HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT A GALLERY BUILDING AKA P & R CONDOS GENERAL 1965-1981 LEGALPresent Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Ludwig Kuz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Connie Knight PI-ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November 11,1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica JillKammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Belsy Rosolack Larry Eslnrith The worksession was called to order by Chairperson Diana Donovan at 1:35PM. 1. A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use oermit to allo^, a seasonal olant oroducts business in the Heaw Service Zone District. Aoolicant: RichardDillino/RichardMatthewsPlanner: Jill Kammerer Jill Kammerer explained the request, and asked applicant Richard Matthews to respond to the "items for discussion' from the stafl's memo. Mr. Matthews distributed a portion ol the survey for the area, and indicated the lrailer would be a regular 8' x 20' sales trailer which he currently owned, with the purpose being to keep the sales attendant warm. The sales area will be secured by a 4' high snow fence. The lighting for the area would be 100' long strings of white 'Christmas lights" with light bulbs every 10 feet and larger light bulbs at each tree. Mr. Matthews explained these lights are sold by Christmas tree business wholesalers. No more than 40 trees would be on lhe lot at any one time. The business would be open from November 25 to December 24, and the hours ol operalion would be 10:30AM-7:30PM. Kathy Langenwalter asked il the lights would be turned off when the business was closed. Mr. Matthews said they might possibly leave on one string of lights for security reasons. Regarding signing for the business, the applicant proposed using a banner, which he illustrated by showing pictures to the Commissioners. Mr. Matthews estimated the size of the banner/sign was approximately 2 feet by 12 feet or 24 square feet. The wording for the banner was 'Christmas Trees". Staff informed the applicant that the maximum size the sign could be in this zone district was 20 sq. ft, and ftat allowable sign size was based upon the lineal frontage of the business. Chuck Crist asked if music would be played during the hours of operation. Mr. Matthews was not sure. Jim Shearer asked when the trailer would be removed from the site. Mr. Mafthews replied it would be taken out the day atter Christmas. Jim was concemed about storing 'junk,- (like saw-horses or trees, which did not get sold). On site, particularly in the area behind the trailer, Mr. Matthews repeated he would only have 40 trees on the lot. Richard indicated the trees to be sold would be attached to rebars which had been pounded into the ground. In response to a question from Chuck Crist, Richard indicated the banner would be attached to the trailer. The state requires the trailer be set back 50 feet from the North Frontage Road right of way. Based on the site plan, it appeared the sales trailer would be approximately 50 feet lrom the road. Gena Whitten believed it looked a little "tight." She requested the rest ol the survey be presented. Kathy was concerned about knowing where the property line was, so that the Commission would know where the trailer was actually proposed to be located and to insure the business was located entirely on West Vail Texaco property and not in the state right of way or on adjacent property. Kathy also asked how the fence would be stabilized. Mr. Matthews said it would be attached to T-posts by black ties. Diana Donovan believed it was important that everything be located on Mr. Matthew's property, and that the trailer be removed as soon after Christmas as possible. Diana suggesied all material be removed from the site by December 26th. Mr. Matthews stated he had no intention of leaving anything up after Christmas but he was reluctant to commitling to removing everything from the site by December 26th as inclement weather could make it impossible for him to comply with this deadline. Jill reminded the PEC that based on Ordinance 43, Series of 1991 which willallow plant product businesses in the Heavy Service Zone District, the site must be cleaned with 72 hours of the date the conditional use permit expires. Kathy asked that the fence be kept in a straight, vertical position. She thought it would be nice if the trailer had a red door. 2. A request for a worksession lor a conditional use oermit for an outdoor dininq patio for the Gallerv Buildinq {Russell's Restaurant). located in the Commercial Core I zone district. 228 Bridqe Streeya oart of Lot A. Block 5. Vail Villaqe First Filino. Aoolicant: RonRilev/D.R.Fl.,lnc.Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica presented the request. As this was a worksession, no staff recommendation was given, but staff raised several issues for discussion. Applicants Ron Riley and Mike Staughton were present for the discussion. Ron Riley pointed out that the deck would only be used for 90 days in the summer, and did not believe it would obstruct views on Bridge Slreet. He believed a summertime encroachment of 2'-1 172" was minor, stressing the fact that lower Bridge Street was 'sterile,' and that the dining deck would add interest to the area. He believed that, due to the popularity ol outdoor dining, a restaurant was almost required to have a dining area outdoors. Mr. Riley advocated the deck since otherwise there was no visual penetration into the Gallery Building, and because of that, people could not tell there was a restiaurant contained therein. Ludwig Kuz was concerned about narrowing Bridge Street, stating it was easily one of the most congested areas a greatdeal of the time. He was not convinced this was the best use of public land. Mr. Riley reminded the Commission that this request was only for a 90-day period each summer. He explained that, in the summer, people walk more slowly than in the winter. Jim Shearer was concemed with the use ol public land. He wanted to get Pete Burnett's opinion on cleaning the streets. Mike said he had spoken with Pete, and Pete indicated that, if the deck was in place, the south end of Bridge Street would require hand sweeping. Ron Riley said the distance across Bridge Street would be 13 feet. Mike Straughton said he Town did not clean the streets every week, but only 2-3 times per summer. Mr. Riley said he could build the deck so it could be removed tor street sweeping. Jim discussed the sterility of that end of Bridge Street. He asked what the Town of Vail would gain lrom the proposal, and suggested Mr. Riley could do something to make the area more inviting. Chuck Crist agreed with Ron Riley regarding the sterile look, and liked the concept of a removable deck. He was concerned with the loss of two Town of Vail planters, as well as the bench between the planters. He indicated the bench had frequent use. Chuck also was in favor ol narrower steets and the proposed rekord doors. Ron Riley was frustrated because no service lrucks were allowed on this end of Bridge Street, and indicated the upper end of Bridge Street became much more restricted when service trucks were making deliveries than his proposal would make the area. Gena Whitten believed that this was an important entrance to the town, and Mr. Riley could achieve the transparency with a 3{oot wide deck and rekord doors, which would have the leeling of an outdoor deck without going onto public land. She felt this was very valuable space. Kathy agreed with Ludwig and Gena, stating thai rekord doors would give better exposure to the outside and better planters could be designed. Kathy could not support the construction o{ a deck on public land, not wanting to further constrict the area. Ron Riley indicated fre location of the restaurant's restrooms created an interior constriction, and rekord doors alone would not achieve his objectives. Diana could not support a deck on public property, but suggested pulling back fre deck. Jim could also support such a revised proposal. Jim reminded the Commission that the Town was running out of Village restaurants, and believed undulation on that side of the street was imporlant, He strongly supported retaining restaurants in the Village core areas, especially restaurants at street level. However, in this particular situation, he was concerned about potential bottlenecking. Ron Riley indicated he would investigate other possibilities to ensure he did not restrict the area and would look lor a proposal which would enhance the area. He suggested a g0-day trialbasis. Chuck st'tpported this use for public land, as it would increase the vitality of an area which was currently .ugly and dead." Mike Mollica summarized the Commission's position and stated some of the members had difficulty in supporting this use of pubtic tand. 1. A rgquest,to amend qection 18.52. Off-Street Parkino and Loadinq. of the Town's ==onino orqilq". !g "ilo*."r rrnt"t br.inmr". to lr"ir *rtin* i.th. Commercial Core lll zone district. Aoolicant: Peter Jacobs of Davs lnnPlanner: Andv Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen presented the request. statf supported the proposed amendment. chuck crist asked if this amendment would allow more lhan one agency per property. He asked for a simplification of the wording. Diana Donovan was concerned with the wording regarding the term of the lease. she requested that section be simplified. She belieied tanOscirping shoutd be required. Kathy Langenwalter did not think an amendment addressing landscaping would be necessary, as it was addressed in the parking section of the code. Andy pointed out that the parking iection dealt only with new parking lots. Diana believed the Town should have the aiitity to- require additional landscaping for this type of use. Chuck Crist moved to recommend that Town Council approve the request to amend Section 18.52, Oft-Street Parking and Loading, of the Town's zoning ordinance to allow car rental businesses to lease parking spaces in the Commercial Core lll zone district, incorporating the Commission's con@rns into the ordinance regarding the ability of the Town to require landscaping, allowing the length of lease to range from 1-12 months, and limiting bach property within CClll to a maximum of one agency with a maximum of 15 cars. lim Shearer seconded the motion. lt was unanimously approved, 6-0. 2' A request for a conditional use permit to allow a well water treatment tacililv in the A9rjcultural/Ooen Space zone district. oenerallv located south of the Vail Golf Course bridoe on vail Vallev Drive. and more specificallv described as follows: T9 be located within 100{oot radius lrom a ooint on the riqht bank of Gore Creek Whqnpe lhe northwest corner of Section 9. Townshio 5 South. Ranoe 80 WEst, 6th P.M. bears North 73 deorees West. 2.080 feet. Apolicant: Vail Vallev Consolidated Water Distric{Planner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica explained the request. Staff recommended approval of the request with the conditions listed in the memorandum. Discussion ensued regarding whether the proposed structure should become a shelter for golfers or a utility building which disappeared into the willows. Kent Rose, engineer for the project, indicated the proposed building was 14' x 24', and the size was necessary in order to ru tJ) f, E z { =Ful ';E5/OC:ij ! * r=', t ii E::+,Ei E;i 9:€:;:€i; Hi = ei;; ! r: : E :: ss i:: ;i! I: i= ;;!+Eiziai.4i .E. - E Ei €is:i: €dug:;i:-E E 5 E rs:t:?; T\ co r.o N ) U F. c{'@ro Fl z cfI IE NIco (-') I El(ulxl -l = U (5z. J =cO eLdJJ (5 z A'F Ya\ F-arH9!)f>x at+ Edxa<vX/aFz"v)zJ E=?,.=Qou: i5=LrJ :\ -1<x=L! F. -J<h.a5=ooE z UTE!:ir-{}ioBel=zf'. lL > =o6rJ{.3Eu.r!l FtrF5rrJ ,, -.:E*o>P;nO€ru3 HFIr\JFl\VEoIAFZU.-ffi<EOSXH "nl-Y*F$3H ts -aA. Fit,Ft Hka ilief FR mts -rlJaH ail-:t -H Fa fF) E't tF. sv lF. -: --a11le :aLIP-rat *FlrpLfH EY tt{ 11 6. {rlaL. flJtF{rlJtlrt LrA. € Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone {".aHe(/#.r'\/4 L t--h4rz 72 "3 Owner, Address and Phone: 4"tO tDSa Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio n,tor ttu4 , #x Comments: ./ t,' Filing Zone - 5t...'r'/g"2.- -?t***l'^ Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL (- oqL-J Sum mary: 64l;.fft \' ,,9), Lf|^\V R\A.Z SLl /"r\.1" I d4 ) D Statt Approval 7 J =T c. ; F Et- oo .! o |r Y oc L! tu :; :,! 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UJ z tr UJ E =ul; T'J CC o6 LUo i- t!o ?z LU a L! F = F oI l @ J uJ NOrtvntv^ Y 3 LL z tr a() !!lo J ulz o =>oa -rt'l zzo9 F^AXf,zF90 <toZ;O(J(JZrr< >(J tr f, CloE ea TJJE ?< ) z E X z tr ulF X 3 z 9l rl al>l tLlcl '71 =la' N|.n F- IO'\t LJ Edtr :lol uJl rEl Jl al>l tl.Iol 4," +J o() r{(s $ a1 E (J a-:rt Fl :: .: .rt H!oor{r.r Rz JJo c, (u .J ..1 (U z1 LL 1l tl tlr Icn,'-l r-{ z qJ .J a lt- zl C Zrc iJ ":. I I I 'l+Jl EIIrl r\l I cJl cJl EI cJtavl tllrlol 5lr\' I I ':. : _.- ..,.--{'at': | +rl olEl Ilgl c| +Jl Ifl-l R.9 AoJ -I r-l €'l ttrt .rl It4 l.{ |s{ cql -cl colt4l c\ |I C\lMI'I (/{ "Jd fl :..1 p.l EgtctJ "j :a .) o JI o E €t r--{ t.' o) .-r c, J--! < o(J=z=z -5< alL!= EtsS F ul o- c{) E< o9 :9 cd FJrE E=O u'l .i.ui; : =o-LJ U-: oo ,*l tI] ot- Joirn M Perkins/Architect, AIA/Voil Rufesort, 1000 Lions RicJge Loop/p.O.tNoil, Colo. 81652303-47&3515 13 April 1983 Steve Patterson Building Official Town of Vail 74 Sonth Frontage Road li'est Vai1. Colorado 81657 Dear Steve; This letter is to reiterate in writing the following points dis- cussed and agreed upon in our joint meeti-ng on 13 April 1983' Electr ical A. A11 exposed work not in conduit will be replaced ln conduit . B. Areas not exposed may remain as is unless the elec- trieal contractor has good reason to befieve that the work is defective or is an overload of a particufar circuit. Should this work be deemed to be defective or overloaded, the cavity in question will be opened and efectrical work will be replaced in conduit 'c. The floor/ceiling cavitles between basement and flrst floor and between'first floor and second ffoor are the two cavities least 1ike1y to be opened. No re- wire in these areas w111 be required unless wiring is found to be defective or overl0aded and the overl0aded condition can not be corrected at the panel' Automatic Sprinkler System A. It is clearly agreed that no automatic sprinkler sys- tem of any kind is required for the Gallery Building' Re 1. Ore llouse Bathroom Eequirement s A. lr{ens: 1w.e., 2 urinafs, 1 J-av. B. I!'omens: 2 w.c., 1 1av. C. We will rearrange and revise our plumbing fixture 'fayouts to comply with A. and B. above. Future Occupancy Calculation Considerations A. For usable retail space at. the basement and first f loors , 15 s. f . ,/person wi-11;be used. B. For non-usable space @ the basement and first floors' ie. storage, kitchens, back bar, disco control , video . game r coat closets' etc. r 50 s.f-lperson will be used' Fire Protection A. An approved, monitorecl smoke and heat detection system shall be installed per the Town of Vail's Retrofit Or- dinanees, B. A 3" dry standpipe shal1 be installed rvith access on the east elevation of teh building to the second floor corridor. C. Flamable rva11 and ceili.ng materials in the first floor restaurant shall be treated with Class "A'l flame re- tardant product throughout. D. Consideration sha1l be given to locating a door at the rtest end of the second floor corridor ' Door to be e- quipped rvith magnet latch and smoke closure device' E. Fire extinguisher cabinets to be located at both ends of the second floor corridor. F. Seperation rvalL at the Slifer Building sha11 be built of 8" c.oncrete masonry units to 8" above the Slifer roof and 2x6" wood, t hour construction, with clerestory windo'ws up to the Gallery Building roof . 6. Basement Exits A. Northeast exit from basement must be redesigned to as- sure that the door srving complies r'vith U'B'C' requrre- menls. Nlechan lcal A. A11 mechanical work sha11 comply with aJ"1 applicable mechanical codes including the 1982 Uniform }lechanical Code. Ternporary Certificates of Occupancy A. It u'as agreed that T.C.O.s will be issued for the lower floors (basenent and first floors) as these spaces are suf{icientf}' completed to open for business' B. It is understood that water damage or other problems resulting from construction above could possibly result in the closure of tbese businesses until such problems are recl- if ied. t.'I Steve, Please circulate this for their slgnature: Town of Vail Fire Department letter t.o the following departments .Town of Vail llealtb DePartment Town Thank of Vail voll , Building Departme$t ohn M. Perkins luwn 75 south fronlage rtl. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 department of community development April 11, .l983 John Perki ns P.0- Box 266 Vail, C0. 81658 Dear John: 0n April 6, 1983 the Design Rev'i ew Board gave final approval to the Gallery Bujlding Addit'ion and Remodel . Below 'i s a list of condjtjons placed upon that approval: 1). Design Review Board will see revised east elevation (windols, naterials) at their May 4, 1983 meeting. 2). Agreement needs to be reached with Town Councr'l concerning encroachments on town property before a building permit is i ss ued. 3). A parking fee wjll be assessed before a building permitis issued. 4). An agreement concerning the trash compactor should be drawn up among interested property owners. Such an agreement and a design and site plan for the compactor should be broughtto the DRB by Juiy 6, 1983. 5). Mill Creek should be protected from all construction activity. A sturdy construction fence should be erected five feet from the stream bank and mai ntained at all times durjng construction. 6). Public Works and Fire Departrnent approval shall be required before a building permit js issued. Any changes to the exterior design or materials should be brought to the Design Review Board. Good luck, /-/-'"'-./^ /(Hm 5aVf e Town Pi anner JS/bb 1r,.*t- l[;?:l.r.r.d to approv-o? variance as requeste::'rr:':jf: ,,..no second to his Trou t moved to aDprove' a three foot setback variance which would allow for an 00 ntr.y, Pierce seco e vote was n tavor, I aqainst an, who feltis was beinq arbitra Corcora.n abstained. The motion pass uest to modif the lain n lot A block 5 Vail Vil la e lst Add tionr to remo p1 icant: berm would be placed been considered as wel'l ,to Hydro-Triad, he wasculvert behind the Red did not impact the ey Ron Riley.explat'ned that there were a'lmost no impact upon Gore Creek by the 6 inch!"*. Ruder added that the engineers sectioned the crbef Jvery 1O to 2O-i."i f"o*East Vafl to Intermountain whei they examined it for flooding.- Trout "anteJ-to knowif the Town staff had revjewed the itudy. patten remjnded him that the Town did notempioy a hyro engineer. The rock wall was discussed, and Ruder stated that R_iley has agreed to landscapethe TOV-property as part of the approval process in DRB, but that the wall had beenadded. af-ter the fact. . Patten addeb that there was some question as to whether ornot the TOv had agreed to db the rock watl or-piit oi irrJ-rocr warr. Pierce stated that he would like to take the plan one step further and place a hard :!rrla99 under the-picnic table and between thb picnic tabie and the steps.--H* r.ttthat the TOV shou'l d build the wall as wett, tor'ilre iorne"-was an important one andneeded to be cleaned up. Trout ntoved and Pierce seconded to approJsd-llq.-modilication to the floodplain as +.uest to amend Chanter 18.69, Hazard Re ul ati ons of the Vail l4unici I CodenF.lavi toc with t minimum Federa standar s of Section oftonaoonsurancecanr:own of \/a Jim Sayre explained the memo and his research on the subject. He said that the lT:::-,:::.rll^l.l;tuil:_.to adopt a.new-set of maps unu io-uaopt regulatoiy ,nuusrres.:lI::^T:!! :Y:i.th. lensthv '"'nb uno u^pi;i';; ;;5; ;;"'il";";5"#;;";;fi;i',' Fil;;;i v "io"'iii. p"i'li""r' III.i".i"r,and ihp l-lrrdr n-Tv'i:/ -+i,1., .^.^ rL^ |,i:1,,il:-ll9:o-lliug^:tudy.for ti,. wuit-vili ;;;".--Ii;;,';;-;";; ;;; #;;;; ,#;l;requirementS, the TOV nrult also adopi-"egulaiio;i .oniuining the substantiai ::ll:_ll_,tlructures.,jn. the ftooapta!n.' Donouun moved and pierce seconded to rsYuIrErrrerrL5, f,rre luv rnust also adopt reguiations concerning the substantiai improve-ments of structures in the fl oodpla!;.'-donovan moved and Fi*... seconded roreconjrnerid to Council'5-u-;- E;-o@ffi ?7478-3lThe v o t e T./A S PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Aprill 'l'l , 1983 2:00 Site Inspections 3:00 Publ ic Hearing '1. Approval of minutes of March 14 meeting. 2. Request for a sjde setback varJance in order to bujld an addition onlot 7, b'lock 7, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicants: Davjd & Duanne Rogers 3. Request to modify the floodplain on lot A, block 5, Vail Village lst Addition in order to remodel the Gallery Bui'lding. Appiicant: Ron Riley 4. Request to amend Chapter .|8.69, Hazard Regulations, of the Vai'l Munic'ipai Code in order to comply w'ith the minimum Federal standards of Section'1361 of the Nationa'l Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Applicant: Town of Vajl Published in the Vail Trail April B, 1983. FROM: Tn. DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Department of Cormunjty Development Planning and Environmenta'l Commissjon April 7, l9B3 Request for floodplain modification for th' remodel of the Gai1ery Building. Appl icant: Ron R'i1ey Last summer the PEC approved a proposal to remodel and add a condominium to the Gallery Bui'l ding. In conjunction with that proposal it was discovered that part of th-e buildin! l ies within the .loo-year floodplain. The zon,jng code allows a'lteration of the fJoodplain under certain criteria. The app'licable section reads as follows: r8.64.040 E. The zoning adninjstrator may require any appl icant or person desiring to modify the floodplain by fill, conltruction, channelization, grading, or other similar changes, to submit for review an environmental impact statement in accordance with-.|8.56 to establish that the work will not adversely affect adiacent properties, or increase the quantity or velocity of flood waters. (0rd l2' '1978) PROPOSAL The app'l icant proposes an earth berm to the east and north of the bui] ding on Town property for protection against f't ooding. The elevat"ions of the proposed, berm meei thb required specifjiations according to Hydro-Triad, Ltd. The staff fee'l s that the earth berm and assocjated landscaping is the best a'l ternative to so] ve the problem. BAC KGROUN D ENVIRONMTNTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Please find attached Hydro-Triad's report addressing the criteria in '18.69.040(E) R ECO{'IMEN DATION The Department of Community Development recommends approva'l of this request to alter the floodplain. In cases such as this, we must rely upon the experts (i.e. the hydrologic engineers) with regard to the impacts of the proposal . They have reported that negligible impacts would result. We feel that aesthetically theproposal represents the best solution. Project Application ,i ' ':,: ,o f; i."'Proiect Name: ",'. ' " ' !'{4r {:' I il,' . project Descrip r,"^ ig!')rnAk/ *--/ ,4"ta'/to--' contactpersonand rnon" r-./atirs rh. F*,'rltas ,4,o &* 'tixp t-b,'/ 6 " D/ag, 6 4 7a " 3s/5 Owner, Address and Phone:rfn /71- fu ._5; 728 G.'dzrc sT,. /a, /' A " B/e7tb Architect, Address and Phone: Legat Descriptio n' ,o, P4zc/A , "ro"r Filing /:E*Zone - Comments: id\,/ Hal ta4-it* ( ;|.4 C 1r"l T-J -l4f o\ A Design Review Board sr'r /^i tl CVL"f t Ft c A't€-. 0F uclwrt& ti c-! \.d t+rrt Ht- L* /LJ'I J, t 5t-1y'4 (' " c-' | :" ,o'iAJ ,J 41'4 DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: {Plb wtl.t I tA;f Ff f rtNt, rtt ll4< f RO IL(.T' HtLL ca_EEt<, r.zzoN) <,oNfia.e crtlJr,J 4L -t tvt T\/ , Lf N( f s- ' f.ao/_t E4 ^) \ ) r-t64f tr't4tL rHE {.D t'lt-t*,tA a OUAJ C, / L-(otlLf a. ^l Lr F ++C.rto,gtil NX{'J o To\^J f tt2E-@P4L1 t'tr'lt'fu&utt- LD,\AR S ,jx'0 a Et.-Y vA+to4 AnEetAtd-\ summary: !fr-As/+ f 4*r-qsv'a E- fl,arg Hxl.rr 4 No &btst t ^) t"*'Tr"ffi AaP.apvAL - FEQvtrze' lJ Staft Approval 75 south frontage rd. Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development Apri l 4, 1983 T0 t'lHOl4 IT l'4AY C0NCERN: The fol lowing is a summation of the Fire Department, Building Department, and Health Department's knowledge of the wrongfu'l conditions in the Galiery Building, Va'i1, Colorado. The information is divided into 3 separate occupant groups -- (tst f1 oor) Ore House, (basement) Dr. John's, (upper floor) offices, which are then categorized as (1) mandatory'83 repairs before 7-83, (2) shall do within given time frame, (3) should do prior to more extensive deterioration. Most items were discussed 'i n a joint meet'i ng with the leasees and on numerous inspections by the Fire Department, Health Departrnent, and Building Department. Enforceable action has been delayed due to anticipated remodeling of the build'ing. However, future extended time periods because of antjcipated remodel'i ng'i s not seen as a possibility in this case. The item #'s will be taken by number from the attached information sheets from |V|ike McGee and Ruth Cogan to Dick Ryan. U.B.C. = BZ Uniform Building Code U.F.C. = 82 Uniform Fire Code U.M.C. = 82 Uniform Mechanical Code U.P.C. = 82 Uniform Plumbinq Code N.E.C. = 81 National Electric Code N.F.P.A. = 82 National Fire Protection AgencyS.R. = State Reg.M.M. = Mike McGee LetterR.C. = Ruth Cogan Letter Page 2 Should doItem #'s 1st floor Ore House Mandatory'83 Shall do by 3313 (A) u.B.c. 3314(A,B,C) U.D.L. 14.(M.M.) B. (M.M. ) c . (M.M. ) D . (M.M. ) E. (M. |\1. ) F. (M.|\,|. ) 2. (M.M.) 3. (M.M.) 4. (M.M. ) 5. (M.M.) 6. (M.M.) 3303 (c ) U.B.C. 3301( c ) u.B.c. 3314 (A ) u.B.c. 3304(H) u. B. c. 7. (M.M. ) 8. (M.M. ) e. (M.M.) 10. (M.M. ) 11. (M.M.) 410-3 N. E. C. 410-56( B) N. E. C. 3202(A) u.B.c. 380-4 N.E.C. 12.104 (B) u. F. c. 300-5(d) rI .E.L. 4204 u.B. c. 4305 u.B.c. 3305 (c ) u.B.c. 1i.404ra 1i.404 U.F.C. Item #'s 12. (|'l.M.) 13. (M.M.) 14. (M.M.) 15. (M.M.) 16. (M.M.) 17. (M.M.) 18. (M.M. ) 1e. (M.M.) 20. (M.M.) 21. (M.M.) 22. (M.M.) 23. (M.M. ) 24. (M.M.) 25. (M.M.) 26. (M.M.) 27. (M.M.) 28. (M.M.) 2e. (M.M.) 30. (M.M.) 37. (M.M.) 110-2 tr.E.L. 380-15 N. E. C. 300-4 N.E.C. Chapt.20 u.M.c. See Health - Ruth Cogan 110-16 t\l tra 706 U.B.C. i706 u.B.c. 4305 u.B.c. 3oo-5(d) N. E. C. Mandatory '83 Sha'll do bY Can be done at meter N.F.P.A. 96 10.315-(7-83) U .F.C. Page 3 Should do Chapt. 20 u.M.c. 11.203(B) u.F.c. 11.404tra See Health - Ruth Cogan letter 74.r07 u.F.c. See Health - Ruth Cogan letter 410-4 N.E.C. N.E.C. Page 4 Mandatory '83 Sha11 do by Should do ord . 5 . 28- ( 1 1-83 )s.R. 7-101 ,7-202, i0-402y Item #'s 1. (R.c.) Upstairs Offices 32. 2. (R.C.) Ord.5.28-(11-83) s.R. 7-LlI,7 -202 3. (R.c.) 4. (R.c. ) 5. (R.c.) 6. (R.C.) Ord.5.28 s.R.3-201 7. 8. (R.c.) 0rd.5.28 s.R. 10-402X,2-402 e. (R.c.) 10. (R.C.) 0rd.5.28 s.R. 10-402ddg,5-202 11. (R.c.) 12. (R. c. ) 13. (R.c.) Ord.5.28 s . R. 6-702 14. (R.C.) Ord. 5.28 s.R. 7-402 ls. (R.c.) Ord. 5.28-(11-83) s.R. 10-402T, 7-501 Ord . 