he does not have a problem with design Alternate A. He commented that he would like to see windows that were smaller and more "pane- like"used. He also stated that a roof drain needs to be put in and that a window lattice system could work at this site. Dalton Williams stated that he preferred the original plan consisting of two small bay windows, but that he did not have an objection one way or another with the alternative. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she preferred Alternate A and Greg Amsden and Bill Anderson concurred with this statement. Diana Donovan stated that she would like to see the applicants focus on the merchandising of the windows, particularly during the summer months. Planning and Environmental Commission April 12, 1993 a aa Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for an exterior alteration per the staff memo and approving Alternate A and verified that the applicant was willing to contribute into both the Town's Parking and Newspaper Funds, Greg Amsden seconded the motion and a unanimous vote of 6-0 approved this request. 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail/Lionshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Recreation DistrictPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and stated that the staff is recommending approval of this conditional use permit with the condition that the applicant provide a surface drainage plan and an access and construction parking plan prior to the issuance of a building permit in conjunction with*this project. Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned with the removal of the large aspen and evergreen trees from this site. David Peel, the architect for this project, stated that the Town Landscape Architect requested a construclion access and surface drainage plan prior to building permit and that the applicant does not have a problem with this condition of approval. He stated that they have been to Town Council and DRB (conceptual) with this project. Dalton Williams stated that he feels it is reasonable that the PEC ask that the trees that are lost be replaced with similar sized trees. Diana Donovan stated that she does nol think that otfice space can increase without increasing theparking requirement as well. Kristan Pritz stated that parking was available in the evening at the parking lot adjacent to the Vail Valley Medical Center and that the staff lor VFID would not be increased per Rob Robinson. Tim Devlin stated that Rob Robinson, VRD Director, maintains that there will not be additional employees hired as a result of this addition and that the parking requirement for the site will not increase. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of Dobson lce Arena per the staff memo with the additional condition that whatever trees are lost as a result of this expansion be replaced with similar sized trees with a minimum of 3 inch caliper aspen trees. Dalton Williams seconded the molion and a 4-1 vote approved this request with Diana Donovan opposing and Kathy Langenwalter abstaining because of her professional association with the architect for this project. Planning and Environmental Commission Aprll 12, 19gl 4 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department FILE SSPY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: April 12, 1993 A request for an exterior alteration to allow for the expansion of the American Ski Exchange located at 225 Wall StreeUBlock 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The Commercial Core I Zone District requires PEC approval of an exterior alleration request prior to the addition of any enclosed floor area to structures located within the district. The proposal includes a 35 square foot floor area expansion to the American Ski Exchange retail space, located on the east side of the Wall Street Building, on Wall Street. Under the redevelopment proposal, the interior wall between the American Ski Exchange and the retail space located immediately to the north, would be removed for an increase of '17 square feet of lloor area. The American Ski Exchange would then expand into this lease area. Additionally, an 18 square foot bay window would be added on the east elevation, matching the existing bay windows that the American Ski Exchange constructed during the summer of 1992. II. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY On September 10, 1990, the PEC approved an exterior alteration request for the American Ski Exchange which included the addition of 96 square feet of additional floor area, the relocation of the store entry, and the addition of bay windows. On December 16, 1991, the PEC approved an exterioralteration request forthe Right Fit Sports retail shop, which included a 15 square foot floor area expansion. The Right Fit retail shop is located immediately to the south of the American Ski Exchange in the Wall Street Building. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this exterior alteration request: Applicant: Planner: 1) Zone District: 2) Lot Area: Robert Lazier Mike Mollica Commercial Core I 7,318 square feet 3) Site Coverage: Existing: Proposed: 4,640 square feet 4,640 square feet' ' No change in site coverage will occur because the bay window to be added is already covered by the second floor of the buibing above. 4') Parking:The applicant will be required to contribute $746.66 to the Town of Vailparking fund. The net floor area added is 28 square feet. The parking fee for one retail commercial parking space is $8,000. (28 square feeU 300 = 0.0933 x $8,000 = $746.66.) IV. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL COFE I 18.24.010 Puroose: "The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character ot the Vall Village Commercial Area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environmenl. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buiHings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village." It is the staff's opinion that the proposed changes to the American Ski Exchange retail space would be in compliance with the Purpose Section of the Commercial Core I Zone District as stated above. We also believe that the addition will not negatively effect the scale of the building and should improve the overall quality of the pedestrian space adjacent to the structure. V. REVIEW CRITERIA FOR THIS PROPOSAL The Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan includes three elements which establish the review criteria for this application. The first ol these is referred to as the Guide Plan which includes a number of sub-area concepts, many of which identify potential areas for future development and other improvements. Secondly, the Urban Design Considerations express the large scale, land use planning and design considerations, and finally architecturalilandscape consideralions which will be reviewed by the Design Fleview Board, establish the criteria for evaluating detailed design considerations of a proposal. The Vail Village Master Plan and the Vail Streetscape Plan address specific goals pertaining to the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. In addition, traditional zoning considerations are also a factor in this proposal. VI. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE There are no specific sub-area concepts relevant to this proposal. VII. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The following design considerations are a critical element of the Urban Design Plan. They identify the key physical characteristics of the Village and provide the tools to ensure new development is consistent with this established character. These considerations include the following: A. Pedestrianization: The proposed additional bay window will have limited, if any,.impacts on the pedestrian traffic flow because of its proposed location. The bay window will add interest to the existing pedestrian area with an increase in window area lransparency and increased visibility into the retail shop. B. Vehicular Penetration: Vehicular penetration and circulation will remain unchanged as a result of this proposal. C. Streetscape Framework: The Urban Design Considerations for Vail Village identify the development of in-fill commercial store fronts along pedestrian corridors as one method of improving the pedestrian experience in the Village. The staff believes that the addition of a bay window to this area of the retail shop will improve the pedestrian experience by converting an otherwise unused space into viable commercial area. ln addition, the increased transparency of the shop frontage will add visual interest to Wall Street. D. Street Enclosure: Due to the location of the proposed bay window, beneath a second story, it is the staff's opinion that this additional bay window will have no impact on street enclosure. E. Street Edge: Staff believes that the addition of a bay window to the American Ski Exchange will have no impact on the street edge along the Wall Street Building. F. Bulldlng Height: Building height will be unaffected as a result of this proposal. ll+-,V V'/-L G. Vlews and Focal Polnts: The proposed bay window does not affect any ot the Town's adopted view corridors. In addition, the bay window will have no impact on the line-ol-sight from either the top or the bottom of Wall Street. H. Service and Dellvery: The proposed expansion will not affect current service and delivery patterns. l. SuniShade: There will be no increase in the shadow oatterns