HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN BUILDING PERMITS LEGALTOWN OF VATI 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 91557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTT{E}flf oF CoMMIINITY DEVEIOPMEMT *qU+ $o'r't NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/ALI-, BT'DG. ON i'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D99-0036 Job Address: 254 BRIDGE STLocat,ion. . . t 254 BRIDGE ST (CITRTAINParcel No. . : 21-0L-082-23-007Project No. : PRJg9-0263 Status...: ISSITED HIAppIied. . : a9 /2L11999Issued...: A9/2L/L999 E:<pires. . : A3/t9/2000 APPIJICANT NADEAU & SONS COICfRASTING #15.1005 AJ,PHA IAKE ROAD, WHISTtER, COMTRACTOR IiIA,DEAU & SONS COIiITRACTING #15-1005 AtpHA LAKE ROA.D, IvHrSTr,ER,OWNER HILL BLANCHE C 31_3_ BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Phone1. 604-932-3807B.C. CA}IADA VON1Bl Phone z 604-932-3807B.C. CAT{ADA VON1B1 Description: INTERIOR DEMO FOR RBMODEL Occupancy: Tl4)e Construct.ion:'I}pe Occupancf : 82 Not, in E,abtel Valuat,ion:5, 000 Fircplacc Inforfiation: Rcstrl-c€ad: #of tts.! AEp]iencaB: i*i.!**r***rr*l'**ir*r*rr***+t* FEE S['I|MA-RVBuilding-----> 19s.oo Re6tuarang plen Revree--> *of qaF LogB.+of wood,/Pallet: Plan Ch6ck-- - > Inv. sE ig.at. j. on> will call---->3.00 .00 50.00 100 .00 474.75 .oo 474.75,00 Recrcation Fee---------->,0O Total Persit Fec--------> Cl6a!-It!r DEpoEi!---- -- -- >Palmgnt s - - -- - -- - BUILDING Division: PI,ANNING Division: FIREPt]B WORK HE,AIJTH CIJERK Eccuraee plot arl'd lrloc p1an, 6ubdivieion Al.l 5100 PM Division:Division:Division:Division: Dept: ,JRIvl-Dept: Dept:Debt:Debt:Dept: Item:09/2LItl'm: 09 /2tIEem:Item: Itsem: f Eem: TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up De it Refund approved amount dateAdd Sq Ft: TotsaI Cilcula!€d FeeE-- -> Addit,lo'}al F6cs-- - -- -- - - > 1 iii il -Effiffi lil:^HH3ffitrffiR APPROVED 't3tEo*$Iffi DEPtfit*f$i A-FR N/A gEiHfl ffifi$H.fr8$fi, HEATJTH **r*rtr***r*rrr rr*****t**aj***rr********l**tr* r*r*******:.r*,lr*rrt**t*!r+***rr*r see Page 2 of this Document. for any condit.ione that may apply to Ehj.s permit. DECLAR,ATIONS r hereby ack4owlcdg. tha! r have r.ad Lhi6 apptlc-lion. filled out in full th€ inf,ot[egton required, coulrleled anPlan' and acrts tshat all tho Lnfornation p"o.ridaa ea required 1g correcE. r .EE.. to coepry rith bhc infor ationco eonPly with irl Town ofdLnanceg a$d €Erta 1aws. and co bulld chiB Biruetur6 accordlng t0 th€ Toirn, s roninE andcodis, dceigm rcvie!, aPProved, unifotu Euildiltg cod6 and oEh€r ordinancc6 of thc Town rppliclbla thEreto. REQuEsls FoR xNsgEetroNs sHALrr BE MADE TwErirry-FouR HottRs rN ADlarrc8 By TELEPHoNE Eend Clean-UEr Daposit Eo: NTDEAU AND BONS 5IGNATURE OF OI{NER FOR EIMSEITF AND OWNER ***t**********************************************rl***************************** CONDITIONSpermit #: D99-0036 as of og/2L/gg status: rsSuED**************************!t!t**************************************************** Permit ?ype: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Applicant: NADEAU & SONS COIITRASIING 504 _932 _3807 ilob Address:Location: 254 BRIDGE ST (CURTAIN IIILI.)Parcel No: 2101-092-23_OO7 VAIL VILLAGE FTTING 1 tOT L BIJK 5 C Description: IITTERIOR DEMO FOR REMODEL Conditions: Applied: 09/2L/L999Issued: 09/2t/L999 To Expirez 03/1"9/2OOO 1-. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMEIM ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ASATEMENT CERTIFICATE SIIOWING TIIE ARE,A FREE FROMASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FT]RT'IIER WORK OCCI]RING ONTHIS SITE_ IF FITRTIIER QIIESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VA,rLFIRE DEPARTII{ENr Ar 479-2ZSO.2. FTRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK EAN BE STARTED. 3 . FrELD rNsPEcTIoNs ARE REQUTRED To cIrEcK FoR coDE coMpr.,rAtilcE. ,&* oF vArL coNSrRU"r,o,t=RMrr ApplrcAroN F'RM contact the Eagle county Assessors office at 970-32g-g640 for parcer # Parcel # Date:Permit # Job Name:Job Address: Building ( )Plunbing ( )Electrical ( )Mechanical 1 ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing_ Subdiusion Owners Name: Archit€ct: Descriptionof Job: / XtlO Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alteration ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ TOTAL $MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generaf contractor: NfrO@trl/ Slt t Addressl TownofVailRegistrationNo. ?-OL -3 pnoo" Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone # Plumbing Contractor:Address: Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: other( ) ,f,r*^ Number of Accommodation Units: Town of Varl Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Registration No. SIGNATURE: From: L.P. (Lennie) HeIIon To: Ned Johnson Date: 9/2'l/gg o lime:8:14:24 AM Page 1 of 1 PPJclcl- oao3 Blq -6aq\ Dft*n8r9&k ..r",' rtr";i:#'#'.1ff P.O. Box 620694, Ltt eton, Colorado 00t6a0694 7261 W. Hampden Avc., Lakeuvood, Colora/do SDAry H ERRON" ,n,"r,,ro usA hc. Asbesloe 'LGad Ba33d Psanl.Hazardoui MaGrial8 Envlronm€ntal Serviceslndusfflsl llyglenlsts To: Ned Johnson Fax Number: 1-970 479 2452 Company : Inhawest Reso Group Lrtemational Dale:9/21/99 From : L.P. (I-emrie) Herron Fax Number : (303) 763 9686 Company : IIERRON Enterprises USA' Inc.Pages including cover page: I Subject : 0915999, 254 Bridge St., Va{ Limited Asbostos Building Inspection c/o: Ms. Katlry Warren Mr. Ned Johnson, c/o: Breeze Wintersports Per our conversation today, we have concluded the Limited Asbestos Building Inspection porform ed 0gt\6:2}lgg, in accordance with the lhe advice received and our review of available demolition plans on site. The following Building Materials being affected by the Rsnovation were determined to be Non-Asbestos Containing Materials: Unfnished Drywat[ Kitchenette @ S Side, White 12X12* Ceiling Tiles and Adhesive, Kitchenette @ S Sidg White painted Coating 9n Cemer[ Hall @ Base of lrdain Stair, Green Painted Drywaq ofrce W of NE offic€, whire DrFa[ with Swirl Texture, Repair Rootn, White DrywaI with Fabric Mesh, Main/lvfiddle Stair, Green Non-Slip Floor C.oating Main Stair, Green Cove Baso and Adhesive, tlall @ Base of Main Stair, Gray Cove Base and Adhesiw, I{itohineug Gray Floor Paint, Kitohenette, Black Mastic on Back Side of Dq'wa[ NE Office/Employee l-ockers, White Drywall Stipple Texture Ceiling Ski Storage, Exterior plaster Lathe, Exterior, Tan Drywall witr Sand Texhue, NW Sales Floor, lrywall Ceiling lwithou$ Toxtuic, NE SalJs iqoor, W Entry, Drywall Walls (wilhout) Texture, Boot Storage, Green Texhned Drywal Ceiling, Boot Storagg Enhy, Tan Small Hexagon pattern Sheet Ftooring with Black Mastic, NE Sales Floor We undenstand that there are other suspect and/or confirmed ACM Materiats within the Buildings, however, also understand that they will nol be affected by the Renovation. Should Building Materials which were not inspeoted or should Renovation plans change which may affect Building Materials which were not inspected the Owner/Conhactor ae required to cease operations in flrat area of the Renovation until the t{atsriats aro inspeoted by an AHERA and State C,ertified Building knpectoa in accordance with local, statq and/or federal rcgulations. Formal report to follow. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions conceming this pretiminary report. Thanks in advance. L.P. fl*mie) Henor\ Indusrial Hygienist CEO/Director Spectum General Contractofs, Inc.il\4r. Tom Cella Allen's Heating, Air Conditioning & Sheet Metal, Inc. 5570 Harlan Street Aruada, CO 80002 Telephone (303) 421 -4020 Eagle Co. (97o) 745-9525 Mobile (970) 39CI-s629 Fax (303)422-1307 FaxRes. (303)421-9903 Residence QAr 42l-2939 /R-l-fl) fo*, o{' /a; I Dzyr. oS. ,4>*-i,;Iy bwe4,*$ ?S 5,2,"f/t re.o*Il.\E Eesd /n;1, (o a /4 s 7 Re: /n;l ril4,r. flrs-bn*e Sldpv fe-/i/of ;ou 9z;'lxs Sl*aaf Pt*J;l ,vo H?f-cl6# fa U)i0".^:/ r%y C,*e-*r-at, tae dus,>* i n ;usl* l/* d ,,>,u iliv la ,ru?;/e/;oo, sy*h^-t psr ur?C (als qr;Jpf;a-eS loo fi,,8_ c4">>,)eS ;.v P+*n;f sp* ie , '-//n d*sr1>v.y v/*vs utzv> Ps./,6t'"'zd wf /4 C6a'-l;e fi^r';s, f/'t*s F2<,6... ;twzk-/ Le{za-< '-ug} n)/ai;aa" ' p/ras& Criet* ,.,-e ,-{ { /no/ ls di {^"'})4o /trss ;( 7,o-€ ; ' y'Ai s 'noil6<- ' ,4//r" 6,-ylell f n,jL*/u,d*a- 4//e-s ll *al ;2 v ,./Z /4 t't'y' /tt{/-2.4 *?/4 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970479-2120 FAX970-479-21s7 REPTl3l Tof.ft 0F VAIL, CoLoRADO PAGE 2sL2/23/rsss 07:50 REQUESTS - rHSPEcrtt Hohx sHniri-ron: r2/23/rsss liiil ec- = a = =: = = =i:: = = a = = = = = = - = = = = =: - 3 = : = -: = = = = = = = = 3= = = 3 = 3 - 3 E:i = a = ! 3 a = - = = = = - = = = = = = - = = i - - a:Actlvlty: 899-0241 r2/23/.Lg rype: A-c0Hlt statue: rssuED constr: ACot Addreaer 254 BRIDGE ST Locatlon: 254 BRIDGE ST, CURTAII| HILL BLDG Perce.L: 2IOL-982-23-OO7 Occ: Uee:Descrlptlon r C0IIPLETE IIITERIOR TEltAllT FIttISH-SAltE USE' Appllcant: IIADEAU & SOIIS COTITRACTING phoner 604-932-38020rner: HILL BLAIICHE C phone: i Contreetor: IIADEAU & SOHS COITRACTIilS phone: 6O4-gilZ-BgO7 -------------:_Locke, Holde, and lloticee.... ACTiVITI llotlce r Agbeetoe cleErance report rec,d for ecope of ,rork planned.llotleer 5L0T 55 Inepectlon Eequeet Infornation...., fiequeator: tED Req T! Iter: Iten; p,_.,InaBpcter6l. . . Act 'ba.r14 /fils €t Phone r' 970-3? 6-6122 AVET{TURE CI{TR Tine ,A YJM /" i// berten: 00030 BLDc-F;;;i;;-f ornz/*i inl f€a/trl/rt/ee Inapector: ct' '/ ' friFonl bif' ' iienllilllotee: muet obtaln fire protectlon pernlt end"' lu;: l:":"H:i:ii,.Efu*p,4krse /n, d Nr*e/ 4re 'rt fridry,d{so -ffrat 4 And,f fqnia q ^e ft2f . elenenta of building. provlde 3,Ot door opening at one of, the d: Iten: Iten r sTt Ltz 'd arqulfu, I LZt 4LtrA InApeCtOr: UD Act 1ttn ! du hEs been generated here 1g al.I other permlta dept. approval requlredlor vork and seterialB cleenup requlred handraile court lnapectlon partial i renoved from elte 10r tco TOWN OFI| 75 South Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81657 970479-2120 FAX 970-479-2157 REPTT3l Finance Department TOII}I OF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 30 r2t23/1999 07:59 REQUESTS - INsPEcrlt [ORr sHEETs F0R:1212311999 AREAr GG =======-=:====================:====a====!=======--===========================-==-lnetall guerrl rail -rerove deadbol.te forn exLt dooreIten: 0O090 ELDG-FlnElIten: 60530 BLDG-Tenp. C/0 Item: 00531 FIRE-TEI|P. C/0 Itenn 00532 PT-TE}!P. C/u Item: 00533 PLAII-TEIIP. C/0Iten: 00537 PLAII-FII|AL C/0rt"'' oosie iiil-;il; ;;;Iten: 00539 Pt-FIllAL C/0Iteu: 00549 BLDG-Flnel C/0 t ! IoREMrrrANcOpy TOWIi' OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97M79-2120 FAX970-479-2157 REPTl3r Ttrltp 0F VAIL, C0L0RAD0 12/23/1999 12:01 REouEsrs - INspEcril HORK sHEETs FoR:1212311999 Inapection Bequeet Inforratlon, . . . . Requeetor: l{ED JOI{fiS01{ PA6E 1 AREA: GRG Phone: 376-6t22 ent6 Time Exp i Finance Department ===============-=============:===========-==========================:===========Activity: 1199-0164 L2/23/19 Type: B-llEcH statug: IssuED conetr: AColl Addreger 254 BRIDGE ST Location: YAIL IiHT. ADVEITTURE CEI|TERParcel: 2LO1-O82-23-OO? 0cc: Use:Deecrlptlon: ADD VEIITILATIOI| Al{D EXHAST SySTEtt Appllcantr ILLEN'S HEATII|G, A/C & SHEET|iE phone: AO3-42L-4O260rner: HILL BLAIICHE C phone: Contractor: ALLEII'S HEATII|E, A/C & SHEETIIE phone: AO3-4ZI-4LZO -.'-'Inepectlon Hlstory.....Iten: @2gO lIECH-RoughIten: 6O249 PLilB-Gas Plplng , Iten: OOSIO IIECH-HestlngItenl 00326 tIECH-Exhauet HoodaIten: OO330 IIECH-Supply A.trIten: 003i10 IIECH-lllec.Itenr @399 tIECH-Final REMITTANCE COFY . Action Conmente TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNPY DEVELOPMENT OWNER BI,ANCHE HILI, 3].1 BRIDGE ST. V.flIII co 81657 APPIIICAIVI BI-.ACK DUCK BUTIJDERS PO BOX 593 DILLO}T co 80435 License:6?g-8 CONTRACTOR BITACK DUCK BUII-,DERS PO BOX 593 DIIJIJON co 80435 License: 67g -B L"[u, -B\tr;._g ISSUED 09/22t2005 10/B/2ms 04/lU2W6 os/22/20os 09/22/2005 phone t 970-262-L43o/c 390-3743 09/22/2005 phone: s7O-z|z-L430/C as}-3:-43 Desciption: FINAL APPROVAL TO INSTALL 1 NEW EXIT DOOR REPLACING A WINDOW Occupancy: B Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $3,200.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Information: Restricted: #of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of wood pellet: 0+t:!:*,tt*:i:F:B*****:t+ Building----- > $9?'25 Restuarant Plan Review-- > 50.00 Total ca-lculated Fees- > s163.46Plan check-- > s63 .21 DRB Fe€-------------------- > s0. 00 Additionat Fees----- > 97s . oolnvesdgation- > 90-00 RecreadoD Fe€------- > 90.00 Total permit Fee---------> g238.45Will Call---> g3.oo Clean-up Deposir_----> g0.00 paymenrs______*_____ > $238.46 ***:F***,l+**jr+**{t:|{.+++*t*:F****,t****------J-o*fkf*:;;;;;;;;;;---***********ii;.*1;if*-----*i-'*T-.*-o-y*;*****i*********** Approvals: IIem: 051-OO BUTLDING DEPARITI{ENr l_0/10/2005 JRM Action: Ap Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT 09/27 /2OOs warren Actj-on: coND DRB cond.itionfound under the list of conditionsItEm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EI{rItem: 05500 PI]BIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. t'J cr^-\ U'.L\'..r'. \ -\ k NOTE: THIS IERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES C.-- _f.S^ WUB\",.\ ADD/ALT COMM BtiILD PERMT permit #: 805_0297 !-) Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAILLocation.......: CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE STParcelNo....: 210I08223ffi7 Project No . :7,3,56'; {: >->5 DECLARATIONS **** ** ** ** ** * ** *** ** ** ** ** {t * ** * * 't' ir t' * *:e * * * * *** ** *-.1*?*?- -- -* * *'F **** ** ** r( ***! ** ** *,r ** ** *x * ** ** *+ 4.*,F*** ** permit #: B0s-02g7 coNDITIoNS oF APPR.'AL {<**'**+***********+******i<***:r******************T*?ll9;11--'#-t--****+{.**<****----:5?:;-*t-t-Y*'P************ Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: }gf2}20[)sApplicant: BLACK DUCK BUILDERS Issued: Io/t3t2w59j0-262_1430/C 390_3743 To Expire: o4/lt/ZM6 Job Address; 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL location: CIJRTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST Parcel No: 210108223ffi7 Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO INSTALL 1 NEW EXIT DOOR REPLACING A WINDOW Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIR.ED BEFORE ANYWORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: t2 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REeUTRED To CITECK FoR coDECOMPLIANCE. Cond: 40 !BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REeUTRED pER NFPA 72.Cond: CON0007586 The applicant shall repaint ttre exisitng exterior lighting a dark brorue color prior to requesting final planning Departrnent inspection approvals. Ilerebyacknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftrll the information required, completed an accurate plotplan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information *o ptot pl*, to complywith all rown ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucnie accordin! io the towns zoning and subdivision codes, designreview approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ord-inances ofthe Towriapplicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOLIR HOURS ]N ADVANCE BYPM. SIGNATURE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 HIMSELF AND OWNEI General Contractor: l6-r.k- D) Town of Vail Reg. No.:Conlact and Phone #'s: Contractor Signature: NWNW 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 . TOWN OF VAIL BUII,.DING PERM PPLICATIONSeparate Permits are required ior etectrical, pf urnUing, m c.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION coMplErE VALlAfl ONS FOR BU|LDING pERMtT Assessors OrTice at 970-328-8640 or visitfor Parcel # Contact Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 7OO9 ELECTRICAL: $ ?€rA'o orHER: $ ;2&.OO? PLUMBING: $MFCHANICAL: $rorAl:$ 3&OO t* Job Name: llO,ln,ld; r.wnlvtz Ccft*r-li-a:f Badqc-ei-_ tt"; t. Fiting: V4;l llil Detaiied description ot w (.eplau, wtrrdod ooi+h nco €v.l+aar . Work Class: New() Addition ( ) Remodet 0l) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Otherl 1 Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (l[ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Tvpe of Brdg': singre-famiry ( ) Two-famiry ( ) Murti-famiry ( ) commerciar d.r n".t-*-*t i ) other( ) No, of Existing Dwelting Units in this buitding: L No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Peilet ( )Wood Gas Appflancesl ) ,c"sfogs ( ) Wood/peiler ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWEDDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: yes Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes *********************+*+*****'.********FOR OFFICE USE ON Ly************************************** F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\pERMtTS\BLDGpERM.DOC @a2n3,2004 4ep 12 OS t1:30a vEif'lountain RdvenrrJre c ts?o)lf-sass Design Review Eoard ACTIOil FORI,I Depertment of Co mmuntty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Coforado gt657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web; www.vailgoucom p.? Project ltame: Project Description: MOUNTAIN ADVENTU RE DOOR DRB ltlumber: DR8050416 FINAL APPROVAL TO INSATLL 1 NEW EXIT DOOR REPLACING A WINDOW Participants: OWNER BLANCI.IE HILL 311 BRiDGE ST. VAIL co 816s7 08/1s12005 APPUCANT MOUNIAIN ADVENTURf CENTER-DO0B/1S/ZO05 phone: 476-3332254 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 _ .- ProjectAddrese! 254 BRIDGE sTVAILct.ritlAIN HILL B|.DG, 25it BRIDGE ST Legal Descriptloni Log L Btcck: s{ Subdivision: VAIL WLLqGE RUNG 1 Parcel Number: 2101_082_2300_7 Comments: See Conditions Location: BOARD/STAFF ACITON Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsl loe Hanlon Lynne FriElen s-0-0 Actianl APPROVED Date of Approval: 09/0212005 C.ond:8 IHry)iI" changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town ofVail sta-ff and/or the appropriate revie,ni committeelsj. Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constltuE a permit for building. please consult wthTown of Vail Building personnel prior to .onrt L.Uoniaiuifues. cond: 201 DRB approval sharl not becorne valid for 20 days fofowing the date of approvar,Cond: 202 Alproyal of this project shail rapse and become vord one (1) year foilowing the dateol final approval, unless a buihing permlt is issuea ana co-nstruction is commencedand is diligently pursued troward iinpletion. Cond: C0N0007510 Tfte applicant shallrepaint.the exisitng exterior righflng a dark bronze coror priorto requesting final ptanning Department inspectio-n apirouats. n =iv=dsE9 4 4I q '13 --l -r -rl o.+ ^- in !d .^x o la" O r.JoOa ll FI-l = rll : Fle !l -L r.-t 's_t OJ .'.!n Lr l. l t''' ONJ C){)a (t ffiru$lide'. AUTOMATIC SI.I DE DOOR.SYSTEM Innovalive Feellnr end Econotr|lc|t irtftrlnra(c 7hi Pr.tlldr- pro|ntu r tdromtua eitnnce ry't€ln provldes on ercdlcd lolution in hith lrafflc "ntrence rpgllcalions ruch rs: tupefl'|adret!, ret l JioGr, .irpFrls, thopFio! mellr, holclr and hotpltali. Th. lyltao,i aleen lner, hlgh porfo<mancc ano qurcr oparrUan .onpll,nant tny d6GEr o, envt|lnm!nt. Thlr prcmium.ulomltk sltding anlrrnce ryrlcrn faalu r Ihadblno5lic mt(lop,Dc?tror calltnrland hervt dul, bclt dr,v. hcrdrr rylten The prolll{ll- aoort and panels fsature pramtum romar bloc! conskucllon.lh€ trslcfn i! en(ineered io pmvidc lang llfc fnd fale op€ra o.t nilh h€ ttr doorr. HorlDn Automellcr has lhe larycrt hrhrytralned andcerliltcd dtrtrtbu on t€am tn the in{u5!;y b 5upp6rl thc in:tr[allon md sarvltlnE of all your rtdc door ontrm€er. Stelrderd fcetsJtt; > Small'h?adcr sire 16x6 iochl > itiGro p.ocrtor control > Encoder bl d op!r!lo. > 3A- wtd. rtm| rurnforced bell > Eme|'€rry erl ahiigl l hnd Gmttrucllon, hHvydul!, comlr bloc& dcstgn SpoclfirrOpttonrl ) Fini:h {Anodlzcdrlufilnu|r\ Fainr and met.l.Jrdl I Confiivration > oyerili dtmairlonr > sa{lor p:ctrllaj > Ghrld optionr ll/t. to 11 TTT }hmn l.,1ii.-',"i.',!,9.: r+ eTlij' E.O" (l4tr). 8,.6. f?59t)f{r n?4!)8,f (i418)y{l. G74r)to'{f cJo{s} r?.0" (j6581 t44. (126I 16'4| Utn) :l..{r,ptal. r.{. (t064r-r.ffoi . 4',-0t fltje) J'4. Jel.) .I{1 ( t8f7)f{r: {t 2 t9) . f,0r,(l lt4) 6'{. (t t19}.7-r nB{} (r9ot !r2ro) (rrfz) (2t lt) rzool (+l?5J qcro). ttlEg) 08.19 (.roD 6.r' .' 7.Ji 7-y B,-j-. €+ v2- .1'-9 tn' T4'JE lo.9l/r.,7'' tn r4',9 12" e'd 96e8-E r S-OrG 'cu I csJapI rng lcn[ ]t3e I a d8q:tO SO eI des Pro$fidE'- pf,crhlum luloolllklntrm€a 5t tftt li thc $tulio,r t6 hlth tntic rnlrdncr |Fpllcdlons. ros urcq rcutc ((rJ clrblilE it b swinr outtronl rtry pg!,aix! 9f tllvrl. - Horlzontrt S|Glton Typc !10'rh.rlili0S pJlcl (S) tlEar to dlc bsrid orrFl'.tar G!O) ahrt w0l nrilg ont. ff"ffi H'ffi tH oc r',dirs doot ''td opcrin8 E oov: ridc dilrD. UI. S,t Orn.t6 +l 'F-i$**t-5rF-lF.anir -...'t"-( g,tr,rg"rs&xrod Floor Plrns I ELl/altons Venicrl Socdon f{titl v.rtioal Sectioo It. lrcd tto ffimW t .t o !o 8l t!r. gt€o lso.sx RGi fiorhortsl S6clion ea.tl\ 1; Floor planr a €hvrflona ..----+& O.i? hrE \-'r.-; ,lm ". - | ".,..-,;_ r.:r.r.y 42t12 Bolrhrb Eqlcnrd Corpur Cirfrd. Tcr$, U.SJI. 7|{/|r1-t399 Hrnoo Arrornrtisr, |ld, tl,rtuJ|OfioNrdocilon htfii*ioal !bx: **++r ns:.CZbili Ho.h A'bro.ri:r rE .fvc $; aiih b shrr rk ,rodset uod sgccifirdjo$ xirl,ou{ aoricc. i5,o*,'l;8iltr;.fu ,r-rFr-zyz ftffip A 6anfi tltuD Clrattt ffifruffi" I* fgil.li; j, :f I JIIJ:g ri;".,, i5?lftTfr ',:t$fr, T,iiii ^ffi , *'"-ff'.Far: t00-S3 t-3108, lCteie-Jiid -'E'' wryJ' c'uro:t' rar: olu 67Dl8l wrnji,r,rn i.& _^- t[Icm4io.Dil Td: ++{4.1912.67016g gGeB-SIS-0LS .cuI .suaplrnE }|cn0 >lceIg d6q:e0 SO gt deS oITYTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN DEVELOPMENT THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BIIILD PERMT permit #: 805-0308 NOTE: { ISSUED 09t30t200s r2t05/2005 06t03t20f,6 6 of-a>17 Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAILLocation.......: CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 2S4 BRIDGE ST Parcel No....: 2l0l0B2Z3W7 kgal Desuiption: VAIL VILLAGE FILING I LOT L BLK 5 C Project No . , PJ o€na€ OWNER BI,ANCI{E HIIJIJ 311 BRIDGE ST. VAIL 09/30/2oos co 81657 APPLICANT BIJACK DUCK BUIIJDERS PO BOX 593 DIIJIJON co 8043s License: 628-8 COIiTTRACTOR BIJACK DUCK BUII,DERS PO BOX 593 DTIJIJONco 80i35 Licens6: 678-B 09/30/2oo5 Phone:97 O -262 -L43O / C 390 -37 43 09/30/20os phone:97 O-262-1430 / C a9O-3743 Desciption: MOI.JNTAIN ADVENTTJRE CENTER: REMODEL TENANT SPACE Occupancy: M Type Construction: V-A Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $49,800.00 f Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infornation: Restrictedi f of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 #of wood pellet: 0{.*{.4**x.{.!t*{.*****i.*+:t++f :***x*r.!r*{.** -Til{S- ---t $543.?s Resuarant PIan Review- > g0.00 Total calculated Fees- > s1,708.94Plan Check---> S418.44 DRB Fee-----> go.oo Add.itional Fees_____ > go.0o llvestigation- > $643,?5 Recreation Fee---------.. > go.o0 Totar permit Fee----- > $1,?08.94Witl Call---- > 93.00 _ltran Up Deposit Fee_ > $O.00 payments_______-_- > S1,?08.94TorAL FEBS------------> 91,?08.94 gAuqlqcs DUE______ > so.oo Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr 1-0/26/2005 ggunion Action: cR plan review cofiunent, s seiirt to applicant and architeci.t2/02/2OoS cgrrnion Action: Ap approvedconected, revised plans. IIem: O54Oo PI,ANNING DEPAi,I!,TENT L0/05/20O5 Warren Action: COIiID The applicantsha1l repaint the exisitng exterior lighting--a aarkbronze color prior to reguesting final pfanning Department inspection approvals .IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT to/o5/2oosmvaug'h€u1 | o.aroo: coND see conditr"pFire sprinkler system required. on rnain level .to/26/2005 Fcgee Action: DN Failure to comply.Work started without permit. Conrractor creat,ed firehazard with storage of combustible trash and frammabrecontainers. Stop work order j.ssued LO/26/O'. LO/28/2oOs mcgee Action: Ap 1. Compliance withski shop requirement s is not shoh,n. Furnishspecifications.2. Furnish fire alarm shop drawings.3. Fire sprinkler system is required on grade floor aspart of continuation of retrofit requirernent. work mustconmence now and continue without interuption. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I,hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plotplan, and stale that all the,information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information *o ptot plan, to complywith all Town ordinancesland state laws, and to build this structrie accordin! io the towns zoning and sugivision cooes, oesignreview approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordlances of the Towriapplicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET 'ja PAGE 2********!F*******************'lt********r(,t*)F+**{c***{<***{.**i<******+**'t*'k*************{<*,r****+*+,}*:N.:*****{.**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0308 as of 12-05_2005 Status: ISSUED+;*'f *******:S,i*{t***'r'B*******{.**+++:t*********t *r**+,F*****{<****:3r<*{<i.****r+{<+++**!i.*{<**:F******,S*,t{.:&r!rr***+,N.,t ***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant: BLACK DUCK BUILDERS 970-2q2-r430tc 3n4743 Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL Iocation: CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST Parcel No: 2t0108223007 Descripion: MOUNTAIN ADVENTI]RE CENTER: REMODEL TENANT SPACE Conditions: i Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMEM APPROVAL Is REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REeLIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIREALARM REeUTRED pER NFPA 72. Cond: CON0007614 The applicant shall reparnf the exisitrg exrerior lighting a dark bronze color prior to requesting final planning Deparfinent inspection approvals. Cond: CON0007617 Completion of fire sprinkler system on main level is required prior to issuance of C of O. Applied: 09l30l20[is Issued: I2/05/2N5 To Expire: Ml03/2W6 I I ll - o3,tt / rcwNWyiE Il,,l;iffiFi?[1; GP electrical, GoNTRACIOB TNFORMATTON BUfLDfNG: S iffi - tOR BUILDING PERMIT -3Pot & Mat"riat"t OTHER: $ ELEtrRtqL,$ .f,rA?.* MECHANTCAL: g - For Egtcet # Conhct J"bAdd*tt'ssy 6ri dq*+. Subdivision: Ilai I l"r; Work Class: New ( )Repair( ) Demo( ; Other( )W"rttyp", t"t"r;@ o"".""enu"li.t"ttt@ ;t*:n S,ftg,e_ram No. of Accommou"tion unit GttiiEffi ORoFFIcEUSEoNLY% OoqJmene 0sl20/2005 Depaftment of Communrty Development Building Safety and Inspection Seilies 75 South Fronbge Rad Vail, Colorado 81657 970-4n-2138 FAX 9704n-2452 www.uailgov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Aoolicant Black Duck Builders FAX/Email #: none given (maited) NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect AW Dunn proj# 303.445.691s 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner t01251200s Bos-0308 Hill 254 Bridge Street M (tenant space) V-A existing existing The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International FuelGas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vait. lhefollowittg @mmenEwill nd tu fuaddrcd prtorb isuane of a huilding permit: For processing: information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o PElS9I€SPond in writing to each comment bv marking the attached list or creating a response lelter, Indicate which plan sheet. detail. specification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with ihe'bu'rldinq oermit application number noted. o Please b€ sure to include on the resubmittal the enqinee/s or architect's "wet" stamp, sionature, registration number and date on the cover oage of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-familv projects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. 1 An asbestos test and repoft is required for all remodel projects per Town of Vail ordinance. Architectural Comments:2 Amend construction type under code apalysis. Town of Vail records show this building is type V-A construction. 3 Amend code analysis. The tenant space requires an automatic fire sprinkler system retrofit per Vail Fire and Emergency Services conditions of approval and NpFA 13. 4 Amend plans to include construction details for maintaining t hour fire resistive rating where re- finishing of columns is shown. IBC 601 5 Amend plans to include construction details for the maintaining the t hour horizontal assemblies at the floor/ceilings where new ceiling fixtures and finish are shown IBC 711. Recessed light fixtures must comply with IBC 7L2.4.2 6 Amend plans to show compliance with IBC table 803.5 for all new finish materials. provide flamespread ratings for all materials. 7 Include details to show compliance with ANSI 117.1 1998 section 904.3 for new seruice counters. 8 Include a means of egress plan per IBC 106.1.2. Show occupant load totals, locations of required exits, travel distance. 9 Provide the minimum number of plumbing flxtures per IBC 2902 for M occupancies. Electrical Comments: 10 Pr-ovide emergency power for all means of egress lighting throughout the tenant space per IBC 1006.3. 12 Provide exit signage at the ground level southwest exit door. IBc 1011. 13 Provide a stntement of compliance with 2003 IECC for lighting. 14 Drawing E-4: the calculation does not include demand metering per NEC Ztl.3l,which may result in an overload condition for 150 amp feeder conductors serving GL-1. Please rcfer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance ofa permit, please check {! rcquested infomation is included witir Ure resubmitted plans, please submitrevised plans as a compl€te set partial plan resubmittats will not be rcviewed, Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0308.DOC Depatunent of Community fuvelopment Building SaHy and Insredion krui1es 75 South Fronbge Rad Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 wvwv.vailgov.om Second Check Second check plan review comments are based on review of revised plans dated 1U22105. Second check plan review comments are shown below original comment in botd iblie. Other comments from the original plan review have been resolved. BUILDING SAFETYAND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Aoolicant Black Duck Builders Architect AW Dunn proj# MAC awdunnco@comcast.net 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner LLl29l200s 805-0308 Hill 254 Bridge Street M (tenant space) V.A existing existing FAX/Email#: 513,8396 NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUITDING AREA: The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International ResidentialCode, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003International Fuel Gas Code, 2003International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @n menB will ned to b addrM prior b issuane of a building prmit: For processing: Plgase submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containino the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or othenruise identified, o Pleas€ resPond in writinq to each comment bv markino the attached list or creatino a resoonse letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail, specification. or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit application number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp, siqnature, reqistration number and date on the cover page of anv structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the plans, For commercial or multi-family oroiects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed, Arch itectura I Com ments:5 Amend plans to include construction details for the maintaining the t hour horizontal assemblies at the floor/ceilings where new ceiling fixtures and finish are shown IBC 711. Recessed light fixtures must comply with IBC 712.4.2 Plase include @nstruct'on debils fur mainbining the t hour hortzonbt assembly where the new rccsd light ftxturcs will be insblld per et*:trical dnwings, fisdure C, fBC 7t2.4.2. 6 Amend plans to show compliance with IBC table 803.5 for all new finish materials. Provide flamespread ratings for all materials. The Pionite F39 interior finish has a flamesprcad indq( of 235 pr the manufa&ner's informattbn povidd, This xds the allowable ctass c finish pr rBC go3.i Include f,amesprcad index for gnphie fitm frnish maErtal speiM on the ptans, fndude flamesprcad ind* for the vinyl finish shown on the ptans, Electrical Comments: CootdinaE eletrical dnwings E-3 and pnet *ttdule with ptambing ptans. SE-t it shown as a 23OV, 2HP. fndude pwer plan for WH-I as shown on the ptumbing plans. Mechanical Comments: Amend plans tu provide a ceiling ftre damper for the exhaust fan toaw in the t hour fire rcsirtive ceiling. Sheet p-t, IMC 60Z.6.2 Please refer to the cover sheet for infonnataon on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check f! rcquested information is included with the rcsubmitted plans, Pleise submit revised plans as a complete set, partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed, Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-030gseconddleck.DOC 4 I A.W.Dunn & Company 120 S. Brentwood Street - Lakewood CO 80226 - 3AY445-0982 fax: 3031445-6915 November 22,2005 Chris Gunion, I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Service 75 Frontage Road South Vail. CO 81657 RE: Mountain Adventure Center - Interior remodel 254 Bridge Street - Vail, CO 81657 Dear Chris: Please note that this letter serves to indicate revisions required for compliance recent review letter. The attached two sets of completed, revised drawings are follows: I - Asbestos test and report is required: Owner to provide. Architectural:ffid fistruction type: see revisions on cover sheet ID-0 to indicate v - A. I TOii-CStdl.DE.r/. 3 - Amend Code analysis re: sprinkler system required: See revisions on Cover sheet ID-0 to indicate fully sprinkled, as first floor will be sprinkled. 4 - Add details for maintaining t hour rating at refinished columns: Only existing surface finishes will be removed. See revised sheets ID 1.0 and ID 7.0. 5 - Add details for maintaining I hour horizontal assemblies at floors/ceilings at new ceiling lixtures and finishes: See revised sheets ID 1.0 and ID 7.0. 6 - Amend plans to indicate compliance with flamespread requirements for all new finish materials: See revised sheets ID 6.0 and ID 6.1. enclosed are flame spread rating for the finishes used. 7 - Provide details to indicate compliance with 1998 ANSI 117.1 re: new service counters: See revised sheets ID 3.0 and ID 3.1. 8 - Include a means of egress plan, with occupant loads, locations of required exits, and travel distances: See revisions sheet ID - 0 (Cover sheet), 9 - Provide minimum number of plumbing fixtures: A new public, accessible toilet room has been added to the street level. The existing lower level toilet will be made available to customers, in addition to the employees. See details on Sheet ID - 7.0, ID 3.1, and added plumbing sheets P-l and P-2. Items 10 - 14 - See electrical conunents and drawing revisions. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, /)n 1,4rT-U------uLy Bsr-d36S Town of VailD. Quirm, Architect . Dunn & Company oFF$ffiffi ffi(}pv .t a Electrical Engineering, lnc.(COFTEY November 21,2005 Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspection Services 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 970-479-2452 fax Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner Building Permit # 805-0308 254 Bridge Street Electrical corrunents: 10. Exterior emergency egress lighting on battery back up has been added to all exits. Two more frogeye fixtures with 90 minute battery back up have been added on the ground level and one in the lower level. 12. A new exit sign has been added to the southwest door, with 90 minute battery back up. 13. statement of compliance with the IECC 2003 for lighting has been completed and accompanies this letter. 14. I have increased the fuse size to 200 amps in the disconnect that feed panel GLl. I have also increased the conductor size (4-#310 cu; I -#3 gnd) in the 2" conduit to match the fuses. This is an acceptable fix per the discussion with Stan Hahn on October 23'd. Thank vou. ,-1 t /1,,4 t *fl/Or,,a, LHld Thomas Evert Corey Electrical Engineering 7822 South Wheeling Court, Suite B, Englewood, Colorado g01 12 Phone: 303€96-1257 Fax: 303-696-1459 web: www.coreyeng.com 't Permit Number Lighting Compliance Certificate Project Name: Designeri Contractor: Document Author: Checked By/Date 2OO3IECC COMcheck-EZ Soffware Venion 3.0 Release 2a Data f lename: F:\DATA\ACAD\05ARCHIV.FLS\0540145500\05428\05428.cck Section 1: Project Information Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Project Type: Vail MAC - Intrawest 254 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado Corey Electrical Engineering 7822 S. Wheeling Ct. #B Englewood, CO 801l2 Thomas Evert Whole Building Type Addition Retail Sales, Wholesale Showroom Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. DepL Use t t t t l l l l Interior Lighting 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts Allowed Watts Actual Watts CompliesflAl) r 3059 10598 \ES Ex terior Lighting 2. Effcacy greater than 45 lumens/lV Exceptions: Specialized lighting highlighting f,atures ofhistoric buildings; signage; sa€ty or security lighring; low-voltage landscape Iighting. Controls, Switching, and Wiring 3. Independent controls frr each space (switch/occupanry sensor). Exception: Areas that must be continuously illuminated. 4. Master switch at entry to hotel/motel guest room. 5. Individual dwelling units separately metered. 6. Each space provided with a manual control to provide unifrrm light reduction capabiliry. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; An occupant-sorsing dwice controls the areq The area is a conidor, storcroom, restroom, or lobby; Areas that must be continuously ittuminated; Areas that use less than 0.6 Watts/sq.f . 7. Automatic lighting shutotrcontrol in buildings larger than 5,000 sq.f. 8. Photocell/astronomical time switch on exterior lights. Exceptions: Areas requiring lighting during daylight houn 9. Tandem wired oneJamp and threeJamp ballasted luminaires. Exceptions: Electronic high-fequenry ballasts; Luminaires on emergency circuits or with no available pair. Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans, specifcations and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting systern has been designed to meet the 2003 IECC' Chapter 8, requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 3.0 Release 2a and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. Principal Lighting Designer-Name Date Lighting Application Workshe et 2003IECC COMcheck-EZ Sofware Version 3.0 Release 2a S ection l: Allowed Ughting Power Calculation A B Floor Area c Total Allowed Watts D Allowed Watts Retail Sales, Wholesale Showroom 8706 1.5 13059 A F ixturea Section 2: Actual Lighting PoweX Calculation Total Allowed Watts = 13059 CDEF Lamps/ # of Fixture Fixture Fixtures Watt. (D x E) 1 212 26 5512 t21326 1 60 25 1500 2364 192 1 95 26 2470 1526 130 2 t2 64 768 B Fixture Description / Lamn Description / Wattaee Per Lamp / Ballast 6" recess can - ground / Triple 4-pin 26W i Electronic pendant at co&e bar / Twin Tube l3W / Elecrronic new pendtrlt dress rm. / Incandescent 50W offces - ground / 48 T 12 40W / Magnetic 6" recess can - lower / Triple 4-pin 26W / Electronic wallwash - lower / Triple 4-pin 26W / Electronic stip light in tune shopJower | 48" T12 40W / Magnetic exi sting existing new existing existing new existing Total Actual Walts = 10598 Section 3: Compliance Calculation lf the Total Allowed Walts minus the Total Actual lYaus is $eater thm or equal to zero, the building complies. Total Allowed Watts = 13059 Total Actual Watts = 10598 Project Compliance = 2461Lighting PASSES: Design l9% bett€r than code /L ztrnonta LIEHry+NEr SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE To be powered by 6- or l?-volt battery equipment as part of an emergency lighting system providing light for the path of egress. MRZ4 fixture matches the appearance of the Quantumo famity units. CONSTRUCNON Single or twin heads available. Fully adjustable tamp heads to meet all aiminq requirements. Strong, compact and cofl-osion-resistant with a LL94V-O flam; rating. Constructed of LJV.stabilized thermoplastrc that resisrs discoloration by natural or artilicial sunlight, Lamp housing snaps oll lor easy lamp replace-- menl US Patent No. Dil8,l.27e INSTAI.I-ATION Universal mounting base for use with singte- or twin-head applications. Stan. dard mounting; 5,78W x 4.5SH. Mounts to a single-gang switch box. LAMP Complete range of lamp wattages and voltages available. DIMENSIONS Single and twin: 8'W x 4.58'H. Unit Accessories ELA MR24 Remote tixure Adjustable lamp head Noles rype ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the bold face nomenclature that best suits vour needs and wlite it on the appropriate line. Order accessories is separate catalog number. Example: EtA MR24 EtA_t ___r__ __r_ .Fr--:---'-----"--..', -T-_-- I Famity I lHousinscoror linJ'u*"rl[__--_n'til-] ffiEIA (brank) white I heSds I iffi- n,1ii.ru".."o K0606 6W6v krypton tampsB Brack (brank) shsre ::1"T"'Ti'l:" 11199 9w1sy r.'ibtoh ramps head K0912 9W12V krypton tamps H1206 12W6V halogen lamps H1212 12Wn2V halogen lamps H2005 20W6V hatogen tamps H2012 20Wl12V naloqen lamos Emergency Sheet #: ELA-MR24 HAU E- 105 ,rrotrrool 13:18 FAl ororrnrru O Reseloirs Environmen Inc- 2ot9 Bq/dst DEn.t,OOf,I2ll ($3)t61-re86 Fdtjoti4zt4r/5 TdI FRt (t66)IlSSlXlW Frr Transmital To:RES Job# Company: Frr Number B8?