HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT F G H I J PLAZA LODGE BUILDING PERMITS 1982-1983 LEGAL'{ I I oz E =G uJo- c) o N tl O .n UJ IJJtl F = IJJ o- a7-?1t-\ tStrl6 ttgh?4 yD I I I nn\l $l 1,., ^tl!0!" I I I si JFTI5r \Ei5 'lEY;O, sJo-{slz 0d3 ttl||ltd It.ct II ltrD -' | 8.fl< | I'clo I cfr-tI Cf'Fl | .Ft =tcl-ctt3JtglICd | _5.Hl,;+llr'olIOEIo. lZ cl ElsXtrlod =lid:l3g>t=4zl7aetH't l* l$ t\ttt\ l,*t.'t\ !$ .s\J \ \l $-S\) EEtgEN EgEEF iti:*lgr ;;s:€,.s?(! P OeE'-- rEig; x(,)'"oo :E.E H;, :lE=; *ii oE E € e*Ee€ \ e igiiF- (fo (o <$'Ol o 1r} (f)o O cf,ct co oo ro(\l cc o rf) cc (t t E tll z 6 = co :a u,J z I F C) u.JJlu oz to =f, c J 2 (, u.l = UJgJ ILz Ettl LIJ o c0 =IJJ uJ z 6 UJ tru,oo- UJo I i IJJJo x t- ru U'l (n uJult]- E = uJ J FoF z J J QeF lrJJ uJ z6 = E J Iz l! = NOrrvn'lv^ F Flttr..-\ = lc,'Y: " b;-r.olc)irull= =P$bYg 6- =cZ Z .t-OO O Or-tr ^ -o *)9 = ; or-d P 6FE66 Er|'Z\-()82 ftb{ ;EEH ff6c.6 rHNO z tr J t! ti L3oG(5 UJo- F ooO $t E eo- UJ z Eo > zI ? uJ 3gJ2 oFzfzOo <oo< =*>dxu-6o<z Fz,. 9z _iF Eo}E u,l -) (r lt, tuzY iF 2 tr Jloz oo IE a = =F >< IJJ JI i zl .. >lo uJoulutz U)F (f llJ o- J z E o otlotlotl =ll-ll il tl 5il 'll tl .ll<tllutlrll IJJ azz tru) 6 (\l (}1 ea <\l I 2t J) -{ -) UJFooo-zo F(L utY lrJ !0 oF F tut tLlO c"rl> c9l E+lO o'lrl HuJakzo z ,"Q =kd] 0 =z dP EEi B;E F =Eut o-t!o:t!EZE<o.f€ue9vtri9 Ed => = l,rl --E h= =>a!i O r.r-E ooI \urE X6_t x>FHFCL *I c-!; ru a0 o E -D F =Elrl o-zoF() E, 6zoo Dtn (uT'o (u UI.l-t Loo. an +t vt =t$lc\l io- (o F I I.l+rl-l(lJlo)lT'I.F- Ill-l(r) |orl*l wruelol q J =t U'+, o U7 .|J ttl rf!o lr) io (6 F6 L6 =o!o .d (U = td (f,|if att u.l q dcI = l- <l) (n u- E l =l GI llct Iot I.FI Ip|<l EEI El elol ol =l "'lYl Jlgsl 31 3ltzlgBl =t ylqFl 3 rl al>l u-lol 2l =lolFI ! +.,i LlJ 3o4 E d tltlllttlollzltltol lHl| ..rlt<ll>lI I.|-Iloltzla:l t.lJ Fl I I I I ctlzl olull 5la>l lr-lol Fl r E 9Pe?zt d6o F:i: (J =t- i- \JZ Eilfl I I I.:. I '', I.-l.!l/ .rl /s?llx- |\-_ |\t oz b = UJ .i '{)q cs c( 6 E {so G <t-- a\O ': t-. ds N cn $fIL F = UJ 0 a bN h i"i H; | il.|Q, i= o'i- lfl:I 'l l$t)t | ..|J tr | ;1 *l?l* \f;ler E ,fl=l;\ i#l=r ri \ : ( n'\ s( (- :^ L ,u t-e'\ u- llJa t! o o o uJ B rJ !C!r tu(t 7-.-B cv <FZ^qzqr< B F. (D q)o() .s .c (! (, () <t) E o E = a o (E 3(D .D o f c(! .N -y) ;oF .c o .o)c ; O1 o, 5, an 1t. ''$ o;i.6 :ri-'rrLE;ocio(E cur|,1o: Q;xYqr: O YE' c-o o(5c.c- B-60Eltf-d l= :F; H E?; 3esfi! i o- .! o-A:-..E9 .g-o.59clEC = .h '-oE !LC(J or oE: iH::F ** C(s 0'- ! *-c ('td.c ]J i: .=e3'5()> .g=t 'YXv ,e6 e9EoreEer.ot') - o.g. a \ $ .0\ h r) Ut I\ v? .^4 U 0 $ I e f\ ft^ 44 tl \ \ I "b et s a 0 0 \' b F (r LU oz oJ5 Y rl' (.)z J F o ozd E E J 2 IJJ \ UJllJltz tr tll u,, oa (D 3g oaz(J luo F6 llJ A 2 uJJ(J x F lJlal , af, EI l.ltu- =E uJ J F F z o! f(D () ul uJ (, 7F E a,-{ J z Ioul = NOrtvntvA tr n'I uJF 6 v*\ \=\>\ Ey- { -rc! - ^- -s'l=\S\S zz EA (, zIF l tr- tr q,t o- F taq '[ t: uJ : \ z E Xl ;) <l !Jl JI "l :l;lultzl ut:)J) zYI F 2 tr)l U)z oFz. \22 -iF =in tltlIItloFzfzOa <()o<;F x 'rLEci<z F.q) I I'lo ?18ol= u,J!J u) it- c(- : (t) J 3 t-' UJ H*klOttl a_l_l u.t )<a, ---'l I I zl .. >lo ill JJ JJ =li cv1ct zlll2 | tl =ttlrlllf llld ltl1 t,"t Ij rlFl9l " 6l6l=li !<tlIIi ;idltri q5 tqF E 6E: .,(JE--6 d 8:n z X-!L<9 q i\$ g EtF9 fi*d(\o I nv {ilsI { t-lt+ $-"t lnD z ,r9ze coo ==dg ."i3zY=xES-.:,\ -L 6Ll.J> Nj-ir l t H o!ulFOyzE<ctf,ooEoB9 ':tr =>EJFE E=. dtr; >o-I o r.r-E 90 .J :>(JHF iiJ gJ (D oF lll tr @oo1 zo Fo-lltY l!o oF F fr"' o- il\l'. 3.'-E*Oc'+ -|ui" H!b!zr F =Elrlo-zoF(J3EF@zo(J --J i1 !. .^-- ((\ \) di z (D $-)- t-\ I .4.- !t ;i.\ F It-. lselc rl /!'lts \'l' t q 1.1 -trl , -'I'\ll cc. I 'j- |\,, I-!l t!d -N at}' , - H_.oq-\ c E(J 9\s'\f F{. \ 5 I I I Ili '- ltl-\sle il t'l*l ((}l t,l r ..t : c'l ll 't- di \c'r\ a\F r'\ f\ I E*l =J\JIq .tol =.1 trrlEl JJ al>l t!lq zl BI YI7l !I dlzl (51 uJl :l <l>l u-l ot zl EIolFI I I I II Iotzl dl uJl 5l <l.zl hl 5l gol ulFI F- F(J tlJ F o J EF() I.JJ oBzt- =f!z E F uFz 9X Oz (J u J | (, a,'-:' CALLER MON iTUES WEd THUR tr DISAPPROVED ..:.''. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: { ',- t- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER E}r'\r'l tr -e. Qlltrtro tr GAS PIPING -" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB EI SHEETROCK NAIL tr T'l tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - n- J- /- ,.- " i ." /FNat tlfi / r n. a ,l "'{/ tr FTNAL qfeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR * INSPECTION -. ._7*. TOWN OF rs/rr <v< /s 3 REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR @ BUILDI tr FOO', tr FOUI tr FRAI n ROO - PLY! tr INSL G: ING DA"I ING &s oot .ATI rRo 5/ bl toN / HEER ) NAil. oN_ CKN EEL - STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr ( tr ILDING: FOOTIN FOUND/ FRAMIN ROOF & PLYWO( INSULA' SHEETR tLtl NA tr GAS PIPING INSU SHET rGs ATI( IG ,SH OD Tto tr POOL / H. TUB tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHAN!CAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIF t-l E FWfl-tr FINAL (i4+paoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR lD ' lro: CALLER TUES CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILls trt ,,. I . 'l.l,t r r: I , r {r --..Q; ( | .---.DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL i H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL , tr,, i -l ,. .., t' - "t : t L,(((t-rln-sh #o,lt-,./ r-1 T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n F Ftw tr FINAL ,21 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FEOUIRED CORRECTIONS: l sz)?-- ?- * -,I i^,^. / ,#.'I' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :', /i t .t 5 ,""',t"- , ,.' ll qr: ! *'--7. -,^ .. - , .el'DATE JOB NAME r.1 r, -_, 1- , /! ,.,. INSPECTION: MON ,,;;;l'r\ruES (yj?i THUR CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: FRI AM .Rl!4-, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER f t.- l- /?FRAMING f- | a"/ .- (: .,../ \-4_.-... f ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (-n: ,i -,r 7=DATE INSPECTOR .. !r.*i; -i -- " l* .e" I:i--'hr,., f:. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE !'"-'li: ''JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR LOCATION: !'i.,u-,--n tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER n 19.9.f^LSi.iFlIL|NG _:-- .{-' "- ' --- tr GAS PIPING" PLYWOOD NA E tt{sulRrtont tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR * INSPECTION i.. ,.{,, -...:, '.- -. *, REQUEST VAIL j "i TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN TUES .W.iD,]i r ! \*-"' l-':i ' i ! THUR FRI -.-_1.AM rt\4,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU trR trR trG trP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER |-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING n Roucu tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL 'APPROVED ' coRBEcloNS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE U'ul oz z oJ 6.. Mtg re:k ro *J*J iii" N?E ,*tr >r |,sil€u- tr E 'f t! oF Fz () rEo E 6 oos{ 9,bE "f.ed'=/; H6{ E${os/ ; E ID o -o(6 .9 o-o(tt 3' F o t': (tr .Y' 1g; s9Uha F.s 11€;Eg8EiEx P ilP.Ec-o> eT sE- 6.o d:E! p c9dE -*ior35=: EEiRf!Eo*.9 o?cEo; €esP '-; t-e o:-oo E o-oiEorEfie€ : (/, 'v o Heg s ErtE - o;9 -c; o o ", o i.9gF s: Ea=-:9dE5i; 5:htsg9Eo - eSgg - o (6: U) UJ UJt! ==E. uJ o = tllc z J z Jo- I q t4q E +1't I AT d(,1 t4q q JI ,l"l:lNlc\l BZu 6zE9 e v> UJ IJJz IJJ z.o F^ EG4(51>IJ (J<)zr!<oqHq.x j(\i < -':(r ti a (! UJ J z Fo z k UJ z tr Jloz lt 2.- 9= =FEO =trOI l,r)r{ ?-{c)cf oz t =E UJo- nN\ .\ t N \N \'\ \) lv N\\{.t\\s \ \\ lrJFaoo-zo F(L ujv IJJ.: c0 oF b c uJ o- ttlol><l*cq\,, --lo{r9 uJbkz6 Eil! z =ellro>z (L u- E*3;;E EDil F uJ o- l! :!{6YE<cll6U)Ee.BP1,tr cd:> =u-E i=lJ dtrE =9E 65l! \urE XO-t x>O;Fcl 'io=r,E U F E-I E =E,lrl o-zIh(JfE Fa zoo ! tltltlill3tqel lll .ildEloD rclo.l rl H3lqhlt"ltzltBlflPl .tJ .+J (U L E e. I I I I I Iol =,|ol IJJI :l al>l t!lol zl 3l FI I .l =.1olull 5l al>l t!lol zl =lpl r-l I I I I I,lfrl(1)l !l'l I J trl "l=)ol IJJIEl Jl <l>l tr-lol zl 3l 9tt-t I I I Iol =.1ol uJl 5l al>l ruol al i z o- U> z, J U J N J z) tr o- F ( rt I I I I I I I C\' IoJlr\l(f, I*l xlol6l IA fr cll cJ = -l CE + ! L& Ic{- b z Ilolo)l<rIT(uol>oo<.+tE{-rlNc{olKtfl*l (d >.fr2.a>.rl Z, J EO L(l) OJN .di = o an =Etr J EFo UJil OOzt-;(J =#d3 z 'r uJ = Eir =b= -.r O<FG(JuJ<z.tt!F (r\ UJUr|-F = UJ o- I I I I I I I I o UJ z z dJ co d6 tlI >J-lr(r=| :ol* i= \l=lll;I;d Ae +o,& E4s si'A ;-ocEiiEP. gEE: SFe:t€:iE s 3f rc.=(E.-(Ei f .E 6.9 :fi:€tr !rE; aia.Ek = 3f e'r\ !EE:gC 5t;FD EE5f fEig; :€E s; ifEg€ :i€EEiior6E g* i:g E : E;5-?I E FAEE r1iI{5ii,,l gFi;i$ -6E"EEA .n uJ == UJ J oF =ql z =bg;oFlr9(5:. 1 ezr!< o--d>(JFO J { r.i r.lJ J z i- 6l .. >lo UJ IJJ IJJzoF uJq ?z E z tr F ; z F J 'ii z .-) o- x!. )1.rtl :s o I I\l I I I II olzl ol PI:l al>l ttlol 3l9lFI I I I Iolzl elcl JI <l>l tLlol =lFI I I l :l trrl 5l al>l 'd ;l 9|FI I I I .l ilolr!l Jl <l>l bl Pl r q,\ It \)EAqst- Fi\oi t+& ={!.1*\ <Q <FG()tlJ <zE azoo <o(.)FF()E< S't F3zUJOo gF 3E a'6 C) -r tt = J<()o.nul lll =l--\,, z (J \ L( (\ .N\l !Ifl \J rry I F-B flzli EH =zdp.k F E uJ l!ouloz lU'o oF GI o- JL-U.l '-h5s{ lr',&uJ =oOl! \UJxo-x>fiF J ta UJlAoF o Ecto c' (D c s oa) o ntn z "r Iu = J _- 0( f1F ---r- O .)J aD ul I , ,-2{-[-1*ui / Z4 trF! t-,QJ a) C n V. ,o? =-J f7rt"'REQUEST VAIL --:\--,(.]aua).'rar ' "'-- - ^'AM (.FV. PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECTt tl I/ tl -- /v+DATE / //3' JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] HEATING tr CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED- / /-.t6*AL/DATE INSPECTOB N OF ,t,-.. REQUEST VAILTOWN ',t::" 'DATE READY FOR LOCATION: IJOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI J rPMWEDAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING . ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NAILING r] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T1 POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL +d-nppnovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL ', , aDATEJOB NAME i, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CI .APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE 'INSPECTOR cTro TOWN N OF REOUEST VAIL DATE d lr,ly +, INSPECTION: JOB NAME .ft 1'- READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER 'u'.-1f ,4--<\MoN i ruES )THUR FRIWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUITIBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEERu PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - . .r''rt .-. ; < '- t' tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL t'Aipnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE -,i*.-1 ruEfficno READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON tr tr tr tr tr B FOUNDATION / STEEL -ROOF & SHEER T] GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - INSULATION L/ H. TUB - tr HEATING tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F'APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED. DATE ',,/ INSPECTOR lia pdnarr/vail ,*#;roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE i/, - t /'.,v/ nJoBNAME '!-:t/A l*rii ,t{'. ceuEn j INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR fRt' ,READY FOR LOCATION: #,'i:':d'AM . efl/-.1 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr tr tr tr tr o tl FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -SHEETROCK NAIL t-.\. I . .,, tr tr_ I] FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL gT APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED. DATE INSPECTOR ciz F =t H o<) C)c)o ocl OroF\ rf, O (o F{o sf o ol|r)l l\l .i 1 U' IJJ LrJII tr =E uJ o- i.B/ae/q. ,,"H l )ts iLl bl ffi ix|:lrl:lI 'oSt l-l-lfilI I\' l-clcrlo II or ' l{.ll-C'l =lri *l lElslEl Il i I dEl€l Ni- rlgl EH:|i UJz3 luIF z c, Lo Jc, CJL(J F\(uroL (cr Oe{ =osl- (\l .r ac'r:> oo TJ (J o. ={Jo 16O c, (J (Jcoct+, C, tdmL) I.( ,E i|l) r()rE '(!i.o 6c/ 'lo\F Its (r,ooc (E Et blf\ oEo g) c E f,(Il E o =ciO-+) 9= x.dF(I) ;(J ru Ec, v, l -='',o.'o.:ol ?ri {oilE-o(o: tr5 'a?';c f]o,c oFEoa! o,l .=!Cu'o o,N (J '^C ;; FO eb*-oo olc ;d)iEooO a\ Go =9P'=9d ocato El'=o ^o99 oo_ t;' (,io!';'gE E o3(! ol rs '=(Dl/|lI l--qx vE6E E:fr =6E-.= 6 ^o=F r:'i<a-o(6qczrS :SP.i'; -c9c d5i -E:^E EA =:E cc-.9'; e F5 e.=- (! o-(o 0dr.-*86.2- o-59u (B-'_ EE bo oEA.Hid._a€ !! c('0'-, s *-c (|1O-.gE s,o ?;' =U>,,o(6= Hfi E; .,i6 e r E FE r! O O) j - o (di olr) C\I ort cf) @ OO (o rf) c)o Lf) c\,1 orft OO (f,(o E =uJ z 6 J c0 :< UJf z (L o e. UJ.J LU z co = :- J 2 IoU = UJ !,1 z tr LU IJJ tz. oc ;g uJ zo u,J oo-ulo o-fi UJ x ulv,l atl!llju- =E uJ o- -J FoF ozo =f @ J 9EF() llJ ut oz 6 =J Iz UJ $='islgE tstEt(dtolLl(Jl.dl I oJ-rtt(Utc,l- I NOtrvn'lv^l: l,lF [;"lllE le€ d t=H| "(t|I E'lPa a i-"[n ; e =gel;6 g flEtr* s :!toY i ?pt3 E g sglE.; $i U()l= z E J q -'iE li o-f e. UJ oO orr f\ r\ t: t< lft t:: z Eoo :z)ol <l sl !l ;luJlzt <l -l zl zl .. >lo uJ uJ uJz v) = tLl(L J z Eoo UJf J a alJz + F lltltlIJaFzfz9.nF tll<oo< > iii:dxlt6ci<z ID =z, 9zz--F fio =d ttlo z !<t! {! z trvt 6 (v t ,t)it ,-t i-1 r, :) uJ tsa(D o-zo Fo uJY uJo F F Elu o- ttlo "+lrQl x s.tltr\t-l'lg u,r:iF\Jz.o z (J=zeoo =z a-,P ."i5 =E<:i(Ji dd= F UJ 962zE<cl:looEv)B9vEa9'€tr => =uJ:-E b=I dtrE >o- -(JtIE ooq'F,., E 50-E X>g q.o-iti UJ oF -E I ts =Elrl o-zo F() =E 6zoo trDn 1 c (\J N6 ct oz u- F J l(ul.nl(d lo- Il|nt-lo {J a) (o ii =z -lI {Jl(Ul(uloLlr\'ts loa.t', | .nllC,lto O.| | F\.:Elr*.Fl!l-lFlo1 |c\t I I.llg.{ -d'Fdrdo>cJ><F =o (J o rn d I I I I Iol 6l ol(Jl I o-l Ivrlal 6lF)l I =lEI tLl too$J xo I rlrr)l*l olllool rr) rJJl @trl (\j _.,r | | sls 6i zl3l ul PI P I ILll I3lFrl*l Iel; HlsrdI --.rl Orqs Ilol zl Ft i U I+)(J =oz. I I -l(ol F\I :t_zl +ol 9ut rcl I,l t.o =l F- sl o r|-|ol il I \.Jl llFI F rlll ldtslItrIlJlt<ltil d3ill I I I .l zl ol1!l 5t :l 6l pl i(r tr t L,i.Jz = F UJ F-r <F(r(J I.JJ <zE.lll l-OZ 5P *3 ;'i'i F =2.f E.gP =#]F =JZr!o *6:IFz()sf Yz =g F -r, !/ z -J<O(Ju,3H nFn o 0j o E.utz B UJ_r F 2 tr- Jujo =T E ll r( F() t-z o IJJz 3o rl.o ul s h, ^\1t\r") E'o I (E .9 5( t- 0) o o ;:lcr! o o) o g, = =l ,.io o ac 3't \<i: g g A.E E g;' ieEf: IEgE:\I9 6 E.qc-o> '$s:SEFI\: AE F \d 6 3'=.lo*i6€Fs; *l€3s N.e; I e iEiae o. o o--a=-.o.5 E O*c''+ o- <tE€:€ :(/,'"o EeEH o(5='- EsES'-a€E c;0, o $€Ef:9ilo'3 u >.=- EEFB!E 6oa?ocqg*(u .!COo - () (E: oE ol0 =g UJ z 6 uJ oul UIIL ==uJ J F Iiqo J ol:fil;sfl frd.}] E 3Zu-oo ^ 6z = ;oE 6E gE>()o !,1? =6o-JEfrHNo IL A o- E E o- L! J z E .. >lo LIJo uJulzo = cc uJ J z E z tr J (tz IJJ z I I I IJI 0l ntl'rl fir'llrlvtl]l dol J E (II v ./t A"l =l trl dl -l $lil fl;lAil gt d =l =lct 9lrll Fl I I I /.,1 dl '.1 z.l rJllEl JI <l>l rUol 3l FI dJ j tft |l|lIIItotl-lt(,lI Utltlltall>lI tr.lloltzl Hfl I t I I Iolzl Fl <l>l rLlol Pl E F l! F- I G <FG(J I,JJ <zE,t!F(tZ C) gF 3Ed5 z T Lu = =o2 o() z.-ora, i-ze >z dP Ef;i ;HE ntrn tr ul ll.otuJFO2ZE<Clf$o '-9.B9vEae.Etr => =uJ-5 h=o o.- EE FO-E ub9 5uttrx(Lt x>I q* o -'iEi ul --cll Enn t' TM.!: Ilarch 8, L984 l"lr. Steve PattersonBullding Department Town of Vall Vail , Colorado Dear SEeve, l^Laza.kdgu wishes.to express that we have given the Bridge modeling projectthe furilding. Street Restaur&nt Associltion approval to pioceed on a re-modeling project in the ground iioor, nortirwest corner of AssoclaEl_on approvar co proceed on a reln the ground floor, northwest corner of Si,frc bAgp, BoxdQ\trl, Cdmdo 81cti8, -: rc5-476-4#OHoizo' f ;.:: t ti\ ;t'i CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE "\ I t1 > ., READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED r FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr 8,,tr tr \ 4 FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR -tr--.-- tr FINAL tr CONDUIT tr tr.Ff{AL F1APPROVED CORRECTIONS: 'rj P'E ;,t, tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE '] -i 3-,f i/ tNspEcroR._.-.,{&'' ,;,rr--'7.we it 'f IN CTION TOWN OF '{ i: .: .j':. !, .-. :. R VAI UEST DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON !;,: J1 , ,.".n.,CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTI REQUIRED DATE ,l " 1.": ; ,rrk"TroN *rbrr*, TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM PM BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr F-INAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUTRED DATE INSPECTOR rNs# , CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PMAM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL -tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL - tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE _: (_. STICTION TOWN OF DATE t- rr' IN I... t RE VAI INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 'WED THUR JOB NAME MON FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr_tr_ tr FINAL -tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER _ tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOBDATE ! f -:,'' rN toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING - tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr SUPPLY AIR ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR '*ril"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr E] FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON.. DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. trfiOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|LING tr GAS PTPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr _tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I n\, "F\ uJ ts U)ooazo F(L lrJY UJo o t- F CE UJ o-u-Ionla<l =ol(J rrlO'\l, r'-r II r{l'lult- rl,iFt.,,zo z o= =<tmo =z (I t'|- BEi = Ltl ;dd= F llJ tr-o{i IJJE(J2ZE<clf99,ct-B9vEr9c;iE t._ =ur--E b=.: dEE =*E U5 oF,.,E XtrE :>6 llFtt ".i(Dirri UJ d) F -G ts =E lrJo.zIF(J EFozoo '!!! a UJ LrJu- F = UJ E 8/0t/Q/ rt 6z z 3 o6 z I I l", .Ft<ro I I I I l. I:Jt€ IEz l=to l2 $gr ll )rH \ lol l(lrlll#t{,\ibr!l UJz3 u_o UJ(r lFq o o o o o ED .s =fo c o =f Eo o o =.9 o t.Y,',o'(D i6,o ;o\ I t'.4,.: a (5 '= -N _o 3 .t- q) c eo()t (g o, JI o o =-f ($. ol ;joi '=Oo*tsolocio(I' F.e s?'EB E E.= h '-ao(ccc" -:ged'5 =c9d d6;_E>, E Ea =r-EFOO 3tstsi c.Y- (E o- (E o-FFi o, dE e-r== X'D"sE0 Oo:i;E -ag++tr.E O'- P-E .) (l) -,3EE € 3;:5C)>,' ()'-'.r',ng 5..it e9E q)qEE!oo) ts = UJ z o f uJo fz lu o .t'tululu-t =uJ o- J F NOrl'vntv^ zz tr- 6 ="1:'lX=lEEaoZt- 6:rr- <oo-,.' ]o-* ot(,FOjc.i l@t+).: olYCG'Fo-o =.drL(J ZE tr.o6- (J5- 6 q.1 3Etr o,lzluJl(Jl { E o l oc) ooor r\ l:Itta lft l:j z E xto EIuJl 5l "l^l ;lqiIzl .. >lorllo LIJ uJza ts E uJ(! J z Eoo IJJ: J lt, U,utz iF zI J oz aFzfzQcoFUJ<oA< >ft>(rxrr6d<z g) az .. 9z ru- 6Btr \h -\ tu' oz F =tqJ o- z J (u'o (U d. I g) .rc o -J .oN.o CL ii =z lltttltlI till'+{lE l-s..l I FtlF1 .AA -l l/?|rc.n -1 F- J q3 =iaEo Fl *l (ul>l<l I -r- | =rr)l * F\lrl Iolrol@l r4l!qrl Ofl>5=ii oJ<2,I E(J tlllq<l u:l cf) |cqo I Ol r-r Icll del9ol t:|J>l-lAlt-ltzl flFt lltttlt1tl td lslI crl I .JItall>lI tl-lloltzlts31at olEFI ot z.l EIcl JI <l>l Lr-lol zl t|FI lttltlllldltzl lslllllall>lI ILIt"ttzl El :l rJ-l Fl I I Iol =.1ol uJl 5l ;l Pl l tts <F L!<ZE[!F(nZ o J EF uJJ LU 98;O =f]Fr-5 O J<oQQ.ul rJ-rJO trtrtr i I I jt" In, \s \J \., 0\ t\ 0 ,ot,H!rrl F1 =llrJ Io-l (n g) UJF z oz o J l (' 2 o1l I?r Icf} | {Hltl IIJ"l \l |lI rE I $flltzl ,21 I I I I I l!r./ lo I I I 1,, I I r5 ltr ll!lolotzr6 r5 J UJa iq) oa. ; C| (6 Jo o ar o) r- :n 0) '"ooc u r)O()- : =m =oa 'i s:) >jr] =-> -tfo- f-; : i'; c .,o q) 4;q) .9 N o d c o c .g c Lo.F t o I() l:tt: gO ;'- E.- cL o(o CJ -!.:> Er o.O FO .: o);:* o€a-lr!(o--c !e (! E- ad .,ooLC i$ cq ; .EO gg C, l;3O(!c.- .l;(.)'- >,9.oo) 6trc6 -o I r "d b ^{ \r \ os rt fr) (I o s $ a\ 0 o h b \ N "I b t =(z uJ =:f :<o|r' z J o EFo IJJ z : - = UJ = z tr u]e E {r o G)] 5 z 6 uJo o o.li x F UJ @tttti F =[! J F F z !:) - o UJ gJ oz =) J 9z UJ = I NOtlvntvA o zzOc) ;f,EP o tD <, =>.vzr!<,', ] > (-) j 611 '\5| \(\ \., \.,' -=irr =CD t o c( z z tr {'- (L :f (, F 8(}\ N I lgt<l(L lH t;l<lzloItr ool<l X:lol <l 9.r I5l :l u ;tl r.rJ llztl II =zlz QcaFul<Oo< > ;ii:E3qOO<z tz .. Z= -Fr-6 'd :l F-l-l:l .. >lo l>i i>< I Irl"lit /\ll u]ll utllz o .t A( pliFI>ll(rtillJtlall JII<tl'rll Ul:1..