HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT D E BRIDGE STREET BUILDING AKA CASINO DRB PEC LEGAL/altt'tl'q* fr,{thfr /'ffi., /rtArE.^ Ee*ffi'dn*f#" bndT4rz Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB Number: DR8010337Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: J Cotter Gallery Awning owNER COTTER, JAMES E. PO BOX 831 MINTURN CO 81545 License: APPUCANT COTTE& JAMES E, 10/10/2001 Phone: 10/10/2001 Phone: 476-3131 PO BOX 831 MINTURN CO 81645 License: 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL Locataon: 234 E Wall St, Lot: D, E Block Subdivisionl BRIDGE STREET 210108223015 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: t01231200L Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of rown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: CON0005095 That the logo and text may only be located on the sides of the awning and be no larger than 9.4 square feet in combined area. Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $52.00 sEP-21-ert 13:5A FPOM: U-coM-DEv-DEPT. rD,9l;l64?92452 PAGE 2/3 YuI": 'tt; 4 L)av SIGITT / AWNING APPUCATION Thb +pfca&n b for arry sign Srat is ncej wiLfrin ihe Tqurn cf Vail- Spe:ific requireneru are available. from the Deparfnent of cornmunity De\rebpmsE A, c- U. F- G. FIAME OF SJ$NFSq: zuiI.DIIG |,tA$€and ADDRESS; LJ.-\\ !\.\.\a3 CJkec o\ L -t;s\St"e"-tCoPI-{TSICALAD9RSS' ?3\ t. u;*-\\ S+E\6 €-? IEGAL.ADORESS: LsE ehdc.K_ fmns: PARCA-# ZOI\IIIK; ?rot ogal?rl5(Conec Eagle Co. Assessors Offtce at 970-328-8ft{ tor parcel #) H. I. |I|AMEOFOWNER(S): J. rn Cot\-qc MAILIhIGADDR6S: OtvNER(s) sicNA.- I{AFIEOF AFPTICAI{T: FAIUI{6ADDRFSS: DLfln|F. TYE OF SGN (see neft Fage tor d#ritions):tl rcsardingO Wan sgntr tlangirtg SiEl NU|4SEROFSGNSPROPOSED: 1 NUMEEROFSGNSEGST]NG: \ $G.I MESSAGE:^.1\ "i V*: SIGT{ ANP LFTTERING DIMENSIOI{s FOR EACII PROPOSED SIGN (Atbd' a sdrernatic on 8J" x 11" paper): tENGTll OF BI.,$NESS FRONIAGE: L1-7 ' SIGN LOCATION (Atbdr a ste phn and eleration drawing or a phoqraph dearly indicating the prop*ed lccation of d3n(s) MATERIALS At'lD coLoRs OFSIG{ (Affii smp1qs); So-rq o-s o,FisL.'n u'L.ks-6*6* J DESGIBE gg{ I,IG|.{TSG: .t t/HEGfTOFSGN(S)ABOt/€eADEt -l' S " E: 520.00, plus 51.00 per square foot of tohl sgn aree DRB fees are to be paid at the tme cf submittal PLEASE SUEMIT THIS ApptlcATION, AI.r SuBITITTAL REqUIREI{EI{TS AI!'D THE FEE TO T-IIE DEPART}IEIIIT OF COTi!{UI{TTY DE1'EL6PHEIVT, 75 SOUTH FROffIAGE ROAD, VAI|.' COLORAEKT8r6s7, 0{"q 9rgn Awning Otrer, specifu: .I K. L M N. o. P. a. R. FHO{{E: q1o Llle 313 ) ,sEP-2.r-ol 13'SEl FRoM. f cou-oev-DEPT.rD.T4"e24s2 S{F MIT-I 4L REO$ JR EilEilTS: tr Complete Applir:ation. tr A site plan showing the e<act Iocation where the sign ls to be located. - C Eie'ration drewings or phobs eiowing popcseC locatisn cf Lhe sign or awning. il Csicred scalec (1/4"=1') drawing, inctuding speriffc lettering and dlmegsjofls and a photo, if arrailabb. tr ' Sample of proposrd materhb. tr Drawings showing how and where sign or awnlng will annch tc the building and haw the Ewning wifl be consiructed. B Condomloium Assocntion or Landlord approval - ettadr a t$ler. slst{ cATeGoRtES: l. Freer':ndinq 'A single or muli-feceC sign afxed to a suppefing srucrre, or imbectded in and e<tetrding from $e ground and deta$ed from the bailding. 2. Awnin0-or Hanaind -Any sign attacfied ts a buiiding and ex-iending in whob or ifl part mcre than 9" beyond the building line- 3- Wall - A sln ettadl€d to, painted onr or erecad egainst the wall of a building ar structure wifr ohe expased ftce of tle sign in a. plane palatlel to the facE of t\e wafl and nct projecting more than 9. from the face of rhe wall_ 4- DisPlav Eox - A frestanding or walt sign enCosed.in glass ,'or tlre express purpose of displaying menus, curreflt enterfdinment or real estate listings. 5. loint.d!trslsrv siqn - A freesiandint hartging or wall s(gn thet IisG all fte renants wftnin a muid- ienant building 6. SgbdMsion entranc.e siag . A srgin b ldentify a najor subdivision, a condo.ninium corngkx, or grcup . of apartnent^buiHings having at least 100 linear feet of frofltage alcng a vehicu{ar or Dedestrian. way in any RC, LDM4 MDMF, HDfrlF, or SDD zone distri(t- SUGGESI,IO'{S: 1- copies of tlte sign code a'e evalhbre fi,om the Detarimgrt cf comnrunity Derdoprnenl you may wi€h e check $e Code to veriry Ule type and size of sign ydu are alhweC_ 2- Be spedfic. Vagueness in dre desoipfnn of design, size, ccrrrruclion may ddry *re approral of. your slgn- 3 Messure fie itonbge qf your business to de€rmine ifre $ze {area} of the sign you are alloweC- 4' ligntina. fo1 awnings may spodiEht on! tire sign lenering on tJre awning. Lighting may not shine ,n@ pedesirran or veh icular wala. 5' All indMdual business sgns w[ be rrrnesved sy tre Departrnent cf Ccmmunity Dane{npment Nercsign progiarns or anrqqdments to sign gognms will be rerriewed by $e DetrEn Review Board- PAGE 3/ 3 -+ 0t)F.' d>' f'l '...1il :!- !ri in , ....1 rll co o F .F 9;9?s at. o.fi) o- f o)>!trx14A {;ei Cs F6FgFd XH\./ ; ,=t 3 LtJ/'t3/200L 0g: 42 I'AL S704783131 J.Cotter Gallery I rq. = I296n *q. ld 002 ctf\ logor + tcxt :116{* rq. : l.tfHlf€lE;6 96 DL6 :zd tdJss: rI rpwe a 'fl-t ilrrd st6fs I se IYdP"rS lsedurl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of &mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us Pruject Name: CHARLIES T-SHIRTS SIGN DRB Number: DR8040576 Project Description: CHARLIES T-SHIRTS SIGN Pafticipants: APPUCANTCHARUEST-SHIRTS 1012912004 Phone:476-9737 64l UONSHEAD VAIL co 81657 License: OWNER MONFORT, CHRISTINE A. t1l19/2004 phone: 3519 HOLMAN CT GREELEY, CO 80631 Project Address: 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: BRIDGE ST CONDO Legal Description: Loft D Block: 5C Subdivision: VAIL VIILAGE FIUNG 1 Parcel Number: 210108223030 Comments: SEE CONDnONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION MOtiON By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApproval= tLlL2l200a Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revier,rr committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006783 that only one sign of up to six (6) square feet is allowed per entrance, and the applicant will fix the valance of the side awning where the old "kiss the moon" sign is today. Description of the Request: 7b 'cH4lr€'5 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: AII projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the paAicular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is .issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. Sign Application for Design R T=t*,Art" Location of the Proposal: tot: D gocf. ?X Subdivision:fizrth /nrrc ilrc n4 J46rreek OErPhysical Address: bori,"L,Kl?70 -- rDG€. Srr?ffi tulf ZA (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Conn&trAL Mailing Address: Name(s) of Owner(s):C ft4rsrntE rrl ar,t ioFf Owner(s) Signature(s): Nameof Appticant: (la€tEJ TSt,ri5 Mailing Address: Phone: E-mait Address: ht'tltr5 @ t/e,/ y'/4 tax: Type of Review and Fee:d s6ns fl Conceptual Review tr New Construction n Addition E Minor Alteration (multFfamily/com mercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr S€paration Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenE, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee , l'tuv- t 9-cuuq UN uq i cd ri'l iriti NU. Bnrncn Srnnnr CowponarNruM AssocrRuont 281 Bridge Slreet, Vail, Colorado 81657 Ph; 970-476-1450 Nove::r'rer i5, 2$04 'lo.;+n of Vail Desigc Rer"iew Bcarri i5 ScUr.h F'lontage P,tL va!i" CO 8i65? Re: Awning-'Cirasiie'sT-Shi4'.ts'= 234 Gore Creek Dr.. Ve.;I, CO By this wrinen consent the Bridge Sheet Condominium Association approves the change in name and logo of tho existing awning at the above referenced address to "Charlie 's T- Shirts." Very Tluly Yours, Bridge Street Condominium Association t. ul/ul Oct 26 04 O2:?9p K i ss The I.loon s?o 4?s a l6?P.2 'tta /*1,'/ Sign Application for Decign Review ocprGmcnt gf Comnl|$ty oGreloPmeit 75 Soutlr Frdntrgc Road, vrl cob.ado E16t/ dr 970.f79.2119 tar: 97c'{79.2'15? ,lsb: w1,w.vrlgw,cgm J 7b^1Ir€3crlpuon d thc lceugrt: Fhy6lc.t t*h.tr: Parcsl c.:^'t t O r I 81) fu A (contact E 9h Co. Assessor at 9z&328-8e$ for larcel no.) Ionfng: ,. to,t$lfl4at xrmc(f) cowosr(s): CAAlnat€ lrla'tFe'ef l,l.llng Addlrri: Orvncr(r) flgnatuE(s)! llrne ot Appll nt: lilallng Add*r*: E-filr rddrrrr: 1tt44.e lAnl //eT F.rl $50 Pl|Jt f 1.0o per lgtE|t lbot of btal can tte. NO FC€ f65c For.o.nst|rtlon d t ney, bul&hg or demo/rebulld' ijOO ror an ddtlon wh.rc lqrrac foitrgt F ary+.b.attv r'skhntial (' @mmercial bolt(ttng (h€|'/dtt ?50 tddilsns & ItErtor conveBlo't$' i25o Fo. n*nof cfia.Ers b bu[dlitgi and dt! ldlFro/grn4nts, suor aq rernofrm, prrdUng, tncrsw #itlont, ItnGcaPlno, lenccs ard rctllr{h9 wdlt etc' 320 fc finor Oangcr to butlaltngs ad sitE impwefiGnb, sudl a+'.aal|no - oat'iung, 'fltndoi tddttlons, hndscaPlng, lrncer ald ctahtng e,rallt etc.f20 ro c'i.mt b ptars alrcady !