(". Ihte: I I I'dS From: 6'\na. O Numberof pages sent:3 (excluding cover sheet) llcpgr.rrdrt|na&tF.t..dd.lirr.Irberrl(te6.r&ncdrta|s1q;ffrydupgrrrrffglilcrc,Tnf _E.*;+rr fcFt..-+{d *6rsp*ilf ..ls.R!g*Ittf. tt -cr.a! nrrf, ||drrr b: lGlt lqrd * Drirt, do elLIltB ;rfttyrH+ E 001RESERVOIRS ENV HVL^l|jAN+.lolrl6 A[L* L{D D lort i{dac _ TEuc!{1{JG.tEt{ Ud{r - Alt Flild"m.P. /titdE tlt'c|lJ.i $.ril tuide at lY* LL/nL/{OOE 13:19 FAX 3034??42?SO Novernber 1, 2005 Analys(s): Paul D. Lo.Bcalzo Wenlong Liu Paul F. Knappe Rich w€gnyn Michael Scales RESERVOIRS EI{V Wnoz Page 1 of2 2059 Eryed SL Denvet, CO 80211 (303) 96+1986 Fax (303) 4774275 Toft Frs€ {866} REsl€Nv Irboratory Coder Subcontract l{ulnber: labof8tory Rsport: ProJecl Dascrlp$on: RES NA RES 12140&1 Yail ltlAG, Vtll showE838 f{one Glven Black Dua Buildars PO Box 593 Dillon CO 80435 Dear Customer. ReservoitE Environmental, lnc. is an analytical laboratory rccfedited for the analysis sf Inclusbial Hygiene and Environmental matrices by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accredita$on Prcgt€m (NV|4P), Lab C,ode # 101896 and the Amedcan lndusbial Hyglene Asrociation (AIHA), Lab lD 101S!3'Accredibtion Certiffcate #480. This laboratory is cunendy proficient in both Prpficieocy Testing and PAT PFgrams respectlvely. Reservorrs Environmental, Inc. hes anafyzed the fulloning sampl€s fDr asbestos content 8s per your request. The analysis has been completed in general accordance wlth tha aPPr@fiate methodqlqgy as stated in lhe attafied analysis bble- Ths r6$ultr have been submitEd to your office. FES 12140d.1 is the job numbor assirJned b tNs sh,ldy. This report is considered highly confidantial and the sole property of ttrc custofiter. Reseryoirs Environmerrtal, tnc. will not discus$ any pflrt of this sfudy witlr personnel other than hose of the client. The results described in this roport only Epply b the samples analyzed. This report must mt be used to c{sim endorsament of ptuducts or anaiytical resulb by tWl-AP or any agency of the U.S. Go/emment. This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without written apprwal fiom Reservoirs Envirunmental, Inc. Samples will b€ dispced of afler sixty days unless longer storage is rEquested. lf yr:u have any quostlons about his rcport, please feel free to call fl1$964-1986. Sirlcarely, ,,- ") ,../ Jeanne Spencer On President ,/ c:=/-*-Ir!*"A^ NESERVOIRS EI{V o @ oo3 $iiri,$. t lr 1$ E E { ,i3 e PF tl { EoF e I t5sf8vsf6-AtrtllAdzt< 22 22 i .i I I I I tntnOtD CD loo)n-B gR 98 38 $S <o <co d EE"-EE 3 E rE A .EE'E -s F e 'E-s ; EEs E E E 'gE: E= E E 'E= E= E= -.==- F= gFgFFFFF$EgggFgg J<>ul ;FE 6|d'+ cn ('t o,oco |I)r$|fJ EEEUl uJ uJ oo ro Oo)o885ooo |arO(|? (tt FooO) CDec) rfl t/) EEIJJ I]J oo trq t!3 dtIottr .E gc Eolc !6I o'!l tg |Jt Cl eg3EEO$:E5(roou!-E-gatt!EE;'otraoiiE= g IItIl1t 3r E Gt .F B !rEi.+BEo-o.a?,EF!EgF =EEEEHgiEt- ' ,rror)roou 1t:1e FAx ,ornrrnrru O N N o (u E ii o .( oo6(, E; sE siEF,:g : t.iE;t;=€ irE*BtfEtEO>zza.NZ oq (* } -EE-oh@H 5E$€ i?Ea t E"ESFAFF psg8fi€Ef; o =I =@FEEzeFlllnIE F;zf;FoFi+31 u =Ei 5r!*E Cf,98 5tr;=F{* EE=tr zoufEt, ttruotr* oa ul(,{Fzul.J E..utq da J <(2{xJ3tr =J!. luJE F 1flCLl2005 13:19 FAX 3034??4275 O E oonRESERVOIRS EIW *-. jtrj6 . BESEBVOIR$ ENVISGNMEHTAL INC. Igg !ry-rl.g- t.|'rG. CO er t *r* llMwrt',,,,* 1.. ct||tr$: rm.$r .eglo&cd tf larlE lF|ldnddFbt*F, ry9c( $Elecillarya*grE[u l.r'*yDcfit d# s !E drir ol o|I!+ flrrrf.bdkfltild lo l*.dbt t6ltr Yo.r t-l !r .!Gd I ia'rttE r 7^-t9,!1 S*r*|E h -6fi.r afirtrmr -d- '' -er*etk'l,!ra l+H '.-aar,l REs 121404 J.- t E. ,. i. .t, .r{\ IL rr rq. ls|. @. tEr ,rd{ r4'df ,q En: nFLFir . IJ|JE _rrd_F l bd ldr. ral* 'a,. t'd#r.rdt,.td, rrftqal'.t 9F . El.-.r.- ltq. g.taia j^rF-.$r-dai " ?rrt tf D4f rqii ,fl.P l4ElrG r*!s.o+a t*€.1 l€ra Ll.;.t lr*wr sra*_rar-lcn^t Atrd _slatnr'ltr| -".ti, _t+ot _St-Cgaar.cX -ttr.' - th -rq.i.t!| _rbr _lh - abEdxui Eatg|l Fro|ra rs*r fan e (L "ts |lr.Ert4tr. .rCiiEJfd 'EIqTET ,rrrg Or4..ar-.€4araFttr.'.aI!(Yf -rF -..rf JO(rt at tfq* Ftr ElreJ q* ,-ttr l{i{3 *G-qe t.r!' ttftf66: @ar J,1,/01/e00S 11:2? FAI 804"----T----"-- I o,'31 i 300 5 l2:03 FAx I 604 SQUARE OhE II{TERIORS TIcKTLI,I CIL\ YANC ,rr,.m go 2 +al. 271 roo 3386 Gibraltar No efiec{ TECH DATA lDt S(ilsonart" Sotid Surface GibralurP Solid Surface 3. Technical Data ResGtanc€ Resistance ASTM G 21 ^ &iW wafr,r Bnd ligth tonpetd,lF' asisfanc€ lesls t ay fiav€ n afiect m lho sufaE; noneiar A"oftecgnbsMb lvo EftcfB laslud r,utftout borrdtng b $JosfraE' " ;;ilo; ; frw is isnt szz*g " Acreplc,bry fw w#ns b D eh E s 2 tr:.ie' ftxl it nrEtu.t a.td,radln lr*9 socfion is bts8c, dl tf,:,,/.inl .t6 whblt !Ml80n8tt btlier/ss to tp Flltsttb dnd E it&fttad{of us w pasom iffiffi&gt iw"tnt ira "".'J ts'ot'n o*"tto"' t#g rr1rsc"s '"tbn !o an tv"asa qd'lc' iffiactnffi X'lil,tA LDlzooo ffi-tire unaef Load Approximate Werght PitbbuEh Protocol Toxlcity LC50 Test SQUARE ON'E INTERIORS lilcXll,l.ICAN vANc DI \il/ilsonart' Solid Surface '. lYgtjSll!-graq-FAl-eP.l ezr l 10/3.t,'2005 12: Oi FAt r 6o4 ;lJ 8386 TECH DATA Gibraltars Solid Surface Y-9"f1*"" laboratories under UL File Number R14436 for surface u'T n'ng-t"L;;ili"" ft=t o"t"' i"f curaG' solid surface panels are cenerated according to nsft E'il-sti"c"ta 1*1.r,,rli*I ft s;tf"* eymip Gharactenstics of Building Marerials. ,n, pr*ii,i* i. cataroorleo. uy.Si"*rit."n-Gbrg*= !l:: "" ut 723' Far Gibrartar paners with u r,"ii""rr-oi-on"+rf; i*n (rs *i'i. ti't" rr"r" spread Index s less lhan o:' eoual lo 25 and the s*o*t i*udop"O lndex is less than or equal to 25' od Zone" ares . FbA co.Phancefor food contact . NewYork CitV nlut"'itrEq'ip*entAcceptanc€ numbers 181€+M 4. WarrantY \Misonart Solkl Surface produs cany a lO- y-e3r,^limited walranty'whel Croryrtv installed by a certfied Wilsonarl tafncatoi- bon"u-er wanantits'ail ttJ'#iiUtu' foi coples of \Mlsona{ warranties contract Wison;-intemationat or an Authori"€d Disttibutor' 5. Maintenance Soldsurfacesmaybecteanedwithwarmwalerryrnildsoaps,suchas0roseusedforhandsor dtshes. Non-abra.iu. nous?r,iiarillii"is "r.n "" F*ffiik" "'-"d F"-qle 409s mav also ba used cleanins products *nt"tiJsTt"iiln;.ry;li{:y*i ffi b" G"d on solid srrface Larse srantities of these agerrts and extenJe-a pe*t= 6t Jxposure *V'Lit"-Jit""f"'ati'rn' Abrasive cleaners (such as Comep, Soft Scrub-. ffi'ArP;;.t'Jn*rO not G-used on sotd surface e)@ept for removrng lough stains, minor scratcfioc and bums' |fastaindevelopsonthesurface,wiqeitawaywit|.rsoaparrdIa!1oj-qn:s-c|eaner.lfastain doesn,t respond to soap ffya];: anl yarirurf"* has a matte frtish, apply an abrasive cieanser and brff with a Scotch-Brite@ pad uslng a crrcubt tiiti' mt =ame tecitiique can be rsed for cigarette bums, minor "uts'JnUir""rci,e!. for a gfoss fini=h. you shrutd corrtacl deaier or fabricator before attempt,ng ,"o",i."6Ji,vii*ii"tt Sini fecit Daia, Section 3 for sird< maintenance htomalion.) Donotexposethesr:rfacetoharshchemicals'suclraspaintftrnover.turpentine,.nailpoiishremover iacetone) or stove "no Cin J""nsers. lf these .i.Eti""S conte in cortact u/ith the surfa*' lif;J&Eiai'*iJri-ffi "fi;lh;#;, *lns .pt"priate safeiy measuf€s lo avcid itjurv. Always use a cuttrng board instead of cr.rtting directly on the sufce' while minor cuts and sc{atches can be repairect, ""r" *oiri'6" tar."n1o #vent uiuii'in irGr io reep the surface looking good as new. Hotpansandh€at+roducingapp|iancesJryinsp."P,bakingpans,electricski||ets.crock.pots.coffee pots, etc") must be pfad'iinliiiuet *iifr 1l'i. f tr"u viuei il included in care and rnaintenance kit il;i.tairti;b*.6r witn purc+rme of Gibraltar soli'J surlace couniertop' *S3ot 1,1/01/2005 11:$0 FrLtr 80{ 271 n/a4 trial,/2ria5 69:17 6448925684 ,14 lnninrrd l).qtlf :'ni ei i.iller fni* 'l I I llns Lntl{r itirn"s.r!ftd it Lnriltd Entr f E ,l"tl(t:_ili" llltlv !66rGn rlclii$ ?I I r't''i ''$h Mr.tf:dttrrl 'n Liltrr'ld f,ilt'' ;--:ffiffi-]il "uJioltlrrrtr I cuudrrrl I'nln lli :J dns 'tnrri' dtE Glo. t'l',li 'r.r.!tEJ *tll r fl, &EtctFr+ rr'|f._ Typical Usec Pionhc stonrletd laminale is desigDed tbr elthet horirunlal' vs(rcrl. ir F*tfarfiing spFlicotio${' This lsmittate ls 6€en on cquntcnoPt, hbkr. vnnitjcs. int4rior d'rf)rs cqbiflDlr' GtrittsEt ftrrnitun:. rd rctoit stolE fl:tn:res. cill.inl ll.({l lir:4}.4t air Fl,i{lnlj '**"ir',Tl#l'r'=,O | '3&'*FLT Standard laminate Technieal Bnlletin Fmduct ldentilication 11rr"" slsnlprd glxtrA rf PioniE ianlha(c N'c suilnblc fol rnoll !ry0licarions. Gcneral Pnrtsc Tlpc AaE is nrarr ohcn urcd in irorizonlnl nlgliertionr '.rhcre hiSh inrpa* rnddr$cc rnd a drrrrblc' rlccofotlYc sudnce Ls required, por ormtng Tlpe F39 i.t dtsigncd for manlt{a{:irrJin! countenc4ls {nd (d}cr horizr{t1al fiurficer whete the laminate may bc ixatcd nnd rallsd ovel thc sfbstrllc c'dgc to u]ifirntE s€ajtrF' Type f1l8 il dcsigned ibr applieations whclt iml|rctrccis'lnct ii iess critics). 'l-\pc FZE crn slrl hc pofllhrflcd' Procruct GomPosition Hlgh pre-rsure hminlFis rnanufuclurqd in I flll prcis by combinirg rJccurtr.live pnpefi sr.rurated ln melaminc rc:in rith phenolic-imprepaictl knfi ]alcn # Frc$ullg orceedhs the NEM^ roccificat,cn df 151p i(5.U MPa) cnd tempcrBturca flpprotching :100" F ( f Jf,' C). Thc Fnncl,s aro tnrrmcd to sitr and 6E bscks rrc modcd tcr fncilitotc brnrlilg. Thc fh''.rkncrs rrf (5c laminarc rs dercrinioer hy dlle rrunrtrel cf l:raft lay$s trseC Thc larrinating ffcrc$r combin{r'r tho drrr$hility of tnclalltine rcAitll wirh rhc acathctics 0I decoraJilt pspefr LTe0ling a surfacinE matrrisl lbat h!-s been the srrndud fot woll ovcr fortY Ycnrs. Producl OescriPtion E.nd.tl li.al|.l $t!.1 ti l!6.lrl ,iirriiii.ti,li'i- nlte Li r1,:.91.t. l!rr. ,ll{ liJA .f.r.i .||trrl tr.o]! .Y). !6..14 t4 .s. 126, 1., da Wh.nr.r-r i o 4!.ttt1 lalo.l1|1 ].t'it Jotrt JtJ/l n,0t( J!,].r.a$ afi 'r|' l:o. t" ^llr{i,t_1 -th,.tttt l;:v- r1r. l,ia il,'" lltfr|dM iirr$r1n . ^ eubiicl'ry .l :h.6lem hd4tl., lntarn€tbnll Inc ofn Plodrr nod -.fu|rrl, ME 0.211-l|t4 ' Fhornr 60c-Fl3MlE Fa&6.$' '!7"ta&it tl ' frl. ea7'?tf&€e ' wa* p!n!€ c6il Flnlsh OFtions (:r'a. tti nqaild.t v T16. In*lo(!'Frrlndlnit llir irsr rrnr' (l Ok- 4 lifh gt.s rFffrl 6irt lto i l0 dtnr |f lc i (+{r,, " ii.II, !:l|' '.4!; 'rdt 13 : r rr'{' nrtr' . H l{iBh|' Srd*}v lc:fii tltttitrt! nni{!?3 t J ll''.l 'nrrr i-s"tr r^"t.r .{ flrrlvtrlii.rl \oll* !i'iFlr' "r r I rr't rdtr ir,'!rlk in sidhr rt 4l" nM 60 ni!! tli:'J,',',';," ;',1,T'iffi;#SQUARE Oh'E INTERIORS I+IITE I,OOD DIST 6 ooo PAGE 03./04 nl'u/4 Fabricatlon Tipr \Yhcn working xith Honhe. th€ss tschniquee will prodgos 5 qurliry apf,licndorl . l. Ptnpor conrlitionjlrg r* tha, lanrinnlc. s h.itrnte. an(t backing rheet fiinimize$ f(xtil)lc yhrphg. chrlnting. or ext{nsioo o, B*scrnbtcrl F{lJre).!. Idoolll. rl eollttr.rD(ntr s,}Knrjd bc <Irnditinncri nt 70' F tn 15" F iX !' C tt' J.J' () rnd 45 kr .10 Ferfcrt r€lalivc h!0 dtry for 4B hours prior rrr ar:qnbiy 3, Alwey! bond l:.:ltinetE to ! ililahle $r'l:irtnre such os ,nediunr rf,) Ngn dcn$it-v fibcrtnad. paniclcboafd. c'r ncratr. Ir sholld nor hc ldued dircctl, tfl pia*cr !{lls. RvTrsuI)1 wlll}oird- r.rrccrrcrsre. 3 Rccorntrcndqd sdhetivcs inslttdc solvsn: fn. s-{tel'l-,tlicd fontocl cerr:ent. $hiic giue ipVA), ep:ry,aaC hi)t rnelt $luc. Conr.ult your adhesivc suFFl ier fi:r,,peci fi c appt lcatici regu.ircfEnt.s. .1 lhc urc of ;r ltlrcldng shcart is nrcorrtncntlcd to minimizs wrrpnge. 'I'hc thicknsss of ihc backirig eheet rhcruld be rcliulvet) :qini ro tho lhiukra$s of the cl+prntivc lqrninalo on the flcc of the etiscmbly. Technioal lnformation Physicat Propertbs 5. All saw blrdcs and raulcr bitx uscd ihr cuning shouH bc rnrbidc liFpcd. FEcd mtg fl$uld te nioo nnd trrol rpccd r'hrrnd be high. Tlr milimia fte dc',rloprnmt of surf0cc scr!tcho3 f;alsrd by .rourer hits, lubricnring thc ianrinlric cdge wirh 6 #ax {tick is rceom.?n endqi prior to toolinF. 6. .\ll edgcs ol lminrn.qlotld be filcci snroo(h',rdrF filc djreclion t(lwards subsrra(c t|l liclp prcvcnl stresr r!.acl:\ 8nd lo mirimi?J] chippiqg, ?. lnsidc carners ofcurotrB for elecrijca.l rtlcti, Aint.r. etc.. sheuld bave a minimrrn radius of l/8" (.1 rpnl and bc filed srnlrdr. Thu tfduces'$e likaliho( of stiecr cnrctA lJ. whcn najls or Jcrcws mu$ be uiicd. it ls rdvisahlc r(, first drill an ovcrslT2d h('i€ tltrueil the b,roiflrte. This reduccr the likclilEod of sucrs crnd(t 9. Sc. hortr1i, Plrqtihrating Technical Hrrl]stin l,rr pc,.stfnrrnmE application tipr,. .10, All leminar jr ittendcd for intcrior ura dv, r'1{ e;qgi4 ^.g lrc crposed to exrrc'Ile huhiditt. co[tiDunur sr:nlight. r.,1 tgnqrcmturg aborn ?75' F ( r.lj" (1 For :xtcnCcd oerirr,.Js of tirnc. NEMA :IYPICAL NEMA STB. I'ITIC^ I. NEMA Sl]tI. T?PICAL \f,}4A STD.]J 3.'1995 PIONITE ECS IIOMTE HT}P FIONITT VGPTrst VALUFS VALUF5 VALOESTf"sT Mrthrrt (;ag F]9 F2rfj_'- -- Trx:kre'r (in) 0048;too-1 qo4r"oib's -Iloigto-oos -l5r.,li,-oos -TirsfrIior -onmi6Frx'-(rnn) :.2,-0.08 t,rrCtZ t.0rt).C6 l,Or o.tZ oTtt 10.0?6 O.7.^l.l lBf-t.'A* .-- - -.1 cornplia$ c.'rilricr conrFlic$ t'iihr Rast$'uc( lT --s'r,s^Gf,* -Tl'irr*n""- . . !*r, -"*, sr,sr, ,r** -Fi;; "r* -iii* "ri.*- -J '-. --- -- -d -::-'Clco|rabrllr.y ,t.{ l] !f) (mrx) 13 Z0 tmar) [ ?0 (fisr] .ttcin 1- I D No cffEcr No cfiect No cfFlt No e.ffer:r Ncr eflecr No cffcct SArn | | .15 No effocr l\{odorlc effect hc effrrct trlodcrgre cffcql l*,lp spefl N4filerat8 ctTacrItoiringwnt"Pc:'it'''E. _l"s_ _1"-rg1-roil.t-* ffi.rf- C;}*l-.C""*- T;;;*_u"|*-girhjr"'nnryry11-._Jtf __3"uro -il,g,,Fo, _*_:"; -r,4n="r;, _;_* - #il;;;,Ralr trnr'u:r.re.is:once.- <'"1 ,,a Js'- -!or.rr,.: -r; --'- - ,d;:,- _ ."- ;;i",1;*, - : ,.-._ --:- - (:"1 . -_ l-197 |27p1v;n.1 _ f,t9 752 (''|i,r.) |62 Sc8tnint :Rrdirnr lltrr Rar!'rrrncc tIJ' ild _. 2rn-' -rzri[n.,' - '- .--:- -- '-:'-.__ .._._. r.'-.. __--1_ ._-..,.,,_'INl., *. i9i. _. ..!ry,Ti") ..*,r55 _ ._m1Ig,, ,Dtmcniisnll f,b1n8r ..!.I I Mnc[rnc Dnrctinn l.frt 0.:S 0.S0 (m![) 0.4n ll0(r:rer.) .40 l.]0{ulan.)Crccc l)irccdon t%\ ^ -:'- - . cic' .-. -i)'901t rr.)--- 0.8c L40 (mu.) 0,g0 l4oimrr 1 Dtnr.rrionar.$rihihry I l8 t ' Mschinc Diroctinn (9+) .41) .E .4i t.s 1.,Cmr: Drrcction (lc\ | .r \lcut Rq.$nncc a.y.r"J- .t. ii- _- t,,1_pnilor''il' ii"i l,ir - "", "po,ir.rr,. nili-"'**t" " nr,;- - sn--t,ni".r -*zire ' '-' .-o.-il, Biirtcr AcssrrnJ. 'il.j- . ,' .-N2:!J'tE!!!t'! it.,t]l!'Flrcaht<' --,4 t6 turt, ; ,il _ _ ,:;,':::;.:.r'._:. _-5 SL rv"l rpJi;.nu* oS .q, r-," , *, .; ._ __. .^;... . __ _ |itolle" llrmntitn trrrro.aoronrraFr*,.r.,b *;iiill;;l;r,I';'fi,;},"nigl"#i,1"Jgi$1il:',1'll)1#l*l*o-__,o*,',_" ..-_11'/91/2005 l1r 31 FAtr lTtsli2saS 09:17 frc l]dtq{liti.r Siaraa I ndrr 60{ zir ll squ.{RE 684 8e25084 OI\-E INTERIORS I^TII TE UMT} DIST & oos PACE A2/s4 Fire fs$ Data High prrrsurc clcutrrutivc 'hnrinlte is trequenlly tncd in irtstrllations govcrmd bt'. loel fi.'G;rrr.lcs- Burtting chnractcrirtics t'f lo;nil|are are greltly influenccd by thc srlhe!'ivc tud rrlr$ratE utili/'cd' Lirfctl bcloo .rr! lypical llanrc rprtad indct nad smokc rlctol':Ped rrl[pi tbr Pionite stmdard grndc hminulc, Wh*n sf]eciting Clsss I or A rutcd Inminalc.t.;+.ii t(.t Pt.lnitl: Ftr R ted Techni(,'''l Bullchn. ASTM E.84/UL723 "Standard Test Method lor SurfacE Burning Chetactedstlca of Building Materials" rtr l.:nmnrl",t ls 80 lF -ltl ?n L:rl il $*J" rr I: lncq::rnr fi' l:aE6! ll.nrd IF 3lq Care and llaintenence Pionitc dr..rrrralivc lmrinarc prn"lclcs a d0rlhle surl'ace thnf ts crsy ro rraiurtin lrsir; trrlinnrY $a/t- To rn$inrain ihe laminf,tc'q l$ltinF beaul), clelning with I srtlution oi w ri'| r*alcr trnd liquid 'Jishwruhing dctcrEcnl is 6ll that shauld bc reguired in mosl cltics. Stairs rnay hc rcmlvttl witll most lK)lr'abrnsitc lrQrrs!:hrrld ctr:sncnr su!:h .r.s FORMULA 4c|(J", FANTASf iI(', tjLASS PLLIS- or wtNDliX IVITH At\'lNlOMA D"' Light scrubbing with a tnfi hr:rtlc(l httldl tr-:oy llc necessnry to r€|nov(: stFins frrt'rl the deptli of thc. r.mlrn$fc On $omc tcxtu.cd gfio|.'€ti. If tid 'Jain FefilStS use- r pastc rrf hirking scl4 rrtd r*atei lnd . spply wittr a roft },irllcri hrush Light scrtbbing for l0-10 $rokc$ r.hrrrl<l reatove ffo$ srains Althougfi h;rking rods is s lctw abroiive' ('rces{ivc rcrJibing rri cxcrtitlA t ':r n[lch force tlly damlgt tlx: decorative surf{ce. ssPecially if it h&s ! glosr finjsh. Stuhhom ttxlns lfnt rcsist nny r.rf {llu abr:ro clclning nlorhods mny rcouirc {hc urr.: trf urxiilulori irrushold bleoch' /\PPly th€ bl6ci to the sni,r rnd lcl lt]&fld tlo longct ihin I 1/2 mjFulcr. Rrns(: t]x'rtug]ly wilh sarm ' arcr' trltl v'il/: tlr]- Thil ltcp may be rcPeat$l if the stai]r appean to ti€ goin6 lrray anil the color of thc lrrninltc h:ls noi hccn r|rcct.:ll If,ARNING: pa{rlongcd cxpast€ 0l dre l[mincte s,rrfa* to blcarh will cause discolsrltioo. Mlny comnrucially evdilohle pftxlud-s corltlifl st|bstnrccs lht{ nriry-. dnmage or disolor I Inminate rudace. ABRASI'IE CI-EANERS SHOLII,D N{iT 8E ttSF'D. Parlicrtlar 0$n: skrld bc ured u'ilh $ny troducts llhelled CAI jTION or WARNlNti. Atly qocrtiorts orconccrns qbould hc rsfcrtcd to thc pro.l(tcl s flanufaclurei crr c:dl t "S0{LPIONITE Do not ello"Y i{rsh mdtdti0ls tc rEmnin in conlacl *idr {re lnminctc surfrtc. EtRmplcs of tlr$c rrc r( follot'rsl Toilet hclvl clcinEre Hydrogon Pcroxi'14 Ovcn clenrnrs Dnrin clraner.r lr{etal clclnen ard pnlishut Chloriflc hleo.rh Coffee oot cleaners I|lrd wmcr s{tin rprnr.:vcrr Fnrir and bcrB ,iuice T[b rnd rile clcarcrs Ii F'' F!n lllt t.jtl tfin ilJ tgl fi t0 0l rFrld.d rnl F!rr.!M r,!fNP afif|lJr( ar|rfn, All ||i\rr'jrDnrb lE d((ltrcl, N.r-rilrl.r! rttl irw:tllal 'ltern uicj -,fi ic't"+* at{l fiF!.&^ Godec anrl gerlilications 1. U.S. Fcdcr,rl N{o;or Vchrclc Snfuly Strnderd ,}342 'flnmortrbility' o{ lutgriur Marcrials " t'ionitc :!pc O48, F-r9. and P2S comply, 2. Thc Cir.v of Ncrv '1ork. Dcpt, of tsuildings. Malcrinl3 and Eq{ipmenl Acccitance Divrsion approvli codx are a.c follows: cri! - ME.\ 20.5-1)3-l{ lilg - l\48^ 206-91.M Fzr - tv.njA loF-gl-tf 3. N5F-lnk:rnutienal Slnrdrrd 3i, "l,nminrtcd Plasncs ilrr Surtircing' Food S€fv c. Equlpn1end' Florrit3 Type G4F. Fl9. and F?8 comFly. a. r\nctlclD Nad orll .Slcndartr lnstibrtr/N{iorrl tladricfl | Manufocturctr Asrrlcis.ticm (ANStAlEVAj, LD3-1995. "High. Prcrcrrrc Dccc.r.aiive l^onrln0le." Flordte T)'pc C+E,Itl9, and f.28 comply. 5. NllL-F-l717l F:(SH). "High Fcsurc Dcmr.aiivc Laminntc," Pionite G48 compllri \yilh TVpe f . 6, tI.S Ftdertl Speclt'lc{tldn L.P.5Oin. ''Pltrltic Shcct- kminitEil. Decoriluvc *nd Ndrdn':rrrti"o." Pionitc Tvr|c O48, F39. d F28 dofipl y. ?, lntcnrBrionsl *glrizruirrn fi,r.9tnndtndiz.nri ou. ISO-4 586. "Dec-ondvc High Prcssurc Lamlnrtcs (HPLl." Pioniu TJ?c Q4F. F39. and Elt comply. Fr'f[.'i|8mFlrddF!t.D'hhrThrgkEtco'p|nyo|o.J'r''o^9.€12:ol'qrPlEindhfr'|Ek'lFflg|Dr'cc.F'ir4k.'1.oor'c[.,n,inlc'tiF.l'q|'c\ttt6 N 6ca!!.n0t1: urh.i lE i "glrtrrt [ldrfilrt x'l !'c$nn(En i gd|r t]tC, ortrcti.. Wt 6!r03.50t. lY['ril'!' fl'ronlifi, SUfl r|ll| . A &,hirdt.., of 5i.atr., tfrtuthi.n trt.r.rtrnrt rno.O|taonlrNorC.Aubo.t.ME0/21r.1014.Phrn.AO!.Fl:tlrtEt7|0.a4A).t?.?!z-Err1.Fit:207.7ftad1m,*rru.Dbrib..o|n '42-7I-2e,eE 13r2A ]nNrn Nmnr Product Information O s14 iz1 ?ssz P.az./az General Data Surface Burning Characteristics Tests,1 Eanjrmln Moorr & co' rubm*[d msny of rr! oonv€nton.r pigmcnhd inrerro. coatno :il:l:IitH i: jlf fi 3itBfisi.d;it'i!ffi".?Jiliift15;1iHift iiHilH;i I[1h11ttitlH"*L.,[:EtJ+*99nhnc.rwnh thc p?ovi!ion_6 or Asr-M.D_esrgiltion u.ate'rirrJ'JnE-nini;'i'fr il'f,','.:T"'"'i.ii.:*;llfr:rnr.t*:ir""":'l',,u**,-rsrrngr .ro sxprE*ad num"'rcer[_d"antited l;rciy ti ii.i,J" or rn".c prsducr3 overno^Fc-omb!silbre rurfsccs. Th€ r,irtresuriilre ioiio6"'ioiit,urd to ,erate to a f rret€tetfafit fo.mulatod prlnt dal|gne6 to, uEo overcgmbu!tible surraceg, 3,L:.":"" repres€ntrtlvs silt b. plsaod ro ,svtew rh6 offloht prolcct rsDons wtih your PRITER l Coct 0uick.Drv Pama Scir FIilISH tElEgTION: 1 Gcat Srtln lmorno 1 Ooit tmpa'tq Enamal'| Cogt Regrl Aquevolvel 10 5 10 15 10 1s r0 5 5 E 5 5 6 ! t 10 0 0 _6 0 5 5 10 ; 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 Co.h tilrER: 1C€t Moorc|E t Prlmrr C*tr 2Cdrts P8||ttR 1 Cort Hoorcralt 9lock prttcr I Cost Litar I Cort MoorEratt Fhllsfl 8lLEC'nOill igiiiFiilft"x#' 1 Coat Satin tmicrio 1 Coat lmpe'.o En nEl 1 cort Moolerfft Latex Flit FINIEH EELECTIOII: 1Hilg",f 5fLsj;!:flr,fl [1,,.9.'s,,*I uost lroorcratt srlln Flnilh EnamEl 1 o2 oorcn]ftSttll}Flt Enamcl NBRE DE PFEES oo lUPOFgii OF- o-;f. Yilt,od =JJ = o =tJ - VHU'K PstrF gH>ilJ6 I C) -+-- |I <l| - t'| 'rlI AlI <lI ul I lllI oltzl I \Jl| trlF | <l\ I >l - I ttt I rr I Jl'l urlr I Flr,| 7lY| 6 t:I Fll | 6l{I z ltr"l I Fl'4I et3| -l'* ,-f"(* l'21\llz ,,2/L v-,2 -+\ \ '.\\\g, \\F^3 \\vi(! \'\-T \ \\\ \_-t t v) _l\r ,,2,/ L g_,2 -\ \t,\\\I \\ctl \\c \\'E (,) \\o.n \''ig \trJ o) \=7 s -U) L) LLoz -t I(9ztrU) =t! d9 I'-.!cl/)CO(E>F?.s t F g ; E E s E Fs s ! !r .lJes 5.9 9 r b E.Ei Pd o6+.9fE *ae;:g H .,P# ":; g :E € El tE E e'9# ,,o.P"E F!,eCET Hg E gE g E€ F (n$rJ) N YHo1 1$ tt*o6?ui-'|--.t <JO =J IO. .or:3ET |E: (l) 0)'3 EEfEIatE[';E aEf#t rn oxo o ul o, '6 o (! o u> 11) c 6 3q, ul,trFE>gqo.d:s z (!.o vJF o.o o) o t- CJ q ul E, d, E ,thxo o.s€o-*eE o'l t.J C) fl,o=(JG t- 3q) o att ut o E .= e6' E.E 0)a- aE =ox 'o+ EcE::.{ '= A trUUE.TI es.E'J:Q(!: +J rF .= '= I i 8;d E.JJ'; I <l;l -tn I<l(Jl u-|olzl -TI;-lFI<l>l | | r-,: t: 2t_"ol+ ii l(t1 r lrii>lJdt*z16 I/,.I\(* l:z)\1!/ I I I I I_l<l;lal<t-O IEtr l-' :tr<le d li = lH =16/-f,\\,(- l\2 )\uz t E,Enc'-9x'F:+x'E +(Do(,J (!(! b'F.Nd P.e v,t! 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O () lu it- U' aA) |,/)-y.E th iE.c slE 5 X-.C 9. .= v I.gl, IHGUtiP4.=+JhHF+r.rFE' F-'= =P i.J = F " Ut q- U| 3-f € s.e E tal F 'x- () o I I-lccr I;t6l<tL)l LLIolzloltrl<l 4l+ur lL 2t_,ol+ i7 l(oT l,:.i E tiz16 /-t)^{cvl..i)\lq 3 OJ tn C 'tr arO il= lrl C 6 |oS.ED +J tae58 clHo ;6; 6.0:o-EEEP Pt='fid o c (J 6 3-cout oiF.2 qr0iPo(Il atrii(! o It v>(u o (D frEBe e =sirEdESEE Efi.3EH tnE 't c) o at c) I I I I I I I_l --l J-l.nl<t_ "lgu- |-' -lrrzl-'< l+# t; I I IJJ Eti =16/|s(-tvt\l!z ;X or.5 trtl-r I ooP.P_ u olffiii o- -3o) }:(o:, a. Ff :e ;Jlto c'3a;!-333 = 3F = .-< j; = lJ = o4(jl#5 G= tE E€T*# :E+=lHrE E=38 6tn ,,2/L v-,2 l 9 (d\\ (' d \\ -::^\ \\_, z'B 3/4' ro YHgD di->: ^.tr fttr) al,?ui =\JO =J d -I(JI;lu,I*l;t zl trl<l>Iull trl FIL =lrFlnu-| cb ltZ lc'1tr I"i *t3-l- /-TD\tNl*)\JZ q) v, o o oo o .E c,Ettt (g () I l I I-lul;lal<lul LLIot= el:#lrJltzlo tr I'j *t3-l' /|+\(-tv/\[z 0,t .g o- .:: r- ':i:.vr=!o () .S o.co ,. o) .JC6=-soL(J c) E .c .9 _ lh q, V,.' (!.E tlJ o- iE I 1 \ @!tI.)Y9(,)1 >s 0( i\OHR ri'iaiJO = d o.9.E Eo tr, ll,(E:Ftt- - ;i o-.= o) i- PEF E i'=qi'abF PP.Fg;5'tr- iii tr r--,;ge ;.9 I s b E.E-i I6 o 6+.9.:E+;Pc'bPEB U+ o.-\* E .,EE "li g tE € EI TE F frgE ,,oP$ F! gEfiT Hg E SE # Eg F ->.$eBr- (J- P E-3 E t TsgEisS 3 6 U' -g.E ql o ,aEE9 =E=sEg ('' Ct) .! 'E *r9*b u F! 5.:'FX@q)3;9€ cct(s(/) 6F -.--'--'-.....--.- I I_lOI;l lr1 |<t_u lb t-r- | -' tol- ! ?li I.-,l; ir lriJ I = ti i1l'n \rh\q_ry \.. \ o q) () '/.,.9.E/ ta j f; [Hpr-8gi,9 - |J ^9()^qrv -8;A ,;r=; E_d Esg N@U' oX'.: "..i: h-o- .=<: 5E !I- F' ;(9E.=Jqto ii 'iiri9o6sEltc J =3t#E E>Zci:936ig tE+= ';>ai't Hr EE=38 6rn rJ) @ rJt ,'Z-'L i._(2E tl (' \'*-=:=| --+ lg:!(3(, c: ..\ tt - FlY iros =H-.1JO =J I O =f;;SP EEEfiEr#7$olccq-(3 =JF O- iE (t] 0.u c) 9^ri; E HE n3*freii t4lh 6) o0!HT E :EE;*eeaer€eHj'Fzr;i f $ 6 qi €E*F#EEi e.E3t {, '6 ?-c '- tE :(JFo)r-c ct o (Eta ru oo 0.)P c) Ju ,,S-,2 t)l-l TI t/) |<lul LLIolzl trl<l>l5t?3t: >l_uol+ ;i l(.l) | | Lll =lrfitf,z16 fhtt-iv,|\lJz o c F(J /':'.,.F ElYtl^(s| (,1 | .-i L ----------r .-..-.--...> J o)oCEF..9nX(!LU(J (l) (J iX ct oiT H.=v$= .cP> "F'!o o q) rl) -c c(! c i: s A5-€6(s c c.Y (sc -it (n (J t:= a.r s u) 5 FEE fi.o tr E'iF6Eo) (J!r: K,E rco r/'>i.Eea#[HE; Es€E; o.9.E Ea/)co(!=F9c * F eF'F E . ;'i o;'EbF cP'Fsfi5'l:-!Etrt--,.9e6.gPsbE.=c-i H 6 o.E+.9.iE +; *3b FEB il+ otF E r? o :: F 9=.E-Ef TE 3 a c u.9,* tE g 099F: E E € S.E N ,,,?"E it eExT H# E gE f E€ F N r, \i r' ',2/ | 6nl,'Z/ L 6 rq)v8(a N_ \\ rt tnOH =E-{<JO =J I O =f;:IP EEBfiii*siPii€ Fb 3 -> "$eB._(J-PEsFr e;g; rt e E trE E:E: ff; cl: EetBEisHlFq'o FE 5.d .E F - b.c bg+E.TE 3! Y C O -:: 5 artq) 'a (!H Fo;ioE-c u) c) ru th q 6 ru t-() c tt,U'() U' O).EtJC ..Y 0) ul-l .!l v7 l<lul LLI "lzlottrl<l>lul lt F lj =t_,Olstrliit: =l<zl8 /-fN\{- lJ}\t9 .9.P(J -,-:\ .(! Illalh6I (/) | r-r t'r ---_--__---7 + J B)OCE'u.- x(!ulo (u J ,i .iSH:_s= n9 E .g 'i co E E L) (st- ;, Bt l?i! (l).=.: (, E6;ts._cJ (! E5 #.o'F r 'iF6Sq) I9'* o-o |.|)>\(t) ; taH!; =n3*E3;eS8 u,.9.E EthcO)(!:tr.!c * d .g ;FE*;*,H;'- - ='E E t- - ..Eei,EPebE-c i q * rt -ru -v .9:? *; FEb EE 3 EE e,:-E Eyt q, (! ;'= .=-Ef "E B B E ! :Et tE E f.Pg ,,'F$ fii FEE= H# E g€ # eE F N fr, q U1 ,,2/L 6,,0 r,,2/L 6 A.W,Dunn & Company 120 S. Brentwood Street - Lakewood. CO 80226 - 3031445-0982 fax: 303/445-6915 November 30,2005 Chris Gunion, I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town ofVail Building Safety and lnspection Service 75 Frontage Road South Vail, CO 81657 RE: Mountain Adventure Center - Interior remodel 254 Bridge Street - Vail, CO 81657 Dear Chris: Please note that this letter serves to indicate revisions required for compliance with your second review letter. The attached two sets of completed, revised drawings are amended as follows: Architectural: 6 - Amend plans to indicate compliance with flamespread requirements for all new finish materials: Pionite flamespread: The Pionite plastic iaminate used is to be Type G48, with a flamespread rating of 160. See attached specification sheets and revised drawings. Graphics Film Finish: The graphics film has been deleted from the project. See revised sheet ID 6.1. Vinyl Finish: The vinyl wall covering has been deleted from the project. A mosaic marble tile will be used in its place. See revised sheet ID 7.0. Electrical Comments: See electrical drawinss Mechanical comments: RE: Ceiling fire damper for exhaust fan: See revised schedules in the drawings. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, D. Quinn, Architect . Dunn & Company INTRAWEST COLORADO 80x 3250, CopptR N,I0UNTAIN,COIORADO 80443 S970.968.23 | 8 E S70.{68.3155 E idrswe stcot0rad0. c0rl November 29,2005 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 801657 Dear Sirs, It is my understanding that there is some concern that employees and customers who visit the Billabong/Showcase location in Vail at 244 Wall Street will not have acc€ss ro a restroom. This letter is to confirm that the ADA accessible restroom in the Mountain Adventure Center at254Bndge Street will always be open and available to customers of the Billabong/Showcase store during all store hours of operation of the BillabongiShowcase store and to employees of the Billabong/Showcase store whenever they are at wok in the Billabong/Showcase faciiity. We realize that access to a restroom is key to the health and safety of our employees and also provides an important service to our guests. As operators ofboth ofthese locations, which are located right across the street flom each other, we commit that we will provide this important service for our guests whenever the Billabong/Showcase store is open for business and do our employees whenever they are working in the BillabongiShowcase facility. G @ 9 WIIIGR PART @ Please do access to t hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding our policy of providing restrooms located in the Mountain Adventure center (254 Bridge Street) during hours of ion for or in the Billabong/Showcase Store (244 Wall Street). Vice President Rental,/Retail Division ttr ere lf* o sxi A.W.Dunn & Company 120 S. Brentwood Sheet - Lakewood. CO 80226 - 303i445-0982 fax: 303/445-691 5 November 29,2005 Chris Gunion, I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Service 75 Frontage Road South Vail, CO 81657 RE: Showcase - lnterior remodel 244Wall Street - Vail, CO 81657 Permit #: 805-0327 Dear Chris: Please note that this letter serves to indicate revisions requrred for compliance with your recent second review letter. The attached three sets of completed, revised drawings are amended as follows: Architectural Comments: 6 - Maintain I hour horizontal assemblies: See electrical drawings for light fixture instaliation details. 7 - Flame spread ratings for all new materialsl Pionite flamesuqqd: The Pionite plastic laminate used is to be Type G48, with a flamespread rating of 160. See attached specification sheets and revised drawings. Fir wood planks flamespread: This material has been deleted from the project. Glpsum board will be used instead. The display unit detailed on sheet ID-8 w1l be constructed of stainiess steel. MDF flamespread: This material has been deleted from the project. Gypsum board will be used instead. 8-EgressPlan: See revised cover sheet ID-0, showing adjacent required exits. Three exits serve the space. 9 - Provide minimum number of plumbing fixtures: See attached letter from Intrawest re: use of the Vail MAC facilities. Electrical Comments See electrical comments and revised drawings. Please let me know ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, z-! 1-v1' ,/h p1l-fl-- ' 1 { / ",V_t-Aln D. Quinn, Architect dW. Dunn & Company TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN J0BSITE AT ALL TIMES OT'INER BITANCHE HILL 311- BRIDGE ST. VAILco 815s7 APPLTCANT SHAI{ER LIFE SAFETY DEBORAH IJ. SIIANER P.E. PO BOX 1073 FRTSCOco 80443 License: C00000i_971 CONTRACTOR THIII. ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS Lt/1.8/2OOs LL/L8/2OOs phone : 970-4O9-9o82 LT/L8/2005 Phone: 97O-949-463AP O BOX 534 AVON co 8l_62 0 License: i.12 - S Desciption: MOUNTAIN ADVENTIIRE CrR-REMODEL FIRE ALARM sysrEMValuation: $6,200.00 +r.:t,l4t +:8:* *** d(** * * Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location.....: CURTAIN HILL BLDG,254 BRIDGE STParcelNo...: 210108223007 Project No ' T(SOS -$j.f,:- ALARM PERMIT Permit #: Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees----- > Tora.l Permit Fee---- > A0s-0106 3os - oz"t-'I ISSUED 'Bos-o5o8 tt/r8t2005 12/21/20p.5 06/19t20p,6 Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call------ > TOTAL FEES-- > L2/oL/2oos mcgee2. Batt calc's do3. Point to point 4. Info sheet is5. Compatability L2/20/200s mcgeebuilts. $0.00 $0.00 s0.00 $454. s0 $404.50 90.00 $464.50 $464. s0 BALANCE DUE-----.-- > Approvals: Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARMEI\]'r Action: COND Furnish stanped plans and red line as CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, ro comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according io the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Action: DN 1. Equipment specs do not match pla::s.not meet minimum specswiring not shown checked but data is not suppliedof Silent Knight, EST, Firelight , etc is not demonstrated. REQUESTP,p_q. {1,'V* TWENTY-FOUR IIOIIRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPEONE AT 479-2135 FROM 8:fi AM - 5 pM. AppucAnotr'. i*lr BE A'.EFTED rF rn"o""*^lu*'qE1\5--6uc 'Gtrl ;"'#:"ffi tQfdr /l gto-tts-zrssilnsrrrlorF,) wnElrm/lYllg$pErat-^-ru'...-.-^.q|FW. 41657 ftjs Y6i UG w'[h'u'['lh s I Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. r application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado Fire Alarm Contractor:*Ihr^1 Tovn cf Vail Reg. i,lo.: \tz- 3 Contiac{ and Pho e #s:ffi'Ro,"r{^- qqq qu)Al., E.Mail Address:r\h conrracrorsisnature, N I A= COUPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERIttllT (Labor & Materials) FireAfarm:$ b|,N\. *******s*******:**,*:t!E:Rt:!********ffiFOR OFFICE USE ONly**:+:b*'!*1t************:;*:.*:ts:F*:ts******* ,dssessors Office at 970-328-ef/l0 or visit for Parcel# Parcel# h U\ I Job Name: Mo,rvrlc^* Nd*{u" Cor{r y JobAddrass:oocrbLt b'rlo. SrA \ln. Legal Descriprion fi Lot: ll enc*: lj filing:sumivision: \ltti St,t- orners Namettrlr,, nus| le{".r lj Address: Zz\ co.cn ,.\r njr +a4j[phoneL - -_tr Engin*''S).c*,.,,$,.L,to S.f,4^, llAddress:4o 6ov lblf Ersc.\ llenone: qgq "10t Detailed Location.of srork: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) reb.-,\ S0o,o Detailed description of woft:- --@d -Gb ra-rt.odrl-.-- f.., rr\nc,,* .,lr\l.,L',,,.".^ .,e"J- M['iin) Workclass: Nery( ) Addition( ) Remoel(/ Reparr( ) Re{b.fir( I Otyerl I TypeofB|dg':Sing|+family()Trvo-fami|y(lru{'n@sburant()other() No.ofExistingDweilingUnitSinthisbui|ding:-l Does a Fire Alarm ExisL Yes t/f No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( ,/ No ( ) Lp.{ rWaiMab\CdeV\FORMS\PERMITS1ALRI,FERM .Dioc o"rar*r,t*,- rsr aE A.*EPTED rF .-. I6tFflL\t7tl\ *.$nu /t TvpNWTMy I TowN oF vAlL FIRE ALARMI Commelcid &Residentbl FirEAlarm Frontage Rd. 81557 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARi, PERMff (Labor & tttaterials) Fire Alarm: $ ***t*n**rl*i!tlht**i***ftt*r*t**t*r'*t!'FQR OFFICE U$E OilLYaf**,ot*r*!r**il*!n****,r****+*i!+*.***r* Building Permit#: I Cornmercid & Restdsntbl Fire Alam shoP drawittgs are required at time of 75 S' application submifral and msst intiude lnformation listed sn the Vail, Colorado page of this form, Appliggtion wjll rglbe aaepted withoutthis Fire Alarm C,ontractor: Jh'^l Town of Vail Reg. No.: \lz. 3 Contac{ and Phone #s:W'Ro,w[^-, qqq q{rAd, E{leil Addrc$: N Il*n.o"",r,nn"r*, r\T A_,, Office af ar visit for #P"*"1# n.rit '* -"'"' Mornfrun Na u.n {tln Cor{r y "lt1*oocrbLt b*^0, .!t \lr, L="sr'h"dption .l_Lot ll B Fili"s, Lsubdivision: \lfi Btrt* Det€ltEcl Locatign.of wo,rk, (i..,, n-i of \ rypeorErdg.: Singt€,family( ) Tr,to_famity( ) Mufti-famtty( ) Cornmeaiat Reslaurani ( ) Other ( ) No.Dwelling thls building:ol units in this building: =* a e8 )Systema es( \va uatetcdev\FoFlMsFERMrrsurnrpERM.Ooc From: Mike McGeeTo: Deborah Shaner; mthul@thulelectronics.comDate: 1210112005 1:38:24 PMSubject: A05-0106 Mtn Adventure Center Pemit is denied for due cause as follows: 1. Equipment specs do not match plans. 2. Balt calc's do not meet minimum specs 3. Point to point wiring not shown 4. Info sheet is checked but data is not supplied 5. Compatability of Silent Knight, EST, Firelight , etc is not demonstrated. CC: fire insoectors MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER Address Device Type Floor Device Descriotion 101 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER TUNING AND STOMGE 102 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH HALL 103 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH OFFICE 104 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH LOCKER ROOM 105 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER OFFICE OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 106 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER STORAGE OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 147 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER UTILIW RM OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 108 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM. SOUTH 109 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM - CENTER 110 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER 'I'AIN ROOM - NORTH 't11 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER WESTLOCKERROOM 112 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER WEST MECH ROOM 113 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER WEST STORAGE ROOM 114 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER STORAGE UNDER STAIRS 115 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER RESTROOM OFF NORTH HALL 116 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER NORTH HALLWAY 1't7 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER NORTHEAST LOCKERAREA 118 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM - EAST 119 MANUAL PULL LOWER NORTH HALLWAY, STAIR 120 MANUAL PULL LOWER SOUTH STAIR 121 MANUAL PULL UPPER SOUTHWEST EXIT 122 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR-SW 123 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR. SE 124 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - EAST 125 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER WEST 126 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER EAST 127 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER NORTH 128 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - I.IW 129 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - NE 130 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - NORTH 131 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER CLOSET OFF OF SE OFFICE 132 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER SOUTHEAST OFFICE 133 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER ELECTRICAL ROOM 134 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER COFFEE BAR 135 MANUAL PULL UPPER EXIT NEARCOFFEE BAR 136 MANUAL PULL UPPER NORTHWEST EXIT 137 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN ROOM - FAR EAST 138 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN ROOM - FARTHEST EAST 139 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER EAST EXIT 144 SPARE UPPER Jobsite Infomataon: Mountain Advenlure Center FCPS-24FS6 / I Baftery Calculation Hour Calculation Standby Load Cunent (Amps) Requircd Standby Time ffyprcallv 24 or 60 Hours) 0.065 X 24 = 156 ag A|aTM LOAd Cunent (Amps) RequircdAlarm Time (Typically 5 or 10 Mrirufes) $qF Total Standby / Alarm Amp HouE 1.87 AH Muttipty bythe gqnaring Fac{or X t-------TZ, Total AmEEre Hourc Required = I 3 AH * Derating Factor required to compensate for the non-linear discfiarge charac-teristic of a battery. FLLa =Iox o.IL = o lrJ U')ID =trolt orllof L F uJt!u- 6 oso =To b(r, ut IE o3s E,ol! l!Fo =u,l tE6o.L d(t) o-olJ- El!Fzut C) u,e, .Dez. z.9920f<)z3F(r* Hso-r Es +EgF Modolb Avdlst *tr8hsr lt ort€h l$lrlt$ sc2415W sc?41575W sc2430W sc2475W sc 24s5VJ sc24115W sc2417?W ft+d sc2415 sc241575 sc2430 sc2475 sc2495 sc24115 sc24177 llosn/Strobs nfi$del$i lgL'!.{p PC2415W PC24L575W PC2430W PC2475W PC2495W PC24115W Pc241771 1 Es:sl PC2415 PC241575 PC2430 PC24?5 PC2495 PC24115 PG24L77 &sce$$ogy ld.luft tt$g p!*tca -l&..hii-s tted sBscw Produst Ovelv|ew l€,r+,er Flrr*frt dsalp evqllabjs ln X5, 15..,tS. gS, ?q SS, tls, *md $.?? r.d?n{irfft l{*rnzblrsb+ #rsds[$ i{x*!{Ids i thy** pa$iti+ft s\aJiid.h !+F field.sGl*stin# h*!r]it!ti*6: - f; lsf, tr$rnee glarlissi,'?KHa -'l etnFar*l/.rya$.tenrFs?tl '. li(gh."Lsw dSA +{itgrrrt C€ilialg-agls$ifr 6: eh*Fts, psrfll*. ntr.J &€6tbeti*s $larftroErh*tds *|th niSL $yrrs 'Slfcu]t*nr*uf* &4ou*ts ta 4'z 4'"?, 11:^ bas.k= brrc ft|>'rnd ahi'trre {rf$srs giFeatr?r Fla!*{.,rrl{ratfiexihiiity sgste* $€reor'F sgectr{uerf' edrrrg r't'rftt s+ri** *trE&G6 sr}d 'L.rrl*$irshe.$ sff*r * fr€efi a{Stgastr ts addr*$skrH it B Ertifi}e H*sds f6, feisn# rBs*r.t *Fpti{:cli*|!s. Trr+lrnolnsl'' Like the original spectrAlen, the SpectrAlert ceiling mount series.ffer significant crirrent draw- red*cti.ns 'ver 'ther ceiling m.unr ecr.bes and honr/strobes. tnstetlsths*- sp'eccAlert's compact desigr also offcrs iasrallatiur sa'ings. The strobe and horn/*robe models mount ro a {x{x1,/i back bcx, and tlke up Iitde room in rhe back box, making cornccaions easier. And wirh spectrAlercsroutd shagre, ir is oct necessar;r to elign the track box wirh the room's walls. SpecuAlert ahv;rys lines up. Fls*ibilif+'. spectrAlert '-iling mount strobes and horn/suobes are available i' seven differena candelaq including 17? candela for sleeping areas. The hom/ srrobe's toncs are field-selectable through the use of a rirei position swircfi located on the back of rhe unir. Selections include eiectromechanical and 3 Kl{z rones, temporai and non-temporal patterns, antl high r.ndlow volume. strthelics. SpectrAlert cciling str'be.s and ho.n-/strobes oficr;r desig* drat is scnsi.- tive to *rc aesthedc denrands of cciliag mtxnt applications. 'Ihe round shape rnain- tains a lour profle appearance, similar to fhat of a smoke daectcr arrd provides clearly visible "FIRE" ide.ntifisation from all angles. ,Atgt I @ t-'!2E12it 2A1 ITEA approved 6T OGE t4,c,loE @' Engf mcdDi Spcclftcatloor $irnhn Strobe shall bc a Systcm Scnsor SpcctrAlcrt Mcdcl - listc,l ro UL 1971 anrl bc approvcd for firc protc,ctive ser- vicc wherc, c'eiling mount.strLrbe.s are pcrmittctl. Thc strobe shall bc wircd as a primary signaling nr:tificatiirn applianec and shall flash at lHz ()ver the str'be's cntire opcr.rting rang:. Thc stnrhc lighi.shall ".,nsist .,f r xen,,n flash Luhe and assrriatcd lens/rcfl ector system. 