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Dear Don:
Cornmun ity Devel oprnent Di rec tor
DR: br
departrnent cf colnrnunity deveir:i:rnent
Rt: Casino Building
75 $cuth tro tase ro. [''""-
-'--*-*"--- ']
vail, c.'loredo 81S57 i I(303) 476-7S00 L****-_**.-. _.-,j
August 3, .l98?
Don Gelgan
tsr'idge Street Real Estate and Investment Company
236 Bridge Street
Vail , Colorado 8.|657
Please fjnd enc'losed a cop-y of the buildjng pel"mit for the Casino Buj1,Jing
redevelopmerrt. You'lI notice that there !{as no recreation fee charged.This was an overs'i ght by niy staff rrrembers, as they consjdered a remidelgf_!!u buiiding as not adding arly square footage. 0bviously, there is6'227 square footage of GRFA being adried r.,rhich-is cleariy siibjcct to theRecreation Amenities Fee. The fee js $l .00 per square foot in commercialCore I, and thus we have an oversight of $6,227 on our hands.
I. apologize for the mistake, but mr;st ask that thc cieveloper pay
hle fayg budgeted these funds for sunner recreat.i on projects andto.hold to that budget. I really appreciate your cboperafion onand, again, I,m sorry {or the nijstake,
the fee.
must try
th i s nntter
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vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-s613
July 26, I98Z
department of community development
RE: DRB Submittal of 7-ZL-92
Roger Booker
Pierce Baldwin & Agsoc.
1000 S. Frontage Rd. l,test
Vai1, Colorado 81657
Dear Roger:
0n, July 2L,_ 1982, the Des.ign Review Board-approved a portion of yoursubmittal for facade revisions to the casinb'eu'itdi;gi-'iire eoaradenied.your.appl'ication for windo* r"uiiionr on the east facade. Thewest elevation roof ridge_e1 evation change ruas approved. The stuccocolors have been changed trom nunrnJr-e6t5 to numbir-s006. 'ir,u
awningcolors and materials were approved us vris the enclosure for theel evator.
Si ncerely,
.fu e"",-*
Jim Sayre
Town Planner
s- ---
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Project Application
Proiect Name:hla
Proiect Description:
Contact Person and Phone
Owner, Address and Phone:
fil*]l) t*\(e cct*>a S= STO €t-ld+ar .,
Architect, Address and Phone:
Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone
f q l- l'/thlr39F,\)
r, \ rytti)4?fo-L)lA I Tfl,ccv AA
3 --l "tl Design Review
2^ I TAFeyA A S. b!
- ilar
D"," iI./|.>, 2f / S L-
3/ ?oo1" - 4'?Lu'a ,/+a'a'a $'/t| &'2Y5 q^z* t
6*\),.',r- tsi4.)d,
F tdtc
Motion by:
Seconded by:
,1)- r#Tzf r^-o- t -rt f"'fi
summary: SEt t-Lf'slt- Frzou P / Ea< t- 64tauux)
E statt Approval
piarca. boldrlin ond ossocicrLes, inc.
orchi[actura . plonning
Ju1-y 21, 1982
Item la.
Item lb.
East El-evatlon;
double windows ,shutters due to
(Interl-or spaees
East Elevation I
a wlndow on the
Change two single wlndows to
sllght modlflcatlon of wooden
wlndow changes .
numbers, 202 and 4Bl2)
Resclnd staff approved change of add
East ELevatlon at the south end deck
ed *arrt-@y
nat ch eTr
*9flA,1 ,/
submit t ed
2. Inlest Elevatlon: Modlfy r.oof 1lne for llvtng room of Unlt
A (space no. 4A02) frour a gable roof configuratlon to a
shed roof configuration. The new roof w111 follow the
same eLope as major roof plane adJacent. AdditlonaL
roof helght w1L1 provlde loom to pJ-ace cLerestory windows
on the south walL of the living room, to Lake advant age /,.Fr\of deelrable vlews to the south. An additional benefLt l9will be the nodified roof l-ine whlch wi.1l not direct roof
snow onto the deck below.
Item 3.Modtfy approved "stuccott qol"or from rstor color numb er 8615
to t sto I color numb er 90@. Texture of f lnlsh co macch
existLng, renaining stucco on the Caslno Buildlng.
lten 4.pproved ar.rnings and awnl-ng colors per the
presented coLor samples,. l-ngs and
1t em Eneloeure deslgn for elevator. WaLLs and toof to
material and color of the rest of the buiJ"ding.
f?a9 n ??7c-
1000 soufr frontog@ rood wost . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/476-4433
. Tau,1 FJa*or
s,n, ruucrn / -
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PROJECT:6,#//td BL26 KEOEU NUMBTR:A//Z amr:lipQjz-
PRTSENT'Jtm Seyre , rd. /.
Don 6i/qw 6.tf, //r*/') "1,#, PBd-nn?r ffit.--.)
cc; V+rrt'aP*'J. /a-a-5on
/01 fuolc.
ariT-J: A'/".
Gordon R.
P. 0. Box
", i\ssociates, Inc., Architecture/planning:rrr' cnlorcido Bl65/ (303) 4l(t-26\'/
o'<r',iJo P.m .
Pase | |nr ---l-
fffi!frhffi,'n YP
A 5.1
TAEvnL NolzrH EL'U,
cl "lutY /?s2
i:: \
strt jfi*ttat
,9 .t;
O' ;-sgdJ
I -- -l il
PROJECT:6,#//td BL26 KEOEU NUMBTR:A//Z amr:lipQjz-
PRTSENT'Jtm Seyre , rd. /.
Don 6i/qw 6.tf, //r*/') "1,#, PBd-nn?r ffit.--.)
cc; V+rrt'aP*'J. /a-a-5on
/01 fuolc.
ariT-J: A'/".
Gordon R.
P. 0. Box
", i\ssociates, Inc., Architecture/planning:rrr' cnlorcido Bl65/ (303) 4l(t-26\'/
o'<r',iJo P.m .
Pase | |nr ---l-
fffi!frhffi,'n YP
A 5.1
TAEvnL NolzrH EL'U,
cl "lutY /?s2
i:: \
cffi/lJo BLD6.
^_--E€neuflnPftEl'rT 3 TYP
A 5.1
TnenAt NolzrH EIEU"
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PARru CAII,ED r ourED .-/
PIlo}M NUMBER rc. FJ'}*{$R,
" A//PlUn{. 6R*^J,
ail tuE
/AtZ of
t),{ iltf l/frae
Pier-ce, Baldrpj-n & Assocj_ates , Inc .
1000 South Frot.lt.tqe Road, L,lestVail, Colorado 81557
Archr-i tectureT@ Ianninq(303) 4'76-4433
to tl
oldwinpiarco.6 t.ono ossoctot@s, Inc.
orchitectura . plonning
26 Aprtl 1982
Dlck Ryan, Toun Plsnner
Town of Vail
75 South Frontage Road, WestVa{l, C0.81657
we have learned fron BlLl Andrews that the brlck paver ut11lzed at thePlazs at the south end of wall street lsl trsplLt paver No. 559" aval1-able fron ltllLen Brick 1n Deover. Ne understand fron our earlier conV€r-satlons_r^rlth you that thls 1s now the officlal Tor,rn of Vall paver. Coo=sequently, we will be uslng this paver Ln conj unct lon wlth our proJect.
The Town of vall Ma'lntenance Departuent advlsedl our off l.ce that the only
way of deternl-ntng the oake and aoder of the offlcial Town of vall streltlamp ls to contact the conpany fron which the lanps were purchaeeit bythe Town--Foothllls Ltghtlng ln Denver. t'Ie contacteit Mr. Tony pettte
of that conpany and he advlsed ue that the Town ordered eustom manufae_tured fixtures, but a firtrere very eJ.rnLlar to the Towa of Vall streetlamp ls thelr nodeL nuobere c102, G104, and G105. }Je will provide threenodel G102 flxtureg ln the a].1ey rnounted on the slde of the caslno Build-lng and one nodel Gl02 mounted on ehe north eLevatlon of the buildlng.For your convenlence we have included a photocopy of the fixture rre pro-
pose to lnstaIl.
Please adviee thls office, in wrlting, prlor to May L, if there is anyreaaon to not utlllze the producte mentLoned. rf we have not recelveda wrltten rebuttal to the uee of the6e iteo8 by l{ay l, we wirJ. proceedwlth thelr installatton.
for cons lderat lon .
cc: Bl11 Andrews
Don Gal.gan
Ilorst Krebs
Deslgn Revlew Board
1000 south Frontoga rood ur€st , voil, colorodo 81657 n3/47g,433
Project Application
Project Name:
Project Description:
Contact Person and enone s.&Gf 2 fuFffi*
Owner, Address and Phone:
Architect, Address and Phone:
AOPBtvAv Fo /t- Pt <f . t , tu . U.rn- ,,
"Design Review Board
Motion by:
Seconded by:
T'-r.t11 MCry to+-t < ,'{*eztc '
(f Fb.t4t* ,apa_aur-Et ag*.lt{t-t pa,4 t+u<taourJ
Su m mary:
fatufla Arz:t APA |uAL
Nrrr /Ll.*-t_Jo/tJ b C a*v.z- #
E statt Approval
Town Planner
'5/6N4LL o/2-
piorca. boldwin ond ossociotas, inc,
orchitecLura . plonning
Aprll" 7, l9B2
Mr. Rlchard Caplan, Town Manager
Torsn of Vall
75 South Frontage RoadVall, C0 81657
I{e appreclate the opportunlty to revlerr thle proJect w{th the counell .Not.ed below is our understandlng of the responses frorn the councll regard-ing the proposed {nprovements.
A. The a1-Ley deaign I"s approved as submitted. The Town of vail cannotprovlde funds to eubsldlze construction of alley improvenents on
Town property; therefore, developm.ent costs are the responslbilltyof Gata Mora, Ltd.
B. The 0uner of the Pi,aze Lodge should revr.ew ordLnances regardingrestrlctLons for any future tenantsr especlally as Lt relates tothe servLng of alcohol"ic bwerages. Tenants that utlllze Townproperty for thelr o\4n use wlLl probably be requlred to enterinto a lease agreement wtth the Town of va{l. for the use of that
Town property.
c. The steps lndlcated on the Northeast cortrer of the caslno Buil-dlngat Gore creek Drlve must be ellralnated from Tovm property, Frlckpaving mater{als may encroach onto Torm property provided thepavlng materlal ls at the saDe elevatLon as the street paving,
D. Al1 other aspecte of the proposed site development are accepted as
submltt ed .
A copy of the Archltectts drawings (sheet A1 .2 and A2.l dated 3I March1982) related to thle meetr.ng weie filed wtth Mr. peter patten of theDepartnent of Connaun lty Developnent.
Pleaee conCact our offlce If there are any questl-ons or counent s regard-lng t
cc! Mr. Peter patten
Deslgn Rev lew Board
Town Council
Mr. Don Galgan; Gata Mora, Ltd.
Mra. Joanne H111; plaza Lodge
1000 south frontoga rood urast . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/476-4433
oate 4/ fftltz'<H
Projecf Name: 4 fi'j a
Archirecr, Address and phone: f t Ert r € 6t t c ual a) 'i tlss tl <
Legal Description: Lot Filing Zone
Contact Person and Phone
Owner, Address and Phone:
Design Review Board
.i t -
o"" /f uu't / Y z
3z ll,tr ?1246 ?.- s
75 soulh frontage rd.
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000
January 25, 1gB2
Roger Booker
Pierce Baldwin & Assoc.
i000 S. Frontage Rd. WestVail, Colorado 81652
department of community development
RE; DRB Submittal of 1-20-82
Dear Roger:
At their January 20, 19g2 meeting the Design Review Board qavepreliminary approval for the nd ;;;";-;o'pifii.nioil"iia,rinurapprovat for the Casino Building RJJe"vetopme;i:- i;.ir;.i u, upart of the Casino approval weri the ro'bwinj-c";;iii;;;,'
1) Al 1 Town counci'r conditions of approvar must be met prior toif"^i::yunge 9f a build.ing pu"rit;-"-'-tJ yuDtrc works deoartment_approval must be received;ll l::"-lltartment' approval mirst be reieivea;.ri Any encroachment upon or improvements upon Town of Vai.lproperty must receive approval'of the iown'councir; una-''5) Thg metat roof above'the Bra;de;;7c;dmus ReaI Estate 0fficemust be constructed of authentil,-*"rif.,".ing copper.
The review by the Town council of encroachment and improvementsupon Town of vair oroperty wirl ta[e-piace at a Town councir worksession. I think it is important thal a letter addressjng the Towncounci t' s condi ti ons. of upi,"ou.i -u;;;;p;ni;i ;i il;' iooil,i"r ur"signatures be submittea ii-*'e-id;"s;5;f prior to any meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Peter Jamar
Tovrn Planner
PJ: df
vrrnrr:r c4ilru a _E4OG,__No. 3//Z
806ce 8aeF62
PhVE JA4*/\TO. V.
--+-- -----
/?CE 4u /r*/S
tg gtttt/Ae 'daLD //2du/oE l0toc
M7 rVE rtPztl/Eq:_ B
oF fi/15 OozunEt)
Pierce, Baldwjn & Associatcs, Inc.
1000 So. I.'rontaqe Ro.rd, I.'le:,-tVail, Coloraclo 81657
orsn/9J&il 3z-wyr, ?:aorz.
Jg!_ _a _.. @!4 a F-& _ru +T- * _ _ _
,E /,55UEIAJ6
_ __. _s4&/J@-, _ . t_!!-t" _
t/120!&_ fw=-4o^)e_
__.Aetl. 'ut.L gtA 9f
aruea- aaa-t
pi@rc@. bolduin ond ossocicr[os, inc.
orchilec[ure . plonning
4 Januarlz 1982
This proposal nddresses pedestrian travel on ttrree lenzels"First, @estrian travel along Gore Creek Drive wiLj. be
enhanced by separating t]1e pedestrian frcrn the roadrriray, alorrgtfie.norfhern f:sntage contnollecl by the Casilo Building, frcrr
rrehicl-es and deliverlz operations, with both a slight eiewationof tlre walla*ay and in ttre form of trees with tree grates at
qtreet, grade. Secondly, along ttre east side of the buiLiiing(Bridge Street side) ttre pedestrians will- utilize a sid*ralkseparated frcrn the street by raised pJ_anters, a change infinish rnaterial-s. as well_ as a sJ-ight grade ctrange. I,lanypedestrains rnay eJ.ect to rsrain in the '!street", due to thegeneral "pedestrian mallt' nature of the Vil_lage Core Area,Itrc third 1eve1 addressed by this proposal is the pedestrianmid-block mnnecling lid< betweal aridge street and vfral-l street -
"Tlre Alley". It is ttre intention of the new Casino euil"clinq
ohtners to Til,ork wittr the Ircrr..rn of VaiL, the pl_aza Buildinq o,ui"r=(arid tenants) ard any util-it1z cr11srar1.ies utilizing t1.is &sqrnntto_provide a pleasant @estrian ground level link between Bridgeand Wal-l Streets, A part of the rorodeJ_ing of the aJ_Ie7 is tolcorer the finish elevalion to fie in with the ocisting landingof ttre stajr on Wall Street. ALs9. the entrance to pistaefr:tgg
Restaurant will be rerpdeled ffy
Ihe identificaLiqr of actual shop types is cunently unknown,therefsre itis difficr-rlt to be speciiicaffy definitl-ve aboutthe nature and anrnrnt of vetricular traffiC required to sqportthe csmercial spa.ces. rlre developer has indicated ttrat tiresespaces will be restricted to higher quality, pedestrian orientedBoutique type shops and office space. Deliveries to theseshops and offices is anticipa.ted Lo ne simifar to other CoreArea est:brishnsrts of similar nature. The Tcnam Adninistration
has addressed the ontror of deliveries in the core Area anf notraffic wtridr conflicts with ttre erci-sLing procedure is antici-pated for the ocnnercial spaces. fhe vetricle penetration
1000 south trontog@ rood u.last . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/4764433
generatd. by the tlrree proposed residenli_al rrnits will berestricted to occr4:ant delir.zeqr only. parking for the resi-dential r:nits is acccnplished by pelfnit, off site, at theparking struqture.
Since this proposal enaorpasses one @rner of a major. if notthe najor intersesLlon in the Ocmnercial Core One area, weirrterd to add to the street "life,' by creating a variety of
nel^t mmercial activity generating shops, r.rpper-levet entrieswitJl colored ca$ras canopies, and street tevlt fay windoosthat provide visual ter<ture to ttre 1cr^zer portions of thefacade.
By integrating the variety of accrrerical spaces at street level
ryith a nore pedestrian scale and an irregular outline, a rrpreinteresting character will be acldeved at the pedestrian ane-a.
Ttre "Outdoor Rocrn" npdified by this proposal is made more inter-esting by irarrying the height, altering the buildhg edge and
.crg?qtg a rore pedestrian scale along the roads fionting thisbuilding. ltre deck area added to the eastern faaade wili havethe potential of shop displays and signage to create furtherpedestrian focr:s. A canvas a^ming ahcr,re the d.ecJ< will enhance r*re peaestrian focns
The street edge is defined by the ctrange of sraterials frcrnasphaltlc street paving to bricj< sider,valk pavers. In certalnareas, tfie charaster ctrange is accented by grade charges,plarrters and tree clrates for landscaping witf, fiving plantnaterials. Access by deliveqr trud$ and fire departientvehicles is nnintained.
the building height as proposed., thor.igh slightly raised, fa1lswell within the height arloarcd to the raidpoint or tne roof witfi-in ttre footprint of all portions of tfie luifaUg. Itre slightincrease and relocaticrn of ttre ridgeline poses tto viqnr corridorprcblens to adjacerrt buildings. f}re bui_lding to the south ofthe casino Building wirl have a higher roof line than that pc
Snsed for the Casino Buildiag Redevelopent,
7. vllrvs
Viq* "! ttre uajor or rnilor significance will not be adverselyaffecEed and short streetscape wisrs frcrn surror:nding buildings
shouLd be enhanoed by reroval of "qgesore" structurei arxl ttrepedestrian scale generated by ttre picrposed redevelotrrrent.
Iot Area - 0.1-79 Acres or 7797.24 sq. ft.
Allcn,rable GRFA - 6237.8 sq. ft.
Actual GRFA - 4340.91 sq. ft.
Allqnrable No. r.vrrits - A.AZS or 25 Un:Lts per acreActual }fr. trnits - 3.0
Na,r landscaping is proposed jn ttre form of Living plants andtrees i"n no'r raised stsrc veneer planters, street grade treegrates wittr trees, and flcmer boxes on the faces oi tl:e buil-d-
The d:ci-sting al1ey will be lorrered, lighted, arrl paved, Thewalking area of ttre allqg nill be prowided with a head_ng eJ_e-fiEnt. Sloping gradas arxl agropriate water coltectim systenswill insure adeqrrate, proper site drainage. Thqse aff{rnaifi-catlons t,rill enlnnce year-round @estrian activier in -the al_lq,r.
baaing and deliveries shal1 utilize the e:cistinq areas forthese purposes. Parking strall be in the parking structureard tlrough participation in the parking structure fr:nd i.:r ananpwtt mrtually agn:eed r4>on between the Topn of Vail and theDorelopers upor oorpletiqt of ttre project.
1. RmFS
a.Roof form will be a gabl-ed lcru pitclred roof witrr an asvnetri-cal.ridge acis. Roof perineter wilL generally folloru ileeperfueter canfiguration of the building.
Roof pitd will rsnain consj-stent with the *isting 2\A2slope.
Ihe rrcof overhangs will renain onsisterrt with tlre ecist:ing
gverhangs of app:ro:cirnately ttrree feet on rrcst edges, Roofbean sr44nrts sjrnilar to those that slist rnay be retainedon the structure.
The roof fo::ir wilL rsnain si:rple, yet varied and interest-ing. Ttris will be acccnplisfred bytlre turiform slope of tlrerroofs ccnrbined with the rndul_atiorx of the perimeter of theroof as it folls,,rs the building form.
the site does not warrant arry roof steps due to clranges ingrade.
- 1h9 ocisting roof stsps at tie ValLey Forrge portionof the building r.uill rsnain, vdth mincr alteratiois,"
t'taterials will- be prirnarily a brril-trr4r :rcof, Grarrel crcloq3will be corpfererrtary to the overal_l- c-,ol_or sdlsne sf thebuilding.
Ttre neiu roof will be a rloold rreofH t14>e, ocnmon to the qre.
Gutters arui dmmspouts with heat tapes and jrrterto,r roof,drains vniLl be utitized as required.
a. the pnedcrnfurant ruateriaL ef the facede wil.L he a stucwelikefinisfi material, $econdar1. rnatecials wil"I be utiLlzed lnthe fom of stone at ttre base, glass at vrindcnrc qnd deers,
and wood trjrn for general trim areas and vrrosgtht.tiron deck,ra-l]-ingis. Ccnnerqial Strop facades nBy vaq^ neU,,reen spaces/
hcr,,rever, the sane or sirnilar materiaLs vrtl"i" be uUillzLd.
b. The prinary oolor to be uEed on ttre stucoo vstj_j. be wldteor an off white that wi$ be scrpatable wittr but Ligf,rtesthan the ectsting eolon utiLlzed st the Val_Ley Forog6 por=tion of tlre buii-ding (unless tfre orner of thal arei eLeetsto natdr the ner,v olor), $Itod trirq wil_L be darker ttraa
and ooryU:oentarT to the stone color selected.
c. The transprency of ttre flrst fl_aor ecnnerctel" spaces wil_Lhe greaten ttran tie upper floors, ylindqws will. naintain ahunan scale and ctraraeter.
d. Srop and residentiel rri.ndsrus wi].l relain oensistent wttt,the character of the acnrnercier cgre qrea. ttindcnm shc,hmin this suhd"ttal_ maylrarlz vuhen shop Epaces ere occrrpld,
hcr,rrever, tjre intent an1 corrcept vrl1l G rrJaintalned"
er Doors w111 be treated in a qanner eonsistent w.ith the cheJrsacten and natr:re of ttre prcposed uses within tJre buiJ-dirrgand in ocnformance witfi the urban design co-nsideratlons,
f . prcrdnerrt lrood trfun railL be utllized to arbictrLate tlre
vrindcr'ss and doors of ttre building espeeially at tfie Lcruer:floor ocqnerc;lal spaces,
a. Balconies Inill- be oJ a useabr.e size and priruerily J.ocatedto t€ke a&antage of tfie lirnited sun afferyded tdttre build=ing and of ttre orientation to visrs End streeet r.ife bexow.Iarger, usable decks wiLL harre soLid rail"ingrs to preyentirposing feelings to peales&ians belcr,u.
b. Most baloony rail"ings w:iLL haye an et:en l,4.q1g6.trcn raiJ.jwitlr an elegantly curned prrfil.e,
c. l,'ibod, sttrc@ and r^a:orght-fuon w:ill. be ttre flglin fini$ rlBteris
aLs r.:sed on the bal_oonies.
d. Supporting deck nsdcens rny bejoist nenbers vriLl- be coyered.
luseyerr erposed
e. A najor lprtion of the o:risting deck on the WaLI $treetside of t-lre buiLding will- oontinue to be utili2ed. Use of
tiui.s ded< r.xifL be enhanced, since lt wiLl be na1or entranses
and CIrits for at Least b,ro mrrnercial_ sBErc€s. Ttre decf<will be landscalred,
Accent elsnents $dLl be incorporated though noL wel"l ilefined atthis tjrre ftie to l"ack of irprrt fr"crn spectiie tenants. Atrnlngs,
deeJr urbrelLas, shop sigarage and gragrics, pS.anters, streetfurnitr:re anct l-ight fixutres r,.riLL prcnride aecent featrrres forthe projecb.
a. Even tFough the proJect is ve4, tjJuited in mraiL$Le locaLlonsfor theu, deci&ror:s trees are pLanned for setreral- locations
on all sides of tJle buiJ_ding and arrnral_, mlorful_ flcryersin vnindor pl.ant boxes and planters.
b, Paving rnateriaLs will be brick Laid in a sard bed. Ttrepattern of tlre brick r,rrill be basket r,{eave to netcfr tfiatpattern ryr Wall_ Street" Ikre brick sel_esEed is the bricj<
reccnnended by the tcl,mts landscape design oonsu.Ltsnt oran approved substitute,
c. Ttre only retaining wal1sr,.ihjc&occrrr are adjecent to thePlaza Building in the a11ey, ttrese retaln:ing waLLs, asvaell as. the @estrian/riretricular separation pl.anters rriLl-be consistent with ottrer stone wall t1pes irrthe vicirrity,
d. Lighting will be develoged in canjr:nction with the shop
spaces, adjacent to tlre rnain building entry points, anh :inthe aLley. Street lights anQ,/or generat site fighting wiLlbe provided as deered appropriate.
e. signage wiLl also be deveto@ in onjunction w"ith the rreri=-ous shops and mnsistent with the Tcnryr of VaiL siqr orilin=
€ulces .
The buirding is prorrided with an internaLJ-y contalned trastr ffcrFqSctor: Trash gererated by the builcting !,,:ilf be dellraered tothe nain trash picl< up points jn ttre area by ttre buililing nain-taj-nence 5:ersonnel.
Ttre developers have agreed prev{ously to parbieipate in t}re oon=struction of a nsu trash ce*pactor enclosure toJtne area, c'urrrently proposed for erection near the Slifs BuiLdirrg,
luwn n
75 soulh lronlage .d.
Yail, colorado 8'1657
(303) 476-7000
department of community development
Deceriber 31, 1981
Mr. Don Galgan
Byron Brorm Real Estate
Box 547Vail, Colorado 81658
Re: Casino Building
Dear Don :
Last week I was at the Casino Building and noticed the storage
space under construction. This space can be used by al1 usersof the building except the real estate office.
Conrnunity Devel opment Director
a.I 'Pfu'st Profccl Appllcatlon
o*" {4 ffio /% /
Profect Namo: al5/ilo nt)/( D/il6 A''F/1Et/g/ A/HPI t,f
Contact Person and Phone
Owner, Address and Phone:
L-l ,e6fl 52o- i;bq
Architect, Address and Phone:
,[i6nl: lin,trp* / '//*- ,TJr '',,,,il y':t4. 4/3a
€/K/4t t7b{,
Lesal Descripti o^t ,o, Q t'{4/t , etocx 5 C , rnins VL tr'', zon" C(/
Deslgn Revlew Board
(),&rr Dat€
Motion by:
Seconded by:
( uf,/t ic
/t/ r 't L,*,,Ft,'. a-fih, . '> t;tr.:7 fiie lNt't
Profect Appllcatlon
Date ,,'/t !,"y'(
Project Name:
Project Descriplion' I /'ir'
Contact Person snd Phon€
Own€r, Address and phone:
Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zo'l.e
Com ments:
Deslgn Revlew Board
E Statt Approval
piarco. boldu.rin ond ossocioles, inc.
orchitoctura . plonning
Aprll 7, 1982
l{r. Rlchard Caplan, Town Manager
Tom of Vall
75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657
I{e apprectate the opportuntty to revlew thls proJect wrth the couneir.Noted below Ls our understandlng of the responses fron the council regard-lng the proposed lmprovements.
A' The elley deelgn 1c approved ae eubnltted. The Town of va1I c.nnotprovide funds to subsrdlze conetructlon of al1ey lmprovements onTown property; therefore, derreropment costs are the responslbilrtyof Gata Mora, Ltd.
B' The owner of the plaze Lodge ahourd revr.ew ordrnances regardlngre'trlctlona for_ any future teoants, especlarly as r.t relates tothe gervLng of alcohoric berreragea. Tenant' tLt utllize Townproperty for thelr own use will probably be requlred to enterlnto a lease agre.'rlent wlth the Tor.m of Va{1 , for the use of thatTown property.
c. The steps lnd{cated on the Northeast corner of the caslno Bulldingat Gore creek Dr r.ve nuEt be elrnlnated fron Town property, Brrckpavlng materLale luty encroach onto Town property provlded thepavlng materlaL ls at the ea[e elevatlon ag the-slreet pevtng.
D' A11 other aspects of the proposed slte development are accepted aseubnltted.
A eoBy of the Archltectre drawinge (Sheet Al .2 and A2.l198?) related to thls meerlng were ftled wlth Mr. perer
Departnent of Corunrnlty Deveiopnent .
Pl"ease contact our offLce lf there are any questlons orlng t}1ls project, 2
cc: Mr. Peter patten
Dee{gn Revlew Board
Tovm Councll
Mr . Don Galgan ; Gata l"lora, Ltd .Mre. Joanne lllll; plaza lodge
1000 south frontoga rood uost . voil, colorodo g1657
dated 3l March
Patten of the
comment s regard-
r)KrtlfEAS /At ?o,.-7y
gnb'J Rp,.,-tlNA
fleagqEu r)v b,K,,w-€ wfi2
t>Ft C/sr)qo
geDS o>{ -lo\#l.t
-YlffiD &ls*-
R.?.\Af ,
-'TA,.)l.r ffial+C-
to€prnoN5 ?rzo4 TD tlcDG.
Project Application ll
4?uo /%t
Project Name:
projecr Descriptio", EX TEK/o/Z f /,U/EE/AE. flLTfA.4f/0,19
Contact Person and Phone
Owner, Address and Phone:
?ag) szo- 266?
Architect, Address and Phone:
'ic) 3
4E,4.+sLegaf Description: Lot 9CrF , glsst<5c' ,Fitins I/V /{ac/
, Zone
commenrs: fta ,r 't eo 2ZB sreEra{.
Design Review Board
@f,raz Date
Motion by:
Seconded by:
Su mmary:
(ort{ctt &- ar
ljtstNo LbrLDtlA @tapful\,,artr
----T'-Wtc61, CEE'-z#M & Frrary
t 1 | *obntu trtr?l2 e4.l/+,f ? kstYo fuful4L
Aibqc oF ktyo Eu4.
ft55e.--/7) rt/la,b r tu/\-' nt ,&artsd
4fuft- oP {wfa'wzyop fisT$cfza)
lWD ;,,vaa/
/.f6/.r€ tlfta/
TrZZ ,@an
/d42fr LoQog .?aa,+t- e
oF P/tful/DS f4rz //F;;
AtWU L/At fr
a// /4f SCFrle.
-U6 tzroe€ ffic
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(ororrwil: 969tusr OZ fue
L/offi{a /ovY froa ,&cey
Zoa;y (nrrz&./"n ;
furtpp t
6A+ ' ,qz,eu46/E GzE #+b% hc Ournul = /zYzF
UrY/7> rfr.Cor.o.+.7a 7
ffiar,*,rlrf *: /a7/ 4
u,b7 6': p(3A
pt4tr C ' /87t/
,/7? @ 7n7/
O Etfr6 44aa€r', 7'tr,Yoqz+
UPA4tq fr9/d/Y 6st6€-rt<J:
# 726ffa*Z- flo //7#rz 7rft?V /o'
/V ffleope Tzffi jo'
,/77 M
Afl41t4a -tu
box 1O0
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-5613
0ctober 26, 1981.
Roger Booker
Pi-erce-Bal dwi n .& Associ ates
i000 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657
department of community development
RE: DRB Submittal of 10-21-81
Casino 81dg.
Dear Roger:
At the October 21 meeting of the Design Review Board, your
submittal for a winter facade design was approved with the
fol'lowing stipulations; al'l windows in building to be replaced
with windows or lighted display boxes, signs to be reviewed atlater date, app'l icant w'i 11 present "permanent des'ign" on or be.fore
February 15, 1982 to Design Review Board, work out agreement wrthstaff to ensure that design is temporary and final design w'i ll
be presented.
Peter Jamar
Town Planner
Bl ock
Fi ling
s'c _
(Acceptable) (t{ot Acceptable)
- trl.-e€=_=-
1. Submittal Items
(A) Topo l'tap
(B) Site Plan
(C) Utility Pian
(D) Title Report(t) Subdiv ision Agreement
2. [,ng'i neeri ng Requ i rementl
(n) cutvert Sjze
(B) Dri vcvray Gr,;d
3. Source of Utilit'i
(i f appl i cabl e)
il ectri c
l,la ie r
Tel eplrcrie
4. COrr';netrt:; : Sre<t*c (i^,5.4:Es4//q*-2-&e- -e&ry4GE- /-tF.<o!%eE-
-nOr-t OF
Di sapproved:
=_---:_.-.--:-'---_-Del,arLn:':n' o{ Public liiorks
tu,", B€*_Zug eo meff€,€ gilfrtJ 7rl€ <o^!sE ?ven<E. OF W _::/'<f-L€"
Te+ f *o,* w, " 417,. 31-'"';5 ffiH{,',ti*f,#.i:ff t^'
Bill Arrdrei':s
T0 Casino BuJ.lding File
FROM: Dick Ryan
DATE: October 27, LggI
RE: conditions of Approval by Town council at their october 6 neetingregarding the alterations and modifications approval .
The Town council at_their meeting on october 6, rggl approved the casinobuilding exterior alteration and rnodification with these conditi.ons:
1. That the applicant agreed to participate in and not remonstrate agalnsta special improvenent district if and when formed for vail village.
2, That the appli-cant agrees to provide and pay for the alrey improvenentsincluding pavers and righting and street tights on Gore creek Driveand Bridge street intersection and the p"opJr"a irp"o""*u"ts to thesoutheast corner.of the buirding as it ionnects to the Virlage plaza
.?l^"pj:^_In,addition, the applicant will be responsible for snow me1t,oralnage, llghting' powe.r, naintenance and rooi change and suburittingfinal design of the a11ey to be approved by the Town of Vail .
construction rnus t be conpleted no rater than Decernber 15, rg82.
3' That the, applicaat participates financially in the construction ofthe trash enclosure facirity conpactor in the arrey of the sriferbuilding.
4' Ihl! l" heavy equipment or construction storage wirl be allowed onWall Street or in the nall area.
5. That 100% approval by the condominiun association for use of corrnonspace be obtained.
6. That condoniniun changes be carried out within the provisionsof the condonri-niun article by the declarations.
Hot tub on Wall Street or Bridge Street not to be allowed.
rf there is a nini-improvement district forrned for the inprovementsat the intersection of Gore creek Drive and Bridge street'itrt tir"applicant participate on a front footage cost.'basis, also that pepi, JohnMcBride, and the petso.t who owns th" il["o" store would have to contribute.
, t_ Meno - casino tT -r- t0/27/BI
9' The facade nust be cornpleted on the first floor by Christrnas or treated
in,ian-"acceptab1e nanner similar to the Gondola One building conunercial
cc: Don Galgan, Byron Brown Real Estate
Gordon Pierce, Pierce Baldwin Architects
Octobcr 12, 198i
C4r- "*
Gerr)' I'{hit e
Scott Ildr,,'ards
Dan Corcoran
Duane Pipcr
Wil I ]'r:out
Roger Til kemeier
Jim }lorgan l ater
Di.ck llyan
Pctcr Patten
Pcter Jamar
Betsy llosol ack
Larry Eskrvith
Ron Todd
l. Ap.p_roJal of rninges € Septenber 28, 1981.
wi-1.1. I'rout pointed out that it.em 7, requesting a aear setba.ck for 1ot 1, resubof Lot 14, Block 4, Bighorn Srd, dicl not inctude a request. for a variancc frorna Setback flom a watercourse. With this correcticn, Scott r,rgved and Dan seconCedthat the ninutes by approvcd. The vot_e i/as 5-0 in favor.
? Annl i.^dr- ;^- r^* ^,. Ir_i:+:.1_:1gl_ :glg_lSlquare foot Gross Residential l.'1oor Area
v a l i an c c f o r.',ri, i t-Ts 0 +=V-orlauf-e r-e onclon ili uir-s . ----
Peter .Janar explai.ned t.he nemo adcling that the applicant had aiso submittcdtwo alternate schemes ur'hich would not rec{uir-e a varj ancer, ancl that the staffcould not see that the applicant had unnecessary physical hardship.
Tin Clark, archit.ect for Beck Associates, .said that the applieant dicln't haveenough roon in this condo (which he had reccivecl in an exiiangel , lle addedthat there was not enough lreight ::oon in the loft at present for. anythitrg else.He exPlajtted that to use the alternatcr pl ans r*oul<l mean having to go throughthe bath roon to the dressing. or storag" "t*.. Roger statecl it,at fernups Irthe plan rvere a he tter one, that "u, "rluro,., enough to grant a varia*ce.
Dick llyan rruin<led then that a. sinila:: request in lvest vail receiltly rra.sdenied. l)eter Jana r', read part of the code, 18.64.010 regardir-rg nonconforminguses tt<! str{lctrrl:es being limited in enlalgen}cnt or alterati.on if it rt,ouldincrease the,discrepancll rvlr icl: the pickens rcquest cij-d (nacle it more non_conforni_ilgl lio5'er felt that erch case should be juclge<l on ir-s or\,r.r nerit. Duane felttnitt inconvenieirce did nrt sound Iike a retrl hardship. lvill felt that thcarchitecrt couLdn't achicve the salne thi.ng wi_th the ajternate plans. Scotrstatcd that he di,dntt have any problem wj.th thc bathroorn a.s pr:oposed, but thatin ordcr to fol lotv the ordinancg dj.dnrt see how they <:ould *pptove the request.
Gerry moved and llan se:conde d to cleny, the re (iucst because th"r" i.s no rca Ihardship shor*l , ancl bcc:urse with the alter.natc plans, the applicant courdhave a l:ath without thc variance. Tlre vo1:c r.;a s 4-Z i.n favor ol. denial.Roger anci l{ilI votcd agairist, Roger st*t i.rlg tha t thc appl j-ca.nt nct all bur.the hardship criteria" anrl Will hacl statecl h.i s reason.
.in order 1-o 1i-f t thc lestri.cti.orr
Dick Ryan gave fact.s frorn the nem.r and .,;t:rted that the school had been a good
neighbor in the Booth Crcek are a. lle addect thai two agt-.nci.e s would h;rve control
over thc number of studcnts i.n the school: Thc St:rte Dcpartntent of Educatlon
of Cololado and thc lloard of Di.rectors of the school.
Joe Stauffero cirairman of the board of the Mountain School explained thatthc reason the school wanted to have largcr classes ru,:ls a social one, thatthe classes of 6 children h/ere too snall. lle added that thc school has fulfi].led
al 1 the promiscs nade to work on the 1og cabin, pa.ve the parliLng lot, andlandscape. l'Jith the a.ddition of students, they woulcl not increase the sizeof the school building, and that the pre-sent facilities are adequatc and can
hancll e nore student s -
Disctrsslon follorved concerning whether or not to set a top lirnit of studentsin the conditional use pernit. Joe felt that wj.thout a top set number, thatthe school would use good judgernent with safeguards also fioni the State. He
addcd that if the classes were too la::ge, many parents rvould complain. rfthe nurnber of students becane too much for the present facilitiei, they would
have to cone back to the PEC to increase the si-ze or number of buildings.
Dan spoke .in favo:: as a neighbor, as did N:incy i,liller, another neighbol',scott felt that if thcy rcrnoved the.studcnt linit, it was Iikely that thenext request would be for an increase i"n Lhe size of the buildi-ng. Joe saidthat the prescnt board was not planning on increasing rhe size of the building,but that latcr they wcre planning on coming in to ask to put in a custodialapartment in the loft area.
Prc -l \)/12/81
!!gt1l-:!J_o_f sc9ry!t!-!ona_t:U_9-nS:$_t-.ia.-oge-L
to l irnit t.hc s1.r"rdc.nt body of the Va j I l4ount;r j-n Sclrooi.
Roger was involved in the original application process with Vail Associatesto use the land for the school, and remembered ihat the biggest concern wasto rcstrict tthe'number: of students for the benefit of the ncighbors adjacent,and l'elt that he had no objection to the increase if tlie students coulcl bekept rr'ithin the present building.
itri.l1 Trout wanted to know the precise nunrber of students per: square foot ofbuilding linit the State would have on the school . .Joe wisnt t able to answerthis, but stated that 12 students per class was thc iclcal class size in theiropinion' scott felt that he would personally prefer a limit, even i-f it were
be1'ond the boardrs expectation. Duine agreed rvith scott, but also agreedwith llan that the school would be using ihe state guidelines and also thatthe school had been a good neighbor.
Roger noved and Dan seconded to approve the request for a conclitj.onal usepermit in order to lift the restriction to limi.t the student body for thereasoll that the State would restrict the number of stucler-rts, The vote was6-l in favor with l{iJ.l voting against. lvill was not opposecl to exparlsionbut felt he couldnrt vote withor-rt knowing exactly what^iire State restrictionswere in ternrs of numbers. The requcst was glanted.