- tl.l> R O ?IEi bldlf * N t- uJ IL ?1:r{6Yz tr < taY o y) =<o = coo> a1 <>s tr =: =o- = > L_ll. lls dtlcFslo tr,r ;l J(J : iit J<\ E i rl ,r59 -\ _ w tLt 7=-2. -,7 O a'! l =ll<l:: = r -l a'l F -il-a ) gl J(J^l-- :: r) (!l = tlJ.:l-r-!l)rlJJr:-; o i_N;;s -x r -l'-- ut d) F z: tr F ) I I Il\-l\lYlal"r k-\ \,t\ It,lI \.r\t?.l{ J{\rt l I '-lr,rJ I>l{lz''I I iltlll-|| lifl i,JI l^ T ilT' $qNEi>l<<Fla=61 UJz3 lt$i i l{$$ idi sl H$] dl i E'lr.t E (Jl ll'l\^t> h{l,v I t-r '>l...S lEl14' qr -cil ( =l w I! q ) N\.i u.rlJIurl tllltltlI cillllt('lI utlI crl l--.,1 t3tI IT-Ilollzlaet ;lEFI FI tllltl l.ll-lt(,lI uJlllltalt>tI tr.l|;l ,ia3l;lLLI Fl Fl "lzl ol*l lt<l>l bl zl 3l o{H I I I I I I.lolzl ol uJlql rl>l ll-tol2t ..:q:ol ruFI F a E \ El..l ccl \ O! JI o-el lil\l bl . lt =l El a1l lr-r Fl ic; EH ()r!F 'l- <F IJ.J <zd. az JE<oOF i< sig =z*ia >Y =f-J t-!z <x YFz<) YZ =g q (x ;1 =o, sil Y*\ Ir.'U ; * INSPECTIONTOWN OF ) { f -1 REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON WED THUR FRI PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr Xrrr'rer- F td tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr Ft.yAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR DArE "/" fu JoB NAME READY rOn rruSne/t-ron: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN IJF lo-z-a- CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING r1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING - tr EXHAUST HOODS - C] CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL Jr'APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,- r; Jt -''gg^OECTIONS: ffi DATE INSPECTOR t,'i.'t /^.lzt INSPECTION REQUEST l" lt.DATE JOB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL -tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING ,-' ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr 1/-/ rrrunlD FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr FtNy FINAL TAPPROVED tr DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIBED COHRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .-i4!. INSPECTION REQUEST oor, | 0{zr, {'i> JoB NAME .,{OWN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER,F FRAMTNG _ ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB f,sHeernocK NArL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr nNnr tr FINAL ffippnoveo O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,//)-;/ -r--DAIE 1,/'1'/ <;,+ tNSpEcroR * INSPECTION oor, &)1>r,/t.F JOB NAME rovyN oF ,() REQUE VAIL 'afCALLER TUES WED THUR FRt ..',READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL, tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr D tr tr tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION N SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ,4leenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ''/'.{,.2 oz b =E UJo- c) LO oorJ) (/, IJJlulr L =E IJJ o- 77y €f/fvc EPLsg # t)liti l,srls' l\s !Dr I I $ vt; trt6 tl ILJ IJJo = o Eq) o (g .E \:- uozf, -rc tC:(6t9l)olotoD :E 1= ;6i- rd:= ,l iEra):>t\O to.:(!,3 i.o;>rO .9v, o,1t aq) o .9 <t o) '= .N _oc 't- q) o . (t, =o (g !) o v) p' =+9\ (E ='(t ;-o '=9coiiisg8F =2REEE E.= F b R',€ =;bgdsi9 i =tFd'5 =c9o B5=REi =:E .YoJF5;.I- (6 o. l! cL REE (/)! cLEPo(gCH6:EE b or q'E RcH-cdtr - o- i:+'-E(' 0'-5ag dr O€.gE s,el33 6 >.' c-='!;EHi 3:htB9E oqEE!oct) I I I l,tt t$ t. I' t\llt\ si ^\ul ^\rF\ z O\rzv 6lJ ='E.\ 06 l 9IlzulRI uJF o F I =Eo (Jz z (\](o oo ro (f) oo sf,.o cc ) { tr = IJJ (,zo = Yo uJ c)z J a F(J ru \ oz @ =J oz () UJ = tr| UJ z tr uJ E, uJ t0 =IJJ uJ z(, Iuo F UJ 2 IJJJ x IJJo U' uJ Lu+b =t UJo- FoF = J EFo UJ tr z =J z ll, = NO[VnlVA !< ;tt z tr b_e IJJ J t UJz uJ )- = .lrl iY=66 zzoo F-al,o=ad 6 QO*,r6: t! <(93o.- o>L)FO .itri z F- ) LL ri uJlcl>l*l ol.f)UJ t\ z E : z E UJFJ - =IrJ,r Izl Jl<ltrl zl zl .. >lo UJo uJ tuzaF UJo- z E l!lJJ (t) v> uJz i IItltltl aFzlzo !,, <oo< > iir>E XIL6ci<z (,tFz,. O2 iF ilo3tr llJo =Y cc z a sf(o (\l Idt I or.f) -lr..] :1.) : ti , 'lrJr'=l U',,ofo i,-'z;orF (L UJY ulo oF F E Hrl,.L 6t! olo-l 0- o{o-odI rclrqgurakz6 nIn F tu o-tt EE2ZE<of€nd)-e9vE-9 =o-=>-- ttj LE h=.: dtrE =aE U6oF,.,E qeI q*o-itttr IJJ @oF z(,9 =e =z dP if; :E=:o^ dd= ts =E lrJo-zo F(Jf E.Fazo C) \ z) u- co oJ IA +Jl-o U1 .p vl L-q(.} i'j <lzl -_- |llll co i (l tro tlll-I tc!I thIIll'-llFt It/, | |l.dal g-l e FI dE I I cilr|lI cl <lilol zl FI ol =.1 |rIl 5l al>l Lr-lol zl FI ctlzl olullcl JI al>l el =tolFI Itttltl l?ltslI ujll(ltJltall>lI tttloltzladilrtt Fl F I I I I I el cjl uJl _11<l>l t!lol 3l col uJFI F=Etr ! E uJz =o F IJ,J i tv ,JO'<Fttso ir.J <zEL!F(42oo <o(JF E?(J I.L \=tr E(JO z. )- =#fF)z-rJ- o *6' ):F =2-. liE Y,Z =g P o2 O <c)(s u)5HI GtrN oz F ' .'l .ft r} a IJJ IJJIL ==t IJJ o- f\- ,i IFJ IElo J 9u-t!o z oJ f tuF | 'ittI LrlIFtoxl ztrlo EI=qrl ) =laol.6lloztz 3t6 J UJ U' i ou- Egoo) .; O)l|i -C oo9o 6d:* oc;= qFc,d).! -E o)*lso o o'N(J 9E iE sp oo oDcC(E ;C)iEoo3o6 ct, !i '.:6 =-ttt E e"E of =d^0,eg o; dol';!9 o otE si(, '6 .: \a o. o) N -v, 't- o) = o()io'6 o. f.o.ll o at 9' (! !; ='o o (5 o (t o 0) 'F d = E () c(s tr oor-E or!.-noEqtr -o -;o.OEF'S=od E;F>(g= EEooEo';e 5i =!6o #oo_ -o(E'F.(I'cF6=ae ;ot 0rf ;n -CE= a=o>'- o- H66s-oo EEOg)o(d '=E E8 F.2 EX ;: .:C- PBcL'-oo.g!x =ic9 d6EE(dOc CC .Y dt ;!#.=- o6O-.i -cu,F =o Eq)OE O(E (Bc-cg -o.60 dr O,g, !E too(u -Y;(s! >..E.oo !D O_ -cd -o <f c{k:! I rf) C) qfro O ()o F E llJ o-oz6J a0 Y UJIoz Jq- ; F t! tr (Jz co =- Iz .r oIu = UJ uJ 2 tr u.l uJ o 3 uJt uJ z 6 UJ tr tu6 A z tu x F ulol o r.lJultl. E = UJoJ FoF z J *o IJJ tr z =J J = () g.l = NOTMtVA ;E =ll- 6rtri=.5i !{? -xit ds H+ uJ rq =>E __(i) -g r\ zz Fo- AXr-t9o vra1>c) c)\JZrL< v= i-oF9 z tr lr- o- E(9 UJo- F Otfl aL uJ I J z Eoo z.o F CE UJ ; u.lz otzlz3n<o6< ;*>E xrl-6o<z o)t- =..O7z- -Fdo3EOI lllfJ II a U'ulzY iF z F Jloz Jl<li-l ZI zl o UJo uJtuzo =(r UJ o- J z Eoo o: Ll,lo z (r d z q> J @ .v r.S s'JI .ti =z.&t-./ ul'.+ a-I Iv, I FT6 (v-,\ f-{ f-*f,; IJJ .j-oo azo FolltY IJJd' o Fi'.,t G uJ o- lf.o TLoo I lrJFroz P. EElrlc.z O'*, f) t$ 8:l .G: f * s, ,3 $ ,! l '. +: .r ;s i,9 F I3i s E S, ,e s; Fn 5t,a Ir t' *1, ,f.atif' r F f,t $' i9 f tl tl z .nQZ-.mo =z dP nDn .J --t <a(J F? ui- >gT z oJ f a-E tr ru o-r! FHE:E<eno-B9vtrBqcEt>E# CFo14()#E= PXg5 EHo. ".io-!E Iu F l, 'I'l i' E =Jtr F tit+rLt2:t.tt, lr1 vt ! ii =z cI _-)I qt <f f,{t! r .g E 4.' r.1 cl (h ut s -.1 g I I I I I:'lol+rlnl u') al H -td t{ =t Jflg rc t\ft:t I F I I I Iol =.1(rl IJJI 1l <l>l !| Pl I vl+,Lo CLU' >t.p .J' L c) =tr lltlll l.l t;|I trllI rEl lilI t|.l i=|HtrI FI F = I I I I flJI al>l u-tol zl 3l 9l =etr Etr I I I I .l zl ol!Jl JI<l>l 5l 5l col ulFI F Eulz = F uJ E diPd() Lri <2Et!Ft\ Z. o JG 5PFO HE =2.t8 r^ =>Y =#]Fd5n Xo::FrZQ .XE =,9 Ej', \JZ () J<Ol, ?.UJ r.rJ JO a TL trjta i E u- c F d z t ttlz3 IL ut F z 6 s8E; $ =.9 * €:rf ! s* F.= E F 3 iEx33 dr<l-cX- :EFiE: >= Y'c I6 EP E:EE,;J'*>3 r *FF;E :-€ 3 FE €qePE$i s e EaGE=*q:-o!',€ P o*!.:tFssEEEEggaodd :E.E H;' I E'E gE -a€g; <; 0) o c e*is€ ollEJ iEa;e E; E: i ss:89 E Fgg: - o (uS i O r-.) .'.) -t.:f .Elrt B qr F oz (,z J f =\ v \r trDn -aE z (J= ZQcro>z JO(L LL df;(ro= =sfrqiir dd= Y =ZZtt-I 90F^AZ5: ==FEaoe. AaJ(4(JzXrr_ < Y=4r5 s =R Z '.N(J = t! tl-o go t< aa u)6 .t)a9 gdE i-r: uJ !-lr h=lO s .r, I.) dDl: > o-{v ^ .. 1E U6i(D F ,. ,1 E B'-Io-.'i!tr lrJ i -:Jt :rn "v e ts E z 5 ^rt!) UJ UJ Lr- F =tl' NO|l.vntv^ rt 5 z 3f 6 z z ilrr -,o'i\tg r?81"rJ INi\ IYI l? tF {e iHs f= tt J = J f) ?) { uj uJg-z tr tu Btu Lg z 6t! v1[! UJt! F UJ F ,- lr- f (, UJ .. >lo tu l!qJzob E UJo- J z E z Eoo z tr E UJ =z rlllll'tttt,tl :ll5'lrDltl'tt ':l'l ll(,lz'F -i IJ *r- HiJi< c)'1, u).uJ uJ,- ? n/\ NV>( ,l\lr N. /.1i) X\J ui =zf \\ Nrl vv\l q uf =4 \-/ | t. U \J N\ M\\, N E o J l\ INN l\*lr.l''t, IN Nt o \\ xl- \ \ \Jtl* A) c N I \ llJ .J 2 $Nt;la Ilrli N Kx N!t \ N q l\)ttl tr oz (5 ruE J el>itl o1 zl 31 FI N o( \ l \ > ui dF =tr l 1 l l z. uJlil >l u,lol z 39 G oz o UJ J tLoz3 F =g oz.; u, I t!oz3 F tr z o LUi= oz 3o uiJui F tuz3 F() IJ.J E JO<F tr, <ZE,tIJ F(,1 zo a.) <o(JF;s ;F-,2loIto (JOzt- =<zElF' =J Z'(r.o <x =t-z()z<;IY -L'io2RRD oo CfiRISTI SPORTS SPECS - Ail corstruction anrl materials r+i ll- conform to presentbrrildirg codes. ,.+' $oo o sn-* ffi ;fr-S"""-tlN u"*.f**--q \ " ,p,$"S,c i;- {ts- }a --" "=".$* ^"-su ' q$' Io ot - IN toN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CA.; CALLER f-,y'/,&, r -.- '4 - 7itt READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAI ia.tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING flnoucn)-tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr.tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,fr/neeaoveo- CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '),-,t r i>,DATE ,.)' ' ," - 1/J 1NSpECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME 1/>t t g.>- - INSPECTION: M( f "-,-tt(u 1t't) L*,f1 ri'; INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i)'.../ I (: <r.r_ * '",i '-?r,-.- j/df__-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING I O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER lt dFRAMING n ROOF & SHEER",PLYWOOD NAILING y'rrusulnrroN - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR " r#, tr tr FINAL A // ED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: _l =lEl oz =q,t! o- o K' ( 'o 9 bzlbtva, , vg^ e/-3 Pl tlji $i=+t "{l/\J lru ffi olrc4 sil\ I |.r) sf rf) ao EFo LIJ u.l z = o- J 2 LIJ = olol fl O oo ol .dl(ol su -.1 lF E =lu z J UJ UJ z tr tll () UJ G 3ttl ul z(, UJ F r4i o-l z !JJo x F l,uof (t\ uJ' UJ HEI EI :^lsFll N \s N $ I le{ rxl9 E JFIS F rF/i z 6 J lD J d F()lu t! 2 lo J oz I() tu = c, +)o - qJ I() z NOtrvntvA J .D ! T\ T_ IX\ l^\ E lp: rf -x.r, =$s 6ahaaiF;9oF6vzbrHErB Y .ttG(Jo(4iEj o rulzJl 3slo- r-l 8olHEIs rl'l1fJl Err-lzlutlol ll, lt : lt : lt ; tl tl il il5 [-]tilil 6l I .tl>lFl I ooirol ool I tl il ll,t:l( IF IEl" t-; tr u.li -1 ulZI |_--T-..T-ttlttlrll oz) Y:<l =elY<lqo-l Sol I u.t uJ ItrB I>olozl''l : Itttlttttttll Flthl>lrott|Jujl<F(Jl <lYz+l trJ F tlJ I =IGI>(rtrl8 ggl ^ilt 5il |Sll ta' Ell =-ll =-il;Jll <IO ill e: iII E Bll 1lo,llltllrlil, ll = oll =ls $loo ut tt = - ffFff Il-ln =liYloFlr1l' =l I i.FeF.c (E a f :- E."9 E's -- E JIns3;; 5 $$;f€F (v I ,I !!l ffi$ I l,! F /,/,/ I ol e i el rr, z zemo>z a-,P J "d66f;F a;g F =t! al_ol uJI o_ltl tr =qJ t! =uJ69EEooao=IPi0'=tr 5:-E.ErE8so=Ed(DFtrlrE olE oirt 14OJEt tuc! F =- 3lr{ltl ""l t! F o UJFo @oazo F '0-UIY UJ TD oF F CEu, o- tl.o o-oo't ' I IJJFoz t =EtrlG ,zo l- C)3EFnzc ) D!n R(D (tz l!lo lE .tt =l.nl;l =l(ul tAl !l.tt I"lF Idl =l: liaD t: z ot! 5l al>l rJ.l zltl G <(F&() IJJ <ztlri F<tzo oz =:)Jo- z .r- Lll F Fzo(Ji -1 2. @>ma) F t-tm<"t'1 H z-< c-) (n TN'g z mza)rrl z. -l a TI I i 'Tl f-rrl C)r- am Qt'l -T] & = c)t--rn z c-IJ rrl --.t 'Iut o u.lxF oz :.o ILo tll o: F{ q a, tr. .lt(l ::{ (Co rtoFo.t Fzo() co -TTlm:;],] __:'.* ilfffi| !+l lll ll illit wl i+lJllilEiI$| | ililll | \:Flz | | il ::sc,s nl I ilill i,E*16 | | ii ;i:n!fil lllEll iPrrsl=llii *sF;l-El*l ilqil s lal; | | il ;::g* #LnEil F$latj,i E:iS"*i "*T"]* i*i*1"-T*fi*ri 'd P 6 ; o| | t=l | | | llil if;ig$- | l=l | | r | | ir 6.''eo = l13 lLl llii lE;rE{ I ffi--r-l llii E€r"E=B I l3l | | | | | ii -asb.rE I rsr | | | ll*ii t*:#EH l6l8l ll I l,lEii i;ie;-< rkrFr | | l-lSieii e*ir€r r l;l-t--l-+J*fi-_ii ;giq:I ll=l_l | | | | | ti e."aoe I l*l | | | | | il Ho8*e "$1,., ,, I llij ;f;;il$ll -\ | ltii xgijeqi-uil Fitl l,,lnll 5sFi0 F o 5g) .-l C) -{._f cf tl t- LU U [" vrlo F tr LU \t- 4 l ! n$.l2 3 :- Il rt 3 2 T,rl !- f,) I lt tiorlvntv^ I uJF o zl "lLrl o-l -{l>l u.lol ';:l pi l-l I I "l=.1 url(rl "rlal>t u-l zl il Tl)l RI "nt)l ,qlvl 'l'\ll rAi\tl NI \ altl iil z ,rPzeoo>;z:):) o.tL rl IilI{(t I || { l.,l = lslttqJl I n lrl '$lJ\til vI uJt ]i l*?: lut rn l3 -t 'L I I I II'l\o :l/-\ttto I l+ l(\\It l^\r-ti6.--t L) --*-5:lv; 9- E.:?,'\ F- -:lio/i- lu; (O ur l- nlir r L alllo. t|.o#uJI:()YZl:< da::ai:o;:F ':: tcr-c-,. >l.Jt-- lu '-i hE() ;r i.il .-. O u-; L) r'r :j I trJ :: x>ir ili ts *:J ut(Il F ke- lJJ dL O l-'-dl t'"-fyl..:, r.)() ,,-.\../ \\ :': -,). ' t, a' ::: i t ll-:\,J/t:, i. . <) ft.t"7 -{ t:(, rJZ* :t r- a] ,1 (t lrJ-t- o f- .t l-- (.) -(O(Jl- :-< C):'-:il cl .{ l-(t (.) tr, < U'F('r',:. <.) .:. ()(') tft L,., tr l --r () 'r-: t4ta:$€Ln <4rt _il ltl 5ll -l | | I o- il F Hll = .^ E :iI F ; F :lldld;d $lllll, iil ioffs E]i tEua =:l<)r!()z-ll<G)(): \E Cte ;-.f -Itil =s6 7Zooi- 4Y'- trVLJ U'AZ; tl \!(, Eo3 r,.o c0-'$ lQ5.,I c- J \ ! il '{Jl R| ,)l ,tl ,..| Y clqla.', irlql -l:t .-:-: l--(.) lrl i: it: cl a,) '<l -7 trnK c DA]LY LOG e' (9+lY f/'l/(/f3.4/ rf/e//* f {ru PROJECT, kwztziL /,;,J Faz#-.NUilBER:8//2- DRAI,IINGS, MEETINGS, MTNOS, rNNVrL, 11ffiffiflffipHoNE cALLS, rerrEns, pnoirci viiir,"irlbros, ETc. ACT I ON I,t dod 67,@^ e to.u. -Zr/ /th;;( ri r t (l0tl l'. ().l)(: . , i llr Vail.ll 1{jfi i DAILY LO6 P ROJ ECT:NUMBER t #/L OITAl,lINGS, MIETINGS, MINOS, TRAVEL, MODEL BUILDING PHONE CALLS, LETTERS, PROJECT VISIT, PI|OTOS, ETC. ACT I ON ry (ii) r'(iO r1 r,. 0. r crce nc. ,an va t I 'l lA(7 oz ==G uJo- Ooo (\l ooro <) U' uJtut! ==t tlJ o- -\rv-oi hohql I I I si\,-s {,1 I I ) $ N ^tlFIEt lrO N= I l., .Fl<t6 I I I I lE,oIFt<e.rFl9z t; t2,zlo in uJF z oz 6 ID .6 o =zo tr uJz = uJ '- z\ 6*E.e B b€:E EE HEi € 9E€=$ =tff;,EiEHe EEFE$ g=ssc sE; eJ : EE€E :gEcs6 0'-: -c= o, iD E s't;c€g 3 30-_ E 3i.eE eBe;i tV c)q <f cor{C\](Y:Lr)\, o r.r) cv sfF\ = E LIJ z @ Y UJ z o- C) F() qJJ uJ (Jz @ E -J z ottl UJ UJ z F tu UJ .o =qJ uJ z 6 UJ F UJ z ItlJo x F ulo a uJ uJlt- F( =E uJo- J F,oF oz6J l 9EF() uJJul 2 = Jo- oz u.l = NOt.tVntvA I Ilulc t.:t:; t-(! l-sAl+L(\t', l'FY. I: -<.ec 3ttz |,LEoo+6zE5 0€,o EoE t/.ti-6a IIJ Fec <:ffizo |.lJ s= >G \-:e z Ro- F9o(9Z|-89rI-<o1HdtoFOj$i z.otr J E oo E tu F c! E. o-l!E x zI = z. tr r|JF BrlJz Itl 'l lll = .^zz=E EF SHsE8839<rDo:)llttr|lrl 3 3E$lsEiESTE H5o(,orz zIF Jfaz ut J l- T x ;i (5 ()lu E o 3 .tt uJzx = (5 E F c{ I co UJ 3 FSbi*P Ll,, \ \|. if A* {\ { r. r'fr \Y $\ \f\ t, $ r-,I)r{ !-{..f ) ulFo.oo-zo F(L IIJY IrJo oFt =Gutq ttO <\r>?Co(J C!o: lFl H u.,2E tr!D z oP =eoo>.2):) t-,P ix =H=;;H E Euto-t!oEE22E<ctl€aa9!irae'E o-t =>FJI- =Uli-E b=(, dtrE =*E U6g iHE ;Ea u.lo-rri uJdlo C -q ) F =Glrl o.zoFofEFozoo (5z !u- (u oE d. L +J r! ! o(g.|J an u; z dl I ILl' I ) fr c] CIq3! llJI fl;lrdl El fi9 E3l =.1olurl 5t al>l I I I .l =.1ol t rtl :l <l EI 3tolFI =.1olurlEl JI al>l bl zl =lolH i I I .lzl eltrl _Jl<l>l ttlol al r F z o tj-l Y f.J Z I I I oz tr =E uJo-GJ rf) r-.1 <n uJ UJ b E uJ(L -v*-v\ -e/ q-Ct hQr'Qt' *ai I I I $\ rLrtqdt llo tr I I I $ N- NIF Irl- /trE \= tu to 2z =6 z our l-- z oz 6J d =z ---oc l\ 5E:$* lg ;i;ee lF :g;iN I;EENEIg.;geC\E? o=*o"$ i: o-!rtigi9;,u66 E;tls :3€ E;60-.:-c:o.atr ssiESP:tr59 Efi b: i $E$iE O c C\cf) Oo cc rfA o rf)(v orr)c! oO +F\ F arulo- z. I Y, Lll z o- 9g.t-() tu UJ ozo i I() |l' = ru !Uu-z tr UJ(r t! oE od) =IJJ ttl z 6 uJo 6 ul o- 2 uJ () x F luo U'ul Ll,JIL =E. UJ o- J FroF (,z =J f EI I qJ J u.l oz. CO = J z uJ = NO|lVnlVA tl\ lsl\ > l'- |tclI I " lEl(ntl | -l?s+ lEl Y(ulc(Jl =.slz z tL'-looo{JlI s ! 6Elr 9 o f,qrE' EEu- < sE 3 i 33ig HH da\tC9 z F F o t u,c F aoO @(\l o- E 5 J zo Fo z tr Ellt FJ tlrlz ||tlJrllF = ..2A Z EE*F H =Hg:3ed2<6(J3||lrlttttl Ft- u- !?.3 < rH9 P =dsl=eEo(,()rz zq F J u'tz IJJl ? tll I x an UJ tlJ o B zYI F a C)=F C\J I co UJ F qiBIre L t'-- ,jO r{ -{'l:) ul trooo-zo Fo- lrJ!( 1!c! oFt (r UJ(L u-O c.r>Tt!o(J c\to.l 15 HHzo nnn z. .^O Z*.coo>z JO O- t.l- ts =E u.l o-zIF(JfEFazo() tr ut o- o.r, qltr()y2ts<e3o-i9vcr F'Lt-;ur;E h>E :* :-Ou-E 90@Fr'r t x>FHFcl .1o-tr* uJoo l. - =E* JHO;;E o =d I I I I:< d) F J (u - (U !-+) Lr,J ! -cU(, vl o- u; =z .Do uJ =z o '= : I tr(J =E l! \n uJ c ts() (n .U qj = tr ct (r u-oz3I ul ulF t tr oz o UJ .E J a lr-oz =oF =t t! oz ciulE J ll-oz3o g oz o!JE ILoz3o I I I I Iol2l dl uJl :t al>l ttlol zl EIFI g tr u.J z.3o () uJ EI() --r O<F(rOl,! <ZEUJF(.t zo C) JE<o()F;o-<pr'Jz l-8 E(9c)Zr E?AG:)Fd5o <-x ):F32Itr ?,= =g Et!TFiogfif H c)Fl o zrartl Fc)iid I I I I .t l$ t.s It\II t\ [R H aHFl F H Frl h r s F F:l rq F o u FE zFl tr{t{tsz h"l lqE u H Fl F{ ztJ \ F i' n FIgt ilN $N*ll 3t)nll ldl IoilHl FJ 9.1-.\| Filpt cllol Il{l-.It4l+t\ I I FFl H F H t-.l AR N .]ir$iiir..- - r-i.!.!ff., INSPECTION TOIWN_,OF STREQUE VAILf "tt"d?JOB NAME MON sf!/J_tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WE /--.---__=-:=.d---*lHgB--, rRr PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r., ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL /H UB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr p/rrr.rar-D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF ReGiuest " JOB NAME VAIL'f{DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr BOUGH / WATER -Itr GAS PIPING trPOOL/H.TUB_, r'1 fr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: Xorsnppnoveo I netrvseecloN REeuIRED lNSPEcroR ---% CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL E DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER E] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL D tr FINAL E tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ' tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF tr tr otr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST 'TOWN OF VAIL WED |,THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME TNSPECToN: MoN ff- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULA fI POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING. tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: Yoder Lgineering ConsulDnts, Inc. Mechanica l/Electrical 125 North Eighth Street Grand Junction, Colorado303-245-0148 1-800-332-32s9 July 15, l9B2 81501 2199 Chamonix Road, Unit #2 Vail, Colorado 81657 30 J-47 6-2091 Don Gal gan Bridge Street Restaurant Associates 286 Bridge StreetVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Preliminary Review of pistachio Restaurant ventilation systems Dear Don: This letter is to reiterate my conunents made last evening during a field review, 91q.m{ telephone conversations this morning with Steve pittersoi, Vail euiiaint0fficial, and you. It would appear that_the ex'isting range hood exhaust and make-up/ventilationsystems are marginally adequate. During your remodel process, i'strongly recommend that you give these systems a-thorough cleaning, iniluaing tfie'airmoving devices. Apparently, over a period of time, the Pistachio genera'l ventilation systems havebeen modified in ways which have rendered part of-the systems ineffective. Irecommend that you seriously consider additional temperid ventilation, particularlyin the south dining areas. It,?g::]ljliw,is not totatlv remote that you may have to add some rather simplevenEttatlon systems to.maintain proper make-up for the kitchen range hood. I ' believe that if this situation obcuis and suci.r modifications are necessary, youare not looking at major expenditures to accomplish the required air flows. I should, again,.emphasize that,_although Steve patterson has asked for my codereview, he has the final approval authoiity. wtttr the-respons.ibility thui ---- iemporarily transfeffeci to me, i wish to reserve the opportunity to irake strongrecommendations for additional_tempered ventilation strbirld the ixisting syiteminot measure up once they are cleaned and repaired. In any case, it would appear that you can begin operations of your restaurantwith reasonably adequate ventilation and any-addilional modifiiations or additionsI determine are necessary can be accomplished with reasonab'l e cost. Good-luck in your restaurant venture. Your association with the Cyrano's groupshould certa'inly enhance the possibilities of success. "M*/fu,"' DLY/ei TION TOWN OF VAIL REQUEST oot, / 2 -2. - frL JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:0CALLER TUES WED THUR , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: T] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION !'rsxeernocx tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtri tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL (eppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .t^DAIE //-l rL-- |NSPECTOR , ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS ts cl ruz4 @l fr N Yalcr &qth*,riniEr i., n Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field OtherAIA DOCUMENT C710 (lnstructions on reverse side) PRoJECT: Flrfi?Ctild1 E 07Zr /fa*rdM_ (name, address) P1,424 Up6e 8406.tga/2@,5r y',+tt, owNER: FfiZa l.qree TO: ALfatUflAt aNQtr /Nc. (Co nt racto r) f,MexGerrelrtWW ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: alE DATE OF TSSUANCE: I gaV /ggz ARCH IrECT: /J4awr,r/ r*5sact47*S' Ua. coNrRAcr FoR: EEL/a4&_ a,v5n ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO 3t 2? The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord-ance with the Contract Documents without change In Contract Sum or Contract Time. prior to proceedingin accordance with these i.nstructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor chante to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a coov to the Architect. Description: fravrde AttaChmentS: l{cta intatt litttnS ol do<lmcntr ti.t rr/pport .!.r<tlptlot.,1 20 m)noriQ, 4t. 7e*y' &cGsS doo75 ,{, U"ur, A ArA DOCUMINT C710 . 01979 . THt AM(RICAN ARCHITECT'sSUPPITMINTAI INSTRUCTIONS . INSTITUTE OT ARCHITECTS. 1735 NTW YORK AV€,, M^RCH 1979 EDITION . N.W., WASHtNOTON. D.C. AtA. 20006 c710 -1979 ..\ rnfl,ioN[ rft,u trw PIlOl{] Nuf'rBr,rR rnwfi-i.-Z!_a.n -, PnlilY C^LLID -_ I CArrnD_ -.il*l*.es*gzr*q.!ffi Pir:::ce, Bal<\^rirr & AssoeiaLes, fnc,I00O South lrronirqe llcaci, tdesLVail, Colorado 81657 Arciri tec ture/p l.rnning(303) 476-4433 Pt{}rEc-r1/'''__F/9fi1€U/A,z spoxr. nlru relJ t,q/# __M-r'rBER ttZS ot@&s_ad#__ 'fIIIiY SAID: 3". +4,icft d2{/tJ /r'.(. la" a.c etxc. t4 /ic.. { €dn sLa^,U fuo f'€jo_y4erg, 'rrLEProNE ril.