Fz;/ 7
Fta{'fuY--f{c trrT
Planning and Environmental Commission
February .|3, .1984
Scott Edwards
Duane Piper
,lim Viel e
Howard Rapson
Gordon Pierce
The meeting was called to
moved and Rapson seconded
vote was 4-0.
Dick Ryan
Peter Patten
Tom Braun
Betsy Rosolack
order at l:12 pm by the chairman, Duane piper. Vielet0 approve the minutes of the January 23 meeting. The
2.uest for a side setback variance in order to remodel a le I non-conformi
pp r 't can e roa i,lyc
Tom Braun presented the proposal and explained25 feet, so side setbacks altually overi ap onewould resu'lt in a net loss of 14 iq ft GRFA.
that the width of the lots wereanother. He added that the proposal
After discussion, ,lim Viele moved and son seconded to rove the uestfindinq that it woufd-n6 a qran oTs aI prlvl leqe wou ld n0!o tle public health. sa et or we are or materially i url ous ert'i esor'tmprovements in the v cln was warrantealnterpretation wou
ause the strlc or tltera
T ract LA or unnecessa s'ical hardshie vote was 4-
(qquest to convert the Crest Hotel on Lot I Vail Lionshead 2nd Filin
condomt ni ums fol Iow n on t/.o v'lsron Requ t a 0ns.cant: Sun Va I nc.
Peter Patten reported thatto the February 27 meeting
contract with the owners.
iust that morning the applicant asked
because of problems they had run into
to table this
with their
table to the
favor.meetinq oI 2/27 as asked b
5.Exterior alteration request for a seasonal greenhouse encl
Peter Patten showed an elevation that included thirdthe greenhouse type covering. He reminded the board
1 ?gtll,inking_Pirate Ship park and the mountain path
a. condition of approval in a lgg2 request, and wbuldthls request, as we1 I as sub-area concept 10, paving
story condominiums, and showedthat the construction ofto Hanson Ranch Road wasalso be a condition with
Seibert Circle.
PEC r/27/84 -2-
Jim Columbo, architect for the applicant explained that everything would beretractable, including the 91 ass roof sections.
/ (Gordon arrived. )t Patten felt that this type of enclosure would be beneficial to the Town becausejLwould allow for use of the decks in the winter and shoulder season months,while returning the deck to "open air." He then read the A conOiiions. Columbostated that the applicant agreed with all 6 conditions
More di'scussion of the removal of the windowsthat the vertical windows would be removed and
",ldimo,l5 !.0-j. ptember Is.
followed, and Columbo explained
stored off of the property from
Rapson moved and Pierce seconded to approve the request wi
section of CCI and
6' raswest deck fo ant: Bridge Street
,-;-.' ] ,.", -. , . qa LrvErre
9191,1v;1 "xnfeJnuJh. ".qr.rtlvirf !rr" two condirio!1!, ?ne being,.that the siassPPnFIF,at^!he,gpdqstrjan ldvel north and west be rernoVeo tbtaily irom,:une-t6 --
throDlh Septem$Er t5:'. Cotumbo, archiiect tor the ippii;.;i; stated that the roofpanels would not be removable.- Pierce-suggested a snow removal prob'l em from theroof' and support of the roof was aiscuis6d, with cotilbo-;;serting that therewould be structural accommodation ,ua.-io support the roof.(
ugst-for-a side setback variance of I3.5 feet in order to build a qara
cant; " l-!jchae pert
Braun expl ained
be a garage, butbuild a garage
Gordon Pierce, architect forto build a garagg-where-the.
trad about .|000's{daFd'feet
the request and added that original)y tne carport was approvedthe. applicant now wanted to plice a ituaio-itn'ii.r; ;;;d;i "
on the other side of the propbrty.
ppl icant, stated that he did not know of a proposal
Fqi-at prqqe1t.- ft:mentioned'that.-the appt i bantnot yet used.
Edwards stated that,according to the material he had received about issuing variances,he could see no hardship tn irrii iiie.'t'pieirce said that in the past, cuttingtrees was looked upon as..a harustrip.- l,lore discussion iotlowed.concerning a possiblehardship in this cise. viete iett'itut-t. needed more informarron.
carol ,Duddy, owner of lot 8 on the east adjacent to the carport asked if the carportwoutd be removed ir the ga"ugl ".."-nriri;Y:i;;"j;;J':ir.,il'!. it,.sf,ood ,now, -iitleast the carport was open. she objected to changi;g ih;-.i.port to a soridstructure.
opr, 1/27/84 -3-
P!e4ce. requested to table the request until the February 27 meetinq. Edwardsmoved and Raoson seconded to table per t
Exterior alteration request to install portable plexiglass windows for the
Dick Ryan presented the request
because the change would be out
unenforceabl e.
and stated that the staff recommended denialof character with the Village and would be basically
-r: . ^r- -. r,'. i , ''
ittrgt il ttttyqli
ni iriti6o
RnaE ln tn9;evgnln
He requestgd-tojfelt that
soften i ng
the solution wduld be better forof the material on the back wall to
Kelemen, applicant, stated that during rain, the water blew in. Edwards statedthat he lvas on the PEC when the enc'loiure was approved or.iginaily.. He felt thatany problems resulting from.the first approval iirould be bdtween the tenant andthe owners. I'lore discussion contined.
Edwards ed and Rapson seconded to deny the request because it was out of charactertaqewoustcaunenforceab le.vote to env was
_ t-3ijt ..
Vir.ri, r, :J: :
I eas: t^-^
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't:c-: !i i ,
Planninq and Environmental Commission
Commun'ity Deve'l opment Depaitment
February 9, 1984
SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a request'ior hnr ': ---and modification for a seasonal greenhouse enclosureof an existing west deck of Valentjno's Restaurant
Appl_icant: Brt'dge Street Restaurant Associates" Ltd.(.,., '.' ollL ,_ t,. i ,rr\: i.r ,.i:: ,,i ... ._-
RtrUtST:t rof ore studv, He felr_ that the solution wouio:=t:.r: " - .-i:..-.:tr : c^f lrrl jnC Of th,: i::f o-j:l OF
exterior altethtionof 308 square feet
-il(-,. .- l-r v''
l-' ^ !.^++ ^.^ r^.^I,C UCLLtrI IUI
+1.^ L^^t_ , ,- rL : UOt_!. !ia, Ihe. request_is !o conslruct a greenhouse enclcsure of 308 sq ft on the west.. -dF-cLqr€-apf Valentino's restau!^ant. The expansion would cdme out 8 feet and' nreet'tne bui'1"din!f wi1]^b?bertb thtr sbirth.rnTh-e -eh'tiie'b'xbnnrqbfr qs titffin ih"
,,", "llit9 building,proper.tJl.glt!.._!v.ould b-e Extended: to the i,restngr$itrrt$c!ihtst tne' - Tront pane'ls along the d?rck t'evet at-e!'prbpos'ed' to bb r-enioviUtb: ihe n6W glassroof extended would be permanent stationary panels. The north elevation would
be clear glass ttrat would.not be _removed during the surnmer months.
The area immediately west of the
agreed to lease for the purpose
part of Donovan's outside deck.
proposal is land that the Town of Vail hasof an outside patio. This"was originaliy_
The Commercial Core I district is intended to prcvide sites and to maintain
the_unique character of the vail village commercial area, with its mixtureof lodges and cornmercial establishmenti in a predominantiy pedestrian environ-ment. The cornmercial core I district is intended to ensuie'adequate 1ight,air,,open space' and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types"oi'Dyllorngs and uses. The district regulations 'in accordance with the vail
Yl]]qg:,!.lan.Design Guide Plan and besign Considerations prescribe deve'lopmentstandards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of'
lng tightly clustered arrangements of bu'ild'ings fronting oh pedestrianways
ano puDllc greenways, and to ensure continuation of the bui'l dinq scale andarchitectural qualities that distinguish the village.
The proposal is 'i n compljance with the purpose section of the commercialCore I zone district.
-f Va]entino's 2/9/84
The Urban Design Guide Plan states that dining decks contribute to
ness of a busy street, making a richer pedestrian experience. Thethe existing patio area for dining throughout the year will enhance
f ife along Bridge Street, and wjJil..,be in conformance with the p1 an.
URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ' : lleri:'-A. Pedestr,ianiza{jOn, , n, <- ;cirsu,,i , c:: ,,ve-. - ... . ., . ::*€. - ;:.^l: O+ il:. i.',':i irri..- -r ; _3;r,
The enclosure of the patio should not have any negative impacts uponpedestrian circulation along Wall Steet and should improve the pedestrianI ll" E*Ferience in the winter nionthi. ' ' : '
B.- Vehic'le Penatratjsn.i;a'- a greerrnouse enctcsuii,:..3ur; s.,. :t_ on rne west
the I ivel i-
use of
the street
- ,_.t:
nlcerNOr ChangmritJ rlo rt e!;^- ;Cr IneI-r: -. --: .i..- -' ?^' 1 :C. Streetscape Framework
I i-:ll ci'L:i.:: i.j ,j(!,,'ra ,)f De:'naneni stationarV Dane j:. lhe trollh et1\;.-:'i0n \vr-)tj i.t.The addition of peopte dining on the patio during the winter will improvethe quality of the walking eiperience'and wi'll piovide more street rifeand visual interest. The enclosure of the deck'in the summer, however,would eliminate an open space which as had an exciting relationship tothe plaza and and provides a strong sense of activity ior the pedesirian.
The applicants are not proposing t6 enclose the deck-during thb summermonths.completely. They propose to remove the glass paneli at the pedes-trlan tevel during the summer and re-install them in winrer.
D. Street Enclosure
The street enc'losiire does not change by the proposal.
E. Street Edqe- -
men, The Urban Deqjgn euide plan states that plazas, patios, .and green areasare.important focal points for.gathering,-.resting, and.orienting ana.shouldbe dis.tributed throulhout the viliage with consiieration to spaiing,
Y: l1!,o ana.€ssirppponLuniSies",for;vievr,, and..pedesJ.rjan- a_ctjvj.ty. ,:., -..:. ,"., _
The.total .glass approach provides excellent transparency during the fail,arr.9d!Rteran#sprirrg8eas'ons,..,...:i.l.i'.
F. Building Heisht
j,ir' ' !-OLJi:: | 'r \ 1,, c()ltlt, i'i .r!.j,:r- vr r'i.i .1.. i_ r, --:._
No change.
G. Views
No change
fl,. Sgrvice gnd DeI ivery_ _. ,i- - _ : _-,
No. change
I. Sun/Shade
The project will
pub'li c property.
z0lrrNG copE c0NSLpEMTT0NS
not increase shadows on
-3- vfuino's ?/g/s4
adjacent property or
.€^ L'a
A. Parking :. . ..,
' -., . .: i.,' '-l?- r. .r. .Tlie.qpp'licant,witr5 qe r"equii,fed to pay-a parking feeper eacn 8 seats provided. The fee would need to be,. iqlgaqce ot g-,-!U1,_!4ins permit.
The Community Devtilopmentserpartrnent istlff rr'eiijnimends apfroval 'of the proposalto enclose 308 square feet oi varentino's patio wrirr tnt'roitowing;;iliii;;;;
'l'That the glass pun:]:,u! tfe pedestrian 'r.ever
1or!h,and west'ne removed totalryfrom ,.lune 'r5th throush september-rsih: hr; ;;.i-ffit-ii,ii""JrT; ;il;;;; ;;;'"outdoor atmosphere during tle summer season that many consider an asset for VaiI
2'The applicant oarticipates in and not remonstnates against a specia'l improvementdistrict if ani when formed fo" Vaii Vi.t1age.
Failure upon the aoolicant's part to comply with these conditions.will resultjt l!]: comrnunr'ty"Dbve.lopment bepartmen!' hisarlowing food and beverage serviceon this deck, unless prbvious ii:iaigur"nts have be6n made with our department.
-.' r: -: ,-- .. . ; . j -:jir
:' 'l l-'r' ::t r1,a?Stri '.'
based upon one space
paid prion to the
..,:r-aa:: .rFlv.r ?as e).ac l1hY ? ) :. r , c i ) : 6 /r r, / , i .^,rbrn^
75 south frontage road
vail. colorado 81657
(303) 476_7000
November l9, 'l 984
Mr. Carl E. Andrews
Vice President
P.0. Box 82778
Da]l as, Texas 75283
Dear Mr. Andrews,
ofilcl of communlty deyelopmcnl
. Re: Plaza Lodge Loading Zone
In,response lq ygy" letter concerning the loadjng zone next to the praza
Looge' I would like to lnfgrm you_that the Town or va;t is beg.inning alllll gl ].ad'ing zones in.the.Viltage area. l.le feel thai-given the numerous
f.:I.I9!Tg!l proposals that have been submitted recenily,-.it is necessaryEo re-evaluate the location and number of existing loading zones. vail
Yill:g: is.already short of toading zones so it ii uniiteiy-ttrat the numberor zones wril be decreased. During.the study, the communiiy DevelopmentDepartment will look at your situalion..
Ifyou have questions about the study, please give me a call,
Sincerelv.t | -i,l
V: J- Y -+1
illtl lqPt lft 6
KP: br
t€ff lnterFrrst
Vice President
P. 0. Box 83778(2r4) 573-4492
InterFlrst Bank Dall6s, NA
Dallas. Texas 75283
(214) 744-8000
0ctober 28, 1984
Mr. Ron Phj l1 ips
Town llanager
75 S. Frontage Road
Vai1, C0 81658
Re: Plaza Lodge
Dear Mr. Phillips:
There js only one loading zone onfront of the Plaza Lodge, and more
Shop. This has created a hardshipI would appreciate it if you would
sideration to periodical ly moving
annual basis.
Bridge Street and it is located in
speci fi ca1 ly, i n front of Carosel I i 's
on the Plaza Lodge and our tenant.
look into this matter and give con-
the loading zone; at least on an
Your prompt attentjon to-.this mqtter is appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
{* { C""
Carl E. Andrews
Trust Real Estate
: . :.., :,.. ;;,..xn.r,:, ..,.i;..,,.. .
/r b
November 8, 1984 w
he downspoul on the
Mrs " Courtlandt Hill
311 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81658
Dear Mrs. Hill:
As counsel for
circled the downspou! as well as the area ;t;. which itcauses the collection of ice.
'Please take measures to remedy this condition so thatits hazardous nature wirr be eradicated. rn observing thepictures it would appear to me that the ao*n"pout courd beeasily made to.drop _straight down from the first storyroofline into the . ted dir6ctry below it and this wourdcompletely remove the problem.
Should plaza L.odge, Inc. be made the object of a claimgrowing out of this -condition created by tlie locaLion anddesign of your drain, please understand we will look to youfor indemnification for all damages. expenses, attorneysfees and court costs shourd any be incurre?--tv -pr.r" r,odge,Inc.
northsiile of your'Uuitd'iE!fr- called to my attention
il::-ll: as it, increases t-he ice d;;."it-;p""-tr,I arley waybetween our buildings This creates a hazard durinq as u b s r a n r i a r p"' i" a
i " i i *" ^
"iir, ;"="?' ? r; rill' ili,. J"l'rT"n
1::.,:: :lat, walkway, r am. encloiirrg ""*. pn"togr"phu whichdepict the condition as ir existef -tti"--i;tr:We have
The Plaza todge
Enclosures (pictures)
CC Mr. Blair FergusonVice president - TrustInterFirst Bank Dallas, N.A.P.O. Box 83792Dallas, Texas 75293
CC !,1r. Thos. D. EoganSenior viee president
InterFirst Bank DaIIas, N.A.P. O. Box 83273Dallas, Texas 252g3
CC !1r, Robert Oliver, ManagerPlaza Lodge, IncP. 0. Box 68Vail, Colorado gI65g
CC Town Manager
The Town of VailVail, Colorado 9165
75 south fronlage road
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000
July 1l, .|984
Gordon MacGregor
P.0. Box 1722Vail, Colorado 8.l658
offlce of communlly development
Re: Vendetta's (Valentino's)
Dear Gordon,
This letter is written to confirm the aqreement between the vail
?lgllins,staff and.Vendetta's Restaurani tnat the landsciping(tloor planters and trees) will be added to the deck area'no laterthan one week after the restaurant receives approva.l to open.
II^IF llrd:cgpilg.is not added within one week after the opening,tne restaurant will be closed. please sign one copy of this letieragreeing to this condition and return it io us as s-oon as possible.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Si ncerely,
t,tlu^ hl+
Town Planner
KP: br
1l comp'ly
Gordon MacGregor,
Cc ?CtL
)'1 '/' ,/ ,/ ,/,/ 1* t) Z4-Qzz-ez--zc-ze
THIS LEASE is rnade and entered into this 1st day of ].,larch, 1984,
by and between the 'iO\\'l{ OF VAIL, STATE OF COLORADO, a rrrunicipal
eorporation by and through its Town Council hereinafter referred to
inafter referred to as the "Lessee"-
II'HEREAS, the Lcssor is duly autltorized by 1aw to administer
and govern certain ;'ea1 property hereinafter described; and
\lliEREAS, Lessor is willing to lease to Lessee the above-
referenced property, together with such rights and prlvileges a.s
are set forth in this lease agreement; and
\|IIEREAS, the Lessee is desirous of leasing said property and
the inprovements thereon.
NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual eovenants
conditions and promises contained harain rt.'a nor"liss hereto agree
as follows:
T_o<qnr. crrunts IO LeSSee the uSe Of a Certain pargel Of real
property located on the South Frontage Road in the Town of Vai1,
Cou4ty of Eagle and State of Colorado and more particularly set + ^i^+ l^r(JI t/t.l /
a*A 4'^in the survey attac:]ed as Exhibi t- Aah^du+ df,i*"'y'/'-''/"''
-.2..1 S.c,-^-
-"/'Ll 4A<- .
Lessee sha11 use said premlses for a restaurant patio only- No
permanent improvements or es exce r rail ing around the perimeter
Any change in purpose sha11 be
upon the terrns described by the
sha11 be placed ther
only u'ith the consent of the Lessor and
Subject to earlier termination as hereinafter provided, the
term of this agreeirient shalI be the period corrrnc,ncing l.larch 1, 1984,
and endiqg on April 30, 1985. EHST
bv the Lessee
For the use of the premises as set forth herein, Lessee eovenants
agrees to pay Lessor in advance the sum of $2.00 per square foot
annum for a total of $1370.
The Lessee sha1l be 1iab1e for and shal1 prornptly pay for all
charges for gas , eJ-ectri-city, and other utilities rel.ating to the
premises leased by l-'essee. Lessee shal1 promptly pay all ad valorem
taxes on pcrsonal property.
Lessee shall keep and maintain the leased premises and all
irnprovements of any kind thereon in good and substantial repair and
eondition, includlng the exterior condition thereof, and shal1 make
all necessary repairs thereto, including snow removal . Lessee sbal1
provide proper sontainers for trash and garbage and keep the leased
premises free and clear of snov, rubbish, debris, and litter at all
ti-mes. Lessor shall at all ti-mes during ordinar5' business hours have
the right to enter upon and inspect the premises. Such inspection shal1
be made only at a mutually agreeable time.
Lessee agrees to observe and abide by the ordinances of the
Town of Vail, the statutes and regulations of the State of Colorado
and of the United States government witb respect to the use of the
r. _r l5r- i a,rq
Lessee agrees to secure and deLiver to the Torvn a comprehensive
liability insurance policy written on an occurrence basis, including
public liability and propert5. damage in a. form and through a company
acceptable to and approved by the Torvn, covering the premises, and
all operations performed by the Lessee on the prernises in the amount
of $300,000.00 in respeet to any occurrence and aggregate arnount of
$500,000.00 for bodily injury and property damage.
Al-1 such polieies required herein shal1 name the Lessor as
additional insured. A certificate evidencing such insurance, in such
form as the Tori'n may requj-re, shal1 be delivered to the Torvn prior.to
the time the Lessee takes possession of the premises. Each eertj-ficate
or policy sha11 eontain a valid provision of endorsement that: "This
policy shall not be cancelled, or materially changed or altered, with-
out first giving thi-rty (3O) days wrj-tten notice thereof to the Town
of Vai1, Colorado,75 South Frontage Road, Vai1, Colorado, 81657, sent
by certified mail, return receipt requested."
A certificate of renewal sha11 be delivered to the Lessor at
least fifteen (l-5) days prior to the po1ic1''s expiration date, except
for any policies expiring on the date of ttris lease thereafter.
Lessee agrees to indemnifl' atr6 hold harmless Lessor against a1 1
liability for i.njuries to persons or damage to property caused by
Lessee's negligent use or occupancy of the leased premises; provided,
hou'ever, that Lessee sha1l not be 1iab1e for any injury, damage, or
lcss occasioned bi' the rregligence of ihe Lesqor or i"s agents or
employees; and provided further that Lessor sha11 give to Lessee
prompt and tinely notice of any claim rnade or suit instituted rvhich
in any rvay directll' or indlrectly, contingently or otherii'ise, effects
or might effect Lessee, and Lessee shal1 liave the right to compromise
and defend the same to the extent of its own interest.
Lessee sha11 rnake no alterations, additions or inlprovemcnts ih
or to the premises without the Lessor's prior written eonsent. All
such u'ork shafl be performed in a good and worl:rian1ike manner,
Lessee shal1 pay or cause to be paid all costs for work done by
or caused to be done by it in or to the premises and Lessee sha11 keep
the premj,ses free and clear of a.ll mechanicts liens and other liens
on account of rvork done for Lessee or persons claimlng under, Should
any liens be filed or reeorded against the premises or any action
affecting the title thereto to be commenced, Lessee sha11 glve Lessor
written notice thereof, Lessee shall thereafter cause such 1iens,
or claims against the Lessor in lieu of liens, to be removed of
record within five (5) days after the filing thereof. If Lessee
sha1l desire to contest any claim or lien it shall furnish ttre Lessor
with security satisfaetory to the Lessor of at least 150% of the
amount of the c1aim, plus estirnated costs and interest. If a final
judgment establishing the validity or existence of any lien or claim
for any amount as entered, Lessee shall pay and sati.sfy the same at
Prior to the eommeneement oJ any work in or to tbe premises
by Lessee, Lessee sha11 notify the Lessor of the proposed work and
the names and addresses of the persons supplyi,ng labor and materials
for the proposed work. During and prlor to any such work on the
premises, the To$n and its agents sha11 have the right to go upon
and inspect the premises at all reasonable times.
On the er:ni r2f iOn Or ternination Of thiS 1eaSe, LesSee'S rightS
to use of the premises, facilities and serviees described herein sha11
cease, and Lessee shall vacate and surrender the premises to the
Lessor immediately.
The Lessee sha11 be responsi-b1e to put the preniises and improve-
ments back to their ori.ginal condition. A11 alierations, additions
or improvements upon the premises, unless otherwise agreed at the
time Lessor'S consent is obtained, or unless Lessor requestS removal
thereof sha11 become the property of the Lessor and sha11 remain on'
and wj 11 be surrendered rvith the premises.
Depreciation and wear from ordinary use for the purpose of lvhic-h
the premises \{ere 1et need not be restored, but any repair for which
the Lessee is responsible shal1 be completed to the latest practlcal
d.ate prior to such surrender.
If Lessee shall renain or continue to be in possession of the
premises at the end of the term of this 1ease, at Lessor's option,
Lessee sha11 be deened to be i1lega11y retaining possession' or shal1
be deemed to be a month-to-rnonth Lessee of the premises and all the
terms and conditions of this 1ease. Nothing in this paragraph shal1 be
construed to limit tbe Lessor's right to obtain possession of the
premises upon termination of this lease by unlarvful detainer proceedings
or otherwise in the event that the Lessor does not exercise its option
to treat tbe continued possession by the Lessee as a month-to-month
Lessee covenants and aglees to and with the Lessor that in case
the Lessor shal}, rvi_ihout any default on its part, be made a party
+ r'r rnv I i ti erat i c}n corrurenced by or against the said Lessee, Lesseevv &rrJ :*e4b4vr vr
sha1l and will pay all costs in conneetion with such litlgation and
that said Lessee sha11 pay all costs and reasonable attorney's fees
Iuhj-ch may be incurred by said Lessor in enforcing the eovenants and
agreements of this lease.
