HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 2 LOT D CHRISTIANA AT VAIL BUILDING PERMITS LEGAL .' �r T(iWT' �UF �:'.�#�L I�EPARTMENT[7r COMMUNITY I]EV'ELt7�FMENT 7S S. FR[�NTAGE I�[�All VAIL,C'f] $1657 !.�c-:+���. �4� l�� 970-479-2138 ��� .�, `�;1� �, N�T�: THl'S PERMC�' �UST BE P€75'TED{7N JC}BSITE AT ALL TIMES MCGH�NIC�4�, P�RMiT Permi# #: M03-D15� ��- Ui�� Job Address: 3�b-I�A�1S�N�,AN�CH RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSU�D La��litstt,..... �Christiani�� l.nd�;e� �1p�lied . . : (1811 i�lZ(l�?3 P�rcel Na..,: 21�J S� iss�ed . , . �1f�121!?U0� Praject Nc� : -��� �.�-�7���, Expir�� . .: {�?i I 7I2004 OWI�IER CC}L�,�NS, MAURA M. & JO�EPH J�$/1$/2�{l3 Ph�ne: 155 I�QNG NECK POINT DA�tT�N �'T 06820 Li.cens�: CC}NTRACTOR SWEDE°S METAL FAB O8/18f2003 Pht�3Ze: �74-331-3335 F.C). BOX SOl �INTLTTtN, CG �i��� Lxcense: 239-M AFPLI�A�T SWED�"S META� �`AB 08f18/`2003 PhQne: 97�-331--3336 P.�]. BD�f 8 0 2. MINTURN, CC3 81645 Licens�; 239-M Ilesci�stic�n: [;c�mm«n I:1eme�t- RC.PLACE 2 CC)NDE�iSCDR UNITS R.EPLACF.4 FA,itIS CC7IL'5 REF'L�CE 5�)1�1L; llLJGT WC)RK V�l�t�tio�a: $1$,0(?O.Q(l Fire�lacc Infnea���tiort°Rcslrieleci�Y �c�f+Cias Appliantes: 0 �!OfGas Logs: U #af W'UC�d 1'ellel� Ci �saax*n�*��*��xr�s:��rarsnrrs�rr.a��:s►r�rrr++x�:sa�sa*rs��r+r**��s�»** �'�E S11:+�IM:tR�' �s+kit�'i#��ssW�avttss�re�a�rres�m��wrswwbs+rs�aa�w�M�e�est�te��xna+k+�• 1�4Lchanichl---'� $36fl.flfl Restu�rant E'la�t Reviati�--> $4.t1t7 Tnka!Cafcul�tecl f ees---'� $453.a0 1'lan L"heck--? ' $9 fl.ff 0 l�f2�3 I�ce-______________s:- $U.U U :Iddrtio�ia!Fecs-------_� $[�.�D lnvestiga�ion-> S{7.C�o T(iTAL FEF.S-a--°----=> 5453.taa Tc���zl Pcnnit Fee_•_---•-°•= $�t53_00 Will Cal1-----� $3.44 Pa��mcnt�-----_________>; $453.QD Fi.�I.Atif4.E I?[lE-------3 $0.Q4 tarrsasa*er*xre���a.Mrs�se,�r�oxKes�ws���s�x�p*r*g�r*�:��a�sxrsrrwst►trt��r+�*t+s�++�awwrsres�a��sat�r�w�sr�+aasH�n���e�ra*asar*rarrsr+*ss�*a***m*e**aa**• ��em: a��.Qa guz�nzrrc DEPARTME�+TT as/1$/aaQ� D� �ctic�n: �P I��m: a550❑ F"IR� DEPARTMENT C()�f�;DITI(�(� ClF APPR[7VAI1 Cond; 12 (�vI�G. ) : FIELD INSFECTTQNS AR� �EQUIRED TC3 CHECEC F'�7R CC7DE C�MPLIANCE. Cvnd; 22 tBL1�G. } : �4MBUSTIQN AIR IS REQ[➢LREI� PER S�C. 7f]�. {3F THE 1997 �7Nf�, �R SECTI+JN 701 OF THE 1997 IMC, Cond: 23 (HLDG. 3 : INSTAI�LATION MUST �CQNFORM TC3 MAI�CT�',ACTURES TNS`3'RUCTI€�NS P,ND T{? CHAPTER 14 C7F THE 1997 C7P�I�, CHAPI`ER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC, ► �c�nd:�?2 5 {BL�7G. } : GA5 APFIkLA�CES SHALL BE VENTEI7 ACCQRDING T4) CHAPT�R 8 AND SHALL, 'I'ERMI�TATE A5 SPECIFIE77 IL� 5EC_SOfi dF Tdi� 1997 UMC, GR CFiAP"TER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cc7nd: 2 9 (BLDG. 3 : ACC�SS TCl HEATII�G EQUIPMEI�TI' MU$T C4MPLY WITH �HAPTER 3 AND SEC.1017 tJF 'I'HE 1997 LTMC P1�D CHAP�'ER 3 4F THE 1997 TMC. C�r1d: 31 [ELLSG. � : BC3ILERS SHALL BE MC]UNTET� QN FLOORS f3F �TC7I+iC4MBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MQLTNTII�IG C7N COMBLTSTIBLE FL�}ORING. CQnd: 32 [BLI7G. ) : PERMIT,PL�NS A�+7D CQDE ANALYSIS MU�T BE POSTEI7 IN MECI-�LNICAL ROOM PRZ(]R TO AN INSPECTIC7N RE�U�ST. Cond: 30 (�3LDG.J : DRAINA�E 0�' MECHA3rTICAL R��MS C{7�IT'AINING HEATING OR HC�T-WAT�R SU�PF:�Y BOITr�F�S SHALL $E EQUIP�'ED W2TH t'-� FLC7C)E� DRAIN P�12 ��C, 1022 C5F` TH� 1997 UMC, dR SECTICIN 1D�34_& OF 'I"I�E 1997 IMC, *asassssas�saKSSfssxarssF*s��kx*#tt�4#.sa�t+#s*�'M+*��a#tsa#!as#�kk##ta#tik*p#�t##dk�fl�'�#4��##�#�+ka�*%;si'�ttss'�knF###st#7�#R*#ev#�#s##*irss##�F{�#stli�#�stRF�Y*P�s�w DEC'L�RA`I'ICII`�6� I here�y�cb:nowled�e tf7at 1 hav� read this application, filied out in full the intor�natioi� ree�uired, cramplgted an accurate plot plai�, and state that ali the inforniatiot7 �s r�c�uire� is cc�rrect. I agre�to compl�with the information anc� plot plan,ta comply with zll 'I�r�wn �s�iinances a1ar1 s#ate la�vs, and tv build rl�is siru�rure a�cording tca th�to�vns zor�ing ar�d s�nc�iiaision codes,desi�n revie�� appra�ed. Ur�ifc�rn} i3uiiding C�de ar�d otl�er a�•dia�attce$of ttae-1 c�wn ap}�lic�blc thereto. Rf�Ql1F5TS FbR INS�'�L'"I"lUf�5H,1�.L BE�1AI3E"I�1�'EhfTY.Fi711R E�[3UR5 11�A914'.Ad�fC�I3Y` 'L= H4VL A'1'479-2i �AT QUR C3FFICE FK[71�i 8:Uq AM-�Ylv1. s � �� , #y� r��,._._�_. � r.- SI TU C3 4WNER�Ft CCJNTRACTf��F+C7K HIMSEL�'AN1�OWNEF . � � ' APPLICA N I �D�L7MPLECE��t UNSIGN�D , . ;-, ;�_, Prvject #� xF r ' "`` Building Rermit#: b,` - '^�15 Mechani�al Permit#: � 97D-479�-2149 (�nspection�) �����' T[}VYN �[]F VAIL MECHANICAL PERMIT APRLICATION 75 s. �rantage Rd, Permit w�ll not be acc �ed "tFa �lowirtg: Yail,C�iarado 81657 ,�' r�vicie M I Raom La r� t le to cfude: '� �+1ecl�yan nn Dirne n n �a��l;ws� A �Si an tia o Flue � ent a a n� iz nd � We s. � �_. �wment Cutj5pec sheets C[]l�[TRACTOR I"wiFC]�RMATIOl� Meehar�ical Ct�ntr�ckor: f Town nt Vail Reg. Nq.: Contact and Phone #'s: ,�, �`C �-`f�} � �y�a' ��.�j - •�`�' ��'� ��� �� rlr E-Mail Ad es5: CQr�tracC ure: � C[?MPLETE VAL!lATIC1N FOR MECNANiCAL PERMIT Lahor& Material� o� ME�HANICAL: $ �C;, � �'on��t fa le Coun Asse.ssors�7�ee at 9TA-32�-8�40 or visit w�ww.�a Ie-c�un .cdm fcar Parcel# Parcel # !� �'ca C�t .��sb Name: `��--�` r���- ]ob Address: � +����=,�r�,,v ,+� d �c Legal aescripti�n Lat. Biock: Fiking; Subdi�►ision: Clwn�gs h�ame: ,,qs Sr��r� Add�ss�'� if S�" .a,� �'� �r• Pt�one: k Engineer; Address; Phane: []etailed descript�on of work: r-� �e� � .v c�,���-,� ��`7 �� ��4�- '°t/ �i��'� L�:(s �,'e �i�1C��= `�.+� c1`f Work C4ass; New ( ) Additian ( } Al�eration �( ) R�ep��r� t�ther � � Bo'tler L�c�ti��: �nterior ( ) Exteri�r( ) �ther( � EJves an EHU exist at this locatic�n. Yes ( } Nr� � ) �ype of Bldg: 5ingie-familY{ ) Duplex ( J �7�lt�-family CommercEal ( J Restaurar�t( } �]ther� } No, of Existing bwelling Units "sn khis �ui�ding: lVa. of ACCOmmad�tir�n �1nits �n this �a�ilding: NoJ'T of Fire la�es Existin : G�s R liance� Gas Lo s W��IPeIlet Wood BurnEn hf�JTYP�of Fir�pfaces Propc�sed: G�s Appliarsces ( } Gas Lags � ) WoadJPellet� � 1Na�d Burnir�g (fVC?T ALI�aWED) Is this a conversion frorn a wvad burninc� firep�a�e ta an �PA Phase iI �evice? Ye� ( } Na ( } ��*�*�x*�x�������*������*�F�R []�FFIC� USE ONLY���x��*����x*����x����*��������* �Ut�ter Fees: Planner Sign-t�ff: � Acc��: DRB �ees; Date�ReceiW�d: � --� 11VaiP�clx�alcdcti'tFGRA��`�P�Rh4i'fS11�1L:C11YL=lih1[7C7i: Ui�'�b��{>�12 TCl��u1�'N C)F VAIL 1�EPART'M�I�]`I'C)� C�)MNil1I�fITY �3F.VF1..C?PME3�rT 75 5. rRC}hITA�E RUAI3 VAIL,�:[) �](��7 970-479-2�3 8 T�OTC: THIS PERMIT Mi]ST RE. P(7STED QN.fOBSITE AT A�.L TIMES A�3DIALT 14'IF E3UIidI] PERI'vII'1' I'ermit J�: Bf]3-Lli�S Job Address,: 356 HANSC7N RANCH RI3 V,Af1. Stat«s.....� ISSUED Laaatin�t......: C�risti�taia Lbd�c E1p}��ie�i...: 061i SI20Q3 Parccl Nc�....; 2 i C}1(18243f}CI l Issued ...: U�1�3i2�1U3 Praject]�o...: :1,=;��C' :; �[a� ;:,�_�- ExpirGS---: 12l�Of21703 �WN`ER COLLINS, MAUP�A M. 5� J�35EPH J06/18/20(33 Phone: 155 L�C}NG �CIt 1�C3TNT T7ARIEN C'T 06820 Lic�n�e; Cf]NTRACTC}R IMT�DBD C�7NS TIRCFCTIUN b G,/1 S f 2 0(�3 Fh4r�e: 9 7 0-8 4 5�10[?T P.c]. �3C]X 3419 VF�II.,, CQ 81658 Licens�e: 25�-A �P��c�.v�r r�n�a CUNSTRUC'I'IC�IV a�/�g/�oo� Phone: �37Q-845--1001 F.O. BbX 3419 VATL, CQ Ro11ieC�n€�dbo.com 81658 �,ic�nse: DcsciptioE�; +Conm7oi�Ele���er�t- Repla�e tire �i�ma�e-Same for sa�ne Clccupanc}�: R1 Muiti-Family Ty�e�onstr�i�tior�: I1I 1-hr T_ype lII 1-I lour 'I yp� C7cc�apancy: ?? ValuaYio�t; $65,C100,00 A�d Sc� Ft: 0 Fireplacc lnfortnation:Resu'�cred�Y" #I af�ia��pplianecs: p #oT€�as Logs: C� �nf Waad Pel]et: D �ee.ea*aa�*+a+�rrr�rw��w�r�+s*a**+t#tss�rs��as�a��aa�sasr::sa:�:��es:aw� j'L'L SUMMAfLY as�sxrs:ee::::s:ss�:as::xsssse�:s►�:�R:R�:++rs3+e�ssxmexsrssa�� E3uiEding------:> $74B.75 itzstu�rrtnt pla�i Rcvic�a--� $Q.pD Tntal f'alcutaicd Fcc.s--� $1,238.44 Pian Check=y $485.65 I�RS Fec............—.----� g�.aa Addiii�nal Fecs--...�..._a $f1.fl0 Ir�vestigalion-r $o_oQ itecrcarian f��e---_---------: So.oa Tvtaf Fermil C'ee---_-� $1,238.44 W'il1 C:all--> $3.6I] Clean-u}�Depasit--------� $�.40 Pa}�nents----------------� $i,2�8.44 TCITALFEES--- � 51,238.44 BAI,AI+�CED[JE-----� $a.4o ���re.arMrxsvsarxsws�r:rwax******r.f��+*es*tax�����x�sersa*s��*►�sarwr��w�rr►�s+wwe�s�wr�s+*x**ca���am�x�a�+����*����►�*xt�k*t�a**r�*e�s*»x�*es��*���►x�s Apprn��als: I�em: �51pQ BUILI]ING D�PA.RTMEI�T (�6,123�2003 Cd�v�s Actio�: AP Tt em: 0 5 4 D f? PLANNII�TG DEPAR'r`MENT Item; Q5640 FIRE 3�EF'ARTMENT Item: Q55C10 PUBLIC WQRK� •W[�FWW#�YW#��1YWii#Y#=k'F##*�4*$#�kN�K#�k*i!k��:t#k8si►8##��R�tl�.�Ft�N�N�Ntarkt�klr.t#:4#ttkY�k#NE#kk##8#�X#�}#b�=kA:�kt�?kt#µlt�kMNF�k7��FPM�Ft7M+k3M�h�lY###*RRS+Ftdl��k4#4�4�F3M!Nb�?F See p��;e 2 �f ihis Document ft�r any ccanditi�rns thai m�y t�ppl��to this p�zmi€. L7 E C'LAR��,`I`IU1�I S I hereby ackr��wle�l�e th�t I ha�re read Cl7is appli�ation, filled out in full tlte information i�equired.ca€�aple�ed an accurate plot plan, flnd st�te that all the information as requir�d is carrect. t a�ree to compl�,�tvitl7 the ir�formatian and plcat�fan, ta co3nply with all Tc��vn ardi«a��ces and state law�,and to build tP�is strt�cture a�cardin�ta th�t��vns�nnn��and subdi�ris�an ca+des, desi�n review appraved, Uniform Building L'�de ar�d ather ardinarices of lhe Tcav�m a�p�icab�e thereto. , � ,� REQi:�STS FCIR INSi'FCTI[fN SE i.4LL B�h4r1IiF 7WEI+1T�'-FC][1R F[(7URS Ii�f AUVAlVCF.BY TELEP-lE�NE AT 9-2149 DA J�T R•�FF[CE FRQM 8:f}0 rlh�-4 P�T. f���'7 c#��1 � F k= e=f S1CiNATURE C7F�'�TNE��R��NTRACTC]R FdR HtMSEL�'A'N�nVu'N�6 FAG�? ���*���***�****�**��*�*���*���x���x����*�**�*�x*m**�:*�*��*�x*���*����*���+��x�a�**��*���*�*��*���*�*�*��:��*��:* �o�v��T�Q�v� ��r .a�r��,oV�i. I'�ermic#: E3(?�-�Ol}ti as c�f U6-��-��)()_i St�tpis: ISSL�ET) ��****:��*���**��*�:�����r����***������*��:**������#��:��*����:*��:�++*:�**�**�*�**���**���*�****��*��**��***�*� Pertnit Type: ADI7IA�,T MF B[�ILD PEKiVII"I' Appiied: Q611812Qd�3 Applicarat: NEUE3U�'CIN�TT�UCTIUl'ti Issued: Ofr123120�3 970�-845-I 4D 1 Tn �x}��re: 1�I2t112Q(13 1ab Addre�s: 35t5 H�INSiJAI RANCH RD VAIL Locati�n: Christiania Loc��e Pareei No: 21�14s2��3(}()l C]�scription: C€�mmon Element- Repl�ce fire damage-;�ame far s�aaa�e Conditions: Car�d: 12 (BLDG.}: FIELD [NSPF'CT]ONS ARE R�QUIRED'F'[�GHFCK FC�R CC?DE CC)MPLIA�ICE, CGc�nsJ: 14 {131.QG.): ALL P�NETF�ATIt7?�IS IN 1��JALI,S,CEILIT�IGS,AI�IQ Fi�(}�RS TU 13� 5�:�11.[:1� V4'[TH AI'� AFPR�U�Q PIR.� MATEI�IAL. Co��d: 1 fi (BLDG.}; �MC)K�UE I-E(�T(�RS A�E I��QUIF.�,D IN ALL B�I�RC)f)1VIS AND EVF.RY STC�R�Y AS �'Eit 5Ef'.3 i 0.9.i QF THE 1�97 UBC. Canci: 1 4��YRE}: I�tf�E� IIF:PARTIVIENT'A�'Y�[3VAi,I5 R�QUIREQ I3E�'(�RE ANY '4�'{7I�K C,4N BE 5Tt1RT�Il. C�nd: CC]N00���1�2 !?x€erinr wai] �ssseml�ly sigall he I-i IR fire Resisitve cni�str��ction. Finish inaterial sk�all he f�ire-I�et�rdant-Treated-Wo�od nr P+lc�r�-CQ�bustib�c st�at�t'ials :� . �� APPL�GATIC?N WILL NQT B�A�CCEPTEQ IF INCOMPLETE t3R UMS � Project#; U' �- Building Pe�mit#: 970�79-Z'�49{Inspec#ionsJ . y '� V DIiVG PE !T P'� O �����}� Sep at� Pe it$ ar equir� f��Ie�triG plum i , chan al, e 76 S. Frontage Rd. �'�' Vail, �olcrrada 81657 Mi`RACTQR INFORMA G�n�raf Contractor: Tawn Qf Vail Reg. �#a.: Contact and Phane#'s_ /�'��f.�rsc3 (j�t,�`�S�-ic.t�il�-t/ �J�/ /� ���C�� ��,—�Jv2�� ����f�aa��s�; �,�-;� � ,x��� �,c'�� -- Contract�r 5ignature �� , ', � f ,. '�,, ,,' � ,�,.�'" , _�, � f - G�MP�ETE VALUATI(7hJ� FC3R BllIL[]IT�G RERMt�° La#aor 8� Materials B�1ILDIN�: � p�c�. c• EL�C'�RICAL� � �}THER: $ PLUMBING: $ M�CHANiCA�: � TflTAL� $ �f� �a,, .- Far Parce!#� Cc�n#act Ea !e Gvur�# Assess+�r's ���ce at 91�-328-854[�v�visif wuv�r.e� 1e-cc��nt .carn Parcr�€ # ��41 G c�-Z �/�t��'. Jok� F�ame:�h/,�r,�T�i�'7,�/� �'/��' Jc�h A�dress: ��'70 �f,,�'�-��c��..� ��,!�r �aA� ..�`Y.c# r//-}'�c Cv �"%�.S r��v� r �.egal �escriptic�n_ �t* ,y�- E31+v�k: FiEan�: S�bdi��siaan:�'1-�r���c� C"�'�r��r�{-L•C� v Own�rs Rlam�.c s- ��r�'.�C.. �ddressi�".�b � �►. /�T���c �� Phan�. � Ar�hitectlC]esig�er: Address: ,�t.� '�' /1.�j Phone: �ngineer�lC �,+�'GG-�'.� Address: _ Phone: ►� L��-v rc ,�� L��F�� `�r'��--.?�=�2'? Detailed d�scriptio�f work: ,,�rA.�r,,� �i2r� .+�,��.,+�r��.r,� � �us.r:�'�` ,p,,�c.,� � J"U v�y�� u-�.�lL� d°' �''vcf,� j 1..�,.� ���t ,y�� ��� �'��� �r�f-r,�- INork Class: New � } Aclditian � ) I�errtQd�l { } Repair Qemo( � CJther 4 } Wr�rk Type: Interivr� Exteriar� Bath�) Daes an EH1J expst at this locatian: Yes � ) No{� 7ype a�eldg.: Sing�e-�amily{ ) T+,rvo-family{ ) Multi-farnisy"� Corr�rnercial{ } Restaurarat( } C�ther{ � �Jc�. af Existing awel�i�g tJn�ts in thi� buildirrc�: ,� h3c�. of Acecamra�odati�r� Units in thi� build�ng: �a�Ty�� �f Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appiiar�ces� }_Gas Loqs ( } W'c�odfPe�let{ ) 1Nc�od Burninq [ f) �IoIT e of Fire lac�s Pro ased: Gas A liances Gas Lo s Woc��lP�i4�t Wvod Burnin (NC7�"ALLf]W�D I]oes a Fire Aiarm �xist: Y�s� �la ( } �)oes a Fire Sprinkler Sys#�:m Exis�: Yes } hlc�� } ,�*�*��*�******��***���***�**�**�F�4€i C�F�ICE US� �d�ILY*�**��***��**,�:�,�����***��***�� Uthe�r Fees:� TYPe of Gonstructir�n: Acce tecf E3 � QRB Fees: Clccup�ncy Group: PIaRn�r Siqa-ofF: p Pu�li Wa P r_it F : pa#e Recei��ed: I1Vaikldat�'�dev1FQRM�IPERMITS1BLaGPERM.�OC �71261�4�2 ����� t�uestion�? Call the Buiidin� Team at �79-23�5 �'� � a,. �.i rf �f `"` �#�� Bu�ildin P�rmit Su►6mittal �hecklist I 4��r�j.�' �!� �r��� r D�Partment vf Cammunity [3evelopment Projec� hlame: � 'i3 i�'—�f�� 1=��r'"i Prvaect►4ddress: �' This Ch�ecklist m st Ge eom leted 6�efvre a Buildin Permif a lication is acc�uted. �-�., All pages of appficatbn is complete � �� I�as DRB �ppraual obtained {if r�quired) Prowide a cc�py �f�p�roval forn� �or�r��trrinium AsSOCiativn letter of ap}�rova! attack�ed if praject is a M«1ti-F�miiy complex ❑ Com�l�te site plan submitted ❑ Pu�lie Way Permit applieation included if appl�eable �refer tn P�,�lic Works checkfi$1} � S�aging plan incl��ded (refer to P�bfic Wt�rks checklist} Mo dumpster,parkiesq nr material storape allowed on roadways and shtiulders without wri'tten ap rp ovaf ❑ As�estas i��est and results su�n7itted if demcrkition is �ccurring �S �rchit�ct starr�p anc� sir�n2ture (All Cc�rnmercia!anrS M��Eti famiiy7 � Full floor pians intluding k�ui#ding secCi�ns and ekeuations{4 sets of plans f�r €�lulti-Family and C�mmercial} � Window and doar schedule �' �ulf structurai �lans, ir�cluding d�sign crit�ri� �ie.loa�s} ,�` Str�uct�ural Engineer st�mp an� sic�nature on structural �9a��s {A!I Carr�mercial and Muiti Far�ily} � 5o�ls R��ort must be stibn�ittcd priar tQ footing inspectian 7 FII'�' fiE'Si�ati�ve ass�mhlies specified an� p�n�trations indicated -� �R � 'j;�,� � � SIT14k� �1�tECl�fS S�1DWf1 4ft p1df15 �.F" Types and quankity Q�Fireplae�5 s�vwn fy J: � f " A�plic�nt's Signatur�:'`�-' ' ' '` r "' Date of suk�mitta�: R�ceived By: F:feveryone,�€nrmsrl�ldperm� il � =1L�����nii. BUILdIN� PERMIT �55UANCE TIME FRAME If this permEt requires a Ta►nrn of Vail Fire Department Approv�l, �ngin��r's (Puhlic W"orks} review at�d apprc�val, a Plar�ning Department re�riew or Health De�artment review, �nd a re�vi�w by the Building D�partrnent, fihe estimated time fvr a tc�tal review will take as I�ng as khree (3) weeks. �All camrnerci�l (iarge or small) �nd all m�lti-farnaFy permits will have �a fc�lkaw the abave mentic�ned maximum requir�mer�ts. Residential and smali projects �hou�d take a lesser amou�t of time. �iowever, if resid�n�ial ar srnaller- projee'ts impaet tf�e warious abave mentior�ed d�par�ments with regard t� n�cessary review, these projects m�y also take three (3) weeks ta review and approve. Every attempt will be made by khis depar�men� ta exp�d�tE this permit �s sa�n as pa�sible. I, the undersigned, under�tand the pfan c�eck praeedure and time f�`ame. I also ur�de�-�tand that if�he permit is nQt picked up by the expiratian d�te, that I must still pay the �lan �he�k fee and th�t it I fiail ta d� sc� it m�y af�ect �u��re permits th�a� I apply for. Agreed tc� by: �`uG�r'�" ��r4:,�,.rr`r� Print name ,r ;. ` ,..' j.r r�r�,. �. . j s- y � "'-i^+� �tr.{-r �fC�FI��UT� Pr[�je�t Nam@. C(`�,�'r.Sir,��•�'"-� t=��,�€'i� Date: t��/�0� . F:everyone/forms�bldperm3 ■ `.;-�'�- � k '-°=`.. ,. ,+ T�7i�YOFYr�2L � H+OW I]!�'WE RATE WlT�1 YUU? 7�own a�Vail Survey . Comm�tnity Dev�l+�pment aepartment Russe(! Forres#, ❑irector, �9d0�479-�139 Ghecic all tha#app�ies. �. WY�ich Dep�rtm�nt�s} did yau contacf? �uiiding Environmentai�Hous�ng Admin �I�nnir�g �RS PEC 2, Was your initia!canta�with aur staf€immediate sl�w or nr�ane au�ila6i� '� 3. &f yQU were requrretl to wa��, how Ir�rtg was it b�f�re yc�u wer� f�elped? 4. �Alas yaur prc�j�ct revie��uecf Qn a�mely �asis?Y�s !�la lf na, why not? 5, Was this yc�ur f�rst time ta �ile a C]R'� app PEC aP� 81d� �errri�� NIA ' fi. Flease rate the �erfcrmanc��f the statf petsor�wha assisted yau: 5 4 3 2 � €�am�: {knauvfedge, responsiven�ss, avaiiabilitf'� 7. Qvefa�l et�ectiveness of the Frant Ser�rec�Caur�ter. 5 4 3 2 � 8. 1Nh�t i�the �es�time af�ay��ar yau t� use�e Frant S�rvi�� Gc�ur�t�r? 9. Ar,y��mme�t5 y�s� '�av�w�rich w�u�d ailvw u�to bet�er�erve y�u next tirn�? Thanfc yau for t�king the time to com�lete this survey. �Ne �fe camrnittec#to improving o�rr s�rv�ce. „��^, ; � _a tr �� ! ����� 1'�l��r WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT” IS i�E{QUIRED PL�ASE REAQ ANQ CHECK I�FF EACH C3�THF F4LLOWI'NG QUESfIOf�S REGAR�ING THE NEE� F�7� A "PLIBLIC WAY PERMIT": � Is this a new residerrce? Y'�5 NO_� � Does demolition vuork b�ing perfarmed require th� use af tine Right-of�Way, easements or publie property? Y�S Na � ❑ Is �ny u't�lity wcrrlc need�d? YE5 NC7 � ❑ Is the driveway being repaved? YE5 NO �__ ❑ Is a differen�access needed t�s the site ather than t�te existing driveway? YES NG� ❑ Is any drasnage work being �i�ne that affe�ts the f�ight-�f-W�y, easements, or p�blic properky7 YES N0_� ❑ Is a"f�euacable Right-o�-Way Permit" requared? YES NO �- o Is the Right,of-Wa1�eas�me�ts vr puk�fic praperty ta be used for staging, parkin� ar f�nc€ng? Y�5 fVC7 /' If answer s� N�, is a�p�ark�ngf staging ar fencing pla� r�quired k�y PubEic Wo�ks? YE5 �10 If yov answered YES to arry of these questions, a"Pub(ic 4Vay Permit" must be ❑btained. "Pvbl�c Way P�rmit"applicatiQns rnay 6e obtained at t�e Pubfic INrark'� offce or at Cammunity Develapment (a sarnp�e is attached}. If you have any questions please call Lconard Sandc�ual in Public Works at�479-�198. I HAVE READ ANL ANSWEi?E� RLL TFiE ABdV� Ql�ESTIC]NS. � � �• ,,��' �,���'� 1.�'� ' �f � f U�! '�J �G'�7�.�,��Ci .�'L{,IL� �;��"� �.�",, ./Flr�_�.� �- 1 .� -- _ � CQn�attor ISignafiure Company Name .�ok� �r PrajeCt �Jame: �-I�r,�i'r�1-zra� ,!G,.�r4 Qate Signed, ,�,/���'�--- F:�eve ryaner Farms!t�ld Perr� �N���� .__ � � � .- , � �� �i _,,,. _ � � "��,; �. ,�.�. � �s � r �� � � � � �� � ��%�t� �"' : � `� -�`�' c� '� x �� � � �rn� � 1 ,�,� . �' � t� � � �` � �� -- c��,�v l� �..��I�� ��"ti�F�'ty�� t� ,�L j J� �-- �J '�4 °r;o� tin °�� � � � �� � � � � �� � � ��� ��� , � ►�� � �`�"� � � � � � ���\• /� � � � � � � }#+ . 3 � �' ' 3 R'. � � � • L`•t 4 P ��.'4�. � � , � � �± � �j.�'}� � � ��l�'1°'u'�¢� u � � � ��,�� ��� ,; iQ � `� ���s '�s-' �"- , r„� � �� ++.�� ��. r. � �� � ��..-- �-;-�-- �, � � ,. ; � .$��, °� ��---�--'� � �} ,�:� �'�� � � '� � � � � �' � � � � �,�a.��,,� ;� �� � � � V` � � y^�� 84 � � �"r�y ;,�.,r .d y!i;,r 1 ; + �. � �Ai .� `u .�. ���F � �� � 1`T ✓ � }1�i�, � �- ,.tia.�:� "' � �����i � "`; ��Y' 71�i �� � � �,.J � . ^�—�� �-�-- - •�--� - � � � C � � . � _ 1 1 . �� -�_ k��� � � � � � � ' �I �:' 1d. i� � ' ' —��-��i�] "*A, � S�� �31 � �� � � � ��� � � �j„ � �� � � � J�� � � � � �� � � � � � ��— ,� � ., . � � � _ � � � � � � � � :� ��, � , �__ � � �,,� � � I � �, ;� a� -� -- � � � � � : � � {� �� , F � � � . ,�, �., � � �. � {� r ,� �_�r � � _ � � . . . ��. s � , � g� .�.���:,, � i � —� , a��._ � � �� � _ � �� . . � � � � � � � � 1 � C�� � � :4 W � n,� t r. �t- � � �� � � � � - � �� � � �_ � � A ,, , . .� � � � —� �-� � � � � :� �� �� � .� �� � �, �.� . � . ..,.�. �_ � � � �� � �� � � � � ��� ��,� � ��� . �� - ��-� .,�f� .� � �, - 4� � � ,. �. � w� " � . � � � �: � ` � ��r� � -- �-��, '� =�. � . � . � r �� "�' . : � �,. 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[�R[7NT�1GE�OAL} � r '�- v.�rL, c� �i��� 11�� c � V� ,�� �l � L 9�o-��t�-z�_�� C:r �IC�'F�: THI'� PFF�;V�tT �v�iJS'T Bl� PUS'FrLI 01�1 ,1[�BS��`�:�T .�LL TI�rIES ADDJ�LT �1�IF BL,�ILD P�.��IIT Pcrmit Y: 1��3U-�)�'')2 Job :'��fdress.: 3^�fi H,�`��5{��ti R:"1NCH RI7 V�1Ii� Status.....: iSSL'Ei7 Lacai.iQn...---= C��Ri5T11a�;1�� UNIT#�1�) :�p�riicd,..: I!}I17i�f]{)0 Pa.r.rcGt No....: 2l�lC)K?�r(J()7 lssued ...: if)r�6iy(�00 I'rc�ject No...: �,,��•� ��pires...: (��l'?�11?tl4)1 ow1v�� v�zL ��t�rnzs z�C i�/i�/2o�a �hc�ne: �a o o s �Ra�AG� � w o 0 v�r�, ca ,�,/ ' 81657 ' ` �� �� C��TTRAC�'C}�. R.A_ NELSCIN & ASS�JCIATES, TN1Q/17/'?4{J4 Pk;cz�,e: 97fl-949-5152 P. D. D�'AWER 5440 AVC3N, CU $15�0 Lic�ns�: 17�J-� APPL�C'ANT R.A, NEL50N & ASS(�CT,r�iTvS, �N1a/17/2{}OD PhCZle: 97�-94�-51�2 P. O. I3RAV,77ER 5 4�0 ti V 1JAY p l�l! 8�.��a L]escipiion.: � ��'?'�%�s��U�'1"!!Ti', ��V. 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N�L,S�I'� 8. .�55[�CIr1"['�S, EN[` issued: �fJi2C�I�0()(] 47{1-949-;1;? T� '�x�ire: U�'/2�12(]{)1 Jc�#� ,4ddress: �`if� I-i�.�15�?�1 R:��1CF-! RD��.�IL Lsoe�tion: CHRI�TIA1`�1IA L'f'�iIT '�=�10 Par�el ?rin� 2 9(11(}fi?�t:[}f�7 C3escr'sption: REMO�TE DRYWALL £N C�IL���(; [J� L:CRME� ?��iL] C3k'EN T� L���., B�LC3W RE;�OC'ATE SERINKL,�F2 Hr�t�,DS I�3SUL�TE Al'7D �"TNISH �4IlC�1tR�li1S: Cond: �2 FiEI.�D II'�SP�CT'I0�7S �RE 1��QTTIRED TO C�ECI�{ �'�R COJJ� C�MPLZ.t-'�NCE. C�nd: �4 Aj�L PEi�]'E'�"�'ATI�F+IS IN WAL�S, C�ILI?3C5,AND FL��C3RS TC7 $E SEALED WITH AN APPRCJ�D FIRE N�TERI?�L. �ond : 2F SMLJT{E DETECTDRS ?�.RE REQUIREi] IN ALL BEDRQ(�i�IS AFTD E[TE�Y STdRY AS �'�R. SFC. .�,1 G. � . J. �7F T3-� 19�S'7 C9F3C. Cand: � FIR� ���ARTMENT APPRC7ITAL IS R.]EQL;IRED HE�'C7R� ANY WCR� C'AN B� S'I'?��TED. � � � ��CL:4R.�1.TIQl'v� I liereb�•ac�c��ar���ed�e tl�ai I ha��c read�is �pgficati�n. tilled out in full t�l� iniormalion reqi�i�'ecl. completcci a����:urate plo4 p1an. and siatc Ehat a13 lhc inf'arn7alaan a� r�.q��ired is correct. T a�:'ee ta cc�rnpl���r�ith thc intc�r�natio�l a�id�lct p�an_to�om�l���vi�h al] T�«,i� ar-dinances and stat�. la�vs_ ��nc3 Gn b�iild ti�is structure accordin4 ta tl��1o�4�ns zonin�and subdir;isiora c�des,dcsi�sn revi��,��appra�•cd_ Uniti�rrn B�iilt��n�C�c4c znd oth�r�rdirtances�t l��To��a7� a;�plicaksf� �hc:r�tc�_ � rz��i �:s��-s rc���tti5�r:c�r����s�t.�.r.�.�i�.�t:���a-��r,•��.�����-rc�t�F�ca�� s t�.u�i-.�.�cL r��`T�.i.F.r ion�.L�i'1;�-a�3�c��t. T€�r.��c�r ie�� c�±,t 4_+�c�.k�r-;���s. � Send�-'ltan-u{e Cle�nsR l'u: R..1.�IL•LSC]�l i �., .� ` 1 r i}, � 1 � i;� � '"'�r� r� r�� `�,�-` �� ��----�-- — �I���.��7'4_?�lT f 7F t�4s,�—�1�Y7i��()N'I�I::1C�Ul2 Ff;R I iIM�I:I_� .:!VL]U'�v'V[�; �. • ` � APPLICATIOI'�LL NOT B€ACCEPT�D IF INCU�NI�LE�R 1JMSIGI►IEQ Pr�tj+��t #: Bui�ding Permit #: -�() ,.. ��� 97D-479-214� (��nsp+�ctions) . �a�a����, '' Tvv�rr� v� v�►�� ��r�L��M� pE����r �a���iear���u �;e�;�r:tee P�:i•nnits ��re re��itire�� far electric�i, ptum��in�, mezh�tnicat. eS�.' 7� S. Frr�nts�c Rci. llail, Calr�ra�io 81GS7 . Cantact Ea !e Coun A�ss�essars i7��ee at 5�►70-3.,2�-��4fA vr wisit w�:ea le-caun .cam for Parcel# P�r�el # ;� �. . � C ,� J 4' IC :�- �' f _-�t''� ; ..._� __.- � - Job fVarrse: � � `�[ i-� " .: f ' � � w� �-� ,�>� o A ress � �t a . i �� - � �� �, _ _ �-��.� a f� �d , ��1 ��:. �y v�`:ti�,�,, fl e� � k��, , L�'t�� � L'.,„"1� [,s k C jr"l � , �.. .�\'r A ce�vc EC` Lega� Description Lot: � l31�Cl�: �f FiAn�: � �-� 5u6division: \i"vl - C]wners Name: ��`.+r 4 i--z�t.4-�,,.; Addr��s: �,t, v.•.,�. Phc�rse: �?� ,�+� `�i A�c"+ite�Designer: �1���-¢c_ �1 _�°' Address: ��` L � _t �-'= i � � �- c�`1�:.: ,�r... �.3r_ Ph4n�: k��G ..1 ��, `� Enqin�r: ��,+.�.�l�C v ��: Address: •-�:; e_. � - - i _ �-- i , , ,.. �_ � F�ane � � . � � , . ;� i�e�il�ed description af wark, i�, Y_.�,-,� E���- ' < � I�v�'�r- ,.. ,f �:r, . —i —.. .. . ._� ,� ,.. . u �'y; �� - 'E t S�, 4 �Ic��, µ.a .,t I ' -.i ���.ta t r ,� . y �-y. 'y'"v� ,�"° Y..{'��f 4� .L,, y �� 1 .... _ _ _ k , . .(L,_.. 4�� a -�1.., i � 1,_ .t .F-<_ � t Y'�t:..�..r. _ �y �� { _ • ,�� �'- �� f y�['(\��,-��t,'"i �:�..� � -r '--1 UL �.. Wark Cs�ss, New ( ) Ad�ikinn ( } Remodel (+�'� Repair ( ) Demo ( ) Other ( ) � ^ Wcrr�C Ty�e: tnterior(u ) �xteric�r( } 6oth � } pr�es arr �l�U exPSt at thi� I�catinn: Yes ( ) Na ( ) Type of Bldg.: Sir�gle-��rnilY( } Two-f�mifY ( ) Mu�ti-famiPy�V j Cornmerci�l{ J Restaurant� ) (7tl�er( } No. of�xisting Dv,felling Units in this �uild�ng: �_ '� No, c�f,�cGOmmodatian Llnits ir� this building; R� N4!"� of Fire la�es Ex�stin : �Gas A liances Gas La s Waod Peilet Waad Burn�n � NalT e of Fire laces Pr� ased: Gas A ii�nces � Gas L� s � Wond/Pellet �;� Waad Burn►n NOT ALLaWED aoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Y�s ( �,�y €�� ( ] boes a F�r� '�prink�er System Exist: Yes (y°''� No � J CDMPLETE VALUA7`IQNS F�7R B�I��.C�ING PERMI`�"' (L�bpr �& Materi�ls) SUILDING: $ , :� c��=.: ' ELECTRICAL: $ QTHER: $ a.�..__, f; P�.�JM$ING: $ _ MECHANTCA#�: � /, ��_ �-' TC7TA1_. � �C�' [tEFt1N17 CLC.A�iI'P C�EP[)SfT'�'l`�: C+4MTltA+CTQR,INFQRMATI[3N Gener�l Cqntraetor: Tawn of Vail Reg. Na.; Ccantact and Pf��ne �'s: --� V ---7 � � . _ c_] �`�I° �- ,.., `����'"1 -#' f ;a'JC�C "�i 4 `�y 6 1 �.' — ,"�"�.„ �_, � TJ'4� �7�{F,��r^r �''w �� ., "'� i'' ` ( � `J.� f Contr�ctor 5�gnature: - ir�:.�-.—'.��;i:;:7ix:`Sei:i:l::Fir-c:eieit;Fac�s�drd::,�::�tii,�deskrc�s'.-ir�.��R Q�FICE �,ISE OMNI..Y:¢�:xr�'r.�;�r�k#�Pr$ese?::c;c�,'r:'::�.r..�....;i:�Y?rf:*x1^�:�;g=�:_.., ..._—. ..__. ,r[]ther F�es: � ! TY{ae r�f Constr►�ctiorr. ; � A�cc� tp ed By=_._�_ r� �ItB �e�s: j !�Uccr��a� Grau�: ! ; Pl�nner Sign-o�; �Puf3iic Way PerEnit Fee: , i Dat� Rece�rred; -� � _ _ F:/everyonef farmsJbPdgperrn � 3 . F � � , i�� Questions� �all the BUiiding fiearn at �79-Z3�� � :�.� I � �` � ``f'�}f `y 1j {I..`..pIfr , ' Buildin Permit Su�i►rnitt�l �heckli�� 1 S��Y�I.�r L�� F�Irt�!L.�I � [�epartment of CBmmunity De�►elvpment Proj�ct Name: � ; .-U ; , ., �, ��r ;��,•;�-�,:�� s�._ Proj�ct Addres�: ''-��"; ✓ Thr�Checklist must tr�com I�ted 6efnre a Buildin �ermit� lieatic�n is acc�,pted: � A�I p�ges Q�applicatic�n is com�lete �'' Has DR8 approval obtained (if required� Provide a ct�py of apprc�val fqrm !�-� �"� +�P1�'E'�r�� !� �t�ndamiraium AsS�ciation �e�er afiapprowal at�ached ff proje[t ss a MulLi-Fami�y carnpiex• t� :.� CQmplete site plan subm�ited u PUblic W�y 'PermiC�pplicatian included if appliEable �refee to Public Warks checkiis�} �1 j� �'' Stagirlg ��lan �nciuded (refer �o Public INorks checkfist} Nn dumpster arkin or m�terial stor� e alEawed c�n r�aaduva s and shaulders wi�ho�tt written a rmva€ 3 Asbestas t�st and results submittec7 �f demakitian is occurring - IJ�,p� '3Y` ,�+rch�te�t star��p and sagn�ture �All Cernmereial�nd Multi famiiy) �f Fulf F��ar p�ans inciuding t�u�ldin� 5ectia�s ancl cleuati4ns(4 sets of�ians fc�r M«Iti-Fai�niky ar�d Comrster�ial) ?� Window E�nd door srheciu[e �,�A :,a' �ulf structuraR plan�, incfi,ding design criteria (ie,load�} �+rav+'. �+-�cu�.w�a Wr�-�k Y" Structurai Engine�r stam�and signature c�rr �tructural plans (AI! Catnmercial a1�c! M�Iti F�rnlly} � �Qils Repart must he submittet! prior to Foating insp��tion �-�'f�+q, ]�' Fire resistive assemhlies specifiied an� Fj���trations indicatecf � 5make deteckors shawn on plans .� Types and quankity of�ireplaces shawr� . , , Applicant's Signature: ��. ;'$ +��_ �'�� � �]ate of suE�mittal� R�eceirr�e�f 8�r: F:Jeve;ryone�tormsf�ld�rm? � � ` Y ' ��� I-i � ����1' �� BUIL�iNG PERMIT ISSIJANC� TTI�+�E F#�.AME If th�s pe�mit requires a Town af Vail Fire Dep�rtment Appraval, En�inee�'s (Pubi�c Warks) review and approval, a Pla�ning Departmer�z review a�' Health C�ep�rtrnent rev�iew, �n�i a revie�ru by t'�e Suifdir�g Departm�n�, the eskimated tirne for a tatal review wilk take as 1�n� as three ��� w�e�s. AI1 c�mrrtercial �large c�r ,�malf} and aif multi-fa�rai�y perrni�s will ��ve ta fail�w the abc�ve . '� � �� . mentia�n�d�ax`i�mum requirements. ResidentiaC and smGEi pr�a�ects shc�ul� take a lesser arnaunt . o� time. Fic�wever� if residential nr small�r prajec�s imp��� tne �various abc+ve rrre�ntion�� * departm�nts wil��gard tt� necessary re;ri�w, th�s� projects n�ay alsa t�ke three �3} w�Pks t� revfew ar�d apprave. � . . °,.'� ` � Every a��mpt wikl be made by this de�aitment t� exp�dite �hi� p�rmi�t as sa�n a�s po�sibie. ,� I, the undersigned, understand the plan ch�eck prc�cedure and t�in��rame. I aiso understand • that rf the permit is`ndt'piciceci�t�p't3y��he�'e�pdratinn clate, ��at I must still pay the plan chrec� fee `, and that iF T fail to do so it may afFect fut�re per�rrits that T �p�ly f�r. ' . � . � Agreed ta �y: t �`=., � � �, =;r�, f= �� �.�: Y Print �ame 1qV �f{ 1 �- _ i � i _ ',f'� . --_ ' Signat�re Prc�ject Name: rt. s,�_� �.T�., f.,� � Date: �;. . - l �' � '�` F:everyoneJ�nrm��hldpe�'rn3 � • � � . .� .. ,... ..... ,. .. ` -. _.:.. _, i �..-_.• ...,�:� s ::r;, �:;i s�. .,�.:� t�ir:: .'_._ i.. C: �l�S r7[7�i � � 3l� �dl��f�1� � . ____� _._ _ _�__.,:..e_... H�uest��Kr{,p�ct �;-xt�: 1"uo�d�y,�In�rernt�er 1t,ztit�U utsi�s�d,:ilur:r'as�a: Cv �.r���n.�it�i'i�"c�.ya; i,rv �'iniev'��+"�': �n+:�.:' �r.�+��Y�i�.. rs�a�c���a�:.�;i��N��'�1�s ,�i� 1€ifnr��a#1�rr ���r�afiy gu4 v���t' i y(.,r�. fit-Ar1F u�t1U 1'y�,�- r�P►�r a�alt�S ��.�t���3 + C��l� �';j,..4 C,'Ci,'Lt�7ue,.�y, LI�C. f:t 1 ;-!�s It'•-�n;w: C,.0 ' C'nun�sr '�141�F'Y"F7A�,�1+_:o�Ir� �C�i�iCr`.�'»fC7r �I�,.. P`i��L^r7.��9 isS �`:^�'��i�1��se? �i`,�� ��'il,��lE.''� ;}r'`°�'.r�.t�:,✓7�J� � t�,s:ry�.i�t:anf� R.A, i�tEL��]Pi���rti�?+;'l�.���. Etl•�� ��ciare: �7fl-�43-�1�2 �Je�r.n�t�an� IF�r�r,n��,�� �s;�YUir,�,_. �h� �:1�II_wPt��uF C1C7Fthoi��t AfVi�r;�l�klv it�LEV�������W Fr��.�t�:�9� ��krrJk.;.ek s'AC✓1W;J i1'°IJU�J�4Y C�:`+1L r-0iV157:i �l t� at�Ck i�-ostile�:Eksrsr��_� '�. f�te�n�: ���A �L�Ci-�na� 1�° �t�r,�e�.,te+d T7�re' t18��rt1 RM ?c�jzrcoiv�. r� r"�, i�aciSil�i o a.�.aGi.4��'I�Ss, if�iC �t A6i�,^tre�. �JU-�#5-;�i:�� -vt- $�i�t•-��i:r� '�:'�'TZ�;+....��i: y�,'i`��. :.�.';.i.�.. !'"'�:�.�'�' r''. r�< �r'�na�! in� �'�f1411}� n;,�;Rri .r � i '.S K `-#�A:S�cn� _ in7e Ex�s� E.... �, :CA'�w1 . ��;° c�i�.n ,:s�c�r� j. lterr3= 3C1 ��:�F'ra;�t tiUn�!��a1� "A�Drovea!", 79h:J�1t��" Ins��ectar: �C}HVIS ,A�-ti�n: AF'#��'i?�3�'E4� ftem� 5U �C.�J�.3-Inst;Patf�R (CSntA!lnt�,l! lt�lii� �� E`aL(3v-...�r-+ei:.e�h Ed�zli o�•Grlsusii�l� ••�yr�+tuv�tJ•• .a 71 r vr��r � Etz,:N:.�tc- jrr'� ^,�ian� ,��"lll'P��:`�� lt�f� 7�'1 R��a�.h•Vecr � _�+ti!'�rt�+,r 1t�era�: �C �LDC�-'E=�r,�� i �oufredl ,._ ` � /' - � � � � f ti` _._. 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PH�NE AI]�RE S S NAZ�iE C►F OWNER , AH!�NE ADDR�SS sr�r��.� o�� ���r� „ LC]C�'�TIQN �F T'��JECT �ddre5s) t_ .". Lc�t - Block Filing DESCRIPTI�I+I ❑F PFLC�3JECT THE FC�LLdWING II�I'C7RT�IATIOI+d IS ��]IRED F(]P,: SUBMIT'�'AL �3Y TH� P.PPLTCANT PF�.I{�� TO THE RE�iT�ST BEING SCHEI�ULED ��FC]RE TH� D�SZGN RE�+TIE�r�] BOr�FtD. A. I�ESCRIFTI�t� OF �'HF �I�N�A[++ifi1zNG �FREE STAN�ING, WALL f PRd�3�CTiNC, E��'C} , TNCLUI�E ST�N S�i£SSAGE . –�.. �--�- � �� L - • , - �� —_--- � – S. SIGN DR I1WNThTG MATERIRL C. S Y�E i3F OVEI�LL S�GN, S I ZE C7F LETTERI11oIIG AfiI�D LO�Q ,�`;�;,7C � .�N'r c� �.�.,�,�.- �:�'�` .�.'" l����(�{' ,�'`f-�C� ^-:� �.�i I�+�c�L�C•-� r �- I7. HE iGHT C}F' S IGN ABaVE GRR�lD� � . DESCRrB� �.,IGIITIIVG (EXISTTNG OFt PROPOSED} F, LEN�GTH �F �CTS Ih�ES S FRC]NT�GE {�"S� �. CO�DC}MINIUM AS5(]CSATIC?N A��RCIV�'.L (ATTACH) H. FEE: $2 Q , 0 0 PLUS $z . �� PER SQLIARE �'�C}T c]F S IGN A��A.. FAID CHECK N`[�, - T�AT� ,-� _--- �,�� - REQCJIRE� MATERIALS S[7SMITTEP3 WITH �PPLICATIU l. 5ite Plan Z . Elev�tic�ns shawing exzct lc�cati�n a� sign �r. awning on t�� building 3 . Ph�atograptzs sl��wing px'opas�d lacati�n 4 . Cnl�oted �cal� drawinq 5 . Sazn�le of prapas�d ma��rial.� �i . Phc�tog�e�ph of sign ?f a�r�i�abl� Si+�n ,Admin�.strator . � � - TO: SIG� A�PLT�ANTS " . ; W�en app�icat�ans f�r signs are submitt�d, the fo11�4ain� zn�a�m�tion is ��quir�d. 1 . A cQmpl�ted signf�ti�ning applicat�on (attac�ed) . 2 . � sit� plan shawing the exact l��ation �r�ere th� sign �s ta be loca�ed. 3 . A pho�agraph if possible a�d buildirig �levatian �h�wing the l�cat�on of the proposed sign . 