HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT B SLIFER BUILDING 1973-1989 DRB LEGALProject Application Prolect Name:Slii:'r i),,r; l;:r$ Aw:rinf .".lrd lilgfidgg Date r rl i /81i Project Description:'fli;: S_11 [et: C,.r.lr.cLion 4, ?5 si reri canva:r Contact Person and Phone 6rrice ALLln 12/-.'it49 Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Mo(bn by:Sante Seconded by: Her- r'i ng' ::' APPROVAL 4-i.i- | 'ri rli (:w;tch;ect ;rbt;Ei*{n*rg DISAPPBOVAL Sum mary:i; i:ir r r !,i:,:1 . . ,r1 .,rtliil t- ii'!^fl iin! nu..r L l): : eltcvec Town plan ner .' l'. ,a Oate, '' .,' ! l' / | E Statt Approval ,{Application l{umber 5 I NII AIPL I CAT I OIt trt'il [][] \ t) ,:,,';',), Da le ocrober l6,l9g9 Nanre of Project Slifer Designs Name of Person Subrlittinq Bruce D. Allen Phone 422-1949 Location of Project 230 Bridge Sr. Description of Project welded frame/valance style entryway awning with signage A. Sign l'laterial Vermil lon steel tubing welded frame covered in Diklon /120 B. Oescriplion of Sigrr copy: "THE SLIFER CoLLEcTfoN" logotype. A11 copy to be sewn in white Fee Paid The fol lowinr; i nforrrrat ion i s requi red for subnri ttal by the appl icantto the Design Review Board before a final approval can be givin,Sign subnrittal fee is $20.00. C. Size AWNING of Sign 4.25s<i,/ft /srorefront = 22tO"+ 'z r' L Ct/. SIZE: 14t3"1th. x 2rO"drop x 1'6"proj, <:-- D. Conurents MATERIALS SUBI,IITJTD l,lITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan'|-;---Z. Drawings showit)g exact location3. Photographs showing proposed locaTlon-4. Actual si gn5. Colored scal-drar,fiiE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for 0RB Subnrit.tal Di sapproved for DRB SuL,rn i ttil-_- Administrator S ig rr Adrni n i s tra tor s4tr t $'L /'o' ,,Jn t q.2ol 7" x 7?" /'/n $ftuRCormmton .) APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB }IEETII.IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION ll|ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meet'i ng with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . a"leirihb ii any"alJitionut information is needed. No appfication will be.accepted unless it is compleie (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). ii is ttre applicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about addjtjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of ionOitjons of approval that the'DRB may stipulate. ALL condjtions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:AN INTEK.IU 'po :AL ANP NOr l4ENr 7D 7VEK)DE 4/5r/NA I/AK/ftNCE. AN APFUC4TTOM THts E B. L0CATION 0F PR0P05AL: . Address 2fu bKlD* q Legal Descri ption Lot h Bl ock Filing VAto u/uA& Ef Zoni ng C, C.J.. c. NAME 0F APPLICANT: &DNEY JL/FE< 2u Ep-tDoE tel ephone 470.242/ APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE :NED AWAfltl4eY tooO s. Fronfqqe H. We?t.. Vail telephone 476. t/4t E. NAIIE OF OWNERS:herH L PoD sLIFE* S i gnature Add ress tel ephone 5 Add res s D. NAME OF \ Address F.ORB FEE: The fee will VALUATION be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 '$ 10.oo $ 25.00 $ so.oo $loo.oo $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must to jndicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB site. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required republished. stake the site be removedvisits the 2. The review process for NEll BUILDINGS will normally involve tr,ro separate of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their meeti ngs approval. schedul ed to be LIST OF btDo. MATERIALS DKD& 6T NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS; DESCRIPTION OF P U/LLreE E ar" The following information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be fiven; A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Si di ng 0ther l,lall Materials CHAN. TA 6E P*TNTEO WHIIE, NOT C+/AN6ED by the applicant to the Design Review COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l,li ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Oeck Rails Fl ues Fl ash i ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhou ses 0ther Mf 1-HANaEO rNatt PA/NT WH|TP Nof cHAAtaH F,+tUr u H tryi N6/E tl B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer:- Phone: Botanical Name Notl* PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers . (over) EXISTING TREES TO BE RIMOVED *Indicate caliper for dec'i ducious trees.Indicate heiqht PLANT I"IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI"IOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name TJpe Common Name Si ze Square Footage s0D SEED TYPT OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSiON CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. NoNE r tl to-73- q r PI,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMTSSTON November 13, 1989 PRESENT Chuck Crist Diana Donovan Peggy Osterfoss Jim Viele ABSENT Kathy Warrensid schultz Work sessions on the Vail Brewerv andpreceeded the meeting. The rneetirig wasthe chairman, Jim Viele. STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenKristan Pritz Mlke MoIlica Betsy Rosolack parking concerns for CCIIcalled to order at 3:30 by L. Approval of the rninutes of 6/26,/89. Diana Donovan moved and peggy osterfoss seconded to approve theminutes as presented.. The vote was 4-0 in favor. 3. The s e two -app I icat i oiE-I[6?