* ',-L&AL-WYpL sr-orilr *rilrr _ft,v, __ .r-ftfifrL AtM-- Po,-jar-=(-_---fulzla a--glh3? PI]ON]] NUMBtrR o lrnrcr_fl$fllpl,l!!5 ,:.twtr:n$yf,61 DNrr/]_Ad( 6L ','t*,_[0.j l_A{]_:_ nnrnv c,u"r;r-y' , "rrr-.r----ffi-"9.!,@S, I SA.ID:'IlIFIY SAID: [)'les. fi^f ejirlni n(q" tusa bo" docr iv. lle^ a{ .ttA< ^^-) .t$ h^p.DOprullas s[*,(d. b. Ltorc, eJ-qEX1-l+- *u {g -sik--- M-ZEpt-zc - (teqllatu(&w*ri:.\ will 'tr. r rL-Dla.i a^ 'OA 2Q. %ta- il.A-u- we ll ,nnczsl<e. * ole- &* lcu,wtd rJ'g'r,fuwa a*sn l-tnX oL,,t to.-d4*rJ{'-se*:-0-"t- rg-qrl--it-rh'*t\ *"a- z\^*t t/z aJ^ {" i"rt rt i't-, Pi--r-t:c, &rlclr.,'i rr & nsr;ociat-es, 1000 South I;'reirt_ec,e Jlcacl, I,les.bVa.iI, Color:ac1o 81657 A rc)ritectLrref I arininf(303) 476-4433 *.LEr)rCINE,,fr00 t,-1@-.WA s\\t<E,,t r trUfOM _0!1&__ or PlflLfi Uile( o ,,or tu", flfifrdr4 tot E llf4{ /ffr7dw ,nr,,t,r',n-ZL_ 1 ___ __ omri_[_g' g2-u-___- lrME 3:30 p.n^----) PAI{IY CAI;LUD___ I CAJID|) ,/_ rc 8.OIt w, l . fukfuf'l', 4.,f,e b s. S 4/b, ,/ I.'IIONII NUMI]]]R L I l I I SAID:'r't riY sArD: nh t/rtz/t^t in lfro .il/cv alc s/,qnilt /,{{,rea.t' fts nx; 5'*./- //rern oo, suruen in/ia/'e/. 2ac ,b llp-f t ',, 11) a"J. \ ' I brut:/_o[l-.tte_fu rqcsJtej*w{9f-S//e f I w- flin&--lLer- -?:J-s,4w- at;// -[e--ren ^lt-tt?-ffisLip' -utsfu{-et-4s -4:{ *. /// J(il'li*a ",r/ir; */J, // 'UA-& [ 4il4a /?. /]U./fi esis-,e4 h4' 'u, &+tJ411_fu'* dA.L nAn "n ins/"td/ ctwn/./, z/. 544t_ Wg_h_ ate /+r tf- Ja*- e-s&d-- ,aLft*t--at- *v - zvua4tr.tt-'Lno*fu 6--- L-aB.Lsr" @-M-/1-'afu*fu:gaL )rrer:ce, Llaldvin & Ass;ociaLes, Inc:. A r-cl-r.i tcc ture/lr larurncl1000 lioutj-r ['lc'n[_.i<te itoacl , I^lerst_ (30]) 416*4'433Va.il, Coloraclo 81657 c)z *: IXul o C 9$ $.1 (n .$ \J X "l fr t-l-] ll." h T: tll aItF z z J l a) .d (Jz ,llil' $ =to I I I I I t9r IA I l- til llt t:; ro r3 li- TU !' =I cco EoF t- u cr iUz occ rL l:lt)< cc \r )txt- _at':Z.-.92(4< '-jl9"'il9(':!<1985fu,;D c ct ur9! ;i:l 3;;{: .._:: (U .- Ni-:tc;(J q l,r Y.9 |]!'_ r,l ":1 tgI "r 9-E cl: -l ;i :r i_- +,,- (D n --! --: 7 F;:>=Y.:9"r;,P i s ,E.E';".: - c (,'rr;3o0) e E +u I --r-r^L !:c"i;o-ooi'E 9 *F o3!:c;i = -l: !.tr*:'-^6 dl: r)!Eotf;qDc; iD- tr s =:iE€Oxa,'"ooprt: ! l? C)ift.I;e;;i!9*c-! F:=- a; g; 8,*riE e I !-o: 6H-.>:Bc - =- >tGFsgtd H 6 -,. Ri"";sfi* iJ ;\ .,. '- B E F R9 3 - () c5i: i: b \h a ^l b ry \ { b ^r ,\ b.I .t h nt \ \ $ ^L F H' ;;t el)l'l () I L-) a_: I C'Fo) lll o 1- ao :) aL () :f uJ o oli) >a Z(J a LUo F6 o_ il-:f L! (J F t_rl t-o f a LU UJ LL F_ 5x. J F F c,z fl -j-J :fol I a.F ri ai : o_ 2{IQl!5 ,'.rol.t vntYA s-\' 5 >E \;; 9eeS z\z i,r AY'Ji;q oI lr.<na7s-I c-.>\)zr.L <!i|_L :- c.)F-(] 4N oz i:*E(J tllo LU Fl f i; o_ u o- t-- o R $I I: lat3 F ir li: i* l? '-l ,21 ql uJlr-i Ini --l ;l tttttiiltttilyl ' | | i:7-lz=:<N EFln':i{BiEFpl:l5 E n;loo>()l(Juroz<cooflllrll'llllr,rl | | |40Fvrul !l-: J 6 az'4 , Lrjfg<E?2"1 -c =t;EK T i ExeFal:t z aF J :fa ul:tl ? &. F l"! I \) (J o c () I F. { \t N I q it \ Ga G T aJ cix LL!<K \ h (\l r*l !-ji) i:) ulra -) z F.rL IJ.Jx ll.l oF i- cr TU tL tl 3Slo-tl 8Fl. -vl| \.s.{ Huri\ l..\.,,7-n 7-,^arJ;- :< >z o- u_ h '-:t lstu' g-^ ffi ts- {.J F.t{, 0$ = !J o. o rllo 7. U}I F cf a JFui ;-hE I\ LU>cLOu_.J c_\q Lr,j :>LJ I- L:.1 -Jtr u, m F F o {1, (J Er (.' o tlDi l -J dri r\ l-" -: .n(L|lf z =LL \n -0 lJl E Lll .$ N\s\Y *t: :a o- I i I I-lCI oi I i I I I I -l irl cli J it 7-77 p\l tc s- r\_ I I I dlzi (5! litllrl .-.rl alilol FI "l'.1 (51 uJl 1l {lilol :11 a,i '"] I I i I nl '-l $l:l al>l Ll a1l;l FI I I I I I I ol z.l ()l q|l :i.{!:l ol 1l ui ol ruFI F. It i!iZ rr <(F lLi <(zttutFgZ O <() i-<l1 o. tuEnio 0a(J r) ;.J::<-1 (t::F toF(-) CT 'z O(.) slz l:() I.LJ tI O r- ;_' ;, c)(-) .-) Ci c') t-t I ul_lo t_lt.]l-t Ia,.-)ab(:t /-"u-. )tolrc at b s?t ,Ii.4./ /r )/ -. fh \- t/ to oz ts =G, uJo- rf,(\I rf)tf) otut!tL F =vul(L rR*5-0/crcJ hRcre" K? 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F ^ @ z1'p ; = F[ .tog.Z>-oF8e fr+ H 4 ;E E g g* *(\t(J z tr F o o-l E UJ u E o- uJE z Eo ||tl) lllz ^2"z*; * Fiqf e EEg;<cooltttrlrttrl ,^6-tttn5 i rH2 ezd:sE EE HsE $i z tr J)U'z qJ: J F UJT C)wJul o 3 tr o UJzY9 F \4 x {J z tr UJF =ulz UJo- ) - JFg bil Pql o LJ Fl r{O3 tIUFaooazo Fo. uJY uJ d! oF F E uJ o-u-|O c.l:- $l-^ -+*cooqr-JrlgurbEzC] tr uJ t! :l!EZ.E<o)€8EPfir '9EE =>E JF E FE? :Ei 8tI \ruE F*6=FcL ql o-iE; UJ dt F z ze =z a-,P EE=A;E ts =Elrlo.zoF C) -lEF(tzoo !!! (t z. J u- J F o(o {J an c (U (o ii =z coo--t I_l IJI>l dul\E-l il51;lilflLI ;qJl 6-t d L,-J <ai4A l-'F\ cf) E .oiE -] 'l>l trl L Fo aaut qsI = '. = =-l E trl I I Jqo :l z.l ol Hl iln;tiot trFI F I I I Ilol=.IOIUJl5 hsrh !l.4")tzl531qoldFl ui ulF tl tl l?ltolI tulltrlg3 a5l del E ol IJJI cEl JI sl LLIol zl 3l 9l ! c, =e.e U- I I I I ctl =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l LLIol 5l gol urFI F tttlz =o ul =_r E <F uJ<z.& tr1 zoc) <o(JF =-o-< YF-ziloo >H =<z.E JZ *0 =Fz() =#sz>U d. ir =i1r <oav1TU |rIJO flnD oz F =g. 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As'l.ql .ill F t- U} (I N b \ !:{ CLtiltx z t: e() xz'f I (,z9;=(rt^Xi; c".^$r .\ ;::dfioo>.)r.lr o z(n():)lltltttrtttli,rl =a '!'t- [; t/,4 : r:3]., d *51Ze.=oLlio'#'iElE;dSbl.:9()()rzl I I I It?tF- loliIR > I I I F _/:U'z ) ? F U.J :f, \ (n o () = a( .JJ =F ti vl I \iI ;i uJ ") ^l qA €'l{-- (+ \ \ J*-tHSbJrP .'. q to \ rj \t1 \..r 13tol1l- rr lr-l: ut |-- (r) L,l--) z t- LrJ tu m al f- :-- = O-lujvrorsl>-' I o- r50 | U r\)l '",,. | |Flt F- l6€tr l+ M !; laj l** n* P f1 tr fi4 [*(/] 'f-fa ,<-._\/ '-..:1*ir \ t ili_'1\ ,/i*. ;,: H,:^FLJ "{zo * :l I 6 (._-r -J viI z( t-) \l,| d .'.l'1 I 'ij I <rl ccl()l^') | IJ'-f r't f:iL .T IO ^ltlrAl fqi YI .Hl )l q:l ilil aJ ,\l + iIL cl N\ F V $ $ 3 l^J tr,i J I- v1 I I I{I {JJ q ;l ll 't I -1 uiJljil- l"ll;lI rol\f -.1\t I ,!11 ^lzl =.1\Al 'l-l(,1il- #i'-rl ilsl fi itl t'i jiri si =l :,! yJlLLt Fl r- | l lutqINlr It^\ YI l1A ol ln ;i sil 00 "i rzi3i Iol ilJl--i t- 0, q,I i I I i I I ql ''ial uJlIci ;l :i :<l r'Oi ltlt-t F fl L- I,U t:. l-- '':I() r1:-{ L': J C:)< t--t(uL! .{ u_.1 r_- O <a) O IY<t (') .:l ,Y:J I, iIn () <Ayf-. :; ,:l l) a; -- r-) &(l (f (: J.{ (_) ;-r Lr-J -r i-,'l z *<mf)E- O- Lr- t i[trrL-_'l_ IL J .J .f rr, -)_..? ,-\ F- -a: CC Lri .'.: L tt u- ulo- F (c ru F!{t: \,izE.{ a) (?1-_ O*o >*o ci- l>l-JFUJCFc u.lU;i +.Ycy ,",i oii tlr llJ(o F l{tf_lr l October 7, L982 Steve Patterson Building Inspector Town of Vailvail, co 81657 Re: Building permit for pistachios/Donovan remodel Dear Steve, As per our conversation of the past few days, it is ourunderstanding that any of the above referenced remodel andreconstruction work must be completed on or before November 23,L982, or the project may be cloled down for the balance ofthe ski season. S incerely, BRIDGE STREET RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES, I-,,TD pm { J d .) 2 4a 5 ar*-+-/) z q/ _v)o ? =_L I\,/ U.l\r r*+w w -3- P I I, I ?til <t.> ,si \r$l3+o3:-t+vC] ti-g i-1 s { 3<Le.rr 6(\) T<Le. qJ" It ri .P.:. r(I, e.B g1?:'t\ dt (|c Q*t rq { , r+ q.\qt ?a'jt 4c --|-':tt>. 1vl = { ol -.1ts:, .: ri* 9do 3 ? oalr $l 6.- $ -9 \D -r'_ rg + // d tql + ?sl-L 14 TEIIfIIONE DIALOG pwxrJJr /{!fn!dns Hfref EAIaOA_ swre tnm frM{ 2L/)E/L rwylts,ER_&l2g__ onrn J-hJr /?.b_7- _ Arci-ri tecturer& larninq(303) 476-4433 PAIT]Y CAff,BD -- I CALLM PF]ONE NI]MBER f1qf.., Baldvin & Associates, Inc,1000 South Frrcntage Road, WeslVail, Colorado 81657 '.o[utr, H.Kre ftrrp(4;o Pep;lt '' Deno' EvUra e,9-t. sz \r .n *-T- \'l a--J.l- Lgu>r (4l.-.^---.O- ./ A+ t"^ C".^ t^.*4eF q*0 ,;*{*- a.! g,. I tn n "? ;tfti9- -\e .-*^-;* 4-.-6hr^<-:{ant .€ oZoo.^r.&- ; {q-"" co LE d ^a_<_ t--H%-*) ,r-l \L/' I3A5 SO, COLORADO BLVD. SUITE 225 OENVER, COLORADO AO222 TELEPHONE: (303) 759-35t I Aspen Plunbing and Heating Company Box 448 Aspen, Colorado 8L612 April 13, 1983 Gent l emen : RE: Plaza Building Valentino ! s RestauranE 291 Bridge Streer Vail, Colorado We have reviewed the subnitted plans for the proposed partial automatic sprlnkler fire protection system at the above captioned location. Based on the submitted information, it appears that if this fire protection systeu is properly installed in accordance $rith these plans fire insuranc.erate recognltion will be received. However, we have noted a number of items which do not meet the requireoents of our rating schedule for such a system and include the following: 1. Water supply data not submitted. Please certify that wat.er supply requirements for pipe schedule sprinkler system meets minimum requirements as specified by NFPA 13-1980. 2. Credit is only applicable where either (I) 257" of the total square foot area, or (2) one entire floor is protected by the system, and where the water supply is not Dore chan 802 deficient. 3. Test pipe connections (2 inch main drain and/or inspectors test) shall be provided as specified by 2-9.1, NFPA 13-1980. I"rhile coinpliance with these rating schedule requirements is not mandatory, compliance i^'ith all rating schedule requirements will favorably affect thefire insurance rate considerat.ion allowed for the installation. This review is for the purpose of developing a fire insurance rate. It is not for the purpose of making property loss prevention or life safety recon- mendations and none are nade. ISO COMMERCIAL RISK SERVICES, INC. Verv trulv vours.4 ;/ /)' R. D. KepVer Field Rating Representative Senior A SuBStotARy OF lNsuRANcE SERvlcEs OFFtcE, lNc. lnvln 75 soulh tronlage rd. Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 22, 1983 'To Whom It l'lay Concern: The Valentino's entry will not receive a a bronze meta'l sheeting winter covering w'il1 match the metal on the qreenhouse. department of community development final insnection untilis constructed which JIM SAYRE Town Planner l TABLE,.8F .CONTENTS: Instructions to Bidders Bid Porn Sanple Forms General Conditions of the Contract for Construction SupplenenLal Conditions of the Contract Specifications: General Requirenents Site Work Concrete Masonry Me tal s Carpentry Thernal and Moisture Protection Doors, Windows and Glass Finishes VALENTINOI S RESTAURAIET BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLOFADO : ") Division 1 Division 2 Division 3 Division 4 Division 5 Division 6 Division ? Division 8 Division 9 I [, t t VALENTINOIS RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO Contract for Construction is rnodiiied by the addition of thefollowing: AIthough bound in the project Manua]following Iist of documents ARE NOT for convienence theincluded as part of theContract Documents:A. Advertisement for General Contractor' s Qualif ieationStatenents.B. Instructions to Bidders.C. Sample Forms.D. The Contractor,s Bid.E. Those portions of any addendun relating on to bidding. 2- Article 4, section 4.4 of the Generar conditions of thecontrac,t for construction is modified by the addition of 4.4.3as fol.lows: 4.4.3 - The Owner nay, at his election, order and pay forthoseitems which are reguired for the project and wtricn couiddelay conpletion within the reguired s-chelule. Any itemordered and paid for by the owner shall be identified inwriting t.o the contractor at the time the owner - contractorAgreements is signed to avoid double ordering. ?he contractorshalI deduct all the cost of the itens purchised by the ownerfrom his total contract amount. rf the cost to the countv isgreater than the cost incLuded in the contractors figures whichestablished the contract Anount, the contractor shall submitevidence to that effect to the Archit,ect. The Architect shall-then deterrnine -the amorint to be deducted f rom the totatCont,ract Arnount. The Contractor shall maintain his right in theconstractor-subcontractor Agreements to inmediately replaceany Cubcontractor who fails to perform on schedule. The Contractor shal1 meet with the Architectrs and theOwnerrs representatives each Monday norninc at 9:00 A.M.from Septenber lTth through Decenb-er 1st, 'igAZ, at thesite, to review the progress of the work and theconformance with the schedule. A. B. BRIDGE STREET V-AILI COTORADO the Contractor VALENTINO I S RESTAURANT rep]ac 6. with the Progress Schedule defined under paragraph 4.10.1above, unless the schedule is disrupted bt faato-rs totallybeyond the control of the Contractor. It the contract isvoided the conditions of paragraph 14.2.2 shall apply tosuch termination. Article 7, Paragraph ?.9.2 of the General Condition of thecontract for construction is nodified by the addition of thefollowing: Any demand for arbitration shall be filed with the AmericanArbitration Association, i607 Main Street, Dallas, Texas, 7 5201 Article 15 is added to the General conditions of the contractfor Construction as follows: Article 15 - EQUAL OPPORTUNITY 15.1 The contractor shall maint,ain polisies of employnent asfolLows: 15.1.1 The Contractor and all Subcontractors shall notdiscriminate against any employee or applicant for ernplo)zmentbecause of race, religion, color, sexr-national oriqin oi age.The contractor shall take affirrntive aetion to- insure -thatapplicants are employed, and that empl0yees are treated duringemployment without regard to their rice, religion, color, sex,national origin or age. '1 5.1.2 The Contractor and aIl Subcont,ractors shall, in allsolicitations or sdvertisements for enployees placed by them oron their behalf, state that al1 qualified-appllcants willreceive consideration for emplolment withoul regard to race,religion, color, sex, nationil origin or age. The owner may void this contracb and reptace the contractorif the Contractor fails to perforn the work in accordance (This ends the Supplenental Conditions) VALENTINO! S RESTUARANT BRIDGE STREETvArt, cor,oRADo DIVISION 1 0101 TI{E PROJECT MANUAL, which includes the Drawings, the ceneralConditions, Supplenental Conditions and these Specificationsis the basis for an agreenent between the Owner and theContractor. The Project Manual documents may be boundseparately, included by reference and not bound in theproject manual, or rnay be documents on file at a specifiedlocation, all are to be eonsidered as part, of the Owner-Cont.ractor Agreement as though they were bound herein. Submissi.on of a proposal shall indicate that the Contractoris familiar with a1I docunents of the Project Manual and noclaims for additional compensation will be paid because ofthe Contractorrs failure to be informed of all requirementsof all documents. 0102 The work shall be performed under a sinqle stipulated sumcontract and shalL include all work indicated by the Project Manual . 0103 0110 0111 PERIIITS: The Contract.or shall obtain and pay for a1l frrnfis reguired except as noted, give a1I 16ga1 notices andpay all fees required for the work. Contractor shall conplywith all -ordinances and*laws. -Any and-all work done vhich does not meet requirements and aulhorities must be properly redone to rneet such requirements and incidental work shallbe replaced by the Contractor vrithout cost to the Oerner. INQUIRIES: AlI inquiries shall be directed throuqhArchitect. CODES AND PERMITS: and questions relative to this job the General Contractor to the The ContracEorto furnish 0112 APPTICABTE CODE!Codes applicable to this project shall be: The Uniform Building Code | 1979 Ed., as anended ?he National Electrical Code, 1981 Ed. The Uniforn Plumbing Code, latest Ed. The Uniform Mechanical Code, latest Ed. 0120 SUBMITTALS: The Contractor shall nake all subnittals asreqffiEA-by t.he cenerai Conditions, SupplemenraryConditions, and the pertinent Divisions and Sections ofthese Specifications. I.{ATERIALS OF APPROVED I I I o122 will be held to have VAIENTTNOTS RSSTAqE+N" r: BRIDGE S.rRSET:---' vAlt' coLoRADo DIVISION I under the contract, those itens of eguipnent and,/or cci**.$E*.t.T:.*.deett4ied.....in":th$sr-ir::T*|i:11i.*.:j1:'::.';-,]''.]:!:::...j:.-]-.:]:']:'.:li.-::!.}:::]:..'' specifications or on Lhe drawings by a manufacturerts nane, 'nodel or catalog number. Itens of equipment of the Contractor's choice may be offered as alternates to the itens named in the specifications by subnitting to the Architect as herein provided, identifying data on thearticles proposed, together with a statement of the amountof the addition or deduction from the base bid if the bidder's alternate is accepted. Prior approval by the Architect is not required on items subnitted as alternate bids. After execution of the contract, substitution of eguipnent and/or naterials of makes other than those specifically naned in the Contract Documents nay be nade only for thefollowing reasons3 A. That the eguipment or material proposed for substitutionis egual to and/or superior to equipnent and,/ormaterials naned in Lhe Specifications so far as performance, construction, efficiency and utility are concernedi and B. That the rnaterial.s and equipnent naned in the Specifications cannot be delivered to the job in time to complete the work in proper seguence due to conditions beyond the control of the Contractori or _ C. Th-at the gguipment and/or naterials proposed forsubstitution is of satisfactory guality, const;uction'-effieiency and utility and there is a difference inprice and,/or delivery, if any, for both the specified and the proposed substitute material and/or equipment. rn case of a difference in price, the Owner shaLl receiveall benefit of the difference in cost involved in the subst itut ion. ; SHOP DRAWINGS: Subrnit shop drawings for all work as calledE6il;'ffiision 2 throuqh is to thi erchiteet for approval.subnit four (4) copies, one of whieh will be returned with corrections and approval. Manufacturing or fabricating of any naterial or the performing of any work prior to the approval of shop drawings will be entirely at the risk of the Contractor. VATL, COLORADO DIVTSION. I: 0126 SAilqLES: Submit sanples as carreJ ior in oivision 2 tfLrough 0127 0128 0129 0130 0130.1 0131 approved or disapproved by written" iiotice and the sarnplemaintained by the Architect for conparison with installedwork. Purchasing or installing matirials for which a sampleis reguired prior to the approvar of the Architect wilr bLentirely at the risk of the Contracror. SCHEDULES: Prior to commencing construcEion the contractor'-?-t ,wrl.L submi.t to the Architect a written ConstructionSchedule, Schedule of Values, and Estimate of MonthlvApplications of payment. The construction schedule shall conforrn to the scheduleprovided in the Instructions to Bidders. Some items mayhave been ordered or purchased by the owner in advance ofthe Contract for Conslructionr. ii so, delivery dates on !h9:" items may be obtained frbm the County Eigineer. Thedelivery dates obtained shar.l be included in the scheduleprepared by the Contractor. TEST RESULTS: The Contractor shall submit the results of_i-,?-.:.--all- testlng.required in Divisions 2 through l6 to t,heArchitect within three days of his receiving INSIPCTION REpORTS: The Conrractor shall submit to rheArchrtect at the cornpletion of the project, copies ofinspection data including date, tim6, iame-of inspectorrandthe office the inspector represents IPMPORARY FACTLTTTES: GENERAL This section covers ternporary facilities for use during theconstruction period. A11 items not specified to ue pait ofthe final rroject shalt be removed br those who instarledthern when no longer needed for the construction activities. 0130.2 sPEcrAL TEMpoRARy FAcrLrrrES: The contractor will be;Earil;ed- ro-instarT p"ffi"rli-aiip.liv-Jrouna rhe areas inwhlch he is working wnicn will nininize'the dust and dirtpenetration of the rest of the building. EN9TPSYRES_: The Contractor shall furnish, install, andmarntarn for the appropriate periods of tine a1l warningsignsr platforms, barrlcades ind other temporiryconstruction necessary for proper completion of the projectin connection with appticaOJ.e iafety iaws, ordinances,rules, regulations and cornnon sense. .l t VALENTINO I S RESTUARANT BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADO DIVISION I '$'a1t-1=---'JoB-:"tE-EFtrditd;.. ;ffi€dbl:T6n*n€i:iFe.ff.riiall;.:.ti6C::t-ItE:r:',-- .-:':::::-:-"-::r:\\ varentino's telephone for use in connection with the project underthe followinq conditions: Each long distance call shall be logged and the partymakinq the call shall pay for the callr drly lonq dislancecalls nade from the assigned phone not rogged shall be paidfor by the Contractor. . The phone assigned may be removed by unplugging and keptin the possession of the ceneral contraitor- wh6n n6t in u"". 