HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 2005 LEGALfurj lot/ury ,Fr){r,l / r bhr$ f'c, /d/ / ;;: eroql'ra t::fq "6;r7#*'1/d/*'Paf as-- D 1rJ: --22;rr=n-3d bBuilding Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: I 7O-4 79 - 2 7 3 5 (InsryCtions I ,2 NWT{WVANIY 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81652 without this informaUon: Fire Sp.rinkle.r " ndmust anclude the follolving. permit application will not be accepted Tlevdrrr(min). Plans must be submitted by a Registered Fire protection @ntractor. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION rs'. :, own of Vail Reg. No.:Contact aldPhone #t:fr ro -/ R o rft t 3 a j^J 8 3 - ro < COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) Fire Sprinkler: g oo, oo Contact f ...t' *******fu)'d**************************FOR OFFISE USE ONLy********************!r**************** ,4 Assessorc Offrce at gZO-i2g-g64O or visit for ParreI #Parcel# 'ltnt Y*WounTi ;o .,'re,G.eo"v rob ^ddrss: ^f 4- EXr'.12 . :T L"r"l p*.'ipto' Jl^, t-- l@5!l ririne,qr{/i[ 1 ll sruoiuirron, owners Name: -lFAaC;Phone: PhonerEngineer: lll[ddress: Detailgd Location of to ,t fl F.// / Aae,/- Detailed.descrjption of work:-/J {Pn )d liln ^ </ ck-=* Work Class:New( ) Addition( ) Remodet ({gepau( ) Retro-fit( )Other ( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y()Two-family()Mu|ti-fami|y No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Does a Fire Rlarm rxise ves (ff-T6-f-j Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (Vf No ( ) \Wail\dah\cdev\FoRM S\PERMITS\gPRKPERM. DOC 0't t2612002 Not/ 2 5 2005 Town of Vail Survey Community Development D epartment Russell Fonest Director, (9i0)47s.2139 Check allthat applies. 1. Which Depaffnent(s) did you contact? Building - Environmenial- Housing Admin Planning DRB - PEC Was your inilial contact wiffr our sEf immediate no one available -? 4. lf you were required b wait, how long was ii before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why nofl Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permit- I'UA Please rate fie performance of the stafi person who assisted you: 54321Nams (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) Overall efiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 Whai is the besttime of day for you b use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you ns\ttime? Thank you for iaking ihe lime to complete this survey. We are committed b irnproving our service. HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? sl0w t. 0r 7. c Errata NFPA 13 Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems 2002 Edition Reference: Table, Table, and Section 12.4,1,4 Errata No.: 13-02-1 The Commrttee on Automatic Sprinkler Systems notes the following errors in the 2002 edition of NFpA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems. I. Revise Table to read as follows: Table Protection of palletized and solid-pile storage of class I through rv Commodities 2 In Table 12.3.2.I '2 column ll/itltout In-Rack Sprinklers change first fi,to rows in column Curyes to read: "G and H", "E and F" 3. Add new section I2.4.j.4toreadasfollo--s; The protection specified rn 1 2.4.1 . I . I shall not be required where ESFR or large drop sprinkler systems thatare approved for rubber tire storage are installed. Renumber 12.4.1.j, and i2.4.1.5 accordinslv. Issue Date: February 19,2003 Copynght @ 2003 All Rights Reserved NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCL{TION Commodity Maximum Storage Heieht Marimum CeilingiRoof Ileisht Nominal K- Factor Orientation Nlinimum Operating Pressure Hose Stream Demand Water Supply Duration (hours)ft m ft M psr bar gpm L/min Class I, II, III, or IV, encapsulated (no open-top concainers or solid shelves) 20 6.1 25 7.6 11.2 Upright 50 250 946 14.0 Upright or pendent 50 16.8 Pendent J:) 25.2 Pendent l5 I 0 ZJ /-o 30 9.1 i4.0 Upright or pendent 50 J.t I6.8 Pendent J)1A 25.2 Pendent 15 1.0 32 9.8 14.0 Upright or pendent 60 4.1 16.8 Pendent 42 2.9 30 9.1 J)10.7 14.0 Upright or pendent /J 5.2 16.8 Pendent 52 3.6 25.2 Pendent 20 r.4 35 10.7 40 12.2 14.0 Pendent '75 5.2 16.8 Pendent 52 J.O 25.2 Pendent 25 1.7 35 10.7 45 tJ.l 25.2 Pendent 40 2.8 40 12.2 45 13.7 2s.2 Pendent 4Q 2.8 ASSOCIATED FIRE SPn|}{O-ER$rsTEnfiS MAIN OFFICE 17S4 W.C.Rd 12 n. Lupton, cO m621 OFFICE: 309.383.5O21 FAX: 303.383.5023 IHOUIfTAIHffiRE GEilTER 254 BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 80657 IIYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS & SPECS n',.' i'i ^'l+. u4 S N.r.c.E.T. '. :ryu,Z to2oss .--'ffiffik 1{6UNT;-.IN A|)VERTUR.E {triETtfi Qu*tuo Date: f f -20-05 1i/23/05 10:i3 HYDRAULT C DESIGN INFORMATfON SHEET JOb I{AM-A: MOUNTATN ADVERTURE CNETER Locat i c:,n: 254 BRI DGE STF.EET vAIL, COLORADO 8i657 Drawing Date: l-1-20-05 Remote Area Number: 1 c:oniractor: AssocrATED FrRE SPRTNKLER sysrEMs releplione:303-383--1021 Ii264 UICR :2, FOI]T LUpTCtJ, COLi)iiAIlo 90621 Deslgnet:: Tl.lTJR Calculated By : SprinkCAD www. spri nkcad . com 4 51 N . Carinon Ave . LansdaJ e, P^. 1914 C LOnStruct:ton: v B Rcview'r g AuthoriL*is:VAll trlFE DEPT Or-r- rrn: n,-rl M SYSTEIq DESTGN Code: N F PA 13 Hazard: ORD GRP II Area of Sprinkler Operai_ion 990 sq ft Sprinkler or Nczzle Make: TYCO Mocle l- : TY- F RB K-FacLor: 5. 60 Terrrpe-ra ture Rating: 1 5:i Density (gpm/sq ft) Area pcr Sprinkler ilc,se Ll rcw,rnce lns ide 0-20ti 130 sq ft o gpm i]ose Alf or^rance Outside 25;'r gpm CALCULA'i'iOti S UMl,{ARy 13 !'1owing outf ets gprn F.esuired: 530.5 psi Requi reci: 94.0 G CITY COl.lN WATER SL]PPLY ldater Flow Test llat€ cf Test 11-I5-05 St-atic Fressure 91.t psi Res j cl'.ial Pr-es B1.O p.:i At a Fl c',,/ of 1Cr9C gpm Funp Dat a Ratec i,'g'::if y 0 gpm i.al-.: ELr:"rrtr.t 0.n pS1 E-Levalion 0 l{a ke : l":o cie I : Tank ar Reservoir Elcvaticn 3 | 0'l CapaciL 0 qal Elevatrorr 0 fuT- I - Vl-r.t l,ocation:h].'AR S]Ttr OFF I2'' IqAII'JSource of Inf ormaLion: VAIL i^lATEF. DEPT sYS TII'I j,/OLUI'IE 123 Gallons Nol,es: I t t T ? I _.> fa I I I E o e.l I t F- t.r (o E CL CD s=o t! tr) r<r F-(t.) lr)c{c{ C.l ooC.l .O 0-(/,- 'g o Es 83!fi sEtx t,;FA ._ E._adoo- c') o-ooc{ $3"i g o.- o E EE#'=;rL > AREE ddP.3 -o UJ._._ E F e 3.39 600=x:8 ft"."_z E9 t(u Ui n-O- ;i -d g q =P-(i>Eg#ef8 E. LIJF1!zo-tb frPiv.uJcofiHo>Eo?rtrI =6q E<ni5< =86.s'1 uJ i Y €'gF = F FFo6-d9oot(!-= '3io =< ..9a cl .!l6p96(/,f-so lrGU.^iTAJI/ ADVERIUp.z ('NETIR Q*rt o t.r Le..-il -20-05 Q'rr;rr, 1o:13 HYDRAULIC CATCUI,ATION DETAILS HYDRAULIC FLOW LOSS QTY DESCRIPTION LENGTIi C ID gpm psi TOTALS Hvdr Ref W Requireci at Ilyd Area 1 3E0 69.? psi1 3" Grvct Butterf f v Va.lve ',BFV,' 10' I2O 3.068 3E0 1.61 Pipe 3" FS RISER I4AIiIFOLD-F-.S. 10' l20 3.340 3A0 1.12 4" Grvd 90 811 ZA, 720 4.02€, 380 0.91 4" Gr,,'d Tee 20, IZO 4.026 380 O.9I Pipe 4" DFx2L 10' 120 4. j28 380 0.31 Pipe 4" I'S Flow Switch 10, I2O 4.328 380 0.3 Tot-al Loss for TO SYSTEM 1 4" Plngci Back :'l ow Valve Arnes "2000 CHAF.T LOSS 5.1 psr 330 6.4 6.4 psi Hvcir: Ref R1 1 Pipe 4" DIxIE Cl 52 Total Loss for THRU F.ISER Required at AT BASE OF RISER 380 200, I4A 4 .510 3BC 3.7 80.2 psi Fi-xed Flor,,r CUTSIDE HOSE Total Loss for: THRU UNDG 3.? psi Hydr Ref R2 Required at CITY CONN 6_jO gA- psi -water Source 93.i psi static, 82.3 psi resj-dual ii 1090 gprn 630 gpm g9.2 psi SAFETY PF.ESSURE 5.2 esi I'lorE: Illdler sour.ce has been ad1 u.steci to include a change of elcvation of3'0" f f ow test to point of (tonnection Avairable Pressure of 89.2 psi Exceeds Required pressure of g4.0 psiThis is a safety margin of 5.2 psi or G g of Suppty l4aximum Water Vclocitv is 21.8 fos ivCUiv?All,, AL-'\r r, il.'l Ll P,L, r;r,1. I l-?i; ra w i itq Da t e : 1 I - 2 C - A 5 LEGEND HYD REF Ilydrauiic ref ererice. F.ef er to accompanrvi ng f low diagram. K FACTCF. Flcr^r f ac:-or fcr open ]read or path where Fior'v (gpm) = K x -\,zP S IZE Nomil,o- rlzt a l pipe. ID Actual irrternal diameter of pipe C ilazen Williams pipe roughness fact-or TYPE Type cr schedule of pipe + FITS nuinber of fiLt-ngs as folLows: 90 - 90 deg Eli 45 - 45 deq Ell T - Tee LT Long Turn 90 ElI SFEC - Fr-tting other than above or fitting witlr hydraul-ic equrvalent length specified Lry manufacLurer. Pt Total pressure (psl) at fitting Pf Friction foss (psi) Lo fitting rvltere Pf :1x 4-52 x \Q/C)^1.85 / ID^4.81 Pe Pressure clue Lo change in elevation i.rhere Pe = 0.,1 33 x change in elet'atioti Pv Veloci L)' plessure (psi ) ' \nirere Pv = 0.001123 x Q^2iID"4 Pn l.lc rrra I p-ressu,re (psr) vihere Pn - Pt - Pv Pclrop Pressure l.oss -Lrr pipe rise or dr.op to an open tl-'a.l- Pheacl Pi:essure al an operr lread. ELEV elevaliori f rorn brancfr tee to open head. PIPE pipe Length from branch tee tc open hea,J. FITS fit:ing equlvaienl length from branch tee Lc open head. NOTNS: - Pressui es are bal-anced to 0 .001 gpm- Pressulles are f isted t-o 0. C1 tr;s, . Addition may varY by 0.01 p-si ilue t.c accumulation of i:ouiri-i ,:r f l . - Calc,-rlal-i cns conf crm to IIFPA 13 edi.t"ion. - VeIcci.ii Pressures are not considercd in Llrc-<e 'llalcri l at-lons - PaLh *I :s from the rnost relrrote head bac:< io Ihe r'i;}f er source' - Later i'.]ths are flom the next most- remoLe hc'a,,i lla,r:l< f-o pre-''iously cle f -nerj Fai'hs I4eUliTA,IN ADVEF.Tillii, CA;trT-e.R Qort,,o Datc : I i -20,C 5 1ri23ia5 REMOTE AREA #1 l0: 13 PAGE 1 PRESSUP;E BRANCH LINE SUMMARY TO HEAD FLOW (GPM)PIPS #oF FITS LENGTIT FEET HYD REF OUTLET SIZE 90 45 ID TLT K FACTOR PIPE C TYPE OTIiER PIPE VELOCITY FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT TOTAL ELEVATION Pt Pf Pe Pt Pv Pn Pn ELEV Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PATH 1" FROM HYDRAULTC REFERENCE 1OO TO W (PRI}.,IARY PATH) HEAD 100 26.0 0.20 gpnr/sq ft K= 5.60 26.0 A -r ttt 0 0"a t'4" 9.7 fps 0 -2i7 0" 22.6 11" 1.0 11" 2\ .6 24" r.1 11" 22t. 4 60', IIT' -:---_ - HEAD 102 2a .5 tLz" o.2o qpmi sfrr Ir'K: 5. a 52. s @+- REr 121 :6.E L\z- 7:',.3 I# 0 0 5'9' 6'0" 11'9" 11.4 ips 0.201 -0;i 22 .6 1.5 0.0 2.4 0-0 0 0 PATH 3 K= 5.20 0c00 0 6'3" 0" 6'3" 12.6fps 0 ;2c1 c" 2b.5 !-i- -F,EF t2tl TATH 2 2"00!ts C o 12O 4tJ 0 r/-- L2.9 fy,s 1r.160--0"K.- la.?4 lli,3 5'0" 10'0" I 5',0" 2_t.E ?.4 r,r .0 HEALI 105 ,t 9.1 |../J qFn/:'J iL K- .5.5C 16.i.0 2:coffi.uo 9'0" 15.1fps 0" ia.2J2 9'0" 0" 30,2 11" 2 .4 11" 28.2 5C" 30.2r 0.0 I1EAD 105 i(r .g U 0 U 9' A" 9'C" 'j2.J -,7,r 32.?, 1l' 2. r 1 l" 30.2 60"':'2.:f*'',ilTtiG I]EAD 1C? ,:,.,'.l. 0.25 gpml:;q ft K= 5.60 ?:?l:.it -' T2T?o 35.2 1t"2.2 1r"32.9 60" l0 3 r 3rr 2 L .8 fps i,':.2 10 ' 0" 0 ,42,4 ,.'T:a 13 t 3" -,-1 .0 REF A1 Jse lrtTT_Ttr 11'-5" 0" 11'5'' 00 00 8.5 fps .1 0.ij-.-_.i) .046 u.5 0" f.0 cK- 24-)5 i: .. I2J 10 55r7'r 14.8 fp,.r .1 i.3 44r0r' fP.0.lI -rj-.J-qqr'lr )t.'l 3"2 2 0 0 CONTINUED 57.4 psi 1{al!.irI;r-l! lrltri.r:ii,aE cfvgfln raviinq Date: I j :lA-C5 r1,:J/05 7tl .'l-i REMOTE AREA #1 FLOW (GPM)PIPB #or FITS LENGTH FEET PAGE 2 PRESSURE BRJANCH LINE SUMMARY TO HEAD HYD REF OUTLET K FACTOR PIPE srzE 90 45 ID TLT C TYPE OTHER PIPE VELOCITY FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT TOTAL ELEVATION Pt Pn ELEV Pv Pdrop PIPE Pn Phead FITS Pt Pf Pe PATH 1 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 1OO TO W (PRIMARY PATH) CONTTNUED F.EF AJ 3" 'i .260" i30.:,' i2.o I0 38'0" 14.8 fps 5't .4 35'0" 0.i21 8.E 73'0" 2'C" 0.9 5 0 0 0 REF A4 4" 4 .260" 38ri.5 L20 rU 8.6 fi:s 6'l -Lc.033 2.1: -2'0" 4.9 4 0 2 0 35'?" 40'0" '1 ',:'-l " REF W 380.5 gpln .1-'.-..--. PATH 1 K= 45. 91 PATH 2 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 101 TO 120 68. ? psi HEAD IN-i 2''.6 0-20 ql,:iri sq ft l\= l.f r lr.C L " | ^ A.]tl 120 10 a 0 0 0 qr.!' .l-0. f-, fr:s.r,r lr ,: . I f,d. 9'it" 0" 23,1 11" "r.0 11" 22 .6 24" 23. ; 2.L 0.0 HEAD I i)-i 2t . 4 0.21 oP'175q 11- ts= !.t-ir 54.i]; 4'0" 11.-i fps 6'0" 0-:?15 10'0" t" 23 .'1 i 1" 1.3 11" 23.9 6ii " I'4" 1.3E0" )20 40 25.1 2..? 0.(l 0 1 0 0 REF 120 54.0 g"pm PATH 2 K= 70.24 PATH 3 FROM HYDRAULTC REFERENCE 104 TO 121 27.8 psi HEAD I,JI 26.8 0.2i E!)irLi'scl f-- K- 5 -61 24.8 3'6'' 10.0 ips 5'0" 1.2?3 B'i]''U'' 1" 1.049" 120 40 o 1 0 0 /+-e 1.9 21 .6 1.1 2?, .9 ii" 1i" 6ft " REI' 121 26.8 grpm PATH 3 K= 5.20 PATH 4 FROM HYDRAULIC REFERENCE 108 TO A2 26.5 psi HEAD lOJ 28. E 0,22 cjp:nr'sil fl t<.: :.f, t-- L" r .019":20 4C) C 0 0 0 9'0" 10.E fps 0" D.?.':€t 9'Ct" l" 21 .6 2.3 0.0 2't .6 i.1 26-t: 11" 11" .Atl CONTTNT.'ED 29. 9 psi ITOUAJTA.LN ADvER'I(tRI: ul/ETEii Qurrno Date:71 20 Lt5 Otrr.r.,o, to: t -) REMOTE AREA #1 PAGE 3 PRESSURE BRANCH LINE SUMI4ARY TO HEjAD FLOW (GPM)PIPE #oF F'I TS TENGTH FEET HYD FEF OUTLET K FACTOR PIPE C srzE 90 45 ID TLT TYPE OTHER PTPE VELOCITY FITTINGS LOSS PSI/FT TOTAL ELEVATION PI Pf Pe Pt Pv Pn Pn ELEV Pdrop PIPE Phead FITS PATH 4 FROM HYDRAI'LIC REFERENCE 108 TO A2 CONTINUED HEAD 109 29 .6 0.23 gpm,r.sq f t K= 5.60 58.4 It4tl 1.380" r20 4a Ll 0 0 0 qrarr 1? f f r-.:'r:"0" 0 -2499'0" 0.' 29.9 11" 2 .0 11" 2t -9 60" 29 -9 2.2 0.0 HEAD 110 30.7 0.24 gpm/sq ft K- 5.60 89.1 7\4" 1.510" 720 40 0 t 0 0 q'0" 14.2 fps 0" 0.256 9'0.' 0" 32-2 11"2.L 11" 30. 1 50" 32 .2 2.3 0.0 J]EAD 1i1 3].8 0,24 gpm,rsq ft K= 5. 60 I20 .9 q'0" 19.2 fps 9|0|10'' ?/ q 11'r 2.2 11" 32 -3 60" \r4" I .510" r2a 4a 34 .5 4 -7 0.c _r 0 0 0 -HEAD 112 33.7 tJ.26 gpn,rsq ft K= 5.60 154.5 ?'3'' 14.9 fps10'0" c.21013'3" 0" 38.5 li" 2.4 11" JO..L CU 2.061 " r?,0 4a 38.5 2.8 c.0 c 1 0 0 RET' A2 154.5 gpm PATIT 4 K=24.05 41.3 psi ItUCO f rire&Buitding I Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381 -9312 I Fax: (800) 791 -5500 n/-\ ,/(:\,ffiil Cuslomer Servicelsales: lel: (414) 570-5000 " {800) 558-5236 Fax: {414) 570-5010 I i800} 877-1zgs Series W.FRB - 2.8r 4.2,and 8.O K-factor Upright, Pendent, and R Pendent Sprinklers Quick Besponse, Standard Coverage General Description The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Uprighl and Pendent Sprinklers described in lhis data sheet are quick response - standard cover- age, decorative 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupancies such as banks, hotels, shopping malls, etc. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendenl Sprinkler, where ap- plicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. lt uses either a two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Es- cutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adiustment or up to 314 inch (19,1 mm) of total adiustment from the flush pendent position, or a two-piece Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon wilh 114 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjust- ment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pen- dent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Esculcheon reduces the accuracy 1o which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut- Corrosion resistanl coalings, where applicable, are ulilized lo extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond thal which would otherwise be ob- tained when exDosed lo corrosave at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coated sprinklers have passed the slandard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the lesting is not reoresenlative of all oossible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequenlly, it is recommended that the end user be consulled with respect to the suitability ol these coatings tor any given corro- sive environmenl. The effects of ambi- ent temoerature. concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be consrdered, as a minrmum, along wilh the corrosive nature ol the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exDoseo. An intermediate level versions ot the Series TY-FBB Pendenl SDrinklers are detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356. and SDrinkler Guards are de- tailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP780 WARNINGS The Seties TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this docunenL as well as with the applica- ble standads ot the National Fire Pro- tection Associatian. in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impait the pertormance of these de- yices. The owner is resnonsible for maintain- ing theh fire protection system and de- vices in proper operating condition. The inslalling contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. ModeUSprinkler ldentification Numhers TYl13-t - TYl231 - TY2131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2"NPT Pendent 2.8K. 1/?'NPT Upright 4.2K, 1/2'NPT Pendent 4.2K, 1/2"NPT Upright 5-6K, 1/2"NPT JULY,2OO4 TY4231 - Technieal Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB. and NYC Approved. (Referto Table A for complete approval inlormation including corrosion resrs- tant status. ) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coelllcient K = 2.8 GPM/psil/z (40,3 LPutbatl/2) K = 4.2 GPM/psil/2 (60,5 LPM/bar1/2) K = 5.6 GPM/psilrz (80,6 LPM,bartrz) K = 8.0 GPM/psi1 /2 (115,2 L?Mlbatl/2) Temperalure Ratings Fleter to Table A and B Pendent 5.6K, 1l2"NPT Uprighl 8.0K,3/4"NPT Pendent 8.0K, 3/4'NPT IMPOETANT Always reter to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- Iation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. lmproper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to tail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to opgrate prematurely. Page I of I TFP{ 7I ESCIJTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE rrtp'r 7/16" (11 ,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN I STYLE 10 or 20 RFCESSED ESCUTCHEON ssu * DEFLECTOB 2-1t4" (57.2 mnr) | 2 Butlon (11 ,1 rnrn) NOlVIINAL I/AKE.IN 2 3/16',1 -9i 16" (39.7 mm) ssp orpLrcroR * . t (55,6 mm) =,=-1 I_1.:3 | rrz'rupr** I2-718" (73 0 nrm) DlA. RECESSED PENDENTPENDENT 3 - Sea ing Assemfrly 4 BLrlb 6 Dcliecior 5 Cornpress,on 7 Eushing Sc rr-w UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION * Temperalure rating is indicated on dellector or adiacent to orifice seat on frame. **Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/'1 can b,e provid€d on special requesl. F'GUBE 1 AUICK RESPANSF SEF'ES TY-FRB UPR'GHT (TY1 131) AND PENDENT (TYl231} SPRINKLEBS 2.8 K-FACTOR. 1/2 INCH NPT Page 2 of 8 Finishes Sprinkler: Fefer to Table A and B Flecessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated. or Brass Plaled Physical CharacteristicsFrame. Bronze Button . Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly. Beryllium Nickel w/Teflont Bulb Compression Screw Deflector Bushing (K=2.8) TFP171 Operation The glass Bulb contains a lluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rat€d temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatler the glass Bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to tlow. Glass. . Bronze CopperlBronze. . Bronze E g F ! .gj (f oo-_ +- ESCUI CHEON PLATE SEATINGsuRFAcE ,i;" I 7i 16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE-IN STYLE 10 or 20 BECESSED r-scuIcHEoN ssu * DEFLECTOR 2-3t16 (55,6 mn) 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL I\,4AKE.IN I 1-1i2' (38,1 rnm) I 2-3i16" I (55,6 mm) JDT UETLC\, | \Jn 1/2' NPT ** UPRIGHT CROSS SECTIONPENDENTRECESSED PENDENI 2 tsutton 3 - Sealing Assernbly 4 tsub 5 - Compression Screw 6 {leileclor FIGUBE 2 QUICK BESPONSE SEF'ES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENOENT (TY2231) SPRINKLEBS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT * Temperature raling is indicated on dellector or adiacent to oritice seal on frame. ** Pipe thread conneciions per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request TFPI TI Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA .13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Pre- venlion Data Sheels ). Only the Style 10. 20. 30. or 40 Recessed Escutch- eon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed pendenl installations. Page 3 of 8 Installation The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with lhe follow' ing instructions: i/orEs Do not install any bulb type sprinklcr if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liouid lrom the bulb. With the sDrinkler Design Criteria The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Un- right Sprinklers are intended tor ttre proteclron systems designed in ac- cordance with lhe standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.9., UL ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16" (11 .1 mm) r ic, ** NOI\,4INAL l.,pi TMAKE tN STYLE 10 of 20 FECESSED ESCUICHEON SSU - DEFLECTOB \l 7t16' l (11,1 mmi NOMINAL ] MAKE-IN : 2-3116" I (55,6 mm)WRENCH FLATS SSP DEFLECTOR - ---\r - f-- 2-718" (73.o mm) DIA. -. PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT I I 1/2' NPT -- UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 1 - Frame 2 - Butlon 3 - Sealing Assembly 4 ' Bulb 5 - Compression Scrcw 6 Dellector FIGURE 3 AUCK BESPONSE SEF'Es TY-FBB UPBIGHT 1TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPE'NKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, I/2 INCH NPT * Temperature rating is indicated on delleclor or adiacent to orifice seat on frame. ** Pape thread conneciions per ISO 71 can be provided on spec€r requesr. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SUFFACE 112' \12,7 -r,m) NOMINAL MAKE-IN ! STYLE 30 of 40 HECFSSED ESCUTCHEON ssu * DEFLECTORNPT 1 9/16" (39,7 mm) I sSP DFFLECToR * PENDENT 2-7l8" (73.0 mm) DlA. RECESSED PENDENT iIil z-1 ta (58,7 rnm) I WFENCH FLATS ! I I 1 - Frame 2 Button 3 - Sealing Assembly 4 - Bulb 5 - Compression Scre\t 3/4" NPT'* UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION 6 Derleclor * Temperature rating is indicated on deflector or adjacenl to of ifice seat on trame. " Pipe thread connections per ISO 7,/1 can be provided on specrar requesr. FIGURE 4 AUICK BESPONSE SER'ES TY.FRB UPRIGHT (TY4I31} AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPR'NKLERS 8.4 K.FACTOB, 3/4 INCH NPT SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K TYPE TEMP.EULB Ltouto NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED WHITE*- POLYESTER 2.8 1t2" NPT PENDENT (TY123r) and UPFIGHT (TY1131) 135'F/57"C Orange 155'F/68"C Red 175"Fft9'C Yellow 200"F/93',C Green 286"F/141"C Blue 135"F/57'C Orange 1,2.5 I{EUE55EU PENDENT {TYr 231). Figure 5 155"Fi68'C Fed 175"Fn9"C Yellow 200'F/93'C Green FECESSED PENDENT (TY1231)" Figure 6 135'Fi 57"C Orange 155'F/68'C Red 175'F179'C Yellow 200'Ft93'C Green NPT PENDENT (rY2231) and UPRIGHT (TV21s1) 135"Fi 57',C Orange '155"Fi68'C Red 175"Fn9'C Yellow 200'F/93'C Green 2A6'F/141 C Blue 135"Fi 57'C Orange HELEi}Et, PENDENT (TY2231r Figure 7 155'F/68'C Fed 175"Fn9'C Yellow 200'F/93"C Green 13s"F/57"C Orange HEgESSEU PENDENT $\2231\ Figure I 155"F/68.C Red 175"Fft9'C Yellow 200"F/93 C Green Page 4 of 8 NOTES: 1. Listed by Unden/riters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick Rcsponse Sprinklcrs. 2. Lisled by Underwrilers Laboratories, Inc. lor use in Canaca (C UL ) as Ouick Response Spfinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Rcsearch Corporation (F[,4) as Quick Fesponse Sprin Kters. 5. Approved by the City ot Nevr/ York under MEA 354 C1 E. 7. Where Polyester Coaled Sprinklers are noled lo be UL and C-LJL Listecj. the sprin klers afe UL and C-UL Lisled as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers.' lnslalled with Style 10 (1i2" NPT) or Slyle 40 (3/4' NPI) 3,'4 Tctal Adlustmenl Fecessed Escutcheon, as applicable." lostalled r/itn Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Slyle 30 (:J/4' NPIj '1l2'lolal Adlrrstmenl Recessed Fscutcheon, as applicable."' Franre and Delleclor only Listings aad approvals apply to colcr (Special Order). N/A: Nol Available TAELE A LABORATOBY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 2-8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLEBS TFP171 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be ob- tained with a torqLre of 10 to 20 ft.lbs. (13,4 to 26.8 Nm). A maximum ol 30 'ft.lbs. (40.7 Nm) oftotque isto be used to install sptinklers with 3i4 NPT can nections. Higher levels of torque ntay distott the sprinkler inlet and caLtse leakage or impairment of the sp nkler. Do not attempt to make-up f or insuffi- cient adjustrnent i|t the escLttcheon plate by under- ot over-ttghtentng the sprinkler. Readjusl the positiou of the sprinkler titting to suit. The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Up- right Sprinklers must be inslalled in accordance wilh the tollowing instruc- lions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position. and upnght sprinklers are to be installed in the uprighl position. Slep 2. With pipe thread sealant ap plied io lhe pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler titling. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 13). With reference to Figures 1 , 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench llats. The Series TY-FHB Recessed Pen- dent Sprinklers must be installed rn accordance with the following instruc- tio n s. Step A. Afler installing the Style 10. 20, 30, or 40 l\4ounting Plate, as appli- cable. over the sprinkler lhreads and with pipe thread sealanl applied to lhe pipe threads, hand tighten the sprin- kler into the sprinkler filling. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler ioio the sprinkler fitting using only the W Type 7 Fiecessed Sprinkler Wrench (Fief. Figure 14). With reterence to Figure L 2, 3, and 4, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench f lals. Step C. After the ceiling has been ln- stalled or lhe finish coat has bcen ap- plied, slidc on the Style 10, 20. 30. or 40 Closure over the Series TY'FBB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. held horizontally, a srnall air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1 .6 mm) f or the 135'Fi57'C to 3/32 inch (2 4 mm) for the 286'F/141"C temperature rattngs. A leak tight 1t'2 itlc!1 NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque ol 7 to 14 tt.lbs. (9.5 to 19,o Nnt). A ntaxi- mum of 2l ft. lbs. (28,5 Nm) ot torque may be used to install sprinklers w*ith 1/2 NPT connections. A leak tight 3i4 SPRINKLER FINISH (See NotC 8} K TYPE TEMP.BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED WHITE*' POLYESTER LEAD COATED 5.6 NPT PENDENT (TY3231) and UPRIGHT (TY3r31) '13s"F/57'C Orange 1,2.3.4 5 6,7 1, 2. 3. 5 155"F/68'C Red 175"F/79'C Yellow 200'Fig3'C Green 246'F1141"C Blue 135'F/57"C Orange 1.2.4,5 I'UA HtuE:;:;tt PENDENT (TY3231)- Figure I 155"F/68"C Red 175"Ft79"C Yeilow 200"F/93"C Green BECESSED PENDENT (TY3231r. Figure 10 135'F/57"C Orange 1. 2.3,4, 5 1,2,4,5 N/A 155'F/68'C Red 175'F 9'C Yellow 200"F/s3.c Green B,O 3/4" NPT PENDENT (TY4231) and UPBIGHT (TY4131) 135"F/57"C Orange 1.2.3,4.5,6,7 1,2,5 155"F/68'C Red 175"Fn9'C Yellow 200'F/93"C G reen 286'Fi141"C B lue RECESSEO PENDENT (TY4231r Figure 11 r 35'F/57'C Green 1,2,4,5 N/A 155"F/68.C Orange 175'F/79'C Red 200"F/93"C Yellow 135'F/57'C Orange N/A I-(EUEb5EU PENDENT (rY423t)-- Figure 12 155.F/68.C Red 175'Fn9"C Yellow 200'F/93"c Green TFpl7l Page 5 of 8 NOTES: 1. Lisled by Underwriters Laboratories. inc. (UL) as Quick Hesponse Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, lno. tor use rn Canada {C-UL} as Quick Resoonse Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factofy Mulual Reseafch Corporation (FM) as Ouick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by lhe Loss Prevention Certilicalion Board (LPCB Ret. No.0071d04i as Quick Besponse Sprinklers: however, lhe LPCB does oot rale lhe lhermal sensitivity ot recessed spfinklers. 5. Approved by ihe City of New York under IVIEA 354 01 E. 6. VdS Approved (For details contact Tyco Fire & Building Proclucts. Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-42a-4444lFax 31-53-428-3377J. 7. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certilication Board (LPCB Ref. No.094a/OG) as Ouick Fesponse Sprinklers. 8. Where Polyesler Coated and Lead Coated Sprinklfls are noled lo be UL and C-UL Listed, the so nklers are UL and C-|JL Listed as Corroston Hesislant Splinklers. Where Lcad Coated Sprinklers are noled to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FN4 Approved as a Cof rosion Flesislant Sprinklers.' lnstalled with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Slyle 40 {3i4' NPT) 3r4" Tolal Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable."' lnstalled wilh Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Slyle 30 (3/4' NPI) 1i2" lolal Adjus'tment Flecessed Escutcheon, as applicable.". Frame and Detleclor only, Lislings and approvals apply to color (special Order). N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATOBY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS 5.6 AND 8,A K.FACTOB SPBINKLEBS 2 1ta" DtA- 123,0 mmr518!1/4' (15.9+6.4 mm) FACE OF SPR INKL ER FITTING l11l f 9,1 r!) 1/4'(6.4 mm) MOUNTING I i I PLATE 1ta" (3.2 mtni I til ! 