€-E6frEffiered concurrentl y w ithvotes. Chuck Crist removed hinself from the table anddiscussion, due to a conftict of interest. two finalfrom the Mike Mol-lica presented the proposals. rn d.iscussing the requestfor an exterior alterati-on, he showed site plans and reviewedconsiderations of site coverag'e and of parking. He also discussedthe sections of the rnemo concerning conitianc6 with purpose of theccr zone di-strict, the urban oesign cuide pran, and -the Desiqn Considerations. The staff reconnendation wasexterior alteration with the condition thatvariance request also be approved. Mike then exprained the request for the site coverage variance andreviewed the criteria and Finaings. The staff recommend.ation forthe site coverage variance was for approval . Diana Donovan was concerned about the maple tree. she fel-t thatif it were pruned. past a certain point, the t."" wouLd die. shesuggested two conditions, one was to replace the tree rarith one ofsi"rnilar size if the tree died within two years, and the othercondition was that the pavers extend frorn the old 'clock Tower deck for approval of thethe site coveraqe o tapering to the corner of the addition. Mike explained that he had discussed the configuration of the pavers with Jeff Winston andJeff said that at the present tirne, there was no paver plan forthis area. Mike added that the pavers are proposed to go to theproperty line. Diana felt the pavers should. go further so that asphalt was not used to fill in the extra space. Ned Gwathmey, architect on the project, said that at the present time, tlre crack went willy-nil1y, and he felt there should be alogical line to help avoid having people trip. He added that they were trying to place the pavers flush with the black top. Sid feltthat if the pavers were to be extended, they should go in front ofthe real estate office and in front of the old Ore House building. Diana disagreed and said that she could draw a line that wouLd extend from the Clock Tower deck and end at the glass wa1l. Peggy felt Dianars comment on the health of the tree was reasonable, and spoke favorably of the proposal. Peter Patten pointed out that this approval would be valid for a period of three years from this date (this is true for all exterior alterations in CCI and CCII). He suggested one condition of approval was that the applicants aqree not to remonstrate against a special improvernent district if one is forrned for the Village, and participate in a district if and when one is forned. Mike suggested that the concern that the tree not be pruned above a certain point be passed onto the DRB. Diana felt this was not a DRB issue. Regarding the exterior alteration request, Peggy moved and Diana seconded to approve the request per the staff memo with the conditions ! 1. The applicant wiII ag'ree to not remonstrate against a special irnprovement district, but will participate in one if and when an improvement district is formed for VaiI Village. 2. This approval is good for three years from this date. 3. If the maple tree dies within two years, it will be replaced with a comparable tree. The vote was 3 in favor wiLh Chuck abstaining. Regarding the site coverage request, Peggy moved and Diana seconded to approve the request per the staff memo with the findings that it cornplied with the Urban Design Guide Pfan and with the Vail Village Master Plan and that it would not be a grant of special privilege. one condition was that the pavers reach from the clock Tower deck to the corner of the new addition. The vote was 3 in favor with Chuck abstaining. :"t?l Patten e.xpla.ined ehanges regarding parking, adding multi-raml-Ly zone districts, and signs. He ad.ded that B&B rs wouldrequi-re a conditional use pernit. and that the new ordinance ,ol_ridalso require the written approvar of other property owners when aB&B proposes the use of property or facilities- owned in conmon orjointly wi-th other property-owners. The board and members of the audience recommended some minorchanges. Diana rnoved to recommend approval to the Tolin councilwith the changes and peggy seconded the motion. The vote was 4-oin favor. Town of VaiL TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Planning and Environmental Cornmission Comrnunity Development Departrnent November l-3, 1989 A request for a site coverage variance at the SliferBuilding (23O Bridge Street), Lot B, Block 5, VailVillage First I'iling.Applicant: Slifer Designs--Rod and Beth Sli_fer DESCRIPTION OF VARTANCE REOUESTED Slifer Designs is preparing to open an interior designretail store out of the spAce previously occupied by rClub Vailrr_on Bridge Street. ttre applicants are rlqu"sting toexpand the footprint and rnodify the west facade of theSlifer Building to accommodate this new business (seeattached staff memorandum for the exterior alterationrequest). fn order to expand the building footprint of theSlifer Building a site coverage variance is reqirired. The site coverage numbers are as follows: I. Allowable: 2568 sq ft or B0? of the siteExisting: 2860 sq ft or 89?*Proposed: 2953 sq ft or 922 * The proposal is for an additional 93 square feet of sitecoverage. The requested variance is from section i-g.24.150 of the Townof Vail Municipal Code which states: rrNot more than 80? of the total site area shall becovered by buildings. ... tt II. CRITERTA AND FTNDTNGS Upon review of the Criteria and Findings, SectionL8.62.060 of the rnunicipal code, the Department ofCornrnunity Development recommends approvil" of therequested variance based upon the iotl_owing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. varj_anqe to other existinq orpotential uses and structures inthe vicinity. It is the staff's opinion that the requestedvariance, in conjunltion with the proposed site improvements related to the exterior alteration, would have no adverse effect upon the use of any adjacent properties. In fact, we feel that thevariance, if approved, would create a more enjoyable pedestrian environment which would addto the visual interest of lower Bridge Street. A1so, this requested variance would not block or inpede views from any surrounding properties. 2. The degree to which relief frorn the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessarv to achievecompatibility and uniforrnitv of treatrnent arnonqsites in the vicinitv or to attain the obiectivesof this titl-e without qrant of sr:ecial r:rivileqe. The staff believes that approval of this reguest would not be a grant of special privilege. wefeel that the variance is appropriate because the proposed addition will enable the Slifer Buildingto be more in compliance with the Urban Design Guide Plan than the existing structure currentlyis. Compliance with the Guide Plan is the mostinportant aspect for developnent in the Vil1age, and it is for that very reason that we feel a departure from the general zoning standards is warranted in this situation. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light andair, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, pubfic facilities and utilities, and public safetv. The staff finds that the requested vari-ance will have no significant effect upon any of the above considerations. III. Such factors and criteria as the cornrnission deerns apnlicableto the proposed variance. IV. FINDTNGS The Planninq and Environmental Comnission shall make thefollowinq findinqs before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance wiLl not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent with theLirnitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not bedetrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, ormateriall-y injurious to properties or improvements inthe vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or rnore of thefollowing reasons: The strict or literal_ interpretation orenforcenent of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectivesof this tit1e. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of othei properties inthe same district. V. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the vari-ance as requested.We feel that the Vail Villag:e area has unique developmentconsiderations and that approval of this vjriance wouldallow the Slj_fer Building to be brought into moreconformance with the Urban Design Guide plan. N,fu- /ru^,/ /r-f / v#.:)-c r a/"'l')C*p * ?d-vs' fur'tu-t{-fr/ ^4- /,("" ".-J ( ^* fu__ [e/ 7;,*- DZ/,\, \' v r)(c *.t\ \-..'. ll fusrfurtd TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECTi The Planning and Environmental Comrnission Community Development November 13, l_989 A request for an exterior alteration at 230 Bridge Street(Slifer Building). Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village FirstFiling, in order to construct a 93 square foot addition.Applicant: Rod and Beth Slifer THE PROPOSAL The applicant is requesting an exterior alteration and additionat the slifer Building on Bridge street, which if approved wouldincrude a shop front revision and an addition of 93 iquare feetof floor area. This shop was previously leased by t'Ciub Vailil,essentially a tee-shirt shop. However, with the complet,ion ofthis exterior alteration, an interior design retail ltore,similar to "The Fi.nishing Touchrr r^ril-l be operated out of thespace. This exterior alteration cal_ls for the followincr sitemodifications: - The addition of brick pavers immediately in front of theshop,' this would replace the existing concrete surface.- The addition of two planter boxes and a bench; to belocated in the sna1l courtyard adjacent to the storeentry. - The existing maple tree will remain in its currenclocation. However, the applicant is proposing to prune thetree to al1ow for greater storefront visibility. Ir. zgNrNG CONSTDERATTONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for thi_s exterioralteration request: 1. Zone District: Comrnercial_ Core I 2 . Lot Area: 3 , 2l_0 sq. ft. I. 3. Site Coverage*: AllowabIe Existing Current proposal TOTAL - 2,568: 2 186O 93 c.r f+ sq. ft.sq. ft. = B0? = 892 = 2,953 sq. ft. -- 92eo see attached staff memorandurn for the requested sice coveragevariance. 4. Parking: The proposed 93 square feet of additional floor area wiLLrequire 0.31 parkj.ng spaces. The applicant has agreed tocontribute to the Town parkj"ng fund to rneet this requirement. III. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF COMMERCIAL CORE I l-8 . 24 . 010 Purpose: The Commercial Core f district is intended toprovide sites and to maintain the uniquecharacter of the Vail Village Commercial Area,with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrianenvironment. The Commercial Core I Distri.ct isj-ntended to ensure adeguate light, air, open spaqe, and other amenities appropriate to thepernitted types of buildings and uses. Thedistrict regulations in accordance with the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site developrnent standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightlyclustered arrangements of buildings fronting onpedestrian ways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale andarcbitectural qualities that distinguj-sh theVillage. It is the staff's opinion that this proposal is in conformancewith the intent of the purpose section of the Commercial Core I zone district as stated above. IV. COMPLTANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUTDE PLAN FOR VAIL VILI,AGE There are no sub-area concepts which relate directly to thisarea of the Village. V. COMPLIANCE W]TH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE A. Pedestrianization: This exterior alteration will have no inpact uponpedestrian circulation within the Vail Village area. Vehicular Penetration: This addition will have nopenetration within the Vailis generally classified as impact upon vehicular Village area as Bridge Street a pedestrian-only street. B. Steetscape Framework: The Design Considerations strive to improve the quality ofthe walking/pedestrian environment by iromoting €tre use oflandscaping along pedestrian routes and the creation ofplazas and park green spaces as open nodes and focal pointsalong those routes. The Design Considerations also suggestthe infill of commercial storefronts at key 1-ocations ilongpedestrian routes to add street life and visual interest tothe Vi11age. The staff feels that this proposal will contributepositively to the overalL pedestrian experience. Theproposed planter boxes, bench and paver design, along withthe preserwation of the existj_ng maple tree, will create asnall pl-aza area which we believe will enhance the lowerBridge Street area. Street Enclosure: G.Views and Focal points: This proposal will have no irnpact on views. D. F. The guidelines emphasize that building facade hei"ghtsshould not be uniform from building to building and tnatthey should provide a comfortable enclosure foi the street.This proposed expansion will provide the recommendedstepped-back appearance to the west elevation of the SliferBuilding and staff believes the Slifer Building will be inconformance with this desiqn criteria. Street Edqe: This criteria encourag6)nuildings in the Village core toforrn a strong but irregular edge to the street. The proposed addition will meet this criteria with itsglass-wa1led facade and irregular building fine. The smal1plaza area and extensive window transparency will also addto the visual interest of the pedestrlan environment. Buildinq Heioht: The proposed addition will have a maximurn height of i-0 feetand will have no impact on overall buildi_ng fr5:-gnt. No impact. The existing service/delivery a11ey onsi-de of the buiLding will not be affected Sun/Shade This proposal wilI not substantially increase thefall shadow patterns on adjacent properties or onQf roo{- the east spring or Bridge r. VI . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The staff reconmends approval of this request for an exterioralteration. We feeL that the proposal cornplies wi-th all of theapplicable Design Considerations of the VaiI ViIIage Urban Design Plan. The staff recomnendation for approval includes the conditionthat the companion application for a site coverage variance be approved. 0 d.,0--, E/-t d€ W^,4 ,k ^n&d rt ^ f"-";"4 6 j O T/-t ap Th^* T* ,6 ndt4A*-*4-A"-Q 4-{ rin 'tu^-' 6 rl"* r/4 h.ee *4 ,k /'r-.--( /4u4 * ,o1;^f//',V" )_ & rt,4.( Odd * n* h"l /,e f*e-/ /. ^ F"*;'J / tuf* ltltl,*, - Q7V - T*4 / c*l"D*a "la^'<: Vrb, D?NCH Exfe'l']N6 =roil? VIALL /dNe^il d)lr''l.dffi I I I I d\I)l -Ll .ti trirI- |i+l FI i ;liFLF cel,t|?s.ii" -t:{.i=ilNr7 ttfF- To St i<a$cv5!) :^R-Errt n' v I v----.-tLr--.39'f +bD1l,?t.tA.l_-. ff1wrE #ffi '! N exeTt,'Jg ffiJL.ry e=-.;^DyEDr.eP'-,)..a=) bY lFcwDiu?ffi giieFl - FxfSrJfi<+ \!A1l-,Tr,* bgFe+wwp ao ---+ a AeF'=ALT u,trTtt-|? Tree TobE ?FUN?D *.:t!c-!cl6b e €ay'-e1EKA{-T ur,l? -o *E - ialF_DtNAf=D h.:Ti.l f6^ ,+-.|CtltJ=UL.-rAN'. r! o ?AvEF? .-tf=-et I ta ffi1p7,<-1;:.I I r./ I ev(./.-r7- 4 la\_Ptl ?rc bg s-b-@ oo r0 ,/- dq a 1 {r} i" r' r,s ..... ;.1ii.. . li:':, +.1'I.:. s q 30 Planning and Environnental Cornrnission November 13, l_989 No Site Visits Worksession: A. Revisions to_Vail Brewery/c1en Lyon Office nuildingSpecial Development District IV.Applicant: Vail Ventures, Ltd., Glen Lyon OfficeBuilding, A Colorado partnership. B. Discussion of Conmercial Core II, Lionshead parkingApplicant: Town of Vail C. Proposal for traffic control for Hansen RanchRoad/Vail VaI1ey Drj-ve intersection: Diana Donovan Public Hearing 00 30 00 1. 2. Approval of June 26, 1989 minutes. A request for an exterior alteration at the SliferBuilding, 230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, VailVillage First Filinq.Applicant: Slifer Designs A request for a site coverage variance at the Slifer ,Building,.230 Bridge Street, Lot B, Bl_ock 5, VailVillage First nifinq.Applicant: Slifer 6esigns A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as aConditional Use within the Town of Vail .AppJ-icant: Town of VaiI PEC Chair signature on Vail National Bank pl-at J. A Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road Wbst Vail, Colorado 81657 30$476-1147 TRANSMITTAL ll' tz1 Remarks: sisned: klt'utNhai-' 2: 15 3 ! 00 Tabled to October 23 _o oPlanriing and Environmental Connission October 9, l-989 Site visits PubIic Hearing 2. l_.Approval of June L2, 1989 and JuIy 24, L989 rninutes. A request for a heiqht variance in the CommercialService Center zone district in order to add a dormer to the Crossroads Building, Parcel B,Portion of Lot P, Block 5-D and Tract C, VailVillage First Filing.Applicant: JRC Partners, Ltd. A reguest for an amendment to the DoubletreeSpecial Development District #14, Lot 2, Block 1,Vail Lionshead Second Filing, in order to allow amendments in density and conmon area a1l-ocations.Applicant: VaiI Holdings SLifer Building - Worksession only:Exterior alteration and site coverage variance, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Slifer Designs A discussion of ingressr/eqJress and a joint access proposal , Vail Professional Building and Cascade Crossing, 1031 South Frontage Road West. Vail Vill.age fnn amendment to SDD/BSC Inc.: review of previous PEC recommendation on Sept. 25 Worksession on amendrnents to SDD #L4, Doubletree Hotel. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. aI /0 .7. tr?/EL WaJ'"*a4; lA- a*,1 d t )t? kh;4,-,-zzi fr*V fr Wh 5-16-;:;'3 t!iF: . t4 I |{.i t'l!i_i_ ! iA , Fr Ai,ihlEF: trEl"ll'!r.ii\j i T? f,'EUEI_.-FI4ENT , TtJi*rtJ nF" V* i L EE i ::Lii=Fi Ft-iI1_5 1,tU F:=i,lilSEL F.EiJ 5I-is!"I I TTAL , VF1E i AhiCF FnR E I TE f,ourftfi(:r i-4tr.1=' hn T ris ' FER-it-!+il''ir rE truFl {:INUER:;*TIol.] TEsAy R=.;IJEFTIhiG Tiig Figi:rr-rIR=r i*rF:irrFi-,rsrrirEi'IENT sliri-ltiED IN rrr * BF THE AFFLIT-:ATI0I! FilE A vAF:LqNcE: *. A LJEITTEI.I ETATEI"IENT trF THE FREfiII:E I'.IATIJRE OF THE L,*R:A;\.If,EREQI-IE::TES Ai.i* TIIE FEGIJLATItrN INVBLVE$, THE EE€I.,I.ATIilN II'JUDLVED I:: IE.=4.15{] I..jI{IcH LIi.IIT:j THE EITF CEuEFAGE TlfI3I-I:{ ITJ f,f,J. THE E'I-'J16TNG EHCEEilS TI{AT NitrIII , TTJEFF H*5 E;EEIJ EIIE EI{ALL*SDIT:trI'I *i\JC iT APFE*R:: IT IJES Ii\ Vitr!*ATIEI.I IJHEN THE SI,tJI-C,IF]E LJA:}E:i-r:!_T :F Ti-{E SF:SIlilgt'ic= rJAg iN EFFE[]- AT TI-J*T TIpiE. *LL8I*IAFLE EITE CtrVERAGE ::f{:!X EXIETING =ITE Cg?=EAGE 3+frPftEFil5ED rJiTii v*FiAt.tf,tr 3IX THE FRtrPtr5ES AtrDITION frCcI-JRs hIITHIN TIIE FRSFEF:TY E:SIJNDARIE:]. THEAn*iT]trhl:5 l*iITHiN * FF:EtEl..{TLy DAFlr. gHAf,,ED Cnt_rRT r*rHlf,t{ IF lt_!T SF TilEFL'I*' DF TI.{F :-iTFiEtrT TFi*FFIC: . E}:ISTih..IG 5TilI.ICTI-IRES EXTEi\Itr II'TS TI-.IE';TREFT Ft;X1;'1gp THgf''l Ti{f PREFtr:lES ADD:TIilH: Ti-.tE fyr llttf,,Ric*L rt rHfhtT DFTHE =LIFEF: FUILfitlG T3 iHE hicRTil Ahls TH.F FECI':: nF Tf.lE *t-B*tr: TulsiER $i\iTHE StrtJTil l. THE RELATIOFjI-iH:P nF Ti{E FiE'JI_JEST=S UAR:AI',ICE Tt Tt+E EX:*TIi.j{: FRF*TEFITiAL r-rSES Af{* :;TFir_.!CTLJFiE! If.J TtiE T.,ICINITy i THI FFiilP*:-E$ ARE,.i llf i tJUj' *nuffi::Er y EFFEr T i-;t:I:; iti ::;TF;l-j*T!'rRE:i. :. THr GEfiFEE Tr ut'iICH ftIL:EF FF:Fr,r ]'HE :]TF:IC:T gF: r*irEF:*LI|'ITERFRFT+T:il|'d ili"ls E!!FEftcrriEtJT ':F f; FTE*IFI€D HEGi-JLf;TiDt,t :::; i..iEi:E5::iiiRyT|j f;cHIEug i:sliF*TI--:I!-rrY *lis r-rrd:FgFi'rlTy EF TnEATprEilT *|.1FHE EirE;:i ihlT.ir vic:r.iL-Ty sF: T* iiTTAIi.i TilE rE..iFrTIVE:i CF ]-HI:; Trir il r,JiTiiili-jf .