0133 ToTLET FAcrllrrEs: The Valent,ino's shall provide toiletracrrirGs 6r-Eh-e use of any and arJ- enployees engaged onthe work and shal1 be responsible for maintainini0134 TEMPORARY WATER: The valentinor s shall supply and pay for aLl !.rater reguiredfor construction and other purposes. As soon as possible after award of contract, the contractorshall make arrangements with county Maintenance for waternecessary for the project and shall make sure that theconnection shall be rnade by means of an approved back-fLowpreventer. As soon as possible, the plumbing Contractor Ffiif provide a Cemporary gate valve and provide a 3,/4" hosebibb at a place acceptable to the County. TEMPORARY ELECTRIC: '=J-)"-)'-.,'The Gm*y shall furnish all electric power for constructionuse on the project. It shall pay for the service. Thecontractor shall pay for any temporary serviee line withinarea being rembaettea which are iequiied for his worx. Within the construction area the G.C. shall provide, at nocost to other Contractors, all wiring, switches, sockets, J?*p" and similar egu-iprnent reguired for generai temporarylightinq and for snall power tools until iubstantialcompJ.etion. Tenporary lighting shall be sufficient toenable all trades to compl.ete their work. subeontractors and any other prine contractors reguiring 120volt localized lightinq and single phase power sfrift furnishtheir own extension cords and llmps. conlractor shall {grnigfr wiring and lamps for geneial lighting and porirerdistribution only. subcontractors shall be allowed to use the service providedfor general lighting and fractional horsepower hand toots atno cost to then. 0 134. I 0 134 .2 0135 - 0135.1 013s.2 0135.3 0135.4 ) 0136.2 The Contractor shall construct_':1': --r -:: - --a:'_..::.'. :i:1 _ - '- "r' di'e'ft+agli: :sys ten if'. n€cetasary VAIL, COLORADOprv.rsloN:.1, and rnaintain a tenporary site .-:__._n'$:w:i!-:.= :- -,-. VALEN9+NOTS RESTAURAN:F wetting down of demolition naterials. 0137 0137.'l 0137.2 DELTVERY AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS: For all materials delivered to and used on this project, Contractor and subcontractors shall provide their own sLorage sheds, except as otherwise specified. The Owner assurnes no responsibility for stored material. The ownership and title to materials shall not be vested inthe Owner before materials are incorporated in the structure unLess specifically approved in writing. PROTECTION OF WORK . GENERAL: The Contractor shall provide and maintain proper protectionfor all finished work, and to any unfinished work of thisContract, as nay be subject to injury during the ent,ireprogress of the work and be responsible for and make qood any i.njury to same. Provide for protection against theft orinjury of any kind, aLl materiat of the building eitherdelivered on the ground or put in the buildingl and be responsibJ.e for any failure to do so. All work shal.l comply h'ith the Federal- Safet,y and HealthRegulations for Construction as issued by the Department ofLabor and any portions of State and Local safety and healthr-egulations that are more stringent. _ Precaution shall be exercised at all tirnes for theprotecl-i.cn of persons ( including employees) and property. The safety provisionsi of applicable laws, building andconstruction codes shall be observed. Machinery, eguipment and all hazards connected with sane shall be guarded orelj.ninated in accordance with safety provisions of the Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction, published bythe Associated General Contract,ors of America. Contractor shall provide the following specific protection: Provide and naintain, as a rninimum portable firefighting eguipment ineluding extinguishers, in guantities, locationsand types as reguired by the Federal Safety and HealthReEulations for Construction issued by the Departtnent of Labor and any portions of State and Local safety and healthregulations that are more stringent. Provide, erect and maintain alI reguired planking, barricades, guard rails, temporary walkways, etc., ofsufficient size and strength necessary for protection ofnaterial storage, sidewalks, curbs, streets, drives, ad'ioininq property and the building as well as to prevent 0140 0140.1 0l4 t 014r.t 0140 .2 0r40.3 i ! I0141.2 I I ! I VALENT-TI{OI S RESTAUR,ANT BRIDGE STRFET VAIL r':COLORADO DIVISION I ',141.2 Provide, erect and maintain all reguired planking, :;:::ri:'.,. barricades, guard rails1 temporart+altqlEy.F;=..g,t9., of sufficient size and strength neeessary fof piotection of rnaterial storage, sidewalks, curbs, streets, drives, adjoining property and the building as well as to Prevent accidents to the public and the workmen at the job site. )141.3 Notify owners of county, corporate or private property if their property interferes with the work so that arranqenentsfor proper protection can be nade. )143 RESPONSIBITITY FOR SURFACES: The General Contractor shall 5A responsible ?or ETf-TT6or, wall and ceilinq surfaces against which other naterials are placed and shall do all patching, filIing, grinding, etc. necessary so that surfaces may receive finish naterials applied under subcontracts. )143.1 Each Subcontractor shall assume the responsibility for theprotection of a1l, finished construction under his contract. Each Contractor shal1 repair and restore any and all darnage of his finished construction to its original state. Where responsibility can be fixed, the cost shal.l be borne by the party responsible. If the responsibility cannot be fixed' the cost shalt be prorated among alt Contractors in proportion to their activities at the building at the time the damage was done. ,143.2 Each Contractor shall provide the covering required for _protection of the work and finished construction. said coverings shall be flane-proo:fed )143.3 No wheeling of any loads over finished floors, either with or without protection will be permitted in anythinq except rubber tired vehicles. This applies to all finished fl'oors as well as those covered with applied surfacing, and shall apply to all Contractors and Subcontractors. l:SFfl. rF! I ) 150 )t 5l CLEAN-UP AND COMPLETTON: qq!!84t: Throughout the construction period the Contractor sEEFmaintain the building and site to a standard of cleanliness as described elsewhere in this Section and in Divisions 2 through 16 of these Specifications. Subcontractors shall maintain, under the Contractorrs supervision, their portions of the work in a clean condition as described herein. I I)151.1 -) 015 1 .2 0152 01 53 No contract or subcontract or portion of a contract orsubctontracr sharl be cbnsiil€r.ed complet€.,until clean-up is'. '.-. ,, ..done which meets the reguirenents oi tfrjs Section.Applications for palrnent will not be certified by theArchitect until clean-up is conpreted as describ6d herein. QUALITY ASSTIRANCE: A. fnspection: Conduct daily inspectionr and more often ifto verify that reguirenents of cleanlinessmec. CLEANING PRODUCTS: Cleaning rnaterials and eguiprnent:Provide all required personner, eguipment, and materiar-sneeded to maintain the specified standard ofcleanl iness. B. Compatibility: Use only the cleaning materials and eguipment which areconpatible with t,he surface beinq cleaned, asreconmended by the manufacturer of the surface or asapproved by the Architect VALEN?INOiS RBSTAUR"ANT BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION I nece ssary, are being A. 0154 PPOGRESS CLEANING: A.General:l_. Retain al1 stored itens in an orderly arrangement - allowing maxinurn"^-access, not impedini hallwiys2. Do not allow overnight accunulation of ""r"p,waste material, and other itens not requirel'forconstruction of this work.3. At the end of each day, and nore often if necessary,conpletely remove all scrapl debris, and r"rastenaterial from the job site.4. Observe all requirements for fire prot.ection andprotection of the ecology. Si te:1. Daily, and more often if necessary, inspect the siteand pick up all scrap, debris, an8'rasti naterial.Remove all such iten.2. Weekly, and more often if neeessaryl inspect allarrangements of materials stored on the site restackand tidy.3. Maintain the site in a neat and orderry condition atalI tines. Graffiti: As.directed by the Arcbitect, promptly renove alLerriflpnr1p of oraff iti - B. D. I vAtENtINO I S RESTAU8A}IT BRIDGE STREET vArL,'coLo&ADo DIVISION I Definition: Except as otherwise specifically provided, ,'clean', (forthe purpose of this Article) shatl be interpreted asmeaning the levet of cleanliness generally provided bycommerci.al building Maintenance Subcontractors usingcomnercial guality building naintenance equipment andnaterials. General:Prior to compLetion of the work renove fron the job siteall tools, surplus materials, eouipment, scrap, debris,waste, and conduct final cleaning. Site: Unless otherwise specifically directed by the Architect,hose down all paved areas on the site and all pubJ.ic roadways directly adjacent to the site. Conpletelyremove aIl resultant debris. Structures:'t.Exterior:Visually inspect all exterior surfaces and remove.al1 traces of soi1, hraste naterial, snudges, andother.foreign matter. Remove aII traces of splashedrnaterials from adjacent surfaces. ff necessaiy toachieve a uniforn degree of exterior cleanlinels,hose down the exterior of the $tructure. fn theevent of stubborn stains not removable with water,the Architect may reguire other cleaning at noadditional cost to the Owner. Interior:Visually inspect all interior surfaces and renoveaLl traces of soil., waste nateriaLl smudges, andother-foreign matter. Remove all traces of splashednaterials frorn adjacent surfaees. Renove all paintdroppings, spots, stains, and dirt from finishedsurfaces. Use only appropriate cleaning materiaLsand eguipment. Gfass: Clean all glass inside and outside. A. p c. 2. 3. VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREEI VAIL, COI,OMDO DIVISION I .',: r-.-i*r* -:--,-;:!**- *r_4..,__f-o^f_ig!red- sgE€i-cggi ._ .To ari surfica;";;q;iri'ng rhe rourine appiicar'ion oe-- - buffed polishr appfy the specified poliih asrecommended by the manufacturer of the rnaterialbeing polished. E. Timing: schedule final cleaning as approved by the Architect toenable the Owner to accept a completely clean project. 0156 CLEANING DURING OWNERIS OCCUPANCY: Should the Owner occupy the work or any portion thereofprior to its completion by the eontractor and acceptance bythe Owner, responsibiliti.es for interim and final tleaning-?f .tl" occupied spaces shatl be as determined by theArchitect in accordance with the ceneral conditions of thecontract. PROJECT CLOSEOUT:0 r60 0161 0151.1 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE TNSTRUC?TONS: Each Contractor shall provide to thesets of docunents covering each andeach device furnished and all itemsthe Contractor. This shall. consist Architect duplicateevery item of eguipment,installed or erected bvof the followinq: - Catalog data or literature Manufacturerr s operating instructionsManufacturer's maintenance instructionsInstallation instructions rndex of subcontractors including their addresses andphone numbers 0151.2 rn each of set of documents, the correct noder number andthe data for the applicable item shall be checked off in inkwhere the literature covers more than one iten. eor-iier"-'assembled by. Contractor for a special functionr thecontractor_sharl.write up and provide dupricaie oleratingand maintenance instruc.,-ions. Material shall. be suitably organized, indexed, bound, anddelivered to the Architec[..i I I, i .. VALENTTNOIS RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 1 0162 TEsrs AND ADJUSTWT ?he conplete installationl including @tems, shali be subjected to i,est atfuIly operatinq conditions. The Contractor shall make alladjustments and/or replacements which are necessary tofulfill the requirements of the Contract Documents, and tocomply with directions and recommendations of themanufacturer of the equipnent and to conply with all codesand resulations which rnay apply to the installation. Thecomplete installation shall be left ready for use by theOwner. GUARANTEE-WARRANTY :0 163 0153.1 ) The GeneraL Contractor shall guarantee, and eachSubcontractor shall and hereby does hrarrant that all workfor this building, under this contract shall be free frondefects of faulty labor and/or materials for a period of one(1) year from date of substantial compler-ion, except whenlonger periods are herein specified. 0163.2 Final payinent is contingent upon the Architectrs receipt ofall guarantees and,/or warranties from the General Contractorand Subcontractors 0163-3 rf the General contractor or any of his subcontractorschooses to use any system, equiprnent, facilities or serviceswhich have been installed into the building as a permanenr. part thereof'by any other contractori, the user shlll assume Iufl_responsibility for damage to any system, equipnent,facilities or services used, and stratt make the'neiessarvarrangements with the installing contractor, so that theconditions of. the guarantee sharl not be jeopardized as aresult of such use. 0164 AS-BUTLT DRAwrNqs: The General contractor, Heating andffictor sharl keep on a separat,e set of prans,eurrent records of all changes, deviations and ties toexisting facilities that nay take place during construction.At the completion of the project, this set of plans sharl beturned over to the Architect. Final palrnent shall becontingent upon receipt of these planl .- 0180 0182 LAYOUT OF STRUCTURE AND MEASUREHENTS: MFA.SUREIIEI'ITS: . Before ordering any naterial or doing anywork, eaeh contractor shall verify all measuretnents at Lhebuilding and shall be responsible for the correctness ofsame- No extra charge or conpensation will be allowed on the €=rot _account of . dif ferg!^ceq betwgen_actual dirnensions and*f; i8H'f;E9lF3 13f, *S"Ef;9r?ii5lg;Bf, iHtSe"i;eir;,sxlSsiHeseonside16rion before Fioceealng"'nith-u{E,iijir..'' -"' SITE WORK - VALENTINOT S RESIAURAI{T-"=.-_BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 2 -::--,-.:,:::-..---!20o-9ENERALT -All^ nork under-.lhie Divisionshall be. subjecr tothe General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditionsof the contract and the General. Instructions written herein. 0201 SCOPE OF WORK: Work under this Division includes theTurnTFhGq o?-all labor, materials, and equipnent and theperforning of all operations necessary for demolitionin the following section to satisfactory completi.on. O202 PROTECTTON: PREcAUTroNs. The contractor shall take reasonable andadeguate precautions to protect the Owner's property fromdamage during denolition work moving of debris and damage bythe eJ.ements, including flooding, wind storms, etc. Anidamage to the Ownerrs,property due to the aforesaid wor-kshall be resLored or replaceci by the Contractor at hisexpense and to t.he guatity level of the original . BARRTCADES AND SHELTERS. The contractor shaLl provideand maintain whatever barricades, shelters, lights anddangersignals are necessary during the progresi of the work.They shall neet the requirenents of Stale, Federal and/orlocal building codes. The contract,or sharl assume fullresponsibility of barriers to completion of contract andshall remove sarne. 0203 lJoRl(_DEScRTBED ELSEWHERE: l. utility excavations if required s ha l l be--TEe-r6Eo63iEiTT-ty of _ rhe ut i_i i t y i n s r a l l e r O205 DEMOLITION: A. Rernove all existing objects, not designated to remain,from previous construcLion, and all other naterial to neetfinal intent of construction documenLs. B. SALVAGE - The work shaLL also include but shall notnecessariLy be linit,ed to the dismantling of all existingequignent except those to renain as noted on drawings. Affdismantled equipment shall becone the property of theowner and renoved from to a location dlsignateo by the owner. VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRTDGE STREETVAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 2 .:-.:::.'..':l.tlss.:..'ti..'::.l,*..-'::...Cl*:l"il{cite".that..dra$ingslntlicatapProxif elevations, etc., of existing buiibing. D. Disconnection of utilities: Before starting operations,disconnect or arrange for the disconnection or irr'utirityservices designated to be removed, perforning-uir such work inaccordance with the requirements of- Lhe utility company orageney involved. E. Protection of utilities: preserve in operating conditionaIl active utilities traversing the work area anO OesionateAto rernain. F. Quality Assurance:'l . Codes and standards: In addition to conplyinq withall pertinent codes and regulatons, comply with thereguirements of those insuiance cairieri br""iJing coveraqefor this Work. c. Job Conditions:1. Dust control: use arl means necessary to pregent the-spread of dust during perfornance of the work of tiis sectionthoroughly moisten all- surfaces as required io-pr"u"nt dustbeing a nuisance to the pub]_ic, neighbors, ura ion.u.r*r,r .performance of other work on the site. 2. Removal: Remove all work carefully and only to theextent reguired for the finat work. o VALENfINO I S RESTAURN T' BRIDGE STREETvArt, coLoR.ADo DIVISION 2 belts, shootst'' and naterial storage..sball occur in such a manner to prevent damage to site andbuilding, maintain a neat and orderly appearance and al1owactivities of the onner which are unaffected by the project tocontinue uninterrupted. 021 I UNFORESBEN CONDITIONS Should concealed conditions encountered in the performanee ofthe Work be at variance vrit.h the conditions indicated by LheContract Documents, differing naterially from those whichwould be general.ly recocnized as inherent in renodel work,the Contract Sum shall be eguitably adjusted by Change Order upon a clain initiated by the Contractor and received by theArchitect within ten days. No such claim shall be validunless so made. If the Contractor and the Onner cannot agreeon the amount of the adjustment to the Contract Sum theArchitect shall determine the anount of adjustnent. (END OF DTVTSTON 2) l i I 1- Ic ,3 VALENTXNO I S RESTAI'F.AIiUI BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 3 AlI structural concrete work to bevrith specified requirements. AlI non-structural concrete work toconditions. A1] substitutions and changes toArchitect. performed in accordance match existing aestheticbe approved by ) 0400 0401 0402 0410 o412 VALENTINOT S RESTAURAI'IT BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 4 GENERAL: A11 work under this Division shall be subject.to ift.-6'"ta1 Conditions and Supplenentary General Conditions of the Contract and Genral Instructions tritten herein. coMpLrANcE WITH STANDARD AND INqqSTRY SPECIFIq TIONS.: Any#'rffi"=p""published spebificationl of a manufacturer, The American 3ociety for Testing and Materials (ASTM), The Brick rnstitute of aneriia (BIA), or other published standards, shall comply with the requirements of the current specificalion or standard listed. In the case of a cbnflict between the referenced specification and the project specifications, the projeet specifications shall gov6rn. (fn case of conflicts between the refeqenced ipecifications or standards, the one having the rnore stringent reguirements shall govern.) WORK INCLUDED:E-TTT nasonry walIs, patching, cuttins etc' I.,IORTAR MATERIALS C A. Portland Cement: ASTM Specification C 150' Typd 1' B. Line: Hydrated lirne shall conforn to ASTM Specificatiot C 207-49-. Type S and must be at least 92t hydrated' C. water: Equal Eo Potable water. D. Sand: Clean, natural coLored sand conforning to ASTM Specification C 144. TYPE OF MORTAR: Mortar shall be Portland Cement lime appropriate tYPe lime and sand). nort a r Cenent t ( approximately 3: l: I 1 Portland 0413 MIXING MORTAR: Mix aII cenentitious materials and sand in ;i6cTA;TCTT;'tch nirer for a mininun of five (5) ninutes' Adjust the consistency of the mortar to the satisfaction of the mason but add only as nuch water as is cornpatible with convenience in using the nort,ar. If the nortar begins to stiffen fron evaporition or from absorption of a part of-l tr I t I Fao .,''..-_', ::"':.:::::'::::.i::::=:;--=:**.:-^- 'th-e nixing wat$lr-5etelnper :the mortai inneaiig"ly by addinghtater' and rernix the mortar. A1 1 nortai striii-l" o""owithin 2 1/2 hours of the initial nixing. It shall not beused after it has begun to set. VALENTINO I S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREETVAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 4 E:,Store masonry naterials off gRETg-ryf_UNrTs: The Conrractor may on watts ro becovered' use concrete masonry units in-rieu-oi iecraimeobrick from the demolition ii'tire-cost is ress. concretenasonry units shall be of modular sizes ana itari includeall closefs, jamb-units, headers. bond beam units andspecial shapes and sizes requir"i to complete the work asindicated. unirs sharr be-d;;;;-and frer trom-cracts,chipped edges or other Oefecis that would interfere withtheir proper setting or irlaii tn" "t."r,gthr appearance ordurabir'ity of the structurl. units shall be light weightaggregate load bearing conforming to AsTl,t C 90. - W: _ Concrete block shall be Grade ,,A,,,contormrns ro ASTM-C-90_52t 3-5/8", S_5/8",-ZliTei o1.lJ:518 r' X l5-S/8" _1ong u" l"qui'rJA to provide watts ofthickness eal1ed for 6n tne .iia"ing". Concrete building. brick may be used to work out coil:"[:" or concr6re brick "ouio-re in :.ieu oi-""itlf!tts' ' 0415 0415. 