{l'/.o,'tfd lt Pltmhg Slif or tlE oesbn RElflew Bord, llo fte Typc of Rrvics rrd Fe.:g sbot D c.onfiPursl Revlllx n ew ConstrucuonO Addkbtr O r.rhor Albera$on (mu0-t tnly/cofitnetclat) O l.fior Altenauon (E|nCle.tEmty/duphx) tr O|arEE6b Aftwd Fbru tr SeDrnton R€qlrest ,,-t) Gtrcral I nlbtrrndon: Al projecii r€qlddng dc|3gn rcyrcry m.ld ruc.iya appor.l Frbf to e.binlting s bufdilg p€rrft etplcetloo. PIG|3a rdrr to thr subrittlt ruqulrern€rts lbf thc pdttulrr spgrwal $at is rcquEfEd, An !9P0crdon for Detign RFrielf rrnnot be *CCAd ldll rll |{qtf|!d lnhrrutbfi lE r€citved Dy dre Conmunty Dadopdrnt Dapartnteflt the prolEt may rlro nred b bc rc|vbred bt ttr lown Catndl rn4'or tha Phnning r.d Environtnc al Crmm'Fsbn. bripn nvirw rDp!!I.l tep$r rxrtrre e Duldhrg p.?rdt h lrrua r d cofirtttttlion cofittl€rrc€t ulthli 6n. tcr? oif t||c tDFlYaL ,r-ffi SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS G€neral Informatipn This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail, Specific requiremenE are available from the Department of Community Development. r. SUEMITTAL REqUIREMENTS E/ta QFreestanding Sign nWall Sign qHanging / Projecting Sign trDisplay Box nDaily Special Board FJoint Directory Slgn trSubdivision Enbance Sign Number of signs propor"dr Z Number of signs existing: Z Sign message: 5t Length of business frontage: e6' feu ^n {1 5tD€ Height of sign(s) lrom grade: lO / Sign Location (aftach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): ra Materials and colors Sse Sign lighting dan: Sign and lettering dimensions forpach proppsed sign (attach a golored,scaled schFmatic dr{wing va.=l\: {.?o,r{ (i'x t waa) s,.r'tc (9.5'{.A5' 5vAL){,A5' 6vAL.Nins o -) qZA B. Name of Business: C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable, D. Type of sign (check all that apply): tr Building ldentification . E Mural tr Wndow Sign! Sign Program n Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign tr Other E. F. tl I. J. K L. of sign (attach samples): sNqe E Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. E Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area.E ettach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Drawings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach b the building and how the awning will be constructed. N' The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, speciflcations, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. I have raad and understand the above tisted submittat requirementsl Project Name: Buifding name and physicaf addre ss k\DgE 5-r. CopOoA tilt t A Contractor Signature Nq >l N t; *" Br, 4 - 9|r'.uf fr' t'l' l'7 6c i.or, t rt TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 MX 970-479-2452 Mark Cadmus, President Bridge Street Condominium Association 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Bridge Street Building Streetscaping Dear Mark: As you aware, the Town of vail has agreed to allow the Bridge Street condominium Association to place pavers, snowmelt and other associated streetscape improvements within the public right-of-way via a "revocabic right-of-way permit.; you have asked for an assurance that the Bridge Street Condominium Association will have no increase in liability as a result of the placement of these improvements on public property. The following statement (taken directly from the revocable permit language) summarizes the To_wn's position on this issue: The applicant agrees to indemni,fy and hold harmless the Town of Vail, its fficers, employees and agents from and against alt tiabitity, craims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, including without limitation claims arising from bodily injury, personal injury, sichtess, disease, death, property loss or damage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which arise out of or are in any manner connected with applicant's activities pursuant to this permit, if such injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is claimed to be caused in whole or in part by, the act, omission, e*or, professional error, mistake, negligence or other.fault of the applicant, his contractor or suhcontractor or any fficer, employee or representstive of the applicant, his contractor or his subconlractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, hanclle respond to, and to provide defensefor and defend against, any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense ofthe applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expenses relating thereto, including court costs and attorney's fees, whether or not ary/ such tiability, claims, or demands alleged are g round less. fal s e, o r fraudul ent. Applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own co.st, a policy or policies of insurance sufiicient to ensure against all tiabitity elaims, demancls and other obligations assumed by the applicant. tpu"'"uo"uo t In summary, it is the Town of Vail's position that the revocable right-of-way permit language indemnifies the Town from all claims relating to private improvements on public property. Ifyou would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Good luck with, your project. Sincerely, E,*f_ L//* Brent Wilson, Planner II cc: R. Thomas Moorhead, Town Attomey Dominic Mauriello, Chief of Planning BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION March 14,2000 HANDDELIVERED Town of Vail Department of Community Development Attn: Brent Wilson RE: Bridge Street Building Surround Dear Brent: For the land which is owned by the town adjoining the Bridge Street Building, the Bridge street Building Association is requesting an easement; a revocable right of way; or the town property deeded to the Bridge Street Building in order to accomplish the heated Bridge Sheet Building Surround. The Bridge street Association requests the appropriate document be prepared for the Bridge Street Building legal counsel's review. The improvements should become an asset to the Bridge Street Building. What assurances does the Bridge Street Building have once these permanent improvements over town property are in place that the Bridge Street Building will have NO increase in liability. Although our intention is to undertake this building surround beginning April 24th with a June 30th completion, the above items will need to be clarified to the Association on or before April I't. we look forward to working with the Town of vail on this major restoration. Thank you very much. Bridge Street Condominium Association r.v,M Mark Cadmus, President 281 BRIDGE STREET, VAIL, CO 81657 TEL. (970) 476_1450 ilrt*n Review,t.tt Form TOWN OF VAIL ProjectName: Monfort - Kiss the Moon Project Description: Replace existing bay window with door and replace existing door with bay window Owner, Address and Phone: Christine Monfort,3519 Holman CRT, Greeley, CO 80631 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: R.A. Nelson and Associates, PO Drawer 5400, Avon CO 8r620 Project Street Address: 281 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot D and E, Blk. 5C, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 210l-082-23-027 Building Name: Bridge Street Condo Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Action: staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 4-14-99 Comments: Owner and Tenant should note that new door location is adjacent to a public loading area and d,uring permitted loading times, trucks may be parked directly in front of the proposed door. F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALg8\MONFORT.4t 4 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 tD -\, t F 0o f I.rlrjli + l* ]:o : Fi .-l flN r f *l ffif; rTT 5 e)sOA*u EFF Efi$ d\t\ E\ Gr.' i.-'L f iFi:.!;]j i-rI Ja r$ti $d "*f { .ri i:J T Qucstions?|l thc Planning Stafi'ri 479-? 128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvierv approval. Any project rcquiring desigr review must rcccivc Design Rwiew approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmil For specific information, see the submittal rcquircmorts for.thc particular approval that is requested. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all tbe required infomration,is submitted. Thc project may also need to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and/or the planning and Environtttcntal Comrnission. Design Review Board approval cxpircs onc year after final approval unlcis a building permit is issued and construcfion is startcd. A. DESCRIPTIoNoFTHEniquesr. TO|iiNOFVAII. B. c. D. E. PHYSICALADDRESS: Jfl Br.1', Sl- PARCEL*. #OI- () LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_BLOCK: FTLTNG: ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): flle,^t?o^-T (l+l',tlf lNe r+ MAILINGADDRESS:T Grtte e - 5?Qb owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: F. G. MAILINC ADDRESS: . PHONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building.tr Addition - $50 tncludcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or V conlncrcial bdilding. frMinor Altcrrtion - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. Iandscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submital. Latcr. whcn applying for a build.ing pennit. please identiff thc accumte valuation of the projec. The Town of Vail wltt aOlusitne fce accordingto thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTA.L REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENI 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL. coLoRADO 8t6sz Vpi'ht"t"({o+^ tesign Review,lcton Form TOWN OFVAIL Projcct Narnc: Monfort Door Addition Projcct Description: Replacc bay window with door and cntry steps Owncr, Address and Phonc:Christine Monfort Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Bill Pierce, 1650 Vail Valley Drive' Vail' CO 81658 Proiect Strcet Address:284 Gore Creek Drive Lcgaf Dcscription: \o"'l V,'ltt"rt ll+ , B lt4 54 J to+ D Action: ParcelNumber: BuildingNamc: -:ilfi6[JHrt \liltc-flrvzt Commcnts: Adds no floor area. Does not remove existing landscape area. t Ct-lo' Board / StaffAction Motion by: Secondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-19-97 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 esign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Bridge Street Building Project Description: Heating and repaving ofpedestrian areas Owner, Address and Phone: Bridge Street Condo. Association, 281 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81658 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Morler Aker Architects, 143 East Meadow Dr. #330, Vail, CO 81658 Project Street Address: 281 Bridge Street Legal Description: Lots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1" Filing a D Parcel Number: PRJ99-0026 Comments: BuildingName: Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 3-0 Conditions: 1. Provide 8" soldier course.2. Provide irrigation to planters and trees.3. Provide a new light fixture in planter at north end on Bridge Street and relocate existing lixture to planter on south end ofproperty.4. Paver color to match blend used at Austria Haus in herring bone configuration.5. Flue vent detail to be approved by staff (painted to match building).6. Tree species to be determined working with staff. Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Motion by: Piercc Board / Staff Action Action: Approved Date:3117199 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 MonrenAl<EnAmcN I TECTS TRANSMITTAL Date: 3117199 I To: Dominc M. From: Matthew Stanton Gompany: Town of Vail Vail, CO 81658 cc: Re: Bridge sheet Building via: Delivery/pickup I PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED THE FOLLOWING: Dated Copies Ot APre&eeAle|qerPerqlq 143 East Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 F ax 97 0147 6-0710 Email MorterAker@ compuserve.com 3t17t99 4 3117199 4 Paver patterns (8" soldier coursing) Exhaust termination I Remarks: Dominic, Per our phone conversation:1. TOV DRB has given consent approval for the project with conditions. These conditions will be documented and conveyed to MorterAker Architects.2. Attached are 11x17 cutsheets for paver patterns and the exhaust termination. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Matthew S. oprJoloJ'rSellt^ le^ SuqtJ lsJu',:E lsolB',J/:)/B siol lvlrrtd'3+c sro'l bugpngng iloorlg obpgrg 90t9-91f/OZA 499!t opDJotot rIo tlo^ to cpooJ.roJJ .^!JO 'vlopo.ft l3o3 cti uorroJooJo9 touoreo.JoJd v sllf3il H flrvuswusJtuow uonequlJal lsoeqxg Jo suollros/suolls^alg :uoltd!.t]sao SVN :uloJJ "0-,1 =.a/t :altos ti6/Lllt elsc arnsolJu:l to$og €dIJ oCI'av/ t AHY lllLD (D r -('(') ><iz-:r ). ot = (J<2 L)> (ta FOll (|)F <Y u-lJ O< O:: ,, , tll ;l JIL F .,/5eru- 9-rO3o() z.o) l-tl tl I ;i{ <:i=ri<() 04Olll =aYJOLL IL TLO c> tllLoC)OrF$) Z rir go {--(J)il (t) Z r-l-< ry A,ll " l I ill-l Z F q_r <(-) )> (J)q I rill LU(D I LLIf ll [lz -) TLo 'ta p tll -l ti_l z a>a Il _ ,, , (D:ii <4=I<c) (zo t-Lt-) oarc)tL IL tLoOIUo OlFd) MonrenArcEnAmcNI TECTS TRANSMITTAL Date: 3/15/99 A Professional CorDoration 143 Easl Meadow Drive Crossroads at Vail Vail, Colorado 81657 Fax9701476-O71O Email MorterAker@ compuserve.com I To: Dominc M. Gompany: Town of Vail Vail, CO 81658 From: Matthew Stanton Via: Delivery/pickup ot site plani mechanical/ elevations/ paver patterns CC: Re: Dated 3/99 Copies Bridge Skeet Building I PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED THE FOLLOWING: I Remarks: Dominic, 1. Revisions per comments dated 3.10.99 by TOV DRB. 2. Dan K. @ Beaudin Ganze spoke with Charlie Davis regarding the flue run. Since this is power vented, Mr. Davis has allowed the termination under the soffit as proposed. 3. Dan K. @ Beaudin Ganze has information pending regarding the decibel level of the boiler and equipment. He should have literature for the Wed DRB session. Please call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Matthew S. FILE COPY O TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 March 10, 1999 Kirk Aker Morter Aker Architects 143 East Meadow Dr. #330 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Bridge Street Building paver/snowmelt project - Lots D, E and F, Block 5C, Vail Village l- flung Dear Kirk: The Cornmunity Development Departrnent has reviewed your streetscape proposal for the above referenced site. The staffand the DRB have produced the following issues which need to be addressed before final review ofthe proposal. Please address the following: l. The Building Division has indicated that the flue to the boiler will have to penetrate the roof and exhaust vertically. Please speak with Gary Goodell or Charlie Davis in the Building Division if you have any questions in this regard. 2. The Fire Departrnent requires a 7.5' radius around the fire connection on the building. Please make stue any proposed fiees comply with this requirement. 3. The proposed tree grates must be moved to the south to tle other side of the concrete pan shown on the plan. Please correct the plans accordingly. 4. Please provide details and pictures ofproposed paving materials, patterns, transition materials, stair railings, and tree grates. 5. Please provide proposed grading on the site plan. 6. Please iudicate how handicap accessibility is being achieved to the retail spaces. This wouid seem to be the appropriate time to correct any accessibility iszues that might exist on-site. {S u"nuorn"o 7. The DRB recommended moving the drain closer to the building and creating an interesting transition between the Wall Street pavers and your proposed pavers. The DRB recommended transitioning on a radius rather than a straight iine. 8. There is a need for two additional light post fixtures aiong your Bridge Street Frontage. Please provide these "Village" light fixtues il the planters aiong Bridge Street. 9. Please indicate the size of proposed trees. Staff recommends that these be large (4" caliper) size trees, given their location and importance. 10. You will need to insure that the proposed boiler will comply with the Town of Vail noise ordinance limitation of 60 decibels. Please provide documentation that this requirement is met. Please revise the plans and resubmit to me. If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2148. Dominic F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Plannins Si Page2 of2 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FINAL AGENDA Wednesday, March 3, 1999 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBEFSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Brent Alm Clark Brittain Hans Woldrich BillPierce SITE VISITS 1. SBC Development- 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr.2. Herman - 34il Beaver Dam3. Payne - 381 Beaver Dam Circle4. Slifer Building - 230 Bridge Street5. Bridge St. Building-281 Bridge St.6. Dobson lce Arena7. Lionshead Mini-Golf - Tract B&D, Lionshead Driver: Jeff FltE C0ili' 12:00 pm 1:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Broe / Neptune ll residence - New primary/secondary residence. 3:00 Pm Brent Dominic 1270 Westhaven Circle / Lot 28, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Pat Broe, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Biil Pierce VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL 3 CONDITIONS ARE RESOLVED: 1. The DRB would like to see detail drawings of the fascia, railing and trim elements. 2. A revised landscape plan that shows the application of landscape screening around the transformer at the southwest corner of the lot must be submitted. 3. The outstanding Public Works issues must be resolved. 2. Tavoso residence - New primary/secondary residence. 2655 Davos Trail / Lot 18, Block 2, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Steve Tavos, represented by William Reslock MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Biil Pierce VOTE:3=1 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: .1. That the driveway issue be worked out with Public works. 3. Bridge St. Building - Paver replacement and snowmelt system for wallway. Dominic 28'l Bridge StreeuLots D, E, and F, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"' Filing.Applicant: Mark Cadmus, Bridge Street Condo Association CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 4. Berndt residence - Final review of a new primary/secondary residence. 756 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 4, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch.Applicant: Wolfgang Berndl, represented by Steve Riden MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Biil pierce VoTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVEDWITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the site grading issue be worked out with Public Works. 5. Northwoods - Conceptual review of an approved development plan. Allison Allison Allison 600 Vail Valley DriveiNorthwoods Condominiums.Applicant: Fritzlen,Pierce,Smith MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Biil Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED 6. Herman residence - Conceptual review of an addition and remodel to a primary Allison residence. 343 Beaver Dam Rd./Lot 1, Block 3, Vail Village 3'dApplicant: MarkDonaldsonArchitects CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 7. SBC Development - Conceptual review of a primary residence with EHU. 1047 Spraddle Creek Dr./Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Applicant: Robert Mach CONCEPTUAL_NO VOTE 8. Lionshead Miniature Golf Course - New recreational climbing struclure. Jeff Eagle Bahn Ski Yard / Part of Tracts B & D, Lionshead 1"' Filing. Applicant: Charlie Alexander MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND:Clark Brittain VOTE:3-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That there be a wooden rail fence.2. That the trailer be screened with landscaping. 