HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT D E BRIDGE STREET BUILDING FKA CASINO 1969-1974 LEGALI { _t!--.]qs I t oxl\ \) :lo n lj J -l-fJ t-\t> ii1 d tr ,!i7 r'.;+O ': U. f=Is\LJ) I;il . :J.:]- 9I ul ul !- i' ulqr nlrd ]H l.-l rq :-- b1 ll s ,tJ J v \l "4trV Jttp :, ()H; z;)u \nS- {'t2u Z. Jq- Id (A : F CD C\[ (J|rlct H al UJZ rI- \0ul I {ult{.u{r € a/l I\t\ |,lrl =l<l2l ll rl il J *3 r Eoz ! -- ) \'* S'-re.ail,'ru Vail Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: Building addressi: Time served: Fire lmn P. O. Box 100 vAtL, coLORADO81657 Date served: Building name: Building owner: 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNtFoRM F|RE CODE (u.F.c.) vtoLATtoNS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) vtoLATtoNs tr tr OTHER SAFETY VICILATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:4.M.,/P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COIIPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTIOI{U}IDER THE: PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO:tr tr r'1 tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. WATER & SAN. DEPT. VAIL POLICE DEPT- PUBLIC SERVICE D PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICEB: (Signaturc) (Signaturc)(TMe) lnrtt P. O. Box 100 vArL, coLoRADO81657 Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: Building address: Time served: 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 Date served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNtFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) vtoLATtONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) vtoLATtoNS o tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COUPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO:tr tr tr tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. WATER & SAN. DEPT. VAIL POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SERVICE (Signaturc) tr PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: (Signalute) Vail Fire Department lnrn P. O. Box'100 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 Date served: CORRECTION NOTICE Dateof orig inal inspection: Building address: Time served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM F|RE CODE (u.F.c.) vtoLATtoNS s tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr OTHER SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M./P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESUTT IN FURTHER ACTION UilDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO: tr VA|L BLDG. DEPT. tr WATER & SAN. DEPT. VAIL POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SERVICE tr D (Signaturc) tr PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIBE DEPARTMENT OFFICEB: (Signaturc) a lNs]'Ecrrct . TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL t, JOe Nnl'r C AM!f} CALLER I pennel. READY FOR INSPECTION ! ornen MON COMMENTS: '..,/ THUR J\-::-.'----WED FRI -lJ-uPoN TH E FOLLOWT NG CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS p.oernoveo E orseppRovED ! nrrNsPEcr .\. '-i, TOWN OF HEGTU VAIL rNsrFEcrrot EEiT TIME RECEIVE AM;PM CALLEF D ornen n pnnrrnl.LOCATION n nppRovED L,| '/ DISAPPROVED fl nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: CORRECTIONS '' -.'' . '-l .'. -/ ,,-^ .' .... = ..1 ,.;'-;^'*=-'7.:- ..,' ./'/,-/ - lnwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 office of the town manager October 30, 1975 LETTER OF AGREEMENT Re: Maintenance of the North Fire Exiton the Casino Building I the undersigned do hereby agree to maintaj_n the above-mentioned stairway in accordance with Town of Vail Ordinance No, 3, Serles of 1923, Section 11-10-2.(public Nuisance Ordinance in relation to ice and snow overhangs and removal). In addition to the maintenance of the north fire exit stairway, f also agree to maintain a safe access from the above-mentioned stairway in accordance wj_th Town of Vail Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1923, Section l1-10-2 (public Nuisance Ordinance in relation to ice on sidewalks or public passageways ) . I understand that failure to do the above-mentioned tasks will result in a Request for Abatement, and if necessary, Abatement Procedures in accordance with Ordinance No. 3. Series of 1973, Sections f1-10-4, 1L-10-5, 1l-10-6, il,=-lz tf Date O)Ot Town of Yail ETECTRICAL PERII{IT rob rvame....&-4-z*.r.s-.d: ..... .. ZL^*/, Date of Application.... /.9-..-.......:.. . I -* ................rs....:7-S...... Electricar "onru.ror./d*J-. &efue APPROVALS N9 Butlding Valuation Electrical Valuation Perrnit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..--.. Received By L77 6C' s..,..2o.9 ;#qlF THIS FORM Ig TO BE POSTED 01{ .IOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTIOI{ 2,t HOURS ADVAME NOnCE REQUIRED FOR INSPECIIONS li! t. a. fi0r! L co,, Dr||vrr t0rrll DATE OF IUBBTINC ; MIIMBERS PRESIIITIT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN tsY BOARD: VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPBOVED: SUI,IMARY: I orisrcr.r Ru\tr:w BOARIJ AGAINST fulanJa4, t t-/ / | / / MorroN, /rt )L//r, _ sECoNDED av /drflq/=f,0b A,u."st o DESIGN REV] IJl\I BOARD DATE OF MEETING MEMBERS PRESEI{T: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE:FOR: SECONDED BY AGAINST APPROVED, tZ' DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: $ N |f\ * S{ V\ b. Ih E Etr 0J NOrM'lVA [\*NE/ ur z =69 z tr arOFCs9o ^>-2*< uJ3o-u>U ;Fi tt 3 l! z o !Jo E1 lqlEJFil-o.) {9. -Y ZE:*< .,tr:.ros.>z*<<QzzzF'o<; FFV<oO t'l Z-d >Fx6 (,,^,t Ea <o> -<o* t(<;r r.l Fi F. e "] =z a a z F J uJ(! UJ zl u, zg p z UJ E IJJ ul F llJ E J IJJ o J F F uJ )II J F ! .E =tr=l!o o zr oJ Il o leG' =, =et- 6 a J ? 1 2 r.lq B !.1 ccd" .o ttl z 2 F= E[riU ur 2 raloz 3 Fa F,z O z B (.1 F 2 r'H!l<f:sI: ^k9.,9 <l9i;FE*<9rilrl ^3f;8frUa2za2l<oz66z4A)3::gao<O<aolZ:iliEie ';<o- < :E;!Eo> -!4<on=afiE<tr<3,r + =:E gl v) z uJ E uJ Q ul tr E tu c( tt ul G J J F 4l o I J F F ! Er ltl o oz -oJ -f o .. l- ,.€ .:= '=c). l-- *( -l.<> I a E t NS "I ENFI > E JEI T: i -r( | - < ga-l r E :I\ TE;N n;ql.\l 2izJNI\Ze'NISI| | ril I *I HI; I Fl - F |l1I I a>| | <o | | llE -t | !i < uJ z <[ J Fz<: (, (.) 2r.<thz I{A(J,. ze<=ZQ z9 JA<rd *B Ba lll IE Lu (Jz lll z s ttFz uJ E aa ul tr lr !J tc tt u, F -J J FoF ulc c J tt J oF t Ec ul o R\. Fii\r N=fi .^\ ll NC) oQ=z\=qNt- =tvf\oi\V ! 2 EI .SUBJECT: AC?ION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE; DATE OF MEET]NG MEMBERS PRESEIiIT: DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD SBCONDED BY AGAINST FOR: /tf)0 ' ^'' ,, APPROVED: , -/---- DISAPPROV, SUMMARY: I Amravcl of tl. taur Tou thG ard appllcrtlon ,ls subJect ts tfp eondlt*sns. ru$t sdd c plant*r on thc ,rsrth s'fd. of bulldfng &tr*esn ihq tnsh cncloture the. prqtruslon on tftrt rffia sldei and 2. You rnrst add an cxterlor dosr to sldc of thr brllldlilg aE en cntry rneloggrt, DESIGN REVI};W BOAED , SUBJECT; ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE: DATE OF MEET MEMBERS PRES FOB: ,",41/twSECONDED AGAINST rl APPROVED . - DISAPPROVED: 7N V^J l box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager August 4, 1975 Mr. David Garton Box 705 Vail, Colorado 8'I657 Dear Dave: 0n July 3], .l975 the Design Review Board approved your application for an addition of a fire exit on the northside of the Casino Building. The approval was subjectto one condit'ion: that you resubm'i t p'l ans for trash enclosure when you have decided the appropriate placefor the enclosure, I would appreciate it if you would bring the plans into me when you have them completed,and i will then rescheduleyou for the Design Review Board. If you have any questionsn please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, I DESIGN REVI]JW BOARD DATE OF MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: MEETING *or,ror, /Jn -L.** ,, 'EC.NDED *,4/AAlf AGAINST /.tfl2rl i rnoUz SUMMARY: liJc,Fa -ft+c V++-u"e1 {apEl l\'8\n\ $\\l\\j..;.\".'t, .?j i--\ i i' 'u t. .: r.1 I l'' : I .-htir CASINO PARTNERS tTD. 777 Washington Streetr Suite 202 Denver, CoLorado 80203 'Ju3-y 23, 1975 Mr. Warren Pul-is VaJ.Iey ForgeP. O. Box 999Vail, Col-orado 81657 Dear Warren: I am enclosing your new plan for the outside of the jewelrystore. It has the approval of Casino partners, Ltd, Please note that I have signified that approval- in writingon the back of the d.rawing. rSr Ranald H. Macdonaldfor Casino Partners, Ltd. RHM:bjc Enc. Sincerely o tNsPECTrc" FtEauEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen FRITUE ! pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMMON COMMENTS: n nppRovED n orsappRovED I nerNsPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ilusiPEcrtt, TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen TUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN FEADY FOR I NSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: f] nppRovED ! otsnppRovED n nerNSPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG conREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE I NSPECTO R rNsPEETre\t TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE _JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orxrn PMTUE n pnnrrll LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRMON COMMENTS: I nppRovED ! orsaeeRovED ! nerNSPEcr n uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Fqffatr, Eoloildo 80l0l Orn*nl 'Fa Eox +t =E IJJAllJ F X ut z IJJ z Yt l! z o F F E z J ql Llt LIJ o|llIoz J Y = J(J z oo z tr |ll FJ utz (\'1 z ) ; llJ F 2 uJ uJ r|. L E IJJF = i z F tr I .1.. \|^. \ s \ 3 Fx UJ UIJ z uJ d z F 6 LIJt J z llJ t!o tr ul E z F IE ul ulE z F ul z J c)lt F lll IC F Az F z = = ^z NOTMlVA I ( z F f ,.t Y ARJ\, Cg o J E ul o = E I r <\ F =J n J --,-ad-'\\-r o e) \llN IJJ zU9 z= z trq1 F!C9o ^>:z*< o.()>oFO .N (t r!z N UJ ('' 5.it |.r l\t.. \_1I' Y = z F ql uJzul o Fto €iz I Id7 I!r z UJtr llJ z z 3E th zul E UJ F ut { cc J tt ul IE F J J F UJ J II J F F ! .E =tr= lrj olrero =,2 =qf- -'l o \.\ \N \*'\ \ -\{"t' € e frl I I I -.1 j ,l'l I I l I rl- 'l rlI' 'I i I t.{:i.{' I i;'lt :r,l t, I'.,| I f I E=il=_, ! oe MORGAN & ASSOCIATES. INC. CONSUTTING ENGINEERS 7 E. Bf JOU . COT.ORADO SPR|NGS, COT.ORADo 80902 . {303) 47 5-7303 JOHN B. A{ORGAN IARRY R. YODER DONALD SCHAABSCHMTDT LIMITED SERVICES Clienr: ?tcu M" krer- (te,..'c;rvtare Sri z8-7 getplt sTeeET vaiv, c ovot:,.-o o CONTRACT fEqrour) hoiect: Q€uooet q Fxrsrrug Br*eir.iq [-lnr-u g FroUf l^lpr-u 'In response io your request for engineering services on the referenced proiecl, ple.ose initiol oreos in which you desire our porticipotion ond we sholl proceed os soon os possible: r' l. Design Colculotiohs. the 2. 3. 4. 5. Design Sketches.. Sfructurol Trocings Eebring Professionol Shop Drowing Review. Red-lined Struclurol Drowings without -rfco Engineer"s Seol , Professionol E ng ineer "s Seol . +t l4OEstimoted Chorg"t -rfrgb' Mlxrn,tuM 6. On-site Inspection ond Reports. 7. Cost Estimoles. t/Cl ient/Owner Conferences. Structurql Notes & Specificeiions Reody for Typing. Chorger for the services lisled obove will be billed ot fhe following rotes: Principol $2|/hour Engineers 520/hovr <- Drofting S lS/hour Additionol out of pockel expenses for long-distonce colls, printing chorges, mileoge, etc., will ' be billed ot cost. All chorges will be invoiced on o monfhly bosis with poyment due by the lOth of the following month to ovoid interest. This ogreement moy be terminoled by either porly upon wriilen notice should the other porty foil substontiolly to perform in occordonce with its terms lhrough no fouli of the other. In the event of terminofion due to the foulf of others, the Engineer sholl be poid his compensotion for services performed to terminotion dole os outlined obove. 8.tg. APFROVED Address: t Telephone: Dota: MORGAN & ASSOC|ATES, lNC. . /) ,4 ,4/ /r/i,w K 7/"'e-\" l/ // Lorry R . Yod{r, Associote P.O, Box 2885, Voil, Colorodo 81657Fsk\Wt CONSUI.IING ENGI}.iEERS COUNCtt o *o*:lll,1"':::,t:::''"' o Computed by LPY oate Checked by Job Title 4 /ta/t= Job No. SheetSubjectDate Keuooes lrtTleroz eca. hJnuu -lW - fLeaul : z/dt Hrvovtrro ftoov : 4 S,e Fr"oerr.rg =zx l6's c. lC' Mecx. { Ew.. C6rLrNq LtvE lo^o )Lr| .o rnr 4-o 3.o r.5 , lo.O t loo. O--_-.--=1-.tzz-s +t/+ ., {r Use lz=. ot/b &-,tl rl , aYrsnH{ {-l IT 5rns 1 t" L oF Bq, hl"u,t - tot-o'l L<,^o /ff T. Eeq Nnuu ilxa"*s CogsroEsATloFl - tzj.o(ro), tzso.o*4 "4.r==%.,oo t-lt- IllIJ Fxur .J +SI -a\ w-3 Ff) xul I U ! o-1 o a, a o;t{ F ={t){g. \icl!A \-z. tr YI xul I I I I I I -1_I I ___________lt: lt-__Ir €x|3 t1t{{ 4oL.s aa gaF BEAMS Job Title o'o*:ilfiiJ:,",,?,il:?'-' o *,= l7so-6V / = z+.o -/ . 1.o ./ : 160.0 r' z 60.0./ . l1_o __---_.-..---..:t t,szo- o F/tr. - Computed by LLY Date 4/tt-/-ls Job No. Checked by Date SheetSubject Lo^o= F>rsrruq Ft. Jols1 Fxrstruq ?