HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 7 VAIL ROW HOUSES FIRE ALARM HUGHES RESIDENCE LEGALaTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 ALARMPERMIT Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 210108231001 projectNo ,pR IO.b. orha OWNER BRTDGE STREET ASSOCIATES OB/31-/2004 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MT 48025 48025 Lt cense ; CONTRACTOR VAIL EIJECTRONICS, LTD.P.O. BOX 460 MINTURN, CO 8I645 License: 198-S APPLICANT VAIL ELECTRON]CS, LTD.P.O. BOX 460 MINTURN, CO 8154 5 License: 198-S VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: Status. . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: A04-.0054 Botf -oo9o .: ISSUED . : 08/31/2004 . : 10/06/2004 .: 04/04/2005 OB/3L/2004 Phone: 970-82'l-9120 08/31,/2004 Phone: 9-/0-821 -9120 Desciption: FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Valuation: 53.277.00 ;L***rat*,1*****r.*:tjtt*)********:t:*xri**r*:***t *ri.,trt,t t*,t**:*+*+rt,t****:trt***:****** FEE SUMMARY Electrical-------> DRB ljee-__--_> hvestigation--> Will Call------> TOTAL FEES--> r.r***rr:t :*xr.,t ********* *i** + +*+ **** Approvals: s0.00 s0.00 s0.00 s3.00 s357. B9 s357 .89 s0.00 s357.89 s357.89 s0.00 Total Calculaled Fees--> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee----> Payments-*---**---> BALANCE DUE.-.--.--> r.,r i(,** ** * ** L *:*i. * r. + * i*,t * * +,t * ** +* * *1 Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 09 /27 /2004 mvaughah L0/QL/2004 mvauqhan Action: DNAction: AP stamp or nicet 3 or better required for deb shaner stamped these todav CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ++*****+*****,*****:*****)**r*:l,t r*****,**:*:tit************1.*l.**+rtr.*****t *)*******r*,*********)t*ji*++:t,+*+rti.i()t***:tx************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 4?9-2135 FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM.REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN CTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNER AppLrcATroN nll *o, BE AccEprED rr r*.o"rrrrt. Project #:o3.o d Building Alarm Permit #: I 7O-4 79 - 2 I 3 5 finspediont I I Fire shop d uired at time of listed on the without this CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION coMPtETE vALUATToNs FoR ALARM rERMTT (Labor a uateriais;R E C E lV E D ff; ********************rr******************FoR oFFIcE UsE oNLy************************************* I t RECEIVED '",J {! . Fireflarm tgntractor: VNl U-i.ctin|zs,ltJ *iarlq Res No :Contact and Phone #'s: 6nt, 6wqu {zl-TN E-Mail Address:vtr'liW Contractor Signature: Contact A*ewrs Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # 210 ,, floor, unit #, Work Class: New ( ) Addition (' ) Remodel ( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Mutti-famity Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes \WaiI\data\cdeV\FORMS\PERMITS\ALRMPERM.Doc oil2612002 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOrR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL EIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: T T - + = - V,e@a - \J A Colorado Registered Engineey's stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numbers. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. .,.\ t _ r, . ,C Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. / 5- 1 r 1- J\ The source of AC power circuits. ,3v E* . -a { s r.. t,{,rJ Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and moniforing - , . , t ..t/ agency. t) t t,/7rq L- C i -t: 4aT Lt/'7,) (j€n;y''6z-if='--tr1,t i /Information regalding property managers and contact numbers, I Owner's primara residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for firc alarm system operations an/ aqy pert-in-e4t_-. n--n code numbers for proper opbrationi, - Aaf,E /x/'Ftn'CL Qz t This check list has been provided to ensure that our review process may be handled in a timely manner. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: 'E.rJ( 'Project name: '1./ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDELINES FOR PREVENTING NON-EMERGENCY FIRE ALARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Depaftment Suppression crbws to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you perform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the propelty invotved or by contacting the vail Firc Department. Determine with the owner or manager of the ProPettl' which alarm company seruices the system for them. Become ftmiliar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, o-r any other iompohent of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small proiects bag detector within the-area you-will be -otiing in U6fore yori sta6 and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so ttrat wE cah wort< Jvith you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone out" specific areas of th-e alarm system for the structure. Please contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshal, Mike McGee at 479'2135 or the rown of vail Fire Prevention officer, Mike vaughnat4T9-2462. I have read and understand the above guidelines. Project Name:f(- Contractor Signature: TOWNOFVAIL D 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 91657 97Q-479-2t38 CONTRACTOR NEW ELECTRIC INC, P O BOx 957 AVON CO 81"62 0License: 110 -EAPPLICANT NEW ELECTRTC ]NC, P O BOX 957 AVON CO 6LOZU I-,icense: 110-E ",?,*"* oF coMM'Nrry DEVELork, 06/23/2004 Phone: 91 0-949-465I NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #: Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . Location.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . PmcelNo...: 210108231001 Issued - ProjectNo : eRj-o3*o.t(3 Expires. BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES 06/23/2004 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, M] 48025 48025 License: E04-0107 3oq*o:d : ISSUED : 06/23/2004: 08/2712004.: 0212312005 OWNER 06/23/2004 Phone: 970-949-465L Desciption: NEW ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Valuation: $35.000.00 ****++,r,i*'t,t*:N:t*,t**:t*****:**:t*r*.*trl.*:t,*++,t**:f+:**:t,lrt:***:t*r*t:*,tr**ri**.,tt{.* FEE suMMARy Electrical------> DRB Fee------> Investigation---> Will Call-..----> TOTAL FEES-> $121.00 $0.00 s0.00 s3.00 s124.00 $124.00 s0.00 5124.00 s124.00 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-:---> Total Pemit Fee-----> Payments---------> BALANCE DUE:------>t,|'***:|t|**r*,}|'}.+|t:*|*:t+******)*****'****:t+:|,t'.*t*.,t|**'t*ttt+,f++'*t|+|t.*tt+|1***********t Approvals: Itern: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENT 06/23/2004 JS Action: AP]TCm: 05600 FIRE DEPARI}ID{T |'r*|*|,*|*,|:*:}*,|.:}*|**:|**+t*****:}*..*,}t*'t.*.a****'t*,}*+tt,}.***'tlt'i*,.,lt**,t'}t)l,*:}:}:}|:}|i****** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpL,fANcE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROV 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ltf 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #l s -ok3 Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2L49 (Inspections) CoMPLETE SQ. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FoR ALL oTHERs (Labor & Materials) €W € LE cr€_tq p1(_Contact and Phone #t: 4qq - qbs tContractor Signature; AMoUNToFSQ FTIN STRUCTURE, 17 ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ t"."",. (-"t"t.* i Job Name: HU qtnes rob Address: 5o3 Gore Cu-f Druve tl Nw tlutgtto t_. t.lsttrfl w"* c9:" N"y! ) nqdirion ( ) Remodet ff, )Repair( ) Temppower( ) Orher( ) Work Type: rnterior ( ) E*terioil-1 - BiiiS - Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Dpe'ot|B|or t,nnl"nururt ) ouni. No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tf.'|ii U*.faino,No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Is lhll$rutt_Ior a hot tub: yes ( ) No Does a Fire nlarm fxist Ves ) No( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( Contact le Coun F' levenrnna/fnrmc/ata.narrh Office at g7O-328-9640 or visit for ParceI # NEW ELECTRIC,INC P.O. BOX957 AVON. COLORADO 81620 (970) 949-4651 (970) 949-5354 Fax Iuly 22,2004 Town Of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd Vail, Colorado 81657 Attn: Building Dept Rcf: Hughas Residence Permit # 804-0030 Enclosed find our permit application along with a cher:;k in the amount of $ 123.00. This amount is based on the State of Colorado Electrical fcc Schedule Plus 15%. We have tried several times to resolve this mattcr and f'eel that your fbes are not in accordance with State of Colorado Regulations. Therefore we have issued a check based on the states fees. We realize that you are reviewing your fee schedule. When this matter does gct resolved, and if we owe additional f'ees, please inform us on the dollar amount and we will get a check to you. The reason we are attempting to deposit a check and permit application is to enable us to have the work permiil-ed before we start the job. Sinccrely Beth Smart , TowN oF VAIL FIRE DEPARTM'*, - VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT.75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL" CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F04-0037 3OV -cos0 Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 08/04/2004 ParcelNo...: 210108231001 Issued. .; 09/Z31Z0O4 Project No : ? RT6 j-O <ty Expires . .: OWNER BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES 08/04/2004 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 48025 License: coNTRAcroR wEsrERN srATEs FrRE pRorEcrr}E/04/2004 phone: 303-192-00227025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ElIGIJEWOOD, CO BOII2 License: 338-S APPLTCANT wEsrERN srATEs FrRE PRorEc,.IT1B/04/2004 phone: 303-792-00227026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 8 011-2 Iricense : 33 B-S Desciption: NEW FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM PER NFPA l3R TO BE INSTALLED IN REMODELED RESIDENCE Valuation: $18,000.00 *rir*,**'t*+:*+*'*''***:**,lal****r*r.r{rr'rr*a,ttr*rt*r,}:}t*t.t*,}{.t+*****,rr,**t*** FEE SUMMARY M€chanical-->S0.00 Res$aranr Plan Review-->$0. 00 Total Calculatql Fees--> $1, 118. 00 S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> 5116 . 00 Investigation-> WiU Catl--->s3.00 s1,234.00 s0.00BALANCE DUE.---....-> IICM: O5]-OO BUILDING DEPARIMENTIICM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENT 09/20/2004 mcgee Action: Ap 3rd submittal approved as noted:1. Submit clac's on expansion tank 2 . Correct flow design point and confirm cafc's on RPBD CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,1ANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struchre according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.I'OUR HOTJRS IN ADVAI\ICE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2135 I'ROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Plan Check-> 5350.00 DRB Fee------------> 50.00 TOTAL FEES----> SL,l-l-8.00 Total Pemir Fee------> 31,234-00 I OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER F04-0037 ' ' WESTERN STATES FP I}31+,OO HUGHES REMODEL 804-0030 303 GORE CREEKDR VAIL TOWNHOUSE #7 3rd submittal approved as noted:l. Submit clac's on expansion tank 2. Correct flow design point and confirm calc's on RPBD TOWN OF VAIL 75 S,FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 orr?rrr"r oF coMMr,Nrry DEVELorrt*t NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M04-0112 Jo(-oos6 Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 06/2U2004 Parcel No...: 21010823 1001 Issued . . : 0612212004 ProjectNo ' TRSi:3-o.tt 3 Expires. .: 1211912004 owNER BRTDGE STREET AssocrATEs 06/2!/2004 phone: 3O1OO TEIJEGRAPH ROAD BING}IAM FARMS, MI 48025 4 8025 T_,icense: colflrRAcroR coNcEpr MECHANTCATT, rNc o6/2L/2004 phone: 970-g4g-o200 P.O. BOX 1155 AVON. CO 4L620 L,icense: 189-P APPLlCArifr CONcEpr MECHANTCAT, rNC 06/2L/2004 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1_L55 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: l-89-P Desciption: ROUGH IN HEATING SYSTEM, BUILD BOILER PLANT, TRIM HEAT, RUN VENTILATION AIR SHEET METAL, INSTALL 1 AC UNIT Valuation: $32,000.00 Fir€Dlace Infomation: Restricted; Y # ofGas Appliances: 0)tr"i.:*+*++:**,**********+*****,t****'t*'t*t *a+++++*+*+,t:i*+:t:t*,t*:*****t**,t,t*** FEE SUMMARYMechanica!-> SG40 - 00 Restuarant plan Review-> Plan Check--> S160. o0 DRB Fee----------> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> # of Gas Loss: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $803.00 S0.00 AdditionalFees------>$0.00 $0.00 $0 . 00 ToTAL FEES-------> s8O3 . 00 Total permit Fee------> s803 . oo $3.00 Payments---------> $8o3. oo BALANCE DUE--.------> Item: 051-00 BUILDIIIG DEPARTMENT o6/2L/20o4 JS Action: Ap Item: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAI-,LATfON MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO CIAPTER 10 oF THE 1997 UMC, CHAPTER L0 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPLIANCES SIIALL BE VEN|ED ACCoRDING TO TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 I]MC, OR Cond: 29 (BI.,,DG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST coMPLY WITH THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1.997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.) I BOfL,ERS SHAI-,L BE MOI]NIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUsTIBLE CONST. IlNIrEss LTSTED FOR MOINfflNG ON EOMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING. Cond:32 (Br,DG.): PERMrr,Pr,ANs AND coDE ANArrysrs MUsr BE posrED rN MEcHANTcAL RooM pRroR TO AN INSPECTION REQIIEST. Condr 30 (BLDG.): DRATNAGE oF MEcIrANrcAr-, RooMs comtArNrNc HEATTNc oR Hor-wATER supprry BOIIJERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc. 1022 oF THE ]-997 UMc. oR SECTION l-004.6 0F TIIE L997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stnrcture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIiALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE A 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF O CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF o CTIAPTER CHAPTER CIAPTER 8 A}ID SHAI,IJ 8 OF THE ]"997 IMC- 3 AIiID SEC.1017 0F ApplrcATroir *to, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLET, ol*r,03 - oY/3 Building Mechanical Permit #: NWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ****************** ***** *FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********* REC E IVED jul{ z | 2tt[J4 for Parcel # *****+**x**** 97 O - 47 9 -2L49 (InsPection s) iermit witl not be acceptd without the following: Mechanical Contractor: Aa n c.* * /L'l<t/t 4 7," ca l,Ett c. Town of Vail Reg. No.: 18q*P GntaEanO Ptrone +t: Ttn".Ra>en 9V1'ozgc'- E-Mail Address: C?nn\e-4LLe atRtq - Contractor Signature:,. V-P. /9"-"--f-"+ MECHANICAL; 5 ?4.pAO Contact Eagle CounV Asftsgri lParcel# Llolagz'ilAel . rob Name: y'lu3ltes Fn, i lenee ,"*dr,_q,. #9*8;" taif^,-.'a 1, Legal Description lot ?e]rld<z 5 Filing:*O*t"ion, Va*' I Vt'/'(o7e- heat fiv n v enlll rr{r.irr" a i i-s l<e.t WorkClass: New@ Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) ._:_ eoibrlocation: Interior dd Exterior ( ) Other ( )-rY Does at' EHU e-tst at this location: Yes ( ) No lQ fyp"of eldg' Single-familyq4 Orplu*( ) Multi-tumily( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) '/Otlt4llan'G No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Nn/Tvne nf Firentacec Fxistino: Gas AoDliances (t'i Gas togs (D) WoodlPellet (4) Wood Burnl Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Phase ll device? Yes ( ) No !X) \Wail\data\cdev\FoRM S\PERMITSU\4ECHPERM-DOC 803 -07 t26D002 CONCEPT MECHAr.net, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEVI DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COTORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 June21,2004 Town of Vail Building Department 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: Hughes Residence; Row House #7; Vail, Colorado Mechanical Information To Whom It May Concern: We have completed our heat loss calculations for this project. The heat loss for the home is approximately 66,320 Btuh. Calculations are based on 70"F interior temperature and -20" efierior design temperature. This town home will receive a central boiler plant to accommodate the project en€rgy loads. There are nine (9) zones ofradiant floor heat. There will be one boiler rated at 500,000 Btuh input serving radiantfloor heat, provide energy for domestic hot water productiorg and provide energy for melting approximately 1,220 square feet of project snowmelt. There will be three 79 gallon storagi tanks with- internal heat exchangers providing domestic hot water to the home. Refer to attached drawing for flue and combustion air sizing. I have included heat loss calculations along with a mechanical permit application. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions. Thank you. Timothy J. Roseq P.E.; V.P./Secretarv Cc: Gary Walker, Project Superintendent; Beck Building Company coNcEpr ME.HANrtr,,ra. PLUMBING r HEATING . SYSTEM DEStcN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81820 Phone: (970) 949.0200 Fax (970) 949.0300 "o."u,.n r"""-7if& - orl ** 3-l?"OYSHEEINO. CHECKED BY N Dimensionol Dolo Dimensions shown in inches. cm. "Air ond venf connections moy be on fop or bock of lhe Pennoni. ond ore field converlible. Wofer Flow Requirements/Boiler Temperorure Rise in Degrees 7A LEFI SIOE VIE:W Size c D E F FI Air Conn. W*Vent Conn. Vt Horiz. Venl 500 33Vr OJ I 53/1 40 5314 t<29zt+76 3231t e2 731+20 83iq 22 6 l5 6 l5 6 t5 750 45tlz u6 214q 55 53/+IJ 293tq 76 32ttq 83 73lt 20 8U+22 6 75 8 20 6 15 1000 57tlz 146 283tq /J 53lq 29stq /6 3231t 83 7xt4 zv l8 8 20 l0 25 o 20 1500 78ttz 199 393tq 10t l0l/s 26 303/l 78 29ttz 8s/+8s/l 22 t0 l2 12 30 l0 25 2000 99ttt 253 493tq 126 1Ot/s zo 303/4 78 )Qlt./J 8Ur zz 8Ul 22 t2 .JU 14 36 t2 30 20"F ltr 25'F t4T.30.F 17X.35"F 19( Indoor Model Flow gpm HlL {eef ,.tow lpm H/L m Flow gpm H/L feet Flow Ip^ H/L m rtow gpm H/L feet Flow lpm H/L m Flow qpm H/L feet FIow lpm H/L m 500 43 1.7 r6l 0.5 34 t.l 129 0.3 28 0.9 147 U.J 24 o.7 92 0.2 /JU 64 't2 t.o 5',|2.3 193 0.7 43 1.7 161 0.5 7.4 1.2 138 0.4 r 000 85 5.0 32t t.J 68 3.6 257 I.l 3l ?l 214 0.9 48 2.2 t84 i 500 r28 I0.0 483 3.0 7.2 386 85 5.5 322 1.7 73 4.2 276 1.3 2000 N/R N/R N/R N/R 136 'r2.5 3.8 113 10.4 429 J.t 97 8.3 JOd l.J Heodloss/Woter Heqler Heodloss shown is {or pennont heor exchonger onty Hord Woter Normoi Woler Soft Woter Indoor Model Flow gpm H/L feet f tow lpm H/L m Flow gpm t{/L feet FIow lpm H/t m FIow gpm HlL feet lpm H/L m 500 90 J.J ul Lt 68 2.3 257 o.7 45 1.8 170 0.5 750 90 6.0 34t ta 68 3.0 257 o.9 45 2.1 170 0.6 r000 90 6.1 341 1.9 68 3.6 257 1.1 45 na 174 0.7 1500 90 6.5 34t 68 3.9 257 1.2 6tt eo 257 t.2 2000 r 0.0 424 3.0 112 r 0.0 424 3.0 112 r 0.0 424 3.0 Sizing Doto Indoor Model Gos Conn. inches Woler Conn. inches 500 ltlc 2 750 ltlc t 1000 1tt2 21t2 1500 2 2000 2 DotoA/lloler Heoler Worer Temperolure Rise in Inooor Model 40F 22r sph L/h so"F 28C sph L/h 60'F 33t sph L/h 70"F 39r sph L/h 80.F 44C sph L/h 90.F 50cgph L/h r00.F 56c sph L/h 120.F 67c: sph L/h r40"F /8C sph L/h 500 1276 4821 r020 385/850 3214 729 2755 638 24tl s67 2143 510 1929 425 7607 364 1378 750 1913 7232 1531 5786 1276 4821 r093 4r33 957 3616 85Q 3214 765 2893 638 24tl 547 2066 r 000 2548 9633 2039 7707 1699 5422 r456 ss05 1274 4817 I133 4281 'r01 9 3853 849 32tl 728 2752 'r500 3827 14464 3061 I l5Zr 2551 ?643 2187 8265 t9r3 7232 1701 6429 1531 5786 1276 4821 r093 4t33 ')o1a ,5099 t9276 4080 t 5421 3400 12851 2914 |l0t5 2550 96s8 2266 8567 2040 7710 1700 6425 1457 5507 | = aC per hour, t,/h = /ifers per hour: Top or reor venl ond combusfion oir connections Eosy occess ignilor Sizing Doto Eosy Mointenon.e ' Heot exchonger is eosily removed from top or fronl . Woshoble oir fiher . Cleon wiring loyout mokes elecfricol troubleshooiing eosy . Eosy occess to igniior vio speciol service ponel . Eosy-lo-service burner ossembly . LAARS hidden fosiener iocket (HFJ) sysiem reduces time ond effort for teordown ond ossembly ' Service-friendly slide-oui conirol ponel Flexible Venfing . Cotegory lll (horizontol) venting, up to 50 feet with 3 elbows, without odditionol fons . Fon-ossisled Cotegory lveniing wilh stondord B-vent . Combustion oir con be ioken from room, or ducled to the unit from lhe oulside . Top or reor venl ond combustion oir connections Cleoronces Applionce Required to SuggestedSurfoce Combusfible Moteriol Service Access left Side 1" 2.5 cm 24" 61 cm Right Side 1" 2.5 cm 24" 61 cm 12" 30 cm 1" 2.5 cm 12" 30 cm 1" 2.5 cm 36" 91 cm Per veniing system supplier's instructions *When vent or oir is connecled io lhe bock, 35,' (9lcm) is suggested. ToP Fronl Indoor Model lnpulr,3 BTU/H xl000 Oulpulr,3 BTU/H x 1000 IBR Netr Roling BTU/H xI000 Firing Rote Shipping Weight'? Ibs. kg 1" 2.5 cm 36r 2-stoge 425 t93 750 750 542638 2-sioge 50s 229 r 000 849 3-sioge 615 279 .