I)i;r.t 0 /r?/81
-. Rcque st.for . a conditional. use ernit t o hirve a real estate office inot the Va I Vi.llagc tirn,-phasc III Appl icant .rl .rrr Ln.rrr6, ll I
q,_j!r_try_.t_!_for a___varitirrr.:c frt:rn si.<lc aricl J'ront s<,:tbacks. l.ol a rcs j.donceat I /6.i s;trasf?i,-tot-T:t..-vaiT-Virr-aec llc.if aiilng-Lt '-Appjlca;r: '_.-*--*
Gottfricd Angl ci tnc r..
Peter Patten c.xplaincd the merno adcti g that thc st-aff rccoitmended cienial ortablilrg to lct the ar:chitcct arrive ni;r hotter solution to the site.
Jolin Pcr:kins, architect for thc appl icant, stated that the issue is thatMr. Angleitnel desircci to build an lluropean style ch$let, iLnd that tlic housewould have to be rectangul;rr:. outsidc ,iimensibns would be s0 x 40, feelingthat 2400 sq ft was a nccessary size for a family 6f .{. }Je explainecr thatthe lot faced south, and al-so the viervs are to tire -south, so tirey wantcd toput the garage in the back an<I out of the way,
Dan stated that after being out on the site, that he would agree that itwas possible to have a better design. He was more in fav.rr of putti.ng thegarage in the front. .lohnts reply was that he didnrt h'ant to sirow tne garagedoors on the front el evation. Roger suggested putting thc garage on the othellside, and Peter repl ied tlut tl'ris lvould move the house within 5 feet of theproperty 1i-ne, and that those neighbors h,d alreacly disapproved of the planas it cxisted.
John said that he has a lettcr from the owncr to the west and that this owr-rerdld not have any probl ero with i.t.
Gottfried Angleitner, the or.ner, stated that he had bought the rot bcforeannexation and didntt realize the restri.ct.i ons. Hc feli that the iior:theastcorner: was not buildable. Dan pointed out that the neighbor to the rr,est irad.sold_the lot to Angleitner, Gerry fert that buirding tile house as presenteclwould overcrowd the neigl'ibors. Duane said he clid " ho.ty check on ^.q,rur"
footage and found that with rr00 sq ft footpr:int-, with irl:.grrt, courci alrowthe structure to be close to the required size, and that tiiere still couldDe a lyTot ean stylc.
John explained that the 1ot rcas 4 to 5 feet lower in the back, and wantedto work with Iittre excavati'g or fi11, More suggestio's regarding steppingthe living spaces dorrrn, ^t-rying to adjust the builcling shape to fit the rot,and, the south exposure foliowed. Roler mentioned tlrat the l,EC is concerrleclwith encrgy conservation, and that the south exposLlre wAS inportant. r)erhapsshifting the hoLise to the east wa.s discussed, though a letl-er had be-.e1 receivedt'ron the r)roperty ownel: to the east protesting the ietback Tequesrs.
The owner requested tabling until the ncxt r-egular pEC nceting.The menbers voted in favor of the rcquest to table.
Pctcr Patten cxplained the nrc:no,the mrl ls in Lionshcad arrd VaiI
Jim Jacobson, rcl)res(,nt irrg thcfor officcs r.ather thrn roti.ril
Vil lage
that this mall
and should be
woul d be sini.lar to
treated the sane Nay.
applicant, stated
shops". tlrat it was
thtlt the location was ideal
I ocated tol^/a rd the back,
-4- 10/r2/8r
Ilc addcd titat one woLrl.ci lrarrc tri go clor"in stai rs iind tl-urt it di.dnrt f it intothc traff ic p:ltter]r ancl was not on thr,: srrcct lcvcl, llu ad<letl that if thcrc
wcrc to hc a nix of lcta".il uplcc, this rr'oLrl.d bc a.s close 1_o rr:taj 1 as nanythings. AbouL thc pa rking issuc as statcd j.n the nrerno, .Iacobson fc] t thatthe r'rhole idca of rnalls js to get peopl c in, and clidn't sce how a rcal estateofficc c:ould ge'errtc ])rore tr:rf.[ic than ai urniturc storc, ('t'he staff intl.tc rnerno .statcd that \,,'j th l2 sal.e s pcopl e, tlre rcal cstatc off ice wrls boundto compound the parking -situation. )
Ger:ry nentioned that thjs was to be a pcclestriau rlal1, :rnd that if all theretail spaces becane o{'fices, the inalllh;jilfti woulrl be lost. The rcalest.ite office could be on the 2nd floor ;is rvell, hc added. He felt that the
t'rhol.e 'r'i.11age -should be tleated the samc.
Dick l{yan explained that one reason thc new nall had a connection toward
crossroads was to conncct to the openi.ng in crossroacls to thc west. He agreedwith Gerry that the idca ru'as to have a pcdestrian, shop oricnted mall to iryto t-ie togethcr the whole village.
Jim Jacobson rnentioned that there was already a parking problern on the backof crossroads and wonclered how that could be a goocl pLacl for peoplc to walk,Dan fclt that this connection was better than the oni in fr-ont of Crossro:ldswhcre there wer:e 50 or 60 cars,
Gerry White said that thecenter or dining, rather
be vis i tor oriented. Danbe on foot aftcr parking
traffic as a real estate
pedestrian 1evc1 shor.rid be a more active shopping
than office, Petel' P. added that the uses shouldpointed out that the visitor is alr:eady going toj.n the parking structure, and so would not generate
office woul d .
offices v/ere a real threat=-when they
shops., it made sense to legi-slate them
do browse thlough real estate offices
lloweverr.he added that a real estate
very valuable space,
Scott stated that bacl< when real estate
were meking nore noncy than the retailout of the core areas, brit that people
I ooking at tl're pictures and brochuris.office on the ground floor does become
Roger agreed that it nade sense to legislate real estate offices out of BridgeStreet or mall.s, but didrrtt think it nade sense to compare this rnzrll withVail vitlage and Lionshead. He felt that cach particuiar applicant shouldbe decided separately. Danrs concern was with ihe idea of lust trow nany norereal e-state offices were going to want to be on the ground iloor if one wasallorved at this tinc?
Peter repeated that t.h js ma] I was designcd for an interesting commercial ,shop-oriented atnosphere, sinilal to corunercial cores I and z, designed iorhigh traffic and was planned to be a prime rnall as stated i'the meno.Jacobson said that thc dcveloper had designated business or professional usefor that spot and for another spot also. tie addecl that tlidre were no rearestate offices in thc C::ossroads area, lle felt that thr: environment shouldbe looked at each tinre, and did'rt feel thcy were setting a prccedent.
rjc -s- L0/12/81
Dan nent.ioned tha t lre had jlr:;t comc fron a rrircati.on in Dulrngo and as he ri'a l kcd
th:'ough thc tcrwn, djclnrt I ikc all tl'Lc lcirl cstatc officcs on the nnin stl'cct,
rLnd that they were not lookirrg for rea I cst-ate of f i.cers. lric Blrcluruen fel1:that if Dan had beeri' f rom lta I I as., pclhrrl: s , they, ur ight lravc be en looking fol'real estate office:;. lle added that they intended to have the office veryattractive with lots of models.
Jim suggested liniting the number of real estate offices in that na11. Gerry
relrlied that there would be no way to ljntit othcr realtors fron asking for
conclit j"onal uscs. D.ick Ryan rnentioned that peopl.e had talked to hirn about
changi.ng the f ir-st fl-oor of the Kiandra to real estate offices. Jim wonderecl
about using a deed restriction.
}{ill Trout wanted to know what percentage of thc area thq 1s.1 estate office
ir'ould be taking. Scott saw no differencc if Gore llange propertj.es asked to
be in that building than in the mug shop area. Jin Nlorgan fclt that naybehorizontal zoning should be talked about with the rvhole area in rnind,
Jim Jacobson suggcsted looklng at having only one real estate office in thebuilding with a non-conpeting lcase in tl're deed restriction. Dan reminded
him that they couldntt get around the parking ancl traffic. Jacobson wantedto see studies -showing that it would j-ndced generate traffic, Gerry feltthat the parking was not the issue, for if there i!'a s any parking at a11., people
would use it. Rogcr felt that there were many unanswerecl questions.
scott and Duane felt that if there were already 42 spaces short, what the
elorral n*^- hr'+ ;- +L^uvvvrupEl. puL -Lrr rrre spaccs would have nothing to do with the fact thatthere were already too fcw parking spaces. Roger stated that he would voteagainst the project now, but with rnore infornation might vote for it.
Jaco}:son asked if the only additional information needed was with regard toparking and deed restrictions, and asked also for a pol1 of opinion irom the
Jin stated that if the applicant could come back with a deecl restr-iction and
eirse his concern of the parking, he rnight vote i-n favor.
Duane felt that he did not want the applicant to show a deed restriction.
Dan felt that what was needed wasparking and he was concerned with
Geny felt he would vote no now,
horv nany real estatc officcs wcre
WilI would like to see a real estate
Scott was in favor of the real estate
Rogcr was concerned about the parking
Jacolrson asked to table ti11 the next7-0 in favor of tabling.
a clarification of restrictions concerning
because who knerrr the rnagic nurnber of
too nany ?
office there with a lease agrcement.
of f ice rr'ithout a 1ease.
program for the whoic progran.
regular neeting. The mernbers voted
f-e to/Lz/Br
fl:-_*!tr:-t1t-il-1_ for.r_t.rt -arnendment to thc 'l'ot,rr of_-Va_ii__iqljlltl -Otdinanc:c No. 30
Scirir:i""oT itiT;i;:ili,l-.,;t;;nffa.\f c-$;t c'ri l;i o,- liii,.'li 7,- t otalo p"atcli.
Appl icant : Vn i I lnvcstrncnt and I)crrc.l opr cnt , Ltrd.
Pcter Patten expl;rincd and listcd thc rcstl'lcti.ons j.n thc ncmo, Craig Sitol,don,
atchitcct for the applica.nt, statcd that thc appl j.cant rgreed to the rcstrj.ctions
ard addcrl that thc:sc would be luxury un-its with a -.;inglc access onto the
Potato l)atclr Dr]ve. Peter st-ated tha't. he had received a l etter f ::oin John
Hal I st:rting that lrc approved the reqricst.. Craig crxpiained tire access fr:on
Potato Pntch Drj.r'c irnd also the vi.sabil ity. Gcrry stre.s-scd that the totill
al lolvablc CRFA wouldntt bc excceded. Ile rvas concer:ncd rr'ith the growing
necd for employee housing. Jim Shcehan stated the plan was to incorporate
thc employee unit with the cabana near the pool,
Roger ntoved and l{ i 11 scconded to recoirrfi}end to Town Council approval of the
amendnent nith the conditions of anploval listed bv staff, Thc vote was 7=0
in favor, unanirnous.
7. Request for exterior alteration and moCification to the Casino
ilount oT ofrte ib-acE on acct<.
Bui 1d j-ng
App I icants :
Carlos Agostoni and Janes J, Sprowls.
Rick Baldwin of P-ierc eBa I dirr j.n Associate-s, architects for the project stated
that Dick Ryan reconmended they eone before the PEC that day.
Dick Ryan said that the Council had approvcd thc Casino request with cha.nges,
and that l'lr-s, Hill had sent a Letter -shorving no real obj ection with the extension
to the ltrest. Rick added that the bridge was a dead issue at present--
that other external factors had forced this decision.
Ilick felt that the PEC rnust concentTate on the issue.
follorved concerned liking the proposal ,
The discussion which
Dan moved and Rogcr seconded to approve the exterior alteration of the deck area.
The vote was 7.0 unaninousll, in favor.
The nceting was adjourned at 5:40.
October 12,
3:00 p.n.
Approval of
Request for
on unit #304
Requcst for
to linit the
minutes of September 28, 1981.
density control varianc e
of the \rorlaufer. R,ll.
a conditional use perrnit
student body of the Vai
A Request for a variance from side and
at 1763 Shasta, Iot 12, Vail Village
Gottfried Anglcitner.
Requcst for a conditonal use permit
in space #7 of the Vail Village Inn,
Van Ewing, III.
Itequest for an a.nendment to the Towr
30, series of 7977, to add the allow
on Lot 6, Block 2, Potato Patch.
Derrcl nnrnron+ T f .l
7.Request for exterior alteration
for the deck arca to determineApplicant: Car.l o s Agostoni and
to extend
existing loft area
i-n order lift the restriction
ivlountain School.
fron t setbacks for a res idence
Filing {f2. Applicant:
have a real estate office
hase III. Apnlicant: P.
f Vail Zoning Ordinance No.
cc of one emplo;'ee unit,
icant: Vail Investment and
ification to
t of office
J. Sprowls.
the Casino Build:irig
cnncp nn .l a.- k
in thc Vai Tnril Octobcr 9, 1981,
To: Vail Town Council-
The undersigned represent ownership ofhalf interest in unit 5.
6, 1981
units +2,3,4 and one
With reference to the prooosed renovation of Bridoe Strcet
Condominium Building by Gata Mora, Ltd.
We wish to notify the Town Council of our consent to the
renovation, also our consenL to the revision of the condominium
common elements and our consent to the utilization by Gata
Mora, Ltd. of the amount of GRFA contemolated by the plans
which have beer{ submitted to the council-.
Sincere Iy,
1 Estate, Inc.
The Valley
unit *2
Condominium unit #5
1,.\ti.} r.rc^ l-.^\ ,^>By: Helcrd Pulis
Condominium unit #3
Gartorr{s Saloon
By: Dave Garton
unit e
Condominium unit
CotteY, owner
half interest in
t IProject Applicatlon
Prolect Name:
Project Description:
Contact Person and Phone
Legal Description: Lot
Archilect, Address and Phone:
, zon" ((T
ilotion by:
Seconded by:
Design Review Board //
,^," i'o/z//K/
SWtr ,fo w ,EilSuetva
ffsu,V /f M#fLll 7faftra+eyr E sraff A'pproval (
f _A 7rt2n lflh{ LU/IL Ez
f 'lESfpW.
ti.Fdrtr rylvrrl
inc.pierco. bolduuin ond cssociotes
orchitoctur,a . plonning
Octcfrer 2, 1981
Mr. SLe\E Palnrson
Tcn,n of Vai-l
Buj.lding Inqrcctor
75 Sourth Fr:ontaqe Road,tlest
Vaj.1, Co, 81657
fie-lr Ste,ve,
We aF,Frecjat$d ttre o.rportunity to disctrss this project with youyesterday ror:ning. To insure that everyone involved fully
unrlerstands tJrc decisions ancl agreatents reacfied at that neeurrt,
we are proddfug the follorrirq jnforrnatior.r. If you are inaqresrent wit$ the infornration noted, please siqn trre encl0sed
m12y of ttrj_s letter and retunr it to us.
v.. lle=tj-ng held at 9:00 AM on Cbtober l, tgg1 in the offj_ce
of- l':. Dick Ryan in ttre VaiI |4uricirnl Buildirry. Inatterdane were: Mr. Dick Ryan, Mr. peter patten, t{r.
.St-grc Patterson repr:esentjlg the trorun of Vaill t{r. Dc,n
Grlgan representing the Olner, Gata llcra, Ltd; !{r. Horst
K.etrJs representing Ltre Alperrbar:s Builders, tlre ContractoriW. G3rdon Pierce, .i!{r. Rick Baldrvin arxt i{r. @er Bookerre-p::esenting the Arclritect, pier<=, Bald\,rin C Associates,Inc. .
B. ne.r-i,sicns,zbiscussions,/@reelents
1, i\'rsolutely no furtlrer w>rk nr.ey be perforneri on theexterior of the buildilq e)rccpt to instatl a tsrporaqt'\vinter season fac.lde', desiqned by the ArctLitect and
apprcnred by the Design Revievu Board,
2. 'ltash on the second floor of the building m:.st be trans-ported inside the buildinq and not tlrrcrm frun openingsjrt the ercterior i'ralls of the buildinq.
1000 sourh ftenroga rood ruasr . vorl, colorodo 81657 ns/476-4433
(Xtober 2, 1981
Page 2
3. DeJcris must be kept withjl tire fenced area. After
srfficient trash has been rgqc\€d frcrn thls area
(possiJrl.y by ttr) end of Oqtober 1, l98l-) the Con-
tractor nnrst park his tnrks inside this fenoed
4. A on*-hcmr enclosure mlst be provided at ttre wa1ls and
ceilinq of the existing boiler rmn. The rocrn nnrst
be vented to ner::t local codes.
5. The winter seasc)ll facade should include scfte sort of
dispiay wirxl:r^rs if at all possible.
6. A wallsr'ray nrust be provided for pedestrians where theexistjlq sidelraUr has been dennrlished.
7. All work rnrst tre ccrpleted by fncefuer t. Ch DeoiltberI the ocnstructi.on fence rcust hre rgrcrrcd.
fhe al:cnre inf-brmation is our interpretation of the results of ttrenxtting. If there are any arr'os iir wtrictr roe have not aceuratelyor ccnq:letely reJ.ated infor:rurtion, please acfuise us irnrediately so
ttrat rve nay cicrregt our reord-q.
cc: AL1 part-iciflanLs
. -'-'BrERcE, l*o#$"ll:;gg5l'"
1000 S. Frontage Road West
vAtL, coLoRADO 81657
-/- ^ ,l - /7/fW- r'/ Ua,_-.<-.
(303) 4764433
! Plans ! Samples
the following items:
E Specifications
Xrached E Under separate cover via
! Shop drawings
of retter
n Prints
! Change order !
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked betow:
D For approval
>E(q your use
[1 As requested
I Approved as submitted
tr Approvod as noted
fl Returned for corrections
n Resubmit-copies for approval
tr Submit
for distribution
E Return
! For review and comment tr
PnoDtcrz{oJ /@tE Gr&i, rE 0[s0 ,t encloaoraa ta6 not a! noted, kindl!! ngtityt ut at
,b",f l2tcL Ry*"
pie,rca. boldwin ond ossociotos, inc.
orchrtecturo . plonnirrg
Octcber 2, I9Bl
l.lr. Steve Pattersst
$q.rn of Vail
Btlilding InslEctor
75 South Flontage Rd., W.Vail, Co. 81657
Dear Steve,
I€ aFpreciated the opportunity to discuss this project with you at
yester:day's rEeting and this nrrrning cn the telephone. Tk: ilsuletlat everyone irryolved fully r-n<ierstanos the decj-sions anrl ag'ri=-
nents reached at t-tnt meeting and the additional recnrjrermnts of
the ltcr,,rn of Vail as di::ect€d by the Buildinq Insnectorrs office
during the teleptrone mnr.retration with ou"r: office this norning,rre're p:rovidi-ng the follcr.ring inforrnation. If ycnr are in agreerr.Errt
w:lth the inf.orrnation noted bercnr, please sign tJre enclosed c.op41 ofttris letter and return ib to our office.
l4eeting held at 9:00am on October 1, 1981- in the office of Mr.
Dick \an jn the Vail lr'lunicipat Builcli.ng. In attendatrce vere;llr. Dick &'ian, !tr. Peter Patten, l4r. Stare patterson reoresorting
the IU,^/n of Vail; l4r. Don GalEan rep'resenting the O.rnt:r, Gatatlbda, Ltd.t !tr. brst frebc reg.:rpaen€lrrg the ALpenhax Rrilders;t}le Oontractori ltr. Gordsr Piencir, l,lr. Rl.ci< Bal&,rln ard Mr.rcger Booker rqgeeenting the Ar.clritec.t, Pieroe, Baldhrin &Associates, Inc. .
Itecisions, Discussions & Agresftents
1, Absolutely r:o fttrttrer roork rnay be nerforrned. on thr: exteriorof the buildirg e)<cept to instatt i te,,po"ar1' '\uinter season
facade"designed by the Arehitect and approv'ecl bV the Design
Rgriss Bocard. lls clarified by you this rnorningr on Lhe tele.,.
phcne, the rvinter f-acade clesign nnrst he ,sutrnr.tted to Ute nextregularly scheduled npetlnq of the Design P,evie,rv lbar:d on
october 21. 'Itr-is requires that. our office sribmit the design
and applicalion to be placed on the (Jcto}:er ll1 agenda by 4130
P.M. on lr4cnday, Octcber 5.
1000 south frontoga rood u-re;sr . voil, colorodo 81657 $3/416 4433
Octcber 2, 1981
PaEe 2
2. Trash on the seorxl floor of the buildhs nnrst be trans-portd insjde the buildinq and not, thrc*/n frcrn operringsin the exteuior walls of the building.
3. Debris nust be kept wittrin the fenced area Af-ter sufficient
trash has been rsttcved f-rcm this area (Snssiloly by the endof October 1, 1981) the Contractor: mrst park his trucks
inside thejr fenced area.
4. A one-hour enclosure mrst be prcn'ided at tlre walls and
oeiling of the el<istirtg tniler roon. Ihe nqln nust be
vented to neet locaL aodes-
5. Ihe wilter season facade sln.rld incltrde sotre sort of display
win&os if at. all possible.
6. A wal)srray rnrst be provided for pedestriarus where the o<isLing
sidryalk has been dsnrlished.
7. A11 raprk mlst be wrpleted by Decanben 1. On Decgnber 1 ttre
mnstruetion fence rnrst be r.qrovecl.
8. As directed by your office during our teleffiore corlersation
thj.s norning, the Contractor m.rst provide a perforrna,rce Bond.Ihe rrequirerents of the Bcrnd are to irrclude:a. The winter facade ard related r,ork totally finished by
Decsrber 1, 1981.b. The qrnstruction anount stnlt be stipulabed as 9101000.
lhe above infornntion is our interryretation of the resul!: of the neetirg.rf there are any areas in wtr-iclr we have not accuratery or corpreteryrelated iafornatiqr, please adrrise us jnnediatery so tlr,at v,re rluy correctour reords.
, Baldtrrin & Associates, Inc.
Rts:de ,/*6,.,-,
cc: All partsicipants
- PTER'E' lliP,Ull"#if,9tlnt'- 1000 S. Frontage Road West
vAtL, coLoRADO 81657
- WE ARE SEND|NG ,ou >(nu.hed D Under separare cover via
Plans tr Samples E Specilications
tr Shop drawings
fu, of letter
fl Prints
[J Change order
,'l ,r'
20cqr t pBf
f t 7l/./
THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below:
E For approval
)( For Jour use
/ a e, requestecl
E For review and comment
tr Approved as submitted
! Approved as noted
E Returned for corrections
Resubmit-copies for approval
for distribution
Pioouct2403 /@ rE, Grbi. {s olrSo ,t encrosu.es €re not as noted, kindly notiry us
pi@rc@. boldwin ond ossocio[es, inc.
orchitaclure . plonnrng
Octder 2, 1981
I.r. Peter Jana.r
Tcnn Plarner
lbm of Vail
75 Solrtll niontage Road, tdestVail, Oolorado 81657
@{FTRffrICN Or OCTGER 2, 1981
Drring a telephone mnr,ersationr withr I'b-. Rick Batd$rin of Fierce, Bal&/in
& Associates, rnc. today, your office tras agrerd to allcxr tie sutxnjttatof ttre winter seAeon facade design for: the casixo Building Rgrpder to besuhritted after Octcber 5, but rpt late.rr tl.an trc days prior to tlreoctobs 21st Desigm Revisu Board neeti.ng. Ttris is due to tlre fact. urat
GRFA wil"l not be rerziered, code revier+ will be relatively ninor, and
docwents will be dealing with a relatively snall porticrn of thebuilding. Application nnrst be nade no later tlr,an tbnday Octcber 5 sotlnt th-is subniLtal can be placed on the October 21 agorda for the
Design kviehr Board.
lF appreciate ttte oootrnration of yrur office on ttris pn:jtrt. ltre fel.rextra days prwidecl wil.l certainly berrefit the project. iud enhance theefforts to leave the building in a nore attraqtirre statt: for the public
during tlre winter seasorr.
Baldrin & Associatfs, Inc.
oc: Diclr $an, Steve PaLer.son, Peter patten - Itrlrn of \ra:i_l
Don Galgan - Gata l6ra, Ltd.
Ilorst Itebs - Alpenhaus edLders
1000 sc,uth fiontoq@ rood ue,-,t . 'roil, colorodo ei657 n3/416,+433
| 3 EL' 7.++o' ^
pierco. bolduin ond ossoci,:tos, inc.
orchitecture . plonning
October 2, l98t
tt. Steve Patterssr
llcnn of VaiI
Buildbrg Inspector
75 Scnt}r !)ontage Rd., IiI.VaiL, Co. 81657
cNFrF[t4arrfiil oF ocrEtsER l, l9B]. t'tEEtnlcf DrscttssrcN and srJpsEfiimffoelCIBm 2, 1gB1 IELEPH:NE CSfi/ERSATT(N
Dear Steve,
lfe appreciated ttre opporturrity to disorss this project w:Lth you atlrcsterdayrs nnreEirq ancl this norning on the tetephone, To insuretlnt erzeryone irworveo f"ur.ry unars-lanL the drcisions an.J agree-ilEnts read*d au that-nreetirlg and ttre a<tditionar r*r,trn*t" "rthe ltqrn of Vail as dirested-by the au-rlding r*p""t"J" Jiri..during the teLer*rone oorver,-sation w"ith o'r officl this rr:rning,w9're providing ttre folrcr,rinq-i"f";ti;. rf yo.r are in agreerr''t.w"itir the inforrnation nctd belo,p, pro*" .ig"-d;-#ir#o-coEg c,rttris letter and return _i.t to our'o?fice.
A' l{eetirs held;rt 9:00am on c.lc*Lrfier 1, r-9g1 in the office of r4r.Dick \.van in the vair ,r{uniciprr euiiding. -in utda"r* or*.,l{r. Dich Ryan, r{r. peter patten, }4r. sterre patbefson renrresentinqthe 1tcnrn of V-ail;, D4r, Don C"alt-.pn representing ttre Or^nrer, Catalrbra, Ltd.r.I4r. Ibrst l(r_ebs rill)resentlq tfte Alpertrarrs Bgilders,the Contrastor., ptr. rkxrCon fic,rcre, Mr, Rick Bal<i,dn aru] r.1r.rbqer Bookex 'qresentirg the Architect, pi;;; eofdurin oAssoeiates, Inc..
--> B. *risior:s, Discussions & Agr€{,rlEnts
& Absolutelv no furttrer r,prr< rnav be perfornal on the exteriorof the b,uitding e><cept to inslaU I terlcorary ,\.rinte:: seasrTlfaeade"desisftd by tire nrch-itect
"nd ;r;;i bv the DesicrnRevis.r Board. As clarifie(l htf ycrr this'rronrinq-on the tele-prhone, the wjlten faeade ctesid nrust be ",rl_*iit a tcr tl:e rs<tregularly_schr_duled nnetiirq oi ttre Design ;ru"i"" Boerd onffi,?l:.,Ti: requirer; that our offiqe *ut*:_t the d,esignand ap{cali<m to be pIa<.:ed on ttre O.t"f;-t agenOa n1r ail}p.M. on tibnday. October 6"
1000 south frontoga rood ute:r . voil, colorodc 81657 n3/4764433
lo o;
Octder 2, 1981
Page 2
2. Trash on the seord flmr of the buildirrg ru:"st be trans-ported iruide ttre building arxl nct thrcrm frcm otrnningsin the ercterior walls of tne bril.dirq,
3. Debris nnrst be kept within ttre fenced area Mter sufficierrt,trash has been rsmrred frqn this ar"ea (poesibly by the endof October I, lggL) the Contractor mrsLpar:k fris trua<sinside their fenaed area.
4. A cme-hour enclosure m'.ut be prcxrided at the walls arulceiling of the e:ristirq boiler rncrn. The rrcrm nust bevented to neet local codes,
5. lhe wirter sea.Cnr facade should incrnde scrE sort of di-splay
windcr,rs if at all possi-ble.
5. A wallsuay nrust be prroridecl for pede.strian^li vuhere ttre existingsidevalk has been dgrplished.
7. ALr vprk nust be oorpreted by Decenrcer r. on Decsdaer l theoonstnreti.on f'enc€ mrst be rermved.
- 8. As directed by your office dr:ring orrr telephtrne conversationthis norruing, the contractor rnrst provide i perforaanrce Bond.The reguirernents of the Bond are io include:a. The winter facade and .related r.vork totalry finisrred byDecgnlcer I, l9BI.b. The construction artrunt shall be stipulafed as $-10,000"
the above informatiorr i: "q,_interpretation of ttre rrezults of the neeting.rf-there.are any areas in whictr wshave not accuratery or ocnpreteryrelated inforrnation, please advise us innediatery so tr,"i "u nny (:orrectour reaords.
BaLd,rin & Associates, Inc.
€: A11 pa.rLicipants
l-oo l3
piorca. boldwin r:nd ossociotas, inc.
orchitaclura . plonninq
October 2, 19Bl
l4r. Peter Janar
Tcwn Plannen
Tcr^rn of Vail
75 South llrontage Road, WestVail, Oolorado 81657
@NFIF!4iltICht OF oelGm. 2, 1981
Drrhg a teleptrore oonver:sation with ur:. Rick Baldrrin of pierce, Baldvrirt
& Ass(riates, rnc. today, your officel tr,as agrer$ to allcry the subrnittalof the winter season facadn rtresign for: tlle casinD Buikiirqr Rsrode-l to be$tsnitted after October 5, but rpt lat(.y than Llro days prior to the
october 21st Design Revisrr Boa:rt nnetirq. Ttris is due uo the facr that
GRFA wiIL not be revier^red, rcde revier^r wilt be relatively miror, and
docunents will be dealing wiLh a relatively anrall portion of ttrebuilding. Application nnrst be nade rrc 1ater th,an tbnday October 5 sotiat ttr"is sulxniLtar can be plaaed on t}e octcber 2l agarcla for th:
Design Rsriq,r Board.
lE ap5:reciate the cooperation of lour office orr this pan:jt=t, TLre fer,.rertra days providerl will cerEainly benefit ttre project iu[1 enhance theefforts to leave the buiJ-ding in a rore attraqL.irre statr: ,for the public
during thre winter season.
, Baldt,rjx & Associat€s, Inc.
FB:deoc! Dick \an, Steve Paterson, peter patten * Ilci,m of \ra-t'-l
Don Galgan - Gata Mora, Ltd.Ilorst l(rebB - Alper*Eus Builders
]000 south frontoge rood wclst . '.rcril, colorodo 8,1657 n3/4164413
bcx 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-s613
department of community development
Septenber 30, 1981
Mr. Don Galgan
Byron Brown Real Estate
Box 547
Vail, Colorado 81658
Re: Remodel of Casino Building
Dear l)on:
As you know, before you can go to Town Council to a public hearing
on the Casino building, the following information is needed:,
I, Written perrnission by the condominium association to occupy the
colTunon space and the ability to use the gross residential floor
area for the entire site, (permission to do the removations)
A copy of the condo declarations for our attorney to review,
A plan for the alley regarding the covelr or no cover, your recolr-
nended solution, and naintenance agreement.
If this is not presented to roe by l4onday afternoon for our review
and cornrnent, it will be difficult to have adequate time to determineif the Casino building can go to Tor.n Council at a public hearing
Tuesday evening.
r cannot let this go to Town council until these issues are resolved.rf there is no resolution soon, r will require that dernolition stopand the building be brought back to an acceptable outside facadeto be determi.ned by the Community Development Departrnent and theDesign Review Board.
Community Developnent Director
utlo,*, HNrrrr$n-!1rNT.AL coirqrsra I
Monday, September 28, l98l
2:00. prri ?iork Session to discu-ss variance proccdure and r:eview by Ir[C,
3:oo pm l. Rcquest for a rear setback variance and for a vari,;urc.e
from a watercourse for lot 1, reSub of 1ot 14, block 4,Applicant: Heritagc Company.
Request for a front setback va::i-ance for 1ot S., resub of lot 14, Bighorn3rd. Applicant: Ileritage Company
Request to vacate a lot Linc between parcel.s 4 and 5, sundial phase r,part of an unplattcd parcel in Bighorn subdivision. Applicant: Benchmark
Honcs of Col orado .
4. Request for a side and rear setback variance for lot 2, Cliffside Subdivision,part of Lion's Ri.dge Filing No. 2. Appl!.cant: David L, Cote,
for a setback
Bighorn 5rd.
the Casino Building
space on deck.
Request f oSt4xter ior alteration and modification tofor the-deck ar-ea to determine the anount of officeApplicants: Carlos Agostoni and James J. Sp::owls.
Request to anend the Parking (P) Di-strJ,ct to permit by conditional usepublic uses that are transportation, touri.st ol town related and accessory
type lrses. In addjtion, to arnend the Public Use District (PUD) to permit
by conditional use, public uses, office and conurercial uses that are
transportat j-on and touf ist related and dwelii-ng or dormitory type Linitsfor enployees of the Town or special district. .
Request to arnend the non-conforming section of the zoning code to pernit
restoration of 1egal non-conforning structures that are destroyed by
fire or other calamity or by an act of God. Applicant: Toun of Vail.
Request to anend the official zoning rnap of the Town of vail in accordancet^rith section 18 of the Town of vail Muni.cipar code as forr"ows:
(Each of the following properties belong to the Towrr of Vai1.)
a. change the ski ltusiurn, lot 6, vail vilrage 2nd Filing from public
Acconunodation (pA) to public Use (pUL.l) Dj.strict.
b. Change lot 10, Bighorn Subdivision from Trvo Farnily Residenti.al {R)to Gr.een Belt and Open Space (GBoS) Distr-ict.
c. change Tract H. vail virrage l-st Filing frorn High Density MultipleFanily (HDirtF) to public Use (pUD) Distrj.ct.
d. Changc lot 28, L.i.onsridge Filing S frorn prinary,/Sccondary Res identj.al(P/S) to I'ublic Use (pilD) District.
al -r
Changc lot 40, llul'f er Crcck Subdi vi si,on f rom Corunercial Cor:e T I I
(CCiII) to PubIic Use (PUD) [Jistrict.
Change lot 10, \tail Village 2nd Flling fron Tvro l:amily Residential
(R) to I,ubl ic Usc (PUD) ljistrict.
Change lot 3, Rcsub of lot 1, block 1, Vail Lionshcaci 2nd Filingfron lJigh Densi.ty Muiti-Fanily (HDilF) to Public Use (I,UD] Disrr_tcr.
h. change Tract E, vail Lionshead lst Iriling fron cornrnerci-al core IT(CCII) to Public Use District {put}).
Changc Donovan Park, a parcel of lancl located in thc NE f/4 of theSll I/4, and the NIV f/4 of the SW 1/4, Section 12 Township S Sourh,
Range 81 l\est of tire 6tli p,l{,, Town of Vail, State of Colorado,fron Residential Cluster (RC) and primary/Secondary Residential(P/S) to public Use (pUD) District.
Change King Arthurrs Court, a parcel of land situated j.n the SE 1/4of Section 12, Tor.tnship 55, Range 80 West of the 6th p.M., Town ofVail , state of colorado fron Low Density I'hrlti-Fani,ly (LD[[F) to public
Use (PUD) District.
Parcel B of the Annexation plat of Forest sen'ice property, annexedby Ordinance lf7, I9B0 as recorded i' Book S0Z, page S!2, -eagfe
Courltyrecords from Green Belt and Open Space (GBOS) to Agriculture and
Open Space (A) District.
change Glen Lyon stream Tract, a parcel of land locatcd in a portionof the N 1/2, Nl{ i/4 of Secrion 12, Tor'.nship 55, Range gl lVest ofthe 6th P. M., Torr,n of Vai1, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado fronSpecial Developmcnt District (SUD) to public Use District (PUDJ.
change Pitkin c'eek Tract, a parcel of 1and lying within section11, Township 5 South, Range 80 lttest of the 6tir p.i{., Town of Vail,Eagle County, containing 19,566.40 square feet of 0.449 acres nroreor less fron Special Development District (SDD) to public Use (pUDJDistrict.
Publ i shctl in thc Vail Tra.i l Sc-ptcmbcr 25, l ggl
ero om
I ,.lf:L j:.ri ./:.. : :, _ .t t\ii i ) i ) .1:Oi,.t;
TELEPHONE 3O3 476-5655
September 28, 'l9Bl
Town Council
Town of VrilP.0. Box .l00
Vril, Colo.
RE: Ces i no Bl dg. Remode'l'ling
Deer l'layor Slifer rnd Council Members:
Plrzr Lodge hrs every rerson to believec0operrtton 0f the mrjorlty owners of CrsinoJoint'ly approved mrstir ptin; ;h; trrsh_pii rcan be converted to r srie ana plersrnt wrlkwour businesses on the west side'of our buildigenerrting more rct.i vity on l,lr.l I Street rnd iiret.
However, es {g sald in our.ppeel relative to the pro_,posed Te'leen building, we c.nnot lpp"ove the issulnce of rnybuilding permit uv !tle lown of vrii'ro" .onitrriiion on ori!9ue pr0perty of ry!ich ttre owneiihip, optioni -ir'ersements
rre not cl errly defi ned.
thrt " wi th theBuilding rnd a
11ey between usaI, enl iveningngs, rs well asn the new prrk
l,le wou'l d no t cr re toVillege rnd would resistbuilding for insurance rssons.
se'l I the first',rir rights,,in Vrilhrving any structure rppended to ourwel'l as prrcticrl aed iesthetjc rer-
0n the first count, I bel ieve th.t mitters of propertylines, rccess rnd_options,riit be quictity ;;;;iuid o"rweencrsino end PIaza Buiiaings.s neitte" of us wourd c.re to com-promise. oul joint projeci for riley tmi"ove*eiii-ouu" r discre-pency whlch can best be described in iicr.,ei:- -- -
As a prrcticr'l end aesthetic mrtter, i I I uminrtion of theal iey seems to me- lr sipii;:;_ i;;.rtrnce by dry and by nisht.It is for th.t rerson thet I r ika ttre ;tre'enrtoi,s"; rendition
in the very center. . . of the center of things a &
',-(llo aoa
Page 2
of the Gordon Plerce ider for pistrchio's entry. Apart frombrightening the alley by night with e flood of light from theinterior it will {ori-ble the epparent size of the 6ntry to thewel kwry becruse of i ts see thi"bugh qual i ty. Fur.ihermoie, i twi'l'l tend to reduce the lenght oi a rrther drrb plrze auitoing.
where the matter of the vlew from copper Bar's northwest.alley window Js concerned,,lohn Donovan his rejected a new leasefrom PIrza for that_sprce, beginning November i, lggl . In allprobabjjitv that wiir become ihop sFrce.nd a more imple.naattrrctive.dispiay window rt thet locetion wouia ioa furtherJtgn! and interest to the walkway. It would rlso rdd more lightto the shop's interror.
. In.my opinion, tfter l4 yerrs ofliving in the Plrza Building, ceiiingetrocious resthetic as wel l -js prrctidjffigyl!, dalgerous rnd expensive toshove I I ed or fr'l i en snow from the grotimes so from an upper deck op rooi.Iife of rny mrteritl coverinq'-with whsudden death to heat plrtes ind trpestunnel mry fit the Urbrn Desiqn plinnot rttrched to the p'laze Bui idi nq I
the wr I kwcal mistak
remove thund, it is
Hecki ng iich I rma. A gloom
but not Va
roo f-
rnd 7 yerrs
ay would bee. If it ise resu'lts ofat least te
ce shortens
cqual nted eny snow-coveril Village -
thed is
11._r r_Let,me gmphlsize rgrin thrt my ,'view point,' is from thetrIlo9e 5treet.entrance to the wrlkwry, not from windows on the
:l::I:-pl9u.i.gjls thrt interigl.tight is not diminished. My mainc0ncern ls with elsy and inviting trrffic flow to wrll striet rnd
?::-l::^Vii]:s:, Plrzr, not with ilhich.portion oi-rown property maylnrr'lnge upon the present terrrce of copper Bar in achieving itris-purp0se.
It remains my conviction thatVi1l'age is also gbod for me .nJ,y
t,le think the present.plrn for the Crsino gujjding r vastjmprgvement over the originrl stiucture, n0t on'ry aesItretii"ity,but,because the erectricii system wiir -6. uroii,i'up to code; therewill be no commercirl kitchens and the abs.n.6 or barton,srnay iiiowour hotel to open in summer with absence of fierce noise poli"rti.rlThe grrbrge-problem.in the ailey shourd rrso be rnae. coni,ror, ii"-not jnstrntly solved
il, of course, belr the costhope, et some future date, to
-sty1e) in harmony with TownI aza.
what is good for trrde in Vaijtenants,
PJrze wiproperty andyard" (grrden
new Vi'll ege P
of improvements on Plrzr
I rndscape Donovan 's "bickplans for completion of our
I rm sorry to be so long-winded, but feel I must be rbsoluteiyforthright rnd blunt. It will be r'long time (ir ever) before -
the owners of these two Buildings mry cire to join tog6ther incivic -'improvement of thelr rdjoining- propertiei. The-successorto mrjority casino ownership wil'l bi vrrious ortners of condomtniums.My successor will be the Fiist Nrtionrl Benk in Drllrs, the TrustDepartment of which crn hrve neither knowledge nor interest in ouralley trash-pit.