Lessee sha11 keep on deposit with the Lessor at all times after
the executiOn of tiris lease agleement , a Sum equal to one mgnth'S rent
as security of the paynent by the ],essee of the rent and any other sums
due under this lease and for the faithful performance of all the terns,
conditions and covenants of this lease.If at any time Lessee sha11
be in default in the performance of any provision of this 1ease, Lessor
may, but shall not be required to, use such cieposit, or so much thereof
as is necessary, in payrnent of any rent, or any other sum due under
this lease in default, in reimbursement of any expense incurred by
the Lessor and in pal-ment of the dama-ges incurred by the Lessor by
reason of the Lessee's default, or at the option of the Lessor, such
deposit may be retained by the Lessor as liquidated damages. In any
event, Lessee sha11, five (5) days after rl-ritten demand from Lessor,
remit to the Lessor a sufficient amount in cash to resiore the
deposit to its original amount. In the event the deposit has not
been utilized as described above, it sha11, or as much thereof as
not been utilized for such purposes, sha11 be refunded to Lessee,
without interest, upon fu1l performance of this lease by Lessee.
The occurrence of one or more of the follorving events or
circumstances shal1 constitute a default bereunder by the Lessee:
A. The filing by the Lessee of a voluntary petition of bank-
B. Proeeedings in bankruptcy instituted by the Lessee and
adjuclication of the Lessee as a bankrupt pursuant to such proceedings.
C. An appoinrrnent of a receiver of the Lessee's assets of the
divestiture of the Lessee's estate by other operation of law.
D, Failure by Lessee to make lease payments ciue to tbe Lessors
as provided in this agreement within ten ( 10) days after the Lessor
gives notice to Lessee of i-ts delinquency.
F. Failure oi the l-,essee to perform, keep and obse"rve an5: of
the terms, covenants, or condltions here j.n contaired on its part to
be performed, kepi or observed, rvhich f aj. lure continues for a period
of ten (10) consecutive days.
If the Lessee shall be in default under this lease as set forth
in Seetion Thirteen Lessor shl11 have the follorving rights and remedies,
in addition to all other remedies at larv and equity, and none of the
- t-
following, whether or not exercised by the Lessor, shall preclude the
exercise of any other right or remedy, whether set forth in this
hgreernent or existing .at law or equity:
A. The Lessor shal1 have the rieht to terminate this lease
by giving the Lessee thirty (30) days' notice in wriiing to be served
as protided in this agrcemcnt, and the i.erm bercby remaining shall
thereupon cease and expire in the same and to the same effect as if
it rvere the expiration of the lease term stated in this agreement.
l-Tpon any termination of this 1ease, Lessee sha11 quit and surrender
to the Lessor of the leased premises. If this lease is terminated
Lessee shall remain liable to the Lessor for all rent and other
$ums accrued and paid hereunder to the date of termination of this
B. The Lessor may, without demand or not j-ce, reenter and take
possession of the premises or any part thereof, and repossess the same
as of the Lessor's former state and expel the Lessee and those claiming
through and under it, and remove the effects of any and all such
persons (forceably if necessary) without being deemed guilty of any
manner of trespass, without prejudice to any remedies for appears of
rent or proceeding breach of covenants and without terminating this
lease or otherwlse relieving Lessee of any obligatj-on hereunder.
Should the Lessor elect to reenter as provide in this Section or
should the Lessor rake possession pursuant to 1ega1 proeeedings or
pursuant to any prcivision provided by law, the Lessor may, from time
to time, without terminating this 1ease, relet the premises or any
part thereof for such term or terms and sucb rental or rentals, and
upon such other condiiions as the Lessor may in its absolute discretion,
deen aCtisable, wrtb the right to make alteraiions and repairs to the
premj-ses. No such reentry, repossession or reletting of the premises
by the ]-essor shall be construed as an election of the Lessor's part
to terrninate this lease unless a lrritten notlce of termination is
given to Lessee by the Lessor. No such reentry, repossession or
reLetting of the prernises sha1l release i.he Lessee of its liability
and obligations under tbis 1ease, all of which shal1 survive such
recntry, repossession or reletting. Upon the oecurrence of sucb
reentry or repossession, the Lessor sha11 be entitled to the amount
of the monthly rent, and any oiher sums whi ch would be payable pursuant
do this agreement, if such reentrx or repossession had not occurred,
less the net proceeds, if any, of any reletti-ng of the premises after
deducting all of the Lessor's expenses in eonnection of sueh relettins.
Lessee sha11 pay such amounts to the Lessor on the days the rent or
any other sum due hereunder would have been payable hereunder if
possession had not been retaken. In no event sha11 Lessee be entitled
to receive tire excess, i-f any, of the rent collected by the Lessor as
a result of such reletting over the sums payable b]'the Lessee to the
Lessor pursuant to th j-s lease.
The failure of the Lessor to seek redress for violation or to
insist upon the strict performance of any eovenant or eondition of
this lease sha11 not prevent a subsequent act which would have
originally consi-tuted a violation for having all the foree and effect
of the original violation. The receipt of the Lessor of rent with
knowledge of any breach of covenant of this lease shal1 not be deemed
a rvaiver of such breach. No provision of this lease shall be deemed
to have been waiveci by the Lessor unless such rvaiver is in writing and
signed by the Lessor.
Lessee covenants and agrees not to assign, sublet, plerige, or
transfer its rights in this 1ease, in rvhole or in part, no grant any
license or concessjon hereunder, $ithout first obtaining the written
consent of the Lessor. The consent by tbe Lessor to a transfer sha11
not relieve the Le-ssee fron primary liability hereunder or from the
obligation to obtain the express consent in writing of the Lessor
an.*" further transf er. Lessorts permission to an assignmeni or
subletting of this Lease shall not be unieasonably ivithhel-d..
A- Lessee covenants and agrees that the Lessee will save harmless
said Lessor at all times during the continuation of this lease from
all camages, claims, fines, penalties, costs and expenses whatsoever
which rnay result f rom any norkrnents compensation c1ai,m.
B- \\'henever any notice of payment is required by this lea"se ro
be made, given or transmitted to the parties hereto, unless otherwise
-specified berein, such notice or payment shall be deemed to have been
given upon the mailing of said notice or payment by united states
certified, first-ciass mai1, postage prepaid, and addressed to the
parties at the respective add.ress as sha11 appear herein or upon a
change of address pursuant to this notice provision.
C. Al1 covenants, conditions and provisions in this lease
agreement shal1 extend to and bind the 1egal representatives,
successors and a.ssigns of the respective parties hereto.
D. This agreement sha1l be construed under the laws of the
state of colorado. Any col,enants, conditions, or provisi-ons herei_n
contained that are held to be invalid by any court of competent
jurisdiction shalI be considered deleted from this agreement, but
such delegation sha1l in no way affect zny other covenant, condi-tion,
or provision herein contained so 10ng as such delegation does not
materlally prejudi-ce Lessor or Lessee in their respective rights and
obligations contained in the valid covenants, conditions, or
provlsions of this agreement.
E. A11 amendments to this Lease must
mutual agreement of the parties and no oral
of any force of effeet rvhatever,
be made in wri_ting by
amendments shal1 be
rN It'rrNESs TIIEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands
and affixed their seals, in counterpart, on the dates i-ndicated to be
effective the day and year first above written, purusant to a
resolution or ordinance as appropriate, of their respective governing
bodies du11.- entered on the minutes thereof .
By and through its
TO1,,1l COt:)tCIL
Address: 75 South Frontage Road\rai1, Colora.do 8165?Telephone; 303 476-7A00
Richard Caplan,n !.tanager
.l' .: .r , 1..!"^,. , t ); t' ;]:[ !i\-PiIJ:4 t lU /1' l Il_-Fanela -{. Branire-veS, Tot'n Clerk
41 'r,,;'r.i.z l/
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4-J.;_;,f< T\-iJ!\ f
x. r. C. _.-?.
L4al ;-
\\ \s
Q." of Apprication ff
an existing building
or outdoor Patio or
subject to review bY
This procedure is required for alteration of
wiricfr- adds or removes apy enclosed ficor area
i"oi.tont"nt of an exist:-nq building s':i:l'-1 be
thl-i:-""":'-ng and. Ent:-icni:ren :ai Corr'isr'r:-c''n'
mh^ =,.!1'l ir.a{-'ion will not'be accepteC until all information is submit
rIIC A.rr}J! rv
tnmsss-2*-ii--'E P-t PQ€ S,T-?aoNE '/741;.
.c' .,. i,J.1.I] OF APP:ICANi ' S REFRI'--' . 'ATI'/E
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Senior Vice President
f:rterfirst Bank
Dal}as, Texas
A I.\omas G. Hogan/1
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f,a, 511,
Project Name:
Project Description:
Contact Person and
ti- :*Project epptication'
pnon" " &.x+ O Ct.,r-ro\) {?!r'Ltst>
o"," cbr\sr
Owner, Address and Phone:
Architect, Address and Phone:
-? r: loqc,to *Ecr',.),ut-
Legal Description: Lot
};Q.l".."i;r-q ni clrr- riQ-,1... *.u2c-x.,+ -'R., RS '--?il.
"cr:\ as,u\-\i)').-ircr_l
Design Review Board
Motion py:
o"," 157r{
Seconded by:
ti,ttu^, Y,-fr
Town plannerfl{/f,loate: ll Ji U I
fl Statt Approval
January, .l984
Architects working in the Town of Vail
Department of Community Development, Town of Vail
The Design Review Board meets the 1st,3rd, and 5th llednesdaysof each month at 2:00P. M.. Below are the dates of themeetings and:the deadline dates for. 5y,66itting applications fortnose meetings. Materials must be submitted no jater than4:00PM on the deadline date.
Read the submittal
requirements with utmost care. N0
Pri tzyou have any quest ons, ptease ca om Braun or .Kristanat 476-7000.
Apri I
Apri 1
Ju ly
Augus t
4, lgB4
18, 1984
I, lgB4
7 ,1994
1B ,l984
6,l gB4
18,1 984
29 ,.| 984
5 ,1 984
19 ,1 984
5,I gg4
December 16th,.l98,3
January Znd,.l984
January 16th,1984
January 31st,1984
February 20th ,'1984March 13th,.|984
March 19th ,.l984Apri'l 2nd, 1984
Apri'l 13th ,.|984
Apri 1 30th ,.l984May 14th,.I984
May 21st,l984June 4th,.l984
June 19th ,.|984July 2nd,.|984
July 16th,1984Juiy 30th,.l984
August 13th,.l984
August 20th,l9B4Sept. 4th,.l984
Sept. l8th,l984Oct.
_ ist,l984
Oct. 23rd,.l984
Nov . 6th ,l9B4
Nov. 19th ,.l984Dec. 4th,.l984
1. All new buildings will require a site visitstaff. Your building locations and
by either the Design Review Board
driveways nust be staked.
2, The review proeess for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for iheir approva'l ,
3' People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled. neeting and who have not asked for a postponenent will be required to be re-published.
4. The following itens no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board.
They, howevet, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for approval:
a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter theexisting plane of the buiJ.ding; and
b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other 1ot or public space;which
have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners approving theaddition; and/or approval fron the agent for, or nanager of a condoniniun
assoc iat ion .
A. To i-c map and site plan of site containing the followin (2 copies):
Licensed surveyor's stamp.
Contour intervals of not more than 2r unless the parcel consists ofacres or rnore, in which case, 5r contour intervals will be accepted.
Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4,,more one foot above grade.
4. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders,intelnittent streams, etc. J .
Aval anche areas, 100 year flood plain and slopes
Ties to existLng benchrnark, either USGS landmark
40ro or nore, if applicable.
or sewer invert,
Locqtions of the following:
a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site showing size and type ofculverts, swales, etc.
b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources andproposed service lines frorn sources to the structure. utilities toinclude:cable TV
t el ephone
c. Property lines showing distances and bearings and a basis of bearlng
d. Proposed driveways with percent slope and spot elevations
e . AI I easernent s
Existing and finished grades
A11 existing and proposed improvenents including structures, landscapedareas' service areasr. storage areas, wa1ks, driveways, off-street parking,loading areas,retainjng wal 1s (with spot e]evatjons), and other siie impiove-- ments.Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath)to deterrnine height of building,
B.A statement fron each utility verif location of service and availabilit
To be siibrnitted wi.th si.te plan.
C. lrelimilary !itJg report tg accomp_any all_srlbni.ttals, to insure propertyownersnlp and atl easenents on property.
D. Landsc,ape Plan (l', = 2-0r o.r.larger) = 2copies
1. Show the location of 4" diameter trees, other shrubs and native plantsthat are on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape
area with the varieties and approxinate sizes of plant materials to beplanted.
2. Complete landscape materials list.
3. Designate trees to be saved and those to be lost.
NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur on the site plan, so thatthe inter-relation of the various _conponents is c1ear. The landscape plan shourd be separ-ate. The existing topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separate rnap.
'E. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1' or larqer) 2 copies
1. Must include floor plans and allcompletion. Elevations must show
2. Exterior surfacing materials andfor rev'i ew on the materials list
Devel opment.
F. The Design Review Board may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,
specificat'ions, samples and other material (including a model) if deemed
necessary to determine whether a project will comply with design guidefines.
Photos or sketches that c'l early indicate what is proposed and the locat'ion (site
plan) of proposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formal requirements
given above, as long as they provide al1 important specificatjons for the
proposed including colors and materials to be used.
A. Original f1 oor plans with al l specifications shown
B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies
C. Site p1 an showing existing and proposed construction - 2 copies
D. Elevations of add'ition
E. Photos of existing structure
F. Specifications for all materjals and color samples on materials list
available at Department of Community Development.
At the request of the Design Review Administrator you may also be required to
submi t:
G. Statement from each utility verifying location of servjce and availab'i1ity.
See attached utility location verification form.
H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered professional surveyoti
I. Preiiminary title report, verifying ownership of property and lists of
After a building permit has been issued, and when the project is underway, the
following will be required before any building receives a framing'inspection from
the Building Department:
A certified improvement survey showing:
A. Building locations with ties to property corners, i.e. distances and angles.
B. Building dimens'ions to nearest tenth of foot.
C. All utility service ljnes as-builts showjng s'ize of lines, type of
material used, and exact locations. 2 copies
D. Drainage as-builts - 2 cop'i es
E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner.
F. A1 1 property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map.
G. All easementsH. Building floor elevations and roof ridge elevat'ions.
elevations as they will apPear on
both existing and finished grades.
colors shall be specified and submitted
available from the Department of Cormunity
Lr.sr_ -o_l irilsernrs
li,u'tij . oi;' I'l{0.i LC'l
Lli(;AL D!:SCtt I t)'f I0N: 1.0'l'
IIrSC;l( L'r',',r,.,i U,, PROJ IiC I
gI,OCK I:1i.liiu
I'hc f o I I owi ng inf orrnat ion i s
lloard bcfore a final approval
Other l;al1. Materials
reqrrircd for subm i. t ta I by
can be given:
. Doors
Door Tri-m
Hand or Deck Rai.1s
F lues
Flash j.ngs
Trash [ncl osures
GLeenhous es
Name of Designer:
Phone :
Botanical Name Common Name
f inotrs nnnln0 t
the applicant to thc Des i5ln Rcviev
Quanti ty
Si ze
fh,fut bauu,PoJ,o i& b1 Lil
C. Other Landscape Features (retaining wa1 1s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.
The location of utilities, whether they be rnain trunk lines or propos edlines, nust be approved and verified by the following utitities foi the
accornpany ing site plan.
Mountai n Bel I
1_ ?44-n57
Western Slope Gas
Harrv Moyes
Public Service Company
Gary Hal1
* Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc .
Ted Husky/Michael Laverty
Vail Cable T.V.,Jeff Hughgs , 949-5530
Upper Eagle Va11ey Water
and Sanitation Discrict
David Krenek
Authorized Signature Date
* For new const
please fill out
attached sheet.
N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his
responsibility to obtain a street cut pennit from the
Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain
utility locations before digging in any public right-
of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. { building permit
is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit mrst be
obtained separately.
This forrn is to verify service availablity and location.
This should be used in conjunction with preparing your
utility plan and scheduling installations.
box 100
vail, colorado 81657
(3031 47G5013 z ao<>
department of community development
Dear Design Review Board Applicant:
Enclosed is your Design Review Board Project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project including comments from
the Board.
If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must
make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit.
No site work may be eommenced until the revisions are approved by
the Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submitted
to the Buil-ding Department.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the
Town Planner at .476-7Q00, ext,102;
75 south fronlage road
vail, colorado 91657
(303) 476-7000
T0: All interested parties
FR0l4: Comuni ty Devel opment Department
RE: Gas Fireplaces
DATE: May 15, .1984
offlce ol communlly development
to burn so] id
depth (see
In order to avoid
Section 8.28.030
The section reads
confusion.(B) Gas riie the department
laces of the ..wishes to further explain
Vai l, Colorado Municiial Code.as fol lols:
restrictions of this Chapter shal Il9t-lppl{ 19 a fireplace fueted by natural gai, p"opine,
9" 9ny sr-mitar I iquid. fuet so 1on-g as iaia i.ir"piui6-;i'designed and constructed so that iaid iireptace cannotbe used or modified to burn soiia-iueli. Gas firep.lacesshall be permitted in any unit.
In order that the firep]ace cannot be used or modifiedfuei1, the fuet tox shin ;oi-;;;;";"ri*-lej i;;;;;';;Section 3707 (n) of the Uniio.r"ariiUing Coaul.
NArm oF lBOItrl'
LrsT(} r,4ArrRrAr,s
DESCRIPIION OF PFO.IECI' BrLerior repairs, rernclel-Llrg and siterork at a.bove builcling
A. lilllt,lrliirl lt\l.nntLt,S
Roo f
0Llr cr i,,itl l i'latcr.i.a1s
Name of Designer:
'l'ype ofl ll:rtcliul
Tongue and grcove TO
Col or
Soffi t s
lVi ntirrr.r i r.im
Doors (Front door only)
Ilan<l o:' Dcck Rai I s
Ch inncr,-s
Tr;rslr ll rr: I osur.es
Gi'C liii rr,r i r: CS
Ocirel BAI6IW
- 3l-:vg$-€eln_Sgdar_ Base 4 (c) C,R-1
white S,'I-7
Base 4 (c) m-1
11 4'r diareter ruaoueht iron handrails
9r' srpoth sa$Jll cedar
llartin Jones, planters of Vail
9" rol$I,h sawr cedar Base 4 (c) @-1
BoarO an
v,mruShJ iron_hinges - _.. galo.ts Sl.atq Grey LMb
Ba.se 4 (c) GR-1
Botanical Name Common Name Si ze
4rt caliperIRLL5Popqlfs reruloicles aspen
4lctgs-Eghylgg_q rJrsi {imitrirmick 20
hcyst ir,ra L,lyrsin ites It{ountain llover
1 epr
1 eaf
Potentilla Arbuscula Sutterrs @1d 5 gal
5 ga+10
Juniperus HorizontaLis Blue-chip Juniper
vsee zttrnhed sheetGROUND
C. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining wa11s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify.
l,loss rock retainirg wa1l with a sandstone cap to contain all landscaped
area,s on Bridge Street elevations of Plaza Iodge. l,bss rrdr rvall to be
1' 0" thick, &pT. 9" stone to be e:.posecl in planter areas, and top of
sandstone cap to be 18!' above brick paved rva1k. the water heated brick walk
is located betueen the landscapec, areas and the Plaza lodge on Bridge Street,
and the sbeps leading up to the uralk are hented brick ag $€lL, -.
?. - ir .' '-*; i -.{ 1,'.1 ;L:-; i.._,li. :." '-;
Fr': .. i ,. . ': .'ii,
: .' -:- .:-r : .. ,-,,- ,..:'''. ,-j - , : . .:'
-. - !. j:1:5!r:-. ,',r:-j-l
' r a,-.:-
" i;er !*rk, 1!.i1' !rl:
We hereby submit soecitications and estimales lor:
-- r i
t,.a'.,. 51:..':, -. '-,:..i :-::
- r '-:.r,i'-- : - a-.;:-i'..---"',.-.''.-l''i L::_v.. ';:
r. 1*.: *,.-
::- :. '. 1' -
-.- :r.:.'::. !' I ll- :;
- : :, *:-. : _-. _ -:.
L-: -
IBI SfUgOff hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specificalions, ior the sum of;
, -/.: - a.i:.
Ali msieral rs Auaranteed to be as apecified All w?rk i. bn com leled In e qot*menrrxe
manner accordin8 to slandard practices- Any alteratton ot cievrBtron irori anove sp€crlr'E'
tions invoivrng edra co3ts r,ilt b€ etecuted onlv upon wrfler orde's ano *ill berome an
crtrs charBe over aad abov€ the €srimtte. AJlrgreements cont'ngett: Lpon strrkes acc'oenls
or deliF !€yond our control Owner to cary {ite tornaoo and other rec€ssary rnsuranc€'
Our B.orle!.s are t|,lly covered by Jiotlmen's Cohp€nsation lnsuran€e.
Note: This proposel may'be _.?-. 4
withdrawn by u5 il not accepted wtttlrn dav5.
Arfrpto.nfr nf SfCparU[ -tl" "to"" p'ces. so€c'l,carioris
alc acadrir:r.rs 3re 5at:'ectcry ati 3re her€oy a?celted You are i,utict:z:C S;g''alui'e
tc C.J 1',! ^Jn{ -: spe!ifr!d. Fayrrteni riil be i-tade as ouii'n€d abovs.
D.ie oi A..€r,iarce SrBnatui"e ---
al Page llo. of Pages
r3a.' -:9.: COFYp'ats- 1gi:r_ !r:.t!iP rr.- ;i;it; l"i G.1.'r'*.'ir5C
\ Th-.'r::s s;erpyllum
) terr-li ca ?ectinatar. \. :3t:nE
I t,'rr\;:: i:. -! v +1- -: _. :-J.
u*+u ftrbrut4 *.
r l-r'
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f otc:::i:1: f:uiti ct,s: er:buscu-ia
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:, . .l,j,,i:eloie< t-'i::?
-- !
:i.- ' .:'r_-r t, -r
tuwn n l|il
75 soulh lronlage road
vail, colorado 81657
(303) 476-7000 office of communltY develoPmenf
May 21, .1984
A1 an \rranzenberg
Johnson llanzenberg and Associates
850 Seventh Street
Su ite 80]
New York, New York
Dear Alan,
conqradulations on a fjne submittal for the P1 aza Lodge-..l/\le are looking
;;H;;"i;"u-*r.n irp.ou"a-ipp"u.ance for the buitding this summer.
To confirm our conversation with you and Kathryn'I-l'qYt listed the following
items to be submittea piioi to thl jssuance of a building permit'
l. Fjnal landscaPe P'lan.
2. Construction schedu'l e
3. Detail on Paint colors-
Consi derati ons .
5. Fjna] ize what wjll be done with- street i'ightning'
l will try to f.ind out what will be happening with_regard to the Town's street
lights- If a Oit;erent ityle ]s selecied as the "Town street 1amp", I will
'l el you know as soon as Possible.
