HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN SIGNS CURTAIN HILL & VAIL ADVENTURE CENTER LEGALo FI LT COPY Depaftment of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us October 11, 2000 Teak Simonton Vail Mountain Adventure Center 254 Bridge Slreet Vail. CO 81657 Re: Awning Apptication dated Juty St, 2000 Dear Teak: I have inspecled lhe new awning at the Mountain Adventure cenler. ll has been constructed in accordance with the Town's Design Guidelines. Given the layout of the fascia/railing along the first-story walls, it appeari a connection of the awning (beyond the fascia) to the exterior wall would be impractical. Please consider this letier your veriiication of final Town of Vail approval on the awning. lf you would like to discuss this issue in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Best of luck during the upcoming season. Sincerely, B"*a /"?Z- Brent Wilson, AICP tp ut'"uo "n"uo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Proiect Number: n/a Owner, Address and Phone: Blanche HilUVail Mountain Adventure Center; attn: Teak Simonton,254 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: same Project Street Address: 254 Bridge Street Legal Description: Lot L, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 2 I 01-082-23-007 Comments: Building Name: HilI Building Board / Staff Action Motion by: Bill Pierce Action: Approved with Conditions Seconded by: Tom Weber Vote:5-0 Conditions: 1. The awning shall have a shed roof form to match the existing awning roof. 2. The top and bottom levels of the awning shall match the top and bottom members of the wall railing pickets and the awning will conform to the surface of the wall where it is mounted. 3. The awning may extend as far as tegalty possible but must remain cantilevered (no support posts).4. Any outstanding fire code issues must be resolved. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: September 6,2000 DRB Fee pre_paid: $20.00 F1EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL\97\ I DRBAPPR.FRM Project Name: Vail Mountain Adventure Center Project Description: New Awning flo FI---+ Tr..rrl\ I rJrlr I 6x }J +(n sg 1B m E /l I i'lti t6 a'r -\ t+t\lil rI ieIIo UI ! f, -(t d^- rl o n th 7t r$itI IEle3Jtl ffic i'\ ',il ::] I I l-_*1 I i .tr -(, lur\{ lr.t*= lD,r I l-" lli lo Town of Vail Deparlment of Community Development Attention: Brent Wilson Dear Brent You have asked for the following information regarding the awning application for the West side of the Hill Building: ) A detailed drawing is attached which shows the dimensions and height of the awning. The lowest point of the awning will begin at 8 feet. There will be a 3 foot 4 inch drop, and a 32 inch projection. The width of the awning will be 10 feet. F Vail Resorts and The Town of Vail have plans to replace the pavers on the West side of the building next Spring. Any repair to the brick or pavers will be addrcssed in conjunction with this project All building maintenance is the responsibility of the owner, Mrs. Hill. P The existing exterior lighting will remain. I look forward to your sight visit and subsequent Design Review meeting to answer any additional questions. Sincerely,&*5e- Teak Simonton Mountoin Adventure Cenler . 254 Bridge Street, Voil, Colorodo, 81657 . Telephone: (g7\l 476-3332 . Fox: (g7OJ 476-ggg9 0+L" br".""# "1ry a a Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 21,2000 Teak Simonton Vail Mountain Adventure Center 254 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sign/Awning Application dated July 51, 2000 Dear Teak: At its August 16rh meeting lhe Town of Vail Design Review Board conceptually reviewed the above-referenced application. The following is a synopsis of their comments: ' Additional information is needed to determine how lhe awning will be located with regard to the window, the wood trim band above the window and the wall plane. Please provide a detailed graphic for descriptive purposes. This could be a simple dimensioned drawing and/or a photograph with sufficient detail to demonstrate proposed locations. ' A more comprehensive view of the facades is encouraged. please examine the existing finishes on the north and wesl facades to evaluate needed maintenance and repairs. These include the exposed areas benealh the brick. the broken concrele areas and the paint on the trimirailing. A revised window layout could prove more functional or useful if re-considered. . Wilt the existing exterior lighting remain? lf not, will the awning be lit? please indicate any proposed lighting on the descriptive graphic. This item is scheduled for final design review on wednesday, september 6th. please provide the requesled items al least four (4) business days prior to this meeting date. Associated applications for a menu display box or daiiy special sign can most hkely be handled at the staff level. lf you would like to discuss this issue in Oetait, please do not hesitate to conlact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 3^-=-*- tu-'z- - Brent Wilson, AICP Planner ll 1Qa *rr"r* r^rrow A ' t,n, (Op, TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 97A-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us August 2,2000 Teak Simonton Vail Mountain Adventure Center 254 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Sign/Awning Apptication dated Juty St, 2000 Dear Teak: l^ag in receipl of your application for an awning at the above-referenced tocation. Afterreview of the apprication, I havedetermineo thit the proposed gr"[hi. *n"ritutes an 119:*lll_r,gL _The, Vait rown Code oerin"" a sign i" ,i ,rrr"E" 5i .pa"e. ..*n*".conllnuous or not, which attracts the attention, identifies a nusinesi oi-ouitoing, conveysa message to any person by. means of retters, numbe,rs, figures, or other symbors,devices, or represenrarionsi'..As vo, "r" i*"i", tJ criti,iriiiliu]ioin'gir"uiorrryreceived a sign variance to albw ?or r totJ oitnt"e business iaentirica:ti6n signs at thislocation. However, the addition of tnJ pioposel'grapnic wourd constilute a fourthbusiness identification sign and ."n "oi#il;;oved without a variance. l!9t9.t3.V b.e oJfqlgntions to. identify the proposed business wilhin the sign ailowancesspecified in the vair rown code. rn6se milrrfin"ruo"." *i"d;;;i;;;; i,"n, dispraybox' lf you would like to discuss tnese tptJns in o"t"ir, prease do not hesitate to conlactme at (970) 479-A140. Sincerely, l1--trU* Brent Wilson, AtCp Planner ll rl NECYCLED PAPEE AUg-13-OA eUN 22:46 ANNrE ECAN . -. -. .------.-i-..- .97632e6925 P. O1 'l'o: l;f(lrn: Date: 8/14/OO Fax Transmission American Canopy & Equipment 1098 Counr.y Road 214 / Sllt-Co. SL6S?(e7o) 876-5368 FA/'( (97O) 876-5234 Ilrent lliloon Annie Pgan 328-6825 'lhtr awningr for Vail Mr. Mv. 6en[er wil1 be centered over i3r(r tto postg as it will cantiLerrer frorn hhe building; anC'Luj.Idi.ng Lrith 3,/8" lag bolts (3./g,,x 3,'). Call me if you tnforrnatiort , drar^rings , etc. ' the roitrdow; t.l'irir.'i, be attschgl li r', , irtr need any o Lircr r-l fttutwifu.(x1n{rrt Jt4on & *o "- hrrJ,tfrruUryr'\t --, l,,wttrtY _ rnY* orhro ralir? //,1 a tr L rr Fn uet"/N\ft/ 4w le^{\+q, \ l/\ * -"/ I Questions? Call the Planning Staff at 479-2138 srcN/AWNING APPLICATION This application b for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail, specific requiremenB are available from the DeparUnent of Community Development. NAME OF BUSiNESS:A.r 'o u ft*a',QCtr^{ur BUIIDING NAME and ADDRESS: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: t?-." # y',lt te6' ,.PP' 11,,, A. B, D. E, F, Ll. LEGALADDRESS: Lot:L abck'5c ritins. peacer*?lA ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE( NAME OF APPLICANT: MAITING ADDRESS: '' VU la( Contact Eagle Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) I.TYPE OF SIGN (see next page for definitions): Free standing Wall Sign Hanging Sign NUMBER OF SIGNS PROPOSED: SIGN MESSAGE: NUMBER OF SIGNS EGSTING: SIGN AND LETTERING DIMENSIONS FOR EACH PROPOSED SIGN (Attach a schematic on 8.5" x 11" TENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE; HEIGHTOF SIGN(S) ABOVE GMDE: SIGN LOCAION (Attach a site plan and an clrawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): D tr a J. K. L, M. N. o. PHoNE; 476':;+=7 ,/ o tr Qul ni nQ u' fjyvro Sign Awni@ I Other, specif,i: P, a. R. MATERIALS AND COLORS OF SIGN (Attach samptes): DESCRIBE SIGN UGHTING:J0 €(o a,? ni (w 2 IIO c'-3" in FEE: $20.00, plus 91.00 per sguare foot of total sign area # ?G0 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subrnittal PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI.IENT OF COMMUNITY DEV}LOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FROI{TAGE ROAD, VArL COLORADO 81657. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTSI tr Complete Application. tr A site plan showing the o<act location where the sign is to be located, n Elevation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning. tr Colored scaled (1/4"=1') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo, if available. tr Sample of proposed materials. tr Drawings showing how and where sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. n Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN GATEGORIES: 1. Freestanding -A single or mulFfaced sign affixed to a supporting structure, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. 2. Awnino or Hanoino -Any sign attached to a building and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. 3. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a buiHing or structure with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and not Projecting more than 9" from the face of the wall. 4. Disolav Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. 5. Joint directory sion - A freestanding, hanging or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a multF tenant building. 6. Subdivision enffance siqn - A sign to identify a major subdMision, a condominium comple><, or group of apartment buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF, or SDD zone district. SUGGESTIONS: 1. Copies of the Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You may wbh to check the Code to verifli the type and size of sign you are allowed' 2. Be specffic. Vagueness in the description of design, size, construction may delay the approval of your sign. 3. Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed' 4. Ughting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lettering on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways, 5, All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Depaftrnent of Cornmunity Development. New sign programs or amendments to sign programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board' ."-*A''T; Ii L' luA-K* I rgr^ 6/rr*,1 S ?e-bg7{ !r .4'l', r/'v/?"u Prh' io. for( at C^Foirofl.t' colot^rr{, itt6a,, iliont: rrotrr tttr r*r(: Ito ec, rtr0 Jur_-r e-er.r rrrJN z5::l5 nHHIE EGAN 9793246e25 Fax Transmissicn American Canopy 1098 (lounty Road 214 . (970) 876-5368 F'AX 't ri: 'feak stunonton (476-888q) |,r{}m; krnie fgan (328-5S25) & Iiquipmerrt/ stlt, co. 81652 {970) 876-5234 Datc:7 /Ll/t:''t P.61 ltre avrrr j nt for: rhe cof fee r;)' w.irle X .3' hj.gh x 32r' it:p',c 1r.r I nt<J on the front l'i:i.ce:'i!]1.:r.00, plus Eax shop at Vail t'{ountain Adventure Center qf,rich is projection with an Ett valance and a coffee cup (caroera ready artwork prwided); suardard in6tailatj."n 43, -Fr\-lO'wfse rl* ,t glf- * I TOWN OF VAIL Departnxent of Community D evelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorad.o 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January 19, 2000 Teak Simonton 254 Bridge Street Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Amended Vail Mountain Adventure Center Sign Approval Dear Teak, The purpose of this letter is to inform you ofthe Town's approvai ofthe amen<Ied sign application for the Vail Mountain Adventue Center signs. The amended approval eliminates the internally illuminated light source and creates a lighted, pan-channel sign. It is my understanding that to accomplish the change, and to come into compliancJwith the lightingprwisions of the sign regulations, you will paint the backside of the sign faces to create an opaque iurfaie with the exception of the area of the individual letters. In the case of the area of each of the individual letters, the sign surface will remain translucent to allow the light to shine through in those locations. Again, on behalf of the Community Development Department, thank you tbr cooperation and attention to this-matter. We appreciate your wiliingness to work towards a mutuaily acccptable resolution in such a professional mantrer. Sincerely, nt^-"rQ;J-a George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects plamer Town of Vail Xc: Vail Town Council {p o""t""'o"u c0PyIFIL I Department of Community Dev elopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-24s2 January 11,2000 Teak Simonton 25.l Bridge Street VaiL Colorado 81657 Re: Reconsideration of Previous Vail Mountain Adventure Center Sign Approval/Lot L, Block 5C, Vail Village I't tr'iling Dear Teak I am sending -vou this letter to follow-up on our meeting of Thursday, December 23 regarding the three intemally illuninated signs at the Vail Mountain Adventure Cemer. I apreciate the fact that you have gone through the approval process, however. according to th€ Town of Vail Code, internally illuminated signs are prohibited Unfortunately, the recently installed signs rnust be brought into complianccwth the requirements of the Code. During our meeting we discussed several options that you might consider to bring the signs into compliance. Possible options included converting the signs to pan-channeled signs wherelry the sign surface, with the exception of the lettering is made oFque or removing the internal illumination and ligtrting the sigr with an indirect iglrt source. I am happy to help you further explore these options and others if needed. 1 hare already attempted to contact a sig4 manufacturer to discuss rehofit options. Additionally, I have scheduled a reconsideration of the originat sign application with rhe Desigr Review Board for Wednesday, January 19, 2000. Thc purpcse of this meeting is to have the Board make a determination of the application givcn the lcrowledge that the signs are to be internally illumhated- On behaif of the Community Development DepartmenL I will be recommending that the Board approve a lighting proposal that meas thc Torn Code. Lastly, per our pnevious agreement, regardless of whether a resolution h;rs been reached- the signs can not be illuminated after Jmuary 21, 2000. As you will recall, I allowed the signs to reurain as is for a tbirry*-day period following written notice to you of ow detcrmination of non-comptyingkgns. Upon receipt of this letter please conlact me so we can make arrange$ents to meet to discuss options for brineing the signs into compliance wirh the Town Code. You can reach rne by tilephone at 479-2145 b€tween the hours of 8:00 a.rn. and 5:00 p.rn, Mond.ay through Friday. Sincerely, *tl ./'^r.lJraA^q-, 'K,--*-h^A George Ruther, AICP Senior Special Projects Planncr Xc: Vail Town Council R Thomas Moorhead Town Afiomev TAWN OF VAIL t2*"*o'o'* -l o TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Ttve tm/ />tt(rtwr rTE.b T1) (r,w<u, i / io /r-<ioo " MEMORANDUM To: Vail Town Council From: Russell Forrest, Director of Community Development October 22. 1999 October 26, 1999 Date: January 10,2000 RT: VAIL MoUNTAIN ADVENTURE CENTER SIGN REVIEW _ CHRoNoLoGY oF EVENTS I wanted to take this opportunity to review the Vail Mountain Adventure Center sign lrermit. These signs werc reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board. Staff has reviewed the original application and the application was accurate and complete. An important issue that was not directly discussed with the applicant was how the sign would be lighted. The Sign Code allows for indirect lighting and for the letters ofa sign to be backlighted or pan-channeled. However, the entire sign can not be illuminatecl. The following is a chronology of the review process for this application. October 19, 1959 Pre-appiication meeting held for both the Vail Mountain Adventure Center (fomerly ihe Curtinl.Iill Building) and One Vail Place to discuss proposed signage and sign code requirements. Attendees included Teak Simonton, representing the Vail Mountain Adventure Center, and Town of Vail planners. Sign application received by Community Development Depaftment (attached) Sign application routed at planners' staif meeting and reviewed by project planner. Applicant was asked to submit revised plans to conform with the sign code (ie. the descriptive signage "High Performance Rentals" was considered separate signage bringing the total number ofproposed signs to 6).* The Vail Mountain Adventure Center is legally allowed to have three signs- only ttvo signs would normally be allowed on this property, however the Curtin- Hill bttilcling received a sign variance in 1995 for one additional sign. Applicant inlormed the project planner that she would bring revised plans to the Design Review Board meeting. These could not be submitted earlier because they were being prepared by a company located in Vancouver, Canada (Three D imens ional Senices). Design Review Board meeting: Attended bv Teak Simonton, applicant/representative for Vail Mountain Adventure Center November 3, 1999 {P *""'"'u' 'o'ur November 4, 1999 November 9, 1999 Sign application was reviewed and approved by Design Review Board (vote of 5-0) with conditions: 1. The sign proposed for the southwest corner ofthe building shall be lowered and placed on the stucco wall.2. The size ofeach new sign shall be reviewed by staff Design Review Action (Approval) Form was mailed to the applicant (attached) Teak Simonton (applicant) brought revised plans to the Community Development Department. These were reviewed according to the conditions set forth by the DRB and found to comply with those conditions. Final plans were not left in possession of the Community Development Deoartment. December 2i, 1999 Public Works notifies Planning staff of complaints regarding the lighting of the Vail Mountain Adventure Center's signs. Staffrecognizes that the oversight was made regarding the lighting of the signs. The signs are found to be non- conforming with respect to Town of Vail code. December 21, 1999 A lener is prepared notifuing the Vail Mountain Center that the oversight was made and that staffwill allow a period of thirty days for the signage to be brought into compliance (attached) December 23, i999 Russell Fonest & George Ruther met with Teak Simonton and she indicated a willingness to work with the Town to resolve the issue. Staffwas in enor by not directly communicating how the Mountain Adventure signs could be illuminated so as to meet the sign code. Regardless of this issue, the signs at the Adventure Center must come into compliance. I have spoken with the manager ofthe Adventure Center and she has indicated a willingness to work with the Town to bring the signs into compliance. Per our earlier agreement, the signs can noi longer be intemally i.lluminated, as they are now, after Janumy, 2000.. Two solutions exist io bring the signs into compliance: l) The sigrs can be illuminated with indirect lighting2) The backs or inside ofthe existing signs can be painted so that only the letters are illuminated. o Questions? Call the Planning Desk A. B. C. Nanre of Business:{Ylct,.t Building name and Name ofbwner: D. E. Mailing Signature of owner: Name of person submitting: (If dift'crelt than owner) Address: F.Type of sign (see back for definitions):dr tr Freestandingtr Wallsigrtr Otha. speci$: F U srcN/AwNrNcApplrcArroN Datg RgcgivJ,t'tt This application is for any sign that is locared within the Town of Vail. Itorn the Department of Community Development. T0IfN0Fl/Att ocT22 t9g9 Specifi c requireruents are available A.t-t{ t/fl-r1i u, r f ' ,'( ,i.'i' hl Phone:6-3 lla',1 CO 1- 47?