HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5C LOT L HILL BUILDING AKA HAUSERMAN MAJOR ADDITIONS 1975 & 1981 LEGAL0 PTANNING AllD ENVIRONIViENTAL COMMISSION August 31, 1981 PRESENT Gerry hhite Roger Tilkemeier Dan Corcoran Duane Piper Jin Morgan COIJNCII REPRESENTATIVE Ron Todd The neeting was ca1led to order at 2:00 p.m. by the chairman, Gerry White. 1. AppT-oval gf jainutes of July 27,_ l9gl. Dan corrected a statenent he had xnade concerning the Hopkins iten to read thathe felt that the Town was gaining by Mr. Hopkins buildlng ernployee units. Roger Tilkemeier hadntt been listed in 'rnesibers present". Dan moved and Jim seconded to approve the ninutes with those comections. The vote was 5-0 in favor. z.intnent of member to _glB- mee-trngr_€g1 3,lncnthlj After discussion, Roger rnoved and Dan seconded to appoint Duane to DRB for sept,Oct, and Novenber. Dan volunteered to take the next 3 rnonths--December, .lanuiryand February. The vote was 4-0, Duan e abstaining. 3. Request for a ncond ation N.v. Peter Patten showed the site plan and explained that everyone thought that theparties involved had taken care of the ninor subdivision before Ipanena was constructed.Dan added that a condo map would be filed this week that would show the correctlines. Jin Morgan moved and Roger seconded to approve the ninor subdivision request assubmitted in the merno wi.th the restriction that no additional GRFA be added.The vote was 4-0 with Dan abstaining. 4, Request for a density control variance in ss residential floor area in ac-cordance witn Secdion-iSlE0l oxder to STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Peter Jarnar Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith Betsy Rosolack a sun roolt to unit 9, 5, Block G, Vail Das Vail Schone, Filing 8/a/81 Peter Patten gave the 6ackground and listed corrections to the meno. They were that the lot size should be twice as large, or 20,908 sq ft. Dick Brewer introduced himself and hi.s representative, Ray storey. Ray explainedthe Brewerst position, stating that the development vrras now primarily-for enployees, and were less expensive unit s- - difficul t to sell now because of financing. He addedthat the porch was already defined, and that it had 4 of the 6 surfaces, and thatno more space would be added, that the entrance would be inproved. Discussion as to whether or not this would be precedent setting followed. Gerryreminded then that cost or inconvenience is not considered a hardship. Jirn Morgannoved and Dan seconded to deny the variance as it was stated in the lneno datedAugust 24t 798L. The vote was 4-l to deny, Duane voted against denial , He fertthat the added GRFA was not adding bulk, nor was it a significant increase. Healso felt that a greenhousers transparency rnade it sourewhat less bulky inallPearance. 5. \W:e .fron'lhe covgred qarking resuirenelt il s_ection 18.12.080ot tne vall Municipal code in order to build a secondary unit on tot s, niock6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, 1953 Bellflower. Applicants: Craig and Jan Webb. Peter Jarnar presented the memo and reminded the commissioners of the restrictionsof ordinance 22 of 1981, for lots under lsr000. one restriction was that halfof the parking must be covered to have a secondary unit. He added that one ofthe reasons for this criteria was aesthetic, but in looking at Bellflower Drive,he discovered that there were no garages at all. Therefore, the staff felt thatthe variance should be granted, eipecialLy in light of the iact that the addedunit- was already enclosed in the basement. The staff also felt that another struclureon the -site would be nore detrinental. to the sito than ? additonatr.,parking spaccswould be, and that another employee unit was desirable, Duane moved and Roger seconded to approve the request for the parking varianceas stated in the staff rnerno datea e/2q/at, The vote was 5-0 in favoi. 7. Request for an exterior alteration and nodification to the Hilt building toadd-. Applicant: Mrs. Cortlandt T.' Hit1. Dick Ryan stated that the bedroorn additi-on was being dropped, and so the request was, for the dining roon and open greenhouse on1y. fre expiained the rnemo andJack curtin showed addj.tional p1ans. 'Ihe addition of rihe green house only neededDRB approval . Roger rnoved to approve the request subject to the conditions inthe rneno., and as stated in the siiff r"ro dadd B/24/gi. Duane seconded. Thevote was 5*0, unanimously in favor of the Tequest 6. Req.u.est).f,or'. qx,tetior alteration and .modification to the Casino Building toconstruct S- sD and E and a part of Lots B, c and F, Broci<. 5c, vail vilrage First Filing. Appli-cants: Carlos Agostoni and James J, Sprowls. I"lgl.Patten explained that the propos:rl was a complete redeveloprnent of the Casi.nobuilding. He presented the si.te ptins and exptained the floor p1ans. Gerry Whiteread a leltex from the condoniniurn association stating that the alley was "b*o1tl"^pgT!{-"ld that.to buitd there would require approval fron them. Therefore,rrr(': irr rcy proposal was not to be considered at this meeting, Gerry addecl that.whcn he we't out to the site, he had not been told that thJ buil<ting wourci bcextended 8 feet on the southwest corner. PEC -2- PEC -3- 8/3r/8L Dick Ryan stated that for the 2-l/2 years that he had been in the Planning offices, there had been nuch talk of trying to inprove this part of the Village and nuch talk of making the alleyway a viable walkway. He felt that the project was a tremendous improvenent to the Village, Gordon Pierce, architect for the project., showed slj"des and talked about scheduling the construction. He stated that after Labor Day, the plan was to take out thetrash, equipnent and partitions that werentt needed. He added that the contractorfeit that he could neet the planned schedule. Discussion followed with concern expressed that the project not look half finished through winter, and naybe using a finish naterial on the exterior if work was stopped part way through. The northwest corner of the building was discussed, some nembers feeling that the building should not be extended out at that point. John Donovan also objectedto the extension. Others felt that a srnall projection night be better than aflat wall in that area. Gordon spoke of lowering the alley 2 or 3 feet to rnake it lighter and airier, and possibly to have glass looking into Pistachiors restaurant. The proposal discussed at this point did not include the a11ey or the extension at the northwest corner of the building, and these two itens were to be continuedfor 2 weeks . Dan noved and Roger seconded to approve the exterior alteration and modificationto the Casino Building as stated in the memo with two additional conditj.ons:1. That the fi.nished facade be completed before Christmas or the applicaat do a treatftent" si.nilar to ihe unfinished corrunercial space at the Gondcla buil,ding. ,..- ,..2. That the applicant agrees to participate financial 1y in street improvenents,e.g. street pavers, street lights, at the intersection of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street if a mini.improvenent district is fonned. The applicantsr share would be deternined by street frontage of property and other property owners would also have to agree to participate. vote was 5-0 in favor. The deck area office expansion was continued unti-l next PEC neeting, 8. Request fol an anendment to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan for Study Area #5, and an commercial and office space located wouth of Vantage Point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of vail 21 building. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. Dick Ryan presented the neno and stated that this was a significant proposalfor Vail . He added that the Urban Design Guide Plan discusses including nore conmon spaceand encourages a new entry concept into the mall fron the east, andthis proposal fulfi.l 1s some major objectives of the UDGP and was an i-nprovementto the cornnunity. Much discussion about parking followed, Gerry felt that parking was a rnajor issue in this proposal, and that the loss of parking did not justify the proposal .Dick felt that this was the purpose of the J.100 space parking structure, thatit uas,planned knowing there would be nore dernand later, Gerry predicted that the parking structure was not going to be big enough, and sooner or later more parki.ng was going to be needetl . The the JEc -4- 8/31/81 Bill Ruoff showed plans and a model . Dick added that the staffts biggest concern was that Lionshead becone nore successful , and that sonething significant needed to be done there. Jay Peterson stated that every project included a compromise. He added that they couldnft make a good entrance and solve Vail's parking problem. Lionshead has difficulty in this area, needs G-rnnercial space here, and that the parking problern wouldnrt be worsened, he fe1t, Gerry fe1.t that bne problen would be solved while creating another with the parking. Dick felt that they didn't wantto see parki.ng used by people who cone to the commercial area., that these people should be parking in the parking structure and that this r+ourd also reduce congestion. Dan stated that both parking stTuctures were designed for expansion later, Dinah Chapman, president of the Lionshead Association of Businesses stated thatin June Bill Ruoff had presented hi.s plan to about 50 rnembers of the association, and that parking was nentioned, and no conplaints uere received, She added thatwith the present situationn the alley was usually blocked and parking ilIegallyused. The people at this meeting were ecstatic over the proposal , Gerry felt that the Lionshead parking structure would soon be too crowded to park there. Roger suggested that the other menbers voice their opinions. Duane said that he was in favor of the proposal, Dan said that he was also in favor, Jim felt that it was a vast irnprovenent to the situation there, and Roger stated that he had been working in Lionshead fot the past 6 years, tTying to breathe sorne life into the corunercial aspect, and rhat this appears to address the nost serious problem and recommended approval , He added that when the parking problem becones more serious, the planning conmission would address it and solveit at that time. , Jin noved and Roger seconded to reconinend approval of the amendnent to the Urban Design Guide PIan to the Town Council. The vote was 4-1 in favor (Gerry against), Duane moved and Jin seconded for approval of the exteri.or alteration and nodi' fication of the proposal dated August 26, 19Bl with the 6 condj.tions listedin the nemo. The vote was 5-0 in favor. Roger moved to adjourn,at 5:15 p.rn. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Envi.ronmental Commission FROM: Corununity Developnent Department DATE: August 24, l9Bl SUBJECT: Public hearing and consideration of a request for an exterj.or alteration and rnodification to the Hill building to add an open greenhouse, dining roorn addition and new bedroom at 311 Bridge Street. Applicant: Mrs. Cortlandt T. Hi1 i REQUEST: The applicant is requesting approval for three additions to the Hill building: an open greenhouse on the southwest side, a small dini.ng room addition of 64 square feet and a new bedroom of 720 square feet. VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN There rvas no specific sub-area concept for this speci-fic property regardine the building. No. 10 states: I'Seibcrt Circle, Featr.rre area paving treatnent. Relocate focal point (potential fountain) to north for better sun exposure(fall,lspring), creates increased plaza area and are the backdrop for activities. Separated path on north sides for unimpeded pedestrian noute during deliveryperiods.rr No. 10A states: 'rMountain gatereay improvements. Landscaping screen, ninor plaza, pedestrian connection loop to llall Street. Some of No. 10A has recently been completed with tl-re redesign by Vail Associates. New walk ways have been added to improve access to the rnountain, COMPLIANCE WITH TIIE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN Pcdestrianization The proposed additions iq the area. Vehic1e Penetration to the building wj.11 have no effect on the pedestrian i zation By arlding the additional residenti.al spacen there should be no increasein rvehic 1e penctration. Stree.tscape Fr.arnervork At the street lcvel ther-e rvould be no change. Hill Buildins -2- sllr Street Enclosure No changc, Building Height The proposal meets the height requirenents under the zoning code. Views Fron Gore Creek Drive south on Wall Street has been designated as a najor view plane, Section G of the Vail Village Design Considerations states:I'Vailrs mountain/val 1ey setting is a fundamental part of its identity. Views of the nountai-ns, ski. slopes, geologic features, etc. are constant reminders of the nountain environnent and, by repeated visibility, orientation reference points. l''la j or and minor viciv corridors have been designated on the View Plane map, an element of the Vail Vitlage Urban Design Framework Plan.I' The proposed bedroon addition does have an effect on the major view plane lrp w'urr'street and on the p1aza. unrier the Design considerations it states ,,any proposed building changes which would encroach i,nto, or substantially aftLr, tie designa.ted major view plane will be discourzrged.'l The Conmunity Develo ent DeDartnent does tion to and substantial l altering the des Sun/Shade There would be some changes in the bedroorn addi"tion that would affect Gondola Plaza. Parking At tine of building pernit, the applicant parking fees. will be requir:ed to pay applicable sun/shade relationship by the sun at the southeast the proposed cornerf of the The exterior design will compliance with the Vail Board is responsiblc for be reviewed by Village Design this review. the Design Revi-ew Considerations. Board to determine The Design Reviei^r Hill Building -3-e/|st RECOMMENDATION The Comnunity Development Department tcecomnends approval of the exterior alterations and modifications for the dining room addition, finding it is in compliance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Consid- erations as noted in the rnernorandun. The open greenhouse only needs Design Review Board approval because there is no enclosed floor area. For approval of the dining roon the following conditions would apply: I Agree to participate i-n and not renonstrate against a special irnprovemcntdi.strict if one is forned for Vail Village. The applicant agrees to participate financi:rlly in street inprovements,e.g. street pavcrs, street lights at Seibert Circle if a rnini, improvenlentdistrict is fornre<l. The applicantrs share would bc deternined by strect frontage of property in Sej-bert Circlc and other property owners would also have to agTee to participate. Regarding the proposed bedroorn addition, we do not support this request. The bedroom would be an encroachment and alteration to a designated major view plane. As noted in the plan, the ski slopes provide an identity for the tourist. The view plane also provides.visual relief and interesting change frorn the urban vi11age, 2, o )Puill, tc NOr l cii NOTICE IS lllrllUBY G1VLN tltiit thc Planning and Lnvironrncntirl Conrnission o{' thc Town oll Vail will hold a public hcaring in accordancc with.Scction 18.66.06t)of the zoning code of thc 'l'own of Vail on August 31, 19Bl at 2:0O p.n. in thc Town of Vail Council Chambers in the Vail Municipal Building. Public Hearing and Consideration of: l. Request for a ninor subdivision of lots H and I, Vail Village Second Filing, Ipanema Condominiumsn iin order to combine five feet of the westerly portion of lot H to Lot f, pursuant to the agreement with the Fire District, and secondly to include nine feet of the southerly portion of lot I, which was originally excluded by Vail Associates in 1971 and transferred to the Bank of Vail. This nine feet rould be reinstated to lot I as originally :ttbdivided. Application in accordance with the Vail l"funicipal Code, Title 17, Subdivision Regulations. Applicant: Dayner Corporation N.V. 2, Request for a density control vat.iance in gross residential floor area in accordance with section 18.60.020 r,. order to build a sun roon to unit 9, Vail Sky High Condorniniuns at 2448 Garmisci. F.oad, lots 4 & S, Block G' vail Das schone, Fil ing No. 2. Applicants: Richa::i t Larrr:ia Brewer. 4. Request for an exterior alteration and rnodification to the Casino building to constTuct three condoniniun units on the second and third floor, a srnal l office on the second floor and commercial shops on the first floor at the southwest corner of Gore creek Drive and Bridge street. Appticant: carlos Agostoni. 3. . Request for a variance from the 18.12.080 of the Vait Municipal in accordance with Ordinance 22, Intemountain subdivis Lon, Z93S covered park ing requirement in Section Code in order to build a secondary unit Series of 1981 on lot 5, block 6, Vail BeLlflower. Applicants: Craig and Jan Webb. Hill building located at 311 5. Request for an exterior alteration and rnodification to the to add a greenhouse, dining roon addition and new bedroom Bridge Street. Applicant: Mrs. CortLandt T. Hif1, 6. Request for an anendment to the Vail Lionshead Urban Design Guide Plan for study area #5 and an exterior alteration and nodification to construct new corunercial and office space located south of vantage point, north of Lift House Lodge and Lions Pride building and northeast of Vail Also a request for a conditional use pernit to al,low office on the third floor. Applicant: Robert T. Lazier. 21 Building. sPace The applications and infornation relating to the proposed changes are availablein the Zoning Adrninistratorrs office during regular business hours for reviewor inspection by the public. T0wN oF VAIL DEPARTMENT 0F Colv[rtuNlTf A. PITER PATTEN, JR, Zoning A&rinist FEST copY AVAILABLE ?ublished in the VaiI Trail t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL Monday, June B, t COMMISSION AGENDA 1981 2:00 p.m. STUDY SESSI0N Gore Valley hlater Issues 3:00 p.m. l. Approval of minutes of May 26, lg8l. 2. A request for a variance to build on a slope in excess af 40%, anothervariance to build within a set-back on'lots A-l and A-2, Lionsridge, between Sandstone Drjve and Ljons' R.idge Loop. App'licant: AAV Limjted Partnershi p 3. Application for a densjty variance in gross resjdential floor area inorder to build a duplex on Lot lz, Block A7, casolar vail Ii at ll0lVail View Drive. Applicants: McDonald, Catoe, etc.,pension Retirement Trust. 4. Preliminary review of ccl and cclI ur'ban Design Guide plan projects X. H'i'll Building additions 2. Lodge at Vaii, swimming pool enclosure and restaurant addition. 3. Casfno Build'ing remodel 4, Concert Hall Plaza Bujlding, interior and exterjor remodel 5. L'ionshead Gondola Building, add office space and convert 3 officesto commercial . 