1 041s.4 0415.5 :::::?"1: ll::"f :Fm;s, oirt oi "a;;;-;.;;;;;:";";;;naterials whenthis includes necessary to protect them from the elements,.,all materials. ffi ,,iE; i:;:i f,:iT?Jti,"u"'o Bond each course.(of all units) at. corner of a masonry bondand at intersections with netai tl""r-"n"n"i"-or*jointreinforcement sossed verticafly not exceeding sixieen (lG)inches. Firlini i;-,il;-;;i;k,"iii il"il;il.Ja-^oln.,"briek and unirs will ;;i; ;;-;;p"""a in finish work. Lay holto$, eoncrete masonry units. with furl mortar eoverageon horizontar and.verticar- face "t"tt" t.*cepi-tnlt r"o"also shall be beddea ln-irr-JJirJu" of piers, columns,pilasters, in startins ""ui""-Ji-rootin;;-;# ""iiafoundation warls ana irounJ-".ii" that are to be reinforcedor filled with qrour).. L"t i;ti; unirs wirh futt head andbed joints. Ma[e Sornts uniform. LAYING l ine.joints. VALENTINOIS RESTAURANTiJBRIDGE STREEI VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 5 General Conditions and supplenentary General Conditions of the Contract and General Instructions written herein' WORK INCLUDED:0501 0 505 0506 The Contractor shall provide atl labor, materials and eguipment to complete work relating to: A. Structural Steel: 1. Lintels;2. Bearing Plates,3. Angle suPPorts. 4. Beams B. Hiscellaneous Metal: 1. Anchor bolts, washersr nutsi 2. Ties (other than masonrY) ' bracketsi CODNS AND STANDARDS: 0s 10 SIEEL PLATES SHAPES BARS: ASIC "Code of Standard Practice for Steel Builders and Bridges"; AISC "Specifications for the Design' Fabrications, and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings" includinq "Comnentary"; AWS "Code for welding in Building construction"; comply with applicable provision< .xcept as otherwise indicated- SHOP DRAW]NGS: Show complete details and schedules for fabrication' assemblyl and erection. Located anchor bolts reguired for installltion in other work; furnish tenplates for boLt installation by others. VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 5 ASIM A:36 B. Fasteners: High-strength bolts and nuts, ASTM A 325or A 490; unfinished bolts and nuts, ASTM A 307, Grade A; C. Shop paint: FS TT-P-86, Type II; or SSpC-paint 14. FABRICATION I Comply with AISC "specificationsn and final shop Drawings.Mark and match mark units for field assernbl.v. CONNECTIONS: 051 I 0512 0513 05 14 0516 As shown on final shop Drawings.connections, except as otherwise WELDING: BoIt all field ind i cated. AlI welds shall be as indicated on Drawing by weldersqualif i.ed by test under AWS Dl.0-69. Welds not specified on Drawings shall conforn to Section1.'l 7 of A.I.S.C. Specifications for the Desisn,Fabrication and'Erect,ion of Structural Steel forBuildinos. SHOP PAINTING: Paint structural steel work, except members embedded inconcrete or mortar, and contact areas to be welded orriveted. Clean steel free of Loose miII scalei rust, oil 1nd grease. Apply prime painb to provide a rninimum dryfiln thickness of 1.5 mils. ERECTTON: Comply with AISC Code and Specifications, and maintainwork in safe and stable'condition during erection.Provide temporary bracing and shoring a! reguired; removewhen final connections piaced. A. Spliee members only where shown on final shopdrawings. --:-'-- "- '' .- VALENTINOTS RESTAURAI{T:. :. .- . ' . BRIDGE STREET' vArL, COLORADO DIVISION 5 -:-'=;=;--=: ;,-B;-"*.EoIIcb:-up.:primer paint after €rection. Clean fieldItelds, bol.ted connections and abraded areasr and apply sane type paint as used in shop. 0526 LOOSE BEARING PLATES: Provide for steel items bearing on masonry as shown. Drillplates to receive anchor bolts. 0527 LOOSE STEEL LINTELS: Fabricate to sizes showni prime paint after fabricationt cut into block before denolition of wall takes place. 0528 MISCELLANEOUS FRAI4ING AND SUPPORTS: Provide as required to complete work. Fabricate construction in as large units as possible; drill and tap as reguired to receive hardward and sinilar items. Include required anchors for building into other worki spaced not more than 24" o.c. O53O INSTALLATTON: Perforn cutting, drilling, and fitting required forinstallation; set work accurately in locationr alignment and elevation measured from est,ablished lines and levels. Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessaryfor installation to other work. Set loose items on cleaned bearing surfaces, using wedgesor other adjustments as required. Solidly pack open spaces with bedding nortar, consisting of one part Portland cement to three parts sand and only enough vtaterfor packing and hydration, or use connereial non-shrinkgrout material. Placernent of the crane for lifting shall be approved by the Architect. ell rigging and noving of the beams inside the structure shall be approved by the Structural Engineer. (END OF DIVISION 5) -.-* F 0600 0601 0602 _ 0504 06c4.1 060 4 .2 0604.3 060 4 .4 DIVISION 5 GENERAL: AlI work under this Division shall be subject to E5e-ce n-e ra I Cond i t i on s a nd S upp I ene n t a ry Ge ne r a 1Conditions of the contract and General instructionswritten herein. WORK INCLUDED: This Division includes providing materialsfi'A-IEor-Eot the installation of: A. A1 1 wood franing indicated on the drawings or resuiredfor a complete and operable facility. B. Al 1 wood, nails, bolts, screws, framing anchors andother rough hardware. C. A1 I rough and finish carpentry. D. All millwork, cabinetry, and architectural woodwork. WORK SPECIF'IED ELSEWHERE: A. Wood Doors B. Drywall: Division 9 C. Finishing of wood: oUALITY ASSURANCE: Workto the- Uniforrn Buildingregulations. THE NATIONAT DESIGN SPECIFICATION FOR STRESS GRADE LUMBER-ANT' ITS FASTENINGST ?HE FRAMING MANUALS OF THE NATIONAL@Rs@EEN-ffiOD-- PRoDUCTS ASSOCIATIoN GRADING RULES, 3Rp ED;-sEEff applyand by reference are a part oF thia speclEication. U.S. Product PS-l of U.S. Department of Corunerce, Bureauof Standards shall appfy to all plywood. The standards of the Anerican Institute of TimberConstruction shall apply +-o alL applieable wood products. The Quality Standards of the Architectural Woodworkfnstitute (latest edition) shall apply and by referenee bepart of these specifications. Division 9 under this division shal1 conform Code- and all local codes and VALENTINO'S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET VALENTTNO, .COLORADO DIVISION 6 . ._...=06.04.5 Wberever. a rnoulding,_1s, qe,ferenced,by nqrnbgr gq l,!re=-:--.:==+:T::-:-"::aferling-rit"GEffida;'-EltE*-r[fiEEr round in rhe ,r"iE;A;;-- * Wood Moulding and Millwork producers" catalog. 0606 0507 0 508 ) 060 9 0 610 REJECTION OF WORK: PEODUCT HANDLING: A. Protection: CON.FLICTING REO.UIREMENTS: in the case of conflict withinor oetween codes, standards, regulations, orspecifications, the more stringtnt provisions shatlgovern. {IPLDLMETSTONS: The Contractor is responsibl.e foroetarr-s and dimensions of work not speeiiicalry detairedor implied on the drawings. Dimensions found 'at variancewith those indicated shai.l be brought to the attention ofthe Architect. O9l,l,.lftCnrlorus or 1{o : provide sufficienr skilledworKmen ano supervrsofs to insure proper expeditiousexecution of the work. Journerrman- caiiber l"rp.ni"rs onlyshall be used for acrual curriig and fitring "i i;i;-"nd='finish material . Experienced aid skilled j"uin"y*.n,carpenters, or cabinetmakers only shall be-used 6narchitectural woodwork, casewoil? and cabinetrv. W: In work rejection or acceptance noarl'wance wilr be rnade for lack of skill 0n the part ofworkmen. a z. f,. 3. 4. Use all means necessary t,o protect Lumbermaterials before, during, and after delivery tothe job site, and to protect the instalfeO i,oitand naterials of all other trades.Deliver the naterials to the job site and store,all in a safe area, out of the way of traffic, indshored up off the ground surface.Identify all franing tumber as to grades and storealL qrades_separately fron other giades.Protect all rnetal produets with adequateweatherproof outer wrappings. Use extreme care in the off-loading of J.umber toprevent_damage, splitting, and breiking ofmaterial s. Replacenentss fn the event of damage, innediatelymake all repairs and replacements necessary to the B. VALENTINO I S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 6 061 1 GRADE STAMPS: A. Franing lumber: Identify all framing lumber by the grade stamp of theWest Coast Lunber Inspection Bureau. Ft Plywood: Identify all plywood as to species, grade, and gluetype by the stamp of the American plywood Association. 0512 MATERIALS AND PRODT'CTS: A. Framing Lumber: l. A1 1 2" framing shall be Douglas Firllarch (Fb=1500psi) B. Sheathing and Subflooring: . 1. Subfloorinq and sheathing shall be ApA Structural 1 CD or beEter unsanded. C. Interior trim: 1. Base: As specified in drawings. -2. All- trim lrork and -f inish €arpentrJ shall_be Prernium Quality with notched, lapped or othermechanial joints where possible. Carpenters shalLpropose detail for approval by Architect wherejoint details are not shown.P. Miscellaneous woods: 'l . Furnishings and cabinet wood shall be as called foron the drawinqs.G. Hardware : 1. Joist hangers and standard framing hardware shall beSinpson or equal.2. Special franing hardware shall be as detailed. H. All other naterials and fasteners, not specificallydescribed but required for a complete and properinstallation as indicated on the drawings inaft Ueselected by the Contractor subject to approval by theArchitect. vAtENTtNors- REsTAURANT-BRIDGE STREET'--- vArL, coLoRADO ' DrvrsroN 5 A. Field measurernents: Take all necessary measurementsin the field to ensure Droper dimensions for all work. B. fnspection: 1. Prior to alt work of t.his Section, carefully inspect the installed work of all other Erades and verify that aII such work is complete to the point where this portion of the work nay properly conmence.2. Verify that all work may be fabrj.cated andinstalled in compleEe accordance with the original design, approved shop drawings, and reference standards. Discrepancies: l. In the event of discrepancy, irnmediately notifythe Architect.2. Do not proceed with installation in areas of discrepancy until all such discrepancies have beenful1y resolved 0617 WORKMANSHIP: A. General: A1 1 rough and finish carpentry shall producejoints true, tight, and well nailed wittr all members assenbled in accordance with the drawings. Except as otherwise noted, framing shall be as follows: Al1 joints and studs shall be 16" o.c. except as notedon the drawings. Blockinq for roof pitch shall run across ceiling joists. Corners shall be buiLt-up from2x4. Double studs on each side of all openings. Headers over openings shall be let into side studs, one stud thickness. fnterior stud waLls shall be 2x4at 15" o.c. unless noted otherwise on the drawings. B. Selection of lurnber pi.eces: 1. Carefully select ajl members; select individualpieees so that knots and obvious defects wiII notinterfere with placing bolts or proper nailing or making proper connections.2. Cut out and discard a}l defects which wilL render a piece unable to serve its intended funetion; lumber nay be rejected by the Architect, whether or not it has been installed, for excessive warp,twist, bor.l, crook, mildew, fungus, or nold, aswell as for inproper cutting and fitting. VALSNTINOI g RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 5 D. trinmers, conponents. Jointinq: 1. Make all joints to conceal shrinkagei niter all finish exterior cornersi cope all interior corners, niter or scarf all end-toend joints. 2. Install all trin in pieces as 1on9 as possible'jointing only where solid support is obtained. F astening: 1. Install all items straight, true' 1eve1' plumb' and firmly anchored in place; where blocking or. backing is required, coordinate as necessary with other trades to ensure placement of all required backing and bloeking in a timely manner. 2, Use only common wire nails, approved power nails or spikes of the dinension shown on the Nailing Schedule, exeept where otherwise specifically noted in the drawings. 3. Por conditions not covered in the Nailing Schedule, provide penetration into the piece receiving the point of not Less than 1/2 Ehe length of the nail or spike provided, however, thru nails nay be used to connect two pieces of two inch - (no.minal) _lhickneqs.4. Do all nailinq without splitting wood, preboring .as r:equired; replace all sp1 it members. 5. Nail trin with finish nail.s of proper dimension to hold the nernber firnly in place wiehout splitting wood. On exposed finish work' set all nails for puEty. Screw, do not drive, all wood screws except that scresrs nay be started by driving and then screwed home. 8. Nailing schedulel Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, recotrunended by manulacturerr or required by pertinent eodes and regulations'provide at least the following nailing: 6. 7. Blocking to joist bearing: each side Blocking to joist or stud: each side One inch brace to stud: Two inch brace to stud; faeenailed Bridging to joist: 2-10d toenailed 2-10d toenailed 2-8d facenailed 2-15d 2-8d toenailed VALENTINO I S RESTAT}RAFf BRINGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 5 -'-.:.',''"'.-.-'-,-..J:a':'"=:.:.j.-.'',''--joi:stE--.'na==ra to support,: 2-16d toenailedat laps (12" ninimum) t6d e twelve inches on centers r staggered Joists to silt: 2-16d toenailed Studs toenailed to plate: 2-10d each sideStuds endnailed to plate: Z-20dStuds nailed together: 16d e twelve inches on centers, staggered Pl ates: upper to lower: 16d 0 twelve inches on centersat spl.ices: 2-16d facenailedplate lap at corners: 2-16d facena iled F. Bolting: Drill holes 1/16" larger in diameter than the bolt beingusedi drill straigbt and Lrue from one side only. Bolt threads must not bear on woodi use washers underhead and nut where both bear on leoodi use washers underall nuts. Screws: 1. For Lag-screr{rs and wood-screhrs, prebore holes samediameter as root of thread; enlarge holes to shankdianeter for length of shank. 2. Screw, do not drive, Iag scretrs. Blocking: 1. fnstall all blocking reguired to support all items offinish and to cut off-all concealed-draft openings, bothvertical and horizontall between eeiJ.ing and floorareas. 2. Fire-b1ock in the following specifie locations: a. In aLl stud walls at ceiling and floor levels. I l 2. G. H. 3 c. AI 1 other locations passage for rodents Bridqinq: where openings could affordor flames. VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRIDGE S?REET VAIL, COLORADO DIVISTON'6 poi ntsis ribbons I. t.Install wood cross bridging (not Less than two inchesby three inches norninal), metal cross bridging ofequal strength, or solid blocking between joists where the span exceeds eight feet. The distance between a line of bridging and a bearingshall not exceed eiqht feet. Cross bridqing may be omitted for roof and ceilingjoists eight inches (nominal) in depth where theonission is perrnitted by code, except where otherwiseindicated on the drawings. z. 3. 4.Install solid blocking between joists at allof support and wherever sheathing or floorinqdiscontinuous. 5. Blocking nay be onitted where joists rest onand are nailed to studs, and where joists are suPporE.ed on metal hangers. J. contractor shall exanine arr existing woodwork in the areaaffected by the Contract and repair it as required to putit in good condition, New wood work abutting, adjaceni, orcontinuous with existing woodwork shall match the-existinqin appearance, profile ind dimension. 0618 INS1ALLATTON OF PLYWOOD SHEATHTNG: A. Placernentt. Place all plywood over supports and continuously overat least two supports, except where otherwisespecifically shown on the drawings. 2. Center joints accurately over supports; unlessotherwise specifically shown on the drawings, staggerthe end joints of plywood panels to achieve a minlrnumof continuity of joints.. B. Protection of plywood: protect all plywood frommoisture by use of all required wate-rploof coveringsuntil the plywood has in turn been covered ,{ith the nextsuceeeding cotnponent. or finish. VATENTINOI S RESTAUR"ANT BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADo DIVISION 6 . ..- ..0619- 'GENERAL-SRAttrNG: :: : :l:::r;:::"-r -: :.r: A. General: The Architect or an industry representative competentto inspect the project for compliance may at the Ownerr s discretion inspect the work for conformancewith standards, codes, specifications or drawings. l.In addition to all framing operations norma] to thefabrication and erection indicated on the drawings,install all backing reguired for the work of other trades. Set aLl horizontal or sloped nenbers with crown up. Do not notch, bore, or cut rnenbers for pipes, ducts,conduits, or other reasons except as shown on t,he drawings or as specificalty approved in advance bythe Architect. 0621 CLEANING UP: 0622 A. General: Keep the premises in a neat, safer dDd orderlycondition at all tines during exeeution of thisportion of the work, free from accumulation of sarrrdust, cut-ends, and debris. B. Sweeping: 1. At the end of each working day, or more often ifnecessary, thorouohly sweep alL surfaces whererefuse-from t,tris portion of the worlchas settl.ed.2. Remove the refuse from che building at the end of each day.3. Upon conpLetion of this port.ion of the work,thoroughly broom clean all surfaces. FINISHING: Sandpaper al.l finished wood surfaces tlro:TGg-6Ty as requi.red to produce a uniformly smoothsurface, always sanding in the direction of the grain. No coarse grained sandpaper mark, hammer nark, or otherinperfection will be accepted. 0623 INSPECTTON: 2. 3. A. ') VALENTINO" S AESTAURANT' 'BRrD'cE.'SsREEn VAILT COLORADO DIVISION 6 ' B. In the event such inspection determines that,.-- .=-arpentry work, -or any part"-of, tt-.dO€g:.fi;at complywith the referenced standards, the Contractor sfrattpay all costs of the initial inspection and allsubseguentJ.y required reinspections, shall irunediatelyremove the noncomplying iterns, and shall immediatelyreplace then with items conplying with the referencedstandareds and these specifications, aIl at noadditional cost to the Or^rner. (END OF DMSTON 6) VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADO DIV]SION 7 GENERAL: AlI work under this oivision shall besuBFE to the ceneral Conditions andSupplementary General Conditions of the contractand General Instructions written herein. 0701 S9OEE OI, WORK: Work under this nivision consistsof Ins-ulaffi' plashing, Caulking and Sealants asnecessary to complete the project as indicated onthe drawings and written hereln. 0700 0702 0703 DfVISION 7 SECTTONS: A. 0700 - 0705 General Instructions B. 0720 - 0729 fnsulation C. 0730 - 0235 Thermal Shutters D. 0236 - 0744 Roofing E. 0745 - 0755 plashing. Caulking and Sealants 0?04 9ENERAL TN9TRUCTTONS: .The purpose of_Divisio.n Zrs to provlde protection for the structure fromthe elements (water, ice. cold, and heat). TheGeneral Contractor shal1 make inown to theArchitect any areas where a proper seal againstthe elenents is. Iaeking to tire Lxtent thal danageto or deterioration of the structure couLd :t a:.,:r:a:r ::=.-1:-:.-.-:-,i;r _ _. DIVISION 7. THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION. result. The installation of all materials sha]l be asrecommended by the material manufacturer unlessspecifically indicated otherwise on thedrawings. 0705 DEFINITTONS: g+E+lg is.an.operation-perforned ro provide a posiriveoarrrer^ agarnst penetration of air or lnoisture aL iointsor breaks in a material or between two materials where acontinued integrity of p6tection is n"""""ury. - Flaslring. is an operation perforned to prevent thepenetration of water through the exterior shell of thebuilding usuallv at a ctin6e in-surric.-priiiel-tt. end ofa surface, or at a change in material. barr ie r .naterial. (END OF GENERAL INSTRUCTION SECTION) M!|qLATION - THERMAL: This section includes @1 thermal insuration in VALENTINO I S RESTAURANX' BRIDGE STREETvAIt, coLoRADO DIVISION 7 furni shi nqal1 ceilinq 0720 Joists. 0720.I MATERIATS: 07 47 Fiberglas Batt Insulation shall be byOwens-Corning (or equal) Kraft Faced Buildinqfnsulation; R-30 in roofs, meetine FederalSpeculations. HH-I-s21E TypE II. Fit snugglyinto spaces and TypE I, a ,,sound attennatioi - batt where shown. (END OF INSULATION SECTION) METAL FLASHING MATERIALS: A. Flashing naterials, unless otherwise noted, shall be26 gal. galvanized iron materiaL with slip joints. 