HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN 1984-1985 LEGALta ,t- COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 VAI] land Title Guarantee ComPanY P, O. Box 357 108 So. Frontage Rd. West Yall' Colondo 81658 Representing: Jrr-r lr.rsunaruce florvrnaruv or ffirrur.rEsorA '1;relercag , 3cNVdnsNl nillvrosrNNrllf ro ^Nvdr rol --=Z_f-6,-ryt ',{roleuSrs pozrJoqlns Jorllo Jo recggo Suqeprle,r r fq pau8rsralunor uaq^\ prlB^ eq 01 'V elnpeqcs w u^\oqs olep eql uo srocgJo poznoqln? ^Fp sil(q paxUJB olunareq eq o] IBas pue eru?u elerodroc stI posnet suq Bloseuull^J.;o '(ueduro3 ocuelnsul aPIJ 'CO1IUSHA SSANJIA\ NI 'luaulnrrruoJ slql fq poleloc uoareql a3e31lou: ro lsololul ro el?lse aql onFA JoJ pJorar go sermbce parnsur pasodo:d eql alep oq1 ol roud lnq Joeroq elep e^rlroJJs eq1 o1 luenbasqns 3utqce11e ro sptoror crlqnd aqt ur Eurrzadde lsJU 'pelBart '{ue ;r 'sre11eur Jarl]o ro sulrulJ esre pE 'saruelqruntua_'suell"'s]ceJ0o '9 'sproror cllqnd eql Aq u^roqs lou pu?,rrsl ,(q pasodurr 'peqsruJnJ rolJeeraq Jo erojoloraql T?FaleuI ro roqB]'seJFJos roJ'uoll e o1 lq8u lo 'uefi ,{uV 'n 'sprocer cJlqnd aqt ,{q u,uoqs lou elu qclqli puu esoltslp ppoal sesturerd eql Jo uoncodsul pue ,{elr.Ins lca ot e qcrqm s1ci3 ,tue prn 'sluaurqcuoJcus 'BorB ur e8ulroqs 'ssu{ ,$?punog uI slJlguoJ 'salcuedolJslg 't 'sp:ocar c;1qnd eql fq ur'roqs lou 'sluourosea Jo sluIBIf, lo 'sluerues?g '7. 'sprocer rqqnd aq1 Iq uanoqs 1ou uolssossod ut sa4red;o srurc1c ro s1q8ry 'I :8utr'o11og eqt o1 tcafqns osp st luaurl1uluroJ sr-ql 'ol patleJot a,roqu a8ura,ro3 ruo{ suorsnlJxg pue suor1u1ndr15 pu? suorllpuo3 oql |4 pst4uluoc slel}Blu eq} ol uolllpp? ul sNolld3cx3 cuvcNVls 'luerulrutuoC slul Jo suolstlord eql ol lcafqns als puu uo pesuq eq $nut luatulluItuoJ sr.q] {q pararoc uoaraql a8etlrour ar.Jl Jo snlels aql Jo Felalq ro o}Btsa eql ol ell$ tt{l Jo snpls eql Jo lno Erlquu [udrud,3 aqf-fsrif'egs ElArq deur ro erriq,(utu pamsril -pesodord alf fr{f uottrE Jo slr{€IJ ro suol}cu ro uotlcu .,(uy ', 'uleraq paulpotu i(lsserdxa su ldacxa luaut1ltrluroJ slql;o yud u sp?lu puE ocuoreJer i(q palerod.rorur ,(qaraq are qJJq-,{ pornsul pasodord aq} Jo roAsJ ul roJ-pellJuJ -uroc iel.1pl-o rJqod 3o uuig aqi 3o a8ure,r63 uorj suopnlcxa 'aqt-prn'suorlilndlls pu? suoltlpuo3 erll pu? suorsr,rord turmsul aql ot tcafqns sl rQJgqegl qcns pu? roJ pelllruuroc sarcllod ro ,(c11od eql roJ V alnpal{3s uI palEls }unoluB aql peecxe AlIFqeIl rpns ir{s lueaa ou uI 'luatullturuoS sJql ,(q pararroo uoalorll a8z8lroru io tsalalrn ro alelsa oql eleerc,Io a:pbce o1 (3) lo 'g alnPeqls ul ,i,oorn suorldlcxo aleunulo ol (q):ogoo:aq slueui4nbar eql qrla flduroc ot (e) qtpJ poo8 ul Suplelrapun ul uoereq ocuefl .ar q porrncu ssol lentc? roj ,(1uo puE roJ pellprruloc sa1c11od ro .,(c11od Jo ruroJ el{t uI pernsul-Jo uolllul.Jop eql repun pepnlt -r4 sa;ped rlJns prn parnsul pacodord psueu aql ot ,tguo eg llerls lueullwtuoS slql repun ^uEduroJ oqr Jo Alllqsrl '€ .suo4e1ndr1g pu? suolqpuoJ aseql Jo I qderEured o1 luensrnd peuncur Ilsnopr-ald {lrpqun ruorg duzduro3 aql eiaflal lou IIErF }uerupuaua qJns lnq 'fFlnprott? }uaullluruo] sItll Jo g elnpoqts puotu? AEru udtidoill 1e "{ueduro3-eq1lro11urir raqgo io iu1e1c dre,rpu 'aiuerqu:ncuJ 'uiJ1 'lcagap qc_ns Iue ;o eSpaproul 1un1cu sarpbce a*'rr -rallo ,(wduro3 agr l ro'fueduroC slt or otpal,nou4 qcns asolcsrp pqs parnsul pxodo.rd aq111 'aipol,tloul qtns asopslP, os ol pariisul pmodold iqi'fo arngug i({paipnferd sr ,{ueitilo3 aqi rull-ia iq1_o1 uoiraq mu?fiar Jo 1ce {ue urorj Eulllnsar a8euep ro ssol {uu rog f1gqe1| uro{ pa^oIIeJ aq gcqs r(ueduro3 eql'8u1trnr ur {uzduro3 oql ol- e8pal^\oDl qrns asolcslp ol llsJ II?IF pu? ,loera! g eFfar{cs u1 ir,uot$-asoq1 ueqt rer{lo lueurlpruo3 sr-qi'xg pira,roc uoiraql ateElrou ro $arolu ro aleTa eqt tu;lra3;e rinuutrc-qi io ririelc'asrarpu 'acuirqurircua-'ua11 'tralep ,(w go-a3p!1mou1 pnlcu salpbce ro suq pamsul pasodord eq1 31 'Z .luoumrlsu! {1!rncx :aq1o ro 'poop lsnrl 'lsnJl Jo peap epnlcur sqs 'qaraq pasn uaqn '..a8u3gotu,, IuJal eqJ ' t SNOIIV'INdIIS ONV SNOIIIONOC 'duedruo3 eql Jo llneJ aql lou sl selcfiod ro {cqod qrns anssr ol aJnIFJ aql lsq} paphord'srncco lsru rt aqrlq r'anssl llBqs roJ pallruruoc salcgod.ro 1( od eqt ueqa lo Joaleq elBp e llcaJJs or{l IaUp sqluour xls eleuFural Pu?_3s?ot lpqs rapunsreq suou .uilfqo puu fi;pguf p pue aluurniur alil Jo salcl6d 16,(cqod-qcns Jo eruEnssl aql ot {reutlullord st luaurllururoC snl. 'lusruesaJopuo luanbesqns Aq ro tuarulpruroJ slql Jo aourn$sl aql Jo auxt oqt ts roqlle 'i(u?duro3 egl ,(q 3oaleq V eF_paqrs q peuosul uaeq 0 Btl roJ pollJururoc salcllod ro {cgod agt go lunou? eqt pus pemsul posodoJd aq1 3o ,(llruepl oql uaq { ,{Fo a^llcaJJa eq [[?W lueulFuuro3 slrdl jooroq suorlulnd!1s pue suollpuoC eql ol puu g pu? y selnpaqJs;o suonpord aql ot lcafqns [p :roJarer$ so8ruqJ pue surnrura;d oql 3o luaur{ud uodn 'V etnpeqcs u.t ol poJraJor io pauira puii.w q iq"req pere,roc ts3relr4 ro ot?lse aql go aiae8uou: ro .rau.t'd ss 'v alnpaqos u! pau?u pamsul parodord aqf go ro,ru3 i4 ,y ilnpapg rig'pagguepl se 'ircuemsul alid Jo satcqod ro /trllod slt enssl ol slluuror {qeroq 'uolluraptsuoc alquhp,r u iog'fueduro3 eqt paller ularaq'uollurodroc eloseurn l e 'VIOSSNNII^{ CO INV6WOC ACNYU1SNI ATIII sloseuulw'qpdeauulw ;o Aueduo3 ltols e vrosrNNr[ll ro ^NVd^ol scNvunsrul rurl '^oU 046! - lN:ll,Ult ll,llOC NOIIVICOSSV llllJ. CNV1 NVC|Ull lv aLlz zagz uuo! h I LTA colYln SCN{EIII'LE Tl.lEI A I NT Aprl lcrtlon No. VO0O6774 For Informrtlon Only ttoo,00 tr@. o0 1. 2. 3. 4. St o A - - Cherter -Srncn Fol icv FR€LII'I REPORT-*TOTAL-- lltth your. r*nlttrncc rlra,lc rcfer to VOOO&I7Ii. Effcctlvr Setcr SJBUET 06, 1984 et E|OO A,t't. Pollcv tp bc lraucd, and proporcd Inrurcdr I'ALTA" Oun*n's Pol icv Form E-1?7O {Arnrndrd tO-t7-7O} Fr.opoled InruradI TBD Tha cttrtt er lnt*rcst tn th* lend drscrlbcd or referctd to tn thlrConnltncnt rnd qovcr*rd horcin ttr A FEE Titl* te th* cstata or lntcrurt covcned hrr*in ig et th+ *ffoctlvedrtr, hcrtof vcrtsd lnr BLANCHE C. HILL Thr land rcfsrnrd ta ln thle trEnrmltnant lE ducrtbrd a$ follsurr A FORTI0N oF Lor c' BL0C|( F*c' vArL vrLLA$Er FIRET FILING, A€UB$IVISIOH rN THg T0sfrtt oF vAIL, cfi[JhtTY oF EAfr-E, sTATg oF cOLOftADo,I'IORg PARTICIJ.ANY IIESCRIBEIT AgI BE€II$IIN6 AT TITE SffJTH€A8T CONhrgN OrTHg l'loRTHl.fEsr CIUARTER aF THE NsRT|f!,fEsr dITARTER oF ggcrlgt'i g, TqjfNsHIP s SourHr RANGG 8s ttEsrr THENCE ALoNs rHE u.g, FffiEsr€ERVICE BOr.0{nAny s$.rrH 89 BcSRESS /t4 IITNUTES OO gECO}tDg t{E$T A DISTANCE OF 68.S4 FE6TI THENCE NORTH IO OESREES r$ ilINUTE€ OO 8gCOilE$ I.IE$T A DISTAIIICE S 23.IA FESTT THENCE HSRTH 8$ DESREES 44t{It'lurEs 04 gEcoiln$ }lEgr A DrgrAt{cE oF s,t6 FEETI Tl{€t{cg N$RTH tl DSSNEEg 07 HIXUTEfi OO $EC(sttDs HE$T A DIsTAhIsE oF 16.4T FEETI THEI'I$E NORTH 7g tr€GRgEg S3 I.IIT{JTES OO SECONDS EAST A IIISTAT{CE BF S6.?9FEETI TI.ISNCE SOUTH 26 NEONEE6 3I+ ]'IIHUTES OO $ECtrNDS EAST A NISTAfiCSOF 54.07 FEET Tfi THE POINT OF BEOTNNTIIS. ExcEPTrilS AllD REsEfivrHq uNTo VArL AgsocIATESf ING,, A cs-oRsDo CORF0RATION' ITs $tJc-cES$oRS ANE AS€I8N$, A NoN-€xCLusIvE FERP€TUAL LTA CO'.lt'f 8CHENL{.E Tf4E AiFl {citlon No. \ls$S677l[ cf,aei#ilT ffi8cnlEfin As F&LOtffir lltTHIr{ Tt{H AFovE EggCnISED DG8CRIPTIOI{" A tO FEST gAggl'EHTr SSID EAEE|IENT'B fiEHTES-lttffi ST*RTIHSAT A FOIf{T S{ TI€ SASTERLY EfiJITISANY S ASOVE PESCNIEEB FAfiCEL A CIl8TAlrlsg oF r3.g FEET HmrH 26 DgmEFS F4 HIMJTS* OO ffiffir{F8 ICESTFRg'I TI{E SflJTTSA$ CffiffiR OF EAID PNRCEL T}.ffiIttCE $STJfH 2? D€8NEES 4IilIm.rT[8 AA eEcstlm t€8T A DTSTAIEE tr r3,$S FEST T0 T]€ FSttttT 8r{xtlt{8Otl TIG 8ftJTl{gRLY EfiX{DARY OF SAIn PAnCfiL. I r{T o fi I A LTA COtftr,l ITf.lE $CHEDTJLE 8.1 (Rcruir*rnrntsl Aprllcrtion Nr. VOOO6774 Thr fElloulnr trc thc r*rulrcmntt to br conplted $ithr t. Frvnrnt to Er foF tht rc(ount of thc tFantor.r or montlaaort of thcful I conridrnrtlon foF th* ertrte or lntarcct ta br lnrur.ad. ?. Frorcr lnrtnuncnt(r) crnttnr tht c*trtc or lntcrrat to bo lnrunsdnurt bc cxtcutcd rod dulv ftl*d for rcqord, ts-$ltr NOTET THIS FR{IFERTY IIAV 8E SIJB..ECT TO THg FEAL ESTATE TRAHSFEN TAX BY VIRru€ OF ITS IHCLU8IO|{ IN TtfE TS!',N 8F VAIL. PU*GHASER tfiOU-BG[}iITffiT THE TOHT OF VAIL REAARNIilO $AIS AS8fiSSHEilT, o NT t A LTA COIII,IITIIE $CI{EDULS E.? tENccrtlonal Arrl lcrtton No. I&006Z?4 Th* pallcv ot'psllctaE tn bc lrrued urlll contrin sxccrtlonr to thrfolloulnr unlcrr ths cenc.r* dlrrslcd of to the retlrfr,ction of thrCsnranvt l, Strnd*rd Exccptisne I throurh 3 rr"tntcd on ttr. coveF ;hrrt. 6. Trxcl ud rls*Ermsnti not vct dur or prvr,ble rnd rp*clrl rpttcs&rntsnct yet ccFtlftcd ts thr Trcrgurcr.s offlce. 7, Anv unprld ttxct oF rfr€rsrncnts rrrlnrt srld lr.nd, e, LltfiF for unprld Trtttr rnd r+u*l* chi,Fierr lf env, 9. RIBHT OF FROFRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODG TO EXTRACT ASID Rg}IOVE HIA ORE THEREFROfI SHfl.S.D THg SAilE 8E FffUilD TO P€}IETfiATE ffR XHTERSffiCT TIIEFFET.IISE$ AS RES€RVED IH UNITED STATES FATENT RECfiFBEB JTILY Izr I899rIH BOOI( 48 AT PA6E 47S. 10. RIO&IT OF TJAY FOR DITSHES ffi CAIIIAL$ GOI'I8TRUCTED BY THE fi.,T}toRITY oFTHE UNITSB STATES A$ RESERI/€D tN UNIT€D gTATES PATENT BEGOROED dULY13, 189?r IN EOOK *8 AT PASE 47S, II. R€$TRICTISI{9 }IHIfH NO NOT SONTAIN A FMFEITURE gR FEVERTER 6LAUSE, BUT E'IITTIHO RESTRICTIOT'ISr IF Aity, FASD (W RACE' IOLOFI, RELIGION,SR NATICINAL ORIOIH, *S C€tfTAtil€S lN IIl$TRl$ltENT REcSRngD AUGU8T lO,r?62n IN ESO|{ 174 AT FAOE t?9, r2' UTILITY EfisEllENT lo FEET IN trlnrlt AFFSCTINB suB\EcT FRopERTy As AHOh'T.I gFI T}G RSCTRIT€! PLAT OF VAIL VILLASE FIRST FXLIHS. 13. DEED oF TRU$T DATED AuGL,sT 15' 1983r FRoi,f BLAitcHE c. HILL Ts THEPUBLIC TRUSTEE OT EAOLE CffJIITY FBfi THg USS SF FIRSTFSftfi OF VAXL TO$gclJRE TFE $l'sl oF l?&orooo.oc RgcoRo€n AUGUET 17, lgsir tN FooK 966AT PAOE 97. SAID DEED ff TRLET T{AS FURTHER GEffI,JRgD IH A$$I&ilI.IgNT OF RSHTSNECORX}ED AIAUST 17, I9BS, IN PDfiK 866 AT FAOE 98. 14. BEED ffi TRlr$T DATED AUsggl 19, 1?gg, FFof't BLAHCHE c. HILL To rHEF{JBLIC TRUgTEE OF gAfi-E Cil.JNTY Fffi THE USE OF FTASTEANK oF VNTL TASECURE THE S1'St OF TIOOTOOO.OO R$CffiBEB ALSUST 17, lg83r IN gffi( 956AT FASE 99. 6AID DEEN OF TRUST hIA$ FIJRTHSR $ECURES IH ASSIGOIIiSNT OF' RENT$ RECORDED At.tstffIT t7, t?€Sr IN BOOK 364 AT PABE TOO, ls. DEED tr TFrusT mTEn AususT ts, t?B3r FRott BLANGHE c, HILL To TlfrFUELIC TRUETEE OF EAGLE gOUHTY FOR THg USE OF FIRSTSANK OF VAIL TOsEsLnE THE 8ul1 oF fgo,ooo.ao REcmDEs AuGu$T t7, lpas, tN Bsot( g66 AT PAffi [O1. o A I NT LTA COI'tllITllE SCHEDII.E F-2 {Exc*rtLonr} Apl icetl,on No, I/0006774 SAIO ffiFS OF TRI.'ST }tAS FURTHEfi SECIJREN IN ASSIOIIII.ENT OF RENT$RECmmD AtmuST 17, l9s3r IN ffiSt( A66 ST FAOE rO?. I NT I A Pl-5- 8/13/84 c0vera earth overed arki no variancesn stze o cn un was 'l n s ponse to nationa economlc cuest that a leqa ument be )U L at rs wou!{i{,wguld not be possible.)could bffights of inaiiiouats qt to sted and th in and req uest es. wtaddi t onal cume n t mentione addi ti onal the comesquare footage could not be-taken a"ay. ) The vote was 4 in favor.with I (piper) against.could have been achfeved withoui ihireaiing the Piper felt the same improvements number of units. Kristan Pritz presentec the request explaining.that it was jn compliance with theintent of the ioning.ror ltru -dci-itiii'i.t, aia wiirr ir'.-u"nan Design Guide ptanand Design consideritions- -rne-ituii""..o*endation ru, io, app"ovir witn-+ eigineeringconcernstobereso.lved.beforeabui1dingP9ryitwou.looeissuea.Theissues includer l. Drainaqe wiii re-insil;';i'iuitaing, i. ir;;u;;e.of an improvement survey,3. issuance of a rivocaore rigrri oi-iiy_p..rit for existing improvement in theright-of-waJ, and 4-..the.encr6achment 6l ryor overhangs muit oe resolved by anagreement letter of ttie adjacent pioperiv owner. Jay Peterson' reDresent]lg lr,:,applicant, stated that an interior drain would be installedand he talked a iittle about the'haci-ttrut the Town of vail did not plow this area,but that VA and Hiil Buitdjns o*n.ri-ail. Pierce suggested furning.the roof 45'. Donovan didn,t like losing the views, piper f,:;'ffioo#l.,ll'l.,ll'iil.,|':"ilf;:ioi irom the councir-confernins iheie ;i;;;; ;; 7. A for 9lF_U=gr:gllelations in Commercial Coron Lot space. Vie'le moved and qon seconded rove the st with the conditign that allitems of qoncern sted b.y Pr addres s vote lvas 5-0 in favon. 8.A f. acgommgdation unit condominium conversions for the phase IIation o rri ott rta t l.ionshead T-rcTE aluevetopment District 7.cant: M-rporati on uest for accommodlrtion unit qondomi n i um conyergion of the VaiI AthleticatSt Meadow Drive.cant:a ET be to EZ Jay Peterson' representilg-ll",applicant,, requested.to. table.this. item indefinitely.+ ''iil" o I for the Hill Buitdist Filinq to e&fl oor resident Peter Patten explained that this condominiumization was to further divide the condo-mlnlum conversion oroposal upp"ou"a iiii.y"ur !v.t1e FEc uv converting each accommo_dation unit within'tnb valt hir'i.ii.'cirt-Hor.t" rnto conaoilriniums. He discussed4 conditions of approvat wrrich iiJira-ii- i. --r.i"iiizift"ili recordins the emproyee t PEC -6- 8 !:y:j'g-:-:ll:ii::'^:"lii.!-!l lhe 4 units on the top {loor of the hotel, 2) Finar_\:il::.::l ::::"gil.g :i l!:.,"lg"oulrrmenl agieem"ni-""s;"di;;'u.'" ,]lii.lii5,lia'6.l.rl'iiistructure onto Town 9f vall right-of-way,-3) Appropriate linguage within the covenants:jgfr:i:g^:Il.f '.5: T:!riclions.ror tne'aciirrbaaiion unitr-ana irre + aweirins H:::i^t*t:'S9^!:.!:-Itt!Iiglgd,and 4)-complg!]on,to itre-iatt'iiitio" "t-il'.'iommunityDevelopment Department, of alt ipplica6te Uijtiajng'ana iir"-coae ieiaiea it.ri. r a minor subdivision in order to real iqn the lot lines of Lot 6, a ch conta NS er Buildin (See motion for tabling fo1'lowing item 11.) a uest f-5;-V; cants: 10. After some discussion, Rapson moved and Viele seconded to approve the request per lle_SlqfI r.nemo _with the 11. A ueg! for a front and side setback variance in order to construct a Appl icants for items seconded I0 and to table ll requested items l0 and tabl ing to 11 . The the next vote was meeting. Donovan moved b-u tn tavor. l:Tl-fl!!:n,explained that the staff recommended denial of the request becauselE appeared that there were several other places on the lot where dhe garage couldbe constructed without getting a varianie.' Dick Dilling,-ine appticani, iiatea-!: I:]t anv.other place-on th6 property-woutd uloct< an ipa"trent betow the mainowellrng unrt. He was asked why the garage needed to be'so large, and answeredthat he wanted. to put a work beirch and sn6w urorer in ttre-taragE.' lt was iuggestedthat perhapl lhg.ggtuge cou]d be.designed to be wide rathei thin deep. iip"i"--suggested that Dilling explore additi6nal optioni, and paiten stated'that lhe staffgyta O9 willing to-work i^rittr trim to tind a'solution. Dilling asked to tabte io 12. A st for a rear setback variance in order to nstruct a eonLot3ockGorepl icant: Ric the next meeting. Rapson noved and Viele seconded io table. -fE_JglC_Eqg_qa. uest for exterior al terations and for a conditional use rmit for theSi tzma e ln o r to deve commerc i al ce south the lodqe ao put a new aza a sll|lrnm r00 n aDove the commercialspace. App i cant:tzmark Lodge Tom Braun. explained changes made to the proposal since the previous meeting. Thegyg"lllg had.been pu11ed back 3 to 4 feet, h planter added,'and piper,-itre"irctritect SLlhi:^tloject'.showed photos indicating whbre the overneaa ano bntianl; ;ffipyt ptantins-;ii iil-fiy+^ n^--..^-Lto Gorsuch, and Patten answered that this was not part of,the iresent-p1an.Pierce pointed out that this side of the street wai very hot aird shade'trees wouldhelp.immensely. Bob Fritch, the appliCint dtd not Iike the condition thai-ne'wourapromi.se not to remonstrate against an improvement district. After discussion, Fiercemoved and ed. to approve the'exterior alteration per the staff reioffiEldationand tha cant not remonstrate aqainst a specia rovement district i to qpprove the conditional vote was n Tavor use permit. sta The t per a nlng. Prerce moved a s0n abstaining. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm. vote was 4 in favbFwith Pi per a INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEl,l PUBLIC WORKS 'an | /Reviewed nv, Klf oate: B/Z/89 Comments: ,..,,A at<la*il+, A?,!'4 oF ?,-oFs ov€etr+,"6t anr E ozlft AsPcF'.rgs j---4ae*tr A2 ?rbtk 4)2 EoaF oe| t"'tt.-€ / - fr*tt I tt'^',' c"lctcz*tl j r*u6=t'o t .ir' ' -/\z -^ c'4''K oF (''o6e futlv€y i.<-, aira-Ft.,+€ l.*o.)€ i 1acnv,o' .t)r( Gt>, Jo@-'J- ANo &2r43€s, \ ./ (-7- ) ,4". i{o-c- llt+t,"a( { 4J .-!c^, c^d€ oF b*i{/) )^t-rQ tr| 7€1-7 . 4\ F+'v n'+tr€ Arcftr aF .-,av p(E,rr7 r.,t, €, ,s7,t.,L ,n pao,)€-ra,s?-,-/s /* R,e4r or L,.tl\ FIRE DEPARTMENT PROJ ECT: DATE SUBI'IITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: Date: Date: Date: Date: TO|.IN ATTORNEY Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: U,^\; S.,s$tls T0: Planning and Environmental FR0M: Community Development Depa DATE: August B, 1984 SUBJECT: A request for exterior alterations for HiBlock 5C, Vail Vil'lage lst Filing to addspace. Applicant: Blanche C. Hill sn{h oif,-h.., d'td*ddAur located off thilnew bedroom. Irt Purpose: The commercial core I distrjct is intended to provide sites and tomaintain the unique character of the vail village cornmercial area, with itsmlxture of lodges and commercial establishments-in a predominant'ly pedestrianenvironment- The Commercial Core I district is intenied to ensurl idequate ]is!t:,q'i.' open space' and other amenitjes appropriate to the permitted types 9LPul ldlngs and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vaiivlllage urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site develop- me_nt standards that are intended to ensuFe the maintenance'and preservaiion - ' of.the. tightiy clustered arrangements oi uuitoings rronting-on iedestriinwaysand,public greenways, and to eisure continuation of the Ouitainb sca'le and irchi-Eecr,ural quattt'ies that distinguish the village. III. COMPLIANCE l,jITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposa1 relates to the sub-a4g-9c!g.gp! #]4 for the Vi1'lage Ptaza, (now Founders,Pl aza ) q/"Feature..area paving treatment, central fpc_ql point visible from Gore Creek{tRS: Major land form/planting in Northwest-ior quiet corner, with evergreen ):!199n plant'ing to defineuest edge. llall Street s'tairs, with mid-level jog( lano ln9, op€nS entry areato Lazier Arcade shops.,' The sal will obstruct the view of Go j___:_:::_,: =::-:a uJplan for Village Plaza. r1 second floor residential Ng, [du-t'[[,;U.* addition that wou]d create a th.ird'level 6n iLi,Hlr^ 1. Bu'ild'ing. She woutd also like to enclose arLLvo-l.^\;ildeck is approximately 370 square feet and i r{\ w nu'l rnlnflnn rfia " ^^^ -;=1;,:_:-: t, - ...!1 The.applicant, Blanche Hill, is requesting to build a 720 square foot bedroomthe existmfit I. THE PROPOSAL to enclose an I ;sTf ff :i T:::l*#""i3$fiu*iol"$, i i$u* buiJding.on the seconETTiooFl-llo%iks wiI l existing deck area. The enclosed located on the west side of the also be added onto existing f'l at roofs area wi th ss ton b*.,tt/ht/P pects, the proposa'l does not conflict Hilr alds] 8/8/84 IV. COMPLIANCE l,iITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATION FOR VAIL V ILLAGE The to of t\ ^^inirns n. l- .i.tlll r_ r t't",. purpose of the comparison between the proposa'l show how the new design strengthens or ietracts the design considerations. "when exceDtions to t and considerations is from the overa'l 1 intent view 1q \ 1r "J\tr Pedestri ani zati on: The bedroom addition and deck enclosure will have minimal , if any,impact on pedestrianization. B. Vehicle Penetration: No impact ).,, -Streetscape Framework; f,, , \ .i{l I Because the additions are located on the second_fkar, there will* ]ll1]: impact on the qugfity or tne wa!ki-nG6'FieniJ-in ,"rp..r lg ll9::*pins and sround d bv additi de on thg t. of the mountain. D. Street Enclosure: The consideration states that "an external enclosure is most comfortablewhere its walls are approximatel as high as the width of thesppce enclosed.,' The en t enclf (on the west side of the Hill Buffitjr \u Lne we5L :tQe oT Ene ntll uul lc.lngls approximatelv 24 feet =r: high, The pedestrian way varies betweenZ5Tee-t t Td-TffEEt t. Ine ex.rstinq roof is alreadv oreater than th,ing roof is already greater than thedesired ratio. The new roof height,"Sl.g_fegt, ,iii*ir" ine ratioFVtrN C T"Aa T6 F -even greater. .SST flg,wever, the consideration states that "in some instances, the ,canyon, effect is even desirable--as a short'connecting linkage l.t*e.n larlerspaces to give variety to the walking spaces."- The n6w third level-wlll create more of an enclosed pedestrian way that will connect villagePlaza with the open plaza in riohi of the eonirora uuitaing;i ticket area. The consideration states thatcri te ri a occrll:__Speci_al_rles i q crea -defined groui cons i i qht E. _i. -HilI Rlrln -"- Rt8/84 V"-" -'-J v v'\ the canyon effect." Ihg.Hill Bui'lding has a.very well defined groundfloor that has many of the elements siggested by"the coniiaerationto cneate pedestrian focus--awnings, buiiding jogs, rommeiiiii -ipile. 5ifti{fil reasentr_:Uggt,enctosure is imptitio"e6sitiveiv uy ihe - Street Edge No impact. A't I additions are on the second floor. iiBuilding Height$ ,4'- i$''& F. h a be henot to 60% of the buildin be bui]t to htof33f The existing Hi l'l up at the ski the Village from the Golden Peak l-East side: 34 feet t, chimney 3g feett , ,N"J]l l* West side: 24 feet t, shimne! 28 feetr {.,{ptM^u,The proposed addition wiil have a hefsil,pf_il=5_&e-f, 'Th" h"ightis weil within the_ailowabte height-Th-nffia-;iit l. u piichedroof. It will reflect the same Fitcn ana materials of the lower roof. G. Views and Focal point-s The bedroom addition will impact views when lookinomountajn.from Village plaza and when looking nack itthe small plaza beh'ind the Hil'l buiding adjicent tohOuSe. ThiS View is not a deqinnnfa.l ,iior^r rn ha hFA. The addition's impact will take away from the viewof the ski mountain to a certain eiteht. ;However,due to the oyqrailthe Hill Bu$ldin the impac!s H. T_s I. 'q# *. -are-sonewhat,"of, Service and Delivery No impact Sun/Shade \'nt)^'l;p..''\,,{' The consideration states that "allnot suhstanfially inc shadow ttern on adJ acent sun/shade shadow between The addition w nc shade-aTea is approximatelyrre dsqltrronar snaoe.area is approximately 40 square feet and is locatedin the pedestrian walkway on ti'rb norilrwist corner of the buildinq.r of the building. ,,^d* Tg €+ees- Because the space is used only for a pedestrian wly, tne - additional shade should have a minimai impact. Hir Bl -4- 8/8/84 V.ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS Project Statistics Minimum Side Area: 8,000 Allowed GRFA; 6,400 Exist'ing 2nd Floor 4,082 sfExisting 3rd Floor 696 sf 4,778 sf Stairwell deduction- 372 sf Total Existing GRFA Bedroom addition Deck enclosure Total Proposed GRFA 5,54.I sf sf 4,451 sf 720 sf 370 sf Allowed GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA 6,400 sf 5,541 sf 859 sf This proposal complies with the GRFA requirements for the property. Thetwo new roof overhangs.extend-over the property line approi<imirtety 2 feet.The applicant has received a letter ot igrbemeirt from lhe adjaceni property owner. VI. , ,ieP I"l\d STAFF RECOMMENDATION while not sitive f imnactsl cn proJec snouproject either has no or minimal impact orti ons .ect impa are con minimal agai nst every consideration.e supports the Urban Design Considera- enlrq-val-af-f hg-srpi.eSt. At i ioilfrbefore the building pbrmit will be dT*VAil engineering issued. The issues concerns must be resolved i ncl ude: l. Drainage will be inside of building.2. Improvement survey3. Revocable right-of-way permit for existing improvement inthe right-oflway4. Encroachment of roof overhangs wiil be resorved by an agreementletter of adjacent property 6wner. The view imlacts addi tiona 5g g b'<t AT 7u)' = :"//'J DAtC Q -!pplicat ion May 29,19,_ I. AI,PLICATION TORM FOR EXTfiI1IOR ALTI]RATIONS OR MODIFICA'l':iOIlS IN COytl{EnCIAL CORE I (CCr) This procedure is recluired for alteration of an existing building vrhich adds Or l:clnoves atry enclosed floor area or outdoor Patio Or replacemcnt of an e):isting buil-oinq shall be subject to revj.cw by the Plartning an<1 Environtnctrt.tl Comntj.ssj-c,n- The application will trot be accepteil rrntil all inforntation is submitted. A. NA}18 OF APPI,ICAiIII Blanche C. Hil-I ADL]RES 5--.3 I 1 B.-L]-ds.-e---S!reC!,--Y-aLl co 81657 PHONE 476-5542 Jay K. Peterson NAME OT' APPLICAi']T'S ADDRESS P' O' Ri.JPRESENTATIVE Box 3149, Vail,co 81658 47 6-0092PHOI{E c.AUTHONIZNTIOI.I OF I)IiO!?E OW'IER SIGIiATURE ADDlTESS II - Four (i) cc,irics c,f Jr. Tlrtr ..:ite p)an of 1," - ?0'; i: b.l' tlr" Cutirnlu:t j 3r1 D. LOC/i'j'IrJN OF l'RI)ICSAI., Al)Ditilss---3ll -Blt-qS-9.--9!r9-ql-Vai1, -co -8-1-611 -- - - LIlG.p.L DESCi,.lPTIolJ Lot I, Block 5C, Vail- Village First bc notified. f . Il.il.']iO\tntlDli'i' 1;1;;1','1''' Cl' i)]l.O1'Hit1'\' SIIOi'iiNG pIiOPIInTY LINDg I'l'lD LOCATION OF llilJ.Ll)l']i(; l\^i1, rrilY .ti4PIiO\/i:tiliN'I'Ii ()l'l t'lUl t,Al.ll). G. A l,1S'.C Ol.' li'iin lihlill OI'Oirtllil'lS OF irrl,l, PROPERTY ADJAC;jNT TO TIIE SUBJIICT Pliopl-1..1':' AND ]'tJLil{ /\l)Dt(LSSli5. Bridqe Street, Vail, co 81557 p1195g476-5542 Irl----/lr'.lt I t,rlnt, J-{L L '\1 1 t} " E. F)itl ,? ofr o o,2 t- /.-tU o7 .Jr4 f $J C(1 . (,() t>ltts 1u1 for each ;>roper:ty ownor tc) K ftrV', ru,- d sj.t--e plan ccntaining the follorvj.rrg informationi ;.' slral.l be dr.rwn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at o scalt variation of the .ql r<:c:t size or scale may bc approved'. Lv Dr:vclcpnrcnt Dril)(rrtmcnt- if just j f ied i I >+l{^aq'^i ,'[D/ lDb]bui trdrttqr?s+ aJil,li^ +f,Q+ hdrqou.'-- ,--*-- Utto /&Ltja;^,--uu[qr,w Ut*tfnu 6L{A: brttoD o-o""U*Xtt $'?" lntr''t"t'tl S , t?18)+dl^{.,:ib- rJg i r,rluf ort s ,{ s'rfina" bl l6d ortc\ S]hdi^!da.l ./f,,o firo-t +\[' I $o\"u'r(too n:fr 'fli\\ frddrf^, ll,fr alrm- fl*d.lrlel -//. \ J- inl rr^d fo'[,r^q trtt/r$ot 2 /'{oo lt[. r1ntutp ' UU ,L, 4 [l^N' @"*{ r:{1., r*) 6o *t}^ .(oe ^t ::'ooJn*{f oa May 15, 19BI Sguare Footage Computations l-st,Floor Site Coverae€ =x,80% = 4612 sq. ft. drossabg-y-e__-l.9t flooi oo J "-a., l'.5tas 3q. Ft. rrEsidential floor (inc stairwells)(rnc stairwells) area allowed = 5171 sq. ft. = 4257 square Proposed Greenhouse _ OProposed Dining room = 64Proposed 3rd fir uAr, = z)d 784 , Total above lst flr w/proposed = 5498 sq. ft.ul_.ess stairwells ( 2nd flr & abv)House = I73APt. = 754Toral = 177 Therfore g'ross residential fLoor area = 54gB _ 327 Less apartm,]nt = 914 sq. ft. Tl:i"t"r" gross residenriat ft-oor area = 5t7t _ 9]4 \compare to 4612 allowed = 3.i5 sq. ft. under) I .ui".loj -:-)+ored Floor existiii' =-.;;6;Ear 47T4 L ADDEIIDUM TO APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR MODIFICATION I.Conformance with the Purposes of the CCI District AsstatedinSectionlB.24.0lo,theCommercialCorel District is intended to provi-de sites and to maintain the unique character of the vail village commercial area with its mixture of lodges, residential dwellings and commercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air' open space and othbr amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses' The District Regulations, in accordance with the VaiI Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design considerations, prescrlbe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural quality that distinguish the Village- Theproposedalterationscenteraroundtwominoradditions to the existing building: A. An exPans ron amount of 120 square feet. wi I f enhance the exPerience Hill Building. of an existing bedroom in the approximate The expansion of the existing bedroom offered to residents residing in the B. A partial encLosure of an existing deck area which will help solve an existing snow build-up probl-em, not only for the second-floor residents in the Hill Building, but also for the commerciaL space on the ground level. Since the proposed afterations are extensions and enhancements of existing uses, the Urban Design Guide plan wilf not be changed in any respect, but made more effective. fI. Vai-l- ViIlage Urban Design Considerations As They Applyto Proposed Al terations A. Pedestriani-zation. The proposed alteration which encl-oses a portion of the deck on the second floor of the Hi-ll Building will further facilitate and enhance pedestriani_zation between the Hill Building and One vail place by reducing the amount of drifting snow in the pedestrian way. The proposed,alteration and enlargement of an existing bedroom will have no effect on the pedestrianization of CCI. B- Vehicfe Penetration. The proposed alterations ..-^,,i,l^ €^- *^ -Jlt j+i^h-t ^^.i -.r-^ rf rralri,^la nan,=f ra1- inn nn r^ri l Ir iJI ,IIL,' q'LTLIJ- LI\JlICtI PU.T I] L5 L the additi-ons create more vehicufar trips lnto CCL C. Streetscape Framework. The proposed new additions will have little effect on the streetscape framework, except in a positive sensc in that snow build-up in a pedestrian way will be }essened by the semi-encl-osure on the west side of the building- 2. The additions will provide an enhancement to the variety of open and enclosed spaces, which wirl create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as well as visuar interest and activity. D- street Encl-osure. From Desi"gn considerations, section D, Street Enclosure, we quote the fo1 lowinq: "Vlh j-1e bui lding f acadeuniform from buildinoprovide a com fo rt ab l-estreet. " heJ-ghts shoul-d not beto building, they should enclosure for the and "Pedestrian streets are outdoor roons, whosewalls are formed by the buildings. Theshape and feel of these rooms are createdby the variety of heights and massi_ng (threedimentional variations) which si-ve much of thevisual- interest and pedestrian scafe uniqueto Va1l. " and "An external enclosure i_s more comfortablewhere its wa11s are approxirnately one-hal_ fas high as the width of the space enclosed.,' rn respect to the new proposed additions and the structures around it' both existing and proposed, which will define and create this space, the increased height for the HilI Building (which is approximately 31.5 feet above ground ]eve1) will enhance the existing plaza area at a closer conforrnance with the street enclosure section of the vail village urban Design considerations. The new height of the Hirr Building wilJ- still be considerably fess than what is aflowed in ccr. Roof lines at the completion of the addition will be a combination of fl-at and pitched roofs which currently exist and which will be added, which will provide ? v'isual interest for the plaza area, The proposed additions have no effect on street edge, in that all additions are on the second and third floors of the existing building- The existing building, along with the proposed alterations, will provide irregular facade 1ines, buildi-ng jogs and landscaped areas which give life to the street and visual interest for pedestrian trave]. E. Building Height. The maximum Proposed height for the proposed addition is 31.5 feet above street level. one Vail Place is 40 feet in height, the main Lodge building is 56 feet in height and the new additj-on proposed for the Lodge, ca1led the International Wing, will be a two and three-story mix, with a maximum height on the south side of 40 feet. The Zoning Code Section L8.24.120 defines the heiqht requirements for CCI, and aI1 proposed heights are wel-1 below the requirements specj,fied in the Vail ViIlage Urban Design Guide PIan and Design Considerations- F. Views. The most significant and obvious view corridors have been designated by the view corridor restriction ordinance which was adopted some time ago by the Town Council. The view from the plaza over the Hill Building was studied at length by the Town CounciL and was specifically not included in such ordinance. The views rvhich were protected by the ordinance were selected to be preserved due to their significance, not only from an esthetic standpo j-nt, but also as orientation reference poj-nts to help the guests determine their location. The view which we are intruding into was not given the same significance as other views and, therefore, not protected by the ordinance. The Design Considerations are a broad overview of Commercial Core T and designate the design criteria for eight different categories of concern. Views are merely one of those categories. The view corridor ordinance was reviewed in light of the effect it would have on the seven other categories and, therefore, the view over the HilI Building was deleted fron the ordinance. No one category operates in a vacuum without affecting the others and, therefore, the intrusion into the views over the IIi1l Building is warranted because the proposed additions enhance and satisfy the other categories of the Design Considerati-ons in the best possible manner for the Town. The real objective of the Village Plaza and CCI in general is to present desirable and inviti-ng commercial activities and residential facili-ties in a charming and effective building frame, including mountain views, rather than to merely feature a side-l"ong view of the mountai-n per se. Canopies, awnings' arcades and building extensions provided by the existing Hill Buitding and af1 proposed alterations help create a pedestrran focus which miticTate the intrusion into the existing views over the HilI Building. G. Sun Shade Considerati-on. The sun shade study previously crovided shows little or no effect on the Village Plaza area. Tn surunary, as Vail Village Design Considerations state: "The Design Considerations are intended to serve as guideline design parameters. They are not seen as ricid rules or cookbook design elements to bring about a homogeneous appearance in Vai1." q, The intention of the proposed alterations is to address the spirit of Vail as it exists and to enhance and extend that spirit by improving residential living in Commercial Core I and to solve snow build-up areas in pedestrian ways. 6. lo May 15, 1981- Square Footage Computations lst Floor Si.te Coverage = t S'|OS sq. Ft.x B0% = 4612 sq. ft. Gross residential floor area allowedabove Ist floor 2nd Fl-oor existing = 4Ol8 (inc stairwells)3rd Floor existing = 696 (inc stairwelts)Total 47L4 Proposed Greenhouse = OProposed Dining room = 64Proposed 3rd flr bdrm = 7207& Total- above lst flr w,/proposed = 5499 sq. ft. Less stairwells ( 2nd flr & abv)House = 173Apt. = 154 Tota1 = 327 ' Therfore gross residential froor area = 549g - 32? = 5121 sq. ft. Less aparLm,,'nt = 914 se. ft. Therefore gross residential froor area = 5171 - 9f4 = 4252 squarefeet (compare to 4612 allowed = 355 sq. ft. under) {mdu pnffiornr.. d'\\ 6? K{ft guJ tu$-u&--(urw-or-w{rr\ l Dr.t* an lag ^il&t\ \bRn TO: F ROM: DATE: SUBJ ECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Corrnunity Development Department July 19, 1984 Exterior alteration request to add approximately of commercia'l space and a rooftop pool and plaza Appl i cant: Bob Frjtch ,, 3600 square feet at the Sitzmark Lodge I.THE PROPOSAL Proposed js a one-floor cornmercial expansion in front of the Sitzmark Lodge. The commercial space would be bui'l t over an area now used for 7 surface parking spaces and would also necessitate the removal of 3lodge rooms (see accompanying memo). Atop the proposed addition would be a pool and p1 aza area. Modification to the entrance to the Sitzmark is also an element of this proposal . ...: .,,.JIi, C0MPLIANCE l,llTH THt PURP0SI SICTiON 0F C0I'IMIRCIAL C0RE I ZONE I The Conrnercia.l Core I distri ct is'i ntended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and conrnercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercjal Core I district is intended to ensure adequate 1ight, air, open . space, and other amenities appropriate to the pennitted types of buildings and 1.i..ri'9335. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design ...,s..- Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescni be site development standards that'i' are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly \ clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public !.reen-ways, and to ensure contjnuation of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the vil lage. This proposal js in compliance with the purposes outlined for CCI. II]. COMPLIANCE I^IITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal most d'i rectly impacts the Guide Plan's Sub-Area #25. Concepts #24 and #26 are also.to be reviewed. Sub-area Conceot 424 Service/Del ivery/Trash zone (screened). park. The existing trash area is enclosed, andPotential for a pocket park in this area Potentjal for multj-use as a pocket the delivery area is fajly unobstrusive,is not great. sitOk -2- 7/1s/84 Sub-Area Concept'{25 commercjal Expansion--one story tO provide active facade to pedestrian street' help reinforce connectjon of Gore Cieek Drive to Willow Bridge Road. Proposed js indeed a 1 story commercjal expansion as.called out in this concept' fne expansion is propose{ 1ir extend essentially out to the property line.in two pf'u..1'ii"uting a'neiriy a*tined street _edge albng Gore Creek Drive. As stated in concept 25,-th'i s proposa'l wi11 hopefuliy strengthen-the connectjon betleen Gore Creek Drive and'Wiilow aridge Rbad. ltris woutO also reinforce the ;p.A.it.iun Ioop" toward Crossroids. Establ'i shing the.network of pedes.trian ',[;;ii;i'iil u pi!*uiv ouiective of the Urban Design cuiae Plan for the Village Sub-Area Concept #26- Basement delivery corridor (foot), to Gore Creek Pjaza Building to be preserved, extended east when Possible. Thjs corridor will not be disturbed wjth the proposal' t 1,COMPLIANCE I,l]TH URBAN DTSIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAI The following design considerations are physical features of the Viliage. It_is stiate that this proposal substantially or that the proposal does othenvise not I-ood. How this proposal relates to the A. Pedestrianization identified as the primary form-giving the burden of the appl icant to demon- compl ies with these considerations alter the character of the neighbor- 9 considerations is summarized beiow. Gore Creek Drive is a heavily used pedeStrian corrjdor. As mentioned earl.i er, the Gujde Plan enco-urages the development of an jnjElrgq-lngcjeg. network of pe_des.trjaI jdgJ_s, This proposaL should-stfgrytL,e'1$e--gonnection U-etnaen- eo-re -CneeL<-Oii_yg--q;! .!rli I I ory pr'!dge-[91d-'- therebv i mprov i ng our existing pedestrian network. lllhile Gore Creek Drive js also used as a del.ivery area and for vehicular entry into the Vjllage, inere should still be $[PJe rpom ]e-f! j1-t!e. road to accommodate both pedestrians- and vehic Ies' B. Vehicular Penetrat.ion The commercial space wjll result in an increase to service deljveries at the sitzmark. However, this increase sh-ould not be-s,jgnjfjcant-uhan comoared to the amount of'deljveries t-hat *ke p1 ace a1'l a'l ong Gore Creek Ori ve. The el i mi na ti oq-o-f -the 7 surf iceLiark j-1tq -spaqe5. wi I l,^l-o{!Yit' ieouie vetricut u. punuiQiion into the Vil-l age ionsioera[1y. Overal I , this proposal shollO have a positive impact !y leducing the amount of vehjcles in the Vi11age. sifark -3- 7 /1s/84 C. Streetscape Framework The exi sti nq pl anter on the east end gf-_ile_,gltzmglk_w'i r r remajn.Additlonal Frinter rdx.s ure piar,r*a tor the building,, iuEi-uti'ongGore Creek Drive. A sma'l_ljo_cket qf_open_space-_ltiU-be created . on.tbe !.J_! e_!{ of t6e commercjal expalsjo_n- Hil;ver; this areais proposed tEb-e errc'l osEd with a ca-ntiGvered roof form. paverl usedrn t_ro1t 9l t[e a{-{!!!o! ryr_l] qxtgnd qt leqs!-_to_the_front proper-ty .!ine. The infill of a commercial store front will improve the "walki4g_experiqrce"and g'i ve continuity to the pedestrian way. This is a dramage-improvementover the area as it is now.. Street Encl osure The existing situation at this site is not good. A broad expanse betweenthe multi--story Lodge promenade and the sitimark gives-ihe-pedestr.i ana sense of being unenclosed. _ T[is exp-4ns_io_n=uilI]n.lp_lo__a,!I,e tf,uareq9_!y__c_reating a more comfortabIe enclgs11,e fg1t1e-_-peOestriin anO_b.rjng s t1e e_! _e4 c_l e s u re mo re i_n]irc uit_11 t rr a*a eillea_y'2-s -i'it i*. Street Edge Th'is proposai is unique fn that the store front facades are irreqularwi-th qucfr-v-ailgty_ (in ihe form of windows unt .ntrrravrffinii" uuir.same trme being tied_together with a 3,_4' fascja icross much_ol_theaddition, tthite-fheluitaing-"jog-s- give visijai intireii'io-t-hilicade,they.do not provide enough sfiace ior iunctional activjty pcckeEs asment'ioned by the Guide pian. The cantilevered roor wiii iiso leavethese pockets in the shade for much of the dav. D. E. F.Buildi nq Height Tf'.tg-is1io issue with respect to the height of this proposal. t.lhireit will have a flat roof form, the design-does not upieu" incompatiblewith the existing structure. ViewsG. The pedestrian is afforded a dramatic view of the Gore Range from Gorecreek Drive- l{hi'l e this view is not siqnificantly impactei from Gorecreek D.ive, there is_an impact to the iedestriin"";iii;d-;p wiilowRoad onto Gore creek Drive- The roof ol4erhang piqi".lr- 6ui into tire_:j:: jl?l Sradually_emerges as_'one foilows a patn iounding th;-;o;;;," Il9T_,*l,ow,srrdge Road onto Gore Creek Drive. The more inis ioot iinecouro De purred back, the less the impact will be on this view. There is also a verv Tlr,!s view-is o1g of . pleas'i ng slp_rt-rang_e_rr jew ns one follows_t'hjs course. !!_e tt1 et edg_e_ down Gore Creek Drive. The curvil inear e,,,',^ -r- t/rvlv+ gtre_qt_scape torl:l_i{}iildings along Gore Creek Drive s_e1ve to_1u11tbe pedestrian further down the "oai jusi ii-"ijtij""i dy_ure Guide ptan.The roof overhang wouta oustrr.t *,1 p.a.rii;..i; 'iriti;r view of thisstreet edge as one rounds the corner onto Gore Creek Drjve. H. Service and Delivery 3..*{+}5gnr'' The proposal cal I s existing trash housinq toother p'l ans are proposed = 1? addjtionai spaces= / spaces l9 total for theroof. No this proposal_-r,r_il l not iUp_lc_! It ..- \ ; \ .l6.9 or l7 additjona) spaces STAFF RECOMMENDATIOIY staff recommendation^ol ,llr.re9g9st is for approval. r,te are. excited that somethingwill happen on this.site-that wrrlr-ue'a positive addition io both the sitzmarkand the viliage, whire eriminaiing iie""*isting parking in this area. Thereare two issues that we feer merit't;;; discussion by the pEc. fhege_ r_.pc_1qde,t'[egotentia'l blockage,:t y1uy-t iv-in" roof overhans unJ tie streetedge fornrdby the bui lding's facade.. wh'e-ie i'iu'gun"ru,y support.i ve of the proposar , weiffl,J:5Tl3liil'ril'1f,.t:"ffiff,in-il'.!u u.uas t-hat ffi;ii rlsurt ovei^ari in in '' I. Sun,/shade Located on the north side of the street, -!-q! 9! slgde gl,o_nj Gor;e Creek orive. --- ZONING CONSIDEMTiONS A conditional use oermit is required any.time_a lodge room is removed from lii !!fi l l;, lll i,'il'i;:i,liii.;"i'iti; ; ;.1' :*I--li!s ..oo's, reduc i ns recommendation-on ihe conoitional use oJJrrr]tt accompanying memo for our This proposar is in compriance with ail other zoning considerat.ions. Oneissue that w'r be aoarlsseJ-ir'irrit"oi parking. The appricant has agreedto pay into the parking rund ror-tile iet reouction of spaces on s.i te. Thesenumbcrs break down as follows:\- 3600 sq ft commercia'l additionloss of 7 on-site spaces reduction of required parking as aresult of eliminating 3 lodgd .ooil, _ 2..| spaces be remodeled with rel ati rr9 .!o_se_rv i ce One.condition of approval for the applicationparticipate in and not remonstrate igainst aand when one is formed for this area and thatapproved. Sitzmarf-5- 7 /1e/84 'is that the appl icant agree tospecial improvement distiict jf the condjtional use permit is No construction (improvements) will be allowed in Town of Vail right-of-way. ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR MODIFICATION I. Conformance with the Purposes of the CCI District. As stated in Section L8.24.010, the Commercial Core I Distri-ct is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village co4mercial area with its mixture of lodges, residential dwellings and colnmercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environrnent. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate 1ight, air, open space and other amenitles appropriate to the permitted. types of buildings and uses. The District Regulations, in accordance wi-th the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Des.ign Considerations, prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tiglltly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways. and to ensure continuation of the buil-ding scale and architectural quality that distinguish the Village. The proposed alterations center around two minor additions to the existing building: A. An expansion of an existing bedroom in the approximate amount of 720 square feet. The expansion of the existing bedroom will enhance the experience offered to residents residing in the HiIl Building. B. A partial encl_osure of an existing deck area which will help solve an existing snow build-up problemr not only for the second-floor residents in the Hil_I Building, but also for the commercial space on the ground level. Since the proposed alterations are extensions and enhancements of existing uses, the Urban Design Guide plan will not be changed in any respect, but made more effective. II. Vail Village Urban Design Considerations As They Applyto Proposed Alterations A. Pedestrianization. The proposed alteration which encloses a portion of the deck on the second floor of the Hill Building wilI further facilitate and enhance pedestrianization between the HiIl Building and One Vail Place by reducing the amount of drifting snow in the pedestrian way. The proposed alteration and enlargement of an existing bedroom will have no effect on the pedestrianization of CCI. B. Vehicl-e Penetration. The proposed alterations provide for no addit.ional points of vehicle penetration, nor will the additions create more vehicular trips into CCI . C. Streetscape Framework. The proposed new additions will have litt1e effect on the st.reetscape framework, except in a positive sense in that snow build-up in a pedestrian way will be lessened by the semi-enclosure on the west side of the building. 2. The additions will provide an enhancement to the variety of open and enclosed spaces, which will create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as well as visual interest and act.ivity. D. Street Enclosure. From Design Considerat j-ons , Section D, Street Enclosure, we quote the following: "Idhile building facade heights should not beuniform from building to building, they shouldprovlde a comfortable enclosure for the el-raa_l- ll and "Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whose wa1ls are formed by the buildings. The shape and feel of these rooms are createdby the variety of heights and massing (three dimentional variations) which give much of the visual interest and pedestrian scale uniqueto Vail. " and "An external enclosure is more comfortable where its wa1ls are approximately one-half as hlgh as the width of the space enclosed. " In respect to the new proposed additions and the structures around it, both existing and proposed, which wilt define and create this space, the increased height for the Hill Buildinq (which is approximately 31.5 feet above ground level) will enhance the existing plaza area at a closer conformance with the street enclosure section of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. The new height of the Hill Building will still be considerably less than what is allowed in CCI. Roof lines at the completion of the addition will be a combination of flat and pitched roofs which currently exist and which will be added, which will provide visual interest for the plaza area. The proposed additions have no effect on stneet edge, in that all additions are on the second and third floors of the existing building. The existing building, along with the proposed alterations, will provide irregular facade 1ines, building jogs and landscaped areas which give life to the street and visual i-nterest for pedestrian travel. E. Bui-lding Height. The maximum proposed height for the proposed addition is 31.5 feet above street Ieve}. One Vail Place j-s 40 feet in height, the main Lodge building is 56 feet in height and the new addition proposed for the Lodge, called the International Wing, will be a two and three-story mix, wlth a maximum height on the south side of 40 feet. The Zoning Code Section 1-8.24.120 defines the height requirements for CCI, and all proposed heights are well below the requirements specified in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations. F. Views. The most significant and obvious view corridors have been designated by the view corridor restriction ordinance which was adopted some time ago by the Town Council . The view from the plaza over the Hill Building was studied at lengt.h by the Town Council and was specifically not included in such ordinance. The views which were protected by the ordinance were selected to be preserved due to their significance, not only from an esthetic standpoint, but also as orientaLion reference points to help the guests determine their location. The view which we are intruding into was not given the same significance as other views 4. and, therefore, not protected by the ordinance. The Design Considerations are a broad overview of Commercial Core I and designate the design criteria for eight different categories of concern. Views are merely one of those categories. The view corridor ordinance was reviewed in liqht of the effect it would have on the seven other categories and, therefore, the view over the Hill Building was deleted from the ordinance. No one category operates in a vacuum without affecting the others and, therefore, the intrusj-on into the views over the Ilill Building is warranted because the proposed additions enhance and satisfy the other categories of the Design Considerations in the best possible manner for the Town. The real objective of the Village Plaza and CCI in general is to present desirable and inviting commercial activities and residentj-al facilities in a charming and effective building frame, including mountain views, rather than to merely feature a side-long view of the mountain per se. Canopies, awnings, arcades and building extensions provided by the existing Hill Building and al 1 proposed alterations help create a pedestrian focus which mitigate the intrusion into the existing views over the Hill Bui-ldino. G. Sun Shade Consideration. The sun shade study previously provided shows little or no effect on the Villaqe Plaza area. In summary, as Vail Village Desigtn Consi-derat.ions state: "The Desi-gn Consj-derations are intended to serve as guideline design parameters. They are not seen as riqid rules or cookbook design elements to bring about a homogeneous appearance in Vail." 5. The int.ention of the proposed alterations is to address the spiriL of Vail as it exists and to enhance and extend t.hat spirit by improving residential living in Commercial Core I and to solve snow build-up areas in pedestrian ways. 6. H.- &s *i Kenneth Redcling CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Wall Slreel P. O. Box 717 Vail, CO.81657 T lrlr J*!lt fi#t Kenneth Redding CREATIVE PHOTOGRAPHY 1 Wall Street P. O. Box 717 Vail, CO. 816s7 _., rt :"//, AI'PLICATION FORM OR MODITICA'I:IOI\S IN oDatc o[..ipplication FOR DXTIJRIOR ALTIIRATIONS coyd.,lrlRcrAl coRll r (ccl) May 29, buildingpatio or : review by l98i I.This procedure is rcquired for alterati.on of an existing vhich adds or relnoves atty enclosed floor area or outdoor replacemcnt of an e>listing buil<iirrg shall be subjecb to the Planning ancl Environrnental Comntj.ssj-<rn. The application will trot be accepted until all inforntation A. NAI1X OF AI)PLICAII'I Blanche C. Hill ADLTRESS--_tlt_B"-Irds_e__ql_r.cc!4_-v_eiIJ co _B l6s7 PHONB jl76-554 2 - - Jav K. PetersonB. c.AUTTIORIZATIOI'I OF NAj.4B OI' APPLICLiiTIS RBPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS P. O. Box 3149, Vail'co 81658 PHOI{E 476-0092 SIG}IATURB ADDlTESS D. LOCATI{JN OIJ ]:ROT'CsAI., E. i')iLl ,f?tflo o,)c- I.ZA o7 J4/ $l 0 0 . Ci 0 llrrs I Bq f or each proper:ty own(:r to ov${ER Il Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 Pnoxe476-5542 AIIDRESS___3-r1__Blt_q.S_e___q!-Ie-9!r_Vai-l,_Co_8_l_6ll LIlGp.l, DESCP.IPTIOIJ Lot I, Block 5C Vail Village First bc notified. F. Il"iPliovn[1El:i'i'l liii]|,Il:)/ Cf I'li0i'l"lRT\l SIIOI^JfNG PIIOPIIRTY I,INDS AI'ID LOCATION:..:: OIJ DU].I,D1,].IG AI{f) /\iIY :TI4PIIOVI'IlIINTTJ ()Iq TIIE ,L,AT.ID. ',G, A l.,lsr olilritn ],lAl.iri or oi\t{ntis oF Al;1, pRopERTy ADJAciiNT To rtIE 'i SUBJtrCT PROPiilit:Y AND lllLilr i\llDll[SSliS. . .r:*. .,r.1', .' tr"R II. four (4-) cc,pics <if a sit:e plan ccntajniuq the follorvi.ng information, ,ft1' ' .l.rj; Jr, Tht: sitc p)-an sl'rall be clrawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of 1" = 20r; a var.iation of the slrce:t size or scale may be aPProved:r:i by the CorirnurljLy Devclcpment Deprrrtrncnt if justj.f iedt ''1.i .i ' 1,. .: ' nate olpplicatior',- ruav-a9,' r.98j APPLICATION FORM FOR EX'IfiI1IOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIITICA'I'-rOI{S IN COI'MERCIAL CORE 1 (CCI) I.Thisprocedureisrequiredfora1teratj'onofanexistingbui1ding vrhich adds or rernoves any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replacemcnt of an existing buildirrg sherl} be subject. to revj-ew by tlre Planning ancl Environrnental Comntj.ssj.<rn. The application will not be accepted uni,il all inrorntation is submitted. A. NA}M OF APPI,ICAIII]Blanche C. Hill B. ADDRESS___I-1.*-BtidS_e__g!rce!..__Y_Ai_1r90-81657 PHONE 476-5542 NAME OI' APPLIC/I.NT'S REPRBSENTATIVE ADDRESS P. O. Box 3149, Vail, Jav K. Peterson AUTfIORIZATIOI'I OF PITOPERT:Y OVINER SIG}{A'IURE co 81658 47 6-0092 PHOt\iE c. D. ADDi(BSS 311 Bridqe Street, Vai1, CO 81657 pnOnr:476-5542 LOCA'I'IfJN OIT J]ROT'CSAL ADDRESS*___3-11__Bj1-qs_e___9!re-eL-lld[_99_U_61] LIIGa.L DESCP,IPTIOIJ Lot I, Block 5C VaiI Village First &'za o7 .J,4 /,( 4'/-', Ju.- D. F]IL] ,g'74 loo'2c' $1C0.00 \>lns lrJc for e;ech prope.!:ty ovrn(:r to bc notified. F. Jl,iPI{O\/llNlBli'L' liiilt"ru)/ o}' I)}{C)r,i"il{:t\: siioi{ING PlroP,.iRTY f,INDs AND L()CATIoN OI' BU.ILL)ll{(j /\ilI) .{\i,lY :i}4PROVIillllNTIi (JFl l'}IE ]-,Al{D. G. A I]IST Oit ifilrl l',r'Al.rl: oI. oi\t{.n]rs oF lrr-,1., PRopBRTy ADJAciiNT To TIIE SUB.'IECT PI1OPJ]I(]::I' AND lHLlI{ ADDITISSIJS. .,r., ,j, II. Four (4) cc.rpics of a sit:e plan c,-rntajni-ng the followi.rrg information, ']{'i:"i ,\, Tllc sriLc pJ-an shal1 be <lrawn on ir sheet size of 24" x 36" aL a scalq'of 1." = 20'; a var:.iation of the .sircet si"ze or scale may be approve4.'11-by tite Conunun5.Ly Develepment Del)irrtmcnt- if justi.fiedi ''i''',. :l: ' I tl I ADDENDUM TO APPLICATION Addresses of Adjacent property Owners 1.Vail AssoeiatesP. O. Box 7Vail, CO 81658 Plaza Lodge, Inc.P. O, Box 68vail, co 81658 Golden Peak House 278 Hanson Ranch RoadVaiI, CO 81657 Lazi.er Arcadec/o Bob LazierP. O. Box 62'1 Vai-1, CO 81658 v,:-=*t,-LJ 1, u N PrI*- K.-- ))J-\/ z. \$o{ fo"Au'\roc 62Y' UuJ u*- IuU\.iut$" ntFr// /\. - I I '_ 4 v //L-.1,J. $oL\oCq l/' ?d.' Itl'l I vvlV\'t'( ! ?{ a l4ay 15, l9B1 Square Footage Computations I -:-.. {', :'. ,i -('i '' lst Floor Site Coverdge = t SZ6S Sq. Ft.x- 80% _ a6r2 sq. ft. Gross residenfial froor area ar]owedabove lst floor 2nd Floor existing =(+qil Xinc stairwetls)3rd Floor existing = 6fd (inc stairwellsiTotal m Proposed Greenhouse = OProposed Dining room = 64 ..Proposed 3rd flr bdrm = 72O '' 784 tl,... .. r.. Total above lst ftr w,/proposed = 549g sq. ft. Less stairwells ( ZnA flr & abv)House = 173APt. = J.54Total = 327 Therfore gross residential floor area = 5498 Less aparLm,tnt - 914 sq. ft. Therefore giross residential floor area = 5l7Ireet (compare Xa 46L2 allowed = 355 sg. ft. under) - 327 = 5171 sq. ft. - 9I4 = 4257 aguare May J5,l98t Response to Application Fonn for Exterior Alterations ntr$'ti- Secti on Secti on A. D D. E. Setti on Secti on A. B. B E. p, U Secti on Sect i on I - NA (by c)ient) II Forwarded May 5, 19811, Include( in "A,,above. NA Pqo L\ocor'. Refer'po Seqtion I II below re size.NA fuu*Atc{t\ Included ih ;'A,, above. III - See attached sheets (Attachment, iv NA NA Refer Refer NA Refer Refer Refer V-NA VI-NA pages AT-'l and AT-2) to rnodel . R,oA lofi'q$rtto model. 1\*r\t.t 1\"u\til",[to model and "drawi nqs.to model. U,tJrl\ r^to model.lrr.l^{l\rq$\ (by client) uL (by client; ok' \q t Attachment --- Response to section III of the Application Fovm forExterior Al terations L Conformance with the purpose of the CCI district. /4. 18.24.010 purpose - Refer to Section II below. /s. .|8.24.0& permitted and conditional uses - second Floor - Allowed#1 - multipte famitv ""siaeniiir o*"iiins. Jc. r8.24.050 permitted and conditional uses - Above second Froor -Allowed - #t muttiple family resiaeniiai aw"iiins.-' D. 18.24.i20 Height - Allowed 38'; proposed 32, (35, Chimney). E' 1'8-24-130 Densitv contror - Firit Froor site coverage = 5,765 sq.ft' x 80% = lz6rt sq. ft. gross residentiai-tioo"'ii'"u arlowedabove first floor- Second floor existing = 4,0l8 (including stairvells)Third floor existing- = _ =699 iinctratng ;i;i*;ij;iTotat TJT{ Proposed:Greenhouse = 0 (not fully enclosed to weather) D'i ni ng Room = 64Third Floor Bedroom = 720 rora | 794 Total above first floor with proposed = 5,49g sq. ft. Less stairwells (second f'loor and above)House = 173Apt. = t 54Total m Therefore gross residential floor area = 5,49g _ 3Zl = 5,17.1 sq.9fry:: to 4,612 (S59 over) less apariment = 914 sq. ft.' ' Ineretore gross residential floor area = 5,14.| - 914 = 4,257 sq.Compare to 4,612 (355 under) May .15, l9Bl II. . Substantia'l compliance with the Vail Village A. 18.54.050 lrtaterial s to be Submi tted I. NA2. NA3. Fonvarded May 5, l98l (Site plan) ft. ft. AT-I Urban Desiqn Guide. fstt"r tD tu. tdq' a 4. NA5. Forwarded May 5, 198'l (Floor plans and Elevations)6. NA7. NA8. NA B. .|.8.54.070 Design Guidelines - Subsections A through u refer todrawings and model submitted. t_ AT.2 Orro, Pnrnnsorrr & Posr aTT0trINEYS AT LAw vaiL NATIoNAL BANK BUrLarNq JAy K. pETERsoN posr oFFlcE Box 3149 (3o3r z176-0092 wllLrAtJr J. Posr vaII_, cologADo al65a-314g EAGLE VArL PROFESS|ONAL BUTLD|NG (3 03) 949-53AO September 5, l9B4 "-":j.?l:'.::::: 'I'OWn Or Val-1 Planning Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 Attention: Peter Patten Re: Expansion of the HillBuilding - 311 Bridge Street Dear Peter: Pursuant to your request, the owner of the Hi-Il Building locatedat 311 eridge Street, has authorized me to add, as a condition lof approvaf to that certain Application dated May 29, IgB4, suchcondition of approval as follows: The owner of the building located at 311 Bridge Street, Vail,Colorado, hereby agrees to participate in and not remonstrateagainst a special improvement distrlct if one j_s formed forVail Vi11age. Sincerely, JKP:mec \j -!|.{^^.. f"F.,ory, PETERSoN & Posrv'v TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commissjon Cormunity Development Department March 24, .|986 A-request for exterior arteration of the Hir Building on Lot 1,Block 5c, vail vil1age First Filing to encros" e*iitiig-..ionofloor deck space and to add a thiri story.Applicant: Blanche C. Hjll COMPLIANCE I,{ITH THE URBAN D IGN GUIDE P FOR V IL VILLAGE I. THE PROPOSAL The applicant,^Blanche c. Hi'r 1, received approvar from the prann.ing andEnvironmenta'l commission on January J.3, rgbb to encrose 433 square feetof deck space on the west side of the second floor of the H.iri euiraingand to add a third story bedroom of 972 "qrir" ieet. The currena "proposal represents a modification to thii approval. wfrife ilre Uuildingand addition foot print remain rerativerv ilr!"sir", this proposaientails-a major change to the facade treitment of ine southwest area ofthis bujldino.. The.net change in square footage js an Allditiona] R6 C:t:ll:,fe9t.6eins added il_Ih; second rever. The new facade entajrs the\ removar ot the,overhanging second and th.i rd story balconies and thel-- introduction of " ner il"iiri;i; ir the form of a stucco war. Th'is proposal also includes the construct'ion of the Urban Design GuidePlan concept l0A invorv'ing the creation or a peaesirian warkway,/p1azalocated to the south of the Hi.t1 building. The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites ancr tomaintain the unique character of the vail vilrls".orr"rlilt area wittrits mixture of . lodges and commerc.ial establ isr,menti-in-i-pi.oorinantlypedestri an environment. The commercial core I distriit-.i ! intended toensure adequate light, air and open space, and other amenitiesappropriate to the permitted types of buiidings "na ,ieil'-The districtregulations in accordance with ltre vail v.i llaie uru".-o.rign Guide planand Design considerations prescribe site development .iinairo, that areintended to ensure the maintenance and-preservation of the tighilyclustered arnangements. of buildings fronting on p"a..triii*"v, .nopublic greenways, and to ensure c6ntinuation or irre uriiJiiis scare andarchitectunal qualities that distinguish the viffige.-- This proposal 'is substantially in compliance with the intent of the ccldi stri ct. II III.r I I This proposal relates to sub-area r0A. This sub-area concept refers tomountain gateway improvements and describes elements such-ii a landscapescreen, minor p1aza, and a pedestrian loop to 'uall street. The areaspecified for sub-area r0A is on rand currenily unoe, ioniror of the r I I l United States Forest Service. During the approva'l process for the previously approved alteration, the Forest Service had indicated that they would allow no improvements with regard to this sub-area concept. The applicant has now secured permission of the Forest Service to construct this sub-area concept. COMPLIANCE l^llTH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and the considerations is to show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overall intent of the Desiqn Considerations. IV. A.Pedestrianization. This proposal affects pedestrianizatjon iffiusF-iEe creation of Sub-area Concept 10A- As described above, this sub-area refers to mountain gateway improvements and describes elements such as a landscape screen, minor p1aza, and a pedestrian loop to Wall Street. }le feel that creation of this sub-area will be a positive contribution to this area of Vail Vi1'l age. We do feel , however, that this area could be strengthened by some modification to the proposed design. The proposed design shows the stucco wa11 wrapping around the southwest corner and following the property line to the east. If this south wall were to be pulled in toward the building more, it would allow for more landscaping and perhaps some bench seating. This would be more in keeping with the plaza/walkway concept of the sub-area as opposed to strjctly a pedestrian 1oop. Enclosed with this memo is a copy of the sub-area concept as detailed in the Urban Design Guide Plan. We also feel strongly that the brjck pavers should continue around the south end of the bujlding to the junction of this plaza/walkway with Bridge Street. The design proposed details pavers only at the southwest corner, w'i th the rest of the walkway as asphalt. Veh icul ar Penetration.No impact. Streetscape Framework. As previously descri bed in the January 13, 1986 memo, the quality of the pedestrian experience w'i ll be somewhat impacted by additional shade in the area of Le Petite Cafe (see sun/shade analysis) and the ticket offices and also by some blockage of views of the mountain as one enters Founders' Plaza from the north. The most notable effect upon the streetscape framework of this current proposal is the removal of the second story decks on the west elevation of the building. The current storefront of Vail Ski Rentals js heavily shaded and has the appearance of being recessed because of the overhanging second story balcony. }{e feel that the elimination of this second level baicony is a positive contri bution to the appearance of this commercial store front. B. a. D:- Street Enclosure F --'<-=> F. H. I. Service and Delivery.No impact. Sun/Shade. This current proposal sun/shade than that of the January The Consideratjons state that, "An external enclosure js morecomfortable where its wa1 ls are approx.imately 1/Z as h.i gh as thewjdth of the space enclosed.u The Des.ign euldelines alio statethat a ratio of 1:1, height to width, cieates a'canyon effect." The he'ight of the addition on the Hill Buitding will be 30 feet tothe eave line. The height of One Vail place ji 28 feet to theeave line. The plaza wjdth varjes from 33 to 42 feet, thuscreating a ratjo that var.i es fron Z/3:l to l:.l. The stucco wallrises from ground to a height of 23 feet in a continuous p1ane.At 23 feet above grade, the building steps back g feet to creaEe athird level deck. The eave'l ine, at 33 feet above grade isstepped back 8 feet from the first floor building eige. Bymaintain'ing the footp'int of the third floor froil tni previous submittal , the architect has maintained the mitigation that thestaff f el t acceptab'l e j n the prev.ious des i gn . street Edge' 0ther than the jog for vail sk'i Rentals'entry, thisproposal presents a fai11y monotonous street edge. The inclusionof door and w'i ndow awnings, as well as flower b6xes will beessential to the appearance of thjs facaoe. sub-area l0A affects street edge and has been adressed previous'lyin this memo. Building fgight. In-commercial core i, up to 60% of each build.i ngmay be built to a height of 33 feet or less and no more than 40%9I:".! building may be higher than 33 feet, but not highe; than43 feet. The ridge hejght of the proposed addit.ion js 5Z feet.This height does meet the 60/40 cr.i terja as described. The newroof will be a pitched roof. It will reflect the same p.i tch andmaterials as the existing roof forms of the building. Views and Focal Points This proposal entails no furthe.impacts upon views than that ofthe January 13th proposal . K "r-)s*" $\ G. entails no further impact on 13th proposal . V. Project Statistics. Allowable GRFA: Existing second floor: Existing third floon: Total existing Stai rway deducti on Total existing GRFA 6,400 sq 4,082 sq 696 sq 4,778 sq 372 sq 4,451 sq ft ff ftft ft ft Proposed 3rd fl oor addi ti on Proposed 2nd floor deck enclosure Total proposed GRFA Al lowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA 972 519 sq ft sq ft 5,942 sq ft 6,400 sq ft 5,942 sq ft 458 sq ft VI.