6. Lionshead Study Area No. 5 Publjshed in the Vail Trajl June 5, 1981 oate I Appricati ""5/4a/*/ an existing building or outdoor Patio or subject to review bY The application will not be accepLed unlil atf inforntation A. NAIE oF APPT,TCANT Mrs. CortlSldt T' Hill is submitted. ' ;'t' ' i ALTERATIONS coRE I (ccr) il,'i,/APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR OR MODIFICATIONS IN COyrI'{ERCIAL I,This procedure is required for alteratjon of lrfricft- adds or removes any enclosed f loor area i.oi.."*nnt of an e>listing building shall be lirl-piu""ing ancl Environmental Commissj'on' 311 Bridge Stree!. Vail, Colollgo 81657 pHoNE476-5248 APPLICAi{T I S REPRESENTATIVE Jack Curtin 311 Bridge Street, Vail, Colorado 8t657 PHONE 47 6-5542. AUTHORIZATIOI.I OF PROP OWNER 3ll Bridge Street,Vail, Colorado 8.l657 pHONB 476-5248 OF PROPCSAL 311 Bridge Street,Vai I , Col orado 81657 LEGAL DEscRtr€%Pg-Xil]iilllse Filinsrl'rBlock 5-c' Lot L' Block 5-c' Lot c' 8k0215 PG0737 8k0233 Pc0',l l6 $100.00 B$1(1qP$$Z*67ror each properll, owner ro be norified. SURVNY OI' P]iOPI]RTY S}IOWING PI{OPSRTY LINES AND LOCATION AND AI.IY :IMPROVE}IENTS ON THB LAND. A LTST OF TIID l.tAi'1ll Of OI'INE,'IS OIr Al.,L PROPtrRTY ADJACENT TO TIID SUBJECT PROPE.RTY AND ]]IE1I{ ADDRESSIJS. II.Four(4)cclpiesofasiteplanccntai'nir.rgthefol}orvj.nginformatj.on: A, The sj-te plan shal,l be clrarwn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scrli of 1" = 20t; a var:Lation of the sireet sizc or scale may be apprcvt:d by the Conmunil-y Devclcpment Departrncnt j-f justified; ADDRESS B.NAME OF ADDRESS RT.'Y I ll SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION ADDRESS o];;I l gl.' /_/ ,^ J E. FEB ? Eli F.IIviPROVEMBNT OF BUILDIIdG SURROUNDING PROPERTY OWNERSI Y*(1) Golden Peak House Condominiun Assoc'iation P.0. Box 667 Vail, Colorado 81658 (2) Bud Parks 3 '>2 4* ' 6- T); Vai1, Colorado 8.l657 (3) Red Ljon Inn 304 East Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 (Sel bv) ( Rosenqu i st ) ( erown ) -1($) Plaza Lodge 301 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado B'1657 (Joanne Hill ) ..'a (5) . , Vai I Associates, Inc.' BoxT Vail, Colorado 81658 (Jack Marshal'l ) f(6) 1 Vail Place Condominium Assocjation Vai1, Colorado e165b $8[4tt ,' s,frV"'d q"r*A -' I " Applicati"" T Exteric.:r Atterarion or I'|]iri.. ccr . nu,n. , c.Theexistingtop<lgraphiccharacberofthesiteincludingexisLing and proposed conl-ours. tl];"-c""aition wilI only l:e requrcd for an expansion area wirere tii"t" i= il change of two feet of gr:ade; D.Thcfocationan<]sj.zeofallexisLingandlrroposcdbuildings.struc-tures and imProvenenl-s i B. The existing ancl proposed land'scaping; r. The location of al.1. ekisting ancl proposecl buildings, sLructures and Patios or decks' Irr. The appficant shall submit in vrritten and graphic l?Iil^:.1:oo""dcrant of evltlence before the l'lanli"g i"a [nviroirmcttto] Cottnnissj-on that theproposalisinconformancewitlrLhepulposcsoftheCClDistrict' and that the proposat_ subst""ti.iiv "o*pii"" with the VaiI Village Urban Design Guide l?1an' , A. If t-he applicani: js propos.tng a tnr3or-change -in thc Y1i}^Village Urban Deslcjn Guide PJ'au, the procedures foi- iharnge are noted iu Sect j-on IB .24 .220 (B) ' Iv. The applicanE'inust also suJ>ni.it wr-i.ltcn ancl graplr:i-c srippoi:ting natcria 1-hal- t--he proposal s:*bsi-ant--rniiV "o",irlies t','jil't th.. folloiviyic.l llr:bau Design considerations; sectiori lf-;i;;-v;il. \/i:l.lage Dcrs-ign co;rsic]cr;.:tic' A, Pcclesl,rianization :'" ' ' B. vohicle Penetra'Lion C. Si;::eet sc aPe Fr:.rrncl+ork D. 'Sl-reet Etrclo su;:e E. Strcet li<19e. F. 'Building He.ighl: c. Views ll . 'Sun Shadc Considr:ration L1a.n\, e5 t-he abovc j.t-etns 'sl',t)u1<1'bc aclclresscd -in eom9.g::apf ic *-:i']: using such LooIs as sketCires, s ilrru.l iii:-i-onS, nodel s (iDclucling ne-r gilr]o.' buil.dings), Photos, etc- Thc Town of Vail Zorr,ing Codo for CCI tlrirL thc a1.,1:licant- nlust respond to itr ^ nr. r .i ^ - {. .i arr - for c:xtcrj_or a.l l-erat'-i.ol'r:;vl. r\l.'yl r\-crL-r\rrr,)aie only reviewed scmi-annually. They the fourth lr{onday of I'{ay or Novenl>cr:. review schedule, sce Sectic-:n 1B . 24 . 065 B. The date, North shal} be shovrn arrowr scale and uame of on the site PIan; the proPosed develoPmcnt a.Lso dcscribcs other zoninq -i:;s' \{rit-t--cr}.I o:: graPhic foltri' or nrr:rli.f icatioils itr CCI cii;t need to be subnitted befor:er l'ol: more sPccif ics on f'lle A- 5. t . May .l5, l98l Response to Application Form for Exterior Alterations Section I - NA (by client) Section I I A. Foruarded May 5, l98l.B. Included in "A" above.C. NAD. Refer to Section III below re size.E. NAF. Included in "A" above. Section Iil - See attached sheets (Attachment, pages AT-1 and AT-2) Section IV A. NAB. NAC. Refer to model .D. Refer to model .E. NAF. Refer to model and drawings.G. Refer to model .H. Refer to model . Section V - NA (by client) Section VI - NA (by cl'ient) t/t May 15, 1981 Attachment --- Response to Section III of the App'lication Form for Exterior Al terations I. Conformance with the purpose of the CCI district. A. i8.24.010 Purpose - Refer to Section II below. B. L8.24.A40 Permitted and Conditional Uses - Second Floor - Allowed #1 - multiple family residential dwelling. C. i8.24.050 Permitted and Conditional Uses - Above Second Floor - Allowed - #1 multip'le family residential dwel1ing. D. 18.24.120 Height - Allowed 38'; Proposed 32' (35'Chimney). E. 18.24.130 Density Control - Fjrst Floor Sjte Coverage = 5,765 sq.ft. x 80% = 4,6L2 sq. ft. gross residential floor area allowed above first floor. Proposed:Greenhouse 0 (not fully enclosed to weather) Dining Room = 64 New Bedroom = 72OTotal -7E'4: Actual l Existing Residential = 4,018 (including stairwells) Less Stairwells = 327 Actual GRFA = 3,69I .. Proposed Addition = 7841Total -E:tr6' Allowable sq. ft. = 4,612 Current p1 us proposed addi ti onIf Approved . = 4,475 =-T37-l ess what i s al I owabl e II. Substantial compliance with the Vail Village Urban Des'ign Guide. A. 18.54.050 Materials to be Submitted 1. NA2. NA3. Forwarded May 5, .l981 (Site Plan) a 4. NA5. Forwarded May 5, 198] (F'loor Plans and Elevations)6. NA7. NA8. NA B. .|8.54.070 Design Guidelines - Subsections A through U refer to drawings and model submitted, f{I-L l0ltrl r llil box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 department of community development July 29, 1981 Mr. Jack Curtin 311 Bridge St. Vai 'l , Col orado 81657 RE: Addition tb Mrs. Cortlandt t. fri-T\sui lai ns'-=, Dear Jack: At the joint field trip of Town Council, Planning and Envjronmental Commissjon and Design Review Board on June 9th, the major issue on your project is the major v'iew corridor. l,Jith the proposed addition over existing second f'loor bedroom there was intrusjon jnto the maior v'iew corrf dor from l'lall Street. In a des'i gnated major view corridor there can be no change. There is also a mjnor view corridor betwern I Vail P'l ace and your building that would have no change by your proposal . It seems fike you need to demonstrate that your proposed bedroom additjon creates no change in the vjew corridor establjshed up |,lall Street into the piaza. I would suggest that you demonstrate this by showing the he'i ght of the new roof, and taking photographs from the plaza to show what changes there are to the view corridor. 0ther considerations that need to be addressed further are building height and sun shade considerations. A question I have is there any other location for the additjon that will not affect the vjew corri dor? I wjll be scheduling this before the Planning and Environmental Conrnission on August 24th. I,would appreciate the additional information by August 12th so we can have adequate time for review. Si ncerely, z)*u+*- Di ck Ryan , D'i rector Department of Community Developnent DR:df TO FRC14 DATE RE. I'ii_ l4cRI\|,lllul'l PLAI,I N I NG & ENVI ROI.I I'IENTAL COI'li'I I SS ION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2 I"ARCH ]979 A VARIANCE FROI4 THE IIEIGHT LIMIT' AND A CONDITIONAL USE REQUIST FOR THE EXPANSiON OF COMMERCIAL AND RESIDEI.ITIAL SPACE FOR THE HILL BUILDlNG LOCATED ON A PART 0F LOT C, BL0CK 5-C, VAIL VILLAGE lst FILIIIG' DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Hili Building is located on the vrest side of Sejbert Circle, and cbntains the vaij ski Rentals, va'i'l Sports, vail ski & Boot Repair and a residence on the second f'l oor. This proposed request has two parts to-it, T!9 first is a Variance from the Height Limit jn Commercia'l Core I, to a] low a tot'ter aporox.jnntetV eO teet-trigh. Tlre maximum height limit in-the Corrnercial Core I ;!'3i'i;;i; iuiir.' u isX iicrease allovred for architectural project'ions. Th'is wouia "uquire the maxinrum height of the tower to be no more than 4l feet. The dimensions of the toi.relii proposed to be 12 feet by 12 feet, wjth its approx'inate locat'ion being where the exist'i ng garage stands' request 0n the into conrnercial space, ds 4! ocare There would be a net increase in easEer ry of trash. iiash enclosure) and add approximately 550 sq. ft' of Gross Residentia'l Floor Area (GRFA) to the ex'isting building. . 0n the second floor, the appljcant wishes to exteng tle kjtthen-.. to the west, which would enclose about 2/3 of the existing deck along the nortn iffiibui1ding.Thisproposedac|ditionconsistsofapproximate.lyl60 sq. f t.' -:_<- Above the second.floor, wculd depend on the approval or disapproval of the tower. If the tor.rer is approved, there vrould be two additional floors of approximately'144 sq. ft. eagll for a total of 288 sq. ft. If the tower is not-ibprou"d, tie appiicant would like to extend the area above the cornnrercial ipu."'to trryo-storjes'wjth a s1 oping roof simi1ar to the one on the major part ;i-;;"-;"iiJ:rs. iThe existing'gaiage currently has a bedroom on top of it.) This second a'tiernative r,rould 6xiend-over the nlw conrnercial area (b1'the_existing ffioxinatelYof the existing garage along thef60 sq. ft., vrhjch t+ould occur to the south AaSE6iITtace of the bui'lding. This space is presently being used for storage The total is 4.7 I orvabl e GRFA on th'i s 400 s ft. I i Pg.2 DC D- l'ltli0RAl'1Di l'l HILL I]U}LDIIIG _ CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 that the tower could have on these sense of openess that currentlY this would be detrinental . The effect of the requested variance on 'l ight and air, distributjon of popu'i'ation, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and Public safety. The only Potential effect factors is to block the light and the exists on Bridge Street. lle feel that IESCRIPTiON 0F VARIW The variance request js for the 60-foot tovter aS descrjbed above' CRITERiA AND FII,IDINGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section 18.62'060 of the Munjcipa] Code, the Deplrtnient of Community Deve'l opment recon'snends denial of the requested variance based upon the follow'ing factors: Consideration of Factorg The relationship of the requested varjance to other existjng or poteftial usi:s and structures in the v'icinity' i l1e feelltnut th" 60-foot tovrer is not desirable in this locat'ion. Thjs tovler would extend rvell beyond the height of any exist'ing building in the area. It would block the current open viet+s wh'ich people have of the mountajn as they walk tovtard the mounta'in on Bridge Street. The tower also does not seem to b'lend in well with the existing buildings- l'le feel that it is too massive a structure to fit in properly at this location' The degree to whjch relief from the strjct or literal interpietation and enforcement of- a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand unifonlrity of treatment among sites in the vicin'ity, or to attain the obiectives of ihis t-itle without grant of special privilege. lll|e are not aware. of any variances to the height 'l imitations given to bu.ildings in thjs area. Most of the buildings jn this area are below the present he'ight limjt of 35 feet, the maximum average he'ight allowed jn Corrnercial Core I. Pg. 3 DCD- liill0RAll DU l'1 HILL BU]LDING - CUP & VARIANCE Such other factors deems applicable to There are no other 3-?-79 and criteria as the coir,mission the proposed vari ance factors that are deemed applicable to thjs appl ication. Findings The Planning & Environmental Commission shal'l make the following find'ings before granting a variance: That the granting of tlre variance wjll constitute a grant of special privilege incons'istent nith the limitations on other properties classified'i n the same di strict. That the granting of the variance could be detrimental to the publjc health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to pt-operties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is not warranted for one or more of the fol 1 ow'ing reasons : The strict cr literal'interpretat'ion and enforcenient of the specified regulation would not result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsjstenb with the objectives of this title. There is no hardship that has been demonstrated in this appl i cati on . .The Department of Cornmunity Development appreciates the desire of Mrs. Hill to add an irnaginat'ive repljca of European heritage to the end of Bridge Street. Unfortunate'ty'the Department does not consider that a 60-foot tower belongs in this location and would not be a part of the character of Vail V'i 11age. There is the opportunity for the applicant to be an important part of upgrading the street and pedestrian ways in this area. This opportunity'is presented at the end of the Conditional Use djscussion on page 5. Pg. 4 DCtl- l{ll'i0tt/ill DUM HILL BU]LDING - CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 Conmtun i tY Vari ance wou'l d theref ore of the garage and the bedroom on Comnercial Core I District; exterior Parking spaces along the removed. The exist'ing one car garage therefore, have a Positive effect For the purpose of this application' the Department of Development *itt t"u!.*'ltit tuqu"st with the presunption that the ;il;;;i i;; ih. ro"u|^ *.i11 be den jed. The conditional use request lu'iot. tn.200 sq. ft. of conmercial space added jn the relocation and the 7.l0 sq. tt.,-of-dnfn uOO.a in ine expansion of the kitchen 'located above the commerc-ial space' Consideration of Factors A. Effects of vehicular traffic As Part of this aPPlication, two east side of the building are proposed to be would remain as such- Th'i s proposal should in reducing vehicular traffic in this area' B. Reduction of vehiculan traffic in commercia'l core I District; (See Factor "A") C. Reduction of non-essential off-street parking; (See Fa;tor "A") D. Contro'l of delivery, pickup, and service vehjcles; Thisproposalshouldprovideabetterdrop-offzoneforde.|ivery vehicles through the removal of the t|o parking spaces along the east sjde of the building. E.Developmentofpub'licspacesfor'usebypedestrians; |lle feel that the'proposed relocatjon of the garage will have a pos'itive impact on the pedestrian space in this area. An attractjve store front vtill o.ffer a great deal more vitaljty to the area than the present garage wal 1. The garage will be located away from the rnaior entrance into the new Gondola I building and the Gondo'la I Plaza. ltle feel that this'is a positive change' F. Continuance of the various colrrr[ercia] , res'idential , and public uses in Conrnerc'ia'l Core I Djstrict so as to majntain the existing character of the area; The Blanche Hill Building has one of the srnal'l est floor area rat'io l'(i. 5 DCD- l'iil40P"(liDu14 HILL BU]LDING - CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 (FAR) when cornpared with other buildjngs in Con'urercial Core I. The proposed. changes, without the torver, wil'l not greatly increase the sjze or mass of the existing building. lrte feel that the changes will actually have a positive effect on the general appearance of this prominent site. G. Control quafity of construction, architectural design, and 'l andscape design in Comnerc'i al'Core i Distrjct so as to maintain the existjng character of the area; l,le feel that the archi tectura'l design is appropriate and does conform with the existing character of the area. iH. Effegts of noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factors on the env'ironment of Comnercial Core i Djstrict.'i These fictors are not applicable in the consideration of thjs appl ication. The Department considers that the redevelopment of this site proposed in the Conditional Use request, along with the Gondola I proposal and the Gondo1 a I P'l aza offers a unique opportunity to come up w'ith a coordinated street, pedestrian and p1 aza design for this area. Vail Associates, Inc., has not designed the pedestrian space or landscaping for the Gondola I bui'l.d'ing. They vrant to coordjnate thejr design with the plaza p'l an. With the amount of redevelopment'and pedestrian and plaza design taking p1 ace in this area, the upgrading of Se'ibert Circle should be considered. The Depantment of Corn'nunity Development would like to explore these opportunities with the appiicant. There could be a design solution dealing with the entire space that would further enhance the aesthet'ic character of this part of Vaii Village. RECOI'II4EI{DATION . The Department of Connrunity Development reconrnends conceptual approval of tlre Condit'ional Use part of thjs appl ication. Pc. 6 D.D-ii:MORANDUMnili eurlotNc - cuP & vARIANCE l'lore information is neecled concern'i ng the-architecture and types of materiaYr"i;';; uieu-on ile";;;;;i;.. rnu proposed use should r,uu."i'pori trve .afreci ; ih" u i tut i tv ?l"tt*-5ituloli'lrolotn:.illlifli;i[.-O*p!tttent does not support..t!9 9.9f]riin-l[" existing character of Vail Village' 3-2-79 o frtu4'ft lLW -1,t, C//A-; 7f 30/ 6 .**-/ zsrf Z;"-aV (e-e tlnltr l*,-/ coe / h4 fl* ep* {,;, sfty* * l, f-" >t'tftt"t*,Ao* d*k$ r4 /fl*.h !,tr^ g.* fun Ud bLlfrlt a' fr/l /r4,&4 alh"nlaZe6(fnu a&/rtfuald;fu o ffiwrffsm-H4trilH fl*ft#" Golor $pecifcations Prune I,t hip {l} ?RLILAR ( 6WR\0R whw 00t 4wwR- o'ffiivi ?htfft? Mello Brown l?l HT8H vR.rnAg,{ ho06rn ca,oe I w*toDp {Rl/A WUJOV 7'OqOP enWC Fflrr,fii nnTliirgt553 s53 oNpt'?,€D co?fuAffi.h*ttrl \ wt wtr)e1l> ?ffi ?^ca^t 0 N4 6t-10 KDg wUJ MwK I t r.: trtDaW tthfh\ hHLP Ultra Orange (UCBI Ct3tC 46O1NA^R1 Nre.^rt m.oelptwtuu WtD) pt trwb WUEP'OOAIE'J WW' wu+HQ ffitrh. 4{r"rt rOe ri n$ lnud tPtr.