|500 r 500 1275 r 084 4-sioge 760 345 2000 1999 1699 1444 4-stoge ] !!el ond oulpul musl be deroted 47o per 1000 feet qbove seo level when insrolled obove 2000 feet olfitude.2. Units with pumps: Add 55 lbs. (25kg). 3. For olher boiler rolings: Boiler Horsepower. HP = glg Rodiotion Surfoce: EDR sq. ft. : Ourpur33,47s T50- IBR sq. ft. = Net IBR Rofinp r50 955 434 To Eosy lo Use All Pennont woter heoier/boilers ore built to ooeroie effeciively ol up to I 0,000 feet, in horsh environments from -40o to + 140"8 ond to wilhstond thermol shock down to 30"E The unit con be used with up to o 50:50 glycol to woter mix ond wolerwoys con operote in woter wiih o hordness up io 17 gpg. pennont units feoiure complioni end wolls lo occommodole thermol exponsion. Slotus lights ond ihe control disploy eosily shows the Pennont's operoling sloius. The Pennoni is the eosy choice. Wiih pennoni,s high efficiency, operoting cosls qre minimized. pennoni,s performonce ond low mointenonce delivers the sovinosl Feqlures Summory Unmolched Performonce . Applicotions for Hydronic ond Domestic Hot Woter. Up to 85% efficiency. NOx below 10 ppm. 2-sloge, 3-sioge, ond 4-stoge firing. lmmune to thermol shock down to 30"F. Operoies in oltitudes up to 10,000 feet. Ambieni iemperofures from -40"F to * l40oF. Toleronl of glycol sysiems. Woterwoys oble .to operole in o moximum woter hordness of l7 gpg ' Hydronic Models supply temps from 125.F Io 220.F. Gos supply right or left side (field convertible). Volume Woter Heoter models supply iemps from I25"F +o 210.F. Mointoins efficiency ond low NOx levels oi oll stoges of firing o Model sizes: (2-stoge) 500, 750, (3-sioge) 1000, (4-stoge) 1500, 2000. Optionol foclory-mounled pump sized for heot exchonger, 30 feei of pipe ond 3 elbows totol pressu re drop. Fon-qssisled combuslion sysrem. l20voc, 60 Hz single phose power. Froni occess ponel with stotus indicotor lighls. User-friendly progrommoble control io 6 modes. BAS interfoce . Moy be ordered with left or righi-hond piping connection Fronl occess ponel with sloius indicotor lights, 6 mode progrommoble conlrol, ond slide out lroy BAS Interfoce Duroble, Long-Losting Conslruction. Modulor consfruciion: burner troys, gos lroin, blower ossembly . Gloss-lined cosf iron or bronze heoders. Heot exchonger uses efficieni l0 finned+ube design. Lightweight insulotion ' Conslruclion suiioble for rock mounting up lc - ,,r.,,ilers ' Complionf end-wolls lo occommodote thermor eip, l. Non-ferrous wo.terwoys lo meet stondords for vo,r;le woler heoters . Bocked by Loors worronty ond superior customer seryice. Two Pennonis moy be rock-mounted to sove voluoble floor sooce Ec Si: $; "TBS-lsocal@" S1 ZO.,..S|OOO Domesl c hot waier oullel AB AB EK,EL 2M" max. P&T/Reckculation relurn Boiler waler supply Boiler waler retum Co d water feedl Domestic hol water drcn 5120 ii4" sT150-ST300 1" sT400-sT750 1'a'sT1C00 11t2' A L/LT mode s 1' EZ Atmodels 3r1' vs s12c sTi50-sT300 sT400-sT1000 A L/LT models RS 5120 sT150 ST300 sT400-sT1000 A I Li LT models EI(EL 5120 sT150.ST750 sT1000 All LrLT models Screw{n feet supp ed wilh SU, smallef ST models L and LT la0ks. Legs s!pplied lt/ith larger ST lanks f 25rr'1 zne.._E_I I '_;;;r"IJ,_=W;HiM -lr'o" tT L models designed for stacking G124X gas boilers. LT models designed for stacking G115 Technical Data "TBS lsocal@" S. ST. L and LT I 11,1' ,l 1' '11r4" 1 11r,r" 11t2' 1111' oil boi ers. Advantages oJ Buderus T hermogl aze@ | ns u lated Hot Water Tanks . Constantly availablc hot \\.'ater at the tr:rn of a tap. o High densitl fluoro carbon tree bondecl foam insulation for better maintenancc of stored hot water temperature. o Economical-better insulation, optional recirculation of hot water back to thc hcater. . Large surface area treat exchanger for excellent recovcry lat€s. Heat exchangcr size incrcascs with tank l-olume. o Corrosion Protection-the Buclen:s Tls e r mogl aze@ process protects the intcrior of the tank from corrosion caused by most t,vpe^s of watet. Therntoglaze(u ts a homogeneous, pcrmanent protective coating, bonclecl to the interior of the metal tank. . Eas.v acccss cover for cleaning of coil and tank intcrior. . Standard lagnesium anocle rod fbr acti.".e coffosion protecllon. . ST models stanclard $'ith electric anode. o Horizonhl tanks for small footprint. venical ranks for imprOVed recovcry r'ates. . No aquastat inclucled. . Logamaric or SP30D pdority con- trol available through Buderus. . Tanks adapt to L4006. (Not available thror,rgh Buclcms). ' ExclLrding screw-on feet. -' All weights are 5% higher wth packing matedal. ---5120 ST150-ST300, all L and LT models: Res dentia Tanks are delivered with olterjacket installed. nt€rior d mensions are nol applicab e Lafge ST models: Jackets and nsualon packaged separately. t Reqlired bo ler output lo achieve stated cotl lt o rs ral lgs SiTe ounp ir o'der to ge. faied tank outpuls. Jt A low '15' above iank foT anode rod remova . #*j 50 Wentworth Ave Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel: (603) 42'1-2760 , Fax. \603) 421'2719 Websile: www,buderus.net "TBS-lsocal@" L1 35,...1T300 N F b,o'-. l-^-7 Application "TBS-lsocalo' S, ST, L and LT MODEL DIIVENSIONS Boier Water Temp f. Continuous Rating (2nd hour) Inlet Tenrp. = 50 "F oltlet Ternp. = 140 "F Gal/Hr BTU/Hrt BOILER WATER FLOW RATE Gal/Min colL PRESSURE DROP feet of head WEIGHT appr0x. lbs.-. .TBS- lsocal" Contents Gallons Vertical l\,4odels D Hn Drp 194 194 194 194 tY+ 194 tY+ 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 194 155 116,000 159 119,000 199 149,000 290 218,000 250 194,000 306 235,000 402 309,000 497 383,000 97 73,000124 93,000 145 '109,000 97 73,000 124 93,000 145 109,000 215 161,000 9.5 15,9 17.6 22.0 26.4 24.2 22.0 19.8 15.4 15.4 17.6 15 4 15.4 17 .6 6,5 3.9 +,J 8.4 11 .4 't1.4 11.7 12.0 2.7 3.1 4.4 3.1 4.4 8.0 '158 238 286 371 407 486 702 893 189 224 246 189 220 246 363 s-120 sT-150 sT-200 sT-300 ST4OO sT-500 sT-750 sr-1000 32 40 53 79 103 129 194 258 20 27 lt 27 t+ 27 u+ 31tra 39:ro 39 ve 43ru JI 34 sre- 42 srar 57 rro* 61 73 73 75 tn 33 rn 33 uz 39 rr+ 43 tt+ Horizontal l\4odels n L L-135 L-160 L-200 LT-135 LT-160 LT-200 LT-300 JO DJ 36 42 53 79 25 tit 25 si+ 25 zit 25 tt 25 eu 25 vq 25 zu 25 vq 25 :a 25 zu 25 ut 25 ut 25 3tq 32 36 lj 42 ua 32 36 rr+ 42 ttt 57 sr+ Models Heating lVedium Boiler Water (coil)Domestic Hot Water (Tank) Max. Pressure psi Max. Temperature "F Max. Pressure psi l\,lax. Ternperature r S, Sl Land LT Hot Water JOI 320 150 200 BHSDHWBR 5 7/02 Subject 10 change witholt notice. /G> F€b- CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC.,*.o *. / o,PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-O2OO Far (970) 949-0300 *."u*r**-_,EJE- oor.4ab-/1 -'a* CHECKED BY DATE o Ir't)CONCEPT MECEANICAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OTT FORM r:aglmJ DATE I -li -'dV LocATroN \/e*., Colorado EIilERIORDESTGNITMP . 7A ' t:@ AREA oRzoNE cALcITLA*rEr) B elyzaaea 6to atl ROOM SITE: ,, W F RooM voLUME: ( nVg* ?,5,)y b,?3x fira."?yfa" = BELoW-GRADEWALL: NOU6 cRosswALLAREA Fz-S ts & c'.Ass ,,nt&.8'r7)ae + r4or\^ 6,so x?;' f-;, DOORAREA oQ- NETwALLAREA 58,5 Ft, o,rl? K?o" = FLooRAREA Aft X A,a = GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGIITAREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING T.' VALUE HEAr Loss (Btuh) = E/?0 HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btuhisq. ft.) = tl" Wirsbo he,Pox pipe spacing = BY TimRosen ) PRoJEcr liwih4? INSII'E DESIGN TTMP 7so 3 3to 9so 5oa NoN( ,,) . '.; l) BELOW-GRADE WALL: GROSS WALL AREA GI,ASS AREA DOOR AREA NET WALL AREA FLooRAREA AVb F e"o GROSS CEIIJNGORROOF AREA NOPE SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING "R'' VALUE IIEAT Loss @tuh) = Lt gg0 HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tul/sq' ft') : 72" Wirsbo hePen PiPe sPacing: 2,93a +/o CONCEPT MECHAI\IICAL, INC. HEAT I,OSS TAKE.OTI' FORM rase Zorl DATE 6-17-'Af LOCATION\fir,I'1,' Colorado p,trmnronDE$IcN TEM rt4!- AREA OR ZONE CALCUI,A'TEI) RooM SIZE: "Yb + RooMvoLUME, (a?a r )'5)t o,31 s Zap NorlE o fa#. TQbs ( K qlr- ?Qo 25q F o,/tt?a'= llo , CONCEPT MECEANrcAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OFT' FORM l*^euLor I 'BY TimRosen PRoacr Hva t+ES INSIDE DESIGN TEMP ?O " AREAORZONECALCITLA*IEI) aQQlvl $r7.E: 355 b RooMvoLUME, (zgka)u O'3? =8oa BAOIf,T-GRADE WALL: GROSS WALL AREA DATE b1q -'al LocATroN Va.t' l; colorado-Lillrvar^lrr^t ET(IERIOR DDSIGN TTMP -a4----'-'3.€ Sp, R*eez t*,atE4dS f-l GLASS AREA DOORAREA NET WALL AREA egp - FLooRAREA A5S f Z.A = GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGHT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\iERING NR' VALUE rrEAr Loss (Btuh): 4r53O IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btulr/sq. ft.): 72" Wirsbo he,Pex pipe sPacing = n3a fo 5/o ,/60-* ' 3?Q )co.377cf-a'= 2 +Fa,ofuF%" = o t,CONCEPT MECHAMCAI4 INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE-OFF FORM BY TimRosen PRoJEcr "HldaHEsi INSIDE I}ESIGN TEN{P 7d' '" AREA OR ZONE CALCT]LATEI) x.gg1,4 grzE: frVt DATE 61Q*taF LocATIoN fc&rrf . Colorado r"g" tor 7 -76,EXTERIORDESIGNTTMP - g9)- :.:- l?Jti 4.a3 B*n+ el &o eb, 7r7 * /zp ts o,sop?a', -G2-b?f k o-*+F ?o'=Do ar8K2,o GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING NR'' VALUE IrEAr Loss (Btuh) = 2, 6 | O IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tut/sq. ft .) : 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing : R..MV.LUME: (zwr1t) F o^z? = BELoW-GRADEWALL: 13 LF oZ'Oq7-) o JAzp6 !c7a'.,2 GROSS WALL AREA GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NETWALL AREA FLOORAREA F?A 5ao /ooe/+ xfrxfa"' o CONCEPT MECHAMCAI4 INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OTT FORM r".g, Eul BY Tim Rosen - DATE O -! 1 - .o f inolnii iloa rtE#' -- LocATroN Vc;'l. colorado rNsrDgDpsrcNrnrvrr 7O ExTERIoRDLtsrcNTEMp r-HL AREAoRzor\rE cAlcrrr,A'rrD ll'trctgp Bxrn I tZ RooM stzT;, f T/ RooMVoLUME: (tst &f.sX O.g? *5ao BELOW-GRADE WALL: N O P €, cRoss wALL ayi" / 7o * cLAssAREA ( l?cu)t- Zg@ (" DOORAREA -o- NET WALL AREA FLOORAREA ) l,vYogud)rO,5r?o'= /s* k fiq )o fa" = t 38 { r o.ltry fbo= n,e?o 7o lv"cRoss cEILING oR RooF AREA 3 o F * x ?at =ta SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\TERING UR'' VALUE rrEArLosS@turr;= lsf* HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tul/sq. ft.;: Tz" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: ). , { CONCEPT MECHAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE-OFF FORM r"g" 6 or? DATE $ -7Q -,Af LOCATION Vu'L, Colorado r EXTERTOR DtsIGN TEMP ,- e_ BY Tim Rosen PRoJEcr Ltutr l&'g INSIDE DESIGN TEMP }?O AREA OR ZONE CALCUI"A'TTD RooM sIZE: Z?o # GLASS AREA DOOR AREA *o '&tm..Clre#r llz_ 6JE # F cRoss CEILING oRRooF AREA U rh,pfb'o SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILING ORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING OR'' VALUE IIEAT LOSS (Btuh) = 5r 5 2.O HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btutr/sq. ft.; = 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: L7a 3to - i tbu nr*f3.Ehna,*,. lta RooMVoLUME: (-q" Yg.g') r o.Z4 =?ao BELOW-GRADE WALL: A,/a GRoss WALL AREA /zo (r)%Fo^s r qa" =,,770 NETwALLAREA ttS* Fo-/tr Ffb'= FLooRAREA ?t* kh, (0"^ ?p CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OFT' F'ORM BY TimRosen DArr 6 -lj -'6f fTgPq-dua fl w; iiiirnor* vea'l; cororado INSIDE OnSicw rnup 7a - FyrnprrlrD hr.srraN T.trrrurDINSTDE DESIcN TTMp 7a " FxrnRroRDrsrGii rEMp -b l.'s}of 7 AREA oRzon' cALcrLArE" Eunty toS/*n rr; ; og/ LD;;;# .rir.rr\i. dr,- ,-t r,a,.4,RooMSZE: " lt + -E 7ou'"&'tL /tzp /czo +?o RooMVoLUME: (S8trj,a) yO^3? = BEL0W-GRADEWALL: NAil€. cRoss WALL AREA /oo f cl"Ass AREA 9W KO,S KAo", i ,, D0oRAREA e5Q ko.73rfuo= NETwALLAREA 39? F o_aftor?br=/ao FLOORAREA 1Q a u€ cRoss cErLrNG oR RooF AREA pAlE SKY].IGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\IERING UR'' VALUE IIEAT LOSS (Btuh) : 3, b? O HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tut/sq. ft.): o CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OFF FORM v^se &ot? BY TimRosen PROJECT H)c, tl E, INSIDE DESIGN TTMP 7A AREA OR ZOITE CALCI]LATTI) t6c, ) DATE h Nq- ,A I LOCATION Uratt 7, Colorado ROOM Srz.tr: Lao * RooMVoLUME: (*i F 8,5') ro3? = BELOW-GRADEWALL: pONE GROSS WALL AREA GLASS AREA t DOORAREA NET WALL AREA ELOORAREA cRoss cErLrNG oR RooF AREA % y f41x?ao ,-),+o Itoo d 2s o'o%6?b'=bua tta pe Pq Pa,^ss7@",2r2--fa ftrc,p -pe SKY],IGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'RN VALUE IIEAT LOSS (Btuh) =r0w HEATLOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btuh/sq. ft.) = Tz" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: o CONCEPT MECHAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OTT' FORM r"g*/orf BELOW-GRADE WALL: UOil€ cRoss wALL AREA ?"a f _ c,.Ass AREA fizr* tg .r g!r1 r Qo1 Wrl ro,F*fdu' /o 3 va DOOR AREA NET WALL AREA FLOORAREA GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA SKYLIGI{T AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\/ERING'R'' VALUE /, Ltz*a , /, 8??,,.- rrEArLoss(Btuh)= t39r5w IIEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btut/sq. ft.): t4" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: .i 3 LB # Fo,OlE 6 Qo" =p6N€ 7e3 Q t?rftL e{**35 *1, lott o,o R r?aot TOWNOFVAIL I75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVELOPIfi-ENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: MO4-0215 Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR Applied. . : 10/05/2004 Parcel No...: 210108231001 Issued. . : l0/Z9l20o4 ProjectNo : -?RSb3 O.( \3 Expires. .: 04/26/2005 OWNER BRIDGE STREET ASsoclATEs TO/05/2004 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGFIAM FARMS, MI 48025 48025 License: coNrRAcroR HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNc. (THE) 10/05/2004 phone: 970-g27-9623P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO B 1645 License : L'/ A-NI APPLICANT HEARTH EXCHANGE, rNC. (rHE) 10/05/2004 phonez 9jO_B2j_9623P.O BOX 670 MINTURN, CO 8164 5 License : t7 4-NI Desciption: REMODEL/ADDITION-INSTALLATION oF FLUEPTPE AND A GAS Loc sET IN A MASONARY FIREPLACE BY OTHERS. INSTALL FLUE AND SENTINEL AS WELL. Valuation: $7,813.00 Fireplace Infornution: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood pellet 0*,** :t :tit * +:* ** )t* :l ** * Mehanical--> 5160.00 Restuarant plan Review-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 5203.00 S40.00 DRBFee--------------*----->S0.00 AdditionalFees------>$0.00 g0 . 0 0 TOTAL FEES____-_-__--_> s2 03 . oo rotal permit Fee**-_____> s2 03 - oo s3.00 Pa]'ments----------> 9203.00 BALANCE DUE-------->s0.00 Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT10/08/2004JRM Acrion: ApItem: 05500 FfRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond:12 (BLDG. ) : FrELD rNsPECTroNs ARE REQUTRED To CHECK FoR coDE coMpLrANCE.Cond:22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTION A]R IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 I]MC, oR sEcTIoN701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond:23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND To CHAPTER10 OF THE 199? I]MC, CEAPTER ].0 OF THE 1997 IMC.Cond:25 (BLDG. ) : GAS APPIJTANCES SHALL BE VENTED AccoRDrNG To cHAprER B AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPBC]F]ED fN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1997 UMC. OR CHAPTER B OF THE 1991 INIC.Cond:29(BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING trQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WTTH CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 oF THE 1997 IIMC AND CHAPTER 3 O (BLDG.): BO]LERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESSLISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.Cond:32(BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECFANTCAL ROOM PRIORTO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRA]NAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATfNG OR HOT-WATER SUPPLYBOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WTTH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, ORsEcrroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 rMC.*++,*iN**:t*rt*:t*r.*,t***t xnr*****j******:t********r.***t r..t rl.,t:t ** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is coffect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWEM'Y-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE oFTH E 1997 IMC. AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER -.? .,r.',, a /,4,\r.J n Y( t, 7-.b, 7.5 S. Vail, & MaGerials) :,1!.tt***'fi,!tlrrt,r,f ,r**,**,fi *,t***,r* * IVHN il{.ii i 4 2ll,ir TOV.COM.DEV. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P04-0018 Bo(t * ooSO Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 303 GORE CREEK DR Applied. . : 04l0lll0\4 Parcel No...: 210108231001 Issued . . : 0610312004 ProjectNo : pRTOj.-Or((3 Expires. .: t1l30lZOO4 owNER BRIDGE STREBT ASSOCTATES O4/OL/2O04 phone: 3O]-OO TEIJEGRAPH ROAD BINGTIAM FARMS, MI 48025 4802s I-,icense : col\l'rRAcroR coNcEPT MEcHANrcArr, rNc 04/01,/2004 phone: 970-949-o2oo P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8L620 I_,icense: 189-p APPrrrcAr{T coNcEPT MEcHANrcArr, rNc 04/o1-/zoo4 phone: 97o-g4g-ozoo P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8162 0 L,icense I 189-p Descipion: ROUGH IN GAS PIPING, DWV AND WATER TO ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES, TRIM AND SETTING OF ALL PLUMBING FIXTURES Valuation: $28.000.00 FireDlace Information: Restricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??*:l**'t'****++++++,f*it*******,*'**,****i*********i,,t,i**a**++*,|tr*:.:i+:t:**:t***** FEE suMMARyPlumbing--> 9420. oo Restuarant plan Review-> Plan check--> $105.00 DRB Fee------------> oep?nrrnreNT oF coMMr-Nrry D EVELort, # ofGas Loss: ?? # of Wood Pallet: ?? $0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> 9528.00 S0 . 00 Additional Fees------> lnvestigation-> Will Call--> + +rrt:f:*+,N *if *:F+**,** ** * ** * * ** * $0.00 TOTAL FEES-------> gs2g.oo Total permit Fe€-----> g529.00 $0. 00 $0.00 $3.00 Paymen ts---------------> g 52 B . 0 0 BAIANCE DUE------.