9. Cummings residence - New single-family residence and Type I employee housing unit. Jeft '1835 West Gore Creek Drive / Lot 20, Vail Village West zno Filing Applicant: Greg and Janice Cummings CONCEPTUAL-NO VOTE 10. Laidlaw residence - Final review ol a new single-family residence. George 1722Geneva Driv/Lot 10, Matterhorn Village Applicant: walt Laidlaw, represented by RKD MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Wotdrich VOTE: 4-0 TABLED 1 1. Westhaven Condos - Final review of a proposed new Fractional Fee Club George and employee housing project. 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A.Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby Robinson MOTION; Clark Brittain SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE:4-0 TABLED 12. Payne - Separation request George 381 Beaver Dam Circle/Lot 1, Block 4, Vait Viilage 3'o. Applicant: W&B Development, LLC MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED 13. Slifer Building - Change to approved plans. George 230 Bridge St./Lot B&C, Block 5, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Slifer Smith & Frampton MOTION: Clark Brittain SECOND: Biil Pierce VOTE:4-0 CONSENT APPROVED AS PRESENTED 14. Dobson lce Arena locker room and loading dock expansion George 321 Lionshead Circle/Lot 1 Blockl , Vail Lionshead Second Filing Applicant: Stanley Turner, representing the applicant MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: BillPierce VOTE: 4-0 TABLED Staff Aoprovals Peters residence - Extension of approval for new residence attached to existing residence. Allison 4193 Spruce Lane/Block 9, Lot 12, Bighorn 3'd.Applicant: Steve Peters Yare residence - Storage room addition; deck & guardrail renovations. Brent 1839 Meadow Ridge Road #Dilot 14, Buffehr Creek.Applicant: Mark Yare Dyer residence - 250 exterior addition. George' 380 E. Lionshead Circleffracts l&J, Vail Lionshead t"t. Applicant: Marilyn Dyer Los Amigos -Temporary deck extension. Brent 228 Bridge St./Lots A&8, Block 2, Vail Village 1"t. . Applicant; MichaelStaughton o Plum residence - Minor ex'terior alterations. Brent 83 Willow Place, Riverhouse #6&7/Lot 3, Block 6, Vail Village 1"'. Applicant: Roy & Kathy Plum The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's otfice, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Telephone tor the Hearing lmpaired, for information. o DESIGN R.IVIEW BOARD COMMENTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED ADDITION TO THE DOBSON ICE ARENA WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY l7th, 1999 Brent Alm r The parapet appears a little too high and top-heavy. r Save as many trees as possible - especially on the west side of the loading dock. r The simple geometry, flat roof forms and use of existing materials work well. r The canopy idea is interesting. e The cupola/periscope feature needs to be more subdued. The skylight may be a bit extravagant. . The loading dock gate should be solid - not rransparenr. r The use of zinc may work - but no so much on the parapet. Bill Pierce r This is a big step in the right direction. . A transparent loading dock gate is desirable. r The use of indigenous/existing materials is encouraged. r New windows should blend with the existing concept. r The fascia strips should be carried consistently throughout. . The parapet may be out ofproportion. r The skylight may not be necessary. o The cupola/periscope feature is ok. o The zinc panels are good - but maybe not vertically aligned. Get the loading dock functioning, then save as many trees as you can. r we may want to see if AIPP would like to get involved. Maybe on the gates? Hans Woldrich r Concurs with Brent and Bill o The addition should be "quiet" and secondary tothe existing building . The canopy should not be as bright or glitzy. t' QucstiorfCall thc Planning Staff at 479-2 I 2tt APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION (r r t +60L( This application is for any projcct requiring DesiEr Rcview approval. Any pro.iect requiring dcsign revicrv.ntust rcccivc Design Rcvicrv approval prior to subniitting tbra building pcrnrit. Forspecific infonnation. see thc subrnittal rcquircmcrrts tbr the particular approval that is requcsted. Thc application carurot be acccptcd until allthcrcq4ircd infornration is subrnitted. The proiect ntay also need fo bc rcviervcd by thc Town Coturcil and,/or thc Planning and Environrncntal (lorlnrission. Design Rcvierv Board approval expircs onc ycar aftcr flnal approval unlcss a hrrilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. DESC]RIPTION O f< l.€F.fr-JJ.€, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: BLOC FILING: lar Ftut't6 PHYSICALADDRESS: \/l\tL \tL>LaE- B;Q\W€ 4- 26l PARCEL #:(Contact Eagle Co, Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) D. E. F. c;, ZONING: ?K<I<INC b('T'e]CT- NAivtEoF€wNERf,$) r'aa*t< do,p"llEdl]- tr?e.rJe#oFP,n,d,J" S+,C*J" A'.coq,#+to,a I\lAILING ADDRESS:tL-<-o PHONE: SdfiffRfSlr SIGNA'I' URE{S} : NAME OF APPLICANT: t4ar<r€R A<€e. ,a.pcurr6cf5 MAILINCADDRESS [+3 EA€{- HAAFI' D{t\\€ +=33O PHoNE: rc.1a4'+tob TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nel'Clonstruction - $200 (lonstruction of a ucw building. lncludes any addition rvhcrc square tbotagc is added to any rcsidential or cornnrcrcial buildins, D Addition -$50 fintnn. Attcration -520 Includcs rrriuor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovetlrcnts. such as, rcrootlng. painting. rvindorv additions. imdscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DttB fccs are to bc pairl at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying tbr a building pcnnit, plcasc identify tlrc accuratc valuatiorr of thc project. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASI, SI.JI]N,IIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPAII.TIVIENT OF COI\,I]UUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO EI657. TOI'I/N OFVAIL BUILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED I\{ATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* t1A'rc.\\ €na+ru4 LoOrtE@P VafrL-flAT4t\ Exl5r./t/4 6s1RS SrEEL dv6PDRr4tL-|4 rE-t\ €)A(€fl^J4 Roof Siding ()ther Wall Materials Fascia Softits Windorvs Windorv Trim Doors Door Trirl Hand or Dcck Rails FIucs Flashrngs . Chinlrcys Trash Enclosr"rrcs Grccnhouscs llctuning Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr f ME.TAL /gatct@ 6l ltt-uco !,l+T?c* € )i,l€Tt^r6 * Plcasc spccily thc lnanufirchrrcr's color, number and attach a snull color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting rnust rncet the Torvn's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). lf cxterior lighting is proposcd. plcasc indicalc thc rrumber offlxhrrcs and locatiorrs on a separate lighting plan. Identify cach fixtue fype and provide thc ltciglrt abovc gradc. lumcns output. luminous arca, and attach a cut shect of thc lighting fixhres. frelce / =o^Je 6YA Updatcd 6/97 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc Conrnron Namc Quantrtv Sizc* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REN{OVED: *N4irrinrurrr rcquircrucnts for landscaping: dcciduorrs trecs - 2 inch calipcr conifcrotts trecs - 6 f'ect in height shrtrbs - 5 gallons Tvpe Souarc Footaqc CROUND COVEIT sot) ShEt) lRI{ICATION TYPE OR METIIOD OF EI{OSION CONTROL Ol-t{ER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (rctaining walls. fcnccs. su,inrrning pools, ctc.) Plcasc spccify. Indicate top and hottottr clcvations of rctaining rvalls. Maxintnu heiglrt of rvalls rvithin the fi'ont sctback is 3 tbet. Maxintutn height of l,alls clscrvhcre or1 thc propcrty is 6 fcct. E)(rgAN4 Pt-AJr-rER "Ep BA REMp\./€P A( R.oP<pS€D Botl,€'e LecA[ro^f Updatcd 5/97 lltf L, L' + H -';.---: a -_-\ I F:-ir,i o D o esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Monfort Door Addition Projcct Description: Replace bay window with door and entry steps Owner, Address and Phone:Christine Monfort ArchitecVContact. Addrcss and Phone: Bill Pierce, 1650 Vail Vallev Drive, VaiI, CO 81658 Proj ect Street Address:284 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Adds no floor area. Building Name: lMEsHt 0t Azc-S$"eot Does not remove existing landscape area. ' @t' Bui//,cr9 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions; Staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-19-97 Board / Staff Action Action: DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 - ,av Bridge Street Condominiu m Association P.O. Box 1105, Vail, CO 81658 303-476-1450 October 9,1997 Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Unit 2A, Bridge Street Condominium Vail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that based on the First Amendment to Condominium Declaration for Bridge Sheet Condominium the applicant Christine A. Monfort has complied with and received appurtenant percentage approval ofthe Board ofManagers. The owner desires to remodel the unit, including dividing the unit into two retail spaces. This remodeling will include a second tenant entrance replacing the west bay window, also a north double door entrance replacing the front bay window, and the removal of the existing north west entrance door which will be replaced by a display window. The Board of Managers of the Association approves the remodel of the unit and the exterior changes as shown in the attached drawings provided by William Pierce of Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner Architects. The attached drawings and scope of work described above are the complete work to be performed and no other changes or additions will be included. The drawings and scope of work will not be changed without prior written approval of the Association. Bridse Street Condominium Association su,%fu//.