Page 3
writingfor snow
soon as
hrve been
pol i ci ng
I i rge core
I wou'l d 'l ike to see the "clern-up,', for which Iso long, by next April rnd some tsiurrnce of Townand trrsh removrl as is usual elsewhere in the Vi
I think ny Casino neighbors would appreciete that rlso esrs improvements are complete,
,Jornne V. Hill
P'l aza Lodge, Inc.
P1-anning arrd Environnrr:nta1 Commj.s;ion'lnt'.'n of Vai l.
Se ptemlrer 28, 1981
Re: Proposcd remodel of that
port ion c;f the Bri dge S'f reet
Corrtlonri n i um knorvn as tro Lecl
on attacheci floor plan"
rn _orcler to responci properly to the requesl,s from ttre planrrirrg
and llnvi ronmenter.l. and t.o obLain t hr--. necessa.r'y agreementg amongthe otlrer owners wj tlrln the building, rve request iltal ourappe:r"ance before you be delayed until the rneeting ofOctober 1-3 , 1981.
T {..Iu t u .,_.--''7
Don- H. Galga
Planning and Environmental Con.un,i.ssion
Town of Vail
September 28, 1981
Re: Proposed remodel of thatportion of the Bridge Street
Condominium known as noted
on attached floor p1an.
rn_order to respond properny to the requests from the planning
and Environmental and to obtain the necessary agreements amongthe other owners within the building, we request that ourappearance before you be delayed until the meeting ofOctober 13, 1981.
.,\l il
i\ \r(
Town Council
Town of Vail
September 15, 1981
Re: Proposed remodel of thatportion of the Bridge Street
Condominlum known as Gartons
Saloon and the Bridge StreetInn,
In order to respond properly to the requests from the TownCouncil and to obtain the necessary agreements among theother owners within the building, we request that ourappearance before you be delayed until the meeting ofOctober 6, 1981.
Septenber 14, 1981
Dick Ryan
Peter Janar
Peter Patten
Betsy Rosolack
Gerry White
Dan Corcoranlfill Trout
Duane Piper
Jin Morgan
Ron Todd
neeting was called to order at 3:00 p.n. by Gerry
members had fi.rst gone out to two sites j.n Bighorn
White, the chairman.
Dan Corcoran corrected the ninutes to explain that iten #3, Ipanena,
have read that the plat does show the coirect lines and that I condo
t*ould be filed that week showing the1,5a11e, correct ines,
Dan then rnoved and Duane seconded to approve the ninut.es nith the correctionsstated above. The vote was 4*0, lttill abstaining,
?. .Conliggqlion*of .rgquqst" for exter.ior al.t-eratioJr and jnodif_igrtion to theuaslno tsul-ld1ng for the deck area and to det.ernine the ahount of office located
on lots D and E and a part of lots B, cn and F, Block 5c, vair village FirstFiling. Applicants: Carlos Agostoni and James J. Sprowls,
The appl.icants asked to have this iten continued until the next regular neetingof PEC. Dan noved and Jiur seconded to conti.nue this per the appliantsr requesiuntil the next meeting. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
:: -Re.?ue:! -tor,aconpitional use pennit, drroor J"n btudy Area f5 in new commercial and office space in Lionshead.Applicant: Robert T. Lazier.
Dick Ryan presented the neno and reninded the connissioners that an officeon the 3rd floor in commercial core rI required the approval of a c.u. pernit.Jay Peterson explained that rnost of the office space lipproved at the listneeting) was on the 2nd floor. Jirn Morgan moved and Dan seconded to approvethe conditional use permit to allow office space on the 3rd floor. The votewas 5.0 in favor.
rroval of ninutes of August 31.
-2- e/14/8r
1.- Regugst for a-front setback veriance grl lot s, tsIock l, Intermountains
Peter Janar showed the site plan and explained the nemo. He stressed the factthat the setback variance r.rrourd arlow the saving of a 60r evergreen, wouldreduce cuts, and that it would result in no negitive inpacts, but in fact thepositive factors far outweighed the negative ones on th-is particular 10t.
Byron Hoyle'explained that snow removal here was also a factor, and it wasinportant to get the cars off the roadn afid he added that the i"rti,""-u""[the cut, the greater the cut would have to be. He mentioned that trru ari""rruygrade would be greater also' Dicussion followed concerning trre possiuii;;; -'
of using another design. some of the rnenbers felt that rnore study was neededby then and the staff on reasons for giving variances.
Peter patten stated that a vari.ance *y lu granted with physical hardships,These could include saving rnajor trees, a..ir,"g. probleni,' rock outcroppings,and added- th-at to preserve these features it *y L" n"."rr".y to grant a varianceto accomplish this. He added that often in DRB people *"t" "n.or"aged tochange their designs to preserve certain features on the land.
Discussion for r owed. concerning the possibirity -of turning the buirdi.ng atanother. angle, putting the garage underneath, detaching ihe garage, etc.
Gemy felt that this-was a-good example of physical hardship. Jin felt thatthe site was buildable without having to grant a variance. peter p, listedexanples of variances that had been granted to save trees or because of streamsetbacks. He added that he felt that this particular plan was sensitivetb the site, and that, they- should appreciate the fact ihat propte are comingin with variances rather than forcini a structure on a lot. He felt thateach lot should be looked at on an individual basis and that there were noresteep lots left now, so there were probably going to be rnore requests forvariances to move houses into setback areas.
Gerry felt that whenever a variance is considered, it should be consideredin the best interest of the Town of vail. Jim feit that the 10t had buildablearea without the variances. -The subject of putting only the garage in thesetback area lvas Fursued, and the "pili.*nt said he didnrt like the appearanceof the building tiat way.
Gerry moved and Dan..:g9iq:d-to approve the front setback variance as statedin the staff neno of 9/g/gr ror tire reason that this was a topographicalhardship. The vote was 2 in favor (Gerry and Dan) and 3 opposed. The variancewas denied. Gerry reminded the rppii."ni that they h"a-ro'iuy, in which toappeal the decision to the Town Council.
PEc -rl}uut q/ty'/r )
5, Request for a rear setback variance and stream setback Variance onffiffisffiApplicant: Heritage ConPanY.
Peter Jarnar stated that the meinbers had vi-sited this site before the neeting
and he explained the rnerno, pointing out that the staff recorunended denial .
The staff-rs feeling was that, although variances may be needed to build on
this 1ot, more investigation into designing the house to better fit the r.
1ot should be done, Dan rerninded then that one corner of the buildi-ng near
the creek was at the Poi.nt where the bank was falling away.
-John Nilsson, reptesenting the applicant, described the site p1an, stating
that i-t would be a hazatd to back out onto the road, and that the lot was
unusual in shape with lots of design problens.
Comrnents fron the staff included rnoving the structure,, moving the two parts
of the structure closer iogether, perhaps abolish the piazza, and reduci-ng
the size of the structure. Will Trout showiag the site plan, stated that by
movi-ng the structures together, the cars would have to back into the street,
and part of the structure would be closer to the creek. Jirn Sayre of the
staff stated that there was danger from flood on a great part of the lot.
More conrnents fron the commission included concern for the steep bank,
redcsigning the whole concept, opposition to variances granted to strean setbacks,
reduci.ng the size of the project.
-iy'ohn Nilsson stated that they would prefer to table at this point, rather than
be denied the variances.
Andy Haas fron the audience stated that he lived on the west side and was concerned
for the river that uhe stream setback will further push the stream toward his
house, He added that the previous developer of the area had destroyed it,
chopped down trees, and destroye<i his view.
Jim rnoved and Duare seconded to table this iten as requested by the applicant.
The vote was 4-0 with Will abstaining.
Gerry felt that perhaps a work session was needed about variances. Ron Todd
rnentioned that at one time a neno had been done on the subject and he would
try to dig it up.
Roger Tilkerneier arrived,
6, - Request for a front setback variance for lot 5, Resubdivision of lot 14,
Bighorn 3rd Addition. Applicant: Heritage Company.
Peter Janar stated that the staff felt that there was anple room in thc building
envelope for construction and that the staff felt that there was no physical
hardship. This site had just been visited, too.
Dave Irwin, Architect for the applicant showed the site Plan. lt was Pointedout that there nay be a discrepancy between the property boundarj cs on the
mzip and the actual site, Dave went on, however, to describe the srte slrowing
where it drops off and also showing trees he didn't want to disturb.
Discussion following included decreasing the size of the units, whether or
not this was the right house for the lot.,
:l Tl!*!(J: t-
Discussion that followed included decreasingor not this was the right house for the lot,
structure .
Gerry reninded the menbers that a week frorn thatbe a work session with the Council at 1: S0 at the
Ji-n noved and Dan seconded to table the request until the next reguLar meeting
ls Per th_e applicant?s request. The vote was s in favor and I (DLnel againsi,ft was tabled to the next rneeting,
Peter P. said that they would meet with the engineering departnent to discussissues such as revegetatj.on of scars, and whether ot ,,ot tire roads had beenaccepted as they now are,
day (on 9/21/8I) there woulci
RansHorn Lodge.
Gerry rnoved and Dan seconded to adjourn. The neeting was adjourned at S:05
Psc -4- t
the size of the units, whether
the possibility of moving the
Dave Irwin stated that he had studied the 1ot carefully and designed and redesignedto fit the Townrs requirements. Discussion of the danger of the swit,ch backfollowed. As for reduction in size, rrwin stated that the problen would beto be able to sell the tmits wi.th the costs.-it had to be aifordable to build.Gerry rerninded hin that financial hardship was not a consideration.
Roger felt that the whode subdivision should be looked at. peter repeatedthat this iten was difficult to look at rurtil there was an accurate survey.
Dave Irwin asked to table to the next neeting. Dan asked that there be stakesfor the garage corners, also.
Septetrer 14, 1981
3:00 P'M.
l. Approval of rninutes of August 51, 1981
2. Continuation of request for exterior alteration and modification to
the casino Building for the deck area and to detemine the amount of
office located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C and F, Block
5C, Vail Village First Filing. APPlicants: Carlos Agostoni and James
J, Sprowls.
31 Request for a conditional use
floor in Study Area #5 in new
Applicant: Robert T, Lazier
4. Request for a front setback variance on Lot 5, Block 1, Intermountain
Subdivisi.on. Applicantl Byron Hoyle.
5. Request for a rear setback variance and a variance for setback fTom watercourse
for lot 1, resubdivision of lot 14, block 4, Bighorn Srd addition.
Applicant: Heritage Conpany, Dan Gagliardo.
permit to allow office space on the third
commercial and office space in Lionshead.
6. Request for a front setback
14, Bighorn Srd addition.
variance for lot 5,
Applicant: Heritage
Resubdivision of lot
Published in the Vail Trail Septerntier 1l' 1981
Pianning & Environmental Commission
Town of Vail-
September 14, 1981
Re: Proposed modj-fication ofthat portion of the Bridge
Street Condominium Bullding
as noted on attached floor
The proposed modifcatj-ons ha.re not been properly approvedby the Bridge Street Condominium Association. lfe thereforerequest that further actj.on on this matter be tabled unt11your meeting of September 28, 1981.
ljt/ t tI
,/ -/ |
(( r,rf'tY \
ti''t i.// ll// tr{t{/t\-.J/
(L =-
T0: Planning and Environmental Couunission
FROM: Cornrunity Development Department
DATE: Septernber 9, 1981
RE: Continuation of the public hearing for the request for an exterioralteration and nodification to the Casino Building for the deck areato determine the amount of office space on deck. Applicants:
Carlos Agostoni and Jaures J. Sprowls.
At the Planning and Environmental Connission meeting on August Sl , 1981the deck part of the request was continued to the Septernber 14 neeting.
Concern was raised regarding the office expansion on the deck and the impact
on views from the north window at Donovants Copper Bar. The Planni.ng and
Environnental conmission should go ove" to Donovan\ and look out the window.
The Staff considers there would be little or no irnpact by the proposed deck
expansion and support s this part of the request
c/o Vince Dcnenico
286 Bridge Street
Vai1, Colorado 81652
- ,7t i-r.t , rJ. ' , ,r +_t;tL_ r' 7/,/rr
The Delicatessen
c/o Obto Stork
288 East Bridge Street
Vail , Colorado 81657
Rucksack Condcrninir-rr Association
c/o (*riqui Clair
288 Bridge Street
Vail, Colorado 81657
Be11 Torer Bullding
c/o Clark Willingharn
Hitch Erterprises
13OO Bryan Tcrver
Da11as, Texas 752OL
Plaza Building
c/o trfrs. Hill
291 Bridge Street
Vail , Colorado 87657
Gasthof Grarmhanmer
c/o Pepi Grarmhanrner
231 East Gore Creek llrive
Vai1, Colorado 81657
SE C.orner Bridge Street & Gore C?eek Drive
tr)(0ftl-^'',f <47
/ /ffiL4@/- A It ,i ,o l-71VC
LU E-.d'( // ' '
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the Bridge Street Condominiun Association
285 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 87657
Creekside Condoniniun Association C^uJ,.- .-"'- $-4
386 Hanson Ranclr Road Po rj-a 1gz-f '/. P, f"- Jr:' 7t z-*
- , ,/(,. /Vai1, Colorado 81657 C ,, gg(. /,.t,-1- Ka,-/L /r-/
Vail Associates
P.O. Box 7Vail, Colorado 81657
The Clock lbuer Bullding
c/o John McBride
105 Paciflc Ave.
Aspen, Colorado 81611
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box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-s613
department of community development
Septenber 1, lgSl
Pepi Gramshanrner
251 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81657
Re: Casino Building
Dear Pepi:
we are sending you an additional notice concerning the redeveropnentof the casino Building. lhe project has been appioved unanirnouslyby the Townts planning and Environnentar conrnisiion. Thii purric hearingtook place on August il , lggt in the council charrbers of the M'nicipalBuilding.
we wourd like to invite you to an additional review of the projectin front of the Town councir. on Tuesday, september g at the MunicipalBuilding in rhe councir chanbers. rhe- revilw *iri tut" price at z:oop. n0.
Very trulyTours,/'/../ -y'
Senior Planner
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-5613
departrnent of community development
September l, 1981
A & D Enterprises
c/o Vince Domenico
286 Bridge Street
Vail, Colorado 81657
Re: Casino Building
Gent I enen :
We are sending you an additional notice concerni-ng the redevel opmentof the Casino Building. The project has been approved unaninously
by the Town rs Planning and Environmental cornrnission. This public hearingtook place on August 31, 1981 in the council charnbers of the Mmicipal
Bui Iding.
We would like to invite you to an additional review of the projectin front of the Tor,rn council on Tuesday, septehber 8 at the MunicipalBuilding in the council chanbers. The review will take place at z:00
Very truly,r yours,
'' ../,, - -,_- t-'' ,, .)-j,'_'-,a-.\_ -
Senior Planner
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
{3031 476-5613
department of community development
Septenber l, 1981
Wal1 Street Arcadec/o Mike pinkhan
Box 2468
Vail, Colorado 8165g
Re: Casino Building
Dear l,h. pinkhan:
,'e are sending you.an additional notice concerning the redevel.pmentof the casino niriraine. irr"-p.ri""t'i., t""r, .;;;.;;; iiJnimousryby the Townts pranning_""a e.ii"i"'**i"r cormrsiion. -Ti,t;pubric
hearing;::l.l:;:" on August ii' rgsr-in-.il,""io"".i1 chamber ,oi-ih" r4unicipal
We would like to invite lou to an additional review of the projectin front of the To* 99q9ir ""-i""Jir|" septenber 8 at ihe r,lunicipai
iliott in the council cit"^u""r.-"iil'""uiew wirr take place at 2:00
Very truiy youTs,
A. PETER PATTEN, JRSenior Planner
APP: bpr
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-5613
department of community development
L,September 1 981
Bob Lazier
Box 627
Vai1, Colorado 81658
Re: Casino Building
Dear Bob:
We are sending you an additional notice concerning the redevelopment
of the Casino Building. The project has been approved unanirnous ly
by the Townrs Planning and Environrnental Cornrnission. This public hearing
took place on August 31, 1981 in the Cormcil Chambers of the l"ftmicipal
Bui lding.
We would like to invite you to an additional review of the project
in front of the Town Council on Tuesday, Septernber 8 at the Municipal
Building in the Council Chanbers. The review will take place at 2:00
..\Very truly Tyours ,
,../t', ',/
--L!- L<_
Senior Planner
box 1 OO
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 476-5613
department of community development
September l, 1981
Vail Associates
P.O. Box 7
Vail, Colorado 81658
Re: Casjao Building
We are sending you an additional notice concerning the redevelopmentof the Casino Buit<iing. The project has been approved unanimously
by the Townts Planning and Environmental Conrnission. This public hearing
took place on August 31, 1981 i.n the Cormcil Chanbers of the Mr.rricipalBuilding. ,
We would like to invite you to an additional review of the projectjn front of the Town Council on Tuesday, Septenrber 8 at the ltrmicipal
Bui-lding in the Council Chaubers. The review will take place at 2:00
Very truly yours,
Senior Planner
box 100
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 47es6r3
department of community development
Septerber 1, 1981
John McBride
105 Pacific Avenue
Aspen, Colorado 816i1
Re: Casino Building
Dear John:
l{e are sending you an additional notice concerning the redevelopmentof the Casino Building. The project has been approved rmaninoully
by the Town rs Planning and Environnental connissi.on. l'his public hearingtook place on August 31, 1981 in the Council Chanbers of the Muni.cipal
Bui lding.
We woul<i like to invite you to an additional review of the projectin front of the Town Council on Tuesday, September 8 at the l"lwricipalBuilding in the Council Charnbers. The review will take place at Z:00
Very truly yotl-rs,
' '//-i+..,_ ti,*/1_,
Senior Planner
box 100
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 476-5613
department of community development
Septenber 1, 1981
Creekside Condominium Association
586 Hanson Ranch Road
Vail, Colorado 8i657
Re: Casino Building
l4re are sending y.u an additionar notice c-oncerning the redevel'pr'entof the Casino Buitding. The project has been _pp;";;; iiJnimoustyby the Townts planning and Environrnentar counisiion. rhis puulic heari-ngtook place on August 31 , lggr in the cor.ncri chanbers or-ir," MrmicipalBui I ding .
We would like to invite you to an additional review oi th" projectin front of the Town council 0n Tuesdav, septernber g at the r,fruricipalBuilding in the council chanbers. The'reviLw will take pr"ce at z,ooP'lI|.
Very truly 'yours ,
*-/-l- t' (-
Senior Planner
APP: bpr
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-5613
department of community development
September 1, 1981
Rucksack Condorniniuur Association
c,/o Ghiqui Clair
288 Bridge Street
Vai-1, Colorado 81657
Re: Casino Bldg
l{e are sending you an additional notice concerning theof the Casino Building. The project has been approved
by the Townrs Planning and Environmental Cornmission,
took place on August 31, 1981 in the Council ChanbersBuilding. l
redeve l opment
unan imous ly
This public heari.ng
of the Municipal
We would like to invite you to an additional review of the projectin front of the Town Cormcil on Tuesday, Septernber 8 at the lfimicipalBuilding in the council charnbers. The review will take place at 2100p.n. I
very trury, yours,
Senior Planner
box 100
vail, colorado 81657(303) 47&5613
department of community development
September 1, lggl
The _Bridge Street Condominiun Association285 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657
Re: casino Buil ding
F iil: ;::i;:trlllu?1"'ooillonal .
not ice concerning the redever opnent
!r ln. i;;; ;iil;l"*' rhe project has been ;il;";; ,,i"lr'ou,ry
iill,i*:;"; i;illi"5, l"fn5i"i,1Tn:";:L::ru*#il; ]lft"nj;"ff:1,"_
fi i!li: iiu:nl"r:ilt,1:..I:l.to an additionar review of the projectruiiai.,e ;; ffi ;#l"iifijil:I.:,";,i:r, s"pt"'u"'.'s1. tTe Munrciparp.n. - .eview will take place at 2:00
A. PETER PATTEN. JRSenior planner
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-5613
department of community development
Septenber 1, lg8l
Re: Casino Building
Dear ltlr. Stork:
IVe are sending you an additional notice concerning the redeveropnentof the Casino Building. The project has been "ppiolrra un.iirou"fyby the Townts planning and Enirironmentar cor^irsion. --nrii'p,rur:.c
hearing took place on August si, rggl-in the councir chanbers of thel'fimicipal Buj,lding.
Ite would like to invite you to an additional review of the projectrn front of the Town councir o" rr"iJ"y, septenber s-"t-ii"'MunicipalBuilding in the council chanbers. I-ne'revi-ew wilr take iiJce at z,ooP'n.
Very truly yours,
The Del icatess enc/o 0tto Stork
288 East Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657
A. PETER PATTEN, JRSenior Pl anner
department of community developmentbox 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-5613
Septenber 1, l98l
Bell Tower Building
c/o Clark Willinghan
Hitch Enterprises
1300 Bryan Tower
Dallas, Texas 75201
Re: Casino Buildine
Dear l,tr. Willinghan:
We are sending you an additional notice concerning the redevelopment
of the Casino Building. The project has been approved tmanimously .by the Town rs Planning and Environnental Comnission. This public r.earing
took place on August 3l , 1981 in the Council Charnbers of the Municipal
Bui 1ding.
Itle would like to invite you to an additional review of the project
in front of the Town Council on Tuesday, Septedber 8 at the I'lunicipal
Building in the Council Chanbers. The review will take place at 2:00
Very truly yourS,
Senidr Planner
lnwnl l|fl
September 1, 1981
Plaza Building
c,/o Mrs. Hil l
29I Bridge Street
Vai1, Colorado 31657
Re: Casino Building
Dear Mrs. Hill:
lue are sending you an additional notice concerning the redeveroprnentof the Casino Building. The projeci-i,", u"en *ppio,r"J ,nrniro*rryby the Townts Planning and En-virlnnentar conrmi-ssion. This pubric hearing
;:ll.lj;:" on August 31, 1s81 in tr'" Co*cil chanber, "i-.r,i Mwricipal
We would
in front
like- to invite you to an additional review ofot tne Town Cowrcil on Tuesday, September g atin the Councit Chauibers. The ieviiw ,iir t*"
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
{303} 476-s613
truly ye111'r,
* t{--L
department of community development
the project
the Municipal
place at 2:00prtnt
A. PETER PAMEN. JRSenior Planner
APP: bpr
PLanning and Environmental Commission
Town of Vail
August 31, 1981
Don H. Galgan
Representing Gata llora, Ltd.
l*-r r-'
t | ,i,.
Re: That Portion of the ProPosed
renodel of Bridge Street
Condominiurn Buildiug as noted
on attached ffoor PIan.
tne sffi.nwest
a ttcommon
Gent lcnen :
The proposed addition to the building located on
.ornLt and spaning part of the alley woul"d !e in.
area" necessitating- approval of the Bridge Street
Assoc iat i on.
Because the rnechanics of this approval have yet l? be finalized
Gata Mora, Ltd. wishes at this tirne to delete thlt addition
from its proposal.
Project Application
Project Description:
Contact Person and Phone
Owner, Address and Phone:
Architect, Address and Phone:
Design Review Board
o"," .-$.f*f- /i:i, f f df
PEc -2- rrfrt
Peter Patten gave the background and listed corrections to the nemo. Theywere that the 1ot si.ze should be twice as large, or 20,90g sq ft. DickBrewer introduced himserf and his representative, Ray storey. Ray explainedthe Brewersr position, stati.ng that ihe developrnent;"u;;; primarily for employees,and were less expensive units--difficult to sell now because of financing. He addedthat the porch wis already defined, anJ that it had 4 of the 6 surfaces, and thatno more space would be added, that the entrance wourd be irnproveil,
Discussion as to whether or not this would be precedent setting followed. Gerryreminded them that cost or inconvenience is nol considered a hardshi"p. Jirn Morgannoved and Dan seconded to deny the varianc" * :.i-*rr-ra-a"a in the neno datedAugust 24' 198r. The vote was 4-l to deny. Duane voted against denial . He feltthat the added GRFA was not adding bu1k, nor was it a significant increase. Healso felt that a greenhouse rs transparency nade it somewhat ress bulky inappearance .
S. . l:q3e:l ,-tot, a, varl rom the cov@ection 18,12.080of the vail ittunicffiuild a secondary uniffi6, Vail rnternountain subdi-vision, rsis Bellflower. Applicants: crai.g and Jan webb.
Peter -Jamar presented the memo and reminded the corunissioners of the restrictiorLsof ordinance 22 of 198r, for lots under 151000. one restriction was that halfof the parking nust be covered to ttav*-. secondary unit. He added that one ofthe reasons for this criteria was aesthetic, but in looking at Bellflower Drive,he discovered that there were "o c"t.g"r at all, Therefore, the staff felt thatthe variance shourd be granted, -ip".irity in li,ght of the fact that the addedunit, was.already enclosed in the base*ent. The itaff also fett that another stnrctureon the site rvould be norl d:t_:-inental to tfr" site i.hcn 2 adC ir..',nn.! ,,.nr- jr^ _-^^-^would be, and that anulher "*proy"u-ur.,;; "u; ;;;;";bi;.* ''-\irLuIi'r-L i"riiiine :Pi'ts
Duane moved and Roger seconded to approveas stated in the staff nemo d.ated, g7'24/Bt.the request for the parking variance
The vote was 5-0 in favor.
Dick Ryan stated that the bedroom addition was_being dropped, and so the requestwas for the dinins
"ggT lnd open greenhouse only. He expiained the neno andJack curtin showeJ additionai'ti;;:-'ih" addition of trre green house onry neededDRB approval ' Roger moved to approve the request subject to the conditions intne Inemo., and as stated in the riuff m"ro d.ated, g/24/Br. Duane seconded. Thevote was 5-0, unanirnously in favor of the request
7, R st for an exterior alteration and modification to the Hill buildine toadd a greGnEou-fi ining room etaiEon*an new bedroom l ocat at 3ll Bridge StAppl icant I l'{rs.Cortlandt T.'Hill.
6,tuest . for extcrior altcration and modi-fication to the Casino Buildin toconstruct 3 cbn nium units, ffiD and D and a part of lots e,"c ,na-r,-sirj-'ii,;.iispirce and o cc space located onVillage First Filing.lots
Appri-cants: Carlos Agostoni and James .I, iprowls.
Peter Patten explained.that the proposal was a completc r-cdevelopnent of thc casinobuilding' He presented the site pi!"t-r"a cxplained thc floor ptans. Gerry whi.teread a letter from the condominiun .r.o.i,,tion stating that the alley was conmo'property and that to build there would rcquire .ppr.ouol ft.om them. Therefore,tne allcy proposal was not to u" "o,riiclired at this mceting. Gerry adclcd tlatwltcn he nent out to the site, he ;;;";;; bcen totd t',ot -ii,i'tuilcling
wout<t bcextended I fcct on the southwest ""*"r.
PEC -3- 8/3L/8L
Dick Ryan stated that for the 2-L/2 years that he had been in the Planning
offices, there had been much talk of trying to inprove this part of the Village
and nuch talk of naking the alleyway a viable walkway. He felt that the project
was a tremendous improvenent to the Village.
Gordon Pierce, architect for the project, showed slides and talked about scheduling
the construction. He stated that after Labor Day, the plan was to take out thetrash, equiprnent and partitions that werenrt needed. He added that the contractorfeit that he could neet the planned schedule. Diseussion followed with concern
exPressed that the project not look half finished through winter, and naybe using
a finish naterial on the exterior if work was stopped patt way through.
The northwest corner of the building was discussed, some nenbers feeling that
the building shouJ.d not be extended out at that point. John Donovan also objectedto the extension. Others felt that a sma11 projection might. be better than aflat wall in that area.
Gordon spoke of lowering the al1ey 2 or 3 feet to rnake it lighter and airier,
and possibly to have glass looking into Pistachiois restaurant.
'lhe proposal discussed at this point did not include the al1ey or the extensionat the northwest cotner of the building, and t.hese two itens were to be continuedfor 2 weeks.
Dan rnoved and Roger seconded to approve the exterior alteration and nodificationto,the Casino Building as stated in the neno with two additional conditi.ons:1, That the finished facade be completed before Christmas or the applicant do
a treainent sinil.::: to the '-inf in i'she d' ecrurerci irl sSacc a*- the GcnCola buil ding.2, That the applicant agrees to participate financially in street inprovenents,e.g. street pavers, street lights, at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive and
Bridge StTeet if a mini.inprovement district is formed. The applicantst share
would be deterinined by street frontage of p1'operty and other property owners nould
also have to agree to participate.
vote was 5-0 in favor. The deck area office expansion was continued until
next PEC neeting,
B. Request _for. an amendment to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Grride Plan for------ii::---_--Study Area #5, and an eite-r
conmercial and office space located wouth of Vantage Point, north of Lift House
Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of vail 2l building. Applicant:
Robert T. Lazier.
Dick Ryan presented the neno and stated that this was a significant proposalfor Vail . Ile added that the Urban Design Guide Plan discusses including rnote
conmon spaceand encourages a new entry concept i-nto the mall. from the east, andthis- proposai fulfills some major objectivel of the UDGP and was an inprovementto the cornrnunity.
Much discussion about parking followed. Gerry felt that parking was a najor
_issue in this proposal, and that the loss of parking did not justify the proposal .Dick felt that thi-s was the purpose of the li00 spacc pcrking structure, ihotit was' planned knowing there vrould be more dcmand later. Gerry predicted thatthe parking structure was not going to be big cnough, and sooner or later nroreparking was going to be needcd.
fec -+- s/sr/sr
Bill Ruoff showed plans and a model . Dick added that the staffts biggest concern
was that Lionshead becone more successful , and that something signifi.cant neededto be done there.
Jay Peterson stated that every project included a compromise. He added that
they couldnrt make a good entrance and solve Vailts parking problem. Li.onshead
has difficulty in this area, needs Z-onunercial space here, and that the parking
problen wouldntt be worsened, he fe1t, Gerry felt that one problem would be
solved while creating another with the parking. Dick felt thai they didn't wantto see parking used by people who corne to the couunercial area, that these people
should be parking in the parking structure and that this wourd also reduce-coirgestion.
Dan stated that both parking structures were designed for expansion later,
Dinah Chaprnan, president of the Lionshead Assoiiation of Businesses stated thatin June Bill Ruoff had presented his plan to about 30 members of the association,
and_ that parking was nentioned, and no conrplaints were received, She added thatt'rith the present situation, the aIley was usually blocked and parking illegallyused. The people at this neeting were ecstatic over the propoial,
Gerry felt that the Lionshead parking structure would soon be too crowded topark there. Roger suggested that the other menbers voice their opinions.
Duane said that he was in favor of the proposal, Dan said that he was also infavor, Jim felt that it was a vast improvenent. to the situation there, and Rogerstated that he had been working in Lionshead for the past 6 years, tryj.ng to'breathe sone life into the corunercial aspect, and that this appears to addressthe rnost serious problen and recommended approval . He added that when the parkir:g
problern becomes nore serious, the planning ionrnis sion would address it and iolveit at that tine.
Jin noved and Roger seconded to reconnend approval of the amendment to the Urban
Design Guide Plan to the Town Council . The vote was 4=1 in favor (Gerry against),
Duane rnoved and Jiur seconded for approval of the exterior alteration and modi-fication of the proposal dated August 26, 1981 with the 6 conditions listedin the memo. The vote was 5-0 in favor.
Roger moved to adjourn,at 5:I5 p.m.
DATE : Aug'dst 26 , 1 98 1
RE: Request for exterior alteration and modificati.on to the Casino
Building to construct 3 condomj"nium units, new retail space and
office space located on lots D and E and a Part of lots B, C and
F, Block 5C, Vair Vitlage First Filing. Applicanti Carlos
y'.gostoni and James J. Sprowls.
The Casino Building has changed ownership and the new owners wish to revise
the uses for thc property to residential and retail shops. The proposal
Tepresents a najor change in the use of the building, which has always beetl
used as a nightclub- - first as Casino Vail, and then as Gartonrs Saloon.
The project involves redeveloping the street level spaces to four new retail
shops, retairling the existing real estate office and maintaining the Valley
Forge as is (with possibly some facade improvenents at a future date). New
bay windows for the retail spaces are incorporated with a sidewalk in front.
Encroachnents of 2t to 3t are proposed onto TOV right-of-way on the Gore
Creek Drive side to provide room for the stairs and sidewaik near the stores
and entrance to the condoniniums. A previous proposal came out about 5t
farther and has been scaled back due to negative Town Counci.l reaction.
tandscaping is in the form of aspen trees on the perineter of the sidervalk
and planter boxes in the sane general areas.
A najor segment of the proposal is to redevelop "the alley" on the south
side of the building. The proposal entails a srna11 (about 289 sq ft) office
addition on the western end of the alley, a glass enclosure of the entranceto Pistachiors, brick pavet walkway, and a redevelopment of area to the
west of the alley to accorunodate grade changes and make an attract.ive, inviting
entrance into the alley.
The existing corunercial spaces fronting Walt Street wi.ll renain as is.
't --!r'CT ()
DATEI August 26, 1981
RE: Request for exterior alteration and nodification to the Casino
Building to construct 3 condominium units, new retail space andoffice space located on lots D and E and a part of lots B, C andF, Block 5C, Vait Virlage First Filing. Applicant: CarlosAgostoni and James J. Sprowls.
The casino Buirding has changed ownership and the new owners wish to revisethe uses for the pl'ope"ty to residential and retail shops. The proposal
represents a major change in the use of the building, which has always beenused as a nightclub- -first as casino vail , and then as Gartonr s saloon.
The project involves redeveloping the stleet level spaces to four new retail
thops, retaining-the existing-rei1 estate office and maintaining the Val1eylorge as is (with- possibly sorne facade i.mprovements at a future date). New
!"y windows for the retail spaces are inc-orporated with a sidewalk in front,
_ &rri_r \JilLltuttitl L5 uI z '
Creek Drive side to provide roon for the stairs and sidewaik neirr the stores
, i. .and -entrance_ to the condominiums. A previous proposal cane out about 5r
' ,, -l farther and has been scaled back drre in neoatiwc Tnt,,, r^,,-^i r raar+innr; I farther and has been scaled back due to n6gative Town Council reaction.Landscaping is in the forrn of aspen trees on the perineter of the sidervalkutd planter boxes in the same general areas.
:.". :.'
najor segment of the proposal is to redevelop 'rthe aI leyil on the southr19: gr the building. fire -proposar entails a imalr iaboui 289 sq ft) office' .j, ,-':l .,-rr,..'..' . . addition.or.t lhe westeral end of the al ley, a glass enclosure of the entTance', -,:..:1... ;::.i: ado1l10n on tne westeral end of the al. r' :.r;:; to Pistachiors, brick paver walkway,:r' ':;,1;...,. , west of the alley toaccommodategrade
oilf ralrt a inln +ha al Iarr
The existing conrnercial spaces fronting l{alI Street. will renain as is.
and a redevelopment of area to the
changes and rnake an attractive, inviting
c:r.sino urfll- d/26/sl
On the Second I evel wi.i 1 bc the lot+er lcr,,cl s ofa new office space of 909 sq ft (including overdcck renodeled to a priv:rtc tlcck rvith a hot tub.
The third level contains the upper levcls of two
1"y"1 :r being proposed to accornmodatc the uppcrA height increase of Br on the soutliern porti;nto acconmodate the upper level of this unit duein the current building design.
the thrcc condonriniuns,
the allcy) and the existing
of the units, while a four:thlevel ofl the third unit.of the building is neccssaryto the half-level i.nvolved
proposed changes
as outiined above
The commercial core I llistrict is intended to provide sites and to naintainthe.unique character of the vail village conrmercial Area, wj.th its rnixtureor rooges and conmercial esta.bl ishrnent s in a prcdominantly pedestrian environ-ment, The cornmercial core I Distri.ct is intencled to ensuie- adequate J-ight,air,
open space and other.amenities appropriate to the perrnitted types ofbuidings and uses, The District reguiotions in accordance with the Vail
Y:111q:_Y:tan. Design Guide plan and Design Considerations prescribe siteoevelopnent standards that are intended to ensure the mainienance and preservationof the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianway-s- and public greenways and to ensure continuaiion of buitaing scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the Vi11age.
The _Conunun ity Developnent Department considers that. theconform to the purpole of the Co,runercl"ai Core I Disttictand r.n the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan.
. Concept 15 - Facade inprovements. Eyesores removed,increased facade transparency, entries sinplified. and oriented toward intersection. (This ii addressingthe Gore Creek Drive elevation.)
Atl of these iteras are included in the proposar by creating retail shopsin this area.
Concept 138 - Mid-bIock connection fcovered) fromBridge Street to Village plaza.
The proposal calls for the rnid-block connection, but only covers a seve.teenfoot stretch on the western end via the "office-61i6*",i-' iire remainaer ofth-e walkway is to be heated, a very expensive proporil as wett as one witha high potential for breakdown. T'he siaff r"*i, irr"l-moie"rtuay is needctlas to the possibility.of actually covering the rernaini,rg fortion of the allcywith a glass roof. This would ailow ligrrt into thc space as well as keepi.ngit clear of snow in the winter. problcms to addrcss i-or a glass roof wouldbe snow removal and drainage.
{r c.ri,',,(l. j- Bl26/sr
Concept 16 - Kcy interscction in l,ri.ltage Core.Feature area paving trcatnent, (fiiis ls theGore Cr.cck Drive and Bridge Strcct intcrsection.l
Gage Davis and Associates has drawn some very prer irni.nar:y sketchcs of thisintersectio' so that r{e can attempt to tie-in the casino design with thoseideas' The idea at this tirne is to "t"ot" a circular area of special paversin the intersection-
_ To resp.nd t" init ciesign., ttre proposal for the casinoBuilding has curved the steps.o*ing-oii that corncr io lr"na with the curvi_linear edge of thc peving tieatmentl
2. Urban Design Considerations
a. P-ede strian i zat i o-n
Pedestrianization will definitely be inrproved in and through three differentareas surrounding the building. A new pedestrian experienie witl emergewith the redevelopment of the arrey ana-the area to ihe west of the arley.This ner'r Bridge street-virl age pla'za link wilt op*n ,rp-" niw pathway throughthe vi'lIage r.'hi-ch can onry serve to e'hance the pedestrian experience.
on the Bridge street side, the existing ,,dead-encr'r walkway wirr be eliminatedto allow sider,rark traffic around the cJrner to the core creek Drive side.Also irnproved r,ri1l be the connecti;; io tr,u walk'ay irr-t""", of the prazaBuilding shops- A grade change or iro-rrups wirl sepdrate this sidewarkfrorn the street grade.
The Gore creek Drive side wirl be vastly inproved of'ferj.ng a new sidewarknear the entrance to-the shops and the tond6mini_ums. ThiI will enhancethe pedestrian e-xperience by again ofiering an additional arternative.This is the area -where the irr"i"."r-irci,.ra"r 2,-sr of r:ov "ieirt-of-way.Thesidewalk all the wav around to Bridge street alrows free-frow of pedestiantraffic by continuing ttre tt"pr otoi,,d ihe entire perirneter of the sidervalk.Also included is a landscapin! proposal of some "r;";-;;;;; to incr-easethe green area of this side oi itt"'rir""t lpt"reniiy tt"r"-i" virtuallyno landscaping).
b.Vehicle Penetration
The types of shops that will nost likely go i.n witl not generate a largeatn'ount of delivery traffic, The delivery vehicres niii fr"--gouerned byexisting and future Core area tine zoning. The delivery traffic willprobably be reduced from what it has becn due to the elimination of thehigh delivery traffic businesscs oi-cuiron,s, Kentucky Fried chicke.nand Bridge street tln' -Traffic- t"tuiiig the controminiums rvirl be restrictedto occupant delivcry only and ttre gcn.iat parking will be met via thcparking strucrure. At sone tirne Jr trr".a"i-1t,";"";; tJ a"u"r,, parkedin front of the storcs along Gore Crcek Drive.,l
The enclosure ratio of street width to building hej.ght is presently at
l ljl: The-impact of raising the height on the :;or,rih portLon of theDullding will be negiigible because the ptaza Lodge is still taller thanthe Casino Building, even with the adclition.
e. Street Edge
The proposal provides a well defined street edge with the creation of
the new pedestrian walkrr'ays .
f . Building lleight
The proposal meets the tl,D.G.P. limitations on height: 4O% of the footprint
no higher than 40' and 60% of the building footprint no higher than 30',
neasured to roof nidpoints, even with the additional 8' on the south
by allowing pedcstr.iarr
additiorrs along Gorc
strectscape franework
as designated in the U.D.G.P. are affected
3.Zoning Code
a. Site Area -
br Setbacks -
.179 acre ot 7.797 sq
Zero setback allowed
Proposed: East 8 r
South 6rWest 6 r
North 3t
curi ,(?,* -4- s/ztr/Bl
Thc strcetscape framework wilt bc greetly inrprovcd
flow in three ncw a.reas and elinti.nating thc tack-on
Creck Dri.ve . Ncw retai.I shops wil I gr:cat ly aid thc
as wel l .
d. Srreet Enc 1 osur:c
najor or minor view .planes
the proposal .
c. Height - see height above
q' !s:lqv-_qe_'r!ru1
CRI:A sitc :rrca
. r79
3 units of
casinop -s- s/26/sl
6237 sq ft
. 179 acre
acre x 25 units/acre = 4 units
6237 sq ft plus 20ea of GRFA allorvedfor common areas,
l,anjlscapin-g - as mcntioned
r.s Detng propos ed.
f. -lgfl:nc_ - -The applicable parkin_g. fee will be required for the retailspace-s and the condominiuns. Flrst payrnent of ih;;;rling re. ir---due at the tine of ternpoiif .""iit:i"ut" of occupancy.
carlier, an increasc in landscaped ar.eas
4. drch.itectural and Lancisc Con si dera t ion s
These rvi11It appears
very wel 1.
by the Design Review Boarcl atimprovenents fo11ow the Des j.gn
adrires sed
buil ding a later date.