-> It.em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEMT O4/O2/2O04,JR14 Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELTD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t't**t'}***,|'|i*++:}+++++|+t.:i*:i+|**.t****r|:i*,***:li.***'**,**{.**'**,}*:}'t++:f*+:*{.*:}j|.:l.:*+l*+***,}+**,*,l.1.,*'*l.*'l,************ DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with alt Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code *a o,h.?.oinances of the Town applicabt. trr"r"to. I REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S}LA.LL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVAN9E BY TELEPHONE AT 4 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. GNATURE OF OWNER CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF d ;2, --' o AppucATron wrLL Nor BE AccEprED IF rt{coMptrTE 6n ursreneo" ;";iA;; -F eto3'o''tt3 nuilOing Permit #: B oq'oo?9 PlumbiigPermit *r@! 97 O - 92149 (I nspections) milry0r 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Cobndo 81657 Conbct and Phone #3: im /osanl 97a ?(1 c'Zoo To'NWF*'NO.: @MPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUIIIBIT{G PERMIT (tAbor & MAbT|AIS) PLUMBING: $M.P Olfreat9.# Parcef # 2/o /D 92 ?toa / Job Name: l/u Glt'es Aasi&<,ta JobAddress: P6,zt r#uE e7 \oz 6nP,e- raz?e- hp t/a.'/ Co *bs l-cgal Dcccription I lm: ] Stoct: I filing:Subdivbion: owners narnet fir(7r.-:J, fgli I Address:Phone:,^*, b"*f, m*";-, t lre* ?,^Wlyft1fzn trpnueEqf-azaa Detailed description of work Ronlhte G ".s ?'rp',*q , D Wu a.,..,L t,.Jor.!c-fc{oe-tl p\**.-..b',".-1(iq 7RE/t1 q.tl <zz7ina a* 4// 2/u*A!-,r Fix*,,o< < WgrkC-lass: Newlo Adliuon ( )Altentiont , Repair( ) O'ther( ) Typeof BHg.: SingFfamily(t/i tuphr(( ) Multi-familyr -) comrnerdal( ) Res{aurant( ) o0rer( ) lfo. of ftisting Druelling Units in thb building: ,U/ l+l,lo. of Acmmmodation Units in this building, .1//A IsthisaconversbnfrornawoodbumingfireplacetoanEPAPhasetrderice? Yes( ) No( ) Donif Krvo.^.r tt i t** *rltrt..l**.**itt*****t.*** *r t*t*.FOR OFFICE USE OtlLYii*riirrr***r*rl***r******i**:r**'r***i! Project #: Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: NVNWUAN 75 S. Frontaqe Vail, Cotoraiio Rd. 81657 tl:9.plinl. namust incrude the forowins. pe'miii;p-ricaiioii'wiri,ilJi fril"iiiiowithout this informahon: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION VATUATIONS FOR ATARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) ****tr**********************************FoR OFFICE UsE ONLY************************************* \Wail\dara\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\SpRKpERM.DOC H Fire Sprinkter ConGEi RE RorE,nent Contact and Phone #k ?f.3.7q2-@LZ Assessors Offtce j!!tZO-gZg-864O or visit for Parcel # 1obNamei //t ua4ES Raqoptt-Job Address: 38 ecgE IREf:KDR'a glEal fiRE__,Yp*rER srsfi4 ?R ,vrpA EK 70 re./NsTALt-ED ,N Rryaweo ks lcl!jl3ss:_ New( ) Addition ( ;R"pr{( ) Retro-fit( ) other( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( j Two-family( ) MuttFfamity94 No. of Existing Dwelling Units in tni, Ur.fAnE No, of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Does a Fire ntarm exist-ffi Doesa FiresprinklerSffi 07D6/2002 STATE OF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Ox" 3:43: Qt-Conhacror Regisrration Number ConfractorsNa." WegrpRr..t S'rere-q fiar- Rcrreairolf MailingAddresr 70Zb 5. TrfsoN WeV Telephone No. Name System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) Jurisdiction_=-__- Comments (for additional comments use separate sheet) *5?:i:::Tq:4t,.]!l so"q to givision oI Fire safety upon totalcomplerion of form. Copy to local fire deparrment.Lopy to contractor and copy to building owner upon compl-etion and sign-off. F04-0037 WESTERN STATES FP HUGHES REMODEL B04-0030 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL TOWNHOUSE #7 3rd submittal approved as noted:l. Submit clac's on expansion tank 2. Conect flow design point and confirm calc's on RpBD VAEL trf;Nr $ -*}ff$*F,FF;ffENrr .7. -- __ fiIifr. zFz4 -::--*-l l;.__Ti.;e -tE"4 /--('^-..._. _-____* .-r.. ),y,., dBate: z -z?--+- FIRE PROTECTION I{YDRAULIC CALCTJLATIONS ANI) MATERIAL CUT SHEETS X'ROM WESTERN STATES FTRE PROTECTION 70265. TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 303-792_0A22 :'' "I(p"' r' 1) i v l"'1-t I V',r;ii'ilii". 'fi i i.l,f i:ra.-,*i,,.,1J"f.]T S.{i roT FOR HUGHES REMODE L F- <<:-=?ry'/4- 303 GORE CREEK .-*-,::T:4r:_e1. ,-.'"!:=1_ vArL noUsn #7 9.;l z- '2y' VAIL, CO 81657 JOB NUMBER 46525 .t a..) ).', t i.'i ') 9C-i '.' STJBMITTEDBY IYIMMA EFTEKTIARI PROJECTMANAGER 8/3/04 f;ffi Job Number: 46529 : 16'x16' SPACING 46525 HUGHES REMODEL 303 GORE DRIVE - VAIL ROW HOUSE #7 VAI L I s1"r" zP codo -lco I 81657 NIMMA EFTEKHARI 303-792-0022 I 303-792-9049 o32 AHi .-- VAIL FIRE DISTRICT Gt siL -- VAIL NA Ito.l t).ha.dihg 6P.i.kl.r D.!. 4.3 K-Factor 2F.6O at 35.444 NA---syEt m P6.uE tl.r.nd 100.275 T"t"r 0"",."d _--- 104.49 @ 100.275 NA 0.00 Numb{ ot spdnkr€c catcul6t.d 4 104.49 +32.544 (24.5%l - N+ Flgylq!{n) Hose Ftow(opm) Static(osi) Residua(osi)1 953.00 0.00 133.000 -lzzooo ldentifier Pressure(psi) K-Facto(K) Flow(oom) H.r.rtF 3U $l,t]Ec?F I F E p RorEcfl oN co. PROJECTMANAGER A r,ltcET # 89074 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, LEVEL IiI sEP I 4 2004 Signature: '6 f =at6 Ea- 150 135 120 105 90 60. 45- 30- 15- U- ftff%oo 4o 5oo 600 7oo 8oo Water flow, gpm 1000 Static Pressure I 133.0C 0_ l'r t-13.00 @ 1 ?2 oqo-_ I i4. I le€100.lIA lft"rd€mano curye ItI 900 &. @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc.fll eutosenturo vRa v4.o .+5 0911412004 2:23:09PM Page 1 flxilfl Job Number: 46525 : 16'x16' SPACTNG 46525 HUGHES REMODEL 303 GORE DRIVE d;;;-- VAIL ROW HOUSE #7 Cily VAIL e:ssEite i@q rrq|'!rer+,i{d,H NIMMA EFTEKHARI :=;::;::i:;i ;-strte codh6dd4la.. N0h6. 032 VAIL FIRE DISTRICT Jo sn"_--- VAIL ffi 46525 calc.cadco81657 MGt D6mlndtng Spttn||td th. 4.3 K-Factor 25.60 at 35.444 Oeupan.y Manuelly Calculated 0.""(! -'. =. =--- --. I a^" olr{;NA lrun0.00 Aidltl"nat H*. 6r!Dt;_-- Node Flow(qom) Nmb.r OtSpdnl]{. Cr cut.t.d 4 I colr'erP€rspnMr6r ^uropdr R.suns: p,es.ure Fo, Rmore &;GtG;;iro M;aR;;EE-- 104.49 Tobt w.i.r R€qlirod {r.dudiiat;Ei 104.49 M.nmh p6$|r. uibetan; rn tods 0.000 Mrnnlm vetocity ALE Gound 25.61 between nodes 4 Md||M VCo.ily Undd Grouid 19_46 batween nodes 1 ir*-;;:--:;;j=-- 9 and 32 and 3 "Hi;ifi," *' *-- ----l-ttttttt* .-fii!rG!L. i .tose nede i rgellr resir I '(e;i'' @ rli",i; A\.ritabte @ r@"rgin t -- -i;;;o.ooffi --__,!e.vvvl- vuo.uu rrz.61e t. jo4.49 i 100.275 --f---gt&4 032 conrad Nah€ -"1=="''*r" ttiMMA errexnnnr I -flifi"* WESTERN STA 7026 S TUCSOI ;e==-- rES FIRE PROTECTION IWAY P.ont --1-- -303-7s2-ooz2 l'it.i FAX 303-792-9049 nimma. efi ekha ri@wsfp. us w.b€tt-. --_ CENTENNIAL I"1"^ i':":,.,, - I vv t oulr2 fu o u.e.e.cno. tnc.fllnutoseRrruro vR4 v4.0.45 0911412004 2:23:O9pM Page 2 f;ffit Job Number: 46525 Report Description: 16' x'l6' SPACING S Most Demanding Sprinkler Data fu, @ u.E.e.ceo, rnc.ffi nutoseRtnr@ vR4 v4.0.45 0911412004 2:23:10PM 25'4% 46.012 T(1 -0). T 90.985 2CV, 6T(1,-0), 2E(2'_6), 38.043 38.179 53.361 T(1'-0). T Job Number: 46525 Report Description: 16' x16' SPACING fu, @ M.E.e.caD, rnc.fl{Rutosenrruxo VR4 v+-0.45 0911412004 2:23:1OPM $tilfi Job Number: 46525 Report Description: 16' x16, SpACING I Adiuel Inside Diameter \ 4 87 \@,f =Facror Value Of C .100 130 140 150lqctot 0.713 1.16 .1.33 i.51 AO Arm-OverBL Branch LineCM Cross Main DN Drain DR DropDY Dynamic FM Feed MainFR Feed Riser MS Miscellaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser NippteSP SprigST Stand Pipe Diameter InchElevation FootFlow gpm Discharge gpmVelocity fpsPressure psiLength Foot Friction Loss psi/Foot lWC Hazen-Williams Constant :i Totat pressure at a point in a pipe :l Normal pressure at a point in a piper-r Hressure loss due to friction between pointsPe pressure due lo elevation difference betwien indicateoPv Velocity presgure at a point in a pip- ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valveb Bushing BalV BallValve BFP Backflow preventer BV Butterfly ValveC Cross Flow Turn gO. cplg CouplingCr Cross RunCV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe VatveE 90'ElbowEE 45" ElbowEe1 11% Elbo\NEeZ 22Y2" Elbowf Flow Device FDC Fire Departrnent ConnectionfE 90" FirelockffM) EtbowfEE 45" Firelock(TM) Etbowflg FlangeFN Floating NodetT Firelock(TM) Teeg Gauge GloV Globe ValveGV Gate Valve Hose HoseHV Hose VaIVeHyd HydrantLtE Long Tum Etbow mecT MechanicalTe6 Noz NozzlePl Pump InP2 Pump OutPIV Post Indicating ValvePO Pip€ OufletPrV Pressure Relief ValvePRV Pressure Reducing Valvered Reducer/AdapterS Supply sCV Swing Check ValveSpr SprinklerSt StrainerT Tee Flow Turn 90.Tr Tee RunU Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter ValveZ Cap fo. @ tt.e.e.cno, tnc.fll Rutosentntro vn+ v+t.+s 09114n904 2:23:10pM Supply at Node 1 tt E E 700 Water flow, gpm 04.49 @ 100.275 qm 200 132.819 @ 104.49 104.49 @ 100.275 10/..49 @ 100.275 Job Number: 46g2s 6' SPACING fu, o tu.e.e.ceo, rnc.f nutoseRtrux@ vn+ u+o.,+s 0911412004 2:23:11PM Page 6 Job Number: 46525 16'x16' fu. @ M.E.p.cAD, Inc.flAuroseruNro vRa va.oaJ 09114/2004 2i23:1ZpM Page 7 Job Number: 46525 16'x16'SPAC|NG 6. @ M.E.p.cAD, Inc.ff eutoseRtruK@ vm u+o.ls 0911412004 2:23:12pM Page 8 Bulletin 006 Rsv.A RelialtlCl p Model RFC43 Concealed q Residential Sprinkler E (srN RA0612) oo # A Concealed Residential Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpmrffirrrittr low'CpM requirements. Features 1. Very low water flow requirements, 2. Tz" (13mm) Total adjustment. , 3. Push-Onfl-hread-Off I cover attachment option. 4. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. 5. Available in brass, chrome and black plated or painted finishes, Listings & Approval Listed by Underwriters Laboratories. and certified by UL for Canada (cUlus) UL Listing Categories Besidential Automatic Sprinklers UL Guide Number VKKW Product Description Model BFC4I Conceabd Residential Sprir{<hrs ae tust res@n€e residenlid frrsible sdder link zubrnatic sorinklers. Resldential sginklers difier forn stardard sprinkhrs'oinaitv in fpir resporse time and wafier dgfiUrtim pmens. tVodel Rrc43 sprinlders dlscirarue 'waEr in a lernlsptrerical pffin bebw fle splinlder deflecbr. R€sidentjd dis[ibrrtion pderns re hBha and SeneralV co[IEUn a rEr cl|optet saze rlan shndard sorinlGr oturs. lhe cornbinatbn ol speed of operation anO triqn discharoep#m @q'rlred br residenlial sprinkhrs flas 6nonshat&. in nre |aslitg, an ability for confoiling residential firee ard Ugrely pwiclrp significant erracualion time fry occupanb.lhe Rrc43 Sprinkbr provides fE best ftnn bf fireprgte@1 by cornbinlrp an ffactive ?FfF€,rafirear]dW (13nrn) of corcr adjEfnent for ease of irF€illailim. lhe snratt drarneter oorcr plate b easiV and podfvely eched ?nd blends inb f}e ceiling, conceafing f.xi nroCI depenOaUe flre plotedbn alEilable, an autcrnatic sprinkk sl4sHn The RFC4il is a UL Listed Residential Sprinkbr tc be lrstalled in he resrrdential portiDrs of any ircaioanw in accordance witr NFPA 13- 13R. & 13D. The FFCz|iI can redrrcette reiU Or gecise cunino d droo nippbs. The trcaded ccnrer plde assenbV can be-adirstilwifni hob tl fit acorev against te ceillng. The fire pobction q/sHn need not be shJt dorvn b adjustorrvnore trc merplale assernbly. Application and Installation Tte RFC43, ftr residenH irptallatiyts, uses a 165$ ?4t) fr*ible slder link in a lning furk s{y,le spnrjder frane'Wfr d drcpdor,rrn deflectcr. this assernHy is recessed inb tre ceiling and oonceabd byafld coverflde. The coverplde isalhched hthe skirt, udrg 135F(57t) odimvternoiymre classificdbn solder. !{|.pn the ceiling tenr@rafrrre rhes. nre soHer holding he ccner plae relru:s he'co\,er albnirxi fE deflecbr h ckop inb posilion and eqrGirg tre sprt"nker The Reliable Automatlc Sprlnkler Go., lnc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New york 10552 'inside.q ^eiling temperatre. The subsequent operdi:n of ne sotoer fink opens he uaienaay and causes he ddecbp dlop. tnP positbn to dlsfbde he discharging wabr in anerspnenca pattern bebff fp sprinkler deflEcbr. Anv adiusfnent of fread. engagernent between fre ocver ptad ano cup w asure lhat he dmpdovrm deflectcr b ooperfubcaFd belo^, fe ceiling. Ihe rbsiOenthl disfibubori Ddtteri conhins a finer droplet size flan a standard sprinlder, anO tirepdbrn produces signillcandy hioher wall uetino. After a 2 5E incft di.arneter hog is cut in frd ceilinq. he sprinkler is tr be installed wifr fre Model E Wrencn. Wnen instailrng.a spn:nkler, fie wench is fiat positbned inh tre spnnlder/cup asseltbly and around f|e hexaoonal bodv of the spnnl{er frame. lt|e Wrendr must boiltrn dJt aqainst tE cup in order b ensue proper, safe inshllatbn. fne"sprinkbr is fen tighterred inb he pipe fitting. When insertinq orrerno/ing he Mench fiorn he sprinkler/cup assembfu. 6are$u.rld be@kenbpreventdamagebfre siyinkbr. OO wOiI/\iBEI{CH ON ANY OTHEH PARI OF THE SPRNKLETR/CUP ASSEMBLY. MODEL Rrc€ CONICEALED SFRINKIERS MUST BE INSTALLED ONLY MIH 135.F RATED COVERb. _ Corer assernblies prwrde up to /2, (1grnm) of adiusfnent. turn lhe cover clockwise unlil the flange is in conhci witir te ceiling. The opli{cnal pustron ccnrer phte may require t nnal ad,qrstng tum b contact he ceiling. Coyer removal requires fuming in fe counlercbckr,rrise directbn. -! ceilrUs hat harc a plenum space aborre fre sprinkler,he plgnum space rirAr haVe neubal or ireoafloe pr€ssurizatnn but nnst not be positively presuJized. lrEoect aI spnnl(efs afEr installalbn b ensure that tE gap belvlEenhe ocnrcr plaie and ceitirp and fre 4 slG iro fE bup arJati open and tree frwn any air flouv impediment Temperature Hatlng Sprlnkler Cover Plate Mex, Amblent Temp. tffi"F174'C 13trFlsTC .10fF/38"C Installatlon Data Thread Slze inch (mm, K Factor Sprlnkler Spaclng fr-(m) Maxlmum Dlstance to wall fr. (m) illnlmum Dlstance belrveen sprlnkler ft. {m) mlnlmum Requlrcd Sprlnkler Dlscharge Flow gpm (Lpm) Pnrss. pgl (bar) wwww ty'lt 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6) 14 x 14 (4.3x4.3) 16 x 16 (4.9x4.9) 18 x 18 (5.5x5.5) 20 x 20 (6.o6.0t 6 (1.sr) 7 (2.131 I (2.43) s (2.74) 10 (3.05) II 8II 12 (45) 13 (4s) 13 (4e) 18 (68) 21 (79\ 7.8 (0.54) 9.1 (0.63) e.l (o.ffi) 17.5 (1.21) 23.8 h.64\ l{ote: 1 bar = 1m Kpa 2. co€r plate assembly whir:h has a soft brush or genfle vacuuming. Remcne anv s6rinttejco\€r ptate..assemb.ly witich has [reen painbd (ohb f]an ncne any sprinkler pa[bd (oher fnn Maintenance Model HFCz|i] Concea,ed Sprinklers should be insoected quarterly and fE sprinkler sysbrn rnainhjned ln aocoidance wrh NFP. A 25. Do rnt clean sprinklers wifr soap and r ftr, amfnonn or any other cleanlng fluids. Rernoe dust by using 135oF (57qC). Co\,er plale assernbty sfnll consist cf a brmsggver plate and copper d@ retainer flanoe havinr a lhread€nj [nqsnon; and threacl-off design, dbruing a'lzz, r cover plde adjusfnenl Any secure enqaqernent Gtvr,eenhe cc /er plate and fe cup will assure -frat tre droedonn deflecttr is properly locded belo\,v the ceilino. A ohsticprobctiw cap shall be prwided and factory initatteO'insiOe the sprnkler drp to probcthe dropdorarn sbrinklerdeflecbr lrcrn darnage, whlch ccrjd occur during oistruction befqe Ig gq€I phte is ins-talled. Sbndard co\€r fini*l: fChrornel twhitel tgecialty - speciryl. Bes'rdential conceabd iorlnt<ted shall be Heliable Model Rrc€, SIN M0612 (Builetn m6). factory applied).or damaged in ary way. n sOct of sparb spnnKers srEr.Itd be rnainhined b allo\,v quick rcplacement ofdaT?ged or operated sprinklers. pnbr tj installatim. spnnKErs shoutct be mainhined in the oriqinal carbns andpackaglng ufiil used b minimize tre poten"tal lcr dan aoe tospnnl{ers _ fpt would cause improper opaalion or nonoperali,m. Model RFC43 Residenilal Gonceated Sprinkler Specification Sprinklers shall be cUlus Lisled lo\,v floil resi,Centialconoealed sprinklens wifr dropdoivn deflectr. and adjustable llat mv€r plam enginesed br a minimum desion densftyof 0.05 gpnvtr Sprinklerfranreand deflechrshail 6eot Drofue tranF corEfuciilln having a %" NpI trrmd. Thennal denprfi shall consist of an aFprorcd black$-r,bd berylliurnnickel ftrsible solder link 'wih wnrnetib terei mechanisrn, nnhbhing a Teflonoded Aercvirc sorino \,@sher and npchined brass cap rrriater seal assdTtbM conbining rn phstic parb. Sprinlda K-factrr slrall be nornin.jl +.3(62.4), hariing a /16'orilice ternperaure rainq shalt be Ordinary 165f Oat); co\,er plab kimperd_ne rai'ng t3 be Ordering Informatlon Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Cover Plate Finish 3. Thread-On or Push-On cover Gover Flaie Finlslres 0 $rnerd Flnlches I Chrom6 Whit€ $ccHADofcadon FInl$eE ' ' Bright Brass Black Plating Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome ffr Other colors and finishes available. Consult lactorv for dotails.llote: Palnt or any other coatings applled over thefactory finish will void all apprcvals and wananties. ffi w 3. - fi' [66.7nnJ D&+m6 N CgulG t'[tz.7mnJ ttA,y.I4'a'r [6'r,lmmJ CWER ;{@.t(l5nn\ff CWER HAE A$EN*Y Reliable.,, For Gomplete Protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler componenb. Follorrving are some of fre many precisi,ormade Reliable products tfrat guard life and property from fire around the clock, o Autcnptic sorinklers r Flush automatic sprinklers o Recessed automatic sprinklers. C;oncealed automatic sprinklers. Adjustable autonnatic sprinklers. Dry automatic sprinklers o Intermediate lwel sprinklers. Open sprinklers o Spray nozzles . Alarm valves o Retarding chambers. Dry pipe vaMes . Accelerators for dry pipe vaMes o Mechanical sprinkler alarms o Electrical sprinkler alarm switches o Waterflow detectors . Deluge valves r Detector check valves r Checkvalves . Supertrol electrical system r Sprinkler ernergency cabineb o Sprinkler wrenches . Sprinkler escutcheons and guards o Inspectors test connections. Sight drains o Balldrips and drum drips . Controlvalve sals o Air maintenance devi'ces o Air compressrs o Pressure gauges . fdentification signs o Fire deparfnent connection The €quignsnt pres€flfred in trlis bulledn is to bs install€d in accordanc€ "lt t " tate" Rssesrch cotpotalion, or othof similar organizalions and also Mth ttu provisions of governrnenhl pod€s o. ordinanc€a, whsnerrer apptrqaote.Prdt.rbrnandac*u€danddi8rihjt€dbyfEUAaLEhat/€bsnprobatinglih8ndp'opertylofol,g80y€ar8,anda'eifEla|Mand8€;,i:edb'},t\9tno8thi!hvqd and repulsblo spdnklsr cqfaEb{E locabd throughout t'e unit€d stabs. danada alid fir€i;n oounries.' Ths F€lhblo Autornauc Sprlnldor Co., In". S p*'"o(80ol4tt1-l5ss SalesOflices - raoer (80C) 848{051 Sales Fax (914) 6683470 tr'rw.rsliahhsprlnld€r.co.n CorporaF Olfices Inlemet Address Manutactu;ed by: EHHgff,ffi9ffi.#,s6sy.