>tcr,nrl7 il^rr-sp .i Etxvrrtq d Buocr ecG\ fascn to(a") NEFI tsv. Mrr Spa1.1 , al-ztl tzs. o (ro) 6"2r t6'! V, t.sz (an1t/. o *.a9F [e.n,o S, 13+6il/rco , aa.B3 N1 ae'( 8x8 VJ . +.ng - t$z(l.=/tz) , z.t{ A. s(zzao)/z(sa.z=) Tzf 8 * lo V.l . 4.al -t.s.z(1ar/1zl , 3.49t' H'!Z'(s,+e o)/z(tt'zs) , -73,s psl - bs,o Psl (or*-1) A - s0=zo)(e.rr)(..2*)r/za4 (1a)(s=s.as1) , o.osa' eM, -- 91'8 Psl > 85,o N'f,Psj . r/tzt b OEAY A6s4 .'rt l4o , +,olo/zes , lz-16 tNL l*0. tz'tb/t,= , t.ait BLo.. , !a1o/t=o'o t 31.27 IAL Stocv Souo 'kww b'4. b4. :- 17.81 ,/'t.so.-2.39 INL Agrq otr qeo,aT II o-v/i /-:Y Lp4- st.rtf,x(z) ' lz.5 tr.ll Aszg , rtalfrc(s\ -- tt'Et trtL ilrf Srlo klo. Bv. or O.f. # | oe- grrrrt ?:r*v bu. M'*. or 4 oNro Exrslrr'rq Buo*. $uocv Mru. op d I'opq 4 lC' 0*P Sera*e- llreo",?- 8r<. l'.lauu .lI.JEN YEAH VesratJj- Bev.'vt F;t ?*q, Job ritle *r*"r^-* =,,?.]"o*tilfi*Tlnhl,J utu 4/ra/tsrob No (Subject Checked by -- Date of ?eworeu inr.awe P-na tJ,."t ' f\ /.tdoLuMhr L.EstqFt ( lt|EH ) Looos t=lrr,q Esav Frtslrlq B€tr4 t=zh.n'ttt Ua LqMN ' 5 !.: :,41 ,/,t),, rc,o(12) /1.5, t9.zo //)", to.=(rz\/s.= . "?.ql ilrleco.ep |le rq,.tt ' Lie.rceo Flrr4Ur. TPt 6xB €ou. lzt-olt lA x-x ro'-6t IFJ Y-Y4.ag' 5.4s o.20 I14 s rrb. Aw4, to.z*/(z.o-o,zz) - a..=# M- t,c-6(2."-11(t,aaz=\Yz ' z.13tL J, As' o. a9(2.-z\/a,s, a.z? tN\- lo-34? fo' o.3l,aoo,ooo)/z?.9t' , 9l+.s F6 . l,zoo-o Psi tl.e =t-d' , z'-d' fTq, lo.o_3.o_6,5,6.brl Psl F4' +.a1G.o\/tz , tl'tg lo,z+o/a.z= ' 256,1 Psi 11a(poa)/3-7.b e z-t4.6 ?sl ?.=o.-7 31L. L al+.= 't=o"; < l'oo o? l'-d' Tdt.-:- Frq, Ovelet)(;aE{ ?nunlue = ls),o tso,o +-7o,o+so.o t =-zo,o+/ry |,J=f dx I l,.lo. Car-ur.',rN ilrf ,l- B" , zL a'* lo" tTq, t"lrtt 3.+ + Fw (qenos 4o) o*o*:f}fi*'i,""?,il:?' -'' o Job Title (teroerae*cE 3vt SnoP Computed by LEY Da:r- 4/u-/l= Job No. Subiect _ Checked by Date Sheet J+{q3 XY-LI TA 'a or-.uSoEtL 1,1 Ot--g 6.{r 0- @ zZ-j d, ,. t$ (0 tlt -n ttt 6' + b+r = 3'b- t- ll -o \ (ll r ill t* tl =llatl -tlrll sll vrll d lJ- TI7c F b- .:.1z I=1lrv:2 1 -9. -,.1 \f_ -ci .a \rZ'rl-Ei!s*=llr l! t- 6-t o fJ \J-zFIr. l. T o 9..t-:oq3J ='\1 p H. dt\r ^r!L"iicidI 0z -rf I I I I v- tr9 ll1 trl o:Itl 0a f-I I I I I \o-1F !,17-uri rl- 5or r# ri :-l :-f :--f \f- g'o rF I1.r+,.',- | 'r Uzfis#l .- r\J f I +l v-zt-!t o.rrU n' {-l\ql \L-l $i ul u) Job Title frvroncnrrr & ASSocTATES, rNc. O CONSULTINC ENGINEERS Computed by LFY Date Checked bySubject Seuoev . l.lauu Fvtsnpq Fluueas Exts1q51q *o.o N Et^t Sxla fjaoD BEAF4 f,eT 3114. oF BM, F usrt FllTht Er |S1,4lLtFlq lolsT t) sl-IrpE UP Errslruo J or<f Q Qe-l1*<e Mrl.lrMl-lq oF lY,r s) h $cr ?€*oug. 3+oax1 @Y?^cV l.'| tTH NoFI.+lelH(qcov( 3vjF.5r{ J6rsf HF$q Eps-f\p e Lue- z+ * ?-nv EeFaeE rusrau;uq tieyr &,r. BErl.rfll NEFI BM. ! Buac;l Uilflt' PeYPAcu H*s 9t farz +E Hous:; Ertsftu q t 2 " 1s Jors-f t Exrsfrllq Z 2 Y lo JotsT I Fx lsllHq <El Llriq -l olsf ^ MORGAN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. q .\ tt coNsuLTlNG ENGINEERS v Job Tirle (ePeorqantce €s SAaP Computed by LeY Date 4fr-/t=, Job No. (Subject Checked by _ Date Sheet stMPsa$ Pa.Sf-f'ftg ru 4.o €r\7 FJEt^f 6x8 Klaoo 4slLlMg z-lt'F Botts 5"r /4ilt ol-?o slDE'd's ttt;W , d-I=/a' il - SMPsoN aau Mr: 6r<E f'fof c64, t:/a -5/6!b gov'fs To? oF FT1, doIE: avf BM. AYJAY NAILEA. ExrsTlNf FLot-1 ( ft{te{ Froo? Sewowv Frrsrruq ?w. hl^t" o*o*:ilfi1"'i:fJ*l:?'*' o Job Title compured uv LEY o"t" 4/z*/ls Job No. (Sublect Checked by Date Sheet Zeww.,- + fvo,rt pauu ?ewowe hloru So {er,r Fler^r lAr*ootrs CrH ge tNsrauuEo i-Eave EvrsTlir{ L"lr;u Ar ls, h,!^-- GpsTEucTroN ls dt 4lcee.tE gtoav t'.lEnr oPt+JtFq hlroru fi g2 = jdt t AssuvE Q r" $ -p 3tpvr.pls = 4a.d = 4l-ci Hrr4.rrr 6? TeuiAqLE Fon Cz,ee;eLtllq , 0.B6(4.o\, 3.4a.t =Ay 4-d' -lole*--le e- 4 Suocu = ao.o lt' 5,T,tc-o EA. s roE: , zo.o Ftaprr-r{ = to. a | | o. o+7f Luro Tu Lrtrru hJ,+r- +.o (rro) Fa* z.o(tzs.} LtLrrEL . 4*".oF/, t 2SA, O = 20'o -1 t";;ilt lvl,, o,1lG)"/a , t,pzt9 (eo'o E, 1.42(12\/zz -- 0,"6 tN: dse Z t' Spr.b - o.3J t{ } V' o.r t (+\t/.. l.4zt' Asnq " l.Qz/1s(o-t=\ i 6.31 tA> Lgnq, G.3l /t,z=(z\ r z=3' ORGAN & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING E NGINEERS Computed by J-pJl- Date A-/z+/t< Job No. Checked by Job Title of( subject ?erqor:",- of td-i t*t cd 7sl--B=< tk$n5gI.d' :zl+tr-go+FG FH(F: ftG$?i Jut .f \f- z_ t- VI Ftrt ll \:r: E=T. h,l- fi 3+ o ztr ' ZUJ F U 5{ vl tr. 0 lIIz:f x \ 'tt- -o I I * B}g3 rH= 7oJ -rr rnS .i uoJ\7- :fr,(?t-ii vl E:- zF ::I U <t vl J $ trslu-l ( Job Title Subject 8r*oo* or"':filifi':,"',?,u:?''" o Checked by _ Date _ShBet of Exslrlq t4o- tue'/i.tq + L1o FtHlsH Exrsfltl q 8tt Btocv *"4*tu1U (Uel"r) computed bv L9{ Darc 4/z+/ts Job No. oF fuoPt L-lnuu FxtsTlHq sfrl€co EvTrep? Snru Grr 4rf tNTo klnru l-.---='-- ?gt'nv| ?nocv b€Low ANq'-El 1 :j:L 1.trjj':.ll.: APF-.r'.r _| ,, i ?t^.F4 vEn.flcalsANJollrfj-14^-+- iri.; ;4;'*;;; hlo. Fr,rrqt l^l'+EEE ANqL€s A€E 'lo gE PL* 'n. ,F l.lnuu dhlLy 4 A-vr lJort.. Lr4, "r At{|,F ?rpe^r srEP z Fot- oT+ep- stpe oF NALL Arqur A" bq, S.pvl c;I Eetow til, oF 4'l or-t fncrt E*o, Atqur w Vepnc* QeecTrcr. foe VJetv opENtuq (-€vow r) ?zuove Srrl<do a\ s) +) 5) r'l I It, \ o-_-.)i7-tl1e;i!r-*l l-.-t @ (3o 4 o RE:'. Yfnl#eer 3,xle KA)t- Zx4 tffi@rtr4 5/4u TwAp+ ?/4t RgE&,rp 2* @Fl45rK. 4&Vz TO -aE d\<ffit:7 rea w ?-l/dt ffiLLE[z AtN ? fi. a. 2x4 l-W;< -j-\ \t\ aGE alp w/a/+r ru1rr\it? NEN ENTKY ryWQ \AJLt@*6b1fr =Ttr-+ ao ee Ot.6tll ,^ilW 1' I I I 1rr:1t.p . &T.1t1914 JAI'1W K. MAKTEK F<ArreCT wx 199 vAlLl @I-.GAW g>l@1 (*+\ +1G-eto6 o . rt', '. '!,{ .t ',.'.: | -/ ll-€xtuT'e. 2/b" trtff^:Al,- A{EK, 2x fuK?ie. EXI+T16. E7\RNN;?, W-FTIG AK. IAAL^- lx? aKJfl Te? F,','AIEf't #.?liQ. *t?Tle. ffia/$fr A.r-1g.lNi7 31L-rc8) ta-lEiN€ H=AT2 IAMP /a-lMlLAl< lx-FRIM 'T32 tqAiI-CH dr+Ttg. +T1)CC,A lx T-R|M F.i-l- ffENr€. tF 7x4 Z y.lt2 II V?)t n;rv.-wa T.KANIsAM cL.tr z><la 10#ffi t ><2 =e7 f- rr- TKANIffiN/| =lt; ? e xG s x. tv/Afi bJVw*? A -r*treevP a.-4#3 (F3: ffi)2G. El-e./,<fta\l e7t' 4!NsF.) --;ffi ALLIM. <ffi_A,-lN N4A?riC. G. vAlLt TKFf.KMANCE trow* '.a-a.FF,rH lbtt =f,otl ffir.1t1?14 'Ja+,/EA' R.ffiER ARC|'frEfiw.79b \l\lLr @L"A:I<AW ble1(m) 416-Etoa . F O Fz I z F tsl p FT z BH!E=#lgxi -<Q-P < '- 9 Z t-Ei:<g HHEFJ6X^9Ylr42<aa7:273 33:gBo<aJ<oFlzxrFSlilaFAY::<o- <FHgiH- t .. < c Q>,i/,< c i-FJ A g<c<>j h ul o o, Y UJI 2 J z fHY+iU UJ ut ozl IJJ z sE F c uJ E J tt UJ F : F ul J u- F Fz UJ !! ul ! ,: =r=ulolre(j! =,2 =ql-d-I l o ultr F X UI o uJ z ll. lll F z v F z o oJ F F =L!o- z J :f c0 llJ uJtt o alt () z) lll z F oo zo E uJF IJJz z J t! u,t l z (') LIJ J lrl o IJJ tt llJ Ftt =F- 6I J a3 FX ah Lll) z- dg, lllE tr l! z uJ3 IJJ oz ul l oz uJ t! UJv E at) z tr o.ul uJ G z tr o- uJto o2 o ;i iJJ: o Flt q a0 Flt ul !, z v, z ? =lt Az NOtlvntvA z F{ luF (j)zl YJ @ F IS>o.4 \EN ut =-zr:9 z trx=n6FC9eA>xo:z6fuf >oFO . ..j !a o B tt 2 tr a Lll J a! 'ACNVdnSCO lO SJ.VCtJ t-tu 3' rO 3JNVnSSI sNotlc3dsNt o3crno3u '1"tv H:lrjv'rdtd 90'18 lzraoHl.nv oI 30vr1r N33e 3nvH 3HI Or O3NAnJ3U 3S Or- Sr CUVC SlHr:3loN uolcltdsNt oI 3'tStssSccv oNV Slls 8of No o3rsod 3s ol sr l tHour suoltcedsu! rol parlnoer scllou aaue^p€ 0l€z-grf euoqd :stuvlrr3u (dJu6 esg lueurlredao rog) ouoc3u No[csdsNl sl noq o oSnssr ASNvdncco lo 3rvclJ lru3c :o3sv:t13u :ctnsst u30uo dols lJl'l ulcuo NorrJ:ruuot 'lvNH m m{ Tor HONOU HONOU H9nOA :tcNvulN3 33ln uls lVNIJ Fc3g z G, hr3rs^s u31)N luds 'olnv sSdldoNVls 'NIIN3A3ISVi A NIVUO 'rsro I A]ddns u3lvM 'lvNH m -{ z w3lsAs tcNvt'lddv .|VNH @g |-Iz c, lrNt) gNru3AOC 'l'lVM s33V'rdSHrJ NO|lvlllN]A 1/{OOA SNrJOOl f ],\tvuJ -t1vM NOIJVONnOJ 1.lvtri NO|TVONnOJ 1'lvi NotJ.voNnoJ 't'lvM NotrvoNnoJ 'r 3 3rs l3frs 'rt3rs 9N IIOOJ cN .OOJ 9Nlr.ooJ 9N rrool )cvslts :runrvNgrs NotrvSo'l / srNSu{woc f,lvo IVAOUddV HOLS3dSNl 1Vt33dS 'dsNl 'o3u o DESICN RIiVIEIV i]OARD DATE OF I,IEETING [IEI{BENS PRESE]'JT: SUBJDCT: ACTION TAI(E}I MorroN , y'*rlr" sEcoNDED * t//lf ff VOTE: APPROVIID; DISAPPROVllD: SUI.I}IARY: (.ll "lt tnlrlt n box 100 vail. colotado 81657 (303) 476-5613 Vail Entertainment dha Casiuo Vail P.O, Box 2297 Vail , Colorado 81657 office of the town manager Marcb. 25, 1975 Attention: (1) il{anagement,,of Casino Vail izi o"ner/s o{ ttrc Casino Bui19} \'Gentlemen; On }larch 24, 19?5 at 4l3O P.M., I made an inspection of the above menti.oned property had have compiled tvro (2) lists of sorrections to be bomplieci with' List No' l- comprises of items to be corrected by V/endesday, April 2' 1975. List No' 2 comprises of items to be corrected by April 15, 1975. Your attenti-on to the items mentioned herewith will be greatly aPPreciated. LIST NUIUBER ] 1.One hour fire rated gyp. board should be installed and flre taped in the following locati-onsl a. Coat cl.oset at entTyway b. Upper bar area "tontd t*p, also fill ]ioles in existing gyp. board c. At o1d dumb waj.ter access openlng d, Storage room across from upstairs bar, also holes in floor with one hour material e, Ilall area neat lorver electrical panel f. A11 other areas j.n the building where stud framing has been exPosed. o d- 3. Casino Vail March 25, L975 Page Trvo Your immediate attention will be If you have anY questions Please o met with our cooperat l-on ' contact me at this office' Electrical- panel in upper floor needs to be eovereo and index for circuits. Put cover plates on exposed elestrical boxes in closet across from uPstairs bar Lr-E1_NUqgE-e The bar tap lines running from the cooler across the access way into the bar should be covered with a raised ramp type cover so as not to be a potential dangel for triping. The dead end water line in the kitchen located under thecompressorsrrourabecutoffa'ndcappedinan appro';ed method. The toilet encfosure in the men's restroom needs to have a door. The cover on the hearting unit -by the bar (downstairs) needs to be leveled and secured' Secure tables (on raised seatlng area near the down- stairs bar) to the floor so that they don't rock' 1. 3. 4. OP1IBNT BBS/j k Si.ncerelY, DEPARTI{ENT ett /lJ. str Chief Bullding rru[f oEC 1 71s74 Town of Vail EI,ECITRICAL PERMIT I22.-- Ir-<!.dt€ 5 tL.b", "" "" - " " "/ "'- "" "'" " "-" "" "" "'4"- " " "')'" ""' '-'.e,a.*.g},6'-.--'....-. Date of Apprication-... / +/ / I :". _..!.-..... "._...-..--...-..-19-..-....-. Erectricar contractor..... E v..-r nr-../ J- tr- -Ltfu-t"..e..-., la e f\fi f oot**-.ffi/=d23tkffi N9 Building Valuation Electdcal Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 94 $-...-..--^-... APIROVAI"S $".-..-- Slgnature $..,/.Q-Q.a- $.-eo^e 8R. $'a.f...::.... pete paio.../L . t.l-, -7.y'.fu.4.7-4: il fl Iz-. Dat€ BE POSTED OH GONgTRUCTIOH 2{ HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUINED FOR INSPECTIONS FORM IS TO SITE DURITTIG lflr l, rr 80rEtr! !o., aExvtt r!lttt T DATE OF I.lEI4BE RS SUBJ tCT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: RIV I EI,I BOARDDI.S IGN t4il-TIiiG: PRT.SENT: -t$u1:H---- -fut"nt-- MOTION VOTE:FOR: t f ', - .r.^i (Tt 'fTettLan ; StC0NlrED B\ @!&: AGAI NST: APPROVED; ! olsAppnovro: SU}.fi'IARY: CASINO PARTNERSI LTD' 1022 Guaranty Bank Building Denver, Colonado 80202 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: December 6, L974 in the November L4, 1974 has the approval of Casino Very truly yours. CAS]NO ASSOCIATES, General Partner a1 Partner The reguest contained. letter of Warren Pulis Partners, Ltd. ( GALLERY . ARTS OFrsTEt:c3p3l 476.5864 j"]r. Ranald l"icDonald 1022 Guaranty Bank l31cg. Denver, Colo. 84242 i.ovember 14, L97 4 Dear Ranald: Regarcli-ng the forner Snoshoe space, I would lrkc to coverthe exterior of the r:rrtry coor vrith ]:oard on board in the sarne dimensions as the t:xistinq exLerior siding an r stain il the sane color as rne cxisting grey. In,.order tc clo i:}ii-s, I rnust have an O.ti. on the aboveirom :hc owners of i:he Casino BIdg. t"o i;re:enL tc Lhe Design ItevievJ Cornmittee. The intent wc-uld be to use the door as an emergency exit only whictr would be so urarked for customersinside the siiop. 1f O.K. wirh you, r"vorlld you send me a note of consentregarclrng the first paragraph so l can go ailead with the comrilittee. Larry Baker has been botli i1l and out oL: town but said herdget back to you regarding the chanete in lease. Sincerely, t ''7) hl*o'*---- l4o;',:,';arren Pulis '14 J" Pr 7 ul t* .r'+ t4II 14 "l0 il IPw\, *-./) Jl\f,0Iv vl1B\0 ",fg fi*? i\ r [ft*d0' 'i;du0NI crJOtd{ t$ft $08 \t d i J lil t9inr b7 0 4U61 0qdB e0"{90l ).Ol{!J { I nt|ll{0v 2 ? 1e74 INSPECTIctN FIEBlJEsiT r" .* .t DATE JOB NAM TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER D ornrn MON COMMENTS: TUE n panrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION weo THUR FRI AM PM D appRovED I orsaeeRovED ! nerNSPEcr ! uroru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o nunov I 5 19741 Ns PEcrt oN TOWN OF JOB NAME FIEBUEST VAIL DATE . TIMERECEIVED i, i' AMPM CALLER n ornen MON COMMENT$: TUE f] panrtal LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI,AM PM E nppRovED n otsnppRovED ! n e rNsPEcr ' ! upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG GoRHECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Fio Fz (.) z = F 2 z ir O F z Q z ,t z B tl F El>El 4."' -. ? 