Con sideration s
The Departnent of comnunit-y Developnent reconrnends approval of the redeveloprnentof the casino Building. Iye find tiat
'heproposa.r includes many positiveaspects for the vi-rrage by increasiug pea6stii." fi;;-;;;ind the buirding,adding new Pedestrian experiences on tirree sides of the uuiralng and generallvulproving the aestheticl of the structure. rn" "ir"y'-profo.ur is a goodo'ne, if the covered roof can be incorporated and if itrs workable.
The conditions of approval are as follows:
l' rhat the applicant agrees to participate in and not renonsrrate againsta special improvcment districi if ancl when formeJ-io"-v^ir vilrage.
2' That the annricant aqrgg Io provicre and pay for the alrey improvernents(incruding'pau""r-and lighting), a street light on the Gore creekD-rive and Bridge Streer int ""i".tio; .
trre area to-iti sourhwest "r .r,"-r,lli.1li t {i"iffi:.iTril"iil,l.ii,il*"PLaza steps. In addition, thc appti.ont -*iir rr" ,"rp""rible to stutly. alternatives for thc alley, inctuaing a pcrmancnt covcr; and that t'efinar design ancr materiar' iuii-uc-ru[,niti"J- a"J""r,p""r"a by the Torvn' of vair. construction must bc conrplctc;-;; ;;;";'''.i"',1'*n"**a_*a***
(!, rt(ril -tr- 6/r{r/\l
3. 'Ihat thc appi,icant partici.pates fi'anciaiLy i'thc construction o{:a tr'sh cnclos'r'c facirity (conrpilctor:) in ihc a1rcy of the srifcrBui l dirrg .
4.,--:IJ1at^.th.e. appl icu-nt_- Lc.ccivc A revocabJe right-oi;^_1vay--_agrc-CffiiT-with\-'l- tiie Toivn rot ur.l oF])"fui..y-rr"i.i gi ng--r#rri"-fi;;: --
r o
cnsino Brt-2- 8/26/sr
the thr:ee condontiniums,
the alley) and the existing
of the units, while a fourth
leve1 of the third unit,
of the buileling is necessaly
to the half-levet involved
The Comnercial Core I District is intenderl to provi.de sites :rnd to naintainthe unique character of the vail village conmercial Area, with its mixtureof lodges and colunercial establishrnenci in a prcciominantiy pedestrian environ-ment' The comrnercial core I District is intended to ensure adequate light,air, open space and other ameni,ties appropriate to the pernittea- types orbuidings and uses. The District regrlitions in accorcl.ance with the vailvillage Urban Design Guide plan and Design consiclerations prescribe site
de-vel optnen t standards that are intended to ensnre the rnainienance and preservationof the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronti-ng on pedestrianways and public greenways and to ensure continuation of building scale andarchj.tectural qualities that distinguish the Village.
The_community Development l]eparctment considers that the proposed changesconform to the purpose of ttre Cornrnercial Core I District as outiined aboveand in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan.
' concept 15 - Facade improvenents. Eyesores removed,increased facade transparency, entries sirnplified
and oriented toward intersection. (ThLs is addressingthe Gore Creek Drj,ve elevation.)
Al 1 of these items are included in the proposar by creating retail shopsin this area.
Concept 138 - Mid-b1ock connection (covered) fronBridge Street to ViLlage plaza.
The proposal ca11s for the nid-block connection, but onl.y covers a seventeenfoot stretch on the western end vie the "office-6yi4g" ' '.' The rernainder ofthe walkway is to be heated, a very expensive p"oporol as werl as one witha high potential for breakdown. T-he siaff feeis ihat more study is necderjas to the possibility of actually covering the remaining portio; of the alleywith a llass roof. Thi-s would aitow tighi into the rpuf"'as well as keepingit clear of snow in the rvinter. problems to address lor a gtass roof woulcrbe snow removal and drainage,
0n the second level will bc the lower lelrols ofla new office spacc of 909 sq ft (including over
deck renodeled to ;r private dcck with a hot tub.
The third level contains the upper levels of twolevel is bei.ng proposed to accornmodatc the uppcr
A height increase of B t on the soutircrn portionto accommodate the upper level of this unit duein the eurrent buil ding design.
c"sin.'fg -3- 8/zb/BI
Conccpt. 16 - Kcy interscction in 'fj1lage Core.
f eatur:e area paving treiitnent. (This is theGore Crcck Drj-ve and Brldge Street i-ntcrsection.l
Gage Davi.s and Associ.tes has <lrawn somc very prelirni.nary skctches of thisintersection so that lre can attenpt to tie-in ihe casino design wi"th thoseideas. The idea at this tine is io "."nt" a circular area of special paversin the intersecti.on. To respond to this dcsignn the proposal for the casi.noBuilding has curved the stepi coming off that corner to blend with the curvi-linear edge of thc prving ticatmcntl
b. Vehicle penetration
a,, P-edestrianiz_e-ti.on
Pedestrianization will definitely be inrproved. in and through three differentareas surrounding the building. A new pedestrian experience will energewith the redevelopnent of the arley ancr the area to ihe west of the aliey,This-new Bridge street-village pla-za link will open up a new pathway throughthe village nhich can only serve to cnhance the pedesiri.an experience.
on the Bridge street sid.e, the existing 'rdead-end', walkway will be eliminatedto allow sidewalk traffic around the corner to the core creek Drive side.Also irnproved rvi11 be the connection to the walkway in front of the plaza
*:ld::* s]rous- A grade change of two sreps will separate this sidewalkrron tne street grade.
The Gore creek Drive side wilr be vastly inproved offering a new si.dewalknear the entrance to the shops and the condominiuins. This will enhancethe pedestrian experience by again offering an additionar afternative.rnls rs tne area where the proposal includes zt-s' of rov right-of_way. The
:id:T?lk. all the way around to Bridge street arrows free-flow of pedestiantraffic by conti.nuing the steps aroind the entir" p"rin-t"" of the sidervalk,Also included is a landscaping proposal of sorne uriun t""", to increasethe green area of this sidl oi ii
street (presently there is virtuallyno landscaping).
The types of shops that^wi11 most likely go in will not generate a rargeury""I of delivery traffic. The delivery vehicres will i'e goverrred byexisting and future core area time zoning. The delivery traffi.c wittprobably tre reduced from nhat it has bee' due to the elimination of thehigh-delivery traffic busi.nesses of Garion,s, Kentucky Fried chickenand Bridge stTeet rnn. -Traffic- serving the condonriniums will be restrictedto occupant derivery only and the geneial parking will be met via theparking structuTe. At sone tirne ;f the-day thcre may be trucJ<s parkedin front of the stores along Gore Creek Drj.ve.
c.gt r "9594P9__l
r3f Ey9-4
The streetscape framework will be grcatl)' intprovcd
flow in three ncw a.reas and elinin:rti.ng the tack-on
Creck Drive. New retai.l shops wi.l I greatly aj.d the
as well.
curi,ei,is -4- B/26/Bi
by allorvjng pedcstriarr
additions along Gorc
streetscaPe framework
d. Sireet Enc l osur:e
The enclosure ratio of' street width to building helght is presently at
a 1:1. The j.npact of raising the height on the south portion of the
building will be negligible because the l)laza Lodge is stil 1 taller than
the Casino Building, even with tlie addition,
e. Street Edgs
The proposal provides a v,rel1 defined street edge with the creation of
the new pedestrian walkl''rays.
f . Building tieight
The proposal neets the IJ.D.G.P. linitations on height: 4O,o of the footprint
no higher than 40t and 6\eo of the building footprint no higher than 30',
measured to roof nidpoints, even with the additional 8' on the south
g. Views
No major or minor view . planes
by the proposal .
as designated in the U'D.G.P. are affected
a. Site Area - .179 acre or 7797 sq ft
br Setbacks - Zeto setback allowed
Proposed: East
c,Height - see height above
d, Dcnsity Cont ro I
Allowable. clur^
-s - B/26/8r
cRl'A -s itc a lcir
.179 acre ,80 623"/ sc1 ft
. 179 acre
x 25 units,/acre = 4 units
3 units af, 6237 sq ft plus 20ga of GRFA allowed
for sommon areas.
!g1!:gglgC - as rnentioned earlier, an increase in landscaped areasis being proposed,
Parking - -The appli-cable parking fee rairl be required for the recailspaces and the condominiuns. First paynent of the parking fee i_sdue at the tine of ternporary certificate of occupanc|.
4, Arch.itectural La.n ds c Consi"derations
These will be addr:essed by the Design Review Board at a later date.It appears the building inprovementi fo1low the Desi-gn considerationsvery well,
The Departnent of Comrnunity Development recommends approval of the redevelopmentof the casino Building. }{e find that theproposa,l inJudes many positiveaspects for the village by increasing pedestiran flow around tire building,
?99ii-q.t"* pedestrian experiences on tiiree sides of the building and gerleraltyrnprovipg the aesthctics of the structure. The arley proposal is a gooaone' if the covered roof can be incorporated and ir ii,i w-orkable.
The conditj.ons of approval are as followsl
l, I'hat the applicant agrees to participate in and not remonstrate agalnsta special improvement district if and when formed for vail village.
2, That-the applicant agreq to provide and pay for the alrey improvetnents
.(including pavers and lighting), a str.eei iigtt on the Gore CreekDrive and Bridge street irttersection, and rhe* proposed improvenents totire area to the southwest of the buirding. ,, it "onn*cts to the VirlagePlaza steps. rn addi.tion, the appricantiuiri u* resfonsiure to studyalternatives for the arley, incJ.ui:"'g a pernanent cover; and that thefinal design and materiar'rnust bc su6rni"ti.ea "ra "pp""ved by thc Townof Vail. construction must be conpleted no later ihan +re-.{a*F+f+9s*
T€c tc I A?-
'fhat the applicant
a trash cnc.l osur:c
Bui I ding .
part j.c i pates financially in
f acil ity (corrrpactor') in the
O". Iildg -6- B/26/81
the construction of
alley of the Slifcr
revocab i c right - oi'- w-a.X
be*on g) irg"fth6'l'or*rr .
frent withofp
1Ve a
ei@rc@. bolduin ond ossocio[os, inc.
orchitectura . plonning
2l August 1981
Town of Vail
Department of Conmunity Development,/Peter PattenP. O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado BL65B
Dear Peter:
In response to your letter of 19 August concernj-ng theplanning staff review of our current proposal for theredevelopment of the Casino Building,- I irould like tosubmit the following comments and clarifications tominimize your concerns.
1. We agree that rnore landscaping area will have a morefavorable impact on this property. As such. you willfind a revised smal1 scale site pl_an which f hope ismore responsive to our desires, the desires of theTown of Vail staff and the townrs planning consult-ants from the Gage Davis and Associates office. Ourdiscussions with the representatives from Gage Davisand Associates gave us the impression that they wouldlike to see a solution which allowed a free flow ofpedestrian traffic in all directions without the majorform of impediments as occur along the south side oiGore Creek Drive West of the Casino Building. I feelthis revised plan meets this goal in concepi - ttrefinit.e detail witl be closely coordinated with themand the Tohrn as the development progresses after planapproval and prior to design review submission asindicated on page ii of the June 11 vail VillaoeDesign Considerations package,
2. There were several cases where our drawings and eleva-tions confticted between plan and elevation. This wasdue primarily to the fact that they were of two sep-arate "generations" of drawings, The doorway into the
1000 south frontogo rood ulast . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/4164433
rown of vail
Department of Community Development/Peter Patten
21 August 1981
Page Two
alley from the South side of the Casino Building willprobably become a window. This wil_l eliminate theneed for steps from the existing doorway to the pro-posed "alley" elevation, which would further constrictthe alley. This, however, must be coordinated withthe owners of that particular space within the CasinoBuilding, to meet their interior requirements. A
second inconsistency indicated a window on the Eastelevation where an exteri-or deck was shown on thesecond floor plan. The window is in error, the decki-s correct and is a result of G.R.F.A. reductionsnecessary to bri-ng square footages within allowablelimits.
I prefer to term this project a ,'redevelopment" ofthe Casino Building rather than a ,'remodel". A re-model implies a rather superficial alteration to in-terior spaces and exterior facades. This project goessignificantly beyond this and will require majorchanges in function, usage, interior structural system,exterior facades and site development, as well aslesser modifications (if possible) to neighboringportions of buildings and public spaces. Therefore,to show all existing conditions and proposed changesis more appropriately a requirement of I later "con-struction document" phase as l_ong as the intent andnat,ure of proposed changes is indicated in relation
Lo what conditions exist at the "approval" stage ofthe review process. I feel that the drawings andscale model will adequately reflect these conditionsto the Planning and Environmental Commission on31 August. I wil1, however, provide you with printsof the existing Casino Building, as we have them, atyour request.
3. I have analyzed our proposal based upon the 60Z/40Zguidelines as requested by your letter. I do respect-fully disagree with the interpretive comments of yourletter concerning height. As stated in the CommeicialCore One District portion of the Town of Vail ZoningOrdinance, and Ordinance 37, 1980, the height firniti-tion for a sloping roof is 38 feet. The a-option ofthe Urban Design Guide plan and Vail Village designconsiderations do obviously have an impact on Commer-cial Core One p?6jects but are not har& and fast regu-Iations, rj-gid rules or inteniled to be cook book deiignelements, but are simply guideJ_ines to help influenceform and d.esign of buildings. At meetings during the
rown of vail
Department of Community Development/Peter Patten
21 August 1981
Page Three
creation of the Urban Design Guide PIan, many of theTownrs architects expressed a real concern that theguidelines might, at some future date, be misinter-preted by governing officials as being concrete regu-lations, creating misuse of a design tool . I hopethat, as stated in the Urban Design Guide, thisproject will be evaluated collectively in ternos ofbuilding height, enclosure, views, etc., to determineif we have achieved an appropriate balance in oursolution, rather than judging each item independently,in which case they could be mutually conflicling.
The overage of approximately 80 square feet of G.R.F.A.wi]l be eliminated.
It is our intention that a mutuaLly agreeable use ofthe Town of Vail property for circulation and pJ_ant-ing purposes will be achieved in conjunction with theTownrs planning consultants.
A11 adjacent property owners and key tenants have beencontacted and are aware to some degree of our inten-tions. These meetings and updating conversations arecontinuing and will continue as the project progresses.
The al-Iey paving will be coordinated with the Townlsplanning consultants and wil_l most probably match theexisting plaza,/stair paving. Lighting wiLl obviouslybe required at several areas around the building aswell as the alley, In the alley, we anticipate lightsunderneath the I'bridgs" element and possibly along thebuilding wal"l.
As with other elements of this proposal , the detail ofthe Donoyanrs deck and stair alterations will be coor-dinated with the Townts planning consultants, theadjacent building owners and tenants concerned.
The space provided on the second l_evel_ Southwest cornerwill be commercial- office space.
Financial arrangements have not been finalized on thePistachiots entrance, Donovants d.eck, Town of Vai-tstairs, or Brandess-Cadmus office facad.e treatment.These are all proposals which would enhance our projectand the adjacent properties as well and will proUantybe achieved with the participation of all dir-ct1y con-cerned.
I would like to thank bothcooperation, understanding
us as you have.
Richard S. Ba1
rown of vail
Department of Community Developrnentr/Peter Patten
21 August 198J-
Page Four
you and Dick Ryan for your
and willingness to meet with
Gordon R, Pierce and Associates
Architecture / Planning
Rstrrdel and inproverrent of tlre q'roud floor ocrrrercial space inthe exlstirry Casino Brilding, creating four snal_l shop spa.ceS andproviding an entrY spaoe for tlre nor r44:er l-evel residerrtial con-dcrniniuns. Three oclsting ccnnercial_ spa.ces, Brandis-Ca&mrs ReaLEstate, The Val.ley fbrge and the GoLd and Silversnith Shop mav beproriided qrith nnderate "face l_ifts', ttnt wil-l unifii all lhop-facade treatfl€nts.
Oonversion of the seaond and tfu3d floors of the e>cistinq ccrmer-cial- spaces !'ritldn the casJno Buil"dirq to three resldentiaL condo-rniniuns.
Addition of a snaLL offic-e oordcrninir-urn E)qce on the semnd fl-oorw-ittr a portion of ttris office sparurirg the o<isting ',a11q,r" betrreenttrc Casino BuiLdirlg and the plaza fo@e Builcllng,
Redwelotrment of the allq; bebrcen tlre Casino Buildinq and the
PJ"aza Iodge Buifdhg into a gror:nd level- pedestrian passage J_inkingBridge Street $uith Whl_l_ Street and the pedestrian pl_aza. -Ttris
schsre wil-l inchde dlanges to the entqz to pistactr:iors Restaurantif aEreeable to al-l- parties concerned.
1650 East Vail Valtey Drive / Vait, Cotorado 81657/(3OS)476 -265T
ta tr
Gordon R. Pierce and Associates
Architecture / Planning
This pro,posal addresses pedestrian traver on three level-s. First@estrian travel along Gore Creek Drir/e wil_l be enhanced byseparating the pedestrian frcm the roaftuay, alorry the northernfrrontage oontrolLed by ttre Casino euitOing, fron vetr:icles anddelivery operatlons, r.rlth a slight elevation of ttre walkway.Ihe walk r,cil-l- aLlcr^r free fl_cnz of the pedestrians along the-qtrget frontage. Seoondly, along tlre east sicle of thi builclinq(Bridge street side) wtrere the vetricular traffic is salsr,rhat 1ess,the pedestrians vrill be afforded a siroilar walk at a constantel-evation to a poht of access to the all"ev or to the step6l-eading to tlre PLaza Iodge shops. the current east side futiowhich offers oonfusiqr to the pedestrian because of its varieouse and because it does not harre a J.ogical- pedestrian aceess/eritat trp corner, will be el-iminated. the ttrira l-qzel addressed bytttis pnoposal is ttre soleJ-y pedestrian ildd blod< corurectinq linkbetreen Bridge Street ana Vlalf Street - "ftre Alley*. ft i6 theinterrgion of the nerur casino BrriJ.ding ohrner:s to vmrk w"ith the Toumof Vail-, ttre Plaza Iodge Building ontners (and tqrants) and anyutility ccnpanies utilizi-ng gyis easerrerrt to a:rive at a pleasant
@estrian Erourrd l-eveL l_lnk bettn,en Bridge ard WaLL streets.
witlrout the identification of actual shop qpes it is difflcrrLt tobe specifieaLly definitive about the natr:rJand amount of vehicul_artraffic reqrrired to sq,port the ocrmercial spaces, hooever, t-}recntners have indicated that tlrese qpaces w-ilf onry be utilized Lrlzhigh quality pedestrian oriented noutique type sirogs and strouldtherefore generate ulov,r keyu deliverry neeas,- ttre noron A&ninis-tration has addressed ttre contrcl of deriveries in the core Areaand no traffie wtrictr aonfliets with the ecisting procedure Isanticipated for the ocmrcrqial spaces. the vetricie penetraLiongenerated by the 3 proposed residential un-its will be restrieted.to occupant delivery on1y, as it is our interrtion to persue
appnoval of the eLimination of required pa.rking on thl site r,*rictrrrcul-d be inoonsistant with the rnajorier bt hrifairqs in the centralvil-IaEe oore.
1650 East Vait Vailey Drive / Vait, Cotorado 81657/(303)476 -26a7
tr tr
Since this pa:oposal en@q)esses one @rner of a rnajor, if notrthe
rnajor intersection rrp th" Ccnrnercial Oore Ore area, we intend 6-
add to the street r'l-lfe" by eliminating the ecisting r:nsightly
"taek-ontr add:itions along the Gore Creek Drive side of the nuifaing
and replacing tJren w"ith nerar ccnnerciaL actlvity generating slrops.a residential errttY arxl sinpl-ifying the br:sy, r:n.interesting facadevfiidr e<ists surrently.
4. sREEr ENCroStfiE
ltre rrortdoor Rocm'! nndified by thls proposal is nnde nore interesting
by rrarTing the buiJ-ding edge and creating a more pedestrian scalealong the :rcads fronting this buildfutg. Ttre bay wj_ndcrr.r elsrents
added to the eastern facade of the Casfup BuiJ-dling will harire thepotential of strop mn-ings and signage to create further pedestrlan
5. \+,RmT m@
oonsistent with tlre desire arnl existance of a strorg, welL definedstreet edge' this prcposal prorides seperlate bub accessable differen-tiation of pedestrlan and vehicr:1ar spaces.
TtLe building height as proposed, though sJ_ightly raised, fal_Ls well\,',:ithin the 38 foot height aLlcmed to the oriap"Gt of ttre roof with:inthg footprint of alL pontions of ttre buildinq, Ttre slight increase
and reLocation of the ridgeline shoul-d pose no vjer,r oorridor prcbl-ensfron adjacent buildings. rhe buiLdtng to ttre south of the casirnBttilding uril-l- sttl-l- hsve a trigher noof line tfran that pnoSnsed rndentliis concelrt,
7. FqF
rong viors of najor or minor sigrnificane will- not be altered andshort streetscape viors fron sturor:nding buildirrgs shoul-d be enfrancedby raroval of "elzesoretr structures and tl'e peaestrian scale of theplroposed addition.
1. "Dmlslry.acnwRo]-,
Iot Area -..179 Acres = 77g7,24
Mlcwabl-e GRFA - 6237,792 sq; ft,
Achral- GFA - 63X7,911 sq. ft.
Alloviable no, rrnits - 4.475 (et 25 r:nits,/aee)
Acfuel no. units - 3.0
Ttre site currently has rrirtually no landscaped ereasf so a reduselcnis ilposslble, hcnrwer, we do intenil to paronride nenr l-andscaping areas,
Parking and loading requirererrt o<erption will be sougiht, on tfe
basis of eristing eondLbions anal in tlrc interest of the pedestrian
nature of tlre ocrmercial core area.
l-. mFs
a, Roof form wiLt be a gabled lcrr pitctred roof with an
ridge acis,
h. Roof pitctr r'rtll" rsnain consistent with the *isLtttE 2\,/I2
c, the rmf srrerhangs wilL renain clcnsistent l.rith ttre
overhangs of appn:cxinately 3 to 6 feet on aLL edges,
d. Ttte noof ocnposltlon wj.l-l- rsnain varied and intereslirq
the r"oof slnpe.s wiLl- be reduced and sirrpJ-ified by tlre redin rurber acfiieved wtren tlre ecistingr tt!ssl<64rt strustures
e. The site does not warrant any roof steps due to changes in
lj tr
the e<lsting steps crr:rently incorporateit in the Vallq,r
portLon of the buif.dirq wiLl- rsnain"
f. Material-s wtll- be primarily a built rrp roof r,cith giravel tothe eristing roof,
g. Ihe oonstrustion of the noof witl be scnenrat dependent
eonditions tnccnrered wtren the exlsting roof is erposedconstruction. Our intent at this time is to l-eave athe noof as it orists and rnatctr it wlth the ng,r
Hcffe\rer, tf o<isting @nditions watrant, $re nny be forcedre-rmf the entire bui-lding with nqnr rnaterials, Tf this
we will consider the addition of old-roof tectrniques andalternative rnaterials. fn any event, proper gutters with
tapes will be utilized as reqr:i::ed.
a. The predcrn:inant rnaterial of the facade will be stalcco, or
stucco like finistr rnateriaL. Secordarv materials will_ bein the form of brid< pa:vers, gLass at w-indcnvs and doors,for trim and dec:k railings Of w:roughA. inon, Ccnrnercial
may lrary bet$/een spaces, hcnrever, ttre sane or sirnilar
be utilized.
ta tr
b.The prirtn4r color to be used on the stueco wilL be wtrite or anoff vfiite. Wbod trim wil-1" be darker tones cr:rqrl_ifl€ntary to thestuc@ color selected.
Ilre transparencY of the ccrmercial spa.ces wil_l be gneater thanthe utrper floor resl-dential floors, Wlrdms wil_l- rnaj_ntain a
hunan scale and ctnraster,
d. Strop and residential_ wirdCI^rs wil_L rsratn oonsistent w"ith thecfnracEer of tbe ccnnercial- core area.
strlqltittal- may varlz wtren shop spaces areirtent w:ill- be "{Bintained.
strctrtn in tiis
, hoerzer, the
the building aslife belclll.
open appearance
, the business of
e,Doors w-i1l be treated in a manner consistent th ttre character
arr1 nature of the paoposed uses within the and in
oonformance with tlre rrrban desiqn
f . Pncrninent vrood trirn wll_l be utlized to the windcrarc anddoors of the building especial-ly at the lsper ff[rfterc-ial
a. Baloony oolor wilL oontsast w"ith ttre waLl oolor andwil-} be ttre ,sante or actrpl_inentrlf to ttre ottrer trim ool-ors,
b, Upper baLoonies wilt be of a useBble size andto take adrrentage of the liflited sun afforded
wel-L as ttre orientation to tlre viq,,rs and
c. the bal-rcny raLJ.ings r"ril_l general_ly have abut w:l.l-L nct be or:rnte Ln natr:re.
e. $ryporLing deck msnbtrs may be e><trrressed,
e<posed joist rs$ers wilL be csvercd,
4. \DEC!(s AT{D PATI6
prirnarily to Ltre lack of $rr orientation, irrqrropec.the qual-ity of the eeerience furearted by the pfrys
space even thoush it p:rouided a good relationship
lpacgs. and physieal" separation fircrn tlre @estrian
d, Vtuo':ght iron will be the nnin finish rnateriaL on tlte baloonies.
lhe ocisbiag patio vns one of the least utilized the Core Area,
properties of the
other rredestrian
, Itris space willbe eliminated ard hecccne prirnarily circuiation in natrrre.
Accent elenents r,,rill beunbrellas, shop sigrnge,
incorporated in the form
graphics and flooer
armings, deck
tj tr
a. Ttpu$ very f.iiruited jn arrailable locations decidr:ous trees are
interded in serzeral" localions qr tlre east ard west sides of the
buil-ding and anrn:al- col-or fLcniers in pLanters.
b. Paving naterial-s wil-l rpst Likely be brick pavecs csrsistenL vrith
surrourdjJlg areas, ani proposed rederrelopnent pavins, (llr-Ls must
be coordinated urith al_]_ concerned,)
c,. The otly retairring walls of any fuportance wil_l be add::essed alongthe al-I-ey develo5rnent with all- concerned. Tlie @estriaa/vehicul-arselnration wil-l- bet adrLeved ffirough parring and elevatlon differences.
d. r.iShting r,yilL be de\reloped in conjrrreLion wittr ttre strop spaces and.wilL also be util-ized adjacrerrt to the residerrtiaL street ent4z"
Signage wiLL also be clereJ.qed in conjrrrceion witi the rrariousslnps and onsistent with tlre Tcnrn of VaiJ. sigrr ordinancres,
fl wilL eyentual-ly be acccnpdated in the proposd co:re area joi::t
ccnpacEor when realized, Terant and strcp trash will- be internaLlvated. It m:st be noted that the anount of trash generated
be substantiaLly reduced fron the existlnq frmctions by theof the bar and restarrrant facil-iti_es. No bars o,r iti.ningrts are antl.cipa.ted or deqred desjreable by the cniners
lj tr
Tt is tlre lntent of ttr:is prrcposal_ that t}te apparent fireortanoe of tlr-i.sbuilding, due to its l"ocation and rnarketabil"ity, be recognized, alevel-qed
and enhanced. with this fact. in nrind, the buiralirq facades oriented toboth Gore c:reek Drirze and Bridge street w"irl be redeveloped, eJ.iminatingthe Beyesores", ard in onjunction with the furproverents being persued -
by tlle Tcn"rn of vail ccntrnvrity Developrent staff, the crcrrnereiaL-strnces
and ecterior ci::ctrlation patterns will- be rnore direcLly oriented to trre
Gore creek Drivefiridge stgeet intersesbiur, aLrorrilg a free flcrr ofpedestrian traffic both aLong tlre street frcntages arxi across ttp sEreetto adjacent oonrercial- accivitles. Witlr the proposed ctranges in functionard architectural treatrents, these facades sfroula becore nrcre pedestrian
oriented i:r scal-e, transparenclz and focal interest.
Allcnnble - slc4>irg Foof 38t-0r'
A*ual- - Majw Roof Plffrle 3"1 r-5tt, l{inw Boof Plarre 34t-4r'
All"qpabl"e * 25 unitslace - ,179 x 25 = 4,475 unLts
Actrral * .179 acres * 3,0 lrdts
GRFA alLcnnbLe - 6237.792 Sq. Ft,
@FA Act|EL * 63L7.9:ll Sq. tt',
a t3
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 476-5613
department of community development
August 19, 1981
T0: Rick Baldwin, Pierce, Baldwin and Associates
FROM: Departrnent of Connnun ity Devel oprnent/Peter patten
SUBJECT: Staff Review of Casino Building project
0n Tuesday, August 18, the Planning staff reviewed your most recent subnittalfor the remodel of the casino Building, aad we have the foltowing concerns,
comrnent s and questions which we would like to have you address as soon aspossible. The following are our concerns:
l. The exterior landscaping appears to be quite minirnal . }Ve feel somethingnore substantial would be rnore suited to the property.
2. The plans are confusing in two respects. First, the plans should identifyexactly what?s existing and whatts proposed- -standard procedure on a
renodel . secondly, there are several praces where there are conflicts
between elevations and floor plans )i.e. doors shown on floor plans andnot on elevations or vice versa).
3. As I discussed with you in your office at last neeting, the height require-
ment is not the 38r as it says in the CCI Zone District. The heightrequiren6T is found in the urban Design Guide plan for Vail village.This is found on page B of the Design considerations for vail villageard the rule is as followsl
1. At least 60% of the site coverage area should not exceed jOr inheight.
2. No rnore than 409o of the site coverage area nay be hi.gher than S0r,not to exceed 40r.
I would like to have the proposed building anaLy zed with respect toheight regulations. I still have a feeling that a height vaiiancegoing to be required and we need to find out irunediately.
Your GRFA figures are indicating that the proposed GRFA is over the
Why is this proposed when no variance has 6een applied for?
5. Mrat is your proposal for utilizing Town of Vail property?
Review of casino Ul -r- s/Ls/Br
Has there been comnunication with John Donovan and l"trs. Hill concerning
how your proposal is affecting their property? Their input needs to
be obtained soon.
What is the lighting and paving plan for the alley area and for the
Casino Building?
We would like rnore detail on the proposal for Donovants corner (patlo
area) ,
9, More definition of the space on the Southwest corner of the first levelis needed.
10. Who pays and what are the arrangement s for irnproving Pistachi"ots entrance
as proposed?
11. rtre improvernent s around the building, including those near Donovanr sare the responsibility of the developer, not the Toun.
r need responses to these items as soon as possible, r would li-ke to writethe Staff review on Monday, August 24 and these concerns should be addressedby you on or before that date. Thanks for your pronpt attention.
'''*",lli?HHlff ;glif#"tli
1000 S. Frontage Roi
vArL, coLoRADO 81657
LETrrilfD F TRANS nfr rrrAL
(303) 476.4433
tr Shop drawings
! Copy of letter
E For approval\.,
F(for your use
D As requested
X-t review and comment !
Plans E Samples
- WE ARE SENDING VOU VnXsqhed tr Under separate cover via the following items:
tr SpecificationsE Prints
I Change order
E Approved as submitted
D Approved as noted
fl Returned for corrections
! Resubmit-copies for approval
tr Submit
for distribution
D Return
PRooutrz{o3 @hc, cm!., ts' ol{50 lf emfoiuror rr€ not 13 ,roaed, kindly notrtt/ rra at
piorco. boldwin crnd ossocicr[es, inc.
orchitocture . plonning
1-4 Au$Ft l-981
17 Augnrst 1981 - @in interior clean-rp and dsnclition.
15 septerber 1981 - octajn Phase r Building perdnit and beqin oonstruction,
I Decsrdcer l-981 - frrplete Phase r construclion and ::elease strop qlaoesto ourners for interior case*racrk and finish instaLlation.
20 Dececrber 1981 - *rops open for Christmas business,
12 ap,ril 1982 - cbtain Plrase 2 Buirding permit and begin construqllon.
1000 south frontoge rood u,rast . voil, colorodo 81657 n3/476-4433
,- --
j{*n- , 'o.
-. u,tii .-a-$d.-,<
o '.' ,- 4 .1 ri-"t *.' /. ( t: ,*-i,' ','.( t'r.-, / (t t*-(
,t*;,!.y. .,
',i. r,,. : ..'!'; t'*.;^u'..'-.
' n''- ,i^:'4:.--
t/ s, \-f,. I
.22 July
23 July
14 Ji[y
26 July
37 July
3l July
', -\( :?8,129 /rry
Ilyder ConstrustionSet up neetinq with Contr',ector
and StrusEr.rral Hnqireer
Continue to narket buildinct Don C'algan
l,leeting with Drn Grlgan, Tcn^rn of
Vail & Al'chj.tcct to djscuss prrlgl:ess
A.l so to <liscrrs-;r; wit-lr llrn Cia lgan tenant
problerns .
Pi.erce, Balcluirr & Assoc.
Ccnplete first preliminary drerwirgs Pierce, Balclwin & Assoc.
|&eting witi tlyder and engineers to
<liscuss dannl-i tion, antl ns.r conslrrc-tion technicnres.
Fierce, Balclwirr & Assoc,
Sutnut preliminary drar.rings to Tbwn of
Vail Bui ldinq Insrxctor
Pieroe, Balclwil & Assoc.
)l July Continue on dr:.ewings a fter reviq,v with
Don Gal-gan via pa.rtners t ctnrents -
flexico trip
t .. J,tfi Augr:st ln,""'i Begir denrrlitj.on r,ork i.f at a1l
possible' -..-.---.---_ lo J Pt't7 C);e2..l,"r areP'7cd
Permission frcrn Ttwn oi: Vail t.o
f.rm Galgan
Pierce, Balc*uirr & Assoc.
Hyder Cons tructi on
i.,t//! /:.i /t)(r- a ^J D(-4iJJ
llave appr:ovals fn:rn To^,n of Vail^ Pierce, Balcbrirr 6 Assoc.
rl) Arqust Cbtain partial burldin'; permit Picr:ce, Balctrin & Assoc.
CASINO BUII.DING ***"QT o).tuilr 20,1981
15 Ostober
l. Decsber
20 Decs'.ber:
Don e'al--qan
Don C,al gan
,yStrould have crynrercial spnr:eqrsclc--.,or fina].izcd reqardinrr t- anants___/
Continue on rrore refinecl draringsfor final buildinq r:erruit
Nevr shcp Omers take s.pa.ces
Ne.l shop cr^lrers open for Christrurs
Pierce, Balclwin & Assoc,
Monday, June 8,
3:00 p. m.
Gore Val'l ey Water Issues
Approval of minutes of May 26, l98l.
A request for a variance to build on a slope in excess of 40"1, anothervariance to build within a set-back on lots A-l and A-2, Lionsridge,
between sandstone Drive and L'ions' Ridge Loop. Applicant: AAV LimitedPartnership.
Application for a density variance'i n gross residential floor area inorder to build a duplex on Lot 'l2, Block 47, Casolar Vail iI at ll0lVail View Drive. Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, etc.,pensjonRetirement Trust.
Pre'l iminary review of ccl and cclI urban Design Guide plan projects
l. Hill Bujlding additions
2. Lodge at Vail, swimming poo'i enclosure and restaurant addjtion,
3. Casino Building remodel
4. Concert Hall Plaza Building, .i nterior and exterior remodel
5. Ljonshead Gondola Building, add office space and convert 3 offjcesto coml'nercial .
6. Lionshead Study Area No" 5
Published in the Vajl Trail June 5, l9Bl.
ll t;
Mayor Rod Sl i fer
and the Vail .Towri Council
75 S. Frontage RoadVajl, Colorado
Dear Mayor Slifer and Members of the Town Council;
I write this letter as an appeal to the recent approval of the
building planned to be erected between Garton's (The Casino Building)
and Donovan's (The Plaza Building). This appeal js of the decision
made to approve the building by the Vail Planning and Environmental
Commi s s'i on .
The Planning and Environmental Conrnission and I are 180% apart whenit comes to this walkway. I would like the opportunity to meet withthis Board and discuss the future of this wa'l kway.
Thank you for your consideration of my appeal.
Si ncerely,
f .k 0
(-rJdhn F. Donovan
June 4, l9Bl
,' ,.- , . . lepberl 'gr. i_le:.idyl,-Q',tj9il .-.. ;.;= 1;. '" :.',iF",1_S;i; .::"--. ' -*
'' - .:": r - -' ': : ' r. .*:; "r rii1:",' . '''-n**atii:oti,-lrjtl"=' ':l ''r;* i;l; 593,,i:'1 ,-',r;,,,; ,,1.,1::--.:' , ii1:.+iJ.",,?,:,1]{i ;1,,1.i-f..:.1.::.*riiii,:r:.fi+ii;il,l,-,_,!.r.:1-,;, :_
l'lO,y L\,t lJuI-. llv. v lJll 9llc s:lgllsqt qJ vsJ\, 1.l lrt\r lll l,
-- . m-ifiuTeiT-aEd"-titled, "continuance-6f "an apDlication for.Ll .------ ,' ' -" 'exteridr'alt-eratioi-.or modifJcation'-in-Commercial Core' I,-:r-.:.,,|'''?'.'.toallowanofficebuildinqto.beconstructed.-.on.the:'i ._, .j
- ' j' - irJ ciiino- euitai'nqi.-rJevtna int'-iiieet:^tdvet-t,p"n".ioi" - '-- ' 'pea6strian't-I_dffic:"-- 'I.'1q1.t-to mak-elin-ur!-enf-pbr-sonil.:-- ..'-
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i.;Js.':ffigeif''re s ea rcn?oY
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- tI on-_sh ou.I d --oe- { onI In aent:.u Do
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=;gi.Hr:-,'.'.: piles-ent'-coiriidirration_in:-the:.'ig5[aniie?o1[nil-df'risi'ppfri_t:j1'i:',i
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.l ,
.tyr *!',.
A. The site plan shall. be drawn on a sheet size cf 24" x 35" at a scale
of 1" = 2O'; a. va::iatio.,. oi t-he sheet size o:: scaltl nta1" be approved
by i:he Commun-ity Detzelopment Dep'irr+-ment if justif ied;
p*t* lapplication IvIaY 26, 19Bl
This irrocedure is requirerl for alteration of an existing building
which adds or t**o,r.J any enclosed floor al:ea or outdoor paLio or
i"piu".*unt of an existi-nq buil-cling sha11 be subjec{: to revi'ew by
lfrl pf"ttn.ing and Envirorlrnental Commissj'on'
The applicatlon rvill not be accepted until all inforniation is submitted''
ADDRESS Estocrc]rrc I l4exlclc 6 D.F. MFxrcO--.- PHONE--9&5=525=6591-
B. NAME OF ApptIcANT'S REPRESENTATI-V$. Pierqe' Bald\'fin & Agsociaf€s+-Jnc*
ADDRES s 1000 Sq&h lr:ontage-Boad.-ioese--lZail+-fofo---sf5'5g--PHoNE
AppLicati"" tlu"terior At-terarion or irtffl. ccr ee,se 2
The clate, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development
sha1l be shown on tl"re site Plan;
The existing topographic characLer of the site including exisbing
and proposea cont6urr. This conditic.ln will only be requred for
an expansior -r.J-rft"r" thcre is a change of tvro feet of grade;
The location and sj ze of all exis{-ing and proposed buildings, sl-ruc-
tures and imProvements i
The existing and proposed landscaping;
The locatj.on of all. ei<isting and p::oposed buildingsr structures
and patios or decks.