{ pa Dooe-/ (*ro"oaeg t ?o$\ Vwk.lo /^A'[eH Hisata Design A,ssociates lnc. 265 Lytton A,venue Paio Alto, California 94301 Tel. (a15) 328-8512 MRS. CORTLANDT HILL BOX t468 vArL, coLoRADO At657 March 29, L9?9 Destgn Revlew BoardVa11, golorado 8165? Dear Board Menbers, I^?FI"" to partlclpate 1n the coordlnated l_and_scapln8. prosran wlth the rorn oi-vair ana vaiiAssoclates orr any land I ovrn-erouna-rv-u"liaiis.It 1s v1ta1 that the old Gondoia-t renovattonlandscaplng aree te trJetea-"e-6nb proJect. J1n- nubln of the T-own of Vall r11l wortr w1 thJack curtln. tn ny behaii ,"-inil'ii"clseaplngproJect. Thank you. Very truly youra, tllm GdhuaN.Uttlllrs. Cortlandt T. Ii11l 'ii lut'ln box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 October 15, 1979 department of community development l'1r. Jack Curtin E l'lrs. Cortlandt Hill 3I1 nridge StreetVail, CO 81657 Re: Parking Assessnent for the Hilt Building E<pansion Dear Jack: As r dissussed with you at. the tirc of the application and approwalof ttre HiI1 Building D<pansicn, there is a parking l\:nd whichexpansicns in CCf must contribute into based on the parking RegLl-i'renerlts of tte Zoning Ordinance. In tJle Hill BuildintExpa:rsicn, tlre only additicnal parkilg Requirenent is based on theconnercial sguare Footage added. I"Iy records ildicate this to be36I square feet, wtrich would result jn an additional r:arkilorequirenent of trio spaces. Ihe arnrwrt dr:e for these tI,.D spaces is g10,000, or 95,000 per lPace, Itds noney is to go jlto a parking Fund as nore specificallydescrilced in section 18.52.160 (21 of the Tror,n of vail MLnicipal Code (a copy of rafrich is enclosed). The Cor-mci1 has decided ttreannunt to be ctlarged per q)ace to be $5,000. f vrould appreciate paynent of tlre $10.000 at your earliesL convenience. Sincerely, kx**A^ Zonilg Administrator cc: DicJ< Rlzan :caj MEMORANDUM TO FROM DATE REF o PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION AND TOblN COUNCIL DEPARTMENT OF COI4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT/JIM RUBiN 16 MARCH 1979 COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS FOR THE SCHOBER BUILDING AND THE HILL BUILDING IN COMMERCIAL CORE I. The following are a compilation of comments that were requested from the Planning & Environmental Commission members on their reasonsfor their votes on the two Planning & Environmental agenda items mentioned above. I hope that these couunents begin to define what types of expansions and improvements are desired, and what criteria should be usedin reviewing these expansion and improvement proposals. + F*-*A7fi"t-"-2- ^7-)7 Pe e fi14tnh, 0-f-PYc-zr*Q* \ ,ti \t,). e) 3) 4,) O SUMMARIZATION OF STATEMENTS FROM THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSiON Te'lephone Conversations with the members on l4arch 15, 1979. The secretary was asked to call each member either denying or approving the requests for and ask for their reasons for Conditional Use Permits on the Schober Building and the Hill Building in Commercjal Core I. Sandy Mi11 s: Her nnin reason for denial of the CUP for the Schober Building was the size of theiaddition. She is als0 concerned about the additional condo- minium units be'ing proposed. She feels that the build'ing is not stepped back far enough and'wilf impact the view corridor. She has looked into the density of this part'icular building and finds that the Schober Bui'ldingis one with the most dense Floor Area Ratio in the Core. She is in agreement wjth the Director of Comnunity Development, that po1 icy statements must come out of more study of the Zoning Ordinance, the Conditional Use Permit criteria and the work done in Growth Management. She feels there should be some incent'ivefor people to cl ean-up their buildings, improve them and so on, but there must be regulations set forth to prevent more and more density i;r the Core. Her reasons for approving the plans for the Hill Building, is that along with her studjes of other buildings in the Core, she knows they are under their allowable Gross Res'idential Floor Area (GRFA), the additionis very small and will not'impact a view coridor and the proposed changes will improve the looks of the building. Ed Drager: His nnin reason for denial of the Conditional Use Permit app'l icationfor the Schober Building is the increased density of the building. He feels that construct'ion will be detrimental to the trafficflow, and the increase'in density will produce more traffic, additionalparking requ'irernents and he could not see where they were improving the detivery and loading zones to take care of this increase. He feels it is detrimental to the character of the Core (Vai'l Vi1lage). He feels there wil'l be an environmenta'l (light & ajr) impact during and afterconstruction. It wa$ his feeling that there would be a minimal impact on the viewcorridor. The increase in conrnercial space Will produce more employees, more gnPloyee traffic and the necessity for more deliveiy vehicles intir the aiea.In conc] usion he stated that these additiona'l impacis .rre severe enough to warrantdenial of the application. i 0n the Hill Building, he feels the impacts are very minimal. Tfey are asking for a small amount of additional square footage and thatwith this addition they are still under their al]owab]e Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). The addition wil'l not impact the view corridor or change the characterof the surounding area. Jack Goehl: 0n the Schober Bui'l ding Conditional Use Permit request, he feels itwill increase the amount of vehicular traffic in the area. The increase in Page 2 Surmarization of statements from the Planning & Environmental Corrniss'ion March 15, 1979 shop and restaurant space will not reduce or maintain the present level of vehjculartraffic. Development of public space: There is no public space on that property. Quality control of construction: The design is very good and he was impressedwith the presentation and feels the modifjcations do produce a better lookingbuildr'ng. However, he feels there is no need for a'l arger buitding on thjssite due to all the impacts that will occur. The elevator tower would be aslight obstruction to the view corridor on the street side. 0n the Hill Building, his vote for denial was because he didnot approve of the construction design on the north side of the building especially. He feels the increased space on the north side would reduce the view coiridbrslightly and would impact the traffic pattern in an already congested area. Roger Til kemeier: His reasons for vot'ing approval on the Conditional Use permit for the Schober Building is that it improves the appearance of the building andthe areas around it that are very unattractive. It'was his judgment that - it does not notably obstruct the view corridor. They are within their'legal rights to have the three condominium units in the building. And, he qpproved of their increasing the pedestrjan area around the building by puttingin the arcade/wa'lkway in the front of the building. In regard to the Hill Building, he fe'lt the improvement ofthe building will give a continuation of ihe shopping expeiience at this endof th9 street by moving the garage, it will draw beopte through and around tothe shopping_availab]e to them at the top of the itrbet. The building is under its allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) even with the-addition. The design is consistent with the existing building. ihe neighbors did notobject, and it does not obstruct the view-corridor-at this end of the street. Jim Morgan: 0n the Schober Build'i ng, Mr. Morgan was most concerned with theaddition of residential space and the converiion of the two accorunodation unitsinto dwelling units. He also felt that there was too much corrnercial and office space. being added, but did think that the general design was appropriate and that some of the proposed changes were-worthwhile.- 0n the Hill Building, Mr. Morgan abstained from voting due to aconflict of interest, but had favorable comments about the proposid addition. He felt that the changes would enhance the upper Bridge strbet'area, and wouldbe an improvement to ihe ex.isting building. 1* ) MINUTES PLANNINC & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEETING 0F: March 13,'1979 COIIMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Absent: STAFF MEBERS PRESENT: The first Perm'it for the Schober item on the agenda is a Buildinq in Commercial Ed Drager Sandy Mi11s Jack Goehl Roger T'il kemeier Jim Morgan Gerry t^Ihite Ron Todd Dick Ryan Jim Rubin The meeting was brought to order by Chajrman Ed Drager and was fol'lowed by an'introduction by Dick Ryan, Director of Conmunity Development. He spoke in regard to the first three items on the agenda. He recommends that a Workshop be established regarding the growth in Commercial Core I involv'ing the staff, CCI merchants, the Planning & Environmenta'l Commission and Council . He unuld like to see a djrection in po'licy result from thjs Workshop. Dick a'lso cormented that he feels more detail is needed from the applicants on theirproposals, especially in view of those that are being heard today on buildingsin Cormercial Core I. request for a Conditional Use - LOre l. Craig Snowdon, Architect is representing the owner in this request. He intfoduced the owner of the building, Mi. clark [lillingham. He explained his^proposal to the Commission with f'loorplans, site plan-and model oi the building. He further explained that they propose to add 2,900 si. ft. onto five levels which wi'l I include expanding the restaurant, ski shop, office space and't iving area. 0n the second 1eve1 they also plan to open up the dilp1ay area by pulling the-building back about five feet, creating'a covered wali<way/arcaae aira putlingin an e'levator from.this level to the offices and Iiving-quarters, He then exp'lained the site changes they are proposing which jnclude enlarging the planters on Gore creek Dr., and along the trebk siie, they would'like to apply for the Public/Private Joint Venture so that the Town and the ownercan work together on the landscaping and the stairway replacement on that cornerof the building. He feels that the-building does noi affect the view corridor,since it wil1 be stepped back on the creek iide corner. A deck wi1l be added iothe 4th floor, and the e'levator tower is located on the street side. Jim Rubin then gave the sunmary of the staff recommendations. He stated there were changes in the square footage that is'l isted in the staff memo, tho_se changes are: on the first floor the-addjtiona'l square footage is Z99 rq. !t.,219 f'loor,-266 sq. ft.,3rd floor,992 sq. ft., and the Sth'f1oor,937 sq. ft., which totals 2,895 sq. ft. He then went'through the factors thit'are'listed in the memo and stated that the staff recornmendaiion is for conceptualapproval '"lFi Pg.. ? MINUTES . PEC 3-'t3-79 -_,,-., _L - Fl Drager then asked for questions from the Commission. Jim Morganasked.about. the parking requirement. Jim Rubin stated that before the buildingpermit can be issued,-money,has to be paid into the parking Fund.- Th; t;riin;requirement has been figured at l0 spates. Mr. Ryan told the Conrnission that Counci'l has not stipulated thetees' and tnat recommendations will be made to Council for any inirease in theamount per space that needs to be made. Mr. Snowdon added that a 'loading zone now exists outSide the buildingwhjch will not be changed.and the alley way"will be cleaned up along with-lheconstruction on the building. Mr. Morgan continued that he opposes the increased density. Mr. ' .'snowdon stated that the only change,of use'witt ue jn the living uniti, ilr.ai.there wi1l be no new shops.- .They'wil1'on1y add ipace io-tt'. exisiing 6rrii";and restaurant. Mr. Tilkemeier ?eels that-the prbposal improves the northside.o:'the bui'lding, especial'ly the patio area. Questions were then taken from the public in attendance. pepi Gramshammer quest'ioned whether the bujlding t,.rili intiinge-upon puoiic prSperty?Mr. snowdon stated that they wiil not be oiitaing on unv pubti.'p"op""iv.'-ir"iicontinued that he is against enlarg'ing the building and"enitosini el,e"Vitring.'There,were Town CounciT rnembers at-thd meeting. cdunCttmin Donovan asked whetherthe.elevator shaft/tower is within their prop6rty lines? Mr. Snowdon answeredthat it is within the property lines. r'ui"ttrbr aiscuiiion of the uuilaing beingnon-csnforming and the addition making it more non-conforming ensued. ' -. .i The Counci'l members and the Comnission then discussed the considerationof the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), and that a 1.5/l fnn naa been talked about but notadopted. Mr. Drager added that the ptanning ir rnvironr.;;;t' a;*i;.ion-tuu"- ' the conditional uie ?9I*jt roi coniroi-purposes, but that perhaps the factorsthey are concerned with here.are not a froper hind'le on thi proLlem wtrere "u""ynook and crannv can be closed gp: .He cbntinued that if ttris'apptiiaiion-is-apiroveo,it can be assuied that there wiil be many others coming in with similar requests. Mr. snowdon- stated that there are many buildings in the core thatcould-be improved, and he feels their design-ii-i"uiii'irpiou"r*nt to the presentbuilding. Councilman Steinberg _is concern6d that the addbd square footage willconstitute the need for more efrp1 oyees. counciimun-Hop*un-is concerned aboutthe view coruidor, and that with eipansion if,ioughout-[n"'Co"e, they corialose all the views throughout the Vi1'lage. Jim Morqan stated that he js concerned about the entire Core be.ingtorn up with all th6 construction this sunrner Councilman l,lilto stated that the Floor Area Ratio was turned downbecause thel wanted tg gjyq people the opportunity to come through the Conmissionwith plans.for their nuitainfs ina tnit-iirere sho:uldn't be a problem with settingprecedent because the Conmisiion has to'l ook at these ptunt'on a case by case basis.councilman Ruder feels the builaing uei.ign'ir gooa,-nrl'ir-.on.erned about morekitchens and bedrooms, that this wilt-trave an rlndeiirab'le impact, Mr. Snowdonstated that the build'ing profile was designea so ihat-tt're aoiition aoesn,i toof"tacked on." Mr. lJillingham, the new Jwnir.of the UuiiOing, then addressed the "--'' Pg. 3 MINUTES-PEC 3-13-79 Corrnission. It is his feeling that he has purchased a good building and that hisproposal nnkes the bui'lding much more attractive. Mr. Tilkemeier asked whether the owner has the right to make condominiums out of the accommodation units and does the Conrnission have contro]over this proposed change? Jim Rubin answered that this is their right,they are permitted three units by the size of the Lot. Mr. Tilkemeier made the Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permitfor the Schober Building in accordance with the'recommendations from the Department of_Cormunity Development and with the comment that the north side of the bu'itdingwill not impact the view corridor. For Iack of a second, the chairman, Mr. Pra9gl seconded the Motion. The Cormission voted one in favor of the Motion,Mr. Tilkerireie,r, and four votes in opposition, Mr. Drager, sandy Mi11s, Jim l'lorgan and JackGoehl. The Conditjona'l Usb'permit request ii denied.- to the Town Counc'il. Mr. Snowdon asked the Commission the reasons for denial? He feltthat there had been no negative feeling on his preliminary presentation. Sandy Mj'lls answered that perhaps initial'ly there was a positivereaction from the Cornmission, but that at least for hei, she has beeir th'inking about the additional square footage that would requ'ire idditiona'l employees. Thatthis is the first building to come through with a proposal of thjs type- in theVi'llage, and they need tirie to 'look at the Village'as'a who'le; and tirirt lookingat the project as a community benefit, she doesnit feel that this proposal rnrouidbe a benefit to the community. He He He is Mr. Paul Johnston of the Christianja Lodge then spoke to the Cormission.stated that in the case of his 1odge, there are r6oms only'and no services.feels that the Village does need an increase in services,-espec'ia1 Iy restaurants. wou'l d.be.unhappy to see the Town zone for day sk'iers onty, ana thaf some expansiona good idea. The second Conditiona'l Use Perm'it item on the agenda,in Commercial Core Jay Peterson,.Attorney at Law is representing the owner in this request. ffey propose to enc]ose the patio deck of the I'titcn Hitl oyster Club restauran{.They propose a greenhouse effect, and contend this urould ii no way shut off the viewand that it wou'ld make the patio more viable. It cou'ld be used iir inclement weatherand at lj9h!. -There is,also the problem of the retai'l space below the deck thitare_having leakage problems, and they have been told thai on'ly enclosing the deckwi'l 'l e'l iminate these probl ems . Mr. Tilkemeier asked about the p'itch of the roof. Mr. Peterson statedthat there is not a great angle to the roof, but that ensineers have been consu'l tedon this. Mr. Tilkemeier feels the biggest prob'lem is wiih snow coming off the roofof the main building onto the plexigliis ani that thjs could be a ound.iou. iituation. Creekside Buildin .Ps.4 MINUTES-PEC 3-13- 79 The third item on Use Permit in Commercial Core the agenda, Hill Building request for a Conditiona] Mr. Morgan is a'lso concerned about this problem. l'lr. Tilkemeier added that they mayhave.to.so with larse skylights rather than eniire pi"*i;i;;;'"i.il""ir'""[o#itrionwou'ld'like to see t[e enlinier's report re]ative to'the i.iign of the'igreenhouse,,addition. The commission suggested'that this matter be tab'16d. Mr.-origer"-"feels there wil'l be an impaci-on the chi'ld""n'i-iountiin-ieaest"ian area andMr. Goehl is concerned abbut the added seating capaliiy aid its potentitlyear round use. Mr. i'4organ again stated that"he iloes "noi app"ovi-oi it'e'design.He doesn't feel that it ites in with the roofline of the buircrng. . ._Jay Peterson asked that the conditional Use permit request betabled until the Plann'ing & Environmental Connnission meeting on March Zl,Ig7g. Mr. Jack curtin was present to represent the owner. Mr. curtinad''tfsed the Conrmission that Mrs.'Hill has withdrawn her pians for the tower asfirst proposed. shq_is asking to trade ilrJ sarage rpi.""il" the cornmercialspace and to gain 361 sq. ft.- She also prop6ses-to bnclose rrer-oei[ io-ioa rpu..to the kitchen. He.explained to the Conrnisiion that this is a one-family dwelling.He had a model of the building and drawings to pie-eni'io t|,e comm.ission. The Conrnission asked whether surrounding bui'l ding owners had anyproblems with the proposed addition.- Mr. Curtin pr6auiea-tetters from the ownerof the Red Lion Inn aird the MiI'l creet couri gritiirgl-iia'rtutuc that no one was .i.1-gnpo9j!ion to the-proposed changes. Jim Rubin advised the commission that theHil] P.rildins is stili uirder jts al"iowabte eioss neiiauniiir-ri."" n."i fetiFal'with the addition. Sandy..Mil1s expressed the concern that the gu"ug*-ir'iociieoin a high traffic area. Mr. curtiir reeri irrut-;h;;;;r;";ie io.iiioi-oi-u,r*-gi.ug*takes it out of a higher traffic area. Roqer Tilkemeier.made the Motion to approve the Conditional Use permitfor.expans'ion 6f commercial and ""riaentiut.space in the Hill Building in accordwith the recommendations in ttre memo-irom the'.nepa"td;i oi comunity Developmentdated March 2, 1979, including the ihanges made by the appticani ana"n;ti;;-i'h;withdrawal of the variance. re{uest toi ttre tower. Jim Morgan seconded the Motion.The conrnission voted-3 memberd in ravlr, Jui["eo*nr-ippiirlX and .]im Morganabstaining because of a conf'tict of inierest. The fourth item on the aqenda, request for the rezoning of Lot I,vatt vittage zna ritins (ota rirehouie iiieiry Mr. Drager.gave the background on the sale of the property and itspresent density_whiirr ti Histr De;;idJ Nrrir:F.