0749 GAULKLNG.: _ contrac.tor shalr repair and reprace caurkinqaio[nd- the exterior of alr winbow frames in tne areascovered by this Contract. I I : nalgrla.I1 nh_Lcb forms .a bond, with. adjoiningthe purpose of providing a permanent watermay be a caulking or a waterproofing VALENTINOI S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET 0749,1 MATERIALS: A. CauJ.king compound! An elastic water proof adhesive as manufacturerd by Pecora Paint Conpany, Inc.r or eguaL. Conpound shall be of proper consistency to be readily worked and not be affected by vibration or long exposure to outside climatic and temperature changes. Compound sha]l forn a thick tough eLastic filn onthe surface against acid or ingredients which willstain concrete, corrode metal or have injurious effect on paint.ing. Cornpound shall be white or colored as reguried to natch adjacent work. B. Rope yarn: Raveled strands of non-staining rope fiber cotton wicking. C. Caulking priner: A guick drying clear varnish thinnedto proper consistency and of type recommended by manufacturer of compound. 0749.2 APPTICATION: A. Joints and spaces to be caulked shal1 be clean, free f.rom dust and dry. Joints more than 3/4 inches deep and joints where a suitable backstop has not been provided shall be packed with rope yarn to within 1,/2- inch of surface; beforr applying caulking. C-aulkjoints before final coat of paints is applied to adjacent work. s B. Apply compound with gun having proper size nozzle or withknife as required, (See requirenents of other Divisions). Use sufficient pressure co fill all voids and joint,s solid; superficial pointing of joints with skin bead willnot be accepted. Remove excess caulking and leave surfaces neat, smooth and clean. Upon eonpletion the cau]kinq shafl have a smooth even finish. A11 caulked- joints shalt be watertight. 0750 SEALANTS: Sealants sha}l be Dow Corning Silicone as below:A. Masonry to masonry, sealing between window and door franes r:to masonry and general conditions shall be Dow Corning i-790. Neutral or to match. ; B. Sealing under wal-l plates and under sound walls shall be Dow Corning 790. (END OF DTVTSION 7) VALENTINO' S RESTAURANT a BRIDGE STREETvArt, coLoRADo DIVISION 8 DIVISION 8. 0801 0803 Division 8 is sect ions: GTASS s Divis-the General Conditions and Supplementary GeneralConditions of the contract and General Instructionswritten herein. WORK INCLUDED: The work under this Division consists of ;f,T ToorF; fiindows, glazing, and finish hardware 0800 081 6 0825 0846 0809 0825 0835 0855 divided into the following narro$r scope General reguirement.s Glazing Wood Doors Hardware 0804 0 805 0806 080 7 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:ffiguarantees are calledstri ctly. Doors and glass sha]1 be of size,as indicated. Where standards or for they shall be adhered to FIELD DIMENSIONS: Where required, field dinensions shall5'effi;:m=esponsibility for field climensions shall 'be on the installer. Where dimensions are given on thedr6wings they shalt be field verified. 0UALITY ASSURANCE: Manufacturer's reconnendations and @ sha1l be strictly adhered to in all seCtions oT this ilivision-. PRODUCT HANDLING: Protection: Use all means necessary to protect allproducts, naterials, and installations before, during and after installirlg and provide protection for work ofother trades and surfaces of adjoining work. Replacenent: In the event of damage, irunediately makeall repqirs and replacenents necessary to the approvalof the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. (END OF GENERAL REQUIREMENT SECTION) GLAZING: Work under this section shall include all job site Efr?-Fnop glazing reguired to furnish and install 91ass. A. B. e r : I I II I I : 081 6 VAfL, COr,ORADO DIVISION 8 0817 OUALITY A.SSURAN A. A1 I work undei this section shall 5e performed bv 08't I experienced and qualified glazers. B. A1 1 glass, glazing methods, and installations shall conform to Colorado Revised Statutes, 'l 973 9-2-101throush 9-2-106; Uniform Building Code; and the recommendations of the I'ManuaL of Glazing" of the Flat Gl ass Marketinq Association. PRODUCT HANDLING: A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protect glass and glazing materials before, during, and afterinstallation and to protect the installed work andmaterials of all other trades. Replacements: In the event of damage, imrnediately makealI repairs and replacements necessary to the approval.of the Architect and at no additiona] cost to the Owner. 0819 PRODUCTS: Glass: A1 I glass shall bear the tabel of itsmanufacturer and shall conforn in all respects with thepertinent requirements of Federal SpecificationDD-c-451c, shall be relatively distortion-free with alldistortion shown in the horizontal direction, shal1 bethe-thickness and +ypes shown onJhe drar,rings, andshall be the product of pittsburg plate Glass Co., oran egual approved in advance by the Architect. A1 1 gJ.azing accessories shatl be new, first ouality oftheir respective kinds, and subject to the approval ofthe Architect. 08 20 SURFACE CONDITIONS: Inspect ion: 1. Prior to a1l work of this section, carefullyinspect t,he instal.led work of all other trades andverify that, all such work is complete to the point where this installation may properLy conrnence.2. Verify that all glazing rnay be performed in accordance with all pertinent codes andregulations, the original design, and thereferenced standards. B. A. B. A. BRIDGE STREET VAIL, CoLORADO DIVISION 8 In the event of discrepancy, innediately notify theArchitect. 2. Do not proceed with installation in areas ofdiserepancy until all such discrepancies have beenful1y resolved. GLAZING: Set all gLass in a true plane, tighL and6@r.with proper and adequate clearance, firmJ.yanchored to prevent rattling jnd looseness, with ali edgescleanly cut; do not nip or seam the edges. 9I,9ANING UP: _Upon conpletion of glazing, thoroughly cleanatr 9J.ass surfaces, correct all imperfections, repllce alldamaged g1ass, and leave alr rabeli on the grass untir theyh3y"_ been inspecbed and approved by the arcf,itect but renoveall labels immediately theiefter. (END OF GLAZING SECTION) WOOD DOORS: Work under this section shall includeE6ffiTn6-and installing of atl wood doors. PRODLICTS: A. Except as noted all existing doors which are eo beremoved shall be saved for reuse. Contractor shall-repair as required to'-restore doors to qooJ conditi-on_ Py patchinq, ptugging, regluing, and fiiLing.B. AlI Doors as specifiea shatl be custom buill by a shopregularly engaged in finished cabinetry. 1. 082 t 0822 0826 0827 0 829 Pxosllgr_taNgl{NG: A. Protection: Use a1l neansdoors before, during, andprotect the installed worktrades. necessary to protect woodafter installation and toand materials of all other B.Replacements: In the event of danage, inmediately makeall repairs and replacements necessiry to the appiovalof the Architect and at no additional eost to thl-Owner. VALENTINOIS RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 8 A. B. tlpon receipt of shipnent of doors, inspect each doorfor any visible defects. Doors should not be left in shipping container, but should be stored flat on alevel surface in a dry, well ventilated area. Cover to keep clean, but allow air circulation. Handle with elean gloves and do not drag doors across one another or across other surfaces. C. Doors should not be subject to abnormal heat, extreme dryness, humid conditions or sudden changes therein. They should be conditioned to average prevailingrel.ative humidity of the locality before hanging. D. Before finishingr remove handting marks or effects of exposure to moisture with a thorough, final sanding overall surfaces of the door using 3/0 and 3rl0 sandpaper andclean before applying sealer or finish. Sone species of wood contain a chenical (oak particutarly) which reactsunfavorably with certain finishes. Where possible, thesurface should be tested for such unfavorable reactions.Applicabion of a seal.er before finishing will usuallyprevent this difficulty. q. Imme_diately_after qutting and fittinq but beforehanging, the entire door, including top and bottom edges, nust receive the final finish. WAIIANTY: A11 doors supplied shall, be warranted by thei?i'ffiaEurer for one yeai f rorn date of shipment, and atthe time of shipment, to be of good material andworkmanship, and to be free of defects nhich would rendersaid doors unserviceable or unfit for t.he ordinary, reconmended use. This warranty is made to originalpurchaser and extends to all subseguent purchasers duringthe period of this warranty. If at the tine a door shipment is received, said door(s)are found to have a defect(s) which ean be reasonablydiscovered by inspection of eaeh door, the receiver of thedoor(s) must, prior to hanging or fittinq, and within 30days, send written notice of said discovered defect(s) tothe nanufacturer. If a defect is discovered or occurs 0831 VALENTINO I S RESTAURANP BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 8 =ffi;tTJff5*:;lH3l*I:.l;l'?:.:i3i5;Iif;*"5:;..H"t..-::}..'.sh ipment . rf warranted doors are found to contain defeets as statedherein, nanufacturer, at his option, will: (1) repairdefective door(s); or (2) furnish purchaser withreplacement door(s), but the rnanufacturer shall not beliable for the costs of taking down defective door(s); or(3) refund to the current Ownir the amount the oriqinalpurchaser paid the rnanufacturer for the ret.urned defectivedoor ( s) . INSTALTATION: Surface conditions: l. Prior to installation of wood doors carefulLyinspect the instaLled work of a1l other tradis andverify that a1I such work is conplete to the pointwhere this installation may properly commence.2. Verify that wood doors rnay-bL instaitea inaccordance with the original design, thereferenced standards, and all perLinent codes andregulation.3. In the event of discrepancy, irnmediately notifythe Architect.4. Do not proceed with installation in areas of ful1y resolved fnstal lation: l. Install all wood doors in strict accordance withthe nanufacturerrs reconnendations, elininatingall hinge-bound conditions and makinq all iternssmoothly operating and firnly anehored into pos it ion .2. Undercut 1" above the surface to receive the carpetbefore hanging interior doors. Touching up: 1. U:ing fine-grained sandpaper, eonpletely eliminateall scratches and abrasions in tinished vroodsurfaees.2. Set all nails and fasteners for putty; firmlyputty all holes; leave all finished wood suriacesready for painter. 0832 A. B. c. i f (End of Wood Door Section) .-:1'. ) BRIDGE STREETvArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 8 0847 A. "Hardware groupsn have been assigned to the variousdoors reguired for this work, as described in the DoorSchedule on the drawings; the hardware groups aredescribed in general terrns. The hardwaie td Ue used isto be antique throughout, except as specified andcalLed out on hardware schedule, drawing A2. B. Unless otherwise approved by the Architect, furnish al1finish hardware described in ttre Hardlrare schedule andal.I other finish hardware not described but requiredfor a cornplete and operable facility. Qualifications of installer: The finishbe installed by a journeyman carpeterfitting of mortise type hardwareexperienced in 0849 PRODUCT HANDLING: A. Packaging of New Hardware ftems: l. Furnish all finish hardware with each unit clearlvnarked or numbered in accordance with the Hardwar6schedule. B. 2. Pack each item conplete with all necessary pieces 3. 3:3r:fi;"lili'""u cushion each irem .o nr"u"n.s*gratches, during. delivery and storage. _ Delivery: Deliver aI1 finish hardware to theinstallers in a tinel"y nanner to ensure orderlyprogress of the tot.al work. QUALITY ASSURANCE: VALENTINO! S RESTAUB.ANr. BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLOnADO DIVISION 8 A.GeneraL: B. Design: hardware KEYING: I 2. Furnish aII finish hardware with all necessary screws, bo1ts, and other fasteners of suitablesize and type to anchor the hardware in positionfor long life under hard use.Furnish fastenings where necessary with expansionshields, toggle bolts, sex boltsr ond other anchors approved by the Architect, according tothe naterial to which the hardware is to beapplied and the recommendations of the hardware man u fa cturer. 0851 AlI fastenings shall harmonize with theas to material and finish. {END OF HARDgIARE SECTION) (END OF DMSTON 8) ) A. Construclion keying: provide a method independent ofthe final keyina syst,em for securing the buildingduring construction or maintain absolute access to keys B. Final keying system: 1. Stamp all keys "DO NOT DUPLfCATE.'|, , 2. Masterkey_ locks in accordance with the Architect'sinstructions, where possible. ,3. Deliver two keys for each lock plus two masterkeys where applicable, to the Architect. 0852 DELrvERrFls: stockpile al] itens sufficiently in advancet6-;ffitheir aviitauitity and nake all necessarydeliveries in a tinely nanner to ensure orderly progressof the total work. VAT,ENTINO'S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREEf vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 9 0900 0901 0903 091 1 091 1 .1 FINISHES GENERAL: AIl work under this Division shall be subject toFeral Conditions and Supplenentary General Conditionsof the contract and the General Instructions written herein. WORK INCLUDED: Work under this Division shall include all C'6or mafia-fs and eguipment necessary to complete the work of plast,ering, gypsum drywalling, painting andstaininqr acoustical, and carpeting DIVISION 9 SBCTIONS: A. 0900 - 090s B. 09rl - 0913 c. 0926 - 09s5 D. 0955 - 0955 E. 0980 - 0989 Deliver all .materials to t,he unopened containers with aIIthe time of use. ceneral fnstructions Lath and Plaster Gypsun Dryh'all Painting Acoustical F. 0990 - 0999 Carpet LATH AND PLASTER DESCRIPTION: Lath -and plaster reguired for this-Work is indicated on the Drawings and incLudes three coats of portland cementplaster applied on stucco netting over building paper, conplete r{ith all reguired grounds and accessories. QUALITY ASSUF.ANCEI Use only skilled journeynan plasterers r.rho are completelyfamiliar with the referenced standards and the required 'fr w 091 1 .2 work. The standards shalL be those set forth by the fnt,ernational Council. for tathing and Plastering. 091 1.3 PRODUC" HANDLING: job site in their originallabels intact and legible at VALENTINO I S RESTAUR"ANT BRIDGE STREET : .-,.., i..!,.i_:.:-, -._:- 'VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 9 Do not permit scat.tering of naterial or equipnent and use Perform all creaning of tools and equipnent in areas whichwill alLow for a tot.al clean-up. 0911.4 PRODUCTS: Building Paper - A1 I building paper shall conform toFederal Specification UU-B-290, Class D, weighing not lessthan 9 pounds per 100 square feet. Stucco.Netting - Shall be 18 9a9er 1-inch rnesh,galvani zed. screeds and other metaL accessories - A1l screeds and othernetal accessories shall be 26-gage hot-dipped zincgalvanized steel , prine-coated. Cement - A11 cenent shall be portland cement comforming toASTl,l C- 150 type- 1 . time - Shalt be dry hydrated limec-206. Sand - Shall be clean and well graded conforrning to ASTMc-144. water - shall be clean potabre and freei fron deleteriousqnounts_of acid. alkali, and organic material. PLASTERING: conforming to ASTM 0912 A. Perforn all rnixingr plastering, and curing inaceordance with the referenced standard. B. scratch coat sharl be applied with sufficient materialand force to forn good keys, enbedding and fiJ.ling al.lspaces of the net,ting. Score horizontally. C. Brown Coat shall be applied no sooner than 24 hoursafter the scratch eoat. Apply the brown coat out togrglTd?1 straighten surface, float, conpact, and leavesufficiently rough to ensure adequate bond ior the finish C coat. D. Finish Coat shallafter tbe brown coat.plaster walls. be applied no sooner than 72 hoursApply a finish to match the existing -; BRIDGE STREET vArL, coLoRADo DIVISION 9 --:,:: ,- .-:-r:- ;::l-:- -t:: '-:, :: -1 ., - ' .' : -. ,::,:.=I:. - : F. CIean netal accessories after each application. 0913 CLEANING AND PROTECTION 0925 Protect all adjacent surfaces and clean of alt traces ofspilled, splattered or splashed plaster. (End of plast,er Section) GYPSUM DRYWALL: work under this section includes all drywatl andaccessories necessary to complete the project as indicated. 0927 STANDARDS: comply with all applicable reguirernents of the"American Standards Association Specifications for theapplication and Finishing of Gypsum Wallboard.n 092I MATERIALS: Specified materials are products of UnitedStates cypsum Conpany, or National Gypsun Cornpany,Bestwall, GoId Bond, or other approved eguats. A. GVPSUM WALLBOARD. Shall have eased radial or taperededges specially,.designed to overcome joint deformationr'48" wide x thickness shown on drawing. AlI board shallconply with Federal Specification SS-L-30c and ASTMc36. B. GYPSUM WhLLBOARD TYPES. 1. SHEETROCK SW FIRECODE WALLBOARD shall be used whereevery one hour fire rating is required in allareas. C. Accessories: 1. 1" x 1" corner beads. 2. No. 500 casing bead by Gold Bond or equal . 3. Nails cWB - 54. D. Finishing: 1. Joint compound powder or ready mix. 2. t{all finished snooth. 3. Perforated tape. ) - VALENTINO'S RESTAUR,ANT BRIDGE STREEIf. .-vArr4 coLoRAp DIVISIOT{ 9 Og2g FINISHING_ & TApING: Finishing and t,aping sball be in .,, ffie "American #d+Ede-is*#,!,ionspecifications for the Application and Finishlng of GypsumWallboard." The finish shall be a 1ight orange peeltexture pattern. 0931 SURFACE CONDITIONS: A.Inspect ion: 1. Prior to all work of this section, carefullyinspect. the installed work of all other traies andverify that all such work is complete to the pointwhere this installation nay properly cornmence.2. Verify that gypsum drywalJ. nay be installed inaccordanee with the original design, alI pertinentcodes and regulations, and the rnanufacturerrsreconmendations as approved by the Architect. Discrepancies: I . f n the event of discrepancy, irnmediat,ely notifythe Architect.2. Do not proceed $rith installat.ion in areas ofdiscrepancy until a1l such discrepancies have beenfully resol-ved tr ) p ilI VALENTINO I S RESTAURANT BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLoRADO DIVISION 9 ==$933;-::=::'EBEPAT.LA1I ON : 093 3 A. General.: Install all panels plunb, Ievel' and ltith all vertical joints on bearing. B. Cutting: 'l . When cutting of gypsum drywall is requirerl , cut by scoring and breaking or by sawing, working fron the face side.2. When cutting by scoringr cot through the face paper and then snap the panel back away from the cut facei then break the back paper by snapping the gypsum board in the reverse direction or by eutting the back paper. 3. Srnooth all cut ends and edges of panels as necessary to obtain a snooth joint. 4. For cut-outs in panels for pipesr fixtures, and other smal1 openings, nake holes and cut-outs by sawing or by a neehod which will not fracture the core or tear the covering and with such accuracy t.hat plates, escutcheons, or trim will cover the edges .5. The use of "score-and-knockout" method will not be permitted. Fastening: 1. Properly space all fasteners in careful accordance- with^the manufacturerrs reeomnend6tions a-nd code- requirenents, with heads driven slighty below the surface for proper cementing but without breaking the paper cover.2. Loosely butt all joints to be taped; firnly buttall joints to be left untreated,3. stagger all end joincs and the joints between panels to achieve a maximum of bridging and a minimum of continued joints. INSTALLING METAL TRTM: purport to show all the erchitecE the precise used. A. ceneral: ?he drawings do not metal trim required; verify wir"hloeations and types of trim to be B. Installation: vArL, coLoRADO DIVTSION 9 0934 TAPING AND FINISHING: 5. Apply fl ush 6. Fold reinforcing tape along its centerline andapply to all interior angles, following the sameprocedure. Second coat: 1. Lightly sand the dry compound with fine sandpaperto remove all irregularities. 2. rnstall all trim in strict accordance with themanufacturerts recommendations, paying particular attentionto make all trin installation plumb, level and true toline, with firn attachment to supporting rnembers. A. B. Environmental conditions: Control heating andventilation during finishing operations to ensureoptimum conditions for drying. First coat: l. Spread compound evenJ"y over all joints, usingsuit,able tools designed for the purpose. 2. Fill all joint recesses and metal trin. 3. Center the reinforcing tape on the joint and pressinto the fresh compound, wiping down withsufficient presaure to rernove excess compound butleaving sufficient compound under the tape forproper bondable. 4. Feather all edges and leave the surface free frombl isters and tape wrinkles. compound to all fastenei tecestes, leavingwith the adjacent surfaces. 