The applicant shall submit in wril-Len and graphic form, a.prepondcl:ance
of eviclence before the Planning and Environmental Commissj'on that:
and that the proposaf subsl-antially cotttpliei wiLh the VaiI Village
Urban Design Guide Plan"
A. If the appli-cant is proposing a major change
Urban p.sigt-t Guid-e P1an, the procedures for
Section L8.24.220 (B).
in Lhe Vail Village
change are notecl in
IV. The applican-b'must a.l-so submit wril-l:en and graphic sul-rpor-tlng male:rials
thaL the proporii spi;s;1-antialJ-y corrrplies_r.ri,th the followi.rrg Ur:ban
Design Coirsiaerai-j,ons sect-ion Lf tLrL VaiI Vil.l.arge Desi-gn Considcration'
A. Pedestri-bn i za Lion
B. Veiricle Pcne Lrar i:ion
C. StreeLscaPe lrramcvrork
D. Street Eirclosur:e
E. St.reet Eclge
F, Buj-lding Hcight
c. Vicws
H. Sun Shacle ConsidcraLion
tr{any of the a}:ove i'l-ems .should'be acldressed j.n sone graphic means
usi'g suc5 tool,s as slietches. simul.al-ions, Inocleis (incl-uc1ing neigbboril't
buildings) . PhoLos, etc
\I rt tr,::
+-L ^ r-Lllal L-
Torvn of Vail- Zoning Codc for CCI erlso describcs other zonjng issues
tire applican1- musi respond t--o j,n writ-t.cn o:: graphic form.
r'.r nnnr .i ^ -{-.i ^r - f or ex{:crior ;rl.Lcrat j ons or nod j.f icatio:rs in CCI calr
V.L. JLl]ITJ-L\-.r L-L\.,ir.-,
ai-e only revier,red semi*anrrually. They need to be submj-tted before
i:be fourth [{onda5' of l'lay or November. For more specifics on tire
review schedule r s€e Seci:j on 18.24 .065 A-5.
t a
Iots D and E and a part of lcts B, C and F Block 5-C, VaLl VilJ.age First
filing Tbrn of VaiJ-, Corlrty of Eag1e, State of Oolorado
2;00 p.n.
1. Approval of Minutes
May 26, 1981
of May 11, 1981 rneeting.
2. A request for amendnents 'to an approved deveLopment plan under Ordinance No. 13,
Seri.es of 1981, to build two additional units at the Vail Internountain Srqin and
Tennis Club Condoniniurns, and to redesign parking and landseaping of Lots 7 and 8,Block 4, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. Applicant: Vail Interrnountain Swin andTennis Club Condominiurns
3. Request for two side setback variances for the Storey/Oglesby residence located onLot 13, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing to construct two additions to the resi-' dence. Applicants: Charles p. Storey and Enslie Oglesby, Jr.
4. A request for approval of Special Development District 1f and the vacation of 1otlines thereof for an area of Highland Meidows Subdj,vision, Filing No. 1, Lots 26through 42. Applicant: Sun Tech Builders, Inc.
5. Request for a conditional use permit under Section 18.24.030 C of the Tor,rn of Vailzoning code, to operate a beauty shop on the street level of the Golden Peak House.Applicant: Karl Hoevelmann.
6. Continuance of an application for exterior alteration or nodification in CommercialCore I, to allow an office building t.. . be constructed on the 2nd and ird levelsof the alley betlteen the Plaza and Casino Buildings, leaving the street level openfor pedestrian traffic. Applicant: pamela Telleen.
7. Request for amendnents !o the density control section of the zoni.ng code th€tthe second uni.t shall not exceed 40% of the total Gross Residential Floor: Ar-ea(currently this figure is 33 L/3%) allowed on the lot in the P/S residential districAlso, lots in the residential district containing less than 15,000 square feet ofsite area shal1 not have a second unit exceed 40% of the toal GRFA allowed on theIot. In addition, lots in the residential district with development proposals wherethe average slope beneath the structure and parking area is in ixcess- of S0% sha11not have a secondary unit exceed 40% of the iotal GRFA a11o"ed on the lot. 'fi-rese
changes would result in a new 60/40 allocation of GRFA wherever the 66/3j allocationpresently is in effect. Applicant: peter patten, Town of Vail.
B. A request for anendnents to Sections 18.12,090 and 18.13.080 concerning the processand criteri-a for granting exceptions to the density control regulations in theResidential and Prinary/Secondary Zone Districts for lots of less than 15,000 squareso that these lots nay receive a secondary unit for ernployee housing use.Applicant: Peter patten, Town of Vail
l,lay 26, 1981
Scott Edwards
Gcrry lrhite
Dan Corcoran
IJuane Pi.per
Roger Tilkemeier
Jin Morgan
Gaynor lr,Iil1er
Tlie meeting was called to order at ZtI} p.n. by
Dick Ryan
Peter Jamar
Larry liskwith
Larry Rider
tsetsy 116561""tr
Bob Ruder
Gerry l'rhite, ch:ii.rnan.
Dan Corcoran rnoved for approval , seconded iry Duane, Vote was j_0. Scott a.b_s ta ined .
2. A feqUesl fnT e r.rrr.rr dmar.lf e +^ ah a6,ar^r,^,1 r^ar,\.r^,.,-^_a _r^-.ffi;-f+#dt+#;3,,#111q r I 3,
svrim and rennis club condonriniums, and to redesign parkrrrg ald randscal:ingof Lots 7 and B, Bl0ck 4, vail Iniermouutajn s,:brtivl-s.ion. Applicant,: vairInter:mountain and Sivin and Tennis Club Cnn,Jonriniuns.
Di'ck Ryan presentecl the metno and aclded that the -staff had checkecl the size andconfirmed 5'1 acles. IIe arlded that in cliscussing thjs uith the Town counci i,they stresse d that they dicin't want io upprolr* additional units unless the rarits
-wele to b9 f9r enployees. tle statecl th:ri-undcr the presenf zoning, no addj.tionalunits could be addeci.
The question about the enor taade in surveying was di,-sc r.rr; -s ed, sonre rrentle's fe.!.tthat l;he aprrl j.cants could have had lnc:..e units originalJ y r,;hcn tire e.r:ro:: ua-sdiscovered, other:s feeling th.rt this <iid not change thc issue now,
tnoved for: approv.l of the rerrisions of thc p*lking tot and randscap.r'g pernieno of l,{ay 6, 1931. Scott sectrnded it, iur <I lhe vote r.ras 4_t), urrarrinou-sfavor .
It'lore <iiscr-rss ion forlorvecl with the realization that the appl.icants cou1d c()netrack and ask for a vai:.i'nce., r,,hich they were not croing irt present, arrcl trri-scould be a way to corJ:ect the error, and rvcl.I a.s a ti;c to cone into confornritywj.th respecl: to hav ing rno::e than 4 Urrits it.r onc building, i\,ith fc-rpect tostreanns i.cie set bircks. ctc.
rr(rl L\t , a ;r(, r
o I
al units requestcd by
13, 1981. The vgte
Gerry moved and Scott seconded to deny the two addition
the applicants in accordance wi-th the staff ncmo of May
was 3-1, Dan Corcoran voting against. The request was
3. ,,Request for a side setback variances for the Storey/0gle:.by residence
ffi]B-G itions
to the residence. Applicants: Charles Storey and Enslie 0g1esby, Jr.
Peter Jamar explained the plans and explained that this was part of a rol house.
Andy Beck nentioned that all was explained in the memo.
Dan moved and Duane seconded to approved the request for: the side setback variance
per the staff rnerno dated May 20, 1981. The vote was 5-0, unaninous,
4-r A_Iequest for approvql of Special Development District 11 and the vacationof lot I ines thelcof for an at'ea of Hjghland Meadorvs Subdivision, F j-ling
No. 1, Iots 32,38, 59, 40 alj'd 42. Applicant; Sun Tech Buiiders, Inc.
Dick Ryan reninded the commission that ihey had reviewcd a request for lots
26 thru 42 atptevious stridy sessions. He added that the developers had
spent much time with the staff and wj.th Gage Davis and he felt that the presentsite plan r'ras nuch superior. The staff recomrended approval rvith the conditionslettered A through I.
Roger Denton, a landscape architect for the project shorved several sketches^€ thr :-i*. rnl r:..:'.:l-rci q'-'.c:tions. It was felt that the impact of thc F-^j^^"had been -r'ed.iceii, bttt thete were several questions about the height of sonteof the buildings, ancl how wcl1 they would be hiclderr b1'the trees. He addedthat they had no problens with items of condition, A thru I.
Dan rnoved and Roger seconCed that the Special Developlicnt Di.strict be approvedwith the condj-tions stipulated in the staff merno dated trIay 14, 1981. The vote
was 6-0,(with Gaynor abstaj.ning) for approval .
1.. ngqlltf-ff-e-tof,litionat use permiL unclel__:s-e_..t&iLl8__.2a.030 c of the Torrnof Va.il zoning code, to operats a neauty s-lioton flicffi
Golclcn Peak House, Applicant: Karl Hoevelrnann:
Di.ck Ryan explained that this issue had been before, the Connission and bhe
Totr,n Courcil several tines, and both groups irad approved an amcndment to the
zoning code that would pe::mi.t by conditional. use review, barbcr and beautl'
shops without extcrior frontage in CCI.
Hubert l{einshank, repr€senting Nlr, Floevelnanl, subnittcd a letter from RonRiley, prcsident of thc Board of Dircctor-s of thc Condo Association statingtltat they had dropped their: opposition to the bcauty shop. Ilc ad<lcd that a
coupl e of owners of thc concloniniums were opp6sgd, but tjt;rt the a.ssociation
45 4 whL-rl c was not. Discus-sion fol lovc<l conccrning vcnti lat j.on and odors.It was finally dccidcd that this t/as a rnattcr for the contlo association ancifor the buildi-ng ctcrpartment of thc Town.
PIlc -3- Mar 26, ! O oo
Roger noved and Jin seconded to approve the condit,ional use permit per the staff
memo and cautioning the applicant to nonitor odor. The vote was 7-0, unanirnous.
6. Continuance of an application for exterior alteration or modification in--_....'...---_'......-.--Comrnercial Corc T, to aIlow an ofTicc-E[ilTir,g ffi
and Srd levels of the a1 ley between the Praza and casino Buildings, leavingthe street level open for pedestrian traffic. Appricant: pamela Telleen.
Dick prescnted the memo, rernindi.ng the Conmission that on March 9, there rrra sa public hearing to bui-]d a 3 story building on the site, and that now theapplicati.on had been changed, although the orj.ginal application was appealedto the Torr'n Council. The changed application would leave the passage- way betweenthe plaza and Bridge Street. The Staff was concerned that the spacJ fox pedestrianswould not be used because thc height was only i0 ft & the a1ley is vety n?rrrow.'l'here was nuch discussion of the problern of obtaining a clear title. Larry
Ri<ier explained the situation, saying that in r:eviewing the title, he founda number of clouds of title, and that one rcstriction in a deed was t'unfettered
ingress and egress to thc Plaza and that therc be no pernanent structure builtin that area." In looking further., he found that the surveys didn rt natch.l'le suggested that the applicant be asked to show clear tit1e. lle added thatPistachlors and the Lodge encroach into the area.
Bill Post representing the applicant stated that the ohners have a xight touse what they own. He added that one stipula.t.ion for the original plan rvasto have a saf e ard att:ractive walkr.ray, and at present it was ne j.thei saf enor attr:a.ctive " He a.l so f elt the appl icant couro De requrreci ro post a bonoso that if the project was stoppcd, there vrould be'o "ip"nse to ilie Tor.rn.
Larry added that the Town nust be certain that the apr;licant was indeed theOrrner. Certy stated that they could pr:occcd rrith the r,,,st of thc licalinl; ; sto whcthel or not this was a suitable structure, but one conditj-ona1 coulclbe added that the applicant nust have a clear title.
Roger sai-d that he .xeprescnts vA, and that they would. not take sicles. :
John Perkins showed the plans and elevations and answer:ed questiols concelningroof drainage, Pistachiors door, lighting, etc, parn Tell een said trrat pista-chio's hacl opposed the first presenlation bccai.rse of the int.errr-rption of theirbttsinss, but were for thc preient one because it would elimilate the leak overthe ir sta irrr'a.y .
John Perkin-s also added that the shops alor-rg tlic a11cy rr,ould. be encourage toplace winciows onto the alley, helping the allcy to be ncle inviting. pam rqasaskcd if it rvas her inter-rtion to continue thc rralkway to the praz,r. sheresponded that she wor.rld contr:ibute hcr: share, lvhatevlr that may be. Boh l{uderfelt that snortr an<i ice would still get into the rr,alkwa"y.
[]isctt-ssion follorvcd concerning thc co]tstructiolr rcstrai.nts a:rcl interruptionof l{all Str:ect tr::rffi.c. Geuy reacl the thr:ee conrlitons ancl pan 'felleen stateclthat she agreed to all of thcm.
PFC -1- trlay 26, Ct O oo
Gaynor movcd that the application be approved with the reconmendation nadcpart of the approval. He felt that the building was important to the area,that they would sti11 have a walkway fron Bridgc Street to Wall Street..
Scott felt they should add that the clear t.itle must be shown as a 4th
Dick Ryan stated that in talking to the Town council, he was instructed notto issue a buildJ.ng permit until a clear title was shown.
Gaynor wanted to add another condition to his rnotion, that of requiring a
bond to protect the 'i'own.
Duane Piper seconded the motion, and the vote i.n favor of gr.anting thepermission for the a.lteration was S-0, with Roger and Dan abstaining.
The moti.on pa ss ed .
7. Request for anellCrnent s to the density control section of the zoning codetnat ttle second unit shal I rrot excccd 40e, of thc total Cross ResidentialFloor Area (cdrrently this figure is 3s L/s%) allowed on the lot in theP/S Residential District. A1so, lots in the Residential District containingless than 15,000 squ3Te feet of site area shall not have a second unit exceed
40% of the total GRFA a1 lor,red on the 1ot. In addition, lots in the rcsidentialdistrict wi.th development proposals whereby the average slope beneath thestructure and parking area is in excess of 30r" shall not have a second.aryunit exceed 40% of the total GRFA allowed on the lot. These changes wouidresult in a new 60/40 allocation of GRFA where.rer the 66,/33 allocation
t-$^-^..+I.' .:^ :- ^f!:^-L
Peter Jamar explained the nemo, and discussion of the various aspecLs fol1owed.Scott noved that they follow the staff recoirunendation to recorp-nend anendnentsto Sections 18.15.080, 18.12,090 and 18.69,050 of tle zonrng code that the secondaryunit shall not excecd 4Ae, of the total GRFA a1 lorcecl, and, 2) amenclment to section18.12. C50 to reduce tl're ntinj-murn lot size in the (RJ Rsictcntj iil District to15,000 square feet ol' buildable site area from 17,500 square feet. Dan Corcoranseconded the nrotion, and the vote hras 7-0 in favor.
8- Reqcst for.aryendnrents to sections 1g.12,090 arrd 1g.1j.0g0 of the zoning_---_codc cotlcernlng the process arrd cri.teria for granting exccpti-ons to the densi-tycontrol regulatirns in the Residcntial (li) antl Pri mary /Se con.l"r,y Residential(P/S) Zone Distrj.cts for' Iots of less than I5,000 sqriare feet so tira.t :r secorrdaryrurit rny be constructed on these lots for the p,,tiroie of euqrloyee housing.
Peter Jamar explained w.lry the staff felt the.se changes were importalt- Dick
revierr'ed the process of the application:
I . Apply to DIIB
2' After the dccision, thc Staff will m:rke certain thc unit r+ill bc enDlot'eehousing.
3' A wrj-tten Irotice tvill bc sent to thc I)liC, so the PIC can revjer,; and if thcy
don rt agrco, the Pllc cilr appeal the <lccis.ion of eithcr thc staff o:: DRB.4. Applicant or adjacr.:nt propclrt)r oh,nel- can apircal to plJC.
Concern was expressed over the condition that no variances be allowed, and this
was discusscd at length. Variances can be granted only if it benefits the visual
appearance of the sitc and surrounding area.
Also discussed was the fact that L/2 of the cars must be cnclosed. Tom Briner
stated that he had brought a project to the DRB the previous week when he took
issue with the requirement for covered parking for 1/2 the cars and wondercd if
havj.ng only one space for the employee housing would be enough parking. The
Comnission nenbers felt that there were very rarely only one person living i"n
each employee uhit, and that two spaces were defini-tely needed. Dick added that
cars had been considered an eyesore in nany previous discussions.
Dan noved and Duane seconded to approve the recornmendation of the staff that
Sections 18.12.090 and 18.13.080 be amended concerning the process andcriteria for granting exceptions to the dcnsity control regulations, etc. as statedin the meno dated l'lay 2I, 1981 .
The vote was 6-0, unaninous" (Jin Morgan had 1eft.J
The neeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.n.
IoPiiC -5- May 26, 198I
q 9--a3t:trr]inx)1!rrr!.re:rFri+ie e$.,,F{.=c?r-1ikr}-! I
P. O, BO X 60,1
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l{ay 2I, 1981
Planning and Environmental Commission
Coranunity Development Departnent
Public hearing and consicicration oftion for constructioir of a tr4ro storythe public 6or the Casino Buildins
an Exterior Alteration and Modifica-
addition with the alley open to
The Planning and Enyironmental commissio' at their meeting on March 9thhad a public hearing to amend the Urban Design Guide plan a:rd for a tirreestory building in the a11ey between the Plaza Lodge and the Casino Building.At that meeting, the Planning and Environmental comrnissi.on by a vote of s-iapproved the plan amendment and exterior alteration and rnoclif icat ion , ThePlanning and Environmental Comnissionrs action was then appealed to Topn Council.Before the public hear_ing took p1ace, the.applica't requesterl that the pranbe resubnitted to the Planning ind Environrnintal commission. The plan beforethe Cornnission on May 26 is the revised plarl for this site.
The applicant is requestingthat would have two f I oor-s.
way to come and go from the
the constructi.on of a building over theThe first floor irould continue to be a passage
Plaza and Bridge .Street.
The Vait Village Urban Design Guide plan
connecti olr (covered) fron llridge Street
.sta.tes tliat this area be'ra rnicl-b]-ockto Vi l lagc Plaza."
fhe proposal does al ]ow fo' trre "mid-b1ock,, connection (covcred) froin Bri_clge streetto Villag,: Plaza" a.s notetl in the Vail Villagc Urban ttcs ign Guide plan. A coupleof concerns of the staff are steps r4t thc wcst cntry to the alley and the height.of the covcr over the a llcy. Sincc the atr 1 r:y is narr-o,.,r ru ith not a great anorntof natule j l ight, stror-rld tLcrc be moLc enclr:l;urc at thc wcst end? 'i'he viov throullirthe spacc v,'oul d a I so be interrup letl. In adri j,t. i-orr, hci 1,;li1 of the second f I oorcottld gil'c a nore crtclosed fceling wit-hin tiri..; rralrorr, ip,,.". The stsff consiclerstirat the solution pr:oposecl strll clocs not prov.idc a gooci 1:cclestrian corri-clor,
Alley Project - 2 J;rt 21., 1981
Vehicle Penetration
There should be very few additional vehicles entering the core because of the
smal1 size of the office space.
Streetscape Framework
If the buiding is approved by the Planning and Environnental Cornmission, greater
attention to the streetscape in front of the entire Casino building needs to be
Paxt of the approval . Currently, there are drainage probleins, and the sidewalk
area between the building and street should be inproveC. Brandess-Cadrnus Real
Estate has rnade some improvements by adding a bench and flowers during the sunner,
On the west end, the applicant will be responsible to irnprove the walkway to thebuilding from the cornpleted plaza area. Surface treatnent should be the sameas the plaza, The applicant should also be respon-sible for improvenent to thealley and the connection to the Village plaza.
Street Encl osures
This would not change by the addition of the structure to the alJ.ey.
Street Edge
No change by the proposal .
Building Height
t- tr*"rrt *ts the hcight requirement establj-shed in the Design Considerations,
A concern of the staff is the flat roof under this prouosal .
The proposal does not
Sun Sha cl,e
inpact ary view corri.dor.
No irnpact because of the Plaza Lodge.
Parking: At thc timc of building perni.t, thc applrr:ar?: r.rill bc::equired to pay
applice.ble i:'arking fees for the office use,
conditional use: Before a bullding permit i-s ussue<i, the applicant will need
apprctval of a conditonal use request to pcrnrit office sp;i.ce on the sccgnC f1oor.
Allcy Project - 3 -fr et,'1981
Architectural and LandscaPing
The exterior design will be reviewed by the Design Review Board to deternine
compliance with the Vail Village Design Considerations.
Legal Consideratipnq
The Town attorney still does not consider that the applicant has clear title to
the property. BLfore a building permit is issued, this must be shown and approved
by the To$,n attorney.
The Cornrnunity Development Departrnent recommends denial of this request. Every
space in Vail Vj.Ll.age does not need to becone a buildj.ng, and there is a better
solution to the pedestrianization of the alley. ltlhen the a1ley is improved there
needs to he a solution to insure use b1, the pedestrian.
If the Planning and Envi.ronmental Corunission approves the request, the following
conditons should be placed on the approval .
That the applicant and owner agree:
1. To participate in and not remonstrate against a special improvement district
if one is forned for Vail Village^
2. To improve the alley to Town of Vail standards including necessary lilhting
and .improve the area to the Village plaza,
5. To work with ottrer or',,ners of the Casino building to improve the draining prob-
len along their sidewalk on Bridge Street.
August 31, 1981
Gerry lfhite
Roger Tilkemeier
Dan Corcoran
Duane Piper
Jim Morgan
Ron Todd
meeting was ca1led to order at 2:00 p.n. by the chairman, Gerry white.
1, App:gval of minPtes of July 27, 1981.
Dan corrected a statenent he had nade concerning the Hopkins item to read thathe felt that the Tovm was gaining by lt{r. Hopkins building enployee units.Roger Tilkeneier hadnrt been listed in ,'nember.s presentr', Dan moved and Jin
seconded to aPprove the ninutes with those corrections, The vote was 5-0 in favor.
lnt4ent of nernber to DRB neetinss for 3 months,
After discussion, Roger rnoved and Dan seconded to appoint Duane to DRB for Sept,Oct, and November' Dan voltmteered to take the nexi-5 onths--Decenber, Jaauaryand February. The vote was 4-0, Duane abstaining.
3. Request for a minor subdivision of lotr lf..ti I, Vaii Vil
Peter Patten showed the site plan and explained that everyone thought that theparties involved had taken care of the ninor subdivision Lefore Ipanena was constructed.Dan added that a condo map would be filed this week that would show the correctl ines .
Peter Patten
Peter Jamar
Dick Ryan
Larry Eskwith
Betsy Rosolack
Jirn Morgan rnoved and Roger seconded to approve the minor subdi.vision request assubmitted in the nerno with the restriction that no additional GRFA be added.The vote r.ras 4-0 with Dan abstaining.
st for a density control variance in ss residential floor area incordance wit tion 18.60.in order to
a sun roonl to unit 9,
5, Block G, VaiI Das
Fil ingSchone,
'$t .t
" {ii
rWvr/ DATE:
t'{ay 2L,1981
Planning and Env j.ronmental Cornnission
Comnunity Developroent Department
Public hearing and consideration oftion for constnrcti.on of a two storythe public for the Casino Building
an Hxterior: Alteration and Modifica-
addj.tion with the a1ley open to
The ['lanning and Environmental connission at their meeting o' Marchhad a public hear:ing to amend trre urban Design Guide plan and for astory building in the alley between the plaza Lodge and the casino
the nlan amendnient and
Unvironncn CaL C.:m'nission by aor aLteration an
Planning andTnv ronnen
Before the public
be resubmitted tothe Commission on
Buil ding .
ication. The
appea ed to Town Council.hearing took
the Pla:rning
May 26 is the
p11.9, the applicant requested that the plan
and Environnienta.l Conrnission. The plan beforercvised plal for this site.
The a.pplicant is requestingthat woul d have trr'o
-f Loors,
way to come and go frorn the
the const:cuction'Ihe first floor
P1aza and Bridge
of a buil ding over the
woul d ccn I j.nue to lie a passagc
The Vail Village Ur'Lian Desig,rr Guide P1;rn statcs that this area be,,a. mj.d-bjockconnection (covercci) fro:l llr:i dge Street to ViiLage p1aza.,,
9OiltlLI4S4JUli Ir!-VAll:-xiu-AcE URBAN DESjGli t;UIDI1 PLAN AND DESlGN C0i,{SrDlll{.,\frONS:
llga 9. : t_1119*2" " r!oi1
'l'ire p::opo:;'r.1 doc:..r ai I cx'i for t-he rtnj d-b,l.ocl(,t coluection (covcrcd) fron Brlclge Streetto vi11a11c l)laztrt' irs rt r:ttec'l jn tlie v:ri1 iri.llagc url-ran Lrciign ouiiic pl.a1 . A c.u'Jeof L:ot]r:t'r'ril; cjl thc Staff itr-c steps at t_llc l{esi (rn i:t:,y to tlie a_ilc). a.n ci the hcightof the col/el c\rer the a.llcy. lc.iircc t|c al1c;, is )lilrrL\-( li,i.th nor a. grcat anror.ut tof ;ratuf ii l liglrt, :;lionld titclc be nor:c cnclosurc at the -n,cs{. cn,-ii T}te vicv,r tlrr:ouglrtltc spacc liuuld tL:io be i.n t cr r-up I cci. . hr iitlti,lticrir, l-reigirt. nf *,1,,, st,:co.,cl floorcoulil givcr a lnore cncl osc<l :l'cr: l irig w.ithiir this nri'ro,.t -ipr,...r,. T'ho sjr)aff consj.rier-.;that the 'solr-rt j.on Ir'o1;oscri st j.!. 1 iloes not plo!.i.cic] a good pcclcstr.lan corri.dor.
Allpy Prsjeer = ? = *oyer t-e81
$9hlcle Penetration:--:--:-==:::
There phould be very few additisnal vehiEles entering the core because of the
Enall siAe qf the gfftce spaee,
$trre9ts94p9 Franework
If the bUiding ig ppplqve{ by the Planning and Environmental Conrnission, greater
attentian tq the Streetssape in front ef the entire Cas-ino building needs to bepaTt pf the apprgval , Crirrently, therQ are drainage problens, and the sidewalk
afeA betttQelr the building 4nd gtreet shquld be irnproved. Brandess-Cacimus Real
Estale haS nade gprng inrproverFQrl!$ by adding a bench and flowers during the sunmer.
0n the 1,f95t e.4d, tlre applicant will be lesponsible to inrprove the walkway to the
bUildiirg f,rcn the epnpleled plaaa area, Surface treatment should be the sane
aS the p.\AZA, T|e appliEant Shguld algg be responsible for iurprovenent to thealle), aud the e$neetion to the Viilage plaza.
Stfeet Enclpsures
Thie \rsuld not ehange by the additiea ef the strucrure to the alley.
NO ehatse by the pTepqsal ,,
ff,g prqposal rneqlg the height
A Qensern qf lhe staff is the
dee,,s $qt irypast eny.' yiex ee.ur:idor:.
l{e. lnpec.t trrqqeuse ef the P,_laaa l,sdge.
lequirgment established in the Design Considerations.flat reof under this proposal .
Thc rrroposal
$un $hade
iiar\ing.: A.t the trnre of-bui!(Ung patnrt^ the applicant rsill be requi,red to pay
+.FPlicoble p,illkirr.g fE,es {p+ ttr,e qffiqs o,rse.
Qprrrlilioaal use:l Seforq a building pqxaiit is |ssued, thc applicant wilI need
?PPr'avei qf a condrt,qqal use ggqles.t-to, pgrnrit'offi.ce space on the second floor.
A1ley Project - 3 - Uaf f rSSr
Architectural and .Landscap j ng
The exterior design wj.11 be reviewed by
compliance with the Vail Village Design
the Design Review
Board to determine
Legal 9onsideration:
The Torcn attorney stil l
the property, Before a
by the Town attorney.
does not consider that the
building permit is issued,
clear title to
shown and approved
applicant has
this must be
The Comnunitv Developncnt Departnent Tecommends denial of
space in Vail Vi11age does not need to becorrte a building,
solution to the pede striani zation of the a1 1ey. Wlien the
needs to be a solution to insure use by the pedestr:j.an.
If tlie Planning and Envi.r:onrnental Comnission approvcs the
this request. EverY
and there is a better
alley is inproved there
r:equest, the following
J' t -,it 2t1 '1''t
-fl5/ r.'
conditons should be placed on the approval .
That the appl icant and orrn er agrce :
1. To pa::ticipate in and not remonstrate against a special improvernent district
if one js fo::rned. fo:: Vail Village.
2" To improve the a1 ley to Tor,rn of Vail st:rndar:ds i-ncluding necessary lightilig
ancl inprove the area to the Village pT.azao
3. To work with othor orr'nens of the Cas j.no building to irnprove the draj.ning plob-
lem alon si,der,ialk on Bridge Streett
o ,.)o
This is a new proposal to cover and improve the alley between
the Plaza and casino Buildings in vail village. Proposed devel-
opment consists of paving and upgrading of the a}le1'way at glade,
ancl coverlng the walkway with two floors of office space. Each
floor of office space would consist of approximately 450 square
feet. The office space would be accessed from a stair at the
northwest corner of the alley. It is felt that a clear soffit
height of 10'-0,' would be a minimum allowable clearance for
overhead. This soffit would be punctuated with recessed liqht-
ing as designed by a lighting consultant. It is further hoped
that new windows for display and advertisinE could be developed
into the south sicle of the Casino builcling ancl the norLh side
of the PLaza buildinq. Benches and limite<l landscaping are also
The proposal would not close or altei: any existing pedestrian
pattcrns. Tt is hoped ancl inter-,ded tlrat the proposal would
make the al-l.r:ry a safe and pleagant connection from ]3ridge
street to {'-h(] Plaza. Lighi:inq of the alley will bc desigrrcd
to draw peoplc int.o and throuqh the tiqht space.
This proposal will not
Core I vehicular acce s s
Exisling street edge
the use of rnatch-ing
Prli I d i rro hn i crlrl- rs j l. l
buiJ.ding '"vj. ll- have a
Alteration of the streetscape will be most noticeable
during the evening hours. The lighting of the al1ey will
let the Bridge SLreet pedestrian know that something is
happening through and hopefully beyoncl the alley (i.e.,
Hong Kong Cafe, The Lodge, Curtin,/Hill Building, and Wall
Street shops.) very l"it|le change in existing streetscape
will be perceived during daylight hour:s because of the
narrowness of the al1ey and the limited natural light.
This proposal would not appreciably alter the street
enclosure of Bridqe or Wa11 Streets.
will be expatrded int.o the alley with
pavirrg materials and lighting.
affect any existing Commercial
be 30'-C) " f ron B::idqe S'creet. The
flat brrilt*up tar and qravel roof.
There are no sigrrif .i.cant vicvs throuqlr the All.ey at thjs
time. Garton's deck, the Plaza l3uilclirrg cl-rimney ma$s,
;:nd t'hc anqlcs bctu'ccn the trvo builclings prolribit any view
east or wesl. 'ihe proposecl off i,ces on thc lvest and east
,tvi]l- hcrve excellent views east ;rnd west.
The narrowness of the Alley prohibits any appreciable sun-
light. The proposed building would not alter any sun,/shade
patterns significantly,
A conditional use permit will be required for offices on a
third floor in Commercial Core I. The applicant will pay
ai.l applicable parking fees for Lhe office use.
This is a new proposal to cover and improve lhe alley between
the Plaza and casj-no Buildings in vail village. Proposeil devel-
opment consists of paving and upgrading of the alleyway at grade,
and covering the walkway with two floors of office space. Each
floor of office space would consist of approximately 450 square
feet. The office space would be accessed. from a stair at the
northwest corner of the alley. It is felt that a clear soffit
height of 10,-0,' would be a minimum a]lowable clearance for
overhead. This soffit would be punctuated with recessed lighL-
ing as designed b1' a lighting consultant.. Tt is further hoped
that new windows for display and advertising could be developed
j.nto the sout-h side of the casino buildinq and the north side
of the Plaza buildinq. Benches ancl limited landscaping are also
*^^^.:1-.:1 .: r-: ^^},\ ' 5:r.L! l !_L LJ CJ.
The proposal would noL close or alter any exislj-ng1 pedestrian
patterns. Tt is hoped and intencled that the pi:oposal would
nake the alley a safe and pleas;ttl- colrr:ectiou from T3ri.dge
SLreet to the P-l.aza- l,ight.inq of the a11.ey wil} be desi.gned
to d::avr people irrto and through tl:e tiqht space.
This proposal will not affect arry existing Commercial
Core I vehicular access policy.
Alteration of the streetscape will be most notieeable
during the evening hours. The lighting of the al1ey will
1et the Bridge Street pedestrian know that something is
happening through and hopefully beyond the al1ey (i.e. '
Hong Kong Cafe, The Lodge, Curtin/Hill Building, and Wall
Street shops. ) Very 1itt1e change in existing streetscape
will be percei.ved during daylight hours because of the
narrowness of the a1ley and the limited natural light.
nol appreciably alter the street.
or Wall Streets.
This proposal would
enclosure of Bridge
Existing street edge
the use of matching
ilrli l ri i rrrr hr'i nht railf
building vrill- have a
will be expanded
paving materials
into the al1ey with
-^r 1i^L't-.;^^cl l LLr JJYIIL!IrY.
be 30'-(J" frorri llridqe SL::eet. The
Fl.af 1-rrr i I I -rrrr {--.r ^FA ^*-..,,n'l rr..r{:
--.- clll(l rJLLrvu-r IL,,\rr -
There are no significant vjevrs thr-ough thc Allcy at Lhis
tj"rne" Gar:ton's deck, the Plaza BuiJ-dilrg chinrney mass,
and thc anglcs between Ll:e tvro brrildings proirijrit any vicw
east or west. The proFosed offjccs on the west and east
wil-l have excellent vicws cast ancl west.
The narrowness of the A11ey prohibits any appreciable sun-
light. The proposed building would not alt.er any sun/shade
patterns signif icantly.
A conditional use permit will be required for offices on a
third floor in corunerciaL core r. The applicant will pay
all applicable parking fees for the offj-ce use'
Vail Associates, Inc.
April 28, 1981
,rv,r"/ 1.
u/ t\t'W .r.,'"
Ivir. Dick Rlzan
Tcr^n of Vail
Post Offie Box 100
Vai1, Colorado 81558
Subject: A part of l.ot f,
Dear Dick:
Blod< 5-C (Casino Alley)
Vail Associates is ar,vare of tlre prcposal that Pam Telleen has
presented to develcp the a-ir space over the prcperbr identified
above. Tte ccrq>any has ho cbjections to this if it prorzes to bein the best interests of tlre To,'m of Vai1.
Any ownership jnterest that Vail Associates may harre in tfie ground
or alr space will be negotiated with ltls. Telleen arrd should beof no concern to the Tc[^/n.
'\i, ,',' I
i,. 1:: L
',.X Q:
/l-i&,,-r- T"ULu'^'^t^
Roger W. Tllkeneier
cc: Pam Telleen
Jacl< I4arstrall
Jotur Horan-Kates
#$\t ,R
Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657, 303/476-5601
r5.'7r"g1r ii|)' "' .tin',1\
iI;:t:;r;6)lr--r: *i ,l l^r.
''r' :-
'ilir r, tF *-C€fTJi.: . l'*lfi',,,
. r.i {-)-*{J':R,:'.$-V!Y,l ;if 7 -\1f3t i} $
',l.'":ljl:t t'1-1 i -1.,,
'. F/5?Qrrln '{$'l{'T5"Ir'fi r{i.';
, ,iHj73
{ !,lY cili:? t3ilb;ffi:? :f.f }
.\ ,).r:-i ,i.'{i -qqi
:.ra [::.. .3;:'lin ii,r lllkn! i;flq, {'flfi} fr.9l
,'.f1 elh'r:..t! rl#1r*esr;
Jofrn M. Pekins/Architect, AA/r'oln nero*. 1ffi0 Lions nidge roop/t .2&Noit,@to.81651,:3og-476gs1s
April 27, 198L
Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Community
Town of VailP. O. Box l-00Vail, CO 81658
RE: The Alley Project on
Bridge Street
Dear Dick:
This letter is to request another formal reviewby you and your staff of the attached revi.sedproposal . I will work wit,h you, your staff, andthe pubJ-ic, in any way required so thal thj-s pro-posal receives the most thorouqh review possibLe.
Thank yqu.
ohn M.Perkins,
ua$r Application 27 April 81
r. Th5-s procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhich adds or removes apy enclosed floor area or outdoor patio orreplacement of an existing building shal_l be subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission.
The appl5-cation will not be accepted until all information is submitted..
ADDRESS P. O. Box 276, Vai1, CO 81658 PHONE 476-7432
P. O. Box 266, Vail, CO 81658 PHONE 476-3515
attached not.ice from Mr. Telleen and [1r. Cadmus)
ADDRESS P. O. Box 1105, VaiI, CO 81658 PHONE
ADDRESS 2Bl Bridge Street, Vai1, CO 81658
LEGAL DESCRIPTION See previous survey certificate and easement
FEE $100.00 plus 18+ for each property owner to be notified..
See previous survey certificate and easement
See previous property owner list
II. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information:
A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36', at a scaleof l" = 20,; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Community Development Department if justified;
NorE: Additionar information is being obtained by Eagle vatleyEngineering regarding the survey and easement..
Don Telleen ,; O 3 <)
Warren Pulis
Donald Huttner, M.D,
Leo Brandess
Mark Cadmus
Ranald Macdonald
Joanne Hilr 3o t 6t4f< '2f
chuck Rosenquis L / s 3 6:- // a''' Le
/ -2 rY u"4)u
Dick Brown S-rt t, i-/*1 ), *q o '"
Jeff Selby - Aoy rs-z-/
vincent J' Domenico 'L r( 6'L^-/)-- '2
Bob Lazier
fo seL'i ft-" fo ,"u=Penvn- &
24 Aprit, 1981
Planning and Environnental Corunission
Town of VaiLVall, C0 8L557
Dear Gentlemenr
Yail Associates, Ltd. by that certain deed dated Decenber29t 1964 and recorded on January 11, L965, in Book 1BBat Page 1J, created a restriction whereby no structureother than ex.:isting roof overhangs were to be construct-
ed over the referenced pedestrian easenent.
I have eontacted lvlr. Roger filkemeier of Vail AssociatestInc. (Vail .{ssociates, Ltdfs suscessor in interest) who
has informed me that Vail Associates, Inc. will concentto the building in or over the pedestrian easement of
whatever structure or improvements are approved by the
Town of Vail. .{ letter to this effect is forthcoming.
If the Town of Vail approves my project, I shall obtain
from Vail Assocj.ates, Inc. a written consent to such ap-proved project, prior to commencing construction of such
pro ject.
Very truly yours,
Pamela A. llelleen
BOX 1.105
lrpriL 22, 19Bf
fo lvhom It May Concern:
At a meeting r;f the Bc;arrl of ui rectors of thc Bridge Strcct'
Condominiurp Association on March 13' 1981 at 6:45 P'M' on
the Associit-i,on premises, ii- was unanitnously r:csolved as
Resolved t-hat Pameler A. Telleen has been
authorizecl to proceed i+ith plans to develop
an airspace (to be knorvn as Brioqe SLreet
condominium Unit #6) Lo be loca'bed on Associa-
ti.on .l.and bel--v.'een the I+ridqe Street Bu-i 1C'i lg
and the adjacent Plaza BuildJ-rtg.
The Association approves 6+ "a' 'revelopmentof two f loors of h,].l.l ..,',.. .:l lowing the main
f loor to re*t-i ,r r-rp€l i:o allow for peclestrian
nrqq;r.rc Uiloll secul.ir:q all rlecessary govcrn-
mer. I - r crpproval. s, and approval. of Lhe plans
;-,y the Association, the Association wiLl sel1
the right to const.ruct saicl sti:ucture and upon
completion wil I accept the unit as a member of
the Bi:idqe Street Association,
'T ^^Fr-i €-- r-L-. -ho Fnr-r=crni n,; i .-: a ..)n\.' nF t hr, l-rrf€l intentiOnf \-sr- LrJ. )' Lllct L Lrrr: I \-,/ ! (=\l\J-L.tlu Lr, cr \-\JP] \J!of the Bri-dge Street ConCorninium Association as containedin the minutes of March 13, f981"
8E$fCoPt .(-7,an Tel1.<nc
rk C.edmrr q q.5arr.l-:r r\r
5 ::ri! ':a,2",
Fe -'-r' o:' ! ! n-
Tolr of U: i 1'-5 lo:h Frcr:ere ll n aci!lr.r I tn 1..a-=-.1- -- _ t
:tr. llIorr D--.i-^!-L (JJ EtJ _
D e:: F=t=r:
T r: not in+.end t0 apFearApril', ',99i. Lle are into allorl fol ouhliE eccesspre:ert '.he ne!J desinn tcApr-iI 2!, '2c_1 .rcei!.nq.
b efore the Toun Councitt1e process of a desinnthrotrqh'.he "1I";-;;;"the Plannino Cornnission
at the
Theik ynu.
iinro.l.ol.,- -- l l
PeneIa Tel Leen
ll Ir
department of community development
April l, 1981
-----ft[or*l,tr. David- Garton-,'
285 Bridge Street
Vail, Colorado 81657
Dear Dave:
Yesterday at the Town counci l/Pl anning s Environnental commission
joint meeting, it was deternined that adding or rernoving gross
lloot "r." requires going thTough the exteliot modification procedure.