'tn{r,/$itrah$ cots}blBstisB Horn/strobc shall be a Sysem Sensor SpecrAlerr Model - listed to UL 1g71 andfi 454 and be approvedfot fire protcctive sen'ice where ceiling mount horn/srrobes are permitted. Tbe horn/srobe shall be wired ,r'" p.i-arv signaling notification appliance and shall flash at 1Hz over irs enrke oFeroring range. The strobe light shall consist of axenon flash tube and associated lenJrellecror system. The horn shall h"v. twi tonJ opiions, *o nrrd;bility oprions, and the option to sll'itch berween a temporal and a non-temporal continuous patte.rr, Tl,ise opiions shali be selecte4 by amulti-position swirch- Strobes shall be powered independently of the so$d€r wirh rhe ,"oiovnl of factory i;"dir*p- er wires. The horn on horn/scrobe modcls shall op€raE on u .od.d o, oorr*oded ponrr suppl y- Note: Thc strobes must be powcred continuonsly for thc horn ro oE s$e. Grncral Spoolflcatlons t)iFirrFsh]ns 6.8* di€rneter ir,ii+|.jr i]f-'+f4t irti':'rlntp,:rr?ttife 32" to 12O" F (0. !.o 49"c) YiSiy,hi 5.3 oz. (15O grams) |"1*unt!!lg 4-x 4'x 1yz' back box or 4'x 4-x 2*' back box [wtth skiri] SpaauAl6rt ilouhtlng DlaEFatns \& .t,o Strob. or Horn/Stfobc wlth l|drnurg Ft*c 4x4x2ta' BBSCW t6 Strcbc or Hom/slrobo xlih AcccsBory Ba6* Box Std.t .r--\\ jj iu_-J" Hcctricd Spoclfiodom gilcf nt'ft g'"'i,*it nge 24 VDC and FWR' unliltered gF,Ji.$i,/i{'?'ol:afi e lie.lge 1&33V r.l. $- i)atrrr! l.fi::vrlrert 6,049,446 6,057,778 D424,465 Dpilr:'tirF. !,{}lt:)Ar) FaiirAr) rv./'Iiyn{: *{liicrJit L4l:4ule: 17€3 V Noles: 1. Full wave R€ctlfled (FwR) voh4e ls a r'ot|-reulded, tinevr.yln{l Fwer aorrcc thd ls u6ed on sdne po*er rtrppty sd parEi ot tptls. 2. Thg MDL causes a oh+rolt vclt4e drop in the notification aFdiaoce circuif Teblc 1-A: SpccttAl6rt atbbo UL Mtx, Cuttont Dr.n {mA RIfs) T.H61€: Horn UL Max, Gun6r Diaw Moafr|rcfi€nts {mA Rllls} :8prii. T+' .'tiilltlt; 12 to 18 AWG str$h€ $etti3rg {6.ttgv FS$e dpeftsrhq Su}'ffirt - .$trob* irnA ArSi 10.tSg 6S OFeraijng *ijlrsln - tlobs {rrtA $!tB} 15 6a 64 15/75 t6 30 107 113 75 197 205 95 239 274 115 298 325 t77 399 /$9 3.6 9r? (tei 1d,3Jr iFWp| :t$r$*ril Low YSLarc gectlsme6hasicel 30@ Hz Inte|fuded :tsl HiBh Vdume 44 30OO Hz lrteftulted 40 lioB' TeJrFrral Lqw Voiume 37 3000 Hz Interrupterl 32 Hfgh \lotume 4.9 ild) 3tXX' tlz lrderruDtd 56 58 Tablc t e: ?4V Dc Hom/SirobG UL M.x, Curicrd Oraw f$easurcmctts tnA nMS) l'r:r!rlrJtlc;?,hx r't.-.{'!lsr4] UFIF \i!!urr$liid! v+hr:::e +k?t t|}l:.lRr, fd'rti lr &!tr&€:5FXit lrz *600 tE Elutrit?anedtinbs :9-4-rX h*30CO +tr 15 73 73 ?6 7A a1 86 as as 9?8g 90 9S 98 30 126 125 r2a 724 125 r25 131 r34 225 222 222 222 2as 219 22!222 ?72 270 27t 27!266 245 269 270 87 ffi M a6 BL N 82 293 !7?504 501 496 *97 ,193 4S1 49€ Expbhdtlon of Publlahsd yoltaCo, Cunar , and SpL Spsclf,cadons In May 2004 Undcnwiters Laboratories changed standard uL 1971 to require that operating flrment measuremments are made using RMS [root mean square] instead of peak or average r:alues- RMS measirements more accurately predi€t the power consumption of a device since they take into accouni the entire current rlraw profi'le including surge, repetitive surge, and peak vahies, The published RMS cur_ rent is the maximum operatirlg culTent of that device within its operating v-oltage range. This current maximum may or rnay not occur at the endpoints of the voltage range. age range to deternine ihe minimum sound pressure leve! produced at any particular setting. During May 20{14, UL also changed the r,ray they list the voltrge range of a device- All l2V producls will be listerl between 8 - I 7.5V and all 24V products wil't be listed between 16 - 33V- Those deuices are considered 'regulai- ed". Any product that does not operate within ihese ranges will be listed as a ".rpecial application" with its operatint voltage specified on the device. iotF$ 3. Cutrent draw for Lither horn/strobe power supplies cari be calculat€d by adding the strobe curreni in Table 1-A to the horn cu/rer,l in Table 1-B fiom the chosen settingg. 1- Current draw for strobe-onty products is shown in Table 1-A. Similarly, UL tests the audibility of devices in accortlance 2' 24VDC z'wire horn/strobe current draw is shown in Table with Ul. 464 by measuring th.ein across the operating r.,olt- 1-C. llo|n So$d tcr|rg|rofitr lfft)oSplctr|llttDh|lBloF ,$rr!+r*{rbl{! +{oen Tf rsg ls.33ti -r*RFcrsl Low Vclsme Electrom€ch anical 30OC Hr lfllerrupted HiSh Volume Electromechentcd 80 3o(l0 Hr IntesuDtcd at S{nr :d!nDqrri Lor/ \rclufne El€ctrffnechanicd 79 3O0O tl, |ntenupted t{igh Volume Electrom0cha6ical 84 3OOO Hz lnterrupted 86 Fa2'---l /fl ff SpdctrAlert Cclllng ltlounl Strobe SpactrAl.rt C.lllng Mout|i Horn/Slroba 6.8' ftd6drE |nlornatlon fttudd Ho.A,:srrtptlcn sc2415 Ceilinginount strobe, 24 volt, 15 candeta, red sc24r.5w sc241575 sc241575W Ceiling{ount strobe, 24 voh, 15/ZS cardela, rhite sc2430 Ceilingfiourt strobe, 24 yoft, 30 candela, red sc2430w CeiltngfiouBt strob€, 24 vott, 30 carideta, wt*te sc2475 Ceilir€-fits nt strobe,24 volt. 75 cendela, red sc2475W Ceilir€{nount strobe, ?4 vott. 75 candela, while sc2495 Ceilingfid.$d strobe. 24 vatt, 95 candeb, red sc2495W ceiling{noNF[ strobe, 24 yatt, 95 cada, whRe sc24115 Ceiling-rnGmt strobe, 24 valt, t!5 cadela, red sc24115W Celllng{Il{BJnt stfobe, 24 vott, 115 candela, sc24Lf7 Celiing-mount strobe, 24 vott, 17? c6ndela, red sc2417?tV PC2415 PC2415W PC241575 System Sert;or SalGs and Serulce Ceiling-mount strobe.24 \,olt, L5 cardela, while Ceilin€-rnount strobe,24 vojt, 15/75 csndela, red Ceiling mount strote, 24 vott, 177 candela. white Celllng+ount hofl!/strsbe, 2a voE, 15 candela, red Cdlingfiou|* htrn/strobe, 24 voti. 15 candela. rvhile CeilifEflrour$ hon,/strobe. 24 voit, 75/75 c*fieta. re,! C€ilhlg{1ouni horn/strobe, 2{ voll, 30 6andeta, red Ceilingfiount iorn,/strobe, 24 volt, 30 candeta, tirhite Cellingfiount horn/strcbe, 24 volt, 75 candela, red CeiFngfiromt hsrn/strobe, 24',!h, 75 cerdela, lrhite CeilirEfisu* horn/strobe, 24 tplt, 95 candela, rsd Ce!lir€fiount horn/sttobe, 24 voll, 95 candela, whlte Ceiling'fiounr horn/strote, 24 wlt, 115 candeia, red Ceifing-fyErnt horn/srobe, 24 volt, 177 can&ia, rcd Surfaceflm.rnt back box sk!!.t, red Surffternoont back bor skirt. whitc SlEt.rn Settsor flcedquarteid 3825 Onic Avenue St. Charl"s, iL 6C174 Ph: goo/SENSoRI Fr: 630/377,6495 www.systemsensot.com SlEl€t|' Aaacor Cdtrtda Phi 9O5-812.0757 Fr: 905312 0771 S}.itm Slneor EuroF. f,h:44.14O3.2?65co Fx:44.1403.276501 S)*ic''t S.@r h Ch&re Ph: a5-29-4832.0119 Fx: 86.29.8&32.51i9 gyrt6fi Sinlof In Slngrporr Ph: €5.6273.2:30 Fx:55,6273.2610 St'ttenr Sri|cor - Fer Esaa Ph: &5.22.!91.9009 Fx:85.22.73fi.6580 Sy.tdn Six3or - Aultralla Ph: 6:1 Fx:613.54-281.172 sFt.m Sehaor - lhdta Pe: 91.!24.23i -i77O x.27c4 Fx: 9L.124.23?.3LLg Systlm $r0*or - tlu!.h Pn:70.95.937.7982 Fx:70.05.937.7983 A051O2S008.9,/05.#1530€ 2OO5 Systerlt Sensor I he corrrFany rsssrvas the riqtt! to change paodtr.t specricstioDs nilnout rr,t)ce. o @ Frre.ureAlarms tlarch 30. 2000 G-250 SpectrAlerJ" Series Horns, Strobes, ond Horn/Sfrobes Ssction; Audio/Visual Oevices c:lttRrr. System Semor Sp€ctrAlctt Serlcs etrobes, homs, and combina- tion honvstrobes are UL listed {or primary Eignalfio h [fe sde*y syst€ms and meet ADA public mode vl6ible signaling requir€mente. Spec.trAlerl products can be connected to the alarm indicating cir- cuit of a fire alarm control panel and are compalible with DC line supervision. The SpectrAlert product line mounts io slandard backbo)(es udng a univGrsat mountitg pl# irdded wtlh edr ur*t An optional smell foo&rint mo{fiilr€ plab fit6 to a stngb{ang box. An accessory backbox ddrl gives a co8metrc fini8h !o a 4. x 4. x 1-112'ot at x 4'x 1-718' surtace-mountod trar:kbox. A sirobe and horn/strobe mounting options require only one scre$, attacfi- menl of product to date. Theee products are designed for t2 and 24 VDC and fulFwave rec- tified unfihered power, Fullwave rectified operalion r€quirea more cunent than DC operatkn For detailed cunent dranr irformfion, consuh the Current Draw Tables (pqe 2). The hony'strcbe cdn- bination productE are hctory-assembled with junper wires for h- tandem operation. Fot independent wldng ol horn and strobe, r€- move iumper wires. When wired f,or independent operation, lhe strobe will continue to run while the hom can be silenced. How- ever, the strobe must be running lor hom io operate. HornS - The SpectrAbrt Sedes homs and hony'sfob€s pro- vide two diflerent field-sele€tabley'rever$hle tones, a higtF{c* fiekF sef ectabfdreversible sound o{tput settng (bw sefling on z4-,toft models only) and a field€electablerreversible temp g paftem or non-temporal conlinuous pattem. These field-seleclable featureg are accomplished using pins and lumpers located on the back ot each SpeclrAlert horn ard hordstrobe. An accessory modul€ is not needed to mak6 the6e field sde.ffons. The hom on horn/strob€ models wilf operab on a coded power $pdy. Tho€8 fnma*y mo.i€ra wlth 'HC' tn tt€tr Wt numbqs rtn atn q€tr ",E. on t cndpd poweJ swply. The hom and hom/strobe Eodes includes weathe rp root mo'dels. Strobcs - The ADA-compliant SpeclrAleft strobes are elec- tronic visible warning signals that flash at I Hz over their operating voltage range. These produc.ts are avail$le in 24-vdt modeb at 15,15n5,75 arld 110 cardda inFrhsltbs end in lz-volt nrodels d 1 5 and 1 5r/5 candela intenSlies. The €fobe serbs ltdudes ru€dF erprool models. SpeclyAlert producG feature dramaiic reductions in current requirements. Syne.Gircuit Module (MDLf - The Sync.Circutt Mod- ule is available for synchronizalion of strobes and homs and can synchronize two Style Y (dass B) cirdits or one Style Z (dass A) circuit The module can also generaie a sync-hrorized t€rnp g tone for System Senso/s Multi-AbrtrM ard PA4OO tlom prcducts.. fhe synchronizalion module allows the SpectrAlert homs on comHna- tion hom/strobes to be silenced on two-wile systems. SpectrAlert's Synccircuit Modul€ can be daisy=chained lor multiple zone syn- chronization. The module does not operate on a coded powersup- plv' 'Fot Mutti-Aled and PA&O: Str&es must be wired to a conti&,.,ns source ot power (nonadd power sryply)- @ [ISTED @' s2475, S241'10, H12n4l. 0D4'AT.AY Ha12n4\. r""- {J{&}il P241575,n85,P?4110].'W/ 2125-1209:1?d(s121i,s12157s,C'3 s24is,s24r575,si475,s24110). Cafilomia 7135-1209:143(HPnA,HC1znq. State Fire Marshal M EA' 31frff;,=,1;i; il?;il'" P21110. 51215, 512157 5, s2,+15. s241575, 52475, s24110, H1224, HC1Z24). < s{tr1 & s5512 (P1215, p121575,p2415, n1J575, n*5, n41 10). $r51e (51215, s121575, 52115, S2415-f5, 52475, 524110), s4011 {HC1Z24). css{g (P2415A, n41575A, n475A, P241104, s24t5A, 5241575A, S2475A, 524110A) cs5{8 (H124A, }Cr224A) 0B8Arr.AY (P1215, P121575, > P2415, P241575, n475, P24r 1 0, s1215, S121575, 52415, 5241575, I SpeetrAlertr., SyncrgEuttrr, ard irulli-Alfftn are trads- rnart€ of Syslem Sen6or, a divisbn ot Pittway Corporation. Thb document is nol inlendsd to be usod lor lnstsllallon pueoaeg. We try lo keep out producl inbrmalion up-to-dale ard accurate. WB cannot cover all speclflc applicatjons or ar idpate all r€quirements. All sp€clllcations are subjecl to chengE wilhoul noiic€. For more information, contacl Fl|e Lite Alafina, One Ftre-Lite Ptaco, Northlord, C,onnecticut 06472. phone: (aOO) 627_ 3473, TollFree FAX: (8rt) 699-4105, FAX Beck(gggl 3gg-329!l WEB: www.f,relhe.corn DF-516i09-Pagelof6 FEATURES . 24-volt slrobe models: 15, 15/75, 75 and 1 10 candela.. lz-volt strobe models: 15and 15r/5 candela-. Horn models operate on 12 and 24 volts.. Low current draw: reductions as high as 45%.. Two {ield-selectable/rev6r$ible hom tones: - 3000 Hz interrupted - elec{romechenical. Field-selectablefeversible high-low dBA ouFut on hom (low outsut on z+volt models only): - | 01 peak dBA @ 10 ft. high ouFd.' - 96 peak dBA @ 10 ft. loyr outpd.t. Field-selectabl€ri reversible temp 3 pattern or non-Emp g con- tinuous pattern on hom.. Hom/slrobe can be wired either in tardem or independenty.. Wealherproof str#s, horns, and horn/strob avaitable.. Horns lor use with coded power supply avalable.. Universal mounting dat€ induded wi$ each unit.. One-screw mounting of strobe and hordstrobe to moundng plate. . SpeclrAlert strobe and honvstrobe lake uD no room in the backbox. CURRENT DRAW TAIIES Strobe Only . Singlegeng mounling withort lhe use of a mounting plate (hom model only).. Sdl{rntained sclew oovers.. Aeathelically pieasing de8ign.. Synchronize horn and strobe with Sync.CiranitrM module (MDL).. Silence horn on hom/strobe overa single pairof wires using I Sync.C;iBit module (MDL). .soufd orfud varles rith to']p eN dtw @ions d*tod; sond l€vels M teorr at@rp/b ,oom fiFasurefire/rts. gPlClllG/ATIOl{3 Input termlnsle 12 lo 18 AWG (3.25 mma b 0.51 mmz). Dfmenalone: see diagrams page 3. Wcdght, ,wn drlz 7.2oLlM gl. Wcight, dDb end lprnldrdq 8.8 oz. (250 g). lfounthg: &e diqrafiB page 4. Operatlng temperEture: 32"F to 120"F (0'C b 49.C). Opcrufing voltage .ange:* 12 V: 10.5 - 17 V. 24 V: 20 - 30 * T,re N.#Cuuld De (p€' ated fx'idttu Aalh ntd fittaga rsVe. llL do€., llp]rer€', tegt tudional turtegdty b -n% arrd +1M 6,mntwutds shled raltG. Horn Only lltrl,or IItIe wfr Ldr tlEnE ctatSar rcsv T rzv T rw w lnsl m lml e l* iFaT(tt l 3ly flarhbzwlz{v l vr.lMt F.t.*t *r- El€da- Hgh -roadr. _ Horrd$trobe - 15 cd fitftit s, t|tefo|r hlrrn! ,iton AVE]FME CUERE T'MAI1arrod+ | irvirm ro.sv I rzv I rzv I zol I z{v | 3n, m lrml r l.rnl oc lrvnl m lcel m l*l -- l-]so- HiCt G- HorrrNSlrobG - 75 cd t$hi.drr l.|np r6d lhl|m AL6 IVEnICE CUnnEm {tnA)l,2VXod.F | 2{vrod.rr0rv I rzv I rrv I 2av | 24v | 3OV oc lrvrnl nc lnnl o. lr*l * l*l r- l*l * l.ELdr+ Hith nGlr. NAII{AINA ii.Al164l tgrl r4al 16/l rsl l fti!!!! !a fl0oHt HEh -!q!E_Htl||F, r'ft.| Ld -EoD-Nm Horn/Strobe - 15fi75 cd Hghjl-d|. LnpIo|r ldrm tttd lEB.c€ (xniE aT(''A larlod+ | gVr"*t lo.sv I rzv I Iw I 2w I 2.v I tort oc l:ltrl oc lr*rl ,r.lr*J *-l*l * l*l *l-Eledro- Hlgh m€dr, ](m Hz Sigh Pag€2016 - DF-steog Horn/$trobe - {tO cd }|gr/l.- !.nFror* tht|n 1116.r AVEflGE CURReIT (NTI 14 uec+ | erygarFra,Ev I r2v I r?v | 2oY I zrv | $v,t'*t E tFkt M tFFt E t*t - t*t -,-El€clnr- Hbh T€rit neci. tltrir Lol' T€rno Nm t{ l rsl241 2111 1,15 t5 NAI r8r | 2s?t000Hz riBh T€ha derrupi No.f Low TelhE larn 214 i52 HA I rosl ?az N I ftal 15?l ar EilOt ltEERt XO SpGGt trGrTlOtrg General - SpectrAlert homs, strobes end honvstrobeB shalf be capabl€ of mounling to a stan(hrd 4' x 4' x 1-112' (10.16 x 10,16 x 3.81 cm) backbox or a eingle-gang 2" x 4' x 1-r/2'(5.08 x 10.16 x 3.81 cfi) bac*box using the univer6al mounting plate induded with each spoctrAlert product. Also, SpectrAlen products, when used in coniunction wilh the ac- ceesory Syrc€hcuit Moduh, shall be poryered tlom a non- coded power suppfy and Bhall operate gr.12 or 21v0'1F' 12- voh rated devices 6hall have an operaling yotlage range of 10.5 - 17 vofto. z4-volt rabd devicee siralt have an operating voltage range of 20 - 30 volts. SpectrAlert products shall have an operating temperature of 32'F to 120.F (0.C to 49.C) and operate from a regulated Dc or fulFwave rectified, untiltered power 6uppry. Hom - Horn shdl be a System Sensor SpecrAtert .nodd - capable ot op€raling at I 2 and 24 votts. Hom shall be listed to uL 464 br fire protective signallng qystems. The hom shall have t$o tone opfions, two audiHlity options (at 24 volts) and fte option to switch between a temporat 3 pattem and a non-temporel @ntinuous pattem. The hom-only model shall NoT opsrate oo a c,oded power $fdy ercqpt those models (model nurnbers contain "HC") designed to do so. Strobe - Strobe shall be a Sy$tem Sensor Spec'eAbd model _ lisbd to UL 't971 and be approved for fire protective seMce. The strobe 6hall be wired as a primary signaling noliftcation eppliance and comdy with the Americens with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appli- anc€6, f,ashing at 1 flz orrer the 6trobe's entire operating volt- age range. The stobe light *la[ conslst ot a xenon tash tube and associaled lens/refl ector 6yalem. DtmEilgroltt 33/A (&5-725 mm) $'5/8' (142.875 mm) HomrAt'obe Gombination - Horvstrobe shatl be a Systern Sensor $pectrAbrt model _ listed to UL 1971 and UL.164 and shall be approved tor tire protective servlce. Horn/slrobe shall be wired as a prlmary slgnaling notflcation appliance and c€mply with lhe Ameiicans with Disabilities Act requirements for vi$ible gignaling appliances, fh6hing at 1 Hz ov€r its entire operating voltege range. The strobe light shall consist ol a xenon llash tub6 and associated lens/retleclot 6yst€rn. The hom shall have trvo tone oplione, two audibility opilons (d 24 vofts) ard lhe oplion to switch belween a tem- pord 3 patlem and a no$tenporal continmus pdem, Strobes shall be powered independenfy of th€ sounder with the re. moval of factory-inslalled jumper wires. The hom on horn/ strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. todulc - Modde shdl be a System Sensor Sync.Ci.cuit model _ listed !o UL 464 a.d sfiall be approv€d for fire protective service, The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert otrob€s at 1 Hz and homs at temporal 3. Also, tr€ module shall silence the horns on hom/strobe rnodels, while operating fie strobes, over a single pair of wires. The module shall b€ capable of mounling to a 4-11116" (119.0625 mm) square x alB (53.875 mm) deep backbox end 6hall cor rol ts,o Styb Y (dass B) orone Styl'e Z (dass A) drcuit Module c*ra[ b€ capaHe cf muttiple zone syndtronizauon by daisy- cftaining mddde modules togelher and resynchrofiizing each olher elong the chain. The Module shall NOT operate on a coded power $upply. (33-3375 lrtrn) I,PPER LEFT: Hom/Strobe witr Small FooFirt Mounting Plate (anre dinartums for sto0/e anv). LOWER LEFTi il,om/Slrobe with Universal Mounting Plate (same dimensions tor strcbe only). UPPER FIGHT: Horn only (may be mounted wlth either Small F@tpdnt or Universal Mounting Plat"-). LOWER RIGHT: Sync.Circutt t odule (MDL). 15/16f _-- {238125 mm)--T-l* l 5-5/16. l-(134.e375 mm) itflJ_IIil l.- 2rslrs -- 'lI Ga.6tzs mm) | OUr€R: 5-5/€r' (142.675 mm) drfrlEiR 5-5t16- (134.S75 rnrn) f- e-sre f ,*" DF-516@ - Page 3 ol 6 touf,flxc DtactltS 4'x tl'x 1-1/!l'backbox Hom $urface Hountwitt eccessort/ Backbox $kirt A Strobe or Homr$trobe with accessoql $nall Footpint l5ounting Plate il#"'''X<In V 4"x4'x1-'ll? badoox /4'xil'llz'badoox 4-11|16" x 1-1111€ x2-'lE' ('119.0625 x ,l19.{H5 x 53.975 wn} backbox ) A Syncocircuit todule Direct tount tount Horn with Universal Mounting Plate (included witlr each product) V z. x 4" r i-7lB baddrov S-MP Strobe or Hom/Strobe with Unlversal tounting Plate (included with each productl V Strobe or Horn/$trobe $urface lf,ount with accessory Backbox $kirt soulrD ourPw cutDE ldl|rl 4'xlllx |-112'b€ckbox ut Raeberant Roon dB e Voltr rc Ancdroic Rmm Peak dBA @ l0fr.rVDC 10.5 12 17 20 24 3t 't0.5 12 17 at 24 30 Temporal LOW TONE Elechomechanical NA NA NA 75 75 79 NA l1|A NA 94 96 98 3000 flz htenupbd NA NA NA 75 79 79 M NA NA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE EbctomechariC 75 75 7g w 82 e 94 95 98 100 101 102 3{Xh Flz hbnupbd 75 75 79 82 86 85 94 95 98 100 101 102 Uon-remporal LOW TONE Electomeohanicat NA NA NA 79 82 85 NA NA NA 94 qA 98 30m Hz hbnupbd t.|A NA NA 82 82 85 NA NA M 94 96 98 HIGH TONE Electomechanbal 79 79 85 85 88 88 94 95 98 100 101 102 3000 llz hbmobd 79 a2 85 88 88 90 s8 95 s r00 101 102 Page4ole - DF-51609 wlnrilc Dltomrc NOTE: Da NOT looo wires undar teminal *rew$ Tandem Operation ltoRitfsTRoBE cof,Bo *ro, (2 SFBf te FICTOf,YnlttlatEo J,,PENS Y Horns silenced over two-wire circuit . Any mix of hom/strob€s or strobe-only device$ is accoDtable. . Horn control connects to interruptible power sour@. DIAGRA*I MITES: 1) Any mix of SpeclrAlert horn/strobe, strcbe-only, or horn- only device6 i6 allowable for Zone 1. 2) No devices or hom-only are allowed on Zone Z_ lt no de- vices are installed on Zone 2, lerminate EOL r€si$tor al hom cootrol terminal. FROA FACP, MODULE OR PREVIOUs DATCE T$,o-rifg system, d|y mix d mo&ls, wir?d tof T I{DEM OPEfiAnd\I- rfrll lo € | acr zoGa g*, ,*-.{g ffio.. &tit f-" **,{g Pl"** .r.sE 5J " __* Independent Operation HMN A D STROBE F'CTORY &s7rtr@ J|LP€R t{ltE9 RENOVED & rEo I,JffiTJ {.nFOL L frl NE(T tsrPoEE { OR EOI. L ,JOIE Stoaes r&r{, t€p,,,Fr'dtu lyl/n ryi8rbrL slFrtBEli FRON FACN IITODULE OR PREVTOUS DEVTCEI{OIE: &sek *ac al shorarfu!ry.nitfu ddD..ft.tm IFf &tt*tpddutel*btut t'.tontt s*Mr tg',8''g, m 'lfrl tW tth"B. Four-wire s)rst€m, combo modcls, wied for INDEPENDENT OPERATION.(lbn an f€tunwl otratthe parcl rttu sfDoes trttinp toq€/.a/te.) V Tcmp 3 coding of lllulti-Alert and PA4OO sounders. ttfOTE: Slrobes mu$. be powercd trom non-coded awly. il** f, dtt *" *.{g 8)ru*{8 DF-5t60S - Page 5 of 6 -o - E E4oE -r g -IJ FIDeoEE RED nfIE Flblr cl*ro. mA'O ftrn !fltr r,!. mAt Orfit. FIR Horn/Strobes ( ( P1n5 Plngrl '12 15 121 '167 P1215'6 P14575!V 15t-6 152 'l8t P2415)P2415W 15 9e P2415t5 P2415/5W 24 15t75 91 1i1 P8?5-\P?f7fliv a 75 ru8 167 !?14110 '24''l1 t 24 110 \16,/AB PE|S/SK (re*rerprooD 21 15n5 9l 111 PA?fl( (weatErproot)24 75 118 16-/ P24110K (neahe.prcol)24 110 165 209 Cerrrllrn Hodelr, HornIStDbGs P2415A P241sWA 15 n 98 P241tr5A P241s-/5it[lA 24 15175 91 111 P2!.7Ep.P2{75NA u 75 148 '167 P24110A v2111(N 21 110 16 N Pal5/5fvq (F€f€rproo0 u 15fl5 91 111 P%75 (ueatteprool)n 148 167 P241101G (!€dleproof)24 110 166 209 Spanlsh Labeling, Hr$P2415/5F (R.EGOJ 24 15ri5 9t 111 Strobes ( ( sla5 sta9Y 12 114 157srzfisl2t5/gY 12 15fi5 112 171 sa15 s241$V A 15 53 & s2415-/5 s2415751/V 1{75 m s2475 \s2475W 75 1A\149s: !)s24110{/V 24 110 18 19'1 S21lffif( ({€ |erprooD 24 15fi5 .D S?4i5( ft€at\etpmofl 24 IA 1B 159 S244fl{ fiedEFmot '110 144 191 Can.dlrn no&b.strcbes s2415A s24'lsWA 24 15 80 s2415t5A s241575WA 24 't975 66 s24754 s2475WA 24 1B 1,t9 s211r0A Sztn lOn&u 110 140 191 S2415/5iKA fi€dErprooD 21 1fl75 66 S2.+n(A o€atherproofl 24 75 1&'149 524'110M (,re3fePmo1)24 110 140 191 Epanl$h L.beling, Slrobas s2115t5F FUeGq 1975 oo 93 Horns Accessories v H1T24 ft1224w 1?f24 M 12lE 12tZ H1n4( (redntprco0 1?f21 r{A pta 1?t z FlClT24 (coded pow)mtU2ev (cod poret 1t24 t.|A 12t B 12t 71 FlCl?2/K (redHDrDof br ooded bo*er1 '1TZ4 t'tA Qtn 'tzta H12n4 H1Z24WA '1224 M 12tn 12t?1 H1?24KA (u,eati€rprooD 1224 M 12t n 12t Z rc1T244 (co@ poer)rclu24\flA (codod porcr)1?24 M 12tB Sync.G.cult flodule MIL tlDtt'Y 1T24 t\{A 't6 24 MU.A DU\A 1?/|24 |tA 16 24 Smrl FootErlnt flounfmoPlaie lor Shigle-Gang Ol|ff S.MP $MPW M M M M Su]lace.llouni B.ckbox Skh BBS BBSW M M M M UnlYCEal [ounline plrtG (ieplscemen0 DP DMPW M t'lA M M Weelfierpmot Backbor WBB M M M MIl Canadhn model numbers end irf9F.^s^1ll-9't*9troduse weatherproof backbox mod€l WBB.. 4) .All SpectrAlert products are designed for wall-mount onry. 'd; tnstattaiion o{ t€ss than 75 T*9^""t1^"_b"^"_ T:J-.91^-9tIif?1" ,nder the equivalent facilitation clause oi rhe ADAAG (Sec. 2.2)l H;;ever, it is the responsibitityol lne .person or entity d€signing the tire alarm system to determine the acceptability ot tess than l5 candeh itrobes. 6) ' All 15t76candela strobes or horn/stlob€s ar€ recommended {or 20' x 20' rooms or less. *For a complete tis,lirg ot Spectretert cunint reqiiri- ryents' Please reler to tlB Cuned Draw bf/les m pag,e 2 ot this Mument, or the tns uclid', Manual- Hom a'rd honvstroD€ cunqtdraws assume the hom is sd at Tstrp g, Mdpnk:al torc, and higi auffiffity. Pege 6 of6 DF-5I6O9 o GENENAT The Fire.Lite Alarms SD355 and $D3E5T addrsesable_ low-profile plug-in pholoeteclric deteclor€ u$e a stale-of_ th6-art photosl€ctric E€nsing chamber with communica- tionB to provide open af€a protoction and are used exdu- eively wilh Fire.Ute's MS-9200, MS-9m0UO, and MS-96{!0 Addressable Fire Alarm Contro[ Panels (FACps). The SD355T adds thermal Be$aor€ that w alarm at a ft(ed lemperature of 135'F {57"C). Since these detsctors rro addreGsable. they will help €msrgency perEonEet quicldy locate a fire during its early Etag€e, potBntialty saving pr€- ctous |escue tim€ while also reducing property damage. Two LEDS on each sensor light to provide a local, visible sensor indication. Remote LED annunciator capabilily is available as an oplional acoessory (prN RA1{X!Z). FEATUNIS SLCroop.' . Two-wire loop cpnnedion.. Unit use3 base for widng, det€ctor hEad ptugs-in. Addrcssing: . Addressable by device. . Direct Decade 01 - 9S (MS-9200, MS-g2filUDl and 01 - 159 (tu1S-S600) 6ntry of address. Architecture: . Unique singlssource, dual-chamber design to r€spond quickly and dependably to a broad r6nge of fir€s-; sleek, low-prott€ design.. lntegfal cornmunications and built-in type identfication.. Burlt-in tamper-resietant featu re.. R€movable covef and insBcl-resistant screen for simDle fiEld cleaning. OF€ration: . Wrthstan$ aif velocit'G up lo 1,S{t0 feet-per-minute (2.6 m/sec.) without lnSS6rinS a fabe alarm.. Factory preset al !.5% nominalsgnsitivlty for panel alafm lhre6hold l8v€|. . Visible LED 'blinks'' when the un.t iE addres€ed {com- municating with the lire panel) and latchee on in ahrm. M*hank ala: . Sealod against back preGsur€. . Direct surface mounting or electrical box mounting. " Mountslo: single-gang bax, 3.S" (8.89crn)or4.0" (10,16 cm) octagonal box, or 4.0" (10.16 cm) square electdcal box (using.a plaitar dW - incfu.faq. aelS*.r'!t sIr355TfiUt B3&iLP base olfi€r sysaefn tbalrn€s.' . Fu[y coaled ciratit boards and superior RFrlransient pro- teclb$. . 94-V0 pla8tic flammability rating. . Low standby current. Option$: . Remote LED or.rtput connectbn (P/N RA4OoZ). APPlICATIONS UE€ photoel€stric dstector In lifo-sat8ty applications to pro- vide a broad range of f,re-sensing capability, e6pecially where smoldering fiiles are anticipaled. lcnization detec, toIS are oflen better than photoelectric detectors at sens- ing fast, n€rning fires. @@@ II$TED sl05s MEA California $ate Fire Marehal 7272-4475:194 \- ----l APPROVED @ F|re'Lrre'"tT"T".*, July 14- ?N4 DF*52384. E-160 5D355(4/5D355T(A) Addrclroblc Phofoel*frlc lmoke Dcfecf€rr Section: Add.essable Device6 0934piF1.b! F rre.Lil€@ Alarma is a Honewell oornpany. This documcd is not intsr|dod to be used for ifistallation purpo6os. We try to k6ep our prodtctinformation up-to-date and accu€ls. We cannot cover all sp€cific applicaiions or anticipRte alllequir€menis. All specificalions are subiecl to chaoge v,,ithout nottce. For more iE ormation, contact Fi.e.Liie Ararms. one Fire-Lite prace, Northferd, cannecdicut 0s472.Phone: (AnO) 627-3{73, Tod.Free FAX: (am 699{105.0ttr.rr r DF-52U1 . A7n4n1 - Page 'i of 2 GONSTRUCTION These detectors ar€ eonstructed of oft-whil€ LEXAT\@. SD355(T) plugHn. low-profile smoke detectoE are d€€igne{ lo commorcial slandard€ and offef an attractivs appear anc6. L€XANO is a registefed trademark of GE Plastics, a subsidiary ot G€neral Electric Compsny. INSTALLATIOH SD350(T) plug-in detectors use a detachable mour ing b*€ to simplify installation. ssrvice and maintenance. Mount base on box which is al least 1.5 inch€s (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable boxes include: . 4.0' {10.16 cm) squaro box with pl*ter ring.. 4.0'(10.16 em) o€tagonal box.. 3.5" {8.8S cm} oc.tagonal box. . Single-gang box. NOTE: Because ol tho inhsrent s'rpavi:tion pmvidad by the SLe loop, efld-of-line resrbtors are nol required. Wiring .T-taps" or fitnches are pemtfted tot sxyte 4 (Class E) wiring anly. OPENATIO]I Each SD355{T} use6 one of gg possibt€ addresss€ on the Mgg200 and MS-9200UD Signating Line Circurt (SLC), or up to 318 (159 on oach toop) on th€ MS-S600 SLC. tt r+. sponds to regular polls from the system and reports its type and 6tstus. The SD355(T) addrGsable photoekeetfb sensor's unique unipolar chamb€r rsspande guicktyand uniformly to a broad range of smoke conditions and can withstand wind gusts up to 1,$00 fee{-p6r-minute {7.6 m/sec.} without sending an alarm lev€l signal. Becau6e ot its unipolar chamber, the SD355(T] is approximately two times more rsponsive than mosl pholoel€ctric een$or6. Thls makg6 it a mole stable datector. DETECTOR SCNSITIVTTY TEST Each detectof can have thoir s€nsitivity tesl€d (requhed por NFPA 72, Chapter 7 on tn$pactton, Tasting anct Main- tenanc6) when installed/connected to an MS-9200, MS- 920OUD, or MS-9600 addr*sable 619 abim control panel. The results of the sensitir.ily test can bs printod ofi the M$. 9200, MS-9200UO, or Mgg6{t0 for record keeEing. SPEGIFICATIONS Voltage lange: 15 - 32 VDC (p€ak). Shndby cuneEl: 300 FA @ 24 VDC. LED cu.rcnt 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC (latch€d .ON'). Aar velocity: 1,500 ft,/min. {2.6 mrkec.) ma)dmum. Diameter: 6.1" (15.5 Sm) instafied in B3SOLP base. Height: 2.1" {5.33 cm} instatied in B350Lp base. weight: 3.6 oz (10 sl. Operating temperature range: for SDJ55: 0"C lo 49"C(32'F to 120"F) SD350; for SO3S5L- 0.C ro 38"C {32.F to 100"F). Temperature: 0'C - 49"C (32"F - 120,F). Relative humldity: 10% - g3%, non-condensino. PRODUCT IINE IilTOMiATION indicates ULC-Lkted model Addre€sable photodeclric detector {835OLP base rncJuded. Listing {B35OLPA t r€t n*, element B224RB(A) Same as SD355T with ULC tisting (B350LPA iase included). Remote LED. Mounts to a single-gang box. Plug-in detector baee {included). Dimea- srotrs:6.1" (15.5 cm). l'ount rg..4.0" {10.'16 cm) square bex with or without dastic dng, 4.0" {1 0.16 cm} oGtagonal box, 3.5" {8.89 cm) octagonal bolq orsingle-gang box_ All mount- ing boxes have a minimum depth of 1 -5" (3,81 cm). Plug-in System Sensor rclay detector base. Diamder: 6.2 (15.75 crn)- llouDttrgj 4.O' (10 16 cm) square box with or without Flastic ring, 4.tr (10.16 cm) o€tagonal box, or 3.5" (8.8S cm) octagonal box. All mouniing box6s have a minim$m <lepth of 1.5" {3.81 cm} Inteiligent isolaior hase, isolatot SLC from sharls on the loop Plugrin System Sensor sor,ndet detectoa 4.0" (10.1€ cm) square box with or without plestic fing. Mounting box hss a minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm). B501BHT{A) Same as 8501BBH{A), but includes rempo- ral soundet. Aecessottea,' sD355A SIx'55T Stx|5STA RA4ooZ{A} 8350LP(A) B224Br{A} B5rltEH(A) RAOoZ(Al sMK400 RITKtllto M02-04-0J xR+ Same as SD355 with ULC basa included). Same as SD355 but with (B3tuLP basa ineh.tded). Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC. Fits U.S. single-gang d€ctrica! box. For us€ lyrth A5O1{A} and 8.3501-P{A) bases on! Surface mouftting kit provides for entry of surface wiring conduit For use with 8,501(A) base anly- Receseed mou nling lat. For use with 8501 (A) base only- Test magnet. Delectcr removal tool. Allowb installation and/ or remov8l of det€Gtor heads from bases in high ceiling aFplicarions. Exlensaon pole for XR-2. Comes in three S-ft (1.524 m) BeclioftB. Page 2 of 2 - DF-5?38,t, 0711,t/0,{ Julv 14, mM DF-52385 . E-7r0 @Frre.ure'Alaff n*1*,*g*rf,{iu*1"fr,ff fiiirl*r*uDefeclors for MS-9600, iiS-9200UDwww-frrettte.cam S€c1lon: Addressable Devices 6ENENAI Th€ FiE.L itB Alarm H35S S.fles thsrmd detectors are aS dressable sensors thal u$e a state-of-the-art ttErmistor s€nsing circuit tor fast t€spons€. Th€Be s€nsqrs ar€ d€- signed to provide open-arBa ptoteclion and are inl€nded for use with Fire.Lite's lts-9600 and MS-9200UD Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACps).. Both the 11355 and H355R sersors p|ovide fixed temp€ra- ture alarm detedion al 1 35'F. Th€ B3ESR sensor responds to rale-of{he conditians of greater ttran 15"F18.S"C per minut€. H355HT provides fixod high-tsnperature dotection at 190'F/88"C. Thes€ th€rmal deteclor$ provide cost ef- f€cfve, addrqssebl€ property protection in a veriety of ap- plicatians. Two LEOs on eacfi sEnsor light b prwide a bcal, visible sensor indhatio*. Rernote LED annunciabr aapaHlity is evaitable as an optional accessory {p/N nruOOZ}. FEATURES StC roop.. . Two-rrvire SLC loop connedbn,. Unil uses base for wiring. Addreasing: . Addressable by device. . Direct Deced€ 01 - 1Sg {MS-9600}, or 01 - 99 tMS- 9200UD) enlry of address. Architsfturc: . Sleek, low-profile, sMish d€sign.. State-ot-the-art thermistor tecflnology fof fast i€spofise,. Integral @mmuDications and built-in device-type identi- fication. . Built-in tamp€r resistant fuature.. Built-in functional hst srvitch a€iirrated by exHnel r|ag! net. Operatian: . Factory proset at 135.F (57"C). . Rat€-of-rise mod€t {H3SSR}, jS"F (g.S.c} per minu{e.. 360"-field viewing acgle of the visual alarm indicalors (two bicolor !EDs). LEBs blink grssn in Norrnal condi_ tion and tum on eteady red in Alarm_. Msible LEDs 'blink" every time lhe unit is addressed. Hechenicela: . Sealed againsi back prossure. . SEMS screws for wiring of the separate base.. Designed for direct-surface or declrical+ox mounlinq. Galffomia State Firo Marshal ?270-00?5:195 H355 in B350lP base . Plugs into separaae bass for ease of installation and maintenance. . Separat€ base ellows intarchange of photoelectric, ion- ization and themal sensors. Ottrar eysfem teehtres : . Rernote lesl f€aiure trom the panel. . Walk. test with address disptay. . Low standlry cunent. . 94-5V plestic flammabilily rating. Opl&rns: . Remote LED drtsrd mnneclbn to optiond RA4OoZ re- moi8 LED anrluneiator. . R€cessed (RffK400) otr surface {SI{K4$O} bas€ mount- ing kits. APPTICATIONS Uss lhsnnal del€ctors for prolaclion of prop€rly" coltlsTRucr|oH Th€se d€l€ctors are constructed of off-white Bayblendo. The H355 S€des plug-in intelligent thGrmal detectors are designed lo commercial standards and offer an attractive appesfance. Baytden@ b a regHered trademark of Bayer Corporation. --fir\IUI IL (O -/t -usrEtl s2517 @ AppRovrn FirE Lits@ Ahrma is a lOneywett ccmpany. This document is not intend€d to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep osr produclintormaiion up-to'daie and accurala. we cannot covor a[ specific appricalions o' anricipete arlrequiremeni.r- All speciilcations are subject to change witttout Dotica. For more iniormalion, oontsct FirE.Lite Alalms. on; Fire-Lite piac€, t{orth{ord. colrnecticut 06422.Phone: (8U)) 6?7-3473, Totl+ree FAX: l8Z/) 699-Ci0S. INSTALTATION H355 Series pkgin intslligent thermal detectors us€ a tachable base to simplifo installation, service and nanc€. Installation inslructions are shipped with each de'. tector. Mount base (all base lyp6s) on box that is at l6asl .t.5' (3.81 crn) dsep. Suiteblo boxes include:. 4.0' ( 10.16 cIn) square box. . 3.5" (8.89 cm) or 4.0" (10.i0 cnr) ociagonat box.. Single-gang box (exc6pt rolay or isolator base). NATE: Because of the inharcnt supev$ur provded by lhe SLC IoW, end-olline resistors are, not requifed. WMng -f-ta1ts. or b/anci?€s are permitted lor Style 4 (Crass €? wiring only. OPERATION Each H355 Series d€{€ctor us€s on€ of 1S9 {MS{600} or 99 (MS-S200UD) possible addresses on a control panet SLC loop. lt responds to r€gular polls trom the control pen6l and reports its type and lh€ status. lf it receives a t€st com- mand frcm the panel ior a local magnet t€so, it slimulat€s its electronics and |Bports an alarm . h blinks its LEDs wfren polled and turns the LEDs on wh6n €omnranded by lhe pan€I. Tha H355 S€ries ofiers feafures and Fsfomance lhat represent the latest ifl thonnal dolector lochnology. SPEC|FtCAilONS Diameten 6.1" (15.5 crn) installed in B3SOLP. H6ighl: 2.1" (5.33 cm). weight 4.8 oz. (137 g). lnstallation temperature: -4"F to 100"F {-20"C io 3S"C). Humidity range: 10o/o to 93% retativo humirlity (non-con- d€nsing). Vollage range; 15 lo 32 VDG peak, Standby current 300 pA @ 24 VDC (oflo cornmunication ov6ry 5 seconds with LED dink enal*ed). LED curent 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC. lf;ounting: B350LP flanged ba6e, includsd- F ixed-temperaturo setpoinl: 1gS.F (S7"C). Releof-rise detGcilon: rosponds to greater lhan lS"F/ 8.3"C per minute. PNODUCT UNE INFORTATION s..r0l( i.fdicates UlGlioled mode/. H3554 lntelligent lhennal sensor {B350lP base in- cludedt. Same as H355 butw[Er ULC Listing (B350LPA base intluded)- Same as H355 with rrf€-ot-rrsr feeture (B350fP base inclded} Sarne 6 Fffts5R butwih ULC Lisling (8350tPA b€ss hdud6d). fntefligent h6fotcmpE,raturc lhermal detector (8350LP base kcltded| Same es H355HT but with ULC Listing {BBAdPAbareirctu*d). RdnolB LED- iiounts io a single-gang box. Plug-in detactor baee finoiuded). Dimen. srons..6.1" {15.5 crnl. Nounfing:4.0, (10.1ti cm) square box wiih or without ptsstic ring, 4-0'(10-16 cm) octagonal box, 3-$" t8.89 cm) octagonal box, or $nglegeng box- All mount- lr€ boxes have a minimum dep$ of 1.5' (3.81 cm). Test maghet. Plugin System Sensor relay detector base. Diarnot€ri 6.2" {15.75 cm). ffountiDg: 4.0" {10.16 cm} square box wifi or without plastic ring, 4.0' {10.16 cm) ocragonal box, or 3.5- {8.89 crn} octagonal box. Alt maunting boxes have a minimum depfi ol 1.5' (3.8i cm). lnletligent isolalor base. isolates SLC from loop shorts. Plug-i System Sensor sounder detector base- Dianrettsr: 6.0' (15.24 cm). lfornfag.. 4.0' (10.16 an) sguare box with or wlthout plaslic ring. Mounting box has a minimum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm). H355R B50lBllT{A} Same as 8501BH{A), but inctudes temporal sounder- Aacgssoties: HT55RA H35sHT H3EsltTA RATOOZ(A) BssoLP(A) tt02-04-r)0 s224RB{AI A22,tBl(A): BrflrlBH(A) RArooz(A) sMK{00 RilK{IIO M02.0&t'{ xR'2 XP.4 Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 \tDC. Fib U.S. single-gang eleetrical borc For rse nrffi. 8501(A) and B3SOLP{A, bases onty. Suface mounting kit provides for entry of surface xiring conduit. Fo Jse wifA &5OllA) basa only. Recessed mounli ngkit. Far use wilh B50t lA) base only. Test magnel. Detecto{' removal tool. Allows installation and/ or removal of d€lectDr hoeds from bases in high ceiling applications. Extension pole for XR-Z. Comes in three s-ft. {1.524 m} sections. Page 2 of 2 - OF-52381i . 07/14ru4 Juty'11,2tO4 DF-5201s . E-500 @ Frre.Lrre"Alarms BG-r2tX Addressoble Mqnuol Pull $tatlon www.firellte'.com Section: Addressable D€vicss GENERAT The Fire.Lite Alarms BG-'2LX is a staM-the-art, dual- action (i.€., requires two motions lo activate the slalion)pull station that includ€s an addrossable interfac€ (mounled insid6) for Fire.Lit€'s addressable M5-9200. MS- g2OOUD, and MS-9600 fire alarm control pan€ls, Because the BG-12LX is eddressable, the control pan€l can dis- play th6 e)€ct localion of lhe activated marual ndt statbn. This leads fire sewice personnel quickly to the localion of the alafin. FEATURES . Aesth€ticaliy pleasing. highly visible, dual-action design.. Meets ADA 5 lb. maximum pull forc6.. Easily operated (d ual-action).. Altractive shap6 and texfured finislr.. lrlounts, semi-fiush, lo a Btandard singl€gang (2.125, [5.3975 cml minimum depthi, double{ang, or 4' {10.16 cm) squaro olectr;cal box.. Wh€n the handle latches in down position, the word "AC- TIVATED" app€ars al the top of lhe hande in brigtrt yet- low to clsarly indicate the station has been operated.. Key/lock reset; needs dtty a 1/+tum to loddunlosk.. Includes Braill€ toxt on station handle.. Captive s6rew lerminals wir€-r€ady for easy conn€ction lo SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/S.2S mmr wire).. Optional trim ring (BG.TR). . Me€ts UL 38, Stardard tur Manually Acirated Stgnaling Boxes. . Maintenance personnel can op€n stalion {for inspection and iestingl withoul causing an alarm condition.. Builfin bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of th€ stttbn, flashes rsd in normet operation ard laichos on steady rcd when in alarm. CONSTRUCTION Shell, door, and handla ar€ motd€d of durablo LEXAN@ (or polycarbonate equivalent) with a textured finish. OPERATION Pushing in, then pulling do*yn or lhe handle causss it to lalch in th6 down/aclivat€d posibon. once latcfied, the word ?CTIVATED" {in bright y€tlow} appears at lhe rop of fte handle, while a portion of the handt€ protrudes from th€ bottom of the slaiion. To res€t the slation, sjmply unlock lhe station with the key and pull th€ door open. This action res€ts the handle; closing the door a{tom€lically resets lh€ switch. LE)(AN@ ts a registered trademark of GE pbs{ks. a subsidiary of G6neral Electric Company. P*.ffi.q lAs. F frrl h. O428r35ti 6,380,818 U.& P.tsrt tundlng, O!9t68,',,286 c@us U$TED MEA 67-02-E Manual stations connecl with two wires to ono of lhe con- trol panel SLC loops. Each manual sktion, on command from the control panel, sends daia to th€ panel r€presenl- it€ the stal€ of lh€ pull slalkm switcfi, Two rotary decirnal switch€s allow addr€ss settings (01€g). PRODUCT I.INE INFORIIATION BG-12LX Dual€etion addressebl€ pull slation. Includes key lock/reset f€alure. SB-lt0 Surfacebackbox,indoor/outdoor. SB-10 Surfac€ backbox. BGIR Optional trim ring. ,@ @ APPROVED California State Fire Marshal 7150{075:184 Flrq.Lite@ Alarms is s Flon6),wel1 company. This document is not intonded to b€ used ior inslEllation purposss. We iry to keep our prod!€l iniormation up'to-date and accurale. W6 cannol €over all ssecific aoolications or anticioale all requiremenls. All speciications are subject to ghange without notjce. For mo.€ information, contact Fire.LiG Alarms, one Firo-Lite place. Northfo.c, conn€cticut 06472.Phons: (8001 627-U73. Tot!.Fre€ FAX: (8rll 6Sg-4t0S. Hllm3ilrruffinmfirtrrlrrr $f$ttt$ DF.52t13. 