*iiv-iHorqFi. The Tovm councilhas asked the Planning & Eniironment"at donrnission"rdr trrii rezoning of the property.Two councilmen were piesent,.Mr. H;t;;n and Mr. Ruder. Mr. Rucer exprained thatthe counci'l voted to'-send tliis r"ioiing request to the planning & Environmentalconrnission. It is his.feer'ing. thii ttri vaft Fire proieciion orrt"tct (vFpD) cannor:iv-!!r! llis.parcel wiil not-be ne"a"J by the birt;;;i-ioi'"u"" more, and that it 's n.t co*ect for a,pubric body.to give irp their rand. ihey a"" puriiiriuirv-concerned about the density zonEa roi thii'parce1. -ih;y runi lt tb so ihroug"h a'll theproper channels. Pg. 5 MINIJTES-PEC 3-13-79 The P'lanning & Environmenta'l Connnission felt that they are not aproper forum to te1l the VFPD what to do. Jay Peterson spoke for the person who is contracting to buy the'land. He stated that Mr. Frado submittad his bid for $620,000.- 0n.Jairuary 16,'1979' the Town Council met with the Fjre District and discussed the sa'le airdthe Town of Vail decided not to do anything about the land. He feels that down- zoning this parcel now would be ridjcir1 ous. He has been present through several down zonings through the years, and nothing was done on thjs parcel . - . Roger Tilkemeier stated that the Planninq & Environmental Commission had heard the plans for the sa1e, and he was not in iavor of it. Bob warnera board member for the VFPD was present and explained that the District was very up front with their plans for the sale and have gone through ai'l requiredprocedures. Sandy Mi'lls stated that shedid not fee't that Connnission should take action to chanqe the zoninq. Sheto rezone just this one site without iooking at aTl Town owned land. Mr. Drager stated that it was not brought to the Planning & Environmenta'l Conrnission's attention that this parcei (wtrictr-ii puutiiaifv o*uaj wui ion"a-Homrduring the last downzoning done, ind it'should have been d6wnzoned at that time. A woman (who did not ident'ify herself), but lives in the Vit'lacortina is very concerned about the increased density in this area. shenpysl'l up the problem the vi1la cortina had when tha tst Bank came throughwith their proposed add'ition, and she is against addjtiona'l buildings in ihisarea. Mr. Gordon Brittan spoke to the Comnission. He would'like t6 see this meeting held up until the leEal counse'l for the Town of Vajl can be heard withhis explanation cf the situalion. . luld.y Mills nrade the Motion that the reconmendation from the Planning& Environmenta'l Conrnission to the Town Council is to leave the zoning of Lot I, Ylil Yttlage.Znd F'iling as High Density Mutti-Famity (HDMF) based on the factthat it wou'ld be unfaii to siigle out ihis parce'l fbr'rezoning as the Vail FireProtection District had come 'in good faith, and the sale of t6e land shou1d stand.Roger Tilkemeier seconded the Molion. Four members voted in favor of the Motion,Jim Morgan opposed. The staff will be working on an inventory of publically owned landand.will present this to Council and-the Planning A -Envirbnmental tommissionon April '10, .l979. the Planning & Environmenta'l doesn't th'ink it makes sense of Vail and District the agenda, Variance request for the Mueller Residence Patch Znd FiTilq.- Tom Briner, Architect 'is representing this request. He explainedthat they would'like to add an additionil 40 sq.-ft., to dhe secondary'unit of thedup'lex in a Prinnry/Secondary zone district. The Commission asked whlther he canprove a, hardship?_ .He stated that the hardship would be economics. The developerreels lnat lt would be a much more marketab'le product with the additional square feet. The fifth item on .j Pg.6 I'IINUTTS-PEC 3-13-79 sanay mrtt; ;;;;;;; i-nu, ,n. conmission is required to follow the parameters of the Primary,/Secondary zoning, and that approva'l of this request unuld be a grant of specia'l privi'lege which they cannot do. After further discussion Jim Morgan nnde the Mot'ion to deny the variance request for;the Mueller Res'idence located on Lot 3, Vail/Potato Patch 2nd Filing. Sandy Mills seconded the Motion and the Commission voted unanimously to deny the varianceirequest. Mr, Briner was given notice that he can appeal to the Town Counci] . ! Item 6 on the agen da, Resubdivision of Gondola I Parcel , Lot C, Bl ock 5-C, Vail Villaqe lst Filinq. Jim Rubin exo'lained this to the Commission bv showinq the site plan with the P'laza area, easements and locat'ion of fireianes. After further discussion, Sandy Mi11s rnde the Motion to approve the resubdivision of Gondola I Parcel, Lot C, Block 5-C, Vaj'l Vj'llage 1st Fi'l'ing. The I'rlot'ion seconded by Jim Morgan, the Conmission voted approval with one abstention, Roger Tilkemeier because of a conf'l ict of interest. The 7th item on the agenda, Amendment to Site B, Casolar De1 Norle -$gbcliv19ion. Jim Rubin exp'lained to th eln angG-oT the building eve'lope, it will not affect distance between bu'i1d'ingior setbacks 'in any way. After some discussion a Motion was made by J'im I'brganto approve the amendment to Site 8, Casolar Del Norte Subdivision, seconded by Sandy Mil'ls and unanimously approved by the Commission. Meeting adjourned'at 6:25 P.M. o fo :16 I (nz,\Jr*ru-J 7 5 fu,r.nL,;rtk-:J llf -{ T}+.. 1 o MEMORANDIJM ._FIANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL cOMMISSION AND TOwN cOuNcIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/JIM RUBIN 16 MARCH 't979 COMMENTS FROM THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION ON THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT REQUESTS FOR THE SCHOBER BUILDING AND THE HILL BUILDING IN COMMERCIAL CORE I. TO FROM DATE . _- Thg following are a compilation of comments that were requestedfrom the P1 anning & Environmental Commission members on their reasonsfor their votes on the two Planning & Env'ironmental agenda jte,rns mentioned above. . I hope that these corunents begin to define what ;ypes of expansions and improvements are desired, and what criteria should be usedin reviewing these expans'ion and improvement proposals. o SUMMqRIZATION OF STATEMENTS FROM THE PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Te'lephone Conversations with the members on March 15, 1979. The secretary was asked to call each member and ask for their reasons for either denying or approving the requests for Conditional Use Permits on the Schober Bu'ilding and the Hi'l'l Bui1ding in Connercial Core I. Sandy Mi'l1s: Her main reason for denia1 of the CUP for the Schober Bui'ldjng was the size of the addition. She is also concerned about the additional condo- rnjnium units being proposed. She feels that the building is not stepped back far enough and wil'l impact the view comidor. She has looked into the density of this part'icular bu'ilding and finds that the Schober Bui'lding is one with the most dense Floor Area Ratio in the Core. She is in agreement with the Director of Comrnunity Development, that po1 icy statements must come out of more study of the Zoning Ordinance, the Conditional Use Permjt criteria and the work done in Growth Management. She feels there should be some jncent'ive for peop'le to c'l ean-up their bujldings, improve them and so on, but there must be regulatr'ons set forth to p;event more and more density in the Core. Her reasons for approving the plans for the Hill Building, is that along with her stud'ies of other buildings in the Core, she knows they are under their allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA), the additionis very small and will not impact a view comidor and the proposed changes w'i1i improve the looks of the bui'lding. Ed Drager: His nnin reason for den'ial of the Conditional Use Permit applicationfor the Schober Bu'ilding is the increased density of the build'ing. wil'l be detrimental to the traffic produce more traffic" additional see where they were improv'ing the delivery 'i ncrease. He feels jt is detrimental to the character of the Core (Vail Village). He feels there will be an environmental (light & air) impact during and afterconstruction. It was his feeling that there would be a mjnimal impact on the vievl corridor. The increase in corrnercial space will produce more employees, more employee traffic and the necessity for more de'l ivery vehicles into the area.In conclusion he stated that these additional impacts Jre severe enough to warrant denial of the application. 0n the Hill 8uilding, he feels the impacts are very mjnimal. They are asking for a small amount of additional square footage and thatwjth this addition they are sti'll under their allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). The addition wi'll not impact the view coruidor or change the characterof the surround'ing area. Jack Goeh'l : 0n the Schober Builcling Condit'iona'l Use Permit request, he feels it wi'l'l increase the amount of vehicular traffic in the area. The increase in tle feels that constructionflow, and the increase in density will parking requ'irements and he could not and loading zones to take care of this Page 2 Surmarization of statements frpm the Planning & Environmenta'l Connission March '1 5, '1979 shop and restaurant space wj 1l not reduce or maintain the present leve'l of vehiculartraffic. Development of public space: There is no public space on that property. Quality Control of Construction: The design is very good and he was impressed with the presentation and feels the modifications do produce a better )ookingbuilding. However, he feels there is no need for a larger building on thissite due to all the impacts that will occur. The elevator tower would be aslight obstruction to the view corridor on the street side. 0n the Hill Bui'lding, his vote for denial was because he did not approve of the construction design on the north side of the building especially. He feels the increased space on the north side would reduce the view comidor s'lightly and would impact the traffic pattern in an already congested area. Roger Ti'l kemeier: His reasons for voting approval on the Conditional Use Permitfor the Schober Building is that it improves the appearance of the building and the areas around it that are very unattractive. It was his judgment thatit does not notably obstruct the view corridor. They are within their legal rights to have the three condominium units in the building. And, he approved of their increasing the pedestrian area around the building by putting in the arcade/walkway in the front of the building. In regard to the Hill Build'in9, h9 felt the improvement ofthe'building will give a continuation of the shopping experience at this endof the street by moving the garage, it will draw people through and around tothe s.hopping ava'ilable to them at the top of the street. The bu'ilding is under its allowable Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) even with the addition. The design is consistent wjth the exist'ing building. The neighbors did notobject, and it does not obstruct the view-corridor-at this end of the street. Jim Morgan: 0n the Schober Bu'i 1ding, Mr. Morgan was most concerned with theaddition of residential space and the conversion of the two accorrnodatjon units.into dwellinE units. He also felt that there was too much cormercial and office spqc9. being added, but did think that the general design was appropriate and that some of the proposed changes were worthwhile.- 0n the Hill Bui'lding, Mr. Morgan abstained from voting due to aconflict of interest, but had favorable conrnents about the proposEd addition. He felt that the changes would enhance the upper Bridge Strbet-area, and wou'l d be an improvement to the existing building. ' box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 department of community development l'larch .|6, 1979 Mr. Jack Curtin c/o Mrs. Cortlandt Hill 31'l Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 8.l657 Dear Mr. Curtin: Enclosed is a copy of the Minutes of the Planning Environmental Commission meeting of March l3' '1979. As you are aware your request for a Conditional Use Permit for the Hill Bui1ding in Connrercial Core I was approved. However, to make you aware' there is a ten (10) day appeals period, to Mat"ch 26, 1979, where anyone in opposition to the Commission's decision can go to the Town Council. ENC rac --ffi' 303-476-5681 PROPERTY UANAGEM ENI HOTE & CONOOM IN IUM RENTALS Our New Vail Office DENVER, COLORAOO OFFICE ARTHUR C. BISHOP 8 CO Mill Creek Court PENTHOUSE, THE OENVER CLUB BUILDING Realtor BOX NO. 667 vAr L, coLoRADO S t657 March L2, t979 Tire Vail Planuiirg Cornmissioa The Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: I have been asked by Mrs Cortlandt Hill to write aletter in regard to proposed changes in her buildingat the top of Bridge Street. As a business andproperty owner in the sa.me area I would recommendthe proposed changes be passed. We desperatelyneed focal points in our immediate area. The changesin Mrs. Hlll's building in addition to the possibilityof a tower and some type of fountain in Seibert Circleshould all help give the original center of Vail thedignity it deserves. Very truly yours, DENVER, COLOFIADO 303-493- 996t TO FROM DATE RE MEYORANDUM PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 2 I'IARCH .1979 A VARIANCE FROM THE IIEIGHT LIMIT, AND A CONDITIONAL USE REQUEST FOR THE EXPANSION OF COMMERCIAL AND RESIDTNTIAL SPACE FOR TI"IE HILL BUILDING LOCATED ON A PART 0F LOT C, BLOCK 5-C, VAIL VILLAGE lst FILIIIG. DESCR]PTION OF PROJECT The Hi'|1 Building is located on the west side of Seibert Circle' and cbnta'ins the Vail Ski Rentals, Vail Sports, Va'il Ski & Boot Repair and a residence on the second floor. Th'is proposed request has two parts to it. The first js a Variance from the Height Linrit in Commercial Core I, to al low a tovler approximateiy 60 feet-high. The maximum height I'imit in the Comnercial Core I is 35 feet, wjth a 25% jncrease a'l lowed for architectura] projections. This would require the maximum height of the tower to be no more than 4l feet. The djmensions of the tolver is proposed to be 12 feet by 12 feet' with its approximate locatjon be'ing where the existing garage stands. The second part of this application is a Conditional Use request for the proposed expansion of both commercial and resjdential space. 0n the first floor, the proposed changes are the conversi0n of the existing garage into conmercia'l space, as an extension of Vail Sports, and the relocation of the garage to whei^e the existing eastern entrance to Vail Sports is presently 'l ocaied.- There r,rould be a net increase jn commercial space of approximate'ly 200 sq. ft., vrhich would occur to the south of the existing garage along the easterly face of the building. This space 'is presently being used for storage of trash ' 0n the second floor, the applicant wishes to extend the kitchen to the west, which would enclose about 213 of the existing deck along the north side of this bu'i1d'ing. This proposed addition cons'ists of approximate'ly 160 sq. ft.' Above the secon<J,floor, wculd depend on the approval or disapproval of the tower. If the tovrer is approved, there would be two additional floors of approxinrately 144 sq. ft. eacir for a total of 288 sq. ft' If the toweris not approved, the applicant would like to extend the area above the commercia'l space to two stories with a s1 op'ing roof similar to the one on the major part of the bui'lding. (ffre existirrg garage curuently has a bedroom on top of it. ) This second aliernative would exiend-over the new conrnercjal area (by the existing trash enclosure) and add approximately 550 sq. ft. of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to the existing bui'lding. The al1owable GRFA on this site is 6,400 sq. ft. The total with this proposed addition is 4,7.l0 sq. ft. Pg. z DCD-I\IEMORANDUM HILL BUILDING - o CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 pEscR-IPTr0N 0F VARTANCE REQUTST[p_ The variance request js for the 60-foot tower as described above. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon rev'iew of Crjteria and Findings, Sect'ion 18.62,060 of the Munic'i pa'l code, the Department of community Development recommends denjal of the requested Variance based upon the following factors: Consideration of Fact.ors The relationship of the requested'lariance to other existingor potentiai uses and structures in the vicinity. We feellthat the 60-foot tower is not desirable'in th'is location. Thfs tower would extend well beyond the he'ight of any existing bujlding in the area. It would block the current open views which people have of the mountain as they walk toward the mountain on Bridge street. The tower also does not seem to blend in wel'l with the existing buildings. l,]e feel that it is too massive a structure to fit in properly at this 'location The clegree to urhich relief from the strict or ljteralinterpretation and enforcement of, a spec.ified reguiationis necessary to achieveeompatibilityand unifonnity of treatment among sites in the vicin'i ty, or to attain the objectives of thjs tit'le without grant of special privilege. [,le are not aware: of any variances to the he'ight ljmitations g'iven to bu'ildings in.this area. Most of the buildings in this area are below the present he'ight]'imit of 35 feet, the maximum average height a'l lowed l'n Commercial Core I The effect of the requested variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation-and trafficfac'ilities, public facilities and utiljties, and public safety. The only potential effect that the tower could have on thcse j factors is to block the lighd and the sense of openess that cumently exists on Bridge Street. l^le feel that this would be detrimental . o Ps. 6 DCD-I4EMOMNDUM HILL BUILDING . CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 l4ore infonnation is needed concern'ing the architecture and types of materials to be used on the structure. The proposed use should have a pos'itive affect on the vitality of this key corner of the Vi11age. The Departnrent does not support the 60*foot tower as it is not compatible wjth the existing character of Vail ViI'lage. I i Pg. 5 DCD-I"IIMOMNDUM o HILL BUILD]NG . CUP & VARIANCE (FAR) when compared with other buirdings in commercial core L The proposed. changes, without the tower, will not greatly increase the size or mass of the existing building. tire feer that the changes wil1 actuaily have a positive effect on the general appearance of this prominent site. G' contror .qua'r ity of construction, architecturar des'ign,and. randscape design in connnerc'ia'r 'core i uistrict io-as to ma.intain the existing character of the area; hle feel that the architectural design is appropriate and does conform with the existing character of the area. H. Effe(ts of-noise, odor, dust, smoke, and other factorson tne environment of Commercial Core I District. These factors are not applicabre in the consideration of this appl icat'ion. The Department considers that the redeveropment of this site proposed'in the conditional use request, along with the Gondo-la I proposal and the Gondola I Plaza offers a unique opportunity to come up with a coordinated street, pedestrfan and praza d"es'ign for this area. vair Associates, Inc-, has not designed the pedest.ian space or landscaping for the Gondora I buil.ding. They want to coordinate their design with the p'laza p1an. t,Iith the amount of redevelopment'and pedestrian and plaza design taking p1 ace in this area, the