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval . The only changes in the current proposal as opposed to the approval of Januaryl3th that relate to the Design Consideratjons are the removal of the second level deck and the creation of Sub-area Concept LOA. Theintroduction of new material and facade treatment will need to be reviewed by the Design Review Board and really do not apply to these Design Consjderations. llle feel that the removal of the second level decks improves the first level commercial property, a1 though it leaves the west elevation of this building with very ljttle rel.i ef to a heightof 28 feet. hle feel that the creation of Sub-area Concept 10A.i s a veryposjtjve contrjbution to this area of Vail Vi11age, and the modjfi- cations suggested to the design will certainly enhance this major gateway from the mountain into Vai1 Vi11age. The staff would recommend the following conditions of approval: l. That the applicant will not remonstrate against a special improvement district if and when one is formed for Vail Vi11age. 2. That the applicnat will construct all improvements outside oftheir property line (Sub-area 10 pedestrian and landscape'improvements) as approved, tota'l 1y at their own expense. 3. This approval is valid for a maxjmum of three years from the dateof PEC approval . t ._j TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Commissjon Community Development January 13, 1986 A request for exterjor 8l ock 5C, Vai I Vi 1 1 age deck space and to add alteration of the Hill Bujlding on Lot 1,lst-Fjl ing, to enclose existin! Znd floora third story. Applicant: glanche C. Hill Department I. II. The.applicant, Blanche c. Hil.l , is requesting to enclose 433 square feetof deck space on the west side of the-seconu-floor of the iiri guirdingand to add a third story bedroon of 972 square feet. it. p.opor"d th.i rdstory addition is rocated on the southwest area of the buiia.ing. 0n - september 23, .|985 the.pranning commriiion heard a iir,.ii""'iroposar.Following the recommendation u! tne riirt, the apJri."tion ilas den.ied bythe Plann'i ng commission. ttre F'r anninj commission decision wassubsequently appeared to the rown couicir. ihe-iour.ii']rpp".ted theposition of the staff.and the pranning commission. concerns of the staffand the Planning commission revoived irouno the creation of a canyoneffect and additionai sun/shaae impaci on the One Vair prace praza. The current submittar represents a revision of the buiid.i ng sens.i tive tothese concerns. Purpose: The commercial core I District is intended to provide sites andto ma'i ntain the unique character of the vair virlage comierc.i ar area withits mixture of-lodges and commerciar eitautishments in a predom.i nantiypedestrian environment. The commerciii'core I0istrict is intended toinsure agig'1t9 f ight, air, open-ipi.J'"no other amenitiei appropr.iate tothe permitted types ot buiidingr "i J ,r"r. The district regulations inaccordance with rhe vair viraie urban-o.iigr"Gri;;"pi;; .ii or.isnconsiderations prescribe site i.u"iopr.nt standards that are intended toinsure the maintenance and preservation ot ine iishtil-.riri"..aarrangements of buiidings fronting on pedestrian wiy.'una--puuii.greenways and to insure continuation oi the buildini scaie"anaarchitectural qualitjes that distjnguish the V.i 11age. This proposal is substantially in compliance with the intent of the ccldi stri ct. { III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE IV. This proposal relates to the sub-area concept 10A. This sub-area conceptrefers to mountain gateway improvements and describes elements such as a landscape screen, minor p1aza, and a pedestlian'loop to Wali Street. The area specified for sub-area 10A is on land currently under control of the United States Forest Service. The current Forest Service posit.i on onthis property is that it will allow no improvements with regard to this sub-area concept. The Community Development Department would requestthat if this sub-area is ever developed, that the owners of the Hill Building not remonstrate against any special improvement djstrict that may be formed to complete such improvements. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparison between the proposal and the Considerationsis to show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overallintent of the Design Considerations. Pedestri an i zati on The third story additjon and second story deck enclosure w'i l1 have minima1 if any impact upon pedestrianization B. Vehicular Penetration No impact. Streetscape Framework Because the addiLjons are located on the second and thjrd f'l oors, therewill be'l ittle jmpact on the quality of the walking experi ence with respect to landscaping and ground level commercial infill. The quality of the pedestrian experience will be somewhat impacted by addit'i onai shade in the area of Le Petite Cafe (see Sun/Shade analysis) and theticket offices and also by some blockage of views of the mountain as one enters Founders' Plaza from the north. Street Encl osure The Considerations state that "an external enclosure is most comfortable where its walls are approximately l/2-1 as high as the wjdth of the space enclosed." The Design Guidelines also state that a ratio of l:1, heightto width, creates a "canyon effect." The height of the addition on theHill Building will be 30 feet to the eave 1ine. The height of One Vail Place is 28 feet to the eave lJi6l-TEFiTIE-fidth varies from 33 to 42feet. This creates a ratio that varies fron 2/3:l to I:'l . A. c. D. , (This considerat'ion was a major concern of the staff in reviewing theseptember 1985 submittal . in the current submittal the architect hasreacted to these concerns by pulling the third floor addition and balcony !39! annroximately 4 feet from the iorrespond'ing bal.onv on the second I]?9t- , uy stepping back the third floor living area, bilconies and roofI'rne' rhe architect has greatly rnitigated the concerns of the staff. Theorig'i na1 submittal showed a thiee st6ry vertical plane from the p1aza.This revised submittar presents a more gentre uuiiaing mais, with thebuildings stepping away from the plaza irea as it rises. It.i s ourbelief that_the orig'inar concept was for the praza to-present a gatewayinto the vi11age. The community Development staff feers that thisdesign, while meeting the objeciive of Ine property owner. is more inkeeping with the original concept of this piaza. Street Edge. No impact. All add.i tjons are above ground level . E. G. In commercial core I, up to 60% of each buiiding may be buirt to heightof 33 feet or less and no more than 40% of "u.h"uriiairs-riv be higherthan 33 feet, but not higher than 43 feet. The ridge rt.ight of the,proposed addjtjon is 37 feet. This height does meel the 6OICO crjteriaas described. The new-roof wiil be a pitcnea toor. il-*iir refrect thesame pitch and materials of the existing roof forms on the building. - Views and Focal points. The proposed addition will slighily impact views of vail Mounta.i n fromthe Founders'Plaza area.- Howeverl this view is not a designated viewcor.idor, aithough we feel it is an important cons.i deration. This viewallows visitors an opportunity to orient themserves wiit regaro to vairMountai n. The view from seibert circre looking west to vaii Mountain.is adesignated view corridor. .The prop6sed addition uo.r not project intothis view corridor. The addition ;s most visibre from the Miil creekcourt Euilding looking west. There is a substantiar addition of burk andmass projected into this view. However, views of the forest above havebeen maintained. Service and Del iverv No impact. l.{ I. Sun/Shade The Design consideration states that "aii _new or expanded buiidj ngsshould not substantialry increase_the ipring and fari ,rr.ar" pattern on "{i?g?nt properties or on the public riitrt-ot-way.,, Th.is requestedaddit'i on will increase.the shadow pattern in the plaza area, according tothe December 21 study diagram. l'rhile;e do have some concern over thenegative effects of this itrauing on ".tiuity on the piiii,-we oorecognize that the redesign efforts of the architect wilr resurt insubstantially less impact than the originaf submjttal. v.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Project Statistics Al lowable GRFA Existing Znd floor Existing 3rd floor Total existing Stai rway deduction Total existing GRFA Proposed 3rd floor addi ti on Proposed Znd floor deck enclosure Total proposed GRFA Allowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA 6,400 sq ft 4,08? sq ft 696 sq ft 4,778 sq ft 372 sq ft 4,451 sq ft 972 sq ft 433 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 6,400 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 544 sq ft VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Qepartment recommends approval . As a 2nd and 3rd story addjtion, there are really only two considerations that are impacted by the proposa'l . A'l though this project still has some impact on the One Vail Place plaza area through the Street Enclosure and Sun/Shade design considerations, we feel that the architect, through this design' has attempted to respect the Street Enclosure and Sun/Shade design considerations and has attempted to mjtigate previous concerns of the staff. ll|e feel that by stepping the buildjng mass away fron the plaza area, the original concept of the plaza as an open gateway jnto vail Village has been maintained. .-iI ., "''.l:.', ;lS'r--'\'.,L-i :a I I t.t;l I a.ir{ 1-i ',4 ;!::..' . \'. 1' : ,i ir r, "i . ::';-, ll:' l.i': rl{i i:\ i; l: 'i: I ,tj'.i'j6'*i,: -:- i' j.'I r..:'; ,.!,' '.;' l;"-; ?.tiri *,1::;11 oo ,/-._.-t| /-< s\___-f_-_+ @'t{+r / l___* +tL ' t *,---J>-1 SU KDt------1 frthQ!'' rfiJ\r.-T t-"?t f''t,wn)\J T,' ffi{il l.-\}.-__ ---_ r-. \ e F_-==;,' r:"-{ Y(r 0q "l9xo-4!s f,Eq.tA e + tAsJ .F)__JJ9 J.:'i1)-3 $ lfriJ i$ !1ii gt $j v E 0 .q'j ;d -o,tC-) 1Irsr\ F,dT. -./l 6 unJ.rn- X{arch 31, 1986 * Mr. Gary Murrai-n Town of Vail Building 75 S. Frontage Road, Vai- 1 , Colora-d,o_ Hill Building Addition and Remodel Dear It is our intent to construct the above project beginningin late Apri1. To date plans are under design and will be available forpermit review and application by mid-Apri1. The owner has requested that we begin some minor demolitioninside the upstairs apartment starting the week of April 1st. tr{e are requesting your approval to accomplish this demo-lition. Until the ski area closes, we plan todebris prior to the ski lifts openingafter they have closed in the evening,designated building parking area onlyparking. Please review this request and adviseacceptable or if further arrangements Thank you for your consideration and let us know if you have any questions. Feel free to contact me at 476-7497. Sincerefv. DUDDY-,VriLr, cffimucrroN, rNC.4j4. *_ H.I{ . Pierce Proj ect l,lanager HWP/sace: I'like If i11is ia i**.\. Department West make all removal ofin the morning or and use thefor our truck us if this p1a.n is need to be made. General Contractors. Engineers .1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 . Vail, Colorado 8.1657 . (303) 476-3082 lKx j! !11,\ i-.:,1 i! r. :; i I i l '\ l, i ' Ur. cary Murrain Chief Builcling Official Vail Building Department 75 south Frontage Road vail, co 81657 RECORD OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION February 5, 1986 Gary Murrain of vail Building Department and Mike Beyer of lloward C. Dutzi & Associates, Inc. ,.---Referencei (E|II Buil-ding Addltion )\-\ r spoke with you to request design information. You inforrnecl me that the 1985 edlition of the UBC is currently being enforced. I asked about design snorr toad for roofs and you told me it was 8O psf. Alsot snow load retluctions for duration are not allowed for woodl structures. Accoraling to yoor the minLmua basic wind speed and exposure condition is 40 ruph, exposure "C" although a higher tiind speedt nay be used. The 1985 UBc Table No. 23-F does not list a basic wincl speed lower than 70 mph. AIso' Figure No. 4 - Basic Winil Speedls in Miles Per Eour - on page 23-4 of the 1985 UBC has an 80 nph contour in the vicinity of Vail-, coloraalo. For our ilesign' we have used the 8O rnph basic winil speed. You also inforraeil me that there are no specific requirements for consideration of drifing for snow loacls and that the snow loact may be reiluceil when consl-dering seismic loails' but that you would neecl to review a set of ilrawings to cletermine the amount of reduction. I toldl you that I woulat design for selsmic using full snow load. Date: Between: 1!jr7\ir\1il)l "i \ ii Hill Bullding Addition February 5, 1986 Page T"bro We have been informed by the architect tbat the Vail Builallng Depart*ent has an addendum to the 1985 UBC that is enforceal in your jurisdiction. If possibl"e, we woulil appreciate receiving a copy for our use. Prepared by: #->5y'"-Mike Beyer y'P. E . HB:mw cc: Beardsley AssocLates, Architects 12528 ll () l\'-t R I) (" t) t: 't' z 1 & ASS()CL.l, l'IiS, I'r-C. aIE UIV fl-tq" It.zl,b6 s,. $ 2_ I E|lsl LE o ,c\ \J v-2 F s r\ \l\ J s o ot'lv n/}v fl,Nfr WFn*q e711vDt@ 4ftrwA ffvl#v ffurfrA> /"r+fwd ft"& ff>r+* a#oaA n-h-h\ ftLDb- i kl DI nL w4t23Nca aAe {Alv WO >'trWlv #Wa Wwq W(ry- a1wv4 Vll4frty4 ffi ffi4aV.,fulr**v a+d4WprJ ?lfiA?fH ---ns fUlA bo1. LL TTAPE ilal 06 '\€;- ftia HPq' aiv vAfL ?th/.o 7'+z* +tAwA butv21r1^ 4rfwd ++t+wrA?Wn> (fafryv Dltu -u-s HILL 4?+rPzllca Itzl'bb ,,'... $ _\ ( tr\--z_ ilJ5o -JJ s s &ss J $ & E N o, \ s\- sI &L - * \ \ .\ s $h {t sz. $ il n _\ =s -JJt b\r ration in CC oor at the 4.xter i or al in order to enclose a deck and ridqe Street. Va cant:anche C. Rick Pylman showed the model and expiained the modificat'i on to the proposal since it was presented to the PEC on September 23 and denied. Now the Znd and 3rd floors were stepped back although the height was the same as the first proposal . Peterson mentioned that the height was below that which is allowedin CCI although there was still some impact on sun/shade and street enclosure. Pylman had a letter from Ron Riley supporting the addjtion. After more discussion, it was felt that most of the concerns had been answered. Viele moved and Schultz seconded to the reouest er the staff memo anuarv l3 on that the 'i cant part ic CI. LE n and not remonstrate a ta sDecl a rovement district if and when one ormed.vote was 7-0 Reouest for a conditional use permit to ex and the Potato Patch Restaurant b nc luol nq condomlnlum u el I -He a qenera l partners Kristan Pritz explained the request and stated that with the addjtion, 4 more parking spaces would have to be provided. Peterson disagreed with the need fora letter of credit to cover the additional parking spaces. Pritz responded bystating that jf the 4 additional parking spaces could be found be restriping the 1ot, no letter of credit was needed. Donovan suggested setting a deadlinefor restriping. Pritz suggested that the restriping could be shown on a siteplan and the restriping done in the spring. Then if it is decided to build 4 rnore spaces, a letter of credit could be required w'i th the temporarycertifjcate of occupancy. She felt it was logica1 to have a time frame. none against with Viele a sEa ning from the vote. est for a densi tv vari ance in order to vert storaqe into an ovee hous nq unit of souare feet at est Mea rlve adow ace Co cant: Pol lv Bianton rOOKS 6. Tom Braun explained the request and reviewed the memo adding that the applicant must present a written agreement with the Town that this unit would remain an employee unit and the agreement be recorded with the Eagle county clerk and Recorder. Peterson explained that the space was a1 ready jn the building, so no building was being added. Patten mentioned that this was the type of employee housingfelt to be the most desirable: there was no expansion of the building and it was integrated within other housing, not segregated. Pam Hopkins wondered why enclosing a deck was considered a grant of specialprivilege, but that this was not. Braun answered that this was a benefit tothe Town, and Patten responded that thjs was existing space that the communityfelt this type of use should be promoted. van noved an l1 Schultz seconded to rove the st per e staff memo ted Januar e approv A uest l;r amend the devel o nt pl an of rossroads and for setbac var ances 0roer to enc lose an exist ck area an add other ou 00r at cant:uest Peterson asked to table th is i tem to 2/24. 7. Donovan moved and Viele favor of tabl i n ded to table this to ?24/86. agai n The VOIE WAS KrjstanPritzexpla.inedtherequestemphasiz.ingthatthema.inreasontogo through the test.i ng "i tn" protective *"iiing ias to. see whene additional ;;;k;;; .l"ra-ui pi"..a-ior'specia'l events sich as the world cup. Ron phillips, Town Manager, answered questioni.- Piper asked about the cost of the matting, and phirrips'iesponded ttiat it ioit $tr,ooo for 9100 square feet, but did not know the cost of plowing ana insiattaiion by the.Town employees' He said that it would be removed ai soon "r-[frrt" was iny thaw, on or about March 1. It would be open any time for anyone to use and intensive use would be encouraged for the test. Donovan wondered if this was the most practical place as far a buS service was concerned and felt il,at-rii hour bus r"rui." was not enoughduring non-peak hours. She asked if the same buses wouta Ue used as are-used for the golf course and stan e"rrvrui,-d'i'r..[ot-or puutic works, replied that the same buses would be used. Donovan asked how p.opi. *outl set'from the'l ot to Golden Peak' She felt that people-*ouia not walr. on irr"-p"ih-on." it thawed, but would walk on the pavement. pniiiipi replied that ihe'bike path could not be used because it has been torn up and lttat ltre lot wouldn't be used-once-the snow melts' Donovan replied tnat it was likely that irt. r"lit would hold heat. If the sod is damaged, it cannot be replaced and. used the same year-and it was important not to damage tne summer business. Sfr"-siaila that ihe Town must plan a long range parking faci1ilt. D;;";an felt a first class resort must not resort to surface Parking. Phillips replied that th'i s test was a use question-and the Council would examine the use trrit.r'. -Pi;;; iit"a ii-ttere would be an.analysis of the use' numbers,etc.andPhil,lipsrepi.iedthat.trrerewouldbeafo]lowupreportonthe effectiveness of the matting. Donovan-"t["4 if we needed to put specific dates on the use, and was't;i;-i;"was.impossiute to use specific dates because use depended upon the weather. Donovan tt"["J in"i ttt"'would vote for the use th1 s year, but may not for other Years' 8.Are est for a conditional use rni t 1n order to rmi t rK'r nq us on an rea x 5u'on the ench of Fo own o Va Bri ner movej and Hopkins seconded he vote was -0 rn T avor . The meeting adjourned at 4:35 Pm' the for this ski sea5g!-onl a Pl anning and Environmental Commissjon January 13, 1986 l:30 pm Site Visits 3:00 pm public Hear.ing l. Approval of minutes of meeting of December g, lgg5. 2' Request.for a conditional use permit and for a condominium convers.i onpermit in order to convert the'Fal l Line apartments into time sharecondominiums. Appiicant: Kaiser E. Morcus 3' Request for an exterior alteration in order to add 180 square feet tothe Treetops Plaza building. Appi-icant: pierre iafei,-iia. 4' Request for an exterior alteration in CCI in order to enciose a deckand add a third floor at the Hill Building,311 Bridge ti"".t, Vait Vi.l1age.Applicant; Blanche C. Hill 5' Request for a conditional use pgryit to expand the Potato patch Restaurantby including condominium unit if44. - -- Applicant: Campbell/Hei1man, a general partnership 6' Request for a density variance in order to convert storage into angmployee housing unil of 900 squire ieet at 44 r,lest Meadow Drive.Appl icant: pol ly Broors To Be 7' A request to amend the development p'l an of crossroads and for setbackTabled varidncei i;;;;;; io enclose an existing deck area and to add otherrutdoor dining at Burger King. Applicant: Snowquesi 8' Request for a conditional use permit in order to permit temporary publicparking^using a protective matiing on un area 200'x 50'on'the upperbench of Ford park. Applicant: io*n oi Vutt ,,, ,!, (i,4 vL ,,1./l./TO: FROM: DATE: ext alt vail vill Planning and Environmental Commiss.i on Community Developnent Department January 13, 1986 The current submittal represents a revision of the building sensitive tothese concerns. 0\ SUBJECT: A request for exterior alteration of the HilI Building on Lot 1, 81 ock 5c, vai1 vi11age lst FiIing, to enclose exist.i n! 2nd fIoordeck space and to add a third story. Applicant: Blanche c. Hill I. THE PROPOSAL The applicant, Blanche c. Hi.|1, is requesting to enclose 433 square feetof deck space on the west side of the second fioor of the Hili Bu.i ldingand to add a third_story bedroom of 972 square feet. The proposed thi;dstory addition is located on the southwesr area of the buiiainE. 0nseptember 23, .l985 the pranning commission heard a similar profiosal.Following the recommendation by the staff, the application was'aenieu lythe Planning commission. The p] anning cornmission decision wassubsequently appealed to the Town couicil. The council supported theposition of the staff and the Planning Commission. Concerns of the staffand the Planning commission revolved iround the creat.i on of a canyoneffect and add.i tjonai sun/shade impact on the One Vajl place plaza. II. Purpose: The commercial core I District is.i ntended to provide sites andto maintain the-unique character of the vail v.i 11age commercial area withits mixture of lodges and commercial establishmenii in a freaominantlypedestrian environment. The commercial core I District is .i ntended toinsure adequate 1ight, air, open space and other amen.i ties appropriate tothe permitted types 9f lui1d]ngs and uses. The dist.i ct regurations inaccordance with the VaiI village urban Design Guide piun "ni Oesignconsiderations prescribe site development standards that are intended toinsure the maintenance and preservation of the t.ightit itusiereoarrangements of buiidings fronting on pedestrian iays-and publicgreenways and to insure continuation of the building scale andarchitectural qualitjes that dist.inguish the Vjllagi. This proposal is substantially in compliance with the intent of the ccl d istri ct. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal relates to the sub-area concept 10A. This sub-area concept refers to mountain gateway improvements and describes elements such as a landscape screen, minor p1aza, and a pedestrian loop to !'lall Street. The area specified for sub-area 10A is on land currentiy under contrci of the United States Forest Service. The current Forest Service position on this property is that it will al'l ow no improvements with regard to this sub-area concept. The Communjty Oevelopment Department would requ:st that if this sub-area is ever developed, that the owners of the Hill Building not remonstrate against any special improvement district that may be formed to complete such improvements. IV. COMPLiANCE WITH THE URBAN OESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the compari son between the proposai and the Considerations is to show how the new design strengthens or detracts from the overall intent of the Design Considerations. A. Pedestri an izati on The third story addition and second story deck minimal if any 'impact upon pedestrianization. B. Vehi cul ar Penetration encl osure wiI I have c. No jmpact- Streetscape Framework Because the additions are located on the second and third floors, there will be little impact on the quality of the wa1 king experience with respect to iandscaping and ground level commercial infill. The quality of the pedestrian experience will be somewhat impacted by additional shade in the area of Le Petite Cafe (see Sun/Shade anaiysis) and the ticket offices and also by some blockage of views of the mountain as one enters Founders' Plaza from the north. Street Encl osure The Considerations state that "an external enclosure is most comfortable where its walls are approximately l/2-1 as high as the width of the space enclosed." The Design Guidelines also state that a ratio of i:1, height to width, creates a ncanyon effect." The height of the addition on the Hill Buitding will be 30 feet tq !!q eeye-l- C=- The height of One Vail Place is 28 ieet to the eave IiIilTEETJIE-ilidth varies from 33 to 42 feet. This creates a ratjo that varies fron 2/3:l to l:1. E. This consideration was a major concern of the staff in review'i ng theseptember 1985 submittal . In the current submittal the architect hasreacted to these concerns by pulling the thjrd floor addjtjon and balcony back approximately 4 feet from the corresponding balcony on the secondfloor. By stepping back the third floor living anea, balconies and roof1ine, the architect has greatly mitigated the concerns of the staff. Theoriginal submittal showed a three story vertical plane from the p1aza. This revised submittal presents a more gentle building mass, with thebuildings stepping away from the plaza area as it r.isis. It.i s ourbelief that the original concept was for the plaza to present a gatewayinto the vi11age. The community Development staff feels that thisdesign, while meeting the object.ive of the property owner, is more inkeeping with the ori ginal concept of this plaza. Street Edge. No impact. All additions are above ground level . Bui idins Heisht In commerciai cone I, up to 60% of each buiiding may be built to heightof 33 feet or less and no more than 40% of each-building may be higherthan 33 feet, but not higher than 43 feet. The ridge iieight of theproposed addition is 37 feet. This height does meet the 60/40 criteriaas described. The new roof w.i ll be a pitched roof. it wjll reflect the same pitch and materials of the existing roof forms on the building. Views and Focal Points. The proposed addition will siightiy impact views of vail Mountain fromthe Founders' Plaza area. However, this view is not a designated viewcorridor, although we feei it is an important consideration. This viewallows visitors an opportunity to orjent themselves with reqard to vail Mounta i n . The vjew from Seibert Circle looking west to Vajl Mountain js adesignated view corridor. The proposed addition does not project .i ntothis view corridor. The addition is most visible from the Miil creekcourt Bui'l ding looking west. There js a substantial addition of bulk andmass projected into this view. However, views of the forest above havebeen maintained. Servi ce and Del iverv No impact. Sun/Shade The Design consideration states that "all new or expanded buildingsshould not substantially increase the spring and fai I shadow pattern onadjacent properties or on the public right-6f-way." This requestedaddition will increase the shadow pattein in the plaza area, accord.i ng tothe December 21 study diagram. while we do have some concern over lnenegative effects of this shading on activity on the plaza, we dorecognize that the redesign efforts of the architect will result.i nsubstantial ly less impact than the original submittal . u. H. T ll ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Project Statistics Allowable GRFA Existing 2nd floor Ex i st'i ng 3rd f I oor Total existing Stairway deduction Total existing GRFA Proposed 3rd floor addi ti on Proposed 2nd fl oor deck encl osure Total proposed GRFA Allowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 6,400 sq ft 4,082 sq ft 696 sq ft 4,778 sq ft 372 sq ft 4,451 sq ft 972 sq ft 433 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 6,400 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 544 sq ft The Commun'i ty Development Department recommends approval . As a 2nd and 3rd story addition, ther. are really only two considerations that are impacted by the proposal . Although this project still has some impact on the One vail Place plaza area through the street Enclosure and sun,/Shade design considerations, we feel that the architect, through this design' has ittempted to respect the Street Enclosure and Sun/Shade design considerations and has attempted to mitigate previous concerns of the staff. h|e feel that by stepping the building mass away from t,he plaza area, the orig.i na1 contept of the p'l aza as an open gateway into Vai'l ViIIage has been maintained. ext alt vail t . FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ::i:: till. Community Development January 13, 1986 A request for exterior 81ock 5C, VaiI Vi1lage deck space and to add Department alteration oflst Filing, to a third story. vi I I Planning and Envi ronmental Commjssion the Hi I 1 Bui ldi ng on Lot I , enclose existing 2nd fIoorApplicant: Blanche C. Hill I. THE PROPOSAL The applicant, Blanche C.1<reof deck space on west of AS nd floor of the Hill, si de feet September 23,__198_5_!he_Planting C!.mrdssion heard,a.rirnilan profrnsal .Following the recommendation by the staff, the app1.i cation was denied bythe Planning commission. The planning commission dec'ision wassubsequently appealed to the Town council. The council supported theposition of the staff and the planning commission. concerns of the staffand the Planning comm'i ssion revolved around the creation of a canyoneffect and additional sun,/shade impact on the One Va.i I place plazl. e proposed thirdstory addition is located on the southwest area of the buildinq. 