HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT 7 VAIL ROW HOUSES HUGH RESIDENCE REMODEL ADDITION LEGALV;llq"6r /rf7-V';L Ko"hrrn &e&*fi?Y g€eEltlF$Ah"f Design teview tsoand ACTION FSRM Depa{tment *f Community Developrnent 75 South Fronttsge Rcad, Vai[o Color*do 81657 f€l:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 ur€b: w{rn4r.vai[o,ov-co.m Project Namer Project Descriptionl Pafticipantsr Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: owNER BRTDGESTREETASSOCTATES 041t312006 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 APPIICANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES/JEFF ERIC04/13/2005 Phone: 949-3302 PO BOX 1624 AVON co 81620 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL HUGHES RESIDENCE DRB Numben DRB060103 DffENSION OF DRIVEWAY PAVERS AND ENCLOSURE OF BOILER FLUE Location: ROWHOUSE #7 Lot 7 Block 5 Subdivisionr VAIL ROWHOUSE 2101-082-3100-1 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SfAFFAPR Date of Approvah 0412712006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007972 Prior to construction, the applicant shall contact Scott Bluhm, Town of Vail Public Works Department, (970) 477-3418, and coordinate with the Meadow Drive streetscape constructlon. Cond: CON0007973 ''"'',', .. . Priortoconstruction,theapplicantshallobtainapprovalofa Revocablp Right-of-Way Permit from the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Cond: CON0007974 Any snowmelt heating located within the Meadow Drive rightof-way shall be on a separate zone and labeled at the control box. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Application for Design Review Genarul Informauon: nfr frects-irquffiE de$ign rerhsv mu* receiv€ rpprgvol prlor to ilbmithng a. bulldtrp p.mlt aggfmuon- please neter to tre srUmitat rcqdemsns for t'rc Fartiq,rlar approvtl $at.ls requestsd- An aPplical60n for Deslgn f{R iew cinnot be accepFd undi sI rqird infonaUon r; reGlvad W tta ComrnunV DevdsFmrnt DeE{Tffit F* pmrect may ad need to br r$darrd by the Torin Courd-an4/or $re Planning ard Eilrlloffienhl @nmisdort brlgn miri.* aDproyal tapcg| unlcl r bult.tang p€mit is i88u.d urd onsfflLton @r|rter|o.r wld n one yatof tfie apptwal. Location of dlG Pmp€t totr-]-ahck, S. srloirisonr JhlU Qt\lrdallgE physicarAddresr SleB &agE. z.Etry. bla\JE r\rblL rdaL4ELEa- ParcGl No.:(Gontact Eade co. Ast@or at 97G328-8640 for partal no.) Zoning! tlane(s) of Orner(c)I (t DtO STtbEi' ft52a ct n-T&S L.L- e Addrcss:oa 'Aug F'1/,9utE 72O Own€r(e) $lgnature(s) r N{mc of Appli@nt: HallingAddrer E-mrll TtDe ofRcvlcw and Fee: Sisns Gnceptjal R€via^l Nef, CtrBbudion Addftion Minor Alhrstin (multi-familY/mmmerclgD Minor Allidon (ringHanly/duplo0 Clunges to Apprwed trsn! Separauon Rc4nst 7--o -' DeFlrtfl ent of Co.nmnity Developmcnt 75 Sdr$r Frurnge Roa4 Vail, colrado 8169 tsl: 970.4?9.?139 fa']! 970.479'2452 I'reb: wmrr.rraflfw'com S50 Flus $1.00 Fr oquare fpot of tobl dgn arcl. No Fee f650 Fr <onsbucbon of a nerv bulldng or demo/rebuild. $(I} For u additim where square fpobg. lr added to any residential or cqffinerdtl hrlhlng (irrldes 250 addtioru & lnhnor corn'erslms)' f 250 For minot drEngns to buildin$ ard ste lmFllvrmcnE, $Jch as,' reroflng, puiri'tng, wlndow addltionE lard*aFlner fole ard retairlxrg ura[s, &- For mlmr dranges to bulldngs and sitr improvements' sucn a, rqpoltlE, gaintirq, wlndow #dltlotlt lanGcaflng, fences atd tsining wlllt' etc. $20 For revldons to Plrnt Dedgn RHiew Boartl. alrEady appruv€d by flhrlnhg 5taff or the *'lFr,7 LJ Lro*. 7)o - oc N0.uol/ r, 1lvvu l.:l/ Yl nugnes rr0pert le5^p r, l. o dor a tr o Ug tr $20 B tr 6 (ftr*5 o: - bqr3) I t/2" 9reEL TI6HT NEAVE COPPER LATTICE TO MATCH EXIST AlELACK PLATE STEEL BACKER TOP ANcHOR AND LA6 FRAME TO STONE- PREPARE gTONE A5 NECES9ARY FOR 9EALED, FLUgH ATTACHMENT TI6HT T{EAVE COP?ER LATTICE 'IO I4ATCH EXIST I\IBLA6K PLATE 5TEEL tsACKER tsOILER FLUE- AD2 qO OEOR.EE ELBOr.l- TURN TO EA9T I I/2" 5TEEL AN6LE FRAME fuLID PLATE gTEEL WTIOM LEFT LOWRE trREEN ALL LOUVRES TO VENT UPT{ARD RI6HT BOILER FLUE ENCLOSURE EXTEND FLUE EN6LO9JRE A5 FAR A5 POSSIDLE TO THE EAST A9 gHOI^IN FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMEN5IONS ISOLATE ALL COPPER FROM STEEL EAST \------7 Doucus Mrr-un DeCslrur ARcHrecrs SHEPHERD RESOURCFS INC /AIA HUGHES RESIDENCE O3O5 REVISIONS 4-3-06 WALL DETAILS ll BOILER FLUE ENCLOSURE ll ll ELEVATIONS/SECTION FRONT ELEVATION D3.9 l/*z V/ra7,frtry t /rf z, o//c { ,r*m Design Review Board \6rLQo-n *tu ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Project Name: HUGHES RESIDENCE DRB Number: DR8050335 Project Description: CHANGE TO THE APPROVED IANDSCAPE PI.AN Participantsr OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES O7ITU2AOs 30lOO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 48025 APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC OTIITIaOOS P.O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 303 GORE CREEK DR. #7 Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE Parcel Numben 2101-082-3100-1 Commentsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Actioni STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: DateofApprovalt O7lL3/2005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond; 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO Aur08;:03 03:4Zpm Fron-TOWN 0F VAIL COmi|lNlTY DEVEL0PIfi|'{I r7017S2452 Application for Design Reviernr Departnent of Community Ds/eloDment 75 Soutr Fronhge Road, Vaii, Colorado g1657 !et: 970-{79.2139 tax: 970.479.2452 web : www- ci-\ra i l.ca. us I0YriN General Information: l|rTiTb requiring design review must r€ceiv€ appro\€l prior to submifing a buitdtng permii applicadon. pl€aserefer to the submittal recuirem_e1q fgr.tne particurii "nq"*1 th€t is requested. An appJication br Design Reviewennot be accepted unti all required informauon is nfiweu by fie conmunity Devetoprnent Deparunert rheproject nay also need to be r€viewed Uy tne fown 6-inCt.ana/or the planning and EnvinonmqtEl Commission.Design review approval lapses unless a hui di;tpemrit is l6sued ana dnsu'cion com,n€rces wr-thlnofle year of the appmrral. T408 P.s15/t27 F-ges s'/oq c locationofthePrcposaf: Lot 7,-Bfock f Subditision: IZt_tt-,pdrwffzUS€ Physicaf Address: Parcef No': z/otOa^ <hc2( -(contactEagleco,AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcel no.) Zoning: Nam<s) of Owrlqr(s); Mailing Addtesst 3e -6 Owner(s) SfrSnahtrc(s): Name af Applicant: Mailing Addresst E-mailAddres: Il|pe of Reviewand Fee:tr Signs El Conceptral Review E New Constuctiontr Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/cornmerciat) tr Minor AlGration (singlFfamily/dupte,o F crranqes to Approved phns tr Separation Request 4?,u $50 Plus 91-00 persquaEfootof$tal sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2so For constuction of a new buildlrrg or demo/rebuild. For tsn addition whge sguare tuotage is added to sny re!$dEfitiat or commercial.buildtng (indudes 2S0 addibtons & inlerior conrrershns). For minor dlanEes to buildings and siE imprsvements, such as, ' rcroofrng, painting, window addiuons, laadscaping, fences and r€taininE walls, d, For minor dranges b buildlngs and a'F improrernerrts, suctl asfftroofing, palntlng, wirdory additions, landSCaping, fences and retaining uralls, etE-$20 For.reyisions to ptans already apprwed by planning Sbff or tieOesign Rqriai, Board. Na Fee Phone: u"., llQS rv, 5 r{l!:1t\l rll ,iAil Fr i- iLU/S' ,, '.IVAL ',, pp;re.- ** tfo/tr *___, SIAFF: I &)nffig;ryb,*c (z)sftp1 (*) (-s' no@ /t* Q*t &,4 a(s) 3-f'qw.frla (tzn)€lb"tr'tAtr@,) e) sftt+a F**tc ete. dA.-,*7rfr4 .4q*L4it-F tNFPtrt, +-a l2a*lzr t g ,---_.G---.a- 7.F b*/ vc t qf/+P ftx'f4t 7,' -/,t ra +n*ttcSFth,Jq frloi fr/Eg 1'le4r*# ?h+rn4^--/to" r.e .or o)*!r'*nafre iLU/ : ':ioVAL 'r"\ r - '\' . '1''-; 'tIB/o{ -SIAFFT e) t!-cp'naufr* fsdh|#z-gbqlil| *at*i /F7tue '-s'*tt* pa,,g *t@ **4n,p/ar^ ffiarfc, ftsrByo 1w H/l? ,vu6.etf+. fl,i)Q=/i^ 7-e6 l/ail.v;lqrft'a I Vaj-t-K"*no'u'[e-' IOI{NM Design Review Board lof 7, btooF-'{ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name! HUGHES RESIDENCE DRB Number: DRB050031 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Pailicipants: OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES 02i02/2005 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 4802s License: APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC 02/02/2005 Phone: P.O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 License: Project Address; 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE Parcel Number: 210108231001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= 0210712005 Conditions: Cond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C-ond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ttEal 'as as:19p1.1 r02 / 0 I/. d-u-'Jo-1+ :-v-g rfh HUGHES PROPERTIES RoD. EuEheB ltlt P.?/?02/o05 Application for Design R.evlew D€ggrtD€rt of oomrnuntly D€telopment 75 South Fromage R€C, V6il. Colrrsdo 81657 , rar: 970.479,2139 {ax 970.4791452 vrcb: wu r_vallEov.Con General Information: Al p,aj€dG requr:rhg dcslgn re6i nusl ficeiYe approval prior to submitting a bulldktg permit appliodon. Pleae |Elbr to the submlttal requirennnE for the Frb-sJhr aFDroyal frat b rcquestsd An apPficadon {o! OeElgn Rovilw anmi ba accepted un{l dl reguired infonnallon ls rEceiy€d by the Cornmunis Dar,tlopncnr DoFonftgnt The projact. rnay also n€d b be rcviesrd by fte Torvr Ceuncll gnd/or dra Planning snd EnvironrnentrJ'Cotnmblon. Doeign revirw apptov.l tapsao unlesc a building pcrmit -rc bsu.d rnd cooqtruction cOtrmenoe3 within ond yrer of rhe apProval. ''"1" ' Descrlption of the Recss.st: 'f[Je-E- -€plrr\/1E- Fr.l.-LesdF-F A4aJNE 'rl+F 4*G -A4,E|EF. Loostlon of the Prcpqsat: ta:Jet*,'5 **,"r*,- UNITI (Coned Eagle Oo. AsFsser at9l0-328&40 for parcel no.) Phone! t+64 P.o,,' Ph!,Eical Addr€3e: Parcel.Ne.: ZI t Name(s) of Owner(s): MalllngAddress:Mt' 4e Owqer(s) SignrturGG):. Narns gf ApFlicant: lfalllng Addrqsr E-rnall Addfarc: Typr ol Review tnC Fee: Slgns Coneptual Raview MwCongrud'nn ,Addltion, Mn0r Attefation (multF ernib/comrrurdal) Mnor Albration (singkl-tamlly/duFlex) ,- .,.-.,.,-'. - dnnleriat brilding (lndu@2S0 additlon8 & htetlor caftllgfons)'" -S'zS* ftr minor cfsE€ b bulldims ard eie lmProrernenb' sudl s.'-i*,1- ' remof ng, palndng, window addltlonsr landEcapi.lg, fenc6 a/d rctdnhg rmllr, eic $20 Fo- mimt clnnges ta buitdnge *rd elte imprqvennnt+ cuth a' raroofng, printing, wlndow rdditiont bn&6ing, fens and ,dr .@ining wglls, etc. ' otans6€Aptrs'€d Pl€€ CtD *frffiF_,il3i: elmedy approud bv Plennirp stsfi or thE , Separafon @ucst NoFeSeparafon @ucst v\)i H { T { ! ! ! I I i I 7I iL LANDScAPE }||r90$r ltLL ?.0:-g'.FSS -'taP-s.{9A95'LlilE'' aaat''r" tf16 9TALL l.tl PROPO5EO BOLLARDg NI N LOCATED T PAVERg F€OPO5ED a--t'Jz*-e.tln4U fz" steel Lvbe f rame oPen ^eaveco?Per taLice (match gvor drail)TOP ELEVATION Lop oF aLone veneer mall mounling Oracket aL slone r,'lall Vz" steel tvbefaeme Light weave rf) {2" steel tubelrame I i/.hl".Y.',weave co??e. laLice ( /2" aL.opg ^tth 3/4" holes) copper laLice (l zlr aps .l.ilh 3/+" holes) hinged doors FRONT ELEVATION SIDE FIELD VERIFY SIZE AND MINIMIZE TO FIT TIGHT TO METER AND PIPING STEEL AND COPPER I.,ATTICE GAS METER ENCLOSURE 33yFf: r""ii ?5'Jf :: f ?i,TnH It HUGHES RESIDENCE WALL DETAILS 0305ll 0 t-24-05llSCALE: 3/4" = l'-0"D3.9 +TIt t--lqI In urnlvT< l-nT - | T-'";l.\- Y lXinu lns_ i =rtl\ l6- I I I I I I +I IJFl-lOX < 1"9 ^l:^zd lHs A lro|.' = tfi> l"Hlmt<IF I I I I I -lTn;\Y ' (fi -Tt -lr= \J C\ ^\z>Ozr fn rnr 3',-3', rnr TN 6 ep I(\ n-- Ll- - #$$ EH$= | tft> '6lo6rF oG IT-r I rol.nlfn+2c\ I ll($E rn \m,,. l\(\/l\/1l\,'. ' q_ r[.f 80Pr TAWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www ci.vail.co.us September 23, 2003 Shepherd Resources c/o Jeffrey Manley, AIA PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Unit #7 Yail Row Houses Gross Residential Floor Area Optionsilot 7, Block 5, Vail Village Firsl Filing Mr. Manley, This letter is being senl in response to your questions regarding the development potential for Unit 7, Vail Row Houses/Lol 7, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing, As previously discussed Unit 7 is zoned High Density Multiple-Family District (HDMF). Through research of lhe Town of Vail Community Development Department files Town staff determined that Lots 7 through 15 are individual fee simple lots with development potential based upon the specific size of each lot. Any proposal for the expansion of the structure on Lot 7 must meel all requiremenls of the HDMF zone dislrict. Due to the non-conforming nature of Lot 7, an expansion to the struclure may require variances from the provisions of the Section 12-6H, High Density Multiple-Family district. The existing GRFA on site far exceeds the amounl a lot of approximately 2,674 square feet would be entitled to under the HDMF zoning. The Vail Town Code includes two provisions for expansion ol existing homes currently exceeding the maximum allowable GRFA: Sections 12-15-4,Interior Conversion and 12-'15-5, Additional Gross Residential Floor Area (250 Ordinance). The 250 Ordinance is not a guaranteed right to a propeny owner under the Town Code. A property owner must bring any non-conforming development standards of the property into conformance such as landscaping, driveway design, exterior light, exterior materials, etc. After reviewing your preliminary architectural drawings for an addition and expansion to Units 7A and 78 staff has made several determinations regarding what certain areas ol expansion will be viewed as counting towards. The question or comment staff is responding to from your fax is shown in bold below followed by staff's response. . Eligibility lor 250 Ordinance: Under existing conditions your client has the potential for two 250 Ordinance additions, pursuant to Section 12-15-5, Vail Town Code, as there are two separate dwelling units on the lot for a total of 500 square feet of additional GRFA. The current proposal depicting a new interior stairway connecting Units 7A and 78 will create a lock-off situation and therefore eliminate one dwelling unit on the lot. This design proposal would make the lot {; o"n"""o ror"r eligible for one 250 Ordinance addition. Section 12-2-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, defines a Dwelling Unit as: Any room or group of rooms in a twoJamily or multiple-family building with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an i nd eoe nde nt hou sekeepi na u nit. Proposed expansion into common entry way for Units 7A and 78 on the entry level: The proposed expansion of the entry level into "common entryway" will be deducted from the 250 Ordinance addition for Unit 7A. A similar proposal was approved on Unit 13. Proposed expansion of Unit 78 under the existing entry to Units 7A and 78: The area under the existing {ront entryway which you propose to expand in Unit 78 will be counted as interior conversion, pursuant to Section 12-15-4, Vail Town Code. Will this proposal require any variances: The current proposal will require variances if the design does not meet the minimum requirements of the HDMF zone district. Staff has determined that side setbacks variances at a minimum will be required. Variance applications are required to be reviewed by the Planning and Environmental Commission. Please see the attached submittal scheduled for application submittal deadlines and the hearing dates. How much of the adjacent units should be shown in architectural elevations drawings which will be submitted with the applicalion; Architectural elevation drawings of Units 6 and I shall be submitted with any f uture applications for Unit 7 in order to give contexl to the proposal. Can architectural features such as roof overhangs, eaves and facias, extend over the property lines: The Town of Vail currently follows the building standards set forth in the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC). The UBC does not permit townhome structures to have any portion of the structure extend across property lines. There are minimum fire separation requirements which must be met as well. In addition, any proposal would be required to rectify the existing condilions in the basement level mechanical room where there is no fire separation between Units TB and 8 to meet UBC requirements. ls it necessary lo submit an architectural model of the proposal: A model will not be initially required; however, it may be delermined through the course of review that a model is necessary to further clarify the proposal and therefore be required. Will the proposed ski and bike storage count as GRFA: Pursuant 1o Section 12-15-3, VailTown Code, the proposed enclosed ski and bike storage area will count towards the GRFA calculations. Do stairways count towards GRFA on multiple levels: Pursuant to Section 12-2, Yail Town Code, the struclure on this property does not meet the requirements of the definition of a multipleJamily dwelling. Section 12-2, Definitions, Vail Town Code, defines a multiple-family dwelling as;A building containing three (3) or more dwelling units, including townhouses, row houses, apartments, and condominium units designed for or used by three (3) or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit. As this property only contains two dwelling unils it does not meet the definition of a multiple{amily structure and therelore the stairways on multiple levels in an individual unit will be counted on each level as GRFA. . Staff does nol have a date for when the proposed GRFA changes will be adopted or in what form. lt is possible that no changes will be adopted by the Vail Town Council. Any proposal submitted prior to formal adoption of any GRFA change will be reviewed under the requirements as they exist today. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-21 48. d,s-. #"-w Planner Il Cc: File I Confirmation Report -Memory Send Page Date & T ine L ine I E-ma i I Machine lD 00r Sep-23-03 04:41pm s784T52457. T0l{l|| 0F VAIL C0l'4rUlllTY DEVELOPI,ENT Job number Date To Number ol pages Start t ime End t ime Pages sen t Status Job nunber : 429 429 Sep-23 04:39pm E994S5l2l 004 Sep-23 04:39pn Sep-23 04:4lpnr 004 ()K +++ SEND SUCCESSFUL *+* */ oF PAGES n'JI DOCfrn/@l\rT (NOlr rhrcr.rrrrn\G Co\r'te SI'E,=-t-l7t- TO.lIaF{ O' \2A.U... COfr,ln'zEIt{r:f-Y Dt'tZtI-OPhzrN'r FA>a ++% TO\ /Fir. Orr vA-r. go$'frvrtrl\rrl"Y DE ti.Er-oPL\zfEFrT T:Er-EP-foFrE.#___rzg=zg=:e.L SEECfAI- COIi/EVEE}rrS A.I5D F{OIIES: ' - ?L/1 - 51pl a:I]vm:z/: €o szvwnVFffil9/75 south Fro-otege )R.oa.d'\/ait. CO a 165797()-479-2134 F-A'->t 970-+79-2452 ' c o rvfi\lrfrl\ff-r DE-yEiLOPn4E]iIT FA>C T:RA.1\TS1ry'[ITTAI- Sffi E1T :co: FI(O D-AT:E: sEF{:r B)a O3 09!L2/2001 10:50 FAI MEENNG HINUTES @ ooe It PROJECT: PROJECT#: CONFERENCE DATE: LOCATIONT PARTICIPANTS: Hu$es Residence 0305 08-28-03 Town of Vail ofice Warren Campbell, Torryn of Vajl(WC, TOV) Allison Ochs, Town ofVail(AO, TOV) Doug DeChant, Shepherd Resources, Inc. (DD, SRI) Dean Koll, Shepherd Resources, Inc. (DK, SRf) Jefrey P Manley, Shepherd Resources, lnc, flPM, SRI) The bllowirg is our record of discussions, decisiens and understandlngs reached in rne+in6. I.O TOWNI OFVAIL PLANNERQUESTIONS | ' I Q: How is site coaerage calculated? Lot coveGge based on the entire project sib or each subdlvided lot such as unit lMB property lines, A Site coverage will be calculated using the 7fl78 propeny. Unit | | f le wu reviewed by wc and Ao as setting the president, 7p,/78 properly area is 2674.63 square feet. The residence is in a High Densiiy Multi.Farnit disfict Site coverage fordris distri:ct is 55% of fie tc,tal site arca 55% of 2674.63 = | 47 1,0 | square feet. &i:stingunkTAlTB site cwenge is 1058 squarefeet.1.2 Q: Stdus of GRFffiasemeni proposal? ls therc a draft GRFA/Basement proposal at thistime? ,\ The GRFMasement proposal is still in fie early stages. F4inutes from the meetings are availabe, br.ittheir usefulness is questionable. The GRFA will be discussed duringthe September 8 meeting, with formal informatrbn to be sent on to \hil toln Council in the near future, AO shted fiat the abolishment of GRFA may be as soon as December, or may take longer flanuary or February) due to the complexity of this isue. SRI shall monitor the sffirs, AO and Vl/C stated it may be beneficial to be in the permittirg process before the abolishment of GRFA. The bresent direction of the GRFA abolishment dkcussion is tp allow onlv a 596 increase in souare footagg. The present 250 rule (twice) may allow rnore square foot area, ADDITIONAL INFOR|.,hT|ON : t)nrt 7 N7B are cunently laryer *ran they would be allolvEd ry currcnt regulations. AO stated it would not be to our advanhte to tear down and rebuild, The cunent area would be reduced and tre setback variance process would be reguired to be done for dre entire project. The cunent design will ll il 0S/L2/20OJ 10:50 FIX 1.9 t. t0 @ oor require a setback variance to be sought for the intended bedroom poftion of unh 7MB on the south party wall at unit 6, Q: How will unit 7A square focrhge be calculated ff 78 unit has possible access with a lock-of design? ,\ unit TAwill be allcnared the additional 250 square feetand Unit zB will be alloryed the additional 250 square feet. wc will research if the stair square foohge is courrted on the lcrwer level if the lock-ofi door is at the bottom of the sbir. or if the lock-off door will be required to be a[ the top of the connecting sbir. Q: Hcrur frr east and vrest of unit 7 will need to be delineabed in elerrratrbn for the DRB subminaP ,\ The DRB does not require, but WC and AO suggested that the elerrations show unit 6 and unit I for the submittal. This will best demonstrate the interfucing of the other unib. Q: \Mll a model be required? How frr east and rvest of unit 7 will the model be required? A; No model is reqr.rircd, Q: ls there atime limitwten construction carr shrtrbke place in this neighborhood? A: WC will verifr Br* *ere is no conshuction startAake place restrictioni in this neighbo*rood. WC and AO did not beliere this propery is pad of the Eridge Sreet resfictions. Does the Tot rn of Vail hae a soils report in the files for this project. A There e(ists no soils report for tris unit or neighboring units to the knowtedge of WC and AO. No soils informdion was found skimming through unit 8 file. Q: Stain are only counted once if stacked per l2- l5-3 Definition, Calculation, and Exclusions; 2. Muhi-family structures; d. Overlapping shirways. Dlscuss other exclusions w'rth planner. A: lt was confirmed tlrat $e sbirs are only counted once if the slairs are stacking.A lnterior conwrsion square fuotage was discused. wc will research and respond to-the follcA^/ing questions: C-an the area under the mid-level sbir entering unit 78 can be counted as Interior Conversion space? Can the area taken from the Common Area of unh 7 and unit 8, on unit 7 prcpeD, be counted as interior conversion area? can fie area above the head-spare to the Gommon Area of unit 7 and unit 8 stair be counted as interior conrrersion area? Q: Gn roof overhangs and fascia extend beyond party uafls? Do roofs need to be designed to only drain front to back or within itseff wiflr roof drains?A Roof orerhangs ard gutters should be kept wisrin the part/ vnalh. projections and drainage should be included irno a setback rruriance. Ski and bike storage shall b counEd as area if enclosed. Setback rariarrce process will hke a mondr to complete and will require the approval of Unh l- 6 home owner association, unit I ovner, Vail Mountain House condo association (north-acros fre river) and tfte property owner,s associdion across the street to the soutr, II t.J 1.4 t( t,6 l.l ll t.8 ll 0g(L2/200s l0:50 FAx @ o04 | . | | WC is to research; lf the main lelrel floor struch.rre was removed and replaced wifr a thinner dimension structufe, would this be counted as part of the 50% remodel calculatio n? | . I Z A sbrnped topographic survey will be required for DRB and at Planning and Environmenral Commission f EQ submfthls. Please advise any omissions, commenE, or quastions relative to fre foregoing. IT By: JetrreyP'^'", /if//or/4 Project Manager, Sheplierd Resource{ Inc. cc All participanb Ron Hughes H ll OS/L7/200J 10:37 FAX,@ oog sHEPHERo RESOTJRCES lNc / AtA POSI oFFIcE BOx t62r AVON CoLORADO 9 t620 l't70 94t 3 302 F970 9+e 5t1 www.s R tA RC Ft tTECT. coHSeptember 15,2003 TELEPHONE MEEI]NG MI N UTES lf PROJECT; PROJECT #: MEETING DATE: LOCATION: PARTICIPANTS: Hughes fusldence 0305 9- r0-03 Telephone Y*t Campbell, Town of Vajt(V!F, TOV) Dean Koll, Shepherd Resources, lnc. (DK jRD The folloruing is our record of discussions, decisions and understandings reached in *re referenced telephonecorvers;:ation, t.0 Pl-ANtNtNGQUESTION5 | ' I WC statEd that common area dthe errty between unt9 #7 and #8 thai is being conrrertedinto floor area wi*rin unit #7 will liket be counted as GRFA, rather than 'interiori:onversion, area. tl r.z t? t.4 wc stated fiat lower lerrel cradspace area being converH ;nto lower level bedroom floor :r.'!:T"b tl're existing entry stair, will likely be courrted as 'inbriorconver,sion,area, rafrer than GRFA. Fl*iy"t" sire coverage percentage, WC shted that unit #7 will be evaluated by isetf, as a sin$e lot, W! statSO that even though the unit is in a zero-lqt-line rowhouse setting, single family sidey"d.t"tEt" will likely be reguired, wtrich means that horizontal expansiin of-unit #7 may require a side-yard setback rrariance. Regarding an interior lock-off arrangement, WC advised that the .planning sta6 is still somewhat concemed that the unit will be used as one, rather than two, and therefJre uncomforhble wifr apprwing two, 250 square foot additions. (Please note that it is our client's clear intention to rent tre lovrrer lwel, or portions I Ihereof, as a separatE unit. The lower unh will be configured with an otrbide unty, in I r addition to the interior lock-of to accommodate this intent.) Regarding roof overhangs across pa.iy wdlh, WC advised that shff could not yer find consensus on *ris issue, giwn that lots #7 through # 14 areindMdual lots. t.5 0SlL7/2001 10:S7 FAX @ oo+ 1.7 DK noted a concem that unit #7 is currently nonconforming relative to cunent GRFA requiremenb, and therefore posibly not subject to having the two additional 250 square fioot additions, DK asked WC to clarfi this point WC advised trat he would respond back to DK on this issue- Please advise any comments, questions or omisions relative to the foregoing. Byr Dean M. l(oll, AIA Vice President, Managing Architeci cc: participanE Ron Hughes IT ll ll 0S/L7/2001 10:37 FAX @ oos SHEPHERD RESOIJi.CES INC / AIA FOSl OFFTCE gOX l6l+ AVO N CCr LO RADO B l6t0 1970 94.9 3t0tr F970 ?+9 5 r2 | www, 5 RtARc H tTECT. C o 11SepEmber 15,2003 TELEPHONE I-,IEETING MI NUTES ll PROJECT: Hughes Residence, Vail Rorahouse #7 PROJECT #: 030s MEETING DATE: 9-10-03LOCATION: Teleohone PARTICIPAi{TS: Warren Campbell, Town of Vail(WP, TO\4 Dean Koll, Shepherd Resources, Inc. (DK, SRl) The following is qrr record of discussions, decisions and understandings reached in the referenced telephone com€rstion. | '0 WC called DK back to advise that by TOV planning slaff interpnebtion, unit #7 will be entitled to two, 250 square foot additions, regardless thd unit #7 is a nonconforming property, Please advise any commenE, questions or omissions relative to the foregoing. By' Dean M. Koll, AIA Vrce President, lYanaging Architect cc: participanE Ron Hughes ll il 09/L7/2003 L0:37 September 16,2003 B ooz SHEPHERD ftESOURCES INC i AIA POST OFFTCE BOX t624 AVO N COLORAD O g tszo Te70 949 3302 Ft70 94e 5tzl WWW.S RIARCH ITEC'1', C OH It Warren Carnpbell Town ofVail Planner 75 South Fronbge Road Vail CO I1657 RE: VAIL ROWHOUSE, UNIT #7, RON HUGHES RESIDENCE, PROJECT #0305 Dear Warren, Please refer to fre atached leleph.on5 Hgeting Mlnutes for zoning-related items we hare discussed regardingthe rebrenced projea' We have dnfted thesiminutes to confrm our recent conversations and yourinterPretations of rarious zoning issues. .We would appreciate if,you could please rwiew ana conft.711 in -rttingthese minutes and/or advise any remaining errors or conflicts, Ciu*n *'e pJming cianges to TOv zoningrequiremenB, we would appreciate having these interpretations confirmed so that we and our client canproceed upon a reliable course of action. Two primary issues for us to be confirmed are the following, but please, also review and confirm that attachedminutes, I You have advised that our unit #7 will be entitled to two, 250 square foot allowances if our cliernremodels under the current TOV zoning otdinances, even though the unh is nonconforming, t *y]l|-o.|lifl|.