67114n4 - Pag€ ! of z INSTALLATION The gG-121X can be ssmi-flush mounted into a single- gang, double-gang, or stiandard 4' {10.16 crn) squaro elec- trical outlst box, or surface mount€d to th6 Model SB-Uo or SB-10 surtace backbox. lf the BG-12LX is semi-flush mounled, lhen the optlonal trim ring (BG-TR) may be us€d. The BG-TR is usually ne€d€d for semi-flush mounting with 4' (10.16 cm) or double-gar€ boxes (rlot witt singlegang boxes). EIECTRICAL SFEC|FlCATlOttlS Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. ilaximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. liaximum $LG loop current 23O pA. TER'AINAL coilnEcIroA,s 1 SLc {-) 2 sLc (+i Gov€t open to sftow easy access lo ftre addressa&le in l3/face tnodule, rotery switcfr, and UL label, Paga 2 al2 - DF-52013. O7,/14/{H ARCHITECruNAL/ ENGII{EEilN6 SPECIFICATIONS Manual Fire Alarm Statio'ns shall be non-code, with a key- operat€d resel lock in ord6r thet they may b6 tssted, and so design€d that afler aclual Emergency Op€ration, they cannol tre restor€d to normal €xcept by use of a k€y" An opsratod station shall autornetically condition itself so as to bs visually dehted as aclivat€d. Manual stalions shall b€ constructed of red-oolored LE)GN@ (or polycarbonat€ equivalent) vrifr cl€arly visible @erating instruclions pro- vid€d on ths cov6r. Th6 word FIRE shall appear on lh€ front of th€ stations in whit€ lstt€rs, 1.00 inctres (2.54 cm) or larger. Stations shall b€ suiiabl€ for surface mounling on rnatching backbox $8-U0 or S&10: or s€mi-flush mount- ing on a standard drBle-gang, douHegarg, or 4' (10.16 cm) $quare decfical bo<, and shall be inBlalled within trre limits defttod by lhe Americarls wilh Disabilities Act (ADAi or per nationalllocal r€quirem€nts. Manual Stations shall be Und€rwrit€rs Laboratories listed. Manual slalions shall connect with two wires to one of the control pen€l SLC hops. Th€ rnanual stetion shall, on com- mend ftorn the conH pen€|, ssrd data to the panel repr€- senling lhe state of the manud s'rtritcfi. Manual$lelions shall provido addrBss sstting by use of rotary d€cimat switches. a 6 Back of sbtion wllhaut door. o GCNlnAl The FCPS.24FS8 is a comprct, cost-€ffective, 8-amp re- mote power supply with battery charg€r. The FCPS-24FS8 may b€ conn€ct€rl lo any '12- or z4-volt Fire l{arm Control Panel (FACP) or may sland alone. Primary applications include Notification Applianc€ (b€ll) Circuit (NAC) 6xpan- sion (to support ADA requirsmenls and NAC synchroniza- tion) or auxiliary porver to swport z4-volt qrstcrn a6s- sori€s. The FCP924FS8 providas regabfed aN frfted '24 VDC power lo four Notification Apdianco Cirdlts oon- figured as €ithsr iour Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Styto Z, with ZNAC4 option module). Alternately, th€ four outputs may b€ configured as all non-resettable or all resettable or two non-r€settable and two resettable. Th€ FCPS- 24FS8 also contains a battery dtargier capaHe of ct|a g- ing up to 18 Arnp llour batteries, FEIITURES . UL List€d NAC Synchronization using System Sensor, Wheelock, or Gentex (Commander Series) appliances.. Cascadable up to 10 power supplies (bur with Gentex) with strobe timing mainteined.. Operates as a sync follotArer or a sync generaior (default). * See nols on reverse side.. Contains two, fully-isolated input/control cirdrits (hig- ger€d ftom FACP Notification Appliance Circuit IwAC expander model ot jumpored permanenlly oa lstand- alone madelr.. Optional mounling kit, P/N 90286. to int€mally houBe addressable SLC control rrbdule (CRF-300 or CMF- 300) for alarm activation.. FourClassB (StyleY)of fourClassA(Sty'leZ) (with ZNAG 4 Module) Notificetion Appliance Circuits.. 8.0 A full load output (3.0 A maximum per circuit) in NAC €xpander mode (UL 86.+).. 6.0 A continuous oulput in $and-alone rnode {UL I4At)-. Compalible with 6oded inputs; signals passed through.. Optional power sup€Ni8ion retay {A77-7168}.. ln stand-alone made, oulput power circuits may be configured as resettable (resst line from FACP required) or non-resettable or a mix of tvlro and two.. Fully regulated and ttrf€rpd pouer oupd {optimal for powering four-wire srmke deteclots, annunciators and other system periph€rels fequiring regulat€d/fittered power). . Por,ver-limiting technology meets power-limiling require- menls.. Normally-closed trouble conla€|. ' Fully supereised povrree supply, baftery and Nolification @*California State Fir€ Marshal 731$0075:206 USTED MEA 219-O2-E s2424 Appliance Cira.dts,. Solectable oarth faull del€ction. ' AC tsorJble .eport seloctebls for imm€diale or 8 hour d€lay.. Vvorts with yirtually any UL 864 fim alarm control whidl u$izes an ind$tsy-siandard reverse-polarity notifica- tion circuit (irduding unfiltered and uffegulated bell paurer). . Requires input figger voltage of 9.0 - 32 VDC.. Self-contained in compact, lockable cabinet (15" 138.1 cml H x 14.5" {36.8 cml w x 2.75" [7.0 cm] D). ' Includes inlegral batlery charger capable of charging up to 18 AH batteries. eabinet @able of housing 7.0 AH batlories.. Battery charger mdy bo disabled via dip switch for appti- cations requinng largor batteries.. Fixed, ciamp-type terminal blocks accommodate up to 12 AWG (3.1 mm") wire. July 8, 2Cn4 DF-52310 . 0-050 FCm-24rS8@ Frre-ursAlarms 24 Volt, 8 Amp Renole Fower Suppll www.firctile"com Secibn: Power Supplies/Accessoi'iss Flre.LitsG Alarms is a Floneywell c.ompan/. This docum€nt is rot intended lo be used tor insta allon Durposes. we try io keep our pror'lucf in{ormation up-to-dale and accurate- we c€nnol cover €ll specific applicaiions or anucipate all requlremenls. All speciicalionE are subjecl to change without notice. For more inforrnaiion, contact Fir€.Lite Atarms, one FireLite plscB, Northto.d conneclicut 06422. Phone: (8@) 627-3473. Toll-Free FAX: (gZ) 699.{105. gtrIn$ t ffifl8Hfiu$illSltlllr 3Y$TIr$ DF-52310 ' 07,08fti4 - Pag6 i of 2 gfAilDAnDC ond GODES The FCP$24FSB complies with th€ follovying standards:. NFPA 72 National Fir€ Alarm Code.. UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Sys- tems (ruAC expander mode).. UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems (stand-elane mde). SPECIFlcAlloilg Primary {AG) Power. FcPs-24FS8: 120 VAC 60 H2,3.2 Amaximum.. Wire siz€: minimum "14 AWG {2.0 mm') with 600V insu- latlon. Conkol lhput Clrcult ' Tdgger lnput Vottage: 9.0 to 32 VDC.. Trigger Cunent 2.8 mA (16 - 32 V). (per input)1.0 mA (9 - 16 V). Trouble Contact Rdting. 5.0 A at 24 VDC. Auxiliary Power Ougrt. Specific Applicalion PowEr - 5S0 mA maximun. OuSutCircutts. +24 VDC filtered. regulated.. 3.0 A maximum for any one cireuil, 6.0 A maximum toLal continuous cunent for all outputs (Stand-alone mode).. 8.0 A maximum total shoil-t€rm qr.rent fs all dlFrts (NAC Expander modei. Secondary Power tBafrery) Charging Gircuit. Supports lead-acid batteries only.. Floal Charge Voltage: 27.5VDC.. Maxirnum Charge Cjuffenl 1.5 A. Maximum Battery Capaciry 18 AH. ORDIRIIIG IlI FOTHAfl O1I FCPS-24FS8 Remote cfiarger power supply (120 VAC). Includes main printed circuit board, bansformers, red enclosure, and installalion instructions. FCPS-2{56R8 Replacement mother board. PH 90?86 . FCPS-24FS Module Mounting Kit ZNAC.4 Class A {$tge Z) NAC oplion module. A77-?168 fin4 VDC end-of-line relay for monitodng 4-wirc srnoke detector power. BAT-I 270 Battary" 1 2 volt, 7 .O Nl (twa requ!rcd) . APPHAAflOIIIg Erani ple 1 Expand notification appliance povyer an additional 8.0 amps. Use up to 4 Class B (Styte Y) ootputs or 4 Class A (SMe Z) using lhe ZNAC-4. In this example. the FACP notification appliance rircuits will activate the FCPS-24FS8 when reverse polarity activa- tion occurs. Tfouble conditions on fte FCPS-Z4FSO are sensed by the FACP through the Notilication Appliance circuit. Page 2 c'l2 - DF-52310 . 0710glt)4 o Example 2 Use the FCP924FS8 lo expand auxiliary regulated 24 volt system po{rer up to 6.0 amps. Both non-resettable and resettable power options are available- Resetlable outpuls are created by connectng the resettable output from the FACP to one or bolh of the FCPS-24FS8 inputs. Example 3 Use addressable conbc* modubs to aclivate the FCPS- 24FSB vercus lha FACP Notification Appliance Circuits. This typicaliy aliows for mounting the FCPS'24FS8 at greater dishnces* away ftom the FACP while expanding system arclritecture in various applications. ln lhis exande, an addressable contd module is used b aclivate &e FCP$24FS8 and an addressa € monitor module is used to senae FCPS-24FSE rouble conditions. Local auxiliary power output lrom tie FCPS-z4FSB pro- vides power to tha addressable confol module. 'FrE.|-lE.s trls-g2{n (19&poar'!l}, MS-9aXUD, or U5€600 (636- p{tm} addrBssattl€ FACPS have lh€ cepabilily ot locating conlrol afd morlita modul$ lqp t.o 1O,0O0 feet {30!49 m}a,,yEy. Sync Followerl6eneralor ^rote.' In some installations, it is necessary to synchronize the flash timing of all skobes in the syslem for ADA compliance. Stobes accomplish tris by monihring very sfio{t timing pulses on the NAC power, which are crealed by a Fire Alarm Conlrol Panel sudr as lhe Fire.Lit€ MSS600. When installed at the end of a MS-96S NAC vrire run, this powor supply can track (i.e., Toilolrt') th€ strobe synchronizalion tlming pulsss on the exlsting NAC wire run. Thls malntalns tre overall sys- tem flash liming of the additional stobes attached to this po*er srpply- llUhen lhis po*er supply is confgured {vie DIP switEh se8ings) as a 'sync fdlote,' lhis supplfs HAC ouguts track the stobe synchronization pulses prssont at lhis supply's sync inpul terminal. The pulses are originated from an upsfeam FACP or other power supply. When this power supdy is conftgured (via DIP swilch setlings) as a lqne gcnerator,' lhis supp|t's sync input blminal are nol used. Ralher, this poiwr supply is the originalor d lhe stsobe synchronization pulses on this power supplys NAC outputs. In '5ync generatof mode, the sync typ€ {Systsm Sonsor, Wheelock, or Gentexi is selectable via DIP switch sellinqs. January 28, 2006 DF-51276 . A1-100 I {g) Frre'Lrre" ALarms I Ad*.,*lF;f#t3,ror ponel wttw.llralita.com S€ction: Addrcssable CENENAT The Flre.Ute t S.g2$ is e compacl, mst+fiec{ive, addres- sable fire alarm conlrol panelwith e capaciiy st lg8 Flre'Llte 30O S€ries devices. A singt€ Signating Lin€ Circuil (SLC) loop supporls up to 99 smoke d€tectors and gg contrd or monilor modul€s. The panel us€s surfsc€-mount technology and is designed for €sse of insbllalion and programming. lt ieatures th€ lal€st in fre ptltection bchnology, including maintenance alert and aubmalic detector t6t- ltB n6!v, largEr endosur€ ls capable of housirg 12.0 AH bateries. The MS-92O0 includes on the motherboard (r€v. pC-O) buitG in int€rfac€s lor a pdnter and refible annuncialors (on pan- els manulsctured after September 1, 2001). FEATUNES SLC Loop ' SLC can be configured br NFPA Styte 4, 6. or Z opera- tion-. SLC suppcr{s up to 198 addrsssabl€ devices {gg detec- tofs and gg monibr or control modulesl. lncluding new ad- dressable duai nlonitor module.. SLC loop maEimum tongth 10,O0CfL (g,(XS m) @ 12AWG (3.1 mm'). NotiftcaLon Appliance Circuits (NAC8). Dual lntEgral NACS, Stytc Y or Z {Ctass B or A}.. Silence Inhibit and Auto Silence tim€r options.. Alarm, fiouble and supervisory relays, stendard-. May be programmed for Steady, Msrch Time, Temporai or Cafilomia code (requircs s&vyarc pN TJTSS or g'eabii.. 3.0 amp NAC powtsr, exBandable to 6.0 amps. Prcgramming and Sotware. Autoprogram and Walk Test leatures id€ntify two or more devices sel to same eddr€ss.. Keypad programmablo on panel, with two userdefined passwords, plus an Autoprogram featrre-. Cuslom English lab€ls per point may be manually entered or selec,ted ftDm en int8rnel library file.. Rsmote Acknowbdge, Slence, Reset snd Dr*l via MMF- 300 rnodul€s and LCD40 remote ennunciators. UD€r lntertace. Integral 4O-character LCD display with backlighting_. ReaFtime cloclve€lGndar.. History file with soo-e\€nt capacity. Advanced Fire Technologty. Maintenance alerl warns when smoke detoctor dust accu- mulaliori is excegsive.. Battery charger for up !o 60 hours of standby power-. Waterffow or supervisory seleclion per monitor poinl.. Syslem alann veritication s€leclion, srnoke onlv- . Fusal6s, porer-limited bdmology m€ets UL power{im- it!ng requirements.. O€teclor Bensitivity printout {fequlres v2.1 sottware).. Presignal delay option per NFPA 72.. Rapid poll slgodttm br manual slations. Responds to abrmla€livabon in bss lfidl t$o seoords,. Optrates wilh unlwiEtod. r$Ehiebed wire (up tc 1,000 ft-/ 304.8 m) for rBtrcfit applicatio{rs (U.S. Pat€nt 5,210,8?3i.. 300 Series addressabl€ d€vices feat!.!f€ docimal €ddress selaction. Arldress ad each d€vice can b€ easity s€t in th€ field by use of a screvydriver. ' UDACT-F Digftal Alann Cornmunicator reports 56 zones or 1S pdnls to a CenFal Sbtfrm.. Bu0t-in F|inbr interface - l,.rl listed for permanent attach- rnent.. LCD-40 Series alphanumeric, 40+haracter, backlit remoie serial a$lunciators operate o\€f built-in higtFspeed EIA- 485 port Up to 32 m€|y be supported on the MS-9200 (re- qufes sffinarc P/N 73750 or Veeter). Fire.Llteo Alarms h a Honeyv{ell c.r.npanv_ This docurient is not intonded to b6 used ior installatron p{Jrposes, We try to x€Bpour producl information up-tojate and accurate. We cannol cover ali soecific aFDiications or anticipate all requiremenls. All specificBtions are s{biccl lo cnarae withgut oottre. For r,aore infor.nation, conlact Fire.Lite Alafms, One Fire-Lite place, Nadhford, lso 9001 ffiffiEGIIIIEGEI ,ffiffit$flfIl[ffiflngmtm r6$oow*qllllll SySItXS [lRd€ in rhe tj.s.A.Conqeclicrt 0&{72. Phone: (8(S) 627{473, Toit-FrBe FAX: (87n 6Sjtos. DF-512/6 . 0'1128/05 - Paee '1 of 4 o AIIDSIITETI PGHP}IENfl.S wlH116 HA-185 INTERFACE (DlM485) built into the mothertoed LCD"{0 and LCD{0L up !o 1,0m ft. (9,|1,4 m] botrr€en E€f1 LCD4o/L in the E4.485 hop, a.d betrcen each LCD{OIL ard the FACP 24 VDC EIA{/'5 ln ACS mode (two udres) EIA-2:}2 ,NilERFACE {PlM-24) bum into the moft€rboard lllilllt 8FORT4, fiAFRELAYS (qptbrd, order AC'TFERR NACs (Notificrtion Applbnce Circuits) BELLS, SIGNALS. STROBES @/blal RE'\'ERSE POLARITYf cnYBox OUTPUT (RTM€F) sitoKE DETECTORS sD356, SD355T, CP355 tffit:tffitEJ DI'CT DETECTORS D350PL I)350RPL MMF€OO, MDF-300, MMF-3[p, CMF-300, cRF-300, t300 ld, . $tl lEaE[- -iE o Elt_lq;-- aal\--E---------EJ tot{tToR ffi flilil ill llOftIlTOR MMF.3O1 ffiml'flrllIEJ PULLSTATION BG.1zLX IloIEi Syaf3m cafl a6c eittE,r tlre E flfriro* fie LC0-AU1U. Tl'€yca'nptbous€d st nufaaooueltr ADDRESSABLE iIULTI{ODULES MMF-3OGIO. MMF-302-6. cMF-30&6, cRF-300$ PRilTER Notes: fl "4" sulfrx sfiauld be included when ordenng Canadian yersion 300 Serips doytbes. 2, "C" sufih dasbnatss Canadian vsrsrlor lds€zoo. 3) LCD4) ad Ninte'' optix, @Nd be &sed si.?}rudtffrearc& Wln|ilg NEGII.EEIH{Ts The SLC requiies us€ of a specific wire t!,pe to ensure Froper cJrcult operadon. lt is recornmended that all SLC wiring be tixisted-pair shielded to minimize tha effects of elecbical interference. Wire size should be no smaller than 18 AWG (0.7$ mm,) and no larger than 12 AWG (3.1 mm2) wire. The wire 6ize dep€nds on the length ol tle SLC cireuit Use the table below to deter- mine lfie specific wiring requirements for the SLC. ANNUNCIATORS Wlre Requirementc Dishnce h Feet (m)Typical Wir€ Size Twisledpair, sheldsd 10,000 tuet (3,o,48 m) 12 AWG f3.1 mrF): Belden 9583, CrrEsis 4410, Signalga23o, WPW DS99. Twistedpair, shiehsd 8,@0 fieet {2,4fft m} 14 AWG (2-0O 'IrrF): BeHen 9581, C,enesis 4408, SigrBt 984ilo, WPW D995. Twiste+Dair shielded 4,875 tuet (1,if86 m) 1 6 AWG (1 .3 mrn ): Belden 9575, Gercsis tt406 ard /1606, Signal 986i10, \,\lFW D991. Twisle+pait slielded 3225 feet (983 m) 18 AWG (0.78 mm'): Beld€n 9574, cenesls /+402 and 4602, Signal 98300, WPW D975. Unwist€d. urEhiebsd 1,000 ieet (305 m)12 - t8 AVI/G (s.1 - O.78 mrtf). Page 2 al 4 - DF-51276.01128/05 COMPATIBTE ADDNESEAIIE DEV|CES All teature a polling LE} and rotary aftress slydcfies. CP355: Addressable ionization smoke debctor. SD355jSD355T: Addressabie photoelectric smoke deteclor (T - rvith lhonnal sensor). D350PLrI)350RPL: Addressable duct deleclor (R - with re- lay). tlilF€oo: Addreesable monitor module for one zone of nor- mally-open drycontact initiating dwices. Mounts in standard 4" (10,16 cm) box. Includes plaslio oover plale and end-ot- line resistor: Module may be configured for either a S$e B (Class B) or Style D (Class Al iniliating device circuit. tDF-300: Dual rnffitor module. Same as MMF-300 excepa it operetes ln Stye B (Class B) o|*y. Prot ides t\ro Class B circuits. HllF€ot: Miniatur€ v€rsion of MMF-30O. Excludes LED and Style D optio$. Connects with.raire pigtails. May mount in device bac*box. fiilffF-3oz: Similar to MMF-300, but may monitor up to 20 conventional lwo-wire detectors. Requires exlemal 24 VDC power. Consuit tfactory for comptible sraoke delectors. CttlF-300: Addressable conlrol module for one Sly'e YIZ ((f,ass B/A) zone ot supervised pdadzed ibtifcelidr Appli- ences. Mounts directly to € 4' (10.16 cnr) electrical box. Notificalion Appliance Circuit oplion requires ext'emal 24 VDC to power nolitication appliances. GRF-300: /B.ddressable relay module containing two i$olatBd sets of FonrC contacts, whidl operate as I DPDT syiilcfr. Mounts direcdy to a 4" {10,16 6rn} box, surface mount using lhe SMB500. llllF€00-10: Ten-inpul monitot module- Mount onB or trvo modulesin a BB-2F cabinet {optronat. Mountup lo six modules on a CHS-0 chassis h a BB-6F. SHF-302{: Six-zcne interface module. Mount one or two modules in a Bg-zF cabin€t {qpfnrhar. luountuplo stxn}o&IBs on a CHS-6 chassis in a 8B-6F. CIIIF-300€: Six-circuit supervised conkol module. Mount one ortwo modules in a BB-2F cabinet {opfonal). Mountup to six modules on a CHF6 chas$s in a AB-6F. CRF{006: Six Form-G relay control module- Mount onE or lwo modul€s in a BB-2F cabinet (gpdiam,l). Mounl up b six modules on e CHS6 dra€{;irr in a BF6F. l30ll: Thie module isdaies lhe SLC bop from short circuil conditions frequired for Slyte 7 operatba). BG-12LX: Addressable manuai pull stiation {yith interfac€ module mounted inside. Compfrhle wr-t t ,egacy Fiie.lifc 300 $ene-s dcylces. Please consult fadory forftlfther in{ofl|ation ori all lhe prcvious 3itx} $eries device6: CP300/CP350, AD30oCfySD3stfr', DBsoPrDgSORp, C304, M300. M301, M302, C304, and BC-!01X. AlOtES. t, ?" sufR thoiid be in&t&d only when ottuing lnc fretdd mits'(e-g. SD350A, lrMF-3o0Ar. 2) For mf,e or MS-9?00 Compadbre A.f" of:ssabie Derdcas, preass s@ the toll$]lng data sheets {dacu-ment mrmbas): sD35liSD355I @rc23€4| CP355 fOF52383j, DH35oPLDrr35ofi.PL (DF -521 76), NMF-3€OSe.iesfiDF,:t{t0 iuonFbf nc,&ttes (DF5212q, Un XlGt0 W-atg7r, fiilf-to2L$ aDF 52356J. CtrF3Oe6 @/F-52365), CRF30A6 {DF5r3711, EW (DF- 52389), and B&12LX (DF-Smlq. EtA-232 POtr PIU-z{: Printet/Pc interlace module, cable, D89F connec- tor and g-pin male tc 25-pin fernale adaDler. BlMilSS: LCD-40 display inlerlsce module. NOTE: Plttb?4 and Dl[+4E5 @tions ara not avrfiabfa 6inulfa- neously. fferbler lhe Plttl-Z4 or DlM185 is needed wilh fhe MS- 92AO md.heftc€,rd Rev- PoD. GOTf, PATI ELI A}IHUNCIATOE/ DElllCElt USIHO C|AF485 PO*I LC0{0 serles: 40-characlBr, backlil LCD-type liro annun- ciators capable of displaing English-languagB text (requires one DIM-485 per M99200 pand to hlertace with up to 32 LCD40 annunciators)- Requires sofiware PIN 73750 or grealer - contad Fire.Lite Technlcal Service$ about soft- ware competibility questions. AFiI|AFM-X Serles: LElqFe fi.€ annuncialors capable of providlng up lo 56 sofiware zones of annuncialion. Available in incr€rnenls d 16 of 32 witlr Brpandablo (AFM-X Seri6s) and ncr-e:pandabl€ {AFM Series} configurelions lo meel a variety of applicalions- LDl, Srrie€: Lamp Ddver Module sedes for use witr cuslom graphic anhuhcieto.s. UDAGT+: Digilal Alarm communicatff Transmitter. ilOT€: For moro on MS-9200 Compalfble Annnncrbloss and Cotnpetrhb El/l-{E Fort l}wices, please see lhe foflow,irg dala *ree's ((turmeni numbe|E): LCW (DF-51471), AFu/AF&X (DF41465t, rJrX W DF-,i 384), aN IIOAC|-F (OF-X Ze4. ?IITD.PNOONAHTINO FEATUREE Off"LlnG p?ogrrmfilng: Create entire program in your of- fi6e using a Windows@based Pc computer (order program- ming kit PK-9An0W separately). uploadlDownload system pmgramming localty to fre M$S2()0 in less lhan one minute. Arto-Progr.mnlDg: Cornmand the M99200 to program itseff (tekes less than 30 seconds). In the Auto'Program mode, *re MS-9200 scans for all possible devices at all ad- dress€s, stores the device typ€s, and addresses found, and then loads defaull values for all options {General Alarm). 11 also €tled(S fo,r tyro or more devices set to the same ad- drBss. ol-Llnrr Edit l4rhile still praviding fire protecfon, lh€ MS- gZ[Xi may be programmed from lhe fmnt panel. Sirnple menu sees displayed on the LCD allow fte tained lser to perform €ll functiohs wilhout referring back to the programming manual. Elgllrh L.h.l llbrr.t': AuicHy select labels frcm a stan- dard library of more thdr 50 sdieclivesrhqrns, such as 'FLR 3 HALLWAY,' or enter c{stom labels letler-byJetler. Use recall funclbn b rep€€t pre\riously used labet. Flogram Ghcck:Autorfialically catch common errors, such as relays not linkod to any zono or point. NfiilTEIIAT{CE A[;RI Th€ MS-9200 cfitinudly n8niiors eadr smoke deteclor and respdds to a .eading of 80% of the deiectors alarm thresh- old. lf fte datectsr condnually reports an 80% thrcshold read- ing (8/t0 of lvfiat ls required to be an alarm condition) for 24 hour6, a boublo condllion is crealsd. This reduc€s the risk of lalse alarms due to dusl and dirt by alertng a lrcAJble {main-.tenanco) mndition rather lhan initjaling a falsB alarm. AltfoffAnc ftsr oPEnAt|oN The M9,920{l performs an automalic test of eacfr delector every two hours. Failure lo meel the test limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reset clears this trouble. DF-51276 . 01/26,tt15 - Page3of4 NFPASTANDANDS The M99200 cornplies wist lhe fdloring NFPA 72 Fire AIam Systerns requirements: . LOCAL {Automatic, Manual, Waterflow, and Sprinkler Su- pervisoryi.. AUXILIARY (Autorflatic, Manual, and Waterllow) (reguires RTM-9F). ' RETOTE STAflON (Autornalic, Manual, and Walerffow) (requiles RTM8F or UDACT-fl.. PROPRIETARY (Autornatic, Manual, ard Waterflow).. CEHTRAL STATION iAutomatic, Manual, and Waterffow) (requires UDACT-\. QIIINET SPECIFrcAT|oNT Doon 17.11" (4it.46 sm) high x 14.71'(37-36 Em) uidc x 0.375' (0.95 cm) deep- Badrbor: 16.9)' (42.9:t cm) high x 14.50' (36.83 cm) $,id6 x 4.50" {11-.rc cm} dcep. Ttlm Ring {part # TR-|fi}: 20.0? (50.85 crn) high x 17,82' {44.75 crn) wide. SPIGIFIGATIOl{g. Ptlmery inpul powr to. X8-9am.nd IS{amC: 12l} VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.3 Amps. Fdmlry Input power for HS-Sa0OE: 22tn40 VAC, 50 F2-. To,tal 24 V syrtcm powct: 3.6 A {expanda$e to 6.6 A).. Standard ltlotification Circuits: 2 (S$e Y or Z).. Erpansion Nolification Circuits: up to 99 iusing CMF300 moduie).. Notltrceton Appllanee PoG: 3.0 A (eryandaHe b 6-0A tirith XRM-24).. Four{ire detcctor pouren 300 mA.-. Non.r6a6ttabl6 regulated pow€r:300 mA.r ' Nor.regulated powen 2.5 Amps maximum,. 'NOI€: Sabfracl from talal 24 VDC sourae.. Batt€f,y charger range: 7 AH - 18 AFI {BB-17F battery cabinet for 18 AH batieries).. Remote charger (panel charger disailed, reqaircs MS-9?CA circuit board #77717, availahb Jffie t, 1W8i: 25-120 AH (us6 CHG-120F)-. Charge float rate: 27.6 V.. Charger current: lirnited to 0.8 A ' Confol pan6l Alarm, Truublo, $rpo.vi$ry Rday con- tact ratlngs: 2.O A @ slt VtlC. collllols AltD tf, DtGATonS LED II{DICATORS 1. AC POWER (green). 2. FIRE ALARM (red). 3. SUPERVISORY(yellow). 4. AIARM SILENCE (yallo*J- 5. SYSTEM IROUBLE Sellon). HETSRA]IE SINTCH GOTTROLS 1, ACKNOINAEDGE'STEP 2. ALARII SILENCE 1 a'taj I i I 4. SYSTEM RESET (lamp test) 5 - 16. 12-key pad with tull abh€bt 17 - 20- 4 cursor keys 21. ENTER LGD BISPLAY 40 Dharacters (2 x 20) with long-life LCD dlsplay. becktit. Pag6 1t]a 4 - Df:-si 276 , 01/28r',t)5 PnoDUGl UllE lt{FontAflOlf l|S-9200 AddressaHe fire elarm contsol panel. Indudes LCD display, single prinhd ciruuil board and cabinet. MS-9200C Same as above witlr ULC listing and DP-j-R d6ad-fron1 Fanel. g2OORBV2.O Replacenrenl mo*Erboard. *S-S200E Sarne * M99200 wh 2mn4g VAC, 50 Hz banstomer {UL listed). RTil.BF Plug-inrelaytansmitGroptionmodule.Provides eight Form-C ralays, plus municipal box and remote slaton connectionG. OP-1-lt Full-lenglh intemal dress panel {regar?ed fo.- F* Nlcattwrs; tncludcd nhca otdalng u992rnq. UDACT+ DigiliatalamconEnunicatortransmiser. XRir-24 120VAC, 100V4 transfunher. Expands s!'slem power supply. Expands noli{ic€lion appliance pow€r from 3.0 amps to 6.0 amps. Plll-24 Prinner inlerf€ce module required lo eonnect a .10- or S$cdurm p?inter.** Dltr{8s LCD-49 dtsplay Inhrface module required to cofivert E|A23Z to EIA4&5 for use wilh the LCD-40 Sedes €nnunciators.** PK-CD Programming Kit fo. Window$8-ba$ad PC computer {reguires Ptlw-z4 and assocrated tradlm ei. TR./I.R Trim ring for serri-fiush mounting, BB-I?F Battery box, required to mount PS-12180 batteries. BB€sF Battery box, required to house two BAT-12250 batteries and one CHG-120F battery charger. Fcrbalfenbs greate r than 25 AH, consuftfactory fu housirEt'nenting a.?zrngemen|.s.. cHc-f zltF Remote battery cfiarging system- Required fol charying 25 to ,24 AH banerie$ (can *rlyr be used,il conJ'unctiof, with MS€20t G,rcuit boa|d #71711). BAT-1270 BattBry, 12 volt, 7.0 All, (twa requked). BAT-I2129 Bauery, 12 volt 12.0AH, {tno requi€dl. BAT-t218o Bauery, 12 volt 18.0 AH, (two required). BAT-lzZflt Batery, 12 volt 25 AH, ftlro leg{ri.Fd,'requir9s cfiG-720F). BAT-12550 Batt€ry 12 volt, 55 AH, fwo ragui,red; raquiras cH6-1zAF). FCPS-zIF Remate power suppiy expands NAC ou$uts by 6.0 a|'F6 or talat q/st8m power by 4.0 amp6. FCPS-24FS6 Remote povver sup$y expands NAC outsuts by 6.0 amps- lfttegral battery charger ceFable of |I AH. FCPS-24FSB Remote powersupdy expands NAC outpulsby 8.0 amps.* r0lEr PtM-21 and DlM485 oplions are nol ay€irabfe s,r- mutbnea.,s,y. Naimar the PtM-24 or DtMztSS E needed wlth fhe MS€200 mothetbard Rev. PC4. Windows{O is a rcgistered Irademark oi ltlicrosoft Corporation. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DRB Fee-----> Investigation-- > witl cdl---------> Additional Fees---------- >s0-00 Tolal Permil Fee----> $112 .25 Paymeffs*=------- > $112.25 BALANCE DUE.------- >$0 .00 Action: AP ot DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0266 Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST Applied . . : l0l26l20f.5 Parcel No...: 210108223007 Issued . . : l2l09l20f,5 ProjectNo: pR165c5:5- Expires..: 06lWl2O06 outNER BLANCHE HIIJIJ LO/26/2O05 311 BRIDGE ST. VAI.L co 8165? APPI-,ICA}i:r APEX ELECTRIC LO/26/2O05 phone z 970-262-L620 250 Meadowwood CircLe,P.O. BOX 4435 DIIJIJON co 80435 L,icense: 309-E CoNTRACTOR APEX ELECTRTC LO/26/2O05 phonez 97O-252-L62O 250 Meadowwood Circle,P,O. BOX 4435 Df IJITONco 8043s License: 309-E Descipion: MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER-INTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTING RETAIL Valuation: $5,000.00 Square feet: 6500 Electrical----- > gL09 - 25 Total Calculated Fees- > $112.2s $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 TOTAL FEES--> s172.2s Approvals: Item: 06000 EIJECTRICAL DEPARTMEI\II L2/09/20Os STTAHN IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIqT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED To CHECK FoR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS ]N ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRQM 8:OO AM . 4 PM. / .|----..v tt )V\r+ -bq'ot't l(osoS 7an !7 APPUCATION WIIL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Building Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOWNAPUAIL coMpLETE SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VATUATION OF WORK (tabor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ Fr rN SrRUCTURE: L, {e €a Fr.ll er-rCrnrCer- VALUATION: $ 6 oOe . = for Parcel #lf,eaaaaarc frJtt;a q* O7A-a)a-QA.ltl at viailLglrte tlvgtr.J ^atJs.-E 9aJ vaaarrg sra -t ttt J,-e Parcel# 9tD/ - oBL- Z3oo-J robName: TttA il./.C.robAddress: J {r/ fffiF"t--_ Lesar Description ll r-ot, I ll aro"r., 5-4ll ritine, I Asubdivision: y'*tu t/, tu*e E Owners Name;Address:Phone: Ensineer: beev Et-ezr,c, c*tfl naoress: 7 6zz i. Frte€uu 6 Lr.llPhone: Ja3 - L1 L. /) g:l Detailed description of work: Etqcesswg Co. Bot,l Z 7*koroo W,*@'p( eA ? p.5d-.*-eo D. t ^ .l workctass: New() odm nepair() TempPower() other() Work Type: lntenor @ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (@", Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Offier ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (4 Does a Fire Alarm Exish Yes (4 No ( ) ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist YeH No ( ) ,\L, 75 S. Frontage Rd.t:ilr:1*****$r*,8off;fil,R^6_6 Electrical Contractor: IldPzc t--kc{a.c Town of Vail Req. No.;?\,?-e Contact Person and Phone # s: Dn^.r 4-zo *=Qo -5)3C E-Maif Address:/.iA.r *,otu. D .ozr{ - ( oor.. Fax#: ft79 *Zb>-6Lo {ffi'*-" F:\cdev\BUILDING\A-PPLICATION S\ELECPSRM2005.DOC 07/06/2405 o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel.o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easilv accessible.o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the trench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted.o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories.o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES a All installations of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). a If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. n If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriry that it will support the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, pfease contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\cdsv\B UILDING\APPUCATION S\ELECPERM2005.DOC TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP aVAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-213s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES GoS-oso& SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F05-0077 3os-o 1"1'l ' Job Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST Applied . . : tU29t2W5 Parcel No...: 21010822300"1 Issued . . : 0llt0l20fr6 ProjectNo ' -pRSOS 0355 Expires. .: OIIINER BI,ANCHE HIIJIJ IL/29/20O5 31]- BRIDGE ST. VAIL co 81657 APPIJICAI{'r ASSOCIATED FIRE SPRINKIJER Sy1l/29/2OoS phone: 303-857-15d8 17264 WELD COI'NTY RD 12 FORT IJUPTON co 80521 License: 358-S coIvrRAcToR ASSOCIATED FIRE SPRINKT,ER syi.t/29/2005 phone: 303-85?-15G8 L7264 WEI,D COI]NTY RD ]-2 FORT IJUPTON co 80621 License:368-S Desciption: MOUNATIN ADVENTURE CENTER-ADD SPRINKLER SYSTEM Valuation: $15.300.00 ****'i*1.**:t***{.*+*++{.,i.+*:l+,}:f*{t*a****:F:******+********:t********8***111.** FEE SUMMARY Mechanical-- >S0.00 ResRurant Plan Review->g0 . 00 Toal Calculated Fees--> $1, 550 . 50 Plan check-- > $350.00 DRB Fee--------------------- > go.0o Additional Fees------> go. ooInvesrigarion-> 9650.2s ToTAL FEES---*---> S1,650.50 Total permit Fe€-----> g1,dso.5o Will Call----- >$0.00 Payments---------- > $1, 550 . 50 ****{*******+*+*j}**i!******.:i****x*'|.!tx++:t:}:f1.++'*,rt*,f+:f:}:F:F:F:t*********** Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMEIIIItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflT 1'2/o2/2oos mav Actionr APCR submit complete riser section. Backflow prevenEer needs to be shown. Building sestion needs to be shown. riser detai| is inaccurate. submit corrections via fax. 1,2/ OS /2OO5 mvaughan Action: Ap CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIoNS ARE REQUIRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPIJIA]iIcE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all thd information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordhances and state laws, and to build ttris structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. REQUESTS FORTNSPECTTON SEALL Ut*' TWENTY nvanv.q,tEnv*-----e AT 479-2135 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET v AppLxcATroreILL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETtR as-- D 5;t'otBuilding permii* Sprinkter permit #: '-479-2135 ftnsoiffii ;38-iiT ContgACjj.Plrc-; 'ar lRorfta 7o cTog II$FORMATTON COMPLETE VALUATXONS FOR ATARM PERMIT (Labor.& Materiats) !ssesfirc '$i tor Parcel #iOl : oK JobName:,* ^ . .-.i-.,;r.; atect_o.ation@ "et r\ urcr:!), tIeW t I Arlrtirinn / \f l other( ) l]r" "t t'.r.' r'rr, Restaurant( ) Other(lNo. of Exisring o,""rrins Gffim No. of Acmmmodation uniG in tf.,G orifdinqDoes a FJre7iaiffi Does a Fire sprfiruer SyffiTxisE 07 /26t2002 \\VaiI\da[a\cdev\FoRMs\PERMITs\s PRKPERM, Doc PARTMENT oF coMMUNrr" o"u"t*"*,TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No...: Legal Description: Project No : Plumbing-- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Ca11-*- > I DE NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT AIL TIMES PLTJMBING PERMIT 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST 210108223007 VAIL VILLAGE FILING I LOT L BLK 5 C -s.e!S Ot. O3t5- L2/L2/2005OW}IER BITANCHE HIIJL 311 BRTDGE ST. VAII.I co 81657 APPLTCAI{T BAIIJEY PI'UMBING & HEATING P.O.BOX 1183 BI]ENA VISTA co 81211 I_,icense : i-54 -p CONTRACTOR BAILEY PIJI'MBING & HEATING P.O.BOX 1l_83 BI'ENA VISTA co 8l_2LL L,icense I i.54 -p L2/L2/20O5 Phone:71-9-395-2124 1-2 / t2 / 200s phone :7L9-395-2L24 Desciption: INSTALL LIFT STATION; ADD I TOILET AND 1 LAVATORYValuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: 'l'! # ofGas Appliances: ?'! # ofcas Irgs: ?1********t*****irir:tt'**'t +,t*:!+****:l:a***********rr:F,t*,i,t x++*:i:i:N*++:F:*:!*,t***** FEb- SUMMARy**i.* +:f+*:t :F:i )t** *** * ** * *** **:t ***,t(+:t:t+*:i:*:f:*:B** *** *** * **:i< rr*,i. rt,t*)t! # of Wood Pallet: ?? S150.00 Reshtarant Plan Reyiew- > $37. s0 TOTAL FE['S-_------> $0 - 00 $3.00 $0 . 00 Total Calculaled Fees-- > S190. 50 Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee----- ) Payme s---------- > * rt *** ***:t** * *** **t ,tr.r* !ttjt *:!+ t+*:!:t:ft Item: 051-00 BUILDXNG DEPARTMEIII L2/12/20O5 Js Action: Ap IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Permit #: P05-0186 Eor- o7a1{o:ot- Status. . . Applied . . Issued. Expires . : ISSUED : l2l12l2W5 : l2/14/2N5 : 06/12/2ffi6 $190. s0 9190. s0 REQUESTS FoR)ryEcrrcN s{tspueytynwt-nouR HorJ,Rs rN ADvANcE By TELEIHoNE Ar 479-2149 oR Ar orJR oFFrcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4g-z Dec O7 O5 12: I ?p Va i I unte i n Rdventure c 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, C.olorado 81657 l.loo t st?o I r+?6 -aaa9o p.2 /sa{ -? COI{TRASIOR INFOR}IATION COFIPIETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBTNG PERMIT (Labor & llaterials) PLUMBING: $ Canbtt Assessorc Officedtg or uisit for Parcel # Parcel* 2 tn t _ o8l - A AUA - rob'Tarne' fto.^*\orx \\.ra*\r,,r" frJ*robAddress: a54 a rr\qg <f LesalDescription ll ut: ll nlocr:$d ll nilins:Subdivision: Owners Name:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriotion of work: LF+ ehlioq ql lTo 1o* ,r/LaLt/ WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X Atteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) TypeofBtdg.: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Mutti-family( ) Commercial PQ Restaumnt( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase Ii device? Yes ( ) No ( ) Parcel ************************************J.**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**************lr***********+*******:r** \WaiMstaMev\FORMS\PERM ITS\PLMBPERM.DOC ftrPY 07t26D002 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Tail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 PAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com To: Company Name: Fax Number: Phone Number: From: FA)( COVER SHEET CrtrP Pooe,zS BUCuc D.-, cV ,Rr.D€l SL/- - gg8? Charlie Davis Chief Building Official Town of Vail Community Development Department Building Safety & Inspections SeMces 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone:97G479-2142 Fax:.970-47*2452 Comments, Notes: f,-p """,.uo,t t o Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com MEMORANDUM October 31, 2005 To: Chip Rogers, Black Duck Builders From: Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official,Town ofVail Re: Building Permit 805-0297,254 Bridge street s.Mountain Adventure center" Mr. Rogers, You have requested written documentation providing evidence that it is approved to work on the above stated permit. A stop-work-order has been issued to the addriss above for work that has occurred and not covered under 805-0297. This permit has not been affected by the stop-work --order. work can continue as authorized by that permit. This work is located on the northwest comer of the Mountain Adventure Center Building and authorizes Black Duck Builders to replace an existing window with a door. Feel frei to continue work at this location. Be sure to post the building permit in a visible area if other Town of Vail employees retum to the site. I trust this is the type ofcorrespondence you intended to receive from us. Best Regards, Charlie Davis Chief Building Officiat Town of Vail flp *""r"rro ,^ruo -*"*i*sl$Htrsl &os- o3c.,P-. slbAddrest: ArED lnfpnndloo Acfiylhr CorlsTyp6: Omrer: Apolkant Cohlratur: Deecrlpdon: Condnant U5ednesdrv. Janurry I l. 2006 JRftI 254 BRDGE STVAIL CURTAIN HILL BLDG,2!51BRIDGE ST subtH: AcoM Sbtro: I$$UEDInspfi.a: JRM RS Ptpne: 97S26?-143{yC 39o.32.t3RS Phone: 97$262-{4iryC 3SG3Z43 INSTALT I TIEWEXIT DOOR REP{.ACIiG A I,VNDOW Heou€sbd Inspesooilsl Inco€cdon Hl$torv CMAPB€LL AhID RRE . JS}UTI{ER Ttrnc Exp: Ent€r€d qfi DGOLtrN K lFlm: Reques0or: Conimentr: Arolgned To: Acflon: 540 ELDG+lml CIO BI.ACK DI.ICK zuJLDERS 8ffit{Snnu*ne sho on$hrdut forlorhy Requested Tlmc: 10i00 Afl Phon€: 3ff)€74i1 | ,,0 l-til| D'1'\\-+-" II -f- ''u''.t\ (-'\ ' ,. ['',vr# 9. lrr'b' ' , nlJ'lt'^,n.["'iY tl F^ r [" i" ' '' ' i''4 ,^-.( ?" ' Itn lbm: lhm; lbm: Itemi Item: lbm: llrm: lbm: It€'|r: ttem: tlem: lbm: Item: lbm: 10 Bl-Dc'-Foo{nodgt'€l 20 EN,Dcfound0o'v.Strrl 30 ELDGFnmtno 50 BLDG{rHlhGnd) Bloe,Sh€elmcftNall 7l) BLOG'li03c.90 ELDGFh€|tifl) ELDC-T€|!0.C/O 53a PvFIElp.ClO 533 Pl-Atts'tEt/trP. CyO 537 PLAI+FIf.IALC/O 538 FIRE+If\I,ALCE 539 PYSF|T.TAL cJo &10 ELDeflndClO gl6.{t297 ROUTED REPT131 Run Id: {104 o Requeated Insp€ct Dab: Inspecton A16.: Slle Addrcss: llrednesday, Jrnuary | {, 2006 CG 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL CURTAII{ HILL BIDG,254 BRIDGE ST A/P/Dlnlbrmado$ R€ouested Insp€ctonfsl 290 Pl-ftfB+tnd 8frAl$[ PLULBI.rG & HEATil{e S0rtF: ISSUEDlmpAre€: CG RequesFd Tlrne: 09:30 AffiPhonc: 719GF2{24 Entered By: DGOLDEN t( Item: Reqwrior:Atcigd To: Acfion:Tlm6 Erp: PQV lrvLV ,n/t',I it 4lui J. ^{"1'' \) '-l't AhspecdonHtstorv V \ I i ,. f!em: Jlp PLMST-Merground ' ,rr, n'm; ?20 lfff#'l#.ll*- s+p^ jTT __ _rnnn, cR coRREcnor.r RE.,TRED licomrnsnrl,ff;f#Effff s,ElB%tBFi,yEmal*t",Eilffi8'8[t;,*/,[**o BI 3AED,FLOOR DRATN tN REslRogru_AND uq4E wArER HEATER ro nesrn$dn.0{/04106 lnqFillgq ccD- -Acrbn:-/iF-Affi'o/Eij' V,.^_. .ra+r,_9ggqgt,Sfly neenoveo spo resr.230 PurEEolllLl'Utrsa' ---;Ab;il;d'; - -"lffffi 8fffi?S*889u*;. Acdon: APAPPR'vED hm: 240 rum4oJi'urih-lbm: 250 PLM&PooUHbi lublbm: 260 P{_llBMbc. '.Appro6d* .12n2&E lmptclor: CCff - -- AcBcn: iONOTIFIEDcg.mp9d: arl* e xnep.sJ cAN BE rruspecieo tji,rpEh'iiriii p?lurr ^or/02v06 [Eps@fi @D - --,qcrnni-l];\FFnofiii". _Commant afTlr faru lp.pnOVeOItem: zgt FLliBFin l REPT13I.Run fd: 410{ RequcsH lnspcct DrEr Frlday, J!nu.r! f 3, 1006Inspecton Argr: CbSlt Addrl.ssi Z,f BRTDGE ST VAIL CURTAIN HIII BLDG, 254 BRTDGE ST AF,Dlnforflttig Ar{t ltv:Com*nni: onirbr: ADpIccnt Cohlradr: De8cfbtbn: C,orninent Cofirm€nr Ooanfirnt: Comrmnt Comm.nu Comment eofirrnanu ComrnEd: lErn: Requcrior: Conimants: Arsl$ed To:- Acdon: 8{'6.,fin8 ^ Tlpc: A-COMM StFrJccuponcy:Ststrs: lncpAmr: Requerbd Tlme: 04:00 ffi Phone: 3KlSSt36 Er{rr€d By: O{,OLD€N K Rcquested Tlmei 08i00 Alf Ptpner S10€;196 Entered By: DGO|-DEN K ISSUED CG $ona: 970'26?-143OC g9G374g ___. - - _fune: 970.262-14iryC 3g$3?€TEhIANTSPACE adrh€rccd on dt€ubrnltsl ntam.EffiXDOC -CGtJhdON NEDAT.ID ROUTED TO CI{RIS GTJMON.. JSUTI#Rconrct€d obns. . lOPN-ANRACK.CAMPBELL ANO FIRE - JSUTHERGonccdons tequirqd. pbn icv,rew coffiiG cent tri iidtffid-ario-a-ffiirr - ceuurcttpbnc [l Hh &5 - CGUN|OilIpbnc h Hn &5 - CGUNtoil- ,ffiffiiffisltiFffir[ hBued 12t02/6 - CGt fSONIENTS SUBMITTEDA}f,} ROT'IED TO CI*IS GI.'MCN AN'DFIRE. rmilbsued Tlmo Erp 537 PtSf{+fitALcro BLACK UJCK SI.XLDERS fiff,!ffi?{f,* s'o aFo rchaftrbd lt-\n At ii\, ^ ( i-" >{ti i tl \-. ,r/u '' ., !.1-' n !''t AV i._r'n'' il,f' ,ir-a,J 4) ' ',{ In occ.oon 'tsbry \-/ I l I I I I I Ilbm: 30 BlDelFt.mtno llziiit$-g,.e.-9g01'--. r!f_Y" Acdon: Apprppsyselbm:''*ffiffi * 12P8l(F lmercry!ry.lg ExfERroR !y LLs_oF nesrno<{r', r6i t*i$iififfii:'_tarumo lqrpecror: m6vEn - ---'-'--'Aiib,i: tFdEftFde-ffij REounEDcom""nreffi#lffis,yf l,E$S.nt#frgtg*m,mf,*,lmeatr ftfnfrtnca Elyos. BLAT{C}E HILL REPT131 Run fd: 4L34 ltlm: ftcm; lbm: tl€mr !l€m: itsm: lbrn: llcm: lhm: 90 BLD&Flnal 53E PWTEMP.C/O 533 P|-AI+TEMP. CtC)!37 Pt-Al+nNAL C/O 538 F16g-p11q1 00 539 PWF|h|ALCJO 540 BLDGFlnat CyOgt fi, BlDcr.Flnal CYO2l PL,Af$l[C Foundauon Phnf2 P|ll{.