5 .28- ( I 1-83 ) s .R. 7-201 0rd.5.28-(11-83) s.R. 4-302-306,10-402W Ord.5.28-(11-83) s.R. 7-602,L0-402dd2 Ord. 5.28-(11-83) s.R.7-401 Ord.5.28 s.R.6-401A Ord . 5.28 s.R.7-202 Ord. 5.28 s.R. 4-208 4305 u.B.c. 3306J u.B.c. Item #'s JJ. J+. 35. 36. Mandatory '83 380-4 N.E.C. Shall do by t't.E.L. N.F.P.A. 96 11-83 3302 u.B.c.-(11-83) Page 5 Should do 11.201 u. F.c. 2608 (c ) U.D.L. Chapt.20 u.M.c. r212 u.B.c. Chapt. u .M.c. Chapt. u .M.c. 4305 u.B.c. Basement Dr. John's 38. ?a 40. 4r. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 300-5d N.E.C. 300-4 N.E.C. 305d 384 N.E.C. 11 .203CFn 20 20 48. 49. 50.300-4 N.E.C. 74-107 U. F. C. 51. Item #'s 52. 53. qA Mandatory 12.174 u.F.c. Shal'l do by Page 6 Should do 12 .103 u.F.c. 12 .103tra '93 ,"rt"*oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /1-''DATE 3lz "/rr g" - a\. INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FFI rZ READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -tr INSULATION POOL/ H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTR!CAL: T] TEMP. POWER tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ;f I *.,jn- *- flre department an and I conductedI have listed our -lii {. 42 west meadow drlve Ysll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 DICK RYAN MI KE McGee ORE HOUSE 3/ 23/ 83 ME14O TO F R0t'l RE DATE As per your request of 3/76/83, Gary Murrla " survey " of the 0re House on the 15th. observations be'l ow. ORE l.*r< r z_//z/G) :. 7z ttLl (l) ?c,r-3cl(-) ta77.7s j(c-) .- tZ - tlL/ (.-) 7< ilot. (4) rc ,n ro"-o/t t 2 . | 4zrVA,oi 1 e, r-3.3 -5. /.7 "e1'/z''l ac, A3ef 3. .< gi.t oz/ 4 . e( gs.tolt s. .r. e.f. to'/ 6. ,rj(- 33oi{:) 7 , 7. J 3o'r' (c \ '. 7' "-71O", 8 ' --. -6;. t 3t/ 9 . HOUSE The exi ti ng i s i nadaquate due to;a. the exi t I j ghts a re outb. the exit sign over the front door is not the right sizenor is it lightedc. the two f ront ex'l ts are too c'l ose togetherd. one of the front exits is obstructed by the dfning table. the near ex'i t i s not markedf, the rear exit has no steps to grade (apx. 3'beIow the The flame spread rating of the cedar pane'l ing and cork cei1ing constitutes a serious threat to the occupants in the event ofa fire. 0dds are that the room would be engulfed in flame before everyone could escape. The cork ceiling does not have a fire rated back'lng in some areas The light fixtures are hanglng by the wires jn the dining room. T.he duplex e'l ectrjcal outlets on the walls in the dining room need P rings. fl oor The water leak from the roof behind thewall drips into the electrical outlets. Inadaquate headroom at the arch at the Both front doors are deadbolted pane I i ng on the sout h hostes s stati on r i There is open wiring in the overhang outside the front door o a(. f lulln u llill {2 wesl meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657, (303) 476-22Os ORE HOUSE fire deparlment -'< F ';. D't' 16 .nr.- 4 3 17,r/A ? ( . - ttta.- 1t- '1 . -'/ vn4.l I d :c t<. )t{ ./z< to 3t) ...'s- ; f. ,'ott' 't= <- ir f . 'o'r ,,ic- ?6 -4 -a 9 s-. ',o" z3c 7a d a< t 7--6 ,.43o;' 10. 11. L2. 13. 74. 15. 18. 19. 2A. 2t. 2?. ?3. -2- The l ight fixture needs a cover to protect from physical damage The gas fireplace should be made to conform to UMC stds. The shut.off for the gas i n the fireplace J s l naccessabl e- The kitchen staff was 'cooking without the fj'lters to the hood system in place Draft stops are needed on both sides of the kitchen hood. Electrjca'l iunction boxes in the ertry to the prep area do not fi t properly The main electrical panel ls not adaquat'ly 1abe1ed. The entjre exhaust duct should be replaced because is is not the right gauge meta'l , the seams are not'l iquid tight, the. cleanouts ire-not seal.ed properly and the termination of the exhaust duct is not iri compl lance Yi'th UBC, UFC, UMC or NFPA. There is open wiring above and belou, the dishwasher The makeup a'i r duct 1s't noperative- They are still thaw{ng out frozen fi,sh and meat out in the open The mai n eI ectri cal servi ce i s i naccessabl e and overl oaded The rear stajr to Dr. Johns is an open and constjtutes an open shaft. The kitchen exhaust duct friin Dr.Johns runs in the shaft The ent'l re rear area of the 0re House i s not f i re rated (wa1'l s or cei'ling ) 0pen electrical above the walk-ln cooler Very poor housekeeping ln the coo'l en room There are no drains for the cooler or f'l oor to handel the conden:- sation. .+ // - 24. z.j1; zs. 26. F ,.-t 42 west meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 ORE HOUSE 27. Compressed gas cy'l 28. They should cover 29. Install a floor si 30. Can 'lights in the -3- inders are not secured and cl ean a'l 'l baseboard nk below the prep table cei'l j ng are not tented j . -. ,31.i _-t* fire departmenl heaters and dishwasher n combustibl e const. ;.L- - luwn n lltl 't,.c77.F7 ,F. // //o/,/ UPSTAI RS . 31. r7B< tt 3.t i- 32 . /it< //. 7oi 3 3 . ft f ,Dzt 34. 35. 2fi',- 2 o 3d. f/.,2-6'at7/ ',8( 3i'f('') ,:=q5.i , :Y/ ,,".: gf'til ..s c S;f tJ't /::c ?ilsl /;a /lLc3 < Handrai I s There are The trashfi re rated on the stajrs are mlssing. hol es i n the ce i I i ng above the exteri or bad cony enclosure for the rea'l estate office should be The ice f'l ow should be removed from the electrical flxtures The roof overhang needs better support llood braclng beneath Dr.Johns kitchen exhaust vent ls illegal nr. Johns 37. l,later is 'leak'ing out of the Ilght fixtures 38. Head c'l earance ls lnadaquate below the dance floor l ighting 39. 0pen wlring to the dance floor'llghtlng 40. Exposed broken I ight blubs on the dance f'l oor 41. 0pen wiring at the 0.J. booth 4?. Hain electrlcal panel ls not flush wlth box and ls wlre nutted 43. Storage in the boJ'ler room ls prohiblted -,4 - ;.alrAL.1;. ,^Li.'- ./r'/A ? { .,.c /O.St{ n? <. z o ^/,-?A 7 / i.< /o. 3,o z 'rt<,24 '?4f ( ec- q3tf . j< 33oz F< E{ /ot ' f od /07 n<74/./o7 fcr:2-,t/t/ /<-2 s. joL ,<|2-laj 'aa ,,2- ttc3 y'.-,"1t" ,/-1 2/. 44. The boller room door should have a self c.l osure 45. A spJash guard is requined between the deep fat fryerand open flame devices 46. The gri11 extends beyond the hood in violation of uMcUFC, and NFPA 47. 0ne make up air Vent is missing a cover1s obstructed 42 west meadow drlye Yatl, colorado 81557 (303) tl76-2200 ORE HOUSE 48. Kitchen has missing cei I i ng 49. The stage has been replacedoccupant load was heard, andthe cond'ltion that the stage 50. The e'lectri cal wl ri ng to theof the El ectr.ical Code flre deparlmenl -4- gri'l-1 and the other ti I es af ter an appea'l f or i ncreasedthe increase was granted on be remo ved . band equipment is ln vio'l ation 51. Compressed gas cy'l inders are not secured 52. The exit light at the rear door 1s'partia'l'ly inoperable. 53. Beer kegs are obstructing the rear exjt. 54. The egress windows behind the bar are inaccessab'l e; thiswould require the basement to be sprlnk'l ered. These conditions have existed for over a year in some cases. Almostall of these v1o'lations have been brought to the iit""iion-of themanagers v'ia vail Fire Department corriction Notlces. Llttle or nocompliance has been achieved, despite "promises " to correct the same cc : Dlck Duran Gary Murrian Steve patterson John Perki ns0re HouseDr. Johns t .t _. -.-.r,:.&: 1*L- luwn u |lil 42 wesl meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 DICK RYAN MI KE McGee ORE HOUSE 3/ 231 83 flre departmenl MEMO TO F R0r'l RE DAT E As per your a tt survey t' observati ons ORE HOUSE reques t of 3/16/83, Gary {l.llan-and I conducted of tn. 0re House on tn! fStn. I have 'listed our be'l ow. l.The exi tj ng i s j nadaquate due to; il- i-t'" -uiit 'li shts are out 3 3 t 3 rl b. the exit sign-over the-f-ron.t-dooris not the rioht size nolis it lidni"i' '"'r-3'ii4"s -' 3-3ls s 33i'/e ,"nr'ii'u two ironi ex.lts are too close together 33,o3 L d. one of the froni exits ls onsiructed-by the dining tab1e33c:]! ;: iii" ""u" ex'it i s not marked 3 3 /// x. f . the rear exit has no steps to -siua!, \;yl'U3'be'low the f'loor ) The f1 ame spread rating of the cedar panefing and cork cejlins const'i tutes a serious Ihreat to the otcupants-in.the event of a fire. 0dds are that the room would be engulfed in flame before everyone could escaPe The cork ce.i 1 .i ng does not have a f j re rated backl ng i n some areas ' #,tto -I'o'I l$u- | -J 3' Net 4. t"lnt u' The 'li ght f i xtures are hangtn'g by the wires in the dining room' The duplex ei need P rings. ectrica'l outlets on the xalls in the din'ing room The water'l eak from the roof behind'the paneling on the south wall drips into the electrical out'lets' 3 2d 2 '4 Inadaquate headroom at the arch at the hostess station Both front doors are deadbolted 33/7 1) There ls open wiring in the overhang outside the front door rto'! L\496'381'q u" 1313-' :' ,"|Ff ^ 1'-.t*9 -n. tt'v- -roil a at 10s '!- 42 west meadow d rlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 ORE HOUSE fire deparlmenl -2- The Iight fixture needs a cover to protect from physical damage The gas fireplace shou't d be made to conform to uMc stds. The shutoff for the gas in the fireplace'r s lnaccessabre. The kitchen staff was'cooking without the filters to thehood system in place Draft stops are needed on both sides of Electrical junctjon boxes in the entrynot fit properly The main electrical panel js not adaquat'ly'l abeled. The entire exhaust duct should be replaced because is is not !l: "ight gauge metal, the seams are not l;quia-iigl,t, th; - creanouts are not seal.ed properly and the termination of theexhaust duct is not iri coinpliance with UBC, UFC, UMC or NFpA. There is open wiring above and below the dishwasher The makeup air duct 1s {noperative. They are stl'l 'l thaw'tng out frozen fish and meat out in the open The main electrical service is inaccessable and overroaded Illrli'"rii"I i.ifl"iffi I i.i "l3;'ol:s" ;;l' :l;:'i; iil".3fr i * The-entlre rear area of the 0re House is not fire rated(wa)ls orceiling ) 4. 0pen el ectri ca'l above the wa'l k- i n the kitchen hood. to the prep area do cooler er room or floor to handel the conden: -',o- U E' ts' FVz. 10. 11. 72- 13. 14. 23. ,r:?_.-y,rv 25. Very poor housekeeping 1n the cool 26. There are no drains for the coo.l ersati on. l,l'r:-M-r, |yo-,f n. ^nc'4ilr6t 18 //l- grra rs ' 20: tuun u l|tl {2 west meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 ORE HOUSE 27. ComPressed gas cY1 28. They should cover 29. Instal'l a floor si 30. Can ljghts in the U PSTA I RS 31. flre dep€rtment ._i -3- inders are not secured and c'l ean al I baseboard heaters nk below the prep tab'le and dishwasher cei 1 i ng are not tented i n combusti bl e const ' L\'iY- 32' 33. 93;ts ' 36. ,4 ur' Handrails on the stairs are mlssing' ThereareholesinthEceilingabovetheexteriorbalcony The trash enclosure for the real estate office should be fire rated Theicef.lowshouldberenovedfromthee]ectrica]fixtures The roof overhang needs better support llood bracing beneath Dr.Johns kitchen exhaust vent 1s illegal Johns ilater i s I eaki ng out of the 'li ght f i xtures O&: Aor^stt- Head cl earance j s .i nadaquate bel ow the dance f 'l oor 1i ghti ng 0pen wi ri ng to the dance fl oor i 19hti ng Exposed broken light blubs on the dance floor 0pen wiring at the D-J. booth l,lain electrical panel is not flush wjth box and ls wlre nutted Storage in the boiler room is prohibited ,^tfr\Fzt' / Nf--38' #{'-:: ,Joo''r-! otT*t' flq ./ fL-42' if q ^'e 43' fiI 'L T rt' i, It i J.-...-g ttli ORE 44. 45. 46. 42 wesl meadow drlve ralt, colorado 81657 (303) 475-2200 HOUSE fire department -4- self closure the deep fat fryer in violation of UMC, cover gri 1.1 and the other t i I es af ter an appea'l f or i ncreasedthe increase was granted onbe removed. band equipment is 1n violation The bo'l I er room door shoul d have a A sp,l ash guard i s requi red betweenand open flame devjces The grill extends beyond the hoodUFC, and NFPA -- <=--_- 0ne nake up ai r Vent i s mi ss i ng a I s obstructed Kitchen has missing cej'ling The stage has been replacedoccupant I oad was heard, andthe condition that the stage The e'l ectri ca'l wl ri ng to theof the Electrica'l Code irli{Lcz ' ,.1l--qa.| | t--- 49 - tlf=] \ ldil-- so ' J-,w a ^n-4Jv" 51. 52. E? 'l_ s4. I Compressed gas cy1 i nders are not secured The exit light at the rear door'ls-part.ialiy inoperable. Beer kegs are obstructing the rear exit. The egress windows behind the bar are inaccessable; thiswoul d requi re the basement to be sprl nkl ered. These conditions have existed for over a year in some cases. Almostall of these vlolations have been brought to the attention of themanagers via vail Fire Department corriction Not.l ces. Llttle or nocompliance has been achieved, despite "promises " to correct the same. cc : Dlck Duran6ary llurrian Steve Patterson John Perki ns0re HouseDr. Johns I 1.ail. l)' 1)ir:.1-;:li'i L;ai Icry , Iil,.l lrii: li)i. A lju].l d i.-rig Add it j (rn /l ir'nr)dc} tirill: 5 I 1, lti(; lil'; ttl; ]'J'L) li.i:i [lirjor' lrrl{iition rn([ rr{rrxl!)1, -o"f lhe exisilir};i C:iilory3ui1tlir:::. 'fl'c ic,l l,,,,inl inf,.;:'::; rtion i:; l).:r:, r.d l.' lt':(: a fin:l ;,,,1,: t-,r,rl A. . IllJ j l.l,li,rl li\.i i:lli.rrl-s F.r.t,.ti \1.-irno 0t lrcr i,'a 1l i'iaterials Fascia. Scffi ts 'l'iinCcr';s Ir,I ]l (: i)\.J r r'lln Doois Dccr Tri rn llanc ol lrecK .{al ls Flues F l5 <11 trroq Ch ir:;ieys T:i-a sh Ln:l osul'e s 6.1'c,l: rir ol rs es Otirer' B. LANDSCAPiNG ft'ame of Designer: Fhone : PLANT I':ATTRIALS Doiani cal ii= :e .[.1c rrf i1:ri <:r'ia1 - Ballasted Fing]$- qernbrane. Uq -t & g cle_ar y9r!-.-Sr'. Sbucco (Sto) r'()lor Grave_l _-_ dark brown Olympic scrrni-trans. redvood #7L8 Sto #9108 y,.r1ni 1''.rl for ,i:i::', jtl.ri t',v lltc ::.1,|J i':r ri. 1o tltC Dt:'i:1il il' 1' j.,',; c:r:i irc t; i r. t rr : (l{atch Slifer B1dg. cqtor) Redsood 2/12 Olyrpic sernl-transparent .-..#Zaa - - - -1S---eLe-a:r- -v€rt,--gain rdvpod . Ol5npic,sani-t rans . f,?18 __PeLla C1a4-GbL._elazeO _ _Pel1an&ita_clad. _flush 1x6 redvood Olynpic vhite solid color _(e{t_: c-asing-)-__ _ QlyrlpiS_d7l€ serni*i_r.q4s.Pittsburgh D4642 __L{etel:_s!orp_eQ9_{s_(p4}r_2*L.8r!!stur$.l291Q-____ 2| ryetql pqj:rta.r trjrn -- - --Pittsbur€h.-p2510- -- ef- - -9-1:@e-?18--.smi=trans . O Metal Painted Pittsburgh brt. 24 ga. ggalvarized nptal D4603 Stucco ([4atch Slifer B1dg. ) (to be presented at a later date) N/A Native natural stone planters to match other Tlosn of Vail stoneqork. Ignd- les tCns- bV- f Lfjsion -:-Glen E1 1 ison 476-3258 IRIiS PtLen R:nge1r5 . -_ Fopulous Tremlloides !.o;4r,qn iiagg Colorado gpruce - Aspen Qr_ant jly tt 19 5-i re- ,8:1Q ft. t-3/4" - 2-t/4" ca]r, Ribes Alpinum Gomus $tokrnilcrl Ibt.cu t.i 1l a Fnx't. i<.oslr Junilx-.rus Il, "W il tr,rni" Alpine Cturant, .- Bush Cintlrxrl'oil . _ Wilt.on.Iunig-'r _ 2 5 g:rl \7 I 5 5 tr1:r I . grrl. sQtJAi-lf .rtf ,;l_ 60_ l]. f . 400 s.f. 50D:Rluegrass Mix-SQUARE F00T.4GE _2000_F,:f . _ qFFn TVPF ar/^I]/J|sor ta eF FonTAnF TIt!-91-^.. Idnse hihs in planter area^s IRRIGATION TYPE CR i.ltiH0D {a!_Lye_:ndrselpss_!&ld_elSqp,pkqqgts te be_pfeqgqtqlgly-Igd0F tROSi 0N C0iir ROL _Cqrq5t!ir9_]vLs.?y_q4_ pg1ple_tyes: _ _ _ . C. Cii,e r l;,r', lsc;p? Fcai;rcs (r.-"-"irr'i ric r.,alis, i,:rrc?s, srii;,:,irr! f ,.,c:is, eic.) Fii;:-,c :;...-i;-v. Erteriol_lrishting will be accomplished using concealed (in plante:s_)- incandesca.nt "up 1ig5ht" units 15ow. lamps and conce:r1ed (in soffits) r'cce.:ssed cans at c.ntrios to building and tlnvc lxrscxn--nt winclorvs on the north elervttion. Split pavt:rs at bttilcling entry, lxrlorv lx:ncrh to hn 21."x7-3/4x77/4" "Ik>Iliuson lk,.d" @1or. luwn u llal 42 we3l meadow drlve Yatl, colorado 8'l657 (303) 476-2200 tire deparlment M EI4O TO F R0f'l RE DATE DICK RYAN MIKE McGee ORE HOUSE 3/ 23/ 83 As per your request a " survey " of the observati ons be'l ow. ORE HOUSE l.The exi ti ng i s i nadaquate due to; a. the exit l'i ghts are out b: itre exit si!n over the front door is not the right nor is it lighted c. the ttro froni exlts are too close together ;: ;;; ;i the front exits is obstructed bv the dining e. the near exi t 'i s not marked f. the rear exit has no steps to grade ( apx' 3'below 2. The f'l ame spread rating of the cedar paneling and cork ceilins constitutes a serious threat to the occupants in the event of a f.i re. 0dds are that the room wou'l d be engulfed i.n flame before everyone could escaPe. 3. The cork ceiling does not have a fire rated backlng in some areas 4. The light fjxtures are hanglng by the wires in the dining ro0m. 5. The dup'l ex e'l ectrica'l outlets on the walls ln the dining room need P rings. 6. The water leak from the roof beh'ind the paneling on the south wal'l drips into the electrical outlets. 7. Inadaquate headroom at the arch at the hostess station 8. Both front doors are deadbolted g. There 1s open wiring jn the overhang outside the front door of 3/16/83, Gary Murrian and I conducted 0"" ilorse on thL 15th. I have listed our s'l ze table the fl oor 42 wesl meadow drlve Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-2200 ORE HOUSE flre deparlment -2- 10. The light fixture needs a cover to protect from physical damage 11. The gas fireplace should be made to conform to UMC stds' 12. The shutoff for the gas in the fireplace'ls lnaccessable' 13. The kitchen staff was'cooking without the filters to the hood sYstem in Place t4. Draft stops are needed on both sides of the kjtchen hood' l5.Electrjcaljunctjonboxesintheentrytotheprepareadonot fit ProPerlY 16. The ma in el ectr.i cal pane'l i s not adaquatl y I abe'l ed ' L7. The entire exhaust duct shou'l d be rep'l aced.because is 'i s not the riSht sursu-t.tii, the seams are not f iquid tight' the cleanouts are not sealed property ald. the^termination of the exhaust duct i;";"1';n-.ofipiiin.L with uBC, uFc, uMc or NFPA. i8. There is open wiring above and belor the dishwasher 19. The makeup ajr duct 1s inoperative' ?0. They are still thawlng out frozen fish and meat out in the open 2I . The main electrical service is inaccessable and overloaded 22. The rear Stair tO Dr. Johns is an-open^and constitutes an open shaft. The"f,it.i'"r'""Iitti ar.i ft6" O".Johns runs in the shaf 23. The entire rear area of the 0re House'i s not fire rated(walls o cei 1i ng ) 24. 0pen electrica'l above the walk-in cooler ?5. Very poor housekeep'ing 1n the coo'l er room 26.Therearenodrainsforthecoo.lerorfloortohandelthecondesati on. /- flre department42 wesl meadow drlve Yall, colorado 8'1557 (303) 475-2200 ORE HOUSE 27. Compressed 28. They shoul 29. Instal'l a 30. Can'lights -3- gas cylinders are not secured d cover and clean al'l baseboard heaters floor sink below the prep tab'l e and djshwasher in the cei'l ing are not tented in combustible c0nst U PSTA I RS 31. Handrails on the stairs are mlssing' 32. There are holes in the ceiling above the exteri 33. The trash enclosure for the real estate office fi re rated 34. The.i ce flow should be removed from the electrica'l fixtures 35. The roof overhang needs better suppont 36. tlood braclng beneath Dr.Johns kitchen exhaust vent Js jllegal or bail conY shoul d be Dr. Johns 37. l.later i 38. Head cl 39. Open wi 40. Exposed 41: 0pen wi 42. Ha'in el 43. Storage s I eaki ng out of the 'li ght f ixtures earance is inadaquate below the dance floor'l ighting ri ng to the dance f I oor 'l l ghti ng broken 1 i ght b'lubs on the dance f I oor ring at the D.J. booth ectrical panel is not f'l ush with box and Is wlre nutted i n the boi I er room i s Prohi bi ted v o. lltlluwn u 42 west meadow drlve vall, colorado 81657 (303) 475-2200 ORE HOUSE -4- 44. The bol l er room door shou'l d have a 45. A sp,l ash guard is required betweenand open flame devices 46. The gri 1'l extends beyond the hood j UFC, and NFPA llre departrnenl self closure the deep fat fryer n violatjon of UMC, 47 . 0ne make up a ir ventls obstructed is nissing a cover grill and the other 48. Kitchen has missing ceiljng tiles 49- The stage_ has been replaced after an appeal for increased0ccupant load was heard, and the jncreaie was granted onthe condition that the stage be removed. 50. The electrical wlring to the band equ'ipment is in violationof the Electrical Code 51. Compressed gas cyl inders are not secured 52. The exit Iight at the rear door is'partial'ly inoperable. 53. Beer kegs are obstructing the rear exjt. 54. The_egress windows behind the bar are inaccessable; this wou'l d require the basement to be sprinklered. Dlck Duran Gary Murri an Steve Patterson These conditions have existed for over a year in some cases. Almostall bf these vJolations have been brought to the attention of themanagers via vail Fire Department correction Notlces. LJttle or nocompliance has been achieved, despite "promlses " to correct the sane. a HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. 3 March, 1983 Mr. D'ick Ryan Director of Comrunity Development Town of Vail, City Ha11 P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81656 RE: Floodplain Analysis Ga'l'lery Building, Environmenta'l Impact Statement Dear l4r. Ryan: At the request of the Town of Vail and in accordance with Zoning Ordinance 18.69.040E, Hydro-Triad, Ltd. has prepared an "Environrnental Impact Statement" for construction activities at the Gallery Building, located in Vail, Colorado. A portion of the construction will takeplace w'ithin the 100-year floodplain boundary identified for Gore Creek. Construction activities will consist of remodeling a porrtion of thebuilding and constructing protective measures to provide protection of the build'ing against flood'ing. A floodplain analysis has previously been performed for this site, by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., dated May 13, 1982, Several a'lternatives were developed to protect the bui'lding against flooding from the 100-yearflood. Each a'l ternative consisted of provid'ing a bamier against flooding along Gore Creek for the length of the Gallery Building. Site specific surveyed cross sections were obtained and water surfaceprofiles upstream of the Bridge Street covered bridge were ca1 cu'lated. For a worst case scenario which consists of a vertical wal'l placed onthe Gore Creek bank, the additjonal rise in water surface elevationswill range from; a minimum of 0 feet at the Bridge Street bridge to a maximum of 0.17 feet (2 inches) at a point 150 feet upstream oi Br.idgeStreet, Increases of these smal1 magnitudes will havi: neg'ligibleaffects on the upstream floodp'lain b6undaries 42687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUITE .1OO LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80228 PHONE 303 989-,1264 Mr. Dick Ryan 3 March, 1983 Page two Construction of a "flood barrier" wil'l not affect the drainage basin characteristics and therefore will not increase the dischargein Gore Creek. An increase in flow veloc'i ty will likely occur for a distance of approximately 150 feet upstream of Bridge Street. The maximum'increase will however be slight, on the order of 0.3 feetper second which is an increase of approx'imately 4 percent. Based on these ana'lyses, we feel that the construction activitjes, as identified in the previous floodplain analyses, will not adverselyaffect the adjacent properties. If you have an.y questions, please feel free to contact us at your convenience. Si ncerely, urce Engineer RLH/RJN/l a Ronald L. Halley, Robert Senior Jay I HYDf;O-TilirD, LTD. 3 March, 1983 l4r. Di ck Ryan Director of Community Development Tor,rn of Vail, City Hal'l P.0. Box 100 Va i 'l , Col orado 81656 RE: Floodplain Analysis Ga1'lery Building, Environmental Irnpact Statement Dear l4r. Ryan: At the request of the Town of Vail and in accordance with Zoning Ordinance 18.69.040E, Hydro-Triad, Ltd. has prepared an "Environmental Impact Staternent" for construction activities at the Ga'l lery Building, located in Vail, Colorado. A portion of the construction wil'l take place within the 100-year floodplain boundary identified for Gore Creek. Construction actjvities will consjst of remode'l ing a portion of the building and constructing protective measures to provide protection of the bujlding against fiooding.. A floodplain analysis has previous'ly been performed for this site, by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., dated llay 13, 1982. Several alternatives were developed to protect the building against flooding from the 100-yearflood. Each alternative consisted of providing a barrier against flooding along Gore Creek for the length of the Gal'lery Building. Site specific surveyed cross sections were obtained and water surfaceprofiies upstream of the Bridge Street covered bridge were calculated. For a worst case scenario which consists of a vertical wall placed on the Gore Creek bank, the additiona1 rise 'in water surface elevatjons wil1 range from; a minimum of 0 feet at the Bridge Street br.idge to a maximum of 0.17 feet (Z inches) at a point 150 feet upstream of BridgeStreet. Increases of these sma11 magnitudes will have negligible affects on the upstream f'loodplain boundarjes. Mr. Dick Ryan 3l{arch, 1983 Page tvro Construction of a "fIood barrier" wiI'l not affect the drainage basin characterjstics and therefore wi'l I not increase the dischargein Gore Creek. An jncrease in flow velocity will likely occur for a distance of approxir:iately 150 feet upstream of Bridge Street. The niaximum increase wjll hov;ever be slight, on the order of 0.3 feetper second which js an increase of approximately 4 percent. Based on these analyses, we feel that the construction activities, as identified in the previous fioodplain analyses, will not adverselyaffect the adjacent properties. If you have an_y questions, please fee'l free to contact us at your convenience Si ncerely, Ronald L. Ha'll Pres i de lll"*, Robert Jay 'ls Senior llater Re so urce Engineer rD> /l /rt /,rt/z{Ury "-ey, Jr. , ,.r/ RLH/RJN/l a o N N OF REQUEST VAiL oor, '4-//',f 3 JoB NAME CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr I ^ 4^ S rmr f ELlf- ( ?O tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Et tr SUPPLY AIR or{*ot D tr FINAL {nppeoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: *{...et4 t1:{i {)z; -. .