1 si16"(33,3 mnr) l3/16" (20.6 mm) MOUNTING SUBFACE., SEI] IES TY FFB FIGURE 5 SEFIES TY.FBB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO.PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 1O RECESSEO ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K.FACTOB, 1/2 INCH NPT CLOSURE 2-114'DtA {57.2 ftrnr) Page 6 of 8 Care and Maintenance The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOIES Betore closing a tire prolectian systenl main control valve tor maintenance work on the firc protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protectian system must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be aftected by this aclion must be notilied. Absence of an escutcheon. whtch is used lo cover a clearance hole, rnay delay the time to sprinkler operation in a tire situation. Sprinklers lhat are found to be leaking or exhiDrting visible srgns ol corrosio't must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted. plaled. coated or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- lied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed lo corrosive products of combustion. but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a sofl bristle brush. Care musl be exercised lo avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before. during, TFPI TI and aJter installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping. striking, wrench twisvslippage, or the like. mus'l be re- placed. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or thai has lost llquid lrom its bulb. (Bef. lnslallation Section). Frequenl visual inspecttons are rec- ommended io be initially performed for corrosion resistant ccated sprinklers, after the inslallation has been com- pleted, to verity the integrily ol lhe cor- roston resislanl coating. Thereatler, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suJlice. however, instead ol in- specting from the iloor level. a randoni sampling of close-up visual inspec' tions should be made. so as to belter determine the exact spflnkler condt- 1/2 !1lA (12.713,2 rim) FACE OF 1/2' 112.7 flrnl 1,'4 (6 4 mrd MOUNTING PLATE 1?'8' 13,2 mm)l I t!4OIJNTING SUBFACE CLOSUFIE SEFIES TY FRB FIGURE b SERIES TY.FNB BECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR. 1/2 'NCH NPT _ 2 7/8' DrA 173 0 .nm) 5/8!1i4' (15,916,4 mm) 314' (19 1 mnlJ 1,4 {6 4 mm) IvIOUNTING r. PLATE 1,/a' (3 2 mm)'I FACE OF SPRlNKLER FITTING t tl I FIGURE 7 SEB/ES TY-FRB BECESSED PENDENT WTH TWO.PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE IO FECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K.FACTAR, 1/2 INCH NPT 1ib:l8" (12 7a3.2 mm) 2,7tA',DlA (;/3,0 mm) 2- 1/4 DIA (57,2 rim) 1i2: l1!.l mrnl l;4' i6,4 mn) MOUNTINGFACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING PLATE 118 {3.2 mm) :! qFFIIFq FIGURE 8 SERIES TY.FRB FECESSEO PENDENT WITH TWA-PECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 BECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, I/2 INCH NPT (15 9a6,4 nrnt ' FACE OF SPFIINKLER FITTING i/OtrNTlNG SURFACE 2-7l8" DIA (73,0 nlm) 21t4" DtA. (57 2 mm) 3i4"11S.1 nrir) 114'(6 4 rnm) I\4OIJNTING PLATE 1,'8 i3.2 mm) I r I cLosuRE ?ills;l:!4' (3r B mm) . 3/4'(191mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT WTH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 1O BECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 1/2 INCH NPT TFP17I tron and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affecied by lhe corrosive conditions presenr- The owner is responsible for the in- speciion, lesting, and maintenance of their Iire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- m€nt. as well as wilh the appllcable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be conlacted relative to any queslions. It is recommended that autofitaiic sprinkler systems be in s pec te d. tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance wilh loca I requirements and,/or nalional codes. Page 7 of 8 - 2 ti'' DtA. (73,0 mm) 2111 DIA (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SU R FACE cLosuBE ?i+'5; FIGURE 1O 112 112,f mml 1/4' (6 4 mm) , I/OUNTING PLATT i3.2 mm) I i SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-P'ECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K.FACTOR, I/2 INCH NPT 5;8!1i1 (15.916 4 mm) FACE OF SPR]NKLER FITTlNG 2 7/A D)A (73.0 'nrn) 2 1/4' DIA (57,2 mm) 3/,1 (19 1 nml 1/4' i6,4 mn) MOUNTII.]G PLATE 1.i8. (3 2 mm) I,,4OUNTING SURFACE i OLOSURE SERIES TY,FRB FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRA RFCESSEO PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 4A RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 3/4 INCH NPT 1l2x1i1' I (12.7,!3.2 n.lml FACE OF SPNINKLEF F TTING 2-7lA' O A (73 0 rnm) 2-114',DlA 157.2 .r'n]') 1)2 112./ mm) I /4' i6 4 nim) it1OUNTlf,lG PI,ATf 1 5./l6'iJ3 3 mml I ljl6' (27 0 mml SERIESCLOSUFE FIGUBE I2 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWA-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 BECFSSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K.FACTOB, 3/4 INCH NPT WRENCH FECESS (END "A' USED FOR 1i2' NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "8" USED FOR 3/4" NPr MODELS) FIGUBE 13 W.TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WREI.]CH RECESS PUSH V'/FEliCH IN 1O ENS(.]FE ENGAG EMEN I WITH SPRINKLER WEENCH]NG AFIEA FIGUHE 14 W.TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Page 8 of 8 TFPI71 P/N57-XXX-X-XXX TABLE C PART NUMBER SELECTION SEBIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPBINKLEHS " Easte.n Hemisphere sales only. 2.8K UPFIGHT (1/2"NPT) 2.BK PENDENT ( 1i 2"NPT) 4.2K UPRTGHT (1t2"NPT) 4.2K PENDENT ( 1/2'NPT) 5.6K UPBTGHT (1i2'NPT) 5.6K PENDENT {1i2'NPT) 8.0K UPRTGHT (3i4'NPT)TY4131 8.oK PENDENT (3/4"NPT) ?-a6" F /1 41" C wHITE (RA19010)- Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Producls are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and work- manship when paid lor and properly installed and mainlained under normal use and service. This warranty will ex- pire ten (10) years from date of ship- rnenl by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranty is given for producls or components manufaclured by compa' nies not afliliated by ownership wilh Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to mist,rse, improper installation. corro- sion, or which have not been installsd. maintained. modified or repaired in ac- cordance wilh applicable Standards ol the Natronal F,re Protcclron Assccia tion, and/or the standards of any other Aulhorities Having J urisdiction, l\Iarc rials lound by Tyco Fire Products lo be defective shall be e ther repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products'scrle opl on. Tyco Fire Producls neilher a! sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Frre Products shall nol be responsible for sprinkler syslem desrgn errors or Inaccurate or Incomplete inlormation su pplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE. IN CON- TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY. FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT. SPEC IAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL DAN4AGES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOFi CHARGES. RE- GAFDLESS OF WHETHEB TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. AND IN NO EVENI SHALL TYCO FIRE PBODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALIS PRICE. THE FOBEGOING WARBANTY IS MADE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHER WARFANTIES EXPEESS ORM OF MERCHANTABIL'TY AND FIT: IVES$-TO4 LPARTICULAB PUB- POSE. Ordering Procedure oMdatrLilroua bcal distributor lor avail- abililv.rnd cate the iLrll_proaiucl r:,rra Refar 1o ihe Prici] Lrs! 1or co'rrpLclc strng ol Parl Numbcrs Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specify: (Specify Model/SlN), Ouick Fesponse, (speclty K-factor), (specify temperature raling), Series TY-FRB (specily Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler wilh (specify type of linish or coating). P/N (specily from Table C). Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (specify) Recessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish), P/N (specify). 1,/2' {15 mrnl Style lO Chrome P aled White Coated While RALgCl0' Brass Plated '1,/2' 115 mm) Style 20 Chromo Plal€d Whne Coal.r.l Whilc RAL9cro' Brass Plated 314' (2C n$t) SlVie 30 Chrome Plliicd While Coaled Wh[e nAL9010'. - . Bfass Plalec P/N 56-701,9 010 P/N 56 701-4-C10 Pr'N 56 7C1 3 010 P/N 56 701 2 010 P/N 56 705 I010 P/N 56 705 4 010 P,/N :6-705 3 010 PiN s6 705,2-010 P,'N 5e 705,9-01 1 P/N 56-705,4,01r P/N 56 705 3-01 l P/u 56 705 2 01 1 3r4', (20 m l S1y e 40 Chrorne Plaied .. . . . . P/N 56 700 9 010 VJh le Coated . . F/N 56 700-4 O10 lvhte FAL9010- P/N 56-700 3 010 Erass P,alecl P/N 56 700'2-010 ' Ei]slcrn Hemisphere sales o lY Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench. P/N 56-000-6^387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001. TYCO FIRE PROOUCTS. 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 I Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 n/r\Ir-\'ffi Customer Service/Sales: let {/+14i 570-5000 I i800i 558-s236 Fax: {414) 570-5010 i (800) 877-1295 Serrles TY.FRB - 5.6 K-factor Horizontal and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers Quick Besponse, Standard Coverage General Description The Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-Factor, Hori- zontal and Verlical Sidewall Sprinklers described in this dala sheet are ouick response - standard coverage, deco. rative 3 mm glass bulb type spray sprinklers designed for use in light and ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks. hotels, shopping malls, etc. They are designed for instal- lation along a wall or the side of a beam and jusl beneath a smooth ceiling. Sidewall sprinklers are commonly used instead ot pendenl or uprighl sprinklers due to aesthetics or building construction consideralions, where piping across the ceiling is nol desir- able. The recessed version ol lhe Series TY-FRB Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler is intended for use in areas with a linished wall. lt u$es a two-piece Style 10 Recessed Escutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) oltotal adjust- menl from the flush sidewall position, or a two-piece Style 20 Recessed Es- culcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) ot toial adiustment from the flush sidewall position. The adiustment IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLE? WARNING' that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation ol sprinkler systems and com- ponents. lmpropet handling and in- stallation can petmanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to tail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces lhe accuracy to which the fixed pipe nipples to the sprinklers musl be cut. Corrosion resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to exlend the lite of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be ob- tained when exposed to corrosive at- mospheres. Although corrosion resis- tant coaled sprinklers have passed lhe standard corrosion tesls ot the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is nol represenlative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, il is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suilability of these coatings tor any given corro- srve environment. The effects of ambi ent temperature. concentration of chemieals, and gaslchemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature ol the chemical to which the sDrinklers will be exposed. WABNINGS The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers de- scribed herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applica- ble standards of lhe National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards ol any other authorities hav- ing jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the pertormance of these de- vices. The owner is respansible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vnes tn proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler man ulacturet should be cantacted wtth any questions. Numbers TY3331 - Horizontal TY3431 - Vertical Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved lRete, to libte A for io'iiitete approval information includinq corrosron resis- tant status.) Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefticient K = 5.6 GPMipsil/2 (80,6 LPMlbarl/2) Temperature Ratings Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Refer lo Table A Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated ModeUSprinkler Identification F lt .9 tr co& o +- Page I of 6 JULY,2OO4 TFPI76 SPRINXLER FINISH (Se€ Note 1l) K TYPE TEMP.BULB LIQUID NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED WHITE"- POLYESTER LEAD COATED 5.6 1/?' NPT HORtZ. SIDEWALL (TY3331) 135"Fi57'C Orange 1. 2. 3, 4. 9. 10 '1, 2, 3. I 1,2.3,9155"F/68"C Red 175"Fn9"C Yellow 200"F/93"C Green 286'F/1 41"C Blue RECESSED HOBtZ. SIDEWALL (TY3331r Figure 3 '135"Fis7'C Orange 1,2,4,9. 10 1,2,9 N/A 155'F/6B C Red 175'Fn9"C Yellow 200'F/93'C Green RECESSED HOHtZ. SIOEWALL (rY3331)-' Figure 4 135"F/57'C Orange 1,2,3.4,9 N/A 155'F/68"C Fed 175'Fn9'C Yellow 200"F/93"C Green 5.6 1iz', NPT VERTICAL SIDEWALL (TY3431) Installed Pendent OI Upright 135'F/57'C Orange 5 6. 7, 8, I 5,6,7,9155'F/68"C Fed 175'Fn9'C Yellow 200"Fi 93'C Green 286'F/141"C Blue Page 2 of 6 TFPt 76 NOTES: 1. L isted by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) as Quick B€sponse Sprinklers lor use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) lop of dellector lo ceiling distance. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories lnc. ior use in Canada 1C-UL) as Ourck Response Sprinklers tor use in Light and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies at a 4 to 12 inch (100 to 300 mmi top oi dellector to ceiling dislance. 3. Approved by Factory lvutual Fesearch Corporation (FNl) as Quick Fesponse Sprinklers for use in Light Hazard Occupancies at a 4 lo 12 inch (100 to 300 mm) top oi dellectcr lo ceiiinq distance. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certitication Board iLPCB Fel No 007ai04) at a 4 to 6 inch (100 lo 150 mm) top of dcllector to ce-iling distance The LPC does not rate the thermal sensitivity ol horizontal sidev/all sprinklcrs. 5. Lisled by Underwnters Laboratories. Inc. as Quick Response Spfinklers lor use in Lighl and Ordinary Hazard Occupancies. 6. Lasted by Underwrilers Laboratories ior use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers Jcr use in Light and Ordinary llazard Occupancies. 7. Apprcved by Factory l\,1utual Research Corporatron iFM) as Ouick Fesponse Sprinklers lcr use in Lighl Hazard Occupancies I Approved b!, the Loss Prevention Certilisalion Boad {LPCB Rct. No.094a1'06 & 007t04) as Qtrick Response Sprinklers I Approved by lhe Crly of New York under N4EA 354 01 E. 10. Approved by lhe Loss Prevenlion Certiiicalion Boaro {LPCB Uet. No. O94ai06) al a 4 to 6 jnch (100 to 150 mm) top of dellector to ceiling dislance. The LPC does not rate the ihefmal sensitivity o, horizcntal sidewall sprrnklers. 1 1 . Whe!'e Polyesle; Coaled and Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed. the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistanl Sprinklers- Where Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted lo be FM Approved. lhe sprinklers are FM Approved as Corrosion Hesistant Sorinklers-- Installed wilh Style 10 (1/2" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjuslmenl Recessed Esculcheon. " Installed wilh Style 20 (1/2' NPT) 1/2" Total AdJuslment Hecessed Esculcheon. "'Fran"re and dellector only, Listings and approvals apply to color iSpecial order). TABLE A LABOBATORY L'ST'A/GS AND APPROVALS Physical Charaeteristics Frame.. Bronze Button . Brass/Copper Sea|ng Assembly . .. Beryllium Nickel w/Ieilont Bulb . Glass Compression Screw Bronze HSW Deflector Bronze VSW Def lector Copper Patenls u.s.A. 5,810,263 Operation The glass Bulb contains a lluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperalure is reached, the fluid expands sufliciently lo shatter the glass Bulb. allowing the sprinkler to activale and water to flow. TFPI76 Design Criteria The Series TY-FRB Horizontal and Vertical Sidewall SDrinklers are in- tended for fire protection systems de- signed in accordance with the stand- ard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (e.9., UL Listing is based on the re- quirements of NFPA 13, and FM Ap- proval is based on the reouirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10 or 20 Becessed Es- cutcheon, as applicable, is to be used for recessed horizontal installalioos. Installation The Series TY-FRB Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing inslructions: wOIES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss ot liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble shauld be prcsent. The diameter af the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mn) for the 135'F/57"C to 3/J2 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286"F/141"C temperature ratings. A leak tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinklet ioint should be abtained with a torque of 7 to 14 fl.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi, mum of 21 ft. lbs. (28.5 Nm) of torque may be used to install sprinklers with 1 /2 NPT connections. Higher levels ol torque may distort the sprinkler and cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to make-up for insufti ctent adjustment in the escutcheon plate by under- or over-tightening the sprinkler. Feadjust the position of the sprinkler filting to suit. The Series TY-FRB Horizontal and Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the lollow- ing instructions. Step 1. Horizontal sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horazontal position with their cenierline of water- way perpendicular to the back wall and parallel lo the ceiling. The word "TOp" on the Deflector is to tace towards the ceiling. Vertical sidewall sprinklers are ro oe installed in the pendenl or upright po- sition wilh the arrow on the Deflector pointing away from the wall. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler inlo lhe sprinkler titting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler lilting using only the W,Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 5), Wilh refelence ro Frgure I or 2. the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the wrench flats. The Series TY-FFB Recessed Hori- zontal Sidewall Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the follow- ing instruclions. Step A. Recessed horizonial sidewall sprinklers are to be installed in the horizonlal position with their centetline of waterway perpendicular to the back wall and parallel to the ceiling. The Page 3 of 6 word "TOP" on the Def leclor is to face towards the ceiling. Step B. Atler installing the Style 10 or 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads, hand lighlen the sprinkler into the sprinkler iilting. Step C. Tighten lhe sprinkler into the sprjnkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Becessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 6). With reference to Figure 1 ,the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Slep D. After {he ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ao- 1 't/2" -' NPT 9/16' 4,3 mm) -t I t WFENCH FLATS CENTERLINE OF SPRINKLER WATEHWAY I I r : STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON ..1 Frame 2 - Brtlon 3 - Sealing Assembly 4 - Bulb 5 Compress orl Screw 6 - Dellector 2-7/8" DtA. (73,0 mm) ' Temperalure rating is indicated on dellector or adjacent to orilice seat on frame.**Pipe thread conneclions per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 1 5.6 K.FACTOR QUICK RESPONSE sEn/ts TY-FRB HORTZONTAL STDEWALL {Ty3331) SPRTNKLERS rttl7/16" I I i(11.1 mm) i i NOIVINAL ] ' iMAKE.TN I Ill't-1t?" I- 1sa.r rrll ll 2-3t16', ) ,* ll {55,6 mm) Page 4 of 6 plied, slide on the Style 10 or 20 Clo- sure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mount- ing Plate until its flange comes in con- tact with the ceiling Care and Maintenance The Series TY-BFR Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: /vorEs Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance wotk on the tirc protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systenl must be obtained from the proper authorit'es and all personne! who may be affected bv this action must be notified, Absence of an escutcheon. which is used to cover a clearance hole, may delay the time to sprinkler operation in a lire situatian. Sprinklers lhat are lound lo be leaking or exhibiting v sibre signs of corros'on rnust be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated or otherwase allered after leaving lhe factory. Modi- tied sprinklers must be repla6ed. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustaon, but have not operaled, should be replaced il they cannot be comptetely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler wilh a cloth or by brushing it with a soft brislle brush. Care musl be exercised to avoid dam- age lo the sprinklers - before, during, and after installalion. Sprinklers dam aged by dropping, striking, wrench twisuslippage, or the like, must be re- placed. Also. replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. lnslallation Section). Frequenl visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially perlormed for corrosion resistant coated sprinklers, a{ter lhe installation has been com- pleted. to verily the integrity oJ the cor- rosion resislant coating. Thereafter, annual inspeclions per NFPA 25 should suffice: however, instead of in- specling lrom ihe floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspec- tions should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler conda- lion and the long term integrily of lhe corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by lhe corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the in- spection. lesting, and maintenance ol their fire protection systen'r and de- vices in cornpliance with this docu- menl. as well as with the applicable stand;irds ol lhe National Fire Prolec- tion Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authoriiies having jurisdictaon. I he irr- stalli g contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relatrve lo any questions- It is recommended that automatic sprinkler syslems be inspected. tesled, and maintained by a qualified lnspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or nalion a I codes Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to lhe original Buyer for ten (10) years agarnst delects in material and work- manship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty wrll ex- pire ten {10) years from date of ship- TFPI76 ment by Tyco Fire Products. No war- ranly is given for products or compo' nents manulaclured by companles not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and compo- nents lvhicl] have been subject to mis use, improper installation, corlosron. or which have nol been insialled, nlain- tained. moditied or repaired in accord' ance with aDolicable Standards ot tho National Fire Protection Associalion. and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defectave shall be either repalred or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products'sole oDtion, Tycc Fire Producls neither as- sumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in conneclion with the sale of products or parts ol producls. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkier system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supp lied by Buyer or Buyer's representataves- IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CON- TRACT. TOFT. STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDER ANY OTHER LEGAL THE- ORY FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEOUENTIAL ARROW MUST POINTAWAY - 7116' FBOlil Af'lD BE ( 11,1 mm) PEBPENDICULAR NOMINAL IO THE BACK MAKE.IN WALL SURFACE 2-3t16 (55.6 mm) t t2, -' NPT SHOWN PENDENT T 'I FSCUTCHFON PI ATE SEATING SURFACE I SHOWN UPRIGHT CROSS SECTION I-Fame 2 - Bi.rtton 3'sealing Assemb y 4 Bulb 6' Deflector 5 Conrpressaon 7 Eiection Sprrng ScrevJ * Terxperature rating is indicated on dctlector or adiaceni to orillce seat on lrame ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7/1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 2 5.6 K.FACTOB QUICK BESPANSE SER'ES TY-FRB VERTICAL SIDEWALL (TY3431) SPRINKLEBS TFPt 76 Page 5 of 6 WRENCH RECESS {END "A' USED FOR 1/2" NPr MODELS) FIGUBE 5 W.TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WFENCH RECESS "'''-If'r7 Ittt IF\t: '- l.l \----t/" ....... PUSH WRENCh IN TO ENSUPE ENGAGEIlIENT WITH SPRINKLFR WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 6 W.TYPE 7 BECESSEO SPBINKLER WNENCH DAMAGES. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES. FE- GARDLESS OF WHETHEF TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LI- ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT IOUAL TO THE SALES PHICE. THE FOFEGOING WARRANTY IS MANE IN LIEU OF ANY AND ALL OTHEB WABRANTIES EXPRESS OR IM P LI E D, I N C L U DING WAB RANT' E S OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FIT. NESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR. POSE. MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE 5/B:t'!14" (15.916.4 mm) FACE OF SPFINKLER FITTING 2-1/4- DtA (57.2 mm) 1-1/4'(31,8 mm 3/4'(19,1 mm) FIGUBE 3 SERIES TV-FRB RECESSED HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLER WITH TWO.PIECE 3/4 INCH TOTAL ADJI'STMENT STYLE 1O BECESSED ESCUTCHEON 'l/4" (6,4 mm) l 112!1/8" { I2,713,2 mm) FACE OFMOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE -,, SPFINKLER FITTING FIGUBE 4 SERIES TY.FRB RECESSED HORIZONTAL STDEWALL SPBINKLER WITH TWO-PIECE 1/2 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON MOUNTING PLATE 1/4" (6.4 mm) Page 6 of 6 TFP176 ' Fastern Hemisphere sales onlY. P/N57-XXX-X-XXX TABLE A PART NUMBEE SELECTION SERIES TY.FRB HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SIDEWALL SPRINKLERS 286" Fi 141"C WHITE POLYESTER wtlrTE FAL9010)' CHFOME PLATED Ordering Procedure When placing an order. indicate the lull proddct name. Befer to the Pnce List for complete listing o{ Part Numllers. Contacl your local distributor for avail- ability. Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections: Specily: (Specify Modeli SIN), Quick Response, (specify K-factor). (sp€cif y temperature rating). Series TY-FRB {specify Horizontal Sidewall or Vertical Sidewall) Sprinkler with (specify type of f'nish or coating). P/N (specify from Table B). Becessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (specify) R€cessed Es- cutcheon with (specify finish). P/N (specity). 1r2 (15 nrln) Slyl. 10 ChrornePaled........ P/N56 701 9 01O l,'2' (15 mm) slyte 1o Whilc Co or Coaled . PiN 5,6'701 ,l-010 r/2" {15 mm) Style l0 tvh ie RAL9010, t-,N 56 /01 3 0r0 r 2' it5 mmj Slvlc 10 Eriss P atcd P/N i,i 701-2-Cl0 1/2 il 5 mm) Styie 20 Chro'ne Plaied P,rN 5e /{J5 g 010 ri2 (15 mm| Slyle 20 Wh te Coloi coaicd P1N 56'705-1-010 1/2 {15 mm) Sly e 20 While nAL9010' ..... P,'N 56 705 3 01O 1i2 115 mm) SlYr-" 20 Erass Plaled... P,',N 56 705 2 010 ' Easicrn Hemispherc saes oi'rlY. Sprinkler Wrench: Speci{y: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench. P/N s6-000-6-387. Specily: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 . TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS. 451 Nodh Canncn Avenue. Lansdale, Penns\4vania 19446 IttlCO f lireaBuitdingI Products Technical Services: Tel: {800) 381-9312 / Fax: {C00) 791,5500 ^-'.mem:,: TEUTBAL Customer Servic€/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 i t800) 523-65i 2 Fax: {215) 362-5385 Model Gl & G4 Sprinkler Guards Model GllSt & G4/53 Guards with Shfetds$eries TY.B, TY.FRB, TY-L, and TY.FBL tprinklers General Technical Approvals UL and C-UL Listed. FM Aoproved. {Feie r lo T,alrle A) Finishes ReC Palnled ar:d Zinc Chromale Physical Characteristics Welded assembly tabricated tron Car0on stenl Design Criteria In accordance wath lhe requirements ol the NFPA. sprinkler guards shall be listed. Guards are onl], lisled for ijse walh sp€cillod sprinklers: theretore. the G1, G4. GllS1, and G4r'S3 rnust oniy be useiJ ry:tlr the Series TY-8. TY-FFB. TYL. ,rnrJ T\-FAl. Splln\lers snoyJn in Tabie A Instatrtratian The tulodels G'l , G4. G 1lS1 . and G4i 53 are lo be insialled as iollows: Siep 1. The G1. G4, c1ist, or G4lS3 is to be nrountecl on the sprinkler a{ter the sprirrkl{rr has been insialied in ac cordaflce v,.,ih iis itflplicaDie tech ical data s l.re€1 Step ?- !Vrih the Clips l0ose. first spiead the iwc halves cl thc Spfjnkl€i GuarC jLrsi encuoh to pass by the sp:'inkicr def lectcr front the side. Then, once again spreaci the l,,io halves ot the Sprinkier Guard just enough to pass over the sprinkler "thread relief" or "wrenehing aree", as applicable, portion ol lhe sprinkler. {Refer to Table A, as well as Figures 1 and 2.) Step 3. With the Sprinkier Guard posi, tioned on the "thread relief" or"wrenching area' parlion of thc sprlnklgr. as npolrcabe engage tlie Ctios af d then :Jide fl-e Ct osi,niit t'rcy Description Data The Model G1 & c4 Sprinkler Guards (Ref. Figure 1) are designed lor use with specific types of Series TY-B, TY- FRB. TY.L. and TY-FRL Sprjnkters that may be located iu areas that make them susceplible to mechanical or physical damage. Table A provldes compatibility details. The Model G 1lS1 & G4/S3 Sprinkler Guards with Shields (Ref. Figure 2). tn addilion io providing prolection from mechanical or physical damage, shieids the sprinkler trorn water sprayot higher elevation sprinklers (e.g., rack slorage sprinkler insia!lations). When the G1iS1 and G4lS3 are used with the Series TY-B, TY-FRB. TYL, and TY-FBL Sprinklers shcwn in Table A, the assemblies lorm UDriqht Inter- mediate Level Sprinklers intdnded fcr use in fire sprinkler systems designed in accordance \,vith the standard instal, lation rules recognized iry the applica- ble Listing ag€ncy (i.e.. UL Listing is ilased on NFPA requiremenls). The G 1 and G4 are a redesiqnation for rhe Gem F938 & F937. andihe ctisl & G4iS3 are a redeslgnation fcr the Gem F938lQ-76 and F937r'Q-75. lyARw'w€S The Madcl G1 8 G4 Sprinkler Guards and G1/51 8 G4/SS Sprinkler Guards with Slsields desctibeci herein must beinstalled and maintained in contplr- ance v/ith this document, as weli as with the applicable standards o{ the Natianal Fire Proteclian Association,in addition to tlre standads ot any othet authotities havina lu sdclion. Failwe to do so may im"pdr tne integ- rity of these devices. The awner is respoitsible for naintain- ing their fke prclection syslen and de- wces. tn propet operating Condii.:an. t ne tnstdlit,te contractot ot man,t,ac- lurer shauld he contacted relative to any questrcns. Page 1 of 4 G1/S1 G4/S3 JANUARY.2OOS TFP78O Page 2 ot 4 TFP?8S sFr.iiL-q .cPRihlKt.IR rl: t-{ir i\:i SIN S IAI]I*)'iiNKt [: t] I)'PE sltitf.,Ki..[.q K-F/iC ra)il MCir!'J.',liliG I OilATlO\ CUAHT) i.JODEL i,xirPROVAl Sl GUARD \,r',/iI Fi siiiLLD \.10D5i it\FPFO'#.LS) l-{- ii -iY31 -r 1 'Y'J2i,1 G757C G7571 ijIriqh1 i)c rdc rrt 5.d 5.t_i 6 j i1.2i J', 1.1.2! G11sl 1l :i) Illr\ i Y4i:, i 1 j---r i 9:i 1 IY4151 :'j'424'l Tt:351 'i\', i1.151 c?5t:l i.i i nSfrt i_r ij il,:t" l'.ji' Il 3 rt ii,'l' l.ii:'l l I C ii'." 1;l'-l.i it c i:ri,l, i'.if,tl ,1.6 5. tl (::'i i'' .21 C'' l't ,21 {;1. !t )l tl't i 1 ,2) I'ilrtr J.,r/A G1,'91 {1.21 l.li A G7561 li: 15 91i G75S1 iraJitcfl t I,;! | i,.jht Pende.l iiS !f/ VSW .:ii lE c7475 C.1 i1)N/A TY Fii; l / 1131 i Y 1:t31 !Y3131 tYltT-;1 G7330 c7331 l-lrficht 2.8 ?.e. fifri:li1 Fs i(.1 T\read Fr?li.i if ia.t llcii{:'i ifY.'.ri i]eliti ,trea.i 3ei cl Tir'rac fri-.:iel iaJlaac l l.t',,,'..i I i!rc.i{i i:l9lr.j NIA N/APerCenl Gi ii.2)c i 37.r)i.lrflgtrt Per:den1 :,i 5it l3i4 i\rF Il i :]. J' f'it' 1 , i1; !i ri E.0 l() G1;S1 i1.21 N;'A Gli$1 {1.2} N,'A N/A Tf 1'.t?,1 i'l i:11,3 i G llig.il G 7t91 G;378 C/:175 iiDri0nl lel]denl rlSiiJ V9UJ l;i ii 2) Gr (;.2i G4 i1) 34 lr l tY i- Tr'3ll; i Yi-l:: i1 'iY:laJ 1 i TY4i11i -li'4 r i 1 31800 !.ltfrgirt pc !:,J? nl i":pnght Pi: l\def I l,f|1{]hl Perderl :;6 }tr 5.il ?, t i't.a: laPi : 8 tj il,l i'ill I lJ l: :: . l.i:l'l 8 C r':l:.: l.rij i ' G't \2.i N,,,,\ NIA s i801 il180,1 S1St3 N/A I'irA !r1506 sigt0 sr81i I! l;:!i tYr:?1 1.3',41 ; li:):.),1 IY1: i:.1 t'(,1.:r 2i G 897: (j)8E71 G8 97.1 CA-Y i2 ctj!43 G81 i,] ct)17 2 s'13/9 :l1ti{_r{) s1$64 st 8ua S l ll.irr s186i s i 8ii.: U tri!,th1 )t\ 2a l', ia' t:t,: .r il iu'.i t:i::l l I * ,:1..j; t;ir I l \!rcrah Arr.) \ijtCrCi! i\t.irl in/ic. { | Ararii G.ttil il4 I 1) (i4 r1j i.:r4 l1i i:1.1 t 1 : c4 11) ryiA f,A N]A l',Ji,ji ire.denl ii !-.113hi ir.: rde n1 I iS.LV uliIgln irerdeI.'i APPBOVALS & NOTES: 1 i i::i:.riJ tri lli(.1ir'.'i.!hli: i.anrraior|r! Inir. :r rri ii i ir a .,.--ij bi l titiil:-Y l!1,-tlua: Fessilrch COrporalico. f.i,A l.l!l l!ijiticiihirr flr rciec :;pr'riiil-"r - f.li-; S i.l. {. -ci,.:ij 'r Ailtravai TABLE A- LAEORATOft Y IISiISGS gtrP APPROVALS ;r':ii ditu,:.: 1{ E,':e li 1r';t';-16{g i}'1 inslallaijon as sfrowi'r i!r Fi,Jures l ancl --lir help a-(sist,r'flih lire srldjng ot ihe i .: -, 'l , rl,r.lt{r l. r.' r ;r:,1,t' icrcl ntal bl: i.rs.lil a': shoflr in Fjg!-ife 3. ln anl.li- . , r'r ,.i . . n,1 3e ,r1,:'i l:. :'.:ii.l,r|e:i'C i !r:t: :ititliit!l .Ji lir{: Citilt. rv0lfs thc C:lps !:1JS! iF.i j!'.'rl'st i - 9,lsf in orCer to be considetco fuil| seated anc i't otlPt tc r.ttDlt:e.'r- r'lsl,?,'r,l ttct). The G1.G4, G l '.!l; :,iril L:,;.',9 3 tnay r{) !acateC iri an)/ potti i.::n teia!!,/e to ttlt:: s p r i n k le r f nn (: i: r tr,,! TFP78O Care and Mainlenance lhe lvi0de!s G1. G4, c1,,S1, and G4lS3 do not require any reguia y sc h eclu le d maintenance: however.pro0er ;rstailatton ot the Sprir.kler Gua'dt should t.rt ver,'ied Cui,na rhe a.rnriat visbal ,nspeclon of ths 5'p,rni K lers. Thc owner is respo sible ior the in- speclron. iesling. and mainlenance of lheir tire prolec!tcn syste*t anci de, vrces rn compliance wilh liris docu- menl. as weii as r.'vi:h the aopltcabie standar{js oi the Na:;onal Fire Protec- lion Association (e.9.. tlFPA 25). :n addition to the stania!.ds of al]y other culhor;iies haviog lLirtsdrciton. fne in stalling contracioI ot 6prinkler manu- factufer should be coniacled !-eieiive io anl' queslions. 11 is recommendei thai autontaticsprinkler systenis be ins p ecl ed tested, and nta'ntained by a quatified lnspection Servtce. Page 3 of 4 Limited Warranty Products manutactufed by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer tor ten (10) years against detects in material and work- manshjp when paid for and prcperly instalieo and mainiaine.i uncier normal use and service. This rvarranty will ex- pire ten (.i0) years from date oi ship- m0nI by Tyco Fire Products. No war-ranly js given for prcducts or SPRINKLLR THREAD REI iEF FI.JGAGED BY BASE PLEII S F RINKLER \^/REI{CH ARFA EI.J{-]A(;FD tsV BASF PIAIF 2-7i8" DtA. i73.C mnr) i 2 5i 16" i5e.7 rnmj I GUARD CLiP (ENGAGEO) .BAR Model G1 Guard Model G4 Guard Si!)wn wiih Series TY-FnE Spr:rk!ef Shonn !'"rih Senes TY'FRL Spfirkle. 1 GUAqDS - AIMEwSI0wS F'GU'ig" MODEL G' AND G4 SPF'NKIffl - 4-314" DlA. {l20 7 m.n) I 2,3/e"$1 SHtEr_i) !1lrfH SCRIW I i38,9 n!il.i I (6r) 3 ntn-) SAR 53 SHJELI] W;TH SCR E\'J BAF GUAFTD C L}P {ENGAGf:D) S PT]INK L ER THRFAD FIELIEF Lt,J{;AGED BY sASE PLATE Model G1 Guard With Model 31 Shietd GUAI.]D CLIP (FIJGAGF i SPFII..JKLTR l/lRINrtH AF]LA EI.JGAG:t] T}Y BASI P] i'rla 2.7ih'DtA (;/11.C inEr) : Model G4 Guard with Modet s3 shietd Shav,rn wilh Sefies TY-B Spfinkier $horir wrth Se.i'i-< TY-L Sprinklef FIGURE 2 MODEL G|IST AND G4/53 SPR''VKI"€'fi ft.IAEDS WITH SHIELDS _ D'MENSTONS t= -t 2-7r8" DiA. {73,0 nrr) v.Jir + st,tl;i.iKLtfi PftcPEii:-Y r'..:s lAi L_rD. CAtlll'Ul |Y !i?llLAal li/rsE il.aJFS/lFAir i A\:L FIT Ot,l ,O -rj f il jl'.i /.i, f n.A-l AFirROPnllJi irlO: jf l-r lliCj L{)iAliilli i':ii !ASLEAANL, FlGiili:i: i .'r: i !{:is i ili iFr i:!.r: iY r!.iciGi:l ol.i[L G1 CJAr'iD t safi;!5 Tv,-::it8 PL!'iLlinil ::f,f,ri.J(LEti si-c'r'fi 9\,',,';V5L CIIFS OVEIi ADJACF!I SltiS .q,\lD SLiiI TOV,AED 3/ti: pt A ! ;S ii'.J-ilt SN[]rj crt:r t!'.i s r Ai- LAi !c fr,,,or sFi,pf ii JirT-i ,rr, l:"i"l5l/|".L"'lC Or''l 1- I'l il J/)\i;rr-,-, ;,";; AL,jAci:'Jr tsrFs P;cs:' :;Lo\n LL I - .!{nl, i^lf Pl 1'L\ '_j Ll'Y t\r'F' li FIGUAE 3 INST &,LLATIO N F fi OC E DU R E lr.is;A1 LAT!a)ld iooL cLtl :ii:Cf;llll aLil t- i.Ji.; Y F \i,,.4C 4 frlrioiili G,l CiJAAD *ltF i/,)i}i t ita Siitf I a:j & Sit:!tS IY,. LrPtliOiiI sPf?li!i( rii s f.. c\.,,i.] I tii5 i ci.ii, i:iii..l.\' F: l{ Gia f: ll Ci lP iN_slAl.r_.,v iol.J ;clili. ci.lz A Pl.r:t-i f.li\Y !-li il! ijiJ Fage 4 ol 4 t ld p- Lt E pJtsc L wftic !11_4 8A4 rJ]lgs aF,u.€EcH A.NI,A Et I.TY AN.D,f f: w,L$g Fos n g4 &.r. tQ_u_LAEll!8: FOSg. TFP?SO Srderfng Frocedrxre Coniaci ycu i' locel ciirj;.l.frL j.rr ic i avl rl- atr ilily. G1 Sprinkle r Guard: Specif.i: \4cde1 G1 Sp.ifiir.:*r Gn:ift:l ha',,ir:g a ispeciiy) i:nis!. i:rl.i {5rir.t i\"j a{i rir lrl,-ir e i-r1s ll1 a:rrjf;1ci3r-ed by conpa rles ricl alirii;;1toC fiy o',,!rershiD wilti T.ic{:] Fire P!-r.ir.rcls cf iu. prcducis atC cor,',p*ncnts wnic;l have been sLibjeci io misrse. imp:'ci;; r i.'1stalia.:1ion. c.rrro sron, cr w:'ircli have ftct been instaiiea. rriti ntai :.id. rr.rcdilied c I reliaii'ed in .ta .ofda.rce with applicabie Staniaros oi lhe Natronal Fr s frr-oleai:cx Asscc a liln. itndicjf ihc SianCalds o{ aav Lrii-.}i ,4uti;ar!1 ies H.l! irt J,-ir iscliiiioi!. h4ai,.l - irals lci-!iic by l'/co Fire Prodilcis:c ire i;l '::i:!' .,., :jr' '::1 1,il iC:;, iio /l f i:pi;rcec. ti itca tl;re Prod!cts s.rie artilf.. !,jio i:!ii) irfod'.rills neil'rtr ar,- sr.r,r. r. r": 1 .-i. !1ll'. i:'ly p€,: -i . . ?rsariin)e !cr 'l ef|l clher abiaoaiioir ii' it.,iar€cliLrir v,'rt i-r iire $:]!(,. {) l p!'ocli-ia1: xi li?r-1s ari i.:ii.r{ri1r,r:s . Tvrt F:re Pra:aii-!i:i:l slra:i *ct ac irspcrsil):e tcr silil[{it]f sysil' in ci tsrgr'r Elrilrs o1' rnacciriale Di' i:rrcr:rclcie liilcfnlalicn rupplieci l-rv ij-ilcr -r ['u, ',.,' L,c\'1lr-lll{':' i\ tlO F-Vt: f.J'f :i1-lALt TYCO Fltii, PFO}I'CT3 AE L,IABI-.E. IN CCN. Ti:iAi,].'iOflT. sTi:tlcT LlABli !T'i oR UNfIF:ii Al'.1'',' Ol fii:F t-LGAL lf-l:: O !'.tY !"ii ai lICitllNTAL. iNDlilECT. SPiCIAI CIi i-OI'JSFQU'NI'IAL l-lAf.lAGls. tNat lJDltJG Bur \10'l l-lr'li-fID l-O Lt\$Cn CF4f;GES. ftL GARi]T:SS O ':' \^J'IFTfiEN TYCO iiilt: ptioDuct:i rriA$ tNFOBMEI] AHOIJI iiJE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH OA .,{AGFS- AND IN NO EVEIII Si]A]-L {YCO FiRE PBODUCTS' LI. AI];i ITY FXCEED A I.J AfuIOUNi tQUr,i io rtil 1,JLI_s PFlCl" rH E^ EAA E,e A "t N "Q _vv.&nBA N T v- tS vtA p_E--jN, })E U -8_€-A!v-v_AA.p A L L Ql: HE ft vvL F I A.^{Ir€$ €xeaE_ss_oa ',.,.i 1..., |.:tj ir )i 1:r 1r:ri : ?i ' ;'fl ljirr!1:ir::t.r {:r 1: 1::) ,)1rI': i,;ill G,t Sprinkler Guard: Srrgcilv; .r,{c<ie I G,: Spi:ii;(;Li (.;:iar:i rar.'irrill {speciiyi firlsi- l':', }i irlll:t;it). :i:,,-; tiiai_rrlc i:;ri ri: y.r7 I !r.r: 91151 G ard with Shield; Sflerify fllodel G1/Si Sptittxler Grrarci vrilh Sh:*ld !ti:vinq a isii.l.!i'/i i:r:sh irli'i i -rpEc:ly i. iirij f,n:ir:,:,-r . . .. . l' li a1r i::il r Stiar :i ,. a],'|l!:-r?.r1r Prir :rri'l':i8 ir'iilti G4133 Guard with Shield: Sf:e ciiy llodei G4lS3 Sprif (i{:r iiLani u;th S lreid hav!ng a istecily) li.rlsl'l i'j/l.l {spooi{yi. U.,:i p:i.liil P1i! 5a-9i7-1'064 ,,-,,1r fi,flr.rr,1ii. ... .. ir li 5i, !:ii lr-it:iri TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS. J:r h:a,l,ir Cafir.r. Alorir(r. Lii:-rsjtiie Plr.ri s;r'.'::ria I3'14G Submittal Data Sheet v Sched u I e-lo'lSehed u I e-40" Fullv Listed and FIVI Apfroved Sprinkler Pipe Whcn you specify Schedule- l0/Schedule-40 sprinkler pipe you get tJL iistcd and Flvl approved product. Although thesc products do not rcquirc separale approyah, Schedule- l0tschedule-40 gives voutheextraqualityassuranceyoudenarrd.OurSch-10(11,i"-E")pipeandSch-40(l'21,i')pipe have passed the samo thorough lab testing as our other listed pipe products, and receir-e periodic nrl1l inspections liom both UL and FM agcnts lo €nsure consjstent quality. Gahanircd Pipe Schedule-10/Schcdule40 prodrct can be "hot{ip' galvanized to meet FNl. Suptrior Coating Our adr,anced formula mill coating offers a clean. durable surface. It is also paint rcarly for custom color applications without specjal preparation. Thc intcmal surfece ofall black lrire Sprinkier pipe up to ,1.5000" in diamc{cr shall tr,c coatcd rvirh Allicd lub,c & Conduil Antibacterial Formula 'ABF'. American Made lr{eeis ' Brry Anrerican" rcquircmcnt and is availabJe through distributoni nr the USA, (lanada and Mexico- Specifications & Approvals Schedtrle- l0/Schedule40 pipe.are in cornp)iance ivith thc folkwing: ASTM A 135 and NIPA 13. Both pip€ Foducts ha\e a working pressure rating of 300 psi maxrnrum and also meet the stringenl requiremenl for the lirllowing tcs(si Welded Oullets, I lydmstatic Pressure. Side Wall Runnrrc. \4bration Test- American Tube and Pipe rvas acquired by Allied fube and (londuit on Febmaw l. | 997. The engineered lighwall and slandard rvall lamill ol products although they have diffcrent names are the sanre in all respects rvith regard to rtr. rrgth. t\eight. buI|dlr'\.ount. lisling\ aird approvals. For example. Dyna-F lorv arrtl Supcr Flo are thc sanre product as are Dyna Thread and Super 40- XL is manufacturetl with Extcrior galvanized coaling. BLI is manufactured rvith Black lacqucr coalirrg- @@@ tlPS ltominal 1.0. Wl. Wt. (H20 Fitled) PeV ln: mm ln: mm Lbs/Ft;Kg/m Lbs/Ft; Kg/m Litt wllilt(21') W/tilt{24'} t{itift{25 1"1.04S 26.6 1.680 24 2.05 3.05 2,822 1.280 2,940 12',1,4 70 70 2,470 1.120 1.380 .15 | 2.270 2.93 4.JO 2,894 1.313 5l 3I 2,431 1,103 1tA 32 2,778 1.260 1.610 40.9 2.720 4.0 J.D I 5.37 2,992 |,357 44 44 2,513 1,140 1'/.i 40 2.872 1,303 2.067 52.5 3.650 2,738 1.242 2,300 1.043 30 30 z', EN 5.13 7.63 2.628 1,192 2.469 62.7 2,310 2,6401,048 1,19/ 2n' 65 7.86 1t .73 5.790 86 2,750 1.24/ 1A 19 lilPs ilominall.0. Wt. Utt. (H20 Filtedl pcv ln:mn ln: nm Lbs/Ft: Kg/n LbsiFt: Kg/n Litt u|t ifr(21') rflr ifl(21') I]||vr.irl Lbs: Kg Lbs: Kg lbs, 3,185 i: 0 1,252 91 91;;ol OI 1nql 1',241 ,,6U 1,208 1.097 27.9 t iqiz JO.O 3,172 | ,439 2,664 I,208 2.080 3.1 3.04 4.52 3.045 1.387 t/? 40 L682 42.7 61 ot 2,442 1,108 2,648 |.201 37 30 30 2.640 aa 3530 5.3 2,051 930 2.2U 1,409 3" 80 4.330 6.4 7 .94 11.82 r,Y/3 896 19 1,72819 754 3.260 828 2,057 933 '| 9 2,238t9 1,015 10 1,63210 /40 5.610 8.3 7n 11.56 2,558 1 190 1 ,865 846 2,230 1.012 2,665 1.209 1943 881 4.260 108.2 5295 134,5 4' 90.: 5 125 2,770 I,256 7 7 8" 200 8.24S 209.5 16.490 24.5 40.15 59.75 1,100 2,885 1.309 Sprinkler Contractor: Specificalion Relerence Comments: System Type: Locations: s5-4 ES.A,2OCilSS flrYrrlAtvlES FIFL&WATLIWOAXS'" Series 2000SS Doubk: Chcck Vnlve Asscrnblies Sizes: 2 '"-12' (65- 300mm.t Fcaturcs . Patenied Cam Check Assembly prcvides low head loss . Shori lay length is ideally suiled for retroti{ installaiions . Stairless Steel bodi is half the weight of compet,tive designs .educiog installation and shioping cosl . Stainless ste€l construction provides long larm corrosion prot€ctisn and maximum sttength . Siogle top access cover wilh two bolt grooved styie coupling tor ease of marfltenance . No snecial ioo,s required {or se., c trg . Co-p,rct consiructron alloi,,/s 'cr srnailer vaults atld enclosures . May be installed in hoizontal (Jr veltical "fioy,' up" position i\'rrilable r\lodels Sutfix: NRS - non-rising stem resilient seated gaie valves OSY - Ut-/I-[.i outside stem and yoke resilienl seated gate valves OSY FxG - flanged inlet gate connection and groQved outlel gat€ ccltne6t;on OSY {lxF - groo\,ed inlei gaie conireclion and flanged outlet gate coroectron OSY GxG grooved jniet gaie con$ectior'l and groQved oullel gale connecl on i G * wiihout shutoff valves Pos: inclicatcr plate and ope!.attng nLrl availeble - consuli iactory \'Iatcrials All iriernai metal parts;300 Series stainless steel M;1r. valve Dody 300 Seftes stainle.< c:(.el Check assembly: Noryla' Flange dimension ill acco!.dance wltt AUJV/A Class l) Ncry!'' is 3 i.gislcre.j tradenrari( cl Cenefaj Eleciric Cofilpan\r. z00tlss Series 2000SS Dcuble Check Valve Assemblies arB designed to pi'evenr rne reverse flo'.r'J cf polluted waler from entering into lhe potable water system- This series can be aopiied" \r,/here approved by the local authofity having jurisdiction. on ncn health hazarii inslailations. Features shod end io-end dimensionls. llcht,,'Jeiqht stainless st6el bod.y', anC lor.v head loss- Sgrccifici'rtion.s A Dcuble Check Veive Assenrbly shall be irstalled at each noted locaiion lo prevent the unwanted rcversa, ot polluted water into the potable water supply. lhe main valve body shall be ryranufactursd {fom 300 series stainless steel to provide corrosion resistal:ce, '! 0C9/o leac! kee throlrqh the waterwny. The double check shall consist of iwo indepen- dently operalsd sLlr;flq l.JadeC cam-check valves, required lest cocks, and oplional rnlet and outict fesilieni seated shutoff valves. Each cam-check shall be intemaily loaded and provrcie a prosittve dnp light closurg against the reverse ficw of liquld caused by b;lcksiphcnacte cr backpressure. The modular cam-check inclrrdes a sta'nle$s steei spring and ca;n-arm, rubber faced disc and ,? replaceable seat. There shall be no i:rass ci'brcnze pa{s used within the cam-check valve asseribly. The valve cover siiall be held in place through the i,jse of a single grooved style ilvo-bolt coupiing. The rnain ass€mlliy sl:all co:.rsist ol two independently operallng torsion spring cher;k assembiies, two fesiiienl seated isolation valves. and four baJ' valve tvpe lest cocks. The assenlbly sir:lil i;e an Arres Company Serics 2000SS. Pressrrrt -'-'lirlnllcllr[rrle TeinperaiJre Hanoe: 33'F * 'l 1 0'F i5'C * 1+3'Ci Maxirnun lrr-lrkinc lJressure: 1 .z5psi (12 bars) St;rnclarcls ASSE SkJ- 10i 5. Ari.rWA Appror,:rls ASSE. At^J'//A c5l0-92. csA u64.5, iJL tJ69 @@*UL Classi;itid iOSY orl;",) Flv{ For l2' iippacvaist:oirst,ii iactory Job l,lame Eng inee r App roval Cc!ltiaclor Job Location Approvai Contiactor's P.0. No Bepfeseirlalive iicns tn Aiies pioiiuits ire!iDu: y gi $tbseqiJerl i scld \,.J v;!v. a rr]e _cf iie u/aie r. C a n l {,:rltlruiir':; ii.rii,l,.;l,1..rrilIit'rS;l:l.-ll5;)S! i12 barii ^Raleit i:ij'.,., 'lll lrsiifj tt ':" iiirfiftl) 1-t ')],:il rririr :i:til :.!:r ;ra r:1 :,: .iln ia:r l1l _::l l::i .'i: til 1:l) : j-!i rt r,, 'ilir:r1l l 5'' {134 trrr) i:li :rr.-1i., ji,t ..irr,:lr. ,., :" :tr1, rii; :t)i, :1,,1r ':riji iri:lj,:iJ.gtlrt rtir '.i -i : - .(:. '':iii tar 1.i,ii.:t: liirit:1 ,::1.1 ,ili:::jrlilillim ;.1 .: 'r: i ,l l ': l?! ,9" i2Akrrnt) ::] :i::i rrjNr t;i .:r., 10rn jFs ,r:l liri i:a: _; i, ltrlrI f,r ljr_i 'ri,t: :r.t,t l:.r tps fins 3" i$0rnt ) 4" l ! fi$trrfil tB" l!'fr fifit j if.il ltr l-ii,l ilm 15 lal :irirr; ::rri: 'iiic il: li,' .':'- ::.i .:,, 1:rt,t I trir l,rlili )t.!: :.?t).:: l tt.t ':La r;ii:ii l: . : 'll '.4 .i: r::, :4.,: r: ' ;ii J:.i r,r .ir:r':,i!t .,.U l,rti: ... ,t_i. :,:rj ."1:n :rlr l::; ;i2i iiiirlll lr.!.1 :l!i:.t'i:;ra,:.r i-1:; lpr':-:j 1: Itt :i Ii nls , r,.i, .,:. r': i, ir:; 1.,l ':i,,:i'lr i2:rl :'lir i-5i:3ila:::,i ii::iri; apr! ,;..i. .-i tf:rt t:) t: 1.t:: I i,.:, iiJi ,.:il ::':ir r.i,l. itr:j:rli:l:.j'lir1:ii ili. i9t !1!ls 12" l3tlgtttfttI I :""|;i ::,it! irlir .1:iii qtil ::ll,r i::,a,j i::'Jl lil:.1 lom li iiJs i1 i}p: l:i t!i,; j;r;i :,': t ,';.. :':: l)irrrr.rr.i, )n\ -. \\ t'iglrt i &Atvtffi5 I M P QRT ANT: lnqu i {e with gov er* in g a ulftLtriiias for local installalian reduir€, D er',ls" ,. .'. !,. :.:, rslirg r'rilter.LCrl E,rp rn$ ir n]'rl :n. mir r10 i:1 0 i!1! $Y) i C{NR$) rirl !lt_ $!tt1 0in. tr{r t: if. ,iFij1i ,n r!]lt |lri',,iJeiqilr €i tlrri4hl i{,1Giis$ i ,?;t Galts lt. tS. : ll'1 iS. : ,_i;i lt: git! :.1 'a,r :; 1, t: 'I i 'il, 4:l lold ii ili; ,r1'.. , 1i:.-r: l, 2r!) i:2 , 1331!.1 :jij ,i: .r l.il ii? i:iCii;.ii1.j6l '' !, .: il', :i]:i:, .:j ; :, !:t . i.l ! a i:; r i1l.- 5;3,r2' ;'rl:r I r ll ili:: t-q j-i 1 I t2 il3 i::, :11.i9 , 25 ::, 23: ,ai.: _rjl .rae 5..rt 6iltl 679 li. il: , ,i:. t).: : 9 ,,. ;!l i5 11.:. 1.i il 1 11, 2tlc 2.11 .lil ilill: .' 'lL i '.1,'." i 2: i,:,,., . :1. !it,,r:': :1 2lj t. i i.:,1.: I t:. . ::.,'.'a .i!': :i '. i! !l i: -i l';i j ita .1!3 i 1,:l: t.i : ;i |2'a :ll: lri . 1:t tiu ) ?a : t,:i , ', /- .1 ', 1:):) , liil i5,l : 1il9 ; . ,.,r lliLt i li9 ii'j,1ii 469:::'v3 i:: 2a; .iv i .l -l a)'a iil, \i;rt r;r;:i L.--rive. Sirite +107 . Sacramenia. CA 95E34 r pf 61..31 !16-!?f]-0:?3 " !:ax: 916-928-93iJ3 ES. n t:.ilr1)_1.-:; U.l,i:O An-u:s Cc. 200i-r P:iriea i'- i-l.ii A ctaulic" An i50 9001 certilied company PRODUCT DESCRIPTION @*@ Patent Pending MATERIAL SPECI FICATIONS Style 747 Manifold Body: Fabrlcated ftorn carbon stee] pipe conform- ing to ASTM A53 lilade ts wixh inte$al Vlctaujic grooved ends. !,ini.h ^.arr,- --. --r TestMaster II: Bronze con structrou corDplete with .lual mteqal siqht glasses a]1d stan- ddrd Yz' test ori6ce. Single han die operaticn for tesl and.irain fuDctlons. Ilefer to Victaulic 'I'he Victaullc Style 7 47 Riser Manrfold Assernbly is compact and easy to install in zoned wct spnnkler sys- tems. The Riser Manrfold Assembly rncludes the Manifolcl Body, a UL Listed and I.-M Approved Flow Swrtch, a Pressure Gauge and a Style 720 TestMaster IIrM Aiarm Test Module with standard 72" orifice. Options: . Inlegral pressure relief valvc . 3/a' ,7/.ts" ,17/32' ,5/8' ancl 7q" c,rifices Speclfication Sheet 10.22 lor additional details. LJ Optional: lntegral pressure r-olief valve and addrtional onfices dependhg on size Coupling: Victaulic Style 005 Fir-al-ocktM couplinlJ c(rnplete witl.r Grade 'E' - ]',!'pe A Casket. Rejer to Vlctaulic Specificatioil Riser Manifold Assembly The Style 747 Riser Man-r- folcl Assembly is available rn sizes from 2" through 6" (60,3 - 168,3 mm) \,vrth groovecl erids for easy installatron with standard Victaulic groovcd cou- phngs. The Rrser Manifold Assembly is FM Approved and UL anrl llLC Listed lor working prcssures up to 250 PSI (1725 kPa). Sheet 10.02 for adrliiioral details. Waterllow Detectgr: Syslern Sensor Model WI,l) vane ty])e waterflow detector .r'Jith sealed retard, visual switch activaiion, and mechanjcirl (lelaV adlust- meni Cover inclurles tamper Ieststant seajur]ty screws and tooi. Note: llLC-: rnoclels WF DA include cover ti{rrper swit.ih Victaulic@World Headquarlers . P.0. Box 31, [aslOn, PA 18044 0031 o 490] Kesslersvill€ Rd., East0n. PA 18040 . 1-800 PICK VIC o FAX:610/250 8817 . ww$] victau ic com DIMENSIONS Manitold Body Size Nominal In.Drain Size Dimensions Inchesl ,,:,,,,, r , Approx. Weighl Each Lbs./',:n E 11 16.:00 790 7.10 570 8.90 19 9 2Y2 16 00 B]0 7lo 590 8.90 22i 3 1114 I6.4r0 840 7.70 620 8.90 256 4 2 16.00 890 8.90 7.20 s. l0 334 q 2 16 00 10 00 990 830 9 10 45B 11r | @r i.V\rprp, , tr nort utv 'n.[,(d (l)tryriltlrl 2lO1 V,1.Lli,r. 10.18 r(llAUL C Slfi S0ll1r0li.Elil t l0 |lllvfAlll Series 7O5W Fire|.ock@ Butterfly Valve with weatherproof actuator for 300 psi service PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Thc Scrics 705W butterfly valve fealures a weatherproof actuzrtor housirrg approved for indoor or outdoor use lL ir.r5.r ductrle iron body and disc with EPDM disc coalrnq. thebodyrscoiltodwthahcatfLrsod polyphcnylcnc sulfide blend to meet FM require[rents and Ihe n(]\ / coaling re(:luirqments for tl.re 5llr edilion o{ U L- l09l . tor fire protection services, Senes 705W valve is U L Listod and f lvl Approved for 300psi (2065 kPa) service Flow perfomance excee{ls tJL Specilication l09l and Fl\4 Approvil Stanclard 1112 Weatherproof ,Actuator Supervrsory swilches lor valvcs arc availablc 2tlz 12" 113,0 323,9 mm) pre-urared (PW) Supply-side Tap 2%-5'Sizos Series 705W vaives are available with a r/a NP I supply srde tap designed to allow drlect waler supply conncctron to Victaulic Firel ock actuated fir e proleclion valves. Sec separate drawings below. Tl.ris is an oplional lt}alure and must be clearly noted on all orders. Contact Victaulic for add tronal Information on taDDcd valves 8 - 12" Sizes .4,\ ,---tvt l<FM> DIMENSIONS Iable co l nucd on pagc 2 Scc notcs on pa(.Jc 1 .T I D I l + clw- v ,_r.___-= F- > J > l< L) < H-- > + A i. nt Series 705W Series ?05W with Tap @ REGISTEAEO MADEMAP( OF VICTAULIC , @ COPYFIIGHI ?flJJ VIC I AUL IC , PAIMTED IN,JS A 2,166 FEV C Vahe Size Dil nens|ons -Inchetrnill melets aprx. Wgt. Ea. Lbs.r(g llominal 0i€Detet Inchesvtlm Actual out.ola. lnchsl/nn A Hgt. B c D E F G H J K L 0 M N 2'iz 65 28t5 73.0 3.l t 9€ 980 ?r9 1 {10 :l !2 lr..) 2 flu 7u 69/ 111 r02 rt8 0El 23t 5!l 450 1 1.1 I 44 1) a l.l t0l 9l .tt 76,1 mm 3 000 76 I 3 tl 96 I tio ?49 l titr :i 32 ra0 248 'l.t 6.97 111 t -18 t02 114 0 9/ 2t 2.3 1 59 450 tt4 t5{.1 0 iil r03 lll 3 80 3 500 3.ll 9e 1U 48 ztrt 214 422 f air 0.08 350 89 7 6l r9J t:18 / 33 't llti 09t 2ll r9 450 1t4 1 t,:Lr Otj 0 8il 93 4 to0 4 500 1i4i 4.63 I lll n89 3ra2 211 5 0ii 0.0/6C1 r5.l $05 2.10 459 218 o97 2a ?19 i1 450 I1.1 2 F,O {) /l 1?1 .ll t5: 139.7 nim 5.500 ll9 l 5.88 ti9 1? 82 J2a) .l t2 !61 0.43 tt 6.01 r5l 993 25i 515 1J8 B 59 218 0.s7 25 392 t oai 200 5 5.563 141.3 5BB 1.9 12 82 326 :a 12 i 6l 0 43 r5l s.98 25i 545 t:ltl 859 2r8 097 392 100 50 200 165,1 rnrrr n.5txl 5BB 1314 349 :l 6l f; 04, ,54 t00 25 120 181 'r0 !t2 217 9.{J5 :t0 0 9t ?5 3 .J6 tol 50 'J 25 12t r50 250 1t l |50 6 625 -t tiu 3 5.88 '149 13 /4 149 3 bl 9i) 606 15r 100 ?t 1?A l0 92 905 2 -aD 097 25 336 T01 50 332 'i? tt0 25 i) r r.l B 200 ft.625 ?19 | 16 92 4:lo 4.88 1/i / 3.1 )02 121 32 10 20 259 14.06 .3 57 828 2io 13 .30 :r.18 205 5? 266 c 0{) 151 5 t0 'I J0 018 fl$l 'i3 t2a vlt,[Jlj.iL..']||i::j]rD1Alii'.iita.Pl!(]le.]'i]i.{]o..,',.-..,.,.. Viilifi ra ilompfi!.i , J C i!i.itt1. . 2ilrtre llc5 tt4 1-41n . i &. trirt 1:]-!rr.,j ,,,]..i;j,,i 1iar1nijr..,i: r.i1ltitij.i-i,lVial.rirrciritapir.l)irr..r-l:r!.tErla.l0'':ir!:.i2|.i-'i).;,t;.,,,tai .ijr:iri:: ..:rtar: ai:a Virli]rj r:AnErir lirii!r!. Iiiiln?:ili!ij59 .l:i)1r' . ft.. iiit rir-1 :L,Ct. r !ir:rt ,1|.,r a].ii.iirLr:l! itjr,: Vtaleir;iaA-stnPircrt:t.Pi/jiriril562:a.1Cj5.f;r)tt)iiJ.l:jiii,l:,,0-irliiri_llri,rrt:t:ii::.,ti'i xA"H!-1e 10.18 DIMENSIONS 'On.cnlc'li11o ', . ,/.r..', ft':tJ - " rr |', rr I.j Y 1 N] >< F |<M Series 705liv with Tap ll{:irl)t:.oLrtilrL'J.,,n. Lr|l irl(lillj,rirl \upport rr." b.'..1r:irrd 4 JCor..; 705W vrjl"(.. lt|o rlfrii cij tor srnbL(:rtl $( alr.t c.:'ld11i1: ir: !l,po\lrrl :t .trirn,1 r\illi: )i rri( (: MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Body: Ductrlo iron conforrnLnq I-1 ASll\"1 A 395 Srade 65'45'15 and ASTlvl A 536, gradc 65 45 i2, coated wilh polypherylonc srrlllrlr) bl{.. rd Disc: lJuctrlc Lron conlormfirq 1r] l\5Tl\'l A 395 or ASlN,4 A 536, various grades, EPDNI coatcd. Disc Coating: . Grade "E" EPDM EPDI,/ (Greer color c0(li.'1. f {'rl,Irr'r:ILLrro raI|aj{:r- 30'F to .).10 F {-3,1'C lo 110'Cl Recommondc(l l(.rl ccld alnd hot vtatof 'rcrvr(-r'wllr rlIh(l tl)(rc(ictltorrlperalllr(r l:|rlrlc pJus a vari{-'ly ol dilirl{l zlclds (rrl lio(l aira fl {|alny clrunrrcal -sr:,,'r: ,'1 Ll'. i.lii:,\rliL\ljn aacorriill( (,r,l]ilh ANSl/l'JSF61 forcold 8l-i"l i :l[)'i.]l and l.iot ' 18c'F ( 82'Ci l)or.rU ('!v;:rlcf :t:rvicc. NOT Rl ClOl'rlMLNDtD FOR PEIROI Flll'4 5FRVlC!S Stem Bearings: Tr)flcn inrl,xr,(iniili]al I l(rrql.s5 wllh stifiritrs:; 'riccl backrng. Stem Bearing Nuts: lvp(i 4 16 :ri;rnlr'.., Stocl Tap Plug: Carbon stooi, plili',r(.i. O-Ring: EPDN1 Bracket: Carf ron sleel, parnii.j Actuator: . ? lt 6 {65 150 rlrrL) Br{)111c tra*orlrl(l nul on al slcel feir(.i scrcrw In a steel houslllq . I- ]2" i200 300 nrr) Slix lr"crrr) irnd ra:,t rron qLtadranl alc:if ill a ci]51 rron holrsrng Valve Size Dim.mions - hch.s/millineiers AprL Wgl. Ea. Lbs.Ag Dlameter lncheslrnm Actual out. Dia. lncheal|hm EtoE Hgt. B c F G H J X L M tl P r0 t '.:! (: I0 ,'40 640 I Ll:l 19 t4 1EL 581 tb9 t 21 I t2 12.?t) '11!) 