5i ncerely,
,/-( \ rrrr'-
Tom Braun
Town P'l anner
TB / rne
Project Application
1?u: II"n-a l{xlge
oate &-.,AEr4l9E4
Proiect Name:
project Descripl;on' ltrterdsr S,:p:'ll.rs, l?*rriielinir, and Site l'lbrk at alpve hrildlnE
contact person and p6on" Jerl Jol.rnsca, Al..r.;r r,'iatrzenbeffi & A$sclatee. Inc.
Owner, Address and phone: P1aza LociEe, brld€rs FitrreIet. Box iiS. vai1, Cf}
/ QrlQ \ ,4 711_-, ricf'l
Architect, Address and Phone: Jed JohLnso:. .Al"an ltanz*nbere & &str)elates, Ine- {3I2) 489-2490
f"r'wrsr r-l tJ ni; Ar"et'i ter.i .Iiolrgri: I^,. Atacrr d ii Aqtrv.i nf ps /i1fl3\ .i?6.,.1 1r'|.?
Legal Description: Lot f -'j , Block 5C , p;1;ng
wt Comments: ;be ai:tached -
, Zone
Design Review Board
Town planner
<- !, -,) ,. rr)ala
/ /',/ \'/
E statt Approval
I rh! pdn.?ry^4r
ot{@aoI tr +JoordtJaJoctro-o..{!-i(!rdtr.|O](J
u: c.l
I. -.'1(J ft.J
"i ?-,.cdcozo>o .,.{ (d(, \t +., tJ<co (! (,Eo, ^ E:; 3 E .a 33- 'i .3 -{ s -E n
s' i 0 i& -+ q = orq ? I * q i E s ; rnn E : I * ,i 6<r fi H q e .l t 6 5 go- d r: E A # E # d J
.\ n N /-,t M -//rl, f L,-vr^-rlky\A "*f'U.*u& p"saL&a' \ - t , - | ,l
'&"auiat- S>J.,"** (.>,. I. u
--.-\ r \ t t <-\l (lP L-ist^^- \)*i1*-- $s'.&^_ - ?-\*.^= ffilftrlL--
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Qr*z:-t\ ernu4=;^* f ,--.., nn-1 vt"-{-K-r"Ul .r\vr)l
< t/"/raa
4r'{.- <a*4'4k^4T au -lr ,4^Aon
*{} rr,^- 1@ dt -tL^ pa.*gr -'4fu# {A'n"4n*
JedJohrcon, Alan ll/anzenberg E Associates
850 Seuenlh Auenue, Nrut York, ltreut York 10019
T?leOhone 212'4N.2490
Thcrms Brarun
Deparlrent of Ocnrn:nity Develolxent
Tbsn of Vail
75 South lbontaep noad
Vai1, Oolorado 81657
L,Iay 8, 1984
Dear Tun,
Erclosed is our rerrised site plan. Ibte that there is only one neu/ light,wttich is located in the brick walk. r have added the soldier course wtrereappropriate, and the note about the flexible grout.
Ilook forrnard to seeing you,
o.sr P1.:za Lodge Desigrr h',oposal includes eu<terior site uork along
Bnidge Street a"s per plans enclosed, with new nrcss rock retainingffilE'* ffi*.::Light fi,xtures are to be the lantern design that is standard toVail Vi11age. llrere are no changes plarured for the storefronts
on the Plaza Iodge building at this tine other than the above
ItIe w:il1 be replacing the existing balcony rai1s, trim and wjadowboxes. I{e ane also doing a new 6r? trim around the doors, wjldows
and entrlruay - see proposed. The building will be stained and/orpainted as per enclosed chart, to natctr existing colors, Ttregreen at the south end will be blue, There are no new openinssor structural cbanges il our schene.
IVe are intending to repair the gutters and install IvtL cable in
copper pipes along the entire Bridge Street eave at the roof and
above the exberj-or grade at Carr.sors at the Vail plaza side (seeproposed elevations).
Alan C i/tranzenberg
\sitecfaft.S *ROSENTTACH*.
exlerior crnd interior
fhe standord oi excellence
in wood site furnishings
producl descriptions,
& ordering in{ormction
of excellence
c stqndord
l. tt{(rt! Sl- Revtrdlirdliou
Oleon, NY
OlecElDept. ol
Community D€vlpnlnt.
?. St. Pels!'r
Coll€g€ Quad.
Iersey C y, Nt
Gongemi &Debeliis, L.A.
3. Th6 Bocrd*dll ncselcy
AtlanlicCily, NI
MeUilo & Bouer, L.A.
a. AEerrco Expr6s!
fi39. H@dquo.ren
Pl6nlctiorl, fL
SpilLE/Cqndels, Archit€cls
5. AUd. Court
New York, NY
nocl€ieller C"nter, Inc-
Sitecrolt crcdlsmen hqve
been working with wood
tor over lour generctions -
sp€cialists in wood site
iumishings - plonters,
benches, receptocles ond
site occents!
We underslond the
strength cnd chsrccler
of the wood we work
with dnd only use the
finest crvqilcble. The
ndtural geometry of our
producl designs ollows
them to be qt home in
qny qrchiteclurql style
or envlronment.
Greol pride is obvious
in the quclity cnd
workmcnship oI every
Sitecrcft product.
This craftsmcnship
combined with quolity
mqterisls mqkes
Sitecrqfl products qs
duroble os lhey cre
Siiecrolt products hcve
been specified by
crchilects, lcndsccrpe
orchitects, interior
designers and site
plonners throughout
the country {o! both
exterior cnd interior
cpplicertions. If you were
to csk these demunding
prolessioncls why they
chose Sitecrcdt, the o:.swer
you would heor mosl
would be. .. "becquse
they're the best,"
exledor or interior lhe
slqndqrd oI excellence
in wood site furnishings
rN sitecraft\s 80G221-1448
Covcr Credita;
ccttrons mqteriql &
All Sitecrqft products
qre mqnufactured oI
cleor cll hecrt Cclilorniq
Redwood. Most plcnters
(tnd other products qre
qlso ovqiloble, cs
options. in Philippine
Mahogony, Cedcr, Ook,
or Purple Hecrt.
Wood: Sitecrof t secler/
Pedestqls & bracLetg:
Btonzelone enqmel.
Hoopal Golvcnized.
All prices ore FOB
Long Islcrnd City,
New York crd, except
Ior lcrger sizes, cll
produds ore shipped
fully csserrbled,
Iinished crnd recdy {or
installation. For specilic
prices cnd shipping
cosls ccll or wrile
Eqch stqndord size ol
every Sitecroft product
hos o specilic Cotolog
Number. These Cctolog
Numbers contain the
style code cmd size ol
the product in inches.
For ctny options desired
cdd the option code to
the end of the Cctclog
S24 x 36 x 24 PVC
. Custom sizes.I Custom linishes.r Pedeslcl selection.
r PVC liners
({or interior use}.. Other v'.oods.
she twidd x rensth x
L* Style Code (Squorc l
OplioDr FVC Lir.r)
All plcnler stcrves cre
nominol 2 inch lhiclne3s
cnd tongrred ond grooved.
beveled or squore cut.
Galvcmized steel with
mcrlleoble iron lugs.
Two interncl golvcnized
sleal rods eqch lqce with
wood plugs.
Bot'torns & Ends:
5/8 iach exterior grcde
redwood plywood with
drcrin holes provided.
Round and Hcll flound-
Cedcr, 1" reveql.
Squce cmd Cylinder-
Redwood. l" reveal.
Options:. Custom sizes.
o Custom finishes.r PVC liners
{Ior interior use).. Other rpoods.r Ccp (Slyle S ouly).
Sryle R
Cotcrlog Numbers
Outside Meqsuremenls
(Diometer x !{eight)
R18 x 18
R24 x l8
R24 x24
R24 x 30
R24 x 36
R30 x 18
R30 x 24
R30 x 30
R30 x 36
R36 x 18
R36 x 24
R36 x 30
R36 x 36
R36 x 42
R42 x lB
R42 x24
R42 x 30
R42 x 36
R42 x 42
R4B x l8
R48 x 24
R48 x 30
R48 x 36
R48 x 42
R60 x 18
R60 x 24
R60 x 30
R60 x 36
R60 x 42 R96 x 18
872 x l8 R96 x 24
R72x24 R96 x 30
R72 x 30 R96 x 36
R72 x 36 RSx42
R72 x 42
R84 x 18
R84 x 24
RB4 x 30
R84 x 36
RB4 x 42
hcrlf round
Sly.le Hfi
Cctclog Numbers
Outside Meosurements
(Diometer x lleight)
HR36 x l8
HR36 x 24
HB36 x 30
HR42 x lB
HR42 x24
HR42 x 30
HR42 x 36
HR48 x l8
HR48 x24
HH48 x 30
HR48 x 36
HR48 x 42
HR60 x 18
HR60 x 24
HR60 x 30
HR60 x 36
HR60 x 42
HR72 x 18
HR72 x24
HR72 x 30
HR72 x 36
HR72 x 42
HR84 x 18
HR84 x 24
HR84 x 30
HB84 x 36
HR84 x 42
HR$ x 18
HR96 x 24
HR96 x 30
HR96 x 36
HR96 x 42
W sitecraft\= 800-221-1448
square & rectcrngulcr
Sty.le s
Ccrtolog Numbers
Oulside Meqsurements
Additioncl brocing
provided on sizes over 24"
high cnd/or 36" long.
Sl8x72x I8
Sl8x72 x 24
S24x24x 18
S.24 x24 x24
S24x30x l8
524 x30 x24.
530 x72 x24
536x36x l8
536x48x 18
336x60x 18
536x72x l8
S48x72x 18
548x72 x24
S48x72x 42
Sfyi e L
U.S. Pqt. No. 198ffi7
Cotclog Numbers
Outside Meosurements
(Diqmetei x l,ength)
Ll4 x 30
Ll8 x 48
For optiondl
ctrp specify
CAP crfter
Gclvoized steel rods
with wood plugs.
Anchoring Syslem:
For wood pedertols only.
Steal Pedestnlc:
Eoth pedeslcls cre
cverilcrble ercept where
Pedesrol P I :
3/8" x 3" welded llct gteel
Sile BC
Seot members dressed
2 iur" thick with vorying
heights to ochieve
contour. Recessed wood
spocers. Wood pedeslols
dressed 3r,/:" thick with
beveled edges. Wood or
c+6al ^a/ldct^lc
fir 'fr
Cotolog Numbers
lWidth x Lengthl
BC20 x 60
BC20 x 72
BC22 x 72
BC22 x 84
BC22 x 96
with bock
Sryle BCW
As per Style BC wirh
nominol 2" x 10" topered
bqck rest. Wood or steel
Siyle BM
Border members dressed
3t/2" x 3t/2". Inner members
ncminol 2" x 4". Recessed
wood spcrcers. Steel
pedestols. Redwood only,
Style BP
Border members dressed
2\'a" r 5t/2". Inner members
nominal 2" x 4". Recessed
wood spncers. Wood
pedestols in redwood only
3tlr" lhick with beveled
edges. Steel pedestqls wilh
other woods.
wilh cnchor
holes. Bro!rze-
tone enqmel
Pedestnl P3:
2" x 4" steel tube.
Welded construction. 3" x
12" bcrseplcrte with cnchor
holes or with tubing
exlended 18" below
grcde, Specifyr-. = " eurtqce,
I subslcb or
-- Bronzelone
. iinieh.
Options:. Cuslom sizes.
o Custom linishes,
o Olher woods.
Cotolog Numbers
loverdll Width x Length)
BCW2l.5 x 60
BCWZl.5 x 72
BCW21.5 x 84
Cotolog Numbers
iWidth x Lenqth)
BlM4 x72
BM24 x 84
BM24 x 96
|-- r-l-
lt ft
Cotclog Numbers
iWidth x Length)
8P22.75 x72
BP22.75 x 84
8P45.5 x 45.5
wsitecraft\= 800-221-1448800-221-1448
Srle BKB
Members nominol 2" x 3".
Secured by tcmper
resistdnt fqsteners,
Pg steel pedestols.
Style BL
Members dressed 1%" x
272" Wood spccers. Steel
pedestols only.
Sryle BS
Members dressed 2%" x
2%". Wood spccers. Steel
pedestcrls P3 only.
sryle yF sry/e ys
Outer members 2%"
thick. Inner members
nominol 2". Osk qll
nomincrl 2". Wood
spqcers. Two steel
pedestols or brockets per
section. Style YF
pedestcls Pl or P3. Style
YS brockets only.
Redwood ond oc*.
A'^ A.^l1-1': -":'-*--'.-
'- ',--.j_-.-';
'- lRddius
Cctolog Numbers
(Inside llodius x Arc angle
per Section)
YF24 x 60' YS24 x 60'
YF30 x 60" YS30 x 60'
YF36 x 60" YS36 x 60'
'1T48 x 45" YS48 x 45"
YF6C x 36' YS60 x 36'
free stonding beDch lgYz" wide.
Woll mounted bench I8"wide.
with bcck
Slyle YB
Members dressed
Zt/a" x2Va". W ood sy.o.c er s.
Steel pedesl<rls Pl or P3
or brqckels. Convex ol
concqve configurqtion.
lqkewood sculptured circular
1- -i-
Cclolog Numbers
(lnside Bodius x Arc ongle
per Section)
YB24 x 60"
YB30 x 60'
YB36 x 60"
YB48 x 45"
YB60 x 35'
Overqll width 22".
Ccrtolog Numbers
(Overoll Width x Length)
BKB23 x 60
BKB23 x 72
BKB23 x 84
Bock-to-bock or wdll
mounted conligurqlion
Cctolog Numbers
(Width t( Length)
BL 19.5 x 60
BL19.5 x ?2
BL?2 x72
BL22 x84
Cctclog Numbers
(Ovelall Width x Length)
8523.5 x 60
BS23.5 x 72
8523.5 x 84
enches circulcrr
Plcnter slcrves qte
nomincl 2" thickness
ond tongued cad grooved,
beveled or squcre cut,
Gclvcrrized sleel wilh
mcllecrble iron lugs,
Two ialern<rl gcrlvcrnized
eteel rode each lcce vrilh
wood plugs.
Steel (excepi where
specilied), Bronzetone
eaomel finish.
Oplions:. Custom sizes.r Custom Iinishes.. PVC liaers
(lor interior use),. Other woods.
Plonter shipped fully
cssembled cnd pre-
drilled for mounting
braclets qnd qssembled
bench sectlons.
Sryle CPB ru.s. Por.No.235908)
Standord round plonter-
Style R. Bench outer
members dressed 2 L/r"
thick. lnner rnembers
nominol 2". Wood
spocers. Steel bench
brcrckets. Oplionql top
{lot bcnd on plcnters.
Ook ol1 nomincls 2".
Cctclog Numbers
OveroII Meosurements
(OD x Height) Benches 18" w
CPB 84 x 30 (4' Plcnter Dro.)
CPB 96 x 30 (5' Plonter Dio.)
CPB 96 x 36 (5' Plonter Dia.)
CPB108 x 30 (6' Plonter Dio.)
CPB 108 x 36 t6' Planter Dio.)
CPB132 x 30 (B' Plonter Dio.l
CPBl32 x 36tS PlonterDic.)
Slyle Sf'8 lsingle Focel
Stcrndord squore plonter
StYIe S. Bench fqce
member dressed 21,'a"
x 5 L/2". Inner members
vcrrying heights to
qchieve contoul Wood
spocers, Brockets ore
oluminum qngles thru
bolled to plonlers.
style DfB /Doubie t ocei
Slondord squcxre plonter
Style S. Bench fqce
members dressed 2%"
x 5 71". lnner members
vorying heights lo
qchieve conlour. Wood
spqcers. Brcrckets (Ire
cluminum ongles thru
bolted to plonters.
Cotcrlog Numbers
Bench Meqsurements
(Width x t,ength)
SFB 19.5 x 72
(Plonler 2' cube)
Specrly brocket locqtions,.B
Cctolog Numbers
Bench Mecsurements
(Width x Lengthl
{Plcnter2 cube)
Specily brocket locotions.
ss sitecfaft\s 800-221-1448
style IisB rore sideseclins)
Stcndcrd rectcngulcr
or squce pkrnter - Style
S, Bench outer mernbers
2/+" thick. ku:er
members nominql 2".
Wood spccers. Thru
bolted steel brqckets.
Benches 18' wide.
s fyle RDB alwo side sedringl
Stondcrd rectcngulor
or squore plcmter - Style
S. Bench outer members
2Yr" thick. Inner
members nominql 2".
Wood spccers. Thru
bolted steel brackels.
Bencbes l8" wide.
siyle QP8 tsedrins All sideg
Stondcrd squore plcnter
- Style S. Bench outer
rnembers 2Yr" thick.
Inner members nominql
2". Wood spccers. Steel
brqcket6 ihru bolted.
Benches l8" wide.
big cpple
Slyle BA
Standctrd Crescerl bench
style BKB suspended
between squore plqnlers
Style S
Cctolog Numbers
Bench Meqsurenents
(Width x Lensth)
(Plcqler 2' cube)
Bdck to bock configlration qvdilqble.
Cotclog Numbers
Overqll Meqsurements
(Width x Length xHeight)
Cotclog Numbers
Overcll Meosurements
(Width x Length xHeight)
Cclalog Numbers
Overqll Meqsurements
(Widlh & Length x Heighl)
QPB 84 x 30
QPB 84 x 36
QPB 96 x 30
QPB 95 x 36
QPBIO8 x 30
QPBIO8 x 36
Nomircrl ? inch tbicl-
ness, Tongued und
grooved. Squcre or bevel
Gcrlvcrni:ed steel with
mtrllecble iron lugs.
Two iriemol golvoized
steel rods ecch lace with
wood plug*
Remorrcble gclv<mized
Oplions:. Cuglom sires.. Cuslom liDishes.
o Olher woods.. Optional iops.
cp-l cP-z
l8 gcrugo 6teel, Baled
coppertone encmel
round trash
Slyle BT
(Removable Top)
Optioncl tops (CP-1,
CP-Z or CP-3).
Specily top desired.
Cctclog Numbers
Outside Meqsurements
(Diqmeter x Height)
RT 24x28
Sryie T
lSide Openinq/Asi lop)
2" deep removoble
oluminum csh trcry.
2 side openings.
Ccrtolog Numbers
Outside Meqsurements
(Diometer r Heighl)
squqre trqsh
/Side Openiag/Asi Top)
2" deep removoble
oiuminum csb trcry.
2 side openings.
Cotcrlog Numbers
Outside Meosurements
(Width x Lenglh r( Heighl)
T-2 24 x24x 4O
Stv.le ST-l (Top opentnq)
Sti.le ST-2 rsrae openi;ql
ST-l: Hinged top opening.
ST-2: Two side openings
sT-l sT-2
Cctolog Numbers
Outside Meqsurernents
(Width x LenEth x Heighl)
ST-t 24x24x30
ST-2 24x24x 40
(-l tr[]
Options:. Custom sDes.. Cuslom iinishes.r Olher woods.
e Center hole ond quide
for umbrello-
Sryie F€
Tcble ond stool border
members dressed 3%',
x 372". Inner members
nominql 2" x 6". Steel
pedestcls 3" x 3".
Specily surlcce. subslab
or embedded.
Redwood only.
Sryle DE
Interlocking sections-
Assembled lrom rough-
sown wood lYs" thick.
Members spcced 7a" qDurt.
Secured by concecled
gslvcrnized steel
fcsteners. Also <rvoilqble
in CCA treoted Pine.
.--trnllxl-ullil]liiE JlLl+4rt-rrq
Cctolog Numbers
Outside Meqsurements
(Width x Length)
BE36 x 36
(Stools lS" squorej
L-- r --lil
il lfir1tI ilrllirrjiti
lliLl _IL tL *l_
Cotclog Numbers
Outside Meqsurements
(Width x lenglh)
MS36 x 36
(Stools lS" squore)
C<ttclog Numbers
Outside Mecsurements
(S1,rols l8" D)
__ __--l
Cotclog Numbers
Outside Mecrsurements
(Width x Length)
DE24 x24
DE48 x 48
madison columbus
squcrre tqble circle tcble decking
Table ond stool
members nominql
2" x 6". Sleel pedestols
3" x 3". Specify_ surfcce,
suDslqb or embedded.
Sry/e CC
T<rble qnd stool
mambers nomincl
2" x 6". Steel pedestcls
3" dicmeter. Specify
su riqce, subslqb or
Individual credtivity,
unusuol sile conligurcr-
tions qnd other criteriq
often creqte the need lor
custorn site Iurnishings.
This is where our
crcltsmen oller
architects, Iondsccpe
srchitecls, interior
designers cmd site
plonners c unique
It's the advqnloge ol
''custom experience."
Sitecro{t experts con
work with you trnd ossist
from the very beginning.
Design, engineering curd
wood cralting skills ore
qvqilqble ct Sitecrolt to
turn your cugtom ideqs
into reality-o11 within
the demcrnds ol budget
and schedule.
For your convenience. cqll
loll free lrom snywhere in
lhe conlinentcl U.S.
(except I,fY Stcle).
4G25 Crescest Slreel
Long Islcnd Cily
New York lll0l
lztzl 729.49,oo
Cdsltl.v.r€d DlEch
Bronx, NY
H€nry Anold, L.A.
Plcnlar FcD.a
Brooklrr Hospilol
Brooklyn, NY
Mqnhoilcn Plazo
N€w York, NY
Micelli&Kulik, L.A.
EmploYo€ Pioic A!€o
SilecIqtl. Inc.
CurtoD SeBch€.
North ShoreHospitol
Grect Necl, llY
Pcmelq wrteG Studio
75 soulh frontage road
vail, cotorado 81652
(303) 475-7000
March 26, '|984
offlce of communlty developmenl
Alan Wanzenberq
Johnson WanzenSerq
850 Seventh Avenui
New York, New york
Dear Alan:
and Associates
1001 9
Re: Plaza Lodge
This letter is in reference to our discussion on Friday, March 23regarding the Plaza_Lodge. As describeJ to peier iatten and myself,your plans for the praz; Buildins gg not invorve any changes toexisting floor area. Therefore, this projeci
"ouiJ"not be subjectto review by-thg_pranning and Environmentar commission. Review ofy.ur pr.posal wiil be rimited to the staff and the Design Review Board.I have enclosed a copy of the DRB schedule ior i9g+.
we enjoyed meeting both you and cathy rast week. Need'ress to say,we are excited to see that you have_iaken a comprehensive approaitr' to remodeling the praza Lodqe. titt nl-iooiing'io.*u"o to meetingwith you in Apr.it to discusi ttris project furtter. '
Si ncere ly,
,.T\i, n f,C \ V,--,r,'*\LL\b^r".-__.____
Town planner
TAB: bpr
Encl .
Pl anning and Environmental Cornmission
February .l3, 1984
ll:30 am Site Visits
1:00 pm Public Hearing
1.. Request-for a side setback variance of 13.5 feet in order to build a garageon Lot 6, Block l, vail village 8th Fil.ing. App'licant: Michael Halpirt
2. Request for a side setback variance in order to remodel a lega1 non-confor-m'ing.building at Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant: Velda B. Wyche
3. Request to convert the Crest Hotel , on Lot l, Vail Lionshead 2nd Fi1.i ng,to condominiums following Section 17.26 of the Subdivision Regulations.Appiicant: Sun Vail, Ini.
4. Exterior alteration request to install portable plexiglass windows forthe west watt of the Red Lion deck along Bridge btreei. Appljcant:Joseph Kelemen
5. Exterior alteration request for a seasonal greenhouse enclosure overCyrano's south deck. Applicant: Bud parks-
6. Exterior alteration request for a greenhouse enclosure over a part ofthe west deck for valentino's at the plaza Building. App'licani:Bridge Street Restaurant Association
42 west meadow drlye
vall, colorado 81657
(303) 476-2200
: FEB. 10, 1981+
tire department
The Vail Fire Department has the following comments regardd!
ing the items on the agenda for Feb. 13, 1984 I
# 5. Cyranos has not yet complied with the requirements
for the remodel done two years ago. A fire alarm system
was required to be installed. In addition, the roof
at qyralgs is leaking, the patio deck is leaking,
and the kitchen ventilation systen is in serious
need of repair. I have been told numerous tines that
he kitchen would be renodled and the problems would be
resolved then. I have yet to see much improvement .