*f Bulletin 035 nw.C Residential Spri nklers For Sloped Ceilings TEc- o :Joa) lD a), puidg.lips qr Lisfied Reoidenriat $printderI insnailations belour Sloped @llings The instaflatlon guidelines coveri Recidential Sprinkler lfodels: Fl Res 49 Pendent Fl Res 49 Recessed pendent/Fl Fl Res /t4 HSW Fl Res 44 Recessed HSU|/F2 Fl Res40 HSW Fl Res '10 Receesed HSWF2 Fl Hes 49 CCP RFC /tg Flat Concgtgd <- Listinge & Approvals 1. Usted by Undenariters l-aboratories Inc, and UL Certified for Canada (cUlus) 2. NYC MEA258-93-E UL ListingGategory Residential Automatlc Sprinkler UL Guide Number VKlQV Patents: US Patent number 6,E16,SSI ModelFl Res49 I Product Deecription for Ft Res Spdnlders Model F1 Res Pendent sprinklers are last response sprinklers combining excellent durabilitv; hioh sensitivity glass-bulb and lovrr profile decbratirE design. The F1 Res Horizontal Sidewall sprinklers are equally attractiw when above ceiling piping cannot be used. . _ The 3mm glassJculb pendent sprinklers, wifr a KI Factor of 4.9 for pendent and 4.4 for horizontalI sideurall, permit the effcient use of residential water supplies for sprinkler coverage in residential fire proEction design. The low flow F1 Bes sprinklers are specially engineered for fast thermal response to nieet th6 sensilive fire protection application needs of ttre latest residential market standards (UL 1626 Standgld ). Upon fire conditions, rising heat czuses a.sprinkler's heat-sensitive glass-buh to shatter, releasing the waterway for urater flovrr onto lhe deflector, evenly distributing the discharged water tro control a fire. F1 Resil9 Pendent Hrc43 F1 Res49 Recessed Fendert/Fl F1 Res 44 Recessed FlSWf2 F1 Res40 Recessed FISWF2 Fl Res,l4 HSIIV F1 Res40 HSlV .<- * Efbctirredate July 12,M2 rhe RdhHe Automa& qninlder Co., Inc., 525 Nor$r Ma@uesten Parkway, Mount Vemon, New york 10[52 e Product llescription RFG rtit _ Model RFC,lil Concealed Besidential Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder tint< automatic sprinklers. Residential sprinklers differ from standard s.prir.tklep primarily in their response time and waterdisribution patterns. . Model RFC43 sprinklers discharge water in a lemlspnencat patbrn below the sprinkler deflecbr. Reside.ntial distribution patterns are higher andgenerally contain a finer droplet size than-standard sprinkler patterns. . The cornbination of speed of operation and hioh discharge pattem required for residential sprinkldshas ctemonstrated, in fire testing, an ability forcontrolling residential lires, and t6ereby providing significant evacuation tlme for occupants. The HFC4il Sprinkler provides the best form of fire pr.o. jggtion Py-combining an attractive appearance andlE' (13mm) d cq/eradju$trnent for easb'of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easilv and positivefu attiached and blends into fie ceiling, boncdaling themost dependable fire protection available] an automatic sprinkler system. The BFC43 is a UL Listed Residential Sprinkler to beinstalled in the residentialportions of any occupancv inaccordance with NFPA 19, 1gR, & 1gti. The RFCil3 can reduce the need for precise cuttino of drop nipples. The frreaded cover plab "*semOt"ucan be adjusted without tools to fit aciurately against the ceiling. The fire protection system need n6t O6 snut down to adjust or remove the cover plate assernblv. Tecfinical lrata (Fl Re Spdntders): r Thermal Sensor : Nominal 3mm glassJculb . Sprinkler Frame: Brass Casting . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested to S00 psi r Thread Size : k" NPT (Rl/z) . K Facbr : a.9 (Ac.tual) - F1 Res 49 pendent Sprinkler 4.4(Atual) - F1 Res44 HSWSpdnkter 4.0 14"t8 - Ft Res 4O HSIIV Sprinkter . Density : Minimum .05 gpm/ff Technical Data (FFC 4i): a-. Thermal Sensor : '165.F Fusible Link r Sprinkler Frame : Brass Machined . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 17S psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested to b@ psi . Thread Sig.e : 1/2" NPT (R%) r K Factor : 4.3 (Actual) r Denstty : Minimum .05 gpmftz Applhation Model Fl Fes and RFC 4il Sprinklers are used for Hesidential Fire Protection according to UL 1626 Standard*. Be sure lhat orifice size, temberature ratino. deflector sfle, cover plate and sprinkier type are in accordance with the latest published standards of The National Fire Protection Association or the approving Authority Havin g Jurisdiction. * Effective date July 12,2OO2 2. Io METHOD OF CALCUI.ATING THE OF 'RISE-OVER-RUN' TO DEOREES CONVERSION OF AN ANOLE. Exomplc s = 1b=12 aA = TtNa (a/b) 1A,=TAt{{=(0.553) 1A = lE.l? rlopcdhfonocro=,|ffi1$ g = /:iib-- o = 12.65 Off-.NNI l,*A = TAI{{ (o/b) 2. rlopt dlafsno* q = y'ffilr 3. ModG{ Fl Res tf9 Pmdqrt & Fl Res 49 Reoessed Pendent/Ft & Fl Ree 49 CCp Fendent &RFc 43 Pendent Flat conceated sprtnHers instafied oeorrr stopeo Cinings-.-- F1Res49 Pendent Fl Reszt9 Recessed Pendent/F2 F1Res49 CCP Pendent Hrc43 f 4. Rrc43 B LICIED ARA OF CWffireE c@R$rcNDS rO CflLtt& SLoFE_ L = fHE rAxll|Ura USTED SPRlilKrrR SPACING, T-ENCTH (6'-0" HtNUUil)./2 = ONE HArf, THE UrtimUU UgeO SPRINKLER SPACING (O'-4" rNlilUil).W = THE tlAXll/UM USIED SPRIIIKIER A E c SPACIHG, IT{Dfi. = 3'-00 MAXIMUI,. = [4NcE 2/12 (sA) < E t E/tz (55.2). = E'-O' tatNtiluM. uwml Sprinkler spacing belorv single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of /rr(53.7') pitch. E F,"^r g,EAM w{ffi L = tl{E IAXilUI USIEO spnnGHn_ tPrgrc. LEltgtil (t-o- Lfl{flura}.V2 E AtG, Hdf TIE IAItraUr UsrED - $t!ildrR sPm[G (o'-4. rflilautt).U = IHE llAlullt urrED'spttxtdin---'-sFrmB uo||+ A E c = f,-o" ||At0tllm : !flF,ffif,J:rl . e 3 vtz (s.r1 oiw sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of a/rr(s3.7") pirch. 6. ll,lodd FlRes /tg Fend$t & Ft Res /tg Rmsed FendentF2 instdled bdoru goped Cdling. '"1ffi#*1,itrJ:fl$fH(*F ilatc goDeof 7- (337.1 Ptlch Itsc Sbpeof rl" (18.4") plrch SplnkhrTrnp FadnS "F fC)Spdnqr_T.99p.. RatnS .F f C) t55 (68|& 175(Et !lln. Flil Ps Sprlntler ll€ad(pnfl-D||il Prtslur€ psl (bail mln. Floru Psr Spdnkler Hsd spmfiDrnl Prccsure trd(bdl 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6)19 (71.9)15.1 (1,04)13 (49)7.0(0,€) 14 x 14 (4,3x4,s)19(71,e).t5.1 (1,04)13 (4e)7.0 (0.48) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)1e(/1,9)15.1 (1.0.t)13 (49)7.0 (0,48) l8 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5)n05.71 r6.7 (1,15)17 (64,3)12.0 (0,8Ki) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)2s {94.5)26 (1.78)4F4,7)16.7 (1.151 Model Ff Ree /t9 CCP Fendent Insftalled bdorv goped Geillng. Technlcal lrataItqta ThrcadStse Sprlnlder Tiltp. Raillru 'F("c) CCPA$rr. Tenrp. - HIH Itkx. PrEs$r€ p3l(bar) Max- ftrbleflt Temp..F("Cl Actual K Fa6'tor (m€lrlcl Sprlnlder L€ngtrl Sprlnklcr ldentlflcdon lrlunber (SlN) Y," NPf (REI 155 (68)135 (57)175(12t 100 (38)4.9 (69,94)2.%,R3516 2- %8qffi.iry#$f?fl(*i* i|oc $ops ot 9/'', (33.79 Pltch Mil- Slope of ,4, (tBJ4'l ptlch illn, Flow PerSprmter Hsdqpmll.mr)Pr€es|r]Eprl (barl llfln. Flow Per Sprinlder llead Epm{Lpn) Prcasuragsloar) l? x 12 (3,6 x 3,0)n05,7\16.7 (1,15)13 (4{')7.O(O,48',) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4.3)nv5,7l 16.7 (1,151 13 (,+9)7.0(O,4) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4.9)nF5,7)16.7 (1.15)14 (53)8.2 (0.56) le x 18 (55 x 5.s)21 (79,41 18.4 (1.271 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)21 (7s,4)18.4(,m n|odd RFC /A Fendent Flat Gonoated instatbd bdor Stoped Gdting. uWilm'ffitg#%'(ff*ild. $opoot%,(S3.n Pftft Mil- Slope ot yri (18.41 pftch illn, Ftor Per SprlnHer ilead Epm(trm) Pt€$u|g psl 6ar) Mln. Flow Fer Sptrkler Head spm{Lpn|) Prcsgute pel (barl 12 x 12 (3,6 x3,6)19J68)17.5n.A\13 (4e)9.1 (0.63) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3)18 (68)17.5t1.211 13 (49)9.1 (0.6it) 10 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)18 (68)17.5 (1,211 13 (4e) .e.1 (offr) 18x 18 (5,5 x 5,5)?1Ve)23.8 (1,64) Z)x 20(6,t x 6,1)21gs)?3'8(1,u' 7. Installation Guidelines ' ftbffi'*#S*J*1Tffitffiiffiil1il ;3ir,equ{.eq, consun. with the local Authoritv Havinorursorcuon regardng lhe number of desbn -sorinkleE rcrsroped oelfings having a pitch qrffil€/,tl*1q(8.41. 2. lrsta.llation. of U.L Usbn residfifial sprinldi:is undersoped ceilmgs snail be limited t3 a lype of unobsfir.rcted ff#ff'fl rumlZ*.Xmnm'Tlhffi rffi gsi'l,$?I (33.r). 3. Spacing of residentialsprinklers under slooed ceilinm ismeasureo_atong.. the slope when determinino-lheqF ance o|l ot walls and between sprinklers. 4. Measure_listed areas of coverage along ttre slopedg.e]lilq. The actuat floor coverage-area wif hCiefr*ffi;the listed area. 8. Hydraulic Requirements: ". Ail){LPl l!9, s,n{.".qq, ,{p nqqQur of .desisnsprinklers shall include' att sprinnteis-ivitniii"i p,qpqrrnenh up,.to a.rnaximum of two sprinkhrs spnnKrers snal Inctude a[ sprinklers within-acompaflrnenl up to a rnaximum of two sorinkhrsimiifi;peciiiit/i(wfrcire specific'UL listed flcn4rs are bquitbdi'trat requtres me greatest hydraulic demand. ' b. For. ry|PA 138.. Qlatems, the number of desionspflnKErs snail tnctucte all sprinklers within*a ffi#p"."H8ih8"tf, fi #Hft gnT#},;gJi$ffi requlres sle greare$ nydrculic demand.' c. For NFPA.lSsyst'ems, the design area shall be thearca maj Incudes fie tou (q Mraulicallv mosdemanding- sprinklers. Th6'mihimum re'quiredoEcnarge trom .each of. the four hydraulicallv fff,fiH1"s spnnKErs shafl be rhe gr6ater of the ('),'l'0ffiff#oTffi"H$-'$,%it?i{HT#gd*S$ . _. wl proude a m,n'mum density of0. l'spn/ft4; of(')4'i#|,#'#d,tXHir*%ig,do.Bi"*,ni**f ; 9. pecause.of the v_aried nat.rre of residential coinstruction Tearures, nere wtil be some cornpafirnent desif,ns whichqqlnor peruilyspnnKEred In accordance wittrNFpA 13.13Q or 13R. - lri these instances, consutttiie Arittirriiri fiaving.Jurisdiction (AHi) for guiilanCe-and-apprordil I ns InctLees sopeo ce mgs havtng a pitch greater than8112(33.7"). Model Fl Res & & 4OHSW and Ff installed below the stope ceiling. Res'14& tO Recessed HSWF2 F1Fes44 HSMt/ Fl Res 44 Recessed HSWF2 Horizonhl Side{ail Sprlnkler (wifr discharge directed acr6ss fie slope) L/5TED AREA OF COWNAOEcoff;fsP?ur,s ro cannfi fl@E tw ff DmEcrcR llnt w trctrp1' to t2' ffLO* SLOPO CEL$[C.wE mP OF nlE DEfLECftlF tlti wryryf4 W HE PtAtE oF rHE cEtlrtE-,6.6f,lreE ,S /ermss rW gOrc, L = IHE MAXilUM UsrED SPR|NKLER SPACING, I.ENGTH.W = THE IIAXHUM USTED SPR|NKLERsPAcfltc. wtDTH.V2 = oNE-HALf Tt{E MAxft{uil LtsrEo spRtNKtER A B c _sPACtNc, WTDTH (0._4' MtNn uM). = 5'-o" MAXIMUM. = !|NG_E: 2/t2 (s.1) < B < B/12 (ss.r). = 8'-o' lilNtMUM. ELEUA|ION HSW sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope ot fi"(s3.7.) pitcht. ufln Nr 6 dn&a€(r'{rsEserfs w@.M g.ffE tw 6 EFtgrw lA,6r E uArm1' lO t2' 'a;OI L,P|' cfl.rkqF lv t nt-ELEcrw &rii Eww#s.Het" L = lllE ttAXt{Ult USIED seflXt0.EnsPACna ["Ef6r]Lw = I}lE ttAr(lrult USiIEO SpRtttkt.EnsPAdNq wD|tt (0._4- $Mulrfl).w/z E ol'lE-llAUf THE nAIHUti USIEO-spArfi[rn . :taglilG, IlsrH (o'_4. mr{xux).A ! 5'-O- ltAxtl|ux. 3 : Sfs'.,t1?J:*)' B 'E/12 (ta*' NEVIEN HSW sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of /o (33.2,) pitch. ItioddFlRee44H$lltf&il4 HSW Reoeesed lfSWFZ urt[r a s@d/r"(18/L1pibh. Table 4 - Applfcafion D@laE€Olr€cted Ac|ors$ogope r[, to C[DefecbrbCdllns Dlacharye Dlrccted Acrossthetilope'|ib12 pefeclor to Cdllno Afif$IH'W,H,f,f,H,*!'*illn.Flow spm(LDml PrEsurg psl (b€d Mln Floil, gpm {LDml P|€cau1€ psl(barfg2(E-6xs,6)16 (6-05)'r3.3 (0,92)l7(643)15 (1,04)14x 14 (4,3 x 4,3)16 (60,5)13.S (0,9)17 G4.31 1s (1,04) 16 x 16 (4,9 x4,9)-16 (60,5)13.3 (0,92J 17 (64.3)15 (1,04) 20.7 (1.431 i6xlA14qYAEl 1e (68.t)16.s (1,16tT n(5,61 ru ^ zu (+rr, x o,l]23 (68,1)27.4 (1,89)aG8.1l 27.4(1,89\ lllodFfRs,oHsutfandFf Re4tlHSlllf ReoesdHSUv/F2wiUramaldmumstopeof/o($.r)pitch. o Fl Ree o nrudmum Fl Res4O HSll/Fl Res40 Recessed HSWF2 SprlnHer ldentlflcadon 155 (68) 175 (7e) 10. I Table 5 - Appllcation Dbcha€E lIr€clad*"[Ftfn* Ddleiorbceiltm Dbchalge DtrectedIrolrrnfteSlry€gto 12" Defiecbr to @lllng Dlschary€Dtrccted*T#&"*" Hlector to Ceiling*i'trflfiffi.ffi'ffiifl,#*t'{ltln. Flowjpm(tnn)PrssutE pd (bar| ollln. Ffou, _ gpln (tDml Preegrre psl (hsr) lrMln Flor -gpm(Lpml Pneccure _frsi (bef)r<x tz (iJ,ti x:l 6l .-_llrl4l4Et(4,3)13 (49O)1() fi ln 73t 13 (4e,0) _17 (M.3116 (60,5)16 {1,10) 18.1 n 241 r \r.o (ur /J,r7 (64,3)l!.1 (1,24) 16x 16 (49 x 4,9)lz (s3)18.1 (1,10)17 (@,s)18.1 (1,24) l:*#q_!so=--T175,7)-?5- 0,72l, zu lft,fl i8 (1,72'l 1l lf/.,3'18.1 (1,24\ ,s^zut+,vxorl, _'Mln flol and pr€Bsur on 1EE- ruff nHli;1?':f k'i(?,ig#i n B7,A J3.1 (2.28) I I ::----i.'Tttralart{ ^' '^r^^,.1 ---.-. ' Esculcheongffi Eq(68), 175 C/e)155 (68), 175 (7e) ! ,s@q r ||uu||a uIIy 156 /Ar\ lnstaf lation Guidef ines' Hiffi 15"5fl'"i*JLtry,jifl ffi Jlt,,x% l*' r.equr.gd, consult with^the_locat A-utlority fj"ii^S " *T5ffi?f,,f#'tg#S ;Hf,fStg#ffidJ tgXfz. Inshllalion of Ul Ust elo-eeg qeirlnos ilffl [T'ti,{ll1fifT"ti#itiunobsfucted consfuc ;F#ff#lffiffhffiTq'srhffi 'Hffi {iryiffi ,lt#Jtl',,"*ffi l"'fl5l$ffi ,fl 3,7flfg9d agrogp tre stofe, and hjhil ar fre-p;dibB"to/"ne shped ceilinq whe; .f,:dffi#,J"[#uffi,,y"[#fl 9,3,1,ffi "ffi.HflffiffifrH"trffiffi,!;Hffi :ffi ffi ffi fi,ffi !ffi fl_-46tr^#s"'-tr6. Me€EUre listrgd areas of rjrins.r#"dtu;tr*Lffff"?"9$fl ,ff.jl",f; :Hne tEted are€L 7. For oomrye areas less Iflry I, i"br"JTd;t $}rul,X5hg ffiffii,ff ffi "ffifrffffdff5iF";,ffi,:#rffi tu; milH. r'o*t'sprinilier and an ao.iacent-ililid'+YI HP{: il"ahtr.n of Fl Res 4o horizonbt sidsffatl 9111-l'I9F provide dtscfnrge across a sope ninaiii?Ilgnyn ptldl ot w12, Ffescutcheons ri"v'tillrl%Jrcr sunace mounting only. 1 0. Hydraulh Bequiremenb: c. For NFpA 13 srrstems frffifffrffiMJffift,iffi(,),f.ffffiffi'._frffJ_ffi ra Xl'8#l,r'3'3[^?&'l t t.""*r#5}fr!?#"?1,9f1,. * *,o*a consrucrionr@tures, fiere will be so ftBTff s,.s1{E:trH3.'trffi9?3ti31fl ffi roqsru:"rysrffi#lHHiff#grealer fnn ryi2 (83.7). 11. Reliabfe. ", For Compfete protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following3re some of the manyprecision-made Ret iabte products ttrat guard I ifJa;d p6pbfty1;;m't re-ai" ljriid ffii: o Automatic sprinklers. Flush automatic sprinklers o Recessed automatic sprinkfersr Concealed autornatic sprinklers. AdjuSable automatic sprinklers. Dry alrtomatb sprinkfers o Intermediate level sprinklers. Open sprinklers o Spray nozzles o Alarm valves . Retarding chambers. Dry pipe valves o Acceleratrrrs for dry pipe valves o Mechanical sprinkleralarrns o Electrical sprinkler afarm sryitchesr Waterflovv detectors . Deluge vafves o Detector check valves o Check valves o Supertrol electrical system. Sprinkler ernergency cabinets o Sprinkfer wrenches . Sprinkler escutcheons and guards r lnspectors test connections o Sight drains . Ball drips and drum drips o Controlvalve seals o Air maintenance devices r Air compressors o Pressure gauges . ldentification signs o Fire department connection lha eOdpmml prea€rrbd inuotporarcn' or ofier 8[niaro.ganizalins srxc€tso wrtr ure p*Edir di' diiitffifi cod€J;;rdi-nffi,iiiiffiJi'"iff"'uor".ffi-mf*:g_qgdE0ihrbdty REL|AF|"Etar. ni-prmt"'ril-#,*" rdrovcrao,En 4rrr,6 in..4r6.. -_r _e-, L_ a- The Rdiabb tutfinatic Sprtntler Co., Inc. ol/er 80 y6an, s|d ars in€bl8d and s€rvlc€d by he rnct t ghiy quani€d Erd @ry n€v*ion fFs itdi:ab upddd q raw dab, EG. Pti'4ted in U.S"A. gO4 pN SggwT0zrro GtI)).lil1-150{t te@)818db1(914) 668€470 Sdes Ofrces Sd6s tu( Colpot"afrs Offfcos Manufactured by rxrlrrrtjdeq&t&rpon lnbindAddresg . . sFEctFtsATt0ils AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BB-SC SERIES SLOW CLOSE INDICATING BUTTERFLY VALVES FOR trflRtr SPRilNKttrR SYSTtrNNS ffi,@u* MILWAUKEE VALVE sclD - 12t97 o @Pqf,tm,,- osYsu-1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREWAND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH f1ltrl ULandGSFtl Listed, Ff Approvod, ilYtEAAcce@d, GE Marked Dimenelons: 6.19'L X 2.25W X 5.88'H 15,7cm L X 5,7cm W X 14,6cm H Weight 2lbs. (0,9 kg.) Enclosurc: Cover - Die.Cast Finish - Red Soatter Enamel Base - Die Cast Znc All parts have conosion resistant finishes. Cover Tamper: Tamper resistant screwg, Optional cover tamper kit available. Contact Ratings: {> OSYSU-I: One set of SPDT (Form C) OSYSU-2: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.(DAmpsat 125l2ffiVAC 2.50 Amps at 30VDC resistive Environmental Limitations;. NEMA 4 and NEIIA 6P Enclosure (1P67) wten used with appropriate watertightconduitfittings.. Indoor or Outdoor use (Not for use in hazardous localions. See bufletin no.5400705 OSYS-ILEX for hazardous locations.). Ternperature Range:40"F to 14O"F(-40"C to60.C) Gonduit Entrances: 2 knockouts for 1/2' conduit provided Service Use: Automatic Sprinlder NFPA13 One ortnro family dwelling NFPAI3D Res-denlial occupancy up to four stories NFPA-l3R National FircAlarnGode NFPA-72 OSVSU-1 Stod( No. l0l0t06 OSYSIT-2 !tud( llo- !Ot02tE GENERALIHFORilAIKII{ IheOsi.lfSil., bused io rxxibrffrecpen pos{ion of an O$ & Y(G*bscra*andydrelfpe gate vdre. llss<levir:e is available in two models; the OSySU-1, containing one set of SPDT (Form C) contac{s and the OSySU-2, con- taining two sets <f SPDT (Form C) contacts. These switcf|es rnount conwnienfiy b most OS & y valves rarging in size from 2" to 12" (S0mm to 300mm). They wiil mount on sdne udires G siltd 6 tE {t?firnril The cover is tleld frr place by two tamper resistant screws ihat rcquie a special tool to remow. The tod is fumished with €acft devico and strotrtd be lefi with the building orvner or responsibb party. Replacerrent or additional cover scrervs and hex keys arc available. See ordering infonna- lfrxt on page 4. OPilOilAL COVER TAiIPER SWITCH A field installable cover tamper $rritch is available as an option whicfi may be used to indicato remo\ral of lhe cover. See ordering information on page 4. TESING The OSYSL and ib associated protectirre monibing sys- tem sfiouH be inspected and t€st€d in accordance with applicabl€ NFPA codes and standards and/or tre authoritv harring jurisdic{ion (manuiadurer recommends quarbrty or morefieqrcntly). pouBEldi':sitElaapaty'mtoaigRBa4sLlqrbrtto,fill{&al6r.Ptsrcst0iEFffiaacaa-ta.*l*e*rg"- I(r-fiCffi4-REyP t:xn PnfirEDart sA PAGE I OF{ PEctFlcAmNS FoR, sfrw closE SLOVI' CLOSE BUTTERBALL VALVE ASSEMBLIES FATENTED 1. Provides slow opening and closing properfies in a quarter-turn rralve. The purpose ii to elimi_ nate hydraulic shock and wat€r hammer in firc protection and other ilquid systems. .2. Avallable with or wlthout an internal, pre-wired supervisory tamper switch assembly. When mounted on any slow-close valve and wired, the switches signal movernirnt of the valve disc from the full open posltion. a. Available factory mounted lo a mlve or as a kit fur lield installation on prwlously installed valves, b. Switch Rating: 10 Amp€fi15 VAC6O Hz O.SAmpsl28 VDC c. Valves egulpped with tamper sritch assem_ blies are FOR TNDOOR USE ONLy. 3. ULIFM rabd at 17S psi. Also avaitaHe at gS0 psi and 5fi) psi w,th N.y.G. B.S.A. approvat. INSTALTATION A. The BBSC can be instalted in any orientation in a piping system using standard National pipe Thrcads. Wrencfi should be used to ha,r on the end of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B. The rralves with internal switches can be easily wlrcd in the field. They witl have tr,vo srrrritchei, switch-l will haw dual leads on lhe termlnals. This srvibh is to be conn€cted b the suporvlsory circuit of a Listad alarm control panet. Switch-i will have single leads and may be connscted bauxilhry equipment per direc{ion oJ the local aulhority having iurisdlction. Cap any unused wire leads with wire ruJts and tuc* into juriction box AII cunnestions shall be reviewed. and appmved by the local authorily having Jurisdlction. C. A 14 gage green wire has been fastened to the interior of the houslng and is to be used as a housing ground. D. Recommended tlpe of wire to be used is No. 16 Dual Rated UL 300V 80 G and B00V 1OS C. E. lnstatlation must be in compliance with NFPA 72 f and 19, or bonded and grounded per Canadian \r Electrical Code Fart 1- r. l!9 an-Sc, BBHSC (threaded-end) and BBVSC, BBHSC (groorred-end) valws are intended for use with schedule 4O and/or g0 pipe, sizes 1", 1tltu,1'12",2" uld 2%" perANS| 896.10. INSTALLATION FOR NEWYORK CITY VALVES N.Y.C. special valws have a larye flovrr indicator which points in the direction of the valt/e disc, indF cating open or closed. Th€ vahre should be installed in a position where the indir:ator is readlly visible. ,@* TFIED For use wtth fire protection sprinklersystems 175 psi. Apprcved by the Nerrv r/ork City Board of Stds. & Appeals under Calendar No. 996€1-SM, for 175 psi and Calendar No. 720-gg-SA for gS0 psi and 500 psi. (500 psi rated valvss not shown.) ffi DESCRIpnON BE-SC|o0 BB-sCSoz --BBVSCT00 BBVSC,S02 B8HSC|00 BBHSCS02 BVHSCI00 BVHSCS02 Vafue Less Switch Valve Wfth Switch UUFM 175psi-ThreadsdEnds NyC BSA Appro/ed 1" 1y1,1w t,2W Vatue Less Switch Valve With Switch UIJFM 175psi-GroovodEnds NYC BSA Approi/ed 2%. Vafue Less Swilch Vafue With Switch asopsi-ThrsadsdEnds NYc BsA Approv€d 1" 1yt,1%, t,2W Valye Less Switch Valve Wfih Switch a5opsi-Groo/od Ends NYc BsA Approlrsd 2"2%. TJ 2. ) -1' U tterball TTEnFly vALvEs BB-SCI 00 (fhreaded Ends) Sizes 1", llf ,1tlz",zirr2rlr,; VALVES WITH SUPERVISORY TAiIPER SWITCH ASSEMBLY BBVSCI 00 (Grooved Ends) Srlne2Uz" GHOOVED ENDS BBVSGS02 i,) THREADED ENDS BB€CStXl M-40 ARE DntENsrDF t slNG SCtGrnJtE 40 ptpE M-8q ARE DhrENStOtrB UStttC Sq.EOUt= so plpE N-4o ts FLow REstsfAtircE sGREssE rN EQTJwALENT l€NcrH oF SCHEDUIE ,o ptpEW IS I}€ I/IRET,ICH MAIG_UP I.ENGTH 3. .J'pk|8 trrb M|a6 rlr f Lt! lro.PART ilATEFIAT sPECtFtCAnoil 1 Indicetor Sintered lron F0008P ? 