1'. / | 'jot 10 0! ?tn l6 r9 ,:l] 2 .15 320 -o o0 229 80 L) 12 t :n'rl 12 150 :]2 ] IJ 650 21 54 704 179 10 00 2 6aj 14 /t)tB 28 i0 0!lt 22 2 0::l 325 ,q.00 229 1,J2 t) Series /05W FiteLock' Butterfly Valve 10.18 PERFORMANCE Thc chart cxpresses the kiclional rcsisiance ol Victaulic Series 705W in equivalcnt fccunctcrs ol stf;,righl prpe. Fquiv Fe€tm ot Pipe Velve Sl2e Eqri!. Feerm ol Pipe Nomi[al Diameter lncl,es/mh Actual Oulside Diameler Inches/mm Nominal Diamder lnches,lnm Actual 0utside Diame{er lnches/mm 2 t..2 8t!5 165. 1 6.500 1{'5 I I 3 0il0 iL, 5 (, tirt 6.625 I ti8 3 B 3 80 3 5C0 Itl B 200 8.625 219l 1l 4 1CO 1 500 12 1il 250 '10 i50 213 1t 13S7+5 500 1i'r l 12 31 12 :00 12 750 3219 l4 5 12i 5 563 CvValues Cv valucs for flovJ of water at . 60'F (r l6"C) wrlh a fully open valve are shown in lhe lablc bclo,l For add[ronal dclarl\ conta,.l Vr( l.iul,r Formulas for CV Values: ,rP t)-' \,! trere: C',- r) = FIo.,r' (GP\,l) Cr' = Floi'v Coefllcir:rrr Q = c r..x .ftl' aI' = ltessure Drop (PSl) Valve Size cv tFull0pen) ValveSire (F!ll open) Valv€ Size Cv (FullOpen) Nominal Daametea lnches/nm Actual Oulside Diameier lnchevmm Nominal oiameter lnches/tnm AciJal Outside Diameler lnches,|Inm Nominal Diameter lnches/mm Aclurl Oufside 0iameiPr Inches/mm 2lz i5 2 815 l.l il 'r 39 / + ! !0{) I|lI 1150 I ?tiI) I625 l'19 I 341J0 7 C.1 mnl 3 000 7ui 1, t5 5 5 563 t4 .J 5!lo 250 10 t50 5 /50 0c 3 500 ,t ri:l lrr5 I 6 500 t€i I r850 12 -ril1) 12150 i23 ! 4 r!o 4.l0r.J L. lri(l 6 625 t!8 i r 850 Series /05W I'ireLock"i Butterfly Valve c I 1o.18 SWITCH ANDWIRING Supervisory Switch ?112-12'(65 - 300 mm) sizes: Series 705W PW- Two singlo [)o c. do!blc lhrovr pre w t ed switches. Swil.lr{rs :rf (-. f.rlr,rrl 10A .4 125 u 250 VAC 60 Hz ernd 0 25A o' 250 VDC, 0.50A (. 125 VDC Sup€rvisory Switch Wiring A Prc wirrej Syrrlchr:s (1) :lw tchc,c Supcrviso opcn Valvo (2i Onc s,rr'ilch iras tr,'vo * I B lt4TW w rcs p{]r tLr rninal. Permits comploto :rLrpon,isior ol loaos (see diaclratns lJelov'/l Silcond switch has one #l BllTW \,vlre per termrnal. Ihrs.loLrbio (ir{iLril Pro'.,rcles Ilt:xifrilily lo oporato h,yo eleclric:rl devic{-.s al scl }ar al{r localions sucl.l as an ind jcalirlg hghl and arn audriJle alarm in ihe afe?r al lhe valve Installalion. Swilch + 1 S1 S\ryilrh +2 52 Normally Closcd:f 2) Bluc Norral y Opcfl: (2) Brorln Comnror]: 12) Ycllow Noftnaliy Closc{l Bluc ',vith Stripc flcrmally 0pc|' Brown w lh SInpc Ccrnrlon YC lor,/ with Slripc (3) /\ lf(run(l lOir(-r t l4l"4T\ry rs Lrovi{l{rd (qrF)cn) -,-i> tl Actuator Repair ln llro r;riltk(.ly (.vcnl {)l an attrtirtor f:lrlLlft' cotI]plotc ilclratioil flrpla,l(:cr}tcnt rs, rCLlu t(,io. AI i IiLI,I ACI I"4LN1 PAit I5 1\,1USI BL Ots IAINL D I ROM Ti]E IJANUFA.IIIIII t{ ]O T\SSURE PROPER OI]I RAI !ON OF THI VAI \./I All l'i( it]i!to|i ir{o sllJ--rpl c(l willr a '1. NF}T oLrll€ll fof ( of dLr 1 conni)ctiof C.rit rlrir:,l l4-' l,lk{ln to cnsure vrarlrrr (lor':; nOt Lrftcr Lhc a.-lUalc,r throUqh th:r o{rtlct pr or lo irl5tallalron /Jirter ('r,lr)r |l9 llrt' i'l{.1{raior wlll car!.,f .:\\i[{ l] rIl ;ll[uncltt]ns t,{ ,a{ Seri(] s 705W I-ire["ock"'Butte.fly Valve 175 lh. WWP Bronze Glohe Valves Fire Protection Valve r Threaded Ends . Bubber Disc . Screw Over Bonnst 175 PSI/I2.1 Bar Non-Shock Gold Water UL LISTED- MATERIAL IIST PABT SPECIFICAflON 1. Handwheel Alumrnum 2. Handwheel Screw Carbon Steel Stainless Steel (1') 3. Stem Bronze ASTM I 584 Alloy C84400 or ASTM I505 Alloy C84400 4 Packing Nut Brcnze ASTM B 584 Alloy C83600 or ASTM B 16 5. Packing Graph te lmprcgnatcd (Non Asbestos) 6. Eonnet Bmnze ASTIV B 584 Alloy C84400 7 Body Brcnze ASTM I584 Alloy C84400 8. Seat Disc EPDM Eubber 9. Seat Screw Stain ess Steel 10. Pack Washer Sheet Erass DIMENSIONS-WEIG HTS-OUANTITIES Dimensions Size ln. mm. ln. mm- KT.65-UL Threadert KT{5.UI NPI r NPI In- mm. l-bs. Kq. Box Masl€l Oty. Ctn.01y. Y4 8 2.04 SJ 275 i0 48 22 '100 '3/a 10 2.00 50 2 75 7f 45 20 100 \b 15 2.28 58 312 73 68 .31 3/c 20 2.28 58 312 19 14 34 1 25 3.12 79 4.5i1 i14 1.68 .76 'Ul Listed lor Trim ard Drain l|le sizcsy2",3/a',l. Sir. 7i' tnd 3/6" snpplied as XT-&s. NlBC0lN(]. W0FL0l|IAD0UAnTIRS . ISI6 MID0LE3URY ST . ELKHAR1 lN 46516-{740 . USA . Pll 1800?3402'/1 TECfr SERVIII-S Pll 1 388,416.4?26 . fAX I 800 234 0557 . lNTifiNATl0NAl- 0FFlCt PH: +1 574.?95 3221 . fAX: ,1 5/1 ?!5 3450 wwwn oca com Threaded Fittings ^-.-r- - Tyco Fire Products -- www.'tyco-grooved.com 451 Norlh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 --- USA Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215J 362-0700 I F ax: (215) 362-5385 Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-9312 / Fax: (800) 791-5500 EENTRAL Grooved Piping Products See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for pressure rating and Listing and Approval information Ductile lron threaded fittings (with the exceotion of California Tees and Street Elbows) conform to ANSI 816.3. They are higher in strength and more conosion resistant than cast iron fiftings. The additional strength is provided by the ductile properties making up the fitting. This is accomplished by adding magnesium while lhe iron is being poured into it final casl shape. This provides an advantage as the fittings are not as susceptible lo leaks or cracking and they are also lighter Lhan standard cast iron. Caulion: Installers who have not used ductile ircn thrcaded littings hetore should be insbucted that Ihe fittings arc stonget lhan the pipe and over- tightening the tifling can meale leaks and causc damage to pipe thrcads. ln genenl, there is ahout one-hall turn dillercnce between cast iron and daetile iran titlings. Apply Tellon tape ar high quality pipe ioint conpound on Ihe male pipe lhreads and tighten lwo to three tu/7Js beyond hand tight. fi you arc using an automalic make-on machine, please exercise caution in setting your nachine to the Nopel parameten prior to lightening fiftings onlo the nale pipe thrcads. Technical Data Figures: 81 1. 812. 813. 814, 815. 816, 817, 818, 820, 825, 827, 830, 71S, California Tees, and Street Elbows Sizes: 1lz" - 2112" Marimum lllorking Pressure: 800 Series, California Tees, and Street Elbows: 300 psr Figure 719: 250 psi Approvals: UL, and FM llote: See Fire Protection Submittal Sheet for exact Listing/Approval information. Manufacture Source: lmported Itlaterial: Duclile lron, conforming lo ANSI 816.3 (Nole; Figure 719 Plugs are conslrucled of Cast lron) Thread: N.P.T. f <Tllnstallation 7-,- Apply Teflon Tape or high quality pipe joint compound on the male pipe threads and tighten two to three lurns beyond hand tight. (See caution in first column) 0rdering Procedure llrdeting inlormation: When placing an order. indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantily, figure number and size. Arailability and SerYice: Grooved Piping Products, valves, accessories and other products are available throughout the U.S., Canada, and intemationally, though a network of distribulion centers. You may wrile directly or call 215-362-0700 for the distribulor nearest you. Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire pfoteclion system and devices in accordance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.9., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. The installing contractor or product manufacturer should be contacled relative to any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corected. It is recomrnended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service. General Description @o No. 21-3.0 oo l-'l F qure 81' :10 E bow llr _-_:"*l:l-.frl.-.]I i -rJ'ji -lr I lilI ilt tii lir f- Frgure 815 Recucing Tee I . ,\\,K"\t 1- Yi t9r t I I-- --11 i Flg!re il14 Tee Size Inc nes rncnes B lnc he s Part Number W€ig h t Lbs. Box 0tv 1lp,86206 0.24 240 86205 0.4 0 120 86200 0.64 7A 1'lt 1'l:a 86201 095 40 86202 1.24 30 2 21lt 1'lz 86203 t0 2't;2111t,86204 3.28 10 ''-.-^---T7 . .''s:'"s'i,, /f "=H IP0 R(d'rc'-e Lrbow / cr t A Ir, i r ! Fig!re B'13 45 E !0$ Size lnches rncne s B Incnes c tncnes 0 Incnes Part Number Wei0ht LOS 8ox olv 86 342 0.3 3 160 fi.13/a 862r0 0.44 110 86211 0.53 90 1'lz 86212 064 75 86213 o.7 5 60 1'lt X1 1" l*1 86214 o.7 7 55 86221 0.9 5 1'/t x 1 't. ta 86215 099 40 1 1:: x 1'l 1'la 862'16 35 2x'l 86217 139 30 2x1 2'i,,2 86218 158 25 2xf iz 2 2:'t.t 't1h 86220 167 ?a 2ttx2 2'lr 2't;,1lt 11la 86262 3.01 15 Size NCNES Incnes B lncnes c nch€s D E tncnes F tncnes Parl NLmbel L0s. Box otv. 1 '/.r 862 35 0 46 95 86755 0.68 65 1x'l2x'l 112 86236 070 55 86756 0.63 80 46157 0.6B 65 lxrirxl 1'lz 86237 0.77 55 1x1x1,/:86238 0.66 65 1x1x'lz 1'la 86239 o.73 60 1 x'l x 1'1",1 1 86240 597 45 1x1t1'l?11le 86241 1 .14 1'ltx1x b 86242 0 81 50 111.e 13ie 15ls 36243 090 50 1l'trx1X1 1'lz 86244 1 03 45 1'hx1x11l.:1':t1 1-'/rc 1 11|:a 36245 '1 .10 40 1'1.N.1x111,1j/q 1'l a 46246 1 .43 30 1'lt x11i.x1lt 1:'tt lel.s 36247 0.87 11lt 1'he 8624n 0.96 45 11t..:/.1'/tx1 1"116 1" /:a 36249 '1.10 40 1/ x1',/-x1 11lt 1'ht 862s0 150 30 i'i'x1 l' x2 2le 2'lr 2 1 't'la 86251 200 't|i xl x l,1'l,t'111t .,5/^86252 097 40 i'L x1 x'1.1,'lt fi 86253 40 1'lix1x1 1'h 46254 1.14 30 1l.,x1rfi:1'. ir 1" lr:86255 1 .52 30 15/rt 1:'i,o 1,h 86257 't .03 40 1.t;1.t 8625 B 1 .10 40 15/.1e,/ r;'1"irr 'tt 111e 86259 30 1'llx1't, x2 2'1..2't,:2 1.1 86260 194 lf iu:86261 35 1'l 86262 1 .23 35 1'1,xf irxl 1'le 86263 1 .38 30 1'lt;86264 1 .50 f i: x1'lz x2 2',t,'2'trc 2 1- ln 86265 2.00 20 2v,1x2 2'1.2 2'lt 11lt 86266 2.18 15 2x1 hx2 2't,'2't,:2t4 f it 86267 15 2 x f itx'l:1r/re 86268 1 .50 30 2xf i x'1.1.tt f i:86269 1 61 2xl lzx1 2 ltl.o 86270 1.65 20 2xf i'x 1'b 2'lt 2'l.t f.i.t n6272 2.03 20 2 x 1't)x?2'la 2"1.s 2'l.t 11/z 1/ /r,86273 2.37 15 ? xZx l,'t1t2 86222 1 .50 30 2x2x"lt 'l'/t 15lo 115l,r 86223 20 2\2x1 131"2 86224 20 2x2x11lt fie 2'la 1'ts 1'l,e 86225 2.O5 2A 2x2x112 2 2 2jls fit 86226 2.11 15 2 xZ x?'i.2't"2'ta 11i_46227 3.67 10 2'i,x2x'1.131'15la 13la 86274 2.22 Sze In c Nes ttcnes B tN c n€s Pa rl Number Weig ht L 0s. Box ot}. 86780 022 250 1 86781 0.33 150 1 11/a 86280 0.48 90 1slre 86281 4.73 50 1 2 86282 0.93 35 2 1"1:a 86283 ll1 2,t;1 86782 2.70 12 Sizc lnches lncnes B Incnes Part N!mber Weight L0s. Box oty. 86340 033 150 86341 0.50 90 1 11lt 86230 085 60 fiq 46231 1.30 1,J:46232 1.63 2 2't,86233 2.63 .,? 2't)2"1,t 86234 4.55 8 Size IncnSs A Inch€s B lncnes Part Number WeiiJhl L 0s. Box ot}. 13le 8677 2 038 240 1 x'lt 1111rc &6228 0.38 200 1 x r/.{13la 86229 0.53 110 Flgure 816 Reducing Coupling Figure 825 Extension Piece Figure i'19 Cast lron Plug Figure 827 Hex Bushing F gur-. 830 Brass Seat Un on F gure 817 Cross Figure 8'lE Straighl Coupling Figure 820 cap Size lnchcs A tncnes Part Number Werghi Lbs. Box otv. 1'lt 727 51 0.20 300 tlzx?2 72980 o27 250 3la x 11/t 1'lt 72981 0.22 250 3lax2 2 72942 0.3 1 200 Size Inches ltcn es B Inches c rncnes D lncnes Pa rt Number Weighi LOS Box olv 1 1'lt 11lt 862 84 0.97 11ln 11ln 86285 1 .59 131,a 86286 1.89 20 2 2'la 2'/t 1'lz 11lz 86287 2.93 10 1'Lx11l"x1x1 86289 1 .25 30 f i;x1'ltx1x1 15/a 11ln 115/re 86322 1.48 2x2x1x1 2 11t,86291 2.64 10 Size In c nes A tncnes Part Number Weight Lbs. 8ox otv. 1x1lz 72726 022 280 72762 0.18 2BO 11le x 1 131rc 72763 0.3't 150 11/z x 1 72757 0.53 '100 72764 0 35 100 2x1 7?759 0.7 5 80 2 x |1lt 72761 0.69 BO 2 x 11la 72775 0.62 80 Size Incnes Inches B Incnes Part Number Wrench Wei0hl LOS. Box Qtv. 72779 11h.0.18 360 72778 ltla 026 200 1 72755 11'ln 0.44 110 2 727 54 2 0.54 75 11lz 2tlrc 72753 2'l'.o./1 60 2 7275?2rln 1 .15 30 3 72758 33/a 2.29 1B Sze lnches Incn e s B Incnes Part Numher Weight Lbs Box ol}/. 86207 0.47 110 2 86275 066 80 1 2'lt':862 76 '1.08 50 1'lt 21lt 11tls 86217 35 86278 2.03 25 2 3rh 86279 3. 15 ta1 Size Inches A Itcnes Part Number Weight Lbs Box oly. 72776 0.15 500 1 72777 o.22 300 1 13l'o 72824 0.33 180 72756 0.54 110 11lz 72822 0.68 80 2 11lz 12823 0.96 45 2'lz 13t4 72825 1.80 25 Size tncnes tncnes Part Nu mbe r Weiqbt Lbs. Box otv. 86292 0.10 500 86293 0.18 300 1 86294 0.28 200 11la 86295 0.50 110 86296 0.70 BO 2 11lz 86297 0.90 45 Slreel Elbows Califofnia Tees Limiled Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Products are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten ('l 0) years from date of shipment by Tyco Fire Products. No warranly is given for products or componenls manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with Tyco Fire Products or for products and components which have been subject to misuse. improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed. maintained. modilied or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association (N FPA), andior the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Malerials found by Tyco Fire Products to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at Tyco Fire Products' sole option. Tyco Fire Products neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with lhe sale of products or parts of products. Tyco Fire Products shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete information supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS BE LIABLE, IN CONTRACT. TORT. STRICT LIABILITY OR UNDFR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LABOR CHARGES, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS WAS INFORMED ABOUT THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS' LIABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO THE SALES PRICE. IA L E!&EoUN G w A 884N ILISUAA MEU_qEAA! ]Ap ALL atHEn WANNANNES EX?frESS AR IMPLIEO. tN cL u D I N G WABn ANT| ES _U MEfrCHANTAOI.L,III ND EIIXESS f!fr A PABTICULAB PUfrFO$E. General llotes: lt is the Designer's resp0nsibility t0 sel€cl pf0dricts suilable 10r the intended servic€ and t0 enslre that press!re ratings and performance data is not exceeded Never rerflove any piping c0mporenl nor c0[ec1 0rm0dityan, piping deiiciencies vrilh0ul fifst depressurizing and drJinin0 lne system. Material and gasket selection sh0uld b€ verilied to be c0mpatible lor lhe specific applicali0n. r.;i:.1',';". lrISOi,,'J,,?PJ"_ r' . ,**,r,irirl*, ,.,,' Prinled U.S.A. 10-0i Size Incn€s lnc hes B lnc hes c tncnes Pari NLrmber Weight r0s. Box otv. fit 3 42003 0.70 80 1x1 11lt 3 42002 0.90 60 Size incnes lncnes B nches C Inche s D Incn€s Part fl,lu nrbe r U/eighl t0s. Box oly. 'lx1/2x'1 ltlz J 42000 095 50 1x1x1 3 42041 0.95 45 tl1EO1', t"" t .ntuot f Tyco Fire 'Products 10.52 vrctAU|f ls AN :r0 -.001 cfl]tlt:10 acvPAitr Style 922 Ftre|.ock@ Outlet.T PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Style 922 Outlet T provides a convenient method of incorporaling r/i, r/1, and 1" (l 5, 20 and 25 mm) outlets for directly connecting sprinkkrrs drop nipples, sprigs, gaugcs, drains and other outlet products. Available for 1'1, through 76,1 mm {32 to /6,'l mm} prpinq systerns, Slyle 922 olrtlets arer l,l /ULC Listed, LPC, Vds/FM approved for branch conn{,-'ctions on wet and dry systems The locatinq collar enqages into the holc preparred in the pipe When tightene.i, lhc ass€,rnltlly compresses the gasker onto the OD of rhe pipe The Slyle 922 Outlct T is UL/FM rated up 10 300 pst (2068 kPa) and VdS rated up to '16 bar al the arnbient temperatures lypical for irre protection systems Style 922 is suitable for use on slandard, Iightwall, Schcdulc 5 and other specially prpes " lt is supplied wrtir a clear, rust inhibitive coating. Contacl Victauiic tor other Llptronal coalings 'Consulr Sccron l0 01 for spccific listinqs/approval,; @ W @*@ DIMENSIONS @ FTGISIEAED IRAOEMARK OF VCTAULTC - O COPYEIGHT 2&3VICTAUIIC - PSINI ED IN U S A. lhI(.i1]t.|lpIOd!.t5Wi1h5pc'ciaIfcaiurc5su.]|]a'<plo|]c:,,c||-vFcl laulj. produ(-l Failurclovcrifysuilabilily,raCvarccrrJy'orurrnr ii..dnlj) pritrk.trr.i or lo.kaq.: 'Ce1.r cl run lo cngagcd pipa end for NPT ihrcarls {rlilnlr r5iof:r arir ipproriln.lcj ':7- i' lEtrlf ',1 3355 FEV ts NoninalSize inches/mm nun x Branch FPTt Hole Olameler +0.06/+ 1,5 4.m/.0,0 Dimersion g - incheVmillimelers Appro(, Weighl Each lbslkg ltt\ttt 342 'l .3{J 33C 183 I t0 2i \ 387 983 246 6t0 10 0.,:5 1 t1x t1 ',\2 /, 20 302 1.28 125 1.83 .65 1 10 21 9 3 B/ 9e.3 2.56 650 't .1 0.50 I i I x 1 32 l, 2a ll) 2 1i2 38e 211l,1.1C 219 3.87 983 2.56 €5.0 1.2 | 1.. x 112 r{l X -1.342 14? url 1 195 122 'r1,(l 108 t{)3 ti 2.56 1.2 0.54 1i. N 3lt 1Ci20 302 I 4rJ 156 t22 31 0 4.06 103 6 ? I;F 650 12 o ti4 1 t. x 1 !c )i 25 11r,, 302 1 .64 230 1.22 ll il 4.0ra 103 5 246 c,:.0 tl !59 2 \ tt.l ic r( r!342 1.f,ft 12' 2 '19 1 .,1b :i, I 460 llLiS 2.5 ti 0i0 '|.:3 05c 2 Y, ll !0r 20 :t (i 2 164 11 1 2l1l 1 4h t/ l 1iiotttd 234[i0 L4 c64 ?x ]]|) ii I --.4 2 188 2i4 a6a 11ti.ft 2 \il (i5 (l 1t (r uu 2 t; N. ' t it5 i 15 1lt, 3C2 't ir1 .r8 5 2 41 112 0 17r 544 1'il .2 256 65.0 I6 0 73 2t/: x '1, it5 I 20 302 189 2 41 624 1 t1 54u r:17.2 25a 6_q o Lti | 7l 2t..x1 65 I .t5 :lc z 213 5tr 219 la'j i i1 5.40 r.li : 256 0,!i c 16 071 71,:lftmXrL lr X 15 3i).) 1 9l 2 44 111 1:i .1 550 1311 i 256 16 c t3 7il l|1lmX r/ 1i,1 X 2A 30.? 189 480 '2 44 (2C tll 550 1 t91 256 65C r6 a lai 74.lmmX '76 I x 1 25 34.2 2't3 5n.l 2 t9 1 /1 4'l 4 5.50 1]9.i 2 )lj ti5 c 1.1 080 i,rtLn]:il-i]i)i:l|i]:l\,0|i!j.!:iiija.Pli!lltiilix]rj.,i(r,i i/]t kJr rii!. ll'i1!!iiiv .;i a ii iiti,tt . Pl+far:i1C5 88{ 7ti.,i . i,r ilil5 ilij,l +ilri '.J-!-i, i liat:il;jilijO,'lijtijulra t tji,r't;rrli:r:,ai:riPp.l,itin:3: ! jil 'rrj0.[i.i:]_! ,.4.:l:1 . -I:;i: ,itr:i.. ri ij?: lr:riit liirf \iiihi rli Acl|Jiaa latririr ' froJ a: I]1,1-:i!..]30., ' ir./ : l! J:!j .(da8 . i: .r]al jit;t r.!'!ra:i,!;rr__coLj Vi! ra,iiia A5iil pi]cli:,- . Phrr ! 65 iiilS:1CJr. id ,r:r:t.tJ: ili,.]:i. ( {:?il. v riiitii!,1ttitiiiL. ii,i ,'&n^.g;is. 10'52 PERFORMANCE MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Duclilc iron conforrning to ASTlr4 4-395, gradc 65 45 15. anC ASTM A'536, qr"1dc 65 45 .12 Gasket: . Grade "E" EPDM -TypeA {Violet co oi code) Frrelock products have boen Lisle(l l-ry l-lrn lcr\r,/r ilcf 5 L a[]or.JlL)fi{rs Inc artd Approve(l by Fa(itory l\,4lrlr.il R(rscafclrfr)r wfll i r(j riry (oil irco arr I r|)tittklot :,(JVL(;cs ul) lo lhe raleu wukrrq pressure usjnq the Grade L' lype A Gasket Svst('nr Bolts/Nuts: Hcal treate Li carbon sleel lrnir eleclfoplale(ltrack ho|(l ll(tt \,rilh a mrnrmum lcnsile strenqlh 0f 110 000 psi i758340 kPa) Flanged hex nut z r1c elcctropl.r(cd Style 922 FireLock Oullet T 10.o2 V!(lAUrl(l S Ar,l ifl lriiir i.tRrri tll aofJlnlii Style OO5 Firelock@ Rigid Coupling with Vic-Plus'n Gasket System Vic,f=m,*,m; tystem6''sket PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Firelock" Style 005 lgid couplinq has a urrique, patented angle-pad cJesign which allorvs the housings to offsct while clamping lhe groovcs By permittang the housings io siide on the an.jlod itolt pacjs r.liditv ts oolarneo The FireLock coupiings provide riqLdily for valve connecticus. lrre rrtains ard lona] slraiqirt runs Su{ll..rort and hanging rcqurrcmonts correspon.l to NFPA I3 Sprinkler Systcms. Angle p.)d design pcrrnrits assembly tly rernovlng one nuybolt and swanging the housing over the gasket. Ihrs reduces components to handlc during assombly; speeds and eases installation on plpe grooved to Viclaulic specliications. Style 005 FireLock couplings with the Vic-PlusTM Gasket System are designed and recommended for use ONLY on lire protection systems. Vic-Plus Gasket System: Victzruiic'' now offef s.r qasket system whjch requires no fie{d lubrication on wet pipe svstems. Ihe V c Plus"' Syslem (patent pendifg) is dry, clean, and non toxir.. ll reduces assembly tirne sLrbslantially anLl eliminates lho rnoss and chance of over lubrication. 9*9,9 W FG,,,,,,','I:'|,;" :'!pavcLj DUb rr.llion iQ:i irrilr.lrrl.. l: ^.q,:;t.|,;n\ t 1i | . !;n itf DIMENSIONS Ratcd for wel and dry sprinkler systems at 350 psi (2413 kPa) fot 1,t" 4 (32 , 100 mm) sizes and 300 psi {2068 kPa) for 4,i.' B" (108 200 mm) sires; SchL.dule 10 [oll qrooved or Schedule 40 cut or roll grooved steel prpe. Style 005 is rigid and does not accommooate expanston, contractior.r or angular deflection (i 5 I R{rlcr lo ol{r5 o I paqc 2 @ FEGISTEFED TFTDE |,AFK OF MC IAUIIC - €, mPyRGt]I i2(Xl3 ViCTAUL|C - PRINTE!tNJSA T535 8EV I Pipe Siie Max. Work. Press. g PSI'/kPa Mar. End Load Lbs,'/N All0r. PiPe End sep i lnJmm q Bolttlut No.'Si2e Incheg/mm Dimensions lnches/mm APrI' Wgt. Ea. LbsJkg Nolninal Dlameier lnchednm Actual 0ulside Siameler lncfies/mm x I t.:'r 660 350 7r.l 755 13,'t) 0.05 17 2 :tN x 2i 2 t5 70 4 5C, rt,l 188 llli 1? :i'1 garLl :!.1 350 !:,90 .t,i 15 0.05 12 2 'l:. ',1. 2'i 300 l0 41! 1?1 tllS iiil t2 ill 2 l,l .J i5o i.1:, l!50 0 0r' 1.1 2-'t\ I 2t.350 89 525 1:.:\ liju rll 2 i.2ilt5 1-1.:j 35{) .rrtl 221i.) I0l'0 00i 1.1 2iey..2t)4.00 102 5 15 ru8 1.9 16.1 nrm 3 0il0 la l 31,r-)21t5 I I0.10 007 1.,-2 t!, x 2t!413 105 5 75 88 t!r 3 5ail 350 li l.l 33{i5 I r935 00t 1l 2.:t, v,21t!463 1t ll 6 t3 t5rl T llti 2I 1C0 4 500 350 iil.l 5565 ? ttllt) 016 ..1 2-"lt x t1l,575 2 1l -it 108,0 r rl 4 240 'r03 c 3il0 246€ 1? 55 ]|t9r0 016 2 :t,. x 2t t)5.63 lr3 1 .25 t8l 2 1?, lrl :ll t,i llll 5 5rr3 t1t l l0{J 206e 7290 3: r.r 5 016 2:1: N,2tlt 6BB i75 900 2?9 21:)1i, 5 250 J.i il 30t h4,-,5 t8!0c 016 2, ti. \ 2't.l tt 63 t6e 900 2 /t) 2 1:l .0 1:19.7 mn 5 500 t.r9 l 3rt0 I t25 r1115 016 2, 1.. x 2:t"688 115 900').'l ?, 1:i 5.1 4u 6 15u ri 6?5 t6E rl 300 z0eil 10340 44020 0la 1l 2. I X 2.il 800 ;'03 10 00 2 13 rr li l5!,0 mnr 6 250 'l5u rl 300 2(i68 92(rC 4:)955 763 194 10 00 ;t5t ) 1:);i. ta 165,1 mm 6 ,r{iO tb5 l 300 2068 99 55 44295 4l 2 .t? x 2it4 B 15 ?ot 10 00 ?t4 ? 13 51 rs B 2Lr0 B 62-c i.! | 300 2{1!8 17525 r3040 0.19 ,4E 2. t. x 41 r0 50 26i 13.13 :Jtl 263 67 113 !/|.ti]{];i(c0lpL:i';!1/]i:]l'ta.ij.ii]'Bj'Ni.]i]iiii!:il]ili']l:2 ! dirij i{ il{rit!pr'!,; . )l (l;rn,til:j . ilrunr i,C i .,tfl 1,.i44. F,rr lrijir-Ai,:i 1ti.t . ii,L:ti ir 1 |:rrrrlir! !t..i1t ijIijriii/.tri;i{'!t i,F . irir r::t -r:a S r3l iailc.iar.-i:!.ij.C,j;14.. .: ,,,i, .i;.,.,iji;ri Vil;rLiia;\ril'.y;r:iiauirl.Ftur€:61{l-559-j;llli.lJ.:rrtt,trg:iilj!.r:r.,.ri:,;r !i,i,.L r:..1 ri': y'ratdui.c Asld l',x l,{.'Pli0iri: 65 l:215 ',lji.;c:t tr it2lr ital5. r,;j ,ir !,i;,,i,i !i!i,,, :,. i:.jiri / !ftct€rLrhG 10,42 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Duclilo iron conforfnrnq to A5lhl A 395, qrado 65 45 15. frrrl ASTM A'536 grad(i 65 45 12. Housing Coating: Orarg.r {]lramel . Optional: llot drppoij qirlvii ir( (l Gasket: . Grade "E" EPDM -Type A vic-Plus Gasket System t (Violl-.I coior r:odo) Flrcl oL.k pra)(l|(:i:i h.rve bo(.rt Listcil by Un(l()r\ttiters Laboratorles Inc anal Ap' provcd by Failory N4lrtu;ll Rc:,oirrch lof wol and dry lorl If(]o ?t r) sprrrkl{rr sefvices Ltp to tho ralcd wolk f g prr-.s\Lrrar r,\ing lhe Gr irck, f ' T'y'l)c A Via-Plus G;rskct Svstcrll rcquirinq no fleld lLrfJricatron For drv sfrrvicr-.s. V claulr{t []onlrnue\ 10 rcc{rrnnri'nd lhc usc o{ Grircc 'E Iype A FlushSeal Vic Plus Gaskcl Systcm. Contact Victaul c ior {lolails Bolts/Nuts: Heal lreal.rrj ci:rr[-]or stccl. zric clec.lroplatccl lo AS tM B 63 3: 1 rack head bolt corrf or mang lo ASTM A 183 minrmum tensile i 10 000 psr {/58340 kPa)t fl?rnL}od lrrrx nut .{lnformrng lo ASTM A 563 Gra.ie A I Slandafd gasket and tluslrseal qaskct alrproved for Llrv piP.r sysltrrs to -40'F (-40'C) Based on ''typical' pipe :;rrr[z]ce con(.lii ons. supp cmL-nt;l lubricaft is rocommended tof servicos installed fielo\ 0'F { 18"C) and lor.1l1 dry ptpc sy:loms or systcms lo bo suqoctlrrl lo air lesls prior lo being fillcd wilh waler VrclaLrlir {-critlinLres [o r{]co|lrlnr,rn(l th{r use (if Flrr:ihscall gnskcls for dry servlces. I ltc info' ntatiort pr ovtdcd bo u$/ i5 bir:rjd ori tlu lalost listrfrg aral apLrfoval Llala al lhe ltnle oF publlcaliorl Llslinqsi Approvals aro subjccl LrJ ciriifge anajior.rrldiliors by ll.rc ijpprovatls agcncics. Contacl VlclaLrlrr: fcr performancc on othcr pipc arnd lho ll!o5l li-'jllngs i,lnd approvals F[1i.l4]li:ra(lIt.'|;l'|vil(]|l]1.i,4.i.'li]."L'||l:i('(jlij|!(Jl.1i:(]|p:o4|l]li.nv1i1|llisk]lioi NOTES: 5 rri.r: r. l.i'i1c,l'Ai,pr!!r1l Srhr!lirl. i I r:l i(r, r: i 10 r.r|r' lo l.r5lr!l/AI.rtjr,rv'll :",1,,\lrl, l0 l,,,i rl,; !; I l ,,l 40,'rlrrr ri l i:,lri.lrAirl,ri-ru!.1 5!h,{lrk lli .i','i :r. I r i i,r) LIL.|r:1i1.,lriLi:,t{rl.,liir.l\|rtrrk.:prt).rt:r r,r,j,' ,,l:rjr.rLi,r1 iul,( !'I.,l'ri l)f ri)ti r, nr t rsl{a:lr1;Fr,rvr'ri il,'rlaF.,a.r(i. i-tri,iiitr.,r,fnfirlluri],llrJAll((l l',iUil' r:l(r'ltil l)l rdl]r1krtl!1.(l llvni1hr.3d,,1..:,i]|r'(ririIr,n,rL,ilJ.rirflrll..yAliirri T.rL''r x. ctirtrhr!t l_F r.kJ.;ro lisi{{l,Al)pr.vo.l F.l{l} Fkr'\:r.rr 'i;r ' ^rri r'i|r rrarloliir lrIrr,(l iiJ 3i,lfJl'osr: l( l,r Lr l_l r(.ifl\ r. isl(rcl iii(Jtilc 5tc(il \prrr I I r irrt.,'j ii,;',trrr,t1r i,(i-l i)) flttll l'li,Ust lLrlr) lic [] i.krr'kr lislc(l [ .d]ilrrcld 40 sl( i) .;:i itrr" !r,j , r ,trrJl lur.r- lr! lj! t/1rr,' Irfi\: t I rcii)r: () L.lrlc(l [,/.f1.!t.,1ir) :,1]./rkl: r lrl' r. r.,rr "r, rl f; N(,il irfrirri)i r il. r',,lao | | r ( 1 ( ) i \ I i i I i : l ( ' .I lrr(. Frr:n. rrl:fri,lllJ lni ';: , ' r; /iL,'r'rr.,. '' '_' r' r (;At 7 ri. (rr,lL_r I i.:{rt .!|(jllifrLrtr:r rrpr ir |r,r.rii _.i[{,i].:/il{ f. i,i Llll r.tuJ:r' r,rir(i ,l'rirl."PriikLl LLtn rr:,r.f rl ,.r :...'l ,.i,1:,r'r,iTr,,r.(.iiirli/ Irll r(ili)r( ro lslrrl f.t-t]i.F !i ,lt-, l:tn lk i:LI . | . 'i !;,,1 Lll;t !:iii,rr! ii rr!'lur I ( .,r|l nf)' fJlrril(irloil|nr(l f,4(iq, ihft,,r( :r.{ ,t)rirrl,: I i r'\.r,;.,1'jrlrlrrv\(1 (iril,'r1l l!li:1t\rrl,rr'/ !lf i'r{,.11,Lirn!l!1,.i,.1,FrLr.li, .'' Ln ii r: ,rli lul(diiiAIL': lLr,'r-rii-irriirl(ri :l.r;,.lyifri,dd,r'l.r!.ln/\Pir:o":.1.((i.t,r!:i ir': rr'ir1 tii,:llrrrxl r'lA!.'i!-:rrrL rr ( (irlrL,ralr.r' I'rrtl]l!!! Il}|lo!,.t{I.lrr ril(rl,itr,: nr.rtri\rr,ii lr';ir:,:' rJlx i-.rrrrl)irl,/ wL 'l(1.r'qlclrr(a/At)rtrvr(l rl(\riit)fir ki|, l,tr,:rlLinrl.r'lur{iiirlVlhr)iliiirrl rrtr il()rr:!r"]r' Xl ftif(xs k) I islcd Xl (r i{t lt ilc.l :irfi r(l(1 i,1!\) 'r .r ,rr:'r1ur(-{] by A li{icl lrrt'|' \ fctrri !'l liri,fJ RatedWorking Pressure - PSI Faled Working Pressure - PSI Pipe Schedule Size Inches UL ULC FM Prpe Schedule Size UL uLc FM 5 1 ,'. l l/r ll 115 ll 't t -.1 N/A lJ/ A 300 10 10 1 r, - 1 l5rl :50 !,4 L /tt 2 30i)IJIA NiA 5.{l :100 :l0o t.1t I 300 NJA f.l, A BIT 1 t., 2 30t):i0(,I'J/A i"4 t 1/ .1 300 lt/A 30!' Df I t. 4 30(J :00 30{)t4I 1i -2 300 NiA DT 1/t 2 :l[,{):rlI 1,' {f,l,'A N/A :100 1i 4 1i\1 L: ll. i )l..J.l\r I lt.l Li ;IJ/A IJ;A Jrl0 il |i. ?:101)I :t |l N,.A NlA 300 fl 1t, 2 3[0 |,,I.J'A 'n,l :l -tl 3t!l0rl l'lrA {.rl llil0.!,,]l0u t,l 'l{i{l 30!1 30Ll Style 005 Firelock'' Rigid Couplinq 1(l.05 !rllnLll 1l \lli !{ :rilol fli,lLl l0 L0l"lPAli! No. IO.DR Drain Elbow PRODUCT DESCRIPTION No. 10 DR drarn elbows are speci|cally designed lor use on fire protection standprpes. Ihe drain is dnlled and tappcd fof a 1 (25 rrrf) NPT outlet. Conslruclr-.d of durable ducli e rron all sizes conform to the r?litnqs of Style i 7 couplinqs. No.10 L,'R elbows are supplicd with grooves or shouldefs. These fittings arc r-rol intended for use willr Vi.l;rulifr Plarn En.l cortlrings Wren connecting wafcr or luglype butterfly valves clirectly to Vict.ulic drain elbows wilh Slyle 741 or 743 Vic-Flanqe" a.laplers or Style /44 FireLocko Flanqe adaplers. check disc cloarance drmonsions with the I D. dimensron of thc fittinq @*@ .l]bricarlon 10-91 to! deta s DIMENSIONS Filting Si.e Din€nsions tncl|es/millirnelers Each l{ofitna, Oulsid. Oianetel lmhetmm Actual Ouside Dhmeter lni:fns/mm c-E H P 2tlt 2At5lia 3.7 5 95 2./5 l0 L68 52 21 .J J 5(ru 889 425 108 2 75 lo 2.1t 53 4 500 ltn 3 5.00 12J 2.t5 Itl 2 6\)8.8 r0 I ill 6 62\ t{i3 l 6.50 1d5 2 l) tc 3 ti5 18 I 8! MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile iron conforminq to ASTM A 536, gradc 65 45 12 Fitting Coatings: Orange cnamcl . Optional: Hot dip qalvanized an(j olheis 4 RIGISrERED TRAO€MARK Ot l/t{ TAULTC - o COpVRtcNT 2.r]U VTCTAUL|C - pR[JTt D lii u.s.A r5o9 Rtv c v].Bt,iiei]i:]]i]pi!i]rcirin]l|ca.Pi]?J]e]i-t}ll]|i1-(!ii.''i1::1,'.11.2;:|,?'"|:!.1|:J.j1Jl]N] 'iir'tinr:{. il nft;]a. r' iji Ciri:itiia . !rrnc Efi,a.Uili iii.l . lrr irrt, iii,il ttt.;4. ? t:i.j:i i iii]]|r,!lt\i,v [11:] a rinii l:;i;rli;a i!la|],1 .lJl''Ltnilli !:li1 ]r00-ia:.:.i::; j;a,:ir.j ., :,i. i.,r:r-a.i r..!:rril!.: trl Viriirt;ii(: Artrl;Ll;lii.a - lr0n!ttr]0,559 J3iri: , ii,j iritl.:i,r .nilt .: r14t .r;a;:i., riijiiiLr i..a0u i;r..lai" ja Asiir Pifrtjc ' phrne 5t!