-, t.y1 . f;'"f' ;: / t? 5: 3 cTl TOWtl PENS il I READY FOR INSPECTI( I,-/< \ LocAtoN: *'-r').,'-i)P t"t *to t*'* t*' 4 DATE ? - /Lt- t' V INSPECT a 75 soulh lronlage rd. vell, eolorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development January 4, 1983 JohnMcCoy c/o Dr. John's 228 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Dear John: This letter is to inform you of the procedure that will be fol'lowed by the Department of Cunmunity Development regarding i11ega'l signs. Starting im- mediately, we will strictly adhere to the procedures outlined within the Vail Municipal Code whjch state that jt is unlawful to disp'lay any sign within the town without receiving Tovn of Vail approva'l . Violations are subject to penalty and,/or fine, and we will begjn issuing summons for illegal signs. In the past we have relied on a cooperative spirit in having signs that were illeg1 removed without fjne or penalty. The proliferation of chalk boards and temporary display boards and the repeated display of these signs by several businesses has resulted in our decision to strictly enforce the sign code regulat'ions. These types of signs are not al'l owed. Each restaup3nt rnd/or bar is allowed a five square foot display box in which to post menus, current entertainment, specials; etc. (see attached infornntion). If you have any questions regarding exactly the type and number of signs you are allowed, or if you would'l jke to apply to the Design Review Board for a display box, pl ease contact me. Thank you for your cooperation, I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year. Town Planner PJ: br Encl . luwn office of the town managerbox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 January 4' l9B3 Larry Anderson, Manager The Ore House 288 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Dear Mr. Anderson: This letter is to inform you of the procedure that will be fo'l lowed by the Department of Communjty D'evelopment.regarding i1.'lega1 slglt' Starting im- nediately, we will strict'ly adhere to tne pi6cedur6s outTjned withjn the Vaj'l tffii;;;;i'Code which-stite"that it is un1awful to displav.any sign within the town without r"..iuing iourn of Vail approval. V1olations are subiect ir-p"riity inalor tir", iia'*" *iif Uegin'issuing summons for i11ega'l signs' In the past we have relied on a cooperative.sp'irit.]n hgyino siqns that were illeqal removed wjthout fine or penalty. ihe'protiferation of ihalk boards -il;"ili;6iv=iirpiiv*;o;;;; ina'ir," rlpeated bisptay of these signs bv.several busjnesses has resulied in our decjs.ion to strjctiJ enfortce the s'ign code regulations. These types of signs.are-not allowed-' Each restaurant and/or bar is allowed a five'!qru"" io5t aisptay Uox in which to post menus' current entertainment, specia'l s, etc- (see attached information)' If you have any questions fqsgrding exactly the. type and nurnber of s'igns you ire"allowed, oi if Vou-noufa"tit. io appty to thtbesign Review Board for u Jiipfiv box, pleaie contact me. Thahk you for your cooperation' I hope you have a happy and a prosperous New Year' Town Planner PJ:br Encl . JOB NAME cTl TOW !t INSPE i'.,, i lt,) t ,i.., it ;"'. ,) N REQUEST OF VAiL l..- i'i'i';jDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER 1..- ,' rl r..e;TUES ,..[-eO'..; rHUn PMFRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr I rrrrrnr-tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 'lr oot= '2 -.-):ii -tj2* rNSpECroR I I oz t =tulo- c oOro cccc\l .n LIJulu- ts =E uJ .eq*€e-l\ cr\ q4 RqE \ilfJ I +i QL \3 I ,l (r N $ I l_ ,Ft<t6 I I I I, r9t? IFl9z IE l_e,ztq ,in utFoz oz 6I to oa ozzo ot:(!.Y' E EE: :.e n€*ege.-.= Ct F =4.=oE tsP:Ec-o> =g.!s; =EF;E.=_Pc96E -*iott5;; E E-F3 :€ 8E gE9P Elaeo- (5 cL-SEieotE-orsfi:€ E6:F :EEH ErrS - o;9 d o'-.=.c; o s) a' ol i.9 g5=: 5 (J >,'= >J '. o_.O xE=9 iE; e9Eor -Esgg - o ds s\) { Oro Olr, Oo (f, (f) c rJ)(r': oo oN oo o(\I oo c) (\ F LIJq z J Yo uJ't-() z o- o EFoa! lu z =J oz - uJ = IJJul 2 tr IJJ uJ oE o.o =UJt LU z 6l! Fo ut o- z UJ C) x F ulgt CNu.lt! s =Etrlo-J FoF z UJ uJ z (o =J = llt NOtMlVA I ': I =9 z,- Fit> F!;tr oc *E =s =+uJ $\.E >E5;$ =6N-o- zz Fo- 4xrrP o oo6boz l!<o*x-o;()FO z tr F Aa UJo- OOoro a lu z E o z E t! J 3 UJz Itltrtlah'Z "zzYv; EFiefB =E g H8e39<6():)llttl||rI :7-n5 < [?2 e=d.]<E iEsE3S3o(,or2 zI J fU'z uJfJ F uJI .t (, () UJJ Ltl ooo = J v, ql UJz :< iF (f, I UJ F =<t!x-odiE UJ (4(\lc! r{p ;::J IJJ tsg,oo-zo F(l- UJY uldl oF ts ccul o. b :rl (L rol _ r5lt-lH.',bkzo "trtrtr ts ccul 0- u- E3yzE<of€aB9Eirb9'eE )>E JF5 b=(, dtrE =*E Ubl! 5urE XO_t x>B q- o-i!E uttooF -ctt z o9 =<d]o =z dP ."iE =E=- 7\ r aH= F =E lrJ o-zo Fof&Fazo CJ (u L c(u (J {J :z anl- oE E ui =z =.1(rl uJl 1l sl +, (u:z o(n tn =E I I I .l z.l (9 HI il 6l zl 3l 9lt-l I I I I el olull arlJI <l>I ttlol zl 3lpl FI ol =.1ol uJl 5l al>lulol zl aH I I I I I =.1olurl 1l <l>l ttlol Pi e F(J uJ -l_ oE E, -rO<F(E(JuJ<zEr,! F6ZoO EgP egZEfFd6 Fz =Ft-o2 ,<) '1 9,';;9u:!Ir:.D9Ulu,;9 c <l or .Si i::lo 3 iil ?J sD c e.o F.: $J.- rSFJciu l:"o>q'* r,,) j: fi(l)aJSH-5!, il i:: Hi 4 o a.: +rF.: >= )ic f t io8 r- * lrj -,: F '.9 O"J>.Ff -u F -a!; I*-? I c E 1-- c u BiIt()-'OOi =9-Foii-Fqd a ;11: Sr),li - o v cJ ;ll o {" :o oi6olcIo)--E'-liiEpg :1 sr'" OObio F llo*fr'!6e'iei':-9fi5: r!; J=- o€ I;-l ..1: ;.i (|) .,, c * ar:.9Pu)ii -c r: =g:;I]J t (l \'iu ;-g!y-v;top:t;9-a'-;i ''! o-hii9fi,5 ;i:s,i,jI "-()({Yi: \oN N Y*t [o i: a;l o 1U\) zr- /\<t rrr Y L\ z:^ <r :, ":..:-r. .-.\ ] :1 \ o- L-[ \r,, '> l<_jt_ l_ l-.1 Fl .-: (rl'I ;11 r.r il:l -! rL!. rHl .:i .,..! rLl rrr,.::l ll.| ,i .; ., ''r ,5!. ':r 1.1t1 li t,; !r :t .-\ ! ' i-,: r.-lv.\rr \ l\\\: llriA;J () a: t-r) {Y F.O l::):-t- i) u ::. () r}:,J(] 2: --.;(.) -. aa ..t :/D- ci t.) tr-() L) ,i\ 3:t- )i' -_J{(!l tr(-\ tii .-J Ll.l rl: ..- i Q{i i-rl: i) t_11 d rr! !-- 1,] i..) t!i :I rf q \ { \ k -'lfl 3l tE'$F | 4 l-: -Nl, I ;r(l ttl:t:.i , a{ K -ija';<,z, -.;F(J-;217- Lj: : o.'i - l, F-i'\uEq.-l ;: :t t2 oalQ:l:z Z<) 7 J. * :Yf'.r lLR:dli;Ail frE;"n>c) a: lrr ()(,) - :2 r)(J r-rj O :a.<or()5 i,l ar i.tv n I vA >ci\ - r.\q -: .r \'",t\(t ,. 'lB, -1.< (\l- r\"\ ..\) $oi- t;x: F:lrlr () 4> {) iz f- () _. ,i o- ;.r b E IL LiJ ri\ r_\ | r*i Sl!i ti \ l.|J i"-ifo L- (I] O') 7. IL llJ tllo F h IL Lit 1J- O a- c) O I UI fU z. $.* , ':t:) i;," LIJ ,"} {;,., *..., ?,,,' I L') f:e o llil 75 soulh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 tntrn n MEMORANDUM TO: DICK FROM: RUTH RE: ORE HOUSE Asyourequestedlhavecompi.leda.listofsjtuatjonsattheOreHousewhjchdo not ieet the present Rules and Regulations: 1) I^lalkjn cooler,is made.of wood' 'has no cov'ing and no floor a.uin *iinin five feet of the door' 2) Floors, walls.and cejlings of back prep area and back storage room are made of hood Need exhaust hood over high temperature dishwaher or convert dishwasher io-fo* temperature chemical type' Ce'il'ing at dishwasher needs repainting' Interior of freestanding freezers are in disrepair' Need a moP sink and a hand sinK' Equipment js not 'i nstalled accordjng to spec'ifjcations listed in (w) on page 63. Need vegetable prep sink with an 18 inch drajnboard' Locher and clothing change space is not prov'ided' No running diPPer wel 1' Using a seating capacity of 120' the facjl'ity is shortonewater closet for the *o*"ni' ioo* ina'one.u.rinal for the men's room' (N-8. A seating .uou.irr"ii' i)zvv"tra *;k; ii si'ort 2 urinals') t.lal1 tjle at grill area is not light co1 ored' Shed area is not totallY enclosed' 3) 4) 5) 6) 8) e) 10) 11) 12) 1a\ 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 476-7000 14) Protective shielding required on 15) Insufficient light in all areas. a'I1 1ight fjxtures. Onl fuf. Ferkins/Architect, M&ol nun i.,, I . ons Ridge LooplF J.B,266/l1, Coto. 8165Z303-476351s 4 November 1982 llr. John J. Beaupret, president Ore House CorporationP.O. Box 282 Sun Valley, Idaho 8ggb3 REt Vail Ore House Dear John; r had oecasion to walk through the restaurant yesterday withMike McGee, of the Tovrn of Vail Fire Departmeni, regard.ingour future additions and remodel work. Mr. McGee pointed-out the following problems, which he feels should be addressedimmediately. I detected a very real sense of urgency in hisattitude related to the opening of the lgg2-gg ski season.The areas of concern are as follows: 1. lYood siding lurmediately adjacent to the flame areaat the six-burner range. (I suggest application ofa tile surface eovering on the wall at least 18" awayfrom the flame area. ) Continuous fuel chain, or wood siding on the southwal1. (I suggest post application of a flane retardentspray with a listed Class A flane spread rating. Thisinstallation cost should be in the area of .EO per square foot. ) Cork panels are sagging and eeparatlng from the ceil-inq in-the dinlng room. (I suggest repairing dry wallsubsurfaces under the cork wherever appLicable, and re-placlng cork panels. The exlstlng extlaguishlng syetem is ln need of service. 2. 3. 4. Sincerely, L.r/|li" r /';.-. , 4, John Il . Perkins , AIA .F 5. fire exit locations do not meet code. Occupancy will be reduced to 49 people if the exits are not brought up tocode. (Re Table 33-A and 3303(c), U.B.C.) (I suggest re-placing the exterior door in the southeast corner of thebar area. I rej-terate the urgensy of the need to consider and rectifythese problems. cc. Mike StaughtonI{ike McGee Steve Patterson Fi Ie Utt INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI PM TOWN OF VAIL oor, 2-/Z- ?u- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ft,*ot cl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR "JK tr tr FINAL VED O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOB oz L =G IJJ o- o o ahL! LutL tr =E uJ o- .S;nsr-R p{JI $ s I Jr \^ ) ' IltqIt' Ni; AIF \E r o IJJFoz az J o .0 ozz I IruJ t?ro I I I I I ItE IFl<Gl6z r=lo lg,zt9 -'l 1{ 1 I I lr. UJo =I ll- Q) ()t g -oo = Ecs o,Eo ol E o E =l oo o (u 3 .g E c) (d o E o |-OJ(9< -o Ao! -..E-!t co.r().-6 9o e6.:- {)q, E.e -Ct'io >'5 O-OEoo€oEoq#(!qr-6r(,' P-G o E oo .2 (t .= E o (gE Eo. ; (5 (5 o a5 u, E (l' (Ea o o- o) o oo(! (6 ao Io. Eo oo) o o 6 ; = .g o tto E(t o. G .g E6o o 6 o o OtE @ 3oc.voo () o, ro F\ r.o o? Ol(\I E tr. UJ z J co :. UJ I z .L I F UJJ uJ oz6 =f,Jc J 2 I IIJ = !!ult!z tr UJ uJ 6 to 3 uJ tt z 6 UJ F atoo- uJo o- z uJJo x Fr! CD (n u.J IIJt! ==(ts uJo J FoF z o J (J F ulIul (,z6 =J (-) z -C]Itl = NOtM'tvA \13 lo=lg>Glg:;;l- Fq6E #6 6EE p a =EE99 56p? Ha sg #i(\lo z tr J o o- oE(, UJc o tu z Eoo x z E UJFJ utz l|tl "llll = ^2zYYI iF5sIFEPE 5od>()()uroz<c0(Jf||lrttrl F LdaA n E 3l:E iE Hf;E E9 z. tr tJ)z t! t- llJI \ .\ oul UJ 6 =S- az. UJz- i F \ \) GII I-a UJo F .tl -JFgBir P ul c.o r{r{OO uJ tra coo-zo Fc uJ ]< uJ6 oF =E uJ o-bl> c,'.lo_ €i,O\t,_\ LrIl,, (Vrdgu,bkzo z o9zeoozz =)l o-- P EEiA;E ts ul o- II ul z oa, oF CEI JFu.l :-h=-iG o.t!>o Ol!!ro - lrJxo-:>fiF JJq- ullooF og IL -9o o =t .Ec5 E EI o. co E atloIt--C- ts =Elrlo-zoFof,EFozoo tr!n I I 3l"rJ I;lsl sl El I z j IL Jdt Fo J o() (o, +J LJ a, L E5 tir =z d)o") (Ji (Jl =l_l ol UT =4 I I l" l" I JtttUI H {J> :a(J a uJ o6 = v, o (U -vqa a T!-la,l =q trl FI JI al:l ol zl 6lFI i I I I sl OIl!ltrl JI <l>l I!|ol Pl e ?lol uJl 5l <l>lrtlq zl =lolFItr tllltltlI c;lt-ltoltHlt-l lsl lbltzl EFI = tr l,rJJq,l F I I I I .lot =.1oluil 1l sl u-lol zl BI OIFI 2 E t.lJz =o F C)llJ =.r (JE E, -rO<F(r()uJ<ztIIJ F(52o JE<o(JF;()FS!zt18 9P =<z.EfFr-6 6p 73 #= =g *.E !JZ o() dc>q.5trtrtr l-- c LU c alitul LL t- (r LIJ o- tlll lr. INIt\l IIn] :: (d .Y, I t!:li;el d l?d'iruF l+I ii in, 'oi l-c .gt ,o -!i * loo- Q X nr lra;6;.ia lct: :: '11 c: F ill iffiln :u3S<1s tffiliilinpE '10? rr ii 1.; g lv)'t(r1i * o u $:o#.IJ:tI e't ;i''D'"oo$1] s RoikEis, : k E 59 - s{ 9,* J::O(/)c o, ,u ;: .9 I _q ,I ts1]J:; (J >.iTtO 4JX X q) ibhegtH 6o 3>.:oc6Jid;iil "=,\i f 6 o.gr:6 b,? t - {J cd i:l E l- ') \ ,\ V) \ (( Uq N \ fr l.- isl;\l I-\r I II trv I t\t\ N Iq\ }tt I 1\. l F' F rytiia-' =(f J 5 G) O I ;l o ,! l--(-) L!l (t co {{ L) { :t:(-) 2 LUt! o tr.( tx.) 6: a c): iI) g 0: { 1rt (l F- J & ?z '5 O X F IU U) ita,l ilq ffio- ll-r ll<tlFiloll*ll \i* $tt; lir'l rP I g {[lE(! --J3l 9 () -l (t m::) J.t O :f,(J Fl 'N uo[vn tvA I I 'Ffl F{lolol+.{.rll a1l-l (/llhl 9l Eil &l Iol,i 8l a0tt{ r.1l 8l j .ElYi EI I :aEo BZZU-ooo F^ttz:i->(J Er :J L] h a(tE,Z1-L)Oott>r'jzH lL <(9+ A. ^- .r o:>c):: ,-1 L!i(\to >d ..\- :E n):ss s: z t- f- r!:)oc((, l sl 0 \ \*- n- a( ; c)i(l C) Iz9 c( F : 2 lif l-tttlIttlatt-= ,^2 vl:Y3atXd,^$!r5l;xliSoJiu.r3Ptr6()(]).(J!.)(u():z llltlt{tttttttlrttrl F?'{t:ina z,lur i E?tt (.)-zv=€L :1>Iryg:29r15u'oruoaro0rz z tr I:u) Lrl) - g: l- |-r] :E t 4 (J co >. E c) rh z I :cF \ "{A. '- \ Xlo'1 .Odict \s H :"'1 r" 'J r-J rr'-l r _) , -') Li.l F' U) con -,) z F- Lt-lv u-t dl F L (t ut r'r C-.1 >-:t(I .Jl ^6tX\\J OO tlrl lrlF-P L,' .{ z =7zz o- u- _..t-J .{ <{ (} -r\i.r r J .:l m Lri :r: ullf _l I cc UJ o- u,o aa Ep c. 0. --1 t- li> o- llJ:: o-() u.Poqur :>rtF *J u ril oF c AJ E qj ct tf +:r () ru lo trf l+r"1 d;t; L.r.j {** f,t *,.v $'- 9*/n 7 L-J ,"a--\,/ , \ :a _\ i r at i-1..1I I i .+--U ilt*\ | ,f l---\r / l.i:-r-<,_.r,-/ r:_,: Ii CJtr (:) a: tt Lri:: ':i ;;r) I Il.l* I I!./'l -rLr-'{ 'r13E ?tI.4 :><l l: I Il- l" ) g' 91:t -_ :-,1 O f-_t-) \',.'. !: C)l{d I "ltl("ll :l:l (rl tvl ;rl it el irj |lIItllltll"l<l =l> stl'1 iiil tJltall>lI tr-lloltzl:il ]lc] (]l a;.1 Fl I I I I I I I I I c;l =,|(rl urlil {l ;l .!' zl 3lpl -E F() l- Q z t I I I Iol ;l Lrti 5l 3l;l 5l scl uFI F. :j() aa -rO.{ F-tf. Qr-!J ..4 ul t-t,\ 7() (J x i--() 0: F. O J I CT (-) L'-lJ LU 9 T(.) o ;;, t..) :Ti C)(-l (f.() l-"() fTt- (i a*) ,.r Oit fiC irir.1t I t .2), (?-r --f: L .4 ",t , a FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS GALLERY BUILDING VAIL, COLORADO May, 1982 Prepared for; P & R ENTERPRISES Vail, Colorado HYDfiO.TRIAD, LTD. 12687 West Cedar Drive Lakewood, Colorado 80228 --::fr /),,ttkzr. /-,4t- (303) eee-1264 FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS GALLIRY BTJILDING vAIL, COL0RAD0 CONTENTS Page I-1I.I NTRODTICTION. HYDROLOGY. II.1 HYORAULIC ANALYSIS .....III-i A. Gore Creek ..III--1B. Mil l Creek. .III-3 IV. MITIGATION MEASITRES. ... IV-l II. III. V. vI. IIIIII IV V THE MINIMAL ACTION ALTERNATIVE.v-t STIMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS.. .... VI-l TAB L ES Comparison of Flood profiles Effect of Retaininq l"tal I on F'l ood Profi les F I GIIRES Location l"lap Channel Cross Sections, Gore Creek Channel Cross Sections, Gore and Mill CreeksProtecti ve Measures Protective Measures Alternati ves HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. May 13, 1982 Mr. Ron Riley Timberfa'l ls Corooration 4496 East Meadows Drive Vai1, Co'lorado 81657 Dear Ron: Attached is our "Floodplain Analys'i s Report for the Gallery Building Vail, Colorado". At your request, we have made a detailed study of the Gore Creek 100-year f'loodplain and the potential for flooding from Mill Creek in the vicinity of the Gallery Building. He have also examined different mitjgation measures for removing the building from the floodplain, Our results are surrnarized below: 1. The 100-year flood flow in Gore Creek will result in a water surface that is a maximum of approximately 0.8 foot above the existing ground contact with the lower level building wa11of the Gallery Building. This assumes a partial blockageof Gore Creek at the Bridge Street bridge due to trash and debris buildup. Should this b'lockage not occur, the maximum water surface elevation wou'ld be reduced to approx- imately 0.5 foot above the existing ground surface. The most severe flooding will occur in the vicinity of the stairwel'l entrance to the lower level near the northeast corner of the building. 2. The 100-year flood flow in Mill Creek will resu'lt in a shallow flow a'long the eastern edge of the building. Itis likely that this flow will enter the'lower'level through the stairwell entrance at the northeast corner of the bui lding. 3. The necessary protection can be provided by either a retaining wall or an ed-th Ebrm. This barrier should have a maximum elevation $f A1.7O.O)at the upstream end, resulting in a wall or berm app-lUrinrafely 2.6 feet high at its maximum point. This would also allow a freeboard of approximately 0.5 feet. , Two possible locations for this barrier are shown in FigureIV. The exact location is not critical, but should be verified with Hydro-Triad, Ltd. prior to construction. 12687 WEST CEDAR DRIVE-SUITE 4OO LAKEWOOD, COTORADO BO22B PHONE 303-989-1264 Mr. Ron Riley May 13, 1982 Page Two 4. A means of drainage should be provided for the area enclosed by the wall or berm. This may possibly be accommodated by modifying the existing manhole located north of the Ga1lery Building. 5. Should a mjnimal action alternative be taken, flood'ing in the vicinity of the Gallery Bui'lding wi'l'l be shallow andwill result mainly in ponding in the lower level of thebuilding. It is our understanding that some inflow dueto seepage and groundwater currently exists within the .'lowerlevel and that a sump and pump system is used to removethis water. This system could be utilized to remove the inflow from a 100-year flood event. However, it is likelythat water damage to the interior of the 'lower level willoccur. It is also possible that some structura'l damage may occur and should be thoroughly investigated should a minimal action alternative be taken. lde are glad to have been of service. Please feel free to cal'lif you have any quest'ions. Si ncerely, TRIAD, LTD. Ronald L. Halley, Jr., Pres i dent t' l/ nt/'- J./ ',,/ t -,' /, -,//'L 't''' Ruth Yeager Water Resource Engineer mk o FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS GATLERY BUILDING VAIL, COLORADO I.I NTRODUCT I ON The Town of Vail is located in the narrow Gore Valley, which is part of the upper color"ado River basin. Gore creek is the major water course f1 owing through the valley and is fed by many smaller streams from the adjacent slopes. For reasons of aesthetics and sDace constrictions, many buildings have been constructed alonq the banks- of Gore creek and these trfbutari es. As a result, some of these sites are subject to periodic f'l oodinq. The Gallery Buildinq is located on parcel A, Block 5 of Vail Vi11age. This site extends alonq the southern bank of Gore Creek, from Bridge street to approximately the west branch of Mill creek, a tributary of Gore creek (see Fioure I). According to the Gore creek floodplain delineation, as determined by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in lg75 (Reference 1), the 100-year floodplain boundary is located a't ong the foundation of the Gallery Buildinq. Durinq a flood event, flooding of the basement level may occur along with the possibility of erosion i nduced damage. A new addition and remodeling to the Gallery Building have been proposed. This work is to be constructed adjacent to the existing bui'lding and will encroach upon the 100-year f1 oodplain. Hydro-Triad, I - I-1 - Bridge Street Bridge Creek q)o (t) Q) OlE a I I c(ee| lrtve GOf e ,----- !-Cutnert for I Mill Creek I I I N r No Scolc Denotes Cross Section Location ond Number \-,,*.....-1' Denotes Ftow Directiut ortheost stoirwell entronce to building ffGore G o llery Build ing Gorsuch Bui lding McBride Buildinq of Mill Crek GALLERY BUILDING ADDITION FLOODPLAIN AMLYSIS LOCATION MAP HYDRO -TRlAD, LT F IGURE z MAY 1982 Ltd. has been reguested to investiqate the degree of encroachment anticipated and to recommend al ternati ve miti gation measures. To accomplish this, the existing floodplain has been analyzed in closer detail with respect to the proposed addition. Based on this data, various alternatives have been developed to protect the site from floodinq. The effects of these protective measures on upstream con- ditions have also been analyzed. It is our understanding that seepaqe and groundwater inflow into the lower level of the Gallery Building currently exists and that a sump and pump system is used to remove thjs water. Althouqh this constitutes a form of flooding, this report and analysis is concerned only with surface f1 ooding and r.e'l ated protectjve measures. The nethod of analysis used in this study is the same as for the 1975 floodplain study (Reference 1), but with more local detail. Water surface elevations for the 100-year flood have been computed using the HEC-2 computer model (Reference 2). This model uses energy losses and flow characteristics between channel cross sections to pro- duce water surface elevations. Cross section data along Gore Creek and the west branch of Mill Creek were provided by Eagle Valley Enqineerinq & Survey, Inc. This survey work was done in April, 1982. The hydrology has been taken from the 1975 study performed by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. (Reference 1). -t-2- I I. HYDROLOGY The hydnology for the Gore Creek basin has been extensive1y ana- lyzed in "Gore Creek Floodplain Information", a repont prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. in 1975 for the Colorado [,later Conservation Board and the Town of Vail (Reference 1). This report analyzed the flood flows generated by three sources of water - the general storm, the thunderstorm and snowmelt. The source of the maximum 100-year flood varies according to the location and size of the drainaqe basin. For the design point of this study, Gore Creek at Bridqe Street, the cumulative drainage basin is approximately 66.5 square miles and the 100-year flood peak flow in Gore Creek is 2,380 cfs. This flood is caused by snowrnelt. For the analyses in this study, this peak flow was used. For the west branch of Mill Creek above its confluence with Gore Creek, the drainage area is approximately 7.56 square miles. The maximum peak flow is caused by the thunderstorm. For the 100-year thunderstorm, the 60-minute storm has a cumulative rainfall of 1.50 inches, of which only 0.?2 inches becomes runoff (see Reference 3). For a time of concentration of 90 minutes, this results in a peak runoff of approximately 800 cfs. This flow rate is conservatively high since it is likety at this altitude that some of the precipita- tion wil'l fall as hail or snow. In this case, the time of con- centration will be lengthened considerably and the flood peak will be correspondingly reduced. - II-t - o thunderstorm occur sma11, the flooding can be treated as Sjnce the probability of having the 100-year at the time of peak snowmelt runoff is extremely of Gore Creek and the west branch of Mi I I Creek separate events. - II-2 - o -ll rjql o l-(r) $o \q E o$ 6 E$i ts S; E; fi$ui;E ssFesS I I K "# ( \ \ -:E \ st isr qj rr; F*o = o.$ a. (ao Ur o q)sq Es 0)o I \*l:lr I gHl- I 1i \c \/ \i w r-{ st $ig -.1gi 'i{r hJA *() s oo|E a E egso RR rri rri 38 tt tl..t -.1t{ l{J(/) CD!! \r t(\ v\\\\ e trtto 6t -Jtl.t(aI \t =o R() trjl arrl ;t(r,ot$ (o td tf) a 1l \;t{ gl € 5a Io a(D a .\ o rO 6 o(o CO og @ oI @ o(ooF- @ \ \ \ \ Irlq5(D tr cil- aq tt- Io aca \ 133 J Nt N0|1VA3''13I33J Nl N0tIvA3''13 ssfiu E:H*til"s \F*[3 Go, isis ;$u Fts s$$e 8S I $J g HFl t{t5(t \ .s o sf s aorSsi Ni t'i o -ll .tr}***"- t 5(, I rr) I I I I I I \ Ot.sc s BF '-\ *sE o$$-.(ci(o l/D lO 6Slt a! o tl itt bo cr) Eslo (r) 5o s.s{coo co $(u (t) $(,) o $ N to $u(r) Eot$ I N R I k K II ..)l Fl * Hl 6*l =8l R $l *Y I Il' I (\t i(o a ll i t{J Or.\\.\ *-Qa.€!()ll)steoaQO ( -t K, fi I (0 tri tc) s h i l1.1 Frt f,a. b1 ..-- S s3 LJ t{qu)l= C\tbo \<{ = olo o os @ @ @ F @ |r) @ (o @ a { aq q I ctI}\, \ kt{ \|q $ li lE-t\ ISlotq IF I l3 tro UJ(/) ( I b R N I trf\o A=o:a\ts o\u CL\ 133J Nt N0tlv^3''13133J Nt N0t1vA3-t3 F I I I . HYDRAIIL IC ANAL YSES l Gore Creek The Gor"e Creek channel in the vicinity of the Gallery Bujld'inq is approximatel.y 50 feet wide and 6 feet deep. Large r^ocks lininq the invert and sides throuqh this reach result in a hiqh channel rouqhness correspondinq to a Manninqs "n" of about 0.07. There are two features in this reach that contribute to hiqher flood water adjacent to the Ga1'l ery Buildind. The first is the covered footbri dge at Bridge Street, which forms a constriction at higher flows. The second is the presence of several larqe boulders located about 20 feet upstream from the bridge. These boulders cause a constriction even at low f'l ows and are conducive to trash and debris collection. The HEC-2 backwater analysis of this reach is based upon six cross sections taken along Gore Creek (see Figures I, ll and III). Cross sections l and 2 (Station 0-68.2 and Station 0-33.3) are typical of the channel downstream from Bridqe Street. Cross section 3 (Station 0+00) is just upstream from the Bridqe Street bridge and shows the low chord of the bridqe and the invert of a gas pipeline under it. Cross section 4 (Station 0+23.1) shows the major boulders within the channe'l and cross section 5 (station 0+61.3) includes the upstream end of the Gal I ery Bui ldinq. Cross section 6 (Station 1+49.3) is upstream from the west branch of Mill creek confluence and is much wider and shallower than the sections downstreain. cross sec- - III-1 - tion 7 is located on the west branch of Mill Creek, just upstream of its confluence with Gore Creek. The water surface from Station 0-68.2 to Station l+49.3 was calculated by the HEC-Z computer model. In addition to the cross sec- tjonal data, the model also requires the flow rate, Mannings unu values and startinq water surface elevation. A peak flow rate of 2,380 cfs was used and a roughness coefficient value of 0.07 was used for the channel except for a 10-foot reach near the boulders (Station 0+23.1), where 0.08 was used. For the overbanks, a value of.0.05 das used. These values are based upon the physical appearance of the channel and are similar to those of the prev.ious study. For the HEC-Z model , the starting water surface elevation was determined to be 8155.5 feet. This is based upon the flood profi'l e el evations from the 1975 study (Reference 1) for cross sqction 1, Station 0-68.2. However, comparison of the cross sections at the bridqe and the channel invert indicates that there is a difference in datum between the survey of 1975 and the present survey for this report. (The absence of u.S.G.s. bench marks in this area nrakes this a likely occurrence.) The difference in datum elevation is approxima- tely 1.5 feet. This difference is based on the invert or Iow chord elevations given'in each survey for the l-beam of the bridge. As a result, the beginning water surface elevation of 8155.5 has been lowered to 8154.0. - trt-? - The backwater analyses for the sections used in the present sur- vey resulted in a lower water surface profi'l e than given in the 1975 study. This is shown in Table 1. One reason for this difference is that the 1982 survey data is much more detailed than the earlier 1975 survey and reflects local ized channel characteristics. Al so, the earl ier study assumed some b1 ockage at the boulders due to trash. l,'lhen the cross sectional area of cross section 4, Station 0+23.1, was reduced to simulate trash blockage (see Figure II), the water surface profiles matched more closely. This partial blockage was assumed for the remainder of the analysis as a worst case condition. Comparison of the water surface elevations with the ground eleva- tion at the foundation wall of the Gallery Buildinq indicates that the upstream end of the building could be flooded. The water depth at this point would be approximately 0.8 feet, which would result in shallow flooding alono the entire north side of the property (see Fiqure I ). B.Mi I I Creek The west branch of Mill Creek channel has a capacity of approxi- mately 500 cfs at a point 70 feet upstream from its confluence with Gore Creek, cross section 7 (see Figure III). Although the peak fl ow for Mil'l creek has been estimated at 800 cfs, upstream conditions pre- vent this full peak fnom reaching the confluence. There is a $truc- ture on llill creek upstrern that is designed to diver.t at least 50 - III.3 . TABI. E I Comrrari son of Fl ood Profi I es(ffi) * These elevations have been adjusted downward 1.5 feet in orderto account for the datum differences. The stations do not match exactly with those of the 1982 survey. Cross Sect.ion 1975 Stud.y* 19BZ Surve.y Existinq Ground El evation at Gal I ery Bui'l dinq FoundationAs Shown hli t h Blockaqe BouldersAto.Stat i on I 2 J 4 5 6 0-68.? 