4 . A s�ale� d�awing vrhich det��l� t�e desi�n of the sign, as �a�laws ; {a� C�l�r�d exactly �� si�n �•ri�l b�. (b) A list �f materials t� b� �sed in �ign (metal , w�odr eanvas, gaint, e�c. ) (c} Fhotograph o� sign if available. (dy Specific lettering styl� �nd �i�e. 5 . If an awning is prap�sed, submit drawings sh�win� �xactly h�w and whcr� the awni.ng is �ttached to the building and how �he awning is to be coi�structed. � . Description of light�ng �h�t wi�l �e used in c�njunG�ion w�th the sign ox awning. If p�op�sing �n �wning, ligl�tinq is not allawed t� shine through the entire awning which calls undue �tten�ion to �he �usiness . Lighting may sp�tlight only the actual sig� letv�x�ng an the awning. RECOMME��ATIQNS aR �OI�TERS 1 . Cl�eck sign code - v�rify sit�E height e�c. 2 . Be specific. Vagueness on d�sign, si�er canstru�tion m�y ���ay the appro�aY �f yaur sign. 3 . Measure frontage o� b�usi�,�ess � AP�LIC�ITIflN FE� WILL BE REQUIR�D AT THE TZME OF APPLICATIC�N S€YSMT'TTl1L. If this application requires a separate ���riew by any local� State or �"�d�ra.i ag�ncy at�her than the Tc���rn r�f Vail, the app].icatican fee �;hall be increased by $��10 . QO . Exa,mpl.es �� such revi�w, may in�lude, but are nc�t limit�d �Q: C�lorada �epartmen�. of Highway �,cc�ss Permits� Army Crrps of Engineers 404, e�c. The applicant shall. be r�sp�nsible fc�r paying �ny publis�ing f��s which a�e �n �x�ess of 5�� nf �he applicat�.an fe�. I�, at the applican�'s request� any matte� .i.s pca�tpc�ned far hea�ing, causing tk�e matter �o b� r�-pub�ished, �.hen, the ent.ir� fee fc�r st�ch re- publ,�.cati�an sk�a].1� be paid by the applicant. App�i�ations deemed by the CQmmunity DeV�l�pment L1ep�.r�m�n� to have signif�cant design, land use or o�her issues which rnay have a signif ican�. imp�Gt on the cc�mmunity ma� requix-e re�+iev�r by cai�sultants other that tawn staff . Should a d�tex-rc�inatian be mad� k�y the �awn s�a�� that an Qutsi�le consultan� is neeczed t€� re�iew any applicatir�n, Cc�mmunity Develapment may hire a� ❑ut�ide consu��ant� �t shall estimate the �mount o� money necessary tr� pay him or h�r and this amaun� sha�l b� �c�x'wa�ded tn -�he Tc�wn by the applicant at the timc he fi�es his applicatifln witt� �he Com�nunity �e�eZopment� Departm�nt. Clpon cc�mpl�tian of th� review �f �.h,e appl�ca�ian by the cr�n�ut�.ant, any af the f�nds forwarded by the appla.cant fc�r p�yment c�f �he consultan� ��rnich have not be�n paici ta th� consultant shall be return�d ta �he appl.icar��. Expenses incurr�d �a� the To��n in �xcess r�f the amc�unL- forwarded by �.he applicant sha1.�1 he �a�d tc� the T�wn �y the applicant wit��in 30 days vf nvti�Ea.ca�.ion by the Tc�t�rn. � � � ,, 1'"'E`� ����:.' , I_�' ,_ _ ��7'7��r - ---. I�I �� � _ � _ _. - ..... � �,` �_T _ - � � � ! I � i ,�� j � �' _ ��� %��� �'��°`l� ��, ',� � i� ' � � i ,4 , . 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Address and Phone� � ��'� V �J�]!n rc�+��� �1�.r I � °"' ��� `�,� - �?�� �A'���t� —�G't,/`-�"��� � ---- Architect, Address an€� Phane: :�� ' � + ` � � ' .` - ,,4y ` - ; -- Leqal Description: Lot +_° ',� + + -- ; Bl�ck '� �'. Filiri� �'�"- � � , Zone Camments: D�ESIC,�I7 ��YI�W BQ�fC� Dale � � - /'!� �- `��'" Motic�n by. L� `'�"'`Y �(s',,,�''r�--'��t�,�-- _ Secnnc�eri by: _ d� J APPRC?V'/IL �` D15APPR�VAL ;� _.`._._ f'J / ,f r', �,� •r�€�D'��/ �" t"'i"�'�('-. �� �-r %" r Surrsrnary: y � �'< � ��l `tJ� •F� �,�t /�r'�"�, l'r 2 �r'`sVVr�"� ��, � G.^` �r" �i�.'3,!s4r���`'__, �� '� .$ !:�_� .-'[ `�I f/�. �" �r - '�'��-i' '�_ � / ,r7�- , rt � ��-_.�..,r S � �-s-rY S '� �J�Yr Pi''r�c.r'S ttr_.r c--. ✓ U � �, . ��'! ,�'�' ' �sar���_'� r...:.�:1 f ` r . _- � i ', � ' �Y`�:� l"`�C�� ,�j Tawn �lanner r [] �taff A�pr4val �' / E7a#e: t' � °�.�G% � �-- r � , • ��i��W■ � � !F d�a �°i::'. ...« .-+1� _ r:ti �C�. .v . SIC;N A'Fe`NIN:^. 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VAgL, Cr�. 81657 DESIG�V REVTF'W B�JARD I1�F'C�R�SATI�JEV: O�1�Si�J� MP,Ti� �IGG'�II: 5IU1� PaRTIO�F IS 48"W X 2�"H �� S�UA� �EE`� THE SIG1V WII:L 1�F' SAIJ��LASTEi7 RET�WOOJ], I7CHIBL� F'A�CED, 3 IN�HES THI�C�. �dLl�R� TC} 13E A I+u�IITE RA2S�'�7 S�]RI7ER ��T��'H A GRE'`.�' BLAST�'D CENTFR PC�RTZCIN, `P�'� 'I'EXT WILL 8E E3L�hCK AND RAI:S�'� ABOVF' TI3E BACKCE2,(][]I�TT], PLAC�MEI��'I' SHAL,L �3E ON A ME`i'AL BASE frJITHIi� T�3� FL(3W�R F�JX I�I E`RONT aF TH� N�+,��I E[d3'RY '�GC}Fi. IiaL[]NfIN1�T��4� WILL E3E F`RCJM SFO'I'I,ICHTS AT fiHE I3ASE OF.` 'I`HE STGi�I. : St��AH'� f3AR; ST��I P[3RTI�7N TS 24"W x ��" 2 St�UARC F'EET THE SIGN SF�A[,L 8E �A[�11��3LAST�17 A'dD (�C1L�EVTE�] C3� 'TH� S`I'f7CCt� f�1ALT� AD�JAC'EEV'i' �'(1 'I'HE LE;F'��` �F TI�E �lW'I"�Y DQOR. COLORS SIMTL�R 'I�? Ak3C�TE MAIN L��TRY SIG�F. "�'�3ICKt�TES� "IC3 F3F $,5". �� _ C�iRIS'rIANI.� t�EAL"1'Y S�G1V PC3RTI(]N IS 34RW K 24"H �i SQUARE F��I' A SAf��3 F3LASTED REDWCIf�CI S�G� SHALL �3E S[JPpQR'I'F'}] FRQM THE L,CF'T K�T�E 13F,'P,�k, dN THF �If�RT':3WF'S'I` CdRNER EN"I°'RA!'�CE 'I'CJ �'H!s f3UZLC�F�3G. Ti3E COLOR.S (�� T!��; SIGN SHALi� 1�E C[l�A�„T t3LUE BACKCRC�U!VI], W1��TE TE,'KT, ANI] A (',��I7 PAINI'ED P.�QRI]ER. TI�ICKN�SS '�3 8E 1.5°• IF YC?U REQiJTRE ADD�`FIC7I+TAL Ik"dFC7RMRTIC�N, Pr EA r� FEEL E'��E `IY) CALL, THE AT'I' CHED I]RAr�IIt�GS �Rr ]�/3 SCAL��;, r ,� r] � � � ��,�. .I �: E�IC's CFi :SX .,. , �.RR� A,,ST P.Q, �3c�x 2fi$�i, Vail, C°C? �;'lC���s • Prc�ciueti�iz C',en#er: �)ICl No#ti1�g�ialn Idc�., �-?, r����n, �.'{7 �31fi'�d F.e��,l�= i Suara�lit �C`c��u�ties: 3D:�,��4�_�a{i~� ■ r�sper� I �len���ocad SpriFY�s: 30�.9��-(i[��?:=� F.4,`�C: 3t}3.�)49-4 b 7U 4 � V F � �� �, �� f ! �,,i �° � � " �y �_� �j — � � LL T"' �� IS:_�• '� � 1���1f1 1��-�1� �I 4i F� FQ 4� "� tS •'� u� �� � • - � � � H C4 G � � in � O � � �j �o I r v3 a� ��°r� -ss v � t3 H Q � � � � � � � �F � � �! � � � �Y � �a � �-' q I� � t� � a'� �-- �' zs a � • w �o �' � Csl tx] °'o t�i C3 Qf �` � � o c� C7 c� O C7 p ��Q �� � p4 Pa ' � � � c� Q � � o o ra .� �n o C7 "�� "i� rs7 �'3 c p � U m r� v1 I o0, O G O � � � N�.�? � s Gr9 w �T u'1 cV C] --� 4--i O OL3 � I ',�-r � � H � 7 F � � � �? 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M- N� ��J +f'+; � � � �, Q � � � iy � � � q � � � � � � � �,�� +f � a � � � %�+� � � � � U r � � � � � � � � � � us � q � � � CJ p� � �y � � � � � ' � � � � �� �q d U � � 2 W � � � � � � � � � � � �7 � LJ�.l l_] � I[f? � � � � � � � � W � � � CC � � � Z -� � ,� Z � Z � � � � D '� C3 � C� tu D � � � � a � � �' � � � i ^ - l.�►L �j l � ���� � ��� � . 75 sawt�+ franlage ►os� valf, celcra+da 818�7 �303) 479-2138 ar 479—�1,39 oftlee ot cammun�ty d+avela�amefwt BlJILQING PE�P��TT I551lANCE TI�"�� FR:,AT�E If this permit requires a Town of Vail �ar� Department �:pprov�l , �n�gineer's [Pu�lic Wvrks) review and approval , a Plarnirg L�?�?rt-�ent r�evzew or Health Ce�artment revaew, arrd a review b,y the 3uilding Lepar�m�nt, the estimated time fc�r a total review may take as �ang a5 '��ree we�ks . AZl car�,merclal �large ar sma11 ) and ai � multi -famiZy �ermits wiTl have to f�lZaw the abave mention�d rraxi��,um requarements , Residential and small pr�j�ct� shou�d take a �esser �r�aunt of tir�e. Ho���e�.•er, if res�dential �r smaller projects �rrc�act the varia�s a6oue r��entic�ned departm�ents with regard to ne�e�sary rev�ew, tne�e pr�,�ects �ay a I sa ta ke the three ���eef� peri ad. Every a tt�mpt wi 11 be made f]}+ �f1'i 5 �epart..�ten�: to expedl te th i s perrni� as soan as possib�e. I, tl�e unders�gr+ed, understand the plan chec€c pracedure and �ti�ne frame, �r�"'`�'� ,-� ,��' 'i � � ¢, �� ��f�.i;��'���" �� � s �� t� � , , �; . . �r� ;;'�:�,c��.�-�� �:; Pr�ject hlame � �} R f'� ��' � ��"' � 5 _{ -r; _ �ate '�J6�rk heet was turned i nto t �e Commun7ty Qeve]apment Department. • �. � � � t — ��a� f 7� ���� �+ ��� 75 sauth lrandaq�road Y�If, C4�4P�I�G �1��J7 �3D3) 479--2I38 vr 47�-Z139 afflce af c�mrrrur�fty devef+�pment Tt3: ALL CaNTRACT�RS �LIRR�NTLYL R��GISTEREIJ �JITH T:iE T{�L�VN OF VAIL FROM: T�WN �F VA�L PUBLIC WQRKS f CJt•�•�L)N7:TY D£4'�LOP���":IT DATE. MARCH 15, 1988 S�SJECT: CQ�'1S'TRCICTI�ItT PFiRI�It7G & 2�ir'�,TERIP.L STCRr�GE �n su:nmary, t�rdinance N�. 6 sta�es �hat zt is r�nla�,af�l far ar.`r persan tc� litter, track �r deposit any soiZ, rock, s�nd, ue�ris or ;,tateria�., including trash du�psters, par�able tvilets �nd warkmen vehicl�s upan any street, sidewa7.k� aZley or pu�lic place sar any partion thereof. The right-o�-�ray on all To:�n a£ V�il streets and roa�3s is approxi:�at�ly 5 �t. of� p�,�ae:^ent. Th�s ordinance wii� be strictly enfc�rced by the Tc�:�r� af Wail Public Wcrrks �epartr�ent. Persons �ound vi.olating this c�rdi;��nce wf31 be +given a 24 hr�ur writt�n nr�tice ta remr�ue said r�.ateria].. In the event the persan �v nc�t i f i�d daes n�t �cor^p ly w i�h �he not�.ce within the 24 haur time sp�czfied, t�ie PubliG Works I]epartm�nt wi�� remove saz� ma�erial at '�he expense of gersr�r� n�tifzed. The provisians of this ordznance shall not be �ppli�able to cvrtstruction, maintenan�� or repair prc�jects r� any str�+�t or all.ey or �n� utilities in the right-a-caay. Tc� re�view 9rs�inance Nv. +5 in fu7,1, pl�ease stop by the Town of Vaf.l Bu�i3ding Qepartment trt� obtain � capy. Thank y�ou far yr�ur caaperatio� en this matter. R��.d and acI�awl�dged by: ,f ! � �� _�--_-, �—.:.:.��;'���� �;��`.,�..i;'i%�.. . � — y ,_r r-;,� �' �;`�-/F r � �,.. PasitionJR�lationshsp ta Prajec� �i.e. cvntr�,ctar, awner} �-��" � , ;�'�"._, I�ate . I . - � � ' .: FI��f�6 � �ERUi�1 f� GRIJ�� PH�}��E �fQ. : �495f 5� F�01 .. . � � � , � . ��� �I� � ���� Cat�su�ti�gF c._ ��.�ferol�eafcal . Er�rne�rs, Ine_ ' .��EPsrfric�+l .. / FACS[�iiLE TRAN'SIIi"i"t'Ax. 13ATE: la �,����� �CL,. C(TYFR�ACES: �'r�. TQ: �'��� ��.�{''f��+� Go�aPAN7r: "�b�wl� � �Yt1�. �'1�1]]f NU1��R= �RDM: �wlt� 'P�?'Iu'Dl� �UH3E�T: ��IL�'�TIhiN rf+ ��t.�� PRO3ECT C�tr�HER: 1��SAGE: ���'� I�C'��-+�� l�.'�% "�i � ���� t���' �/�►�._.� '(���+�-�.,�+k-�t �1� '� '�''�� ,. f� �/'�k,' �/�� � �'++J�--��7d7w,J�� !.�'�'�� �y� 1 1�LEA5� 1�►ER�FY FiEG'EIPT Q�` ,ALL IsAC��. IF ANY i�E MIS5IHQ, PLZ:A:� ��a�r. �;�ca;�� �as-��oa �a� �mr�xss��sszax. cG: T.�+�k'L+'1+I�r� ��� ���� �'a��' affice ,�,r��den �i�`fice P.�. B�x 39 7i�! ]3Eh �treet Vai1, �o3t� d l3Id5B Cr,�dr:rf, C�lurnrta �ffJ�fJI T83�+p}�vne: ��3� 599-61(1b 1'nlephone: 3f1..� 2'�$-3fl�?� TeIecopLrt�: (�03 Q�S-6i59 7'd1u�u�i�r: �(3Q3� ,�7�7_���� �CIM : BEAUDIN O�NZE PHON� N[]. : '�49E,159 P0� . . � � . �-- 4� � � � �� � � � �� � �� � � � �� � � �� � � �� � � � �� a � � ��� � a . � � ��s" � �c� � �C� � �' �s4) � ��� E-' �'�3��Cd, ���W�C °ti' r�t`'`? � i-w-��_ �'�"� �W A i''—�' ���� �� � j� � �� ���� � �ir�t?��.�j w��'�w �w �ra �-� � �a � ,��w ���� ��e � �� � � �� r�r"�[L. pp �tn � ci �€-. '�� � �d � C.7 t}_'� l�� 'r�[!7 �� C��J �,� �� C? �p t7 Q �� � � �� � � ���'Q L '`" �C�' � Q �j C'�I� � � � G� � � � � S'1�{7t]l r... � � � G� rL �`3 � a �� � �� `-' �'� ��� � �� `�~ �,�,w ci �� r,��ca � � � �� ��� `° , �� �� w� �c�,� �j v�c�n� "'q �i�, ��� � ��� �� �a � � �� c�t� �� ���.nc�i � ��� ' �z � C��etis� ! C'7�� a �� �� G.)�*�l7� �- 2�LU� � � ` � �� : ,� '�� • � CJ J � �� 'N W a � ' � .�' ��Y�J � . � . i � . �`,� �' '',� '�`V��r�/ . _ �;.�� . ; - _. _ _ ,, �� �- --�-- ~ f�� . � .��„9ns,antiy ^/�� �.c�t� ap{7 ; � -� i�C•, �y • � /` `,�` ��� +f'`1�� '��,�ir�?tt�� 1�r�_ �r/p. �+� .�Rr v � --J '� �-�- � � �u��� �� , �.��� �I�. �e�.nis Be��idin �eaud�n Ganze � .Ct. sc��c 39 Vai�., CQ $155�� RE: Ct�1�.5tiani� ��d�'� T7ear m�rini�, F�.p]:SLtc1'�7� '�4 dY.1T:' CL'^B1V��'Sc'��a.�Il, � WO'L1�C� �3,�i�E' �O ��TlL11"'Itt E'C!� m��t�ng �rz��� t��� �own c�f V�.�.1 ��.�ctrical zns���tc�i , �rnv�t G�.a��I�, Aa�c�n� ��h�r �tems , we ��scu�s�� '�li� fdct +�hat th� C��r�sti�n,�a �z?c? t�? �h�.�t��u �c�th ���� th�a.� �wrr, �1����-ical ��rvice� ��.�. are �v�,ne�3 tc�g�t�er wirh a ��bby. ��a���. ct�nc�.ud��� t?�a�' al�hc�T,z�gh ���e ca�e �equa.�'�� on?y c�gze �erv�r� pe� bL�ild.�nG*, he w�ul,d ��k� an e�c��ti�r� due ta the f�ct th��. �h��;- ar.� �xis��nc� if we w��,�.d ��ar�c ��e ����vi�� rlis�onnect� itcj �.d�n�i��y i.ha� btx��ding �n1�*, �i. � �y yry y� �..7�Jr2����� Y � H�]!l!�1'I' EL�CT�;T�, �:J�. � � �� {�'. �i . °"!.l�i'�i�,k� �5�,�;.E.. P�`�'S1C���'1� �:c. �rnst ��atzle - �'c�wrf o� V�i� B��ce ��nt.�-y � N�����a ��e3� �`�n��r_u���.can Mx/��s . u����:�� . . �.._;: _,. . :`:� r .,.,,'.,- .,:��.: � � �4� r� !yT. � - �� � � �� ��� � �� �� � �� �������� � , � , ; , ` � � �� ' � � �� A� ,� � I �' " t �t�n�� � � �;ti �. � fi,: n- <i�. ��1� . E8 ♦ J€.._� !� �k. � T�:k:,.r . � �.��1.=Wtlti?�n . . . . �y^. . . �rl;�., � � _ �� ;P ���., ,y�, �� ��/��1►T�Y t�11l� � 42 bG'est .�Ierrdaa�! r)�•l�.�c �'ai! l�ii-e Ueprart�ne�3t i•�a�I, �'nC�rcad� A�fS;' 303-4"J-7?�[1 MEMQRANDLTI� Tfl: GARY NiC7RRA,IN, CHIE�` HUILL}2NG UFFICIAL FROM: MTCHAEL MCGE�, FIR� MARSHAL . DA".�E: JUNE lQ, 1�52 � RE: PLAN' �HE�K �IO"I'ES FOR CHRISTIANIA Having r�vi�wed �he �Ian� su�m�ttad for a buil,d�ng permi'� far the abave pra�ect, the Fz�e Department has noted the fallawi�t�: 1. TY�e �pplicable edi.tion af the i7niform �'ira Cod� is th� 1991 C'` edition. 2. Sheet A-� , there �ppears tc� b� a �i�ad and corridar between �.� Ca�.,s A � T3, in excess c�f 2 f? feet. �„ 3 . Sheet A-3. there is a cc�nflict in the do�r swing at Co],.. F €" '• betw�en the elevatQr door and the aar�idor dvar. 4 . 5heet A-3.8. d�tai�. � 7 Stair B, rnof hatch d4es nc�t prcr�r�de�i ade.quate acc�ss . D�tails on Iadder are insufficaent. ; . 5. She�t. E-?� �.he sp�cificatian far em�xgen�y lighting is b3ank. _{,��, t� � Sh�et E--2 , no exit siyns are shcawn a.n �he k�ar. C_�" ���..�- `�C'- Sh��t E-3 � na exit sign� are shown, �:� ��e�*-' �-�4 , smake detectvrs are nat shc�wn in ade�uat� d�tail � .� �.. �f�r ��view. 9 . shee� M-�, pravide prot�ction fr�m snow and ice �uil�.up on gas meters. Exi�ting gas meter lca�ation at Chateau appeara to obstruct egress winclaw fram basement. , l�b . �'�re sprinkl�er plans are nc�t included, �ve� by reference. 11 . �ire �larm plans ��e nQt included, even Yay r�f�rence. �,.,ri n� �`��_. P1.ans dc� nat contain any HVAC, MUA or ather uenti�a�ion. I , � k�uilc��ng appears tc� be in ���,�ss of ailawakala �quare footage � "�� fvr ty�� constr�zctic�i�. Fir�= separ�,ti�n ��tween th� Chris�iania and th� Chateau is no� detail��.. I f -� � ' I I ' i � I I A��� d � , s _�� I�����!4rr� - _ � - �w �. � � �� ��iN.������� ; y , �.�,-� . _ � � ' � i�1 �•�� ...����� _ , � ;� ��_ -# ---�+-�� a `�#. ' • • . . �,a , ; � I�'4 r 1 t i 1 ' � � ' �� �i�+!�t�i!►i�'��'�'\''�l�.,,Ml,,�'��► �.�.w...�- -sa� �y � ��rr.■�r,ri � �a . I i � 1�"M."��' �/' � —�ir y jr� � , ��_ � ��� � r i�;�ia � 'rt +� ' ,�� — , � �i ��� i�l,I�I��;' . ,�,-;. I 4 � �,�,� �� '���/r�'�►��'�.� � � Y�� � i�rr►�,:,��. ��y� " � r� ':. �e: � w��� �E ������ i 4 M�� _ .... y I� � ,� � f� � q ! i 1 � , 9 ; � � �,r�{� _- � , � ��,����� � i i i � ��i�� � f- _ - , � �� � .�'.�:J���►��� ` . . .� ` ��I�1►i�� � ���'��� �; ���f�I � rG/8/�� � � � �- �` � � , ����'�� ! � � �� � . � .r { �'`�'�►�,� - •�►� ; � ��.�.�. � � �� �` +C�' ,� �i����� ��►� �� ����r � ��� � �'� � ,,►���� ,�' ���'�' . �i �,� �r;���� � ��' _ h..��� ; � f ,,��► �,,�. ►�,� W ' - i � � �� - �' ,�•� ' � � � �,� '�' � � ' . ��� � - �� �r� � .� ,,, � -- --��� '+�'�I'�'�- - �.�•, ,� 4� ��; , � �` �#� � � � � ,,� ..,►�� �'' � ��:,,r.�,r���!''r. 1 1 , 1 � � # �. .�r .i� _ � - � . ■ � � . r s � t ; _ . -l-- - . ��i,� . .. .. .. . . �` ., � . � , , f' ��T. :;'• ' ° . � } . yr�Y-,. _.. '�._ ..... �c.--i �. ... , ... , . .. A � l �� � � ; ..r . _ �.� . �����;��j , ;��1� ' � . °ly.3a s r���,�` i � � � i . �. . � � r ' . ..�� � � . � � � ,� , �� � �t �� � � . � '� . � � . ��,. , �'� .�. �, ; i � � , w �/ �`�, '�� "`, : �� � � ' d�r� z�� � `� �, + •-�- `�`f,� � �, , � �� 4. f �` � � � � {' � 1� � � � �� � 'i ��y���`�..^t'�� ..—._.�� +�.A�y+ ' 1 + - � .y_ ,1�f � . 9 r��• `.� ,. .� I - ��..'.a,,. ��, , y `_ � l 1 �r� ' C + r� �. �1_ ._f� a � 1. ��-- �" � .r�, �°�i�>>� ,��, ,�r �%': ,7V 1�'l�' ��"�t9�!'f� • S �' � ���� T i . .__... ��� � r. � % - � ��� � . t , ���-�� � ����f'� ; �{ � � `�l� , �r F6 � �'��+�.. ��+Y� � � �f� � . �'�'aa.o�' _ '�� � � ���-._.. . � � 4 �. -�; 1�� , �, � � � � �...i I !; �� f � � 1 � � ;, ; ,; � � � � � � I` ;x�.�� � t' � y } �; . � �, --- - w � i i; _. R �i � � � _-_. ._.. �. ,_._ dDetl' *�f�YYf.I�'►/� �` 1� � t ,I � � a�rY�s a!�'�� . #� � I � � - � r � , �' ('.' ' � _� � , ��; � { ' I „ � , �`',�, i,' ` ' �j � ��..r ry �Cic?� s�sd �.,_. r�` 1 1 F � �r � .d��'�'� �`• �r � I �LE� � � _� �� � � ; : � ; � � � � , ; � E" � �� � w �f`� { i � ., j � ' f � . ,� �: � � ; :i (� •... cn ► �4 .; � I � ; , . .. .{ ' � 1 � :.�.�. � �� ��,.�..:y,, ,�- ...#..,.. . '. I '�F'r�: . . , fl '��� 1 I 9 q'. V /t,;�-i i i ,'� .? , �� �;tir . �:� � S 3UN 11 '�� 1��0��M PS-S-BENVER P.��4 � ,� �_i�'`ree , 5egerberg� Spaeh s Archit�ects • P� • ,A,, �, A. I �+�1'�1�C] Z.�E'.ttE'�' Date: �S�' �� /c{� . S�ub�ect: �#I��S�1� �� A"'� �'I�i l. �. ,�1..1. i�tY��l,�� C)� `"�� ��' � l �iS'�I�1.� �I� S Y�+9�t�� I�i� �Rx�t� � tit fw.� �1�`�� �L�. � �U�.�.t�+�.6� �t�-'�tu+���. �. ���-� �4 �� C�t ur +�� Ev+�sT� T� ��C' � �a u� �1°r"C��-G 5 {,�f`[N 1�� '�[+OU� 1�p0��» ��'t�U�S . ,�t,� ,N F�.3 1 tilTf�-�� L,��''.".� t� �T�r�S� I� � � �►t� �� ��.w►S�''�u�7 �� i��1if i.r'�� ��� ��� �+ VFI� ��"� � ���d���� ��i�'C � ��� �'� �J�� �J1 �Lr�'f'a • �� ���" � �X'��iTr�' ��l�Jt,.'� �!� E��` �;�`�� P��`'G'� '�!� '� �.� �''1L�"� L��►lr� L��tA..► �.+�1 pn� • [�� � ���� � �'�- h�v�.`t� c�� �v��S�t�kt�- � � -�x� R u��� � l�l� t�c I� r�� ���,�� -�f��- � Cr��� . �p�.'� �N T�+� SyF�tr� �►�� �� 'i��. �,c��T��� Z�� �t�e� �9�, �� LJ�,ri�,)�, '�.t�. ��"R� 5f NW.� ��,D ��iD �t� `�1�I l'� i��� Sl�l�. • �C1�,t� C���- �''u�S d ��� �t�I�HP�! {��1Pl�r.�.'M�.�u T �F �K[�'T ?� ����. ��'�.T��l�S �+� � t�.�T ��s� � � �Ct�. �d�v�S o+� T�l�. ��T ��4TNS ��[i' 0 f ��'�l s �� �tU,. a��. ���� �t'�L �i�'� #�1�rr��W'�c� �'�- ��r � �1�7l� d� �N `T�1� ►�� s�r.�l i�.�U t�• '� ���'"�!�� �.�5 J�� � �L��1 �'i�+�' ��c��,S �. � ��. �I�uS�i� �r7 �{1�. �'[�.�v �, �vf �`�C� fa�c��C` P�-I S. '�i+�5►� D� �v�' �M�Y ��fl� 1.l��IG l�M� 1� �t�R�► W I"� U��M I��x�1 �U�'"� Q t�ease ��p�� �� ��I��` t,�lu.. NIraT � �DV t�'�i3O G.7 i'�[ ' �1'!��� +L� i�tP�� . CI Na Reply N�ce�sary �t��t3�'�`�� �~' - S# e+�: . + � ` ��� �M .� � �`�� ` � o � :��.� Main (�ffice: IO(lU South �'rontago Roa �st • �sil, Cflia o 81657 • 30:�/47 -�€433 F'ost Offic�e Bnx 2313 • Bea�er Creek, Cal4rado Sib2(7 • 3Li319 9-fi�49 � C_3ne Tat��r Center • 12�30 Seventeenth Street, S�ite 5�5 - D�nv`er, �Colora�la 8�2d2 • 3(]�lti�3-3355 1�1� 11 '9� 1��04�P� PS-S-DE�VE� - - P.�/� ` , ' • ������� �,�� 110. 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BLiL5R�60ii I'i i Sf2' x Cl{] F'A.1NI E711T 1 f:l.i} NkiN7 9i17 57f3. k'fiL.LR + P6Li•A 11u. L-liTi"17 d•.���� ik[l) STAIM 611 STA1N IM if i�#7 Y. �l.fI58T 2'- 4' � i�'�- /` MCX)6 STAjN i f(yL?p &TAiil PAE&ALiH "� Ti 4!■ 1t- �.1TH 2'- t' a �"- d' �Q4Ti STAJN 7 ft7�D dFAA�1 PRyYACT � 71 �ii Y R�Gi}AWiE 3"-�} a Ir'- R' �OLSQ� L7AIil 7 !f�(yU STA71i PRlYAC�Y � 7I I31 SHOffiY 2'- �` [ S'- 1 i' C l.kS; P�[il.I SHED 9 ppASS /�.T$11fiD 11A17. 1.4TCii � 51"���,1�C.I,j,l�,� 73 i�9 'i�@3L$7 ]'- i' a i'- �l' *GYJd7 t7A3lt 7 f�t�Ofl STA1N lRIVACY � 7i i3� LiN&ii t'- f' s 6'��-� a` �Upp STAIli ;1 iS7Cr� �FklM PASSAG�H '~ 73 i�3 ilF{DROs}i1 7'- �' ■ f'- i' fQr3f) 57AiK 7 t4C113 iTAIW PYIYACY "' 7i i14 CLDSB7 I31 3'- �• s ♦'- •" 1UUi1 STAIk 7 f(}p1} S7AiM C�4TCN ilTH � IMJiI�IY vANL1l�i 77 IIi 9ATH 1'^ #' x p'- i' �IO�}U 87AIk 7 �OQ11 �7'�I1M YAIYACY " 7s 13f CUSSET i2S i'- J41" � f'- i' �OC7O sr►{H 7 /i�ti0 iTil![ CA7Ci1 tiFY � �141YiET k{AMaL6d T9 ii) 8@QRL1011 ;'- 11 S/4' L Cl.p YAIMT pCAT 3 i;l,� PAlMT UV7 STU. Yi?l,l.A ! f'LIt:l.B Nn. 11-217�+65 i'- � S/i' iA03 sT�iN Iif �7AIM l!Y !� �Y3 AtNii1[i 13'- i fl' a �t101] FAlil'i C?l!I l� �f�DD� PA{MF [u1T iTP. lGNA ' A[�POLi�lMO L�U�Y �� �,3"�� 17Alii !M .#TXiM 1M i1 i]} CWI$; 2'^ �' a i'- f' I49[7 aTR1W 1 lOpp STIili tASSAGB � �i7 Ii7 B�Si3A4GYi 7'- i' t #'- �" *pqA S'�Ailf 7 �t]00 A7AdM �RiYACY ++ il 4A9 8+►7k6 7`� 4' t i'- i` *QOi3 9TAlli 7 �tlOG 87A[M tR{kACY �' �4 �ii SHWFiII 2'- �' s S'- lF• t31.A�8 PC�LiSUFil � BYA3i P'aL1tY@D NW. LaTCH � 3T�t1 ,?.`i�B��DQQr a5 ♦31 �.1li�il 2'- !' ■ �'- s' rq49 S7AiN 7 !o]p�T &TAi#t tASBA{7fi � � � �; «� �x� s�- f� s�t• x , c�u ��iax.� _� '�}{� �;����,�ur� srrQc'xr�a.r�t;; : ;w+r��y F]rdti�� �ro. 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EATCti "' 'S��`��r,,. l;l 4i3 X, B8p1t�O�C 7'- 41 7/�' : �#GOL1 PAIM7 OU7 j,� �ppp PA[NT OUT STD. lP6LLA � P8L1_A Na.yl,�l;��� i�- � Sf�' fJKly i7AI�1 EI{ d7MtN IM � t.: �sa otwr,p 4r- i= s�r►�• � �t4ap r�[a�r ovr �3 �o r��wr cwr aro. r��u — rsc►.k �.c��-?.SG1:�-D �•'t��f/' iROA rTAili IN 8IA31f tN ilf SI�1 [.d►T t'- f lf2' r. �ip TAIfR OIII' 1 CLD !A[If"� OUT STC7�. pF,lLA ++ F�LLA fio.f�:1,�7Pa 4'� i S/t' (kt),1 �TA1M CII 3TAiiV !M lii Sit CLp68T 2'- J�� a 4'- •• ' 11Vpp A�iFIM 7� lp� ffiTAlhE ANaEAOE ~ 71! 3�3 BATR S'- i' w i'- 6' lppl7 iTA1N 7 ffXlp d7A1N PRIYACT Ilf !�3 �'i�T{AN[Ghl. 2'- f' t f'- !' �LaDO STAtN a fIR7RZ RA1MZ 6TfllEA9f3 l FtN M�Y�1'�'}���'��''M`����. 513� 3�] I[ECHAMl+CA� �+-. u s ��- �� *{�p E3AIM a YH7aL RA!!f7 STOR�I4F. I NA j�[��,�'3'�fi1},��.�. � ta• �#r cLCUSS � -a x Oe -d faoo et�IK �p� fwa sTAlr+ 'b1F'xsL.D = D�JI[YY NAMi7LFfE' F1lF S/8 IAPT 7"- � ]/S' . elp pAfHT (]UT � CL,D PA[!IT WT 3'fU. �At.d.k PPLLA lfo. L'IiTFD ' d'- � SlR' CR�71 STAlH FN 37A11J 41d l!• �OOiI 2!1 (3) 2'_ 6.' t ••- �' fSXKI MfI�iR�Dk !S Yt}tFl} TkIH7 R!-FA'63 .. e'1� 'Spb uA�itTY '2'-ca" x Cr'-b� �,�4sas St1��r� ���p�,D 1�1p. S"i": 4�►v�D — t1"1 6C� 'i6+�TTii '�'-Q'�' (,�r'-6!° 1�ct+D St1Aa� � WA• S'I: PIkv1�*r -- t�.�a '�la s►bWBI� -�'•a`��a'-�p'' [�uL� PoUS}�. 4 '��Ass eousu. #+rAcw.�..A�c,� � 5}�ti�tiuR �� 1'L� 2�°� Ls�Q�"� �'-t]"� �'•�i� WorsD PCVxror�t' 1 1►1G�0 PA�++Tc*+T �y`C�1'� ° 5�.�r�l S'LAu� 1�1 125 �4 �4�t�t�C+. �'3"-��' x {'•i�o" G�ASS g�51'1. °I �+i F�Sit• MM�►►rr.�-A'rEi�i — 1't� � 'Cb4l.6�'� �.'�G� x �'•C" GlOc�d StA4W `� WG�fl Sl��ri 'PF3V11GY � �."i 4�"t �.��coM 4'•tt��+�"� ylcxav �A�Nrt�urt �► yta o py��,�r c�rr P�u.� SED. -� � �' xo-3x w3 Ci'-$;�'�!" ,�]'�ilfhl aN $i10.1l� fK 124� +�G� 8�#'YF� �'4�x lt�''b" l�+oaC S�klwt "j 1rl8of? �Ir; �R1VA'v`t •.. l�'� �'�' A��3y3�R �'•D"r'�'•lG" C�.II�,S P4U�w4. 9 b3iASS �'4+`+�� �'Wlx.{,,.�IT4�1 " S't���u��� 13o H�T' ��'^'-'.� . . 131 3l l �I��+t L�.7 �°x f�°.�+i ua�o P��+r � W�o PA��F Fi��v,l4c�t � !�"� 3l'� �li�sS�rtb 2�a•'�� �',�,� y,lbd� �p�tiN� 'Z W�y PP��T �t+�1�JAc�*t -- ��j3 ''�aD #��G�k7M L�y ��7��x ri�•U`" N,��D PA1ri"r � �'GD PA�NT P"F1�vAGY — l'�# �8 �t'I '�'•��ry��•,d�; Wa�G' i�'A1M` �- y� 1'�!*�T Cl�N�of ;- !*�► ��!�- L1 '�����c�!b� 4�l� ff►!Nfi � t�'1CPa. � �Xl7 ��i� ,� ���-L� �a�����t�' � �AaN�' z t'l�+L. � �1T il�s.•H t� � 1$7 �TPI��''� ������'•t�' W�l� C?+tMy' 2 t"��l. �°'INT �" 1�HK I�(�OF� S�HED�,JLE �GEt�1E�AL NtJTES ].. L7�vrs 4, 5. 6. �, 8. 9, 1C?, 2?. 36. �� and {E3 Leve� T Stai� 8 entry dc�or shaZl bo equiped with �.$�rer t�+�e ha�dse�ts suitabl� f+�r handicappec� us�. 2. Ali d��r ��sem��fe5 c�g�r�ing r�ntc� cc�rridors sl�al� bs �(� minute rated, sel� �l+�sing w�th smake�eal. unless otherwis� noted. 3. Lloars 12, 28, 43, f�]. an�. 9� tQ be an ma$netic �c�ld open �ied in�o f�rea l arm w�th h idden push �type c]oser and smokes�;a}. . 4. I�aa�r� �6. 38. 4C1, 41 and 42 tv be �qu�p�d w�.�k� p�ni� hardware. 5. A1�, �untins �r� da�rs are tru� diva�ded li�e. Re: El��va�ic�ns f�r muntin spacing. b, A1.1 q].ass in and adjacent to doors ta be temP�re� as r�quir�;d lay cad�. 'l. � = Existing d�aar ta rerna�,n. L�.! �;. 8. Eie�aa�or hoistway daors tc� he rate�3 i--1/2 hr, assemk�lies. -�..�.,.-:�. All w�c�d dc�ars and metal dvQrs �re 1-3I�L"' thick, unl�ss . . ' , . . rather�ri�e n�ted. � � � Tpwn af Vail 25 South �'rontage R�iad Vai� , Colorado 81�57 (303) 479-2138 P1an �eview based c�n the 1991 Unif�rrm Building C�de Project Number; 052992 Na�ne : Chri�tiania �+�mc��el Address : 355 Hansnn Ranch F�d. Date : N�ay �9, 1992 �antractQr: Nelson-Zeeb Archit�ct, : Pi�rce, 5eger�erg, Spa�t� Qccupancy: k�1 r B2 r A3�M1 Engineer: T`im Boyle Type af Canst : V-1hr Plans Examiner: DAN ST�IEK # CORRECT�[]hI REQLIIRED 1 The rta�fing an thi� b�ilding is requix�ed tc� be class B or better . -- Sec . 32(]3. & TaY�le 32-A � Prov,ide drain� and av��-flnw d�ains c�r s�uppers . -- Se�tion 32(77 . 3 'Wall and floors separatinc� dwelling units in the s�.me building shall be of nc�t Tess than ane haur fire resistive canstruc�ion . []SC 1,2C12 (b) � Ar�:a separatic�n wall� which termina�e at roc�fs of differ�nt heic�ht shall �erminat.� at a prir�t 3�rr abave the ��awer ro�� with the ext , wall above the l�wer rc�af of 1hr . cc�azst . & apenings pratected, or ceiling.; below may Le fire .�-esistive a� per UgC 5dS {e) 5 . � Fravide panic hardware c�n th� dQar. {s) Sarah' s bar S�c . �317 . (d� � Area sep�ration t�pen�.nq [s) inciicated ar� rer�uired tc� be prr�tected with 1-1/2 ho�r asserr�lies .T�k�l� S--A T Ceiling is r�quireci to be a 1 hc�ur as�ernbly. Table 17-A $ �11 elements c�� the structur�l fram� ar� req�.�red tr� hav� 1 hr fire pro�c�ct-�on . -- Table 17-A anr� Sec . 17�72 . 9 The canstruct��c�n ofi interior walls are requirer� ta be � 1 hc�ur assembly. -- Table 17-A 1� Pr�vide �i�tails (cc�nstru��t_ic�n and lc�catian) o� draftstaps in the L�loor syst�m. -- Sec . 2516 . �f) 4 .A � � � Pag� 2 11 Gas �pp]�iance� shall be ir�sta�lec� as per li�t�ng, with a ��B�� vent only, cc�mbustion air suppl�ed from outside fc�r all n�w construction a.nd as p�r L]MC Ch 6 for remadels . It is rec�arnrnen�d��. that a g�s a�apliance no� be a.nstalled in a bedroom. 1� F�re alarm manua� pu1Z stations sha11 be double. aetion. 13 A handrai.l is required alQng a stairway . It is rec�uired to be 34 to 38 inches abave the ne�sing c�f the steps and if th� side i� apen, the maximu�n size a� an Qpening in the railinc� a� the stai�way is 9 inches . -- 5ec , 3305 . fi) & 1712 . �-q A 42 inch high �uardrai� with a maximum opening of 4 inches is requied �rhere step is greater than 30 inches ta floar ar grad� below. -- 5ec . �'112 . 1� '�h� wa�.1s of the exi� ez�clasures d� not comply with 2 hr fire assembly c4ns�ructian . -- Sec. 33Q9 . (�J 7-� Th�re shall be � floor or lanc�ing c�n ���h side of a dacar (except at tap of stairs prc�vided dc��r r�aes na� s�aing �over stairs} . UBC �33�4 (i) �7 Enc�osed usable space unc��r stairs �hall b� pratectec� as zeguired for 1hr. . fire resi�tive constrtaction . iIBC 33U�a (m) 18 The d�sign, constructic�n, ar�d i.nstallat�rn af el.evat€�rs, �iumbwaitexs, escalata�s ancl their hoistways shaTl be as per the requi:rements r�f []SC Ch51 . This inclucte� fire resistance c�� enelc�sure & opertings anci hQistway ventilatidn. �-� Pravid� handicap �CCess t4 the building. Chapter 31 . Plans need ta be appr���d by T�V fdr access �(� At least or�e t�ilet fr�� each sex is required ta camply with the handicap requir�ments . --�-- �NSI Ps117 . 1 �� Pr�vide a 48 inch clear acces� width t�a th� han�ica� ct�mpartrnent . -- ,ANSI A1.17 . 1 5er� . 4 . 17 . 3 & Fig. 30 2� Provide the required 30 X 4� incri clear �pace ir� �ront o� on� urinal _ -- A1'�S7 A117 . �. Sec . 4 , 18 . � �3 Prouide �h� r�quir�d 29 inch h�aght. 3p inch cle�r width, & 17 inch c7.�ar depth t�nder at least c�ne �avatary. -- AI�SI A117 . 1 5�c . 4 . 19 ,2 & F.ig. 31 ` '. � � Page 3 24 Px'o�ide �t le�s� e�ne rnirror with the hattQm within 4Q inches nf the flc,or . -- t�i�TSI AI.17 .1 Sec . 4 .19 . 6 �� �rab bars need t� be shown ern the plans that cc�mply with ��iSI A117 . 1 Sec. 4 . 16 . 4� 4 . 17 . �r & 4 , 24 2� I�1�z�estic r�nges shall have a v�r�ical. clearance aY�ove th� cocal�in� ��p af not less �.h�n 30" ta unprotectec3 combustible matex�.al . LTMC 1�Q1 27 Pravide � floc�r drain in the garage or slape th� garage floor. If f].c�c�r drain is used �t must cC�nnect to a dry weT� car a sand and gr�ase �nterceptc�r. Any garage f1�ar drain cQnn�cted ta ��wer m�st be appraved �y Upper Eagle Va�l�y �at�r & Sanitatian . �� For heating ar ho�-water supply bailer applications a fl�c��- dr�in shall �e supplied fc�� su�table dispD�ing nf accumulat�d fluids. UMC 2119 2'� Supply a floor dr�in in the laundry roam to adequa_tely dzspose of wat�r due ta c�ver�l�w Qr lin� bre�kage . �8 In bathroc�ms with a tub or shower and in l�undry rr�rns a mechanical ventilation system direCtly c�nneeted ta the outside shall be pro�'ided. UBC 1��5 f�) 29 �n nui.I.dings �f unusuaTly �t�ght constructic�n (�11 n�w construc�ti.an i� Tawn of VAiI) all combustiar� air �ha11 be ��rtain�d fr�m �?uts.ide ��.r . UNlC Ch. 6 3� Furnaces nc�t listed �or alcav� or �lo��t installat�ian shall be installed in a rc��m Yiav�ng a ���.ume at l��.st �2 times the totai vc�lume �f the furnace . B�yil.ers re�uir� a rc�am at ��ast 16 time� larger than the volume c�f �.h�� boilear . �J�C 5(�4 (�) ��- Pravi �� a mechanica� drawinc� sh�wing basic desic�n ar hydre�ni� system �r dtact �ystem, size of �qu��ment (B'�U & actual v�lume size} , si�e �f inechanical roam, anc3 size c�f cc�mbus�ion air to k�e suppZied to equipmen� . �� Exterior surfa�es with �tucco sl�all �e provid�d with �xteriar me�al la�� as per C�BC 4706 with 2 l.ayers of paper applied r_ander lath and windaws and dnars prop�rly fla�h�d, 33 Me��. drawings incomplete, need drawings approved by the TO'G' b�f�re any rt�echanic:al wark can b� s�azte�, . . , � � Pag� 4 34 W�od burning fireplaces nc�t a1l�awed Yrt �he TC?V, gas appli.ances car gas lags anly . 35 Ne�d venti].atian drawings appro��d by t3�e T{7V before mechanica]. work can be started c�n the venting. 3C Stairway identificatic�n required as per sec.3306 (p) 19�1 i7BC. 37 Exi� sign floar level requir�d as per sec. 3314 (e} 1�91 [7BC. 38 Stair enclo�ures to be 2 hr canstruetion and daors 1�1/2 hr rated. 39 All carridar daors ta �� 2Q minute r�ted w/clasures . �� All stairway (�) doQrs to be 1-1I2 hr ra.ted with c�osures . 4� F�11 stairway (A} doc��'s ta be 1-1/2 hr rated with clos�re , 4� Health department approval needed befnre Sarah' s bar remodel, c�n be starr__ed, 43 Fire and 5prinkler sys�em p�.ans neec� ta be apprflv�e� �y the Tvwn C]f Vail Fi.re Departrner�t befnre any wc�rk can be start�d an these 5ystems . 49 Sht�et M-1 r prC3vid� pratection f7��im SIiofi,�' �Tid iCe bui�d up �+n gas meters . Fxisting g�s meter 1�cation aL �he Chateau appears to c�bstruct egress window �rom bas€�ment . 45 St�ir B rnof hatch does not prnvied ad��uate ��cess . Detazls an the I�dder are ir�si�ffieient . 46 The Town Of Vail has a�c�pt�d the 1991 C]n�f,�rm Fire C�d� . �7 Flt�ar �c��erinc� in SarahS k��r t� be apprc�ved Y��+ th� Tc�wn Qf Vail, befare installatioi�. 4$ N�e�d �'ire prote�tion af �Chateau wind�aws facing th� Christiana ap�arc��ecl by Towr� Clf Vail. . �, . " � � Town �f Vail 25 5outh Frontage Raad �ailf C�larado 81�57 (303) 97�-2138 P�an anaZy�is �ased on the �99� Unifarm Bui�din� Cade Praject Num�er: Q52992 Name: Christi�nia Rem�del Addres�: 35� Hanson �anch �d, �at� : May �9, I9�� Cflnt�actor: Nelson-2eeb �rchitect : Pierc�, Segerb�rg&Spaeh Qc�upancy: R1,B2,A3,M1 Enginee�; Tim B�yl.e Type of Const : V-�hz P1ans Examiner : DA.N STANEK NOTE:The cpde i��ms listed in this report are not intended to be a c�mplete iisting of a�l possibl� c�de requirem�nts in the 1991 �BC . zt is a gu�de to sel�ct�d sectians of th� ��de . Sprinkler sys��m us�d for �tory increas� SEFARA�'IC�N DIFtSGTIQN BDUNDARY AFi�A INCREASE F`IR� PRaTECTIQN t��RTH Public way 52 . Q Feet 39 .5 Fee� EAST Pr4perty line 15 . d Feet 15 . 0 Feet S�UTH Public way 57 . [] F�et 3� . Q Fe�t WEST �uilding 0 . � F"e�t O . Q F�et Area �.ner�ased 4 5 . 25 o for Qpen area c�n 2 sides , FL NAME C�CC M,AX FLR AREA AI,,L�WED RATIO STATUS M Cflndc� A&B R1 ok 7 8 8 1535 6 0 . D5 ak 4 Condo-A R1 ok 2297 15356 0 . 15 ok 4 Condo-S R1 c�k 2373 15356 C� . 15 �}c T'[�TAL FJR FLQ�E� 545$ 1535� (7 . 36 t�k 3 H�tel R� ak 4416 I5356 � . 29 ok T�'�AL FOR FL4�R 4416 15356 0 .2� c�k 2 1C��by S2 cak 522 2C�475 4 . 03 �k 2 �ffi�e B� r�k 154 24�75 6 . �1 �k 2 Sarah bar A3 ok �.143 1535� � . C17 ok � �estror�ms g2 �k I07 2(1475 �1 .t?1 t�k 2 Hote� R1 ok 367a 1�35F (] . 24 c�k TOfiAL �'t�k FLOC�R 5�Q� I5��.9 � . 35 ok 1 M��hanical R�om B2 ak 77I ��19'?5 G . 04 tik � Haus�ke�ping �2 ok 8� 2Q475 Q . [l(} cak 1 Boiler ra�m H2 �k 21,� 2{9475 � , �l a}c 1 Laundry B2 r�k 217 20475 � . QI. Qk 1 5ki Lr�cker n2 ok 20� 2Q475 Q . [�l ok 1 Parking G�rage M1 ak 47`� 153�C O . C13 ak 1 (]ffic� B2 c�k 232 2{�475 �7 . [}1 �k 1 Hotel Rl ok 3532 15355 0 .24 �k T�7TAL FOR FLOUR 5€32� 1657�i a . 35 pk BUILLIhT� Tc�TAL ���09 3�645 � . �7 ak ' � � Page 2 The ac�.ual he�.gh� of this �uilding is 45 .d f�et . The maximum heiqht �f the buildinq is 50 .0 fee� . -- T�bl.e 5-D EXTERT{DR WALL F�F�E RATINGS AND OPENING PRQTECTIC]N Table 27-A & Table 5--A �ra�Tx �AST sov�rx w�sT �CC BRG NC7N-BRG 4PN� �RG hIt]N-BRG QPNG BFrG NCJN-IIRG [3PNG SR� IV�C7N-�RG JPNG WALL WALL PR[}T WALL WALL PRQT WALL WALL PRQT W.ALL W�,,LL PROT R1 1h� 1.hr Nane 1hr 1hr None lhr lhr ��n� lhr* 1hr� NC�P B2 1hr lhr I��ne 1hr 1hr None lh� 1hr N�ne 1hr� 1hr* NC�P A3 1.hr 1hr l�ane 1hr 1hr None 1hr 1k�r I�ane 2hr* 2hr�' N�� M1 lhr 1hr t��ne lhr 1hr None l�i� 1hr Nc�ne lhr�' Ihr* N(�P 'Th� �xt�ripr walls m�y be 4f COM�USTISLE m�teria]. . SeC .220� . Nc�ne -- NC� fir� pratectian requi�ements fc�r ���ningS . Prot -- Qpenings arc� tQ be protect�d with 314 hr fire assemblies . 5U� of the area �f the wa�.l maximur�. Sec . 5fla . {h) & 5e� .2203 . & TaY�le 5-A Maxisnum single windc�w s��e is $4 sq.ft wi�h no dimension gr�ater than 1Z feet . -- 5ec. 4306. (h) NQP -� C3penings are nat permitted in this wall . � -� These waZZs may be req�ired to have a parapet w�ll 3fl inches �b�ve the rc���ing. The parapet wa11 is required tc� �,ave the same fire rating as �he wall . S�e s��tion 171Q . �c�r detai�s anc3 exceptions _ QTHER BL7zLI�ING ELEME1�iTS T�bl� 7.7-A ELEMENT MAT�RIP,L RA`.!'ING NC]TE5 Interiar £iearing wall Any 1 hr interior nanbrg wall Any 1 hr See Foat�n�te #7 5tructural Fr�me Any 1 hr Exterior S�ru�t Frame Any 1 rir See �c��i�nnte #1 Shaf� Er�clos«r� Any 1 hr F'loorlCeiling 1�sse�bly Ar�y 1 hr See F�fltnot� #9 Roof/��iling .4ssembly Any 1 hr Stairs Any N�ne NC�TE: 5�e 5�� . 