*os> Hanging sign Awning 3e - /("++ tar -er^,t1 Sigt Size ofsign and size oflettering for each sign proposed: r/otq\trAG. n- K L, Lcngthorbusinessfronrage: 4 ?;* tmt!. t Aa- ++ -F lr;€+ *;+6+ = 31<(d Heighr orsignabove grade: 2 €-e.f | 6 {<< ), l!{e.t (&cr) Nunrber of signs p"opoced: .3 Number and slze of existing sigr L_e Locatton of each sip (attach a site Plan and an elwation"drawing or a photograph clearly indicating thc proposcd locati oil: N Lt).^er, || Jf\. (Or r*q,r UCa r ^4-r M. N. and colors of sigr (attach sanrples): Describe lighting of sign lexistiug or proposed):cK Lt* , Co ncea"L P. rl Bu^siness license an&or sares tax license vcrific.tion is REeUIRED prior to pranning revrew: Sales Tax Adminishator's signahtre (Sally Lorton 4:/9-Zllil: FEE: $2O.OO. &US SI.()O PER SQUARE FOOT oF SIGN AREA. \ ?i\ :: .] ir' i-.!. t .:l :' {fl*lH*trx&x{nm lzt' *?, eb'flr 'i i FEie;ii:.:r \:a4e, , i A$*Eg. :: :l : ?;lll i... *E-;{!,tv*";'. i + nb;::l I { ';,:,' ::. lil i ) ! I t Project Name: Vail Mountnin Adventure Center Project Number: Signage Project Description: Removol of yellow awnings and replrrcement of signs (3) Oumer, Address, and Phone: Blauche Hilt 254 Bridge St., Vail CO,81657 471-1677 ArchitecVContart, Address, and Phone: Teak Simonton 254 Bridge St, Vail CO, 81657 479-0538 Project Street Address: 311 Bridge Street Legal Description: Lot L, Block 5C, Vail Vitlage lst Filing Parcel Number: Comments; TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Hill Building 1. The sign proposed for the southwest corner ofthe building rhell be lowered and placed on the stucco wall. 2. The size of eech new sign shall be reviewed by stalT. Town Planner: Ann Kierulf Dale: lllo4/99 ? TOWN OF VAIL Department of Communiry Developmenr 75 South Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 ortr 970479-21i8 FAX 970479-2452 to address any further questions or conc€rns you may have. Sincerely, ./att/ -Ql'{rLtLAnnKjerulf lV'Planner I L December 21, 1999 Teak Simonton 254 Bridge St., Vaii, CO 8i657 Re: Vail Mountain Adventure Center Signage Dear Teak: This letter is written in regard to the signage for the Vail Mountain Adventure Center which was approved by the Design Review Board on November 4, 1999. It has come to the attention of staffthat an oversight was made during the review of the sign appiicarion. The original sign application described a sign with a translucent surhce and internai illumination. With respect to lighting, the Town of Vail Code allows only for indirect or pan-channeled lighting. With pan-channeled lighting, lettering may be illuminated but the remainder of the sign surt-ace must be opaqu€. Signs may also receive lighting from an indirect source. Staff recognizes that the oversight was made and is not the fault ofthe appiicant. However, according to the To.i'vn of Vail code, the signage must compiy with lig}ting requirements. Under the circumstances, sta{f will allow a period of thirty-ciays for this situation to be resolved. We hope that a suitable solution can be found and are available {g runoror^r", Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 January I l, 2000 Teak Simonton 254 Bridge Stre€t Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Recon$deration of Previous Vail Mountain Adventrre Center Sign ApprovaVlot L, Block 5C, Vail Village l" Filing Dear Teah I un sending you this letter to follow-up on our meeting of Thursday, December 23 regarding the three intemally iUuminat€d signs at the Vail Mountain Adventure Center. I appreciate the fact that you have gone through the approval process, however, according to tie Town of Vail Code, interndfy illuminated signs are prohibited. Unfortrurately, the recently installed signs must b€ brought into compliance with the requirements of the Code. During our nreeting we discussed several options that you might consider to bring the signs into compliance. Possible options inctuded corwerting the sigrs to pan*hanneled signs whoeby the sign surface, with the exception of the lettering is made opeque or removing the internal illuminatioo and lighting the sign wth an indircct lighl source. I am haptr to help you further explore these options and others if needed. I have already attemped to contact a sign manuftcfurcr to discuss retrofit options. Additionally, I have scheduled a reconsideration of the original sign application with the Design Review Board for Wednesday, Ianuary 19, 2000. The purpose of this meeting is to have the Board make a detsrmination of the application given the knowledge that the signs are to be internally illuminated. On behalf of the Community Development Department, I will be recomrnending that the Board approve a figfrtlng proposal that meets the Tontr Code. Lastly, per our previous agreement, regardless of whether a resolution has been reache4 the signs can not be iiluminsted after January 21, 2000. As you will recall, I allowed the signs to renuh as is for a thirtyday period following nriten notice to you of our determination of non-compl,ving sigrs. Upon receipt of this letter please coffact me so we can make araogements to meet to discuss options for bringing the signs into compliance with the Tonn C-ode. You can reach me by telephone ar 479-2145 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. :: Sincerely, AlJrA-|-F fi,-th^A Geo.rge Ruther, AICP Senior Special hojects Planner Xc: Vail Town Council R. Thomas Moorhead To*n Attomev {g ^*r"urrnro Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Building Name: Hilt Buitding Project Name: Vail Mountain Adventure Center Signage Proiect Number: Project Description: Removal of yellow awnings and replacement of signs (3) Oumeq Address, and Phone: Blanche Hill 254 Bridge St, Vail CO, 81657 47r-t677 Architect/Contact, Address, and phone: Teak Simonton 254 Bridge St., Vail CO, 91657 479-0538 Project Street Address: 3ll Bridge Street LegalDescription: Lot Lo Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing Parcel Number: Comments: Board/Staff Action Action:Approved with conditions Vote: $0 conditions: 1. The sign proposed for the southwest corner of the building shall be lowered and placed on the stucco wall. 2. The size of each new sign shall be reviewed by staff. TownPlanner: , Ann Kjerulf Date: Ill04/99 Project Name: Vail Mountain Adventure Center Signage srcN/AwlirNc ApplrcArroN Datg H*criv[,t'tt This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. hom the Department of Community Development. (lltt,t Building narne and Name of owner: Mailins address: Signature of owner: Name of person (lf dift'erent than owner) Address: F,Type ofsign (see back for definitions): TOWN OFYNL Questions? Call the Planning Desk A. B. C. Nanre of Business: I ocl 2 2 t999 Specifi c requiremants are available d v/41J d r 1:' :' .'''' Phone: la',1 art 6-333e '//o7,+D. E. Sigr;U. FI, 47? 0538 1..)1 -sa^''t E Free standingtr Wall signE Other, speci$: F n Flanging sigr Awning Size ofsignandsize ofletteringforeacb signpropodr, I O 1 Oq r e F<etf l/ L J. K Il-- Length of business frontase: 4 5;d..es teQ# +- A+ ++ +- /dD€{ *- Z+gt ^ jlq&. Heishtorsipabovegrade: 3 {*u f , 6{<< ), lO{'< e t ( fbc <) Nunrbcr of signs propored, 3 Number and slze of existing ,igr'*, 3 (tzrX\1111-- Locatr on of each sign (attach a site plan antl an elwation drawing or a photograph clearly ind.icating the proposedrocatio6, NUJ Co.nnr, 6r idqt 4 ,(,sf r'--., - 5k; Ca r r\e,l- M. N. Materials and colors of sigr (athch samples): Describe lighting of sigrr (existing or proposed): o Busincss license and/or sales tax license vurificatron rs REQUIRED Dnor to plannins review: Sales Tax Administrator,s sigrrature (Sally Lonon 4j9_2125): FEE: $20.00. PLUS $1.00 pER SeUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.P. ,t::::l ::::: j: t t t. z. 3. SUBMITTAL REQUIRE-MENTS :tl Complete Application. tl A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located.tr Elevation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sign or awning.tl Coiored scaied (l/4"=1') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo, ifavailable.tr Sample of proposed rnaterials. tr Drawings showing how and wh€re sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed, n Condominium Association or Landlord approval - attach a letter. SIGN CATEGORJES: Freestanding -A single or muli-faced sigrr affixed to a supporting structurc. or imbedded. in and extending iiom the ground and detached from the building. Awningor Hangine -Any sign attached to a buitding and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. Wall - A sigr attached to. painted on, or erected against the wall of a burlding or structurc with the exposed face of the sigr in a plane parallel to the lirce of the wall and not projecting more than 9" hom the face of the wall. Display Box - A freestanding or wall sip enclosed in glass for the express purpose of displaying memrs, curent eutertainmelt or real estate listings. Joint director.v sisr - A lreestanding, hangng or wall sip that lists atl the tenants within a multi-tsnant building. Subdivision entrance sip - A sigr to identify a najor subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of aparhnent buildings having at teast 100 linear t'eet of Aontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF, HDMF. or SDD zone districr SUGGESTIONS: 1 Copies of the Sign Code are available torn the Department of Community Development. You may wish to check the Code to verifu the type and size of sign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, conshuction rnay delay the approval of your sign. Meazurc the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting tbr awnings may spotlight only thc sign lettering on the awning. Lighting rnay not shine into pedestrian or vehicular ways. . All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Department of Community Developmort New sign prograrns or amendments to sigrr programs will be reviewed by the Design Review Board. 5. .}- 5. 6. 2. 3. 4. F:everyone/forms/si gns/signapp.8 I 3 JF F FOg] >i Fr o..I! :r*s z 9.1 (,Gz:9e >y c{v = sE =E isit l:ls1 ii {:FiisF Iti;t l F9lgl *s!*t l F:3iE si s tr E s -rU<zz- Oo 'I!ruu)EEc I-u F Clo I N I c- $l TJ N .St.:.:l scst ! .-- 8,3 Is N \\ yo€*\o4 -:i \o Il'] z. i! t: ^i:d ei+qzv 55 *;l*st*Sffi o so5 3n q o o ott{ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Communiry Development 75 SouthFrontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 December 2I.1999 Teak Simonton 254 Bridge St., Vail, CO 8i657 Re: Vail Mountain Adventure Center Sienase Dear Teak: This letter is written in regard to the signage for the Vail Mountain Adventure Center which was approved bv the Design Review Board on November 4, 1999. It has come to the attention of staff that an oversight r.','as made during the review of the sign application. The original sign application described a sign with a translucent surface and internal illumination. With respect tc lighting. the Town of Vail Code allows only for indirect or pan-channeled lighting \,Vith pan-channeied lighting, leitering may be illuminated but the remainder of the sign surface rnust be opaque. Signs may also receive lighting from an indirect source. Sta-ff recognizes ihat the oversight was made and is not the faulr of the anplicant However. according to the Tov"n of Vail code, the signage must compiy with lighting requirements. Under the circumstances, staff will allow a period of thirty-days for this situation to be resolved We hope that a suitable solution can be found and are available to address any further questions or concerns you may have. Sincerelv. Ann K {,7'"""""o'oo* TOWN OF VAIL D epartne nt of Community D eve lopme nt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 Junc 9, 1997 Mr. Jack Curtin Curtin-Hill Sports 254 Bridgc Strect Vail, CO 81657 RE: Proposcd Awning Addition/Replaccmcnt on Curtin-Hill Sports Dcar Jack: Thank you for taking thc tirnc to meet with mc to cxprcss your conccms about thc way your proposcd ar,vning addition/rcplaccmcnt has bcen handlcd so far by Com Dcv staff and thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. I havc rcvicwcd with Dirk Mason thc rcasons hc dcclined to staffapprovc thc bright ycllow awning on thrcc sidcs of your storc and I concur with his rcasoning for sending thc mattcr to DRB. You may not bc awarc that Dirk managcd to gct tlris mattcr on thc vcry ncxt DRB rnccting (two wccks sooncr than it would typically havc gone) in his ct'forts to gct this rcsolvcd for you cxpcditiously. Encloscd are thc codc scctions Dirk rclicd upon in dcclining to staff approvc. DRB will bc looking at applying thc samc scctions, so you now know how to phnrsc your pcrsuasivc argumcnts. I undcrstand that you still may wish to procccd to bring this rnattcr to thc attcntion of thc Town Council, but at lcast you now know thc basis for thc dccision-nraking, and that thc dccision-making is not wholly arbitrary. I anr glad that you arc comfortablc coming to mc with questions, suggcstions and, ycs, cvcn complaints (!), Jack. Itrust that togcthcr wc can find an appropriatc rcsolution to this mattcr. and all thatnray arisc. I'll call you whcn I rctum the first wcek of July. Bcst rcgards, nll /) ta"a, A'"*ryg- Susan G. Connelly Director of Community Devclopment Enclosurc Dirk Mason Mike Moltica {g *"n"uo r^"t, Y €oe{ .J $ 14 .'J ),\hY\,h-sb Un a\u<.+(4 \= a/ +_ \--(\.1 *. -!k)i It f\t.,,I '\) i I li -,-..--i- *ll rrlltr Illii | | aFFq.\ u- q\ j-ii: fn'.17 : I.'{. i.}6rk7ol t__ -o ll $ !l '$\D"zzt r\)t .rT HI X^Ntr +-'l-r- Ir: NU,\; 5tfi't- '1r;? $5 ,[:-. $P\( 3JI'N i$ 111 I, s i\tt-{'^ l,.{ }q{&l-r-iz;l; ) ')$t"t )rt ri-i tl;i k, $y.9* sP hil H$ ',1 P-v Nd >[- ,t $t $lt K$ I*I:$ 'lti. ut 1$,t;VJ$l-d9?$r.$filffi of 3z, F:7, \I t":\r Kll] I \ \rii ,1 ( ,l liol f,r;q,nal Wallt r fL,rplr*v-.Y**- ls fl*' t 6Jo TJ -_r' _i_ ilr "Dowf _,i_-..-. - 4- i t. - I i--l l W, vlAll fera*"rt x tll sLlurt. (.ounlrrs,^l sk: Kecks k",,il w\r-::,N.' : /Ve* V{allsoo/{ f/** -: . .:BE - I ----, ,- | ';$#rj'"- ffi \rtsl^|l rvttr \lo"r *Dnrk"n"J unells Ate Ne* &^sl..urko{t o lfs**l f)"*o PJr,u ; '' ,h- rlrl'Lockers lo br /- Pt*:{ *',, I --j N:_TE T\.,ff \*{ ti.t-Lccfrers '" { Pl*ceof {*rg i t7771= Wnll ?*^*rJ rb SICNS tVail.l-15-79) Cfrapter 16.16 23?1234 DESTGN REVIE-}Y GUIDELINES Sections: 16.16.010 Harmonious with town scale.16.16.020 Not dominating. 16.16.030 Materials. 16. 15.040 fuchitectural harmonv.16.16.050 Colors. j- 16.15.060 landscaping. 16. I 6.070 Reflective ,lurf."*r.16.16.080 Lighting. 16.16.090 Temporary signs. t6.16.010 Harmonious with town scale. . lig" location, conliguration, design, materials and colorsshould be harmonio.us *ith 're'majeiii. lnounirin rriting.nothe alpine vilage scale of the town. (tjia. g(rgzjii-zaij.i'" '.1 16.16.020 Not dominating. ..,^,T:^ sign should .irot iisually dominate the structure to 16.16.030 Materials. Sign materials should be predominately natural, such aslgu4 cedar, pine or other tyjes oi'wood. Stained glass mayalso be considered by the o.tign ,."iew board. prastic or othermaterials are discouraeed. (Ordl q1giS) $ 2(F): Ora.'g(l9Z:l S2(3 ). ) 16.16.040 Architectural harmony. The sign and its supporting structure shourd be in harmonyarchitecturally with the iunou"nOing ,i*rtures. (Ord. 9(1973) $2(4).) il, DESIGN REVIEW GLIIDELINES and white should be favored e(re73) $for accent. (Ord. 16. I 6.060 Landscaping. _ Landscaping, where required, should be designed to harmonize with the building and surrounding naturar landforms and native plants. (Ord. 9(1973) g 2(6).) 16.16.070 Reflective surfaces. Reflective surfaces are nor allowed, (Ord. 9(1973) $ 2(7).) 16.16.080 Lighting. Lighting should be of no greater wattage than is necessary to make the sign visible at night and should not unnecessarily reflect onto adjacent properties. Lighting sources shall not be directly visible to passing pedestrians or vehicles and should be conceared in such a manner that direct light does not shine through any element of a sign. (Ord. l4(1982) g tC: Ord. 9(1923) $ 2(S).) 16.16.090 Temporary signs. -- Temporary signs, other than site development signs, are discouraged except for nonprofit community events and public information signs, which should.be located on pubric information kiosks. (Ord. 9(1973) g 2(9).) -> f6.16.050 Colors. Natural colors (earth tones), gray and bright colors should be used onl 235 aul t UA'' U,.-".D : Ureira,u -bss,c,''., 6srrDri ?ea.,.r porfs 16 o".l ?'{gACADES Hateii a'l s Stucco, brick, wood (and 91 ass) are the primary building materia'l s found in the Vi'l'lage. Hhi'le not wishing to restrict deslgn freedom over-much, existing conditions show that within this sma] 'l r.ange of materials*uch variation and individuality are possib'l e while pre- serving a basic haroony, Too many diverse nnterials weaken the continuity and repetition r+hich unifies the street- scape. 0f the above nnteria'l s, stucco is the most consistentlY used materja'l . Most of the bujldings in the viilage exhjbit some stucco, and there are virtua'l 1y no areas where stucco is entirely absent. It is intended to preserve the domjnance of stucco-by its use in portions, at least, of al'l new facades, and by assuring that other rateri a] s are not used to the exc'l usion of stucco in any sub-area within the Vi'l I age. Co'l or There is greater'l at'i tude in the use of co'lor in it'e Village, but sti'l'l a discernib'l e consistency wjthin a general range of colors. For wood surfaces, trim or siding, darker color tones are preferred' brownsr greyst blue-greys, dark ollve, slate-9reens, etc' Stucco co1ors are general'ly light - whjte' b;i;;: pa]e-go'ld, or other 1i tht pastel s ' oifir'ligl't io]ors cou'ld be appropriate' ai ionsiieted on a case-by-case basis' grtqht colors (red, orange' -blues' mar6onr etc.)shou'l d be avoided for miioi watl pianes, but can be used uiillti""iv' (with' restraint) for Oecorativitrim, wall graphics' and other accent elements (see E' Accent Elements ) 16 ACCENT ELEMENTS The'l'ife, and festive quality of theVillage is given by judicious=use of accent elements which give co1 orl- ffiFrnerrT;ilfontra s t io the V i I i a ge. Colorfu'l accent e'lerpnts consistent withexisting character are encouraged, such as: Awnings and canopies - canvas, briqht co1 or or stri pes of two col ors. - Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, po'l es, and even across streets for speciai occasions. Urnbre]'l as - over tab] es on outdoor patios. Annual co] or flowers - in beds or in' planters. Accent lighting - bui'l dings, plazas, windows, trees (even Christrnas I ights a'l'l w jnter). ' Painted wa1'l graphics - coats of arms, syrnbols, accent compositions, etc. Fountains - scu'l ptura'l , wjth both winter and sunmer character. .t v) 25 DOgn Rcvierv Action Fornf TOWN OF VAIL t>lttc: \rtn* 18 . zf7 Parccl Numbcr': Projcct Natnc: Building Narnc: Pro.jcct Dcscription: Owrrcr, Addrcss and Phonc: Architcct/Conttct, Addrcss and Phonc: Lcgal Dcscription: Lot / Block f4 Subdivision ZoncDistrict44 I'r'ojcct Strcct Adclrcss: Clornrttcttts: Board / Staff Action '>J Motion Lty: /t-/2.a Yotc: S'/ -Sccorrclcd by:L/sz'rzea-) Approval tr Disapproval u Staff Approval Conditions: DRB Fec Pre-Paid i(/t € '""i \. -''/.