--Gor.-r*-'tu Mark Cadmus, President t -1.i:i--t' i t I l.{l{ -r r\ I f- 't;\i,ot'rJ q-1 + Il.rtli l[l:o I i + I ];\ J! I .oii t. I F-r>4 .l Frr F-r-d t-\z Ti l U) A {\ L { IL -1'1 + Ii - .r-JJ =1.t; rt Id*- l"{| 6dI o{I-- i .Y[ OS/O8757 10,: .12 og/o&/Al OS: t$ r ,.- l.-H:;;.ff:"ER*TIDN'S OFFICE .EFTTZLEII PITRCE @oot @oo1 Qucstiq:sl CaIl t!.c Planning Stafr at 479-3 | 2E EIENERAL INFOR.i,ATIO^f This aJrplicrtion fr for argi 1rrrjc*,Ec$nring Dcsig[ Rcricw alrprmat. Any frrojf* ragurdFg dcs[,gn relri{xt rmr$ rtcdvo Dcrigt Rsvlew 4ttttst al prr-orfo lubE trniqg fcna bur:tdi4gpcrrnie .For *pecifc infctulin cc+frcorbnrirel rcqgirc<ucnts forthc lnrt'anhr agaxrr'al tlaf k eqrrc*ted" Tbi epplic*on crnlbt bc .trcE'toil uotil aII rhc rc{uiEcd in{brnnation is nrhmlEed- Tic prolr;ct raay also alfd b bc revicd'd blr tha To*;n.Cor.dl ad/or tlt Plmaing and Errvirurmantd Cmtmirsidt. Ifcsigtr ll.tvisr Eorrrl tppro.rel erpirct rinc vtryr lltr trnrl ripprovil trEIcf,f a tuildiFg Fcrfiit Ir lrsEEiI ead cotrrtrlrtloD fu s|rncil. APPLICATTON FCIR DTSIGH REVTEui/ AI|PRO\/AL /t.it (Ooatec Erglc Co. Assrcsprs O6Icc 6. 97t}328-86il0 for flercrl #) ?umroF OFTI{E B--L(]CATION OF PROPOEIAI; LOT: PIi|TSICAL ADDRESSe PA.RCEL* &*a c- D. E. F. G. FT. ?Ot.|ING: Nr+-lvIE OF (}1rINER{S!: olwrr|ER{S) SIGNATLm_E(EI: }.IA,ME OFAPPLICANT: TYFE OFREIfig|WAI.ID FEEtrl Nasr Coostnrcttu -$!OOtrl Adddln - ct rllirr Alnsrtrorr- tl cmcEFfrlnr]tci * :-. ISO lllduttca ny additiot whcrc sqErc f,ooragE is addEd ro a4r rEsidOial 9[egmmugiathrildiru; $lo f,*l.J-rmir*Jaft*obuildiagserddte imgoremrnts-anchqs- rcroofine; Drtuih8- s,indqn adei.dd,landsspL*: ftocr= *rd r*iuiqg urall!. +:.SO FB qr qlrtl$lndioo uaere tc ryptirent yidler to nrocf r@ Dcdp Rcrdcn, Bqpdnq dr*EtoriEnrtrrtEr tr Esldc prolcr gcuady coupttes u:irtbrtt' ddden.E ddCiqnFte pRB doos airt vrid m moAtat rcfitrrr:, D_ XE fu xc to ba Fid rt ttc rilNs 6f pt,lrr'rird. I#- rAa appliqg tr g Urffiag nenUq plsgo -dsrt-B . fr.e ardraro vdulior of ti grojccr_ Thc Tora of Vail witr ediGr-rhFftG amctn*fi ts p.fo-ctr lr*aiu- ErrEr|sa srrBMtT rEls a"tttlc*firon, a.rr-suulcrrAr- EfqurRErdEFrrS AID r1rE FEE Tgi 1'I{eIrEFAfTtittrrr rm coMr{r'!ilrr DEvs.m}IE!{T, ?5 Sdtrrg r*onrmce Rnaxl Cm:trscEoq sfa acw buildin8 09/08/e? 09:20 TXlRx No-4394 P.001 llif.GlGff.mAtrO81ei?- 09/08/97 10:04 Tx/Rx N0.9910 P.001 I t, BUILDING MATERLALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia I Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys ,Trash Enclosures .:,:,.1:,,. .Greenhouses COLOR:* rhr4Ted-l &*'tr * Please speciff the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip . , '** AllocteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sr,'efitingOrdinance 18.54.050(J). If exteriorlightingisproposed, :'' , ';please,inficaethenrmber of fixhrr€s and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifo each fixture type and provide :.t ' theleight abtive grade, lumens output luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTTNG TREES TO BE REMOVED: PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Namc +Minimunr requirements for landscaping: Typc deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper coniferous trees - 6 feet in hcight shrubs - 5 gallons Square Footage Ouantity Sizc* '' r@?tffiqnNF+- walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. r.5,-:t Trat.FrlrtttLtF 5. h'L'ft L; vlll'l r r f stSEDffiE & Ct-rr Orceq .f Vt5E{52 5ia ,3 C, F .A5,vJ. 4JD - l'l', c',:tA frf1ga-"ss-oo * .t =an ftft{t t}61rr..''vu !. 5. Fos lrrfQrm*eloa CaiY.wrif a$., E5.rss stsET ml@ffii - furge*-- *&EA Smer .Psr-!4]frla* neoorE -=EOlf**-- *** {]lrtrs ts ]ffi(r anr rffirsr*, rIE: RH ESS${ATE $F F.SSS, ;fiIEH egggRRIEge-m=s**a**, $&FAeC RE$tHgccE c{IE' oPn'RE -lcF. 'f?=Easu +iAI{E ScgS P}YB$.LE lo frse€ EmF €EBRBiTEEI e€*fFfritrr +** Etrf*€eS.:.F Eeie:-f':l:r 34, 1g_Sr? aE 5:t€ F"1{, Feliq €e ?e ieeued, eaa 1>r.€1>+*6d l$sllred: tr!tr{ELn Qtrrlger; e Poilcy FsS5lelEG+ 'r6!rtr34 s ffitrE:rrH a. Hslsgr g!!e: E'E!i*:e BE: !=t"e=:*g i-a. t+*." laad descrjiced. a*:=€srred E€ !s gts1gi g.tttrqitresE *nd c]ffi*:ett *eaein is< A-F€€ glFEli.G :---it 1E Eg Eh,E EsEair sr LnE=s+s}- sEi.a-.:r€d, h€sEi* lt +E Ehe*t*Ert+t€ ge=e &rFaeE :sa;q.sf,. i-E: €tftrW #ni,$r C*P. ' & W 1f0R.9' -C+SgnESETAul DES{SIEED r!5 rEis caNrs!{!5tIls€ $89**IS3ES ?EflffiFEF €ffir5EgR 13. $$/13,/9? 14:31 TXTIRX *.Oat,D nn.l 6EiE{+i s-{;-* & -?tr*'TrFr- *_**_.\rrf.ran TIT1[jE. ISESESISGE (:]l'tFucAr[:r IrrtrdLlttFItFlE'f'dillJ. la \r\rr'. f.qrzf{Js- riJ -:r ss#cfii€ -E - sgFsG.T r {e.e$u-EErltnEsi ( Ir vltllB.r 't? Y-tg=r- ? t afiF $8'/13,/9? t4:3tr TN,/*N HS.43?3 D nn,i F{J(r lit -:ff r. $/"Y +A.^.l.fT,?FI!ET'IFtrlIJaAr5\rr.r sffiQEtr =-€ECr-i!8{4 {3eqllL:aeseBg.c!i;ftiE o=SEf # ItagSgS3 Frc ieij,o-o'inq: EF th= :r.*q..rl.r+c=c*t= !+ be eagElliec1 t*ir: Its€€* 1{} ea-3rrneat ts sr fsr ttt* *€t{'tiat' {tf. t'b€'grcer$soFB 4t wttrnisorls-*f tae fritl'eeaid*$aEi€* gor .t-be esltaE4 qs -ig'iqrclsL ee bE inErrred'. Xe€m itsi P:i-gEEi' iEesrn:$rc'trt, t!) ctre3eiegi tsba e$t*aEe or iaceg€€trc b= l-*-u:reE lrr:*t bt a:*E+Ead artd duiy fit.od tff feGF"d' t€- s*E: I t€!E$ {c) Pa}GseEg BC a!1. ta](cEi.s cllarEic:t 6E aEEeEFr€ffie i-+';i+* asd +Escsced ifr-niasE EhF E-(iitjtst F,fefid,3r3 tEhich'3re dll* EEg _--+(-a _jfal'arral= - tem {di i{i*iliFial iFe€EiifiEtrt6aE€. i€ eay di.e+Icpe4 belesrr €REEFEGTE- FR€Fi ffi EEGHTERY {iF 3*atrg +P A@' 3-D9-E-QSF-Ia$E SSTR st SE r iEiuK, Er!3H:tffi rll*9F S=stcEsc -BE4L:r:f ccr!lP.-- * $sts:otr sBRFtr€kTE€ IS e BEi! *€$&rr3EB ElE .sJ{IgT$qtr qffistr1=dtt ffiEER 'EIF 1AWS €F NEH EQRH. :BV*EE$*ffA siTIA5|&C'rIe&g TO sSE CG$pSg:{ AHBr Etg :ERh.Fj effiITlsia;S mffi.gg,sllrslo&ss -oF TcE gsrN er va.ir-. tREFEEER'Eii iiRTG BBEir EiEIC933S. EiiR:tHffi rl*Es *C*t Esl:stelFE gg!&?y eeFJ'= j *.'lrrn :tRf e$F*8**trr€f TG CSEISEI$E -!-. !€lggq&E eqrftrtTrre AGIETF FRGPBR"?!. Se€"; €3*EffSVE'gltffiSffi 1, :i$e?, {*A FS-e'g*4$€ -ESQIIISES :f$*tr Ef,fr'iffiC$'ffiTe {EES'EI'ES} S{fR, *.secieDrr'S! GR,l]lI+ItlEi E--tlr-- EF eEjBEtS AfS .RSC6E$ER.f$..I}FI{EEE; SEATJL f$F&f:r E EF E[irRG:s SF glr r,t4sr EuiE .IIEF iiiF e iFFIF! Fi6E.BiiD EcW HAHer:F eg 33 iGEST fiTE'HENF 9F AS IF{5I. 1E EE9,E }!{D FSCSPtrB W F,EFIISE :grg R.EcdPS SB FlI€ 4!ff EqE*tn@rE TfrEiT'ExiES ditr s^cliFffitsi. EEEggt TE$IE; TrrE &rsJUITrEt'iEh-r Fg* ffi 5GF rdS+SiEl S#lldl. IFCSF EfST:TS EqSDffiS itsi$ .FSEA€ Sf t*IItH seF-ge !s 9F.OVTFEE E€R.SECCI,RDX,sIG +.q 9II}$?g I!EIC'E.!4IT TJ6T SI .FiFF *FF ldBEGTfi' i'F SFE!C!CIF@{T- | -lSntEEr EFEEFTjE rrAImF--R-f i,, a9*3' CORFORJTIPIS:9 fgsT rle ISSElneffia,Ifi t' sEHH*l{EHs sr.Ac3 cF EIIeIXEIS€ M Es&AaeD- 31cD 3EA*:!tt {.9y'13,/g? tr4:31 TX/RX L.10..43?g D nntr E f{-ftt rit -:t-r EF Fffr__- sir--fiiitr & i-rffir-r*i j "' -.-,= q *rte4Fg EItEE I-nEE-sitrE cq E;'tr :r r- r-n I ({.l rf r{gTy!ETI" SfWqTlE T_EECTT€RI 1 trsffREAiDSlr rlsrs:ElrstL$, ESg4gES Agtrr aBIts?E Tfqi.IJ *B €rEAAtr Bo a eeHEele wiiiffiqeqrr-ffisE-.tE# €3r€€ sF €slsFrcs -*gte€st#rg lt{'ui'Ess er $l*Q,SQs'+q. TsB ry+lsEgIJsjtfq; Th- -irfr.a U TIg-e*sl,liEn {l*r! l}t$ t]renrltlcE AF ffi s.e+EE FEICE aR ffi tsET SR$C}IBS FnrU 5ffi. EefrFE EF Tffi :r\BAn B$TAEE' tF ?t'8, ld;!.5, BE le5#EgIJ] ET TEE g:{sxa sffiiEili$SE gWq*$I qE- =Tg EeE!*r }J'rg €ES8{{f?H} TO ffi FEE}3RfFt&ff AF *E1FS[{F.-I*IFE'E-!i rurl. tE c*ffit"F s "lit €EE&EB.'E E$ca$ry-Tt:r scco*G aF €ii E*t'iiitit?& t.aX *ae!srS. llHe -SELIEB GII *,AEtt' mFIf FSF fiiE S*E1UX1p' EAylrtFlq-r' !,SrasGE EG IIqirEFiE r.f,,c nr.aE:ralrts FEEIr Irs ,oe-EdE-5.E!.Es a L\urrt:-xiiDc sF?lrRF F*. EIls YE*-F- FF lsE ssr#= .(&EIriEsEDis)+-- r\-Jr-e a. att q*.4q.9t-ttt4 t/4.l.-r tr .-e- --- lt?'rdl! S8.113/9? 14:31 TXr/RX l-I'o.4??? p.$+€ F{Jr.r' l5 ':tr dEj-ffi *.-flr-r ii iffiirfi CgICgGg TIFIAE fNEqREFIE Cg}FF*Tfi' F. "_ '!r a r-.!uqIEMEwT sfl+ntlE&E B - SEtIfi.€eI + q*ce5tiiaarei rr l^,-9 .€r-- ,t.l-! lt tt? EAr.E tl./ll.t- lr-! r.rE- i t -r r--- Rtgl3t€ !slb:.!+ ?re poiieli er pviicies t€ b+ :Legued rr!I--t ee*Eg1+ excegfidB ?E th€ '-'!'! *..tfr !'=.!r trrrl4'.q ':gll aeS F-Jl'a trrEre afC di.epOg*dl €f e€ tJA€\.44v' *.r:'l*tlsf*eEi€4* eF t5.e €enpanv: er cl.eime of pa.r'fie*'j,'u, BQSqessiori aeE E!-rE;i;-.' b; bF'= :cec,ord,s- i. ErF€F:a-..F, +r c].e*e,e 35 e!=*€tlEs- Ilot Ehcrsn a{i tft€ Er:biie reeeSd!=- i. Bii$erefr'aaeies. ccElf3.icte fn ncu+a,ary liaes.. - 6AgFEag€.i:-:=l Cg:+rsecngeet-*. an5l 446r' t4cte whlehl a ii*Er€$t A'+Fsei'' insEreeBae$ !}j gbe grernise$ -?ftfii:fr die-ti.cc* :*d =lrreb a:fe gsE EEQwa Ey EEe ---!-r: - _*-E-!_Ell:Irr r\r l*\r\Jrst . 1. 3ny ?-ien. or r:i-ttrt, to a li€a.r .f,er €+[:ie€s{ latrnr: -or rgBtre5i+i.irc**ageae q'= hEu€* .ger ftlsllsEed; irrryqsed -o1r law unti frii-v xhru-*t !-:-r i lr-+ r.rrr!-r1 i F .r!!cief(!E .r-I ere 5. ;;**Esee, Lieaa, *es::slbsescee, :dre=*e e:Laffira of AeA*t {ffit!E*i?':E' i.f ==ir, c!.e3r--sA, EiEtE 35pear!g in +hq grbiic iE€aoiid3--or e-EtrrFi't+rlg ertbseqnerrrt te 'Uh€ *af*ogi:r* -dats Lerea! -bBAr. Il4aa! Eo r*e eate-eh€ p==qg€:e 1la*=i_.5$++I€t e!_ recgri-fcrE.$ai-rie E:iE .e€-5-jtse +,r ilGt eres"b slg lBgfEg-age t*E-=et'ii EEi-\'E=ES' qi siii= r.4i'rqi!:rnen:'. €. lrax*e c:r eF€cl-al BFe+ggrEel!:e F{lliGIr gd* fr*E she$;'c a+ exietleg l_ie+S rry tirc pub3'ic -e€trt.*6. ? - Ai€ttfi .for *4raid lrar-e€ 3sd. sel.er cfra{Ei;. if aFl-- €. fn addi:iei.qa, tht c4tii*i'E Fdli.l. s!L]. !!t saibJe(]t' ret} tire cpr-kgsg3. ii aey, 31+Ee{ tfuet -lten eue cf Sffil€n a sf $ftdule Il lrerFaf - 9. EIcgT OF I(By }rqF. EEtFs oia cEnrei.S iOssTRttCTEs s:r 9Hg Er-IEgIe-qIgg cF ad IJriitEr ffiI'Es Frs REEE**?