as a result of this addition as it is located within the existing shade patterns of the building. J. ArchitecturauLandscape Conslderatlons: 1" These design considerations are typically the purview of the Design Review Board. The staff believes that the architectural detailing of the bay window, and the increased transparency resulting from this additional bay window, will have positive impacis on the appearance of the area by adding visual interest to the space. The two large bay windows would be separated by a single-door entry and two small bay windows (please see the attached elevation drawing). Additionally, each bay window has a series of small window panes along the top. Although no landscaping will be removed under this proposal, the applicant has agreed to contribute $300 into the Town's Newspaper Dispenser Fund, which will be utilized to bring the newspaper dispensers in this area into compliance with the Streetscape Master Plan. VIII. RELATED GOALS AND POLICIES IN THE VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The following are the goals and objectives of the Vail Village Master Plan which are relevant to this proposal: Goal#2 -To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-around economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. 2.4 Objective: Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activity more compatible with existing land uses. 2.41 Pollcy: Commercial infill development consistent will horizontal zoning regulations shall be encourage to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas and streetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village. 4 The proposed bay window is consistent with established zoning and the existing uses in the area. Overall, the staff believes that the proposed bay window will provide additional interest and activity to the Wall Street area. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommendation is for approval of the requested CCI exterior alteration. The review of the relevant Urban Design Criteria and the Vail Village Master Plan Goals and Policies indicate that the proposal is in conformance with the applicable sections ol these documents. The applicant will be required to contribute $746.66 into the Town of Vail Parking Fund. In addition to the contribution to the Parking Fund, the applicant has indicated that he will contribute $300 to the Town of Vail Newspaper Dispenser Fund. Although it has not been discussed in this memorandum, the applicant would like the PEC to give some consideration to approval of a modified east elevation to. the American Ski Exchange, as indicated as Alternate A on the attached elevation drawings. Upon review of Alternate A, lhe stafi felt that we could not support this design as it would not be in compliance with the Vail Village Design Considerations. Specifically, as recommended in the Design Considerations, we felt that the horizontal repetition of single window elements, over long distances, should be avoided. Additionally, the staff felt that the large glassed areas should be further subdivided to express the individual window elements (i.e. mullions/divided lights). The Vail Village Design Considerations suggests that small window panes are "responsible for much of the Old World charm of the Village". The Alternate A design consists of a total of 40.5 square feet, or a 33.5 square foot net increase in floor area. oa ,4\1-R{X!UO '-=.vF-t-' !-'--: .,i oo: L]E'hl r-t's- ,a&Jt - Tarpor.ol, //q^r z.: €g u :r t,vtoF fl6I oa 4l{*rr.{. A rc J+-rl,ry-r-4 2 0 h v ul J UJ L. ?lll o -L r^ MP . h<€ z?_:/-rrT ,{, *--"*-f +W#P--*- - -b? A- I .to,70 /5tr I soo.:t -TT_-- oo Hstum to h;ke n ' Town Planner PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4. /2. ?3 COMMENTS NEEDED BY: 3,3r. 93 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: E f*( ,aE4 ,4** oLp-^- ^,/ *// I ,rno. \tt'-'P< JePt'w@, Revierred oy: h. hc /^".Date:3- ".7'i ? Comments: ,) _f/l=t z) "/.,*- r .,'a."()/.) ,.4 / -4 '2'/7'1 ol,a d-t /,'n9-*z-o-t .+;z y' y''?/ii'ri' & ,P-' d /-4 ,12-r'aa'1-/z/l v/"-"/ 4, 1'?1 %y ye*e* lo F^;rA N-u (/ rriad 1'lrYg! IO Rerrm ro /l;K" h|. Town Planner INTE R-DEPARTilENTAL REVIEW BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: E"hr*l a"'-'.'r-^/ .(-,*. ,4s+ ) "/A n4r..,'/ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING 1: tz,a3 COMMENTSNEEDEDBY: 3.31. ?3 6h,*- 5,e.. -Lr // oa", ?/u//q" "ott"no',) p*+ l^ C-,'*lO, .' E,. D t'aiwgp "ff 1; 'd 1*lJn, t* -Jo,-..^.. 5flo..-t t1r-t Ttk^ +- v.,ol sf"r 7< J^ tu;-6*" /^^^U ,'fu t-*-'Z-l t J-' '4'/f l/tfo\ "4 "*,-y kl 4.-.