|: -refvto submitthis projeafor a building permit priorroJanuary or February,zuu4' whjch could be afterthe zoning ordinances are revised. But in order io begin'construaion 6yAPril' 2004, we must Precede at ilris time with a known set of ordinances, We and our client wouldlike confirmation that we can proceed and complete our DRB as well as permitting effor6 underrhecunent rcguitements, so that we will not be subjected to redirection mij-way through our effcrg. Thanls very much for your assisbnce in clarifring *rese issues. Please call with any commen6 or questions. ll Wth Best Regards,D^^l,K$p Dean M. l(oll, AlA, Vce President, tlanaging Architect cc: Ron Hughes ll I ?"ru,r'[19 CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Receipt funds to:Name: 'Be* Legal Description: Lot '7 Subdivision: Address: Developer: Proiect Number: ,Block;l_ Mailing Address: ,dcne) lmprovement Completion Date: 7*ly /, Zfrf DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT into this J-L\., ot {t bru *, V ,20p-LTHIS AG ENT,and by and amo (the "Developer"), andr the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS. the De a condition of ?pprov-al of the Tempo Occu ncy for U-+ (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to en into a Develooer lm Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of ihe Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in t6e amount e1 g b. &' ilE,5D as collateral for thecomp|etionofa||improvements@ment,iniheeventthereisa default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to pefform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to cpmplete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the _ day of , 20L\5. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of ,Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format 112002.doc Paqe 1 of 5 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of$1",(olA,r'o as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of securitv or collateral acceDtable to the Town to ouarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement aiO the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agenls or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or olher expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 'l of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy refened to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Aqreement. Flcdev\FORN4S\DlA\DlA cash format 112002.doc Paae 2 of 5 lf the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the properly and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two vears after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Flcdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format 112002.doc Paoe 3 of 5 Dated the day and yearfirst above STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this Day of 20 by Witness mv hand and official seal. My commission expires Notary Public STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE Town Planner ) )ss. ) .: Tlle foregoing Deyeloper lmprovement Agreement was acknoryl,edged before me this9 I dav it -wh ru is ^, . zo65 uv ba u ^tn FYt-"-t oho ^ Witness my hand and official seal. tt My commissio n "^p,r"", I (l f f ?oo Y Flcde\AFORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_112002.doc Page 4 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLOMDO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing _Day of Developer Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 20_ by Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires Notary Public STATE OF COLOMDO ) )ss.COUNTYOFEAGLE ) tn:-ti'""n"1ir?og""f 1",ri,TrovementAsrTemelffi i?fl "H'or:i:.:t*methis,)'t Day of Vob.-w ,ZOUby t-u',il'rG'-- rt+ 4,bfc't- Witness my hand and oflicial seal. My commission expires: Town Planner F:\cdev\FORMS\DlA\DlA cash format_1 1 2002.doc Page 4 of 5 PAGE 821,2:39 9i4524638t February 10, 2005 Beck Building Company Mr. Bryan Brubaker, Sr. Project Manager PO Box 4030 Vail, CO 81658 REr Hughes Residence Landscaping' Vall Dear Bryan: ,As you know, we have completed a portion of the landscaping work at the Hughes Residence in Vaii. The remaining work, to be completed in the spring of 2005, is summarized below. ITEM CONTRACT COMPLETED REMAINING Landscaping $8,000 s4,437 $900 $3,658 Added trees $2,540 $10.540 $5,332 If you have any firrther questions or comments, feel frec to contact me 8t 970-3'16-7499 ' We look forward to completing this project this spring. Regalds, M4L- Patrick Him, Manager Landscaping by Ground Control, lnc. $5,298 Ph:97O-524-6300 . Fx:970-524-6303 . PO.Box 8309 . Avon,Colorado 81620 Wn/q4ryr lof ?, Of oclc 5 Design Review Board vuLtroul46u'8e ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452' web:www.ci.vail.co.us HUGHES RESIDENCE CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS totr 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE 210108231001 DRB Number: DR8040556 LocaUon: UNIT 7 Project Name: Project Description: Patticipants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: C,omments: OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCTATES t012212004 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI48025 48025 License: APPLICANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC L0l22l2OO4 Phonei P.O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 License: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval= lol27l20o4 Cond: I (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OoPlanner: OCT ?L '94 A3:A8PM HUGHES PROPERTIES, LO/21/Zoo4 lil : u7 r lrr Locatien of the PFopoeel: Lotl-? ^Bl&: 5 FhvsicalAodreser -"-''9 qutt^F a{'€tv- HluF UNtl ?_ - Name(s)orowner(s): -,P.+U++ il'l ll,,L pa:ucl No.: Zf o [aB d.j laa \ (ContastEagteCo.AseeEeorat 97O..?28.86lOrorparcel no.) MalllnEAddm$: Own*(s) Signature(s): None of Appllcant: Typo af Revlew and Fer;. SigrE. Concepqral Review . lrlsworlstn.ction. Additbn . Minor Atoration (mdd+fi rily/conm€rdal) . Minor Allcrdlon (Eingle-hmry/dupbx) 6 a,prrs*:rApprcA€dFhnr . Sepataton ReCrst -' Ro! f,u8he6 wk P,?/?L Application for Design Revie DeFattnent of Cammvnity Oet/eloprn€nt 75 Soutfi Fl!ftEge REd, Vall, Colqredo 8165/ t l: 970.479.2139 Ext g70,17s2462 !Ycb: trwvr,vallgo\r-@m General I nformstion: AII gojecl8 lEquhhg design r€vi.rrn must 1€€lr€ apFr$al 9.ior to eubfirltting a building F€frfiit apPli6tion. fl$lt€ refir til ttre sumt6l rcqutrErranC for the'perfnlbi appovat that b lequ6iod. Ar applicntian for Dsbn Revlerv camd be iEctpH until rll requirrd Infornation tB rFturC by the Corrmunlty gsvdoilmnt DePrnmcfiL ThE pTojcct mey 6bo neod tl' be rrvicu|cd by the To,rm Coundl ard/or tlrc Pbnning lM Efwi/onmcflill cornmi€olorl' Doilgn rwltw apprwsl hp-3c unlr*r r bulldtng Fafinit b t .u6d Ind cor|rtruollon eot'|m.ne.a uithan . 91e year of the appfoval. nncmtvsffi TCIV-COtul.DEV. FAFr,l+ 'eel.4 $50 Pluq $.m perequac foot df tohl8l0n 51Ea' NoFoe I. $55O For con*u<rion of a nar bdlding s derno/rebuild- $300 For an eddhm wh€r€ 6{uaE boFoc b added io rny t€sid6nlic of wrrmsrcbJ brliltfing (lndudc 259 rddltlons & tnt€rhr mnverdom)' 5250 for minor changc* b bnriHirg* end siF imprwEnenE sudr s. 'naruofing, paftEhg. wlilltltv eddtixF, bndsPtng, fttE and rshinlE ljgalls, elc.52o For mlnor Crange€ !o bdldingc €nd stte impro\,€npntE, €udr t$' 'srosnng, peln$ng, whdow additicnt, bntkEFir€. fete and feElnlrrg wslb, Clc.S20 For revbbns to pteru eltErdy apptorgd by Plsnning sltaff or lho Ddgn R€vlew Eoad. No F€e ucrfng oste: l/r | 7'o F - DFB nffilsi --, DoUGLAS MILLER DECHANI ARCHITECTS SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST Of f tCt BOX t624 AVO N COLORADO B 620 1970 949 3302 F970 949 5 2 W W W.5 R IA R C I ]T E C T. C O I"1October 2l, 2004 Bill Gibson Community Development Town of Vail Vail, CO HUGHES RESTDENCE, PROJECT #030s 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE, UNIT #7 CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS Dear Bill, The following changes are proposed Changes to Approved Plans. Refer to the attached drawings and site photos. t,l The (2) existing 6"+/- caliper aspen trees at the southwest corner ofthe property are proposed to be replaced by (4) new 4"-5" caliper aspen trees. The new trees are to have a clump of 2 trees together and two single trees. These trees are to be 20'-25' tall and be as full as possible. These trees are available and the owner would like these trees installed this year if possible. The existing trees contain a lot of dead limbs and are looking bare and not full, I have included recent photos of the existing trees and from the summer of 2003. An 8' tall white fur is oroposed for the northwest landscaoe area. The owner would like to install this tree to screen the existing spiral stair of unh 6. This tree shall be selected for it's fullness and shall be pruned regularly. This tree is available for installation and the owner would like to installed this year if oossible We respectfully request the Board to review these proposed changes to the project. lf you have any questions, feel free to call me at 970-949-3302. Jeffrey P Manley, AIA Project Architect, Shepherd Resources, lnc. Cc: Ron Hughes ll RE: t.2 ll il Page I qtrl !.1 |rO .t/ z { KN PRoPoalruq A+ :"o+h w>f L+{t D€cFf z ffi>*+l* yr',,ld"o\ 3f Jot \ (Suwy. :,h*bs) *e To ?eilHl k?-l.i'c,..l?(Z) Eyr *T1Nt ,F67.n qnd W44E- AllTtl ff) {-+" r*r, A5FNJ5. fREvroosul At6oy66 FRON :- David Eeadle - Landscape Arch FRX NO. :Oct, 18 2AA4 Agiz4en P1 IIAC SIMILE TRANSMITTAL '| Oi PROMr David tseadlcJcffManley COMI,ANYI Shepherd Resources D.{'I'E: 10/18t04 FAX NUMBER: 949-5121 I,ROJECTI Hushes Residence PHONE NUMBER: 949-3302 PRO'ECT NUMBER: 04218.00 Revised Landscaue MTAI, NO. OF PAGES TNCLUDING COVER:) E uncENr E Eon ruvrnw D pln/l.su CoMMDNT I pLpnsp npply E sl.r.esr: REcycLE NO'I'ES/COMMEN'I'S: Jcff The attaohed plan shows the revisions to fhe lundscape plan for the Hughes Residence riverside patio. Per our discussion at the site, we are revising the plan to increase the privacy betwe€n the sire and rhe adjacent patio to the imrnediate west. What I tecommend is the installation of a $ltal eee White Fir (Abies Concolor). (Noted as PP on the plan)" 1 . This type oftree is appropriate for the shady and moist conditions ofthe site. The visual characrerisrics ofrhc trec 1 fdll should be approved prior to planting the tree, so the Landscape Contractor should provide pictures. We shou]d 't \ physically locate the (ree at the site prior to planling so it screens the spiral staircase of the adjacent unit. The tree \r \ will provide the privacy desired, but will require an occasional pruning. I also recommend increasing the quantity of the 3'4' tall shrub (Nannyberry Viburnum/Viburnum lafltana) and that these shnrbs be upsiz.ed frorn .5 Ballon to 3'-4' B&B Clump. With regard to the aspen in the frontyard. The Landscape Contractor should provide pictures of proposed trees tbr approval prior to planting. Please call with any questions. Dave Beadle I.andscapc Architcct Landscrrpe Architectul'e - Sitc Planning 5543 Bitrerbush Way, Lovel*nd, CO S053? Phoue (9?0) 663-417Q I Fax (9'10) 663-5229 Email: drbeadle @ qwe st. n€ t Yqo Fe? Fhp+- .F-.AowWr ?bo3 ilii.r,, ,.{f #.*{ i.I t\.7 a.'; flrr"l S"^ tnrruqcr of, zE> , ,i':l ''{ -'( . r t(, ... 'i- l-:.*.4 :,'i ,r-, l: FR0l"l :, David Beadle - Lanclsc-epe Arch FFX NO. :IE 2AA4 A?:ABRF1 iI I w'?.""1- hJ+tt - F --a -- -l a.caooL) Fnlp \{ l.?, I --,\- ltlL ?a1ro -\ =5;=--...---:=+- W)ro^ J,tailc, Fett BgfuLV, ?89- \ pyrernrrei Pzap*t- "Yi* .$t,,V" \:€fgfeN\u!.tt|", rdJ natr.,c 1{4>b I '---tvenareey\ aroatvcaoert \l A5 Ffa4Tt c,\,r ,*.+'re_ ttqdr nc,Qng<--rrtr * +:. -t wErr uM6s. ' t\l r I \rr\fur)rq^ --' \ \ fRor-':eiF. e\ldL6?+'f4r r/ il ,r _,1- "- ___- ll# ,*Xffiftp^-i:' ( n"ri''' " i;" 1 ..''7- a'*t :'il'' l,r,J'\f\f \ot;:trs '-7A> ' i -- - - -tt -,I *31; gmt A/ \ vL^ ------------------'-; %r\ I | ,-r f /,,\ 4va;aYe) Yafio Qra I I I f-g 'iJJ t- lt' l. g- t r-l ir t5 **a{ * *** ******* +******t< ***i( **:t************** !N*******r,r'rx:pr.x *r:Frrr:r+*,F,r<,t *****,*:*:r,r,rrr+i('t.a{.*r.****:t * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtCMCNt*******'**:l'******!t**r<,t<****:rt*****:******************'***:r.********!t<**,t **:t *x{<'t<****i<i<************** Statement Number: R04000G952 Amount: 920.00 LO/22/2OO4O9:50 AM Pa!'ment Method: Cash Init : ,fS Notation: $/SHEPHERD RESOURCES Permit No: DR8040556 Type: DRB-Chg to Appr plans Parcel- No: 2l_ 010 g2 310 01 Site Address: 303 GoRE CREEK DR VAIL tocation: 303 GORE CREEK DR Total Fee6: 520.00 Thj-s Payment: 920.00 ToEal AJ.[ pmts: 920.00 Balance: $0.00**** * *****+'1.*:********,f ******'t **********rN('i.'t t * * ** * * * * * {. * *:f * * *:t* * *,} * * * * * * '} * * '1. * '} * * * * * * * * * r< r< * r< r.,r< * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Accounl Code Descr^iption Cunrent prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEIi FIES 20.00 DEPARTMENT oF coMMuNrr?oru"roPM EN'r'TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTACEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Valuation: $712,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricled: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 90.00 Tolal Calculalcd Fccs-> $?,000.24 So. oo Additional l-ees-----> Investigation-> Will Call---> 50.00 RecreationF@----*--> $3 - 00 Clean-up Deposit-------> S0. 00 Total Permit Fee-----> $7, 000 . 24 s0 - 00 Payments----------------> $7, 000 . 24 50.00TOTA!FEES------------> g?,000.24 BALANCED[JE--------> ,t****,t******t*rs,t*t,trr,*,1:*:!+*:|+*+:r,**+)t:t+,t+:t+****,N******+****+*** Approvals:It.em: 05100 BUIITDING DEPAR?MEA]:I o4/02/20O4,JRII Action: AP Item: 05400 PIJANN]NG DEPARTMET\I| O4/L3/2OO4 bgibson Action: Ap AccuraLe site plan aubmj.tted 4/L3/04 ftem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMr Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS tla-^\ O,t\oOt 3\oc-t-s. ? \).-,.-^-\ R.t ohot*-a* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES -+ I ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 804-0030 Job Address.: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE, UNIT#7 Applied...: 0312312004 Parcel No....: 210108231001 Issued ...: 04115/2004 hojectNo...: -tr31-O5 1-11\3 Expires...: l0/t212004 o9tNER BRTDGE STREET ASSOCIATES 03/23/2004 phone: 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGIIAM FARMS, MI 48025 License: COIfTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, rNC 03/23/2004 phone: 970-949-j-800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License: 117 -A APPLICANT BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC 03/23/2004 phone: 970-949-1gOO P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81558 License: 117-A Desciption: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTING TINIT Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Conshuction: V B Type Occupancy: ?? Building----> g4 ,240 .'15 Restuaranl Plan Review--> Pf an Check--> g2 ,'156 . 49 DRB Fee----------->$0.00 O o..rorl: coND Approved p"nuiQ04/os/2oo4 Ls staging plan meeting on April G, 04 No other issues to building permit are of concern. 04/L2/2o0a Ls Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAI,L BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER R CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEtr PAGE 2 *t{< {' * '} +*'r****** * *:t*******:F* *. * *** *+*+**+,}******* * ** ********:t **************rt *{' * {r {. * * * * * * * * * {. * * *< *,r.********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0030 as of 04-15-2004 Status: ISSUED *** '$ * * *t ,r+*+**+4( * '1.********** * * **,$ *,{.*****rr** *:F*** ++:t ******** *************+ ,t.,k +,t * *,k +,k + rt * *,r + *,k * rr+ d.**>F******* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 0312312004 Applicant BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: 041t512004970-949-1800 To Exoire: 1011212004 Job Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE, LINIT #7 Parcel No: 210108231001 Description: INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR REMODEL OF EXISTING UNIT Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL, Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF TI{E 1997 TIBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. **** ********:t* x:F + * * * * * *:1. * * +* '! * * * * * * * * * *****+,*'t {.*** *********:t*{.*,}******+*!*r.*r.r.**+*1.r.**:},1.,}{.* ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statementx**** i.**** ++** ******+** ****{.,t **** *****il ****:t{.,t * + + 'N. * *,t + * * * * * + + * * + + * * * * + * * *. * * * * **+*:} *+*:r*:t +*** Statement Nrudber: R04000552d Amount: 92,000.24 04/L5/200402:3G pM Pa)zment Method: Check Init: DDG Notationr Beck Buildinq Co.7786 Permit No: 804-0030 Type: ADD/ALT MF BUIITD PERMIT ParceL No: 2101-08231001 Site Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIIr Location: 303 GORE CREEK DRTVE, iINIT #7 Total Fees t $1 ,000.24This Payment: $7,000.24 Total ALL Pmts: $7,000.24 Balarce: $0.00+***** * 'l *+******:t+* {. * * + * +.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,1. * * * * * * * * ***** *****.**** ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PTRMIT FIES 4,240.75 PF 00i00003112300 PLAN CHE(]K FEES 2,756.49 t^/C 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 3.00 Mii< 2 3 ;;;;, o^-''iF"'- - ^dP'IApplrcAroN t I* nSp+ hv"ESrro,r,*.#r=rE oR r.& mwvwuAnw Buildi Permit#: 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials ****i****r4trr***ri**********'li*****r****FoR oFFlcE USE O N Ly****************************!r*!i*rt** Project #:o3.o *3 tl BUILDING:$ [{0, 000 ELECTRTCAL: $ /6,000 OTHER:$ MECHANICAL:$rorAl: $ 7/ 2., O1d . For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit WorkClass: New( ) Addition() Remodet ftJ Repair() Demo() Other() Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both kt Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No Ad No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs (Y Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED \Wail\data\cdev\FORMS\PE RMITS\BLDGPER M. DOC /y,c-',tP 07 D6r2002 tl rulm,m Project Name: Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Depaftment of Community Development Project Address: A tr "k'A' a { This Checklist must be completed before a Building Permit aopliation is acepted. { Ail pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulderc without written aooroval F- Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring ;fl Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) { fl floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) d' Window and door schedule { fU structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) / Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All C-ommercial and Multi Family) * Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection opqe.j 1a1\ .\ Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated ,\ Smoke detectors shown on plans p/ Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: \Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PE RM ITS\BLDGP ERM. DOC Received By: 04tg2n003 I BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment reviewr and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve, Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if i fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: F :everyone/forms/bldperm3 /tr$n-Ai.--}{r/ TowiiIALW HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Comm unity Development Departrnent Russell Forrest, Director, (970) 47s.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparffnent(s) did you contact? Building _ Environmental _ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Was your inilial contact wiih our staff immediate siow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wail how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of fte staff person who assisted you: 54X21Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness ofthe FrontServiceCounter. 5 4 3 Z 1 8. What is the best time of day for you to use he Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexitime? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are commited io improving our seMce. WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE REAB AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUEST]ONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": NOE performed rgJpire the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or YES t/ NO_ YES I/NO YES I./ No Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NOE Is any drainage work bgjng done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public propefty? YES_ No l- Is a'tRevocable Right-of-Way Permit" required?YES "ti[rlffrents or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public WorG? YES NO If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2tg9. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE OUESTIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: Is this a new residence? Does demolition work being public property? Is any utility work needed? Is the driveway being repaved? YES D NO Is the Right YES ontractor Sionature Company Name F :/everyone/forms/bldperm4 DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items belowl o The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department, Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department will be approving all flnal drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: 'nta lJrl(n Print Name F:/everyone/forms/bldperm6 ?umtr0r Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBTIC WAYS PRoHIBTTED u Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or depositr or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. n Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. n Summons and Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. tr Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 5 (1979). CODES 7-3A-1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED tr No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 1) u Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any poftion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Alticle, or left unattended for a period of hventy four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar ($10) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will cornply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F:/everyone/fomrs,bldpermT Mar-zz-u4 ll:15sn From-TollN 0F vAlL 00MMUNITY DEVEL0Pli4Ei\lT s7047s2452 T-595 p.002/g02 F-?33oa ,,*W Design Review Board ACTTON FORM Depanment of Community Development 75 South FrontEge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97Q.179.2L39 fax.- 97O.479.2457 web: www.ci.vail.co^us Project Name: HUGHES ADDffiON DRB Number: DR8040056 Project Description: REMODEUADDMON (250 ADDMON AND INTERIOR CONVERSION) Participants; OWNER BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES OZ/25/ZaA4 phone-, 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 - 48025 License: APPLICANT SHEPHERDRESOURCTSINC OZ|ZS|ZO}4 phone: P,O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81520 License: Project Addrcss: 303 mRE CREEK DR VAIL Location: ROWHOUSE #7 Legal Description: Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE Parcel Number: 210108231001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoLion By: PROPER Action: APPROVED Second By! WELE Votq 4{ Dateof Approvalt O3/1712004 Conditions: LONO: U (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriften consent of Town of Vail *aff and/or the appropriate review committe{s). Cond: o (PLqN): DR.B approval does not constitute a permit for buildinq. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constructioo activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this pmject shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construclion is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Plarrneri Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid; $30O.OO ..{ .-. tTtl\n'ttt ' f":l ''" t*t;'"-,.' i'"' a r i rrii i:t"'lw'q lnter-lUountrln f.ngincerlng na' August 25, 1981 Mike Wineman Construction Box 1482 vail, colora*6 e1658 Re? Parks Residence condominium remodeling 303 East Gore Creek Drive unit 6 Dear Sir: As requested, a soils inspection was made on August 25t 1981' at the subject Project' Baseal on this visual inspection' the sandy and cobbled soils exposed in the excavation -nliil-u" tlparre of supporting 2000 psf' The foundation steel placement and foundation forrning was also inspected. It vtas tot:rta tf'ut three No' 5 reinforcing bars were set and the forms were uuirt-t"t " io" bv 18" footing' . Th:" ::::::: tnt requrre- ments on the prans i*r'rrri.a "t Ln" job site, which reguired three 'io' 4 bars and a B" bY 16" footing If we can be of further assistance' pleaee do not hesitate to call' SincereIY r '' ''':l'' ; .. Zzz*tA -': '--->-/ i'- c. qfhomas Allen Field Engineer Reviewed & APProved BY: GTA:cjn. BOX c-100 AVON, CO 81620 g4g-307 2t DENVEFT 893'1 53 1 toq' .1420 VANCE STREET LAKEWOOD, CO S0215 232-0158 s$lrt'#,'f-*{.?' *ii 17373 f;i.,tii rzszs f;i',l H^to'^'*,rS"-{ i";':Ytbiis SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX 624 AVON COLORADO 8 620 r9t 0 949 3302 F970 949 5 t7l WWW.5R ARCHIILC COIlMarch 22, 2004 Town of Vail Building Department c/o Charlie Davis Vail, Co IT ffi.f,'l,',,lffiry'hPV -t.f RE:HUGHES RESIDENCE VAIL ROW HOUSE #7 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 0305 ROOF INSULATION and CONDENSAIION POINT CALCULATIONS Dear Charlie, The following calculations are for the super-insulated roof assemblies at the Hughes Residence. R-Value for building components are published in the Ashrae Handbook. R-Value for polyiso. can be found using the long term thermal rating calculator at pima.org Determining dew point or condensation point requires the use of a cyclometric char1. For the purpose of this assembly the following parameters were assumed: Location: Vail Colorado Elevation: I150 Outside winter temperature: I 0 degrees Inside temperature: 72 degrees Relative humidifi inside the house: 257o (max limiter should be put on humidifier) Calculated the Average Due point temperature of 34,3 degrees The goal of a non-vented roof system or super-insulated roof system is to have a R-Value of higher than R49 (per Town of Vail) and to locate the dew point not within the batt insulation. tl IT Model:llOUTSIDE 10 degrees Polviso ROOF STRUCTURE 72 degrees and 25o/o humidity INSIDE Roof assemblv #1 , TYPICAL: Air film in winter Cedar shake roofing system lce and water shield %" plywood sheathing 3" polyiso. Insulation 5/8" plywood roof sheathing 2" air space 10" batt insulation vapor retarder 5/8" gypsum wall board Total R-Value for assembly R=0.17 R=0.94 R=0.00 R=0.62 R=18.50 R=0.82 R=1.00 R=30.00 R=0.00 R=0.56 R=52.61 TEI'1P AT POINT A=indoor temp - (r-value from point A to inside / r-value of total roof assembly X indoor temp - outdoor temp) For the below formula Point 'A ' shall be located on the underside of the 578" plywood roof sheathing. TEI'IP AT POINT A-72 degrees - (3 | .56 r-value /52.6 | total r-value X 72 degrees - l0 degrees) TEI*1P AT POINT A-72 degrees - (37,19 degrees) TEIYP AT POINT A:34.8I TEMP AT POINT A=34. l8 is at, or almost at, the Calculated the Average Due point temperature of 34.3 degrees. This would demonstrates that the dew point or condensation point occurs above and not within the batt insulation or ioist space cavity. The point A temp should be equal to or greater than the dew point temp. Increasing the batt insulation and eliminating the air space would move the condensation point to within the joist space and batt insulation, creating an undesirable condition. ll IT ITRoof assembly #2, at northwest corner onlv Air film in winter R=0.17 Gravel Ballasted built-up roofing R=0.34 lce and water shield T," plywood sheathing 3" polyiso. Insulation 5/8' plywood roof sheathing 10" batt insulation vapor retarder 5/8'gypsum wall board Total R-Value for assemblv R=0.00 R=0.62 R='18.50 R=0.82 R=30.00 R=0.00 R=0.56 R=51 .01 TEMP AT POINT A=indoor temp - (r-value from point A to inside / r-value of total roof assembly X indoor temp - outdoor temp) For the below formula Point 'A ' shall be located on the underside of the 5/8" plywood roof sheathing. TEMP AT POINT A:72 degrees (30.56 r-value / 5 | .0 | total r-value X 72 degrees - l0 degrees) TEMP AT POINT A:72 degrees - (37.14 degrees) TEMP AT POINT A:34.86 TEIYP AT POINT 4:34.85 is greater than the Calculated the Average Due point temperature of 34.3 degrees. This would demonstrates that the dew point or condensation point occurs above and not within the batt insulation or ioist space cavity. The point A temp should be equal to or greater than the dew po;nt temp. This information is fiom conversations with: Linda f4cGowan (construction detail consultant at Wiss, Janney, Elstner Assoc, lnc.) WJE (l//iss, Janney, Elstner Assoc, Inc.) l0BB I W. Asbury Ave. Suite I l0 Lakewood, CO 80227 (770)962-8688 lmcgowan@wje.com With Best Regards, /,wa, Project Architect Shepherd Resources, lnc. ll II cc: Bryan Brubaker, Beck Building Company r-tdr- uD ut ub: t Ja P-2 A & D Asbestos{esril?"X*Consuuing ****tk****{<* P.O. Box 1230 Clifton, CO. 81520_1230 Cell 97O-270-3689 Home phone 970_464-5265 INSPECTION REPORT PREPARED FOR: To: Shepard Resources Inc./A.I.A. PO Box 1624 T*wn *t Vail Avon' co 81620 0FFfrffitr ffi0PY LOCATION: Residence 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit # 7 Vail, CO. REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Peterman Inspector Manager Certificate No. 660J G,r{=rs3r Lro: -L J.l P.3 A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asbestos Testing, Project Design, and Consulting INTRODUCTION: on March 2,2004, an inspection/survey was conducted and 7 bulk samples were collected from the: Residence 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit #'1 Vail, CO. 81657 The purpose of the inspection/survey was to locate and sample suspected asbestos containing materials that might be present in thi Builaing that is planned for renovation. The inspection was made, and the sampres were collected by John R. Peterman, an A.H.E.R.A. and state of colorado certified Asbesros Inspector. Great care was taken during the inspection and sampling to be as accurate as possible. It should be noted that minimal damage was done to the existing building structures during the inspection so theie is no documentation for unseen conditions or stored items. All samples were analyzed by DCM science Lab in wheatridge, co. This laboratory is deemed "proficienf in the E.p.A.euality Assuran;e (eA) program for the determination of asbestos in bulk materiali, and is accredited by the American Hygiene Associarion (AHA). A random sampling scheme was used to sample the suspect materials that were discovered. If during any future dernolition or renovation work. suspect material is discovered that hasn't been sampled and would be disturbed, work should be halted until the material has been tested. 