\} ::,-.:..:? >a'-. B. C. ]ucsticns? ."",no o'-l?tn3;;u, SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are availablc from the Dcpartmcnt of Community Development. NameofBusiness: Curtin-Hi11 Sports Building name and address; . 476-5337 Mailing 254 Br a Qf Vai I Signature of owner: Name of person submitting:t- Teak S imon*t -TA n Phone:47 6-5337 D. E. (lf different than owner) Address:254 Briclge St.Vail, Co. 81"657 TA!//,NOFVAil, Nameofowner. Jack Curtin F.Type of sign (see back for definitions): tr Free standingtr Wall sign CI Other, specify: tr _ Hanging sigt ef Awning G, H. I. J. K. L, M. Sign mcssage: See Drawing #1 & Drawing #2 Size of sign and size of lettering for each sign proposed: See Drawing #1 & Drawing #2 Lcngth of busincss frontagc: Height of sigrr above grade: min imum 8 t Number of signs proposed: 3 t'a-/44 Number and size of cxisting signs:5'l-,^ f / -.5) Location of each sigrr (attach a site plan and an dlawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location). Drawing #3 ll.afl rnnt *3 q. t/L/ N.Materials and colors of sign (attach samples): Letterins color is black Sunflower Yellow - see attached sanple o.Describe lighting of sigr (existing or proposed):none FEE: $20,00 PtUg $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA.P. SUBMITTAL REOTIIREMENTS: E Complete Application. El A site plan showing the exact location where the sign is to be located. tl Elwation drawings or photos showing proposed location of the sigr or awning. n Colored scalcd (l/4"=l') drawing, including specific lettering and dimensions and a photo, ifavailablc. n Sample of proposed matcrials. tr Drawings showing how and where sigr or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. tr Condominium Association or Landlord approval - aftach a letter. SIGN CATEGORJES: l. 2. 3. Freestandins -A single or muli-faced sign afExed to a supporting suucture, or imbedded in and extending from the ground and detached from the building. Awning or Hangins -Any siglt attached to a building and extending in whole or in part more than 9" beyond the building line. Wall - A sign attached to, painted on, or erected against the wall of a building or stnrcture with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to the face of the wall and not projecting more than 9" from the face of the wall. Display Box - A freestanding or wall sign enclosed in glass for the express purposo ofdisplaying menus, current entertainment or real estate listings. Joint directory siSn - A freestanding, hanglng or wall sign that lists all the tenants within a multi-tenant building. Subdivision c'ntrance siQn - A sign to identiS a major subdivision, a condominium complex, or group of apartmcnt buildings having at least 100 linear feet of frontage along a vehicular or pedestrian way in any RC, LDMF, MDMF. HDMF, or SDD zone district. 4. SUGGESTIONS: l. 5, 6. 2. 5- 4. 5. Copies of thc Sign Code are available from the Department of Community Development. You may wish to check the Code to verii, the type and size ofsign you are allowed. Be specific. Vagueness in the description of design, size, consfruction may delay the approval ofyour sign. Measure the frontage of your business to determine the size (area) of the sign you are allowed. Lighting for awnings may spotlight only the sign lefioing on the awning. Lighting may not shine into pedestian or vehicular ways. All individual business signs will be reviewed by the Department of Community Development. New sign progams or amendments to sigr programs will be rwiewed by the Design Review Board. \fl -.t \0\9 ,'-;\t\U \\ .- (.n \--/ -.O, )< l\ F-e A* I M\ I * c'( \\..l\* \\ .(,\NIAVU (^(r\-r ./ \ =r.l'i \) \.l--R=F{\ (\ J) 9\-\-<. \ \-r.'- \< =J>{\J \ \\ 'o I1.'flt[)K \+.4r \\ I ..- \\\N X \\.:' - \-r--cI\ \ \-"\ I (l II 1{o\\\ \:t\Y N\ >'--\- t"i., ^'d) -i;{C\S xx /:\ G.-r^ rt\) ': l-'t \--_.-,, \'i-v r: \nfi-- v \J $ reN,r(rj tt shU { t\ E , vt\ UJA. EsI 3 'r'il= :B sHnEA fi E Fxtr{ { Rri >r Xrt!F55 rn{\ s rn $ I I tlhl f,F( t,?l r.t May22,1997 Town of Vail Community Development Department To Whom it Concerns, I, Jack curtin Hill" hereby give my approval as owner of rhe Hill Building, for the change of awning color from Red to Yellow, and the addition of a new similar awning around the Northeast entranc€ to Curtin - Hill Sports. Sincerely, Jack Curtin - Hill 0t,JY\-U^+ U 77t'tr o o ?r.p+ul M' slrJ-ry nu.lig^ -r r S'rlt- '. l''= I ' ^t ^"t//".f -t- i) 2,,, A 'fWtlfuv",c-Q 7 \ )'?" ,, + rLY'cr;e" Tso o .^$,^\b\\l.N '2" n\'"\r Plur\xrtr of hecJ ryen 3)Wn"blA;' c^tT -flute;*n "l t\T+ 6,T-s*eo;+ ?, t (t/,rt 1Y) lrrrfta) ' /r-.-S?a en - -G,e ,g5t€- STp FEr /o 4 do.r "t!-"-*a ,fo" .,fu sr1,.. o^ <;[- /;+l z:sa t',te99 Cac. t&or ueJa*4- =-U/ 7a-"*e 4 o,- /o - /€ -2f -/. k /e,J4., ta tl,..a* s+. y'^to zo d, ro 4 / o, r,{ C'l () - fj;-"f l.^, !o"J,'o^ I r)a.ro..n4 z7Jo d/4atcc /-s ?zoPasez> u4r? r 4-4 4d ,/_t 2u 4t z€ 4*, o 7:7EEa tcaa€ .4)€e-.8 ?4 F f z-oe.-#7oP z'Uo SKI AND SNOWEOARD RENTATS 254 Bridge Slreet . Voil. CO 8]657 . 970 476-5337 . Fax970 476-0269 . Emoil chs@voil.net June 25. 1997 Mr. DirkMason C ommunity Development Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Dear Dirk, I want to thank you for your presentation at the Design Review hearing June 18, 1997 on behalf of Curtin Hill Sports. For me, the meeting was most informative because the Review Board does not have a clear picture of esthetics for Vail Village. After my explanation of the "Vail Village Design Consideration Guideline," my interpretation, the members looked at a total picture ralher than one spot or situation. I suggest you and the staff go back over the Guidelines and give the Design Review Board some positive exciting direction. If you do not I fear Vail Village will continue to be colorless, dull and tired looking. Again I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. Jack Curtin Curtin Hill Sporu Susan Connelly MikeMollica @: Qucstions? C^l Planning Staff at 479-21 28 APPI,,ICATION FOR DESIGN REVIE!V APPROVAL GIlNI]RAL INFORMA'TION 'I'his application i.s for arty projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvi*v rnust rcccivc Dcsigrt Rcvicrv approvtrl prior to subnritting for a bu ilding pclrnit. I.'or spccific infontration, scc thc subrniltal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application carrnol bc acccptcd until all thc rcquirctl inforntation is subrnittcd. 1-hc projcct nray also necd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Counc il antVor thc plann ing antl Etrvironntcntal Cotltntission. Design Rcviuv Board approval cxpir.cs onc ycirr after final approval unlcss a building pernrit is issucd and constnrction is stnrtcrt. DPSCRIPTION ^Tfivl']. C t ol--TlrEr{EQUF,gT: l lor: :€e 1< "t B. LOCAT'ION OIr PROPOSAL: I-OT:uLOCK: t-C flLtN PI IYSTCAL ADDRESS: C. E. Ir. t{. PAI{CIL #: ZONING: O Addition - p fUinor Altcration - (Contact Eaglc Co, Assessors Ofllcc at 970-328-8640 lbr parccl ll)\a CO e.l NAME OF OWNER(S):lan rlt ll MAII-INC ADDRESS: owNorr(s) stcNAl.uRB(s) NAME OI. AI'I'LICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: l'YPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:I Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. $50 lncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is atldcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncroial building. $20 Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc improvcnrcnts, such as, rcrooling. painting. rvindow additions, l:urdscaping, fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. tr Conccptual Rcview - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant lvishes to nrcct with Dcsigrr Rcvicrv Board to dctcrnrine whcthcr or not the projcct gcnerally conrplies rvith thc dcsigr gridclincs. Ttrc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at thc tintc of subrnittal. Later. whcn applying for a buitding pcnxit, pleasc idcntify the accuratc valuation ofthe projcct. ThcTown ofVail will adjust the fee according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBIITIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF COMMUNITY DEvELoPi\f ENT, zs SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VATL, COLORADO 81657. fnOnbr s33n TOWN OF VAIL rWLrc o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Walt Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other Pai "t - (r""t*, t- * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip +*AllexteriorlightingmustmecttheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate thi number offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifr each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. L- t( TAX NOTICE Reiain For Your R€cords W!y44 VITLAGE FILII{G I BLKrs.C L0TrL Bt(roea6 P0:0267 BK.otgt m.$91 8K.0215 m.OZg7 BK:0i33- re.0115 m 0|.24.74 Bt(.U33 pG.0116 n Oi.eilil olign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o"t"Df{.pb." a* \q{U, Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVCofiact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -- Block_ Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Zone Disvict,l'i t---'],-- Motion by: Seconded by: I Approval ! Disapproval !'stattRpproval Conditions: Town Planner o*"t [)t | . 1 , l{'\'W, DRB Fee pre-paioi* € IOIJN OF VR I L CDI,I-DEV 'iUlrd lr9m DESCNIPTION OF PROJECT B.8IGN OR AII}TING UAIIhIAL OCI 05'96 15:40 No.012 P.01ID:305-479-2452 a IPP&IS}TION DA1E oi*r" I m"u.r/ % DESIGN r in I fbo...jd -A-ra-,\a. ld i c.srzE ot ovs8,Ar,rJ srcN,. EIZE OF L$ttE\trnc rltD LOGO c o xllL xT I D, 8. F. G, g, HE:GHT OF SIGN ABOVg . G&AD! DEScRTBB rrrsxrrxe ({$lfrruc oR PROPO$ED) LENGTH 0r BUSTNSSS F,!.oprac8 (FT) coxD$[r]rrw lssocratrlbn AFpRot/]L .itrmcrr l. 2, 3. 4. 5. 5. rlgn or ||i,. t." I I c.-l ct tat EErF B4Fd s#g C,Tfr- t4 {--}b-o (4 |-- \ pll ' lr- \rH.{ \F)lbtr tg)b\+lraU t,l Fievrew Acuon Fe"l TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Descriotion: r.+ ).,', i * r-l , / tr.nr.' ^. --..,,. , r- I. h... .'r,,, L r., ., tt ".lJ l*u'{ / '-r1,,.-: i'l ,il .,: {=. 'i ,'r. . , ,.,.) ,.ru" r .! ,-^c, lli(.'' , LJ .)r :fr Owner,AddressandPhone: Jl.r'L ( . ri n .'+il {1 , .{,i*, '-.''i. 'J ,'t -;1 1r,} ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Subdivision Zone Dislrict Project Street Address: Comments: l(iA l"'.,..'. , t\,-,,,.,. \ l,o,,. r,iI r,",, r. i .r., (,'-ie ir",-..+!-. r 't-- *, * '..{,, e '.r t.v ,".' ,- .,..1 ..r,, zr,. r,.1 r. rr J, rcr.la ,-, I . ' , '.,, ', , l,' t { IDA Board /6faf Rct Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval ! Disapproval p stat epprovat E bl l2l9&3 ( Please NAME OF NAI,IE OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS t O APPr,rcArrOrj . SIGN,/AI{NTilG APPLTCATION SIGNATTJRE OF'OWIYER LOCATION OF PROJECT Print or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING X r*/r- r*o"u y'?f,-5337 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REV]EW BOARD. A. DESCRIPUON OF THE PROJECTING, ETC), B.SI'GN OR AWNING MATERIAL SIGN ABOVE GRADE SIGN/AWNTNG (FREE STANDING, WALI, INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. c. D. E. srz' oF ovERALt srcN, srzE oF LE?TERrN' AND Loco lsl^ ahJ*&\\ HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE L rcHrrNG (EXrsrrNG oR pRoposeol dt,fin*il\ - rnJ I,ENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (TT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1.00 pER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. REOUTRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. _ Site plan 2. _ Elevations showing exact location of awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawS.ng Sample of proposed rnaterials F G. H. srgn or 3, 4, 5. 6. Sign Administrator JamPre or proposect naterlals Photograph of sign if available to TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submit,ted, the followinginformation is required: 1. A completed sign/awning application (attached). 2., A site plan showing the exact location where the sign' is to be located. A photograph if possible and building elevation showingthe location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) CoLored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list, of naterials to be used in sign (metal,. wood, canvas, paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. If an awning J.s proposed, submit drawings showingexactly how and where the awning is attached to thebuilding and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that raill be used inconjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awnlng, Iighting is not-allowed to snine Lnr6ugh fheentire awning which calls undue att,ention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight, only the actual signIettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc.2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, si.ze, constructj-on maydelay the approval of your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. - APPLICATION FEE WILt BE REOUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application reguires a separate review by any local,State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, theapplication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of suchreview, may include, but are not, Iimited to: Colorado Depa.rtmentof Highruay Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant, shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of t,he application fee. If, at theapplicant's reguesLr ony mat,ter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, t,hen, the entire fee for Euch re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, Iand use or other issues which may havea significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Communit,y Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hin or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by t,he applicant at the time he files his application with the Conmunity Developnent Department. Upon completion of t,he reviewof the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for paynent of the consultant which have noL been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excesa of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicantwithin 30 days of notification by the Town. 3. c It t Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: oe.ftn Review Action rorl TOWN OF VAIL on" /oY /6 , fif{ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: L.egal Description: Lot -- Block_ Subdivision Zone District Proiect Street Address: Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by: Seconded by: tr Approval ! Disapproval lstafinpproval Condilions: {1 4^ DRB Fee Prc-oaictr t/ o 0c1 BOARD APPIJTCATION - TOT{N OF VAIIJ, COIJORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **tit**!t*** **********\0\ "$9\ll A. B. <i-S"ln o ($20.00) ($0) -f<6a. TYPE OF REVIEW: -New construct,ion ($200. 00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: r' Minor Alteration Conceptual Review PROiTECT "i&IPORMAIION : D.I,EGAI, DESCRI Subdivision If property is described by adescript.ion, please provide onto this applicarion. f')ZONTNG: co rn rnzrcr a \ meeLs and boundsa separate sheet 1ega1 and attach E. A l) G. NAI'{E OFMailing APPLICATIT:r{: Address: Phone NAI{E OF Mailing APPLICAI{T ' S REPRE T Address: Phone H. NAME OF OWNER(S): OWNER ( S) SIGTiIATTTRE :Mailing Address: Phone APPr'rcAlrroMs wrrrrr No? BE PRocEssED wrrilow owNER's *TGTIATURE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at Ehetime of submittal of the oRn applicatibn. Later, whenapplyj.ng for a building permit, please identify Lhe accuratevaluation of the proposal. The Town of vail will adjust thefee according to the table be1ow, Lo ensure the correct feeis paid. J. VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ 10, 001 $ 50,00c$50,00L-$ 150,000 9150, 001 $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ I'![LESS A BUIIJDING PERUIT TSrS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 A F^ ^^rP -r\, . t.,t, $100.00 $200. 00 s400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTBR FINAIJ ISSUED AIiID CONSTRUCIIION 'I 'r'95-49-e9 15;43 SPEL :rFrL PFCCrrOr.l I "."P. 1 P,6? " l" =r' ,7e-'(r, ffi') x 4,8 (tsn?) = s'N*flfr' '/spJ4?f 4-'2t' 6ltttvwn4'f!)*l t-{ta/+'./*tcf .,.r<l ,"1 '. / ' t :'atr1 'r'i ,/;-':!: .,4. ' .r;/ j'.r'': -1 t t 1j- ? C.7t-v/re,b+ -b,z*/t D k) c"tr e,t€c{'ope) t'eDesign Review Action TOWN OF VAIL ,f.?f T. c Project Name: Building Name: rr Jb s,Description: -*'/nr/, Prolect Owner, Address and Phone: ry Ki" LegalDescription: Lot I atocx 5& "rrorurrlon V,l/)(o"l,t / t zone District c:( J Project Street Ad dr."rt gzt oi'or* t EB Motion by: Seconded by: 5/npprouat ! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Board / Staff Actio Vote: Ci,''-'c^9 {"/ r /r't Town Planner DRB Feeo"", prE'lfafy { rf rnT (,,r-^alr +l/4f d Pre-paid_ I I' I l./Ll L.I q.> t'' t It--*- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM VailTown Council Community Development Department September 5, 1995 1 r Ln,!'\ "^t'{ - " I rnh/""I ovA ll t\u ] a4r6 64tW{' r I I l i I I !' ! I t. A request lor modifications to conditions of approval of a previously granted sign yalaLce_ request for Curtin Hiil Sports , tocated at 254 Bridge StredUlot t, Btock 5-C, VailVillage 1st Fiting. Applicant: Jack CurtinPlanner: Randy Stouder DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant is requesting a third business identification sign at Curtain Hill Sports. The sign code allows for one sign per frontage with a maximumbt tr,|ro signs per business. The applicant,is requesting a third businlss identification sign to Oe i6caied on the west side of the building, on the awning above the building entra;ce. BACKGROUND Attached are two memorandums from the Community Development Department to theDesign Review Board. The first memorandum is datdd Augusi 16, 1ggs, and discusses areqqest to delete a condition of approval that was placed on the sign variance request by the.D.RB at the April 6, 1994 meeting. The second memorandum iJ oateo April 6,'1994, ' and describes the original sign variance request made by Jack Curtin on behalf of CurtinHill sports. The appticant has or wiil comply with all the donditions listed, with the exceplion of condition 3a. At their meetihd on August 16, 1995, the Design ReviewBjard approved the request to delete this ionditioi of approval.'The vote-was unanimous(5-0). RECOMMENDATION The Design Review Board and stafl recommend that the council approye the requested sign variance as amended, with the deletion of condition 3a. The applicant has already complied with condition 2 and condition 3b, and condition 1 remains intact. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: a MEMORANDT]M Desigr ReviewBoard C"ommunity Development Departnent August 16, 1995 A reqrrcst for modification to conditions of approval of a previously granted sip variance for Curtin Hill Sports located at 254 Bridge Street{Lot l, Block 5C, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant Jack CurtinPlarmec Randy Stouder I. BACKGROT}ND On April 6,1994, Curtin Hill Sports approached the Design Review Board (DRB) and requested approval ofa sign variance to allow for a third business identification sign, to be located on an existing auming at the westem entrance to the Curtin Hill Sports Building (see attached copy of staffreport to DRB). At their April 6, 1994 meeting the DRB decided to recommend that the Council aPprove the Curtin Hill Sports request for a third business identification sign with the following mnditions: 1. If the applicant wishes to erect a building identification sip iu the future, then one of the three business identification sigrrs dsseri6ed in the staffmemo regarding the sip. v.ariance request must be removed, The sign to be removed shall be on the same frontage as is chosen for the new building identification siga. 2. The applicant must bring all other sips on the prope,rty into compliauce, i.e. the window sieFs must conforrr to the appropriate section of the Sip Code. It was determiaed at the DRB hearing that the appropriate number of window signs is six and that the current logo signs are acceptable under the Sip Code. Thus, please reduce the nrlnber of window sips to six. 3. Previous conditions of approval must be complied with prior to the DRB forwardiug their recommendation for approval of the sip variance to the Town Council. Their were two previous conditions of approval which are as follows: z. The cut in the brick ou the chimney on the west elevation must be rqlaired, so it is no longer appareut tlat there was structure attached to the building at this location b. Thc scmsd floc balcony rail on the west elcvatisn of the building must be rcpaire4 even though an awning cunreatly covers the darnaged section. The DRB recmmendatioa for approval rcquired that the applicant comply with conditions 2 and 3 above prior to final Town Council action on the variancc requesl Thus, staffnevcr scheduled this itesr forrwicwby Cormcil. IL DESCRIPTION OFTHT REOI]EST The applicant wishes to amend the DRB conditions of approval. Condition 3b above has beea satisfied; the railing has becn repaired rmderneath the existing awning However, the sut in the ldsk shimney (condition 3a) cn the west clcvation still remains and the applicant feels that thc extent aad cost of the work necessary to complete the repair of rhis section of chimney is excessive. Thus, the appticant requests thet the DIIB waive condition 3e and forwerd their recommendation for approval of the sign varience request to the Town Council at this dme" III. STAT'F'RECOMMENDATION Since Condition 3a was a specific condition iryoscd by the DRB, staffwill not render a reccnnmendation on this issue. If the DRB feels that mndition 3a is still reasonable and applicable' then staffwould recommmd that the DRB forward a recomme,ndation for denial of the requested sip variance to Cor:ncil at this time. The applicant has stated that he simply cannot comply with condition 3a and is willing to go to the Towa Council with a denial recommendation from the DRB. Pr \.veryon€\raDlty\D€Do.\curt1n. 0816 Dear Members, t amJg!9yi1g up to last years variance approval for Curtin Hill Sports signage, as of April 1994. I reatize this was quite some time ago, but as many trrings are, it was put on t}.t" 'g*T9._ project lisr'. Ttre last lefter we have from the Design Review Board (DRB) dated April 13, 1994, stated the sign variance would be approveii with certain stipulations, and two of them were: i.' fn" cut in the brick on the chimney west elevation must be repared so that it is no longer apparent that there was a structure attached at ihis location. b. The second floor balcony rail on the west elevation of the building must be repaired, even though anawning cunently covers the damaged seition. we have come into compliance wih all the other stipulations except the above noted conditions. The reason we have not complied is nvb-foto. rirsq we are simply a tenant here. Second, it would take a great deal df money to fix the above mentioneil items. Money we simply do not have and the landlord will not provide. Sj1c9 we cannot comply with the above mentioned items, we are asking the DRB to eliminate those conditions of approval. we are asking that our sign vaiance be approvedwithout further delay. Thank you for your consideralion. Design Review Board 254 Bridge Street (303) 476-5337 . Toll Free (303) ! Susan'Harvey Marketing Manager . Vail, CO 81,657 972-1234. Fax (303) 476-0269 Sincerely. -/^.--.2 (A7-+A)*o57- Teak Simonett General Manaser TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department April 6, 1994 A sign variance request for Curtin Hill Sports located at 254 Bridge Streeylot 1, Block 5-G, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Jack Gurtin and Teak Simonett Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant currently has two business identification signs located at the northwest and northeast corner entrances to the buiEing. At the northwest corner, the applicant has a sign with the words "Curtin Hill Sports and Ski Rentals" on an awning. This sign is classified as a projecling sign and is 3.5 square feet in size. The sign at the northeast corner of the building is mounted on a second story deck railing and is classified as a wall-mounted sign. This sign is 10 square feet in size with the same wording as the awning sign. Section 16.20.010 of the Town of Vail Sign Code slates that: "An individual business within a multi-tenant building may be permitted the following signs: . . . proiecting and hanging signs or wall rnounted signs or any- combination thereot, not to exceed a maximum number or size of sign as designated by any one category - . . ', Section 16'20.090 and 16.20.190 of the Town of Vail Sign Code state respectivety that: "Projecting or hanging signs-lndividual business within a mulli-tenant building: D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, as determined by the adminisfator with a maximum of two signs, subject to review by the Design Review Board.,'; and "Wall signs-lndividual business within a multi-tenant building: D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuls, as determined by the administrator with a maxirnum of two signs, subject to review by the Design Review Board.., The maximum number of signs designated in both the wall sign section and the projecting sign section is two. Thus, the applicant is allowed a maximum of two signs for business - identification purposes. As described above, the applicant currently has two business identilication signs; a wall mounled sign and a projecting sign. The applicant is requesting a variance from the section ot the sign code cited above, to allow for a third business identification slgn to be located on the existing awning at the western entrance to the building (across from thE Vail Mountain Ticket Oftice). The proposed.sign would be 5 square feet in size and is considered to be a projecting sign. The sign would contain the words "Gurtin Hill Sports II. BACKGROUND On January 6, 1993, the Design Review Board (DRB) recommended that the Town Council approve a sign variance to allow curtin Hill sports to exhibit three signs of up to 20 square feet. At the tims of the DRB meeting, it appears that Curtin Hilf Sports had at least four exterior signs and up to fwenty window signs. The applicant was requesting the variance to allow for four signs to remain. staff supported only three of the exterior signs and recommended that the window signs be reduced lo eight in number, which r,iould be th€ allowed number of window signs (two per frontage). The DRB had no preferences to which of the exterior signs needed to be eliminated but stated that one of them must be removed and the window signs be reduced to eight in number. The variance request was presenled at the next Town council meeting, and the Town council supported the staff and the DRB recommendation to allow only three exterior signs and eight window signs at the property. They had no preference as to which sign needed to be removed and left that up to the applicant. The applicant stated that he wished to retain a free-standing sign, a hanging sign and an awning sign. Since the Town Council approval of the variance in January of 1993, the applicant has made several changes to the signage of the property. The applicant has changed the types, sizes and localions of the business identification signs. The applicant now proposes two projecting signs and a wall mounted sign instead ol a projecting, a hanging and a frEe slanding sign as previously approved. Since sign variances are granted based on the specific nature of each proposal, a new sign variance is required. | 1t.FINDINGS AND CRITEFIA FOR APPFOVAL Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that. A. There are soecial circumstances or conditions apolvino to the land. buildinos. tooooraohv. veqetaiion, sion structures or other matters on adiacenl lots or within the adiacent rioht-of-wav which would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness of the sion in auestiont provided. however. that such sDecial circumstances or conditions are unioue to the oarticular business or enterorise to which the aoolicant desires to draw attention and do not apolv oenerallv to all businesses or enterDrises. Statf Resoonse; Currently, the building has entrances on all four sides, however, Curtin Hill Sports can be entered only from the west, north and east sides. The fourth frontage has an entrance to the building, but the enlrance is accessed by descending down a flight of stairs into the basement level of the building where Vail Ski and Boot Repair is located. Staff believes that special circumstances applying lo the Curtain Hitl Sports restrict the effectiveness of only two signs for business identification purposes. Specifically, the " business has three pedestrian frontages (the north, west and east) as well as limited frontage towards the mountain on the south. Therefore, statf feels that a maximum number of two signs specified in the Sign Code is not appropriate for the identification of the building, and that a third sign should be allowed. B. That special circumstances were not created bv the apolicant or anvone in privv to the apolicant. Staff Resoonse: It is somewhat unusual that a single business would have three frontages as does Curtain Hill Sports. Since Curtin Hill Sports occupies the entire ground floor of the building, the business also has three to four frontages depending whether the ski slope side is considered as a lrontage. Staff feels that this section of the Variance Criteria pertains to circumstances olher than that being considered here. The applicant did not deliberately create unusual circumstances that would allow additional signage. C. That the oranlino of the variance will be in qeneral harmonv with the ourrrose of this title and will not be materiallv detrimental to the oersons residino or workino in the vicinitv. to adiacent oroperfu. to the neiohborhood. or to the public welfare in oeneral. Staff Resoonse: Stafi feels that the request for three signs is reasonable and is in harmony wilh the general purpose of the sign code. staff does not believe this will be materially detrimental to other persons or businesses residing and conducling business in the vicinity. D. The variance aoolied for does not deoart from lhe orovisions of this title anv more than is reouired lo identifu the aoolicant's business or use. Staff Resoonse: As discussed in section I of this memorandum, lhe proposed sign and the two current signs will meet all other provisions of the Sign Code other than the maximum number allowed. 3 I\ IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Slaff is.recommending ipproval df the requested sign variance to allow for a third sign to be located on the awning at the rryestern entrance to the building. Slaff has reviewed lhe size, location, lighting, andother charactedstics of lhe sign and RnAs nat the proposed signage is in harmony with the regulations contained in the Sign Code. However, staff recommends lhat the following conditions be addressed prior lo uncovering the awning sign at the west sids entrance: 1. ll the applicant wishes to erect a building identification sign in the future, lhen ons of the three business identification signs described in this memo must be removed.. The sign lo be removed shall be on the sarne frontage as is chosen for the building identification sign. AI2. tThe applicant must bring all other signage on the property into compliance, i.e. lhe rvindol signs must conform to the appropriate section of the Sign Code..-) t*!/Since the applicant leases building space in the Hill Building to Vail Ski and Boot Repair, lhis business's signage must also be brought into conformance with the sign Code. V. 6n c,^t ^ 6",'it rd'9 wtft- k ry*q sv.n dyvn..11cs\lrilbtn{ Cg I Ffr,n''-uU Fi.''.tr I0 rt CURTIN - HILL SPORTS CURRENTLY HAS TI^JO BUSINESS SIGNS ON OURBUILDING; ONE ON THE NORTHI^JEST CORNER AI^JNING, AND ONE ON THE NORTHEAST BALCONY RAILING. THESE I^.'ERE BOTH PREVIOUSLY APPROVED BY THE DESIGN REVIEI'J BOARD. hlE ALSO HAVE oNE AUNING SIGN, t^JHtrCHIS CURRENTLY COVERED UP ON THE WEST STDE OF THE BUILDING, FACING THE VILLAGE TICKET OFFICE.IN NOVEI-4BER OF !99?, I.JE APPLIED FOR A SIGN VARIANCE TO ALLOI^JUS TO HAVE THREE STGNS ON OUR BUILDING. AT THAT TIME I^JE RECEIVED APPROVAL FOR THE AI^,NING SIGN I,IHICH IS CURRENTLY COVERED UP, AND TI^IO OTHER SIGNS NHICH ARE CURRENTLY NOT IN USE. tIE REOUEST THAT I,JE BE GRANTED ANOTHER SIGN VARIANCE, I,IHICH I,JOULD APPROVE THE USAGE OF OUR TI^]O CURRENT AI,JNING SIGNS, ( APPROVED IN NOVEMBER OF1993) , AND THE OLD AHNING SIGN, (CURRENTLY COVERED) I^IHICH IJASAPPROVED IN CONJUNCTION I,JITH THE SIGN VARIANCE IN NOVEMBER OFT992. THIS I,JOULD GIVE US A TOTAL OF THREE SIGNS, THE SPECIFICDESIGNS OF hIHICH HAVE ALL BEEN APPROVED, BUT AT DIFFERENT T]MESBY THE DESIGN REVIEI.J BOARD. ] HAVE TAKEN PICTURES OF ALL OF THESIGNS FOR YOUR REViEI^I . THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION BUT ALSO SIMPLE REOUEST. IN THIS RATHER CONFUSING SINCERELY, ,-./ -/ tNegfbt^ezl* TEAK SIMONETT GENERAL HANAGER ,/ OI,INER oI ffiE (a-t'tttt{ .54iV1 /./d .afpouedtDp& r r/e/ZJ. f,;z.ie= ,i.5 sg.ft. tl"',.*.* 4f2'n ttlE Wf"i*A Pf *' ir/: <:,:,- in fu#O-U;4- - f t-r J''it /,3rJl 0 b+-, - iles( wol-t ao'tfl.-, ai .;-S s v s + aLJ:\. TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REOUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE: September 5. 1995 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. lf the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) tr site visit E Evening Meeting TIME NEEDED: 20 min TIME NEEDED: 10 min WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATTON ON THIS AGENDA ]TEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? tr No. WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA TTEM REOUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT? tr No. WILLTHEHE EE MATERIALTO BE TNCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FON T}rF ffEM? A yES ITEM/TOPIC: A request for modifications t0 conditions of approval ot a previously granted sign variance reqi.rest for Curtin Hlll Sporm , iocated at 254 Brldgc Strmt/L0t 1, Elock 5"0, Vali Viiiagc lst Filing. Applicant: Jack CurtinPlanner: Randy Stouder ACTION REOUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, deny, or modify the request. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On April 6, 1994, the DRB reviewed a sign variance request to allow for a third business identification sign at Curtin Hill Sports. The DRB imposed severalconditions on the approval recommendation. The applicant has complied with all the conditions except #3a. The applicant returned to the DRB on August 1 6, 1995 to request that Condition 3a be removed. The DRB agreed t0 remove thc eondltlon and ls now forwardlng e reeoffm€ndetlon f6r eppr0vel 6f ffi6 requested sign variance to council. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the requested variance. Randy Stouder, Town Plannar, C0mmunlty Development Fleveryone\counciksquests\c-tJrti n.g0S \ r. . 4l l^ Application Date APPLICATTON I'OR A SrGN V.INrAI{CE This procedure is required for any proJect requesting aVariance. The application will not be accepted until all i:'"Tffi":"T,il:ffi t,,.1,^ ilirl wADDRE'' m4 p"rib f+. l"o"u {lu.raqz B. NAUE OF APPLICANT'S REPNESENTATIVD ADDRESS NAM8 OF PHONE %o oWNER (print or tlpe) STGNATURE ADDRESS PHONE D. IOCATION.OT' PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTTON "o. I Broclc 51 ,rrr"n {l/ \ ft' E.FEE.\ (2) copies of the foltowing infornation: ^r/n B' '(ik. A statenent of the precise nature of the variance I?g:?:::i_,- llu resutation involved, and tr,e-fii-iicar ?l::l:y11I :r yp.cessary physical hardship - rnconsrstent with ttre objectives of this titl.e ttratwourd result frorn strict or riteral interpieiition anaenforcenent of the specified reguLation. 'A site plan showing alI existing and proposed featureson the site, and on adjoining sites ii nbces"aivlpertinenr to the.variaice ruqu"-tu-, -i""i"JIiI-1it" boundaries, required setbactcJ, nuiiaiil-t;;;tioii uno l3]1"lll_topography and -physical featuies, existingsrgn rocatj_ons, proposed sign locations and any relateddata. such additional materiar as the zoning actninistratornay prescribe or the applicant nay sutinit peiiinent tothe application. D. Sign Application Cornpleted. IIf. Tine Requirernents The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and.3rdltednesdays of the month. an opfri-iti." "lttt tn. necessaryaccompanying materiar must ne lirurnitted 4 ,."x= prior to !ire.date of the meeting to allow for publi"fri"f-r"quirements. 