upgrading of Seibert Circle should be considered. The Depar:tment of conrnunity Deve'r opment wou'r d iike to exprore these opportunities with the applicant. There could be a design solution dea.ling with the entire space that would further enhance the aesthetic character of this part of Vail VilJage. RECOMMENDATION ' 3-2-79 The Department of Connrunity Development reconmends conceptual approval of theConditionat use pai^t or-lrr.ii .i;j;';;iilr. i o Pg. 4 DCD.MEMORANDUM HILL BUILDING - CUP & VARiANCE CONDITIONAL UST REQUEST For the purpose of thjs application, the Department of Comnunity Deve'l opment will review this request with the presumption that the Variance request for the Tourer will be denied. The Conditional Use request would therefore be for the 200 sq, ft. of conmercial space added in the relocation of the garage and the 710 sq. ft., of GRFA added in the expansion of the kitchen and the bedroom 'l ocated above the conunercial space. Consideration of Factors A. Effects of vehicu]ar traffic on Comnercjal Core I District; As part of this application, two exterior parking spaces along the east sjde of the build'ing are proposed to be removed. The existing one car garage would renlajn as such. This proposal should therefore, have a positive effect in reducing vehicular traffic in this area. B. Reduction of vehicu'lar traffic in Commercial Core I District; (See Factor "A") C. Reduction of non-essent'ial off-street park'ing; (See Factor "A") D. Control of delivery, p'ickup, and service vehiclesi This proposal should provide a better drop-off zone for de'l 'ivery vehic'les through the removal of the two parking spaces along the east side of the building. E. Development of pubf ic spaces for use by pedestrians; lJe feel that the'proposed relocation of the garage will have a positive impact on the pedestrian space in this area. An attractive store front will offer a great deal more vitality to the area than the present garage wa11. The garage will be located away from the major entrance into the new Gondola I bu'ilding and the Gondola I Plaza. We feel that this'is a positive change. F. Continuance of the various commercial , residential , andpublic uses in Commercial Core I District so as to maintain the existing character of the area; The Blanche Hill Buildinq has one of the smallest floor area ratio 3-2-79 Pg. 3 DCD-MEMORANDUM HILL BUILDING . CUP & VARIANCE 3-2-79 Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance There are no other factors that are deemed applicable to this appl ication. Findings The Planning & Environmental Commission shal'l make the following findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wil'l constitute a grant of special privi'l ege inconsistent with the limjtations on other properties classified in the same di strict. That the grant'ing of the variance could be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious t0 properties or improvements in the vicin'i ty. That the variance is not warranted for one or more of the followinq reasons: The strict :.'r I i teral 'interpretation and enforcenrcnt of the specified regulation would not result in pract'ica1 difficulty or unnecessary physical hardsh'ip inconsistent with the objectives of th'is t'i tl e. There is no hardship that has been dejmonstrated 'in this appl i cati on . 'The Department of Conrnunity Development appreciates the desjre of Mrs. Hil'l to add an'imaginative repfica of European heritage to the end of Bridge Street. Unfortunately the Department does not consider that a 60-foot tower belongs jn this location and would not be a part of the character of Vai'l Vi'l 1age, There js the opportun'ity for the applicant to be an important part of upgrading the street and pedestrian ways in this area. This opportunity is presented at the end of the Conditiona'l Use discussion on page 5. o lUl{N APPLICATION Application Date Felr- Publiqation Date Public Hearing Date Name of Applicant Name of Owner if OF VAIL NOR VARIAI{CE 17 1121 dif f erent f rom Applicant IYt nt . 6";a-* Maillng Address Telephone Legal Descri.ption: Lot , Bloc* 5C , Filing (If property Appli cat ion is unplatted submit mtes and bounds description as exh is hereby made for a Variance from the provisions of of the Municipal Code for the ibit Section Town of Vail in order to allow: o ina ict APPLICATION WILL.NOT BE A LLOIVING: 1. Hearing Fee * $1OO.0O + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-Family Residential; Two- Family Residential; or T\,vo-Family PrimarylSecondary Residential Zone District; or adjacent to the subject property in all other Zone Districts. The owners list shall include the names of a1 f owners and the legal description of the property orvned by each. Accompanying this list shal1 be pre-addressed envelopes along withCertificates and Return Receipts properly filled out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Office. 3. Site Plan, floor plan and other documents as required by the Zoning Administrator. 4. A description of the precise nature of the Variance. lDV.to 0.t I Mrs. Lorence C. Burdick Red Lion lnn, Box 1268, Vail, Colorttdo 816)7 {Dtl.'l,?[unu,iu,1 0ouritti Dtr' r !hon, sttr fh"u plars hrl {t c &ddilio,n h hn,\litlr h$\tdrrrq otwd )ind t&sur' ielir lostorq a.{,4 oltrae}th , . Lun"tl lrrultn adA tt o{ owqlLr*q k$, llill pto.ur Oow ku cut^*lt,l uil'*t bl, ir. Uu lili1t"t tl tDod,to*tr, tuorqort+rh*Ju.< kor,r. lx, I ql q I "" " 7U/77 * DEScRrPrroN oF PRorEcr fuArm &tflilb 414<(9.ffiD?Wil a//.ta t LIS'T OF MAI'NRIALS NATIE OF PNOJUCT LEGAL DI]SCRIPTION ,.ot 5o e following information tbe Design Review Board ) BUILDING MATDRIALS: Roof Siding Other \{all lrlaterials FII,ING Th to A. Fascia Sof f its lltindows lf i ndow Trlm D<.rorS Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other Dotanical Narne 1urtPP is required for srrbmittal by before a final approval can Type of lrlatcrial Color //r/E the Applicant bc given. q E.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,-Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) fr/r'-N:r?oF. td/Uz__ BE .'^ " 4rc qtt#-J/&22&#q4fas4/p 77F t|Lea a,ftL ffi ztua ryztr:taDeer/- o f;/&erF-tzFc-zE-tilD 7/E /,a/7ru/d ?cA zF /treft- - fi't{kf fPttF.- Conn'non l.lame Qu;rrr t i tv Si ze 'ilo l,!EttaI/A-ft/./b /"//.;Flr;5 r_ U6f af TTb frja7euuls/lJbr # /?*;t) %.rfuad* Owner Address and Phone: Project Application Date Project Name: 1t;r.--t V Architect Address and phone: Legal Description: Lot Block , , Fiting Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board #t'f*^7.,?- j 'i ,'..,. . ' l .ii. 1 ..). DISAPPROVAL Administrator Chief Building Official .. ._l o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that Jack Curtin has applied for a Varlance and a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed expansion of the Cortlandt Hill Building located on a part of Lot C, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1st Filing' The variance application is to a1 low a tower of aPProximatelY 60 feet in height, whish is in excess of the additional height alLowed for Architectural Projections' The Conditional Use Permlt is for the addition of commercial space on the first floor and the relocation of the ga1^age' Application has been ,made in accord with Sections 18'24'L2O and 18'24'050 of the ldunicipal Code. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Commission on March L3' 1979 at 3:00 P.M. in the Vail Municipal Buildi"ng' Said hearing will be held in accord with Section 18'66'060 of the Municipal Code. : ibwN or varr-, DEPARI'}IENT OF COMMUN.ITY DEVEI,OPMENT fu-* rt er^-:--.- ?u ", A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trai-l February 23, 1979 oz tr =E l,u.L I IFJ:rlo I I I I I I t._, lor;itii t('tzr6 'l zl <n tElH<t z I I l., lelo I I I I l- '9t? iHllr r-:aI-<9Lr <:9iF :CFF.c,FX"-Z !.r!.i!q:o(,El"ao9ioe!z- azj<ozEAzzTs rFL Olaa<(l<()1,lZ::;i:;?t3"1*3ei3- t .. t .. O> -(,<of'daa=<d<3r NOITVN']VA :< o BZztJ- i o- 4=Xf>Yt o oi aaEz>-ooo!1.ezX lL<9q i!JXE!.X|JJaxz i(!(5 =k:: tJ-tta<FOozos>oq>oi OOt/)oL!t!<coE z ii', Y =E?<UIr,"o .ri uJ E ==-tsR<ozEZI z =LL J(D F J ui I>l<lzl IDr I -r. I I I Il" l" I EI rr.rl RI <l -:!l<l I>l () LU 4 I Il- l" I .,l@l --lolol<l =l<t =Eotrl al LUI EIol 1l <l>l =E ll- tltltlllrllotttt l_ltalI UJIl6ltoll<lEJIct <t Ftrl =l o >i trl I I I t_ld I I _lal uJl ol<l Jl<l F =l o lltltllli ll&tl l",ltolI LlJltcllolt<l>l :l(rI <I Fnl >l O c I LU(!oo JEE tJJ $ UJt- T E E <FEO u-l <zE LIJ F(ri Z JE<oC)F t<;\ E d-T (JOzt =#=F:zrr'- o <-x )lF =F?,= =g E F,dOz J<()<,Lt uJ =o oz Fc) uJ-)oEL u.JF o --Jz z,.o!!/ ;-ze crlo>z O- LL ."i5\/ \-/ = =83-! -'l lucod> trnn = = tIJ U- UJo- F o E o o (D ?t .= 5 E Eoa, o F =Elrl o-z9F C)fE,, zoo ntn U' I.JJ UJ LLt =ul z F Q r.. z (, z j E 2 d J 3gl,,r rc5i -<?t < _. : zFT-< ',i i ',1 2 !!(,)(:io9Esiz - <>-<azi.22;;9<;YFFO9<c,<oaz!i=i.A::!:<o69.',..: li"oo>_<31 tr<' F F <D z o == I.IJ z oJ a[! LIJu-t =IY ul J F F z.6 = =>t -E.n =!OGt zo ir o- r9-u, 6 =^6>u< o- \? ca ut E. J zI tsoo z tr t UJ F- zz t_EsE&.a-o f-EEoe6{ i!EB#EeEuJuJ<Ozo or|llz= zlt't Yqa1o-dat! llJEg, r!t zo LLz e.9 ZJrs zt =sEg;Eoo() zotr J laz IJJ J E l!t! o- F Fa ; .6 tIJF 3) ? LrJ =z --) tltl|lItll-ltalI LlJl loltoll<l =l Jlel <ltr|=l al uJl olol<l Jl <l =l pl ol 1I <l >l F uJ tsI t <F tIJ <zE u.J F(\zo Jt<oOF t<t E('Oz. t- =-f]FJZr..o =-(J UJ = E ir *Eo2 J<()fiffiJO tact olz. oz F =t UJ oz t-(J lJt-l E o- .Jz z (J9z4oo =zJOtL lr g? l-r [!Y ur> (D cto 0) q, .:c E Eoat ,AO =l +. IE!,l-trf=E =*E€ F =E. IJIo-zo Fof E,FQzo(J nn TN Cfuft /./r2/, lrLo * % o'.*lt'a a- -r ""' Project Application ,^,, { ffio /t r ,'t Project Name: - ' Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block ",' {-}t*';{-f,i' il-s *I "t l-a-.L bu.,.r Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motionby: (Jron*uq o' seconded nvt S rn outJ o a ^l4 /, .,' ,' '-.,oate f //41 ll APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL LroJeJ (s sa^toJ Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: 7roft Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: * ,, b\i4Descriptfon: t-ot | . Blo:ck --. Filing Zoning Approved; t; Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administralor \) \/\.\'. \\\.. \ '.i\\ l o }\t '.b{. \,\\/"' s I ('.l.---- : l1- \--- - !.- t. l .i .. \..,. l.t\'I ---= ----=-! \t\\l\\'\'1\i',1 ,l I '1 I I I I t B U N 'N Y L A ni.of ^ , D . B r* A N c "'l'r a u s E a nn'a ru' Llor.-J.-+/" VAIL.COLORADO 1qo1"rio1 SUMRELLA 1L02 a1 llWidth--::- weighl 9'5 oz'',g:--Id' VailAssociateglnc. September 18, 1978 l4r. James A. Rubin Zoning Adminjstrator Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Va'il, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: Gordon Pierce has informed me that the Des'ign Review Board has approved ourremoving the overhang connecting Gondola I with lf,risty Hill's buildiiri to ttreeast. l,,le intend to proceed with its expeditious removil . you can be issuredthat we will restore the side of each liritaing with materials similar in quality and appearance to those already there. Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, \/AL ASSOCIATES, INC.,/,}JM* SlljEl,';fiffiff'/'V DJF/sl cc: Harry l,.I. Bass, Jr. Jack Marshal l Phil 0rdway Gordon Pierce (pa" {&e- ) f ;lg ,n**d.q-1 <4' ^nx-'u^ I I" ':'{ l''in" '"'^' ^' r U [}me -$lru/;"f Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657,303/476-560i ,\YI FI 3" z \.i o\ \/z\ |q ,\ 2., lq r'.< ,.i I'J \. " r--t\ t\ F(.) d z O CL z =a\ 6, rYFlillc,-aDl l ?{_,z(5 lg) \. ,'F-[_ ,L '.9 ,-'jYI I, H-i-{ t\ tlifi r!i (-I\J t'];. qJ r,Et<P, .. 9 ZE-< -ulfrr-a9Zz-<<a2z2ao< a F,Eiu oaz5q>*x9 a>-<o:r e<> o llltr IU 2 UJ LX UJ F J J z (J L! F 4 F oz J F IL IL F =LU o- z oJ l ctl ul :4 IJJT z J z F z F utFJ <( E UJz F z: IJJ F =F E z o =fo u- uJ J z t ul Eoz F F UJ3 ut Eoz F o ut oJ zul E ru o E 2 F llJ IJJ 2I IJJ z l o Jg E E (J Ftl- o 6 F ci LU F tt z F 2 z f l! ^z -_ (E I z F J <t UJ o \.:' j{: l\l llth u/ z :,i t -,t' > ! ': +rA. F o z Y F J \ ,f ,..l, .::- F I -\t>o(, :t(\l zoo-a z F FCC9o*> :z:< >o -cn f:\, \i i .i .. o l,: i.r' =t! z F {E uJ UJ2 IJJ Iil I LU(')z s FzqJ Eul F uJ t J tt <t UJ tc ) aF ! E tr ul o o z -o Jl o = lro =, =ot- .til\tsPEcTltrlN TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen TUE n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED ! orsaeeRovED fl nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR tNs]rECTttsN FtEGTUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED . '' AM PM CALLER n orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ,,8 npPRovED D orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,' "- " :i. INsiPECTI,o.N , TOWN OF l! ' FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM /,: E ornrn n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WEDMON COMMENTS: TUE THUR FRI AM. PM E nppRovED florsnneRovED ! nrrNSPEcr E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEcTi.)o'N REeuEsr\ TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE f] pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM f,lnppRovED ! orsappRovED D nErNSPEcr ! uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR ./tNSPEGGN TOWN OF FIEOL'EsiT VAIL JOB NAME '-- I -. TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n otren fl pnnrrau LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR PM COMMENTS: FRI ,.]E APPROVED D orsnpp RovED ! nerNsPEcr ! upolv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNs: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE ol DATELJOBN.AME Tf ME RECEIVED ;' t" AM PM rNsPEcrlbru F|EEUEST VAILTOWN OF CALLER f]ornrn MON COMMENTS: PMTUE I pnnrrll.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR F".orrRovED I orsneeRovED l' r-r. II UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr L-----"- TNEiPEC(}ctN FIEeUEST ool OoT Zl ,1€' JoB NAME rME REcElvE o fu '. q{ 6;9,en CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n ornen E panrrll. LocAroN READY FOR INSPECTION PM ',.-W*"f RovED n orsnppRovED W6rrHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNsPEcr on FIEEUE$TINSiPEC EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrtar LocATroN ,ft,' READY FOR INSPECTION THUR ''m';rr*oriro I orsnee Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr I uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNs: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE ik $ N stul llt z z s F (E utt CE II llJ F J J F UJE o Jtt J{F !, 2 UJ E UJ UJ ! Er ul olreO =,2 =ql-l_-fr,@ =J IE E II z tr a ut ) c urz uJ r(f-v"q.\; e,\Jr \ c\;g\ zo9 -^ z F:=n6FE20A> -z1< IIJ Jo,o>(JFO -ci a ! F E t \ IN lr.l tl I <FTIrE-<: kFo -<!l (Jvr =q:< 2;2E9<XFrie<i)<()o aE! ;<aE9o o> d< ul llt z u,l z s n zlll E u,t gl F ul Jl! u,l cc F : F F LIJ tt oJIt aFoF * \ s \ \< \ J\-tt $t \ ! Er ul o o z -o Jl o E -\ -lG<N>\ Slls SOS= +N= OY -ah -= 2 tr == Flc9.t :z:< uJ3o-o>o - ..i fb tst o(', >\ rr tNsFEcloN HEEUEST TOWN OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n ornen TUE n pnnrrnl.LOCATION BEADY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI .. ,', AM PMMON COMMENTS: E appRovED flotsappRovED fl ner NsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOB ilusiFEce clN TOWN OF FIEBUEEiT VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM JOB NAME E orurn MON COMMENTS: FRTUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PM E nppRovED fl orsnpp RovED nnerNsPEcr fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR INSPECtN FTEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen n pnnrrnl READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR LOCATION MON. COMMENTS: TUE FRI-AM,PM ! appRovED ! orsaeeRovED f] nerNsPEcr fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR Town of Vail FiLECIBICAL PFiRMIT L52'Ng APPNOVALS a* Qgft" s,zs THIS JOB FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURIT{G GOI{STRUCTIOI{ 2{ HOURSI ADVAhICE NOTICE Rf,QUIRED FOR INSPECNONS Date of Application...- P .'f Electrical "oor*"ror.ffi Applicant............... Slgnature Butldtng Offlclrl Received By Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $... $/4aM4 $f{ ?\{o $..1.\2.--._-..,\- lxr a. r, da!crrL G!., !rxtat trtltl .- v July 2, 1975 if. Ibug -Fblaughl ln llclaughltn & Peterson Attornqys at La|' P.0. Box 14ffi Yafl; Colorado 81657 ilcar [hug: Ttnnks f,or the quit elalm deed on the Blanehe Hlll Property. Thc only thlngg that ffirst stlll bs done on thls problern ars a forwl vacatlon of the exliting easement and dedlcatlon of Rr$ eas€flent on the nopth sfde for uttllt{es,and a blcyclc path easslent acrosi ths e&Et cor1nsr. I tould t'ccomend an omnded plst bc suhltted for appooval to prevent sasmcnt p.obltns tn the future. Slncerely' DEPART}IEHT OF CSIIflJIIITY gSVELOP!.IEBT Dhna 5. Tftghlll ZonlN A&rlnl.ctrater DST/Jar McL-rucHuN & PEl'rrRSoN ATTo R N EYs AT LAW S. OOUGlAS MCLAUGNTIN 5OO E. L]ONSHEAO CIRCLE P, O. BOX t40A vA tL, coLo RAOO e t657 343 476-24"7 Ms. Diana Toughill 'I'OWn O t Va l_ 1P. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Hill euit Claim Deed Dear Diana: Enclosed herewith please find Quit Claim Deed for Blanche C.to the Eagle County Courthouse SDM: jk Enclosure June 23, 1975 a copy of a fully executedHill which has been sentfor recordinq. Sincerely yours, McLAUGHLIN E PETERSON Ekz. Recorded Reception o'clock-....-..-...M., Tgrs Dnno, Mado thra Itt'F aay ot June ,19 75t berwe@ Holy Cross Electrical Associates, fnc. ol the Cotorado, of the first part, aad Blanche C. ol tho CountSr of Eagle - and strtd of gnd stato ol Hill County of' - ' Eagle Colorado, of the second par! WITNESSETH' That the eaid part y of Ure firat part, for and ln consideration of the sum ofOne and no,/100--- --------DOLLARS, to the said part y of the firat part ln hand paid by the seid party of the second part, the receipt whereot ls hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha s remiged, releaged, sold, conveyed and QUIT CLAIMED, and by these presenta do €s remise, release, rell, convey aad QUIT GLAIM unto the Baial part y of the eecond part, her heirs, successors and assigaa, forever, all the righ! title, interes! claim and demend which the eeial partY of the first pgrt has in snd to the following described lot or parcel ol land situate, lying and beins in the Town of Vail County ot Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit: A Ten (10) foot utj_lity easement along the Soutfi 1ot lineof the property more particularly described 'as follo!,/s: A portion of Block 5-C, Vail ViIIage, First Filing, furtherdescribed as follorrs 3 beginning at the southwest corner ofLot L, Block 5-C, thence in an easterly direction 56.79talong the South boundary of said LoL L to the southeastcorner of said Lot L, thence S.26o54'E a distance of56.07 ' to the S.E. corner NW 1/4 NW L/4 Sec. g, T.5.S.R.80 W; thence in westerly direction along the south boundaryof Block 5-C to a point at which the southwest corner ofLot I-, bears N.11o7'W., then N.11o7'W. to the point ofbeginning TO IIAVE AND TO IIOLD the saee, together with sU and singular the appurtenances and privilegeg thereunto belonging or in an1'wise thereunto appertaining, gnd all tbe estate, right, title, interest and claim whatsoeven of tlbe gald partY of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit aad behoof of the aaid padY ' of the second part, hef heirg and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WEEREOtr', The said partf of the first part ha S and aeal the day anil year firgt ebove written. bereunto set llg hand Ho ly-€-roae- -E .leet r-i-ea-tr--Aee- ;.7-i[-R d s EALI Siened, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence ol TSEAL] lsEALl tsEALl STATE OF COLORADO, County of Eag1e ]"* The foregoing instrument was aclmowledged before me this 1975 ,by' Sntt-'L e1 Darn- qr FtcD n Eute- My conmission erpirea NOJ 2i) ,19 27 -Fit:l.ess my hand and officiat seal /4#day ol June _ !U b/ Datur&l pcr-soD or peiloD! hGrr lnlort Da!r! o! D&rDc! : tf by Dl'sou acu.rE tn r.