3 |. ct: _L-id A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting John R. Peterman Asb e s t o sT e stin g, P roj e ct D e s ign, and C o nsult in g Residence 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit # 7 Vail, CO. 81657 RENOVATION AREA DES CRTPTION: The Residence at 303 Gore Creek Drive, Unit #7 is planned for renovation. This report covers unit 7A and 78. 7A is a two-story unit located over 78, which is a single story unit. The interior walls are covered in sheetrock, with a troweled texftre, and wood boards in sorne areas- The ceilings are sheetrock like the walls. The floors are concrete in 78, and wood in 7A. The floors are covered with carpet, ceramic tiles, and sheet vinyl. The heating is provided by a hot water boiler and baseboard heating. There was no suspect T.S.I. visible on the heating system. CONCLUSIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS : Laboratory analysis of the bulk samples indicates that Asbestos was detected in two of the three suspect materials tested. The sheet vinyl flooring in the kitchen of unit 7A contains Asbestos in excess of the Regulatory Limit (Greater than 17o Asbesros). The sheet vinyl in 7A will need to be handled as per Colo. Reg. #8 prior to disturbance of this material. The other positive samples were the composite sheetrock samples; specifically the tan drywatl mud- However, the Asbestos content is less than the Regulatory Limit. The Asbestos content of 3 of the 5 composite samples was verified by the required Point Count Analysis. The rernaining two composite sheetrock samples had insufficient material for point count analysis. The initial P.L.M. analysis of the composite sheetrock samples indicated an Asbestos content of <.lvo in all samples. The Asbestos content appears to be consistent in all of the samples. The composite sheetrock need not be abated as an Asbestos containing material. The OSHA requirements to protect workers from airborne Asbestos fibers is still in place. p.4 P. srrrcr_ Llo (r.t uo; l.?at TDOOOOr-LLL.L xxxxxooiurDd)FFFFFEEEE6 ==;=BoooooT.LLLT.tsTEtstsB3B== LLLtiJ(,('(J(l()oooooLLLLLoooo()z €eePeo oo@qra = o o {r o {' ->=E 3888855I E''gFFFEE!l o o o o o-c_co ()o(Jo()(,)(a =o IL lu oE E; ^LE >B =-X-1 "EiEgSE€ = E#:FEE:6 3*a€tEE+ ui JulYlll:)lDY C rodl(D<<cl<q Nt\T\'\NTTN UJJm a,nU)Ul-= Ll. L' V \-r L' tr! .rr = zzzzz;;(t tl. cc u.l ID =z uld +q+q++q = T\|\FNFFI\ cn ('('(J(5(5<5(5 o C) '= F. .= 3 d .=Lo Ioo (J o o(5 cJa9Z A - !',+OdoFi-c 2Glq) ^!r lJN'fi --cdi :(JdL r''l(E;': -=6 H arEE6oJ A rN(9<trO(lrI\ooooooc)ooooooo P.6 r.F,F r-,r C\Jie qqg99es;v(f vov (rr IIJ4F 66s 6<q. ggz92oi H AEEEFsEH 66666 U' L .D:(E oo '6 o- Lo .; E .c(,t -qo.=.96 oo qr'>= c)cct=.€ gi !ac|al!? = !PgE o€ 6 -a\ v, CE;<<()co!.r "6zg>o- ':fiQs()o-zz. ;o:< ortto()oLLtrLLr xxxxxoroo0'0)FFI-FF dliDq)od)3!tttoooooLLL!!trtskts =B=B}t(Jrr!.Yo(J()r)oooo00 rP r/ +. lts(ldr0drc)oru(t'!rc) 2 uroou)u)- d) o o o oEB.T EEEEESs ..,E FFggFEE; OoOOO-c-c[j ooo()ost(,) o() 'd F: .= ot o i<oo() oLoo c?,o-^a<+OF.rAO5q =(\lo )ciE H-c (l) *1.()fE !- fY\G;.: -=6 ;rgE E(!OoJ A F (\l Cit tt rO (9 t\ooooooooooo€oo aculclEDz 5 @Ecoorogtro+ *******- oo()()o(J()# (rs(ros(5s p- ?Ub: I .tAr'r.|r- Ltu ut s<ss<<sz.2 z.2 Z. Z, Z. ul(' =o ILo ut CL F s l! E 6 z,o F6zoo J) ooooooo; oooooooii'i ooooooo; (5g(5(,(r(5(t o IEutF =F() IttqaDU'l!o EcEcccrcc!l!luJ = =:) == 2Ytr uraoaaa= F oJ =' (! oto(E()E.CE= E6d= ooooooo oooooooz.zzzzz.z F(\ItO!lrD(DF-cooocr(:oooooooo cc lrJ c0 ==z oo j .E F Ef d.U (aAZ-6F t-()earZLov(5U ct' '1se--Eg trHd Fr ^E 4ol'EA € -C q) tAgCE F JC \J =o ElsE a(d0'JoJ (h oY 5 oPq+og+++ CL Ft\t\t\F F-r\s o(J9o9(J()a (9(,(5uuo(' (n P.8ne)" U! Ur+ Ub;: lse o o- ;g*bird)o>J oooooooz.zzzzzz EHgggEE c, r c aEaEaaiO-a'6 dr C,Eg =======9r! oooooooJ6 JJJJJJJg> 6dlrqlqlqoocqubbbbbb(,(5(5('o(5(' EE:EIIIEoo(5(5(J(5(,==++++= frffisfr8ffifi !q c)'E(g tI.)s6i'\ o oY(Lz l.'. .=lg?zA t,<Fl C, slaz89-< \ (l)H!t<E)-t 3 11 zztrl or l-{ CLhtr F.d o() '6 F Ec o ,=o 5oo (J o o C'(to(t) -r oi;.JEcAr()'- TtN'6-cootrL(s ;j =6.E ;!GlE()ctoOJ ^Qi)A{, n (\ > - Monroe& NewellEngineers,Inc. n Abl /U". PoBoxl597 l\ U | 70 Benchmark Road, Suite 204 ,lJ Avon, Colorado 81620v 9701949-7768 9'l0l949-4054Fax FACSMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER i j ' Hughes Residence Remodel'' Row House #7, 303 Gore Creek Drive, Tail" Colorado TO: Co,nrpany: Tclcphone: Fax: / JeffManl? Shepherd Rcsourccs, Inc. 970.949.3302 970.g4g.Sl2l From: Hannes Spaeh Project #:6324 Jeff: Date: April 27,2004 Pages: 3 |1 - ATTACHED IS OUR FIELD REPORT, DATED 4/2i/04 Feel free to call me if you have any questions. Thanks, Hannes Slanioy Pf , toPtr"ra lralL If transmittal is not as indicated please notify sender vail, Co lorada Denver. Colora do Dillon, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: April 23,2004 Project #6324 Project: Hughes Residence location: Row House #7, 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Eagle CountY, Colorado Weather: Snowy TemP: 35o" at 1:30 P'M' To: Shepherd Resources, lnc PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 The purpose of this site visit was to obseffe existing conditions and answer questions ofthe contractor. The following was noted: l. The buitdingis interior drywall had been completely removed. Existing bearing stud walls rernained in place, supporting existing floor and roofjoists. 2. I*wer level non-structural concrete walls were being cut out' 3. The floor joists of the entry level were hung from the existing center support beam. After the beam is rernoved new joists will have to be installed beside the existing ones in the west half of the floor 4. The existing C.M.U. sidewalls appear to be ungrouted in most cells and vertical reinforcement in grouted cells was not visible. The contractor shall grout both walls full heieht. E.u||||t ry -rt'aFa-#- www.monroe-newell.com 70 Benchmark Road . Suite 26{ r P,O. Box 1597 t Avon, Colorado 8162O /.!r^\ olo,tn(d t emoil, .v.|n@monroe-newell.com 5. The existing floor joists are supported in joist pockets inside the eastem C,M.U. Wdlr""&Newell Upper level floor joists will be removed and a new floor installed approximately 18'*'* " inches above the existing floor elevation. After the new floor is in place the existing floor framine can b€ removed. 5.1. 5.2. The new upper level floorjoists shall be supported as shown in the attached detail xl. The existing joist pockets in the C.M.U. wall shall be grouted solidly and a series of steel plates shall be installed over this wall joint as shown in the attached section Xl. 6. No other exceptions to the structural documents were noted. Monroe & Newell En{li.necrs, Inc. J@ SHEET i'IO, o t1 lL--.' /) /\O, A 67 | )xtt//tl\\\J/\ 4 -- (',) V-/ () I \-'/ $'to"llD tE outcE5 mc ' a,A ?o5T 0af lcE lox l6l{ ^von cotoiADo t I r2O Teto t{t !tol ftto 9*t !l2l www,3llAicHITE<T'COn RECO'RD it, t- rounr{o cl TEr.CpltoN€o coNrrt€r{ct o tlSE^rcx E nEnot^Xgurt ll ll Mouoc & Ncffcil r.-ghG.rtr lrc" POBox 1597 70BcrfurrtRor4 Srdtc20+ Arau Colorado 8162097gS{t-7768 97&949-'l054Fu FACSIMN,E TRAI{SI{TTTAI I,STTER. Ilughes Residcrtce Remodel fuwftotn#Z 303 Gora &e&ytwc Ydl, &hrdo ,:'-..-.ii-.--i TO: / JcffMuley Gopry: Sb4brrdlreouco, lnc. ?drpboor: 9?O.949,tM Fx: 97O.9'19.5121 From: llarlcs Spach koject #:6324 Date: epii 2t,2ffi4 Pages: 5 Jeft r-closcd is ou Eeld rcport, dated 4l27nW4- Fesl Fcc to call mc if you bave ay qucctioos- Tbanks, Ilaues {ovlrodad 8 rct 6 irM s,elif, fu vell.4oloreds DGorcr. C?totrdo Ditlon, C.lo(rCo Drrs ApdI27,2W Projct: Hug[cs Rcridenpc Wcahcr: Suury Frejact #6324 lacatio: Ro$Hourc#7, 303 GoEe Clc*Drive, Veil EeglcCotuty, Colorado Tanp:60F rt l:00P-M. To:Shcphcrd Rsrourcc* hc POBox 162a Avon, CO 81620 Thc purpose of this sitc visit wrs tro obccnrc csisting conditims rnd ans*rr quctiors of &c cotactor- Tbe following was uotcd: l. Thebuildiag'sinterior&:nnllh.dbecncoqlctclyruovrd.ExiltiESbcrirysnrdwalb rcodlcd in plrcc, $pportry cdrting flom nd rmfjoirs. 2- Tbc ctistitrg C.lt/tu. vnll bcnrcca ron'hdrcr #7 &n #8 wrs foufld to brvc bc.n conGuctod iardcqurlcly to srypdt Sc ifirlc floor Ed rogf tordr of bo& roqrboulcr. A.tr dicrnrdm with tb contrrclor ad bE Bni!,ocr of Rccod, Mr. Tytcc Alrkic& of Structurrl Deeigp $ohmios, hc. fts thc rrnovaion of rowbourc #t it rns dccidBd to recocEtrct ihi! C-[AU. unll q a E" concrttc watl m r apt froting. Thc psw n'all chell bc conwuctod ag rborm in &c ached socioa )(2. 3. Tbc €xidng lloor jairg of lh€ encry aad rrycr levcls cu bc ant brck I l/2" fr,oor tlc cxining crst CM.U. walL brn nnut bo sborsd ZLO wttt of 6p wdl wrth 2x6 cnrd bceriag rvdls (smds sbrll bc ccotscd trdsioiits). '/b-?g:fr;70 Dcnchmrrh norrt . suitc ?o{ . F O. $or lt97 ' Avosr CclsrrCo tl6zo <9? O, ,19-1768 r lrrx (9tO) t49-4O5{ . emril: lvonatuotruc'ncscll ''otn 4- 5. 5. ., Ir{on$c & Ncaall ThcCM.U.s€P*.lioswdlbctc'Gcnlofl'borl,tcs16rnd#TEtouldbcshoFcdclos€to cdgF of rhc qistitrE fi61wBll sf rovtbu|ci?. An sr8 timbcrshould instrlled egainst thc well vertically anl treccd with u tx8 dirsmd bnce rs 3boqr b tht tnachcd dcteil 81 - Thc uppcr rnit mrit fwd Boorr ud rhc roof shdl r'orin b phe Gt(ccPt for roall opcldags rcquiFal to rEDovc bascocrc conarct qdb utsil oe nrtuce tulding mlls and tte ncrs, uppcr ud hrcr levcl f,oors ur ilplrcc. thc C^|U.U scpsafion watt bcteeco loittoggs tlfi tfi-#7 sy rcqgi3c d[itlopal sbtrilg' iio*i* oo tl" *u6 sidc ofrrybourc #7 ihdl bc dma caefirlly od rhall rct c*tcud bclow thc rop of tbo rrdfrs tcpatios x/rll footing. udcrpinuins worL if rQquird' uay bnc to be corryld in scErolsts, l1,hich slrould rct cxcccd c fcct b leogtb- No odur accptior !o rhe stnrctural docuElo6 wt'c rotpd' o rl lF,+A-^fury-oq*Monroe & Newellh!b..s., !oc, "^A -*;..-.., lJo. L1 >a u]r{ .,q|,r.', .-J.* : r' i-.-.!---!; Morrroe & Ncrrcll rynccra,Ioc. i--- i- -' !: Avon, Colorado 81620 970/949-776t 970f9+94054Fax FACSIMILE TRANSMTTTAT LETTER Hughes Residence Remodel Row Houe#7. 303 Gore CreekDrive, Vsil, Cobrado TO: JeffManlcy BryaaBrubakcr Crary Walker Company: Shcphcrd Rcsowccs, Inc- BeckBuilding Compaay BcckBuilding Company Telephote: 970.949.3302 9?0.9+9.It00 97A.904.0703 Fex: 970.949.5121 970.949.4Ji5 e70.41395f.2. From: flanns5 Spaeh P:oject #:6324 r .^ i'. L ,1 t' \t Date: May 6, 2004 Pages: 5 ENCLOSED IS OI.JR FIELD REORT, DATED 5/3104. Feel free to call ne if you have any questions. Thanks, Hannes 5/r/rn; o/7/.,, If eantmittal k not as hdfu;ued please notdy scnder vrit. Colorado Dcnv€r. Ctlofrdo Dillor:, Colur.rldo Monroe & Nernrell Er4ineers, Irr'c. Date; May 3, 2004 Project Ilugbes Residence Weather: Surury Project #6324 Location: Row House #7, 303 Gore CrcekDrir-e. Vail Eaglc County, Cslorado Tanp: 65o' at 2:00 P.M. To:Shgpherd Resources. Inc PO Box 1624 Avon CO E1620 Thc purposc of this site visit was to obscrr,re cxisting couditioos and answcr questious ofthe contractor. The followiag was noted: I RcconsEuctiou of thc separation wall bctwcsr rorrhouscs #7and #8 will be completed as dcscribed in itern 2 of orx field report datcd April 27,200d.. Cold joint locations q'erc discussed. Thcy can beplaced at or near the current floor sheathing elevations. This u'ill allow the currcnt floors to rcmain in placc during the wall rcconstructton. Verbcd wdl reinforccncnt shall havc a splice length of 3'-6 minirnry1. The soudr area of the ocisting maio level f,oor iaming will have to be remor-cd. To brace the existiag C.M,U. sepaation wall bet*ccn rowhouses #6 and #7 the conkactor shall install a t4>17'L.V.L. beam horizontally bctrvcen thc recently installcd vertical brace a:rd the edge of fte nauining main level floors as showa in tbe attached dstail 82. To sugport the south edgc of thc existi.g roof tc,rnporarily the contactor shall install a npw beem md post as shown in the artached shoringplan. l|r.lr.a--tlt.Dtfr[ a:dr|r{. Ctta,d TL A-.b. Inratrr. ., r!tir.s www. lronroc. n cqrcll com 70 Benchraark Road . $rrirc ?O1 . P.0. gox 1597 . Av.rn. Colorado 81620 (9?O) q4t-7768 . F.{X {970) 949-4054 . emlili trv(tnpm(!n rr}€-ncwcl i.crrrrr ", 4. 5. The new slab-on-gnde lower lcvel floor shall be installed with a isolation joint against *re separation walls that is not coaprcssiblc. Gencrai: Existing framing shall rcmain in place whcrcver possible until new floors and foundatiou walls are cotrstncted. Dcrnolition shall bc done carefully without changing the existiag C.M.U. wall betwocnr rowhouses #6 and #7. Additional shoring may be requircd. No other exccptions to the structural docrmcnts were noted- o Monroe & Newell Engtnccr, hc. fr#{tsfl\\vv Monroe & Newell Eqglnccrs, Inc. Monroc & Newelt Engfueersr Inc. POBox l59Z 70 Beaclnnark Road, Suitc 2O4 Avon, Colorado 91620970/949:7?69 970t94:94AS4Fax TACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL LETTER Haghes Residenee Remodel Row House #7, 30j Gore Cre* Drtve, UafL Color& TO: JcffMrulcy BryanBrubakor Gery Walker Conpary: Sbcphed Rcsc,ur,cas. Iac- BeckBuilding Cornoanv BcckBuitding Comimi TckpLone; 970.e49.3302 970.949.1800 970.904.0703 Far: 9m.949.5121 rt0.t{9.4335 979.119-s582 Pages: 2 From: Hanncs Spaeh Projoct #:6324 Datc: May I0,2004 .-l As rcquestod, plcase see thc attached Section l/S3.0, showing the foundation for the colurnn at\'' the northeast patio. Feel free to call me ifyou have aoy questions. Thanks, Harnes l"fr"// ,/"s7, t i \ ,' !, fi u,t-t '/./'4/-/2 ?,f),4', *it If nan*tittal is not as indicatcd phuc norily smder Monroe & NeweII engrccrs, tac. c^t.ct{,^rs fr 1.lo'oL{- c||lcr(€o BY :'i ,,:.. :- -' :-- i i- : .i- -' I:]t"' I l l 'r: ' | :"' , l. ' ,.-i.i.. .,_l I l . ' ' i. , r ' ' I . i ffrff=r.:--i.;...j . . ' i ' :-i ;1- l.'il].''.:..rir,ill.F-*.-;e.rrci-cp | , ' , ' , '' i--'-'' ..il,i| ,. i,i^,?6rr.a^icn"fr,4#,pi;.iti- :l.:,l:.-i.-.;',l.':.ffitrli;yt,D.W1iz/,n;}.*-.,-.. |. : , , , ; i. '' # ^t"t*'r?rrrr'-', :- f :. ,, . I ,: =lffiF"r---.-fr,"^iw#mi :I'I;,;,' ,ul t,_ +J.f#E:*'!,X:,,,,r,i ': ,i [: . . ':, il i;l.FlJ{nL,=*',l- i';'r"'- | ' , ," ; I -,'li; |'.;..,:.L+M;,;1r..JI ' ' :.' . l- i r : '"i '' :-' ' , ' ' , 1[''';,, ii,'Ji*,*;ij; i.i'i, ' ] ,i' j, ;.l;.]ii i.,f n hr'l ,003 0 UJ" I town of Vail FAcsIMILETRAITsMITTALLETTER Fffi** -' sflrBVF ' i tllhghes Residence Remodel Row House #7, 303 @re Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado Monroc & Newell Engineersr Inc PO Box 1597 70 Bcrrcbna* RoaG Suito 20a Avon, Colondo 81620 9701949-7768 970849-4054 Fax TO: Coryro:r Telcpbooc Pax: r' J€ffManLy ShcpbcrdRcsorucaXlnc- 970-949.3302 9m.949.5121/ BryaaBn$akcr BcckBuildingConpany 9?0.949.1800 9m-949-4335/ Ga,ryWalkcr Bc*BuitdingConpary 9?0.904.0?03 970.4795582 From: Hannes Spaeh Projcct #:6324 Darc: May 19,2004 Pages: 4 Our field report, dated 5ll9l2004, is attachcd. Feel free to call me ifyou have any questions. Tharks, Hannes t/o{/4 /;,or{ s ]0,,,/rr,,, lY/. s ."7 S /^7 uo? titmnsntdat is twr as hdicated 1lezsc not(fy sa&r / vait, Colotsdo !)rtrr,a., COlOttdo Dilloo. Colqrtilo Monroe & Neqrell EnSitle{rs, Inc. FIELD REPORT Date: May 19,2U)4 Project: Hughcs Rcsidence Wcather: Suanv hoj€ct #6324 Locafion: RowHouse#7" 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Eagle Coruty, Colorado Try: 70o' at 4:00 P.M. To: Shepherd Resources, lnc PO Box 1624 Avon, CO E1620 Thepwpose of this site visit was to observe cxisting conditions and ansnrer guestions oftbc contractor. Thc foUowing was noted: Demolition of the firplace wall ud the southem part of the separarioa walt between rowhouses #? and #8 was mostly conplete- The south and ccntcr basement walls had also been removcd. Thc footing "rdcr thc dqnolished wall betwecn rorrhouscs #7 ail #8 was exposcd- lvlonrce & Neryeil Engine€fi, Inc. found this footing to be dmaged wirh large chmks of concrcto missing. Thc'refore we have concludod that tle footing cafirot be used for the sllppofi of tlrc ncw wall prcriously dcsigred. The contractor shall renove the existing footing md replace it uith a uery one shorrn ia sectioo I 3/S3 . I Pans ofthe existing norttr C.M.U. wall will be rernoved and replaced q'itb a 2x6 shrd wall with plywood shaathrng- The existi4g wall has no strucrlral value- ---EUtpsxd ---at.lI53-r raq bJ.-rF-th rab* ct '.rd1\ Ararb. rltfi* i(A*5*r* ! t/w. llronroe- newcll.corr ?0 Benchrn.irk Rr>ad..Suirc ?04 . P.O. Uox lt97 . Avon. Colorado 81620 (9't0) 9'f 9-?r6E . FAX (970) 949-4054. cfieilr avonOt{otr.)e-nervcll.<:(rm I J. 4. The aortb deck b€am s'+psting mi&lsvel deck joists will b€d at its west cnd in a new bcrn pockct cut into the existing C.M.U. wall end. All cclls bclow tltis pocket shall be fillcd solidly with grout. 5. At the wall corner d*cribed in itern 4 (above) a Cl0x20 steel column shall bc ilsta[cd as shown in scctiou ?S3.4. Thc column sbgll be condnuous down to the footing with a %"x4'x12" stccl bearing plate with (2)-%" dimetcr x 4' epoxy-anchors- 6. fhe Cl0x20 column located A thc north builditrg wan ag3itrst thc ncw concretc sepfatiou wall shall be iostalled as described in it€m 7 (bctow). 7. A nerv 2'-Ox6"-0 footng locatcd at north sidc ofthc staircase can be eliminated and ths futruc slab-on-grade insalled dirc*ly oa top of the cxistilg wall footing. 8. The existing main levcl floor joists arp to bc cut 3" away from the futurc cpsslac separation wall bctwccu rowhousss #? asd #8. In licu oftbe support detdls previously shoq/!" thc contractor shell connect tle joists to the wdl as slroun rn the atreched altcrnate soction 3153.2. 9. Gencral: the oontractor rcqucsted claification on construc?ion of steel frrning manrbcrs: 9.1. Steel shopdrau'ingl are required per seedon 13.F. of tht structual gcn€f,al notcs, she.et S3.0. 9.2. Pa section 8.D. of rhe stuc$ral gmcral notes, stcel member csmcctions shall be bolted. Wslded equivalerrt cormections are also perodttrd per this section. 9.3. Special inspections shell be provided per section 2.8.3. of tbc structural geaeral notcs (shcet S3.0) for stccl franing. 10. No othcr exceptions to the stnrctural documcnts wcrc notcd. Monroe il.weu Eaghccts, bc-sETro- Crtq,,r,^rlolY ArFID lnfornetlon Eo{ffio ffiIDOE BECK& Rcguaf&d Inrlcc|ton(rl lbnlFf.Sffbr: CoflifiFr* AnlEncdTo:- Acdon: lEm:Reqr*br: Coninenilr: A$En dTo:- rldlon:Conmqt lmoectfiHlebn, Actrfin CotdTyDa: Ornicr: ApF{cut Cofthr&r: Dr*rbdon: Irblca: f{olhe: Commrt{. Comr.nt: corrurcnL Co{|rmont Cofinent Requc.tad Inspcct D.te: Frlfiy, A|gsst 1e 2005 Inrp.c0on 4rc.: JRt - Slb AddrGsr: 303 cOR€ CREEX DR VAIL 3M COre CREEK DR[T'E. UNIT F _ T\m: A"}f SubT\me: AtrtF Stda: tSStED ^sffi#'- c_l ftt [Fr: vB lffiPAr..: JRM ,IES,flttCl Y Plrone:9?O-9{tt-1800iES.ltE- ( Phom:97$,941.180oiL-*ftf; nEtrcml oF ExtsnNc us[i* -' - r e-{Fr- I er. '-9N!!1^!SE9 E!,|.!|JCIE$ RESO€NGE tN FILE Ah[) n€LD sET of{.rOB gfrE FoRlNsPECIloll PIRFOSE9.. JtlOtitDRAcOf{ nc.fr,rd 2/2t,05 . $ITBSON twlcur of GltrbNAt\DF|RE "Jgu?F€Rbpfl hokl :.n,appalcdonlor clnrE o b thc ffiB .x no+ffiD E on lbtd - an appflcdon tof cfiarE o io thc ffiB aDDaoEl hrs Dacn 8rEfirlthdht3 lubd tltt |'la appflcelbn urfi-grln to Eyt€d cnd tt{rffi albr ilr. coopb[on ofth. adecent gonltir'wmg. . RilSOtiJrlcfplbdom wth Sr. .deccl* pro-rtir'orrnt : *t-dbdit--ggH|d IH*'ggLscd A1 o ejbmfH wt8 hrsdrto pefmil.&c|d|ed Wil bc N|Ibmdfig 4pro0|hb .EG|BSON BILL GIESOIT - JSU1HER Requested Tlme: uu*:00 Aff Phon ; !t 4"07ff' Edercdff DcOtD€N K 9q Bllc+lfial Rtqucshd Ttmo: {0:30 AflBlicf.BtxL"C'lt{GcOtFAry -'------pilcii;:6ii:r.g;dd ft, AM. noll3ri.drCO.[fONDRA[l:]l - .r' E trr.d Byr DGOLtrN K rFFrogEtr'R:o TlmeExP: '/ rWrynllr @^^n/l)/X ll trl lM|ft Or/t'I e26 nRE trFT. tlOnt:lCATI{ON{0 flDGFoothg8sb,,rt *ADoiowd - -0fl11,'04-lrqx'dor: qgf,Vls Ac[on: ApAppRC/EDcgffi_rr lt.mRtoR Fq)Tts em exrcruciFFro- - ' _(Hzaioa truF$c'loc _ fr!t__ __ _- -At6nig penur_ rMlpEcTlotlcQqqlltq F@ n}re$ AppRovED FoR rJt{f t Ag ciicGi- oN irijnB- "-' - ^gqryq{ lnrFlctor; c&vts Ac,$n:-iripAnTlqtilEithtnOn|;lql!!qu botFg pc(h 'r nobd on lLld DtrnroE(B(x tt|3p(lAbr: CicD --'----Acilon: ApAppRo\rED TlnrHp: l|m: fbm: 539 PW+TNALC'O .: BEC|( Buljr{Mi cotPAlfft. Ali :iGC}tALSRG ii REPT131 Run Id: 3516 a Cofltnucd: Corwrent: ,V2l26l0f5 lrqpettor: JRtt Acdon: ptpARttAttNSpECnOlt Comrmnr APFROVEDTCOttern: ?t flJlflLC Foun&froo pbn It m: ?2 Pt-A,$|tcsftipbr, *ADorowd" ^1Ol&,04 fEp,icbc'hffmn Actot ApAppROVEO. _qomfixsnf At d {ic6-rs€tb lrdlt-b€kilr 0}oio rp,ptowd.ft m: 53{ PUll{-Fll.|Atg$-*ADBoy.d- -tE/tlr6 lnsp,rcbr: 'bg&eon Acdon' ApAppROVEDComnFntlhm: 530 Ft.AlSTElF. OO ". ADororEd * ^mP5,€5 In$ocbr: bgfraori' Arflon: Ap AppR€,\GO _9g|r!tngnt DIA rubmMtor UnGcaotnoItsm: 632 PW-TEilp.CO ;AD;ruv;J-;F -OZZSffi Insprrc.tor; b " Acdoo: ApAppRtWEDCommsntliam: C08 PITSn|!|ALCyO REPTl31 Run Id: 3516 -{_.ez-eo-_-_ A4rDlrfermlfon Act{v{tv: Com* Tyrf; Orrbc ApDScant Cohhrctor: De*crlpllon:ts,&.: |'lo,tca: Corftnr9flU Comn il Comment C;ofifir|.nt Cocmeril ReoqFsbd Inqp€c{or{el lbm: R6qu.Sr: Codmentl: Ashncd Tor- Acfon: RsguerGd In$€ct [hb: In$cc0on Arcr:SibAddrcrs: Fildry, Fcbru.ry 25,2005 JRT 303 SORE CREEK DRVAIL 303 GORE CREEK DRI\G, I'N|T f' g,.l-fi130 _ Tlpe: A-MF Sub T\rps. AMF Stluts: ISSilJEDc,cc$eq,y: ttn: VB lncpArer: JRMgBDGE STREIf T ASSOChIESEE9fiq4qqQli|lAlEs.$lc Ftrqr: 9Z&.*GLlffX)pEtqE_As9q;nlEs,thrc ptrone: 0zs9a+i6m!{|ER|oft A},['ExtERlOfi RErircoEL OF Extsn]fti Ur.itf,|| lqr !|{Erc.p|lg l€c€tt|.rt 2/2trOO . B(l|BIrc$l IIHIUFEYI-ST:TTS OH 9{AI'EE9 IP HUGHES RESID€I.S€ tN FILE AIS FIELD sET oil JoB sITE FoR EF-FF_EEI€E',iD tNSp€CTOr.t FrhposEs. . tfrii5NDEAccfiq suBrfrTrEiD AnD oRUrED TO B|LL (xBSOai : J60ftER{ccure s|b plrtn subilthd {i3O1. . BCtSSOfrloufirLd 16l!!0 n ^o? 3h.rt Al o sfinth.d r4ul hdtdtfig p.rmt. Archtted wm be tubmrurg .pc(opfhblnr3fo|r..86lBiiSNiffiiffiir' Wffi ibs;i H.itrstrtrtrhHE%'..ffi iF 90 BLDGflnal Rs BECK Bt [LE,llIG COllPAtfYt7. laie rillrt'oo'nJlloNoRAg)N ,/ ^rhm€xp:Jr-n) ,/l///./ IC/I n,,{'(qP la![ldonHlsbrY Itrm: ?26 FIRE DEPT. l.tOTt!{CAnO,Nttom: 10 ilDqFooth0dsbrtl "ADDrolbd- _ Og11/0.1-lrygEtsri _eqtw$'- --- Acilon: ApAFpRoVEDcoryllcr[S tNTrRloR FOOI|]tc Ar.,o ExTEHiitsFdD' -' - 05 gr0{ lrggi4:br JRM - - :Ictbn: R PARTAL lNSpECTlOtlcotumnb: F@ nNGs AFFRoVED FOR rf{tr i rs'ci*aE*: on Fftis- " '-' - - 06/crl,04 lnepffibf:. cd.tt -'-"Aici;o.-i'iFft16li$pi-crpr CornmrrS: fuohrg perh as mhd on ltilrl DINIE - U8/0Ct04 lnryrfrg eeD ' -Acilon: AFAPFROI/EDComncn0r: ALL f?OOTltrlGSt AppROr/EDlbm: 20 BLDcr-Foundsuorvsitri,.f -;Aoi6fr-; ^ (xtt$gt ttqE,,ctqr: qCD -- - -- Aclon: ApAppROVEDcory4o6: tNfE RtoR FouloATlor\r wAu rlr6T Eiif nrctrt n-eii-06,Wo4 tosp.rclor: cdrvt -- -ec$n:'HFdRnAI'd{SpECTtSN Co{nnEntB: I st'[t,t on pody $nI ail ffiiil **cc@!h8 rt trouth mtry areo - 06/17/D4 ttEErcror: JRH -'-'--Afoon: ApAppRovEDcoqry1ryfr: RgTrtlr.ftur rtvALr AND cENTER rrliAllf*ijVb'd- - -- _ uryzeo4 ftEp!-c!sI|_JE!! rffii;"AClFfroveocornmnn': ApprroveD srRUcruF^L sTEEL Ar-*i-irAo FoR F RLpLAcE (lso(ERN)Item: fl) Blof,r-Framlng ;ADDroirBa;- - " _ t{yt&104 lrqpc,qgri_A! " Acdon: APAPPRC}VEDCommenE: AFF| $t/ED FRAffiMi REPT131 Run Id: 2955 ao . AF,Dlnfoma0on Ardvtr tit!+0112 ConstTvpi: O$tier BRIDGESTREETApllc|nt CO|iICEPTCoiihadr: CONCEPT DeecrF[on: ROt c]l lN IETAL. llil Reqrecbd Inepeadodsl !ffi,reo1ufif 25,200s 3OS @RE CREEK DR VAIL 303€ORECREEKDR srfficH s;|g: nsrn Sffils: ISSI.EDInspAna' JRM RequasEd Insp€ctDrb: lnspeClon Arcr:SlbArldtrls: sil)€€-0400 97{19#X}mO BI.ILDBOILER PLANT,}EAT, Rt'iI VEI{NL"ATIOOI AIR SFIEET lEm: REPTl31 Run Id: 2955 ?t Requecbd lmpectOfb: lmpectonArco:StbArfts: Fdday, Februily 25,2005 3{I3 GORE CREEK DR VAIL SOSGOtrCREEKDR ArPrD lnfom.tlsn Adbn: llrsoecddrHl$brv SPLIE Requ€fhlTlmel' Plnm: Ent8l€d ry: (n:00Atf 9?O€4{tr0A0O DGOT."OEN F.Ttnr Exp: lbm: 21O Plllg_lJ4dergnound -eoo;pwtl- _ 06,2i{/lX lmpq4$r: JRM Acrbn: ApAppROVED 'nm:22oru8iffi................ff *"t'"'-tffi gt _ t0rElto{ lDeD![&q_cCD Acflon: ApAppROVED- Cornmmie: WITERCOLUilNTEST.lbmr ziD PtlF_Eqgfultbl€r *ADo|oEd- _ 10610{ tmpecbc GCD Arflon: APAPFRO\rEO _qq EDslil3: UATER FtpE 100p6t TEST.lbm: 240 PtWeaf ptetng ;-{pir6eti; - lqlE/o4 |t|spacbr: C'cO .' Acfroo: ApAppRO/EDComtrr{r: |S!aITEST _ 1lllZfin kdpf4&[ GCD ,trilon: ApAppRO{rEDcormenb: ffiB S.ffirqB.ffi$#Et-- lbm: 250 PLFFooUFbtTrdhm: 260 PLlBfflsc.[em: 2tll PLHEFhd *lHl *lmpftea: .FtlSbtt3: ISSIED Phom: 9Z)-9'(tr{l2fi} ArDwATER roAn pltm f,lffi'* A^rlsETnr{eoFALL Reo|lcsEd Insoecfro|{sl lbm: E0 HJE+|mlRqnsior: COf{CEpTfrEClt I{EAL. li.tccommnE: Fh am. uilt 7A*n_od-To: CDAVTS Comm.nt REPTl31 Rtrn fd: 2955 .-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. us ProjectName: HUGHESRESIDENCE DRBNumber: DRB040094 Project Description: CHANGE TO APPROVED PLANS Participants: oWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES 03/2912004 phone: 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI4BO25 48025 License: APPUCANT SHEPHERDRESOURCESINC 03129/ZOO4 phone: P.O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 License: Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: UNIT #7 Legal Description: Loh 7 Block: 5 SuMivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE Parcel Number: 210108231001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz 04/ZU20e4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PIXN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO 03 / Zr"/,LVin.J, ,.of r. uI,z+rrt't t-iubHL:r l-HUt-Llt tILS P,2/?2 --ffi Application for Design Review _- ^Dcryqrrtont of Cfflmuni$ Oe\,sloprmntj 76 Sdth Fror&rgc Road, Vgil, ColoraOo af AF/ tel: 970,4792199 tar: 970.4?3:452 ra,ob: wtr,ei.vgfl.co.r.ts G€nartl lnformation: x'I pfojecis Equiring design relrietv ftJst re€iys apg|Dt€t Ffior.to. submhrting a bultClng pcmit Eppliatlon. pteasefel'et 10 lhe flJbmittat requir€mlnb tor.rle partlcriliipffii hst ls r€quded, An appl,atioa for Dclgn Feview 'annot be acDept€d untid ail rcquirec.intorfi*gn is 6i*i uy-ri. comnunlU Derelspnenr pcp.trnant. TleproJcct may Elso ne€d.io Oe re,iewed uV tr-e-fornr ilnf,En4o, fte-phnnhg and Environmentar Commiscion,:_Tlgl rsyjey rpprovrt tapses uol; i u"iioi"g;ffii ie ieueu ,nc eon€trucrlon Eorflmcnces withlnono trear of thc approvsl. Locatlonof ticPropocal: tat;_? Eroc*;5_$Hideron. \l4ll €OW tbUgE - Phyoical Addresst Parcel No,: 2lOEAAilWl _ (ConHct EagrleCo, Assesoorat 970€28-g040 for parcel no.) Zgningt Name(€) of Owner(oll C50 &$1.0o per sq'Jdt€ foor of ioial sbn area, No Fee $650 Fof con5fuctian of s e6jy Sgllding or demo/robulld,$300 For an edoithn r,vlnm aguare tEuge [ "t*a iJ arry roiCentfal or t!,<n 31nlfg]$4"9 (tndudec ZEO ad-.amrc a mcrior brrcralons)-irlDg l,or mflor ctBn$e6 b buildings erd slte amprDy{TtgtE .rudr m,-lT-rns, pahufE, Wndols additioni, hn.lEca0-n$ fonoc rndrEbining ta g. etc$20 For mlnor chrngre tro bullrfln$ anc €lt! ldprwemenE. Ellch 8r,*-"9tlng' Pahling, wltrdow rCdltions, hn(LqapirE, fancc andreiahfnE u€ltc, €tc,$20 F!.tol"totr p ptarts atraady appro/Bd by phnntng S-iet, or RSDe;hn Revla1r 8oard. No Fee Maillng Addtess: Owner(s) SiEnature(s|: Namo of Applicant: lllaiting Addre*t: E.m8il Addre€sl Iype of Review aod Fee: Signs. ctr€ptsd R$dar . NewcorchJdbn. .tddftion . ayfnor Altergdon (multi-famllt/comme rcbl) . Minor Alt radon (dnglsfsrflfylduFt€x) )( e,angesuApprovedttrng ' SeFratton Rsquegt CEIVEN ii March 29, 2004 SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POST OFFICE BOX | 624 AVO N COLORADO 8I62O 970 949 3342 | 9 /0 949 5 )l WWW,S RIA RC H IT tCT. CO 11 IT Bill Gibson Community Develooment Town of Vail Vail, Co RE: HUGHES RESIDENCE, PROJECT #0305 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE, UNIT 7 CHANGES TO APPROVED PLANS Dear Bill, The following changes are proposed Changes to Approved Plans. These changes were a result of negotiations with the neighbors, construction detail coordination, code issues, and plan refinement. The changes are clouded and keynoted on the drawrngs. l. I Of the three operable, high, windows at the north wall of the light well, the bwo westerly shall be fixed and the one easterly shall remain operable. All of these windows and the west facing windows, shown on the west elevation are to receive divided lite muntins. Refer to sheet A3.0. | .7 The parapet wall and shed roof element adjacent to the unit 58 window shall be eliminated. Refer to 2/A2. I roof plan and sheet A3.0. | .3 A new parapet wall shall be added at the top of the angled north wall between the deck rail at the grill and the pantry east wall, This parapet top shall be 12" above the elevation of the kitchen window sills. Refer to sheets A2. I and A3.0, | ,4 The roof heights at the ridges have increased by 3 3/8" These changes in roof heights are a result of coordinating the detailing of a super-insulating roof sptem. The revised roof heights are below the maximumroof heightallowedof4S'0"bymorethan l3'-0". Refertodetail D4. l0,sheetAl,0and sheet A3.0. | .5 The lower level east facing window, within the bed niche of bedroom 003, is to be eliminated due to the fire rating requirements within 3'-0" of the property line. Refer to sheet A2.0. 