0-33.3 0+00 0+23. I 0+61.3 1+49. 3 54. 00 54. 50 57. l0 54. 00 54.60 55.15 55.33 56.07 57.05 54.00 54.60 55. 15 55.29 56.40 57.19 58.00 55. 60 55.60 I I I N percent of the f1 ow away from the west branch of Mi'l I Creek. A1 so, even if this diversion becomes blocked, flow-splitting will probably occur at culverts located at Gore Street Road and Hanson Ranch Road, Despite the reduction in flow in the west branch of Mill Creek, the potential of flooding from this creek still exists. The potential for flooding of the Galiery Building site from Mill Creek is not caused by a lack of channel capacity, but is rather the result of the limited capacity of the culvert under Gore Creek Drive upstream of the Gallery Building (Figure -I). This cu'l vert appears to have a diameter of 36 inches or less, and will carry less than 100 cfs. The rema'inder of the flow wil'l overtoo Gore Creek Drive. Some of the flow will be diverted west on the road, while a portion of the remaining flow will cross the road, flowing on the overbanks and back into the channel . Althouqh most of the overbank flow will return to the channel , a small amount of it will flow overland toward the Gallery Building. This flow will be less than 0.5 feet in depth and will have a 1ow ve1 ocity. If not controlled or rerouted, this flow may result in considerable pondino on the east side of the Gallery Building and may enter the lower level of the building via the stairwell entrance'located at the northeast corner of the buildinq. .III-4 - IV. MITIGATION MEASURES There are three major ways to protect the property from rr.fu." floodinq. The first is to lower the flood profile, either through general channel inrprovement or by removal of specific constrictions. This method is not desirable'in the case of the Gallery Buildinq, since the constrictions of the footbridge and the upstream boulders are visual amenities. The other two methods, which witl be discussed below, involve protectino the property by a wal'l or berm, or regradinq it so that it 'l ies above the flood water surface. The desired protection can be produced by a variety of retaining walls or berm designs (Figures IV and V). The major qualification is that the minimum elevations sugqested in Table 2 be met. These eleva- tions are based on the water surface elevations obtained from .the HEC-2 analyses pl us a minimum freeboard of 0.5 feet. Depending upon the location of the wall or berm with respect to the Gallery Buildino, the maximum heiqht will be either 2.6 feet or 1.5 feet (Figures IV and V) , as based on the exi sti nq ground surface. From approximate'ly station 0+40 to station 0+00, the wall height may be tapered from the maximum to the existing ground level . Final selection of a design will be based mainly on appearances and space considerations. A brief description of each retaining wa11 and/or berm design is presented bel ow. - IV-l - TABLE 2 Protective Measure Elevations and Effects on Flood Profile * Allows for approximately 0.5 feet of freeboard. Cross Section Existinq (l"Jith Blockaqe) Retaininq }Jall (l"|ith Bl ockaqe) Suqqested r'l n. Elevation for Retaininq Wall*Stat i on ? 4 5 6 0+00 0+23. I 0+61.3 1+49.3 55.15 55.29 56 .40 57.19 55.15 55.26 56.42 57.36 56.00 s6:50 57.00 HYDRO -TRIAD, LT1 FIGURE MAY 1982 1.A 6-inch wide retaining wall of reinforced concrete construction can provide the necessary protection in the least amount of space. It can be architecturally finished in order to blend in with the building and grounds. Two possible placements of this wal I are shown in Figure IV, conceptual desiqns is shown on Fiqure V, An alternatjve solutjon wou'l d be a timber retaining wa'l l. The timber would be exposed on one side and would be sup- ported by compacted earthfill and anchors on the other. The earthfill can be planted with grass and concealed by bushes or trees. The plan shown in Figure IV is sujtable for the timber wall as well as the concrete one. Conceptual designs of this alternative are also shown on Fiqure V. A compacted earth berm could be used instead of a .retaining wall. This option reguires more space than a retaining wall but will be less conspicuous. A berm with a 2-foot crest width and 1:1 side slopes could be used. If a qentler grade is used for the side slopes, the benn will require addi- tional area but will look more natura'| . It can be covered wih grass or bushes. A conceptual desiqn of this alter- native is shown on Figure V. A fourth option would be to reqrade the property to raise it above the high water level . The major drawback with this 2. 4. - IV-2 - o option js that the upstream end of the Gallery Buildinq is below the necessary elevation so the reqrading must match the existing qround at the edqe of the bui ldinq. This option may be considered to be an extremely wide variation on the earthen berm, Alternative 3, and will not be con- sidered further. For all of the options described above, some provision must be made for the drainage of the area between the Gallery Building and Gore creek. One alternative that should be examined is the feasi6i- lity of usinq the abandoned manhole (see Figure IV) for localized drainage. If the final configuration of the berm or retafning wall places the manhole between the Gallery Buuidinq and the berm, the manhole cover may be replaced with a drainage grate thereby produc.ing an area drain. similarly, if the rnanhole is located north of the berm or retaining wall, an area drain could be constructed and pipe attached to connect it to the manhole. Alternatively, drainage pipes could be constructed in the wall or berm. These would have to have flap valves on them to prevent flooding during high creek flows. In developino protection measures for ftooding from the west branch of Mill creek, it is recommended that the rear entranceway stairwell to the Ore House Restaurant, at the northeast corner of the building, be modified so that the steps down qo from west to east rather than the present east to west configuration. A wall or berm could be constructed from the northeast corner of the building and - IV-3 - n n tied into the protective measure along Gore Creek. A 1.5-foot high curb, berm or swale will provide sufficient protection against floodinq (based on the existing ground surface). This curb or berm should be continuous with the improvements along Gore creek and should be positioned such that the overbank flow from Mill Creek is deflected into Gore Creek or back into Mill Creek. One possible desfqn is shown on Fiqure lV. Before a flood protection measure js chosen, it should be recogn'ized that the placement of such a measure would be located orJt- side of the Gallery Buildinc property line. It js our understan{ing that the'l and alonq Gore Creek, north of the Galler.y Building, is owned by the Town of Vail. As such, some form of approval for the protection measures ma,y be needed from the town. Placement of any of the above described protection measu.res would affect the water surface e'l evations of Gore creek, both at the Gallery Buildinq and upstream of it. The worst case condition would occur if a vertical wall were placed at the top of the bank immediately adja- cent to Gore Creek. To analyze this condition, the ex.i sting cross sections were altered to conform to this condition. A berm or a wall further frorn the creek wou'l d have less effect on the water surface level . Table 2 shows that such a wall will have no noticeable effect on the water surface upstream of the Gallery Building. At Station 1.+49.3, the rise is only 0.17 feet, so the upstream effects of these improvements can be assumed to be neqligjble. - IV-4 - E i$$*i iss$i J-$ be-q)'i- oeico ssH Et: i$nE\T.P"gi Erl F$l o o 1A\{, -\'66=R .Q R, 9c *.s:3i: .sltsc 'i3 oe a 5a \q r{l -Jl -Jlql (Dl el o I C\rs o) \q E }- E$<{ aq -l{ s q trJ al EI |\I s trq = F..llql { Itloo>a bs c*€it I I sa\q FI t{q5$ \ ilog 6up1ng ,(te11og I *g-,1 s* gE, 3Eacsbul'S*sS8.;l 6wp11ng tuqtog ,,9-,1 $E iE Ss\d 8 (a o 9*ra (J -Jt o\ a\e'aqao rll v o\o-\ o\tlI t I I I I oq) q -l< b o. o o >ol-. I I I I I E l{J s trlqo$ oL L =l{ L) slalql s (t = =q t{ "l-l t{l>l 5lql HIil )qr, t .Fiee ,iR aca a.t) s o t{J t o a. s co oo o bl.= o(l)q oco o 3 \(bl:-tq) (Jc.a(J bq)o o q (l'q (o € o!J lrl 'Pbh{ ,$ lsr! .?t!o! I I I I I oq) q t o a. a o c!f I I I I J I oq .a I q ot{l ul-,? =fra Ftq trt s q =iql N] -.liql gi l{tI (D o|-] l- E$q >lalql trtua \ l- \J =htl-l $l HI =tl t( t o ECioosi,it rysrc eJog .l( aa. s o ial*. .o o€$cI t ot q q s o{ (a opi.= eJ -.J\ I I I\:r rsl il -l il 3l il -*ltr) .'t$ .l .}l \l ol \q) (J a ot I(o .ll k) I(0 I qJ lEer? oro geJogleergleerg erog All of the berm and retaining wall desjgns described above will protect the Gallery Buildinq from the peak flow of the 100-year flood. The hydraulic analysis included in this report should be sufficient for the Town of Vail and the Colorado Water Conservation Board. Due to an extremely conservati ve interin pol icy, the Federal Emercency Management Agency (FtMA) will presently not accept these designs as the basis for floodplain map revision. - IV-s - v.THE MINIMAL ACTION ALTERNATIVE The mitiqation measures described in Section IV protect the Gallery Bui ldinq by routing the floodwater around the buildinq. Another alternative, the minimal action alternative, is to leave the buildinq within the floodplain, but to ensure that the flooding will not cause undue damaqe. The floodinq adjacent to the Gallery Buildinq, even under conservative assumptions will be shallow, Iow velocit.y and of short duration. It may prove to be cost effective to leave the buildinq within the floodplain provided the followinq con- ditions are met: 1. A structural or foundation anal.ysis to show that temporar.y inundat'ion will not cause structural damaqe. sump and pump system, existing or upgraded, can handle increased inflow occurrinq durinq the f'l oodinq. All openinqs which could permit free passase of water to the I ower level must he ahove the maximum water surface. 4. Flood insurance rates must not be siqnificantly hiqher than for the other alternatives. The critica'l sectjon of the Gal'l ery Bui'l dinq in the event of f'loodinq will be the rear stairwell entrance of the northeast corner of the building. During the peak of the flood, the stairwe'l I will function as a broad-crested weir, allowinq as much as 15 cubic feet of 2. The the -v-l - water per second to enter the lower level . Even if the sump and pump system can handle this flow in addition to a rnuch higher than normal seepaqe rate, the temporary presence of water may damage the interior contents or cause structural danaqe. It is, therefore, advisable that the stairwell be protected by a 1.5 foot hiqh barrier (based on existing ground surface). This barrier could consist of an extra step at the top of the stairs which would be connected with a barrier around the railinq. This arrangement would protect the stairwell not only from the 100-year event, hut also from 'localized runoff. The barrier around the stairwell is the minimal protection necessary for the bui Idinq. -u-2- 7 I VI. SUMMARY AND CONCLI'SIONS The Gallery Buildinq, located alonq Gore creek in vail, colorado, is sub.iect to inundation by the 100-year flood. Detailed analysis- of the flood profile indicates that the high water level at the upstream end of the buildinq will be at elevation g156.40, about 0.g feet above the existins qr^ound level of the foundation of the buildinq. The building can also be affected by floodinq from Mill creek, a tributary of Gore Creek. Conceptual designs for detail in Part IV, and shown have a mininal effect on the Gallery Bui'ldinq. ttre use of utilizing these r€asures are discussed in on Figures IV and V. These measures wil'l flood profile along and upstream from the The Gallery fuildinq can be protected from flooding one of the followinq mitiqation measures: 1. A concrete reta i ni nq wa I I .?. A timber retaininq wall.3. A berm.4. Regrading. by An alternative measure would be to limit flood protection to the stainwell of the Ore House Restaurant. This alternative is viable if structural analys'is indicates that shal tow, temporary floodinq will not cause structural damaqe. l' REFERENCES tI. 2, "Gore Creek Floodplain Information,,, Hydro-Triad, Ltd., 1975. "HEC-Z !,later Surface Profiles,,, U. S. Army Corps of Engineers,Hydrolooic Engineerino Center, 1976. ."Gore Creek Floodplain Hydrolooy Report, Technical Addendum,,,Hydro-Triad, Ltd., 1975. ? ,^Or lr ,HYDiiO-TfiIAD. LTD. 3 March, 1983 Mr. Dick Ryan Director of Cor'rmun ity Deve'lopment Tovrn of Vail, City Ha11 P.0. Box 100 Vai'1, Colorado 81656 RE: F'toodp'lain Analysis Gallery Bui'lding, Environmenta'l ImPact Statenent Dear Mr. Ryan: At the request of the Town of Vail and in accordance with Zoning Ordjnance 18.69.040E, Hydro-Triad, Ltd. has prepared an "Environnrenta'l Imnact Statenrent" for constructjon activities at the Galiery Building' located in Vail, Colorado. A portion of the construct'ion tr'ill take place within the 100-year f'loodplain boundary identified for Gore Creek. Construction activities will consist of remodel'ing a portion of the building and constructing protective measures to provide protection of the building against flooding. A floodplain analysis has previously been performed for this site' by Hydro-Triad, Ltd., dated llay 13, 1982. Several alternatives were developed to protect the building against flooding from the i0O-year flood. Each alternative consisted of providjng a barrier against fiooding along Gore Creek for the length of the Gallery Building. Site specific surveyed cross sections were obtained and water surface profi'les upstream of the Bridge Street covered bridge were calculated. For a worst case scenario which consists of a vertical wali placed on the Gore Creek bank, the additional rise in water surface elevations wii'l range from; a minimum of 0 feet at the Bridge Street bridge to a max'imum of 0-17 feet (2 inches) at a point 150 feet upstream of Bridge Street. Increases of these small magnitudes wil'l have negligib'le affects on the upstream f1 oodplain boundaries. lr lr l4r. Dick Ryan 3 l'iarch, 1983 Page two Construction of a "flood barrjer" wil'l not affect the drainage basin characteristics and therefore rvill not incredse the dischargein Gore Creek. An increase in flow velocity will l.i kely occur for a distance of approximately 150 feet upstream of Bridge Street. The maxinum increase will hor,rever be slight, on the order of 0.3 feetper second which is an increase of approximately 4 percent. Based on these anaiyses, we feei that the construction activities, as identified in the previous floodpla'i n analyses, will not adverselyaffect the adjacent properties. If you have an.y questions, pleasefeel free to contact us at your convenience S'i ncere'ly, Robert Senior Jay t5 l,la ter Reso urce Engineer RLH/RJN/l a lnlvn 75 south lronlage .d. Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7ooo !4arch 9, 1982 l,lr. Ron Riley 228 Bridge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Ron: The Planning and Environnental Comrnission major upgrading of the Gallery Buildi.ng.final Design Revi.ew Board approval . Then department of community development Re: Gallery Building has approved plans for the The next step is to obtain upon proper application, a Sinc Tor.'m Planner PJ:br lolryn 75 eoulh f ronlage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development March 3, l9B2 Mr. Ron Rjley 228 Brjdge Street Vai1, Colorado 81657 Re; GallerY Building Dear Ron: The Plannjng and Environmental Commission has approved p1 ans for major upgrading of the Gallery Buiiding upon receiv'ing Design Review Board approval. The next step would be application for a building permit. After meeting the building department require- ments, a permit will be issued, DICK RYAN Cornmunity Devel opment Department DR: bpr Project Application Project Name: 4"AlJ*EA>t &1vO /4 b Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: 2.or:\ tt-E"t Architect, Address and Phone: /Aau:r-A BlockLegal Description: Lot Filing Zone Comments: fraEt-t/'t/4 44 Design Review Board tl '"" 3/ s/s2- Motion by: Seconded by:triz\^J1i\ DISAPPROVAL $- <> r APPROVAL I -r Su mmary: €EALrl|S ; E *rtr>tot2- tt6erln)u, e*Te rztorz oa 0,\AqSTEA | '|F-EE< tN aL4frF - ; TvlLkl ilJ Lt9 IA f- OF 4VE2J HE1697 of- Atrtatrl t*lV wA.L S A N4HL ott ,aoui H/4rf"4!41-NLLD nA7 Eut4L-9 &Aa',a E statt Approval lul'ln 75 south lrontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of community development March 3, 1982 Mr. Ron R'il ey 228 Bridge Street Va'i1 , Col orado 81 657 Re: Gallery Building uear Kon: The Planning and Environmental Commissjon has approved p1 ans for major upgrading of the Gai. lery Building upon receiv ing Design Review Board approval . The next step would be applicatjon for a building permit, After meeting the bujld'i ng department require- ments, a permit will be issued. Sjncerely, Conmunity Devel opment Department DR : bpr DlCK RYAN i'"' | "o'n''uo . LIST OF TIAT] t NAIIE OF IIROJXCT +nnrnrnu ar,rn nnunnw 3 March 1982 OF PROJI';CT' Major renovation addition and remodel of the Gallery Building LEGAL DESCRIIITI9.I Lot A, PXffiion of triggfqrP Vail Villase First I'ILING DESCIIIPTIOI'I The frrl"lorvj.ng infcrrnat ion i,0 thc Desigti Re.viel Board .{. ) EttI LDINc l'lATilll I ALS r Roof Sicllng Other lfal] l'!alcri.als Iaseirr Soffits Vilndows I9indow Trim l)oors Door Trim lland or Deck Rails l'l rres Flashi ngs Chinneys Tr:rsh Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.)PLANT MATERIALS Picea PrLn g6 nqs Pnprr'l rrs TtemUJ:O jdeg Acer Gi nnaAa. Qgr.nqF.-SLo lon i f e r: a Pqtentilla FructicosaJuniperus SabinaTainaris-Cifolia is rcquirecl fol suLmittirl by thc Applicant bef ore a f 1na1 .rl)pr()val c:nn be 6ivcn. Tyne of !!gterial Color Era.vel /iruilo,ro . - "t"r' , (? L4il)* Botanical Nsme Conunon llame ,ro.r,rr.,.,rr - ,tatrrtal I{X \*n{r\ stucco/sto white cedar st ained exterio-r--Blvwood stained - -*double hung - yhite clad redwood natural gla.zed store doors redwood ryi A ---_.metal painted met a.1 painted stucco /sto redqrood natural N/A lricludtng Trees, Shrubs,(Vegetative, Landscapint Materialsand Ground Cover) Srsi-qi-tx Size G1ieon SFrLln p a AsPo.t Amrrr llTp.p_l.e Red Twig Dogwood*. _Gold Drop Po!ent i1_Ia Tam Jirniper R I.ra--...'-_- (f Ib 8t- . 'l rf _l arr Z-aaL.. ! g?1-: -L-c?1: 5 ga1 .10 l| .. - | o Page t I I bt.r, I llaterlals Contlnued Dotanical Name Cormnon Name qsselllr S lze c.)i' OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining 1,1a11s, Fences, Swlnrning Pools, etc.) 1, (Pleaee:specffy) r."' .t- Dan Corcoran ,lim Vie'le Diana Donovan Jim Morgan I,ilil l Trout (1 ater) Scott Edwards ABSENT Du-ane Piper PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMM]SSION February zZ 1982 PRESENT STAFF Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP Gail Wahrl ich Dan Corcoran, vice-chairman, called the meetinq to order at 2:.l0. l. Election of chairman and vice-chairman. Diane moved and Jim M seconded to nominate Dan for chajrman. The vote was 4-0, Dan abstaining. Dan moved and Jim M seconded to nominate Duane as vjce-chairmin.The vote was 5-0 in favor. 2. Approval of mjnutes of meeting of February 8, .l982. lr|ill moved and Jim M seconded to approve the minrrtes of February 8. The vote was 4-0, Jim V abstaining. 3. Request to amend zoning code to add new district called Arterial Busjness. (Scott arrjved) Dick Ryan exap'lained the memo and explained that the staff recommended that theVail Associates'west day parking loi not be included jn the rezoned'l and becauseof their reluctance to assure the Town that the area would remain parking. Dick added that the staff did not inclrrde lodge rooms in the new zone district * because the parcels were so small, and that oniy one site, VA service yard, wai lurge enough to be considered possibte lodging. Dick went on to exptain thi diiferencesbetween this memo and thb previous oie.' Steve Isom if I-plan, Inc., expressed concern over the addition of the sentence,"Surface parking shall be limited to 25% of site area.', steve a'l so objected to the requirement of a pitch on the roofs of s/12, statingthat it severely restricted Udilaings to two storjes. Diane expressed the concern that the area remain vehicular and for servicesnot ava'ilable elsewhere for residents. She was also concerned that there be enough parking, as she felt there was not enough parking in town. ,a,o Dick explained that the uses I isted were geared uses rather than gift shops, and that there wasto be in the Texaco site. PEC -2- 2/8/82 to more community-w'ide a possible offjce building The surface parking restriction was debated as vlas the requirement of the5/.|2 pitch and the fact that no lodges would be permitted. Dick then suggestedthat the surface parking restrictjon be removed. The members were poiled about their feelings on the jssues. |.lill was infavor of a 3/12 pitch, 'l eaving the lodges 'in permitted uses, and strikingthe surface parking sentence. Dan had-no problem with 3/l 2 pitch, Diane did not feel 'l odges should be fn that zone, and did not want too much'leeway for parking, scott felt the 3/12 roof was alright, and would liketo see the code allow certain parts of the bui'l d'ing hive flat roofs, andwanted to.see the_parking-restriction remain, and was in favor of strikingthe west day park'ing'lot from the djstrict. Diane added the concern that ihearea would.be upzoned so much, they wouldn't be able to put in the thingsneeded. Djck countered with the fact that now with the ileavy Service District, one could come in and get an office building with more density. Jim,added that perhaps they were forcing this the other way by requiring lessparKlng on tne surface, many businesses couldn't afford to come into the district. Jim V' asked 'if it were truly down zoned, and Dick explained that jt was reducingbulk and increasing open land which was down zoning, and increasing the trses,which was up zonin!. lJill moved and Scott seconded to approve the recommendation to amend the zoningcode as stated in the staff memo aitea z/17/92 with the fol10wing changes:a. A minimum pitch of 3/jZ be allowed on roofsb. Lodges be left as conditonal usec. Strike the 25% surface parking requirementd. Strike the west day lot from the total areae. Add convenience stores or grocery srores The vote was 3-l in favor. Diane voted against the issue, because she feltthe 25% parking restriction should remain. Jim v and Jim M. abstained. 4. Request to amend Section .l8.54 Design Revjew Gujdelines Peter Jamar explained that this was a recorrnendation to be made lo Council .After discussion, it was decided to remove Section .l8.54.085 for further stu-dy. Diane moved and Jim M seconded to reconrnend to Council the revisions to thedesign review section of the zoning code with the exception of section'l 8.54.085.The vote was 6-0 in favor. .J-O ? PEC -3- 2/a/Bzs trffi*#etF" Jim Sayre explained-that this was the third time th'is subject had come before theboard' The first.time.there wis-no"iuoienc-e-participation, the second time therewas objection to the ticensingl-ro-ni, fi," iii"rii;gGri had been dropped. Hefurther explajned that the-sp"i.iii ij.u"ropment nirliiiii had been added ro thedistricts allowing arcades' .niir. siit<uauLr ait.i-.nori whether or not a spaceunder the Gondo'ra steps wourd be eiiiuaed fr;; h;v;;;-in''arcade in jr and wastotd that it woutd noi o"-iti"r"o"ir';il; iolitionl", .,' The Planning commission ferb that it was not.necessary to.incrude any wordingthat related to establishments thai"served .l iquor,-ii.n..-rn"re were regulatedunder liquor 'licensing. s;;i; *ouua'una .:tm I'i seiono.i'to approve Lhe reconunendedi3ii:il::rr to the coae per-in;;;;; memo or z/jttsz-iiul tn" a"rinitions as 1.1., .18.04.252 l"|ajor Arcade"Major arcade".-shitt mean-a place of business where an individual , association,partnership or corporation ma;niains more ilun ir,.""'amusement devices.l.c. .t8.04.254 Minor Arcade "Minor arcade".-shall bean a place of business where an individual , association,partnersh'ip or corporati on maintai ns t esi-ihan ioJ"-urrrement devices. In Commerciar cores l gn{ r{, add.to paragraphs 1g.24-020 c, rg.24.080 E andi?;33;?'l.ii#':;"il:ii j;jj:r;-;rrJir'not-ne vrs inie i"o,, unv publ ic way, The vote was 6-0 unanimousiy in favor of the amendments. 6.88 Peter Patten exprained the memo and added that the neighboring building, theslifer building, would be-tr.ii"a"it-u'separate issue, but was related as to3i.:il';rl;itl!;*. He expiainea -i[.-""i.o.;-i;;-";;;*Jnjin"g the er im.inatjon John Perkins representjnq ngn.Riley showed erevations and explained why he hadnoped to have the n9l^th 9:.k.to heip-ihe aesign or-the-nJrih etevation. He addedthat the appiicant T: igt strong-oi "utuinind tne Jeit.- He snoweo srides andphotographs indicating the view ioiriao'.r ana-irow-t|rJ-ui"*, wotrrd be affected. Ron Riley,'the olrner'.explained that in gctyglity he was armost rebui.lding, andthe costs were so high !;.orto noi-.;;ti $t0;'''o"io"".orird.ins the pocket park,lll-yg: willing to do some work on-il,e"bari. Jim v. was concernecr thar in theconstruction process, there wourd-o.unlo".**ent of the buirding codes. He wasassured there wourd be. Jim lt qu"tiror"a timing: Bil [;i;;, the person who wourdbe doing the construction..*pruin"j'til'proj".ted method. Ron.added that hehad to do all of the construction wiirin 6 months, and was pushing for 3 or 4nonths' lrlill wished^to__require f.aca.je ptans jf all the worlllr.'itijio":mj";r.l-,i?:id-nbi ai",qi=iFn a certajn am-ornr-iii [iil.iofi.d?!f,pgg ti*". More discussion of the deck folrowed, with peter expraining that the deckwas an encroachment guqf town properiv, prrr ir'r i"ii-ii,.i"aecks on thenorth side jn senerat aia nol ;;;i";;ii and rhat was part of rhe reason forexcluding it from the recommendation. w:tt suggest.a-ihut"it be a p.lanter,John stated that that *oria nu-u...pi.ni". Diane expressed concern over lack of an.open.feeling in the front of the buiiding,and the fact that the froni "i.uitio"-jio'not "..i'Jp"ii.linn exptained thatone couJd see the sky through ih;-;;;r;rgs and this accompl.ished an open feelina. i:'o:"'til:o,ilfrt;il.'::::l"o ii.,ii}L?," rhe modifications to the Gariery buirdins . amendment--that al ternate'ln rne-eventuality that the DU'l tding season. Scott added anBridge Streetthe end of the c -4- 2/8182 plans be shown for thebujlding could not be facade on ffnished before The vote on the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaining. The vote on the motion with the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaining. Peter Patten exprained the memo. Diane questioned whether or not the urbanDesign Guide prin encouraged the bi.nJing of buildinfi. -wirr Trout questionedthe fire code with regard to the coveri'ns";i ;f.';;;?. ui,"v. Ihe buildingqepartment was to mont.ioi th" -;;r;i;;.ijon una tire-ons-r^/ou jo monitor the design.will moved to aoorove the request per the staff memo dated 2/17/g2 with Lheaddition that ii'be.go1i1rmei-;;; I;;r;ea ,thit '.,. pr"pJiJo oesrgn and con_struction does nor j.1 un, ,ryay at i"""iire. ua:aceni ;rii;fi;:; curyent conformanceto bui i di ng code, rire_ o-raininl"i-ini"ir.riiiil.ti"nr"o.rinrurance rating.)cott seconded this. Dan added unH"iarunt that iher"'noi o. access toEne st'rage room from.the i-ii.rt]i""offjce. -ih;;;;."ilr 4_r,with Diane votinsagainstn and Dan abstaining.