-i;235 3015,;tr ,:: i:r.j. i',._jJ. (: !]];| vri.diri, ,r:.lJii . !.oir J'n*v!r' is A[ r50 9001ctRi Fit0COMPANY FireLocko Fittings PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FtreLock'n products comprise a unique syslem specifically designe.l for fire proteclion services. FireLock full-flow elbows and lees are a Cn D devetoped, hydrodynamic dcsign that has a shorter center-to-end drmenslon than standard fittings. A noticeable bulge allows the water to make a smoother lurn to maintain sim lar flow characteflstics as standard full flow fiIings. FireLock fittings are dcsigned for use exclusively with Style 005 Firelock couplings Use of other couplings or fJange adapters may resutt in bolt pad interferencc. Victaulic FrreLock fittings pressure ratings conform to rhe rarings of Viclaulic Firet ock Styte 005 couplrngs. Patented6) 6b\:/-.--\'!,/{y-> pullicaii(]n 1q.01 DIMENSIONS ctoEl ;n'T E ".i^(./.\(e t6---6fl No. 003 :rr,tr-\\J No.006 @ 8EG$rE8€0 TSAO€M RX Of MCTAWC - 0 Copy8tcfir 2003 vtcrAulrc FfiI,ITEO tN u.S-{ Fitli[g Size No.001 90' Elbo N0.000 15' Elbow No,002 Skaight Tee No. 006 cap Nominal Diamellr Inches/ml'l Actual 0utsido Dbth€ler lrchas/mtn CroE Inches mm Apn. Weighl Each Lbs.tkg CloE Inches nn Aprr. Weighl Each Lbs.ftg CtoE tncneS mn aprf. Wrighl Ea.h LbJkg Thi.kness 'l- lncies mm apu. Weight Each Ibs,kg 32 1 660 0.82 03 0l 40 'I 900 483 0.82 04 02 50 2.3t5 603 2.t 5 70 l7 0i1 200 51 18 c.E ?. l5 70 2.4 il c 8f]06 Q,l 2'lz 2 .At 5 730 3.00 76 31 225 57 2.2 1C 300 76 3.6 088 1.0 05 /(i I nlrn 3.000 75r 3.00 76 330 225 51 24 1,1 3 80 3.500 88S 3.38 86 40 18 250 31 338 86 53 2,1 098 22 12 0.5 r00 4 500 114.1 4 rjo 102 67 30 300 16 56 25 400 1ti2 8i 39 'r 00 25 2.4 'I,l 5 r25 5 563 I,1r.3 4BB 12.6 51 3.25 8J 8.3 3.8 488 124 15 ]100 ?\ 4.1 t,!l ,50 6 625 t68.3 550 140 18.3 8.1 3.50 89 11 l 53 5.50 140 227 rc 3 |00 59 ?l 200 B 625 219.1 661 t/3 25.5 4.25 1C8 204 9.3 6.94 116 381 17 6 l ll 12 1 58 No. 002 1539ltv D vtlr!,iLCori:Ur:iyijlA0Fi|La. Pii]|e : 8i)0 Plci( 'jti. I I .ilUl i42-5E.t2j , far:(j1C ?51j $B1l . I iljij l:p:ckvif:rvi.,iiiu: i.{_urrl Vra tilr::ir: i)rir?itnv rjf C irdj . Phcfc:,it5 8il4 /.!4{ , tri !}lla.6fi q,-;{ , e mji:i .l itc$ijdrt .,,; iijr:jtilr: ii)rllrjialar ri iiiiritl,: . li ll]n:32-9 i5l 1iCC.f*,'r?.E:,lC,l!!.'.,,.er,r;rfiriii.nviitiltirrllil Vitlau ii: Ar;rtr:rir I itir.:n . Phn0e:61{i-559 J30i.l . Fer iiiil-rii.ltitlil , p i}rtl:!,iark!,vtiinuii(.co,. Vri.lijr;ri Asir P,rrd [ . Phdfle 65-6231 :1i]j] . fiJx b: 62:Jj ir,.{a . 0 $all: !ir.afi!,!:ah{!l,r u0!ri /y/ic_tar-rl,g I 10.o3 FLOW DATA Fitllng Sire Noninal Diameter lnches/mm 76.1 mnl 3 80 I 100 6 t5(l 2 50 2'i. e5 HUn il- -tt 4:i l3 6IJ 85 '/ a) 100 l{J '1-3.0 rc 5 1t5 I ?oo t Thc 1ow dalli hsl{r.-j r\ h,r\rrrl (ndir rhf .(\':-1rro 'l,oo .r1 s. r!lrrk 4l) r, I!' MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Duclile iror .onforn]if cl to ASTI\4 A-536 qradc 65 45 12 Fitting Coating: OTangc cnarrr-'l ' Optional: Hol dipped Stirlvir|irod FireLock' Fittings lLtrAu a s Afi rso 900t fiRIrf t0 c0MPANy Style 75O Reducing Goupling PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The Style 750 Reducinq Coupling pcrmits dircct rcduction on thc piping run. Dcsigned to replace two couplings and a reducing fitting, the Style 750 featurcs a special rocJurrng ga:kcI foi pfessure respons]vc seali g A steel v,,asher which prcvcnts telescoping of the smaller pipc inside the larger pipe {.luring vcrarcal systems assembly is available upon request @*@ 9rt rcalcn iir 0l Lt,:r.:,j.r.i:.i1 '.. . itit t) DIMENSIONSffifi\€iz tri @ BEGNTEB€D TnADE ,I RX OF IICTAU!|C - O COpyFlcHT 2trJ03 V|CIAUL|C pBrf{T€o tN tJ.Sr. Rdcrlo nola! on p:gc 2 StY|c750Rc(J|r.nIJroL]i]|i.!J55hou|inoib0|rj()C|Whhenci.apS(460)insystemsllhof':,'.Ll, 1536 FEV E NominalSize lncnes mm MrI. Wofi Pres. PSr lPa Max. End Load Lbs.' N Allow. Pipo End t S€p,ln. mm oellect Fr, crt @ Bofl/Nul No. - Sire lncnes Dinensions lncheslrnillimeisrs Aprr. wgt €ach Lbs. tg Per cpls Deg' Pipe ln./Fl. |Bm/m x 2 5i) xlx 2a\x r+ 350 2,110 1000 ,145C 0-o07 0 i,8 0'57 020 1l 2 t..1.2 338 525 llJ 138 48 20 o.! 35{J 1410 1000 415u 0-o07c 'l.rl 0"57 Ll 20 2-'i.x2 338 525 I l3 I88 2.0 1() 2 ti t5 x2 x50 500 1150 ?215 9u50 0 0070 t8 0'4/0lrj 2. i,N2 406 103 n.00 r52 1.88 2.3 t0 /6.l nn X 2 xal 3s0 ?410 1550 6900 o-0070 r8 u - 4|0.r 6 1.1 ? 4t 2 413 600 142 '1 88 r€ 4.6 ?.1x2x50 x t't. X /6 1r,r .i50 2.: t0 1550 1.t900 o-007 0 1.8 0'39 013 1l 2- t|?l 115 713 r.88 {6 ?1 500 .r440 -1250 I la60 0 0 070 t{i 0t3 013 1l 2.:.N,21 4 75 l t3 1.8rJ 1il 38 t1 350 22t!; r0r25 0 0070 t8 rI l!013 |ll t13 I lJ8 38 11 {;{2 !0C I ilt x -- 'm, .,- l3c ltu '241Q 1550 t)900 0-013o 32 1' 19 028 25 625 t59 B3E 225 in :i50 24tt 2215 tor25 0-013o 32 t' 19 026 2. iJ.ii 6 2'r l5!l I8i-r )25 225 8.J 38 5.J0 3150 4B 10 2r400 0-013o 32 r' 19 o 2?,'?.!x3l 600 152 8.88 225 z2a tl 6:l 29 1i |,rr,,"350 2!ta 22 ,- 5 r0125 0-013 l) 3.?1". r9 0 2ll 2rl 'i ti x.a I 625 1l!r B.8B ?25 225 5i 64 tll 5X1 1/a r oc, 350 it,r 10 5565 o,013a 32 1'J o22 ? t'1. 1|7 l3 '10 63 214 213 51 10I tixlItc x 100 x --- r | 125 350 211t) 5565 ,r765 0,013o 3.?o" \2 0 riJ I ',11 863 l11l r188 'ta2 2.25 lb I 1l 350 /110 8500 i'8?5 0 - 0.130 1.2 0',52 0.18 2'1,x4:i rJ t,L) zlc 1 1.88 302 224 t2 6 4 100 350 2,110 5565 )4)65 0 - 0.13 0-3?0',55'0.1t) 10 2 t,t4l Bs0 zla 11 38 ?25 i] 15 2 BXIJ?t{t x 150 350 24r0 12000 5340C o 0 13o 3l 01 38',013 t1 2 ,it t5 r{.1 t5 213 14./5 375 2.50 64 223 l0 I v|.tin]:i.'L]0l{|]i.l0|ile|it]l'P:]:)i]t]8i)r]iii-i.J'Ji,1!'iji]r'jr?}iji2r.ti]|:i11/:']li8j/ v]ili]ljl.|:lnlF3n!llf(]|liildil.:'l]|J]r:1]i.'i!'i'/',1,,!4't|i!1li.iii].j'i];l,t'.lii:;]i(.'1r:]ljl..1,,l]L||i,:J:' Vraltri Ja i u..+ri . Pin-..a 3: i: itl j.:iiil . i,rf -j1, 3 :Fa . -1 j :i . , r,; j.,rti tii: i vir:iniriri i,iVlrlitulrcAniiifrl.ti],!A'Pi0rE:irlii:,iq.ljlil .ia,i l,t0::til i[llij. i.r]li1,lt.i1 li,\,'a.,jir,i i,\il V ii,lai; it,: Astir P,!cili. . Ph0fti 6.i ir2i:,.i0ir . iir.r iri-.i-t3li.0r.t;..:l,at \1a;pr.i!illLr ri.ir;:i tt A/rctelLtlrG 06.08 FLOW DATA Head Loss The head loss ircro.is Stvlc 750 R€t.lu.ln.l r..rir pii[! i\ vefy smal and is esscnt.allv lhe samt: as lor slanrlarr(l :,hort llody rcc[rcinq pip0 f ill jnqs. E (iuivnkrr-rt k]lrqlli'i 0f :i{andard wolqlrt !10c1 plpo urc shou,n !n the t;lblri:i. All d;r1ir r:i tras(-'al or'l vvabr llov'v tq ai :rmtlranl tentLtelat r lr{l Flow Reducing Flow Expanding llominalSize Inches mm Equiv. Pipe Length Sm.0ia. llominal Size lnchcs 4 t ) J 4 roD 3):4Fit x toil rlrl 165.1 m Equiv. PiFe Lengih Sm. Dh. Feeum tcl) ?tt liJ 511 2i 1!l I t) 31, 'll 30 !-a 2t 0t rl3 :.i x2 7. ) Feetm 5.:! 18 2t) 1u 55 ll ri ll 60 lrl Cq ,1 l 1i 6o t3 tx2aar5c 11,! X 2rai )( 5c 2'/t 3 8lr 2:\ irfi I L 2vz 3 21h X )i 60 {.ii 5 1.tt0! i DIJ 1; !: X X 5 X 21h J X4 I I rlrl r /ta tr0.,,,,,, | ,i,, I 20(i xli)i I1,, MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing:DLrc(rl(.ronccnlornnqtoASlNIA395 .Jra.je 55-,15 15 artd n 5l \,i A 531i, grado E5'4,' 12. Housing Coating: Oranq{l onsmcl ' Optional: llfrl .lrppc(.1 qaivanlled and othors Gasket: lSo(,(:,lv (.hoi.c- ): ' Grade "E" EPDM EljDlvl icro(,r' i olor aodc). Icmperzrturf) I er g0 30-F to . 230'F ( 34 (,'lo.11U C) Rt'( Lttrrf'r,'r|1, (ll{n coI l a,lr I lii rl .//,rli'r r{]l vi[:{] r,,,/ithin -r(l,tpecifiod tomperaluro ranqo plLr! zl v.lriety of drliiLc i'rci(l',. orl ifoc itiT ilnd rl1an./ ( ltr.lt c:ll .icr\/ ccs Ul- clii55ifl(,.1 n .rc.cT(i:lllcc \r"'ilh ANlil/l'lSf 61 for col[J - e6'F I :C (]j an.lhi,l 18ar { e2-Clootal)levralcrsor'/icL.. []Ol RLCOMI',4LNDFIIFORPETROtFI]lv1 Sl{lVlCLS ' Grade "T" nitrile Nitrile iofal](.i1, r:arl{lr (:o(Jc). Ictnpcri]tUrerangar'20'F1o,180 Fi 29"Clc -li2'al) Rt'rrrr|Il(in(1eLl 1fi p.tlr{rb|!i ;)fr)riri.l:r. aif w ll) Dil vapors, vogc'.i.}ble ilnal nuneriil Lri s \ ilhin ille specificd lonlp(!l illLli L) rartqL:. fiol I t . .'rr,rllcrralod lo: hol wllt:t :,t i',rtt es rlvtlr 150 F I 66'Ci or for hot {lry aii o!'(:r '4ili 1.60'c r 'Scrvicc:r ltstod itir' Cloncral Sefvicc Rccorntrerdalron., only. lt shou[:i bc notcd that lherc elr{) !,{{Y (]{'rr lrrr which lftesit q;i5kt)',|j ilre nol recornm€ndcd Rcfcrcncc sho!lcl always be llladt] lo the lalcst Vl(lt;l!lr(i Gaskct Sc fcl,orr (.luide ior spccilrc gaskct servrce { cLofnolcndalior] :i and for a li5linq iif s€:rvlcus wlirch :'"#'ff;]:':lili,i, uu",*, carvi,,'.,red c:,,rio', :,{,., BoltsiNuts: 111,.:tt lri.iltoal cilfl)olr 5loL:1. ira( k lrcar{l. zrnc platcd to A:ilM lJ 633 ( L}nforrnin!,] lo pll15r(rill pr{-rpc'rti(':) ol /,.\I l,i A l8-?tnnimutnlcrsikil.l0L}00ps i758:1401'.pi-, NOTES WARNINC IOR OI.II ;;: i ioi 4 rlC0 rrl r) i.'l l;,r!t( r @ Nrr b(x olbolt5 rc(luIcr]()quals numb{rr ol lruurrr rl lr.rlr r{ lll. Style 750 Reducirrg Coupling Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Size Range - 1/2" thru B" pipe Material - Carbon Steel, Mil. Gaivanized Io GgO sDecifications Function - For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Feaiures -. ('1l2" thru 2') Flared edges ease installation for ali pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Caplured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe.. {2'11 thru 8" Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger belore installalion. Adjusting nut is easily rernoved. Approvals - Underwrilers' Laboratories listed (112" thru 8") in the USA (UL) and Canada {cUL} for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (3/4" thru 8"). Conforms to Federal Speci{ications WW-H-171 E, Type 1 0 and Manufaclurers Standardization Society SP-69, Type 10. Maximum Temperature - 650'F Finish - Mil. Galvanized. For Staintess Steel materi- als. order TOLCOTE Fig.200WON. Order By - Figure number and pipe size Band Hanger t. !-'r 3 i!: Tl"{lti.J:i lfieFi !:1i::''i.1 * @'& I rt i i l .. I li i il ;*i-' il:lir"'',. Sijn .i- l' , 'l :, ..1 ; ,: '. :, '- { '.1 a. -,.,r - - - ..,,r , 1..' ..:l l{F1J ; rN** P1FS :: " ..":l '-" ' ; !:,1ii: r. .--'''' :. ':,i, :: ', j- .t:''. :... -i . :'. Dimensions . Weights Frpe Rod Size Max. Rec. Approx. Load Lbs. 1t2 3/83t4 3181 3/8 11 11 12 3"rr 2,t,, 4003vr 2't. 4003'/,, Z'to 400 13 14 15 318 3i8 3/B 27 29 34 5.i" 4'L 6005,t" 4 6007'lz 5'i, 600 3/8 3/8 3i8 66 /J tJo 8mm or 10mnr 8mm Gr -lomm Bmn er 10rnor 1' j, 't'i, 2 2',!" 3 Smrn cr lomm 8mm or '!0mrn 8mm or 10fi1m 400 400 400 3't. 3t- z',i, 3 3'1, 10mm l tlmm iOnrrn 4 6 I 3/B 1t2 10mm 12mm 17mm 12m^ 5 6,/, 6./" 8't" 1000 1250 1250 1250 7. t" 1 0-/" 13'/s Mln Oflicelllilanulacl$ing facitiu ' i:i75 5^;, Li;:!,! ri,/i , L{xori,r ill\ _!25 7.J . pi, Cuslorner S€rsice ! 8c:./81 Lzt;a vtww.totco,ctm ;ijj ?1t.551i! . lir\ l;r,i ;:;7 03:C ---i =-c rdt B U]s-I (o o iri 16C l') .F c q -c f 3 Ol'N n<) Cr ';a (n() --. a__ oIa_t .! c]-o cJ_c! EP q) L-,t .={)_c '6 ,{]_-r (t! ;n OT -lf Tt) (g E =I oLL !q |',t(g oJ c .eoc -rg oI &]Q9 *€ !F :i tf \. ::tLs lr) Qdrd, o o--{ !r)&s SN \.=k :.i r.- Q.DB J n3 oa }:Sx c\l I;ifi:cr)c!<to sa J CI: E 3i eL.) soD s9 F -:' i rf).-: rf)F"Y (t) J InI _--nI -(O -K SI *F .EE E dJ .Ett l- TJ Io /a!t6o - o) q) E(g q CJ -ctc OJ .c: o Y'-e l:F *-or.jg o -o g] (\J -c E -c q)E- = 9l = rc|(Eq) -CF c cd'- qJ de aahvt <Jj(s c.) "5'='= -cEZ o'c'= o)€., x= E EF .9 -ct co tE() '5 oo'a JI Er;a VI ct Lr) .-| .t - It q x al R(/)Z l-Y *:lz- 0)--.--.-- $ !co €o U' 'tooc .cr Eoo gto J gzr C)ulF cl rq a?\t I rrr 4.3"S Anchoring Systems Carhon $ieel l*itri Ultimate Loads in Concrete 2000 Fsi il3 t MPa)4000 ps'2?',.0 ilPRt 60Sq psi I I 4 \l: Pa) Tension itillii;l : Shrar lb ir{iJl Tensisn ltliklil Shear lb iklii Terrsion lb ik )Shear lb iiilr) HDi Htli-L I Hot i Hot-t HOI ' HDI.L llDi i HDr-t H0i Ho!-L HDr i *l-L j935 r il,;j i$il4 ..ll 183! I i a,1300 r i;r,:2270 r tr.1 221t) .tr'l 25U0. l:25+t i: 'r 3 t:t :i]ili 1il rri 2$i'0 iit 5j 20n0 !1: ;.j I i,l :i5i5 :i ': :i5:i r":;l 385t I l :!$a , i 1.lii i. l J4ii ! ,$t00 r:::j 5000 ir'l..:,3{ir 1,1: !:?i .:, 1431 l.:.'i,:6t00 r:ltr ;:6800,. | .1 rjl i; i:i: !:' .l,iirr lLi a,60cB ti 600t,:l: '!114{)::.lj i140 li: i 6510 - ,j 7:5i tr j glTi 1l'.ri 1iB|}o r.i4 li 10ili0 r,:I :l i:a iJl ,l:r rl i50i , .ti,l; l0C0l) I i.l r:; l{B{}! i1l:i 1550$,4! a 1104: i,; ii 13ffit 1..' i,i 2$C{'0 :33 ir: l4liii:,:::,r I l5B|JC iif iJ 1620ait;l' 3r 222,,* .:.t .1 220001!i !t HSI / &4ml-$- ffirop*Nn Anchcr HLlilHDl-rirrIa-tlifillsir.:cllct':ltv;ltiiiLri]r:stdlt,;:trli;ersr,:JlaSAICrxi']8lr$11 if,=120!:ii.it - l:rL] f.:ii; Carbon Ste*l FlDl Allowable toacl in l-ightweiEhi Conerete;' ilte lilii ci ifriirlilirlilt:r iiiii ,r!,itL:ieiil !iiir:rl i cqlll.r r,.'ilir ASTI\i! l,l J3il-i I drc i!. :i tl:o ilit:JvJ.:fi r:.rei:rirrr iriir i;:iJr lir lirc iisir.lf 54[ i.]r:ii1:: ltli.r;ir:-1::lled if li'rt i.l.rhari:r. ,1. t_iaSer-i r-:n S:;r! ir t,itit ,-..i t:,,!:,a:t i'ji : $tainless Sleei l"{ili Ljltimate l-oads in Ccncrete i,J0ter i ie i.riii lrzi€ a,ri': :1laririiiil sheat vaiuos 3te basec 0n the ss c{ Tvse lg-3 Llclts r-jr:ii Prcrcuc?,:;-\:t..,iiri Carbon Steel F{trt Allswable Lsads in Cencrete ir.lt11rj 2000 tlsi It!ik f'liTensi$n 3 I f.,,ltai Shear lb i{l.ll 40q0p!i13;1qlqij _ Tenslon tb{kNi shear t[ ikat 600S psi (.1i.4 h4PaJ Tension lb iklJ)shear lb {'(f!i t0l tist-l-HDI H3I. L ror , iiot-l -- Hoi Hot-L [0! ; il -L HDt I llDl-L b;)5!l), :.?r 5'J0 i2.:i 15! I !,1 ,15C L'l 5;tr: :.il i7s -,615 \ 2*,621t2:'.t 'lqt ) i i::7gl { :: :l 70c ,.rl Tifi::j ;ls !:)a$0:.1 ir,sst 96' i1 :l 1115, i i,tll5:5111 '1250 r a.nr l:60, I l,1360 { t.iri i 5t0 i i.;l i50C i ,i il 1/2 11.n,. '): i lt?r) 'l 1i|{l i :,;:1500 a il '17fr ,1785 ;i !,?125, 'i !l 1S4t l;ri i ?345 141.i:2345 { lir ri 250C ti l.1r 25tql1r I 1l '/e :, .ll 2501,11 ZliN I J.;3150 i1i i,3/50 i1! il ,..'j 25r.lc ili :,3li, ,', , ?,4{}t5 li,'50ti0 i:J:l I\t:,|; )'t:")559!,i'rr:i Anchflr size it, ifr'it rl Anch0f i8stalhrl in 3088 psi i2C.i t4qar Lt. !!t. Coficrele 1 gnc,r0f hr!la1'€d Thr$ugh Ste8l 0eckioE ifil* 3 {l* psi i!i) I blfii) l-t. Wl, coflcreld' T*nsio'r lil i{ fil Shear ih ikf.ll trsnlir'} Jh:i(::ll Shear lb ikiir i-,ti. rta il. il 465 i:1. tr 34C i .1 .5r 530 iil.;rj i 335 il.:,r ni.jl - 3/s l:; :l 755 i-i1.,1)940 i. 4 '2'1 a8{i i.i 9t ' 1010 ll.5l i-t.it tt,'.?.i 1135 ia.iil 170{l i 7 Cj 1105 |i,)j itl .!e,iii i,1465 i!.5l 2835 (.1?.ill i.i-nl -.:/r I ri i 2fl?5 .9,.ti 3680 il€.4; Anchor siz€ iB. i:r ii-iil 4S0S psi i2;'.6 l',iPal 6$gt, psi r41 4 IJF;ri Tension lb lkNj Shear tb inl..ji Teflsi{:* !b:1f.li : Shsar lb i(iii S5::r.ll . 1j.r i[.4t 1930 { $.rii ?4!Jg r 1 !.1')?9511 1 :1.1 1 240S iiA.i) SS iilll :i/:i i ?.::r 417t tl t. !;19?0 i?l.9)ti85fJ e.ter" rtioc 26.tr :::, aii ,ii i ,11 4320 :'l :,) SS i:iij ir,: i..: i,7350 i.,2 i;1 11140 r4ii.l i 11040 :,'19 11 !;S iiiii iilrr i I i: il,19F40 jr1t.9)18040 iqi).?j t8040 ,'r,:l SS !r,al - rl; ii.:J.lr 15340 ttiP..Zi 2?32fi l':19.:jj 20130 1l-c l,.2237-9 i!!i:j Stainless $teel l-"{0f Allcwable Loads in Concrete A|rchor sire in. il't i't ! 4080 psi :2: 6 l$Prl 6800 psi i.il.4 ivlPai Tensisn !b tki$l i Shear lb iktJj le*sis lb:i(l'll i Shear lb {kl,ii t!lt t t.r 1,."1l 4S0 t, ?.1.t 6rl{l i 27j 74A i 3.;i 60e \ l'i.I l0l - r/i g. ii,1040 r4r-.j 1230 l 5.5)1460 i 6.5i 1?30 { lt.5} ll,t)l - 1lt r :1.;'r 1840 i e.:ll ?760 i't2.4j ?JtlS llli.Ti 276fr i l?.lii t,ii i'16 ii.'.Jl 2630 il l.lr 4510 ,,'10 1t 311U r'![i Nr 4510 i2i;.li l-)i 3lt ::1.i j 3830 , 17 (il 5580 i24 Li)583C iz:l ..\l 5580 '? i.lr Anchoring $ystems I tr 4"3.5HBI / HDI-L Drop-ln Anchor Anchor Spacing and Edge Distance Guidelines (see.{nchr:ring rec*nology Section 4.1.3J Influence o{ Anchor Spacing and Edge Distance fu, fn Anchor in. Size ilnflr)i0 4) '1" i9.5i '1, i,12.7i '1" {i5 8) t/o (1 9.11 L In, lmn)) l 125) 1't.,. i40i z 151) 2"!,! (651 jli lj h,,.,", = slandard embedment depth Anchor Spacing Adjustment Factors Edge Distance Adiustment Factors il.0 2.4 -s h... 1.0 t a .2 .''i s .8 ,\ri,,',ri Si t:.t,i,_t A,:,r1-i^;;J !;. p i{.is - Actual spacing s..,, = 2.C 1.., s., = il.5 h.,. 1.t 0 .2 4 .6 .8 1A Ecq€ llisl:ti-r{:r Aiijiis i frti: ir! i:ttitlci i1". ir"l c = Aciual erige distai{re c,,. - 2.0h.,.. cj '3C!t^, Load Adi stfienl Factors (Anchor Spacifig) tJ,Load Adiustfienl Faciors {Edge Bislancei t" Ter rsionlShear Lqeds Teflsion.1.,,Sheat t"" lipacing s in. {n$} A*ctuff 0iar ,-j 'ir',,.1?:'l;, ntrlei [dge 0:stancs c in. {olm} Anchor Diarneter Archor Diarneter 2 J1).5C 2 { 511 8C .6i> 64).87 2'{t i S4j 9fi .t3 J l6).8i .50 3 i i6)i.0 .8i'1.c ri5 3.t? 4 8s)1.0 58 3,/r i flg).85 .i'j l)2),69 50 4 i'.t21 it0 .E5 05 4'tt 1l14)79 .5r 4'L t I 1':ii .93 .e5 .irj .74 5 il 17).90 .n7 i0 5 i127 t 1.0 EI 88 1t .8'J 65 ?'tt i14rjl 1.0 l5 .i5 $'lt r ;.i 0)83 .3 i it 6 ll52)83 .61 50 I l1it2,)f .i).8i f.i)7 {178)1.L .74 .57 &'1, i] i,5 !.8{1 .3,1 .e5I i?tj3).87 .i7 7 (r 7Ei s5 u4 .:i l "t2 I i229i t.ir it I (?031 1.0 .9n 1.0 .d3l0 i254r .88 s (2?9).s6 .9411 i2791 .98 10 i254i .t.il 1.rJ i3U5i 1.0 s .-201i...s. -115h.., f" ,- ,i.3.J *-l-.-01/ 11,., , lcis I's>s,.,. c", - 2Cir-...c,=30h. i'.. - c2 trj ro4 iilr c,. > a > c,,,, t. - 2.0 h..,, c. - 3.0 h,,". r,.- 035 * a.o5 loio. ).c>i-. |j!jtiProd.]ciTecht!ca]GL]'dc20c1*|J;liil.J:j,1'.i03-e/9-3d.j0/'^j!!w-U5.hiili,ci)m'lril|l(;]|]a0:]: Fig.65 and Fig. 66 Reversible C-Type Beam Clamps 3/4" and Size Range - (Fig.65 and Fig.66) 3/8', 1 2" and 5/8" rod Material - Carbon Steel with hardened cup point set screw and Jam nut Function - Recommended for hanging {rom sieel beam where flange thickness does not exceed 3/4" (Fig. 65) or 1,L" (Fig.66). Features - All steel conslruction eliminates structural deficien- cies associated with casting type beam clamps. May be used on top or boitom flange of the beam. (Beveled lip allows hanging from top flange where clearance is limited.) May be installed with set screw in up or down position. Offset design permits unlimited rod adjustment by allovuing the rod to be threaded complelely through the clamp- Open design permils inspeclion of thread engagemenl. Approvals - Underwriters' Labcratorres Listed in ihe USA {UL} and Canada {cUL}. Factory Mutual EnEineering approved- Conforms to Federal Specification WW-H-171E, Type 23 and Manufacturers Standardizaiion Society SP-69, Type 19. Exceeds requifements of lhe National Flre Protection Associalion INFPA). Pamphlet 13, 3i8" rod will support '1l2" thru 4" pipe. 1/2'rod will support 1/2" lhru 8" pipe. Finish - Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish_ Order By - Figure number, rod size and finish Fig. 65 Patent #4,57A,885 Fig. 65 Dimensions . Weights Max. Rec. Approx, Load Lbs." Wt.l100 1'ti Max. loads for clamp w;ih set screv,/ in p or dow.l position. Fig. 66 Dimensions . Weights Rod Size A - Max. Rec- Approx.r Load Lbs.- Wt./100 1't ,. I'1" 1'1, 't'1. 1'h 1.t. 1'lo" Throat Openings g @'@ Rod Size ABCDEF 3i4 3t4 314 3/8 1t2 5/8 7 t16 9/16 9/16 o tu 1130 1 130 28 55 55 1 1'!, 28 55 55 3i8 1t2 5t8 7!16 1 610 9i16 1t, 1130 9116 1.t" 1130 Max. loads for c'amp with sel screw in up or down position. OffmtiMANUFACTURiNG fACILITY ' r:i;i, Srlli,luN AVi . firiiijili\ iri 1?819'ijiJ 95: ilrJ:;li-.t. tr(r1: 9it i.ji +r,r.) cusToMrRS[RVtc[ . i]Dl r'iri itar.: tAiNW.tOtCr\CAAr E Fig.98 - Rod Stiffener Size Range - Secures 3/8" thru 7/8" hanger rod Material - Carbon Sieel Function - Secures channel to hanger rod for vertical seismic bracing. Finish - Electro Galvanized Note - Available in HDG finish or Stainless Sleel materials. Order By - Figure number Fig. 99 - All Thread Rod Cut to Length Size Range - Secures 3iB" thru 7lB" rod in 1! increments Material - Carbon Sleel Maximum Temperature - 750"F Finish * Plain Note - Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By - Figure number, rod diameler, rod iength and finish Dimensions . Weights Rod Size Max. Rec. Load Lbs. For Service Temps 550'F 750"F 318 1t2 5!8 610 1130 181 0 54C 101C 161C 3i4 7t8 27't0 3770 242{} 3360 Fig. 100 - All Thread Rod Full Lengths Size Range - Secures 318" thru 7/8" rod in '10' lenglhs Material - Carbon Steel Maximum Temperature - 750'F Finish - Plain Note - Available in Eleclro-Galvanized ar-rd HDG finish or Stainless Sleel malerials. Order By *- Figure number, rod diameler and linish Dimensions . Weights Max Rec. Load Lbs. For Service Temps650.F 750.F I l3 540 1010 5/8 1810 16'10 u3t4 2710 2420 Rod Size Approx" wt"/100 1i4 3rB 112 240 610 1130 12 2S 53 ttJ7/8 3/70 3360 169 1 4960 4420 2221.t, 8000 7140 3601',h 11630 10370 510 Omce/Manrrtactu.ihgfa$litt.,jri,sirxt]yln:lrvl 'L,}riJtr;.4}'i -q:479.Pi, rril ilTj:!gj,i:r q5r 1j70330 Cl!:lomer Se.viG ' lla ,'tjjr i2ii) *ww.lotco.com Signs For sprinkler systems & devices Manufactured by: Central Sprinkler Company 451 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 Product Description Central's ldeniificaiion Signs are designed to provide information to the end user about the sprinkler system and it's components. They are available with a variety of wording combinalions to meet the signing requirements of NFPA 13. The five basic types of signs are as follows: Type A - Control Valve Sign Type B - Multi-purpose Text Signs Type C - Cold Weather Sign Type D - Fire Alarm Sign Type E - Hydraulic Calculation Sign The Signs are constructed of 18 gauge steel or aluminum with a porcelain enamel or printed mylar facing respectively. The signs have corner holes or slols for easy attach- ment in the field. Sign Type B is available with the following text options: Air control Air control valve Air line Alarm test Alarm line Anlifreeze system Auxiliary drain Control Control valve Drain Drain valve Entire system From city main In this building In this section Inspectors tesl Main control Main drain Open sprinkler control Open sprinkler drain Test valve Triangular main drain Water motor Water motor line ldentification Signs F Technical Model: Sign Style: Flal,rectangular Standard Finish: porcelain or mylar Size: TypeA-9"x7" TypeB-6"x2" Type C - 73,4" x 11/i' TypeD-9"x7" TypeE-5"x7" Weight: Type A - 4.5 oz. TypeB-0.5o2. IypeC-2.Ooz. TypeD-4.0o2. Type E - 1.5 oz. pfnstallation The ldentification Signs are pro- vided with %" diameter or larger holes (or slols) in the corners for easy attachment using slandard hardware chain, wire, plastic lock ties, or light gauge melal strap (not included). No. 28-9.0 Sign - Type A Sign - Type D The blank spaces on this sign may be utilized to provide message flexibility. Simply add combinations of sign Type B and Type C as desired. Sign - Type B a AUXILIARY q DRAIN i ,o Sign - Type C FRONT O1995 Central Sprtnkler Company Printed in U.S.A. ^L,-, 0rdering Information When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Please specify the quantity and type. Hardware for hanging is not supplied with the Sign. lt must be ordered separately. Availability and Service: Central sprinklers, accessories, and olher products are available throughout the U.S. and Canada. and internationally through a network of Central Sprinkler distributi0n centers. You may write directly to Central Sprinkler Company, or call (215) 362-0700 for the distributor nearest you. Guarantee: Central Sprinkler Company will repair and/or replace any products found to be defective in material or workmanship within a period of one year from date of shrpment. Please refer to the currenl Price List for {urther details of the warranry. Conversion Table: 1 inch = 25.400 mm 1 foot = 0.3048 M 1 pound = 0-4536 kg Conversions are approximate. fENTRAL - Central Sprinkler Company 45.1 N. Cannon Avenue. Lansdale, PA 19446 Phone (215) 362-0700 FAX (215) 362-5385 Signs 1 Sign - Type E BACK WPq#H*,,,,, w..sffq-$; VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD U.S. Pat. No.3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Polter Electric, Rd., 1990 UL, ULCandCSFMListed,FMand LPCBApproved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Up to 450 PSI (3.1 BAR) Minimum Flow Rale for Alarm: 10 GPM (38 LPM) Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) ContactRatings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.0 Amps at 30VDC Resislive Condu it Entrances: Two knockouts orovaded for 1/2" conduit Environmental Specifi cations:. Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. NEMA 4/1P54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduil fitting.. Temperature Range: 40"F/120"F, 4,5'C/49'C. Non-conosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available: Steel Prpe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2''thru 8" BS 1387 oioe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plaslic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up lo four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kil, Stock No. 0090018 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflow swilch for use on wei sprjnkler systems 11 is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on sleel pipe, schedules 10 ihrough 40, sizes 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). LPC approved sizes are 2" thru B" (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterJlow detector on large systems, The unit contains two single pole, double lhrow, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumalic re- tard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condrtion must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard penod. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die cast housing. The cover as held in place with lwo tamper resis- tant screws which require a special key for removal. A field in- stallable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used 10 indicate unauthoriz€d removal of lhe cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on hotizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side oflhe p'pe where they will be accessrble. The units should noi be in- stalled within 6" ('l5cm) of a filting which changes the dtrection of the waterflow or within 24" {60 cm) of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a sfow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 112" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 114" + 'll8" - 1/16" (33mm !2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter ot 2" x118" {50mm 12mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a dis- tance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole, do not bend or crease rt. Inserl the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterflow Inslall the saddle strap and tighten nuls alternately to an eventual 50 tt-lbs. (68 n-m) of torgue (see Fag. 2). The vane musl nol rub the inside of lhe pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subiect to change without notice Potter Electric Signal Company ' 2081 Craig Road, St Louis, MO, 63146-4161 . Phoner 800-325-3936/Canada BBB-BB2- 1833. www.ooflersional.com t\tKT. #8800001 - REV W MFG #54A0761 - 7rO2 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 'I OF 2 .i;f,,,,,'POTTER ";;is'a:'" The Svnbol of Protectton '!ii ffi-€:i VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD FIG. 1 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL \ll' .,(,-*Vl*,,--" *"n '<:>- 1t' inc i92:l l CAUTION: An uninsulated seclion of a single conductor should not be looped around the termF nal and serve as lwo sella- rate connections. The wLre must be severed lhereby providing supervision of the connectron in the event thai the wire becomes dis odged from under the termlnal. FIG, 2 ' !::': i. iii! I .,i '.