-l 9,H. frt ?t Plaza Lodge 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Casino Building c,/o Brandess Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 The Lodge 174 Gore Creek Road Vail, GO 81657 BellTower Building Bell Tower Assoc., Inc. 300 Crescent Court,6th Floor Dallas, TX 75201 Hong Kong Cafe 227 WallStreet Vail, CO 81657 Creelside Condos Charles Rosenquist P.O. Box 686 Vail, CO 81658 odd&ffi sLnr o-d- s/aolqe ut\ t THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEFEBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 12, 1993, at 2O0 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a work session for the establishment of a Special Development District, a CCI exterior alleration, a minor subdivision, a zone change, and an amendment to View Corridor No. 1 for the Golden Peak House,278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, C, Block 2, Vail Village 1st Fiting. pplicant: Golden Peak House Condominium Assoc.A/ail Associates, Inc./Parlners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc.Planner: Mike Mollica/Tim Devlin TABLED TO MAY 24, 1993 2. A request for a setback variance, at the Manor Vail Lodge to allow the construction of a trash enclosure, located on a Part of Lot 1, Block B, Vail Village Seventh Filing/595 East Vail Valley Drive. Applicanl: Manor Vail LodgePlanner: Andy Knudtsen 3. Arrequest for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of , : '' sihgle family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. : fipplicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood RealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen -.- i:. 4. A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of ani addition and a garage located at 2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das , Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Anneliese Taylor. Planner: Shelly Mello . 5. A request for a conditional use permit to allow the expansion of the Dobson lce Arena, ,, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail/Uonshead 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Flecreation DistrictPlanner: Tim Devlin l""r.i".a g/A/gL APPLICATTON - TOIYN OF VAII.., COIJORADO DATE APPLTCATToN REcETvED: 3- I t DATE OF DRB MEETING: r'rs aPPLr*r#i,illlih "" AccEprEDUr{IIL A]'L REQUIRED XNFORMATION IS SITBMITTED I.PRO.IECT INFORMATTON: ********** .\ B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstrucLion Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: 22S [^\4lL 3h. ($200.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. E. F. G. LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this applicat.ion. Block 5C a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and ZONING: LOT AREA: If reguired, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a currentIot area. rl. I. NAME OFMailing APPLICAI{T' S Address:t{, If NAME OT OWNERS:[3ob Laz-trr *SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittal_ of DRB application. Lat,er, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurat.e valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according Lo the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. JJI , .. FEE pArp: $ 5D r6lb1 , l^-,FEE SCHEDULE: .e, ?h6f) VALUATION FEE W s 0-$ 10,000 $20.00$10,001_-$ 50,000 $50.00$ 50,001 - $ L50,000 $100.00 $150,001 - $ 500,000 s200.00 $500, 001_ - $1,000,000 $400.00$ Over $1,0001 000 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER I'INAI, APPROVAII T'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT TS ISSUED A}rD CONSTRUCTTON rS SIARTED. **NO APPLICAIION WILL BE PROCESSED I{ITHOUT OI{NER'S SIGI.IAIURE 1 lB[0D]r,fjift t S$si 3-r5-q3 A. DESCRrprroN: A.r.t, { ,,-zr ., s t 2lo" x ll(o" !-. ,r, urr^^n,.., ( lb <F\ T.i:_ n.r{e.o.*,.* ,.,, r[ '^arl*"rrr Mailing +1tD- t€l1 REPRESENTATIVE: or -?3 Phone 41to-bbq1 o DRB IPP&ICIIION DATE APPLTCATION RECEIVEDS DATE OF DRI. !.'EETTNC' ****ITHIS APPIJICATION I|ILIJ NOT EE ACCEPIED UNTIIJ AIJJ INFORMAIIONIS suEl{IETED*.r** r. PRE-APPI,ICATION I{EETING: A pre-appllcatlon Deetlng slth a plannlng Btaff Denber 18strongly suggested to determlne lf any addltlonalLnfontratlon l,s neededl. No applleatlon wlll be acceoted unress lE ls comolete (muEt lWthe zoning admlnlstratorl . ft jls the appllcantlresponsiblltty to uake an appotntment wlth the eout about addltlonal eubrnlttal recrulremente. Pl the zoning admlnlstratorl . ft jls the appllcantrsresponsibllltv to nake an aoool-ntment wlth the etaff to flndresponslDlrlty to DaRe !n trppol'ntDent rt''tn tne 8E,atl to rout about addltlonal eubrnlttal requlremente. Pleaee notethat a COUPLETE appllcatlon vlll streamllne the approvalproceBs for your proJect by decreaslng the number of condltlons of approval that the DRB rnay etlpulate. ALIJ condltlons of approval tuEt be resolvea before a bulldlngperrrlt LE Lseued. Applleatlon w1.11 not be processed wlthout Ohtnerts Slgnature. unless lt ls conolete (must lngl A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIONI B. ',CATIONAddrese OF PROPOSAL: Legal Deecrlptlon Lot Block Bubdlvlslon zonlng C. il.llts OF APPLIC.U{T! Halllng Address: Phone D.NA}TE OF APPI,ICAI.ITIS REPRESENTATIVEs t{alllng Addrese: Phone E.NAI{E OF OWNERS: aION'IEURE (81 t Halllng Address: Phone F. G. condonlnlun Approval lf yALUATToN TEE o-s 10r 000 10. o0 $ 1o'50r 00 $ 25.o0 $ so.oo L 'z )E DRB FEE! $ 50rO01 9150, OOl $5oo or 0oo $1, 000, 00o sl, 000, 0oo 100. o0 appucable. ', .' I L]ST OF MATERTALS NAME OF PROJECT: A,na-r.