|LCSttePtrn t ir Il ;\ I . i'ir .l ',' l1 .'.\'i il i i- ,ii1 I i 'r I t: il REPTl31 Run Id: 4L34 01-12- 4:1 A/P/D Intormadon Activttv: Const Type: Owner: Applhanl: Contlactor: Descrlption: Cominent: Comm€nl: Commsnt: lnspection Request Requested Inspect Date: Frlday, January 13,2006- InspecUon Area: Sfr Slte Address: 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL CURTAIN HILL BLDG, 254 BRIDGE ST E0$0a66 BLANCHE HILi APEX ELECTF:IC APEX ISSTJED SH Requested In€pecfl on(gl _ ltem: 190 ELEC-f:inat Requested Tlmet 09:00 AilRequestor: 4PEX ELECTR|C phona: 390:5i3{t ^ 99mm9gts: FplHhC ard ptanntng finats arB abo scbsduhdAs$gn€s.ro: sitAHN , Entsr€d By: OGOLDEN K c.*m qFFusffiTID co*coiSffri8'crnscrrEE REM.'ED pER rHE NorEs oN rHE REvrsEDDFIAWI{GS. THEN CUTCABLEI'CONDUITS IN PANET AND WALL Box so THEY cAN}.JoT BEREtJgED. T}IE FIRE RATED-'TENT OR FtXruRE WAS AIOT PROVID€D P€R IHE REVISED PIANS. REOUIREL€TTER FROM EE. COM'N€NT CONTRACTOR }'|C}T READY PER APPRO'ED PLANS. REVIS'OI{S ON THE WAY. t)nlo lnsoee0on Histonr Item: Item: 01/1?t6 Comment lnsr,estor: shahn IF C;:JDUIT AND CONDUCTORS REIISED DRAWINGS, THEN CUT CAhINOTBE REIJSED.IIIE RRE RATED'TENT OR FIXTI]q FIEE R4qED'TENT OR FTXTURE WA8 NOT pRovtDED pER lHE REVTSED PLANS.RECiI-'IRE LETTER FROM EE. F , ,ur(L A,fy rcau-,a S-f*)Ft/ (/ 11O ELEC-Temp. Poweri20 ELEC-Rouoh -12t28t6 Inspeulor: Sl-tAHN Acilon: pt PART1AL lNSpECllONComm€nt NEWEEEDER FOR cLt NOT STARTED AT nME OF tt'rSprcnoN. EXTE RtoR EME RGENcy EGRESS LIGHTING r{or couptErs. INSPECT PER REVISED PLANS.130 ELEC-Condult ACOM Stalus: lnsp Ares: /ED PER THE NOTES ON THE IN PANEL AND WALL BOX SO THEY TvD€: &ELEC Occupaity Phone: 97S262-1620 Phone: 97$262-1620Phone: 97$262-1620 CENTER.INTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTTNG RETAIL AND ROUTED TOSTAN FiAHN. JSUTHER r€vls€d €l€clrlcal drawinqs rec€Med I /10i06. - SHAHN LE_E_EB ApD_F,ESSlllcltGHT FtXruRE ON SHEET E-? OF THE L|GHIING PLAN TI|AT WAS hlOTlNSTAtLfS _EgElHE DETATL r.rolE #1, rJrirLL Nor Be lusrelleblr.r rHE FUruhE. RiJrfiED ro srmrHAHN.. JSUTI{ER REPTl31 Run Id: 4L34 Ltt e- Uc"l $Iv t,' ,''l t {e- \7 rOIdN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADvArt, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT 244 WALL ST 244 WALL ST 2r_01- 082 -51- - 011_ PRiI00-0269 APPLreSr\fir N]\DEAU & SONS COTiITRA,CTTNG phone z 604_932-3807#15-1005 AT,pIrA LAKE ROAD, WHTSTLER, B.C. CAIiIADA VON1B1coNTRAcroR NADEAU & soNs coNTRAgrrNG phone z 6o4-932-3807#15-1005 ALPHA I,AKE ROAD, I'IHISTLER, B.C. CANADA VON]-B1OUINER HILL BLANC{E C 3]-1. BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 TOV/Comm flev. '1"' l;.'6t'l-rt Dep*_s i I f{efund Job .Address: Locat,ion. . . :Parcel No..: Project, No.: Description:ADD O{ANGING ROOM,DELETE DOOR,LIGIITING Occupancy: Type ConsEruction:Tlpe Occupancy: ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #: 800-0237 Status...: ISSIIEDapplied..: 09/LL/20aoIssued...: 09/LS/2000 E>qgi_res. . : 03/1,4/200t ll./82 Multi-Famiry Resid";.:o;?l!""g, ry,"Yy*TTT 1 -F{RT\tnF rrr 1-i.,,,- ctli0unt lOl).*rII 1-HRT]4pe III l-Hour e' w,/ BUsitFrOUfll Valuation: Fircplace Information: Reglrict.cd: 13,300 #of cae Appliancce: Reatuarants Plan Revierr--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation F6e------- ---> elealt-Up DeFoEit--- -- -- - > tJate Add Sq Ft.: *of 6as Irogs: . o0 .00 {+of wood/gellet: Building-----> Plan Check- - -> fnvestigacion> will call----> 185.00 r20 .25 .00 !.o0 408.2!i . o0 408 .25 40s .25100. o0 ToCal Calculated Fees-- - > AdditionaL Fees---------> BUTLDING DEPARIMEIVTJRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDPLANNING DEPARTTvIEIII|.IRU_ !,c!ion: AppR N/AFIRE DEPARTT'{EMT 'JE!,I Aqtsion: APPR N/API]BIJIC WORKSiIRM Action: AppR N/A IEem: 05100 09 /14/2OOOItem:05400 09 /L4/2000Itbm:' 0560009/L4/2000rtem:05500o9/L4/2000 .o0 Total PerniL Fee--------> PaFentF-- -- - -- Dept.: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Depts: FTRE Division: Dept.: PUB WORK Division: See Page 2 of this Document. for any conditj-ons that may apply to thj.s permiL. DECTARAUONS r hereby acknoeledge that J have read this aPplicacion, filled out in fu1I che information required, co$pLeleil an accurage ltlotp1an, and stale tha! alt che inforuation provided as f,equired is correct. r agree to conply lrihh the infofination and plot plan,to conpLy silh all Town ordinances and slate 1aws, and to build this atructure aceordi.ng co the Town,6 zoning and aubdiwiEioncodes, desigt'r revi€e approwed, uniform Buitding code and other orilinancEs of Ehe Totrrr cable thereto. RtsQUESTS FOR INSPESfIONS SI'ALIJ BE MIDE TWE}TTY-FOI'R HOURS IN A-DVANCE SY send Clean-Up Dcposit To: I{ADEAU AND SONS AT OI'R OFFIC:E PRO!' gr00 A!.t 5:00 PMTELEPHONE AR COIiITRAC{OR FOR HIMSET.F AIiID OWNAR ******************************************************************************** CONDTTTONSPermit #: 800-0232 as of 09/L5/00 Sratus: TSSIIED******************************************************************************** Perrn:Lt.Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERIUT Applj_ed: OT/!L/2OOOAppricant: NADEAU & soNs coNrRAerrNe llsued: og'/ts'/2ooo604-932-3807 To Errpire: O3/L4/200j, ,fob Address:Location: 244 v{Att sTParcel No: 2t_0L-082-51-011 Description:ADD CIIANGING ROOM,DELETE DOOR, LIGHTING Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARIN,IENT A.PPROVAT IS REQUTRED BEFORE ANY WORK EATiT BE STARTED.2. FTELD TNSPEETTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. ,ro +:l*************:l****************************rit****t*t+*t*it*+rlt* TOWN OF VAIL. COIORADO SLatemnt *********+*************!r*******r*i************r*******t********* Statemnt Number; REC-O6?? Amount :Aoa.25 09/L5/00 13:01 Init : JARPa)ment. Method: CK Notation: 23928 Permit No: Boo-o23? type: A- GOMM Parcel No: 2101- 082 -S 1- O11 Site Address: 244 I{AI,I ST Location: 244 WALL ST ADD/ALT CO!4!,I BUII,D P 404 .25 404.25 .o0 Amount 185 .00 420.25 100.00 3.00 This Pa).ment Total Fees: 408.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance : *:l********4+****it*****t*!t**t*+*****************r***r************ Account Code Deecription BP OO1OOOO31]-].1,00 BOILDING PERMIT FEES PF O01000031_L2300 PLAN CHBCK FEES AD D2 -DEPO8 CIJEANUP DEPOSTTS vtc o0l-o00031J,2800 wll,t CALL INSPECTION FEE ildf,rj'Pg166s' 970-479-2149 (Inspections) llf; [T,3l31fo$i.r, separate Permits are required for electrical' plumbing' '""ctranicft;ffb!sEP 0 5 2000 Contad Asssors Office at 97O-328-864O or visrT et'l Parcel #alotOS2d/ btl tlx -v-' lob Name: VOtu euotttNh @HPfu'tU ioo Aodress: ar*Jf,aag7- fittt- - Legal Description ll Lot: ll Btock: ll ririns:Subdivision:c-6o*\frF\*tt*HlE} rou^p6rl cR.. &a,r^,/Phonuro*tnq-tgop ArchitecVDesiqner: t'tutPt+-t Address:frn fuiEz - tutltrL 'lz,"li- szs-e€q7 Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: QWVTD^/ - e&rub/nL. d- EfEl zw)z workclass: New( ) Addition( ) RemodetK) Repair( ) Demo( ) orher( ) Work Type: Interior 0d.) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( f1 No ( ) TI No.ofExistingDwe||ingUnitsinthisbui|ding:#No. of Accommodation ugG-this brl!5].*!' Noi-,vpe oi Firepracesjl ces ( I cas r-oos ( i wooolpertet (lrll$leur|rflj Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliancgs ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/pellet (luool'trfo lho, orro*. o l Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (VY No ( -) Does a Fire Sprinkler Slstem $F Yes ( I rvo t(I CoMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUILDING: $ //l2oA e ELECTRICAL: $ Z@ OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ --MECHANICAL: $ .-rorAL: s d tv, vao = REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION General Contractor: Nrb€rtl l4afi4 , ./.t./.t Town of Vail Reg. No.: 2o3 a Contact and Phone #'s: 97o- gzo=6tz-z @i+N. ./**^r ****** *rr* ** *** #** F;/everyone/forms/bldgperm -- * * * * * * * * f QR OF FICE USE ON LY* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :? * * r. * * * * * * * * * I0l'l'\ Department of Community Development Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino Architect stamp and srgnature (All Commercial and Multi far;i[) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.ioads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Repon must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittali Questions? Call the Buildinq Team at 419-2325 Project Namer l/4 tt- tt rn-a w E <Atn?t^l_l Project Address: ?x+ dnu- 5r . / This checklist must be comoleted before a Buitdina permit apotication is accepted. All pages of application is compiete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public way Permit application included if applicable (refer to public works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,parkinq or material storaqe a o o B D f, tr u D a O o o f 3 D F:/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: TUMYOF BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depaftment Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: F:everyondforms/bldperm3 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESNONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBL]C WAY PERMIT": Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? performed YES YES YES No ,( require the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or No 0( NO C( Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a different access needed to the site other than the existino drivewav? yES No( D Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES No_g_ ls a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES NO O( Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES NO}( No*0(_ If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES- NO A If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public work's office or at community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2798.. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Contractor Signatu6e F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the attached check list with the Buildinq Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This pian will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review, If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform, > The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". ) NOTE: The above pnocess is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each Nonember 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. understand the above. F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 44if Date Signed IUffiYOF DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: o The Town of Vail Building Department has developed ensure that new construction sites have adequately from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail the following procedures to established proper drainage roads or streets. The Town of vail Public works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2798 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: F:/everyoneforms/bldperm6 .k//q/'a /a. / TVWNOF Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete telt are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED n Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, grbvel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. D Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. I Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above. any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. a Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Work as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this C.ode. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED tr No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) S 1) D Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it'to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord, 2B(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornply with the above code proririonr,fl Position or Date Signed: to Project: TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArr,, co a1657 970-479-2L38 APPIJTCAIiIT COI(fRACTOR OlrlNER Electsrical---> DRB Fee I nv€ Et igab i on > t{i1l call----> TOtrAI, FEES- - - > DEPARTI4EI..IT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMEI T NOTE: THfS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iTOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ELEqTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-0183 ilob Address: 244 $IALL ST Status..Location. .. t 244 WALL ST-CLOTHING COMpApplied.Parcel No. . : 2l-01-og2-51-T1l-- Iiiued. .Project No. : pRiI0O-0269 Erqlires. ISST]ED 09 /2L/20OO oe /25 /2000 03/24/200L I{HITE RIVER ELE TRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8t620 WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1_118, AVON CO 8L620 HILI-, BLANCHB C 311 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 970-949=L403 Phone:970-949-1403 2, 500 . ooDescript,ion: INSTALL BRANCH CIRCUIT WIRING FOR CllANcvaluat,ion: !r***.***r***** FEE SUI4MARY 54.00 .00 .oo 3 .00 5?.OO 57 .00 .00 57 ,00 57.00 .00 Total calculat€d Fees- - - > Addltional Fe€s---------> Tolal Perrnib Fee--------> Pay0ent.E- - -- - - - - BAI,ANCE DT'E. - -. * *j}* 'r * * r a *r* r * a I!e{r; ,qqQgo ElEcTRrcAL DEpARlt[,rENT Depr.: BUTLDTNG Division:o9/21_/2OOO .]NOLEN Act,ion: AppR APPROVED I!e,F-',QIqg0 FIRE DEPARTTIENT Depr.: FrRE Division:O9/2L/2000 ,]NOI_,EN Action: NOTE N/A * * ll * * * a * ** * * * * * *r!, *rr* * * CONDTTION OF APPROVAL REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAIVCE.1. FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE !r * * * * * * * * r ** * *r DECLARATIONS I hercby acknowledgc tha! I hrv6 read LhiE applicat,ion, filled out in fuLl fh. infonnacton f,.quired, coeplctsed an accuratc plotsp!.an, arrd 6tate that all the infortrratsion ltrovld€d a6 requir€d iE corr6ct. I agree to cohply eith th. inforoation rnd pLoc plan, !o cornPly rith all Tosn ordinances and state lawa, and to build thiB Btructule according !o t'he rosn. E zoning altd eubdiwigioncodc6, dcsigtl revicit approvcd, UnlforB Building codc and other ordinanceB of tshc Tor.n alrlrlicabl. lhcrcto. REQUESTS I'OR IIIIIPECTIONS SmIJL BE MA.DE TtfS!:ty-FOUR HOURS IN AII\'ANCE AY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OuR OFFICE FROM 8:OO A$ 5:OO pM *******t********tl***rl***+!}*****t******i**t******ttt*tt*****t**it TOI{N OF VAIL, COIORjADO Statemnt **il**rl***rl**ll****tl***t+***t****it*it**t*rl++rl**t*****t*i**i****i* Statemnt Number: RBC-0579 Amount :57 .OO oe/25/00 11 :5? Palment lrlethod: CK Notat j.on: #122L3/WHITE RMnit: LC Permlt No: Pareel Nor gLte Address : Location : Thie Payment EoO-0183 Tlpe: B-BIEC 2101--082 - 51- 011 244 WAIJIJ ST 244 WAIJIJ ST-STOTHING COIIPANY Total FeeE; 57.00 Total ALL PmtB i ELE TRICAT. PERMIT Balance : tl*****tl*+*i+lrl*****t****t****l*ilt***il******il**+t+****++****.1*** Account code Description EP OO1OOOO31111OO EIJEqTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 57.00 57.00 .00 Anount 54.00 3.OO 0S/20/00 10:{4 FA-I 970 $45 g74S IIHI1E RIYER EI.EC 14 oo3o AFFLICATIOII WII.I I{OT EE ACCEPTEI' IF INCOMP t LETE OR Proiect #: Building Permit #: Elertriral Permit #: 75 S. Fronteec Rd.ftail, CoblaAo 81557 r //. c/oYhi,rtp 6al *ryqs Atfu"t szdM fwhrd# COITPLETE 5Q. FEET FOR NFw BUILDS'and VATUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (labor & ;ranriib) Pard#' (Requircd if nobtdg. permir#bprovirtidabore) 7tO | - Ogi - 4i : Ol Jobtlarrle: tht_, eJ.rJ,l ,^. *r+JobAddress: ,L+lr WA.+ {t, Subdivision: y'A,.- .tl t r--AC* 3tf *A4t- tZ {"4, Std4- brc--c-Jn uvu-JL r lrl5 fogrr, Urilr*.lq /EJrs, d-rs - WorkClass: t{eut()'Addbn( ) RsrEdd({ Remrr( ) TernpPouer( ) OdEr( ) ( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at &is locationl Yes ( ) No ( ) Type sf 8lds.: Single-fimiV ( )Dupls ( ) Hulffidmily ( ) &mmrrcjal (,,2f ResAumrt ( ) Other ( ). No. of Erirting Dvtdling l.Jn-fts in this buildirg:ilo. of Accornmodation Units In this building: Is this oennit for a hot Ub: Yes a Fire Sprinkler Sptern Exist Yes AMOUNT OF 5Q FT IN STruCruRE:ETECTRTCAL VAuJATION: $ 2, &O. I CO$|TRACIO R trlFORlilATIO N ******+**:r*:t**Jr.***f **=!ar.rlrll!!.!E****'1"*FOR OFFICE USE ON LY***+***{rr***++,r*e*..a.tfA++ai+tr+ilr*#++ FileU€tlondhmilgegrl Elecutcd Contradon l t*sfiL R.t,tEg-- Town of vail Reg- l\lo-: r.{€ a Crnbct and Phone #'s:Rr"&.- 1.+.q- t.Ios ContracbrSrsnatrre: i /! Uli^.. /fr^*- 4-@/UtU 6oo - azzl OS/20/0O lO:.44 FL07 I 87{8 fftrIIE RIVER ELEC ts ool All undergnrund conduits are required b be inspecEd before back-filling he bench. In mufti-famlly rlwdling untts, 40 electical wiring orfeeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. coomon 004 o IilJ/WTIW Ot/erhead sen ices are not allOWed in the Tovrn of Vail.<_ lJndagrcund servica have to be in ordult (Pvq frorn the Uansformeij to fie electn'c meter. matn dlsconnectswitrh and b fte first elecbiel distrbr.rfion dirarii brcater panet-o Tlre main disconnect,suritdr sfrall be l@ted noC b the meter on the extrerior wall of ttre sffuchrre easilyacsesible. o E a o ualls ard spaces are accepEd. " llM Cable (Rolex) is nm allowed in commercial buildings or sFucfirres erceedlng three (3) stories.o No I rse ot aluminum urlre smaller than she #8 Wll be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOwr oFvAI!_ ELFCTRICTL pj:Rttfi GUTDELINES o All installations of exterior hot fubs or spa's require a DRB approval ftom planning. This application will not be arepted without a copy of the DRB apprwal form attadred (if appfcabte). or dect over plaform, the added letter or drawing rf this is a rcmodel in a multi-famity building with a homeowners association, a fromthe association is required. o If this permit is fur a commercial spae, hro (z) sets of stambed drawings are I 1l^ J.oo _.- Date Signed rf you lrane any qusstioils regarrting tre aborc inftmatioil orhavepleace contect the Tonrn orf vail Electoical rnspector at gzo-4?g -2!.47. of permission questions, can be and gam. You I rcaeH on Tueeday, Thusdry and Fridry momings hetrrueen the hourc ofmay a]so leave a voice qrail and the inspector wiir catt you back. I haue read and unde FJPT131 I?rrrr T,"l . ?e? 12-1 Rsquoited hspsct Dats: Tuesclay, Decembor 19, 2000' As5iqlgd To: CDAVI$' Inspectlon TvDs: BLDG*'=8fi:XT#3i iff*o.. sr vArL 244 WALL ST Ar'PlD hforrrilkxr _ Aclivity: B0fI0?37 Type: ACOMM S'rb Type: ACOM .ftahr:const TlD6: occuoahly: - - -- rl5ii iril:gn Insp 16;:Paicel: 210108251011 -Applicant: NADEA|J & SONS CONTRACTTNG phon6: 604-932-3807Con[ructur: NADEAU & SOIIS COI'ITRACTING phorre: 60#932-3807O+ner: f{lLL 9LANCHE CDescdption: ADD CHANGTNG ROOM,DELETE DOOR,L|GHT|NG R€quo*sd lnsoectl(rtlsl ne+ruredrf,fPi 89*8.17 Entered By: LCAMPBELL K I,S.SUED JRM t6rn:Flcnreslar io-rfrnirirfs: Assigned To: Aclron:Time Exp: Ins0sctlgn Hlslory liem: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan (R€dtiredl Iteirr: 30 BLDGFremiru (Cri.*israli * ADr'roved * 11E1nO Inspector: ir.rn Action:Commer*r: elebtrlcal rouoh not dofle. 1 1/24rt0 Inspector: CDAVTS Action:Item: 50 BlDGlnsdation (ODtional) Itern: 5u BlDt;$tcotrock Nail ioEtiojlal) *i ADorowd ** 11t22fr0 h'ispeulor', JRli,l Action:Conmenls: DENIED FRAMING NOT INSPECTFS11nlffj Inspeetor: CDAVIS A':lion:Item: 70 BLDGMtsc. (ODtional) Itern: 90 BLOGFinal (Requiredi BN OEIIIED APAPPROVED DN OENIED A.P APPROVED W(u'"* Q6,uD( &t(t itre F'nr@ , /1 /,, . /-..r/qy,a/o4fruJ {ACW / ti*'t 1ft r (o't/Sn/u' ' 'lt4tfL'/ tttL t I \r t {)M-'--e a Fa2 .o 'Hoz 'oo= I FInz tr (J ET FI AAzo &Eoo !0Eo lrloU o b F! d iats |zz I oDD Irrlo IE=, r{lti' t-, c, i22 | Olqi) |:EO IH= ' oUl4, al bH ia2 |,{p IrolHE I oH.l IOrr.{O! i Er tsi IHZ I O AE I O Fq ,{ 'ol 9lH' o4r \al h' \ {l Hr oHl '<l t \or o r-ll<r \F, ll4ra16l>i16F, l ; ro,Erozl qr Hr d Ea r 5FlH I nl lr!4 !i | !)vtE (J I rlo.i ql I rlo|Z E I Zlca' atErEll = cr I i\i dO Ool IF l(O | | A9 SR: 9H6 U-; aro\ HI U' |] E no H 6 FI z EI t{ o r.{ g rtE> f'l : rr AO dEIO }trE O o HoD (\ (., E! 4l ;d A] U U k u 't TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 tlvt, (rLv;L, Vrr',i t/rl \ Sr " tN:^ ffLv, ck , -/1 f t.<ke> DEPARTMEIiTT OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI-,OPMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiL #: B99-0241-ADD/ALT COMM BUITD PERMT ilob Address: 254 BRIDGE ST StaLus. . Location. . .: 254 BRIDGE ST, CURTAIN HrApplied. Parcel No..: 2l-01--082-23-oo7 Issued..Project No. : PR,J99-0263 Expires. ISSUED 09/13/L999 LO /t2 /L999 04 / 09 /2000 APPLICA}IT NADE.AU & SONS CONTRACTING #15-]-OO5 ALPHA I,AKE ROAD, WHISTLER, CONITR.AETOR NADEAU & SONS CONTRACTING OI,IINER #15-1005 AL,PHA IrAKE ROA,D, WHISTLER, HIIJL BTANCHE C 311 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 TOV/Comm. Dev.DescripEion: COMPLETE INTERIOR TENAIVT FIN]SH-SAME USE Occupancyz P.3/82 Residence wiEh Bus Tlrpe Construction: Tl4ge Occupancy: Valuat,ion:350,000 Add caa Appliances :Fireplace Inforf,atsion: R€stricted: *Of *Of Gaa Logs I *Of Wood/PalIeC: FBE ST'M!{ARY Phone t 504-932-3807 B.C. CANADJA VON1B1 Phone z 604-932-3807 B.C. EANADA VON1B1 Building-----> PLan ch€ck- - - > lnvestigation> will Cal1-- - -> 1 , 74O .00 1,131.O0 .00 3.O0 .00 .00 .00 500 .00 3,374.00 3 ,374 . O0 . o0 3,374 .00 3,374 . O0 . o0 Rc6tuarant Plan Review- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee--------- -> Clean-t4r Depo6its-- - - - - - -> ,]TOTAIJ FEES- -'.' Total calculated Fees- - - > Addi.lionaL Fees---------> Total Perrnit Fe€--------> Payment'e------- BAIANCE DUE- -- - Item: 05100 09 /.1-4 /.L999 09 /14 /L999 09 /L4/L999LO'/L2'/1"999IEem:05400 09 /L4 /1,999o9'/22'/1,999Item:05600oe/L4/1,999IEem: 05500 09 /L4 /1,999o9'/24'/t999 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:KATHY ACTiON: APPR ROUTED TO GARYKATHY Act,ion: CANCKATIIY ACTiON: NOTE ROUTED TO GARY GGOODELL Act,ion: APPR PLANNING DEPART!,{ENT DepE: PLANNING Division:KATHY ACIiON: NOTE ROI]TED TO ANNBWILSON ACTiON: APPR NO DRB FEE PAID COSIFIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FfRE Division:KATHY ACIiON: APPR WILL CONTACTMCGEEPIIBLIC I'IORKS Dept: PIjB WORK Division:KATHY ACTiON: NOTE ROIEED TO LEONARD LS.ANDOVA .A,CTiON: APPR APPROVED ************l*tt****ttar****** **********:r***lrt**********9***************************1*********r,r**t* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t,haE may apply to this permj-t, DECLARA,TIONS I hereby acknoPledge that I have read thiB applieaeion, filled out in full bhe information required, complcted an accurate plot plan, and Etatc chat all the information provided as required is correct, I agree to conpLy lrith the inf,omalion Bnd plot plan, to conply ltith a1I Toltn ordinanceB and etate lawg, and to build thi6 stt ucture according to the Town. e zoning and aubdivieion codeF, design revien apProved, uhiform Buildlng Code and other ordinanceB of rhe Town applicable ther€Co. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE Y.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 FRO!' S | 00 A.M 5 :00 PM gend Clean-Up Deposit Toi NADEAU & SONS C13$fRAqfING SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR FOR HTMSEI,F AND OVINER ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************Permit #: 899-0241- Permit. Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUIL,D PERMTApplicant: NADEAU & SONS COMTRACTING 604-932 -3807 CONDITIONS as of Lo/'J-2/99 StaEus: ISSUED Applied: 09/L3/L999Issued: 1,0/L2/L999 To E:cpire: Oa/09/2OOO 'Job Address:tocation: 254 BRIDGE ST. CURTAIN HILL BIDGParcel No: 2101-082-23-007 VAIL VILLAGE FII,ING ]- LOT t BLK 5 C Description: COMPI-,ETE INTERIOR TENAI\T FINISH-SAME USE Condi-tions:1. FIRE DEPARIT,IEMf APPROVAJ, IS REQUTRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF FIRE ALARMS OR SRINKTERS ARE EXISTING, THIS WILL PREVENT FALSE AT,ARMS. FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE R.EQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANSE. AIIIT WORK IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE 1997 I'BC, TIIE 1995 NEC, THE 1994 UpC OR 1-997 rpc, THE 1998 IMC OR 1997 I]MC, ALL AS ADOPTED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL, & OTHER OTIIER APPLICABLE ORDINANCES, EONDITIONS OF APPROVAIJ OR REGI'LATIONS OF TTIE TOWN OF VAII. AN AIITOMATIC FIRE SPRINKIJER SYSTEM IS TO BE INSTALLEDrN THE BASEMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH SEC. 904.2.2 (1), 1997I'BE. WATER SYSTEM TO SUPPLY SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS TO BE I'PGRADED SIITHIN 12 MOI{TTIS. SEE MEMO FROM TIIOMAS A. SAPIRO, DIRECTOR OF OPER,ATIONS, BREEZE, TNC., DATED LO/8/99 FOR DETAILS. ALL EXIT DOORS MUST SWING OIIr, IN DIRECTION OF EXIT TRAVEL, SINCE OCCUPAIiIT LOAD IS MORE THAN 50 (SEC. 1003.3.1.5, I'BC) . (EXCEPT AT]TOMATIC SLIDING DOORS, WHICH HAVE REOUIRED EMERGENCY BREAKAWAY FEATI'RE) 2. 3. 4. 5. * *,r * * * *,r * * ** *,l *,r * |} * * * * * ** 9!, * *r** * * r * !r r * * a * r * 1* * * * 'r * * * tl.., i * * * * rt ** TOVIT{ OF VAIIJ, COI'ORADO sEaternnt. Slaternnt Nuob€r: REC-O574 Amount :3,374.00 ro/a2/99 ].6.2L Pa14[enE Uethod! CK Notation! {].34/nadeau & 60 Init: IJC Pernit No: 899-0241 T!'p.: A-COMM ADD/AII COMM BUIIJD P PalceI No: 2101-082-23-o07 gi.Ec AddreBs: 254 BRIDGE ST IJocaBI.on: 254 BRIDGE ST, CURTAIN IIIIII, BI,DG Total Faes. 3,374.00 Thi€ Palarent. 3,374-00 Total AIIL putE: Account Code De6c!iption 3, 374. 00 .00 Amount 1,740.00 1, 131 .0O s00.00 3.00 BP OO1OOO031111OO BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES PF 00100003112300 PIAU CHECT FEES ID D2 -DEPO8 CLE.E.}II]P DEPOSTTS t{c 00100003112s00 }rrLL CALL INSpEetION FEE PP.Jqq - ozbS ' rown o, uo,CoNSrRUcroN pERr,, ortl,.o'o* F.RM )Y zcdk|):{ INFoRMATI0N MUsr BE coMpLETE oR firE AppLIcATroN wrLL BE REJncTEn,-- Contact the fagle\Co-unty Assessors Oftice at 97A428-6640 for parce! # Parcet i+ {f,4?O) ?t o t oga03OO-? Job Name: Description of Job: Job Address: Electrical ( ) Work Class: New ( ) Alterarion 0Q , Numberof DwettueUrurs: y' &Y Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs BUILDING: PLTJMBING VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ceneral Contractor: l{flffitA * SaxJ \ Address#ft .- Town of Vail RegisUation No. Electrical Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Registration No Phone # Plumbing Contractor: Additional ( ) Repair ( ) Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: 4- Wood/Pellet OTHER: $rorAl $ ?50r000.d0 Address: Phone #Town of Vail Reeistrafion Nc. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Registntion No. Addrcss: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE sEP 13 1s99 BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Anp*a\aia MG cal( ) Mechardcal ( ) .Other( VA\L vtLLpGG €tr.€ t s_tx.k 5 L) LegalDescription: Lot__ rL_ Block_$!_ riling'_l _ Subdivision' ownersName: BREP\€ tttrt(-r< tftr(T\, Adarcss: 405 Af.Cftv ST a/€.ROl hf&t00ynone+18-lfip-tQ2 J ercrritect: frURPY S-r G/@S xaress: /f/7 6t-fK€ f/€. E0O. _&ttEpnone+f1-,t&f:EElf 1 N, 60q*?Jta SIGNATURE: n), - TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CTJRRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUN]TY DE\ELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE $2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITTI) A. Unlanfirl deposits: Subject to subsection C thereoi it is unlaudrl for any person to litter, track or deposit. or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited. sand gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Noticel Abatement: The Director of Public Works may noti$ and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof. or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice b1, the Director of Public Works. tn the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or otJrer authorized agent, tnav cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other rnaterial to be rcmoved from any street or alley at tlre expense ofthe notified. C. Excepions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate arca of any construction, maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main. sewer main, electricity line, gas line. telephone line or any appurtenance thereto; 2. To deposits of sand" dirt or materials neccssarv for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsectton B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section l-4-l of this code. E. Notice, Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refusc to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provrded in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Scction 1-4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Rcad and acknowled eed bv: (i.e. contractor or owner) Position or Relationship to Project: TOWN OF VAIL Depanment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME F'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Firc Departrnent Approval. Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Department reyiew, and a review by the Building Department. the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. Al[ commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects shouid take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above rnentioned departments rvith regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this deparrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the Plan Check procedure and time framc. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must stiil pay the Plan Check Fee aad that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Work Sheet was tumed ftto the Community Development DepL {g*un" oru* TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MfMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY 1, 1999 WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQLIIRED No2a- DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TI{E FOLLOWING QIJESTIONNAIRE REGARDING T}IE NEED FOR A*PIIBLIC WAY PERMIT'': l. Is this a new residence? YES 3. Is any utiiity work needed?YES Is the driveway being repaved?YES Is a different access needed to the site other than the existins driveway? YES NOX Is any drainage work being done that afiects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES_ NO)<_ Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES A. Is the Right-of-Way, easements or public property to be used for stagrng, parklng or fencing?YES_ NO-X B. IfNoto YES Is demolition work being performed that requires the use of the Riglrt-of-Way, sasements or public property? YES >( NO_ 8,\ is a parking staging or fencing plan required by Community Development?NOX Nox- NOX4. 5. 6. NO'7. 8. If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's officc or at Communiry Development. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL T}IE ABOVE QI,IESTIONS. Comoanv Name I 2. .1.. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Buildins Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Buiiding Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a'?ublic Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction trafiic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November lst and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's offrce for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the moming, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (i) week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15tr. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TOWN AF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective January 1,1999, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town ofVail roads or $reets. The Town of Vaii Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town ofVail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department lor footings or temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Pubiic Works Department. Allow a minimum of.24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Finai Certificate ofOccupancy issuance. {g r"n"*oru* TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roa.d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 l. z. INX'ORMATION NENIIEII WHEN APPLYING FOR A MECHANICAL PERMIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE, FLOOR PL.A.N OF ]VIECHANICAI ROOM W]TH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WTTI] PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQ{JIPMENT IN THEMEC}IAMCALROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS. FLUES. VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETI{ER ELEVATOR EQIJ'IPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN TIIE MECHAMCALROOM. F'AILURE TO PROVIDE TIIIS INFORMATION WILL DELAY YOUR PERMIT. 3. i t.r) (, ('' J/-r\\ <) <- ,1 ' --..-l ---\/1 glJ ..r'.. {,2 *"*o'o'"* TOITIN OF VAIL, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 BUSINESS Inv66CigaCion> wiLl calL----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT AI-'L ELECTRICAI, PERMIT Permit #: TIMES 899-0200 .fOb AddTCSS: 254 BRIDGE ST Location. . .: 254 Bridge St, Parcel- No. . : 21-0L-OB2-23-007 Project No. : PRJ99-0263 APPLICAITT WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P o Box 1118, AVON CO 81620 CONTRA TOR WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620 OWNER HILL BI,ANCTIE C 311 BRTDGE ST, VArt co 81-657 INTRAWEST/WHISTLER Descript,ion: Eleetric for contrnerciaf remodel Electrical- - -> 1,332. oo DRB Fee .00 Status...: ISSUED Hill BIdg.ApPlied. . : Lo/L2/:-.999 Issued. - .: LO/21/L999 Expires..: 04/L8/2000 Phone t 970- 949-t403 Phone: 970-949-1403 Valuation:75,000.00 ********it***********!r****,*{t *tJ*t**t**a*** Tocal Caleulated Fee6- - -> 1.335.0o Additional Fees--- ----- -> 'oo . o0 3 .00 Total Pentrit Fee_--__---> Payn€nt6-_-_-- 1,335.00 1,335.00 TOTAT, FEES---> 1,335 - 00 B.AX,.ANCE DUE.--. Irem: 05000 ELECIRICAL DEPARTMENT - Dep!-:- BUILDING Division: TolI+/1999 KATITY Actign; APPR Approved per KWiibm;'6s6oo-riiin oepiGrTaEwr. Dept: FIRE Division: lolI+/7gg9 KATITY Action: APPR N/A **rl**********i *****'*1***+J** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hereby ackno Lecige thaE I have read chie application, filfed out in fuI1 the infoa'mati.on required. coTrpleted an aceurate ploL pJ.an, and etaLe that all the infofldation provided ae required is correcL. r aglee to conply lrith th€ infonnation and plot plan' to conply wiEh al1 To n ordinanceB and stsate laes, and r:o bui]rd ihis scf,ucture according to Ehe Town's zoning and eubdivieion code€, deEign revier apploved, Unifom Buiiding code and olber ordj.nances of Lhe Town aPPlicable thereto' REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHAr,r, BE MADE TWEIIIY-FOUR I1OURS rN ADTTANCE BY TET'EPIIONE AT 479-213g OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8100 AJ'[ 5:OO pM SIGIATI'RE OF OVINER OR HIMSBLF A.IID OWI{ER o TOVn{ OF VAIIJ, COLOR.BDO Srace!|nE **rlr************t*ir*tt***i*a* i*r*:r:r****ra*r*t*r' StaCesnt Nurnb6r: REC-0579 AnounL:Lr 335.00 lO/2L/99 )-6 | 43 Paymeuc M6hhod: CK Notacion: 1S7S8/WBITE RIt? hiE: .n{ Per&ir No: 899-0200 4rpe: B-EIEC ELECIRICIT pERMIt ParceL No: 2101-Og2-23-007 Sitc Addrsse: 294 BRTDGE sT Locacion! 2S4 Eridge St, HiLL BIdg. Total Fee6: L,335.00 Ttris Pa]tu.nt 1,135.00 Total AI,L pmts: Acqount code DeEcriptsion EP 00L00003L1,1400 EIJESIRICA.L pEmtrT FEES wc 00100003r.12e00 wllir cAr,], rNspEcTIoN FFE Balance: 1. 335. 00 .00 Auount 1,332.00 3.00 L0/t2/09 14:30 FAX S70 S4S 0749 WUITE RMR EIJC il:: T {:, ;i3}io3'Hl'ri:: : i'of "r'ffi oF vArr. *"roo"*, onO 14 001PEJqg- ozto3 Bqq -oZr?t,, , ?1 , APPLICATIoH IIUST 8E FIL,IID OUT COIIPLETELI OR IT I'[AY llOT BE ACCEPTED Ii***i******+****+t***r*t****** pEnul|l rNFonurTroN' fti* *t****l **************** **/l-t l-Building [ ]-Frurnbing Jr-l-ulectrical I J-ilechanibat [ ]-othe! Job Naner lVl\--Aa'tu**e- CpizrJeb Addressz L5* F*a e. St . {;L. Iegal. Descriptioni Ipt orrrherg NaE€: $Lano}.a 1-l r'lJ-Addregsl 3lt Br'crqc- tl. - tl*iL pU Architect:Address:Ph. General- Description:A'ns*nll-F; Yrta,,-f et ' sragq- !16rr.1 L-4 Al- <#|r-, I1n*p.ir I J-orher Nrtr'!}-er of owelllng Units: Y Nulber of Accorrruod"dion Un1ts:F ^ Il$Der and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Loge_ Woodr/pelletv ^rrtrr****t**********i*!r*t*******!t*t* vAIIngIoNs ****!r!r *+*t**********i*********+** LullPlllgt Er,EcmrcALrrE,ms orEER: tPLIMBTNG: i - - .- l.EcItA},IrcAt, $-.-.-- ffiAt;v 'I* *********** ************* *t eoJ'ItlRACfoR IIIFORI{AIION ***tr* !r****************t***7 Eeneral COntractor: Nad r.^,.^ 6lo-.s e-,l...r.al t- ToWn Of Vail Reg. NO.Adtlress: rrts - Jotl6 A , -., --++ -. E-e- lbone Nurber: ba*= qffi6o+ Electrical Contractor: Aildress t @a* tt elunbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg, No._!31-5 E- Phone Number:_ ?-*q- t+-6t- t{dchanical Address: Contraetor: Town of vail Phohe Nlrrlber: Toyn of VaiI Plroh€ Nunberl Reg. NO. Reg. NO. !t* ** !t*tl* :t* ** !r !r * t jt * * * ** * * ** * ** *** FORBUILDTNG PER}TT FEE: \ PLI'Ii'BING PERMTT FEE: IiTECEANICA! PERI{TT FEE: EI,ECIRTCAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEJ I DRB FEE: i OFFICE USE *r*** * ******* !r *** ***!r,l**** * **** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLU}TBING PI.Ail CIIECK FEE:I{ECIIIu{ICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: lfffii[l"il"I53i,,Date R#IOAAIJ PERI{TT EEES,.' ocl t2l1ssg--- BUILDING: SIGNATURE3 ZONTNG; SIGNAfURET 'ii. t IO/L2/85 t4:t0 FAI 970 lntln 67 4g WEIIE RIYER EIIEC t04$ o 75 routh lront.ga rord Ell, coloraalo t'lgs7 1r0S1 479'2138 or 479-2t39 BUILDING PERJ,IIT ISSUA,ICE TI}IT FMI,IE If thrrs pemit requires a Town of vai't Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineerrs (Publ ic r,:l|1l "evir" ani'ipiriovar , a ptannjng Deparrnentreview or Hea I th Deoartrnirrt revi ew, -ani-i- rur.i.n ;i-;h;"Erir'fi "gDepartment, the estimateu tirn! toi'a-titir revier may take ai .tongas three weeRs.. A'll comnerci'ar 'fraroe_or snnil) ano alr m,rlti-fanily penrrits wilrhave to fo''row itre iuove.menti6neJ ma"i,nrr requlrenents. Residentialand sna]I proiects shourd ri'ti.-i-i".!lr"rmrunt_of tirne- However, ifresidentia'l or snaller,pro:lJir-imp=a.i tn" various above mentioneddeparbnents with reoard, to necessary-"e"i.r, these projects rnayalso take the tfiree-we"t perioO.--'r'Lr'' Every.attenpt wifl be made by thfs department.to expedite thispefmi't aS Soon aS posslble. r'v tAPEur LE Lllls I:-jl. undersfgned, understand the pla1r check procedure dnd timeT|.amg. -r- r' Y-u-vr s urr\' L I l1tfi.r. Aau.-.{.--r- t+-+c-r ottlcr of comnunlt doroloprncnt lg 002 t?-l11 Sheet was tuDate l.tor-x- Devel onment ed into thE LO/LZ/SS 14:30 T9, I]ROH; DATE! FAr 070 g{0 6749 75 touln lruntrgr rord wil, colorado t13S? f303) 479-2I38 or 479-2139 @oos sf flcr of comrnunfty dovllopmorl WEITE RIVER SU&TEE!! CONSTRUCIION PARKTNG E I{AEERIAL STOXAGE rn sunnaryr ordinance ro. i states that it_i' uhrauful for anyperson to lltter,..!51:k-:, aeposii .r,y ,oir,-"o"il-rurra, debrisor ruaterial, incructing trash l*npsters, portabre toir.ets andtforhnen vehicLes e] ? I, i, ;;; ;;i"H".f; :I.:::""1; " =li;ilil5i_il i"L "i l"f ]**' -", vair srreers and,f:ul: :.s app_oiii"lliv-s-it]*lri.p.rrunenE.This ordlnance uitl be stritity enforced by the roirn of vai]Public lvorks DeDarrn€nt. -p;;;;h; found violating this ordlnahcewill be given a 24 hour *riii.n-'"o.rce to rehove said materiar.In the event the person sq noEifieit.does not corrply with thenotice vith:n Urq_-21 rrou, tir.-"i"cified, tfre p,riric worksDeparrment virr rernove said urat*iiar -at the expehse of personnotifred. The urovisio""-"r-'iif!-o*ornunce shall nor beappricabte tc clnstruction. --iiii.r"nge 05 re5rair proJects ofany street cr al).ey or any utifiiies in the right_a_way. To review ordj.nance-No.,6. in full, please stop by.the Towrr ef:::i.::ii5i'9.':f;il*:*.::"d;;il . copv. riu,,i. vtu f,or your ALL CONTR.ACTORS CTTRREMTLYL REGISTERED III1II trHEtotlN OF VAIIJ TO!|N oF vtIL FIBtrc woRKs/cotrMm[Ity DEvELopuENr UARCE 15, 1988 contrag*,_of , O$ner) TOVCN OF VArIJ75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL. co 8l_557970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF EOMMUNTTY DEVEIJoPMEI\TT NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt T]MES AI,ARM PERMIT Permit #: A99-001-9 APPIJICAI\flI TTTUL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMSP O BOX 534, AVON, co 81_620CONTRACTOR THUL EIEC'TNONiC-SiSINMSP O BOx 534, AVON, eo 81620OI,INER FIILL BL,ANCHE C' ---' 31-1_ BRTDGE ST, vArL CO 81657 Description: REpLACE F]RE ALARM sysTEM FEE SI]MMARY 4s0.00 .00 .00 3,O0 {53 .00 sEatus...: rssuEDApplied_ ., rL/tS /1"gggIssued. . . :E4gires. _ : Phone: 9'70-949-4639 Phone: 97O-949-4638 Valuation:24, 355 . 