17Q� . �a� for Shaft Enclasuz-e exeeptions . F04TIVOTES : 1) Elements :in an exterior wall .�ocated w�ere openir�gs are nat �ermitted c�r wYiere prot��ctinn c�� c�pe�ings is require�.� shall Y�e pr.r�te�ted again�t externaZ :=ire exposure as required fc�� exterir�r hearinc� walls or t.he struGtu�a:L �ram�, whiche�er is g��ater. -- Ta}�le 7_7-A, �oot�.nt� 1 5) N�an�,r�ad-b�=a�•ing walls within a tenant space that are no� �ar� c�f a lhr corrit��r m�y be n�: �} �Ionc,ombustib�� {�onrated) materials b� Fir�3 retardan�-tr�ated wc�od �� C7ne--hnuz con�truction �any mat�erialy �- 5ec . ].7C}5 . (b} 1 .. . ' � � Page 3 7} N�nload-bearing walls within a dwelling unit that ar� n�t p�rt of � corrid�r m�y b� pf: a) Noncombus��ble (nonrated� materials b] Fire reta�da�t-trea�ed w��d c� C�mbustible fra��ng wi�h ��ncombustible covering in Typ� IIZ and V cans�ructiQn -- SeC . I��S . (b} 2 . 9) In areas with vehic�e� �r airplanes, the flo�r surface shall be �f nonc�mbusti�le, nonabs�rb�nt material� . �- Sec. 7p2 , (c� & ��2 . (b) DRAFT STC7PS : If there is comb�astib�e constructinn in the flr�or/�eiling assembly, draft stops shall be installed in lin� wi�.h walls sepa�ating indi�idual dw�:llin� units �nd guest rooms �rom each c�ther and from oth€�� areas . -- Sec . 2:�15 . {f} 4 .A. (ii} If �here is cornk�ustible const�'uction in the rz�of/ceiling a�sembly, c�r�ft s�Qps shall be ins�all.ed a.n lirre with wall� separa�ing individua]. dwelling units and g�est �oams f�om each ather and fram other areas . -- Sec, 2516_ (f) 4 .B, {i�,? See e�ceptian when sprink].ers a�-e installed in conceaTed spac� . C7CCE7PANCY SEPAFfATIClN$ -- TaLle 5-B R1�-B2 1hr Shaps ax�d c��fices le�s �.han 10 0 of flac�r area need r7ot be separated. -- S�c. .�03. (a� ex #2C Rl-A� 1�r. R1-I'�II1 1hr B2-A3 �hr t�ffices less than 25� nf majpr us� do no� require a sepa�a�ion . --- Sec. 5�� . �a1 ex #2�3 B2-M1 lhr {?ffic�s less than �5 a Q� major us� dc� r�at requ�re a separation. -- 5�� . 503. (a} ex #2B A3-M1 I.hr ADD�TI�NAL SEPAFZATIC]N� �`C3R R1 OCCUPANCY: A 1h�- o�cupancy ���ara'tian i� required around r�nms containing � boiler or c�ntr�1 heating unit servin� mar� than ane run.i.t . -- Sec . 1213 . A 1hr crccupartcy sep�ra�ic�n �s re�uire� around commQn s�arage and �.aur�dry rooms , -- Sec . 12�2 . (by A 1hr fire �eparat�.r�n is �equi�ed between c3we7..ling units. -- Sec . 1�02 . fb1 FC?I� B2 bCCUPANCY; A lhr occupancy �eparation is required arc�und r�oms cantaining a bc��1�i c�r central heating unit gr�ater thara 4��, 444 B`I'U input . -- Sec. 768 _ � � � P�ge 4 EXIT R�QC]IREMENTS : FL I�7AME C?GCCIPANT �T[JMBER EKIT PANIC RATEL7 DOCJ1� N0�'ES LC7AD 1�EQUII�E� WIDTH HCtWI� CQRRIDflR SWIT!IG NI Carzdt� A&B 4 1 (3 . 1 No NQ N/R �------ 9 Condn�-A 11. 2 0 .2 Na Yes 1�/R 4 Condn-B 1 1 0 .�0 Nca Na N/1� TOTAL 16 2 0 . 4 No Yes t�1/R 3 �otel 22 2 0 . 4 Na Yes N�'R T�`I'AL 2� 2 6 . 6 tda Yes ItIIR 2 IobbY 5 1 0 . T No Nc� I�T/R 2 C�f�ice 2 � 0 . � liTra Nc� N1R I1 � Sarah har 76 2 1 . 3 Y�u Yes Out 4 2 R�strflams 1 1 0 . Q �10 Nc NIR 2 Hatel 1B 2 U .3 No 5�es N/R TOTAL 1a2 2 � . 5 Yes Yes Out 1 Mechanical Roorr� 3 1 � . 1. Na ri]r �If R 1 Housekeep�.ng 1 1 � . 0 Na Na N/R 2 Bc�iler room 1 1 � . 0 No Tw3� �1,l� 1 Laundry 2 1 0 . 0 N� IVO N/R 1 Ski Lac�er 2 1 0 . � No IVc� N/R � Parkir�g Garag� 2 1 0 . 0 T+Ia No NIR 1 �ff3c� 2 1 0 , � No Nc� NIR 11 1 Hflte� 1$ � 0 . 3 N�3 Ye5 NIR 'TQTAL 31 2 2 . 6 tdo Yes NIT2 R�ted �orridors ar� ta have lhr fir� p�roteCtiarl an 3�oth sid�s of walls and ceiling. -- Sec . 3�05 . fg) Doar- openings are required to he protecter�. wi�h 20 min�at� assemblzes and w�r�dow c�penings are re��ired tn b� p��a�ec��d with �abeled �14 hc�ur assemblzes . -- S�c . 3305 . 4h) In ar�as where � exits a�e required, the min�mum s�paratian is zI2 a� the maximum diagQna�. of the area c�r f1c�o�. -- 5�c. 33Q3 . fc) Dc�r�r swiz�g is k�ased �n Sec. �3a4 . {b} except as n�ted. t3ccu�nant load is �ased Qn Table 33-A. Nu�rber af �xits is based c�n Tabl� 3�-A excep�t as nated. �xit width is �n feet and bas�d an Sec , 33Q3 . [b) . Exit w�dth is to be r�ivided appra�ir�ately equally amang exits . �idth shown far all areas ?s �ased c�n other exit� . (0 . 2y Width shc�wn far 1st f1a�r is hased an other exi�� . (p . 2) Width sh�wn fcar c�ther �lraors & basements i� based on s�airways . 4� . 3} For the minimum wic1�Y� r�f d�ors, see Sec. 3304 . (f} F�r the rninimum vaidCh c�� cqr�idors, see Se� . 3305. (b} For the minimum width a� stairways, ��e Sec . 3306 . fb) Fl7C7TNC7'I'ES : �9) Panic hardwar� is based an Sec . 3317 . �d) . See except ivn �C�r main exzt in 1�-3 c�ccup�ncies and cha�rch�� . 11) C�rrid��-� within � tenant ticcuparit load �ess �.han 1aQ may ncrt require � rated crrridr�r . -- S�c. �3Q5 . fgl exc . #5 1 ' � � Page 5 HAN'L�ICA.FFED ACCE55 : 1) Hand�.capged access is required t� at least one p�-imary �ntran�e tca �.his building. -- Sec. �1.�3 . (a} & (}�} 3 . 2) If a ramp i.s used fc�r handicapped aecess, th� max s1ap� is 1 : �2 . -� Sec 3307 . (e} STAIR NC7TE5 ; Wi�hin a dwelling unit : A stairway in a c�welling m�st lae at least 3� iz�ches wic�.e . -- Se� . 33(]6 . {k�} The maximum rise af a s�Pp zs S in�hes and �he minimum run is 9 inch�s . --- Sec. 330� . (c) exc . #1 Provide a haa�drail on one side of �tairway 34 to 3� inches ab��e �h� nasing if th�re is more tha� 3 �is�rS . -- S�c . 33d6 . (J) Excepticrns Pro�'ide a guard rail where dr�p off �.s gre�ter than 3a �nch�s. Minimt�m height = 35 inches, maximum ap�ning si�e = 4 inches . -v 5ec . I7�2 . (a) ex� 1 Far �o�mon sta�rways : �`he rnaximum rise c�f a step is 7 inches and 't:he minim�m run is �� inches . -- Sec. 330G . (�) The mini�um width of � s�airway is 36 inches, �� inches if the occupant load is greater than 49 . ---- 5�c . 33q6 , (b) A1sa se� exit table abo�re to see if minimum widt}� is c�r�ater th�n 44 inches . Provide handr�i�s on both sides �f a stairway 34 �Q 38 zn�hes abav� �he nQSinq. 4May be on one side if less than 44 in�hes wid�} -- Sec . 3305 . �j) Parr�vide a guarc� r�il whe�e drop off is gr�a�er than 30 inches . Minimum heigh� r 42 �nches, ��x�.mum c�peraing �ize = 4 inches . -- 5ec. i712 . 4a) The m�n%mum h�adroom is 6 �t .- 8 inches . -- S�c . 3306 . {�) Enclased u�sable �pace under the staa�rs �s required to be prfltec�ed as required for 1h� fire-r�si.stive canstructic�n . -- Set� , 33�16 . {ly Stairways a�e rec�uir�d tc� be in exit enclnsur�s . -- Sec . 33Q9 , (a3 The walls of th�: enclpsure are required �_� be 2 �.r �ire asseaFtblzes . Th� open�ngs in�� the e�it �nclosu�e are reguirec� to �e 1 112 hr assembZies . -- Sec . 33Q9 , (c} NQt� : �Jpenings intc� �nc�c�sure are lirni�ed to those nec.essary fc�r exiting nc�rmally accupied spaces . 7� c�rnnection ta the exterior is requir�d with th� same fire prDtc�cti�n as the �xit er��losure, --- Sec . 33�9 . {dy The spa�e under the st�irs (encic��ed ar nat) ma� nat be used fc�r any purpase. -- 5��. 33�9 . (f) At least Qne stairway is required tr� extend t� the roa� unless rc�of slope is gr��te�` �han 4 : 1�' . -- Sec, 3306 . (n� Pr.ova.de a landing within 1 ir�ch (1I2 inch at doc�rs us�d �c�r_ handicapped access} af the thzesh�lr�. -- Sec. 3�Q� . �i} The mir�imum width is samc� a� �.c�c�r wid�h and the minimum length is 44 inches . --- S�c . 3304 . �j} The maximum travel di�tanGe in this building is 2�� feet . -- s�C . ��a� . ��.� F��IOFIi�7G F�E��]IREMENTS ; 1) The raof inc� �n th�s b�tildzng is r�qa�ireci t� be Cl�s� B or b�tter. -- Table 32-A Z) See sectican 32Q4 . and ICBQ re�earch �•�ports fe�r requir�mer�ts . - + � � PagE 6 A�TdY�TI� SPRINKLER SYSTEMS : If ��ere are 10� �r mare sprinkl�rs, th� aut�matic �prinkler syvtem shail be su�ervis�d �y an appro�ed central, pr�prietary, ar remote statian servic� qr a ���a� alarm which will giv� an aud�ble signal at � constantly attended Io�ati�n. -- Se� . 38a� . �TANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS; A class I standpipe is required. -- Table 38-A A h�se is not required. -- Tab�e 3$-A FaoT�o��s : 1) The locatian is to be per Sec. 3805. (c) , {dl ► andlar4�3 WALL AND CEILTNG FI�ISH: 1) W�11 and ceiling finish ��t�r�als are requi.red t4 camply with Sec . 4204 . (a) and Tabl� 42�B. 2) Carpeting �n the ceiling is r�quired �� ha�e a Class I �lame spre�d rating. -- Sec . 420� . {b) 3) Texti�e wal� coverings sha�l have C1ass I flame spread rating. �r7d shal� be protect�d by auta�a�ic �prink�ers ar meet the acceptance criterza o� U.B.C. Stand�rd No . 42-2 -- Sec. �2�5 . ��S�LATI�N ��TES : 1) Al1 in�ulation mat�ria� includirig facinqs are required to have a fl�me- spr��d ra�ing of 25 �r less and a maximum sm�ke density of 4�0 unless i� is �n a can�ealea �pace an� the facing is in cantact wi�h a w�ll or �ei�ing. -- 5ec . 17�9 . fc} ��c . #2 2) F�am plastic insuZ�tions are required �� be protected. -- See. 1713 . GLAZING REQUIREMENT� : Al1 glazing in hazard�us 1��atiQns is required ta be of safety glazing m�terial . -- Sec . 5406 . (d) ADDITI�NAL R�QUIREMENTS : for r1 �ccupancy a11 chimne� enclosures f�r w��d burning �i�eplace facta�y-built chimneys st�a].1 be pr�tect�d by a 1 hr. �ire resistive C4nSt�UCtiOn. All pr�jects zarg�r than f�ur dwelling units sh�11 be �upplied with sta�ped drawiny� fro� a quaxi�ied archi�ect and/�r structural �ngin�er . All building within the �aw� of vail with 2� units ar m�r�� �r over �hree stories, and c4ntainin� �ny dwelling uni�s shall �e suppli�d wi�h engin�er fire a1_arm and fire sprinkl�r s�st�m5 f�r appr�val �y the t�wn �f va�l fire ��p�rtm�nt . Urd, 3 �f $3 . Ali Grawl spaces within �he tawn �f. vail shal� �e limited ta 5' hei�ht fram fl�o� ta �tructural �l�ar/cei ]_ing, hav� a dir� floor only, with ventilati�n as pe� ub� ��ded, and minimum access as p�r ubc c�d� �r maxim�m access �f � sq. Ft . Al� R-1 occupancie� w�thin the town �� vai.I wil� �e r�quired t� hav� all 1a�dscaping and parking facilities camplete t� obtain �in�l inspecti�n a�pr4val . . ' ' � � Pa�� 7 Address numbers sha11 �e p�sted plainly visi�le and legible fr�m th� str�et . � fir� al�rm system is required ir� �his ���ldin�. -- Sec , 1211 . Pr�vide a winc�ow ar daor t� th� ext�riar frt7m e�ery rQr�m used foac sleeping. -- Sec . 1�Q9 . A windora must provade a clea� apen area c�f � . 7 sq. ft . , a clear height o� 24 inches, and a clear width of 20 �nches (minimum} . -- Sec . 120� . All habitak�le rooms �equzre exterior glazed openings equai ta 10Q or m�re of the f1or��- area. �min 1Q sq.f� . } -- Sec. 12Q5 . 4b) All ha3�itable roc�ms re�uire �n c�perable exterior ppenings equa� tr� 5s or mQre c�� tY�e flaar area . �min 5 sq. ft . � --- Sec a 12U5 . {c} ProVid� a smoke d�tectar in all sleeping rQQrn� and ar�as �xa�ving access ta ;�leeping re�oms . -- Sec. 1210 . (a) 4 . �r��ide � �moke detector �.n �he main room c�r each sleeping r�c�m. -_ Sec . 1210 . {a� 5 . The minimum cei�.ing in a habitable space is 7 f�et 6 inches �xcept kit�hens, halls, �nd baths m�� have a ceiling h�ight r�t 7 feet . -- Sec . -- 1207 . �a] F4r B2 accupar�cy Irr a1.1 areas custc�marily accupied by hu�ans, pro�id� nat�.z�al Qr art�ficial light and ventil�tic�n . -- Sec . 7�15 . �a) & (b) For A3 �acGU�an�y th� Town Qf 41ai1 fir� de7aar�.men� apprc�v�l �s r.eq�ired pri�r tc� accupancy of �] 1 a c��cupancy . �'ir� alarm desic�n �.nc� Li�-� sp�inkler d�sign and installatiC�n shal�l be as pet- apresved drawings . A�l res�auran� and food ��rvic� apex-ations sh�.11 be reviewed l�y �he t�wn �f vail environtnental h�alth offic�r fc�r cr�mplianC� t� wall �nd cei�zn� finish, and equi�ment . A �75 fc�ad service fee wilZ l�e charged to a11 plan ch�cks CQr such project� . Floc�r-2nd Occupancy-Sarah bar `Fhe capacity of thi� area is required tn be pasted at 76 c�ccup�nts . -�- Sec. 3342 . (c) For M1 c�ccupancy Sl�ge garage fl��r tc� allow fq� draina.ge to autside �rr prc�vide a floor t�rain with with sand and vil interceptor tc� clry we�.l r�r. ta sew�r, Any garage fl�or dr�.in cann���ed to sewer rnust be �P�Proved by upper c�agle val.ley water & sanitati�n �.i�trict . In garages with li.ving area abave, the waTls c�f the ga�ac�e which are bearin� the ar�a above shall be pro�ect�d with r�r�e Yiour fire resistive cortstruction. Ubc 543 (b) . The miriimum �l�ar h�igY�t is requir�d tQ hc 7 feet . -- S�c . 1102 . {c) . � � Page $ HA�IL7TCA.PPEU FtEQT.TTIREMEI'dTS : N�'I"E: Section nurnka�rs �isted b�1bw are from ANSI A117 . 1 - ��$6 WATER FQUNTAINS : 1y �ne must have a spaut wi�han 36 inch�s of the flc�or. -- 5ec. � . 15 .2 2) Spc+ut must 'b� at the fr�nt c�f the unit , -° S�c . 4 . 15 . 3 3) Cantrols must b� aC C�r near th� �rc�nt of the unit . -� Se� . 4 . 1� . 4 & 4 . 25 .4 4y A can�.�leverecl uni� �s required ta p�avide a clear ar�d �nei�r t�e unit c�f �7 inches high. 30 inches �ide, and 17 inches deep . -- S�c . 4 . 15 .5 (1D 5} A clear area vf 3p � 48 inches is required at the fc�untain , The �lear are� is z-equir�d to prav�de far a forward apprc�ach with a �antile�re�€�d unit� and fc�r a si�e �pprpach otherwise . -- Sec . 4 . �5 . � & Fig.27 b, c,d TC?ILET FACTLITIES ;. �} A 5' diameter una�astruct�d ��rning �pace is �equireci in th� toilet room. -- 5�� . 4 .2 . 3 & Fig. 3 {ay 2J When wat��` el��et is not in a campartrn+�n�, the cl�ar are� r�quir�d is : a) 4$ inche� wide by 5E inches deep wi�h a side appro�Ch. -- Sec. 4 . �� .2 & Fig. 28 �� 4$ in�hes wide by 65 inches deep wi.th a �ront apprc�ach. -- Sec . 4 .16 .2 & Fig. 2$ c) 60 znches wide by 56 znches deep with bc�th appro�ches , -�-- Sec , 4 . I�a .� & Fig. 2� d} Si�i� bar is requ�r�d ta st�rt within 12 inches of th€� back wal� and exCend tt� 54 inches fr4m the ba�k w�.11 . -- Sec . � . 16 , 4 & Fig. 2� The rear bar is required �o be 36 znches long. -- Fig. �9 3) When wat�r �loset a.s in a comp�rtm�nt, the area required is : a} 55 inches deep k�y 6a inches wi�e wi�h a gr�b bar at the �Sack ar�d one at the side . noor ic a� front ar side . -- Fzg. �� (a) csr b) 66 inches deep b� 3� c�r 48 inches wicie wit�i grab bars Qn both �ide� �I7a� C�OC]�' 8� �z`Qilt . -- F'YC3', �CJ ��}) t�.a If � flao� mcrunted water closet is used, the deg�th dirnens��rz shawn �bc�ve must Y�e increased 3 inches . -- Fig. 30 ��) & (b} e} Side baxs are requ�r�d ta start wi�.hin 1� inch�s af the ba�k wall �nd extend to 54 inches frc�m the back wall . --� Fig. 7 .5�a & 7 .56b 'The �rear bar is r.�quired tc� start within 5 inches r�f the side wall �r�d be 36 inch�s long. -� �"ig, 30 (a} 4} The bars are ta be 33 �0 36 inches abc�ve the �l�or . -- Fig. 29f�) . (b) & E'ig. 30 [c� , �d) 5] The top c�f the seat on the wat�r closet is required to b� 17 to 19 inches abo�e t�e flt���. -- Fig. 29 �b) � Fig. 3[3 (d7 6} U�inals are required to be stall type rr have an �lt�ngated arim ar�d be wi�k�in 17 inGhe� of the ��ac�r . �-- S�c . 4 . �,$ .� & Fig. 294c) 7) A clear area af 30 X �$ inch�� is requi�ed in frc��t �af t�.e u�inal . �- Sec . 4 . 18 . 3 8) Acc�ssible �avato�ies shal� pra�ide a �1ear area under the lavatc�ry ❑f 29 inches . -- SeC . 9 . 19 .2 . 1 & Fig. 31 9) A c1�ar are�a of 34 X 48 inche� as r��ui�ed in frrnt c�f the �avatc�ry . -- SeC . 4 . 19 . 3 & Fig. 32 10� The bc�ttQm c�f mirrc�r is requir�d �o be within 40 inch�s c�f �he floor. -� �ec. 4 . 1� . 6 & Fig'. 31 , . . , � � Page 9 R-1 HAtJDICAF'PE� RE+�UIRENIF�I�ITS : Adaptabl� dwel.Ling units are requir�d. -- Sec . 31Q8 . (a} $ . 1� Iz3 hotels, mc��els, & lodging ho�ses, if there is mr�re tY�an 1C7 guest rti�msr ane of every 2� quest roorn,s c�r fractic�nal part thereo�, in�ludinc� associ��e�d batihin� and �oilet facilities� shal� b� a�c�a�ible. -- Sec. 31�18. (a� 8 . Fu.blac-use and cc�mmc�n-us� areas sha11 be acc�ssible. --- Se� . 3103 . (a) 8 , � . __ �. � � . � � � � i'V r��CTIC�N RE�QUE�Y � � � TUWN +QF VAIL ������ �U{�4��ER �� �R4'.1��i� ' � � ^47�-�4�+JC7 DATE � r/ �� / `�' JC�H NAME • , �il����R . .. . ��� J �-++'�� � READY F�R 1N5PECTft]N� MON TI�ES WED THUFt - FRI � _..:. -��� �� LD CAT[C?N: ���-�- 8U1LD1NG. Pl.U1R1'IBlNG: Cl FQC3TINGS l ST�EL 0 €�NDERGRC7UNP] ❑ FC�VNDATIC�N / �TEEL �7 ��uGH I C).W_V_ ❑ FRAMSNG ' � RC]uGH ! WA7�R � RQCJ� � �H��R ' C! UAS PIPiNG PLYWO[�� NAlLIFJG ❑ 1NSULATIC�t�! � P�O� J H_ 7U8 0 SHEETRCC;)CK NAIi. CJ � ❑ — �INA� p FINI�L E�EGTRICAL: ?r'iECHAh11CAL_ a TEMP. P�C7WER ❑ HEATf�I�G C] ROUGH ' CI EXHAUST HCJCJDS� C7 GC7NDUIT CJ SU�'PLY AIR �3 ❑ � F�NA,L L7 F�F�AL "�AP�'F3CIVED Cl DISA�'PRQVEQ ❑ 3��INSPECTI(�� R�C�l�1RE[7 �� � C�F�RE�GTI�7NS: _ .�--� �. �� � �. , , � ^� w i� -��� _ r � . ,I.�'' � .,'' '; r - � � QA7C -'� r :°� � '.> INSPECT�R �-'` �'r�� Y. , . =,; � � _ � IhIS CTI+QN ��QUEST ���r��T n�ur��E� o� ��C�..1��r T�11U"N DF VAI L '�• � --- ❑F�T� ,.. � J0B NAM� �, �: . y.,.i..:�. '��.r��=_ ,. , � CALLER �'�'_`�.��.''}�;� _ � C�V `, � t_� READY Ft�Fi PNSPECTIL�N: M(]N TUES WEC7 THU'Fi A FRi�'` AM `�PM Lt�CA31QN; BVILL�ING: PLlIMBENG: Cl FQC3TINGS / STE�L ❑ U�JDERGR{�l1ND ❑ F�LINDATI�QIU 1 �1"EEL ❑ R�7U�H I �7.W.V. CI FRAMING ❑ R(7�JGH 1 WATEFi � RQC)� 8� SH�ER ❑ G�IS Pl�lhlG P�YW'C3C7t7 NAILJNG - -- C7 INSULATi�N __._ � P�OL i M, TUB ❑ SHE�7RO�CK NAfL 0 �,,- ❑ - �� 'x J � � ._..;� �....�. _ _ ', F��J a � - � c`• -,y ��' '"��i+��, 0 F�h1 A.l� -- --..._ _ ____. � _ ELECTRlCAL: ''" '�` :���i"���' �- -�,� ;� .� - ,� ?{ NIECHANfCAL: C] T�IIJIF'. PQW�R ❑ NEATII�G fJ ROUGH ' CJ �XHAUST HC�C}QS ❑ C(]NDLaIT ___ ❑ SUF'PLY AIR ❑ ❑ Cb FI�JAL � FIiVAL G AP�''RC�V�[7 � DISA�'I�RC]VE� ❑ REIhlSF'E�TIC?�J RE�UIREd CORRECTIQ�S; ` - :.� ..��''�` ,�f��~ � r�;:..�,k�_.��" ,Tr�r :�^��O C�r�'.� �i.� �.'�c�€°` r" �` ,�''(,� rr '� -""° ��� '� �'o ,� - }«;-' r`°/�"° ' .� C�Q�Z� Ce�J�C.,�,I�'�„'-' � � . ,� �_ � 1 � ��! :..-����-�-�� DATE %�'- _____ INSPECTUR ��r � ' . __ �����:,:. ---��,�.������;,��.., . 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CI EXHAUST HC7aDS �'�' �I GC}NC3UIT --- ❑ 5llPPLY AIR 4� ❑ _.. p { ❑ FlNAL p FINRL [�,,APPRt�V�d ❑ DfSAPPRC]VE� O R�IhJSPECTfQN REQIJIR�C7 C�RREGT6CJNS: f'� � , - , u S} ..'.�--' J '. �;�.��:1LiTK+i,'74�L&TI "rC !.'•�j.LTF..i i( �_.�. :' „ C... �r��j ��.i�,4J{[�I �L»�.J �I�L..f�`Cli �'v^f�( �..r � _ ,��?r—�L' t� P`'+ � Z'� r - v° 1'i t t.J -yf..JC?iE�G�''r' !.it� C..,^�°'►� ./'7r'G/ fjV �,��" L;.+� C�� �' �r[t���t�'T..,we� .k,.r�'��45i �r�'^aU�� ''�- �,�br'�,i• {���1�L2�,�k�rf����' ,+''l�n���',�)r �fi��'"I'"" �� p T _J _ < �'���ia.++s�+f� . ,''rJ , ;- •k, 'J '�,.,;`�' L r�� `�r r Ls�., � L i i C . ���r�0/d s�+f�p �" '# r� �d,1 - - � _ � •i� C"'��.�^�-�1:� f f - _ -.,�, �.L�.+��cr�4 I,t a` ;�`r�c� �:� �i�`�"� t Irk�vt?�c'��=v"._.� c�:?�!F�� f���°JI�'r:�x r ,� �;u,�-fi�_ ;=i�f I �� � ,�ir l�aa;.; ,,�:--f,.�,,,�� .� �/�'. 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TUS �-� � � ,.�. `�: 0 �H�TRC]GK �„Al�. ,- __ _ •• _.. ❑ ,���., .. - � . .. . x�_- -- C] - -- - p , �... �, �INAL �'��`�, '�. .._ ._,_ � . - - .. CI FII�lAL � ELECTRfCAL: IVI�CHANI�AL: .!� ❑ T�MP. PC�W�Fi ❑ HEATiNG !' — ❑ RQUGH ❑ EXHAUST Hd+7QS ; L] GC]N[]U(T � _ C� SUPPL�' A'fF� � � C7 �'IN�L ❑ FINAL __ t C] APPRUVED C7 QISA�PFiC�VEa � F�EI�lSPECTIC]N R�OUIRE❑ CCIRR�GTIt�NS:�`� . ' -. , .�._.. _ _ _ - �,�r��-i��{%";��,�i t .L��1's'.'''� ��" %'�i i"r��-r..,,—�—��;�+''" =�e;��T - -�_. ._.__.__._______— _. _ _ _ — �� �- --- - � � - f.�r.v- , �Y �� � ''� . � , � � ,+y'!.?�'�, I� �► T�— c�,P.�'��.t' ,y`` �� , � � r _ , . , , � � . . _- --� . . , _ ,. 1 � ._ , t�'= --ee� �� r �� _ _ , ��`,�-- ���,�# s , -_, ��-., ;; �~ _ _ '~ �.._ _._���— _.-f��: {, �,_-a�. . . . . . 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CJ FRRMf�JG � �C3LJGH / WATER RQdF & SHEE�i ❑ GAS PI#'ING d PLYWC�Q� NAILIN� ❑ IN5UL,4�IC]N � PC]dL 1 H. TUB C] SHEETROCK NAIL ❑ ❑ - ❑ . �l FI�A� --- ,� t s'` � �,.;:f'y:_ � Fih1AL - EL�CTRI�AL: M�CMAI�IIGAL: ❑ TEMF. PC3INER ❑ HEATII'JG ❑ l�LUGH - � ��HAUST HC�QpS ❑ �CC]�#�U17 ._ Cl 5L.1PP�Y Af� � ❑ � ❑ FINAL a F�NAL � _ �1 APPR�VED ❑ DISAPI�RUVE� C] R�IhJ5PEC71(�N REQUlR�C1 C{�RREC�`1QfV5: DATE i 1NS��C1r(]R �`` >� > :,�.r= .. �,�sta�� � � a � li'"►+�S�CTI�� REC�LJE�T TQW�1 C�F VAIL f'ERMfT hrIUMBER OF PRC}JECT � 479-2138 � � r� �ATE _ '. JdB NAME CALL�R RE,4t]Y F�R I1VS�ECTIQN: MOf'�f TC�ES . WE[] ' TI�UR FRI AM PM LQCA�If]N: ;'';. ; .. ,. ?xu . ��� BiJILI��NG: ' RLUMBING: �°�t]DTI NGS I �TEEL C� i,.!}"�1�ERC�F#Q�L}Na � F�L�NQATI�]N I ;TEEL � CJ FiC7UGH I a.UV.V. 0 FRA14�Ih1� IO RCJUGH 1 "WATER � RC30F & Sf-l��R Q P�YINf�QD NAILlNG ❑ GAS PfP'IIWG C7 iNSULATIC3N ❑ POQL/ H. TU6 0 SH�ETR7CK AIAIL _ � � Ci � _ - � � .._ _ R �INAL �' �" � 1� '�INAL ,_� '`�`, ��ECTRlCAL: MECHA�VICAL. ❑ TEMP. POWER Q i-IEATIN ,�'a ❑ RC]UGI-i ❑ EXHAUST Fld��]S C! CQPJDRJIfi ❑ S�dPPLY A!� CP —_ � L FlNAL �] FIfVAL � , E❑ APPF�ClV�D ❑ QISAI'PRC�V�Q �3--�EINSP�CTlUN REQUIR�Q GORR�CTIC7NS: . . .` .-r_. . }; ,t,:a.l_1 � DATE I�ISP�CTOR INS �TIC]N REQUE�T p��nni� rvu�ns�� oF ��p,���r TC71NN �F VAI L �AT� � JaB h�9AME CAL.LER _ . _ REAC}Y FaFi IdVSPECTfC7N: MON TL,3E� WED THU�i FRI __ q� pp,,,q LC�CATION: � BUI�D�f�G: RLLJMBih�G: � FUOTINGS 1 STEEL — � �JNDERGRC}UNa ❑ FOUNDATIdN 1 STEEL ❑ RQUGH J D.W.V. C] FRAMI�G ❑ RCJUGH / WF�TER __ � AG10F & SHE�R f� GA5 P�PII�G PLYWO�O NAILIfVG - !47 EN5IJLATI�1� 0 P(]f�l� i H. TU� CJ SH�ETi�CICK NAIL p ❑ -- d ❑ F1NAL � F114AL EL�CTRICAL: MECHAfV�CAL: , O TEMP. FJWE�i _. C7 �EEA7ING � ����'H ❑ E7CHAUS7 H�[]D� ❑ CQNDUIT ___. O SUPPLY AIR p - � � Q FINA� ❑ FINAL C�" APPRC�VE[] ❑ DISAPPROVED � R�i�11S�ECTIcJ1�l REC;�UIRE� c�o���crdar�s: f.F��,�" - ... . � !�r , � . _' . � . ... . ' . _ . - ,. ° ` � /�'"�..Y.. s. V � QATE � ..--.*�=a. ��,-.c:.. .�.,._ II�S�ECTC�R _ a ,.�. . . _ ���+�� � -- If�� +GTIC��J RE+QUEST €'ERA�,+IIT RIUMBER C3F PROJECT TO1P��1 OF VAIL �7AT� - JC3B 9VAME . �ALLER � - READY FC�Ft 1fJSPECTIcJ1V: tviON TUES WE� THU�t FRE AM PM Lf7CATIC�fV: BUILl711�lG: P�.11f11R6i�+IG: ❑ FJ(�TINGS 1 '�TEEL _ Ch I�NbERGROU�ID CI FDUNDATIt7hl ! Sl`EEL p F�pu�l� ,� D.�,r,�, CI FRAMING ❑ RC�UGH / WRTER � R4�F & SHEER C] GA5 PIPI�IG PLYW{]QC) I'+IAI�ING ❑ ICJSUL�I71�N �_ ❑ PC?ClL 1 H. TL.1B C7 SH�ETROCK NAIL p _ 0� C] _._ 0 FIhIAL ❑ FI�fAL ELEGTRICAL: MECMAMlCAL: D TEMP. PC71N�R – ❑ HEATlf�G ❑ ROGi�GH ❑ EXHAUST Fif�C)DS ❑ GON�L.lIT _.._ _ C� SUPPLI! AIR 0 —._. � _ ❑ FINAL _ __ p FfNAL ❑ APPROVEC3 C3 C]ISA€�PRQV�D � R�1NS�'ECTION REQUIRED �CDRR�CTIL i�f5: " .r _ . .."'�`' �; ,�.�. . - ' i �- DA,T� df'�SF'ECTC3R �.�:,�� � � � Ihl C'T��7N REQL�ES`� T�Ww �F VAf L PERMlT NUN16E�t (JF PRQJE�Cl" �� 479-�C13$ �ATE ' i � F t JC1B NAM� . � � !�ALLEF� ; � ` R�AL7Y FQR IR9SP�CTlC�N: MCyN �U�S WED THUR �FRI AM PM I�C3CAT1�]N: , BLJILdIhlG: PLUM#i1NG: � FdDTINGS f �TEEL ❑ U�1DE�iGRClUNC} ❑ FOUNDATlC]N 1 STE�L ❑ RC7l�G�i 1 D.W.1�. +�, ❑ ��iAMfN� � RC?UGH I WATER RCJC7F & S�iEIER IL] GAS PIPING � fi'LY'JVOt�D NAiLING ❑ INSGJLA71[7�J __ � P�?OL 1 H. TUB C7 S�-IEETRl7GK hIAIL ❑ O ❑ - C7 FINAl� 0 FiNAL ELE�TRICAIL; 'MECHAiIVlCAL: Cl TEM�". i'(�WV�R C7 HEATIfyi� C! RC�U+GH _ ❑ �}(HAl�S� H[�4DS G7 CC}h11�U�T - 0 �UPPLY +4iR _. C] �__�__ ❑ �_ I� �4hIAL _ p FINAL CI APPFidVED 0 DISAPPRQV�D I� R�Ih#SPEC71C7�! REQUfREQ CURRECTIOhJS; _�, , � DATE PNSPECT�R k �,. ���-�' J�' i�J� CT1+�7N REQUEST PERMIT IVUMBER QF PRC]J��T �('OWIV OF If,41L , DAT� _ .�``� '"`� - JOB NAME f'�� d'=- _ CALLER �'`',r,�''�r�'�.� - R��dY F�R IN�PECTIQN: hlECahl TUE� 1NED •"THllI� FR� iaaM ° PM LOCA,T[OfV: % �--t"` ' ,�;'"'%, r,�;��• SUlLDING: PLUMf31NG: ❑ FQOTING515TEEL ❑ I�NQ�RC�RCIUND __. a F[�UNQATIC3hJ / STEEL ❑ RC�UGH / Q,W.V. C� FRAMIf�� ❑ at]U+�F� / WATER RQC7'� &. SHEE� C] �'aAS Pli'�[� .C',� � FLYWODD f�AILING - — ❑ INSU�LATIQ�9 Q PC?JL f H. TlJ$ O SHEETROCK f�AIL p � — d - ��...,FIf�lAL C7 FfNAL — ELECTRICAE.: MECHANiCAL: ❑ TEMP. P(7WER ❑ HEATING C7 RQUGH � ExHAUST HQQDS � CONpd.JfT � SIJPPLY A�R ❑ --, _ ❑ ❑ FENAL _ _ _ C] FIf�AL �,C�3-.-�PPRCJVE[] � QISAP�RpWE[� f� REIhlS�'EGTI[]N R�QfJIRE� CC7RFiECTIO�JS: �. r a ,,-- ;`�.c- ,.!C f J __ _ �i I1k'"����L> `t',r'x �.�'* � / —`_�= � _ t�!/Y�� � �.;_t�fr��' =j ��'* 1R't'!''��-` ��,�.f�`d'�':�rt! F. ,r.-! , 1- -!/�.� j/��[���i•/r,r/i''r�� .. J .—. ,----� f� r � ,�, r r:; i"`? - t' .a'f,�- dATE �,/�=' INSP�CTdR '`� ` �.�� ��M��� � =_f. � - _ Ih1S CTIt]N REC�UEST PERMIT NUIVIBEP, DF PR�dJECT �C]WN �F VAf L DATE -- . JQB �fAME __ i. .� .. ,• , C,+�ILL�R : - � ; ; .,.. ,: .. "� Fi�A�Y F�R INSPECTIQfV: MON Tl1E� ��l�[7 THUFi ;.�FRI '�M,.,' ., P1U'1 : LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBI�+JG: � FdOTiIVGS f STE�L ❑ U{VQERGRC7LJNI� � F�JU�JDA71C7N / ST��L ❑ �?C+UGH 1 I�.W.V, Q FRAMIIVG 0 F�QUC�H / WATER RC70F & SFlEER C7 GA� PIP�NG � PLYVIIC7C7a NAlLING � If�ISULATIt�N � PCJC3L / H. TU� —..— 0 SHEETROCK NAdL p 0 _. ❑ _ I� FlhlAL ��.�_ � ❑ �i�JAL ELECTRI CAL: M ECIMAI'+ll�A�: ❑ TEMP. PQWEft _ __ ❑ HEATING ❑ R�UGH z._ Cl EXI--IAU�T HC3C3DS ❑ CC}�JDUIT Cl S'UPPLY AiR � .. � CJ FiNAL ❑ FINAL ❑ APPFi[3VE€] ❑ L7ISAPPR[]V�D 0 REINSPE�TIfJ�J REQUERE�7 �a�����rionrs: � -����:-_� ��_ _ ;;-, ; ; _ ���_: , ; , . - � �� � :. r _ � : � �, _ e �'� � . ,, a ,- __ . . . �f s . �. �r:?{ ! � ., . �=` ' ��e ,! �-.�'_���.�-.'�I'i�.:��� rir� _F ri ,,."` r��'� .�"/S�'f f,. . -�' _ _ ,1, ,._ r.r ✓ �% . � t . ., . , _ _ f- , . .. - . � f, . -. "7 :�' l _ � - - - � ;, -� �, � � � �� '.�c �:` �''�,V - c., � ,�. �,C...,�` � �: � , . _. �,,,��� �-'�t'1-v't� i �1 � 3 k a: f ,� � ' �' ,,�_� ;�✓f's^ �-_ r �- r��.'�,�:�,r�T�r�si J`'��''�'�c�� � _ R'�4:.(���1.;�_-�"�+r 'v 'f 'f'r�/'`� �%j,J,,,.d Gf�.�:t/�' .,,� , . =..r` .r � e -�' �M�-',�r' , Y �. � � _ . � �' DAT� .�::.:' _ ,r � � r�. IN�PECT�7R �'���-;��f�.�-��� __ � ����� � � ;' � C,��l�"1�;,fiid��'��� .��aC'.�l���'y �'�1(�. i7(J f�. ,��[11'1.�,!1}'? ,�iC�Ylf:f'7 Fill � 1-'r�rl, �:'�l���r�:�r.���.�:f ti�� . F�t�7�' �f7G-5�}{�1 l�.ri.�'(�f13)r��-�`Jf�C) Febru�ry 9, 1993 T�wn c+f V��i 3 Building Inspection Dept ❑ail, CU $i�57 ftE: Qutszde IPandi�ap �.irect3.c�na7 �i�;na�e. '�� WIiOA�I I'F A�,hY C�]NC�RN: Attaehed is a c�py r�I a FA1Y transmit�al frnm Hjghte�h �igns stating ttzat tYre m�nufactux�ing c�f ntir Handica� 1�irection.al signag� i� in proeess. Insl��llation shau�d L�e com�alet� w�ihin thxee weeks. We als� plan, at the ra�{uest of your Suilding �epartment, to add ��.ndica�, identa�ficati�ti si�ns to our tw4 handicap hatel rooms. I trust Lhi will res�lve any c�ncerns the de�rart�aiei�t might have at this tiIIie� :� Sincex'ely, '�. j _3, ,} �,J �. _ '���� 1' �,j����,/L'�-t=,�. Paul I�: Jah�nton ,, �aF�M7���� �.� �+,r�:� ��r�F� 1� v�,v•��•��a�s��y � . ��y ,: ����� ������. Si�ns Th�� �e�x� I3�tsiness F=���s�tuFli�Y #3, �.��; l��i: F'F�IJ�. 3'Cl9-�N��I'C1�! CH�T�T;tA�E��-1 A7' V�Z�. F=ftC1��: E.�w7RY ��y-- / F�i=: �-I�{`�D]:C`F�PP��7 -C���� �tRU Cq �f-�:(� SS 'l'�] �UhIF TF�M TFIA"� HIGHT€�L`N SI�;hl� W�� �N ���O3�U�TT��N �i��i�: f-«#VI]�[�A�F'�I? AL:.�.:�JS �:�U�'� �1G��l� F�'��t TM� �H[�I�-I"1�nlzA �r �Fa�L. . _I�I(��Fa W i t..L L:i;1V�R TH� 3��1 I N �:#�f'1'�i������E� TI-��: ��R�1�'S L�ll1'�l��: �I���'�AN(..°�y �f��-fi��:: �Jk;ST ikl�"r'T��t���, P��!]� �i��� �C3U�1'l� �1V��ANC�. W� E:��'T MA�T��, i�l�"i'r=�I�Lr�`€'It�N �JZ7HI�i ;� t������5. 7�.�� �f1Rk: "1��R "LIni1 �f�"fl R1�6�.Q � x�,�,.��.�....... ,... nsn xt.����_�. _ .. n.i r +c �_._ . r..-� n�-.,., . . � _ IN� CTf{7N REQUEST PER[w11T NIJMBER OF PRC]JECT TC�VIfIV �J� 1/A�L. L7ATE , J�78 �JAhJ�E - ` CALI�ER " __ REA�Y FC}R INSPE�CTfO'�1: M�N TUES WEC1 THUFt FRI AM PM LC7�ATICJN: — - ° BI�ILDfIVG: PLLlMBiNG: ❑ �OO7INCS I STEEL � - ❑ UNCJERGRC7UND ❑ F�L1hlDATf�+N /' S7EEL ❑ RCJUGH ! D.IN.V. Cl FRAM�NC� _.._ CI �CJUGH 1 WATER � RC7C}F c� SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING PLYWC�C7D CVA�L1hJ�G CC �NSULATIf)N ❑ PQC7L/ �l. TUB __ ❑ SHEE7ROCK f�A'aL ❑ _ _ �� _ . 0 f� FINAL _ ❑ FINAL �L�CTRICAL: M E�CHANI CAL: ❑ T�MP. P�WER __._ . _ ❑ HEATIRIG Q RC]l1CH C] '�XFIAUST HOC)DS C� GOIVDUIT _. _ ❑ SU�PLY AiR _- � 4 0 , .�_ 0 F�t'�AL _ ❑ �I�JAL ❑ APPRQV�I] p' �ESAPPRflVED � REINSPEC'TI�N REQL#IFi�Q CC�RFiECTIC]N5: __z ' J = , . _ _ . , . ., , _ � _�,%-�_E-- . -- ._.J , -- � : . ,ti, �. ,�' . . . _,�ur`.r` _ .� c_ _.�. � „•_� - '':r,� �' . _ ,.. � � __ -- . ., j. . ��: - :. r y �... . �_ :� -- . .�� , _ - ` `— �^'l1<.�v.C! •;:-— �J . . . ' fi . , . .. . _ . .. _ .,_—_ +'- ' �.{�� _ .��; � �„ � ---- ��+,� i -- , _ � , �� , , v a1 � � ` . . . � . � - . ' . -' - i . . - '�'- - ` - ' . . . DAT� �. .— INSf�ECI`OR ��...-�.�--� �' . .. -° .�, _." _ . -� , r'- ,�y yl —.. _ , x- ,: . , � _ � .. . s � .. _. . 1+""' � � -- " . ,�7,. [�nirr5n�n _ - ._�. � _ , � -- II�S CT1+�3N REQUEST �ERMIT EVUMBER C�F RRC�JECT T�]WN UF VAIL DATE ` JCJB NAM� —_ CALLER .: READY FQR INSPECTIOIV: MdN TkJES WED 1�HUFi FRI AM PM LdCATIt"�N: BIJILDIt+IG: PLUMBIhI+G: � FCJ�JTfNGS / STEEL 0 UN[]ERGRDUN❑ ❑ F{]L�NDATIC}N 1 STEEL _.__ 0 F�C7U�H � D.W.V, C7 FR�4MING _ ❑ RC]UG�-i 1 WATE� ❑ RC}C3F & SHE�R ❑ [;AS PIPINCa — PL'YW(�O[7 NAILId`JG l� I'MSULATIC7N __ ❑ P(](JL 1 H. TU8 ❑ SHEETR�CK NAIL __.--- p � p � IFINAL p FINAL ELEGTRICA�: MEGHANI+CAL: f� 7��vIP. PC7WER ❑ HEATING 0 RCJUGH ❑ �XHAl.1ST HC]4QS ❑ CCJhIDU�T _ p SUPPLY AIR ❑ -- ' __ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ F1hIAL _ � APPR�VED ❑ DISAI�PRDV�D r❑ REINSP�GTI�C]N REQUrRED CORRECTIOfiJS: � � -. � � �` � - � , , bATE -- iI�SPECTc]R `� '" R`fMSkKW ._ � i ,z- / z � 93 , J�� �� C!'� �� / �.� ��.��° ,� 4'�.X.o.�U�-2�-� �-C�C.�- Y .�C �{ ��G.c�2?�t�Z �C..G� �-L /(�/ �e-n��s%� - /'� TC. �� ��P� �� ��1.�-� 7� ��/��,�,�� �� �� `.7 £ 7 f'� �l�j � ��, � - � . .. - . 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T2��` .� uJ � � U � Z� H � H I- � m � � "7 d lL ~ � '� � � � a � Q � 4 � � � 4 = � � � LL �❑ � � � U � � � � _ � � CY � � J � � (ry � 1 � � � � .� � � � ¢ � � � � � � � }° � � � � � • . � - " w"�+a . �!� ���� �� ��� ~ 75 sauih fi►ontag� road vail, caiarado 81657 (3�3) 479-2138 Qr 474-2],39 oiffce of cammunfty deveiop�rteMtt BUIL�IIYG PERP•�IT iSSUANCE TI�1E FRAPIE If thi,s permit requir��s a Towr� �f Va�� F�re Departr�e�t Appraval , �r�gineer'�s (Public Works} review and approval , a glannin� Depart�nent revi�w or Hea�th Oepart,r�en� review, and a review k�y the BuiTd�ng ��R��"�►��nt, the es�im�ted time for a to�tal reuiew may take as lang as three wv�eks , AI7 c�mrnerciai (�arge or sma11 } and all mu1�i-fa�i�y permits wi11 have tv fa�7ow thc ab�ve ment��n�d maxim�m requirement� . Re�identia] and sma�l pra,�ects �houl� tak� a Iesser amount o� time. Fiowever, if resident�al or smaiier pr�jects lmpact th� various �be�ve mentiorted departme��s with regard �v n�cessary review, tnese prcjects r�ay a 1 sa t�k� tF�e tfiree week peri od, Every a�tempt wi�ll he m�d� by this de�artment to expedite �.h�s permit as soan a� possibl�, I, t�ie �ndersigned, understand the p�ar� check �rocedure and t�me frame, Ar�ree t� y�. ' . - ` :l ���:� ,,ti� 'Pr�ject f�ame Qate W�r�C Sheet was turned inta t e CQrr�rauni ty aevel opment Depa r°tment. � � f r � i ���� �� ��W� Ot V�� � 75 south fro�nlage road nail, calnrada 8t857 i���7 479-2�38 or 419-Z139 afff�e ci cammu�i#y �eve�vpment �'fl`= ALL CQNTRACTC�RS CUF2RENTLYL REC�STERED W�TH THE TC7WN t3F VA�L F�OM: TOWN OF VAtIL PUBL�� W�RKS�'CrJI�I'�CJN�T� DEVELaPME:�T L1ATE: I'�AR�CH 16, 19 8� SUF3,3ECT: C�1+ISTRTICTI�N PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summaary, �rdinance No. 6 states that it is unlaw�ul, far any p�.rson tc� litter, tra�k ar depc�sit any soil, rc��k, sand� dek�ris o� materia7., ].�7ca.11di�lg t��tsh dLl�tpst�lC`�r partable tc+ilets and wQrkmen v�hicles upon an� street, sidesaa�.k, a�.ley vr public place or any port��n th��eof. The rzght-o�-c�ay an aZi Tawn o£ Vail streets and raads is app�ox�.mately 5 ft. aff pa�rement. This r�rdinanee will. k�� strietZy en�orced by th� T�wn �f Vail Fub�ic Wc�rJcs T]epa�tment, Persr�ns found v�c�]�ating this �r�dinance w�ll be givert a 24 haur written na�iGe to remove said material. In the event �he person so notified dves z�ot camp�y with the n�tice wathin th� 24 hc�ur tim� specif�ed, the Publ�.c Wc��ks �7epartment wi�� rema�e said material at the �xp�nse af p�rson notifiec3. The provisxons of this ardinance shalZ not �e agplicable t� constructzan, maintenance ar r�pair prajects af any street vr a11ey ar any uti).ities in the right-a-way. �'o revi�w [�rdia�ance Na. 6 zn full, please stop by th� To�rn of Vail Building Departm�nt �c� abtaa.n a cc�py. Thank yvu fQ� your caopera.�ic�r� an this matter, Read and acknawledged by: Positiortf Relatir�nsh.ip tc� Proj�ct (i.�. cc�ntractor� owner) Dat+e �. � ; .�- '� °�� . �`5 � �°'� �� 11'��7���r���[�l RG��E� ` P'�RMfT FrfUMBER CJ� F'RQJECT �`(]'�IV(1J QF �,f,C��� I �� °�.�,_"- DAT� � ' ,-"� 1 `�'" JC]B hJAME• � �;`.G��> ..:. � �,�. _ C A L L ER _'"��t-� ? , ,r'-�`�.-��!-`-�-�'`. ; _ _ , REAC}Y FQR INSPEGTIC]N: F MQI�J TI�ES WED THUR FRI _._ AM PM LC�CATICI�'�I: ,`� _ BllILDIA9f�; PLUM81AiG; ❑ FClC]TIfUGS �" STEEL p UN�ERCaF�CJUND � � � F[]UN�3A�'I�� 1 ST�EL -� ��"'�r�� �`��'�=={�-.