1.6 Closet 100 on the mid-level, nearthe entry door, is to be eliminated. This area of$uare feet, which was calculated within the GRFA calculation, is to be reallocated to the upper level. The Kitchen east wall was moved east 5", resulting in an increase of 2.90 square feet, The living room and desk area south wall was moved 7 !5outh, resulting in an increase o{ 14.49 square feet. The total increase to the upper level ofGquare feet. Refer to sheet A2.O and M. . . | '7 The south living room wrndow wall is to be revised to include a wide, horizontal, mullion between the lI door units and the window units above. This was added to coordinate with structural framing for wind I I load requirements and drapery tracks. I B The north upper window of the dining room was slightly reduced in size to coordinate with interior details. 1.9 All exterior light lixtures are proposed to change from the previously submitted fixture. Refer to the attached cut sheet. Also, the post light near the entry steps, light fi>tures on the entry terrace and the light fixture adlacent to the entry door are proposed to be gas. Page I ll ItWe respecdully request the Board to review these proposed changes to the project. lf you have any questions, feel free to call me at949-3307 Jef'rey P r^,"r, ^,///ftqProject Architect, Shepherd Resources, Inc. Cc: Ron Hughes VirginiaWelles Chris Pa*s ll il Page 2 +'&:{'*'}*************!***************+*+i.1.r}**:1.*****{.{.!t ***:i.*1.*********:t *{.***X.****'r****it********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement *******'li'F****:t*******{.*:1.*:N.{.***{.******x**********************x********:t r.***************,F***xr. Statement Number: R040005525 Anount: 920.00 03/29/200403:27 pv! Pa)ment Method: Check Init : ,fS Notsation : Permit No: DR8040094 T)t)e: DRB - Chg to Appr plans Parcel No: 21- 01082310 0 L Site Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 303 GORE CREEK DR, UTIIT #z Total Fees: S20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Totat ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: S0.00 :t:1.+****************t*********x*************+****++*:t:t*+**rt***:1.*'F****'1.'t *+*'t *+***+++,t **+{.*,F**+* ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr"iption Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEh] FEES 20.00 II ----T | ,zzts, I I I I I I 6 -lo1 f------co/o I I, , ug/g___l NrYrdcoo-l SV]A 0C r )a =^YH!4 $tr<,.9 qs6 U1 I u aIX Y * 9 s q; ;u:2_iE 9H3 O zI zo (] E 1a1 /-r\tD ;_llo+lql Zt.----6l<l el; -tl:-l' t_/ 1L.t | " "\#f,Y ,/1 lB --_-___l G 6urprrnq :epun Sepor6 pe]traford r- -*n:r-4;n'r-s,-'a-\--)'/'- tNfnfslJ .\i/1/Jn ,0/ z,h alAo vfal q t\ s I'ri I E T T ,ii,ii,ii$tui, o L= #q i; :t BE *Y9IJJ +E<,(J V,",*g3 aI: r 9; ; u : P iu I H 3 .@ z 5(l- .T 'O oz frz 4$ trAqp *YXl! 1tfiE '9 E65HF 9 E d!9H 'U:g ip I f; < II c.i .o I 1l :l IJJ I>l Lr,l I trtlSlj -1"A I I l /'I.\'c, I I I,l{l qlt *l' e $i .,\(i)r H; -*xlrl 11 i<-9 Efr5 - fio roog Y; 'g-Jc ip I H s IIta =q an zl kl>I,.rl =lLt, -l* \:/ ar ,l r u+|_il 6,1 9l ?lzloltrt. t<l:u.lI;-l'o zI a F Fz E: ^;R,^9 q55 EJZ : U:JIX Y X 9! q; t u l c iH I H 3 P 6 2 )aa = II zlol F-l<l>l iJ.4 | urI'rl F-lf,la)l :"I 8lFt!zli uli A zlolFI<l>IulI inl 1-ltrl ol (9lzl EIXI i"l XIrJJt. 2tIotiuliA\1-l Zloltrl<l>lrrl Itrl'r, =lolzl (9lzl;-t il-lFIXILIJI,FI:zll (Jlr IA tl ll lt SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA HUGHES RESIDENCE O3O5 ROOF DETAILS SCALE: I l/2" = l'-0" 03-29-04 D4. l0 ],to 3'><2 5/O' RIDGE AT DINING 202 lrdr- c.f <uu.r -r r : ncHm Ues I gn pnoj ect, I nc.F.1 PAUL FERRAI{TE,, II{C. ITEM #4O7I - *KENMORE II \TALL LANTERN,DiMENSIONS: 10.5" DIA X t2,, D X 16- H FINISH: oLD IRON \r/ANTreuE GLASS /,q FN'i"[b o,*", llill##riF,l,*l:;l,ll,' Ex.&re+, € ltf, .i:dr s ?o - 384 - OOS3 FRcFcSED TRANSMITTAL Town of Vail RECEIVED ." \ l; .'l FILE CATECORY: 0305PROIECT NO lughes Residence, vail rowhouse #7 PROIECT NAI4E Bill Gibson 04-09-04ATTN: i*Nsr'lrrlAL VrA: Hand n odilication to changes to approved plans APPROVAL x RECORD x REVIEW & COI'IMENT x USE INTORI4AT ON OTIER DESCRIPTION Sheet A3.0 (24"X36") Bt/z"Xl | " copy of A3.0 coflt'lENTS Bill, Discussions with the upper unit 6 neighbors has resuhed in the lowering of the Kitchen dormer and moving it's ridge to the west 6' The total roof height change is 3" lower. This area is clouded in red on the 24" X3 6" sheet attached. Ron Hughes BY JeffreY P lYanleY ' o^- }EE-9 q55+ft 6 E d r qe i3:c;H 9C3 o2 (,0 ="> u*il II,,a =q (Y) zlol ?l>l JI ElrFI; oli-l' '.1 ,ll =lEI 9l?lzlol sl;urlJt1 :1:(.--l * 9iI o 04/L2/2004 12:51 FAX @ oot SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA FOST OFFTCE 80X 624 AVOI. COLORADO 8 r620 :970 i19 1302 F970 t49 5 t2 www,5 RtARc r rrE cT,c o t1April 12,20o4 Bill Gibson Community Development Planning Departrnent Town of Vail Vail, Co RE: HUGHES RESIDENCE PROJECT #0305 303 GORE CREEK DRI\T, UNIT 7 BUILDING PERJ"I IT RELEA5E Dear Bill, The constructjon documents submitted for building permit coordinate with the drawings submined and apProved for Final Design Review. We are requesting that the submitted construction documents be approved for building permit based on design which is approved. lt is our understanding that the permit is not being released due to the latest submittal for changes, We have Eubmitted for changes to approved plans forthe meeting of ,\oril 2 | , 2004. You informed us that we may receive stafi apprwal for these changes because the effect ofthese changes is minor, Atthe tlme that DRB approval is receired on these changes, we will be submitting to the Town of Vail for a revised building permit based upon the latest approved plans. We respedully request the Planning department release the project for permit. Schedule of construction for thls Project is restrictive and awaiting the approval of changes, coordinatrng drawings and consuhanr is not to the best benefit of the dient or schedule, lfyou have any questions, feel free to call me at 949-3302. llryPtW Jeffrey P Manley, AIA Project Archhed, Shepherd Resources, lnc. Cc: Ron Hughes Bryan Brubaker Gary Walker ]t ll il ,,-ffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: HUGHES RESIDENCE PEC Number: PEC040004 Project Description: SETBACK VARIANCE Participants: OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES 01/2612004 Phone: 3O1OO TELEGRAPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 4802s License: APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC 01/2612004 Phone: P.O, BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 License; ProjectAddress: 303 GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: ROWHOUSE #7 Legal Description: Ldil 7 Block 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE Parcel Number: 210108231001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Action: APPROVED Second By: Bernhardt Vote: 5-0-1 DateofApproval: 03/08/2004 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: CON0006306 This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposed residential addition. Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Bill Gibson PEC Fee Paid: 5500.00 From-TolvN 0F VAtL CoMMUNITy DiVELopMENl Type of Application and Fee: rfu4/514!l ,i t"'-l tr Conditjonat Use permit tr FioodplainModifiationtr Minor Exrerior Allerationtr Major Eferior Alterationtr Deveiopmenr plan ! Amendment to a Development pian \. 1- Z:ning Cooe Amendmeri >q Variane- tr Sign Variance tjtt4lpm T-208 t.0!? F-9?0 Application for Review by thePlanning and Environmental Commission Decartmenc of Ccmmunir,T Develoomeni 75 Soudr Fronbge Road, Vari Coforado AfelZiel; 970.a79_2139 IaX: 970.479-1452 web: www_cj.vail.co.us General Information: fl'ff1'F;?'#lfu?j::: "F*X f;:?:t:irf,H,:::::_:1.:Tust receive ,?::T:lpii:: ro submitrins a l"---llli:'-r,:" roi rr**i"e and_Environmen", .".r'i*,i li#ffi:L',i::g.g'Jfrirfi:JilT:;';ilHT:"1 :"lffi:T.il.il: S:T#ilYS1'J:lJ'* oepartmei- rbe proleci;ivlL" 'lJt" be revrewed by the rown iEf E,f yE0 i; U g i0t:4 ! tr tr trt tr D tr Rezoning lvlajor Subdivision Minor Subdivision Exempdon plat Minor Amendmen! to an SDD New Soeial Develooment Di<rr.i^' Major Amendment ro an SDD Major Amendment Io an SDD (no efienor modfrction, q1?nn $6000 }OUUU <1)qn bofu 5400 s800 (1 <nn c '1 ?nn Proposal: Lot ?. glock: 9 Physical Addr-ess: ParceiNo-: / lnlnR23rnh[ - (conbctEagrecc.Assessorat9T0-528-8540forparcel Desci'iption of tlie Requestl Zoning: Narne(s) of Owner{sJ: Maiiing Addressl Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: -v@ E-mail address: For Office Use OnN: Fee Paid:-.-AoDltcaton Dat€: Page I oi5.0 t/ tS/C2 Prrje= No.: o2 / oE I L,"t_F,aP.', v4, aa z t57'11 HUGHES PROPIRTIIS rr ur+ r ratil(i Ron EUEU€E W$ t-'.2/7{/ uvat-llg p.0t E./0ti F-I?0 TOW Application fon Design Reyiew -ffi##'ffiF!*"{lir- . weli u^.rw-d-€il.cD.u9 C--gtaal Informadonl trf ffi.rutrfiH#ieffitiitr^#;".Hffi #*"ooi,":E,i*f ""#,nft nr""tr: Hrunttr"+ffiH::g'H.,s#m,hH"+fr€:#$"He**HffL*s?r Desur-gtioa of the Re4rresc ;ffilJH,%\'*,:ft1 Zorling.. Name(s) of ornq.(s): 'Irlaillng Addness: owne(sJ SimaErre(s): flamedApFti€|rg ltailing ACdressl E toElladdrcss: : ll|FeofR€yieurandFee: C i'qins X Orrceurat Revleur EI ilet,' Csn55,tcdonE Acditoi E MlnorftFraUon (mulH-ErntV/armmercial; tr FllnOr Aleration. (shgtefamfiy/dude}) tr c}rengrs to AFFrE rd Fltn5 Cl. ScFlrEton RequSC LJJ- fi- EIE sl-oo p*rqu"re rtor ortrta{ ggn 37gaNo ftc isil ffi"*ffit;4d,1gffiim5250 tui minor dranEesl rarDonng, Paincnq -.,a lgbhg "atr, d --.E' 'rr'r-Er,.+zu l=r rr Ffr draqqci t !$qnc* rno Eitr irDt EBrelr.tE:q, .q|Fr e+ffioo.'.ffii wn-'naq; ilrd;;"H;LFrni, ratrG ftd SZg For .rerl5on6 b ohns alrrrd' r-,-.- ;; ttdHi:;8"15:: arrudv tmrsr'lq Dv Plannrne ealr or f,rr vr y^ rl lrJly ytull | | I UEyELUrMEII I DescripUon of the Request; SIO4IS Z45Z T-208 P.019/gz7 F-920 Application for Design Review -- Depanment of Community De,relcpment/):oLtll FrDnbge Road, Vail, Colorado 9f657 tel: 97A.479.2739 fax: 97O.4i9.2452 web: www-cj,\rail.co.us General Information: All prolects requiring design review must receiv€ approval pfior.to submitring a buiiding permit appticarion. pieasererer io Lle submttal recuirements for Ure particulsr approvat tnat ;s requeieA,- ln'ubpffotron for Design Reviewcannct be accepted untii arr requirJ i;;il.doliT; l#r.o uv tn" cJ.,nr-rily'0",)liop,nunt Depa*nenr. Theproled may aiso need !o be reviewed by the Town A*cit.rni/-o. ttre efinnin! in-j- rnuirn**al Commission.3":';ll"#:il"TJfi11,1"0"* unless a i'rci"g p;-it i= iou"a "iJ..J*t ucion comr,"nces wm*n Location of ule propasal; Lot 7 _g bck: O Physical Addrcss: Parcef No.: ZlOto Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): (Contact Eagle Co,.Assessorat 970-32B-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) SignaAtre(s) : Name of Applicant: Type of Review and FeelE Sgns X Conceptuai Review tr New Const uctiontr Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-fa miiy/com mercjal ) tr Minor Alterarion (sns te-ramily/d uptex) O qlanges to Approved plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus 91.00 per square foot of total siqn area. No Fee t!!9 For const-uction of a nerlrr buitdlng or demo/rebuitd.$:00 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential ar d-,En commerciai,brrriding (includes 2S0 additions & tnterior ionversions).+zru For mtnor changes to buih_ings and site improvements, srrch as,reroglnS, paintinE, window additions, landscaptng, fences andr&ining walls, e[.920 For minor dranges to buildings and site improvements, such as.reJogfing, palnttng, window additons, landscapinq, fences andretaintnE walls, efr.920 For. rori5isns to plans already approved by planning Staff or theDesign Review Eoard. Nq Fee PROPOSED MATERI.AIS Tvne of Material I ruo f.Lra)/t(l Color Buildins Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fa<ri: Soltrts Windows Wndow Trim Doors Door Trlm l'iand or Deck Rails Flues flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exhrior Lighting Other 4tr6erc-{F,wN iF,rT> Notesi %Tttu/awJe ueuF+. tsL> 5?et-,/AA)ttA. !T-r:--\ - @, Tep _ &,\r--TeD T-Rh Please specifo the manufucturer's Dame, the cotor name and number and attach a color chiD. Page 6 of Lz/OZ/17/Oz r -rus r. ratl uat f-v(u PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name -Ouantitv Size r-\ |('4rePa! .lb *r**U lpz_*.ir:el,.. oA s,_,JrN fgzDO(Fle+z- fx,ttz- {out_ti- L-+NO€zrfld4 Tb Bz Minimum Requirements for Landseping ;Deciduous Trees - 2,, Calioer Cgniferous Trees - 6, in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe -l-B D, Square Footaqe GROUND COVER 50D IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other randscape features (i.e. retaining wails, fences, s{,imming poor,' etc.) PROPOSED TREES +tftrJ +AND SHRUBS -1_g> ECSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Pase 7 of LzlozlT7/Oz 0Z/Lo/2001 08:32 FA-T.I q|r, l|J Lr? rJ|': rtt la |!/AE4ZAO4 l8:0r ftrl ; raFDaFa u. uelles ! !,. r'rntrr| r ' \rE, ebvr?t<rr t glo4i3e{gu 303 - 3Ze -2650 i,208 P,00: @ ooz P. a t€ 004 Fs2t(l I, (pnnt nam€) clsqtption) *RJr*f*.if bsf pa6p.RTrowHER wrlITiEN AP P fiovAl t-g,rrG R. Dre/ide **,ff3 oeen't'Jbilttcbci io drr Torarn of Vail cemmun* o*a,o*ffi whfdr have irhpr6'/qriefisi tD be omrrlc :_- 'Edai$eae+111br@e" runderGndth.rrtrlEp6sa<_, irnpraremenE indUde: Fr=. r,-.ir ffi-iff_ffiffi,g-uga:1\'*.a r turticr underrbnd g'tat minor modificlion' fi'y be md B me p.rans ocr the, (sre or.the ?Eyi.:r^,,prrccrsl b ensdrie canptbncr rrdr, $c Townt apg,lbble 60es arrd reEuladon$ t",t. ..,,>' { bbb; u t,k-lls Lllso 9,,0d c,ob e,rAuNNA) Ht'v 8/lo Un,( (t P47t f ot, {-q 111g76r 02/LO/2004 08:32 FAX A oo1 SHEPHERD RESOURCES IN. / AtA POST OFFICE BOx t621 AVON COLORADO E I6IO 7910 949 3!02 Fr?0 9{9 ! t2l WWW. SRIARC H IT E CT,CO FI RECORD T FILE CATEGORY IT PROJECT NO PROJECT N^tl€ -E Algfrzexlr ayVAle,e y'orpoy*- ROUTINC D CONFERENCE FAX N O RESEARCH NO PAGES - N HEMORANDUH u H It, r -4uE 1,. uuI F-97 n tAan*"f*lf- >a*6 FRopERTtr owNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETIER c "tc.\sQ{' r ( .- -ffi-ffiroperry rocated at(aoaress/resar . lqb f.c"--pruvrce FJlis tetter u= *nttf.::^..-Y$:aFu"9te ?6 a, v,*o,r1rn approval oI fhe Dians dahed ,H_c_E ., . -' been submitfed to flre Town of Vail Commqnity DeveloFneflt D@aftrnen, 1o, *. proposed rm'rovelrren* to be compreted af the addresx-ge+etfve. I undetstand fitst rhe prcposedA =,!7 -1^ry,gfrfl'A*1gg' 1 rA-r^- 4 a r further undershnd that minor rnodifietons may be made tu the prans over the course of tfie revr.€wprocFsc to ensure,comtrli,ance ryith the Town,s applicable codes and regufatons. TOI,V}I I/ {jlri'1i name) desciipfion) rmFrovements include: Page ? of 6_0 l,/t 8/0:. Td ,JAAZiA\ baaz 6a 'qa!6VA6 6LV A/6 : '0N Xbl 13 - sat+radoJd +alev3 eloFuog : l,JOXl ApJr\-4El'{f PRCPER.T'1 OWNER WR ITTEN .dPPROVAL LETTER ?0lVrV )i' (lrrirrr'enr':)-krr"tgFecnrsl'f tete( --, }rfiffi.f properrv roceted at (addfsi.s/resardc:r::i'11is1) #s€cee_irg5t+.ry trF,_rlN lTl . v+rr_ ._a Froviile,iri; r,:,r,r.o.Ir ftl-r?ffi"lrrtT:t. ;;I-...uqr* r rr-rQn'rr[Le'J fo tfie Town or. Vair cornrnunlly Dcveropnlert Deparhlent for the proposed imFl'qvqtil{rrr$ r.o be completeti atj5qlriressXc+e*=ucrze, I undersand lhat ihe propo5edintprovenrcnh; inclurje: ?1: 36p+- l-?eEt- r:*,u=,-|.ilj' " "= PIIJpo-teoLorl r eEJ 4,-;1-.;;6;u 7, Vxr4L^ l'\Jt- r-208 P,005 F-9 ?0 F.AfE. /N45, I further undersrand that nlinor morjifications may'be made to the prans over the c.urse of r,.le reviewfjroces:!' lro errjurH ccmFliancc With ihe Town,s applicable codes anrj regula6ons. ll ffi&r'+tfu; (5ir_7natr.le) +_?*rz.r4^), Pr gc ?- or rj-i.J l / l d,iO? vL I L:-.Jri/lqtI I sj'04i32+52 T-208 P 003 AP-l'\*af- )eitr pRopERTy owNER WRITTEN AF PROVAL LETI'ER r0m1 {O,nc.e-t1-a JoSt owner of property locaced at (address/lecaldeso-ioo-on) rrnprovemenE include: Frovide hi' r"1rTf *.ff been submitted to fre Town of vafi communr'ty DeveJcprnenL Deparffient /"r; ,.r"*armprcvemenE to be complefed at the addresllbd<t6-ve. I undersrand that cne propased/\ which have :*i:ry,-'[ryffr'a.uilg', !A'r,r-- c o r further undersEand that minor modifietions may be made ts the plans over the course of tl]e ,,siiew i.irccess lo ensui-e compliance WiEr the Town,s applieble codes and regulations. (Signature) (Date) Page 2 of 6-01ll 8/02 ,-.-'aar26_ 2004 54974 DOLLARS $ _{e(.i r', - Permjt Numbers t-----__. piu]oi"-F"v-- -r- - - Net Amount lnvoice Number Date Voucher Amount Discounts ---- __)500.00 500.00 Variance Proj. #0305 1t73t03 0007 142 500.00 Town of Vail TOtalS lCONSTRU 7 500.00 mS" '4'':1+"1wtl COPY :.1 AVAILABLE J Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Matenals Fecri= Soffits Windows Wndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ratls Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Reta,ining walls ExLerior Lightrng Other4t rr=-a_ lep.wxl iF.r T5 Notes: PROPOSED MATERT.ALS Tvpe of Material %T\y_z_o, t etrllue V e N egr_ l-6uq Y.t(,t/ult Color \AJaoo - evxirp_r?, ,,J* tgl> f-fanr - T T3D a<Ta\JLb -2*4?%r LA<IN TE_ 'I_er: b944- STtJcrp <JH{E_ 4f |V-l/ &hr.TaD TP.f-\ Please specifo the manufuchJre/s name, the color name and number and attach a mlor chio. Page 6 of Lz/OZlO7lOz PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUSS E(ISTING TREE5 TO BE REMOVED I irl u PROPOSED LANDSCAPINC Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size tz4tfrfq\/ -[p pFUr4.A]. Lb.*T?_D .r< soJr| fgzr:tof-Ft=&- 1.,.4t+-t <a,,rfi* L.tr._lO T.b Ee --Minimum Requirements for Landseping : GROUND COVER qnFf )CEU IRRIGATION I/PE OF EROSION CONTROL Dectduous Trees - 2,, Cair-per Coniferous Trees - 6, in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. i vDe Square Footaqe Please specifiT .ther randscape features (i.e. re'ining wats, fences, swimming poors, erc.) Page 7 of LZ|O2|O7/OZ [l J 4 tl pr (1 7 T-9 F{I'$ F- {l rl- Efr Ct-.' Ifr\_r\\J ---l P IJ o_ LN 0J U ,F l0rrcr'l lol= c9 o.l CU \,N\ oOn lJ-) \IJ B€ ts@ \--1 =lPl \- T,' t--- \J =-tl s.\ \ 00 I I /7t\\\= lwtr\ -:-rul]=- F V .---rFpo(\X \ a \J 1,..,\j(o \\t- ----J 0'l4+, rAc\ U|\U\O; O- croQA Jm = r,-,0ro 3_X X \JX =rr U -YUp BAJfrl ftJJrN |r) o p'.r LY CU l-\ w o\.___..,9|r)mc, cu9:3al an CU l-.r rTr - $ lY-\ 0 n+cp-CI,x3ruco =X nl N \l rn--Q5m rn X ll s d# r dn ..D),8 '- qi7 ll \r F --- J 24.6', i RETAINING WALL DETAIL AT EAST STAIR D2.0 -|c{o _l IT sTONE VENEER STONE \1ENER ll SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA HUGHES RESIDENCE O3O5 PEC FOUNDATION DETAILS SCALE 3/4" = l'-0" 02-09-04 RETURN 6YBTO MF6. KERF *llM A5 REAp. 1,12 hil4 (51U@O) 5filM A9REd'D. SEALANT AT PERII.4ETER gHIM ASRE@D. NA6,KERR'oD T 9EALANT I^IATERPROOF I..IEMBRANE TO OVERLAP AIR INFILRATION EARRIER AND EXTENP OVER R.OIJ6H gILL -(\.\ ; tuN rt) Fz =ll vv t It H It SHFPHFRT) RESOURCES INC / AtANt4 (1rUC.,Cd . :.'._: ::^':. HUGHES RESIDENCE O3O5 PEC WINDOW DETAILS SCALE: I l/2'= t'-0" 02-09-04 IAMBeF- ylooD SILL V@OD APRON TYPICAL WINDOW DTTNII D6. I i{I o -ln STONE oAP *5 AT t'-b" STONE AND 6ROUTI4ALL r4fTH e> AT t'-6"VERTI6AL I/2" IfrLA.TION JOINT . CONCRETE gLAD ON-C'RADE STAIR t'ttTH*5 AT l'-O" EACH t.tAy SToNE PAVERS ANP&ouT <106'-o.> *9 A1 I'.6" VERTICALAND HORIZONTAL *5 b" - "'fi olu d{rt ^t rro.,* 9f "L6' ilFfrffe.li.;8* 9ECT ICN 3/4' = Y-6' Status: I Approved Comnluury DEVELopMENT Roulttc Fonut I Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:02t11t04 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:02118t04 Description of work:Addition & Variance Address:303 Gore Creek Drive Lesal:Lot:7 | Block:6 Subdivision:VailVillase 1sI Filins Comments:Date Reviewed: 2-19-04 Fire rtment lssues. Need additional review by Fire Provide s on a scale of 1" = 10' or 1" = 20' Are any improvements to wood retaining walls on north side of lot proposed near Gore Creek? lf show on site plan 100 vearflood olain. Show on site plan, an 18" concrete slab at property line between driveway and E. Gore Creek Drive. This is to separate heated portion of drivewav and asohalt on Gore Creek Drive. lsandoval 't%lzilzgl3 23:13 3437567459 Pffi A2 To: VailPlaoning Board Re: Vail Row House #7 pending Rcmodel application Date:Norrcmber 5,200{ ^Epl"lo.l-rJqrtr.o &c From: The Welles Family, Oumcr of Unit 68, Vail Townhouses - .C[,_r qj 4g4-, *ct- w,S--,or:r family owns the ahttirg upstairs rmrt, Unit dB, just to the west ofthe Row nou""' - \ #7. In principel we support ths dcsire of the omer of Row House z to rcrpdel ard t19rutrugt thsh lmit, with prolectbn ofour property, with protection of our propertyrffis and with presenration of ow rights to pursue a po*sibie rEmodel of orn un* in the future. Eristing Pefi Well.ArIrtcmcnt Given orrr existiF ryIty walt agrcemcnt with the orrmer ofRow House #7, no changes can be rudc to the hEight of thc improvemenh on Lot 7 or to the pafy wati we shari, without oru Tploval ard ageemeni, and also with thp approrzal and agreerrem oftbe ormsr ofUnit 6B ofthe Vail Toumhouses (the Puks mririlg. With those requirements in place, and sincc neither our &.mily of tte part<s fimily hes-agre€d to tbe proposed f_nodel by ths owner of Row Housc #?, we beliew h t prenature rr rire i'orm and thcptalfg Board to review the application ot hold any pretimirrary bearings on the application. In this regard wc re&r l,ou to our trFmo-to you ofNovenr#r 4s. !e yek to nmrk, in good ftith" wirh thc Towa and thc ovmer of Row House z to Ensure tho fuUowing before any approvals arc given:l. t'hat the physical arrd structural intuglty ofour unit ard the dividing party wal we share me not co4romised by aay rmdificetions thar may bc rn"n, to nowflouse 7n 2. that ow use of our unit, and rrilities to it, trot be'measouably intern'pted or dishrbed duing construction, 3. thrf thr applicarf be rcquired b prrovide us with a certificate fiom theit architect indiaatiry ttrat ttp prof[sed rrpdifications ro Row]Iouse Z will notin any way inrerftr' *lm gt ts* ftlly and satisfrctorily addrcssed ail impasts on anyofthe ry"t,o"-t pr'rnbing rrechanicar, HVACtreb.trical sy$;*, orthc party urall we $bare,4. all plans submitted to us and tbc ?own bc signed, stasped or certified to by alicensed architect, 5' thd the existing privacy, nat'ral light, sohr accesso quiet ana vierrys in our udtafe ldt adversely irupacted as a result ofthe cbanges to Row Ho'se #7,6. that our righ to_yneade ara renrodel onr rmit in ilu futun" ir p*t""tca as tt "Owrrcr ofRow House Z seeks to upgrade theh unit now. {00456R,RTrp} 'L912il2A63 23:13 3437567459 {f_$e applicaCI obtairo approvat, that approval strould be corditiorod ofl st least th€ fullowing: PAGE 63 l. an amcndmert, acceptable to all parties, bc pr"pard, signed and recorde4 pr th9_fartf IFtl Egeem€Trt betwecn lots ? and e linctuding thp owrer of Row llouse #7 ad Unih 6A ard 68 ofthc Vail T;$'nhous;)r2. the applicant be required to p'rovide us with an indemnity agreemcnt, to prctest ourproperty druhg and after co$tnrctionr 3. the applig$ be required to pnovidc uq and to nsimain, adequate commercial general liability ad buildcrs rist insurance, wittr tte owrprs ofUnit 6B and 6A as additional named in$reds,4. that if qpprovc4 thc applicant bc required to provide the owncrs of units 64 and 6B with a demage deposit ofnot less thpn $__, to be held in trust during constnrstior, - 5. all consa'Etion bo limited to occur between thehour of g a.rn and 5 P.fi.r 6. constuclion must be stafied between oc'tob€r I and Norrember 20, or Hqry the closing ofthe ski moutain and Jrlre 30 and pursued diligently to conpletion, 7' lu applicant is required to ohain app'rorrals fiom the Tonn aod fiom us for any additional spaae or naterialiorage. Y.u *g." you to require thc applicant to Ethink his proposed design wirh his neighbors,interests in nind and addrcssed by agreemem. wg need to t spi& rr"ft ottrsr's riglrts asrre seek to takc adrautagc oftbe DEw Town ofvail -olog pr;;;; No ouner should $ atlowcd to degrade th; rnnrc orauotmls *,it," tt,uy seek to edd ve6e to their ournThc Toum of vail sho'ld not sgrce to proposed elemenis which would adversely impastadjacent units. * oor. F be ofroned tbe opportunity to nset wi& the ryplicant and his archihct to findmutually beneficial resolution to ou issoe. cc: Ron Hughe+ Chris prkq Erickson Shirley (0or5d73,RTT,! LA/2912A93 64: Bg 3837567459 PAGE AL To: Town of Vail Design Rwiew Boflrd, ard Warren Campbell, PlanrrrRE: Hugbes Residence Hearing Postporrcmetr Request \ zrDEte: Norrember \2w3 .Jlh*o_h u-Jett<+, fbrFrom: The Wellcs Family, #6 B, Upstairq 303 CroreCrcckDrive il* ,rlollt Xr^,*,.\qn Our finrily owns the alrutting #6 updain unit, to ths West of the llughes UaiL Both tttc ' Welles' unit #6 B and tlre donmstairs udt {t6A (separately ounrd by the Parks frnity) hve a party wall agreemem with l,ot#1. Our palty udl agteement (dtached) states on page 2, tta t 4t'No dwelling located on any ofths afrrcdescriH real estate sba[ 4t any time ext€rd b"yond their o<isting bigtf as ofthe date hereof (dated l-22-64)..." and on pagc 2, itcm 5: 'Neither party shall alte,r or change said party ualls in any rnarmerr ifrerior decoration excepted, ard sall party walls shall always remain in the ssme loogtion as when erested.,.t Ttis agreeffifit clgarly requires lot #7 to obtain oru permission to alter our party urall and herrce to rebuild their rmil we hare atterrytcdto work with Ron llughes to arriw at an amended partywal sgre€rnelt we uould be willing to sign. lVhsn we have been scnt docuurcnts, we have let him know wlry his dra-fts arls not yet acceptabte and hav€ offercd constnrctive {g8estions. lVe have had to seEk clarrification and rcgucst phns in ordsr to understand uihat was being pmposcd. or most rcc€nt comrcsation witn ur. llughes was oD Gtob€r 22 ad he did mt inform us thet he was submitting his plans t-o tbc Towa of Vail for prclininary design coruultation. In ligh of tha worh th# still nceds to be donc by Ron Hughes and his desigp teanr to ohain amcndcd party wall agrgcrnrms fiom tlp Welles and parks faurilies, and fiofir, Pltt gon $-hirley (who also holds r pafiy wall agreemeut for his Unit g), rrre ruge tbe' DRB to table discussion of Ron Hughes' submrtteA plars until he tras a final agrorto"fit on an anr€trd,Ercnt to the Psrty Wall Agnemem, 'We do not belie\rc discussing plsns which ae cleafly in violation of existing pafty urall agreemrts is a produc'tive we ofthe Town's time, or ours, and reqtrest that-1'ou tatle ttre dissussion ofRon Hughes' application scHured iortomonow. Ifunsst and nru communication will rezuft in the most productirrc outcomc for all paties involved ard wc strongly emourEge the Town to insist on a fair and legal proceso. ' Attachment: 3 page Party Wall Agreemcat dated January ?2,1964 CC; Hughcs, Parks, Shhley 'LAt29/2AA3 A4|A9 3837567459 't1l29/2AA3 a4tag 3s37557459 'IA/23/28A3 A4iAg 3637557459 L/ tr'orm a.O/GlIil Our 0rder No. V50000487 Sdedule A hopcrty Addrrss: UMT 7, VAIL RO$/HOUSE VAIL CO 81657 1- Policy Deter Septembcr ZI,ZOOS ar 5:00 p.M. 2, Name of Tnsured: BzuDCE STREET ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. 