5331 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following .flpplication on August 16, 1995 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. \,-El|| A request for reconsideration of conditions ol approval attached to a sign variance by theI DRB, located at Curtin HillSports, 254 Bridge St./Lot 1, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Jack Curtin The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on July 28, 1995. tt'4#tb1 lr( lo trk' TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 343 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 1 39 FAX 303-479-2452 April 13, 1994 Teak Simonett 254 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 De partnent of Conun wiry D eve lo pme nt lf the applicant wishes to erect a building identification sign in the future, then one of ihree business identification signs described in the slatf memo regarding the sign variance must be removed. The sign to be removed shall be cjn the same frontage as is chosen for the building identification sign' The applicant must bring all other signage on the property into compliance, i.e. the window signs must conform to the appropriate section ol the sign code. ll was determined at the DRB hearing that the appropriate number of window signs is six (6) and that the current logo signs are acceplable under the sign code. Thus, please reduce the number of window signs to six. Previous conditions of approval must be complied with prior to the DRB forwarding their recommendation for approval of the sign variance to the Town Council. There were two previous conditions ol approval which are as follows: a. The cut in the brick on the chimney west elevation must be repaired so that it is no longer apparent that there was a structure attached at this location. b. The second floor balcony rail on the west elevation ol the building must be repaired, even though an awning currently covers the damaged section. Dear Teak, At their regularly scheduled meeting on April 6, 1994 the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed iour application lor a sign variance for Curtin Hill Sports. At that meeting, the DRB voted to ricommend to the Town Council that the sign variance be approved with the following stipulations: 1. 2. <,oo lo Teak Simonett April 13, 1994 Page 2 Items number 2 and 3 above must be addressed before the DRB will forward their recommendation of approval of the sign variance to the Town council. Please contact me when you have comptet*J tnrr" itemi, so that I can schedule you lor a meeting before the Town council. Please do not uncover the sign on the end of the awning at the west entrance to the bui6ing untit you have complied with iiems 2 and 3 above and until the Town Council has approved the sign variance. Thank you lor your time and attention 10 these delails, if you have any questions, please call me immediatelY at 47 9'2138. SincerelY,wrJil Randy Stouder Town Planner xc: Mike Arnett (DRB Chairman) \|rd TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department April 6, 1994 A sign variance request for Curtin Hill Sports localed at 254 Bridge StreeVLot 1, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Planner: Jack Curtin and Teak Simonett Randy Stouder I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST The applicant currently has two business identification signs located at the northwest and northeast corner entrances to the building. At the northwest corner, the applicant has a sign with the words "Curtin Hill Sports and Ski Rentals" on an awning. This sign is classified as a projecting sign and is 3.5 square feet in size. The sign at the northeast corner o{ the building is mounted on a second story deck railing and is classified as a wall-mounted sign. This sign is 10 square feet in size with the same wording as the awning sign. Section 16.20.010 of the Town of Vail Sign Code states that: "An individual business within a multitenant building may be permitted the following signs: . . . proiecting and hanging signs or wall mounted signs or any combination thereof, not to exceed a maximum number or size ot sign as designated by any one category . . . " Section 16.20.090 and 16.20.190 of the Town of Vail Sign Code state respectively that: "Projecting or hanging signs-lndividual business within a multitenant building: D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, as determined by the administrator with a maximum of two signs, subject to review by the Design Review Board."; and "Wall signs-lndividual business within a multi-tenant building: D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, as determined by the administrator with a maximum of two signs, subject to review by the Design Review Board." The maximum number of signs designated in both the wall sign section and the projecting sign section is two. Thus, the applicant is allowed a maximum of two signs for business identification purposes. As described above, the applicant currently has two business identification signs; a wall mounted sign and a projecting sign. The applicant is requesting a variance lrom the section of the sign code cited above, to allow for a third business identitication sign to be located on the existing awning at the western entrance to the building (across from the Vail Mountain Ticket Office). The proposed sign would be 5 square feet in size and is considered to be a projecting sign. The sign would conlain lhe words "Curtin Hill Sports". II. BACKGROUND On January 6, 1993, the Design Review Board (DRB) recommended that the Town Council approve a sign variance to allow Curtin Hill Sports to exhibit three signs ol up to 20 square feet. At the time of the DRB meeting, it appears that Curtin Hill Sports had at least four exterior signs and up to twenty window signs. The applicant was requesting the variance to allow for four signs to remain. Staff supported only three ol the exterior signs and recommended that the window signs be reduced to eight in number, which would be the allowed number of window signs (two per lrontage). The DRB had no preferences to which of the exterior signs needed to be eliminated but stated that one of them must be removed and the window signs be reduced to eight in number. The variance request was presented at the next Town Council meeting, and the Town Council supported the staff and the DRB recommendation to allow only three exlerior signs and eight window signs at the property. They had no preference as to which sign needed to be removed and left that up to the applicant. The applicant stated that he wished to retain a free-standing sign, a hanging sign and an awning sign. Since the Town Council approval of the variance in January of 1993, the applicant has made several changes to the signage of the property. The applicant has changed the types, sizes and locations of the business identification signs. The applicant now proposes two projecting signs and a wall mounted sign instead ol a projecting, a hanging and a {ree standing sign as previously approved. Since sign variances are granted based on the specific nature of each proposal, a new sign variance is required. III. FINDINGS AND CRITERIA FOR APPROVAL Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship and the Board must find that, A. There are special circumstances or conditions applvinq to the land. buildinqs. tooooraphv. veqetation, siqn structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adiacent riqht-of-wav which would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness of the siqn in question; provided, however, thal such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention and do not applv oenerallv to all businesses or enterprises. Staff Response: Currently, the building has entrances on all four sides, however, Curtin Hill Sports can be entered only from the west, north and east sides. The fourth frontage has an entrance to the building, but the entrance is accessed by descending down a flight of stairs into the basement level of the building where Vail Ski and Boot Repair is located. Staff believes that special circumstances applying to the Curtain Hill Sports restrict the eflectiveness of only two signs for business identification purposes. Specifically, the business has three pedestrian frontages (the north, west and east) as well as limited frontage towards the mountain on the south. Therefore, staff feels that a maximum number of two signs specified in the Sign Code is not appropriate for the identification of the building, and that a third sign should be allowed. B. That special circumstances were not created bv the applicant or anyone in privy to the applicant. Staff Response: It is somewhat unusual that a single business would have three frontages as does Curtain Hill Sports. Since Curtin Hill Sports occupies the entire ground floor of the building, the business also has three to four frontages depending whether the ski slope side is considered as a frontage. Staff leels that this section of the Variance Criteria pertains to circumstances other than that being considered here. The applicant did not delibgrately create unusual circumstances that would allow additional signage. C. That the qrantino of the variance will be in qeneral harmonv with the purpose of this title and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residinq or workino in the vicinitv, to adiacent property. to the neiqhborhood, or to the public welfare in qeneral. Staff Resoonse: Staff feels that the request for three signs is reasonable and is in harmony with the general purpose ot the Sign Code. Statf does not believe this will be materially detrimental to other persons or businesses residing and conducting business in the vicinity. D. The variance aoolied for does not depart from the provisions of this title anv more than is required to identifv the applicant's business or use. Staff Resoonse: As discussed in Section I of this memorandum, the proposed sign and the two current signs will meet all other provisions of the Sign Code other than the maximum number allowed. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff is recommending approval of the requested sign variance to allow for a third sign to belocated on the awning at the western entrance to ffr6 buitoing. staff has reviewed th5 size,location, lighting, and other characteristics of the sign and tiiOs tnat the proposed signage isin harmony with the regulations contained in the Sign Code. However, staff recommends thatthe following conditions be addressed prior to uncoiering the awning sign at the west sideentrance: 1' lf the applicant wishes to erect a building identification sign in the future, then one of the three business identification signs described in this memo must be removed. The sign to be removed shall be on the same frontage as is chosen for the buildingidentification sign. 2- The applicant must bring all other signage on the property into compliance, i.e. thewindow signs must conform to the appropriate section oitne-sign code. ry{'rAr?,,[?tsf, 't'.1Tffi Hillf I',xffi :iliffi #,i|,?,lixts#J:1iffiT."?t"J ctrandy\rnemos\hilisgn.406 ,- /it"f* ,^ JW pi,Ja,l,f Lr,Y't /6** fh, * 7Try"q hf^trr" d7,\ rr--.*/2*rh)*uq --...------- t &,fr( rya.," ,n riltu*l b^cL^* [irlr, {-uVr(a.-, pw-ft;r-Sv !ffi;,* CURTIN * HILL SPORTS CURRENTLY HAS TNO BUSINESS STGNS ON OURBUILDING; ONH ON THE NORTHHTST CORNER AI^JNING, AND ONE ON THENORTHEAST BALCONY RATLING. THE$E l^tERE BOTH pREVIoUsLy AppRoVEDBY THE DESIGN REVIET^J BOARD, tJE ALS0 HAVE oNH AI.jNING $rGN, hlHIcHIS CURRENTTY COVERED UP ON THE I^JEST SIDE OF THT BUTLDING, TACINGTHg VILLAGH TICKET OFFICE,IN NOVTMBTR OF 1992, I^IE APPLITD FOR A STGN VARIANCE TO ALLOI,JU5 TO HAVE THREE SIGNS ON OUR BUILDING. AT THAT TINE NF RECEIVEDAPPR0VAL FoR THE AliJNrNc srGN t^lHrcH Is CURRENTLY covERED up, ANDTHO OTHHR SIGNS HHICH ARE CURRENTLY NOT IN USH. hIE REOUHST THATlrE BE GRANTED ANOTHER $rGN vARrANcH, ttHrcH riJouLD AppRovE THE USAGE OF OUR TI^IO CURRENT AI,INING SIGNs, (APPROVED IN NOVTF{BTR OF1993 ) ' AND THE OLD AI^JNING SIGN, ( CURREN"TLY COVERHD ) HHTCH LIASAPPROVED IN CONJUNCTION ilITH THE SION VARIANCE IN NOVEMBER OF1992, THI$ HOULD GlVr US A TOTAL Or THRIr SIGNS, THE SPTCITICDIsIGN$ OF I,IHICH HAVE ALL BHEN APPROVEP, BUT AT DIFTERTNT TIME$BY THI DESIGN RIVIEI^I BOARD. I HAVI TAKEN PICTURES OF ALL OF THHSIGNS TOR YOUR REVIEI,J. THANK YOU TOR YOUR CONSIDTRATION BUT ALSO SIMPLI REOUEST. SINCTRELY, IN THIS RATHER CONFUSING &.-*5r,^-r"*r' TTAK SIHONETT GENHRAL MAI{AGHR ,/ O|^JNER a (Et'tttz.t'v{ -fi'q.A fulhJ . app'@de{D?b tr/ah3. 64n = 3.s "6.#. efP** ":. 5,tAE-= to $,ft 'fu" - ile# t',n{.tdalCZ. " Y\s -\ tsY'=-s sv F- \tr rr 491. \f\ I. Qr, Fts rt)r,,sd. Application Date APPLICATION FOR A SIGN VARIANCE This procedure is required for any project requesting a Variance. The application will not be accepted. until all c. NAME oF owNER (print or type) SIGNATURE B.NAME or Appr-,rcAllys REpREsENrArrvE -f1a^KSsr-oft t4 ADDRE'' ?C.l &, rel* S - pHoNE L176 "S==37 ADDREss frz-ez/=rdSh o C, n pHoNE 47a'o'rey )E. (5non* D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS 5+ LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot _ Block _ riling II. Ttro (2) copies of the fotlowing infornation; A. A statenent of the precise nature of the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent with the objectives of this title thatwould result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation. B. A site plan showing all existing and proposed featureson the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary,pertinent to the variance requested, including siteboundaries, required setbacks, building locations andheights, topography and physical'features, existingsign locations, proposed sign Locations and any related data. C. Such additionaL material as the zoning adninistrator may prescribe or the applicant may subrnit pertinent tothe application. D. Sign Applicatj-on Completed. III. Tine Requirernents The Design Review Board meets on the lst and 3rd I{ednesdays of the rnonth. An application with the necessary acconpanying naterial rnust be submitted 4 weeks prior to thedate of the neeting to allow for publishing requirements. / If thls appllcatlon, regulres a separate revlelt by any locaf, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the appllcatlon fee shalL be Lncreasedby $200.00. Examples of guch review. may includer but are note limited to: Colorado Department of Btghway Access PermJ.tsr Arny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responslble for paying any publishJ.ng fees whlch are ln excess of 50t of the appllcation fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter ls postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be rejpublished, then, the entlre fee for such re-pubfication sball be paid by the applicant. Applicatlons deemed by the Conmunity Development DePartment to-.have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a signlficant lmpact on the conununlty nay regulre revlew by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant ls needed to review any application, the Community DeveloPment' may hire an outside consul.tant, it shaLl estimate the amount of money neiessary to pay hirn or her and this amount sha]l be forwarded to the Town by -ttre ippficant at the time he files his application with the Community Deveiopment Department. Upon cornpletion -of the review of the application by the conlultant, ani of the . funds forwarded. -by tlte ailficant for payrnent of the consultant which have not been paid to the ct'nsultant shaIl-be returned to the applicant. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. \ FF!-[fi$F tf ff#:*XTffiended either an irrevocable letter of credir Tov could draw on if certainrovcourd;;ffi?["::,il1"T: jl*ffX].,trj:,,11|l*f :**"f**"ffi*bonding companies *o,rla fe "J".tiltT"-""ter- into ;y kt"d;;urety agreement for thistvpe of projecr. Larry said u" ""ti*"il wfrich *"r;i-;';".i ria wourd no' be ro'voaccurate' but felt arl a&reement could be entered into which *Jrria ,.uqui"u the posting of aletter of *edit from thI afoliil;;h*";""i""ana trr" "rli*"r".-it ".u was discussion abourwhat, the range of cosls migit be. i"* st"i"t""c ";k"il;;;iii#o.,td be wiser to stipularethat this road should u",1rgycr.l "oi" iov rt"rd"-dr;^.,o i*p"r,r" to Tov before acertificate of occuoancv-(co)"wasl-sr,rui ro" .rry ""*i,ria'ii*l uo, said that was apossibilitv, n"t rov -ourj-;{#;;ffi to ro'a"1o e;;;#;?""" which courd creare a::tffii:H.:t"i|*l"l'oi"^*'- were constru"t"a, ,,o cb-1,!""i,'Li the road might nor bearrangement.ro""ilf,i""ruH::',1"""ir:T#l'"ilj"il*;"qt1ltr*,*fill**"#"ts a developer's agreement lan"eltt "if# iul ,."-* and condiiions orrro* that co[aterar wasto be used' Tov would thin bi "bl" il;;; onthar ""ri"il-"irn"ia tn" required work norbe done bv a certain a^t". irr"v#ii.l",f,lJ.qpg, ,, ;;;;fiiri-ri.**, based on esrimates,an amount wourd be ascertainld, u"a, i" ,aaiti".lJtrrrtl """.oi'#;;"." wourd be set up soll#Tr?:eT;##:3 |;rt^;*ii'1i d"tl,*1;iJ;;?il# #lo r,,u, was acceptab,e*""1,ia3"iffi fli,',,:::ff ilT"-i,',?:",Y"",1ji,.#illf::,fT.TF#t"Tl#;"##conrinue ordinance No. r, series;ilr;i, ilir' n"-r."i;;"o'i,u,Ti;B evening meering, wirha second from Jim shga1e1. Before a uo-tl'rJ", t*t ".r, M"6bil;; expressed appreciationfor the cooperation ortll inuoiul;f;iltki"* toward tr.u ""."l"ti* of this long rr.r"".orr,"Jproblem. A vote was taken *J trr" _"iiffpur."a unanimously, 6_0. Item No' 5 was Resolul:"^T:: 2, series of 1998, a resorution authorizing the purchase of anunplatted piece of ''a,nd.-cgmmorrv k,o*., u, th" G;i-b;;;;s properry, and moreparticularrv described in,Exhibit A;*"li"i rr"""r" *a -"ai "l"iihereof (,,the properry,,).Larry Eskwirh exprained tr,r t"J"iiJr'*""r0 ^"ih";;;;v ill,r""nur" a parcei of randlocared on rhe North Fron ragrRd;il;ly. k;;; ; li" rfrf b"_mons properry. Hen::it"H5"Tif;!nl* 1"""-""c"i; t*i"o,,.io""urtu p".ioa "?'ii-", and rerms had now*".si,rdiiizl-?#".i""J#;lfHil:::ff .'1i"fi ,T"f,TI:;tf *1,#.,flJ."Tilcontingencv that courd qrJ?rr" p"t"ffi p"*\"." or trru L"Jiv Tov, other than titlqsurvev' or environmenral problem-r *". tT"frrr: Ft.;;;;;;t *" an appraisar whichwould show he was selling.the property to rov r"r r"., th^"?#?*r.ut value because hewanted to take a chariaf,le e":ddi;# that_portion of the ditrerentiarion between thepurchase price and the,value.. iarrvla_?irru;"1";;;J;;i"or.r,o, rhe value of rheIand to be suIficient,.then the p""r.rr".". *"*ra r,.lrl-tr,J"i'0i"i"",r, to terminate rhecontract' orher than ,rlir, rrg .";;;;;;.'iri.r, .tuna*i. "ii- "ireinberg asked if roVhad an environmental report rr*r. "" tr."ir"perty yet, but La*y Jaid he did not want toexpend fun ds on an enviro'nm";-'"uRofi ,irl, i" ;; j ;} grr" a;,li"j.t, but rhe conrract wastotallv conringenr o" rov-uuio[;;;##,'i" its soie-ais.-"eti"r,, irn the resurts of theenvironmental survev. rom-:l;i^J""#;;"lu * "ooi"* H;;;il;iJ No. 2, series of 1ee',;:otl " second from Merv Lapin. A votJwas tt "., tai.er, ""Jt-h";;i"" passed unanimousry, Item No' 6 was a review o{1sirn variance ""qlg:t.{ll" curtin-Hill sports (previously vail skiRentals), 284 Bridge st.eeu,olr, frJt ;e, v! village lstr,ilinc. -T]re appricants were Jackuurtin and rcah simonett..At'g:.b pJ\li,'ti",ppti.urt n"d ri"t y"t arrived, and Mavorff::**iffififrT ne"ri',-tJ'il"r."'""'ln'-i-r" .Jrlir;;i,:"", berore besinning lvhile waiting for a resrlonsefrom Jack curtin, ,g:"yl discussed a work session item movedto the Evening Meetinr,,To. V.;;;;;;ti"r,l'bt"r,. s."*i.r. a].t"iu"fd., p.oporud scheduleentitled "schedure ora",u"iti"r ro""ffilr*"il o{}i"* idn M#;;en[/Budger sysrems,,which showed how Tov might proceea *i-rrr Jr "rrrr" """]e*iffiil: discussed within rherasr few weeks. Sreve askej c""".;i r".'ila#.r. o" ln";;i;G;"d, if councit agreed rothe recommended sreerins,ry"-, ".1"a'iJ'"u*r,"il -#;;;;;i"ffi:nts ro the Team. Heiftff#l} ffi:XLT;9u r""- ."