€prtscntr y. or otflctrl crDs,cltJ or r.rltorne]''tn-lrct. ulen ln!6rt namo ol ,ar6on tt orocutor. attorosy-ln-(rct of glhcr csDaclty or delcrlptlotr: lt by oftlcar bt cor-Doratron, uran u8en nlmo ol lucb otllcer or otllccr!, Bt tho presldcnt or oth6r oftlcor.! ol ruch corDorrtlotr, DrmlDB lL-8adat4torl,Aoknot,/.l.dor cna, Sec. tlt-G-l Coloiado ncvtrdd gtriirjt-d ii-Arl- No. 933. QlllT ct.Arlf ftEEn.- tlr!df(.rd P,,tti.hins ca, !c?{.,t6 Stdir St,rr. I)an!er, Colorado (S?i-SotU -r-?6 I I oz aoaA Eeol I I I III oz h I ,E 5 TT' u Dr IT' .3 a x' I J ct Fo T 3t{, Eos e dl E Jlle Ef hoEFEg .FE!8 g * I I I I I I Ia' q,ch Lo Bqcoc) I I I I I i I o Atorlo('' ho FT E{ E-{ EA o E{ Qtq fEla =]-l FI(J F F CY {r .t0'J"5 Secondcry conduclor insuloted 6O0 volts t:t7 4" lronsite. 3n No,Z Cu. Cofeleria rcarJduit - \tI \(D'G i&condory L g6et I Potrol House T, 27 TfiANSFoQT'reR : .._.- !-- 3 A Primory insuloted SOOO volls undergrannd conduclor, ---,'')F ---*. CONCRTTJIFLD TTST ^ND4O0 hd(txx tloce cdo(6do !trf€6 cobado 00917 303 , sno .75d7 lOJl sotlh trtrrdo€ rood \^,?stpoboxfi44- \d . cctr6do . Bld57 JO3 .475.0297 foundauon dngineering CL I ENT NO I.AB NO 125- I CONCRETE CO Mo un ta CON TRACTO pdny PRO-J€CT Hill Build in Add iri TRUCK N 24 -No v002896 f ',r e r,,r t r-E O A. AEARRIVEO''-fJ pr4gaa 5:00 L0cAT toN oF pLAcEMENT I N srRUcruRE Fqoters aig Cons truction C k/ Ff Cu yos pLAcED... 24/24+ TRUCK LOAO I NG... YVA TEFI CCNTENT WATER-CEMENT.... ADMIXTUEE.. CALC IUM CHLOR I OE MIX NU[{BER SPECJF ICATIONS.. OE S I GN€,O 8Y. . . . . OA TE OF TEST...6/ 20/ 75 cDNcR E r€ Tl[,lE 0F TEST.... 6:00 SL UMP- INcHeS.... JZ FREsH coNc. wr.. I42.7 FCf CU YOS CU YOS eal,/t-o RA T I O AEA oz/ vo % JDB LAB A I R TEMP. TEMP. oF oF oFd0BENr. A I R coNrENrJ-J.___fr sAVPt-E CURlNG... -o',' il,A TER ADDEO.GALS PLANT 30 CEMENT CONTENT..)u DK.PCY coARSE AGGREcATE pCv 3/4n J/4"-#u F INE AGGREGA TE.PCY p4 JOB SI TE 1 .5- )/ 4' sPEc I frE Nr Nur,rera 125-I 1-7 2-7 3- 14 4-28 )- 26 6- OPT OA TE TESTED 6/27/7s 6/27/15 7/4/75 NUMBTR OF OAVS CURED ,/ 7 14 ,R zo o lMeN s loNS, TNCHES STO. CYL I ND€R=6 XlZtl srd srd srd SPEC I MEN WE I GHT,POUNDS 21 .49 27.33 27 .39 BSSD oeNSITY, PCF 140. t 139. 2 139.5 AR EA OF CYL INDE R, INN srD. cyr-tHor-p=28.22 1ru2 28.27 2A )1 28 .21 TO TAL TEST I.OAD,POUNDS 5 2000 s 2000 75000 c0MPResS tve s TReNGTH,FS I l8 39 18 39 2653 SPEC IF I€O STRENGTH,FS I 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE: 1) D tAcoNAL sHEAR2) conre 3) vER T I cAr. sPr_ I T 1 I I REMARKS Super_ informed oI s lump; mud a ecepted . By G. Menzari r- n,{---- TE S TED BY u. r,tanzdrl S IGNEDSAMPLET) F ORM C-1 LLt,I o, s, coNcREre rrlo rrsr nno 4O0 l^nrbor dace cohrodo lgras cdo(ddo doqiT 303 545.1547 lOJl soLqh trcflooe road uas(g o oox fira - wl .cdoodo 01657 303.4r5 .0297 qOMPRFSS IVT STRFNGTH REPORT cL I ENT No 125-1 r_AB No 125-1- (7-72) CONCRE TE C O dounta iri Mobile coNTRACToR Craig ConsEruetion Company TR ucK No 1B r I cKE 1 xs V002997 T rME r\,r 1 xg9 7:48 ,u6e!:30 pLa6ge 9:15ARR i/4tN sTRUclr^o West WalI and of South Wa11. 501 foundarion dngineering LOCA T I DN OF PLACEMEN T pRoJEcr H!J1 Building Addition kj a sf CU YDS P LACEO. TRUCK LOAO ING. WA TER CON TE NT. B TIME OF TEST. SLUMP-INCHES. . . . 10:15 .r0B LAB A IR TEMP. JDB 75 oF R CU YOS DATE OF TEST.7/r/75 CONCRETE TEMP. CU YOS e nt-/r- o RATIO AEA oz/ to % oF oF68 TVATER-CEMENT... ADM I X TURE.. CALC IUM CHLOR IDE M I X.,NUMBER SP CC I F I CA T I ONS. . OESIGNED 8Y... .. FRESH coNc. wr.. 145.0 fCf ENr. ArR coNTENT 2.6 4 SAMPI-E CURING...TJOD. wATER ADoEo-cALs pr-nrur 20 J0B srrE ceMENr coNrENr.. 5L sk. p6y 1.5-j/4n coARSE AccREGATE- pCy 3/4 )/4*-#4 F INE AGGREGATE..PCY - fl4 sPectMEN NUVBER 125-1 1'7 B-7 9- t4 10- 28 11- 28 12-OPT DA TE TESTET)1/8/ 75 7/B/75 NUMBTR OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 14 28 zo D IMENS t0NS, TNCHES STD. cYL I NDER=brX l2rl srd srd SPECIMEN IryE I GHT,POUNDS 28.34 28. 09 BSSD oerus I rY, F0F 144.4 'l 4r 1 AREA OF CYt- tNr-lIR, tN2 sTo. cyr-tNoER=28.27 tNz 28.27 28 .27 TOTAL TEST LOAD, POUNDS B1_400 82600 COMPR €, Ss IV E S TRE NG Tn,PS I 2q79 2922 9PECIF I Ec STRENGTH,PSI 5000 3000 TYP E OF TRACTUR E: 1) D tAGoNAL sHEAR 2 ) coNe 3) VERTtcAT: spr,tr *1 REMARKs oNo vi.sible exterior failure marks. ,, G. Ma nza ri a nr----TE STED BY L, fldnzdr].S I GNEOSAMPLED F DRM C-1 o, f, co*cRElr rrlo rrsr aro COI,,IPRFSS IVT STRENGTH REPORT 12s-l Cra ig_ Cons truct1gnl91ry9nV pRorrcr _HiU Building Additlon dnQineefinO rRUcK tuo 24 -.-- rrcKEr No v002896 DaJt1l;| rrMe Mrxe.D_--4"*1uao4:45 o,receo_l,ffi_ L0cAT loN oF pLAcEMENT I N sTRUclup6 Footers. _arC cu Yirs pLAcEo... 24/24+ cu yos oArE oF TEsT.. .. G/20/75 coNcRErE TEMp.A- !| TRUCK LOA0lNG... CU yos ItME OF TeST.... 6:00 JDB oF.- u|Jo_-r e\ wATErr cONTENT ell/r-O SLUMP-tNCHES..... 5Urir s^r-'l r- (,, LAB_oF fvATER-cEMENT.... -- RATto FRESH coNc. wt.. I42.j pgg AtR TEMp. AcrMlxruRE....... --_ AEA ENr. AtR cONreNr 2.J_JA 1gs_oF oz/vo sAMPt-E cuRtNG... Lab. cALcluM cHLoRt oE -.--- \i, wArER AooeD-GALs-------Jur*r_]Oll"-lll, Mrx NUMBER cEMENT coNrENr.. 5b sk. pgy 1.5-)/4n sPECtFtcATtoNS coARSE AGGREGATE_ pcy 3/4n )/t1"_#40ESIGNED 8y.... FINE AGGREGATE..--pcy #u 40{ hd*r ddcecoD(do frfg6cctorajo 0O917 303. 505 .7547 lGll sot nh f roflooe rodd \^.?slp o oox tQaa - roa'cobodo.0t657 303' 475 .0297 CL IENT NO t.AB NO CONCRE TE C O CONTRACTOR Soil b Jcen Mounta in Mob i1-. sPEc I ME r.r Nurureen I25-l OATE TESTEO 'l _7 3- 14 4- 28 s- 28 6-OPT 6/27/7s 6/27/7s 7/4/7s 7/rB/ 75 7/rB/1s NUMBT.R OF OAYS CUREO 7 7 t4 2A o IMENS IONS, I NCHE S sTO. CVU t t'toEa=6trx 12u S.l-d srd Srd srd bco PEC I MEN, WE I GHT,POUNOS 27 .49 27 .33 t1 7A 27 .47 z t.oo BSSD oerusr ry, p0F 14n 'l t39.2 139. 5 139.9 140. 9 AReA oF cyL TNDER r lN2 sro. cvr"truor-n=28.2? rN2 28.27 28.27 28 .27 28.27 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 52000 s2000 75000 B 7000 89200 coMPBEss tvE STRENG rx rps I 13 39 18 39 26 53 3077 315 s SPECT F!EO STR€NGTH,PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTUREI1) otncor.raL sHEAR 2 ) corue 3) vERTrcAr- spr-tr 1 1 1 1 1 Reuenxs !d er informed of slurnpl mud aecepted, Slues ED By G. Manzari FqEV 0:1 TESTED ,.7 G. Manzari SIGNEO o r€rooa Soil C' Joundatr.o-engtneenng o.4gE6 9:15 LOCA T ION DF PLACEMEN T IN sTRuc,r"o West lda1I and 3/4 of South Wa11. af- c cu YDS PLACEo... B cu yDS oATE 0F rEST.. .. 7/1/75 coNcRETE rEMp.A-a !J TRUCK LOAo lNG. . . Cu yDS r IME OF rE ST. . . . 10:15 ,JoB oF F vYv_ f L\ IVATER CONTENT... -_- eat/Co SLUMP-INCHES.,.. 2 aAF\ u^-/ L LAB "" otr wATER-oElvlENT. RATto FR€sH coNc. wr.. ]46.0 i'Ci. AIR TEMS. ADI\1 | xruRE....... _--- AEA ENT. AtR cONrrN rS.-g_--_rf JOB 75 oF oz/vo sAMPt-E cuRtNG... Gb. cALc luM CHLOR I DE .-- 7i, wATtR AooED-cALs pr.ANT 20 JoB s I TE Ml x NUMBER cEM€Nr coNrENr. . 5? sk. pcy 1 .J_3/\n sPrc I F I cArlO.NS coARse AGGREGATE- pcy 3J!- j/4"-#4 ()EslGNED By..,.. _ FtNE AGGREGATE.. _=--- pcy _ i4 4010 coNCRFaF tFLp rFST nNp CO['IPRESS IVF.. STRENGTH RFPORT cLIENT NO 125-1 r.AB No 125-l- (7_12) coNcRETE co Mountain Mobile cON rRAcroR _9ta_lq Jgrrg lrr.retion Company cob(odo rgras cokra}l . d091i 303. 506 .15d7 fi1 so,nh froroqe ro6dq o box fi44 - wa.cdsodo.81557 303'.tb.0297 TRUCK \O 1B - TtME Mtxro]:48 ARRI TICKET yEpB:30 No v002997 sPEct[,ttN NUMBER 125-l 7-7 .J-t 9- 14 t0- 2B LL- Z6 12-OPT OA TE TESTET)7/B/75 7/B/75 7/L5/75 7/ 2e/ 7s t/29/ 1s NUI\,I BTR OF DAYS CUREO 7 7 2U 2A o I MeNS loNS, TNCHES STO. CYt- | loen-6n xl2t. srd std srd srd sPec I MrN LE lsJ1T,POUNDS 2fl 74 28. 09 28.03 28. 01 28.32 BSSD oe!_sr_ry, pCF 144.4 143,1 I42.8 I42.7 'l 44 1 AREA OF CYI. INIJfR, IN2 STp, -cy-L I rurtr,:_ 28_.22 | r,r2 ro rA L r ! _sl _1ql,o_'p;tgg_ coMPRESS I vE -sT'leNG tx, i-s I 2B .27 cQ c1 2A )-7 28.21 81400 I B 2600 9 7000 104000 106000 2879 2922 - 1 - --3000 I :ooo 34 31 Jb /Y 3750 SPEC I[ ] q.Q S TRING TH,PS I 3000 3000 3000rYPE OT FRACTURE:l) DtAcoNAr_ sHEAR2) coNF- 3) vERrrcAr spt.tr 1 1 1 I REunnxs *No visible exterior failure ma rks , SAMPLED FORM C-1 "" G. Manzari _TESTED By G. Manzari S I GNEO dOO l^d(bo, dace cdoocb prgs aokrddo . 0O9t 3OC'stu .?547 031 sorh ttqroe lood P o bo( fitt4 - !d . addldo .O|tr57 JAI'.fi5.0297 coNcREaF lELo rFST iNp CL I ENT NO 1?5-1 r-AB No 125-1-(13-18) CONCRETE CO Mountain Mobile CONTRACTOR urd 1 PRO,JECT HilT TRUCK NO IB rtcKEr No v003085 ygeB: 50 o.AcED9:!O East Wa11, 3 Wing WallsIN TtMe MplE9g:32 1663 sTRUcrr"a _Firepldce Wa11 6LOCA T I ON DF PLACEM€N T on West Wd11. CU YDS PLACEO.. TRUCK LOAO I NG, . CU YOS DATE OF TEST.... CU yos TlMe 0F TEST.... OAL,/LO RATIO AEA oz/ yo ol CONCRETE TEMP. JOB LAB 67 OF A I R TEUP. JoB 74 oF . e/zo 7/LO/7s 10: 20 oF WATER CONTENT WATER-CEMENT... ADMIXTURE.. CALC IUM CI{LOR I DE M I X NUMSER S P E C I F I C A T I O N S . . DESI.GNED 8Y..... SLUMP- t NCHE S. . . FRESH CONC. WT. a, r L,r ENr. Af R CONTENT 19-fi SAMPL€ IVATER ceMENr coNrENr.. 5? sk. pcy _ 1,5-i/Ur COARSE ACGREGATE- PCY 3/4" 3/4".#4 F I NE AGGREGATE. .PCY #4 cuRlNG... l_'aD. ADOED.GALS PLANT O .,OB SIT€ sPEctn EN NUMBER 125- l 13-7 14- 7 r l- _L .+ OATE TESTEO 7/17/75 7/r1/7s 7 /24/ 7s NUMBE.R OF OAY S CURED 7 7 t4 ao 2B oIMENStONS, I NCHES sTD. cYL I NoER=6dX I 2r srd srd sPEC tMEN WE I cHTrPOuNos 28.Os 28.L2 28. l0 ESSD oeNst rY, pCF t42.9 143. 3 143. t AREA OF CYL I NOER, tN2 srD. cYt-tNDER=?B,z? tNa 28.27 28.21 28.27 TO TAL TEST LOAD,POUNOS 69000 6 7000 91200 c0MPRESS lve srRENGrxrPS I 2440 2370 3226 SPEcIF I Eo STRENGTH,PSI 3000 3000 3000 TYPE DF FRACTURE:l) o t aeoruaL sHEAR2) cone 3) venrtcAr_ spLtr I 1 1 REMARK S Slupl- ED By G FoRM C-t Manzari TESTCD BY G. lulanzari S l GNEO coNcRETe tELp TFST 4Np d00 hdbcr d e c&,odo scrnG @b.d6.do9t 303.ft.1547 O31 sorh froroc roodg o bo( fi44 - vd'doodo.0657 3G)'zn5.qx7 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH REPORT cL I eNT No 125-1 LAB No r2!l:!13- 1B I CONCRETE g9 Mountain l4obile cONTRAcToR Crdig Construction Company tion TRUCK NO 18 r r cKE r No v003085 TtME MgxgsB:32 ARRtvEeB:50 p;49ED:.:50_ tN srRUcTu", Fireplqcq WgfI 6 East Wall, 3 Wing Wa1lsLOCAT I ON OF PLAC€MEN T on West Wall. ki fls TEMP. oF LAB 67 OF A I R TEMP. .rOB 74 oF CU YOS PLACEO.B/ 20 TRUCK LOAO I NG. . . VUA TER CON TE NT IVATER.CEMENT.. ADM I XTURE.. CALC iUM cHLOR I DE M I X NUMBE R SPECIF ICAT!0NS.. OE S I GNED 8Y..... CU yoS OATE 0F rESr... CU yOS T I ME OF TeST. . . OA L/L O RATIO A€A oz/ yo 4 . 10:20 sLUuP-fNCHES....4z FREsH coNc. vyr.. 145.4 pgp ENT. AIR coNTENT 1.9 16 7/ro/75 coNcREre ., oB SAMPLE CUR I NG. . .Lab. IVATER AOOEO-GALS PLANT JOB SIT€ F I Ne AGGREGATE. . PCY C€MENr coNrENr.. 5b Sk. pcy _ 1.5-3/4,1 COARSE AGGREGATE-- PCY 3/ 4" j/tt" -#4t_#4 SPECIMEN NUMBER 125-1 13- 7 14-7 15- 14 L6-28 T7-28 OATE TESTEO 7/17/75 7/71/15 7/24/7s B/ 7/ ]s B/ 1/ 75 NUMET,R OF OAY S CURED 7 7 l4 z8 z8 oIMgNsl0NS, INCHES STD. cYL I NDER=6rrX12rl srd srd srd SEd srd SPECI MEN $,8 t GHT'PDUNOS ZO. U)28. L2 28. 10 28.29 28.15 BSSD oerus I TY, PCF L42.9 L43.3 l_43.1 144.1 143.4 AREA OF CYL I NDER r I N' sr0. cYL I NoER=?8.2? t na 28 .27 t6.1r 28 .21 28,?7 28.27 TOTAL TEST LOAO,POUNOS 69000 6 7000 91200 10 2000 102000 COMPRESSI VE STRENGTH,PS I 2440 2370 3226 3608 3608 SPECIF I EO STRENGTH,PS I 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 TYPE OF FRACTURE:1) otaeorulL sHEAR2) cone 3) vER T I cAt- sPL I r 'I 1 t 1 I REMARK s Slupteo ev G FDRM C-I Manzari TESTEO BY G. Manza ri S I GNED S DOUGIAS MCLAUGHLIN JAY K, PETERgON Mcl,.rucrruN & PETERSoN ATTORN EYS Af LAW June 18 | 1-975 5OO E. LIONSHEAO CIFCLE P. O. BOX t40a vA rL, co LoRAoo e r657 303 476-2427 Ms. Diana Toughill Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Di-ana: In.addition to my letter to you of June L6t Lg7S, I am alsogoing to- supply the Town of VaiI with a pedestrian easementacross the southeastern corner of the ttitl property. T trust this committmen! along with my committment of June 16,will satisfy you regard.ing a building-permit. Thank vou. Sincerely yours, SDM: j k s ooucl^s H.t^u6lr!rN JAY (. PEIEiSOX ROIS 0AVr3, JF_ Mcl-.,r.ucurrN & PnrrRSoN AT'ORN EYS AT LAW June 16, L975 5.|.| E. lror{3HtaD cttic!E F, O. EOr( l.ioe varl,coLoRAoo 9r6st 30! rlta-ta2t Ms. Diana foughill Town of Vail P. O. Box 100Vail, Col-orado 81557 Re: Hill Building Dear Diana: In accord.ance with your request for my plan in wriling, f amenclosing herewith a copy of a euit Claim Deed from lvlountainBel} to Mrs. Hill which I neglected to give you before. Ata later date, f will supply you with copies of euit ClaimDeeds from Public Service, Vai] Cable T.V., and Holy CrossElectric. I have already supplied Public Service of Colorado with aneasement along Mrs. Hill's northern boundary. I wil_l_ alsosupply you with a general utilities easement matching the samedescription. As to the cross deeds, f will have Jay contact you on thismatter within the next dew days. Sincerely yours, SDM: jk Enc]-osure Trrs Drrn, Mado lhb b.tr.to ol tLG Gounty of Eagle . roal rdttlrd dtyr ol June ,!9 75t t'lor:ntain BelI Tel.ephone Co. i - Coloratto' of thc recanil Part WITNESSETII, Tbat tlrc aalit par! } ol the firgt part, for gnit |a conaiderafion of' thc grrm d o"::;'e";7Ioo---- -------DoLrrxE: to thc raid prrt y ot tle firat part tn [and patdt by tbe seiil party of tbe seeonil p* ::'i recctp! whcrcd lr ;ercby confcrsed and a&rowlciec4 h t rcnireit, released, rolit, conveyeit snit QUIT CLIIMSD' anil bt il;;;r;; do €s remirc, relcasc, rdt, convey anit QUrr cl,Arlr unto thc aalil part y ol tbe eecooil part her heit:, soccessorr rnd rs:ig:al, lorever, all thc rigb! titlc' lntercr! clatm anit deEanit whlch ttrc ralit psrty ol thc first }art haS tn anil to the following degcribeil lot or parcel of lguil rttuatc' lyfug rril i.irrg l,' thG To''rt of Vail Counlr of Eagle onil Stgtc ol Colorailo' to wit: - 'a' A Ten (10) foot utility easement along the Soutfi lot line of the proPerty more P;rticularly describedl as {olIows: Colorrtio; ol thc firrt-Part aait Blanche C. Eil.l':-' of tbc Couabr d Sig:neat, Sealeit antl Delivereil in thc Presence d EigIe "'' 'i"a "t ta A Mount A portion of BlocK 5-C' Vail--Vil1age,- First. Filing' further describecl as foiiows:-'beginning af ihe southwg-st 99r!-eT <rf ;;t;,=;i""x i-c, thence in "tt Easterry direction 55'791 iiorrg'the souttr boundary of said T,ot L to the southeast corn;r of said Lot t, thence 5.26'54t8 a dista'ce:.of 56-O7t to the S.E'' corner Nw 1/4 NW L/4 See' 8, T'S'S'R' g0 w; thence in'westerly direction along the south boundlary of Bl_ock 5-C to a point- at which ttre souttrwest corner of Lot L bears N.IIo7rW., then N-l-Io7'Vl. to the point of beginning. m EA\'E AND To gor; the sa.rae, together with sU antl singular the appurtenancer anit ptivilag* tber:nnto belonging or in an;rwise thereunto appertslning, cnit all tlre estate, righf titlc' lntcrest anil claim whatsoever' of tbc sati! perty of the first pah, atto in lsw or equig, fo tbe onl:r ProPer !se, beaefit slil be}oof ol lle rald p""{f ' od tjhe seconil Part, her heirs aadl assigns foreva' INwlTNEssWEEREoF,Thesaiitpartfoltbefirstpartbasbereuntoletit.shauil radl acrl ure day anil ye-ar firct atove writta' t1 Te1 JSEALI SEAL] TSEAT,] lstArl STA?E OF COLORAIO, CourtY of Eagle ]"* t?,r-(thlr day ol JuneTbe foregoing instrument was aclorowledged before me re75 ,br' My commission exlrircr ar ti tJ"* ^ 1' ,n /{wnless mvharit anit'6lficig! eerl. ;qid;?:,h:.i:$fi::l,1;1ii,1[-],lii*ili;fr:ilr:',,t:'i*'.,',f;ii'il'"i?'i:iilr'#S':+li:n":?f:"r"rf"i:l'r#Ttril:fr# 5 DOUGLAS MCI.AUGN LIN JAY K PEIERSON Ir{cl-'rucrruN & PE't .rr-Lrs<-tN AT"TORNEYS AT LAW L6, 1975 5OO E. L ONSHEAD CIRCLE P. O. BOX r4(]a vArL, co LoRAoo a 557 303 476-2427 Ms. Diana toughill Town of VailP. O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re: Hill Building Dear Diana: In accordance with your requesL for my plan in writing, I amenclosing herewith a copy of a euit claim Deed from Mountai-nBe1l to Mrs. Hill which I neglected to give you before. Ata later d.ate, I will supply you with copies of euit Claim Bi:::rf::m Public sorrrina \zai'r r'1ble r.v., and Hory Cross I have already supplied public Service of Colorado with aneasement along Mrs. HilI's northern boundary. I will alsosupply you with a qeneral utilities easement matchinq the samedescription. As to the cross deeds, I wi_It have Jay contact vou on thismatter within the next. dew davs. Sincerely yours, SDM: jk Enclosure McLAUGH N & PETERSON .- Rcccptlon N Trrs Drro, Madc lhlr dry ol June Mountain Bell Tel.ephone Co. County ol Eagle : ,19 75t eait drtd ol bctwso of tL. Coloratlo;ot the tirrt'Pert anil : Blanche C. EiI-L of tha 'Couatta'-' -- Eigle 'i"a it"t" oc C,;otorado, of thc aecod Prrt WIIINESSETII, Thet the 'ald parl J of the lirrt part, for and ln conaideration of. thc gun d One and norl100----------:- ---*----Dortilns. to tho aaiit part y of the flrst patt ln hand paltt by tbe aalit party of the aeconit par! the recdpt wbercol lr hereby confesgeil rail ac,hrowtedged, ha S remireil, released, eold, conveyeil anil QUIT CLAMED, anil bt these presernte do €S remlac, 1.elerse, aell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the aaid part y of tbe recond pr{ her heirs, snccessorr and assignr, forever, all the right, title, lnteresf ctairn and dernand which tha rrlil party of the first part haS tn anil to the foltowing deccrtbeal lot or parcel of taail altnatc, lyiag ad! being ln Ore Town of Vail CouutSr ol Eagle and State of Cotorado' to wit: A Ten (10) foot util-ity easement along the Soutf, lot lineof the property more particularly described as {ollows: A portion of Block'5-C, Vail--Village, First Filing, further d.escribed as follows: beginning at the southwe.st corner of Lot L, Block 5-C, thence in an easterly direction 56.79' along the South boundary of said Lot L to the southeast corner of said Lot t, thence 5.26054rE a distanse..of 56.A7' to the S.E.'corner Nll 1/4 Nw L/4 Sec.8, T.S.S.R. 80 W; thence in westerty direction along the south boundary of Block 5-C to a point at which the southwest corner of Lot L bears N.llo7tw., then N.llo7rvil. to the point of beginning partY'of the seconil par! her beirg aail assigns forever. IN WITNESS WEEBEOf' Tbe saiil part] of the first part he s a'nil ged the day anil year first atove writtoo- bereunto aet its hrnil JSEAL] Signed, Sealeit anil Deliverett in the Presence o{SEAL] SEAI] TO ItAl/E AND TO EOLD the so-e, togetber with all anil singula.r the appurtenances and privilegca thercunto betonging or in aaywise t$ereunto rppertalniag, anil ell tlle estate, righl title, lnterest anil daim whalsoever, ol tlc said partf of the first pait, either ia law or e$ity, to the onty proper qse' belefit gad behoof of the seld ---tsEAu STATE OF COLONADO, Couaty of Eagle ]". Tbe foregolag lnstrument was acknowledgeil before me thir ro75 ,by'/2.L day ol June ldy "ou-is"ion "4ri..r ,.