00 JOb AddrESS: 254 BRIDGE STLocation. .. t 254 BRfDGE STParcel No. . : 2l_01_0g2 _23_OO7Project. No. : pRJgg_0263 E1€ccrical---> DRB F6e hv6EEigation> Wilt call----> TOTAI, FEES- - -> Total Calcrllated Fe6€- - - > Aaditional F6e6----- -- --> tot.al Pcroit Fec------ -- > Paylenes - - -- - - - - BALAXCB DUE.... 453.0o . o0 453 .00 45t . OO . oo ***l}*rrr*r***** *r** ** * * * **ar*r, itirizr88ilfflFffTffiffigffff;il:l^",. "*;il:, ;:il'*" ;i;i:i::;rE€m: 0561L1_/Ls/L991 CONDTTION OF APPROVAL1-. STAMPED PIJANS TO BE SUBMTTTED ASAP TO FIRE DEPT * t * * J * * * * * * * t * * * * * * 1 * * * * r * * * * * i t * * * * * * * * i * * * * * * * + * t * t * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * r * * * * * J * * * * r * * r , * I * * * * * * + * * * * * DECI,ARA,TIONS ;.:::"3.T::::';i:: :ii'i.ti#"ffi:r::t;"3i:::"::"1, filled out in furr chc rnfor$arj.on req'ired, co,q,l.rcd an accuraee plorco conPrv !'ith arr' ronn ordr.nancee ."o "..i" i.'",-;";"::';:ir:".;iliil;.rl"3tlli"::ril'::"J:'1":F"t:::;:;;:j: :*.iii:ri:;,codee' deaign rcwiew apptoved' unifoqr ""iiJt"r-"lu"""nd other ordinancee of 'he Town applicabre therelo. REQUESTS FOR T!'ISPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI'R HOURS IN AD.IANCB BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-e OR AT OttR OFFICE FROM ArOO A!,1 S:OO pM SIGNATURE OR CONERACTOR FOR HIUSEI]F AND OWNER **********************************************************o*** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO statemnE *****:r*******************:t************************************** statermt Numlcer: REC-0591 Amount '- 453 ' 00 1L/L5/99 16 : 08 eaymenc Method: CK NotaLion: 14504 Inits: JRM Permit No: A99-0019 Type: F-ALARM ALARM PERMIT Parcel No: 2L01-082 -23-0Q7 Site Address: 254 BRIDGE ST I-,ocat.ion: 254 BRIDGE ST This Pa)ment Tot'al Fees: 453.00 Totaf ALL Pmts: Balance: ******************:t******************+*********+**************** Aceount Code Description Aillount 450 .00 3 .00 o *** 453.00 4s3.00 .00 EP OO1OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIII, qALL INSPECTION FEE rowu o,, uo,ftoNsrRucroN pERr,, of.rcAroN F'RM ffirr-ot*lContact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-32g-8640 for parcel # Parcel # Date:Permit # Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Electrical ( )Mechanical ( ) Filing Subdivision Address: Architect: Description of Job: Work Class: New }(I Number of Dwelling Units: NumberandTlpeofFireplaces: curnppriaoces !//$ GasLogs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $BUILDING: $ PLTJMBING $MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION GeneratConrractor: T*'^L fii-.? orr.$f*)c- Address: R . e 7\ Arrs^l Cu €t (2,C.o €t (eb Town of Vail Regisuarion No \ ( L - S Atrr' I't ^^Phone# '1Ti -Y{"Jt1 Electrical Contractor: cA.n Sr. r.,-r \^l.C Additional ( )Repat( )fther ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: ^-- f- \ orlIER: s 7'l 35 S ( f'At ) TOTAL $ ' / Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Torvn of Vail Registrrtion No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: ALeV4Lurtr zo> otherp f ,Va Phone# 8cr-o z- Phone#s63-729-L59J Q.-s-{".oo Wood/Pellet Alteration ( ) 4s/e SIGNATURE: TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -21,38 'Job Address...:I-,ocati-on......: Parcel No.....: Project Number: MECHANICAL PERMIT 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL MNT. ADVEI{TI]RE CENTER 2L0L-082 -23 -007 PRJ 99 - 0253 Status-. -: ISSIJED Applied. .: LL/L7/L999 Issued. ..: L1/L8/L999 E:,rpires. . : 05/L6/2000 ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: M99-0164 Phone: 303 -42L-4020 Phone: 303 -42L-4020 o DEPARITIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEI{T NOTE: T"HrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICAIVT CO}fTRACTOR OIdIIER ALLEN'S HEATTNG, A/C & SHEETITIE 5570 HARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO ALLEN'S HE.A,TING, A/C & SHEETITE 5570 IIARLAN STREET, ARVADA CO HILL BTANEHE C 31-1 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 81657 #of caa Applianceg: 80002 80002 Descriptsion: ADD VEI.TTILATION AND EXIIAST SYSTEM Fireplace fnformation: Reetricted: Y Val-uaEion: #of cae Logs: 20,000.00 *of wood/Pal1ec: FEB SUMMARY Mechanical- - - > Plan check- - - > lnveFtigacion> will call----> 400 - 00 100.00 .00 3.00 .00 50.00 553 . O0 ResCuarants Plan R€vi.ew- - > DRB Fee-------- TOTAI, FEES----- To!a1 Calculated Fees-- -> 553.00 Additional Fees---------> .o0 Total Pcrmits Fee--------> Paymenta------- BAI,A}.ICA DUE- - -- 553 .00 553 . OO .00 IEEM: ,O51OO BUTI,DING DEPART'IVIEIiIT DEPT] BUILDING DiViSiON:LL/L7/L999 EHARLIE ACEiON: NOTE PLNAS TO CHARLIELL/L8/L999 CIaRL,IE Act.ion: APPR see conditionsITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT DENT: FIRE DiViSiON:LL/L7/L999 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A EONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FIETD INSPEqTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE.2. all ext,erior venE E.ennindE,ions must be screened from viewper the Town's Planning SEaff ******************************************************************************** DEELARATIONS I hereby acknowledge thaC I have read Ehi€ applicat.ion, filled out in ful1 the infofinalion required, completed an accurate plo! plan, and elate that all the information provided as required is correcb. I agree to corapLy with the information and plot plan, co conply with a]L Toltn ordinances and etate 1awB. and to build thiE etructure according bo Lhe Toq'n'e zoning and eubdivieion codee, deeign review approved, Uniform Building Codc and other ordinances of th€ To!,'n applicabLe thereto- RSQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS STIAIJJ BE MADE TWETrIY- FO{'R !{OURS SIGNATT'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF A$ID OWNER FROlit S:O0 A!! 5: O0 PM **** *,r* ******tt TOl.lN OF VAIL, COLORADO sEar€mne StaLeun! Nunber: REC-0593 Amount: Payment. Method: Cl( NoEationt *203 553.00 11/1sl99 13:33 Init: LC P€rmit No: M99-O15{ fype: B-MECH MECI{ANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-23-007 SiEe Addres6: 254 BRIDGE SI Irocat.J.on: VAIL MMT. .ADVENTI]RE CEIiITER ?oEal, Fccs: Payncnt 553. O0 TotaL.A.LL pmEe: Balance: 553.00 553 .00 .00 AccounE Code De6cript'ion MP OO].OOOO31113OO MBCI{ANICAI PARIiIIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIGN REVIEW FEBS PF 00100003112300 pTrAl{ CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO3112EOO WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE ABount. 400.00 50.o0 100.00 3. O0 lonta.ct thT.ftgle.County Assesso/s Otficg at T7O-32A_E640 for parcet #Parcet#_Z! :Ql- OBA- L3- 001, -/oarc: NOV. /6/ ?4 Job Name : Building( ) Plumbing( ) Legal Description: Lor Block Owners Narne: BR.ffZf S Architect: ' Descriution ofJob:Ll6 Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Job Address: Electricai( ) Mechanicalpf Filing-_=_---- Subdivision Additional( )Repair ( )Otier ( ) OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ s{. O{her ( ) vnone* 70j'J8!;/,]{j AJteration (4) 1* PLIJMBING $ Torvn of Vail Registration No Numtrer of Accommodation Units: / Number and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Applianccs .X. Gr" I-ogr____ X_Wood/Pellet \1____E-_t:_ BUILDING: $ VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL { fu.AO O CONTRACTOR INFORMATION r \wl 4CI,Address: /t - ldr t dLF,!K t=r,. (.fr , MllfTLk< Town of Vail RegistrationNo. lil, : t3 Phone # Address: Phone # Electrical Contractor: LJl BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: rorrrrofVaiiRegisuarronNo._4lii-jl^/€-/ _. ptronc # Sd j _?&j -el3_rtfn*i:* N'tl",t{,/??. " ^- ^_ * 0 --^*rD 10 -Ernu M (fiL FoR oFFicE usE LOJ^*E l7_iz ?wvatit:t, &tk:re,l; (y*+tn fu,t /tws.t-a{ :,zleafl)- rowN o1 ff ,.f" .:K:,ffi cArroN F'RM Contact the Eagle County Assessors Offrce at 970-?ZE-E640 for parcel # Parcet# ?l0 t- 08?- L3- lnl/, o^t", ttov. tdl ?1 VAI> M.A L, Plumbine ( ) Lot Block NO f ,!7;;iuu, Permit # Job Name: V/l I Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: l Architect: Electrical ( )MechanicalpQ Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Bke(L( SV\ xares:4/f 4reflflM fl t4/<-oart vnone*J!l'J8!_/,p-.f Address: Description of Job:il6 Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: BUILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ Alteration g{ 1D< Gas Appliances X VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL g EA] OO O CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Additionai( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs X Wood/Pellet \1------- OTHER: $ TOTAL $ tMna<ttit Sovf 4r)' Address: /{ - tdr t ilLryl( Lk-. tC, /^t//fnLt{( Town of Vail Regisrration N". 20) - E Phone# 6dq - 17J -7167 Electrical Contractor: t tt,lt'f€'-ulV ka ' ?? - ?&t"qoJ? FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: General Contractor: Address: Phone #Town of Vail ResistraLion No Pfumbing Contractor | /4LwC-a Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: A t-t4-r.t t rorvn of Vail Regisuadon N". ,/ ,Jf I k!, o-nb(l ilrv.111rr. Phonci M1q.-,^,tbL/ _ Address: Phone # CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vA,rL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICAI'IT CONTRACTOR OWNER BUSINESS Mecha'llical---> Pl-an chcck- - - > Investigation> will call---- > DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNTTY DEVELOPMEI{T PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINKLER PERMIT 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: F99-0023 NOTE: TIIIS ,fobAddress...: 254BRIDGE ST status...: IssIlEDl,ocation- -. ...: 254 BRIDGE STREET, MTN ADVENrUApplied. .: L1"/L5/1999Parcel No. . . . .: 2L0L-e82-23-007 rssued. . .: LL/23/1,999ProjecE Number: .pRJ99-0263 Expires..: 05/2L/2000 WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTI{ TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY, ENGLEWOOD HILL BI,ANCHE C 31-1 BRIDGE ST. VAIL CO 81557 MOITN:TAIN ADVEN:TT]RE CEI\TTER #of caE Appliances: co co Phone: 80aL2 Phone: 8011_2 Valuat.ion: #of Gae Logs I 303-792 -0022 303 -792-0022 15, 750.00 #of wood/Pallec: Descript.ion: SPRINKIERS FOR NEW TENAI{T FINISH Fireplace InIo-Elraeion: RestricEed: FEE SUMI{ARY 320.00 ao. oo .00 3.OO . o0 .00 403 - OO 403 .00 ,00 403.O0 403.00 ReBeuarant Plan Rerr_iew- - > DRB Fee- - - -- ?otsal CalculaEed FeeE- --> Additionaf F€es------- --> ToEal Perdic Fee--------> Pa)rmenta--- BAI,AI']CE DIIE- - - -....t..".-"".- Itesri.Q51q0 EUIITDING DEPARTMEi{r Depr: BUILDTNG Division:LL/L5/L999 KATITY Act,ion: AppR N/AITCM: -05600 FIRE DEPARTITE}flT DCDI,: FIRE DiViSiON:LI/L5/L999 KATHY ACTiON: APPR VERBAL APPR IROM MCGEE CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARATTONS i hereby acknowledge that I have ?.ead r-hi3 applieation, :ii.Led out in fuII the information required, eolnFletsed an accurat.e plot pfan, and stsate Lhat. alL lhe inf,oxtation provided as required is coirect. I agree to colllply wirh Lhe informaEion and plor plan, to comply itith all Town oidinances and state l-a!rs, and to buiLd !hi6 structure according to the Toe/n,€ zoning and subdivision codeg, desj.gn review approved' uniform Euilding code and other ordinances of Ehe Town applicabJ.e chereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALIT BE MADE TWEICIY-FoUR HOI'RS IN ADIIAIICE BY fELEPHONE AT 479-213€ OR AT OIJR OFFICE E'ROM 8:OO Alrt 5:0O PM SIGNT.TURE OF OWIVER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O!iNER o TO!{N OF 1IAIIJ , COI]ORA.DO stateomt * ** * i i r r **r r*** t sEaEefrc NuoberRBC-o5941 Amount:. 4O3.oO 7L/23/99 oSr2g Pa).nent Method: l2lL NocaEiont WESTERN STATSS Inir: ,tN Peldic No: F99-0023 Twe: F-spRNK SPRINKLER PERMIT Parcel No: 21O1-OA2-23-O07 gice Addreea: 254 BRIDGE ST IIOCATiON: 254 BRIDEE STREET, IVrIN ADVET\MIRB CEIIIER ToEal Fees: Paye.ellt 403.00 ToEal_ A]JL putB: Balance: 403.00 40f. 00 . oo Anou$L 320.O0 s0.00 3.00 Account. Code Deacrj.pLion MP 00L00oo3LL1.300 l'lEeIANICAl, PERMIT FEES PF 00100003L1"2300 pIrAN CIIECK FEES WC OOTOOO03Il2gOO WIIJL CAI'L INSPBCTION FEE NOV- 15-99 e'9 :54 Al't I I,|ESTERN-STATES 3A=7929949 li .-.ic-ar s*E.Er ff,i l " i,'. jJ c; J: e*s o.r,o r c,11 # :#- gl'dii'1" uor. ."rr'il;;; 5 PSLrlr d r-65 PEJqq -ozto3 | : IPSIICATION t{ItFI BE ttLrtAD oUI AIFI.ETBI,I On Ir ]tAy Nqt BE ]cgEIEDrl ^ilrrtt.rttrr|t***ir*rr*trt-. pERfig tf,goruallor t**rrr..t*...*.t**.t*rr*tri*c I l-F1urbln9 [ l-Elrctrlcal [r1-ilrc]rinlbal I l-{rheri-autrding lrcbltcci!%Addra38e_ - Fh cerrdral- Deserlptlon; _ Fre Sfri^kfrrat lfork cles=: li,/f-Es* [ l-rlteratio$ t l-Additlonel I J-nqralt I l-other_i-i€8 o! Duelltng unltt: Hbnber of lceouoaladlon tnltsltnrnles o! tluelltng Unltt: \t --L:-l -;. !1nl{r and T1X* oflU rl ftr.flrar *rrtitt*a*a rl il I I e^a lFDllar|crf_ €gs I€Ei__ ||ooqr/p€1tet_ a*t Vll;OI lfolfs ai*r*tr** *t. rtat r]t I *it**ar!rrr**i|*!r ll'EglRTCltt IuEcglrfcAl,, @ Ill?oRHr3roil *t*t*r*.a**rr*rrrtl.*r rrrtl Torta o! val.I Rtg. tto. Sbone tfulberl Tovn of vrll ReE. tf0.Pbone NUnber: Eom of vEit Ecs, f,O.Pbonc Hunirerr fonn ef Vtll Brs. Ifo.Phonc xurbor: OFFISE UgE .*firai*il|r*ttlr.rttt*t+trrrr..!r IUITDNIG }IItr CtECf, rlE: tt'I dtSERr Itttll,l': fT-- U(l PERIIIC 8EE:iqA& PERIGT IEEI :-"--rCAIJ FgE;ftPg Or mr -T--- rirrrrrrrt'-....-- P,H$lE1l|6 Prilr cEc( ]rBt3IdECHNEcr',. PHIi' qEEGK 'EEI.NECREilSIO}I FEESCIEUI-UP DEDOSIS: ToEN, 9gngf EgEEt Ettsll|ol SIqI|ATTIEEt aoNr$ct SIqNAlutrEr tct OS 9S l2:42p p.1 RNEEZE. IXhnter Sport Rerrtals {' BREEZE \TTINTER SP MAX SNOVBOAR ORT RENTALS D RENTALS FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET '" KAfW. WNBAf,:rr/ nnox' yy4fu eilNW COMPANY:D(#i. "^"' ocT, 8 / qf fAx NUMBER: ' ' ' """^""7 - . ! l? , i'{fl ror^L No' or PTs IN-cLUDTNG col'tn: FHONE NUMBER:SENDER'S PHONE NUMBER: 303-9801223 REr v4lt''frl fl, (-SENDER'5 FAX NUMBER: 301-e80{745 URGENT E non RrvEw I prsasl CoMMENT fl ptaase Rrplv fl rrrrsr nEcycLE NOTES/COMMENTS: frL4f€KO pu{M RPuial(-.'R, IcY S'errT Tc /.il-( /i'kre ' A/ f/45a PtT h/ r/('t /rr' /ltt- n'ft'L' I dI Date Received ocT 11 1gg9 MAI S^.. O \i Bo \R-! RENTiLS {05 URBAb: 5TREE1. SUITE 20S LA KE V'O OD, COLORADO SC2I! $REEZE \T INTE& SPORT RE}iTALS .l {05 UREAN STREET, SUrTE !05, LAKE\rOOD, COLORADO rO2?t I tct 09 99 l2:4?p RNEWT Brecze, lnc. Breeze Vinter Sport Retrtals Brcczc SLi ""d SPFiJOuy, Octobcr 0g, 1999 ATTN: TOWN OF VAIL BI.JILDING DEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 9't0.479.2t38 JOB: CURTIN-HILL BUILDING VAIL MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER 254 BRIDGE STREET PARCEL # 2t0t -082-23 -007 PUBLIC WAY PERMIT # PW99-0I66 DEMOPERMIT# D99-M36 RE: NEw SPRINKLER SYSTEIVI INS'I'ALLATION IN BASEMENT AS THE NEW'TENANTS OI THIS BUILDINCS RETAIL SPACE WE HAVE DECIDED TO UNDERTAKE THE INTERIOR TENANT FIMSH FOR TWO REASONS. I . ALTTIOUGH WE ARE THE SAME USE AS OUR PREVIOUS TENANTS WE ARE IJNDERTAKING THE ITF IN ORDERTO BETTER SUTT OUR LAYOUTNEEDS' 2. THE SCOPE OF OUR ITF IS ALSO INTENDED TO CLEAN TJP THE MANY REMODELS, ADDITIONS, AND ALTERATIONS TIIAT HAVE OCCURRED DURING PREVIOUS YEARS. BY DOING THIS WE WILL CREATE A MUCH MORE ORCANIZED AND SAFE BUILDING. SCOPE OF OIjR WORK ELI,CTRICAL : WE ARE ELIMINATING ALL EXISTING FIXTI.JRES AND WIRING AI.TD INSTALLING NEW. ALL LOADS HAVE BEEN I'NGINEERED FOR EACH PANEL TELEPIIONE : ALL NEW TELEP}TONE SYSTEM PLTJMBTNG : ALL DAMAGED PLUMBING HAS BEEN REPLACED AND IMPROVED IIYAC: NEW tsASEBOARD HEAT THROUGHOUT. FRESH AIR HAS BEEN ADDED TO ALL REQ{.IIRED SPACES IN THE BASEMENT. SPRINKLERI NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM INBASEMENT MIKE Mccee (VAIL FIRE MARSHALL) AND ALLEN BRUSH (PROJECT MANAGER' WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION) HAVE DONE A SITE VISIT AND HAVE DEVELOPED A PLAN TO SPRINKLE THE BASEMENT. ALLEN TIAS RAISED SOME CONCERN TIIAT OUR WATER SERVICE IS POTENTIALLY NOT LARCE ENOUGH TO SPRINKLE OI.JR SPACE. TITE APPROACH TO THIS PROBLEM WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: I. WSFP WILL ENGINEER A SYSTEM T}IAT MEETS TTIE REQI.JIREMENTS OF THE BASEMENT SPACE AND TIE IT INTO THE EXISTING WATER SERVICE T]NDER TWO CONDMONS. A. THAT AS TT{E LEASEHOLDER, WE WIII BRING IN A NEW WAITR SERVICE I}IAT iS COMPI,IANT WITH THE NEW SPRINKLER SYSTEM WITHIN 12 MONMS. B. THATNOBODYWILL HOIDWSFP ACCOUN'IABLE FOR ANY POTENTIAL SHORTCOMINGS IN T1IE NEW SYSTI'M I]NTILTHE SERVICE IS BROUGHTIN. WITH THE OVERALL IMPROVEMENTS WE ARE CREATINC, IN AESTHETTCS AND MORE IMPORTANTLY IN SAFETY, WE WOULD BE EXTREMELY PLEASED IF YOU WILL ACCEPT THIS PROPOSAL. p.2 . THOMAS A. SAPIRO DIRECTOR OF ACQUtSt'flONS Pri nf c.l l-1r/ KFlh\f I^laf fen 1ff 8/99 10:OOam From: Gary Goodell To: Charlie Davis, ,fR Mondragon, Kathy warren Subject: Mtn Adventure Center ---\lnTF---------------1 1 /n< /OO-r n -nt5n------ CC: Mike Mcgee, Mike Vaughan Just had an interesting discussion vrith an archit.ect (from Murphy-Stevens, Denver) who's actuaLly working the code. (It's always apprecialedl) What he asked me was, if the basement of Ehe Hill BLdg is going to besprinklered, couldn'L they eliminate the 1-hour floor-deiling construction above the basement, using Sec. 508 to subsEitute the sprinklers for the l-hour fire-resistive consEruction, & Lhus not have to tent their recessed cans even if they exceed 100 sq. in. per 100 sq. fh.? (exception #1, Sec. 710.3) My response was that, yes, that was probably allowable, but that I felt that using exception #3 to Sec- 712 (p. 73) was more appropriace. ThaE exception more specifically sez they don't have to do the 1-hour lid normally required by Sec. 7I2 for usable space under the first story .if the underfloor space is protected by an automatic sprinkler system. So, if you do any inspections there, Ehey DON'T have to Eent their recessed cans in the basement - Interesting, huh? Now all we gotta do is make sure they upgrade their water service wiEhin the next year! Oh. and if anyone has any concerns or comes across any code provisions fwasn't thinking about, etc., that burst my little bubble, don't hesitate to sav so. and 1'11 call 'em back and EeLI 'em oLherwise. Petqq .o?-tos obo€e-: $lLL*$ffi* ..R' I j r.rov- r s -99 o9:55 All HESTERH-srATES \i i!t 36=-1929949 o F-41 WESTERN STATES TIRE PROTNCTION COMPAIiIY 7026 S. TucsoN wAY ENCLEWFOD, coLoRADO 8ol 12 (303) ?92+022 (103) ?92'eo4e FAX I I FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL TO; ChrrlieDcvk FAXNUMBERz9104792432 COMPANYT Town of Vril I DArE: lt/lsi I SUBJECT: Permlt[Annlicttiotrs f OF PAGES To FoLLolY: 2 SpECIAL NOTATIONS: At Bruc{ arked me to fill thcre out end frr to you' : I rilume he hes spokcn to you eborit there' If yol brvc rny quertionr pleme givc Ee cdt rl Al is out of thc officc rll vcck' Thrnkslt I HARD COPY TO t'OLLOW VIA MAILr flvns flxo ll r{ I I Printed by, Charlie Davis A9 /99 l-1:49am From: Allison ochs To: BLDGDMROUP Subject: one vail Place ===l\tu l E=============== i -L Ly i J J- lU i 5lam- can continue with interior work on1y. They cannot replace any doors, siding, stonework. etc. Thanks. Page: 1 o eefffiff6pv A.r v.ld,? /]cc'o';7 o4*'|pgo*'",tr' /'' w"i"r, i.p' tr'*l"Z flot{ ,sil! #i{s,'t* flha r Ar T! t "DccI- A ^ I lllltf tJdmt tfQ,^tLo l,/c"l$e- 3L"4FFSysk*,t trusf"l/d Ar<e$e{ €llarg,aK l'2')tll" f)ra'J 'ft'- /x,'uJ #"ro( n^d' Gtfe,a frl",th, /aj la1nt,,lc nctl'a"'u'al Ca,rl 37b 4AbA (t1,.{ ve,v* H,/[ be. Ve,'tl,"ss Sys'k'rt o* ?vJ t76r b",lJ,*g 'ar/l b* o*t\ +44 by foV e_r 3t rL,)Q->f o \ EF - ,nned'r mssts AD rru lt'ruaruo srrv I . The Mini-vent comes v,,tth a tapersd threaded connecolitrat allows solvont weldirg on l1li' ot 2" plpes' The c( iiiiriii'irii.Jirr'tion 0n PVi 0r ABs pipes (see Jis' 1)' TheMinFvenlmustb,insta|hdhavertica|p|umbpositionaflerrough.in'inaccessib|elocationswhich.permitthefrBemovomentofairintoth€ \alve (see ti'. 2). r0r errr'ptr, unoer a sint r Il*tor,,, in ,ni, ,pt*, it; prtltiiiti "tt, i'- ' ttri' *iring ot it t "all bv using a recess b'x (see lig' 3)' . lvhen installed in an attic, the Mini-Veni must be a minimum oJ 6" above insulation material' EI[UDp3'tr'.itihz'"*ffi'e'1" 2030 6aln Streot, Dunsdln, Flgrlda 34698. (813) 734'7?50 ' FN( (S00) S98'0259 -. .l :,, '14oz.oOE FIoz.o O(J o E 4 ld o !0 U d4 oU ET dU <a U Fi{z 40HU trEl QOzo UA lt t Itr o rl Ho FI ai o or0oo 2Eo 2E frg az!lPEOFE t, rJ tsrAZ4DroHI HlrHZ ooAEEt4 EI n r zo !tdEU z!{ E lrlF EE(a '{Ooo A trql D(., F{ o Az FI c( t{ FI ; op :> q=q.r !l{ odq 66 5 REPTl31 Run Id: 255 A/P/O Informaflo4 Itsm Conments: Item Commer s: Ao{ivtty: 899,0241 Const Tvoe: Appliidnt NADEAU & SONSCo raclor: NADEAU & SONS Orvner: HILL BLANCHE CDesdiption: COMPLETE TNTEFNc{ice: SLOT 55 - JNOLE|. Notice: Asb€stos clearance Reqt ested Inspect Oate:hsp8ctlm Aroa: Slle Address: ^ Typ6: A-COMM occr,ll)ancv: CONTRACTII\IG CONTRACTING &rrsdt Oeccrnber 07, 2000 254 BRIDGE ST VAIL 254 BRIDGE $T, CURTAIH HILI. BIDG S16tus: Insp Arsa' ISSUED GG -ALARM PERMiT i -M9$0't64 MUST I PERFORMED FOf4NLYA PARTIAL OBTAINED ALARM AND $PRI.PROVIDE FROM SubTUpc: ACOM Phone: 604-932-3807 Phone: 60tl-932-3807 TENANT FINISH.SAME USE rocd for scop€ sf \rrcrk planned. - l(A ()rY{,1) E$pred;y//cDAvls K )NTACT VAIL FIRE DEPT. 4792252 INSPECTIONS HAVE EEEN AL WAS OBTAINED ON 12N2F0 NO TCO OR FINAL CO APPROVAL NO T8+KRK{i,{*r"ro*,"o y -r A"'t€ r_ MrNrMuM REAUTREMENTS(M9SE01 64) VALVE EEHIND l1 * fu,u€ hspectlon Hlstory tOptional)(Optionrilt (O#ional) r' npproved -l ..LL' AC-ttOn:cD Action:cD Actlon:CD Adion:(Optional) * ApDroved -JRM " Action: DN DENIED CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPRAPPROVED CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPR APPROVED PA PARTIAL APPROVAL NO NOTIFIED CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APPR APPROVED CO CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY APAPPROVED DN DENIED DN DENIED . Action: Aclion: Action: Aclion: Actlon: Action: Action: * Approled * Actlon: Action:(ODtional) (Orilional)' (ODtional) (Optionalf .'ADoroved* LS Action:(Rcqilrcd)CDAVIS Action:CDAVIS Action: Iteirt 540 Rocuestort NADCmiments\AFTI Assign^e!.f9: \eQA AL Itdm: 10 BLDG,Foo{imE/St.dItem 20 BlDGFourdationlStcelItem. 30 BlDeFramino 11l11Eg- InsDector 11l11lgg Insboctor11/i8/99 lnsixctor:- 11/14/99 InsbectorItem: 50 BL0Glnsulalion lrem: 60 BLD#d1,gg?*[ff":it"''fimF€ lnsoector.Item: 70 BLDGMlsc. lcm: 531 FIRIItem: 532 PW- Item: 533 Item: 537Item: 538 Item: 539 It6m: 5r+0 I t t t I I I I I t I I I I I I T t I NEWKIRK & McGt,AMERY, Il\C. Consulting Structural Engineers 670 Grant Strcet . Dcnver, Colorado E0203 o TEL(303)831-9411 o FAX (303) mf-9414 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS September 1999 NMI Job #: 99-1 l5 tsRtrEZE SKN REI{TAL MOIINTAIN ADVENTTIRE CENTER VAIL, COLORADO Architecture Plrnning Landscape Interiors MURPHY STEVENS ARCHITECTS APPROVEFhTun" Oommunity Dwd6Elgt2g2 Bui rd ins *r*, oTtm " f ir;3t t (303F82s2597 Fax Date Received sEP 13 1999 ?nrqq. oztab 6qq,o24\ TOWNOFWN Bccdoo f|Xl.,L3, tfficra U& (bdq ViO6r d Frmtt Thclsmnb or gnatbg of a gcroit c r6ovd of glul rfadfi.dfrr dd conpuradonc slul| not bc casEEd O bo r pd E c E qFovd of, ey violatioo of any of thc pwleios of rl& co& c of ry tfucdbmc of tbc juricdictior. ftnni$ FrsufdDg to gtTl ffiy b vlob oa@l|h0 Fwisicm.s of tbir codcor orlEr odinrc of th! @dicdfi lhn lot bo nlid. llle isuanct of ! pcfln bolad on pbor, rpdfc1ior and odcr data shall not prEvent thc building ofiicial from furrftcr rcquijitrg tlE concction of cnors in raid pla$. spccificariom and obcr dat|, or fton p(rvattitrg building oprations bcing carfled on thc]lundcr vhen in violadon of this code or of any odcr ordinances of thi s jurisdiction. Trr*n of Vail CTFITE OOPY NEWKIRK & McGLAMERY, INC. Consulting Structural Engineers 670 Grant Street o Dcnver, Colorado t0203 o TEL (303) 831-9411 o FAX (303) 831-9414 STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS September 1999 NMI Job #: 99-ll5 tsRtrEZE SKN RENTAL MOIINTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER VAIL, COLORADO Architecture Planning Landscape Interiors MTIRPHY STEVENS ARCHITECTS 1517 Blake Suite 202 I),enver, CO 80202 (303F82$2s9s (303)-82$2597 Fax Si8oof"it?$-.lQt, -9;":& I T t I I ^I -NEWKIRK & McGLAMERY lNC. 670 Grant Street DENVER, COLORADO 80203 (303) 831-9411 JOB "o."u*rro "r--C$,p-- oo* CHEC(ED BY SCALE I I Tv=r @lq (D;} L.l 9 \rr \,' \-o\o\.- \d', (\ - iltloll ><ll(\t | |lrr6lql t-o& /o.lfQ\,o t Nl I I / ( I I I I I I I I I tteuitidt A McGhmery lnc. 670 Giant Str€ot Dcnver, CO 80203 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax (303) E31-9'114 ritu, areezefental - Vail D3gnr: CMK DeEcripfi.rn : Scop€ : Job # 9915 Date: 11 :004M, I SEP 99 Re: SlGlOOI I I ll6.c *V4i{8L7. V.r S.1.3. 2trL- t ltllt. virJrl (<t fe!-94 gilne-{.c Descrlption FLR BM 1 fs q-"oa SteelBeam Design Pinned-Pirned Bm Wt. Added to Loads LL & ST Act Togelher Steel Sectlon : Wl0X12 Centff Sfan Lefi Cant. Rig|rt Cant Lu : Untraced Length 1it.00 ft 0.00 fi 0.00 ff 1.33 ff General lnfoflnation Grh*ilim |rl d..itnGd b AffC tdr Edilin ASD fid 1N9? UBG Rquiomrntr I I ! I t I Lltitg: W10X12 section, Span = 1r1.00ft, Fy = lg.A161 End FixiV * Phne+Pinned, Lu . 1 .33ft, LDF . 1.0ff) DL LL ST St rt Locdbn End Locatbn t1 DL @ Lefi DL @ Rigftt LL @ Lefi lJ-@ RrCht 0.013 0.067 k/ft k/ft km ft ft Mom€trt fr : Bending Sbe6s STFb Shear fv : Sh6a. Sfess frr/Fv Act al 10.707 k-ft 1 1 .785 ksi 0.tl90 : I Max. Deffection Length/DL Def Leng[h/(DL+LL Dsfl) 0.600 ST@ tefi 0.600 ST @ Rigtrt Alowabb 21.585 k-ft 23.760 ksi 2.004 k 1if.'100 ksi Start n End 6.m0 ft Beam OK Static Load Case Governe Sfosc 4.?,2Oin 3,182.6 : 1 764.6 : 1 4.321 k 2.304 ksi 0.160 :1 k-fi k-ft k-ft k-ft k k r-w .-w Rt 1.32 I .65 1.32 1.65 4.220 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.32 1.65 OL on! 2:56 1.m 0.,11 -0.053 0.fl,o 0.000 0.000 1.m 0.{1 1.32 1 .65 Max. M + Max, M - Max. M @ Left Mar. M @ Ridrt Stear @ Left Sheer @ Rigfrt I t I t t I t I Forco & StrGs <<- Th6e cohrmns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted ->>LL LL+ST LL @ Center @ Center @ Canb 10.71 LL+sT @ Cants Center Deff. Left Cant Defl Right Cant Oeff ...Qu€ry Def, @ Reactioo @ Left Readton @ Rt Maldmum 10.71 k-fi ,+.32 k 1.65 k -0.220 in 0.0@h 0.000 n 0.000 tt wl0x12 -0220 0.txxt 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0{t0 0.m0 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 h 0-000 in 0.000 in S6ctlon Wkttl W6b Thic* Fhnge Thiclcr€ss Area 3.960h 0.1!mh 0.210 h 3.54 in2 Weigfrt l-n rW$n $yy 53.80 in4 2.14 in1 r0.902 h3 1.101 in3 0.7E5 in 0.960 h Fa calc'd per 1.&t, K'Ur< Cc I I Nerirkirk & lticGlamery Inc. 670 Gnnt Stret Donver, CO 80203 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax (303) 83'l-9/tl4 ,*, sru"rf,entat-vail Dsgnr: CMK Ilercriptin : Scopc : Job # 9915 DAG:ll:OOAM, 8SEP99 H.v tlffitr 1.78 1 .78 I I l L__ t I t t I I t t I I I I I I I I I Urc (V-o.&aat, V.f ,. Lt .2.J'*. I t99. h.rSt(ct l9c!91E|lneA|'c Description FLR BM 2gs ps? Steel Scction : W12X16 CenEr Span Left Car . Rigtrt Carn Lu : UrSrsoed Lengih 17.00 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft Pinned-Pinned Bm Vllt. Addcd to Load6 LL & ST Ac{ Togeh€r OL LL ST S-lart Localix End Locatiro Mar- M + Mu. M- Mar. M @ Left Max. M @ Right Shear @ Left Shear @ Right Center O6fl. Lefr Cart Defl Rbht Cant Defl ...Qnay De[ @ Reaclion @ Left Reacton @ Rt Wi.ltt Web Thick Flange Thickness Atea Momfit b : Bending Sfess btFb Shear fo : Sh€ar S8ert tulFv Act al 31.8+5 k-ft 22.103 ksi 0.t:m :1 7.,146 k 2.823 ksi 0.106 : I k/ft k/ft k/fi tt fi t king: Wt2X16 s€c'lion, Span = 17.(x)ft, Fy - !g.Q1ei End Fixily = Plnne$Phned, Lu = 1 .33fr, LtiF - 1.000 Beam OK Strdc Load Cale oovomr Srr$3 Ma. Defiedhn {.551 h Lengitr/DL Defl 1,551.5 : 1 Lengf{DL+LLOef,) 370.2:1 Alolmble 3,t.0lE k-ft 23.760 ksi 37.98/t k 1i1.,+00 ld LL LL+ST @Ccriler @ Ccfiler 31'65 irairnum 31.65 k-fr 7.,15 k 7.,15 k {.551 m 0-000in 0.000 h 0.000 ft 7.45 7 .15 DLffv 7.55 |.78 1.78 -0.131 0.000 0.000 0.0@ k-fr k-fr k-fl k-ft 4.551 -0.5510.000 0.0000.00,0 0.000 0.000 0.000 7 .15 745 k l( 7.45 7.43 7.45 7.15 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.m0 k l( 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.{80 in 0.0fi) in 3.9SOtur g.z.0in 0.265 in 1.71 'trz 103.00 irf 2.S2bA 17.10,| in3 1.rfl 4 in3 Gensral lnfonndon C.hrL6ol|| r'r &.hnsd b AISC t$ Edfrion AStt *C 1037 UBC Rcqulrmants <<- These columns are Oead + Live Load placrd as noted ->> Fe cakU pcr 1.5-1, lTUr < Cc Section wl2fl6 I I Itl€*kirft & llcGlamery rno. I 670 Gnnt Street Denver, CO E0203 Phone (303) 831-941t F.x (303) 83'l-9414 rrue: er"ez$ental -vail Dsgnr: CMK D63crlpfion : Scope : Job # 9915 Osie : 11 :004M, I SEP 99 R.,: 5103SIuz{: rv-06e4r?, Y{, 3.1.3, .2,lF I g9* ViiSC tcl t*gttllar€Al.C Description FLR BM 3 f gr- Steel Beam Design T I Steol Ssction : W10X12 Cenhr Span L€ft CanL Right Car Lu : Unbraced Lenglh PinneSPinmd 8m l.VL Mded to Loads LL E ST Acl Togarher Fy 36.00ksi Load Dunfnn Facbr |.fl) Ehdio Modnrs 29.(xr0.0 k*11 .5{t fi 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft Crsnsral lnformafon Cdcuhlm. .rc dGeitned b AISG gft Edlixr ASD erd lg97 UBC R€quirumenf3 klft k/ft tdft ft ft *7t6#5#4#3#2 I I Dirtibuted Loads DL LL STStt Localio{l End toceton 0.020 0.r00 I T I I I DL @ Lofr DL @ Riglrt DL @ Lefr DL @ Right LL @ Left LL @ Rigtt LL @ Left LL@ Risht ST@ Lelt ST@ Rigtrl ST @ Leff sT @ Rishl 0.040 0.flo 0.200 0.200 r/ft rdft wft k/ft Stert ft End 6.500 ft Stad 6.500 ft End 11.500 ft Beam OKSlltb ld C€.. Gowrne tttccs t {tiu: Wloxl2 8€dim, Span = 11.50ft, Fy = 36.0ksi End Fuity = Ptn€d+irled, tr = I .33fi, LDF - 1.0&) A.nIalinomnt {.811 k-ft 6 : Ber$rg Stees 5.296 kEi tb, Fb 0'ZIt : I AfffiU€ 21.585 k-ft 23.76{1 lari n.@1 k 1,1.,(n kd Mar. Ddledbn LaU6/DL Def, Lenglh(Dl+lr DeO {.072 h 9,512.9 : 1 1,919.9 :1 Slpar fi : SlFar Sfrces lvlFv 1.,079 k 0.789 kd 0.056 :1 t I I t t I I Force & Strues <<- TtF6e ooft.mfls are Dead + Li'/e Load placed as noted -+> OL Ontu 0.97 LL LL+ST @center @ centEr 4.81 tl @ Cants LL+sT @ Cants Max. M + Ma&M- Max. M @ Left Max. M@ Rbfit Shear @ Left Shear @ Rbfn C€nbr Det. Left Cant Defl Right Cant Defl ...Query Defl @ Reaclion @ Lefi Rcacdon @ Rt Maximum t1.81 k-ft 1.42k 1.48 k 4.O72n 0.m0h 0.000 kr 0.000 ft 1I'2 1.,18 0.29 0.30 4.015 0.0m 0.000 0.000 0.29 0.30 1.42 f.i18 4.072 0.m0 0.000 0.ofi) 4.072 0.flxt 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.fit0 0.0m0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k-ft k-fl k-n k-ff k l( gl in in in k k 1.12 1.42|.48 L,{8 Section wl0x12 Wid8l Wcb Tt*:k Fhnge Thicloese Area nl 3.960in 0.190 ir 0.210 in 3.51 in2 53.80 in4 2.18 h4 10.9@ in3 1 - 101 in3 F. cah? per 1,S.1, K'Ur < Cc I I Nerflkirt & McGlamery Inc. 670 Grant Street Denver, CO 60203 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax (3o3) 83t-941{ ff";Iffi',f |Fr-v"ir oeo: e:saAM,ti#ttJt Descripiion : Scopo : Raar 5l03oo tJ"r: l(t/'o6tear?. Y., t l.q ??'JG 1919. Vlr3.l l.l lS$9t ofiFc^|.c Descripfon FLR BM 4 Steel Beam Design Pinned-Pinned Bm tt t Added to Loa& tl & ST Act Togeth€r I T I Fnaz 15.00 ft 0.fi1 ff 0.00 t 1.33 ff Load D$a6on Factor Elastic ModtiLls 1.00 29,000.0kri Center Span Lcfi CanL Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Length c"t"t tati"* a- delbtt"d b AlSc f|h Edfutr ASD ard 1997 UBc Re$dnnent3 Steef Section zW12X22 Uft k/ft kift fr ft I I DL LL ST Start Locaton End localkxt #1 0.500 2.500 9.000 15.m0 I I t I Traoezoidal Loadc DL @ Left DL@ Right DL @ Lefi DL @ Risil Point Loadg Oead Load Lir/e Load Shod Term Locaton 0.140 0.050 LL @ Left LL @ Ri*tt LL @ Lefi LL@ Riglt ST @ Lefi ST @ Rishl ST @ Left ST @ Rigrtt 0.m0 0.250 k/fr k/ff k/ft k/ft St3rt Erd Sfart End ff 15.000 ft ff 6.00t) ft k l( k ft Beam OK ststb Ld C.3. Govetnc Strsar I t Uairg: W12(22 seclion, Span = 15.$ft, Fy-- 36.0ksi End Fbdty = Pinne+Phned, Lu = 1 .33fi, LDF . 1 .000 fr : Bending Stressft/Fb Sheat to : Shear Stess frr / Fv . Aclual ,13./t04 k-fl 20.550 ksi 0865 : 1 16.985 k 5.307 ksi 0,369 :1 Alowablc 50.184 k-ft 23.760 ksi 46.0E9 k 14.400 ksi Max. Oefrec{on Lengih/Dl Defl Lengtil(OL+LL Defl) -0.357 in 2,374.1 | 1 504.5 : 1 6.30 16.99 4.357 0.0m 0.000 0.000 1 .43 3.41 -0.076 0.uto 0.000 0.000 f.it3 3.41 Max. M + Max. M - Max. M @ Lelt Mu. M (D Rhht Shear @ Lefr Shear @ Right t t I I t I DL Only 8.98 4.00 LL LL+ST @ Center @ Cenler 4340 -0.00 6.30 16.99 LL+ST lO Cartts Center Defl. Left Carit Defl Rigft Catn Oef ...Qu6ry Def, @ Reac{ion @ Left Rcadirt @ Rt Mardmum 43.40 k-fi 6.30 l( 16.99 l( -0.357 in 0.000in o.dn in 0.000 fi 6.30 16.99 4.357 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.m0 0.ilF 0.000 k-fr k-ft k-ft k-ft k K 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.tl00 in 0.000 in l( k 6.3{) 16.99 <<- The3e columna are Dead + Live Load placed as noted ->> F. aeh'd pcr 1.&1, K'Ur < Gc tucrrtiir* & Mdchmcry lnc. I 670 Gn nt Stteet Denwr, @ 60203 Phone (303) 831-s411 I$";%;f O*'-u"u oate: g:s2AM,tt"t3';tt D,.$cdndon : Scope : Fil (303) 631-941'l SteelBeam Design FLR BM 4 widh Web Thid( Flaq€ thiclg|oss Ar€a ,f .003in 0.260 ir 0..125 in 6.,181r€ l-E( l-yy &n s-vv 155.00 i'rt /t.66 ll4 25.315 in3 2.328 in3 t t Neurldrfi a m'cCtarnery fn". I 670 Grant Str€Gt Dcnver, CO 80209 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax (303) 831-9if14 Tirg r Breezeledat - vait D3gnn cMK Delcd@n: Scope : Job # 9915 Date: 1 1:01AM, I SEP 99 I I I V.l !.1.!. Ae{*t999. VhSa Description FLR BM 5 Genenl lnfonnation Steel Section : Wl2Xl6 Geoter Span t-effCar*. Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Lengfi PinnedPinned Bm lltrt Added to Loads LL & ST Act Tog€ftet Load Duration Factor 1.00 Eladio Mod.*rs 29,000.0ki SteelBeam Design Calcr$dions arc deeiFcd b AIEC 8$ Edilioo ISO a.d 1907 UBC Rcquinrneote Fy 1/1.50 fi 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft tr f',,e. kn klfi klff fi ft l( k k I I I I t I I Distrihrtod Load3 OL LL ST Strrt Locadorl End Locdm Point Loads D€ed l,"oad Liv€ Load Short Tem Looalirn 021x, I .000 Beam OKStdi: Load Cde Gowr Strac Us&tg: W12X'16 secfon, Span r l{.g}fi, Fy = SS.Okri End Ftrig = Pill€+Pimed, L|.| = 1.33ft, LDF = 1.U)0 Momer lb : Bendhg Sfess tbtFb Sfiear n : Shee St6 fr, / Fv Acfrlal :11225 k-ft 23.206 ksi OJ?7 :1 11.153 k 4.228 kd 0.2tf : I Alowabb 3,1.018 k-fi 23.760 lq* 37.94{ k I't.,t{10 lcd Mar. De eclion LengiUDL Defl Lengltt(OL+LL Defl) 4.121 n 2203.7 :1 410.5 : 1 Max. M + Mar. M - Max. M @ Left Marc M @ Rigfa Shear @ Left Shear @ Right I I I I I I I Maximum 33.22 k-fr 1 1.15 k 8.99 k {.424 xl 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 ft 11.15 8.99 DL Ordv 5.15 LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @Cer er @ Centar @ CantB @ Canb 33.n k-ff k-ft k-ft k-fr k K Cefitetr OeE. Lefi Car{ Defl Right Cant Def ...Auery Defr @ R€action @ Left Reactbn @ Rt 2.43 1.53 -0.079 0.fi]o 0.000 0.000 2.13 1.63 11.15 E.9s 4.121 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.15 8.99 4.121 0.000 0.000 0.000 11.15 8.99 0.000 in 0.m0 in 0.000 in 0.000 in k k 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 r-n Ri Section w,t2xt6 wftrh Web Thi* Fhnge THcknees fuea 3.990in 0.220 in 0265 hl 4.71htz 103.00 ift{ 2.82ittl. 17.181 ln3 1.414 h3 t-u l-yv $.n sJv <<- These columm are Dead + Live L@d placed s noted ->> Fe calc'd tsr 1.5-1, K'Ur < Cc I I I ruevhir* & tricclamery,n". I 670 Grart Str€€t Denver. CO 80203 Phone (303| E3l-9411 Fax 631-941t| Rrr: 5tO3O0 Ur$: XY-06aCla?. Vi. 5. t,J. a8.Je. I t9i. \|4o3il (.1 t9cl-99 IIIEAIC Do$criptlon FLR BM 6 j''ls fiz riu., er*.tental-Vail Dsgnr: CMK D$cription : Job il 9915 Date: 11:01AM, I SEP 99 SteelBeam Design k/fi k/fi t/fi fi I t I I t I I General lnfonnation Steel Secfon : W10X't2 C€nbr Span Le{t cent Right Cant Lu : Urbraced Lengflh Pinned-Pinned Bm YltL Added to Loads LL & ST Act Togetter Load Duraton Factor 1.00 Eladic Mofthls 29,m0.01(si Calc||hims ers deei|nod b AISC gfi EdHoi ASD .ld 1397 t BC Rcquaumale 7-50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft DL LL ST S:hrt Locallm End Localin BeamOK Static Lood Cass Gorenr Stpr Using: W10X12 seclion, Span - 7.50ft, Fy = 36.0ksi End F$ty - PimodPinned, Lu = 1.33fi, LDF = 1.000 Momer fr : Bending Stresg fttFb Shear fv ; Sh€ar Sfe3s tu/ Fv Acojal 8.522 k-ft 9.381 ksi 039t : I 4.5,+5 k 2.'124 ksi 0.168 :1 Ailowabh 21.585 k-ft 23.760 kd 27.AU k 1/+.400 k€i Max. Defleclion Lengfi/DL D€f, LengW(DL+LL Oef,) {.055 in 9,303.0 : I 1,627.1 :1 Max. M + Mar. M - Max. M @ Lefr Mar. M @ Rigfrt Shear @ Left Shear @ Rlght I I I I I I I I I iikimum 8.52 k-ft {t-055 in 0.000in 0.{D0 in 0.{)o0 n w10x12 Ot*v 1.49 LL LL+ST LL LL+ST@Ceflbr @Certer Ocanb @ Canb 8.52 k-fr k-ft k-ft k-ft k k 4.55 k 4.55 k 1.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 0_80 0.80 -0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.80 0.80 -0.055 0.000 0.000 0.000 -0.055 0.000 0-000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Sec{ion Cenler Dei. Left Cant Deff Rigftt Cant Oefl ...Query Def, @ Readbn @ Lefi Reacdon @ Rt Wid0l Web Thiok Flang€ Tt*)kness Area 4.55 4.55 3.960h 0.190 in 0.210 in 3.5,f in2 12.t2*Ift 53.80 ill+ 2.18 in4 10.902 h3 1.101 in3 <<- These columns are Dead + Livc Loed placed as notad ->> Fe calc'd per L5,'1 , K.L/r < Cc I t ruerrri* & mbehmery tn". 3 870 Gr.rt Street Den\rer, CO E0203 Phone (303) 831-t4tl Fax (303) 83'l-94'lrl rru", ar""z"fenbl-Vail Drgnn CMK Do*cription : Scope: Job # 9915 Date: 1 1:01AM, I SEP 99 T Rs 5t0to0 Ur{: rv{60ta4?. Y.. t t,0. 32r|} l9!q, Vb32 t<t r5l.t9 |ltEcr|c Description FLR BM 7 Steel Beam Design 3Y ns<t I Generrl lnformaffon Steel Soction : W'10X12 Conter Span Lefi Cant. Rigf{ Canr Lu : Unbraced Lenglh Pinned^Pimcd Bm Wt Added to Loads LL & ST Aci Togeher Load Duraton Factor 1.00 Elas{ic Moddrs 29,000.0 ksi Calc uirns Ntc do3iFcd b AISC oth Edlton ASD ad ftc7 UBC RcquircmenE 11.0t fi 0.00 ft 0.00 fi 1.33 ft k/ft k/fr k/ft ff ft #7#6#5#4f3*2t1I I Di$ibuted Loads DL LL ST &rt Localion Etrd Locatkn 0.m0 0.100 Start End I I I I T Loadg il OL@Left DL@ Rigfrt Ll- @ Left LL @ Rlght 2.2ffi k 1.208 ktt 0.0t1 ;1 ST@ Lefi ST@ Ridrl ft 11 .000 ft Using: Wl0X12 s€o'lim, Span - 11.00n, Fy = 36.0lGi End FMty r Plnne&Pinned, Lu . I .33ft, LOF - 1.000 AchlelLroment 5.% k-fr. ft: Bendng Sfcss 5.753 k8ifbrFb 0.2a:t :1 A[ovvsble 21.585 k-fr 23.760 ksi 27.W1 k 14./+00 l(gifv : $hear Sifrees fr/FY Beam OK Strth l-o.d Cr.e Ooverrr. Strecr Max. Deisolhn Lsrgh/OL Defl LengW(DL+LL DeA) -0.072 in 9,323.3 : 1 I ,826.7 : I I I I I I I I I Force & Sbeee <<- fh6e columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted ->> MaximumMax.M+ 5.23 k-fi Max. M - Max. M @ Left Max. M @ Risftt gmar@ Left 227 k Shear @ Rigtrl 1 .50 k C€nter Def. -0.072 inLefiCantDefl 0.000kr Rigfd Caf Defl 0.000 h ...Query Den @ 0.000 ft Rea6-[on @ Left 2-27 Reaction @ Rl 1.50 Fa cab'd por 1.S1, K'Ur < Gc LL LL+ST@Center @ Ccnter @ Cants 523 DL Onlv 1.t2 LL+ST 4P Cants k-ff k-ft k-fi k-fi 0./1:} 0.30 -0.014 0.000 0.0@ 0.000 0.,13 0.30 4.072 4.0720.000 0.{m00.000 0.m0 o.fix, 0.000 227 1.50 k k 227 1.5t 2.27 1.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 k |( 0.000 in 0.0@ an 0.000 in 0.000 in Secfon wl0x12 wk tl Web Thick fbnge Tftbfneso Are€ n 3.960h 0.190 ir 0210 h 3.5't in2 53.80 inf 2.18f, 10.902 tu€ 1.101 in3 t I I Newhirt & Mcchmery Inc I 670 Grant Stmet Denwr, CO 80203 Phone (303) E31-9,tll Fax 831-9414 hr: 51046 l.rr.r: Kvfi&raa7. Y.' l, | 3, r2-r} | t9C. YISC t.l r*t-t9 :ltnDltrc Deicription *, *u*u|ena-Vail Dsgn.: CMK alercritsion : Scopc : Job f 9915 Deie: 11:01AM. 8 SEP 99 Steel Beam Design FLR BM 8Jf r,s.t I Gencral lnfonrdion Steol Section : Wl0X12 Center Span Lefi Cant. Righl Cant Lu : UrDraced Lenglh Pinne&Pimed Bm lflt Added lo Loads LL & ST Ac.t Tog€tter Load Duration Factor l.ff Eladb Mod.*ls 29.000.0kS Cahdetons alt drcl0n6d b l,tSC tft Editin ASD {td l9o7 UBC Rcqulcnt ttts 13.00 fi 0.00 ft 0.00 ff 1.33 ft k/fl kn k/fi fr fr k k k n #7#6#5*1#3*2t1I t I I I I I Dlsfibuted Loads Point LoadE DL LL ST Strrt Localim End Localbn Dead Load tive Load $rcrt Term Locadon 0.v7 0.133 Beam OKslrlic l-od Cate Ooucft atu.r Md. D€fie61ion Lenglh,Dl Defr Length(DL+LL Defr) -0.186 in 4,119.3 : I 839.0 : 1 tling: Wl OXI 2 sectoo, Span ' I 3.0oft, Fy = 36-0ld Ettd Fody = pfrpdPhned, tu = 1 .311ft, LDF = 1.000 Momcrt b : Berxfng Stess frrFb gtear fr, : ShGtr S8ccs fvlFv Actral 11.012 k-ft 12j21 ,ti 0J10 : I 2253 k 1.20,| lo$ 0.0Eit :1 Alorable 21.585 k-fl 23.760 ksi 27.004 k 14.4{X} l€i Forcs & Stresi <<- These cohrmn8 are Dead + Live Load pheed as noted ->> k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft k k k k 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 f-td r-w Rt 2"25 2.25 2.25 2.25 DL Only 2.2 0.47 0.17 -0.038 0.0m 0.000 0.000 0.17 0.17 2.25 k 2.25 k I I I I I I I Mar. M + Mar. M - Mar. M @ Left Max. M @ Riiit Shear @ Lefi Shear @ Riglrt CenEr Defr. {,186 F t€ft Cant Def, 0.m0h RiUht Cant Oef, 0.000 in ...Ouery Defr @ 0.000 fi Reaclirn @ Left 2.25 Reaciion @ Rt 2.25 Fa cah'd prr L5.i, K.Ur < Cc LL LL+ST dD Center @ Center 11 .01 2.25 2.25 -0.186 {.1860.000 0.0@0.000 0.000 0.0m 0.000 LL @ Canb LL+ST CD CalrbMardmum 11 .01 k-ft wl0x12 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in Sectlon Wrdft Web Thick Fhnge Thic*n€5s fuea 3.960h 0.190 in 0.210 h 3.5.1h2 12.m#ft 53.E0 in4 2.18'tr4 10.9{n in3 1.101 in3 @ @ a 9-"fl* I I I I wnslAYorlr Q.p,rr,) ( 9 ro-- (E) w14 (E) f{l2 I I Ncwkirk & McGlamery lnc. 670 Grant Strset Denver, CO 80203 Phone (303) 831€,011 Fax {303) 831-941,1 fiU", er""t"lntal - Vail Osgnr: CMK oercdptix : Scope : Job # 99115 Dais: 9:17AM. I SEP 99 I I I R.