-i*itrii. H" ,"raffi.-"#"#ourd be charsed wirhabout format changes i"'iA:9:t:t-:f the pro8ram,-a1a iar.ins t'?*H-""a"tions ro the Town*ouraiur.ulil;;;,il,';#ff Tff AJl#H*:ilrni"{:tFill"":."r**"# time frarns in fulr. beginning yoth u u*, -""-urg on {ebrya1r 1g, 1998. F,or six weeks, theTeam s76u14 "ta"t m""1ing nuitf, "*h aTr#ient tn assist the depart-ents with developmentof their mission starements.a"q opu..iio"i-go"ts. il;ft'-;,i#h rhrough mid-May, sub-sroups of the t""T_-w""ld be'apprffi-; -t*tl"""rdirng TeM performancemeasurement' cost accounting, and "il;d"*^"^"""::nlror budgetir': -Bv the end of May, theTeam was to have orepared.;;;-;il;;;s for those ."uu, .or how they wourd fit intoTovs'plan' Durins J:n"' l!" r*. *""]a^Lteg"at€ alr of those rlcommendations into onerormarrzed program for Tov, *a ua"piio"_d cor;i-rf il';;alized program wasscheduled for the firsr Eve-ning M;"iilJr"'"rrrr, rggi.--sr"#-rii air..rrrion concerninsactual outcome measures "rtni-1..i"""-iutu-"ot. and the op"iuiioour goars would fo'owthat' He fert if the nroposed ti-" *J"Ji;y*.dh;;;, fffiil budget process wourdlargelv be based "oi" tt'i" tvp"?;;#;h"' tn"'-ibil" *jrrr"""",line irem approachto budgeting' Mavot osterfbss *iitn" rt"i hoped for morerepresentation from Tov staffthan shown on Steve's.hanag"i, p"ir."p- oil o"i"oo r"1_ "u.n juJ"l_"nt. Rob LeVine felt:ffi"lHfrT::"rn?, ia". r""J,." "i" "iil; thi,,.g. bo;;ih;ffi ,ord in response to thewithin a"p*t-""#:"i"^::t-11 as much-team feetjng n"t*een dupa"rments as there was to the oiiiJoid;;;"":::::u,s was reached.to include one stan"ei"esenrative in additionc.".tn"p"id;"3,:itilf;:i:*::";"".?il,:i:t11r"""..j$*iiif '|fl*h*f,*maintained' it could beaccompiished. ToJsl"inn""u *us concerned about embarking on this3rTffit"il1!t"""Tl"i[i:"^:1,il:$;;;;["ection arrer receipt ora nnar reporr rrom the ll:l*;;;#ili"fi'"".*#Lq:","1Hj:+?il'ilT:ffi 'A!l::*kXmmil*m:*iLhose rkms' what would be d-eveloped ivould be an acceptabre product. Mayor osterfoss saidshe felt the efforts that would u"'J*LJiiih" o"*t r"'" *"ln *ere nasieatty foundationitr##:t tfrjffi" was a need to *tt u "o*u changes in direction, that could beai,..,,,i*J#H;#hT:i""lH,i.i'll"ti,ffi::f, ,?,il:i.*"t"'l#rruiid,H:J3trf"":,lilyf llf h"t*,f:gl4#e?i'1b*ilil#;;";d*duarcourdbechosen s_";i;f "reffi;;i.i{,,i:iff l$x*:;l,T,l,,TfTft f l*}:,#**J:",.""1tr#representative to the whore pw o"p*i-Jri*l'Hu "rrJ ,i"itil" wr-orr ro nu*," more tha.,,one representative from Pw be tr"ra op"" t"-norarily. M;;;; ii*"al"#. then volunreered roparticipate' Bob Bucklev "ia "ri* srtl"*JrTrLa *,"y r"ifii* Cit "i*""rd volunreer if hervere present' Mayor oslerfoss tuia.rr" ror"or"ered because rrt" -r"it"ii wourd be meaninsfurtor her to be in touch wirh tn" p.r.*..- niJrJilpio ,t.t"a t; ;;.;;;.ted in parriciparinsfrom the budger.ing sa"apoiof ilr """'""rli;rrrg u*p""i".,.;-#ti, te^,I through wnac,stated he might wanr to attend i6" r?il?::rings, council agreed to wait to hear fromJim Gibson and would then finarize trt"i" r"t ""n process and advise steve. Jack curtin had arrive4 discussion of agenda _If-m No 6 began. Tim Devlin gave a quickoveryiew of the prooos:d :ig' variance vlrsus what *as ,*co-mended for approvar uv trreDRB as well as tr'" .tun 5" 9,,a LGl,,iiiispo"* nJoJ;;;""'"rr* ourr*ce invorvingtwo sections of rhe sign code. The il;;;;** sir"; tire s"6nJil* ru-n"". communirvDevelopmenr Deparrienr'* *;;;;;;;;;r1* 6, 1998, ro the DRB incruded fulr deta'seoncerning the description ,r ln"-i"qlrJJl.u""r.girrrri,rir"r_iril", findings and stalfresponses' and stalfs rccommendation.'ilm'saia ri"rrl"i**-"11"iio DRB that four sisnsdid not meer rhe crireria air."u*Jiri;lu;#";o,, ir"_ a-A,ci,iiilr"naia feel three signschd meet all four "t*t?, ""g.ttt"1."lp"J"l" oo" additional .ig', ",,c recommended denialof the ex[ra sign area. H9 s31d tn" onii "rl.llyrl 6: rsg',e;;nmended counc'approvethree signs and lefr i, to lo. *'u "pp[""oil" lJ,*r1g1lr;;;ilffiwanted ro leave. Timsaid the applicaat, at tharrime, ilp;;;;-d"tle o-nn trr.t l,z:ifrij Iike one free srandinsiiTiilTlffiH?j"'ffj3t#";;s"'i;ln-*l.*IlT[#ffi tionsorapprovarfr omHill sporl.s had z0 *i"fl::?-q' 19e3' Applicant Jack Cil;;;irpr,r"a 1o ream currin:3:isl.;*;il;i:T"ff ;"ff ;h:T;1"-'*1""ru**:t*##mimvanous signs into conformance *iil tn" Jil*.oa". an"" n"i"fair"*ri"n, Rob Levine movedto approve the sraff recom*"y:ti""-*ita'1"*ro t" rh;-a;fi;iilri.r* variance requestbased on the findines indicated in the staff-memo dated January 6, lgg', establishinghardship and generJ appropriar.en"r., *i1r, u ,".o.,i il;t-'b#i;r, Before a vo'e was[aken, Tom steinbere "sLea irtrris a;;*ffi; any precedent regarding signs. Kristan pritz:Xll*:"tfl';:fffi*x11-th" 4"':,:#i*::l rhe roT buirding dontages, and rert the passed """"il;il;;-ff" been met bv the applicant, A vote *r-. i"t"o and the motion There being no further puliness, Tom steinberg moved to adjourn the meeting to Executivesession, with a secon{.fd*.b"*d#;;]"A .,rot" *u* iutuo !,ia trr" morion passed.unanimously' The meeting *.r ud;o"ili"to Exeeutive session at g:4b p.M. Respectfully submitted, hwxQ coaw Margaret A. Osterfoss, May-i- ATTEST: "rrvn Clerk Minutes hk€n ry Dodanne S. Deto C:Wlf.lSFEB2.93 I.This procedure Variance. The inforrnation is A. NAME OF APPLICANT ADDRESS NA}TE OF ADDRESS NAME OF SIGNATURE D. I,OCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS APPIICATTON F'OR A SIGN VARIANCE is required for any project requesting a application will not be accepted until all subnitted PHONE bn C ur{irt c-t3 =-1.r 'l...- B. c. ,t- PHONE ?)a rn{ T-ac K Curt. n{aEt,*^"n a.c ADDREs' 1lt lbri ffi PHoNE 4fC-5=, APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE OWNER E. m!ilov, 1 1 tssz It Application Date tt I tt lq? (print LEGAT DnscRrprroN r,ot \a aloc*\p Filing \ \ \$ *,€D/k 2tuf t p,-tl "frrll?- @) II. fwo (2) copies of the fo).lowing information: A, A staternent of the precise nature of the variancerequested, the regulation involved, and the practicaldifflculty or unnecessary physical hardshipinconsistent with the objeLtives of this titte tnatwould result from strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of the specified regulation. B. A site plan showing all existing and proposed featureson the site, and on adjoining sites if necessary,pertinent to the variance requested, including iiteboundaries, reguired setbacks, building locations andheights, topography and physical featuies, existingsign locations, proposed sign locations and any reiateddata. c. Such additional materiaL as the zoning adninistratornay prescribe or the applicant may subnit pertinent tothe application. D. Sign Application Conpleted. f II. Tine Requirernents The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the rnonttr. An application with the necessaryacconpanying material must be subnitted 4 weeks prior to thedate of the meeting to allow for publishing requirements. t ,. .flru'0mu I 1. tr-te NUUEtv,tBHR 11. 1?9;l vr'lrL 3t{I REN fAl-lf , t{t}$ nt{ANGr:-D I rr ,s |'nrlHH t8 clJRr If,l _HILLsFoRT$- I'1 l-lilg Bt,tN FRUUriFil l't."i oltr{ At 1H.NT IuN t"HAi r,JF AHE IN NE ELrrlF A 'riIr.iN UAR-tANr:fi ALI_rlt^t{Nti Ii,'j rff HiluE t:rtr lR SIrjN$ rlN 0uRgUILDINGT tJHIt;Fl [.,8 t.Ji:RL Nt-rt Al,lFlRE fiF. t^rt Fif{E oFlL cJF 'rHE FLt,tSUILDINGg Il\l UAIL ,.tI fl"l {lNt.y IJNL- SutiiINl:iis lN Ifr AhlD t.{riUE }J*n FOURSIGNTJ [iN IILIR SUIL,DIN{J SiNilL. THE BbGINNIFIC' fII. Vd:IIL.l"lE tillut-D LIi{,E lo RcTAIN r"lllR At"tNING riIGf.ls l.\tI rH t}{E Nht^t NtlME{CURTIN-HILL LTD" ) ' LrH TFIE EA$l AND I,IEET slDE oF THE $UIL$ING.I"IE IdOULD ALstr LII{E TN I.{AVE f{ HFiN6IN6 'SJGN TdH]trH CtrNr:ORT,II3 rO THESIZE LIIYIITflTIIJNS IN THE SIGN TJT'I}H fIN THE NCJRTH-I^IT.5T CTTRNER c|F: THFBUILD-INE' AND A l:fld[ 'STANDING SIL]].j llN flrE NORft-{-[:nsT [r]]lNhR ilFTHE BUTLDING! FAf,ING FRIDGE s'l REET. T.HH sFb.CIF IL: RLGULAT IUNtjINUtrLUt:D Ar?E 16. ijrzr. gj€r AND 16. eA. l trA,THL $IGN coDL ciFlLLg Ft,R A tyttlxlt'tutyt {:tF Tt^ru srBFts F.LR Buslt{Ess.HE REauEsr IHAT l^,E nE ALLoLut:D ro dETAIN uNE sIcN uN HACH sIoE fiFTHE BUILDINGT ns HE. HJIUE HAD IN THE FAsr', If,.t tlRItkR THAT ouR CIJISTOIYIERS I4AY IDHNTIFY OUR BUILDINB A5 CURTIN-HILL $F.BRTS F'RT]IqANY AFFR0ACH. lF A trusrol4ER FlFF,RoAcHEs FRcrtyt ptgNcEN.-RfiNCH RLrffDrTHEY I,''DULD sEE Tt{E AT,JNINS SIBN ON ftIE EAIST SINE {.IF I}JE BI]ILDING.IF A CUS1$I{FR AF.':IRCIf]{;HES; FROFI FI.{IDEiE STHEETI THEY I"ITJULII $LE lHEf:IIEE-S TANDI}.IS S]GN I]N rHE NIIRIH_EAST SIDE i]F I}"{E BUILDINLi. IF 11CUSTOI4ER AF,F.RO'ICI{L,$ F ftoM vA lL MC'UN] A lN ffF Tkk cK I I NH UH THE. T I CKE.ItfFFrtid' |HHY tdtltjl-D SEE tHE AHNTNE srGN oN -rHE LtHsr srDE oF THEBUILDING. AND IFj A trLlsl{JlttER At-,F,RtlA{:HEs FR{rtrt I{FILL Ei]'REkr, of.( THF-LoDcE AT UAIL' |HEY t'.loULD sHE THE HANGIhIG sltiN uN rHE N|]RrH.*trEsTSID€ OF'' THE BUILDING. ,IS YTIU T{ILL tiE.E UTJfJN F:'HY5ICfII.. INSiF.HCTIO}..I,AT Ne |IME t.ltlut-$ TrlE cusroHER sE AaLE ro:iEE t'trlgE rHAFI rlNE slcttIDENT-IFYING CURT ].N*HILL SF.['R]'S. I] I$ FIIE Tf.IIg RE.f"I5fuN THFll WL.FEEL THFIT' I-:OUR S"I$NS I5 NOT EXCESSIUE I-:t]R I]IJR TD{:NIItrICA'f JI]N. THANK YUU, ff"-/{5rm Th.ilK $IFIT]NETT CENERAL I4d"IFItrGE.R 254 Bridge Street o Vail, Colorado BI6ET Kentals (303) 476-5JJ7 o Toll Free (BOO) g7Z-1234 .,r-'1, DESIGN RET'TEI.I BOARD AGENDA JAITUARY 6, 1993 3: 00 P.M. SITE VISITS 1:00 P.M. 1 Regal - 1079 Sandetone Drive.2 Dauphanais - 1500 lionsridge Loop. 3 zeli - ?LGL N. Frontage Road west.4 cortina Cbalets - 2662, 2672 t 2682 5 Curtin Eill Sports - L74 Gore Creek Vail .6 Vail Ski Rentals/Curtin SiII Sports Street. Cortina Lane. Drive,/fbe Lodge - 254 Bridge at 7 I 9 10 11 Cinnamony Buns - 241 Frontage Road East./Vail Transportation Center. Strauss - 483 Gore Creek Drive. Kalkus - 324 Beaver Dam Road. Ke1ton - 1034 Homestake Circle. Lawler - 4939 Meadow Drive. AGENDA 1 TD t- MOTION: Kathy L.SECOND: Bob Approved with condition: Remove crest that protrudes down into doorway. Gordon - New primary,/restricted secondary residence. lD 2632 Coxtina Lane,/Lot 5, Bl-ock B, VaiI Ridge. MOTION: Bob Borne SECOND: Mike Arnett VOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted Vail Ski Rentals/Curtin Hill Sports - Sign variance. TD 254 Bridge st.reet/Lot I, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st. MO?ION: Kathy L. SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE: 4-0 Re'cornmendation of approval of 3 Signs to remain: 1) Free St,anding 2') Hanging Sign (fix nount) -.-.-.3) One (1) Awning Sign Curt.in Hill Sports - New sign. 174 Gore Creek Dri.ve,/The Lodqe Conditions:sign t.o be signs to be are allowed at Vail. Borne VOTE: 4-0 ,One (1) awning sign to be removed; hanging removed until Town council approval,' window brought int.o conformance with code - only I and 20+ currently exist. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Devclopment Department January 6,1993 A sign variance rcquest for Curtin-Hill Sports located at 254 Bridge Street. I-ot I, Block 5-A, Vail Village Fint Filing. Applicant: Jack Curtin and Teak Simonen REVISIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEMORANDU}I ARE hIDICATED IN BOLD TYPE DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Curtin-Hill Sports Ltd. (formerly Vail Ski Rentals) is requesting a sign variance for the total sign area and the number of signs allowed. The sections of rhe Municipal Code which relate to the variance request are listed below: Secdon 16.20.210 - Single Business Use B. Size, one square foot for each five front lineal feet of the building, with a maximum area of 20 souare feet. Combined maximum for more than one sign shall not exceed twenty square feet;D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, with a maximum of two per busincss, as determined by the administrator, subject to review by rhe Design Review Board. Curtin-Hill Spons, as a single business, is allowed up ro two signs wirh a maximum combined sign area of 20 square feet. The developmenr's existing signs consist of: Two awnings with the "Curtin-Hill Sports Ltd." lettering, equaling l0 squarc feet (5 sq. ft. each). The variance rcquest includes: Two new signs in addition to the two signs existing on the awnings. One of the proposed signs is to be a free-standing sign of 5.75 square feet, located near the nonheast corner of the building, facing Bridge Strcer The second sign is proposcd to bc a hanging sign of 6.5 square feet, located on the northwest corner of the building. Therefore, the variance request is for two additional II. signs 4g! 2.25 square feet of additional sign area above 20 sq. ft. Please also note that a$ of December 3I, t992, the applicant had already erected the two additional signs (hanging and free-standing) for which a variance is being sought. BACKGROUND On October 14, L982, Vail Ski Rentals presented the DRB with a sign variance request for a window sign excecding the 1.5 square feet allowed by code at the time (Section 16.20.220). The proposed sign was to be approximately 3 squarc feet in size. Also on this date, the applicant requested the DRB to approve rwo new "Vail Ski Rental" hanging signs to replace the existing signs; these signs met the code rcquiremcnt and were not pan of the variancc request. In response, the DRB approved the two hanging signs but denied the variance rcquesr for additional window sign area; 1.5 square feet was approved for the window sign on the new door. As a condition of approval, the DRB required that the two existing signs be removed when replaced with the new signs. The Community Development Department has no record of any approvals for the two exisdng arvning signs. The appiicant-rnaintains that these signs were approved in 1976 or 1977- FINDINCS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, *re applicant must prove ohvsical hardshin and the Board must find rhat: A. There are special circumstances or conditions applvins to the land. buildinss. toDographv. vegetation. sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the,adiacent rieht-of-wav which would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness of the sign in ouestion; provided. however. that such special to which the applicant desires to draw attention and do not aoolv generallv to all businesses or enterprises. Staff Response: The staff believes that qpecial circumstances applyrng to the Hill Building restrict the effectiveness of the existing nvo allowable signs. Specifically, the Hill Building has three pedestrian frontages (north, west, and east) as well as limited frontage toward the mountain on the sbuth. Therefore, the staff supports g additional sign for the building. The staff feels that a fourth sign nI. t B. c. would be excessive and therefore cannot support the request. Since the staff does not support the fourth sign, we are also recommending denial of the request for sign area exceeding a total of 20 square feet. ft should be noted that each of the four window frontages could have up to t\yo window signs per section L6.20.220 of the Municipal Code. (This is discussed in further detail in Part fV - Staff Recommendation section of this memorandum.) the aoolicant. Staff Responsc: The staff does not believe that special circumstances were created by the applicant. of this title and wiil not be materiallv detrimental to the persons residine or working in rhe vicinitv. to adiacent prooenv. to rhe neighborhood. or to the rublic welfare in eeneral. Staff Resoonse: Since the Hill Building has three pedesrian frontages plus limited frontage toward the ski mountain, the staff feels that one additional sign would be in harmony wirh the purpose of this title, and would be consistent with other signs approved for projects of this nature. However, the sraff feels that a fourth sign and additional square footage above 20 sq. ft. would be excessive and not in harmony with the purpos€ of rhis title. more than is reouiied to identifv the applicant's business or use. Staff Response: As discusscd above, the staff believes that the three pedestrian fiontages and ski mountain frontage warrant one additional sien, and rhat the founh sign and additional square footage above 20 sq. ft. would bc more than required to identify rhe business. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As discussed in part IrI of this memorandum, the staff does not support the sign variance request as proposed. However, the staff does support one ioaitionat sign ana bclieves that criteria Itr A,B,c, and D above have been met for tttJ on" sien. staff D. ry. , can also support three signs having a total area of 20 square feet (maximum) versus the proposed 16.5 or 15.75 square feet associated with four signs. In addition, two building identification signs are allowed having an area not to exceed 20 square feet (i.e. "Hill Building"). It should bc noted that the "window sign" section of the Sign Code (16.20.220) now allows for gyg window signs per window frontage of the building rvith a coverage of up to 15 percent of the total window space (10 square feet maximum). Since the Hill Building has window frontage on four sides of the building, eight window signs are allowed by code (2 per frontage). Presently, 20 window signs exist as well as two additional non-approved signs on the south side of the building. ?,rorot* /t+tqaE 5,7/ 6.5 5a, FX, /ro*tP fBg'{, *rrl'{ 41+r 5.75 €a Fr. 4 SITE VISITS 1:00 P.M. DEsrcN REvrEw B.ARD^'GENDA ,hlqz Tor^ ftw"if .'AI{UARY 6, 1993 3:oo P'M' vlg''ffi'o '/ 0{8,&'n"'"t'l/nti't' 1 Reqar - 1oz9 sandstone Driwe - ?': T, C ' €- O ,, ,,-)2 Oatinhanaj.s - 1500 tionsridge Loop. Apprn'n hn)s ZeIi - 2t6L N. Frontage Road West. ..i jt4 Cortina ChaLeLs - 2562, 2672 e 2682 Cortina Lane.5 Curtin Hill Sports - L74 Gore Creek Drive/The Lodge atvail. ,6 VaiI Ski Rentals/Curtin Bill Sports - 254 Bridge /fi{ :t : ?.4[o,,.Street.? ci;;Iio"v Buns - 241 Frontage Road East,/vail- 2'd : ,,{r'' !'/'o"Transportation Center.8 at;;"5!-:-iis core creek Drive . l,xt4 €'0t'lL9 Kalkus - 324 Beaver Dam Road.10 KeLton - 1034 Eomestake CircLe.11 Law].er - 4939 Meadow Drive. 