+ fJ '7 1 , n /tlwia'tess my haatl anil official geal. X.{rrt PEf,lIa .tt bt nrtutd D.trgD or ptno|rr hrr| tnr.r! Drrnr or Drrrr..: tlb'' Darlon -rctlnt In r.Drcronbllvo gr ottlct.t crPlcttt -ot 'arrroniiylfn-?idi- Gc; t"i;rr Di;i-di lidi.on -ri ii-[iorl- itrornci-u-!icl 9l ot !r9.r slpr,cit/ -os d.rcrlello!: U bt -o.ttlc.t ot coF ;;it;;. rl'on -tJrr-crt nemc ot lui-l Sitfcii-oi Jtltiiril-r.'thi'i,ii''iiJcni ii odii"iilic"n-of j[ch corporitlo!. Drtnltt tl-8lc..rlotrt A c\not4lrlt o'f..ril. 6.c- tl6-G.l Colortdo ncvbod Et^tutcr ,t61. a I 4...r f., i i c' il'h:r.it ri.;X ..BT*;:.2*S-sti.-r+:n?f,{ddt-* June 9, L975 Douglas S. Mclaughen 3ox 1408 Vall Colo RE: Eil1 Buitding Dear Xr. Mclaughen: Holy cross Electrlc will-rellnqur-sh a portron of the'r utl1lty """.r"r,arights ro rhe orisinar 10 f;t';;iitry ."""r"nr shown on rhe vatl v*1ageFLrst Fittng, nloik sc r,ot-il ";-;# on enclosed copy, if rhe properQult CJ.atu Deed ls provided io, orr" - "fgnarures . Holy Cross rrlll notrelinquish that port'on of the ";;;r;;i, of which our exr.sting transfornerlies on, whlch is located ,r."r tt "-soothease eorner of Gondola r rerminalHouse, as shoryn on copy. The Qult clainDeed can be taken care of June 14, Lg75 if rt 1s receivedln our office prior to June 11, LgZs. SLncerely, HOLY CROSS ELTCTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Ez<'o a*4 Rlchard D. Briakley, System Krnu".RDB./ba cc: Clareoce Rasmugsen t 'l.i I Itj I i II ;, I I t: tt' Scccptlon Txrs DErn, Madc orL dry oI June .19 750 bctrcro MoUntain BelL Telephone Co. i - ol tbc Coot ty oil Eagle . ard ltdlof Colorailo; ot the firatPart aril . Blanche C. Hill otttc 6"otiil'-' -'Eigle Colorado, ol the aecoail Parf WIINESSETII, Ihat the sald part y| of the lirgt par! for anit ln conaiderzfion of thc suB of on;-;;d-;oltoo*---------"'-- ------+olulxs' to tho lsiil part y ot tfte flrat pert ln hand paid by thc salit party of tbe leconil par! t]c recelp! wherco( le hercby "onfc"J"d enit acknowledSe4 h| S remiceit, released, aotd, conveyeil and QUIT CLAMED, sril bl ,n*" O*"*rt" do €S remlse, retease, aell, convey anil QUIT CLAIII unto the aald pert y ol the r^econtl part hef heira, successor:r and as-rigar, forever, aU tlre righ! title, Interest' ctaim and itemanit whlch the ralil psrty ol ttre litst part haS ln and to the fotlowing describeil lot or parcel of tanit sltuate, Iying llil iO"Jt" tbc Town Of Vail County ol Ea91e anit Stote of Colo*do' to wit: A Ten (10) foot utiLLty easement along the Soutf lot Line of the ProPerty more Particularly described. as follows: A portion of Block'5-c, Vail--village, First Filing, further deicribed as follows: beginning at the southwe,st corner of Lot L, Block 5-C, thence in an easterly direction 55.79' along the south boundary of said Lot t to the southeast corner'of said Lot L, thence S-26"54rE a distanse: of 56-07' to the S.E. corner lvw 1,/4 Nw L/4 See.8, T'5-S'R' 80 w; thence in westerly direction along the south boundary of Sio'clc 5-C to a point at which the southwest corner of Lot L bears N.lIoTrW-, then N.11o7rW- to the Point of beginning. To IIAVE aND TO IIOLD the same, together witr sll anit siagdar tle appurtenanceg anrd privleges tLercuato betonging or in anywise thereunto. appertalniug enit alt the estate, right, tltte, interest anil clsirn wlatsoever' oI tlhc saltl part] of the first pa}1, ":tl* io i"* o" eq'tty, to tbe oaly propet use, benefit snil behool of ile rsld pel$f ' of the second par! her heirg anit asslgns forever' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The saiil part] ol the firet partha S bereunto aet itS hgad and geel t}e itay anil year firgt above writtto. JSEAL] Sigacd, Sealeit anil Delivered in the Presence ot TSEALI IsEAr,I ' "nd at"tc of STATE OT COLORADO, Courty of Eagle ]"". , n /{in "ss nv }ran<t and irfJicial seel. .-_-tsEALl 12.day ol Junet-\ The foregoing lnstrument was aclalowledgetl before rne thir 1975 ,by. My commission exlliree [J,r* I e Xor{:t fuNh. ,.+ .,,.i'.'"o4-?r'li't,"ti'{i.iii:ft"1i}.:fiei!:i:.sr-ieilltp.;**U"3}i',;".1,.:;S"#fi1'i"#"}l$i'f;ElTtri.""fi# iii":lLrr*:1.*:T"'.'iii"-f.r,?-TA,?Tl"n:til'l';T;,HS". o *nhr1 N ru I MINUTES REGULAR MEETING TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL APRrL 1, L975 The regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of VaiIconvened at 7:40 P.M. on Tuesday, April 1, 1975, in theCouncil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. I .( Mayor John Dobson and thepresent: John Donovan Kathleen Klug Tom Steinberg Joseph LangmaidJim Slevin Also present were: folLowing councilmembers were i ManagerStanley F. Bernstein, Acting Town Gene A. Smith, Town Attorney i,i ( ORDINANCE NO. 4 Series of 1975, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 9, SERIES OF 1973, THE SIGN OBDINANCE AND RELATING TO BACK LIGHTING, STAINED GLASS, WINDOW SIGNS, TEMPORARY IfINDOW SIGNS, DISPLAY BOXES, TEIUPORARY SITE DEVELOPMENT SIGNS, APPLICATION PROCEDURES AND VARIANCE PROCEDURES, was introduced on first reading. The Mayorstated that the ordina,nce had been reviewed in full bythe Council at the work session in the afternoon and had been discussed with the Design Review Board. Council- man Steinberg moved to approve the ordinanqe on firstreading; Councilwoman Klug seconded the motion; the vote was unanimous in favor; and the motion sarried. Ifith regard to the resubdivislon of the parcel of Landknown ae the Potato Patch, the zonlng admlnlstrator 6x-plained to the Town Council that a motion is requlred bythe Council according to the zoning ordinanee to effectthe resubdivision, Councilman Slevin moved to resubdividethe Vail Village/Potato Patch, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 2; Councilman Langmaid seeonded the motion; the vote was un- animous in favor: and the motion carried. ORDINANCE NO. 5, Series of 1975, AN ORDINANCE REZONING LOTS 10, 11, AND 12, BLOCK 2, VAIL VILLAGE/pOTATO PATCH AND AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP, was introduced onfirst reading. The Mayor commented that the matter had been ta.ken under consj-deration by the Council that after- noon i.n work session, and he asked for further cornment. Councilman Slevin moved to approve Ordinance No. 5; Councilman Stei-nberg seconded the motion; the vote was unanimous in favor; and the motion carried. i) . . li Lr uUtiApril 1, 1975 Page 2 I{ith regard to the consideration of a request for a parking varianee from Blanche Hauserman Hill for 11 spaces in a portion of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing, for a proposed additionof 1300 square feet residence and 1800 square feet commercialspace, the Mayor asked for comment. He noted that Vail Associates had said that the change would not affect skier flow and wouldpresent no problem in the traffic patterns in the area. Theattorney for llrs. Hill , Jay K. Peterson, was present to discuss the request with the Council, Councilman Langmaid moved to approve the variance request subject to the recom- mendatj.ons of the Planning Commission Memorandum. CouncllmanSteinberg requested that stronger wording be used in item number 6 of the Memorandum, changing the word "requested" to "requiredr'. Mrs. Hill's attorney agreed to the changes. Councilman Slevin seconded the motion: the vote was unanimousin favor; and the motion carried. As there was no further business, Councilman Donovan movedto adjourn the meeting; Councilman Steinberg seconded themotion; the vote was unanimous in favor; and the motioncarried to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. RE-CONVENE AS LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY Y{ith regard to the eonsideration of a request for a modificatlonof premises as a result of the January 1975 fire for the Nu Gnu Nightclub, the zonlng administrator eommented that plans had been submitted and the building was in conformance with theUniform Buildlng Code. Dr. Steinberg moved to approve therequest; Ms. Klug seconded the motion; the vote was unanimousin favor; and the motion carried. As there was no further business, the meeting was aaljourned.at 8:00 P.M. ATTEST I l o D]lSICN RI|VI]1W I]OARI) DATI] OF J\18[TING I\lIlIlllilnS PRliSl,lliT : SUBJECT: ACTIO}{ TAKI]N }IOT ION : VOTE: BY IJOr\ttD : SECONDtrD BY AGAINST Q" 'j /oo -frou//T APPnovtLD: _J,lMta-'^ SI]tr,IIIARY:- UalY9d/- l<(r DISAPPROVIjD: o TINI,IORANDIIM TO: Town Councll- FROM; Design Review Board DATB : l''Iarch 31 , I97 5 RE: Consideration of 1,he Blanch Hill exterior changes to ' residencc :rnd addition of commercial space Mrs. Hitl and her attorney, Jay Peterson' were notlfied that the Design Review Board would review the plans for the above mentioned adclitions on March 27, :-975 *t their regularly schecluled meeting. The owner and,/or her representative failcd to appear cl1 present any material to the Design Review Board for their revierv, therefore the Board wa.s unable to take any action. ljk -/ : tl Nl { \t,t ..,1 I nl,)l i\lN I I I o X o,) :*tl')l -l) j (t () v) I h a6 o (|) o o B x a) ^ iEE:b:EE.:€ g:iist:Ess bh=-i 5e .:r__B_pEUl{tseEF:"lrer. ;HJi;.E," s:li!iEglsig;;;f;it;€El; Eq;EEZ Z -ZilPE;'-3"E:;E= :I;'s3EEF EgEe ri fr:iliEiSseHnrli;ifi;:i!5Fg frHfE:I :E:Hl*:;iql;;iE;!r:i;c;!sHi Fi* = i$Ef;iii:::iigEiii:g!l;Eg ; ;:F e **fi fiiE;"E-;;:iigHr;:-aip 6 gh"I i- {lEExg*gil.EsE!:;!E! " iF f.l'Ibo frl o I\f|| trl ci < I.lJtl wtlI-. I'I -l I I G o q) q) o eo B (D F o q) q) o -,4 .a l-l 3 q) rnlt-l i .l \f,14 I>ldl4l?l dl ,vl|:r1 I z Fr Fl DFr ";tlO ^^^ o F q) o) o q) 'o <l)o F o o a o) E EE*sbeg Ee:EiEET; : #E E;E;:€ =a ig*EiEf€ i s;gr $gE€ =- Ei":;EgEl f:fiIiE;EE ; g:et{; sgE € i;E;Ei€FiE ligig;i;:! segE cisgil E -r4. ll Y orr ft \J \.,, 2EZ ato F o 'a! Fl F Fl F a! F MEI\4CRANUJM 10: TOI'in'{ ffil\CIL !BC[I'I: PIANNING CCI4MISSIOI{ AND DIPATNMM{I OF CCI\{MT]NITY DE\IMOPMH{I RE: PARKII{3 VARIANCE RruIES'I FRCT\/I BIANCTIE HAUSMMAN HILL The Departrnent of Comunity Develogrrent and the Planning Ccnmission have reviewed the requested parking variance. The Department of Ccnrnrnity Developnent reconmended approval and the Planning Ccrmission voted tmanimously to approve the variance after making the fo11ou'ing findings: 1. That the grant of the eleven car parking variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on othen properties classified in the same district. 2, That the grant of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or rnaterially in"jurious to properties or improvenents in the vicinity. 3. Ttlat the variance is waranted for the following reasons:a. The strict or literal interpretation and enJorcsrent of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of the zr>ning ordinance.b. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcqnent of the specified regulation wcmld deprive the applicant of privileges erfoyed by the o\riners of other properties in the same district. 4. The Plarming Canmission reccnnends that the standard contract for purchase of spa.ce in the lbansportation Center be executed. 5. A Pedestrian eassl€nt on the east side of the proposed addition and Gold Peak House should be reserved. 6. h{rs. Hill should be requested to glve up her easement rights to the streets. MEMORANDUM T0: T0I,JN COUNCIL FROM: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT RE: PARKING VARIANCE APPLICATI0N - Blanche Hitl The Department of Conrnunity Deve'lopment fee'l s that this variance should beqpproved as it would be possible for Mrs. Hill to provide underground parkingfor,this project in an area where we do not want cars and which-with theimplementation of the Mall Act would be a financial burden for the Town toacquire. The following conditions are recommended as a part of the varianceapprovai : 1. careful attention should be given to landscap'i ng as this is a veryimportant site v'isually, particularly from the itcl slope and park- ?rel:- Brick pavers or similar treatment is suggested in this heavytraff ic I ocat'ion - 2. Provisions should be made for delivery to the commercial area thatdoesn't create additional traffic pro-blems in a congested area. 3. Mrs. Hill should be approached'in respect to giving up a claim forpayment for existing parking upon the implementatlon br the Mall Act. 4- The Town of vail needs an easement across her property for a b.icyclepath and this coutd be a requirement for granting'the variance. 5. An indoor trash storage facility should be provided because of the largeamount of pedestrian traffic south of the pioposed addition. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING PARKING VARIANCE FOR BLANCHE HILL PLEASE TAKE N0TICE that Mr. Jay Peterson of Mclaughl'in & Hart, representing Mrs. Blanche Hill, has applied for a parking variance in accord with Section .|4.601 of 0rdinance No. 8 (Series of 1973) in order to construct a proposed addition to exist'i ng structure located on Part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Proposed addition wi1'l require an additional eleven parking spaces. A public hearing will be held in accordance with Section 21,500 of Ordinance No. B (Series of 1973) on March 6, 1975 at 3:00 p.m. in the Vail Municipal Building. Said variance will be heard before the Town of Vail Planning Commission and findings will be transmitted to the Town Council for the Town of Vail for final decision. Published in the Vail Trail on February 14, lg75 ana S. Toughill Zon'i ng Adm'i ni strator v APPL ICAT ION FOI, And/Ar COND IT IONAL U5[ Ord inance l'lo. B ( Ser 'JAR IANCE PERM IT ies of 1973) App I icat ir Hearing i- rs Final Decisi | *$E* Bla Dafe February 6, L975 Publication Date Hearing Fee $100.00 on date for Town Council .Colorado Vail phone 476-5248 do he Conm i (Sta re D y ssion req ues t permiss ion toto req uest the follow ) Variance f rom Arti) Zon ing Change from XX) Park ing Variance) Conditional Use Permit in a r- i +,, \ appea r be fo re the I ng: n lo Qar*i, ---,,on+^ Vail Planning to allow Zone, For the following described property: Lot/tract_, Block*_ Filinq Numbe. Part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing (located Clearly state p r.por" und intent of this application The purpose of this application is to apply for a parking variance on a proposed addition to the 2-story Brick and trrlood House located on Lot L, Vai_1 Village First Filing Blanche Hill P. O. Box 148 Wh at do you fee I is the basi s for hardsh ip in th is case? A cant. can vide the ed parking, however, from an aesthetic vl_to l_n n with Vail t s master plan and proposed +iri ot appropriate to provide hers. _ cLAU n a t u reIN&tto "-./ eys for Box 140B Colroado Applicant 81657 gpgggE,. A srantinq of the variance will not provide applicant orf/App I ican PVail, '\."n -5 r- -+ FI Fz z B IF z =IJJ J al lu z J z <g ! l'i UJ z s o uJ cc z tll l! z - a ET zo O z rl) z F] L. z \- Oz z z?oF tlrl F F z Fa O ,l =z O {{)V F ET z, z ?. () F alJ F J aF F LIJ tc E J zut LJ] ul E.E =E=rtlreO =,4 =q.l-- l E IU v, x l! z o- F tt o o oJ F u. F =u.l z 6 o J () ccF uJ G IJJ z F o z IJJ FJ ts IJJz z 'o tt IJJ F z ut Jul E IJJ t l! utF 3 Ft! z r,lJ a u,t J z It t! oz Flu = rlJo. z F z tr ut ul z tr trJ z o. tt Ftt ul F z Q z z z z dJ t0 J 9 tc F llJ J l! NOIM'lVA z F ul o lu o E z J l! Y @ F) E- I$ \l!N ut z,,o z^ z tr trOFIEoo ;i> azoi >oFO -Fi ILoz F C) uJ ) 'AaNVd naco ro 3r-vcrJ l1a 3c sNotlc3dsNt o3aInosH -r"rv u3Llv JO fCNVnSSt 3ZIUOH.!nV Or 30Vr l'J.d30 0c']s 3HL or o3NUnt3u 3s N33S 3n VH or- sr ouvc srHr- :3loN :syuv!\t:lu ofnssr AJNvdncco Jo SrvclJ llu3c :o3sv3-t3u :of nssl aloao dols Ll31 u30uo No|lc!uHo3 W:IISAS U]1)NIUdS'OINV 'rsrc B A]ddns UIIVM (rNr) l)NtuS^oc l.lvM NOU.VlrtNrA WOOU 'l.lvM NOlrvoNncu 'l'lvM No tJ.vcNnol 3unfvN9rs Nol-tvJo'r / srNlwl loc uOIS3dSNl Ol 3'ISISSSCOV ONV :ll-lS sof No oslsod 3s or sl w|' srHr guoll:,odsu! roJ' pgr!ntter acltou 9cue^pe slnoq tZ ([1ug esn lueruucdoq rog) ouoc3u NolrcsdsNl0l e z-9lt euot{d ."t-' I. t frttsenea(r Z,fAVa t a fw*r as\xz s lVauV att) AFnE (corn*,,ercto() ?lz? .. q&) (resdeta() Bwtr. 6e*6qrA ol[u**t =a1 C, ;i07cJ-'t ,/-toAv h.lurne6gs Gnr,te \l rf,,t 7ouru6 DgpruA,.ttc6 s.tu, s.w\ ( t)suu* 4moa-resrdq,K' , " slorl\\\ t f h*u,c,it, eo ot*'c d*e'l(r) B,fut ' l[,r,.lo] %oo+, /ri,ir lr*,tcr te @' a.(. (2,\ s,fuz =rtb.kr c,ot re1,r*l*[ o,( (a) B.5oz b.tqr),os \etsjan bi.\qr nen.rquroA _o[t4) e,.tuA ?5' ha$t rertrtU^ . erstq bll,r z4'!kso,neffi*#(?) g.V,q Lt{ ,** {L^ Ntca sLnl\ k i*r;ttrX g' ach tooa ,f,s,to ore (o) (r) 4,ar-, G?rA .tru,qu, I ?rt( Gn{,el c\etr,r', }qurrcr,4o{t hl.\ u*wtlic,^ST. d.\l^o [tf*C* =\"[ t* cor,o*nl 6r" b\.\. 1.(rC al{,,,,...,f{,' ttt k\*" o.lr\lr*' T"..-\i\1,wruun^o[a ," "b oF* sfuto iSir e".t,, 4 ti' ok G<itit v:'/o onai's]'C " \ccrl'i' ' ' '..\v il*tt'"-' ' tQt{.tt=21?2,{(rr r <trLt .r,#lllam,J'nucff A'l'il'- , llrchitcct\--l D n n"" riD J / ' /Iil n/d'&J \i p.6itJi'ihm+ -,^.^ '^-n-ry%- Ya'''coioiilo'nltsl4ohrrN6 O@r$.tAltcE L{eil\ ilil*f*.'f$ ll]A. Urr 1,ze B4qass sqq 6wrbilA. tO1 >tZE trq"1d tr Saq OYX)- b.fum5we (fusra) ' ?r3?'L3- 5553|. tl'-"-': w (s) Br,tE x. oI Coucuusrouls 4 h\au]Bupe . l.?ousiU* ute. $L* Al (ksevao"t pt"r I d. z ocon*erc*C t1tg66 cou,ut 1b6o o*ur '1{o5o co',u ftmo wsf.\."^!J atsP C=* 1) o'k G^e p !vr z"t 4ooos tt*,.[o,J (q) Bftn wro"b*hffi{?\* 4# (,")8.6ro ?'L*1 r \n p*a,r^r [o,d;o . it"o+; ctr,,'r*^Lor\ c u'th ,, kso+qrnl / -\(YxryT) rrr- o$onry^"-!r ;:l tldr*v ?(o,9Fs at\oue*l o., =,to z ?b.tr'J (eo.e**h.' rrrlular,t*., of ol) tx**| c^lfn,(r,^- rffiT,) ": bwo {, *1il :: Gt(c)' -f'"?9?-fttav -r/(,":43'r C*^f. &--A -Nilfro n,4/+t, fr. Ayu,(rott {o €*6'a$wa.(rrn* ou.l1 b\J1 {.re*,t*$l' t,?r*r,bl.o L'Kf* L F*r.tt '..4*-to(Ru l4,Soo F'rLrh' T*' t l.ffio4a^{ z616 (n n "5 [*c| or{..) rr! z61q Gff:r?.ry: ":;Leo, Ba trzrobt\u"l n'{,ttt Zr.| 't* tqP""+ qltot*\ o., =*1p z ?ro.lr*l (a**rk "rrraclutoirtg*, * J ) - t5,4 , kio,'*.| "ouo.' (co**,r) ^t4 *WA (r-*rro%)**,'n aosc) (6i,.\ "#Iffi--,[,oqr*^-o **.S. ;;il-s**r*) *W{ A. o yCnr0 *d\o"$.,r u:sp* s6pn+rrsrr cculd ortl \.o lxso*o,t pbs lint \Jcor arv,r,rurcrr,0 q ocd"^tiJ o1p1^5i^ Jn =Xu b1*. "{, zooos I doa {', u,er btakt,.c\ & . \'/ C. Gutvgestont o( a*t {v*v il Gru,tgecrr\L { Aw(o* o( zuo {vs{?taqp€N{rAL [-{q. t{of Beeur GtrsrpseED d ! E IJJI z J z troiHY*d3 o uJ cc z s Fz IJJ UJ F uJ F J J F F uJ E tr J F fi'i\ :vlst\ a X ..0 L r ul o o z -o Jl E -l > r.Let =, =G't- E I ; z Fu, u- z 6 J F E u z J dl t!lt o llJ z J u,c z s z lll FJ Bulz qJ f F z LIJ IJJ IJJ Flt =F EI o UJ u- 5 uJ o- .A IJJ J z CC lut tu l z UJ o uJ o: z t ut u,l 2o F t A llJo oz o o J m l! F trJ F tl- .i 2 2l z z NOttvn'rvA 't f\ IJJ zo $ |ll oo J E IJJ t\ \\ \\* z tr )6 -+ \llN z -Q -^ zI Ftl9o ^>ra ul >oFO;ri v 3 It z F !J z F J o- ltr o QOO3 DATE ..' ., .