This would rnean that to add condos, you would be required to go
through the process.
appealed the deck expansion, and there will
on the appeal on T\resday, Apri-l 7, 1981 at
luun n
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
1303) 476-s613
The Town Counci.l has
be a public hearing
7:30 p,m.
Sincerel y,
-->\ /'
tL)n-, ['-
C ornmunity Devel oprnent Dj,rector
ol Dare fbri""ti""*-MAL
This proeedure is required for alteration of an existing building
which adds or removeJ apy enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or
r.fl".u*.1t of an existing building shal1 be subject to review by
the Planning and Environmental Commission.
The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted'
ADDross4o, &x A7O/Vn/l/4, PHINr.
B. NAr,{E oF App,,rcAr{rrs REpRESENrmrv, sblU fr7, PE3&HS
xnowss 20, Ht( QbQ/ va///@, pno*, #6'?#ll
E. FEE $100.00 plus 184 for each property owner to be notified.
II. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information:
A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale
of l" = 2lO'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be apProved
by the Cornmunity Development DePartment if justified;
effi., B-TD.,&uuu
Dear Si::s:
on Over
bu"i.Lding u'll-i"ch v,'otrl.d. be a r;rLtltistoi:y
fil.J-ingin the alle3r area io the
t \'.
,,, r.,{'-h
ir .' . .ii
l, '' :. i-;'itj ;',t.iif
T$4ffi Affi[ZOzu
Uffi &uffit$fr "qrum
i* 31,o,,.o, W.?W"Jdr
BUSTNFSS REpLTES: 7066 FrFr-t iuurra - scorrsDAlE, ARtzor,*A B'2FI - g4b-2t tB or u47-86to
Tllf: JEWELRY COfr,lPANY.7056 FIFTH rWEflUE - 947-8569
SUN ClrY: 10768 GnAND A\.'EN|]E SHOFPIIIG CENTER - 933-6005
tN COLORADO: ASPEN; TtlE COLUMBI|IE SHOP - 403 E HYr''lAN ST- 816J 1 ' 925-2S53
V/\lL; VAIL CUS I OM JEWELERS - 225 E. WALL ST. 81 657 - 476-3005
f noted an ar'ricle i-n the"Trail" vrith reference 'r;o hu-Llcling
Gartcrit s Cas ino
f rsish to go on reeord as bc:lng absol-utcl.y opposed t* sucl:
conetrltction, An addition of tha'L nature wsul.d cr:eate and effect
a1on6i Wal1 Street of a canyon--j.'i; vrculd c1o.3e in'lhe area... and clai:hen
it *c 'i;he open sun and make it ir,uc:]r less dsrsireabl.e for peclple to
enjo;,'ualk:ing along zrnd sitting, L.ircl , T fer::l., vct:ir signif:l.cantl-)'narr,r
all rnereharrts along; that s'breet. The co::e a.rea of vail is certainly
bu.iJ.'c iip enolr6h; i"i: j-s nor..' *i nli; -i;$ y,rcirh -i;r: p:::eselve .bhi? i-ltar;a, ard
cl:arac'l;er of the to"in that causes people'h* linger ancl enji:y itn alnd
in the fi.naj- analys-i-so tha-l; is v:h)'the.!:o.;;.ii e.xist{i" Anrl. s.r,; I feel
free"ly ttltl'r'it'lg accesli is of importance to evr',::.;gorre, I alr al-l-r o stror:,gJ.y
oppc.itcd to any alteraticrr of l.s.nd already cl.crij_ea.*ed fnr: pr.iblic vda.-t-lin'alr
baek "i.a u:or:c builcl-irig"
Thiirrk*you for ;rour consideration,
S i.nce::e 1-y nAr--, <l'/" \ -\-'\\----
To& I{cKcel
tr'a"i-l 0uston iiel,rcl.cns
Y,,,1-;Xr',fI"l;h'* IL'
/1 /?8/YQa,a-""A
, r -4-A{Xd.4z.z)>4*)
,,<r/\,2 L4_d<A_/ rt-1d4-. ///--rr'_t'y1_e)_.e_) .,ry.-L?-,) Q_6W::-A/U c.< tz-e/7r_
--{-- O!- \pa,e.t .t4-, a,e-Le-.,.-.}J*-t /^","- Vnra-,^-.i-,
-&*44 a-'.rs() .r4--/--1.-<,\),a..-,-\Lt/o o/o,r' c-o-tr.l"/-r-rrut,
-)n-'{,rtV Y)".-.,Q d"c+.tz-, 7 c-t-".-ttt <-b-a;r , Ou-,* pa,*-,
.r,o*i.&tll ,..n *J ,{d z-*a*r}4. I
a**7o*-; v *c At',r, ;,"ffT-*"+ -./*-,-Lt aot
crt o'lt"L -"nnfrA Jt-,*- ./*-t .u-,.*.rlozr-ob. [./r*l----.!-Lrt-
*4 h/.,-' ,/o ctttcl., & nft*r.*r? -r*14/
J/ *y on?u- -t/,..j --c-<-.<- ,--* L*z c.f,,-,-*.-
/)a- P/4A4^L) l*";t dd4'<-zi'f4'/ -/** l"-r-* ,5 -1/*.
rt-t-uz.7L-"--,t-t--*) {*t, -t t tt-rron-r.,:.t_, f.er-nu .--t4;_.,_, (_(4.o)-*-r._,t,-ro*
/) t/cz-lLo a4-f;tr-t:-t -{/tr,.t (,a1?--,,t,,s.1*<,/ ,,t*^" n t I +
e.t fz,,r-a-+,r4-) ,,^r t.-.A./,--u) */".ou----u*-.4
*n*t'/t- 4"/ u
-j/r., -r'.r.1.i., /L,---, LIr,r.rr'r*.,-^) t,t.-t.t-tc.{ortJ -,*-,(t. _/,,,-
./" (',,, 1,,L.
'.'--.i,1,, : A
11,.b ,,,-r, 1 A or,0c.) a.^..-,
azrr.r*t ---r-r-.*/- -t----. c-a-z,a-..*aL., /""1/, . - -,-** Ja"_*.*_--.-,*-/* ,6lt/.t o- Lnl, tL-,. Toa** I ?*r"Z,l
W /r*r*e-F /o /t'u.u^--"-- oo.lot ",iono&r- /
Orro, Pnrnnsorc & Posr
varr., coLoFADo ar657
May 14, l98l
(3O3) 476-OO92
{303) 949-53aO
l'{r. Larry Rider, Esq.
Town Attornev
Town of Vail'P.0. Box 100Vail, Co 81658
RE: A part of Lot F, Block 5-C,Vail Village First Filing (Bridge
SEreet Condominium Association
Dear Larry:
Reference is made to Ehat certain pedesErian easemenE(the "easemenL") on the above described property over which
Pamela A. Telleen has proposed to construct certain improvements.
The easement r^7as created ty resetvation in that certain deed(the "Deed") from Vait Ass6ciates, Ltd. to W. K. Whiteford, Jr.dated December 29, L964, and recorded on January 11, 1965, inBook 188 at Page 15 of the Eagle County, Colorado, records.
In addition to the easement, Vail AssociaLes, Ltd.created what appears to be a private restriction in the Deed
whereby Che building of any improvements over said easementis restricted except for some minor excepLions if approved byVail Associates, Ltd., or iLs successors and assigns. However,it is my understanding t,hat over the years certain improvements
have been butlt over and on Lhe easement including a coveredentrance co adjoining property, exhausL chimneys and trash
The purpose of this letter is to respond to yourrequest for a statemenE from Ms. Telleen as t,o her "legal" right.to const,ruct the proposed improvements over Lhe easement consider-lng the presence of said private restriction.
I have advised Ms. Telleen thaL short of a quiettitle action or declaratory judgment Ehere is no posiCive
means by whieh to assure her Lhat her proposed improvements
would not violate the private restriction. Hor"rever, I havealso advised her that Testrictions on Lhe use of land arestricLly construed, that privafe restrictions may be construedas terminated upon a change in surrounding use or prior uncon-tested violat.ions of the restriction and LhaL it is even
ffi; til'lnliu"' fa' *o
possible that. it might be determined that her proposed
improvements actually comply with the original intenE of thecreator of the restriction Eo Dreserve a safe and attractivepedestrian walkway (considerin! the approval of rhe projectas evidenced by the April 28, 1981, letter from Vail Associates,Inc. Lo Mr. Dick Ryan of the Tor,rn of Vail).
Pursuant to my advice, Ms. Telleen is presenLlyin the process of contacLl-ng real property o\^,ners in theviciniry of the proposed project who have expressed a con-cern about her project to determine if there will be any activecontest by such parties. If Ms. Telleen finds that any suchparty proposes to acEively oppose her project, she hasrepresented Ehat she will not proceed further.
In this case, we are dealing with a private restric-tion that may or may not be enforcible against l,fs. Telleen'sproject. However, the approval of Ms. Telleen's project by
Ehe Town of Vail and the actual construction of Ms. lelleeir'sprojeet in themselves will not violate the "Law" even thoughthe actual consLrucEion may resulL in some private personalaction againsE Ms. Telleen by a presently unknown privateparEy.
I believe that the Town of Vail should focus onthe question of whecher Ms. Telleen's project will improvethe Town of Vail by making a cleaner and safer pedestiian
walkway by putting Lhe presently neglected and bften Limesdangerous alley to a maintained and-beneficlal use. Thequestion of the enforcement of questionable privat.e restric-tions should be left to Ms. Telieen and her neighbors.
I.hope thac this lett.er is of some help in expressingMs. Telleen's posl-tion and I would be happy to discuss thematEer with you furt,her at your convenience.
Very truly yours,
William J. Post
cc Peter Pat,ten
Pamela Telleen
. Diana Donovanr, r".r"ild to the planning *a rnurroillar comnissionmeeting on March 9. lg8l
March 9, 1981
To Whour It May Concern:
I have lived in Vail continuously for 16 years and expect to spend the rest of my lifefere-' I am very concerned- (and perhaps too emotionalj about tire trend of developmentin the core, Each proposal must be judged by what is good for vail as a who1e. wenust not sacrifice the quality (whatever it is--a feering, quaintness, gingerbread,namow streets ' -nothing I can express specifically) what-has rnade Vail i su"""rr.It is the sornething that Lionsheid ir rnissing, aad'no one can consciously duplicate.
One of these physi-cal qualities is the appearance of a village of individual businesses'-norn and pop businesses rather than corp-oration chains. The lack of bulk and massive-ngss -a: irnportant ' You do not have to crane your neck to see out of the vil1age. Everytiny.bit of airspace adds to this feeling, 0nce airspace is 1ost, it can never beregained.
The walkway between the PLaza Buildi.ng and the casino is used more frequent ly thanmost people believe. rt does need to be improved upon, and a covered walkway as in-dicated i.n the nlaster plan,should be perfeci. From personal observation, it seensto be used most in the. early evening. rt is the shoitest route fron the parking srruc-ture to the ticket office also. wiih sone improvenent, it could becone uir l*po"t"rrtpart of Vailts maze of neandering streets. I believe this 'nazerr is part of i/ail rsquality a1so.
.rf the casino deck is encrosed, it would be vital to keep this walkway open.
Does vail need nore shops and offices? would they add to the vair -quality' or Justbe capit;afi?Tng on thai quality?
Enclosi.ng the walkway between the Plaza Building and the casino would affect DonovanrsCopper Bar as follows:
l' The trash sheds were built with Tom approval . Our alternative j.s trash canson Bridge Street at 10 p.n.
2. Exhause fan in north wal1.
Twenty orr nore percent of ourhills on the north side of the
this window lets in is an iinportant part of Donovanrs success for apreslight is vital for apres skil
5' A flue serving Pistachiors and Donovanr s is on the north end of the praza building,l\ihere would the access to it be in case of fire o, ".p.irri--6' The Plaza Building.wil-l be-vi.rtually inaccessible this surnner if all the proposedconstruction is allowed' Neither Telleln nor the casino has anyplace to put constructionmaterials and debris. Donovants has no off season--we have opened every day since 1966.
The si'gners of Telleen's proposal did not seen to be faniliar with the walkway, asit has not been filthy. and srnetty for at least five years--the point at which ourlandlord and the health i.nspector deemed it our responsibility. No visitor commentsare included. Did any of the signers know the size'of the ipace involved?
window space faces the al1ey and looks across roval1ey. This is our omr view corridor.
4. The light
ski. Natural
Donovan 3/g/8I p"c" I
An interesting aside to me is that this is the first tine in 16 years that the Casino' has claimed ttthe alleyr',
Thoughts and questions:
1. How nany contractors have successfully completed the ttmessyrt part during theoff season?2. How many consecutj.ve sunners has the village been torn up?3. How many tourists and locals complained last year about our constant state of
being under construction ?4, How will high air faires and gas prices affect the Vail economy?5. If skier numbers are linited, a fact, can linited skier nunbers supportunlimited shops for the benefit of Vail?6. If Vail Pass consttuction affected Vail, what will Glenwood Canyon construction
do for a 10 year period? We will be on a virtual dead end.
I an not against growth. I an against quantity which does not inprove the quatityof vail for myself, my fanily, rny neighbors and the visitors we depend upon.
thank you
Diana Donovan
P.S. I obviously oppose the Telleen proposal , but also the Casino deck and the RedLion Proposals, Vail does not need any additional buld for quality.
Monday, February 9, 1981
1:50 site inspections of Garton alley ancl deck and Luke,(lot g, blk 3, Bighorn 3)
2:,30 Study Sess ion:
To study a proposal to close the alley between the Plaza and the CasinoBuildings in VaiI Village.
3:00 Regular Session:
1. Approval of ninutes of neeting of January 12, 1ggl.
2, Approval of ninutes of neeting of January 26, 19g1.
3. Luke density control variance, Lot s, Brock 3, Bighorn sub, 3rd Addition(tabled froro January 26 meeting)
\''r' 4. A request for a minor subdivision to relocate an existing lot line betweenlots 5 and 6, Bighorn sth Addlrion. Appricantr Bjorn tsorgen.
5. A request fol an exterior alteratj-on and modification in Conunercial Core Iand height vatiance to construct an elevator at the Sitzmark bui"lding located.at 183 Gor:e Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Frj,tch.
5. A request for an exterior alteration and modification in Conrnercial Core Ifor the Red Lion building, to construct threc additional dwelling units andshops at 304 East Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Selby.
Published in the Vail Trail February 6, 1g8l.
Design Buide Plan and exterior
the Casino Building and Plaza
6erry:next item on the da is drnent t
tion request for the alley betlreen
Staff com:nents, pl ease.
people r,+ho are in favor
Tej-Jeen, and people who
area, namy tre j.ng residents
alterati r-j.
Lodge on Bridge Stree
Dick: Mr. Chainnan, and nembers of the board, this is actually a two par:t request.
The fj.rst part the Planning Cornrnission must deal with whether to anend or not amendVail viliage urban Design Guide p1an. The urban DEsign Guide plan was somewhat specificin this area, it talked about a nid-block connection that would be between the Plaza
Lodge and the Casino Building that would go from Bridge Street over to the recently
redeveloped plaza. It is the feeling of staff that until the opti.ons have been explored
regarding the a11ey, if it can be urade into viable walkway through that the opportunityof closing it in should not take place. The staff has reviewed thi.s and walked andI think :nembers of the Planning Conrnission have reviewcd this at the iirne the Urban
Design Guide Plan I'ras appr:oved and after that.. Again, it is the staffts feeling thatthere should be the opportunity to Look at improving this as one of the networks that
we have throrighout the Village, see if it ls a viable alternative before we lose thatoption:, I believe foteve::, once it has been enclosed and that we actuaily have a building
placed in that location. Talking to Gerry bcfore the meeting, he said it is a littled.ifferent than the Rucksack proposal because he thought it was a more viable place
to actual ly go throrrgh. I dld not have the opportunity of seeing that. Itve only
been in Torrrn for the past 2 yeays, so I don't real1y know the spirce that we1.1,but it vias something that was mentioned duri.ng the worlishops tha.t we had ol Vaii Village.
Many people thought that that connection was a very viable connection for Vail Village
and should not have been closed in. Again, it is the recommendat j.on of the staff that
u'e should explore as a comrrunity and see 1f it is rea11y a viable r,ralkway before we
make a decision of changing the--amending the Urban Design Guide Plan possibly allowing
a building t0 take place there.
$"ly*, Thank you. We have two long lists of signatures ofof encl osing the alley, and the lists r,iere cir.culated by Pam
signed the li-sts rr'ere all people who were f;Lmiliar wi.tl-r theof the Toi'n of Vail, Rre theie conment! from the appli-cant?
J_tltn-l.r, r l.'iiis: rtn .Iohn Pcr.'lri:.rs and I a:n repr r:sc:ij:i.1lg :r1c applica.nt. Itn about to
lose rlr' voice--I have a bad co]d, so I'll be ve:-r' bt'ier'. This r.ri"1l be tire third t:i:nethet )'oi1 gtii's have seen this proposal , an 11 I thinlc ruervc stated iii the previous thrce
meetings r,rhy ne don't feel that this thing is ever going to worii as a viable pedr:-st::ian
waLkway. Drainage, light, lr:.ck of any focus of anything, especi"ally moving fron an
East to l{est direction. The ice run-off in the winter nakes it just about irnpossibleto get through. The existing trash enclosures that are there norv, we feel like are
probably off of the property of the Plaza building, and shouldnrt be therce. The ormerof the Plaza builcling has st:rted that she did not warlt trash in there, arLd that has
been her po-sitiott for -sone tirne and the trasl-r remained in there. I dontt know--those
are ny basic points, and werve been through thein, like I said, 3 tinies before. l{efeel like wetve got a better solution here, and with r:espect to Dickts point, I think
we coul.d ttait around forever and see nany ot-her proposals, but rve have a proposal here
now werd like you to consider. Now, Dick, do you h'ant rne to run through tire buiidingor are tr'e going to decide on the anendment first, or r,/hat is the procedure?
l)ick: I
exr er iof
tirlnk it j-s up to the Planning Comnission, if they want to go through the rr'hole
nnd then cone back and deal with the arnendnent and thcn deal with the Conditiona.
Cggy.: I think you could go qurckly through that.
jg}n.i 0.K. Since you have seen this 1ast, there have been a couple of noclifications.
i{e wott1 d now proposo only one s}rop on thr.: lower floor uith prirnar:y access f rorn Br'.i.iigestreet' The entry has bectr flip-fiopped. Prcvicusly i;l.ie door vra-s on the north side
e TeIleen
PEC - page 1- s/glet
the entry door is to the south. Pistachiors entry way would work very much the waythat it is now. A couple of reasons for doing that. It alleviated problems of gettingin here and turning in a very tight area. We also feel like the conslruction process--in the construction process, l.tre can inprove Pistachiots contuing operation while wetre
under construction by keeping this a straight shot for him. The shop would have asecurity wall-type closure. That hasn rt been speced yet, but wetre thinking some sortof iron separation system that possibly could go into the ceiling or sone iron gatesof sorne Portion. We would like for this to be closed, and yet 1et the traffic intoPistachio's be able to see into this display area. You then cone down three risersinto this shop' The door and everything would be at Bridge StTeet leve1 and there
would be that elevation change inside the shop. The other major change-- the uppertwo floors now have been converted to an office operation, aE-your nemo said. A-coupleof reasons for that: The noise factor at Garton,i and Mrs, Ilillts opposition to noiseimnediately on her north wall, We think the offices with the day tim-e use would be
n0ore conpatible there and the building still act as a noise buffer. Itrs our thinkingthat one tenant would take both of these floors. However, if that isntt the case,I've shown it divided off into 4 basic very srnall office spaces with a bat-h on thcmid level . The staj"rs are now a scissors stair fron the nid-floor to the upper floor.
They are in the sarne position. We tried very hard to work these stairs lnto-the frontof this thing so that those offices could have the tsridge Street exposure, but dueto the narowness of this throat, it forced cverythi.ng too far in here. That cornerbeing the only 90 " angle, itts the most obvious place for stairs. Archit ectural ly,thi-s proposal has been different every time you hive seen it. We now feel like we
hope to have a flat roof approved. This roof would not be f1at, but would be cantedoff of thc Plaza building behind this parapet and would drain dohn into an interiordrainage system which Itve been through beford. It sinplifies a lot of things. Thelast drawing you saw on this had rnany different cants and valleys and things. tsy extendinthi-s flower box out to a portion of Gartonts roof, it gives rne a point here where Ican cant back to this drain. I'tI do the same thing to that sicle which wontt be asvisable. This roof would have a slight pitch off, brj,nging everything into the 6inch roof drai:r. The rear elevation does not take into aciount itr" oih"r propo-salthat youtll hear today. Thls win<low would be on that stairs, you cone up with decks-sti11 on the--off of each 1c-'ve,r. rvith fl.olser Lo,,:l':,, 1\1:r sti^11 feel. lilie ti,: archite ctu.i:elcharacto:r i-c either residenl.ia1 or. corn:nercial, , . ;crrrI think you could t.el 1 any dif ierencel{c generally like the detailing of the Curtin-iiili shop in thl nei,r builciir:g. i can'tremenber the official name of that building, but we liie the panecl windows, we thi,nkwe would use some fine detailing and paint work and try to bring this into the sna1lscale architecturally that the space is. The fire wa1is, again, would be 2 hour occu-pancy separation wal1s along both existing buildings, and Nlr. Swalson has indicatedthat he thinks that is better than the conditi.on that is there novr. lle?d also usea class A paint spread on all interior naterials.
The constmction staging is a very difficult issue, and I dontt real1y have any rnagicsolution to that problem. The storage of natcrials and the time that businesses rnthis area will be affected is a different problem. I am hoping that if these two pro-jects should go at different tines, that perhaps Gartonr-s dLck could be used for stagingof sorne light materials. fleavy naterlals, f tlink that we would have to hopefuJ.lytry to work something out with the Town sornewircrc and store those a nin imulr anounrof time and get them in place. I think Irve coverecl everything--if you have questions.,
Ge{{y: Are there any other questions? 0.K, Are there any other coffnents frorn the
audience ?
the Planning Commission. Werre dealing rather with the space.
Knox: You are dealing with the ability to construct it, so thereforeiilE-the space.
George Knox: Doesntt the Town ordinances say that there will be no naterials stored
on public streets etc, no construction trucks and everything will be parked. . . ;
right now with
you are dealing
Gerry: we arentt going to deal with the actual construction proiect
Gerry: The Town regulations are, of course, intact, and they will control abuse ofpublic rights-of-way.
John: We're hoping to use some of Gartonts area,materials. I'in hoping that it can be staged, that
sonehow so the storage is as close as possible to
Xqgx: l{hat is this building going to entail goingEt6--the sewer? 0n Bridge Stieeti
but that certainly wontt cover heavy
the construction can be staged
the area.. ...
into the sewea, where i_s it going
:John: The roof drain is going into the storage .sewer on wall street.
Knox: furd that area is a1l going to be torn up again.
I,tthere is the other sewer going to go ?
John: Itn not sure. It will be to the closest one.
Knoxj Donrt you think thatts an irnportant part of..for the inconvenience..you know, Irve gone t-hru...Irrn not nccessarily against it, Itn tired of being outof business in the suruner tine. Everybody is siiting up on these boards not giving.,.First of all, youtve got to get i.nto the sewer:s, ro ttou' the street's all torn up aga.in.And you don tt knorv how yourre going to get into the sewer- -that r s what I r^,ant to knor,r,,and I don't think it, should be appnoved until j-t's found out how yourre goi-ng to getinto the selrer, until a.ll these ihings are takcr .,.:are of . . -..
Jql-ni If the closcst seler is in Bridge Stree{-, yes, r,i,e will go into Bri6ge Street"
KJro x : We 1 1 , we don r t know, and lrrn concernerJ.
DiSk: George, it rnost 1ike1y wj.ll be Bridge Street. There is a problem with thesewer main., and there has been a problem with the sewer main on Wa1l Street.
Knqx: Is there a problem wi.th the sewer main on Britlge St?
Ryan: No, on ltall St.
"'SgL Wcll, as I understand, there is a problem that remains rvith the se\^/er on BridgeStreet, aI so.
Ryan: I haventt heard of that one.
Knox.: (intel1igib1e--sornething about going into that sina11 sewer line)
Gerry: As there any other comnents from the audience?
Diana Donovan r (Read a letter that is attached to these minutes)
gglggf Jglg-(owner of Pistachio's) I've seen this project for some little time,Irve seen what goes on in the al1ey, Irve been there--this is our 6th winter. Irm
opposed to this project, No. 1, werve had a vcry bad winter. I think itrs pretty
much know throughout the village that everybody j.s not in very good shape. f ttrir.t<any loss to our business to construction, inconvenience of entry, is going to hurt
us_ severely. I agree that the alley needs sornethi.ng done to it, It.ts pretty muchof a rness. Itts clean, but itrs a mess. ltrhen Garton dumps his roof in ther'e, itleaks into our building, it makes a wa1l of snow thatrs 3 feet high. Granted, that
snow has to go sonewhere. Fortunately they haven't had to clean their roof off thiswinter. I think I could go along with a covered walkway through there, but a buildingI don_rt think is going to solve anybodyrs problerns. My-biggesi opposition to it,is, what is it going to do to my business ihis su*'ter with a torn-up entry-way anrlconstruction rnaterials piled up all over the place? I don't personally believe thatthey can be kept off site. Itm not a developlr. Irve only gine through a coupleof buildings in my life, and I donrt personalty see where they can put their materials
sornewhere e1se. It would be an anazement to ne. Thank you io" your time and yourconsideration of ny points.
Scot!: One question lt{r. Knox brought up. Irm assunring that j-n oul: pl. anning and buildingpernit process that if the cornmission approves a project that that in no way inpliesthat the sewer dept has to provide sewer--I nean thatts sti11 judgcd on its--I meanthe project could be stopped at any point because of lack of t'acilities or even lackof being able to mect the Town codes in being able to build the building, and thattsnot a consideration for us at this point?
Gerry: No, and I ivould add that there certainly can and should be conditions forapproval, one of which would be construction naterials. For examp1.e, where tncy a3e
1to1ed, how they are brought in, timing, etc. r think that that not only is varid,I think it i.s necessary.
-DY3*l Gerry, are you saying that you think this should be a condition for approvalto this p::cject? By this corrrnission?
!S:fy-. I think there should be conditions for approrral, if approva-l is where vrerregcing t0 gc).
!19:"., -r\re tr'e:rea1 l.y, though, in a situation 1., l:c-i-lrj-s doubling ul r,,hrt alrezLdyexists uitliin the fr:ulelr'ork of the Tor,n, ca1 I j.t their red tape, i.:t you wi11, in asituation where itrs presented to the Town, itrs rny understanding that staff makesconditions of builcling site in terrns of construct j.on fencing, in te ns of vehicl"eson site, in terns of rnaterial storage, etc,
Dick: There was an ordinance passed by the Town Council last year uhich restrictedTEe anount of vehiclcs on sitl, and tire Design Review Boarcl r.roul d revj-ew the typcof fence, where the fence was located. Sone of the issues that Gerry wants to purinto the whatever the recommendations are here for approval. Specifically, it'i therequirernent of the DRB that they look at fencing..
Duane: We would be duplicating what already..
Gerry: In effect, rue would--wctd just be addj.ng a litt1e nuscle to it.,and secondly I think Bridgc st is a rather unusual street, I donrt thinkthe general criteria for development in the Town of Vail.
lugre: Another point, specific to that iten is that the staff says, I'i-f we hrere toapprove this" thcy have sevcral conditions of its appearance which to ne again isdup].icating rvhat the Design Review Board would t"" and revieru in this matter.
first of all,
it fits into
PEC - page I0 - 3/9/8L
Dick: - I think part of it is conditions to inake sure that we have the irnproved enrry
ways the shops that would not necessarily be a requirenent of the Design Review tsoard.If there is going to be access out by Wall Street, the Town project only took j-t to
a, certain point, in that it should be irnproved from the edge of the Town project tothe new entry way of the building itseLf.
Duane: So you are asking specific points to program
P&! That would be part of the conditions of approval for this project, that wejust would see not the end of the plaza, Uut thii there would be an actual walkwayin order to get into the building
puale Could I ask the architect, are you aware of these requirenents that the stafffrG-?iscussed? Do you agree with theni
John: I think so.
Diana: I talked to a couple of people from Vail Associates, I said why wasntt thisf6E-deeded to the Town in the blginning when the streets were deeded? They saidthat it was an oversight. It should have been, but it didn't get done for no particularreason. One person saj-d, ttlf this is not approved then Vail A-s.sociates will deedthat easenent to the Totr'n,'i And another peison higher up i.n the crganization saiclthat they knel notiring about the al1ey whatsoever.
qcott: Again, since I an new on this co!$rission, if, in taking somethi-ng like thislnto consi.deration, I have no problen with the merit of the building and my feelingsabout that sPace. But, now we have 3 adjacent shop or,,ners here who ar" "grinrt th*project. I haventt heard them..I feel in ny mind that their objections tJ this projectis based primarily on what itts going to do to thelr business during this coming suruner,J guess my problem is is how much weight dcl we give to the feelings of the neig[boringbusinesses ?
Gerry: We11,- it is certainly a factor for consjderation. I would pursue that just
one step further and do -sonething rather unt:.srral., If de]lveri.,-.; .u-r*ie -specified forI{ai l. Sl: , on1y, 'thc i'.1i4 si'roi:c that rr,ol;. i 11 be ri,f a. ;. ;: r;i,.t:;.ei y aff ecte d in my opinion, a]nlriay,would Lt' tlte Si1'uc:rL;riii.th, r','lich be1ol3,:; to Dhr'.r.:lJecn, and thc Va11ey Foige, andI wonder', l'ta::ren lrnlis, ir9 yc.:u have :r:iy fee1I.i:i;:, alrout that-of constructlon naterialfor this project?
Pulis: Deliveries will interrup all of WalI St. I know that it's going to affect6lir6usiness. lVe have a lrery hird to get at (not at nike, so hard to hear exactty;these people are going to suffer lossei frorn noise or exterior obstruction. ..,.If-it rrrere spli.t into 2 different building pcriods, I don't know if it would solveanything or not. .....sonleone will make $, sone lose.
S"tiyj- To-say there will be no growth, due to the fact that any construction wouldbe deleterious to the existing busi-nesses is a step that we havln't. considered, andI don't think that at this point in time we,re prepared to take.
Knox: I think that werr.e addressing the wrong group. I think that what we're basicallyaear-ing with in this Town is adclressirrg future grohth, within all these areas. rthink that somet.ime .. wetve got to stop whatrs going on in Vail, Colorario, and itrsget"ting scary' and everybodv has their hand out for one nore dime on any little spacethat they can get in this town. I guess if I stood out on a street in VaiI ancl askedevery single person who walked donn the street, "Do you like vail as it is now, youwouldn't be getting very good answers, cuz everyone of them would sign that peiition,and that wouldntt be very fair to you, either. But the point is, there u"" -o lotof peoplc r,v'ho keep coming back to this town, theyrre gctting tired of this Town
PEC - Page ll - 3/9/81
New york city. It's getting rea1ly tiai"iioit. And for-some r:eason' there isn't
anyone in this to"n wfio has the *"' to-!lo;i; '
*i'llil:".':i"i:::sF,:ill.;;;-:"'i i"o" ^l !arkea
to Dick Ryan earlier, and he said t},tttr"t},J"-Ct"t.ii's position' youtve go to get
to the council to get these things stopieJ, These projects thai you all are looking
at right now are going to lead.to tot" oi*tt'"o"-I pio*it"'{ot'anrl there are going
to be court ""r"r.nI everything "rro,'ir-ri,rlu"ay
doesntt stoP these things there
are going to be nore and more of tiren, ;;"-;;; tott atr ove:: t'hat core alea and see
where it is going to go '
Dan Telleen: Mrat George j-s talking about is true, but I, think what he is talking
,,out-rsn'w',"'.,""-Jr^io. ti,i, pran is I e;;d";i; f:" ll: allev or an improventent
to the looks of the Tohn, but just 1,ow ,n -,.i', *ot! "o,,'ttuction
petple can stand' and
whether or not tfr" .onlituction that go"r-." is conpatibte witir businesses around
it. you asked warr"n if deliveri", "orrii u"alt"t hii business or if it wouLd Lrother
nine, and it would U"'ft"t-ty-uusiness ti-tn"t'-n"pn:t"1^':l::t 10:00 otclock in the
norning. If they happened before that'_).ikc Johil. is saying, if thc timing is correct,
then thc irnpact is going to be prctty ti"i*"l on ny busin"ti' b"ttttte the pounding
and the stonping tr.,It 96 on arenrt goin-g"io l" rigirt- over. nv hcad' And I think it
is going to be ninifi"r"i.t"t"ri,r"ir3r iit""l"""tti'-;t r''hich is rea11y ihe construction
worker rr'ho gets ott work when constr"tii;;;;;;;-;t:'99:lclock' or for Pistachiors'
the business starts iot- aft" tlinner ft""t-""a'gtis on i'nto tne evening' after construction
has stopped, so the .ona"trr= that George--r]url I go alorrg with, too nuch construct ion
or construction that hasn't b""r,.otpuilUi""iti"rt=inl rais tttui tft" Town has already
set up to nake sure that bni-ldi-ng r"a""i*i, are hldden or t}re inrpact is at a minimun
because noncompatlDle construction pto3ili= t"ttiy ll:t^:I"ttoody' but' if you pass
the plan rvith the ia".-anra itts an imirovernent to the street and then the raws are
enforced like Gcorge is asking for to;#;"r;;; it',u.-o"tttJ"iion it compati'ble' rthink
the negative irnpact will be ninimal'
-9:,i::i::t... I don'1--k"1ow i'f lr'etre supposecl to add"cr-:r I'j'ne factors cr anything else
as lic:it;.g,e says, r..'n tlot sure that urr ir'," ptoblc;,'r,:.:i ;rtn,constlir''-i-ic'tt ilnd eve l-y1:hing
else, there,s a Lot of cmpathy tirat_ i ih:irk goes j ii.il.o this thin '1 because r:e know
pepi's is going to be undei constructio;"il;r-;;;'tcLr, and-tf't" n"a Lion' 1 assume wj-11
ro have a sewer tine dug up, too to ;.;ir;;. fuhether. soneone puts requirenents if
this thing were passed, this or Garton;l;- 4t iil"r'a 1i""-i" ai' it all in the nonth
of May, and naybe thatis what it tut"''-"ftith is a.1ui11 iontfr' ot frorn the end of
the ski season ti11 when the suruner ,"rror, starts to 8et ihe cottstruction as nuch
out of the wav as possible' It has ";";;;;;;l;-,1"-:]l:
past' be it the Torvn tearittg
up' putting nerv lines in. Cities .o,,ii]1.."riy change, wheti-rer ior the bettel oI not
is the arguenent of rrrho is doing it, ;; *ho'do*rnit want it done' I really feel
that rve need to address ourselves ut al-*ii"Ift"t'-titit alley way rrrith this proposal
should be accepted or denied. r tuu"";ii';;-;"f";", r d; fe;1 that this is a better-
rnent addition to the Tohm. Irve seen tf." uff"y a long '*; ;;e I havc:rrt seen anything
that has been do'e in 16 years, all of a sudden " ptopor"l comes that r think would
be an additon and enhancc the area' "ir'r""r-iiiat it ihouid be allowed to continue'
ia[iiion in tcrns of the space betwe""'ti."nt"r" Irllul:g:rncl tire casiuo building
which i-s now the s;i";;r,
-i tt,int. that that is not an inviting sfacc that tcnds to
leacl nowhere as you look at it fron titit" ti .' "et'"" tltougil-ii ab"t lcud sontctr4rcre'
itrs not a visible space from nr.,y*t'"""-oi Bri-dge St., whiic the allcy bctwccrl the
Rucksack irnd the Redllion was, it 1ed to a taiiiy la"ge su'cc at thc Mill (lrccK
court building. That, I thought, ro,, u.ty badthing to'r't.u. happcned' In this
particular ."a", I th|nk itrs i:-r the best intercst of t5e Town to enclosc thrlt space
t a
PEC - page 12 - 3/9/8L
for aesthetic reasons and because I think itts a hazatd..
Scott: Elaborating on what I was concerned about before, I agree with that project
as I see it on the paper, but now, I trn starting to say, is it going to be worth whatit will cost the neighbors there? It would be sinrple if there were another comnissionthat they went to after they cane to us to decidc on whether the value that the overall
Town would gain by this project would eradicate the loss of the neighboring shops,
and I guess it looks to ne like we have to make that value consideration in our decision
on whether to approve this project. I donrt think there is any other place that the
neighboring shop owners can go to prevent this. I guess they could appeal it to the
Town Council. I think that we have to consider nhether what the fj.nished productis going to be worth what it is going to cost these other shop owners,
Geny: Thatrs why I think the conditions for approrral are necessary.
Jim I feel that we were given a direction by the Design Guide Plan into the use of
Tfi-Is atea and if an infill such as this had been the diaection..it took about a yearto put the DGP together, if therc had been an indication that that would have been
the best use for that space, perhaps that would have come out of that p1an. Now,
because this is the first proposal that has cone in at that location, I donrt seethe necessity, because it would take care of a messt' situat ion that we have anotherdirection t-hat was pointed out to us as a viable nsage for it, to then tratlsfer overto the first thing that cones along because it's going to do away vrith perhaps unsightlysituation that exists now. It wasnrt urhat was proposed by the Design Guide Flan.
G.aylor: I think that rvetve looked at a 1itt1e bit of a possible enclosure in there.
I tn not sure that that is an ansr{er. Again, thinl:ing along riry li.nes, condj.tions|n not sure that that is an ansr{er. Again, thinl:ing along riry li.nes, condj.tionsr would like to see a 1ot of written conditions on tiiis, and rtm not sure that
what goes into the time frame that what ca.n be done--when <leliveries can be rnade,all of these things a:'e important. I{erve said il. cvely year, letts get a]l. the builclingdone, and every yeer there is rnore building so, I canrt say letrs build everythi-ng
and fnrget it for the one year. ft?s not practical ard itrs not going to work. l{hetherthis i.s the ycar to tr:i' t.ri do it, I don't !tnor,r"
!-:gii:,, (:rt:t at mikcJ ijr'cr)'tiue somethinli rpentr- :.:, 'r:l',at the a11ey has been there
...uol-hirigs el'cl' bsgl 613rr.. Eyct'ybody has lcrcJicit i;i. l)onoya:iIs to d.o soinething aboutit. l'ie tve always been under the inpression that j L belongecl to the Tornn and iverewaiting for the Torvn to do something about it........now the Town can do something aboutit. NOw that rve have the p1aza, ri'hy donrt you give them a chance to see j-f peopte willuse tha.t alley to the plaza. If you lrrere to sit in our bar sometimes watching peoplego through that altey, you'd find out there are a 1ot of pcople going through there,In the winter tvh en they canrt get through, the1, aa* rvalking lhrough our bar. So thereis traffic in the a1 1ey and it is used. I would ,rssume that with the plaza on the otherend, more peopte are going to use it, because it lvill go soneplace ttow. A building isnot the only alternative.
DaIt f.: The ownership of the building, it is my understancliltg that Ra:rdy McDonald hasr^tritt cn several lettcrs to the Plaza building asking thern to iake their dunpster outof-their.".it has gotten to the point where final 1y, Ir4rs. Ilili instalLed trash cornpacrersand instructed Donovan's bar and everybody else in the building not to use the dumlster.
Gerry-: If there are no further questions, would somebody tike to rnake a motion?
D1!\, The first motion would cleal with arnencling the plan ruhich does not need conditons,TfE a reconutcntlati on to Council to rccommend an anen&nent to the Urbaa Design GuidePLan. Thc second part deals with the exterj-or moclification. So thcre wj.I1 be two rnot ionsthat will bc presented on this question.