1.Curtin Hill Sports - New sign. 174 core Creek Drive/The Lodqe CLL VCLII -Borne VOTE: TD 4-0MOTTON: Kathy L.SECOND: Bob z. Approved with condition: Remove crest that protrudes down into doorway. Gordon - New primary,/rest.ricted secondary residence. TD 2632 cortina Lane/Lot 5, Block B, vail Rid.ge- MoTION: Bob Borne SECoND: Mike ArneLL VOTE: 4-0 Approved as submit.ted VaiI Ski Rentals/Curtin Hill Sports - Sign variance. TD254 Bridge Street/Lot I, Block 5-A, VaiJ- Village ]-st. MoTION: Kathy L- SECOND: Bob Borne VOTE: 4-0 Recommendation of approval of 3 signsS{gns to remain:i 1. )i nree Standing,2| Hanging Sign (fix mount) J_| One (1) Awning Sign Conditions: One (1)slgn to be removed9lgns to be brought&re allowed and 20+ awnlng' sl-gn E.o Deuntil Town Council J.nto conrormancecurrently exist. up to 20 sq. ft. removed; hanging approval; windowwith code - only 8 AGENDA TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 4,,. REVISIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEMORANDUM ARE INDICATED IN BOLD TYPE DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Curtin-Hill Spons Ltd. (formerly Vail Ski Rentals) is requesting a sign variance for the total sign area and the number of signs allowed. The sections of the Municipal Code which relate to the variance request are listed below: Section 16.20.210 - Single Business Use MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department January 6,1993 A sign variance request for Curtin-Hill Sports located at 254 Bidge Street. Lot I, Block 5-A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Jack Curtin and Teak Simonett Size, one square foot for each five front lineal feet of the building, with a maximum area of 20 square feet. Combined maximum for more than one sign shall not exceed twenty square feet; Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, with a maximum of two per business, as detemined by the administrator, subject to review by the Design Review Board. WY; ' Curtin-Hill Sports, as a single business, is allowed up ro two signs with a maximum combined sign area of 20 square feet. The development's existing signs consist of: Two awnings with the "Curtin-Hill Sports Ltd." lettering, equaling 10 square feet (5 sq, ft. each). The variance request includes: Two new signs in addition to the two signs existing on the awnings. One of the proposed signs is to be a free-standing sign of 5.75 square feet, located near the northeast comer of the building, facing Bridge Street. The second sign is proposed to be a hanging sign of 6.5 square feet, Iocated on the northwest comer of the building. Therefore, the variance request is for two additional {:dt (4"rr pp,}st+ ?,.us, ',''^'n;t- 'l'*qr /{to i*"f -> z nfr':'C m. I signs and 2.25 square feet of additional sign area above 20 sq. ft. Please also note that as of December 31, 1992, the applicant had already erected the two additional signs (hanging and free-standing) for which a variance is being sought. BACKGROUND On October 14, 1982, Vail Ski Rentals presented the DRB with a sign variance request for a window sign exceeding the 1,5 square feet allowed by code at the time (Section 16.20.220). The proposed sign was to be approximately 3 square feet in size. AIso on this date, the applicant requested the DRB to approve two new "Vail Ski Rental" hanging signs to replace the existing signs; these signs met the code requirement and were not part of the variance requsst. In response, the DRB approved the two hanging signs but denied the variance request for additional window sign area; 1.5 square feet was approved for the window sign on the new door. As a condition of approval, the DRB required that the two existing signs be removed when replaced with the new signs. The Community Development Department has no record of any approvals for the two existing awning signs. The applicant maintains that these signs were approved in 1976 or 1977. FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove phvsical hardship and the Board must find that: A. There are special circumstances or conditions applying to the land. buildings. topography. vegetation. sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adiacent right-of-wav which would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness of the siqn in question: provided, however. that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or entemrise to which the applicant desires to draw attention and do not applv generallv to all businesses or enternrises. Staff Response: The staff believes that special circumstances applying to the Hill Building restrict the effectiveness of the existing two gll@. signs. Specifrcally, the Hill Building has three pedestrian frontages (north, west, and east) as well as limited frontage toward the mountain on the south. Therefore, the staff supports one additional sign for the building. The staff feels that a fourth sign ry. would be excessive and therefore cannot support the request. Since the staff does not support the fourth sign, we are also recommending denial of the request for sign area exceeding a total of 20 square feet. It should be noted that each of the four window frontages could have up to two window signs per section 16.20.220 of the Municipal Code. (This is discussed in further detail in Part IV - Staff Recommendation section of this memorandum.) B. That special circumstances were not created bv the applicant or anvone Drivy to the applicant. Staff Response: The staff does not believe that soecial circumstances were created bv the applicant. C. That the granting of the variance will be in general harmonv with the purpose of this title and will not be materially detrimental to the persons residing or working in the vicinitv. to adiacent property. to the neighborhood. or to the public welfare in general. Staff Resuonse: Since the Hill Building has three pedestrian frontages plus limited frontage toward the ski mountain, the staff feels that one additional sign would be in harmony with the purpose of this title, and would be consistent with other signs approved for projects of this nature. However, the staff feels that a fourth sign and additional square footage above 20 sq. ft. would be excessive and not in harmony with the purpose of this title. D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title anv more than is required to identifv the applicant's business or use. Staff Response: As discussed above, the staff believes that the three pedestrian frontages and ski mountain frontage warrant one additional sign, and that the fourth sign and additional square footage above 20 sq. ft. would be more than required to identify the business. STAFF RECOMMENDATION As discussed in par:t III of this memorandum, the staff does not support the sign vanance request as proposed. However, the staff does support one additional sign and believes that criteria III A,B,C, arl! Q above have been met for the one sign. Staff 5rr74 y'',# *i ,,,-,:// *t&4a E A, 4, + D + f,Xre:sit^c 3'ry2 //z'" 11c,,D 5rl,*n/: / "i'l;l'"-/ tiry ar"", Spta ,r?t pfia_. can also support three signs having a total area of 20 square feet (maximum) versus the proposed 16.5 or 15.75 square feet associated with four signs. In addition, two building identification signs are allowed having an area not to exceed 20 square feet (i.e. "Hill Building"). It should be noted that the "window sign" section of the Sign Code (16.20.220) now allows for two window signs per window frontage of the building with a coverage of up to 15 percent of the total window space (10 square feet maximum). Since the Hill Building has window frontage on four sides of the building, eight window signs are allowed by code (2 per frontage). Presently, 20 window signs exist as well as two additional non-approved signs on the south side of the building. /,*rot* /eaq"tq 6q"t 6"u 5a, F'n fno*tp fBe.*wrftE 41il 5.75 €a. FT. o MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department January 6,1993 A sign variance request for Curtin-Hill Sports located at 254 Bridge Street. l,ot I, Block 5-A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant; Jack Curtin and Teak Simonett REVISIONS FROM PREVIOUS MEMORANDUM ARE INDICATED IN BOLD TYPE DESCRIPTION OF THE REOTJEST Cunin-Hill Sports Ltd. (formerly Vail Ski Rentals) is requesting a sign variance for the total sign area and the number of signs allowed. The sections of the Municipal Code which relate to the variance request are listed below: Section 16.20.210 - Single Business Use B. Size, one square foot for each five front lineal feet of the building, with a maximum area of 20 square feet. Combined maximum for more than one sign shall not exceed twenty square feet; D. Number, one sign per vehicular street or major pedestrian way which the business abuts, with a maximum of two per business, as determined by the administrator, subject to review by the Design Review Board. Curtin-Hill Sports, as a single business, is allowed up to two signs with a maximum combined sign area of 20 square feet. The development's existing signs consist of: Two awnings with the "Curtin-Hill Sports Ltd." lettering, equaling 10 square feet (5 sq. ft. each). The variance request includes: Two new signs in addition to the two signs existing on the awnings. One of the proposed signs is to be a free-standing sign of 5.75 square feet, located near the northeast comer of the buitding, facing Bridge Street. The second sign is proposed to be a hanging sign of 6.5 square feet, located on the northwest corner of the building. Therefore, the variance request is for two additional TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ,* /r/rs o o II. signs and 2.25 square feet of additional sign area above 20 sq. ft. Please also note that as of December 31, 1992, the applicant had already erected the two additional signs (hanging and free-standing) for which a variance is being sought. BACKGROUND On October 14, 7982, Vail Ski Rentals presented the DRB with a sign variance request for a window sign exceeding the 1.5 square feet allowed by code at the time (Section 16.20.220). The proposed sign was to be approximately 3 square feet in size. Also on this date, the applicant requested the DRB to approve two new "Vail Ski Rental" hanging signs to replace the existing signs; these signs met the code requirement and were not part of the variance request. In response, the DRB approved the two hanging signs but denied the variance request for additional window sign area; 1.5 square feet was approved for the window sign on the new door. As a condition of approval, the DRB required that the two existing signs be removed when replaced with the new signs. The Community Development Department has no record of any approvals for the two existing awning signs. The applicant-rnaintains that these signs wero approved in 1976 or 1977. FINDINGS AND STAFF RESPONSES Before the Board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove phvsical hardship and the Board must find that: A. There are special circumstances or conditions applving to the land, buildings. topography. vegetation. sign structures or other matters on adiacent lots or within the adiacent rieht-of-wav which would substantiallv restrict the effectiveness of the sign in question: provided. however. that such special circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or entemrise to which the applicant desires to draw attention and do not applv generally to' all businesses or enterprises. Staff Resnonse: The staff believes that special circumstances applying to the Hill Building restrict the effectiveness of the existing two allowable signs. Specifically, the Hill Building has three pedestrian frontages (north, west, and east) as well as limited frontage toward the mountain on the south. Therefore, the staff supports one additional sign for the building. The staff feels that a fourth sign ru. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing on December 16, 1992 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for a sign variance at Crossroads Shopping Center, for the Gafons Saloon located at 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Garton DevelopmentPlanner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Flesidential Floor Area for the Lario Inc. residence located at 100 E. Meadow Drive, Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Lario Inc"/Vail Village lnn Condominium Association.Planner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for a second unit on a Primary/Secondary zoned lot which is less than 15,000 sq. ft., located ai-2632 Cortina Lane/Lot 5, Block B, Vail Hidge. Applicant: Alex & Mary Ann GordonPlanner: Tim Devlin 4. A request for a sign variance for Vail Ski Rentals, Inc. DBA Curtin Hill Sports located at 254 Bridge StreeVLot l, Block 5A, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Jack Curtin & Teak SimonettPlanner: Tim Devlin The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 25,'1992. ..t oltgn Review Action foir TOWN OF VAIL Date //'3 ,Category Number ,7'", Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: nrcnnedcon@odressand pnone: Ta^^/. 5*-*,*^-4 ..- n 7,, ./ (-v/ . / f r.,4>"//).-..,-/a :Y. w,i-,\-.( t-U a'L.i'/ Legal Description: Lot / Block 5 C SuOaivision 'Jij !/,/4-e / '44 Zone District C( j 4 ProjectStreetAddress: 3/t -,'32, Commenls: Board / Staff Action Motion by: A,l-.,-td vore:5*CI Seconded by: T>a,,,rrz.;t^.-f FQ}PProvat ! Disapproval fl Staff Approval 4'j, /'1,-#,- Town Planner Da,rrt / l ''3' 73 DRB Fee pre-paid //' 3, 73 V^{e-, 7-a VRIL SKI REHTFLS\fW, '.$3 JsiQ,l. VBIL- d41- EqliISl-$ r a + r so B++o z04e wadewwrh Eourcvnrd . ,,fr1,::l', SiffilHirlrtffi'ffio r*-,r,r , .;,r;;l 'e+1 a fira,l aa r i$aElF Offlcgr P.0, Botr 2].ll / Ee$ler co. 0169l // JAS4eB-6g!$ ' l lrtr'r reah , :' ; ii f" FRO!(I Annie Egsn l .,DAll8./Elllfir LO/27/93 4t00 i,i '-i'i:HtI!'lE8R OF FACEi ro FoLI'OW -{Fe+upLN€ covE& EHEEtr .,1_ , , r. ilr DEtrAIIrS! , , , Here i.s the calsurartod for otgnage f'r rhs mttre €wntilg 0n "llithe north fece: ' ,, i,:$lgnage to rerd the foll,owing on one llnsr , .;:;i",i. Curttn . lflll Sport,s e Skt Rentele , .,,.:gi,,r,,"1-Lerrere ro b6 whtre .:,'lli$l:., UppER and lssrr ease ;:'rlijlifl+ , i";rl.liirif "*centered over column Enttgnce t6 f hor€ on north side ,",'",::i,ltil -$quare foorage calcEtatton: ::i,;iilll'i5 capltel Letters 6,'high x ?,Ft wlde.l.Zj aq.ft" .,,,l,,,ltr,ii 23 lu*cr q.ace let.ters 4' hlgh x 7,6, wtdr . z"zg aq,f t,,.'iiii,l TOTAL $QUARE F00TACE 0f LEfIERS . B.Sdr eq.ft. ,* i.jrtr tl / tt \ - r(/#d^" -ffietl {^rr$ bF } le,fr*M i: j * Fry *,,f/ / o,.,,*ry rlt !i','l;:!'I$it!tr'; I $ \ $ .Q li; I . ilcr z? ,e3 1sr3e vRrL SKTJENTnLS .. l o ! I i ] I I B J41"'-l-.ts \J TlilN |Ft ,IFIL tl14-DEt"l r rrfrr r- 47e-:il i I APPI,ICATTON DATE s r sH /ei$r 1-H0 -AEgJiIgtrT i[g]q ;'-t tr :E,F-o*r.4ab-554Q "t$s A-?-ll ( (i-ease trlnt or TypE)-. I - r | . lt ---__ __l_ -z-- ^\AHE oF FRo-'Ecr --* ( ,vr-t-i n -t+:It* -6?9-orf: ,?t?l: ,ilrl4E 0F pER$oN i] uBr,rr 1:r i l-rs =k-a.Ka r\a Efu-ncnn #b -5?3v "55tt NF ,sfaTURg Otr' $lffAF. i,,.1iAif rr1N rrF pRflrllfl, 2S-^</-Of:.-4 +." THH l:. , ,1rll'lG lt"l 1i:,i:ii1i-.1'.j,-i'r .i,j "Hi,'l-Jii.t: S'fR =iBt4;TTAL BY THE APP,i ,i,.,.::: JjRIOR 'l'1l 'j'rlij ji118Ljl!:.i'J kETl;("j SilHEil'*x;'rl,D BE['ORE tHE DESIGN "\fJ v ,l i rl A. DES*ITpTIOl'.l rrg THE" $TGt\r,rAi.-.,I\.Il,iG {fREE STANDI}lC, WALL, FRO,"lii.ll l i'lc, ETC) , INilLI,iIiE $:lGN l'1tl:;SAGE tl SIGN OR At4NIl'lG lf;A'l'EEiAt, I t SIZE OF OVER.AI,L STGI..I,1r.4r.rn!i!- ?r11 I ,.\rlr'' Irir'_ :Ilf\, j.vJ '1 r :rLIJrJ ,} n HE"TGTIT .,F flI,Cil AEOVtr iJF.A]..':E f t SCR:BE T-Ifj.:r I1I,itj iE''( i rITII';G 0R FF:i:iFi:J.i:-.:\ LENGTH OT BU$TNESS FRONT}.GE {}iT) CONDOMINIUM ASS, _-IA?Iijl\j AFpRiJUAL rtn.FAt-11\ RSPI{IF-ED MATP.+IAL$*.SUBI'II T TED WI TH APPL I CAT I oN 1. - $jte Ffarr El.evatiu;is $howing exact location of elgn auning on the building Fhotographs showi.ng proposed Iocation Colored scale draulng $ample of proposed naterials6. - PhotograFh of sign if available J- 4. q $igrr Adrninistrator OV[R -w'@ __ -----_.----..-. :-.=.-=r ={ ,. Project Application Projecl Name: Pro ject Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone. Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by D ISAPPROVA t Summary: f ,,",, Approvar b ner 'l OI -1 APPLICATION DATE ST GH/AIYI{ TNG APPLI E},TTON Curtin-Hi-11 Soorts (Please NAME OF NAI,IE OF ADDRESS NAME OF Print or Type) PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING JacK Curtin 311 Bridee St. Vail PHoNE_4.25_J142_ OWNER HONE Ir76-\\lr? ADDRESS 311 Bri dge St. Vai I STGNATT'RE OF OWNER LOCATION OF PROJECT ON north and west sides of buildins DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT red awnings to match existlng ones o! west side of brrildine - see hl ue nrint THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. ..-., A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, PROJECTING, ETC) ' INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE.@ is l-9.5'wide with a 51ttslope over the extending roof & a 13" va.lance. The mitre corner awning starts on the north side a.nd ends on the ues'/ sid,sriv{ js )l't".t /O', respec*)v+l>1 ,"*i|'L* r^-. F' r1i'l r" ccr n'L\ -ii oLso Vu,,- a. 5/" s/ryo V /J"ya,(a--e.-e . I a/"i"+ OnV;957-,s)oLI !{.h'(LN drttv tili.'---t *fu^s,a."< slit c'- cJa><Ly e.riph1X'i"r*afo^z Y,,tt&,1 )'s'"I'LP: lG' lf*t1l'":7 : ,b" ta4&."'a--'*' t*traLr,t(-^*r- aJ\!_sl+k,t s)'yl:''.T"' tr!) -5e1 .*r{Lw)^-"..'Thp d oot'et "-t*""n ,t 4/v aa/* ,/ an.e V{^a* l.rai siJ.o+-' " J lJ / B,,4t0,+) t rgG ,,i,t,t-t4? t4-L3 SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE No s isnaee on awninss OF LETTERING AND LOGO n HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED)None LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL | .'' V - G. H. not applicable (ATTACH) FEE: $2!.q.4 PLUS $1.00 PEAdiqUABE Foor oF SIGN^+RF-pAtD ;r,'-, cHECK NO. u'/,/\> DAIE t-/ t;^l'q3 v) REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION Site Plan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials Photograph of sign if available 'l z- c. Siqn Administrator OVER TO: SIGI.I APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the following infornation is required: 1. 2. J. A. A completed sign/awriing application (attached) . A site plan showing the exact location where the signis to be located. A photograph if possible and building elevation showing the location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which detaiLs the design of the sign' as foLlows: (a) Colored exactly as sign will be.(b) A list of rnaterials to be used in sign (rnetal, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size. 5. ff an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning i8 at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of ligbting that wiII be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not altowed to shine through the entire awning which calIs undue attention to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS L. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. ne speciiic. Vagueness on design, size, construction rnay delay the approval of Your sign. 3. Measure frontage of business, APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any locaI, state or i:'ederal agency other than t.he Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Exarnples of such review, may include, but are not }imit.ect to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicant's requestr dDY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter t.o be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hry the Comrnunity Development DePartnent to have significant design, Iand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other that town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant j.s needed to review any application, Comrnunity Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amounL shall be forwarded Lo the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application etith the Corn'nunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consult.int which have not been paid to the consult.ant shall be returned to the apPlicant. Exfrenses incurred by the Town in excess of r he anount forwarded by t.he applicant sha1l be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. *ril-*;&I /v's r"la l?'