€ !10300 Urd: K\t-060e147, Vc| tl-3, 2a-Ji|l-19?9. lrr'iig2 t(l ttc!93 $*nsr(e Description FLR BM 21 z*tt- Stocl Sectaon iW12Xl4 Ceoter Span Left CanL Riftrhl Caflt Lu : Unbraeed Lenglh Steel Beam Design Pinned Pinned 8m \tltt Added to Load3 LL {t ST Act Tog€trcr 7.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft General lnformirtion GalcuHftns e't decbn d b AISC 9tt Editito AsD rd 1907 UBC ncquftsncnts k/ft k/ft km n ft #7#6#5*1#3#2#1 I I I I l Distributed Loads DL LL ST Statt Locdon Ed Locetiro 0.E50 3.150 Beam OK Strtic Lod Cace Govcmr Strsr Ueing: Wl2X14 tcclion, Span . 7.50,|t, Fy = 36.0ksi End FDdty = Pinne+Pinned, Lu = t .33ft, LDF - 1.000 Moment b: Bending Sbes tbrFb Shear fo : Shear Stsecs ttlFv Actusl 28.21 k-ft n.7U kEi 0.968 : I 15.053 k 6.319 k6i 0.rlll9 ;1 AllowaUe 29.,[59 k-ft 23.760 ksi 34.301 k 14./ft10 l€i Max. D€fledion Lengrlh/DL Def, Lengilr'PL+LL Defl) {.'l11in 3,759.1 : 1 8092 : I I I I I I T I I I Resclion @ Left 15.05 Reaclion @ Rt 15.05 Fa cah'd per1.$1, lCUr< Cc l fidtl Web Thick Flange Thictnese AIea LL LL+ST @ Geifrer @ ceniler 28:2. 15.05 15.05 -0.11,| {.1110.000 0.0000.000 0.000 o.ffx) 0.000 15.05 15.0515.05 15.05 88.60 ir* 2.36 iryl 14.878 in3 1.189 h3 Mdftrum 2E.nk-tt 15.05 k 15.05 k -o.111n 0.000in o.ffmitl 0.000 ft DL grw 6.08 LL @Garlls 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.r,00 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.0m in 0.000 in Max. M + MaLM- Max. M @ Lefi Max. M @ Rigfit Strcar @ Left $e{@Rlgttt CenEr Def,. Left Cant Def Riffrt Gant D€l| ...Que{y Def, @ kft k-ft k-ft k-ft k k 1.21 3.21 -0.v21 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.21 3.21 3.970in 0200 in 0.225 in +1Ai'Ia <<- These cofumr|s are Oead + Lir/€ Load placed as noled ->> Sectlon w{2x14 I I rue,irla< & IritcGlamery,n". O 670 Grant Street Denver, CO E0203 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax {303) 831-9414 ritb : ereezlentat - vait Dsgnn CMK Descriptiqr : Scope : Job # 991 15 Date: 9:18AM, 9 SEP 99 R.v:5r06q]I :n xv.q602la?, vs 5. 1.3. 22..1* 1999. h,,h3C 196349 EtrnCItC Description FLR BM 22 SteelBeam Design ?no 6I I General Infonnation Gahulatins ale designed b AISC gft Edili$ ASD and 1937 UBC RequfuemenE Steel Section : I Center Span LefiCar. Right Cant Lu : Unbraced Lengltl 14.50 ff 0.00 fi 0.00 ft 1.33 ft PinneGPinned Bm Vltt Added to Loads LL & ST Act Together Load Duralion Factor 1.00 Ehstic Modius 4,000.0 k6i rdfl Ufl k/ff ft ft I I I I I Distributed Loads DL LL ST Start Location End Localion 0.850 3.'t 50 Using: W18X35 section, Span = 1a.50fi, Fy = fg.a1s; End Firity = Pinne&Pinned, Lu = 1.33ft. LI'F = 1 .000 ActualMoment 106.044 k-fffr: Bending Slress Z2.OBZ |ldt fb, Fb 0.929 : 1 eeam Ox I Static Load Gase Govems Stress j Allowable 114.102 k-ft 23.760 ksi 76.4&t k 14.400 ksi Max. Deflec'tion -0.271 n Lengttr/DL Defl 2,923.7 : 1 LengtH(DL+LL Defr) 641.3 : 1 fo : Shear Stress tvlFv 29.254 k 5.509 ksi 0383 : 1 DL orrlv ?3.m 6.12 6.42 I I I I Max. M + Mar. M - Mar. M @ Left Max. M @ Risht Shear @ Left Shear @ Rigfit Center Defl. Letl Cant Defl Ri1ftt Cant Defr ...Query Defl @ Ma$mum 1m.0.1 k-fi a.25k 29.25 k -0.271n 0.000in 0.000 in 0.000 ft <<- These columns are Dead + Live Load placed as noted ->>LL LL+ST LL LL+ST @ Ceflter @ Center 106.04 dD cants @ Cants I Reaction @ Left 2g.ZsI Reaclion @ Rt 29.25It Fa cabU per I .$1 , K.Ur < Cc k-fi k-fi k-ft k-fr k l( in n in in k k 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.4? 6.42 -0.060 0.000 0.000 0.000 29.25 29.25 -0.271 0.000 0.000 0.000 29.25 29.25 -0.271 0.000 0.000 0.000 29.25 29.25 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 r-fi r-yy Rt t I I I Section wl8X35 17.700 in Widfri Web Thick Flange Thickness Area 6.000in 0.300 in 0-425 in 10.30 in2 34.99 #fi 510.00 ir* 15.30 in4 57 .627 in3 5.100 in3 t I Newtirk & Mbctrmery Inc. t 670 Grant Street Denver, CO 80203 Phone (303) 831-9411 Fax (303) 831-9f14 riu. : ereezefenhl- Vail Degnr: CMK Dercdption : llcope : Job # 991 15 Date: 9:184M, 9 SEP 99 rdfi ldft k/fr ft ft t t I I I I I I ' Rf, trmoo t r.|: X1/{6€al?, v.r 5' l.& 22.1r. t999. !rr32r {<} r*}94 tr-trcilc Description FLR BM 23 Steel Beam Design PinnedPinned Bm Vlt Added to loads LL & ST Act Together Ceflbr Spdl Lefr Cad- Right Cant DL LL 8T Sta.t Locatbn Ettd Localkn t"t w72X22 0.850 3.150 9.50 ft 0.00 ft 0.00 ft 1.33 ft Beam OK , Static Load Ga5o Gwerns str€.s Momoot b : tsendng Sbes frfFb Shear fo : Shear Sbec6 f{lFu ActJal 43.373 k-ft 21.'1E3 ksi 09lil : 1 19.105 k 5.969 ksi 0.f15 : I Allovrable 50.184 k-ft 23.760 ki 116.089 k 14./+00 ksi Ma:<. Defec{ion Length/Dl Defl Lengttr(DL+LL Dell) -0.163 in 3,27.3 : 1 699.7 : I Gcneral Information Cahdatir(|s dG d€iign€d !o Al$C 0Ot Edition ASO ild lt0l UBG Requircments Lu : Unbraced Length UsiU: Wl2X22 !ec{ion, Span = 9.50fi, Fy " 36.0k9 E{td Fhly = Phned-Pinned, Lu ! | .33ft, LDF = 1.000 k-fl k-fi k-ff k-tt k k k k -0.035 0.000 0.000 Max. M + llax. M - Max. M @ Left Mar. M @ Rigtrt S*lear @ Left Shear@ Ri1flt I I I t I Marimum /35.37 k-fi 19.10 k 19.10 k -0.163 in 0.000in 0.000 in 0.{x}0 ff 1 9.10 19.10 DL frY 9.8,[ 1.11 1.14 19.10 '| 9.10 -0.163 0.000 0.000 0.000 19.10 19.10 <<- These cdumm are Dead + Live Load Dbced as noied ->>LL LL+ST LL LL+ST@Center @ Centor @ CqrG @ Car|ts 4{t.37 Center Defr. Left Cant Defl Rigftt Cant Def ...Oue.y Delt @ Reac'iion @ Lefl Reaction @ Rt Fa c.h'd per l,$1, K'Ur < Gc -0.163 0.000 0.000 0.00,0 19.10 19.10 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in 0.000 in0.000 1.14 4.1,1 Sec{on wl2xi22 r-w Rt I I I I rt.003h 0.260 in 0.425 in 6./18 in2 WerSht l-s l-W$n $vv zt.o1 *tft 156.00 iv+ 4.66 in4 25.315 in3 2.326 in3 1 ul,tjtl Web Tlrick Flange Thickness Aeea 0.848 h 1 .020 in COLUMN & PAD FOOTING DESIGN COLUMN I-ABEL DL (k) LL (k) TL DL (k) LL (k) TL DL (k) LL (k) rL (k) coLuMr{ Design Load = 59.50k KL = 1O.0' Breeze Ski Rental (vail) - 99115 10.58 37.79 rtE.35 0.E0 3.75 4.55 12.09 45.75 57.84 4.04 15.56 19.60 12.99 46.51 59.50 9/10199 l,lew*ik & Mcbhrnery Inc. 670 Grant Str€st Denver, CO 80203 Phone (303) 831-9if11 Fax {303} E3l-9t114 ,$;1mt]''u'u o"*,,0'0,*,'TJ#llt Dccriilitn : Scope : R.n: !l0ix'0 U.e xv-0602a1?. vc. 5. | .3. e?.J!r' l91ll. !/h$il (<l 19*99flfnct|c Description TYP FOOTING Square Footing Design Cahutation* an d€.iglt€d b ACI !l!€5 ad 1007 UBC RG$tiE nGnt3 Load Live Load Short Tem Lo6d Soisr*; Zone Overburden Weight concrete weight LL & ST Loade Combine Load Dwation Fac{or Cotrmn Dimendon 59.500 k 0.(xr0 k 1 0.000 psf 145.00 pcf 1.330 't.q) in Thickness t of Bars Bar Size Rebar Cowr fa Fy AlowaHe Soil BeadU ft 16.00 in( I 3.250 3,000.0 pdi 60,000.0 psi 1,StX).@ psf I I I I t I I t I I I I I I t I I I t R€brrReqdrrcnt Ac,tual R€bar "d" depth u6€d 2OOlFy As Req'd by Analy*s Min. Rehf % to Req'd Max. Statio Soil Preaauc Alb\'!, Stalic Sdl Pte6oure Mar. Short Term Soil Presgure Alow Short Term Soil Pressute Mu : Actnl Mn' Phi : Capadty 12.250 n 0.0033 0.0019 in2 0.q)25 % I ,/182.0/t psf I ,500.00 pcf 1 J82.04 psf 1 ,995.00 psf 15.36 k-ft 27.81 k-ff As b USE per foot of Widtl Total Ae Req'd Min Afiorf, o^ Reinf 0.379 inz 2.844n2 0.001,[ Footing OK lo-{F5+U"FE 7.50ft square x 16.0in thick with 5l#rr:- Vu : Acfiral One-WaY Vn'Fhi : Alolv OneWaY Vu : Aolual Two-WaY Vn.Phi : Alow Two-WaY Altemale Rebar SeleotiotF... 15 #4's 10 * 5's 5 #7's 4 *8b 41 .70 psi 93.11 psi 163.4E prri 1$.eg pci 7 * 6's 3 # 9',s 3 # 10s TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2738 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Vt)',1 lsl- '''ot L M\'\ L--- 7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE Pos?ED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0046 '' '-5".-L-C"^r'\'^ , t{Sto gV'..q1L.- n +l cuRTrN-HrLL spoRTs V,-v<rCo2s4 BRTDGE sr, vArL co 8r6s7 koztct CURTIN-HILL SPORTS 254 BRTDGE ST, VArL CO 81657HILL BLANCHE C 254 BRIDGE ST CURTIN_HILL SPORTS (254 2l0l-082-23-0 0 7 PRJg7-0028 amount date Add Sq Ft: BApplied. . : 04/09/I99'lIssued.. .: O4/09/t997Expires.. : I0/06/]-99-l 3t"t7-'i\a-?.a76 Phone: 970-476-5337 Phone: 970-476-533i Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. Status. . . TotaL ca(culated Fees---> Add i t iona I, F Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- Ut) t \{,(\,l-cr-.*r1l I SSUED !62.25 .00 362.25 362.25 311 BRIDGE ST/ VAIL CO 81657 Description: COSMETIC FINISH WORK Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: 10,000 A, TOV/Comm. Dev.Ltean-up D"pgrit Refundapproved ,Yf" Fireptace Infornation: Rest ri cted:#0J Gas App I i ances:fof Gas Logs:f of tlood/Pa l,l-et : *'k***********t******************************************t** FEE sutil,lARy *******i-r******************************i*************r**** Bui Ld i ng-----> P Lan Check---) Invest i gat ion> Ui I,t Ca l, L----> 145.00 94.25 .00 3.00 Restuarant P lan Revi etl--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-lJp Deposit-------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 20.00 .00 100.00 CHARLIE N/A N/A N/A Dept: DAVISDept: Dept: Dept: BUILDTNG PLANNING FIRE PUB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: I9e{'i ,99190 BUILDTNG DEPARTMENT 9.!/oe /\927 cHARLrE eEEioiil--ei;pnIqe$i',99400 PLANNTNG onFAii,iuENt" ?t {,&?/,i??Z,o'Ft*B'Bu ecE iciii I.'EFpn iifl:i,iill' :Hf; Hi i H "HEE i:t, fi :l see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno|'tedge that I have read this appl'ication, fil'ted out in futt the 'information. requ.ired, compteted an accurate pr,ot[i"i;,lti;l:;'"tl'l"ilt"the inrormation p.;;;;;-;;-;;quineo is-iorLc;.'i";s;;;-i" compr.y r^iith tire iniormation and ptot pran, codes, desiqn "uui., "oo".,,,"1T::r::: ij?li.ll"::,:"1_1"_!yild this st fuctu re- accord i ns io, trru ronni" ,""rLg-j"d subdivision REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE }IADE II.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send C lean-Up Deposit To: JACK CURTIN FROH 8:00 AM 5:00 pM AND OllNER ,Con Cac t Eaglc Cotrncy Assessors;rt 970-328-8640 for Parcel #.'ARCEL #: Officc TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE: PEzuIIT /I [ ]-Building [ ]-plunbins " txl-Erectricar [ ]-Mechani'ca' [ ]-other rob Name: C*'h .- lJ,l[Sy' I= rob -a<idre "", At , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEPTEDI rr:t Jr rt * * rt rt rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'h * PERMTT INFoRMATIoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * *I r-,ega1 Description: ,t "t ,L nlock_lC Filing susnrvrsror.l: / /. C./, /_y owners Nane: *JrCakL-r{ tfP Add.ress, p.,,. +764837 Architecti t Address: 3lcs7 Ph., /i1 | ,-r r ts -eneral Description: ( ,ngte.Ii'o lintf ;[aot Er,EcrRrcA r, i 7.mo9 MECHANfCAL: $..---_*----- ,ddress: ;lectrical,"Contractor ,ddress: 'lunbing Contractor: ddress: i. ******* ***** ******* ****** ***** JII,,,DING PERMIT FEE: LUMBING PERMTT FEE: ECHANICAT PERI'ITT FEE: LECTRTCAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: Town of Vail one Nurnber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: Tor.rn of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg, NO. FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUUBTNG PLAN CHECK fEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREAUON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPqSIT: TO?AL PERMIT'FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: echanical Contractor: ddress: rlork crass: [ ]-New 6N1-art"ration t r*Additional- [ ]-Repair [ ]-other 'lumber of Dwelling Units;Number of Accornmodation Units: .Frn'ber and rype of Fireptaces: ".= odEli*TTas AppJ-l.ahces . Gas Logs. Wood/pe1let_ :., .PqJy_l:-@J8- -- --'-- I'v k*******************************l* #"#(/";g?-q************************* IUILDTNG: $g@--tlweMA)LUMBTNG: $ 7.******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *)eneral contraqtor: IA^cToR INFORMATToN * * *.& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vait Req. No.23?-L-$r/d, Phone Number: *?A-g.?T I,EAN IIP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: Reg. NO. 27-s', )nnents: VALUATION itllrr 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 or 479-?L39 of flce ol communlly development FROMi DATE: . SUBJECT: TO: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBLIc woRKs/coMMUNITy DEVELOPIIENT MARCH L5, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr-a'ful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material-, incruding trash bu*p=t,".=, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicfes.upon any srreerl =i;;;"Ik;;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porrion thereof. rire rignt_"i_;;t ;n all Town ofVail streets and.Ig"g= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir| be.;a-i;ii;"lnforced by the Town of vailPublic works DeDartment. pers-ons found. viorating this ordinancewilr- be given a 24 hour writien notice to remove said rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice vrithin the 24 hour.tir"-"p."iFi;;,"in""irtric worksDepartment wirl renove said. mateii"r "i in""J"pJI"e of personnotiried. The provisions "r ir,ir-oiai""""I ;f,;;i nor beappticabre to c-onstruction, rnainienance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in tfre-ilqti_"_r"y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fuII, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tnant< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. 75 south trontage road v8ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-Zt3g oftlce of communlly davelopment If thi.s permi't reauires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,llg:l:.ll-,,(llfl if tilfl 1;vi.*'rna'ipprovar, a planning Department 3ililH:Ti"il:'"3iifi Il35'1, il:'i;x'"" i: ; ; ;::jit.,*.jil;. ru;ifl iJ,.,' " All commerciar (rarqe or smai'r)and a'lr murti-famiry permits wirihave to follow the irove r.nti6nui-*u*ir* requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd tur. u-i"ii.r'uround or timel' However, ifresidential or smarler,projectt rmpi.i the various above mentjoneddepartments with reqard' to"n"..ri.i!"ruview, these projects mayalso take the three w."l pe"ioJ.vs J Er 5::;{,".t:'Tli,'lltol:,Tilf:.bv this departn,ent to expedite this i;.*!l undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time x-#:#x!;tts" L EUILDING PERT1IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE I I Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PEBMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please an'swbr following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public Way permit': YES NO 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public prope(y? 3) ls any utilily work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls ditferent access needed 1o sile other than exisling driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done t/ affecling the right of way, easements, or public property? "/7) ls a "Revocable Hight Of Way Permit"required? ,./B) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is. a parking, staging /or fencing plan required by CommunityDevelopment? , ., lf you answered yes lo any of ihese questions, a 'Public Way',Permit" musl be obtained. 'Public Way Permit'applications may be obtained at the'Public Work's office or al Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all {/ t/ Job Name Date TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0047 Job Address Location. . . Parcel- No.. ,, Pro ject No. ELECTRICAL PERMIT 254 BRIDGE ST CURTIN-HILL SPORTS 2r0t-082-23-007 PRJ9 7_OO2 B Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone : B2'1 -5562 Phone:. 827-5562 I S SUED 04 /0s /ree7o4/0e /ree7LO/06/ree7 APPLICANT BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING, ELEC.80 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO 81645 CONTRACTOR BURNETT PLUMBING, HEATING, ELEC.B0 Toledo Avenue, Minturn, CO g1645 OWNER HILI.,, BLANCHE C 311 BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR NEW FIXTURES 7 / 000.00 *i********************ff*****************f*********ff****** FEE sUt4tlARy ***************************i****************************** VaLuation: TotaI Catcutated Fees---> Addi tiona I, Fees---------> TotaL Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE-.-- Etectri cat---> DRB Fee Invest i gat ion> 1,, i l. L Ca L t----> TOTAL F EES--_> 126.00 .00 .00 3.00 129.00 129.00 .00 129.00 129 .00 .o0 ***lrt***'r**************************Jrt*****************t*********************i******************************t********************** Item: 06000^ELEqTRrCAL DEPAR!ryENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:9!/oe/\Z2Z^cEABli --ecrloir'r AiiFn-non ERNSrrtem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *i**********************i**i***************t*********ft**************************t************************************************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ****************Jri****************************************************************************ff********************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have nead.this apptication, fil'ted out in fuLL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that aLl' the information provided as required.i.s "o."""i- i ig."u to."orpl.y with the infonmat.ion and ptot pl.an,to 6omp[y vith al'l' Town ordinances-and stite-l'avs, and to buiLd this st ructu re"a ccoro i ng to the Toun's zon.ing and subdivisioncodes, design revieb, approved, uniform BuiLding code and othen ord.inances of the Town appticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECIIONS SHALL BE }1ADE TTIENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY oz t =E UJc c cr'N ( U' IJJIut! L =tY. llJ #a//nt bqor/a l*u -t;x? F\I o'l'l.+t o\o\lI,cotc!llo\' It4 M,t ijFl lo !r ?tE A c4 l(, (J,zzlA =<;= i-.j ='t r r att rF4< IHEIJtrlp4a110PIHkto,olc|clZtitH>l3cI lcll.A+IJ?td lve xl:QtrloJ El=gal J4 =laH6l.sX<l.a"1 2l zA 5l€E H l,/. F H E 1 F "1a :l.{ 4HEoFIM F-l E-{z EH 14 & frl z cAId a 3 E-r F a z Fl() 3 il< H !, rD,q F c E c) o o o) € lo E o l; o Y (u 3o o .9 at, tli(,E o .9o .:Eo:lo ot 6 '; N -o) 3 F o q) E ()o.g d) o o = -o $ tli =(t ot:(o'= g) (r, *ioE8F eoa.e; IE9c F'= E c-o'r3c c,.' t:€fd'S =c9d'- o" -c3t;_'E > E EA =rE*OO iEo.9qB tq! c.=- ([ O-G cL sEE .tt P dEf;:E;(s E E.EO(E: EEE #+Co o'- e-E gEE '6>,o(6x J;tsHii8 .i6 B9Eor cEg -o6 l-- c{ c F. c \o F =E UJc z !3 :< Iu z J 9c F() uJJ llJ z E) J J 2 I uJ: Itr UJu-zo uJe.ollJ o co; uJ> uJ z 6t!o E (L tll z UJJ x Itl U) F-l F-l -lFlHF 0) uJ UJu-t =uJ o- J FoF z J l6 -) uJJ iru z o J c)z I uJ NOtlVn'lVA F F F F x =ZZ.n-o ooF o- Q=x r zYF 9 OE q(JE Z!-()8e Elt- <(9q i!!;'iEi6uliq frd (\t <5 GI N >E -I z tr u- o E uJc F a UJc J z E *,x zIF E lll F 3 u.lz IItltltl cttrzlzO<a <oo< =HRc6o<z =z, 9Z -Fn6Btr UJf,J E ll)r!zY i ltl F ; o 3 9) rl i-l =l zl .. >lot! r|J uJzot UJo. J z Eoo z :< ar c.l 0l I q!t t:it F | 3 zl : I ;G J q utFooo-zo Fo-ulY uJ dt oF -d.Fol =3CE uJo-co.. c\t_t!lO p4l>Hl EEIoHltHlE;i^FL.|z.o (J z dt =:) J = l! 0- o:t!E:E<cLl€fre9'Et nie'=EigF Lt r-- = uJ i-5 b=o # i'i]E =dE U5I 5utE X6_t x>t q* oi€;tH o fficv€ ,-'F ts =Elrlo-zo Fo : E, 6zoo z F rli =z _") I lNI l\+lF llnl(, Ilr1ttllf4 l\ol(J lFrla l-+tHt - IFq IIIZl.i Ir-{l r{ | F- Hl c") | ..1Ml l\OFl l'-."'C)l lcoIqt*l fr'rTJI GI F<t d<-t d> '.,j jeii4ac) CN l+ I F F1d En =tr I F.{I tsz F F-l aHts,l c >l tr N IFN I oz oulrc J ioz39 ot =.1ol r.ul 5l ?l>l ttlol fl I I I I .ltJl .lol uJltrl JI <l>l lt.lol pl pz: tr JO<F- r!<zut!F oo g {r, Z [! TOWN OT' PERUTT D^rE. q/q/qy tstclu 5[P 9 7. &Y4zt ?ERItrr tt /^9,t] i994, OVATL CONSTRUCTION APPLICATION FORM APPLICATION MUST B8 FILLED OUT COT,IPLETELY OR II MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED.t r-e')I Dr, r lhl.";t, ..,U'J,' gO!tl,r.F_-.MIJy OR IT IrIAy NOT BE ACCEPTED x***************************** PER!{IT INFORMArION *****************************r. ./ /ffi-Building [ ]-Plumbins [{]-Electricat f 'l-Mechania:] r t-r.r#rrar-[ ]-other SUBDIVISION: Owners Name:Address: Architect: General Description: rr_work class: [ ]-New Tffitteration [ ]-Aclditional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: Nurnber of Accommodation Units: $*"t and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-- Gas Logs_ wood/pellet_v 'F************* ****** ** ************ VALUATIONS **** * ******* * * ************* ******rl t o '1 tt '/'r /-\ !Y-lt-PIl!9' I Zo '0 0C ELEcrRrcAr,, +-29QO orHER: $ILUMBfNG: $ unenaurnat.. l- ;;;:--': i--r-:-:-- J -Plumbing 1y'(-nectricaf [ ]-Mechanicat rob Name: ("trl'n Arll (",r'g:Lf:EAZ;* 3<q 6r,dg=j- -Legal Descriprion; Lot- "{l;"'''t'ffirrnn *.,.,rvrorNti: r _ MECHANfCAI_,:f - v ,U ;: :: i - H; :: : i : ::.- - 4i ;,8 ff sl9:9l ITNFORMAT I OTNFoRMATION ******* * ******************* TOTAL:l@ ffl::::, "WX"it FEEI r+:f.t'**tE - iW- I:* or vair ."'v'-;;. -=li;--- Phone Number: .0rr1q - WElectrical colrtractor: bO f FZ-t+ Phone Nurnber: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Reg. No. Mectranical Contractor :Address:Reg. NO. *************** ****** *** * * * * ** ** FOR oFFrcE usE **** ******* * * * ********** * * * **** Town of Vail Phone Numher: Town of Vait Phone Number: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL pERttIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OIHER TypE OF FEE: fr,,r[[-fDRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PIAN CIIECK FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT:C- TOTAL PERMTT FEES: ,?t {, ct, VAIUATTON '-ZF-*sBUTLDTNG: SIGNASURE: ZONTNG: STGNATTIRE: l TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEi'ORANDUM ALL COiITRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY g, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY FERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED aate: Z1-q-oV- Please answerthe tottowtng questionnaire regarding the need for a'public Way permit": YES NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditlerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done afieAing the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Righl CI Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, sasements orpublic properg to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by CommJnity Development? lf^vgu- "Ty"t9d yes to any of these questions, a "Public way permit' must be obtained."Public Way Permit' appiicationg miy be obtained at the'public work,s office or at 9,o.TTT'tv Developmenl ]!v"t qrJert o"estions prease cafl charrie Davis, rhe Townof Vail Construction lnspector, at 7g-215g-' I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill ort the our check lig provided lf yes was answered,g 3ny of the above questions then a "pubric way permit" isrequired. you can pick up an appricatidn at eithe, community Deveropment,tocared at 75 s. Frontage Road or piroric wo*s, rocareJailioJv"irvailey Drive. Notice sign ofis for utirity. companies. Arf utirities must fietd verify (rocare)respective utirities prior to signing apprication. sor" "tiiity-"orp"nies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedute i tdriatel. A construction rratfic conrror nln lyst- be prepapg o.n a separate sheet ot paper.This plan wiil show rocations of arf traffc Jontrordevices (signs, cones, etc.) andlhe work zone, (area ol construction, staging, etc.; sketch of work beino performed must be sub_mitted indicating dimensions (rength,width & depth or *j*t. rnis ;;v;;;r#n on the trarfic bntror pran or a siteplan for the job. submit compreted apprication to the pubric.[grk'" otfice for review. tf required,rocates wi, be schedufed forrhe rown oivair erJctriJans "io'ri,igLion crew. Thelocates are take prace in tne mominf;;ut ;"y require up to 4g hours ro perform. The Pubric work's conslruction Inspector willlgview the apprication and approveor disapprove the permir. you wift t-coni"creo as ro the aad;;;; any changesthat may be needed. Mostpermits "-r. ,"r'""-r"o within 4g n*o J'Ling received,but please allow up lo one week to pa""rr. As soon as permit is processed, a copy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the "Buirdino permit"_to b";t;;-. prease do not confuse the "pubricway Permit" with a "-Buikring eermit;i;io?or* on a project site itserr. Note: 'The above process is for work in a right_of_way only. 'Pubtic Way permit,= ". 'A new public Way permit is requlred each year. 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) lnwn 75 south trontege .osd vral, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlcc of communlly dcyolopmc||t BUILDiNG PERFIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI,IE If this perrnit reoui,res a Town of Vair Fire Departnent Approva'r ,Engineer''s..(pubr ii wortsi ""ui"n .ni'ipprovar, a pranning Departnentreview or Health Departmint.review,.ni'u-review by the Building Siri[HE.l;"[: .r.truted time to"'a-totur ".ui"ni.y"iuil'r, r6ne All cormerciar fiarqe or sma]]) and ail mu]ti-fami'ry perrnits wiilhave to folrow ine iuove mentt6neJ-niximum requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd tatce J-ieii"""amouni of time. However, ifresidential or smar i er,projecir-ii,p..i' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard' to-nei"riily-".ni"r, these projects mayalso take the three-week per.ioa.- Every attempt will be made by this deparunent to expedite thispenni't as soon as possibl e. - ev '"\r's\r ' LE I'r I:_!!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timetrame. frr#{,/'#" F(, ll {?@+at [&.-odp I v I Communi ty Development Department. 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE! SU&TECT: olflce ol communlty devclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTTI II.HETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COIr{MUNITY DEVELOPMENT ttARClt 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }TAIERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter" rrack or aeposit .iiv-=iirr'"Jti, sand, debrisor material, i":t:gTe_trasyr-iunpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicres. upon any streetl siaewaixl;ii;y or publicptace or any nortiin th;;.;;:--;h. ;i;hi:;i;;;-in au rovn orvai1 streetl ind.roads is afproi'inat"iy s ft. Lti pavernent.This ordinance will bE ;tri;ii;^enforced by the Town of VailPubli'c !{orks oeoartnentl--p.rllns rouna .rihuli'g this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour r"iii.i'i"ri""-ti-;;;;;;'""id narerial.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within an:_:1_ l""i tii"-lpecified, trre puEr:.c worksDepartment wir-l remove said mateli.t "t ir," -""iEise of personnotified' The provis:.ons-or-trrls orainance srriri not beapplicable to c6nstruction, -r.iii"r,.nge o-r repair projects ofany street or allev "r iny'"tiriir.", in the right_a_way. To review Ord.inance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail BuiLding Denartment to oriiin a copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on tLis rnatt"r. ----- ffir (i.e. contractor, olrner) lown 75 south lrontlg€ road vall. color.do 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479213e office of community development NoTIcE To coNTRAcToRs,/ow![ER BUII,DERS Effect'ive June 20, !99r, the Town of Vail Buirding Department hasdeveroped the followi-ng procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h-ave adeguately estabrished proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of vail road.s oi streets. The Towrl of vail public works Department wirl be required toinspect an9 approve drainage adjaclnt to Town of Vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of tlmporary or permanent curverts ataccess points from the road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must -be o.btained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Ruilding Department for footinqs or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please carr 41 g-2i,60 torequest an inspection from t.he pub]ic works Department. AlLow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of Vail public works Department wirr be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation wit.h resulti-ng roadpacching as necessary. such approvar- must be obtai nArr nrinr rnFj.naI Certificate of Occupancy iss,.r"r,ce. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8.1657 303-479-2 r 38 / 479-2 I i9 FAX 303-479-2452 1 z. D e p a r t nr e nt of C o mnunt i-r- D e ve lo pnt e nt IITFORMAIIOI NEEDED I{HET APPtIItfG FON A ilECHATICAL PERITIT 5. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHAI{ICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENTDRAWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAL DIMENSIONS Ar{D BTUR,ATINGS OF ALL EQUIPI,IENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHow SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUC?S, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WIIL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAI ROOM. FArrruRE ro PRovrDE lHrs rNFoRlrtarroN wrrr DEI,AY rouR pERlirr. PIan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: CURTAIN HILL SPORTS DATE: 9-28-94 ADDRESS: 254 BRIDGE ST CONTRACTOR: SALTIRE VAIL, COLORADO ARCI{ITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V.IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIREI) The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approvat of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL AND MOVING OF ONE DOOR AND WINDOW AS PER APPROVED PLANS 3. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. VENTTLATTON rS REQUIRED AS pER SEC 705 OF Trm 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WT[.H AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Jb"ii': i:f \/ail til;'' '': i":ilpVt | ;,*t-* r"i b': q INq U PERMIT NUMFER OFiPROJECT TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL (1e,219 oo* lt' I l's lQrl JoB NAME MON CALLER .. READY FOR INSPECTION: ,l /t' ruE?-l THUR LOCATION: BUILD!NGI tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING.- tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB E o tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL .{, / .-' {APPROVED ';. CORRECTIONS: "'- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR IN ,*- ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 't/r/,/ DATE rlN {onrr/"tJOB NAME MON PERMIT NUMBER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: .1 ]-f .D/ |t:.1) THUR FRI r n:3'3 tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTTpNS: INSPECTOR .r-', IT INSPE \CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479,2138f JOB NAME MON CALLER /L.L READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI PERMIT NUMBER OF C Sq|Lp$g-_/ O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o FINAL D FINAL tr INSULATION !r"..r*o"* ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWEB MECHANICAL: O HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr q F|NAL E FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 1'! ,t**:''---"* ! ,a r.0t /l ''t / -t\/' [ /.) | # INSPE DATE ttrt, I | | JOB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT l t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ON' CTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL r'6'-"'evr t/, I 2138 ll't ( CALLER 1q%Ll. ti , ,t;)/ED ,^r7uR FRI h BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB O FINAL - MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'r;y'1q CORRECTIONS: ,/- ,=_*--"-. -.=--- INSPECTORDATE'/ oz F = UJ \' EE BIxF{Ln a{ln o uJ LUll F =E UJ E#/e q,, +, (d cn I I PJ o ql <( r'-r r691[..b+l(5'-lznl = erl t- (l az =o zz F o IJJF z = =f .6 ozz \ !L ll {-\ \ \ \l\ '=O(a H6:io6 *.2 *. EXy -.= 6 o !iEc-o'-te*5* 6_o =EFd'l =c96 e5;_'E >, 3 Ea .9;e FE c.Y- (d o-(g o-*E: oF o-EgoE;:EE; or oEifE-* 6 evC(6 0'-c; o€ *-c .1!(rPgrE sEitB6>o(''; XEEE* u -it B !e o_ 0)eEe!oct) llJz3 UJIF z rNE ;sS'; o. ls ie\li HNK '() A lur s .s\ ,lc f tv{tEY IE:!i rf oDcC(! E€. *g"=t * gER ;EA' !ss- 5 Il \-) :XD -i \sE\SF:S- E$sn t \ t" { \I X c/n i.-J rn LN c'.l ca (J C\ c \( a t: e:,i N 6 .<I F 0a UJ o. z o!f Y - z J 9EF(J ul z6 =d J 2 uJ = LU uJl!z tr{ ql o 3ul;tutrz 6 IJJo 6 UJo (L f z x F ulol c I a,nL! u"lt! F =E uJo J F F z o3f,cl F UJ-)ut (,z6 =f o- J =I uJ !-J F ts NOtM]v^ I IF{f = dl> E 4l - r .'Fl Ii ur SH-' ''\.l I(v ts"| . :<t(r; >tz z tLa F^lhz 3 d = Fi2: 6r8 ? 3:rL< F i *E- x z: I c\l z tr t+ tr o-:) o- F (r c LUg. z Eoo z tr (r IJJFJ =u,z I i tzlzQaFrrJ<Oo< 5H R!L()o<z Fz >= daIulo- :l ?ltti z tr Jl U)z z iF I + l _f l I :fal:I -L l. -+-?lal:l f;t = Co- tl llrlil" I 3rg il-r'l lll"llolgl {Htdl ilo*l I I -t- -r- --T-- I I I I t.-l:l ot(,t.t<lFIJIt l c0 l JI:itrlz z ,. >| luo uJulz v) = tlJa J z Eoo z E a! c! I -Ett flgtr z 4-'<coO>z O. LL F<-lF<t f tL.J T ]L I ."i5 =*amd> tr Eul rl. : ^uJF2E<9no-B9vcc EdE i*rE H=I() * iillE =.-lE 3blE iult x>lg qtloit; uJ @ F .u o q, h0 F{.rl F].r{ l -J F z)tr J LUJ U)t!,ol IA z z Fl '"JrJH il z co -_t I c..IPl'$O I Lr]cjl',rltl llFl\o(,lF. t\aaJlbDl -.ol L'-l IlrlFql I -i lO-.r | (J vnit/.{ ri l.l,Jl .r.,1 t><=Eo 'rl Lltj =l<l4 FI a a HB F-l =tr t\(\\' Ir^ ca ic F.l > C) {i .t\ =.1(rl ult -tJI <l>l rl-I t\ F\ J-s $s{ I Ilprll l=ho I -'r HI .ol Frt :ll' rlt ct<iil> JI IJ.Fclclz =3 I I I I .l rr N'I \o il r.) il-T ,l Fr il c{l* IluJIJl!rI l.- t4 {J P c,d =e.tr I I ?l ^lol-l I .l 9l Flr:I E =t <sl- rlIol zl =l9lFI IJJJ uJ tlE tl I otx I-rlts( |Ir<l | 't8t it(E IlxltltlHlolill-lrlHlEtqlzl =lEtslE I r,-lloltzl EI :Iu-t Fl I I I I I cil =.1ol IJJI 5l <l>l rLlolzt ..:3t 5ol url-t F EE t't |'rjz = F() UJtr -JO<F(ts(JuJ<'zE[!F(rzo(J )t<o(JF FS y2 UJO -) 9P =#]F =JZrl-o <x :F7a)a< iz =Y &. ;, = =. FrJz ca E IJJ tsa mo -lzo Fout :< ut d) oF E .E lrJI u- tL \J I UJ F z UJF o F =E,lrl o-zoF(JfEFazoo \ tYr-Build7',.ti r6".iiipig r l Job Name: (-nnA C +lflO e€+ legal Description: Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: worlc Class: [ ]-New tX-aft.ration t{-aaaitional [ ] Number of Dwelling Units: [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical Job Address:ri nJ.ocx;f-C Fitins [ ]-other tLot I - /6ftri lt 7iqfAddress:P}r.6>s- /q3:, Number of Accomrnodation Units: /+ Q>caeta-h rid t{-. ph . t( iouxta, 4*.*at *'. n $', \[+ lbre€ron{ -Repair [ ]-other ",-A #L't01f ' TH"?f, xlli,::il?Hu:I*g" ffiriliv i o "rt rowN oF vArL coNSrRUcrroN mT illy | 0 ,9g3PERMIT APPLICATTON FORMDA!E| 5 I APPrJrcATroN I'{usr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr r[Ay Nor BE AccEprEDt -..rJ.r\,errL,r\ r'ruDl E.E;.!'r!r,ED our coMpLETELy oR rr l[Ay Nor BE AccEprEDU x***************************** PERMIT TNFORI,{ATIoN *****************************rll Mechanical contractor, PurfMltAddress: -'l Town of vail Reg. no. /U"KPhone Number: ******************************** FORBUILDIIIG PERMIT l'EE: lry')rs nlPLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERT{IT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAL t'EE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: i-<9, TYPE '.1 I l+Y?- oFFICE UsE ******************************* BUII,DTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAL pr,AN cHEcK rnn: F--tt !r /il! lrr t rt' .? ^RECREATION TEE: CI.,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES:fr BUTLDTNGs STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAITTRE: jrao, oct -_t_ VALUATION Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME; HILL BLDING REMODEL DATE: 6-8-93 ADDRESS:311 BRIDGE ST. CONTRACTOR: HOMESTAKE BLDERS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: LEWIS OCCUPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete tisting of alt possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2. EGRESS FROM THE BUILDING MAINTAINED WHII-E UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONSTRUCTION FENCE REQIIIRED FOR PROTECTION OF PUBLIC WHILE UNDER CONSTRUCTION. 4. N.L PENETRATIONS IN FLOOR,CEILING AND WALLS TO BE FILLED WTITI AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. 5. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTTON rS REQUTRED roEIN /tr,// |DATE / U/ V JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION MONfr P .J FRI S PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERt PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E SHEETROCK N POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR N OF r/ CT TOV REQUEST VAIL WED THUR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED INSPECTOR ffi$oP JOB NAME \ il Bi INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR ,)-+ ii.!L) toN:MMON- gdnnnoveo ..-tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDf NG: ,._ PLUMBTNG: L' r \lf roorrrucs/srEEL.fl,'. I ii-j''rli tr SNDERGR9SND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH i D.W.V. E ROUGH i WATERN FRAMING ,-- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWoOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL DATE INSPECTOR t PERMIT NUMBER OF BROJECT DATE 't' !r' /-/; rcB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST OF VAIL ,l-; /,r.{'CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: , '::-,ta v :. MON _ [uES ,t' ,77,V|6,.1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB AAdr$DWNysrEEL EFRAMINGL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr o tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: E.TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL vlPjsavED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,!,..'. ) ' .tDATE INSPECTOR J INSPECTION REQUEST /{ TOWN OF VAIL (c READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON Tr.lES FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED : CORRECTIONS: C DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR FlSistrop /.ta?INSPECTION REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL D tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRJCAL: tr TE.MP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr 'ql,*or-tr FINAL APPROVED ..;::.-r..tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: l,'rr\l l\. I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE IN , SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME INSPECTION:' \) i.I' i., , MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:\ t.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DA'E ,l " / 4' ?3JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL nil CALLER TUES WEDMON AM ffi,./, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL. 1 MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR -B tr_ tr Fry\L"-tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: g DISAPPROVED tr HEINSPECTION REQUIRED ,)'*-'l t: i5 " 4>, oz E = uJ \t a u.JL!L =EIJ(]- s"Jm,* Lb4rr +.#' o\ .if \l HH B |-t :q HF I ldi.,l Ill"lHl.l' | .l lFqlr lPql .ltlI tFJtEt IE I lJlp4 lt< tot t14 |ro lololAr It l"lVl-l ilFlellllzlolc IttEIStfrl, I rsll Irls=l ,l| | FelHl| | oHtFt I ,5 | :il?l :E | =!tst .l9 I Jalp4 lhz I tAlo I I t= | slt:til i; I f;HIHIH ut o -J tr z oJ fdl Eutz3 oz c4\t-$ zl-lhr-O E D<O .dH (Jo{trl P z F1Fl l!JIJ v) =I (r L! Fz (r z 9ots q) E q q) c E !a o) (6 o or) .E =fo E =cl; o o ; .q) o c 'o o) o) () ';'t c c c'o .N -aDc 3 F c ()i E' =.:t -o c(u !;]' EEg'iEs) .rLEp3E eQqto: e.EXY(uler-q.= o c-o:.2 -.E;;:IP "! .=€ >= c96 d6; EEa =:E e;9(s+:.j .=- (o o- l5 0- A-E Eauo_ (EC OE:-c9o oEerEi(sr -- C --.cs.9::' !E ! -E r';36>. xhEH;9.r x v. B6B9Eo;ico)i5; N ral F\@c.l G F = UJo- z : Y UJ- z = (J ur LIJ z =fJ z I UJt! TLz tr uJt IJJv oE o co =t!;Itl z(5 uto F6 ulo o- ?z t! 6 F UJol at UJ LU lJ- F E uJ t- F z oJ =ID F JgJ z ID =l J , - uJ = NOIIVNIVA F: F F z z F X 14 tr{ t{ Y 3zz!- h o 4< =-\>rrJ ^ =trEE(DOCE => cvz:r.r- < LD .:.. ;o- v ii->tl=Fa! i (\l (g (\l =>tr I lpl l<lh&i hl F trl F Pts (\ z H x t) 5l7 z tr fJ LLt 3 E o- F \f tF( lrd. t<lo-lL! : j z Eoo : z tr utt- ; IJJz ><z Jl:l 2i oulo Lll IJJzar UJ(L .J zo Eoo uJl II @ z O TF tl I I I Lzlzac)Ful<oo< =*>.ro "-'.r -do<z Lz -F fio =r!OI o llJo (,z ac IL z Fc!o co Ig, z I Lc)O @ -JOZO }l F.t z Lt,lFa(It a z F llJY IJJ dt Yo' t- cc rn uJ '-r(L lJ- e, \z ,&lH utl- !'uiF z =elnO =z ILL ."i5 =E= -i ir r dd>- E LIJ L!oEfiItE< -:: ;;qt-?o Tt cr cii =>E h=oJii E ?o- - \J LJ-E oo oF,.,E Xo_t x>(!HFcl *j oi!; u,J F E-E E =&, lrJo.zo Fo EFazo(J NTT zH FlH Hta FJ t'.{ Flt-l I*l HIC)I #l*l Y J6 F' J LU zO.J' LU ) ut J F"l FlHz Jtr lEl$ lHi it&ll*lrFl tEltllflEldl <lol >tol<ltlt<=lE(J Lll E z Iil-4 |tu) |*1 I24 l-zll' llilluttultElloltolt<l =t Jflg5 ll|(a Iulh.' ItrIllC,l IztlHI .ilFt =l6l gl.r F4 | uJl'rtI rElL^() | -rl4.l 31"5L. I\O(J | 6l\0tzld3l 11 E 9l rJru-l Fl F olz) OI uJl 1l <I>l bl zl;lolFI tltl l"ll=ltolI lJJlllll?ll>lI u-llol dfli |ltltltllolliltotI UJIllll<ll>lI u-lloltzl EI FI E I I I I I dlzl (rl ull :l <l>l rLlolzl ..,3t fOl r!FI F" EEn E. UJz = F L!F I(-) E <F LU <ZEt!F(\zoO <o(JF t<bFyz 13 E >Y =<eE =F|rO <F :/Fz2 Jlv ,\ FY, z. =g * \JZ , Rt-tnxrrJLl .Eo ItJ u.l U' = = -:- o, c a; lTe E BE:E EgET$ EEEi$ €;Ee€ !lEEg ffi1 ctz E =E UJo- o\ o ri $ ) ) UJ F z ;H:o oz ) b2 lr,o.ttot.ulE2ts<a-fa .!) o-E9'oE EEE:Eg6.t(,dEX,xc),9--EXiB I'E ul F ts =utrlo-zIF C)3E 6zo(J FI#E I I l_ rEto I I I I I l. t? lZ- IB le NOtlVn'lVA v>) ,txt! !l9bF zl .. >l uJ UJ uJ2 th tr: tg z Eoo 8i gi Ig Eil a, ,a;li I l-{: l-lHqrl F{l ll,\ r qrl 6l U9': ; lltlr = : if;ElE r6{c, HI .A Elrl r-l.ri d >o 4 u- J!o F J E E,-l.l.l rn rl F.l .Fl uj z o-l .Fl (d l- 6 o. F ii 'l*ll € ll- : l ill "J El E I ol E1c flol fl I I I I ol Hl JI <l (9l HI :l= at uJz =o '-(J ul -O -rO<FdC)uj <zE.UJF6Z-o c, JE<o()F frE a;E E 9P s3 =Fd5() 5E 13o=ur=>U IEl uJ F-oqtx)<x!