2.Apply a second coat of eonpound to all jointslfeathering approximately three inches beyondtape edges. Apply second coatto dry.to gll fastener recessesi allow . ..VALENTINO! S, HrSreunrulr.. ., ..BRIDGE.:STREET_. ._ ._ . :: ..:_ , _ VAIL, COLORADO DIVISION 9 093 s 1. Lightly sand the dry compound with fine sandpaperto remove alI irregularities.2. Apply final skin coat, feathering outapproximately two inches beyond second coat.3. Third coaL all fastener recesses and rnetal trin,and all interior anglesi allow to dry. E. Text,uring: A snooth finish is reguired on thedrawings, and where no other finijtr is cal.led for,carefully sand the third coat to a uniformlv smoothsurface.completely free from irregularities-visible tothe unaided eye at a distance of iive feet. cLEANTNG up: Do not alrow the accumulation of scraps andmETs-;Gins from the work of this section but rnaintainthe premises in a neat and orderly condition ii-uil tir.s;in the event of spilling or splasi:ing compound onio othersurfaces, immediately rernove the spiiteO or splashedmateriaL and all trace of the resibue to the ipproval ofthe Architect. (END OF GYPSUM DRyWALI SECTION) 0955 PATNTTNG: work included under this section includes al1Fffiin'!,', sraining, and protect,iv" "o"iing".- A. work included: The type- of rnateriar. to be used. andthe number of coats to be applied are listed in iire"Finishing. sehedule" in thil- section (0969 )of thesespecifications. The coror schedule is bound in theback of this rnanuaL. B. Related work described elsewhere: 1. Prefinishing: Shop priming and factoryprefinishing are reguired on some, but not all, ofthe items described -in other sections of thesespecifieations.2. Caulking; .Basic requirements for caulking aredescribed in Section OZSO. Definitions: The term "paintr' as used herein,ineludes enamels. paintsl seaiers, fillers, erul"iorrr,and_other coatings whether uged as primer intermedialeor finish coats. I C. 095I A. Qualifications of painters: Use only qualifiedjournelznan painters for the rnixing anC application ofpaint on exposed surfaces; in the acceptlnce orrejection of installed paintingr Do allowance vrill bemade for lack of skill on the part of painters. B. Codes and standards: In addition to complying withalI pert,inent codes and regulations, comply with"Standard (Type I)" as defined by the painiing andDecorating Contractors of Anerica in their "ModernGuide to paint Specifications.n SUBMITTALS: Materials list: l. within 10 days after award of contract, and beforeany paint materials are delivered to the job siLe,submit to the Architect in accordance with theprovisions of Section 0120 of these specificationsa conplete list of all naterials proposed to be' furnished and installed under this p6rtion of the ,work. 2. this shall in no way be construed as permittingsubstitution of materiaLs for those specified or -approved for this work by the-Architect. B. Samples: If equal products are to be used, submit to theArchitect two identical sets of samples of theselected colors painted onto 8 1/2 x 11 1/2 by 1/4,'thick naterial when possible. The material forsamples shall be the same naterial as that on whichthe coating will be applied in the work. C. Manufacturerts recomrnendations: In each case where. rnaterial proposed is not the material specified orspecifically described as an accept,able alternate inthis section of these specifieations, submit for theArchiteet,t s review the eurrent, recomnended method ofapplication published by the nanufacturer of the A. proposed material ., ... ,--,,---- .....,-., rtl! ErltmtfltlVALENTINO I S RESTAURANT:= DIVISION 9 A. Delivery: Deliverin their original unopened containers with all labeLs intact and legible at time of use. Protection: '| . store only Ehe approved naterials at the job site, and store only in a suitabl.e and designated area restricted to the storage of paint naterials and related equipment.2. Use all means necessary to ensure the safe storage and use of paint materiaLs and the prompt and safe disposal of waste.3. Use all means necessary to protect paint materials before, during, and after applicatibn and toprotect the installed work and naterials of al.l other trades. Replacements: In the event of damage, inmediately make all repairs and replacenents necessary to the approval of the Architect and at no additional cost to the Owner. EXTRA STOCK: Upon completion of this portion of the work, AEITveE-To-the Owner an extra stock of paint egualing approximately 10t of each color used in each coating naEerial used, with all such extra st,ock tightly sealed in- clearly labelet containers. - PRODUCTS: Manufacturer: 1. Haterials nanufactured by Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., Benjamin Floore, Sherwin-WiIliams, OJ.ympic, Devoe Raynolds Co. Materials listed herein are seLected from Martin - Senour except as notedotherwise. Use of materials other than those specified will be permitted only upon approval of a subnitted list of eguivalent materials nanufactured by one of other nanes above. l{issing colors shall be selected by the Archit,ectr if not called out on drawings.all paint materials selected for coating systensfor each type of surfaee shall be the product of single manufacturer. B. 0 950 0961 aZ. A. a. DIVISION 9 :::-f€ll:ttr'fi ateria I s :- lli st€il,*rg:ie'in;:-:sn1g gt-rothqrstg designated in the "Painting ScheduLern are theproduct of no particular manufacturer and reguirefurther approval as to nanufacturer or cataloqnurnber, except for Martin - Senour. B. Compatabili.r,y: l. AlI paint materials and eguipment shaLl becompatible in use: finish coats shall becompatible with prime coats; prime coats shall beconpatible rrrith the surface to be coated; alltooLs and eguipment shall be conpatible with thethe surface to be coated; all tools and eguipnentshall be cornpatible with the coating to be " applied. 2. Thinners, when used, shall be only those thinners recomnended for that purpose by the manufacturerof the naterial to be thi.nned. 0962.I SURFACE CONDITIONS: 0962.2 A. Inspection: l. Prior to all work of this section, carefullyinspect the installed work of atl other trades andverify that all such work is compJ.ete to the pointwhere this installation may properly commence.- 2. Ve'rify th?t, painE finishes may be applied instrict accordance with all pertinent codes andregulations and the requirements of thespecif ications. B. Discrepanciesl 1. fn the event of discrepancy, immediately notifythe Architect.2. Do not proceed with installation in areas ofdiscrepancy until all such discrepancies have beenfu1ly resolved. PREPARATION OF SURF'ACES, GENERAL: A. Protection: Prior to alL surface preparation andpainting operations, completely mask, remove, orotherwise adeguately protect all hardware,accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lightingfixtures, and similar items in contact with paintedsurfaces but not, scheduled to receive paint. c* coating systen. C. Cleaning: 1. Before applying paint or other surface treatment,thoroughly clean all surfaces involved.2. Schedule all cleaning and painting so that dustand other contaminants from the cLeaning processwill not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. PREPARATTON OF WOOD SURFACES: Cleaning: Clean al.l wood surfaces until they are freefron dirt, oil, and all other foreign substance. Snoothing: 1. Unless specifically noted to be left rouqh, smoothall finished wood surfaces exposed to view, usingthe proper sandpaper2. Where so required, use varying degrees of coarsene'ss in sandpaper to produce unifornly smooth and unnarred wood surfaces Knot.s i 1. On smalL, dry, seasoned knots, thoroughly scrapeand clean the surface and apply one coat of goodquality knot-sealer beEore apijlication of th€priming coat.2. On large, open, unseasoned knots, scrape off al1pitch and thoroughly clean the area, followed oyan application of one coat of good qualityknot,-sealer.3. Remove and treat all pitch surfaces as reguiredfor large knots. 096 3 A. El 0964 PREPARATION OT METAL SURFACES: A. Galvanized metal: 1. Clean all surfaces thoroughly with solvent untilt,hey are conptetely free fron dirt, oil, andgrease.2. Thoroughly treat the cleaned surface withphosphoric aeid etch. Remove a1l excess etching solution and allow todry completely before application of paint. 3. yl.gryI-Igf s, -lpsr-Ao&s!!r,- -- .*..--. :.-.. BRIDGE STREET vArL, CoLORADO DIVISION 9 , ,. :": -9. -. ggli.ei, metaf s; 096 5 1. Thoroughly clean aII surfac"" unat, they arecompletely free frorn dirt, oil, and grease.2. Allow to dry thoroughly before applieation ofpaint. PAINT APPLTCATION: A. Generall 1. Paint all surfaces except glass, masonry,and sinilar items not pre-finished ancl not calledout, as unfinished.2. Paint all grilles and other pre-finished itenswhere the factory pre-finish is not in accordancewith the Painting Schedule and coLor selection,paint to match background. B. Drying: 'l . Allow sufficient drying tine bet,ween coats.2. Modify the period as recomnended by the materialmanufacturer to suit adverse weather conditions.3. Oil-base and oleo-resinous solvent-type paintsshall be considered dry for recoaling when thepaint feels firm, does not deforrn or feel stickyunder moderate pressure of the thumb, and the - applicatiqn of arlother coat of p_aint does notcause lifting or loss of adhesion of theundercoat. C. Environmental conditions:1. Comply with the rnanufacturerrs reconmendations asto environnental conditions under which the , coating system may be applied.2. Do not apply paint in areas where dust. is beinqgenerated. Defectsr Sand and dust between coats to renove alldefects visible to ehe unaided eye fron a distance offive feet. D. ' I t- Ir iI ii I |' C VALENfINO?S RESfAUR,ANT BRIDGS" gfRE€Tt.. --_ vArL, coLoRADO DIVISION 9 General: l. During progress of the work, do not a1low theaccumulation of empt,y containers or other excessitens except in areas specificalLy set aside forthat purpose.2. Prevent accidental spilling of paint materialsand, in event of such spil1, inmediately removeall spilled material and the waste or other eguipnent. used to clean up the spill, and wash thesurfaces to their original undarnaged condition,all at no additional cost to the Owner. Prior to finaL inspection: Upon completion of thisportion of the work, visually inspect aLl surfaces andrenove all paint and Eraces of paint fron surfaces notscheduled to be painted. A. u. i ;'i;!I} DIVISION 9 covering. 0969.2 FINALLY: A. TOUCH-UP. At the completion of other branches ofwork, touch up a1I painted and finished work where damaged or defaced, and Leave the entire work freeblemishes. Clean glass both sides. the f rorn B.EXTRA PAINT.to Owner: At the completion of the r4rork, turn over 0 980 099 0 1. SCHEDULE - A typewritten tist (copy Lo Architect)with the sane numbers as on cans, followed by thecolor, the type of finish, the brand nane, thecolor nunber if it is standard (or what colors lreremixed to obtain the color). (8ND OF PAINT SECTION) ACOUSTICAT: The work under this Section sha1l include alLnew acoustical work reguired by the General Constructiondrawings and/or specified hereinA. WORK SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS. 9250 - Gypsum Eoard B. SAMPLES. Furnish samples of acoustical spraysTor the-review-of the trrchiteEt. The intent: is roobtain a srrrface coverage as deep as possible with outdevelopnent of surface naves. C. Qualit,y Assurance: Only experienced applicators shallbe used for the Work. (END OF ACOUSTTCAL SECTION) CARPET: The work under this Section shall include allcarpet in rooms as shown on the General Constructj.ondrawiqgs and/or specified herein, including all fasteningsand edges. See finish schedule. e DIVISION 9 099 I .2 INSTALLATION: :.: -j - -' :. .- . =.. : A. INSTALLER. Shall be persons skilled in the craft, oflayinq carpet. B. SEAMS. Least number possible, sebrn per rnanufacturerrswritten instructions to achieve a pernanently one pieceunit. C. EDGES. Finish all exposed edges with RobertsSmoothedge Nap-Lok Mebal Binder Bar or brass equaL.Drive top down to clairn edge of carpet permanently inp1ace. . D. COMPLETION. 1. ALL USEABLE SALVAGE CARPET sha1l be Turned over ToOwner, ; 0994 CARPET CUSHTON: A. PRODUCT: OMALON Ir Spec. 3 by O1in. l. Nominal density of 5.0 lbs,/cu.ft..2. Nominal Thickness .265" (End of Carpet Section) (END OP DTVISTON 9) VALENTINO I S RESTAURANT written herein. 1001 WQRK INCLUDED: Work under this Division includesffia;Fiffing-evices and fire exringuistrers. Any orhersneoessary to complete the project as indicated on thedrawings and written herein. 1OO3 DIVISION IO SECTIONS: 000 - 1003 005 - 1025 025 - 1035 GeneraLIdentifying DevicesFire Extinguishers 1008 PRODUCT HANDTING: 1Q26 A. Protection: Use all means necessary to protectidentification devices before, during, and afterinstallation and to protect the instilleO work andmaterials of all other trades. B. Replacernents: f n the event of darnage, imrnediatelymake all repairs and replacements necessary to theapproval of the Architect and at no additional" cost tothe Owner- IIRE EXTINGUTSHERS: Remount existi,.rg f ire extinguishersin newT?aEf6iE--aE indieared on plai. (END OF DMSTON 10) DIVISION 1O DATE NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PM CALLER TUES .THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDAT tr FRAMING ION / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr 'trFINAL ,' - ' r'r ' ''tr'FtNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*r#rtoN OWN OF REQUEST VAIL . ),. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUF JOB NAME MON FRI AM PM. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER -tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB o tr tr FINAL MECHANICAL: \ tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR .-- tr/ ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr tr tr APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPFOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME i , TOWN OF i ,--J-* \ L^-/-,-, I cr^ ,., -rDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES fE6) rnun FRI AM PM f-lrltCALLER lS r t.t , -t-- t- ;r I - J .r r BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEr-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n HOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE TOWN OF VAIL 47d ' 7'rr{DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES FRI ,r{,U-flA- eu PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr,INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB .9_SHEETROCK NAtL Vt'*ot ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS s tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr q"FIIAL FINAL ZAppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED ,' ./,-TXEINSPECTION REQUI RED CORRECTIONS:drL* /2 -if-F g oarc /2 -?-f,v rNspEcroR JOB NAME MON # t3?f CALLER TUES t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BU PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDo tr tr D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL gAPPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR o PE JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'r{DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:-,ZHRMoN \19 LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB - ROOF & SHEERu Flvwoo-o r.rnrr_lruc tr GAS PTPTNG tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL N En El,rlI.lrln|lr: PLUMltlNg: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB F|r).ltr N CHtrtrEItr ijlywdo['fiiill^rc tr GAS prprNc tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL N En-ta, _r\_A ,nfl FINAL 94', tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HooDS FNAL g2^ tr FINAL tr coNDUtr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,(orsneenoveo XnerruseecroN REeutRED INSPECTOR ,"#"toN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI ,,i " READY FOR LOCATION: AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING i tr BOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t'\ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL/'? tl. -/;-DArE /p", JoB NAME -- A'1 tJ I tL(,( ': cALLER (:€t"t'V ,---1"\ | y'- -..r, TNSPECTTON: "-v*Olt' TUES WED THUR FRt { .r5}a_i RVREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL -/-\;rr !,ry I cLta ! I . tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING * tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I tr tr tr lML+O FINAL Vo'xkpRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEST VAiL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER C FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB - tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:3 Itr HEATING $'noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS * tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS,/ STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL +.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR IN t1..1- r CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oor, ,. i, ,,.: JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: -6Carrdiv:r CALLER TUES -l tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E noucu / D.w.v. ,-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooo NAILING - tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR oz F =t uJL rcst rr,(\, U'ul l^rJu-F =t UJc 'lryfr,FflW I I I ^{l $ t IN NwoJ* N; VJ,A itlrll". tll-rp I lq i=lllrlli ;|;:ll'I I frr islg! tE | 3r tFl 3i i€1il I il I il_ E:g= 15oti 6.Y, tuj iHEsE I= tE HE* l; E$EigIE rf) o o (f, cr) (o cf, o o oo O o ii o 1r) Ol C\Ict tr E UJ.L (.'z o () !<oluIoz J () o UJ uJ z6 =J o- 9z o UJ = LTJ u,lILz tr IJJtv UJE o 3g u.l z 6 UJo F6 o-ulo o- z u,J X F ut U'l U' uJ l,.ull. 3d uJo- J FoF E'3I etc 9 o E.i :i€,9'' l) tt z o = J 9 IJJ)tt z to J o z. ?o LIJ = <t) #>, FE. t!u,z36 .E;iE6t a^\ ulIF ozNOTMlVAiigsl fiEEgg} t*eiilr; o A tr sgE=5 ) E!A;E S iEiEfll 3 Jc ! # u o c(J .TJ =o (6 U1 ol -cl."l it gl .o cl *Ll \$t r I>/l ; =iZ tr,oo6z5O cc) UJo J cutztrl \\= v- f r.u-q z ho- FHao66()z l!<oo- F8FO .ini ,l rl ct1 ilo ,tr- ll1 tsl'l'-ltr- |rl'F I 'l3ll€ll(,ltEltcllqrltoJ o =o =c,u(t G'! +, (U (u g (6 z F Ft! o- oE UJL tr) rit- o- E z Eoo ||lltrtlth2o'iZz=vo=4 3 "F : :EP gEH:9<(ool||||lrtrrl ,^6tt-.ni i rHz u=dl=E iEHT6 H5OO(Jrz z tr J u,z lU3J ?E (o UJI an >< ;i ul uJ o = E zx io <! a IF Euj F 3luz lrlo- F .c' +)+) agco Hgbitg l. (D - \,1 Orl{)(> uJ E U) dlo-z F(L ulY l! F =(I UJTI tJ.oGl >coo-loqoT Ito I uJFFIoEzo z rr Y Z*.(Eo =z dP d*a.t . i = =Eidd= x lll 0- TLo E:E< €8a9=,Lis.= cc3tE f r-E f;=(, dtrE =*E 65lP iurE Xr!t x>I q* (D-irrE uJ d!ot- -t ts =E, lrJ o-zoFof,EFazoo )xnl o aJ', .l-t s- U7 IF -- (U vloL(c'(.) i'i =z '-) I IIt l" I )U\L!l EI {Ig; tltltlIIrll"|l td| [!llsltotctI< Fl 3= =.1olullEl JI al>l lLlol zl 3lolFI c' .rJ (J t-.+J { o C-) ; =tr I I I I I dl =.1 ull :l al>l|rlol zl 3lolFI |ltltltltlI cill=ltolI UJIl:ltall>lI ttlloltzla:lr! Fl I I I Iol =.1(tl ull 5l <l>l bl 5l cOI utFI F F UJFr <F tlJ <zlvulF(rzo C) J aF UJ -J uJ >Y =#=F!zrroo t E.Fz z 7 uJ g i-(JzXEil N OF cTro TOWN I :.J I REQUEST-VAIL . iN r i r ; i lt I i.:,,'l ,' '- ' tr''vYrr \"'r vttr L OATE ,t,//h/1L JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL _ tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 'i, DATE JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL GY r i e.t. CALLER TUES t\; '21 i.4"' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED rHUR int.AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGHJ D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr tr (r,*o,-tr FINAL y'Rppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOB LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr otr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING g ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr nl tr FINAL O FINAL . .Q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR ,ffi"roN TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PMAMMowWED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr_ tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL , ''it.nppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER MON TUES t: WED THUR PMAMFRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBINGT T] FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER . - ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPING - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB _ tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr -- tr tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ETECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUppLy AtR _ tr tr_ tr FINAL - tr FINAL - tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME crl OW ONNOF REQUEST.VAIL In'( DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:qn9) weo n ROOF & SHEER". PLYWOOD NAILING B GAS PIPING tr POOL/H.TUB tr HEATING . tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION HEQUIRED COFRECTIONS: INSPECTOR - Itrl '- l7sDArE 4/ I Y rL JoB NAME INSPECTION: '. -? I ,'1,:"j READY FOR LOCATION: FRI CTION REQUES OF VAIL MON CALLER TUES (@ THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND FOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FFAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB (sHeernocx NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FFfl-tr FINAL |J6?RovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: o c) 0) c) E(g .9 ag c 3oF q) E c '6 (I)'U (I) 15 o c - r.rt .:o c RT o)c.E ;;i oo - iL)c(JPC,: ad:tco-;PY-o CIU!F'S= ON 3F*: >.Etuzto LU :icF oz *ltu c,') r o{ F &lu ; c .G o c (6 €) o C) * =f, c0 E o =cl 'lf 0) o o- B .5 q) >rot- 0)- c') rJ (.) (( a :f a ,tJ, l: : :Jl-l (g tri tlt o c OJ !c lg c (tj E .; -c .c _= 3 a E .lJ o) rlj O .! {) l: = (IJ E C) CJ <tt cfl € l (.) (rJ (6 ?J() a E () oq).: fcro q |- C' E .E (l) E f .s f "tf a) c.; (J .