{iF:ei!TtrF itFEc I f;l_ FF i tj I i_5,:E . T:iF FiiIFr-'15irr- iE |:t'f.l::: I:::T*FiT r*iiTFj Ti-iE TF:Ei..Jn DF Ii"tF,i.;suii..l*. r_JF.GF]iqrii.ifi qF.iLr,Il.'lFI' l"iG THE rili.l!"tERc:At_ .I:TFTEHT'IifipE Lr]Ti-l:ti {:i:1 . ::;-i&FF i-{A:r g6pEgo ,*n:=r:E*Rr":H rHE '+JHijLE i4RTT=irt i:F :IITE lijLJEF:Afir rqFlD :ilE l-jE.*rjriiili;: {fF :jii,: r: i:ip;,u*FtIAi'i':E:l:t'! !THHiji i:'FrijFHFiT.lEr:, il'.r rHf ,:c: r FilF: Tr-iE EijA!i:$::j **i..i::::[iEE;+r.iijr..r ;-1 , "i5i: {;:r-:;::::- {:i:: -|i{* ../iiFi i. iri;ij:-- i-ri,.r i_ i': fiiir *hin i:l I i:i , i:} I:::TFr;:;il.J::i i-li..r ilrfli:jF.i.ji.i.:i:I:i.'.|''i.Fii1::j.'il:]:j:'.:]i:l.l-,t..l'ili'!'.-.]ii:::..iJ-. ;:AFE iY . 'f i''iE FFr;-i.:E!: f trF r;lAY TliE illi55;'.iil'l- t.;ir:iT:i.f.iiiiliJ!j ijH:1ilj*c::liiT ilF:*F=liiil:fr:i ijr: rliH RIr.il-:T {:TH!:Fi i:FFi:fiT::; *RE I'1ilfij-.i eiI[:rl-.ir . NC-i Pl,!Ei Ylil.!Fi ftEi.ir_:Ift=l'ifi.iT:_:i F'Lfliiil. l-"3T irf iiF: Ti-iE i.i'.-:i: r:1ru.8 I l_l{_i:* Til GET F-A I Fi f:lll;::; :i ;"lEIiST : nl.i . r $orEP t sss 5-15-85 l,IR. PIIHE MOLLICA, FLAFINER COFII"IUNITY DEVELUFIIENT, TOITJN UF VAIL RE: SLIFER EUILDING RET4ODEL FEC SIJEHITTAL VARIANCE FT]R SITE CT]UERAGE DEAR I"IIHE: AE A FURTHER FELLOIJ IJF TO OIJF HEETING 5-14-85 ENCLCISED FIND A FLAT SH0larING THE $ITE AFEA AND EUILDING SITE CtrVERAGE. IN 5I-IHFIARY THE EXIETING SITE AREA I5 O.()74 ACRES OR 3T33.d4 FQUARE FEET. THE EXISTING EITE COVEftAGE IS 2313.58 SQUARE FEET" THE EXIETING FERCENTAGE OF EITE CtrVERED I5 90]6. THE FROFOSED ASDITICIN TJILL TAI{E THE SITE COVERAG€ TO S3S. ENCLOSES IE THE AFFLICATIEN FBR VARIANCE *FID CHEC}{ FER $IO']. FLFA*E LET T4E IT:NOI,I IF YOIJ NEEN HtrRE. , /ti; n tf ;' a. Appl ication oatel5ffi 11 t78',) PEC MEETING OATE OC{ 73, 118' APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE ,'jl- r I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicat'lonwill not be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME oF AppLrcANI 8rpDc.,l 5Hftf< ADDRESS 1.10 6,4pff u6 PHONI B. NAME 0F AppLrcANT,s REpRESENTATTvE l'[rD OwA[t\M-ef _ ADDRESS ____ lqoo 6p,,LTHfKD[a(,€ Rb_ PH0NE *1t" tt+1vAlL@ DtbS ol,lNER (s )pri nt ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESs XTo tty<lPbb s]'VALL ce- LEGAL DESCRTPTTON L0T_b_BL0CK JL F ILING yALvtt/t ac?€ np<sT E.FEE /$100 THE FEE-M1JST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT I,IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. I!EASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR I9!R.I$9II9I-9I"PEqIEI5IIIJHE NUI'IBER 0F coNDITIoNs 0F AppRovAL THAT rHE pinnruire ... .:. -- I iloo , rnto;' 'oL-cr *FROM F. A'list of the names of owners gf q:l property adjacent to the subject property INcLUDiNc PR0PERTY BEHIND AND AcROSS brnlrrs, anl their mailing aidresses.THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORREcf MAILING ADDRESSE5. frpvtWa tD Apfl,V.a-Isl foY rtf+rfs 'fo Cot II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE WITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINE IF ANY' ADDITToNAL INFoRMATToN Is NEEDED.-No AppLrcATroru wr[ eE AccEPTED uNLEss IT Is C0MPLETE (MUsT TNcLUDE ALL ITEMs REQUTRED By THa-toNiNc lPI.lNllIR4IgB). IT IS THE APPLicANT's REspoNsrBrLrry To mnrE nn App0TNTMENTI,,ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. AND ENVIR0NMENTAL c0MMISSION MAY sTIpuLATE: All coltotuoNs 0F AppRovAL Musr BECOMPLIED I.IITH BEFORE A BUILDING PENI,,IIi-ii-iSS!m"-- - , III. FouR (4) coplEs 0F THE FoLLowrNG MUsr BE suBMTTTED: W.##"YH # 4;iqlJ@5 tr$ c{,}. A. | IRIIIEN siligyqryf 0F THE pREcrsE NATURE 0F THE v7HrXr,rce'ntquEsieo AND THEREGULATI0NINV0LvE0.THEsTATEMENTMUsTALS0ADDRESS; l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentialuses and structures in the'vicinity. 2. The- degree to,which re'lief from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specified requration is.necessary to achjeve-;il;;ti;;iityand uniformit-v g{ treatment atong sites in ine-vitinitv o" to iiiiin';h;'-objecti'res of this tiile without grant or speiiai-priuirugu. "' e"'1; OVER t -2-Vari ance 3. The effect of the variance on 'light anq-q!r, distribution of-population' transportation, iraific faciliti6s, utilities, and pub'lic safety. R- A topoqraphic and/or lmprovement survey at a scale of,at least'l" - 20' stampede' 'Uu-i"i6toi-udo licensed iurveyor including^locations of a'l'l existing. improve- fr'."isl-in|iuoing-giides-ind -elevations. -0ther elements which must be shown are parking and'l;;;i;i ir.ui,-ingtiii-ana-egiess' landscpped areas and utility and dralnage features. c. A sjte p'lan at a sca'te of at'least l" = 20r showing existing and proposed buildings. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans_sufficient to indicate the dimensions, gen""ul'appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proPosed on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is'located in a multi-farnily development.which has a homeowners issoiiatio'n, then written approval from the association in support.of.the projebt musi be receiu.a Uy'i auty authorized agent for said association' Any additional material necessary for the revjew of the application as delermined by the zoning administrator.. F. G. * For'lnterior modifications' an improvernent survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l-comrnission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. '-A-;ili;t. ippti;ii;;'iorm inA al'l accompanving materia) (as describeo auovej fiuii-u"'luumiiieJ a-minimum.of 4. weeks prior to the date of tl' iEa ;;6ii" 6"urinsl' 't'i6-in.Jrpieie-ippiications (as determined bv the zonins administrato"t *iii ue-aciepilo uv i'nE piinning itutt before or after the desig- nated submitta'l date. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the rnunicipal code of the Town of Vail on October 23, l-989 at 3:00 PM in the Town of Vail t{unicipal Building, Consideration of: 1. A request for a site coverage variance at the Slifer Building, 23O Bridge Street, Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. &pplieant: Slifer Designs 2. A reguest for an exterior alteration at the Slifer Building, 23o Bridge Street, L,ot B, Block 5, VaiJ- Village First riling. Applleant* $Lifer DesiErnE 3. A request for a rear setback variance and a site coverage variance in order to construct a window well cover, a roof extension, and expansion of a stairqray on Lot 2, Gore creek Meadows First Filing. Applicant: Roger and Jeanne Tilkmeier 4. A variance request for a third satellite dish antenna at Vail Run Resort, LO00 Lionsridge Loop. AppJ.icant: Joyce Communications Inc., dba K-LITE 5. A request to establish the Bed and Breakfast Use as a Conditional- Use within the Town of Vail. Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A request to amend a condition of approval for a variance for the Cascade Crossing Building, l03L South Frontage Road West. Applicant: Vail Conmercial Partnership 7. A request for a setback variance for a new stairway at Crossroads, Lot P, Block 5-D, Tract C, VaiI Village First F iIing. Applicant: Club Majiks/JRC Partners, Limited. 8. Worksession on Air Quality issues t / I l'',1\r, , l,v,l, 4 o& ) . ptr ot..J,G rS toI"1"; The applications .rrfnro*ation about tt" p"op0.Is are availabre in the zoning adrninistrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the VaiI Trail on october 6, L989. ..i tl1 rr lii \i1 ,\(.(.1 \ I S Ai 'l [{l:..\\L ltl::. lrr O Tn'F k, JBa fuJtr s-f^.*s Cc.-,.,-$ -a- Sq;+ 3(."fl-It E* TL Sci* Gtl,,t; 6?"4**\ H "..-"tr-.-^o' *-"t F{on-"'rr- R*-"r.i1*fa AJ5*..J f^-f-^1.j D.-oly\a-.(s d.-.*'. -T"*^ Sl /*-..1 fi' &st -'^€t -t-., r.^;.st bc..r< G.- s *.A 4*"- :+L C-a,..!f o.*"-, Rst^^*.'-t +o \e .^*L K"A :G{-^ t- st{-'* c. +" N"ikL Ro^ n-C^, +. o.l- |t*.^* +- Nd*.( { :gp r c" kg<-t'.. S- P<;{.--.to o-b,o< Dr.- +{.s."'x t oCQc. b""* G.,-.t....-l^ P(, j €,6"''" G,.} Uoi-Q" co €f Qs" I lL,& s&J"^ eao S.^&j* st,*it Uoi-9 ,co ? t'y7 C[.{-"14: fod-c/o 6.n^r,Ilo,*$ a:o 6",'iAg:1F Uoi.\ lco <165 Sfc"c- o$oo< R-^ R.-q.+ 1lo$t {- u"*t "l r$l R-'-'. Ril€-t J a8 6*A[t'se Uci.[ C<, tt[\--] nr-\tpd Y,#"-rlxfrtu -lJt) ltl{llX;li 5lRL|]'l'\i\t1., (1)l ()ltll)() ltl(ti- (1OJ)'t7(tll2t lA\ (.ll)l ) r-.()'l(}\H Itll '\\'()\ lt(),\l) ' l'(). lt()\ l(rl-.\\()^-, (.()1.()RAIX) lll(rl0 ( i(l-l )()r() l())l -I *.;// a&q.+ &-/< | ,r4 &Gr"J d October 27, 1989 Ned Gwathmey 1000 S. Frontage Road West Va11, CO B'l 657 Re: Slifer Building (Lot b, SLifer/McBride Subdivj-sion) Dear Ned, Per your request I have calculated the area of the parcel ofland occupied by the Stlfer Building and the area of thefootpri-nL for the building. The areas are as fol-l-orvs: Lot b - 3210 SFBuilding w/covered entry - 2860 SF Please call if you have any questlons. Sincerely, . aEagle VaJ-ley Surveying, Inc.'\\\ I\ LA$\p\z..o6+s> Dan Corcoran, P. L. S.President 41 199 Highway 6 & 24, Eagte-Vail Post Office Box 1230 Edwards, CO 81632 303-949-1406 o Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. &.:,; ,:i.," i? ; -,.tni 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 3H76-1147 TRANSMITTAL D^rr. lO'27'81 a". 5lt[er tiAg, Signed:L{ttLtvNailJ Rtc'0s[P151999 3- I .5-85 PiR . i'IIiI:E I4'fLLICA, FLANNER trtrMPIUhIITY SIIJEI-IFi'IEI'JT, TEIJII ilF V*IL ,RE: ELIFEN BIJILDII''I€ REI'ICIIE!- FEC EI.}gi,IITTAL DEAFI i"iliT:E: AFj A FCI-I_C|J I.IP TO OI-IR NEETING YESTERD*Y FEHEU*I,IT Ttr t--l _ I lt _:_:r-{ , r+^ q l"lY l"lE!'lFFAiu$tJH I . *AI! CtrRCEFAN ilF EAGLE V*LI-EY *URVEYING L'HE Hfi5 SNNE A SITE iilIFNOUEi{EilT ::IJFiUEY OF TI{E PFOFESTY I,JI.LL CALCI-ILATE TItE LET ;lIiE AFIN TF.IE 5IT= COVEF:AGE *ruD I rJIl-L FOR'JAES THI:] TO YFU I'4trhlCAY lE SEPTEIIEER, l5*'3 IF THIE IE FiCCEPTAELE. 'l . i DI:iCl-r:::;1ED LEAVII-,IG THE EXi:jTIllG THEE lliTH REB ELIFEH Lji-ig AGF:EEI TO OS SO I,JITH THE LJNBEft';TAN$IFIG THAT IT EE TRIHr-IED Tl *LLtrrJ FIR THE NELi AEEITItrN. Ti{IE I:3 EHnr*lN n$ THE SITE PLAN. EI-IFER ''ILL HAUE THE NE'J=FAFEfi *TA[IE5 REI"IEUES FROI"! HIE FREFERTY *+}iS f;E:=IJI'IE:= THE TBIJN {'ILL DO THE EAilE FNR TDIIJN PftOFFRTY. TI.'IE f,OLOF FSAFF I:f INCLI.ISEN. i H*VE i"IARTI:ES IJF TI..{E IJREAN DESTGI{ G!.JIDE'*II'JE5' AFPLIC+FLE ::ECTIili'i=. Tl"iE FF;SFIEED 'tSFiTIilN CERTAI,ILY llEE!"l* Cfli!5i5TAl'JT TA nE. E.:::i'=i"J*GE '#il-L EE *trtrRE=SE= L*TE* A|,'JB I:i NnT FSFiT lF -l-t-'i I* pggp[:]AL. 7 . YEI.j IIIILL AtrDREEE TFiE F*FTT::F.IG F=F C*I'ITR13I.lTiili'I . t!. THE E! EVSTIE|',.I H'q* *EEi'i i1E1"r:SE3 *N* MrqlLn'!5*. '1 . Tl'iE PI-AN HAS FEEig REVI:]EL-1 AhlS I5 El{CLn::=tr. F'LEAEE LET iIE |;NNU IF YfiI.] hIEES i-!I]ilE. t'. = i-, t^WWUJ'R^^D't/ FACADES Materials Stucco, brick, wood (and g'l ass) are thepljTa.V building materiati founO i" in"V'illage. t,/hite not wishing to resirilidesign freedom over-much, 6xistino- '-- conditions show that within this imallrange of materials much variation anaindividuality are possiUte wnite ore_servtng a basic harmony. Too manvdiverse materials weakin the conii.nuitvand repetition which unifies tne siree't_ s cape . 0f the above materials,stucco is the f) Iiii^ii'lfi'f;llll,tiioji'iiillf ir:S- 3rwn,v, pq,'dexntolt-some stucco, and there arevrrtually no areas where stucco isentirely absent. It is intended topreserve the dominance of stucco_byits use i.n portions, at least, of iltnew tacades, and by assuring that othermater'tals are not used to the exclusionof_stucco in any sub-area with.in the - ViIIaqe- Col or There is greater latitude in thebolor in the Village, but still adiscernible consistency within a range of colors. use of general Bright coiors (red, orange, blues,maroon, etc.) should be avoided formajor wall planes, but can be usedeffectiveiy (with restraint) fordecorative trim, wall graphics, andother accent elements Iseb E- Accent E'lements ) 4--,- l'r,rLi.'- I6 Generally, to avoid both "busyness", and weak visual interest, the variety of major wall colors (and materials - excluding glass) shou'ld not exceed four nor be less than two. A color/material change between the ground floor and upper f1 oors is a cormon and effective reinforcement of the pedestrian scale of the street. ,\ {*.,' u)o'' O,F O.s/ P{,/ Transparency Pedestrjan scale is created in many ways' but a major factor is the openness' attractiveness, and generally publ'ic character of the ground floor facade of adjacent buildings. Transparent store fronts are "people attractors", opaque or solid walls are more private' imp'ly "do not approach". 