--oiii."iht *,ut'oil,",. oriioiis, had been criticizedror being too iaroe.,. an-d sle .-di;-r;; vote_in rauo"-or'iuiiing. two buirdings andmaking them look -r ite one bui-t"a-in"g."""sor" rert [he'riir"--in rn.rs case was smarrer. B.modification in CCI to remodel the Applicant requested to tabre to the March g meeting. Jim v moved and l{iilseconded to table this item a;-r&;.;;. *re-voie-"ui'6-o in favor of tabling. Dan moved and scott :f.glq.g to haVe Jim Morgan the rnenber to be on DRB for themonths of March, April and llay-ntifr-OJn', chairman, as alternate. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. o ON 1. a PLANNiNG fu\D ENVIRONN{ENTAL COI'{VISSI February 22, 1982 Election of chairman and vice-chairnan. Approval of rninutes of neeting of February 8, lg82. Request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code to add a new zone districtcalled Arterial Business for an area west of vail Lionshead including vailAssociatestwest day parking lot, Vail A5sociates' shop and yard area, LagleValley Water and Sanitation site, ol-d Town shop site, Chevron site, Floly Cross Electricrs yard site, Texaco site, Voliter Nur.ser,v site and the 61en Lyonoffice building site. Request to anend section 18.54 Desi.gn Review Guidelines of the zoning code specifying information which nust be subnitted with the applieatj-on for <iesignreview board, setting forth design review board procedurei and details. Request to amend the zoning code to include definitions of "maj or arcade,r'Itninor arcade" and "anusenent device. " The request is to amend the following zone districts: conunercial cores I, II, and rI1, commerci-ar service center,public use, parking district, public accorunodation district, special Develop- ment Districts 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 and 11. Major arcades will be subject toconditional use revlew. In ccr and rr, rnaj or arcades will be restrictedto basement or garden levels Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to remodel the GalleryBuilding (ore House Building) to add a condominiun on a new third level above grade as well as redesigning the entrance to the Ore House, expand ingthe restaurant toward the west and adding and rernodeling second flooi officespace. Applicant: Ron H. Riley. 7, Request for exterior alteration and modification i:r ccr to renodel theSlifer Building in order to add storage space on the lst floor, office spaceat the rear of the 2nd floor and a deck and windows on the Znd fl"oor. Appli-cant: Rod Slifer. 8- Request for exterior alteration and modification in ccl to al1ow theLodge at vail to construct Harryrs Bar. Applicant has requested thatthis item be tabled until the Mirch Bth *""iittg. Applicant: LodgeProperties, Inc, 4. 6.t*\ 'l PEC -3- ,fiu,t 5.Request to amend the zoning code to incluoe defjnitions of "nnjor arcade-,,nor a rca e. an amusement devi ce pla lJT.l:tTn:-i]lli"f.'i:ulnlll'",]:'-lh:,.lli:!^t1ry,!nls subjecr had come before theboard-. The fjrst tjme there *ur-no,-urjlrrru Lrrrre Lnls suDJect, had corne before the was objectjon'io-1," t.icenci.,n l:lt.,*. lllticipation., the second t;me itrereH;d:*.:l;il,llo'ff;"1,:;:,lf:,:l"ny"lli_iiitiijld,ijJ.i';.I"f;.!fi.:::Jlff 'l:liilli:,:,:liilil",l::,i*'i;s:ili"ijil"il;;,li'liiJll'iii'nli.olEi'.ff:lo:i.,n! ffi 3'' i*: EIH:; :,.1i::;j:,,,ili:i"::ili::q,ti,.!J'i[]il'',f;ltnli"l".ll;0".:0.,::iii5'.;3i g*:11,,::f ;_:;:; f _;i,"{iiigil=i;;";:"iil';..1:::E! ?; ??,"i,'fi::told that it woutd noi oe arro*"a-in';ffi ioll'ri';;] The Plannino conrrilsl'9n felt that ;a I::^l.i=lg:essafy to incrude any wordinsthat relatei to establishments ihat"served liquor, since these were reguiatedunder liquor licensing' s."ii t"r-a and Jim u r".onouJ-to approve the recomnendedilii:il:lt' to the codE per ih; ;;;;; memo or zttttaz-iith the derjnjtions as l.b. .l8.04.252 fiajor Arcade"Major arcade"-shitt rnean-J place of business where an jndivjdual , association,partnership or corporation mainiains more tr-l.n irr."" amusement devices.l.c. .l8.04.254 Minor Arcade "Minor arcade" shall bean a place of business where an individual , associat.ion,partnership or corporation mainiains ress inun ior.-umusement devices. In Commercial Cores_I :nq jJ, add. to paragraphs 1g.24.020 C, 1g.24.080 E andl?;33;l'l,ii;i.:;:il:ii ::jj;i;";ha"ir'not-be visibre i.o,, uny publ ic way, The vote was 6-0 unanimous.ly jn favor of the amendments. 6. Peter Patten exprained the memo and added that the neighboring buj 1ding, theslifer building, wourd be tr"u'i"i"u-r". separate issue, but was rerated as to:i'til";"liit3!;o, He expiain"a -ir,u-""J'on' roi-'".;;;';;;s the er iminat jon John Perkins representing Ron Ri]ey showed erevations and explained why he hadhoped to have the n911 jgci.to h;rp-tne oesign ot-ihe-north erevatjon. He addedthat the appiicant y:: lgt strong-on retaining the deck. He showed srides andpnotographs indicating the view iorr:a0., and-how t[u-ui"*, wor.rrd be affected. Ron Riley,'the owner'.exprained that in gctyal ity he was armost rebuirdinq. andthe costs were so r,19i, 1;r;;;i;;;"."*it Sio,o"oo io.'r"or:rdins the pockei park,but was willinq to do sorne work on-t[6"part<. iim v.-*ui-ion.erned that in theconstruction piocess, there wouro-o".nio"."ment of the buirding codes. He wasassured there wourd be. Jim N qr*ri;or"u tir;ng. do[ R;;;, the person who wourdbe doing the construction. "*pra'rtnuj'[i'i p.oi".ied method. Ron added that hehad to do att of the construction utnin'o irontfii, a;;';;, p.rshing for 3 or 4npnths. }rlill wished._to__Tq, jre fa66s1g plans jf al I the worxliritijio,^:H:.ir"!',ii:ja-;;; l;"ii=irn a cerrain amo,ni-b[ yi""i"L"d?!",p1[ ti'"' O1 ?r- ,,ff, More discussion of the deck fo] 'r owed, with peter explaining that the deck\q,as an encroachment gugf.town property, plus the fatt tf,al"Uecks on thenorth.side in generar did not *o.[-*uii and that was part of the reason forexcluding it from the recommendation. l.Jill suggeii"o'ilut-it be a planter,John stated that that would be u..uftuUi". Diane expressed concern over lack of an.open.feeling in the front of the building,and the fact that the front e'revation-Jia'not..uo ip"n.'iJnn exptained thatone could see the sky through the openings and this i..orpiished an open feering. Jim v moved and l{ill seconded !o-gpprove the rnodifications to the Gallery buildingas-per the staff memo dated 2/11'/82- Scott added an amendment__that alternateBridge.Street in the.eventuat itv ifiul-iiethe end of the buildtng season. plans be shown for the facade on buj'l ding could not be finjshed before /. Request fo" ""t _C!l_!q remodel thesl-.reTBuid-ils. Peter Patten expiained the memo. Diane questioned whether or not the UrbanDesign Gujde Plan encouraged the utenJing of buildings. -il.ill Trout questionedthe fire code with resard-to the coverJ;d ;i ;#';;;?" uiruv. -ir,"iriri;r.i' department was to moni-ioi th"-;;r;i;;ction and rhe DRB "ouri'"*oniiil #'ljiYn". Will moved to apDrove^ll: I:gr:rl per the staff memo dated Z/17/BZ with theaddition that it'be.confirmed and issured.that the proposed des.i gn and con_struction does not 'in any ;;t ;i;";";ile-adjacenr urlrjlng;s current conformanceto buitd'ing code, fire oroinini.i-ini".r.rliiiiJti"ni"or"inrurance rating.scott seconded this. D{ added an ir"iarunt that there not be access tothe storage roon from.the t"ui "tt.i. office- ii'. u"i.""-s 4-l with Diane votingagainst' and Dan abstaining'--o;."e'i*rt tirii oilre. rriioirg, had been critjcizesfor being too laroe., and sie.-;i;-r;;'vote in favor or taking two buirdjnqs andmaking them look i.I'ke on" bri"l"Jin"gl''usor" rett itre siat*-in this case was_smaller. The vote on the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaining. The vote on the motion with the amendment was 5-0 in favor w.i th Dan abstainino. 8' 199!gs!.fgr,glel_ior arteratjon and moa;rication jn ccI to remoder the -l=goge at Vail to con Applicant requested to tabre to the March g meeting. Jim V moved and wilrseconded to table this item as requested. The vot6 "ur-o-o in favor of tabling. Dan moved and scott seconded to haVe Jim l4organ the menrber to be on DRB for themonths of March, Aprir and May widr-oin, chairman, ur-uJtu.nutu. The meeting was adjourned at b:40 p.m. t,. ..7 pr -J.'t, MEI0RANDLJI,I TO: Planning and Environmental Conmis s ion FROM: Departnent of Community Developnent/Peter Patten DATE: February 17, 1982 SUBJECT: Request for exterior alteration under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan for the Gallery Building. Applicant: Ron H. Riley THE REQIJEST The Gallery Building currently houses Runours night club on the basement 1eve1., the ore House Restaurant on the first or street level ald office and storage space on the second and top levels. The proposalfor remodeling the building includes a totally new exterior appearance of stucco and redwood, a new third level l uxury condominiuu, addition of restauraut,offrce and storage areas and revisions to the entrances and exists of thebuj.lding. The proposal is sirnultaneous and harmonious with t.he exteriorncdification request for the neighboring Slifer Building (considered a separateapplication) and includes several improvements on public property r^;hich are stipulated in the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. 'l.'he improvements(via landscaping and several sitting benches) of the Toun-ou:re<l propertyto the north of the building is being proposed as well. the follorving is a floor by floor detailed account of the changes proposed,: .a. ' Basenent Level t, Add 338 square feet of storage area to the east side. b. 2. 3. Add i30 square feet of dining room space to the west (Bridge Street)side of the Ore House. This brings the west wall to the property l ine. Reinodel the entry to the Ore House orientingBridge. Add a north side dining deck proposed to beof Vail property. Rernove existing rock w.all on Bridge Street. benches recessed from fron the street by new 5. rnstall 'lror'r'n of-vail" pavers on entire area fron entTy tothe ore liouse all the way across Bridge street and no"r-ih to theCovered Bridgc. it toward the Covered cantilevered over Torm Replace with two public rock wal 1 planters . c]'y1, Remove existing east (rear) Town property. Rernodel into feet including new fire exit area of 84 squarc feet, "-^ Second Floor Bldg -2- 2/17/82 side encroachment of storage area onto snal ler storage area of 254 square and -service entry and additional bar d. I t. Add 865 square feet of office space to north and east sides. v2.Construct outdoor deck overl ooking feet of office space on r+est side. Third Floor Bridge Street and add 35 square t- Y 1. Construct new floor containing approximately 1938 square feet condominium. A, COMPLIANCE TITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAT CORE I ZONE DISTRICT 18.24.010 Purpose .The connercial core 1 district is intended to provide sites and to naintain the unique character of the Vail Vil lage conmercial area, with its mixture of lodges and conmercial establishnents in a predominantly pedestrian environnent. The dj-strict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appTopriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the naintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arangements of bui.ldings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuatlon of the building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the vil1age. The Department of Comnuni ty Devel opment considers that this psoposal is in keepi"ng with the purpose of the Cornmercial Core I District. The proposalwill not only accomplish two objectives of the Urban Design Guide Plan, but will serve to drastical ly inprove the aesthetics of the entire building. B. . COMPLIANCE WIT}I TTIE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN 1. Sub-Area *Colcepls ' The proposal dj.rectly addresses two sub-area concepts of the U.D.G.P. a, Sub-area Concept lB: ,'Facade ilnprovements. Increased gound floor tTansparency.tr This is directed toward the western elevation to inprove the attractiveness and visibility into the restaurant for. nore pedestrian interest. Proposed are threc large windows broken up into smaller pines to accomplish the objective of increased transparency. The buildingwill also cone out to the property line--closer to the pedestrian-- so that the desired effect is achieved. eurr"lsrag . j- 2/Lt/82 b. Sub-area Concept 19: "Feature area pavingently to core area. rr One of thc goals oi the Urban Design Guide Plan was to identify the areas of entry into vail Village with special Paving tleatments. The covered Bridge is the main entry into the Vil lage and the plan calls for pavers to be introduced in this area. The proposal includes these pavers. 2." Pedestrian i zation The proposat should substantial ly imPlove pedestrianization by providing sitting benches off Bridge Street in an attractive atmospirere of stone planters as well as allowing u"""ir to an inproved open space area to the nolth of the builCing. The area between the Creek and the building has a long, complex history of itternpts to improve it with landscaping, etc. This proposal would accomplish such impiovement by a private sector initiative and be beneficial to the Town as well as to the apPlicant. Pedestrianization is improved by the installation of the "Town of Vaj-l Pavers" on the south side of the Covered Bridge. This gives a special identity to entering the Core area, Streetscape Franework The streetscape framework will be improved r+ith the rernoval of the existing stone wa11 and replacing it wi-th pedestrian benches recessed from the street. The new stone planters should be attractive and add additional color to the streetscape, Also irnproving the streetscape framework is the restaurant expansion and ne" decks on the Bridge Street side, This adds visual interest and increases the total street 1ife. Street Encl osure The street enclosure frorn a pedestrian on Bridge Stteet point of view will not be significantly changetl. The condomini.um j.s set back to the east so that it is not visible frorn Bridge StTeet. However, adding interest and a small anount of enclosure and interest r+i1l be the deck and planter for the condominiurn which fronts on Bridge Street. Street- Edge The street edge should be improved with the pedestrian benches and flower planters. Bui_1ding Height The proposal comes very close to but does not exceed the Urban Design Guide Ptan height restrictions. 62% of the footprint of the building remains below 30 feet, while 60% is the requirernent. i J. 4. 5. 6. I Gallcry BIdg -4- ?/17/82 7. Views 'ltre proposal does not affect anyglr:ting" view corridors. But a cornplcte view analysis has been completed and will be presented to the Planning and Environnental Cornrnission at the public heari.ng for the impacts created by the new condoninium on the top floor. The rnain vlew corridor which could be :rffected is fronr the transportation structrlre to the Clock Tower. The st.aff is convinced that the design of the third level has been accompli,shed so that this very important view will be totally unaffected. Deliveries and service will remain via the alley on the rear. 9. Vchicle Penetrati on a Vehicle penetration will be substantial ly improved with theof a trash compactor on the east side of the buildJ.ng. This the necessary trips to remove trash and, thus, accomplishes objectives of the Urban Design 6uide PIan. 10. Srur/shade instal lat ion will reduce one of the The only sun/shade issue here concerns the proposed northern deck. Thestaff feels this is an impractical request in that north-facing decks simply do not work in Vai.l. The deck will receive very little sun andis proposed to be cantilevered over Town ouined property, The north side of the building has already been enclosed once to acconnodate thebar, and now the applicant wishes another addition over Town property which rve consider unnecessary and inpractical . The Town council hasa policy not to pexnit encroachnent ;f this nature. ZONING CONSIDEMTIONS 1. Uses c, All uses existing and proposed are pernitted on their respective levelsin Conrnerci"al Core I. 2. Density Contro.l The site is 3160 square feet which allows 2528 square feet of GRFA bya 80eo rule. Proposed is 19i8 sguare feet of gross residential floorarea. Coverage The urban Design Guide plan alrows addit,ional coverage to accomplishbuilding additi.ons conforming to the plan. Landscap ing No reduction in landscaped areas is proposed. 3. 4. 3l tl Ga11 Brde -5- 2/t7/82 the additional restautant seats, final deterrnination will be issued according to the aPProved ery o D. RECOMMENDATION The Departnent of Corununity Development recommends approval of the nodifications to the Gallery Building and the surrounding area. We are pleased that the building will be inproved both aestheti.cally and functionally and should rnake some dramat ic improvenents on lower Bridge Street. Pedestrianization will be irnproved by.the new streetscape and the inproved pocket park area next to Gore Creek. The pavers should also inprove this nost important entrance to the Village. The conditions of approval are as follows: 1. The appl icant agrees to parti.cipate in and not remonstrate against a spelial improvenent diitrict for Vait Village if and when adopted. 2, The north side deck proposal be excluded from the proposal. 3. The applicant agrees to install at his own expense the landscaping for the park area near the creek, his share of the trash cornpactor and enclosure, the pavers proposed,. the stone planters and benches and a street light long Bridge Street and the stairs from Bridge Street entering the park area as well as the benches in the park. 4, The appl icant agrees to particiPate in and not renonstrate against a nini- i-mprovenent district if one is formed to inprove Bridge Street fron the Covered Brldge to Gore Crdek Drive with pavers and landscaping, Parking and Loading A parking fee will. be assessed for office space and condornin ium. The assessed before a building Permit plans. .\rr'1 1(:l; l:; lll .iil:liY t;1il ttt,t tltc l'lrtttrtttt,' ;rtr(l lillvi,',,,,0,t', I 'Iown of Vail wili lroltl a pul;l ic hcarirrg .iir accord:rnce wittr of the Zoning Codc o1: the'l'or,rn of Vail on l;cbrttary 22, 1982 the council chlmbo's in thc Vail Municip;rl lluildi-ng. Public heari"ng and considcration of: (lirriri[i -ssion 01] I rir' 55'ction 18.66. 0(ri) at 2:00 p.fll. in 1. Request to amend the Tor+n of Vail Zoning Code in accordance with Sections 18.66.100 through i8.66,160 to add a new zone district called Arterial l3usiness for an area west of Vail Lionshead including Vail Associatcsr wcst day parking lot, Vail Associates' shop and yard area, Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation district si.te, the old Town of Vail shop site, the Chevron service station site, lloly Cross Electrlcrs yard site, the Texaco service station site, Voliter Nursery site and the Glen Lyon Office Building site. The new district would allow a limited and specified amount of connercial , office, heavy service, gencral service, lodge and employee residential uses along with public utility and yard uses. Applicants: Chevron USA Inc, Alfred Wi-lliams, Holy Cross Electric Associ-ation, Inc,, Bob Boliter, Vail Associates, Inc., Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District, Town of Vai1, and Andy Norris. 2. .Request to arnend Section 18.54 Design Review Guideli-nes of the .zoning code in accordance r*ith Sections 18.66.100 through 18.66,160 specifying information whj.ch must be subnj-tted with the applicatj-on for design review board, setting forth design revi-ew board procedures and provi.<ling details thereto. Applicantl Torm of Vai1. 3. Request to amend the zoning code in accordance with Sections 18.66.100 through 18.66.160 so that it includes definitions of "major arcade," "minor arcade and tranusernent device.'r The request is to amend the following zone districts: Conrnerc ial Cores I, II, and III, cornrnercial service center, public use, parking district, public accorunodation distrj.ct, Special Development Districts: 2 - Northwoods, 3-Pitki-n Creek Park, 4-Cascade Village, 5- Vail Run, Sirnba Run, 6-Vai1 Village Inn, 7-The lvtarriott Mark, 8-Fal lridge, 10-Val1i-Hi, 11- Highland Park. "Major arcadcst' will be subject to conditional use review. In Conmercial Cores I and II, najor arcades will be restricted to basenent or garden 1eve1s. Applicant: Town of Vai1. 4. Request for exterior alteration and modification in Comrnercial Core I Zone District in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail Munj-cipal Code to remodel the Gallery Building (Ore House Building) located on Parcel A, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing. The request j.s to add a condonriniun on a new third level above grade as well as redesigning the entrance to the Ore House, expandj.ng the restaurant toward the ivcst and adding and remodeling second floor office space, Applicant: Ron ll. RiIey. 5. Requcst for cxtcrior alteration District in accordirnce with Sc:ction renodcl the Slifcr: Iluildi.ng located Iril ing in orcler to add storirllc space r:ear of thc 2nd f ioor.an<l ir dcck and ApPl icant: Rod Il . sl ifcr. and rnodification in Cornmercial Core I Zone 18.24.0(rS of the Vail trlunicipnl Codc to on Plrcel ll, Block 5, Vail Village First on the lst floor, office space at thc windols on the 2nd {iloor. : TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I!fr1!0RANDtlM Planning and Envi-ronnental Coruni.s sion Departnent of C orunun ity Devel opnent/Peter Patten February 17, 1982 Request for exterior alteration under the Vai.l Vitlage Urban Design Guide Plan for the Gallery Building. Applicant: Ron H. Riley THE REQIJEST The Gallery Building currently houses Runours night club on the basenentlevel., the Ore House Restaurant on the first or street leve1 .and office rr and storage space on the second and top levels. The proposalfor remodeling the building incl,udes a totally new exierior appearance of. stucco and redwood, a new thj.rd level luxury condoninir-un, addition of restaurant,offrce and storage areas and revisj.ons to the entTances and exists of thebuilding. The proposal is simultaneous and harrnon ious with the exterj.ornodification reguest for the neighboring Slifer Building (considered a separateapplication) and includes several improvements on public property whichare stipulated in the vail village urban Design Guide Plan. The inprovenents(via landscaping and several sitting benches) of the Town-ouined propertyto the north of the building i.s being proposed as well. The following is a floor by floor detailed account of the changes proposed: a. 'Basernent Level 1. Add 338 square feet of storage area to the east side. 1. Add 130 square feet of dining roon space to the west (Bridge Street) side of the Ore House. This brings the west wa11 to the property 2. Remodel the entry to the Ore House orienting it toward the Covered Bridge. 3. cf. Add a north side dining deck proposed to beof Vail property. Rernove existing rock wa1l on Bridge Street, benches recessed fron from the street by new cantilevered over Town Replace with two public rock wall planters. 5. Install tTown of Vail" paver5 on .entire area from entry tothe Ore House all the way across Bridge StTeet and norih. to the Covered Bridge. 6.Remove existing east (rear) Town property. Renodel intofeet including new fire exit area of 84 square feet. Second Floor Gal lery Btdg -Z- 2/t7/82 side encroachrnent of storage area onto snaller storage area of 254 square and service entry and additional bar 1 Add 863 square feet of office space to north and east sides. Construct outdoor deck overlooking Bridge Street and add J3 squarefeet of office space on west side. Third Floor 1. Construct new floor containing approxinately 1958 square feet condoniniun. ! COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAT CORE i ZONE DISTRICT'' I8.24.010 Purpose The connercial core 1 district is intended to provide sites and to maintainthe unique character of the Vail Village conmercial area, with its nixtureof lodges and conrnerc ia1 establishments in a predoninantly pedestrian environment. The district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the pellnitted tfpes ofbuildings and uses. The district regulations in aclordance with the VailVillage urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site developrnent standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance andpreservation of the tightly clustered arangenents of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation ofthe building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village. The Departnent of conmunity Devel opnent considers that this psoposal isin keeping with the purpose of the Comnercial Core I District. The proposalwill not only accomplish two objectives of the urban Design Guide ptan,- but will serve to drastically iurprove the aesthetics of the entire bui.lding. B, COMPTIANCE WIIH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAI{ DESIGN GUIDE PLAN 1. Sub-Area Concepts The proposal direct.ly addresses two sub-area concepts of the U.D,G,P. a. Sub-area Concept 18: rrFacade inprovenents, Increased gound floor transparency. " This is directed toward the western elevation to inprove the attractiveness and visibility into the restaurant for nore pedestrian i.nterest. Proposed are three large windows broken up into srnaller panes to accomplish the ob jecti.ve of increased transparency, The buildingwill also cone out to the property line--closer to the pedestrian-- so that the desired effect is achi.eved. 2. i Gallery Bldg *5- 2/L7/82 b. Sub-area concept 19: "Feature area paving€ntry to core alcea.rr Oneof the goals of the Urban Design Guide Plan was to identify the areasof entry into vail village with special paving treatnents. The coveredBridge is the nain entry into the Village and the plan calls for paversto be intToduced in this area. The proposal includes these pavers. Pedestrianization The proposal should substantially improve pedestrianization by providingsitting benches off Bridge Street in an attractive atrnosphere of stone planters as well as allowing access to an irnproved open space area to the north of the building. The area between the Creek and the building has a long, conplexhistory of attenpts to inprove it with landscaping, etc, This proposal would accouplish such improvenent by a private sector initiative and bebeneficial to the Town as well as to the applicant. Pedestrianization is inproved by the installation of the "Tori'n.of Vail Paversil on the south side of the Covered Bridge. This gives a special identityto entering the Core area. Streetscape Framework The streetscape framework will be improved with the renoval of the existing stone l.val1 and replacing it with pedestrian benches recessed fron the street. The new stone planters should be attractive and add additional color tothe streetscape. Also irnproving the stxeetscape framework is the restaurant expansion and new decks on the Bridge Street side. This adds visual intexest and increases the total staeet life. Street Encl osure The street enclosure fron a pedestrian on Bridge street point of view willnot be significantly changed, The condoniniun is set back to the east sothat it is not visible fron Bridge Street. However, adding interest and a snall anount of enclosure and interest wi1l be the deck and planter for the condominiuur which fronts on Bridge Street, Street Edge The street edge should be irnproved with the pedestrian benches and flowerplanters. Building Height The proposal cones very close to but does not exceed the urban Design Guide Plan height restrictions. 