(.) (E ,att -!: (t c) o) (! -c $s dJ c) c GI a o! a L!F o 6Jl oa oz aroF E 2 ; <5 ; lL! JO I I I I I I 1..., IO ur kt ,\zI6 r5 raa aut |'rltLt =ul : t!o- o!- CD =6 l !l 7 I E antut!.F \ UJ& F F (J r Qz c- (J F Llt ; tr u.l .E Q oe co ts; E <h o F o UJo o- ? Ltt- (J 7. o =lgj z;: l 2.2 zYxYJA,Eo-d-fP9>;EEgE:OO>(J(J!rOz<rDof ??,e5 < iU: P =d:JOE FE uJ4s(JBo'6-oLlOOtT- z -P e, llJ G UJzul : $cr>_ =;:9 zz tr-69\;;oo @C) =><)z lu ?o- )? I El F z. ;k) =az (L t\: z. F oo I 9 F z F L tr =i,z *<XBoY.O UJ ro .-l r--l .- .:f ,.iz F LU llj o ulra ": z F u.J t!In t- r- uJ TL (L I tllF {: J -"1 't !=a"Q '1 -l iri m 1!i .jiI >.q_]i i tr UJ(L or-. tu!:oyz*< oa U'*o-YFvcr cIlr -ul-E h> -cul: >(!; F6 .': :>,l;F qr- --l.Jtr ul ID h ;;) lrl ?' i=(J t**')Y $(J z '-.<cnr)2Z JOeLI tlfrt-l Irtltlil IUJ I,l$ t-l 5 trltnl t -+lt(4 l--1-l Ils5JJU. Dq -3U -t3(m Lt.,0: EoLd L,J (nt \ra-.{ t N-tx .-= -& !"-(J ffii ri .1(] < T. t: I + ctJ4 CY (,.? -g c z ol! €C ( c ? |- IY h IJ {-t- LuF rlT1a g u d o: ti L! CE) C)F No ht) I r- & l! inF ff 'd av 0f\ , C. t! oz llr(! ! o tx (_r i- N \0 U,/ t f- c\(r :i !NI a Lr: |I lr-o 7 t..oi. ul lii F CL o dt! : a o i ") LUF a :- )o t- ul L; :L() r.(..d fi -.J C)d;--r]r(Ju!'.{z fr: ();:() (_) OF ;l i.1- ,.. , :J Ll- /'1 a) <;:, |- <{ 'r-a- u-a\ t- .:O" () C:l) uJ :l ;r" () _-t <J !!1L! rlJ.-r |f FJ Y{OrlOO uJFoooIzo F o_ulv IJJ c0 oF F arlrj o- Ito ! (\lir c9O .-'oii rlt<- Hr!bkzo z (J9zz(Do =z .-,P dfi =E=;;E L cr IJJ a! :!{E>E<ttf€ae9vEie'= tcLo- E ;tE h=9 dtrE =PE d5E io-'E sTcL ..toi!E uJd' ET-c= ts =E, lrJo.zoF(Jf E.Fazoo ntrn oz F =G llJo- I I l_ l6 I I ful <FZn 9.2@< ll-Julo =T (r F zo \ ll $l . I I =-i!ll=Yel I:<tElnl3*lz z u-.=lo o o;^lp; =Ef2 ? 5.31Bi 5HiH E] =(Jo I I I I =zf z J IJJ; -r, n UJ< E??=d:3 f E ::(,'!+OuloOotz z zE =FE* F qtue .P aJ', (j E ! r{ Orc{ (,z =tJ- J .D ! (U so +, oo ! ao di =z dlo-) a.4tucl <lJ = uJ E 4 I F =l GI a4 UJ docJ = o ts E tr ol =.1olUI 2l3lolFI oz (, ultr J ?t!oz 3lolt- .{J {J CJ s- E E =ttr ciz. oru : ? LLq zl 3l 9lFI o (, ut T] <l>l *l zl 3lolFI (r t! o u.l 5l <i>l HI ;l =l9l ulJlrlF E.tuz =o F() lrJF T. G --.r O<FE()r.! <zt trzo JE<o(JF i<trg--2 - ruOl(J az =,J v ? z) *o:IF2Qe<i a1- -Fi,z =g o2 <oo9.u.l ^-U i E xnn $ rl {1l oz b =Ir TIJo- rl-!rlltl- I l<:i ,r16 l.'! ig Ia !H 15 lol tlrl lr IiI Ir:5r, 15 16 lsf=-tZ 6*6.9 B FE:E eEcEfi € ;EgF ig*;i iStg; EEFI e sE:FE 9; t"e *o=-o"(g)!o-1' .g: a PEfEig; :EE;g(g o'- ! -g:io(,,E E,tIr€6 i;o: .EEa;e IiE; F isH'ei J uJz uJ(J t7-tni # 5 3 **EF5 ;ngg tkll'i =$tq t\l(5tz.F- Ju- \ a $lA\\] I luilEI<lzl(Itlol"') | U1 l I ILld I I Ioavrjul FI EJ><trEO tl|lllrItl|,Alutt(llIEtg EI dEEl .E() I I I I I AI zl (9l rul TI al>l rr.lol zl3l rot iFl l J ri tl il .lrt 1{8tsl 5lqfl J;l ' tl Fl Ivl I\l elel dlsl ul ul 3lI u.ltq dfll I I I I I Iolzl HIIrl <l>l tr.tolzl ,. Ft i 5g I I I I I .l zl ol uJt 1i al>l u-lol 3t :Ol l!FIF t duz =o F r.lJb?oc &. -J O<(FCOuJ<zEIIJ FOZo() <oOF;()t< '\ (r Y!- "1 2tro >Y =#3F'.6 <;9tr 33H=>8 Cir =*& =F\JZ O C) A<->onuJ q,r ltF o uJ ts @ @oazo F.L IIJ :< ul co oF F c uJ o. t!o o-oo I lrjFoz z oSze cDO =z dP EEiA;E E UJLtto!i uJE() E< 60te,3P "E '= aE:o-E i- E FEE :*z uBP \r.uE i*t!-pF !;.ut c0oF ts =E,t! o-zo l-(J3EF CNzoo DND ntrt] BURNETT PLUMBING . HEATING . ELECTRICAL BOX S - MINTURN, COLORADO 81645 . PHONE: 827-5562 i\ rl.--\Je m '-I( t/")P". PI" L,z s+o-f -f? . ',\.\/ <- +ft1 ( | .-- I ll-<, \ cl cI ^l' 'n\- <;--) q \ B"'Jz 6,.1- h""{-'1 J=r nsl 1=fc"arE/--+,. - ( pV.ut a'-'5 I 3 a r'( tJ I rc -{* -.n . l{ a .,'u '1 O <u'' q€ '' S T\ .-, A\- C> 166 1z'a loct C+n \J tr- [-\- now-15 -e, f t'e '- rc {* m 4o 3 += 4'3Pr- \c'^ 1 (-v r-\ 1- -tt r \jo 't' F1 ' ' -Q"- 8.- (----Y' JO N"rf\ oz ts =E EJo. oO(f) oO LO(\t t!)tu uJ LL = UJ =U,,?{l&'1F.,I I KR I J .\ .ltilJ\ -\c| s\aE l., IE I I I I, IEE laz r= lz.z f. q c C s,c c I (t {- F niul 1-o2 o =oJ dl € o =zo o o o.c I.oo .oao. rs .9oo lf (hoEoo o .A :=oo o, oI' oo o)o (g ; tsao o .2oo.=5oo .D(g 1l{, o o) o ct E o c u.lz3o ulI oz oo *O cL ol -..5ap cO 3H9o BE.:=oE E.e -c.C'Fo >'= o-OEooeo! oqicto-o(,'h,3 ='(6 (g (! c, (E a, 6 -go. o o. c, (! oo6 doo -e Eo = .; o E(l) Fo = (s o lt(5 E o (gE o oo) o E J (\t o, ct oLr) Ot() oo (f' CfJ (o cf) o o I c c oq c)o F{ Orc\l F = IJJ z oJ Yo LU () z J L o E o uJ E oz J oz I LUE ututll-z tr uJE C)L!E oE o(D =ul tu z 6u,o F l|.l l z UJ (J x F uJal v, IJJlr* K =tul.L J FoF z l(D J 9 F uJ J UJ z (o = E oz () uJ = NOrlvn"lVA Gll c +oc ol c {.,J =o u f- \\= )rc >.---r =6 zo trcoo =>6iLL< i-ot(JFO.i(\i 1=)t o.t1J ll.r- rl =:l orl () rl .6'la rl (u ilLrl ^;ll{J il3 itF 'l c, rlIE ,l ro I{s, l.Flo 'l = t1 z tr q> E llJ ro<f l! z E o x z E UJ =luz tttltttl) rll = "zZYYE = $Aef e =sE g8ee I<Co(Jfrltrlttttlrtrrl .^6l- i; t',.uJ5 < E99 ezdj{E iEg"*t Hbo(,(Jrz z tr 5U'z ul J ?G (o IuT x C) LU tr o o = tr J gJzY9 N C\I I6 UJ +t {J d +, +J(t' i*bir P uJ ro "..JOr{(fc IJJ Fa'dlo-zo F{L IJJY uto oF F trl! o- ILo (L o I UJFoz C\J I r-l Iro LlJF o z ,n=z2 >z O- Lr E =E,lrl o-z9F() :) E,Fazo CJ FI#E E(trtr E uJ ltoFl!E2E<of6U'69B9T'; 'EE lr-, EFo14r,#E=PX c|Fcl tqo-tt; UJ ao F -E (5 =tr ! a5 60 !(uo-dLo(J ro o o(] ui z -') ?lol uJl :l <l>l +J(n o v1 = = E =.1ollrll rEl Jl sl tLIol zl EI 9lr-l utl JI <l>l ttlol zl 3loFI i I I I ^l FI -Jl<l>l l,t-lol flr E -.r O<F(ts(J I.JJ <zE (1 Zo() )U<o(JF E?bF22r!O 2P =#f,Fd6o z - LU rrh -tr \JZ ,"#t, DATE _) ,, -t "; JOB NAME MONREADY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATIO{rl: ON REQUESTN OF VAIL ., CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEFGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB X tr tr SHEETROCK FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr F)lttL tr FINAL {t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: l/" DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: THUF FRITUES ED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr tr tr FINAL OVED CORBECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR.. DATE IN TOWN VAIL JOB NAME READV FOR I LOCATION: ""-G-INSPECTION: ( MO\\----l CALLER TUES WED s BUILDING: tr FOoiiNGs / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] BOUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr 1P.9.^F,:SJSFn...^ _tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr I] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING flrorn"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rNsR*roN neouisn DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF- VAIL (JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MoN @ *ro THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ( r*or,*u -'ROOF & SSHEER GAS PIPINGD Fii-vi,obi friilrruc tr tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB OCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr F|}}AL1/ - B FINAL */^4 tr DISAPPFOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE a Lll uJ LL-x |IJ J UJa ,2i c LL F Fz 0c tuz 3 \., tr Lr. LIJ v= urx{rv:r ul <|-Z r'r9Z(n< d (J 0) -c (l) _o(d = $ 3 F og {t. cttE6 G "8: (! o) o, fi =f,m E =l; Cl; '5 c '? oiq) I)o(J c .9 tl -o:a c !t .gc N -(tc Q l-- -c c E ts o) - .9? c =: o E (!, (,) 5 N d) {u c itt 0) c ad .q! o i F. (\t l:{ -= E <.) o i(q cI :oc(g c.; (g E .g q)c -c.1: o -c q)o CJ TJ f,i: pii o- F.; '-ao$ =e '- o- o.oa6 FO O"(co#.r{ cJ'- -c E !r)."(E g)! {)(6 -aqJC c) 4-) :, !o c):l 50O({ ()-' >*l3)c)o);i cJ t: -c) t.' u o- o =lf m 6 =f o- ul LLz f- G ult > (r z 6 UJo z6 o- o o- ? l.t.l LLJtu :1 =E. LLJn F F (J O -lco z co :< 3 z trG oa !uo LUz Ll-t N\ z I o : I Lll \ lo n:. o o- oi $ B : z tr(J:)E z (J o- f-j F F ;, o-:f d: z2Y:<3Eu.^50:.t * tu R-t.'.EfiO(]>(Juroz -?r- 0; !)Zr,Xa<trYO(-)z(E=o-j<=i''*s::9,!t+C)triooc'orz Fzl tr oo (l O z tr :)az c]-ullx atoo ti-l (J :rF (J F F ; z Xlo -.]FY L! LO ..-{ r{ cl .;z F = uJ ts lb F:-' I o-e lifV I j tJJ L- n &- tr F* 4n"t] (J ,.(--\,/ \r:-.4 I '- / ltt. .\ i / t*\. .// tLr_ \_J_-., .*.i: ljJF @cto z t-- o_[!Y u.l m F tr ul(L tL o I ulF z Irtl,lll\-/ | |.t I +r0l Yl lJl1lil m, -Jlvl l--1 'l-*l -rsf- -i __t |! v "Fr# a$ l"l e i7 'T 5 d 0o ,st-ti utl Cl :j > _.{ rl tJ Fi =3 o- I a +(ll I .8 ,ht rI tr uJ IY o <{LO +Ja?()O @+ ca u- ul : i ?. l? F fY a I ! $2L r$ rj o o UJIt .J o (.) t- N ..S trD0 I l-(\l& i!F lr {qJ ?,- CItr oa |r' a)z oIti ct o al CI- NJ\0 CItn I|-i{w t! iJ-F g IUtr Q c F. t_l-:Jul i- ca o ot! cc J a u- z ul Lr.i t-Ct! z mo Lr"t so O Lll L- :L:(J k LY < l--(t (J UJ'd tu r-"gl rt}:<o(JF ;t) uJ:'. tx(J (r(Jo ,a ,- -: {:ra_J t.- (J <;f r:' :::: f_' "r.l '{. ?L. CJ !;rrr :-{)z '-J- B:() u] ;!_!- , ). \r7 () I i-t; '{ (-) L-;-v --.ti( r-' '-') -'-l lu m ui :l tr E.luIL ort!':. zl:< oq, an TO-{, ir r-- o_:> :; lrj -f-- !:: >Ot4ftrr iiiix la-i.: p6 :.1 = iu ul z .^ Y ZEcoO >_z Ltt_tLr fift I -! u' { rl i- jr- '1 ,t ;r;, ir,"'-_,-,",,_ -,: t, e____ ! {''' - -- *!til:- a"ft-['' li- | - i ll+l'--r;. r] I tl ,,rl " 7rri I i."- . '.'--..:..--:=, -L-*- , L," rr L,j,, -_--.,', l\9 t | ?tt',.i, | /,tr-_ ,<--_l_-.2.__\, -.r _-4, i: ;*-r'--)i '\ '-.--/- I J ^,Mt:,'):,,[\/* liI '..,._{, ". ,'l:iAl"?;t'\1,. t '*.... ^_.,_ f---_ j:..,-l vu)\"Plle,- i '-J,.,*\ Vt-rrl irPli' -{ I \\r I i. . I ' .lr) - l ttT\J r h.-/ '- -.i l' 1 r.l . \r l FF ^ , r r ri'i , A ! i / r'- r.-' "..- I !,' i-,. r !t .. I \./ ,.,'r\ l', /'\X){ a - .-i.,./t j.r.lt rr oit'ti ' I, lr ji ; ' , I lfr /':+ : \---: t'- r.--tN* \- !' i', /'J if.l S tnl ,,llVJ L II f-'-ioo { *. 'r -.,,, i i\l*\ - .,r\ rr\ -r. , ..:! / -..- l zr'- I '---t I I '-| -\J' I I I ,I I i ! i"' I !-iM{ i:l_tJ I r ll-rL,i /V \ \ | .t., ta, .l\t t\t c f/:tt AX b-irrt ir lrlttl i ), Ar()'','lt'.J-'--1 | O '/ r V€: r'l . | " _*\b r' -/14-p-T-e- l_. C+,lf ,.,. S, )*ro\ * t'' $ iI< \.G. t b o,. t- {t{ l-.(4\ V1 t-- V) x l{J \, *g ,.u * lt'. \ $ .b J: tq Pqil\rQq-\ \h*\ef So\N ! trd \\ .) O h.!f' \q q. {\ R\$A \\ F 4 !r.:.rv> R - 1.(!i' \,.o-:'\ $url \t\$Qo.|\ ,'-] k.. t--\v "r :_\ri.j\ -l\ -t<-" o Sr j\v);\ -{; \l { \, ,l AGI$nr.lnlrT rilrs AGrlFi[MENr, made t]ris /&day of /fu&t+ L978, by and betr'reen the Town of Vail , a CoLorado municipal corporation (hercinafter referrecl to as !'Town"), and,plaza Lodgr', f ne. r r--jl--xas corporation (hereinaf ter referrecl to as "Plazat') . WITNESSETI1: WHEREAS, Vail Associates presently oi,r'ns a parcel of property commonly known as the Condbla t Site which is specifically described in Exhibit. ',A" altached hereto i IVHEREAS, Vail Associates wishes to sell said parcel of property, and the Town wishes to buy the same; WHEREAS, PLaza has agreed to pay to the .Iown of Vail $100,000.00 to be used by the Town for the acquisition and improvement o.f the Gondola I Site as a public park; I{IIEREAS, the parties wish to specify their agreements coneerning the sale and purchase of the Gondola I Site, NOI,V, THEREFORE, the parlies for and in consideration of the premises.l covenants and agreements herein contained agree as follows: (I) CoNSIDERATToI{ To BE PAID BY PLAZA: PLaza agrees to pay to the Town of Vail for the acquisition and improvement of the premises described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, the sum of $100,000.00. Said pavment shall be made in five (5) yearly payments commencing in 1979. The first payment shall be made upon the execu{:ion of this AgreemenL and thereafter each yearly payment sha1l be made on the anni- versary date of this Agreement. (2) ACCIiss To TI]E PRIII'ITSES: (a) The Town recognizes that the access to the prenises is restri.cLed and can be rnade either from lfall ,eLreet or the access described on Exhibit_ uBI atttrclied hereto. .l .,., jj.;l'I' on tr;<hibit p::ovi sions Exhibit "D" Pagc 2 (b) The Town actrecrsi that. the acccss dcscribecl "B" shall be rest.riclccl in accordancc vriLh the of thosc deecls of easerncnt attached hereto as and ttE". (c) The Tovrn agrees that the easement across Lot K, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing and Lot 2, Block 5-C, Vail Village First Filing, from Seibert Circle to the premises sha1l be for the principal use of pedestrians and that vehicular traffic sha11 be restricted to Police, Fire, and emergency vehicles; service and maiptenance vehicles for the Gondola I site; limited vehicular access to the west side of the Plaza Lodge for the loading and unloading of the mer- chandise of Plazars west side tenants; a hoi.ding station for one Plaza Lodge vehicfe on gueit arrival and departure dates; and maintenance or service vehicles; alL other general public vehicular access shaLl be prohibited,. (3) USR OF PREMISES: (a) Use of the premises described on Exhibit "A" by the Town shall be strictly limited'to recreation, cultural and park purposes. The To\rrn agrees that. no building or structures shall be constructed on the premises other than lhose incidental to the use of the premises for park, recreational or cultural purposes. The parties hereto recognize the existence of an exist- ing use of a portion of the property by a popcorn wagon which is in accordance with a lease therefor. If the Town intends to con- struct any building or structure on the subject property, it sha1l so inform Plaza in writing. Tf Plaza is of the opinion that. said proposed structure is contrary to the stated restrict- ions of this paragraph, it shal-l so inform the Town, and the Torvn agrees that the proposed builclirrg ol structure shall not be constructed until Plaza approves thereof. Plaza agrees that its approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Furthe::, bhe par:ties agrcc Lhat. if the Town has rcceivcd no response frorn Plaza within thir:1.:y (:01 days of the date of mai1ing the within rccluired llot-ice, 6 Trrililiii!1lll'J'1' (s)ASSIGNABII,TTY: The Tovrn or PLaza i-ve rights under this Agreement Town and Vail Associates dated rnaY nol .assign or the Agreement Ptrgc 4 their respect- bctween thc without the prior written consent of the other party. (6) DEFAULT AND TERMTNATIO}I: (a) In relationship to the Agreement between the Torvn of Vail and Vail Associates, the remedies upon default prior to or at closing as provided therein, shall be set forth below. The paragraph references herein are to the Agreement between the Town and Vail Associa.tes. In the event of the Townrs default prior to or at closing, Vail Associates shall be entitled to terminate that Agreement and retain all amounts paid to Vail Assocj-ates pursuant to paragraph (2) (a) as liquidated damages, as its sole remedy, provided, however, that plaza shall have the right to purchase the property under the same terms and conditions as granted to the Town upon the default by the Town. In the event the Town defaults under the terms of the Agreement between it and VaiI Associates, and Plaza's right to purchase is to be exercised, the clos-ing shall be delayed for twenty (20) days, and written notification by Plaza to Vail Associates of its intention to pur- chase the property. Said notice by plaza shall be given on or before the date of closing. In the event of Vail Associates' 'default prior to or at closing, t.he Town may at its option (i) terminate that Agreement and have a return of all amountd paid to Vail Associates pursuant to paragraph (2) (a) without interest, provided, all contributions previously made by plaza shall be returned to it without interest, or (ii) obtain specific perfor- nance of this conlract. Upon termination of this contract, aJ-I parties shall be released from aIl further obl"igations except as set forth in this paragraph. (b) In the event thc Town fails to make any pay- ment on the note and Deed of Trust, provi<1ecl in subparagraph (2) (c) of the Agrccnrcnt bctwecn thc Tolvn and Vail Associates, plAz.l shal. I havc the option to exercisc tht: rights given to the Tovlr f , r\J l\l r , rl l l, r l l l,agc (, rcrrt-.rl incomc from its lrrcmj,scs rahich lie to tlre east of the prcrni.rcs to be convcyed by Vai_1 ,r,ssociates to the Torn; and that this solution is the rcsult of an accord and oatisfaction of a dispute between vail Associates and plaza.over the redev- eloprnent of Gondora r plans of vair Associates which ilnorved the premises to be conveyed under this Agriernent, 1978. AfTEST: Secretar -D0NB AND ExEcurED on rhis J{day of ,&Qlrrt-- , TOI$N OF Vert, COT,ORADo PI"AZA IODGE, INC. \\-'\) 1"\ f{ fl, t\ lir \,\\ ofrI C\l-lrt),) oz t =TE UJ o- trcloe ff) -Lb Dl I I I rero I I I Ite tf IFl<Az t=lo lotz o N* ss.=\-: EN F .'\61\Err58\ olXst-so-\(E q,'/ ;j HXr;s oti (d-Y,.=661lct gbE; E EEHifigEffi iEiF€ EF= ss irg# iig-#(EPOvo € EigF :E€ sg :gg a=,(s o'-: -5Eg in e" gs E:5 E Ea;s;6Fqg aE;eg es$ai o IJJ IJJ lJ- Fg Eluo J F F t€l le'l l=l ;El F:I 6fl tslr3lo'Fl --.r !- |<-ol g€l UI $':=>t P$,$ zzoo F-.tq5F9 0 rl, o =\UYl!<o* i-()E8 J FlJ- ,i al, o-f (, c o- LIJE z Eo = ."2z=x3 :F ;FEg()rloZ<coof z8aZJ.!ti f E5:s>'iE Hf;FEi= z E u)z lIJF U)dlo-zo FIL UJY UJ @ F = E uJ o- IIoo.r >@(LloqoT I r-{ -t uJbkzo !ntr F UJ t! uloz U' at, oF CC E Jl-ul :-h= =Eo- LlJEO-OL9oq u.lxo-:>IJF l! J tJ- ulo F EI -GI z .rPzQ =z (L tr- Jd* 2?1 -i"oB;E F =Elrl o-zo ]-(JfEF@zo C) z Jtr o- -c(n +JL U) IF ! ooI rE ii =z (ll I ILl' I )U\ul EolqJ<trECJ tltlll,tldtltll,JIU\I Lr.llaltotq Et d= tltltllol El fil6t clC)l =lt<l.l >l(/'1 t|-ljl :la3l 51 9l tltltltlI cillzl lHltJlt<l lBllzlE3lqolEFI I I I I .l ?lolrtjlElJl 5lttlol zl 3lolFI =.1ol rl al>l trlol zl 3lolFI I I I .l FI JJ el>l ttlol 5l sOl uJFI F J (J F uJ) tIJ z 6 d c F z O = rJ Z. (-) tsnl CTION TOWN OF oarelz- JJ-Y?= INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER rygREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ POOL / H. TUB NAIL q'FTNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr IEMP. PoWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr''tr tr FJflAL tr FINAL F-APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORR€CTIONS: D^rE /! -/4 - ?'z-INSPECTOR /.i L E uj gt t0smp a) E? g a a $ o ? aui u.i E LUo- 'l I I I I I I d, *:N=l I I la . r3tE lB;ltot I c 7 5 :i atllt- z oJf, 6) fi Lii o utI tua r o F 0cF (l l ?- z a (g () o c t= =t0 E =Cl; .l) o. .; lt) c (g a) :l :t q, .ac. =: -o o .n c(! 5(! {..1(J e) o O .q D a).: :l P a 3 c) g {tr c':O5;>\ oo iD +- #(: r,J X-c -:!o o-(sc "d cit cd ;l ^(gL"C *Co- --co4- cJ +1 (r/(J >. !,/ () nar OorO$ .D {) :1trtct co; AJ F o .: c) -c :i :J .g = g c .F .! tf.o-ql 'fr. a,.,rl) c) cd : ri q) 1l i C)c i.)(\: jft) q) -(: o) 5 aI t2 (g .E€q (t g E N ^ac F ai -(: $ ? "1. \ a o hIq l o \ \ 0 s .{} o $ b o Y) \b v \= & c- DJ)cl 'O a.l)z o- I(r: f-(J: s : -Jq- J O z I(J 5 o0 L! u.l z i: () G orr<(o CI v LU oaz 6 ar F (,', u-J cl (J x{ f- tu :f u! LU LLt G: LU n- -J F F (J =o =): CN !l F(J qJ LU c5 :f, o_ Jd t "{I() N O rivn]IA v\\\= >E c) F :) F ct-:)o ar_ fL F 8i.. \ o:ao, UIE o E c.) c) dzo tr cl l- j: z zaYso:$ :{O Od)f9lio>()oz(J :fttlltittlttlttl t- i--, Lll,jE? \) -.' J .l!';H 'Li::o-cAruo(, (.) :. z = .) co Fz z tr oo2 (J I I Iz l ztJ 5o o F J fa :l ?v. t- uJI a (J (] o = u Ou1 I\ad( = \e_ -zo aaz>O(-}(Jz. cr a.u-r I )- !J ;oj a 9 I F- :7.trF o(-lfizrLtOO^azZ9a6 f,Lar H(o-4,<lt- 2,9si €a N 0b o*, F LXtr !1J !:F t L{f \:Lslr*i uJ E .J)o -: z t-- uJY ul c0 !--* E UJ(L o 11 I utf- z z =4slo:tz O. LL _r.li;4 t-' :i :/ ; lr F -: ;-- ul ;', Lti "! tr5o:ulIL o.rJ t1lg .rYZr{ o !,?6t- c)i :>:- -J l- =i,,4:' o- ui: :o--^ (l LL';r () .\ .:r lij [- ..J _-l"rii lu L1l ot- N:rl \ !.rJ t: o '"- !r ! t-t- LJ ** $,x ii\nL'r{_-l r ililtl i\i sf Utilt-i I i.jillil-HIFIt+linl !:t\,,, 4:i i: .-.rI'i; 4{ ; 7v"a 7 t*- t 'rY -'<o F \ -q Fl tI,.J I'=l/rlutlfllxt I \Jt Ittr d l" ,EI 4ul JH:1 -.1 >-ri?i;dl li L, l I :E o- a_' ililliei I 3li r {l gl{ iti :-l u ill tl I iill l"ll1llol $:l?ol Jai ;li. t-l f- I I I I Ilot:i()ilu ilir -4 0ltz1::l il!:.i olrr.l l-l IU,J h' itIIIItilcll;lI rulrl 5l 6l rl?l "l*l gl ul::l i:, r;ii i I I I YI '.1(5l :l >l *l YI::l ul {fI ul lj I r-- <t: -::l 1l:laI Ctl l.i.l :1 '::,i.J a: --.r O L,.i .{ i.iJ f- l- r,l.l: _ra {.-,r ... .{ (fL) t- l-:: .'; f. Llr rJ x(J() .: t-- ;O -:a (Y: :'' .:: (..) ;iEil i:l i'i ''* ;ti ': \-)' !"J a( (_) Lt I <::'r;i:' il't:.) 7 i.)(-: *t.i. (.)(.') :a: -,r i-: t,1t it I , -- j i -;:- ',-| .-. i ;-i ^"'| -* . ti _i71 Lv.1 €-rlI si$ \St\- t; $:\!!---.\ ,' \ ;\\; \.., l,ir--_=..- j i l \ \ *f Y ,.. o t.\ A P U-f-3 Y-f.- J 1 Il-€ );* r "?* Ca iiif---t\ t,, ('f4 " Xn.{t F", ,P'r' SrlB(t. $Htnc'-€s oaD Jfr Pt4-.'.,od Fi"r'dz l*:b Q.au:oo) : I x3 Red md ,'t-#N 5ts4o .y''- l HoeCl 2N/Js lxe &y,r*ji, ../>Jyj*;r"' -i *orrl c7l,*i,I i: I x Jr( I 11\fs,. oo ^-tt