3. The etate or interest in the land describ€d or rel'erred to ln this sctredule A Fee Sirnple 4. fitle to the estate oF interest covered by this policy at the date hereof is ve BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES. L.L.C, s. The lard referred 0o ilr rhrc policy is described as fo[owsr LOT 7, RESUBDIVISION OF BLOCK 5, AND A PART OF GORE CREEI FIRST FILIN6, COLTNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLQRADO. This Policy vslid only if Schedr:le B i6 sttlched Land Titte Guarantee Company Represenfing CLictgo TItIe Insurance Compa Amou+t $2.525.000.00 nnd rryhich is cov€f,d by rhis policy is: iled iu: i DRIVE, VAILVILLACE. ry ),/7')S:IlUfdOHd SfHgnH HAEIIZE tA, ST NU-C LTG Policy No. CTAIt000048? Form AO/CEI Our OrderNo, V50000487 i. Schedule B This policy does not inswe against loss or damage (and tle Company witl not pay costs, attomeys' fees or expeoses) which arise by reason of: Ceneral Exceptions: Rights or claims of parries in possession nor shown by the public records. Easemenrs, or clairns of easements, not sholcl by rJre p$lic records. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shonage in area, encrogehmetrts, and any facts which a cgrrect survey and inspecrion of the premises would disclose ard which are nol showtr by the public records. Any lien, or righ m a lien, for services, Iabor, or nraterial heretoforc or hereafter firnished, imposed by law and ror shown by rhe public records, ITEMS I THROUGH 3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS UNDER SCI{EDULE B.I ARE IIEREBY DELETED. ITEil4 NO, 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES. L.L.C.. TAXES AND ASSESSMBNTS FOR THE IrEAR 2003 AND SUESEQUENT YEARS. RIGI{T OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIB SAMB BE FOUND TO PEi.IETRATE OR IMBRSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED I1JLY 12. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTTIORITY OF TITE UNITED STATES AS RBSERVED IN IJMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 4g AT PAGE 4?5. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI..AUSE, BUT OMITTING A].[Y COVENANT OR RESTFJCTION BASED ON RACB, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, I{ANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO TTIE EXTENT THAT SAID CO\IENANT (A) IS EXEMFT UNDER CHAPTBR 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNTTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO I{ANDICAPBUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, A5 CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10, 1962, IN BOOK 174 AT PACE 179. J. 5^ 6. z/E'd Sfllufdoud SiHgnH bJdPiPzZ@ tE. Str NU-C l)\r'LTG Policy No. CTAI500004E7 Forrn AO/CIII Our Ordcr No. V50000487 Schedule B TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISTONS OF PARTY WALLAGREEMENT RECORDED JANUARY 29, L964IN BOOK 175 AT PAOE 373 AND RECORDED NOVEMBER E, 1963 IN BOOK r78 ATPAOE I82. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS. RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF BLOCK 5 AND A PART OF GORE CREEK DRIVB, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING RECQRDED JANUARY 9, 1963 AT RECEPilON NO. 96927. E}OST]NG LEASES AND TENANCIES. THE EFFECT OF ACCESS TO TTIE ADJOINING LOT OYER SUBIECT PROPERTY. THE EFFECT OF WOOD RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK RETAINING WALLS NOT WITHIN SUB]ECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARBD BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEER]NG, DATED 7I2LIO3, JOB NO. 03-00665, TTIE EFFECT OF WOOD RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK RETAIMNG WALLS ONTO UTILITY EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER-MOUNTAIN BNGINEERING, DATED 7 I2L/03, JOB NO. 03.00665. THE EFFECT OF METAL SPIRAL STAIRS NOT WTIHIN SIJBIECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER.MOTJNTAIN ENGINEERING. DATED 7t21/03, JOB NO. 03-0066s. THE EFFECT OF WOOD FBNCE AND GATE NOT TITHIN SUBIECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER-MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, DATBD 1/2u03, JOB NO. 03_00665. THE EFFECT OF STAIRS NOT WITI{IN SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMBNT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINBERING. DATED 7/21t03, JOB NO. 03-0066s. THE EFFECT OF ASPHALT NOT WTI.IIN SUBIECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CBRTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, DATED 7/21t03, JoB NO. 03-0066s_ CLA]MS OF RICHT, TITLE AND/OR INTEREST IN THE PROPERTY BETWEEN THE WF,STERLY BOUNDARY LINE AND THE FENCB (ASDBPICTED ON THE SURVEY PREPARED BY 10. 11 12. 14. l< I6. 17. 18. 2/V'd Sflld:dodd SfHgnH H{TF:Z@ Ua. ST NUf LTG Policv No- CTATS0000487 f,'o[m AO/CHI Our Ordr No. V50000487 Schedule B INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGiNEENNC, JOB NUMBER 03-00665 WHETHER SAID CLAIMS ARISE BY ABANDONMENT, ADVERSE POSSESSION OR OTHER MEANS, 20, DEED OF TRUST DATED SEPTEI{BER 24,2003, FROM BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. TO TI{E PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR TI{E USE OF BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. TO SECURE THE SUM OF $1,641,250.00 RECORDED SEPTEMBER 29, 2003, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 851556. L/> d S3I-LEfdOUd SfH9nH Adtrrte? FA. Str NUf I.AND TITI.E GUARANTEE CtlMPANY ENDORSE!{ENT 1OO.3XCase V5A0O04E7 Pol,icy cTArs0000487 Property Address tlNIT 7, vA[tr Eowfrousa yAIL eo 87697 Ow|er BRItGt 'SIEAAT ASSOCtrATE9. L,.L.C. The Company hereby insures Ehe .Iasured againlc Zoss which the Insured shal.-L sustain by reaion of physicaT, hut not aesthecic, damage to improvement,sexisting on the -l.alld at Date of Policy er corrsxrueted Lfrereon thereafXer,resuTting from the exercjse subsequent to the Date ot policl ot aly rightsto use the surface of che ]and under t-he mjnera] intetesr l.eterned to in Exceptioa No. t,6 _ of Schedul.e B (nthe nineral rightst,), Eubj ece Ihowever, to the foTTowing eexns and condjtjons.- 7- lhe .Xasured shaJ-J nottfy uhe Conlrany pronptly ln wtlting in case l<towledge sha-1, L come to an .fnsured Iereunder of atzy aetuaJ, or threa lened exerci se of the ftjneral, rights. 2. T&e conBrany shal.? have the righE, ar ius eost, to take ady action r4rhl ch in its opinioa may be aeceslary or desjrabl. e in otder for uhe comFany Eo avoid oz minimize the ercEent' o.f, jLs TiabiTity uljder Ehjs endoreefienc, including, but not Lj]l?rued Eot any ar aII of tlte foTTowing: In U?e Company's ovnt right, ot in the name of Ehe Iasured Fot the Comparry t s benefii, eo inatitute, prosecu ge and purspe to final determ.i,na ti on any proceedinEs aE lah' or in equiq/, o" beFore any municipal ladmlnisEfaElve, ot reguTatory trlbunal or hoexd; In tl:e corlFtany | 6 own tight, or in the nane of Ehe tnsuredfor the Conpany,B benefic, to compeT the glvlnE of, seauriLy hond or undertaking by &e person ot pereonl Etam whom the Ir sured Ls enfj C.ted by Law to sdch Fecutity, bond or uadertaJcing, end in the sa.rne afioun?or arnounts to which tfie Ir6ured wouid .haue been go entitled i:ad this endorsemen c not been issued,- and , Eage 7 of 2 Representing Chicago Title lnsurance Company (Dt L/9'd SfILH:doUd SfHSnH UdI.V:eA ?4, ST NUf '\Jt IAND TITTE GUARANTEE COMPANY EI{DORSEMEMT 100 .31 (c) to retain ot be paid out of any such security, bond or undertaking I ot oux of any campensat ion or funds recgvered -by the conpany ot the Insured, duc}2 amourJt as wi77 rejmburse the company Eot alX pa).men ts Jttadeto t]le Insured by Ehe Cdfipany by rleson of the jflsu.rarce af.f,orded by chis endorsefteit, EogeEhet with all_ coste aj:d eJrlrenses jncurred hy the Colftpany in connection thefewic.h I including aEtorney, g tees. 3. No rights, .beneffel ot d.efenses are jntended to ot shall he deemed.to fTow or be aade aveirabre to any persan or enti ty other thanthe Insured by reaeon of the insura.:nce affotded, by this endorse-ment, ard tJze -Insured agrrees E&at af I ot the -In6ured.E yighxs ar:d renedjes agraiJ?s I thjrd parEjes re.Iatiag to the subj ectmatter o.f thjs €nclgz-"*r"ot sha_?.] .be deened to have rernajnedintaet, in the same maruer as lt thii e8dorgerflen t had not .beeni ssued , This endoraemen c is made a part of said. troticy and is subjece Eo tfie,gchedules, condj Ejol:s and Stipula tsions tiiere in, except as mod.if,ied, by thepzoui si ons J:ereof . Page 2 of 2 Representing Chicago Title lnsurance Company 2/L'd S3I-tU]doUd SlH9nH Hd?b:28 FA. ST NUf TRANSM ITTAL SHEPHERD RESOURC€S INC / AIA 37341 US HWY 6, SUtTE t0l POST OFttCE 80x t624 AVO N COLORADO 8I62O T970 949 3302 F970 949 5t2l WWW.SRIARCHITECT.COM " lcv llPROJECI NOI D APPROVAL E RECORD E TNFORMATTON E OTHER0 usE DESCRIPTION Lrq*T ^)rl ll )r. 6 3 ll NDcrlr), FILE CATECORY: PROJECT NAME: DATE: 4 II AYAS|2AA4 15:L7 72A-946-A887 ATTORNEYS AND OOUNSELOFTS CRANITE BUILDING. SECONF FLOOH . I224 FIFTEENTH STREET DENVER. OOLORADO 80202 TBlephonc (303)823-450o i Fax (S031ts29-Q960 I I MFGLL LLP PAGE 62 MURRAV FRANKE GREENHOUSE LIST & LIPPITT LLP March 5,2004 PAUL R. FMNKE, III pfr6nkF@mf0ll.com i303) 623+?67 FilcNo, 1329. Yn Facsimile 970/4 79-24 52 M. Bill Gibson, Planner Department of Community Dwelopmenr Touin of Vail 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Hughu Family Vail Row House Unit 7 DearMr. Gbson, Monday, March 15, 2004. This will also confirm that there is nothing firther thai your ofFrcr needs on this application, We understand that a neighbor had raised a party-wall issue, however given the personal-contactual natue of party-wall igreements, it is or:r understanding that issrre does not fall within the City's jurisdiction, nor will it impact the hearing on Monday. This letter is written as a follow-up to my efforts to oontact you today. It is understanding that the Hughes Application is on the Agenda for the Planning Deparbnent Bill, should rny understrrding be incorre.ct, or should your oftice desire information, please don't hesitate to contact me. Munay Franke Grecnhouse List cc: Ronald L. Hughes & Lippitt LLP TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department March 8, 2004 A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 7, Block 5, Vail Village 1"r Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Ron Hughes, represented by Shepherd Resources, lnc.Planner: Bill Gibson il. SUMMARY The applicant, Ron Hughes, is requesting a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for an addition in the setback. located 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Rowhouse #7. The proposed addition in the setback consists of an increase in the amount of bulk and mass of the existing home in the setback. Based upon staffs revieiw of the criteria in section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance to allow the construction of an addition in the setback subject to the findings and conditions noted in section lX of this memoranoum. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is proposing a significant renovation to an existing residence, originally constructed in 1963, located at 303 Gore creek Drive, vail Rowhouse #7. The proposed renovation includes an addition of approximately 43.1 sq. ft. of gross residential floor area (GRFA) and a substantial exterior alteration to the property. The applicant's request and proposed architectural plans have been attached for reference (see Attachments B and C). The provisions of Section 12-17 (Variance), Vail rown code, determine the review criteria and review procedures for a variance request. BACKGROUND The Vail Rowhouses were originally constructed in 1963. The Vail Rownouses were constructed as a single structure; however, Rowhouses #2 through 6 are a single homeowner association, and Rowhouses #7 through 14 are subdivided as individual lots of record. Therefore the Vail Rowhouses (i.e. all units) are legally non-conforming in regard to numerous requirements of the High Density Multiple ilt. lv- Family district. Furthermore, as individual lots of record the Rowhouses #7 through 14 deviate greatly from the Town's current zoning regulations. Due to the non-conforming nature of the Vail Rowhouses, several variances have previously been considered for the other individually subdivided units (i.e. #7 through 14): . Unit 8: Density control variances denied in 1984 and 1999 Setback variance approved in 1984. Unit 11: Density control and setback variances approved 1984. Unit 12: Density control and setback variances denied 1 984 Density control and setback variances approved 1985 . Unit 13: Setback variances approved 1981 and 1993 The applicant's proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board at its February 18, 2004, public hearing. The Design Review Board commented on several aspects of the proposal, and responded very favorably to the proposed architecture and aesthetics. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order of Reviewl Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action: The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial/approval with conditions of a variance. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population' transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities' and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon ihe character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. V. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Design Review Board: Action: The Design Review Board has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board application. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on lhe property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-6H: High Density Multiple Family District 12-6H-1 : Purpose: The high density multiple-family district is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings af densrtles to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, pivate recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family dlsfricf is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apaftment, condominium and lodge useg and to maintain the desirable residential and resoft qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permifted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-6: Sefbacks; The minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20'), the minimum srde setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). Chapter 12-17: Variances 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcemenl variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon: from topographic or physical conditions on the sife or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical Iimitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Staff believes that the following goals of the Vail Village Master Plan are relevant to the review of this proposal: #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. VI. SITE ANALYSISAddress: 303 Gore Creek Drive, Vail Rowhouse #7 Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 5, Vail Village 1't Filing Zoning: High Density Multiple Family Land Use Plan Designation: Village Master Plan Current Land Use: Residential Lot Area: 2,674.6 sq. ft. (2,524.6 sq. ft. buildable area) Development Standard Allowed/Required Proposed Setbacks (min): Front: 20 ft. 20 ft. West Side: 20 ft. 0 ft. East Side: 20 ft. 0 ft. Rear: 20 ft. 20ft. Density (max): lunits + 1 EHU 1 unit GRFA (max): 1,515 sq. ft. 2,734 sq. ft." Building Height (max): 48 ft. 38 ft. Site Coverage (max): 1,471 sq. ft. (55%) 1,347 sq. ft. (51%) Landscape Area (min) Parking (min): 802 sq. ft. (30%) 3 spaces 874 sq. ft. (33%) 2 spaces**" * (includes existing GRFA plus 250 GRFA bonus & interior conversion GRFA bonus)*- (existing non-conforming in terms of hardscape / softscepe ratio) "-* (existing non-conforming) VII. SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use Zoninq North: Gore Creek Outdoor Recreation South: Commercial Commercial Core 1, Parking, and PublicAccomodation East: Residential High Density Multiple Family West: Residential High Density Multiple Family VIII. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 1 2-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Regarding the Setback Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The applicant has received written approval from Vail Rowhouse #6 and 8 for this proposed fenovation and variance request. The applicant has indicated that they will address any construction impacts to the adjoining Vail Rowhouses. Rowhouse #8 is also currently proposing an addition and renovation, and Rowhouses #7 and 8 have agreed to coordinate construction methods and schedules to reduce imoacts to the other Rowhouses. Staff does not believe this proposal will negatively affect the existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity in comparison to the existing conditions. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to aftain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Given the previous approval of setback variances for other individually subdivided Rowhouses, Staff believes this proposal requests the appropriate degree of relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation and is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of the Town's development objectives without a grant of special privilege. 3.The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe the proposed setback encroachment will have a significant negative impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Such other factors and criteria as the commisslon deems applicable to the proposed variance. The applicant's proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board at its February 18,2004, public hearing. The Design Review Board commented on several aspects of the proposal, and responded very favorably to the proposed architecture and aesthetics. The applicant has represented to the Town of Vail that this proposal will not alter the structures or grounds of the adjoining Lot 6, Block 5, Vail Village 1"' Filing (i.e. Rowhouse #6) and will not necessitate the use any portion of Lot 6 for construction access or staging. Based upon this representation, the Town of Vail does not consider the owner of Lot 6 to be a 'Joint property owner" and therefore is not required to be a co-applicant for this proposal. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 4. B. b. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of piivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions, of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 7, Block 5, Vail Village 1't Filing. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimonv presented, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granting of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 4. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve this variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition: 1. This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant receiving Town of Vail design review approval for this proposed residential addition. 2. This variance request approval shall be contingent upon the applicant, in association with this proposed residential addition, not altering the structures or grounds of the adjoining property, Lot 6, Block 5, Vail Village 1"' Filing (i.e. Rowhouse #6), and not using Lot 6 for construction access or staging, X. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinlty Map B. Applicant's Statement C. Architectural Plans D. Public Hearing Notice Attachment: Attachment: B SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIP POST OcFlCt BOX 1621 AVON COLORADO 8I620 T970 949 3JOZ F970 949 511 W W W. S R IA R C H II E C T. C O PIJanuary 25, 2004 Town of Vail, Planning and Environmental Commission Warren Campbell, Planner Vail, Co 6r RE: HUGHES RESIDENCE, VAIL ROWHOUSE #7 BRJDGE STREET ASSOCIATES, LLC 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 0305 VARJANCE REQUEST Dear Warren and PEC, This project is a remodel/addition of the existing Vail Rowhouse #7Aand #78. The attached package and information is submitted for Planning and Environmental Commission meeting of February 23, 70A4. If,E' The zoning regulation variance request is presented for the following areas: I ThelotTareais26T4.6T5squarefeetwithafrontageof25,05', RefertolmprovementLocation Certilicate included within this package. This is an existing site confinedand bounded by adjacent properties not allowing the 10,000 square feet minimum buildable area or the 30' minimum frontage. (Lot Area and Site Dimensions l2-6H-5) 2 The proposed remodel and addition is within the existing footprint or smaller than the existing footprint, except for the new ski closet on the entry terrace along the west, Unit 6, parly wall south of the residence, the south entry terrace, stone veneer site walls, mechanical crawlspace and a portion of the lower level ski room and therefore a variance from the 20'-0" side yard setback is required. The side setback of 0'-0" is an existing condition because of the existing rowhouse type of construction. The residence is not proposed to expand north or south ofthe existing footprint except as noted above and the existing building is not encroaching into the front or rear setbacks of 20'-0'. (Setbacks l2-5H-6) The stone veneer site walls at the south, in front of parking, and side stone veneer walls shall compiy with the requirements for architectural projections of terraces in the front yard setback. 3 The existing 2 parking stalls are proposed to remain in use with some layout revisions and adding . m mwalkway between the parking stalls. The requirement of 75o/o of parking to be hidden from public view and not within the front setback is not achievable on this property, parking shall be located as far north as practical and to allow landscape requirements of zoning regulations and to preserve two existing large aspen trees. (Parking and Loading l2-6H- I l) IT The other units at 303 Gore Creek drive are rowhouses with similar needs and existing conditions. The above comments address the degree in which the variances are necessary to achieve compatibilily and uniformitJ with the neighborhood. The parking area located on the south side of this property is proposed to be treated in a manner to blend with the in process Town of Vail streetscape plans Please call if ycu have any questions. Jefrey P. Manley AIA Pro,iect Architect, Shepherd Resources, Inc. cc: Ron HuEhes tl ffiffi qo- F#E -9 qUo' E UH !s9 P iH 9 H S tOU5zdH 9t .+ milf;ea E$ ffgEi #5 qsI =roJ c :lueuqcenv €- FYXLIJ It EI Z.,9 Efr5gfi 6 E d E g; ;U: P iH 9 H 5 ,,JI!I I:q C\o z 5 z E o E /'F\H-\, '-----l zrllllEltzllol'tr|l=l,oltEllr|l! l3l >lI ull I dt-'tut ! rSlilOltt-t '__ ro .e zl<ldlzl PI al EI \ r1, \eI| (-) I I I I.J zI z E : E:;ouJ $99-9 S66gft -oVA4n r.r - E q; r 6 f s ip I H 3 )tfl II Izl{ldlzl F-l_'i I EIol dl>lull Jtr I \:,/ I I I I I - }EE sZ:;F-l- /'\ :! n -li 9; r,5 j c iH I H 3 q ,z/ lg 1 6 J\r ' EN.N ,//ls 6 101 F:: I I ,tNf t'tfsvl tlun ,0t NP"* *.-- -- --| z 1 zo o L ez u| NEP.^9 E56+tu 6 y d- *o r o dg YG l e -rcip. 9cs o zG ITI! s a I I F ,A\1-l zl<lJI (,t <l oliult:Fl{alr II $ I rl rl Y; IHa IE" iu' I8l ! ) IIItJIs/ f //$t I $ltr/l ii/ r//ri Itt /!t I t/tH/ vt *f {i s fi ti --rYA'P'-'E s I Ed 33 ts TE! tt$ Edi s$ .AFf::s E E E'-":b e s E :EiIB i6 E ei .t! .: la:t i:: ! JF:t EEt u-r: a3g, G6 I II I ta t; I I lii!st"-"ia 6 :t| ,tI lllI 1 qjgaI 'I Illl I lll iJ / I t!ll,lllil't l l:llllll] | ll ||| l tzi f,.1 il st la lE tii E E^-xxLU +E7 sZ E;5 s Q9 I3:!i,H. 9HS r-I I T I I !_ II t I II i 3 t{IIiiI ;tf{rl r 6tc , [mNl rffiN iitiJ !3$ra iifr6f;r :lPiii eIEi3 EE} 3* $ifEl -'l l g Jol l I l I I I I I I I I **** !fr-.-- - --- -,i* tN]wfsv,l ^t/1un,01 r---'--caia| '"'" *--.---| r.lz 5 t ozI o^ - *99-9 868 -'^tu g x'd !i S; r E l9-:rH 9HT o G .CI I Izl<l o-l ull(Ll<lUI ili-l' i i,l i lll @$/i/ iililil i//liti ilil lil itltjilriii * E [il$s {r{l,l ea III kl , flr t.lI tt,iI $ii#l $ fl t,| + $, t Y {r b E t- I I lr it,: i:ll ! Ir ; itlt s tr I Ir-df f EEI;€3ege$ FE$= i;En E ti:I E RR &S 6 'i ..1 Si l!! EE rEEiii e Ert Ed*oEi E ! E: i :EEE!;: iG t ffiN$ QIi'l sl a{st: tf IE ( I q(\ I E:rE; 46 ;E EI o 1zyr 5dd.>*: :E 5E**;sUJ r!E? ^9 E53TF 9Hii 9; r - lzia 9a= I I !l ;l !l il il 1 I I I o E1 EO s= NYXrjJ t!Ez,a9 H66 -ulft 0 u d E q; 'U]g iH P g 3 faE - II I {l o_l u., I>ltl1 | dt! o-lef,l! IA .G I I I Izl{lo-lLl! ot!rlr q no II i ETT! - E B E^- r#5,/,9 Etr6 -,ft 6 E i F;A Egi zo F Fzo - iE?,^9 U6X4t dpA H 9= ;U] 3 iH IH3 II,,taE - ft;{ zloltrl<l>lull url trlrlotrlXI Ft! ot;uli IA ol al>lu.l I urI_rl trtllol zl FI XIurl l-: IXIlrr IFt!7liHlr-t' \:/ zloltrl r<l5lurIrl d.l zl FIxl 2ti ul! I zlottrl<l>l5lurl'rltrl zl 9lzltrI2lXIuJI FIxlult- 2ta UITA llaqoLuec uo]JYM .rduusld rallls 3 ,{aupog :luectlddy 'olaraql ptebal ut slleiap qpo] 6upes pue '6ut;t1 ,sf aoelltn llen '3-g Xcolg '8 lol^aaJls e6pug gg7 lP palmol 'aoelenoc alls leuonlppe loJ Molle ol 'apoC u/v\ol 1qe1 'ebe.rano3 alls 'g t-BL-Z L'1.33 uoq3es u1ol1 ecueue^ B Jo Mal^al lEuU Jo] lsenbel V laLllnu e6loe9 :Jauueld saletsossv pue uneJg Iq paluasetda.r "{ueduo3 luar-udo;ona6 suosau llen :1uect;ddy 'oleroql pleool ul sllelap qyo; 6uu1es pue 'lculsrp auoz asn paxly! 'Z ? | peaqsuor-l aq1 u1 'Outp1tnq e,o la^el loalls.lo JooUlsJ!]aql uo sacuJo sales alelsa leal fueJodulallol/v\olle ol'epo3 uMoI llen 'lueulpuaulv 'L-t-Zl. uollcas ol luens.rnd 'la^al laa4s pue loolj ]slu :sasfl leuolllpuo3 pue pa$lurrod 't1L-2, uoqcas pue la^el learls Jo Jooll lsill :sasn lBuoltlpuoC pue pauluiad 'g-H/ -zL uoncos ol luaupueue lxel e Jo, llcunoS u/v\ol llen aql ol uo[epuauuosal e loj lsanDal v uosqre lilg :Jauueld saletcossv pue unelg Aq paluaseldal 'luau"rdolenao sposau llen :lueellddv 'oleJeql prebal u! sllelap t1uol 6ut11es pue luer-uayedeg lueudolenaq ft1unuuo3 aLl] ]e alqelle4e sr uorlducsep spunoq pue salau eieldluoc oJor! e 'slocled paHeldun pue uots!^lpqns uoA-1 ua19 'y lceJl le paiecol 'lq$laq u; 1aa1 (9) xls Jo ssacxa ul slle6 bututelal JoJ /'^olle ol 'epo3 uA\oI ltBn'spJEpuels burpelg '9-71. laldeq3 [!ol] acueue^ e ]o Ma!^al leuu Jo] ]sanDar V uosqre lll8 :lauueld '3'd slcallqclv qqaM 'H'y ^q paluesaldel '{a1-rrqg uoslclll :1uect;ddy 'olareql pr"6", ,; sllelap qlol 6ugas pue 'Oullll ,"1 a6e1;y1 pen'9 lcolg '8 lolia^u6 laerC aroe tqg le palecol 'uolllppe lelluaplsar V JoJ /r^olle ol 'apoc uMoI llen luaudo;eneg alls pue 6utdecspue-1 :01.-H9-zt uoDcas pue 'aoeJa^oc alls '6-H9-z I uollces 'slceqles '9-H9-z l. uoll3as ruoJl acueue^ e jo Mal^al leuu JoJ lsanoal v uosqre lll8 :lauueld 'cu; '6y1 Aq peluesaldal 'alBA 4ey\ :luectlddy 'olalaql pteOal u1 sltelap qpol 6uq1es pue 't Oullll euoqcs sep llen 'g )tcol8 'L I lolauel xluoueqS vE zle palBcol 'uolllppe le|lueplsal v rol /y\olle ol 'epo3 u/v\ol lten 's)peqlas '9-o9-z t uo!}3as uloll acuBlJe^ e ]o MalneJ leu!] lo] lsenoel v uosqrc lllg :rauueld 'cul 'seolnosag p.reqdaqg fq paluase-rdal 'saq6ng uog :pec11ddy 'oloraql pleOal ut sllelap qpo] Ouq1as pue '0u!l!l ,*L abel;11 llPn'9 lcol8 'z lole^uo IaaJS alog 00e ]e p€lecol 'uoulppe lelluoplsal e Joj Molle.ol 'apoc ilitbf f f'en'Oulpeo{ pue--Ourlre! : p fHg-ZL uoqces pue '1uaudo1e^eq o}ls pue 6utdecspuel :0 l-Hg-z I uollees 'slceqles '9-H9-z t uollcas uo4 acueue^ e io Mol^al leuu lol lsanoal v :lo uolleJaplsuos u1 'Oulplrng ledrsluny\ llen lo uMoI aql ul 't l'd 0O:Z le 'fO1Z'8 t{cJe4 uo llen }o u/v\of eq1 1o apo3 iedrirunyl eq1 1o 9-0-z L uogcas Llll^ aoueploc?e ul 6ur.reeq ctlqnd e plotl lllm llen ,o u/v\o1 aql lo uolssl"uuroO leluauuolt^u3 pue 6uluue;6 aq] leL{} Nf^lg AgfUSH Sl f3lloN SClroN cll8nd AluSdoud uno,,\ Ic:lJlv AVl l l lSIl slHr o :lueuqce$v The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretaiion available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- .2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on February 20,2OO4. sg -w b'ffifftL tl Vfut 10*u,lloure eo{b^.rt^l iuM lf,}o4r rf10}{|/o DFa-a Bcrap-1 .",1" .N' F \tTl..1=' Fo.o +lVAIL CD glG,5f gg EI !+tu f.,1ogrla*ox1 Ho.r*- '#?ffi;#***iX.=s7gflve- sg H E:p.teK€o|-l eH$-19l T? +f- .F+r<- t,FrvET Uht|,f6 VNtu c-o gtbrl Mtu- Cper= F- (-'-"a- C-"* ft26"t*tw't 'eo *rea **:T 2:,71#?raof+j e rz.r-i,.'g'j PPtt/E VFIL tt 8lbt7 Hi'.ffii P o.