2 .1 e -adx a>2z-<<azzzdo{iiFr.o<()oaz:qF*x9< (-) - ,. <a> * e<> .u f }: l. trlc(f#,= sr --<t<| IX\F tr IJJ J !c u,I z J z Io>u}F Eo UJtr IJJ z (Jz s tr LIJE tco J tt UJ G F -, {ql tr ) II J z uJ E LIJ UJ L .E =r=H o z -0If o lre, =, =c)t- G ? i z F lJ- z <( J F u. TL F =Ll,l o- z ) 5 llJ tt IJJ J z F \ 2 F LU Butz z J ; l F z u,/ IJJ E o ut lJ- E UJ o-o an llt J ztr u, uJg t! z ut3 IJJ doz F E g UJ E E (J ) @ F LL A IJJ tt z z f z F E !t l! {NOrl.vnlVn z tr o: utF lu (E o J a E zf tr J F J GI z 4 I IE 6 z c'i A, = ; F Foz IJJ Eo =tt z F tr ut J G UJ \\*a =-\ fr -+J *L -+.- a-.:e .{ r,t-) .*nl.A!J e, $hT>* ..,iF t"* <lt-$* -. !.,''%.h-.,3'***.-- i,0-,o1 I ,r]'It .b4; r t-t h+ -4 II*tE ,', a v'l -*: 3-U i\itt .-l i.+V r'- ll r :,oo I r;i"'ll.,.l:|'-.l .r'i" -1i .r'l (- : .a" :.; t ') '' I .t' x-i|r '"ioll it Flu rO r e 1924 rNsFEcrrt .,TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME PM CALLE E oruen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE f] penrrel LocArroN FEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM n appRovED n otseppRovED D nerNSPEcr I uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR TO: FR0rlt: RE: OATE; GTAJE SI{ITI' ]rr.RY ALORICH LElTfR, tZ N1VLMB€R lJoyE[f8ER 2t, 1974 MEM0P./.NDLN t?74, BR0[I,I 6 0,Ak)Ek THEFOLLOWING ARE THE AAJS{,ERS rO t .''- cAslivO uAIl. \r (ll gegl7y rc caMpuTEo 0N THE REquiREMElrs oF TABLE 33-At ?! Danee Ftoon - 7 tEtane dee.t pen oeutpa)lt.6l lgtngu - t5 acluani tee.t"pen;;A;;;rql K.i;tehen - 200 aquu-e 6eet p*-ii'ii"wll 1#.u - t5.tcluaie tiei-o;";;;i;,i" il y6"1".9,- 100 acluane [eet pat occulcant.0, ^1-{- oilxul ahen/s ^ 100 tcluane deet' pen ocutpant r2r lmffiANCE #5 sERlES 0F 1974 ADI?TING Tt{E UNrF}w EUIW,NG COOE AI,ID UNIFORJT FTRE CODE, {31 ALL)WAELE DE:,!SLT{ _ 50 ACCUpNrciEs (BASEA 0M oi\lE UlTl. t4l UNTF1RII BUILCIING CIDE, CHAWER 3. I5I AREA IA/CREASE. (61 MTNIMUM OF TWO EXITS OVER 50 OCCUPANCY, I''OT TESS THAN % THE OTSTANCT OF THE IOfuGEST OIAGONAL OF U) ALL}U;ABLE OENiIT1 = ICCU?ANC| {BASED 0N It ?LACE APART THE AR5/. SERi/E'. TW, 5-I..TTSI 't -''1 I I I i --,-t'7 I8l L1CATI1N 0F ADDTTL2NAL EXIT MUST e1ilpLy WT.TH THE REQUIREI/EI'IS AF THE VAIL ZONING OKUTNANCE, DESTGN REVTEW AND UNTFAR]T 8/.IILOING COOE. THE OEJECTIVES OF THE FIRE MARSI{ATL IS TO TROTECT THE LrvEs 0F mE ofirvERs A^n pATRoIJs I^l cAsE 0F FIRE uLTHTN r,{E srRucruRE. THE REVALUATION OF THE ALLOWABLE OCCUPN,IT LOA' STA{S FROM THE RECENT RE|IODEL OF THE AREA lAJ qUESTION, THE INTTIAL COJ\/SIRUCIIOAJ OT TilE BUTLDING OAS ?OI'/E AT A TIME {''{E[J CO/\/STRUCTION COI,ITRdT OAS i\JOI TN EFFECT BY THE TOIJIN OF VATL, EAGLE cOuNTy oR STATE OF }OLORAOO. u?ON LN9'R?'RMT?N. THE T}]|/.N AccEwED PREVTlusLy BLIILT AREAS 'As lst'. THE P0&,ERS 0F ENFoRCEI{ENT GR$\TE7 By THE UNIF0R/{| HTILDING c00E ARE LtiitTED TO NEII COI{SIRUCTTOA' MAI.NLY. THE UNIFORM FTRE CME, WH'ICH r/AS ADO'|:EO THIS YEAR, CAN REGULATE r/.TSTING HAZAKDOUS AREAS OI{ERE LTTE SAFETY IS 00N?ERNE , AS 15 rflE cAsE fi/IrH THE CASINl VML, sINcE TffE /l\lrERlOR 0F THE Bu'tLorNG HAs BEEI/ REM}DELED, THE rJTSTING ALLOWANCE '/AS CHANGg? I'THEREBY REQUIRIIIG RECALCULATI.ON Or OCCUP/|I{T LOAD. sEurRAl ArrERlJATlt/Es fi/ERE suGoEsrr, AND PuRposE A,{J, REAsol,Js FOR REqUIRET,IENTS OERE EXPLATNED, HM THE REYERSE EEEN TRUE, AS STATE IN MR. 8I]TIERIS L€TTER, ALLOUANCE TO ?ROCEEO WITH THE SCHEDULEO HALLOWEEN ?ARTY WOULD HAVE CURTAILED. 1, TAKE 1J(CErTON TO MR. 8{JII.ER'S STATEMENT TIIAT THE TOI,IJN GOVERNMENT UMIT(ELY OT.CTATED VTrLATIONS IN AIJ A' HOC FASIIION", IHE RESPOAJSIBILITY OF KNOWLE//,E OF VARIOUS RUIES ANO REGULATIOA/S RESIS uP0N THE CtrtZEN. r/E CAt'Ji/oT KNOW WHAT qUESTIONS A CrrlZEN HtA UMfrL HE ASKS Tt{Elft. JLAlnmr --tF -2- I t' -.-,-t7 LAW OFFICE Bnown and Wanden P.O. BOX 1ol Vrll, Colorado 81657 [303] 476-5475 Ste|9trl H. 8rcwn Hugh R. Wadel FJectric Butler €egl€ Of lice P.O. Box 822 Eagle. Colotado (3O3) 328-7lsl 81631 November 12, 1974 Town of VailAttn: Gene Smith, Town AttorneY Yail , Col orado 8.l657 Re: Vai'l Entertainment, Ltd., a Co'l orado corporation'dlbla 'Casino Vail' . Gentl emen : The above referenced corporation has retained our fjrm to represent them in endeavoring to resolve an apparent' but untefi ned , probl em that seemi , or al i eged iy may exi st wi th the Town of-Vai'l and in particu'lar, the Vai'l Fire Department. 0ur invo'lvement at this juncture is solely to ascertain the answers to the following quest.ions propounded with regard to . our cl i ent's pi ace of bus i ness , to wi t, rCas i no Vai I ' . Accordingly and pursuant to my conver Town Attorney for Vail, I would appre ny inquiry herein; as our client is m comply wi th any va'l i d ordi nance and r Town of Vail, if it knows of such req a'lleged violation thereof: (l) tlhat is the density, with regard to patrons' requirement of a bar and night club located within the environs of the Town of Vaii? (2) lthat is the ordinance, rule or regulation authoriz- lng such requi rement? -. . (3) In parti cul ar, what i s the al'lowabl e and stated d.ensity requirement promulgated by the Fire Department for the 'Casino VaiI'? (4) 0n what basis is such requirement for 'CasinoYail' founded? :_ (5) Wha'u are the requirements of the Fire Departmentfor a greater,density allowable in the 'Casino Vail'? sati on wi th Gene Smi th 'ci ate your resPonse to ore than wi I I i ng to equirement extant of the uirement and of i t'sal'a -,.-{l f' 'r1 I:l I t-lt. I ,tlit I l o on the the Val I othe r FB/Jh (6) Ir p remi s es (7) premi s es , (8) Entertai objecti -2- those requirements incl ude additiona'l exits, where are the requisite locations therefore? If an additiona'l fire exit were to be placed uponnhat wou'ld then be the al'lowab-le density? If said additiona'l f ire exit were app'lied for bynment, Ltd., would the Town of Vai'l have anyon to the placement thereof upon the premises? Fredric Butl er As this firm has, in the past, represented the previous ownersof this business in it's iegal caiacity, and arb thereforeaware of the use and function it performs as a landmark of. Yai! r we are especial 1y concerned'now with the objectives andmotives of the Fire Marsha'll'jn his contact with ihe present. owners thereof, viz., what are his objectives, why were the same not enforced---h-eretof ore agai nst irevi ous - own'ers , what hegants our client to do, e.9., put in another exit and where. I bglieve that-the.Town government and it's agents shouldwork with and for it's taxpaying ciTITeiT-ToT-ThE-publicwelfare and good; and in offbriig proposals and informing acitizen of the rules and requ'iremehts'for conp'riance witi the'nandates -of government, rather'than merely diitating vio'lationsthereof in an ad hoc fashion, the agent n6t only peiforms his- exclusive and administrative functiin, but also 'Lreeds,'harmony^and good wi'11 with the people he supposedly works for.I therefore feel that the necesiity of my wi^iting ihis letteron behalf of Vail Enterta'inment, Lld., ii total l! unnecessary,in that a taxpayins gitizen stroutd be ab'le to cobperate with-f. this own government without having to hire the likbs of me. t uould a'lso appreciate any other information from the Town ofuail' hearsay or otherwise, as to any other vio'l ations of thelocal law. by Vai'l Entertainment, Ltd:, in order that we mayresolve the matter. in a cooperative fishion rather than in-adversity. May i hear from you post haste as the winter iscoming on.' : :. 1.", truly yours, .. BRO}IN & I,JARDER ! tIfll' ---'7 f.'t o lAW OFFICE Bnown and \A/anden p.O. BOX'101 Vall, Colo.ado 81657 J3031 475-5475 Slervarf Hugh R. H. Brown Watdel EaEle Of f ice P.O. Box 822 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (3O3) 328-7rslFrcdic Eullel I November 12, 1974 Town of VailAttn: Gene Smi th, Town Attorney Vai'l , Col orado 81657 Re: Vai'l Entertainment, Ltd., a Col orado corporation,'. dlbla 'Casino Vail' Gentl emen: The above referenced corporation has retained our firm to represent them in endeavoring to resolve an apparent, but undefined, prob'lem that seems, or allegedly may exist withthe Town of Vail and in particular, the Vail Fire Department.0ur invo'l vement at this junc.ture is solely to ascertain the answers to the following questions propounded with regard toour client,'s place of business, to wit, 'Casino Vai'l '. According'ly and pursuant to my conversation with Gene Smith, Town Attorney for Vail, I would appreciate your response to my inquiry herein; as our client is more than willing to comply with any valid ordinance and requ'irement extant of the Town of Vai'l , if it knows of such requirement and of it's al I eged vi o'lati on thereof : (l) bJhat is the density, with regard to patrons, requirement of a bar and night club located within the environsof the Town of Vail? (2') |.lhat is the ordinance,ing such requi rement? rule or regulation authoriz- . al I owabl e and statedFire Department for the (4) 0n what basi s i sVail' founded? such requirement for'Casino t of the Fire Department 'Casino Vail'? l' ( 3) In parti cul ar, what i s thedensity requi rement promul gated by the 'Casino Vai I '? (5) tl|hat are the requirementsfor a greater density allowable in the 't 1 ii -2- those requirements inc'lude additional exits, where are the requi si te I ocati ons therefore? (6) iron the premises tr,. p""'f 11, (8) Va i I Entertaiother objecti if. an additiona'l fire exit were, what would then be the allowaOl to be placed upone dens i ty? If said additional fire exit were appl ied for bvnment, Ltd. r would the Town of Vail'h.ue any-0n t0 the placement thereof upon the premiiisf a As_ tfris firm has,.in.the past, represented the previous ownersof this business in.it's i;s;i ."baiiiv,-rri'ir! thereforeaware of the use and functi6n it performs as a randmark ofyuil' we are especia'r rv ioni."nea'now wlih-it" ooiectives andmotives of the Fire Ma-rshair'in-tis ioniilt-*iil the presentowners thereof' yif., yhqt are his oujfiiiu.t,-*ty *.i"-ih;-same not enforced--fi'eretofore againsi-;;;;ioii'o*n*rs, what hewants our client to do, e.g., put in inotf,e"-"iit and where. I believe that the.Town government -q-ttd it,s agents shouldwork with and ror it's tixpiviiis irffi"*-ioittit" pr;T;;''welfare and qood;_and in oii6riig p.oposals and informing acitizen of the rures un.i "*qrirements for compliance with themandates of 0overnment, rather iha, merely dictating viorationsthereof in ai ad hoc i;.hi;;;'tie agent nor onry performs hisexclusive and administrative'lunction, but arso'breeds,harmony and qood witi wiin'irre-p"opre he supposedry works for.I therefore ieer-that tr," ne..rIitv or ,nv-wiiiing il.,i, retteron behatf of vait Enterta.in;;;i; Lid., ii iotiiiy ,nnecessaryil-rl.li a taxpavins citii"ii iiiJ,lri-["'abTe";;-;;'rperate withnrs o.un government without having to hire the iii.s of me. .I. ryguld also apprggjate.any other information from the Town ofvail' hearsav bi^-otherwi;a:;; i; any other viorations of thelocal law by- Vait a;iu;i;ii*int,.rta., in-orae"'inut we mayresolve the matter. in a coopu"Jiive fashion rather than in:1::I:iiy. irtay I hear tiom-vor-post hasre as the winter iscomr ng on. Very truly yours, BROt,lN & WARDER =---*-a)-'-!) Fredri c Eutl er FBlJ h ---'7,l I i. I oF Q E1 a z B ?F z Hl'l>n; <F,g<:|!L-F.F - < Q ooP < .- Y Z t-!ii.42 HTEFJ 6 azzaZ7:2 72;6<E5liFr.ooo<o<OlrtZ;r;5?:aFly:3r5'iFHejB- i -. < c a > *!nJ3i?c < >,1 E uJ J c Y u,I z J z 2yr J3 UJE l! oozf IJJ z 3 z LIJ ql UJ F{ uJ J uJF o ul aF F ut cc d J F t Er ul o o z -o Jl o = l&o =, =etl- ut LXt! zt F > uJo- z o) :) ul uJ vout o z Jo- o =t! v, o a IJJ z F o z F UIF UJz z ) d E uJ z UJJltt UJ t! FE z F tr ul z ul tt E z Fo F UJ3 [J z F c) LIJ z F z E UI u, z LIJ z J II F llJ z v1 z z f II .iz NOI]VN'IVA z tr f IJJ F 6 llJ oo z tr ) E-T -rt >oet \l!N cl 9 -o5 z F 9ox>Xo:z:< uJlo- (J>o . c'i Y lq =tt z F E llJ J E lll 'ACNVdnCCO 30 3lVCrl rJ-U 33 sNo r.t-33JsN I OSCtnO3U '11V UfrrV JO 33NVnSSr SZIEOHl.nV Or 3(tvr N33A 3nVH'ld3o 0o'1s 3Hl. o-r oSNUn-L3U 3a O-L st CUvJ srH.l-:3IoN :s)tuvW3H o3nssr AcNvdncco lo 3rvcll l-tu:lJ :of svf '13 H :olnsst H3080 dors lJl't a30uo NorJ.c38uo3 lVN H m|- moi 6r H9NOU H0noa H0no8 3CNVUTNt S3tAUlS -lvN H |- 3 Ez htf J.sAs H31)|N lUdS'OrnV s3dldoNV.Ls 9N .NlA 3J,SVM E NIVUO 'rsto I Alddns uSlvM lVN IJ m 1 z y\t3-tsAs SCNVt'lddv 'lvN H @ |- zo {rNrl 0NluSnoc 'l'lvM sf cv'ld3ulJ NOtJ.V'l trNf A WOOU cN HOOJ f l tvuI 'l'tvM NotrvoNnoJ 'l1vM NOIJ.VONnOJ 'l'lvM No rf voNnoJ 'r'rvM No trvoNnol 1331S ltfIs 'llrrs CN IIOOJ 0NtJ-ooJ 9NtIOOl 0N rrool )SVSIrS 3HntvNgrs Noll-v3o'l / srNSwwoS llvo'rvAouddv HO-rC3dSNl'rvrc3ds 'dsNl 'Df u uors3dsNl ol 31€tsslScv oNv flrs 8Of NO OrrSOd 3s Ol Sr wuour suollcedsul ro] parlnbel e.ltou oaue^pe (,{pO esn }uouruudeq roC) ouoclH NorrcSdsNlo01t7,-9 Lt euoqa >q "Fr+-- lL HlFrz L:dF?O.,O :-yzt !ra 4 ;cRo 22 zz< a zAzZA)o< E5 <ooktz;i=::H5H;<o < Fr <cO> -co<o t =am!