� ❑ ROUGH ! a.W.V. _____. ❑ FRAMING 0 R04�GH I WATER — RQC�� & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING � PLYWDUD NAl�..ING ❑ IhISULATI�I� � PC�OL / H. TUB ❑ SH�ETROCK NA1L ip ❑ 0 _ � CI FINAL p Flf'�IAL EL€C7RlCAL: AAE+CHAIVI�GAL; Q TEMP. PC3WER � HEATih1G � I�dl1GH ❑ EXHAIJST HC�C}DS �7 CDI�JQUIT __ ❑ SUF'PLY Aa'� � � � FINAL _ ❑ Flh]AL ,• — – ,���f..�PRC3VED ❑ D[SAPPRC7VEQ ❑ R�iNSPECTIC}N REQtJIRED C(7RREGTIONS: 1 � �� ` �tL Y�,-r< f .� f /r `_ �''�� �v ��}.�, r _ �' ',� �� � �`r,+{ l�,�; t - f �� -a`�i' �``'�--- �✓ �. QATE .�' •;:'' 2.... �_-� r � ,�n-r"°'�-- -- ��'` ,�' INSPECTC�R y�� PA]MSHOF z 4� ,� 4 � � �f^, �� +� . If�J,SPECTI�N REC�UEST � �E��niT rv��naER oF �aa�ECr ,' - TC�WN QF,,VAII� d r � ✓' �t , , ' _ ,' , ; , � ,� � ,, DATE + �-� +° i t.�- JC�B NAM� �,I`,L° �r�_.�y�" _,�;+ .;t � '�_�y �� �_°� r t" � CRLL�R ^'� '� -- F_ `��� ���� - � ��� Y� _ ,� .-.1r f - � � R�ADY �OR INSP�CTION:� MC1N TUES f�Vl+'ED.�'��IUR FR� � ' � q(+,�f .� plvl LOCATIC�N: �'"_� ,. � �` �' r _�f`�-�� -,,,�, ;: ,, ,,r_ ` l���r� - - � '.`-----�—�,__ - � BU�LQING . �� ,;' PLUAABlAIG: �,.,�i � � �.��- ' .,(��,j �^r''�`i�,. �,~��C�TI�IGS.I'SI��E�L�t'=,����1! -��� ; � UN[)EF?GRf�IJND L FC]U�`JI�ATIQIV 1 S`�EEL ❑ ROUG�I / Q.W.V. t7 FRAMING 0 FtC?UGH 1 WATEF3 RC��F & SHE�R C] GA5 P�FING � �'LYIN(7CJC31�AfL1fNG � IM1lSUL�lTE�7N � ��C7L 1 H. Tl.lB I❑ SHEETRCJ�fi NAI�. _ p , 0 _ ❑ . 8 FiNAL ❑ �INAL �LE�TRICAL: ME+CHANICA�: � TE�'IP. '�C)1NER 0 HEATING __.. CI RC]UGH C7 EXNAUST HC3DDS � Gf7N�U17 I� 5l1PPLY A!R ❑ � ❑ 0 FIiVAL _ ❑ FINAL -- APPRC?UED I� a#SAPPRtJVED ❑ RElhJSPECTIC7N REQUiRED �''° GORF�ECTI'OI�S: ` - � • .•-` � �ATE _ - �` �� INSPECTUR Y�'��1=��` r _� ����,� _ � � . �_ v _ i_-� �- II�SPECTICaN REQ�JEST P�RM1T NUMBER C]F PRC7JEG7 TC�W`N QF VAIL r" � ' ' . � E ! ` i=- DA7� � ��'� `+ J�B NAME f'r� ��' A • _ �� �C_����*-'�r - - �,- � -! � �, �ALLE'� �- � _ T { �``` ,�����-�. �' ?j�•- READY FC]R INSPECT1C�h1� MC�N TUES WE[7-_;_', ThlIJR �RI � p,IVI pM � -� �,_, , . LC]CATI�GV: % ;,�'. --- �' �� --_.,�'°# c��`,e ._.. �., , — _ - 8Ll1LD1iVG: PLUM�iNCa: CI �C3071fVG5 / S7EEL �,Q`f�.11�I[7EF��RflUND ' ,r�._ ,'.i •-; �.'-r C] F(�LINDATiC�Iv! 1 STE�L _ �f C7 1�L�UG1� 1 D.W.V. �-�='�``� �,._,��'''�;-'��'°'�-� �Y �= ❑ FRAMING — 0 RQUGH / WATER - '�...,.`.��j'.�° {`�,.�` RC1Q� & SHEER p GAS PIPlNG � P�YW'OOQ NAILIAIG ❑ INSULATIQN � C� PQflL 1 H. TU8 � SHEETROCK NAlL _ p Q d ❑ FIf�AL ❑ FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: C1 TEMP. PQWE�i CJ HEATING ❑ ROUG!-I � EXHAUST HO�dS ❑ CD�+1DkJIT — 0 SUPPLY AIR -- � p _ ❑ FIN�4L �i FIf�AL `�( APP�RCIVED ❑ �fSAPPRC]VED 0 R�lNSPE�3lGlV RE{�I�IREQ CC7RRECTIONS: � `` ,' �:.,� - DATE -,./'+` ��% � lNSPECTCJR � =.��� . a�ur`"'rrsvn. - - - � ` � ,_ ,. .' l _�,.,' II�IS�ECTI�N REQI,JEST �_.� _-• � ���n�ar rvui���R c�F ��a.��c� T�3uv�t oF vA�� �f �� ,:,, . � � ,r,, C7AT� ? ; ' '..�. JC3B INAME � — �� ,,''� � � .:` _,.__,._<-:�,_. CI�,LL�R r` �� � !�`� ! _ ��r�_��.c=�r`.� / �,'`, - - , _ . _ REAdY F(�i� 1NSPECTION: MC?N TUES WEa ; THUR FRl �`'� ' AM PM ` L O C AT f�N: �. � �', ,, r �; �'- BUI�L[71NG: � .:�,PLUI'4lBIRIG: �7 F-�7C3� I STEEL '(��F�`-� � ? /i�i-A� ,p 1JNDERGF;(�UNl7 , = s--°=�--��r-� C] FC3LJN[]ATICJN 1 STEEL 0 R4fJGH I D.W.1/. --- I� FRAMING Q RC}llGH I WATER R�fliF & SH�EER ❑ GAS PIPING � PLYWQC7D NAILI�r4�a iO If�JSULA3�IC3F� 0 P��L / H. TUB � SFiEE3"RQCK NAfL ❑ _ ❑ Q ❑ Flf�€AL _ ❑ FlNAL �f.�CTRICAL: MECHANICAL: - D ��NIP. PC7#NER _ ❑ H'�ATIf�lG � RGUGH C� E?{HALlST HC30CJS ❑ �CC)NDUIT ❑ S�J�'�LY AIR _ ❑ p - ❑ FlNAL _ ❑ �INAL � APPRC?VE� ❑ �ISAPPROVED ❑ REINSPECTIOhI i�EQUIRED GC3RRECTl�JNS: —. � -- ����.�-�" '�i� e.i„F.r���r�` � ,i ?,F :�- 7� .;A. ,� ti.r� f<_ . +� i, � Y S «r.r DATE �. y, '�- I hlSP�CTOR _ , .�/' �s� � ��- � � � , ---f�� � �`� � �N S P E�GT 1 C3 hJ R E+Q U E S T � PEFiMII" NUMB�R C3�;FRcJJECT '� TOWN UF 1IAIL A .af'L� " � _ — � � � � - l. t , , r -, , ; _, � � ,., ., �7AT� ' +, c�� J08 NAME f �rt �.� .. . .� c=:=__- � �� - _ .; GAL,I�ER , � ' �� , "� ��-�? �•�rti..� �_,� F�,1: �,-, � _ _ -�',. F3EADY FC}R INSPE�TI�N._ r"N�OAI� TUES WED TF14JF3 ;�.���' ._-t? AM '` PM � _» �� _s f,, L�CATI�N: C' r _,�. _ - �f�.-�v��. �`�'�r`.... BUILDINC: PLUMBING: ❑ FOC�TINGS / STEEL _ � IJNQERGRCIU'�!� ❑ FOUNC7ATIC)N 1 STEEI, C7 RC�UGH i D.W.V. ' ❑ FRAMENG 0 RC�UGH / WATER �<--=�-- RC7C�F & SHEER , � PLYWOC]❑ I�AI�IfUG �7'`�''AS PI�IFVG `',-� ;�' .T � �.r..:d _' C7 INSULATIUN ___ f�p PC]C)L I H. TU� � � [� SHE�TR�Ct� NAIL _ ❑ � -_ . _ ❑ �� FdNAL ❑ FfNAL --- EL�GTRICA�: MECHANICAL: I� TEMP_ PC7WER � HEATING _ ._ � F{C3UGH C7 E7�HAlJST HOC3QS ❑ CC)fVDUIT �` - . I� SUF'PLY Al� ❑ _�. _. E� 0 FINAL � ❑ FINAL --- '`{;� APPRC7VED ❑ DlSAPPRdVED ❑ FiEINSPECTIC�N REQUIREL� CC7R�i�CTlOh1S: .. oa��� a ! � _��__=" ar�sP�c��� ' � � L�� �_��-- r ����,� �--� _ .� � � ¢=-. _� __:� �1 �N�PE�TIC?�'�! �EQUEST PEf�MIT NEJM6ER QF PR4JEGT TQW�11 OF VRI L ' , � 4. DATE °', '.,' , ..: JiJ6 fVAME ,..��', ';., _ ., : � .,. .'�,. . 4 , ,�� -., ��.`�.'��_. CALLER - - _ �"�•1�a`�,, �. ��';4,�'. ' REAC]Y FQR INSPE�TICC�N: MC?N TUES WE� THL1R FFiE ~� ;p,Nl�, PN! ,. '__ �., L�CATI�N: _ � •., .. ,* i � _ BUtLDiNG; , PL4lh�BIF1G: Q FC3C7T11�lG5 I STEEL ___ ❑ UND�RGRQUND ❑ F�UNDATIC�N f STE�L � ❑ ROLJGH / D.W.V. _ ❑ FRAMING _ ❑ RUE.lGH i 1NATER ROC�F � SH�ER ❑ GAS Pl�ihlG � PLYWC}CJC1 NAILING ° �---- O INS�ILA�IQN _ � P�OL f H. TU� ❑ SH�ETR�CK NAIL p � .. . ,. , ° , . , — , , , ,....� . � ''' -�' � ti . . . . °-!, ,..r ❑ FINAL _ (] FINAL �L�C�RECA�: MECHANlCAL: ❑ TEMP. PC7WER Lfl HEATING , � FtaUC�H � Q E7(HAUST HODdS k � CQN[JUIT _� � SUPPLY Al�i � ❑ ---- � FINAL _ p F1NAL �PPR�V�b ❑ CJ15AP'PRQV�C7 �I REIGVSP��CTlC)IV RE�UIRED C�RREGTIC7�lS: _ • 7 r,� ,,O";, '�;,,F,• �ATE 'r� �_'`� � � _ . INSPECTOR �f'� �� ` ��,� t#�r �j"'�� � � C` ---" ��'� INSPEGTI�hJ REQ�JEST PERAfll7 h�UMB�R �F P'�tC7JE�C1' YQW'h! U� VAIL ,��` f.• r, .�, � • , a _ ,: 1�; � � �,;�. .� aATE 1 ' � . �' J�B �iAME � _�� . 4----1-- '– ' ' , , . ,� .-,' CALLER ; /�f �'��'�..� - f ` ,-�. ��' . . � �-- — � � �3.� � .. � , _-� ` , .-' R�AaY FdR �NSP��TION: M(JN �7°�JES ` WE� TH;UR FF�� .��`�r."AM PM . _ , , � - ; _ , - .� , r _ L�GATlC3N: ,. . . �;. � .� " __ �. , { �'� ,� .. � , ;:, �{' r., � .. . —.- zy .-- ; 6UI�.DING: : ;_' i, '. F�LUMBING: ,��C7C7TINGS I S�EEL — -� ,_;.''�`s, �,�❑ UNDERGFiUUfVd ❑ FOtJNDATIC3hJ 1 SY�EL ' ` `. ;; <_- � ❑ RC3lJGFl ! D.7JV.V. _ ❑ FRAIvIiNG �< 'r '"��`�. . t�;,,±!,���,;.�° �0 RDUGH 1 WA�ER RbQF & SH�ER ❑ GAS PIPfNG ❑ PLY'v�'C)i7[7 fVAlLIfVG � INS��A�IC7N ❑ P�?�L 1 H. TUB ._._ 0 SHEETRO�K NAIL p _ � p _ ❑ FINAL ❑ �INAL �I»E�GTRfCAL: MECHANICR�; Q TEM�. PQINER Cl HEATING !'� RC�UGH ❑ E�F-fAUST HCJOC3S ❑ CO�dDUIT C] SIJPPLY RIR 0 p -- ❑ FINAL ❑ FINA� �. �'APPRC7VEC] O DRSAPi'RC7VEQ C7 R�1N5PECTION �iEQLJIRE[] °�___._ ' Gt��iRECTIOhJS� � . : f r�:�--���.j—=",�::.,� '���� _ �,,, � _ �_��_ � bATE � '� `-r'- �','" _ INSF'ECTaR �;, � , '�,� . YRIM75hYyF . ' i � r�r�. .(' ... ��' " � � �__��` i. � ', - - INSPE�TIiJJN FtEQUEST PERMIT NL}MBER QF PRC7JECT - TC�VIII'�l C7F VAIL aA7E �, �I JC?8 hJAME _j� "1�,��,{ � ; , � GALLER � �"� �C.��__ - _ �� r � ���� �r,�' ��., . _- ��-.�_� . ,- ' - � R�ADY F[7R I#"�1SPECTIC}N: MC]�1 TUES i � WED .�THUR FR! - ----- -rAi4'I , PM � . . � ,_ ,•' �4 . � r . �QCATi(a6V: .., ' r�� .� . . , -`_ - :' _:'�`-,-_ .���'"#.. _. BLIfLD�NG: � . ' ,� . , #�LUMBING: p��C]71N�S / STEEL � ' (_�,_����"'`_;�� � Ll�JDERGRQUND ___.._ ��- �rl,,°. t ;CP FCJUNC�A1"fOiV I S iT��L �`- `��` ':= . � RQIJGN / [�.tN.V. C7 FRaMING p �i[�UGH 1 WATER � ROOF & SHEER `� ❑ GAS PlPI�1G PI.YWOC?l7 �IA�LING -- C] II�JSULA�TION ❑ F'�JC7L 1 H. Tl�g _ a s���-�ROCK rvA��. o o ❑ a ��r��� a ����� ELECTRICAL: lUIEGHANI�AL: ❑ TEMP. PC7WEF3 ❑ HEATIf�U �] RQUGH � EXHA�fST FiDODS _ �.7 CC}NQL1iT � SUPP�Y AIR �.m C] ❑ � Fll'�AL ❑ FIN'AL �, _ C� A��'F�UWE❑ Cl �3SAPPRDV�p ❑ RElNSPE�TIOiV RECliJdRED Ct�RRE�CTfCaNS: ,�.�-- �t ,�r�, - ,, � DATE / r' > '�,4._ m �NSPECT�C?R - �- �`� Y�'.� -- FMi,Yf.4`PJN � � - � _ I�SPECTI�]N REQU��T PERMIT NUMBER QF PROJEC7 TQW�I UF VAIL [)ATE - J�]B NAM� _.—._ ..-r'`yr � :��-�, ' CALL�R . r. ,�_. , . l�EAC7Y FGR INSI�ECTIC+N: MON `fUES WED '��.THUR FRI `�MAM PM L�CATICIN: v _ � � __ -- . �';' . BUILGIIMG: RLUMBING: ❑ F��TINGS ! ST�EL ❑ UI�IQERGR�7UND ❑ FC3�1NC?�4TIC)1�R I S�EEL �] ROU�H I C}_W_V. [� FRAMIN.�.� _ ❑ RC}UraH C WATER RC7�F & SHEER p ,r,qs PIPfNG � PL�CWQOC3 NAILING ❑ INSULATION C7 PC+C7L / H. TU�3 � SHEETRQCK NAIL ❑ _ � �; , , , `'� - 0 ❑ FIi�AL _ !� FI�JAL ELiEC7RfCAL: MECHANICAIL; CJ �EI'�P. PC7WE1� _ Cl HE,ATlNG � �'��G� L] EXHAUST HDOUS � GOf�4l7U8T ❑ SUPPL�' AIR � � 0 L7 FI�IAL ❑ FINAL �'APPRQVEd p OfSAPPR4VED � R�INSPE�TfOh� R�QUIRED GC7R�t�CTIDh,#S; ; . , ,,- �_, , , =-'' r`-_��=X��'��.<.� ,.__�__��;_, !' .� � ,. r�a-r� --°`�°� ir�S�EC�ra� .�&-{'ry_.,�'p =��'"�". --�.� �, _ . �- _ ���sF�.�� J. --., __ i � � -� ��` ` ll'�1SPE�T1�1►�1 REQU�ST PERM�T �IUM ER OFrPRC?J�CT � - TOV�fI'� C)F IIAIL /' ,�� � ` :r �� . � dATE � 1� ! _`� � - " - . � _ i� �— J C)B hIA M E '�'�-�'�-=��!-� _� _.t'?` ,> t1:. CALLER __� t<-`,`� '_t_r — i.? � r• ,_}-� �`'+� ,r�'�'' ��— , READY Fp�i INSF'�CTIC]�!: MC�hI TU�S WE� Ti--IE���' FFiV _��j1�-, F'I'VI _ � ; ; � -. '� �r f r. - L(�CATG�N: � ;—_ +,r� ��. a , f- - �" ,f-- - ' _ , y �uo�Q��w�: P�un►��rN�: Cf FC}�TINGS / S7'EEL ___ �J UNDERGFiOUN❑ Q �OUNGATlO�f ! S7�El. CJ Rt�U�H �` D.W,V. ❑ FRAIVIING �__ C] ROL7GH l WRTER � RCIQF & SHEER _ � GAS PiPING PL'�WC�CJ� NAILII�G __ ❑ INSULATION ____._ ❑ PQC7L 1 H. �U8 C7 SHEETROCK �IAIL ,Q ' �.-fi. .�' :-�.�; ,.:e r% _ :M%._ - ,.' '� � ` � ❑ /'`�`. ..��r- � .. � �•�` �- � � � Flf'�AL ❑ FINAL `� ± ELECTRICAL. ME�CHA�tICAL: ❑ TEhIIP. PiJWER ❑ HE,4TING C7 RUUGH , ❑ �XHAUST F-@(]C1p5 C� C�JNl7UIT ❑ 5iL#f'PLY AIR ❑ ❑ _ ___ ❑ �IIVAL ❑ Flh1AL �-,�1PPRQVEQ � DISAPPROVED 0 RE��CSPECTdDN REQUIREC] CUFiREC71C3N5: _ �, f, , ,- ,,, . � , - 1 �..-� �- .: . , - ..�.'�_. .;�.�, .. . -,: , e , f � - � �- . � i` . '+"�; ;�, �r- r � ,��� ,� �;_ ��: � --� -���' � . /'' • '� ,r � ,. ,, � _ � f . - C]ATE � ' _ IIVSPECT�R -`fy � ;�'� �`� � �:M�ViLW --- --- � � �-. -�, �`' ;� I�SPECTt�NJ RE�QUEST #'ERMIT IVUM��R QF PF�OJECT ! T�1NfV QF VAfL ., , � , . .. ,J � ,� � C7ATE �` � �� � � � -JC1B hlA�lE r ` ` - "- �"_'� ' r , � GALLER � � f ��` - +!.`� � , - __ . - —_ • , . __ � R�ADY F�QR fNSPECTIOhI; �, hilON TtJES WED THLJR �FRI ���AM PM , _ _� �' ; ._ _--: ' L(JCATIC}h3: +f,��.,. , - �. _ '� __" BUiLC11NG: � _ _ _ ', PLl1M�Ih1G: - r" �.F�?{}TllulaS /'STEEL . '��{ � �f 3-��,/� ❑ i.�ND�f3GR'Ol_1f�IL] 0 �flUNQATIQN ! STEEL { `_,r-,� , F "" � �`��p ROUGH 1 D.►AV.V. ��,,s F., ;fPf q..� �� � > __ � o ��a��rv� ` �o Rou�H r w�r�� ____ �tUC7F & SHEER Cl GA5 PiPI1VC � PLYW0�1D NI�fLPhIG � INSULAT10�1 _ 17 PD�L 1 FE. 7LJB �7 SHEET�iC7GK NAIL ❑ ❑ � p ; ❑ FINAL � FI�JAL __.� _ ELECFRICAL: MECHANICAL; ❑' TEMR. P(7WER ❑ �4EATIf�G Q R[]LJGH 0 EKHAUST H��dS Cl C�3NRUfT ❑ SUPPLY AIR - � __ ❑ ❑ F1tiAL ❑ �IfVAL �''APPROVED � QISf1PPROVEC� ❑ REINSPECTION R�QUIRED CORR�CTIOf'�5: ;` , � __— ,' . . '� 9 �/�� r r� � DATE �-=,��c'� ' ��- _. 1NSPEGTU€� ,�,���'�� ,�.�r, ,.--�-'" �„��:��� � � -� �,. ,`. :. INSP'�CTIC)IV REG�UEST P�RMIT tJUMBER (7F PRC3JECT T�7V11N OF VAIL ;' _ �' aATE JCIB NAME -=�->" �' . a CALLER r - -� '�,r. REA�Y F�DR 1h�5PEG�IC3�J: MC�N TUES �`` WED .,� T�iUR �F�I _- _—. AM plvl ' � "� : '' � . , �� ___ .✓" , LQCATION: - ,� ; , ,- , , � �, . BUtLDIhIG: PLUIU�6IMG: � FC?�TINGS / 5`i�EEL � U�JdEFiGI�QUf'�d C7 Fl7UNDATIC]N / STE�� ❑ Rt7UGH 1 D.W.V. � FRAMIf�EG � FiC}U�GH i WATER __� RC3GF F� SHEER p GA5 �IPIAIG d PLYW�C)i7 fUA1LING . Ci INSULATEON � P[)QL 1 H. TUB C� SH�ETROCI� �IAIL _ ❑ ❑ - _ ❑ �J FIhJAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: Q TEMP_ POW�R 0 WEATING a R�C7UGH ❑ �XHAUST H�ODS ❑ G�NDUIT ____._ ❑ SUPFLY A1� _ �1� � � � , � . ,� • � a . ❑ FIf�AL ❑ FINAL — {t3'AF'PR�VEQ . 0 D1SAP�'RdVE[� ❑ fiEINSP�GTION �iE�UIRECJ �ORREGTfa�S: r .- , DATE ✓°� � _ INSPE�T�R _ ��� � i � � - -- - INSPECTIC3N REQU'��T ��Rr��r �vur���� oF ��o,��cr TQ1�1N C�F V�I L aAT� '.... JC7B f�AM� `.� . +.-.., ti.. CALLEF� — ` � _ , �._ ., READY FQR INSPECTIQN: MQN TUES 1N�C} THUR FRl _ '�. ,'�' AM Phfi �C7CATf4N: BUlLDIMG: PLUMBfh1G: O FO+OTING� 1 STEEL __—._ ❑ IJNQEF�GRfJUN� FUU�1dATION 1 S�EEI���''-r� ���r-�-��t � RC�U{-'aH l D.1N.V. ,�� 0 Ft�AMIf�➢G ❑ RC7�JGH I WATER ___ � R[�C)F 8� SHEER Cl GAS P�PING PLYIIVC)OD NAILI�`�#G ❑ IN�,ULATIQN __ p PC?QL I H. TU8 � SHEETRC7�K M1JAIL p � ❑ _ 0 'FINA�. 0 �INAL —_ , �L�CTRICAL: M�CHANIGAL: �] TEM�'. PDWER ❑ HEATIRIG ❑ RC3UGH __ ❑ EXHAUST HC}OiQS ❑ C�NI7UIT � ` _ __ � SUPPLY AIR I� ❑ � FlNAL � FINAL ��APPRC3VEf7 ❑ DISAP�'RQV€D 0 REINSP�CTION REQLJIR�D CC]RRECTIC}IUS= ,�-. � ;.�,�'��_ �`� �"��., � _ /� ���� � , � _ � �� � �..�`��, - �-� ��'�-� _...c���. �^ : . ,.-° ,, . �J bATE `_'f� z - �' �=- INSPECTC�R ��r��f��`,_�r'. �--�'� �M��.-� � � `� � .� ; _ _ I�JS�E�CTI�N REQUE��' PERMIT fVUMBE'� C1F ��C3JECT TC)INtV UF VAIL DATE —' , JDS {VAME �_ f iz- ;_r �, , f�, _ : _ CALL�R '� - ` `f - -��j f.J READY FC3R 1N5F'�CTI(7N: MC}N TI�ES W�� THUR FRI y ', A�w'E `•� �PM. f __ .. LOCATION: ? ,�'_ .`. -� � r. `��_ _ BllELQRMG: PLUM8ING: 0 FOC+TIh�GS ,I �TEEL C] �1�Jf�E�tGRflUN❑ 1 ' O �C)UIUDAl°�QI'� 1 ��"EEL [�ROUGH I D.W.V, r' '. - ,, � ❑ FRAMING _ ,. I�ROUGH 1 1NRTER �� � FiO�GF & Sk-IEER ❑ Gq� PCPING PLYINC?C�i7 NACLING ❑ fNSULATICJ�l ---- CI PQC3l. / H. TUB —_. ❑ SHEETROCK ItIAIL � ❑ � _ - _ p __ ❑ F1fUAL __ � FINAL ELEC�RICAL: M�CHAIv�ICAL: � � 7�14�P. PQW�R _ _ 0 HEATING Q RC}LJGH � _ 0 EX�1AU5� N[7C�D5 ❑ CONDU�T �l SUPPLY A!R Cl __ -_ p - g ❑ FIIVAL ❑ F1NAL � � APPRC7VEb ❑ DISAPPRC7V�D Ll REINSPECTiDP+I RE�I.�IRED �C�RRECTIC]l�JS: . ��1.�� � ,�,�r �� � � . - ��;'µ `"�`' ' . � � . . � �- �� _. . .- . - . � . . . r�' . �� �f��4�'W3� �.��� � ... r - J � _� _ , �...._. ,�-�� � � �' �I DATE � " �-� `� � INSPECTOR ,;; I a .� ���:� _ f.n � � `=� e� =�' �''� II�ISPE�TlO�hJ RE[�UEST PERMIT NI�Me�ER (�F PRC)JECT • T�WN �F l(,AIL �: � -r,� , � '�JrI �'� �` ,.. �ATE r.:�`I ,`�� , � 1��,�;._� JC7B �JAME ! 1 � f'� � �;.�. GALLER �/c'�'-�I� READY �C]R INSPEGT14h1: MC�i� �l`JE� WEC7 �I-�l�Fi ,�RI�,� AM I(�II�� LUCAT9 0 N: �'`�r- `•�,r �,' !,� f �-' `,r-] �'',- ;j f,?,' �f'' �f BLfILDING: PLUMBING: ❑ �QOT1h�G5 I STE€L � IJ�JI7ERGROUND _ ❑ FDUNl7ATION I STEEL — C7 Rf]UGH / D.W.V. L� FRAMIN� _ ❑ FiOUGH i WATER RC?C1F & SH�ER l� C;AS PIP&NG � PLYWC�Of� N�RILING �iNSU�ATIQN ❑ PC]dL / H. TUB -- �� Q Si-iEETR�C?{ NAIL __ ❑ 0 _ ❑ � FINA� ❑ F1NAL ELECTRICAL: AAECHANICAL: ❑ T�M�'. PUWER � HEATI�IG `;` '=�c. � i �- -- -� ' � - ❑ R�UGH ❑ EXHAIJST � ��;"`-.r�-��,��,`-=�-�1 � CC3�IDU4T '- __.. ❑ SUPP AfR .. ..e �����s?� .� _.. ��. � _. _ . ❑ — � � - �.�,. A P � . 0 F#hJAL _..__ ❑ FlIU,AL . ,�APP€�CtVED ❑ DISAPF�RQVEQ � REINSPECTI�N REC]UIRE� GC7R��GTIC]NS: ' ;�-�-��- �;,. DATE _ _. � I�ISPE�CT�JR �a,�� � - . . ' � ';�;` a � ���� � �� L � l�' �Ff INSPECTI�N REQ�lEST PEI�MIT NUMBER C�F Pf�O.JECT Tl7'�NN C?F VAIL ,, .� ,[� DATE � ,;- ,-;` , ' �,1�18 NAIVIE �./ ��7 �r � � T � �.t. l^ �_.. A r CALLER �� �� !'� � I' READY FJR 19'JJSPECI`1�11V: ;MC]N T1.1�5 W� THk�A FRI �� PM , t ��f � r.�--•' LC?CATIUN: `�- ��.�`. � .-;��� �1 �;_ �} I�.�' �",. �', € (;t y�. rF'f � �.-J��'1 � { —_.__ �fi!� �f- �/.. ,`- L�t ,! �� 'Fj'7 . I I� 1" [•- �. BUILDIN�: PLUMBING: 0 F�C3TiNG5 / STEEL _ � IJN�ERGRQUN� 0 �C}UNI�ATIC3N / ST�EL __ C7 RC?UGH i E7.W.V. f� FFiAMIf�G 0 RCJiJGH 1 WATER �. ROC�F & SHEER ❑ (;A5 PIP1{`�]G ❑ PLYW(�OEl NAILIIVG fl Ih3SULATl�iV __ ❑ PC3C�L J H. TU8 _ ❑ SHE�TI��CK Nf�IL ❑ � — ❑ ❑ FiNAL ❑ FI�JAL EL�CTRICAL: IIAECMANICAI.: 0 TEIVIP. 1'JWER � HEA°i`f�JG . ��C)UGH __. O E}4HAU5T HflC]d5 0 C�Q�I�]I.PIT C7 �LJPpI.Y AIF; � � �� � � � �-�— �_, ��f;-^ -- � O FINAL __ ❑ FINAL —_---- � APPRqVED � O D15APF'RUVED � REl�ISPECTIClI�I REC�UIRED �ORRECT1ClNS: .���+,u� `�:�ti�. N';. �� " I. `� N_ c,- — . . .�r�"i� w�' 4'. �i •`�rJ � ,t { �. �S�l.L1�'l h. {�..� �� j1� ' ��}�^ ',--i � ..j-.,L r'�,�.._�'� � �+�� ' __ ^��� -#'- a tr --- ' �` ,'u�h . � �. , , , � ��__ . ::. � �� y�1,���. � /�i.�'-•k 7 �1 { _�� �� DATE `��,��� _ INSPE�TC7R r ,,j` _ --- �119hTSHlk" � � :'-�- � ` �, � � ,=_ � -� -f' �� INS�ECTI��'V RE[�UEST PERMiT NUMBER {aF F'ROJE�CT TC�WN C�F VAfL , , _ o.' , . _� , , �ATE �.� �_ �° ,' �� JCle NAME ���+�•'L°�L l�� - _ 4 _f'l { _ � , �. v:', `'° :' � { ,` �ALLER ., _ `- ��.,,�� ._.,'r,. - —- _. R�AQY FQR I1�CSf�i�CTI�Jr[V; MC7N TUES 1N�I] THUR !"FR! .' - qM ' P{I,9 LOCATIC3N: _ f ' . -_ _ � - ;' -. ,. ,, - , � �}�' - �f � _. _ sui��ir��: ��unn�rr�G: 0 F4UTINGS 1 S7EEL _ ❑ IJ�JDERGRC3UN❑ ❑ �C)UiV[JATI�N 1 ST'��L � ❑ R(7UGH / D.W.11. ❑ FRAMIhiG fl ROUGH ,` WATER � RdOF & SH��R _ p �A5 PIPING PLYWQQ{� NA1L�f�G . Ih�SULA`T1CJN � :- _�° . .: ,Y�' , ' --'� ❑ PQ�L 1 }-�. TL1B ❑ f-1EETR�GK �AIL _.��, -: �.c �] y ❑ � 0 _ � ��N��- ❑ FINAL EL�CTRICAL: NlEGHAhtICAL: ❑ TEMP. P�QWER ❑ HEATIh3G ❑ S�(7UGl--I _- ❑ EXHAI.d�'T HC���S C3 GONf�UIT __. C7 S�.IPPLY AIR ❑ - p __, ❑ FI NAL __ _ ❑ FI NAL __ . . F — l� APPRCJV�D �Cl DiSAPPRC}V�D ❑ R�I�JSPEGTIC7N REC�UIRED F � CC]RREC�`IC7NS; � f� � �,� _; �JATE IhlSPECTC�R ,.`, x. _ ` �_ . _...P.e.-_ Pr+i:-r5r•a� �', � ___ ,, ,. � � - i.t�����;�: . ir���E�T�a�, �Ea�u�s� �E�n��r rvuM��� a� ��o�EC� Tc�WN OF vAIL DATE � , ° =� JCJ6 N�kME �"� ,�'� �' .� � �, ` CALLER �� �� 4���' � R�,A,qY FCC7�i INSPECTIC}N: MC?N T1JES WED THUR ,�� AM p�1,+1 LQ CA T 9�N: 1 ��,. .->, ., ' ,, ` � �- _ - -- -�-t— `��.:�. � BUILDING; PLUMBING; C� FQ[3TfNGS / STEEL ❑ UfV�ERGRC)UfVb C.� FC?UN�ATION J STEEL ❑ �cC7l�GH / Q.W.V, -- � FRAINI[VG _ Q FiC3UGi-! 1 WATER �_ _ _._ RQO� & Sh-fEER ❑ G,�'yS PIPINC � �LYW4JD lUAILIf�G _..__ .__ ❑ I�SULATIQhJ __ __ ____ ❑ Pt�DL 1 H. TE�B _ C� SHE�TRC)CK NAIL �_ ❑ _. ❑ Q _ Q FIhIpL _ ❑ FIhJAL ELECTRMCQL: M�CHAhIICAL: � TEMP. PQWER � HEATIMCS � ' RC]U�H � . 4 ` � ❑ �}�WAUST �iQC7[7S -- ��, C� CC}I��UIT __ _ �.l SUPPLY AIR ❑ _. ❑ C7 F#NAL _ 0 FINAL �.] APP�iC3VED - C7 DISAPPRC7V�� O RElNSPE�TIt)N R�i�UIRED CC7RR�GTIONS: �,�1T� _ INSPE�CTOR _ _,.�-� --- - - — r��rsH�� � � �_-' --�� �`` .-- INSREC`�1(]�I REQUEST PERMC1` NUMBEF� �F Pl�C7JECT TC�WN C'�F VAIL �4� Q,��� N+ � ±� .��8 �+��E �. .� .. _�. .`-� --. CA�L ` . '�°.. E R � '''� , �..';,�. � ti, READY FQR IRESPEGTI�7N: . . �,MQN ', TUES WECJ THUR FRl AM PM F - �, - ___ . LQCATIQN: ` - ` - � ��� �', � �v, � ,, - �:��� � _. BllILDING; . P�l,JN1BIMG: CJ FC?OTII�GS / STEE� __ O UNDER�RC?UND ❑ FC�UNDATIC}N 1 STEEL _ � R�UGH i D.1N.V. ❑ FRAMIIVG C! RdUGf� f 1NAT�R F�C?C?F & SHEER � .P�Y1N[]C]D NAILING — Ci GAS PIPII'�G _ _ Ih�S�JLATI�N ❑ PO(7L I H. TL1B — � SHEE7ftL�Cl{ I1�AIL 0 - ❑ ❑ _ C� FINAL _ � FINAL ELECTRICA�: MECHAhE�CAL: C] T�MP. F'OW�R 0 HEA�"�N{G _ C� RO��GH _ O EKHAUST HflC7C�S � CCJNDUIT _ J SlJPPLY AIR � - ❑ – t7 FI7VAL p FINAL �' AP�'F�C3VED ❑ DISAPPRCJVED ❑ RElNSPE�TICIhI R�QUIR�❑ Ct��iR���IQhfS: ,•' ,� ,� —_. ,�:, — � __ I y '�{ �{�e.��{,�:�a �� ��''�:r-:� ,J ' � f __ { ,.° �; f'c°,� , �,� [�ATE ' �j t �=-`" I M1l S P E C T[�f� ��-�,�'^ ,�.�'_-- �`._— _ Ijti�.iT$"efaP i' � v�G� 1�� � \ ,` ,'} _ � a, :y` *�. +}1 �'�� .� �'���`�� � INSPE�T1�33N REQ�iEST PE�F�MIT f�vtvlgER C]F PRQJEGT �..''� TC}WI`V C3F 1/AI�. � .�, 11�:���..,, _ C]AT E -- � . •,^ J O� N A M� �`` � ' _ ,. _ �- ; CALLEFi � �' '�r, � �`, � ` "`_�� � '•�` READY F�R INSPECTIOI�: MC�N TUES WED 7NUR `��Rf' — f '�; � '.� �'PM` _ � �.' c_a. �OCATIpN: _— _ �,` _____- — - �r_., c\ ,'A,, r, BUILDIIVG: P1,UM8lNG: � FC���INGS I ST�EL ❑ U�VQERGROUN[7 C7 FC)U�IC}ATIC7N i S�EEL. _ ❑ RC}UGhi / C].W.V. C7 FFiAMING '❑ RC3UGH / WATER —_. R�C�F & SHEER ❑ GA5 PIRI�+1G � PLY1NC�C5D NAELf�9G .��I lAPS�JLA�IC]N ❑ PCIC?L 1 H. TL�B ❑ 5HE�7RQGk� NAIL _ ❑ ❑ 0 � Ff�lAL � FI�SAL ELECTR#CAL: MEGHANICAL: ❑ T�MP. PdWER — ❑ HEATI�iG —.. �t % _ RdUGH ` - w� r �`°��" p EJCNAIJSI" HOQ�S � 4 ,Ci�NDIJIT ❑ SLJPPLY AIR i0 _ _._.— p ❑ F€h1AL — 0 FI I�AL — ._ ,� AP�'RC}VEI7 p LlSAPPRC]VED ❑ REINSF'ECrtIL hJ REQUlRE� �, CC�RRECTIONS;. y` - _ s . �' : � .- rr, - . / � � � '� ` IN�PE�TC7F� �.' . ,,� .-, ,,f �,, �.: []ATE F w• _ _ „'`?-�- - r - r�r,Mrs��, _— i j � � _. � � -� -, I�15PECTI�N �EQUEST P�RMI� NUM�Ef� i]F F'R(]J�CT _ r . �C�WIV Q� VAlL �� � ,� t� . t -z_- , �.,, �' � ; ���'� �., d AT E � T��-�� '�_ � J C18 IWA M� ��� � . �'- �__ _ � ;� � _. •�'` .,.I �r .� ,r' � . CA L L ElR ,� , cr ��-%'-��-�-� E-<'_ �'` � — REA[]Y FQR Ih15PECl'1C7h1: MC7N �°"��TUES �.` WED 1°FiIJR FR� --- AM �.+ PM , _ ,. f � = � �� , _.. _, I,OCATIC�N: � -'._� ,' __ _ . �, ,, .._ -' r., r _�� .�, , `_;�' �� s - � . �-- BUIL[71N+G: PLUMBIhiG: ❑ FCl�3TlNGS 1 ST�EL ___ ❑ UNaERGR{7UND ❑ F[�UIVDATIC}N I STEEL C] R�JUGH I �.W.V. ❑ FRAIvIlNG C7 RQUGH f W'ATER � RDC)F & S�EER ❑ GA5 PIPING PLYINQC7D �lAI�fNG - �iNSULAT1�tJ .� --,�� '� d-''�'ti"'".. I� �'O�}L I H. TUB C] SN�ETRQGK NAIL ❑ - - ❑ � - -- ' ❑ FINAL —. � �fNAL ELECTRICAL: NIE�CHAtV�CAL. C7 TEMP. PO4VER _ � HEATfNG C� RC7UG�-f T___-_ ❑ E}(HRUST H{}QDS � CC�NQUIT ._.._.. -_-°;= ❑ SUPf'LY AiR _ � � � �.�.— . __._--__ ❑ FINAL _.____ 0 FI�+JAL _ � AP€�I�C3VEd C] C]ISAPP�C]VECJ Ci RE9#'�lSF'ECTIQN REQUIREC7 C(�RRECTIC)NS: r_Y a` �`= -y"",��_L r,� .�� j� i'��*y�_rd��'^"..' _ ��,,�* '_. _ ,_ � ! t�� ;r'�. "_.. .. � . .—._ �� []A T E _ '� "� i�� ��'�? .._ I N S P E C T C}Fi �'�f ',�_- ` �` ���.. "'� P r�rrawo� '��, ', �_ � � �.� : �, - �y l�VSPE�TIrDN R�C�UEST , F.PRC?JECT ; , , TOWI'� QF 11A1� MIT NUMBER C7 ;! � DATE - - - JQS NAM� `'��r '`�`�'`��"��-t- �',_�..��r`` ��_ /{ ,y�r,'-- J � „_ �ALLER /_ ��`� �.� f °f �;�'�t' � ` ! C�' _ " READY FC�R IIVSPECTIQN; MC?N TUES 'Vlh�'� THUR ��`�FRf •M ` PM ' LC7CAT1��t: " K; f. r:' �� _ ��;:�' , - .�� �� �r ± . . BUILDING: PLUMBIhIG; � FC7JTINGS / STE�L — _ 0 UND�FiGRdUNd �] F(�UNf�AT1C7h! I S�T��L 17 FiC}UGi-i ! D.W.V. ❑ Fl�A�/VING 0 RQLJ�H I WR�ER RC3pF 8� SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING � PLYINC�C}� NAILING ❑ IhiSULATIC}N ❑ P(]C}L 1 H. TI,IB 0 SHE£TR�GK NA1L p , ❑ p _ �._ ❑ FINAL 0 FINAL ELECTRICAL: hllECHANiiCAL: � TEMP. F�OW�R __ . ❑ HEATIh�G ....A.` j J� '�,RC�UGH � �. ; �"� , ��" , �` ;y r' � EXHAUST '�-4f7UD5 -- , u ❑ C�QhJDIJ�T _ !L7 SUP{'LY AIR ❑ —_ _ CI � FINAL _.. . ❑ Flf�AL �i APP€�QVE[7 , p DISAPPRC7VE� ❑ RElNSPECTION REQUIRED CC]RRECTI(7IvlS: � r � x d161'�� — `l � `�''� �`` _ __ I�.�iP��.��}� � �-) r " l i� . _ t_ A 'r`� �,' . Pr�rrrSir�e� � � INSPEGTfC3�J REQL��ST PERMiT f�lUMB�R QF PFi[JJECT TC)W�) UF VA,IL [7AT� ' J�'iB hJAME CALLER w-_ , READY FUR 1NSPECTIQN: MC}N TUES 1NED TFil1� FRf AM PM _ LDCA�'EQN: -. _ . _ BUiL'1711VG_ PLUhABiN+G: C� FC7C]T1�1GS / STEEL .__ _ C] UNDERGRJLINQ 0 F�LJNC3A71(71rE 1 STEEL ❑ RC}UGhE / Q,W.V. _ _ fl FRAMING ❑ R(]U�Ei 1 UVATER ---. � RC7CJ� c� SHEER Q GAS PIPfI�G PLYWQGD NAILING ❑ INSULATIC7N � PUt7L I H. 7UB ❑ SH£ETRQCK N/-ll L ❑ C� ❑ - � FCNAL __ 0 FINAL �LECTRICAL: MECHANICAL:. � TEMR. PC7WER 0 HEATIN� _ 0 RC]UGH _._ 0 EXHAlJST Hd�[�5 C] C�h�lDIJIT _ ❑ S�PPLY AIR � _- p ° -' ' , fl FINAL ❑ FENAL _ E�'P�PPR(7VED CJ DISAPPRdVE�] ❑ REINSPEGTION REQUIRED CC�F�RECTIC�NS: _- , � . , ,,.. , � ._ . L ,� . .' .' { . __ _ __-tr � ._ • .. � .. ^- - ' .' DAT E `�-- `•' � '"_ � I N S P E CTC3 R -r - : �; __ -- �.d_-.� �w�TS�� ,� �, � ..._ � . ' �:����� J��/�/ � � � �I�SPECTI4!'�J REQUEST :� PERMIT i�JUM�ER {]F PROJECT T�WN C]� V,AIL . []A�E .lOB NA,ME GALL�ER ' -- R�AQY �iJR I�+JSPE�T�4N: MC�N TIJES WE[] THLJR FRF _ _ ANl PM LCJCATI�N: __ - B111L�]ING: P€.UMBING: � FC?C7TINGS I STEEL Q UEV�ERGRdUNC7 ❑ F�UfVDATIQhI / STEEL _ 0 RQI.➢GH 1 D.W.V. ❑ FRAMING 0 RflU�H / WATE�3 _._ RC3QF & SHEER p �GAS PIPING � PLYWQt7C7 NAILING ❑ CNSULATIC?i�J ❑ �'Gi�L ! N. 7UB ❑ S{--IE�TRC7��C f�,41L - CC Q _ ❑ '� ���A�- Q FIhJAL ELE+CTRICAL: MECHANICAL: Cl T'EMP. POW�R ❑ HEATING _ ❑ ��?EJGH � EXHAUST �k(�t�€]S I� CC]NQUIT O SUPPL.Y AIR C7 p � , � FII'+JRL __. ❑ FfIVAL __. E� AF'PRC711E�J ❑ DISA�'f�RC3VECJ � RElf'�lSPEC`TIC7N FtEQUIRE� CORR�CT1QiU5. :-.�_� ��T� � f1USPE�TUR . - �,��:�t• r _ __ � � - - -�- ''��, IIVSPE�TIGN REQIJEST PE€�Ml7 N�JMBER pF PRC�JECT TOWN C�� IIA�I� --� ,:y��, : �, h � D A°�E ` �. � J U B fJ A M� _.'�; �° `_'��\\�,_,°.`�,.. �,, ��. '-',', CALL�R �', ''~"�`'� '.��� ��_y '��!�.� REAC7Y F£�R INSP'EGTI�}N: MQN TUES W�d' THUR FRI . AM PM LU�ATIC3hl: '�, _: .�1 .` 6UILDIN�: PLUMBING: 0 FC7LTINGS / STEE� 0 U�l�ERGROUND -- ---- ❑ ��UN[7ATIQIV I STEEL _ � R�U'�GH / C.W.V. FRAMING . ❑ ROUGH i INAT�Ft �`FtOC]F & SHEER ❑ GA5 PIPI�IG � P�VWQC�� h�AILING ❑ IIVS�JLATICJN ❑ PQC�I.. / H. TUS 0 SHE��RQCK NAI� ❑ � --. ❑ - ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL _. ELECfiR IGAL: MECHAN I CAL: O TEMP. POW��t lp H�ATING Q Rt�UGH ❑ E}CHA4�S� HC3OflS C� COEVD4..lI� ❑ SUPPLY AIR Q __ ❑ CJ FINAL _ p FIhJAL ❑ APPRC7VE[7 0 []RSAPPRC3VED � R�FNSPECTIC7f� F��QUfRE� C��iREGTItJNS: .. .__� ,.f .X _: �,.. � .�, ��� _ �� �" . :, ,. , . � �, . .= �E'� _ ..� _.:9' .e' � �` .r'�;•`{� �"�'.� . ..+' �� � .�_—. J' P}i ...__ +' � ( ��` a�,TE —;.� -�'� ,t;�. INSPECT(]R �� !��'�= y --- �:��� � � -- � ���PE�TIC]N REQUEST PEFdMIT NLJMBER QF PR�JEC7 �Q1N1� CJ� 11�1L C1A�'E _ JQB NAM E _ ;, .- '`�;_. CALLER ';��"�_ R�AQY FOR iiVSf'ECTCC]N: MC7�1 TUES WED TF-lUF3 FRI AM F'M LOCATIUN: ---__ ;�,.'�W . 4 .. �BUILDIIVG: pLL1�411BING: O FD�T3NGS I 57E�L p U�J�ERGR{�IJND C] F�JJUNDATI(]N ! STEEL ❑ ROUGFI i D.W'.V, ❑ FRAMING �.,�.� 0 RQ[Jt�H I WATE�t � RC)�F & SH'�ER ❑ GAS PIPING PLYWCJ�D NAILINC-a —._ --- ❑ INSULATI{Q�! �.7 PO(�L 1 H. �UB 0 SH��TRQG� hJAIL p ----- 0 _ ❑ 6J FI�IAiL -- C7 FINAL ELECTRfCAL: MECHANICAL: ❑ TE�+IP. F�UWE� __ E7 H�ATlNG ❑ ROLJGH —..._......_._. ❑ E7CHAl1ST HO�LIS ❑_GC3�JaUIT �] SLJPPLY AIFi _ [ �, '� 4� - - ❑ ,-. _.— l� FiNAL _ ❑ FINAL ❑ APPRC3VED 0 []ISAPPRQVED CI RE1NaPECTIC)N RE4UIRED c�r���cr�a�,s: � �ATE . _ INSPECTC7R -r�-% � _ __ � ' R:iiar5�wv � � f :� r � � - - INS�ECT��D�'�J REQUEST PERMiT t'�iUMBER C7F PRCI,IECT TC�VIIf`�I C7F VAIL QATE ` - __ JCUB I�AME GRLL�R ` "� f` R�ADY FdR �NSPECT�C_}N: M�hJ TU�S WED THIJ�t FR1 AM PM L(]GATIC3N: _ _ BUILC}!HlG: PLUMBING: C] Ft]dTINGS / STEEL _ ❑ UhlU�RGRQUt`Jd ❑ FOi..1N�ATf�h1 / STEEL _- - C7 RaUGN / [7.W.V. � FFiAfv1l�lG - ❑ FiC}UGH / WAT�R � RCaU� & SHEER ❑ CAS PIPCNG PLYINCJ�dD NAILING - � INSiJLATIdN _ ❑ PO�L / H. Tl_1�3 ❑ SHEETRC7CK NA1L ❑ ❑ _ ❑ - — C7 FlNAL ❑ FIiVAI� ELEC�Rf�CAL: MECHAMI+C14L: � TEMR. PdWER p ��,qT��� D RC�IJGH _ !� EXHAUST HJUDS � G�PJDUI� 0 SUFPLY RCR ❑ ` E7 - r� � FINAL _. ❑ �fNAL _ i3 APF'FiOV�D ❑ DPSAPPRC)VED C] REINSPE�CTfON REQUIi�ED CORRECI`ll'�1V�; � �-- � C7A'T E __ I N S P E CT�R �- �.`;' ..,;` �. PaeNrs,xe: � � � .-� ` �., + - - ��JSPECTIC��J REQUESfi PERfvIIT MUEUIBER C7� PROJ�CT TOVIlI'�I �� VAfL, D A T E � '���-�--�� �� � �� J C�� N A M E � ' � �. ° ��� " x �,t � � ��� `•- _ - CALLER �,. � , r �--�.,1, READY F�F3 1NSPEC�1�?�1: MO�1 TL.1�S W�D TIaUR FR! AM PhA LC7�CATION: � . � � ., , BUILDfF1G: I�LUMBrIV�: f7 FDUTfhIGS 1 STEEL ❑ IJ�IDERGROUND ❑ �UUNDATIDiV 1 STEEL �'}-..RC)UGH 1 Q.W.V. ❑ FRAMII�G _ `�J RC7UGH I WAT�R ❑ RC3pF & SHEER G1�5 F'IPf�1G - RLYWQ�D NAILING `'� - ❑ fIV'SfJLATION ❑ POG'�L l H. TUB �l SI-fEETR�CK fJAIL p 0 ❑ ❑ FIh�AL ❑ FINAL ��ECTRICAL: MECHAINfCAL: ❑ TEN1P. F'�QWEFd ❑ HEATVNG ❑ R�UGH _ 17 E7CHAL��T HC�ODS —. ❑ GC3N�UIT - C] S[JP�LY AIR ❑ _ - ❑ — Ci FI['JA� _ C7 FINAL �`���� ;APPFC]VED ❑ DlSA�PR�UED 0 REIfVSPECTIQN REQUdF�ED Ct7RRECTRflNS: _ � J __�'���.=��f.�-�[�,,��`"� — �.�'�TT. {'�.;�. �.-'�"ff '� f ,. ��t.e.z _`��r �,. '� .-? r . r"_ � .� f � ..� . - . ___ �—_ '-- �— � 1 � � r ' '� -- . / ; .. � . .� .��{r ' Y r Jl ��,1�/�`- _ �,�' _ f �s[' ' —,'{, ./ � r _ g -- � f-{�� _ _. , , �r yl � .d�J�r:�! .�' �/`�^"� "''C . !�.{'� f� ti✓ �f� �� � h{,# " .. a . — - r --- I � -� aATE � r-��-�. "`��1�� fNSPECTaR -�� �� , __ -__.�..�_ _ ��`" .�' � . s�:rs� � � . f _- [NSPE�TIC3N REG�UEST PEAM11� Nl3MBER f�� PRQJECT T�C77WN UF � VAIL � D A T� '� � I `, ' _ J a 6 N A M E � . ' '� - , ; �_ , ,�-. � �_ --- �---- ..J t`" CALLER '�:�, , , c°, � .� �, � � ,L� REAdY F�R �NSPECTION: Md�l TUES 'VVEa', THUR FRI � �'Afv1`, PM _" . _ .� _ .- - LQCATfQN: `'�, - , ; k , r�. ;� �� �: .-� i _�� �'` _ ,. BUILDING; P�UMBING: ❑ FC)UTIN..f'aS ! STEE� _ ❑ UNDERGRi�UI�D ❑ FQ'�NDATICJN 1 STE�L 0 ROU�H ! 'a.W.V- -- Q FRAMING _ ❑ Rd�.1GH / WATER RC7QF & SHEER p GAS P�pI�1G � PLYWOQD fVAILIf�G . _ -- - ❑ INSULATI�3�J _ CI F'C�OL 1 H. TUB m � �H�ETRQCK fVAIL ❑ __ a ❑ C] FINAL — ❑ FINAL E�ECTRI�AL: MECHANIGAL: ❑ TEMP. POWEFt ❑ HEATING �7�C>UGH _ Q EXHAUST HO(�a5 ❑ �€�NdUiT _ ❑ �UPP�Y AiR _ ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL L7 APFRC3VEa ❑ ❑ISAPPROVED Q RElNSPECTION REQL1fRED �GFtR�CTIrJNS: ; , �ATE �r: ` -' j _ �, f,. _ INSPEC�CIR , d ; AR:7R'3Fi.'.�P' � ` � �� II'►1�RE�TI+D�V RE+QU�ST PERMIT NIJMBER di� PRClJEGT T�11�U'N C�F 1/AIL ; , bATE I : ' . ��]B NAME � ,i' � ,� s , ; `�, _ _�_. � _ '`ti CALLER � � � - ��'���'` I�EAE7Y F[}Fi 1NSPECTIC31'J: Mt��J 7U�S 1NED 7HUR FR! _ AIVI PM L��CAT10�1l: i; .- �, -- -- f BUILDIhIG: PLUMBING: 0 F�(�TINGS / STE�L !� UN[D�RGR(7UhJC3 ❑ �C3U�JDATIOhI I S�TEEL � I�C3UGH / D.IN.V. ��FRAI+�RN�G O ftC)IJGH 1 WATER _ _ i ��JF & SH��R _ ❑ P�YWC�{JCE NAILINt� C� GA� PIPING . ❑ f�lSULATIQN - _ _ p POUL/ H. TUB I Q SHEETRt3CK f�AIL ❑ � p . � FIh1AL --- ❑ F1NAL ELECT'RI�AL: ME+CHANICAL: C7 TEMP. PC)W�R _ L] HEf�TIfVG — �1 R��lGH ,_ [� EXHAUST HC70C�S ' ❑ GON�E.IIT ❑ SU'�Pl�Y APR � - _ L7 ❑ FI�fAL _ _ � FINAL – ,,� E� AF'PROVED J,�1�.,QISAPPRdVE'Q �,�REINSPECTIQhI REQUIREp CORFIECTIUNS: �=._,_ �.,!`t. ,�r` ,�1� � � ._; – -, t' =.� ,-- GATE .f` �"� ' _ lhlS�'�CTC�R „� ' . _ . _�.'' , _ _ '�7nnrG�c�r � � { � =i �� Ih�SP'ECTIC]N REQUEST PERMIT NUMgER QF #'FiOJE�CT TC3WN UF VAIL � _. . ;, DATE ,, `�-, f� �.,� .._� JC�B NAME o'`�t':��"c� ''�°_'-�._--�'.r:� _ ;f•'`1,� =t°'-���`��' '� _ ; ' f,�--� � ' � /''` ,� s � - -7 r'Z--"7 —��� -' GALL�R %i `ii_�..-. ,� r `�-� ,�. t READY FC]R INSP�CT1�7�1: ML�N TUES ,WED THUR FRf AM ' PM L�CATh�N: �'-�" ,�' �'F ,��.�' _ --- �' :=,i ., ,��� �- �`..� , _ BUILDING: PLUMBIFVG: ❑ Fa(7TINGS f STE�L _. 0 UhICIERGR��.lNa C7 FC?UN[]ATIC)N 1 STEEL D I�C)UGH I C].W.V. ❑ FRAMiNG —_.. ❑ f�C7UGN 1 WATER RLQF c� SHEER ❑ �[;AS #'fPING ❑ PLYW��7C� f�AIL1�1G � INS�9LATIt7N - O �(�QL 1 H. TUB C] SHEETF�4GK NA� ❑ �- _� - � '' �t� �-° ��'�--- ❑ a �i�JAL � FINAL �L.�CTRI�AL: IaA�CHANICA�: C1 7EMP. F�DWER � H�ATING L� Rf]UGH _ C] EXHAUST H(�C�DS � CC7Itif�UIT ❑ SIJPPLY AIR � _ fl ❑ F1h�fAL _ ❑ FINe�L ,;:' ��`I�PPRC?VED ❑ DISAPPRUVEC� ❑ FtElNSPEGTION R�QUIRED CC?�RECTIt�hJS: �., ,l: � --- e.� ''' _ �rr-----.� f - f f f /. � f'r��f-.y. i�f:! i.�-4�.!` � - � �' f�� . 'l -. _ _. . " . � _ _ % _ :� a �F,i. - r r� - r_ %� . � _a i" aATE � � �� '�%L',: iNS�ECTC7R �11�---�-�-�'�'-' � �a.r. - _� .._ � ����� °. •� 4^ � _ � � _. �; i ,� �-� s-.:r INSR�CTI+DN F�EQ►UEST FER�1,"!IT NUMBER l7F PRC7J�GT TC)WI''� OF VAIL � DATE � � � �: � -°�. JflB NAME ._' ' ` 1 CALLER �` ��_.. �__ F.-_—�""� - � f ' -��" ���:'�-� �� � t .:. �; _- ��AC]Y FdR INSPECTIDN: MON TU�S W'�D THUR FR_€_ ' �• AM PM �{7GATI�h.1. � �� w��. � , . .' , ,r` _,, � ' � � ,�� � �., � ��. � , - - � - , , , � . , .- . , � ; ��. r ,��� ��� .._. - •' , 3 ,�. ; : � , ....� � �ui�air��: p�unn�rM�: ❑ FC�C7TfNG5 r' STEEL _... ❑ UNDEi�GRC7UND � Ft?UNG+ATIflIV 1 5TE�L ❑ ROUGFf 1 D.W.V. �l �F�AMIf�(a _ � RQUGH / WAT�A -- R[�LF 8� SWEER O GAS PIPRNG � PLYVtsOOL3 NAlLl�JG -- 0 i1�5ULAT1C3N _ p PC7�L 1 H. TU6 ❑ SHE�TRQCK NAIL � . � ❑ C7 F#l�JAL ❑ �li�}AL ELECTRICAi._ ru9�CHANICAL: 0 TEMP. PC7V'VER _ ❑ HEATING �� �4�'��'�N -- ❑ EXHAUST HCJDC]5 . ❑ CQNDUIT _ ❑ SL1F'PLY AIR � — Q ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL _ �`���APPROVED � �ISAPPRUVED ❑ REINSPECTIC�N REQIJI�RED CORf�ECTI(7NS: – �'' _._. ..� ,:"�" ' - ;° "a �- ? �� / �"� DATE% ,C�' -,c ,� '� L _ INSPECTC]R '� ��'-' '�`�� ' .���� � ����.�,�. m , � � � -- � lNSPECTI�N REQUES7 PERMiT NUMBER C]F;PRQJECT , �[}'y,�+� (�� �,I�I� � �' �5 �'�t . - _ DATE :�:��,�" '�_ _.� _.._ JC7B NAME � 4-`L.� '' ��..�_._� �. :H--�,. i , _ �,y ,� � CALLER � ���� �� � �, � � 't� i x- � , p` �� _. _�.__ t - F��A[7Y FOR IPJSF�ECT10hJ: Mc]N C; TLJES . INEa TNL1R " FRI r_`PAM� PM _ � . L4CATICIN: - < -` ,•��,.,, _. - --��` -. , _ -� �'� ,r��� . BUILDfNG: #�LLlMBIMG: ❑ FQ[�TIN(�S 1 STEEL ❑ Uh1DERGRC]UIV� F.�C]�]NaATIC7N I STEEL � RQUtaH 1 D.W.V. _ ; �RAMING __ � R�UGH I WATER �,�� `-Ft�Jc�F ,� SHEER � �'LYWDQQ NAILII'�fG - - ❑ GAS F'IPING �1 INSULATI�3N � PC)QI.w 1 H. TUB t7 SHEETRCJ�K �JA1L _ _ 0 .__. 0 ❑ FfNAL —. ._ _ � �INAL _ �I.EGTRI�A#�: MECHARfICAL: ❑ TEMP. PC)WEf� ❑ HEATING ❑ RC3U�H __. ❑ EXHAUST I-R+�70[]S ❑ �aNOUir ❑ suP��v ai� _ o __ o G7 FI�JAL __ O FfNAL `'� APPRCIVED ❑ DISAPPR�VED ❑ F�EIIUSFECTIDN REQUiRECI C�QRRECTIC�NS: i. �.1� , ..-� r . :- G.=��`.7 _�... _��� �{r,!�C't� "� — :e,`�` �r`C;lt``7Yi'+� ` � . '�/� //C` 1"����L�-� 1'1�L�� ���� 1�'r'uli� '� C1��' -�l��=.t .a'°CJ�� f,��� � � - �` `,.�_�-�� r,� � A� `�r�F���t� �G�'�'j.s/ ,�'�`�"1 71 �� �' bATE � -��- �� � INSPECTC]R ���� � � IhJSPE�TIUI� REQUEST �ERMiT r�UMBE�t C3� P�ta,I�CT TL7WN C�F VAIL aar� ��". .�aB rvannE _- -`';�--���?�� .���.� ��.; ;_�'� , , ,. iCALLER —�t _ - %� , ,�,�v�, READY FC7R INSPECTPC)N: MON TUES W�d THUR FRI . �'f"`f ' AM PM .�..- �� L�CA�iC�N: "'� �i"`r�� � ' ���,�r�� �UILC11NCa: RLUM�IFJG: �! FCIOTINGS / ST��L � UNDERG�30UND C7 FDi 1NDATl€�N / STEEL C7 R�1U{aH / D.W.V. ❑ �RAMING 0 RC}UGH i WATER � RC7L7F & SNEER ❑ GAS PI�'iNG PLYWC.