-tr . ,r", t. , .:|,.' ,r r! l i: ,. i' ;. ri ! r" : .., r':, ". . -. .i ,' :..:a.,, ,. -.:', \, ; -,_r rt_'. r. l1:!,1 , ii._ - -,,'.i fi i.F j, ii r-r. i'l:f, Cover Tamper (with cover in place) . <L, o -| -r4- |I I | .'60+)':' .NONC (wts r) (F.f,) (slx) FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS NOTES: 1 The N4odel VSR-F has two switches. one can be used to operate a central slation, Pro prietary or temote slgnalrng unit while the other contact ls used to operate a local audrble or visual annunciatol A condition of LPC Approval of thrs product is that lhe eleclri cal entry must be sealed to exclude moisture For supervised circ'Jits see 'Swrlch Te[minal Con nec tions' drawirTg and cautron note (Fig 1). FIG.4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knock outs, not In the cenler APPLICATION WARNING! Due to the possibility of r-rnintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times waterflow switches that are monitoring wei pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppressron systems TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR F and iis associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with app|cabte NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction {manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). lf provided, lhe inspeclor s test valve. that is usually located at the end of the most rernote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. lf thefe are no provisions for testang the operation of the flow deteciion device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that lhis system must be tested in accordance with the tesling instructions. MKT #8800001 - REV W MFG. #5400761 - 7i02 PRINTED IN USA PAGE 2 OF 2 F$-#ffiffi High Performance Intumescent Firestop $ealant Systsn AdvanlagE / DrBt0n€r Benef*s. Pr.Jaecis most Lpirnl tireslop }ilneliafi B|r ap0licaliilis . Lasy t0 v$rk v'/ilh ai.i t3st cleanuF . Cari be repeneiraled l,rhel layrng nevJ caDtas ' Can be painleil lnstsllalion instrurtisss tor f$-0$lE Producl descriptioI ' lnilrfrelcer!.r trlilii'iiig irJtrril rj\fjos1.-d iu ijftl il:cslirfr sJiiiti l'ir ",'1,1t-t, [tLi'-Jr,'Lj';!1.':.'[ -Ur. rr, \ ..iJ;- ! .]'i li0:s fOr irll ii) ,! hillias iiit .a1ir![ Product featurss " $n'r!e 1al iil'.|i $itiei rrs srll iifisr n:rl?ri;ii lli:s cirfed. tOr:iti t:j tir iHlir!,rt,t sclyil|ltj rit tsb#{l;ij:l. lil!llt iiiB 'iilnu ilrlje:LrFll. iL,r.iier ialscil. eaii if' t t.rir Areas ol applicalion . Sijdr cq)!..'f ald lfl i c]t?s. ln-.jj:iird Strirl lii-riJ a0irij..r plfes . i:ii]:a I'iro{lics . llJsed rr ,ieir;rld lirs1L iiip[]s. ll"'ACiJe:relniiriirs For se wilh. (j{}r'rcf€:i}, i:rs{rnri, dry-\,;;il :jiti wit_,d i;t4r tJsenilies " rlial an4licar i.Ls:reir.llies :iied itp tr 4 i{uis Exatnples. SeaiirE aicrri-rd i,ri:isiir fiipe peitr]tailr0ns ;r lire raleli iji''Piliiiiil L0il. se;ixq iii00l0 ci.ri)irgililic anii r0r cOfrirurilbie par i{riiai:0ns il l:fti r;iltd c0fisli cliolr rs-#r*ffi T**lt;ti*s{ i}xts A1 /3 F ;Z.j"C) ano 50% ielative n,i nidil, Chem'sal basis w;ter -laseil :ir t{ i:ilescslt g.rylir-d!s!qi!i!ll Density A.pcr-.x Ll; *i'c['i: Color eiJ lllorking time Ap!{}. 2itr,l{l-!u:l. Curing lime AjrjlilI. 2 lt:j!.{ 3- datq _ Shore A Hardness 4fllii.-'q Mov6me i capabilily Aptrqx ll(: Intumescenl Aclivalion AptrNx 482'l'i2:-l"C) f xpa.sion rale (unreslricted): LF o I J l':. s L) linai vol-i lre Temperalu re resislance {cured}-tA'i ',2'' | | .- iLt i, to iC. f,' Applicalion 1€mperature 1,-r,r., ., r.,.r;lnli.tt _ Surtace burning characteristics (ASTM E 84-961 f lan" Spfetd I stnoke Dcvarllli-rnrc:ti 5_ . . S0und ltansrnission clrssilicalion {ASTM E S-Ss} 3e Apprsvais lCB0 Eval$ation SerYice, Inc. Bc,i,q i.l,. i'ri Calitornia State Fire Marshal ListlirE i.iO..1485 i:?Nr:l 108 City of t'lew York hiiA 3!6 l5 14 i'ol lti Iested in accordance wilh. JL 1.i lll . AS [,1 i,8i1 . A:lll"1 t 8,! : 0pening |,lstiee about approyals 1. alell 1ie uFen:fg. SLrifi:iar i0',rii,":i irs iii'iL r1,1ll :lr ' tf6cJ.1h.iii|-" ii-.ir*ir,,liiNn tla! i*F'r sltleu a:rijrtiiltq lc l[p:]ed 5i6r-:id l: ,;leJN.il nl rocf:il fj.l,r':iii tiiil. {l|1. t!:c lr,ii;::,ad :-lianirq l| ihc LrL ! iia itts,si.ll'a0 ]llit,;i0f)r irqLslur'i; ;farl ar-ai ,""?ar alf:tai!l:ts :t rlliililtq ,lf ilili! f,il,i,Ja [,ii]aLtir. R]i i!t1i1)i ;d!;cc, llij;i:e tliiil:lir! ilit rlcns.'ri;si lln;ltihli]!i ,r t0flilli:rrle ,,3r11!r t"1|i;a1 il ! rsi0iilt:i1r.':t,t lelgr 1) liilii trcdl;ai :cr-,i tir,fi:llrq:tnd fi{c:iicii:-.lalaaitid_i. ilii)iaiute a|'lil UL iill u{::sii-.it!. llitfrajtry i4! .r!,:lNi;ll Applicali0n 0f tirsstop sealani ilt4-rir(:'ji!{rrr {i"rtlis :r. i:rsla;l iire preicii)ci t.t{.kirilii.g :.-:a!i:riai lirc alii iritiJlir llot f0r use.,. l0 Di]:a;) tl"ri ileirreJ liliiit! (it r€1: i"",li. .ery, :r jil,rii:ll . ;ligir |lrii!."j)lflji r:]Jn:EiNaij0:iisl iitFlf: icr' r)-i,ii,ir! fS ili\i{: , I I i(tni:ii-"i :J Arbl[iil inl rli ilres:i]ii iic:ilni iitrlt l:l i)i.lt in tiri: ' ltrr:r.':i9iiaili!rllareNr;,ilia:lai:e:rl 0l :llfi'il:5 lria; igillrreJ Lltpiil ,l oi:i': l0 ariil.,ilr ifs lasi.:i!:,rc i;ri:iaj. ii8€Ijil. nri:gn:!i*d tlccd i;! ,-l:rii s;;ls irc?fi rr ilirke iulrj FS 0i'li: i0 i?tls e: ar,ir:a|r,s ii. lri\rile l;;li:ali7 r,1ri,:Laii{{i fiililei raiilnufir :ld:asirir. :cr ,rj-iilliratilti ,ir Fai il;! rtf a . !i: alli li;! raiitrli0r' clli,:. ilat:h1l3N sf:.rr:ia:,:'.; til:i,raiC aii,lkifu:: !rii: :ctl n;1,-ti g:-i1, -i,1\:Clr,,tat i,ti; iri:aflal il::r:3 il,l.iiliCi 1i-. lisi iF'r.ri: 1..-:: , .'r. I l'.r.;; i i : | .', .;u ..-,,r Sale[']recarrliorsllriii:li liril:/ ie ',sed. i,-actiita: lriri|t il, li:i I tr'. : i,i.,:, ;i,; ;,f ,r.t{ilit; iri}alli;i :tii irl,itrt,ai_qiii,lirr i'1il)r|iili !c fliiiln] iJiila si:€?i lli iici3r:eil L;:rc iir il irr:rir:r r | , i i i i r , r ii i r r r r lj li!)r0iilii:i)!J 0i lr.i.rliiD le;iatrl ii, adll:)i".i!) iite .re{:i. :ir{l! , larii iliii it: ii.iiah L.i i:t!:,Jiilfi i;:rir iflr,' ir?l]' iLl 31,,i n lnti,ilrl liiprlnt,.-. -\,. . i,,..!i\r .i., ,j,,,,1i i]ltij {,err firri!ii:c!lLii.rl. , (r u ...i g .,i1 l, ,. .:.,..r j' :.. . -',, r '. ,Ui1,j-c. l i.r ' :i t. ti,i.i i _. ; i 0rage . :jl,iit rnlt iil ilr'.1 ,).jJirrai i'ar!1ar rr.r;r, a rciilirfl ir i{inl:c a0rrl|lel8{i siai i':irlrslLfireir |)i ,:16 ir,;txl; t'aiierl{c iltil; fi0lsii,,9 :it ta;:fi0fr:iire:i brtrie:fL C. +i :'aiilicralcc lcasil!i. ir i'ttlrrti:liii,it ii:a: itirill !f 40"F iS il:''c lli"F lllil'i'l it.nallfrr',rl riiiktil ,.r!!n ar der:ircati0ir Li1ari4. lit J:'t:: ' l-JllseNi; iilili;il:ici aja'itt rl iht li,Lrl.tl'l1f{ a sc. 'illrk illN r illiliianiillr Uti( il.d iir:ia'! ii it.;j Inlernalionally tested afld aplrovedi"*-----*-'---'-ii #{. l.lTT,"l'll;,i;'1i., Ii'LuU* *. , ;,.;l!,;l;11,, ,". , Ii- _- _' _.-'_*,*_--,.'-._-'.J <FM> 9Y3ttrt coti?tti iLt :iil a::: ::r: ffi* lafest producf infarmatisn : www.us.lrilti.corn W ordering infornalion see page: #ffi i CitdD.re!!itig. 2.lil!! ljui.,at 3 Arr;t tS (|it:. 4. Snop!!, i:j Gl!:. :;. L,..tt iynpie!,i i ia:;ttn i-4eltth., tsctl. (ll teqtjnerjj €ai i1t1!1ts!$aec t )t :ia ,ja:c ati !:r,Lig Hjsiiiori iijjd i! fia i;iii -,is7,frq{Fr] ; rt Ti}f.?1.1tr:?:. 'I i,-*,:41-* :! illl,len ld;:l$i]i- r: Er8+:Ej,@at::: - I R]i*:A.--:-,-!{ ,, .,€*,S ; {:i: {.{€'- ,, "$Li3 tr{:i i f.*h&*Sry [.J ffiie]i; wffitr rF-+,4pEl 'i t rff;;'1;: '*%*S,.,ffii [ffiffiEl, ,le* S , r frgd:,i ;ffi'ffi1ffi" '; ;$'"#f i&'"ffi4 f-'d%#WI,ffi**h$&, i .,ffi:.*di, : i' i&-<ffi6 ; ; EFffit, ffiffiffi'; i F"*ffiy-f'Jl!$5lg#,.'54,1 ! .dgffi .nn$"l - tr r'ej n::: l: gf :",*,\;Ar- | ii*:Z:.14ls!!]si1!' ii :r. : i14**!4s i \rd: "lele,,i;i4 r-ffiffi8r . :.{.r| -Er8xs{ i. F:.-:]{iErrE r} ! i * a9Fir:';t , i 3'' pit!ry F'$^:: ..-\iqtn.l ffimgxl!;}:,eaif! , i. Ckai? apenirg. 2. ljdtk lniiieial -1.Applt FS':.1NE. 4. Stilooth FS"A E. 5. Letle cir,ir|,eteri 6. Fasfen idetltiii.: wacl. lt required) seeirndtsi0iec iLn caii.n plaie iif: .iS rttits. requi ed). Ii---:.-_l' ;:ffi i -ffi * li s*rvrt,:"x 'i #,6-;"elf *#&r.+., ififfi"ig ry" tff ; W*-ffi. l; ;-6-ru i #$W. ffis :PFry WdE fu # r,&#j: li{effi"ffi:ffiffi ffiffi .h *#3I ffiFffiij ffi@Ii:%::ffiffi. .ffiffi;Wffi.f _Wy_:119", : ili#ffil.:t{sF I i_l__i.:ts. j i 3:';.3tt L j_:j:.fl-tt -, wffiffi::l 3 Apr;t tS (ttii: 16 ffi'S"eittg tives throuqn i'lcir'rlLiln & edrcaib : llilti Fireslop 0ujrie 2003 2004 : ,-uoo-rrn-frffi'", **"r.*.irili"Jj6 ilouirrAlilffiRE GE]ITER 2il BRII}GE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 80657 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS &, SPI,CS o"*,*'ol,t,. Nor BEAccEpTED tF tNconpLETE d\,\ro- t/ai\t{Cq<-g\r-6tJc ^ 'tutilw rA'Lp' I i#iiffiefrifrti;i1fiff#iFrmf:frrp dnwrnss are '€qulred at time or. 75 s" Frontage Rd. r ;#iliid"u-ftittal "ni tuifiniruCe it*onnaiot.li."Slon the Vail' Colorado F.I|}l ^:r*I"*tril=t*:-# '*ffi#l rugy#rrsF$Hffi didil" -' "*tiK5'6j n## w'ih'u'['!h s Fire Alarm Contactor:-Th'^ I Twvn of Vail Reg. No.: \\z- 3 Contact and Phone #s: E.frlail Addrcss: n\ t\ Contractor Signature: \\ I n,\\\ n /\- COMPLETE VALUATION9 FOR ALARM PERMfT (Labor & iiaterialt) Fire Alann: $ for Parcel# ****ih:F****.Fjr*******ffi*r.rilF|.*'F:.L*.rF:F**|FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*ff:l:.t**t*fr****ri**i*t****t******r*** c,o,trtecl Office at or visit Parcel # hrr\ Job Nam€: Mouvrfn n Ndonlur. &^-[e r JobMdre$:c)o0?s{ brrr{q, ..!. \1r,. I Legal Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:*"*'""-'SilSt,to Detrailed Location of work; (i.e., flsr, unil #, bldg. #) tr\-Ptar\ S(yr to Detailed descriotion of wollt: ! r r, Hrtltlpffid ffih ra"rr.Mrl - f-"n n\n,'^,. .-1n1,1",,,.... '' tv# M\ffi INo.ot Accommod-diion units in thisbuilding: -.- +1'r From: Mike McGeeTo: Deborah Shaner; mthul@thulelectronics.comDate: 1U0112005 1:38:25 PMSubject: 405-0106 Mtn Adventure Center Pemit is denied for due cause as follows: 1. Equipment specs do not match plans. 2. Batt calc's do not meet minimum specs 3. Point to point wiring not shown 4. Info sheet is checked but data is not supplied 5. Compatability of Silent Knight, EST, Firelight , etc is not demonstrated. fire_inspectorscc: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTTIENT PROGESS FOR COMMERCIAI. A RES'DETNAL FIRE ALARIT SYSIEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Golorado Registered s stamp. Device locations on Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery ealculations. A list of specific devics rnodel numbers. Wiring The source circuits. [ll:;'ffi'"'::""*' Information ilffirg monitoring method and monitoring agency. Information reg*ggloperty managers and contact numbers. Owner's primary residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for fire alarm system operations and any pertinent code have read and underctand the aboye tisted submittal requirements: Date Signed: +?1+?7+TT4 Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The numbeq.ot eacn type of device.Inforrffilhdcating the cpecifc zonea. numbers for proper operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that otrr revieiy process may be handled in a timely manner. \\Vail\data\cdev\FoRMs\PERMITSIALRI|PERM.DOC 07t24Dffi2 I LJ J_ JI7 Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the slructure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the properg involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Department. Determine with the owner or managef of the property, which alarm company services the system for them. Become familiarwith the difbrent components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Ngver paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projec{s bag detector within the area you will be working in before you start, and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that we can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific areas of the alarm system for the structure. Please contad the Town of vail Fire tarshal, xlike ffcGee at 4zg-2i35 or the Town of Vail Firc Prevention (Hicer, Hike Vaughn at4Tg-2&2. I have read and understand the above guidelines. TOWN OFVAIL FIRE DEPARTTENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVEHTING ilON{TERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from lhe Vail Fire Department Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask tlat you perform the following tasks: Project Name: Contractor Signature: Date sisnedr rr\rqhv, \\Vailbstabdev\FORMS\PERMTS\ALRMP ERM.DOC 07r24nOO2 MOUNTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER Address Device Type Floor Device Description 101 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER TUNING AND STORAGE 102 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH HALL 103 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH OFFICE 104 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER SOUTH LOCKER ROOM 105 SMOKE DETECTOR LOV\IER OFFICE OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 106 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER STORAGE OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 107 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER UTILIry RM OFF OF LOCKER ROOM 108 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM. SOUTH 109 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM - CENTER 110 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM- NORTH 111 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER WEST LOCKER ROOM 112 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER IA'EST MECH ROOM 113 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER WEST STORAGE ROOM 114 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER STORAGE UNDER STAIRS 115 HEAT DETECTOR LOWER RESTROOM OFF NORTH HALL 116 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER NORTH FIALLWAY 117 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER NORTHEAST LOCKERAREA 118 SMOKE DETECTOR LOWER MAIN ROOM - EAST 1't9 MANUAL PULL LOWER NORTH HALLWAY. STAIR 120 MANUAL PULL LOWER SOUTH STAIR 121 MANUAL PULL UPPER SOUTHWEST EXIT 122 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR-SW 123 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MA]N FLOOR - SE 't24 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - EAST 125 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER WEST 126 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER EAST 127 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - CENTER NORTH 128 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR - NW 129 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR. NE 130 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN FLOOR. NORTH 131 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER CLOSET OFF OF SE OFFICE 132 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER SOUTHEAST OFFICE 't33 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER ELECTRICAL ROOM 134 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER COFFEE BAR 135 MANUAL PULL UPPER EXIT NEAR COFFEE BAR 136 MANUAL PULL UPPER NORTHWEST EXIT 137 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN ROOM. FAR EAST 138 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER MAIN ROOM - FARTHEST EAST 139 SMOKE DETECTOR UPPER EAST EXIT 140 SPARE UPPER Jobsite Information: Moumain Adventure Center FCPS-24FSC / 8 Battery Galculation Hour Calculation $tandby Load Cunent (Amps) Requircd Standby Time (Iypically 24 o160 Hours) 0.065 X 24 = ' 1.56AH Alarm Load Cunent (Ampc) Required Alarm Time Oypically 5 or l0lMlhufes) 1.875 x 10 = 0.31 AH Sub Tot Muftiply by lhe Derating Factor X 1.2' Totil Ampere Hours Required =3AH * Derating Factor required to compensate for the non-linear discharge charactedstic of a battery. 1r< .8.9gi fgF9 =EH! =9 =E95i6zz4AcnmomzI,fi7t 't, Dfg InmrIm TIov ! o =n It| !,o.-I =o co'n mm-t CI'c(n mo 'o g mnac"tt't e .ll ou =c Fcomo c)noc =f,zo-{r ='nJi3TaxoT a'n J todels A\*dl*lt $trBhe ldo€rek l_4.,b.it$ sc2415W sc241575W sc2430w sc247sW SC2495rV $24115W sc24177W sc2415 sc241575 sc 2430 sc2475 sc2495 sc24115 sc24717 l'to?fl /.$trobc Msdel.; R:t'8e., PC2415W PC241575W PC 2430W PC2475W PC2495W PC24115W PC241?7W Ss'.Nt PC2415 PC247575 PC2430 PC2475 PC2495 PC24115 PC"4t77 *scres$afy #I'lHfNtlEg plst$* -l,tb!tg ltsdBSSCW BBSC Pfoduct Overvlew *.]l*Et sltrt* t ds*rp Svallatrle ln 15' 15/?$, gO, ZS, SS, x.1.$" *nd :t.T? {tan{i$1ft l{sr81'riftobs nrcdets i{rcluds a lFse* po$!ti$n sy'(irh f$r lield-ssl*stirlg hBrE tr_n!**: ' f; la#tff rBe*!}i:Bir.al/ ?Hl{fi - l'rhrger*l/ryo$t*nrp*?#l - Higtr/Lsw dBA *t-rtfl t Cailirlg-rp+*il!:: al:*ye, prilfitr:, .ttrrl +estfirtiee . $j|t3sft'sslt*tdo R.lth *fiBt Syrrs '*trc{rll-y'tr?$uIs ft4atuflt$ ta 4'z 4' x t\^ back b$c frs8nd thilFe {r4fi?r:i dr{ratsr plac{taxrsrt fiexihiilty $gete** S*re+r'* S$rctr*l8rf E*lgH rlrs*sR $ede* *trebss sld hcd{t,i$irshes €ffsf n fretr|r aFproa** t* addressiftd ifte u*i4rre nccds fer cc*llrH rt'str${ appli*rti*ns. Yr+c&.istry:y. Like the original SpectrAlen, the SpedrAlert criling mount series offer signiFcant crrrrent draw- reducti.ns 'ver 'thcr ceiling m'unt str{}h€s and hom/strobes. fn*tslht|$rL SlrcctrAlert's compact design also offers installatiiu savings. The strobe asd homlSrobe models mounr to a 4'x{xLt back bcx, and trke up litde room in tbe back box, rnaking connecrions easier. And with SpecnAlerCs rouud shape, ir is n(,t flecessary to align the hack hox with the room's walls. SpeccrAlerr always lines up. Fl+Kibilil!1 Spectr,{lert e-eiling mount strobes and harn/suobes are avaiiable i' seven differenr candelaq including 177 candela ftr sleeping areas. The horn/ strobek tones a.re feld-selectable through tfte usc oi a three position switch Iocated on the back of rhe unic. Selcctions include clectromechanical and 3 KHz roncst temporal and non-temporel patterns, ;rnd high and low volume. iwtheiire' spectrAlcrt ceiling str:obe.s and hotn/strobes offi:..r desigm *rat is scosi- tive to thc aesthetic demands of ceiiilg mount applications lhe round shape main- tains a low profile ap6arance, similar to that of a smoke de.fector and orovides clearll r'isible "FIRE" identification frrrm all angles. f llr I\7 @ II/EA approvcd 61OGElt4,)ol g Enli nacring Spedft catlors Sir$b* Strobe shall bc a Systcm Scnsor SpcctrAlcrt Modcl listcd to W lgTl and bc approvecl for firc protc.,ctive scr-vicc where, ccjling mortnt strobc.s arc per-mirtctl, Thc strobr shall be vuircd as a primary signaling nodficatiirn appliancc and shall flash at iHz over thc str{)bc's entire operatirg r:rngc. The strobe lighishall consi.st of a xcnr:n llash iube and assr lciated. lenslrcfl cctor sysem. *rr,,,$tlsh$ tat3*i$r$sn Horn/strobe shall be a System $msor SpectrAlen Modet - limcd to UL lgTI andrJL 464 and be approvedfor firc protectiYe sen'ice rvhere ceiling mount horn/strobes are permifted. The horn/srrobe shall be wired "r i prirn".y signaling norification appliance. and shall flash at 1Hz over irs entire opcrating range. T'he strobe light shall "orr"i.t oI axenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shali h"u. tlnlJ torrJ- oprions. n'!'o "odih;liry op:ions, anclthe-option to switch berween a remporal and a'non-temporal continuous pattern. The'se opiions shall be jected by *multi-position switch- Srobes *hall be powered indepeniently of the sounder with the removal of factory i;.x.Ji"^p-el wires. The horn on horn/srrobe modcls drall op€rat on e coded cr non-coded po*cr supply, Noter Thc sfobes must be powered continuondy for rhc horn m operare Grnrral Spoclf,catl ons t-]in*Ftirrnl; €.8- diameter :r:.:ir$r Iqyat;+i,'ii:nr?:ratl.;rn 32' lo 120' F {0" to 49"C) It'; s:.!, '1 i 5.3 oz. i150 grams) l,{i}uftt!ilg 4'x 4'x 11l,- back box or 4'x 4-x 2!e' back box {wtth skir.} SpGot?Al6n MorrdlnC Dlrgrsm5 to it]qba or tto.a/Sboba wtth no||nb4 FEt" 4x4x2le' BBSCW t sl?sbe ot Hom/StrsbG sllh Accc€sory Bac* Box Sklrl Elcctdeel SpGclf,c{Uonr Oi,*erJtin{ '"lrtJgc 24 VDC and FWR' unfi ftered Qvr | 8.r YE tal:!fi * Frarigc 16€3V rl-t- tat,,]rrt l.lulYrbet 6.O19,446 6,057,778 D424,465 illFr;! Ti),t"iiiltrli; 12 to 18 AWG Notes: 1' Full wave Recti,ied tFwRl voft4e io a notFregu,ated. tlrevryin€ power sorrce th* lE rlsed on sDrn6 po*er s!&dy ard paie! oxttuts. ?. The MDL causes a one-|,olt volt4e drop in the hotificstion apdiance circufi. Tabl6 1'A: Sp6atrAl6ft st|obo UL Max, Cunont Draw {mA Riia) TeH61-Br Horn t L t6.x. Cwront hayu m6asur6m6rds (mA FMS) t)ptr::tlrg \,{tlt;tj=l€: Fi:irF;r? rel'syn(: eCi!cUit [r4r:ilule: 173:i V *trcilc $itting l'fi.ltsY Ft{R Cp*ra{ing *urf€if - *tiol{r inrA &*qi $.{i.339 Bt $perating Curr€rn - SttoU$ Irri[ iii$i 15 68 64 L5/75 7A 30 to7 113 t97 205 95 ,taR 239 274 298 325 177 399 449 x6.939 {$r:i rsssr iFxvF) YaBNSGTnl Low lrclume 3l€!O Hz InterruDted 33 23 Hah Vclume tiectrornec hadrbd 41 30OO Hz lrtcrruEted 40 !ice3. Te.'nF.rral Volume Electromechaniqal a?29 :]oco Hr Intcrrupted r$gh Vd{rme ,(s 49 30@ Hz lrn€rrud.ed 56 58 Tablc 1.C:24V DC tlomy'Strohc UL M.x. Cuncnl Draw Memurcmid! (mA RmS) Tenr$6a!r!a{u: }Yrxn}x'al $ign Vserlne *tg\ UrE r< f.u?$elt sstiB".g ?ir-!}! lrz eooo tE nt-rys ra SAeq {r 15 73 75 7'at a6 t5/75 as 8S s2 a9 go s8 30 1?O 125 r2a 128 L2S !25 t]?t r34 225 272 2L9 219 22t 217 270 271 271,266 265 26!l 274 115 87 E7 296 296 8L wo E2 17''5!2 504 501 ,l{r€,t91 493 491 496 Explanatlon ol PuHlahed Vdtage, Gurrert, aftd SpL Spoclf,cafions In May 2004 Underlwiters l,aboratories changed standard UL l97l to req[ire that operating current measuremments are made using RMS [roct mean square] instead of peak or average values. RMS mea$lremenis more accurately predic( the power consumFtian of a device since they take into account the entire current draw profile including slrge rppetitive surge, and peak values. The published RI{S crrr. rent is the maximum operadng cuffent of that device within its operadng voltage range. This current maximum may or rnay nol occur at the endpoinl.s of the voltage range. Similarly. UL tests the audibility of devices in accordance with Ul, 464 by measuring them across ihe operating volt- age range to determine rhe minimum .sound pressure level prodrced at any particular setting, During May 2004, UL also changed the way they l1s1 11'tu voltage range cf a device- All liv product.c wiil be iisted between I - f 7-5V and all 24V products will be li.sted tretween 16 - 33V- Those ile!'ices ar€ considered 'regulat- ed". F.ny product that does not operate within these ranges wiil tre listed as a "special appiication" with irs operating voltage specified on the device. tlot6e 1. Current draw for strobe{nly products is shown in Table 1A. 2. 24VbC ?-wire horn/strobe curreht cjraw is shown in Table 3. Current draw for othe. horn/sttotJe power surlplies cari t e calculated by adding the strob€ curr€ni in Table 1-A to the hom currerit in Table 1-B from the chosen settings. Hom Sourd Hee$Bdn6'tts ldBA)oSF€citrAlart DlmGFlo|E $rCe{*ighl{: Haa}i To$a4 t sSsti !,ratp3|s{?5 iio0c Hz lnterrupted 75 High Voiume ElectfomechanrEal 80 SOOO Hr intef.unted at qcat :{E tE4tal Low \blume €lectro.n€ehanicd 79 3O0O Hz lmerrufed High Volume 84 30OC Hz lnler/upted 86 tfr qffi SD€ctrAbrt Cdllng Moffd Strobc Spac-trAlsrt Crlllng Maurrt Nqrn/Etroba O1d6 ng Informaum Ceilingflaunt strobe. ?4 volt, 15 candela. red Ceiting-mount stiobe, 24 valt. 15 candela, white Ceiling-mosni strobe, 24 volt. 15/?5 cairteia, re{, Ceilir€{nount strobe, 24 valt, 15/75 candeta, white Ceillng{yro nt strolle, 24 yolt, 30 c*ldeta, red Ceiling{Bour* strobe, 24 voh, 30 cadeta, wt*te Ceiling-rytount stfab€, 24 volt, 75 candela. rcd Ceiling-nrount stmbe, 24 volt, 75 catdeta, white Ceilingfiount stroire. 24 volt. 95 cddela red CEiling{r}ount strobe, 24 yoh, 95 candeta. w}dte Ceilingfiount strobe, 24 volt, 115 caEdala, red CBilinEfic'unt strobe, 24 voft, 1l-S cdndat€, whit€ Ceilir€-nrount strobe, 24 volt, 17? candela, red Ceiling-mount strobe, 24 volt. 177 candeta. white Celllngfiount horF,rstrobe, 24 voft, 15 candela. red Celllng-mount horn/strob€, 24 voii. 15 qarideta, white Ceilir€{r1oufi irurn/strobe, 24 vctt, 15,/75 candela. red Celling-mount horn/strobe, 24 volt,30 6andeta, red Ceilang{ount horn,/strobe,24 volt, 30 candela, white Ce.lin{i{oount horn,/strcbe, 24 volt, 75 candela, red Cdftg*rflr]t t#n /sirobe, 24 volt, 75 cadela, white Ceilingfiount horn/$trobe, 24 iaft, 95 candela, red CBilingnount horn/stroba, ?4 volt, 95 candeta, white Ceiling.mount horn/6trobe, 24 vott, 115 candeia, !'ed CeilirEfiourt horn/strobe, 24 yolt, 177 candeia, red Sync.C ircuittr,t ModBle, led Srfacernouht ba.k bQx sklrt. red S|Jlface.rnorrft bask box skirt, white System Serlsor Salss and S€rvlee S!€tch ScnBoa Hcad{tarteB 3825 Ohic Avenu€ St. Charles, lL 6Ot74 Ph;8OC/Si:!\SOR2 Fx | 530/377,6495 wwrv.systemsers!t.corn Systcan 5.ir6or Crrdr Ph:9O5.412.0767 Fi( 9A5.BL2.O77L Sy3trm Scnror EuroFi ?l': 44-1403.276500 Fr:44.1403.276501 SFtdn 3licdr &r Clbra Ph: 86.2S.4a32.0119 Fx: 84.23,8832.5119 3y3t.m Sa|gor In glng*poro Ph:65.6273-2230 Fx: 55.6273.2610 SFtcrii 5..160r - F r Fst Ph: Fr:85.22.?36-6580 Stst.rn 5.n9or - Aurtrallr Ph: d13.54.281,:i42 F)i:613.54.281.172 Slratdn Seisor - lrdle Ph: x.1700 FK: 9t.L24.237.3118 Sytldn 56'|sof - hussln Fhr 7O.S5.937.798: Fr:70.95.937.?983 AC$1029ffS.S/Ob.#1530€ !0o5 systefi: se,*!r r hc cc,ripun) reseives the .ighi 1. ohairgc prodL{rt spearircdtroris *rrhour r,or'e. o @ Frre-ure-ALarms March 30.2000 G-250 SpectrAlert" Series Horns, Strobes, ond Horn/Slrobes Section: Audic/Visual Devicos CETITAL System Senror Sp€ctrAlen Scrle. Btrobes, homs, and combina. tion hom/stKrb€s are UL listed fur pdmary sbnaling h tiE sdety Eystems and meet ADA public mode vi$ible signafing requiremente. spectrAlert products can be conneded to the alarm indiJaling cir cuit of a fire ahrm control pand and are compatible with DC line supervision, The SpeclrAlert producl line mounls to standard bac*boxes u6ing a universal molrntiu daF induded wi|h eac*r unit An optional 6mal foo{pdnt mountng plate ffts to a singlsgang bor. An acce66ory bekbox skirt gives a oosmelic finiE,h to a 4' x 4' x 1-112' ot a 2' x 4' x 1-7lt surlace{noumad backbox. All strobe and horn/$trobe mounling options require only one screw attach- ment of product to plate. These products are designed for 12 and 24 VDC and fulFwa\re rec- tified unfilterod power. Full-wave regtifed operaton requires rxrre c'unent lhan DC operalirr}. For d€ldled qlnent draiv infonmtioft, cdrsutt the Current D|aw Tables (paSe 2). The hor/strobe cfln- bination produc-ts are tactory-assembled with J:umper wires for in- tandem operation. For independent widng ot horn and stuobe, re- move jumper wires. When wired for independent operation, the strobe will continue to run while lhe hom can be silenced. How- ever, the strobe must be running lor hom to operate. Horns - The Sp€etrAlert Serie-s homs and honls{robes pre vide two different fi€ld-selecbbbr'reversible tones, a higtFldi, field- selectable/reversible sound outsut seting (bw sefltng on 24-voh models only) end a fieldselectabldreversible temp 3 pattem or non-temporal conlinuou6 pattem. These ffeld-selecteble leatures are accomplished u6ing pins and jumpers located on the back ot each SpectrAlert horn and hornlstrobe. An accessory module is not needed to make b€se lbld sdecliofis. Tlp hom on honr/stmbe models wll operate on a coded power srppty. Tr?d€€ hom{lny madds wlt , 'HC" ln ,I|6lIr part tnrmwe nilt dte o!E'?E on acM poflter auppty. Tne hom and hom/strobe series indudes woathe rp root modds. Strobes -- The ADA-compliarfl SpectrAlert stobes are elec- tronic visible waming $ignals thal flash at 1 Hz over their operaling voltege renge. These producB are ayallable h A/t{oh modets at 15, 1Y75,75 arfr 110 cadda inEnsltFs and in l2-{rolt fi}odels al 15 and 15If5 candeh intefl!*tes. The sirobe serirs hdudes wedF erproof model6. SpectAlert prcducE leatlre dramaiic reductiong in current requirements. Stmc.Circuit tlodule (itlD|.) - The Sync.Circuit Mod- irle is available for synchronization ol strobes and homs and can synchroniz€ tuo Style Y (dass B) cirqtiF or one Stlde Z (dass A) circuit. The module can dso generate a synchmnized temp 3 rone for System Sen6or's Multi-AtsrtrH ard PA4OO hom prcductF.. The synchronizalion module allows the SpectrAlert homs on cornbina- tion hom/strobes to be silenced on two-wire syst6ms. SpectrAlert's Sync€ircuit Modulo can be daisy-chained for multiple zonc syn- chronizalion. The module does not operate on a coded power sup- pry. 'Fot Mufti-Ale,l and PA&O: Stratrcs nwst be wired to a con{rrntous source ot lnwer (non-codd power $ppty)- < s40r1 & s5512 (P1215, P121515,P2415, P211575, 72175. n 11 10). S55r2 (51215, s121575, S2115, S2415/5, 52,175, 524110). s4011 (f[1224) crs549 (P2415A, P241575A, P2475A, P241144, s24t5A, S24157tr, S2475A, 524110A). cs3r8 (H124A, rC1 224A). @ LI$TED @' s2475, 524110, H12n4). oD{A?.AY (frc124). a-----,ffi. - 713$l4p:17:' (P 1215,P121575,n415, {{ftr*iljl n11575,72475,n4n01. ' ?125-1ap:124 (s 121s,s1215rs.[-:7 s2415, s241525, s2475, s241io) Cafif,omia 7135-'1209:1'13(HQn4,HC12n\. State Fire Marshal M EA' 3li;3",,=,1!l3l L?13' "' pzlrrb, srzs, brzrszs, s2415, 5241575. 