<r(<F,r F F tr s. x I z) z > t)) iUo- (J o IJJ oz ul z s LU z llJ ul cc IJJ llJ tc{ J aF F J l! J F L ,E =r=H o z I oJ If o lrG' =, =ot- u.i F X UJ z Iu F =cc d F ll- z J tl.u =IEt! z J @ ut v IJJT ) ccF ul J tiJ F6 c LI' o-f z IJJ E ts zo o z F UF =UJ2 z o J l! t! l F z IJJ J UJ F =F- trI uJ lJ- o uJ o-6 IJJ JYz ut ru z F z F u,l llJ z F ltr z c F luo.!, =J sa uJ Jg ut E E o Fll- A Fll- IJJ F z =z z = z z oJ z () f F rl fr n lu = E zf tr Y J t0 F J d/ z N I z = 2 El F 2 6 UJ F 3 oz F ul o, \, DISIGN RE.VItl'l 80/rRD DATE OF I4[[TII'|G:October 17, 1 Abbott, Dud1e5' ,./ Hanlon , BilI ,./ .t=* n"t* iorr 9?4 |-'/. I.1EI.'IBtRS PRESEIIT :Sage, David APPROVtD I D ISAPPRCV ED: SUI,1l'tARY: ,41(,{...it J./. -/;'.4':.//].':t :: -t' the Board o, I r llr!- :i ' .lil --fi,. :l <i,fi . t. iir;if-* lj t-grift ',-]-lii ii II fl FItt-*Fri LJi rdi ^'lLri tlt*!Ii r /)lvri Il It11 |LJi , llulf ai 1,ll r\ ;ltr,i'-J,- il f.rii (v:; LLJ' i,.'ihi'l | +j ')ii ra li i\ \''r\)' r.-l-,.1 l;li {'j )n''tt'l)r\ i\'r \i (,i l" ..i.'--- "t ft',-l i(i'ri i( \i -<___":- _._ ---li"'--' ti'. ,t-'--t-'.'-:,-*ll f":-..----. --i-\t, I''.---"-:-. jl '_-*--t.r-J [_-j fI ( { f tl {fy: \JIr u ( !r U l.LI nF,frili5 tllF.lJ r------.--*ir-_-ltiitIL::J ir=.llilliiilL**'-ii IEEE9*::==.tF o o l..t.., I I I RE ? trW. =18*l iiZxta KFi[- z><4 1.ffi,(,plT;-> Ofutr Tene& - -- U{t Rir#,* 2y.& dflrEjTF", ffi.i_"".2 1.e -,9e c;beffiw !\o'Aw ?-l/d ffiuEp Pn<ffi2 N 2x4 \ $ a_-o----E 91:1ft t/-J/a/+\ FI-Y^IP iNEN ENTKYAr W,OKVANW \AlLt@GLW arugg JAUW K. MPKTEf< PKCHreCT wx 1% vAiLl @GA@ &t@1(w->\ +1G-ato= o. lx -rRlM A-l- G€l,Jte. lF WJ"/,A&W | -/ lla<WT'e,2/b" EaY,^.iAi.l- Atffi, 2x FLJKKIe. *J€zT I O. ff\gr* i ;,^.1--. Ove-<, €x fLll{*it;. HF-,,fa tuK, I,^JALL lx4 alK]fi -ftt' MAI.?3Fi Exefttc'. *IqT'e, +ryJ-.rn rea.Aw F@)NQaT-rc F.JKIN€r{G<i< H=Ai? !AF/A €;{MILAF<. lxT'KlM '1-? h4A-T-CH fr<6t?. TKA|{=tM Zi:4 Z xlO V?)t n--*<rcr= TKAF.JsOM CUT ZX.IO TQ ffi z ><z =rTo7 ?e.xae. x, t44fr =n-L trEE& N t=+AWAgr> @-4€4 (;e : eJ26.ei5'/tfrla\i. er 4.d\-tw-) EE Aj-l'fM. A €pj*- IN W?TV. a ffi. vAlLt WA$ 3 ffiruKMANEE trOtr3 @gO:1RAIZ7 ,t/"tt =l.otl &T. 1J?14 J+W? K.w. 13? \lAfLt @'-'A-,<AW(m) 416--to6 W*. PKAfrE &t@7 CASINO PARANERS, I,TD. 1022 Guaranty Bank BuildingDenver, Colorado EOZgz Mr. Richard McKerrP. 0. Box 11.28Vail", Colorado 8f65? Dear Dick: . _ The proposed^{9orwa1 into the perform,ance $ki RentaLe ehopln the Caaino Building l,a approved by Caslno partners. Ltd.,wlth Lhe changea shordn on ttrl enclosld drawing. The firet chang,e is by castno partnersr Ltd. please extendthe traneon all the way acroes as shol,rn on irtre drawlng, you donrtactually need aeparate panes of gl.ase. rhe point ia io cany theline above the door all the way icrose. ?he eecond change, vrhich Ls yours, carr.r.es the sr,ndos/ in thedoor dor*nward so that it is Level wtth the bottom of, the windowto the left of the door. . - _ $1nce you are repl_acino one wl_ndow bay with the door, youwill not be wLdening ttre aptrture rn the uiaring warl. yourarchitect. James R. Horter, ha,s aegurad me by tilephone on October15 that. th6re rrill b_e no probl-em wlth weakening thl load-bearrng--characterLstlcs of tfie watr by converting th€ 6ay to a door, It ls understood that th{s Job, to be patd f,or entj.rely byyou, will be carled out aa expe&ltiouaty ai poseibre l_n a bttigentand norkmanllke nanner, and then only afier ybu have 1n hend thewrLtten approval of all necessary gairernrnentil agenci-ee guch as theTor*n of, vail , It ls further undiritood that you-wil3. take allnecessary precautionB to prevent all freeel_ng-or other w€atherdamage to the bui-ldlnq, i.ncJ-udlnE particurariy water piFee endheating devieee. Any dr*nagea iniurred, becauie of thl tarryrng out "{ Sig proJect, shalt be iepalred at yout rr.p*na* to the satl,rfastl.onof Casino partn€rs, Ltd. V€ry truly yours I - _4-A_?l4 Ranald H. Macdon RtlM: JeJ for Caeino Partners, Ltd. ii ii. : i:,r t lt,. :,-,1 inrli -t;-."ii .."1 1l f"1_r i:1, ,i;. l.\ it ,11 :1,..., il ti '''t: ; "'!!l i;t: iij t, I. r . !l '\.', l-1il..,',i. I : i . ii i,1 -"- ,,..i. i '", I .It .:'i.-.: : !ii ii:. .,-"i v\) t{ w+L b A ra 3 ,lt F A.o\(A fi-:,t::'. , ,-- iilil it rlt; l'1 rl iir tl;i. ..,-. -. .".. .,... .i :/,'-''.-''- s \\r=st {Fvs -i' >':l$5,r ,/.J Q vlAcn{rsxQtcr,\)-tr) d \ /\l|.v : i \i *trF q'* Stewart H. Btown Hugh R. Wader Fredric Butler LAW OFFICE Bnown and \A/anden P.O. BOX 101 Vall, Colorado 81657 13031 476-5475 November 12, 1974 Eagle Olf ice P.O. Box 822 Eagle, Colorado 81631 (303) 328-7151 Town of VailAttn: Gene Smith, Town Attorney Vai I , CoI orado 8.l657 Re: Vail a Col d/b/ a Gentlemen: The above referenced corporation has retained our firm torepresent them in endeavoring to resolve an apparent, butundefi ned, probl em that seems, or a1l eged'l y miy exi st wi ththe Town of Vail and in particu'lar" tha Vail Fire Department.0ur involvement at this juncture is solety to ascertiin theanswers to the following questions propounded w.ith regard toour client's place of business, to wit, 'Casino Vail'. Accordingly and pursuant to my conversation with Gene Smith,Town Attorney for Vail, I would appreciate your response tomy inquiry herein; as our client is more thin willing tocomply with any valid ordinance and requirement extant of theTown of Vail, if it knows of such requirement and of it'sal leged violation thereof: _ (1) l,that is the dens'ity, with regard to patrons,requirement of a bar and njght club'l ocated withih ttre environsof the Town of Vail? . (2) t'lhat is the ordinance, rule or regulation authoriz-ing such requirement? (3) In particular, what is the allowable and stated 9gntity reqg'irement promulgated by the Fire Department for the'Casino Vail'? Entertainment, Ltd., orado corporati on, 'Casino Vail' (4) 0n whatVail' founded? (5) What arefor a greater density basis is such requirement for'Casino the requf rementsallowable in the of the Fire Department 'Casf no Vai I '? -2- (6) If those requ'irements include additional exits on the prem'i ses, where are the requisite Iocatjons therefore? (7) If an addit'ional fire exit were to be placed uponthe premises, what would then be the allowable density? (8) If said additional fire exit were appl ied for byVail Entertainment, Ltd., would the Town of Vail have anyother objection to the placement thereof upon the premises? As this firm has, in the past, represented the prev'i ous ownersof this business in it's 1ega1 capacity, and are therefore aware of the use and function it performs as a landmark ofVajl, we are especial 1y concerned'now with the objectives andmotives of the Fire Marshall in his contact with the present owners thereof, viz., what are his objectives, why were the same not enforceil-fi'eretofore against prev'i ous owners, what he wants our client to do, e.g., Fut in another exit and where. I bel j eve that the Town government and i t's agents shoul dwork with and for it's taxpaying cjEl7ens-Toi-Tfe publicwelfare and good; and in offering proposals and informing a c'i tizen of the rules and requirements for compliance with the mandates of government, rather than merely dictating violationsthereof in an ad hoc fashion, the agent not only performs hisexclusive and administrative function, but also 'breeds'harmony and good will with the people he supposedly works for.I therefore feel that the necessity of my writing this letteron behalf of Vail Entertainment, Ltd., 'i s total1y unnecessaryin that a taxpaying citizen should be able to cooperate withhis own government without having to hire the likes of me. I would also appreciate any other information from the Town ofVail, hearsay or otherwise, as to any other violatjons of thelocal 1aw by Vail Entertainment, Ltd., in order that we mayresolve the matter in a cooperative fashion rather than inadversity. May I hear from you post haste as the winter is com'r ng on. Very tru'l y yours, BR0t,lN & l^IARDER FB/j h Fredri c Butl er o 3I 3z O z- Fi z SClsrtT:E:: -<Qv1P <:-92ErtFiF <c''tXfinPi'i btr tvaa9Zp\z-<ai{trzo =>2F )i3:Eao<b<()riz: EEEEEi<() <E9-'_rq- ; ,, < e Q> -.,<o:l=F)O=<tr<8,1 + IJJ J UJ z z 1udr r!Jo- (J o ru rU zf z t Fz u,l UJ F lll CEoo E UJ F J J F !J E aF F ! =tr=ulo o z -0Il E l+o =, =ett- tu !x lu z t o- F l! r|.o z o ) F E F G uJ 2 J 6 uJ IIJtt UJI z J o- Y =lt Q fi o IJJ 2 F z F [l J =IJJz z E|It IJJ l z uJ IJJ x, r! l! F = F z F trI uJ J z d lh ul _c uJo E z F o IJJ z E !J zul u. ulvo z ql ul z tr E Iu z o- o z z z z tr 9J UJ o z J E J ll| J rsr)(9.n \ll(\l IJJ z zo F(J4 FIE9o;> :z:< uJfo.()>oFO -ni 3 z F E lt,qJ t IJJz 'AJNvdnJ3o Jo rrvctl trElo :tJNvnsst 3ztUoHlnv ol- 3ovhr Nt3s 3AO sNotJ_c3dsNr of urnofu -l-lv u3IJV J-dro 5o"ra 3HJ. ot ofNUnJ.fa :ls o.r sr oHvc srHr-:31oN :s)uvl^l:tu o3nssr AJNVdncSo Jo SMllu.glc :o3sv!t'l3u :o:tnsst H30uo dors Il3't ulouo NolJ.Jluuoc -rvNll mr |no -l2o |- HONOU HONOU H9NOU fSNVBrNr rCrn u3s lVNIJ rc3 zo u{lrs^s ullxN luds 'olnv srdrdoNVIS 9NIl.N:IA ItsvM t8 Nlvuo 'rsro E ]ddns USIVM 'lvNtJ I m D =zo l^ltls^s 33NVt1ddV lVN H o |-o z (rNr) 9Nru3n OC ]'lVM s:tcv'ldtu tl NOtlv.l tINf n woou CNIJOOJ 3l tVUl 'l'lvM NollvoNnol 'llvM NO|TVONnOI 1'rvM NOtlvoNnol 'tlvM NOU.VONnOI .rrfts 'l I3rs 1!l3J.S CN IIOOJ 9N IIOOJ 9N rlool 9N rrool )cvalts lunrvNgts NottvSo'l / sLNf t^lwot SLvo'tvAouddv 80t3ldsNl'rvrc3ds 'dsNl 'o38 HOrSldsNt ol SlSlsstccv cNV Srls 80r No oSrsod 3s or sr WUol srHr suo!tcsdsul rol p6l!ntror ecllou acue^pe srnoq tz (I1uO asn luaurlredeq rog) ouoclu NollS3dsNloltz-g Lv etroqd rNsPEcrrff *ot:HiEsr TOWN O DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALL ! orxen n penrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM ! appRovED E uporu rHE FoLLowlNG GoRREGTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED D nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR /o; Town of Vail EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT 4tN9 14s'riFa Job Name-..--. C14e,::.2. a........... il.A.i...(: contractor..... E.e ^s *s....... E a. r..c Z--2 Zrr :. e...# zF APPROVALS Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Pennit Fee ,€z Jf*. .Zct-\ .-)-----*'.1.7... _ ".*r_....7.*- .. Date ) FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURITTIG COI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOiJRS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUINED FON INSPECTIONS /YI ts tlia c. L xIlcrrL a0.r !riyat t0rtrl ,Ns"J:+:t?*%EeuEsr WN OF VAIL DATE ..JOB NAM TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: Elpnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRITUE APPROVED CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED n nerNsPEcr D uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG conREcrroNs: DATE INSPECTOR TIME RECEIVED t-'"-"' - JOB NAME AM PM CAiFtr*.* DATE rNsPEcrr# tEL'JllESr TOWN OF VAIL E oruen MON COMMENTS: . '''1 ' TUE I pnRrrnl. LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI AM PM n nppRovED ! orsneeRovED !nerNSPEcr ! uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR o INSiPECTIT' HEBUEST N OF VAIL RU JUT { 874 TIME RECEIVED ^i;+4CALL'Efi JOB N AM PM ffie, Er.;<-,Te.c*\.flpnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED n eppRovED ! orsne n uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS THUR I nerNsPEcr a Rrt. sEP 2? 1ei4 Town of r nIIiICI[RICAL Vail PERIT{IT rotName....l(4.uq.,,,,*rr1-."...ffi ,en...-€.ti.*hs.rt APPROVATS 53 .-> ,1 Dateof Application...--?.:.7-....')-€-.P-...............rs...7.f- Etectricalconrractor--..-\sL-:.g*-.---F-...9g.-=..rf--..*.sNg Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $....-.... CI..,3o.oY E .Zo-R .6Y rW Date Paid...... . .. .. g /ll/l t Received 8y................... t-ie* -D=q. *.. roy{ k6 C6xrr..r< <a,..:,*) txr a. t. Fot!trl !!.r Dlxyai t0!!1t er# fuF 7*. ... FORIUI IS TO FE POSTED ON SITE DURIT{G COHSTRUGTION 24 IIOTJRII AI}VANCE NOTICE REQTJIRED FOR INSPFTTIONS / ts E6A o lJr. David lden 8ox ?397 Va{1., Co}orado 61(r5? Sear lir. Ident Erik iJ. Edeenl B.pr $.Environraeatal ttes l th il*'elbrr cct llr. lobert Cook 1345 Spruceloulder, GclorarJo S03S? llr, 13rvis E,l I ersLlquor Enforccnene 0f f icer Glenr,mod Sprla;qs, Coloratio gL601 To*a oE Val l Colorads Brparhrent of iiea I tlr Seprcnb*r 12, l9l4 iJearecsngeRiedabouEt'h*proposedfogdsarylceop8rarionfortheCasj'no vailr i.e. vall gneertainnent, lfe net-rt{th your represenlative, 8t thg::-::: :::::::g-^:1:,.^l?:^t?14:. rt;t uere noriried thar before cons*ucuon isr any exrss'ivs ruTg:riog-rs etsitj properly p";tr;;;;;;;';;":;;:lil*" j, ::::::::":"L:Tl-::::fry:1:"-:, ari"rleio,, d"; ;:-;;b"iites ro tbs rrealrhtiepartaenr for approvat. (see srr"pr.r-ii-;:; -il; il"ilT;;::_:.