$ rs I3*E!E sEl=Es PgEt$rr ?ffilllEF .nr$r 13, i&99. IXt 80tlR rg AT -ca'g *?8. ts= EtrilEr ffi SEg"RIdfoiR €F e rEIs aR -IroFE r(} EClE4g .Bro imovE FiEE URE'ffiEFRc*t €*G{S,iEl Elffi. -SaME RE ,EggNE tQ FEirrzftAis itR iItrHRaEg Et{E Fg'{ESES *g eBsgt1$l III qrf=m gEEEs FeiEffif, eStOEgF JI'rlH a3, 3.99F; ll'I ffi +E iEf Fe€E 475. rJllGttl eg/13,/g? 14: *r1 TX.{Rf, 99.4373 P.SS? l{-^r- .I5 ':tr' -Cstr(jaca EIELE r-r{SEEIiSeE 3;;6pettr !T rg'r. Ftt}liMT:t-lilgut SrffiEr,€ B-SSgdIs{?. $F*.€$r-&Aq.gj +:-:- 6!+-!+- l! rr': c 44tr:L.tt"l.t rr/!a-raF3 '2? C-re--- ,- - Egg?Rrq1,trtE Cey€B{3sIEFs rfBtCH Bg i*Sf €j€}fnts.I$ S, SQ&FE{E{FRS Cg' SgnRTg. 'TAGET-- *rq-ifuryi'i'tme-.8&ns=ets, tr*'alq=. 'Ess-ED.os !4!$r-caF9l-j:1r-I+-Iqroll" -FR --,lri*rSr*er. €RI€iI$r, *s Ccsgg*,!@ ss jE*lSGiE REfifRtiED .euliuFb i,o' ie63, :ls €oQK 1"/g .er paGE -1?e- a. ffi3F Fnor,':€iryrg. c$lEriruETs -BJF E€Etrrr:ffas€i €ns$imffirsr B,$__ry$FIICSIQNE!-- *ie* rqg $- ErFsfu grl rrrx fioffitrtl:Frl*d ltsrtr EE€cRr#* Is gry+ & +F-- €,Eexrss els'rlfsE*is'tnffi' Rtffi@ -c5gg1ryry=- 13, - ls?3r rix-P?qr'3E3-*= :**G--gfg riE frs RllEBIE|gD llg $ssTRIs{ElHr BESEBDED SctreDeE ra. ieE5, 3If Eit,i iiu n'r lde5-cad'rlcl sedolnt-Brunu1Hg[E -l(EeRitE iEtrEg? 30, 1-+e!. rl5 Ecs.tr- 5€a lls FSEE 2fr7- 3. se53gmsr .*!rB BESHS eF rsar scre. tffiEBSS g3:F GffiD€F 'FffiFQaEE .Ag RE€&R\FBB sC Y+EE+ssiFl*ftEgtrn.,aetl-i*tsE+&r$iEaD€sagNERgxrlgrlgqEE:[q W-.-1gl *:*:g6lsl5fiEl' .*,- Ssca$pssitgNgaB,Y 1r. +.965 tF eEox:'EB FT Fe€E -!5 ti4is .FESERIqIEA$$g F.gRfaIlITs[E AA ,gtm agEFiEi{T efit R?fiEi" cF FeE. {-r giE-rsr.iiffiTa, fiF$ElR"v1Hflo}ls *s REeTRIC*!S-.S -4$ S$AFF B Ttrit&@'dEE €i3-' Jotieo#r:rrts* t*aF sF stE EF-lEe' gffir flot{nomrlffiSs RFceBEE Q€i*eE 1-€. 13S3 rlE EsslE 3?q $g EEAatE gs4 fritr| FffiIffi ftfi8r6$tst€ Tss$,#s$ REcoRnsD j\tlc$ttrgr 395 -9g1 ffi Et#l( 55a AS FhsE a+€- s. s![{:Faastr!ffi dF Sl:AIRiiFrr ;Sri} s.r Eril$# SEEFA TIFESS -4!E E€FESS SnsWr *S S5ggr$r u5E -r-ti6 Tii=HS l"rfiCgg*r-gt.! '5e !!aE !$]E$E ST$BFT cOiEdfttCI{E$ ie:F. .€_ se-rgTrlFg L€r$gg rjlb TreI.F$. fFEFE s8r113,/9? 14:31 TX,/RX NS.4373 P.0Se - f,.-6 is =s sgrdmi sr;.=*rr-* & iffii'irft (D ., r. a a u u.so'Lalf D RIgI'S SgLRAfrt"r .J u;i-----:':- F=SCLSST'RB ETHTSEI5T SSquire€ iry SB#E 8iI1 93.-la Ei T6.€ *-tibj*et r*Gl ild?c#€rt]t pav be LoegLe€ ii? a €fies*'eL t'exiglg tl r.rr.l .-F B.i*.-€€*it$estedTrx.e€trlreii€EiEgi€ashiixl.:}€|.j::sr=diee=e=!$sy llg apCg'Ae;-tre'a -if.= *cr.*.*-y tfilras'-t6s:r er Elxt founty trla"rifgrr; authtriE=* aglest.' S€q$i.rsC ry -SBBeEc EiIi tz-i'i3 E] TIm inferrrst{en nega,rdilrE _=Ileeial *is.g'ricts and EhE b€ti:tJ;ri+c +f mrei'+ietrlctss iay he o-Biainedi i-iffi EhE *oa:r* o! Ee*Er'5 ccw:t:^E.Ei.,naqs" -[it*-6"E-3.-tiert aa,g E*ctr:fder; sF ElAe EouEEy A$lles_s_q3. +t a f,er?i*i€aee ,ef Ea*€8 5$e list;i-Bg sa- e-il caxitsg i:fr11f:!-i=* :rr.aal b€ €ilE5sfir{-iseE[ ahe c.,ouEey TE=+E-.iEEf +f; =!:5 celEE:. glces-eurre:S'g a-gEirorizi€ agw.t. j Sgr113r/g? 1.4:31 TX//$X Ne.jg?t p.S$g - -s _l.t b J ; 2 u4pfNrv $il $$ J F bJ(r (o F-o Xlrl -$ _lI - rO Errjzz 5o. utkcl a fi zg (n ulg J 3 I|.o ul F h =trl IF,l;\lEzl : I 3 $ \ )i i\ 11li ?il( ) Ii \ \ I' 'l+$t irl F .Jt .} + a -.1 ( ,r\; I t--) .: I\ t I i I \ 6J Itr l. $ n fr .fu tS ,\ :f .t i$ttt IldI \"l{ \r $ !.. h !ltr .trt -\l 'flqgME \ 'W. .lrJ1., . F rl'E | ' Ei:iiiii I ;,ft#: Ei$ |ll IEf,l I HE i I FH liiii ;ii* iiiliiiiiii l{ii ii l*i i#iilE @ ,tiiil lEli $I o t !ir g t {1il l E- l: J! at ! 3l't.l; ts!ll L I I It \\1\ \\\fiJ iq ll \1i t t t' ..: jt 1 _'irt a:;', ..t:ltl1., {;.1:"reIt .:j;-tj ri :l?t ri :l i,i i :! i il : -!,-lr ::t :!.! I " r |.ir I l! lt : -:';t! :IE- - :l l. ji: : iifi: € i' "d a-#!i .ltdr :r .{i i:\ *if 5ol: i.-:t it!i.: l; .ri iiiit: -.li .- -alri;l -::: -i ii; I!I : 3 |:r I t ?I; r t I.l r t ! li : I I:J I r :fr : t : *'t i:. ! ..' i'. :: . i r i; i! :'-. .t:' ;;.r F :t ii: :!.i". li r i!:r:-t!'.::i -ir !: :r--: |: ::; ,t._ r !l!!i !!:!i ::!l u i ctl: I I !q IF itli t:t; t':'r) :l lflr ' .€'n:r.. ;ia ::!: : ::: ; :;: !i;i s ;ii ; i:! i ;:i : ::: t ii: iiiii tta -i;: !:ti ! iif ; ;i l:i;r;!!J ilil tI . - .: ;:. t ';; ;;'. t. : . ....': -. .:.- i-"-. -.:i '..il,-i.,, i:,,,; i: i l;=:i:::;:ii ji::;::a:: : rj* iiiiifri ; i:i;i i: : ;;i;fii i fii:i ;i ' iriifi i i$ii,;i i ;iit* i rr : :! I t-l3rI -r -!-II !l;l.l I TI -:)r:r2 t!!* iiff H--ItD||r e $i' $q of I ..| ! LIa(, $.' 5 gD GB lrf F Itt q L Qn ,\$rJ ; xIfi'll' I I.l \q -l,rqr[. t- 6l- bl* ullJlr.l J 6o @e --l -l FIt- t ..i (. t I I d'l Ii ir : f.l P FzIJ E rt :trFE-) l-L i I I tr rr.c*h TO -ffi Application for Review by the $1300 $1s00 $6s0 tr n ! trb n tr tr tr D n tr tr tr tr Code Amendment $6s0 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2so $1300 $s00 $200 t2;lt Planning and Environmental Commission Depaffnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.7452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular An application for Planning and Environmental C.ommission review cannot be accepted is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: Rezoning Major Subdivision Minor Subdivision Exemption Plat Minor Amendment to an SDD L:lew Special Development District Major Amendment to an SDD Major Amendment to an SDD (no exterior modifiations) Description of the TO lrt Location of the Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) Maili E-mail Address! $1000 $6000 $6000 $12s0 VeS?r ftaLL GNTfl4 W LAd&1 , -v(ra (*ile $tci S.W - Block:- SuMivision: (2twr; (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') {z<1ot Page 1of7-01/18/02 TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Irail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 ww,w.ct.vau.co.us qtcqol August 29, 2003 Ron Riley Riley-Vail Corporation 228 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: SDD #31 - Minor Amendment Aoolication Dear Ron, Thank you for submitting the Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission requestiag approvai of a ninor amendment to Special Development District #31, to allow for a new entry addition on the west end ofthe Bridge Street Lodge, adjacent to the Vista Bahn Ski yard. Upon review of your submittal materials, I have detennined that your application is incomplete. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Deparhnent. Enclosed, please find a copy of the list of submiual requirements for applications for minor amendments to special development districts. I have highlighted that information which you must subrnit to complete your application. Please read through the list of submittal requirements and if you have any questions contact rne directly at 479-2145. I am happy to answer your questions and help facilitate the timely review of your project. Again" please complete your Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerelv. /**--Q*ul,u George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {g*n"uor ro 278 e. fie*nwn &ffie &eed w&, ee. &16&7 August 19,2003 To: The Planning and Environmental commission of the Town of vail. The Bridge street Lodge condominium Association has reviewed and approved the plans for the new entrance to Colorado Ski Service. S.&e ffiEid*n &C.neee eedee eee& €k*acial6am. M Managing Agent Bridge Street Lodge Association 228 RILEY - VAIL CORPOATION BRIDGE STREET VAIL, CO 81657 August 5, 2003 Warren Campbell Town of Vail- Planning Department v.a. nar^r onl- rrr - IIrri t 1nn Rri rlrre qf rccf T.aalate Background: Unit 100, Bridge Street Lodge, prior to the complete rebuild of the Golden Peak House had a Bridge strepf nrnrrnr{ 'crrel en1- rrr Scc nhnto #2 f trnf rv ci rclgd) .Y!\Jqrru vuLlj, The residential owners in the building (Golden Peak House) required Los Amigos to move ics entrance from what is now the tobby to the west side of the building. Unit 100's entry is in the mj-ddl-e of the west side entombed in the building. The fessee is understandably hesitant to enter .i -+^ - 1^-^^ ^r,!,1nci nn i n 1 i nht ^f tha nrnnnqed qk i ql-.)1.:aJCIllL(J Cl I!:CtDg t:2!LErrJ-r|,rr rrr .!rvrrL \J! ulrq v!\Jy\r.r\-\,( L\-rrqYe and ski rental- operation appurtenant to the proposed Front na\a\ r Pr/1i a a'l- Proposal: The proposal is to build a new entry portion of the planter box,1^*^ --,.,tr vl19 cL r rlr in the south wide. The entry is on Bridge Street Lodge property and does not penetrate any existing view corridors. (See view corridor analysi-s). The style and materials would be consistent with tho or:.i c.l-.i nn l-rrr.i l r{ .i nn .Flro nor^r onf ---- r-^^ -:*:-^1 i f :nr,r_Lrrs EZ!