�C>D NA�LIfVG ❑ lNSULf�Tf01'd ❑ PC�C3L 1 H. TUB — ❑ 5H�E7R(7CK NAIL � , � �'"� '�_��'�.�: Jf : ,:*;��,��'f}�=C;?f;1�6,- � O C1 �II'JAL --_ 0 FINA� i�LECTRIC�4l,: M�CHANtCAL: 0 T�NiP. FC3WER _ ❑ HEATfNG ❑ R(3UGH L7 EXHAUST HD(JDS � CC]NDUIT ❑ SI�PPLY AIR ❑ 0 O FINAL _ �"J FIfJAL, C� A�'PR�VED �7 DlSA�'PRQV�D i.� RE#f�S�'ECTIC�N RE{�UIRED CDRR�CT�ONS: ; .., F �{=.,-_ f� _ " , - jr_�r`�" �-...,':r�'.;�`�;F� 5r'�,� ,� � ./�-��,'1s� i�1 �,�/"�.%�' �/'y�•;ir'�' If�1;�/ •�'�f�,�� �1�"" �,�' . �..��..�i'r�',�`.r�..t�'.�' /� �� r!�'t_-r�,�1 �J./w'" �/.�'�`i� ;.t�' , �C , �1 f�"r�`f.�� .�;rf'.�/�,�'`c5"�`.�'�r��'�•. /„� ����r- �"f '� ,fr' >' �"S�' .j.� �i._-,f — __��.c:,YL`�.�'7'.!/ /`�`..�..�''��`:�'.+�',� �- ,�Y''<!p`,'. L-=�_- .�,/ , �-� .� . � l7ATE ���, IIVSPEC`�OR °— ✓' •.�� ��'��a:� ,''�� , _ — !Nh'3SF:�.:f• I f` � -1 � � � =� -�' IN�R'E�TI�]N REQU�ST PEFiMIT NUM$ER OF P a� TUWN �F �IAIL � / DATE �f� � JC36 NAME r''�/z,�'� t-�' '� ;� '�� ,r' ;r� . 4 '`�z't f '"'�-. CALLER � _;°:-; -'' � �,. REACIY FCaFt INSPEC�IUfV: M�f� TL1�S WEC7 THl..1R FRI. .t'�M ' PM. ' � � ; � . --� �'� . . ,� �flCATlQItif: —� '��;" .; F,_ .,_. •.t ;;._. i��'.�`.,�x �. �' :� — _ ' ;_. BUI�DING: P�LUM�fNG: ❑ FOOTlhfGS / STEEL — ❑ UI�DERG�3Q[..1�JC1 Cl FQ�NQATION 1 STEEL ❑ Rfl�GW ! D.W.V. � FRAMI�JC; _. O I��L1GH 1 W�,TER RQC�� & SHEER p GAS P19�iNG ��<FLYWC�QD NAILIfJG _ INS�LATIC)N i.�_' �=�-�,-���� � PC�CJL J H. TUB � � SHEE7RQGK NAIL p ---- ❑ ❑ - � FINAL _ — ❑ FINAL ELEiC'�FiICAL: MECHANI�AL: C� �`EMP. P{JWER ❑ HEAT6NG G[ ROUGH ❑ EXHAUST HQQL�S ❑ Ct�f��lJl"I" 0 SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ ❑ FINAL 0 FINAL �' A�P�3C7VE� ❑ [71SAPPRQVEQ ❑ R�INSPE��`![3N REC�UI�iEd CCIFit�ECTl�NS: DATE � ° � � . '��- .._. IIVSFE�TCJi� '� ;<',� ' ��a,��,,.,,� ; 9 ..��:.. - •'�: . F:'� _.. , .. 4^.`. E�' ..,. l` j � �- __.� _` �f�S CTfC31� I��!QIJEST PERMIT hJl1MBER t7� PROJECT Ti�V11N �� VA1L t . _ . OAl`E ` '�--° JC]8 NAME ��''' � ~ _ ��,.-r�_-?-.��. '. � :r -�� � ,Fr "� � GALLER �'; ��` ;' -'�' `���..: -� R�ADY FC]R fI�SPE�7fc�N: MC7N �U�S WED �`THUR FR1 `�. AIv1 ;'� PNl LC7CATIdIV: '' '�- ° ;�'°`f-� � . _ . ._ - _ - . _ , , B�JIL�IMG: Pf.UhA81NG. Cf Fc�QT1NGS / STEEL Cl UNQERGR�LIND __ _._ . `. ❑ FC]UNDATION 1 STEEL — O RC7L.iGH / Q_W.V. ❑ FRAMING � RCJ�..1CH I WA�ER � RC�C}F & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING P�YW[�(�[? �VAI�.ING ,r �°�IFJSULATfOdV � t� : s � Ti"� _ L� POflL 1 H. TUB ❑ SFiEETRQCK NAIL [� ❑ . ❑ � FIN�4L 0 FII�AL -- ELECTRI'CAL: ME�HAIUfCAL: D TIEMP. PC7'W�R L� HEATiNG ❑ Rc]UGH ❑ �KHAtJS7 HD(]DS � CONDLIIT � SUPPLY AlR _ � ❑ L7 F4fJAL _ � FI�IA�. � _. , .�=*. -__ t. f� aPPR�QVED � DdSAPPRC�VED � R�tNSPE�`fIDN REQtJfRED C{3RREC�'ILNS: _._ _— _ ��1�% — — � � � �'_-. rr� � : .� � �, _ " �ATE _ � " /�"� IfVSPECTOFt 4'` �` ` ` ' ` ���s�� �CaLC}RAD(� DIVIStON C'1F' LABpR gQILER IN�F�E�TI�H! BRANCH � �;��,; 1001 �AST 62ND AVEhIUE ,,, E]ENVER, COLORADO-8Cl21 G 5tatus � (3��� 2$9-5641 state � ��'� MO� Manufacfurer Code: Ag�ncy: COLI�RADO �nsp Date. Expiratior� Da#e: _,. Pnspectqr: C3wne�: Attn. Address: City: � 5T Zip: , Locaf�an: �= - Fee: 5 ' Address: C�ty: - C NTY: Mf SerNal A!D YR 5et pressure 8T� input Vafve Ca acit Fuei T L � � I R Y Y W 7' � � Persa� Cantacted: ;=��� (Sigr�aturej Inspector. (S'sgnaturej Phone Number: Reauiremettts: e1-2 R(�rss) � � - - lNSPEC�I�N REG�UEST PERMI7 NUM�ER {7F PROJEGT , TC]VIlI'J QF 11AIL � D AT E ',��`— � J 0 8 NA M� �':�',��l.u'— C' ��,� }•. , �,� f , ��, _:- : CAI.LER r _ °' r �--.f � � _ . ,��� READY FOFi INS�'EC�IQfV: MQN TLJES WE[] THIJR FRf . :'AM;�' PM . � .�—_ LC7GATI�N: , .. �._�_— : _ f ;.- ,�� ,_. , _ — � BUILDING� PLUMB�NG: O Fi�Cl�Ih�G� / Sl"EEL _ O L1NQ�RGRDUND 0 FOI�NI�ATI�N 1 STEEL ❑ F�OUGH f D.W.V.. CI FRAM��VG ❑ ROUGH 1 WA�"E� RC]L?F & SHEER p +GAS �'dPIN� � P�YW�C7D �JAILING ❑ INSl1LATICIIV ❑ FO�L ! H, TEJB CJ'SFiE�TRC7CK NAIL "' —'r,;;�'6'" f."� ❑ � II . � FINAL — ❑ FPNAL �LECTRfCA�.: ME�GHANfCAL: ❑ TEMF'. �'C3WER 0 HEATING ❑ RC7UGH ❑ EXHAUST FiC]QDS ❑ �O�JDIJIT , _.__ 0 SUPPLY AIR G] — — '� __ ❑ �INAL —.. C! FINAL �APPRQV�[� ❑ DISAPPR4VEf] � f�EINSP�CTIC]N REQUIRED CC}RRECTIONS: _ , � C]ATE ����' � P _. INSPECTflR �r:"��P =- r_ � - � INS CTIC�N REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER QF PROJECT TQW�I OF VAIL ' ) �ATE ,� _ JC)B I�aME �'� . _� � :r" ? ; t ,> r ' { GALLER �,��' �, �, ���, F�EA�Y FC3R li�tSP�CTIC]N: M�JN �UES W�D THU�t FRI Adv1 PM L.C)CATIUN: _ . rr- °-,, B�IILDfNG: � p� y�����; � ❑ FC3�77CNGS I STEEL ❑ L�IDERGR�UND 4 ❑ FC7UNDATION / STEEL C7, !� UGH 1 D.W.V. �7 �RAMI�G _._ R UC� 1 WATEf� � ��C7� & SHEER �"AS PfPING PLYWQLf� NAlLfNG ; - -- I� INSULATI�N p PpQL 1,N. TUB �i'�SHEETRt7�GK NA�L ;f �"� �'.'�' � f ,�'�;.__ � . F, L7 ' _ � �� �`� '�f� `�'� C1 FIIVAL �, � , �-- ..� ❑ F[NAL _... E�ECTR I CAL: M ECMANI�AL: C� TEMP. P�WER ❑ HEATIF`��'a - � RC7UGH C] E�CHAUST HC�C3C]5 � ❑ CQIVDUIT — __. _ 0 SUPPL�' AiR 2 L7 . __ ❑ ;� --— " C7 FIhIA4L _ --- O FINAL - � x d ; IO ARPRDVEL] �J �]15APPF�fJVEIL7 ❑ EiEINSPECTI(7f� REQU'IR�C3 �a�€��cTior�s: �-� . ., .,.�� ,. .. ; fr i..���..-�€� __ _� _.. /��`��arr•`=-, =?y_�3,;c''. ? � '-�,' . P �L�.�� I�- ,�•,�1�1::� `-'t�,[�_.T -7 � "+` � .��i'sl/�/��`-�[./ ��� �,C=F . -- � ,��J'���c��ic.�: s '� r � - � � J r� '`:`b� `�''�° ,N< � —• ���—;i ..J�:". _ ._ �� . . '`t� � . r � � _ _� �� .-�t� . �_ ' �'_ �l'r�i`7�2 - °�'t ,� ��'/c` ?'��-� _ r�.-a�i.�'ta���'�r S —.r�fitr� .f.°if°;rf�; �' G � *`} �`� 3 C' l Cryt�' �3�-�'/ !� ���__s ' _�;✓ C]f'�� ,f!,✓���}fj��i -+ � -- G J� , �l,?r('/��L"!1�'� ,�d''��./�f.-+'I.`.t�!`�1 c!�`r"rl ti.:,,.a �' t�'�f /,; •�_� 1/, ..;"�—,, 1 ,p'�,�;.,: �` , ,. � a ? ,. -_y+' ��}-j—�.%�'J�' L�C� �-�-��/'r'� r.G-.r 2 !L/ t`,'�!�-t:`"�'+�f 4c' Y "� ..'�� �g✓+'i ._-�ri-a";".�--G-- �.'�c:f'`_. . —�y t' � � �-_, .-�-�.°�� �'`��-��-�,r—,��.�� _ _ c � �%fj l �f� ' l7ATE f _ � INSP�ECTCJR ���,;'J�� � ...�_ �... ._�_.: ���� I � ~� �� � �%:_ -- . I�IS CTIt]hl REQUEST �E��n�T �unnB�R �F ��aJ�c� ; �, '' TaVVN �F �fAIL , s ,, _ � ��r� { � ( _.�- � � :,�--�a g �v.a n�� !: {�n�.��.�-�-_�.v..� �-- �-; �; ��.� w �-; +'� f;.s� ; _ � ` � ' � CALLER ' l'�' _.ia_�'__ �, � l .s`� �iEADY FO�i INSPECTIUN: MON TLf�S ,W`ED ,�_ TNUR FR! y AM , -PNl ,t : , � . � ` � _` ��l �'� - -' ' . 1..�__ �- :�,_.,r +�r,�.� LC7CATIUN: -� _ "�t C�� �- �. -i ���� ' —-- t BUILDING: PLU�Ii'IBING: ❑ FU�TiNGS 1 STEEL [� UNI7ERGROIJ�JD ❑ FC}�J'hI�ATIC}N / STEEL ❑ RC?UGH 1 [7.NJ.V. ❑ ��''���'�G _ 0 R�CJ�JGH I WATER RdCIF & SHE�R ❑ GAS PIPIf'�1G . � �'LYW(70C3 NAI�iNG — -� � lNSULATlC1N —__.._ ❑ PC3C3L i H. �UB � SH�ET�[[)CK NAIL ❑ 0 ❑ . C� FII�J�Ak� C7 F1NAL i EL�C�T'F�ICA.L: MECHA4VECAL: I❑ TENl�. PC?WER ❑ HEATI�I� 0 f�OUGH CJ EXHAUST H�OC�S � C[�NDLJIT _u � SUPPLY AIR ❑ _ p _ ` �Fi NA� l Y � �'�`, c.� � �`; c�� � - e ; . � Q FI NAL � _ _ � AF'�RdV�� C] DISAPPROVEQ y���� _ ' .. , Cl REINSP�C�I(3N REQUIREQ GQRREGTIC7NS: - �. � ^ � _ �r , � QATE %� �=' �f f - INSPECTC)� -�' _ �,M,•s�:� � � � � - Ih�S +�Tt��J REC�UEST PERMIT �JUMBER QF PRQJECT TC}V�II`+1 4F VAlL f7A7E _ —_ ` °=�` J(]B h�AME ,l� !,� �� -fi ..-r ` r' .� iCALL�R ,�f��? '�• , ..�. �;�'�,,r���+�._,� '� �'' ''� ,, � , / _ _ _ REAQY F(JR �PJSPECTIC]N: MQN Tl,MES WE� THUR FRI AM PM - , _ ; , -' . ,r e �;: �_��yf r���. .r , Y. , . �ocn,rdo�v: ,� .�_�v ._.�._.. t� BUI�.QING: PLUMBINiG. ❑ Ft�O�Id�CGS 1 STEEL _ ❑ UIV�ERGR�i..�ND Cl F(�IJNDATIC3N I STEEL ❑ R(7UGH / D,W.V. _ O FRAMING . ❑ RDUGH I "�NATER ❑ FiD[>F & S�-§E�R Cl �GAS PIPING PLYWOClC] NAIL�NG - - — � INSUL�ITCON C7 PC]DL / H. TUB ❑ SW�ETR�CK IVA�L ❑ __ ___ ❑ ❑ � FlNAL —_ CJ �1tVAL ELE+CTRI CAL: MEGHANICAL; ❑ TEMP. POWER � _._ � HEA,TIPrf(a Gl RC�UGH � EXHA�.JST HC]�DS �r"`'*,1"��'�1�-..f ° � . � ; - _ . . _. ,� �� - . ❑ GUN[JUIT�� ; L] SkJPPLY AiR _ - ; , �, , , � � T,fr �., . ❑ � � °' .� _a - , __. ,:' _ -- - , I t - _ __-- .--'�� . C�''FIN,AL "� — ❑ FI�1RL '�'APPFtC]V�D ❑ C]ISA�'�RC�VEE7 ,Q REIIVSPEGTiOhJ R£QUfRED � CORREGTIC�d�+JS- . � , , � __ _... �-c-���t ,' '� '�-� - _ _ +,� `� �� � — 4 -- _ ..�,� - _._ � __ .—. �, -- _. {� /�`�� r�����•��. � ��e�-� ,��� � ,� �' '`�;+�.L.�-. __ a-�t,,�` � � — ,>�-- ,_;� � 'fi� .,�`�' DATE ``rr �. " _ INSPECTOR �. - �ir � z-t-S� �l. � %` . r ,,-. _ PHIt(i$;N}p ���� � _ '_ -±=� � �u� ,� ,� -- � inrs� +c�-iv� ��c�r.��sT • F'ERMIT NUM��R C]F �?RpJECT � _ TQWN C7F VAIL ,,, DATE r ''+ �r <'`;i �` f"`��'__ ,JCJB NAME � _ '�'"-`�y�"��._-r_��__Y= , -� �' r � � . CAI�L.ER .�:r '� / ;` - '- '� �_;�'�``_ � �,'�-, . REAf7Y FC7R 1NSP�CTIC�1'�J: � NI �!UES ;,�E�,.� THU�i FRI I�N ,-`°�`- �� ��g � � ANI -`PM J . ,,,i r � f , / .. �. �__ + r," - . — LtaCATlO€V: . .,. .�; � my ,� �,_.,:;_, ,� „ .�r` � r� , =� ,��. , , _ �'� __ , -- - � � .. ".„,.�ee..T, .:,�... . BLlILDII►�C; FLUMBI�IG: C7 FQ[�TINGS 1 STEEL ❑ 11N�ERCRQU�'dD ❑ FOUN[]ATIC]N / STE�L C7 �aUGH / D.W.V, ❑ Fi�RMINC _. ❑ R4�UC;H / WATER F�(]CJF & SHEER ❑ GAS PI�'ING � n PL'�WC]�� NAILING - - C7 INSULATIOhI � PO�� J H. TI.JB � SHEETRU�GK i'JAEL ❑ 0 _ ❑ O FIIr1AL 0 FINAL _ ELEC�RiCAL: AAE�WANICAl. � TENIP. POW�R C� HEATING L7 R�UGH 0 EKHAUST Hl�l�DS � C�NbU17 ___ ❑ S�l�PLY AIR � __ __ ❑ INAL _ 0 Fi�'JAL _ _ f�l APPRCIV�D -;�� �f, ❑ D15APPRdVED C] REINSPE�CTION RE�QUIRE❑ CORR�CTICINS: d." ..:`�",. .... _ _,._ i, 1 ' .i�J . .__ . -,.. M� ,Y . .__ .. _ �9 ��_ _.�— f A .�' ,:; �,'��� �:' OATE ,��' :` '� - - INSP�CT�R �`'"� � '`' t ,�'! , �;MS� � ��,tr.�„ _ �t � ��=�._����� IN,S CTIO►N REC�UEST PERMIT [VLJMBER OF PRDJEC'f TQWI� CaF VAIL , . C1AT� ����;�'1'� '- ;�,l'`�I�C)8 NAME , ; � �r7 _� r _.. CALLER � �. . ,l(' �,,��� a -� FiEAC�Y �f]Fi lNSPECTIC)N: NiC3N TUES WED 7H�,1R �RI ,��'�� '-�''��'F M_ F'M , r .�-,� ,�. - .�-. r , , , , Lt�CATIQN: � , ;_�_; � . � :� : s. _ ��. _.° "a_ , _ ` �/ ��;!.�r�'�t� �" BUll.D1NG: PLUMBING: ❑ FOC7TINGS / STEEL � �1I�[7�RGRC7UND ___--_._._ Q F�}UNDATI�l3�l 1 S7�EL ❑ ft�l�GH f �.W.V. L� FRAMING 0 RC7lJGH f WATER ❑ FiC7C�F & SHEER p GAS F'IP1iVG P�YWQC]D IVAILIN('a _____ �I INSl1�ATiC�N 0 PC3C]L 1 H. TUB ❑ SHEETRO�K NA4L p 0 p O FINAL ❑ F1NAL __ ELECT�!lCA4.: MEGHAEVICAL: ❑ T�PVIt'. PC?WER ❑ HEATBNG _ ❑ ROUGH ❑ �XHAIJST H�C7�]�]S ❑ C[7NClUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR _ Q _ _.... O : - _ _._ C3 FINAL ---.._-- -____ 0 FIIVAL -- - ❑ APPROVEI� � , . 0 aISAPPRC�V�[� : ; L3 �REIh1SI�E�TfC}N REQIJIR�G , , , ,, , COR�ECT�+�CVS: �`{f' �7`�-'f�; ` , :<,,r' ' ; � � F ' �' � - �- � � � .� ��c� r"�� ��"„r= �°����.�,�. '{� F:`�� � . { � �� t �.ij.q� G + ,�',�`` �1i� v . . �� --- , _ i �� {�� (., , � 4.-.�:,Y� �''r' ' `� ��y�'�� � _�1 ' _'_2' � �°b'` �''-- G:+ti Y — ; , > , , 4 , f '.1�� � �- , , R . , � -- � .(� � t.�,�{��'�.(.-'�s. -�r� 'l_.`t,,� "'��. i. y :,�' .�;�Y— "q �1 �`1 t 1'`��'t� ! ._-:� '''�-�.' �;-'- ����"'�j�'�'��^rti�_J ,r+'� •r . . _.-.. . � .. � _ .. „�'.'"��,L , . � . . . - . . . . , " ' . . �-.f , . . . � .�. . C]A7� " `- INSPEGTOR � � �.�_ .._ �.._ _ - r�r�.,s�� ��o� : sE�unr�, ���z� P��r�� �o. : �a��sss �e� _ ` � � � , �'Ei� �.71A1 - �4111��'L� �"`� Consul tln8 t_ )Uecharnlcal �inaer�. lnc- �'l�etrfC�l I -,._ I ` � �..� FAC9Ib[ILE TRANBYrI'TAL n�x�: �� 2Z f�� riu��� o� ac�s: l (�rca.� +�vv��� � xo: 'd',�p�r� ��.aa,�. Cv1�ANY; �u3�1 b� �A t r... FA}f N[Tl[BER: �'►�-�'Z F'ROId: �� �µ�-�i• �'iT�,TL�C�': ��'a4'+�q ndl�a PROJECt t�i�71[BER: �+.�'�. �� �9�AG�:: �I��++�• �S '��- G+�5f" �3 Slt{�,11��� f+����fi" �#� ��l'"1 �Q,,�['a�o�f? e'NC� C�[� GbhlO�'+�'�'r�!f I�Vi+� �3+Gw6Lle�"�e � L�'����� �� PL,EA�3E RIFY RECEIP'�' 4F` ALL P�IGES. il�' ANY AR� 1dI99ING, Ff�F'.44k' CAIL �3U� 949-8108 �OR RETi2l�NS1iI�SION. CC. /�`� 'i+r� C7�f1�i+�e �L'rD�dt°."I] L"�.�'f�C+�' F,CJ. 9ox 9�9 7Q1 13t�Ix 5treet Ves1, CoI+srec�a 81859 GaFdcn, Colvseda 9C�#�� T'elepha�ca: 303� 949-8109 Telephane: 303 2'�8-3824 Te1��i�yl4�° 309J 6�dS'—B�59� Telecopfer: �3�� ,2?'B—�8�4,.9 a„-_-� � ►�'►E'.� J�IN ,d1V.'�E �/ caa�u3 t ts.� �veoh�nrca! �inesrs, far. lC1eclrical GBS�R�iFAZ'T8N �t�PGRT Pro�ect � I�a�e ��153.�4 1/13,�93 . Pra�j mc� Nam� PavL �o'hna�.on . �hristiania R�mvd��. COLA L.L.C. . x�mra Weathe� ��6 �ar�aon Rancl^� �oad 3;3U p.m. Sno��u'YI2d� Vail, C� 81697 {3wsier; CC3LA L.L..C. � Corr�ra��or: Colprc�dc+ Pluzn�ing ServieE P��s�ntt Trsrn Ganze C?}JServatiaxa #y5 - Fin+sl dl7ser'sra�iar� The fc�3,lawing a.tem� were nated: A. Con,daminium FanthCUSe Bc+il.er Rc�csm � 1 . The flue vent connectox' far ttc� �c�ile�s daes ncat appear to ba �uffi�ient ta presva.de prvper performance af �h� �outher� mvs� bc�il��. We $ugq�st t�:e c�sntractar modiiy the drain pan ser�ring the fsn coil abav� the ��ue as r+e�uired in ord�r �o install s� proper �ent conn���vr. 2. Th� gac f�red' b�iiler �n��all�d is a S].e�nt Fin Galaxy r�ad�l number �G-3SO�. �'he nam�pl.ate dar_� state� that the ir.stal,latsan is tn h� ❑n nonc�rchus�ib].e floa�s anly. Ins�alla�ivn aa cambur�vit�ie f��ori,�g is only a3,.1o�e� with Slant Fin acc�ssary kit #779a 3. The �iailer b�s� consi�ts nf'a 1" air gap an tap of a 6„ con�reta baes which is az� tap caf, a concrete floar s3,ab. It ie assum�� tha� the concrete s�ab is suppc�rted hy ' waad fram�e cons�tructior�. Cc�ntracte�r is xesp�ngible i�r �erifyi�c that this a�rangerae�t is in accvrdanca with ���� requir�ed kit �77� . � V�aj Off.�ce �Ga�den Offic+e P,l�. ,�ox 39 � 2�f42 llenver West Park�►ey �ufte 19� 1f�EI, Cnl�rada 81658 Go�de.n� Co�armdo 8�1�41 Te�ephone: {�03 949-6It3B 7'clepl�ane: �'3�3 ,2�8-3820 'TaIecopier: (303 ��.9�-6I59 Telecnpiel': {3f] �276�'3543 � � . . - �@d 6SZ96�6 : 'ON �NQHd ��f�IH� NfQI�kJ�H ; WD'ti� FRDM ; BEAUD I h� ..��AhJ'cE PF�40��E N�J. � 9�195159 P�]3 � w � .,{ . . � � B. �odge Soiler Raom !�`' �. ��mperature d��ferent��al acrvss the bc�i�ers is no�ed to , �er 6° ( 182 - z75) � Thi� may ba 1.:18U���C1EY]� f�� prop�r hea� ��livery �c� �.he' l�uilding. C❑ntra�tor tta protride laal�ancir�g re�vrt to verify prvp�r �aumg{s) performsna�. C. Lod�� :. �he cr��z-idvr fan cvi�s ar� nnt op�r��ing. :�an ccails �re �� run �cantir�uously ta provide cade required venti- latzr�rl. `�he contra�tQr is to �r€�vide grc��er dal.anc�ng ��sd ve�'xfy :.he heating system is de�ivering rated heat cap�city. a. Hau�ekeepir.g Rc�am � 1 . T3�e sr�owme�t deliv�er�r t�mpera��xre as indi.ca�ed on the the�snom�t�r� is 190° with a 1�9L1� return. '�hi� is �xc�ssively hzgh and is beyvnd thc +�c�ep�s.ble �e�e�s for tYae snvw�n�lt tubiaag. These tempera�ures are alsa v,►ell beyond t�ie temperatua��� indicated vn �he thermo:ne- ters in th� boi3er rot�m. �ontractQr ta ve�i�y tha� �he thxee way mixing vr�lve �s shown in I�e�€zi.1 "I" on �Y�eet M-1 i� ad��zsted nnd �.nst�Ller9 correctly. ,r-� E. Gei7���1 Ns�t� 1. Many of t�e items listad or� grer��iau� o3aserv�ti�►n re- p�rt, ha�us nat b��n addressed y�t. This 1i�at �on€�ists of itams vk�served d�ring t�e ws3.k through. I�ts�re itema zuay ag�rear crn s �uiaseque�t list. cc: Tom MayhewT F.��rc� Seg��berg Spaeh Archite�t� ��ck S�.l�,s, Colarado Plu�r�in� �ervice F�'a�.1[ Frcyer Bcuce Geiil.��++'a Nels��2 �eek� C�nstruction � � � 2 . �,�, {-,, � ��--.__} ---���,_�:;� I N S CTl+C�N R E Q U EST PERMIT NIJMBER �GF PftQJECT T�Q�J'11N QF 11AIL � } . + � y_ i �. DATE � � . i '' ��, JC7B hlAME ��� '�-� r—, i .,_ t � F :; a , _ C�LLLER �..—�~;�.�`'t� �' �, — 4 _ READ'� �OR rN�PECTIt�N: MCJN TUES +�W�C� THUR �.F�,/ r? AM PN� k ! LC3CATf�3N; � '��� ' � ' � _.p � , . 4 �...- -.L _ _ � BUILDINC; PLUMBIIVG: ❑ FQC7TINGS 1 STEEL ❑ 1JhlDERGRC}UNa C] F�C]U�l6�ATIG�N 1 S7EEL � RC3UGH ! D.1N.V.. ❑ FRANIlIVC� _ ❑ RC}UGH r' WATEFi RQQF & SNEER ❑ GAS PIPING _ � PLYWC�QD fVAlLING 0 I�JSULATIC3h� -- -- - C7 PQC�� I H. TU6 _ ❑ SHEETRC3CK NAIL p _ � _ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRIiCAL: MECHAN�CAL: ❑ 1"EI'�P. �C�WER -- ❑ HEATING ❑ R�UGH ❑ EXHAlJST HOC7QS C7 CC7htaUIT C] SUPPLY AIFi __ ❑ _ __ ❑ ❑ FINAL ❑ FINAL 0 APPRUVED ❑ D15APPRC7VEC} ❑ R�1NS�ECTI�N R'EC�UIFiED CUR�;ECTlC}{'�iS� DATE __ I�JSPECTOR �n°MrsH� ! � � � ��trca.$a� �L1acz� L.vYZSCCL�a.nt �ie� €l�+�C�.12#t�n �22� � _��rz,rt �j0�j� �+�?y�l��'� �rzc���w'vo�, �� c�#011� Felaruary 26, 1'�93 Christiania Re�.lty, Inc. 35fa E. Hr�n�c�n Ranch �toad Vail , �G+C� SZG57 At tr� . : ��u 1 Johnston Re : �levator Inspectic�n Christi�.ni� Ladge T]ear Pa�1 , Insp�ctic�n of the e�e+�atc�rs at Chris'tiania Lcrdge �vas cor�pleted an FebruarY 26 , 1993 . A eo�ple of items were still retnaa.nir�� from the ariginal inspect i�n [�n �T�vem�er 2�D , 1992 . riTew Ele�ratc�r Nelsc�n Z�e�s Construction 1 . �onnect the smoke �etectar in the elerrator machi�ne room tc, the elevatc�r cvntrc�Is for phase i emergenc� fire recal � . 2 . Clean the e�evat�r maci�ine raam and remove al. l �tar�.d articles that daes not p�:r�azn tc� the maint+�n�.nce af the ele�ator . Storage xs pz-vhibited in thi� area. Existing Elevatar 1 . Perform annuai hydFaulic safety test that was due in �tovember 19�0. 2 . The c�oc�r gibs an a11 th� hoistway dac�rs must hav'e th� fire t�bs bent dvwn. 3 . Keep the area aroa.�nd the elevatar pump u�it clear �f ali stored articles . 4 . Fire rate ta a min�mum c�f ar�e hvur the tap �f the elev�t�r shaft . 5 . �'are x'ate to a rninimurro �f �r�� Ytr��ur the �enetration in the frc�nt w�ll af tt�e ele�at�r shaft just ai�ave the tap fla�r doar header . i � � � pS�,E � Christiania Lodge (�, Garrect the trip hazard 1��a.Ced at the ba.s�ment 1+�vel wh�re the floor tile i� installed a.bvve the level �rf the hnistway r�c�or si 11 . The remainder c�f the elevatar wauld be grand fathered as far as c�de s�and paint , If you choose to mod��nize �he vintage elevatvr con�rols , the remainder of ti�� items li�te�l will need to be brought t�p to current cc�de �ampliance . 1 . Th� sump pump installed in th� elevatdr pit must gv tra a� a.pgr�ved interceptor . �. Ir�stall missing pit ladd�r . 3 . Mave the pit light �witc�t currently located behind the ele�vatQr pump unit to tF�e ir�sid� c�f the elevatc�r s�aft 42" a�ove t�e c�utsirie finish�d floor . 4 . The e�evator machine racam wi11 have t+a be encl�as�d frvm the r�st of the maint�nanc� shop by a �ane hour wa11 and dgc�r . 5 . AII of the ha� l buttor�s wauld nee� tc� be lowered to 4�„ ta cent�rline . 6 . Th� car station wrauTd need t� be Iawered sa the stc�p switch and the alarm ��L1 w+�uld be lacated at the bottom 35" frvm the floor. '1. Electronic dQOr detector ar phvto eyes wauld need inst�lled �n the caar doar . $, Emerg�ncy li,ghging wcauld need to insta.11ed in the el�vatc�r. 9. Two �ay comrnunication would riee�l tc� be installed �.n the elevatar . f0. Dix�ectivraal arrows and gongs would be req�t�.�ed. 11 . T�e ventilation in the elev�tor shaft would need to be ir�erc:a��ci ta a rninimum af 3 sq . ft . . 12 . Flaor identifict�tian tags wauld be required vn b�th sides of all the h�i�tway door frames . 13 . v�nti. lation of the elevatvr mac�in� room is ��q�.ired. 1� . "The agprapriate smok� detectors would be coz�nected to the ��w el��rat�r cantrQis far phasa 1 and alternate fiaor em�rgency fire recall . P5 . Handrsi. ls are requir�d in the elevat�r . � - � � � � Page 3 Christiani� Lodge Numerous pa�ts f�r the exisking � levatar controls are a�solete a�d have �een far msny years . Moderni�ation af �hs eZe�at�r would enhance ��e operatian vf the unit . Thank y�u �nce �gain #� b� af ser�ice to yaur pr�ject . Pl�sse �eeP fre� ta c�ntact me if y�u h�ve �ny q�es� ians , R�sge�tfullya Dick Y�unkin cc ; �e �svn �eeb Const�ucti�n Gary �urrai� Town af Vail � !j'I - �� �� __ _ � � � ,� - �� `�-- �hls +�TIVN ��QUEs PERMfT I�ILIMBER QF PRC]JECT T�'1l'VI� UF IIA�L � •a f � � _g�,r� f ,�"� � 1 �" � DATE f��! f'tf� � .' Yr � rl�� �,��E !+'� ��� .I�I ' r � `� �,, �i.a i tl�+/'� CALLER �'�"J�`��� , �_ ,,.- .f�. R�ADY FC]R CNSPECTIfJh�: M(]N TL.IES 1�B` THUR FRI �"_-�=' '�'� AM -:�' _ ; . , ,; t, L,� �,�,.� ,� ��� " -•�,�''� Ds"�y„� ,. �� , LQGATfQIV: .�-,� f.—;; � ., v' B�lILDlNG: PLUMBIfVG; C� FODTlNGS / STE�L __ __ � L1f�DERGRC3LIN� L� F�IJN[]ATI[)N f ST�EL Q ROUGH 1 D.W.V. � FRAMING C7 RC,�UiGH 1 INATE�i � RdC7F & SHEER 0 GAS �'dF'ING PLYINOQD NAkLI�JG _ ❑ IfVSULATI{7f� _ . ❑ PfJC3L ,� H_ TUB I� SHEETRUCK NAIL ❑ ❑ _ _ ❑ ❑ F#NAL 0 FINAL _ __-- - ELECTR fCAL: M E�HAloil CA�.: � TEMR. PcJWEF� Q HEATIiVG C] �i(7UGH __ ❑ �XFiAUST H�JaDS i� CC}NUUiT 0 SUPf'LY AIR _ _ � __ O � FIN.AL � FIh1AL _ [�`APP�I"]V�I� � QISA,PPRflVED ❑ REINSf ECTI�N REQUlRE �C}RFiEC�IC?hJS: _ �'� r ;�� /� P�f•3f� `/a`' �. �,�,a.c�. �+! � �'",c r,"ft`�,� __ � � _ r o . , . �,+ , � ,_—F .. -�� 7 i�, i � " �— ��'=l`�-- ��C•,�"f'�/'`"�1 �i��'� .. �+ ' � " � � :� — � F ' '"�f-% -,�_�-�,���'�,. � { �r- _ �;�, �-_ ��,-f�, ,� "°,,`-° f., s`:' ! , . - , -- �. �`-7 ����� ` _. ; .- _ � � � _�i , �, - j �� _ ; .�;; �,_ ,. � r� � - ��.�� �, .-�u�^�". —��r` ;� ' `� �i�'�G �i��'` }r„��l�f �,1�� ` "/'� - f f!_ �r���_��� /,f�+f���� t�/'�✓ ��r��"�-7� f 6.'`��`v��i i'�� ,���!.r� ��'�rd. 7 { , � ,, � _. — D RTE �'`� �'� I�1 S P E C TO R �.,/�'``;�t---�--�-- � �--_ -°-. �` ,�f`:"�7. ,��-,`�� ��sh� r � � . _ y _ . � � � � I�JS CT�C]N REG�UEST ",'` T(�WN �F VAfL PERMIT NUMBEf� C?F PRQJECT 479-�13€3 - �: QATE — r ��� _�.� J►�B hJAM�. '" ':''i✓r�:�. `'.�'r '4�',��:�. .°�'- . � GALLEFi "'��`,�'�', � _ a � rr�,"- _ F#EAC]Y FcJR iNSPECTI�N: M�N TUES WED . : TF#�J�i FRI AM pN1 , L{�CATIC3N: '` ��-��` ;f � ;, `�, - , , , -- - :;-� - ���f � BUILDlMG: PLUIIABING: ❑ F�JO`�II'�lGS J �T�EL ❑ UIVDER(�RCIUftlD C] FDUN�ATION ! �T�EL C] ROUGH 1 D.W.V. ❑ FRANIINC� � Rf]UGH / UVATER � RCJC3F & SHEER ❑ GAS PIP�NC PLYWOC3C NAILiNG - ❑ INSULATidFV � PQ�L f H. TUB _ _._. C] SH�ETROC�C NAIL p ❑ ❑ - � FlNAL __.— p FIF'JAL ELECTRtCAL; MLGHANICAL: CJ Tl�MP. P�WVER I� H�ATING ❑ RQUGH 0 EXHAUST HC3t)DS � C�M❑UM�' 0 SUPPLY AiR ___� � -- � � FINAL _ _ ❑ FfNAL _. ❑ APPRC?VED CQ D15APP"RE�V�a p RE1N�P��TPCJfV RE�IJfRED �C7RFtECTIC}hJS: _ - � y , _.. — , �, �,� lxp, r� - � . � , . - _ . . . ,.-. . . t , # , �. - � ,y� f i ,,*.r"'�,. . �` ' r�� I�.-'J€ f /r�- . . .. . � . ���t_ � � ., f"� . � � � . .�� ! .�.{ ' l.' ..t r L� i.. ' : � _!,. t .} 4' " ,'f .e_... � .-�„ ..r", �. ;� ,. � . �)c� �t' �, � �/ - tl J r/ r ' ��# �... ',. + "' f'' f'' -- . _._ i` r, �..._ -_ ..J ��C' � � � . , , � . . - � . . . • �'���- ���- .��� �--..�. �'�1 ���,�_ DATE '°'Y fiUSPE�T(�R � ,--�� � �NS CTIC3N R�QU�ST "�-T . ' -`='� TC]'�''N (�F VAIL �'EFt�'lIT NUMBEFi ClF PROJECT 479-2138 P; DATE '� -�'�� " JC7�B NAME ' ,r'`; . CALL�R ��' ' � - �•� FiEADY FC}R IhlSPECTIUN� MQ'�J TUES WED 1'�ii#R'" ,��'FRI ' �A�; F�lVT �ocari�rv: , _ r __. BUILDING: PLUMBING: C� FfJDTIhIGS 1 STEEL .._ C7 UhIL7ERGR(7UNd L] FC}UN�ATIDN I STEEL C] R�OUGN f D.W.V. ❑ FI�AMING ❑ RC�UGH / WATER F3QOF & SHEER p GAS PIPif�G _. ❑ PLYWQQ[] f�AlLIV'�(� ` - C] lNSULATfdN . �f P4QL A H. TUB ❑ SHE�T�i4�Cf� NA�L ❑ ,�d �� , p �'n C] FINAL •- � FII'�#AL �LECTF�ICAL: MECHANIGAL: Q TEhRP, P�WER _ ❑ HEATiNC f� RC�UGH ❑ �JCHAUST HDQD� � COIVDUIT �.. L SlJ�PLY AIR � o N,�L 0 FIf�MAL �.7 APPRC7VED 0 DISAPPROVED [� F��INSP�CTI4N REQUIRED CO'RREGTIt]N5: �., �ATE Ih�SPE�TC3R . , - . , . �..T „ � � _, ..--- � IhJ� CT1C�N REI�UEST �," � � �owr� �� rr����;�,.�� �, P�RMIT NUMB�R OF PRfJJECT !� � Y '� 479-2135 i ,_ , i7ATE � ' ;' ' JC}B NAME � 'r 'i ' , � . , _ _ `— '—�' . ,.. , �AL�E� ��r ,� :. �;, , � , � R�A�Y FC3R I�lSP�CTii'�N: NiQN 7i..��S I,�t1ED THIJR FRI AM PM LC3GAT1�7N: � ; BUILDING: PLUMBIAIG; 0 F�JQTlNC;S J STEEL C] UNDERGRDLIN� C] F(J9JNbATIC]N 1 SZEEL ❑ F�C]�.1GH C 17.W.V. E] FFIAMI�J�G 17 RCIUGH / WATER RdOF 8 SHEER ❑ [;AS PIPING � �PLYV+JC7C.)D NAILING —— ❑ lh1SULATI�N O PC]�L f H. TUB _,_ ❑ SHEETRQCK NAIL p � ,— ❑ ❑ �lNA�. ❑ F�1VAL �L�CTRICAL: MECHAfVICAL. O TEMR. P(JWE€� � ❑ �{�q�lw�, 0 RGUGH � p EXHALJS�T HO(3�S I� CC?N❑C1IT ❑ SUPPLY APR � _ p i� F1NAC __ p FIhJAL �I APPF�QVED �,'p DiSAF'PRC}VEQ -�❑ REINSPECTIOiN REQU�I�EQ d r 7 _ CC3RRECTI�hIS: ' � i _ ,.�,,.�' ,- ,� . .. 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POWER � HEATING � ROUGH ❑ E�HAUST �10�Q5 _ ❑ CdhlQU�;r ❑ SuPPLY AfR � _� � � FlNAL O FINA,L CI APPR(JVED �7 DISAPPRCtV�d ❑ RCINSPECTdC7N REC�UIRED ��RRECTIC}N5; .4 , . aATE ._ INSPECTLR . . . _ . ,. .... , " � -. � IMS �TIC)�J RE[��JEST TQ�fV C)F VAfL PERMf� NUME3�R 0� PRC?JECT . 47�-21�S � - ; C)AT� � _-_ �JU6 �NAM� �. ��' ' � , � CALLER REAbY FpR 9NSPEGfiiC�N: MdN TL1E5 INEp THU�R FRI AM PIVI L{)CATION: _ -= ��_. . BUILDlfVG: PLUMBIMG: ❑ FO�JTINGS ! ST�EL - - � UN�E�CGR+DUN� C7 FQU[�J�ATI�QhI / STEEL ❑ ROI.}GH J L7.VIl.V. ._ r ' C] FRAMII�lG C.� R�IJGH / WATEFi RC�QF & SHEER ❑ GAS PIPING � PLYWUC}D NAI�ING . _-- � fhJSULATION _ � PJC)L 1 H. T11�3 d SHEE�'I��OCK NAIL � _,__ � ❑ ❑ FIMAL _-.._ ❑ FINAL ELEC�'RIGAL: MECHAN#CAL: ❑ TEMP. PC]WER C] H�ATIN.�'.� C] RC?UGH ❑ �XHALiST H�dDS ❑ CpNDUIT ❑ SUPPLY AIR � O :�7 FINAL � '�l1�IAL _ , � APPRC?V�a , I� �ISAPPfiOVED p R�INSPECTION REQUIRE� GQRRECTIt31VS: DATE iNS�'EC�OR _..__w__ J FRQM : B�RIlDIN GAi�Z'E PHf�t�lE �ii7. : '9�965.5� P�1 ' , � � � 'ti B��tl L�IAf .�lN�►� �° Cvnsul E i.nfi i j�lechcru i c+�1 ���neers, Tnn`. �'� -�1G'1��Erlcal _r / �'---._.,, a FAGSII�I.,E TRi41�TS�!"fAL �]ATE: ��� /�'"� Ni1ME�ER 4��' PAGk�: � (iNCt,. C@V�#t) To: ��d+� �"Y�+'`��} co�rnArr�: �,� r�. ��.r,•�.�N t-r-� iC��c.��.,t,��p���'�"'" �� rzvM���; �?�'�- �r �'� �o�t: �h� ����. '�U��C'1: �k.{f�d'I'A k��+�t �'R[]JECf' NFi�AffR�;R• i�-��".�� �IE55J1G�: ���tr 6� ��4�u+��.a c'�v h.,�s ��4� �n..� �r�!'�+��•Y�� �,.� �Dl��L�- �r��. ���7 1� r•�f�e�� v �r ���r�� �� nu. ��r�s. t� Aarr .a� M['s�w�. Pr��s� ,C'� ��3� '�49-8��?8 f�Q�2 d�i2.ANSMIJ9IAN'_ �CC: 1'�-'� !�"fi�l�-� ��'`�' � �`"` Ya�I �ffice ���de� (3fti�e �',LJ. Bar 39 7fi2 13th ��r��� uei1. G�ltrs�aria eXBt�B Gnlden, CoJQrdda t3Q441 Te2�pho�e: 343} �4$ 81�H Telepharx�: {,30�} �78-3�2Ci TeIevvpier: �3!?3} �43-1$!6� 7'�ac�oDt��, (343) �7S-3B�3 FR❑M : B��UD�N GAtifZE PHONE N0. : �4�5159 P�� vvF- iV �L s�vle r r r+� • � . . - '- � � �i ��- �� ,{ /'�}� '�r}� � � � �il�,I■�LI `i��V��i.ir.�,�i+1+�� .e.� . .' �' i Tfl60 S.L�oo1n,9u�roa 101 Llttld'ton.CO�Ot�� �"� 3{!3�1-+18I�� 3Q3"7°4�-�346 F1hiC ��1,4,'$:T�l.I��! LwOV�R �$'�$�T D]l'�gi Jul� �0. 19�� T4t S��udin Ganz+� �or��ulting �'�gir�e�r�. ]Cn+�. ��1$ ���L� 3Lf3-S�49-f�.5'� �'P'1'�1 Tom G�II�Z� B�AN= l�ik� Thornd s� �: ehri�tS.ani.a �ro��at C�,ri�on M�ox I� Uau►�l� w�Yl t��ft �I�d11AB: �c�rl��on r�+e�d� �9 c�M t�� �h� h�� ��,d�. 'i"h� crsnditit�ns� ar� �B foll�wa: �� Cc�� 3 ida �"" &0 G.FPii prepyl�n� qlycol �,5� GP�M wat�r aD4° F i.x! 4�a 'P' iri �0 pai �rt�p 150'° �' �dut AFFt�rx�.�n�tei� 3 p�i ���t 900,oov STr�,/Hr. C�'l�cxn w3.�.�. r:h�xn�e th� A aide inl�t �.c �� �nd E� s��� will r��ain �� 1 1�f4", �a�lsan �wil�. �►i�d�r� �h� in�id� t��� t� if2�+ tv �aw�r . . pressure r�r�p c�x� �1�� h�t �i�9e. I hnve en������ �he �ut ���a�t on �h� ua�i�, Th�a pri.ce �ril�. be �3,8�3,e�. �hipment wit}� �� �rdar wi�'�it� �i� ��x� ata�k orill ha AttCflt�t 3�� L�J�. Le� m� kn�w 3.� y��u w�n� �� tcs l�ok e� the p�unp on �,his pro����. 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' . .. � " . �' . . 7 L.1J1lC C��I'�l��L'J Ls'''tn1111� . , . � � ' . , � . 1J�i'ti�1�L i ����i1i#.J�sr� �j 1.���, ' . , . . , � - T1M�: .�:D4 �.m. ` � � , . � ' � � .� . �R�J�CT .�:: ' �433 .04 P�tC]J��T: Chr�.stx�nis ' ' , . , � . � , pEEtSt3N CC3NSULmECI: G��y Murrain • FIRM; Vt�i1 Builds.n[� i7��7�,�tment PURPfl�A_: (]F C�NTJ�tC�': � .ht+ur buildin� ;���aa��i�iQt� • �3Y� ,Thtialta� C, Uen�e . • � . . . . � FRE�ENT: • ' ' . . � ,' . -'�--�'7,'EL�PH�7NE�GG'1�7V��SATIC9N�---��MEETIN.-t'a �f�MUTES` A44�--�---- ' THE 'FOL�,I�WI�+G �friAS �3IS��S�D:, , Int�gr.ity� n�F Tw� �i-iaur ��paration 1. i3i�c►sc�s,�c3 tihe propo�ser� �.v��x�ic►ri �f th� �wa �h�ur area sep�r�-- tion w�t�.I bctw�cn t1�c �htxter�u gYtd the LadcXe. � Tha sapere�'�,��� � . wall v��urs alcsng. thc'�'ca,�ter� wa�.l vf thc. �xistin� L-oi3�� ro�a'rn. "I'his +j+r�tli a.e �urr�n�ly pen��re�vd' b�r the ca��tl3u�►ti�nn �ir ape�a,�ng, ss�vi.ng �,t�e b4il�r roo� . . � . Is� +3�d�:�' to� maint��.n�th� int�gri°�� �� �h,�� t�uv� hnur �e�5axa- � tivn rer��.1, G�'�y h�s •�tt�res�d Ch��. e t�r1e ��id e�n� ha�lf lx�u�' � , . � sated cc�mbinst�.o�n. fir+�,�gm�rke da�per in�r�ll�c3 �n the �nmmt�us- � �iv�a �ir apen'ing wi2,1 meet the int.�n� c�f th� �ode. Opeza-- � �ivn o� thc �ir+�%sm+�ic�. �dampe�r wi�.l be �u�h� �l�a� � � . . . Tt1e fUSible �.in � �` . . . - , .. � • - . _ . k wi1l Y7� rat�d at 165°- '" � . . . � ��'f�.�h+h��f'�r�.�,+a.o,,;�F�C..:W� 't ct+�a� �'���. t-t s.114 �.c.:,, � �" h cignal �hall �}�c �aont t . �h�� rsew f�.�e al�rr�m �nnunc��_ . �, , ��r p�r�e�. in the Cha�eaiu t���c��r�- �.•,pr�.�. ►+�o� ��r� � � ��3 �����r �t�.�in ��a,� ve�v� wi1� ��las�."'�#�ia� �r�es�c.w►c.t. � t,�►�s: 3. . Ga�ry� da.d n�� �eel �h�t the u�i�,�,z�tinn of �a delug� �p�i�akler ey�tertt ��i �arvi��ct. 'the �p�ning wcru3.d be �uffic�.�nt, . . . . ' . . , : ; S . . � • . . • .Y . . � Vail i�fflce � Gvlden C7f�}�� P.11, I7aY �S1 • . , � l+�idE Denver Wes# Pgrk�rep Sa�ile �91"F �'nil, CvJs�r�slo [iI�.i� � Gv1sle�,.Colvmcin �ft�40i . T�1n�hon$� {'�#���' 9�#9-6.��19 ' ' ' ' �''�ep1�74I2�; �30� �"J'��'�8�l� •�`eter�,n�lar: (�t7��� 9�9-���9 � .. • . • .' . . T�![�c.rtpter; ;�D 2�'8-��t8�F3� - - ,� • � � .. . . - • . ... � .. .�. ._... . . . �. ^ . . .. �.r , . . . . � .... . .� . . . , . . :o. . . . �ed ��i��� ; �or� ��o�� �r� r��an��� : wa� * �- - '�:�'"` � '�� ' ' � . �. � ` . ' ., ' � ' . , �• , , . � � . . ,. � � � . . � 4., S'inc� t�he prcijert is u��d�r a .�Sro�r���i�*e �zm+� �on�t�'Biutr' . . . �nd it appears �h�t �.�.�se �clampere �annot !�e vrder�r� �.n ���$ , �� es��►s�y tkte �walk thrr��egh. by,the. si�a 1�ii�y �e�par��+er�t �qr ` , the '�'Ga� �Gt�ry is wil3i'ns� to a1lew�th�. instsll.��,�on o� �h��e : .' +Cta�1lp+�rs ��, aa���x witk�in the 'a$�[t �0 tv. 45 �da�rs in ar�I�r� I3at . � , tc� s�.ow up grvgs-e�ss aix th� .p'rr�,�e���, , . , ��,e pr���ding ��mment� anc3�ar vbsexv�tian� �rPp�ec�as�t an c��r�rrv.i��cv �� pragxe�ia r�ncl ��ndi�ia�' c�� 'th� �w�orl�. �Y�a�e r��t.���r u� �� miau�- de�s�andis�g� ar re�ui�•ed in�e'rpret'�tion� or clraar��i��tid�s w�,thin . . t�xree (;�) �r�i�k d��s o£ reees.�t� a�. �he�e�ine��i,nt� n����� �� i�� will � . prc��eed ,�n tt�e bae3,� tfiat tMesr� itcrnr� x�re a� as��-+�ed tc�' �Sy all � . � part3.es. can��rner��. , ' � �. . „ .. , , � � : � � . . , � � E�vra a� �M��m��v�: �rom�s ,� . . ; � .. . . • Cc: � � '�orc� �ayhew,�� �i�rc� S�c��erb�rg Spae� P►��h�t��ts �i�,� ,' }� . , Frenk ��'r+�y�r � ' � . :.. . ' . ..' ' � F�x �, . -.�--�.�-,w.z;` ;CC7L�1 L.L.��. . . . ,, . . . - . : .. � � , : I�{a i 1, . �Ae.�.� ��'�;���af��- �� .. .. . . � .� ." • � ' , , , r ' ' • ` � . � . � . .. f� � . . _ � ' ^ I • . . • . . . . . , . . . ' ' . , � . , � . . . ` . . ` , . . . LL .. + . . ' ', ' • , , ' , • ' . .. . . . � ' • . ^ .. . . : ., i . ° .. . . '` � J . . . , : +, + . , .' , . ,5 . i •• r � . ' " • . ' ' 1 i � . . • • . � 1' . . . • .. . . �. .• f � . • 'F � ` �• 1 + • ' , • • •, ..t 'n .,'.'• .. i.+ •1 ' • � . ' r . ' �. � ' � � i • . ^ . • ' ' , • . ' � � � . .. . . ' • � . • v ' ` I . . ' ' ' . . . , . ' " " ' ,. Y . ' i. . ' ' . � . . • . � � . � . .. ' ' '� ` ' � ' , ' ; ' . ` r. � �� ' . . , • • , � ' ' , � ' . ' • • � i . . l . .. � . � • � 1 ' • � . . . .• , . .. . . . � .. ,. . �. . : .. . . , . .. : 'F.. .... . ' . . ... .. .'�. • . , ._. . . " . • . ' � ' , ' . . � . ,.. . , , . • �e� �si���6 : •❑rv �o�d �zrro� �at�ana�� : w�� r � � ::, � r�;a_ , � BEA UDIAI' - � .A�N:�''� Cnnsul t itag �Mechsn i cel Eng,tneers, Inc.' ' -_,E'Iectricsl F ' ! c�r��E�Err�� R�co�� DAT�: �7une 3a, 1�9� PROJEGT # : 2453 .tl 1 pR��JECT: Christiania HVAC Re�iew PERSC]Iti1 CDNSLILTED: FIF.M; PCTFtPOSE C3F CdNTA�T: Coordi�iat�can FF-iC1NE h�(7. BY: Th�rnas C. Ganze PFtESE�TT: Frank Freyez, Aau1. �ahrts�on� Kur� 5egerberg a�d Tam G�nze TELEFHQNE CONVEf�SA'TI{3N X M��'TI1VG M�C�TUTES THE �'QLLf]WING WAS DISCUSSEI3: 1 . It was agreed that the cvndorniniums A and B a�e �to be prc�� vid�d indi�idua�. heating boilers and indiv�idua� clomesti� hvt water starage tanks. �'he mech��ical spaee lo�a�ed in t�he lo�� between the twQ units is t❑ be cans�dered a cnmmon e�.ement fc�r the candorniniums and dv�s not neEd tcs ha�re a separation w��.l. Erzergy usage for hydronic gas systems to cvndgminiums ta he prarated. � . The bailer layc�ut proposed �or the n�w first �lo�r mechani- _ cal s�ace shawing �en modular baile�s si�ed large enough to handle all the lodge and the conc�ominzum hea�ing and dames- tic hot water 3�oads is nat a�ceptable t� Fau1 . S�ace is tv be allocated as ho�sekeeging/stQrage. 3 . Th� existing boiler is to be removed. SGC� �s to pro�vicie informati�n rega�-�ing what �yge and �ize �f new bail�r can be Iocated a.n that space and exactly what 1.c�ads ��r� be aecomnt�c�ated k��y th� new b�i].e� in�arparat.ing di�ersity be�ween snc�wme].t, s�air pressuri�ation heating cflil, heat- ing, and d�mestic T�ads fcar the ladge. IL was agreed that the bic�ges� divers�.ty tha� can I�e u�i���ed in r�rder to m�ke �hi� sy�tem wor� effectively is �he �cheduling af the launa dry was�iing r�a�hines to off psak hcaurs . This consti�utes apprc�ximateZy 1/3 t� 1/2 of the �urrent calculated dc�mesti� �ot wa�er load f�r the lodge, Vai.2 (7ffice . �o.�de.