16. valentinos in under a TCO by both Building and Fire
Departments, plans for the upstairs bar have not been
finaled by the Fire Department, and a materials list
for the patio enclosure should be subnitted to us for
fire ratings eheck, In addition, there are problems
in the kitchen that need to be resolved with the hood
and exhaust system before any approvals will be granted.
by the Fire Department.
T0: P'l anning and Environmental Commission
FR0M: ConnnunityDevelopmentDepartment
DATE: February 9, 'l 984
SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a request for an
and modification for a seasonal greenhouse enclosureof an existing west deck of Valeitino's RestauraniApplicant: Bridge Street Restaurant Associates, Ltd.
exterior alterationof 308 square feet
The.request_is !o construct a greenhouse enclosure.of 30g sq ft on the westdeck area of Valentino's restairrant. The expaniion wouia lime out g feet and
Tig!-tl".bui1ding wall edge to the south. The entire expansion is within the
:.1111 Drilding.property and would be extended to the west property line. Therront panels.along the deck level are.proposed to be removiblb. the new glassroof extended would be permanent statibnai"y panels. fne norttr elevation frouldbe clear glass that would not be removed a"'ring ttre summei-months.
The area immediately west of the proposal isagreed to lease for the purpose oi ah outsjdepart of Donovan,s outside deck.
land that the Town of Vail haspatio. This was originally
The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe_unique character of_the vail village commeicial area, wittr its mixtureof lodges and commercial establishmenti in a preaominintiv"peoestrian environ-ment. The commercial core I district is intehded io eniui"'adequatJ rigrri,-air, .open space' and other amenities appropriate to tt'e-ie"mittdd types"oi'buildings and uses. The district reguiitibnt in ii.oriufii."nttt the vairv'illage urban Desiqn Guide Plan and design consloeriiiois-ir.t.ribe developmentstandards that are-intended to eniure-inE maintena";; ;;; [reservation ofthe tightly clustered aryangements of buildirgi-i."riirg'o['peaesiriinways
and, public areenways, and t6 ensure-coniinuilion ii'ir.,.'urirai;g aciil ;;;architectural qualities that distinguish the vi.t1age.
The proposal .is in compliance with the purpose section of the commercialCore I zone district.
-.Oufenr'rno's z/9/84
not have any negative impacts upon
Steet and shou1d improve the pedestrian
The Urban Design Guide Plan states that dining decks contribute to the liveli-ness of a busy street, making a richer pedestrian experience. The use of
the_ existing patio area for dining throughout the year will enhance the streetlife along Bridge street and will be in conformance with the nlan.
A. Pedestrianization
The enclosure of the patio should
pedestrian circulation along lila1 l
experience in the winter months.
B. Vehicle Penetration
No change
C. Streetscape Framework
The addition of people dining on the patio during the winter will improvethe quality of the walking experience and will provide more street life
and visual interest. The enclosure of the deck'in the sunmer, however,would el iminate an open space wh'ich as had an excit'ing relationship tothe plaza and and prov'ides a strong sense of activity ior the pedestrian.
The applicants are not propos'i ng to enclose the deck during th! summermonths_completely. They propose to remove the glass paneli at the pedes-trran level during the sunmer and re-install them in winter.
D. Street Enc'losure
The street enclosure does not change by the proposal .
E. Street Edge
The Urban Design Guide Plan states that plazas, patios, and green areas
are.'important focal points for gathering, resting, and orieniing and shou'ld
be distributed throughout the v'i11age with consideration to spaiing,
sun access, opportunities for view, and pedestrian activity.
The.total .glass approach provides excel'lent transparency during the fa11,winter and spring seasons.
Buil ding Height
No change.
No chanqe
-3- Valentf's 2/9/84
H. Service and Del ivery
No change
I. Sun/Shade
The-project wilr not increase shadows on adjacent property or onpubljc property.
A. parking
The applicant wiil be.required to pay a_parking fee based upon one spaceper each B seats.provided. The feb iroutl neeJ"to-be paid pi.io" io i[e--issuance of a buiiding permit.-
The cornmunity Development Department staff recommends approval of the proposalto enclose 308 squarb feet oh varenilno;s patio wiil'-ilr6-iollowing conditions:
l'That the glass panels, at the pedestrian l,evel north and west be removed total 1yfrom June 15th ihrougtr sep{em6er-i6il: t.te feet trrit inil-would provide the r ,.,-gufaoor atmosphere during'the summer iuuron that many consider an asset for vail.
2.The applicant participates in and not remonstrates against a speq,ia1, improvementdistrict if and when formed ro" vaii Vil'lage. a speclal lmproveme
Failure upon the r"rli:gl!:s part to compry with these conditions.wirr result-: .in the communitv Dbveropment bepartmeni"disarlowing food and beverage serviceon this deck, unresr p"Lnious-Ii"irsi.iiJ"ts have ue6n miJe-*ith or" department.
' L'1./ tv t.
. r--... .. -.:
I t)ti2lii;,iY , 0( jl'r)i iljll .! !l ,
,The ne xt i tr,,rn cln Lhe aJ;c:u<la w;l's thc a]rl)(!a. l of 1.hc l,l.,c rlcci s j.on bv cl :.:r nors
-I-c..r]-jru-.adgl,i-iliil -irrji-ctr-(:Iqs:.!Ll i:i) L(,. L;;ll; -r-.'.-l,-':-, ;. :;.rl,.r- .i.-.-:-Tt cii- 1. r , .,...,i.-;tht: a1tpea.l to tltc Couuci I , Fj i vinE-ThZ;-ll:rcllZ'i:oiirrcf'of t.hc si tua.tion . II<,: sl.at edthat 1"!te s!aI'f 's recotntttcndltion was to appr'o'.,/c the a1t.cr':ltiort. Jirlr C1r1unbo,arc.h j.tec1, f or the_. alte:'a.t j-<>it, gave his pl^cscntati.on on the proposeci p).an.There lvcl'e sev()ral conments frcrm ci.tizens rcgarding the negotitr" diJ'flcts ofthe proPosed alterati<-rn . Several lette'rs had been recei vorl by th! Counc.-l- Ifrom citizens ri'ho coul.d not be in att.enda.nce this evening -t+t&t tverc againstthe a.l terations. I{r. Charl-es "Kit'Cowperthvraite, ..pteletifihg Jack -urtin,
mzrde a pl:esentation to the Council and read a letter he hacl rei.ej.ved J.romIlr. Curtin opposi.ng the altcration. Paul Johnston questionecl tlre valj-dityof the lease presently helcl by Parks in relation to nol- meetigg tl.re clearllineoi- October 1, 1-982, for completion of landscapj.ng the Cyr:ano'u-U"iiaing.Gaj.l lVahrlich a.sked whether a motion hacl to Ub maOe conlerning "if tirreej.terns of the alteration or rvlrether they could vote on them sefaratel]'. EAchColtncil ntentber gave their feelings orr the proposal . After some discussionRon Todd made a motion to overturn [he P]iC debision aud approve the Cyrano'salteratlon. Bill lf i lto seconcled" the rnoti.on. 'There rvas some discusslon;Ron Todd arnended his motj.on to inclurle that condj.tions of appr-oval pilr-suantto staff memo of september z, LgBz, must be rnet. A1so, if iindscaprng lrasnot completed_-by Junei 1., 1983, the project woulrl be redta"gged. A vote wastal:en and the motion failed 4 - 3 -'[!ahrlic]r, Slifer, Johnion a.nd St.apferopposing' Bill $rj-lto ma-de a second notj.on to overturn the pEC decision by
a1 lowing the northside of the deck to be enclosed and the addition of a.third floor condo to be built, but not all.orving the southsjde deck tc., beenclosed by a glass greenhouse. Bon Todd seconded.-bhe motion. A vot,e v,'astaken and the rnotion passed 6 - 1- paul Johnston opposing.
Tlie next iteni on the agenda was the easement agreement with the Vail Va.lleyConsolidated ifaLer Distri,ct/IIurtt and the Town of Vail . Steve pattersop,building officia.l , presented the agreement to the Councjl. There lvas somediscussion. Hermann Staufer rnade a motion to author.ize the Town l,{anager tosign the easenrent agreement and Bill Wilto second.ed the mction. A vote v,,e.staken and the motj.on pa.ssed unanimously.
The next i-tem on the agenda was the continued discussion of the Contrac.Lor'sCommittee. Djck Ryan add.ressed the Council, stating that since-tfie TGT--'meetlng, he had done some cheching ancl there lvere several names on theletter tha.t Dudl€9 HoImes had presented to the Council whc had not lrutho:rizedtheir names to be included. He stated that he (Ryan) backed his departmentl-00%'and felt ttrey were cloing a good. job and rvere upholding the builctingcocie as they had been instructed to do by the Counc.i1 He recommencled thattbe staff continrre their system of meeting rvith contractors on an jr.rdirrjduaibasis when.neecled. Dud.1e1z Holmes presc.nted the Council tvith the foi}owi_ngnames for a Conl.ractorsr Comnittee I Jim Delr{artin, S1.eve Boyd, Larr:y lrtullinsand Jim iiemp' He suggested that the Council appoint its me*berr plus aCouncil tttetnber (Ron Todd?) and they ha-ve meetiirgs e\/er:y twb rveeks and repor-ito the couucil each month. Rod Slifer stated that he did not feel this wasnecessary, but they should meet when necessa-t:y. Slifer asked Dick Ryan toccordinate a meeti.ng be-urveen'the Bui.ld-ing Appbals Board, the Contractolscomrnittee and a councilrnembe:: and get ba.-k lb tue council .
Tbere was no T<-rrvn trlanager Report.
Ti:ere \rlr"s no Town Attorney Rcport.
As thcre lYas no further business, tho meeting was acl,jour'ned at 10:O0 p.m.
Ilespectful ly subrnitted,
irr.l riey ife-r,
Col lcr:n i\l . Kl j trr,r, '.lo\rn Cl el.k
unj' -p
T0: P'lanning and Environmental Cormission
FROM: Oepartment of Conrnunity Development
DATE: September 7,1982
suBJECT: Exterior alteration and modification request for cyrano's toenclose two second ]eve] decks and add a third stoiy condominium
Appl icants: Bud and Greta parks
In the sumner of 1979 cyrano's requested to enclose the same decks as
9.y qrg again requesting to enclose. At the pEC on July l0 they weredenied 3-2 due to the size of the expansion, the precedeirt that lt wouldset for future expansions of a similar nature, anh the effect that thisexpansion wou'ld have on.changing the character of the area by eliminatingoutdoordiningareasandincieaiingcongestion.
The Planning.and Environmental Commission decision was appealed to Council,but.the applicant changed his mind and proposed to only birclose the frontsecK ttacing Hanson Ranch Road). The council remanded it back to pEc, which
gPproved the front deck enclosure with the condition that the enc'losuieDe constructed so that the side windows are removed in the sumner to providethe same summer space and appearance that is there today. Another conditionrequired the awning to remain to retain the color and m-overnent when thewind comes up and the awning f'lutters.
t-it .lyent proposal does not meet these conditions (they wish to permanentlyenclose the deck), the previous approval does not app'ly, and we shou'lil treatthis as a totally new pioposa'|. "
The proposal entails_enclosing the 480 square foot north deck as a structuralcomponent of the buildinq.
The'south deck of 1000 s{uare feet is p'lanned to be enclosed with retractablegreenhouse windows to retain the abi'l!ty tg nnke it an outdoor 4".r.-ifr.ou6[outthe year._.A1so proposed is the additioir of a thirid ito"v to the buildinq" --
wtrich would consist of a dwelling unit ot approximateiv'2,ioo-;qd;;';;;i.
The appl'icants wish to enc'lose the north deck to nake it an indoor spacedue to the snal'l time period throughout the yeai wrren ii can be used asan outdoor eating area (due to its-norttr orti,niitioni. -il'"v nisfi-iJ ;i""*n-
house" the south deck to allow it to remain functioning as an outdoor deckwhen weather allows (glass wourd be
pi;; il'dE iur. to use thedeck in the winter whin weather is not conoucive to eating outdoors. Thethird floor dwellins unit would be set il;[-iffi iinio'i'iini[-noia-io atterptto retain the building's two story feeling from tnii peripective.
C'Rt I
Concept l0:
B. Pedestrianization
The commercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to nnintainthe unique character of the vuii-vii'iage cormeic.iar area, with its mjxtureof lodges and commercial establisnmenii-tn-. pi..,i"'i,;rii!ty p.o.strian environ-ment. The commerciar core r oisirrcl is ;nteirdeo io uniu"" adequate r ight,-,. nir, open spacei and other u*"niiiei'appropriate to the-permitted types ofbuidinss and uses. The district reiutiiion='iriiiio"iinie wttn the vairvillage urban desigrl suia;-;i;nini"aesign consiaeritiini p".r.ribe sitedevelopment standaids-ttrat ire inleniea. Io ensu""-tn"'iliintenance and preserva-jj:l :l.'tt'", !1shtrv clusterea-u"ang;ilenti-oi iriiuinir"irontins on pedestrianv{ays-and pubric qreeways, and to eisure iontinuation-ot ine building scareand archj_tecturaT quariiies ir'Ji iiiii"di;i'ffi ";;i'rig-]
The proposa'l is in compliance with the purpose section of the commercial,Core I zone district.": -:-' '-;'l:' J":
no's -2- 9/7/Bz
predominantly unaffected because the changes'l evel .
A. Sub-area Concepts
..loncept 8: 'lrMi]l
Creek walking path, west-side Mill Cr:eek. path'a: .-: \:. ,. ; compretss l inkage. irbm pirate-sfrii-pl'rri'.id *rntuinpath to Gore CrEek Drive.
since physically there is no area to_leeg the path totary on the westside of the creek,'.tte pitiriuri-0" .onrtructed puriiuirv (southerryl./3) on the east.,riae wiii'aT;;dil over the crebk, The constructionof this path wit be a conditon di approvar. The'stair wirl work withthe app I i can t for piop.".i,iuiJil"n i' unh'
"J,i. i"r.i iin'Ji' *re pa *r,
Seibert Circle. ',Feature area paving treatment. RelocateI::1l..p?ill {potentiai rorniiini-io"ioiu, for better sunexposure (fall/spring), creates'increised pi;;-;;;; ;;;are the backdrop'ror-iitivrii;;. ' i;il;.ted path on northside for unimpeded p"oesiriin-"irt""Iu"ing del ivery periods.,,
condition of approval.will be-that the applicant agree to participatea mi n i - improvi:inent O i stri ct-fo"*ir, ir=pio. "...
No change in pedestrianization wiil occur as a resurt of this proposar.
C. Vehicle penetration
vehicle penetration into the virlage will be srightly increased as aff:l: ![.ln: residents or ine'ioniiminrum droppins ;ff tu;il;;,-s"o-
D. Streetscape Framework
The_ streetscape framework isnoutd take place above street
t. Street Enclosure
Cyrano's -3- 9/7/B?
Stredt*edge"iii unchanged with the proposal.
G. Euilding HeiEht :. -. , ', r r.:. -
The-proposa'l meets the new buitding height requirements for vail villageas folloys:
From the perception of a pedestrian walking down Hanson Ranch Road, the. slregt enclosure will ngt be significantly increased. The north wallof the.,proposed dwelling unit will be 20 feet south of the property linealong Hanson Ranch Road and about 40 feet from the center oi Hinso-n Ranch
- lgad. .Thus, by'setting back the'third level away from the major pedestrian
lfoul, tne street enclosure is not negatively affected. The Urban Desiqn- Guide Plan labels a'l/z (height of bu.ilding) to't (width of street) stieet- enclosure ratio as tfe most corfortab'l e. Eecause the Hanson Ranch'Road
'i, 19legtlign wl:ll be conscjous of only the two story uuitaing tteigni "t'i.n,-r.,T9w 9Ii:!:, the'street enclosuie woirld rema'in about the saie as'it presentlyls'"16:s-to 38 orabout I lz to l. As one views the building fron uiper
...,lliag" street, tfle third level's. impact wil'l be ev'ident, oui aertntlliy-not overwhelminq."
l. Allowed: Up to 60% of the building (building coverage
i . be built to a height of 33 feet or-less.
. Proposed: 631, of the building to be under 33 feet
2. Allowed: No more than 40% of the building (building coverage area)
may be higher than 33 feet, but-not highei than 4i teeil'
Proposed: 17% of the buflding to be higher than 33 feet, but nothigher than 43 feel
ViewsTn- is a minor view,plane.originating from Gore creek Drive just eastof the Milt creek Bridle which ioois i6uttrwesf-to"Jri-Vuii 'Mountain.
Th-is view plane goes over the western traii oi- i;;;;;,i-Jru'ir.r-ir,"Gold Peak irouse.l Because the 6ord peak Houie is"so"ilrir,-ii"g"" and tailerthan cvrano's, the minor view witt noi oe Jiieii"i-uy-iiie'i"oporut. Evenafter the third story.is added to_Cyrano's, the Gold peak House,s roofheight will be 16 felt more itran-Cy"rano;s.
Service and Oel ivery
service and cel ivery frequency should not increase for the restaurantoperation due to the proposar. The two decrs io-ue;;"il;.; are current.tve1!.ins areas durins ll. tbast a,portion or irre v*". -i^i"i"ir-iitrrilil;r,
with regard to more kitchen and'storage space are planned and will be neces..sary.
area) may
Cyrano's -4- 9/7/82
The green-
(I c.
fgl-uj.. and del ivery efficiency wiil .be greaily improved with the currentconstruction of a trash.enc'l os-ure and-paied ar"ivewiv-on lanc teased frornthe Town to the east of th; b;;iJiigi'o"tru""y trucks wiil be ailowedtb use this new driveway !o sgt off-ianson Ranih Roaa ini'iilow a vehicrefree pedestrian eiperjeirce. _"n-niw'aliivery walkway into the buildinois included in the'trash encror;;; ;;i;"way. projeci. n r,ii["i"9JiJ"lnacl2ain will prevent aov v"ntiiei-.i.iii'trash pickup and derrvery trucks!0 dccess,the_ new,6"1u"*ut. :-.-... 6..... .-._. .
tl:r-:ol:atuclgd, tr,e'auirins'unii shouri iot negatively trpu.t .r,"'number of serriice and deliverJ vetrici"i-ente.rng the core area.
Enclosing the north deck has no effect on sun/shade factors.housing and abi'ljty to retract tf,. rinao", on the south deck
the accessibility'to:the suri in that 'location.
Because the third story is designed to both set back from the north faceof--the buildinq and to rnatch th; exisiing.roof pitch or ine north portiong[,!tt1. luitaing,.it should noi inci:diii tt'e shade on Hanson Ranch Road.Ints type of desisn -is specifically_ encouraged in the Sun/Shaae l"iiionof the u.D.G.p. Furthermbre, th; oirra-Feii ndui. ir""iaJ-i!ru"s ro s*eenpublic rights-of-wav from th6 ;tn ;;"id the afternoon hours.
l. uses - alr-proposed-uses are permitted on their respective leversin Commercia'l Core L
Control - Bu_i'ldable site area = 4,462 sq ft
fl]lH:l',fF[^ " l:58i
3. Coverage - no change
4. Landscaping - no change
5. Parking and Loadinf - The.applicable fee will be paid intofund.the pa rking
The Department of coyulitv Development recommends approval of the exterioratteration and modificatioi propoiSi-iJ"-ciiu;;;;: -i;'i'alqrut"
visuar trans-parency is provfded in the ehctbiure oi'firi noit['a"ir,'iirsnouto s""u"-to increase year-round u.tiuitv-on'roou" Bridge street. The Design Reviewuoard should carefuilv review-ini'-p.55iit to iee-irrui'inii"i, accomplished.
sq ft
sq ft
cyrano'r(l sltlsz
'3. The-greenhouse enclosure of the south deck must ber,:,;, 'during the time per.iod from .lune-i- to S.pt.uUe, lS
This approval. .is val.id only if the improvements torront dect( and retaining wall are conltructed (asSente$51 8,,. I,.980) by Jine:t, t9gl.- --
]!e 9w1e1 agrees to participate in and not remonstrate asainst aspecial improvement iristricl if an when i6rrea-in'i/;ii iiii;s".
of these additions has been sensit,ive to existingto the Vai'l Village Urban Design Guide plan. "
scate_of Cyrano,s should make the currentlythe Go'l d Peak House and Cyrano's sorewhJt *o"eapproval are as follows;
removed completelv
of each yeir.
mini-improvement district if
no more than 3 years after
the street levelper approval granted
4- tfne owner agrees to participate in a
,o,,.T" ts fonned .fqr1 Seibert Circle.
$. t1. lpproval:"is valid for a period.ofrtnat approval is given.
6' The applicant must construct the Mill, creek. walking path connectingHanson Ranch Road and ttre-eitiiing'bit" path souiii"oF-dyruno,r. Thisinctudes construction ot-a-u"iJs"'ui"oir'ilii'r "cr""t]' "'
Pt AiiN ri'lc Ai'iil t_NVItl0Nil!l{TAt. c0i4i,{isstiii!
Septenticr .l3, l9B2l
lli I I Trout
Diana Doirovan
Dan Corcoran
lJuane Piper
J im V'iel e
I ater':
J iin l'lorgan
Dan Corcoran, chairnran, called the
l. 4!E;o'/_ql_of Jnilnutes of neetingr
Dick ltyan
Peter Patten
Peten Jarirar
Jim Sayre
Betsy Rosc'l ack
Ron Todd
meet'ing to order at 3:00 prn.
of August 23, 1982,
Donovan titcved and Piper seconded to approve the minutes of Airgust 23, Vote was 5*0.
ion f f exte rior al teratic,n arid modjf icat jon in CCi Djstrict to ei"rcl ose
cid a tirir<l floor condc,miniunr at--tr lr4ll -o-or-c 9[q!ryuiut_gl_tyru95,-r;no 's, Apn] jcants : llud and
Dan explained that five let,ters had becn recr:.i ved from adjoining property
oviners in opposition to the pr.oject. I
Peter Patten gave. some background on the Cyrano's building anii revievied the nrerno.Jjm Cololnbo,architectfor the project made the board fanriijar wiLh varicus com-
?9nu,nt:. of the request" He added that making the C;vrarro's bu il cling highet" ntaclerne DUI iolng corne closer to the he.ight of the Gold Prak llouse. He stated tlraLthe.applicant was inlerested in keeping as nruch transpaysp6y as possiille alongSeibert Circle ar:d llanson Ranch Road,
He shot'red with transparencjes how the buiiding h'ould look'when the glass roof
lnd,YoJls,tverc in^p1 ace, The t,'inrior'ls arrci rooi were to rqoy.k electroijcally, ancic0uld be taken off conrp'l etely in the SUirilrrrr. He expia irrr,'d that the th jrd"i'l oorwas set back to rctain the turo story feeling of, tlrc building. Colonbo pointedout that only 1i? of 1 windo'rr on th-e east side of thc Gold peak llouse uras blocl<euby Cyrano's_pt^oposal, and that there ar'e 4 or 5 other wiircjols on the sarrr,.l wa'i
that viere alreadv blocked.