#:"1:alth1973 end effectfve January 1, 1g7i.) ?o date 'a have not recelved the plana and specrf,lcatisos er 'any preriarlnarylnforroation requesred_by *e heat"G-J*p*"fra*nr. Based on the icfof,Eoation .we have on lrand ue cannot slprove of rle iood servlee ltrcease appl.tcation. Sincerely Jrours, --.-- =t--''t':; €:;ii;E Ee;alc'i: i;i:;ia ii:EE;i l;i ;;:t;i3 _-:B;:e! g ; r' ;i i#:€ s; *:::;,. : ;E i;;;5t:i;ea;sg: s :;:E::=s:;FEi-h;:F. i ;E€F*EgE EtE;!s::EFC; li: ::;:i; €f: igi sE 5:i, g a; *;; : ::t;:-r :tos 3:€i l;EE i i: l iE :i:{::5E= + t:;g;5a;giFii;;:: i5; + ;e*e: i::i : ItEE:' ;;?i i ;Ei: i;;:i:E;E!:;:€gsi T s;f' H€E* =* :JEE - =,;:!EEE; i?69t!!.1i99 ;;+E!:E€sE! i " E=Ec; iei i: E E.Ei?ce - q:E Ef"5fE;:€ ; i ati9EcS=f !T;:i?;iei: - E g;;:;Fi;EFF "e 3 'i e; tE€:s g: g 9-+ i P = 5 = 3-E€*te-e AFE:E;€ s € ! gEEss_ .:i I I n cc=gE EFesji6 >,e "9 5!=9 9: E 8.5 r; E .€ .= 3 E €.5 E tsE B Fc c_r EtsEoiEi 5!; :,:.E.cE.r-EEi 3=-taiE>z= e- * E F 1.9c,Ei:=i<:!^ z-sEE F i ".l3 -tE:;::+.E9E : -E I; (s rEK Ed &- €Jga Eg *dsqJ& aEq ffi ETESf,d @\r'Gd td w& fIEOE (0katg &&r FasIEtr FEe Ei: qJ aI frlks& C:.Eii gs -at.: E9i qer!:sr: i;;E ;; i €;i 3 3 cs Es:l: E= i si€ .Es : i' *s llTi:E E e ^E>,pErE -a."aa-E; e€6€tsgp:=i:;;cI lf,e?':.':E:',3=:qEe Ea-€iZE7;;=;E;E;l Ets t i;i;li:g;;::E ;:e ; r i*;iF;EE;;:i:sE: t ,f tj f ;tTt/ o Son'r &f'ilcde Et ffimcE< to LE$e sgE stonY pA IEDnOR'S NoTEt warren . By AL DIISANTIS PORT CIIESTER, N.V. tUPl) - sy the grace of seconds, I slill have tivo sonsi Wanen, $, and Richard, 25. I I t tt I &v 30 Seeomds Desqrtis. 2E, ton af Al Dcsantis, liives at Gulliver's, a restaurant sp0rts.co-lumnlsa for ttr_e lliddle.land njght ctub in po.t Chestpr, hwn, N.Y., Times-Herald- t(here he has s€rved as b'th nrcord,- 1vFs. bar Dtanagcr at]managef and bar manager.Gullit!f'r Club. The_follo$il|g ls I e -phoned Sunday at"8 a.m., ahc Eon's_ sccount of.the trogic]and siid, ,,Dad, I diOn,t ttrint< fits 8t lold by the lalber.) jt'd be aiive to tcll you about this..." S}TELLED SMOKE ]Ie Eaid lhere wefe 200-30[ 191 d;t";il';;"';;;" ;. ;;' lthe Essistant managers aF That was all lhe lime Warftn figured he had to live early Sunday morning dufing the flash fire ryhich claim€d ?1 proached him. said he smellid smoke, and was going to the cellar to inv€stigate. "Hc came back in a minutc, ashen while," Warren said. "t never saw such fear irl a man's lace. He silid, 'War!en, get out low-right now! we ar€ all going to be bumed to death!"' In seconds, lYa[€n said the Bmoke was so thick he coddn't see an inch ahead, It ryas iln- possible to see the six 0r seven exit signs. "People were, groping atound, trying to te€l their way out," he sald. "Many {cre screamingi they were choking and dyinE. "A friend lold me the only ll0or and crawl, feeljng ruy way aloog the floor hopefully to a I hsd $as to drop to the no one could see. JUST CRAIIT,ED' "l dropped io the floor and No particular direc. tion. I just crawled. The smoke gol to me, I cou]d go no far- lbCr. " 'Thirty seconds of life,'I sald to rnyselt, "ls ell l've gol. left. What a hell of a way to "some way, somchgw. I managed to get the slrength for one last try, This was it. I didfl't know wherc I r.ias going, but it iras lwrih the chance. If grl "l crewled on the floor forl :1 $hst seched an eternity. Sud- I hlt 8 door I'd live; if I didn't, r lI was dcad-buned to death."l crewled on the floor for r I denly I was outside. I had clcrawled through an open door., lI couldn't believe it. I was aliv€. J was going to live." The fr€sh air knoched the smoke lrom his lungs in lwo or tluee minutes, He wanted to back in and' pull his dling Iriends from thc fire. "But I realized il nas useless, Ioolish," he said.',tf I had gone back in there was no way-absolutely nq $ay-l lcouldn'l have golt€n out again. t*-''| "l went to ny car and satl and cried. " FI Q 3z U z = Pt 7 !H!Hi;:3TE,<Q.,9 <'928fiY j <a HH;;i 6qete: =<azaa7.Z,A);o{45!Fr.otrO<O<Ot'lZ;rFSi:r.tFyi ;<QHHeiHItr<eQ>-(a<o*B!co=<c<F,I UJ J v 2 J 2 .o2U}F o- (J o uJ cc ul z UJ z E zul ul Bl F utt! J l! llJ F J a F IJJ IE E J F ! .E=tr =rt o z I oJ l&et UJ Ex llJ z i ll. tt c IJJ z = UJ LIJlt v ulIoz J B Ja E LIJ z F z F cc !J FJ E!Jz z oJ ql l! !J FIt z F llJ =3 Fz ut z IJJ !c llJ Jozlll tto tc IJJ o E 2 tr UJ tllE tz oz f I,Lo., z z F J TL lu ulEoo J a E z u- v Jo F I+ )o(t \llN IJJ z 2 tro4 rcoFIE9sA> >o -|\i E II z cc IJJ ac IJJ2 ut o ',^.cNvdncco lo 3l_vc t3 tru 3c sNottcfdsNt ctBtnofu "l"lv c3-Lrv ro 3cNvnssr 32tcoHInv 01 30vr,1t'ld30'cc'1s 3H1 0l- o3Nanl-3a 3a N33A f n VHol sr ouvc srH-l :3loN :s)uvwru o3nsst A3NVdn330 lo lrvcH tJ.u3c ;o3sv3'lla :o3nsst u:louo doLs J.131 U30UO NO|J.C3UUOC .A lVNIJ m-mo-l 6Dt- H9NOU H9nOA .t H0nou lcNvulNt f 3tAU3s 'lvN H !|- 3 @z lN:trs^s u31)Ntuds'ornv stdtdoNvls 9Ntl.Nrn 3I.SVM B NIVUO 4 'l"sto I A]ddns g3lvM 'lvN H I m I2 nSISAS IJNVt'lddv 'lvNH c |- z (rNr) 0Nrur^o3 1lvM s30v'ldf uH NOtIV.lllN3A I |OOU 9NrJOOl 4 f !1tvHl 'l1vM NO rtvoNnoJ 'rlvM NOtTVONnOJ 't'lvM NorrvoNnol 'r.lvM NO |l.VONnOJ 13 rt s 13llls 'l3f l-s 0N rlool 9N u-OOl 9Ntrool 0N u.ooJ )cvsJ.ls lunJ'vNgrs Norlvco] / sJ.Nrw!\roc 3Lvo'tvAouddv uorctdsN I'lvtJf ds 'dsNl 'of H HOICSdSNT OI 3-l8|SS333V ONV flts sor No ofrsod f8 ol sr l/rruor srHf suo!]ledsu! ro+ parrnbar a.llou eJue^pe s.rnoq ? 0l Ez-glt ouoqd (,(pg os1 lueurlredaq rog) ouoctu No|rc]dsNlo z 3(, 3 'E 8 E I z \ EI ; B F] FI F 4 daz z z = Fr ?. Fg niovF^ E]Ftr __ atE 2< 2Zo<: FFr<O(]F] Erd < (.) a><o d a !. O tI i.l F z FI 3 2 a t-\\ .c .{ uJ UJ zl z ut ul F utt! J IJJ l- a (u E E J t- e:, l:' e-_; IJJ z j< E L .E =r=H o z I 0J Il o lro =, =eF uJ I X =Y i tttt = E IJJ z 6J gl tlt UJt Y z J J ul UJ Y B IL a L! IE z F oo d z F tc u,F uJz (,2 J uJ zl UJ UJ It LIJ = J - Xul o uJ C) ut tt) ut vz uJ LL UJ d z Flu = IJJ d z F t! llJ tc oz UJ E uJ = z tr IE ut UJ z tr E uJo z o ) lt F lu lt ^ I zl 2 5 f .iz z o ql tr llt J UJ NOrM-rVn z tr f ulF o UJ J E ? LIJ = z =E { Iv F J e z - L-il\./ Jt6\ .":$ =- 2 tr FOC9tJ->-z 6- (J>aFO - c.j Y = z tr lu J tt!zr! F O 3 U z, FI z 9H:Ei$:gi; -<!"': <:-':'2?ny. <thFlar 43'HfrE4n9EP51 Z- <f7:273;6{45!Fe.ooO<O<oaz:>Fii:r0Hiyi i <ofi9,'1 IlE;i;n > -@< c iBr',rtr!<c < t,l L E UJ ul z J z F=*EY*do o uiE l! z uJ z Fz LIJ E UJ UJ F uJ u- lll F F ul J J F F ! =r=H |lt z -o -Jl o lrG' =, =ot- z d uto- F o =t ll. tl oz ; Eo =uJo. z J m ul IJJ ll. IJJ z Jc z tJ. l 2 IJJ ul lu() IL uJ E F 2 T uJ lll Jvz r! ulA z F Llt E t! Eoz F aD o E Fx J Flt F 2 2 f .iz z tr fo. qJ o 3 zo F Ltl ) IJJz z o F Isl o.., t!N oz o9 o ":<o z o r,l z of F z o rLo u'| 'ACNVdnCCO 30 3LV3tl l_tH tc sNoU.33dSNI O3UtnOsE'l'1V B ll_JV lo :SNvnsst fztHoH-Inv 01 fovl^l'LJfo 50'ta 3HJ- o_L O3NUnI:tU fA N l38 3n VH oJ. sr ocvc srHr_:fIoN :S)UVWf U o3nssl AcNvdncco Jo SlvcH rrutc :o3svf 'l3u :o:lnsst u3(1uo dols IJ r HIOUO NOTI'C]UUOC 'lvNtJ |n|-|rl{! D- HCNOU H9NOU HSnOU tcNVulNt Scrn u3s 'lvNH ) 7 3 =o l rSls^s ut'r)NtHds 'olnv sfdrdoNvrs CN IINSN 3tsvM E Nrvuo 'rsro E lddns uSIvM .IVNIJ m -l z l tSISAS f JNVt'lddv .lVN IJ E |- 9z (rNl) cNruSn oJ "r]vM stcv'ld3 u tJ NOIIV'I IIN3N WOOU 9N rJOOI IWVHI 'l'tvM NoU-voNnoJ 'l-lvM Notl.voNnoJ l.lvM NOU.VONnOI -l'lvr'i NOII-VONnOJ 13 Al-S r3:lls 13315 9Nr.lool 9Nr10Cll 9Nt100J 0N r100J )rcv8t3s 3UnIVN9|S NO|1VCOl / SrN: /{t/ttOJ frvo'tv^ouddv uor93dsN I lVlCtds 'JSNI'olu aolS:tdsNt ol :t'tstsslScv oNV ltts sof No csrsod l8 0l st nHoJ stH'J suollcedsu! roJ peJ!nbgr ea!]ou €rue^pe sJnoq (f1u6 asn luaurlredeq rog) ouoc3u Noil_c3dsNl tz ooltz-g Lt euoud F ts' z ()z z z- 3 rt,t r.(\ N {.\l a \\$ ,1 I F z F. F F !r F z z F O tl F tr E Ez I4 Il] o E z 2 s Fz llJ llJ Bl ut tc J E CC J J F uJt E J4 J F ! .E =tr=ruo o z -oJ II o r&e, =, =G't- x IJJ z F It z J F ltll- =IE ut z o J l ul ut v IJJ z ul 2 tr o z tr utFJ z J l lu F z IJJ J uJ olu IL IE uJF = Ftt 2 llJ ul z cc uJo- z utd 6z F = z F E ul z F ul z J 3 uJ E F rJ- J c0 i o UJ F z z z z NOrM'rVA l*.ilt- r( 'J ,v H-v qJ =z z F f u,lF { t. n tu 'Y ii),i fi Y lu E z i) llJ o = E -.) J -i .> F .J i-dl AO i) {' 1.{l ll." '! F{J uJ E z J v .0 k t) of uJtr ) a T J a..\ If-.3 T .) J F z @ F) =-It )orb \ll.(\l UJ zr.r 9 zo tr F!C9o-> :z*< t9 -6i 3 zo F IE uJ E UJ \, tr. FJ\,: o '.-"'j:-- '-*. ,r; -'' \. IL/ February 10, l912 Mr. !larren Pu | | s The Yal ley ForgeYall, Colorado SubJect: Th6 Remodel lng on Val ley ForgeCertlf lcate of 0ccupancy 9sar Hr. Pulls: The VAlloy Forge bulldlng Code standards by May 15, cat€ of occupancy wlll be Tha Board recommends that 5/8" gypsum board. lf you over the gypsum board. lf you have further questlons, pl€as€ contact the 8ul ldlng 0epo rtmeni . Yours truly, BOARo 0F ZoN il'tc, APPEALS AND EXAM tttERS o ...:' :,!i. , ,i'rll 1 \ nust -be brought up to 3ul ldl ng J972 ar your temporsry certlfl- revoked. tho xooden bearis be cover€d with wlsh- , falss beams may be adaed Robert R. Clork Chairman of the tsoard dr , x-: v{x" 4lt? o{,,.".*;yy' V1*"p'*"n', FY "r'*tlJF \ .">' :r""'d"fl*-U"" Pcs w- FotYo u.J" u#- BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION r;r Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. fis:e trrecxeo sxeer) ESS __ tllt t-t4tt-tta.u ARCHITECT OR D!5IG ER LTcENSE t{ O, L EN DER MA|L ADDiE9S 6 UsE OF BUILOING 8 ClassofworK: trNEW trADDITION EfAlrennrroH trREPAIR trMoVE trREMOVE l0 Change of use from 11 Valuation of work: $ 2AA+ SPECIAL CONOI Size ot Bldg, (Totalt Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklers Required [\,es nNo OFFSTREET PARKING SPACEST NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ABE REOUTRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WOFK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITT{IN 60 OAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OA AEENOONCD rON NPERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEF II'ORK IS COM-MENCED. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE _ INSPECTON YV DATED THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION K. M.O. CASHz/1- '";-t' alsGOLDENBOD - TEMP. FILECANARY - AUDIT PIN K - APPLICANT PERlvl lflse e errncneo sneetl 2 MAI L ADOiESS LICENSE NO. ITECT OF OESICNER E " IICENsE NO. 5 L tc Errt sE No. MAI L AODRESS BiANCH USE OF BUILOING I clas of work: D NEw tr A00lTl0N ffnlrennrtoru tr ffEPAIR n MovE tr REM0VE ( l1 Valuation of work: $d qg- PLAN cHEcK FEE /5, 3 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bidg. (Totall sq. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIREO FOR ELECTFTCAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIF CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS- OR IF CONSTRUCTTON OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. I HERESY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVIEIONS OF ANY OTH'aTSTATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONC+I ICTION O' THtr F-RFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. sIGN TURE OF CONI'ACTOR OR 'UTHORIZE FI RE DEPT. ITlnrurcnr6N I Jurisdiction of numbered spaces WHEN PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cl< D (IN THIS SPACEI THIS I8 YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION qq 00f'lt" /^' Form 1OO.1 969 Tl"'' ; ' IN TERN ATION A L CON FERENC E OF BU ILDINGREORDER FROM:oFFlctaLs a 5o so. Los RoBLES o PAsaDEna, caLrFoRxr I,-fO/Vf\3 DAILY BUIiDING OtrVAI LO ]NSPECTION REPORT a Building ' 6d:tno .1.{y t{tor <o".gtete rwrfh 2 +ba fl".-*^, L.* l-*)^,9 contracto". Ctlcn ."aa l{ld*"rey varho art 6odft a& otLI l- )ate -ssu"",1lZl1( Remar"ks : N firt $.i s IT l$ '!e. R N I oEscR.(nsEE ArrAcH ED sHEET) MAIL AOORESS FHONE "l*')\ /,7 AFCHITECI OR OESIGN LIC ENSE NO. LtcEr{sE to. MAI L ADORESS BRANCH USE OF BUILDING 8 ClassofworK: NNEW trADDITION DALTERATION NREPAIR NMOVE IREMOVE 7' bz;-i 7'- 4'/do l0 Change of use from tl Varuationotwork: g 7 3A.!, Z ------- SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Size of Bldg. llotall 5q. Ft. OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OF AIR CONDITTONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOtD IF WORK OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OB WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PEBIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOBK tS COM- MENCED. I HEREEY CERIIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNTNG THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTH€R STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGcoNsTRUCrrov oF THg PERFORMANCE OE CONSTRUCTTON. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTOR ON AUTHORIZED SOIL REPORT o /r?,/sc.