� C+ffzce P.b. Bax 39 7tJ 1 �3th Street Vail, �o2orscto $1+658 Calden. CvI�ra�dQ 8t34G+1 T�lephan€�: (3�13} 94�—fi308 Tedephc�ne: {303,� ,278-3�3�{1 TeTecopier: (303) 9�9-61�9 �el�copier: (�tl�) �78�-3843 + � � 4 . The exis�ing 53� ga114n damesti�c hat wate� storage tank gresen�l� lvcated �n �he existing bozl�r room has been cal�ulated as shart c�f capacity �c+z' �he currer�t lndge fix- tures plus the d�mestic hot water clothes wash�r laads. It was suggest+�d tha� ad:ditirana� str�rage tanks be prn��d�d tv h�ndle peak demands, especial�.y i� �here i� �ny conGern that th+e cl�othes washers may nvt be scheduled to run during off hours. 5 . Sta�r tower presaurization �or s�air ' B ' {ho�ding �i�e refu�ge area) was re�riew�d. Stai.r gressurization was discussed for tlne stair tow�� with Gary Murrain and BGCE . It was a�greed that �tair p�essurizatiQn is requir�d per Chapter 3� and 33 of the UB�. Th� fan system is to del.��er 2 , 500 c�m of auts�.d� air under �1�rrn condition� ini�iated by the buzl�ling fire alar�ri. Ths f�n cannot be located under thE landing. A gassible lcsca- tivn for the fan is under the exteriQr landin�, Heating wat�r piping �ar this pressurization fan can come off of the boil�rs l�acated in the condominiums, however �.he piping rur�s would be excessi�ely lang. F3GCL suggested t�7at the saurce �f heat pi�ing far this azr hand�ing unit t�e tF�ie existing pip�ng �ystem current7.y in that area since this load can h� cansidered � �liv�rsity to the lt�dge heatinc� �ys�em. A baroy�e�ric reli�f damper is required a� the to� of the st�.ir �.awer. 6. �1'entil3tipn systems ft�r the cnrridars was �eviewed. '�he�'e is still sc�me discrep�ncy betwe�n w�ere stair ' C ' ends and where the corrit�ors begin . Specifically is st�ir 'C' a sta�� �o�ver or is it an a�a�endage c�f the carridor. Tf it is . a stair tower it dr�e�� nat requir� trentil�tic?n, however iC is not explicit�ly identified at this tirne how it is t�a }�e isvlated frc�m adjacent �o��idors . In gGC� ' � d�scussion with Gary �urrain regarding this item, i�. was agreed that ventil.ating carri�dors on e.�ther 5ide of th� sta�.r ��we� wa� requ�red and the stair tawer �ean 'he sepa�rated fram ad�acent corridors �y �nag d��r hold oper{ers . Any �rat�l unit �oam that opens inta �he space �onsid�red to }�e a �tair to�nrer will �equi�-e twa haur rated doors . Up�n a smo}�e ci��ectc�x' signal, the mag daors are t� cl�se and the stair t�we� would k�e isolated from the rest c�f th�e b�ilding. flcc�pants c�aul�i exit fror� �heir hotel �ooms thrc�ugh t_.he stai�' t�w�r. Ventilation systems for the corridr�r:� waulr� �perate as normal . P5S is to review with Gary Murr�in the exact configuratican of th� stair, and �,+�he�her it requir�s a twa ho�r separation �rom the r�st af the building. �ased c�n �hzs infc�rmation F3GCE can go forward and desxg� a �r�ntilati�n syst�m for the adjaininr� c4rridors . 2 , • � � 7 . �Gary Mur�-ain is tc� review the necessz�.y far the stair pres- �urizatian s�+stem fc�r s�air tawer ' C' ta �e on emergency pv�,aer. Per code this is a requ�.remertt. BGCE discussed wi�h hiro that em�rgen�y pawer is nrt currently available at the �ite and he vuill g�et }aack to �GCE with his requirements fcrr this �tem. �. Exhaust systems fc�r the hateJ. bathrr�oms we�e reviewed, Paul indicated that rou�.ing indivi�dual bath exhaust fans ou� the exteriar +o� each unit was not aeceptsble. It was a,�reed . tha� utilizing th.e exist�ng exhaust risers wou�d be the mr�st practical rauting. It was �uc�g�st�d that centraliz�d ex- haustexs be lacated in the condvminium me�hani�al room. In BGCE' s di�cussians with Gary �Iurrain, it was a�gre�d that fiz'e dampers would be reyuirec3 wher� individual ba�h exha�ast. ducts pene�ra�C� the ba�hroam ceilings. Shaft wal� crns�r�c- tie�n is not requir�ed where the existi�g duc�s �re �outed up thrc�ugh th� lc�dge f Ic�ors. A harizontal f ire d�mper is r�quired w�ere th� duct wauld be routed up thraug� �he �vncior�inium f1QOr (nnte; the condominium is classified as a �ype R1 dwelling unit in �ieu of an R3 occupancy) . Sh�ft wall crnstructian would be required where the �.uct is r�uted thr�ugh �he corcdominz.ums . Extensive hari�onta� routing in this manner a�pears tQ b� expe�sive, Rvu��ng tv be reviewed by BGCE and PSS. Th� preced�.ng cvmments and/or �b�ervations represent an v�erview � of progress ar�d conditivn Qf the w�rk . Pl�ase riotify us of misun- ders�and�ngs or requir�d ir�terpretatic�ns €�r clari�icat�.ans within three (3y wc�rk days of receipt c�f �h�se meet�ng notes, as we will prc�ceed on �he basis � that these iterns a�e as ��re�d ta l�y a11 par�ies cancerned. END QF M�ETII�IG IdOTES c�: Jack Sills, Ca�earado Plui2tbing Ser�ice File Frank Fr�eyer Fax X Chupa Ne1 sr�n, Nelson �Zeeb Construc�ian Mai l-� �urt Segerlo�rg, �ierce Segerberg Spaek� Ar�hit�c�s �. BJ I)avis, Pie�ce S��erberg Spaeh Ar�hitects Gary M�rraiza, Town �f Vai1 Bui_lding I3egartment . � FR�M : ��RUD i� GA�ZE PHCI�� NiO. : 9495159 P01 � � �� "�. ��� ��� f ���� � �ousultin� � "' .'��'e,�Jhetllo�al �.i,n�rr,�. In�' "" �,�3'rec#r1 c�! `'�_� .__..� H'�C;SIMfl.� 'i'1�AN5�dITT111, DATE: ��'�j!�+�f L . I31'�;F.��EC�'V'ER)ACrE�: � 6 r �'f�; �r4 i-� c�ibrn�rr�: ��►'� �G►�, ��' �'�c za�r�as�: `�7�( � �,r 5� �tv�, ,���r G,, ,a� �. �Uar��c�: �t��rra,����a F'R�7dECi' N'LI1dA�;R: �4� "'�,..�►. +��' D�9�AGEr �1 �.�-- C.��l" �'�{+�"T_ �j�'����v�s ,Q,�,�,, GA��-5 �„� �� �/� �I�tt< PLF�.�lE I+�II�'Y R�+''L`�I1�7' ilF' A�,� FA�`aE�. I�' �NY ARE �iISS'ING. ��,P,AuE CALL (3�� 949-81�18 F�]� R��7�AN51YiIS�iON. C�,' ,r"`` V�i� C�fti�� Ga.Ide.n C�ffice �.v. a,�x sa ` � �o� z,�t� s��� VAii, �.'�ioreda 8!858 �°� O�Iden, G�s�arxaTa �3(��p1 Te�le�sho�ze, (3L�9) 9��-83(}B ' 'Tete�ahone: �3A3} �"l'+�--382Gt T,s�ie�¢pler: {3't���) ���9-8iS�1 TeleaopiBT= 303) �'7���8�3 FRQM : H�I�DIN GA�Z� PHO�� N0. : 9495159 P02 a.•� • F�� !� � � � ,�` � :�, �� l 1"! 1 ��° �� yr " � . . ., ��� � , ��� � ... . �..,�. � , �. ..Y .�.�.� . . �r �'i`. ,�"� w� r��i'. �v�i+ � � �� rrr � w'+.. 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Please check off in zHe �ox pravided. �-- I FINAL PLiJMBI1�G i DA�'�: � 4 �� FINAL MECHANICAL I�A.'T�: � � '`'` ._ ; �MP�tO'V�iEI+�T S URVEY '�� RE�iD�. t�`l�IE: � 17ATE: � - - � � _ _ FI;+iAL EL�CTRIC�L �ATE:. i � , FI�ItsL BL'ILI3ING E�ST SIDE: WEST 5II3E: i��'i'�: T�I�'��.�RY C OF Q �,-, i�ATE: §: _ CERTYFICATE 4F 0!CCUPt#NCY „ DATE: T.ANTISCAFING I3ti� t}ATE: ��-t.�., � FILE NAM.�: ,r�;� ��'��'�,..� � ^b.l `�Y" .w�'�,i Y s ;;�� �'prr'i ssu '��` `4;,7 .•i'W' F �' "��`� � '�y�< �''��`. � ��� ..� �'���,.�� ',.�- �t-:'� �_�)r � � ��� �c ..� tar�� �i'�i ��l�ct s, .' yr i' a � � �" F� ;.. p y�.,. � �,.t T :. f-�,� ..�v� �:t+ � �.�s�.. -�� � -fr '�af's` � �� ir a� �x s ,c � �� . �,� zrk��'� � �y�-�,i ���� i t . �'��'�.r' �`r�s ����e "`�� ����;� �i`F3�`''� ^� � ;��+'� � �af' �' Y��' �..L; , • t ,�,�,� # �7w �a�- \: S Iµ,�_uY�y�, ���... f,�� �:�� r�-:. '��s�"�`u� �'. CG ,f:• . 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S�� � Y�� ,� ...�� ��q.;y ,,�r ,� ,�,� � � ��y-�C u�,x-:��,1ds�` ,�'�§�: .rE�-� .:..,� �'k"'' h�"'�k tta - x ) y�*xlC'!' .a '-1 {'�7f ,�4 r -w`�`<��� N �.>� '-v 1 __�.� �� �L P �� ' 19 �������' �i. 7t x � : f .� dd°, � � j i �' G.1�*� �? f u;?� x � 1v '� , t i �'r±�� , �`� �"�:�^� �: '"�k ���� � ru t� .i a �� .i�Y � ,,.�.�. ,,,, ���.��'�}� �,^"`� '���(� ' ' � ��'�'a����, ���� ����:.i �� �'�� ���. �_�.� . � ��,ix�`M' ��+`�d�+KN�'r���.�, c���*�e:� �� M:;�� z�'4�; ����,.-�� ����it d ��'���L�,����f ,y�'� r -}�'��k��"�.�rz: s�NF �'"$1�k° ��.�'� � ������ �������''�"���� _.ircj �:. , , ' Y.,%�'1S; s °"'��::.�wt �,. � ��r�! � '��:�� ���s: � �e`ar � �`i;�k�'w..�L.:s��^��.fc� ...',��'b,`,_, _.�,,,-���1..� Y�sl'' W�x,���(r , �s : f, �. .....�?�....� «ca�.�s'�t.. _._,..�.�,LS - _ ir.:..... . , . �.n�.k� s '''^�. .,��"�; �:::�€'. �..d�.`;., .,I ,���_�.�.�*.,. � � � I h�S�+CTI�C3N REQUEST - _- �QWN C3F VAIL PERAAIT PJUMBER C�F �R+�.]ECT 47�-'�1�$ , ; �' . bC�T� JClB NAME x� .�`.�� '° � ,_� CALLER -- - ��' � � � �_�, ,� � Y REAaY FC7F� INSPECTIC7�J: MCIN TLJES 1NEQ TF9UR Ff�l q�+„� p{� LC3CATI�N: - , BUILaI1+FG: PLUMBIIVG: � FC70TIhJ�(`aS / STEEL _ � lJl�#ClERGF��UND ❑ Ft]L1hI�ATII"J!V / STEEL ❑ RC}UGH f D.W.V. ❑ FRAMfN� _ 0 R�]UGH f WATER RQC?F � SHEER CJ GAS PIPfNG � �'LYWC?�a NAPLI�J+G - ❑ lNS�JLATION ❑ Pt7t7L �' H. TUB �] SHEETR(�CK NAI L ❑ 0 0 � FI�#AL 0 �€NAL �LECTf�I�CAL: Nl�GHANtCAL: E3 TE�++iP. Pt�WER ❑ HEATIN� O �tOUGH ❑ E�HAUST Ht��ld� ❑ C�NQUiT d. ❑ SUPPLY AIR ❑ ❑ M1 FIN�'IL � . E� FfNA� __ L"� APRR[JVEb C� C�15APPROVED C7 REINSPECTfON REf�UI�iE� �C]RRECTfC�NS: {7ATE If'�tSPECT{]f� ,�-�''`^� +. ` � �- � � .�,`;� y�i� � 1� T����'±"1+'��' i�IL �' ' �.,��,� ;;_ 4" it�rst 3�Ierrrio�:� UF a�°e � al I�ia-e De�hut-ty�rent }"arl, Colrrrur�n �165� � _ 3�3-4?9-225f1 . ,��,��,�,�. �, ;��ry�''^�'`�!-.,.� �-,a�lr �y����� Lr ��,y°�II���I�Jr / ��� ,�f � e1 4��` y���� �r �.��� � `.°�.��- � -� ��- ' �'`= �-"'�`' ze<�=z-,c--.c-•�-.� rs��a�rrntrr� ? - }-- � -` _ _ - ��—�-�r � _ � '---.} - _ "--.�.�.� ``—�A TO: 'I`�3"WM �F VATL �CIILDING T7EFARTl+SENT �---�- � FRQM; VAiT.a FIRE DEPARTNfENT - Michael McGee, Fire Marsha�, a�+ - Jef� Atencsa� Fire �nspeetar DATE: �-. � . � � ��: �"�f.�.g�--�y-_,�9 ��f./tr2 ,!Q L,.9 r',Yr �o C..v+3 The Fire �epar�ment has reviewed the p.lans fc�r the proj e�t named above. Th� items marked belaw need tv ]be: su�mitted �revised =.�''�' furnished. �'ire alarm shop drawings need �o be subm�tted� w.�th a Colorado Regist�re� Engine�r�s �'�amp. with poin� ta point wiring diagram. -�' with typi�al devic� wiring diagrams. -'�I with batter� calcula�zvns. r � w.ith � lis� €�f specific dev�.ce rnodel numbers. � with � equipment cr�t sheets for eaeh t ype of devi�e. � with the numher nf each type of de�,rzc�. with ir�farm��ion indicating the spe�ific zones. .f'r wi�h circuit diagr�ms. �•�-f �. -�'�=- ,�, r-i =-__ .�:-�, � '''� with wirin t g YP�► sizef and numb�r of conc��ctor�. -�" with s�urce of A.G. power circuits. ,.'� wit� emergen�y lic�hting at t�e fire alarm par�el . ''`� wi�h informat�an indic�tin� monitorzng me�hvc� and � moni�aring agency. ,,st�t� �"�,.,�,c�.�'t.�,��c� .�-�a;.r1_t- � rz.�_ : ,,,�:-�.. � �.tvt s r+f:, �.� s�,c.�-,c c r�.i� ,t;y��s , � / f � c% �vT��. .N`�y"�'7`l'-r ';'� / *r � +.-Yr'`�.`r �,J '�:`}�C � f..� .I?f,r!�J_. ..+'��F.-/"�+%',,.':a'%� �iG���'� .f`� .. r �� / � JU 2� '9� 04:09�� BEJY�E ENGIhlEE�ING IMC. VAIL. C0. P.1�7 ����°�. 1����� ° � G' ��1�������f�� ,r�-� ���.���. , � V `x�a"°c'�a''vPP�g uyd�9t.�[�aonra�•�l�n 87�567 awsa��TPf IIV OATi � .ID6 ND. � r � wrrexrinn � . Tfl � 1 � t`� ,�`r � �.. �. �" � d� � ����L�,,,r���' � W� ARE S�Nf]fl� YDLI �tached ria ,.�� #he following i�rttis: I� Shap drawings ❑ Prin#a ❑ Plans � Samptes 5P�4'FCa#ians CN �8P]' � let#ar ❑ Chsnge ordcr � ��� C4YIE5 DA7E NO. ��RIP'fiQM �'�� •. 1�� � I�. I THESE ARE TRAlNSMIT�ED as checker# k�eiv+�r. ❑ Far approwal � ApproYed es Subm�t� ❑ Resuhm[t mRies far $pproval �Far ya�r esse � Apprvved as �x�ted � Su��tit t�t�E�� for dis#nlwtivn -� �aA� reques#ed � Re�ur�ed inr a�rreatiana ❑ Roturn c�mected prirrts ❑ Far rerFew anr! C�rmm+ent 0 - 0 F(]� elaS QIJ� 'l9 O PRINTS RETURNED AF�ER L(lA�t 7a US R�MARKS � L� � �r�-�'t I� ��, ��-t � �'� ��.r`�'�� _�`� �' u ::���rt L� ��`�d.'l l�� _c� ��� �v - � S �� � � �' �" � �� Ta � sl�I�mc r�ooea:wa s�3 ti+ra i..e�sr� n rnr�aeq�s�sr�nat+a nvt.d lctredrr�rat�y..ad c�na.. [ ;' . JUL �7 '92 04�10PM �OYLE El�GII'���T�G�I�C. V�IL, CO3 P.��7 � ' � .����r ����� �oyle Enginesri�g, Inc. aate= 7°�4-'9c ,Iv� #:904� 143 East �leadow �riv�� Suit� 390 Proje�t� Christiania Rar�ad�i Vail , Color-�sdr� �1�57 L��atian� Vai�, Cc�Iora�� CQn�rac€ar� N�lsen-,�e�b Canstrvc�it�r� (}wn�r= Paul Jahnston Weoatt�sr= Sunny, 65 de9rees �t 9� :�Y�, a.m. Pter�e, S��crf�erg & Sp�eh Pr�s�r�t at sits� Tim SoY��, Larry 1�1�I0 S. �ront age Road West Vai k y Coi�r�edc� £�i65? F T E�[] R�PCiRT Framing i� carnp���.e fer the erea ov�r the 9ara9e, hut inc+ample�e v�er the starage aree. The tube st+��l coi+�r�rts in t9�is ar�+a wC:r� priginally manufa�tr�red to� shQrt , and extensians ha��e been w�idad to the hott�nas af atl tf�re� of tFtese. "�his r�odzFicetion is apvroWed as con��ructed. The l�dger at the cast end of the jai�ts a�+er the garage is bcl��ti ts� the w��l with csne �expans�on �at�l� at �d" csn center. f� s�cand taolt shauld �e adrJ�d at each of these locatians. Frer��ng i 3 i.n �ro�re�s fQr t he �tsin roof and 1��FE f 3.oat� ar'eas. I wi 11 i nspQc� tt�e�e ❑n Manday, JuTy �7. Wa11s ar� being framed in the �o�t�y arca. I ❑aar-dir�ated soms �af '�he details Vert�al7.y �f�h tFs� fr^aMer. F w�ll sketcks the req€�ired d�:tail� and prvvid� ther� to th�: c�ntractar. I Frave placed a ca�l to �c�r� 5tanick at the Tawn caf Vaif Fnr c�n intar`�retatiofi an tf�e twa E�our se�aration at the �as� side af #his area„ a� i� �s.�ll �ffect �he det�i� vf tfie rafters� le�f�ar and ridc�ebe�r� at the exs.�ting Chateau. I instre�Cted the framer #a 3nver# #he zr�awn on ths� �,7�+�21 ridgehear� dua to the cantiie��r. Five Z�� studs sl�aukd 5t�ppt�r�t the �aest �nd of this bea� �i�'h tr�c� 5T6�'}.5 strap t�.es �yin�p tf�ta hear� ta the pns# . 5�� detai 1 �ar b�S�. I tc�Id Larry t�,�# h� c�n turn t'he joists in �h� eas�-west dia��ctian for khe west �nd of Sar'ah's B�r' ❑ver the S�a Raam. This is tc� ailc��+ for a m�j�+r rur� af �lectrical conduit at #he nvrfFi erid af th�.s area. Thes� jr�ists should he�r on tt�,p vf a dQUble �*1� ledger at their east end. Tihis i�dger af:taches ta t9�e e:;isting �raming with 4-l6d nails and two 1!:" diarneter * fi" l�gs at +°ach stud. 4�e should haue a r�ee�ing s�i�h the ar�hite�t, cr�ntr^actor any mysel� on the site i.r� th� �ext we�k to cc�ordinate the detailir�g of th� structure arour�d t'�e L❑bby Entr-ance, ,���G�� � ,...,.. ,���S,T,���•��, _ �_ �;•q, ���� BC3Y�. Ef�Gi F� G, ING. � +��966 �� Tir�athy M. ovl S P.�, cc� Ne�5en-Z�e� C4n�t . �: ;� '�resider�t � ��]ar� 5te�n�ck - T.t7.V. :"q��, ; �l`.a��.7.�NAL'E;���`�a �UL 2� '9� �4�11PM BdYLE ENGI�EE�I�� INC. VRILr CQ. �.��'� bOyl'I��!►gin�3er�r�.lr1C. � lA3 e,mead�w dr. suYte 3S� /� �rpSS�f3GC�5 5h�?it�]C8�1t9f . ,� vail.Cc�flfadC�$1 b57 �(13l�7b-?�7� � �� � �� �l�, ������ �, �-� � �- �� �� —�`� �,�s��'� '� ��c�� ��4 �� ��� ��""� �1�'�'� � � �, ��~��� �k k�c.��' ��� �f � �� ���� � � �ai � _ �e ' ,° ��� • � � - g ��{ � , , � 'ti � S � �� •1 r �� � � K � � ��� �� � . �t�.� 2 e� �,,. ��� . ��Y�� , , , � � � � � � �c�'�NN�► . � � � � r � ��� _ �' � �l��f � � G.+E..."��♦ 'R' � � +'�7 � � � � �� ` .. , �� �� � ��s�' �c� ����� P��' ��-� ��,� �# � � �. �sT��� � � �►+�c� �-� ..._.�..... . �- �� � �� � ,� TIJL �7 '9� 64�1�P� HOYiLE E�GII�ERING INC. VAILr G0. P.1{4 . � � hC�yt+E�8�ir1�B�r�'1Q.it1C. � �+d,�6.fT1B4�14W'C�I'. 5ll�@�9L� � cr�raads sh[�ir�C�nfer va€!,c['Irx+��[fo 81C�57 30314��i-2170 � •�'`�'r ����T � 5 �� '�f�.� �� x� � �r �/ �� �s �� �1'..+� ,����. ��� ����� � � � � ��� ������ . � . r� _ � �.�,� �._ �.�..�.-- J � � r��� � � . , .� � � ,� # c� ' � �� � � � � �� z"s--� ��r� �� r�. �""� �y� �.��.�,�, .�,. �� � � � � � � �� �� � � � ���-- �.1 ��� � � l � �� �'! c� �� �� � �� � � , � J!A �? '�2 �4�14Ph1 S(�YLE ENGIh�'�ERIhI� If�iC. VF�IL, C0. �.2/el � � bvyle er►pineer�n�.irac. � �43 9.�t1�[zdc�w�r. suif e 390 /� cross�rasds s�oppin�canter ���� vrsll,�plc�radr�S1b57 303J'47#�-217(] . ��� Y �� �*�M � � !� I� ��� l 4i � �� �I■ ��� �� } ��' �' �!'X i,�1l� � ' �I � �� � �� ��z ���ul �#�a �� � �n ,� � !��' ` [� �� ���;�� ��� � � � ��� � � � ���� �� � �� � � ������ �� �� ��� � � � �_ ��_� g� 1 #i ' F JUL 27 '9� 04�15PM 80YLE E��I�EERING IMC. VRIL, C�. �.3�4 . � � � bDyle ertigfn�eer�r�,i►'tC, � 143 e, meCadow dr. suite 39l'3 � crt�5road5 s�tapping,�eni'er Vall.t;fll0rado$�b57 3�p�3147fr�3 70 I � �� ��� t 1� l� �� �� �: ���i� I� � ��� �� � � � � �� �1,�, �c��� � ^ �.�, �� '�'i�z���5��� � .� � ��t�� � �� � x , , � . L , t � * � . � � � � • r.�1��'}�E,'�, ,� a � a ti • - : , � " . �'���� � ,��, ,` � p � � 1� � �' l I� � � `��& '° • �` • 1�I� �-�. ' � � r r � " � � � �� �'�s�' �� ��,� �� �'i�-���# �t� l � ��a �� �!'''" � 7� � � , ._ � : . .7iJL 27 "92 �4�16PM EDYLE �M�I��ERThG I�C. ��TL, CQ. P.�/� � l � boy1B#3r�gfneerir�.ir�c. /'� 143 e.m+etaac�w dr, s�,ite 39(} (�,/� crC755r0�vci5 5hvp�lnp Cente� vca�t.cakxa�in�tt557 303147fr2�7Q � r � �(v P� S�' f� _ �� �/8 ��c�b ��, F3- fx " �'',����. G�c� �� x ��� �' �z . �� � �� �� ��� +�! � �� �5��� �l �'l ��� � ��' �c+����S � #��'� ��s.�! N� -��� �°�� ��� - � � S� �� �-����'' �1� � �F-����T1 ��} � � ����� � � ��-�' � . . .. . � � � N4TES: 3. CfRCUiT CATI'�F;Y CHAR�ER �9c EiLQCK HEATE� TO NEAREST AVAIL4BLE NOR"�Al F�(7WE�R 2C1N1P E�FZEAKE��, ---P�4�h1-�-' _ _. AUTdMATIC TRHFJS�ER SWITCH, 30A, 4 P(]LE, i 2Cif�aB, 3�, 4 WfRE - �p�{�T qTS A�JACGNT T0 Nll�H E)(ERCISE CLDCK. P�(3HLER f-�2283�3—OO�D OR G��fERATOR rN GhRAGE. L�ICATC ASC� EQUfVALEN�C. FOf� ADEQUAIE CI.EA�AMC;f . SIGfVAL FR�^A� Fl�f NORMAL POWER ALARM 5Y5TEM. �ODRDlNA�E SUPPLY, 4—{J'0, 1J2"C. WiTH �IRE A.L4��M GOhJTFZQL CDNTR{]L WiRING c� � Ci� L1NE YOL7AGE � � c��cu��r. — c�r���arca� s�n�r rorsraa��E�. � 0 � • � I 0 Q � � I � BLOC K '� HEATER. � � PR��SCIRIZATI(JN J 17.5A FAN FRi4—F2 #8 �.C., 1/2"C BATTERY CDLD WATEft CHARGER. � PIPE 1 D.D IfW, 1�0/208, 3s�, 4W �EISEL ST,41VaBY GENERAT(]F�. UFER GR011NC7 WITH l3N�T I��ll�lT�O CIRCWT BREAKER. 4'" C4�hfCF�ETE FiqUS�KEEPING PAD. PR�Vid� CON7AINM�NT Cl1fZ�] iF �7EISEL STpRA�E TAhfk4 15 NOT QOLIBLE WALL. �113:� �,�.r�:1 �J_!'1�� 1�C3 SCAI.E _ TIT�E EMEl��EN�Y P ��ER �'LAI� , , `� � � .+ �hristiania Lodge s"��T �,�-?. . � . :; : � _r � �yr-�, r�> ,�� ��� �,�`� =. � ��� . ... .���, -� �.� K ��,� � r> ��" ���� '„ � ��Ee4 Li1AI r .�IYr�E �, k� Consulting Mechanieal � � . .�a�i-�-r` w�i, Engineers, Irrc. Eletfrreal n - s; __ .q °�Q��}(�s r -F•- �° P.G. Box 39 Tefe: (JP3J 4#9—SldB •.,('k.,�:.�',.�!` - 4�oe1. Colorcdo BJ6�R Fax: (3Q,lJ 9s9-6159 +� � f7ATE �ESIGNED 8Y aRAWN BY Af'PROVED BY 10105l9� DM6 EP'�i TCG �7 F ������ �IJL.. �B '9� �1=�5�� BDYL� �hIGIN�RI�G T�C. VAIL, CQ. { �ry� ��p{�y� ,,�PI.I1✓� �c��'+��• •�.����� �� �W Lz]�iJ1J�IMI l� !� ��1L� �� �aos��� , �. � • . . ud.�brodo aafi.s7 3E��47fr217�} yy,;- ' crr� ,�y eas n� .. � t� AT}lHY14f� ` ,�� ��r A'�s � � �� � � � ��� _ WE IVftE SEN�IN+G Yf7�J '�Ittached ria the idl�ir►g Stetna: � T ❑ 5hnp dr.�w1E7�3 ❑ Prirets 0 Rans fl Sampl�s ❑ 5peciticati�ns CI CopY nf letter l� Ctxarsge ander ❑ _ ca�r�s r�,T� aa. ar�a�Rnnr� � � T�iESE ARE '[RAMSM�F'�'E[] as c4�eticeti b8�aw: ❑ F�or a�prcwral ❑ App�evred as s�hmltDed Cl Rasubmit av�i� for �pprovai �or your u�e 0 pppnavei as ncrt�d ❑ 5ut�mit �opees fa�r dis#ribution � �s requested €J Retum�d faC c�T6�#ians ❑ Retarn co�rected print� ❑ Far review�rtd cam�sent I� ❑ F(lR BI(7S DI3E i9 fl PRINT�a fiETIJRNED II�R LQAM T+D U5 R�MARKS � Ct�PY `T"a ' Slt�l�1'�: �eo�en.r�rr:w,.�ita�. �t.ne�.�suwia an n�ot aa„o�.►c�M.a�nowr u■.r.n�.. i ;j ��L 08 '9� 11�26AM B�YLE E��I�EERI�G T�C. VRI�, CD. • - - #'�[Grr�r+cF�f�� �.C.•�.I.,�►. • � , �M1�Hq�� � ITE�'[C�'I�E . _� ••,•.� ARCH ���eT���.g� PLANNIS�G ► �; � � :'� INTERI4R�S �; 'I49�5 ;�' • . • �. + '"` Ma�rn(3f�ice . .. .� �'�': • !()t14 Sau1h �rontage itoad ` ••••'•� Vail�Col�aradr�S 1�57 DF C��- - 343r�7b�433 Iyen+�er E)Tiicc • ! Tab�t Centcr -5uite S• f�W f7th St. bc�vsr, Cotorada 8(]� , 303�b�3-33�5 1 . � ' I 1 .,� � •��'� I�� t�F '�` w �� _1'a��1� �� • ����� �-�� . � T° � �- ..�` -f��� , �:� � � "� ��'-�' �' —' � ��; � - �' � � ��'`'-� ' ,�� r� �: . ,�, ��� � -'�' I --� .� - _ . il�.■■I � / �► ��fi�,� ����#�R��� � . �' "�� �l.�P B ��+ �'� . � � �'" �Q� �i �' ..��r ,��' e����7� � � � ,� . ��a � ; � �€�W = �� �c� � . l� � c���� ' , �- � �.�" ��'�`" �, � � .�' � d- '�'"r� � '��•� � ii , . ��� �a� , ++ `� r `� -../�`'' -•�, �'I-° / � � r��-� `�- � `�• r . � f F� �i ' �1�y�„1 • � ,�+ ��� TE� � r���'' � ��� � #...� . �► , � � .. 1 i �'�"� Q°" '��'�'k'� ��/�" � , �'� � � � - c,.T �� � �.�+ � � ` � � .. � � � . ` �'[v�,"'f" �� �� � , � � � , ii , ' I f 1 �"�_ ��� �- � . � � � f ri . �bk-�� { �•■, '�" ��'��� #��s�� � `"�' �►� s _� � � r.r� .r,w1 �i�.��r ',� ■ '"� . � 't�' `''�' I�M .TL1L��$ '9� 11��'�F31'1 E�Q1'L.,E EI'IG'NE��Ih1G I6�fC. 11AT!, CQ. � � P.3f�4 � ��� � � � � � � � � _ � � �� � � �� , � � ..� _..._ � — � � .��..�-�` �� I l y � �� � � `• �7► � �9 �l � � �� / �� � k � � � � � #. _ � � . � �•Q� � �� '� � f � ° � � . � � — � �� � � � . �d �, - � .� � � ���s -��p � �� � � 1 . �` �'{ Q .�'7��' � � � � �, � �- � xt ��' � � � �� � + L� 1� ��' � �� � - . � �-2�c! 4�!,` �� —; � � . _ �, ��r# � - _. .... �� : a ! 1 I � .;� �, '�'� x Y , � � �' I � � _ 4� R - � � . ,�� — � i ���r T�r� ,� - .�b� � � r ,,;_ � i� .N �,� _ _ �N `� '�'�,�:�,•� , / '�Q 1�= n f i� � � � � �� �' � � �� .;� i , ���u�" � �.�Q -�p �.�� � . �i - � p � � �� :. � �. — ��+ � ��. �II � �{ � ii �1 �� 1 ��+��'� �;��' Cir/� � �' �'i+•� � 1 � ` � � �,� ���F� r � • 1 tW�S���� �i{s�����.��� '�:� C3�&7�ayi��C7 � �� r� r �' •r �`�-; '[4 9 G 5 ;r� . ��: . � � . 1G1� L'�+ � •s..�■•' �`17F �t7�-�l� - � .�...��_.���� � . r . 3L1� 08 '9C l:28RI'1 HDYLE ErlGINEER�NG INC. VAI�., C[7, � f P.�ti�`4 k' � � � . t - �����'r t�� � �f,��� ��P�i�� �!� - T� �� M�, �� . � ��i�L� �I�v�� ���� �#r'�'�J���t�S �v}� � �- � - �-�?T. �i `[P. �� �'���� 1� . I����Y � - . _ � � � , . �� - � + _` 'lrp,� �. � _� ,, - � � -„� '��'.I� ���' 2x �� � �� d� � �-- �t ` �� � �- �����Nf�+ ��t�-����;p�f�.�.�� - � �`�' � ` � . �?1�I ���.� ��-+� ��`' j i�� � �' v �� � ' sT�P � � . ���� �� � � � � - � ��� �� � r - S � � �� 7°�� �i�� ! � y* �� — s�� �' r � � � i �# �i ��$ ��'� � ' � � f�-l� �= i � ��{1�.�^{�/1� ' . ��[•'���$.������ � 4/ti TP� ��/'���v„/ . . �'+ � S+ •� � �i ����Jr :t1'! '.A �y e .�'S�i � �� � �� rs�rF5��y �f. M17 J�U U a � ! E AUG �� '9� �3�08�M SDY�� ENGI��RIt�G I�C. UATL, C�. P,lfl � � Bflyl.e Engin��ring, f�rc. Qai.$= B-5-9� 1a� #�9$+�4 343 Ea�t hlenr�crw [}riv�. 5u�1� 390 �ro.�ec�= �hrzstianla Re�+odeI Va.�l, C�lor3dc� $1657 La�atit�n� iJa�.l, Ca3�rads� Gc�ntr�actar� I�el.sarr-2eeb CarrStr�ctien OwnEr: Paul Jehrr�ton RJe�the�r� Gl�+udy 75 deyre�s at ���� p.r�. Pzerca, Seq�r��rp & 5p�eh �r'�sen� at site= Bruce� �,arry I000 5. Fron�ae�s R�ad We�t Yorn �lcyhew, Tir� P,ny2c� Vail, �oi�raat� 8i�S7 FiEL�] R'�f�C1F�T ��°amang fs �n progress Fc�r #he main rc�vf �nr! the r�l7f �r/eh' tlte LDhhy. At ths �ses� end o� �}tie la!`-t €ra�ing, sirrgls �•I$'a rtere in�t�lied �n iieu pf d�uhle .1�7i5�3, nrs� a daut�lc k.7S�9.S micra-lar� �earr was u��d inatc�d �f #�te trtplc �pecified. This 4ree is �p�sr�owcd es frer►es� due to the tri�l.� M.ic�-o�l�r� tha� w4� xn�#pll�d �s� t�rr� f�ur`th I�r'e� ur�dar' the intsrr��diete bearinQ },�,n� Whiuh W�s no� called out an th�e pkans. �arry �r�d 3 ae����d ta del�te tfi�c! saut� �,e1se braca on the ��st si�� of �h� bu�,ldinp, taesrir�g the joist� and riom be�� d�rect]y an the �tair wall ir�sEead. At the Lahl�y roaP, SUL21�p jais� h,�nqers shavld k�e i��t�ll�ti �n �h� ra�tars hangi,n� raff t�f ��e r�i�ro-.F�r� �edg�r a�ai,ns� #h,a Ch����u. Raft��� Shtsrter tl�ar� 4' May be to�-r�aiied to the ledt��r with 5 - 16d nails. The holddtawna and atrap ti�� are nat in�t�idod yc{ at t�t� v��t± cr�d cF Eh� fi.7� + �i r id��he�r�. T@I�Pc?�'d�Y �asts a��r an p�ace tv �uwQS�r+• fhe �r,�y f lu�r €rasnir�q and �a�# end nf the slaped 5.f�5 * 15.5 rtdg�b�ar�.. Ct7�Ii3ec�i4lt �]!56 at approxienateiy 6t.5 �r� £he rdof frar�a.n� plan appears tc� have fnur lag screWS inste�d t�f tha d - 5i�3" di�r�et�r #hr-�u�h �Sol.f� s�eciFied. ��� � � �� �r�,��� �. �r�* �,�-,� ��'�-rv c c . �or sr�v z�G INC. 7imathy t4. y.�a� .E, Rre�ident I � , � _ � � `�' ��� -_ IN�RE�TI�I� RE{�U�ST �'ERMdT NUPv18ER OF F�RC].�EGT TC3Whl QF VAIL , _:_ � . DATE 'f J�B NA�IIIE _ �t' �'��;,� < � {� l _ .�.F-'' . .!� • r��. j� CALLER _ � `-' � _ ,,, REA�Y FOR I�1SPE�T�C]hJ: MO�J ,'TUES WED THUR FR1 ����'"-=�'f�: � '' �"AlVI F'M LtJ�CATIQI'U: -- - _ ;, , . Blll�!]Ilw1iG: PLUME3ING: d FQC}TINGS 1 ST�EL Q L.1NC]ERGR�UhJ� 0 FDUMDATx[7N 1 S�EEL � ROU{;H i �.W.V. ❑ FRAMIN�G —._. ❑ RQUGH ; WATER n FiOC7� � SHE��# ❑ GAS PIPIM1IG PLY4^JO(7� IVP,ILING L7 1NSl�LATION CJ P�C}L f H. �UB CJ �HEETRC]CK NAIL 0 __. ❑ _ C7 ❑ FINAL .m_. ❑ FENAL �L�CTRiCAL: MECHAMi�CAL: C] TEIVIP. PC+WEI� ___. Cl HEATING �,RC7lJGH �"���^f,, � ;; . ❑ EXHAIJST HtJC}D� ❑ C�N�.7LJIT ❑ SIJPPLY AIR _ C7 .. _ ❑ � ❑ FINAL ❑ FiNAL � ,APPR�VED ❑ DISAPPRQV�Q ❑ REINSF'ECT1(7N �iE�QUIR�D _ , __;_ GQRRECTIO�S: �: �� '. -r�_ ',4 :���"?�r: ,, :- ` .�� ' � DATE � � ��° � 1 � �- ir�sPECTa� �� � �:l � _ � ,�, .�� �-- ` ;:: ����� _ � � ; � - f 'r -__ - - i�''�iSPECTIC��►+� REC�UEST PERhAIT hIUM��R UF PROJECT TC)WN C�F VAIL aATE � ;�CJB NAM� .•'�'�:` ` _ ? -, CA�LER � ' '� .... .,. �'_ READY FC�R �hJSPECTI[?N: M{7hJ TUES WED Th-iUR FRI ��- A M PM , ° -- - - _ f I�OGATION: `- , , �: �'` . �.� ' -•.�. Y,,�,� r_�,.-,, Bl.1�LaIN�G: �"`` � , �'LUMBING: �; . � �OOTINGS f ST�EL _ ,';-. Cl' �1NQ�RGRQUN� ❑ FOUNQATIOhI I STE�L ' ❑ RflUGH 1 D.W.W. ❑ FRAMING 0 R+�}U�H i WATER ROOF & SHEER p GAS PIPING � PLYWOQD f�AILfIU� . � INSULATiC7hl — ❑ 'PDC3L f H, 1"UB � 51-fEETRC�CK NAIL __. p ❑ _. � � FINAL C3 FINAL ' E�ECTRFCAL: MECHAi'►IICAL: � T�MP. PQWER �7 HEATIhJG _ ❑ RC)UGF-C ❑ EXHAUST HC�i7Q5 ❑ G��JDUdT __--- ❑ SUF'I'�Y AIA � _ � �1 FII�AL 0 FINAL �— _ E�:APPRc7VED ❑ D�SAPPRC]11ED 0 RE�NSPEGTlO�! REC�LIIRED GCIRREGTlC71'+l5: . . ;, , �,� . _ ,, ,,,. . . —'r. _, .—w--.,.," - °: � :•-'' �'s`� �'-#�`��'��`�t`°7 �- �y •.:�" €.. � , ,!" fr i° f l .��/'.��v `!s' �, ' .e..r � `7 � _. '�'-�-�-�'"� -'`� �-----�' _. , ,r, X r , _. , .,-. , �,; ��� � ��"> __. _ _ k'` - _. /__, � = �`,.� DATE �-' -�" �' RNSPECTQFi °,%°` t - ����.aw � � `�-�;;�; ��. ; .; f iI���ECTI��►1 RE�IJE�� PERMIT I'�JUMf3EF� Q� PRQ.��C7 TC�VtiJ�! C7F 1+�A1� " _. _- t , . � , , ❑ATE � : � ��r JC76 NAME — � ' a'--�, ;�,,,���L�� '� � � � � + � � — � � CALL�R �'.lr'r'l� '�-.f�.�.� �� � ._ . �.e. � ' ' �`� � �� � � � ' R�ADY FOR IfVSPEGT9C7h1; MC?!V TUES WEp`! fiHUR FR1 � AM �M _ `�f r�r � 4 � i � ' �` , � ' ; !� � r f� � LC3iCATl(J�1: - _ y• BVILQING: , Pl.UMB�NG: • CJ F�C7TINGS / STEE�L ' .' + ' ur� �t7 UN[7ERG�tC7UND _ _ �d.- .,' ❑ FOL}'NDATICJN ,� S�E�L n _"r' ,i,'r���' F ,�°1 - ❑ RC3UGH , �.W.V. _� , W ❑ FFiAMING �w a � ROUGH 1 1NATER ------- � RQOF & SHE�Ft -- _ _ ❑ GAS PIPI'EVG P1.YW�CJ�f? NAILING ❑ dNSULATfC7f� __ C� PrJt7L 1 Fi. T�1B ;.._ ❑ SHEET�C7CK I'JAIL p .,• ,_ j ��'�: �{,�.� �, , ��'"�_i �.�+ ❑ ❑ - ❑ FkNAL Q �INA� �LEC7RICAL: MECi-�AMIC►�tL: C] TEMP. PUWER ❑ HEATING .� CJ RC7UGH _ CI �KHAUST HOOCIS 0 CONCIU�T _ � SUPPLY Al�i ❑ O ❑ FINAL - ❑ FIN�hL _.._.. �3 APPFCDVED ❑ QISAPPRC}VED � RE�NSPECT1dN REQUIRE❑ CORFi�CTi[JNS: �� , ��-�{� ` ,�....,__ - r ,�i { �P,TE ;•' � , I NSPEC70R '� , ;.: ,:; --- .... ���� r _.• . _ . Or,L_ . .. _ . � ��t ' � .�� ,�^� � � �=�t �,�1 �a���� ����L �' �.� B��'est ,'1-Ier�rin�a �)rii�e t'ai! 1��i��c° I)e�rrrr•tearel►t �'i�id, �:olaa-r�rla S f�i 5? 303-47�-11�t1 Septernbe� 3, 1992 Kim Fischer, P.E. Timberline Fi�e Prot�ction, Irtc. 1537 1.30 Ro2�d G].enwvod S�rings, Co. 81601 Re: Chr�.stiani� Subm�ttals Dear �iim: Having completed �i�e review of the re�isec� plans sukami��ed fvr the Christiania �odge, we have identified tk�� follat�rir�� conce;�ns� 1. Hange�s shall be listee� and in �.ccordance 4ri'th N.F.P.A. �3 , Sec�ion 2-6, certifa.ed by a regi��.ered professional engine�x (��c�x sgecific design) , r�r in accordance with the pip� �nanufactt�rer' s speciPicatic�ns and r�camm�ndations in aecardance G:'1tY1 �t],� spe�if�� listing requirements for the �ipe. Tl�e manufactur�r of tize CPVC pipe, R G Sloan, has a t�chnical �ns�allatian rn�nual t�hich mal�es reference tr� hanger and �upport c��i�ails. See rd. i'. F�.�,. 1� � S�c�ir�ns 6�-1. ].. 1 {�) , 2 . Nails are not acceptahle �c� han�ger su��o�t��. 5ee N.F.�.A. 13, S�ctiQn Z-�. 4 .7 . 3 . Pip� supports shall camply with rr.F.�.A. 13 � �-5. 2 . Also see 5ect�bl'is A-�-6 . 1, Fig. A-�-��. 1, aTl� A-4-5. 2 . 3 . 3 . 4 . The stock vf spare sprink�.ers mtxst c�mply �aith sectir�n ?-v . 7 c�f �1. F.P.A. 1� . 5. Spe�ify the type and amnur�t of anti-freez� per N. F'.P,A. l� , 3- 5 .2 . Th� means o� �zlling �.he anti-freeze loc��a (fi�I cup} is no� s�town. See section �-1, 1. 1 (PP) • 6. Draa�ns sha11 �+� provided per section 4-5 , 3 . 9 , 1. 7 . �he Vail Fir� Q�partm�r�t strr�ng4y �ecommends f�.00r contrc�I va].ves and fl�w switehes be �nstall�d �n eaeh l�v�l, per sec�i�an 4- 5, 3 .4. 3 . 8 . The inspectc�r's test vaY�r� assernb].y sh�uld t�e 3.ocated a� Qr near th� hydraulic remv�e, dn �he tQp �laar, with a d��a3n tr� t��� ex�t�r�ar� terminating ir� a 1/2 inch a�ifice, �aith an appropriate K factar to simulate the flo�ra frc�m a single sprinkl�r heac�. _ ' � � Christ�ania Fi�e Spr�nk��r F�an Review P�ge 2 (8 . c�nt. � A two �nch insp�ctor' s �es� va��� assembly �ac��ed ad��c��� to the ma�n c�ntrol valve at th� wat�r en�ry statian is ntit aCCep�able ta the A.H.J. . See sectian A-�-6, � . 2 . 9 . T�e number, speci�ic type, make, and mod�1 c�� �ach type Qf sprinkler head per floor is not shawn. 1[]. Ceiling e3.e�a�i.ons are no�. shawn in sa��ficient c��taiZ ta .i.nsure campli�nc� wi�h Chapt�r 4 requixements, specifically sections 4-3 . �. � , 4--4 , 1. 1,,2 , and 4-4 . 1. 3 . 3 . To reiterate o�r �onversation this ma�ning, the sit� inspectivn Asst. �hief John Gulick �nd r �c�nc7ucted at yaur req�est, rev�a�ed th� hangers, p.�pe suppar�s, methods and ma�erials da not meet minimum �ade r�quiremers�s or th� intent of the code. As representat�ves fo� �he A�thQrity Ha�irtg Jurxsdictic�n �i. e. for bQ�.h th� Town of Vail an� th� 5tate af G��araday , we da� not. f��l the 3rd floc�r w�s in compliar�c� wi�h the t�+chni�cal aspec�s car the intent a� N.F.I�.A. 13 , W� do hvwever, recogniz� t�e authc�ri�y of the �egistered En�in��r' s stamp as such, az�d if yc�u �s t�ie Engineer of Racord, ��e willing to �erti�y, stamp� an� ap�rc�ve th� use of scrap lumber, 2r� pa-e�es o� 2 x 4 1umk�er, and �he ca�her various means and rnateri��s we c�hserved c�urinq r�ur i.nspection, we must acc�pt your d�cisi,ort. W� dQ �lsa reserve �h� ra.�ht �o photag�aph �nd dQCUment the installat.�an fc�r futur� re�riew and passible sub�equen� a�tidn(s p . I will apprave the plans as na��d abave, Acldi�ional changes, aitcr�tions, substitutions and modificat�oi�s �r� the p�ans, mate�ials or other required el�ments, wil� be �t�}��ect tv re�riew. All warl� is requirec� to be in car�pliance �,ri�h th� mi�imum rec�ui.rements of N.F.P.A. Stanr�ard 13 , as adc�p��d �ay t}ze Stat� o� Colo�ad� and th� Tawn o� Vail , in fud.l �r by r�ferenc�. Pl�aSe let us know hc�w yau wish to address �he a.ssues n�tec�. Sincerely, -- - - � _ . _ _ . .,:� l�.d .,�e � - � _- =; � , � _� .,<�.- �r _ � - , f . � �r�t'�.. �l t��fx� - .. �.', J.�-f Michael McGee `John �uli�k�. Fire M�rsha]. Asst. Chi�f S�ate Inspe��ar � �I-pa6 5ta�e Inspectr�r # �1-052 �c: Assti. Chi,ef Jahr� Guli�k Fr�.nk F�eyer, Prajec� Caardina�ar G�ry Murra�n. Chief F�uil.ding offxcial Bruce Gentry, Ne].sc�n-Zeeb Canstru�t�,�n Cc�m�any F1�M = BEak�D I N GAHZE PHC1hJE N0. : 94�6159 F'�02 � • . . � , ' ' • � • • . ' • � � . ���� �I� ` ���� ` � l'+�t�f'ir�rerrs,� �Ii�a:' �-. •. ��"C�1s�i.a�1 . � t1�1e��ri�a! . °�� ._..'..., �'. • ' . . . ' � MEETING TES ' . � 3�A'��: C]ctol�er �� �.��Z , . � . , pRC�J�CT �: 245�.�3 P�t�JEC�: Chri�ti atlia Lad�� Em�z�g�r�cy Ge�tax•st�r � PERSCI�+U CUri75UZ.TS�: Da� S���sak . F'�F�i.: '�a3.I �omm. n�ve�.v�, . PLFRP�S� OF �4NTAC'�: 'E1m��gcaa�+ G�rn�r�'��r F�I4�1VE N�. . . . ��': �enx� �. �e�ud�.n �n�j , , . L��tES�NT t . . , . ----�-�--�---�-,.---_�_�___T_--__------ � � -r....__ti_.� � _,,� 'I'�',LEPk{�NE CC�1�V'ERS�T��N ��TD+��F�TSNG MINUTES '-�'_____ . TFI� �`OGL4W�II�G WAS DI��uS�EU: � , " • 1. D�tn h�ls di�c�,�r ed �he em�rgenc� e��n�ar�t�r y�su�e with G�r�r �![u�rS3.n. Th+�� h�V� ��m+:� ta t.�e GC?T'tG1uS.ior� �hat ax► �u�t�matia , tr�ns��e� er,�itch will be r�c�uir�d. .Dan, ��nls .th�� dr� not ' . want ��e g��es����� s�sr�imc,� o� +pv�r� fia�e al�rnt, '�'hs�rofare� � . the autamatir t��nsf�r awi��h is a rQiqu.�x'�m+�nt. 'L`he emoke ' . . fara� will a����, ,�� a sig��1 f�s��a tb� firea aZa�m �y�tem� '3'h� °�sracecl�n� ��mrctertte end/�ar okas�e�va�icar�� ��pr-�scnt .an qv�ir�a.ew � . nf p�ag���p ',�nd cflndi�a,osl �+f �he wb�le. P�.���� natify ue of rnigu'�- �der�t���ir�g� ar requ�rad a.n�eriar�+�a+�a.o�� �� al��:i£i.�:atinr�s ,�rrii.hin thxe� (3� �wask �a��a at .r�;�eipt �f ��$�;� meeting no�.cs, as ar� will � �srrsc�ad �rn tb� l�a��.� that �hee�e i��rt�� 'ar� a� ag���d Lo k�y �11 p+ar�ie� ��nc�,rr�ed. � � . . . . . . �Nf� OF NlERTTNf; NQrTE'� , • �c z Fr�nk Fr�per � , �`ile _. X . ,. dan ��ei,nlCr �Tail ��rnmt�n�ty, Dev�lopma�� � , • Fax X . � .. Id�ti� ]L V�1I {�f�'i�c� � • ' � Gol$�x� t7�ffi�� . P.fi. Bcyx 39 � - ' 7UY !5ibh :�r.rr��,t Y�ti, G'es,I,ar�a�v A.t968 � � �oYden, CQ�arsd� 6L►�O1 �Isy�cr�.er; �3�1��� A49-tTf�� . ° � - 'Ta1�pJae.nc: (�t7� �2"�'S-�E��t7 ' TaIsQr�pi9r: (9fJh�J d�9-6d6S � • � • . Tel�c�pier- ��IJ �78-.96�� . T. � ' ... !•• �y��i 4���� � , � . �E.1�� �r� r �,��E Cansu�tir�,q ' J�feche�ic�l �'n�3neers, Inc. - E�'�ctric�l M�ETI1`�G MINiTTES - I3ATE : C�ctc�k�e;� 1 . ].992 �RaJE�T # : 2453.03 FRC?J�CT: Christiania Lc�dgc �mergency Generat�r P�RSaN CONSULT�D: ❑an Stanek �'IF�M: �Iail C�mm. Develt��+. PURPaSE dF CONTACT. Emergency Generator PHQ�iE N�3. � " $Y: Denis M. Beaud�.n (DMB) PRESENT: � � TELEPHaNE CQNVERSP,'I`IDN MEETING MII�UTES THE FDLLdWTNiG WAS DISCU55ED: l . Dan hae di�cuss�d the em�rgency generator i.ssues with Gary Murr�ir�. They h�v� came to the ccanclusion that an automatic ��`ansfer switch will be required. Dan �ee].� th�y do not - �� want the gen�ratc�r starting on every fire .alarm. Therefore, � �he �utomatic tratasfer switch is a requir�ment. The smake � fans will start o�z a signal �ram the fir� alarm system. The preceding comments andJar observations r�present an over�iew af pragress and conditian a� �he work. Please no�ify us c�f misun-- derstandir�gs e�r arequired interpre�ations or cTa�a.ficat�ic�ns within '�hree 43 } work c€ays of rece�gt vf these meeting nates, as we will prace�d on the bas.i� that �hese item� are as agreed to by all pa�ties �concerned. ��I? i F 1�4c��+'TING �`r'QiES �c. Frank Frey�r F3Ie X I�an Stan�, Vail Gc�mmunity Develc�p�ent �'ax X Mail X Vaai.I �Dffi�c� Ga�den C3ffi�e P.C7. B�x` 351 701 13t1h Street Yail, Cvlaredcr BI858 Galden, Cc�lorada Bd�01 . 7'elephone. �303} 948�-81 f?B Te�ephr�ne: �303� �719-3824 . ' �.. TePe�npier: 3��f �49-8,�58 ; - Telecc�pier: (303} �7'8�39�3 � . . � . . ,, . . . *� , , _ . , � � �Iovet�ka�� 1�-� , ��9r �ar�F �tuW rair� �hi.ef Suiidxny �ificiaS �.f� T c�w�� o f i�u; - ?J �:��utrs F`rc�rat.ag� Fo�c� vaiz , �;� �I��7 D��r Gar�= , P�r your �iscuWs�ians �.aith I�`��nk ra�ye� , �1-i� C'hristian.aa w�11 b� s��e�;in� a T�rr3�t�ra�y C�itificaM�2 of ��.�:fa�.�,�ncs� w1.tk;�?�� �n� n�r� 1 '�'lhT ����.i � lh��.` f��i�] '�.''�� L�J 1J� �W.�.� � 4�l�l�dr� CJr Lv'C3�r: E-!iC�..L 'kll l � SZO� 3.1'�[..°'� c�in�lete� un�i1 ;»?r�-DecenYa�� as set f�rth uelo�a. W� �ppk��ciawe y�,ur �.cce��arac _ �t _;;i-- c:r-:�aye� c^�n:�letaon ai �h� fc� � a�inc� item� : i . P�� t�-.� at�a�V���,� r�pQ�� �atec� �ou�rr��er ��, I9y� , �evis�c� c�n Nav�:r�k��r ;,� , 1'�`.:�2 , t�-i� tw� rAa�tr sepai �tzc�i� �et�a�er� th� ���a�e�.0 a.nd ��i�: Lcadg� wi i 1 in�l �de a �ane �.n�i cn� i�ai f ��a�r rate�� ca�r��;in�ti�rn fixe�'sr�s���..e c��?�n��r irz�talled zn t�-i� c�rai�tzst�.o�i �i� ��.en?ng . �'hc wc�r�k shc�uld k�� cnrr��I�te�l �,efa��e �he er.:� c�� t�i� ,v�a�- . 2 . Per ��r� �t�.ach�c� I ��tte�s �rorr� �i�Ivon-�ee� �1?�1i/:-�� � an� Ind�:��ial �ow�r: �yst,�r�-�� (�i/i�.f"?�a; ��,-: Lo��� �m�Lgency g�ne�a�o� h�s :���� orr�er�a and shc�ul�. be ir����� � ��, ��d ope��ti;;nal b,� �ecet:��er 18 , �.!72 . ' T�7� shall ���e�� �ou a�vi���d as tc� ou� proga-ess r�ga��ding �h� C L:3Te�� ��1 C1,C1. Gt L �rl� c3 k7 t"�t;�° ��e[Il� . Fl �a�e cal � tn� �� Fr�n�: �'reyez if y�u �a=,r� arr� qu�.=,tic�n� �r n�Ett� c'x����3.i�i07iiES?. �I"i�ai"iTl��.1a�] . .�r�T��,-_ � [ 4�� ��. -�,�._ � Y�tl1 t . , .; ii��`.�,�i r.p'.r1.-1 � ca,i.t�, �au�:i » Pk���'1 i. � � �T���`?,.�►�����"��`'�' c�� �f,���� � f isl'3�!'�:�"e 1" E7 F?C�R°1 qrr-�.��t,�r�3�,�yi.f•�ri� �Prs #. TU �rn�i��C r.k�4��_�7 � � � � � ����i��:^.�� ���� �'01�9U���?]+� 7 ��1}`1l4Tt�Cd!� L'n,�i���cr�, 1��.`. �'1=sst�'"1+�$I � ���� ���]./�� ' ,' '��r �+10E I�1�,�%.4��R� . I33#iE: Nt3Veffib�z 5� 1'�9� �'��'E� �.C�CI �.:z, , 1�RC�,3�CT �: �453 . 4�! FRf3,7��T: Ch�i�ti�nie • r ����.ASC�N �C�€�SUL'��n; G�ry �tu:�ais7 �'��M: �ai.� Hulldi�t�` U�gnr�.m�ri�, Pt�FR�r'��� i�� Cfl��i'�'A�T: � hC+t�r bixi3.dirYt� ������,�ic��t , �3Y:# �'h�ma� �. ��an�� � . FRES��T: . - _.�__.�..�__�.,�_.�...._____��.__�,w__�____,__.___.,____�._��, - ��,�--_.,__r.� �. � TE��PKC�t�� ��Nv�R��T�t�N W .� r��E"��t�� M.��tuT�s W '�'x� F�(7LL�3W7I'�G ��� D��CU��F'T�� Trit�eg��t�' v� Tw❑ ��txr '�e�:�t��ti.�n �1 . �?i.s�t�s�+�d �h� p�v�a�ed �s��stiar� of i,l�e ��v h�ur arr�� ��,����- ti�n w�11 b��w��r� �.��e Cha���u a�� ��e �v�c�e. The .,ep�r����n Wa] � Cccr��� r�lr�r�c� �,�,$ �a����n ���_J. �f �.he e����i�1c� k�o�.1�r �'�7C�m, Thi � �rall ia �usr�a�t�.�r p�nat��tt�d l�y the c�;�:�u�t�ir�:� � ��.�' aper�.it�� ���viu� �1�� b�f�I�r r�c��m � �. I�. c�rd��` �+� ma; r+tair� �k�Q �.nt�s��it�r af t�ze tw� hcrui separ�- � ti�,�z w�.�l, ���� � �a�,� �,g�,��� th�.t a �n� au�! cane ha�.� h�►�r ra�+�d cc�mb�r�a�i�n ta.x�,{�r�r�k� €3�mp�r �n�t�}.�.�c� ir: �h� ���u�� , , fii�� 8�i�' r�p��it�� wi1.1 ��t���� ��h� �,�t�n�. c�� th� cc�+3�. �,�era- tivr� v� tki� ��r�,s�ca?:� �r��a��� w:.31 ;�� su�.h w�a� � 9�91� "�`�1E'. �L181��.� ��LT21G W�,1,�. �J9 I`$��i�' t�l�.' Y�i.�7�a ]�� �h+� n�rma7.�.� �g�n dam�aer will ��a�� w���n �ink bre�k�. �� A sign�� �hall b� �s�ri� ��a the aew �ire c��.�.xm �nx���nc:i�M tc�r- p�t�e� �n th� Ck������u ��a �,n�33c�te �,�,m��r �ae �l�sed. �� Th� �,sQ�le� tC�,zitt ges v�,�ve will clvs�. The 1�C�iI��' Wlli b� �i�- ena�:�ed+ . ' .� 3. G�ry dic� saa� ���W �b,�s� t�e �ag�.�.�,���ir�n a� a ���uc�e s��-ink�.�r , �yst�m �� psc���ct �h� c���na,�zc� rxvu�.€i b� su�'f�.���r�t, Vai�I �ff��e �alde�x �3��'i�� �,t7. Aax �g 3�1e�2 13e.czg�r A►es£ Pr�rl�rap S�,Ele !SG Vei1, �vlQra�a J�.��5$ 8(��'�1! T�:I+.,Ar��lan�r' �s? � Grat��s�. C�rIv�'r�dcr , �,,,, �) �. 9—�61v�! T+�le�nftn�z�s: t�3U3r t�"7.H-.;���n ! 1 '19�1392 1°a� Efn F�'Dti FI�`a'��71ci�'��a��*.I•o�tyd'Fr �E+ T�5 4'��C�4�,7 p, ��.`:'��- Fi�LJt'1 � �L1�?ii�t �'.� � �� �`1U. � �'�1.59 � FQ`� 4. �in�� tl:� ���rj�c� a,±� u�d�� � p�aqr�ssi,ve� tim�a �o����rair�t, and it a p��,ra thaf;. the�r� d�g��s ��n�.vt b� a.�d�r�d in �it��+ t� �at;i.���+ �h� ��1:: t.��ough �ry th�� F3u�,�c��.r�� D�p��tu��nt �or the Tc�� �ary i� wa i �.a.�g �a al�aw �h�a in�t�l�a�ic�n o� ����� . � +��m�r�rs t� ��:c�= w��hiu �hc� u�xt. 3� ' t� �� �ay� xn Qr��r r�at to �1�w u�, p��gr��� �n t�hc� pra��c�. ° , Th� p�r+�ced�.r�c� ccamm�r���s ��.d/c�� c�i��e�rrtir���cr�� re�r���nt �� �vez�v�.�w o� progr�e�� and coad�.��.san c�f t�l+� �ra�k. P3.�aae x�r����y us �� m�.�un- de�s��r�d�.�g� ar r�qu�,��d ia�r�r�ze°Ga��.am� �r �].�ri�i�a��.nr�� �rit���.n thre� t 3} wark d�ya t�� ��c�'i��t ¢f �:�x��� i���t�n� n�vs�, r�� �+� �ri„�I. px'c��+�ed Gr� �I�� l���as �hat� ��i�se ��e�� ���a as aqr�ed �� �ay ��.3, psrti�s cc�nc:�,rn�d. � • ' ' , � � ENY? S�� ����'�N� N�T�S �+�: �.�am M��h��r, i��er�c� S�g��k�e�� Sga�h A.rch����ts Fi1e � Frat��, �'r�y�r , F�x � Pau�. �`oh.T].�t�D, �"CfI�A $r.2�_C_. � , � i�ia�.�,� . . , . ' ' . , � f1!1?j19a3 I�:�:.� �F017 Nrr�cld%L�,�ath"y;.��!rr..�tt Tn 4:5=:47n ��.6_iF�:C9! , � � �.�r�s�'°'� - . � � � � � � �� � � � � '� � C� S "� !' t� � � 1 � � � � �7 ,� r� � �' Nt�V�a�nb�T' �.1, 1��2 ' P�r. �a�� �3ahnston . ��� Har��Qn R�n�h ��ad Va31 , Cp��r�dv 8i��7 �fr, Fran�C Freyer 1��4 S. FrOn��ge Fkv+�d Wes� ti��i1 , GO�or�d4 8�6�7 �le�tr ��uZ and Fr�nk, �ta �u�w recelvaa t��� aG�a��i� �nfo�a��a�ian fro�n M�i�v]s� �� �#�rtt ��ectr�c. �fe ��ai r� san�4 rrn�� that f�e wau�d �rave th� g�n�ra�or �n s�te, �r�s�a�1�ed, �est�d, ancf i��pec��d �0 1�t�r '�han �� l�ecet�$�r �9��. ��' co�rse a i T the r���s��.ry ���4Ver y�ur �,�s" �ta�,���r��s ��c��l� �ini�1g �ttd �ci�ed�u�zn� fram t�`s� fa,�'��:ary w�r� s��iee� �y M�l�a1m a�d I�dust���l Parfe;� Sy�+;+�s. �"1ea�e� r�at� the ��,3�z �rt�re��e due to th� u�� of a I�Q(� �m� sr^�.t t�� wh 1�h ��d tb �e us�d d�e t�c7 tlma �Q�nstx,ai n��. �f w� e��c��ti to �raf t fv�' �h� 3A am� sw��ch �t wo�tl d add ur� a�df�i�na1 30�-�5 d�y� r�es;��t9n� ir� � 1�t� �anuary, e�rly �'ebruar� ir+$��11 . I 4ns�ru��+�d M�1 cvim to �r����c� rri�3� '�h� ��d�r� f�r �h� fa���s�, pass�b�� d�1 tvery d��e, ���uming th�t �hi� �� ,�osr c'�o9�e as w��1 . F�ga��e ca�1 w��h qu�st9 4n�, 5in��r�aly, C��LSf]�I-Z��B CQNSi'RtiC`CIQhi �C04�PA�4Y ,�-, . � �w,.-�----+,�� R.A, "�hup�" �e7sr�n Presiden� f�AN.h� 11�1�'1?'?e 1�3�5� FR�7r�I ��r��.=i � 'Gi.��f.f'ir�a•d�P!-att TG -0,'f,�a���t P. C+? '�r . 1�'a !•�� 11,���� ���� ��������I� ���� �u �E���� ����'�' :`?. 'Cd i�y:� r , ��„M„ 1 � � � � j i e �` ������+r��l � ��s� ������ � ������l�P���iF���'� ����� ����'�fi� � AIJR'�4A, C�L�INlA���'OQ�� IA�+A�: 1-���►+6��;' ��t: 4�j ',�1�f� ' a��v���� ��� t�t� � f�un� �1����� ' V�.i�� +�c�. �1��� � Re�': Ch�c��,��i+�rii� �T�. � ; A'���a��ivh� �cr� ���, . I�� ��v�� ,��a�r�d o�+d�r ��.�� �+����� �'av'�o�y far tG ��� g�r��a��t �.h��r ��+e ���� o�►� ��� v� �zr� '��,��r �'� ���� � ��o�ri� � �t���� �z�� ���t +� �Q c�,� 3e�ad �a�13 �S a�+�� �� y � '�hhi� p�ca���� o� a w��k�,� ���i� s� w� � ��� ,����e�� �x�a ��� �z�f�����r� �� ���. ��+� �uto�ae���,� '�:������� ������� �r��i�#�� �'� '�3����#���3�Z� �„fl �� �.�,.�; Y ��'�d ��a � �� ����e �a�e iri ���� ���v ���r����� �� '��e �t �+aPq����d� '�� ��� ��p��� �a , �.c���..��d ir� ���� �� �»�� , ���i ��, ���lt�x �ah�.�x c����� �s ���t ��s� t�i� ac�����fl�I������� �tt�r �w��c�h �.� ��� �m ��w�� �i�'s��� ��� a������r.�. �'o�i. F�e��� �aa����� � ��� ���°���� +��' �x���3��0�. �r��a��� . ���a� �3��ts�1► �'l��t F�ttZ��p� �P���.�a��3�r� �����re� � � ��eva�o� �o� �orxsct�fEtn.� ��LC12 ��+DtlY2f�LY2 �22f� C7. �:'�El212 �,`�'L7�� 1���1`1�3`1�'� ��2c��€waac�, �lL�' ��71rC1 I���aember Z1 , 1992 N�lson Z��b Canstructic�n P ,0 . Sox 54Qt� A�'an, CO 816�� Attn. : Chupa i��lson R�; �leva�or Inspec�i�n Chri�tiania L�dge V�i1 Dear Chupa, Inspect�an o� �h� elevato� wa$ �c�mpl�t�d, an Navem�er ��} , �.992 . Listed ar� the i�.ems �hat ne�� corrected Qr completed. for f�na� accegtance. Nelsan Z�e� Construc�ion; 1 . Tnstall autc�matic shu�. dawn �nain�ine disconnect due �o insta�.�a�ian �f the sprink�.er hea�i in the e�.evator machin� rvom. AN�I A17 . 1 Ru�e 102 . 2{ c ) L4} � . Insta�.l mi.�sing smol�e detector in the �Ievator machine raom and c�nr�ect �r� elevatpr cc�r�trols far phase 1, �merg�ncy �ire recall. ANSI A17 . 1 Ru3.e 211 . 3b 3 . Encic�s� �r remave waste v�n� �.ine i� the elevatar machine re�om. 1�NSI A17 . � �uZe 102 . � [d) 4 . Encic�se ar re�ove exgc�s�d wiring in the elerr�tor mach�.ne rc�cam. ANSI A1? . 1 Ru1e I(72 . 1 5 . Remove �entilatz�n f�n in th�: e1.ev�tor €�achine root� and r�l.a�ate to maintain the requir�d 7 ft . inside clear mac�ita� rc�r�m heignt . APISI �. �.7 . 1 Rule �01 . 4 b . �ar�pl�te irtstal,la�tian of �h,e h�at for th� el.evatcsr machin� ror�m, or r�rnove pipes . ANSI A17 . �. Rule 1Q2 . 2( a � ar�d (� } 7 . �r�stall segarate discc�nnect z.n th�e elevator machine room far the 110 vo�fi. sup�Zy far �he �la�'atc+r car ligh�s , NEC A��.icle 52(� 8 , Install she�t ro�T� �an the tag af the �l�vatrsr shaf t tr maintain the required fire rating. UBC S�c . T70� (a ) 9 • �emc��re el��rator �haft v�n�. d�ct work back to f 1,ush with the shaft wa11 tr� elimina�.� the prr�a�ctic�n into the shaft . � � Pacxe 2 C�ristiaria Lodge Install gri�l ov�;r the duct work to prev�nt the rec�ssion cr�at�d by th� duct work penetrat�c�aa. Enclose gap arQUnd duct work pen�tra'tzon tQ maintain fire r�tin� o� the shaft . ANSI A17 . 1 Ru�.� 1C10 . 6 and U�C 5ec. 1706{ a) 1� . Install missing pit �ac�c�er . AIYSI A17 . 2 �ule 1�6 . 1d{Z ) 11 . Complete th� insta�.Iatian pf the pit lights . At�ST A,17 . 1 Rul.e 1[�F . 1� 12 , Encla�e hole in pit wa�1 n�ext t� the p�t �ig�a�s . A�SI A17 . �. Rule 1CJ0 . 6 13 . En��,ose tY�e area betwe�n the �fi.r�ke �id.e �� the elev�ts�r dc�csr fr�r��s and the mas�anry wall . 3'his must b� gro�z�ed or pQUred as I�er 5chincl�er E�evatvr drawings . The frames must I�e ins�alled �s thpy were ��sted, ANSI A17 . � Rule �.10 . 1� and USC 5�c. 1.70b(d ) 14 . Enclose hale in the ba.ck �f the el�vator shaft at the tap. UBC Sec. �7QG{ a) and ANSI A�7 . 1 Ru1e 1(3�# . 6 15 . It�s�all m�ssi�g ��ir� cas� o:� fire" signs at all h�ll bu�tons ����'Pt �nd f IQC�r which is the main entra�ce . []SC See . �ia�� � � 16 . Low�r �he sprinkler heac� in the e],e�rator pit to 2 f� , above tYs� pit flac�r . This wz1� allow the sprinkler tc� spray unde� thc ele�ator if the e�.evator has �r�ne into fai�ure �.nd �ittiz�g on the buffe�s . �7 . Enc�r�se the ka��,es ar�unc� th� ��rink��r pipe , c�i� �.�ne, anti el�ctri�al c�ut�er tc� maint�,in f ir� ratir�g . �IRC 17�15{�. } 18 . �amplete ho��up af the f i�� alarm tc� the ele�rat�r cc��tr�ls and test the �ys�ter� for phase 1 anci a�,t�rn�t�: fl�ar emezc��ncy fire recall . 19 . Ins'�all missing tel� eAhone in the elevator . []B� Sec . 51f?3 (d }9 Sch�n�ler E1sv�,tor; � , Cample�e tl��e installa�ian of the ca�a pane:�s . 2 , Ins�a1.1 all missincr cov�r on el�ctrzcal gutter� . 3 . Cl�ar� eZev�tc�r car top, pit , and machine z c�om. AN�I A17 . 1 Rule l,��b� . 2 4 . Num�aer the insi�e c�f t,he hoi�tw�y �3o�rs . AN�I A17 . 1 rttle �C7Q . 7 5 . Rep.rogram �.h� computer ta �end the elevatar �a the 2r�d l�ndang w�r�n activat�c� .�y th� �oLby key �witch fc�r ph�se 1 emergcncy fir� r�call . It pr�sently gc,�s to tF7e �st la��.dinq. ANSI A17 . 1 Rule 211 . 3a 6 , Rewire lobby key switch tn swap bypass and an function, t-T,pc�n ��mpleti4n of the lis�ed corrections , the elevatvr, shaf't, and ma�hin� rcaam wil� b�. incompTia�ce to all ap�licable codes . �leas� fee�. fre� �o �on�ac�. r�e i� you �.ave any questions regarding this inspecti�n. � � F���� 3 Chri.stiania Lodge The maj�x�i�y of t�-z� coxre�tiQns could ha�e been eli�inated if I wouTd have had ar� opportunity �o dn plan ze�iew of this prcajec't. R�spectfully, Dick Yaunkin cc� �ave Grane S�Y�ind�.er Eleva�ar G�ry Murrain Tawn of Vail enclasus� r � � i �'`��` ti��._ i`� + ��', � �y�i i l� �'�N� �F �j�I�, � 42 F�Icst tYlertdr�u� fli�ive e I'�71I I'11'� I)f�3(1T'�7ltf'llt ��flf{y �,4�OYRIJQ �l�fl) ! �1��-�}`��-�G�lr� ������d� T�: i'�IKE M�LL�CA, COMMLTNITY DEVEL�3PNfE�T'I' GARY N[UItRAIN, CHIEF BLIILDING D�'�'�CZAL �"RDM: MICHAEL MCGEE, FI1�� MpRSHAL�- ;,_.' �A'I'E: MAY 18 , 19 9 2 � RE: DFMC�LIT�[:IvT PERMIT F't]l� GHFZISTI.ANIA I me� wi#�h �ru�� Gentry of Nelson-�eeb at 3 :30 �.M. this afterno�n regarding conditir�ns f�r the d+�molitiQn permit at th� Christiania. The follc�wing items w��� discussed and agreed up�n by the Fire Departmen� and Nelar�n-Zeeb; 1, l�n dernaY��ic�n wc�rk, esp��ially remvval af f ire pratectic�n devices, fir� �Iatectors, �r removal af fir� rafi.ed const�u.ction, may begin ur►til an Exi� Plan ha� k��en �ubmitt�d by '�he applicant and approved by �h� Fire D�partment. The Exit Plan �hall perta�n t4 the c�GCUpants of �he Ch�teau, shal]. deta�l exi� way�, detaiJ. th� requ�red fire separati��i �etw�en th�e Christiania and the Chate�u� detai7L the m�thad of fire det�ction, and provid� �or the re�son�ble safe�� af �he �ccupants �f the Chat�au during the eanstruction p�riad. The minim�.m fire �eparatic�n hatween the accupied an�. construction portions of the bui].ding shall, consis� af � �x4 framing with one layer of 5f8 ' s fire rated shr�e�ra�k c�n each side� w�th an emergency a�ccess rout� thro�gh th� drywa��. , fram�d at 48 inches on c�nter, in the m�ddle �� the par�ition. We requir�d t�elsc�n-�eeb indicate any tempc�r�ry el��tr�cal power, wat�r suppiy, nat�ral gas fee�i ar �ther temparary utili�y plan. � . betails sha11 be submitted shc�wing mean� o£ access �hr�ugh th� ga�es in �.h� perimeter fence, The Fi�e D��ar�ment requ�st�d cr�mbinati.c�n locks can chains be used to secur� the gat�s . 3 . Fire detectors in �he Chris�iania sha�1 be taken c�ff line priar to der�cal�.tian and constructic�n. Y�e recommend the detectc�rs be phy�ically rem�tred. 4 . A viab�e trafEic plan must k�e p�ovided with att�ntion to detail pr�venti�ng obst�u���an �f emergency vehicu�ar a�cess inta the cc�re, an Hansc�n Ranch RQad, Mf 11 Cr�eek ch�.xte, and Gare Creelc �7r a.�r e. ! t � � NELSQN-ZEEB CHRISTYANIA. DEMO Page � 5. Bruce ��ntry was notified that a�ccc�rdin�g ta agre�ments mad� during the plan �e�iew prncess meetings, act�ance nr�tice shall b� provid�d w�en reqlaesting inspectic�ns accc�rding ta the fcsll�wing schedu�.e: Huilding �lepartment - 24 hvtzrs ad�ran�e notice Pt�blic Warks L�epartmen� - 48 �c�urs ac�vanc� nntice Fire i]ep��tm�nt - 72 haurs a�d�ance not�ce �. Gent�y was nc�tified af the requiremant ta a�.vised I]is�+at�h and the Fire Depa�trnent before and after canducting fir� alarm wark, 7 . Gentry was advised th� Fire �epartmen� has not conduct�d a �alan review for t�e canstructian and that ad�i�ic�s�al i��ms may be �aunci ta r�eed att�ntic�n. 8 . The ccrncept of "'fa�t track" plan review and con��ruct3.c�n was �di�cussed. FRaM : $�PJD f N �RNZE (��f� t�. - 949615`� P02 ., ' � � . � . ��� Q�j� ���� �^v������' JIL�a2ieaice� �i`a,qdneers. 1'rr.. �Ie�c Erie�rl �'eh�uary ��, 1993 • . l�r. Dan �tanek . � 17';��1 ��m�tr n:i�y I]e�r�iop�+�nf � . � � 75 So�u�h Frcr��a�� �taad , . V'�.il r �Gt� �1657 . R�: �hr�,eti�ni� �e�.th�us� �oiler �ocsm �"�,�Q �x��t�lla�i�a� Qu� Pr�je�t Nu�mber ��453.�14 � . ��a� Dan: .� Brsr�ed upaxa. ossr most recent fie.ls7. abee�v�.tivn re,part r�g�erding thi� p�oje�t, i� �s our co�x��ent�crrx fiha� �h� mQ�i�ia� flue arrang�uaen� rn�ee�� th� int�n� v� the kruildir�y cvr3�� and is accept- abie i.n r�gards tv �he per�c�rmance o� the bailer operati€�n. Please note. hsawever t�at as desigzi �n�ine�ere, wa as� n4t �re�span- c�ibZ� frsr the praper .inai�allatian e�i system�s by the aan�ra�tor�r ixtc�uding hi.e a�espane.ihil��.�r tn �r�qrdin�.te ir�gt��l�tit�n requir�, Ytten�s� with tY�� manu���tur�r� fi�ld inapecti�sng, �tc. . • . Pl�a�� �iad at�acliod auX pbcarv�At�o� �r��C+��t ��gsxrCii�i� ��iC iCC�ui�. If ��t� ���� �riy. t3u9�'ti�t��� ple�ee ca].�._ . . � 8iri��r�ly, . r � �� , . �� ��` Thom�� C. Ga��e. P.E. � - �r�cic�sua�� . _ � . �e�:dje � . . . �''�,I �7f�iee . . . � +G�tde,� Qt'fi�ce Y.i}. 9crx .`�$ 14td� �ver 'We[�E Per�we�� Scttte 19'� �etl. �'o[ar$da ��85& Go�der�, Galor�d� �[]4l7i �'etcphv��; ��Os� �4w��3�4fi . Tel�eQpi�r: 30;� ���-�,p�9 Te,taphone: ��(]3� 2�$�-�8�fi ' . Telecap,ier: �D3 �78-3843 '�RC]M ' F3El�1UD I hl G�it�I�E PH�l� Hfl. : 94'36159 1�0� � �4 � • • : , .' ' • � , • � � � . ' i�'1�`�l �lAl' �41V�'�' . ca��u.r e i.� ������e� � . ' . .�:u�'9aeerga l� . �"1eD�`t'fr.r�J , . . .. . _ � QBl�SRVATIQH �a.EFt7RT � . . � � Pro j ec�t � . tia�� ; � . . . � ; ����.o� ��x��s�� • " � . , .. p�ro�$ct N�+� , P'�ui7� J"c�hns�an . '. � Chr�.�tsa�i.g� ��ada�. C:QL,A L.L,.�. � T�nie W'�a�her 35� �3an��n Ranch l�a�d � : :��:0[3 s�.m. . �nc�r�,12U� . - VAiI. C:{� $1657 � ' � � � ' . , � ` " �i�r:� C�L.P� L.L.�C. � . � � ' ,, � . . � . . ` � ' �x��rat�tvr: CO�oradQ ,P].um}aa.t�c� Ser�ri�� � - � P�is�an�� Tc�m �an�� - BGC� " � � .• • � Bxuce Gentxy -- N�C , . , � I�ar� �. �a1c,r�dv �lumbing . ' � . � " ,' S�1^s��.c�' , , , ' (3bs��'v�t�3.an �7 - Fin!€�J.' C��ss���^ati�on , ' - mhe �nllow�r�� it�a� w�r� nc�t�d: � ' � . � . 1. L�ev3.ew�d w�.�h Dan �he b�l�tl�inc� va_Zv�� :�+hi�tt naa�d to be t�ddcd �.+7 th�e circe�lgtox' pu3'�IpS �nd the .dDn^�.e�tie �te�t w�#.e�c � �h��� exr�h�xnr��r �y�t+em in �h� main baa,l�r r+�am. Dan �wil•.� h��re va].v�s �.n ��.i��x i:hi� week,and wa.�.�. �pxeva.de �e1ar��i,��t r+epo�� .��rr �h� sY�tem. � ' . , . ' �. �t�vi�w�d the rduatwo�rk i�st�llation f�a�r �he �an ��i1 i� th� �ht�u��+keep�.ng" �COC,rn.� � �T3uc�s �re �t4 �tav� sp�.x�-in �ittin�s � ' prv�r3ded ,�n ea�'� ru�nut �n arcl�r �c� ba��nae th� �ir£l�w ta � ' the re�i��.er� ., ' . ' , � , �. i[�,�viewed the ena�rr�It inst�lla��on serving �he par'�e �ea�chr�. Cc�rrer��ly t,h� �r��iwrnelt isa being c�eliv��ar�� at 1��3'��' ax�d ��turnirxg at 140��. �GC� au�c�ested that tt�+� �temparatur� '}ae rerducecl �0 1+�0'�1� and 3,20�T' in order nc�� to �ause eacce�eiv►e � . a�n��ca'�o o�'�zoking. 8ruce a�d, CPS wi�.l monitor t�ia,s [��.�ua� t�.pt7. � . �4• 'x`h� �lycrs�, ,���,rler ae�sa�I�ly i� b�ine� �rouc�ht �c� �he �it� tt� be i.��t���ed �n �he baix�� ��a:a, F�GC� tr�7.d L�ea a� aix gu� z��ades tc� b� pz'avided wh�re tha boil�er ps�p crf£ emp�..i�a .into . '�he �ta�k. Currently the pc�Q o�� dretin pipc �xtend�s b�rneet�a ��ie �.ict �r�� i�ritc� tlt� �Icr�e� �h�mL�eac. . CT�x1 �ffie� � '. G'���'en �t�f��� 7'.t]. Bt�x 99 � 5�14,E Der�rcr �c�E P�a"T�7t�,}; 5�ci+Ca l9l5 Valf. Colarada �IG50 �att��u, �olvracica BidD,i Ttfcpl�;�nr., �`�3D3� �49-4�117Q ' ' �'efophone; (��� ��$-�fif�0 T�:1G�vl�ivr: (303J 9��•6�59 . '�le�opivt•: �'$!) �"�8--41��3 ' F'ROM : B�AUAIN GAN�E PHONE N[]. : 949�i.S9 PO4 , �� . � � . , , .� ' , � 5. Revie�oed th� r�vis�d �'�,u.�: in�tal7.�tio�, �ar the b�:r,le�r f1u�s � in the ��;n�,�❑us�,, �t �tppears �h�it th� inst,�iZ�t3vrt a$ in �'�alled �; acc���a�iX� �nd wi�lZ' meet c�de r�c�uireme�sts �o� p�aP�"� Cip��a Lir'an 'n� t.�� xroi Y+ers. f3GC� wi1�._px'c�v.it�� $ 1+:tt+dr ��.t� �h� Tawn, �.►f 'vr�i� stating �uah. � . . � • . , r,'r. , 5. The pre��ilrizat�.r�n ���i sy$tem faz' the etai�vr$1� ha$ �a���d b�s�L]i the fir� depart��r�� ,�r�d Tr,rrrn caf vail. �nspect�ott� 7. In qeileral, r_h�re 'ha��ir�� laee�n rto coznp�aa.n�s reqnrding ��� h�eat ° �Fcar �he building c�r d�sme��ic ��L• �r��c� ��ga�it.y. The Za�in-- dry h,�r� b+a�n runn,��g £�xJ. �irn� �nr a�x�►�xi,�at��,y crs�e mn��h. �Th� s�orage �mnk temp�raturG h�a� beas� rr��.��d �ram 110°r to ' . �.�tl'�F ar�d alI �y��k��s a�e fun�ctit�r�ing aQ d�s3gned. , , • Tl�.is Iiat G��gisfi�s df ���m� .C>b�e�rv�d du��.ng the walk tilroug3.�. . Mc�r� �.t�em� mey ap�ear vn a �uhseqne�t �.ist. . . . �ce T�m Mayh�w. Pie�c� �¢€xe�b8rg Spaeh A�ahitec�s . �ack Sill�, Calaa��tl+� P�uanbiaa� S�rvice . . . Fzank ��ey�r , . ,� � . � , gruee G�ntry, Nelsa� ,Ze�l� C�t�s�ructioa � . , , • ` . .. . ., _ . .. ��,�`C'� . � . . � . , � , � � . . • . . r , - . ' , .. . � , , . ' � . � ' " , . . . , • . ' ' , . . . , .. .... �: �. • , �' . �. , • ,., � _ , � � � ►I��`�l �[Jll� �IN.�� Ga�sul t ing h��ch�rcal Err.�►i�eers, Ir�G:' �'lec�ric�r! F'ehruary 12, 1993 Mr. 17an Stanek Vai� Communit� D�velapm�nt 75 Sou�h Fron�.age Road V'e331,� �C� 816�7 RE : �Christiania Pentho��se Boiler Room Flu� Install�tion �ur PrQj�ct Numher 2453 . (l4 Dear Dar�; Based upc�n crur rnc��t recent �ield �bservatic�n repc�rt regar`ding this prrject, it is e�ur cantentian tha� the m�da�ied flu� �rrangement meets the intent of the builciing cr�des and is accept-- ak�1e in regards tcr the performance c�f the boiler c�p�ration. P1ea�e note, hawever tha� as des�.gn enc�ineers, we �re not re�pon- sib�.e fc�r t�e greap�:r insta�lati�n c�f systems by the contractv�s, inc].uding his responsibili�y tc� coc�rdinate install�tian require- ments with the manufac�urer, field in�pec�ians, etc. . Please find attach�d �our vbser�ration �eport regarding this is�ue, If you have �ny questions, p�eas� cal� . Sincer�ly, C� �' � ���'?�s2`-f �'c���*�'`�'�-. Thc�mas C. Ganze� P.E . Enclv�ure TCG.dje Vai� ��f�ce Go�'den �ffice P.f]. ,8vx �9 1414� L�enver West Parkway, Suit� 195 V��. CoJaracto 81658 {�`c�lr,��xz, ���nrado BD�01 7'e�ephone: (3[13} �J49—Ei�08 Telephone: (�3U3) ,�'�f3—�3H�� Te,fecap�er: (303) .9��—�_t�4 Te2ecopier: (�f73} �7�3-3t34�3 � _ _ • � � � B�� ��� ! ���� Consultsng 3(ech�n}cal �'r�gr`neers, Inc. Electrical OHSERVAT�C�N REF{7RT Projec� � ��te 2453 . C�4 2/11]93 Froject Name Paul Jc�hnstcrn Cl,ris'��ania+ R�model C�LA L.L.C. Time W�ath$r 356 �-Ia,lsan Ranch Road 10 :€l�] a,m. Snawy/2�° Vail, t;d 87.657 Q'wn+er: C�LA L.L.C. Contractoa�: Col+�rado �lu-r�bing S�r�i.ce Fresent. Tom G�.n�e - ��GCt�. Aruce Gentry - �I�C Dan - Co�QZ'aeo ?J.umbing '�erv��� t]bsert�ation #7 - Final �bse�'vatiar� �r�� �o 'llov�ing it�ms wer� notecl: 1 . Re�iec�red wi�h D�n the balancing valves wh�ch n�ed tc be adde�l ta the circula'�or pumps and the dome�ta.c hc�t water heat e�ch�nge� �ystem in the main baile� room. D�n will have �r�lves ir� l.ai�er thi.� �ve�k and will provid.� balan��ng rel�ort far th� system. � . Reviewe� the ductwork inst�llati�n for the fan coil in the hausekeeping �c�om. Ducts are ta h�v� spin-i.n �ittir.gs pr�vid�d in eaeh runat�t �_n nrd�r ta baJ_�nce the �rir�low to �.he regi�s�e�s . 3 . Reva�ewed �he snowmelt in��allat�.on s�rva.ng tlze port�: cacl�re, Curr�ntly t���� snoivm�lt is being deli'�ered �L 160°F c�nd �'et�rninc� at 14Q�F. BGGE sugq��teci th�t th� �emperatu�'e be retluced to 140°F and 120°F in orc�e� not to cau�e ��c�ssive concr�te �ra�king. Br�ace and CPS wi�.l. t�onitor th�s s�tua- t�on. 4 . The glycal feeder assembly i: being brnuc�h� �o the �ite to be installed, a.n �he bc�iler room. BGCE told Dax� an �ir �a� needs tc� be pr�vided wh�r� �the �ozler �ap c�ff emp�ies intr� the t�.nk. C�rr�ently �.he pop a�f drain pipe ext�nd5 b�n�;�th �he lid and .into -�he cl�secl chamber. 'Tail f�ff�ce G�Iden C.ffzc� P.�3_ Aox �39 1�I?�� �7enver West Pa�kw,ay. Szrite 195 V�iI Calnrada 8.t 6�E� Gnlden, Co1+�r��?� �3�4fJI T"elr:pt:°�n�: {3C73) f)�J- G2Ut� Telephone: (3D3) ,27:�-3f�tiQ 3I73 94�3—€ii59 Tetecnprcr: (3�?3,.� 278-38�t3 ��'Prc,cc,�;�r. �� .�) , . � ` ' � � 5. Reviewed �he rev�.�ed flue ins�a�.Iatian �ar the 1�a�1�r �lues in �he pen�house. It �ppears th�t the installation �s in s�alled a.s acceptab�e and will mcet code rsqui�ement� �-ar praper aper�tion af tYae boil�rs . �GC�' will prov�d�e ,� �?e�.�e� to the Tawn of Vail stating ��FCh. � 6 . The pre�surizata�c�n fan �yst�m f�az' the s��.irwell has �a:�sed both th� �ire department �nd Tawn of Vail inspectzQn. 7 . In g�n+�ra1, th�:re hav� b�en no eampla�n�s regarding the heat �ax �.he building c�r d.ome�stic hot wat�r c�ipaci.�y. Th� �_�un- dry has been running full time �nr appr�x�mately one mr�nth. Th� s�.orage tank t�mperature h�s �een raised frozn 11�°� ta I.2fl°F ar�d all ay�tems a�e func�iQr�ing a� desi�ned. ThiS lis� consists vf items observed during the walk �hrr�ugh . Mc�re items may �.ppea� on a subsequent list. cc : T�m Mayhew, P-i.erc� Segerb�rg S�aeh Architeets ��c3s Si11s� C�alar�do Plumbing �ervice �'��n�C Freye� Bz�ucc Gentry� N�lsan Zeeb Constr�ctivn �l'�='�f 2 � _ I�S GTIC�hJ �EC�UE�T PE#3MIT �Lf�u1BER DF PROJE�T TOWN C]F VAIL DA3E _ __ JC?� NAME ` `1t -�-: �, CALLER ' -�a--`; , ,,f, � , , r4 , � REAt]Y F�R IhISPECTION: MQN TUES 1NE�] THUR FR� �''� •�- ;� ' AM PM , ;°r LC]CATION: ' ' : � , , _,.,_, s.- t.� �, t BLfIL�ING: f'LUMBING: Q FC}t�TINGS I STEEL p U�DERGRdU1VD Q FdUNDATId�I 1 STEEI� ❑ RC�LJGH r D.W.V. _ � FRAM�NG _ ❑ RC3iJGH 1 WATER � ROUF & SHEER ❑ �,q� PIPII�'G PLYWC}�J� NAILif�G 0 INSULAT��N p P(�C}L ? H. TUB �I SHEETRC)�K NAIL ❑ C] - [] ❑ FIN'AL ❑ FIfVAL �LE�TRIGAL: M�CHAI�fICAL: L] TEMP. FD'w'VER 1=1 HEA�'ING ❑ ROIJCH � ExHAUST HC]C�DS CI Cf�M11dU€T ❑ SUP�LY' AtlR _.. ❑ ____ _ � 0 �INAL C] �I�JAL 0 AP�RC}V�p C] DISAPFRC]V�D � R��IVSPECTIC7N RE{.}UIRED �CC)RFtECTIC7NS: ---�. - , r' ° f` �r • �, �. �:�, I �; -_ , � . i' ,.�j�_���r a _. - i � � � � � � � , 'p ��r � � �/� f. � , .. � . , J!r� -, - f- `r ' ` � L_-.� .. ' �s. !1��� . . . . 4 }� f / /� �/ ( -.._ � 1 � ��� '�I 1`.%' 1"�'7 L'7�`G;I�� �. ' ' E r%t .�f,� _ y -- — � t � . � dATE '��Y INSPEC�C�R .� -- fR.cr94c,. r �„ } � � � �I. :��4.�. ,r� . i UU7 tia] L�C�f'!;��-�=�N�' I ;� � � � � ���5i ��?I,. � � � � �.�' � - I ` sj rYn r.�] ,�['j �,�' .� � r �p `.i H � ��, ., �� c� � r''4 ' °,t -.,- d p,r q) Q G Y �1 U CC u7 � �y1 � Q C3 O � c�]fw �_ I4 ��.. � C,� tn� .�w Q � rF' � � � �7 Q Q ',:3 � � � C� C.�3 Q ,�� �-5 Q �+l � V� .[�t ��� � � v LL 1 . L� C� C C �7 t� , C7 �0 �!'1 '� C7 Q I� f �,' C4 � �7 [ U � � � ",t G7 AO �O C7 C . . EI kl q' C_• � k [-e � - � � � F- ''Sx Q U rJ I H O � � C.+� V}�. � C � r� � �j � r� ,� c�l ctif v�i rn �r1 �, P� I d �n � I w a �� 'm a � � � _ �7 ►� lID e�! � �. 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Gary Mur�rain Ca�rrr�unitv Dev�loprnent ;�wn af Vail Vail , G�. 81657 Re: Chr�stiania, Lt�i 5�D A�nrova� Tree Relacation Qear G�ry, during �he fZnal sessions with Tnwn Staff a�nd at the Co�ncil sessians o� the SDD apprnva� I advised t�ose nart-�e� t�rat we had b�en advised that the trees ta be re�ocated w�re �Zther too cl flse to the bui 1 di ng t�o be removed k�y machi ne �r t+�ere s� di s- figured by gr�w�nc� next �� th� bui�dinq ar unc�eri �he eaue5 that we w�uld have to cut the tr�es sa desigr�a�ed and replac� with r�ew on�s. I, therefore, agreed ta tl�e re��acing o#' trees on a landsea�ing plar� ta be a�proved by s�aff. Dc�e to these c�rcumstances ��e have no choice but tn ret�ov� �cut down} said tr�es. Town Council had nr� problem wit�t that salution. 5inc�rel�; ,� � -��'=,;'' ��.%','� Paul `�. �vh��ston i �_� ' . = 4 �' . � , � . , . , -;'�_. i , ' . . - . >"� � ���r�c�i�f�fv'/,f� �'YlI�' ��1�iJ � ��("F: ��?;�i��,! �� - �,,�,��� ,�4��,i .,�� ����� .��� .���� ,;�� � c� , f!�' � �l �4�� TLC i . '--�.( �ti:-�f�f�:r � �-�r'l. ! ' ' 1 ��.��..4g-r i ' 9 ! ! 1 � 1 ` l.�i! t� ��. �J ,.� `�� tc�C.+'Z.C �d" r� _.� , ��``�.-.- d r f! � f �r ' ��,:•��; ,a� �y�r ;� f� �� . !'' �I L, : �' , � f`�:.�_. E' • G'�i•� : �.� ` ��... ��—���' :,'.i � ,T` ,-� r. �` � ��,.,� ��;?�„ � t�-�,, � U� . L_� . c� ,,—�r", , , � f �1 �- / �,L �'�+ �.:'"�,i,.ti,�r�t-yc.� ��.i r Y 4.s �� ��'�..-a�... � �.�.. �7�._ /�.., ) �-'�-a[•�• �,+� � .I�,r-�._c.'v'G�Y _' • ��,.��r f�°� �<--^'t-r� � ,C`y't �"� ��tt- +'...c- :,;la� r' � ��,..'�"- /,�;�...0 r._J i.�,� C,� .. ��-__ `v,�<)�Y.`.��., ��- s �, ��T;�r�'. °�-.�� �r.��' .�!'a�J4,-.F F+�}` �� Y �'r �•t. ��- // ,J ' � -,t,A t-•4f�-]�-f��L.w>�tG..� �,.�/ � �C_� ��f ��c. .-� y ".�„� ��' ri"�--- / � �'1. ��� �Y . , . . � � - + ' w ��::w �� "'k " ���� � E . .� �� � � �?�������� ���� � � � � �� �� �� L���+�" ,� �� . � � ��.�' �l �� � �..��-,��-� �,��- ,� �� �_�-�'� ' k �'.�.� ��. � � � � ��` � � � � � � � �� � ��� �� �� �� � � , � �� . . �� � � �" � ��� �� �.� _ � �- � � � . � � � � � � � �� � � � � . � � � � � �� �, ��� �� � � � 1 � � �� � '� � � � � � �� � ��� � � � � ��?������� �� � �+}� � /�fJ/������� � tr�'.�r,� p . � � � � _ • . ��� `, . ' � ' r ��. � r � '';y T��'�'t�4����1��� �� ��r'est ��lendou� Uriz�e �'rrid Fi��P Dejarrrrrr�e�rt �'ui1. �'rrlar-r�da 516�� 3d3-4I�-225f1 MEl++f DRAN DUM Tt7: MIKE A+fqLLICA, C(7MM[TN�TY DEVELOFMEhfiT GAEtY MiJRRAIt�T, CHIEF" BCJILDING �FFIC�AL �R{JM: MI CHA�L MCGEE, FZRE 1+'l�SRSHAL DATE. MAY �8 , 19�2 ��: I�EMQ�ITION PERMIT �`C3R CHRISTIANIA � m�t with Bruce Gentry o� Nelson�2eeb �t 3 : 3� P.t�. this afternoan r�garding canditi�ns far ti�� demc�lition permft �t the Christiania. The fallowing items w�re discussed and agreed upvn by the Fire nepartment �nd �Te1sQn-Ze�b. �. N� dernolita��n w�rk, espeei�,lly removal af fire protectian de�vices, fi�e detecto�s, or remr�val vf fire r�'�+ed car�sitruct�.on, may ��gin un'til an �xit P�.an has be�n �ul�mittec� by the app�ican� and appraved k�y the Fi�e D�p�rtmeht. The Exit Plan shall per�ain to the oc�u�ants af the Chat�au, shall �detai�. ��it ways� cie�ail �he recluired fire s�paratian b�tween the Chr�stiania and th� Chateau, detai� the me�hc�d c�f fire cc�etectia�n, and p�ovide far �h� reasonab�.e safety of the oc�upants o7� the C�ateau during the canstru�t��n peri�d. The �.inimurn fire separatiot� hetween the �cGUpied and construct�an partz�sns af th� build�ng shall cransist of a 2x4 framin� witt� one layer af 5/8 's fire rat�d sh�etrock c�n �ach side, with aa� emerg�ncy acc�ss �c�ute thraugla th� e��ywal�, framed at 48 �n�hes c�n center, in the ma,dd�e of �he paxtitivn. We requir�d Nelson-�eeb ind�.cate any temp�rar� electrz,ca�. pawe�, water supply, natur�l gas feed or ather t�mpQra�y utility plan. 2 . �e�ails shall b� submitted sh�w�ng means �f a�c�ss thr4ugh the gates in the perimeter f��tce. The Fire €]epartme�t r�quested combinatian lvcks or� chains be used to secure the gates. 3 . Fire dctectars in the Christ�ania sha�.l be t�ken off line priar to �emol.ition and canstructi�n. We recc�mmenci the d�tectors �ae phy�i��l�y remo�red. 4. A viable �raffic plan must be pr�o�ided wi�h attention to deta�,l preventing obstruction +af emergency vehicul.ar aceess �.nto the �Cc�re, can Hansan P.anc� Ftoad, Mill Careek chtat�� and Gore Creek I7ri��. ` � . � � N�LS�N-ZEEB �HRISTIANIA DEMt� Fage 2 5 . Bruce Gentry was nc�tified that accarding tfl agreements made during �he pl.an �eview pr�cess me�tings, advance notiae shall, �e prvvided wh�n requesting inspections according t� the f�llowing scheaule: Buil�ding I7epartment - 24 hours �d�ranGe nc�tice Publi� Works T7epartment - 48 hours advance natice Fire Departmen� - 72 hours a�vance n�tice 6 . Gcntry was notified of the req�irement tc� �d'vised Dis�a�tch and the Fire D�partment �ef�re and after conducting �ire alar�n w�rk. 7 . Gentry was advise�. the Fire Department has not conducted a plar� revi�w �or the c�n�truction and that additional items may be fc�und ta need attentic�n. 8. The cancept Q� "'�ast track" plan review ar�d cons�ru�tic�n was discussed. � � _ `�i� ��w� � �a� T5 aouth frrsntag� road v�il, colorsda 81657' #3�t�3) 479-C138 or 479�21,3� af�fce c�f temrnunity dewabpmei�t BIfILDIfJG PER�tIT I55U�NC'� TIME F�A�1E If thi,s perm�t re�ui r�s a Taw� af �'ai 1 �i re JeFartm�nt ���raval , Engineer'S (Public Warks} review and ap�rou�1 , a �lannin� De�ar'�R�* r�ev�ew ar Health C]ep�rGment review, and � revie;� by t�e �uildTng L�epartment, the estir�ated tame fvr a tvtal r�view may take as l��g a� three weeks . A1 T cr�rnmercial (1 arge or sm�l l } and al� mul ti µfar�i�y permi �� wi 11 have t� f��law ti�e above menti�ned maxlm;�r� reGuirements . P,esidertiaT and smal a pro jects sn�ul� take a 3 esser amaunL of �i;ne. No:�.eG•er, #` r�sident�al ar small�r pro�ects �mpact the variaus �bave ��;�ntioned de{�artm�nts with regard ta r�ecessary review, t�ese prejects ;�ay al sv t�ke th�e tllree week per7c�d. Every attem�t wiT1 be made by th�� department �� expedite this permit as, s�an as possible, I, the under5igned, understand the plan check pr��edure and time fr�me� � ���'� ,�,�-� , c�re�e tc� y�. j� �.