3 Housing I ronze ASTM 584 Body Btonze ASTM 5&4 4 Handle Brass 5 Disc Stain. Stl.Type 304 6 Disc Seal EPoll Elistortrer ' 7 SwilcttHouslng Daa CastAlurninum .l @ o OS YSU-1. -2 OUTSIDE SCREWAITID YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITGH nat EaYtlYEilsrtf,r-ATrou -fi2trHRU ztf?- l7z,*ttn THRU 63,5mm) stZES THESEST/ynCHESuotfr{To$rltElurfitYrorxET?Tot2ics&yvsf,vEs- r}EymrF*!{TSt$[nE vALlrEs As #tlt_ A8 rtzi flzflil+ $rmG ilrw# REG#[}C0! lff,Lr€s ffirr{ LsfiTm cr-EARe€e I T,OTTETT The Symbol of Protection CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLT SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES MAY BE USED FOR FINE AD.JUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET BRACKET Dwc. #s79-J S'UI. VALVE IIISTfl,rA,rK'N 1. R€rnove and discard "C" wasfrr and mlbr torn the trip rod. 2. Witl the rralve in the FLfil_ OPEN poailim, bcate the OSYSL acrw tre nalve yoke as far as possible frorn the vahte gland, so lhat the tdp rod lays against the non_ ftrcaded podiim of tE rd,e sbrtr. 3. Locen the locfting sq€w that holds the trip rcd in placeaff dj|,sr the rcd t€rqth (soe fg. n). Unen aO[uieOgopedy, tte rod should €rilend p6d lhe r€fue screq butmf so brftd it oo|{a6lhe danrp bar. frghbn fie loddng 6cr8s to hold tr6 tip rcd in place. - ilOfE: Ftir rud bryth b €Ncessiue, loosen tE toctdEy* 1nt gtnPrE rh |Ud forn [|e th tet€.. rJskE dioq brEd( d [re 1. psnun) brg rffi secfioil {*rg_ 5l rcrr{drb d {ri r@ *g S pe**i 4, fhrf !F{E?:S[, lmdt *** {e r;a: iw-e:_.-,#-: az} clamp Sar-st$Sftsdl .On valves wiftr lrmibd !:lerffim {Je i-'*,.,i-,'..: ,:: i :jtii*ra i-:.i++j rf i..,.e +ani;ge 1"._;!?S tad danphrbrmNr|t{FOslgl 5- lla* tE drErbat dflB oBrfrrdtFib Fd. 6. Removethe OSY8U. Fib a 1/8' (3,2mm) deep groove ceflb€d on the mark on f|e vatve stem utilizing a U16" (4,8rnm) round, norrtapered fite. Round and smooth th€ edges of the groove to pre\rerf damage to the rrahre pacfting and to alhv the trip rcd to rnove €asily in and outd lh€ groove as lhe valve is operated. 7. iloinf f,E GGyS[t rrtrr $rc tip aod cerdemd &l grme 8. Final adjustnent is made by loosening 2 screws (see Fig. 1) ard s[ding the OSYSU on the brackel Adjustrned ij corTed when $irildtes are not activated with the trip md ssaEd in lhe €lrre sbm grmve and that the switcfies acttvate wt€n fte tip rcd rlove out of lhe growe. 9. IqtHt t|e adjusorEnt scr€wE and all mountirf, harduar€. Chcckb inf,rct|a he red trcYs {xrtA$e grm\,e easily ard ffi fie $i,ftdFs adt# tftin one trn,lrfren O|e#iBWr# bs# Se FL*_:_ ffi,{ +3dcd* *ieCn-geEFFHs* +{SIE ASEY} VILUEFIflIYTSI}EIERSIEIHAT 1{rr-,tTf,jdT{+.FF. jAffi fSi$:f SfffdiET+GSirrf TCH.nfr sflttTcff SE$G stf,rjtrED ay l}€ srElr Il{a*Fcfl tI' Efl aT * n J+gg v*t€ @ :i{*.*.,€l?:F;. PR$'IED DI I'SA PreEztr1u(r-t88&a-revP t20l OSYSU.1, -2 OT'TSIDE SCREWAND YOKE VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITCH f*43 LAR€8"tr5Effir*L|ATf,Xt -f ilffit 7? gtutn IHRU flt{tmm} StzES J,' THRU .I2" USE CARRIAGE ON INSIDE OF IS SUFFICIENT CLEARANCE, SLOTTED MOUNTING HOLES. MAY BE USED FOR FINE ADJUSTMENT OF SWITCH ON BRACKET, DWG. #979-4 (76mm THRU 300mm) VALVES BOLTS. BOLTS t'lOUNf YOKE, IF THERE BRACKET CLAMP BAR CARRIAGE BOLTS(2 REQUTRED) ROLLER GROOVE YOKE VALVE STEM IRIP ROD LARG€ VALI'E IilS:TA1l.ETX}rI 1. With lhe vdw in the FULL OPEN positbn, locab tre OS-YSU asoes the ,rake loke as far a€ possible from the ,va|ve Eand. so that the tip rod !a]rs agalnst lhe norF threadod pdftrr dte ldre sbflL 2. Mdrtrfte OSIISU b*y uli[r |h anAree t* flddadpe6B"st*Ffist 3- tmssn fir€ lod&€ ssfl fl|at hotds tha &ip rod in ptace ard adiusrlil+ rcd terq& {see Frg" Cl Iry#n addHprrporty. tfi€ {sl s$4djH axt€rd pd ffle Wve sirw" Ur* rlEt Eo fsr tf€l ft cofiacb ffiF darp btr ]-qftbn SEhckt€ ssfl fo ho{d ilF fih rod in ph€. tlol=: lf trip roat len!{t is excessi$a, too6en fte h*ino screw and remove tfie t{p rod from ffre trip le*rer. U*d'plrers, break ofi lhe one 1" (25mrn) long notched sed,(see Ftg-O). Resnstuntp md and Ap&S"eSproe_ dure. ,f- ffi fu *= SE*R.{€tg##edt-,e l4p .a6. il-.,-,=- :1,-..a'.'=i: iit- ,-1 11" ;i.?,,,,,ri ,.i,-_., r, r,.1\,,e l (g.*mt) rqsrd, nd}@€r€d fle- Rormd alrd gnodl tc edgas of the groove to pr€vent damag€ b the valrre pad<ing and to allow the frip rod to move e€sity in €rd out of the groove I tho vafue is operated. 6. SlorrdtrE OSYS.J h6eb wi$ tE *ip d cenbd irgtw* 7" Fnrd*4tMb r@ by*eotg*g2sas{see Frq. 2) and slidiq he O.SYSU on the bracket Artjustment iJ aorrect whon srflita*reG are not aclivated with fte fip rcd seabd in tre vdve stem gFooro and lhal lhe svitches afifhffi ui6dn orE &rrn ut|en the xatue b openabd fiom the Ftfl-I- oPEll tdilsrds ilu CI.OSED p6ton. 8- I€fubil Sle adjushrFd $cr€r s and mountir|g haftlware. Checft io ksEre dqd fre iod moyes out of the groove eaoHy ard thet tfia Eilrffiie€ adir.& refilrh one tfin wtren trre vdwfuspera$ *en Are FULI_@EN fulrarG lhe CLO6ED poef,iqr. 3*B?E Ci.B€E ?l{E ?ALyE r-ijity T* *€?Ea}+i:.:r i-.nrTlE ST€n€ EF!H:-er:s::l-: t:1.:; .+-a::!i.j.4:i :-:- :, .. :a.-:l iL- ij'=!:ji_lii Uj:ii+G.Ar. i !vA I Flt iry | fiL _{ilElt fHREfrffS. .:: ":''':: : '- i:.: : .-:: _"=:.,.:ii:.,= __..;;,. i:.-.,=tCATl#itr- sffrEDstts* BIGE3tr4HT.*HAOOot-REUPxfil (swfTcH POS|T|ON VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 2| SINGLE LEADS Green Lead provided is ground for se/tch housing Swibh Rating: 1O AMp/ltS VAC .5 AMPIzB VDC oap unused leads with wire nuts and trck Inside function box (not prorided) NorE: valves incorporating supervisory tamper switchos are for Indoor use onrv. [l$Fgkee YalueGompany2375 South Burefl Strebt Milwaukee, Wisoonsin 59207-1 592 | €fephone 414I74+SZN F4X4141744484A SWITCH 1r DUAL LEADS TO NEXT INDICATOR OR END OF LINE RESISTOR YELLOW € Cxrrlrrl r-u'frl z. z-PH H* c'n frg O:D =a MILWAUKEE VALVE L} osYsu-1, -2 OUTSIDE SCREW AND YOKE VALVE SUPERVITIORY SWITCH o T,OTTETT Ihe $1nbol ot Protection@ fre.lDmEilSOilSFE.3 PNNT f---a*,r---1 lf-"ircr-11t[]illttll tll;l IhriilJI--r'T IlFo'J |.ltl SFEArure=TSGS$rE*€A |Eriltrfl FIG.5 s:HrfltIERnu[ ooffiGtlns CI.AIIPIHGPLATE TERTII{AL 0'16. ,g@J-J GAUTIOT{: An minsrld?d recli(rr of s lnEb sadrcb. shouH rDl b6 boped mrd $effiad serw astrcs4s$€s|I-d8E IfE -Grflr* tB sree4 *q| Fdff,g {F.* mrp#o4edtu*trffi. TIIPIGAL ELEgIffi AL G!ilTECITOilS INOICATING o€vrcE ENO OF LINE RtsrstoR $rc. d979-1 ORDERIIIG INFORTIATIOf{ rODEL DESCN|PTFfl OSYSIFI Oristde ScFw& yok+supervisoryffi, (ShUb 8{,n r) ,ffi;*OSYS{}z Onbids Scr6 , & yoke_SupeM$ry Srrn t fO".rte ""mr) 1010A06- Cowrscfew *ry3144- fls( l(eyftr CquBrsderts ad tnstalalbnAdJusfnanb 5250(E2- @imal Cover Tsper $d6r Kn firqlf 3t For FEssrB;Eduerfype rrOre lnstalfdon td8 0f ,?qofaq corded rdw EaruEct iar. Oc||acib *hn h norr&d $ialra ogrf andein T|?EtrLSTTCHACTION oPEr'r vALvE POStn0fl ry.{*.*''s; PRIIEE!)fina owc. 3979-2 P'GE'{T{m(I-fiaffix_nFtPt*t MATERIAL PROPYLEIIE SAFETY DATA SHEET GLYCOL INDUSTRIAL SECTION I _ PRODUCT INT'ORMATION Distributor's name: In case ofemergencyt For information call: Date prepared: Product name: Product Code: Allied Rubber & Gasket Company, Inc. * ARGCO 2610 Commerce Way Vista, Ca 92083 5r7-6364400 (800) 258-2436 rt/14/2003 Propylene Glycol Indusbial 7051 I SECTION II - COMPOSTIONIII\IFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Propylene glycol cAS#000057-55-6 99% SECTION TII _ HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Colorless liquid. Odorless. Toxic fumes are released in fue situations. Potential Heatth Effects (See Section l1 for Toxicological Data) Eye: Skin: May cause slight transient (temporary) eye irritation. Comeal injury is unlikely. Mists may cause eye irritation. Prolonged contact is essentially nonirritating to skin. A single prolonged exposure is not likely to result in the material being absorbed through skin in harrnful amounts. Repeated.*por*", -uycause flaking and softening of skin. May be absorbed in potentially harmful amounts when applied in large quantities to severe bums (second or third degree) over large areas ofthe body aspart ofa cream or other topical application. Absorption undeisuch circumstances can elevate serum osmolality and may result in osmotic shock.Ingestion: Single dose oral toxicity is considered to be extremely low. No hazards anficipated from swallowing small amounts incidental to normal handling operations.Inhalation: At room temperature, vapors are minimal du6 fs pfuysicit properties. Mists may cause irritation of upper respiratory tract. Systematic (other target organ) Effects: Repeated excessive ingestiou rnay cause cenhal nervous system effects. Cancer Information: Did not cause cancer in long-term animal studies. Teratology (Birth defects) : Birth defects are unlikely. Exposures having no adverse effects on the mother should have noeffect ou the fetus. Reproductive fffectsl In animal studies, has been shown not to interfere with reproduction. SECTION TV_ FIRST AII) pVut Flush eyes with plenty of water. Skin: Wash offin flowing water or shower.Ingestionl No adverse ^effects anticipated by this route ofexposure incidental to proper industrial handling.rnhalation: Remove to fresh air if efrects occur. consult a physician. Note to Physician: No specific antidote. Supportive care. Treatrnent based onjudgment ofthe physician in responseto reactions of the patient. SECTION V-F'IRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flammable Properties Flash Point: 218T1, 103"C Method Used: PMCC Auto Ignition Temperature: Not deterrrined Flammability Limits LFL 2.6% uFL: 12.5% Hazardous Combustion products: During a fire, smoke may contain the original material in addition to unidentified toxic and/or irritatingcompounds' Hazardous combustion products may include and are not limited to: aldehydes, carbonmonoxide. Other Flammabitity Information: Violent steam generation or eruption may occur upon application of direct water stream to hot liquids.spills ofthese organic liquids on hot fibious insulations may lead to lowering ofthe auto igmdo;'_ temperatures possibly resulting in spontaneous combustion. Extinguishing Media: Water fog or fine spray, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, and foam. Alcohol resistant foams (ATC type)are preferred if available' -General-purpose synthetic foams (including AFFF) or protein fou-, moyfunction, but much less effectivery. oo not use direct water str"uor. wtt spread fue.Media to be Avoided: Do not use direct water steam. Fire Fighting Instructions: Keep people away. Isolate fue area and deny unn€cessary entry. Buming liquids may be moved byflushing with water to protect personnel and minimize properry damagelBrrrning liquids may beextinguished by dilution with water. Protective Equipment for Fire Fighters: wear positive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fre fighting clothing(includes fre fighting helmet, coat, pants, booti, and gtoves;. Ifprotective equrpment is not available ornot used, fight fire from a protected locafion or safe distance. SECTION VI - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASIJRES See Section I5 for Regulatory Information Protect People: Isolate area. Protect the fnvironment: Containliquid to prevent contamination of soil, surface water or ground water.Cleanup: For small spills: clean up with absorbent material. Collect material in suitable andproperly labeled open containers. For rarge spills: Dike and punrp into suitable and properly labeled containers. @"pffif,fmm t PIPEFOmSmAt"[-v$m-$F vAhilE TYpE WArqRplp* AI.AMM SWdTCFO WrfrT{ METARD1.lit' Ii Ul, IJLC, c$tFll tJobrt and NyilEA Acoephrl Scrvhs pnaoure: Up to ZEO psl illnlmum Flqr fiale nor Alam, B-lO GlpM lltrodnwr gurgp: lg FpS Enclorue: Dlo-cast, .ed onamel flntgh - Cot sr held ln placo rryfft hmpsr rssbhnt scbws Gontact Rattngr: Two ssd of SFDT (Form Cl ts.O nrpa * tanzso Vni 2.0 Anpe at&tDC Conftlt Entrncea: T*u farockoutc provlded br lp. corrfirlt*''ffi01ff;T.ii',H fl;qffi?* o'*' Notd rz paddlos aru fumtshed wftr oadl unlt, ons torry#'T"$$ffi'" EHffi eilf f [',g,t1a'T}ffi t'il*"r Ennlrollnenbl Spocncatons:. Sulhble br indoor oroudoor uee rfh ftcbry |ltotriledga8ftet ard dle-cad houslng.. . NEIIA#lpSS mted endosure_us€ wlft app,oprfsteconduftfHng. - . Tempemftrre nange:40o Fto 12CF F (4.S, C b 4eo Ct)Gauilon: Thls d+rice ls not lnfterdsd b, "pploUorn ln-'etploehrc envlonmente. Sarvloe lfee: Aqbrna0c Spdnld€r One ol two lamlly drrelflno Healdentlcl oetfrancy up-to.four ebrfes Naflonal Flre Alarm Code Stod(f{o. tftgttoo U.S. Par. th. gsptg8s. OhorPabnbpendng Canadlan PaL No. i00g680 NFPA-I3 NFPA-{3D NFPA-ISH NFPA-72OnOonan CorerTamperSndt*r |(lt S!o*No. meoorg Th€ unlt ooffiftlo lnu sfqb pole doubtil lhmw anap acforrswttcttea and an aqrmmE, illgrandfi;fiffi p;ilffirgraru- Ths 8lrrE es am rciumea r.,irin d n f .#iiTofro".permhub ormotg ocqfs do$rnstrcam of fp Oqlo.. ffitmr condtton muot o&t br a pertoc ot tm nffiiviforrrume Op eeleciled rcUrt iedod. -"- -'---q, w lIlSTAtLqnO* Iheee do/ces rnay be mounbd ln lu&on-qt -qrrulucat pho. or trortmrur dp6 il "r, d,"idil't- fryffHtrffi".lmHffiff#"HJ'f"ffig:l[q"s tf$CI"ng", r," ar"odo,, d U'" ;;ilffi:j13 ry Eq_a i. Npr buehlng brt lm*q t,fio ;ffi'-"' ffiTt $ee Hg' 2 turProporree ;,t;, qiland Scrcwthe darhe ho il|o IEE fUi|E ae sholrn ln Fh. a Calo Thoilor|el VSR€Fla a vane type,imtsrflwsrvlhfi fuuee on ::i T1y:'"1gry t.nru* .i", r, i i., t- t ri'ii;;'ffi t mueil be tEk€n to ploperly odent fie derdoe fur the dl|€citon ofr{abfiow.1+.I" unit ;ray aeo b6 ;; ;', ##fr ,tr#oebchf on laoo ryBbn s Tho rane must not rub lhs lnsldeof the TEE or blnd in anyuny. Ths siom shantd rnore ftedy r*,"n "p"-ffi'-tv'fil,laJte @ce.en also be uaod ln copp€rorplasdcse instrlh_gu.MT F_p.p"'.aoaryeo trirr il," Jp"dfr;i1#:"ifu.lstlqr De ln8ia[ed on the pbe run. ItlSpEgItOil AilD ?E$fttG: Check he ryelhtron of hs unttby,ope. nlng tre lnapecrtor,o bat ratw at fr" ;"-i;;;'''"tplidder llne or the draln and bct conn".n"n i,"n lirp""of"bet valvb b not pmvfdsd. {S"p "q no prwlelone br bdng tl|e opera0on of ilre foryHgg on tt.e B!/8b.m, qin*u-ih6ililiilsiiiFLnq leoommerdodotadvlsabb P fif*n"y_ot ttro lrrepocilon ard tecdng and ttr' assodatedf94p fpqpgs s!,Ebtn *ouu n" rnioro-niiilffi" tno €ppflcablo NFPA Code6 ard Shrrdrrdr';"d/d;;ili, havhg Jurhdtcdon (rmnuhcfrner ruoonrnends q,rrbdr; more fiequerfly)_ ufi.fl8m06.REVR rru.s{(D00P.8m 3t t lmrflE ttt gA PAOE I OFz SECTION VII _ IIANI}LING AND STORAGE Handling: Storage: Product handled hot may require addifional ventilation or local exhaust. Keep containers tightly closed when not in use. Store in stainless steel, aluminum, plastic 3066Iined containers or 316 stainless steel. SECTION VIN _ E)(POSURE CONTROLSI PNNSONAT, PNMECTION Engineering Controlsl Personal Protective Equipment Eye/Face Profection: Skin Protection: Respiratory Protection: Exposure Guidelines: Provide general and/or local exhaust ventilation to conhol airbome levels below the exposure guidelines. use safety-glasses. safety glasses should be suffrcient for most operations; !9wever, for misty operations wear chemical goggles. Use gloves impervious to this material. Atmospheric levels should be mahtained below the exposure guideline. when respiratory protection is required for certain operations, use an approved air-puriffing respirator. In misty ahnospheres, use an approved misf iespirator. Propylene glycol: AIHA WEEL is 50 ppM total, l0-mg/m3 aerosol only. SECTIONIX- PHYSICAL & CIIEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance: Vapor Pressure: Boiling Point: Specific Gravity: Colorless liquid 0.08MMHG @20.c,68 F 370.F, lgg.c 1.039 20l20'c, 68.F Odor: Odorless Yapor Densityt 2.62 Solubilify in Water: Complete SECTIqN X - STABILTTV & REACTIWTY Chemical Stability: Conditions to Avoid: Incompatibility wittr Other Materials: Hazardous Deconnposition products: Ilazardous Polymerization : Stable Product can decompose at elevated temperatures. Avoid contact with oxidizing materials. When available oxygen is limited, as in a fue or when heated to very high temperatures by hot wire or plate, carbon monoxide and other hazardous compounds, such as aldehydes, might be generated. Will not occur. SECTION XI _ TO)ilCOLOGICAL INFORMATION See Section 3 for potential health efecx. For deniled toxicological dan, write or call the address or non-emergency number shown in Section I. Skin: The LD50 for skin absorption in rabbits is >10,000 mglkg.Ingestion: The oral LD50 for rah is ZO,OOO _:+,000 mg/kg. u ' Mutagenicity: In vito mutagenicity studies were negative. Arn"d mutagenicity studies were negative. 3 sEcTroN 4r - ECOLOGICAL TNFORMATTON SECTION )ilII _ DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS SECTION )gV _ TRANSPORT MIFORMATION Department of Transportation: This product is not regulated by D.o.T. when shipped domestically by canadinn TDG rnformation: F"tiqo **atory infomration, if required, consult fransportation regulations, product shipping papers, or your Dow,rp..r.otutiu". For detailed ecological data, write or call the address or non-emergency number shown in Section I Environmental Fate Movement & Partitioningt 8119 largely or completely on infonnation for similar materials, i.e. propyleneglycol' Bioconcenhation poterrtial is tow frcf less th"r, lfi) or Log pow less than 3) Log octanoVwater prtitioS 9-oeflcient (log pow) is -0.92. Henry's law constant (H) rs t.zs-e ATM.M3/]VIOLE.Degradation & Persistence: Based largely or completely on information for similar rraterial(s), i.e. propyleneglycol' Biodegradation under aerobic statlc tauoratory .ondition, is high (BoD20 or BoD2g/iuoo grrr:1",than40%)' Biodegradation is expected to be achievable in a secondarfwast"wat". t "aftnentptant. 