* t /367 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction of TAOUlJ F {At't.t I Appticant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PFOPEALY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS cAsH PERMIT VALIDA cK- M.O. I ryft'1)I I INSPECTOR RAORDEIT FhOM: INTERNATIONA'L CONFERENCE AF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 50 50. LOS RO6LES iI PA5ADENA, CALIFORNIA 9tIOtForm loo,1 949 INSPECTION RECORD USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP. ETC. oo-.: L tfuz. E+ - i*tAPPLrcot?oN// w/ Jurisdiction to complete numbered swces only. '7'a*p THIS SPACEI THIS IS cK. M.O. lUtiA ,,ft.'U PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDA BUILDIN Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. oGP ildh //y''-, I PLAN CHECK V DATION WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS THIS IS YOUR PERMIT cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION INSPECTOR /4.*,.1l d/) Form 100.1 9.59 REoRDER FRoM: tNTERNATtoNAL coNFeRENcE oF BUILDING oFFIcIALS.5o 90. Los RoBLEs . PAsAoENA. cALIFohI{IA gItoI INSPECTION RECORP USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. ! vrl olt tue Vl,LLtY rue6E - )t({ 3 )._Pil:furu"lf'TT T*q / r sA'w{Aa i,Y + F.$Od - b *'"4 'l boa fA- 6' Wn/L._ - lo'bu 6.rf .J-l4l Ii!:\ -1t.-: '. N, E fJAVctu- .'- lu.l -l'," t41{t>-rctr, t"a;i i **:- \J .,.-f 6 U 'L ut t+- )- l"t :s7 lflli: tr .l ll o ;ij ' r=tt{ii 'i \ --t I1\,r \ ll /i.. /rl-"1i'.t;j',J-"' 'l "j i H. -fffi/N oF VAI L o DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT Contnactor: S .S, t{\g Permit No:\$O\cR lssued:Date rsHed.: fr\eot)" o u' 'ili ij:" ii g CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colora6" irrl. 4:.g 7i Perrnit is hereby g""r,t"d -...F-icFI .-..--..,_:_ T_(Al:. ._. ro occupy the building,".. -. f=i*ll:", -- 1lcEtr--" -. -, on Lots __-, Block_- Addirion. Located in ....-SfnY=ii.l1::., !. i- _ zoning disrict. The address knor+6r "r - :,1:1-:::c- t,'1:-! ---3'r-rtu s 1g 5. Building Official BUTLDTNE prnrrrT App'cnrlEN \\ roro\ Jurisdiction of t to complete numbered spaces only- IDATION I Calilno Bulldlog, lialt f;tre€tr Val1, Goloredo LOi NO. 1f]s ee errrcxro sxeerl 3335 ARCH IT EC'T OR DESI6NER :lC:NSE NO. UsE OF Bt] iD NG 8 CIASSOfWOTK: LI NEW tr ADOITION F ALTERATION N REPAIIT N MOVE tr REMOVE 9 Describe work: 10 Change of use from Change of use to I 1 Valuation of work: $ $6ilC .43 PLAN CHECK FEE PERMIT FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Type of Co n st. Occu pancy GroLlp Division S'z€ of Bldg. {Total) Sq. f:t. No. of Stori6s Fire Sprlnklers Required !ys5 fls6AFPL CATION ACCEP1ED AY PLANS CHECKED BY:APPBOVED FOR SSUANCE 8Y: No, of Dwelling Urrits OFFSTREET PARKING SPACESl NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARF REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUI\48-ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERI\4IT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOI COMIVENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IFCONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK tS COM.MENCED. I llFREg\/ CERTIFr/ THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMTNED TH|S4p?LLc_ATloN AND KNow rHE sAME ro eE iAuE ANiiJ tb-n'necr.ALL_PROV|StONS oF LAWS nnO Onotr,tnncEs coVe-nrir-ruC rHrsIyp_E_.9F,woRK wtLL BE coMpLtED wtiH wn s-rHeE siedlrreoHERETN oR Nor, THE GRANTTNG or n prCvri dbEi r..r orpREsuME To crvE AUTHoRtry ro ViorAr ioii cn-r,r-cEi l HrlB9.yLs_rgry,s".or ANy orHrR srATE oC r-oEAf rAiv n'eCJfA r rr.rccoNsrRU9TtoN oF rHr penronlrar.:Ce..dr corris-r-n-utrroru. .{,! 1.,,^,,ni-,u, : i,,ji,,.,r^1. Ar' :E ro.F co)iFv* ." " ,,,"7=.r::.-- L/' DArr ZON ING FIRE DEPT, SO IL REPO RT oTHER (Speclly) RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PEFMIT PERMIT VALIDATION Form 100.1 9-69 FECRDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LOs ROBLEs ' PASAOENA. CALIFORNIA 9t1O1 toB S. h"gl* /{J-"gl'k" Atto*r,.y at La." V"il A""uJ", P.0. Bo* OSg V;1, 0"1"J" Bt65z January 18r1971 Mr. Ed Struble Building Official Town of Vail Colorado Re: Permit No. l-1701-08 Dear Ed: Work on this store has been completed with the exception of outside painting and I would like to have you make your final inspection. Sin \J s. :sm BUILDING PERMIT APPLIC N o ATIO Jurisdiction of TOWN OF VAIL RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION I Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Casino Building, Wal1 Street, Vai1, Colorado I o ESC R,q[se e rrracr eo sr e er; 3335 LICENSE NO. ARCHITECT Oi D E5IGN EF LICENSE NO. oree Knox. Sr 6 LICENSE NO. U5E OF AUILOING 8 CIAS OI WOrK: tr NEW f] ADDITION E NLTERNTIOru tr REPAIR I MOVE f] REMOVE I Describe work: 10 Change of use from 1 1 Valuation of work: $ $600 .00 PERMTTFEE $6,00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: E /all Type ot const. fff I }1p ^L^^Size of Bldg, Dl l\J], (Total) sq. Ft. 10 0 No. ot Storles Ong Fire Sprinklers Reguired [\|,esAPPROVED FOF ISSUANCE 8Y: OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CON DITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOtD IF WORK OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IFCONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANDONEDFOR APERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM.MENCED. r,llEREg\/ cERTtF\/ THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMTNEO TH|SBppLLc_ATlg-N AND KNow rHE sAME rb et inue Aiiij cb-rinEcr.g-L!_pBqv!stqNs oF LAws AND oRDtNANces co-Ve-n N r-r..ic rnrSIJBE_.9F _woRK wrLL BE coMpLtED wrrs wnerxeC-siedlrreo !,Eg_Erry oR Nor, rHE GRANTTNG or n peCurT obEE NoipREsuME T^o GtvE AUrHoRtrll ro ViolArf o ii"ce-r.l-cEi rnE E Bgyls_t o r)6\ oF ANtz orHER sIA-IE oB l-oEAlrAi,i FEcUfArrruocoNsrRuprtoN o8 THE .e5ego nffiru-e4o;'con's-fn-ulbrr oru. SOIL REPORT '^'T"rl PLAN CHECK DATION INSPECTOR REOFDER FROM: INTERNATTONAL CONFERENCE OF SUILDINgForm 1O0.1 9-69 oFFtctALs e 6o so,Aos RoBLEs a pAsaDENA! cALtFoFNra 91tot INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. :.1 Pnoj ec understand in Building Code fu1l the following (UBC): TOWN OF VAIL Buil-ding Permit Supplement fAt Date of the centify that I have nead and excerpts fnom the Unifonm { 7C) A. Sec.302(a) '8.Sec. 302(c) C. Sec. 304 Appnoved plans and specifications shallnot be changed, modified, or: altened with-out authorization from the Buildine urrlcaa-1 . No pe:rmit presuming to give authority toviolate on cancel provisions of this Codesha1l be valid. The issuance of a pennit'shall not prevent the Building Official fnom the:reafter r.equiring the connectionof enno:rs or fnom pneventing buildingopenations being canried on when in vio-lation of this Code on of anv othen on-dinance of the Town. Inspection ca::d shalf be nead and fiIledout in full wher:e requi:red. No wonk shal-J-be done beyond the point indicatede andsigned by Inspector". Inspection cardshall be maintained until Ce:rtificate of, 0ceupancy has been issued and then r:eturnnedto Building Inspection 0ffice. Building Official shall be notified, inwniting, of any portion of, the structul-eon building to be pre-fabricated off-site. Such pr"e-fabrication facilitiesshal1 have a certificate of appnoval fnom ICBO on be inspected by the BuildingOfficial prior-to the Ltanting of wonk. D. CERTIFIED BYI above ment ed project Sec. 305 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY q'?o84A No. -/--i": I ' AND COMPLIANCE Vail, Colorado fEE'--!-9-"' t g?'!'' -ttF"-- F-t.--rK S*t':l Slgr is hereby granted--"--''- ro occupy the building u-""'Fgl.t::' ' S"l'9f'= on Lots ---, Block------ ----'-' -- - ----'---------- Addition' r - ----r :- Cour.ee.-<-ths - fr.FF.- -- zoning district.Locatecl ttl .---------------" The address known "" ---*G1J'bl9--" y'AJ'l' "'S'91-t-p't'P'e" Building Official l-Otri* oF VA{ L o DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT I Biuloins: Cr',iij'ia':';^ Co#e) cont:ractor: Permit 97a e4a O "r. 17,-n O "rtot-"** I Str-- nf Nh.-^-L', f+wr{'[4"e *t c. o. lssued , Flb, n l1? r AuJLleT- Date Issued: fepf, 23r70 Rema:rks F.te r, L,-,e - ,\-^s o ::,,: .',',' ''r'' . '.''" -'i;0.,. .'. .; ., -..':r, . ;:1,;.:, .,...... !t1;-q,*i'i',..i ',. l:r.:,:irr ' ,;lil.'" .,' '*'r,+ ir'li'f,';";il;, ".' .,:11 'll,i' Ii.,,t....:t. .,,,' i *i.r.,. 1. .....; ' .r1.. , ') . ''i"l ' . .': :,-.j': - ;'1,:l.;t '|r ,",1 .i' l irr I t...:. .il,.,,il" : il"l ..: i 'r ' .,.i.)':: ':i .' i, r.i *-" :r:i i ," ;i'.r'j: iti:r^,' ,: l'r':; ,';;:r,, rlrj;' l.', ;' ' 'tii,:i :.1ij:.t .i. il'',:'t:, l'r ';r ' ' :ilii'. i.l:.;.:' i;'i' i:.r i',, ',' lj. .:"".. ;.::";;;:.,',l:. , li,''r :1,, i;i ..' ijl l rt.'::.:1..::,rii i . ' ,. .l ,::., .' :i !:'..:'.,'.,,t.1:-;l: I i,:,' 'lll : . ;' .' ,{_ ,.,i.,, ,-.. i.,t' BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date S4a+ Z> ),,u,Crtt w le 76Perrnit 17 O Perrnission is a4A hereby granted as----Q!*drJt3-ro --? g'r4 eocrL |l lr(9 story aFfre-g ,a ddre s s In accordance with the Cornrnittee, subject to Protective Covenants. provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1954 Group A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. FTypeof constructio" W / A,L C ont ra cto r O*te 5a ,,oorou"o ?J W- Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ."\ PPROVF L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNr'TURE f.OUNDATIONS boc r.l FRAMING FINAL ROUGH FIN.^ L ROUGH 0) ttl 00 n FIN.^ L ROUGHd q) Frl : rIN,^ L APPLICATION F'OR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL cant fill in thig section onl guILpiNC n'{rc sluraltoN New -Addition-- Alteration r RePaire -Type of occupancy (A11 partr of butldtng)h It tr ts C) .F ut{ iJ(!L+rdou No of storiesLIIt. =F,?'=No, of roomsJ--No' baths- o No. of water closete dt M.;i r"milied- e- d b0i) (Circlc correct cteeaificali$;Il. 6 !u- Type of constructlon I.II(9M. Occupancy group A. B. C. D. E(SIC.H. I. J. rniittee Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature Building address Date of Applicatlon Addre g s Tel. No. Addresgcity l/421, __ Tel. No. Addres Ciry l/. - ! Tel. No. Subdivieion Receipt of plans BJTLDII{G rI{sPEcJIcN - 'Pl.t"- (z sets required)---*--ilaT;-* - ' Approval ot"'^n"-ry^^ Amount of Perrnit Fee $ /n? Paid: Cash $-.!41 Chect $JVg Amount of clean lrp rffi paid: caeh $_Gheck Date permit ieeued Sm lan lee peiq-emount- Conatruction clean' uP-Fiaal inepection --- Certi{icate o{ oceupancy & compliance lu sr.u .Q** (r.enur) L\ hJ LtJ o-*-t-<,r-s l't Svante tt€ frp,att7 Fera./r,,trr./e (*a.e<* I tJ:f, p*p er:- e G. Sg+"G-LL/e5 € (au ptzec' ) vo COMPLIANCE r1 _ Vail, Colorado-)_4. q,-.!_2._.rc?.(. rermrr is hereby granted-_.__D.tw-E- . S.._ .Hg-{_F_ti --_-e-Of Building Official I Biuldine:qt ilJ o V+/L (oare eox) -i-Oei;l! oF VAt 'L o DAILY BUILDING INSPECTTON REPORT t'ann f ra: nl_nr.r .' gowHq Penmit No: ?7O 009 Date fssued: $"7V /g, ?o 0 F-- Iflc .U K- o"+,n,,(( ok^*1t i t .-'-+-.-'-'-- 4L fr^ , o.3\ 9r'- ei^'nA b*0r"l 11 t.._&...\ \\'$," $\ -*-\ \'lr ;-F. t'\ i: \ Rsso<s)q. Itac\ \-lFrXs lt-3'--5: =^ S 14not'l iH +rtrJ.t t4 ._1it$ ir il i) l$-(rtIi; al 1..lli ii t"q :, lliI f; "lj i$'l;ili $ ,.1, i|ij$ +iii i) irlttt!!liitrl)sj.s i!!ifi 1, $ ?'**x t't n;![ '{,if; :L'i{;fii i$r5i,ftfi iII rlitil '' l"'i:'*'*r'i ,11 |'I tl ri6litll ri l.i :-l!'r-I Lt lfI tuY ;iil ii, I't rlil' $ ,j i lri il I $ irt$lii Iiii i ii{-{rl}J t?.j: i- .1--is1 s \1il[iatq, tsllriiiir.t,i ifl at! H iii:frffir,-;|, I r,,'',{i{'i1..:11 1,.. I I i| .\"tt..rt) | | | I ij;.'r'll" :'.lt {. .- ,..t I i',;;'litit ii i -'i,,;t-,;;] t,,-. j l. I*, 1 l r I lp;r::.'.$if *^'t I i'l:-,ii'rti:,;Sl !"".r',i i i :r;rffilt" iily.::;i;'i.'iiF -,, { r i'*#r';$ii ; ;l i-..-:-'--;J II"'1 ',1 i I-"'-ii ' . -,"'i t*-*-*.:-r ,'... i i :1"*ii**iJl , i i :lil;:1,i,i.,{it :i i I i;;i;i*iii: f' ,, I i. --:--J l' I ,- ,, .,.,::i- .-...- lr -i' \di i i . '.'' ...'.'..''**--''-' : :,,]',tr j,a:. Jl,il,i. .'|Bl.1ll;J llt ] l ,' '! 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': BUILDING PERMIT vail, Colorado Date { efn /8 n74Perrnit t ?OBOA Perrnission is hereby as O t^Jlr€R granted Dlve con to P,eilooe7 a&r€sto ry 5rfic ,r ddress In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail 1' rchitectural ControlCommittee, subject to Protective C ovenants, Type of C onstruction the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Vitlage and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Building Code. -@ I (tR ,-J)uroup F Odtp RC ont ra cto r on gl.tt".lrc BctLO. s(po au(Lo 'pc ,oo,ou.u 11 ShjL Vail Fuilding Inspector iNSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION r\ PPROVS L COMMENTS DATE &GN/ TURE Nc*r ortNo.a), FFc*tl*6tT PcaZ fiota)-eri*na w (S an bo .) H FOUNDATIONS FRAMiNG tt cAt 3.c2 Ptr,pTr €nnp€r, I 116#7 FtzTll*4. FINAL ROUGH(J tf FIN,^ L ROUGH bo dfl A FINA L ROUGH (u 0)ts (n FIN} L APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in this section only) k 1U F B c) U t{ U .U|r trou BUILDING INFORMATION NUTT-,OTTVC DIMENSIC NS T"ttl fl.;narea (ss ttl-il C O No of stories-.1-Ht. No. of roomJjl-wo. bathe4l No. of water cloaete () d h0() "lI Lot Bloek Subdivieion PermitFee $ tOtJ Clean up Fee $ -- No. of Families ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION (Materirle'& Signed (Permittee) control committee to obtain building ignatute Plans OK, Paid: Gaeh Paid: Caah Datey' cueck $ Check $ (Circle correct claasification) Type of conetruction I.U@t:@ Occupancy group A. B. C. n. B.