{" "t-ik I ni|trl_ c,tt',,-oa-T"f % =t */irr<Yhg^ cb'\ia a*'l'J,t ,1J14^Jl- ,Jq" v{,V,q u--t^Xo^lL ^"t uuUlonohh;d;'A u*4 /a-^o- a U I a-b"^? -,ufut=;J,q t Project Application Pro ject Name: Pro ject Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Co m ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Date Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Staff Approval APPLICATION DATE S I GN/AT{NING APPLI CATION (Please NAME OF NAI'IE OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS Print or Type) PROJECT t: j.1:1. arrl1d inq / -rat1 3kl llenlal s ' f nc. Lt76-" < .a42PERSON SUBMITTING ? ('+ / I 1 1. '-r::i" d ae 1 t rr: ',, I "rck:urtin :1anehe, l. -r-11 OWNER '-l-r"! 11 r'e Str,-.et, tf a)l et4<7 SIGNATT'RE OF OI{IIER LOCATION OF PROJECT Z ,<lt / .,"11 ?rid,rr: -et, , ..t:Jl_1 , 1A 81557 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT f nstaL.l lnrr net\t ca.nvas on e:rl sltlnq awnln.q f rame:; 4iy1rl p:1lrlt j n1r :oTitetcial wlldOW JarnS to m::.tch.The color a-nrri-L1t-s5,td.n -iiervthlnn to renaln. the sarne. THE FOLLOWING ]NFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE IHE RBVIEW BOARD. SIGN/AWNING (FREE STANDING, WALL, So11C -{!i\rnin!s. DESIGN A. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECTING, ETC), I/at1 3kt.:rentals INCLUDE SIGN MESSAGE. - maten the e:<1 stlnf s!'lanes anri sl zes hcr"Jerrel thg alnlnps lvl.l l. be soltrl anj not strl SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL llat1 3ki ii..'nta-ls S,i lulhn, aXct LETTERING AND LOGO I ,lI 7 /s"r>\_r**y f) E. F SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXTST]NG OR PROPOSED)ex1 st1nr LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) Site P1an Etevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building Photographs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed rnaterials Photograph of sign if available -ll-L ILr.n t LJr DESCRIBE coNDoMrNruM AssocrATroN APPRovAL (ATTAcHI (. p,4) FEE: S20,00 PLUS 51.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN ABFA/- -zxoVb/ {/'..LfucHEcK No. 6?5/ DATE 6/q/'/< 1 z ? 5. 6. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF Siqn Adminislrator OVER TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for signs are submitted, the followinginformation is reguired: A completed sign,/awning application (attached) . A site plan showing the exact focation where the signis to be located. A photograph if possible and buiLding elevation showingthe Location of the proposed sign. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as folLows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wi]] be.(b) A list of materials to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, paint, etc.)(c) Photograph of sign if available.(d) Specific lettering style and size, 5. ff an awning is proposed, submit drawings showing exactly how and where the awning is attached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that will be used in conjunction with the sign or awning: . If proposing an awning, Iighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which cal1s undue attent.ion to the business. Lighting may spotlight only the actual sign lettering on the awning. RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS 1. Check sign code - verify site, height etc. 2. Be specific. Vagueness on design, slze, construction may delay the approval of your sign.3, Measure front.age of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REOUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION 5(IBMTTTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any local, State or i.'ederal agency other than the Town of ValI, the app).j-caLion fee shal1 be increased by $200.00. Examples of such revi.ew, may include, but are not lirnj.ted to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404r etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicant.'s request, any matLer is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shalL be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed hy the Community Development Department Lo have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may reguire review by consuftants other tirat town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, Community Development may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Com,nunity Development Departnent. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consult.lnt which have not been paid to the consultant shalI be returned to the applicant. Ex;renses incurred by the Town in excess of r he amount forwarded by the applicant sha]I be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. o MRS. CORTI/AIYDT T. III a TJ TJ 12 Decembe" l-990 IIr. Andy Knudtsen Connunlty Deve.lopmelit Department Town of Val1 Va11, eo. 81557 Dear Mr. Knudtsen, As Presldent of the One VatI Place CondoralnlunAssoclatlon, thls letter Approves the requestedawnlng, color and slqnaqe proposal of Curiln-9111, T,tcl. whlch they propose at 244 t,la1l$treet, One Vall F1ace. Should you need further docurnentatlon orlnformatlon please call my offlce 476-5542. fhank you. Slncerely, . I I 6&w Mrs. Cortlandt T. i1111 Presldent One Val1 Place CondonLnlurn Assoclatlon a I Project Application s, /z- t7 7d Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Lesar Descriprion: Lot-,r,o"n* 5-C ,ru^s 1/o./ //rlo]-f! .7sns ((J* commenrs: 'z{4. t^l aU Sl... I C- / Design Review Board Motion by: ( nA n seconded or, /fuEtllf, nytf,4;;;) \*:- Date 12 - lf- lo D ISAPPROVAL /2 - 14 - ?o Wh;|. rrfl 1i--,- b "ry(;.a-*{ elnlod ao (o'r|r^ /Urt t,I^- ) ,:-:t* ,,r <-/^^6 <.t4d<. glr"J ,W;l=l,rl,,o 1 ,47rro-Lrr-"..^f )z a(L /, L"* 't.E d { t rF--.-f . e-/ 13 [+.J, /-^r 4 *t <? sl 4t;fu,st,,f ^-l 7 /'s t:1c -ffi-7'v4 4' j " Q" f q" 3.o 4 4 p**/ <3A "-U*J C-tuuusol;^ "s/ Jo.L Cu f *.n t.f elao lJo l,7hJ i^ ", ls 'tlu " no *,L a^'+'taz? tk uirl f( i.4 l,fkr /r*^ ffi' ,,, t2*rr?a , hro - L .a,// /'2";L n/, /" nr4' o (t*7*"/ nU t,[^ .*i.---1u /"-,^- ?n'*ft: tr/'' a't t/" = 3s7" 4s? T, al / t'.'' ,l 11l ',s lr 1 ,7,1 5 t 'A r?/ tr ^*&:r'lni'r if i i.i't' : :TOS SIGN TPPIJCAIITS lflren aPpllcatLons for elgns are eubmlttcd, tbe tolloulng Lnfotnatl.on ls reguired: 1. I coupleted elgn/annlng appllcatlon (attachedl). 2. A slte plan shoulng ttre Fxaet locatLon vbere tbe clgn Ls to be located. 3. t ptrotoEraptr lf po'ssible and bulldlng clevatlon rborlng tuL tocitlon of the proPoeed s19m. 4. A ecaled drawing which details the deslgn of the 819n, as follous: (al Colored exactly.as sigm rl'11 be. ili A tigt of aateiials to be used ln sign (netal, uood, canvas, Paint etc.)(c) Photograph of sign lf available. iai specliic-letterinE style and size. 5. ff an awnLng ls proPosed, subnit drawlnEs shouing exactly how-and rttrere the awning ls attached to tbe butlding and how tlre awning I's to be constnrcted' 6. Description of lighting ttrat uilI be ueed In co"j""-ition sith €rre sign or awning.- .rf proposing. an awning, Iighting ls not-allosed to shine tlrrough the tntirE'awning wtrlctr calls undue attentl'on to the lusiness.- -i.igrriing llay spotllEbt onty tbe actual slgn letterlng on the awning. RECOI.II'TENDATIONS OR POT!fiTERS 1. Check elErn code - verlfY al'te, height etc.t: il-;teciifc. vagueness-on deslgm,- g.tze, const:iuctlon aay delay tlre approval of yo3r EIElrl. 3. tteaslrre trontage of business. EEE3 A SZO.OO APPIJCATION EEE III!I., BE REQUIRED ATlItsE TII{E OF }PPIJC,ATION. ' ,'! Ii I t*\ r b f;fl:'C hJCV $ tl; rli'lli APPLICATION DATE BIGN/lmfNG IPPITICATfON (Please NAt'r8 0F NAI{E OF ADDRESS NATIIE OF 3ill3"3' ry""tf ur+. " - r\ i tr Ll o' pERsoN suBlrrrrrN n /f-ea A 4> i mo rrn*enonn 47(p - ti 13 9-4q tJatlT C-t COIINER ADDRESS_ SIGIITTUNE OF ONTER I'CABTON OT PROJESI / /a.;l € tace -f, ci/e,l qfrI€ - ( -t rarEqr A).eus f"t1a\ | 5{'' < THE FOII'WING INFORI.IATION IS REOUTRED FOR SUBUIT1TAL BY THE APPTICANT PRIOR TO THE NEQUEST BEING SCHEDUI,ED BETORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF TIIE SIGN,/AITNING (FREE STN{DING, WAI,L, PRO.'ECTING, ETC}, INCLUDE SIGN UESSAGE. l( Guonto tn Av I,U e f€a rY\ ,4 srcN oR AwNrNc uATERTAL ( '4'14'u a 5 =- c. srzE oF ovERALt SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERTNG AND IpGO B. D. 8. HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE q €+. DESCRIBE TJGHTTNG (EXISTING OR PROPOSED) ./1t.i n l,/l-r01o5 raNGrH oF BUsrNEss FR.NTAGE (rr) -/b' I d'ls* s':t CONDOT'TINIU}T ASSOCIATION APPROVAI, _. fAT"ACHI $20.o0 FEE PArD_ CHECK*- F. G. H. REOUTRED UABERTAI,S SUBI.IITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. -.- Site Plan2. -JZ Elevations showing exact location of sign or - awning on the building3. g Photolraphs sboulng pioposed location 4. -E Colored scale drawing5. - SanPle of ProPosed materlars 6. =: Phoiograph'of-sign lf available Sign Adnlnistrator box 1O{) vail, colorado 8t 657 (3031 476-5613 0ctober 22, 1982 Col i n G'leason Vail Ski Rentals 254 Bridge St. Vail, Colorado 81657 department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 10-20-82 Dear Bruce: 0n 0ctober ?0, 1982 the Design Review Board approved tlvo new hanging signs and one window sign for Vail Ski Rentals. The wjndow sign should be limited to 1.5 square feet. Al'l existing signs should be rimoved. Care should also be'taken in the materials,-col6rs and craftsmanshipin addressing the areas which are now covered by signs. The Design Review Board also asked me to express their appreciation in fixing up your "rear" door. Si ncerely, A/'/;7- /7.-rvt_.- ,/Tt'Jim Sayre Town Planner JS:df Proiect Application I Date - )t? lI.\Ii sri:r.llilProject Name: Project Descriplion: Contacl Person and 2'l ?, r :, x ?,' sandi,Tffitphone :i r,. "llil' 1l,,fiAstt,'- / lr?6-5jl? ,/ \'Aii JK.i: qiaii'l'Al:j Owner. Address and Phone:sanie rti a bcve Architect,AddressandPhone: .qa-'cF I qI,i,FlI /:'Al'i'11.|ie L iT,:.(:-:, ':;-(r .cd 5??t i:lld;,:ill::I rrl-, il1{32 (z':,1,'l ' 2.( -Jo\( Legal Description: Lot Block Zone --r Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ft\ svrtmt t'rr{-' , 1,.; b uttt^,Wa^J ar-t n1ttt, '' t.\P?utu*{: E2,ta/>*, HL-L.-- 'T,-F il:tlf Elt/-+r b comments: rnl'ilSr belee/l':go ba a r-t,., "./tc Qlr,rJ Fl fulC... n E statt Approval EDLIARDS, CQ. 81632 PE# 926-3056 fiEr VAI! St(I BENTALS/ 2$r Brlilge St./ Va1l, Co,/ 4?6-533? Aftl{r l,!r. Peter Janat/ Stgn Adnlnlstrator Ilept. of Cornnunlty Developurent Tom of ValI ?5 South F'rontage Rd, val]., Co.81657 Dear llr. Jannan, Avarlance for a elgn "vAIt SKI REI{TAL$'' logo, to be palnted upon the glass door of the rest entry ls brought up to your attentlon anil consldera- tlon for approval, lfe flntl that 4 sq. ft. le aLlorable for the reet €ntrT. Upon our revlew of the entrance ray stnrcture, lt ls not feaelble to afflx a elgn around ttre entry other than on the 6Lase door ltself, The slze of the Logo ls to be 15tt 1 39n - 3,I2 sq. ft. At thle potnt ln tine there ls no means of ldentlftcatton for the custoner trafflc to thtg brelness entry. tJe regard thls ldenttflcatlon as lnperattve to allevlate any confirslon to the tourlet a&d consuner, Wd ask for your understandlng and approval on thls varLa,nce, rlth re- garila 1n falrnees to both tnrelneee and the publlc, ln order to Lessen the hlnile:anee ancl eonfirslon ttrat ls prevelant. Bespectfully, Je*aw\ Bruce D, Allen o 0C10BER 4,t982 BRUCE D. AI.LD{ PAINTING & SIqNS P.0, sx 579 ) ., a htryn box lfi) wil, colorado 81657 {flr3) 476-5613 0ctober 14, L982 T0: DESIGN REVIEhI B0ARD FR0il: Department of Conmunity Development Description of Variance Requested department of community dwelopment RE: The appficant, Vail Ski Rentals, is seeking a variance from section 16,20.220, entitled "Window Signs", of the Sign Code.This section allows 1.5 square feet of sign for the display of the name of a business. Vail Ski Rentals is requesting'a windowidentification sign which is approximately three sguare feet. This window sign will be placed on the western entrance to Vai'l Ski Rentals, just across from One Vail.Place. The applicant is a'lso requesting that the iesign Review Board approve two new "Vail Ski Rental" signs whjch rvill replace theexisting white and gold signs. These signs meet sign'code requi'rements and are not part of this variance request. Cliteria for Approval Before the board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship, and the board must find that:A. There are specia'l circumstances or conditions applying tothe land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sigir structuresor other matters on adjacent iots or within the adjacentrlght-of-waJ, which would substantially restrict the effective- ness of the sign in question; provided, however, that suchspecial circumstances or conditions are unique to the particular business or enterprise to which the applicant desires to drawattention, and do not apply generally to al1 businesses or enterpri ses;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicant a.. Page 2 0r anyone in privy to the app'licanti That the granting of the varjance t.li'll be in general hannony with the purposes of this title, and will not be materia'l'ly detrimental to the persons residing or work'ingin the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood,or to the public welfare in general; The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to identify theapplicant's business or use;E. Such other factors and criteria as the design review board deems applicable to the proposed variance. Staff Recommendation ":. c. D. The Department of Corrnunity Deve'lopnrent recorm.ends approval of the requested variance. A physical hardship is apparent becauseVail Ski Rentals have three separate entrances on three facades. This window sign will serve to identify the business on the western facade. The sign wiI'l not create visual clutter. ,rl td ,fra { R R= nc\\) x\ o *12 t.yt\{ \J\7 ,^'u[*\ \' trrl { i,rz T, QQS2 Oa .ii'" PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Vail Ski Rentals has appf ied for a sign code variance for their Commercial Space located within the Hill Buildjng, a portion of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vajl Village lst Filing to allow three signs. Application has been made in accordance with Section 16.36.020 of the Vail Municipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held in accordance with Section 16.36.040 of the Municipal Code on October 20, 1982 at 2:00 p.m. before the Town of Vail Design Review Board. The application and informatjon relating to the proposed change is available in the Zon'i ng Administrator's offjce during regular business hours for revjew or inspection by the public. T0l,lN 0F VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Peter Jamar Zoning Administrator Published in the Vajl Trail on 0ctober 8, 1982. ao J 1,,' l',1 irl 5l{,il ll,l'l I' ilOil t7Y2- l,lanrc ol flanre of Locati on urrr.j'c, t/lJ.-SttRtffi !='- Pcr:on St,:,'i, i ttin:!/-e@- of Projcct 25{ 8n,ot€ 57- -\[D e s c r i p t i on o F p r o j r: "t &-$tAg _- _ F.Ees2esD _St*."A_ g_UfA_-p.ft rrs The following infonnation is required for subm.ittal byto the Design Revievr Board before a final approvai can Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material ,R,I\E6 + ENA the appl'ican L bc Aiven. B, Description of Sign ENAN ED R.E An, C. ' Size of Sign - *. FT Q.' .' 3-5' . _ D. Comments T ou€R *. E'oN r roks l. Site P]an ?. Drawingi sFoiliig:exa?t location 4. Actual Sign 9. Photographs snow'ing proposed loci-tj-lon-_-4. Actual Sion 9. ColoredF icaTeTrarvfigl-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Subnrittal Disapproved for DtiB subnrittil-- Sign Adrrrinistrator I.This procedure The application NAI,IE OF ADDRESS NAITE OF APP],TCANT ' S APPLICATION FOR A SIGN vARIAI,\icE is reguired for any project will not be accepted until APPLICANT '6r/ b*,t. reque.sting a Variance. aLl information is submitte, PIIONE A. B.REPRTSENT. ATIVE uceD lf.o -il; ADDRE'' Fo Bax Stq gn,,tnDs.G- C. AUTHORIZATION OWNER SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.IOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS I,EGAT DESCRIPTION FE8. 920.00. ;,i. t: , 1ot bLock Filing E. ,t-\ e.t lnwn box 1fi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 Fl october I+: LgBz T0: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FR0M: Department of Comrnunity Development RE: Vai'l Ski Rental Siqn Variance Descriptio{r of Variance Requested department of community development The applicant, Vail Skj Rentals, is seeking a variance from section 16.20.220, entitled "l'lindow Signs", of the Sign Code.This section allows 1.5 square feet of sign for the display ofthe name of a business. Vail Ski Rentals-is requesting-a windowidentification sign which is approximateiy thred square feet. This window sign will be p'laced on the western entrance to VailSki Rentals, just across from One Vail Place. The applicant is a'lso requesting that the Design Review Board approve two new "Vail Ski Renta'l', signs which rvill rep'lace theexisting white and gold signs. Thesi signs meet s.ign code requirements and are not part of this variance requEst. Criteria for Approval Before the board acts on a variance application, the applicant must prove physical hardship, and the board must find that:A. There are .special circumstances or conditions applying tothe land, buildings, topography, vegetation, sigit !tructuresor other matters on adjacent lots or within the adjacentright-of-way, which would substantially restrict the effective- ness of the sign in question; provided, however, that suchspecial circumstances or conditions are unique to the particu'lar business or enterprise to which the applicant desires lo drawattention, and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterpri ses;B. That such special circumstances were not created by the app'licant . Page 2 or anyone in privy to the applicant; :r C. That the granting of the variance will be in general hannony w'ith the purposes of this title, and wjll not be materially detrimenta'l to the persons res'iding or workingin the vicinity, to adjacent property, to the neighborhood, or to the public welfare in general;D. The variance applied for does not depart from the provisions of this title any more than is required to 'identify tlre applicant's business or use;E. Such other factors and criteria as the des'ign review board deems appljcab'le to the proposed variance. Staff Recommendation The Department of Community Development reconnends approval of the requested variance. A physical hardship is apparent because Vail Ski Rentals have three separate entrances on three facades. This window sign wi1l serve to identify the business on the western facade. The sign will not create visual clutter. I ITI hF o.v7'<' 8. a+_) { *'ho g iJE9s q,l q.q Fotl-P ta c( 4 TJ o sa,li a< A'\ ,aU -\\ ll^r d' ,,t\ i \ ql ., 'd( )< i \&' oorl" rva\ .*,rfr l, ^3\ oo