5-daybiochemical oxygen demand.qo^D_5)is 1.16 p/p.2}-daybiochemicioxygen demand (BoD20) is 1.45 p/p.Theoretical oxygen demand (THOD) is calcuiatea to ue t.os plp. nrribitofr corr""ntation (IC50) in 0ECDactivated sludge respiration inhibition test (OECD Test No. 209) is greater than I gmll. Degradation isexpected in the atnospheric environment within minutes to hours.E:otoxicity: Based largely or completely on infonnation for similar material(s), i.e. propylene glycol.M"t:T"l is practically non-toxic to aquatic organisms on an acute basis (LC50 greater than 100 mgll- in mostsensitive species). Acute LC50 for Fathead Mi*9y^(ll"ephares promerls) is 46,500- 54,900 mgrlAcute LC50 for guppy (poecilia reticulata) is greater than 10,000 mgL. a*t" rc5d for water flea aapnia magna is 4,g50-34,400 mdl.Acute LC50 for Rainbow toout (oncorhynchus mykiss) is 44 rnlrL(about 44,000 mgrt). Disposal: Do not dump Tt9 Ty sewers, on fhe ground, or into any body of wator. All disposal methodsmust be in compliance with-all federal, state/provincll andiocal ro*r'u"ai"gorations. Regulations may vary indifferent locations' waste characte.i"ution. and compliance with applicable liws are the responsibility solely ofthe waste generator' The Dow chemical company has no control over the management practices ormanufacturing processes of parties tTnfting br using this material. The information presented here pertains onlyto tre product as shipped in its intended coidition aide.cribed in MSDS Section 2 (composition{nformationon Ingredients). For unused & uncontaminated Produc! the preferred options include sending to a licensed, permitted:Recycler, reclaimer, incinerator, waste water treJtnent svstem.As a service to its customerl, Po* can provide names ofinformafion resources to help identiff wasternanagement companies and other facilities which recycle, reprocess or nranage chemicals o, plurti.r, and thatmanageused drums. Telephone Dow's customer information center at 800-2{g-2436o1 517-g32-1556 forfurther details, SECTION XV _ REGULATORY INFORMATION Not meant to be all-inclusive - selected regulations represented NOTICE: The information herein is presented in good faith and believed to be accurate as of the effective dat'e shown above. However, no warranty, express o. irnptied is given. Regulatory requirements are subject tochange and may differ from one location to another: it iJttre buylr's responsibility to-ensure that its activities comply with federal, state or provincial, and local laws. The foliowing specific information is made for thepurpose of complying with numerous federal, state or provincial, andlocal laws and regulations. See other sections for health and safe8 informatioa. U.S. Reeulations SARA 313 Information: To the best of our knowledge, this product contains no chemical subject to SARATitle III Section 3 13 supplier notification requirements. SARA Hazard Category: This product has been reviewed according to the EpA "HazardCategories,,promulgated under Sections 311 and 312 of the Superfirnd Amendment and Reauthorization Act o? tSSO(SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, to meet the following categories:Not to have met any hazard category. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA): All ingredients are on the TSCA inventory or are not required to be listed on the TSCA inventorv. State Right-to-Know: The following product components are cited on certain state lists as mentioned.Non-listed components may be shown in the composition section of the MSDS. Qhemical Name CAS# Listl,2-Propanediol 000057_55_6 pAl- PAl: Pennsylvania hazardous substance (present at greater thaa or equal to 1.0%) sEcTrqN x1rl - oTmR TNFORMATTON MSDS Status: Revised Section 13, disposal. END OF MATERIAL SAF'ETY DATA SHEET OSHA Hazard Communication Standard: This product is not a "hazardous chemical" as d.efined by the oSHA hazard communication standard, 29 CFR1910.1200 Canadian Resulations WHMIS information: The Canadian worliplace hazardous materials inforrnation system (WHMIS) classification for this product is: This product is not a ..conholled product" under wHMIS. @"m.mwfmm T_o dnngn drne, tum knob (6ttEr dtl*thn) hdeehgd tme udtav. Ljro lhe mlrrlinum anpunt ot rdnrt lrocsoery b prsyent alee aUnm, .f,f,ffi'ffig.*o.,** ryJ ofrECnoI (F w ftxrlof FOftIS n DNElmN OF *IEFIOW I. iFIfif,€lftDm||lo (x{ AlL sEEs NUfl OF T}E lEE rflv Br IHRE{IEII- ORSTE$ Tt"E HG. g h"!rb.t rhenar 12 pdlar frnrEpdrflU|aldt u* Olcba€rdt esotttlrl&4ffiaMtEardrfi'dhrtznsXClrtarar*aItftghd|mI|efrrNtss r|dtpedTEE herd|.vaso Da |Eedn|[Lrhe p|wddb.muAOe uoa ne faa{e-.nrotE Ptwsny etbdEd (€o . 'Camu| a|jtreaei,lt*. td.t.tho Ftue m.rgr bo osan Ely figlrlonad. FIG.I n*dl4||'tnent ax) iloT I€AE COi/ER OTT' FOR Exl[ M PEf,trO OF IIIIE 0rB tflr2-xt Scnwtn'Oerto lroOo IEE fler emp",v qreni tu fr,iffi'#nffi'#ffif- * frffiffi",sffi,m.mffi crinftffiffi'- swrrcn rehmunL corunrcnorc CLE$HiIG PI.ATE SERITINAI "t-t-nE E{ ilPrcAt EtECtrRtcAt coitt{Egnoils src AUl{c FRqI c0ftltRot F^l'l€L oNctlxsE A.lNM t t{c. oP[}t 0t{ IURT lUIl $,ffiffiffit TTHCaL $vrrclt AcnoN*ffifl2m* ,o'd 't *.". l' The nodd yEFef lus ruo sw{bhee,'.',e csnbe .,,edbqu,ffir cont'rffin, pndFbbyor , E1|.1$y,:* T*|eS b i".d 6 .p",e---a bcat qdDte or rdsuar aru,,mchu.Srcl3grte ""e rsraer, rom,lm, co;rd;;t"noffi;#ilffi # cAUnoN:'F An mrndabd aac{on of a shgre oofitrcfior shoutd rnt be roqped arourrd treHmhaf andseob astwo sapaneo onnecuoru. ir," *tr" ru&Effiii"$$ryru swsrvlobd ot t',e *n"""n n in ii," evsntthattho wtrsoeoome dldoeed ftom under the hmfiral, FOAEMU-LPIPE v$m-$F WAAOEWPE WATERFI.(IW AT.ARM SWrrCS{ WITFO RETARg, hpoiltnt-Ihedopilrbtrlnsldsbfrmof OFIEEdtod.lln ro thsflhdnsdhr€nshrs: I',I D|rB, ,7J5-t5 | 1!+r1 ',l,'xr| fillrl frftr,/'rt I{/t iyA 21P! |vl '*o-**ffi,SHr%* *o,s) STTFERYEE |I'op.(see wrE)q,|l. no,ftDtpoos-REyR [|FE.S{,OIE-A,Do TO ADD'I. DEVICF OR REruRNm coNrROt Dlrfc. #76t -r5 FIG.5 To nrmove knockouk phce ssu|td]lr.er af s&s of fmoa|F ouh, not h fto cenbr_ M|IEDilUEA 32 PA6E2 OF2 HYDROMETERREADING (SPECIF',IC GRAVITY AT 77"F) REFRACTOMETER READING (FREEZ.,E PoINT **)BURST POINTr.t4l -lseF _50oF*** r.116 - 50F -45"F t.t02 00F -40"F 1.096 +10"F -35'F FLUID TESTING CHART FOR PROPYLEFIIO GLYCOL* HYDROMETERREADING (SPECIF'IC GRAVITY AT 77"F) REFRACTOMETER REAI'ING GREEZE POI1YT **)BURST POINT 1.033 00F _50oF*** 1.028 +10"F -20.F r.024 +15"F 00F r.020 +200F +100F *These tables are for reference purposes only. All temperature readings are approximations and should be usedas guidelines only. **It should be noted that the freeze points for glycols are the temperature at which the ice crystals first form.Below these temperatures, a slushy solution oirtr *ni"n *i[ perrnit flow. However, as ttre temperaturedecreases, the slush becomes more viscous until freezing evenfuaily occurs. +** Recommended minimum level. A}ITI.FREEZE TESTER FOR PROPYLENE GLYCOL USE ITEM #30-99-173 INSTRUCTIONS: ARGCO's Propylene Glycol Tester indicates the freeze point of the contents of sprinkler systems, which have been heated with Propvlene Glvcol only. It is not intended for testing of systems protectedwith glycerine or other anti-freeze agents. It will operate with a sample as small as two outrces. ASSEMBLY: l. Push the rubber bulb onto either end of the large glass tube.2' Slide the glass float into the glass tube, with the small end towards the rubber bulb.3. Push the rubber suction tube onto the open end of the glass tube.4. Be sure both rubber ends are seated fully onto the glass tube until their respective recesses tightly surround the flared ends ofthe tube. F'REQUENCY OF TESTING: NFPA-I3 recommends checking of solutions in Anti-Freeze Systems two or three times during each freezing season. It also mandated that, at the beginning of each season" the entire Anti-Freeze System must be drained and tested for suitable concentration ofanti-freeze agent. (Propylene Glycol and Glycerine are the only substances suitable for use in potable water connected systems.) TEST SAMPLING: NFPA-13 requires installation of two solutions test valves on each Anti-Freeze System. To test: l. Draw a small amount of fluid (2-4 oz.) from either or both valves into a suitable container. Shake well to ass ure tlorough mixing.2- Squeeze bulb and release to draw fluid from container into glass tube oftesier. Draw enough samples to cause glass float to become buoyant in sample.3- Tap sides oftester or shake gently to assure tbat float does not stick to side ofglass tube, resulting in false reading. 4. Read temperature (in degrees F) to which system is protected direcfly of point on float where water line settles. CUSTOMERSERVICE: 800-854-1015 FAX 760-727-3270 I'ra(lucr Exlralu on I anKs raBe I oT /. Pnclnucrf itlI€ Blnnne n Expansror T.+roqxs F hd€cts Antifreere Sprbker Systems fron damaging effect > > F > of thermal cremsiorl hdusfr ial Quality Designs UL (Underwriters Laboratories) Listed and msnrfactured in accordance with the ASME code $ection VItr, Div.l Sizes ftom 2.5 gallons to 150 gallons. AII sizes in stock for fast on-time deliveries. 175 psi design pressure with a 4X safety facton Sizing Chart available. i-'lrtk her-e liil Sizing Charr i,Df';.-- ,. l; *r How Expansion Tanks Work When the sprinkler system fluid begins to expand as a result ofthermal expension, the exoess fluid discharges in to the erpansionhL Within tbe vessel, the gas chrged bladder compresses as the fluid enters the shell. The expansion taak prevents the system fiom locking rry hydrautcally md allows the tr.apped antifreeze to expand without creafing an Excessive rise in pr€sstre, thereby protecting tfie sprinkler systems and compcmetrts. Cl_ick herc_&la P-DF BII\DD_ER EXPANSIONTAlW.Appliaation DataShSet y o1 c4n_ft:<_1o-us. Young Engineering UL approved expansion tanks are designed specifically for the fire protection industry to protect anti-freeze sprinkler systems from the damaging effects of thermal expansion. On systems that utilize backfl ow preventors, over-pressure problems can occur when temperahre variation (excessive heat) cause the antifreeze to expand resulting in component damage. This over- pressurization can be alleviated with Young Engineering Industrial-quality Expansion tanks which "absorb" the expanding fluid, thereby controlling the pressure to a safe level. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA 13) requires the use of expansion chambers in aruifoeee systems which use backfl ow preventors. NEED HBLP SIZING? CALL OR E.MAIL FOR OI]R SIZING CAICTJLATION CIIARTS 1-800-337-8743 ill-&{aii: infoiir:r.ounge g.com iJClvlF | 5urqe Suppressors I Pulsation Danrperrers lPulsation Darnpener Dlsir.ibutors I htpi//www.youngeng-com/bet htm AgDtrM B*ttr b-l'Or,si.En PECIFICATIO US|\4ffiTA FEATURES Sizes: tr3/4'tr1" Maximum working water pressure 178 pSl Maximum working water temperature 1gO"F Hydroshtic test pressure 3S0 psl End connections Threaded ANSI 81.20. 1 OPTIONS (Suffixes can be combined) 4_ - with fult port eT ball vatves (sbndard)O L - less ball valvestr U - with union ball varvestr MS - with integral relief valve monitor srrrritchO P - for reclaimed water slrstemstr S - with bronze 'y'type strainer O BMS - withbafteryoperatedmonitorswitchB FDC - with fire hydrant connection; 2" onlvtr TCU - with test cocks uDtr V - wift union swivelelbowsA SE - with street elbowstr R/ - with test cocks supplied on the opposite sidetr FT - with integrat male 45o flare SAE test fitting ACGESSORIES d' o u o tr tr Airgap(ModelAG) Repair kit (rubber only) Thermal expansion bnk (Model \AD(Tp) Soft seated check valve (Model 40) Shockaresbr(Model 1250) QT-SET Quick Test Fitting Set APPLICATION Designed for installation on potable water lines to protect against both backsiphonage and backpressure of contami_ nated water into the potable water supply. Assembly shal.provide protection where a potential health hazard eiists. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE ' ASSE@ Listed 1013 ' IAPMO@ Listed. UL@ Classi|ied fless shut-offvalves orwr,th OS&yvahres) ' C-UL@ Classified. CSA@Certified. AWWACompliantCSll. Approved bythe Foundation for Cross Connec{ion Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern Califomia iIATERIALS Main valve body Access covers Fasteners Elastomers Polymers Springs s.,n, i sz. Cast BronzeASTM B Sg4 Cast BronzeASTM B 584 Sbinless Steel, 300 Series Silicone (FDAApproved) Buna Nitrile (FDAApproved) NorylrM, NSF Listed Stainless steel, 300 series Dli,lENSlONS & WEtcHTS (do not inctude pkg.) MODEL srzE in. I mm btmEl.lstoN-SGfiroxfi;WEIGHT A in. I mm A UNION BALL VALVES in. I mm B LESS BALL VALVES in. lmm ln. I mm D in. I mm E in. I mm r in. I mm in. I mm LESS BALL VALVES bs. I ko WITH BALL VALVES Ibs. I kou42012Iru51435673/4 'ls7 21t8 il J 76 3 1t,89 127 15U4 400 10 4.5 ,5.51?5 13 330 141t4 36 7 3t4 197 54 76 3 1ti no 127 173 451 10 4.5 d 6.41!4 32 '17 432 19 4A 10 15/16 278 2 70 31n @ 127 6 3t4 171 u 559 n 10 12.711n41r . 5 m 508 10 27A 2W4 3 1t2 89 6 3t4 171 a uBl *7 2?10 28 12.7250t61Il21 1t4l 54O 10 27A 2 3t4 31n @ 5 6 3t4 171 ?s'1t2 648 22 't0 34 15.4 4 FLOWCHARACTERISTTCS MODEL 975XL 3,t41,, 1-, I 1 t4", 1 1 t2" & 2" (STANDARD & MErRtc) ooo- tn atto ult tt,oq,l4a- ,ol lst f,of 5J 1.26 FLOW MTES (Y8) 5.0 12.6 15.8 =137;l-{ 103 ==69=fJ'IR 250 (! oa Lu0l:) .D IDtu & :3/4" (20mm).t;- 1" (2smm) ----:20 t5 10 5 ---F l--- 20 40 60 0 100 150 FLOW RATES (GPM) O Rated Flow (Fstabltshsd by approval agencles) TYPIGAL INSTALLATION Local codes shall govern installation reguirements. To be installed in accordance with the manufacturers' instructions and the latest edition of the Uniform plumbing Code. Un- less otherwise specified, the assembly shall be mounted at a.minimum of 12" (305mm) and a maximum of 30,'(762mm) above adequate drains with sufficient side clearance for testl ing and maintenance. The installation shall be made so that no part ofthe unit can be submerged, c a pa c tty thia Saliiitie-40-ph-e P ipe size 5 ft/s sc 7.5 ft/soc 10 ft/sec 15 ff/B ec1t8' t4"53/8'J 4 6 I 1 t2"o 7 9 14 3 t4"8 12 17 zo 20 27 40 +7 701 1t2"48 63 95 52 78 105 167 ornecnor or n-orv $ INDOOR INSTALLATION (Sf|owr ttroptiomt BMS) SPECIFICATIONS The Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Preventer shall be ASSE@ Listed 101 3, rated to 1 Bo'F and supplied withfull port ball valves. The main body and a"ce", "ou"r, shall be bronze (ASTM e sa+), ttre seat ring and all intemaipolymers shall be NSF@ Listed Norylru and the seat disc elastomers shall be silicone. The first and second checrsshall be accessible for maintenance without removing the relief valve or the entire device from the line. lf installedindoors, the installaiion shall be s.upplied_with an air gip adapter and integral monitor switch. The Reduced pressurePrinciple Backftow preventer shail be a WILKINS [l|idt SZSXT_. Page 2 of 2 OPTIONAL fN cAflADA: zuRN fNDUsrRlEs L!ilmD, 3sc4 Nashua Di., Mi""E""uga, ont"rio l4v 112 phone:9os/40#;;;";ftils/r;;ll:/t1 Product Support Hetp Line: I-8ZZ_BACKFLOW (1-B7T-Z?Z-5gfi, o Webstb: http:/Amvw.zum.co+n ru*e"Uffiml*ffi;ffi From: Mike McGeeTo: shad.lewis@wsfp.usDate: 0810512004 11:49:04 pM Subject: Row houses Shad, Please wake those guys up! Be so kind and forward this to Nimma. 1. PE must certifo neutral or negative pressure in ceiling per listing of heads. 2. Spacing not shown on calcs. 3. Standard not referenced on calcs 4. Heads for sloped ceiling no specified in submittals. 5. The RP's do not match. 6. No expansion tank in the submittals 7. Nothing was specified in submittals. 8.. Where is the single check before the Rp device? 9. Where are the tampers? 10. What kind of anti-freeze? 'l '1. Open to below with no head in the vicinitv of node 55? 12. Where's the slope and ceiling height? Resubmit. Thanks! CC: Charlie Davis; Fire_lnspectors STATEOF COLORADO DIVISION OF FIRE SAFEW PLAN REGISTRATION FORM Contractor Registration Numb ", O3L Telephone No. Name System Test Signature Certification No.(Certified Fire Suppression Inspector) furisdiction Comments (for additional comments uae separate aheet) Distribution: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safety upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Copy to contractor and copy to building owner upon completion and sign-off. FIRE PROTECTION I{YDRAULIC CALCT]LATIONS ANI) MATERIAL CUT SHEETS FROM WESTERN STATES F'IRE PROTECTION 7026 S. TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 303-792-0022 F'OR HUGHES REMODEL 303 GORE CREEK VAIL HOUSE #7 VAIL, CO 81657 JOB NUMBER 46525 SUBN{ITTED BY NIMMAEFTEKHARI PRO.IECTMANAGER 8/3/04 Job Numbec 46525 4.3 K-Fac.tor 25.60 at 35.444 0.00 NA Numb.r Ot SFirldffi Cala$d NANodeFlow{oom) Albk Rd[s: P|*d. F.r Rqre A,E(r) A4@d 1o Mdd Rdno0.Ad WESTERN STATES FIRE PHOTECTION CO. LARRY CURTIS, CET PROJECT MANAGER NIoET # 89074 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER, LEVEL III 0.00 AUG 0 3 20l]'rsr.r.. Fr,"v o.,*"d -- - i --r.ar rniu. n"qo,irlin"rfu"o ri;;sl*".t104.11 I 18f.11 ; lr.dmufr PrB@ |'It t n€ In Loo3 0.000 Uedmutn V.t .,n!, A!fr qMd 25.52 behrcen nodes 82 and 70 rinD V.a.dly Undr qound 7.17 betureen nodes 1 and 3 38.499a1 J04.11 125.509 7.31 WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTION 7026 S TUCSON WAY of Job Number: 46525 Description:hazad group 1 * llost Demanding Sprinkler Data ulic Ana Job Number: 46525 eport Description: ordinary hazard group 1 I' 20L Pe h, 120.271 Tr42'4), CV(8,{), 2E(3,_0), 35.754 38.147 14'-0 Pe {.2'l7 ic Job Number: 46525 epott Description: ordinary hazard group 1Plpolxpe---_9lelleter Ildc__Dowrlstr€am Elevetion ObCtrade l+act6r n--' --Fn _-- rittinG Upetrcam Length Eq. Length Total Lenqth Pressute Summary Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Vabes anO ffttinqs fC;120 onlvl I / earal Inside Diame{er \'r.87\@) =r.ao'. C Value Multlplier I:_==_-'_ Value Of C 100 130 140 150 !4lqdUqg lqglor__ 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.si t P,p"ryp8r*sfid-l @l ^,, ^-r-""t l 1---- | +_ p'""qgry !l Er"".tion Foot ll l"Yr iffiV;,'HI CM cross Main I I rbw gpm I I b Bushing| !! orain | | oiscrraqe gpm I I Batv Ba[ varvelll ff!** ll x:"ty" f"i ll 3ld gifl"Wi"H"*, I | ry I*q y3i" I I Lensrh Foor I I c cross Frow rum so. II FR Feed Riser Il r'iction Loss psi/Foot !l cprg coupiing - | 8fi 8fiffi'JX?** ll y" irazen-wliamsconstant ll i1. grGn"," l$ [*ru'" ll il, I:ffi'ffi:n$;,:1*,T,??f* ll 3y' S:trJ.Y,1f" I Fi i'tr"'f#",_ll 3l Effil[i1T#""'**G*".0*,"00"*llil g;,FH_- | I Eez ?2k"Elbo\l I I f Ftor Device II FDC Fire Departrnent Connection I I E 90' FireLod(Cfril) Elbow I I EE 45" Firelockfnt) Etbow I r I tls Flange I I I FN Ftoating Node t I l["" E'fr{r'"' ll | 3y* ff5** ll I HV Hose V€tve I II Hyd Hydrant I I I LtE Long Turn Etbow I I I mecT Me€fianicatTee I II Noz Nozzte I ila Fxili8'' ll I PIV Post Indicating Vatve I II PO Pipe Outlet I I I Pd/ Pressure Relief Valve I I I eRv eressue Reducing Vatrc ll| rcd ReduceriAdapter I I l3.u 3lf,lfl"n"*u",, ll lsl' 3[:i#' ,e f l ll reeFro,,rumso. fl I wirr wrsno | | I WMV Water Meter Vatye I IUI Job Number: 46525 Supply at Node I 135 1n 105 '6 d dzc ta E Jt] 15 9oo m 3oo 500 600 700 water flovr, gpm 800 1000900 I I I Pressur € lA3 fixt- 25.509 I --___.9C 0o @ 122.000a I Ftem demal U curve lltl ll I -1 | | 132.821 @1U.11 104.11 @ 125.5G) Bulletin 006 nev.A Model RFC43 Conceafed Residential Sprinkler wc aD- JooO) RA0612) A Concealed Residential Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpm/Tfi,vith low'CpU requirements. Features 1. Very low water flow requirements. 2.T2" (13mm) Total adjustment. 3. Push-On/Thread-Off I cover attachment option. 4. Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. 