* e.x fat i3l ealc** M+'erz- +-" 7.Y"* C- et<"eO ffiffi UFI tTB $ ffiff ll P3af szl2Ef2aA4 62i24 3837567459 (0063630.o0c; | | 0063607.WPD:l PAGE 82 Welles Famil,l, UC 4950 Satford Circle Wesl Dmver, C0 80113 Phane: 30i.757.8774 E-mail : debblewlles@tsn com (and: bcwjgvv@ol.com) March 5, 2004 Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development TownofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: withfuatval of adjacent propefly ou,ne? written apprwal letter/pEC .,1,1:::,riiictltttut of Ron Hughes-Bridge Street Associates, LLC Dear Members ofthe Commission: This letter is to withdraw our pnbr'hdjacent property onmer witten appro\t,.1 [r:f sr" irs rr:cently provided by us to the Aplicant, above-referenced. ]-e reeret that_our approval lEtter nms provided in error, and are wit}rdrawirq:r t]ra: af ,lrtrrr,:rl }etter. we regret the inconvenience and po*sible delay this may cause to tis Applicnnt r nd :ile commission but we have not yet approved the ptans daiea Febnragy s,zbre withdnwel of nrior adiecent o*ucrtv owne"*ritten "oproval letter. ft: frln of 'brittm approval lettet''the Applicant zupplied to uq and we ri)::e,;:rJ{Ed ir.:rcl ;:,ro,,ridedto the Applicant. states that we have approved the plans dated February 9, :1c,0,4., l/$t, ,ivc: .have not ryprotredtboseplans. Whileprogresshasbeenmadetowardsthepodntialappr"r"ir:rftheprlans F ry' *i progress has beel madc towards the possible amendmcnt of a partiy- ;vr.ll i lrr,ernent l.t"Oit g the subject propertieso neither the ptansbf fte Applicant nor proporcil rmerriinents to the party wall agreemer$ have been appro"a Uy us as the ownsrs of Unit 68,, 'r,rnit l. rrrtnlmuses. No desim apnmyalvct. AstheovmersofUnit6Atwghlvenotyetapprovedtheproposeddesigno[:;hr:./.14:J:irxul|. Ourpreferense-is to-approve the dcsign in total "ersus incrcmutrrir sig*trilr con*rnts,r.l tlr4 plms T.T"ryd. l_lorq approral sfleral out$ading design issucs imain to lx :rr:$rlvr:::ito or"u.sausrastlon' we strive to be reasonable in this regard, and have spent, and r;(1i:Jrue lir $g,,rr4,significant time and cnergy responding to the req[ests ofthe Rppiicant. <,7- -* -.r+ N'FFST ": r ily S\.AlL,$,BLE . 82/2Al2AA4 62itE 3437567459 PAGE g2 Reouecfed AgecEqts. Should the Applicant's design be ap,proved by us, rltre have asked the Appli'orrnt to Errl.:r irfo agreements with us (vs. our dependence upon reprcsentations made by the .A;:pi.ir:an:1. ll'he agreemcnt we have requested would provide that constnrction of all remodrrlrrdl irnplrrrnrrrrents be in compliancc with the plans that we apprroved. The agreement would also r,u:1rrir.e r; ;l: r(ryiew and approval prior to any cbanges to the plans as app:roved, require appropir rfir n Erirf r : :rrra.rlce and protection of the party wall during periods of constructioq require adequatc irrrnu'anr:r:: to pK)tect and insu€ ou intqests durirU constnrctiorl allow for inspection rights of cru:r rr4'rc$r:,rtaliveq specifu a time limit within which construction is to be started and substanriai l;y' ,l,ornplirfe{[, arld addressing poturtial fuhue remodel of our Unit 6B and/or Unit 6A (the Parktr {.lrrit}. ilrn arldition to this agreement, we also anticipate that the party wall agrcement wnuld hr rr.ure rdc r il afflr the previously referenced agreement is achieved. Provisions of the apnlicrble partv wsll. Our Unit 6B and Unit 6A (the Parks Unit) are subject to aparty wall agreerr,l;rri tdrtl: ,rlor;rr }louso 7. The party wall agreement provides in relevant part as follows: 'ilf either party's nsgligarrce shall ceuse darnage to or destruction to s.ili,;l ruall . t;, such ncgligent party shall bear the entire cost of repair or recon$tru(t.,c,rr. '[f 't'i;her parfy shall negleo or refuse to pay his slrarc or all ofsuch costs in car;e: ol negligence, the other party may have such walls repaired or reslioretl. a:r'r,il shr" te elrtitled to have a mechanic's lien on the premises of the party so fr:ili n,;11 !l pr lr ji11, the amount of such defruhing party's share of the repair or reptacemirfir *,rst. No drvelling located on sfiy of the aforpdescirbcd real estate shall at rrrrr'r' [ fli{ extend boyond their existing height as ofthe date hereofl in the everrt crl'a destruction of said multiple dwelling unit or any portion thereof, thrr rii',,r,'llling; rc, destrolcd shall be restored at the expense of the party owning same, ll ll rrrq:r reb'uilding shall be in conformity with the architectural plan and finirsr:r,,rrl iol': existed prior to such damage or destruction Neither parry shall alter rJr: clrrur11;, said party walls in any manner, interior decoration e<cepted, and said prlrty v,rills shall always remain inthe same location as when erected, and eaoh pu:r:r n :,1id division walls shall have a perpetual easemcnt in that pad of the akrr e rj.e'*cr : rxl real estate owned by the other pa*y heieto on which said parry walls nrr: fucri.i:d for party wall psxps5sg." Based on thcse Provisionso our conr€nt, and the consent oftle owner ofunit (;,t 'th* [tu];s Yoit)' T,. reguired before construction or remodsling can be cornmenced [r tfu: c,r'vr,rr rr:ll'RowH:l*-YtI7. -The party watl sgreement is separate ana apart Aomthe jrniscticrtic n*|rd a1fihorityof the PEC and the Town of vail, yet, wE believe should and will be zuipo:t,ird.':q, tlrr ,pE,rJ andthe Townof Vail. [0063630.rrOCi1 ) 0063607,W?D:r BHST L:;':3Y J*useP,EeF i-a2128/2AA4 82.L6 3A37567459 PAGE A3 Summarv. ASat4 we apologize for orr mistake in previously providing an adjaaent prup{i:l'firr o',irl(tr wr:itten approvalletter. WewithdrawthatlctterandrequesttheTown'sdeferaltoe,nrrl rmr;[niti.r)nof the cxisting party wall agreement and ths requirement of that agrccrnent for , ru r tr rric r iqrpmval, before tlre Town acts on thc ap'plications of the Applicant. Sincercly, \SsA-clr^- (. $"\\.t Barbara Welles. Authorized Represeutative c: Dcbbie Welles GinnyWelles Ron Hughes Shephd Resources,Inc. Clris Parks 10063630.Doct t l 0063607.WPD:l sHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POSI OFF CE BOX 6)4 AVO N COLORADO B I62O r91A 949 3J02 F9 tA 949 5t)l WWW SRIAR'! . CT.COW)anuary 76,2004 Town of Vail, Planning and Environmental Commission Warren Campbell, Planner Vail, Co HUGHES RESIDENCE, VAIL ROWHOUSE #7 BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES. LLC 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 030s VARIANCE REQUEST Dear Warren and PEC, This project is a remodel/addition of the existing Vail Rowhouse #7Aand #78. The attached package and information is submitted for Planning and Environmental Commission meeting of February 73,2004. The zoning regulation variance request is presented for the following areas: I The lot 7 area is2674.675 square feet with afrontage of 25.05'. Refer to lmprovement Location Certificate included within this package. This is an existing site confined and bounded by adjacent properties not allowing the 10,000 square feet minimum buildable area or the 30' minimum frontage. (Lot Area and Site Dimensions l2-6H-5) 2 The proposed remodel and addition is within the existing footprint or smaller than the existing footprint, except for the new ski closet on the entry terrace along the west, Unit 6, parg wall south of the residence, the south entry terrace, stone veneer site walls, mechanical crawlspace and a portion of the lower level ski room and therefore a variance from the 20 -0" side yard setback is required. The side setback of 0'-0" is an existing condition because of the existing rowhouse type of construction. The residence is not proposed to expand north or south ofthe existing footprint except as noted above and the existing building is not encroaching into the front or rear setbacks of 20'-0'. (Setback l7-6H-6) The stone veneer site walls at the south, in front of parking, and side stone veneer walls shall comply with the requirements for architectural projections of terraces in the front yard setback. 3 The existing 2 parking stalls are proposed to remain in use with some layout revisions and adding a walkway between the parking stalls. The requirement of 75Vo ol parktng to be hidden from public view and not within the front setback is not achievable on this property, parking shall be located as far north as practical and to allow landscape requirements of zoning regulations and to preserve two existing large aspen trees. (Parking and Loading | 2-6H- | | ) IT RE: ll ll IT The other units at 303 Gore Creek drive are rowhouses with similar needs and existing conditions. The above comments address the degree in which the variances are necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity with the neighborhood. The parking area located on the south side of this properry is proposed to be treated in a manner to blend with the in process Town of Vail streetscape plans Please call if you have any questions. Jeffrey P. lYanley AIA Project Architect, Shepherd Resources, Inc, cc: Ron Hughes H It qo "g9o q3* eBdie_: 9H;< u,Unz Eq3ciH |r) UHzdl^J 5s r anf;eE B$ m;Hfri #5 qBI =I oJ z1 z E oE ^vxr! +fiu '9 qE6 , EH lEq c iH g H," q 3 -a = -I q({o .o I t I I I I t I t I.l 'O zl{ldlzloltrl_ldl tElt "'lI rdl ' TltI ali I Eltlo I I I __ _l C.,io 6 E td rI zI zo =ot o eF ^;RuJ l1E?-9 q66 'EH :Eq9iE 9C= Izllto-lzlolFlJIotEIullolJluJI>lulIJI dl!Hliqllfl'ro I I I I I qz 5 zd 1 t zo^^*xqs3 P6g a;d a u.l nz = arl.*oI Y60- julT J- OE A\l-l =i5l ul_zl ol*t---ol: gJls -l'e I I_1. t----- I I I I I I I 71 /S *-"---.---__-=_ ,z/ t8 'l Qtltt.!$@tu / / ta O AUI -F:: t-----:{e!s---1 ltltl,fsvi ).i /1i1 n,0 i zct !l/,c /i!v -o ez 6 ; ti (,Io s(, E E i^ - SEH ,EE 3Eq c iH I H 3 s (, o iq iH : it) ,/lrill lllllil,t | |rlllll'||1il1 ltz $ & {s I I I I sift* t,ir*ft ! FIci $ir/ i I I I IF-- i€ I ? $ FI if ADEB:;3A. eQ-E$ FF ic Ep ! **:6 i ESRi n { 'r,E: .sErl- I I EE -r;EH!i E q b! E**'Ei ! -r ::1 sE:! EH d ts-: ^ z=:\'-a '=+=13<' z el sl l : s t; IEt>t; == II '^^ -"'o9/g ,41 /9 a u,lugft s xacia 3t dz 5 Nxx f;sE 9X0 >o r 9e3 q il o 3 F N l!jl II t3II Fi iffi s L I i $, ,s 6ulptrnq ?Por6 | t0i ,t1 /B 6u,p 'nq ra pun apor6 pal.alord L_______ *----------- | , :z s.19 a Izl{lEI t iNiWiS r'i lltlUn,Al Nt\/-tdpoo-L:\.ir-oo I - - sYv; ti10 Vibl I 2 Tt ozI o z "=9rlJ +87-9. 466+F 9XdEs; ;u: c iH 9 g < .CI ? I c? $ qi It $ it f tj t, I I Ei { 6il \ E d * fil ti ) (l tl $t 'ISii i/t 9f i UI!/t;ilfli!t iit , tii il t! !It d AfAr ?_l$!r I-a li I I -lll lr!qi ilititc!g ffiN E $rl $ii(ll - TT5s I I I 1i flrl, $i tl gil ADEE 3€gg . EEQ s*T RR $[$ir; e E E- :E : : : !F€.H d it + p{ .^ d: = Es : E [:: a iE:g gE Es!i!Irit ;, z1-- .1_ty/f-' h = xl qr B* Q lila IEli q c..l I i 4 o J<yd3d i; =E Ei ^t9-v uE3 ,uH !Hq{ia I c g II I I !l ii ililI .O oz d< FO 5E -V EHE F 5E ;g: 6 b E t I{Ii n a aI == .O zl{ldl JIuj I EI?l t Pli 3li \:/ 'O I I =l<lJI u-lt9livli o q (Yl 0 ti Ei 3I P d ^YXur nfi=,/,9 E6dtF 9Xd F:E iXi II rt; zI E FX Fzo 8- .xRuJ +i!tv,9 868*ft 6 d'dEqg i3i?i.a 9Hg II-a = zloltrl<l>lullnl FI v'l FIXIuJIFl!zlir)lxH-t'A zl trl<t>t5llrr IFI fl 'Alulzltrl xl :"1 RIuJlFt!ztiotiulI I \:, zlolFI<l>lr.|lIJIrrll -lFI zlLI Elr 5liul{ zl OItrl t<l5lurlIIFI6,1otzl (JIzltrl xl r.u IFIXI Hltztiotiult t THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3$ of the Municipal Code of the TownofVail on March8,2004,at2:00P.M.intheTownofVail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Section 12-6H-10: Landscaping and Site Development, and Section 12-6H-11: Parking and Loading Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 7, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Ron Hughes, represented by Shepherd Resources, Inc.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for A residential addition, located at 2434 Chamonix Lane/Lot 1 1 , Block B, Vail das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Mark Yare, represented by VAg, lnc.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Section 12-6H-9, site coverage, and Section 12-6H-10: Landscaping and Site Development Vail Town Code, to allow for A residential addition, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village 1"'Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Erickson Shirley, represented by K.H. Webb Architects P.C.Planner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of a variance from Chapter 14-6, Grading Standards, Vail Town Code, to allow for retaining walls in excess of six (6) feet in height, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision and Unplatted Parcels, a more complete metes and bounds description is available at the Community Development Departement and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development, represenled by Braun and AssociatesPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for a text amendment to Section 12- 7H-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor or Street Level and Section 12-71-3, Permitted and Conditional Uses; First Floor and Street Level, pursuant to Section 12-3-7, Amendment, Vail Town Code, to allow for temporary real estate sales offices on the first floor or street level of a building, in the Lionshead | & 2, Mixed Use zone district, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Resorts Development Company, represented by Braun and AssociatesPlanner: George Ruther A request for final review of a variance from Section CC1 ,12-78-15, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, to allow for additional site coverage, located at 230 Bridge StreeUlot B, Block 5-C, Vail Village 1"t Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto Applicant: Rodney E. SliferPlanner: Warren Campbell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation avaihble upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. This notice published in the Vail Daily on February 20,2004. IT ll Yrlt:. *"*t-te zor{b^lr^r ruA.( ^eo.r *rro^.t4.lo DFa-z- Bci..evy"": ,i frrr<e Fo.o +lvAlr- (,o gfej II tl !*tr_ fv{ogs11.cxt Ho.ree__-/a cteA.E++.r_ ,\" 'fi!-.ffi*ry***i-:' - i/El.DoYvA.rL - a,olflu- tsFl4K€o!.I SFtrB-r€y T? @P- <tter'tz:- bpive.r .tNrr A v Au_ 4_o O t t4g-1 Wt.r- c-vetzt- (-'.l,,r Ct"* f;52-t*rlJ llo stsirv* M!+lA#l4 E"l.l- ct h"+)'(-/45 e f'IE*rz.'r'J FPty'r:' sone t+Vba Vhl./- L' atb57 \],\lL FrPsoF 16 4..\u MA.I'\DEL-p.J e.x ra1 137 Pailc'\+ Mr'er rY y'\-YoA C-a 6l?20 IT tl ll tu-4eeFr-rzrgEs>' ll il3 P3*J Project Name: HUGHES ADDffiON Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8040056 REMODEL/ADDMON (250 ADDMON AND INTERIOR CONVERSION) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Development 75 SorJth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Location: ROWHOUSE #7 OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES 0212512004 phonei 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI48025 48025 License: APPUCANT SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC 02/2512004 phone: P.O. BOX 1624 AVOM, CO 81620 License; 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE 210108231001 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: PROPER VIELE 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= 031t712004 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commencect and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee paid: $3OO.OO Fgb- r L|].. cJ.-4{,-rFfil T-f.p. 5Hr 002 t' . t/ tlzB Applieation for Design Review __ !+lqnent of Communjty hvebpmsnr 75 Sourt Fronege Road, vati, Crtonio gl6f7 H: 9m4792rs9 faxt gt0,4?g,Z4r2 Web:!vww_ci,!€ilco,|]s General fnfornation: All plt|tecG requiring design review must recerve approval Frbr te srbmittng e bulldlng permit apdlc'don- Fleaserefer to tle stbmilBl r€q uircments for tfre partrcutii "ppro*ltf,* is cqusted- ,Ar aDFllator for Desiqn Rei/iew€nnot be .cEegted undl ail requirEd inlornrauon E rff;G; t B.,e d;il;ti'ili56il"t D€Farrmenq. rheproject may EIso nced ro oe rarieweO lv l.ri iovln cr.,-no-iuno7o, tfie planning and EnvimnmenEt cornrnasslotl,Design review approval lnnsre s6lec; . u"liciisE;n o i*.."o ard csnstr,ctio' Eommences $rithinona year of the epproyal. RE0t it"'"1 TOi4'Nffi Des<ription of the Reguest: Addrcsst owner(e) Slgrranrre{ s) : Name of Applieant: lrlaihng Addreisl E-mall Addres.E: TYpe of Rcview and Feer ! Slgns E Conceptual Rcvieyv - D- Neu, Constructio$ )Ef Rdoiuon{\ D Minor AJteEdo,t [m ul tFPamily/comme|tirl] tr Hinor Alteraflon I single-iarnily/ du piexi fl Changes to Aoprovcd Ptans tr sepll€dofl F€quest S50 Elgs $1.00 per square fd of toEl sigfl areE- No Flc S650 For consfi.rfion o,. a new buildlng or dcmo/rebulld,f300 For an aftlldon wherc lquarc frotage is added ro any res.rdenual or commercial brtlding (indudes ?5! adrlitions & intEr'rar convessions)-t250 For mlnor ciang€5 E buiEtngs and Cb lmprwements, suci as, ramgfing, ptlndng, wlnds.r addfio|E, laidsopingf fences and rutrlnlnq uralls, etc,$20 For minor charges to buildings and site improvements. sucn as, raroofing, ptinting, window a6duon5, lrndssplngr fencei andGtahhg walls, e!e. SZ0 For l€visions ! dans atready apFrov€d bV plannhg Sbff or tne Desgn Review Bosrd. Ns Fee Fff8ff*fBq,ry'Lfic-SotrateS Zr-t- Arrplication DaEe: Feh^19-04 02r06prrr Fron-T0Wil 0F VAIL C0[4MUI\ITY DEVELoPMENT e?041s2152 T-359 P.003/013 F-S26 :tRlff,mtF',owNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER TOI4IAI I, (print name1fup,*xl 3 WlruE:+ =m)Sfifr SI-,operry rocared at (address/lesal description) afz C.-DLL C .-{, f,- VF ;JNIT -T provide this letter as writren approvat of the plans aatea z- L3- o 7 which have been submitted to the Town of vail c-ommunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that dre proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the cqurse of the review pfocess to ensure compliance with the Townt applicable codes and regulaubns. (Date) Page 2 of 72102107/02 Feb-19-04 02 :07pm From-T0UN 0F VAIL C0kIMUNITY DEVEL0PMEI'|T s704t92452 PROPOSED MATERIALS Tyoe of Materig! T-36S P.007/013 F-S26 ColorBuildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Wail Materials Fascia Sofflts Windows Window Trim Door5 Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIUEs Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining WatF Exterior Lighting Other Frlr-r-rc.gre"F' gu t u--art a.B :lM Woon /e*rrxrqc* _.lr &oo/ataAe yalw Wrrr+ hbtAz^, W:>-r6 6ud,>8, w qT cat-?-.F,|D a! | . tl fu-7ry3- 7a ,au*-- ep r/catU+t esr".,l7g c*W WetS e-M,t^l emJz€/Ah$R, * rftn'ltrPtpef (aAf*copruq?, NAr.ttr^i_ cffi f+zlNr-I %Fe fa€-eE4--tb .€ra€_ g) l-TU..fi 1- l,tlrt t1lllua ul/ a^w* r*rI ll a* n r^,,"t '^"f f.YliffrY ZZF*^,r'vZ. Autren+ *b.*lx Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's namef the color name and number and attach a coror chip. -<> C-t-t|(L bJ' Page 5 of L7/CI2l07l1z Feb-19-04 02:07pn From-TollN 0F VAIL CoI4MUNITY DEVEL0PI,Ei|T S704lgZ45? T-g6s p.008/0tg F-gz6 PROPOSED LANDSCAPXNG Botanical Namg Common Name Ouantitv Size ffi:Tff_:-EF f,x,anNq A6ft^J. abt,_ t !d{b scr+€ S,f+*fillJq t,rt'la-'2 DCfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED r3\ /,1H *4 Minimum Requiremenb for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees _ 2,, Caliper Confterous Trees - 6, in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square FOotaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATiON TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specify other randscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) 6E F_ l+.,NDa- Fre JpA*u ,n1o. ?age7 of 12107107/02 :1. ** t * i( * * ** * * * l'. * * * * x x x * * ** x * * r* * * )k * * * * * * r( ** +* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {r * * r. * * * * * * * * *,* x * * * * *** * * ** * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtCMENt********************t * 'i * * * * * * * * * * * * ,f * * * rr ri. * * * * * * r. * * * x * :F * * * * * * * i< '* * * * :t * i. :r. :tr * r r r r r r + ir r r * a {3 * ,r * * {. * * Statement Nr.irnber: R040005448 Amounts: 9300 -OO 02/25/20041_1:31_ AM Palment Method: Check Init: ,JS Notation: Permit No: DR8040056 Tlzpe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No I 21-01-082 3l_001 SiIe Address: 303 GoRE CREEK DR VAIL Location: 303 GoRE CREEK DR, I]NIT #? Total Fees: 5300.00 This Palment: 9300.00 Tota] ALL pmts: g30o.0o Balance: S0. 00 t ***'i*****************,********:F*:i****************'1.:t +*!f *!N***rrrr{.**rrrr***{.:F*t:t,t {.***rr:}*****{.{<**i.ir ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DIS]GN REVIEW FEES 300.00 fqp-4.-(uu.t t(:J0 fIoll|-Exlllu I s 7047640SS UTIIITY AFPRO VAL & VERIFICATTON ,\qth orized Stqnatufe T-9u 5 P.002/002 F-443 Date nis fbrm se'ryes lo venff inat fie proposed imFrov-ernents wiil not impad any exiTng oi proposed utrrity' sefvices, and arso !o verrry service avaiiabiiity ana ,:?q.on ,b; il;;d;Ion .no should be used inconiunction with Preparlng vor'rr udiity pian and qcfedxring jn$alilu;;:"; il plan, .rnduding grading pian, flocrplan, ano eievadons, shall be subm;tted to rie r.ollowrng unliijes fcr approvag ano venficaUofl. Corfiments qwEsT 970.344,02t(fax) CcnE6l5: Scoct Carrifl gton 970.ff 8.6860 Jasan Sharp 970.384.023,a EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE CAS 970,262.4076 (bel) conEc[: RIdl $sneros HOLY CRO5S ELECTRIC 970.9+9.5892 (tel) 970.94s,4566 (fax) conEct Ted Husky E(CEL ENERGY 970.282.4038 (fdx) ConErcE: Kif Boga rt 970,26?,,1f,?1 Jlrn O'neal 970-262,4003 EAGTE RII/ERWATER& SARITATTON DISTRTCT 970.476.1480 (tei) e70.+76.4o85 (fax) Coffie ked Hastee COT'4CAsT CABLE e7o.9#.7224 x 112 (rer) 970.e49.ef8 (fa() Contact F{oyd Satsar +$"8nkxn e.",3€1 SsTEs: ;;tt*T:-*,,ttLi?p:J.*3,::ST:LFT !T :iq!.tr'* ftom, each of rhe utriily companie, and no commenrs ffio*oi,;dr on dre io'*, ri"'r"*n ;i|| ilffi;11u;'ffiJHJ il"- #Y.tr;J'ft"J.1J"".?H":T )rc i;H Y*iY,TJFilJ":?PfT''.Ig $"^p5l"f-1d -_l1',diol, rre utitiry repre,enauve shal note direcry':klEgy1fll*jll::;ili',h#;i:'i#'#;T'ill?#,Tiyg"tH:fi:T,:J:ffi:f ,fl ffi Ids|>rr_- .qultty vEr rL5|.llrtl rsrTn maI ulEre ts a prcblem wh't': tflld in an attacfied letrerts theTown of Vail. Horareverutilrtv ;1,, crl e|.(or qu ,Etl.tl rLJ lIle |own or vatl iroratgver, plg .. J tumpuny and the appllmnr b resolve idertfied problems. , please keep in mind thar it is rhe resFonsrbility cf the 'rr _ -"-__'-- II nFF- f-"t":Tls*:H,1i:.j5kl.*T..tlFPljltt." responsibirtu ro obFain a puhric way permft ftorn rreRhx.- yqr.i,,,rqL/e.r lr,J |,\JL rqrEye urE qrf[rEtcrDr oT Ene regponslblltty h obtain a public Way permit ftOfn trre'-i:H':l?"":::y:'Jf,i:ji:-'?:i-'r-y:,!1 in anv Fub'ic :::f,,:-.nr*ithin the Town of Vair- " -<.:ld=r_!+=:r. ,bn _ L"il,".t-:,: :Tf1j1f_1?1*i j.o- submit any revised ciGwinss to Bre utriues for re-approv€t & re-if the subrnitted plans are alrered.jn arry way after rfre audron-red ,iSnaiur; Ci. (urrless ou.rerwisenored wiU'tin lhe commerr area of rhis form). $ Signailre Date LTMJTY APPROVAL & VERXF:TCATION This form serves b rlerW frat$rc proFo€ed lmFrovernents wllt not lrnpac sny exildng or praFosed r,rn'lity servicEs, and also to verW scMcp ts\rdilabllity and locatlon fur new constrrrction and should be used in mnjundfon with prepErilF your ffifFy Flan and s4edulhs ingulladqns. A slte plan, induding gradtng ptan, floor Plan, and elE/atlons, shall be submltted te the fellowing uh'litics for sFproval and \,€rffiation. /40 7 I ; F..6,nru* u.' i*'' . 1'u,ili'rni i I ur n lorHFm !?04ts4t? Authpfized Sinnatr-rru T-ZUE f,uaI/u(l r-r.t DsteCotnrnerrts QWEsT 970.384,0257(fa0 conEcts: scnt can{fl9ton 970,468.6860 Jason SherF 970J84,02ts8 EICEL HIGH PRE5SURE GAg s70262^+075 (tel) ConEEe ilch Sisneras HOLYCROSS EIECTRIC 970.949.5882 (teD 970.915.4566 (tdx) coEEct Ted HrFkv D(€EL ENERGY 970rG2.4038 (fa0 ConraEE: Klt Eogrft s20.26a4024 JIm O'naal970.26-r4OQ3 EAGTE RiN'ERWATERE SAilTT.ATIOrt EISTTICT 9u.476"7180 (tED 970.#6,40eS (f$0 Contr4 Frtd Hastec corrrcAsT cAELE g7o.w.7224xx1Z (hl) 970.9{9.e138 tfax) Contac: Floyd Sqhar Departrnent of Pubtic works QE {,|eTorntn sf Valt UB! riEht€f-waY or e8sementwlthin thc Tbwn Pf Vqil' S bulldbirdt i o a zubliE-v1trY-Hlm!! The DeveloFer E reQuiGd and aofees tD srtbmlt anY rs/i5ed drawin6sF]lgryiEet for re'uFProsal &rc' verifiGtion if tfre submitteE pians are aifered tn env Gy-aftlrt'e a-utron.zed signature date (unless otheryrlse spccifically noted wlthln the 'comment area of this Tonn)' /^u-aq qgIEF! -ffi qbt1y appnrral & verlllqtton furm has signabrres from esch gf the uUlW .onpal5- rl! no cotnme$ts arc made drrldy on the fcrm, 6e Town wi4 pfuurne gut ftere are no Foblenrs and the de'rEloFmerG can F€F"d, ' , z If a utttity comFrny hqs encerns wilh the proposed constrIlcqonf ttre utillw reprerentatSve shqll note dhedy on tlre qiilitT verlficfitisn foTm tial tlefe ls a problqlt wmon ne.O" ig be resotrdd- The issue Should thep ba detliled ln an atbchcd l"gg71g tilTgiin o?vaiil [;t'ret"r' nliase reep in mind tfirr it ts the resPonsiblllry or $e udry compEny and the sppticant to resolve idenfified Problerns. r.rheseverinsriqnsdcnoi*{ge*:_Tmfl l,fl f#:5:H*1H#:Hiffi IH[HJriffi':FTfi,i. +" 04 Df,relcpefs sigrutrre i 1 ?004" 5:45AM llOLV CROSS ,r--;:,;;;;'" 'nir"*t* 0F vAlL C$Mjlllrl DEIIE!CIPFNT T-?!l P.oz3/o?? t't?! 9?04IS24E2 rhrrrormseilest.venfl tlratnerffi':*#;ffiHil.=**orepnosed'grtY sewices, and also to uony s.n"r.r'u*ilabifry anci p*iiJi'#"ti* *nso.''d;otnd sl,ould be used ln conjuncdon wRh preperingffi;*ffi;nina s+,eauH;j;,st;ii.ffi-n tit= prun' naudlng sRdlrE plan' flocr Flan, and etwauons, ,n"u #lrfrid*i to tt* rorro*l"g ufriu.s tor approrrel and veHfication' ACS9ESS CommantE Daie Sidnaturq owESt dzo.:e+.0257(fax) cffitacls: Scott Cantngton 970'+58'6860 :ason Sharp 979 38.1 -0238 E(CEL I{6I{ PRESSIJRE GAS 970.262-4076 (El) Contacc RIch Se$eros HOLY CROS9 E.ECTEIC 370.948,5892 (teD 970.9q8.4565 (fax) conEd: T€d Huskt ErcE. ENER6( 970.262.{036 (fax) crfitrlclsl Kil BoEFIt 97 o'zE;,.,4trZq llm Ohcrl97O.e524003 EAGIT HEI'ER.WATERS' SAN TATION DISTTIICT e70.4?5.7480 (t D e70.475.4{sg (fax) Contnc ired Haslee coMcAstcABl-E e70.94eJ224 x 112 (tel) 970.940,9:38 (tu) Cgntae fudsaMr /z/'+ ffi r,tjrrvepprcff arav'lnnqFe1-tuq'H1g1"3:o.*H"J#H;*Y,;'Slft T*Sf,x.5t5; are made riiredy on tre ftml, tre Tarvn wfff Wwfri-rfr"i'tr'"* are no pmuierns ""d lu devetoprne ffiw *:**frs# !"",F'trs ilffi il.fftffi dqbllcd ln an atleched '"#il rli"i"* or.v.ulrt 3ys'er' pletsss l€EF h rnlnt r-rdrrty compeny .na ue afriieni o resatve identifred ptoblen's , . Frrhfic whv pennit frtrn fi€ ffi IlTJ'iJi"li"'lllTsI-G"_;:iiF,',s'g#mi"liffi #JI#'.Efr ";i[slgl*-qY""l-ffiDCptruTrCfrE sr ruuru- yrv.N grn.t,*ro*n of Vail. A buildi right+(-uray or eesenent v ohined seoatatelv- ffi "rr,..,_-r-#andaereesF*Tr*5"f#H:ffi *iY,Sfr,Hf imHT"*- 'eH;il"-? G .'B-uua plars are ahaed1l':ny': reedficalV noted within *"L-**** are of thlsform)' DeveloFefs Srgnaulre ' 1 04 : g: 55AM i US WEST .2004 16:00 FAIJ ' . .U1:4JPII] FIOM-TO}.IN OF VAIL COMMJI{ITY DEVETOPMENT S704IS2452 Aufiorized SaqnargE QwEST 970.384.O2Sl(fax) ConbCtsl |91O 4 6eO67 2 4 E ooz T-20r P.anlul F-sz6 UTILITY APPROVAL & VERIFTCATTON This form serves b veriry tJrat tire proposed imFroverneqE_wr.lt not impac any e(i5ting or proposed utlttyseryrces, and also to veriiy service lrra'iiability and tocaUon for psly construction and should be used inconiunction with preDarine.vour udllty pran ino r*,iiruli"iil*#-ull'o.r."oili"'pr"" incruding gradrng pran, floorplan' and elevatiom, shariue surmie.ii to .r," rtr-r"iing uttlities for approval and verificauon. comments Dete ScotiC:rrington970,468.6g6O {)--4 rason sharp e7o.3€4.oz3s <A {"a;= ' EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262^4076 (tel) Conqctr Rtch Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.943,{566 (f"x) Corlbct: Ted Hustcy FXCEL ENERGY 97o.262.4rl3s (nad Contacts: Krr Boga* 97C-267."4A?.{ Jim C/neal 9Z0.262.4003 EAGL.E RTVERWA?ER& SANTTATION DISTIUCT s70.476.7+80 (re[) 970-€o,4oB9 (fEx) Conlaq FreC Haslee COF4CAST CAELE e70.9c9.1224 x 11,Z (tet) 97o.rq9.9139 1tuxyconEqfi Floyd Sanzar tr/zc/a r NOTESI l-ff3". utilitr l.onrov'at & verifiration form has signabrrs from each of (re utiftty companies, and nq c'mmentsare made dire(tly on 6n form, the Town will pftqms thar Stere ate no p6bterns and the develoFrnent GnFry3eed. 1 IL U utt].+v company has clncems wlth the proposed @!s6Jcuo& tre utility Epresenbtive shall note diredtyon the utility verification pnn trat trere is a pronrem which needs to be rdoked- The issr.re should rlen bedetailed in an atEcfred letter to the Town or vail- goqeuer, please keep in mind tfiat it ls hhe responstbil-rty of fteulilibf qornpany and tie applicarrt to resolve identified p-Uf!,iir- - 3. These verifiqatlons do not rel'reve t}e ontractor of tJre responsibility to obtain a pubtic Way permit fmm theDepanroent of Fubric works ?i ehe Town of vail- ub-litv lpcpo'tns muJ be oaeinea nero+_aioqinq in any pubticright-of-way or easement wrthin the Town of V"iobrained seEarateiv The^Developer is reguired and agrees to submit eny revised drawings b the utiliues for re-appmv-el & r+verlfic"tion if the submitted ptans are altered in any way aner *re aurhorted signaLure date (unless otherwisespecifi€lfy noted withJn the comrnent area of tiris form j. Develope/s SignaturE Date eLr, LLr zou\ l\r- {\r f/trt^r. {*.1. .,rr..f rffi rroEtlury uf vAlL cols$l{ lTy oEyEL0puEltT s70479a4!? Agthorized Siqnatur"e QWESr 970.384.02s/(fad ConEctsl !