<;< b{ INSPECTION: CTION TOWN OF REQUEST PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ii'\.j/ I/. L/{-_t/a CALLER TUES WED IL PMAM BU trl trl trl {trl ol tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING OOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL p neenoveo CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I:ii oz E =G IJJo c.l e,.l t\ 16- (n IJJ u.l II ts =u uJc \$\$Nr 6 @ N FlH A! l zH ;lE I ct\ H c'.1<c{o FlH trr z -.l{<E O l-.1 iiFtrF.| oVz(.)FH ulF o z =o zz o IJJFoz o 4oJ l .d =z t!Jluv) =? l! F Fz E.o tuz3 rl-o o (l) o Io6 .o E.o.$ c =F '6 ! ui ID o .9o o "o ah lh {GF o =oo C)6 o : a,) .9 = o ,;;o D:go1'46 '=tD(/,*Io985 6ffrEXY E=Eo xEc-o eIs :gFd'! =cPd 3Et E E-F :-€ 3 .E;sF5;.Y- (6 o-$ o-sEl thP o-Ef;: EE:EE Fo(5* EFE_ o.,.Y e* C(6 O'- e E-c o.g * 3EE*Eio 6=c-=*6E6:3 -3'6 ePE qr eEg o\o\s.i-c,l co * =eujo-(,zoJ to :< UJ z J .L J E F IJJJ UJ (,z co =l o- J ()z ()lu = IJJt!ILz tr u.l uuJ @ =uJ UJez 6 uJ I uJ z L'J X F g,l U' GbL IJJl! F =E tJ.JoJ FoF z oJ @ J I uJJ uJ oz ao J z UJ = d ts H NO|lVnlVA z Iz a l& ,.Y <joa-OFt2or2ts YZ o-t,: frEo.* <zEH 5h UE CI(v zz Fo- 4XfF9 0 a(57xUYr!<oq o-v>! ; Gi >E -f F rkz l", lF:Lr l< Ftrt!r BHwHB tj F) I-l 14 f.lFHH zo F J LL(r (, q- oE(5 UJo- F o o C.l E, UJE z E 4sg z9 F UJ =tuz a =zlz tr o = () a tszf zfJlu 3o uJ J o- UJ at oz I F =FI EI tlI tllIt(rltoltoltdl UJf) (l ltt(/, I'|JzYIIF L! F zo F 5oz I -l I =l<rl:l 8l Ir | _J," Kl_qh-n L'l= |;,l>og -,,14l -<5N- --l:=1--l >l --1 ; o uJ IJ,J u,.lz CNF cr uJ J z Eoo )j- = ? Fa 6 6t I & 1r.l =z (D I TL F-lH n Fn) H ca $lrlN u,l o = Fl F-1H ;r.i z FJ an = UJ =z \o @ .v Io\.+ Or I I<lJI F{l I I 9| uil 5l al>lttlol zl3lolFI F{ U)z zH Fl B IzB ft fEl =tr ut Iol I r/J | |CDI F]I<t tlI c.tl.l ol.l Frlot I()t ItlHl ol- od I zl.otsl ,.il\oQ I Yl-rrrl | 'r-l I Fl | .to\EI | =l.rrl Sl'tl u-lHl oltzl!3104 0l IF\ e.l @ tltllalqrlz olHOIg'-'l !f,1 '-fl"l cilF4 zlH ,;IHFI :rl =lcol <ll>lI ttlloltzl =l =lo.l olrj-l Fl ol-l ol uJl :l al>l ttl 2l 3l 9lFI I I I I I cil =.1ol uJl 1l <l>l rLlol 5l y Ol rJJFI F tltltltltl "llr']l Iztl El dteltc)ltdt< Ft 3 JII<o(JF FS uJ=G (Jo 1F =<zE JZu-o z uJ = E rrti =\.,, z () ulFooo-zo F TLt!v uJo oF F =*iii q d- oR i'.io=oEr{ Hur 2E TFIT-] T_lL}4LJTI = uJ II :!{EZE<of6U)6oE9EA '9Ed =>E d=E !fE =aE U519 \urEX(LE X>F=F o -'i ?E uJ E-- z."9zt(Do>z JO(! tL =EE F =Elrlo-zot- C) -E 6zo CJ bEr /^c.'. Ll'| ol-,J.FHCO {JE{ oqL) CaJ r< .EO-JF (5 o- x =<ats.\J lr- (/) , F.H O)!t'l *-.= ^rd.=I\E;E N n rlnFsf l! crzoo_r.r El H 3=31:-Ol CD (5 L t+-l(Il ztts al I = =!(/,li 3.E tl9 dt-l[ * -'*lurlJl!-..1 Uf F - "\., Idlt $ s B x $ + I $l rh l*ll=l tFl il ,li.ll lF*l=l I ttlIJ IHIE t\ l6IFlot< IF lzoo o tuz]vcc !- tu6Z ,,,3 cv KF2., (/J< XX o q, o .o(! .o BoF 0)5\ o s S\ b. o c )) : :ag ;o) )o ioI o|) I'5 @ = o, '() o ac 6.s1io-'c) oo 3ECO YAo.: 3€ rg, --l !o. r& I lrh{ iol ) ;rii I R..i i€.rL1 )-r Lort,.8 ':PJ i3c or .S:r '=$ E-J '='r1x6 oP oEq t! u)-O3't!9 ii(g60 ;:()(E o!, o6crc =(5 rl fFi=)(5 i!j> ;i:S. ; ol O( ..;'is >\.: o-o- 0)$.tH} rg EU c^.2 ;c) :! trro _0) :(J:'; )-O l(s:E :L )'-r o). l(u i(!l-c- io" cr(E;-(ct.6i vt ;( -!o- (54 f: o> (6: !?ci9^ ;., Ei C)(E ldltDtLt'5lcr JO ; = .= f,o.o' 3 (!! .=- o.(!! (!' O! (uc -? dr(l :,f( E3 J:o" >.9-o q) otrr-o -o & sl oe slrl I dd t $ to I I 1r (i nl\l ft d G, ${ ilr\ N \ I I I o oz z 6J od z I\,' 'IE k,Jf $fqg E tu (.5z J Y UJ Oz () l,uJlu z. = J =I C)t! lu UJ z F- |.lJ qJ =UJ UJ z LU trl z ITJ x F ulq:) U> UJ AJt:.f_ E ruto-l JI<lFI9lFI z l J IE Iul u.l z = 2 olu: J F- F NOUVn-lvA Iu 'frad "21z t: I N F ts ccuto.__- lrl F-g ,Ni llJ 1^FY,5 >< bEElrl rl J"tdlsl ,;\Fi b$lsl rl tr $d ILq \o ^i EI "l I I Fl I Ibz NE: $ Ni il:ll<lz l3 lolo lo l5 t>tol tFlt<ltEluJlFI'l^l ;u uJ llztl t^t;IAl* 0a zl ., >l6 uJ r!ulz u) tr E J zIF 6 llttlltl !, Ez vYAF IIJ<oo<o: =ft*q,6t <z lltltltl ts2,.f,t:92iF;63fi ?l =l o uJo z ar ul J .o to ls l() IE l.o- 2o FI fIt z1 *\ s =,C\ P dr 3ru z2oo Fo- i<f,EP o 2<54>!-? o\JZaL< c-8FO.ini ESov =ll :{ltr rlc <l = sl6rlU'I ^rr !l o- lJsr:lz.\I lH -l-x \ \ + N ttt fr N c4 r.r-r Lc<><E uJ 91 c. Yb Es e' ^E,- 3 =>< *;-U.l tr o ;= F-FE =- o- €=!Fl E=q sltru-x o-l Eue rlg<f, J;Fi*v *F** o-zo l-()f E,Fazo(J := z J lJ- z .r ol llltltl JI qd tclt<>t -{orl <rt-t E )(t { \ t, .f* 16 V I I 'lolzl dl1!l il>l |!lol zltFJ I I I I I I ol =.1 OI r.lJl cclJI <I>l rLlol zl BI FI OI =.1olr!l aEl -rlal>l oi zl Blpl F-(J IUF c) <FlrC,uJ<zEIIJ F oo JCx9 EEH- z6 E o- F zo z EO IU o&ii rU bi oO z J .lF:JO ID IIJ T- I A t__ '' 15 < L o.^:er. L- ',e - (^)s.{J-g 4 I I I I j \qt. i tl_-_ It 5C --*.- 3\ i Z I -__l D nv .^l / Aro'" .odV' {au' l1r. Ir-I _ il i =I --- , -.t,,_. .- ..t I flt i lD !t or 81 4'' 0&0' f -I fi,r 'la" = I' 3\ r"r-\ g6 5'\-a!€:€i4 oIo IN I SPE '... CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THURMON FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL _tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL _ ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: i{. *ouu" t "orou tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT G tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . {'aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ' DAIE jl' ' ,'' ,'' . t,:')i: JoB NAME TUES ,"'frED ' CALLER MON LOCATION: "){' , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL; tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST .HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR _ E_tr_ Fy'err.rnr-FINAL APPROVED ,/:( tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: i{$ DATE ;ri.\ !' u /- L.' |NSPECTOR NAME I t ruES WED 'r'r;G) FRI..' \ TION REOUEST OWN OF VAIL AM PMINSPECTION:MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ {rrr.rnr-FINAL ELECTRICA.L: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr--_ tr FINAL tr FINAL -tt]/APPBOVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ioRnecttot'ts: INSPECT FINAL iNSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete before gi ving a perm'i t a final C of 0, Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE : FINAL MECHAN]CAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL BUiLDING CERTIFiCATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0MRY C of 0 DATE: oz ts =t uJo- .{- tslExEIEIE P{ P{ P<X .at EIGIxEI6t EIl+}{ + a UJ lrJ TL F =E uJo- \N\N$\rlrl@r@cor @,o,, orl ,-.,r1 {.{co' !J :!H .I3HIl. H F.rt O.|or ol t,l r-/ |.rl; =t Hlpul .rl<l<:i 5. g &17, al trt giE Ei= Ei: rigoli €, E atul oz z J 06 ozz .! ulz3 rJlI z t!Jul @ = lt F z o ccurz3alt lU .E P z o o ct go(u .9ao.(t 3oF 5\ o Et\o\- ag\ E b\_c! O/' EI oN;o8rol ,ci]Er- o,.., clt =1y' =/)-uB/ R.l o- /',9/, =aiJD'l\'=: 9.1 ?+ ) o/i Y \./ /t/iL,. a'i76 {, UT, 1../t) ,r' '#r ,, o 'i 6 .=' BbE; EIHE =i.=o€ 6E.4s-o> c ft sE =EFIc96E --=o)5 c'; co O >'= E E-sl* O O-c E5;E Eiseo-(E 0--sEreoiE-or: *:,F€6:F :E€ H EEEs recl EEOU) E€Ef ; E;; *FFs iE ;;9E o -eEg* (f'l rr) H|d o'lc{ EIX rn trEI }<lxi D(l F< + E E uJ z o I IJJ z Jo- 9 !r,lJ UJ z E J = uJ = ul uJ z tr IJJ () UJ co;g IJJ z 6 UJ Faoo- IIJoq z uJ C) x F lljo U' uJ UJu- tr =tlrj o- J Fot- z o to J ItFo UJJ uJ z E J J = llJ = Fl ts NOrrvntv^ H YgE^z =i'r*n? zNord F 8oHc-:< <FlEF UJ?osrl-r >t -rrtt = tl,l d =6N zz99F^U1q5r9o66 =)r6Zl.L<o*a-o-9 ;oj l- Itr l= t: ts 'Hl* lH lf; IElo lc) ls H I F-rt> lrll lrrl t< IFJ Ip.'[4 l* tzF z E E. o uJc >1x aIL UJE z E z E !r,tF 3tuz IaLzlz tr o U)Fzf z:Jllt = a)llt LU t! oz I i z F- E- uJl a a IJJz =F z F J IDz l _lilat:l 8t o - I ---l l F u> tr z_l zl .. >l qJ uJ u,tzoF E llJ IL J zo F oo z a Jo E l L "lzlYI <lclH z J lJ- Jlo FoJ i*E rn iH't4'I.F ii =z 6 ^, zlt-{ |FIFllpl "lMIc)l<lbl-.+ |FrlFlll+l*l mlEI =l rqE 4 F H u,J = N.it rJ.)ro I\orIL |lFI tro = tr a uJ I = -o- =() rA H t-l a .d N \l HE EG t! vt I crl e.l ^z o IJJ CE J lr- z3 F |.\\() I Or\a Ol ui trF E Ll. oz o lrJ E t!oz3oF =ttr z .i uJ cc tt z3oF tr ctz ciulG J >l IIo zl 3l 'Fl = rt-- o UJI t!oz3I ul JutF uJz3o uJtT E, E --r O<FEO rJ.r <ZE LII F.qZo c) <oOF;o|,-<iicYF-zf (r 2? E? =d d6 C)z I C) uJ = t ?, ; -) E irt4 t- t-Oz o (_) <oqH ll, o IJJF U'oo-zo Fo- lrJY uto oF tsEotEo LU o\ O- -llt-Oo |'.r =HLJd(J F.lr< I uJFoz !nn z oPze d)o =z:)l dP ,-i5 =fr==oi aHsEtrN = gl lr E32ZE<o, l€frE9tl irie =tE ;=E FE: >o.: O|!E ooI \urE XO-E X>I q- o"i!; qJ oF --l=l ts =E lrJ o-zI ]-o3 E,t-azo C) PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUE VAIL .1, -: ,t .: ,d'I JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES T WED AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE.tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r ,l'.-.:\ a .:: ,'':\ ctz E =t IJJo- 3 r) -{ C" r.lJ TJJtl- tr =E UJ f ,/-ltt-,, 1t. l. h / o e1.,,(: 1/y) tuJ 'Flo tr o 4o ttl | ,in Il!IFxl9 5lstrloql J =laol.dllo>t= tro artuz3 vE Llu6Z .,' 3 t\JfU <FZn YZa< F 0) :1 g, 0to 6 B o a (5 0)E o) ==o E =f E ot o 3o o 'S? ci !o) seE-oorJo r(S5.9'6E';o ;r!3(,ro sF Ee o*r .=vc tttoc)NO .:E ;;,ox eb oo oDcc(5 Eo) 6ts 8oco o.S orf =(n(/}E .q.E Ef -E-oJ oP EO. t; "io3't.dE o::(E'=O(/) IbE c,9q>.9c 3EOc e 6Pc-o'- ah .,P:5 :sP€ >= c9d d.E = EE-s cc- 3eetq! i o-(g o_ dP,nGX th' a_E9o EEb or oE EeE - o.; euC6 0'-.c= ot 9.p:;,8 i€d'to>O(!= -l;E.tT 6 i'fr B9E oEEE!octl -o(6 p \J L. p \l t-r'' E =L! o- z 6 gl :d(J UJ z Jc J - Fo tr,JJ uJ (,z co =Jc J 2 () UJ = u] uJ ILz tr uJ LrJ E) 3 uJ; uJ z 6 uJo F v, o- UJ z uj x F ul U'l rlt{, .-\: U> uJ uJ lJ- = =.El! o- J FoF ('z o o () tFo uJ tr z J J,{oz Io uJ = -_! NOrlVn'tVA t 3 z o IJJo UJzlu =>E --(Y, = ,,, r! =6N zz Fo- oYfrP o aa1>(JC)ozl!<oqr!-iF .i<ri F5F ln nE. F E I'TfF H zIF LL tu F I I I I I I I I ao- LuE z E6 z tr IJJ FJ =u.lz oFzlz2U) koo< 5H x lr-do<z <t)tz, 9z ":F tro3d LIJo z Y(r d z F @ zo trIloz cF) Ie. O -f(\ OO LIJF o IIJF U)oo-zo Fntr9Y< IJJ F\o->o=l-= F E rr-t<tt- SEo Lror3 =-\v@ t+ I ulFoz z tr oz9: u-- rn<-rLHSI ..i5 =F==UJYdd= z = .L ! F IJJ 5E;!E:E<ol€EB9=rai95[tr Lr r-l': ut -lE b=t.9 dtrlE R*IE 661E irlE XrlauJlo..i!i HoF ts =Elrl o-zIF() :)EFtnzo C) E -- YLJJ I6-l t=lt=l I 1,,tz.F-..i J!! L)z, t/7 J Fz,t! an J ii =z (D +rlolF-olcts-lfo.r-,lLot 'tl Irl-CII J!l * r-l cal Ii{l F-{l cfrl Ivt3t-a'-CI 'IJd>sJ><F =o |-\ O)<f I t'\ J od-f II cil =.1(9l |rtl 5l <l>l u-lol zl FI I =tr z (9 ul CE J l!o z =I tltltl l.ll=lt(5| 1!lI cEl lill6ltzl delLLI FI zl oll!l 1l <l>l lUol fl I I I I .l I n'l El Jl <l>ltrlol 5l g Ol rrjFI F -tO<FG() IJJ <zEUJF(52o() EgP ;Q =#JZ z T uJ E'i =ttt a LU LUt! r- tu a llJt-oz z o 5.o o5 oz I ,Ft<(lo I I I I lo. IEt tbz l= lotz.2 I I I I I t9r I I I I I I t!J llJa E'r E F Fz llJz = lt- uJ 5F z LUz 3 llJTF z '=9.,ii9 sbE; $c o o9! .Yo;ooE o c e.oE=EF3 EEX33 a)(55X- :E,-i; B -.=' 'r F c 9'!;e E:EE,; ;=->.5 sgF3:3 :€ BiE ':qsFE3!fcbeca-* .-' F 6; u_o=E9Eq9o.:)l (DD: XUiF.E;P>--:q).= c (! =:=:*':3d 6, o: =.9 P :,!E!i c o:3EJ t o >iEO (6=; o) i a Fs 9oq U- *>*oEc--t*f - r FFgg9- 3 E'c I z6 E J 6 llJ z LIJ (n ul UJ t! ts U J FoF z = NO[Vn'1VA ^=(>\ G\/>/ R-rR) =lDOl zz i-= XtE9 06o =>\)zL!< v= i6FO.i ai IL r.i o.f o ao- IJJ J z tr o .. >l ulo LLll!zot Lg o- z E o z tr EluF 3lrjz I I I I I\l \l \ !l \l \ zf IL I I L l" I J g oadsJ E(J ol =.1olull 5l <l>l r!lol zl 3l 9lFI olzl dll!l 1l <l>l rLlol zl 3l 9lr-l I FI <l>l rLlol zl EI I I I I .lolzl olutl 5l <I>l rllol Zl ,.tBt 5ol r!FI F uJz E <F(tsC)uJ<ZE (tZ o F tJJ uJ Eoz,+ =ff,F rro E. Fo Fz C) z I LL] t F H LIx z (t = tlZi "c 60 4>2./ iP./ J."i5\J\,= =E's-lrlvdd= !D =E LLJ t! r.lJ F an:zx. E X LJ-F L! d3 =F = lr UJ rn L! o o c, c) 5 o(, o n[tr F-l-r .o =.u a L!'- C O o- q- +)(5 O-.e rd =.EvC rq l.-{ .r Ol O-lr. v C X c. '3ocrdoJLl- (4 l- +-)(4 '(f c.Jo< Ld oJ o- LtJ E- L)zoa,(JFou) _o= (lt !(F .zq- o (4 .g)J =S-(4cLO (JP'r OJu c, = =J+JrnaOO QJ LTFtr-Jc!!O !r-l-^^F5* oF tr UJo. t!lol nlolol tl 'i' X l- tlJbEzo )< l-uJt IIJ \,4 srrO \ t./ -{-) Y X'l/ie: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oarc g'/ i /F L JoB NAME tl \.r/ l-t--: i ':. r ' : CTION REQUEST ;'..i1.{ 'i- L'-*^- INS r-. I ...i IL.t CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: TUES @ THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL F:rv'::tr ROUGH / WATER i RooF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB r-l tr frNAL/l tr FINAL ./tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTION HEQUIRED RRECTIONS: ,if|.k I:7 INSPECTO PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJE T )t PECTI TOW i', ,\ tNs REQUEST VAIL I -:-r \-, c\i -t __-J t DATE \- \ (.\O READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR -, AM @LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / S FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I \ REQUEST VAIL onre R - t; -';b JoB NAME TqW\ ,r,'V*\ /ICALLER ( ^,r ,in ^* TUES INSPECTIONPERMIT,-NUMBER OF PROJ ECT OF READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: U FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr UNDERGROUND $noucH / D.w.v. ptroucH / wArERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr odryot tr FINAL /1 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CTIONS: cjz tr =G UJo- F{ Or Lr) (\.1 F\t(\ (n IJJ uJ lJ- == IIJo- *{r;ffEm (o @ sl' (o t:\ z. &. ==>l truIF zl =lJJ' 641 E=r z- nt ol =, titIH Fl3 EIEvrl J =t;ol od Elzzt7 iu o UJz 3od t! llJ :5 Ev <FZrtLZa< Aa cJ rb tr=,14 \)S '=Ol,;(O fbE;E,- €E pE*\ E 1.9 5.FN Et;i:$I it;e'- O€ ^- rE:EE,t+ ;fFiE\Eitgg. o:-o'J([Po*! .o;EgFsfie'ie :6d6; :EE Hts ;i*iEd et!t€s E i'isr t EEeEgS {f; E: i-d EFg;ES c cvtN Ol lo F- O \o <+o Or{ o OOLr) (\l LO (f, F\ (f) E = IJJ o- z :3 g u.l z Jo- o EF uJJ UJ z = 6- J () z uJ E uJttlu-zo P uJ UJ oG o co =UJ ttrtz 6 uJ F6 gJ z gJ o X F uto an r.lJluu- E = UJ o- J oF z -J3E J E uJ uJ z6 J J = ul F F NO|l'Vn]VA(-l -<E'-. H_=tr €Y c, E =q$hY,e s32 Z tE;Jo o oF- 5e=#99 E*8e fr:gi EH..ni6d I I I t\./l-Ird lo l- lLl- ls z tr ll- tr rri o- o IJJ F Ot<l f\(\l uJ t< zI F o z tr ulF uJ2 IIII| .-r Itl 9)F ==zyo FrlJ<oo< :(l5H XLL6o<z aF 2,. \rz d63Ei -l zv CE (L z tr 6 (9 I att)!uzY IF 2 tr J l z Olrd I ulo. tt>o ILoo tt J B FX IJJ ro + cr) I c{ I '- 1 c-5r-4)lilllJl-l 4 fr 4? 4, fit (o Lc) to utF U'ooazo Fo- lrJY t-UJ\dl6 9 r,-rFFtE =E uJ 0- ltlo-l> oolo-!R\Y*l'tguJ iFvzo ,rl .ol=l -l c;z oz Jtr 6 -lul!l .51 3F J tJ1 -J t-z,Lrl 5ZU) J uJ =z (Do dl'1 |tlql3lql ql tdtc!|,,t <led42 F\ <\l !i I (9 (o, c .t) (J = vlq IJI qo{-l = r) (U U) trJF (J anr/) tdJ lJ', d. LrJ =tr -l col fl ?l 5l>l lr.lol zl FI I I I I I ol =.1ollrjl TI <l>lttlol zl 3l 9lFI tltltl|l lellol<l rJll-\l cclz.l Jlt-ll>l l6llzl aelLLI FI ,l HI Jl al>l 6l zl 3l FI I I I .l =.1olutl 1l al>l rLlol Fl r TE <FEQur<zEUJFt\ Zo C) E 2P =<ze =Fd6 z IO uJ Ehr!E !tYb2 (J lF .+-).r (tvc ao gx.-(U =.g(uL r-r oJ o-.IJ E(uo F(J o=qJ +J O(/) . ct.5<(ncl-P'- Oo=F(/) lt1 Lq* c\l x J\ \s "l{l l x x s:$ dh N (n UJ lJ- = UJ s$ !9 I I I l., i3 I I I I $ t$- $'6 I.h o uJ oz z oJ .0 LL Julat2i otI. tro O Fz lr c sg!q) ,;otl- 54, Io; Iad I:o I'",a J'; o- I\F (g JNCt r-_=\ _ N3F 09d oo oDcc(E;oJ 3o(EcD n'C :E*'= 3diE l/)o of =EtXo) o9 o- t3 dq)3t(5E o(4 o(6 aJ, a .= (! fc xs(!q. -3or.\.,EF'i= o(! 3 ;,,.; :\ a-F c"'-o -c _- (!e (gF -co'-;o)-.cc'€ ss:i3()/>(g/a Ho;.rc)J:", tsY ()Gl E 0) 'j cr 0) c = E .= c) -c =3 : _g c .9 = .u, o 0) (!| 0) r,) 0) 3oc J -o o) c) E l!z B lu F UJz3 (! tl.lEl rl d" 0/\ rv \- rl ;t s- \! si trt d dc I)l g\ n N Y > ,x 3v0 + a :r ilf 6q II fi o\ s'j cA I I o\ 0\ \n N $A \A $ H N F = o- z J l x C) uJ (Jz aF UJ uJ z6 =J 7 I IJJ = u.l TIJ Lr-z tr t!J uJ 3llj ul z(J 6 Lll F UJ =z LIJ (J x F qJo q, uJ UJu- ts UJ.L J FoF l F uJ IJJ z E f J = IJJ = J C t-- P NOrlVn'lVA I '{ .rl" Tsdi Y\ =rZz!-O O Or = ^ 6z\q 5 > ei EE"FdE! fir* s :$::: E Hi* N O. q \ s,l A $ { Iq \,f\ ''1 tr.l ! z -kfJ u E o- d uJ N\ oc\\( & o-ttl : z E o tr LTJ J =uJz IIlttlt:tlat-z: 2ooDr- llJ<oo< > ii,>-Rtr6d<z a tsz. 94 -1 rfioBtr -t l*ll\l l\lnl: I l\$l+tl tEtItlt\nl-ltollolldl ull G at u,z i lrl F z tr) az N. \ \ \.-\\ \a-il<lil 3I IN I \ N ;t-Fts E NFl Izll I =,! ,.r] I I ,l ;l LUotu uJz .DF uJ J z E $X $ + n ={ I l I I9l al1l6l X z o- F o o tljt- ox ot I N. N) cx vl\, F$ OJF-H-o =16 LJJ 'F O-F o-(5 o- ru- lr- v &.. LJ- (,4 tuoo z.o(J HF z(F =L J+J tr- J z. u- I dl : 6 I .rl I| Rl\l F 4 7i,7/' //)''tI/ di =z v\ {It .i.\l( x { \ul >l<l4 NF N\ N I\l \ F tu = $$$ sl '*rl \ NS '{$H.t!{| \") H$i><=E(J 't$ t< d \ $ ot d c =l EI Id \\\ ^l "i:l \ flq aN bl \ zl3l r{ol dFl F 1a -), IEEJil = G] z o uJ J >l tLl ;l 3i 9l =E_ .l =.1ol uJl 5l fl t!lol zl FI = tr z o r.llI <l r|.ol z1 3i 9l ulJ F UJz = F ulF = <F u.J <zE (1 Zoo <o()F !-<i-EXF-,2 I e. >Y =#)t-JZo-O <x YFz.Q<; i,z -O uJ. Oz <OaaL! t! JO z .rP =< =2, dP BEI ."i$ =E3-;(D'-r -'; L!.E+ trIxn F =[t LL UJ F L! E lJl:z E x Lrl-F Lrl d. LLI = F -J u- lJ.lvl Lll :* o t-- F ul E -.1r t ^\Jl:.-\;\lr\t\6\l\ lrJ '^F\-,Zn lrJ F IIE 3 lLr F\H l=\a liYl€5lga€(cr}trE.\zri= E' -:f=i - INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEl,l PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: ERITF DISCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL; PUBLIC WORKS DATE OF PUBLiC HEARING Reviewed by: Comments: Da te FiRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: .A-:4.rzf . -/.." R$t--i*r-z{ S-<-<-*oJ 3) Qt /4-<-).-..----</ JVan./?-/( 'aa'e'a-*t-z o" J"--7 k) POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comrents: Date Date rNs REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oate ;.,i:,1.\'0 ,o, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUNDJ---.- B.pouruoRrtoN / srEEL rtt<.. tr RoucH / D.w.v. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " pLywOOo NA1L;NG tr cAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:1 tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOA PERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT oarc G * t-t - 8b JoB NAME rlit\t CTION REQUEST --- D"READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ::Gg-:",*'"THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND IFfiOUGH / D.W.V. ( tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H..TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE PERMIT UMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON THUR FRI \'s\,u '' ot @READY FOR LOCATION: VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.D FOUNDATION / STEEr_ tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIB tr trI FINAL tr tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PEFMIT MJMBER OF PROJECT rNktoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL oor, ---1,'. j\,- \s, JoB NAME $.r't '- '\ t'. ' L, \\\ CALLER TUES THUR FRt / \t:]r:r- ', FAM \ pMAM ir t\ FEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL u tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODSI tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS; tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED \t ,/DATE , " a'' ;NSpECTOR /\ , t ,'f4>' prnNlt I r l't u veER oF PRO.:ecr- f li>l'(t, JoBNAME * PECTION REQUEST ,r i TOWN OF VAILI li t .'l;'. it -,'-2. f i I i"..,/ l o,-J<- tNs DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ?it AM fyr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER", PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING{;;;l;;;;tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o /.rnL tr FINAL lrFPRovED ]OBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: JOB NAME It,,J ji(. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ft*;-;. f) t l,-.* THUR ")4 {*lL s I c t;t, / BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E sHEETRoQK NAIL ,r>aa:f r alli: ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPBOVED, RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,*, E -/fr- Fb ,NS'E ;* INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:r',,,oru @s ) weo rHUB FRI FrA= (il\ ," LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre X - 11- CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING |-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ,l-sFtEErRocK tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr Fl)lAL tr FINAL \-J LAdpaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .drl PERMIT+IUMBER OF PROJECT DATE , roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL Iii ,i,t,' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 4:@ CALLER TUES WED THUR 8ft;/f(JoBNAME I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL MEGHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL // / ./-/-4 APPROVED -f'./.,:'. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE i\ INSPECTOR t ,-?#"roN REouEsr JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR €Bt,,, FCRMIT${UMBER OF PROJECT oorc Yfz'f [' 6 OF READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATERtr D tr X tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H.TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO WER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n /la flfint - \\) IPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED €u€l '\)'e.11 * INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUE.ST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJ DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECTTON: a MOIV) TUESt'------ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr _o rffrnr- - FINAL /#r^orro ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED S: ,J{}9 |, /. -(, .', ER OF PROJECT INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR I LOCATION: JOB NAME PECTION: M CALLER TUES tr DISAPPROVED \irts tr. REINSPECTION REQUIREDA?ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: ,./,u-_r^ t ) . \f i:t ! DATE INSPECTOR ., FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The below items need to be complete beforegiving a permit a finai C of 0. Please check off in the box orovided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: ELECT RI CAL T FINAL BUILDING CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMPORARY C of O oz F =t UJo-N CNult!u- F = UJ o- .-vrv "E/a/TorbEg # (f) filFIol 7"1zlEI @l;lzl 6l I 'LU.Ft<to I I I I l. IFt< rFlaz l=to lz,zt9 I I I .nlqr I l9r 5lE \91 I I I S' N\,4 NI,? #= TL.J1!o =I o Fz o 0) c,o!o (6 :e\:+-c o-Eap: n.= '- EP8.eoo F tio'E6or :ts=; g,i .: i-(Du}c E',)O 'irr- >'- ?+!yEopo+; vE O ",*;6sto)E,:;(6 :: E (u .Y'63 EO (Eq) s?3 c\J .=o P:Oo.z E (d N r- e o o o f an(g o o co ie FYxi o. ct ;i(E-c =o Oo 6c-c! -o. .DO 9' (!pr- ofE3o6 != (EE >.9.o(|)o= 0., Fr6 -o E(lt o co (! E o c ; v 6t o1r) cf) f)N 'r Lr)|'\ F\ LT' =lLl z o z J o F LU tr z = J J z ul UJulIIz tr LU uJ oE olo =UJ !! z 6t! 6 uJ z qJJo x F uJ U'f at uJ uJ IL F =tw uJ J oF =J o EF UJJ uJ zo =Jo- = |lJ E NOrrvntv tl= l=l EEr |;l i;l = ,61z z tr-t- | i a =Ffle; fElgfi E€I'. : r.! Old Ar odl zo F f, .L e UJ F oro(\J E o- UJG l z E o JzIF $J-l'i :l 3lurlzl 3l zl zl .. >lo u,l u.ltuz U' = tf ll.l ) zo F o rlJf J cc a) U'utz iF z F 5oz tt tt l I U) =zlz9qt- uJ<oo< =FH'L6o<z a trz, 9z d63E UJo z Y{r z tra d (f -) u, tutL u--o u- IE aJ =F LU co Ie, {.F _*l \ i i 1!F (/) c0oazo Fo-ulY ulo oF E TEutc..d@ r, or5->"i Oqro= iHPt25 z ,'n9zz(DO =z o-- P d= =E=;-59 F uJ o- l! !Joz oI FE 9 E. o- JtuF uJJ 0- oF UJl |ll {,c CI -9o oat .E : E E 8 o t Ir F =Elrl o-zoFof&Fozoo nntr = =Iu u- UJIL F \l\l "lvlfit..rf\:l\l il\l*l I\l {l (Jz _J (l, C' (U U' o)d. {J (g {J o - ui =z d) -) to N i o- (5 L -i(Jl .tt I -l I ol<nl .olrl I)o ,l\ilNl I ara uJl d<l{g lltlll,ll"IItl td tcrtcrt< Fl 3= =.1ol rJtlcl JI-l>l H tltltl|lII lollzltdlI r.ullGl| -Jlt<l tiltzl =31qoltrl Fl rltltltllllolt<ltolI rull:lt<ll>l tbltzl Ft xl ILI FI I I I I I el uJl(El Jl <l>l u-lolzl ., Fl il E. -rO<FC()uJ<zEIII F6Zo JE<o(JF t<;\ IT ;F =zUJO >E =<z.E JZ z r c) IJJ Eh =Oznnn ) IJ i(o e Fo Fzo o TU 7fo rJr6; thY oooo 6()';a ;o- E*oc),oO t 3 : oz C g =l F -: 'I (D 5 d*\ h c)t ': o (D l (J = E =.l .-o c ;3ri: E uJ F. <; a?-r =3 r zt- :<z.d )zC- .\ q Ja = E.t!, z. = f* l< A \t\ te s\) \i { \ ui =z (I) 6 c =(o E = -c c =3 c- E o c) ; c @ c c; c 'o l- =a! =] . c. o c(! o" tc i- IL ,C iCJ--c e- 6!o., (Jq -q ()c --- c -( o! !; CF'i:or -:o: 6 .C: =- E : O.t- t-'r-o :j-o ;a )(E 5i r:1 =.-<=)'- Da -o :li ic c: c- L;:(cr o(-c- ( cl--! o-l o) =;: c .9 =:oc(! .2' o(s (u rCc (E E o) II E C (o 0) 0) oz o 56 (,zz N I l_ .Fl<r6 I I I I I I i I I I I I r9r I I I I II I I lo t|! l(9 r6 ,6 af)u, tlJ L IY o- t o 0 F =(r (L J -t.-J c( E Iz o z zo >- \. h\$ ulI --) z O t-(L u, trl ot-t E uJ t! O I ul oz F o trD4 U> z .n 9 ZEaDo2z (L rJ- )J<< t''o 9.=!cZ -:(J5;> =2 uJ o* o cD>L< o!l =oEt -=?:. E F=oul .reo.-E: >o_-Otr =:u!ru !!c .."=A I i>/F- '-) .=3E F- =lrl a-zI t---(J =EFazoc) ;-. "-'j u.j a LU LUu- L E LU o_ J F !- al t f (J oc c =t E ; o z UJ UJ z ; ca UJ a: f I oz == IJ o =6 z s;i ul = z = z o l a F() J l,! NOtlYn'iVA .. >lo Ltl au z aI r J zILoo l z ; F UJ iz zou).ur o< :;>c9[.Uct<z Lz .- Oz JqJO =6o:c z F G F 3 z z ; ) U)z F: 6 o- l Illtl slRl: lIl rNl = =\lI otfl 3 6, t6 ESIccl ; sll ts/$ i'll Eq -= =u, z - aOz> <)z ;oFO :G; 1 =oO I I I I I I I .lolzl .loltril J' <l>l lttol 3i :Ol tr F'F t I I l \i I I =l l-l lolzl rrl(rl Jl al>l Llol zl =lq I II' I I I Jot 1(,1 uJl JI<l>iLlq zlll FI I I I I I Iolzl ctlL!l crl )1 alnu-lol zl 3l 9t f. q 0l! $ \\F I Iol z.l HIc(l JI <l>Islol 3lolFI I I It;l' I I I I Is4t u_t ctdnJ4r =c il ll I J il (' z. f tn k rtr \ )Jt\ b\J \J \\r nlD f-KEZclcc RsnpVrt- ff llttt-_ cotrttiiT _RBt7Eqq pEa''dAA;E Q?evn4 o*er) dErc< fo-/ fiLLE /P Nti* l+*te# #6Vrve -- --: ,rnr#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM .PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER I-t ROOF & SHEERu pLyWOOD NA;L;NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr rlr-rtr_ O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUppLy AtR _ tr.u tr FINAL tr FTNAL tr APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST, DATE in -l ";t t/JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION i STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEH D 19.95^L1H5FR . ^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING t; I l\lc I lt A-rt/..|il tr POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION ' tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR N FINAL ROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ctz E =cuto- ro(\I N U' IJJ TJJIL E =E I.IJ o- u'eYftgh€ >|-Es-L-& fd UJF o lfrIF "^l z EIH',t, | = =t;olodllozl= 516 UJz =o LU z Lrt oo+J (J OO .P F-r o6 .n<)o+t <>_ (a!O.r O'9- Ojo3 o'F O,JU-ou)C CLE 'o (./, Ld (U '- (tHC)g@ Tq-coxooo U> dCD ltJ uJ =I u- o) ! (lt Q)E E'= o E =l (, o o. (E 3o o .9 atoE st o) o '.4 Eo to ts E\ o, '= 'o,N o 3l F q) o g)c Ol (It o. <t) o a- o (!. att I;.:si -0) oiY$otuocQ(!.tRo69c rb a -36.qOF'J= o(! cL "c8;E>,O=E= oo o!5i =!(!O =eE9Fo 9o -odF cE o.- ;Q'--c P= 33D>' :oi o. iBio =E)o)) (g. o o c) o o o (t lD E (u 6 0) (9. 3 (! () o.o o o o o E o o ID (go 6 o E o (t (! o. CDEo; ..x() c6' oo- q, (\.1 (\.1 ql F\o o \t (f, F =E UJo- z I xo uJ oz J o E Fo UJJ uJ z =J c)z tu = lrl UJll.zo F ttrE() lrJ tD =g uJEz(, t! Iut c z IJJJo x F uJIJ' l o TJJ UJlr tr =E UJL J FoF z J @ F gJ l,t/ z 6 = E Iz (J IJJt N O rlvn]VA :C*iJfl = = O J:IEE FggflgE z tr I o f o Itlo- F LO <\l r\ Fl t:IEl< tuJ l_ J z Eo : z tr c uJFJ ^1 -l3luJlzl u,l:)J vlot!zY iF 2 F 5Qz lltltlll v,hzfzPs<oF5 =ftoo<z tr2. 9z..:F d6 =tr o =o z Y z a Jo I d. o i IJJ trooo-zo Fo- UJ !a t!o oF F E IJJ TL b$l E;I ?Flgur 2E tr =c UJ o- u- uloz L E JFul-h=fEIL IIJ>oOu9o\ u., :> uJ' It! uJ c0oF i| I a F =E,lrl o-zoF() :)E,, zoo z-_o\J ;-zQ =z dP Jit =E=dd= !trtr z II (l, c(U! t^ (U E, il E z dl -) tlIll-tl IJ1.4Iu{tEl ul 3= I I uJl(El JI <l>lttlol zl =lPI I I I I "l=.1(5l url :l al>l tr.lol zl FI I I I Iol =.1rtl uJl 1t al>l ttl a)l,l t4FI I I I I rl ol IJJIql <l>l rLlol zl 3lg I (c T\ I c4 ra uiJ uJF' ol ILtl-l ?lU)t c')tpl sfl(rl +l IFt I.Pt Illl dlHt 1l.Jrl AlI rJJlol trlEl -.rl El ildt "ltzl =l =lgl olr!t Fl <Fec)uJ<zE[!F(42o() E Ot! J UJ 9P;o =#-i-d6 = rJz () !nn {t*"nur). .6C- 3 tt 15 c,oae D."g sT) Cn-rrlG/r/sr4e-,4 na d l/atu , €5l6.attr..o O uu e n- ,lrt.. C nt c, Rob 'Tr t\ , u L) /.1 L 1 > t-u 4el:1fr Dt.*s $to*u LrD6 5r4zr ?r-s3 f ; ,,:, l' /-:3- t 3 Oz4 /7 lor /;" ' F> Errrrrdc Dac,. 1 fiJrratPeros,rra Co*:ra4croQ. I Rr,oe ir,:e Q ec,r,r-, src, TrJc. LtJ, g S. 6uTfr sE E Asr 6,rrs. oe Dac* Ae; n 0\er#'sg Clt* t) fr* naTta 7y7r,8, tilu &+e.o (b UJ IJ.Ju- tr t uJo- outF z oz 6j to 06 :v FIz =o z 2 tgr lo I I I I I l- r6 rtrll! t(.5tzr6 r- --- o c lrr6*E.9) ldr;;ir i; E.9 9t= l9 Egiffi l;iiNrrEigi :lr IF*gaT$ cs !: = r\; iggiF\R F E LU z f co z = tn r.lJ UJu- F =Eu,(L J FoF (r) N.-ls ,tq) ; uJ @ z =;r o- Fg.nOx>6:q-< q8 FO {r!(r ti t uJE z E o .. >lollt u UJzoF E LIJ o- z E z Yc=F 5 ct) uJ z o-l I I Il-l" I I I "Jvlul dctqJ> =(J tltt tlII l.llzltdlI qJl t5ltall>l lbllzl EI FI ot =.1 sJlcl JI <l>l rLlol =l9lFI zl ol IrJlcl il Ir-Iq zl 3l 9lFI zl cilt!l :l <l>l ttlol zl fl *lrlffl $l ol =.1ol tl ;l zl3l9lFI --.r O<FG(JuJ<zE (a Z.o C) )E<o(JF E? ul 2ilo C) 9oz. l =*#lz|rO F EFzo(J z riJ = oGh =l-o J<()an5H z o=ze =zdP <-fi :E= =-!g F =lu tJ. uJ z U'2 o Eo- JFUJ-h> IuJ>oO|!9o -uJq* rJt- UJJ l! ul (D F occIoo nttt .E t E Eol, ,Ao ICCI (D -Fl== E ceE -!+et I+-,Q, u) - u./ vt'2 ---.-) !tn nn! , .--'A (, '' / '\ L/ -.) I -,*, ,lQrla. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN'OF VAIL luo- ,.*n, INSPECTION:ro,* cl!es], th7/"iii- - cALLER ,f'rr.',- *. ,I: MON ,iiIL?-, *'O THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS _ tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED I] REINSPECTION REQUIFED f-.27- ?3DATE INSPECTOR '53 / &- lx ,s_vl$N Ri;\ q$ if S x;fljic r\ ^21\$,4 i - - l'.1 ::o,{ ;<Ua2- NOtrvn tv^ ='-Z Z u- aOg oo3F^qzF; =;#99 E3p? re9q dH<-lgr3 z lJli(\to J > -e{ ^ r\{) =l- ci o2(n /.raIzo.o F !!J uJ i:=EY*> EZa) Jq<HEO JF= UJ oz = tu oz F UJ-r ,-l sl(f'Ialorl 'I u,J F o Jz z ,aozkc00 =z dP J..i6 =E=dd= o E CL -9o e 2 E Eo(, ao crE o) -FEE -@=c:o -rt ts =E lrJ o-zIF() DEF(nzo() Lt!!F LIJ o_ ILo UJ(L i I I I JqII =Ir-l .J- z =l! J6 F J c,, oEa, - F (J U'I = L! =z (! _-') I o- F (-) uJ(r o J = =tr I I Il+ l- I .,l LIJI dl ql><rEo .l.|.l vtlEIol'l otatl 'r- | =lrl .61>l Fl itlF-l uJ =l d.t)l ol<EI Jc(l <!!-l = Io F =u: U)a LIJ &. o - = =g 1 =lJ- ttlEoo a :E Eoo a = =o- = E.triz. ="o ^ F LUF'r <F&() I.JJ <ZE azo <o(JF i.< -zilo IY,''r Xz* =<adfFJZ4O b.o <- :/F7<)a< itz =g E t- =b=o J<(Jo9.3E trtru INSPECTION REOU TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: wFD @ FRI CALLER TUES PMMON BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr drrrunr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUII tr SUPPLY AIR tr_D l:v^,tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tq. ,.1' DATE -a ,i: - ,b.", --INSPECTION REQUEG rt TOWN VAIL l. ;t !. DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LoCATION: -l:] JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING -D INSULATION D GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL _E POOL / H, TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR Fl D tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: {. t, F:t a ry DATE INSPECTOB * INSPECTION RE TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES ! THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING $-tttsulnrloru tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR afiar FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .F ,""'' i' .":/t{ { -r /t.,\J -,/,/t'r- 7 - a-^-/DATE INSPECTOR . 'L\ CTION R TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK B GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB E] tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: #..::"- O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIB -tr tr trFrN L FINAL ED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I : - _.:---- -- j tl i. tl i Inrs?cTIoN REQUEST DATE JOB NAME TOWN -.-! .// ,L OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR AM rl-lVl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER{ rnnvtruc tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr_I tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: fI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr;FTNAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,.'|tl , :''INSPECTOR UJultt- tr E uJ <n IJJF z =z o F FIz =o (,zz rlrl I Illtl llr,l Ilillol tlrll1t, It; ll Il_l lt.ll rE|u- | l(,,zlrol tr (r |,l.t o- a5z J f, co uJ ltl zo F E E 6E ID 3 UJ; LIJEz a o a LutuIL F E J F F z o =: {D E: "N zI ao4> <)zrL< ',' f ii(J>(JFO i c\l F o-l ft E ILlu z Eo (J(Jzz f;B F-Efi.9:E;EE ENtE g zx o g. o .^ G'ii>'- u1zJ.Xf,<trY2 E=d.J<E !E3;E H5 z z F o LU IL'u- a L!* E zo F' J.-1 azz tr 0r IJJ F =u]z l-lltr riti--13"! < -: t; Fl.. -z "IEqij, < Y-'4i."ii.i<czdZ?7.=J Y F F Cta <(JCZYr::i:Sici;;<vir!a,ri? :=;?;I> -',<ai.'irta!<q<:-: ct' n z 5trtl F 16 E I:E l-lrl l- & z.o F C):f FU) z,o(J /-:l\ I 1i::;\ ' t fl'':\ ,/ fr; :.: uJF o z z ?<ccO =z .! LL .J __J << a1 _u{ =---UJ UI 2' t_-li I | -1 iD q) Jp ew tr> ({l (o a a9 z 4 uj(rIaq :l al:t ilzl 'l =I<T I,l I tr() LU =z m crul z. B() F LLJ trI(j tx -:o<F t!<z0:t! F-\,: O <o(.) F- E(l /'\ Zt >d O-n (.) Eo P-i c) Q l--. 0:Fz = at tJ, )<c)r-i a ".-r O w Io ,f:6t' ,9 'X3pLg * trJ ''''- tt> ---..'''''''''-tgiH ciz tr =E uJ o- 8 ri ;<6 t_l 6 F{ a uJ LuII tr =E UJL q) IIJt- z =z I I t$J iEla I I I I I I lJ o lJ- LL oz J I sm t. f- 8 ,dt. rcN o e I E ( tr E IJJc z 6 =d! :<(J lll z Jc a* ulJt! z =:f o- J 2 I LU = UJ uJILz tr UJ UJ o 6 =uJt u.t z 6ttl F6 (L u..l f z r.Ll) a UJ u.,u-|- = I.JJ aF-oF z 6f F- IJJ J llJ oz co =Jo a9z Io UJ NOtlVnrVA + u u + l.( T id :<t = z tro- (Jo uJ J LIJzul zz tr^6 :fF9 066z>- <)zrr- < o-- s2 FO.i c.i =a bi r.1 F-ir-.Fl .6 .rl .|Ja.rl XqJI cl olal cgl i0l z. E =) Fu-.{ IL f t UJo- (L ttt J z Eoo Uz tr IIJFJ ; UJz lll-l-ll .,llllllF =92F fi: F3-ri-F9=f bEE =H3+d3OO'.,=.(Jc)uJur<oz<.oGd)z)llltlltltttt*t 3l | | l-l --i ?, 9t-'a6=3lirUF2E ?. = " o:qE 5EHgetHS; c](,olza) z9 5(nz LU J &. + l- c F uJ'r LUJ o 3 J 8 €i+ tU UJ o- F F Ei Q> 65t uJF 3 a UJ z J TU o- ti.rzX iF N{\! P rO Y @ T -'l.l --l * LU F q,'t' v)J *J =<t!x=o JF= t! lr)!o rc) CDot GI Gtl2 oz F()ltl-)oEL J rcl-{ qq lu Eo Jz z ze >z -JO(L TL a1 F =UJJJc] IIJ o E o 6' |l't .:c =t-E>bfr('t ol! E rrroi E>TF(E o.o! F =Ettlo-zo F C)f E,Fozoo EN -: T arl B z Jtr JJm J r-la Eg bI..J q 5 r-{ i-{:n tJJ z m ") ul =4 L! dag I = T Fo '3 E{ s o? uj(t\ t!l 6lol<l E 6aa f.-!^l -l I o- a (n F{ R ts I II ..,iI .i-i ()l Fil F-rjl togR r\l rX-t-alhl aiil uJ H5t{ =t -tEl <tr|= (o D-stl 8 r-l.r.l .d j- c IItltltllrdtfrtE,ltoltoll<lErloq <ltrl>l I I I I I I I -l<tl r.J.rl 1t <l>l utr =tr alull ql <l =l t uJEoo ! Io- ts LIJ =o F tlJF T E dP fc(J oUJ< dtZ.E 11t!F(rz <o(JFg?ir (rXF =zUJO (JOZt- =#\]F,d3 <^ YFz()4<:IY i-z =o-(J Ei. =J- rt '!; Z. <()cJI1E EE e/""*$#a f,(ea4*-rr0pecnoN REeuEsr^ DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:#oN WEDTU LOCATION: N F VAIL +'I4 htKr * FRI AM T tr FOUNDATION / STEEL I] ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED t DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:.',- JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI --.- AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr ! rrrunu tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: q DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ),:,,i;.:..,. DATE I \ INSPECTOR rrGecnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O ROUGH / WI tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TI. tr-_tr tr FINAL tr FTNAL - ELECTRICAL: MECHANTCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING -tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST H tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr- tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB trtr trFINAL - trFtNAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANTCAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: U DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rr.rl}ecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL E APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*$ecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME --CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.U FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FHAMING -tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,tu$ecrroN ,REeuEsr DATE READY FOF LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL ELAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rru$ecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING N ROUGH / WATER D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB rruSecnoN REeuEsr DATE JOB NAME VAILWNOF /s TO t€-CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ES WEDeON'&i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED €.NqE+N6P€€+I ON R EQU I RED INSPECTOR rrulecroN *=ou=si . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:WED BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. - E FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING -tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -tr tr- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -trtr_ tr FINAL D FINAL T] APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TLRETNSPECTION REOU IRED VAIL .l'j :i'." 1.. DATE .]i i .]: .U 1 INSPECToR {"r" -"',. '' -;-" I '/ -/--/- -/ W t:r ! /4,b t'Iyh ll_--_;rL_ _ DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES Ir*r$CCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ;".4:-\\WED \THUR/4.t, -.-';'-:-.., BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL .tr UNDEBGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr_ tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr otr FINAL FINAL .tr APPROVED ', CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED -:,r-1- f DATE ,*$.croN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUB FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR $.,il"* --"-- DATE /- READY FOB c!-n ,1O,dr*,1 r? rn,rnr$ecnoN REeuEsr 7- ?-1? JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CALLER LOCATION: WED THUR FRI i:; - t'( t, t"'a\MBING: n 2ptrrucs / srEEL - rrFouNDATroN i STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND E ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED onre -7- Z - Z9 INSPECTOH '.."' t ':-) I I I I I I I !l.l t I oz L E UJ fl I I LU LU F 2 E U.l tl i:i ill $, l, l I frl I NE iEIE\ G islZ orxitt {i\ rD RI $ i\ !r o Nvl. $ \p tr 'i .-1 , (l il Ci \) t' f N IH!I:<F4.-:ridF_<oqru?O )!:p="!:r* <l?IIil'ri(!')F-*-f!::9;<ozE ; ! < ;:t:lFFCd()<(J<aalzY>l5i;-*4 a:;;<o <HleiS1ir<cO>-tr<o:"3!riq=<d<'r L d UJo- c :)(D :< I -, vF LU z. Co =:) J{9 LU UJtuILz tr LLI lUa: ot o(D; UJt tUEz a IL' F6 Ltlo = LU a LL' LLt- c( uJ h- F o ct) at- t! IU @ Jo- () z I LU NOllVn-iVA ri +|S )'l tt=t Q)a _'J": ;\;,1: = x\Snt;|',- HrB\ :r) LJ\6 6 Eltr ^ 6zq 5 = sl E P 6 E\q o E,5 d srl<) z X r\:L < "\\3i 3'9 U 4'rF o :.i ) -r N ('\ tllltlta JI 'l 'l.ilil'lr{'l J]tl I!tiru '.1 \(\ S zo F :) !1. ,-{ F e l aa q-> F 't ,.)r iil\ ; o- tllcr Xf z. Eoo Xz't F.(l E <i l I 3lutIz.l 'l'l-l I o(,zz k_ur;H6 3 z@!1 Y,s >fi8 fisF trj<OZ ltllI I l--lttll F()coS9)z ==i'. .t,=5u-l<[?F =SE;eEse5 H5ac)(Jolzat E I ll I Iatrz zotr o ().O I1. !llV I z tr :f z E $ { \ t\ N F IU l: X UJ Lt-I oo (r C fi$n ;ul o- I i d(! F 3 F z) UJc- t1,z i l-$r.l \ f'....[ \0 (- $1 \ ,f rO Na Nt LUa F t i$= iNi n\.1 r0 ^'^; 1t> X<!LY3odi&. t1J h.t\ u \ -:1 \ €llz. o uJ--)o LUF {) Jz.oz tr oz:f LJI-I -Jj* --: \J -.{l- .r uj 2 (5z CI'l> 'rf, \o- N}FI-t=l0(l lr, Ial (} Ll* | :'nll"l n Lr-t | --: >l =Ft co c) o q, o) .:e E Eou o c) Er (u .'o [] Ir,t I NI 1J "'l .s Jffi i$'Jg\=tl>l(5tzF .-. Ju- { uJ z I I I lo- I I I I uxul dCI :-J 3o Li r,l ,{].'.; ):l rt! il$ .;..1 N-l ;l | .1 -| \.)llL ..-t ,t| {i\ iJ .\.) :IN rJ ..t'|,\itl rS| "1vll \ ulN lr'-l c, .f,Pct.\<l\ /-.1 \tAFgcl t'- \) ri.$ :(L : <:) <\: Fi.o: !!- I I I I I I I I I I "lu,ut. ctc{.q --|il I I I I I I I II I It^lu)I uJl crl OI<I al :rII : cro a go F bIc) ar n ll r at' ll tr-6all <o ll o6<F ll (JF n zr-cC) \ll ;(J ll ;() sr-,ii qE p:E ,-- .{ F. x6 ll =F lle E3 Ii EI:- ll r-s? ll o _-l aaruW a/ r+/zr //a // nx" L l/. - lt I o vAlL $t^rB I wttl rtot DISIRICT .P 0 Eox lw ^.-_VAIL, COttRA[0 ,i]b)/Pr r'o1ju,'a/P}f(SICAL - RESTD€fiIIAL I,IATEN E SA'I€R TlP FEE CJJJUISTIOII IW€ OF }g€ O'IER STREET ADDfi€SS LOT BItIttE 1001E55 l. BAsaENTlst noon 2r'o rLocc*g Ftco? eAslil & mt[-Ef.(srE ner-r ennd DfiRA SINICS / . FII-L BATHt ($pr,€R oR Ttta, BrslN, Totti-t) x 1.S ,75 / xs.m ,| 3i Il. c 6. 7, 8. g. 10. 1. 2, 3, q. 5, MSR€I'IT ]sr n-oor 1^o FLOoR JAD FLOOR BASE}IENT Jsr rrcat 3o nooa JRD FLMR Rffi1S (Ltt/tNG 80of4s,idrosF,oF;tces,'x Lm snrDI0S) ='. 3, OA = 2, Otl KITC1ENS Dls+?{As€Rs IJrJNDRTES Gen msrc;) IC€ l.lAailINES x "6 . = sAtNAS' x .25 = - ' wATER ooL-aqs & ^-I.IATER FOII{TAIItr X .I) S1{lt{4lt\G Pots X 5.fi1 = L-' JAalz't x 5.ffi (lt$tt.ul op cre) FITI. E1'I}S Mrs xrrasi Dls$.tAsrcR i.cLloRrEs CI'ISIDE WAIER 2.n 1.m .50 x 5.m x i.m rtil x' .gl x x IPARII{€NTS x l.fi! = TUTAL POI}TTS l0.S potui's = l.ft)I rou-orillc TrE cna?LETrctt oF cotsrRl€rlo'{ 9l_4! srR!EI{!:, ERFonl A pirrsic-r.r- irir'Ecrlc,it oF Atl- FRa:llsEs to DETEfr,lJlNE..TI ru ne essesssD Accrulul;:t To TP: ltila:? t"'D sl;'cn Ti"r FEg' "';;D tu\TE SCtr'rU€' '\3;+[rpC-ninr6 DtSrttlcl S11aLL t'.^,t€ rtlY /\uuSliiit1s fiEFESs,'v?Y lN-n€^6RlGIi:il- inF: ii-e'rnio. " inrs t;rspeqrl6{ sttALL ll-sr)EltiitllrE nc EUlLDlr.G GrrlER's tt\TER &\D sot€R sERVtcE Cll ,i6E. t I SMLL 0F POttiTS DO/\RD OF DtncflOfis ' elY 46s-13 Ald' lta -/ 33 lbztat4#%'^'taPtPtf o o