PEC - page 13 - 3/9/8L
Scott: I'd Like to make a motion that the Urban Design Guide Plan not be amended for
Th=if-proj ect.
Jirn Second
G_erry: libtion by Scott Edwards, second by Jin Morgan not to amend the Vail Village Urbar
5'esfg; pfan. All those is favor? (Scott and Jirn) Opposed? (Gaynor, Gerry and
Duane) Dan Corcoran abstained. The vote is 3-2 opposing the motion. Is there another
not ion ?
Gerry Then I will nake a motion to atnend the Vail Village Urban DEsign Gui.de Plan
to-Ticl.udc this particular construction between tl'e PLaza building and the Garton
Bridge St. Saloon. Is there a seond to that rnotion?
Duane I second.
Gerry: Moti.on for arnendmen, second b)' Duan e Piper, all those in favor of this
moTTonf (Duane, Gaynor and Gerry) Opposed? (Scott and Jim) 3-? and Dari Corcoran
abstains once nore. 'l'he not j.on passes.
G.err.y: Now, we need a:rother motion concerning this particular project.
Duane: Gerry, is there sone way that we can at- this point take the i-tems of clout or
nuscie that we wanted to put as riders to this under a staff advisement for a more
thorough discussion of it, or ale we at that situation leaving ou::selves totally open
to the notion that werve just passed?
Larry Er. The motion was rnadc without conditions and it passed.
Dj.c-k: The rnotion r,,as nade specifically for the exterior modification, J.f there are othel
E6idicions that you wanted to place in there, the staff has recormended 3 conditions
but the planning conunission may have others.
Duane 'l'iia'i.:rs u'hai-. I!n: e skistii, is i:;rer.:c a.',i y ci.,:..'-r;'::lr:lions or recctliinenrli:i iicns to ti"lir: i:
John Would you read those conditions aloud please?
Dj-ck: (Rl3ad conditons on page 3 of merno) Number 5 deals with rr'orki.ng with the Casino
building if that application i.s approved. It really deals with thc Wall St. side.
There have becn drai-nage problems there where water runs directly into a building at
times. The 3rd condition is to work out that situation,. As we note in the staff report
the realty' shop that is locatcd imediately to the north of the proposals has done some
inrprovenrents there which I think add dramatically to the aesthetics aLong Bridge St.
The planning that has taken place there, plus the bench that is out there. So has
the Coppcr bar this last year rnade irnprovements with plants and fl.owers. There can be
._ improvcrncnts along that whole corridor ivhich tie in not only with this proposal, but
also relieve some of the problems that we know of in that area, drainage, aesthetics.
John P. l{e ;-ould certainly do our best to solve the drainage. I feel sure that both
fry El ients . . . in seel-ng tirat the walkways are brought up to the s1-andards of the Plaza
Gerry I would just add one item that I think deserves sone consideration, and I think
that the pc,'destrianization of Bridge St. and Gore Creek Drlve and there for a specific
reason. Tltat is the heart of Vail Vi11age. That is Vai"l Village to a lot of people.
I think thc hours of de1 ivery of construction nrater-Ials need to be spelled out. I dontt
think those hours shoultl be after 10 in the morning or before 4 in the afterrloon. I
PEC - page L4 - 3/9/81
think that blank time for deliveries, during whi.ch tirne, deliveries that have already
been placed on site would be used for construction, of course. That will create somewhatof a problcm obviously for concrete, and this kind of thing, which will crcate somespecial assessments, but I do think th:Lt l{all St. should be used primarily, and thatBridge 5t. should be used only for ccrtain circumstances where Wall St, cannot be used.This is a reconmen dat ion for conditions to go along wj-th the motion for approval.
Duane: Gerry, I think there are even nore itens that we nay not even be thinking about
at this time specific to the building and the construction in that area. It mj.ght be
simpler at this particular point just to caution staff and have staff review every aspectof the construction, both in terms of scheduling, in terms of qualtering off the area,in terrns of de1 ivery, and let that be a staff itern of the bullding inspector's departmentIn other words, there are itens that are more conplete and rnore total than just a deli-ver;
time and a bLank time when deliveries cantt be made.
.G_e_rry:i Are you suggesting that we postpone this until the next meeting?
IggE: No, Irn sinply saying that the avenues for review of thi-s are existent under
the staff, and indeed they will be reviewed, that j-s already established that we have
9ggtgg: Are you all concerned about the desigii *f this?
Gerr{: Yes and No. itre are not concerned specifically with design. We are concerned
with the usc,
G_e.o-rge l\re1l,. in the design
to this thi-ng have the right
of the buildj-ng, Ittirat avennes does sornebody who is oppo-sed
to do other than the Tom Councj"l as far as the design
building infringe on a building already there? Donovanrsis concerned? How can this
has windows that have been in use for 17-18 yea:rs, That window was there before anybody
was her:c,
{g]titi It is a coilmon prope:-ty 1ine.
9qqgg. t,'irat if that ua-s t.hr,: o;rlly liih1- spar-. ' Lha.t building, uould you have tireriSht to just block it offl? I donrt underst:rr:i, r, irrr that carr be right?
.Pj""g: Can you see the reversal of that situatj-on, because that window is there, does
Donovanrs have the right to say there should be no construction on a site that is plannedfor deve lopment ?
Diana: It ?s not planned for developrnent.
Ge"orgga It j.sntt planned for development. You just changed that.
Duane: .Itts a void parcel of lanc, correct?
Dick: There is an easenent through there. It j.s owned by the Casj_no
George: I don't think that a:rybody planned tha.t there was going to bethere. It was not a planned plotted out 1ot, thc r.rhole thing was, but
was originally built, it r,ras not planned to be built on in a separate
agree to that? Now, at that time point, you have decided now that youbuild on. I{hat if I had a little business in there? ll'hat if I had a
would that gi.ve you the right to destroy the business?
bui l ding .
a building in
when the building
situation, do you
have a plan to
hot dog stand,
Duane Not
Geo I said
if it was arr approrred business. Do ;,ou have an approved business in the
what if I did have?
PEC - page LS - 3/9/BL
Duane; Then it would be an approved use.
George I like Pamis going to happen
block somebody's 16
Ger-ry: Geo, I would agree with you if it were a 20 foot corridor lined r,rith trees.However, it is not. Itrs 9 feet between the builclings, and it's an alnost unusuable
and certainly an unattractive space the way it exists right now, and a window lookingto a wal1 9 feet away does not strike me as a reason.
and Dan Telleen, theytre my frj,ends. Irm just concerned about wlratto this tohn. I dontt see how you got the right to go in there andyear window for the benefit of another building.
9gg"ge It does not look into that wal1.You cannot even
Gaynor; I wouldiTffiGre put on
by June lst?
.Crrf e: Sc vou p',-r sh thc con.ct:1.,r'ir.t cn pro,i *c1: ira clithis u.,, i:,i,t .,.busir,cs:.
John: I think we can provi-<ic an ent r.y to the
f;eofiTe into their busriress, aird that *u, orru
Gerry: I would have to say that one ofSt. side of the project be kept as clean
like to address the proposers of this. How would they feel if the irnposito start it imnediately after ski season and sustantially complete it
window. It looks right straight across Gartotr's deck upthe plaza where the Childrenrs fountaj_n is. you haven'lup and dolrn the street, and you didnrt go into Donovanrs
GeIr{: ltre are going to have to move on to some l<ind of
see the wall out of Gartoirts
onto that hill out there into
even been in there, You walked
and look out that window.
not ion .
i::to J'";::lr c:: -tu j.1'" r-i:: d I hli-: tc ke'.^,p l,:ringin j
busj-ness. Cyrancrs has maneged to get
of the reasons why the door -n-as ..
Cple And just let it sit unti.l October Jlst?
lg[t:f I!n trying to get a point ov alleviating construction problens as much as possible
John Gaynor, I donrt think thatrs possible, because r,re haventt even started contlactdocuinents and we have to go to the council.
Geo: lthy to council?
Dick: O'a plan a:nendment r.ihich is the first thing they voted on.
be left open and orderly,
frorn that entrance.
the conditions would have to be
as po,ssi-b1e, that the entrance
that the Bridge
to Pistachio 's
way taklng awaythat there is nothing obstructing it or in any
Dan C Ithy are the Bridge st. merchants any nore inportant than the wal 1 st ones?
Dick .I received a phone call from some of the people in the Lazier building
concerned about the next request, about the disruption that vrould takethe fact that they did go thiough a fal 1 thi-s year vrith thc constructiontook place, and there were signs that wcre only half visible at ti*es,concerned that why should they have the burden 2 years in a row on that
who were
place there
of the plaza
and they
side ?
ll:rn C The merchant s on i{al 1o?-Tfth the redoing of trralIlast year.
St. have been disrupted 3 years in a row that I can thi-nkSt., the redoing of the redoing, and then the construct.ion
Jin ftrs not evcn a logic;'rl progrcssion of the nnterials to go dorn and cone up. yourre
E6rning up a full levcl jrrst to g-t to where you are wor:king, whcreas, on Bridge st,you are on a straight...
PEc page 16 - s/9/8I
GerTy Rather than decideI think be nost concernedVillage. We're trying not
in terms of what is easiest for the contractor, we will
wi-th what is nost inportant in terms of the character of Vail
to disrupt the flow of pedestrians, etc.
Robert 0liver Is it the interest of this board to keep in mind the
Ffiestm;Uation of Bridge st' and the Village corc? (yes) rhen, do you take decisionsto increase pedestriani zation, or to increase a greater vehicular ...,.
Gerry This is not a criteria for approval or disapproval, one can be interpreted in
wither way by a number of people
ll'ur C The vehicular problem as it pertains to the zoning ordinance only applies toffi-finished product. Constmction vehicles i.s addressing tt.te other municipaf coae.
Robert 0liver There are certain problems that are immediate, the sunner of 1981, andther€ are othGr problems that ....:..continuing..we go through years anp years of the
Town of Vail supaenaing people to try to create a rna1l act and you fight hard to tryto better thc conditions j-n the pedestrian core, but in the sane breath, the nexr year
you turn around, and not necessari.ly destroy, but weaken it with more construction.
Another consideration is how much money did the lbwn of Vail pay Gage Dbvis to do thisstudy? hhy do you go out and pay highiy professioral advice and turn around andsa1', t'trter 11 rnake an anendnenttt?
GeFy*: No, the motion was based on a dj.sagreement with that particular part ofthe
Urban Design Guide Plan and the objection to that part of it r,ras voiced at tl're tine thatit was made by me. I donrt happen to think that particular area qualifies as a viableal1ey that need-s to be preserved. It doesn't nean Irn agairist al1eys, I just don't thinkthat qualifies as an alley,
?female: I have lived in Vail a1l my 1j.fe and uoulrl much rather see a $hop therethan garbage. I think itrs a good thing. If you put the walkway in yout11 get ice anclsnobr, The cover could cave i.n.
!:f:y 'i'l::':i )t you, ir,re a::e goinll to hirtri] i:o malie l,- :,roiion ancl procecrl." '1'o desi.gnateally one proj ect a.s rea11y ihe nrajor contt'j-L)utor' ..ir tli,l one project t-het rill not be allow
due to disruption of tire village corc, fj-r. s1. of ali. -i s impc-rssible, arci secondly, ifyou are going to do it, you have to stop then a11. you can,t stop one pr:oject. you
are right, it is a very busy summer, in conmercial core I. The REd Li.on expansion, theGranshanner expansion, the Brldge st. saloon expansion if it is approved. itts u. 1r"rydisdruptive sun er, And I tend to agree, that perhaps there should be some kind of anhistoric overlay zone placed on it aitcr this yiar oi sone other zone, and say "Thisis the way it r,rilt be period" But, at thi-s point in tine, in ter:ns of this pioject,f don't think that we are in a position to siy that,
Geo ..if you put then on different weeks, we cantt figirt thern all at once..,.
.I think a.t this point, we have to nake a notion one way or the other.
We have sone that are approved and we canrt shut it off.
lVe can voice this sane concern to the Council interrn-s of the futrire. There areof projects in the rnill now is the Doint.
Diqk: George, one thing I?d like to add is when thcse projects went thru initially,and whcn they c arne up r^rith the new process for consirlcrition of projects, the question
was asked the Planning Corunission and also the Council, is there no change that shouldtake place furthcr in the Villagc? And thc answer came our, there is the possiblilityof change to take place j.n Vail Vi11age. 'ltrat change can takc place, anii lhere was no
. Gerry
PEC page 17 3/9/8L
guide line or requirernent or anything that said from now on nothing can change,
So that did go in front of the Planning Corunission, it did go in front of the CounciL
and that is what came out of the Council and Planning Cornmission at that time.
George I think it is unfortunate, I clontt think there has been a lot of forsight
fi tEe thinking of the Town staff, the Design Review Board, the Pla:rning corunission or
the Town Council . And surely from the town people nore people haven't come in to say
what they have to say about whatrs happening to this town. I'1L probably sit here and
lratch Bridge St. be totally destroyed again this sumner. I wouldnrt be surprised if
it is torn up again next suruner, stt.
Dan:T. Irn not sure that talking about one project or even a series of projects is the
Eo-frtion to the whole thilg, and have a question to Larry, is there a possibility of
solving this problem by having sornething somehow, pass an ordinance that every other
year will be i construction year, and that 1983 will be a non constrllction, people who
Lought property would know that when they bought it, and any Pl.ans that they would nalce
r,iould hive to be for 1984, etc. one year would be good, one year rr'ouldnrt.
Larry E. Feasible to pass a1l ordinaace, I think you'd have sone prolrlens. I think you
an ordjnance, if the scheduling is reasonalbe, artd the same
people who ask to build, then I tirink you could pass an or-
in a reasonable fashion construction ar:rl rvhen it could be
can schedule construction in
criteria are applied to all
dinance r+hich rvoul d rezulate
done .
D]rane: It is unfortunate wirat is going on here, but at tine same ti-lrtc, there was almost
i y",rr put jxto worksirops, etc. to come to thi-s Design Plan, and i.f there had been enougl
people like you who felt there should be no rnore building, then I think that was sone-
tning ttrat should have bcen taken up. Apparantly, that wasntt the cveniding view, anci
it seems like when it comes down to someone next docr, it starts hi'i:ting home,/
George I said that the people harrenrt taken an inter:est in doing it, and I agree
tfiIi?nere are al1 awfuf ly fot of pcopl.c tr'ho are really
mote here
9q::+:a- l- tr.t.le to i'i r.rt:i;-f,sc irll c; l..il.ey l'):r'i,'t .xc'i: r'ri.i.l: ';ll':, conclitc,ns a-5 ir':.r:rlrlnoir.de d by
1;t3,.' Ircl s.ure f:ke to pu'i: a j,ittJ.c j:l.;j:'e tcc.:'i;ri.r, this ihi:rg. J ilrnrt knc-r';
whe::e the De-sigr: Revicr,r Do:-rd get.'; i-nto :ii., and !,'.,: r,::;: dre build-ii:g t:t"'-.' e gots j-rto
I sti11 think it ought to be started by a certain line.
Gerry And that there would be sone restrictions in terms of delirreries, etc, as have
afreaay becn noted. Woulcl you like to include that?
Duane: Could we further amend this to say, trHave an item #4, that the applicant agrees
Eo-TEfie* uith the planning and environnental commission a staff -a1:p::oved constructi-on
plan at a later date. Hcre is what I'n g,etting at. That rvould allo',v for another
public meetj.ng, not just a staff approval in that office, but a public meeting of the
approval of the construction plan.: The constl.rrctiou plan would be dcfined as the schedul
-.of rnaterials delivered, schedule of tirnes of dellvery, etc.
So long as it didlrt schedule out the suruner of 198I, Dan do you have a feeling
that one way or the other, ?
Duanc: It would be to::eview with the PEC at afuiuremeetj-ng a staff-approved plan
ofTI; construction scherlul ing arlcl planter construction . 'Ihat rnerely gets to r'rhat
werve been discussing here before about lctrs not rnake delivcries after 10 or befote 4
in the cvening, etc. l{e havenrt rea1ly touc.ired on sll of these points, but these are
PEC page 18 3/9/8L
points that I would like your architect to go over with the Town Staff, the buildinginspector' whoever else would be involved with this, and then have it reviewcd pubricryfor another mceting with the PEC. This, I think rnay help alleviate sone of the-problemsthat.keep reappearing in our discussion as to what we are tearing up" when we aretearing, when we are delivering rnaterials, where, storage of nrateriais, no. of vehicles,etc.
D{t L First of a11", it-is not ny project. secondly, one thing that nakes ne verymhappy is the more meetings that wL go to, the less ihance to eonplete it.
I have a notion on that I havenrt even finished it
not ion .
BetY J love to approve the Alley project with thecondiiions as recommended by thestaff, 1,2,3, ,
SF{ a:,there a second? Then I will second it. A11 in favor? (Gerry., Gaynorand uuanej opposed? (scott and Jim) Dan cclrcora:r abstains, notion prsi.r"-if anyone rrculd like to apPeal this approval, can do so within 10 days to the ToMlCounci1 .
to add that the Tor,rn Council will be dealing with the planneeting which is coming up a week frorir this co*ing f""ldrt,of this, and you are a1l invited back to the Town Councii
J,rrn: 6eorge, I would appreciate it if you would put a petition together such asthat' and if you even.put a petition for a rnoratorirun on building within the village.lndayb e you can get some pcon1i irnified rt gets a little old, but no one seems Lo wanrto stand ui: and do anything about it.
read the
li"k I would just like
anrendment at their next
There wiil be discussion
meeting on the 17th.
i,{inutes continued on page 1g
yet.Betsy., would you re
PEC page 19 s/9/81
The next iten on the a enda is th exterior a1t erati.on and modif ^.+:c Casi-no lluildin lSr conment s .
Peteri This project is located adjacent to the alley, to the northwest, It is a proposal
for a 2 story office addi-tion, would be located exactly in the area wher:e Gartonrs deckis existing. The statistics here are approximately !!f^sq feet of office spaces proposed
on that deck in a two story proposal . To go quickiy/iflFi.r the Urban Design Guide Plan
criteria, we feel that the project neets the purpose of the CCI district as outlinedin the zoning code. There have been rt;o sub-area concepts relating to this p1an. In
other words, the Urban Desi.gn Guide Plan did not have any specific addressing of this
As far as pedestriani zation goes, the office addition wonrt affect pedestriani zat iol
on l'rtall St. Of course, wetve had a discussion here today in terns of pedestriani za:uior
disruption during construction. Again, that is not part of ey. rer,iet^r, we review these
on the basi.s of as-built as developed. It may jncrease the vaiiety of pedestrian path
near the south entry way by having pavers natching the village plaza pavers and connectingthat paver-.area into the plaza design. And, of course, John will go through the detailsof more of the proposal . Vehicle penetration: It would not in any way affect vehiclepenctration in any significant way. Streetscape franework: The soul:hwest corner of
the bui.lding is supposed to be a curved form and would attract atl,enti-on and sornewhat
soften that corner of the buildj-ng as the pedestrian goes north fr:om the village plaza
dorrn the stairway.
The street enelosur:e is the biggest issue in this project and has beer.r the iten of most
concern drtring Planning Conrnission and Council reviews previously. Irve includeci a chartin the merno, hopefully helping you with understandi.ng what the existing and proposedstreet enclosure j.s. As you recall, the Urban Design Guide Plan had designatecl a comfo::ta-
b1e stree-u enclosurc of approximately 1i2 to 1, 7/2 be ing the height of tlre bui.1<iing,
as opposed to the width of the street. ln oilrcr words, a cornfortable rati.o rroui d be,if the street was 30 f,eet wide, the building would be 15 feet. As it cxi-sts, now, ihecasino Building tn the wall street side is aL l/2 to l. The proposal is to be atI.16 to I or a litt1e nolr: 1-llai: the h'j-{',trlr of th: ji:.'set . 0n the oti:cr side it i.s vcr;zta11, it'ri 1.36 to 1 as it c:.r:ists nor,r, :rird tliiri- plopsl,al, is of cr:urse, unchzLnged.
'l'he design considerations, uhen the Llrban f-tcsign Gulde plan was done and acccpted bythe Town as the guiding document, provided for exceptions to these cj-rcunstances in certaircases. These circumstances being thc street en.closure. and Ird just like t.o rearl quickly
what the provision for that was:
fn some instances, the rcanyont effect rr'oul d be acceptable and could be created connectinglarger spaces rvith a srnall Darrow space, and it said, ttin some inslances the canyoneffect is acceptable and even desirable. For example, as a short connecting linkage
between larger spaces--to give variety to the r.ralklng experience. For sun;r5i13.de reasons,it is often advantageous to orient any Ionger segnents in a north-south diTectiol'r
Long canyon streets in an east-west direction should generally be cliscouraged,"
It goes on to say,'rl\4ren exceptions to the general height criteria occur, spccial dcsign
consider;rtion should bc givel to creating a rrrel1-defined ground floor pedestrian erlphasisto overcotne the canyon effect.rt
Itrs a staff opinion that l{al. 1 Street is one of these connecting linkage-s to la.rger: spacesbeing thc village plaze ancl the Childrenrs Fountain area. lr'c feel- that there is a strongpossiblility that the Oesign lrlan was spccifical ly addlessing lValJ.5t. when they talkedabout exccptions to the canycn effect. In thab legard, we feel that strect cuclosur:e
issrte docs fal.l into thi-s r-.xception, and is not contraly to tlre purpose behind thc Urlran
Dcsigrr Cuide plan
PEC page 20 -3/e /8r
As far as stTcet edge goes, on wa1 1 st. there is no change on the street edge
Near the entrance to the alley proposal, I had that the proposal should be cut back if
the a1ley was not approved. These-two projects are soner^lhai related in certain design
and instances. llowever, we are definiately considering then separately.
As far as the views go, the view rnap for the Urban Design Guide Plan does show a najor
view corridor from the area of the Childrenrs Fountain toward Vail Mountain. The additi"on
does intrude to a minor degree on the eastern edge of that cor'ridor, but in no signi-flcant
tnanner, In fact the buildings south of the Casino Building, do cut off the view alreacly
and the proposal would not, in any significant way affect that view corridor.
As far as the sun/shade goes, I think John is going to give us some more infornation
today. In the sunner, when the sun rsould be in a very high position, the addition could
cause more shade on Wal 1 St. l\/e don't feel that that period of tine l.{ould be a signifi--
cantly long period over the course of a year, and I think John inay have some mo::e infor-
nation, but we feel that Wa11 St. is already an enclosed area, and sun/shade is a rninor
Zoning code considerations, there is one, the alley project has been approved today,
and one of the relationships between the a1 ley project and the office addition is that
one of these ruould requi-::c a height variance. A:lcl l:ccausc vrerre nort' --the way that CCI
height is calculated, that is both of these got approlied, one of the:n r+ould need a height
variance. And the office atldition was mistakenly published fcr: a height variance, and
as far as publ j.cati-on, rvetre o.k. on that- But that rr'ill be a requirenent, and we will
have to take a vote on that. Our recornmednation would be to approve the heigl.t variance.
Our teconmendattion on this p::oject is approval of the office ad<lition rrith the five
condit-ions that we have set forth, and if you 1ike, I can read them cff at this point
so everybody understands what they are. 'fhe first one is tha.t the appl icant agrees to
pal'tj.c j"Pate in and not remonstrate against- a. ,spee ial inproverrrett d.istrict, if a.nd r,rh en
forned for Vaj-l Villagc; the applicant viill subrnit a l:equest for a Conditional Use pernit
to allorr the use of an office on the 5rd 1eve1 ; the applicant wi1l wor:k out a.n agreenent
Jirri t i.r.r. l i1' acceptable to l'hr,t Tcwn, the e.t:pJ.i r:. alit airtl. ci:l.L,1t itris.i_r.es s ol,rt pi':; in ihe Casino
il'; j i.i:-.'.:l as to crJnst:'uc'.'t j riii .ictrc,juic-s e.l) r.: f)1..r-{,: i. -;i-: r.-r J t.f , th.e-.i rj.l..:;i.u;,b:,i:ccs of ex j,st j.lrg
b'itsi;:g:,'s.;s are hcpt to a1 ;1!1.,91ute mj.nili.'., .1 li 4., ,-, r-^ : f :,..1. ; c 1:iirii- l:]ils; i-. j iir'!lj('ve the a.r- ea
frort tl:e Plaza. to hi-s cnlra.rice r','ith sinii a.r' :::aleri::is used in tire p1a za.; li5 is irlelevairt.at this point, hotrever, I should mentj,on it in case the Planning Comrnission decj.sionis reversed: Lf the al1ey project is denied, the applicant cut back 1-.he proposal onthe first level to let adequate light and air into the alley opening. I think John can
explain what tt'e mean by that . Those are ou,t: Tecotrr.:lendat ions "
Gerry: Connients from the applicalt?
John Perkins : I hope my voice ni1l hold up for this. Do you need me to go throughEle plan- an,t everything, or are you sti1l....
gl I have one question. $lhere is the 3rd floor office? I onty see two floors.
John Sce, thatrs takiug the height from l',rall St, Dai:" There are o*\y 2 floors.If youta[e it from lrrall St, it's 3 floors.
Peter fiie other propos:rl wi.ll have to go through thc conditona.l use proce-ss also, becausethat was at a late date changed from residential to office. Any third floor office isa conditional use undcr the zonirrg code.
Dave 9-arton: He (John) cantt.tark_very welr, He appeared in front of you guys abouta nonth ago or so, and.the major change that he has- ilere is what was asi<ed Io, o. recom-nended by you. Instead of having an interior 2nd floor walkway that was going to bein the back, that to open this area up here, that r.re have an exterior waliway] whichis the change we made.
PEC page 2L 2/e /8r
Duane Could someone explain the height variance problern. I donrt understand thar.
nas nevel: been proposed as a.n additon, but it
f iri-s i.s Nei 1 McCarrn frorn oui: office. I rm
these srur/sirade 5gu4iq5. They are sma]I...
:SgI:. John, let ne just -try to explai.n it without having to go through the figures.When the Guide Plan was adopted, there was a new height riquiriment aaipted along withthat for the Vi11agc. A certain % o! the building cL b" r,rp to 40 fect, and a certarn%- 9an be up to 30 feet. lr'ith the approval of the a11ey pro;".t, v.,e have a E1,;eater vofa11i'ng into the 50 foot-category, ""a it pushes the t'otats in a way that the rest can'tg-:.:Y:" 30 feet, and he is going over 30 feet. Both ar:e considered part of the Casinorru 1 -t Cl lng .
Garton: It is? lthy does it have to be considered part of the casir:o buirding?
Pet-er: What do we considcr it? It is proposecl as an arldition to the Casino builcing.
John: Itts on the sane property. It
tcchuically on the saine property.
golng to 1et Neil cone up and ihor.r you
' . This first couple shorv the 9:00 a.n. shador.,r on June 2l which is the -suruners?1:tlce' The top one shotcs rr-ithout the addition, and this one shov;s with theaddition' Now this is the nrost extreme case, cause at 2:i0 there ,isnrt nuchdifference between the addltion and the existing. By noon, there j.s no sharlow c'srat all fron the addition or the cieck a-s j.t is, anil so aftelnoon, tlte Lazier Arcade beconesthe predoninant sha<!ow, and. tiren during the equrnox, lviar:ch 2l and sepf. 21 , r,re have siririlarconditions tvhere the Plaza buirciing at 9:00 orclock rr,j- 11 ca-.it a sira-r1:rr, co./cring mostof the area of whcre Gartonrs deck is *-,,1 i,rrr oi: lial I street. 'r.Ji rir t-he addition ofthe office space, not nruch nore shadow rvil 1 be ce.et, as ycu can see " At 10: J0, titet:e
l::':.'::tttt-1f .a -siSnific.ant chengc bei,,,cel the .sr,r,i.irr.:; yj.th the actdj,tior or i..,j.riiourr./'rro LIlcli' i'L :locn' i"3ain, thc::t: aLe tro shadoirr;. ; ':-:1. of 'the sh;r cli;1,' is ca.st- ll7- i1r" La;.r-erl\rcade. L'rl then, Ll:e rrrost. ci:":rirra.tic: or'," iu g;0c e;rr:.lnr:li on'D;;";,,;;r,.-lr]"''ni"ri or i'.is in shadc just because ihe P j.aza bu5.l cling ca.:;ts sl.ier1e, 3 ^shacloi,; al L the ro,ay $a-ck toJtere' Tlie darker porticn is dral'm to show wirat tLre aclclit i. on wil 1 ci-,st. r di<1n't drawlincs" 'because the Plaza.buildin! o,r*totr"t o,"a tlie additior.r. And then at 1.0:J0 on Dcc21, shows the light shining r.trlgrri-"p the cor.ridor ancl if y;"";;;-'i"ii,'in" darkerportion is the casino office aildition, lnd the lighter portion is t1e cast fron the plazaBuilding, a:rd they are- virtually the ,a*", a.,,r thcn at iroon again, the light coming inwith the predoninant shade from tL"-f,nri"" Arcacle.
. G_er:rJ_: Thank you . John, do you have
.:]g!U. I don't think 56, I think l,veqrrestlons.
some nore corrn:ent -s ?
been through this so many tilles, Irll jusr answer
Dan T' : I tnt Dan Tclleen, and r otun the Silversnith shop th:rt. i-s di::ectly underneaththc deck' I was at the-last r""aing iiia yo,, hacl with tire l'ovm council. r expressedthe same concerns that I'rn going io'u*ft"r, no.,u" There are two: Fi::st of all, r justrealized that con-struction ["pp;n;:-;;itu in a booin toili1 , and Dave ancl I wirl just haveto t.,'ork or-rt the impact on my tlsiness. llut, r,4rat I,m woiried about mor-e than this su*mer
PEC page 22 2/9/81
is next year and the year after that, and the year after that. Itve got to rnake sure
that whatever he builds up there will not irnpact my business with the kind of nolse that
Irm used to getting frorn people walking ".to!s the deck right now, and I don't know
how hers going to stop the noise frorn happening. I'm sure we can put in'a good ttroor'
the best ihan they can provide, but Dr. i1utt.r"t put i.n the best ceiLing he could get
in Kentucky Fried Chicken, and he stil1 has noisc down there, so Itrn really worried about
how the project itself in the long run is going to affect rny business.
And the second thing is the construction on it. I hope that however it's built, itrs
built best. Irm in a weak structure right now that was bui"].t rnaybe before Vail even
thought about having a bui,lcling code, and rve've got to make sure that itts r:eally done
righi, all the stuciies are rnad-, and we rurderstand that the foundation that is there
is-strong enough to holcl 2 nore stories, or if itrs not, that the 2 storics that are
built are built correctly so that they are strong and not dangerous.
Duane: Comment to Dants remark-s, Irm sure that rltis comrnission fully agrees with what
youfre saying. I tm not sure that we have the bouncis wj-thin what we r';ork with to address
ihat partLcuiar problem. I ruould hope through bullding codes that so:ne of those problens
would be adclressed. Again, it would corne through building inspectj-on and staff and also
just a good conscientious effort between the owner and the architect specific to that
ionstruition" and I trn sure hers heard your renarks also, Do you ha.','e ;lnythitlg to address
to it, John?
John: i{e11, Dan & I discussed this problern, and right now r.that I an fjoing to Propose
Ts ?e-'noving the extcrior deck, r,erifying v;l-rat kind of rocf structul'e he has, and then
leaving an air space between that roof, or if that r:oof needs to be ui.rgraded, upgrade
it first, leave in aj,r space between there, except at the bearing pcjnts, and then try
possibly a tectile type of floor on the deck t-hai j.s a light wei-ght cnnctete deck. !'t'ithout
iescrtciting it in gr:e:rt detail. We will go into it in great detail 1:o try Lo solve tirose
pr.oblems. A1 so Irvc spoken vrith Steve about the foolings tirat have been put in titere,
Itve a1 so t:rlkeci with l,:itch 1lo1'1 t*'1t o ir-rst.a.l1cd t.lrer!, l^ie rq,i11 have ant investlga-tion of
those: footi.ngs with Steve Patterson prcscnt.
D:n-r J'.. : Jll,,,o 'L.,rh at i)'\,' el' ll-inrl cf ;:oof yot lllli- cl) :'.,' i:::-h. u i:ncl tberc llj '! 1 l:e 1l''at air
qrJir.;,f1l 'ilrc:r'c is a Leali, ancl irerve h:C lerl',s irr ;..t:,.:: roof, hoiir r'.'il1 i.:e 3et: i,t fixecii'
Iln also wo.,-.'r icd .,i)r. ilutturer t':.th his fanr:y c:e-i.l-i.r!, in ltetri:ur:ky Ijri.r:ci Ciri.cl;cn -stoppcrJ-
the rroi-se fron coning thlu the cciJ.ing, but it corri.l,s; r-j..gllt down tL:e i,'f,si;s. 'Ihe posts
are rr'hat the sound out. .vibrate..thatts where th*- sound cones fron. I know thesc vtil1
be off ices, and I donrt expect a lot of problcras llrc;n t.he a.ctivity cf a carpe ted off j'cel
but what I norried about ii that if that walkway that goes in the fr:t:r'rt of the building
i-s a. walkr,ray to successful shop-s and offices and really attrilctive art,l people l{ant to
walk in there. I think itts 6 feet fron the fronl: of my shop, that nil1 have that trafi^ic
constantly going back a.ncl forth. Right norrr I get it in thc evening f.rorn the bar business
and once in a while there is a party in thc afternoon of rugby player:s. Itrs not often.
but a dai.ly thing, I'nr afrai.d it might be too much..
Duane: Dan, your concerns are nore under th'e jurisdiction of the br"rilding inspection
TeplrTment than they woulcl be under ours,
i{ar::cn Pulis: I think our conccrns are pretty nuc}r the sane as the alley project..
l,, GolTt mite)
Stevc Patterson: lltou ld it be nossible if we could
;Ifiil an;ic.fition, and discuis both projects and
John: I can show you on the :nodel.
see an elevation, if the architect
hor'r they rclate to each other,
G*.Uj_ I think j.n terns of this public neeting, that is sonething that. can be done
at -sonle other. tine, certainly in the building dcpi,:tnent.
PEC page 23 2/9/8I
Dave Garton: I would just like to cornnent on rec.omnendation #4 says that the applicant
nust lmprove the area fron the Plaza with si.mi.lar materials used in the plaza. I think
thatts just a 1itt1e bit of an overage job. We'Il nake everything on the Casilro land
be up to standards of the sarne material uscd in the plaza, but I dontt feel that I should
improve Donovanrs land from rny land to the plaza. I think thatts sornebody elsrs respon-
sibility, Irn not going to tear up that 1and. If I were to do some damage, of course
I would return it to jts previous situation, but I dontt feel that I should be responsible
for fixing the path in front of Donovan's.
Dick: That's Town of Vai"l property.
Dick: l{e11, it was the feeling of staff that if this najor inprovement was goi"ng to
take p1ace, that we should compl ete that r^,'1-lo1e area" .
Dave; Sure, but not out of my pocket book.
Dave: Then, I donrt feel that I
all our property up to snuff, but
going to the plaza.
Dick': Well, thatrs a re;.:if nunendat ion of s';aff
endcd at that location a:rd I doubt if tiic Town
and complete the r:est of that this next year.
Dave: We11, then I r.rould ask the comni.ssion,
be rny respon-sibili"ty to fix up ToMl property.
Irn required to do, and I approve. of that, but
the improverncrts of the Town property.
lhrane: In review of that, do rie have arry'i.hi:rg
GTie talki-ng about?
should have to fj-x up Town of Vail property. Irll keep
l shouldntt have to fix up the Tovn of Vail Property
that the Tom conunit tci't, to do the piaza
is going to have the uroney to go througir
or I would suggest that that shouldnrt
I rr'ill bring mine up to the levei that
I donrt think I should have to pay for
to r lictr what this no-lia.rl3 s 1anc1 is that
T tlought'r1",::.1: thc Tcr.rn of Yri. l ha".s i,i;::r'r:lrc:C up to the I'rro;r..ri.y Ij.nc"
Dj.cll: l,lor uo have not, i,'erve oiily impi:,..' "i,'d to t.lr:,, ;,ri:;c of llo:rcvants.
John: This doesnlt really show the p1aza. Dave i:; tal.king ahout this area appaoxinately
Trom here to about these steps. ilis ob15-gatioir r,'or.rld go right here.....
llan C.: Then actually the Totrnts propelty is rj..ght here, and half of Donove.n's deck
f-on the Tol^rn propel ry. I don?t ieel that since all we have there now was an al1ey
that i-sn't being used by anybody t-hat the Tor,rn should have to pay to irlprovc this to
provide the access to the additional shops. The I'oim would not hat'e to do anything at
all in there if those shops werenrt there because tiiis is an a11ey tllat nobody uses.
Duane: Wel1, I suppose the Toran stil1 woul'dnrt have to do anything.
D* Q, , No. ltlell,
Itd be on sornebody,
coming in rny front
(change of tape)
Irn sure that once this
t-he Tortrn Or trthoerrer to
doo::, .
projcct were there, if I h,ere in that building,
have soirrethirrg there besj.des a. dirt wal }<way
PEC page 23 2/9/8I
Dave Garton: I would just like to cornnent on rec.omnendation #4 says that the applicant
nust lmprove the area fron the Plaza with si.mi.lar materials used in the plaza. I think
thatts just a 1itt1e bit of an overage job. We'Il nake everything on the Casilro land
be up to standards of the sarne material uscd in the plaza, but I dontt feel that I should
improve Donovanrs land from rny land to the plaza. I think thatts sornebody elsrs respon-
sibility, Irn not going to tear up that 1and. If I were to do some damage, of course
I would return it to jts previous situation, but I dontt feel that I should be responsible
for fixing the path in front of Donovan's.
Dick: That's Town of Vai"l property.
Dick: l{e11, it was the feeling of staff that if this najor inprovement was goi"ng to
take p1ace, that we should compl ete that r^,'1-lo1e area" .
Dave; Sure, but not out of my pocket book.
Dave: Then, I donrt feel that I
all our property up to snuff, but
going to the plaza.
Dick': Well, thatrs a re;.:if nunendat ion of s';aff
endcd at that location a:rd I doubt if tiic Town
and complete the r:est of that this next year.
Dave: We11, then I r.rould ask the comni.ssion,
be rny respon-sibili"ty to fix up ToMl property.
Irn required to do, and I approve. of that, but
the improverncrts of the Town property.
lhrane: In review of that, do rie have arry'i.hi:rg
GTie talki-ng about?
should have to fj-x up Town of Vail property. Irll keep
l shouldntt have to fix up the Tovn of Vail Property
that the Tom conunit tci't, to do the piaza
is going to have the uroney to go througir
or I would suggest that that shouldnrt
I rr'ill bring mine up to the levei that
I donrt think I should have to pay for
to r lictr what this no-lia.rl3 s 1anc1 is that
T tlought'r1",::.1: thc Tcr.rn of Yri. l ha".s i,i;::r'r:lrc:C up to the I'rro;r..ri.y Ij.nc"
Dj.cll: l,lor uo have not, i,'erve oiily impi:,..' "i,'d to t.lr:,, ;,ri:;c of llo:rcvants.
John: This doesnlt really show the p1aza. Dave i:; tal.king ahout this area appaoxinately
Trom here to about these steps. ilis ob15-gatioir r,'or.rld go right here.....
llan C.: Then actually the Totrnts propelty is rj..ght here, and half of Donove.n's deck
f-on the Tol^rn propel ry. I don?t ieel that since all we have there now was an al1ey
that i-sn't being used by anybody t-hat the Tor,rn should have to pay to irlprovc this to
provide the access to the additional shops. The I'oim would not hat'e to do anything at
all in there if those shops werenrt there because tiiis is an a11ey tllat nobody uses.
Duane: Wel1, I suppose the Toran stil1 woul'dnrt have to do anything.
D* Q, , No. ltlell,
Itd be on sornebody,
coming in rny front
(change of tape)
Irn sure that once this
t-he Tortrn Or trthoerrer to
doo::, .
projcct were there, if I h,ere in that building,
have soirrethirrg there besj.des a. dirt wal }<way
page 24 2/s/8L
specifically that we should get together to work on that improvement,.
building, no roatter whose prop-
too , but I th ink Dololranr t s -shoul d share
Cc'unci1 and el'erything else-- half offor all c,f his?
I rcouid
99IE: -Ihe alley project, one of the conditions wa^s approved both by the planning comroi-sion_and the applicant that- the applicaat would ugree 1o the improvernents irecessary toconprete the walkway fron the Viltage plaza to the shop entrance and to work with othcrusers in the first floor of the Casino building to irnpiove the sidewalks, so it wouldreal1y be a sharj"ng kind of a project. I don'i think that it is the To#'s responsibilityto provide a walkway up to your building.