€* lrrington 970,458. 6E60_rason Sharp 979,3&+_Oil3A ilE'Tl9H,'ffuRE GAs tonGffi Rlth Srsneros TICLYCROSS ELECTRIC9ft.949i892 ttet,t 970.e{9.{566 ifa;)(jDad: Ted Fittslg FICEL HTIERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Conacts: Kit Boga rt 970 .?A/.agla iim O,neel 17A?,5Z,4AO3 EAGIj RTVERWATER& SANIIATION DISIRTCT 970.476.7490 (rel.) 970.476.4o8E afEx)Conbc Fred Haslee coMcAsir'capt tr 970.9+9.1224 x tlZ (btl 970.94s.9j3e (far) ' Contae FbydSaLar iIOTES: #fig+ffiF:ir'otoT*tffiffiftilffi#J."*s.rprop.sed{r,i,,y::niuncbbn: wittr pr*eeriig il,iTbth, ffi;'Y"1H1fo;o" io..n"* consuuctirn and shouid be used in;rui, unoJ.*i,.iJfffff01".1,#lpJril;:dnf.T.rins,j"cul;;;:.i..,il pan, ndudins gradins pran, noo.;wng uiltiUes for approval and verif;cafron i - --"- ," ConrneEts €10u2 T-?08 F.023/szl F-s?[ Date iAy63 1' If the uulity apprq/at & verifiedon form hE FignauJres from each of the utlity co,np'nrei, and no commemsffi&:" dlre".lv on the form, uri ro"n 'iii iilr* th"t t,J;l," *- j-nr"r* and {ie deveiopnenr cn ht: flTilr1T":=-Tg" s the propcseu Tly.dqn, ure wtiry represenahre shair note dirediy ffi T#ff Hffi"tr#"Hff i.l;Jffi$ru',ft":s#ilt#"";tilrtrH'##:# LHffiJ?iTffiHfFoXot relieve I'e contrador oftj1e responsrbilfry 16 abrErn a pubris way perrnrrrorn 6re :i1"..Jl.ry"ildi,"[?ffi:,11fi .'ill,Tfr ,5, The Devdoper is requifed and agrees b subnit any revised drawings to the utilfties fior r+apFroy€t & re-verl8cation if fte subrnltted pru* url JtGf in'ii;_ul dEr rhe aurhorized sionature dare (untess ottreruisespecitrcaily noted within tj1e comment are of this form r. .TAN 22 '84 1 5: S5 Date A^nc n 1 FACSIMILE CO\rER SHEET I{UGIIES PROPERTIES HUGHES REALTY COIVTFA}TY 3O]O() TELEGRAP}I ROADqTTTTE '1'\BINCLL4M FARMS. NIICHIGi\N 48025 ?48t647-2600 248/647" I330 FAX \li \,--1.. l, I I -r ll-v Time:Date: To: Froml Re: Cornmgn6l Telephone Nunber {Z4g) 64j_2600 Total Number of Fages to tr'ollow: Fax Number Q4S) 647-1330 Call Upou receipt of F.ax?YES NO Note This commutric:tions is coufldcnfler end tntrnded oury forthe lddrqesee:rud shourd be dervercd IMMEDTATEL'as it coanins IMPoRTANT infarmation ud decisions will be besed 0D llc coEtcnts of the Ert€rial attached trerdo.If, for any reaton, rhe documert C.{NNOT BE DELnaERXD IMMEDIaTELY, plerre s1p the setrder Iist€d a_bDve. /-/I ' a .a@o qlT I ).1-1Jn>1..] q:L]qnr.] t,t)( +1 ' 2a +.G U 'tr'orm aO/CHI LTGPolicyNo, CTAI50000487 Our Order No. V50000432 Schedule A Amount $2.525.000.00 hopcrty Addressr UNIT 7, VAIL ROWHOUSE VAIL CO 81652 l. Policy Date: Seprcmbcr Zg , ZOO3 ar 5:00 p.M. 2. Name of Ircured: BzuDGE STRBET ASSOCIATES, L.L,C. 3' the €st8te or iDt€rest in the land described or referred to in this Schedule and which is covered !y hir policy is: A Fee Simple 4- fitle to the ettate or interest covered by rhic policy at the date hereof is vested in: BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATES, L.L.C. 5- The land referred to lx this policy is dscribed as followsr LOT 7, RESUBDIVISION OF ELOCK 5, AND A PART OF GORE CREEK DRNTE VA]L VILLAGE,FIRST FILiNC, COT'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. This Policy vglid only if Schedule B is attached. Land Title Guarantee cornpany RepreseDting Cbic*go Ti e Insurance Companv 2/e'd q?T M:n !..1 q-lLtqnl-l t,t)t)+, . )t) +:G . cT \ t|r I T.TC Pnliev No. CTATSO000AF? Our Order No, V50000a87 Schedule B This poiicy does not insure against Ioss or damage (aad rhe Company will not pay cosls, attorneys, fees or expanses) which arise by reason of: 4_ 1. Genersl Exceprions: Rights or claims of panies in possession nor shown by the public records. Easemenrs, or clainrs of easqlents, not she\oD by rhe public records. Discrepancies, conflicts tn boundary lincs, shonagc il area, e[croechmetrts, ald auy facts which a cofiect survey and inspecdon of dre prerdses woulti disclose and \rrhich are lor shown by tire pubiic records. Aay iien, or right to a liea, for services, labor, or naterial hsrstoibre or hereafre! furnrshed, imposed by law andnot shown by rhe public records. ITEMS I TTIROUGH 3 OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS UNDER SCITEDIJLE B-I ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL &YCEPTIONS IS DELETED EXCEPT AS TO ANY LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL CONTRACTED FOR ORF{JRNISHED AT ]"HE REQUESTOF BRIDGE STREET ASSOCIATSS, L-L.C.. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR ?OO3 A\'D SUBSBQUENT YEARS. RIGITT OF PROPRIBTOR OF A \€IN OR LODE TO E)flRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORETI{EREFROM SHOULD TI{E SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISESAS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATE}'IT RECORDED IULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 ATPAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TI{B AUTHORITY OF THEUNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899,iN BOOK 43 AT PAGE 475 RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS wHIcI{ Do NoT CoNTA]N A FoRFEn"uRE oR RE\TERTER cLAUsE,BUT OMITTTNG ANry COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION,SEX' HANDICAP, FAMILIAL ST,{TUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THEEXTENT T}L{T SAID COVENANT (A) i5 TXEMPT UNDER CIIAPTER 42. SECTION 3607 OFTHE UMTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDTCAP BUT DOES NOTDISCRIMNATE AcAINsr HANDICAp pERsolis, As CoNTAINED IN IIISTRUMENT RECoRDEDAUGUST 10, 1962, IN BOOK i74 AT PAGE 179. 7. R 5. 2/e' d q:T l\J:J.\)J-..J C:LJ-,nL.l Lrrrr* . -n {) I-TG Fnliev Nn CTATSOOflO4RT ' F orrn AO/CEI 1U Our Order No. V50000487 o Schedule B TER]V{S, CONDITIONS AND PRoVIsIoNs oF PARfi WALL AGRE 29, L964IN BOOK 175 AT PAGE 3?3 AND RECORDED NO\TEMBEI ATPACE 182. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, REST THE RESUBDI\TSION PLAT OF BLOCK 5 AND A PART OF GOR-E VILLAGE, FIRST FILING RECORDED JANUARY 9. 1963 AT RECE E)SSTING LEASES AND TENANCIES.11, 12, THE EFFECT OF ACCESS TO TFIE ADJOiMNG LOT O\ER SUEIE( 17. THE EFFECT OF WOOD RETAINING WAIJS AND ROCK RETAIN SUBIECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION INTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, DATED 7NLfi3, JOB NO. O3-( THE EFFECT OF WOOD RETAINING WALLS AND ROCK RETAIN EASEMENT AS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFI( I]VTER.MOUNTAIN ENGINEEzuNG, DATED j/ZL\A3.JOB NO. 03.( TITE EFFECT OF METAL SPIRAL STAIRS NOT WTIHIN SUBIECT ] IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER DATED 7t21t03, JOB NO. 03-00665, THE EFFECT OF WOOD FENCE AND GATE NOT WITHIN SUBJEC IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFTCATE PREPARED BY INTER DATED 7/21t03, JOB NO. 03_0066s, THE EFFECT OF STAIRS NOT WiTHIN SUEJBCT PROPERTY AS SI LOCAT]ON CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INIIER-MOUNTAIN EN{7/2y03. JoB NO. 03-0066s. TIIE EFFECT OF ASPHALT NOT WITIIIN SUBIECT PROPERTY AS LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY INTER.MOUNTAIN ENC 7 /Zt/03, JOB NO. 03_0066s CLAIMS OF RIGHT, TITLE AND/OR INTERBST N{ THE PROPERT]BOUNDARY LINE AND THE FENCE (ASDEPICTED ON THE SUR\ 14. l< I8, t9. )EMENT RECORDED JANUARY r. 8. 1963 IN BOOK I7S RVATIONS AND NOTES ON CREEKDRIVE, VAIL PTION NO. 96927. :T PROPERTY. TNGWALLS NOT WITHIN CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY )0665. tNG WALLS ONTO UTTLITY ]ATE PREPARED BY )066s. ]ROPERTY AS SHOWN ON .MOLINTAIN ENGINEERING, T PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON .MOUNTAIN ENGINEERING, IOWN ON IMPROVEMENT ]INEERING. DATED SHOWN ON IMPROVEMENT iINEERING, DATED 'BETWEE}i THE WESTERLY EY PREPARED BY 2-/ts ' d S:I1lf.JOFl...l S-lH5nH UdIb tzn tA - cT NH r a LTG Policy No. CTAI5000048?l'orm I\O/CEI Our Order No. V50000487 Schedule B INTER.MOUNTA]N ENGINEERINC, JOB MJMBBR 03-00665 WHE1 BY ABANDONMENT, ADVERSE POSSESSION OR OTHER MEANS 20. DEED OFTRUSTDATED SEPTEMBER 24,2003, FROM BRIDGE S.L.L.C. TO THE PUELIC TRUSI]EE OF EAGLB COUNTY FOR, TI{E I AMEzuCA, N.A, TO SECURE TI{E SUM OF $1,641,250.00 RECORD 2003, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 85]556. :HER SAID CLAIMS ARISE IREBT ASSOCIATES, ]SE OF BANK OF ED SEPTEIvIBER 29, L/9' A c:T I :J: .ln\tJ c:L_lqnLl t.l J-rh ! -lT) l_ar .\a L tL! . U '*J IAND TITTE GUARANTEE CtlMPANY ENDoRsEuEIfir 100.31Cas€ v500a04gz PoL)cy cTa,I1o00048 7 PtoperXy Address UNrT 7, VAIIJ ROT.IFIOASB UAII) CO B76Ez OwTer ERTDGE sTEEEr AssocTenEs, L,L.c. The compan-v Jaere.b-v jnsures the Jnsured agatnlt l,oss rr.hj ch tie Jggu5.edshaL-L sustaj-n .by r-ea6on of physica-z I but not. aelihexic, riamage Eo Lmprovemerlcser.-r-st:ng on -,-he land at Date of policy or construececi Lirereon thereaf xez,resuJ tiagr from tfte exerci se subsequext to tl:e Date of poJicy of any righxsto use tj:e surface of che .]and under the rninerai. ircereat reterred xo inExcepXioa No. # 6 c.f Schedul. e .B l"cJre mjneraf rig,htst'), eubjece,howswsy, to the ioTTowinq De:ms and coadi ti ons .- :- ?.: e lisu:'ed sha:1 nozily Ehe company prompxiy in wrixing in ca'elnowledge shaL -?, come to ar Insured .lrereurder of any actuaJ, or ch.rea Eened exercise of fle minera^l tiqhts. 2, Tle ccfiIrai:y srai.l. ha -,re che righ:, aE :gs cosEt Ea eake any acxLof- H&l ch in its opinioa may be necessary or desira-br. e in ord.er f,or Ehecompany uo avoid or minimize t.be exten? of its TiahiTity under ahi ee.ndorser?en u 1 jncJuding, but nat, ]:mj ted to, anv or aj-l of tftefolJowing: .fn C.he Compastyts own tightl or in the name af the ".Insured ior the Cc,nrpar.yt s benefix, co jnstjtute, prosecuce and pursue to fjnal dete:rajnacj on anyproceeciings aE farn' or in equity, or befote any municipaJ_,acl?jnjscraEive, or zeguJatory cl-j.bunal or hoard; Il: cl:e Cofipany, E own r jght , or in the nane of che .Insu:-edfor Lhe company,s benefic, to compei tije glvlng ofsecurj t]/ bond ar Unde.rtakjng b-y the pe.z-sc.p or pe.rEons f rom whom the Insured iE enEi E.l, ed hv 7aw to srtchsecuyity, bond or unciertaking, and in -uhe same amoun:oj: a]:,ounts io whjch the InEuted would hawe been eoenti tled had this endorsenen c .Boc ,beelt issued,- and DP.|F 1 ^.2 Representing Chicago Title lnsurance Company z/9' d slT l>]lJn>]-] q:!.]qnr.l t.1)1i,,-)t) ba cT ,^rlJ. .i i-) tAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY $;{DORSEMEMI L00,31 (c) ta retain o-r be paid out of arzr/ such securicy, bond ar undertaking, or out of afiJ/ cony:ensation or lucJds .:"ecoyered by the Cofrr.any ot the Insured, such amourt aa viIT rejmburse the conpanl/ for alf payments madeio the fnsured by the Company W rlason of the jnsura-rjce afforded b-v chjs endorse&eru , togeehet urj t-h a-l-I cogrsard e)q)enses jncurred by Ehe Comtr a.n-v jn connecti on therehti E&, includidg attafleyts f ees . 3. No rights, benefiue or deferlses are intended eo or s.hafL be deened.to flow or be made avaif,abfe to any person of, enEity other t.han f bc Tn crrva, l*rs*L 4.!.r-! 6!. 14/ reaaon of the insuran:ce af forded b-r,, Lhis endorse-rnent, a:rd t}te fdsu.':.ed agree,s Ehat al.: af the fn6ur€d/s rightsand ;ernedj es agaias t tld.rd parEj eE reJating to the subj ectrnatEef of Ehis endorserneat sha.L] be deemed to l:awe rema:nedintact/ in ihe same ma:ul€r as lf this endotsement had not been i + <rrad ?.hi s endor8emeEt is rnade a part.ot said poJicy and :-s subject co thescizeduJ.es, condi c.:. ons and stipuJ.ations there in, except as modif,ied b1r aheprow1si ons hereof, >..ra a ^f ) Representing Chicago Title lnsurance Company z/L'd qiT l\l_f-..raUJl C:UcrnLl l-t)=+-.-2a +-r> .T ! fl..J.\ I0y/il ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAT OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is reguired for all proposals involving the^ad_dition of qRFA (gross rcsidential floor area).This includes proposals for 250 uboii.ni ""Jlnt"tjor conversions. see rrfle r-2, chapter ls - crossResidenUal FJoor Area for specific regulaUons. r-rou r.uu+/utJ r-!(b I. SUBMITTAL REqUTBEME|{TS** O- :lamped Topographic Survey+ a-- Site and Grading plan* D/- Landscape plan* r.ir-Trch itedu ral Elevations*a Exterior color and material samples and spec,ifications.Architectural Floor plansx H?:'1"d";.?Km T;tri:l#fue #J_*,,i* tu,,rr..*, r Photos of the existing site and aOjacenf strurJG, raiyJffi-:'Hn:1;fi"'g1*tr!Jl:[?*"i;;*dillfir"lTiTi:liid@ni..or* The Administratorand/or oRB may reqrii. iire submtssion of additionar prans. drawngs,spedfications, samprss and oth91 materials (induaing a moder) if deemed necessary todetermine whether a Dmiect will comply wittr oGgn Guideiines or if the intent of theproposa I is not c.learly inaicateO. Please submfu three (3) copier of the mdteials noted with an asterhk (*), **For interior conversions{ith-EQ E<(gulolchanqes, the submithl reguirements include a complete set offfH,i,"Jfl?:?LTi1l,=Sfin;Fffid writren "pp-uiur rio* a condominium association, Topographic suryeyiq Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyorE- Date of survevu- North ar.o* und graphic bar scalera Scale of 1,,=10, or 1,.=20) f :"*l desciiption and physicat address " #:?1t"fffl,:;"0"0* area (buildable area excludes red trazard avaranchef sropes greater than 40yor - Ift:""T,T|i,i;"r*'u't either usGS landmark @gil. rhis inrormarion musr be crearry 6- Propety boundaries *,11"-T1*!.hundredth (.01) of a foot accumcy. Distrances and bearings and airT'#:frlTff.Trll* shown- strow exiiriii'pins or monuments found and their retationship ro 5 ,=lt-tl :"lt of wav and properly lines; inctuding bearings, distances and curve information.'a Indicate a'l easemenG identified on the subdivision piat and recorded against the propefty as_-4rdicated in the tifle report. List "ny *r"|nunt *rtrictions.'4 >pot blevanons at the edge of aslhalt, along the. street frontage of the property at t1 /enty-five foot- tntervals (25'), and a minimum oi one'spot je,ratton. on eidrer side of the lot_trTopograpnrc condi ons aI [wo foot contour inreruats Page 3 of 72/O2la7lOZ E.LraPs- Wq tee e4. t*- {l tn'NAtr | | et YELuTfytEt.t I r-3bt r. tj05/013 F-926I I U4t tt4C1 /ft:*t":tt T#',"X',f,*:::'"* havins trunks with diameters of 4,,or more, as measured frorn a N fl r Rock outaoppings and other significant na_tural features (large boulders, lnt"rmittentd#t".t.r--Alr exisnng improvemenG rhduaing ioundation wals, .;f ";;;;;:rpr.ri!\reqovernanffi.;..-.r.rr__Environmental Hazar* (i". ,*rirri, a"nri, no*, uu"rJnJ., *Jihiollqroop,e,o, ro,,rl :jl_,;:;i::H:fi'::'ff ;3iJmur" rir'o*.."t ..rin*lnl .in" li?i?*;e";;in u'aaition to tn* a/Show alt utility meter locationi, incf uOing any pedesh{s on site or in the right_of_way adjaceflt to thesite' Exact location of existing ,tilitv rJu..* ana propose*ilil rines from their source to thescructure' uflities'"a:ti'""* ,- sewer- Gas ? P:and rype " rJ:L"JHll1,J, ,*ur*r. "#u*' - r-f,Lic - -ittt"Ti:.':,""o;1."fif;:i1,.:frffit;f'i;rhartnorborh sides orrhe roadway shown ror a minimum Site and Grading plan: 1-,.-Scale cf 1"=20, or larger{ propefty and setback lines Y,r??!"s and proposed easernents !!-exlsrng and proposed grddesa EX'tll-lg and proposed iayoui of builciings and other shJchJrcs incruding decks, patios, fences and-wails. Indicate the foundation ,iti, a iai'nec rine and *," ,*i'Jg;;nh a sorid line.- $Lffit"T.H::L'5,?:"1??"syrflftrfiiiridse erevations- In-drcare"e<istrhs and proposed sradesg,- p ro posed a iive*iyr., i n ct udin s *r.unr 'o* JnT.r rr:r:,,:;i.rT":u il d i ns heie ht. ,. r r as necessary arong, the ."ntuiri[. oi*'J ifi"*"v ro accuratery ,"n".t nHlllry line, garage srab and Nff o l'rff:l: unheated concrete pan at thJ edie or aspirart for diiveways inar exit the streer in an uDhirl :Srfi""E of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service rines from sources ro rhe f__..froeosed s,ufface drainage on and off_site.s Locauon or landscaped areas.V /ccailon of limiG oi dislurbance fencinoIr LocEtion of all required parking spacesir >now Storage areas.a j_ roposed dumpster location and delail of dumpster enclosure.l]--Retaining walls with proposed eleuations at tip ano uottom or walls. A detaited cross-section andelevadon drawings shall be proyjded. "t ttru oiin o1 separate sheet. shmped engineering drawings_r4::,::::I:d for watrs between 4.and 6,feet irr neisnt.Lr uerneare areas to be phased and appropriate timiig, if applicable Landscape plan: d Scale of 1,' _ 20, or larger {-Lanas.cap. plan must b-e drawn at the same scale as the site plan.d Location of existing trees, 4,, diameter or larger. Indicate t 6* b rernain, to be relocated (incfudingnew locdtion)' and to be removed' La-rge sbnds of trees ilit oL snown (as bubbre) if the strand is/- nothei ng rT:i., *I_lf " pro posed improvements a nd grading. 9 Adicate all existing ground cover and snrubE.d Debiled legend, listing the typ* ana size .(caliper for deciduous trees, neight for coniferc, gallon size ,i?fi:T;"t"id heisht ror roundation irrrubs) or art tne exiin:ii-.na propored prant mareriai incrudins lk rE l+:jlT:S3tical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.LeTr+f ,t r- Indicate the location of ail proposed plannngs,t'1EV- Page 4 oF r2/oz/o7/02 xi* -'t' -1- il[:J::ll;tfli"mj;',Tf "K[Tged warerins svstems ro be emproyed in carins For pranr 'r ffi:H"?L..frr:[H:*"x!tr ]ines. Retainins wails shail be irrc]uded with the top of walt and the Architectural Floor plans: trScale of U8" = 1'or iarger; iil418 preferred?4loor plans oF the proposed development d*11 io scale and fully dimensioned. Fioor plans arrd, building elevations must be drawn ai the same scae.Er' clearly indicate on the.floor plans the iltrJ. r*" of the exterior structural walls of the building.w-_t-aber floor plans to indicare th" pr;p;;; frool*ir"" uu. (i.e. bedroom, kitcnen, etc.;.a- one set of floor plans must be dred-lined" indicaung r.,o* ureg-iir&,a"-ntiur floor area (6RFA) wascalculated. see Trtle 12, chapter rs - eioss nesiae"ntiat rroo. ir"iioiJgrr"tionr.a-" Provide djmensions of all rooi eaves and on".nungr. Architectural Elevati ons:A- Scale of I/8" - 1,or larger; 1/4" is prefened6._4ll etevations of the proposed developm€nt drawn.to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation 3:#ffi il:1r#:.:[T exisrins ana nnli'.J grades. Froor. prans and buirdins *r"uaron, 't]uJi" ' iigl'H?Ltt"tff.are proposed at ansles not represented weil on rhe normat buitdins etwations, show Ef Elevations shaf show proposed finished erevation of flo'rs and roofs on ail revets.Qa Arr exrerior materiars and corors shat be tp".irl"o on the erevatrbns. 1ffi#fgntf::ll.T,:1"#iilpil;ifi;;ri.,ttv ai*ensionJ, a,aa, ffm, rairinss, chimney caps, 2 :P_Lllr-r:posed exterior lighting fixrures on rhe buildins. rJ _--rlr Lso?te ell decks, porches and balconies. ?:lll*@ t!5 rogr u"d ?iJlll:_s_d.uinase svsteq (i.e. sutters and downspouts).a - Indicate all rooftop mechanicar systems ina irr Jir'.i*"i,tiu.t rc irippi.or*a' Illustrate proposect buiiding i,",si,i "Eu"u;;'Jn roor lines and ridges. These elevations should* ,__coordinate.with the fin jshed flooielevations andfie datum useo ior- tr,=. ,lr"V,D/ Exterior color and material samples sirall be iu#ima to sufr ano Jr**"t*o at the Design ReviewBQard meedng. Lighting Ptan: {najcale type, location and number of fixtures. 5HOI)NO Jndude height above grade, lumens output, turninous areaf,'-Attach a cut sheet for eacn proposed fixture. once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the BuildingDepanment will schedule a framing inspection, t''o copies or an im[ro-vemeii r-ocatron Certjficate survey(ILc) sramped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information mustbe provided on the ILC:a Basis of bearing and tie to section cornera All property pins found or seto Building tocatrol!1)_qith,tjes to property c€rners (ie. distances and angles)n Building dimensions, including deck and balconies. m tn" "".rJt*nth oF a FootD Buirding and garage floor erevations and arr roof ridge and eiue line elevation,o All drainage and utility service line as-builE, showinl ryp* oir"t"*t, size and exacl locatione nll easements oN ?t-F4)Kt oA), <-ctys ttr.F:f Page 5 of Lz/oz/17/Oz | | 9LVtrLrJr ffEll I v t u4( Ft+ct r-lbg P.utzlut3 F-szE Applicant: Phone Number: SubmitlEl filnoea survey of propeftyB- Civiysite Dlans Sqryev Requirements; $uweyotswet stamp ancl signature{/ Date of suruey 6.,, North arrow L Properscale (r"=19,o|. l"=20)fi _ Legal descriptionV BasE of bearings / BenchmarkA _ Spot Elevationsuf tabeteO right of way and property lines; lncluding bearings, disbnces and curve - information. 6-. Lot Size6 Euildable Area (exclucles red hazard lvalalcne, slopes greater than 40%, andfloodplain) {7 Landsepe pland Tifle Repoft (Section B) lopographya-"uuiitirocitions o-Tdjacent roadways labeled and edqe of asphalt fior both sides ot itre roaciway shown for a minimum of Z5O, in eifher direction from property. Site Plan Requirements: I. ;Access (check all)F- Driveway rype an<i finished surface are shown on the site pran.S Unheated \p-<"d'd;; areas are shown on the site pnn ffin ,,"i:ffi:ffif:.,.H,lf#:; :#ff$,*T;)4lh??Eed; l0o/o of driveway area if heatedjvt Arr orlveway grades' d11ery9n1, rad-ii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Developmeng'qtandards, p' 11. steepest sectioa oriueway craoe (notthe average grade):_ " ffif:S=-nd tByns@are noted t" rii* prun and conr=orm to-Deveropment standards, lI. Construction Site (check all)s- Lccatio n of all utrlities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. frimits of disturbance con*ruction fen.inq irlno*n on the site pran.4 I am aware that approved Shginq uno i-onstruaon Traffic controt plans/ as per the Manual of_ .Unifofm Traffic Control Devjces/ will be necessary prior to conshuction.a- r am aware that a Revocabre night of way p"#it irirr b. ,"q;il;;.i". ro construction. Page 11 of 12/02107/02 Survey/Site plan Review Checklist __ Deparbnent of Commrrnity Development 75 Sourh Frontage Road, Vaif Cobrado g1857 t€t: 97 4.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us*7his dteckhbt mafi be submirted prlor to pubtic wortcs review of a propo*d developmenL Owners/project Name: Pro.liect Address: r ru r_ruflI ef yAtL uutJs{uNltI UEVELUTMEIII v ( u4( It45 t T-35r P.0t3/013 F-S?6 Itr. Drainage (check all that apply) Qhe required Vallev pan is itiown on the site pran as per Deveropment sbndards, p. 12.r- (Note: Valley pan mu$ not be heated),-3 4 Foot Concrete Pans-positivqinil;q;t" drainase is mainrained ut "rr umes?imrlfff: Hffi?:il. lr'#trxF- u culvets have been provided lnd are laneteJano dimensioned on tt. =iiJii"'n.'"' tdr*l/.J-A;,uh 15a A Hydrauric report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineerl IV, Erosion Control (Check all that appty)rtr Disturbance area is greatef than one n"ji ".re.I -a separate Erosion contror pran has been professionaily engineered and pE stamped.z- Less.thanonehalfacrehasbeenaisturle[,indprop*rurosioncontrot devrcesareshownonthesite V.__^Fioodplain (check all that aoolv) 94:.p.p_1.":l llT *,fl.rin olGdjlehrto a 100 year Ftoodptain..a ruu year htoodplain is shown on the site olan.a A Fbodplain study ha_s been prwided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or asrequested by Town Engineer)c.r The project does not lie within or adjacerrt to a 100 year Floodplein W. _Geological/Environmenbl Hazards (check all that appty;a The project lies within a eeologiflEnviron*unGl Haiard'area. (see Development standards, p. 20)f,_--A.Hazard Report has been providedE The prcject does not lie within a Geologic/Environrnentar Hazard area. V!_Grading (check all that appty) F__.-p.'*i"g and proposed gndesfcontours are provided on the site plan.,d- AII disturbed areas have been retumed to ai:f snCe . Lfr 5''-"'D All dishjrbed areas not ret$ned-to z;r graae iiive been Prqfessionally Engineered with slopeprotection and/or stabre soirs. pE srp.a debirs are proria;*iit'1,{ pr"ir.o only exisring contours are shown "n $'i site plan, there ls no prop-o="[ iraoing. Wll-Parking (check all) VFA*pr-t_ @ pezu All residential and comrnercial parki;-s space'sGnro.m lo the Development standardr, pp. tzats. $._ptaininS Wails (check all that appty) 4tff'uanning walts conform to ttre'#ndaras in the Deveropment standards, p, 19.'a' All relaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet nr""'n"-" p-rir*.ioilrrv Engineered and a pE - stamped detajl has been provided within the pians.F- #;:f'3lil1illt" tno*n on the site ptan, w'tn hbeled rop and bottom of walt elevations and rype a No rehining walls are required for this project. _Sight Distance (check all that appty) Proper sight distance has been atrained and shown on site plan as per Development Standard s, p,I2.Proper sight distance has not been attainecl, Explanation whv: a D +Aiflelele@neltEF',rease provide any additionar comment. that pertain to pubric works Review. Page 12 of tZ/02/o7l1z A&S Window Associates Steel Windows Page I of I Ilot Rolled Steel Windou's. Casement Windoqs. Doors. Sccuritv Windows. l-andmark Restora Windo*s. Stccl Store Fronts 2t23t2004 TYPICALSIDE 40 WqTT u6tT EqrF TSTO HIIIS STT.IDIOO ifus rrghflng & Decartrc Metal Vort 2?06 soulH IAI{A8 BOIJr.nrrRD AITSTIN, TErAS 7VO{ Jrz-7g7-7rn ilf 5rLw7-752' lll'Fra.rE l2'Rafr,.6 crdr- 6F G'lass 5/S t*n'rr I' Fra'rE Fr|erFtFr ledrnentTofus Fuiue b ripp.oprie Ffr ' Wtt lo<ztinrs As Shonrl -We todirrE U/ltr 6h OrSolid TopAddedt Uy letirrs^s Sho.,n firnrc*rs RE'ERTTED t u,-aPgo"tc POST IA}{TERN Pt15 @pynrcrr 1994 TFO H[.LS STtJDto. E{c. irz-{+{- 5:o fr -r{fi i* bs JI t r$ N '.t+rrv:o;ef uo-,9 oc{ Eoo4 (,z $d tnr{ $Htl 7z-2 $$ p F lt|F $olaON\.o rf\ t c Fl n4oo =oo&ouldt i RETAINING WALL DETAIL AT EAST STAIR D2.0 -lc\.('\ _l IT 5TONE \€NEFR STONE VENEFR. sTONE PAVERg ON 6ON6R,ETE t tEr= H t!AtJ- o IU 4 ilI SHEPHERD RESOURCE5 INC / AIA HUGHES RESiDENCE O3O5 PEC FOUNDATION DETAILS SCALE: 3/4" = I -0" 02-09-04 HEAD V]OOD SILL ANi) APRON (BELOI^u gEALANT AT PERII.'TETER .a IAMBgF-- woov 5lu- YIOOD APRON RETURN OY]B TO F1F6. KERF SHIM A5 READ. v12 wt4 (STUcco) *ilM A.9€.Ec,p. 9EALANT AT PERIMETER 5HIM A9REGD. tsAcKffi.tq.aD r =EFrL.r\N I J^TATERPROOF MEMBRANE To O\€RLAP AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER AND EXTEND O\.ER ROWH 5lU_ qL.TEDL]ED) RESOURCES INC / AIANt4 elrccd ,: _::: " HUGHES RESIDENCE O3O5 PEC WINDOW DETAILS SCALE: I li2" = l'-0" 02-09-04 Ktr I UK.N uFo.I| {a ll il fl ; I N o t- TYPICAL WINDOW ETAIL D6. I X{ E \s -l r{) STONE 'AP *5 AT I'-b" gTONE AND €ROUT r4ALL t^{lTH e> AT t'-b" VERTICAL I/2" IfrLATION JOINT 6'CONCreTE gLAts ON-*.-\D= STAIR t^itTH*5 AT l'-O" EACH r,,lAy TONE PAVERS AND ffi.OLIT qfr <to6'-o"> E5 AT I'-b" VERTICALANP HORIZONTAL *t ^-t t,-o- * ,ol "L l d.{ r.5 b" - rl: 4E-T rnNlvJ_\_,, r r\_/r\ Ji1t I --"-$$'FW = i esry-: 3/4" = t'-6' SHEPHERD RESOURCES INC / AIA POSl OII Cr BOX 674 AVO N COI ORADO B I62O T910 949 3301 F970 949 5t7l WWW 5 R IA R C H iT E C T. C O IT1February23,2004 Tovn of Vail, Design Review Board Warren Campbell, Planner Vail, Co HUGHES RESIDENCE. VAIL ROWHOUSE#7 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 030s FINAL DRB Dear Warren, This projed is a remodel/addition of the existing Vail Rowhouse #7Aand #78. This proposal has some modifications that have been made to the 02-09-04 Conceptual DRB #2 submittal responding to DRB meeting comments. The attached package and information is submitted for Final DRB Review for the meeting of March 23. 2004. The project is classified (Permitted Use l2-6H-2) as a single family residence in a Rowhouse configuration on a lot within High Density Multiple-Family zone. The lot 7 area is2674.675 square feet with a frontage of 25.05'. Refer to Survey included within this package. (Lot Area and Site Dimensions l2-6H-5) (PEC variance item) The proposed remodel and addition are within the existing footprint or smaller than the existing footprint, except for the new ski closet on the entry terrace along the west, Unit 6, party wall south of the residence, the south entry terrace, stone veneer site walls, mechanical crawlspace, and a portion of the lower level ski room. The side setback of 0'-0" is an existing condition because of the existing rowhouse tyPe of construction. The residence is not proposed to expand north or south and the existing building is not encroaching into the front or rear setbacks of 20'-0'. (Setbacla l2-5H-5) (PEC variance item) The stone veneer site walls at the south, in front of the parking, and side stone veneer walls shall comply with the requiremenb for architectural pro.jections of terraces in the front yard setback. The proposed height of the building ridge is E203.12. The grade atthe north dde of the building is most resffictive at elevation of 8165.22'. Hence, the height proposed is37.9'. The maximum dlowed is 48' for sloping roofs. ( l2-6H-7) The lot 7 areais2574,675 square feet. The proposed site coverage is 1347,33 square feet, or 50.37% of the 55% total site coverage allowed. (Site Coverage l2-6H-9) The lot 7 areais2674.675 square feet. The building, terraces, walk and parking area are approximately 1800 square feet. The balance of the site is landscape, or lawn area. Landscape and Site Development are to occur on 33% of the site. 30% minimum is required ( | 2-5H- | 0) The existing 2 parking stalls are proposed to remain in use with some layout revisions of widening and adding a walkway between parking stalls. 75% of parking hidden from public view and not within the ll RE: ll ll front setback is not achievable on this property. Parking shall be located as far north as practical and to allow landscape requirements of zoning regulations and to preserve two large existing aspen trees. (Parking and Loading | 2-6H- | l) (PEC variance item) AREASUMMARY Risting GRFA as calculated by Architectural Services P.C. 2303.4 square feet Interior Coniaersion ( l2- | 5-4) area under existing entry stair 7/.0 square feet Interior Coniaersion ( | 2- | 5-4) area at common stair (mid and lower) 105.2 square feet 250 Ordinance ( 12- | 5-5) + 250.0 square feet Total dlowed 2735.6 souare feer Total proposed 2734.2 square feet Please contact me if you have any questions. wthBest '"')/vr/*/, Jetrrey P. ManleyAlA Project Architect, Shepherd Resources, Inc. cc: Ron Hughes IT tl ll I l--r '{ r'*f-, -fl a Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 23,2004 Ieff Manley Shepard Resources, Inc. PO Box 1624 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Hughes Residence - 303 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 7/Lot 7, Block 5, Vail Village i " Filing Dear Jeff, The Town of Vail Staffis cunently reviewing the variance application for the proposed addition to the Shirley residence located at 303 Gore Creek Drive. The Public Works Department is requiring that an eighteen inch (18") concretg slab be installed between the driveway area and the Gore Creek Drive right- of-way (i.e. at the property line). : Please submit revised plans addressing this item. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, zuZZ- frr ' -4---* Bill Gibson, AICP Planner II Town of Vail I RECYCLED PAPEEtb Status: I Approved Gouvrulrw DEVELopMENT Roulno Fonut I Approved with conditions ffi Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:02t11t04 Routed By:BillGibson Date Due:02118104 Description of work:Addition & Variance Address:303 Gore Creek Drive Legal:Lot:7 Block: | 5 I Subdivision: I Vail Village 1"'Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: 2-19-04 Need additional review bv Fire on a scale of 1" = 10'or 1" = 20' Are any improvements to wood retaining walls on north side of lot proposed near show on site plan 100 vearflood olain. Show on site plan, an 18" concrete slab at property line between driveway and E. Gore Creek Drive. This is to separate heated portion of drivewav and asohalt on Gore Creek Drive. SHFPI]I-RD RESOURCES INC / AIA POSI O ral BOt lo).1 AVO\ -O ORADO 8t620 T9iA 949 3302 F970 949 5 2 WWW,S R A RC H ITECT. COIIJanuary22,2004 Town of Vail, Design Review Board Warren Campbell, Planner Vail, Co HUGHES RESIDENCE, VAIL ROWHOUSE #7 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 0305 CONCEPTUAL DRB #2 Dear Warren, This project is a remode7addition of the existing Vail Rowhouse #7 Aand #78. This proposat nas some modifications that have been made to the I l-05-03 Conceptual DRB submittal due to negociations with the neighbors and DRB comments. The attached package and information is submitted for Conceptual Review for the meeting of February 4, 2004. I The project is classified (Permitted Use l2-5H-2) as a single family residence in a Rowhouse configuration on a lot within High Density Multiple-Family zone,2 ThelotTareais26T4,625squarefeetwithafrontageof25.05'. RefertolmprovementLocation Certificate included within this package. (Lot Area and Site Dimensions l2-6H-5)3 The proposed remodel and addition are within the existing footprint or smaller than the existing footprint, except for the new ski closet on the entry terrace along the west, Unit 6, part/ wall south of the residence, the south entry terrace, Etone veneer site walls, mechanical crawlspace, and a portion of the lower level ski room. The side setback of 0'-0" is an existing condition because of the existing rowhouse type of construction. The residence is not proposed to expand nofth or south and the existing building is not encroaching into the front or rear setback of 20'-0". (Setback | 2-5H-5)4 The stone veneer site walls at the south, in front of the parking, and side stone veneer walls shall comPly with the requirements for architectural projections of terraces in the front yard setback.5 The proposed height of the building ridge is 8203. 12. The grade atthe north side of the building is most restrictive at elevation of 8165.72' . Hence, the height proposed is 37 .9' . The maximum allowed is 48' for sloping roofs. (12-6H-7)5 The lot 7 area is2674.625 square feet. The proposed site coverage is 1353.34 square feet, or 50.67o of the 55% total site coverage allowed. (Site Coverage l2-6H-9)7 The lot 7 area is2674.675 square feet. The building, terraces, walk and parkrng area are approximately 1800 square feet. The balance of the site is landscape, or lawn area. Landscape and site Developmentaretooccuron 33% of the site. 30% minimum is required (12-6H-10)8 The existing 2 parting stalls are proposed to remain in use with some layout revisions of widening and adding a walkway between parking stalls. 7506 of parking hidden from public view and not within the front setback is not achievable on this property. Parking shall be located as far north as practical and to IT RE: ll il allow landscape requirements of zoning regulations and to preserve two large existing aspen rrees, (Parking and Loading | 2-6H- | I )tl AREA SUMMARY Existing GRFA as calculated by Architectural SeMces p.C. 2303.4 square feet Interior conversion ( | 2- | 5-4) area under exjsting entry stair 77.0 square feet Interior Conversion ( l2- l5-4) area at common stair (mid and lower) I 12.3 square feet 7742.7 squarefeet 2742.0 square feet Please contact me if you have any questions, Wth Best Regards, // ,,. trh//,r fl4nn/o'tu,,/" 7 Jefrey P. ManleyAlA Project Architect, Shepherd Resources, Inc. cc: Ron Hughes ll il Total allowed Total proposed , i. +! t .f 'r s.I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us February 16,2004 JeffManley Shepard Resources, [nc. PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Hughes Residence - 303 Gore creek Drive, IJnitT ll-at 7, Block 5, Vail village l" Filing Dear Jeff, The Town of Vail Staffis currently reviewing the variance application for the proposed addition to the Hughes residence located at 303 Gore Creek Drive. The following information must be submitted to compiete the variance application submittal requirements and to better clariff the details of the proposal: Topographic Survev. Show the legal description and physical address.r Calculate and show lot size and buildabte area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40Yo, and floodplain). ' Show spot elevations at the edge ofasphalt, along the street frontage ofthe property at twenty-five foot intervals (25), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.I Show the Gore Creek 50' watercourse setback (show centeriine and edge of creek in addition to the required creek setback). ' Show adjacent roadways and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site Plan r Draw at the same scale as the topographic suwey.r Show watercourse setback lines.. Show floodplain lines. ' Show all proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations (including chimneys). Indicate existing and proposed glades shown undemeath all rooflines.. Show snow storage areas. I RECYCLED PAPEN{3 Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us Floor Plans r Provide dimensions of all roofeaves and overhangs.' rhe "*^ :"'?:fi$s:iffi;,,:::r:r*nias:;::,ffil1,:ff-p,ed by chap,o 12-15, Vail Town Code. Upper level "file" and "printer/fax" areas are GRFA unless specifically exempted by Chapter 12-15, Vail Town Code. Lower level "built-in dresser" area is GRFA unless specifically exernpted by Chapter l2-15, Vail Town Code. Calculationso Provide existing and proposed site coverage area calculations. Please be aware that l crawlspaces and portions of roof overhangs greater than 4' are site coverage. . Provide existing and proposed landscape area calculations. Please be aware that bardscaping shall not exceed 20% of the required landscape area.. Provide existing and proposed gross residential floor area (GMA) calculations r Provide existing and proposed snow storage area calculations. Please zubmit revised plans addressing these items by no later than Wednesday February 25, 2004. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directiy at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4J*/.-- 44 4z-- Bill Gibson, AICP Town of Vail z RLVYCTED PAPEEs a ( D ep ar tment of C ommunity D eve I opment 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FA-X 970-479-2452 www. ci.vail. co.us November 12,2003 Shepherd Resources c/o Jeffrey Manley, AIA PO Box 1624 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Unit #7 Vail Row Houses Gross Residential Floor Area Options/Lot 7. Block 5. Vail Village Firsl Filing Mr. Manley, This letter is being sent to inform you of several comments Town staff have regarding your recenl submittal for a conceptual design review regarding Unit 7, Vail Row Houses/Lol 7, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. The following comments should be addressed in the materials submitted in future applications.. The entrance door to the proposed crawlspace can measure no more than 12 square feet in area.. In a drawing show how the proposed stone veneer wall enclosing the front yard will step down from six feet in height to three feet in height.. Please provide a survey of the lot which contains all the items found on the application checklist.. Provide a plan showing the proposed roof plan with ridge elevations identified on top of the contours. Within the fool print of the home you may need to interpolate the previously existing grades prior to construction. Assume a relatively constant slope from the grades on the front of the house to the rear of the house and draw in those contour intervals. This plan will be used to delermine the proposed height. ' Please submit plans in 24'X36" format. lf you desire you can place the before and afler context drawings on the same page in order to allow for a more clear understanding of the changes. Floor plans can also be consolidated.o Provide a malerials sample board.. Clearly identify on the proposed lloor plans the location of previously exiting walls so that I can delermine areas counling lowards the interior conversion and the 250 addilion. From the drawings I have I believe you are close to lhe maximum amount of GRFA you are permitled which needs to be confirmed with clearer informalion.. Sta{f has determined that the demolition oi multiple floor plates within the slruclure will be determined to be a demolition in excess of 50"/" of the structure and therefore the non-conforming status would be lost.. Staff has delermined that the signature of the owner of Unit I will need 1o be on all fulure applicalions as there is a shared common space between the lwo units. {g *"n"r"o r^"u* I t Public Works commenls:. The existing parking area does not meet Town of Vail standards of 9'X1g'. Please adjust and revise to meet standard.. The proposed site plan does nol show existing bollards. Are they to be removed? Show on the site plan if they are remaining.. The heated driveway will require a 4 foot concrete barrier pad, or musl be built to meet the proposed streetscape plan according to the design by Peak Land Consullants. The concrele barrier pad shall nol be heated. Any proposed area to be heated in the Town of Vail right-of-way must be on a separate zone and marked at the control box/panel. Please show on site plan. Staff is oblaining a copy of the streetscape plan for your use.. Show the location of the S0-foot Gore Creek setback and the 1O0-year floodplain on the stamped survey.r Provide and show the location on the site plan a limit of disturbance fence and erosion control measure on the north side of the lot above the floodplain area.. Show the location of snow storage area per Town of Vail standards. For a heated parking area it is 'l 0% of the parking area. Landscaping is not to be located in the area of snow storage. Fire Department commenls:. The unit must have a fire sprinkler system installed. Design Review Board commenls from the November 5, 2003 meeting:. Would like to see roof overhangs on the roof forms.. Primary roof structure is essenlially a large dormer with the ridge running north/south. The primary rooJ forms of the row houses run easVwesl. Re- examine the roof design.. The front patio area and all the paths looks cluttered and busy. Re-examine the front yard/patio design.. The architecture is new and refreshing; however, it seems a little busy. Public comment from the November S, 2003 meeting:. concern over the height of the proposed chimneys impacting the future height increase of units 6 and 8 because of Building Code requirements.. concern with the direction which the snow and water are being shed off the proposed roof and the potential for damage to neighboring units. Please review lhese comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 970-479-2148. For Public works ouestions or comments olease conlact Leonard Sandoval al970-479-2198. All future aiplications shall include all the items found on the checklists included with each application. Withreoards. ^ 11 ,4,1';'"i'-"-'--'/) ti ill lLJur\wAp\W Warren Camobell I Planner ll Cc:File Status: I Approved Gourrrulrry DEVELopMENT Rourruc Fonut I Approved with conditions X Denled Routed To:Leonard Sandoval, PW Mike McGee VFD Date Routed:10/03/03 Routed Bv:Planner Wanen Date Due:10t12t03 Hughes Residence Description of work:Addition to an existinq townhome. Address:303 Gore Creek Drive Unit 7 Legal:Lot:7 Block:4 Subdivision:VailVillase Filins 1 Comments:Date Reviewed: 11-1 1-03 ent lssues. Need additional review Fire Existing Parking area doesn't meet Town of Vail Standards of 9 x19 ft. Adjust and revise to meet site plan doesn't show bollards. Are thev to be removed? Show on site olan. Heated driveway will required a 4 ft concrete i or must be built to meet the proposed streetscape plan under design by PLC ( Peak Land Consultants) concrete barrier cannot be heated. Show on proposed site plan. Any proposed heat in TOV ROW must be on a separate zone and marked at the control Provide and show on site plan a limit of disturbance fence and erosion control measure on tlre north side of lot. Above flood plain area. Show flood plain area on stam Show location of snow storage area per TOV standards. LSandoval SHEPH ERD RESOURCFS \C / AIA ro'r oEF.ct' Box o)4 I.VON COLOoADO b b2U r970 949 130) t97A 949 5t) WWW,5R ARCHITFCI COI.1October 10, 2003 Town of Vail, Design Review Board Warren Campbell, Planner Vail, Co HUGHES RESIDENCE, VAIL ROWHOUSE #7 303 GORE CREEK DRIVE PROJECT # 0305 CONCEPTUAL DRB Dear Warren, This project is a remodel/addition of the existing Vail Rowhouse #7Aand #78. The attached package and information is submitted for Conceptual Review for the meeting of November 5, 2003 . I The project is classifled (Permitted Use l2-6H-2) as a single family Rowhouse residence on a lot within High Density Multiple-Family zone.2 The lot 7 area is2674.625 square feet with a frontage of 25,05'. Referto lmprovement Location Certificate included within this package. (Lot Area and Site Dimensions l2-6H-5)3 The proposed remodel and addition are within the existing footprint or smaller than the existing footprint, except for the two new ski closets on the entry terrace along the west Unit 6 party wall south ofthe residence, the south entry terrace, and stone veneer site walls. The side setback of 0'-0' is an existing condition because of the existing rowhouse type of construction, The existing residence is not proposed to expand north or south and the existing building is not encroaching into the front or rearsetbacks of 20'-0'. (Setback 12-6L1-6)4 The stone veneer site walls at the south, in front of parking, and side stone veneer walls shall comply wjth the requirements for architectural projections of terraces in the front yard setback.5 The proposed height of the building ridge is 8203.07', The grade atthe north side of the building is most restrictive at elevation of B 165.22'. Overall height proposed is 37.85'. The maximum allowed is 48' for sloping roofs, ( l2-6H-7) 6 The lot 7 area is 2674,625 square feet. The proposed site coverage is | 3 I 2.0 | 4 square feet, or 49o/o of 550,6 total site coverage allowed, (Site Coverage l7-6H-9)7 The lot 7 area is 2674.675 square feet. The building, terraces, wdk and parking area are approximalely 1700 square feet. The balance of the site is landscape, lawn, or Gore Creek. Landscape and Site Development are to occur on 367o of the site. 307o is required ( l2-6H- l0)8 The existing 2 parking stalls are to remain in use. ( l2-6H- | l) IT RE: ll ll AREA SUMMARY Existing GRFA as calculated by Architectural Services p.C. Interior Conversion ( l2- l5-4) area under existing entry stair Total allowed Total proposed With Best Regards, t /k/h'L lerluy e. v-rey / Project Manager, Shepherd Resources, lnc. cc: Ron Hughes IT 2303.4 squarefeet 77.0 square feet 2630.4 square feet 2630.0 square feet ll ll Design Review Board ACTION FORM . Department cf Cqmrnunity Development 75 so$th Frontage Road, Vail, Colarado 81.f57 tel: 970.479.2139 far: 970.479.2452 web: wwrv.v.ailgov.ccnr Project Namel Project Description: HUGHES RESIDENCE 10'X 4' PLANTING BED @ NORTH PATIO DRB Number: DR8050514 Pafticipantsl Project Address: 303 GORE CREEK DR #7 Legal Description; Parcel Number: Commentsl Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditioni: OWNER BRIDGESTREETASSOCIATES LL/O6I2OO6 3O1OO TELEGMPH ROAD BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 APPUCANT BECK BUILD]NG COMPANY P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL co 816s8 License: 117-4 CONTMCTOR BECK BUILDING COMPANY 1110612006 Phone: 970-949-1800 tU 06 12006 Phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL co 81658 License: 117-A 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lot: 7 Block: 5 Subdivision: VAIL ROWHOUSE 2101-082-3100-1 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actioni STAFFAPR Date of Approvalt LZl04l?006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: 113 All development applications submitted to the Town after the effective date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing . regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; provided, however, that if' the Town fails to adopt the pending employee housing regulations by April 15,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such development applications' Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 pNov,. 2. 2006110:51AMlrtw one year of the apPrwal' of the^Reque8t! BHughe s Propert es Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deoarhnent of CommunlV Deralopment fs $utn Fontage Roed, Vaii, Colorgdo E1557 b[ 970,479.2129 f$(: 97o.479'2'fEZ webi ufiift\,.vailgov,Eom 'a'x 4' ruNo 2974 f,P. 3/3 cenerEl tntefmsdonl Nl ppJrff ragulrlng dedgn revtew mu6t recelve approvrl Prlor.to submiffng a, building permlt Eppllctdon' Please refer h drc uubmlttal rcqrriremene for Ute panicuiai lpprilOi Uiat ls requested- An appllcation for Dedgn Review cannot bC tcccpted untl alf requireO-infrmarion fl rdgfvlO 6ythe.Comrnunlty Development De4rtmqnt' The pplecr may aho need to tu reif.*&- UV n9 f-gtyr CounA-|anidr G pfanning Bnd Enylronmenhl Comrnission' Destsn reviow approvrt r"iliii,iifrii i'6ririai"c P-"-'ii:a-iasuea and crinrtrucdcn €onmences wi$in Locationof the Proposeh loh 7 elo*: L suuavrton: @A phyeicarAddru': bg 6r.ee 1eax' /J 'tlr {t . (Oontact Eagle O- Assessor at 970'328'8640 for porcel no') brN VJ a 6- lri r- { $50 PIUE $1.00 per squrra lbot of toul sign area' No Fee $650 $300 nblning walls, etc. For reMslons to plans Dulgn Revtew Board. For condructlon of e new buildino or demo/rcbulld. For m lddltlon where square tootage ls added b lny Ltldentlal 0r commerclrl bullding (lndudes 250 addiftns & interiol cohv$5ions). Fof mlnor drlnges to bulldings and $ite imgravementl, luch as, remoflng, Ful-nting, wlndow addltions, landscaplng,, fences and r€talnlng wllls, etc. For minor changes to buildlngs End tlts lmprcvementg, such as, na-roolinE, painting, windsw additlonr, lrMrcaPlrE, fences and PEK!d NO'I Zonlng; NBme(c) of Owner(s): Addres$ X Otn".Jtl Signahre(s Name of ApplicanE Malllng Addreeel , x6ao already approvcd by PlrnninE Steff or the (-L- (0. tr >(' fipe of Revlew and Fee: tr. Signs tr con€eptusl Rrvlaw tr NcwConstructlontr Addltlon Mlnor Altemdon (m ultl4arnily/commerdal) Mlnor Altention (sin gle-family/duplex) Changes b ApProved Pl8ns Separetion Request $250 @ $20B tr [oo-uo ot- ********:***********f*************+*****t r.:1.:t ,t *ri*****dt+********!t******!t******************:t:t'k'f* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ****{'**************,1*:l't!F!t*************************************************:t *:} *** *** * * * 'r:r **!Fjt Statement Number: R060001909 Amount: 920.00 11/06/200603:41 pM Pa)zment Method: Check BUII,DING CO Tnit ; iIS Notation: L2184/BECK Permit No: Parce1 Noi Site Address : Location: This Payment: DR806051-4 Type: DRB-Minor AIt., SFR/DUP 210r_-082-3100-1 303 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ 303 GORE CREEK DR #7 Total Fee6: $20.00 Total A].lL Pmts: Balance : $20. oo s20.00 $0.00 * * * * * *************** *+******* ******:l*** **+ + * * * * * ********,t****'! *****,!'!*rt***:!** **:! * *:F:****** *:* * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current Pmts DR 001"00003 Lt2200 DES]GN REVTEW FEES 20.00 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS General Informationl This applicaUon is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, gmding, or the addition of retaining walls. L SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS'** tr Stamped Topographic Survey* S{ Site and Grading Plan*n Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications,u Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures o _ Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easemenE* / Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior chanqes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name: Contractor Signature Date Signed F: \cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb_minor_alt_l 1-23-2005.doc 11123/200s Page 3 of 13 Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of surveyr North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20)r Legal description and physical address. Lot size and buildable area (buildable area el(cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40o/o, dnd floodplain)r Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyr Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.. Indicate all easements identifled on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the tide report. List any easement restrictions.r Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the propefi at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot,. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc. ).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). . Environmental Hazards (ie, rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) r Watercourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback) ' Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of o(isting utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable TV Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides ofthe roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. r Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or larger. Property and setback linesr Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades r Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decls, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. . All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. . Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade' . A 4'wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location of landscaoed areas.. LocaUon of limits of disturbance fencing F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMlTs\Planning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 4 of 13 -'7---1*'/4ffifut::-_.-t; C onnn s PoNDEN cElN orEs TvvVVt7TtV!?VV vvVYVITV!7VIVrV_WVVvvVVVyvvvfrvvvvV.TVvVrTVrTrrtTV\7Vt7Vr7!7Vt7\ fbr*; FLtt,*#r';r' ds* O't6,f ^Lt- lgxig;fi;': 1 l/Dl€nh LL ta,)tFef - 4' b" $ Eryr {tE/nioil (t;r,tr €olnfioN Ouu @ !r1tt Ararrl Monagpmnt Sjvcmr hr -ft. frera * FSOllJ €d Ptavt*e 4et, /b'xq' A5 R.4Tt atL/ !3_c+re- Tlo#r 1o, ?'Wrthi'!ino=i hedrqm \\ \ I -r- |"- lrlL,l--1 |frr,o l W)ru* t.!.t b 1 $,, { f'' 1 1/ 6p ,t t TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 2'7,1999 Bill Pierce Fritzlen Pierce Smith Architects 1650 East Vail Valley Drive Fallridge C-l Vail, CO 81657 Re: Vail Rowhouse#7 Dear Bill: I am in receipt of your letter dated October 26, 1999 regarding the above-referenced propefiy. The information contained in your lefter is correct. If you would like to discuss this issue fui1her, please do not hesitate to contact me aL (910) 419- 2140. Good luck with this project. Sincerely, $.*-y (.t^-- Brent Wilson Planner Il {,p*"*or*uo ) Fax Cover Sheet, ..: ' Date: October 26,1999 To: Brent Wilson, Department of Community Development, Town of Vail Fax: auto F RITZLE N P I E RC E SMITH Re: Vail Rowhouses No. ARCHITECTS Sender: Bill Brent, No. 7 this morning. This letter is to confirm our discussions at that meeting. There are tivo dwelling units on thc Property, and to the best of my knowledge the two units have always been there. The two units may continue as a pre-existing condition although current standards may not permit construction of two new units based on the site area and the Density restriction of 25 Units per acre in IIDMF Zonrng. At this time we do not have pians of the existing units to determine the existing GRI'A, but it is understood that the existing GRFA on the site can be maintained, and under certain conditions be increased. Those increases can be accomplished through the "250 sq. ft additions" that are now applicable to multi-family units and "interior conversions" that are currcntly available to multi-family units with the assumption that these additions comply with the regulations for that specific addition (maiutain 50% of existing GRFA to apply for 250 sq.ft. addition, etc.). The future Owner, in the spirit of Community benefit, is considering the creation of a Type III Employee Housing Unit (EHU) on the lower level of the existing structure, approximately where the 78 Unit exists today. That Unit, if installed, would comply with Sec 12-13-6 and contain between 450 and 900 sq.ft., but would not be entitled to a "250 sq.ft. addition" per Sec l2-1 3-6-9. Per Secl2-l5-3-2b (8), the GRFA associated with that Type IIi EHU wouid be deducted from the total square footage (assumed to be GRFA in this case) and that GRFA included in the EHU can used elsewhere on the Site subject to setbacks, height, and site coverage restrictions. In order to improve the appearance of the street front in this area the future Owner would like to construct garages on the south portion of the property. Per Sec l2-15-3-2a" the area of the garages wouid be deducted from the total square footage. llhis addition would be subject to other Zone District restrictions such as setbacks, height. and site coverage. Plcasc lct mc knolv, at your carlicst convenience, if zinv of the intbrmation contained in this lettcr is contrary to ,vour understanding. You should reccive I page(s) including this cover sheet. Ifyou do not receive ail the pages, pleasecall (970)476-6342 ExL 11. C :\MvFiles\vail rowhouseT-2.wod PlanningoArchitecturealnteriors 1650 EastVail Valley Drive Fallridge C-1 . Vail, CO 81657 r fps@colorado.net r fax (97O) 476-4901 . (97OJ 476-6342