62% of the footprint of the building renains below 30 feet, while 60% is the requirenent. 3. )l 6. Gallery Bldg -4- 2/I7/82 7. Views The proposal does not affect any existing view cdrridors. But a cornplete view analysis has been conpleted and will be presented to the Planning and Environmental Corrunission at the public hearing for the impacts created by the new condoninium on the top floor. The nain vj.ew corridor which could be affected is from the transportation structure to the Clock Tower, The staff is convinced that the design of the third level has been acconplished so that this very important view will be totally unaffected. Service a.Ld Pelivery Deliveries and service will remain via the a1 1ey on the rear. Vehicle Penetration R o Vehicle penetration will be substantially improved with theof a trash conpactor on the east side of the building. This the necessary trips to remove trash and, thus, acconpl islt-es objectives of the Urban Design Guide Plan. Stm,/ shade installationwill reduce one of the 10. c. The only sun/shade issue here concerns the proposed northern deck. The staff feels this is an impractical request i-n that north-facing decks sinply do not work in Vail. The deck will receive very 1itt1e sun and is proposed to be cantilevered over Town owned property. The north side of the building has already been enclosed once to acconrnodate the bar, and now the applicant wishes another addition over Town property which we consider unnecessary and irnpractical , The Town Council hasa policy not to permit encroachrnent of this nature. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS 1. Uses All uses existing and proposed are pernitted on their respective levels in Cornnercial Core I. 2. Density Control The site is 3160 square feet which allows 2528 square f,eet of GRFA by a 80% rule. Proposed is 1938 square feet of gross residential floor 3, Coverage The Urban Design Guide Plan al1ows addit,ional coverage to accomplish building additions conforning to the P1an. 4. Landscaping No reduction in landscaped areas is proposed. Gallery Bldg -5- 2/r7/82 5. Parking and Loading A parki.ng fee will be assessed for the additional restaurant seats, offi.ce space and condorninium. The final deternination will be assessed before a building pernrit issued according to the approved plans. D. RECOMMENDATION The Departnent of Corunrn ity Developnent recommends approval of the nodifications to the Gallery Building and the surrounding area. We are pleased that the building will be inproved both aesthetically and furctionally and should nake sorne dramati.c inprovements on lower Bridge Street. Pedestriani zation will be irnproved by the new streetscape and the inproved Pocket park area next to Gore Creek, The pavers shoutd also improve this nost imPortant entrance to the Village. The conditions of approval are r.as fol lows : 1, The appl icant agrees to participate in and not renonstrate against a special in4rroveurent district for Vail Village if and when adopted. 2. The north side deck proposal be excluded fron the proposal. 3. The applicant agTees to install at his own expense the landscaping for the park area near the creek, his share of the trash coinpactor and enclosure, the pavers proposed,, the stone planters and benches and a street light long Bridge Street and the staj-rs fron BridgeStreet entering the park area as well as the benches in the park, 4, The appl icant agrees to participate in and not renonstrate agaiast a nini- irnprovement district if one is forured to irnprove Bridge streetfrom the covered Bridge to Gore cr6ek Drive with pavers and landscaping. PEC -3- 2/8/82 5. $eguest tg lmend lhg zoning co4e to include definitions of "nnjor arcade,""mrnor arcaoe and "amusement device,, etc. J'im Sayre explained that this was bhe third time this subject had come before theboard. The first time there was no audience participation, the second time Lhere was objection to the f icens'ing, so now the licensjng part had been dropped. Hefurther exP]9jnea that the Special Development Oistiicus had been added'Lo thedistricts a'l'lowing arcades. Rick Sackbaubr asked about whether or not a ipaceunder the Gondola steps would be excluded from having an arcade jn it and wastold that it would not be allowed in that location. The Planning Conlnission felt that it was not necessary to include any wordingthat related to establishments thai-served liquor, iii,.e ttl.se were ieguiateiunder liquor licensing. Scott moved and Jim M seionded to approve lhe reconmendedamendments to the code per the staff memo of 2/17/gZ with thb'definit'ionsaa -' fol I ows: l.b. 18.A4.252 Major Arcade "Major arcade" shall mean a place of business where an iridjvidual , association,partnership or corporation maintains more than three amusement devicei. I . c. 18.04. 254 Minor Arcade "Minor arcade" shall bean a place of business where an indivjdual , association,partnersh'ip or corporation maintains less than four amusement devices. In Commercial Cores I and II, add to paragraphs 19.24-020 C, .lg.24.0g0 E andl8-26.050 E, "Amusement devices shail not-be visible rrom iriy public way,street, waikway or mall area.', The vote was 6-0 unanimously in favor of the amendments. 6. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to remodel Gallery Peter Pattei.exptainea the memo and added that the neighboring buiiding, theslifer building, would be treated as a separate issue, but wai related-is toexterior desiqn- He explained the reasons for recommending the eliminationof the north deck. John,Perkins represent'i ng Ron Riley showed elevatfons and explained why he hadhoped t0 have the north deck to help the design of the north elevation. He addedthat the applicant was no! strong on retaining the Oeck. He showed slides andphotographs indicat'ing the vjew iorridors ana-how-the-views-wouia ue arieitel. Ron Riley, the owner, expiained that jn actuality he was almost rebuilding, andthe costs were so high he could not conrnit $20,0b0 to rebuild'ing the pocki! park,but was willing to do some work on the park. jjm v. wai conceried thai in-tm'-'construction process. there would be enforcement of the building codes. He wasassured there would be. Jim M questioned timing. Bob Ruder, ihe person who wouldbe,doing the_construction explained his projecied method-- Ron adied thaL henao to clo all of the construction within 6 months, and was pushing for 3 or 4months, l,lill wished to require facade plans if all the wor(wqs *t Aon. qn time.Ron stated that if he couid nbi ao-ii-iir i teitaih atioint"iii r.rme, ne s.rmprywould not remodel at all. PEC -4- 2/8/82 More discussion of the deck followed, with Peter explaining that the deck was an encroachment over town property, plus the fact that decks on the north sjde in general djd not work wel 1 and that was part of the reason for excluding it from the reconmendation. l^/ill suggested Ehat it be a pianter, John stated that that would be acceptable. Diane expressed concern over lack of an open feeling in the front of the building, and the fact that the front elevation djd not read open. John explained that one could see the sky through the openings and this accomplished an open feeling. Scott added an amendment--that alternate plans be Bridge Street in the eventuality that the build'ing the end of the buildinq season. The vote on the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan absta'ining. The vote on the motion with the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaining. Jim V moved and t^Jill secqrd-ed to-ip-Frove the modifications to the Gallery building as per the staff memo q'6ted 2/17/82. \ \,- shown for the facade on coul d not'-be f ini shed bef ore r 7. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to remodel the Peter Patten expla'ined the memo. Diane questioned whether or not the Urban Design Guide Pian encouraged the blending of buildings. l,lill Trout questioned the iire code with regard to the cqverind of the serv-ice al1ey. The buiid'ing department was to monitqr the construction and the DRB would monitor the destlgn. l,lill moved to approve the request per the staff memo dated 2/17182 with the addjtion that it be confirmed and assured that the.proposed design and con- struction does not in any way a1 ter the adjacent bui'l ding's current conformanceto building code, fire ordinances and classifications or insurance rating. ScotL seconded this. Dan added an amendment that there not be access to the-storage room from the real estate office. The vote was 4-l with Djane votingagainst, and Dan abstaining. Diane felt that other buildings had been criticizedfor being too- larg_e, and she c-ould not vote in favor or tak'ing two buildings and making them 'look ljke one building. Some felt the scale'in ihis case was-smaller. 8. Request for exterior alteration and modification in CCI to remodel the Lodge at Vail to construct Harry"s Bar. Appficant requested to table to the March B meeting. Jim V moved and lJill seconded to table this item as requested. The vote was 6-0 in favor of tabling. Dan moved and Scott seconded to have Jim Morgan the menber to be on DRB for the months of March, April and May wjth Dan, chaj rman, as alternate. The meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. 1. 2 3. A PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 22, L982 Electi.on of chairrnan and vice-chairnan. Approval of minutes of rneeting of February g, 1gg2. Request to anend the Town of vail zoning code to add a new zone distri.ctcalLed Arterial Business for an area west of vail Lionshead including vailAssociatest west day parking 1ot, VaiI Associatesr shop and yard area, Eaglevalley water and sanitation site, old rown shop site, chevron site, Holycross Efectric's yard site, Texaco site, Voliter Nursery site and the GlLn Lyonoffice bui,ldi-ng site. Request to anend section 18.54 Design Review Gui.derines of the zoning codespecifying information which rnust be subrnitted with the application ior designreview board, setting forth desigr review board procedurei- and details Request to anend the zoning code to include definitions of ,,najor arcade,r, "'rninor arcade" and "annusenent device. " The request is to arnend the followingzone districts: cornmercial cores r, II, and rII, corunercial service center,public use, parking district, public acconrnodation district, special- Develop-nent Distri.cts 2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10 and 11. Major arcades will be subject toconditional use review. In ccl and Ir, major arcades wirl be restrictedto baseinent or garden leve1s, Request for exterior alterati"on and nodification in CCI to remodel the GalleryBuilding (Ore House Building) to add a condoniniun on a new third levelabove grade as well as redesigning the entrance to the ore House, expandingthe restaurant toward the wesi and adding and renodeling second floor officespace. Applicant: Ron H- Riley, Request for exterior alteration and rnodification i.n ccr to renodel theslifer Buildi-ng in order to add storage space on the lst floor, office spaceat the rear of the 2nd froor and a deck and windows on the 2nd. floor. Airpri-cant: Rod Slifer. Request for exterior alteration and rnodification in ccr to a1low theLodge at vail to construct. Harry's Bar. Applicant has requested thatthis item be tabled'unti1 the rdarch Sth neeting. Appricant: LodgeProperties, Inc. 6. 7 B. VAIL VILLAGEURBAN DESIGN CONSTDERATIONS VIEW CORRIDORS I'AJOB VIEW CORRIDORS i' By Lodge At vail and rhe sweet gasir rooking east. Exi.sting najor. 2. Fron l.lillow Bridge east to mountain cliffs. Existing major. 3' At north end of covered bridge between Kiosk and west entrance to lit. Haus. New 4' 0n Bridge St. near Plaza Lodge entrance looking south Riva Ridge. Existing najor 5. From center of vil'l age plaza to Gold peak over Hill Building.Existing najor 5' 0n Gore Creek Drive at Mill Creek Court Building looking southwest.Existing ninor 7' Between Pepi's and Clock Tower Inn on Bridge St. - south to sk.i mountain.Ex. rnajor. 8.FromChildren'sFountainareasouthupl,lallStreet.Existingrra3or 9' Gateway to mountain on Seibert Circle toward Iifts between Gold peak House andHill Buiiding. Exj-sting rnajor 2 steps up from photographic point on Village Transportation center lookingsouth over the village. New From mjddle of 4-r,ray stop - southeast to Gold peak. Exi.sting major Red sandstone Peak from sitzmark and Gore creek plaza Building on GoreCreek Drive. Existi.ng najor Red Sandstone Peak from Village plaza. New 0n Vail Rd., east of Holiday House looking southeast to Gold peak. Existing najor MINOR VIEW CORRTDORS 1' Gore creek Drive looking east on Gore cr. Drive from children,s Fountain Ex. major 2. (l of series of 3) Hill A'l ley looking east. Existing ninor 2- (2 ot series of 3) Hanson Ranch Road looking east to the Gore Range- New 2. (l or series of 3) Hanson Ranch Road looking east to the Gore Ranqe. New 3. Seibert Circle looking east over Cyranos. New 4' Base of steps to Children's Fountain, looking southeast New view corridor, ex. 5- Gore creek Drive at Mill creek Bridge southeast to ski mountaip. New 5' South up the alley between l Vail Place and the Hill Building. Existing ninor 7. Alley between The Lodge and Lazier Arcade south to ski mountain. New 8' Top of Village Plaza steps looking southvrest to ski mountajn. Exi.sting minor ( cont i nued ) 4 November 1981 1nLrJ. . 11. 1? 13. 14. focal point \ '7 ' 'iail Vj'llage - page 2 0f 2Urban Design Considerations 4 ilovember l9B1 " viEH CoRRIDoRs _ _. a!;r-l, - irrnor View Corridors (cont'd) 9. south of Crossroads Circle looking southeast on l,li'l low Bridge Rd. to skimountain over The Lodge. Existing minor 10- E. Meadow Drive and Vai'l Rd. from bus stop panorama view to southeast. Existing mi-nor 11. From four-way siop looking south. Existing ninor L2. E- Meadow Drive/Vail F.oad intersection looking west over fire house. Existing minor 13. south crossroads circle looking northwest to Red g6nd5lens. New 14. To Red Sandstone Peak from Children,s Fountain. Existing ninor !15' At south end of l'lillow (pedestrian) Bridge looking northwest to Red Sandstone. Ex. rftinor 16- South of Vail Village Inn tower looking east on E. l4eadow Drive. Ex. ninor 17. Steps at TRC southwest over Sonnenalp. New 18. Southeast from Vil'l age Center Circle Road over Sonnenalp. Exisding rnajor 1-9. From child*o*]s Fcuntain - northeast corner'looking north between pepi's .- '''---,.i.d. 1ne ,,r ee!.sir.* Bui lding. New 20. North on Bridge Street between Pepi's and Clock lstvgp.Existing rnajor 21. Hanson Ranch Road at Mill Creek Bridge looking northwest.Existing major FOCAL POINTS 1- Rucksack Tower fron Pepi's deck and clock rower deck.Existinc 2. ciock rower from Hanson Ranch Road bridge over Mill creek. New 3. Rucksack Tower from steps to chirdren's Fountain, Existing 4. Clock Tower from llillow Bridge. Existing 5. vail village Inn tower frorn south of crossroads circle. Existing 6. Rucksack rower from Mill creek Bridge over Gore creek Drive. Existi.ng 7. Clock Tower from Gore Creek Drive west. Existing B. Ambrosia Tower from bus stop on East Meadow Drive & vail Rd. Existing '' Reno\.gg: -Intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive to WI Sports corner. at GALLERY BUILDING ADDITION AND REM$DEN. Porcel A, Voil Villoge First Filing John M. Perk!ns, AIA November 23, l98t pate }Ap1: 1 i, :a'L J.on_?-3_-Sg.y.-f9€L_ o ! APPl,rCATroN FORM FOR ExTnRIqR ALTEIiAtloNs OR }"1OD;}'ICATIOT{S IN COMMNRCIAL CORB 1 iCCI} This procedure i-s required for alteratj-on cf arl exrsci.ntj iluitrr:rnll vrhich adcts or t"*ou-"6 apy enclosed floor area Qr oubiloor ;r.e--ic or i"pir"or"u.t of an existiirq buildjng sha11 be subject to revie\f by the plan;ring and Environmental Conunission. The applicaLion v.'i.l-l not be accepted until all inforncttiorr is subi:tj-f.Lei- llAi/.,x oF APPLrcil\NT'_- koa*l!r__lilell-_ .tl Ur, '.-ir!) D 4494 Stresolside Drive Vail , Colorado Pliol{ E, - .&?q:ll" g 9..---- B. Iisi'lE CF .hPPr,IC,\liT's RIIPRISE1{TATIVil'lo}q-!{:--t-gfEi+.ej--{14-*-_--- ADDRIJSS_ Box-355---,Yailr--Colorado - -------pLC"i:147tr=f,$45- .liUllliCRi Z/tT I S iGl'!..\T'Ji{11 ollliER LIi'--"' t, L.t.:lSCl . -IPT -r r)N F1lj'l ii10C. C0 i-.,!-ps 18+ fcr ea-cli 1-:-r-'r'1;e::i-'y' o:'rer !o ;,:, -crtiiit':i1 - y'O.a ,,/zSll,r /e1-or\ 4 ,-o{Y j-i':I,li1vl,,l4lii,:r. 5Utsr.rli;Y 0;i PitOPEIr.'i')l :[IS]^JlNil ltllli-riil:llr.TY I,Ill;,;li i-i1l-; i,tfrilTf'3i'i O.r IILI:L)IliG AN.] AtlY fi'lP]}'OVEIJLI'rTS ON TIi''-:l '1"'''-lii]. ojr TIIiI iliri.lr'l oir OI';l.I!jlts *F Al,r-, I'j;iflij:ii1.Y ;\ilJii!{-:l.l:jl: TO Tiji' P F.LlPlili).il']/ ;r.)i D Ti iii I ]t Ai'ilrlLil;i:']iS " ..;cpj.r;5; cf a sil-e p1 I1r conta:;-nji::iJ l lrr: jlt''1 ls';':i-", i":i-r:::nal j-r''n: .,.i.',c :.:l-an slr;:r,l.L be clr:niun on;l r;l;':llt-- si:e cf 2'I" x Ji" at a scale * .ti'; a V.r:r j.atir:tr of the SheCt $j.:13 ialr" gC;;1,: riii-ly bC api)l O !.'(-':(i :murri {t;' lr,':v{11.opmen{; Dlp;:r:tn'.rl:'t- if jul l''i I j''"d ; I. ,o C. D. F. G. F. t,t,:t:l ',i, il..l.i,Ca John M, Perkins/Architect, Al,A/r'qil Run Resort. 1000 Lions Ridge Loop/PO.B,266/Voit, Coto. 51ffi71fi3-4763b1$ November 23, 198I Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Cornrnunity Developnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Gallery Building Addition and ReinodelParcel "A", Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Dear Mr. Ryan: Our firrn is pleased to present the following proposalin representation of Mr. Ron Ri1ey. We have foundthe re-design of the Gallery Building to be a verychallenging process, a process that we feel has yieldeda successful solution which will be a vital improvernentto lower Bridge Street. This letter shall serve as request on behalf of Mr.Riley for you and your staff to lnitiate formal reviewof the attached proposal . Please do not hesitate to call should you or anv ofyour staff have any questions or require any additionalinforrnation involvlng this proposal. S ince re 1y ,Ill--*-* ohn M. Perkins JMP: fb PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT TO THE GALLERY BUILDING Covered Bridge Building John DobsonP. 0. Box 70Vai.l, Colorado 81658 476-1_1,67 Gasthof Gramsharnrner Pepi Gramshanmer 23L E. Gore CreekVail , Colorado 81657 47 6 - 5626 Clocktower/Gorsuchts John McBride 105 Pacific AvenueAspen, Colorado 81611 9ZS-ZI0Z Town of Vail Rich Caplan, Town Manager75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 476-7000 Slifer Q Company Building Rod Sl ifer 230 Bridge StreetVai1, Colorado 81658 476-2421_ ADDITION AND REMODEL OF THE GALLERY BUILDING This proposal primarily involves an exterior redesign of the building featuring facade and entry improvements as suggested by the Urban Design Guide plan. It also ipcludes_ .. the addition of a partial third floor housing orr" #-0" d-ft" roorn condominiurn unit . The proposal specifically includes the following: Basement Floor - A widening of the Bridge Street entry/exit to the basenent, such that this entry/exit will conforn with building and fire codes. - The elimination of the back exit the Ore House storage area and is First Fr"t{'/ttdk v'rb ,F that comes up in i11ega1. 1-Ar. A4d+r'na,l ,7.3A S.F. oF Sfop. fual2t*", e trr,.-) ng 'an addit i onal .rH€- seuare f eet of dining room space is gained by moving r r ine . 4qf" &*at Restaurant and the frorn the North side eew,.\ {: or tz. of lease- Second Floor - p_tir,_iru+ii5 1' ;-"rur;;;f - Enclosing'an ailditi able office space. - Irnproving the efficiency of the second floor for office use. Presently this floor is being used for offices and storage and was originally de- signed for residential use. 4.b 8qa s&/',',/- - An additional_15!square feet to the Ore House. This space the West wa11 to the property - A new entry for the Ore House offices on the second f1oor. - An exterior deck cantilevered of the building 7L feet. Addition and Renodel ofthe Gallery Bui.lding Page Two Proposed Third Floor I tqlb - The addition of approxinatelyfi;6€€-square feet in the forn of " %U"aroom condominiun unit and stair access sDace, DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE ADDITION AND REMODEL OF THE GALLERY BUILDING Street Edge The street edge will be irnproved with the elimination of the old Ore House porch and its rough stone wa1ls. Trans- parency will be increased with the addition of the three large dining room windows and the glass double-doored entry to the restaurant and offices. New planters and public bench are designed to be an integral part of the building and Bridge Street. Brick pavers are suggested to run frorn the South portal of the covered bridge to the South side of the building entlance. Views The third floor addition will not significantly alter any vi.ews of the Clock Tower or Vail Mountain. The proposed third floor will start 22' -6" back from Bridge street and will be only 4?-Ott higher than the Slifer buildingrs North fascia 1i-ne' The only views altered will be fron the gravel walking path on the South side of the Mountain Haus building where rnutual tree cover does not exist between that buildlng and. Gore creek. The units in that building are high enough above grade that the face of the clock Tower will always be visible. Please see Photo #14 for the projected ridge line over this view. Building Hei.ght 38% of the building footprint is over j0,-0' in height but will not exceed 34t -0", based on an average footprint elevation of 8,159r-0''. 62% of the building footprint remains below 30 '- 0" . Design Considerations for theAddition and Remodel of theGallery Building Page Two Pede s tr iani zat ion The proposal suggests the creation of a forrnal pocket park between the Gallery Building and Gore Creek. This would be a sumner space only and would be a "dead end" relief space fron Bridge Street traffic. Increased landscaping, benches, hard and soft edges and possibly sculpture exhibits could happen in this space. The cantilevered deck would create a nice visual connection between people on the deck and people using the park. Thi-s deck would be for sumner use only and would be elevated above the park with private views to the creek. Vehicle Penetration Will not be affected by this proposal. Streetscape Franework Streetscape will be greatly enhanced with the new trans- parency of the building and the added interest of the exterior decks and planters stepping up in a relief pattern. The pro- posed third floor will not be visible frorn Bridse Street. Street Enclosure street enclosure will be improved with the new lowering of the south half of the existing building across and the step- ping back of the decks in that area. |.i{ 8.{ If,i ul i t:,1 t..i.'rll ittj *,.:' .1h _t-.4. ,tr. : .! .q 't I L ;- -r'-- =11 12 . :,.,. j ll+ r,t - i., ' l:'Ni a..,i.-s.I! F ,51 !I6 5t lJd tnwn\l-liilD -C:lt ( ( .t' / ;.s1, ),- ;te6"'l- 5.rtTs z /, z/tz &lry /.-.,r 5tz€ - (-,'a t't r .t +i- ) { {frtr;r,*gg -- K tdoS ,7r,/o / {640/u,. o / '' /'<'t*'-''/Q'( ,-l /u * "y*37 ?o .Jr-.nt& tt lr(, . I/-K h/ q qL'/ +*-1fr",^0"7% / 2. //'7a/- - zuz-d?4t ,/)U4r4^ 47u't;&;r.drrrz l/dA;L- foa,-fwi?nLTr"A'*ry ft'"f^;y b,J^ ,2 - a Fz-r6taa^tu-try ry,*'1 b. 2: /u<i/b lt;rouzt. a t-*7 tt* dp- ot D e. qfqerttfrc rurnryw-,r+- fk?^rt/\? 1r'rt4 Lr-4^;4 q?av" ur^t/- ? ..1nn *Vird-Otut ft^ fnaZ.aztu.-f aa b// U:tAf'ua-fllo;^lu tlryv4 - ,75 'l nft,t w-ar\jth 4-l- l^rl aF. +&t-/hlrfii^1 ' @ erre Iu/,frrr,ttvai AZ -^/bt^r,4iz" a7 d,h a^+ a/1/4,_ Araaru pA h,;rtl, ewa,?t€r^^' t"X Ul*iot- tlAa,+-t Stcf ktlr- )+ Z"d/ ,@di?^/vc &tazta. Vlails dhd ?ae{ (1,t"^"eflntun 6nv_ t7.r"r,f r-n frzr,n^ f/L{W7_ {. c*,t' Lr< W ,fi^}aL ,-d Ua,ft_ Vtw_rila,q._ &1""A"l-J""'*^t, ++*) 2 7{ ftj,t4dl<- arrfiry J" fffi f{,,tu/t/L' ,r-W p"4,4 V. UylloL WJ,rn/t^1 ftt amnu+ +r-d *rtrear glJqntilw t r- e? M p,vnnzca:;;;* t- ,+t I fuvt F"t;f b Vetuiw E. o l^/14ir1-. % f fr -d4at ta .M-Z L.?J- t /fir*aW<a nr.as( 4C- - t?44;l.0.t ,14.n'.-r^ PI,ANN ING A\ID EN VI RONNI] JNTAI, COI,IM I SS 1 ON Dccember 14, l981 PRi]SENI' Scott Edwards lVil l Trout Gerry l{hite Dan Corcolarr Duane Pi per Jim l{organ ABSENT Ro5ler Tilkerneier The meetlng was cal 1ed to fol lowing a work scssion STAFF lJi.ck Ryan Peter Patten Petcr Jamar Jin Sayre Betsy Rosolack order at 3 : 00 p . n. by chal-rnran , Gerry lVhite ,on CC4 zoning and revised .Red Lion plans. l. Approval of thc Erireles of the Noveml.rcrJj, 19g1 jl]_eetJrg. ljill niovedand DuaricFncc?fffis. The vote irai 5-0, unanimous. Peter Patten showed site plans showing ner,i lines rvith thc olcl property linesirl red' He explailred why the staff rJconrcendecl app::oval and Ken iuitron ""1rr*="ntingthc p1'operty owners explained that a clriveivay encroachnent on lot ll ivas tobe efiminated with the resubdivision, Dan explained that no a.11owablc GRFA changes would occr-rr. Duane voiced conc-ern abouilot lines regarding the distance betwccn ih" buitalngs. leter assuaged theirconcerns ' Scott moved and lVi11 secon<led to approved tl-ie request for a nrinorsubdivision. The vot-e r\ras 5-0 in favor r^ritrr ban abstai'ing.' 2.R st for a n:inor srrbclivision of lots I0 and i.2 Block 1 Potat irPatch.Applicant:CDS Entcrprises, Inc. 3. Request for a rezoning of lots 1 thlou CIif fsi dc Subdivi.sion f rornResidentiai Ciuster District RichardBrorrn, Daryl R. Burn-s, David to Single Family Oistrict. AitrlicandL. Cole, ancl Challcs I[. Roscnquist. Pet'er: Patten explainecl the nleno showi,ng the site plan ancl discusscc tire grirphsin the ncno. Phil or:dr'ray explained t-hat hc ancl Dive Sncntana each had a contr-acito b t'ty a lot if the zoning tu'ir s changc,cl , and tirat they lverc instrunental inrequesting^the -rczoning. Jirn recal.ied that whcn this subdivision rr,as anncxedano zorted Kcsldelltial clustcr it was thc intentioll to r.cconsj-cler the zoni_1gat a later date. Ile rvas itr f4vol of thc cha:rge. Dan stated tha.t hc felttlrat 1ot 6 shoulcl bc includcci. 