-Lr, LIrrY rJLrJruIIrV. l'.trs J.lsw ErrLf y IldD llt-LllLlllct-L, -rI crrrJ, 'i mnar-l- nn f ha .lra: [^1a ,ara hnni nn tn r-nmnl cta thc improvements prior Lo ski season. If there are additional- materials or information needed please do not hesitate to conLact myself or Michael Staughton aL 47 6-0080, Thank you for your consideration of this matl:er/ RonRi,ey it-% ,,-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ,4- hJ2. n UIJA k--^.rt ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us ProjectName: BRIDGESTREETCONDO pEcNumber: pEC030079 Project DescripUon: BRIDGE STREET CONDO Participants: OWNER MONFORI CHRISTINE A. t1l122003 phone: 3519 HOt"JvlAN CT GREELEY CO 80631 License: APPUCANT ROSSDAVIS]R 11/1Z2OO3 Phone: 1O8S FROMTAGE RD #216 VAIL CO 816s7 License: ProjectAddress: 281 BRIDGE STVAIL Location: 232 WALLSTREET Legal Description: Lot: D, E Block: 5C Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel Number: 210108223027 Comments! BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: o3l2z/?ao4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Bill Gibson pEC Fee paid: $100.00 .t Type of Appllcation and Fee: tr Duplex Subdivision Plat Application for Adm i nistrative General Information: It is unlawful for any person, businest or corporation to violate any of the prwisions of Tifle 13, Vail Town code, or !o ransfef, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, paicel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractiohal fee, or time-share liiense, or anyother division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by theAdministrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever' is applicable) ariO j ptat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. tr Single Family Subdivision plat Description of the Request: Subdivision Plat Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us $100 tr Administrative Plat Correction 9100$100 g Crndominium/fownhouse Plat 9100 Fifth Axoendment to Bridge Street Condominium Location of the Proposal:Lot:b&c Block: 5-C Subdivision: Vail Village First Filing Gore Creek Dr. (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Physical Address: L:! Parcel No.: 210108223027 CCIZoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):Christine A. Monfort Mailing Address:3516 Holman Court , Greele , co 80631 Phone:g7n ?R1 n7^? Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of App11s311' Ross Davis, Jr. Mailing Address:108 S. Frontage Rd. W., trlestStar Bank Suite 216 Vail , CO 81657 Phone: 476-2414 E-mailAddress: rossdavisjrGqr4resr.net Fax 970-479-O467 \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PEC\admin_plat_review_cover.doc 04t24/03 September 10,2003 ROSS DAVIS, JR. ATTORNEY AT LAW WESTSTAF BANK BUILDING SUITE 216 1OB SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL, COLORADO 81657 970-476-2414 FAX 970-479-0467 Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81657 Re: Fifth Amendment to the Bridqe Street Condominium Dear Sirs: This office represents Christine A. Monfort the owner of Unit 2A, Bridge Street Condominiums, and in connection with herreplat and division ofthe unit, as provided in the condominium declaration, I submit to you the following: Three (3) copies of the Proposed Plat. Application fee of $100.00 Title Report of Land Title Guarantee I will provide the applicable recording fees with the final signed mylar plats, when the exact amounts can be determined. The association must sign off on the amendment to declaration, a draft of which is also enclosed for your infomation, verbal approval has been ganted,gnd is a matter of right of the owner of Unit 2 under the original declaration. I -*-l 4'.a-ott' *>5- --/ Please review the amendment and get back to my office, or Mike at Eagle Valley Engineering, 949-1406 with any ges or additional requirements. Thank tion to this matter. fl '''l','" ,O Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50002418 Cust. Ref.: Properf Addressl 281 BRIDGE ST. VAIL. CO 81657 l. Effective Date: July 29, 2003 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issuedn and Proposed Insured: lnformation Binder Proposed Insured: CHRISTINE A. MONFORT 3.The estate or interest in the lsnd described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or intercst covered herein is at the effective date hereof vesred in: CHRISTINE A. MONFORT 4, 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is describetl as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT 2A, THE BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM, ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUMMAP THEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 1S, 1983 IN BOOK 370 AT PAGE 804 AND FOURTHAMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED AUGUST 30, I99I IN BOOK 561 AT PAGE 206 AND ASDEFINED AND DESCRIBED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION RECORDED OCTOBER 13, Ig77IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 669 AND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED OCTOBER 18, 1983 IN BOOK37OAT PACE 805, AND SECOND AMENDMENT THERETO RECORDED NUCUST30, 1991 IN BOOK56I AT PAGE 2O?, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50002418 The following are the r€quircments to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or fot the account of the grantors or morlgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item ft) Proper instrument(s) creating tbe estate or interrst to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requiranents, if any disctosed below: THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. o ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)Our Order No. V50002418 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Companyl l Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the pubtic records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5' Defects, liens, encumbrances, advetse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records orattaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the due the proposed insured icquires -of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage ihereon coverid by this commitment. 6' Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8' In addition, the owner's policy will be zubject to the mortgage, if any, noted in section I of schedule B hereof. 9. RICHT OF PROPRIETOR OFA VEIN OR LODETO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETHEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAs RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT REC.RDED JUL' 12, 1899, IN BooK4g ATPAGE 475, 10. il. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IN BOOK 48 AT PACE 475, CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12. 1899. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR NESTNTCiiON BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION,SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS ON UETiOT'TET- ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THEEXTENT THAT SAID CO'ENANT (A) IS EXEM*T u*nnn cHAprER 42, SECTT'N 3607 OFTHE UNITED STATES CODE OR tSI RNI-'iES iO ;ANUCEP BUT DOES NOTDISCRIMINATE AcAINsrHANoicep pnisorullei coNr,qrr*rsD rN TN5TRUMENT RE.'RDEDAUGUST IO, 1962,IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 139. -' ' - EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR INCRESS AND EGRESS PURPOSES AS RESERVED BYVAIL ASSOCIATES' LTD.' A COLORADO iN'AI''O'iENTNERSHIP IN DEED TO W.K.WHITEFORD, JR, RECORDEDJANUARY ii, IS6S]N BOOK I88 AT PAGE 15 ANDRESTRICTIONS PERTAINING To SAID ensBr,aer\rr aruD RIGHT oF wAY. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50002418 The policy or policies to be issued wlll contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. ENCROACHMENT OF STAIRWAY AND BAY wlNDOW ONTO INGRESS AND EGRESS EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON THE THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM MAP. 14. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER L3, 1977 , IN BOOK 259 AT PAGE 669 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 18. 1983. IN BOOK 370 AT PAGE 805, 15. TERMS, CONDTTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF NOTICE OF INTEREST IN REAL ESTATE RECORDED APRIL 14. 1986 IN BOOK 439 AT PAGE 712. 16. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM. 17, EXISTINGLEASES ANDTENANCIES. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSI.JRE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing disrict. B) A Cenificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective S4tember l, 199'1 , CRS 30-10406 requires that all doeuments received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one ilch and a teft, right and bottorn margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to doeuments using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires thal "Every titie entity shall be responsible for all matten which appear of record prior to the time of recording whenever the title entiry eonducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the lransaction which was closed". Provided that Land Tirle Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transa$ion and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the l,enders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Ownei s policy to be issued) upon compliance wirh rhe following eonditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single famity residence which includes a condominium or lownhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been fumished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construqion on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropdate affidavit indemnifying the Company againsr un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction! improvements'or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchasedu/ithin six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, iie requirements to obtain coveragefor unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of cenain *n.truction information; financial information as to tlre seller, the bu der and or the contmctor; paymenr of the appropriate premium fullyexecuted Indemnity Agreements satisfaclory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid inrormation by the company. No coverage will be given under any circumshnces for labor or material for which the insuredhas conhacted for or agreed to pay. Note: pursuant to CRS l0_l l_123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy cornmitmenm contarniag a mineral severance instrumentexception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral esmre has been severed, leased, or otherwiseconveyed from lhe surface esnte and that there is a substantial likelihood thai a third partyholds some or alr interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or georhermal **r!y io ir," property; andB) That zuch mineral estale may include the right to enrer and use the property without thesurface owner,s permission. Nothing herein containedvill be deemed ro obrigare.the company to provide any of thc coveragesreferred to herein unless the above conditions ura"fully satisfied. Fofm DtsclosuRE 09/01/O2 ryIt' . JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POX'ICY Fidelity Natlonal Financial Group of companies/chicago Title Insurance company nnd Land Title Guarante€ ComPanY July l, 2001 We recosnize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requirefirents of applicable federal and Jii j-r,iif idr-rfr,i.'in6Griiii.'irtii 'i,alii'diilil;;e ;f?i";;; ffitiur non+ubli" personal infoimation ("Personal ilT;fr;i;;t' j, *",i io-*r,.ii'ii itiiii'Jiirl,if,'"]i1-doili ire^bXii roii6htionstrii, of.tnisr between us and the public iirti-w ibwei'riris Frivacy'siaiiriiiil:irli,-"i,iii ttiii-exiiianati6;, W; nserve thi right ro change this Privacv Siitement from fime to ti[ie consistent with applicable-privacy laws' In the course of our bgsiness! we may collect Personal Informatlon about you from the following sources: * From aoolicarions or other forms we receive from you or your authorized represe-ntative;- it6m frlri iilffa;rii,ns *itir, oi trom rtre services 6eirg pl:rformed by, us, our affiliates, or others; + From bur internet web sites;* Fi;il itid ouUtic iecorAs mainrainea bv qovemmenlal entities that we either obrain directly from those entities. o? from out affiliates or otheisland* From consumer or other reporting agencies, Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentlality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain ohvsical- electronic and orocedural safeguards Io protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or inrrirsibn. We limit access rd the Personal Iiformatioir only t6 those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agenls, and other real estate si:ttlemerit service nroviders. We also mav disclose vour Personal Informatiori: + !o agenrs. baok".* o, reDresentatives oo or*ia. uou r,* services vou have requested:* to th-ird-pafly contractois or service providers who provide servicis or perfonri marketing or other functioni oli our behalf; and* to odErs with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when vou direct or sive us permission. when we are required by law to do so, or when we iuspect fraudulent or criminal artivities. We allo mav disclose vour Personal Informa on when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for exainple, wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any dgr6::ment, trinsaction or relationihip with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documenrs in the public domain. Such documentS may contain your Personal Information. ' Rtght to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cenain states afford you- the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances! to find out to whom your Personal lnform-ation has beeir disclosed. Also, certain sratei afford vou rhe rishr to reaudst@rrefiion, amend,ment or deletion of your Personal lnformation. We reserve the rilht, wherE permirtid by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover tlte costs incurred in responding to such requests. - All,requesls submitted to lhe Fidelity. Narional.Financial 6roup of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Companyslall be rn wriung, and delivered to the following address: Privacv Comoliance Officer Fidelitv National Financial. lnc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220' Santa Barbara, CA 931 l0 Multiple Producls or Services If we provide vou with more tan one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticefrom us. We ajlologize for any inconvenienCe iflii iniy-cause you. Forrn PR I V, PoL, CH I TTTIIU) AMENDMENT TO CONDOMINIUM DI]CLARATTON AND TIII' BRIDGB ST'REET CONDOMINITNI. UNIT 2 This Thircl Amenclrnent to the Condominium Declaration and Filth Amendment to thc Map is lor the Bridge Stleet Condotniniuttr, Unit2, and is made and cxecuted this - day of 2003 by Christine A. Monfort, (hcreinalier t'efened to as thc SubDeclarant). I{IICITALS SubDeclarant is the owner of Unit 2A, the Bridge Street Condominiutn, a condonrinium unit locatcd within the Bridge Street Condominium as created and defined by the Condominium Declarationrecordeclseptcmber 13, 1977 inllook25gapage66gof thetecordsol'thcClelkand Recordcr of Eagle County, Colorado; and This Amendment is pursuant to Article 3, Section 3.8 of said Condorninium Declaration; and The Condominium Declaration was amended by a First Amendrnent recol'ded October 18, I983inB<-rgk30atIiage805of therccordsof theClerkandRecol'derof EagleCounty Colorado: and. Unit 2 was created via the First Amendment and subsequent amendnrents to the Map: and, The Condominium Dcclaration was amended as to Unit 2,by a Second Amendtncnt recorde<l August 20, 1991, and recorcled at Book 561 at Page 2O7, as Reception No. 4-5733-5; and, SubDeclarant is desirous of subdividing Unit 2A. NOW TIIEREFORE, the SubDeclarant docs lrereby publishcs arrd declarc lhe follorving subclivision ol-Unit 2A ail the cove nants, conditions and restliclion wilh rcspect to saicl subclivision and put'suant to the recluirernent of Article 3, Section 3.8 of the Condorninium Declalation and Chapter' 17.22 (Condomirrium and Townhouse Plats) ol'tlrc Ordinancss ol'thc Town of Vail. l. Attuchcd hcrcto atrd incorpol'atctl hclcin by the rcfcrencc is thc Fif'th Amcttclnrcnt to thc Bridge Street Condominium Plat (prepared by Michacl J. Post, Cololado P.t-.S. 301l6 rccr-rldcd al Rcccplion No.of thc Rccords of thc Clcrk and l{ccordcr of' Elglc County, Coloraclo, hereinafier describecl ancl identified as the "Fifth Amendtnent to tlte Bridge Street Conclonliniums, Vail Village, First Filing, Torvn of Vail, County of Eaglc, State ol- Colorado" map ("Fifth Amcttclment Map")which is in compliance with AI'ticle 2 oi thc Declaration and Vail Ordinancc 17.22, et seq. 2. The Fifth Arnendrncnt Map sets forth the subdivision of Unit 21\ into two separale and distinct Units (as per Articlc 1.5 of the Declaration being hereinafter ret-ered to as (a) Unit 2A and (b) Unit 2C. 3. The prior 1rercentage undivided intcrest of Unit 2A in thc General Commott Elements as per the Second Amendment to the Declaration is l3'4olo' A. The pelcentage undividecl intelest in the General Common Elcments of Unit 2A is 4.8 Vo. B. The pefcentage undiviclecl interest in the Cene|al Common Elements of Unit 2C is 8.6 To. 4. Unit 2,{ is unencumbered, and no consent ol'a lender is requitccl' 5. The Boarcl of Managerc of .lSridge Strcet Condominium must cortsent to tlre sub<livision of Unit 2A ancl such consent is set forlh below. All Association dues, charges and assessments as per the Declaration and Amended Declaration are paid current through August 2003, ancl all subsequent assessrnent shall bc sepal"ately chalged to the rcspcctivc sLrbdivicled units being Unit 2A ancl Unit 2C as pcr their respective pel'centage intercst in the Genertl Common Elements. 6. The SubDeclarant shall advise the Eagle County Assessor of the subdivision o['Unit 2A and pay the real estate tilxes on Unit 24 to thc date of subclivisiorr and thclcal'tor as tltcy cotnc clue and payable on Unit 2A and Unit 2C and as per Colorado law and thc regulation of lre Assessor with respect to suclr a sutrdivision. This resubdivision of Unit 2A. shalt be binding upon the hcirs, adrninistratclrs, petsonal rcprcscntativcs and assigns ol the SubDeclarant. SUBDECLARANT: Christine A. Monfort BRIDGE STREET CONDOMINIUM BOARD OF MANAGERS Notc: l,ursuurrt to Vlil Oldirranec 11 .22.05(\{) tlrc Zoltirrg Adttriltisllirtol lirr tlrtr'['orvtt of Vlil hlrs signed the Plat Map. Mark Cadmus, Chairnran and Pl€sident STATE OR COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Subscribcd and sworn to and acknowledecd befofe me Christine A. Monfort, owner of Unit 2A, Bridge Street Condorniniurns, SubDeclarant. Witness my hand and seal. My commission expires: Notary Public STATEORCOLORADO ) )SS coUNTYoFEAGLE ) SS 2003 by Subscribed and sworn to and acknorvleclged before me / i i; i"\,!r1'], 2003 by Mark Cadmus, as Chainnan and President of Bridge Street Condominium. Witness my hand and seal. Nly comnrissir.rn e.,tpires: 7/"lZ/Oe Notary l)ub Depar tment of C ommunity D ev e I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 MX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us RE: Jauuary 5,2004 Ross Davis, Jr. 108 South Frontage Road West West Star Bank, Suite 216 Vail, CO 81657 Bridge Street Condominium - Condominium plat 234 Gore Creek Drive/Lors B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village l.tFiling Dear Ross, Thank you for submitting the proposed Bridge Street Condominium plat amendment. Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the proposed plat and the following is a summary of thi comments from that review: i. The plat title format must be revised in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13-1 l, Vail Town Code. 2. Tbe plat must be revised to include a "systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings and units," pursuant to Section 13-3-6, Vail Town Code. The plat must include floor plans and elevations that accurately describe the location of the proposed units within the building. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 47g-2r73. I EECVCLED PAPER 4/4e.-: frr.4,<-- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail s