HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN 1969 LEGALlultuf*?'t:7' E/*'b ir Laf L W6Uu'"Y/nt': /an5ruhtq /qkf v Job Address... .2,.2,.t........ h& /ffi.. €". state. -.... c. a. &e /*, R. -.Q.c) Total Ailowable Floor Area...... / 6, W-...-...-..S0. Ft. Basis for Increase .......k*?-e..a....-.X........./..,3..2..... COMMENTS OR ASSUMPTIONS: Floor Area: Fi re Zo n e N o.. ... E*.. 3.... -. -. Sto ri es.. 9... rt{. e-r* i *.t.;. t / i L r' Floor (Max,).........-.-.......-..-.....-...-...-.-.-.........-..-...-Sq. Floor (Iotal) Occupant Load. Ft. Ft. - -.\ . Corrections checked below '*q; ) Si""Uf."t' ot Plans and are to be made on soecitications does plans before permit is issued. not permit the violation of any section Building Code, or other City Ordinance otof the Valuation should be $..-.. GENERAL Show job address on plans. Give name of oerson resDonsible for Dlans. Submit fully dimensioned plot plan. Give all dimensions on olot Dlan. AREA LIMITATIONS AND GENERAL OCCUPANCY REQUIREMENTS Ground elevations should be shown at corners ot the building and at changes In ground slope. The Eround elevations should be taken at the lowest point between the exterror wall and apoint 5 feet out or at the property line, rf closer. Where lhe exterror wall rs parallel to and within 5 feet of a public srdewalk. alley, or other public way, the ground elevatrons should be the elevatron of the publrc way. The number of stories in this burldrng cannot b€ determrned until this data is turnrshed. The lotal floor area is lrmited to square feet. Secirons 505 and (F) Total width of all openings timited to 25 perIf cent of the walt length in the story under- consideration. '(c) All openiflgs protected with hllJ having a tire.resistive rating'- half (three) hou rs. tire assemblies ot one-a nd.one. d) Oucts through area separation walls shoutdj be avoided. It allowed, fire dampers on each required between the . .H 0tl d......r^a4.r2................ Honzontal occupancy separations should be sup.ported with a structural system having equrva. lent tire.resrstive protection. Section 503 (d). The build ing is (....--..-.-..... ,... feet in structure. Section 507 height) as a Type .......... and Table No. 5.D. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION of . ..:................. teet should ..,....... sroes area Durooses, Section 506. should comply side of the wall are required. Sectron 30.102, U.B.C. Sta ndards. A tire.resistive occupancy separation in conform. ance with Table No. 5.8 and Section 503 is Unobstructed ya rds be maintained on of the building for Provtde detarls to show that .hou r a.ea Separatron walls Sectton 505 (c). (a) Extend vertically trom point 30 inches above Type V (lll.N) (lV.N) buitdinCs are not permitted in Fire Zone No. l. Sectron 1602 (3). Root coverings shoutd be tire retardant. Section 1603 (a) or l7O4- Detarts or specrtications com.plyrng wrth Section 3203 (e) are requrr€d. with toithe toundation the roof. Sheet No.-.....1..."..o1....,....6.........sheets Exterior (court) watts witli as required in Section 1703. lines should be of............--.. .hour construction.Section .................... 03 (a). Openings in exterror (court) walls withrn ......... .fe€t ol propeny lrnes shcutd be protected with thfee.fourths.hour fire assembties. Sectron .................. 03 (b). Usable space under the first floor exceot inGroup l(J) Occupancres shorrld be enctosed 'gypsum board ceilings should be not less than 2.inch nominal thickness. Section 4704 (b). ISection 4703 (b) for wall stripping.l Final partition layouts and details should be sub. mitted prior to installation to justify compliancc---with occupan6y, tire-resistlve, structural, j\ .l''exit req ur remen ts. {\#. Justifying test data in coniormance with Section 106 or an ICBO research recommendation is required for Rooms in which rubbish (linen) chutes terminate should be separated from the remainder of the building with a one.hour occupancy separation. Section 3003. or suspended wood systems for rubbish and linen chutes should in required extt corridors or stair. JUUJ. feet ot Fire.resistive construction tor structu ral elementsin the exterior walls should comotv with Foot. :%jdt*. 3'. "t::i,. I i, Ji A, ili,,,:...i[T Euilding paper shoutd be apptied to exteriorwalls as specified in Section IZ07 (a). Enclosures for floor openrngs snoutd compty wtth Tabfe No. 17.A, Sectron 1106, and Ctrait6r 30. Oetails should clearty Indicate this. Structurat members carryrng masonry or con.ctete.walls in buildings oveione story rn heigntsnoutd be protected wrth mrnrmum one.hourtirg protection. Sectron 1708 ..;t_L....?t!t.P. en_.......E. t a !_.8.(4.*.t............-*+6hnc.f-l*.." .............:......... Openings into not be located ways. Section ::::t1 _T:::11_".: :::_1i::Ttit_1 .,,. Group B 8.3 Occupancies should resastive constrgction itor above the tirst story. Group C B-2 Occupancies with an occupant load of 1000or more should be in Type l, tl, or lll one-hourbuildings. The assembty room snould not bein a basement if it contains this high occupant load. Section 702 (b). The main entrance should front direc y uDon orhave a 2o.foot wide access to a pubirc wav atleast 20 feet in width. Section 703. Light and ventilation should comply with Section 705.,;..Fr A one.hour tire.resistive occupancy separatiorii{:] required between the borter or central heatingplant and the rest of the buitding. Sectron 7081 Exterior openings for rooms containing a boileror central heating plant should be protected with three.fourths-hour lire.resistave assembliesthat are tixed, automatic, or self.closing if lo. cated Aelow openings in another story or if lessthan l0 feet from other doors or windows inthe same building. Section 208. be of one-hour tire. located in a basement Section 702 (b). Nonabsorbent tinish and walls and floor should 1711 (a). a backing for torlet room conform with Section Shower stall walls should be finished with a hard.nonabsorbent surfacC to a h'eight of G feet.Section l7ll, (q. fL6 A^) L t) Doors and panels ol shower closure should comply withto (e). htub en.r71i (c) Parbpet walls not less than inches inheight are required, Section 1709. Eave overhangs and similar architectural oro. iections should comply wrth Sectron 1710.' Metal roofing (siding) shoutd be bonded andgrounded in contormance wrth the local etec.trical code. Section 17I5. Projections beyond the exrerror wall should con.lorm with the least festrrctrve ot the lo owtnB:(a) A point one.thtrd the distance to rhe orooenvline from an exterror wal. Sectron 504 (b). - (b) A point one.thrrd the distance from ah as.sumed venical plane tocated where tire.resistive protection ol openrngs ts first re-qurred due to locatron of propeny. Section504 (b). ano Section Envelope cetlings shoutd satrstv the lollowinc condrtrons ISectron 4303 (b) 6:l:(a) Should not be used to provrde fire protection beam and girders supporttng more than onetloor. (b) Columns should be individua y tire protected.(c) Ouct and outlet openrngs are irmrred to lO0square Inches rn each 100 seuare teet ofc€iling ar"a and shoutd be Drotected with approved tire dampers.(d) Electrical outlet boxes shoutd be ol steel andnot greater than 16 square inches In area. GypSUm board Cerlrngs tn ContunCttOn wtth fire.resrstrve assembtres snourd be supponed atintervals not erceeding I6 inches. ltem ZS,Teble No. 43.C. Euildings housing Group C Occupancies shoutdbe of one.hour ftre.resistive construction throughoul. Section 802 (a) and Table No. 5.C. Use of rooms should be clarified. Note thatrooms having an occupant load of more than IOO and rooms used tor kindergarten, fiGt, or second grade cannot be located above the ftrststory above grade except in Type I construc. .tion. Section 802 (b). other classrooms. Section 802 (b). A one.hour fire.resistive separation is requiredbetween taboratories, shops, storage rooms.Inese areas should also be separated from 42, rtil. One required exit should tront directly upon, orhave a 2o.foot wrde access to, a puolic wav atleast 20 feet in wrdth. Section 803 (a). Sanitary tacitrties should be provided in accord. ance wrth Section 805. Light and ventilation ihoutd comply with 805. sh.st No......e......ot........F..........ShcGt! I € v. 48,A one.hour fire.resistive occupancy separation is required between the boiler or cenrral heating plant and the rest ot the burlding, Section 808. Group O 49.Group D, Division 1 Occupancies shoutd be of Type I or ll constructron unless comprytng wtth the Exception in Sectron 902 (b). 50.Group D. Division 2 (3) Occupancies should beof one.hour fire-resisttve construction throush. out. Table No. 5.C. Et Light and ventilation should comply wrth Sectiononq 52.A one.hour fire.resistive occupancy separatron is required b€tween the borler or central heatingplant and the rest of the butlding. Section 908. 53.Exterior openings for rooms containrng a boiieror central heatrng plant should be ptotected with three.fourths.hou. frre.resritrve assembliesthat are tixed, automatrc, or seif.closing if located below openings rn another story or if less than IO feet fronr other doors or windows in the same building. Section 908. Group F 0 , r!.wi/ -lrt/t I U 54.Motor vehicle service statrons should be of non. combustible or one-hour ttre-reststive construc. tion. Section I 102 (b). {"- 55.Storage areas in exc€ss of 1000 square feet in connection with wholesale or retail sales should be separated trom the public areas by a one. hour fire-resistive occupancy separation unless the building is equipped throughout with anautomatic tire-extingutshing system. Sectionrro2 (b). 55.LiSht and ventilation should comply with Section1105. 7S +\ sFolr b. tak"n fro|ir ourcjde. 57.Exhaust ventilation at or near tloor level is re.quired by Section 1105. Y/ 58.A one.hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is required between a boiler room or central heat. ing plant and the rest of the buitding. Section 11o8. Group H 59.A Group H Occupancy more than two stories in height or having more than 3000 square feet above ,the tirst floor should be of one.hour fire.resistive construction throughout. Section 1302 (b). 50.The following rooms should have wtndow areas8s specified in Sectron 1305 .(a), one'.halt of .i.:l'.r.tTlt,=,',,,.,,,,,.,,,'',,,',, : :::: : : :: :: : 61.Mechanical ventilating system in bathrooms should provide 5 l,<< no",q air change difectlyto the outside. Section 1305 (a). 62.Windows trom ..... ..-............. shoutdnot be considered as furnishing requtred light or ventilation since they do not open to a yard, court, or street in accordance wtth SectionI305 (a). 43.Courts bounded on lour sides with watls should be at least l0 feet in length. For courts morethan two stones In hertnt. the requrred wroth should be rncreased by one toot and the re-quired length by 2 teet tor each additional story. Section 1306 (c). \<n {/ \\ .-lNY 54.HabiiE-ble rooms in cellars are not allowed. See"habitable room". detinitron in Section 409The intent is to prohibit such roorns to beformed with retaining walls.v 55.' ri;;;' iii;' ;i;;;;m' ;;lii; !' ii;, J;i?".i;::. " l; Section 1307 (a). oo.;;; ; ;i;i;;;' iliiii;ii.iJi" irJ3:'";:'Lo' square feet. Section 1307 (b). ,pv 67.A toilet room should not open directly into i kitchen. Section 1305 (b). E1aFpT,o!i $* AA Efficiency dwelling units should comply with Section 1308. ;4.. o:,,A one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation. is required between a boiler room or centfal heatinS plant and the rest of the building. Section 1312. 70.Every dwelling unit and guest room should have comfort heating facilities as specilied in SectionI ?11 Group J \,, i 'r1 Group J Occupancies are limited to 1000 (3000) Square feet in floor area and one story in height. Section 1502. 72.Exhaust ventilation openings in a garage are re. quired by Section 1504. Garages should not open directty into a room used for sleeping purposes. Section 1504. 74.An approved noncombustible material is required for Sarage floor surtaces. Section 1504. Asphal.tic concrete does not comply. ::......:.::.:.:::........:.:............:...:.::-.:::::.::....::::::::::::: EXIT REQUIREMENTS 0 '* 75.An occupant load sign is required in classrooms. assembly areas, etc.r having an occupant load I :-- ll-=i1..::i=:i:1.:1,,1',, 76.Conforming exits are required from the areas below as specified in Section 3302 (a). 77.€rits should have a minimum seoaration ol one. fifth the Derimeter of the room or area served. Section 3302 (c). Note that "perimeter" is along the outer boundary of the room or area served. ............ 74.No point in the buildrng should be more than 150 (200) leet from an exterror €xrt, hoflzontalexit, enclosed stairway, or exit passageway, measured in the direction of travel. Sectto6 3302 (d). v/79.Exit doors should swing In the drrection of egress. Sectron 3303 (b). See doors (80.Double acting doors are not allowed where serv. rng a t butary occupant load Of more than 100. Section 3303 (b). OI Exrt doors should be openable from the insroe wrthout the use of a key, special knowrcoge. ureffort. Section 3303 (c). Note arso that ftush bolts or surtace bolts are prohibrted. '*rJ Shcet No......i-...--of......-.0..........sheets . ,:) .) t {t',V ii 82.; €.pY Exit doors should be a minimum size of 3'x 6'8"with a minimum door swing ol 90 degrees,lection 3303 (d). ......__.......... 83.The net dimension (clear width) at doorways should be used in determining exrt widths reguired by Section 3302 (b). Section 3303(d). In consideration of door thicknesses, panrc hardware, door swing, etc., the requrred extt :t::T :::: ::: :::1 ::::::ill- lii illi ,\- 84.A floor or landing not more than 2 inches below the threshold as requrred on each side of an exit door. Section 3303 (h). \,{ ,45.Doors should not project more rhan 7 inches into the required corrjdor wrdth vJhen futly openedor more than one-half into the reoutred corri. dor width when in any positron. Sectlon 3304(c). .................. ii 85.Revolving (sliding) (ovbrhead) doors are not per. mitted as e)(it doors. Section 3303 (1). (, 0 87.Exit doors should orovide immediate access to an approved means ot egress. Section 3303 (g). Exiting through another room does not compty. ri/ n\ 88.A landing or tloor that is level or not more than 2 inches lower than the threshold is required on each side of an exit door. Sectron 3304 (h). av,89.Corridors should have a minimum width ot 44 inches. Section 3304 (b). \) 19o.Corridors serving nonambulatory persons should have an 8.foot minimum width. Section 3318 (c). E 91.Dead end of corridois and exit balconies are limited to 20 feet. Section 3304 (e). ^$N 92.Walls and ceilings ot corridors should be ot one. hour fire-resistive construction. Section 3304(0. An architectural section through the corri.dor i9 necessary to determine how this is accomDlished. ( \ 93.Exterior exit balconies cannot proiect into an area where protected openings are required. Section 3304 (f). $94.Interior openings into corridors should be pro. tected as set forth in Table No. 33.8 and Section 3304 (g). v 95.Openings located between the end of an exteriorerit balcony and the nearest stairway should be protected as reeutred tor corfldors. Section 3304 (e). 95.Stairway shoutd have a minimum width of inches. Trimand handrails should not project more than3t/2 inches into the required wictth. Section 3305 (b). 97.Risers on stairways should not etceed 7yz inches and runs should not be less than l0 inches. Section 3305 (c). ) 98.Lindings on stairways should have a dimension in the direction ot travel equal to the wrdth of the Stairway but need not exceed 4 teet. Sec.tion 3305 (f). )v- 99.Basement portion ol statrways should have an apprcved barrrer where contrnuous to uOOerfloors in an exit enclosure. Sectron 3305 (g). a'@.Vertical distances between stairway landings are limited to 12 feet. Section 3305 (h). v,\,1 v 0\ p 101.Handitils should be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above the tread. Section 3305 (i). Two handrails are re- quired where stairways exceed 44 inches in width. Guardrarls for stairs, balconies, and Iandinpc*. should conform wrth Sectron 1714. Note t 14\ J maximum clearance between intermediate ri,'Y is 9 inches. r02. 1 .r\ - 'la 103.Openings in exterior walls within l0 feet of exterior stairways should be protected with,..',1 self.closing three-fourths.hour fire-resistive as.''1.1 semblies. Section 3305 (k). ./ 104.Enclosed usable space under interior stairways should be protected on the enclosed side as.: required for one.hour fire.resistive constfuc- tion. Section 3305 (l). . 'p 105.Noncombustible exterior stairs are reouired. Sec. tion 3305 (m). fer 106.Exterior stairs should not project into an area :(yards or courts) where witl 6penings must be .' protected. Section 3305 {m). !. . wl 107.One stairway should ertend to the roof. Section 3305 (n). lt must be in a smokeproof enclosure' : . in buildings over four stories in height. Sec- i. tion 3309 (b). :'.' V- 108.Six.foot 6"inch min'mum headroom clearance for . stairways should be indicated on plans. Section. 3305 (o), Note that this is from a plane tangent \ . to the stairway tread nosings. l.{-109.RamD sloDes should not exceed one foot- in ...... feet. Section 3306 (c) (d). ie I10.Surface of ramps should be roughened or of a nonslip material. Section 3306 (t). \ t-7; tll Stairways should be enclosed as specified in Section 3308. - Ti\,(a) One (two).hour fire-resistive walls are, AJ,'quired, Y-(b) Only exit doors are allowed to open into exit enclosu res. tc) Doors should be labeled one (one"and.one- half)-hour fire assemblies.(d) Exit enclosures should include a corridor on the Itound tloor extending to the exterior. Fire.resistive construction should be as re.. guired tor the exit enclosure, including pro., tected openings. Only exit doors are per- mitted to open into the corridor.(e) An approved barrier is required at thq ground floor to prevent people from accidently con" tinuing to the lower level.(f) Usable space is not allowed under the stairs. N I rz.One erit from the building shoutd be a smoke.proot enclosure comglying with Section 3309. + r13.Openings into exit courts less than l0 feet wtde should be protected with labeled 45-mrnute fire assemb,ies. Section 3311 (e). Atso see "exit court" detinition in Sectron 33Ol (c). Openings more than l0 teet above the court floor are exempted. ,w No openings other than required exits are Der.mitted in exit passageways. The passageways shou ld be of ...--..............,.... .hour tire.resrstive construction. Section 331I (a). /v , 115.Exit illumination and signs should be provided in conformance with Section 3312. ll6. --:F-ts.( Arsle (cross aisle) in auditorium shoutd hfrj-.lL I minimum width of ._..--. Secflofr33I3 (b). Section 3313 (6). ,s) d Shect No......L......of........6..........Sheetr rl7.Panic hardware is required -on exit doors serving Group 8 Occupancres havrng an occupant toadof more than I00. Sectioa 3315 (a), t1 tteuol this. doors shall have no tocks or tatches. 118.Main and side exits in conformance wrth Sec. tion 3315 are requrred for B-Z (1) Occupancies. Section 3316 ( a). I19.Corridors of Group C Occupancres should have awidth required by Section 3302 ptus 2 teet. butnot less than 6 feet. Sectron 3317 (a). 120.Each floor above or betcw the ground floor levelof Group C Occupancres should have no less than two exit stairs. Section 3317 (c). l2t Exit stairs serving an occupaot load of rnore than100 in a Group C Occupancy shoutd have aminimum clear width of .5 feet. Sectton 33lz (c). L22.Exit doors cannot be rnore than 2 feet narrowerthan the required cor dor wadth in Grouo C Occupancies. Sectron 3317 (d). t23.Exit doors from schoolrooms shoutd swins in the direction of egress. Section 33t7 (d). r24.Rooms of Group C Occupancies used by pupils and located below grade should have one exit leading directly to the exterior of the buitding. Section 3317 (e)- 125.Panic hardware is required on exii doors servingrooms contarning more than 100 occupants and in corridors of Group C Occupancres. Sec.tion 3317 (t). t26. r\JA Every room in a Group D Occupancy shoutd have access to at Ieast two legal means of egress. Section 3318 (a ). t27. h* Doors from bedrooms and wards of Group D Occupancies and all exit openings where non. ambulatory patients are housed should have a minimum clear width of 44 inches. No pro- iections in this width are allowed. Section 3318(b). 128. Wr Panic hardware is requrred on exit doors serving more than 50 occupants in Group D Occupan. cies unless there is no latch or lock. Section 3318 (f). r< 129.Eveysleeping room below the fourth floor should have one openable wrndow or exleriordoor contorming to Section 3320 for emer. Sency exrt or rescue. FLOOR, ROOF CONSTRUCTION, COVERING. SKYLIGHTS, ROOF STRUCTURES 130.The space between wood floor construction anda suspended cerling below should be divi6ed into areas not exceeding 1000 square feet. Sec.tion 3103. l3l. 'IJA Attics of combustible material shoutd be divrdedinto area3 not exceedrng 2500 (7500) square feet. Section 3205 (bl. r32.Root drainage should be conducted under thepublic sidewalk. Section 3206 (e). ).it . r33.Overtlow drains having the s6me size as roof drains and on indeoendent drarn lines are re.qurr€d. In ireu ol !n:s 3.,.?riicw scuoDers three times the si2e of root drJr.s shcuto ce Installedin parapet walls. Overf tow system snoutd haveinlets located 2 inches above the low oointsot the roof. Sectron 3206 (c). u(134.The aggregate area of penihouses and other roof structures cannot exceed 33tA per cent ol the supporting rcol arca. Sectron 3601 (b). \t, , -;) Wet standpipes are required as specified in Sec- trons 3805 and 3806. Fire-extinguishing system plans should be sub. mitted to you to determine compliance with applicable building, plumbing, and fire codes. FIREPLACES AND CHIMNEYS Chimneys should comply with Section 3702. Fireplaces and barbecues should comply with Section 3704. FINISH WORK Dry standpipes are required in burldings 1'h'.. or more stories in height. Section 3804.. The interior wall and ceiling finishes should be specified and comply with Tabie No,42.8 and Section 4203. Gypsum wallboard (interior lath and plaster) can.not be installed on weather-exDosed surfaces. Sections 4705, 47tO. See Section 424 Iot det; nition of weather exposed surface. NGUISHING SYSTEM closed wholly or partly by combustible con- struction. U.B.C. Standard No. 38.160 (k). Skylights should comply with Chapter 34. Plastic skylights are allowed only under the conditions sDecified in Section 5205. Glass and glazing in hazardous locations should comply witn Section 5406. STRUCTURAL an approved ta bricator. Installation of high strength sl Glass and glazing should comply with Chapter54. Type and thickness of glass should be specified. ALa. tT^fe <LA.z,5 h.-'7il 742. r48. Special inspection in confo.mance with Section 305 is required for the following wo|'k: (a) Structural concrete where the design is basedon an ultimate compressive strength in ex. cess of 2000 pounds per square inch. (b) All welding except where done in the shop of bolts.c)( ( c[r,t Soil classification in conformance with Table No. 28.8 and .- pounds per square foot soil bearing value used in design shouid oe specified on plans. Section 2803 (a). The foundation investigation report mentioned in plans wasnot rncluded in data forwarded to us.It should be submttted for revrew. Structural calculations should be submitted tojuslrfy the adequacy of the structurat svstamin resisting sersmic and wind loads, and sup.porting dead and live loads. This includes foundations. All masonry or concrete elements resisting seis.oic forces should qualifv as reinforced ele. ments. Section 2314 (k) i. Precast concrete wall panels are limited to anh/t ratio of 36 (25). Section 2622 (f). wood me.nbers may support loads from or concrete Only under the conditions in Section 25I0. masonry specrfled Justifying calculations and s should be pro- vided fo. Roots shall be designed for snow loads ot ....b5............. pounds oer square foot. Section 2305 (c). The roof should be designed for uplift wind pres. sures with due consideration tor laterat suoDortof compression flanges of flexural members. Floor load should consider a 20-oound oer square loot partition load. Section 2302 (b). Marquees should be designed tor a 60-pound per square foot live load. Table No. 23.A. Garages for the storage of orivate pleasure cars should be designed for a minimum 2000-pound wheel load. Section 2302 (b). Live load signs ere required. Section 2309. See Allowable stress in glued-laminated members ouer 12 inches in deoth should consider a depth reduction factor. Section 2513 (a) 4. Cross grain tension in wood is limited to approxi' malely one.third the allowable stress in shear. Roof and floor ledgers should be lustified forthis tension resulting from a 20O.pound per lineal toot horizontal force sDecified in Section2313 in combinatron witn dead loads, both causing eccentric moments. Bolted connections exposed to the weather are limited to 75 per cent ot the allowable load under protected conditions. U.8.C. Standard No.25.1711 (c). Anchorage of concrete and masonry walls should comply with Section 2313. Plywood grades should conlorm with Table No. 25.C. Justification is required that sufficient slope or camber is available to assure adeouate root drainage after long trme dellections. In lieu ofthis, roofs must be designed for possible ponding of water. Section 2305 (l). Welding data or details for steel decking a diaphragm should be provided. Info should comply with a specific ICBO research recommendation or test data submitted in com- pliance with Section 106. Details should be provided on roof (floor) dia- ah.-drF ^^-^^^)i^^- .h-l i-.li^-'d h^u, .hA , Iphragm connections that indicate how the .-'. shears are transferred to vertical shear-resisting '.'::5reall5 dre trd|l5rEtftu.Lu verLrgdr 5rr9ar-rE>tarrrB :. elements. Connections should be iustitied with .. structural calculations tor compliance wrth al. lowable values. Nailing for gypsum board (lath, sheathing board) used structurally on shear walls should be specified and comply with Table No. 47'1. Glued-laminated lumber should be fabricated in accordance wath Sectron 2513 (c). A certificate of inspection should be submitted to you. Sec. tion 2513 (e). Railings should pound per foot Ceiling joists should be designed for total loadot not less than 10 pounds per square foot. Section 2304. Interior partitions should be tor strength and detlection Section 2312 (b). with a sDecific ICBO research recommendation or iustifying test data should be submitted in comDliance with Section I06. be designed to withstand horizontal force. Section justitied itructurally criteria sDecified in Provide complete with the design specification in conformance tor ....-.-............. ldditional Correctior'r6: Thax rhxtr..r a pa.t of thr planr a.d ghall rlmain aflrch?d lh!rqto. Rlchccked and Approved.... Drlr Corrlctionr at lbovc indicaled will b€ comDtild with- torm 200.3 Sheet No.....8.-.-...of.-.....€....-......Shcet3 T,Awtcw;x?-* ,Ataae(@ o fuqfr-@-nry<,^t)'ffilqntlf a Y1P<--t- | |'""1 r;ffiyL 2L{o Lzgg 275a 47{o 1'10 2b10 2z* 3t+o1 4H oi I -zz{o uzfr lzao ; I I €ddA EAAn,,-, / I.aJ 2.t €)'7 19 ) \J I ll/:l1,r- | .:1 i.l;r -fCI(-{t ( a'T+Ahd )I I \/ \- JWm7 ;rco ft*r 5aerl 6r4ila 110 4o{o WtD H6 .,/--'17 -/ Anet7a 8E {l s-PgVE? ,!l 1P I PLI I RMICATION FOR BUILDING PE THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl '/1, BUILDING INFORM/ TION New -4 ddition A lteration Repairs A rea of Lot BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sq It)A-p{!__ No. of stories ?- }Jt. 4t r / ddress Cityl Name A ddres s City t) ldh+l o TeI. No. ?p7^,<-y'a Narne 4J. Address city IdLl *-e fu-4; , Ter. No.1r/ _ Sfle Elock S ubd ivi s ion ( Circle correct classification) ,.^Type of construction I, II, UI, IV,CV__,| Z. Occupancy grouD rdob0 u)o!),l 61 ESTTMATED COST - lOF CONSTRUCTION "//.fce, at.UcaloN!/f-ca ae> (Materials & Labor) $N t'T a- t\vr I_,,, J:, I, \-r, J () (d oo d U h tu n I (rt (U () .u U} tr (J +rIo o trl-l d E lA qd rB 0) (o F.t 1t 0) o k C) (! \ u 6 s, u d l.r: F tJ{ p" C.,o q) ou U G' l-.1 (d tl d 1.. {) t{ ,,]{orrL ra P 'r,tFr -..'lu..g I'] Err aiF{l'!ESqH Ep.<"A a.lUiasz&zw<i u "1 OpQ I I I IL...1 xi 3 sl3 ,td \\d,\A .i"tlE -" No)at ,s o{J Gililbt+r nO b.r 5" eAp.x INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) INSPECTION APPROVA L FOUND.A.TIONS COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE Building address Date of Application Nc. of roorns / No. baths ., No. of water closetb t " jJo-n,to '---=,-- a (0 A d Itr S.r (s h ($ Fo.5 s? 0) n t'1 .'j tr t{ n (t C)E*dy -fita),rdXli+ra BA ojjodrd>Ea, @ +> q) g q) do g (tt ru tn a(J.. s? .:.:d (J:k\rtd6 E0).do bo rid'Fa7 d o+) = o'=FF >o h,Of.O g6ur 5 0.8 hn.dn O-{; r. '4F' .l l]<5.8) z Fr 14 t4l(/) a t.t z L{Jti gl c) Fr +r(s t\0 U) (, (d FI FRAMING FINI L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH FINAL ROUGH FIN4 L ht 0)+r a BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado ,a ..,/Date_!/ 4.l zf' n_ry_ Pe rrnit Perrnission is hereby Erunt"d -ii ) j , l(-zo.-z-o a / stoty l ddre s s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail /'rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Building Code. Type of Construction _U:Group Contractor i/. /. .'{', 1 pproved Vail Building In J INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROV,A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE boc .d 2 g.]FINAL ROUGH FOUNDATIONS FRIMING FIN,A L ROUGH ,i OJ ttt ho -o E o.FINi L ROUGH (6 q) E a > FIN-^ L w. L.R€NNER trtrNTRACTT]REox 5'7 -Z - 4? 6-S S t 9V.AtL, troLERAoo Al65;z ,4J w (.J 685 tra1i€ s 92 I a_--- L)ot,r,-urs I a I I I I x W. L. RENNER ctrNTRAtrTtrRBtrx 57? _ 476_SStgVArL, eOLtrRADo Bl65Z fin F IIt6,: $IlI'eI 686 F) .2 ?A 1021 ac I'.1 , I9 ' ---+/ Z,',-=q ' "' ;':i ---::'l -.-,.-' t.'": '' THE FIRST MTIONAL BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO f(,---'-.-s-- A.rrr,irrl e l,,o e:lEr: -/t'(' 7, &-,.,u',- { l)()r,r,.\lts W. L. RENNER CtrNTRACTOR ' v*il, buitding in accordance $'ith all *ith reiP..t to sanitation, buil- Buildin! Official I APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THT TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in thie eection only) BUILDING INtrC.RMATICIN New Additionait"t;f;.-'--"n"pElfl d ADq) rf' Lot Block Subdivision Building address Date of Applicetion ,i .*a2.. Address Afty a) n^2 Tel. No. Gity -iln,' 0 .- Tel, No. UzL- flo f, Address {-,ity VtuJ Tel. No. L 0)tl Bo toh4 u fith trou Type of oe cupancyJS!*.--- (All parte of building) B-UILpING qn\4ENSICNS Total floor area (sq ft).,*_ No of stories !It.-- No. of rooms I{o- battrs- No, of water closete No. of Families ESTTMATED COST g OF CONSTRUCTION J (Materiele o (Circle correct classification) 1. Type of construction f. U6@f V v. . Occupancy group A.B.C.D.E@'G.H.I.J, _ + /Siened LL) . /, At*-r,tr-. ( Pe rrriittee ) Approval by planning and architectutal control committee to obtaia building perrnit. Date Signature BUILDING INSPECTIONReceipt of Plana /0_- z&7ZT Approval of Plans .t 2 sets reguired)Date Amount of Permit Fee g /,1 4 + zo, rj paid: Cash Amount of clean up pffi paid: caah Date permit iseued Fiaal inepection C e rti ficate of o""-iffiE[ &Iffiflft aic e $ Chect $ Tap fee paid Amount Date ,/$ Check $ tz clean-up 75zrConstruction Permit BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Perrnis sion is he reby aa_fr.o y'-.a!.fi. erant"d U,E,F, orr- / ddres s In accordance with the provisions set fo rth by the Vail .C. rchitectural ControlCornmittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Euilding Code. Type of Construction /77-Group .F' C ontracto r r^pproved r'/ ,/ Vail Euilding /i [-t i/t<-t-, Inspecto, INSIJFCTICN RECORD (I'or Departmental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROV,^ L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN,^TI.IRE -NOUND,\ TIONS d I'R.^ MING nl ) FINA L ROrrcH FINI L ROUGI{ oo FIN;\ L ROUGH co; 7) a FIN^ L I INSPECTION RECORI) BUILDING DEPARTMENT VaiI, Colorado Phone 476-5613 Notice: Insp€ctions will not be made unless tlris card is posted on ttre job. ALL subcontractors must be licensed and sign this ^To Insure Inspectioin the same day call: 476-5613 before 11:00 A M DO NOT CO\IER UP ANY WORK NOT INSPECTED card to obtain inspesLion. Genera.l -lConcrete II Heating Electrical Plumbing Dry Wall or Lathing T|| C(|MPTY TTITH G(|DE INSPDCTION RECORD Inspection To obtaln in':;pections call 476-5613. Inspections will be made the same day -on calls before 11 A. M. No inspection will be made on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays. Date Approved Rejested BY Inspections will not be maile until nermit ha"s been secured and contrac- ior has signed anil placed his lieense number in the spaces a,bove. Found,ation Unasonry Pl.umbing , r, c, I ' -, I -' / | .t lnal | || --- ll,:-ib'it1 -.72-7- Notice: Certi.ficate o,f Occupancy and Compliance must be ob- tained before structure is occupied.