0n The current submittal represents a revjsion of the building sensitive to ese COMPLIANCE tliITH THE CCI CODE Purpose: The commercial core I District is intended to provide sites andto maintain the unique character of the vail Village commerc.ial area w.i thits mixture of lodges and commercial establishmenti .i n a predom.i nantlypedestri an environment. The commercia'l core I Distr.i ct .i s intended to'insure adequate 1ight, air, open space dnd other amen.i ties appropr.iate tothe permitted types of bujl{ings and uses. The district reguiations jn accordance with the vail village urban Des.i gn Guide plan ani Designconsiderations prescribe site deveiopment standards that are intended toinsure the maintenance and preservation of the tightiy ciusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways-and publicgreenways and to insure continuation of the building scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the V.i Ilage. Th'i s proposal is substantially in compliance with the intent of the ccldi stni ct. III IV. COMPLIANCE I4IITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAiL VILLAGE This proposa'l relates to the sub-area concept 1Q4_. This sub-area c.oncspl refers to mountain gateway irnrrrovements and descr,f!qC_qlg[gn.!9"--aqglt---a5 a l andscapq edes The area sDecr r'lified currentiy under control of the United States Forest Service. The current Forest Service position on this property is that it will allow no improvements with regard to this sub-area concept. The Community Development Oepartment would request that if this sub-area is ever deveioped, that the owners of the Hill Building not remonstrate against any special improvement d'i strict that may be formed to complete such improvements. COMPLIANCE l,'ITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE The purpose of the comparjson between the proposal and the Cons'iderations 'i s to show how the new des'i gn strengthens or detracts from the overall intent of the Desion Considerations. A. Pedestri ani zati on The third story addition and second story deck enclosure wilI have rn'i nimal if any impact upon pedestrianization. B. Vehicular Penetration No impact. Streetscape Framework Because the additions are located on the second and third floors, there will be little impact on the quality of the wa'l king experience with respect to landscaping and ground level commerc'ial infill. The quality of the pedestrian experience will be somewhat impacted by additional shade in the area of Le Petite Cafe (see Sun/Shade analysis) and the ticket offices and also by some blockage of views of the mountain as one enters Founders' Plaza from the north. Street Enclosure The Considerations state that "an external enclosure is most comfortable where.i ts walls are approximatelf l/2-1 as high as the width of the space enc'l osed." The Design Guidelines also state that a ratio of 1:l' he'i ght to width, creates a ncanyon effect." The height of the addition on the Hill Building will be 30 feet to the eave iine. The height of One Vail Place is 28 feet to the eave ljfilTFE-E-jiI-ilidth varies from 33 to 42 feet. This creates a ratio that varies fran 2/3:l to l:.l. n I I \ \ {t'\ This consideration was a major concern of the staff in reviewing the September 1985 submittal . In the cur!"ent submittai the architect has reacted to these concerns by pulling the third f'l oor addition and balcony back approximately 4 feet from the corresponding balcony on the secondfloor. By stepping back the thjrd floor living area, balconies and roof1ine, the arch'i tect has greatly mitigated the concerns of the staff. Theorigina1 submjttal showed a three story vertical plane from the plaza. This revised submittal presents a more gentle buiiding mass, with the build'i ngs stepping away from the plaza area as it rises. it is ourbelief that the original concept was for the plaza to present a gatewayjnto the Vi11age. The Communjty Development staff feels that this design, wh'i 1e meeting the objective of the property owner. is more in keepi ng with the ori g'i na1 concept of thi s pl aza. Street Edge. No impact. Al 1 additions are above ground level . BuiIdins Heisht In Commercial Core I, up to 60% of each building may be built to heightof 33 feet or less and no more than 40% of each bujld.i ng may be higher"than 33 feet, but not higher than 43 feet. The ridge hejght of the proposed addjtjon is 37 feet. This height does meet the 60/40 criterja as descri bed. The new roof will be a pitched roof. It wili reflect the same pitch and materials of the ex.i st.i ng roof forms on the building. Views and Focal Points. The proposed addition will slightly impact views of vail Mountain fromthe Founders' Plaza area. However, this v'iew is not a designated viewcorridor, although we feel it is an important consideration. This viewaliows visitors an opportunity to orient themselves with regard to vail Mounta in. The view from Sejbert Cjrcle'l ook.i ng west to Vail Mountain js a designated view corridor. The proposed addition does not project intothis view corridor. The addition is most visib'i e from the Mill creekCourt Building iooking west. There is a substantial additjon of bulk and mass projected into this view. However, views of the forest above have been maintained. H. Service and Del iverv No inpact. I / L Sun/Shadet_*tt ,1" Design considerat'i on states that "alI new or expanded bui1dingsshould not substantiaily jncrease the spring and fail shadow pattirn onadjacent properties or on the public right-of-way." This requestedaddition will jncrease the shadow pattein in the plaza area, accord.i ng tothe December 21 study diagram. hJhile we do have some concern over thenegative effects of this shading on activ.i ty on the p1aza, we dorecognize that the redesign efforts of the architect will result.i nsubstantial ly less .impact than the orig.i nal submittal . E. V.ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Project Stati stics Al lowable GRFA Exi st'i ng Znd f I oor Existjng 3rd fIoor Tota'l exi sti ng Stairway deduction Total existing GRFA Proposed 3rd floor addi t'i on Proposed Znd floor deck encl osure Total proposed GRFA Al lowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA 6,400 sq ft 4,082 sq ft 696 sq ft 4,778 sq ft 372 sq ft 4,45.l sq ft 972 sq ft 433 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 6,400 sq ft 5,856 sq ft 544 sq ft VI STAFF RECOMMENDATION . l The Community Development-./epartment recommends approval. As a 2nd and 3rd story addition, therd are really only two considerations that are impacted by the proposal . Although this project still has some impact on the One VaiI Piace plaza area through the Street Enclosure and Sun/Shade des.i gn considerations, we feel that the architect, through this design, has ittempted to respect the Street Enclosure and Sun/Shade design considerations and has attempted to mitigate previous concerns of the staff. llle feel that by siepping,the building mass away from the plaza area, the originaT ioncept of the plaza as an open gateway into Vail V i 1 l age haS- been ma i nta ined. -- i:.r.A1{r,t'f 1'a-r^^12^5V<f'- o1"'^6\. trD d^/ c^ y'.ck c>/ s)b c'r'uz-'W -A. I Alice Cartwright ment'i oned again from the clubhouse to Golden peak Diana mentioned agajn her concern the creek and traffjc congestion. parking away from the base of the van moved and Schul seconded to d the request based on the f t that itd not meet cri te r use permit. The vote was 5 .i n avor 0nlaand l nst. 6.Prel imina review of exterior al terati ons concern.i nq: Treetops, Ljonshead H'il l Bui l di ng, Vi l l age Hong Kong Cafe, Viilage Pl aza Lodge, Vi I l age Viele and Donovan sec nded to make Tre s and the HiII Bui]din 60 dastudandthe Plaza e and the Hon Kon e9 slu e votewas 6-0 in The meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm. FaJ/ c o. that really all VA needed to do was get a bus and that would help out greatly with park.ing. about the steepness of the road's drop off to She feit that empioyees need to accept mountai n. negat'ive impact upon the park. She stated that the curve worked for the number of vehicles in the summer seasonal use that was reouired for the amphitheatre. She also felt that the drop-off from the road down to the creek was very dangerous for drivers. She emphasized that the traffic from the parking 1ot would create congestion on the Frontage Road. She stated concern about pedestrians walking from Manor VaiI to the lot in the dark. She summed up her comments by stating that she felt that to approve the request would be a grant of special priviIege. Sid Schultz: Sid asked about the number of parking spaces VA owned in Lionshead. Macy stated that there were 120 spaces in the North Day lot and that this proposal was merely making up for the loss of employee parking due to the Golden Peak conversion. Shultz stated that he felt that VA should be responsible for providing parking like other employers/businesses, and should look at long term solutions. He stated that the proposal was a short term band aid solution. Pam Hopkins: Pam asked at what level the Town Council had discussed thisproject. Staff responded that as iand owners, the CounciI had given their approval to allow the application to proceed through the conditjonal use process at Planning Commission. She suggested that perhaps the $20,000 for the road could instead pay for a bus driver to handle the route from the golf clubhouse 'l ot to the mountain. She asked Joe Macy why the golf c1 ubhouse lot was not used. Joe stated that it was inconvenient for the empioyees. She was also concerned with the possibility of drjvers sliding into Gore Creek, mud during nice winter weather, and other traffic concerns. She pointed out that if by chance this js not a b'ig snow year, the lot will become very muddy. Duane Piper: Duane asked Joe Macy when VA would like to begin work on the lot. Macy stated that construction would take approximately 10 days and that they would like to beg'i n as soon as possible. VA hoped, if the request was approved, that they could use the lot by Chri stmas, 1985. Duane asked if there was light'i ng on the Manor Vail bridge. Staff responded that there was no lighting.It was stated that if the road was constructed, construction may be possjble for the amphitheatre throughout the w'i nter. This construction would involve bringing in fill for the amphitheatre. Duane asked if the Manor VaiI parking lease would cont'i nue if this proposal was approved. Joe responded that they did have a lease agreement with Manor VaiI for 30 spaces and that the 30 spaces are a1 located per department according to numbers in each department. Duane felt that the parking task force recommendatjons and the Vaii Assocjates'decision to ailow parking at Golden Peak were good decisions, but that to turn around and request to use public property to make up that need was questionable. He questioned the actual benefits to the Town. He felt that the loss of the curve 'i n the road was a problem, however he felt that the revegetation plan was a definite p1us. Duane suggested that perhaps the land for parking could be leased from the Town and the money would then be used to develop the lower bench according to the master p1an. He also felt that more control at the entry wouid help the proposal and that perhaps the lot should only be used for VA peopie to make it easjer to distinguish employees from day skiers. Macy responded that the proposed lot realiy would be a benefit to the entire community and not iust Vajl Associates, as it would help out with our short term parking needs. Duane stated that it is probable that we were looking for short term solutions through out .l989 blorld Championships. Joe again expressed VA's concern over iong term parking solutions. Duane also agreed that parking was very important but that we need to take great care in the solutions that we come up with. o ?ffwqvflA, 44+ttNq aoptb lnmY+Fl ftWi=Tftu,ll" )7a', Il.4.b5 atf f.lr,{.1< t o \ :l ,t,_:,:l 5s $$ r\ 3 J s oilE nrtL 3,N6 ?DhW,\ ELDa. I {ffr\lylq ffafa* 4+\wA D LL F44I"9NCZ ila1 s6 ail€ {av fi}a6 Atrwtr4 qwt 7vW- fu^wd r+$A D*q I f' t-'. v)od "l^AruLLW;Pv ---n-$ 4,lE \/All- fu& '\€r: ft,*++ H^eq. W-qNq a,Jtt*ub1 +rapn 'flvS+ov Wf* ++w6 ?wav a#pav4 nhh nil.L \f4PaNlE ail:v VAIL ffir? burtpYYl^ *trw') 1Wm+> +taw,a futr+ wa4- mft4 l1e7 qo#, ?T1 (fe7as; DIAt -rs ll4ybb *lnwrl H[Lt ?E+IPENCT R.onaldH.XQ;t y January 6, 19B6 Town Town Vail Planning ConurissionVail Offices of of fl'" w Sirs: r have reviewed the plans for the Hill Buirding porch enclosureandaddition'Ifininothingorsuuiianceobjectionab1eabout the project When the impact of a project on the public interest is a deninimus, the rights of the property iwner nust prevall. There_fore, as a neighbor, I encourage you to support the proposal . Respectfully, Ronald H. Riley Los Anigos Baxter t s The Slope Childrents Corner (real estate) cc: Chrj.sty Hill RHR: cns 228 Bndge Streer, Qail, 9olorado 8t6s7 , 3oSt4764toeloolo $ -JT\ F N o,(_ s\.- --l *s 0 t\ \l .{- nJ5c IJ $I & s_ + \ \ -\ s $k \ sz- $ il AJ =s IJ HL sL et ^V'-i*v frje-- N'.-\\511 W a = --'-- 1f14, fturnW? r2t 'Wffi66* < i\r_i ^. -q .. .(/)ft a u -------> \) --! o attt, -/rtv I 7if-- ffianor4 ElETtk4 f,Ii-Uwltrffi?ukx;5''#&,N,}/I \tu''- ' - I'J\t 4,tilr- ey 1 fr, A17'= I =-''- o{v Jrlv d'va. hwTtdtlw 7441ril4 -#Ks,tiww(t^ ttt )J trv | . '. tA tF) t tt- ^-A ,rt I t/lvtav! tV' -:-tcz t I l rynaN4 noflltW /rt\W {d. 11 xx,.t 'r.4 i,E- / 4eq /71 f, \ L \s \ JN -]-2-o\-.+ =s s N $NNJ =.tl w EX: l[J- +,ob \ NI':f' K;s \rk $l \ <, s z. \ s $ /\ $ -\s i+ \ sx\I \,v /4\ i i I+rl-\t lqJl I I 1l\:\-. \t\ \L / that sun/shade shatl be considered and shatl inttuence themassing of the building. Staff is requesting that the massing otthe buitding shouLd be stepped back to avoid the Sun,/Shadeimpacts as nuch as possible. Staft is certainly not trying todeny the owner's right to develop the property. staff is aLsotrying to avoid any type ot impacts on the Seibert Circl-e areadue to the ner"r addition. Donovan stated that she was concerned about the canyon eftectglven the new proposal. Hohrever, she did feel that this hras abetter proposal- than the prevj,ous proposal, but that thls proposalneeded some improvement. Sid Schul.tz had no real probLem withmost ot the addition. He did feeL that the deck and balcony onthe west side of the building emphasized the mass of the building.The additional- shade did not create a concern for him. DuanePiper asked if there were any comments from the audience.Michael Staughtonr property manager for the Ore House anct Baxterrsfelt that the GuideLines were deslgned to guide. His opinion wasthat a proposal f ei-t into a grey area with respect to the Guide-.Lines that the PLanning commission shourd side with -the o$rner ' sright to deve ]op property Jay told the board that the pro3ect was not maxed out at al,r incommercial as there is no restriction in Commercia 1 Core I. Hestated that he cour.d turn the project into a commerciar. buildingand then add the GRFA on top ot that square tootage. Jay feltthat he wou-td geE the same algument from the statt it he were totry to shift his proposal over to the east side of the build_ing.He stated that the staff would be concerned from the shade onthis side of the building and impacts on Seibert Circle. Jayadded that it seemed that .staff was treating the importance otviews differently between the previous proposal and the presentproposal- Kristan pritz responded by sayrng that the views \.re retreated basica-Lly the same in the o.Ld proposa I as in the newproposal. fn both sltuatlonsr the vrews vrere impactedr howeverrthey were not approved view corridors. she a.lso stated that theshade was increased by on]-y '/ square feet i.n the previous proposar. Donovan stated that she felt that the casino and A&D Buirdings onBridge street were too c]ose. she dld not want to see this typeof thing happen again as far as street encfosure wa6 concerned.alay stated that glven the HirL proposalsr the Founders' pJazaadjacent to the vait Associates' ticket area diminished thei.mpact ot the street encr-osure. He pointed out that on Bridgestreet you did not get the benefit of any large open prazas iog].ve relief to the high buildings. Jlm Viele moveo Eo approvethe request !rhlch was seconded by S reoues ted e motron Lncl-ude a statement that the applicanti./ould not remonstrate against a speciaL improvement distrj-ct. ,f im vieLe amended his motion to include this statement. The votewas 2 j.n favor, 2 asarnsc.A tie vote is a vote of deniat. 4.A request to amend Sectlon 16-A4 ot the Munj-cj-paI Code the third story addition. Jay Peterson responded by saying that the owner did not want to cut into the vaulted ceiling directly beLow the addition. For this r€dsorlr the new addltion is approx- imately five feet greater than the adjacent northeast portion of the buitding. He aLso stated that they cou.ld not step back the bedroom from the west facade as it would significantly decrease the bedroom spa ce. Piper mentioned that the impacts to the shade condj-tions did not seem to be aLl, that significant. He also was sensitive to the property ovtner's development rights. He stated that his concern was tha t the mass seems to be the greatest prob.l-em and has quite an impact upon the pedestrian area. Jay responcled by saying that the existing roofl-ines in his opinion l-ooked very peculiar and that the mass ot the building in the new proposal tends to organize the roof lines ln a much better manner visuaLly. Peter Patten clarltied the statt's posLtLon on thrs proposal by stating that the staff certaln]y apprecj.ated the devel-opment rights ot the owner. He emphasized that the Urban Deslgn Guide PLan rnra s not a vehicle for denying owners their right to develop their property. He sald that the GREA is being a-tmost maxed out in that onfy 377 square feet of GRFA would remain on the property atter the proposal was buitt. Certainly additional commerciaJ. space is possibler howeverr zoning standards would aLso have to be maintained. He claritied that statt is not picklng out only two items from the list ot urban Design considerations. In tact, only severa-l ot the considertions happen to apply to this prop-osal as it is on the third story of a building. Many of the urban Design Considerations address street level additions. Do to thls factr many of the urban Design considerations do not apply to this particular propo6al-. He reiterated that street enclosure and sun,/shade vere the two Design Considerations most impacted by this proposa 1. With respect to street enclosurer Patten expla j,ned that this Considerati-on real]y had to be looked at in a three-dimensiona l r"ray. The probLem is that the exlsting one 'Vail PLace has a 3,/4 to l ratio to the streeE. In other wordsr a canyon effect 1s already bei.ng imposed on the street by One vaiL Place. The Hill Building will onJ.y increase this canyon effect with thj-s addition. The Consideration states that "An external encl-osure is most comfortabfe where its waLls are approxima t.e fy ha.Lf as high as the width ot the space enclosed. " The height ot the addition on the Hi. 11 Building will be 3{n feet to the eave line. The height of one Vait Place is 2a feet to the eve lrne. The pl-aza wldth varies from 33 to 42 feet. This creates a ratio that varies trom 2/3: I to I:I. Patten sald that the previous proposaf focussed the mass of the buLlding 1n a sma.Ller area. He stated that the canyon ettect dld not extend afong the bui-tding to such a degree as in the ner^r Proposal. Patten said that the Sun,/Shade Considerations specificaJ-Iy states PLanning and Environmenta-l Commission September 231 I985 PRESEN? Diana Donovan Duane P1per si d schut- tzJim Viele ABSENT Eric Afteldt Tom Bri.ner Pam Hopkins STAF'F PRESENT Peter Pa tten Tom BraunKristan Pri tz Ri ck Py.Lman l. Approval ot minutes ot September 9 1985. Atne ej'The minutes were approved 4-0. motion to approveby Diana Donovan. 2-ointment ot member to Dqq tor October, November, December. Diana Donovan nominated Tom Briner to be the new DesignBoard member for Octoberr November and December. Duanevol-unteered to be the alternate member. This was approveq Revlew Pipe r 4-t0. 3. A request for exterior arteration in order Eo add a thlrdstor Rick Pyrnan gave the staff presentati-on for the Hirr, Buirdingaddition. The applicantr Bl,anche C. HiJlr is requesting t;encl0se 43b square feet ot deck space on the hrest slde ot thesecond tLoor of the Hilr Buirding and to add a third storyaddi-tion ot L'142 square feet. The proposed thr_rd story addltionis l-ocated at the southwest area ot tne building. The staft'sprimary concerns were lrith the proposal,s impact on Sun,/Shade andstreet Enclosure. staff recommended deniii. ot the proposar.slaff felt that the project e/as not in compliance with the vaijviJ-Lage Design considerations by its effect upon street EncJ.osureand by the additional shading due to the bu_tk and mass ot thedesign. In the staf f 's opinionl the design made very littleattempt to respect the streer Encl-osure Design considerations orto maintai.n the originar design of the plaza area. The additi.onot a two-story eLementr totalling three storles golng straight upfrom th9 property Iine at the Iocation ot the existing deci<compromi ses the open feerlng ot the southern edge ot thls prazawhich is the major gateh/ay to VaiI Village ? Jay Petersonr representat]'ve ot the applicant, made a presentation as to why the proposal was a positive improvement to the vi]Iage. .lay Peterson stated that the halt to one ratio for Street Enclosure stated in the Urban Design Considerations was very dif f icu-Lt to achieve. He stated that the canyon area whrch has a ratio of.87 to f real-ly is only about 5 feet in length. He felt that this area really dld not have a great impact on the overall pIaza. He stated that a pedestrian focus would be maintained by the awning on the west side ot the Hi.|-l Buildr-ng facade. He did not feel that the proposa I created a solid $raII area and also that the upper decks would have f losrer boxes and would add to the pedestrian experience on the west si.de of the building- With respect to the Sun,/Shade consideration, Jay Pe terson felt that the Sun,/Shaale issue reaLfy only had to be addressed at L22Ul4 noon. Jay Peterson had.submitted a Sun,/Shade analysis that began at nine and went on into the afternoon. Jay agreed that shade was substantially increased during the hours ot 9 and L0 in t}]" morning. However, in the afternoon he pointed out that no increase ot shade occurred. He added that staft's suggestion to shift the addition over to the east side of the building would be very ditf lcul-t due to structurai prob-Iems, possfbie vlew encroach- ments on the vie\r corridor, and a slmilar sun,/shade problem. Jay stated that Vaif Assoc:-ates hacl no problem with the deck overnang- ing onto Vait Associates' property. According to Jayr Larry Lich-titer said that the additional shade may aftect snow removal- and skiers during a portion of the morningr but in generalr he hacl no major problems wrth the proposal. Jay pointed out that in his opinion the existing approved pfan blocked vle\,ts up to the sht mountaln much more than the nel/ proposal. He emphasized that the new plan was trying to respect the vlew corri.dor. He gave examples of many bu11drn95 in Town which he fe.Lt ha cl significant impacts on the street enclosure. The A & D Builcling and Wal.l Street were mentioned as examples of encJ.osures similar to the type of street enclosure that would be proposed s/i th the HiJl Building exterlor alteration. He emphasized that Mrs. HiIl uants to simply maintain a viable residence in Commercial Core I. She is not asklng for a maximum height or a maxlmum GRFA. Jim Viele found it hard to believe that the sun was in the area of the plaza on December 2l-st at 9:00 am. It seemed to viele that the sun r.rouLd probably be behind the mountain at this time on December 2lstr the longest day of the year. Jay responded that, yesr this area is catching sun on December 2l-st. Viele stated that there were good arguments on both the applicant's as well as statt's side ot the issue. He tett strongly that the applicant had an inherent right to deve.lop the property. He stated that he was inc-lined to vote for approva I ot the project- Duane Pi.per questioned why the northeast portion ot the building vhich hras at three storles etas not at exactly the same heLght as E. F. thj.s plaza area. Street Edge. No irnpactground Ievel . BuiJding Height. In Connnercial Core T, up to 6Og ofeach building may be built to a height of 33 feet orIess and no more than 4Ot of each building may be higherthan 33 feet but not higher than 43 feet. fhe ridgeheight of the proposed addition is 37 feet. Thisheight does meet the 60/40 criteria as described. Thenew roof will be a pitched roof. It will reflect the same pitch and material.s of the existing roof forms. VieYs. -and Focal Points. The proposed addition willslrgntly rmpac t vi ews of Vail Mountain from the Founder s,Plaza area. However, this view is not a designatedview corridor, although we feel it is an imptrtantconsideration. Thi s view allows visitors an oppor tunityto orient themsel.ves with regard to Vail Mountain. The view from Seibert Circle looking southwest to VaitMountain is a designated vjew corridor. The proposedaddition does not project into this view corridor. Theaddition is most visible from the Mill Creek CourtBuilding looking west. Tlrere is a substantial additionof bulk and mass projected into this view. However,views of the for est above have been maintained. A1 I additions are above H. I. No impact. Sun/Shade. The Design Consideration states that ,'all new or expanded. buildings should not substantiallyincrease.the spring and fall shadow pattern on adjacentpr oper t i es or on the publ ic r ight-of-way. " Thi srequested addition will increase the shadohr pattern byapproxima tely 350 squar e feet according to the December21 study diagram. The l4arch/September diagram indicatesthat the size of the shadow would nearly double,sf.rg{inS a large amount of the plaza area. This shadingwill have a considerable negative effect on the peopllgathered to purchase lift tickets and also on theoutdoor dining area of Le petite Cafe. We feel thatthis addition does substantially increase the shadowpatterns in this plaza and does not meet the intent ofthese design considerations. t v.ZONI NG CONS IDERATT CITS koject Statistics Allowable GRFA,6,400 sq ft Existing 2nd floor,Existing 3rd floor, Total ' Stairway deduction, Total existing GRFA Proposed 3rd floor addi tion Proposed 2nd story deck enc losur e Total proposed GRFA Allowable GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA 4,O82 sq ft 696 sq ft A,-% sq-Tt- 372 sq ft 4,457 sq ft 1,742 sq ft 430 sq ft 6,023 sq ft 6,400 sq ft 6,023 sq ft 377 sq ft VT. STAFF RECOMMENDATIChI The community Development Depar tment r ecommends denial. This project would have significant impacts on the Gre Vail place ptiza area. This proposal is not in compliance wittr the Vaif Village Design Considerati.ons by its effect upon street enclosure and by the additional shading due to the bulk and mass of the deiign. In the staff's opinion' this design makes very littl.e attempt to respect -the street enclosure design cbnsider ations or to maintain the or iginal design of the plaza area. The addition of a two-story element, totaling 3 stories going straight -up from ,theproper ty line at the location of the existing decl( comPromlses ttre-op"t feeling of the southern edge of this plaza which is a major gateway to Vail Village. IV. qOMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR VAIL The purpose of the compar ison between the proposal andconsiderations is to shord how the new design sir eng thens ordetracts from the overall intent of the besign Considera_tions. A. B. The third storyminimal if any No impact. c.streetscape Framework. Because the additions arelocated ffid third floors, there wilr be Pedestrianization. enclosure wrll havetriani.zation. Vehicle penetration. addition and deckimpact upon pedes- 1it_tle impact on the quality of the walking experience Yi!h respect to landsciping and ground level commercialinfi.l I . TLre quality ot tf,e peddstr ian exper ience wil Ibe impacted by additional shade in th; area of LePe_t_i.te Caf e (see Sun/Shade ana 1ysi. s) and the ticketoffices and a.lso by some bloc*age of views of themountain as one enters Founder s' plaza fr om the north. The Considerations state that ,'anexteLnal enclosur e is most comfor table where its wallsare -approx.imately l/Z as high as the width of the spaceenclosed." The Design Cu-iaelines also state that arat_io of l:1, height to width, creates a ,,canyoneffect." The height of the addition on the HiIlBuilding will be 30 feet to the eqve line. The heightof frre Vail pface is 28 fffi line. Thepl aza width varies from 33 to 42 feet. This creates aratio that varies fiom 2/3:l to l:1. The Guidelines state that in some instances the ,,canyoneffect" is acceptable such as a short connectinglinkage between larg er open "p-""". The area betweenthe Hill and the ere vair ptaie buirdings adj."".rt tothe proposed addition is not an area wher e we feel the"canyon effec t" is acceptable. Ilbst of this area isnot a waLkway, but a very active public plaza. Theticket window area may be the *osi highry -utirizea plaza in VaiI Village dur:ing the winter season. Inaddition to the ticket office area, ther e is also angutfogr dining deck for Le petite Cafe. It is ourbelief that this addition would create a very negativeimpact upon this plaza. The Ore Vail place buitdinoopens to a wider plaza area as it nears the mountain aidoes the current design of the second story of the HiltBuilding. It is the staff,s position that a three_story facade on this area of tne Hift building willseverely detract from the or: iginal design go5ls of Str eet Enc losur e. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: t Pl anning Communi ty September A r eques t on Lot 1,existing AppI icant and Environmental Cornmi ssion Development 23, r985 for exterior alteration of the Hill Building Block 5C, Vail village lst Filing to enclose second floor deck space and add a third story. : Blanche C . Hi 11 THE PROPOSAL The applicant, Blanche C. Hi11, is requesting to enclose 430 squar e feet of deck space on the west side of the second floor of the Hill Building and to add a third story bedroom of I,142 square feet. fha proposed third story addition is located at the southwest area of the building. II. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI ZOtr{E IIT. Purpose: The Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area with its mixture of lodges and commercial. establishments in a predominantly pedestrlan environment. Ttr e Commercial Core I District is intended to insure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses' ttE aistrict regulatlons in accordance with the VaiI Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to insure the maintenanee and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenlrrays and to insure costinuation of the building lcale ind architectural qualities that distinguish the Vi l lag e. This proposal is substantially in complj.ance hlith the intent of the zoning for CCI district. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal relates to the sub-area concept 10A. This sub-ar ea concept refers to mountain gateway improvements and descr ibes elements such as a landscape scr een. minor plaza, and a pedest::ian loop to Wall Street. fhe area specified for Sub-ar ea lOA is on land currently under control of the united states For est service. The current Forest service position on this property is that it will allow no improve- ments with regard to this sub-ar ea concept. The Corununity Development Department would request that if this sub-ar ea is ever developed, that the owners of the Hill Building not r emonstr ate ag ainst any special improvement distr ict that may be formed to complete such improvement s ' TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Town Counc i L Community Development October f5, 1985 AppeaI ot a Planning Comml ssion decis j.on a request for exterior alteration of the Lot 1, Block 5Cr Vail Vitlage lst Filing. AppJ.icant: BLanche C. Hill ot denlal for Hill Building, I.THE REQUEST As outlined in the attached memorandun to the Planning Commission dated September 23, 1985, thi-s request was to enclose 430 square feet of deck space on the west side of the second story of the HiIl euilding and to add-a third story bedroom l tL42 square feet. The proposed third story addition is located at the southwest area of the building' The staff recommendation for this request ltas for deniaf' It r.tas felt that this project L/ould have significant negative impacts on the One Vail Place plaza area. Staff feeLs that this proposal is not in compliance with the Vail Village Oesign Considerations regarding street enc-Iosure and the effect of the additiona] snading due to the buLk and mass of this design. rI ACTION OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMI\'IISSION A Planning Commission motion for approvaL resulted in a 2-2 vote. A tie vote is a vote ot denial. Those PJanning commission members voting against the motion indicated concern over bulk and mass and the impact to the pedestrian areas. These Planning Commission members felt that further design work coul-d alteviate these concern6. A},IENDED ADDENDUM FOR APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR MODIFICATION I. Conformance with the purposes of the CCI District. As stated in Section ]-9.24.010, the Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unigue character of the Vail Village commercial area with its mixture of lodges, residential dwerlings and commercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buirdings and uses. The District Regulations ' in accordance with the vail village urban Design Guide Plan and Design considerations. prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure conti-nuation of the building scale and architectural quality that distinguish the Village. The proposed alteration centers around. a minor ad.dition to the existing building: A. An addition of a third bedroom in the approximate amount of 1,142 square feet. The addition of the third bedroom will enhance the experience offered to residents residing in the Hill Building. B. A partial encrosure of an exi-sting deck area in the approximate amount of 430 square feet which wirl help solve an existing snow buil-d-up problem, not only for the second-floor residents in the Hill auilding, but also for the commercial space on the ground l_eve1 . Since the proposed alterations are extensions and enhancements of existing uses, the urban Design Guide plan wil_l not be changed in any respect, but made more effective. II. Vail Village Urban Design Considerations As They App1y toProposed Alterations. A. Pedestrianization. The proposed alteration which encloses a portion of the deck on the second floor of the Hill Building will further facilitate and enhance pedestrianizati.on between the Hill Building and one vail place by red.ucing the amount of drifting snow in the pedestrian way. The proposed addition of a third bedroom wil_l_ have no effect on the pedestrianization of ccl . B. Vehicle Penetra.!!e4. The proposed alterations provide for no additionar points of vehicle penetration, nor will the addition create more vehicular trips into CCI . C. Streetscape Framework. The proposed new additions will have littre effect on the streetscape framework, except in a positive sense in that snow buiLd-up in a pedestrian way will_ be lessened by the semi-encrosure on the west side of the building. The additions will provide an enhancement to the variety of open and enclosed spaces, which wilr create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as well as, visual interest and activity. D. Street Enclosure. From Design Considerations, Section D, Street Encl_osure, we quote the folJ_owing: and and and and and and "Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whosewalls are formed by the buildings. The shapeand feel of these rooms are created by thevariety of heights and massing (threedimentional variations) which qive much ofthe visual interest and pedestiian scaleunique to VaiL." "Whil-e building facade heights should not beuniform from building to building, theyshould provide a comfortable enclosure forthe street. " "An external enclosure is more comfortablewhere its walls are approximately one-half ashigh as the width of the space enclosed." "If the ratio falls to one-quarter or less,the space seems unenclosed. " "If the height is comes to resemble greater than the width,a canyon. " ir "In actual application, facades are seldomuniform in height on both sides of thestreet, nor is this desired. Thus, somelatitude is appropriate in the application ofthis L - to - 1 ratio. Usinq thl averaqefa91$e height of both sides wfur senE;fiystill be a guide to the rcomfortablenessr ofthe enclosure beinq created." "In some instances, the tcanyonr effect isacceptable and even desirable - for example,as a short connecting linkage between laigerspaces - to give variety to the walkinqexperience. For sun,/shlde reasons, it isoften advantageous to orient any longersegments j-n a North-South direction. Longcanyon streets in an East-West directionshould generally be discourased.,r and "When exceptions to the general heightcriteria occur, special design considerati_onshould be given to creating a well-definedground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcomethe canyon effect." and "Canopies, awnings, arcade and buildingextensions can al-L create a pedestrian focusand divert attention from upper buildinoheights and 'canyont effectli, - The proposed. new addition, the existing HiII Building, and One vail Place witl define and create the street enclosure between one vail Place and the Hil-l- Building. The Hill- Building will be 30 feet at the eave line, One Vail_ place is 28 feet at the eave 1ine, while the plaza area is 43t in width, giving an approximate ratio of 2/3 to 1. The guidelines state generally LhaL I/2 to I is a comfortable enclosure, r/4 to I being too unenclosed and greater than l to 1a space starts to resemble a canyon. ' fn the present application we are at a ratio of 2/3 Lo 1' which farls within the general parameters of a comfortabre enclosure In addition, while this application creates an enclosure far from the canyon effect, the guidelines state that: "...the 'canyonr effect is acceptable and evendesirable - for example, as a short connectinglinkage between larger spaces - to give varietyto the walking experience. For sun,/shade reasonsfit is often advantageous to orient any 1ongersegments in a North-South direction..." rn the present case the walkway wi1 r guide the pedestrians from Founder's Plaza to vail Mountain, a short linkage between J-arger spaces running in a North-South direction. In addition, canopies, arcades, building extensions and balconies surrounded by flower boxes all create a pedestriants exphasis area which diverts attention from upper building heights, pursuant to the guidelines. E. Street Edge. The proposed additions have no effect on street edge, in that all additions are on the second and third floors of the existing buil-ding. The existing building, along with the proposed alterations, will provide irregular facade lines. canopies, building jogs, brick pavers and landscaped areas (both at street level and by flower boxes on the upper levels), which give life to the street and visuar interest for pedestrian travel . F. euilding Height. The maximum proposed height for the proposed addition is 35 feet above street 1evel . One Vail Place is 40 feet in height, the main Lodge building is 56 feet in height and the new addition proposed for the Lodge, ca11ed the International Winq, will- be a two and three-story mix, with a maximum height on the North side of 40 feet. The Zoning Code Section 18.24.I20 defines the height requirements for CCI , and all- proposed heights are werl betow the requirements specified in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan and Design Considerations. c. Views. The most significant and obvious view corridors have been designated by the view corridor restriction ordinance which was adopted some time ago by the Town council. The view from various poinls over the Hil"l- Building were studied at length by the Town council and were specifically not included in such ordinance. The views which were protected by the ordinance were selected to be preserved due to their significance, not only from an esthetic st,andpoint, but also as orientation reference points to hel_p guests determine their location. The views which we are intruding into were not given the same significance as other views and, therefore, not protected by the ordinance. The view from Siebert Circle between the Hill Building and the Golden Peak House is protected by a view corridor and we do not project into it. The view from Millcreek Court Building looking West. is somewhat affected, but the majority of the view has been retained. The view of Vail_ Mountain from Founderts plaza has been greatly increased from our previously approved submittal. The view from Vail Mountain looking North over the Hil_l Building is somewhat affected; however, the vast majority of the view has been retained. (For a vi-sual representation. please refer to the photographs. ) The Design Considerations are a broad overview of commercial core r and designate the design criteria for seven different categories of concern. views are merery one of those categories. The view corridor ordinance was reviewed in light of the effect it would have on the six other categories and, therefore, the view over the Hill Building was deleted from the ordinance. No one category operates in a vacuum without affecting the others and, therefore, the minor intrusion into the views over the HilI Building is warranted because the proposed additions enhance and satisfy the other categories of the Design Considerations in the best possible manner for the Town. The real objective of the Village in general is to present desirable and inviting commercial activities and residential facilities in a charming and effective building frame, including mountain views, rather than to merely feature a side-Iong view of the mountain per se. Canopies, awnings, landscaping and building extensions provided by the existing Hil_l Buil-ding and all proposed alterations help create a pedestrian focus which mitigate the minor intrusions into the existing views over the Hill Buildino. H. Sun Shade Consideration. The new sun shade studv does show an effect on the area between the HiLl Building and one Vail Place in the earl-y morning hours with a rapidJ_y decreasing effect, as our effect on the area in the morning is approximately the same effect as One Vail place has on the area in the afternoon. The prior sun shade study shows no effect on the Founderrs P1aza area with the current proposal , while our previously approved plan did have an effect on the area. According to the Design Considerations, we do not have any effect on adjacent properties during the Spring and Fa11 shad.ow pattern at noon. The guidelines state that: "In all building construction, shade shallbe considered in massing and overall heiqhtconsideration. Notwithstanding, sun/shadeconsiderations are not (emphasis added) in- tended to restrict building height allowances.but rather to influence the massincr ofbuildings. " One of the reasons for changing our design was to enhance the shadow area on Founderts plaza throughout the day in exchange for an increased shadow for a short period of time in the area between One Vail Place and the HiIl Building. If the mass was shifted to the East on our current proposal , the afternoon shadow would be adverselv affected on Seibert Circle. SUB AREA CONCEPT lOA The 10A sub area concept calls for a landscaping screen, minor plaza and pedestrian connection loop to Wall_ Street. The applicant agrees to participate in such improvements; the extent of such participation, however, is dependent upon the final design and cost of the improvement and upon consent by the Forest Service. In addition, this area is a part of the drainag:e area which will be reworked as part of the overall drainage plan in connection with the vista Bahn ski lift, so the final topography of this subconcept area is unknown at this time. In summaryr 4s Vail Village Design Considerations state: "The Design Considerations are intended toserve as guideline design parameters. Theyare not seen as rigid rules or cookbookdesign elements to bring about a homogeneousappearance in Vail ." The intention of the proposed al-teration is to address the spirit of Vail as it exists and to enhance and extend that spirit by improving residential living in commercial Core r and at the same time not adversely affecting the pedestrian experience of the Villacre. b\s s- 5$ s $6-=- e C ltlf-wl, rtw t l l'*la' $ 1r& J-; -*- \C -J s N s$s $\{ l oo F\\.]Jt: l----- * I b , ;$$I -t\i is-s i | +- -1_ JI I 1.1- issl Fd l l$+r_ \ \ 2-lr\ i5 I rS lorl(T--- aNLUAL fttwz ,a^wnil4 pntv"tilA ?fu?P"?t) ADrrvl trltooN qtswtA I t4nt D TW\7L*LL h6 aNLUAL f1rce. nfv+ htw-. hq+I ftuA h)wCtl4 aApaA ?be4+go mnal l-ilbwd , ,OIA DM 1nw ?e4DAfL 14 ANLUAL TIrvL Vfwntb Htuvhh 4,A$wA ??aFE rP lg4ttal tilAwd ^M -oLJu Hlw wt?L*^fl ANLUAL flrcz. ffi ?rtqilq A)tvdVa +tlw{ 1,./tL4*Nc^ Dtr,aw rlw WtDa4t? ANLUAL TLEE ffi i.*i ?f-VTvtq FFOWW ?UI'PUJA Mn0l /c+Awbl .l4+barl +fifpovl D nW Wl or* 6t2\ i n8ffin8ffil'&an$ lz trtlt-l) ^eq$dtEgl r".\lP' I llW-A\-nk4 +#wr/ ffi (PWW ;ptf,al ,r+p,) +itwA DtNnfN lllu, rr4l otJ,* U/i,L fuvr Wvra,q a)wtk4 Af'4lwrJ ar+clwvJ .fYI l{lw rc^>^ffifilW l-Lzl/t-t'tr'l' q1 lffiWaw ir 1-E ::Ya ${ /' .1 -d u --> i l1 FROM 3 DATE: Town Council Commu n j- ty Development October L5, l985 SUBJECI: Appeal ot a PLanning Commission decision ot deni.a-l for a request for exterior alteration of the HlIl Buildingr Lot 11 Bl-ock 5Cr Vai-L Village lst Filing. Appficant: Blanche C. Hill r.THE REQUEST As outlined in the attached memorandum to the Planni-ng Commission dated September 23, 1985, this request was to enclose 430 square feet of deck space on the west side of the second story of the HiLl Bui. lding and to add a third story bedroom ItI42 square feet. The proposed thrrd story addition is focated at the southwest area of the building. The staf f recommendation for this request was for denial. It was felt that this project would have significant negative impacts on the One Va j. 1 PLace plaza area. Staff feels that this proposal is not in compliance wj-th the Vail Village Design Cons j-derations regarding street enclosure and the effect of the additionaL shadinq due to the buLk and mass of this design. II- ACTION OF THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION A Planning Commission motion for approvaL resulted in a 2-2 vote. A tie vote is a vote ot denial. Those Planning Commission members voting against the motion lndicated concern over bulk and nass and the impact to the pedestrian areas. These Planning Commission members felt that further design work couLd al,leviate these concerns. FROM: DATE: SUB.JECT: Planning and Environmental Commi ssion Communi ty Development September 23, 1985 A request for exterior alteration of the Hill Buildingon lot 1, Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing to encloseexisting second floor deck space and add a third story.Applicant: Blanche C. Hiff II I.THE PROPOSAL The applicant, Blanche C. Hill, is requesting to enclose 430 squar e feet of deck space on the west side of the secondfloor of the Hifl Buiiding and to add a third story bedroomof 1,142 square feet. Ihe proposed third story addition is .l.ocated at the southwest area of the building. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI ZONE Purpose: The Commercial Core I District is intended toprovide sites and to maintain the unique character of theVail Village commercial area with its mixture of lodges andcommercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. Th e Commercial Cor e f District is intended toinsure adequate light, air, open space and other amenitiesappropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the VaiI Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribesite development standards that are intended to insure themai.ntenance and preservation of the tightly clusteredarrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways andpublic greenways and to insure continuation of the buildingscale and architectural qualities that distinguish the Vi 11ag e. This proposal is substantially in compliance with the intentof the zoning for CCI district. I]T. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GU]DE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal ,.elates to the sub-area concept lOA. Thissub-ar ea concept refers to mountain gateway improvements and descr ibes elements such as a l andscape screen, minor plaza,and a pedestrian loop to Wa11 Street. The area specifiedfor Sub-ar ea 10A is on land currently under control of theUnited States For est Service. The current Forest Serviceposition on this property is that it will allow no improve-ments with regard to this sub-ar ea concept. The CommunityDevelopment Department rdould request that if this sub-ar eais ever developed, that the owners of the Hill Building notr emonstrate against any special improvement district that may be formed to complete such improvements. C OMP LI ANC EIV.WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR The purpose of the comparison between the proposal andConsiderations is to show how the new design strengthens ordetracts from the overall intent of the Desiqn Considera-tions. A.Pedestrianization. The third encl.osur e will have minimal iftr iani zation. story addition and deckany impact upon pedes- D. B Vehicle Penetration No impact Streetscape Framework. Because the additions arelocated on the second and third floors, ther e will belittle impact on the quality of the walking experiencewith respect to landscaping and ground level commercialinfill. The quality of the pedestrian experience willbe impacted by additional shade in the area of LePetite Cafe (see Sun/Shade analysis) and the ticketoffices and also by some blockage of views of the mountain as one enter s Founder s' Plaza from the north. Street Enclosure. The Consider ations state that "anexternaL enclosure is most comfor table wher e its watlsare approximately l/2 as high as the width of the s-paceenclosed." The Design Guidelines also state that aratio of 1:1, height to width, creates a "canyoneffect." The height of the addition on the Hi11Building will be 30 feet to the eave line. The heiqhtof ore Vai I Place i s zs r-t to the eave I ine . ir,eplaza width varies from 33 to 42 feet. This creares aratio that varies fr om 2/3:l to l:1. The Guidelines state that in some instances the ',canyoneffect" is acceptable such as a shor t connectinglinkage between larg er open spaces. The area betweenthe Hill and the Gre Vail Place buildings adjacent tothe proposed addition is not an area where we feel the "canyon effect" is acceptable. Most of this area isnot a walkway, but a very active public plaza. Theticket window area may be the most highly utilizedplaza in Vail Village during the winter season. Inaddition to the ticket office area, there is also anoutdoor dining deck for Le petite Cafe. ft is ourbelief that this addition would create a very negativeimpact upon this plaza. The One Vail place building opens to a wider plaza araea as it nears the mountain asdoes the eur:rent design of the second story of the HillBuilding. It is the staff's position that a three-story facade on this area of the Hill building will sever e.1 y detract from the or iginal design goals of E. F. this plaza area Str eet Edg e. ground I eveJ. . No impact. A1 I additions are above In Conunercial Core f, up to 60t ofeach building rnay be built to a height of 33 feet orless and no more than 4Ot of each building may be higherthan 33 feet but not higher than 43 feet. The ridgeheight of the proposed addition is 37 feet. Thisheight does meet the 60/40 criteria as described. The new roof will be a pitched roof. It will reflect the same pitch and materials of the existing roof forms. Views and Focal Points. The proposed addition willsrrght-ty rmpac t views of Vail Mountain from the Founder s'Plaza area. However, this view is not a designatedview corridor, although we feel it is an importantconsideration. This view allows visitors an opportunityto orient themselves with regard to Vail Mountain. The view from Seibert Circle looking southwest to VailMountain is a designated vj.ew corridor. The proposedaddition does not project into this view corridor. Theaddition is most visible from the Milt Creek CourtBuilding looking vrest. There is a substantial additionof bulk and mass projected into this view. However, vi.ews of the for est above have been maintained. H. r. Service and DeI iverv.No impact Sun/Shade. The Design Consideration states that ,'all new or expanded buildings should not substantiallyincrease the spring and fall shadow pattern on adjacentproperties or on the public right-of-way.', Thisrequested addition will increase the shadow pattern byapproximately 350 squar e feet according to the December 21 study diagram. fhe I'tarch/September diagram indicatesthat the size of the shadow would nearly double.shading a large amount of the plaza area. This shadingwill have a considerable negative effect on the peoplegathered to purchase lift tickets and also on theoutdoor dining area of Le petite Cafe. We feel thatthis addition does substantially increase the shadowpatterns in this pl aza and does not meet the intent ofthese des ig n considerations. ZONING CONS TDERATI CNIS Proj ect Statistics Allowable GRFA, 6,400 sq ft Existing 2nd floor , 4,OAZ sq ftExisting 3rd floor , 696 sq ft b,\t1cr .{(o"-,{{^,{- b,c>j ui\\'- *d[th.-'u-'- !---.- \1a ieruoi' vr''-\ Ci'e+ deck enc losur e Total proposed Al lovrabl e GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA Tota L , Stairway deduction, Total existing GRFA Proposed 3rd floor addition Pro;rosed 2nd stor y 4776 sq-Ti- 372 sq ft 4'451 sq ft 1,742 sq ft 430 sq ft GRFA 6,023 sq ft 6,400 sq ft - 6,023 sq ft 377 sq ft VT. STAFF RECOMMENDATICAl The Community Development Depar tment r ecommends denial. This project would have significant impacts on the Gre Vail Place plaza area. This proposal is not in compliance with the Vail Village Design Considerations by its effect upon street enclosure and by the additional shading due to the bulk and mass of the design. In the staff's opinion, this design makes very little attempt to respect the street enclosure design considerations or to maintain the original design of the plaza area. The addition of a t\'ro-story element, totaling 3 stories going straight uP from theproperty line at the location of the existing deck compromises the open feeling of the southern edge of this plaza which is a major gate$ray to Vail Village. T-tk au -----5 o o --...'-." e{t+tnJ4 ffi "glyfi"F&-- 'f$ry-Y"-'' - 4t 1fv, f.ycrflw? /21 o ovJ V d'roa AwTtdafiry pAail4 W rynaN4 fl,of\Ne /*\W ftJ. a1 '.^r,4 'trl ti,d_ / <eef fli o .-.=--- v- I \I I \ \\ .-?.---.--j-. \ \ \ \ L-_ t- /Ail ?Mv..t\{1. Jr tv tI/ r' --t \ \ \ L-- jf---If =--Pa- r'HFWTJ DM J,sl>ay qf,vl,@ffiw h-k \_ \ <, q ss-*r -\ cII' Fs $ -Js \\ \- o $NAZJ EdXJI_J= rz {r \ $ c_ \ s $ \ -D \ss triti*__Jititl Ii? oo --J ll \ NI :s I \ d-d crr r sNo ss 1t7 \ \ E $ d_t rFl \t_{\*' PRESENT Diana Don ova n Duane Piper Sid Schultz Jim VieIe ABSENTEffiTrterat Tom Briner Pam Hopkins STAFF PRESENT Peter Pa t ten Tom BraunKristan Pri tzRick PyJ.man 1. the The 2. Pl-anning and Environmental Commi ssi on Septenber 23r 1985 1985. A seconoeo motion to approveby Diana Donovan. intment ot member to DRB tor October November, De cember. Diana Donovan nominated rom Bri.ner to be the new Design Revier"iBoard member for octoberr November and December. Duane piper vorunteered to be the a-Lternate member. Thi-s was approved 4-o. 3- A, request for exterior ar-teration in order to add a thrrdstory to the Hil Rick Pylman gave the .staff presentation for the Hill Buildingaddition. The applicant/ BLanche C. Hill, is requesting toencLose 43{a sguare feet ot deck space on the west side ot thesecond tLoor ot the Hill Buil_ding and to aald a third storyacldLtion oI 1r142 square feet. The proposed thlrd story adctitionis Located at the southwest area of the building. The staff'sprimary concerns were with the proposal's impact on Sun,/Shade andstreet Encl-osure. staff recommended deniai of the proposal.staff felt that the project was not in compli-ance with the vailvilrage Design considerations by its effect upon street EncLosureand by the additionar shading due to the bulk and mass ot thedesign. In the staff's opinionr the design made very Llttleattempt to respect the street Enclosure Design consrderations orto maj.ntain the original design of the plaza area. The additlonot a ts/o-story efement, totarling three stories golng straight upfrom the property tine at the location ot the existing deci<compromi ses the open feeling ot the southern edge ot this plazawhich is the major gatelray to Vail ViL]age. Approva t minutes ot September 9minutes minutes made by Jim Viele and approved 4-0. Jay Peterson, representatlve ot the appticant, made a presentation as to lthy the proposal was a positive improvement to the Village.Jay Peterson stated that the hait to one ratio for street Enclosurestated in the Urban Design Considerations was very ditticul-t toachj.eve. He stated that the canyon area whtch has a ratio of ,g'/to f rea1ly is only about 5 feet in length. He felt that thisarea realIy drd not have a great impact on the overalJ. plaza. Hestated that a pedestrian focus would be maintaineO by the awningon the west side of the Hirt Buj.lctlng facade. He did not feelthat the proposaJ created a soJ.id waLl_ area and a.Iso that theupper decks wourd have f lo$rer boxes and wourd add to the oedestrianexperience on the west side of the building. With respect to the Sun/Shade consideration, .fay peterson felt that the Sun/Shade issue really only had to be addressed at l2:obnoon. Jay Pe terson hao submi. tted a Sun,/Shade anaLysis that beganat nine and went on into the afternoon. Jay agreed that shadewas substanti.all-y increased durrng the hours ot 9 and lto in themorning- However, j.n the afternoon he pointed out that no increage ot shade occurred. He added that staf f .s suggest j-on toshift the addition over to the east side of the building would bevery ditficult due to structuraL problemsr posslble v]-ew encroach- ments on the view corridor, and a slmifar Sun,/Shade problem. Jay stated that vail Associates had no problem $/r th the deck overhang-ing onto Vail Associates' property. According lo Jayl LarryLichliter said that the additional shade nay aftect snou, removal_ and sk j-ers during a portion of the morningr but in general; he had no major problems L/ith the proposal. Jay pointed out that in his opinion the existing approved plan bl-ocked v].er./s up to the sk]' mounta]-n much more than the newproposal. He emphasized that the new plan was trying to respect the vrer./ corrldor. He gave examples ot many buiidings in Tor{rnwhich he felt had significant impacts on the street enclosure.The A & D Building and Wa]1 Street were mentioned as examples ofencLosures si"milar to the type of street enclosure that would be proposed with the Hil.l Bu j--tding exterror alteratron. He emphastzedthat Mrs. HiIl wants to simply maintain a viable re6idence in Commercial Core I. She is not as.krng for a maximum height or a maximum GRFA. Jim Viele found it hard to betieve that the sun was in the area of the plaza on December 21st at 9,Og am. It seemed to VieLe that the sun woul-d probably be behind the mountain at this time on December 21str the longest day of the year. .tay respondedthatr y€s, this area 1s catching sun on December 21st. Vlele stated that there were good arguments on both the applicantrsas wel.l- as statt's side ot the issue. He felt strongly that theappLicant had an inherent right to develop the property. He stated that he was incLined to vote for approval ot the project. Duane Piper questioned why the northeast portion ot the building !'rhich was at three storLes was not at exactlv the same he]-qht as the third story additron. Jay peterson responded by saying thatthe owner did not want to cut into the vaulted ceiling directlybelow the addj.tion. For thj"s r€asonr the new adctition is approx-imately five feet greater than the adjacent northeast portion ofthe building. He also stated that they couJ.d not step back the bedroom from the west facade as it woul-d siqnificantlv decreasethe bedroom spa ce. Piper mentioned that the impacts to the shade conditions did not seem to be aLl that signlficant. He also was sensitive to theproperty owner's deveJopment rights. He stated that his concernttas that the mass seems to be the greatest problem and has quitean impact upon the pedestrlan area. Jay responded by saying thatthe existing roof li.nes in his op j.nion i.ooked very pecul-iar andthat the mass ot the buil-ding in the new proposal tends toorganize the roof lines in a much better manner visua.l 1y. Peter Patten cLarltied the statt's position on this proposat bystating that the staff certainly appreciated the devel-opmentrights ot the owner. He emphasized that the Urban Design GuldePlan was not a vehic.le for denying owners the j-r right to deve-Loptheir property. He said that the cR[,A is belng almost maxed outin that only 377 square feet of GRFA would remain on the propertyatter the proposar was built. certain.ly additionar commerciaLspace is possibler however, zoning standards would aLso have tobe maintained. He clarltied that staft is not picking out ont-ytwo items from the list ot Urban Design Considerations. In fact,on-Iy several ot the considertions happen to appry to this proposalas it is on the third story ot a buj. lding. Many of the UrbanDesi-gn considerations address street LeveL additions. Do to thisfactr many of lhe Urban Design Consideralions do not appLy to thisparticuLar proposal. He relterated that street enc-tosure andsun,/shade Lrere the two Design Considerations most impacted bythis proposal. ulith respect to street encl-osure, patten expJ-ained that thisConsideration really had to be looked at in a three-dlmensionalway. The problem is that the existing One Vail place has a 3/4to I ratio to the street. fn other vrordsr a canyon effect isarready being imposed on the street by one vall prace. The HitlBuildlng wilI only increase thls canyon eftect with thls addition.The consideration states that "An externaL enclosure is mostcomfortabLe where its walls are approximately halt as high as thewrdth ot the space enc-Iosed. " The herght ot the addition on the Hi.1 1 Building wilJ. be 3A f ee t to the eave line. The height ofone vail- PLace is zB teet to the eve l-rne. The plaza widthvaries from 33 Lo 42 feet. This creates a ratio that varies from2/3 3l- to L:1. Patten sard that the prevlous proposal focussedthe mass of the burlding in a .smaLler area. He stated that thecanyon effect dr.d not extend along the buiLding to such a degreeas in the new proposal. Patten said that the Sun,/Shade Considerations specitically states tha t Sun/Shacle sha1l be considered anct shal-t intluence the massing of the building. Staff is reguesting that the massing of the buiLding shoul-d be stepped back to avoid the Sun/Shade impacts as much as po66ible. Staft is certainfy not trying fo deny the olrner's right to develop the property. Staff is also trying to avoid any type ot impacts on the Seibert circLe area due to the new addition. Donovan stated that she was concerned about the canyon eftect given the new proposal. Howeverr she did feel that this was a better proposa-l than the previous proposal, but that this proposal needed some i.mprovement. Sicl Schultz had no real problem with most ot the additlon. He dicl feei that the deck and baLcony on the Lrest side of the bullding emphasized the mass of the bui.l-dj.ng- The addi-tionaL shade did not create a concern for him. Duane Piper asked if there vere any comments from the audience. Michael Staughton, property manager for the Ore House and Baxter's felt that the Guidelines were designed to guide. Eis opinion r'tas that a proposal feJ.l into a grey area wlth respect to the Guide- li.nes that the Planning Commission shouLd side with the owner's right to deveLop property. Jay told the board that the project hras not maxed out at afl in comrnercial as there is no restriction in Commercia 1 Core I- He stated that he cou.ld turn the prolect into a commercial building and then add the GRFA on top ot that square tootage. Jay feLt that he wou-ld get the same argument from the staff it he r"tere to try to shift his proposa1 over to the east side of the building. He stated that the statt would be concerned from the shade on this side of the building and i.mpacts on Seibert Circle- Jay added that it seemed that staft was treating the importance ot views differently between the prevj.ous proposal. and the present proposal. Krlstan Prltz responded by saying that the vr.ews were treated basicaLLy the same in the o.ld proposaI as in the new proposal. In both situations, the vrews were impactedr hovever, they were not approved vier,, corridors. She also stated that the shade was increased by onty 'l square feet in the previous proposal. Donovan stated that she feLt that the casi-no and A6D BulLdings on Briclge Street h'ere too close. She did not want to see this type of thing happen again as far as street enclosure was concerned. Jay stated that given the Hill proposalsr the Founders' Plaza adjacent to the VaiI Associates' ticket area diminished the impact ot the street enclosure. He pointed out that on Bridge Street you did not get the benefit of any Iarge open plazas to give relief to the hlgh buitdings. Jlm Viele moved to approve the request whlch hras seconded by Sid SchuItz. Peter Patten ta the apPlicant wou-ld not remonstrate against a specia-l improvement district. Ji-m Viele amended his motion to include this statement. The vote was 2 rn favor, 2 agai.nst.A tle vote is a vote ot denial. 4. A reguest to amend Section !6.1i4 ot the Munr !rye l__Cegs__ry United StaLes Department of Agriculture Forest Service Holy Cross Ranger District P.0. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Reply to: 2720 Date: Sept. 26, 1985 Mr. Rick Pylman Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vai1, C0 81658 Dear Rick: This letter is in response bo your request for comnent on Branche Hirlrsrequest to add a third sfory at 311 Bridge Streel (the Hitl Building). As f understand fhe location of that building, a smalL portion of the south end ison bhe White River National Forest, and is covered by a special use permit. Our long range objective is to reduce the complexity of such permits, and wherepossible to eliminate them entirely. Ms. Hillrs proposal is inconsistent wlththat policy, as it would add height to the existing building. Tn addition, the added height wouLd increase shading in a heavily used pedestrian area. Therefore I recormend that the Town of Vail deny l,ts. Hi.ft's request. r apologize for not attending the hearing on this proposal , but there were some schedule conflicts. If the hearing results in further consideration of fhe proposal , I will be happy to participate in future discussions."xb,c 4J/ DAVID A. STARKDistrict Ranger FS.620O.28{7.82) Orro, Pnrnnson & Posr FREOEFICK S. OTTO JAY K. PETE RSO N WILLIAM J, POST ATTORNEYS AT I,Aw. POSI OFFTCE BOX 3t49 vAIt, COLORADO 8r65a-3149 VAIL NATIONAL AANX BU ILO ING (3O31 47€-OO9e EAGLE VAIL PROFESSTONAL BU ILOI NG {303) 949-5360 OENVER DIRECI LIN E (303) 5?3 - 59e 6 September 24, 1985 Mr. Peter Patten Town Planner Torn of Vai.l Vail, C0 81657 RE: Hill Building Application Dear Peter: The undersigned, as the representative of Blanche C. Hill in herapplication for an exterior nodification for the Hill Build.ing,hereby appeals the decision of the Planning Conunission, which tookplace on September 23, 1985. S incere 1y,x6dffi- PETERSON & POST \ailAsts,Lrc. Creators and Operators of Vail and Beaver Creek September 23, 1985 Peter Patten Town Planner Town of Vail RE: Building Expansion Dear Peter: Pursuant to my conversation with Jay K. Peterson, as attorney for Blanche C. Hi'll, and review of the plans subm'itted to the Town of Vai1, Vail Associates hereby consents to an encroachment of a thirdf'loor balcony located on the southwest corner of Lot C as shown onthe attached survey and marked in red. Sincerelv. .\d z\\2, -ffi,^r/ffi1U"*-" I I' -,/ Larry E.(ticnliter Senior Vice President Vail Associates, Inc. Encl osure LEL/vgb Post Office Box 7 . Vail, Colorado 81658 . (303)476-5601 \ s/20/8s Phone call from Dave Stark, U.S. Forest Service The Hjll Building is partially on Forest Serv.ice property. The Forest service is trying to reduce private ralititiei on public lan{-gn{ is opposed to any addition that woutd add to privatefacilities on Forest Service land. Therefore, they arb opposedto the Hill Building addition. lr Planning and Environmental Commission Cormuni ty Development Department August 8, .|984 A request for exterior alterations for the Hill Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing to add second space. Applicant: Blanche C. Hill fL TO: FR0M: " DATE: SUBJ ECT:Building on Lot L, floor residential {, I. THE PROPOSAL The applicant, B'lanche Hill, is request'ing to build a 720 square foot bedroom additjon that would create a third level on the existing west end of the Hill Building. She would a'l so like to enclose an existing deck area. The enclosed deck is approximately 370 square feet and is located on the west side of the buiJding.onthe second f'l oor. Two decks will also be added onto existing f1 at roofslocated off the new bedroom. II. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI ZONE. Purpose: The Commercial Core I district js intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Viliage commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I district is intended to ensure adequateIight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted typesof bujldings and uses. The district requlations in accordance with the VailVillage urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site develop- ment standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and archi- tectura'l qualities that distinguish the rillage. This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the CCI district. IIi. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposa'l relates to the sub-area Concept #.|4 for the Village P1aza.(now Founders' Plaza). "Feature area paving treatment, central focal point visible from Gore CreekDrive. Major land form/planting 'in Northwest for quiet corner, with evergreen screen p1 anting to defjne west edge. l,la'l I Street stairs, with mid-level jog landing, opens entry areato Lazier Arcade shops." The proposal will obstruct the view of Golden Peak from the !'Jall Street stajr area (see view section). In other respects, the proposal does not conflictwith the plan for Village Plaza. Hill B0 z- s/s/84 ru. The purpose of the comparison between the proposal andto show how the new de!.ign strengthens-or heti.aiii ird*considerations isthe overall intentof the design considerations. - A. Pedestrianization: The bedroom addition.and.deck enclosure will have minimal , if any,impact on pedestrianlzation. -- 8. Vehicle penetration: No impact c. D. Streetscape Framework: pecgqle-the additions. are located on the second fIoor, there willbe 1 ittle impact on the qriiiiv-or-ih"' *uir,ing.91n.riir.J'in ..rp..tto landscapinq and grounci tevei iomm"icial infill. The quality ofthe pedestiiai exoeiie;ai !,iii u"-l'iiipi.dq r, uaaiuinir'ituoe on s6gi?"li:.;il;i1;: " *," nuiidin;".;':ffiii it,6"i *i'ii,,i.nii. of the view Street Enclosure: The consideration states that "an externa'r .encrosure is most comfortab.rewhere its walis are.approximiteiy.jli-i, high as the width of thesppce enclosed." The encrosed deck'irrourj not-iriJ.t"ir,""street encrosurenegatively. The existing "ooi (on"il,e-west siae 6i-irre"ilrit euitoing;ts approximatelv 24,feet-r. high. The pedest"ian way-vi".,j", o"t*""n25 feet i to 35 feet-t. rne Eiistiiis ii,or is alreaiy greater than thedesired ratio- The new roor treight,'ri.s r""tl'niii'*l*E ii" "u.ioeven greater. However, the considellljon states that ,,in some instances, the ,canyonleffect is even desirabre--ut -i-iho"i-connectils ii.iig.-oitween rarger :,?ggr:. !g,give varietv to the walking-ipaces." The new third leverrvr r create more of an encrosed peoeitrian-way that "iir -lonn..t villageP'laza with the open ptat;-i;-i;";;-;i";h" Gondota build.ins,s ticket area. a The. consideration states .that ',when exceptions:Ii!:ria occur, special aeiisn lJniij"riuon,create a wel'l-defined ground-ftoor peOeitr.ian to the general heiqhtshould be given to emphasis to overcome Hi?dg -s- B/B/84 iii.ilt{:i frll"fii;r ,ln;n:'11.ff;l!ilr !l:,u ue,v we,r derjned sround= !o *eate pul.it"iui,_fg:y::-;;;;il;: ;l??;il3or3{,ln:"consideration- - r 5:l.'li;;: reasons, street "ili;;;;; rs impacted poritiv"lji;rl ;ffi"". E. Street Edge No impact. A.il additions are :1t ,n. second ftoor. F. Bui lding Height I! gCI "up to 60% of theor less and no more thanreer,-but not higher thanEUl aOing are; l3;' S;';nlt,??,?il'*J.,: l?;fl!:43 feet. rne exritin! [.isii;''.r of 33 feet than 33 the Hi 1'l 5l:l :iq.r 34 feet t, chimney 38 feet=west side: 24 feet t, chimnei il i;;;= -tt_-rrre proposed addition.,w.ill.have.a height of 31.5 feet. The height.rs n'e' within ,nu u]Joyl?rJ-f,"igf,i.'rri9 n"1, roof wi' be a pitchedroor' it wiri refrect the same piiir, ira materiars of the rower roof. Views and Focal points The bedroom rddjlj:l-"i11 impact views when looking up at the skimountajn from Vi.llas:,0]l.i..ilqil; lookins bacr< it thrtne small ptaza.behind ine-Hii'i 6,jioing.adjacent ro r;ii.nXillinF.l[*il3iii;, Ji;: ;i"T' ii:!tu f ;Jnrr ;il;fu";;;t'i ff #,'"f",il.;L'ri"#.', n zuti*:fi :l'i:iii tr, rli;nil,;iitff:',$Hirl,,*,ir, :ff."lnrul*ou.,. H. Service and Delivery No rmpact I. Sun/Shade " Ili ffi:i:;illi?,1 :ll!.' that "arr new or expanded buirdinss shourdp"op""ii.i ;;";i;:';;;ii,lii,il:l'fftjilhtlll n::::r";rujrju.untllrnlshade shadow.betwben lrirfn-iiit ana September zi.t,f.v 7 feet.tne additionul tlu.l:.,a""a ir-ipp.Jiti'ute'ry 40 rqru..-i.It and is rocated+il.':;.1"1:;l::'1.'':' flii, il, Ili:f "[yt'i co"nri-oi ir,'E u, i r or ns.alqgs. eecauie ir," ,pii""ir'ri.i"{ir,lrl_909. not have any sittiiiadditionar shade shoura r,uu. ;";;r;;;{ lfifulrl"o.rtrian way, the Hi?ds -4- s/B/84 Existing Zna ftoortxisting 3rd Floor Total ExistinS GRFA Bedroom addition ueck. enclosure Total proposed GRFA Allowed GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA VI.RECOMMENDATION V. ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS Proj.ect Stati$tics fjlirurl Side Area: 8,000Hrrowed GRFA: O,+OO 4,082 sf., - 696 sf4;m sr Sta_invell deduction_ 372 sf sf sf i t Fa'l r.al5 I Sf 720i st 370 sf 5,54.l sf { 6,400 sf 5,54.l sf 859 sf. .. -:_- ._,:'This proposal complt:: :ill-tne GRFA. ".q:l:fl:lts.ror the property. Thelwo new roof overhangs-extend ov"r'i'"'il"oper.ty-iinl'upp"oiiruteiy 2 feet.;ff"i:o,icant has received " l;i;;"";; Isr".*ui,t f;;r-;;;_;iJacent property -,. Jt^rr Staff recommends aooro:r]_91 this proposS]..._-o!!lng"nt upon the applicant :i*;ift+iflililrsJil lir:ru;'Ji'ffij;n ;l:'iii':rrii::*;.r;' ox%ir,,tjilT!9.t "i;;;; ;;;'ff'";n;ilf,,:i ffil:i.l-'g::r;, .'.'i"lJIlderation. TheIl9ls. -Because the overatr p"Jj.ii'T;;":i :lp!9rts.the urban Desisn'ionrij."u_approvar or the proiect.-,nri iJ*ri;"'il;;i HriffJllffi,J;:f recofimendsDet.re the building-permit wili b; i;r;;". rhe issues in.ru[!] musi-l'i-resolvea l. ?::jl:g. wilt be^i.nside of buildine.:. rmprovement survey : ff:'iiffjl9f3;'r-..t permit ror existins improvement in+' i!!i3l'lT"lii3l.ll'1,^3;:lii"ff,llrr be resorved by an asreement g lG6 de b'6M V. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Project Statistiis Hirrdds TE. Ll'{51 rrq a Li aO -4- B/8/84 Mi nimum Al I owed Ex ist ing Existi ng Side Area: 8,000GRFA: 6,400 od[,f,o^' YIA-' d@!Lrvv!.%,/i'<- sf 2nd 3rd Floor 4,082 sfFloor 696 sf 6.,a3 in pr"4 6(i4 V/E-ti.lAter telt 4,778 sf Stairwell deduction- 372 sf C.trrc u)>7 3-7 7 Total Ex'ist'ing GRFA Bedroom addition Deck enclosure Total Proposed GRFA 4,45I tzu J/U 5l sf 5,54.l sf Allowed GRFA Propoied GRFA Remaining GRFA 6,400 sf 5,54.l sf 859 sf This proposai complies with the GRFA requirements fortwo new roof overhangs extend over the property i.i neThe applicant has received a letter of hqreement from owne r. VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval .of this proposal contingent upon the applicantmeeting the.engineering concerns. 'Thb view 'impacis and'additionil 40 sq ft.of shade, while not positive for the community, are considered to be minjmalimpacts' Each project should be revjewed against every consideration. Theproject either has no or minimal ihpact or supports the Urban Des'i gn Considera-tions' Because the overall project impact is'ilositive, staff recofrmendsapproval of the project. All Town of Vail engineering concerns must be resolvedbefore the building permit will be issued. Tie issuei include: the property. The approximately 2 feet. the adjacent property 'ln agreement 1. Drainage will be inside of building.2. Improvement survey3. Revocable right-of-way permit for exjsting improvementthe right-of-way4. Encroachment of roof overhangs will be resolved by anletter of adjacent property 6wner. Date: 10/9/85 TO','i\ cOU:lClL tCEt;D..\ tiIOUEST COM DEV I. II Item/Topic: fpp.ll of pEC decision to deny a request forthe Hill Building. Apptlcant: Blanche Hill Action Requesied of Council: To review the proposal and the pEC0r-reverse the pEL decision-*iO.-onapprovat resulred tn a Z_i v:i;;: ";i minutes and make a decision to, upholdSeptember 23, 1985. A motion ;;;-'-tie vote is a vote of aeniii.' '-' l,lect ing Date: l0l15/ eve an exterior alteration of the Torvn ttanager III. Background/Rationale : The applicant reque.i: tg.enc'rose 430 sguare feet of deck space. on the.west side oftne second froor'or rhe Hirr uuiiairg ii'q,p.auJ-a-*,iii^rif"v bedroom or 1,142square feet. The oroposed rhi;;'rioiv"uoaitior-ii i;;;;J,1. ,n" southwest areaoi the buirding. ine stiir-r..rri."iition.for this;;;;;t was ror denia..r.It was felt that this-project;;;i;'il;e signiricint ,JJIiir" impacts on theune vait prace plaze area. stati'ieeis"*rai ttrii-i.pii"i,is not in compriancewrth the Vait Vittuo:,?::rn"-Cr.iil".iirrlr.r*nu.dins street encrosure andJffi'illl"# i;,3 ffg?;i;" iit".i"Ji'if;J'aoaiti6;ui ;fia;ini'i," to the burk Those Planning connnission members voting against.the motion indicated concern:I:i,f'J5.l':"li:'.ii:,*.ilfi:: :S;:li,i+,ii,ili."lllilln **v-iui; ;;ilil; IV. Staf f Reco::re:rCatlon:- See above. v.Assurances ([J Legal , E Dngineering, f] FinanceE Outside proiessiona:_; . Request formby 5;00 p. m. must be given to the Secretarv toon Thursdays. SrgnJ.Lure I Ernp t sl!! o TO:i): cOU::CI L ..\CE:iD..\ tlICU:ST I.I tem/Topic : III. - .l Background/Rational e : IV. Staff ReconnenCation:_ . V. Assuranses 0= Legal ,l--T EnEineering, Efl Outside professional). /W""t of q W.^^.'n G*ror'. Arcrsron$ de^,o\ g-.r q fqlresf S"r er{-€r*r- ltt*r,^k,r,-. sF r\q-d,n f,r,ld,. t,bFlr&,r1SC, II. Action Requested, of Council: Qt[ "r b.r.e,lLr",. S*** 'G,*u*".o".-_ d.nc,6rrn., \ .' ILt_ *No*-.t- r: r.1,xsk1 b ero\ogq* c{Bo s1.+,"f 1"L sF'< o\ t{^0- L^re+ sr|"- oF t-Le-\crrcr*6tt "y oF +f..a- tLl( 6r,tJ,1 ,a^cl tD aeJd e. {^.r[ skvy bdr.ra^^. coF'tirqa sT.C+. Tt.^ palat"d t\-.& Stt o.A[rhr^. r: [oc.,Lrl et t{^z- fptl^,l^.esF q,"i^, oF t{,.,4- h",tA.*. ++ A h.*^,,& Q,*^,sarn ywtto".. Ar as,erre\ ,rcsottc{ t'^ { a-a \k{4-. A \* ..,r{* ,t q vo{'q .e d.e^,"t. Request form must be given toby 5:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Fin:rn''o to the Tou.n Ilan!\ ger €r,a:,'J<-- fhn Qanrar'rrur L4^ J CrllrttLrut r+ rA( ,;:: o AN ORDINANCE AIUENDING THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN - DESIGN CoNSIDERATIONS I VIEIT SECTIOI{ :\).D YIIjW CORII_ITl.rl lt.\P TO RL-l)t,CE THE NL:;;ijllR Cl' :,1.\Juii VL.i! L:,JliirIuolls AND TO ELINIINATE MINOR VIBW CORRIDORS; AND SETTING FORTH DBTAILS IN RELATION THERETO. WHEREAS, the revision to the view section of the Urban Design Guide Plan - Design considera.tions and. the view corridor L{ap has been under study by staff, Planning and [nvironmenta] commission and rown Council for a considerable time perioci; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Town councir that preservation of certain existing view corridors is essentiar to the character of Vail as a mountain resort: and WHBREAS, the preservation of such views will protect the munici-palities attraction to tourists and visitors and, therefore, enhance and proteet its economic vitatity. IYHEREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the several most important view corridors be entirely preserved as they exist; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recom- mended a.doption of the nine view corridors, one focal point and amendments to the langua"ge in the view section to the Council, NOIY, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI{N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL: Section 1 Section G. Views of the Vail Village Design hereby amended to read a"s follows: G. VIEWS AND T'OCAL POINTS Considerations is Va,ilf s mounta"in/va-11ey setting is a funda,mental part of its i,i :iili:"'*The most signif icant and obvlous vlew corrid.ors have been designated'.,),",*+.!3T.. on the View Corridor Map (an element of the Vail Village Urban Designli :i.a-+# l; l-Iramework Plan) a.nd photographlcally d.ocumented (photoi on file in.1,:r',?,.]t -.i'- +r"o ra^hm,,*.i {--- r\__,_1 ,l;,'.:. . i_, --E"- -----!,ila Ine.uornrnunity Development Depa"rtment). However, the vj-ew corridors. ! ;:;,5i{.,U: . depicted on rhe maps and in t ;.:.'.;1*.1f, ,',,, priority should be gj.ven to an analysj-s of the impatt of the -,:,1;; .,.-^'i ; proiect on views from pedestrian areas, whether designated or not :*:t .e;.-', '--il;,'ii;;: . The views designated to be preserved. ,originate from either major'..,.-t:-:l-.t'- pedestrian areas or public pla.zas. They are views of the ski.:).;:'.':.." mountain, the Gore Range or the Clock Tower,The views of the ski slopes and of the Clock Tower which wereseLected to be preserved were chosen due to their significance,not only from an aesthetic standpoint, but also as orientationreference points to help the guests determine their location, );-..-...,t^f, -..-.-A?q: of . course, looking east irom the Vail Vil1age area oner-?'>-- tr{^4L -a';lT:] r \,r l liLru.I Figr .lLr|. l!-LllE Yit-E l, II9III LIICi VatI Vltlage afea Onet\ { :l:Y: the dramatic core Bange providing some of ihe most beautifulscenic views anywtreie. E iq*mi--- c CI cl -2- The official photographs and field surveys of the view corridorsand focar point contain the area to be protected. No eneroachmentwill be allowed above the top of the blick and white rine on the .',:. ;- photographs or in the protected area as depicted by the field ,.,,,r::..,,surveys. The field surveys are on file with the Department of ,r.i,:i:r_,i.i.r, community Development and will be used to aid staff and appllcants',,,',in determlning the specific dimensional restrictions produted bv :|:.:''the view corridors. Minor modifications to tte roois';;-;;il.;il".Jt-i,(i:e. a new frue) located above the line ma.y be permltted if appro-,, ..priate approvals from the community Development Department are -., ,"1.i1,i,. , ' 's:)i';obtained. . ,{ To demonstrate the impact on other views, a1l submittals should. "'' 'include a visual impact analysis. This analysis could be in the ,,.for:m of sketches, photographic overlays, phoiographic touch-Dps, 'i:':: mocieLs, or other simulation. techniques, A mea.ns of demonstrati-ng : 'in the field (on site) the impact on views wirl also be required iby the zoning administrator- As circumstances affecting views change, such as rezonj"ngs, variancesin height or ne\r buildings, the view corridors will be reviewed and,if necessa.ry, revised. rf a conflict exists between the maximumhelght allowed and the view corridors, the more restrictive regulationThe forrowing is a listing and verbal'description of the adopiEa-"i-r.rview corridors and focal point i 4pp1y. NO. DESCRIPTION This view occurs from two flights of steps above the photographicpoint on the south side of the vair rransportation center. rheview is significant in tha.t it conta"ins the clock rower and theRucksack rower as foca.1 points, but also is oners first view ofthe ski slopes as one comes out of the Transportation center. This is a significant view because it allows one to seeslopes from upper Bridge Street a.s wel-l_ as directing oneticket and lift facilities in the Viltaee. This is a view of the Gore Range'from Hanson Ranch Roadeast of the l{il1 Creek Bridge a"nd west of the Mill Creek Thj-s is probably the best known and most spectacular view inthe V1l1age area. It is looking east to the Gore Range from Gore Creek Drive between The Lodge at Vail retail shops andthe Gore Creek PLaza Building. The Clock Tower is a focalpoint in this view. the skito the j ust Court Bldr ':./ r!, rl -3- ONCE IN FULL, tnis 5t 6 day of d- , 1988. r hefd hereon on ttle -?/-e/ day of r) A public hearing , 1983, at the Vai1, Colorado, in AND ORDERED PUBLISHED Section 2 If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision sha1l not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this : ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed ' ' thisordinance,andeachpart,section,subsection,Sentenee,c1auseor phra,se thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, - .sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared linvalid. , '-, .,,, Sect ion 3 t,;;1 ,, , '..:li The Town Council hereby flnds, determines and declares that .:l this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and we1fareoftheTownofVailandtheinhabitantSthereof.'. Section 4 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code a,s provided i-n this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty lmposed, atrY violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution Commenced, nor any other action or prggeeding as commenCed under Or by vi-rtue of the provision repealed or repealed or reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FINST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED shall be regular meeting of the Town Council The Municipal Building of the Town. ATTEST: of th Q,,wn READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING --D -A t:n:.s 4/-a/ dav of / .=-) ATTEST: ,1983 PameLa A. Brandmeye ifer, Jnuu,ld I g'42Xflta-il-/.a, -z: a j'*lwrn'l AN ORDINANCE AIUENDING THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN - DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: VIEW SECTIO\i :\:;D YIEW CORIr-IDa.n l.l.\p TO Rll)t;CE THE NUlriiiliR C.'f' :.tiJuii VL,_iV C\Jiiit:l_rolis AND ,Ir) ELI[!II{ATE MINOR VIEVI CORRIDORS; AND SBTTINC FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO. 1YHEREAS, the revision to the view section of the Urban Design Guide Plan - Design considerations and the view corridor L{ap has been under study by staff, Pranning and Environmental commission and rown Council for a considerabte time perioci; and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Town council that preservatj-on of certain existing view corridors is essential to the character of Vail- as a mountai-n resort: and lIHEREAS, the preservation of such views wiIl protect the munieipalj-ties attraction to tourists and visitors a"nd, therefore, enhance and. protect its economic vitalj-ty. WHEREAS, it is the opinion of Council that the several most important view corridors be entirely preserved as they exist; and IfHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recom- mended adoption of the nine view corridors, one foca,1 point and amendments to the language in the view section to the Council, NOIV, THNREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOI{'N COUNCIL OF THE TOIYN OF VAIL: Section 1 Section G. Views of the Vail Village Design Considerations is hereby amended to read as follows: G. VIEWS AND FOCAL POINTS The views of the ski sropes and of the clock rower rvhich rvereselected to be preserved were chosen due to their significance,not only from an aesthetic standpoint, but also as orientationreference points to help the guests determine their rocation. -.r*19, of. course, looking east from the Va.i l Village area onevr'ews the dramatic Gore Range providing some of ihe most beautifulscenic views altywhere I!lt\ c ai rl -2- The officlal photographs and field surveys of the vj,ew corridors and focal point contain the area to be protected. No encroachmentwill be allowed above the top of the black and white line on thephotographs or in the protected area as depicted by the field ..,.r,...',.surveys. The field surveys are on file with the Department of ',r,rii,t:i,i..Conununity Development and will be used to aid staff and applicants ....-,in determining the specif ic dimensional restrictions produced by ii'.:1.,the view eorridors. Minor modifications to the roofs or structures r, (i.e. a new flue) located above the line may be permitted if appro-,..priate approvals from the Community Development Departnent are -, iilii, .obta.ined. .:,": ii,:.i1:1.,.' To demonstrate the impact on other vj-ews, all submittals should "i|i'' :l: include a visual impact a"nalysis. This analysis could be in the ,,,. ': form of sketches, photographic overlays, photographic toueh-ups, ',' .':,,-moclels, or other simulation techniques. A means of demonstrating l: : in the fieLd (on site) the impact on views will also be requiredby the zoning administra.tor. As circumstances affecting views change, such as rezonings, varianeesin height or new buildings, the view corrj-dors will be reviewed and,if necessa.ry, revised. If a conflict exists between the maximumheight allowed a-nd the view corridors, the more restrictive regulationThe following is a Listing a"nd verbal description of the adopted willview corri-dors a,nd f oca,1 point : NO. DESCRIPTION apply This view occurs from two flights of steps above the photographicpoint on the south side of the Vall Transportation Center. Theview j-s signiflcant in that it contains the Clock Tower and the Rucksack Tower as focal points, but also is oners first view ofthe ski slopes as one comes out of the Transportation Center. 2 This is a significant view because .it a1lows one to seeslopes from upper Bridge Street as well as directing oneticket and lift facilities in the Vi1la"oe- the ski to the This is a view of the Gore Range'from Hanson. Ranch Road just east of the Mill Creek Bridge and west of the M111 Creek Court Bldt This is probably the best known and most spectacular view in the Village area. It is looking east to the Gore Range from Gore Creek Drive between The Lodge at Vail retail shops and the Gore Creek Plaza Building. The Cloek Tower is a focal point j-n this view. ':/ ,,! 'l o \ If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of thi.s ordlnance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shal1 not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordj.nance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, cLause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, seclions, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be deelared The Town Counc.il hereby this ordinance is necessary welfare of the Town of Vail sha,l1 be held hereon on t]ne 4,/.ay' day of r) A publi-c hearing , 1983, at the Vai1, Colorado, in AND ORDERED PUBLISHED day of , 1983. ,r - ----t rl -3- Section 2 invalid. Section 3 finds, determines and declares that and proper for the health' safety and . and the inha"bitants thereof . Section 4 The repea] or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Va11 Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance sha11 not affeet any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred pri-or to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other actlgn Or proceeding a.s commenced under Or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed or reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shaIl not revive any provision or any ordi-nance previously repealed. or superseded unless expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, t:n:',s {L4 regula"r meeting of the The Municipal Building Town Couneil of the Town. of ATTEST: Q^rb,q READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND th is RBADING .7/-a/ Pamela A. Brandmeye t/\Jti,Nlil l.V\Jutd.,',t PameIa A. Branomeyer, ATTEST: 75 south lronlage road vail, cotorado 91657 (303) 476-7000 July 21, 1986 Mr. Jay Peterson P.0. Box 3.l49Vail, Colorado 8.|658 Re: Hill Building Dear Jay: At the Design Review Board tabl ed to al I ow subm.i ssi on 1. Fi nal color scneme 2. A complete landscape 3. An updated materi a'l s As discussed with the board,structure and fabric as welldate. A final approval forto temporary certificate of contact me. Sinfe/ely offlce ol communlly development meeting_of,July 16, .l986, the H.i ll Bu.i lding wasof the fo1 |owing items: and paver plan list and landscape p1 an materials l.i st we will defer final submittal of the awning as the tree protectjon metal work untjl a laterthese items for these items wjl l be required prior occupancy. If you have any questions, please Ri ck Town RP: br Py1 man Pl anner llti'o5,!l3iFl1i" , STREET AOORESS:. DESCRIPTION OF P The fo'll orvi ng Board before A. . BUILOING Roof MATERIALS: TYPE required for submittal by the applicant to can be fiven: the DeiiEir Review COLOR trd4(ry f2-- PH.-L^ L{ 'c/a\n? u B . LANDSCAP I IIG :Name of Designer:' pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name L I)|Ilttr IKEE) lU BE REiiOVED Quani ty Si ze* hei ght for coni fers . [p7flol(sioins . - . 0ther l,lal 'l Materi al s cl .. \)trxro - \L-er C[*t( ' lYl'' Fasci a . Soff i ts !li ndorvs l.lindow Trim ' Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'las hi ngs Chimneys . Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther information is a fina'l approval LIST OF I,IATERIALS OF MATERIAL *lndicate cai i per for deciducjous trees.Indicate EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE Rii'lOVED '[.vpe Souar: Footaqe GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRI GATION TYPE OR I'IETHOD OF EROSION COIITROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining vta11s, fences, slimming pools, etc.) Please specify. - .1, LIST OF MATERIALS Si di ng 0ther }Jall Materials l.li ndows llindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'ings Ch i mneys Trash Enc'l osures Greenhous es 0ther B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:- phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name To be moved To be moved EXISTING TRETS TO BE REMOVTD see above *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. NAME 0F pRg.rECT: Hill ExPanslon r rnir -nrscRiPTIoN: iin'Err-noonrsS, ltt nrEEffiGEf -' - DESCRIPTION OF P ans r-on o third floor and renovot a portion ot groun The fol lowing.information ls required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL RoOf Bu1lr up/gravel. by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Red/Brown to match exlst ing ray / nlue Cedar Board and. Batt exis t ing S tucco Off Whlte (knocked down dash) Cedar exist 1 teT & G Decklng 'exidting Wood/Clad.exis t ing E EO TIEI Wood exis t lng wood/c1ad exlstlng raylBlue to mat Cedar to rnatch exlstlng exls t ing N/A Sheet lletaL @ exls t lng _. Red (used) to matchBrick existing N/A N/e Tan/Brown to natchATrnings exls t tng ay Eo ma Slze* Po tent l11a Sprude Flowerlng Plum 15 5 ga1lon exlstlng 12 exis.tlng 4rl -?|:.-..':- ca1.1pc Indicate height for a coni fers . (over) Fasci a wobd/C1ad extsting - PLANT I'IATERIALS:, ''\.. (con''/ cuo Qq EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Common Name Si ze Tvoe Square Footaqe s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining i) Retainlng wa11- (dry Laid fleld swimmlng pools, etc.) please specify.wal I s, f --nces , s tone) 2) Brick pavers to match existing. rt Ill -'l H"'-' l$.->rui)1s-r6 - a : K.5.r 1.5 = G3--75 t7* rA ?"q\ j4r f_. ._, , ,,!.f, f^r5q _r 1.1t.5 L Pam Hopkins felt the the narrow bus lane would not bedifficulty walking along East Meadow Drive. Peter talked about future parking needs and how the Town can't afford to havethe private sector's lack of pariing compound the skier park.ing problem. Hepointed out that the parking structures are filling many'more days each skiseason and this trend.i s 1ike1y to cont.i nue. 09nova1 _suggested a a sensor gate to keep out illegal parkers. piper statedthat this would be an improvement over what was thire now. Sjd wondered jf thenarrowed bus route planned in the aborted sDD could be done now. pattenreplied that it wouid depend upon funding. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney,stated that the boand could require that the Sonnenalp puy ron"y into tleparking fund. Sid explained that the front desk personnel park cars for guests when there jsa problem. He felt that if the guests did not complain, tte system must workal ri ght. Vi e moved and Hopkins seconded to a n ne condi t good, as one already had uesE as submi ted with the L0 woul sta at the ree n erm it a cat l on ot with 6 in avo r n0ne d cant be reQu l re to Va arki n unces at atever t e rat are at an wou state t ta qate AS e case o e ical center - aqa l ns with S ul tz tainin 4.A reouest for an exteri or alteration chanqe theul toln ate a 0 me ll1!"u LrdL Lne appr]canf, nad received approval from the pEC on January 13,.1986 to enclose 433 square feet of deck space on the west side of the r".onafloor and to add a third story bedroom of 972 rqr"". i;;i.