0n pedestrian-oriented streets such asin the Village, ground floor commercia'l facades are proportionately more trans-parent than upper floors. Upper f'loorsare typcially more residential , private and thus less open. Pry# w -UPPT.n ol4* t Trt ar. vfm v/, re4 W C WW qbtnd 4(ers y4onnicll hl*t a/ gnen Parcanlqe' ,u- o( apelue fiotrn*o' 11. As a measure of transparency, the most characteristic and successful qround floor facades range from 55% t; 70%of the total length of the commercialfacade. Upper floors are often the converse 307,-45% transparent. Examples of transparency (1inea1 'feet of glass to lineal feetof facade) on ground leve'l . - Covered Bridge B1dg. SB%- Pepirs Sports 7-l%- Gasthof Gramshammer 48%- The Lodge 66%- Golden Peak House 62%- Casino Building 30%- Gorsuch Buildinq 51% Wi ndows In addition to the general degree of transparency, window details are an important source of pedestrian scale-giving elements. The size and shape of windows are often a response to the function of the streetadjacent. For close-up, casual pedestrian view'i ng windows are typically sized to human-sized dimensions and characteristicsof human vision. (Large glass-wall store-fronts suggest uninterupted viewing, as from a moving car. The sense of jntimate pedestrian scale is diminished. ) Ground f'loor di spl ay_wi ndows are typi ca1 iy 0 .Y*raised slightly 18 feet * and do not I' extend much over 8 feet above the walk- ^17.'way 'level . Ground f'loors which are 0't- noticeably above or below grade are excepti ons . il, b" {,, 6jr 11 6/) ,h k-:__J Rffi | (. .i. = l557ob7a"/,l. - u'' ' loi +o+iltr-- ,* lwetlarsrpt 66-^''*'^"e 1-t ,Jt>The articulation of the window itsetf pwtis .still another element i;-;i"iil-" !il!ltli:l sca'le (human-relaied Jimenstons).btass areas are usually subdivided toe-xpress individual window elements _-and arefurther subdivided by multioni-inio ,r.irplnes_-. which is resjronsible fo"rnu.f,"'iithe oId-wortd charm bf ti,e viliag;.-" -' Similar'ly, windows are most oftenclustered in banks, juxtaposed withplain wall surfaces to give a pleasing rhythm. Horizontal repetition of sinqie window elements, especially over lon!djstances, should be avoidLd. Large singTe pane windows occur in they]llr9e,.and provide some contrast, asrong as they are generally consistentrn ronn wrth other windows. Longconti.nuous glass is out of charaiter. 4ildJ, Fn6 tnl,idue,l e(b/o4dlAr wmdbrs wrfuol 7rytens a! ord)or rzat142\ Auai lon6 ah {--r)_-- I I Bay, bow and box windows are corrnonwindow details, which further varietvand massing to facades - and are en co uraged. J-d bou4 box avr,,[a..,-pT4> Reflective 91 ass, plastic panes, and aluminum or other metal frames are not consistent in the Viilage and should be avoided. Metal-clad or plastic c'lad wood frames, having the appearance of painted wood have been used success- fu1 1y and are acceptable. Doors Like windows, doors are inportant to character and scale-giving architectural e'lements. They shou'l d also be somewhat transparent (on retail conmercial facades) and consistent in detaiiing with windows and other facade elements-. Doors with glass contribute to overall facade transparency. Due to thevisibility of people and merchandiseinside, windowed doors are somewhatmore effective in drawing people insideto retail commercial facades. Althouqhgreat variations exfst, ZS-30% t transparency is felt to be a minimum transparency objective. private lesidences, lodges, restaurants, andother non-retail establishments havedifferent visibility and character needs, and doors should be designedaccordingly. Sidelight windows arealso a means of introducing door-transparency as q complement or sub_stitute for door'windows. n N,os -*J fP-r'' #wr da*,d*rin al laEt ?o7" 6@"+ artuutaleA 5L)fFa& o,F- 19 Articulated doors have the decorativegya]itf desired for Vajl. Flush doors,light aluminum frames, piastic applique elements all are considered inapbiopriate.rhrln,Aark ndel Frane dark Wfal elw hV dusaltie N0TE: Security is an important design consideration in Vai'l . Dead-bolt locks are encouraged. Locks, door handles and glass should all be designed to discourage break-ins. Security-design discussions with the Town police staff are encouraged. As an expression of entry, andsheltered welcome, protected entry_ways are encouraged. Doon,rays maybe recessed, extended, or covered. 20 Trim Prominent wood trim is also a unifyinq feature in the Village. Particulariy - at ground floor levels, doors and windows have strong, contrasting (see Color-Facades i framing elements, which tie the various elements together in one composition. l.lindows and doors are treated as stronq visualfeatures. Glass-wall detailin! foreither is typically avoided. \ , ^ -, AF44rro dE{'. Mt;"I*"\'*' -{od " - ,$9 * da* ttJood lnm 2L DU|l n]lt(JtU Ned Gwathmey Architects. P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 3ff'476-1147 MEMORANDI.J[4 parties illlrn: Mgwrr\Date q-W^ts1 &.Vt* Buot Wowv fr,b. s,f9atl^\-- Re: The following was discussed: Trte Aff-lipo srte oor/Fl?^eii F(l&tr6 op% THFro wi,l,r trtsFTp Fw rugrtreLqNr.E wrlt\ P.At.. e) Rtvnx' .rteep .SFrFf v\Dt t,.D UfCTb S T2ff {€r4A[rJ. dOU^"|) tst+ -Tetr'twu2D rJp. NED rlrrv D't3/^b w$il E-tFff:l _ c) frHo otri' AFa^r h,{bl^bF\Pue sw}trtRs - trTR€Y Affi To ffgtnarr, ca+rftV t3d oFaanrrzec rurp aN, ntottJ\re REqRque' Aacti\rl DF cu6- _ 9)_6triXce t5p,T zt eeeT oe 1t.s r^pptvxrru- u,lw RP AFpFf{nbD L\iR - A\tDtLE \pt{/i/ w ----- ffIloht''n Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. t c. iriR[C'l] rir' C 8g 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 3fIl.476.1'147 TRANSMITTAL I,ltPz lAeil,w- e f.0 v, SitFe,r{eMtZ,Re: Remarks: Signed:tat/,/-k)ail) I NTEP..DEPARTI'IENTAL REVI El.l PROJECT; DATE SUEI.IITTEO: COl"ri/,ENTS NEEDEO 6t: ERIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPP.RTI4ENT DATE OF PUELIC HEARING >*+# W*'^ay ffV*r*L A i/. o J,.o..- 5 Revlewed by: Coninents: Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Reviened by: Comnerrts: Revlewed by: Co;;rents: Da te i 'rit. 