^- f:k. Fv,'u-.--- LEGAL DESCRIPIION: LOT- BLOCK 5C- SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: 2A5 Ld^I\ A*-. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The.following- information is required for subnittal to the DesignReview Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING MATERIALS; Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia Soffits Windows $lindow lrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR ,oa.trta e.rl.-+r,1+ r,^,rafeta f vrS\t.np', B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERTALS: BoLanical Name common Name ouantitv size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *fndicate caliper for deciduous t.rees.Minimum caliper for trees.Indicate height for coniferous ..r.-..lt LOltt)2 Date of ApplicationDate of pEC Meetlng ? t*q> ,?31 +- ,z-q3- lRtc'ili,,l 15t99tr I. APPI.TCf,IIOil IOR I:(SERIOR IT,IERITIOXSOR IODXFTCITTONS IN COlo|aRCtAL CORE IVAIL VTI.IAGE Pranning and Environmentar commission review is reguired forthe alteration of an existing u"irai"g "nict "Ja"-o,. removesany encrosed f100r area or outdoor patio or the iepracement:!_gl__9_Ilsring building rocaiea-fn rhe Ccr Disrrict.FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL; THE PNOONCT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THEDEsrcN REvrEr{ BoARD (DirB) . The r_ppltcatLoa rill not be eccepted untLl ell Lnforaationtad fcec are ruhitted. A.NAI'IE OF APPLICANT ADDRESS B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICAI\TT, S REPRESENTATIVE bdll c.NAI{E OF OWNER(S) (print or rype) SIG:NATURI (S) ADDRESS D.TOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRT pT r oN_t3t!S_S-C--_tt- r'r' ADDRESS E.FEE PAID $ 2po6 cK #_Q!QL BY THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PRE-APPLICAT ION CONFERENCE : A. pre-application conference with a planning staff member isstrongly.suggested to determlne if airv aooiiionalinforrnation is needed. . No applicat.ioi wiri-be accepteclunless it is compr-ete (must inctuae arr iiems requiied-rythe zoning adrninistrator). It is the "ppii"i"t'"responsibillly. to make an. appointment "itn irre sraff to findout about additional submittll requirements. rrr' PIEASE NorE T!1T A coMpr.ETE AppLrcATroN wrLL srREAllLrNE THEAPPROVAL PROCESS rON YOUN PNO\'ECT BY ONCNNASTWG THE NUMBEROF CONDITIONS oF APPRoVAL THAT THE PEc I''AY STIPULATE. ALLCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE-A : BUITDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOTLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey.gf.property showing property l_inesand location of buirding lna lny impr5vimeiis on trreland. ADDRESSED, STA}IPED ENVELOPES AND A Lrsr oF THE NAMES oFOI{NERS OF ALL PROPERTY AD.'ACENT TO ?HE SUB.JECT PROPERTYINCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS. THEAPPTICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILINGADDRESSES. X $200.00 (LESS THAN$500.00 (MORE THAN 100 sQ. FT.) 100 sQ. Fr.) THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPME PROPOSAL."8 II B. I a _a VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN 1OO SOUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-A}ilNUALLY. THEY NEED TO BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE THE TOURTH MONDAY OF MAY OR NO\IEMBER. THE PEC HOLDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION WITHIN 21 DAYS OF THE SUBMITTAT DATE. A PITBLIC HEARING STTALL BE HELD WITIIIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRETIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE A],TERATION OF AN EXISTING BUII,DING TITAT ADDS OR REMOVES A}iIY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN 1OO SOUARE FEET T"IAY BE SUBMITTED AT THE REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) REVIEW. FOR MOF€ SPECTFICS ON THE REVTEW SCHEDULE, SEE SECTTON 18.24.065(A5). VIII. YOUR PROPOSAI, WILL BE REVIEWED FOR COMPLIAIiTCE WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENS]VE PI,AN. If this application reguires a separate revielr by anylocal, State or Federal agency other than the Town ofVaiI, the application fee shall be increased by9200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but arenot limited to: Col.orado Department of Highway AccessPermits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50t of theapplication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dnymatter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter tobe re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication sha11 be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Cornrnunity Development Department to have significant design, land use orother issues which may have a significant impact on the comrnunity may require review by consultants other thaL town staff. Should a determination be made by the townstaff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire anoutside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shallbe forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the timehe f1les his application with the Community DevelopmentDepartment. Upon completion of the review of theapplication by t.he consultant, any of the fundsforwarded by the applicant for payment of the consuLtant which have not been paid to the consultantshall- be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurredby the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by theapplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. A.rx. B. al A- q I U.rt,F iN* - \\n \ tl\tl\tl VIll II It -l! I I c)a\l l-L. ' \ff t'-i, l L )r 5 '.$ 1 F:n -t il J rtl 4 T K rl 7.l Jq J -lfi v I < .)/, - ..!_--' N ,98 ,74€ 3At)4r y I IN {,,1 r t SPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI ,-){ ,Cr n,' -( Cl ,,,* r/ "/71 ------@ PMREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING {*orc"tr CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR F|.,APPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE rriffis"o" t IN SPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME t1' ti cALLER i ,fir' ' READY FoR rNSpECloN: MoN . ruEs wED rHUR (iRl) - AM ey ) LOCATION: UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATEB FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL El TEMP. .POWER "O HEATING -tr BOUGH ' tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL V(nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 5q1 '.1 * rNs THUR FRI PECTION TOWN OF >1:b/4"I € lU REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT AM ;PM-T ,o* L-'i'74 JoBNAME (:1nlt,^-trn- il-/t, {..c,ba.*1 e ll<,.t.urtr.r a-'df READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER ruES i ry!_?-) PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - ON / STEEL - D ROUGH i D.W,V, tr ROUGH i WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - FTNAL 7 "'?,,-) ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ftrennovro tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 't DATE INSPECTOR Sq1\INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL "l? AM tPaa BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL E- tr__ N FINAL tr FINAL ir-ecrnicrh tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr n tr(r,*o'FINAL APPBOVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 5 77rl INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME ..4,?rr-.r .-,u ,'{L ' t rt i-,,,, '4 e oALLER 1o (. t'l -t&' t tt Q 2 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ( l"?i,o" INSPECTION: .,i.: ^,\- .'MON , tl TUES WED THUR FRI ,"4-D PMREADY FOR LOCATION:el BUILDING: _;PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. TOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH i WATER -ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL D D D tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL.tr FINAL ;(eeenoveo CORRE tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR :Hfi"J+' Proposed: No change in site coverage will occur because the bay wind covered by the second floor of the building above. 5,1" ,640 square 4,640 square feet- t. P.--18.24.010 Puroose: ld"l \ fi3'{ +p" = O, lllLb x 7,s74.1-! ==:::-==-- 757,ry 3i.9 400 "The commercial core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain theunique character of the Vair viilage commercial Area, with its mixtursof rodgesand commercial estabrishments in a predominantry pedestrian environment.The commerciar core I District is intended to ensure adequate right, air, openspace' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types otiuiiJngs anouses. The district reoulations in accordance *itn tne Vail Viilage Urban Design ,Guide Ptan and Desi!n consioeraiionr;,"J"il site deveropment standardsthat are intended to ensure the maintenance and pr"..i""iioi. "] in.'tightrvclustered arrangements of buildings fronring on peoestrian *"y, "no fiori"greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and arcnitecturatqualities that distinguish the Village.,, ;&4r The applicant will ailparking fund. 28 square feet.