52475, s24110, H1224, HC12/24). oEaA4.AY 1P1215, P121575, > n415, P24157 5, P2475, P241 fi , s1215, S121575, S2415, S241575, .R * SpeclrAlartfl, Sync€ircuif rr, and lllult-Abrtn are trade- marks df System S€nsor, a dMsbn ot Piftway Corporation. This docunofl is nol intendod to bc us€d for lnstalls. on pulpose3. Wa try to k€6p our pioduci ififormation W-lo-dale and accurate. W€ cannol cov6r all speclllc appticallons or anticigal€ all requjrem€nls. All sp€cfricafiors er6 subiect to chang€ dthout notic€. For more intormatjofl, contact FirE Lito Alarms, One Fke-Lite ptace, Northlio.d, Conneclicut 0647A. phone: (8O0) 627- 9473, Toll Fr6€ FA)* (877) 699"110s, FAX Bed(:(888) 38s-329S WEB: nu/w.fifclftG.cor DF-5160O * PaoeIol6 FEATUREg . 24-volt strobe models: 15, 151/5, 75 and 110 cendela.. 1 z-volt strobe modeb: 1 5 and 1 5175 candela.. Horn models operat€ on 12 and 24 vofts.. Low current draw: reduclionE as high as 45%. . . Two field-selectable/reversible hom tones: - 3000 Hz inlerrupted - electromec{|anical. Field-seleclabley'reversible higt!.low dBA outsut on hom (low ouput on 2+volt models only): - 101 peak dBA € 10ft. high outp.X.' - gO peak dBA @ l0 ft. ldfl oulprJt.'. Field-selectabbr'reversible te.np 3 paflem or non-temp 3 con- tinuous oattern on hom.. Honvstrobe can be wiGd elthef in taftlem or irdeperden[y.. Weelhe/proof 6trobes, horm, and hordstrobes availeHe.. Homs for use with coded power s*rpply ava$able.. Universal mounting plate irdud€d ryifh eacft unil. One-screw mounting of €trobe and horry'strobe lo mounting plale.. SpeclrAlert strobe and hom/strobe take up no room in the backbox. CUTNENT DRAW TADLEE Strobe Only . Shglegang mounling wilhout the use ot a mounting plate (hom model only).. Sdf-contdn€d screw ooverg.. Aettt€tically pbasing design.. Synchronize horn and strobe with Sync.CircuitrM module (MDL). . Silence horn on hom/strobe overa single pair ot wires using a Symr(Ircilh module (MDL). 56{/nd or&d yarien wilh tme eN or@.n dions sa/6f"'ed: sourd levds @ trpotr gtffi rcom measalrcfir€nb. sPEGtFlGlilOilS Input terminal6: rz to i8 nwc (3.25 mme !o 0.51 mm?). Dfmensfonr: see dhgrams page 3. w&m, Ipn qrhff 7.2o2.laJ4gl. WcEm, d6!" rnd lron{dtu/De: 8.8 oz. (250 g). ffounfng: ee diqrena pege 4, Operailng temperalure: 32'F to 120"F (0'C to 49"C). Operaling voftage range:* 12 V: 10.5 - 17V. 24V:20-30 * The pr&/f'ed?otld b orye@ wittk, ttck nted wltqe rarye" Lfl- do€s, tnreys, t€5,I ftrutianal inagity b -m% and +tM d npnufurds *IEd t'lngas. Horn Only ltil..r T-plhE Hn /t!e rvEnEcl?t,I,,tb, nsv J- rz. v f rzvEl*l n:l'*l ml* RETTl ztv nA' $, Xd.t t erv T ltr lom Hr Hrgh 21 Horn Strobe - {5 cd l$hn-d, T.|?to|E lblm ,\lar AVEFTGe cmFE.IT {|DA}r,2vnod+ | 2ayxod*rorv I |lv | Irv | zoy I zav I aov oc l.'ml m,l'r,nl oc lr"nl o.l*l M llnl r ln:l€c|rc High 'E'L 3{mHz Hitr T.ir!rr{rnF- t\lr' Ldi' Tc|rb l\bn Hornl$lrobe - 75 cd H9hi|.d t.lltF r6d 'l&$ AVEFIG€ CURRETfi (n|A) r,rv xd+ I aav oddr 1&5V I t2V j l7v I 20v I 24v | 30v* tMt *_l*t ..1*l - r*t * r*t * t-Elidro Hitr nadr. NAI1641 !91 it $fi'Hr Hbh nrnF- _'t5t )t1 Horn/Strobe - 15/75 cd Hghl|.drr I!u? To.E volo|lrc '{dr lvERrGa c 12t tod- rc.5v I |2v I rrYrlml *l*l *-l* lne6lT I'rrlI imrilcrl2lrlzryl vI mlrml n l:nl -1.Ele.t'o- Hi0h T€nE m!Cn- Nm Lo$, Temp NOO lat ta,f 9rl I r:tl el 11a 3O0(' H2 Hgh Page 2 ol6 - DF-5t609 Horn/$trobe. l{O cd. rqM-or Lry fdE \EE /l{d.r IYEnK Cltarrd rr,.w TliiT rrv,l*t-t*t-_t* ,aFF|T(m$I svroorI zw T- zrv T so'/t*.t*t -t*t -t-iledro- tlbh brp rlsdr. il('l Lovr Tenp Nd ItE 241t 161 ax 'l.|l i000 Hz Hbh denupt. _ 214 152 154 ENO| ltEEnlItO EpEGtFtGtTtOIS General - SpectrAlert homs, strob€s and hor strobes shaff be capable ot mour ing to a standard 4' x 4' x 1-112. (10.16 x 10.16 x 3.81 cm) backbox or a oingls.gang 2, x 4. r 1-112' (5.08 x 10.16 x 3.81 crn) backbox u6ing the universal mounling plate included with each spectrAlert product. Also, SpectrAlert products, when used in coniunction with the ac- cessory Sync€ircuil Modub, sllalt be po$eled from e non- coded power supply and shall @eraie on 12 or 24 volt8. lZ- volt raled deviceG shal] hat/€ an operaling vottage range of 10.5 - 17 votF. z+volt rated deviceo shall have en operating voltage range ot 20 - 30 volts. Spec{rAlert products shall have an operating temperature ot 32"F to 120'F (O.C lo 49.C) and operate from a regulated DC or lull-wave recfifed, unliftered poYver supply. Hon - Hom thall be a system sensor specrrAen rnodd _ capable dl c&€ra'ing atl? and 24 vc*ts. Hom 6fiall be listed to uL464 br fire protective eignaling wms. The hom shall have two tone options, tu,o audiHlity options (at 24 volts) and lh6 oplion to swilch between a temporal 3 paflem and a non-temporal continuous pattem. The hom-only model shall NOT operate on a ooded power suppty Grcqpt tho6€ models (model numbers contain .HC') dssigned to do s, Strobe - Strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert model - lisbd to UL 1971 and be approyed for fire prolective seMce. The strobe shall be wired as a primary signaling nolification appli#tce ard comply wlth the Anedcans with Disabililies Acl r€quirements lor visible signaling applF anceo, flashing at 1 flz o\rer the 6tobe's enlire operaling volt- age range. The stmbe fight strallconsiat of a rcnoft fla6h tube and associated len6irr€fl ector oystem. DTTET|SIOTS llond3tlobe Gombination - Horn/strobe shall be a Systen Sen6or Speg''trAhrt model_ lisbd to UL 1971 and UL 4o4 and ehal be approved fof fire protective s€rvice. Honvstrobe shall be wircd as a primary signaling not'rficalion applianc€ and comply with fie Amedcans with Disabilities Acl requiremenls for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over its enlire operaling voltage range. The strobe light shall conolot of a xenon llash tube er|d essociated lens/reflector sysiem. Th€ hom sfiall have lwo bne oFims, two eudibility oplions (e[ 24 volts] ard lhe option to switcfi betfleen a tern- pord 3 petbm and a norrenporal cordinuous pdem, Strobes shall be powered Ind€p€ndsn{y of th€ soundor wilh th€ re- moval ol faclory-installed jumper wires. The hom on horrv strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. fodule - Modde shdl be a System Sensor Sync€iroril rnodel _ listed lo UL 1164 end €ftall be epprorred for lire prolective serviee. The module ehall synchronize SpectrAen etrobee et 1 Hz and homs at temporal 3, Also, fie module shall silence he horns on horn/strobe rnodels, while operating the strobes, overa singl€ pdirof wires. The module shall be capable of mounting to a 4-11116. (119.0625 mm) square x &1/8' (5:1.975 mm) deep backbox and 6halt control lm Slyb Y tdess B) or one S-tylL. Z (dass A) circuit Modute sfial be capable d mdliple zone syncfironizatim by dai6y- cfiaining rfiuftide modules togelher and resvncirslizing each ofter along the chain. The Module shall NOT operate on a coded power supply. {zs.l:lltr;r r- I I I $5€- (i42.875 mm) -T- I 5.5/16' (1343375 mm) I I _] 2'ri illi Til 5-5F mml}T; k- 2-15llf +| 9a.6125 mm) | 1-5/16- (33.3375 mm) UPPEF LEFT: tlor Strobe with Small Foo4'rint MountingP& (safi|€ dirrr3',si.yE fot stoDe only). LO\f,ER LEFT: Horvstrobe with Univ€rsal Mounting plate (same dimensione tor stobe only). UPPER RIGHT: Horn only (may he mounted with eithel Sma F@tlint or Universa! Mounw PlaEI LOWER HGHT: Syne.Circdt Module (MDLI. DF-51609 - Page 3 ot 6 rNirER's6fi6' {134.9}75 nm} I--l ,e l I t: @ ;l .l )I j j*r** o BBS l{orn with Uniyersal illounting Plate {included with each product) V z'xlt"x t-7rEi bectsor 9MP Strobe or HornlStrobe with Universal tounling Plate (ancludGd with each productl Y 4'x /l" x 1-1,2'bsdoofi Strob€ or Hom/Slrobe $urface llouni vvith accessory Backbox Skirt H*rr Suriace tount with accessory Baekbox Skirt A Strobe or Hom/Strobe witlt accessory Emall Footprint lf,ounting Plate moul|Tlilo DIAoRrts ffi":.T<x&Vtount 4ix4'lln'btutr 4-11|16" x 1-111ltr x 2-118, (119.0625 x 119.{ 5 x 53.975 rnmi SlmcrCircuit todul,e Dirccl tount D.MP toutrD oUTPUr GUIDE tdrrl 4"xlex1-1i2'bmkbox b6ckbox UL Ramrb€raf Room d8A@ Vo|b m Anedroic Room Peah dBA @ 10ft.A/DC 10.5 12 17 20 24 30 10.5 12 If 20 24 gt Temporal LOW TONE Elechomechanical t\|A NA NA 75 75 79 NA NA t{,A 94 96 98 30fl) Hz lnbnuobd NA NA M 75 79 79 NA NA NA 94 96 98 HIGH TONE EbctorecharirC 75 75 79 82 p 82 94 95 98 100 101 102 30ff1 fk hbmpbd 75 75 79 a2 85 85 94 95 98 100 101 142 [on-remporal LOW TONE Electomeohanical tlA NA NA 79 B2 qE NA NA NA 94 96 98 3000 Hz lnbrrupbd NA NA NA 82 82 85 M NA NA 94 OA 98 HIGH TONE Electomechanical 79 79 UJ 85 88 88 94 95 98 100 101 102 3ff0 Hz hbrnpbd 79 82 85 88 88 90 93 95 s8 r00 101 102 Page4016 - DF-51609 wtRtlto Dtacttt3 NOTE: Do NOT lep wircs umtar termit1€,l *'ews. Tandem Operation HORII'STROBE COI'EO ,o,*,r, (2 F^"f"i tti V FrrCtoRY4rs/ut€o JI,XPENS l{onrs silenced over two-wire circult. . Any mix ol hom/strobes or strob€-only devic€s is acc€plable. . Horn control connects to interruptible power source. DIAGRAU I,TOTES: 1) Any mix ot SpectrAlert honvstrobe, strobe-only, or horn- only devices i6 allowaue for Zone 1. 2) No devices or hom-only are allowed on Zone 2. lf no de- vices are installed on Zone e, terminate EOL resistor at hom conlrd lerminal. Twg*iE sf'stmt, any mix d nFdeb, wied br TAM)EM OFERATrcN. *,t aal r"" .*--{. ffi* -gfi :ot€l dc2 *" .--'{g Pl *"* $.aE3t n ._* EUGEA! !l!'on q||y Ail $pect?4bd horns, ftomlsto6Bs, ond stro6a'swl!! operdg a? sj|||c- Independent Operation HORI{ AND sTR]OBEF|Cflrnv N$IALLEO ar|,'FrltvFEa rctE' Stooos itr.rsdie !o|,E.d for dn ryE bt!' sli(Bes &t lts REm,YED &Noc ( t oRr, IffiEilr t !9!tEXr esrRosE {oREOt (FRON FACE MODULE OR PREVIOUS DEv/cE,aOlE EBar( |ri" as slbudr ,brspend*rdemcrlo* DO lrof tugniryduirel&toMWatawl tlo,/s'lg. DO,,{tr @wr.a. Y Temp 3 coding ol iflulti-Alert and PA4OO aoundens. AIOTE: Sfro6es mgst be powercd from nan-@dedswv. s T Ro B E ol tro.,oJ* otrr fl", '*.{E 8lq-:*{E Homs w l fu tofiWaarded aNt in sy'tc. DF-5160S - Page 5 ol 6 -o -T - =oE - I E -IJ FI3aocI NED f,fIE Uollgg crdatr ro. ftA'O ran lfllc !. mA'0 nqn. Fln Horn/$trobes ( ( P1 5 Pln$12 15 124 161 P1?1575 P't215-6W 12 1516 154 181 P2416>P241stV 15 n 98 P?{.15t5 P2415/5W 15ti5 91 111 P16\Pa+75{f u 75 .118 167 Pz11A n111(N 21 110 iff../7E Pf,1575[ 1re*rerproog 21 tv/5 91 t11 PA75K ftYeatEnroofl 24 t)148 16'/ P24110K (\rcaherpmof)24 110 16 re G.ne.tlrr [odcb, HornlSciobo! P2415A P2415WA '15 78 98 P241575A P2415i$tr4 15t75 91 1tl PA75A P21/f$A 21 75 148 161 P21li0A P2,+11O 4 u 110 16 n7 PAtffi(E(EdEomofl 24 1516 91 111 P2475XA ($edherproofl 24 148 167 P2411oKq $edErprooD 110 165 2@ aFadrilr LrbclErg, tlllS PU15|5F (F|JE6O)a 1{75 91 111 $trobes ( ( s1215 slzflt,12 t5 114 157 s121ffi s1z575v'1?15n5 @ 171 s?415 s2415tV 71 t5 qa & s?415t5 s2415-/51rti 15t75 tb sz75 \s247S/V 24 75 1A\149 s24110_J s2411ot/Y 24 '110 1&191 S?41ffi( $edlepmot 24 1{ts 6 S2475K fteahetpnofi 24 rt 1n 159 S2,lflff( (Fd|erpooo 110 144 191 Ganadbn fo.lob,Strcbcg s24154 s241sWA 24 15 80 s241t/tq s241575!VA 24 15t75 66 s2475A s2475WA 24 75 18 1,fg s211104 s24110r4 24 fi0 140 191 S2a1S5ltA (rednpnof 24 15t75 66 S247dG {redherproot a 75 1n 149 S24110KA (rEdtE rp roof)110 1q 19'1 Spanlsh Labeling, Slrob.s s2415/5F /Fr.FGOl 24 1gts 66 Horns Accessories v HU24 H12t24W 12n4 M 12ln 12t Z HlmK $E€he|pncot 12,i21 t\A 12lA 1?t z Hfi?2a @oded porer)tpl2l24Y (coded pffir)1t24 |\lA 12t B 12tZ HC121K (v€afE*Droof br coded p(Dr€r)1a24 t,lA 12tA 12tZ H12124 H1Z24WA 1224 M 12tn 121 Z H1Z?|KA (v€afprproo0 12124 M 12ln 12tZ rcl2fa4A {codGd poHt l61z24tiA (dd po{€f)1ZU |.A 12t 8 12121. Aync.Gtcult flodrde uu_$0t$1t21 M t6 24 tuA MB]AA 1?f24 |'lA 16 21 Sma|| FootFrirn fiountng PIate io? Single.Gang OflfY S-MP SMPW M M M M Sultace{ornt Backbox Skhr BBS BESW M l\{A NA M Unlvort.l Hountlne PhlG(lephce|nenq DI'P DMPW M M M t{A Weatrerproof Backbu WB8 M M M M 1) Canedian rnodelnumbers end 1 "f . 2) l.-atin Am€rican model numbers end in'F weath€roroof rYrodels musllrtoIEs.' use weatherprool bsckbox model wBB. 4) All SpectrAlert products ars des(?n6d tor wal-mount only. 5) lnstallation of tess than 75catdela strobes may b€ pormissible under the equivalent taciliiation clause oi th€ AOAAG (Sec. 2.2). However, it is the responsibility o{ lhe.person or entity designing the fire alarm system to dslemine the acceptability of less than zs candela slrobes. 6) All 15fl5 candela strobes or horn/strobes are recommend€d tor 20'x 20' rooms ot less. .Fora complete listing ot Specl(Alert cun;nt reguirc-man|s, Please refer to tlD Cu,7et]r'. Dnw tutes on page 2 of tho (furrcnt, or tllF lnstnnion Manrai- ttom end hon{s?:obe cwrffitdraws assume the hom is *I at Tenry 3, Mxlanial torre, and high auffiiry- Page6of6 - DF-5t6@ Juty 11. ?Ofl4 DF-52364 . E-r60 Ftre.LtTe Alarrns www,ttreltte.cam sD355tAysHffi5r(Al Addrcamblc Photo*lectrlc Srnoke Dgfectorr Section : Addressable Devices GENENA! The Fhe'Lite Alarrns SD355 and SD355T addreseabte, low-profile plugFin photo€lectric dd6c.tor€ us6 a strale-ol- th€-art photoel€ctric s€nsing chamber with cammunlca- tions lo provide open area protoclion and are used exclu- eiv€ly Wth Fire-Lite's MS-9200. MS-92O0UO. and MS-S60{l Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACps). The SD355T adds thermat s€'|sors that will alam at a ft(ed tempereture of 135'F (57"C). Since thsse detector8 ars addressable. thay will help emergency personnel guickty locale a tir€ during its 6a.ly 6tage8, potontially saving pr6- cious rescue tim€ while also reducing property damage. Two LEDg on each sensor light to p.ovide a local, visible s€neor indieation. Remote LED annunciator capability is available as an oplional accesaory tprN RA{n4. FEATUNES sLGroop.. . Two:wire loop clnnection. . Unit uses base for wiring, detector head plugs-in. Address,irg.. . Addre€8able by device. . Direcl Decade 01 - SS {MS-S2$0, MS-920OUD} and 01 - 159 (MS.S600) antry of addr€ss. Architecture: . Unlque single-source, dual-chamber design to respond quickly and dependabv to a broad range of firee_ ' Sleek, low-profile destgn. . htegral communicatioBs and built-in twe ide tificatbn.. Built-in ta rn per-resisiant feature.. Removable cover and insect-resistanl screen for simple lield ci€anang. OFtation: . Withstancls airv€locities up to 1,500leet-p€r-minute (Z-6 mlsec.) without triggenng a fabe alarm.. Factory pregel ai 1,5% nominalsensitMty lor panel aiarm thre8hold l8v€l. . Visible LED 'blinks' when lhe unit is addressed (com- municating with th6 fire paftED and btc-hs on in alarm- llechanicale: . Sealed against back pressure. . Direct surface mounting ot electdcal box mounling. " Mountsto: single-gang bax, 3.5" (8.49 crn) or4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box. of 4_0" (10.16 cm) square eleclrical box (.rsing s prssler ilng * inc'.Jded). /L 'l {a -t -TTSTEO s1059 @,@ MEA Olrr€r q|stg'n tbtr rEB.' . Fuly coated circuit boards and superior RF/transient pro- leclion. . 94-V0 pla8tio flammability raling. . Low 6tandby cufrent. Options,' . Remote LED outsul connedion (P,N RA400Z). APPTICATIONS Us€ photoelectric deteclors in lile-Batety applicationsto pro- vide a broad range of fire-senging capability, especially whele smoldering firea are anticipated_ lonization dstec- tors are often better than photoeiectric detectors at sen6- ing fesl, faming fircs. California Sale FiIe Marehal 7272-4075:194 .t \- \- ''-7 APPROI'ED Fare.Liie@ Alarms is a Hgneyt{ren oo]i{Eny. This document is not itlend€d to b6 us€d for in6tallation purposos. W€ try to keep our productinlormation up-to-date snd accurato. we cannot covsr efi sFecilic appricatlons or anticipar€ arlrequiremenls. All $pecifications are srbjecd to change wilhout netice. Fot more in{o.mation, contact Fi.e.Lite Ararms, one Fife-Lite prace, Northbrd, connecticut 06472.Phon€: (800) 627-3473, ToS-Free FAX: GlrI) S9{16_SISITHE DF-52384 , O7n4!U - Paga I at 2 CONSTRUCTION These d€lectors are constructed of off-white LEXAN9- SD355(T) plug|'in. bw-profile smoke delectofs are to commercial standatds and offet an attractiv€ appear an ce. LEXAN@ is a registered trademark of cE Plastics, a subsidiary of General Electric Company. INSTATLATION S0350(T) plug-in delecton use a detachable mounling b*e to simplify instauation, B€rvice and maintenanc€. Mount base on box whi:h is at least 1.5 inch€€ (3.81 cm) deep. Suitabls boxes include: . 4.0" (10.16 cm) squar€ box wth plater ring.. 4.0" (10.16 cm) octagonal box. . 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagoral box- . Single-gang box. ^rofEj Secause 6 tho inharcnt s,tpervision pnvided by the SLe ,oop, en*ofline resrslors are not rcquirod. Wfuing T-taps, or branches a{e petmtbed tor Styte 4 (Class AJ wdng onv- OPERATION Each SD355(T) u6es one of 99 possiue addrees€6 on the MS-S200 and MS-9200U0 Signating Lin6 Carcun (SLC), or up to 318 (159 on oach loopl on the MS-S600 SLC. tt r+ sponds to fegular polls lrom the sy€tem and repo s itstyp€ and etatus. The SO355(T) addressablo photoeb€.tric sensofs unique unipolar chamb€r r*ponds quicklyand uniformlylo a broad range of smoke conditions and can withgtand wind gusts up to 1,500 ieefp€r-minute (7.6 m/s€c.) wiihout 6ending an alarm ievel signal. Because oJ its unipolar chamber, the SD355(T) is approximatoly two limes mo{e r€sponsive than mosl photoelectric Benso€. Th6 mak€€ rt a more stable deteclor. DETECTOR STHS|rIVITV'EST Each detector can have lheir sensitivity t€€l€d {r€quired per NFPA 72, Chapter 7 on lnspection, Testing and Main- t€n€nc€) rvhen inslalledconnected lo an MS-9200, MS- 920OUD, or MS-9600 addr€ssade lir€ ahrm control panel. The resuls of the sensitiviv te€t can b€ pdnted ofilhe Ms. 9200, MS92O0UD, or Mgg60O for reco.d ke€fing. SPEClFlCATlOltlS Voltage range: 15 - 32 VDC (peak). Standby curre$t: 300 pA@ 24 VDC. LED currcnt 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC {tatoh8d .ONl. Air velocity: 1,500 fi.lmin. {7-6 rnrbec.} ma<imum. Diameler: 6.1" (15.5 9m! insla ed in B3S0Lp base. Height: 2.1'' {5.33 cm) instatiod in B3S0Lp base. Weight: 3.6 oz. (102 gi, Operating tempefature range: for SD3SS.. 0"C lo 4g.C (32"F 10 120"F) SD35O: tor SIL?ssL. 0.C to 38.C (32.F ro 100'F). Temperature: 0'C - 49'C (32"F - j20.F). Relative humidity: 10olo - 93%, non-condensing. PRODUCT UNE INFONfiATrcN sutfix indicates ULc-LEted ,nad6l sD355A Addressabe photoelect.ic detector (8350LP base tncfudedJ. Same as SO355 wiill ULC Listing (B3ffiLPA base included). same as sD355 but with thenra, elehent (B3ffLP base included). Same as SD3ssTwith ULC Lisling (B3frLPA base include4. Remote LED. Mounts to a single-gahg box. Plug-in detector base (included). Ormen- slonsj 6.1" {|5.5 cnr). *oundng.'4.0"110.16 cm) Gqu8re bax with or wihaut plastic ring, 4.O'(10.16 cm) octagonal box, 3.5" (8.89 cm) octagonal bolq or singNe.gang box. Ali mount- ing boxes have a minimum depth of ,|.5" (3.81 cm). Plug-in Sy6tem Sensor relay detedtor base. I,i|r're{Er.' 6.2 (15.75 cm). lfounthgr,: 4.0" (10.16 cm) square box with or without plastic ring, ,6.f {10.16 cmi octagonal box, or 3.5" (8.89 cm) adagonal box. All mounting boxss have a minimurn deplh of '1.S" (3.81 cm) Inteiligent lsolator bes€. isolator SLC frcm shorts on the loop. Plug-in System Sensor sounder detector base. Oienaler.'6 0" {15.24 cffil ,toun ing: ,*.f' (10.16 cm) square box with or vvithcut plaAtic ring. Mounting box he6 a minirnum depth of 1.5" (3.81 cm). Remote LED annunciator. 3 - 32 VDC- Fits U.S. single-gang slectlical box. For ose !u h 8501{A) and 8350t-P(A) bases on/y Sudace mounling kit providos for entry of sudace wiring conduit. For use with B5A1(A) baea atlyr. Receed mounling'Kk For use with B5O1{A) base oNyr- Test magnet. Oetgctor removal tacl. Aliows ingtallation and/ or removal of detector heads from bases in hbh ceilinS +plication6. Exlension pole for XR-2. Con-res in three s-ft (1.524 m) seclione. sD355T sfxt5STA RAtfo0Z{A) Bs50Lp(A) B2216Bl{A} B5olBH(A) RAfonztAl sMK400 RtK4!O M02-0/t-0'l xR-2 B224RB(A) 8501BHT(A) Same as 8501BBH{A), but includ€s tempo- ral sounder- Aecessories.- Page 2 of 2 - DF-5?384. 07ti.t/04 @ Frre-Lrre"ALarms www.f,tellte.cam JUW 14, N4 DF-52385 . E-710 H355 (A) Serles lntelligent Addrerssble Thermql tHeqt) Detectors for lilS-9600, j$S-9200UD Section: Addressable Devices GENENAL The Firs.L;b Alarm H355 $erbr lh€fmd d€t€cloB ars a*. dressable sensors lhat use e slale-of-thFart thermistor sonsing circuit for fast r6spons€. Theso sonsor$ ar6 d6- sign€d 10 provide open-area protection and are int€nd€d for use with Fire.Lite's MS-9600 and itS-g2O0UD Fire Alarm Control Pan€ls (FACPS). Both the H355 and H355R sersors povide fix6d tompaa- ture alarm dete€tbn at 135"F. The H355R sensor rcsponds to rate-of{ise condilions of grealer than 15"F/8.3"C per minul€. H355HT provides fix€d high-tornporaturo detection at 190"F/88"C. These thermal detectors provide cost €f- fiecliv€, addressable prop€rty protecrion in a variety of aF plications. Two LEDS on each s€nsor light b provide a tocal, visible sensor indication. Rernob LED annunciator capatflity is available as an optional accessory (P/N RA/{ }Z}. FEATURES SLC ,,oop.' . Two-wire $LC loop snnection.. Unit uses base fior wiring. Addressing: . Addressabla by device. . Oirect D€cade Ol - 159 {MS-S600), or 01 - 99 {MS-g2OOUD) entry of address. Architecture: . Sl€€k, low-profile, stvlish d€sign.. Stat€-of-lhe-art thermistor technology for iast response.. lntegral communications and built-in device-type identi- fication. ' Built-in tamper resislant featur6.. Built-in functional test switch aetivabd by extemal nlag, n€1. Qperation: . Factory preset at 135'F (57"C). . Rate-of{ise model (H355R}, 15"F {8.3.Ci per n*nute.. 360"-Reld viewing angle of the visual alann indicators (two bicolor LEDS). LEOS blink green in Norrnal cordi- tion and tum on stsady red in Atarm.. Visible LEDS "blink" every time lhe unil is ddress€d. Uechanlcels: . Sealed against back pressure, , SEMS screws for wiring of the segarate base.. Designed for darecFsurface or electrica!-box mounlino. --. tut t t_ t -USTEO s2517 ^rf. \ 'k'# !'Prrronla tMa I t rrT;lf,\ i :r.'*.*, rl lfl 1,1 {{T*K}li Marshal\!r' ffi rezo-oozs,tss @ APPS{II/TII H355 rh B350LP base . Plugs into separale base for ease of installation and maintenance. . S€par€l€ b€ae allows interchango of pholoelectric, ion- izelion end therrnal sensOrs. O{ter system faetures: . R€.not€ lesl feaiure ftom lhe panel. . Walk t€st s,ith address dlsplay. . Low standby cunent. . 94-5V plestic flammability rating. Optioce: . Ren& LED qlFut corylection to opliond RA4OOZ r€- mgte LED annulciialor. . Recessed (RilK4lXl) or surfaee (S K.IOO) bes€ mounl- ing kib. APPTICATIONS Use thermal detectors for prol€clion of prop€rty. cof{slRucflON Th€se det€c{orB aro conslruct€d of off-wtrit€ tsayblend@. Th6 H355 Series plug-in intelligent thermal detoclors are designed to comrnercial standards and offer an attractive appeafance. Baybl€n@ is a regbtered trademark of Bay€r Corporation- Fire.Lits@ Aldrms iE a Honeywell c€mpany. This docuD€nt is not inlended to be used for instaltalion purposes. We try to ksep our prudoctinformation up-to-dai6 and accurate. we cannot covor att ipeiini appricaiions or'anticrpate arl rcquiremen{s, All specillcations a.e suitject to change wilhoi.tt notice. For mote infarmetion, conlact Firc.Lite Alarms. one Fire-Lite place, Northfort!. coanecrticut 0G472.Phone: (g(D) 627-3473, TotFFree FAX: {BZf} 6994105. Mounl base (all base types) on box lhat is at lea$t i.b" (3.81 cm) deep. Suitable box€s in{*ude:. 4.0'(10.16 crn) squar€ box.. 3.5' (8.89 cm) or 4.0' (10.18 crn) ociagonat box.. Singlo-gang box (excefpt r6lay or isolator bas€}. I(OTE: Because ol ahe inherF,nt supervision provided hy tha SLC Ioop, end-of-line resrstors are not required. Widng ,f1aps" or b,€nches are permlltad lor Style 4 (Crsss ?1 wking onty. OPERATIOIII Eacfi H355 Sgries detector us€s one of 159 {MS-90O0} or 99 (MS-S200UD) possibte addresses on a contrbl Danel SLC loop. lt responds to r€gular polis from the confol panel and reports its type end the stalus. lf it r€coiv€s a test com- mend from the panel {or a local magnet t€6t), it stimulates its electronics and reports an alarn. lt blinks iF LEDS wtten polled and lums the LEDs on lifien mmmanded by the panel. The H355 S€ris ofisfs fuatures and psformanca that r€prssen! lhe lalsst ifi lhemal dsteclor technology. sPECtFt€AflONS Oiameler:6.1" (15.5 crnl installed in BgS0Lp. H6ight: 2.1" (5.33 cm). Wcight: 4.8 oz. (137 g). lnstallation temperahrre: -4"F to 100"F {-20rc to 3B"C). Humidity range: 10% to 93% r€lativs humidity (non-con- densing). Voltago rangc: t5 to SZ VDC p€ek. Standby curren* 300 pA @ 24 VDC {one commuaicatim 6very 5 seconds with LED btink enabled). LED currenl; 6.5 mA @ 24 VDC. mounling: B350LP flanged basc, included. Fired-iemperalure setpoint 1 3S"F (S7"C). Raie<f*ise detection: rsspords b grBater than lSpF/ 8.3'C per minute. INSTATLATION H355 Series plr.1g-in intelligent hsrmal detectors use a tachable base to simdify instaltation, seryice and nanc€" Installation inslruc{ions are ship/od with each de: tector. FRODUCT LINE INFORIIIT\TION I suffr indicelas U|c.Listsd modei H3554 fnteltigent lhermal sensor (B3SALP base in- ctudad). Same as H355 butwih ULC Listing (B350LPA base indude - Seme as H355 wilh rale-of-rlse feature @35ALP baw inc*tded)- Sarn€ as H355R hrt wifrr ULC Listing (A350LPA baso induded). Intelfigent higl|-hm!€rature theffnel detecbr (B350LP base includedj. Same as H355HT but with ULC Ltsting (B:]8OLPA Mn nntu*d). Rernote LED. idounts to a single-gang box. Flug-in deteotor base (lncluded). Dimen. sions.'6.1' {15.5 c*tl. Moundng:4.0' (10.16 cm) square box with or wilhout plastic ring, {-0" ('10-16 cm) octagonal box, 3.5" {8.89 cm) octagfial box, or singlegang box. All mount- itg boxes have a minimum depth d 1.5" (3.81 cm). Test m6gnet. Plug-in System Sensor rerey deteclor base. Dlameter: 6.2' {15.75 cm). lfounfing: 4.0" { 1 0. 1 6 cm} sguare box with or without plastic ring, 4-O' (10-16 (rn) octagonal box, or 3.S" {8.8S cln) oGtagonal box. All mounting boxes have a minimum depfi ol 1.5' (3.81 cm)_ Intelligent isolalor bas€. isoiates SLC from loop shorts. Plug-in System Sensor sounder deteclor base. Dranrebr: 5 -O' (15-24 cm). ilounAhg.. 4.0' (10.16 crn) sguare box $,ith or wiflout plaslic ring. Mounting box has a minimum depth c{ 1.5' (3.81 cm). H355R H355RA S50t BHT(A) Same ss 8501BH(A), but inctudes temporal sounder. Aceessorigs,' H35sHT H355HTA RA,IOOZtA) BSSILP(A) Ill02-0il-{,0 a224RB{A) 8224Br(A): 85nlBH(A) RAJ00Z{A) sltK400 RmK408 M02-0&0t xR-2 xP-4 Rernob LED annurciator. 3 - 32 VBC. FilB U.S. singlegang electrical bor For.rse $/rllr. ffiOl(A) and Ba50t P{Aj ba,ses onty. Surface mounting k;t provides for entry of surface widhg conduil. For u.se wi#' BSC1 FA) base only. Recessed mounling kit Fcrase wi#r BfOl{AJ basa only. Test rnagnet. Detectorremovaltool. AJlows installation and/ or removal of detector haads from bases in high ceiling applications. Extension pole for XR-Z. Cornes in three S-ft. {1.524 m} sections. Paqe2d2 - Or-52385. t7i.t4/04 o Ju!14,2rfr4 DF-52013. E-500 @ Frre.Lrre"Alarms BG-l2rJ( www.tlrellto.aom Addressoble ilisnuol Pull $rorion Section: Addressable D€vicgs GENERAL The Fire.Lita Alarms BG-'2LX is a stat6d-the€rt, dual- action (i.e., reguires two motions lo activate the stalion) pull station thet includes en addressablo int€rfaco (mounted in6id€) for Fire.Lite's addressable M5-9200, MS- S2O0UD, and MS^9600 fire ala|m conlrol pan€ls. Because the BG-1zLX is addrgssable, the control pan€l can dis- play lh6 exact location ot tfie activated marud pull stetion. This leads fire servh€ personnel quid(ly to lhe localion of th6 alarm. FEATUNES. Aesthelically pleasing. highly visibl€, dual-action design.. M€sts ADA 5 lb. maximum pull force.. Easily operated (dual-action). . Attraclive shap€ ard textured lini*t". Mounts, semFflush, to a standard singlegang (2.125, [5.3975 cml minimum depth), double-gang, or 4. (10.16 cm) square eleckical box.. When the handl€ latches in down position, the word "AC- TIVATED" appears at the top of lhe handle in bright yel- low 1o clearly indicate the station hab b€en operated.. Key/lock reset; needs wrly a 1/4-fum to loctcf(Jnlodc. Includes Braill€ t€xl on station handle.. Captive scrow tenninals tire{€ady for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.2S mm'wire).. Optional trim ring (BG-TR).. Meots UL 38, Stardard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. . Mainlenance psrsonnel can open slation {for inspection and iesting) without causing an alarm condition_. Built-in bicolor LED, which is visibl€ through the handle of th6 slation, flashes red in nomral op€ratioo anrt latcfies on ste€dy red when in alarm. CONSTRUCTION Shel|, door, and handle ar€ moldsd of durabl€ LEXAN@ {or polycarbonate oquivalent} with a textured finish. OPERATION Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it b lalch in the do ,nlactiva!€d poGition. Once latcfrGd, th6 word "ACTIVATED" {ih bdght ye ow} appears at the rop of th€ handie, whil€ a portion of the handls prolrudes frorn th€ bottom o{ the stalion. To resel the slation. simolv unlock the station with the key and pull the door open. inis action res€ls lhe handle; closing the door aulomallcally resets the switch. LEXAN@ is a rsgisler€d iraderna* sf GE plas|ics, a sutlsidiary of General Electric Company- P'eo''il4 U,s. fatera ,lo. D12&351i 6,380,816 U.& P.tsrt hndw O9tB86.rZaA ,ffi,8#lPtl: 'ffi L?TX?',',,,' @ Yfi APPROVED Manual stiations connsct with tv,,o wires lo one of lhe 6on- lrol panel SLC loops. Each manual siation, on command frorn the conlrol pan€|, sends daia to lhe panel represenl- ing the stab of lhe pull stafron switch. Two rotary deGimai switctps allolv addrsss settings (01-gg). PRODUCT IINE INFORffATION BG-l2LX Duel-actionaddressable DUtt station. Indudes key locldreset f€ature. SB{/0 Surfacebackbox.indoor/outdoor. SB-10 Surhce backbox. BG'TR Optironal trim ring. c@us usTElr Flrq.Lit6@ Alarms is a t{o.-|ey1 el1 oompany. This document is not intended to be used tof inslallation purposas. we try to keep our producr inlormation up-to-date and accurare. we canflot cover a sps.iific appricaiions or'anticipare allf€quiremenls. All specilications ara subject to ehange without notice. For mor€ irdormation, contact Firs.Lite Alarns, one Fire-Lit€ place, Nonhfo.d, conn€clisut 06472.Fhone: (800) 627 -3/73. Tott-FrBB FAX: (SZ) 6Sg-itOS.sISt:t$ DF-52t)13 . O7l14iD4 - pag€ i of 2 INSTAL1ATION The BG-l2LX can be semi-flush mqrnt€d into a sirBle- gang, double-gang, of standard 4' (10,16 €ra) square elec- Eical outlet box, or surfa@ mount€d to lh€ Model SB-l/0 or SB-1o surfaco backbox. lf the 8G-t2LX is ssmi-ffush mounted, then the opfonal trim ring (BG-TR) may be used. The BG-TR is usually need€d for s€mi-flush mounting with 4' (10.15 crn) or double{arg box6s (nd witr sirEt$gang boxes). ELECTRICAI SP€CIFICATIONS Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. aximum SLG loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. Maximum SLG loop cunent: 230 pA. rER&"I'AL co,vtEcltoils 1 slc (-) 2 SLc (+) Corer open lo show easy access fo fbe addressable ln'€rt,f,'e module, fotary slnitch, and UL labet, Page 2 al2 - DF-'1Ai3. O7t11tO4 ARCHITECruRAV ENGINEERII{G SPECIFICAf IONS Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-code, with a key- oparated resel lock in ord6} thal th6y may be tested, and so de$ignsd that aft€r actual Emerg€ncy Op€ration, th€y cannot be r€stored to normal axc€pl by use of a key. An opsrat€d statiorr shall autornatically condllion itsslf so as to be visudty detsbd as aclival€d. Manual stations shall be mnsfuefed of md-color€d L$(Al,lO {or polycarbonate eguivalent) with clearly visible operatirg instruclions pro- vid6d on th€ cover. The word FIRE shall epp€ar on the front of lhe stations in wfiito lett€rs, 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larg€r, Stations shall be suilable for surtac€ mounting on matching backbox SB-Uo or SB-10; or s€r i-flush rnount- ing on a standard Sngle'garB, double-geng, or 4' {10.16 crn, sqiare €lec{rical box, and drall be instalM wilhin tho limits defned by the AmBricans with Disab{litie Acf (ADA) or per nationalilocal requiGments. Manual Stations sh€ll b€ U nd€rwrit€rs Laboratorigs listed. Manual slalions shall connect with two wir€s to one of lhe con|fol psnol SLC loops. The rmnualstation shall, on com- mafld frDrn the conhol panet, serd data to the panel repre- ss*ing the state of tfie rnanud sflitdt. Madial stations shall piovtde address setltng by use of rotary decimal switch€s. E Back af station wtthout &or. @ FrreursAlarms wl/w,fi,eltte,com Jut8,2004 DF-52310. O{50 FCPS.24fiSE 24Volt,8 Anp lemole Pwrar Supply Section: Po!.rer Suppliest/Accessories GENERAI. The FgPS-ztlFSg is a compact, mst-effective, 8-amp re- mote power supply wilh battery charger. The FCPS-24FS8 may b€ connect€d 10 any l2- or z4-volt Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACPI or may sland alone. Pfimary applications include Notification Appliance (bell) Circuit (NAC) expan- $ion (to stJpport ADA requiremenls and NAC synchroniza- tion) or auxiliary poArer to support 2+\rolt sysficm a@& sories. The FCP$24FSB provides regurafed and frlter.ed 24 VDC povuer to four Notafhation Applian@ cirsits con- figur€d a$ €ith€r four Class B (SMe Y) or Class A (Style Z, wilh ZNAC4 option module). Alternal€l$ th€ four oulputs may be configured as all non-res€ttable or all resett€ble or lwo non-r€settable and two r€settable. The FCPS- 24FS8 also contains a battery ctla€er cepat{e cf charg- ing up to 18 Amp fiour batterie$, FEATURES . UL Listed NAC Synchronization using Syst€m Sensor, Wheelock, or Gentex (Commander Series) appliances.. Cascadable up tD 10 poyver supplies (four with Gentex) with strobe timing maintained.. Operates as a sync followeror a sync generator(defaultl- * Se6 note on reverse side.. Contains two, tully-isolated input/controt circ its (trig- gered from FACP Notification Appliance Circuit [NAC axpander mod6l ot jumpered permanensy oc lslard- alone modell.. Optional mounting kit, PrN 90286. to internafly house addressable SLC confot module (CRF-3OO or C[tF- 300) fof alarm activation.. FourClassB (Sty'teYlorfourClassA (Styte Z) (wilhZNAC- 4 Modul6) Nolification Appliance Cireuits.. 8.0 A tull load output (3.0 A maximum p€r circuitl in NAC expander rnod€ (UL 864).. 6.0 A continuous output in $tand-alone rmde (UL 14At).. Compatible with coded inputs; signals pa$s€d hrough.. Optional power aup€rvision relay (AZ-7168).. In sland-alone mode, ou$ut pow€r circuits may be Gonfigured as resetlable (r€set line fiom FACP required) or non-reseltatjle or a mix of t! ,o and two.. Fully regulated and frttered porrer output (optimat br povrering four-wire smok6 detectors, annunciaiors dtd other syst€m peripherals requiring rsgulated/fi ltercd pow€r). . Powerlimiting technology meets pow€rlimiting require- menls.. No.mally-clos€d trouble contel.. Fully supervised power supply, battsry and Notification ^n - - ffi,.sr?i*iF?is(gt Hr "ffi,Y'f*:'i.,,."u$rEo f,s2424 ,Jl EA 2ts-02-E Appliance Circ ils". Selectabl8 €arlh fa{lll del€clion.. AC trouble roport s€loctablo for iffim€diate or 8 hour delay.. lffojks wi& yirtuatry any UL 85ll firs alarm control whidr uti,ias m irdwtry-standard rcverse-polarity notifica- tion ciraJit (induding unfifi,ered and unregulated bell poirs). . Requires input trigger voltege of 9.0 - 32 VDC.. Self-contained in compact, lockable cabinet (15" [38.1 cml H x 14.5" [36.8 cml W x 2.75" [7.0 cm] D].. lndudes integral batlery cfiarger capable of charging up to 18AH battefies. cabinet capable of housing 7.0AH batteries.. Batlery charger m.ty t€ disabled via dip switch forapplt- cations requiring larger batteries.. Fixed, clamp-type terminal blocks accommodate up to 12 AWG {3.1 mm') wire. a Hon€ywell coTrrpany. This doc[rnent is not intended to be used lor hstallation Durposes. we try io keep orr pro(iiict irlforrnation up'todate add accurate. We caanot cov€r all stecific applicaiions or anticioale allrequiremenls. All speciications are sutject to change without notice. For ma.e inforrnaton, contact Fi{e.Lite Ala]ms. ono Fire-Lite place, Northford. csnneclicut 06472-Phone: (800) 527-3473. Tolt-Free FAX: lSff) 60g,{i0i. DF-5?3i0 ' 07,O4/C4 - Peoe i of2 ITANDARDS and GODET The FCP924FS8 complies with the following standards:. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Cod€.. UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Sys- tems r/VAC sxpat7/.der mod@).. UL 1481 Porer Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems (stand-alone model sptctFtGATtot{t Primary {AC) Power. FCPS-z4FS8: 120 VAC 60 Hz. 3.2 Amaximum.. Wire size: minimum 14 AWG (2.0 mm.] wilh 600V insu- latlon. Gontrol Input Ckcuft. Tdgger Input Voltage: g.Oto3zVDC. . Trigger Curent 2.0 mA (16 - 32 V). (per input)1.0 mA {s - 16 V). Trouble Contact Ratlng. 5.0 A at 24 VDC. Auxlliary Pouer (fugut . Specific Aprplication Power - 500 mA maximun. ftrFutClrcults. +24 VDC fillered, regulated. ' 3.0 A maximum for any one circuit. ' 6.0 A maximum tola! csnlinuous current for all outputs (Stand-alone hode).. 8.0 A maximum total shorf-term curent for all outsuts (NAC Expander modei. Secondary Power {Battery) Gharging Circuit. Supports lead-acid batteries only.. Floal Charge Voltage: 27.6VDC.. Maximurn Chaqe Currenl 1-5 A. Maximum Batsery Capadty 18AH. ONDilIilG INFOHANOil FCPS.z4FSS Remole charger power suppty (120 VAC). Includes main printed circuit board, transformers, red enclosure. and installalion inslructidrs. FCPS-2456R8 Replacement molher board. Pll 90286 FCPS-24FS Modute trtounling Kit ZNAG4 class A (Styte Z) NAC option module. A7?-?1$B 12l?4 VBC €nd-of-tine relay for monitoring &wire smoke detector power. BAT.1 270 Batt€ry" 1 2 !rdt, 7 .O AH (two required) . APPTICATIONS Example 1 Expand notification appliance pou,er an additional e.0 amps. Use up to 4 Class B (Siyle y) outputs sr 4 Class A (Style Z) using the ZNAC-4 In this example, the FACF notification appliance circuits will activate the FCP924FS8 wfren reverse Edarity activa- tion occurs, Trouble conditions on the FCPS-24FSA are sensed by the FACP through the Notilicetion Appliance circuit. Paga 2 ol2 -. DF-52310 . 07108/04 Erample 2 Use the FCPS-z4FS8 lo expand auxiliary regulatBd 24 volt system power up to 6.0 amps. Both non-resettable and resettable power oplions are available. Resettable outputs are created by connecting the resettable output from the FACP to one or both of the FCPS-24FS8 inputs. hample 3 Use addressable control modules to aclivale the FCPS- 24FSg versus the FACP Notificalion Appliance Circuits. This typically aliows for mounting the FCPS-24FS8 at greater disbnces' away from the FACP while expanding systom ar6hit6cur6 in vsrlous applications. In this example, an addressaHe cond module is used to aclivale the FCP$24FSB and an addressable monitor module is us€d to sense FCP924FS8 tot ble conditions. Locsl auxiliary power output from the FCP$-24FSB pr+ vides pow6r to tha addressebie confol module. 'Fire.Ule's tr|S{AP {f S8+dnl), MS-9200|D, or M$9600 (63& pott{} addt8ss*b FACPS hav€ ft}e cspabifiiy ot iocering conlrol and ms|ftor modul€s qp to 1O,0OO te€* {3048 m)arvay. Sync FollowerlGenerafor Arote.' In sorne installatiDns, it is necessary b synchroni2e the flash timing of all strobes in the system for ADA cornpliance. Stobes accomplish this by moflitoring very shorl timing pulses on the NAC porer, which arE created by a Fire Alarm Control Psnel such as lhe Fire'Lite MS-9600. When installed at the end of a MS-9€00 NAC wire run, this powsr supply cen track {i.e., Toilow") the strobe synchronization timing pulses on $e exlstlng NAC wire run. This malnt€ins the overall sys^ tem flash timing of the addi$onal sbobes attached to this power srpply. When lhis por€r supply is coofgured {vie DIP switch setflngs) a-s a 's}?lc follovyer," this supply's NAC outsuts fiack lhe strobe synchronization pulses presenl at this supply'$ sync input terminai. The pulses are onginated from an upstream FACP or other Foi rer supply. Wh€n this power supply iis configured (via DIP switch sedings) as a lspc generalor.' this supplys sync input brminal are no{ used- Ralher, lhis powEr sjpply is the orbinator of the sNe synehroni2atbn pulses on this power supplys NAC outputs. In 'sync generstof mode, th€ sync type {System Sensor, Wtreelock, or Gentex} is selectable via DIP switch settings. @ January 28, 2005 DF-51276 . A1-100 FITE.LITE"ALATMS ni-9!t0o(vr1 Mdrrrroblc Fhe Alqrm Conrml ponel Seciion: Addressablevrutw.firetlle.com OEilENAT The Flso.Llte lls.g200 is e compact cost-€fioctive, sddres- sable fire alanfl cofitrol pan€lwith a c4acity of 199 Flr€"Llte 300 Ssries devic€D. A singt€ gigmeting Lin6 Circuit (SLC) loop supporis up to gg smok6 detBctors and gg control or monitor modules. The panel us€s surfac€-mounl tochnoloov and is designed for €ase of install€ton and programming.-it fealures th€ lat€sl in tir€ protec{ion tctrnotogy, includ-ing mainlenanoe alerl and eubmalic detBchf t€st tb n€lv, lerger €ndosure is capable of housing 12.0 AH balteries. The MS-9200 indudos on tho rnolherboard (r€\r. pC-Dl buitt- in interfac€s for a prlnter and r€mote annunclators (on pan_ els manufscfured after September 1, 2001). FEATUNES SLC Loop ' SLC can be configured br NFPA Style 4, 6. or Z @era_ tion-. SLC supports up to lgB addressabl€ ddvices [99 detec- tors and 99 monitcr or conhol modulesl, including new ad- dr€ssable dual monitor module-. slc loop maximum tongth 10,000 tt (3,(Xs ml @ 12 AWc (3.1 mrf). Notification Appliance Ctrcutts 0lACs). Dual Int€gral NACs, Styls y or Z (qass B or A).. Silenc€ Inhibit and Auto Silence timer oplions.. Alarm, trouble and supervisofy relays, standard.. Msy be programmed for Steady, March lime, Temporai or Cafffomia oode (rcquins wltware pN n7m or gareatsir).. 3.0 amp NAC poflet, e)€ardable to 6.0 €rBps. Prognamming and Soltware. Autoprogram and Welk Tost features ldenlify lwo or rnor€ devices set b same address.. Keypad programmable on panel, wiffr two us€r_d€fined passwords, pluE an Auloprogram {eafure.. Cuslom English labds per pdnt may be maruaty €nbIed or seled€d tmm sn intefial library fib.. Ramote Ackrcwledge, Silence, Resat arid Dr via MMF- 300 modul€s and LCD-40 rarnole annunciators. User Interface. Integral 40{harecter LCD display with backlighting.. Real-time clock/cale rdar.. Hislory fle with stio-evont capacity. Arhraneed Fhe Technology. Maintenance alert wams wl|€n smok€ det€ctor dust acqJ_ mulation is excessive.. Eattery cha.ger for up to 60 hours of standby power.. Waterflow or supervisory selection per monitor noinl.. SFtsm alarm verific€tton s€tec[on, srnot<e onty. " Fuseless, po|#er-limihd te€ftnology meets UL poryer-lim- iting requiremenh.. D€tector Bensitivity printout (requires vA.1 software).. Presignal delay oplion per NFPA 72.. Rapid poll elgorilhm tor manud stalions- R€sponds to abrmlaclivalion in less ltlan t!$o secorlds.. Operates Wfi untwisted, unshi€lded Wre (up to 1,000 ft.J 304"8 m) {or retofit applications (U.S. patent S,210,S23}.. 300 Ssri€s addressable d€vic€s featurs decimal address sebclion. Addr€ss of each device can b€ eagly set in the {ield by use of a screwdrivof.. UDACT-F Dgital Alarn Communicator raports 56 zones or 198 points to a Cenfal Sbtion.. Euill-in prinbr intedace - UL listed for permanent attach_ m€nl.. LCD-40 Series alphanumeric, 40-character, backlit remote serial annunciators operale ovet iruill-in highspeed EIA_ 485 poft Up 10 32 may be supported on ihe MS-9200 /re-qures ffi arc P/N 7glil ot great6r). Fire.Lile@ Alalms is a l-lor,€ylA,€tt c.t n,rany. ihrs docurnent i$ ,lot intsld€d to b6 used for insl6llat]on purpo6e$. We try to i(eep6uf producl rnfonnation up-to-date arld accurale. We dannot covor ali specific :Ll'::t':::-1r. an!,cipare alt reqrjir€ments. ntr specificarions are,ufr1"alL "nrng*walhout notice. l::1L: ':l.:l*,oL, contra-ct -Fir€.lite Alarms, Oi'e Fire.Lito ptac€, Northford,Connecticut 06472. phone: (8C0) 6?ru473, rorr-free ilX: fei4 OSg]ri]S- ro$uut{fru r I DF-51276 . 01/28/05 - pege t ot 4 ST$TEN PEIIPHENI|.$ o AND HA45 "VIERFACE(DlM-185) buitt inb the motheftoard (four wires) HA.,/,5 lh ACS rnod6 (two uiircs) wtnxB EIA-ilN |i'TERFACE {PlM-2,i) built into 0le .ndherboard 8 FORXC, $ATP RELAW (rytb,rd, oderACM€RR NACS (Notific|tion Appliance Circuita) BELLS, SIGNALS. STROBES il OfE: Q6em can.rss eifBr ne rfh|ErORtlre LCMAI4OL.Trycerafr0€&N simuhansouc[t sitoxE DETECTORS sD355, SD355T, CP355 DUCT DETECTORS DBSOPL D3SORPL ADDRESSABLE i,ULTI.TdODULES MMF-300-10. MMF-302-6. CMF-30G6. cRF300$ @*}aal REVERSE POLARITYI CITY BOX OUTPUT (RTM.8F) LCD.10 6nd LCD4TL Up to 1,0m ft. (914.4 m) betrwen each LCD4o/L in the ElA.{85 hap, sd bstivesn aach LCtt'4orL and fte FACP 2l VDC lllilt ldr. $tl * -FsEil- 68, -#la-.8----.--dJ totr ToR MUF-300, MDF-300, MMF-302, CMF-300, cRF-300, 1300 + I@E@lffi{ll"f[[[ ifil'll HOf{ITOR MMF-301 ffiml'[r]IEJ PULLSTATIOI{ SGl2LX PR|ilTER Notes: 1) "A" sufrx shdld be included when ordertng Canadlan yersion 30C Series dayices. 2, "C" sutrix d8signsles Canadbn yan$on fi(s-gloo. 3] LCH'O EN Nnte,f a''im @nnd be.ed srm&arco.js'h,z wrHt{€ srclttrEffErfl5 The SLc'requifes use of a speciffc wire type to ensure proper circuit operaton. lt is recommended lhat all SLC wiring be lwisted-pair shielded to minimize the effects of elecbical inteference. Wire size stould be no vnaller than 18 AWG (0.7g mmr) and no larger than 12 AWG i3.1 mm,) wire. The wire size deperds on the length of trre SLC cirqrit Use the table betoq, to deler- mine the specilic wiring requirements for *te SLC. lj$fl @i ANI'IUNCI,AIORS AFI\I.LED, I.DU, ACS/ACM UDACrf Wir€ Requircments Dishnce in Feet (m)Typical Wire She Twiste4pair, shielded 10,000 b€t (3,0a8 m) 12 AWG (3.1 mm'): BeHen 9583, Gerpsis 4410, Sigrd 9a230, WPW DSXI. Twiste4pair, shieHed 8,000 bet (2,a38 n) 14 AWG P.oO nrn'l: B€Hen 9581, G6nesis ,t408, Signal 984:10, WPW D995. Twistedpair. shisklsd 4,875 tuet (1 ,486 m) 16 AWG (1.3 mnf): Beld€n 9575, Geresis ,1406 and /+606, Signal 98630, v1/Pw D991. Twisted.pai( shieHed 3225 tuet (983 m) 18 AWG (0.78 mm,): BeHen 9574, conssis 4402 and 4602, Signal 98300, WPW D975. Unwisted, unshi€bed 1,0OO ieet (3t)5 m)12 - 18 AWG (3.1 - o.78 nxrf). PaE6 2 ol 4 - DF-5-1276 ' G1/28.05 GONPANB|.E ADDNEI$IAII.E Dn||CES All teature a polling LED and ratary a&ress s dches. CP355: Addressable ionization smoke detector. SD355/SD355T: Addressable photoelectrio smoke detector (T = wlth thermal 6ensorl. D350PLJD350RPL Addressabie duct deteciof (R = with re- lav). lrlMF€00: Addressable monitor modub for one zone of nor- mally-open drlFcontact initialing davices- Mountb in standard 4" (10.15 cm) box. Includes plas{c cover plale and end-of- line rssistor. Module rnay be configured for ei0rer a Style B (Class B) or Style D (Ctass A) initiating device circuii. I|IDF-300; Dual monitor module. Same as MMF{00 exoept it operates in Style B (gass B) ody. provideE two Oass B circuits- HltF.301: MintaturB version of MMF.100. Exc-ludBf LEDand Style D oplion. Connects with.wire pigiails. May mount in davice backbox. mMF-3(!2: Sirnilar to MMF-So0, but may monitor up io 20 conventional trlro-wire del€ctors- Requires extemal 24 VDC power. Consult fadaty for comptibb sl|toke delectoF. GlllF-300: Addrassable colliol modde for one Style yiZ (Gless BIA) zone of supeMsed poladzed I,lodification Apdi- 6nces. Mounts directly to a 4" (10.16 cm) eloctrical bor. Notr'fiEafofr Appliance grcuit option requires extemal 24 VDC to power notification appliances. GRF{00: Addressable rslay msdule containing two isolalBd sets of Form-C conlacts, whidt oparab as a DPDT s{rilcfi- Mounts direcfly to a 4' (10.16 cm) box, sudac€ mount using the SMB500" F€00-10: T6ninput mohitor module. Mount ohe or 1wo rnodulesin a BB-2F cabinet {opf,ionaf . Mountup to six modules on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F. MilF-302+ Six-zone interfac€ module. Mount one or two modulesinaBB-ZF cabinet(op&ioarr. fuountuptosixrEddes on a CHS-6 chassis in a BB-6F. GMF.300-6: Six-circuitsupervised control modut€. Mountone or two moduies in a BB-2Fcabinet (optionat]. Mount up to slx modules on a CHS-O chsssis in a BB€F. CRF€00{: Six Form-C relay control module. Mount one or two module-q in I BB-ZF cabinet (@ic'|,at- Mount up b gx modules on a CHS€ chassis in e BB6F. 1300: This module isolates the SLC h@ bom short dru.rit ccnditlons {requnsd for So/te T opention). BG-i2LX: Addressable manual pull stafion with interface module mounted inside. Compatible with legacy Fare+ife 900 Seri€s deytces. plesse consult faEtory for fulther intor$auon on a[ lhe psel,ous 30O Series qe-yg-:i _qf 3g.0lgp350, sD36frlsD3s0r4, D350p/D350Rp, c304. M300, M301, M302, C3C4, ind BeioLX. ,{o'tEs: ut sufrx_src|lkJ V inch.ded onS whea ottuing tlLC f5/la/ unitsie_g, SD35OA, Jr4rF-300AJ. 2) Fi f r,orE on MS- ?00 comparrbre'Al drpasable Devices, ptease see thf tollowlng data s,heeris ldocu-men m,rfbe|s.): sD3i1ifsD355r pF-523s4): cfi55 (DF-',3a3j. Dt 350PLDH35ORPL (DF-521 76), MMFStNSeAesnrtoF:oo e,ron',i:.fo.lrodrres fDF-521z1), {t',ftt[n4' @/F-SZ3r'i), W rftz{. tDF_s2356), CHFsnc.6, {DF-523A'. CRF3{Xtd (DF52371r. Xm pF 52389), and B&12LX (OF-'ztlJ). EIA-232 FORI PIM-2{: PrinterlPc interface module, cable, DBSF connec- tor and g^piG male to 25-pin fernale adapler. BlM.l85: LCD-40 disptay inlerface module. ,JOTE: Plt*?4 and OllA4ES qplbns €rs nol ayaibbla simut s- newsly. Nelher lhe Pfi*24 o( DlriHSS is needed with the MS- 9240 m&redo€d Rev. PGD. GOTf, PATI IIE ANil UNGIATONg/ DRftcFf uslilo EtA'|Es FoR[ LCD.|0 Serles: 4o-charact€r, backlil LCD-type lire annun- ciatoF capable of dispbying English-language text (requires one DlM.485 per M992ll0 pand to intortace wih up to 32 LCD-{0 annunciators}. Requires sottwsre PiN 73?50 or greater - contad Fire.Lile Tecftnical Services abd,t soft- ware competibility queslions- AFItllAFil-X Scri€s: LEDtype lir€ annunclators capable of providing up to 56 soihn are zones of annunciation. Available in incrom€nts of 16 or 32 with oxpardable IAFM-X S6ri8s) and nm-e4randabb (AFM Series) corliguratims to meet a vadely of applicalions. LDlt Sorles: Lamp Diver Module series for use with oustom graphic annuhcieto$. UDAGTf : Digital Alarm Communicetor Transmitter. JfOfE: For more on MS-99@ CompatiUe Anttunciatars and Conrprtfole EtrA*ft5 Fort llcryfees, phase see lhe foflowrhg da&a 6tra€t6 f&cr,|'t€nt Mrbersr: LCW (DF-51171), M*/AF&-X (IlF414*tj, LIrX S€'t€8 (.DF$l384), and ./D'A6T-F (DF-512s4). FIETD.PNOONATTI NG FEATURES Ott Lln. Flogremnlng: Create entire program in your of- fice using a Wndows@based Pg computer (order program- mirg kit PK-9209W separately]. Uptoad/Doe.nload system pmgramtning locafl)r to the it99200 in less lhan cne minule. ftrto.Drograarrrniag: Command the l',1992O0 to program its€lf (takes less than 30 seccnds). In the AutoProgram mode, the MS-9200 scans for all possible devices at all ad- dresses, stores lhe device types, and addresses found, and then loads default values for all options (General Alarm). lt also clrcd<s for ts s mor€ devices set to th€ same ad- drBs$- ok-|-lhc Edit vVhile sfifi prcviding fire p.otection, the MS- 9200 may be gogrammed ftont lhe front fanel. Sinrple menu fees displayed on the LGD allow tie tained uset to Derform all functions without referring back to the programming manual. ;rgkh Lrbcl L|b'r}!r AuicHy seled labets frbm a slan- dad libray of moe Eran 50 adjec{ives}rouns, Euch as .FLR 3 HALLWAY,' or efiler cuatom labels letter-by-letter_ Use recall funclion b repeal previously used label. Prograrn Ghcck: Aulomatically catch common errors, such as relays not link€d lo any zon6 or point. TAIIITEIITTTICE ALENF Ttle M$SZ)0 cofilinually monibrs eadr srnoke detector and responds to a reading of 807o of the detectors alarm 0resh- oU. tf fr€ detectsrcofllinually raports an 80% tneshold read- ihg (8/10 of what is required to be en alerm condition) for 24 hours, a trouble c€ndltion is cr€ated. This reduc6s the risk of false alams due to dust and dirt by alerting a lrouble (rnain- l€nanc€) condition rather lhan initaling a fal6e alarm- AUTOTAflG TTSf OPENANOil The lilgSzl0 perfonns an aulomatic test of each deteclor every two hours. Failure to moBl the test limits causes an AUTO TEST FAIL trouble type. System Reser claars this bouble. Dl: -51276 . A1t2at05 - page3ot4 NFPA STAITTDANDO The M$9200 compli€s rldth the follorrring NFPA 72 FlrB Alann Syslems requirements: . LOCAL (Automatic. Manuel, Waterllow, and $prinkler Su- pervtsory).. AUXILIARY (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflow) (raguires RTM-8F).. REIIOTE STAnOX (Aubrnatic, Manuat, erd Waterflow) (rcqukes RThl-BF or UDACT-F).. PROPRIETARY (Autoflalic, Manual, and Wabrflow).. CENTRAL STATION (Automatic, Manual, and Waterflotrr) (requirea UDACT-F). aAl|11 g1 SPECtf tcAr|oNt Door: 17.11" (4i!.46 crn) high x 14.?1. (37,36 crn) wide x q.3J5' (0.95 crn) deep. Baekbor: 16.90' Gt2.gg cnr) high x 14.50' (36.83 cm) wide x 4-50' (1 i _a3 cm) .hep. tdm *ng lpart # TR4.R.): 20.02' {50.85 crn) high x 17.62. {,{4.2b cm) wide. IPEGIFIGATIOIIIE. Primary input porcr for lfS-9100 rrd ffgSZ0Oe iZO VAC, 50160 Hz, 2.3 tunps. prlmary input powor furtlS4ZtNE: 22Af740 VAC, 50 Flz.. Total 24 V system power: 3.6 A (expandabfe to 6.6 A).. Standard Notification Circuits: Z (Slyle y or Z).. Expansion Notification Carcuits: up to 99 (using CIUF300 moduie).. l{otlf caflon Appllance Fowen 3.0 A {expandable to 6.0A with XRM-24).. Four{ire del*ctor power: 300 mA-.. llon{esettablo rsgulated power:300 mA.'. Non.rcgulated power: 2.5 Amps maximum,rrilOIE Sublracf from total 24 VDC source.. Ba-ttery charger Enge: 7 AH - 1g AH (BB-ITF batrery cabinet for 18 AH b€tteries).. RemGte charger (pane! charger disabled, requires MS-9200 circuit board #71711, avaitable June 1, lgttii:' 2$120 AH (us6 CHG-1201.. Charge float rate: 27.6 V.. Charser currcn* limited to 0.8 A.. Cmtrol pand Alarrn, Troubte, $rpcrriBory Rslay con- tact ralings: 2.O A @ 3tl VDC. coilTnout AIitD tltDrcArons LED IilDIAA?ORS 1. AC POWER {green}.2. FIRE ArnRM (red).3. SUPERVISORY(yeliow).4. ALARM STLENCE (ye[ow). 5. SYSTEM TROUBLE (ye|owt IIETBi,AIIE SWTTGH COI|TROLS 1. ACKNOWLEDGE/STEP 2. ALAR$T SILENCE3. DRILL 4. SYSTEM RE$ET (iamp tesr) 5 - 16. 12-kay pad wilh fult abftabei 17 - 20. 4 cutEor keys 21. ENTER LGO BISFLIY 40 cheracters {2 x 20) wi*' tong-tife LCD disptay. hacklit. o PnoDt,cr UHE tilFonnATloll llS-9200 Addressable fire alarm cortsol panel. Indudes LCD display, single printed circuit board and cabinet. ItlS-9200C Same as above wi{r ULC listing and DP-1-R dead-ftoni panel. 9200RBVa0 Replacem€ftt rnothelboard, HS.8200E Same as M$92ff) vrift 22f,l240 YAC, 5O Hz kansformEr (UL listed). RTtt.EF Plugln.elayFansmitteroptionmodule.Provides elghl Form-C releys, plus municipal box and remote slation connections. DP-l{ Full-fength inlemal dress panel (reguired for Fl| rf,prrcrdoas; tncl,rded tr hed ordcdng us-gzurc). UDACTf Digiial darm cormunicator bansmitter. XRI{.2i 120VAC, 100VA transforfi€r. Expends sli$tem power supply. Expands noiificatlan appliance power from 3.0 amps to 6.0 amps. Plil-2r$ Prirt€r intefface module required to conn€ct a .f{l- cr &}-colurn p?inter.'. DIH-185 L@10 disday Inlerface module required to convert ElA.232 to ElA485 for us6 with the LCD-40 Series annundstors.** PK-CO Progremming Kit for Windows6-baeed PC computer {requires PI0tr-21 and assoclaled hadt,Ere). TR-f* Tdm ring for semi-fiush mounting. BB-I?F Battery box, required to mount pS-12190 bettedes. BB-55f Baftery box, required io hdlse two BAT- !2?S0 batleries and cne CHG-120F battery charger. Fcrbalfeabs greale r than ?5 AH, caniultfaitoryt* h wsi nghwnntidg a range me nts. ClfG-llllF Remote battery €*rarging syslem- Required tor charying 25 to 12A AH ba|fer&us (can onlyr be rsed,h cor./uftcl|'on wit& MS€?0C circ ujt board #.71711). BAT.I270 Battery, t2 volt, 7.0 AH, (twa raquired). BAT-12120 Battery, 12 volt, 12.0 AH, frrc reqr.i.ed]. BAT-12| 80 Batery, 12 volt, 18-t AH, (two rcquired). BAT-tzlsr0 Batbry, 12 yolt 25 FJ1, {two required; rcquires cHGJt20F). BAT-12550 Battery 12 volt, 55 AH, (lwo required; rFquires cH€,-lzAn. FCFS-24F Remot€ power supdy exp€nds NAC outputs by 6.0 amtrs or lotal sysEm power by 4.0 amps. FGPS-2dFSE Remoie power suppty expends NAC outsuts by 6.0 amp€. Inlegral battery charger capable of 18 AH. FCPS-24FS8 Remote power$upply expands NAC outputs by 8.0 amps. *M)rE: Ptl/l-2l and D/lM-495 oplions are not evarlable si- muttanaously. Neithar tha PIM-24 or DlM485 is needld with the MS-92A0 mothe.tcp,rd Rev. PCO. Windows@ is s rsgistefed lradema.k of Microsof.t Coq:oration. Fage 4 of 4 - DF-51276,0lnBns