€J. C. H. I. J. Approval permit. Amount of Amount of Receipt of plans BUILDING rNsP'crrcN (z aets r"ootr.ur roval of $, $ Building address Date of Application Name /'.Ast^tn lhj) Addre s s city -/afi Tel. No. Address Gity r"r. No.4jI/..S t O5_ Address vrrY -L/ A) I Tel. No. New _AdditionAltetation_/| RePaire Typ. of occupaacyJUhJl:L (ell parta of building) D40-3- and architectural Certificate of occupancy & compliance unt [l ro.- 1oO.l. 9-69 ,l surErNo prfirr APPLTIAToN ?,0n, Jurisdiction of TOWN OF VAIL to complete numbered spaces only,arls / 7a INSPECTOR REORDER FROM: IN TERNATIONAL CON FERENC E OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 5O SO. LOS ROBLES ' PAsAD€NA, CALIFORNIA 9110! € 6sz I D ESC R.1[see rrtrcr eo sre erl ,'-"?+ 2 Gsz Co^, r r MAIL ADDRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. 4 7b- 5/L7 AFCHIIECT OR DESIGNER L IC ENSE NO.o -? uu P-o&fi6x lool c|Q't{3v L IC ENSE NO. USE OF BUILDIN Gt 3.2 N rc o+r 9U^a 8 CIASS OI WOTK: tr NEW N ADDITION ffiALTERATION trTHEPAIR tr MOVE tr REMOVE €lcre6e Srtrzq* 10 Change ol use from l l Valuarion of work: S ? OAO -PLAN cHEcK FEE $10 . 00 PERMTT FEE $20.00 SPECIAL CONDITIONS: IIi3.l' .*ist'g Size of 8ldg. (rorar) sq. 1t5 5 0 0 l1naNo. ofStorics meZZ .occ. Load 300 Fire 5prinklers Required !ye5 [NqAPPFOVED FOB ISSUANCE BY No. of Dwelling Units i0- OFFST REET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB-ING, H EATING, VENTI LATIN G OR AI R CON DITION IN G. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC"TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IFCONSTRUCTION OR WOHK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR APERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. I. IIERFBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMI4ppLlc-ATloN AND KNow rHE SAME ib er'iAufAi\iijifO BE TRUE ANDINANCES GOVERWITH WHETHEROF A PERMIT V IOLATE OR CA ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISIED WITH WHETHER SPECt FI ED coNste € q r--.4r -TH{pE ji6etffiticib-F: 'cbrrt'slin-u-drror.r. GNATIJFToF coN'RAcToR 'R XUTHoFIzED AGENT t^l^ \--l'1t\1\'/o c-.lt-\\ O rNsPEc.oN+coRD , I DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK t) TRENCH ! REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DFYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES. FOLLOW.UP, ETC. C ht,uo TOWN OF VAIL BuiJ-ding Penmit Supplement rAl Project above mentioned p::oject understand in full the Building Code (UBC): -s3si Sec.302(c) See. 305 do heneby centify that f have read following exeerpts from the Uniforn Approved plans and specifications sha1lnot be ehanged, modified, or alterred with-out authonization fnom the Buildine0fficial. No per"mit p::esuming to give authonity toviolate or cancel pnovisions of this Codeshal1 be valid. The issuance of a penmit shal1 not pnevent the Building OffiAia1fnom the:reaften requi::ing the connectionof ennors on fnom pneventing buildingopenations being cannied on when in vio-lation of this Code or" of anv other on-dinance of the Town. Tnspection cand shal-l be read and fi11edout j.n fu11 where nequined. No wonk shall_be done beyond the point indicated, andsigned by Inspecton. fnspection card sha11 be maintained until Centificate of0ccupancy has been issued and then retunnedto Building fnspection Office. Building Official shall- be notified, inwriting, of any pontion of the stnuctureo:r building to be pne-fabricated off-site. Sueh pne-fabr^ication facilitiessha1l have a certificate of appr.oval fr:om IQBQ or be inspected by the BuildingOfficial pnior to thq stanting of work. lJo. L c ofr,the and A. B. D. ntQo* 304 CERTIFIED B a_ Form lOO.J. CASH PERMIT VALIDATION $.\N\r,Do t penr*rAPPLrclnEN Jurisdiction of atJWNUr VAl-l.:t7/ 2/ 70 Applicant to complete numbered spaces onty. PLAN CHECK VAL PFOPERLY VALIpATED (tN TH|S SpAcE) TH|S tS YOUF pERMtT 9-6 9 INSPECTION RECORDO \ OATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT, LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOB NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. (era'ffiQ # tt1o72 425-7 601 l4r. Ed StrubleBuilding Inspector Town of VaiIVail, Colorado Dear Mr. Struble: I had a call from Kentucky Fried Chicken today about whetherfacing the cement slab on the Bridge Street side of the CasinoBuiJ.ding with brick woul"d go over the edge of the property line. We called the manager at Kentucky Fried Chicken and asked himto measure the width of the slab and he tells us that it is12 feet wide. The property line according to the survey inour possession is 13 feet from the buiLding at the North endand. 13.3 feet from the building at the South end. If you have any questions, donrt hesitate to qet in touchwith me RanaLd H. for Casino Macdonald Partners, Ltd. RIIM: b j s cc: Mr. Ken Wagnon AHM ASSOCIATES tO22 GUARANTY BANK BUILDING DENVER, CoLoRADo AOaOa October 23, 1970 "Jri.,p'i"f {.* # i(t''" llt -r {t BU I LDI NI PERMIT APPLIco'?oN Jurisdiction IlqlpQ (r t to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALI WHEN PFOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUF PERMIT cK. M.o. cASH PE RM lT VALIDATION REORD ER FROM: INTERNA TIONAL TE I\1P. FILE CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 50 SO. LO3 FOBTES a pASADENA, CAt IFORNtA 9t l0lForm 1O0.1 9-69 Exhlbtt A to Short.ag Lessor, and Ken o Form Icase Wagnon and between Castno JanLe CouLter, Partnerg, Ltd., ag l€E8eeg. I I) I .. t-- - (" ., LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of Lots b and c, Block 5-Cr vAl L VILIAGE, FfRST FlLlNG, described as follor"rs: Commencing at the Southwest corner of Lot f, said Block 5-C; therice Northerly along the Easterly line of said Lot c (said line being common to the l,lesterly line of said Lot f) 10.76 feet to the TRUE PoINT 0F BEGINNING; thence continuing Northerly along the Easterly llne of said Lot c and along the Easterly llne of Lot b, said Block 5-C, a distance of !1.48 feet; thence on an angle to the left of 79o\8'35't, A.73 feeti thence on an angle to the left of l0l'lltzsttr 5l.24 feeti thence on an angle to the left of 80'13!3l't,2.02 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning' t. AND All of.Lots d, €, f, Block 5-C, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FtLlNG, EXcEpT a parrof sai.d lot f, conveyed to The'plaza company by deed recorded in Book lBgat.Page 13, described as follows: commenclng it the southwest corner ofsaid Lot f; thence Easterly along the Southeily line of said Lot f a distance of27.95 feet to a point of intersectlon with the t/esterly side of a stairway andthe True Point of Beginning;'thence on an angle to the left of 86oO8tJ5" and aiongsaid Westerly. side a distance of 3.00 feet to the Northerly slde of saiA stair*ay;thence on an angle to the right of 90o00,00r and along said Northerly side a dis-tance of 20.05 feet^ig th9 Easterly side of said stalhray; thence on an angle rpthe right of 10'00r00'and along said Easterly slde a dliiance of 1.55 feel te ag9!nt on the southerly line of iaid Lor f; thence on-an ingte to the i;grrt or :.. t srrerrve rrrr s.t l||tg ls st.| tafi; I rgttt, 9r86"0.8'56" and along-sild.southerly llne a dlstance of 20.16 feet, rot. in-liss,to the True Point of Beglnnlng, : I Eag le County, Colorado . 1,,/ -",- .',! '' Clg"*, g-?bNh^14">& {u"L'-- l' ^ I A ,r),o A /1 rtr, 4r1^-\w4fr!,,, u 4._ -d.fii fr{. o \ TO1VN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERiVIIT DATE 1970 pERMITTEETs NAME Kentuc Fried Chic P.0. Box 327 Vail, Colo. 81657Address Agent for Permitt€€ Kenrucky ;Fried ehielten Your request for permission to cut lwlmPnt as shown on te.verse si'le IS hereby granted subiect to the foliowing terms and conditions: 1T IS TTNDERSTOOD that the Permittee will cause the installation at no expense whatsoever to the Town of Vail. The permittee shall restore the disturbed portion of the right-of-way to its original condition' and shall comply with Ordinance of the Town of ValI and" all provisions ".ri conditions set forth under this permit. The Permittee agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of vail, its officers and employLes, frorrr any and all loss ancl ciamage which may arise out of or be connccted. with the installation hereiir referred to or any other work or facility connected therewith. Tire Permittee agrees to maintain the insialiation at aLl times. In the event any changes are mad.e in the future by the Town of vait with respect to street grade or right-of-way that would neeessitate r€-,-nov6.l or relocation of this insiaLlation, perrnittee will do so promptly at its olvn expense upoil a written request frorn the Town of Vait. The Town of V:.ril will not be respon- sible for any Oamage it may cause in the maintenance of the roads to instal* lations placed within riglrt-of-way limits. Permittee will be required to shut off tines rnfien reguested to do so by tire TOv;n of Vail because ol neeessary road construction or maintenance ooerations. 0c tob er .ttoo \ Page 2 - Street Cut Perinit The public must be protected during this instaliation with proper warning siErs or signals both day and night. Warning signs and signals shall be installed by aird. at the expense of the Permitlee and in accordance with direetions il given by the Town of Vail. The responsibility for adequate protection is solely that of Permittee. This work shall be completed within 30 days from the above date. NO WORK SHALL BE ALLOWED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS WIIHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT GIVEN IN THIS DOCUMEIilT. Special Provisions: THE TOWN OF VAIL Il rr Ir accepting this Permit the undersigned, representing the Pernrittee verifies that he has read and understands all of the foregoing provisions, that he has authority to sig:r for and bind the Permittee, anci that by virtue of his signature, the Permittee is bound by all the conditions set forth herein. CWru oF VAI L O DAILY BUILDING INSPECTION REPORT &sil.ta rerL(orcc accsee)Contnactor: 4anp& kt z4;t^,nl- trr" G1p au-o'?L-n^ Vt6' U. ,,n (,* of E/8'- L r+'re,l- , hn *.(l r-AA 3,-]ao Date Issued: Jp1t' /4 ?a I Biuldins: Pei:mit No: 970glA c"t lt*n 4" /h. r\Jt u.Co". pAfrA s.,t Gye. bA^ +b * -sd'Lt tre +n*h*n. ao t A 1".,-- t* uu b* ""-L.A Jo' or ^d-hL*Lil L,fr & '/-"' ' tt/tth{6 o't al f-dOL . a e.-c,3 o-.0- o-l J l*e_ a AL BUILDINC PERMIT Vail, Colorado Perrnit 9?aBtn Pe rmis sion is hereby granted Brc*rc.ce [!tg FeEA as Oa,",rtr€a-i to Remoccz Date tft I E/ re-b_ a O1/€ storv S7a.t?4 i ddre s s CAetpo va rL eurco tp c* In accordance with the C ornrnitte e , subject to Prote ctive C ovenant s , Type of C onstruction provisions set {orth by the VaiI the rules and regulations as set and in compliance with the I964 -W lh-Group 1, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. Contractor OAI AJ e*L l.pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) NSPECTION NTS DAT FOUND;\TIONS FR,^ MING oll I FINAL ROUGH FINI L ROUGH I 0.) I.i 0,FIN} L ROUGH_bo Eq) E FIN} L APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAII, fill in this section onl BUILDING INFCIRMATION New Addition Alteration X Re! Type of ociupancy (A11 parts of building)k Q)g Bo &(] ,{ No No. No. rd a0 q) .F1 Lot Block Subdivieion I (Citcle correct claeeificallrn) r11RType of construction I.U.S)M. Occupancy group A. B. C. o. f@C.ff.f. l. Signed Approval by planning and architectural control committ€e to obtain building permit. Date Signature Receipt of Plans BUILDING INSPECTION Approval of Plans (Perm (2 sets reouired) - D"t;- -78- -Arnount of Permit Fee $ -fi 6t Paid: Cash $ Date ., Check $ y' Amount of Clean up Fee $ -Date permit ieeued E inal inepection Faid: Cash $ Gheck $ Tap fee paid NhttE Amount Building address Date of Applieation Addrees Tel. No. / Address Address Tel. No. srrl,prNc bIMqNsIcNq ^ .,-Total floor area (sq tt\/-A-- of stories/-Ft.--- of room{ / No. bathsg of water Closete al - ESTIMA?ED COST OF CONSTRUCTION. ( Mateti ele o': C e rtific ate of o "ffii?[&-;orn;i i;nc C=-.--_ 6onetruction clean-up "4." Pe rrnit BUILDING PERMIT Vai1, Colorado D"t"4.*rL /4 n-re- Perrnission is hereby erufi.a ,Pa-qn fi.e 2ao. /r{ ",AWAer to Coet*rtcf a .Z story olJiltLa "- fatr'-^ 6/r'j. l ddre s s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protectj.ve Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Type of Construction ,D-/(r.Group -A' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. F Contractor l pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FOUNDATIONS FR.^MING bD 7 g.l FINAL ROUGHoo 14 FIN,^ L ROUGH; df1 |Jr FINA L ROUGH bo:. No g) FIN.