Iayet I donrt think that I should have to pay for..,
Gemy : , . improvenent s , even though they ' re go ing to yourGFff-they'1s- sn.
Pave:. I.guess I gr:t:,-as_Dan was sayingr.that would be rny responsibility, if I havetenarts in there, if I decide_ to irnprove tny project to havl a better warkwiy, then Iwould corne to the Tor"m-and ask you io put it-in. If you said no, rrd way, ""tt, do yo,,mind if I put it in? I cantt see wher-e r could be required at this point-to....
9teIe: I might put sonething in on that building code that any huiding rvil1 ha,ve a,pprovedaccess to the pub11c right-of-way. The building department coltd,. .
$*p: lvell, -itrs a public right-of-way that wetre speaking of here that's being irnproved.Dave, you prefer to take a wait and see attitude as to whether or not itrs really treces-sary, is that what yourre saying? _ Itrs a little bit like a user,s tax i,n essence. youare. saying that you are irnproving your building, and this ,,ci11 be used. ARe you ivitlingto have a taxation to it?
IgYg: l{e11, _ 1'11 pay if soneone else will pay,a little of thai. Just because hets on the ior,nthat goes st.raight to his ba::. r*lhy shcuJ.cl I pay
wo,.r l cl persorral ly
with that ?
just ildd that this is reconnenclecl as
agl'ee that it shoutd be a corrrlition
a condi t ion for app:. cval , and I
fg1- ;:p'i1'svp ] . .i rl'e j'ou j n agrc+;:..:nt.
Dave :.
Obviously, Irrn not in
It will have to be,
Itlay I ask permiss ion
agreenent, or f wouldn?t have brought it up.
to approve th j.s and sc::atch co:rdj_t j-on #4 ?
Ger::y: You may ask permission to do that.
!qyg: ltrould you?
g*11.,^t.:]l]ll-1h": if-there is arr improvenent district, even if it,s only for the 3people rnvolved, and I brought it up, I donrt think itis fair for a property owner toinprove it, but you wouldnrt be coming to this board, you'd be corning to the council .If I wcre a mcntbet of the Council and after this thi.ng had been approved, you thenare beating on the Council rs door saying, I want sonething put in here really nice likethe rcst of the To rrrn , )'ou r d be real haid pressecl to bend ny ear. r do agrec with you,r agrcc tvi.th you that you shouldn't have to pay to put it on the Tor,nr proferty, but rdonrt think the Tom is obligated to irnprove it any rnore than it is right now.
Dave: Absolutell,, and I agree rvith t-
PEC page 25 2/e /81
!98: Absolutely, and I agree with Steve Patterson, Itrn going to have to go along withhis policy that,.out to the public right-of-way. I just think that this is passing thebuck along to someone e1se.
Duane: This is directed toward staff. Is #4 a 1ittle bit redundant of #1? In otheri6;At, #1 says.,we would possibly urake a special improvenent district, and uncler a special
improvement district, one of the things they might do would be to inprove thi-s portionof walkway that is on the Town of Vail land. Is that conect? YouLie saying, r^re naynot have to do that if you have an agreenent that says the applicant rai11 do it.
Dick: Ihe walkway is currently /ou step off pavers down into a dirt wa1k, and thatts
w-hatl1 there today, and the feeling of staff is that with the building approval , thereshoutd be simi.lar type of treatnent up to the entry of this building.
G,e:!r: I must say r agree with that. lr/etre looking at. ]ierre looking at a fairly
minirnal expense, really, if it cornes down to dollars a:rcl eents, and it should be a partof the project, and approval should be, in. rny opinion, conclitioned on that, as reconrmendeclby the staff.
Dave :Do you real1y think I should irnprove the walkway to Donovan's?
qgly-, This is not a per:sonal vendetta. Tliis is a eoritliti.cn of appr:ova1, ancl i't isthe sane condition that h/as put against the a1ley proj ect, ald I rt'oir]. d reaC once again,recontmendati.on #1, that i:;, the appr icant agt:ees to partrcipate in ,-nC not remonstra.teagainst a special improvement district. Tlie spcciai irnprovenient dj-strict r,ri11 be theone that will most certainly be pu.t together to foot tlri-s.
Dave:I approve of that, but then.rtre donrt
G""ltt' I think rre do. I thinlt
a speci"al i:npr.ovenent d j"strict
ilntrc : liil':;:,t I s l:he or"lr er c,f the
'i:tl.;-:; -'';.r
Ll'lc-i. e eat-i ier', ;': , i to
need #4..
because it tceds to
that kind of floats
happen ::-ight away, and
lil:.c a cloud.
:,:cr,e rif 1this" or since
iiir.l,r; 1t i.r r'
''i.r-tioq!'in; i+
we need. i.t
is soneth i'r:tg
Crpler ila::? Shoul 11 l:a pa), fcrr
j.!rl-'.'t-i,76) iris !lc1-lell-..', j:,c iirj,i:.jti Ii.
lli-cll: I elontt hnolv hol:)/crlr plri ce a con<l j.i-r:'l-; on di j.F :_f sctlecne t r. li,:,.i.
Ittn say.ing. I dcnt t see how you can recpre st it of
project, so I donrt think it's in keeping
people rr'ho rsould have to pay for eccess to
D:igk: .Recause youtre goi.ng through a pioccss of the Tor,in of Vail right now requestinga specific. type of thing to take place, like the Tell.eens. fhere r*as a conditionsi.mi.lar in that request.
Dave: But I couldn't compi.ain about that. I think they should have conplained.ThEI shouldntt be respo,rsible for that whole walkway.
Gerry: I would rernind you that the owner of the Copper Bar was here to object to the
with that objection to jlclude them rgjth the
your project.
Dave: Just because he objected?
Gerry: Ye-s, in part. Any other corulents from the e,udience, cornrnission, or staff.
Dave: That ts rt'hat
Petel: Yes, I just rvantcd to connrentas to our variances, specifically on
regulat-ions and horrr additions apply,
that we tve had sorne di sr:ussions
height, irow total buiJdings apply
and rr'etve colxc to the conclusion,
as to interpretations
to the total
I think at this
PEC Page 26 2 /e /8r
point that we need to clarify it, but the position is that they will not need a height
Dic_L: The way the nonconforming section reads now, is that if you have additions toyour building that is in confornance with the basi.c requircnents of the code, you donrt
consider the whole bullding. lthen we go through the nonconvorning section, one of thethings that was attenpted to do as far a.s the height requirenents in the Vail Village
Urban Design Guide Plan was to nake sure that r\'e didntt end up with these big boxes,in other words, 3 or 4 story buildings that werc just completely filled in. If we contj-nue
and have our non-conforrning section read the way it is, we could potentially have that]
happen because each one is based only upon that specific conditon, not looking at the
whole building when you are concerned lvj"th hej.ght. In the next 2 or 3 weeks, wetre goingto be lookeing at the nonrconforrning sect.ion. lVerll have the opportun ity to look and
see if we want to change it.
Duane: Could I address the recommendations ancl the conditions to the recornmendations ?Ird like to remiltd PEC that condition #1 was recently appealed on a-nother job to Counc.il,
and Council agreed with the applicant that that be renoved as a conCition. lrlhy doesit keep showing up?
Dick: Because that was specifically for sonething that would have occurred for a sma11icldTtion of an elevator si-raft, not ior a major aCclition to a buil<ij.ng, and I think the
dj-fference that the Council saw was that there u:as a major: benefit taking place to sone
with proposed additions because they were gainlng significant benefit from this. Mr.Fritch's proposal ttas just an elevator shaft tl,raLi wai not a signific;mt benefit --toinprove the circulation of the building.
!g9t The feeling of the Cor.rnci1 was that the:rdclitj-on t-D the Sitzltiirk bldg was notmade possibJ e by the Llrban Design proglsn, an tl jf sonei:ilirlg is macic prr.ssitric by the Ltr1,ranDesig;r progl'an' that rrrould nrean it "orrld girr" -so)ileone ti're iight to a.sit for aclditiolsand changes, that t+oul d posslbiiy not have been avaj-lab1e pri or to '[ha i: prograil beingput ir-riro cffect, tl:ei.r ilr 1lac.t they r"-ou1d irot harrc .Lr: *r.,,,,pi.v r,rj-th C,.,:,J.j.t,ion il1. If j_tgctes iranri -i|r hand lrith the UIL:rn Design pi'ojer:1-, .'it :iii iur s to bc c.cl::.:iit+red as partof i.t., brr; y1io1 thcl'ale aslii.irg fcr hia ir..; Le.r ..il!; on tirc Urban Des-:;;n 0uldc p1a.n.
DJtryl. I l.lrough Bob,s add::css was a littlc bit nore totact that j.t was sigrring a blank check, etc.
!gl:. I-talked to Bob Frit-.ch toclay at noon by chance, and hc did not tlanr to take thecrcdit for getting that renovc<l, or he is not against in anyway an inprovenent clistrj-ct.He thought that this proj ect roould stand on it.s orin merits rvi-tirout thl Urban Design GuldeP1an, and this is why h9 opposed tl.rat contlition being placed on hjs approval . ite isnot agaj-nst, and he told rne he would back or participaie in an improvi*"nt district.
' Duane:- Thatts my understanding, too. He just didntt l.ike the idea of it being forcedupon hi'm as a bl ank check and a condition of the approval of this parti-cular project.And I also wonder about the basic concept of tacking on al I these ionditions. lvhy canttye 19t these approvals stand on their two feet h,ithout tacking on a i,rhol e buDch of -stuffto then as r:iclers. lr{aybe that ts too purist of a standpoint. lve tve g,ot 5 on t}ris one- -it seens like i-tts getting fai.r1y,..
Gerry: I Wet re tal king about. . . . .
the direct i:rincipal of this
x :.
PEC Page .27 2/s/8r
Duane: Itm not sure we should be in position to be negotiating all these conditions.
Gerryi Itn not convinced we are negotiating. Irn not sure that we arentt naking thema condition of approval period. But it would require, of course, an agrement fron theapplicant.
lg!: l"lany,of the projccts, I don't think, would be considered or approved if it werelrtfor some of the conditions in the outlines of the guide plan, so f ittint wl.rat Dick issaying is some bending of what could have been clone otheiir'ise has taken place. The Townis willing to bend to try to get things down to a more peclestrian scale and to improvethe overall village, and if we're wil1i-ng to do that, aie you willing to participate?That's the way I see it. I donrt have a hang up with it.
Du:me: Itm not sure I do either,..
Gerry: hbuld soneone like to make a motion either for approval or denial?
lqn t I would not nake that Inotion, because I fecl the sane as Mr. Garton, as I saidSdrdre, and even though I may be in favor of his project, if i.t goes thru stated withcondition Jf4 in there, I would vote agaanst it.
I ^t'rould move for approval to the Garton building per the staff ureinc rrith the g1r-r'nri nnof 114 in the conditions.
Duanc: I) i second .
Sfff.- To take out one of the conditions sets a lcind of prececlent--r. rat reason to takeit out? and what is the teason for ever applyi_ng i-t to a;yone else?
lgl Ir11...urstr'er since I madc the motion. #4 i-* 6 r1e,:qua{_ s -i_ y, coverccl by lfl 1.1161 if ;rnytlringis done thei'c it should be an improvencnt district. It shluldntt be onc of the acijacelt.ploperty oi.,l1ers that j.s going to pay fcrr it.
I.:]:.:1.iloi..i;iypr.ob1c;lIr:,:''.i:,:eisi1rc1''r,:.:..;i1,.j.j,.i.i:1'r;i-;.:'lryiInp]:o./ci;leltr'1j.s;i,rj.c-,i'ih-i.s 1-ear' :i.s probat",ly s1i;ri, u:r ir'hat iiieyrre gciing, i.c.r .lrayo is a ci,i1i-- i;;: -l- k 1.ra), ii. itdoc::t] rr pa:;5, or stllilc tt'itror i.; i',r rgy 6.nsn 1 r.'ir,;,ch the l-r..'li L cii.n g departn:3n1- l,;or:1 cl requj.re,and if that t s true, you shoul ll go bacli and auend i-hr: f irst or-r'", becn.rr.sc it ta1lis aboutagre'ei-ng to the inpror,retnent s necessary to cotnplet.e the vral klay from tite viJ.lage plazato the ,sllop cntrance. 'lhe sane types of requireinent vras plac'ed on that or.", ioo.We necd to state that that i:; the ieeling of the Planning Comnission to do somethingabout that one.
S=qIIX. The problern r+ith the r"irst is the phrase',if anrl l.rhon fornred for Vail Village"which sort of leaves it up in the cloucls,
D*n I llho paid for the inprovements in the.rest of the plaza? The Tor,,n did, right?
D::L, lvlrs. Hi 11 paid 9100,000.
Darr: she was the only perso' benefiti-'g frorn it. I donrt thi-nk o'egoin-.q to bencf i.t from tiat...if the Torrn paid for part of the praz,,,pay for part of that rcalk?
GeJly: Because it isn!t benef iting the Tolr,n, it r s benefiring. .
Dan: Itrs an extensior.r of the plaza. Itrs part of it --it just kind of dies ri.ght6t-T)re top oi' the stlirs
person who is
why don't thcy
page 28 2/9/81
Gerry: But if the.offices werenrt there, there wouldnrt be a need for a walk. Itrsa question of don't build the offices or build the offices ancl the walk.
!eyg-q: Gerry, there is a need for that walkway now. We have people using that pathway..r think rnaybe the Town should have done i.t when they did the plaza.
sgIU, Itrn not sure youtre not right. I{owever, I dontt have any control over that.Didnrt arrd don't' r still think they should be a par't of the conditions for approval .we have a notion by Dan corcoran, 2nd by Duane. All those in favor...
{The vote was 2 for, 3 against. Dan and Duane for, Gerry, Scott & Jirn against.Gaynor had left. The motion was defeated.)
Gerry moved and Duane seconded to approve the requcst- a.ccording to the staff nenodated 3/5/Br. The vote was 2 for, 3-against. (G-erry and Dua:re in favor). Motiondefeated.
Dave Garton then stated
and Duanc seconded the
that he would go along ir'ith Condition #4, and then Dan movecl
same wording that Gerry irad used. Thc vote was J in favor,and 2 against. (Dan,Gerry and Duane in favor.) The notion passed.
Gerry r:ernitlded the audicnce that alyone couj.d aopeill. i:he decj.sion to tlre Totrr Councilwithin 10 days.
Duane moved and Dan seconded that the meeting be adjo;:rned. rt was acli ourned at s:4s.
l,larch 9, 1981 3:oo p.n.
1. Approval of ninutes of ureeting of Febnrary 25, lg81 .
Z. Approval of ninutes of neeting of March Z, 19g1 .
3, Deane L. lkrox Residential Floor Area Variance for Casolar II, a Resubdivisionof Lot A-7, Lionsridge Filing No. l.
4. Telleen Anendnent to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and exterioralteration and modification request for the al1ey between the Casino Building
and Plaza Lodge on Bridge Street.
5. Garton Exterior Alteration and modifi.cation request to the Casino Building
on Wal1 Strect.
Published in the Vail Trail Ma.rch 6, 1981 .
March 6, 1981
Planning and Environnental Cornmission
Conmunity Devel opment Departnent
Public hearing and consideration of an arnendnent to the vail villageurban Design Guide Plan and an Exterior Alteration and Modificationfor. the construction of a three story addition to the casino Building.
BACKGROUND: During the discussion and approval of the Vail Village Urban DesignGuide Plan, the al1ey betweln the Casino Building an6 vtiza toage
was noted as t'nid-block connection (covered) from Bridge Streetto Village PIaza.
REQUEST: The applicant is requesting the exterior alteration and nodificationto construct a three story addition in the aLrey between the casinoand Praza todge. Proposed is first floor comnercial and secondand third floor office space. This is a change by the applicant. : :::;.-.:i who initially requested residential use on the second ani- third floor.
If approval is grant ed for the plan amendnent and exterior alteration
and rnodification, the applicant will be required to cone back and to
through a conditonal use review for office space on the third floor.
The Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan nust be amendedand Environtnental Comrnission can deal with the exterioralteration Tequest, Ihe Urban Design Guide plan statesbe a "nid block connection (covered) fron Bridge Street
The Cornmwr ity Developrnent Departnent recomrnendsPlan not be anended. Improvlnent of the atleyand until it has been deterroined that 1|c :,r I i cr.,pedestrian way, it should not be iiii";'i";i;i
At the tirne the Rucksack expansion took place, a pedestrian connection tothe l'{il 1 creek Building was removed. Duiing workihop meetings on the vailvillage urban Design Guide p1an, nany people discussed how this connectioncottld be re-established- A second fioor connection was discussed and deterninedttrat very fe', if any, visitors wourd walk up a flight of stairs to go to theMill creek building. rf the site was redeveioped, iit" uruu' Design GuidePlan states,Future mid-btock connection to further the Mill creek court tocofe area, Entry reinforced by poeket park created on Bridge street,r.
The staff considers the a1 ley similar in circumstance. Once the opportunity isrenoved, there miry never be the ability to have a pedestrian passage way throughthe ploperty. Two decisions neetl to be made
"on" ".nir,g
- ilte ariey. -Fi.rst, shouiclthere be a passage way between the Casino iluilding and Plaza Lodge? The iorrununiryDcvel oprnent Departncnt considers tlut there shoutJ be an irnprovccl walk way that
9ou.I,d.fc lsablc many rnonths of the ycar. Sccond, should ali spaces betwecn buildingsin vail village be filled in? In the village today, there is very Iittlc privatepropcrty that is not dcvelopcd. If this area wcTe landscape;d, tirere coulrl bc'fwo reduction in landscape arca shall bc pcrmitted rvithout sufficient cause shownby the applicant, or as lpecificrl in the Vail viffagc-Design ConriO"rations.
before the Planning
modification and
that the alley shall
to Village PLaza.,l
that the Urban Design Guide
has not been fully explored,
cannot function as an effectivea building.
:f*,":l**;;it.ffi "r.lT*:::"i, rl!'r, i:;i'L
Third, creating interesting and usable connections between other streets was
considered an important aspect of the Vail Village plan. This is one of the
e il Village for a through connection.
This decision respresents a key decision on the value and future of alleyways
in the Village. The issue can be looked at in two ways: l) There are few
alleys, and not nany nore "possible a1leys". The loss of this one would only
be a confirmation of the essentially I'streetil network presently existing. 2)
On the other hand, if Vail does eventually want to have and encourage I'a variety
of pedestrian experiences" (i.e, al1eys as well as streetsJ, this alley represents
a good starting point.
the Corrununity. Development Departnent recorunends denial of the request to anend
the Vail Vitlage Urban Design Guide Plan.
Part two of the request is the exterior alteration and modification to pernit firstfloor conunercial and second and third floor office space. The first floor would
have a new entrance for Pistachio's restaurant and a store facing Bridge Street,
while along lllal I Street, there would be a sma11 shop. There would be approxlmately
450 square feet of space. The 2nd and 3rd floor office space contains 900 square
feet and is a change frorn the original rcquest of one dwelling unit.
18. 24 .010 Purpose
The Connercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to naintainthe unique character of the vail village commeicial Area, with its ,nixtureof lodges and cornrnercial establishments in a predoninantiy pedestrian environrnent.The commercial core r District is intended to ensure adequaie light, air, openspace and other arnenities appropriate to the permitted types or uuiiaings anauses. The District regulations in accordance with the Vait Vitlage Urbin DesignGuide Plan and Design Considerations, prescribe site development standardsthat are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arrangenents of building fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenwaysand to ensure continuation of builing scale and architectural qualities thatdistinguish the Village.
The-proposal to enclose the al1ey has been discussed regarding the Urban.DesignGuide P1an.
Pedestriani zation :
Closing off the al ley has been previously discussed under the plan anaendment.
Vehicle Penetration:
By adding two very srnall shops, there wourd be very rittle additionarin the Village. Thc office lp"ce use.r would be requirc,l to park inportation ccnter. service and delivery verricles to vail Virrage willto follow tine restrictions set out by the Town of Vail.
the Trans-
be requircd
3/6/8r pase 3 jQut
St"eetscape Frarnework :
If the buildi.ng is approved by the Planning and Environmental Corunission, greaterattention to the streetscape in front of the entire Casino building needs to bepart of the approval . Currently, there are drainage problems, and the si<lewalk area
between the building and street should be improved. Brandess-Cadnus ReaI Estatehas urade some irnprovements by adding a bench and flowers during the sunmer. Onthe We-st end, the applicant will be responsible to inprove the walk way to the builditron the completed plaza area. Surface treatment should be the sane as the p1aza.
Street Enclosures
This would not change by
Street Edge
No change by the posposal
addition of the structure to the aIley.
Building Height
The proposal neets the height requirement establishetl in the Design Considerations.
The proposal does not inpact any view corridor.
Sun Shade
No impact because of the plaza Lodge
Parking - At the tine of building pernit,applicable parking fees for commercial and
Architectural and Landscaping
The exterior design will be reviewedpliance wirh rhe Vail Village Design
the applicant witl be required to payoffice use.
by the Desj-gn Review Board
to deternine com-
The Comrnunity Development Department recornmends deniar of the request. 1'ie considerthat the structure addition lron either Bridge or lt-a11 streets looks like an
1$aillon and-not part of the casino building. The staff is atso concemed withthe flat roof and how it looks against the ;butting U"ifairrgr.
rf the Planning and Envirorunental comrnission approves the rcequest, the followingconditions should be praced on tlre approvaL r lht the applicanr agrees:
1l to participate in and not renonstrate against a special improvement districtif one is fornrcd for Vail Village,
. 3/G/sr pase 4 tf
2) to the improvement necessary to complete the walkway from the Village Plaza. to the shop entrance, and
3) to work with the other users on the first floor at the Casino building to
inprove the sidewalks.
D tr
Planning and Environmental Corunission
Department of Corunrmity Developnent/Peter Patten
Exterior Alterat.ion Request under the Vai-l Village Urban Design Guide Plan
for David Garton to allow constl:uction of a 2 level office addition on the
existing deck of Gartonrs Saloon in the Casino Building.
A. Description of Request
The tequest is to construct a two story building exactly in the area where the exterior
deck is located on the west side of Gartonrs. Access would be provided via an wrenclose
balcony and stairway entering fron near the a1ley opening. The design of the project
near the existing alley is sonewhat dependent upon the approval or denial of the propose
alley infi-l1 project.
B, Statistics
An exterior wood deck
Comnon Area
of approxinatel;r g5g sq. ft.
1515 (5 offices)
695 (stairs, hal1s, bathroonsJ
Total 22I0
C. Compliance with Purpose Section
L8.24.010 Purpose
the Comnercial Core I Di.strict is intended to provide sites and to naintain the
unique character of the Vail Village Conrnercial Area, with its nixture of lodges
.and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Con-' nercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and
other arnenities approPriate to the perrnitted types of buildings and uses. TheDistrict regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan
and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intendedto ensure the rnaintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangetnentsof buildi-ngs fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways and to ensure continu-ation of building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Village.
The Corununity Development Department considers that the proposal for the officeaddition to the Casino Building is in con{.oflnance with the purpose for Commercial
Corc I District.
No sub-area concept relates to this proposal .
2. Urban Design Considerations
a. Pedestrianization: The office addition will not affect pedestrianizationon lltall Street. However, it rnay increase the variety of pedistrian paths nearthe south entrylray by having pavers matching the viliage plaza pavers andconnecting that paver area into the plaza design.
b. vehiqle Penetlc:r:IlLi presently, no vehicular traffic is artowed on wallStre@1dnot,in.anysignificantway,affectvehicuIar
penetrat ion ,
c.^ Stleet-scapq Fralework: The southwest corner of the building will becomea tocal point for the eye as a person cones down the stairs frorn the plazaheading north. The top floor ol the building's southwest corner will bea curved forn recalling some of the curved pian forms of the praza. Thiswill aid in softening this prominent corner of the building. Also, theexterior unenclosed balcony paralleling WaI1. Street will aid the interestof the pedestrian as they walk by.
.d. -street Enclosi.rrre: The feeling of street enclosure will be increasedDy the proposed addition. This has been the item of nost concern duringprevious PEC and councir reviews. The following chart helps to clarifythe-existing and proposed situations with ""gut[ to street enclosure asoepacted in Section B of the application.
Existing Building proposed Buitding. to Street Ratio to Street RatioSide of Wall Street
West (Lazier Arcade)' -- 1.g6 to I ..unchanged
The Design considcrations for vail Virlage suggest tliat a street enclosureratio of about L/2 to 1 is the nost comfortable and desirabre. rt alsostates that if building height is greater than street width (over a 1 toI ratio), that the 'canyonl' effect is created. The Design consj.derationscontinue to include the foll0wing exception to these "onditlonu,rrln sorne instances,_ the rcanyonr effect is acceptable and even desirable.For-example, as a short connecting linkage betwLen rarger spaces--to givevariety to the walking experience. For iun/shade reas6ns,.it is oftenadvantageous to orient any ronget segments in a north-south direction.Long canyon stleets in an east-west Iirection should generally be discouraged.,
East (Casino Building)L/2 to I
trWhen exceptions to theconsideration should bepedestrian emphasis to
1.16 to I
hcight criteria occur; spccial design
creating a well-defined ground floorthe canyon effect.
Casinottu*a11$-s/slst OO
these criteria in nind, we feel that, although the existing deck does provide
a bit of a tlbreathert' in an other wise very enclosed area, that the proposalfits well into the exception categoly provided for in the Design Coniiclerations
and does not create anything contrary to the purposes of the urban Design
Guide Plan.
9: Strget.Edge: 0n l,lall Street, there is no change on the street
9dge. 0n the area near the entrance to the a1ley, the proposal shouldbe cut back to keep the light and air to a maxinrum near'th;;ii"v oJ.ning.
f.. Building Height: The applicant has submitted a height diagram showingthe proposal , if approved, will not require a height variance. The heightof the proposed addition will not at any point exceed 35 feet fron Wall Street
l eve1 ,
g. views: The view Map for the Urban Design Guidc plan shows a major viewcorridor from the area of the Childrenrs Fountain toward Vail Mountain. Theproposed addition does intrude to a very minor degree on the eastern edgeof this view, but in no significant manner. The buildings south of the CasinoBuilding cut off the view presently in the same way the iddition would, ifapproved. Thus, no relevant effect on this view corridor is forseen.
h. sun/shade: In the sur ner when the sun is in a high position in the sky,the pToposed'-addition could possibly cause nore shade on }1|all street. ltiedon't feel that this would be a significantly long period of tine duringthe course of the year. The applicant will have moie information to presenton_this aspect at the PEC neeting. wall street is already very',enc1bsed"and currently does not receive much sun.
F. Architectural and Landscape Considerations
Since no linit on the square footage of conrnercial space is in effect. (rurder
-the Urban Design Guide Plan) for C-I, the proposal needs no square fooiage variance.No additional site coverage is reatized eittreq because of the conmercial spaceexisting directly below the proposal. Thus, all zoning code regulations aiebeing rnet with the proposal..-Alio,- at the tine of building perrnit, the applicant r,ril1required to pay the applicabre paikj.ng r"" ioi ;;;;;;i;-r[u"".
The detai.ls of
Review Board.
and general ly
the building proposal will be reviewed in front of the Design
The proposal appears to blend well with the existing builcLingis consistent with the Design Considerations.
The Contmunity Development Departnent recorunends approval of the office addition tothe Casino Building with the fotlowing conditions:
l) The applicant agrees,to participate in and not remonstrate against a special improve-nent district, if and when formed for Vail Villace.2) The applicant will subnit a request for a Conditional Use pernit, to allow theuse of an office on the Jrd level .3) The applicant will work out an agreenent mutually acceptable to the Town, theapplicant and the other irusiness owners in the Casino building as to constructionschedules and practices, so that disturbances of existing buslnesses are keplto an absolute nin i.mum4) The applicant nust improve the area from the Plaza to his entra.nce with sirnilarnaterials used in thc plaza.
5) ll tf._al1ey project.is denied, the appticant cutfirst lesr€,] to let adequate light and'i.ir into the
back the proposal onalIey opening.
Code Considerations
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Municrprt Codg-
Monday, February 9, l98l
l:30 site inspections of Garton alley and deck and Luker(lot s, blk s, Bighorn 3)
2:30 Study Session:
To study a proposal to close the alley between the Plaza and the CasinoBuildings in Vail-Village.
5:00 Regular Session:
1. Approval of ninutes of neeting of January 12, lg8l ,
2, Approval of nrinutes of meeting of January 26, 1981.
3. tuke density control variance, Lot 3, Block 3, Bighorn sub, Jrd Addition(tabled froro January 26 meeting)
t"- 4, A request for a minor subdivision to relocate an existing lot line betweenlots 5 and 6, Bighorn Sth Addition. Applicant: Bjorn Borgen.
5. A request for an exteri.or alteration and modification in Comnercial Core Iand height variance to construct an elevator at the Sitznark building locatedat 183 Gore Creek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch.
5. A request for an exterior alteration and nodification in Conunercial Core Ifor the Red Lion building, to construct three additional dwelling units and
shops at 304 East Bridge Street. Applicant: Jeff Selby.
Published in the Vail Trail February 6, 1981.
& February 1981
Gerry Vfhite, Chairrnan
PJ-anning and Environmental Commission
Town of VailVail, co 81657
Dear Gerryr
trfter the last joi.nt meeting, the question left undnsw€r-
ed vras whether the I11ey left open is desircable to both
Local residents and quests" }s a result, I took the init-iative to survey locals asking whe-lher they presently use
the Al1ey and, if not, why not, and, vrhether they would
use it more frequently if it vrere improved.
In order to insure that each indivi-dual surveyed rvas av/ar:eof the various alternati'res for the .Alley Pro ject, they
were initiaily presented with a cop.y of tire Yail Trail art-icle of January 16, 1981. (See attacbsd ).
fhe second step vras to rev]-el{ the survey forrn explain-ing -bhai the issue lvas whetirer to close ihe illey per-
manently or keep it open for peciestrian treffic.
Some of the alternatives offered as soluti.orrs i.^rerer the
buil-Oirig of retaiL space at ground level vri''uh tvro floorsof residential or off ice space aijove, thus 1;ermanentl.yclosiirg the.Alley; builqiing a secor,d and third floor leav..ing 'l;he ground level open as an r1 lley walir-'uhi:ough; or
cleanit:g the "4 l1ey and Leaving it as it js; presently.
One question put to the local r'esj-dcnts vra.s "If the .Alley
was J-mproved and rnaintained, wouJ-d you use it rnore of tenthan'you do norr'?r'
The final- ste p r.ras to ask the participant to voice his/herpersonal- pi'efe:'ences and offer a so..l,ution tc the presentsituation.
Fron the cornrnents, the conclusion that can tle drawn is *hatthe najority of participants in the survey do not use thell"le.y norv nor would'Lhey in the fr"lture ancl eLre in favor of
c)-osing the .Alley. The reasons for closing can be con-
denscd into the followingr
1. the ALLey is not convenient as a shortcut.
2. guests are unawarc of the .4 lleyrs cxistence and arenot likely to use it because of tJre psychologi-' ca1 baruier that nost urban residen'bs carry with
them frorn their experiences at homc. These bar-
. riers are not likely to be overcorne during theirbricf stay in Vail as evidenced by the fact that' even long-terrn local residents have an aversionto frequenting this alley in particular.
fhe survey ansvrers brought to 1ig.ht several additionaL
ideas which should be mentioned here. One reflects thepreferences of local resicients for retail space as an
imporbant benefit for our tourist econoiny and futurc rev-
enue and employment bases for our tovrn.
Those surveyed al-so felt that office space above the rnainleve1 is a more appropriate and desir:eable alternativeto residential space jn the core village.
Thank you very rnuch for your conside::ation.
Parrela A. Tel-Leen
Box 279Vai1, co 81657
No, Date Name
| 'v' - Iz/) ' ./tl'fl ?r., -/'
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.Address Ernploycd FrequetrcY of
Rrtx /^ (*'l't't $" lr '- ^/' llcY Use-
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wr,rPruourd you llke'jto ccc?
Alley as is? PhoPs/Cornrnl? Ptl
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.No, Date Nanrc /ld<lrc$s Qpf oyoO Irrcqucncy of vtDwoufcl you l-itrc to see?/tllcy Use .Al1ey as ie? Shopc/Cornml? 0-
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. .tt
Casino Bldg - 0ffice
Scott l
Bob R.
- height3
sun/shade ?
(1) enclosure of l{all St. (sone space o.k. on t to l)(2) nassing of bldg
like to see retain on deck
likes plan, tie in with alley, right spot to enclose
concern over bulk
Gerry :
concered about enclosure, much mass alreadyJohn: shadow pattern will break up
concerned about exit requirements on Gartonsl
DaVe Garton: Fire Departnent says no problem
like addition, properly done could be nice
might be opportunity to redo trash storage area
urban canyon effect - donrt want
in favor
like it
stbp back, diff. heights, afraid of enclosure
like change made - nice addition
like it, wants future plans for bldg
concept ork, r conc€rn over squeezing ilt area
likes it, need condo association approval, construction on
Wal1 St., successful trash solution
Warren Pulis - need agreenent on disruption of business on WalI St.
Dan Telleen - disruption of shops below before 6 after construction.
Dave G: will have plan to nitigate business disruption
* Business disruption very inportant - mitigation needed
Red Lion
Staff: height
street encl osure
service & del iverY
ni-ew no'dif ication
GRFA significantly under al1owable
Bill Ruoff: argunent of noise polLution Q complaints about drolping
bar to basenent .
Peter P- weak argument - that bar is the nainstay of Bridge st. and
everyone feels its value as is.
proposal would comply with I/2 to /St. enclosure
Bill R View blockage shown fron Curtin-Hill
P.P. not valid source for Picture
service E delivery, view blockage too significant
adding 5 condos to 2 already there
adding 5 small retail shoPs 1700 sq ft
amt of vehicular traffic - rnininual
moving of Seibert Circle - streanline f lot+
- increase roon for Passages
Roger: likes it, definite improvement
little view inpairnent
' Jeff W.: how much modification of view corridor do you want
pubtic view corridor more important
G. P. sone nodification reconunended
2nd 1evel eating balcony - accomplish objectives
irnprov enent s would inprove end of Bridge St.
2nd objective would tie in Mi11 Creek Court bldg
irnprove sense of draw
roof configurations and setbacks
al 1 alternatives have trade-offs
existing basenent used for bar
condo parking in structure
Gerry: view corridor - cut back 2nd floor so as you cone down Hill
St. or H.R. Rd, it drawa You around
view corridor preserve
Bob R. iikes proposal, nice addition
minor views onlY
very attractive
Bud: impressed with overall project
shops of more concern, not views
carry down to Mill Creek - good
very good trade off
. Red Lion (Continued.) I I
Paul: 2nd story back-off - better
likes project
Ron: good addition, spirit of trade-off is good
CCI bldg - accept view blockage
Torn: basically likes it
2nd floor should be pulled back
Duane: activity on end of Bridge St, - good generator
corunend for not trmaxing itrr
Scott: carry through to Mill Creek - good' push waIl back night destroy Pedestrian experience
Gaynor agree with Scott
Bill Wilto -.,model very helpful
sireet leve1, view inrportant, not saying good or bad
Cyranno's bldg - look out of Place
Mi11 Creek opportunities
JefflrJ. blocki.ng of view occurs farther south on building than really
evident. Sloping roof natching existing pitch is a solution,
but height then increased to south
NorES FR.M pEc/TeNT REVTE* sESSroN r/rs/sr rnrHLerrc
Vil lagellionshead projects
1. Alley Project
Staff Reconrnendation - keep al1ey open
Bud: 5 questions' -
I. reations of businesses around there as relates to storage-
trash (John G Diane Donovan opposed)
2. Drainage - interior roof drain to l{all Street
3. Firebreak - proposal would irnprove situati-on
Roger, Dr. Steinberg, Wilto
1. keep access there, do a small shop with passageway or leave
street level totally open
' 2. alleyway unusable as it - no incentive to do anything with it
Gaynor: close it off
Duane: look into leaving stTeet level open
Ron: fix up a11ey, agree with Steinberg, nake a god connection
Johnston: doesnrt like seasonability of use, agrees with Ton
Budl concerns of trash, drainage, fire - doesntt feel negative about
project - likes Tomrs concept
Ruder - sane concerns as Bud, if addressed to satisfaction o,k. If
open - contract on maintainence, etc.
Gerry - alley needs attention, likes project - afraid of tunnel effect(inviting) ? Fire screen inportant
Wilto likes Tomrs idea with comrnercial space involved offset on Bridge
Street side - no flush.
.q a -Yr
,,'- ' - !:$,I -qut\-l.l.t1Ar:\. a
llAli0: 0f flt(Il[Cl'. .q]SI]lO BUILDING REDLVEIOPMEX\T (4 Jamrary 1981 sut'nitral)*--T.& D*. -_. -..-_"-.J-:__*,-::.=i-_ - _-:_"__
t[cAt D[sctttPTloN; t,0.tpar_tB,c lrLCtcK 5c |,.il,,N6 vail Village rrirstoo
DESCRII'TION 0F PROJtC|'f,edevelopnrent of exist,ing buildirg to j.nr:lude 3 - lst level
crelloercia]. condoninir-ng, 2nd E 3rd leveLs to be 3 residential cttrulcrninir^rns.
Tho foltowing informfltion is rcquirctl for srrbmittallloard boforc a final upproval c,in be g jvc.n:by' thc apP) ic,rrrt to t!rc l)c:;iUrr l{cvi r_.r
Col r-rr
A. 0UILDINC tt{l.uRrAt,S
Othcr lfatl Materials
'lypc of l'lir tcrj I I
hhrod trim
_Q:_!,., Roof /stone ',shalr_',' red
Applied finis-tiwffi
Stucco -_l*g-appearance __ .-_l!rrt /,lighr gray
( s,ee belolt )
Ashlar Stone Native redsft rcr,rms/gray
Fascla lbod cabot$_0335 oak Brcm
. Soffits wood Light Gray
ItIndor,'s Glass Clear
Ulndou Trinr
Door Trirn
Hand or Dcck Raits
F! ashlngs
ltnsh tirrstor.urcs
0ther av,rninqs
8. Iu\Nl. ttll,uRtALS
(Vegetat ivc, t,alrtl:;c:rpi rr::
Bot an i c:r I Nnnrcr.i.----
Cabots-0335 Oak Brcrrn
Calnts:-0335 Oak Brcarn
luetal,/Stucoo Wrr>ught iron gray
Dar:k bro,rn
Sfuet Metal Dar:k brcr.m
Stucco White
.. _T/l
Fraref.ercan Glazing Dk Brorn/Clear
.- .-tp&e 9e,1ryt$.
uqgiper'tg_qlo_ltEU.iS.Trailinq Juniperr- -. rk..;{r --.-.._...-_.
Pr.eeq_cJrye_Alae$_iqna D^ialf Alberta Spruce
_sechx tplegJeP]e_
Oriental Clsnatis
Vinca Minor
i\'i;llcrials .i nt. lUrlinll
Ccnrnon Nane
'l'r'r.c':;, l,lil'trb:;,
i' tr, | (lrorultl (',r"Var)
L3 '-15'
Periwinkle I5U spri-gs
driming Bells L2 sprrgs
plants for stone plantersPansies150
Poppies, Oriental Red plants for wj-ndoqi boxes
C. Olt ll:R .1.^Inst:A.l:l:_l:l'A'! t{!,!'"s-
(Rotr,ining l{ul I s, liclrccs , Strinuaing lool r; , ct c. )l'loasc spccify.
\ Steps - Bricti pavers
llandrails - polished brass
LOTParts of B,BL0CK 5C l: t l. t Nc_[ajJ,_Vrlgee $E L_--.:.=::--::-=!*c&F
llto locttlon of u!ilitlcs, wlrctlrcr they
ttnos, must bo appr.ovcd arrrl vcrlf lcd l{
acconponying slto plnrr.
bc nnin trunk
tlro fol loulrrg
I i lrr':; or propo:; cd
ut i I rt ics for thc
l{ountatn tlcl I
Hostcrn Stopc Gas
fobltc Scrvicu Cornpnny
Holy Cross Electric Assoc.
Vatl Csblo 't'.V.
Uppor liagto Vrl lc1' lVltcr
and Sanitttiou District
t ,/-{,/ y6
/ ,/ Ut' r'/ ,l'
.2 Nolll: 'l'hcsc vcrificat.i,rrrs do rrol rcliovc ttrc colrtlnctor. of lris
responsibility to obtlri.n lr strcct c:rrt.,pcrmlt frorrr tlic
l'orur of vrril, !c;rlrtncnt of publir: lr/rrrris arrd to .bLlin
rrtil it)' locatiorl;i bcfore digginE ilr irrry prrhl rr: r.itlht-
of-rr'ly or cascut(.rtt. irr tlrc'ltrwrr of Vljl..