- The currentproposal represented a modjfication of a facade change on the southwest part ofthe builling, with an additjonal g6 square feet be.i nd added to the secondlevel-_-The new proposal also included the construction of the urban DesignGuide Plan concept l0A^involving the creation of a pedestrian walkway/plaiilocated to the south of the Hiti auilding. Pylman reviewed the compliance withthe urban Design considerations for vail-villige- t,|ith reipect to btreet Edge,Pylman stated that the proposal presented a fairly monotonous street edge andneeded door and window awnings as well as flower 6oxes. The otnerconsiderations were in compliance with the Urban Design Consjderations for VajlVi I 1age. There followed discussion of the sub-area concept 10A. Donovan felt that thereshould not be an opening behind the wail into dead ena spaie. Beardsrey, thearchitect-for the proposal , stated that the opening couta ue screened off.Donovan a'l so d'id not like the design combining the"new design with the oldbui1din9. Beardsley_stated that tie originai-des.ign nra-print.rs with thegreat degree of complexities of balconies, etc. He stated that he wascomfortable with the comb'i nation of the two designs. liper-astea if the wallcould be moved back to increase the size of the itu.". [e wonoerea what the Rick Pylman explained the request and showed elevatilns'ana"liG*p"T"*-;; :!1!.9 that_the applicant had received approval from the pEC on Januarv l3 Pec 3/24/86 -3- line of the wall was tied to, and Beardsley responded that jt was tied to theForest service property line. He added that the wall could be moved back, butthat he wanted the added room to get to the shops. piper felt that placing thewall on the property line was a b'i t arbitrary. Beardsley replied that perhaps the plaza area could be increased and add benches, etc. -piper asked if'there was any possibility of moving the split rail fence farther south, and Beardsley responded that there was no reason not to. Jay Peterson stated that the Forestservice was reluctant to allow one to do much on their land. Briner felt thedesign as presented was fine. Donovan wished to ask the DRB to check to see ifthe wing wall made the pedestrian feel that he didn't want to continue wal king around it. Hopkins wanted to see the space behind the wall closed off, as jt could easily become a "rape corner.', Bri4g!".moved ald-$chultz seconded to approve the proposal with the staff conq r Elons as t0llows: -ntw.illnotremonstrateagainstaspecia1improvement district if an when one is formed for Vail Village. 2- That the applicant will construct alf improvements outside of theirproperty line (sub-area 10, pedestrian and landscape jmprovements) as approved, totally at their own expense. 3. That the approval is val id for a maximum of three years from the date of PEC approval (March 24, .|986). The vote was 6 jn favor. none against and Viele abstaininq. uest to nd an ex 'i red a roval for an addition to the Glen canr:an I n0 Tom Braun explained that in January of .1983 the PEC approved an amendment to SDD4 to allow for a proposed expansion to the Glen Lyon 0ffice Bui'l ding which consisted of changing the front setback from 20 to l5 feet and changing the allowable square footage from .|3,000 square feet to 25,000 square feet within Development Area D. Approvals of development plans in SDD's are valid for aperiod of 18 months from the date approval was obtained, wh.i ch meant that approval for the proposed expansion to the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building expired in July of .|984. The current request was to extend the approval for another lB months. Braun showed elevations, sections and site plans of the proposed addi ti on . Donovan_mgved and,Hopkins seconded to recommend to the Council to extend the appfoval fgr Development Area D of SDD4. The vote was 6 in favor, none against, with Viele abstaining. Cascade Villaqe PEC -4- 3/24/85 L:30 p.m. Si te Vi s'its r't<L 4 tt 6) Sonnenalp Sign Tract C Vail W,r,u , Ct=ung,,,til, a*ttl, Lyrts a"- gto,Jc'r box ' Design Review Board ttl^!lr->4fu- erc+fl4c[n^qes. Ahhir re ioor | .=t I r ) )--Rprit ro, rseo l- t+wLo lcx+r,ftt )-- 3:00 p'm' i ' tw ,*inl"ur*a a'l^taa-1'ht*, ek,,r11n^y,^nShaah4, yg' Erttlc u,^la+ aywne*iJ- w t^d,rus.and t2661 wal!-. Hiil Build.ias Remode'l . 'Sfurihh* - "fwog"im;t*,xrffiq 6^4funi;- - o- ati*t. t, (4-o) 'fuirL (Na,uQ ,, ,Gmnotr_.,o.1 xy*rn{r,n{r.^ Ski Club Vait Remodet \ rasl/sk+ut.lal*h f-r*zl%-,(ki;--'uL\"*k-A o Shapiro Residence Addjtion _ Lot L Vai I Val 1ey Znd -1548 Spr j ngh.il I Lane Ir(urDG g*tQ.tt+[. (ua- ro; (=,O Karats,.Village.Center 81dg. Vail Village J-o (ue -at) Bighorn Lodge 4J.45 Bighorn Road ,,Lots 6 &.7 Block 7 Bighorn 3rd addition (V-!J - tJG) ?rcli^,ti"atnt \fi^otr,LG-o) r rrc{ 1) 2) 3) 4) E\ /,cI 7) 8) Village 1st 242 East Meadow Dr. Q;4 9chvATz- -ftblQd- 22 Glen Lyon Residence Lot 22 Glen Lyon 1380 Westheven Cjrclea( ( rta -ut)r\'(4-o t\, Bossow Residence Lot 1 Block 1 Vajl Valley 6th 486 Forest Rd. rt /r tK 9) Irwin Estate Lot 49 Glen Lyon, Westhaven Circle Lodge Entry Color Scheme 0ld Business Lodge Entry Col or Scheme New Business Members AbsentMembers Presentqq @r€r (Wol+o*Sg6 Eu) N6 lypyA.^r'h"9)Staff Present fu*^lbpVt^s rt Proiect Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: LesalDescription: r-ot l arocr, S(. , ,,',^n ilr/ \$- fiq^f. , zonecl-l Comments: Design Review Board Morion by: c'\^fAqn{ry t secondednv, V,/APPcrr...J o"," lllt,l'o<- DISAPPROVALAFPROVAL Summary: rlJ ttF A +Srs o F ,-.,{c{ tlF ff,,r P,,(r-(d\.Lr ry Ldrrcl* \ United St ates Department of Agr icu l ture Fores t Service Eoly Cros s Ranger District P.0. Box 190 Minturn, Colorado 81545 Reply to z 27OO Date: March 21 , 1986 Mr. Jay Peterson Otto, Petersonr & Pos t P. 0. Box 3149 VaiL, C0 81658 Dear Jay: Tbis Letter is to confirm and document my deci.sion regarding your plans for reuodeling of the Ei1L Building. The issue is the occupancy of llational Forest lands for placement of s idelralk pavers betweeD the private land and the existing bicycle path, a strip of land approximately 50 feet long and varying from 2 to l0 feet vide. Your proposal is a minor and inconsequential use ofthis land and therefore I do not intend to issue a permit. This letter servea as the authorization for use of the land. There are several. requirements that I have aaked you to fulfill: 1. Prior to beginning tbe work, verify with Vail Associates, Ioc. that thefacilities you propose to place on the Forest will- not interfere with their permitted ski area developments and activities. A letter from Vail- Associates is needed to confirm their agreement. 2. Upon conpletion of the construction, please provide ne sith an as-built plan of the waLk and associated iuprovement.s, showing their relationship to Che Eill Building, the boundary betrreen public and private land, and the bicycle path. I appreciate your tirely inquiry about this remodeling activity. The improvements your propose will inprove the utiliEy, drainage, and esthetics of the area on the south end of the Ei1L Building. Sincerely, / ,l+-). ) /- 4,i'--.'((t,.,rq ( t .'/t'tx-- DAVID A. STARK FS.620O-28(7-82) -T j=a;l;' ;;1""rt "tu,J., t.,u oulPIFit(j a'J:l oii;:::i < ;: 1 (',i: Reply Date: Mr. Riek PYlman Town of Vail 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vai1, C0 81658 Sincerel"Y, Dear Rick: This letter is in response to your request for cor,rnent o.n-Blanche Hill'S request to add a thirb story-al,:ff Siiile Sii'""t (the.Hill Building)' As I understand the location of Lhab buildingl a smal1 porLion of the south end is on the',,lhite River National Forest, and-is covered by a special use perrnit' Our long range objective is lo reduce fhe complexitv of such perr'ritll-i!9 llil"posslbli Lo eliminabe then entirely. Ms. Hillts proposal-.is inconsistent witn that policy, as it would adci height to Lhe existing building' - fn addition' the added heighl, would increase shadi;rg in a heavily used pedesirian area' Therefore I reccmmend thab bhe Towi of Vail deny Ms._Hillts requesl' I apologize for not atLending the hearing on this proposal , but there were scns scheCul-e confllicts. If the fiearing r""uit" in further consideration of lhe proposa'l , I will be happy to parlicipate in fubure discr-issions' &n-,^.--b p DAVID A. STARI( District Ranger , F5.OZ -\.J Z:' _clar F<_ - - ''''_\ -€, . - --i< il f'r---- -_- +ffi8(l d4 Plnol + -<-w*a+--e-*"!e=- nJdrL---*- -- .U S"(t*",*--/. +-b,^no^ I-- fra-al Cay^lt Lrq a lJeE- ,,L Jitt o( AMENDED ADDENDUM FOR APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR MODIFICATION I. Conformance with the purposes of the CCI District. As stated in Section 78.24.010, the Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintai-n the unigue character of the Vail village commercial- area with its mixture of lodges, residential dwellings and commercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate J-ight, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District Regulations, in accordance with the Vail ViJ_lage Urban Design Guide Pran and Design considerations, prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of build.ings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural quality that distinguish the Vil1age. The proposed alteration centers around a minor addition to the existing building: A. An addition of a third bedroom in the approximate amount of r,r42 sguare feet. The addition of the third bedroom will- enhance the experience offered to residents residinq in the Hill Building. B. A partial enclosure of an existing deck area in the approximate amount of 430 square feet which will help solve an existing snow build-up problem, not onLy for the second-fLoor residents in the Hill Building, but also for the commercial space on the ground level-. Since the proposed alterations are extensions and enhancements of existing uses, the Urban Design Guide Plan will not be changed in any respect, but made more effective. II . Vail Vill-age Urban Design Considerations As They Apply to Proposed Alterations. A. Pedestrianization. The proposed alteration which encl-oses a portion of the deck on the second floor of the Hill Buil-ding will further facilitate and enhance pedestrianization between the Hill Building and One Vail- Place by reducing the amount of drifting snow in the pedestrian way. The proposed ad.dition of a third bedroom will have no effect on the pedestrianization of CCI . B. Vehicle Penetration. The proposed alterations provide for no additional points of vehicle penetration, nor wilt the addition create more vehicular trips into CCI . C. Streetscape Framework. The proposed new additions will have littl-e effect on the streetscape frannework, except in a positive sense in that snow build-up in a pedestrian way will- be lessened by the semi-enclosure on the west side of the building. The additions will provide an enhancement to the variety of open and enclosed spaces, which will create a strong framework for pedestrian walks, as wel-I as. visual interest and activity. D. Street Enclosure. From Design Considerations, Section Df Slreet Enclosure, we quote the following: and and and and and and "While building facade heights should not be uniform from building to building, they should provide a comfortable enclosure forthe street." "Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whosewalls are formed by the buildings. The shape and feel of these rooms are created by thevariety of heights and massing (three dimentional variations) which give much ofthe visual interest and pedestrian scale unique to Vail-. " "An external encLosure is more comfortable where its walls are approximately one-half as high as the width of the space enclosed." "If the ratio fall-s to one-quarter or less,the space seems unencl-osed. " rrlf the heiqht is greater than the width, it comes to resembl-e a canvon. " "In actual application, facades are seldomuniform in height on both sides of thestreet, nor is this desired, Thus, somelatitude is appropriate in the application ofthis k - to - 1 ratio. Usinq the averasefacade height of both sides wil-t qenErally- still be a guide to the rcomfortablenesst ofthe enclosure beinq created." "fn some instances, the tcanyont effect is acceptabl-e and even desirable - for example,as a short connecting linkage between largerspaces - to give variety to the wal-kingexperience. For sun/shade reasons, it isoften advantageous to orient any longer segments in a north-south direction. tong canyon streets in an east-\n/est directionshould general-J-y be discouragled. "and "When exceptions to the general heightcriteria oceur, special design considerationshould be given to creating a well-definedground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcomethe canvon effect." and "Canopies, awnings, arcade and buildingextensions can aI1 create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from upper buildingheights and 'canyon' effect." The proposed new addition, the existing Hill Building, and One Vail Place wi-Il define and create the street enclosure between One VaiL Place and the Hill Building. The street enclosure wil-l guide the pedestrians from Founderts pl-aza to Vail Mountain, from a large open space to al-l of Vail Mountain. While the street enclosure is far from the "canyon" effect, the guideJ_ines state that: "the canyon effect is acceptable and evendesirable - for exampJ_e, as a short connecting linkage between l_arger spaces', The enclosure is al-so in a north-south direction, which is advantageous. The new height of the Hill Building wil1 stilL be considerably l-ess than what is allowed in CCI . Roof l-ines at the completion of the addition wiLl be a combination of flat and pitched roofs which currentJ-y exist and which will be added, which will provide visual interest for the street enclosure. E. Street Edge. The proposed additions have no effect on street edge, in that all- additions are on the second and third floors of the existing buiJ-ding. The existing building, along with the proposed alterations, will provide irregular facade lines, canopies, building jogs, brick pavers and l-andscaped areas (both at street leveL and by ftower boxes on the upper leve1s) , which give life to the street and visual interest for pedestrian travel. F. BuiLding Height. The maximum proposed height for the proposed addition is 35 feet above street level. One Vail- Place is 40 feet in height, the main Lodge building is 56 feet in height and the new addition proposed for the Lodge, called the fnternational- Wing, wiII be a two and three-story mix, with a maximum height on the north side of 40 feet. The Zoning Code Section L8.24.120 defines the height requirements for CCI , and. al1 proposed heights are well below the requirements specified in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan and Design Considerations. G. Views. The most significant and obvious view corridors have been designated by the view corridor restriction ordinance which was adopted some time ago by the Town Council. The view from the plaza over the HilI Buil_ding was studied at length by the Town council and was specificarly not included in such ordinance' The views which were protected by the ordinance were selected to be preserved due to their significance, not only from an esthetic standpoint, but also as orientation reference points to help guests determine their location. The views which we are intruding into were not given the same significance as other views and, therefore, not protected by the ordinance. The Design Considerations are a broad overview of commercial core r and designate the design cri-teria for seven different categories of concern. views are merel-y one of those categories. The view corridor ordinance was reviewed in light of the effect it would have on the six other categories and, therefore, the view over the Hill Building was deleted from the ordinance. No one category operates in a vacuum without affecting the others and, therefore, the minor intrusion into the views over the Hil-l Building is warranted because the proposed additions enhance and satisfy the other categories of the Design Considerations in the best possibl-e manner for the Town. The real objective of the Village Plaza and CCI in general is to present desirable and inviting commercial activities and residentiaL facil-ities in a charming and effective building frame, including mountain views, rather than to merely feature a side-long view of the mountain per se. Canopies, awnings, landscaping and building extensions provided by the existing HiIl Buil-ding and alJ- proposed alterations help create a pedestrian foqus which mitigate the minor intrusions into the existing views over the Hill Building. H. Sun Shade Consideration. The new sun shade studv d.oes show an effect. on the area between the HilI Building and One Vail Place. Our effect on the area in the morning is approximatety the same effeet as One Vait place has on the area in Lhe afternoon. The prior sun shade study shows no effect on the Village Plaza area, In summary, as Vail- Vil_Iage Design Considerations state: "The Design Considerations are intended toserve as guideline design parameters. Theyare not seen as riqid rules or cookbookdesign elements to bring about a homogeneous appearance in Vail_.', The intention of the proposed alteration is to address the spirit of Vail as it exists and to enhance and extend that spirit. by improving residential- living in commercial core r and to solve snow build-up areas in pedestrian ways. .-' I r FR0M: DATE: T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission Community Development Department August B, .|984 SUBJECT: A request for exterior alterations for the Hill Building on Lot L' glocli 5C, Vajl Village lst Filing to add second floor residential space. Applicant: Blanche C. Hill I. THE PROPOSAL - ,}.*-__'_. The applicant, Blanche Hill, is requesting to build a 720 square foot bedroom additibn that would create i ttrira'level 6n the existing west end of the Hill Building. She would also like to enclose an existing deck area. The enclosed deck is'approximately 370 square feet and is located on the west side of the bujtding.onthe second floor- Two decks will also be added onto existing f1 at roofs located off the new bedroom. {, , II. -COMPLIANCE }IITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI ZONE. Purpose: The Commercial Core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodged and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. Tfre Commercial Core I djstrict is intended to ensure adequate ,1ight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types'of-buildings 'and uies. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail V'i11age ur6an design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site-deve1 op- ment standards that are intended to ensure the majntenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting,on pedestrianways and publii greenways, and to eisure cont'inuation of the building scale and archi- tectura'l qualities that distinguish the ui11age. III. This proposal is jn comp'liance with the intent of the zoning for the CCI district. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE This proposal relates to the sgb-area Concept #'|4 for the Vjllage Plaza (now Founders' Plaza). "Feature area paving treatment, central focal point visjble from Gore Creek Drive. Major land form/planting in Northwest for quiet corner, with evergreen screen plantjng to definb west 6dge. I.lall Street stairs, with mid-level iog landing, opens entry areato Lazier Arcade shops." The proposal will obstruct the vjew of Golden Peak from the l^lall Street stajr area (see view section). In other respects, the proposal does not conflict wjth the plan for Village Plaza. Hjlr B1+- 8/8/84 .. 1V.' The purpose of the comparison between the proposal ana consjderations isto show how the new.deiign strengthens or iteti"aili irom the overa'lt intentof the design considerations. fi;,,r -.".1 t\ ll t." l, '' i\11"i i 1,J.,,' . A. Pedestrianization: The bedroom addition.and deck enclosure wil.l have minimal , if any,impact on pedestrianization. B. Vehicle penetration: No impact c.Streetscape Framework: Because_the add.itions. are Iocated on the second f1 oor, there willbe Iittle impact on the quaiiiv-ot-lne'watking experience in respectto landscapino and ground tevei iommeiciar iniitr. rne-quility ofthe pedesti^iai exoeiien.." ry_i!i u"-lliipii_ted by addirionar 'ihaoe on rhei?"li5";:,;iffi: b' the buiidin;;; :ii;ii-id6";;il'iii.r.igl or the view Street Enclosure: The consideration states that "an externar -encrosure is most comfortablewhere its wans are,approiimiteit.iii-;, high as the width of thesppce enclosed." The encrosed dick'strouta tJt-i-ii.t'ir,""street encrosurenegativelv. The existing rooi (Jn'fire-west sioe bi-itre"iliit guitoing)is approximatelv 24.feet"t high)-'rhe-peoestrian way varies between25 feet t to 3s feet t. ftre Eiistiri ioor is already greater than thedesired ratio. The new ,^;; ;;i;iil'si.s feet, wil maxe the ratioeven greater. However, the consideration states that "in some _instances, the ,canyon,effect is even desirabre--at -i-ihort-Jonnecting liriif"-oitween rarger :P99.:. tg,give variety to the walking spaces."' fne ndw iniro revetw., r create more of an encrosed pedeitrian way that wiil connect villagePlaza with the open ptazi-i;-i;o;;-;;'ihe eondora bui.rding's ticket area. n The. consideration states .that ,,when exceptions:li!:ii. occur, special aefisn .oniii""utionscreate a well-defined ground-floor peaeitrian to the general heiqht should be given to - emphasis to overcome the canyon effect.',floor that has many !o Create pedestria"n For these reasons,:r addition. Hiltls 4- 8/8/84 The Hil'l Buildinq has.a.vgry well defineo groundof the elements siggested bv"il,.'.on'iij"ration _focus--awnings, buiidins. jo"ss; ;dil;;;.I space.stre.et e1cl9lure rs tmpact6o.,il.iffi;iy'by the E. Street Edge No impact. All additions r' ^ 'r..r. trul torng Height impact I. Sun/Shaite are on the second floor. A In CCI "up to 60% ot.the buildinS may qg,built to a height of 33 feetor ress and no more than +oz ri"irt.-'nrl,oing may be higher than 33ffiil;tl|t.lot hisher ttran +5 iu"i.'- ite existing heishis or the Hirl ,East side: 34 feet t, chimney 3g feettWest sjde: 24 feet t, cf,imnei i; i;;.= The proposed addition.will_have a height of 31.5 feet. The heightis wer within the arlowinrii-r.,"iir.,il'"ih* n"* roof wiil be a pitchedroof' It will reflect ttre iame ii'i.rr and materials of the rower roof. Views and Focal points The bedroom addition will impact views when 100king up at the skimountain from vitage plizi'ffi"il$"irf*ng uact at the Virage fromthe smatt plaza behind uie-Hii'i iliiittrg'adjacent to rhe Goioen peaknouse' This view is,noi a,gg:isfi;;i'iiew to-be preserved under rhe urbanff.;fl: !illo;,i]il;, The-aadiiioiii"i,pi.t [].rl Fk*,away from the view i:,;i*:ii:tli;i3' fi?, i ff ;tt; tnlij"if;; otru;r:i;,,0*,H :ff";ifu;ii,..., Service and DeliveryH. No The consideration states that ,,at.new or expanded buildings shourdnot substantially incrlase ttr. ip"i;;"ril lan shadow patt6rn on adjacentpropertr.es or on the putiic n.0.il.,,,ir,.,,]aiirign w!ll i.ncrease rhesun,/shade shadow betwben r,r.r.r,-iiit ilii liir*oer 2rst by 7 feet.The-additionat striJe'ii:l tr .pp..i;ilri.iJ'*u square feet and is rocated' in the pedeJt"iiii-"irlway on.thb'il;;ffi;t corner of the buirdins.L The-area-serves is a p.ui,strian-wiJ,-ilri'io.r_not have any sittingaregi: Because the sbice_it ,i"J-iirv"ior"u.peoestrian way, theadditional srraae-itrouij nuu. a minimal impact. Hil-lds -4- 8/8/84 $;t,' This proposal comp'It11 wiftr \he GRFA requirements iorlI9 !"w,roof overhangs extendi,oier rhb nr^^h6F+r, .r;-^ l,H"llo t i cant - r i i'i"i" i ulj=l" r ;;;;".ff ill!:;:il. t iff_ the property. Theapproximately 2 feet.the adjacent property V. ZONI Minimum Al I owed Pro tatistics - g,000 6,400 sf sf Irv(,a ) |Exlsttng 3rd Fl,oor , ,696 sf1 4,779 sf Stajrtv€t I deducd\on _ 372 sf'\', lotat txi.t-i;a npri\. A AE1 ^.r Bedroom- add.i tion , Deck. enclosure Total Proposed GRFA 5,'I ^c| 5t Allowed GRFA Proposed GRFA Remain'ing GRFA 6, 5;541 859 ov'/ner. .,..-.'''.*.'.1.:+'"*.*=-.:- VI.STAFF RECOMMENDATION staff recommends aooroval of this propos?]...-g!-tjngunt upon the applicantmeeting the enginebi^'ing.conceini. 'ihE"uiew.impacts and.additionar 40 sq ftor snade, whi'te not poiitiu"-ioi'tn""io*u"itv, -ire .orriii..a to be minimairmpacts' Each oroiect should r" .Jri."!d-against every consideration. Thepfoject either iras'no or minrmii i;;;;'.. supports *ri, uroan Design considera_trons' Because the overari.p;9j";;T;ia91 is positive, stafr reconrnendsf,liiil'lntilii,ffi';:h,,i;i, i;fi '?i.Hji "uflijij:l';i:1ru: must be reso, ved l. ?::il:g: yiil le^i.nside of buildins.:. rmprovement survey --.'-.'.: : if;:Tiff;l:|;;"i--.r permit for existins improvement in4' f!;i3l'lT'lirll.;l'1'3;:ii;.ff,x1il be resorved by an asreement I Project Application Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr€ss and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval Project Applicatlon Proiect Name:Hill Building Expansion Date 0B /L6 / B4 Hill Building ExpansionProject Description: Contact Person and Jay K. Peterson 476-0092 Owner, Address and Phone:Blanche C. HilI, 311 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 47 6-5542 Architect, Address and phone: Beardslev Associates Archi-tects 13 South Te on Street, rinqs, CO 80 Legal Description: Lot L Block. 5C ritinsVail Vif laqe lst ,76ns CCI commenls: A11 materials and colors to be used will match the exi-stinq Design Review Board n Motion by: Ko?Vf-t seconded r fnarupf,0 Date DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E statr Approval l. ADDENDUM TO PROJECT APPLICATION FOR DRB(Blanche C. Hirl) Roofs Form: Pitch: Overhand: Composition: Stepped Roofs: Materials: Construction: 2. Fascades Materials: Color: Transparency: trrTindows: Doors: 'l'r t-m : Gable 3.5/r2 4 feet a\/era.rp: fascia is thick and wide Varied but simpl" "o*poi=ition of roofplanes to enhance existing roof pJ-anes. Roofs are stepped to reflect variationsin height. Built-up roof wj-th gravel to matchexisting. Attention has been paid to insure thatroofs will drain to the interior of thebuilding (drains being currently inplace) with a snow melt system where needed. Current exterior drains on north and west portion of the building will be replaced with interior drains. Board and bat to match existing. Blue/gray with white trim to match exi sting. Littl-e transparency because additionis on second and third floors. Moreprivacy is needed because addition isresidential and, therefore, less open. Windows are to match existing. Wood patio doors and style and railindividual doors to match existinq. Cedar painted white to match exi-sting. Trim is used as a framing el-emenL toprovide visual interest. 3. Balconies Cofor: Blue/gray to match existing. Size: Ner,,/ north side balcony is 10' x 12, and 7t6" x 3t6". lrlew balcony off bedroom addition is 12' x 10r6". I.lass: I,lassive yet transparent to allow thebuilding to be somewhat visible behind. Materials: Cedar post with narrow cedar rails to match existinq. Constructj_on: New balcony floors are roofs ofexisting structure. 4. Decks and Patios NA 5. Accent ELements Existing awnings and canopies wj-1l remain except as modified by theaddition or west balcony. 6. Landscape Elements NA "7. Service NA 2. I INTER-DTPARTMENTAL REVI EI.l PROJ ECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: DATE OF PUBLICE HEARING: Date; Date: Date: Date: O Eow . /g'vrnrr f-sz - l2,tgr, ,- flzo Pe-rztv' Q!./ p.-u; ALn)-,,u? # 4ccfi el t $ /t^t|- e>'J(?'o/T{tl rn('t"'/J o*' 7 o iF< ( uo taro oaex- If k-G| $) Z'Uc, FJ<z4e'x' €\Jc'Eo'+cr/zo+ <.2- f S -94a 't <-P Ze- 4 cr c)t'/6>c '74zov,< T,f€ f r*4 rze 1:ra <J C>// 4cfeXo r- FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: TOWN ATTORNEY Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: Date: o Bu ilding Expansion LI J'o F trH fdR lrlLS li,\l'Jt: 1)ii i't(0,;iicl'ftlt_L LI;(:Al, DI:l;Clttl)'fl0N: L0'l'L UI,OCK 5c tjl. tlic Vail village lst L)l:scl{ll,,fl(l;'l ol; PR(}JI;C'f Expansion of Bedroom and Greenhouse Addition Thc fol lor',ing infornatjorr islloard bcl'ore a final approval A. BltlLnIi{(; MA1'ERIALS Iioo f Siding Other ltal l lvlateri.al s Fas c ia Soffits Windows Itlindow Trirn Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flash:'ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhorrs es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS reqlr ir.cd for subrni.ttal by can be givcn: Type of lrllrterial thc applicent to thc Dcsign llcvielv Built-up roof with gravel. surface to matchEFfs-ttn Ecgtd and bat, stained blue/gray to match exr_st'rng Extension of existinq Galvanized metal painted charcoal to match exr_ st't_ng None Common Name Color Cedqr (post and narrow rail_) painted blue/gray -=.-__. to match e*lSE - NA TREiS Botanical Name NA Quantj ty Si ze None Cedar painted white to match exi_sting Cedar palnted white to match existing Wood (Pe11a)inted white to match existinq Cedar painted whj-te to match existing Wood (Patio) and style and rail single Cedar painted white to match existing Used brick to match existinq Beardsley Associates Architects L-635-1421 SHRUBS NA GROUND NA COVERS SEED TYPE NA TYPE OF NA SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE FOOTAGE SQUARE F0oTAGE SOD NA IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD NA OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. NA COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE OUARANTEE COMPANY l|i Land Tith.Gu";"olt".?rco'o"t 108 So. Frontage Rd. West Vail, Colorado 81658 Representing: f rrr-r I nrsu naruc e f, o rvr nar.rv or lfl r r.r ru EsorA ,tJeleIcaS_,=z.r-6re_ vrosiNNr[1ll ro rr'rvarnrof rcNvunsN I nrrl racg.;o Burleptp,r e ,(q pou8tsralunot uoqlr\ prp^ eq ol'V einper{rs ul u^\ogs a}?p oqt uo srotuJo oluneror{ eq ol lees pue alueu alerod:oc sll posnec seq elosauulq 3o ,{ueduro3 oJuernsul aFII ',troluu8rs paz oqtnB roqlo ro pezuoqinB ^lnp slr ^q poxuJe .COAUAHA\ SSANIIA\ NI 'lustul uluoJ srql fq pore,roc uoereql eBeSuotu lo lsoJalul Jo alelso oqt enF^ roJ plocor 3o salnbce pernsur pesodord oql rlup oql 01 JorJd lnq Joeraq alup e^tltoJJo oql o1 luanbasqns 3utqre11e to splocer cqqnd aqt ur Surreodde lsru 'paluarc ',{u? Jr '$e}l8ur rsqlo ro srurel3 asra^pE 'soouEjqtun3uo 'suoll 'slceJec S 'sprocar c11qnd oqi ,{q u,uoqs lou pue ,r\?l {q pesodur 'psqsrurnJ rog?aroq ro e.roJo}eregl Fualeiu Jo Joq?[ 'socl^ros roJ 'uall e o1 1q3u ro 'ua11 ,{uy 'n 'sprorar rqqnd aq1 ,{q u,lrioqs lou eJE qJlq/t\ puB ssoltslp plno.n sastrue:d eql Jo uollJedsur pue ,(arr.rns lcarJoJ E qrtq/$ slceJ ,{uu puz 'slueurqceorcue 'eore ur aSelroqs'seuq frzpunoq ut slcluuoJ 'selJuedoJJslq '€ 'sprocor cqqnd eq1 fq umoqs 1ou 'sluoures?o Jo stulBlt ro 'siuoluosBg '7 'sprocat c1lqnd aql ,{q u,uoqs 1ou uolssessod ut satlred;o srurelc ro s1q31g 'l :8uno11og agl ol lcalqns osl? sr luotlltr,uuroJ slt{l 'ol perreJel eaoqu a3era,ro3 uo4 suorsnlcxg pue suorlelndqg pue suorltpuoJ rql 14 pal48luoc slallEu aql ol uoJllppu ul SNOIIdSSXI OUVONVIS 'lseulluuloJ sIr{l Jo suors!^ord aqt ot tcefqns are pu? uo ptseq aq lsnu lueullutujo3 slql fq pate,roc uoataql a8eSgour oql Jo snlels aql ro lseralq ro elelsa eql ol ellll eql Jo snl?ls eql Jo lno Erirsuz ,,{ueduro3 aqtlsurets iq.rq ,(uru ro e,riq ,(uur pamsril pasodord ag1 1uq1 uopte Jo slq8P Jo suollsz :o uol}ce ,{uV 'i 'ureJeq pelJlpolu ,{lsserdxa se ldacxa luou$guu.to3 srql Jo ued E eppu pue acuaraJer i(q palurodrocur ,{qa.raq are qJIq_A\ palnsul pasodord aql Jo ro^EJ u.l roJ-pallluJ .uro" iegcllod ro ,{irlod go urirg aqf;o a8ere,r63 urorj suo;snlcxa aqt'pue suoltzlndrls pu? suoltlpuoC eql pu? suolsl^ord trnrnsut aqt q iifqns s1 ,,fi1qeq qcns !uz'ro; peprurur-oc saicllod ro-,(cq1od all roJ v elnpews u pat?ls lunous aql paecxa i(1!1qeq qcns Ipqs luarre ou ul 'luarulturuo3 qq1 ltq peJe oJ uoalerll a8uSlroru ro lselalw ro aletse eql a]?aJJ ro arlnbcs o] (r) ro 'g aFpar{ts of riroo,t, suopdacxa et?urullo ol (q) ro goeraq sluaurarrnbar eql qll^r ,(1duoc og (u) qlpJ pooS ut EullzgaPun ul uotreq etuull -al u poJJn3uI ssol pnlc? ro; {po pu8 roJ pallTuJuroc sa;c11od ro fc11od Jo urroJ ogt u! parnsul _Jo uorllulJap 3ql rapun paPnlo -rn sarired qcns pud pernsuf palod6rd pauriu aql ot Iluo aq [[sqs luoulluru]oC sr-ql :apun ,(ueduro3 aq1 jo ,(11tqei1 't 'suorlepdrgg pu? suolllpuo3 aseql Jo t qderBrred ol luensrnd perrntur ,(pnon-erd I11pqe11 urory {uedruo3 eql a aJler lou 1?r{s }uarupueu? qcns rnq lriau1frocci luaurlruru:o3 slqi Jo g elnpaqts puaure ,(uur uriiirio'ill 1u -rtueduro3-aq1''ra11eri reqlo io -ruw1c aira,rpe 'acuurquncu5 'u5q 'lca;ap qe_ns i(ue go e8pa;,trow1 1en1ce sertnbce esvrr -raq1o ,(uedruo3 aql g ro 'fu8druoC eql o1 aSpal,roul rlrns esolosrp n?qs parnsul pasodord aq1 31 'a8pelmool qrns asolcslp os ol perirsul paeodold iqi 3o arnpe3 ,{q pa5pnfard s1 ,{uedriroJ aqi rualxa aqt ot uoareq aru?Jler Jo 1ce {ue uror; Euplnsar e8eurep ro ssol fue rog,(trpqe;1 uorJ pe^aflar aq geqs fueduro3 eql'tullrrn ur {ueduro3 eqt o} e?pal/t\oDl qrns asolcslp ol ltBJ Bqs puB .yoara! g epiaqi$ q';mo,ir'"roqr ucql rarpo luau:11uruio3 sJrp r(q poraaoc uoaraql a€e8lrou ro lsarolur ro oleTo eqt Eupca;3e r-o11erureq1o ro ulzlc es.la,rpe'acuzrqurircua''uaq '1ca3ap ,{ue go'a8p61,r'ou1 pnlce sarmboe ro seq Pemsul pesodord aql 31 'Z 'luaurnrlsur ,{lgnras roqlo ro'peep lsrul'lsnrtJo peap epnlcq 1?qs'uoraq pasn utq {'..a3et1roru,, urre} oqJ. 