Corcoran read a I ettcr f rorrr R'ick llal tern:anii, i,lanagirr-q agent f rorn Arthui' iiishopand C0nrpany, ntanagcr for the I1il'l Creek Couit; iJuiict iiigl ,'sl.rtin..t t.ira{. is 10rrr1 35the oi"diriances of thrl Tot+:t of Vajl were aditcrect tc, tne Nii1 Crr:ek Court llu:ildirrgAssoc iat ion did ni,'l lrave an.y ob ject ion to thc- propbsal .
PEC "2- 9/13/82
Jack Curtin, representing himself and Mrs, Cortlandt Hill spoke and mentioned
that at one time there were 2 residences on the second fl oor which were changedto the restaurant and one of the reasons given was that residences did not
work in that space. Curtin pointed out that Cyrano's had not finished landscaping,
and that cars stil'l parked on the east side, He added that there was a great
possibility that the sliding walls and roofs would become frozen shut and wou'l d
remajn shu! onthe south deck. He asked why a model hadn't been required to
be shown ih ttre proposal . Curtin also nraintained that until the view corridor
review was nnde, there should be no curtailment of existing views. He feltthat it was diffjcult to hide the fact that there was a 3rd floor, that thebuilding as it was now could be charming if it were cleaned up, that a 3rd floor
would block 4 or 5 windows that lit and-ventilated ha1'lways tir tne Gold Peak
House. Curtin felt that there would be increased traffjc because of more people
in the larger restaurant and additiona'l people jn the condomjnium, especial'lyif the condo were rented out. He added that it would shade the stream considerably.
Curtin's last remarks were that the applicant should be asked to finish what
they have started before being granted further approvals.
Kit Cowperthwaite, representing Jack l,Jhitehead, owner of the Red Lion Condominium,
said that it was Mr, Whitehead's presence and acts, after purchasing the condo,
that dissolved a law su'it between Mrs. Hill and the Town of Vail. He added
that Mr. Whitehead stood to lose 40-50% of his v.iew of Vail Mountain with the
addition of a 3rd story, Couperthwaite read section .|8,24,065A3 of the code ar'dfelt that it was not being complied with.
V'iele felt that more infornntion was needed. Piper fe1 t that the vjew corridor
should be pursued more, that the prev'ious items that had been approved should
be completed before granting further approva.ls. He felt that 'l eav'ing Cyrano'sat two stories allowed excellent relief of spaces. Piper was concerned that
the deck enclosures be extremely transparent--90% transparent as was presented.
Donovan felt that the alley seemed to be a catch-al 1, that there was a definjte
loss of f ight to the Gold Peak House, that there was a moral obliqation on the
part of Cyrano's not to add the 3rd f1oor, because of past documented action of
Mr. Parks, and that with fogging up, there would be little transparency to the
enclosed decks, that the difference in the heights of Cyrano's and the Gold Peak
House was interestingr. that no project of Cyrano's to date had been completed,
and that the street enclosure wjth the 3rd floor was overwhelming. She added that
a larger restaurant created more deljverjes, especially of perishables.
Corcoran agreed with Jack Curtin in that the presentation by the applicant was
lacking compared with other applicants.
Columbo pointed out that even with the 3rd story added, that there was stjlla great difference in height between Cyrano's and the GoId Peak House, that
there would be more act'i vity generated in Seibert Cjrcle and Hanson Ranch Road,that the applicant would agree to al'l 5 conditions, and added that there had
never been a ri ght to private vjews. He added'that it was-hard to,see,the view unless
one were in the Clock Tower area. He expla'ined that the windows would not frost
up because they would be of l" or l*" Thermopane, and the heat from the inside
should melt any snow on the top imnediately. Columbo said that a model would
Pi.C -"3- I/13iBZ
be no problem to makc, but that jt shoulci have been brought l;p when thc appl icirnt
appl icd for the a1.,pr.ova1 .
Jim l4organ arrived.
Pattcn, repiying to sotrte of Curtin's rentarks, stated that the staff did not
state that there would not be any impacts. He added that the enclosed decks
would add to the activity 'in the core area. There had becn compl ications concern'ing
finishing the area to the east of the building, but that there was novt an agreenlent
that it rnust be f jn jshed by 0ctober 'l .
Ryan stated that thb rccluest rnust be dealt wjth under the curi'ent criteria
He added that the FronL, deck would have to be conrpleted by June I, 1983.
Corcoran movecl and Donovan seconded to deny the request, Corcoran stating that
that he did not feel that this presentation lvas as detailed as others in CCI, and
that he djd not feel a 3rd floor c0nd0 was appropriate jn Lhat area when the very
strong argument was used that it djrln't tqork when the conversjon was Inade on the
Zncl floor. "I thjnk those 2 areas alol'le are strong encugh for tn;z motion' and I
reiterate the itens listed by Curtinl' The vote was 3-2 (Trout & Piper) to
deny with i'lorgan abstaining.
Curtin asked why the view corridor review hadn't been fjnished, and Ryan ansvtered
that the legal staff was not confjdent with the procedure, that it would not
stand up legally, l-le added that this was one of the subjects to be djscussedat the joint meeting on Tuesday, September 2l .
3. &e4ue9t for variances for GRFA and setbacks in order to construct an addition*l "ilrlfqr f-]mg. - AppT-iEants.:--i-o[n' a n-d tjebbl e*Oilu]n *__
Patten explained that the request has been revised since the last meeting,'in
that_the request now was for oniytheajrlock on the west side arrd to expandthe front deck to the south
Jim I'lanning, representing the appl icants, showed .s.ite plans"
concerning snol^, removal and storaqe
Morgan tnoved and Viele seconded to approve the variance request for the setbackfor the airlock as well as the setback for the front deck. The vote was 3-3with Morgan, viele and rrout in favor, and Dorrovan, corcoran ancl piper votingagainst. The motion did not pass.
Donovan moved and Piper seconded to approve the variance request for the airjockoniy as per the staff reconirnendation. The vote was 6-0 jn fivor. The appiicant
was reninded that he had 10 days in which to appeal the decjsion to Town Councjl.
Piper and Patten left at th.is point.
Discussion followed
, ,r
75 south lronlage road
vail, colorado 91657
(303) 475_7000
March .l6, I 983
Bud Parks
One Cantitoe Lane
Englewood, Colorado 801 ll
Dear Bud:
I've enclosed the following (and al"so s."t ;il;-;;-Ci;;;;
l. Application form for the street level remodel project.
2' colombo's written proposal addressing urban Design Guide pran.
3. Department of community Development memorandum to planning commissionon the proposal .
4- Minutes of the meeting wherein the pEc approved the appr icatjon withstaff conditions.
5. A fo1 1ow-up'l etter to Jerry expressing our disappointment in that cyrano,shad done all the interior work'and ignored the bxterioi wor*.
6. signed lease agreement for east side trash enclosure.
7. Copy of staff memorandum on the most recent proposal includjng conditionof approval (re. front street levei-de;ii.- '. -'--*'
In all of these documents I've high'l ighted the language referring to thefront street level deck.
Hope to see you on the slopes soon for a few runs.information.
As Alwavsi.z- / '----/..'a ),''' I /r, ./
.. /-z-z-'--''
Senior Planner
cc: Clayton Swede Johnson
APP: br
Betsy to me.
Swede Johnson):
Call me if you need further
!., .
lv,a\' l-ttl' 7i fi 'r-rut-)1,{,Jl''i t.){,- )
AticusT i5, t9a0
PLAi{iliNG & ${liItt0tJt4iltrAL
ccltiirss I0N
col.il4ERcIAL ccriE r (i':\'.
.. .:
THE F.I-L'IJING APpr r:ll.rgf rs rN REFrRfircE-T0 AN EXTERi0R ALTERATT0N TcTHE GoriicLA CHALET surL ne-nidrue'Hniiibru nnHcH nona-in"i,n?1. TriE UpsTArrts0PEpJ,Tr0N is r.iArNrii,Jiq-B! cvui'io,i^ilisrRuiiarri, urmr^iip.v'r'RECENTLy AQUrr;D Tri:LEAST Fcr Tl'iE D0i'lirsrAins i=ndiliii r,*riin l,iAs FoRrlEnry rHt Fnii,rcH coNNEc.r.irJiisKi sH0P' THE oo't;lsratis rniiiin"r"iil er rnlrsFrR[D iNTo A BAR opERATror,rsERVrrlc AppETIZERS qrun rrcnerlr;'in ;-ffi'KEy Lr';E riusrc.
III (,R3ER TO FACILi]AI5^T!II I'R.lIiSFiR OF-USE.THE PROIOSPL IS IO TIICLOSE T;-iEEXTEIT]OR STAiR'.IAY OIOiIg i|q UIiSi"PNCEiN]'Y-LIIiE BOARDER AND i"ACIIiG IIANSONR1fiLH ROiD., AS r,rErL_AS_ciin;'r-n bi-ili.,rr f,lc.qf rrr ron rHi-BuTLDTNGS EXIEFT;C:r.rHIs FAcr LTFTTNC 'iTnIIgr'liL'r cbi,;iili or r,ro,ir uirur:oi"ipncE, MoRE BUr_ui,\0Tfu\risp;iii?il{cy - ENTRATic.E_r'jcDrriiAiior,r,'inrvoscnpING r40DIFICAr i'fJ, DtcKRET40DELING AND Ar'iD oriEn-iliNOR"iiiHilo,i nrrrnniirrzu-ns cni'i'ai sErN rN Acc'i4pAri*lGARTIST coNcEpTroNS mo stri pt_nN.' -"'""
P. o. Eox 1763 VatL. COLO;iADO 8r657
o,r l.) r-\'i i*)"J
g. t4Ct;iiTAIil CATtItAY Ii.lPR0Yl:liiiT 14ILl- til: /rCC0i{tl.lS11ED BY LAST t' SitiJlll LANIISC/ri'l-'purtrtrtc
REiNrCpc[i,11:liT 0i: ilrLL cr{i.t'. l)ATil l,jiTll EASI tiouiii]llY lt,'1i{TY_g-:!:lil-i,tlli:(;iii cni;nor D'Ltiip st t[, t)[ri i:l.opti[t1T ct- l.'r,s0rrlriy rRnNT D[:ci( l,iHtc!i f]lLL GENEP.ATI:
eCIViTV.AL3NG MSU11TAIt* cA'fLl,JAY AND It{t:d t,tttt CREEi( i'AiltilirY.'' "*'
10. pRcp05At iS uITttIt'{ BUILDTiiG EXpA}ist0:l ZOir:0F URBiiN DESiGI: GUltji:l-INES A.i.0liG
t2EDISTptAN ACTIVITy, I,IITH trOTil DIRECT HirilS0i{. R/rtlcH ROeD LllTIiY Fliirlri Tl-lE
sitgrnr cIRCLE. ':,1,:',"'|'' : ' :
15. EXTEIITI0N 0F THE SECON FLCrR BALCOI'I'I:l'IILL FACILITATE II{CREASID ACTI\tlTY Iil'--AREA, Futtcuoil AS stiolt pRoT[crI0t1 OvtR DECK & tlALr'-'/lAYS, Il'iPR0\'t THt scAt-l:
'.BE o
EDESTRIAN rRAFFic. ''iHH ininiri ir"ursorrnrrv sTAiRS-& t-!'1,-'l!l!lt' ll4i1P) "i^lJLl-'
RIENTED T0 THE rnreniiciioit a ltlcnrnsE A6TIVITY INTS STIDERT qltclF'''
pEDESTRTAN ,,lir-ri,rAis blrLi'BE"ilrcnunsilioLy DEFINED DY THE-F0RilAL (EXTffii)iu-
AllD ltEIGtlrErrro) pr-nilrEns' iiurritlct';rricu NILL-0ccuR AS LIJIDScAPE uP LIGiliillG
'. o. l30x 1763 vn tL, coLortn Do 0t657 n fToS. Cn L.tFOnNln !llioLr3P. O. BO)i | 445
.ar l/-"\: /n._.: i-{ 't ") 'i !li/,\- \*-_/:. l'._--.'i r
Ci l ,.--\| .! tl\L I
I t\
TllI FOLLO'rJJiln P0ll{Ts sLrPi''0ltTS rilE P05trI0N TttAT.TlI priot)o.ii,L sUisTAti-iLLy CC:1;]-;5llllll TllE ACC0I''';'Ai:li{G vAiL vlLLAGI Di:sicil c0i,lsIUEFrATI0N-
TIIE TROPOSAI. AS Ii:IiTIOiiID IN TIII FORiG()Ii.IG PASSAGES I,JJLt. ENCOUR;]E IiICIiFA:trI)PtDlsTltI/\it TR/ii:l-IC. IT ttlLL HtLp T0-FACILIT^TE TrIS IticI?i,LSi Dy uTiL:ziliGTHI tiicLUDil]'Pci?TI0ii 0F Tl'lE r=norlr orcil trl0ltG tJttlSlii RAiiC;i F:lriD F0ii.pi=sTiitirilTR/IFFIC: cRtATili6 A PtDr:sTliAllt rlL[lriii FR0i'1 TnE colD pt/iK t{otJSt irr-oi{G THtllAri;rcnp |r\r.ip TC THr rrfrcp0sir, incin:. ril"irris-llnv-prbi'si,inllr TiiArFrc tjrLr. DiACCO; ii.ic-DATE D r Viii DiiRiltG inui r rirL-ivi.:l.i y rl r,iES .DURIIiG I'lOii- DELIVi.RY TIiils itiE-Niil i'i;.,s0lrRy sT0ps LEADii,rc DIRECTLy T0 riAiiscfiP'Ai'r0r RoAD r{rLL ALSO AssrsT iri pforsinrAri Trr^f.Frc AiiD Accrss.
' TllE PR0P0SAL I'lILl- HpVE lt0 AFFECT UPCfl VilllCl-E P[lliTP.ATI0:l Iti THE ARIA. nA.iSi,i'RAti$t RD. 1S CURRE|ITLy A,0;,tE unv rforr siill:rr nHo-rlrLi'c0r,.irrruE T0 tsE S3. D[Lj\.:it\'STOPS cOl'lTlNU[ Iiilli STOPS REi'lAINIi'lc-il-ti sAl,1E. Il0 INCRin!r rru THt NUr]:R 0FDELiVERIES OR THiER FR[qUi:NCY WIiI-OCCUN:AS A RESULT OF TIJiS PROPOSAL.
THE PROlSAl- ACC0I'iCDATES Tl'lIS DESIci'i cOl{SID[RATIOtt BY ItiFIl-LING Tij: coi1i.1ltcI:LAREA liiTH THi BUILDIlic c0tlllER lxspnuiioil-ciiiATER FiiotJT sTnilcTrir-iE Ti?Atis:AR[ljiy A:;DHELPIIiG I'i0riE cOtiPt[i!!Y T0 Dirll,ti pfniirnrnrr_l{Ar ]l,lAys, BoTii tsy DEVEr.c:)tENT 0i:DEcl( AllD RAIIPS AtlD RECOi'lsrITUTrr're or'-iiil L/ritDscirprD iinniiils. ALoltc :.it u\srFllLl' c0RRItl0R THE rnrrusCapirle rliiL-irrr-i, Tc DEFr.ir TuAT Ari[A ArrD DiFn,: ITS pA.iiitlAy AS UrLL AS scREEii ui{srGrrli, Fnciiiuri (iRAirr i0iir,sj'.'' Tir[ Dr.yiLc::,rENr 0FTHE D[cls l'JIl-L GENERtiT[ GRiiiTEIt prnriininr,i Acrivrry ln llE AREA-AlD ti: rHAccPi'iPAliiliG PLANTERS.AllD FR0l,li FAcAui EsrAsLisH n srniile"Fp.Ai,ili,t0Ri( F0: THE sTliE:T.
' STREET El'tCL0SURE IS ENllAi{CED IN Tiii: PROP0Sl,L. tiY HtIGtlT 0t FFEpIEI-:ATiOj.jAS IN PLAI{ C, l'lITlJ TllE EXTEITSI0i\ As n rotirii': oi ScniE"ni''iu lrr BALcc.;i EXTtilSiC:iAND INCTiEASED PLANTIR li[itiilT l{ITlt VIRTiCAi-t.Y I][f If.iro-fnif -r-ni,:DSCApING.
AS iii
:JRFEJ,EI'|CI-OSUli[( IE. !tIuTiJ) uiLL BE EFFiCTIyFt.y cli'rii n-llOrlr C6l.tFr)RTA:*t F[[.t.1,igAS A R[StlLT 0F THE SCALT GMll BY FROiiT PLiri.iT[F.S Llil) P0SSItit.t pt.iii C
TllE Pll0P0SAt. ACC0lipLISllIS A VAnli.n STnIET Et]nl. Al0ilO llililS0ll l?ANCF IiD. AS AC0;{StQtr[NCL 0[ lllt ll(rli'llltliil t)tCl( DEVtLt]il.;[i{'i At.cilr] Tll- rnoitir.$t- nUUiiL);iy:'
F. o. uox P. O. lro)( 1r145 ApTos. CALlFORNt.,t 9t;o03
1763 vn tL. col'.or?ADO B16s7 .
I ). r-\I li Itr*)xJ
o. Rox
.t 7c3 vn tL. coLOtiADO
vAiitATI0ii uiLL DI:IIltJ:. T]tI: ct-0st t{(.; 0i 5g I3iltT CI RL€ 8{Til[ GoLD prAK lIOUSi: Tti,i0Lll;ii rri ri,li:;ii-FACA|I.I]I STi I,IGUISII I TSI I.i.
TliE PtlOP0sAl- c0ili-0Pi'ls.jt]"li!l!i! DisiGll cc:isrDiRATr0;i iN ccr. pt-At.t A & B AF,il siili,t-yc0ilPl-[TI0;ls 0F TllE
^EX]slTillc Fol'i-lillii Iii t.,niclt iro Foi:rrdrr il,:\.r-r. EXc[[D 30 , i;rllIIClll' PLAI{ c Illcl'l'lcis ftrr nrl:iIoi,liirr'rr'A TotJaR t/iliar lr0rir r] cREA'rI A r]rvi:irsr:irJROir LIiiE ALOliG u0Til TllL BUiLDt;;i-Liin"i;rosE r?00FS ALorG irArisoii rAricH RoAD.THi T0i'i[n PLAN c0;'lPLIES l'lITii';ca:.s'rl=[nnc:;; i'il=rHni"iiis"rliil 401 0F TriE s]-fr:c0vrPJr0E !J0ULD BE As0vi 3ir'- AI{D-N0-i,;RT 0F TnE srnucru;tE **out,D BE ABovE 401 u,lI-IE I G IiJ
VIEI'J PLAIIIS ALONG Til[, CCI-I'iOULD l{0T Bt AL'ii:PlD T0 ANY EXTET{T BY IITHER plAt.l A 0R Bcc;{sIDt-llIllG l}IERE iiOuLD BE ii,lPLi"n [oor lrriE colrpflitcii.- ri{ pL;lN c A r,il:c:i\/IEl{ pLAl'lE DisruilAiicE..r'lour-n oCcr-i mor't n !iDESTRIiil Livri uHrir L00r,,iNG T0l{ARLr vA}Ll'10ui'i'liilfl FR0i'l DInlcrLY Il'lFR0lli oi iLl'BUI:lIitG. rtlii i'iiiron 11rEr.t pL.Alit DISTirLiir,f,irci:cAr'l Bi SUBSTiIiITIALLY JUSTiriin I'r il;i irs.iieitc i'nllr'iilrC-oF TnE TordIR ALoi'iG lirr ri rll,lc0Rlllucil T0 vAiL I'iOuNTAIi'|, ciinl;rui"i bli':itstniro vrii+ pinirr ron pEDESTRTAi{ TrlriFFrc &A Ui'ilQU[Ly "vArLrsH', ro:rr[ rnniiilii" r i,[l; 0F THE r40ul{TAiri.
H' SUll & SHADI C0IisIDERATICIi-|'IILL l]CT BE,:FfEcJEq BY AtlY P/rRT 0F THE pRgpgSAr i)uRriicANY PART 0F TllE YEAR, 0urslll oF-n"i:li,;tr:':onrtruc slrnicr ACCR05s r.rAi\tsr]ir RAi,r(rri Rciio.Tol,rAriD TnE nED Lr0r{ .uNTrL ne cui r z;il'rioir:; av pLni{ C,i-ioiftn. Tnrs suAD0r.lrirGt{OuLD PEiitTRATE 0ilLY-T0 THE ROCK'eriiir'rrr,ir t.tALL 0F THE RED r-iof{ /ii,lD NoT DISTUIJANY SERVIi'IG AREAS. .lr IAy sr uP r0 iiiii'tri' rirr ruiD[ ii,r iFnrno AND FALL ANDREDUCID T0 APPR0X. 10-12 FEET lrilr-iiiiir'rc sui'i;,irR uolrrHi',lHgru lir suN rs Hrc]iLR.THE T0lt[it PLAN l'ri;JlD sriLL BE ir-Jir;:rii.qLL'i srioRTrR lir-HiiirH Tr{nr Tr.r[ EXrs.f'{cGOLD PIAK H0usE l'illICH tiOul-D ilAV[ ool:inilri SHiiD0urNG lilolciiorri rHE yEAR.PEDESTRiAN EXPERIEiic[ uour-n lroi sut'irtr rnoi,t llis stlluo'.1 IiiTRUSI0N DUR]ricsPRIllG AllD FALI- PERI0DS T0 AliY L;'net on l,i:.r0i.t EXTENTt.
EXpERIENcE 0F Tr.iEPEDISTRLiN I'IAY BE Ir'lPR0vlD sv rH: DI'JLttsir',eo sHA.DCi] pniirni*s-nicirrc"iirE"'rijrcitu
P. o. rtox 1.145 ApTos. cALlt--oRNtn 0500:l
Lor.r Kry LrvE r.iusrc.UiIDER THESE USES THE IiNI PROPOSNi WIII'SE IN ACCORDAIICE I,IITH DESIGNATEDzoNrNG usES As DrscRrBED ii,r-vnif-zolriilc"cooe FoR ccr.
P.o.Eox t763
vAlL, coLORADO 8r6s7
RE3 Exterior Alteration Request for Cyranors Restaurant
cyranors Restaurant is reguesting the addition of approxinately 120square feet of enclosed floor area. cyrano's has taken over tlrestreet level space previously occupied by the ski connection. Theadded space would be on the west sj-de of the buirding where thereare stairs that go up to Cyrano's Restaurant.
The street level space will become a cocktailwith the stairway on the interior leading upThe entrance into the bar and, restaurant-wi1lentrance into the Ski Connection space.
Although the Planning and Environmental- Comrnission i.s only specificallyreviewing the floor area additj-on, there are several othei exteriorchanges being contemplated. First of all, there will be a majorfacelifting.of the front of the building which wilr consist of arDre symetrical window layout and a greiter nurnber of windows, andthe transformance of the current rroit porch into a land.scaped patioarea. Another change will be a redesign of the area to the-easiof the_building so that it works bettei for deliveries and, trashremoval- A third change is the addition of a ground leve1 patioin the rear of the buirding. one other minor ih.ng* is the redesignof the mechanj.cal equipmeni storage areas on the roof.
bar/appetizer areato the second floor.
be through the existing
Al-lowed: 608 of site40* between
Proposed: 1008 under
Density Control
Site Coveraqe
Allowed: 80t or as
Urban Design Guide
coverage under 30 feet30-40 feet
30 feet
otherwise stipulated by Vail Vil1agePlan and Desigm Considerations.
Actual-: The present building is non-conforming with theonly change being the add.ition of the rear piti". the rearpatio addition should enhance the rear of the buirding and
11e9!s the general intent of the Design Considerations forVaiI Village.
' ;jl '
Jo ].tMemo - 9-4
Allowed: No reduction in current landscaping.
The only red.uctiongood-location for a
is the rear patio, which wepatio and will enhance the
::'- . , feel is :a
"i _ ''Existing Restaurant: Z,2SO
a-- - .-:
_: -,:5.
?roposed Addition:120 sguare feet
square feet
square feet
and meet
-a tC-a.
.;9 a:.:
i lc:
18.24.010 purpose
District is intendecl rovide sites anC
- District is i.nter rrled to ensure ariequate .l i lrt
T es of bui l CirI)i s:rda Vai 1Des;rcsc:1c
mtl'l r -
We feel that both the change in use and changesexterior of the building are very pos:.tive oiesintent of the purpose Section.
Conmercial Core I to
hmen t 'lr
:. I Cor
S r'r
s nnd :e:rl ualities
to the
cyrano's -
9l4l80 - Page
o :-)
was no
f. Auilding Heigbt:No imPact
- - S. -Views:-No jmPact
enhanced bY -elinrinating
by imProving -the facade
creates an alleY
by the ProPosed ex-
No i:rpact
--- ---'a. -Parking: -The change of use from Retail to-REstaurant
does increase the p"t[i"g-iequireurent' This will be
dele gp!r-r-e-il -o1tne- 11; G i ;ijtt"te de t a i 1 e {J 1-oo t e t an I'
3. Zoninq Eoab C6ns:-aerattorq
Ehis proposal substantially cornplies with the specifics
the Desism cot"r.i!i];;;;;'- Thele matters will be more
Siri-EGlil;;-dj;J-";;]'; oi=g-" Resiew Board- -Review'
:- - :-::--:-: :: - " - :€g: --
' Cyrano',s.- 9/4180 pag
I3. Somewill
{,) o
The Delartment of Conmrunity Development recommends approval of
thj.s.5equest witb the followilg cgnditions: .
1. f,he applicant-agrees to participatb in and not remonstrateagainst a special improvement district if and when formedfor Vail Village.
' :'2. The applicant revegetates along the West side of MiIl Creekand uilI worli with the Totm to d'ecide '.,r1 Brr appropriate locationfor a- Pedestri'an path -going from Seibert Circle to tfre pirate
Ship -Park area.
the front patio area. ''.These ''
ReVieW BOafd.- ., ",-s".q ;,,.,.,r.,rft f.i.i"i,.r-
:-''l -,:-. - ;-'-. '-- '.--
Jim Rubin stated that the Urban besign Guide Plan used
Discussion 9-f heigb.!: foll.ove{r' and Fred fett that there
in the Urban oesigi, euiae- !fan. gutffie'of-Building D.
idea that tlrey wait ultil the bus route was known.
ilohn Perkins added_-t-hgt tlgre wguld be high vehicular traffic on this
Fr'ed Hibberd said he'd like to
proposalsr 4n4 commented that
Ee added-tii3g; -for the record,
,1. ;
PEC Minutbs'- 9-8-80 Page
hearthe 2
bus rou.-te w.o91i::go$e. ifi. ., 1,:'-:-.-:::.: -
:::- : : 3:..:1- :l ':: --': : :-": :: -
Comnents from the members:
Gerry: I feel that tfie original
it is my choice. Until we know
t\te canrt rnake a decision.
Fred Hibberd reguested that the
1t'- Cyrano t s, aPPlication
allow an addition onto the
,fjm Rubin presented the staff
with the three conditions as
showed plans and elevations.
in that it covers more of the
the site coverage requirementa Positive one. He added that
the comrnents on either of the tero
story was actuallY L'L/2 stories.
rnight want to wait to see where the
one story as a gruide.
was Ern inaccuracy
He repeated the
It is not as
Jim trlorgan!:-r.:I. f.e-e.lsilra-t ,-1-!rq -o-qigi4aI, Presenlatign was a.bettel transition
p<l Drager: If the gruide lj.nes suggest one story, I feel we should stay
wittr ttre guide lines. If the applicant wants something larger, I feel he
should say why it should, be larger.
Dan Corcoran: I prefer the first presentation without the top floor and
with a .larger .oPen area.
ilohn Perkins: I favor the first presentation, but, Irm not sure if I favor
it without the 2nd floor'or not. I can approve of it vertically, but without
knowledge of bus routes, etc, we don't have all the pieces to make a decision.
Gaynor: I agree with Jim and John, the orignal plan is the most
aeEthetic and can be vrorked out. I can't commit to a decision, but the
stepping dolsn of the roof seems less stark.
Roger Tilkemeier: I prefer the first to the second plan-
abrupt. We shoul-d wait to see where the bus routes come.
Urban Desigrn Plan with a story added to
what is needed for busses and walkways,
item be tabled until the October 13
John perkins moved that the item be tabled until October L3 at the reguest
of the applicant. Roger Tilkemeier seconded. The vote was unanimous, 7-0
favor of tabling.
for an Exterior Alteration and Modification to
existinq Gondola Ski Sho buildinq.
it is on the South, and that
memorandum and the staff reconunendation
stated in the memo. Jerry Greven of Cyranors
Jim Rubin stated that it was nonconforming
site than presently allowed. He added that
can be- superceded if the chane'ethe stafi feels that the patfo t5in the back
the areais a positive contribution since
fnC Mr.tnites
for which it
- 9-8-80 Page 3.
islptoposed 'is not
Gavnoi'Millei-rnoved that the commission approved-the addition of 120
':fi#; H;;-;r;:€he staff, -resommendations included. Roser seconded
tf,G; and the vote was 7-0 in favor ofthe application'
Vail Villa Inn, Un II
to be used as a real estate
6.Garden of the Gods Club, zone
now very aesthetic.
Jerry was
reminded that more sPaces
felt lto be an e)lesore and that
design. l{embers were unhaPPY
the Parking sPace.
ditional Use Permit to allow this unit
photo gallery Tor CenturY 2I Rea Estate Co.
change st from Public Accommodation
ili-rn Rubin presented, the slaf.f .qgmo and explained that the staff recommended
denial because "i-tn.tiO=Jiiiittg""p.qu'deliciency
existing novr and because
;-$;t;;e-coura-aJa-t"ttit" "ott!""liott in an already congested area'
.Discussion included tlle.fact,that.the 3rd phasewould bring the parking
spaces into.conf'6-.J-""r-foittrt.i"'it was uirclear when or if the 3rd phase
Dot generate any.additional auto iiaffic, and that parking was provided
for this r:nit now. He added that his eraployees would' park in the parking
structure. r.r"rrtior--was rnade of Mike palmei's office and that it was not
to generate auto-ii"iii", but ttrii f or 2 cars daily r+ere ticketed there'
Dlotion.to deny for thb reasons outlined by the staff was rnade by Dan
Corcoran, seconded by Jirn Morgan' Vote was unanimous' 7'O'
PA) to High Density laulti-F y (HDMF).
Jin Rubin presented this ana mentioned that there h1a ugqn-"!?*gep since
tnEGeiiiJtr-ia]been written. Onb sleepiirgunj-t wouldberemoved & made into
a r*rnager,s apartment. AtI change-s^ *olfa be interior with the possible
-exception of a couple of I'rindows
Gordon Pierce, ardhitect for the project, stated that there'would be fewer
people, fewer cars, no restaurantl aia that- each unit would, contain extremely
=,nalL kitchens. The owner was reguesting the change because financially
the private lodge would not work out'
Roger T. mentioned that a loclge was favorable in the commercial core'
l'"E-""*i.iua ttt" situation in l,ionshead where there are few lodges in the
"or", .i.ra t1.t condo ol,rners tend to stay in more- The building is in a key
Iocation. The feeling of some of the members was that it could be changed
to a public lodge-
Gordon Pierce stated that this was not in Lionshead, but in an area where
there is already-a good mix of different uses. ?his was a small private
club made into a few apartments. He felt that tb comrnission wasn't con-
sistent, that this was down zoning, and felt that it was a good move on the
Town's Part.
' vail. colorado 81657
: :{3031 .476-5613
department of community development
-October 13, 1981
Jerry Greven
i ---CJran o rs-::l,la]Ia g€i
298 Hanson Ranch
Vail, Col.or.ado
81657 :: . --..
..-Re: Cyrano I s
Ihis is_in regard to the Cyranols renodeling project approved Septen-
__ - be1 8, 1980'at thg Townt! Planning-and Environnental Connission neeting,--- As you fu1li'rea112is, the.interior remodeling of the ner+ Casablanca Bar
has beeri a tremendous success and quite an asset to the Vitlage Core,
However, we are quite displeased that the project has not been completed- on the exterior remodeling.
Ttre tourist or-local that doesnrt enter the new bar only sees the building
fron the exterior. We were excited about the attractive proposal for the
deck adjacent to Hansbn Ranch Road when the project went ihrough the approval' ltrocess. We feel stTongly that,the project should be completed in this
.regard before the ski season staits in 6 weeks. To only. conplete interior
renodeling and ignore improvernents on the outside of the building is not
- trtlfilling your comnitnent to the Town as a totally approved project.
l{e would ask that the construction of the rernainder of the project begin
very soon, so that we can have a building with an exterior appearance
tttich is consistent with the high quality interior space which has been
very rytfr yours,
Senior Planner
" r,,,
The date, North arrow' scale and
shall be shown on the site Plan;
name.of the proposed d,evelopment
The existing topograPhic
and proposed contours.
'an expansion area where
D. The location and size of all existing a3{ proposed buildings, struc-
tures and imProvements;
exj-sting and ProPosed landscaping;
l-ocation of all existing and proposed buildings, structures
patios or decks.
Thb applicant shall submit in written and graphic forrn, a preponderance
of evihence before the Planning and Environmental Conmission that'
the proposal is in conformance with the Purposes. of the ccl District
.ana ifrai the proposal substantially complies rvith the Vail Village
Urban Design Guide Plan.
character of the site including existi-ng
This conclition will only be requred for
there is a change of two feet of grade;
.. ..: : l'r:-:: . '.. :' -.. .r
:-: A. 'If the:applicant:is ProPosing a major Change in the Vail Village
.Urban Design Guide., p1an, 'the procedures for change are noted in
€ection 18-24.229 (B).
w.The applicant must'also submit written and graphic supp6rting materials
tirat :ti:e proposal substantially cor,rplies with the foflowing Urban
Design Consiclerations section ot ttie VaiI Village Desj-gn Colsideration..
A.'- Pedestrianization
B. Vehicle Penetration
C. Streetscape Framework
D. Street Enclosure
E. Street Edge
F. Building Height
G. Views
H. Sun Shade Consideration
Many of the above items should
using such tools as sketches,
buiLdings), photos, etc.
in some graPhib means
models (including neighboring
'be addressed
V. The Tor.rn of Vail Zoning
_ that the applicant must
VI. Applications for exterior alterations or
be rcceived up to July 31' 1980. AfLer
noted in Section 18.?4.065-A-5 app1y.
Code for Cc-I atso describes other zoning issues
respond to in written or graphi-c form.
modifications in CCI can
that date, the time framcs
,S_gg-g!.d, rhe requestexisting 2.48 acrefamily lots.
to al low lot 39 of Glcn
P ri ma rY/ 5s6ondary lot to
Lyon Subdivi sion
be resubdivided
(area C), an
into two sing I e
z-lr f vv
Peter Patten explal'ned the nemo and showed the site plan adcling that the staffrecommended al lowing the amendnent with the restriction that each house not belarger than 2100 square feet.
Andy Norris explai"ned that the rot was pranned origlnally for cMC to use andwas very visible frorn the frontage road, Jay Peteison siated that he had broughtthe project before the comrnissioiers originaily and felt that in light of Andyrstrack record, there should be some traae orr given. He rerninded the nembersthat Andy had invited the town to be lo signators to be abre to enforce thecovenan t s ,
Discussion followed concerning whether or not a precedent would be set if theTequest were gran ted.
will rnoved and Duaae seconded to reconmend to the Town councir an approval ofthe amendment without the condition-oi ri*iaing the cnpn to 2100 square feetfor each.dwelling, but allowing sI00 as the .piri."ri--."quJr."a. The votewas 4-1 in favor with Jin voting against the ureasure., "ni orn abstaining.
Jim voted against, because he felt the GRFA shourd not be increased.
Peter stated that this would be heard at the next Council meeting on Feb. 16.
4. Request for a "3l1i,t3gll5;? r-e-ga!_ t9 _ operat e 3_les_La real estate office 1nthe lower-lEvel-o?tne Mountain Haus. ArApplicants: Les Ctfaud;-iia-E:.1l Stoabs
Peter Patten explai.ned the staffonly be rnarketing earth shelteredwas explained that this space hadfor a very long time, and also it
noved and r{i11 seconded to approve the request per the staff findings inmemo dated 2/3/82. The vote was 6_0 in favor.
5. Reqtrest for exte.r.,"r;. Comrnercial Corc I toenclose r+i-FgTass sslrqu*r 'ffiffi#T99l9=l-i9the Re_d Lion. Applicant: Jeff Se1bv.
memo and explained that this business wouldhousing and would not generate traffic. Itbeen used only comnercially or for officeswas subpedestrian I evel .
the staf f recommended apl.rr-ova 1
rernovecl by at least June 15 and
P:.a,.. Jamar e.xplained the neno and added that
i: I l, :l i, :5
il" :nin
T" o1 3,il" | "i ; :' o "
Bill Ruoff explained -al"l ll" roof would bc rnct'I rvitlr an ahxi.g covering icto make it apiear to be a;";";;";";;l"tr" o..,ptoined thrt thc pa'ers on thL-
ol ol
Bridgc Strcet sidc would be removaDlc and tnat lne colurns h'n -lro cnange to .r--
t+ood columns to suPPort thc roof . I{c added that the pancl s .-rn the end woulclslide, to providc 50"; opcnness, but the piLnels on the Bridgc .street sidc rvotrlclbe removed completeiy. Jeff selby stated that the datcs in the staff ncmowould be better if they were from the 4th of July to Labor Day because it isstill chilly in June.
Discussion followed concerning whethcr or not to request the applicant toremove-the end panels as wcll. BiIl Ruoff explained that in hj.i opinion, leavingthe- end panels in would nake the space more uleable and pointed out that thedeck at Pepirs used plexi-glass buifers for this same purpor".
Selby pointed out that the tables outside of the enclosed portion would renainwith their red and rvhite umbrellas. Duane suggested that the rnullions bestacked in front of the columns for the greatest anount of rransparency.
Gerry wondered if the itern should be tabled until the next regular nreetingand be repubtished in order to give the neighbors a chance ro conment.It was pointed out that it had been published and that a1l neighboring propertyohrners had been ma j.led a copy of the publ ic not j.ce at least two .weeiks beforethe rneet ing.
Dick Ryan reminded then that if the property owners disagree, the decision canbe appealed to the Town Council.
selby pointed out that the enclosure would be easier to heat with end panelsthat were not removable. I{ilt askecl about the roof rnaterial, and how it wouldbe naintained. Ruoff ansrvered that they hoped to glue down the canvas, butthat they werenr t sure rvhether or not it might be better to paint the roof andleave the vertical edges'canvas. scott renrind-ed the board. that they were toconsider the enclosure issue, not the detailed design,
It was decided to po1l the board to see how they fert about leaving the endpanels in place. Duane fert that the end panels did not have a strong impacton the appearance, Dan felt the same, Jim ielt that the end panels should berenoved in the sunme.r, ivi1l felt that since glass is ref lecti-ve, the southend panel should be removed in the surnmer, Scott had no problem leaving theend panels in place, and Gerry fert the sor-rth panel shouid be renoved becaqseof the reflective quar ity of the glass and the curve on the south.
selby_ questioned the pa'king fee requirement, and Dick explained that the feenust be paid as per the parking orclinance, because this was an enclosure of space.
as stated
ort els an
Dan seconded to a rove the
*J__+ru.\p srna .rqies ns .l heg-wa:_l:! with Scott voting against.Scott stated that that he voted agliiFffiliffiiu=" h" didnrt feet tlesouth panels should have to be removed.
The neeting was adjourned at 5:S0 p.m.
Jin r+anted to go on record as stating that he felt the board should be rnoreconsistcnt' tie said that they had denied extra CRFA to Sandstone Creek club,and then had grantcd it to Aniy Norris. llc felt thrt Andy Norris shoul rl havebeen trcated thc siunc way as the Sandstone Creek CIub,
' .,t l,
TO: Planning and Environrnental Commission
FROM: Corunmity Developnent Departnent
DATE: February 2, 1982
STEJECT: Public Hearing and Consideration for
Itlodification in Comrnercial Core I to
the Red tion Patio.
A. Pedestriani zation :
irqprove the pedestrian
B,Vehicle Penetration:No change
an Exterior Alteration and
Enclose 992 square feet of
The enclosure of the patio should not have anypedestrian circulation along Bridge Street and should
experience along Bridge Street in the winter months.
The proposal is to enclose 992 square feet of the existing patio on the westside of the Red Lion with glass to enable the use of the area for dining throughoutthe year.
The connercial core I district is intended to provide sites and to rnaintainthe unique character of the Vail Village cornmercial area, with its mixtureof lodges and coaunercial establishments in a predonrinately pedestrianenvironnent. The conmercial core I district is intended to ensure adequatelight, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the perrnittedtypes of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with' the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe
developnent standards that are intended to ensure the naintenance "id preserva-tion of the tightly clustered arangenents of bui.ldings fronting on pedestrian-
vrays and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scaleand architectural qualities that distinguish the viIIage.
T'he proposal is in cornpliance with the purpose section of the CommercialCore I zone district.
The Urban Design Guide Plan states that dining decks contribute to the livelinessof a busy street, rnak ing a richer pedestrian experience. The use of theexisting Patio area for dining throughout the year will enhance the streetlife along Bridge street and wilr be in conformance with the plan.
C. Streetscape Frarnework: The addition
the @ quality of thenore street I ife and visual interest along
of people dining on the patio during
walking experience and will provide
Bridge Street. The enclosure
nea LloqOz- 2/2/82
of the deck in the suruner, however, wotrld eliminatc an open space which has
an exciting relationship to the streef. and provides a Strong sense of activit),
for the pedestrian. The applicants are.not proposing to enclose the deck
duri.ng the sunner months cornpletely. '1'6ey propose to rernove the glass panels
along Bridge Street during the suruner trnd re-install thern in winter. The brick
planter with the aspen and flor,rers will renain unchanged.
D. Street Enclosure: The street enclosure does not change since the glass
would-6E-IilFThE-& i st ing awnin g.
E. Street Edge: The Urban Design Guide Plan states that plazasr patios,
green areas are irnportant focal points for: gathering, resting, orienting
and should be distributed throughout the Village with consideration to spacing,
srm access, opportunities for views, and pedestrian activity.
The Red Lion patio as it cuuently exists has characteristics rvhich nakeit a popular space within the village during the summer months. By enclosingthe patio during the winter months, the space can be a rnuch rnore lively attractionthan it currently is when it is filled with snow and void of people and activity.rt will become a focal point along Bridge street throughout the year, ratherthan just for a portion of it.
F, Building_Height: No change.
G. Views: No change.
No change.
r. sun/shade: The project will not increase shadows on adjacent property: or public property.
A. Parking:
The applicant will be required to pay a parkingper each 10 seats provided. The fee wouLd needissuance of a building pernit.
fee based upon one spaceto be paid prior to the
The Department of Comrnunity Developnent
proposal to enclose 992 square feet of
staff reconmends
the Red Lion patio
approval of the
with the following
nfon -s- 2/2/82
Due to the enhancement of Bridge street which would result fron theenclosure during the winter nonths, we feel that the proposal is apositive one. However, we feel that the enclosure would-not be appro-priate during the surnrner nonths and would detract fron the excitingrelati-onship of the open patio and the street. Therefore, we reconrnendthat the enclosure be approved from september 15 to .lune is and'thatduring the renainder of the year, the grass along Bridge street n.,srbe renoved and the patio be open to the street. Nothinswithin the approval , however, should prevent the applicait frorn removingthe glass panels prior to J*ne 15 or re-installing them later thanseptember 15. Failurc upon the applicantrs part to comply with thiscondition wou] d be grounds for not allowing lood or beverages to beserved upon the patio until such tirne as the condition is ionpliedwith.
Peter: Basically,
are different fron
6 is stj.ll a legal
this is cleaning up the lot line because the County regulations
the Townrs. It will eliminate the non-conforning use, and lot
After rnore discussion, Gerry asked for a motion. Roger rnoved and Duane seconded that
the request to revise the existing 1ot line between lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Bighorn
Subdivision, sth Addition be approved. The vote to approve was 6-0, h'ith Dan Corcoran
5. A request for an exterior alteration and nodification in Cornmercial Core I andnelght variance to construct an elevator at the Sitzmark building located at 185 GoreCreek Drive. Applicant: Bob Fritch.
Peter went over his memo. He explained that this was reviewed at the December 12
work session briefly, rnentioning that it was a ninor addition, and that the only reasonthat it was before the Planning Cornniss ion was because it was an exterior alteration,qs ninimurn as it is. The staff had reviewed it and it had no effect on any of the
Urban Design Criteria really, as the neno stated. Ttre question was did it need aheight variance, the staff has deterrnined that it is basically an architectural
Projection and no height variance is required. The Sitzmark is a legal existingnon-conforming structure with regard to height, and the shaft was not going to increasethat discrepancy' so that no height variance is needed, and staff is reconmendingapproval of the project.
D'.'ane Piper of Wheeler-Piper explained that the height was 35 I and showed drawingswith more explanation. The break down Square footage to this is: rnechanical equipnrent
298 sq ft., public lobby space increased 178 sq ft, the hallway is extended to purthe elevator on the interior space. Upper two floors have storage roons, L32 sq ft,so total envelope sq ft is 608.
Dan Corcoran moved, and Gaynor seconded to grant the request as stated in the rnernofron the staff srltiject to the following condition: -
The applicant agTees to participate in the Vail. Village
irnprovernent district if and when formed for VaiI Vil1age.
EO apProve l'Ias with Duane Pipdr abstaining.
or an exterior alteration and nodification in eornrnercial Core I forg, to construct a itional dweEast Bridge Street. Applicant:Jeff Selby.
Dick Ryan: Mr. Chairnan, and nembers of the Flanning Conrnission: This is a reques!under the new procedure that was just adopted by the Planning Conrnission last springfor a new addition to the Red Lion. the Flanning Conmission has had extensivenresentation bt the joint meeting between the planning commission and the Councilon.the proposal. Proposed_is approxinately 2,990 sq ft of new commerciar spacewhich would be by Seibert Circll-and we feel would be a better connecti.on in SeibertCircle for people to go uP there and shop and browse and just nake the area a rnuchrnore active and pleasant space. Also requested is 3 selond floor dwelling writsthat would contain approxinately 3,580 sq ft. The proposal for residentiai spaceis substantially under the allowed Gross Residential FILor Area for the building.I think the applicant has been very responsive to concerns of dealing with the siteconing up with a new addition to the structure that is very conpatj.ble with what isproposed under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Also,-the applicant hasresponded, in the staff's view, to dealing with the minor vi.ew couidoi of the VaitVillage Urban Desigrr Guide Plan. In the minor vj.ew corridor, there can be sone nodi-
PEc-5-2-9-81 (a ro
fication to this view corridor. I think werve all seen the presentation on the nodi-
ficat.ion that would take place at the view corridor. I think werve also looked at
what sone of the inpl ications are if the building is nodified in other ways where
other Private views would be blocked substantially if the applicant continued to go
.with the Gross Residcntial Floor Area that is allowed. The staff has looked at the
Urb an Design Considerations that the Planning Commission needs to review as far as
pedestriani zation is concerned. I think it is an irnprovenent to pedestrianizationinto the Seibert Circle area. There is a better connection to the Mill Creek Building
noving the Seibert Circle area to the north, which is proposed wrder the Urban Design
Gui.de Plan. ltre Seibert Circle which actually have nore lun during certain ti-nes of
the year and become an even more viable place with sone redesign of that particularErea. The vehicle penetration: Potentially there could be fewer vehicles there becausrthere is presently a 2 car garage where people cone to park at the garage and they alsotend to park at the back of the garage, so at tines there could be 4 vehicles coninginto the core at all tines, realizing that they have alnost a pernanent parking placein the Village. Under the proposal, there would be a loading and unloading zone byMill Creek, so that the people reho would be using the condorniniums would be able to
use that area to load and trnload their vehicles, and then they would be required, .unless
they had some space that we dontt know about, to go to the parking structure, or if
they had a rental car, they could return the rental car, because they may not need ituntil the end of the week or until they go back to Denver, or wherever they rnay be going.