�`�_--;�!;' �-,� , ��,-�n G� Pr�,�ec t fVar�e , , z�,'+r'}��;���-'� . �ate '�J�rk Sheet' w�as turn�d �nto t e Cammunity �ev�lnpment �epartment. . . . ' r � � • � . t - yri t � t'� ����1 �1 ��� � 7� sauth }ronlage raad vaif, ctil�rada 81657 (303) 474-2Y3$ Qr 47g-2139 afllGe a1 cammunfly develapm�ent T�3� ALL C�i�ITRACTQF�S CURRENTLYL REGISTEREI3 WITH THE "TC�WA�T QF VAIL FRC}M: TOWN 4F' VAIL FUBLIC WQRKS/'C�?a•'LniU'�IT'Y D����:E.C3P:•:E:1T DATE: MARCH 1�, 198$ SLTB�TECT; CONSTRUCTT(]N pARKIPiG & T�?�3TERIAL STORr'�GE zn su�nary, �rdinance N�. 6 s�ates that i.t is unlawful f�� �:-;y pe�san to li�ter, track c�r dep�si� any soiZ, ro�k, s�r.c�, de�ris c�r mater,ial, �,nclu�3ing tzash du;�psters, pQrtab�e teailets and w�arkr.�en vehicles up4n any street, si�ewalk� alley or pu�lic p1a�e crr any pgrtir�n thereof. The right-vf-r�ray c�n all '�o:an of Vai1 streeGs and rr�ads is approximatei�t 5 ft. off pave�:ent. This �rdinan�e w%�,$ be �trictZy �nfr�rced by the Town Qf Vail Puk��ic Works I7epartment. Persons fvund viatating this c�rdina�e� wi�,z be given a 24 h�us writter� notica ta remc�v� said Mate�ial. In the event the pers�n sa na�kified does rtat cca:^ply with the noti�� within the 24 hvur tir.te sgecif�ed, the Pu}��.ic Wvr�Cs Depa��ment wiYl rer�oWe said r�aterial. at the expen�se of persc�n nvtifi�ed. The provis��ns Qf this r�rdinance sha21 nrt be �ppli�al�le tv cons�ructiQn, maintenance or regair pro�+�cts a� � any street �r alley or �r�y utiiities in the right-a-way. To review Dr�dinance No. 6 in full, pleas� stvp by th� Town a� Vail H►�ildin� Depar�ment to obtai,n a copy. fihank ya� for yvur cooperati,vn on �.riis matter. �ead and ackn���.�dged by: .-,i�' � �,�'r� ��`�-, ''� �' �f ,�, Fosit an Rela�iansh�. ta �Pr4ject (i.e. cantr�ctar� �wner} � , ,. ?�`yf /;�J ��= I]ate " ' ' � � � . ` '� .�' _______��____�______.�___� �____ _ � _�_�. a z�&+SALLY �i0H�i5�'Q� ��IAYE,�SA PRfl1��T PLA�iMIE�t �CHRISTIA}k�A r �R�' DAir �HAY�7 R�lN N#1� $ C}?AI53I��iI►� r��If�D� START D�TE IS!!{lY9� ��N 6A3E 17Ii��4Z , i7S5f, i51C 5C}i�DUI� REPEER? - Snlil' fiY �5T Tf �A�A �3A'fE lS�4�1Y92 PA£E HE4. 4 �C�I'J1TY �R�E F€?1 �CTTV�"{Y �}�SCRIFTJ�3� FA#tE.Y EA�LY LATE L!`s3� �T➢T�1L lD I1llR kll� I S'f�R�F FII��SH STAR� FEHISI� F1.flAT 1 ; 1 {t afA�{T 181i�AY9� 163lAY9� i8�'iYp2 I8MAY9i G � �f► 24 4 D�l�6 L[1$HY �8#lAY92 l5JL�92 ?7�lAY97 Z3u£{!�9? � 2� Z . � EIGAY. AT �AR AAEA . i'�Mf�Y9Z 1931RY92 ;A�l#N42 I4�1�H9� c2 ? 24 ��J 0 ��H� �iP3 �SEiE�r �9�4A�Y92 �bdk�3�92 19�lAY92 l6J�1N92 � ; �4 �4 � A�� FL�OF SY�?E?! � 1934�lY92 16JUN4� i9�l�Y92 I6JLiH9i 0 4 �4 T4 G �EEFl�S#ICAL 3H �F3. �91lAY92 #6,IJ3�42 19?lAY43 16��1?�q2 � � 15 15 0 iIQ4� AT �YAT�R �PT. 19MAY9T 9�iU3�9�Z Zl!lAY92 Ii�ElH9� � I 3 2 0 �E!!D ASPH�T AT 6AR�6E t5!lRY92 24A�Y�2 43l�H94 5J�#9� !f 3� 5 � 4 r�tlN��IYOl� AT B#� fiREA P41�Y9� 2li�RY9� ?3JliH9� 7a53if�V93 �3 �U 2 2 4 E�EF+Y. AT YiE�3 EZt�i 22�A"�9? 22lIfiY92 B�llH9� 9��1�9t !� k9 5 5 0 F{i's.�t��AT3'�H A� �'�5T �!i� ��3113Y4� 1�11N93 30JUH9� f6JEi�i'T� li a4 ', 3 4 B�CY:FiLL R� 4�ESi �ED 2Jl1!!42 4d�3�'4? 37�UH9� f9��R#9� 1� ,�1 3 3 4 S3.Ab �� 6Rf#�� AT �53 Eilil 5a1�lE�� 9J1��19Y 2T�Ti1W92 24�ii�N9� 11 !7 � 3 � ��CRV. AT EH3'kY!]CEI; �9JEEH42 1��E�H93 1��U#9Z fG,�i�#9Z : a 6 5 � I�Qf{1 At ERR R��r� 1i�Jiil192 1T3Ulf�2 153�N�Z �Z�3�H9� 3 18 3 3 p k#AHI! 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Ter°m. �':ze °Term" of t::is Ac�reement �hall co�rme:ce v:� May 15, ].99�, a�l� shaT�. terrninate �n Navemb�r 15, �9�2, unless svo�er ���ni:�ated as �yovided herein. 2. Grant. In cor,.n.ectian with �wne�' s �cor�stn:Ct�o:� at t�� C:���s�ia:�a Lr�cig+� �oc3te� a� Slack 2, Lvt �, Va�l �Ii�3.age 5th �i��.ug, Eagle Coun�y, C��arado and �ubj ect �o the ter.ns, cs�v�r.ants �.r.d cor.di�io�s �e� fort� in this Agreeme:�`, VAI hereby grar.;s pe�assic�n ta �wner, �I�lson 2eeb, rn�c� . (�w�er' � prcject cc�tractor ar:�d :��s st:bca:t�actars. if any [�he forego�ng may be callect:.vely �e�e:��s� tc� h�re�n as t�ie °USE.'X'$n 4I" �.r.�ividua��.y a� a 'Tt3ser^) , tc� use� du:i�g the Term �af t�is. Ag�e€ment, that portion af real g�a�eyty desc�i�i�d as �lock 5A, Lcat P3 and a pvrCivn of Lcat J, Vail V��la�e 5th F:���nc�� E�gl� Caun�y, Co�orado f t�e "Pre.-r�ises"} fo� use as a tempa�:�iy �onst�t.:ct;.on �.�la�wa s:�te. T�:e Premi�es i�c�ud�es that are�. �o4�h of t�:e C�:`�stiana Lc��.g� to t�:e aaj acent "bake pat�1. " 3 . Us�. The U�ers' use af the Pr�mi�es hereun�er speci��cal�y excludes utarage a� fuel v� a:�y other hazardous s�:�sCar.�e vn t�e P�en�ses. The C�sers sh31Z be a11�we� �.o use t�.e P�e�:�s�s a� � t��r�arary cc��sCructic�z �a��awn site. 4. Obl�q,�tions �f C�wn��. Tn �Qn�id�:rativn af rec�ivi.ng pe�i�sion f�o:.i VA�I tr use the PrE:mi���, �wner agre�s tv provide, at i�� �c��e eovt and e�gense, �h�e f�allawing; (�) Erec�ion of six-f�c�t �a�l, green visual s�reening fence araund and al�ng the Pr�mi�es, which ere�tivn �hail b� don� a:z a p�ofess���al mann�r and to the sp�c;ficativns rt�f VAI'� s.::.�.�4.:°:.ZPwC� r'B'17�'B�P.I:�.��1'V�.'� I�I`. IfiC�B �G`�'' �tt�i. �3�.'�"e� i {�) I:�staTZa�ia. c�f grave� c�n '�he Pr�mi��s and can�ral of du��, m►ud an� gravel vn and �rc�m the Frem�s�s� includirg wi�.h�u� �ir�ita�io�, g�eriodic scraping o£ �.he nearby �3ke pa�h and rvadways, if any; , t�] �'rvtectivz� vf e�isting �rees ar�d veg��ati�n; removal of trees and v�ge�atir�n an �he Pr�mise� �hal�. be limited �v tho�e ���,�ct�y necessary to acc�mpZish u�e af �he Prem��e�. U�vn e��.�.ati�� ar e�.:.�ier termina�ion af the T�:�r�. C}wz�e� sha�l pro�p�].y • , � � and ful�y reglace trees and revegeta�e and re•grade the premises ta the specificativns a� Mr. Ma�y; (d} Main�enance o� �ormal an� unobs�ruct�d use by _ others of the bike path and nearby roadw�ys, including with�ut limita�ian prohibition �f th� parkin� an or near suCh bike path o� r�adways; te} Maintenance of the Premi�es free fram a�ci.un�lation af waste mat�rials or rubbish caused by crpera�ions an the Premises. LTpor�. expiration Qr earlie�` term�natic�n of the Term, awn�r sh.all reznvve a�.1. wa�te materia3.� and nibbi�h from and about the Premises as we21 as a�.�. its ta�ls, equ�pment, rnachine�y and surplus materia].s. �f Own�:r fails ta clean up the Pr'e.T�liB�e� VAI may ec� c�ean up and Owner agr�es to reimburse VAI fQr a11 costs incurred ther+ek�y� and {f� Perfc�rmance of any and a1�. �il-�gi�l clean ups and vther envir�nmenta�. clean ups, if a�y, irrunediately aAd pursuant t� a}.1 r�a].es and �egulatians of VAI, the Tvwn of V�s.l car any goverr�menta�. authority. Failure by Qwner ta strictly obs�nre any +�f the aY�ove ob�igations shall b� deemed a de�ault af this Agreemen'� and, upc�m fai�ure of Own�r to cur� such a default pursuant to Paragraph 9 he�`ea.�, i�AI shall have th� right ta immediately terminate th�� �greement. Ov�mer agrees that if the Pr�mi�es is da�naged ar not va�ated purs�ant tc� Parag�aphs 4 ar 9 hereia, �AI will suffer damages in an �mvunt which will b� difficult t+o dete�mine and (7�mer agrees ta �ampensat� �IAI f�r c��g�s as dv�ument�d by VAI. 4. Termination. `�TA.I shall ha�re t�e right to terminate this Agreemen� at any time with o� wit�iaut cause by giving Dwner at lea�t �G�ir�e (3) days' prior wri�ten notice c�� �erminatian. Owner' � abli�at�.vn tr� pramptly perfarm, at its a�rn co�t and �xpense, iu a�car�ance with Subparagraphs 3 �c} ► fe) a�d �f) anr� Faragraph 8 sh�ll survive the expirati.�on or earlier terminatirn c�f this Ag�e�ment. 5. �c�m�aliar��e with LawlSaf�ty Prvgram. t3wner warrants that all U�ers will comgly with all apglicabl� laws, ordinances, rules and regulatio�s having jurisc�i�tivn ov�r the Fremises and that each User shal� be r�spvnsi�le for its own saf�ty program and com�liance with ap�licable accu�aational Safety and Health Act regulatzan�, � . Rules and Re�ula�iQn�. A�.1. rul�s and �egulations �n �ffec� on the Pr�mises and regarding passes, lisC.s af employees, �a��ty a�z+d eonduct an th� praperty �ha�1 be �trictly observed 1�y �:a�h User �nd its emp�oyees. c�srrl,�.corr -2- ��s,i� amyldoc.icaoura�c . ' � � 7, Insurance. At ali times during the Term a� thi� Agre�xnent, Owner warran�s that each Us�r sha�l carry ard m�aintain, ia full fvrce a�d effe�t, at its svle c�st axid e�pense, th� foilQwing insurance pvlicies wi�.h insuran�e comparie� s�tisfactnry to VAI . 5uch pali�ies shall �.n�lude a provisi�an requiring a mi.nimum �f thirty (3�? days' nvtice t� yJ'AI �f any ch,ange vr cancel�atic�n. V�T sha31 be na�►�d as a�3di.tianal. name�l insured as it� �n�erests n�ay appear vn the palicies listed in Subparag�aphs 7�a} and (b) . �a3 Ce�mgrehen�ive general liability insurance in an vccurrence format in an amaur�t of $1, ��[�, a00 g�r o�CUrren�e, iacluding the follawing coverages; cc�ntra�tual 1i�ility, per�on�l ir�jury, Y�road form property damage, indegenden�. �contractr�rs and �Sremises aperations. {�r} Camprehensive automobile �iabilit�r in�urance vn al� vehicles used in �onnecCion with th�s I�,greement, in an am�unt of $50D, O�a carnk�in�r3 single limits far Y�odily injury and praperty d�mage, per ��currence. [cJ Warkera�' Campensatian insur�nce in accvrdance wi�h the pravisions o� the Wc�rkers' Cc�mpen.satiQn Act of the State of Coloradv fvr all its empl�yees acce�sin� �he Premises. VAI requir�d sale praprietors whv are excluded unde� the �ct to �arry Wc�rker�' Cc�mpensatiun insurance. , dwn�r �g�ee;� to p�ravide S]'AI with certificat�:s raf �nsuranee fro� each Us�r evidencing the pvli�ies listed above upan ex�cution af �hi� Agreernent. 8 . Z�ic�emaait�r. �r��r agrc:es '�v iz�denw.ify, defend �nd ho�d harml.ess VAI� its subsidiarz�:s and affiliates. their �espective �gents, officers, dire�tvrs, servants �nd e3npl��e�s af and frarn any ar�d a�l. iiabili�y, �laims, liens, �iem�nds, act�on� and causes �f acticrn whatsc�ever arising �u� af or r�lated ta any I+�ss, cost, da�ac�e or inj ury, inc].tad�ng death, af any p�rson ar damage �Q praperty of any kirid re�ulting in coru�ection with this Agr�ement, including withaut �.a.mitation. those caused 3ay a User'� apearatians ar the misc�anduct or negla.ger�'� a�ts, errars or amissions o� a Tls�r, or an� pers�n riirectly or indirectly emplc�ye�l by th�em, or any of them� wh�le engaged in any �cta�uity can the Premises. 9 . i�efault. If ea.ther garty to this Agreemen� fails �a perform �.n a�cc�rdance with t�e terms, ' cave�ants and c�nditi�ans ❑f this Ac�reern�nt or is ath�rwise a.n default af any Qf the "�ern1s +of th�.s Agre�ment. after giving �h�ee da�s' nvti�� to the ath�r part� c�f the al�eged default, and upran said defaul�ing p�.rty's failure tv cur� such brea�ch w�thin sa�cl three �a�rs. �.he z�vn�efa�lting garty c�ts�tw.c�1� —3— r,e��,1� ,�y�aacs�;oovx�t ' � � � shal� have the �pti�n tv immediaC�ly te�'minate thia Agreem��t and pu�sue a�l remedies a�ailable at law or �n �quity. 10, D�le�ati�nlA�siQnrn�nt, �wner shall n�t delegate its . duties under thi� Agreement ar assign this Agreement without the pr�ar written consent of VAI. 11. �otice�. Any notice, demand ar ��mmuni�atian wh��� either part� m,ay desi�e or �e require� to give �o th� other party shall b� �n writing and shall �e d�emed suffic��mtly give� vr rendered if de�ivered person��ly or �ent by firs� cla�s United State� mai�, gostage grepaid, addres�ed a� �o3laws: If tv VAI: Vail Assvciates� Inc. P. Q. Box 7 vail, Col�ra�o 8T658 Attentio�: Legal �egt. ��mpliance �fficer cc: Mr. �oe Ma�y If to Owner: Chri�tiana, Ltd. 356 Hansc�n Ranch Road �Tailf C�lor�d❑ ��.f58 At�entican: Mr. FauI. �ahnstc�n Either party shall have the right �a de�ignat� i�n writing, se�v�;d �s prvvided abave, a different address to which any notic�. demand or comanunicatian is Ga be rnailed. 1� . En ir A ��ement. This Agreement eontains the �ntire agr�em�;nt and understanding c�f the parti�es with r�spect to the entire subject matter here�f, and �her� are no r�gresentatian�, inducements, prom�.s�:s r�r agreernents, aral ar otherwise, nvt e�boda.�d herein. Any and �.11 pr�ar discussions, agre�ments, prvposals, n�gotiativns and repr�s�ntation� rela�ing �her�ta �r� merged h�rein, 13 . Misce3.laneou�. (a) �f an� clause �r gr�vision 4f �his Agreemer�t shall kae held ta be invalid in whal� ❑r in part, then the �e�naining �lauses and provisi�ns. or portian� �.hereof, sh�ll never�heles� be and remain in full �c�rce and effect- ♦ (h) Nc� amendment, al�era�ion, maclif�cativn of c�r add�tion te thi� Ac�r��ment sha7.1 be valid rr binding unl�ss expre�sed in writing and �ign�d 3�y �he par�ies to b� k�aund there�y. �c� The captivns af each se�tian are added as � matter o� canvenience anly and sh�ll be �ansidered �f r�v effect �.� th� cvnstru�tion af any provisi�n vf �his Agre�ment, c:tiSiHA.cC'ON -�,- 7„ue a,is92z amryWdc:lcaatt�ct .,` _ y, ' r M • ~ � � ��d] If any party heret�o ahall k�rin� any suit c�r actian agairist anoth�r far re3ief, declaratory or atherwise, a�asing �u't of t�is A�reementr the pre�ailing party �hall have �r�d recvver against the othe�r par�y, in �cidition tc� a�.l cvurt costs anc� dis�ursements, such sum as the Caurt may adj�dge �.a b� r�asflnable attorneys' fees. (e) This �Agreement sha11 lae gc�ver�ed by and interpreted in accor�ance with the laws of the State af C�lorar�a. (f) Any and all warranties, prc,visi.ons, �ights �nd vbligaGicans nf Che parties herei�n described and a�reed to be perfarmed subsequent �v the term�n�tion of �hie Agreemc�nt shall aurvive th�e t�rmi.nation af this �gre+em+�nt. {3) Time is af the es�ence wi�h respect to the per��rnianc�: Qf �ach af the covenants an�3 agreements herein set forth. �N WITNESS WH�R�OF, the parties h�:reto hav� e�ecuted this Agreement as a� th� re�gective c�ates set forth belaw ta l�ecc�me �ffective �.s of the ciate of this Agree�ent. VAIL �.SSaCIATES, INC. . CHRISTIP�NA, LT�. , a +�vl�oracia eorpvratir�n . a Colarado limit�d par�.nership � � gy y ��: .. Ti�l . . . Titl�: Date: `� Date: G�� , cx,sr�a,r�corr -S- �+�s,is�xx .my��� .. �;� s . ` � „ � T�'WN OF �IA►�L . :, ~,a P��w��v. Ga24 S� � ��TFt E ET C lJ T PE R M IT �WN D�'�A�]�L Cantract�a��cop�r 10 Dt kept on�obsltr, . c� 1. ��.��1.S.i�IL$�r��h �toad��Chr,istiania a[ Vail��� _�_� _. � I.7o�w+n.arLoe'+t�vr+oiwax� . .__ r�_ � Jaek Baskin Excav P.O. Br�x 26 Vail C� 81658 . I�c..*.tr+q�Oew.c�or.waen..++ae..w r++e�rr�nw r+s.� � 3. Work is for. tc�r.«�.y 1+V�AT�R SEW�R G14S ELECTRlC TELEPHaF+if TY CA9LE i�TH�R � j t����� � �� . f Permlt Foe � Bil1 ta: � De�b�e Roeland 59�1 � �a icf: �� R+9Cef pt N: �,� � > �NSPEG7i+Q�!REMARKS � '� � � � s SKEfCH PLAN O��IfQRK A�'TACH�t] � . ' � � �;: ti��f_ ARPLICA�ION FOR TOWN C?F VAIL ----� �,:;� PuBLI�WAY P�RMI7 1 d �'[7�"ilt QF I��L � � ; „ � � ,: . ' 's -� ` � '',:�: ,_ ��:;(� ' JcsEa Name . l�egal Des�riptian� �,;Street Address �' Excavating Cantra�iar Name Address Phane# TOV Contracior"s License�furn�Qr �` S4art Date Comp€etion Date (Permit Expirativn[�a#e� 4�, INork is far{circ�e�n�) Water Sewer Gas Electric TelephQne GAN Qther ,'Lanciscaping t Ternpc�rary Site Access _. ... 5. Tr�ench-wid#h Length �,`�-�, Depth {min. 4'J 6and Amc�unt $ Perrr�if Fee $F� _.', � Tatal Permit Fee $ 6. ALL MATERIAL, �QUIPMENT,ANa TRAFFIC CD�JTR+OL.I�EVICES MUST B�ON TNE JOBSITE BEFC7R�THE J�8 IS STARTED. 7. Rut�b�r�ut-riggers are required an excavatisag equipment when warking an asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. S. A signature beiQUV indicates� reView of the ar�a and utility facations and apprc��a�s. Qnce a!1 utildty cpmpany sigr�atures�re obtained, �ermittee has optdQn of r�uting applicstian through the Public Works office to abtain the necess�ry 7'own of Vail si�nafiures. Please allow ane week to pracess, L��p�r Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation {�7fi-748Q) --:;`r ` � _ " � _ - � ' �. � �,� }�- � ����� _ $ � l� � �t . FubliC Servtce Campany �1-8(1U-922-1987} � �� ��� �i7,�` ��v�"a}� . y -- PSCQ—h�atural Gas�rc�up �4Ei8-252FiJ ��`,r' �.�;- , 4`tfi;:'�p-• .�.-- .' ,; �,.. _ .. Holy Cras� Electric CarrtPany {949-589�) � -- _ %4'�% �' � -- u.s. we5t �y-s�o-���-a ss�� -�r. �: � ��s<� , .�., ��=- �� , : TCI Cablevision of the Rockfes (94�-5530) ''�� �".;� "P �,� '� _- 4��-- ?r�--� ; , -�`���--�- TQ�nrr�of Vell: Irrigation (�79�-21 rrt) -_ Electricians (479-�177) r `�,r�'��> I'ubfic Works �47�-215�) �_; t_ .- ;- _ � . � - 9. THERE WILL B� �!0 7DTAL STREET CLOSURES! A con�truction traif��e can#rQl plan must be approved by the Public Warks []e�a�trnen# prior��issuanc�of the permit. 1 D. All exca�atiQn must k�e done by hand within 18"' af utilities– {Senate 6i1� 172). 11. F'ermittee mus#�ont�ct PUbiic Wc�rl�s bepartment at 479-215� 24 hours prior to cc�rr►mencir�g back#iil operatipns, Failure to �rest�fy the T�wn will result in f�rfe+ture ot boncf m�n�y. ScheduRed inspections v+rhich are not reacfy may result in the Town charging t�e cantra�tor a reinspecxian fee. 1�. I cert�fy thai I h�ve reat�ail�cha�ters�f Title 12–Streets and Sidewalks, �of€he Vaitl �lunici�al Gode and al! utility comp�r�y agreements, signed by me, ar�d wil�abi�e by th�same, and that all utiiities hau�been r�r�tified as required. �'" ,�-- �;� - �cintractc�r's Signature vf Agreeme�zt Dafe�rf�ignattire A�TfACH P!AN CiF WQRF�, lNC�UI]I�lG CC)NTiRCJ�TIOIV T#�A�FIC CpIyTROL PL4N Show streets with names, buildings, and Ic�catidn af cuts. L�SE DASH LE�I�S FC3R CUT. f ��: � :� �;:: � <;>. � ;f � � �� THIS tS NUT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! V`Uhita—�ubtlie Warks Yellvw--Fin�nce Pink—Community Develvprnen# Gaid—Coniractpr � �,��r ,�r�y r► ✓�.t`� � -- . " �: T�YY� LJF Y�� - +� i f PERMIT t�C}. ___ y P U B L I�C WA�Y P E R M�T To����t���r, �� f �� P , � Cnntraetar s co to be ke t on o6site. C 0 U I a C�f�i?�iTf1;�A d.t7Ia�G` ;r.,r o 1. . . . , c� ,Joh Nama c�r Ln„�rinn v1 Workj �. � .�,.�.{. � .`�, ir L�?`. ''4��i .���'..- `; P{�xa`. ,+�;. , t�. ;i;�r�•7 a T' � • ` m (Excavating Gontractor's Name,Atldrass,Fh�na,and License Ne.) � E 3. W4rk is fpr (circle ona} WATER�SEVIIER GAS EL�CTRIC TELEPHON� �CABLE N UTHER � LANOSCAPING TEMPaRARY 51TE ACGESS x C d i . � i PE.'td71E'��2B �' �T��� {Gontraclor's Bignalurej � ,: e_ _� m � _.. jl' gl��tC1: � 0 i�..` y Paid: � '� �'�:; . ". . ,,��,:� Receipt�: � (�'ublic Nlarks5 �PuC�ic workc} Y `o � fNSf�EC71QN REM14RKS: � __ __- n � a . c S SKETCJ� PL�lh1 aF W�RK ATTACEIED 1 . . � � �.� a:. +... . "� .j fv"s .` x' APPLi�CAT�10N F4R - �` `ti-�.� �`�� TdWN OF VAIL -" ''�i� PUB�.fC WAY PERM17 19 �'Q��?�r��'j';��'�, 1. ,'' ._ ...__ " . � _ Job f�ame Legal[]eseriptian Street Rcidress r' ,r .. � ;� �� Exca+�ating Contractar Name Address 1 Phane H TiaV ConCractor's License Number �, Start Date � Gampletion Date �Permi;Exp'rratian Oat�) 4. Work Es f�r (cir�fe one) Water �ewer �as Electric Teiephon� CATV C7t[�er Landscaping T�mporary Site F�ccess 5. �'rertch-width Leng#h Dep#h � �rnin. 4'� �3ond Amount $ --.� , _-- Permit Fee � � `"�y ~ T�t�i Permit F�� $__ "~`' `- :,t� -- 6. AL� MATERIA�, �QUi�'MENT, AND TAAF�IC�t7hlTFif�L DEViC�5 MUST BE �N THE,IQBSfTE BEF+�RE TNE JC]B 1S START��. � ?. Rubber aut-r�ggers are required vn excavating equip�nent wt�en working an aspha9t. A�pha4t surfaces u�derneath #he k�ucket shall be �Sro#ected �t all times. 8. A signature belaw indicates a r�view of t#�e area ar�d utility Ivcations ar�d ap�rovals. fln�e all utiCity company signatures are abtair�ed, permittee has option af routin� application through the I'u#��ic Works affie�tn obtain the necassary Town ofi Vai! signatur�s. Please allow one week to process. Upper EagEe Val�ey VWa#er and Sanitati�n {478-7�8t7) �" �'ubfic Seruice Ccampany (1-8D(7-922-1987} � - PSCC]—N�tural Cas Group {468-2�28� ,}:, _ri -:.� w�::�-�., ,���u:y F#oly �Crass Electric Cor�pany (949-5892) 1J.5. West {1-$DO-922-1987} _ ,_,_ .,s �.__:�a.��-. �. _..._, ".: � ;� ..;�..�, .�, _.. 7'CI Cableuisian af the Rocki�s (949-5530)� ��„�; �-��,.� ,` ,� _ _.�,,; .� Town of Va31: �� Irrigation �479-�1�61� ,�_�_ �I�ectricians (479-2171 j , , Pubfic Works {479-215$) '' A ; r _ , � 9. THEFiE W1LL BE N�70TAL STREET C�flSUR�S! A constra�ction tra�fic contral pian rnust be approv�d by the Pufialic Works Department privr to issuance af the perrrtit. 141. All �xcav�tian must be dane by#�artti r,�i#hin 78'" pf u#ilities- (S�nat� Bill 17�7. 11. Permittee must cantact Public Warks Departrr�ent at 479-215$24 hor�rs RFinr to commencing back#ill o�erations. Failur�to notify+the Tc�wn will r�esult+n farfeit�tre of band rnnney. Schedul�d �nspeetions which ar� not ready may r�suBt En the Town charging the�ontractor a reir�spection fe�. 12. I c��tify t�at I have read�II chapters Qf Title 12-Streets and Sidewafks, of th�Va�l Mur�ici�al Cade and all utifity � corrrpany agreements, signe�i by m�, and v�ii abide by the�ame, and that all utilities hav� been n�ti#ied as require�. ___ ; - - __—. Gontractor's Sigr�ature of Agreement Date ai S3gnature ATTACH PLAN QF WQRK, INCLtJa�NG CDNTRUCTiGIN TRAFFIC CC7�7RQL PLAlV Shaw straets witk� nam�s, buildings, �nd Eocation of cuts. USE DASH �INES�OR CUT: ;�,�,,,. �'� C'!i��,r f�a,�J�. -�"�k���'`' ��`�.1� / :. , �` '� �1 _ � � �y��,�— � _ , �' � � t � � j c k.,�+#r' � L.�, . .. •� •� '�' y �'' _.- -- -- - •-- _ _._ � ��-4 �� �S� �+ ,,ti �, � � ° � � - °�"� �LK� !'i�r�L��ti�r L,�c,��C 4�r�� � ���`` -__ ,. ; TH15 IS A�(]T PUBLtG VfJAY PERAAIT! ' White-Putafic W�r'ks Y'eilow- Finance Pink-Community developrnent Gald-Contractor ; '������� i I . �--I .�, °L] - N C J I I � � �� � � � � � � � o � N � L "��7 �7 T � � M � [i? Q C �,,, � L U i�3 [Fi � � CJ � G'ti kW ~ � :ur 'vs � �-' �7 � e''"i 1 � I o d"{7 C�,� � '� � � I� � a� c � ,p � I � � � � € � � � � c�i o p � qy'�7'us � � �} � Ltl � Q I I '� '"� � � c���}' � , �fl 6r I lt3 R7 C � � 1} C � � � � � � I � � O � � � � � � I iri � l� � �� �-1' � � � W � ' W � y ^ � � O ~ � Cl � � � � C 4 � � � � fl] � � �y I � � +. �� CA,� 2 � � C " C p 3 Cy � u, �1 � � I� �� � °•°- � � � ' �� � J � 'C kL � CF "C � Q � 'Ld �O Q7' LL[L � d p y ca [t � w a � ,���j �u'f � tU � a r� � � t]z Z C7 tJ w r � � w _ � � � � m a � w �y t7 U � w d � ��� I� � � � C7� � � �O � � c� � � � z � � z � z � a a ;�I� 1❑ �s �c " 3� � �W a � � � � � � r � d w z ¢., � � I¢ ,� q•- O d rr r.-= H� � m w a � ? a w 3 � U � w � H pp I Z � �� "r F- 0---`-� �I'- G2 W h401AVfl�tlA � a w 4J � � � � � � � �� 4 C3 �-� ca,� � � �a m p m �.y�3 �" +'` t �"-' .r Ct Q L C] �s� o --�� F- � � � h +- ,arn� � •-1 ia g � � Y�j-p :C [s] N � �. �I � � ,2 `� bq ..i cC; � +' � �C7 CC � 41 �' d w � q �! �II � � O LLI ` Rf � � r- 7 � 03'4 U U [1 7� `'C � � .� � � iC , � �. � -a RS C!] � = ZS CY 'F � � � C �'- = r�7 ' ,� h+ � � . t7 � 4SS C � �LY ,� N L � � N SC � � ._ w ua � rJ z I � _ � � - � cv �]7 +3 � 4 U � � - Q-+" �� Q '�`, � � � � C Q " .. {.s �} � � � Y RS O �' � C.? �c cC .0 4 �^ '' � w U a-� �� [U rn � 0} ri C7 � � _ ❑ � i �� � � r� � r � �yy � � cn O 1 � � � � � 3 r � W ��� �'c � � a z ti c r sd � a z ; i � v � 3 -�� � � 47 Q Q•rl :S � w � � � � ' a � � � 'r I' � � c ���°m � � � a � � a � d � ' x � Ecs � r�✓f C7 Or �? � � 4� ¢ w � W �� Q `°' Q- q � W� �, � y+ w Z � u' � J S N p C +ri q � E- I d R7 � p a � � , `� � � � � Z '� ci m � � � a+--I tV ,� 2 ~ �' 1 `i i � � q� � L7 r�l � � C] � � � a i ^ w C7 �� � � Q �' eWi. k d� � t�3 m '�'[ � � � [.�3 tG�'� i ry ,y � �Cd r^'7 N � w � _ ?� O w � I � � 2I Q rn m a O �W � � fi ~ � - � � � � � � LL � � � �, w •�- �n �'�" a�i z � ;�° '�, r,., � i � o � � d � +� r�i a � � y � �] p Y ��y � i � � � a � � � � � � 07 � �� kb � � Z � � � � 2 ��r �+ O {j � � +.s rJ �J I.�G.f �r? 1! 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[.�. � - ;'1 LC � �:=� , ¢ Q � � } F CY6 I� �� �� c`V ' �,- ...1 J 4 �' a � �„" � � � � r � `�,,ti ' �� � � _ u� w J ILM � "� '" v: C? O '� c` w � c�J � `- � z wi � ui � ca� z w � u3 - � b s� � � � � � __" � � [�7 w � w u`'i u�a � � w �-�� c e? C3 � ¢ p J � � e� � r- M � k � r �js�'+ � m � w � f� t'�j � � .• � rx �.r CC L� ---� L� [e 4�' w� � � � � � '+L � 4] � Q � 4 � Q V C�.� O y� i- �i 1il �� J d � � W Q � � m � � � � � � ia �--.,r� 1 �3 � ❑�LF'' �` U � w w. � • s� p� � � tS7 C.�j � � � � � � U � � � W � Q f� {� .� � � .� � � � �' � Q Q � � � � � �v0 � � � C? a � ; � � �k y � - - +�I! �i � �fl�� �� V�I 75 soulh trvnlage raad� vail, Coiqrad4 81657 {aoa} 479-2I,38 or 479-2134 odilce oi cammunity deve�aprnen! �`�`: ALL C�NTR.AC'TC3RS CURRENTLYL REGI;TEREI7 W�TH THE �c�wrr Q�° v�,xr� FRaM, T�WN QF V,AI� PU�LIC W�RKS/CaMNIiJt�IZTY l]EV£LDPI�SE�T'�' � QATE: �iAR�H lfi r 1988 SLJSJEC'�: CONSTRT..TCTIQN PA�K�TdG & MATEF��AL S'TdRAGE In surnznar�, Ordir�ane� No. 6 states that zt is unlawfuI, fc�r any p�rson tca J.i�'�er, track or deposit any s�iJ., rc�ck, �and, de�rris ar materia�, �.ncluding trash dumps�ers, pc�rtab7.� toi,lets and wor},raen vehicles upvn any str��.t, szdewalk, a11ey or public place or any portian �h�reof, The rzght-�f-way an a3,1 Town o� Vail streets and raads is approximately 5 ft. off paver�ent. Thzs ordinance wi3� be str�,c�ly enfarc�d k�y th� '3'own af Vai�. Pu�3.ic Works l�epar�ment. P�rs�ns__found vio].ating �.h.i.s �rdinan�e wil�. be giv�n a �4 hQUr written nc�tic� ta r�move said mat�r�.al, In th� ever�t the persr�n so nntified dcses not cvmp7�y wi�h the natice within the 24 hour tzme specifa.�d, th� Pub�ic Warks I]epartnent w�.Il rer�ove said mat�rial at th� expense of person nat�fz�d. The grcav�s�r�n� of thi� c�rdin�nce sha].]. not be , ag�pl.icable to cons�ructianR maa.ntenance �r r�p�ir projects r�f any s�.reet or a].ley or any utilities in the righ�-a-wa�y. To review Ord�nance Nc�, 6 z.n £u�1, , pleas� sto�a by th� Town a£ Vail Bu�.lding pegartrsent tv e,bta�.n a capy. Thanl�e you for your cc��p�zatioa� a� this mat�er. - Read and a�knowl�edged by: Position/Re�ationship ts� Proj ect (z.�, contr�cta�, own�er) I3ate . .� � � .� '+�i� ���� �� ��� •� ?S sauth frontage road . ►r�il, C�DI4rado 81fi57 4343y 479-2138 oz 474-2�39 ofi{ce ai cornmuni#y devefapmef�# 4•'� BUIL�i�IG PERT;IT ISS�JAd�CE TIM'� FRAh4E � rf thi.s p�rmi,t r�q�ri,res a Tawn Qf Va i 1 Fi re Department Appraval , Engi neer'�s �.Publ i,c Wo�k�) re�i ew and approva7 , a Pl anni ng D�partmer�t review� Qr Hea�th Department revi�w, and a review by �I�e 8ui�ding U�partr�en�, the estimated �ime fc�r a totai rev�ew may take �a� ��ng as tfiree weeks,. A17 commer�ial (3arge or smail } ar�d all mu7ti-family ��r�its wi�7 have to f���t�w �he abvv� r��ntioned maxim�m requfrements . Resident�a] �nd smal3 ,pro,jec�s sh�u7� take a le�ser amount �f time. �owever, if r�esi.dential ori �maller prajects impact the +rari�us ��iove ment��n�d de�artm�t�ts wi.tti. regard t� necessa�ry r�view, these pro,�ects may a�sa take t�� tl�ree we�k period. - Every at��mp� 4ri,1� b� mad� by this department tv exp�d�te tf�is permi'� as s.�on as possi�le. I, tiie under�igned, �nd�rstand t�re plan check pracedur� an� tir�e � frame. . . . . f Ac�r�e tc� y.+ P�^o j�ct �ame aate l�ork Sheet was �urr�ed i nta t e C�mmurr�ty pevelopment ae�art�ent. � . � � � c II�SPEC�I�3N F�EQU�ST PERMIT IVUMBER (]F PR+�JEC7 TC�VI�+'I01 UF V,AI� 1]AT� J�B NAME , ;: ;: . ; ., ^, , : , - -___� GALLER READY FOR I�ISPECTION. MC3N TUES WED THUR �RI AM PM ��CATIQN: BUILDIMG: PLUM8ING; G FClO�'INGS / �TEEL p UNDERGRC3UND _ � FatJNDAT601V / STEEL ❑ RCJUGH I a.W,V. ❑ FRAMI�JG ❑ RC7UGH 1 WATEFi � ROCJF & �HEER p �q� �IPfNG PL4'WQtJD NAILIfJG — ❑ INSULATICIIV _._ __ ❑ Pf�(7L i H. TUB ❑ 5�-i�'�TR�CK NAIL p ❑ C7 ❑ �lNAL ❑ FINAL _.... ELECTRICAL: MEG�iAMICAL: Q TEMP. PC]WER ❑ H�ATIi`�G ❑ RQUGH ❑ EkHAUST HOC]E�S l� CONDUI`f ❑ SUPP�LY AIR _. � __ � � �IN1�L ❑ �INAL _ - [� AP�ROVEC7 ❑ �ISA€'PRC7VEQ 0 REIhlSPECTIC7N REQUiREa C�I�A�CTIO�JS: DATE � -`� INSPECTUR ��,�xi�.-_ ;, � ��� �, �,, PERMIT Nl1MBER CJF PRQJ�CT II�I�PEC71�7M �EQL��Sfi ; TC3WN C}F VA1 L �AT� �` ' JQB NAME _ r� �;J. , - i_ �-G �' CALLER RE►��Y FC]R I�J�P�CTIrJiV: MON TUES WE❑ THUR FRI AM PM LQ GAT��N: BUiLDlNG; i�L41MBING. � FaC�TING51 STEE�. ❑ UNDERGR+aUN� 0 FOUNDATIdN I STE�L p RC7U�H 1 C3.W.V. 0 FRAMI�IC L] R�UGH / WATER � RQQF & SHEER p GA5 PIPING �'LYWOOD �lAI�lN� O iNSULATIc�N p PQ�f7L 1 H. TUB � SH�ETRO�CK h�AIL p ❑ l7 ❑ FINAL ❑ FI�IAL ELEiCTRICAL: MECHANICAL. ❑ TEMR. P+DWER Q HEATiNG ❑ f�OUGI-I .� ❑ EXHAUST HC]C7QS � E� �GUNC]IJIT p SlJPPLY AiR ❑ p � � FINAL _ �] FIh,IAL �'] A�P�Rt3VEC] C] DISAPPROVEa �] R�IIVSPECfiI(�N FiEC1UIRE[) CORRECTIONS: � -+� >�' _ r r_�_�:- , � DATE IhJSPECTC3R �„_"�`: ' � f�J � � P'�RMIT NUM�ER QF PR�J��`f INSP'E�TIC�Iw REQUEST • T�Wk� C7F VAfL i7AT� JQB h9AME " '� "�r ' ' , e r ,�^ i �i�k��E� /�`I,, I • . R�ADY FL�R i�1SP�CTIaN: MC�N �UES WEC} THUR FRI AM PM Lf}CATIC�N: — _� , � L . _ , _ . �3UILDING: PLUMBING: ❑ FQG�TINCS / STEEL p UhILERGR�UNQ ❑ FC?UI�QATIOh! / STE�� [] R�UIJGH 1 D.W.V. ❑ FRAMIi�+IG 0 RQ.IUGH f 1NATER ❑ R[]QF E� SHEER � GAS PIPING PLYWO�D NAILING ❑ INSULATION �.. p P+QOL / H. YL18 � SHE�TROCK NAIL Q � 0 � FINAL ❑ FINAL ELECTRI�AL: MECHA�►ifCAL: � TEMP. PQWER O HEA�ING ❑ �{C7UGH 0 EXHAlJST H�OQS 0 CO[�1DUlT 0 SIJPPLY Al�i . � 0 � FINAL ❑ FIN�1L Q A�PPF�C)VEa ❑ QISAPP�OV�a � FiEINSPEGT�QN REC]tJ�RED CC7RRECTIQNS: :� DATE INSR�CTOR �� f ' � � P���ni-r NuMB�� aF �RQ��c�r ����ECT10�11 REQUEST ,, TC)W'fv C�F VAIL F.. DATE JC38 NAME �' f � f , - , �F � - CALL.�R ik.., REAC}Y FC}R INSPECTEfJN: MON TUES WED THUR F�tl AM PM L��C+4TIDN: BUILDIhIG: PLUM8ING: � FO�TINGS 1 STEEL ❑ UhJDERGRC?UND ❑ FC3�INDATIC?N ! ST�EL [� AOLIGH f D.`V+,�.V. ❑ FRAMING ❑ ROEJGH / WATER � F�DUF & SHE�R C� GAS PfPING PLYING�4Q lVAI�I NG � II�SULATE[3TJ ❑ �OC]L / H. TUB ❑ SF1�ETlRC1CK I�AIL ❑ ❑ p !� ���'"��- � FINAL ELECTRICAL: ME+GI-iAfVICAL. ❑ TEMP. PQW�R �? HEATING ❑ F3dUGFfi � EXH�4UST Hi��)[lS � ❑ CONDUIi' CJ SUPPLY AIR ❑ - � -- ' � FINf�L __ ❑ FIIVA� �_ ,G7 APPR�DV�❑ ❑ DISAPPRC]VED ❑ REINSPEGI'IC?N REt�UI�CE� GOFiRECTIOh�S: [3ATE ` INSPEGTfl�R - � .,��� ,;�; �.� ., ,r-,� �.:� �--. . , � � ' y '� - - IhISPECT��]N RE(��E�T PERMIT NUMBER QF PRC}.�ECT TpWI� UF vAf L 1 �; DATE _ __ � J4B NAM� ; � � ,f, - CAL LER '� �- ` `' "y R�ADY F�R INSPECTI(�N: MQhJ TUES WED THUF3 FRl , AM FM L�7CATB(��V: e_+, �, BCJ[LDING: I�LIl14+IBING: ❑ FC3UTII�J�S / STEEL � UN�ERGF30Ui+lD — 0 FQUIVI�ATI JN 1 STEEL ❑ F;�7UGH 1 D_W.V. �I Fi�AM�NG ❑ RUUGH 1 WATER ��OF & SHEEF3 ❑ GA5 PiPING _.._ ❑ P�YW�dC7i� NAILING -- 0 INSULATI(�N ❑ POQL / H. TllB ❑ SHEETROCK NAIL _... ❑ ❑ ❑ C7 ��NAL ❑ FiNAL EL�CTRICAL: f4+�ECHANtCAL: ❑ TEMP. P�?WEF# ❑ HEATfNG _.._., _ ._.__ .. � RC3U�C H 0 EXHAUST HD0�5 ❑ �C71'JDUIT — p SUPPLY AIR ❑ 'p _ - �] FI�'JAL _ _ ❑ FINAL G7,A�PROV�C7 I� �1SAPPRC]VED ❑ REINSP�GT#C?N REQUlRED CURRECTI�NS: ,���- , _ ,.. �'. .�_ .: � <,, ' - ` . . � _, . , _ ... , _ . J f . . ' .. . -� ' . -.. . . - 1 � ' � �;1 - . ._-� ' � E]ATE - � � ._ - �' _ INSPECT�3R _�;,y - �.� y; - �?lileF[9�Ir�V ��� �` ��� � � � _ ��' � �' ' ' � � ( m ' �.� w � I � � � � � � I � o e � � � [� -t � �w s., � U � Uj G7 T— Q , IlL I� C,f7I T/7�� �r+. .. (� �-{- C� �i 4 F� f 7 Z7 t�7 G {U lL CJ �Q � L � U� CC �'3 O .,� �,1 � � � � . � � I �.� � � Sf! . 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D o '� i p � � � �- � �- � ►- � � LL � �� ' � a � � � w � c � o � v c� � � o c, � ° � mw � � a ti aU `—' C� � r,�j � r- � �;� � � � �❑� � � m � � � � � � � (r s � � � r f m � G7 �j O ¢ �7 � � '� � � uur � Q � '��i .. v . � r� a �- o � o 0 , c� c� � � �. � � � � � � y � ' yk ,F k � � +�� t���� �t Vai 75 south frorolage road vai], colorado 91fi57 (3�3) 479-2138 or 479-2I39 afflce cti cammunity devefopment fit3: ALL C��I'I'RACT�RS CUR�t�13TLYL REGISTER£I7 W'�Tki TFiE 'I`OWN OF �IAI L FROM: TQWN QF VAIL Pi7$I,IC WORKS/'CC7F�TUIyTTY LIEVELOPriENT DATE� N�AF�CH 1 F�, �9$8 S�TBJ'ECT: CQi�1STR'UC��QN PA�KING & MATERIAL STORAGE In sa�mmary. Ordinanc� �To. 6 �tat�s �hat it is unZawfuZ fc�r an�,• person tc� �itter� track or d�pr�sit any soiz , rock, sand, debrzs or materia�, includir�g tr�sh dumpsters, p�rta�I� �oizets and warkmen vehic].�s upon any street, �idewalk, aZl�y vr public p1�ce t�r any pr�rtion therec�f. The right-af-way c�r� aZ1 Town of �7ai1 stre�ts and roads is approximately 5 ft. a�f ���ret�ent. This ordiraance wiZl be strict.�y enforcer� by the Town of Vaa.l Pub�ac Warks I7epar�r�ent. Fersons faund viQlating �his ordinance will b� g�ven a �4 haur writ�en notice tc� rerttove said ma�eri�l. In the even� the per��n sa natified does nvt comply with tk�e r�otice within th� 24 hour tirn� specifi,�d, the Public Wc��ks �epartM�nt wi11 remc�ve saa.d material at the expertse af parsan nc�tzfied. Th� p�c�visic�ns af thzs vrdinancc sha1.1 not k�e �PP�zcable tfl constructzc�n, maintenan�ce or repa�r prr�jects of any str�et c�r al.ley c�r any utilities in the ric�ht-a-way. T� review oxdinar�ce Nca. 6 in full, please str�p hy the Town oE Vail }3ui�din� D�p�,rtment to vbt�.in a copy. Thank you for y�ur cnaperat��n on th�s ma�ter. Read and acknc�wl,edged by: ��� ! C.px�c�. Po�itivn/Relat,it�nshi.p to P�c�j ect {i.e. cc�ntr�,c'�or, Qwner} �� � � I7at � � ( � ��� �� ���� I �� �r ��• �'� �.� �}� � � ��t� �F�(�#��►. `�J — _ — __ _ �---�I� � , • ' , , � � - ' _ . 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