5. Available in brass, chrome and black plated or painted finishes. Listings & Approval Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, and certified by UL for Canada (cUlus) UL Listing Categories Residential Automatic Sprinklers UL Guide Number VKKW Product Description lilodel RFC€ Conceabd Fsidential Spdnklers are fast response residential fusibb solder li* zubrndic sprir*ders Residenlial sginlders dfler forn stardard sprinkbs gtnarilv in f|dr rcsporne tirne and water dis[ihrtbn pffienF. ]\4odel Rrc4i| sprinlderc dmhaoe rrrder in a hernisphe*sl pdbrh beb^' fte sdinkhr deflec{or. BesilJenlial disfibulion p€fiems are hiolrer and oenenatlv conhin afner droplet size tnn shndardspdnkler frrems. The mnbinati:n of speed of operalftrn and hioh discharoe pafient quircd fo'. reaidential sprirklers has demonsfiad,I fre teting, an abiltty for confoilirg residential fres, and tweby pro/iding significant evacr.rdion tirne for ocrtnanf. The RFOIS Sprinklen gwides tre best fom it tue protedion by cornbining an athactive epprcrra:re md W (13nm) of mver adjLstrnent for ease of installation. The snnll daneter ccnrer pl# b easiV and positiyefu arrached gnd blerdg inO fp ceiling, ooneafing trd n'Gt deperdatb flre @Efion €ll/Euabb, an aubnalic spdnkler systern. Ihe Rrc4} is a UL Listed Besidential Sptinlder tl be irstalled in he residential porlixrs of ary ircupanw in acccrdance wifr NFPA 13 13R & 13D. the RFGI3 can reduce he rreed forprrcbe cr.rfiino of drop nippbs. The treaded corer pl# assarbty can be-adftuseb witpnt bols b ft accure! against fre ceilrg. The fireproecfm qremrn reed rpt be sfut dofin b adjust or renul€ he corer pHeassernbly. Application and Installation ftb RFCIS, tor resldential ]nshlldions, r.res a 165"F ?4€) frrsibb sdder link in atuning fuk styb spdrrrl@frame'$/ffi i dropdovyn deflector. Thb assenrb[ is rccessed irb fe ceilirg ard ooncealed by aflat corer plde. The correrd& isethcfed b the skft, rrcing 135t (57f) ddimry bnilbrdrc classificdim solder. When he ceilins bntperatlre rfuEs, fte solderhoHing theccnier @ relerys hecorerabrvrim tte deflec'br tc dop into positim ard oAG*U he spd;rcr The Rellable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mounl Vemon, New york 10552 {rside.b ceiling brnperattre. The Subsequent op€rdim oflrp sdcb. r link opens tre watenvay ard causes trb Oenecbr P opp. ntg po$|'on tt disfibute he di:sctEroin0 v'/ater in anemspnencal @tern beb/v he sprinlder deiflector. Anv adlustrnent of hread engag'ernent bet'/veen fre cover oheand qp wtt asslte fnt he dropdom deflector is orobeilv located bebr,v tF ceiling. The dxiOentlat Olsmu0ori r;r[b#cona ns a flner droplel size han a shndard sprinkler. dnd tfrepamem prodr ,-€s significandy hiqher wall weitino.fW a 2 5E inch diiarneter Be is cnt in th6 ceilino. fre sprir{der is to be instalbd wittr fre lr4odel rc Wrencn. fi6nirshiling.a sprfr'{der, the wrench is nrst positloneO inb 6e s.pnnKe. r/arp, assernbly and aro.rnd tfre hexaoonal bodv of lne sprnl{er frarE. Tre Wrench must botb/n dut aqajnst hecup in order to ensure poper, safe inshllatr'on. ne"spriritier is then tighterEd inb the prpe ffting. \Mren insstino orrerTo/lng tle Mench frorn he spdr$der/cup assernbM. 6are {pgld bel4kentoprerrentdamagetrtle sbrinkbr. DO t\Joi\ neruCH Oru ruW OIHER PARI OF rHe Spnrrn<-enb-upAssE[lBLy. MoDEL Rrcas coNcEALED spRrNrd Fft MUST BE II{STALLED ONLY W]H 135'F RATED COVHS: _ Corcr assernblies provide up to y;, (tgmm) d id|]sbrentlum me @er doch,'itse until he flange is in conhci with the ceiling. The oplimal pusfron oorrcr plate mav requi,e i nnaladjustng Mn tc contact he ceiling. Cqer removal requires tuming in the counter+lockwise dirbctbn. . In eifirgs fnt have a plenu,m space aboe tre sorinkler.rE pFnm spacE nEy fEve ne.fid ry reoatiue FressulEilin uI rru$_fiil be pc*lidy pressufued. tnspectaI spnnKers alEr InstaltatDn b ensLre fElt he gap oetv,een rIE oc /er. ptde-and ceilhg and lhe 4 slob in tE bup are allopen ano ree lroT any air llow mpedtrnenl Temperalure Rating Spdnkler Cover Plate Max, Ambient Temp. 165'Flt4T 13s"F/5/C 1OdF/3SC Installation Data Thread Slze lnch (mm) K Factor Sprlnkl€r Spaclng tr (m) lllla mum Dlstance to Wall fL (m) Mlnlmum Dlstance Hureen sprinkler ft. (m) Minlmum Bequlred Sprlnkler Dlscharge Flo$, spm (Lpm) Pr€s6. p$l (bar) Yr" (l*nm) W (15mm') %'(15mm) W'(15nm)1/{ (15mm\ 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 12x12 14x14 16x 16 18x18 20xaJ 6 (1.83) 7 (2.131 I (2.4i1)I (2.74' 10 (3.05) 8II 8 12 (45) 13 (4e) 13 (49) 18 (68) 21 (79\ 7.S (0.s4) e.r (0.63) e.l (0.63) 17,5 (1 .21)n.a (1.641 l{ote 1 bar = i00 Kpa 2. Maintenance l/odel Rrc43 Conceated SprinkJers sfrould be insoectedquarterly and fre setnkrur siebn rnaindinea-ln ;frfu;ftwitr NFPA 25. Do rnt dean spnnktqs \ /iilt-srab;; rlmd;; 1ryF_g,-ry qq""tonind fluiJs. lerroieAust by rjsi;a solr DrL6n or gEntb vacuuming. Rerncne arv sixinmdco/er pEE..assernbty rttk*t h6 been painted Fofibr hanraflory appleq s dantrued in any wav. A sbc* cf soarespnnKe6.snqid be nEinhined tc alb\,v qti,.ct< reptacemdnt otoaryF.geo or orerabd spdnklem. prior tj insbjation.spnnKerc snoutd be rnainhined in he onbirnl cartons andffI#IS Hl"lrsed to,minir.nize tre poten-fiattrOanaSe bspnnKrers . lr|at rcdd cause impropa operdion" ornmofralion Model RFCttS Residential Conceated Sprinkler Specification Spnrklerc sfnll be cUlus Listed low florv residentialcqrcgqqd_ spnnklers witr dropdonn deltecbr.-and aojusElDe IaI corer plate engineered for a minimwn desiondersityof 0.05 gpffi. gnh[ter tame ano ihfl#hr;hail E;or oronze ilane consbuctim haring a Zz" NpI fnead.Themal ehrnentshall consist of an aFpib*O bh;6;;ffibberylliurnnij<el tusible solder liink 'r rih wr#netr6]er7;mecnanKr"n, rEinbinrng a TeflorFcoded Bellanib sorinouasner. and machined brass cap uafer sd assdnbtrgqpl"LS .m phsq pars Sprinkier K-fac,or dtall be r,rri;; !.3 -(62 +i. @tl['g a 7he clrtitcr-. femperatrre rahs lhdi6Ordinary 16sf (7at); corcr ptab tdmperat reidng b be 135f (sfC). C,orrer plate assernbly shall consist of a brasscover pEte and copper alby retainer flanoe havino a ngA31i Bt1gl. pa^ hreacom nes_lqn, ffifr . i"z; Ioo/er pEF adjustrnent Any secure engagenrent beru,eent'e^co/er ptale ar{ tre opwiil assureird te odirdi"oeneclor ts property lrcded belo^,.ttp ceiling. A plasticpolective cap sfnll be prwided ard factcry in;ilailed'insidene spflnKer flp.toprobct the drcpdown sbrirkhr dellecbrilcrn oa'nage, rryhrctt puld gmtr during con$nrtbn bebre lE gqq phie is insralled. Shndard cd/er fnl*r rcfrrornLt H,tLIffi 9;m-,J.1,:$nHffi,fl ,r*i; Ordering lnformation Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Cwer Plate Finish 3. Thread-On or Push-On cover LDver Plale Finishes nl tuadFlnbh* I Chrome White $echl ADdicadonHnlslH'- lBright Brass lBlack Plating Black Paint Off White Salin Chrome nl Other colors and finishes available. Consult fuctorv lor d€tails_ Notc: Paint or anv olhercoalings applied over thetaciory finish will void allapprovals and warmnties. ffi w a - fi' [66.zmtt] DU, MLE N CEilTiE 2' [e.ennj ilil( FACE OF FTTINE t'[tzznnJ IlAx. M FAE tr CELIIfi*tr WER AAIWWM I4'M [8+lmmJ .r/t6' [4"1ran'r]CSIER PIAIE AssEl&.r covER PUTE: t/2" [t2.zmmJ AaIUSTMENT Reliable.,. For Compfete protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkla oornponenF. Follorruing are sotre of gre manyprecision-made Reliable producb that guard life and property from fiie around the clock. r Aubmatic sprinklers. Flush automatic sprinklers r Recessed automatic sprinklers. Concealed automatic sprinklers. Adjustable automatic sprinklers. Dry automatic sprinklers o Intermediate level sprinklers. Open sprinklers . Spray nozles o Alarm valves . Retarding chambers o Dry pipe valves . Accelerators for dry pipe vaMesr lt/echanical sprinkler alarms. Elecfical sprinkler alarm sryitchesr Waterflorpdetectrcrs . Deluge valves o Detector check valves. Checkvalves . Supertrol electrical sptern e Sprinkler energencycabinets. Sprinkler wrenches o Sprinkler escuhheons and guards o Inspectnrs test connections. Sight drains . Balldrips and drum drips o Controlvalve seals o Air maintenance devices o Air compressors o Pressure gauges . ldenffication signs. Fire departrnent connection I?E €quipm8nt plss€nt€d h tf E bullstjn is to b€_instafia :=:3_Y.n:9f 1_lT]jylt"j1s:Fp.n: and atso wim ru prwirtons or so#nm€ntarr"d€i oi o.ainances. wirenwer apptrcabre.Ptoducb rnanutactqrod and disfihrt€d by-RELlABl-E haw.been probcihg lib and propefty br ovsi.ao years, and are in"bJ ri *i#J it b€ rpsl highly quarr,edana repuabl€ spdnrrhr conracb'" tocabd ft'o,ghor,t t.' unftei sbt.s. dan'd;;d 6rddn counui;.' - - -' Manufsctured by: Th. Fdhblg Aubmafic Spslnkl€r co., tnc. (8(x,) /|i}1-1588 Sajes Otfices @rm* (800) 848{051 Sales Fax (914) 6683470 Corporate_Offices Rwi'jon "',es indicab updrbd or n€ty datatwft.retebte6prir der.oo.n Intemet Address F.c. p,tnrEd tn us[]d eN ofringtb#i" Bulletin 035 ne,r.C Residential Spri nklers For Sloped Geilings @c 6-s:Jorn(n eo, 9ui.l$ilee tu_r Lisiled Residential SprinkterI installations below Sloped Ceilingd The installation guidellnes coverI Reidential Sprinkler Models: Fl Ree 49 Pendent Fl Res 49 Recessed pendentrFl FI Hes'I4 HSW Fl Res 44 Reessed HSWF2 Fl Ree/t0 HSW Fl ResrCIReeessedHSWF2 Ft Res49CCP RFC 43 Flat Concealed Listlngs & Apprcvals 1. Usted by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certlfied for Canada (cUlus) 2. NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Llsting Category Residential Automatic Sorinkler UL Guide Number VKKW Paienb: US Patent number 6,516,99:l ModelFl Res 49 I Product Description fior Fl Hes SpdnHers Model F1 Res Pendent sprinklers are fast response sprinklers combining excelleni durabilitv; hiqh sensitivity glass-bulb and low profite deci:iatirE design. The F1 Res Horizontal Sideuall sprinklers are equally attracti\re when above ceiling piping cannot be used. . _ The 3mm glass-bulb pendent sprinklers, with a KI Factor of 4.9 lor pendent and'4.4 for horizontalI sidewall, permit the efficient use of residential water supplies for sprinkler coverage in residential fire protection design. The low flow Fl Bes sprinklers are speciallv engineered for fast thermal response to meet the sensibve fire protection application needs of ttrelatest residential market standards (UL 1626 Sand.a{ '). Upon fire conditions, rising hdat czuses a.sprinkler's heat-senstivre glassJruib to shatter, releasing the waterway for -water flovy onto the deflecbr, errenly distributing the discharged water to control a fire. F1 Res49 Fendent RFC 43 F1 Res49 Recessed Fendent/F1 F1 Resz|4 Recessed FIS\,VF2 F'l Res 40 Recmsed FISWFZ Fl Reszt4 I.ISW ' Effective date July 12,2OCPz RFC 43 Ihe Rdlable Automatic Spinlde Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vemon, New york -105.52 Product Descdflion RFC rA Model HFC43 Concealed Residential Sprinklers are fast respon$e residenlhl fusible solder link automatic sprinklers. Residential sprinklers differ from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC43 sprinklers discharge water in a hemispherical patt-.m below the sprinkler deflector. Residential distribution patterns are higher and generally mnlarh a finer droplet size than standard sprinkler patterns. ..The combination of speed of operation and high cfrscharge pattern required for residential sprinklers has demonstrated, in fire testing, an a6ility for controlling residential fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occupants. The RFC4il Sprinkler provides the best form of fire protection by cumbining an attractive appearance and lb" (13nun) of oover adjustrnent for ease of installalion. The small diameler cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends intrc the ceiling, concealing fr6 most dependable fire prolection available, an automatic sprinkler sysbm. The RFC4O is a UL Listed Residential Sprinkler to be installed in the residential portions of any dccupancy in accordancewihNFPA 13, 1gR,& lSD. The RFC4|can reduce ttrc need for precise cutting of drop nipples. Ihe trreaded cover plate assemblv can be adjusled without tools to fit aciurately againit the ceiling. The fire protection system need not Ue strut down io adjusl or remove lhe cover piaie assembly. Tecfinlcal ttab (Fl Res Spdnkfers): o Thermal Sensor I Nominal Smm glass-bulb . Sprinkler Frame : Brass Casting . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested to 500 psi . Thread Size : th" NPT (R%) r K Facbr : 4.9 (Actual) - F1 Res 49 Pendent Sprinkler a.a 1a6Xr",, - F1 Res 44 HSW Sprinkter 4.0 (AcU,aD - F1 Res 4O H$ilSprinkler . DensrtV : Minimum .05 gpnfi3 Technical Data (RFC illt): . Thermal Sersor : 165'F Fusible Link . Sprinkler Frame: Brass Machined . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested tc 500 psi . Thread Size : 1/2" NPT (R1/z) . K Factor : a.3 (fi66"1; r Densrty : Minimum .05 gpmlft2 Application Model F] Res and RFC 43 Sprinklers are used for Besidential Fire Protection according to UL 1626 StandarcF. Be sure that orifice size, temperalure rating, deflector style, cover plate and sprinkler type are in accordance wilh the latest published standards of lhe National Fire Protection Association or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction * Effective date July 12,2OO2 2. II METHOD OF CALCUI.ATING THE CONVERSION OF 'RISE-OVER-RUN' TO DEGREES OF AN ANGTE. Exompl* o = Ib=,|2 1A = r$ta (a/b) 1A=TAt{{=(OJgg) 1A = lg.1? afopcdlrlonoero={Fqf s = /:lF_ o = t2.65 4fi_ftn-t l.tA=TAN-r(o/b) ?- dopc dfrlsnoa: 6 = /ffip 3. o [!Qdd Fl Re 49 Pendent & Fl Res {9 Recessed PendenUFl & Fl Res 49 GCP Pendent & RFC ttg Pendent Flat Gonceoted Sprintderc instailed bdow Sloped Ceitings. Fl Res4Cl Pendent F1Res4{l Recessed PenM.lF2 F1Res49 CCP Pendent Brc43Rrc,,B 4. LISIED AREA OF MVWE CORRESFONDS N CflL'I$ ilOFE- L = THE tAXlltUU USIED SPRIIIKIIR sPAClilG, IfNGTH (8'-0" uiluult). L/2 = QNE HAIF THE lHXlilUil USIEO SPRtilKl.ER SpACll{c (0'-,1', UlillUUI),W = fHE IIAXIIIUY USTEO SPflt{ICER sPACtltO, Wtfil{.A = 3'-0- ffAXhlUM.B = R4!{G_E: 2/12 (s,1,) < B i E/12 (sar).C = 6'-O' tllNlMUU. attr&l Sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings witl"l a maximum slope of fir(33.1") pitch. 5. altatfri L r lllE IAImH USIED spiftlmsnAcm l6tol|t (!.-o- L/z - qc HAtf l|fi llituult urilED - IT AI glril0.Ei rPrc[F (o'-a. uil{rr). = ffiHW#FrEp' spnnxui- --'- g f-o'IAilItfi. : [ffi,.lf;iJ:*' < E r s/ra (s''7)' sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of a/rr(J}.7") pnchr. 6. ilodd FlRes 49 Fendent & Fl RE 49 Femsed Fenden?F2 insbllerf bdorv Sloped Gdling. *i,ffiffi-ftffifr'F(ff*Mu. Sl@of %. (3e?'dl Pltch ild. Slope ot ,/.," (t8.4"l pltch.ol*t!Egflnsf (qc)Sprhkhr_T€mp. Fatng .F ("C) 158(60&lz5(ne) Mln. Fbur Per $Irlnknr Heoa opm (lJlml PrE63 |€ Dsl ab6rl Itln. Flm Per SprlnHer lteadgpm(lJrrrl PlEssur€ pd (bat) 12 x 12 (3,6 x3,6)19 {71.9)15.1 (1.&)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 43)19 (71.9)'r5.1 (1,04)13 (4e)7.0 (0,48) 16 x 16 (49 x 4,S)19?1.9)15.1 (1.O+)13 (49)7.0(o.4\ L8 r 18 (5F xs,s)n05,7\16.7 (1,15)121E4,3)12.0 (0,&t) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)2s (e4.5)mfl,781 20rs,n J6.7(1,15) 2- *tf'$ffi'fi5"#ffHff*Itilan gopeot% lEg.?) pttch Itax. s|ope ot yr, (lg_4.) pibh Mln. Fltr Per Spdnld€i He6dgpm{l-pm)Pt€sunt D6l {b6rl Mln. Flow Per Sprlnldcr H€6d - gpm (tpml PrcssuiB psl(barl 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3.6)n05,n 16.7 (1.151 13 (4s)7.0 (0./A) l,l x 14 (43 x 4,3)n05,n '16.7 (1,15)13 (,r9)7.o(0,41 16 x 16 (4,9 x4s)2005.n 16.7 (1.1s)14 (53)8.2 (0.56) lg x 18 (5,5 x 5,5)4Ls,4)18.4 fi.27120 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)21(79,41 18.4(1.m ilodd RFc 43 Pended FH conceared hsfrarbd bdouv sroped Geiting. 7. s- ""hfi'#ffi'm,H#"H(*r tlil. Slop6 ol%{30.4 ptich luo(. gope of fi" (i8J{") plHl Liln Florlr Per Srlnlder HadqpmlLrml Prcasursprl (bar) Mln Flour P* Sprlnkhr Headqpm(Lpm)Prcssure psl (barl 12 x 12 (3,6 x3,6)18(68)17.5(1,211 13 (4{')9.1 (o.trr) 14 x 14 {43 x 4,3):18 (68)17.5(1,211 13 (49)9.1 (0,63) l6 x 16 (4,9 x 4.9)lq68)17.5 (1,2t',)13 (4e) .9.1 (0,63' 18 x 18 (5,5 x5,5)at oe)23.8 0,64)4qx20(6.t x6,t)21(7s)234 (1,64) Installatlon Guidelinq ' i8b Hi5'f#ffiLffiifl fl H#,ill]t Hirgquqeq, crnsufl. rrvith the local Authoritv Havino r,uruilct|on rggarding the nunber of desiqn -sodnkffi rorsopeo oeltngs havtE a piEh gre3derfficd{.9. "). 2. lnstallati:n. of UL Usbd rcsidential sprinkti# undersropeo cetmgs snail be llmited b a type irf urpbsbucted ffi"ffi :ffi ffi'fl ffi ffir$HtriaHi'q otr €3.r). 3. Spacing of residential sprinlders under sloned ceilinos ismeasurect- along.. the slope when determininq-theoElance or ot wEtjls and b6tw@n sprinklers. 4. tvleasure_lisbd areas of coverAqe alono &re slopedgeilhC. The achral flmr coveraste-area wif be iess-ffi;the li$ed area. 5. For coverage areas less tlun dre listed coveraqe areas|K'wn n tgpt6 't through S, use he minimrlin florv _ requtreflE)nt tor lhe no( largest listed coverage area"uil'ffi |ffi P6Pgg"gog;*""tr1i5'tr#: _ xpnr-trcer and an adjacent 'rvall is 4' (102 mm). " 7. Residential..sprinklers hcated ctosesi O he p'eat< ottre ce_ntng snat nave the cleflectlrs located not inore tran igHP'trffi'Yffiru T,S5"' B% tle&#{ffi102nm) belo , the slofed ceiling. 8. Hydrzulic Requiremenb: a For. NFPA t9Q. $ystpnrs, he number of desionspflnKters shail inctude all sprinklers within*acompafirnent, up..to. g mpllmum of tvr,o sprinklers(wlere specflc uL usled flot,s arc requlied thatr€qures me greatest hydraulic demand. ' b. For. gfPA 13H.. Systems, the number of desionspnnKters shail inctucle all sprinklers within*a ffi ffi SShS'uEfl HSTJ,ngS%$l'?8ii-ffi rcqutres me greaF$ nrclraulic dernand. c. For NFPA.13q/stens, tlre dqlgn area shall be hearea mar ncuoes tle tc[{ (a) hydraulicallv mostdernanding-sprinkters. Thb'miirimum GbuiiecioFcnarge rom . each of the four hydrauficallv ffiffiEis spr|nktels shafl be rhe sr6abr of rh6 (' ),'ft g"#it?ffuH$t gf, iffi i{[H?o'H9,,.tr; . _. will proride a minimum densityofb.ispnm4rci(2) A catcutared vatue._based on OEiMjiin'd-a- - minimumof 0.1 gpffizo/eihedes'dn-ail;X. - 9. Because of tre varied nature of residefiial minsfiuction features, ttpre will besorne conrpartment itesions ilhdiiqglnot be-&tlyspdnktered in accordancewidrntFpA iC: lpQ or l3S. ,.lri. these insrances, cors h he Authoiiil Ha.vrpg.Julisdt-stion (AFU) tor guiilance and apoio\rdi: I n|s ncuoes soped cettmgs havtng a pihh grehter than8112(n.7"). Model Fl Res 4 &4O HSW and Fl instafled below the slope ceiling. Re 44 & 40 Receesed HSWF2 F1Fes44 Fecessed HSWF2 F1Res44 HSlA/Horizontal Sidewall Spriinkter (with discharge directed across ttre slope) B. I]SIED AM tr WEE&Ero cfl.tt,6 sLaF€ toP ff DE|ttcrcn Uwf eE LmA|IJD{u'#nW,tffi,#Wo 7!#!+ lw rr€ PttrtF tr nE cErrtfr.Am4,rEf rs/.cmss iii SLtiPf' L = I,lE MAXtituM USTED spRtNKt".ER sPAClNc, r"EltcTlt.W = THE MAXTMUM USTED SPRINKIER SPACII{G, UDTH. W/2 = apE-gAtF THE MAXtilUU USTED SpRtNKt"ER . _:p4.gtNc, wtDTH (0'_/t' r.NiluM).A = 5'-O" MD(IUUM. I = !fNc_E: z/t2 (e.+) < B t 8/12 (ss.iD).C = 8'-O" MNlyUtr. ELEUATNN HSW sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum dope ot i(r(8.7") pitcht. zBlm AeA E rf'tffiEffirffiml|,s n c&M c.frE twaEftr* lt/',r E ugtD1- n 12'nN sham cflJhWW $'r,. = Iifulffi,,iHrJsrEo sFnMun rv = DIE IAIUUII UlilEt lFdr{t(LF SPAC|I{6. ruoTt (o.*tr x[tll|urU/2 E oNE-lUlF tHr lrxruu usrrn = rtIE It tl||UI Unrut spdr{t(LEn TSf9: mn (o'*rr xrtmur).E ONE-Hll F ?ltr rieurrrrr rtfu.o!q:!At-F rHE r.axfluy mrro'spnnrnrn A E c SPAC C, WtorH (o.