On the east side would also be the loading area, so that the trucks that would be servicjthis building would be able to u'se that. The streetscape framework I think wetve already
talked about, in fact, we feel that adding cornrnercial shops to that end-of the streetwill provide the opportunity for people to actually come up there and walk through
Seibert Circle instead of just, what nany do, look .down the street and decide thatit is not worth going down further to Mill Creek, and I think it will be an iurproved
oPportunity plus, fron the design viewpoint, it will be a very beautiful entty-intothe shops.
Street edge and stleet enclosure: The applicant ias demonstrated that the street enclo-'
sure of l/2 to I that is expressed in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide PLan isnet by this, and that there is sone street enclosure by the proposal , but I think ifyou look at the nrodel here today, there is still a very comfortable feeling as you would
walk down the street,
Building height: the proposal does neet the Urban Design Guide PIan for buj.lding height,actually the whole building, I believe is under 30 feet which is one of the nain criteriaIt doesntt even have to have the other percentage--30 to 40 feet where a certain percen-
tage could be actually higher.
The view corridor: There is sone i.ntrusion into the view corridor taking place fronHill Street. The staff does feel ,that, that is an.acceptable change to the view corridor.
The sun,/shade: There is no iurpact because the sun is coming from the south and thebuilding is not shadi.ng the street or another building.
As far as the zoning code is concerned, the najor aspect there would be that the applican
would be required to pay the parking fee that has been established for Vail Villagefor the new addition of residential space and for the new addition of the conrnercial
sPace that will be in the building, and would be responsible for paying for the renovalof the parking spaces that are in the present garage.
PEC-6-.2/s/8r (o (o
Under the architectural and landscape controls that are in the Design Considerationsof the Urban Design Guide Plan, I thilk the applicant, as far as the architccturaldesign, has responded to the essence of what. i.s being proposed in the Design Considera-tions, and actually has the design of the building fit the character of Vail Village,and also fits the building that is currently there. The design, we fee1, blcnds j.n
and is very conplimentary to the existing Red Lion building. The reconrnendation ofthe staff is for approval of the request subject to S conditions:
l. The apPlicant agrees to participate in and renonstrate against,a special inprovemenrdistrict if and when formed for Vail ViLlage.
The applicant agrees to upgrade the landscaping along Mill Creek and and presentplan to the Cornmun ity Developnent departnent for approvaL.
3- And the applicant agrees to Participate financially in street inprovenents, forexarnple street Pavers, street lights and the relocated focal point ai Seibert eircleif an iurprovement district is not forned, and the applicant will share a similar anowrtif we are able to get agreenent fron all the property owners in the surrounding areat-o agree upon sonething like a special assessnent to irnprove Seibert Circle. it* su"ethe Town wourd also be participating in what improv"*"tris would be there.
Gerry: Are there coments fron the applicant?
Peter: We received a letter; I think all of the planning conrnission mernbers have acopy of this, dated February 3, 1981, addressed to the Planning and EnvironnentalCornmission: Dear Mr. Chairnan and Connission rnenbers;
ItWith regret I arn wrablle to attend your published rneetj.ng on February 9, 1981, as Irrust be in Chicago that day. I wish to plesent to the Conrnission, Ly w"y of a lS minutewalking site visit, opposition by Mrs. Coitlandt Hill and nyself, iacl C.rttitt, to thereques: to modify the exterior of the Red Lion- building in 'Connercial Core I. I respect-fully request you allow a continuance of your hearing lrntit f nay present collectivlyor individually to you ny opposition naterial . Your schedule, I-understand, is veryfu1l, but because of the imPortance of your decision, I hope you will feel compelfebto hear the property owners who are definitely affected by'"r,i, decision you *i". Iam at your convenience T\resday, February 10th on, for ny presentat.ion. Thank you foryour consideration of my request.r'
And signed by Jack J. curtin with copies to slifer, caplan, Mrs. Joan Hill, and me.
Bill Ruoff: I am Bill Ruoff, architect for the project. Before I go into my presentatj.orIrd like to say that Dick-just stole my thunder. He sai.d al1 the things r an irepareato'say. I could repeat then all and elaborate on any, but lrd Like to ask for'sonedirection fron the planning conrnission. Do you want to hear me say it all again andpoint to the pictures at the sarne tj.ne, or move on to particularsi Dick gav-e a rathercomprehensive point by point explanation.
Dan: llas the Presentation changed any at all, or.substantially fron what you gave usat our joint neeting?
Ruoff: Nothing substantive. At that tirne, when you saw this model 4 weeks ago, therewerentt any windows on this building, there werenrt any people in the streets, but theRed Lion building itself has not been touched. I can't renember, did we have the picture
painted on the wall?
Dan: rf there is sonething really different that i{e did not go over last tine, that,s
PEC-7-219/81 co co
maybe what we should discuss.
Ruoff; No, there is not. We have cone today prepared to show you agai.n the sane pre-
sentatiofi that you saw at the joint neeting at the Athletic C1ub.
Roger: I think that everybody on our Couunission heard that, and unless there are
people in the audience who carne here particularly for this lssue and would like to
hear it again, I don tt think that is necessary.
Peter: Sid just brought up the point that naybe the presentation should be made in
light that, if an appeal is filed, they will have to make the s:rne presentation to
the Council .
Ruoff: The graphic naterials, the pictures and the model are identical . We have added
nothing to what was there, If you would like, in the interest of saving tine, we could
identify then for the record.
Peter: That might be a good idea.
Larry Esknith: If he wants to protect the record, I think you should add to what you
thi.nk you need. Most of the findings have been nade by the Cornmission, and it has been
forurd to comply with the relevant ordinances. I donrt know if you are going to have
to go through the entire presentation.
Sibley: I just want to make sure that the exhibits might be used at the time that we are
in front of the Council, as this letter indicates night happen, I would just as soonat least make reference to those specific exhibits that you have up.
Gerry: I would just nake one cotrunent, and that is that the questions that were raised
and discussed at that joint meeting should be raised and discussed again right now.
For the record.
Ruoff: Running down the list fron the Guidelines, Dick has already done. I can repeat
that, I can talk briefly about the drawings. We will look at the photo overlays that
we have that display the view corridors and how they are affected. I guess what Irm
saying, do you think that it is necessary for me to repeat substantially what Dick just
went through.
Gerry: No, I dontt. I think it is inporrant...
Roger: If you endorse what he said..,
Ruoff: I do and
Gerry: I think
Roger: I think
and relationship
have, because. . .
it is inportant to raise the questions that wene raised at that tj.me.
it was view corridors primarily were the things I was concerned with
of your drawings to the Urban Design Plan, and that has already been
Jim: Didnrt you have sone photographs at one point?
Ruoff: Let me run through the drawings quickly first, and then werl.l go through the
photographs. This is the base plan. This plan includes a1l of upper Bridge Streer
and crosses Mill Creek and takes in Mill Creek Court and the Christi.ana, all of the
surrounding buildings. The red Line superimposed upon the blue plan of the new buildingis here for reference to show the red line is the exist.ing wall of the Red Lion as you
see it in this photograph. It does not cone out to the property line at present. The
PEC_8 -2/e/8L
proposed addition does, These are the 5 elevation drawings which show in considcrablc
detail the proposed changes. To answer specific points in the Guide Lines for archi-
tectural detail , articulation, pedestrian scale on the street.
The top drawing on this side and the one below it illustrate the difference between
the street enclosure ratio as it exists today with the roof of the Red Lion coming down
very low to only about 7 feet, really above the street. The existing patio there i.s
actually below street level . The drawing fuunediately below shows the same relationship
as it will exist after the addition is made. The average ratio of width to height is
alnost exactly I/4 to I at present. Under the Guide Ljnes, thj-s is considered beyondlinits of good cornf orabl e stTeet enclosure. What werve been able to do is achievel/2 to 1, almost exactly l/2 to I which is considered opti:nun.
The next drawing is really just an illustration of the height statistics on the building
The red line shows the height that is allowed rmder the currently extisting zoning andGuide'Lines, It could be a 5 story bui.lding, as are all of the surrounding buildings' except one 2 story and one 4 story. Ihe average height of all surrounding buitdings
in the neighborhood is 3 stories. We're proposing, though, for a nunber of reasons,
the Red Liqn aaldition be kept dorrrn to 2 stories. This also keeps GRFA and other things
way under the linoit--about 4000 sq ft under the lirnit on GRFA and a whole story height
under on the height of the building.
The bottom drawing illustrates the principal pedestrian pathways up Bridge Street, in
and out of Bridge Street, and atound Seibert Circle as they will exist after the project
is finished. They are not substantially different fron what they are today, but we
feel. that the introduction of interesting transparent shop fronts fron the Red Lion
entrance on around the corner into Hanson Ranch Road toward Mill Creek Court buildingwill draw the pedestrians in a way that they presently do not go. Wtren they come up,
they follow thispathon by Baxterls and The Slope toward the nountain or go over to
Cyranors, but there is nothing to draw them this way. We think we can close the circle
and contain this square, the plaza area. Really, we think wetre going to complete i.t.
There are several other drawings that we have here which you saw at the other meetirg.
We pfuned then up and down, and I think we should do so again today for a very brief'review. They are background information, and we use them to answer questions, if
-.- yourll. renernber, on heights, and what if we did sornething else instead of w\at we did,
We spent no tine, we didnrt even refer to them nuch rnore than to say that we had thenthe other tirne, because they are not of direct interest at this tine. Ihey are thefloor plans of the three floors as they will exist after the addition is nade. The
basenent which will contain the nite club and contain the noise because there wonrt
be any r,rindows that will open out below the neighbors, the shops and the new
condoniniuns as they will exist on the floor above. Let us just run through them all.
This, I don?t believe I did show the other tine, because I don't think we got into it.
We had this one up. The red lines show the outline of what the 3 story building.wouldlook 1ike. This is an actual rendered elevation of what it would 1, ok like. We thinkthat it is a moot Point at this stage, because we dontt really want-to go to that height.
These are overlays of the principal elevation of the building. There are severalseries of dotted lines. They are all a little different fron the one you see. Butwithin it, we are able to show the principal alternative methods of putting the roofs
on this building. The reason we chose the one that you see in the final drawings uphere, is because we feel it is the best compromise on the issue of view planes and
view corridors. We feel that. the two low gables that werve shown there are better than
any of these. We bring these along, and occai.sionally someone asks, I'Well, what if
you did this instead of that?", we can show on these exactly what would have happenedif we had done this instead of that and why we chose the one that you see in the nodel .
co co
PEC - 9- 2le/8r (-o cl
These are sun angle and shadow diagrams which we refered the last. tine, because, as
Dick iays, they really arenrt gerrnain to our problem because werre fortunate enough
to be on the north side of the street. Werre not casting shadows on anyone. These
basically show how the neighbor casts a little bit of shador't on us.
And this is a depiction of the actual view corridor as it exists through Hill Street.
There is a vely slight difference between this one and the angLes as they are shown
on the officj-al Town roap in the Guide Lines. We discovered when we got out there with
our instrunents and caaeras and measurements and so forth, that the one on the Town
plan is off by about naybe one degree. It is a very ninor thing. We platted this
one fron information drich we generated through the project, and it is a little nore
accurate because we had a little nore time to dig into it. This is an extrenely accurat
calculated projection of the view corridor.
The principal exhibits concerning the view comidor, of course, are the pictorial ones.
The large photographs
Thatrs it for now. The overlay done in color to enphasize rather than dininish it,
the inpact on the vj.ew corridor as it will be viewed fron what we consider is probably
the rnolt critical point in the entire length of Hill Street which isntt very much.
That critical point, we feel is back here. Itts actually standing in Jack Curtinrs
front door, whi.ch is right there, The reason we feel this is inPortant is because all
of the people traversing Wa1l Street heading toward the mountain or wherever, Pass this
way, they ian look over their shoulder..is what theytll see as oppo-sed to the people
walking through the stTeet. Only half of then can see it, wrless theytve got eyes on
the back of their heads, so we feel that this is the nost important one. l{e do have
also on a srnaller scale, a series of photographs showing how it dj.sappears as you walk
forward up Hi11. StTeet. they are smaller, we did not pin then up at the- other_ neeting,
we again, just nention that they are here as part of the naterial frorn which these were
enlarged, so that you can see from across the roon. The view of the snow capped peaks
of the Gore renains, but what we will cut off is sone of the foregrormd and a big brown
hillside above the highway. It actually cortes doun by the golf course.
We feel to the visitor and to nost people it is the snow capped peaks out theie that
are the nost inportant part of the view. So that is the degree to which we impinge
upon the rninor view corridor in Hill Street.
l{e went a little farther than is required strictly under zoning and other regulations.
We did the same kind of study on the two adjoining neighbors upon whon there is iurpact
views. And that is the two on either side of Hitl Street here on the 2nd floor at the
end of the Plaza Lodge is the apartrnent of Mrs. JoAnn Hill. Across the street on the
entire 2nd and 3rd floors of this building is the residence of ittrs. Cortlandt Hill.
We will have an inpact upon the view fron JoAnn Hill's living room, and we will have
an impact on the view frorn Jack Curtinrs apartnent. Windows over here and the rest
of her house are not affec*ed. 0.K. This photograph was taken fron jus! inside, 20"
back of the big sliding glass door which is the urain viewing point from JoAnn Hillts
living room. This is what she sees today. The irnpact on her view is rather sinilar
to r,rhat it is in HiIl Street. Her view now is cut off by the existing chinmey of the
Red Lion and the top floors of the Christiana. She sees the peaks across here and
some of the valley and brown hitlside in the foreground. Our new roof line will come
across here and cut off thdt botton piece right in there about. like this. It will
still leave the view of the peaks. Now letrs look at the sinilar thing as seen from
Mrs. Cortlandt Hill's house. Herers the view. The addition will cone out this way.
The piece of view that is cut off here--none of the peaks are inpacted at all. This
end of the roof right here will cut off this piece of, again, the sane sage brush hill-
side opposite the gth 6 10th fairways on the golf course beside the highway. In brief
forrn, that is the presentation--the points that we reviewed at the joint neeting 5 or
4 weeks ago, the naterial that we showed at that tine.
PEC L0 - 2/9/8r (o ca
Gerryl Thank you, Bill. I would just like to nake one comnent quickly, the sanc conmenthat I nade at the joint neeting. That is, that I think that you have a rather signifi-
cant inpact on the view corridor on Hill Street, and that, in terms of the st.reetlcapc,
that by noving what would be the southwest corner of your roof
back about 15 feet, it would be rnore inviting in tenns of taking people around the corne
which is, after all, what your design plan is hoping will be achieved, and would have
Iess of an impact in terrs of a confining streetscape which I think is what the i-urpactwill be. It will be confining in terms of Bridge Street. It will extend Bridge Street
up a little bit further than I think it should be. So thatrs my comment, which is the
sane conrnent I made before. Does anybody else have conments?
Gaynor: I think I liked it the way it is being proposed in the sense that I think thar
they have, on the south end, done enough design work, both on the roof and the indenta-tions and entrance ways and windows to not create a square building on the end, andI like the way it is proposed
Scott: If you noved back 15 feet, you would have less than l/2 to I ratio, for sone
reason, the nagic nwnber in the Guide Plan.
Gerry: I would just conrnent that that is a recommended nunber. Streetscapes and view
corridors are not necessarily determined Uy nurnUEilfEfone.
Roger: lhe view corridor is identified as a secondary view corridor, is it not?
Gerry: Yes.
Roger: In our deliberations, I think, jn the developnent of the Guide Plan, those were
not considered as prirnary factors to be concerned with. I like the design the way he
has i.t. It think a very nice job in addressing the problerns in trying to mitigate allof the Potential objections, and I think that, based on the allowed GRFA, I think theyexhibit a 1ot of restraint.
Gerry: Dan, do you have any cornments ?
Dan: I like the presentation. I think it is a nice treatrnent of the site.
Duane: I do agree that we have obstructed to a certain degree the ninor view corridor.I feel in this parti.cular case that the inprovement to the nore intimate stTeetscape,the sense of views, and the arrangements of the buildings out weight the fact that we
do have a slight obstruction there, I do like the addition, and an in favor of it.
Jim: I think the irnpact as being shown here is probably the best picture you can getof it. As you go down the alley, the impact of the building is considerably nore.
You move about 10 feet down and you lose the peaks, donf t you?
Ruoff: Jin, as you walk through now, you begin to lose the view about here. With theaddition, you begin to lose it about here. It dimj.nishes until we reach this pointin this area, and it's gone. As it is now, it diminishes and you lose it about here.
Gerry: My concern isntt with seeing the peaks in total per se. Ivly concern is withthe sense of space. That the whole concept of space, of course, is what nakes BridgeStreet unique. I think that this goes juit a little bit further than it should in
terms of enclosing the street. I think that both things can be achieved. I like thebuilding, and I like the fact that the building is bigger in that particular spot.. Ilike the fact that the road is closed. but not that much.
t .- pEc rt- zlg/Bl co ctRuoff: As with most- of these things, Gerry, we end up conprising between a lot ofdifferent asPects' there is a cornprornise in shape of building to naintain as nuchas possible the view- rtrs true, on the ratios in here, we havc followed the recorunendedEuide lines rather closely. It wasn't difficult b"carrse it iust h"pp;;;J io worx outthat the 2 stoty scherne here gave it to us. ltle consciously wantcd to create norc ofa sense of enclosure for the Seibert Circle area, and we feel now that with the roofsloping down, the space isnrt contained very weil. But this *u h;;;-"i;""ai''air"rrr"abefore. rhere is no doubt it is a cornpromise amongst rnany elenents.
Gerry: Are there any conments fron the audience?
Robert oliver,: lrfy nane is Robert oliver, and r work for the plaza Lodge and alsofor the possibiJity of representing Mrs. Hi1l. she is concerned about the things thatyou are talking about as far as the view corridor down Hill Street, and fron the viewfron her aPartnent. - These peopre are trying their best,-ana she is stil1 concernedabout the lack of vien corridoi that is going to cone out of her casenent windows andalso that sliding glass door. .l.tst or," iiring tt.t r caught that you were saying, Dick.I canrt understand I'hy you can say that there is a poten;ial loss of traffic there.You can rt take one condoninium and turn it into 5 ..ta udd 5 shop spaces and not expecta traffic flow on Bridge street. For someone who has a shop there, or for soneonewho has given their condominium to Slifer to rent out every- week, that traffic is goingto be nuch greater.
Dick': lfell, r think there is a potential for being less traffi.c in the sense thatright now there are a lot of pu9pi" who come and park in those spaces on a continuingbasis of just pulling in and iutiing orrt ,.,sing thi core area. with the condoni.niun5,at least there is the potentiit ttr.i you would come in, drop your bags off one day,and you nay not need to come back until you actually leave ihe site--instead of. coningin there and sayi-ng, r'werI, I want to go soneplace to do sone quick shopping. r' youare probably going to get on the shuttle bus -rather than walk back to tirl ti"rrrportationcenter if you left the can there, or if you have turned the car in-
Robert 01 iver: That night be true, but you canrt add arr that space and sa.y that thetraffic is going to go down.
fick.: r guess my feeling is that it's not golng to incfease dranatically, an4 thereis the potential that it coutd go down, jusi frorn what r see of the use ;i ih;r" spacesin front of the garage now, which are ionstantly being used by everybody-ln-io* aopul1 in and park, because they know there is a parkin! space there.
Robert Oliver: I think the odds are that it is going to go up.
Jin: Yes, you would have to expect more traffic with people having to bring stuff intoshops. l/hat you are saying is ihat there is space the;e that peopte are parking in,and for sone reason' because you are going to eat up some of that space means tha. youare going to have less parking. But the actual dernand of, Jike thoie s irr"p, "ra scondos' I can see is going to have nore demand that what you have tirere nowl-ii rernsof vehicular traffic.
r think the potential for shops wilt be 3 snal.l shops, probably, because thereare only 3,000 sq ft.
Ruoff: The potential here is for 3 shops.
Jin: |{el 1, whatever, I nean therers got to be an increase in vehicular traffic. rdonrt see how you can go fron the ,esiaurant and one condo to....
Ruoff: Jin, we don't feel that there is going to be any substantial increase i&.:nwbersin vehicles because these are not food operations, we dtn rt have food and neat trucks
PEC L2 2/9/8L co co
that have to cone every day t.o thern. They are small shops that tend to get shipments
pretty often, mostly by freight, UPS, or sonething is delivered to their home because
iheytie using their garage as an extra warehouse. But, aside from the onner bringing
in their station wagon occasi.onally to haul something that, he is storing in his Eatage'
we see the UPS nan parked here somewhere today anyway, while he goes to 4 or 5 places
here, goes to 2 ski shops, and all the surrounding neighborhood. Werre not going to brir
ihe UpS in nore often. We nay cause hirn to park there an extra 5 ninutes while he
runs into these 3 shops and nakes deliveries. But we feel that that is quite different
fronbringing him in nany more tirnes. We don't think he will do that. We think that
the existing pattern of the trucks that park along here in front ofCyranolsand Gold
Peak wi1 I conlinue. Sone of the points that we have discussed before, go a little beyonc
this project. trle did at the work session discuss a littte bit sone of the things that
will -happen uhen and if the Seibert Circle inprovenents and inplemented because they
conplernlnt what we are doing. That will help to chanelize the traffic so the trucks
then will alr+ays park on the same side of the street, and you wontt find Burnettrs truck
clogging the othei side, so that if an energency vehicle does corne through, he canrt
get thr;ugh. These will be inprovenents. Again, the cars. We all know the history
of the builcting. For nany years Marg and Larry Burdick lived there full time. It was
their rnain hone. They kept 2 cars in the garage, and they are like all of us. If they
had lots of business arowrd town, and theytd run in and out' The nunb er of vehicular
rnovernent s is r,rhat wetve concerned with. Now, I didnrt have any reason, and I dontt
think anyone else did, but corunon sense, if you think about it a ninute, may point a
direction. An active couple living here fu11 tirne, and the tines they bring their cars
out and in every ilay on the average is 2 or 3 t irnes a day for each car--is going to
exceed the number of car movenents for a condo owner who -cones and stays a week, who
cornes in and out once. I really think the situation for the condos in the building
is going to be very sirnilar to what we have at the Plaza Lodge today, because your guest,
go i.n and out. Now they wontt likely stay--who knows? Who knows who is going to buy
ihos", how long they're going to use it. ItlI tell you one thing, though, letrs not
go and play the paper numbers game, but letrs be realistic about it. lhe prices for
wiich,rtrits go in ihe center of the Village autonatically teIl us something. That they
are going to be bought by people r ith that much rnoney. People with that nuch money
in the cookie jar to slap down on fancy aPartnents in the cente? of the vi1lage,
and then spend about $200,000 to decorate it, are really not interested in having Sli.fer
stuff it with every corner and run it like a hotel , because that amount of income,
theyrre not interested in, and most of those people dontt want those people staying
in iheir place in Vail. They arenrt rented very often. Theytre given away to friends
and fanily. Realities of econonics and human nature Pretty well te11 us that, no,
these are not going to have the frequency of use that the snaller condos in other Partsof the corumm ity do.