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F,A!:jp: ,i. r,,-i, f{l..ll.t:: ; j: -ii:.l"1tl; .,::r:i. ;,:":j 1-r i.:: F: i: t::-i. f}{lFi!:.ti::L. :,:j ( TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Pl anning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 8, .t984 A-request for exterior alterations for the HillBlock 5C, Vail Village lst Filing to add secondspace. Applicant: Blanche C. HiIl Bui'ldi ng on Lot L,floor residential I. THE PROPOSAL II.COMPLIANCE l^JITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF CCI ZONE. III.E9MPLIANCE WITH E URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILLAGE The.applicant, Blanche Hil1, is-requesting to build a 720 square foot bedroomaddition that would create i ttrtra'tevet 6n tne eiistini wJst end of the Hi1Building. She would also like to enclose an existing aeit irea. The enclosed9"gf'ir approximately 370 square teei ina ir located on the west side of theDUlJqlng'on the second floor- Two decks wil'l also be added onto exjsting flat roofslocated off the new bedroom Purpose: The commercial core I district is intended to prov.ide sites and tomaintain the unique character of the Vail Vilfage -omreriiai a""u, with itsmixture of.lodges and commerctar eiiaoiishmenti"in-t p;il;intntrv peJJsiiianenvironment. The commercial core I district is intenbed to ensure adequate lisll:.,1]l:^ol:l slace, and othei imeniiies approp.iate t0 the perm.itted types9I-gurrolngs and uses. .The district regu'lations in accordance with the Vaiivillage urban desiqn guide ptan-ina-aeiign consiaerations prescribe site develop-ment. standards thai aie intendea io "nrrie the maintenance and preservation ::.,tfrij9ht1v_clusterea.aruangem.rti "i buirdings iionling-on pedestrianwaysdnq.puDllc greenways, and to ensure continuation of the Uuitainb scale and irchi-tectural qualities that distinguish ihe-viitage. This proposal is in compliance with the intent of the zoning for the CCI district. This proposa] relates to the sub-area concept #14 for the village plaza (now Founders,Plaza).uFeature area paving treatment, central focal point visible from Gore creekDrive. Major land iorm/p1 antins in-No"ttwest ior quiet corner, with evergreen:::g::-ptllljls tl defihb west 6ase. -r,larr Street siuiis,-*ifi,-mia:r'evei jos-tanolng, opens entry areato Laziei Arcade shops,', ' The proposal will obstruct the view of Golden Peak from the t4.|all Street stairal99 (:ee view section). rn 0fi,""'respJcts, the proposar does not confrictwith the plan for Vi[ige ptaii.- '--'" Hi 1t -2- eleleq IV.COMPLIANCE I,IITH URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATION FOR VAIL VILLAGE o The purpose of the comparison between theto show how the new design strengthens orof the design considerations. proposal detracts and from considerations is the overall intent Pedestri an i zati on:A i:r The bedroom addition.and deck encrosure wirl have minimar, if any,impact on pedestrianization. Vehicle Penetration: No impact Streetscape Framework: Because the additions are located on the second floor, there willbe little irpuc!-gn_lhe quaiiiv-or-il,e walking experience in respectto landscapino and grounci levei commerciar iniirr.- ftre'quarity ofthe, pedest.iai expei'ience wiii ue-impa-c_ted by additionar shade on thenorthwest corner or tne builaing on:r,liii-st"6"i *i'l'iJ.rage of the viewof the mountain. D. Street Enclosure: The consideration states that "an external enclosure is most comfortablewhere its wails are. approximateiv ilz-ur-r,i;r;-;;-ii,; "iou, ot th.spgce enc'losed." The enclosed dick should not-irpact'iie street enclosurenegativerv. The existing roof (on tte west iiae 6i-ir,i"Hiii eririi'rg)""'=is approximatelv_24 feet't rrigh. -"rhe pedestiiin wuv-ui"res between25 feet l to 35 feet i.- ih.'Eiirtiiig roof is atready greater than thedesired ratio. The new "di h;i;hil:t.s feet, wiil maxe the ratioeven greater. However' the consideration states that,'in some instances, the,canyon,effect'is even desirable--ur i-sr'o"l connecting rinkage between largerspaces to give variety to the walking spaces.',- The n6w tn.i ra revetwill create more of ai enctoiei pedestrian way that wilr connect viilaqePlaza with the open plaza-in-irof,i-ot the Gondola building,s ticket aria. The consideration states that "when exceptionsllilgria occur, special aeiign iJnrij.rition,create a well-defined ground"ftoor peJeitrlan to the general heiqht should be given to - emphasis to overcome Hirfrag 4- a/B/84 the canyon effect." Ih* Hiil Buirding has.a.very weil defined groundfloor that has manv of the erementi iigt.rtua by"the .oniii..utionto create pedestria-n focus--awnings, buiiaing jogs, commercial space.l:[,ti;;: reasons, sreet "ncroiiri ii'irpait.i"ilritil;ii',y the E. Street Edge No impact. All additions are on the second floor. F. Bui lding Height In CCI ,,up to 60% of theor tess and no more thanfeet,.but not higher thanBuilding are: building may be bujlt to 40% of the building may 43 feet. The exiitinq a height of 33 feet be higher than 33 heights of the Hitl The height be a pitched the lower roof. feet t, chimney 38 feettteet t, shimney 28 feett The proposed addition_will have a height of 31.5 feet.is well within the ailowabf l-f,.:gt,i. ''ii. n." roof witlroof. It will reflect tfre iame iii.n and materiats of Views and Focal points East side: 34 West side: 24 ( u. H. I. The bedroom addition wiil impact views when looking up at the skimountain from Vi rlage,plaza ano *rren iooking back it-ir,"'viilage fromthe small praza uerrina tt'"-Hii'i iiiiiiirs adjacent to the Gorden peakhouse' This view is-noi i ;;;is;;i; iiew to_ne preserved under the urbanDesign Guide ptan. rne aoaiiioi;'i"irpi.t wilr take away from the viewof the ski mountain 19.3 4t!"i; ;"i;;;.- ;il;r;;i;l"to'ii,," overarlcontribution of the Hitt eu$idirg-l,i-ii" pedestrian experience the impactsare somewhat offset. Service and Delivery No impact Sun/Shade The consideration states that "at new or expanded buirdings shouldnot substantialry increase the_iprins"una falr shadow pattdrn on adjacentproperties or on the publi.c R.0.l..l. ifrJ"aAaition will increase thesun/shade shadow betwben uarch 2iit ani septemuer 2rst by 7 feet.The.additional.shade,area is ipproiirriely 40 square feet and is rocatedln the pedestrian walkway on ti.rb norlhwesi corner of the UuitOing.The area serves as a-pedistriun-wav,-uri Uo", not have any sittingareas' Because the space is used i,nrv-io. a peaestiiinl"uvl *,.additionat shade shouiJ-;u;; ;-;;";;;i .irou.r. Hilftao -4- B/s/84 V. ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS Project Statistjis Mjnimum Side Area: 8,000 Allowed GRFA: 6,400 Existing 2nd F]oor 4,082 sfExisting 3rd Ftoor .#jf Stairwell deduction- 372 sf Total Existing GRFA 4,451 sf Bedroom addition Deck enclosure Total Proposed GRFA 5,54] sf -c5l 5l 720 sf 370 sf Allowed GRFA Proposed GRFA Remaining GRFA VI. STAFF RECOMMENDATION 6,400 sf 5,54] sf 859 sf This proposal complies with the GRFA requirements for the property. Thetwo new roof overhangs.extend_over the property tine afpioiimatetv 2 feet.The applicant has reieived a retter-oi Sgrbemeirt rrom the iajaceni F"op""ivowner. staff recommends approval of this proposar contingent upon the applicantmeeting the.enginebiing concerns. 'Thb view impac[i ina'iJaitiona] 40 sq ft-of shade, while not poiitive for the iommunity, ."" ionsiJ"red to be minimalimpacts. .Each project shourd be reviewed agai;si ev""v-.oniideration. Theproject ejther has no or minimal impact or iupports thi urban Design consiJera-tions. Because the overalt_project' impact is' bositive, itiit recommendsapproval. of. the project. Rti rown or Viji ;si.il;jil'.oni.rn, must be resotvedbefore the buitding permit wiil be issued. rfre rssuei inliro", l. ?I3i!ug. wilt be inside of bui.ldins.z. lmprovement survev3- Revocable right-oi-way permit for existing improvement inthe riqht-of-wav4. Encroaihment "l-nol overhangs will be resolved by an agreement'letter of adjacent property 6wner. ( ( ( d I INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVI El,|l PROJECT:7z-c- 4j /,4"4-1rz-J DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by; Comments: {'",F d,livrc-\e. FI RE DEPARTMENT ../ Reviewed by: /Z:5a2" Date ,72 "e-*4 tZ"'- ) -f r-3 ,ezzza€ Z--e 7: <:- e. POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date tu* \.''..--'1"_'..,"4, ,ht=nli,|\ f'l' lt "nu<[ {)r^.n- /1.,1 j')|..q- hrt,-\ r1ic.'t RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by; Comments: Date Date o}pplication May 27, LgBs APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS oR MODTF]CATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I (CCI) This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhieh adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outd.oor patio oireplacement of an existing building sha1l be subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Blanche C. Hill PHONE 476-5542 B.NAI\,IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jav K. pererson ADDRESS p.O. Box 3149. Vail . CO 81658 PHONE 476-0092 NAME 0F 0[^INER (prin SIGNATURE I. c.) nlanche C. Hill ADDRESS 3lt Bridge Street, Vqi1, CO 81657 D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI PHONE 476-5542 ADDRESS 311 Bridgq Srreet, Vail reet . Vail. CO 81 E.FEE F ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lor I, Btock 5C Vail Village First $100.00 PAID r1\lq ) [e'f l IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OF BUILDING AND ANY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY IMPROVEMENTS ON THE I,AND. /.'5o4 LINES A$ID LOCATION A LIST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF ATL PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT PROPERTY and thei r ma i f .ing addresses . rr' Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A' The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24,' x 36', at a scaleof 1" = 2O' i a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Community Development Department, if justified; G. I Application folxterior Alterarion or r,rof. CCI page 2 B. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shovm on the site Plan; C. The existing topographic character of the site including exisbing and proposed contours. This condition will only be requred for an expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; D. The Location and size of all existing and proposed buildings' struc- tures and i-mprovements; E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of all existing and proposed buildings' structures and patios or decks. III. The applicant sha1l submit in written and graphic form, a preponderance of evi<lence before the Planning and Environmenlal Commissj-on that the proposa] is in conformance with the purposes of the CCI District and. that the proposal subsLantially complies with the Vaj-1 Viilage Urban Design Guide Plan. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change.in the Vail Village Urban Design. Guide PIan, the procedures for change are noted in Section L8.24.22Q (B). IV. The applicant'must a1 so submj-t wriLten and graphic supporting materials that the proposal substantially corlpl"ies \^rith the fol-lowinq U::ban Design Considerations section of the Vail- Vi],lage Design Considerati-on' A. PedestriilnizationB. Vehicle Penetration C. Streetscape FrameworkD. St.reet Enclosure E, Street EdgeF. Building Heightc. ViewsH. Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above items .should'be addressed in some giraphic means using sucir tools as sketches. simulations, models (including neighboring buildings) , photos, etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCr also describes other zoning issues that the applicant. must respond to in written or graphic form. VL Applications for exterior alteratj-ons or moclificatio;rs in CCI catr' are only reviewed semi-annually. They need to be submj-tted before. the fou.rth Monday of May.or November. For more specifics on thereview schedule, see Section L8.24.065 A-5. o ADDENDUM APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR I"IODIFICATION I. Conformance with the Purposes of the CCI District. As stated in Section L8.24.010, the Commercial Core I District is intended to provide sites and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Village commercial area with its mixture of lodges, residential dwellings and commercial establishments in a predominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core I District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District Regulatj-ons, in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design considerations, prescribe site deveropment standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural- guarity that distinguish the Village. The proposed alteration centers around a minor addition to the existing building: A partial enclosure of an existing deck area which will help solve an existing snow build-up problem, not only for the second-floor residents in the Hill Buitding, but also for the commercial space on the qround Ievel. Since the proposed alteration is an extension and enhancement of an existing use, the urban Design Guide ptan wilr not be changed in any respect, but made more effective. fI . Vail Village Urban Design Considerations As They Apply to Proposed Alterations. A. Pedestrianization. The proposed. alteration which encloses a portion of the deck on the second floor of the Hirl Buildi-ng wil-r further facilitate and enhance pedestrianization bet\'reen the Hill Building and one Vail- place by reducing the amount of drifting snow in the pedestrian way. B. Vehicle penetration. The proposed alteration provid.es for no additional points of vehicle penetration, nor wil-1 the addition create more vehicular trips into CCf. C. Streetscape Framework. The proposed new addition wil-l have littre effect on the streetscape framework, except in a positive sense in that snow buil-d-up in a pedestrian way wirl be lessened by the semi-enclosure on the west side of the buirding. The addition witl provide an enhancement to the variety of open and enclosed spaces, which will create a strong framework for pedestrian warks, as welr as, visual- interest and activity. D. Street Enclosure. From Design Considerations, Section D, Street Enclosure, we guote the fotlowing: "while building facade heights should not beuniform from building to fuifAing, theyshould provide a comfortable enciosure- forthe st,reet. ,' and "Pedestrian streets are outdoor rooms, whosewalls are formed by the buitdings. the shapeand feel of these rooms are created by the variety of heights and massing (three dimentional_ variations) which qive much ofthe visual interest and pedestiian scaleunique to Vail_. " rn respect to the new proposed addition and the structures around it, both existing and proposed., which will define and create this space, the increased height for that section of the Hill Building (which is approximately 23 feet above ground level) will provide the enclosure for the short connecting linkage between l_arger spaces, i.e. the Plaza Area and vail Mountain. The new height of that section of the Hilr Building will stil1 be considerably less than what is arlowed in ccr. Roof rines at the completion of the addition will be a combination of frat and pitched roofs which currentl-y exist and which will be added. The proposed additions have no effect on street edge, in that all additions are on the second floor of the existing buil-ding. The existing buirding, along with the proposed alteration, wirr provide irregurar facade l-ines ' building jogs and landscaped areas which give rife to the street and visual interest for pedestrian travel . E. Buil_ding Height. The maximum proposed height for the proposed addition is 23 feet above street rever. one vail Place is 40 feet in height, the main Lodge building is 56 feet in height and the new addition proposed for the Lodge, carled the rnternational" wing, wirl be a two and three-story mix, with a maximum height on the south side of 40 feet. The Zoning Cod.e Section r.8.24.120 defines the height requirements for CCI , and all proposed heights are well below the reguirements specified in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan and Desiqn Considerations. 7 F. Views. There wil-l_ be no impact on views. c. Sun Shade Consideration. The sun shade study prevj-ously provided shows no effect on the Village plaza area. In sunmaryr as Vail Vill_age Design Considerations state: "The Design Considerations are intended toserve as guideline design parameters. Theyare not seen as rigid ruLes or cookbookdesign elements to bring about a homogeneous appearance in Vail ." The intention of the proposed alteration is to address the spirit of Vail as it exists and to enhance and extend that spirit by improving residential living in commercial core r and to sorve snow build-up areas in pedestrian ways. 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 27, 1985 ollice of the town manager }: Thank_you.for your corunents regarding the reguested addition !0 ll'l Bridge Street (Hilt BuiTding). This dpplication was denied by the Planning and Environmental Commiision on September 23rd. The applicant has appealed this decision.This item will be heard by the Town bbuncil on 0ctober 15at their regular evening meeting. Dave StarkDistrict Ranger, Holy Cross Ranger DistrictP.0. Box .|90 Minturn, Colorado 81645 Re: Hi'lI Building Dear Dave: Si nc Ri ck Town Pl a nner RP: bpr {.- misleading. After discussion by Council, Kent Rose maoe was seconded by Gail l^Jahrl.i ch-Lowenthal . A unanimously 6-0. Page 9, Section 4, first sentence chanoed toeach Bond upon presentation and surrenjer atPaying Agent. (4a^<J4 /d// {/ss' read: ... registered owner ofthe principai office of the The taxable property upon wh.i ch series of Outstanding Bonds is or expanded buildings should shadow pattern on adj acent I tt-- ---- Page 6, last paragraph changed to read: ... of moneys legally avai'l ablefor allocation by the Tor^rn, including imounts on deposit in reserve fundsfor the 0utstand'i ng Bonds. as a suppiement to the proceeds of the Bonds,for the purpose of paying the pr.i ncipal of. premium if any, and interest onthe 0utstanding Bonds at their respective maturit.i es or dlsignated pr.i orredemption dates. .+. ( Page 11, last sentence changed to read: ... owner upon presentation andsurrender at central Bank of Denver, a banking cor"poration, in Denver.Coi orado. ori ts successor, as pay.i ng Agent. Page 28. Section 24 A. changed to read:levies are being made for payment of each'i denticai, and the ... 6. Page 30, insert after Section 27 an additional section to read: Section 28.0fficial Statement. The prel im.i nary 0fficial Statementdated__..-:-:-_'t985.relatingtothe.issuanceoftheBondsishereby authorized and approved. The Toin council hereby authorizes thepreparation and distribution of a final Official statement., and anyAddendum thereto as may be necessary (the "0fficial Statement,'), uv ttre lyl:h?t:"_in conjunction wjth an ofier of the Bonds to the public. TheOfficial Statement shall contain any addit.i onal or updated information sothat it will not contajn any untrue statement of a materjal fact or omjt tostate a mate.i al fact necessary in order to make the statements madetherein. in light of the ci rcumstances in which they were made. not a motion to approve the ordinance, which vote was taken and the motjon passed The next jtem was action q1_{qq_qgfldjlC !4estrian easement and encroachmentagreement. Kristan pritz g ur.nt ina-|f,"easement. She noted that Larry Eskwith had reviewed both documents and that staffrecommends approval . Jay peterson and otto stork gave their thoughts on thedocuments. After much discussion by Council, Kent Rose made a roiion to approve thelicense agreement and easement. Gall Wahrl ich-Lowenthal seconded the motion. Avote rr'a s taken and the motion passed unanimouslv 6_0. The fifth jtem on the agenda was the apoeal foral rerati on. Ri ck Pylman detai I ed i nformati on ondenial . He also noted the following findings; the.Hill buildinq exterior the appeal and why he recommends 1. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban DesignGuide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site develofiment standaristhat are intencied to jnsure the maintenance and preservation of the tight,iyclustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestr.i an ways and publicgreenways and to insure contjnuation of the building scale andarch itectural qual .i ti es that di sti ngui sh the V.i l 1aqi. ?. The purpose of ihe comparison between the proposal and Consideratjons is toshow how the new design strengthens or detracls from the overalI jntent ofthe Design Consideratjons. 3- The Design Considerat.i on states that "alI newnot substantially jncrease the spring or fallproperties or on the public right-of-way. " Jay Peterson, representing Blanche Hill, gave reasons why the appeal shou.l d beapproved' Peter Patten-further explajned reasons to deny the appeal . After mucndiscussion by council, cclleen Kline made a motion to apirove the appeal andoverturn the PEC decision. Hermann Staufer seconded the motion. A vote was takenand the motion fai Ied 2-4, with Mayor Johnston. Kent Rose, Gail l,,lahrlich-Lowenthal,and Dan Corcoran opposing. The next ite; r.;as the appointment of election judges for the regular Municipalelectjon on llovember 19. 1985. The suggested juoies u1.r"-Citny Rossi, Joan carnie -?- t PRESENT Diana Donovan Duane P j-pe r Sid Schultz .tlm Viele ABSENTffitterot Tom Br iner Pam Hopkins STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Tom BraunKristan Pri tzRick Pylman -t. the The 2- PIann j. ng and Envj-ronmentaL Commi ssion September 23, 1985 1985. A seconded mot].on to approveby Diana Donovan. approved 4-0. intment ot member to DRB tor October, November, December. Dlana Donovan nominated ron Briner to be the new Design ReviewBoard member for Octoberr November and December. Duane p j-per vo-lunteered to be the al-ternate member. Thi-s was approved 4-o. Are uest for ra E 10n in order to add a thr. rdscorto the '.4 |r]-dge Stree t.App can t :anc e H]'I -r. Rick Pylman gave the staft presentation for the Hill_ Buirdingaddition. The applicantr B.1-anche C. Hilt, is requesting toencrose 43a square feet ot deck space on the r^rest side ot thesecond tloor ot the HiIl Buitding and to add a thirct storyaddrtion ot Lr-[42 square feet. The proposed th].rd story additionis Located at the southwest area ot the buj-lding. ?he staft'sprimary concerns were with the proposalrs impact on Sun,/Shade andstreet Enclosure. staff recommended deniar of the proposa-t.staff fe-Lt that the project was not in compl-iance with the vailvill-age Design considerations by its effect upon street EncLosureancl by the addltionai shadi.ng due to the bulk ano mass ot thedesign. fn the staff's opinion, the design made very littleattempt to respect the street Enclosure Design considerations orto maintain the original design of the plaza area. The additionot a two-story el-ement' total-ling three storles gor.ng straight upfrom the property line at the Iocation ot the existing deckcompromi ses the open feellng ot the southern edge ot this plazawhich is the major gateway to Vail Vi. llage. Approva -t minutes ot September g m].nute6 was were made by Jim VieLe and,minutes (-I 'Jay Peterson, representatlve ot the appLicant, made a presentation as to r.rhy the proposa f was a positive improvement to the Vlllage. Jay Peterson 6tated that the hatt to one ratio for Street Encl-osurestated in the Urban Design Considerations was very ditticuit to achj-eve. He stated that the canyon area which has a ratio of .8'/ to L really is only about 5 feet in length. He felt that this area really d1d not have a great impact on the overalL piaza. ile stated that a pedestrian focus wouLd be maintained by the awninq on the we6t side ot the Hill Bu j..t ct]-ng facade. tle d j"ct not f eel that the proposal created a solid lraIt area and also that the upper decks wouLd have f l-or^rer boxes and nould add to the pedestrian experience on the \"re€t side of the building. With respect to the Sun,/Shade consideration, Jay peterson fett that the Sun,/Shade issue real-fy onfy had to be addressed aL Lzrgfl noon. tlay Peterson had submitted a Sun,/Shade analysls that began at nine and went on into the afternoon. Jay agreecl that shade was substantially increased during the hours ot 9 and 19 in thernorning. Howeverr in the afternoon he pointed out that noj,ncrease ot 6hade occurred. He adcled that staf t's suggestion to shift the addition over to the east side of the building would be very ditficuLt due to structura-I probLems r possrbl€ vien encroach- ments on the view corridor, and a slmilar sun./shade probl-em' Jay stated that Vail Associates had no probLem v/rth the deck overhang- ing onto Vail Associates' property. According to Jayl Larry Llchiiter said that the additional shade may aftect snow remova-l and skiers during a port j.on of the morningr but in genera-I , he had no ma]or probJems with the proposal. Jay pointed out that in his opinion the existing approved plan blocked vie$rs up to the skr mountain much more than the new proposal. He emphasized that the new pLan was trying to respect the vr.evt corrrclor. He gave examples ot many bu j. ldings in Tor.tn which he felt had significant impacts on the street encLosure- The A & D Building and Wa]l Street we.re mentioned as examples of enclosures similar to the type of street enclosure that would be proposed r^rith the HiJ.l Building exterror alteratlon. He emphasized that Mrs. Hill trants to simpl-y maintain a viable residence in Commercial Core I. She is not asking for a maximum height or a maximum GRFA. rTim Vi.ele found it hard to believe that the sun v.ta s in the area of the plaza on December 2Lst at 9:90 am. It seemed to VieLe that the sun r"rould probably be behind the mountain at this time on December 2lstr the longest day of the year. Jay responcled thatr Y€sr thls area 1s catchlng sun on December 2Lst. Vlele stated that there were good arguments on both the applicant's as hre1l as statt's side ot the issue. He felt strongly that the applicant had an inherent right to develop the property. He stated that he was inc-Lined to vote for approval" ot the project. Duane Piper questioned why the northeast portion of the building r.rhich was at three stor].es was not at exactly the aame helght as l the third story additron-_ Jay peterson responded by saying thatthe os/ner did not r"rant to cut into the vaulted ceiting- aiiecttybelow the addition. For this reasonr the new addition is appror_imately five feet greater than the adjacent northeast portion orthe building. He also stated that they courd not step back thebedroom from the west facade as it would si"gnif icantly decreasethe bedroom spa ce . Piper mentioned that the impacts to the shade conctl t1ons dld notseem to be all- that significant. He aLso was sensitive to theproperty owner's deveJ.opment rights. He stated that his concernwas that the mass seems to be the greatest probrem and has quitean impact upon the pedestrian area. Jay responded by saying thatthe existing roof r-ines in his opinion looked very pecu.r.iar andthat the mass ot the bui"lding in the ner^r proposar- tends toorganize the roof .r.ines in a much better mannei vi-sual.t-y. Peter Patten claritred the statt's posi.tlon on thr.s proposar bystating that the staff certainty appreciated the olveropmenirights ot the owner. He emphasized that the urban Design cuideP]an was not a vehic.re for denying owners their right to develop ih.l5 property- He said ttrat tne GRFA is belng almost maxed outin that on.[y 377 square feet of GRFA wourd remain on the propertyatter the proposal was buitt. certalnty adcrr tionar commercia_[space is possibleT howeve r, zoning standards wour.d also have tobe maintained- He ciarltted that staff is not picking out ontytwo items from the List ot urban Design consideraiions. rn factlonly severar- ot the considertlons happen to apply to thls proposalas it is on the third story ot a ouilding. - - t'tiny ot th; urbanDesi-gn considerations address street level additions. Do to thrstact, many of the urban Design considerations do not apply to th]-sparticul-ar proposal. He rer t.erateo that street enclosure andsun/shade lrere the tr"ro Design considerations most impacted bythis proposa l. with respect to street encr-osure, patten exprained that thisconsideration rearly had to be .looked at in a three-dimensionaLvay. The prob-lem i-s that the existing one va11 place has a 3/4to l ratio to the street. rn other wordsr a canyon effect isalready bei.ng imposed on the street by one vait prace. The H111Burlding wilr onry increase thls canyon effect with this addition.The consideration states that "An external enclosure is mostcomf ortabl-e vhere its waLls are approximateJy harf as high as the '^ridth ot the space enc]osed." The herght oi tne addition on theHill BulLding wiLl be 3a feet to the Lave line. The height ofOne Va]-l- Place 1s 2A teet to the eve l. 1ne. The ptaza widthvaries from 33 to 42 feet. This creates a ratio that varies trom2/J: I to L:l-. patten sard that the previous proposal, focussedthe mass of the building in ii smar-r-er area. nd stateo that thecanyon ettect d1d not extend along the building to such a degreeas in the new proposal. Patten said that the Sun,/Shade Considerations specr-f ical-Iy states { tha t Sun,/Shade ahall be considered and shaLl intluence the massing of the building. Staff is requesting that the massing ot the building should be stepped back to avoid the sun,/Shade i-mpacts as much as possible. Staft is certainly not trying to deny the onner's right to deve]op the property. Staff 1s also trying to avoid any type ot impacts on the Seibert Circle area due to the ner"i additi.on. Donovan stated that she was concerned about the canyon eftect given the new proposal. However, she did feel that this was a better proposa-[ lhan the previous proposaL, but that this propos,ir needed some improvement. Sicl Schultz had no rea.L problem with most ot the addition. He drd fee-L that the deck and balcony on the west siale of the building emphasized the mass of the bullding. The additional- shade did not creaCe a concern for him. Duane Piper asked if there were any comments from the audience. Mlchael Staughton, property manager for the Ore House and Baxterrs felt that the Guidellnes were designed to guide. His opinion was that a proposal fel'l. into a grey area w j.th respect to the Guide- lines that the Pfanning Commission shoufd side with the owner's right to deveLop property. Jay to-[d the board that the project was not naxed out at all in commercial as there is no restriction in Commercia l- Core I. He stated that he could turn the project j.nto a commercial building and then add the GRFA on top of that square tootage. Jay felt that he would get the same argument from the staft it he r'rere to try to shift his proposal over to the east side of the buifd_j.ng. He stated that the statt would be concerned from the shade on this side of the building anct impacts on seibert circ.Ie. Jay added that it seemed that statt was treating the importance ot views differently between the previous proposa I and the present proposa-1 . Kristan Pritz responded by saying that the vlews were treated basically the same in the otd proposa I as in the ne\'/ proposal. In both sltuations, the vlews were impactedr howeverr they were not approved view corridors. She afso stated that the shade was increased by only 7 square feet in the previous proposal. Donovan stated that 6he feft that the Casino and A&D Buildings on Bridge Street were too cfose. She dr.d not want to see thls type of thing happen again as far as street encfosure was concerned. Jay stated that given the HilL proposalsr the Founders' PLaza adjacent to the vall Associates' ticket area diminished the impact ot the street enc.losure. He pointed out that on Bridge Street you did not get the benef j-t ot any large open pfazas to give relief to the high buildings- Jim Viele moved to approve the request \"/hich was seson-de-d by,Si,d Scr.ru+!z-, Peter Patten ludeffi the apPlicant r"rou ld not remonstrate again'st a special irnprovement district. Jlm Vie.le amended his motion to include this statement. The vote was 2 in favor, 2 againse.A tie vote is a vote ot denial. 4.A reouest to amend Section 16 b4 ot the Munici I Code