{ ,' '- TIME RECEIVED ..,, , , " '. AM rNseeSror? TO N OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME W PM CALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI \..: AM PM E nppRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsaeeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: n nerNsPEcr DATE ,INSPECTOB I RtI ilov271E74 FIEGIUESiT "-vA1.L tt rNsPEerrol ra I TOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE ! pnnrrnl. LocArtoN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I appRovED E orsnppRovED n nerNSPEcr ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOF Town of Yail FjLECIIRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Pemrit Fee Inspection Fee +....9..o..o-...... -. s..t.e-*R. $...8--S 69 rotarFee @ Date Pard...... to/x/z/ Received By..-..-............. & .rob ^*me\d. *.".".5Rr. ? .R*f R*; Date of Application.." 2-Z " .9*C...ts..2*.--..-...- t\ Electical contractor.-..N) *V- B.-e.5R*r.s. --........... APPROVALS Data -2.2.,.. e"..<x" "...2*....Date IS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON .'OB SITE DURING COI{STRUGTIOII 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTTCE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS .lll !. l. H0laIat !!,, ! tvat lotrrl f!tf. 00T 2 21s74 tNsPECTtil FTEOUESiT .t DATE TIME JOB NAM RECEIVED -T€WN. OF VAIL ! oruen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB FRI AM PM EappRovED D uporu rue CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: f] nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR N-I S'r,-Nq$'51Yrq;\f;--r\ 3 sl l3------l Ll $lEJt l"Ureal ts ht !dYI E llr l! I i z !4 tttl z Jt l! F =UJ z o o uJ z F z F t u,t J :- =llJz z ) t0 Lz I uul J n J J E Fz o uJ u- 5 ul o-(n UJJ z U oz o E z IJJ z rE UJ E E t! o o F ut F u. ,.iz F z z l! .i 2 J E u,l uJ F J o TJJF o q) uJ 6 a oz = YJ F I q z ;t a ,tA - l>. ,"v- > qsl ul o -o z FaJ t! FCI90*> -zl< o- c)>oFO -ni = z F lh UJ J rrl t r! Fit<Y"', '..Y2 'adl ^9:z-4<azzzA vlcq Flrv<oordZf,r1 F*X9 <o Fr'r<a> -<o r! d<;. I! LIJ z 3 Fz ul |ll F cc ut ut cc F J F F UJ tc E iF F L ,E =[= lrl o o z -o -Jl E ITo -, =etF t F 5 .i, E *iiT is +l+ii-u: T5 !*s €i*<s.+{kY5 ad i -* i )r $; ru r $T. F= * rr \; e-r - 3 s ,rS{A $ s * j AFnN s=?W H i * t1 7- v' ,j ;;d d-) .r4 ,| g"- 5 -{-c I \l ct \nt . :r< l; r.t tt \9P 49+Tal =4, t G .,3 3 t Al alt IJ -5/ F- rc. \..rc- F g .s qr fr\ ip: 3 -l*( f,/o tfr's xlrl ,.9 :,-t,4 Q:,I d 'E^oU .t -ft'rs d+J \5 ir t-*i- -J-Io \.f}-v A s- _F.{ L! .> q,]tg v cf} o r.t) o ,FzF{-rdd o(J 0-'7 q r_) oOFIoFut fY di5FOO lrlzv u,-do = o- t-l J(5t =s|!J=6--=o 1 6 r'*lPKx n td otr fL 0.. -? ,:t €r.-5 'i tiJ ' (t..r J-t 'a -$ tL & *{- ,{!p -.6L) c 3 6-i t- rs .L1' srul -Sr .9 co ,t)L\ >Fg, G Jtdit {l!.g s \\' o.- ,5 .. --E (+ o J. $l --a- t -+ ]G *t -"+. Fs* ; F-;gv -tdl'G..3rr -Q r)F \ ca -+- f trr -t- \J'i LU I i,+ lt > -{" -':. qi il 5+al,Y+s t-:-i -tf-- Ys.$ Tv,.; Lu o ?s = d€ {t .d oL \'r r- i'i, ao .1 ,E11gq c.9 I I{, -(l 3 -d\) ! oo \t- {+ >z r-!J G- .g .g* Lrr.{:-,r9.:(5:.(t8.l o.1 ;sQa ici loiI '-il+t| '(slzI a.J lLq$i'-l il =i 5._lJl ; c$l I \fr I--t --.-l-_a- | -i.rrl LIq-l-l JI IrJl$l fil6l di aq \r1tr. .t{d CLg llnif*l I I I I I I o t {r -7 =:ftr td {l -.1- 6 .tw-r5{:1 ( tr-T I -9. du r0 d.,1 9-.tlrl .qB r)\' .p -a '-g + E. 5$ .-! d \F r, t, a+ 3 :+ l' oo tr /a7r -+ F 3- vf )t tFG G- U -! a/ Q t qq d o- s_ I tJ J {t .lq,+ o,9 ffi 7 .-r .5 't1 5o qt "€ 3 <-.- ll2 aq- ='= >-..l -it --id -| - e)a G ?F TP , -vl: 6 I + t s€ ( v {ra H l t, *9 I I\t o o -9 I o :\rJ 3 .{- ut € .J 04 l.t al }.\ d.s t o 3 ri n -tl -t- \$ 3 -3-'.rri+.tS* oalf,''Es .F I .?t.-6 Ig-+ &n- f;*sG ..3--{F. i$* t I r{ PROJ ECT €Nr'tTlEs PRE L I I.1 III ARY STAFF REVIEU MASTIR PLAN LANDSCAPIII6 RECRE AT ION AI'IENITIES ENGR. CHECK OATg PROCESSING RECE IVED OEADL IIiT DATE COI'Ii'LtTEO 5 I CIATUR€ REIIARK9 + ollri E it / 0 E v E L 0P€ R suBrf ITr |^L r'^rr___-_i2a32:LL__ B\ DES I GI.I CHECK ENV I RON!.I EIiI A L I MPACT REV I EW €NV IRONI.4ENTAL I !iPACT RE PORT zoN ING CHECK 3 -te -Z/ PLANN. C OI,1M. VAR IANCE COND IT IONAL USE tJ k)14;'/' A/.4/- .e+ar"t''* *--- , TOWN COUHC IL'REvtEw ' ii DEsIGN REvrErl 3.1t-7,1 ' 4-4.?/ ,3;&j/ F INAL ZON IN G REV IEW 9U ILD ING DEPT. PLAN CHEC K , I.,tECH /P LBG. ELECIRICAL PUBL IC iIOR KS. f IRE DEPT, )..il -74 J,?t-74 3'2t-z+ 'r ,t tl I.# tt/* Va tqA PUB L ICAT IOi.I DATE HEAR ING DAT E AMOUiIT DATE PA ID R[ }IA R KS['EES I 'TYPE VAR I ANC E COND, USE tNV IR. IMPACT PLAN cHEcK d,cn R€c RE AT r ou 4/ofaoo PER!{lr, BLDG. l4.ot, P LUI.IB tNG N//+ f'f Ec IAN tcAL ij,ld E L ECTR ICAL .ffiry26:: (rzep;,t.7 2t lvlaz t4 tl ,l AA.-f ,r/,/&,;i jos-"' ?r l"t*e-7f t/^4*r" u-4 Project No. 570 s- 75-4-2s April 30, L975 sorl e FcxrNpATroN IIWESTIGATTON Hill Building Addition Va11, Eagle County, Colorado Frepared for: Mclaughltn 6 Peterson, Attorneys P.0. Box 1408 Vailn Colorado 81657Attn: Mr. Doug Melaughlin TABLE OF CONTE}ITS Conelug ions Scope Proposed Construction Pteld Investigatlon L€boratory Inves tlgation Subsurface Conditions D iseuss ion Decign and Construction Details Construetlon lnspection Test Plt locatlon PLan Test Plt Logs Gradation Analys is Sumnary of l,aboratory Test Results Page I Page 1 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Figure No. L Flgure No. 2 Figure Nos. 3-5 Tabl-e No. 1 40{ fl6 bor dace cotrddo sgnqs cob(ado . 00qi7 3&1 .506 .647 1031 sot rrh trortae road west o o bcD( 1fu4 " wf . obodo .01657 JO3'475 .0297 April 50, 1975 Re: Soil t Foundation Investigation Hill Building Addition Vail , Eagle County, Colorado Project No. 670 s-7s-4-2s Conclus ions 1) In our opinion, the proposed structure should be supported by spreadfootinq foundations proportioned for a maximurn allowable soll bearlngrpressure of 11500 PSF. All conti.nuoUs wa1l foundations should be atleast sixteen (16) inches wide and all isolated column Dad foundations .should be at least twenty-f.our (24) inches square. 2) Foundation wa]1s shouLd be well reinforced, top and bottom. l) The possible old fill materials (see Figure No. 2) w111 be satisfaetoryto support the ground floor slabs. 4) New ftll used for support of foundations and,/or floor approved by the soil engineer and should be conpactedof maxfunum Standerd Proctor Density ard within 2% ofcontent, per 45111 D-698. 5) A subsurface dr.ainage system shouLd be p).aced around 6) Present ground water conditions are satisfactory for 7) Type 1 eement nay be used in all concrete. Scope sl-abs should be to 4 teast 92% optirnurn moisture all basement areas. basernent cons truction. This report presents the resuLts of a so11 and foundation investigation at the site of the proposed building addition to be located adjacent to the exlsting Hj.11 Building, Vail , Eag1e County, Colorado. The purpose of this invedtigation was to determine subsurface conditions at this site and ro forrnulate foundation.design criteria for the proposed 3 Crue EUre. Project No. 670 Page 2 Proposed Conslruction fE is urderstood that a eqrmerciaL and residential building additlon will be construeted in the area covered by this investigation. The propoeed structure will be two (2) slories hlgh. The Lowest floor wlLl be at . basement revel. The basement floor wl1L be a concreEe slab--onrgrade. Loads are expected to be light to noderate. Fiel9 Igvestlqation Two (2) test pits were excavated with a backhoe at Locations approxi- rnately shown on the Test Pit Loeation plan, Figure No. 1. sarnples of the various subsurface strata vrere recovered fron the sides of the test pit excavations. The logs of the test pits are presented on pigure No. 2. Iabona tory f nv_es Elga Eion . All recor,rened samples were reEurned to our Colorado Springs laboratorles where they rarere carefully classified ard a laboratory testing progrem was lnittated by the project engineer. Iaboratory test results are presented in Figure Nos. 3 through 5 and Table No. 1". Subsurface CordlElons Subsurface conditions at this site are fair1y enratic. Below the topsoi.l developrnent, Test Pit Nq. 1 penetrated approxin€te1y two (2) feet of old fill materials consisting pri,marily of sandy silts. Fron a depth of approximately two (2) to five (5) feer at Test piE No. 1, slJ-ty to clayey sard with gravel-, cobbles anl boulders were encountered. This strata was in a very loose configunation and is probabry oLd fill. Project No. 670 , Page 3 A slmilar strata was encountered to a depth of approximaEely two (2) feet by Test Pit No. 2, Bel-ow the probable old fill materiars, erratic deposits of slightly stlty sand ard gravel with cobbles and Doulders were penetrated by the test plt excavations. This layer may also pob,bibly be old fill but that could not be absolutely determined from the results of our investi.gation. No ground water $ras encountered to a depth of approximately eleven (11) feet below prasent site grades, which was the maxirnwn depth explored by this inves tigation. D iscuss ion rt ls urderstood that the new building addlcion wl1l have a full basenent, which wltl be constructed at the same elevation as the basemenE floor roeated beneath uhe existing sEruceure, Therefone, there should be no danger of urdereutting the existing bullding foundations, slnce it is assuned that this structure is also presently supported by spread f6otlngs. Due to the loo$e eonflguration of the stratum encountered at the proposed basement levet and since this materiar could be an old fllr, it is recomnerded that the spread footing foundations used for support of the proposed addition be proportloned for a relativel-y 1ow bearing pressure of 1rE00 PSF, as presented in the.Concl_usions of this report. Due to the presence of nany cobbles ard boulderr within the subsurface stratum dt the basenrent revel, it must be anticipaEed that the bear,ing nateriaLs will experience a relatively high degree of disturbance by the excavation Process. Any tndterials loosened or disturbed by the exeavation equipnent should be removed fron beneath foundation areas or should be Project No. 570 Page 4 recompaeted in-pJ-ace. rf the foundatlon areas are undercut to a1low re- novaL of the disturbed rnaterials, then the new firl should be compacted to the specifications contained in the conctusions. New fitL e,hould be a lon-exPansive soiL approved by the soil engineer. The maximum allowable pdrEicLe size for the new fill shall be four (4) inches, It is reconunerded Ehat the surface of al-1 the bearing materlals beneath foundation areas be compacted in-pr8ce by mechanical neans, prior to setting of Ehe form work. It is reccmnended Ehat the soil engineer or hls qual-i.fied represenbatlve be given the opPortunity to inspecE the foundation excavations and to verify that all disturbed narerials have either been urdercut or recompaeteal ln- plaee. All new conpacted fiLt materiaLs beneath foundations ard floor sl-ab areas should also be properly tested and inspected prior to final aeceptance. It nust be antlelpated thaE sorne differenttal movement wrill, oaeuf ar the junction of the exlsting building ard the new addition. por this reason, it ls recomnerded that a rigld eonnection be maintained at the Junctlon Potnts of the two structures by the means of dowels or other methods approved by the structurdl englneer. rf an extremely rigid connection is not provided between the two structures, then the new addltlon shourd be strueturally 8€pdrated from the existing bultding. Vertical constructlon Jolnts ard entirely new foundation pads beneath the proposed addition will be required to al1ow for indeperdent movement of the new building. Desiqg and Construction Details 1) rt ia consLdered to be absorutely necessary to install- a subsurface drainage sysEem around the entire perineter of the basement area. rf sprlngs or water seepaEe pockets are encountered during the course of construction, subsurface drain ttle lines may be necessary beneath certain Project No. 670 Page 5 portioffi of the basement floor slab. 2) Even though no ground water Eable was encountered by the Eest plt excavations at the tirne of our subsurface investigation, it is possible that isolated areas of subsurface springs and water seepage rnay be encountered during the course of eonstruction, If exeessive ground water seePage is encountered duringf construction, then ternporary drain tile systems, drai.nage $lankets or other measures nay be necessary to properly de-water the foundation excavations. 3) All baekfill placed adjacent to the exterior foundation walls should be well eompacted. The use of clean granular rnaterials as backfill on the exterior face of the basement walls is reconrnended. This wil-l allow surface ard seepage water to percolate down Eo the drain tile system. The fourdatlon walLs should be waterprodfed. 4) The grounl lurface should be given a positive slope away fron the building on all sides to eonrroL surface water run-off. It is recomrnerded that the final t$reLve (lz1 ge eighteen (19) inches of backfll_l p)-aced on the outside of the proposed addition be a clayey type of material compaeted to dt least 92% of maximun Standard Proctor Denslty. This will heLp to prevent , surfaee $rater infiltration into thd fourdatton wall backfill. 5) AIl exterior fourdations should be placed below frost depth, which is considered to be at least five (5) feet below finished exterior grades in this area. This anount of frost depth is eonsidered to be realistic stnce the test pit excavations encountered approximatety 4.8 feet of frost at the time of our investigation. 6) A mlnimum of four (4) inehes of clean, free draining granul-ar maEerial should be pl_aced beneath the basenent floor slabs. Pno'ient No- 670 Page 6 Cons truction InsDection The analysis and reoommerdatlons subrnitted in Ehis report are based upon bhe data obtalned from the two (2) soit rest pits perfonned at the Locations irdicated on ehe locatlon diagram. This report does not refl-ect any variatlons whieh nay occur between these piEs. The nature and extent of variatlons between the pits may not become evident untiL eourse of con- struction. For thls reason, it ls recomrnended that the soil englneer inspect the open excavations. If variations then appear evident, it wll-l- be necessary for a re-evaluation of the reeornendations of this report to be made af,ter performing on-site obsewations during the eonstruction period and noting the charaeteristlcs of any variatl"ons. Ttls report has been prepared in older to a1d in the evaluation of this property ard to asstst the architect or engineer in the desigrn of thls project. rn Ehe event thdt any changes in the design or rocatLon of the buildlng as outli.ned or presented in bhis report are planned, the conclusions and reeomendations eontained in this report shal-L not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed ard coniluslons of this report modified or approved in wrltlng b soil ard fourdation engineer, Respectfuj"ly s ubmitted,%tu Thonas E. SununerLee. P.E. Fres ident TS/eb cc: Mr. Kj.rk Beardsley, Arch. Howe:d Dutzi t AssoEtates /g@lST€eq\ i^-fu'*r^rr*d Tes t Pit TEST PIT LOCAfION PIAN Dxisting building 'Project No. 670 Date 4/30/75 SCALE: }n=l-0 r O"'' Ot*r.""tes Test Plt Locarion Pigure No, 1 ! o lr.l .c |Jo.oa lJoo t& +J cl,oa L0 TEST PTT LGS Pir No.1 The logrs show approxjrnate boundariesat the dates and locations indicatedthey are representative of subsurfaceard ti.nes. Project No, 670 beEween the various $trataard it is not warranted that eonditions aE other locations n ffi ffi H lEGEND TOPSOIL FILL - silt, sandy to very sandy, sl-ightly clayey, loose, light. to medlum moisf, dark brown to black. PROBABLE FTLL - silty sards with gravel, cobbles and boulders, loose, f.i.ght moist to very moist, dark brown. POSSIBTE FILL - sand ard gravel slightly siJ.ty, with cobbles andboulders, loose to medium dense, dark brohn to reddish brown, molst to wet. The test pits were excavatd with a backhoe on April_ 24, i-975, No ground wdter was encountered at the time of excavation of Ehetest pits. 1) 2) 3) No. 2 F igure No. ? o2 {! zFlotir ot -q = u, (n <OJAol (, (D 5= F- U l)o ru r-{ J) F(,zzur-()(/) G('rrj < o oo -l o Ior trl -t GI -l t4 c\ Ol s|-. C\ r.r) i.l (\ tn o I lrj rJo -z *1r :1t \o +1-:lt-+ o -{- ooal aao C' o rl G Izo2 J- o c'F o Ful c o oo AIJ o {o o\ nl c'\ r\ c*o c- o\ o oo ooNFo oo r{ ts$vd tx!cu3doooo\or/.\jt(.\ oooooooo(V ('\ li v'\ \O C'- @ O.olN lvllu lNf JuSd oooooo\@G oo I I I I' N+ o th IN olI2 2 co g JIt3' C !, (,o th 2 It ta o L, E td ul trl Ll o| o oz Fgl n f !,az G L,t F ut J 2 F IoEo o o .?1 v) rf MI I |,,'.-l o,io.eoo g, x tr E lrj(r' l, !JJ Glrj>O>Et =o\r,]F(/) <lE..oo lrJ cD Z46JF<c) =JlrJo-?rooF(/JG tr, F cl q r{ F lrjo L' J : (A o1tttttr Flo Fl.rl o o IJ 'Fl 'TJd ttq q A r1 zI F oJ LJ) E (n -l oz lrJ JoI lnf"' rf cl tf tdJo a LI F o 2 cJt J z z. ; =ccF 2o LJN r.d J ;E .l! lrj F "l z 9 F X= : at.nA<(JJ<n oz L f,l :- dl5: F- -J LL J J F('zz\,-o(/)(r(/) lrj <(Lo o oor.l l'. l-- (o F- Or r.n (o ol l'- o| GI r- l*- rJl Nu) (o f.tt)Ln C\I t! lr, O-zu't +F :lf \o +f +t-:lh -;1 (! :-tt aIoo' o F u, JA Izo2 F J o oF o 1n J o. I oooo 3d oooa(\l ooooo(?\ -t v'\ \o No3N rYr3u rxff,u3d OUotld9n I Soot\ \o :to o o N o\ .l o\ ( N o o\ o\ o t tI N o ]n J a !, Ll ta g| (,itz r LIq.o tr G tdgl G UJ() .,lu t LI !! !J lrl o oE z Fo o gl(,z !, E : F (,l z : r0tlo.{ o o) u) (f tr) I an r-l o @ a:( lrj TY zI F o J lr,J at (D rdl lrj I:IRH: RI> = 6 ,.oll f F l*-(/) <tr.rOO fJrlJZlrJ<FoJl-<ool J tJo-?rooFCO Go rt IF o. ld lr,J IL {(/, r.{ oz trJJo tnr-. <i(\ o tdJc =.o lr,F o ah a J z z. ; =(D. dFIo lrly trJJ ; o- Fl o tdF (n oz I z -tFy) ctI.tu oo(n<OJ a,t)O:) L] :, MF 5= F- o- I I J I I )I I F- ('zzlr-o(n &, cnuJ< O o..i f-.F-LN(O (\l o LN lr|l.l M' r.l €\ ol [n r.'1 r- n r-t fr,>.tJ O-z -i:+cO:lf \o rts :t-+.1t, C\l+ aaoo () Fo, JA!2oa F Ut o o o J A o oo oo\ -t c.- o @ o\ N o\ c\. c- o\ o\oo oo (vo o ooo('!GIFO o gri I ss vd rx33u3dooo\ov\-] oooooc)oo(v ('\ + t\ \6) O- co O\olN I Yrlu lNlf,sfd oooooo\(o(\ oo tt\l I t{ I' Ar -* It\ g! .A J z !d bl tt o(,z z Uco G Jdol c t, Jo u,t, Gto t, td g, og 2 F .,r vl <tl J z F tJ:o (nv ar, o o F{ e.{ O d o o'rlu..1 It4 F{.r-l 'rl z 9 F o J ul J aD Lr) It- or4 qt lrl F o l^J LJ atrJ>O =EF>otofFa0r.rOO trjd)Z OJF :JLJo:rooFAtr (L IFI u,o lIJJ (n -l oz Id J |JJJ {L =a uJF o -l.rl lr, F tflf- Ic{ <r ! v, J z, z ;f6 F cn cl [dN a bJJ F 6i!; Efi;a? , J:o3g il.rl>raE(L. l-r{otdt!) - >..rlo16{ F-l U0J 'rl>oq5tlHoo.i22,H{CD <D V) lr, O oadl/) ECN A{ tn ttr t') b).r{ 'F{ .r{ l.l4l\t! cttl R3il rrr \R lot ocoo <f st E;f : i fir?E;-o t9 [?s;!l \3 o- olt''{llIJ \RJ fdr'1 llAlr L ..q) J -rf<FE > -[) tr U)()F O Zo.<L,zo tt)Ortl ,u,zqtr; iin*R z1 OFI$ (o1r)o|l r-l r{ IFFU.| E trltrJ tLo slol@ r-l tr) CD ;e .Jrt Iao(, U,ILJIJlGOIlrj F- | = rol = rF th. z rlr, <it-tn c) ='!rJooFEEFO_c: tl -e -(G:v: .{rIi \ff -E a +Ft Jr,t o d rt co s s l{ j jl s-+F 5:sv.t JZ CA\4d '3s5rtt 5.tf+ s 6$Jb4 a.bat€L) o !, nI 1F3 s -'I co o vlt =t I .L 3.lo de LU oIP o -gg :J 1, \tr'0a fs irf t< ttJ J .-9,a- :l'r+ 4i-+ilv) I> --o $-.: +tt{(Fr5-sda=.fJ )4., (+ 3o *1.Y q,+;2J AitTrrr{'- 4qJ El-u-SLSU3sT1 j9 I = -?s q'c -Yd vt ug 3{ ^y 5t' r# itvtoror-';o<0 * J:Pr ta,I 1., {€ Yi E $stA t-t ->r) H t=n H s'6tll |<ll) t3t :rT H LUn r-l d .3rr .9 l. Fo tfs {r X r-u rf1 ,sr s o) 5i\n {t r5 .trxL$ o a t-c.-a- € \)Lqs I tEit >\ r.02 mu, ,ftd-taiIJje,l {/ \t-f 5s,g f4v) .J J d 3 .l;-I -+s fr $*; r$F. 2L]Jnqi a t, $ -..:g7t-?s-r€$ s.l:+lr) I:r -s > G =- -ti,+(3E t,t -t r5 aIoIt\ (F-PT -I' t:.+ll {f-2 '* I lllr,-|_ 3d+ dalt\) eo Ct "2,t{t'5 ! da.1 3 ,f ,' l+$*t).g d 04 .rt{tA \ t 3r> LIJJ o FO i| f, :t ,r ^rl-l' -LI I-e-e{,ti6.- * d{.