0rdrvay c-xplainccl t}rat llosenquist (ovmcr oflot 6) ivzrs in favor of chengirrg hj.s 1ot to cluplex (prest-.rrtly he c,ourcl blrirda possiblc 3) or l)/S. Orclway stated tlurt hc rlicln't- havc t.imc to study thcaltcrn-tives in frrl I ancl so icciclcci trot to j.nclutie lot (r.ilt rho t.!_i ,ri,,,,i . ...J !RoscDqtrist told hjrn lhrrt itc (ltoscnqrrist) voulcl n.t i.n-s.i.sa o,,"trJiijtt,i*"'j",ti,l li*':tut",0rdrvly wcnt on to srirtc tlrrrt'irc<.tij"noi',t *.,1 that t.h.i:; ri,i,;-.spot zoning to_r iot (rl;.incc it rr'lrs ldjlrcr.nt 1.o I{C zoning. | -r- r2/14/sr scott agreed with 0rdr.ray addi"ng that 1ot 6 was so clif fcrcnt, there lqas noneed to considcr it wi.th thc otlicr lols. Scott addcd that he was conccrncclthat thc houscs rtot. bc built high on the ridge ancl woncicrecl if a tra<ie-offcould be nadc in this resl:cct, Ordway assurcd scott that thc houscs woulclbe dorun tlrc hil l fa.r cnough so. that tbcy woul dn , t i-ntelf. err-. with others r vicws.Ordrvay addcd that sitjng was the maln i'caion-i,jt-tfri'i"i1""it. Jin voicerlcollccrn over the visual impact, also, then said he was sure DRB r+ould taketh 31 inlo consitlcrrtion, wili moved and Lluane secondecl to rezone l.ots 1thru 5 to sirrgle Family.vote was 6-0, unaninrous.tne Dan voiced his conccrn that the home orr,ners shor+ concern irs to how high theybuild, because the owners of the Riclge ircre purposely not building on thehigh point. Gerry felt th j,s was the correct . ro,-ri,'rg Lecaur" otherwise theowners ir'ottld be couting in rqith a series of requesti for variances since theRC zone in this developmcnt made it virtually unbuiL<.labie, Prel im Rer,,iew Session fol Exterior: Alterations and l{otlif ications . 'Ihis sbssiorl was to decicle whcther or not thebe considered rra jor- - reqr.riring a 90 clay study, studY. subnr.it.ted pro j ects wouid or minor- -requiring a 60 day Al 1 of the follouiing were considered to be nrajor revisions: Gallery Builcling Sl ifer Buil rlilg Lodge at Vail - Ilarr;,rs Bar (new location) Red Lion Inn -Deck Enclosure Thc mecting was adjourned at 5:J0 p.nr. ./ rrv#noN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ,-s_--\rHUR iFBt \ f nu pvl \-/ '" --_-*---LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING -tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr_n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: E1,.. box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 - department of community development July 17, 1981 John Perk ins Box 2597 Vai1, Colorado 81658 Dear John, Just a note to summari ze our rneeting with you, Rod Slifer, RonRiley, Mike and Dick and I concerning the Ore House Building on Wednesday, July 1. .It was generally agreed that the building could use sorne work on the Bridge Street side to bring the building out to the streetfarther and increase the facade transparency in thj.s area. Discussion about adding a story over the exisitng bar area and adding an area over the northeast corner of the building also took p1ace. It was agreed that no interference with the viewof the Clock Tower fron the parking structure area should occur, John Perkins agrebd to conduct sone view analyses with photographsof the existing situation. We also concurred that a trash conpactor should be looked atas a neans to reduce trash truck visits. Also discussed was the fact that the zoning code does not peflnit offices on thefirst (or street) level as it relates tL the ,'triangle" in therear of the building, However, the Ore House could expand intothis area allowing a second level office use, Please contact me or Di-ck if there are questions or comnents Rod Slifer Ron Riley Michael S $D\ DATE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :.' se CALLER READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION:uror.r4*@)weo THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr (:^'tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIB tr vtN^L N FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rv.Y. +- a T- DATE READY FOF LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES wED @ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. g ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr fl rrr'rnr-tr FINAL |,:. tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED ..'. INSPECTOR ! j ;. ? J a c ? :: '-1 ;: .. - /3 t ='qr, :r F ..i ,{ x^:!- :::.(:: !Fr; .li]=:; - :<,ri: ,r 1F,". x<' i i i 1,, l;i I I I I I F c{ z c) z. 2o I I I I i I t1r fi I I I I ,; F.) (i, z t_, rai IE tot(l tztii r5 =h.= (:]-rui 1,Il,tl I I I I II C)z F LU-_to 0c zz ho. 0Xf;,oci oroz>-O(l<Jz o6-a" ?' ;o : (\l utF o .Jz z tr o -2. u- Lt L,,i E (u (u E E o lT &r,2 L!- IJ"I o-a O F(J nrt-azo() t:n t NLlIL'JNlVA p+.,--. 3r:.-< tr f< lsE +q6 ie L4LuQdBr 39a41 z 6qg: #;f xY<h9X:O|rJ!u<O<roclcoz rr 3; z. ;g t o -t I I I I I J z J LL F .J v a4 Y ui z -1 | l.-/a tcel4Iri{)x; *: .-1 ,l4-ttLn | -+-L) ',^1t :: { uj.1 E.nR ". ,| =>t= zl = r*Il:r t-6 t | :-, r1 ld/tJlql't.:ll1/4 I'.l)l';.t.1t?lat*ll=lo 5 H J I 6 ol l- u tA q f.l .l .Y -.1 ll,l&ao a 6'qc4:\oI ldl' tl!j (J j -{)I fl 1 1 q =i 4 7 I N ('"1 a fg ( i 4i ....1 t.v, ') 4 sg s- Ic r .+ t t-9 ;n z cq :.>- 5o Ylt I \.'" Il'.rl Tui t; 1 ;..1 ,-sr:r I o r) !g: n I l I I I Il-latr!laloI o] I o" ic G; tz.oo .i I F i I r! F UJbI...(r fi' dPcd(J rnuJ < .": 6z-8r( <o(, F- t'< Lu=dil I\ E Zt- 2t -JZ6- ,-. <; YF ;< d.*--.-€Y J<(JoaLrl llJ JO ."i5v!-,=zE/--+< -YO o\$ > \tnil lJ- IU a- S a-3 e/ a-e 35/ zZ/ 7 t ): >-)./(,"------ -....-.-..--':_t _f I ,/L/ -.2-'\ f- , Z?\c-) >z L <a I oz t-- = uJ Ooo (\l (\l o uJ LUILt = UJ(r r =Y 2z:5 z z I I I I Ilt dr -!x wt-l(l' 3r 6z Qzz I + \- $s: i:; $*j il i s$i l::azz='r > ? < As :3!;NaiEi{ r;;. S =rli rq<:r \$ N SJ.\ oro LO oo (.r, O.{ o LO cf, o O (o F =E IJJ o- z o --)5 I(J z o- tF J oz d! =: Iz I(J uJ = UJ uJu-z tr uJE() uJ 3llJtuJEz 6ul tr oo-lto z uJ (J u) Lu uJ r.L FI ul o- F t-- z o:: (D aF LU J UJ oz E3 J 9z I UJ = NOrlVntVA "( ES ;+ZztL-9 I oc!s96:F9oE-6 6 &'o66 3To z XiL!<3i 3do- !.? ;--x 2 dNA + =>c( 1Lr ,. _ >v z tr l-t! .D c (5 t!c F (y)(\J e ad UJ z E o x zIF !! J =LIJz tltttl-ltllll? z- zF EH F6-zE-F =F:ia:SBSEo?<rDE162=rllrtl||ltlE 9, ,?9 fr E: E].E iEH HEEHgB z EJ 6z IU F UJ- t! Lll = CE ; F F 6 z cr [l =a Lll F z = o-t, L!zI - F C\,I I o- f- fi38ilP sr{ z tJ- TN F J c,Eo (u d. o a/, o..|- (u !o ii =z. E I u] oo =z I F =G tr Lrltoo = F !+t (u !.rjct =oa E &. G t, !,1 o 1 o E =I! qt ule. = tr UJ(r o E u- G o t oa o - F UJz = F CJ LIJF-() < <F lrJ <zEt!F(rz *9 |*< t!=t (,ozr- >E !z <x\IFz() =#Y,z>Y E t-E i'r t,, z.o J< (.)a?.3o oz F C) uJ-) E J TIol Y-l IIJ F o Jz z zzmo>z JOo- lL ."i6 =EiaHg c, E o o IDE E o lj\. O l6E ol-Ef=E -:+-=i E =E,lrl o- =ot-ofEFozo C) E1!trL = UJ o- lJ- L! trtrtr t EASEMENT AGREEMENT ', This Easement Agreeurnt is entered into bv and between the Town of Vail, a Colorado municipal corporaEion hereinafter ca11ed "Grantor" and Rodney E. Slifer, John McBride, and Ronald Ri1ey, hereinafter referred to as "Grantees." WIIEREAS, the Grantees wish to obtain an Easement from the Grantor in certain property owned by the Grantor for the purPose of ingress and egress to and from the Grantees parking area and garbage receptacle, and W{EREAS, the Grantor is willing to grant such Easement under the terms and conditions hereinaftei set forth. It is therefore agreed as follows: (1) In consideration of the sum of $1.00 Per year Grantor hereby grants to the Grantee for a period of five (5) years from the date hereof, and Easement for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from Grantees parking area and garbage receptacle, in the following described real property located in Eagle County, Colorado: A driveway approximately 80 feet in length and 15 feet in width located behind the Slifer and Company Building, the McBride - Building, and the Gallery Building and situated in part of Tract G, Vail Village Fifth Filing' North of Gore Creek Drive, East of the McBride Building.and West of Mill Creek. (2) The Grantee sha1l , at their sole expense, maintain said Easement and keep it in good condition and repair and at the end of the Easement term return said property to the Grantor in the same condition it was in on the date hereof. (3) The Grantees agree to fu1ly indeurrify, save and keep the City harmless from any and all claims for damage to real and personal property and injuries or deaths suffered by person on said property during the term of this Easement. -- In witness whereof parties have Town of Vail i'."72By Rodney E. id McBride Ga11er Building By Rona d Riley ASEMENT AGREE}MNT Page Two Agreement lifer this 266 day the of ed this ,g8A Attest r Bu Richard Caplan, Town Clerk rng r''nf/ ,l I I nil 4,t','i!.L' ff i {- '' \'''' -t'" ,^i..TOWN OFTVAIL rrv#cnoN REouEbr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES ED THUR JOB NAM MON LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,"t"roN neoue'sr 1 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES @ THUR FRI CALLER PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION N GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED RBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -i'/-' ,''-;;3 , / /-DATE / / ./ (' JOB NAME PMAM CTION REQUEST VAIL , j SALLER ();t- o i)^.,:',,'. f READY FOR INSPECTION:MON iTUES ) WED THUR FRI LOCATION: i .r i, {}" APPROVED tr DISAPPBOVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR ,"rf"roN REeuESr DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: /-/- @ LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES TOW BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL [r*or'*ntr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION BEQUIRED (o oz F- =E uJ ri::i ,!O|.e =9 ;J 5o9!:u.! z'. <z;<azA i zl aE r=lgo 'El>Z t.-1,- NOrlVntvA Y5o3oz z tL'-Fo o o!- - ; -rFq g ;00EP dE; 6 B gE: ? 66oqtE LrlJ: IR 2ul z tr z l F qJtr I I I F == z_) tr c,'('o (tlco {J' .tt(u U' sF Iarf, o o!o ui =z (D __) I I Il+lo I I -lttl LUI ol <lj> <tF5- IIIllill"tl IJI Lr.rlIftItoll<l>t -J r-l gE tlIItl.-jl I(,t Ict Iot I"l Ixl(I,t I.vt I(ut I-ll a^t Ivtl 9l(|Jt iil tollolt<l>l JlEl <ltrt >l I o- L oo = F. uJ trI &. <F lJ.l <zE(\zo() ; LUJ LIJ >Y;c) =<ZM3F:z z L]J E !-u ;\ =o2 o z F tr.l-l dq N] C\I d1 LUF o Jz z .n= . =<oo>z O- LL )."i6 ==idd= (D o o !, .= rg =zox ot!+,Q o=5> (! ott ts =uulo-zo F(Jf &,FU'zo(J i]tJtr -!!t:EEt-t ''i ' , I I I I ji'l rii I I I I I (.\ (-a t-(': (- \-. I 6 )J o o u.t.rL dt .? ir () ; (_, ()z :< ua Go (( I:) :_-o (:) al .{(J (J \t :: ri) ) () JJ t-.,{ !il -J- i.l( ) i |,rt]tl,,\ r_ri_rfl z tLt .fia (L I I uJ ,-- c] i.{) J . t- vlO .( C{ ol $rl -l!xl I I u, :r. () aa C)t-..) .l-j (r', Z (.) (,) (l: Lt I '14 () iK .l el$l I-ulFI Il YI '{l ql dl-!i\JI 'r:l (!lr{.I.al,l .11 E t,f J VIU t- Q, -v --1- t-1 ) o v'l .) Jzoz,^o ..-.< crO :) :) J;{.{ 1!() () :- - (,1 >-' 'r- i,t: i,(3 tu l: l'tr-Ir-;t-,.rt-; i- i i:: "l!-{ia. LU fi x CI t* ) [H l"-"(n7 i! { r f c ; CJ E -:-.' - |tl r''' (, :1,LI ., .. \/r:-- l'-llr :: lrr I i:-'-: .t r l/i.,. s ?' lr'r r. t' a .: a.i --i ,:r - -.- -u (2 c(-to.i. l-c (-) () t-() a LU (:J It- l-: , !,.1(L F O l-- .( ]l I,i ) al(a .a ,:) a-- iit iii, (, ri o- C'() oz! * ra(-, (_) ati' I 7cl :j cl : l: t\lo a!.(t (t n-:)o()o !l :) <-- :)() al() 'r ,1. ,;l :::. (.) tt) | 0)'li lljl {,1 Bullding Departnent Torn of, Vall Vail , Colo 0eatlenent 0ctober al ' 1980 The foLLorlng 1e an eetlnated butldlng echedu3.e for tbe reeodel of a portion of the upeteirE of the Qre House bulldtug, 288 Brldge Streetr Vallr CoJ.o.: l. Work to begln Novenber 1r lgEO2. Rough earpentry to be conpletod l{ovenber 6r l9BO. 3. Eleitrleal inetallation to be conpleted ilovenber 61 1980. 4. Dryrall and palntlag to be conpleted Novenber 10, 1t80. 5. Cl-eau up and work conpletlou date to be I'lovenber l5r 1980. Thank you. Stnc6rel.yrr- - -{l I ;{{, \ ^V24a\/)- )Jpee Sekey Conbtructlon PO Box 847 VaLl , CoLo.teI. th9-9088 or 476-6Oe5 Bulldlng Departuelt Towll of Vall Vall, golo. Qentlenent October al , 1980 Coacernlng the propooed renodel of a portlon of, the eupstaire of tbe Ore Houee bulldlng, ?88 Brldge Street, Vall-, Colo.s al-l exterlor painting rllL be con- eletent rlth the exletLng textures and colora. $o changea ln exlstlug colors rll-L be nade. No exterlor etructural cbangee wiLt be nade. The lntent ls to epruce up the exteting bulldlng by repalnttag tlth the exlstlng color6r Thank you. Slncf,tely r/^1)twlt;H:"Hil con'tiuction Vai1, Colo. Tel. 949-5o88 or 476-5023 'l J Project Application //'D^t" /o/t /go'-'- --------------- ---1 Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: .-1r.r, i/h 2, r'1 ,' '- Legal Description: Lot / Zoning Approved: Design Review Board outu /o - /{-{uu Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official TNSPSToN REeuEsr ]OWN OF VAIL DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON trUES -,,WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: q.RETNSPECT|ON REQUT RED INSPECTORDATE 8",4 ;t^-,- a, ufd{n 1o'fr"ffi u esr TOWN OF VAIL \TE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIC,AL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr\c Frrunr D FINAL APPROVED D, REINSPECTION REQUI RED CORRECTIONS: ,t- ,'DATE INSPECTOR . -- ,i. '4)rfi cb T I = E uJ -ar=<!1< _<9r il'< rr"-"f i^9y4Z"i,<a7.azzTz.=-r >a,:!:-:: ;!r:..i <oa e<v z I I I I I Irft t<t IFtq)z l=to lotz N0[vn'rvA Ritr6<F6r'rl2Os>6 g =9oOu)c) u,J t!<CDlr (9z ii.]:< =E6f !^ao diur(r i=>+YOE.(J<oz@22 xg 1- =Z Zu- i o- 4=Y:f>Yi9 oI U>AEz>oobq.ezXrJ- <oq iu.r t: :* -= dN(J +tc,(l,ccoo (u # ! (U v\ =cjz. ?,1;l ol :l =l II t O uJtoo Eoo J fl olol 1l <l>l tltltltl|lql rtl{-l I(rl(,,1 Itrltal!91(u;Iz^l1ol<l =l JlEl <ltrt =l z) u- +t()(ugcoc) (u (,, t-(Uv) (u lr, oT (l, !O ui E z IL l" I nl 5tol<l <t =>l (J I Il- l" I sl HI xl al--{ >- >l (J d tri\?< b2 o z I Lr.l -) I&F L! J x. >Y =#]FJZo-O <F lrJ <zg.t! F-(nZ F t|-lt'r L)d. z F C) lJ.J--1oE.L o@t (f, FI Io u.l o ts =E,lrlo. Jz z .n9 =<mo>z O- L!- )dfl \J\J= =Ee dd= L]Tf qr E o o o, )lE= ctY ou-r,O OFtr>rFqt (l) \ zIF(J f E. 6zo(J . t DAn * I Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: o^r" "5- /7'ry , .."ti}' )'l ]l DISAPPROVAL seconded by: y'Ll;I,(/dL APPROVAL Sum mary: Chief Building Official a INSP#T.ION REQ.U TOWN OF VAIL*r,3-//o fr .,(/t*ry*t &r-^'t, nenoyupoR tNSpECTIoN: LOCATION: NAME CALLER WED THUR FRI PM -&ierrrrspecroN REeuTRED 'o€- BUILD!NGT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATEHtr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL N POOL / H. TUB tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: oerc z --- z--a ---? rNSpECroR 4/E---- box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 February 19, 1979 department of community development Holmes Underground Judy l^li I I bu rn Box 3.I23 Vail, C0 8.l657 Dear Judy: I am sorry for the mix-up in the requirements for the exit doorat the northeast exit of Holmes Under"ground. The misunderstanding had come about in the calculation in your occupancy 1oad. The Vail Fire Protection District had calculated your occupant load using a different occupancy'l oad per square foot than I had and bytheir calculation the exit wou'ld require panic hardware, The Fire Protection District f ist your occupancy load at 150 persons wh'ich'is almost twice what I had calculated and any occupant load over 100 requires panic hardware on the exit door. This misunderstanding has made the Fire Department and the Building0fficial aware of the overcap in our code enforcement and safetyregulation. Due to th'i s incident, we will now be working in close coordination to eliminate a conflict like this from happening again. I hope this will clear things up for you and if you have any questions, p1 ease do not hesitate to contact me- Mark l,.l. Marchus Chief Build'ing Official cc : M j ke ltlcGee, Va i l Fi re Departnrent Colecn Kline, Town Clerk MWM: caj YliIltg-P9Pgl!r-er'!lnrn P. O. Box 100 vArL, coLoRADO81657 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 228 Bridqe Street a-/ 's c 4V /, /777 Date served:Jan g' 1979 Date ot originat inspection:Januarv L9. 1979 Holmes Udnerground CORRECTION NOTICE Building address: Time served: Building name: Building owner: THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVEHS THE FOLLOWING: It uNtFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VIOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS tr SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES OTHER DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: Uniform Fire Code lq.lgq (b) All doors in or leading to exits shall be maintained openable from the inside without special knowledqe or effort or a ke.y, at all times the buildinq or area served ereb Manual I rated ed or flush mounted bolts are rohibited. ACTION REQUIBED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: Instal I nani duia he No ast exi d remove r turn door ati f rdware sha and aDDro b.y the Fire Department. ctrED ooRRECTIONS SHALL BE COMpLETEo, sy. $: 00 )iffvt. / p.M. 931s. Feb . 16 . 1g7g FAILURE TO COMPTY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO: tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. tr WATER & SAN. BUILDING OWNER,/MANAGER: FIRE DEPAHTMENT OFFICER: D VAIL POLICE DEPT. tr PUBLIC SERVICE PUBLIC WOHKS tr HEALTH INSP. EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DEPT. ,zz7r2F 7VAA.| /a,tL-- n tr (Tifle) Vail Fire Department lurn P. O. Box 100 vArL, coLoRADO81657 476-22@ 476-5613 Ext.223 Dateserved: f;t4 ,/ /; ,7o - Buildins name: /16trz'f-s' Zre&aCz-a'*t/ Buif ding owner: l-i- -f,''zo'-- Dateof originalinspection: y't-l I 2' l2 Z ? Buildinsaddres, Z ="f'Bn'/L- -Y- CORRECTION NOTICE Time served://.,30 THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING:,/ ,/tr UNIFORM FIRE CODE (U.F C.) VTOLATTONS U/Snrerv VTOLATTONS ET UNSAFE PRACTICES tr OTHER tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) vtOLAIONS tr NATIONAL FIRE CODES (NFPA) VIOLATIONS DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ?/'C-/o3 4 a/o oBJ72//€27c^LS anL 2J 2r1, Z-6tt/1 |'-{ " ACTION HEQUIRED TO CORRECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C. 1973 EDITION COPY TO:tr tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. WATEH & SAN. DEPT. VAIL POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SERVICE PUBLIC WORKS tr HEALTH INSP. EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING DEPT. .l4ttz €,arz/ R J/1,4 L <- tr n tr tr BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: ) c1{7}/? ,r-fl"- J:.,"/;Ztzrf c-xt;- / 4zZ c?g-v-fr,e/<,/7eil: S:ro/Zdddf ,6t/ a/ z,ttz rvao--7^, (.rr,r.lp.rr,r. o^r", 'z:-'e8 / ti7 (fit16) DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY roL]U***,s r'fril) ,nr* FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERT] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRlCAL: E TEMP, POWER tr HEATING E ROUGH EI EXHAUST HOODS * tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR /./ar7rr9 tr DISAPPROV REINSPECTION REQUIRED { Rca ttt Dt cbfaL Project Application Date Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Dbsign Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Date: li /' l-/ f -7 F: Darcl Chief Building Off icial Project Appliealion ''"'rrNr:i1.. ,// *-t'.?? ' Project Name: Project Description: ..-.-.r- Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial al Project Application i l-Y -T?r--EF4r- l *n ' ( Proioct Name: Proiecl Description: : Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: Design Review Board tDate ' I Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Of{icial Date:Date: o INsiPECTIil| FlEEUEsiT TOW OF VAIL JOB NAME tfj-t-cJ D orxen CALLEB n pnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ffi,* COMMENTS: E npp RovE D D uporu rur CORRECTIONS fl or snre RovE D fl nerNSPEcr D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: INSPECTOR INSiPECTIT' ',/./ t n pnnrrnl LOCATION TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL..t i, /- ..'-'t .,,.': | ,',1OATE . '" , I'' JOB NAMEz-_ _t / TIME REcEtvEo ;,., -'' aru.ptvt CALLER I :': n orxen MON COMMENTS: FEADY FOR INSPECTION THUR] ' ' i, "i FRITUEWED AM PM .l- F^PP ROV E D fl or snee RovE D D uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS D nerNsPEcr /i', /'\ .--- ,. y'.1 i.-'t -.u 11 ..'. I'ur/-c'24DATE SPECTOF FIEGIUEsiT OF i, n orxen LJ PARTIAL LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR g*mfi6iio I otsappRovED I nerNsPEcr E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coHRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DArE 8- 3 ,' -7 f- INsiPECTIfi TQWN gF FrEoHeqr VAIL JOB NAME 'I. :,q" !,\-PM CALLER E orHen fJpnnrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSP€CTION WED THURr MON COMMENTS: FRITUE AM PM f,J'aeeRovED fl orssppRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS n nerNsPEcr DATE tJ) I.IJ UJ lJ- b = UJ UJt- z zz LUF o E E. az o zz I I I I I I F F z (j z z ,l: U F a !,1 z () l e B F F F F F z z a (.) F J B zv O lrlt =g L/J oz oJ 3 co LL =E uJ F F z6 = NOtlVn'rVA dN ,<t-lEI =r390 |qzl =FdE,{ tsc{ 5$ il$ A \!, af (Jz :)() <\i z tr E. P-az TL [! F .1 t o- LU J z Eoo z tr t UJFJ =UJz z Y o- 9lu) tY.J tl-t;>'. ()ozz) F(99zaA.!.lJ IY< E ?F3z-.';{5 rUH :>(JE;o6=>U z z E It\ I ol-z f z =J UJ3 z tr .J =az UJ LIJ IL i 2 z a oat IJJF 3 UJF z S UJ aaL!z iF a -=H;bilP IJJ aO\to oz ts =E UJo- oz Fo uJ-toE(L u.lF o Jz z.^9z2d]o =z \o- rL NnnFl =l Fl "dgbt =Eit|'{s g ' NNn Eo EctoE oT' !c: E Eo(, o F =E lrJ o-z eF C)fu,Fazo(J oz Jtr F $ N $ =z E dd$ $q- )l.$ l=\t t* NI Jdt Fl d= taat u.lEsf = Ittllrlldtl IJI u.tI UJItEllolt<lEJd<t Ftrl >l - frl 3l 1t al =l ttr al uJl :l al >l=tr =E uJtoo )a Io- F (J e. lt.lz = r UJ I E, a#8 $HE\o=NU <o(JF t<_btr]2UrO 2? =#d6 <F YF7()e< t,z -O t t-E i. =-r- rY rJz <Qqfl oz F ttuo- oE-.\FQq \ -cS z l,q6 l>-.2 9!3t=<t a- -rr-EiI -<9i"! <'?z- F!r,r -l orr.r9!ciadi!eio9io\z'<z,-<oz6 =zz^)>?<a= lFF.Ooo<o<'Jra7,: 'li2iri6!;;<e <q1o-l!l - i -. < d t> -r/,<o*-ara X<c.<3,1 NOIIVN']VA E =ZztL i o. q= Y-->v;odi aorrz.>oo()n(JzH LL<oq dr.rJ ;i+5 si- /-r '-rNO z LL 6 F LU zlm -\ UJ z a frtl 3l 1l al >l Io- I tr LU 1 >l IL F Etr flE 3l 1l =I fll 5l fl =l<l>l o fr 1 = T o- F (rl tLj I I t_lE I I -lal uJlEIol <lJl<t i>l (J tr Ul oo I o- F O t uJz 3 UJ =I <F ur<zE tJ.t F <oOF :<l; Ei, -=r*6 z cn = d Y .' , <^ :IF7()3# fiz _O E. =Oz C) <()(') ua:f, z -C) IJJ-) UJF o )z z zemo>z OL .^i5 ===coil> c E o c' 0'E .ts E< t= ott+.OC rrro-E>iF F =E,lrl o-zIF()fEFazo(J r,rtrI rtrtr l,r.: : INsiPECTI FTEOUEqT V'EtIL i-t i-:.;.. TOWN O JOB NAME )i CALLER l ii : i f]ornen MON COMMENTS: f] pnnrrnl LOCATTON r'l ' , _.,i{- !.d, \1 ';I r 'i, , (.,. ,f "'. RlApY ESE lllqPEcr-r_QN [*e+R.ovto I orsnppRovED [] nerNsPEcr I upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRHECTToNS: CORRECTIONS Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: B Ce ,, J-'^e84 seconded ,r, 3-r^ *J--t*rn APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Off icial T'USIGN }I.E;VIEW tsOARD DATE O}'MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: oMarch 16., L978 a BILL RUOFF ,/' BILL BISHOP ,/ SUBJECT:Gallery Bldg. (Ore House) 5,BLOCK - ,TILING w 5thLO(I A TION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: We,lnv SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION:sHqPr{?r - FnsN'I W{{ 1I APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY:Dg) a tF T** 4h is,3[i:#.s*:ff.Sff.1i:ffil. Itlt ta ro.r ril .! Dt lao. n|llfil. lb oa.Bto3, to3 'd in- -ooo't'Lrrllco ct t!'r d n"5iffi-iiro.ooi-iJ-tra sr.rsos 9.ltr_ bil rb. er.nt..' tD. #iffi"#s;lfl sii{#,#Eh'H-';fr fr il tltoal 2r Lror 9.lI lorth' or ror! -!9.!ltlc'lly tb' fcrdirtrv'34 t..t ot tot A, uocl l, v.ll vlllq' "e'ilitlllrN. -lo.?t tt. l..t.rlt t l..t th.r'ot ' LDtact to Gba follorlng G'ooalltlon.. coranantr, a"trlF-iiiJrt-tom -rgleoo to-uy ttrr Gr.ng.. by 'cc'Pirnc' of aft tc Dsctr3tt d..crlb.d h.r.ln .b.ll br -ured or oc' irb ttr -t-oi -iii prrolrr -ot!.r tb.a D.d..!rt.al ^ bl.otcl: lhltrc-iocc--rrltlrr ifirr-rr .nd .gr... !o. -c-r.nt ''| bol'I 'r'EEell. -.ai:;;! iaiiiiiv, rnc - tor utll ltv.'nd l'-!d'c'tt'il tat ;1{9!!.; t! f9q r tiirr .!clo.ur. "1:1bt-l-"::! :*.::f-r Eirii# 'd- rt16 rrr reeto'ra bt th. D"lgn l'rt'r d tb Ur cf vrtt oo lo$r.t 14, lt?6. (tl fo Drotarly ltarctlbad h.r'ln '-b'l I b' u"d ot Gon- .L.tra fa'6trnf r-Gi th: ;;; i.rrdonllrr tloor rr'r or d'D'lty ffrf- g-Criti rcfi r r'ntf tr.e to und.r 10'6 ol v'll l"' dul lttatlc.. tll 13 tla raat.rlt antr.nc. !o tb. .bot' "tcal!'C'rli l-a;rrrriitortce .n r.lnt.ln -r .1t!!- !3.,{t!:: ffiltctftr& lrrsl TD .l|Itt IJFt ','lr,rll.l.t.ll|rlltr rE-alil -aaara a ra.tslst!octt ocaIttct .hr: a.ass lbadtia Olaat.!a ,lthtrln al r. Daacaablaagalnat Iclrlr th. Or|ntor. trtt! ol corrl ot -Q- ".,#.ffir Efit:;ii rt.; fJ-c-9." io thr urc ot thd gobllc tot H ial. l. .h -..rlLa FtFstt i.tl r. -allf, lr|t hrr4. tal lr aaaaaalt 20 l..t ln :ldth l''r'1n9 gtn'r'-llt rt iiilr -ii-|rrcrf|rc tsot rtt tra tb. Publlc thorothf'r' .;*;fr-.rl-oc'tr rrciuio PioFrty to Grnlil l' ?ord l'rl =-ifit;ra ci tli lrierti6 -progrrtv tr r"'rt'd roto ; ror-iChitiha ral rcrrr ot lllty Pur9o"' lor th' ut" -a -tatrrt oa ti. D.bll3. ooltltrStr tfltrlctl , ad t.r rltl tt l.- ra -aff b lot, F -lo !ab 6.lr aa Jt i.It| .G-ot )tala iatrrll trrtlldatto! of anl og th.aa coni!lttooa, corlllntlrtartstcl loaa. of talarrrtlona, or lny garl lbaraol by ,udlDnSt os€q.t! ortar .Lll ta F rlr. .tt.ct rrw ol ti. oti.E 9rorl.lc.r,rDtch lhall t.irln ln lul,l lorc. .nd .ll.ct. $0 l Yt lf,D !O IOLD th. r.rl prop.rty .bov. b.rg.lrod .|ra{$clbrdr snto iha ora[!aa, lta auccarrolr and artltnr lorrrrrl r!.ttL €raltor, tor ltr|ll and lta rucc...oEr covrn.nlr .nd agraaa toard fltl tha Orantaa, ltr ruccororr rtid aralgnr, tha rlrota ltar-i.lr.d r..1 9ro?.rtt to lAttlnt Af,D tolwlt DltlID tn th. qul.t .tral ttaacrabla goaaaaalon ol tia Crrntaa, ltr auccaaaorr lnd raalgna,rNalnrt all ar|d avary prsron or parronr lrrfullt' clrlrlng os toclalr lha rhol. o? rny prrt th.rrol , by, through, or undar lha Ora|ttor. If lllfltg n!tlo!, th. Grrntor hrr hrr.unto ftt lta handdry rnd yaar llrrt rbova vrittrn. ta-rt. rra Fa ociar llttrarrtrtoler !aala.lor L , ) Bi. ) atlTl ot coLRADo cltttt'lf or ucLE t-t!t|!a th. forrgglng lnrtru!.nt rlr .cknorkdgad baforc r thr'!/(J 6tv oC f i'r',cdt.t l9?7, by John A. Dobaon .r rryor rnd -tt-r-r-., xt. ^r--eF6Ti- clerk of tn€ Torn of vair, r color.do Iltn!.t ry hand rnd officill sell r. . Fr_,-i.,.^. -. -._-- c^iy corlaalon erPtre6r r' ' r-. " r" i ! ' . '-' D'i tgfi ffi rldta loill OF VAIL, . Color.dotunlctprl Corpor.t lon -t- I Lffiffifr E l t {inF r-qtiitru trrrtell|fartr*rft.d:aftr ocT r5 gn 4ry -/E'-4 It-lrq t{r-s r'H ! *i<Fgky::ib! '$;Pit -:3s;Fta,,q-va:?:;5<oz6 ^zz7);9<45lF!.Otro<b<aqz=>;:z:nH6!;;<a- <dgrrq - i .. < c Q> -!a<c:q-t-tt0!<tr<B,t r€ |-t-Tdf ll F E IJJ tclu z Fzqt UJ UJ tr uJc u IJJ J F F ul <( o J t! aF F F O Fz O o z o F z uJF o u, z str ! Er lll o o z -ao Jf o cH q5*) = rre =, =€F I nrr Vloot \ t! .