-4" xlrfiura), = l'-lt' [nXtIUr. ' : FLTIAmN HSW sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings wiilr a maximu* *top*GffiFffi t Fl ResIloddFtReBrt4tfSW&rm HSWReoeosed H$tylF2 rui[r a rnxlrnum stope ol%"(I8/,lpffir. Table 4 - Applicaflon DbcharyElIl€frd*Tg?F"* Dgffocior b GE[tno Dbcharge Dlractert Ac'bss Ote Sops- 6rb f?qeflctrtoCdlfiu*iffflf,H.WEffitrflf illn Fldr sp|n(LDml Prcea|'t D6l ftad illn.Flfl slmflJrnl PrEsur€ p6l {bar)12x 1213,6 x3 6l 16 (60.5)13.3 (0,92)17 (6/.gt 15 (1,04)t+x t4 (4,J x 4,9)16 (60.5)13.3 (0.92)17 (U,31 15 (1,04)16x 16 (49 x 4,S)16 (60,5)133 t0.92)1Z(84,3)l5(1,04)16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5)r8 (68,1)16.8 (1,16) I fr(75,81 n.7 fi,43)16 x 20 (4,9 x 6,i)23 (68.1)u.4(1,w)23 {68,1}n-4(,891 lllodelFlResloHSWandFl Rs4tlHSWRecessedHSt[l/F2vyitrramaximumstopeof/o(33.i.)pihfr. F1Re4O F|SW F1 Hes40 Recessed FISWF2 155 (68) 175 (7e) 10. Inetalfatfon Guidelines ',Fiffitr1trf-#i&ffi, jfl fl ffi J#,,HTn,fi. r,equipg, consutr wirti the focar-Autr6ffi-#vino *ypgiqg" resardins rre n,,mo"ior orii6ii.,rritiTrillli8_ rors@d ceitings havins plrch sreatsiffi; rt.k;.h.z. hstaftation of UL List :lep"j -+ti " s. $ffl t?li#HoTf TT,,ilTiuflo-b$ruded consru( " ffiilsffr'1ffi#ffhffi1p$x1ffi.r. wnere [stect, inshll horizonhl_qldamail sprlnkters alonggl-. rrat{betorrrr tre sbped ceiling r,vnei;i;;lil;'il EtSS agrogg the stofe, ano injarratrrelejiffirornne sbped ceitino when discharg* n air""i&"Jffi 'frl . ;i3ffffiffi .ffist?3f,f,1i;1;;;rE;l;'",n'4 resrclentlal HSW sprinkJers ncaf;a OoseO f fre peal . ffi11T",,.*iHf;#fi ffi;Xm; ;fi ffi# ^ ffid;$#$,ffi Hft gmffti;ffi*me 6. Measure.listed areas of corerage "rohs fi";bpeoceitlng. The actual floor covrerage"ar"" "i[ni,6ifr#ne ttsted ar€. 7. For coverage areas less.try jr r+'*"T fi';?i,m:,"#ffi ffiffi ?ttrrequrrement for nefi laror '.ffifl{fl .iqi:,ET#,y#fJ""ffi,fu ,,,ms i$5ff$.*o*t'l'sprinkler and an "oBberi-wiiii'd'+;I }ktq installation of Fl Res 4O horizonhl siderrvallspnnKeni provide discfur rruylbit"ri&dliZ,Fzs"'.ffi tXmv[?1[rjrcr sunace mounting only. o 10. Hydraulic Bequiremenb:"ff#FA,_ffi cornparfnent, up tr lunere sneciflc ULgroffi"gl'#i sprinklers, where dstope havino a rnacom@rfneril hat n ff#ru%':rs*?%H#.ffirffimntmum number ccomparfnent shall bu$eo flows are req( b. For. NFpA ten Wir fffitr'il,1,,ffi;,tr#ffiffi " F#ff#,',:--\J_ffi,ffiffi demanding sprinkler olscnarge frorn eac r?iffrfiflfs sPrinkrets (t) In ftcordarrce w,,.*riffi te€ltures, drere will be so tr$;ffi5"Fi"b#tl,ilT}fi n:"#!TH?rt,g-,fl ffi e1,r'*itl' r1;d j *rui,'U#?f ,fi ff ff "ffiHt"f8apprcvat. This incrudes stoped *iird X&."d"pil;greafier rhan ry12 (93.4. DlscfiaIgs IXEcted ""FF*tu Il|schargE ltir€cH Doum the SNooe 6i' !o 1? Dlscterg€Dlrucbd "T#3.** nt uinirur R*, p"ErindJil 0_prn) 11. Ref iable... For Complete protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler cornponents. Following are sorne of the manyprecision-nnde Reliable products that guard life ano pioperrv-tiiil'iinie *otj"iin-i'.r"'d. o Autornatic sprinklers . Flush automatic sprinklers o Recessed automatic sprinklers o Concealed automatic sprinklers o Adjustable automatic sprinklers. Dry automatic sprinklers o lntermediate level sprinklers. Open sprinklers . Spray nozzles r Alarm valves o Retarding chambers o Dry pipe valves o Accelerators for dry pipe valves o Mechanical sprinkler alarms. Efectrical sprinkler alarmswitches o Water florrv detectors r Deluge valrres o Detector check valves o Check valves . Supertrol electrical system o Sprinkler emergency cabinets o Sprinkfer wrenches . Sprinkler escutcheons and guards o fnspectors test connections r Sight drains . Bafldrips and drum drips e Controf vah,re seals o Air maintenance devices r Air compressors o Pressure gauges r ldentification signs " Fire department connection nE€quiprnfltprcgl* " *t'io,psatiqr r otr. 8r'rflar qganizali"rs and.also]ttt t d;trL;",i;iriffifi ci;aer'n oroina-n<fr,ffi'"pilidiore.Pnducts-madbcfrt€d ard cfl*ibubd bry REL|AE|"E ]gl,e boen nrocolo";b; t-** * *. nn ** ,-,r -6 in-kJ,.-rf5"%ffif:gm/sr 8o y€arq ard are in$stod ard sqlic€d by f|o rDsr tlshly quafrfisd ard The Rdiable Aubo}dic (m)€1-r58s (sp) 848.dEl (914166&s470 lrxrw.r€6*hsD|tl&rqn Sprirdder Co., InG SdeOffcs sahs Fs( Corpqab Offices Int€mst Ad&Ess (Dm* R6rirdon liE hdce rpded a nsw dab. EG. Rhbd in U,S.A. A04 p/{ gg&to"ts Manufactured by SPEHFIGATIOilS AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS BB.SC SERIES / ( bL rtfi|ll SLOW CLOSE INDICATING BUTTERFLY VALVES FOR trflRtr SPRINKLtrR SYSTtr mfls ,@* H$IED MILWAUKEE VALVE sclD - 12t97 SPECIFICATi)NS FOR, SIbW CLOSE ASSEIIBLIES PATENTED 1. Provides slow opening and ctosing propertles in a quarter-turn vahre. The purpose ii to eUmf nate lt}idraullc shock and water hammer in fir€ prctection and ollrer liquid systsrns. 2. Availabb with or wilhoul an internal, pre_wired supervisory tamper svitch assembly. When mgunted on any slordose rnlrrc and wired, Ore stfli.bhes signal movembnt of the rralve disc irom the full open position. a. Awilable factory rnounted to a valw or as a Kit icr fietd installation on prwlously installed valves. b. Switch Rating: '10 Amps/lts VAG60 Hz 0.5 Ampsl2S VDC c. Valves equipped wlth tamper sritch assern_ , blies ar€ FOR INDOoR USE ONLY. 3. UL/FM rated at 17S psl. Also arrailable at 350 psl and 500 psi wth N.yC. B.S.A. approvat. ,@* tf$rIElt Approved by the Nevvyork City Board of Stds. &Appeals under Calendar wo. SgOCt€M, for 175 psi and Catendar No. 720€SSA tcr 350 psi and 500 psi. (500 psi rated vatrres not shown.) INSTAI.LATIOITI A. The BBSG can be installed in any orientation ina plping system using standard National pipe Thrcads. Wrencfr should be used to ho< on tire end of valve being threaded to pipe. pipe sealants should be used sparingly. B. The valves with internal srvitches can be easilv wlred in the tield. They wiil have two st rihftei $i,itch-l wlll havp dual leads on the terminals. This s:rutlch is lo be corurec.ted to the cupervlsory circuit of a Listed dam control panel. Srviich_i will have single feads and may be connected to arodliary equipment per direc{ion .of the local authority having jurisdlctbn. Cap any unus6d wire leads with wire nuts and tuck lnto juriAlon bor All connections shall bs revlevred: and appoved by the local authority harrlng jurisdiction. C- A 14 gage grrsn wire has been fastened to the interior of the housirq and is lo be used ae a housing ground. D. Fecommended tlpe ot wire to.be used is No. 16 Dual Rated UL 3OOV 80 C and 3OOV 10S C. E. lnsrtallation must be in compliance with NFpA 72 fiand 13, or bonded and gounded per Canadian \-4 Elec{rical Code Fart 1. F. JE.qBjSc, BBHsc (threaded-end) and BBVSC, BBHSC (grooved-end) valves are intended for use with schedule rtO and/or gO pipe, sizes 1', llt', 1tlz', 2" and 21lz,, per ANS| 836,10. INSTALLATION FOB NEW YORK CITY VALVES N.YG. special valves have a large flow indicator which points in the direction ot the valVe disc, indi_ cating open or closed. The lalrre should be install€d in a poeition where the indlcator is readity visible. ffi DESCFIPnON BB..SC1@ BB€CS02 --BBVSCT 00 BBVSGSO2 BBHSC100 BBHSCSo2 BVHSC100 BVHSCS02 Valve Less Swilch Valve Wth Switch UUFM 175psi-ThreadedEnds NyC BSA Appro\red 1"1W,1%. t,2w Vafue Less Swilch VaVe With Switch UUFM175psi-croovedEnds NyC BSA Appro/€d zye' 1" 1yr, v2.y,2w 2,2%' Valve Less Switch Vatue Wilh Swltch g5o psi - Thrsadod Ends l'JYc BsA Approrr€d Vafue Less Switch Vatue Wilh Swirch 3so psi- Groovsd Ends l'JYc BsA Approvsd {"J 2. VALVES LESS SUPERVISORY TAIIPER SWITCH ASSETIBLY BB-SCI 0o fthreaded Ends) slzes 1 ", l1!1,, lrl2", 2i, ?l2; VALVES vulTH SUPERVISORY TAIIIPER SWITCH ASSEIIBLY BBVSC| 00 (Gtooved Ends) Slze2l/2" GROOVED ENDS BBVSCS0I2 ) THREADED ENDS BB€CSO2 M-1_o fIE Dti,tEN.spr',ts UStitG Sct_tEDlJtE 4n ptpEy-T lEqryEilsbr,tstxifirtc sdl@Li|:E oi,rpeN:f M9{lrstsfa{cE oeREsse rN edtiryn-er,n Le{GrH oF SCHEDUTE .r{, ppEW IS IHE UNENCI.{ MAIG-UP I.INGTH 3. usT NO.PAAT IIATERIAL sPECtRcATtot{ 1 2 3 lndicator Sintered lron F0008P Housing Bronze ASTM 5&{ Body Bronu e ASru 5S4 4 Handle Brass 5 Disc Stain. SU.Type 304 6 Oisc Seal EPDM Eta!ilodier' 7 Switc{Housing Die CastAluminum (swfTcH POS|TION VALVE FULL OPEN) SWITCH 2: SINGLE LEADS Grcen Lead prorided is ground for s ,itch housing Swilch Rating: 10 AMp/tiS VAC .5 AMPIzB VDC cap unused leads with wire nuts and t,ck inside junction box (not provided) NorE: valws incorporating supeMsory tamper svu{tches are ior indoor,use onhr. S_Llplk€gyalw Gompany 2375 South Burell Streirt Mihraukee, Whconsin Eg2O7 : 1 SgzTdlephone4l4n4+524oFM414n+58N @ nt a* r.qn -F..r,.,t ",* SWITCH 1: DUAL LEADS LISTED FIRE A1ARM CONTROL PANEL SUPERVISORY CIRCUIT YELLOW -€ CxrrlrnO ' l-r-tz. x! tl :i@E5aa) ZwX@Xrn3 ca Rg cr4 =a MILWAUKEE VALVE fl MSffi-$F VAF'IE TYFE WATERFI-@I y t FIPEFOmstrA["[-@.s*ffi#mm Afl,ARTfi SWITCFI WITTO RETARDti t I I Stodrl{o.ltt80m 9:9.trt I{o. gg2ls8s, Ganadian par No. 1009680OthorPabrft pendlng UL ULq CSFil Usbd Nrd I{rilEA AccGDtud Servlcepnecure: Up bZSoFSl illnlmum Flou Rrb fiorAlrynu &10 GpM llodmumaurge: 18FpS Enc{orurc: Ixo.cast rpd 6nam6l nnbh Corar hekl In flace ur|fi ternper rcahhnl screns Contact Rathp; Two Es6 of SPDT (Fom C) ts_oAmpBar 16t?ffiVrc 2.0 Amps atg0 VDC Aonftlt Fntanoee Trvo knoctoub prwided for tpl conOuttUeage: Uebd plasdc!, qryIr.r-"Ig"chgtute lo mn fpe.ryf p$e ahe6 - 1,, 1 1l+.1 lE atiii--" '' Nobr fZ paddtss-gro qlnp*d,,rtr esch untt, ono rureadlotRe tkeof frqgTanU swr rti:, o,i, t, t.cfl.c, ge br f cfrt/C (conrat), on" nn-ilh"pollDt tl,fs|g and ona-br.l.fl2, trreaOea Oapanl.(gIs4oppor tnxrry flzslgrlhotmelUgp*ffictone: .. . Snlbtle lbr ffior or uHoor uee ryith ,ecbry lns,tBllodgEsld ard deoa8t houslng.. . NEllil{4JrlpSS nbderdoefr -use wl|h apprcpdatscorxtultllffirg.. Temporat rs raruo:40p Eb 12(r F (4.6" C b 4So O)Gauton: Thls dorice b not lnbrded fur applicathns in@osh,B sflvlrunmenb. Sendce Uee: Automdc Sprlnlder orn ottwo hmlly dwelho Relden[al occupancy up-to.four sbtfus . Nafional Flrc Alam Cod€ NFPA-13.NFPA-'3D NFPA-I98 NFPA.72 Opdonaft CorerTamper Sflftdl fcl Stock No. oqrml8 39-._]h" unft ;a!, atoo be *d- ;';;&ffi #fficlsbcbr on hrus EEta'|E, Tlp l|odet VSR€Fle avanetype ffibrflowBwldtlbruae on H,Hl*11gqp ryt,,*" _i", t i i;, i- rd;-#;ilff ;-TyIF ht*" to pDpeily ortenrthe <brdae brthe dtBcflon ofuEterflow. The vana must not rub tt|o InsHe of f|€ TEE or Hnd in anvt'ay. The stenr shoutd rnore fr€dy "t* "p"d;qil;i-Ths der,lao can also be usetl ln copper or ptardc ppe inehfla-ttons.wtth the.proper adanbre_ m urirt un ipeciilJ-r#;il*mrybe kutarfled on the phe run. nnBPECIIOt Afllt tEgt[fG: Ctreck the operhffon of ths udtbtr lqflry h" harpecrofs bor vatw ar m inAE if,""' -' opnnKer ||no or ilts draln and bd oonnacdon, ll an lr,rp".mf"b6t valvE h notFoytdsd. { 9"9 "q ry pnnddom hr befrng ttn ope]gton d fte ttowf!"9- d",,|lf on 0|e 8y8bm, qi,il.ad;i;h" i$i€F[not luoommondad or advlgabo The unlt contafrlB tro diqrle pob doublb ftruw sn8p Eodorlsuilches and an aqrrarEbte, irt"W6;j,il p;ilffirstad. rhe erdbrres an acilma ;ffi ; ;i##'tilfi,b*p€r mlnub ormrm Eort doilnsmam oft " Orrn, ffiflory cortrlHon muet odst br a podod A Ume nasosJuvt'otrercme thoselsoted rerd podod. ll{Sf,AllAlf0fl: Theae devhes nuybe rnannbd [r tr&on, ry y yerdcal plee. On trortonUf plp6 ftE -;h",rd- ;'#-eialbdon rhe rop sfde ot.t o pbe ;fro,E d.!r iliL rr**- . 1rf. B rm dronu nh dinsrdt"d-",,,fii" 6il;ffi, zury'WfrffiT,iffifl;*l*iffionogtp IEE S06 ru. Z br proper TEE ,fu;,yp";;hsildlauon. . $crcwfie deryloe lffi ilre IEE ffftrg ao shovrn ln Ftg. e Gql€ The toquencyof fra Inepecdon a!.1bsdng ard ttB a@chbdgr1tqp ryq!9lq sffr?m $ouffi barnffid;ffiffi"flio€p@bb NFPA Godso ardshrrd.d, "n il;,il;;luvlry funedcfion lnunutUcmner rcmm**Aiil;ffiInualinqnrll$). Ffrf Elootb Sbnal cdrpiny t 200t orafu Road, st Lo&.lrq, ogl{&,$ol ,pr,o,,r roogrooolurr,"* naeaatrm,crwoomrubnaloorn FruUE)ftTtrIA PA€E ' OFz llfi.fiEooalh. BEy Rrm.sfmqE-a,Ee 3l iz @r.slefitme HG.I ffiAdlml'enr To dungs tne, tum krob (eltrerdhlhnl hr d€Btrbd tne d;hv. tJce lho lr*dirxm amort ot duru n€cFsery b p|€usnt hbe ahnn8.AT solttg h u8ually adaqfr tur$5. hctoryadat B, hpoilrt a73r-1tl DmflKr (xF ttmnFlolt FOFStr tL!"PtpE v$ffi-sF WAfr'ETVPE WATERFLOW ALARM $WOTCEO WMFO RETARD HG.5 To nrmot9 knocftqrb: place sctefiftt,Br at o4p ol loodFouh,nothteoonb. Sssvtp'Oavtcem|toIEE frtr p'p.,u rdt r,"-o',,J;-ff##f"ffi "'," ffiffi,frffi,ilffi,ffi,$Jffi* tnpo*ant--ne*drbt|ghsffrbotbm of tl€TEEdutrlurrtlge*rgftHlshns lr(}r T s{t tRftof ol 8t sHsc FOI{IS fiYDmsfl('{ tw$trFt-ow t' t{Pr l}|RE|lt@flr Eol Ilm oa lA pa.t&Btunt'|edrfid |{,0[EhrEdl&ec|ffi4'E4c*a&feotra||eafrfLzncpmmar*aOEUIUfi.hofrtbficib amfpe are tedrdr-m r Ds rEdfi.fh.DlDpatffi mab3lnCnnnif,e-.mr B Flrqjttdad5d {0o.irfigammacaiitn.ffi.0EFdsmdba toarEly ftltbnad. crinft rll SEEi Rtfl aF ||.€IE SY Bf naaEttElt- onslF/$ rtfE .ft. @-xt n(t.ft0flmr-EyR Fe.t6fxlnE,ars HG.8 HC.4 swTIcH IEhMNAL oor{IIEgTIoNs GLAIPIi{G PTNTE TEMilNAL "t-t" orcr Fo,.{ # GAUnOit: An urilnsuffid eecflon or a srngre contftrcbr sfrou[<r not be rooped arcond ihebrmhar ardsene as tvo s'palab oonn""runJ-irr "rr" ru&-o"ffii] ferutf nmrufg qrFonhlori of te "r,*"t n in if," fl€ottratth€ wftBbecornse .lltlo{bd liom und€r the hnlnaL 'ffi*%fffi,ffi srcMls{G DEVtCf n'Hciql SeIIc|r AfiloN DCU. T',iltr Y-zg No.t t il.e llOlES!. pnrmirurnr TyptcAt iT-EcrREAt oolttrtEgnorus . cuss B (slnr B): tr{D-{F_u{E nssriin on ,<se flurE, q-osE ot{ .AUARII lt.c I',T 0!irc. t7r5-33 l'rl'r l,I Fxl fit rtr1lfl.tTlft|rf,|r,|xl. }{Ar[ 21/P' r,r^ 2711fF t{A i&r ryA 32 P&F20/F2 IFEBCO/ BACKFLOW PBEVENTION DOUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY Gharacteristics Physlcal P,o,€,fties She Max. Working Pressure Hydrostatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials Valve Body Elastomers Springs 1 t2", U4", 1", 1 -1 t4", 1-1 t2", 2" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32oF to 140oF (0'c to 60"c) Threaded ANSI 82.1 Bronze Silicone Slainless Steel Agency Compliance . ANSI/AWWA Conformance (CS10-92). ASSE Listed (Std. 101s). csA . Approved by the Foundation for Cross Conneclion Control and Hydraulic Research at the University of Southern California. lroDEL 850 (r/z'- 2"1 DoUBLE CHECK ASSEMBLY Application Non-Health Hazard Options tr talye - strainer Model 850 (1/2'- 2") Flow Gurves 1t2" 6G 1q 8roJEs a,ro =oo. a tOoJ rq a!oE o2oogls at .$roEsoEo av,o- v,6oJ]too tln" 60 20 15 10 0 15 ra (GF[0 314" 120 (GPt4) 20 15 10 5 20 15 't0 o 30 (GPM) o 30 60 90 1m 1" Installation Recommendations 180 (GFrvr) 04,ooJ !|g IDt 50 60 (GF\,) 1.ltq'^20dtg1s otroJ EA6uor0 Flowr)MODEL 8flr (rr2" - 2') Outdoor Insiallation 120 (GF{vl) Model850 (112" -21 ITEM DESCRIPTION I Body 1.2 Tailpiece 1.4 Ofiing 2 Correr 2.2 O-Ring 3 Seat 3.1 Ofiing 4 Foppet 5 Seat Disc 5.1 Disc Relainer 5.2 Rnd HD Scret / 6 Spring 7 Gutde 8 Retainer Spacer 9 Ba r6hrc (w/&p) 9.1 Ballvalve 11 Tesl Cock 21 Hs( HD Capccrelv 60 ldenlificalion Ptale 61 Drive Screvv Stick iIATERIALS Bronze Bmnze Silicone Eronze Silicone Noryl Silicon6 Nsyl Silcone Noryl Stainless Steel Stalnless $ted Nort Noryl Brozne Bronze Bronze Stiainless Steel Brass Sbinless Steel srzE 1;' lth" 1112" Dimensions andWeights U.S. - lnches (mml NET WLA B C D E Lbs. {kgs.) 10 (254.00) 1v, (38.10) 1i" (3S.10) 3Vu (79.38) 1tt (31.751 4.2 (1.s11 loth (273.05J tvr (38.10) l'h (38.10) 3rh (79.38) 11r (31.75) 4.4 (2.OO) 12\r (317.W) 11i (47.63) lfl. (41.28) 3V! (s5.73) 1r" (38.10) 6.8 (3.08) 15'[ (403.23) 3 (76.2q 2r" (63.50) 4L (107.95) 2\4 (57.15) 15.8 (7.17) '161. (415.93) 3 (76.20) 211 (63.50) 4't (107.95) 21t. (s7.15| 16.2 (7.35) 17610 (447.681 3% (88.90) 2% (63.50) 4r,1(107.9i) 21l,157.15) 21.1 (s.s7) Modef 850 1112" -2) Gheck Assembty rfiXip#pt EIEXHTffi FaEI'EHNOfrI Note: Dlmensions are nominar. Alrowances must be made for normar manuhc{uring torerances. IFEECO/ BIICKFLdY PREVENTION DOU BLE CH ECK ASSEII'BIY Characterietics Phyrcical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydrogtatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections Materials lllain Vahe Body Coating Shut OfiValves liim Elastomer Discs Spring Clamp Application Non-Health HaTard Options U.S. Patent No. 4,989,6:!5 o UUFM OS&y RVV Gate Vatueso Wye - Strainer 211{, 3, 4" , 6" tr, 10" 175 PSI (1200 KPrr) 350 Psl (2400 KPa) 3T F to 1,+0o F (0o C to 6(P C) Flanged ANSI 816.1 Class 12S Duclile ircn Grade 65-4$.12 Fusion epo<y coated internd and odernal, AWWA CS50€0 NRS resilient w€dge gate v"alves AW\,VA C509 Bronze EPDM Stainless steel AWWA606 IODEL 850 TXruBLE CHECK ASSEIBLY Agency Compliance . Apporred by the Foundation for Cross Connection Control and Hydrajlic Re8earch at the Univer8ity of Southern Calibmia. - 2rH - 8' (Horizontat & Vorricat Up) . ASSE ( Std. 1015) - z/f - s" (Holiztrrhl & verrcat Up), l{f fioriartd) . ANSyAWWA (C510{9) - 2112" - s. (Huizonbt & verlicat Up), r(l.fiorbnbD . CAN/CS/q €64.5) - 2?2" - B. {Hodarltat & Verricat Up) . cUL - 2%'- 8' (Haizoftat A \rerticat Up) . FM Approrcd- - 2/z'^ 8. (Horizontat & V€riicat Up) . UL Listed* - erli - 8" (Huizontat & Verricat Up) ' La6s gat€8 not FM apprqved. Less gatB8 not UL llsted untess Installed with ULligt8d gaie vahr66. 2%" andS' Model E50 Flow Guryes 6- Minimum Rebr to Local Codes MODEL 850 VERNGA- INSIil.rATON lq -a, ;r0I E5o 0 15 o ;10 I E5o 0 15 =ut9to o Js5o @ 0 4fiI GPM ANO GPM t' =otr 4" and S' 8" and 10" $OO GPM MASWRS T I I c 65 1035.05 817.70 320.68 254.0- 1i430- 180gs80 1063.63 650.s8 32r.o3 254.00 1.t4.30 18t34r00 1174.75 711-m 365.13 E7 20 139.70 206.38150 142.40 882.65 475.43 323.90 165.10 250.83zfxt 1651.00 1060.45 596.90 396.88 1n.So 2s2.8250 1844.68 1177.93 698.50 396.88 228.60 314.33 Model850 (U.S. - Inchos)iIET I{ET(lba) (lDe.)SIZE A H I{RIT G,&YBu{ #h 251h 1?gts 101!h 10141e l0%$rh 1?fh BIz l5Tg zTh 1ffh (tetb-till NET NET(ks) 0(s)Yi,r3*==B= S s2. 97 142 a4 35t 490 'WithNRSGabVatE Note: Dimensbns ar€ non{nat. Atcnr€nces rrusr b€ mad6 br normar manufacfudng breranoes. Materials of Construction D G 4k 41h 51h 6llz 7 9 t' 6!t 56 l0'. 7th vh m 8ls g6 11Ia 1?/s 199 2W211 2'13288 312450 4U711 773980 1080 25510 28 Yxll 111t 46zla )istributed by: Danlel L. Jerman Go. 275 Raihoad Place Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone 800.654.3793 Fax 201.487.3953 lnternational Phone 201.497.TM4 TFEBES' 90 96 131 204 323 445 rP, Dimensions andWeights SSOTopView 1 Body 4536 m 65- tri2l.l Pipoptug Gak siaol 1 .2 Bushtng (2% -4 mly) Brase2 tur A596 cR 65rl5.t22.1 ORIng EPDM ASTM DmOo2.2 Capsq€t, platgd Sleel23 H€o(Nut phtsd Sbol3 So€t RirE BsB4Anoy C$Sqt3.1 caskd EpDi, ASTM DZ0O0,l Afm B5S4 AIoy CBffio1,1 Bu*ing,€uing pin Acstat Ro6in4.2 Slhg Pin glt SS5 R€tainingctip 3@SS5.1 Retaining Clip g@SS 6 Ched(Did(Assy EFOM CosGd GR. 45 Dndb |ron ryith 7 L.6dptn t(X SSI LwsprtruRornr BOA| AfloyCS360O9 Spring Sbm g)4 SSg.l ElalthsbpJam Nut tS{ SS 10 sF.hS mt3Tloe&ti ss11 Sglng cuito Bt3O A[oy C2200012 UprsprfrERdtlr BSA4AfioyCeAm12.1 &lshingFsF_ Sf6m AcatEl R€|n'13 PtyatBss.ftE B6B5AtoyCS:'60014 Flang€ Galket RrbbdlFaMcl5 Besingsodct AcoaalResin16 Ho(JamNut iA{SS17 Vta6her 902 SS18 Flango Nur phod Sbel18-1 FhngeNut phbd S.i.6l 19 corrE A6s[Epqyoo*d24 Bolt ptatO SOet 24.1 !tfa$h6r p{efted SieolZt Boli phbd Sbdcaster EPDM ASTU DZ00O35 O.Ring EpDMASrrt O20OO35.1 Bad-tjp Ring A6tat Restn36 colrr Bss4AtovcSSOOo4l BallvahE B5S4AlbyCE44Xt41 Mpple Brsss11-1 Nipph Brass 41 .2 Mpde Brass12 Gata\&lw AttWA C50960 rd Ph B36Alb c26mo6g Drivescr€r, SS70 oanp AWWA606 (l d Only, trlot Shonn Abons} EAeftFLOW FEE!ttE't1'!6 trl