Gerry: Thank you, Bi1l.
Dick: I?d just like to add that there is also going to be a loading area along the
east side of the quilding, too, so that there will be the oPportunity for someone corning
in there to unload their bags and luggage without actually being parked in the street.
Ruoff: And the neighboring points in the Improve Vail plan conplenent this beautifully.
Gerry: Are there. othet conments or questions?
Ed Drager: Irrn here as an interested citizen. I sat on that. same planning corunission
up there for 4 years, and for 4 years I and a whole lot of other people worked to get
the Inprove Vail job done to stop development as a matter of right in the commercial
co.e oi V"il . It has been accomplished, and I think the developers here have shor,n
a ETeat deal of sensitivity to the work and the desires and the hopes that we had
and one of the agonizing things that we went. through was whether or not Hill Street
was a even--a rninor view corridor at the time. I think the nodifications here on the
I '. PEC ts 2/9/81 co co
Red Lion are going to hurt, rnaybe shorten up that view corridor, but r think the inprovement overall is a very good improvenent. rl r were sittin! on that side of the tabletoday, Itd be voting for it. Thank you.
Gerry: Thank you, Ed- Are there any other corunents fron the audience?
Gaynor: Are you going to be requirs4 to have parking spaces?
Ruoff: At the end of the Townrs reconnendation, is stated the condition
at the botton of the page, they will be reguired to pay the appropriate
Dick: On page 5
fee for parking.
Gerry: Itn just going to-quickly ask Jeff if he is faniliar with and cornfortable withthe conditions of approval ?
Selby: Would you read those to ne?
Gerry: sure ' The applicant agrees to participate in not renonstrate against a specialirnprovement district if and when forrned-for-vait viii"i". z. The appricant agreesto upgrade the landscaping along Mill creek and prr"."it the plan to community Developmenfor approval' 3' The applicani tgt""r. to participate financially in stTeet improvementse'g' street pavers' street lights and the ""ro."t"h i;";i'point at seibert circle ifan inprovernent district is not formed.- The applicantrs share would be determined bythe street frontage of property in seibert citlie ""J otilt prop"rty owners in areawould also have to agree to participate.
selby: on the final one, it would not be of the situation where rrd be the onry propertyowner i:r the area' The applicantts share would be deternin_ed by st.reet i;;";;g" propertyon seibert circle of all property ovrners contributing, is that correct?
Gerry: Thatrs correct.
Selby: I think we can live with all those recornmendations.
Gerry: you are aware that these are conditions for approvar, if approved, it wourdbe approved on those conditions.
selby: Yes' r understand' Those things nay not be known 'ntil such tine as inprovementsa'e cornDleted' but r would assurne that those conditioni"wouid go beyond the period inwhich we irnprove the ProPerty. rt seerns.to me that_we rui g"t down the road here ina year or 2, and everyone will say, 'rletts upgrade s"lu"ri Circle in that area,,,.andwe would be requested to corne i.n ii trrat tine to contribuie r,r'as ion"r;-d;;; inprovemenrr have no trouble with that as long as it is an area wide understanding with otherProperty ou,ners .
Dan: I would move to aPprove the request for an exterior alteration and nodificationin connercial core r for the Red Lion building per the ri.ie r"ro and as presented today.
Gerry: l{e have a motion for approval by Dan corcoran, rs there a second?
Roger: Yes. I second.
Gerry: second by Roger Tilkeneier. A11 those in favor? scott Edwards, Roger Tilkemeier,Gaynor lrtit ler, Dan Corcoran, Duane piper, Jirn lrlorgan.
And Irm against because I donrt like that one section of that one building.Motion passed 6-1.
T0: Planning and Environmental Commission
FROM: Conmunity Development Departnent/Peter Patten
DATE: Novenber 30, 1981
SUBJECT: Revision to Red Lion Inn Exterior AlterationApplicant: Jeff Selby
0n February 9, 1gB1 the planni.ng and Environnental conmission approved by avoie of 6-1 the Red Lion Inn request for an exterior alteration to the southend of the buildi-ng. A najor revision to the ..Gi;"ii;-uip"ou"a pran hasnow been subrnitted for approval . Basical 1y, the iecond sttry addition containingthe three condorniniuns has leen eriminutea. The new retair. portion of theplan remains, for the most part, the same.
The effect of the revision is to lotver the highest roof line by 9 feet--
-from 24 feet to 16 feet. Thi-s irnproves the preservation of the existingninor viertr corridor fron Hi.ll Street to the Gore Range.
The following portions of the Urban Design Guide Plan and zoning statistics
have changed fron the previous approval:
1. Vehicle Penetration: Reduced by proposing no new condoininiurns.
2. street Enclosure: The nerv street enclosure ratio is about L/z to 1--
T16 nosfidfiEle proportion accorcling to the urban Design Guide pran.
3. Building Height: Highest new ridge is l9 fcet above strect level ,6-Teet Towel th-an thc originat submission.
4. vier,rs: The inpact of the view corridor is signi.ficantly less than
be fore,
The conm'nity Developncnt Department considel.s that therc ischange from the annroved plan.. fnereiore, the planning andCornnission needs to reviciv th" ,;;i;;;-itan aua agree or. notthat determination.
no significant
Environruen ta1
agree with
;.- r'Or."Qg-
February g, 1981
T0: Planning and
FROM: Department of
Envi ronmental Cornmissi on
Community Development
by the Planning and
tSbO. Approve,J"we"" t*o
nevr entr,y for the Red Liondecision was appeaied anci
.t . tjESetllent
Phase I of the Red Lion was aporovedEnvironmental Ccmmission on ;lne 9,dwelling units and some storarre andrestaurant. The plannjng Comn'riss.ionupheld by Town Council.
Requested is the expans'i on of the Red Lion t0 the south property
ltffi; -l:::est:d.is firsr fjoor "uluir-;t ;p;*f";p;;;"5;iyz,vdu squarc test anC thrce sccond floor clrrellr.irbimf-fs_vf_ __=___approxi.nately 3,580 square feet. in acc'ii.ion, tiie bar ana lcungelocated cn the first froo'r" wocrrd be l^ciocatea to the basernent anclthe Lions' Den restarrrant in ttre Uaser;reit r,;ould be remodeled-
Restaurant anC srcrace
Ilestaulani: anci relocirion of barllourigefrom the first floor
2. First Floor
ExIsiinS: Restaurant anC bar,/ioirrrge
Proposeci ; Restaui ant and shops
3. Second F'loor
FlsEnSa-Two condominium_units (apcrovec in pliase I)Proposed: Three additional condoninium uniti biopor"a
4. Loft
EfT-sting: No current useProposed: In phase I apprcvei r,;as granted for a 312squore foot lofu addjtion
Il--Gnri-Frea - 13,989 square feet
2. Site Coverage: Allorved _ 11,1g1 square feet
Proposed - il,i72
3. Density Contrcl:
GRFA AlIowed - 1I,igl
GIIFA in Phase I previcusly approved 3,?g0.square feet (Z units)GiiFA requestcd 3,580 sqraie ibet (j unrrs,
/'n &
4. Height:
Allowed: 60% of site corlerage under 30 feet
40% between 30_40 feetProposed: 100% under 30 feet
5. Landscaping:
Al'lowed: 2,798 square feet mjnimumProposed: 3,050 square feet
6. Parking and Loading:Existing: Tvro car garage
Proposed: Removal of the two car garage with loadingzone to the east of the building
7 , Gross Residential Floor Area:A. Phase I - two units aporoved----Square Eeet 3,7g0B. Requested - rhree uniti-----____s{uare F;;i j:ssO
TOTAL 7,360
Page 2
18.24.0.l0 Purpose
The Commercial Core I District is intencieci to provide sites and to mainiain theunique character of the vajr vjllage commercjal Area, *iir,-lii mr,itu"e';; i.;;;,and commercial esiablishments'i n a"predominately puJ*ui"iin environrnent. Thecommercial core I District is intendeJ-io *nsure adequate 1.i ght, air, open spaceand other amenities appropriate to ine pernritieJ itJ;;-;i buildings and uses.The,District reguiatibns in accordanle i,i ri tt. va"ii-viiiase uruan DesignGuide Plan and Desiqn Considerations prescr"ibe site clevelofinrcnt standards thatare intended to ensrlre the maintenincl inc preservition-oi-tne tightryclustered arrangements of buildings frontii:g on pedestrian r.rays and pub'l icgreenl'Jays and to ensure continuation of L,uiiding'scaie an| urli.,itectirrat -
qualities thai d.istingu.ish the Village.
The community Develop'rent Department considers-that the proposed changes tothe Red Lion buiiding are poiit.ive to vait viilig"-"nJ-05 iintorm rvith thecominercial core I District', the vail village uroin il.iii, euio" ptun, DesignConsiderat'ions and minor vier,v corridor designat.i on
Area number'11 of the Gore creek Drive/r3ridge street area plan states:
Linrjted building expansion/improvenrents. Increase facacle transparencyon south side to.strength--n pb<lcstriarr ..tiuitv,.-witil-enrry to street.Pctential expansion of-buirding to sourh proper.iy 1ine. Additionarvertical expans'ion may be considered cn sbutir enil of iuitaing-to improvestreet encrosu'e proportions but must i-esoeci cJcsignated Hiil street -Gore Ranqe view corridors. potential r;;;;;-r;;;i';;;" barcony deck(sun pocket) to restore activity to street lost, frcm ground floor terrace.
Page 3
The. proposed Red Lian addition does have increased facade transparencywith the proposed commerciai shops and wil'l siiengti,"r,-peaest"iun:!!t,1yitv in.seibert circte. The'building is prop5sa't tb be extended
Il^tl:-:9yth,proDerty.line and develop a more interesting streetedge.lne seconcl floor residential expansion does, in the commJnity DeveiopmentDepartment's op'i nion, respect the minor view corrltdoi aeiignatton orthe Gore Range.
Pedestrianization: At Improve vai'l meetings discussion of thepresent and future function of Seibert cirire was a major isiue.' Relocation of the Se.ibert Circle lbcal point to the noith wasslrown on the Vail village urban. Design buide plan to a'l lo,,r mcresun into this area. In'ad-dition, additional retail fioniug* nuascons'idered desirable to add more life to seibert circle ancl drawpeople arourrd to the lnlill creek building. The proposed comrercialactivity on the first froor of the Red [ion wiri ni"ing more peopte'into seibert circre and assist in having them ccntinui to tt,ullill Creek Bu'i1ding.
Vehicle Penetration: By the removal of ilre tvlo garage spacesthere should be fewer automobiles entering ttre viitige.-'terviceand.delivery area can be accomplished to ihe east by"Milr creekon the Red Lion property.
Street lcgle Framework: The inf iil cormer'cial storefront expansicnof the Red Lion will create new commercial activity in-ieiuert circleand give street life and visual interest to the area,
street Enc'losure: The appl icant's archi iect has cremcnstrate,-r thatjl:-p:lt:r:d,expansion on'the south end cf the Rd-Li;;-fu.irctngaoes lneet the street enclosure recommended in the vail viilage 6esignCons i derati ons .
:l:::t,:dg:: -Ihu proposed addirion does irave strong but irregutareoges to tne street as recommended in the Vajl Vi'l lige Desigrr-Consideratjcns.
Building Height: The.proposal meets the he.ight requirernents ofthe Design Consideratibns.
views: The l-lil I street minor view corrirlor lras approved as ;rartof the Vail vi1)age.urban Design Guide plan. n nriiroi vievi'ccrrictorcan have sorne rnodificaticn and the communiuy Development Dcpartmentconsiders that the proposal has respecteo t-his minoi^ v:iew-iorridor.
Sun/shade -- no impact
_Z_or1i1g Code Csirs i derati ons
Parking: At the time of building permit-the applicant rvill be requireclto pay the applicabte parking space fee for com,rerii;i;;; residentiaruses.
t &-
The proposal
Detail design
Design Review
compiies with the intent of the
issues will be more spec'ifical
Board meeti ng .
Page 4
Desi gn Consjderations.
1y discussed at a
The.community Development Department rccommends approval of this requestsubiect to the following conditionsi
.1. The applicant agrees to participate in and not remcnstrate againsta special improvement distrii:t ir ahd rvlren formed for Vail vi'il;g;:
?. The appficant.agrees to upgrade the Iandscaping aIong Hi'lI creek andpresent the plan to Community Development far eppr6va1. "
l. The applicant agrees to,participate financially in street improvements,e:9._straet pavers, street iights and the relocatei focal point at se.i uert-
,ci"g1*, if .an improveixent djstiict is not f.rirecr. The appllcant,s sharel'Jould be deterninec by the street frontage of property in seioer t c.i rcleand other property o'/,'ners in area would ilso trlve'io igree-to participate.
Architects . planners . ConlractorsBox tA06 Aspen. Colorado 81612tsosl eas.6ois---
Valent.inoI s Restaurant
Plaza Building29t Bridge StreetVail, CO 81657
West Deck Greenhouse Enclosure
Owner:Bridge Street Restaurant
The project request is to create a seasonal greenhouse enclosureover a 308 square foot section of the existing west deck area ofValentino I s Restaurant.
The existing deck has been renovated by the building orirners overthe past year-with a new railing, perimeter shape and split pavers.The existing deck in total is approximateJ-y 1,035 square feet.
The project request is to maximize full useage of at reast part ofthe deck year-round and to improve the existing facade of the buildingthrough a compromising seasonal program. this program calls for 95ttransparency in a greenhouse structure !o enclose an g fooL by 3g footsection of the deck from september 15 through June t5 of each year.From June 15 through september 15 of each year all front glass paners618" high and along the entire 38 feet of frontage will be slid-toa side stacking area orremoved. At this time a grass double entryfoyer wilr be disassembled and removed. A new gliss facade wirl beslid arong a tracking system along the original building rine to givethe same greenhouse look but 'dithout any additionar dec[. encrosur5.
The furly transparent greenhouse glass roof sections will remain asan awning facade to the "open' season took. The sliding system willbe fully manual in operation, preventing any electrical nllfunctionor freezj-ng prohibiting of its function.
rn addition to the determined open condition dates the retractablesystem allows the flexibirity qf opening the greenhouse sectionsduring the "closed" season for parlicurarry mild weather days.
A11 greenhouse grass sections will be of tempered, insulated glass,using heated elements and a heat controlred inner environment willrluarantee a elear, nr:'n-{c,,.1gi.ng transparency to ti-re eysf,em.
The qfeenhouse facade will greatty impr:ove the existi.nq eyesior..e facadeof the buircing which is currently rccessed and cuL-up along t_fre
l-'u.i l.,ii.rrq edge.
The Comrnerci-al Core I district is i.ntended to provide sitesand to maint,ain the unique character of the Vail Village conmercialarea, with ils mixture of lodges and commercial establishrnentsin a prodominately pedestrian environment. The Commercial Core Idistrict is intended to ensure adequate light, air. open space, and otheramenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses.The district regulations in accordance with the VaiI Village urban designgude plan and design considerations perscribe site developmentstandards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and perservationof the tightly clustered arrangements of buildi-ngs fronting on pedestriian
ways and public walkways, and to ensure continuation of the buildingscale and architectural gualities that distinguish the viJ.lage.
The proposal is in compliance with the purpose section of the
Commercial Core f zone district.
Sub-area Concepts :
Concept 9: Commercial expansion not to exceed 10 feet in depth,' possible arcade. To improve pedestrian scale at baseof tall building, and greater transparency as an activitygenerator.
concept 10A: Mountain gateway improvements. Facade improvement andtransparency, landscaping or greenhouse screen, pedestrianconnection to Wa1l Street.
Concept 11:Limited building expansion/improvements. Increase facadetransparency to strengthen pedestrian activity, withentry to .street.
Facade improvements. Eyesores removed, increaseC facadetransparency, entries si_mplified.
Concept 15:
Concept l8i' Facade improvements. Increased ground floor t,ransparency.
Concept 19:
Concept 20:
Corrcept 23:
Feature area paving
Commercial expansion potentialr I,rould improve enclosureproportions.
Pedestrian walkway defined. Urrlfy disconnected bui Idinq
f acades . Increased atLrac tion to rcinf oree locice "rrcacle .
uilt u|l][EI lil$tult E0tf$iltrfi ilil|$
The VaiI ViJ-lage Desing Considerations are descriptions of
the primary form-giving physical features of the Village. They are a ;[
description:of those key elements without which the image of
Vail wou1d. be noticeably different. They are divided into
two major catagories: Urban Design O nsiderations and Architectural ,
Landscape considefations. The foimer is primarily the purview of
the Planning and Environrental co$mission an{ will be dealt with
more in depth in this report, the l-ater is primarily reviewedby the Design Review Board, but wil-l be briefly exolained in this report.
on the following pagea seven particular areas of criteria will
be related to this project from the Urban Design Considerationsr
they 'are t
"edestrianizationVehicl-e Penetration
Streetscape FrameworkStreet E"nclosure'Street EdgeBuilding Height
In addi-tion to the above criteria, the fol-lowing Zoning Code
Items wiII be addressed:.
Density Control
Lan'dscape area Reduction
A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestriancirculation through an interconneeted network of safe, pleasantpdedestrian trays.
The proposal.: will generdte pedestrian traffi.c by increased facadetransparency and attractiv€nesa. High activity levels in the greenhousewill.-genefate pedestrian traffic. pedestrian pathways will also bereinfolced by the definition of the buitding facade. presently theline of the facadd is v€ry weak in definition and creates a void ofactivity circulation.
Resurts of the project upon PedestrianizaLion will be benefieiralas a whole to the Town and are in compliance with the urban DesignConsiderations.
vehicle penetration into the project area wilr- not be affectedby the.groi-eg!. No.increaEe in deliveries uill be neceesary aBa result of the project.
Traffic direction and flow will remain the a.ame.
T$G,[PT lRAlrlttt0Rl(
Streetscape'Framer,rork *rould be greatly improved by ttre project,provifling a beiqforced building edge to a existing very weak edge.The fully transparent arcade will define the street framswork.
The project will improve the quality of the walking experience andgive continuity to pedistrian ways ttrrough increased activity alonglilall Street through increased useage year round and through longerhours of the day .
Open space will be unaffeicted by the project. Landscaping will- be
improved by the project as a result of the stone bench type planterto surround existing aspen grove.
Street Enclo3ure, along the $1a11 Street pedest.rian walkway, wi1l beimproved by the seasonal addition of the transparent fecdde gtvinga :strong argade appearance. The scaLe of the arcade greenhousewith the visAbility of the transparent activity of the year-round,extended hoqrs dtilized deck will. create a pedestrian focus and divertattention from upper building heights and the,,can]ron"ef,fect anddisparity of scale from the Valentinors opdration:and the condominiumoperations of the'Plaza buiJ-ding and the Casino building.
o t
9treet Edge shourd be imPr<lved by the project beeause of its variedgreenhouee f+cade and ehape
"buildinge i$ the village core should form a strong but irregularedge to the etreet.',
This-is iur.prgyq{ by- the s€asonal use of the greenhouse facade alongthe Plaza building because of, the unique frontage shape andtranaparency, breaking up the monotomy af the eii.sun| facade. tluringseasonar open conditione'the remainin! glaes canopy oi awning wiJ.lfunction to create a strong and irregnllir edge to--ttre buirdtiig anclthe street.
The proposal meets thefor Vail ViIIage as followE:
1. l. Allowed:
2. Allowed:
new building height reguirenents
Up to 6Ot of the building mq.be built to aheight of 33 feet.'or less.
100t of new proposal to be under 33 feet.
No more than 40t of the building may behigher than 33 feet, but not triiner Lhan 43 feet.
0t of the new proposal to be higher than 33 f,eet.
ulIH$ "
No established or unestablished viarusnill be interrupted by theproposal
. The additional line of ttre buitding frontage is not in a positionfrom any diripetion to block any view.
The proposal'conforms to all VaiI Village Urban Design Considcrationswith regardd to view.
The project transpearent greenhouse enclosure of ttre 8 foot sectionof the weBt deck Preserve ttre accessibility to the sun in that locationvia the transparency capabilities of the slructure.
Ttris type of'design is specificarry encourage in the sunr/shadesection of the urban Design Gudde Ftan.
No significant sha.ding will occur from the proposed project.
Uses - all pEgposed uses are permited on theirin Cominercial Core I.
Coygrage- no..change
Landscaping - no change
respective l-evels
The proposed project is a seasonally enclosedigreenhouse structureover 308 feet of an existing 11035 square foot west facing deckalong WaL1 S.treet side of the plaza iuilding..:
The project request is to maximize full- useage of at l-east part oftfe dec\ year-round and to improve the exisi[,ng facade ofthe building througha compromising seasonal program, This program cal-lsfor 95t transparency in a greenhouse structuie to enclose ai g-foot
by 38 foot section of the deck from septeinber 15 through ilune 15 ofeach year. ' From June 15 through septenber 15'of each year alr frontglass panels along the entire 38 foot frontage wirr be -stia to aside stacking area or removed entireJl; At this time a double entryfoyer wilt be disassembred and removed. A new glass facade wirl beslid along a tracking system alon the original uuitaing line to givethe same greenhouse look but without any additional deitc enclosuie.
The furly transparent greenhouse glass roof sections wirl remain asan-awiingfacade to the "open" season look. The sliding systemwil} be fully manual in operati.on, preventi-ng any electi:-cir malfunctionor freezing prohibiting of its funclion
Arl greenhouse-glass sections will be tempered, insulated glass.Using heated elements and a heat controll6a j.nner enveronment witlg:uarantee a cleaa, non-fogging transparency to the system.
rt has been shown that tlle project conforms to the outrines of the
IrbaT_Design Guide plan, anil meets outrines of the urban Designoonsiderations and is in agreement with all Zoning Code Consifirations.
The transparent facade wilL facilitate a high activity , high usealJe,pedestrian generating trend.. yet, during the months of surnmer useagethe outdoor patio ability is intact and manditoriry available.
The greenhouse fqgade wirl greatly improve the existing eyesorefacade of the building which is currently recessed and cut-up atongthe bui.lding edge.
rn the past the Town has approved the encrosure, both partial andcomplete of out,door patio deck areas. rt is felt thai this projectnot onry meets all criteria as specificarLly outlined by the -rowi
of Vail, but this proposal offers a unige rEcedent of pieserving theoutdoor patio experience for the summmer- months, as weir ". ye"iround outdoor feeling, with utilization as a 95t transparent greenhouse.
rt is felt that- this project is a perfect compr:ornise rlf seasonal r.rsei'tLre Town of Vail. rt gives arl proponents erss:,c*tiarly whaL theywant during each season in an architecturar continurty "ith allI]l'b3n Design Grrrlj.rre Plans and Urban Design Consicleraticns and ZoningCori,-: Considerations.
Dutt Application
This procedure is required for alteration of an existing buildingwhich add.s or removes apy enclosed floor area or outdoor patio orreplacement of an exist.ing building shall be subject to review bythe Planning and Environmental Commission.
The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted.
D+ o-
ADDRESS PHoNE *16--5t2 o
ADDRESS P.D. Box 1206 Aspen, CO 81612 PHONE 925-6079
(print or type)
LEGAL DEscRrprro* tff? Gteq,Ff- lAtL VllIAlE. |'titr HU$rl
pnn , pu+zzt ///?{/t s--T--1
rr. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information:
A' The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size ot 24" x 36" at a scaleof I" = 2Q'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Community Development Department if justified;
E.FEE $100.00 Ry , /* 57'--"-
7e- + i^ *o.,.-4- n^
Valentino I s Restaurant
co!{r4ERcrAt eoRE I ,(ccr} . '
I. CASINO BUII.DI$G. Silversnittr of vall-
s ?34 EaEt Wall Street476-313I .
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