^ L APPLICATION THE Licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TO$TN OF VAIL fill in this section onl BUILDING INFQRMATION@ A lteration r-- R eoair s-- o rt k a)i 6o I|r I(t h E o Type of occupancy_-J---- (All parts f building) BUTLpING qa4gNglcNs- -, _ "Total floor area {sq ftl-J / L-.- No of stories 2..' IIt. 2 /, No. of roomei*L-No. baths- No. of water cloeets No. of Farnilies ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTIO ( tulaterials 6f*f (Circle correct claesifig$onl 7n\, Typ. of construction I. dfUt. I V(V. ' , occupancy sroup e.s.c.Yr .@a.t,r. Signed (E rrnittee ) Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature BUILDING INSPECTICNReceipt "t ptaln'^ t-l?-T]--l_-_-=- f|-provat of. pranslfalr/,/e_ (z sers reouired) Date ?l at Date Amount of permit F."__$_11;4 € *,/.a paid: Cash g Check q_=_,AmountofCleanupFeeKPaid:Cash$-ChecksJ-5E'il.,'i8.lo Date.permit issued t lffi Tap fee paid _- Attoutrt Building addrese Date of Application t 7 ,fJ ttr.: - /€ ?a Address afty "+Y* rle* Name .) Address City t/,/t-Tet. I rt vv.lrj.. addre Subdivision f/ft,2 It"11-l"tp."tion " TConstructioriTl"at,op - Uertificate of oceupancy & compliance I il!\ ING oF \#,1 '* a INSPECT]ON REPORT &ecvp rl?€tt DAILY BU]LD a Biutding:4AfrNA VA(L FFIIC€ I P'dT(o Contnacton r At?gs{ Cot{5T. CO*?, Date Issued: ,qg4. 4 11 O R.emarks Penmit 81D63 A Is sued : 3np* 't, 2*v_, rt F,{r.o ik, 11.*p Uv 4-,4 I, t\ II 3,1 ,',' g;; c, ''i3 D s(to p t.'l.tt t. U) d,) r. Lt tJ1' lv91: aP* C,n' t e'r..) ,r, ii N li.reu "1 F4.e- f r-l Te r{ t o L y'L € :' ,., y-,r4 rL,,- - a BUILDING PERMIT VaiI, Colorado Pe rrnit r^t" 4dtt4 re_zA_ Perrnission is hereby e"^n ud Atri. /Cr/E?., /fl. as--2Eaer t"--4-e-anh*c/u -f*r. et€riF "" f,itrL. l/+12 .A ddre s s In accordance with the C omrnittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, T'ype of C onstructi.on provisions set forth by the Vail l,rchitectural Control the rule s and regulations a s set f orth in the Vail Village and in cornpliance with the I964 Uni{orm Euilding Code. -FGroup r' C ont ra cto r A pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNSTURE !.OUNDATIONS F'RAMINC fl.t FINAL ROUGH(,} I'l FIN.A L ROUGH ho; (1 F,FIN,A L ROUGH b0-* (d a) E (t FIN,^ L r APPLICATION THE licant rOR BUILDINd TOWN OF VAIL fill in thie section onl UILDING INFORMATION Addition '''- (Al1 parts of building) New Addition € Altetation r' RePairs- Type of "ffi"cy *"aatFinyk {) Fi Bo t (J fitt{+r o(J \\o $ BUILDING DIIVTENSICNS Total floor area (sq ft) No of stories-Ht. --No. of rooms No. baths- .0 b0 q) r"1 Lot Block Subdivision No. of water clo s ets No. of Families - ESTIMATED COST F coNSrR v crroNJt tyzLrlL o (Materials & Labor) LTA (Circle correct classification! ^l. Type of construction I,II. ff.I @i V. Oecupancy group A. B. C. D. E. F.. C.H.\G)-si Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature Receipt of Plans BUILDING INSPECTICN (2 sets reouired)Approval of Plans Date ?-r-ra Date Date permit issued Final inspection C e rtificate of o.ffii?[F;o;;ii;nce Paidr Cash $!/:qphect< Paid: Caeh $_Check Tap fee paid Arnount Building address C 49;nt o Date of Application 9- 4- 7 O Name (), Address Tel. No, t./q)n Addrees Tel, No. Addrese City 4S?A at fet- N". tL (Permittee) Construction clean- up t-n O O/i""W: APPLICATION TO APPEAR BETORE THE BOARD OT ZO}T]-IIG ADJUSTI{ENT BOARD OF BIITLDING APFEALS DATE: 7-71-70 4 FIc, Caslno Partners. Ltd.nespectfully neguestvaliance fnom the nequinenents oT--Section0f the tiail Zoning Ordinance in onder to qo4gto the o1d ttHand MaLdrt s ln the Casfuaoa oRG-rOOt rctbaek onSelbeck on the nor ue8t. an on Code order to In making a detenmination on 4oning the Boand considens only, 1. Un- due hardship, 2. need for the pr.oposed variance' 3. compatibil-ity of the proposed vaniance with the surnounding area, 4. effect on future development of the anea and, 5. health, safety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. In building code variances the Boand mav considen only, 1. suit-ahility of alternate matenials and methods of contruction and,2. reasonable interpnetations of the pnovisions of the code, The Adninistrative Official may challenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the polners of the Boand. It is understood that a fee of $15.00 is pavable in advance and thata ten (10) day posting peniod is required prion to a public heaning on the above nequests Signed: //() /J f {'t' ,i't 7. ,},//{ :'' 4'" oMAry@B V4&o& TO: DATE: SUBJECT: Casino Partners, Ltci. feel thebring the present FAR ratio ofthe Casino; mainly I )-/Z:I. We propose build.ing a total ofshort of the maximum allowed..vest corner of the buildinE 1sbe d.one . Vail Board of Zoning Adjustment July 3f, 1970 Request of Varj_ance fron the requirements ofSection l+ of 0rd.inance No. B, Series of l_970 Box 95 VaiI, Colorado 81657 need. for this request in order to1-35:l up to that permissable for 1,000 square feet, 155 square feetfn viev of present pla:rs, the north-the only area J-eft rlrhere this can This construction vould be compati.ble r^rith the other shop setbackspresently existing in the surrounding area, includ.ing thl casino. we also feel that the proposed. ad"dition would greatly enhance thepresent liall Street shopping area as a unit, as velf as inprove thegeneral appearance of the north elevation of the casino Buifdinp.fronting on Gore Creeh Drive. Respectfully subnitted, GORE CLUB Applicant shall maintaix said pfesent or future ordinances ding and zoning. building in accordance .with all with respect to sanitation, buil- / APPLICATION THE licant FOR BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this section onl ,-.,.1 Lot $flntoct . i{ Subdivision (Circle correct claesification)1. Type of constructioa I. II.ilI.M. Oecupancy group A. B. C. O., &c. H. I. J. No of stories-!It.--. No. of roome No' bathe- BUILDINS,INFCIRMATION New _ Addition Alte ration_-!i_ R epair s Type of occupancy (AU parts of building)L q) c Bo !.'! l.l (J dh d u NUTT,PTNC DIMENSICNS" .: Total floor area (sq ft) No. of water clos ets No. of Families ESTIMATED CCsr d|- cF CoNSTRUCTTON'y'g ( Mate ri:ls Perm Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature fta/Receipt or prans tii r.,7fft-#j;Y]T#erovar or(2 sets reouired) / D"tg--._ "FLa* Amount of Permit Fee_$ .fC"9> fr.e paid: Cash Amount of clean .'p r"ffi paid: cashDate perrnit issued Final inspection Plans f'2 - zo Date $ $ check $-fZ e Check $ ArnountTap fee paid Building address Date of Application Addree s City Tel. No, Address Address Zclty.&uv*q-CEllGl Sbo lgstz Certi{icate of occupan ompliance Conetruction clean- up I EUiLDING PERMIT V arl, (,oIoraOo o Date 2t( 3' rg-,re.- Pe rrnit Pe rrnis s ion is hereby granted 2 story I I I I . as &,**fo- h ,/?E*-ntttu/ a on ..1 ddre s s In accordance with the pr:ovisions set forth by the Vail Cornmittee, subject to the rules and reguiations as set Protective Covenants, ancl in cor-npli'ance with the 1964 -l rchitectural C ontrol forth in the Vall Vi.llage Unif orm F uildi:-g Cocie ' F G roup ,/-.Type of C onst ruction - Contractor ,,1 pproved vart rurlctrng INSPI]CTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use OnlY) (n INSPECTlON -,'PPROV-^ L COMMENTS DATE & SIC}i,^'TLIRE .FOUND;\TIONS dt g]FINA L ROUGH(.) 0) I'.l bo; FINT L FINI\ L - (./to/to jo (U :[ RoricH ?ft, - 6/tr/p a ROUGH FrN.^L h('//rt/24 & BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Pe rrnit Date ttur 3. t9 ZO_ Perrnission is hereby gr^"r"d ne nn*ri Co?^ny "'A*..fonbatsrory on l ddre s s In accordance with the C ornrnittee, subject to Protective Covenants, Type of C onstruction C ontractor provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 Group /, rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Viltage Uniforrn Euilding Code. A pproved INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROV,A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FOUNDATIONS FR,A MING b! .i, s]FINAL ROUGH FIN,^ L ROUGH 0) f4 bo -l LI,FINN L ROUGH o0 1, (d o Fr1 U) E FIN/ L APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN Ol. VAIL (Applicant fill in this eection onlyl Building address Date of Application i t _ -y-- L C Name ta-z ,,^ .Doo/_-n ^eLI.Addreas ,/,*,,t.t il .^ z /?,- lt2,a-i- \rrty E UA-/,44 - Address Address CitV f)a,-.(. €&o. Tel. No. BUILDINC INII}RMATION# New Alteration Ad-dition_- ,/ Reoairs ft) l'.{l sl Bo () *t U ctt{*r trou Type of oiiipancyl!*--,^-^* '(All parts of buildingl nurr-,prro DndENsrcxlq Total floor area (sg No of stories No. of roomg --No. baths No. of water cloeete No. of Families Ht. ESTIMATED COST g OF CONSTRUCTIONZ .n bo(ul Ffr (MaterialS & Labof ( Circle correct clas sification) Type of constructioa I. II. ru. M. Oceupancy group A. B. C. D. t. F.. G. H.I. J.A signed ta . /. .(: - .",-, {Permittee) Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtaia building Dsrmit, Date Signatute Receipt of Plans BUILDING INSPECTION Approval of Plans2 sets required)Date Date permit iseued Final inepection ccB Paid: Gaah $ Paid: Caah $ Tap fee paid Date Cheek $-?f:3 Check Amount Certificate of comP rance Construction clean-up Fermit ll:ernrission is hereby granted ,,,. ^,-fir3-fi1ss f,t!:-*' *t.---oft::u Cornr:rittee, sr-rbject to the rules ancl r'egtrlr,':ions ,a.s si(it lo1ill itt the Vaii ltitrlage Protective Covenants, and in comirliance rvith the i !{r.4 l-iniforrn Building Code. I YUe 01 U OnS! f UCErOll /-/it---CrotLp Contractor J4l E {For Departmental u"se Only) INSPECTION COMI.IENTS DATE SIGNSTURE (n h0 trl c) 14 t; FINA L b0 (J U ROUCFI Best FINrI L copy a\IP Estimated Qo"t--&---T {A 0.9Fee$ 7r -Paid: Cash Check FJ4LDINq.-PEEW Vail Village, Colorado Footing Waterproofing Rouqh Eleclric Framing Flnal Permit 36 Permission is hereby granted Date - - --I9 in accordanee wittr the provisions setforth in accompanSdng appllcation, o$lect to the rules and regulations and Building Code as set forth in the Vail Village ProtecH.ve Covenants. Every permit issued by the Building krspector under the provistons of this code shall expire by llmitation, and become mrll and void if the brilding or work authorired by sr:ch permit is not commenced within sixty (60) days from the dale of srch permit, or the building authorized by srch permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of one hundred twenty (1?0) days. Before such work nray be recommenced, a new permit shall flrst be obtalned. Ttre fee therefor shall be one-half the amount required for a new permit, provided no changes have been made or will be made in the orlginal plans and specifications for zueh work; and provided further, that such suspenslon or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If cha^nges are made, or lf zuspension or abandonment exceeds one year, full fees shail be paid for a new building permit" No work of any marurer whatsoever shall be done tbat will obstruct the natwal flow of water, causi:rg a drainage problem. Number of Livlng Unlt --tttYrL"-tfiooms 1 Width and Area of Lot Distance from Lot Line: N '--.---E Address Plans Filed: R J IIE advance for all inspections, and strall receive written approval on lnspec- tion card before proceedlng with srrccessiva Ffiases of the job. The inspectlon card shall be placed in a conspicuous location on the conslruc- tion site. Fl;t, H ; / ?.-'14-" -(*--,#"ffi#fy t, /"&r shali ndtify the Buildinc lrspector twenty-four hours ! / ,{pproved \ !i t:Y*t s$ i\ *t*tf, '{ is qrt !l {i, \(oql \1 i--\n d LTJ J 4 : 0\| -- rl \.1 -l4.. tirl I-s :)-: '. \-iAj \"tlri | \ \.n' ts-i q*';v uo I 1 I IrJ ui 't Cg l+ t9\ $ \ (\ \ $ il 'l ,x\ )<i o irO F. :) (--) _t q-i \ \': 1'!\. ^\ \-.$ "c)\l t;'! ;i,F I.. rii*t-t€. i i: Ld L; LL \-/ {.. o \s IUJ u! s l:' t).'\ -\'!t\ ')-r{\ j *s '-- +-Soxs.6 Ul t4 -.! t s I ) a { rl Uq( 0\ L9A -ls O-z v)4,t) o F- \rtl LJ] :i4 l\ -{ \,OI \r- lj b-l |l hJ .J4 \xu $H oFj-r IqIi t..rt\- q-\ til TJ Ll_ LJ-U . \ \\\ \\i\ { \\\ '[ \\\!a$..\ \\ S'r1t\ //erfl bults rxg o' ) t/a4V'eon". q E rnr() TI Nor -{ rnr- Ff !lffitl \ .\ {\ $I c T$r $. bIpIFStrl-,r fljrt;gf,b:NSPLEIO r' Dr D i .>-A/,;sl*t rfun. (*t*/r'o/, i't O'/o' C d"frtnnc. fio., lruc baing I , Genrno |. Pf sarttlt r clnrl f Y ?HAr rHl3 PLA' I I ILO?TED tior| FIELO IOTE5 OF A SUTYW TAOI Lrxo SuRvevoR ?t76 SuevEV B^scg or ortotrAt st !- Dlvlsfo{ Hor, Ag slT to LocATg @VArt VtLLAGE ts? tl|.frG. ltlror vABlAllo||s rFon rfLto tlLA" t|tLL roY THROIJ tulttlro orr ot Lot Z5 ?5 ,-9cr,t-E-. Jr*'&n a'--' ov8 6o.<e Creer D<,ve /t^g"aL 74 5a [rgs ifr't6' \8 in t\ t\t t srt.; +st* tr '$ lt\ b.s,t t :bi-ui \'-) U R\ { L1t { .a.stab,nt/ be;/4) erzcrqChtnOtl le S"*//, or7 peV /,p, hpnovsrrErr? Sorvev foR OILL IHITEFORD ?trr CA Sf rro - VAf L BY 6rnrro H. Ptlrrrr 7tx - Gneut Jcr, t&r21/41 - Golor 3 S"ry ' Ylaed sTonq .5/vcce' - ,s/rv</ure r-r.r ___-l_ /, ?t __ _.i 711 llo,