\l =-zo=_44 zA ? tr ccoFE9g=>:z:< urf >(JFO -oi ..t \- + zo=_ln z^ z troq 9o ^>o;i*a > (.) -(\i r' hJ rrt 8ss 3 z F tr IJJ Fo Fiz Q o zv o F{z z F, U F z o z ! z B a aF F FI FT F z z F o F I! uJ z IJJ z sc Fz uJ E llJ aD LIJ tr L! cco J ut J J F F ul J II a F F I E tr ul o -l 6. l*oo =,2 =ql----f o --l a: DESIGN REVIEif EOARD DATE OT T{EETING: MEI{BERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BO }IOTION VOTE: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTINTION: APPROVED , , --/ DISAPPIIOVI:D; SU[ItrlAIiY: + DESIGN REVIEI'I BOARD DATE OIJ IIEETING: I'IET{BERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOA MOTION: r VOTE: FOR: APPROVIID: I DI SAPI'ITO\'ID : ABSTNNTION: sEcoNDED ev, i )l;/t AGAINST: SUlh\IARY: / Y qqb ') V .| DATE OT IIEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: APPROVUD I L---"'-'- DESIGN REVTE1Y BOAED ABSTENTION: /7au^t {) fl 7t" rt/t i t/. r MorIoN | /Ul.;fu SECoNDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: DISAPPIIOYID: a DESIGN REVIElY BOARD DATB OF IIIiETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: //Le/,td,! IIOTION; VOTE:FOR: APPROVEDT -1 DISAPPROVIlD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTDNTION: SUIIIII{ARY: gH S"r V-.\*\j $$a re Bs Nw *96.;* + -l \"D ^J\ clQr- t ti+\l{ .\ dF C./) , 1\- \V>J )t .Cz\(' if 't -\_ t \.\, )-J Aw iR ?r*.*Jt\rSgF p...\lti-r g, oca :Ed Ir't\1 ,u l!(+ 'J tJl tAVI ') 0 -y-lr f,|/ tY f\w n\ ^\,t\E r(r$ a I S,n A ,f ( -i'r-jn- o , I F Y c,1 .--lri\ltl F---: A., Q.i.-r- .'C. t,,s\!,/ r L\ Y' {_, 7..--- '-l i --7'..--> . /ltl u, ll '-rJ \T.\ t) --r- ii n.i- - '+{ U r0 )i t 11,u_ Li$F \t, il Iut;iV YW!'/ 4't1tJt! Ju t h=" lnrn P. O. Box 1 00 VAIL, COLORADO81657 Date served: Building THIS SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT COVERS THE FOLLOWING: tr uNrFoRM F|RE CODE (U.F.C.) VTOLATTONS tr tr NATTONAL ELECTRTC CODE (N.E.C.) VTOLATTONS B tr OTHEB Vail Fire Department CORRECTION NOTICE Date of original inspection: SAFETY VIOLATIONS UNSAFE PRACTICES 476-2200 476-5613 Ext.223 Building address: DESCRIPTION OF VIOLATION: ACTION REOUIRED TO CORBECT VIOLATIONS: CITED CORRECTIONS SHALL BE COMPLETED BY:A.M. / P.M. Date: FAILURE TO COMPLY WILL RESULT IN FURTHER ACTION UNDER THE PROVISONS OF THE U.F.C, 1973 EDITION COPY TO: tr VAIL BLDG. DEPT. tr WATER & SAN. DEPT. VAIL POLICE DEPT. PUBLIC SERVICE tr PUBLIC WORKSE tr BUILDING OWNER/MANAGER: FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICER: (Si9natu(e) (6ignatute) ol o), .l:/x-t/path Town of Vail ELECITRICAL PERIVTIT f1, Job Name--.... .........9.,.1...y...(. Erectricar contractor......B-..-r-.r r :Tt" r r/9& r-.:.:. ... kl: APPROVALS N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid..--... Received By--.-.-......--..--.-. I32 $.............-,-.......... . $....-......,-......... ...-. $....-....................... /i/.-/ a*n:7{- THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURITG COI{STRUCTIOI{ 24 HOURII ADVANCE NOTICE REQUTRED FOR INSPECTIONS tra !. r. 80rct(a! !0.. laxvtt latrtl DATE .-.fur,t&',.,,-, t (,/rNsPEcrrdfr TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED flornen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrrnl. LocATroN TI IE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM I orsneeRovED ! nerNSPEcrD nppRovED fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE oo o lou JuN 4 re71 Town of Vail ELECIRICAL PERMIT O/-!E fu*= Building Valuation Ele+trical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 15 $.............-."."..-.. .- E Za.oo--R s. -?e-K. s.... -8-E * -4€\ N9 DateorApprication.... . G :. 4- :.. 7, 4.........".1e........" APPROVALS -Qp*4- J**. 7,*......lllcl&l Date FORM IS TO EE POSTED ON SITE DURII{G COI{STRUCTIOT{ 24 HOURS ADVAIICE NOIICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received ,r.....fl.&.L fu-!.a.ate Aoo rt Jeil C.*<u7z tl{l 3. l. lroacrlr ao., !rxYrt r!titr THIS JOB J an ua ry 29 , 1974 Des i gn Rev i ew Boa rd Town of Vail Box 100 Vai I, Colorado Genf lemen: Th is is to. gua rantee that the emergency roof repa i r and extension at the 0re Housq will be architecturally compatible with fh;ming building. lf the Design Review Board finds that the repairs are not acceptable, the roof area will be redone after review by the Board when weather permits. You rs tru ly, UCT ION COMPANY Ruder KE dt obe rt Recordcd at-.....?.k.2..,..........6'1!r",ck.......... .-i,i,, ..........7..fu....2..r. "1.12.. .. Reeeption N Trrts Dnnn, Marle this l"l dny of June , re bctrveen John P. McBride of thc County of Eagle anrl Statc of Cclolarlo, of the first prrt, andRodney E. Slifer and Heather E. Slifer of the County of Eag le antl State of Colorado, of the sccond part: - - -IVITNDSSDTII, That the said part! of the first part, for and in consideration of lhe sunr of TenDollar.s and other good and valuabie consideration - +loLrAB$ to the said part/ of the fir.rt part in hand paid by said parties of t)re second part, the receipt s,hereof is hcrcby confcsscd and achnorvlcdged, haS grantcd, bargained, sold and conveyed, andby tl'cse prcscnts do€S grant, b:,r'gain, sell, convcy antl confirm, unto the said palti€S of the second part,theilrirs anrl assigns for- evcr, all the follo.rvilrg dcscribed lot or lrarcel of lald, situatc, iying and being in the County of Eag I e and State of Colorado, towit: TOGIITIIER rvith ail and singular thc heleditarrents and appurtenances thereto belonging, or in anywise appcrtaining, and the reversion and revcrsions,'remaindel and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and all' 'the cstate, right, title, interest, claim and dema-nd rvhatsoever of the said part )/ of the first part, either in law or equity, of, in and to the above brrgaincd plemiscs, with the here{itamcnts anri nppurr,enances. TO IIAVI'I ^liD TO TIOLD the said plcmises above bargaincd and described $-ith the appurtenances, unto the said parti€s of the second part,Lhe i fireirs anil assigns forever, And the said part/ of the first part, tbr himsel f, hishei"", executors, anrl administrators, do es covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and rvith the sai<l pardBS of the secoud partlheihclrs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealin6l and delivery oi these prcsents, he i s rvell seized o{ the premises above conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasiblc estate of inhcritance, in larv, in fec simlrle, and haS good right, full power and lawful authority A portion of Lot c-, Block 5, Vail Village, First. Filing,a subdj-vision in the Town of Vail, CounLy of Eagle, Stiteof colorado described as: Beeinning at -rne mo.Errwest corneof said Lot c which is a poinE of cingenl on the Easterlyline of Bridge Srreeb; thi:nce S 82o23i00'r E 55.06 feet aiont.he Nor:ther:ly line of saicl Lot c: thence S 4oZ2'00" tri I.0gfeet.; thence N 85038'00n W 56.59 feet to a point on a 92.30foot radius curve ruhich is the Easterlv rinb of BridEe strethence 4.50 feet along the arc of said-curve to Ehe iighryhg:S-ggllla_l ?ngle _ia 2047,34,r and rvhose long chord bEarsN 25'17r13'' E 4.50 feet. to the point of beginiing containin148.55 square fee! or 0.0034 acres more or less. I ;'1 I J t to grant, bargain, sell and convey the samc in manncr and lorm as aforesaid, and that the same are lree and clear from all former and othcr grants, bar.qains, sales, lions, taxes, assessmenl.s and cncumbrances of lqhatever kind ot noturesocver., excepL for generaL real esbate Laxes for L973, due andpayable in 1974, and the abovs bargained prcmises in the quitrt and peaceablb possession of the said prr'rtie SLnelf heirs and assigrrs against all and evcrypcrson or persons la*-fully claiming or any part thereof, the said partf of thc first part shall :urd will WARRANT AND IN IVITNESS WIIERtrOF, thc said parry of the first part ha S heicunto set and scal the day and ycar first abovc ryriltcn. STATE OF COLORADO, County of Eag 1. e Tho foregoing instrlmcnt rvas acknorvlcrlrcd73 ,uy John p. McBride Illy commission explres of the second part, or to claim the whole FONEVOR, DNFEND.his hana , f! 7 5 . Witncss my hand and official scol. /') ..- ) / ), /-/ ,n"7 ./) /1 X . ....-.i.: ,:. .i..................'.....-..',-. :.. : -.t-:, ....(SEAL) ........J.... .-.......... .............(SEAL) /"t doy of June l" bcforc mc this November 30 No.,1}lt2.rvAltR^N.fY|}ttt|t},_rlrlrl|ltotottr[|'|'iL|l+.o'l|..ttIl|'|fl,r a--., !r DEED THIS DEED made this day of June, 1973, by and between RODNEY E. SLIFER and HEATHER E. SLIFER of r,he County of Eagle and State of Colorado, parlies of the first parL, and JOHN P. McBRIDE of the County of Eagle and State of Colo- rado, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, ThaL the said parLies of the firsL part, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($f0.00) and other good and valuable consideration to the said part.ies of the first part in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, do hereby remise, release, sell, convey and QUIT CLAIM unto the said party of assigns forever, cularly described A porLion a o 5 f Lot b, Block fol lows : A porLion of Lot b, Block 5, Vail Village, FirsLFiling, a subdivision in Lhe Town of Vail, Countyof Eagle, State of Colorado, described as: at the Southwest. Corner of said LoE bpoint of tangent. on the Easterly lineStreet; thence S 82"23t00rr E 55.06 feetSoutherly line of said Lot b to Ehetrue point of beginnirg;_thence conLinuing alongsaid Sourherly line S 82023'00,' E 43.10 fEer ro- t,he SouEheast Corner of said Lot b; thenceN l3ol5'00tt W 5.35 feet alons the Easterlv lineof said Lor b; Ehence N 82025'00" w 4L.48' feet; bhenc.e S |o.2ziggrr p 5.01 feet to the true poiniof beginning TO HAVE AND T0 HOLD the same so long as the party of the second part, his heirs and assigns own, and so long as said ease- ment of ingress and egress j-s necessary for Ehe use and enjoy- ment. of the following described real property: Lots c, d, €, Block 5, Vail Village, First Filing,a subdivision in the Town of vai1, County of Eagie,State of Colorado; the second an easemenL part, his heirs, suceessors and for ingress and egress more parti- Cornrnencing which is aof Bridge along the b1 Logether with all and singular the appurtenances and privi- leges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertaining, and all the estate, right, t.itle, interesL and claim whaEsoever of the said parties of the firsl parL, either in law or equity, to the proper use and benefit of the said party of the secorid parL, his heirs and assigns forever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said parLies of the first part have hereunto set Eheir hands and seals the day and year first above wriLten. RODNEY E. SLIFER HEATHER E. SLIFER Signed, Sealed and Deliveredin Ehe Presence of: STATE 0F COLORADo )) ss. COUMY OF EAGLE ) Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary Public, by R0DNEY E. SLIFER and HEATHER E. SLIFER, this _ day of June, L97 3. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: SEAL -2- NOTARY PUBLIC alcnnnDs ENcrnrrt tNc.,u*url ur-ru u ur-u, P. O. Bor 6il3 Voil, Colondo 81657 Phcnr {76-5072 Donvc Unr - 244.152t Sheet 2 of 2 A portlon of Lot b, Brock 5, vall village, First Firing, a subdlvlsionin the Town of vail, county of Eagle, state of colorado, descrlbed as: Corrmenclng at the Southwest Corner of said Lot, b vhich is a point of tangenton the Eaaterly Line of Brldge streer; thence s 92"23'00" E 55.06 feet aiongthe Southerly line of said LoL b to the t.rue point of beglnning; thence i continulng along said southerly ltne S 92"23f00" E 43.10 feet to thesoutheast corner of said Lot b; thence N L3"15r00" l{ 5.35 feet aLong theEasterly llne of said Lot b; thence N 82"23100" W 41 .4g feer; thence S 4o22r00" W 5.01 feet to the true point of beginni.ag. gap l'lay 22, 1973 CERTIFICATION: I certify that the above lC ls accurat.e to the best of legal descriptlon eraa prepared by rne and that ny knowledge. Mfu Regis tered and Land Professional Surveyor No. -Y / [ ,/ ,. A{#;i'i .v+.'tii r/ { r{ :.,*;,h=xT' \r*,',,,* -l ; r ---l | | :"";r* | LEGAL DdSCRIPTJON:Ocna/es fifoa/ Spike 'l . BCHARDS ENGINEERO|TC. I sunveQ v?-36, "##3;;' il oo." 4Pri/ z1 tazj D'nv." Lin''244'r52r fl gheal / o{ z.\ / tl| '.-'----"-- VI/ / I\. / A A*l i*r'# A portton of Lot c, Block 5, Vai.1 Vi1lage, First Filing, a srrbdivlsion in the Townof Vall, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado ilescribed as: Beginning at the i.JorthuestCorner of said Lot c rqhi.ch is a point of tangent on the Easterly line of Brldge Street;thence s 82"23'00" E 55.06 feet along the Northerly line of said, Lot c; thencls 4"22'00" trf t.OB feet; thence ll as"5a'00" l'I 55.58 feet ro a poinr on a g2.30 foot radluscurve t'rhLch is the Easterly line of tsridge Street; Ehence 4.50 feeL along the arc of ialdcurve !o the right whose central- angle is 2"47 r34t' and whose long chord lears N 25o17t13"4'50 feet to the point of beglnning ccntaining l-48.55 square feet or 0.0C34 acres riroreor less. CERTIFICATIO}i: I eertify ttra t. on under my supervision, that bo L.h are aecuraEe the above date a survey of the properEy as shorrn hereon wag donethat the above plat and legal description were prepared by ne andto the best of my knowledge. REGISTTRED PROFESSIONAL AND LAND suRvEyon No.zl I ,A PPLICATION r.OR BUILDING PE THE TOWN OF VAIL licant fill in this section onl e RMIT Building address Date of A pplication arrle .A ddre s s BUILDING INFORMI TION New A ddition rz- -A rea of Total floor area (sq ttlfu.p*@ No. of stories , Ht.t(l'+?Io Nc. of rooms No. of water Z No. baths -clos ets No. of FamiliesTeI. No. co rrect cla ssif ication) construction I, l[, UI, IV, V City Tel. No. I fi,k A Narne A ddres scity-'sltktr Name Address City ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION <77{Y (Mat"ri"Gffif,E, (Circle l. Type of Alteration Repairs Type of occupancy .r Lot A$fi BlrD .0 l ^ --n! il+ o; buDclrvlsron l,ta,r, >.(J .d j oo 0, tllo tt 0)o ;{ I tr tn tU (.1 tro o tt !t tr u l* s) o.oc d .E 14 {.1q ).{t{ <; 'IJ d o q) o, rrtr o vl +, .! l{ {)p. !) fil Q I a) u @ q) .du d F: \ s\\ .\ & o o) +r F k {) g d o Eq Z. Occupancy group A,C, D, E, r., G, J INSPECTION RECORD (f or Departrnental use only) d l{o gl F o+,l-l COMMENTS DATE & SICNATURE Q "l(t lll d lr{ tt d >.trd F(),=(D k n. .1 (/) k ho ,xo oo "a(! a) 1t aSli 'x; 6. .9o+JU)d.o>tr@.6? tt) g q) d o tt) d C) Fld tr tr(t o th I J.F..{ lUfiLOto6 d+' d() bo +.1c'i.'.. |!dFcdt$ o+r 6. "'E hO t{Jot{O Itr ri F^ ts ".i":rgat'443tr z C-r U hl |J{('lz z Ha "11-l ru t{FI clg bo q 0)+r (na .0 F.'' ? l.r F.rf rd Pl (u (J d .d INSPECTION APPROV! L FOUNDATIONS ,.1 ' {9g$ Fr -ru$ H5HF,,i F;E.4 o) .dQ! F67#.zu<ie,lop,9 FI,It Fl FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGH FINA L ROUGH rINAL ROUCH FINA L .J"o APPLICATION TCIR BUILDING PERMIT THE TOWN OF VAIL fill in this scction onl BUILDING INFCRMA New Addttioa O g.A-a L*tt- hr.t&r,, ,J{4d4 trt E Do &(, L aAltcration_f, Re Type of occupetcy ctoeete No, of Families ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION BUILDIryC DIMENSICNS , -rTffiffi,*;{"c.W46A# No of stories I rft. -rNo. of root,{frx".Tiliil- *aaa (t!0o,tl' (Materirla & Labor) (Circle Type of Occupaaey group A. B. c. D. ii$ c. H. I. J. igne4 Approval by planning and architectural control committee to obtala building permit, Date Stguature Receipt of Plans Approval of Plane2 sets requiredl Date mount of Permit }.ee Gheck $Amount of Clean up Fee Date permit isaued Check $ Tap fee paid AmountFinal inepection qo r rect clae eification) conatructio n \n 6i;LW Patd: Caah Patd: Gash $_ $ Buildiils addrecs Date of Applic City lfu[ Tel. No. City _ILhu^_ Tel. No, Addrescitylffi {All parte ^of building) r.t&a ^ 6 4 Certificate of o Conatruction clean-up BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Permit Permission is hereby granted c/6n stoTy A(ldress In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail -s rchitectural Control COrnrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1964 Uniiorm Building Code. 'd'Gt.tt^ L C ontra ctc r l pproved Vail Building InspecEr INSPECTION RECORD (for Departrnental use only) D"t. ,42. ut* ?* tg{L z Type of Construction -E t / 16r. DATE & SIGNATUP-E .<' r5 90h f.'. (d o ti-l OUND.A.TIONS RAMING FINAL ROUGH FINAL ROUGH AL ROUGH g) FINAL &n/.y&j, APPLICATION FCR BUILDING PERIvIIT THE TOWN OF VAIL (Applicant fill in this section only) Building address Date of Application Address City Tel. No. Address E. E_x lLFjClty 4ll,eqt , Tet. No.C2,f ^3gL- BUILDINC INFORMATION k t B U l.r{ ud u "l Alteration Repairs Type of occupancy eui-PiNc ou\aqNslq5s fotaf ifJ"" area ( sq ft)---_--- Narne 4le u-No. of wate r clos ets Addre s s Tel. No. f- .- t Pt ///4\ u, F No, of Families .lLot g6[Btocti tgl Subdivision :H I (Circle l. Type of Signed (Pe Apptoval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date Signature No of stories--Ht'._ No. of rooms No' baths.,*. ESTIMATED cosr .., 42- cF CONSTF.UCTTON,.F clto - (Materiale & Labor) _Egil.,p$r_q4lsgF*cIIqNReceipt of plans * - App"orral of plans (2 sets reouired).*-*--t o";; -Drt.f, - a6'Amount of Permit Fee $ / Paid: Caah $€ttect $:,5'- Amount of Clean up Fee $ - Paid: Cash fChect S- Date perrnit issued Final inspection Tap fee paidl Amount Certificate of o"iif,iiEf U coipliar"e (All parts of building) Construction clean- uP , BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Coiorado ( Perrnit tat" ,Iz+& 4 19 tz 11 q Perrnission is hereby grunt"d 9.&t V-q-* as /&bt*u to &afurzf u sto ry / ddre s s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Comrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Type oI Construction -E Group 1. rchitectural C ontrol forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. f aa,4 c o,,t'ucto,-24q4( f 72&-- .ir pproved Vail Building Inspecto INSPECTICN RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\ PPROV} L COMMENTS DATtr & SIGNr'TURE FOUNDATIONS FRIMINC bt) , g.l FINAL ROUGHUo I'l FIN,^ L ROUGH bo b E -.{ o FIN3 L ROUGH-- o() o FIN.^ L i{ r ' ,-,i i{!'.'- [-.- il ,.L'i,"l.-I'''"'V" /, /,'l b t' THE February 24, L969 /inr\.7flJJ!taJ(I, VAIL INC. COLORADO 81657 q I ti Mr. F. Blake Lynch Town of VailVail, Colorado 91657 Dear Blake: The Gallery is considering revamping the frontar faceof the Gallery Building lhis summer. As you know,our front steps are made of redwood and haire depreciatedconsiderable over the last three years. we would riketo pour an attractive concrete stair and deck. we wouldalso like to. examine the possibilities of extending ourexisting deck out on to the easement approximately 24"_36". we wourd r-ike to also extend the ieck approiimately36" on the north side of the exi-sting deck frbm the Kiva. our plan now is to carry a simirar theme as the McBrideclock Tower extension with landscapting and natural rock.We will submit drawings of the extensi5n in the nearfuture for counsel consideration.. Sincerely yours, tL/ {, '.-t ( t[ fcl^ .r| ,rt":7'L-t'\"-. Deane L. Knox DLK:mec t-4.r'1, (cf.'et fi.tr*:NQi1i rt*tI elr I af ,fa't f'$ c BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date Septernber 9,19 68 Permit Perrnis sion is as Owner hereby g rante d addto a one sto ry Addition on The Gallery. Inc. f ddr"ss Lot A, Block 5, Vail V olorado In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail /'rchitectural Control Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the Vail Village Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1964 Unif o rrn Building Code. Tvpe of C onst ruction Group Contractor l,pproved Vail Buildins Ins INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUNDATIONS .\ PPROVS L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FRA MING bo il FINA L ROUGHUo 14 FINT L ROUGH bt; J l-r,FINT\ L ROUGH u0 d tn FIN.^ L BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Date Scptcmber 9,.^ 68tv Pe rrnit Pe rrnis sion is as Owncr hereby granted Gallcry, Iac. add anGto story Additton The Gallery, Inc. f ddress Lot A. Block 5, Vatl Villagc Firet Filtng, Bridgc Stroct, Vall, Colorado on In accordance with the C ornrnittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants. T'ype of C onstruction C ont ra cto r D. L. Knox provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1954 Group I rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. A pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departmental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROV,A L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNI^TURE FOUND.\TIONS FRl MING h0 A E F-{FINAL ROUGH FIN.^ L ROUGH €) 14 ; a'1 FINA L ROUGH bo +, (d qJ (r) : FIN/\ L THE GALLERY, INC. vAIL, C0LORAD0 8L657 September 8, 1968 Mr. Blake Lynch Town Coordinator Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Blake: Enclosed you will find the plans and a check for a buildlngpermit for the Gallery addition and Gallery storage. These plans have been basically approved by the Vail Archi-tectural Control Comnission. S incerely ,fu4-/ Deane L. Knox DLK:mec Enclosures u,oi 1 n {, e 2 ri {, a, v, I 7,'- Lflr\L{ { V 'YA it LJ -J_J <t $j,l I I , I I I I 1. (',i : ',lr i!lu iilL r ihI .jr i illlj|l rlll ;lilit illit lfi il t8 il l', ll tjiltil r.llstl -ilo llf,l J 'l0il -tl ;ilvrl rl fil sll'il qll rj, ll7tl iilbIl r,), il I ji i; J jir i{j l1l ii J J $ ]u {r vr I \-' :. ';il ;i rit ',. !tlj lr'It!llii Ii li j1 l!' l;t. ; :, Cr z ri ii 0 P , 1 0 T fr i u_ 0 Url 3 t-. w I : i I s $[tf rgg(I_ fluiY'l frnrb? sgl;; , tiJ r/f {; nff 'J t- ttI v "i &,s*: "9 e^Ai ;4* .i: i / "do7-7 "il;iy? ull5i9l fi,|, ;;"l $1l .C $t d'rn,{SI -lU:E!, qf tr- v)z* {tur',1t'^ \s d f.j T>v lllll. t! 0Jo- !l i .l!iI.il ', 1 t'l 1 trJir t-u :f))otZ Jr i . r4il oQr0( u l: t- V u.l { tt !J 4 ( ir' (r- 7 j.a,q! f,vt.:T Au. 4 u <l q r.l] 4l i/t fl i d v It r)L), I f 1 a-hIg, iF yr E-. #l?lr*tlFr! ;-'{l ;T 'Y5o' ti'rl --.,.1. :oj': !ou' t5- ta '\ L-\(n \9{a !, :,u. lJd li-i )(rx 'J tr _. li ur i; S r.1 0.r Ir fiIl- r)-\l u s\lN S or\ rl - ol u 6a l:t>y0x fr6 *cv,-.Y <I -,? FP o- 00ct \)9'a'. a( t ,'!,t z, .ul 0/ 4 0. 0ao ,{ fl U 7 v Jqq fr $.t- I$;{ nuiIri* i llil ii'ilil llrlt{j It Fts o Itl -2. aFyl fr1l htrl tll l It 7.9, t- lf $g{tIOx,J ulp F dt A U 0 t rFe 4Fl d'.,,,ri:"."'/ /r"'r ./ /' IF 'f 4,"Jrt "f -,v or'A ii {-. \Jt 71- ?: ,:,; l'{ i u .,+qN741 :: Lt ij'] I I jn4 i.t' gi -{. tJ l l. rfl'L- i,iLi "'l ' lrir\ 1'/- iiiO r'iI!Ir-n^()#rA--{ ,rt i tt p t!'t F .:i -t- r.l l'1 vl, *;*| {\Il\trrrl 11,<j *-^i U\rr.-4l'lr {J, tl .r $ :li:l/t tll,-*lr'/,1*F*it t] e i-ilr * | u*i-r r\ ;"iLt I"J di p (lr rilrJ!* L n *;;. '={ U tt /'Ll u, dl-r > i.t] 'J-z F"z: rr. -:;f{;rtUI- ., U /!{.1 ttj I7 2 >n4 LlVnl - J F{* ,\n ,kulQ * "lrV 4IJo,"gon l- J^L] N N\J<:dr : : {Fr l f t; LR-} r.f\ t "a'{1. '-iri {'\', 1-. {\r.-ia pt/ t' l:/ tili4lw "hOJA ru-iU'! <1 q ry,Ul ,l \.tr-|I'r ait n ,'' vlrr l[e!. {:t t1. -t- ,.'> Fg X 1.1.iir. Jt:[1" ,\ '-Lil {r. It-ul . tlr rw;i.h- : - d xL t, "L tr' l. !.^ ril ;-tt 1, i _iI-' \I-e 1 -\- \j' $ !4'F- a AGREEMENT THrs AGREEMENT is made *is / / /, aay 1965r by and between RODNEY E. SLIFER (Sf,ffnR) a Colorado corporation {GALLERY). /,4 t; o, /;t ,r-of iAugr*€tr(Z\ and CTALLXRY, INC., WITNESSETH: Whereas, GALLERY is the owner of a certain parcel of land situate in Eagle County, Colorado, described as follows: Lot a Block 5 and a part of Tract B, VaiI Village, First Filing. upon which it will construct a building; and Whereas, SLIFER is the Lessee of a certain parcel of land sit,uate in Eagl-e County, Colorado, described as follows: I-rot b Block 5. Vail Village, First Filing upon which he wilL const.ruct a buildi_ng; and Whereas the said buildings shall be constructed adjacent to each other in such a manner that the said buildings shall have a common roof line; NOW, TIIEREFORE, in consideration of the sun of One Dollar ($f-.00) and other good and val-uable consideration paid by each to the other, the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby acknowled.ged, and of the mutual covenants and conditions herein- after set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. GALLERY and SLIFER working through their respective architects shall coordinate with each other in the design and construction of the buildings so that the roofs of said buildings may be readily and easily connected one to the other during construction. 2. GAITLERY and SLIFER shal1 each have the right, at its or his o\^tn expense, to connect the roof of their building to the roof of the otherrs building and in furtherance of such right to: a. attach to the other building such roof joists and other structural or non-structural members of his or its building as may be necessary, desirable or convenient in the opinion of the architects of the respective buildings to permit the construction of the roof of his or its own buildinq. b. to drill such holes and drive such nails, spikes, scre\^rs and bolts in the otherts building as may be neces- sary to attach the roof of his or its building to the roof of the other's building or to use such other methods as may seem appro- priate for such purpose; and c. to attach to the roof of the other's building such gut,t,ers, drains, electric heat tapes, equipment and other 'l devices as may be required by the design of his or its building. 3. Each agrees to indemnify the other from, and to hold hin or it harmless ag'ainst, any and all damage which he or it or his or its agents or independent contractors retained by him or it may do to the other's building in the course of the attachment of the roofs of the buitdings. 4. Each shall not impair the structure of the otherrs building by the attachment of the roof of his or its building to the roof of the other's building. 5. This Agreement shall not be deemed to require either party to maintain the building to be located on his or its property. -2- o 6. Each party shall be solely responsible for the maintenance and repair of the portion of the roof on his or its property- In the event of damage or need of repairs to Che portion of the roof covering the portion of the building where the properties of the parties join, then the cost of such necessary repairs or replacement shall be shared equally by the parties. 7. SLIFER shalt protect GALLERY against any damage which it may sustain by reason of snow or rain or other d.rainage problems created by the attachment of the Slifer building roof to the Gallery building roof - 8. GALLffi.Y hereby grants to SLIFER the right to alter at a later date Sl"ifer's building by the construction of an addition thereto which will extend southerly and will connect with and become a part of Sliferts building and will connect with and become a part of the roof of slifer's buildinq which is attached to the roof of Ga}lery's building, and agrees to enter into such agf,e€-,.r ment as may be required to effect the intent of the parties that SLIFER be entitled to construct an addition to Slifer's building. 9- This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the heirs. personal representatives, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. GA.LT,ERYT INC. -3- b'.ici iJ'-rnr,/i,-t-