'dDate r- aoco (.o(olrl (),'\t!) (vro+ \o @ (o to <r 1rrC!(C)ffllO<fF*@C!r-|.r)N C\J CN C\, o') trj \o -J@loclcO.iJ-\oc\rcvoo@@<f\O(OS .d.i "; d3 cjd d.: d"io-tJJ;j<l <f Ln O N rft @ .- cn F. (r) Lrt - Cq <l (.o Oc|dl O (-, r.(-) (v c.l (o c{ Ln rq cf) @ qt cv.l rr-l -Gf clf r- F -2. =: z z (v .- cv rn <r' sr c! c! t- Lr) (! L., cv Sgc\J . tJ)(I) cf) Lrl.cv.+(r, o.) ro cc) + co. c) cJ (v <) .f c") U") f-\ tr) rt-\ c\J t') frt cO <r- (I) (\ c{ |_ <f rr) O c{ tr)c|'- a) u"} <> F\ F\ f\ (v c\j o (o ro or \o <J- r- C! (O rD '- c') (O r- l-- (r) LN trlJco <f r:o O! CO i+ @ <f cO c) c\.1 @ c! - r <,. <f O <r' F- @ @<<l <t tf'r Nt co. Lr) $J c.r € + o or c.l or (.o co or rr) r\ o (> c\Jj Ull N t-\ rl.) cO. CO !o lJt O t-\ Or O S, - c.J t- r- lr) ro c{ @ O t--\ d I:(Jl o to Lo Lr) rr) (v c! (o (.) c.t ro (t - ci-) (o (! - '- <r \f (o J'-l\N'-'- (-t oc L,-t 3 !:ju7 LD cn >':. t'/'' =cl-;er-FJLD O (J -J t-r., :I: l! O-Ztl-i.2co<5A\nL)J<<r--. z. (J--- <tt< o- o;sz oFo19---1 *.-tl J'<(=-J o < J i-.r - a co (r: ct (r i l--: l-- Fj \z =fL,l*utio---rco(r.t=uJuJ= ; o- = (Y 6 t-r - - rn 4 J -) l- o o Y = t'l co=cot->--ou-- 6 z. - rn tt d ; t,J () c, o a <c'( g F () r-i _r o ) J d dl r-,r r- * { >z (jt (.') (., r{ J rr.l <f JJ oo -J-J;*; u1 ,4 (t o (.) ltl ocro |- -J 'li = g ;gEa= g i5 s- H a6 333 ; HB UJ J cc)d<<ltd = tr-l>o dl(f+L5l .J c) Ol o?$I H fr(5t J _j \-.-,'!l.\J1) \ oN\k\J i,I_flfql I Ir.) (O O (f, F\, r\\ q+ cl c\, O @ <iF; F (Y)O rn r\ CO .-l r- ='.^t-tr} f- C\j (r, lrr: |.r) Osf t.T) ,- cn<f cJ @ r-l (!)-Ch r-l (v c\l(v (o Cn(OFf\sfr{mr\-J<rFl fr, (tl r- ,- (o <f rf c! ql o r.o l-r clOOor(rr(fOrfseOc!r\C{ tJ) rr) CO |-.- r* Lr, If) |\\ r- <j' CrJ &. UJ = tr-e. d. UJ @ +cD,-rf)Or C{ C! ff)|'r)slc!@r-(om '- CrJ LO O =.: o rr) (o C\T n'- '<f.- Cr)r-<fO r.)o rr)otorr) r- (j.-@r-, @ r-' r- <f <t coOrNFr- l'- qf OOlr- OS.rf <t' c\lct c! cY"lc\l c\j o @FO c{ ff) co\o c!OC\J LTJ O tr-d.d(J LrJOz UJd.o() _J (Je. UJ zOL) J - O .<.r (}:r O) O <r- t() - r\ <f Or Lr) \O O Cn r-\ <<l @ r-- Lr) O N r\ to rr) F\ ..f sr c{ O c{ O @ $ = LLI ,- tr) r- @ t- r- qr oD Or r- '- r- O Lr) (O CO t-Fdt - . c] o o - - o(J Lt I qr rr) Ctt r-- <f c.l C\.1 <f <f c\t or ot !o l-\ (r) cO trt @@NJO@O@'-roCOcr)(OorGJ-C\, l"' cn Cn '- Lntr) or ,- tb; (I) rot - f- N crt rn oO c) cf) o\ ca ol In r- cr) U-l € r+ c|r ca cr,) ; r- '.o ro r- (o \o gr cu ca, or Or tr) l-* O Ln t^l c\J 6 \o F\ F\ Cn fq r- {' (D r'- <d- Cf) <f C, O tO <f r\ \.o r\c\l (tr C! r- '- <}, Ctr ..1 C) r\<.r ct] co r-C) |\ co ri-). \o (ll ._ (Y_) <l (Y) N<f <) \.o Cl.) '..r r{ F cn lrr r\ F\ .') @ <]ofcOc\Jcv<J'l\Otr}\oO\o\O (() r\ f\ N O r\ t'r C) c\, (tl r- t- o o r* r cr, r* .-r (Y) O F.-ro rr) o)o! or tn C\lFI|- sltrJ Id.l HI c!' F;6 CY =F OO (_-)Y. a4ul Lrloul-F-r d (9c/'r (.) =rz-r.ll J a{T!-JF E !--{ .--.a(J=u- \ -Buff Arnold: Ned Gwathmey Architects. P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, C,olorado 81657 3&76.1147 E-7-tl':? AFFLICATTDN FER EXTEF:IDR ALTEFATIili{S flR I.,IODIFIC*TINi'J5 II'{ C[I.1I'IERCIAL CORE 1 UAIL VILLAGE; ADDITIBFJ LE:]IJ THA1I 'I I]I.} 5QI-J+F:E FEET i RE :SI-IFEF: PIJILBII']G EF:IT'GE STFiEET I,ICSIFlf,ATIOFI A. EViOENCF THAT PFIOFO:JAL I5 IFI CDTIFNftI"IANC:E IJITH THE FIJF]FO:]E5 OF THE CCl NI::TRICT A5 SFEi;IF:ES II! '1 ''1 .34. (]I (-J. 5EE EI'.!CLN:;EN FLf;FI= AF]D E! EVSTIEIIJ'; E. Ti{E FR[FSgg1 gI-|E:ITANTIALLY Ctri.lFLIEi li,ITi{ THE VAIL VILLAEE URAAFI f,,E:]IGN GI.JIDE FLAF.I FEGARDIN€ : i . PESEE;TFIANISATIDi.J TiiE F'F:DFtrEED ADDIT:ilI'J I5 ET'ITIFiELY !]ITI-1 IF] THE EIJI:-EII.'I'5 FfttfFEFITY LI!''IE5 Ai\.ttr BgE::r f.tBT E;{TE|'.JB I:'JTD THE E;FliD.iE =TREET CORF:IESFi Fl-tp;11i9* TI'{AN THE E:{i5TIN6 CYLINBFiIiAL FnR$ AI.ID THE EXISTIi!,3 FLANTEFI *I'lD G*F:!]EI] I,'IALLE NF THE GORETJCH FUILSIFIG. 5EE FITE FLAN. TllE Er*ll'JER FEEL::: THAT THE FEDEsTRIAN FLOLJ I:1 F,INT INHIEITED EY THE ABBITItrI{. I. I/EHICLE FEI"IETHATIBI.J THE FREFBSAL I.!E= BOE:. I',IDT REIITJIRE AI.JY ADDITIBN*L YE11If,I-ILAFi EEF;VICE. THE NE'I'J tll{OP L'JILL FE EERUICED FRDl"l T:-lE ALLEY Ef'MIL! CFEEI|: Jl-rFT AE IT IT NOhI . IJEE E}{CLO::1Ef,' LETTER EETI.I SLIFER TO FETER PATTE|"I . 3. :;TREETSCAF.E FRAI,IEUBFIH AF.FLICAIUTI FEE! THAT Ti-IE STREET::;C+FE I*IILL FE EIUH*|'JCED E:Y THE FREFSSAL. THE EXIFJTIFIE EI-TI.IP11O* AND THE T]PACE IN THE Fi=trE:::J i5 FFE:;EI'JTLY C'*RI':: AI'{D II'IHIFJFI].AEILE. TI-.{E AilNITIN|{ DF BI:=FLAY :JI:'JDDI;J::, LIGHTER CSLNF:ED TFt:r'-i +l'lt'E:*jr"lc, ANS i.jE],,"r ERnLIhiS F*t'iNij LrILL ER:i\j,: Ti;E EXTFiIIft"rF TFiIi FEilTint.t ilF Ti-i5 Fl-riLDIN,: 1ilTil Ti-lE r;1!_rAr-ITY !-Fi.'Fl rF CTIi=F: REi=i'lT :i.iF:i-L flDFiTIBi!5 ili\i ETFiTCGE I:TFiEET AI]T G':55 ..:FIEEI,:: NR:VE. 4. iTi:{FET EI..1CLtr:;I.JF:E APF!Ii:rji'JT= FE=L T:-.i+T Tl-iE ::;TFiEET 5l''1f,:-!l=l-'F:E I'lI!-l- f''![T iJ= A*Lj=i:::El-Y EFFI ,:TE3 i:Y THf ilnl; i F I l:;iT j !--li! : TiiF :::F ALIE r*'I i-i- E* F[R'L:[ I VEl TrlF i::*i'!E ," HfrtrFUEit TtiE Niift[ =i'iuIftr-]i.,ti"1Fi'tT i:RE*TEll EY Tl-.iE:if,'l:T:ilij lAr I'r-i- FE illFlE I |,JTEFIE:::T i UG . 5. STREET ESGE-ii{E EBG= !F TiiE STREI:T LrILL F:E I:FFE.JTiti'Ei_y THE:i$i'18: T'riE rrrAi.i_ri i:i'l THE EDfiF IJILL FE I-IT]RE T,ilTEF:F!;TIIJG *NF FFIE::|IER. L:,. fil"r iLilIl',lG HEIril+T I'.1[T EFFf.*:TE3 i'in-i- EFF:ii-:TEi-a ;:i . ::i i l.i :;.1-.iHL-1i: l::j-jt..!::: .i t[Fia+ i- i. ni'.1 o THE F.HOFOISAI_ I}OE:; NIT EXTEND EUT !JE5T OF THE EXIS-III'JG CYLTI'IE'RI':AL PROJECTItrI..I, TIjE I,IIDDAY EHADTNG I:j NilT EFFE{TED AT ALL. ALSN CONDITIT]NS IN THE AFTERNBON AIi:E NOT T*:HANGED. THE OT{LY T'IIT4OR EFFEf,T I:: A SHEF:T PERIOD AF:Bt-rl.JB 10:+S A.N. LJHEIII THE Sl.rN Ig FETLJEEN THE FOINT TJHEFE IT I:j IFITEFCEFTED BY THE EXI:]TING l-c FODT H16H NORTH ::Ot-lTH ELEVATIEN OF THE ELIFEF: EI.IILDING. ftLL OF THI::J I5 ALF:EADY IN :IHADE DI.IE TO THE I.'IUCH HIGHER EXISTII'JG GilRSUCH EIJILDING. THE I'JET EFFECT OF T}iE PRDFOEAL REGARDII\IG :-iHADING IS NEGLIGIELE. NO CHANGEE TO THE VAI! VII-LAGE I-IRBAN DE:JIG|'J F-LAFI AF;E F,RBPOSED AI'ID THE FRoF'il:JAL T'ILL EE COI,IFATIELE I.JITI{ THE CHftRACTEft OF THE NEIGHESFI1OOF. 'Butf Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Foad West Vail, Colorado 81657 30.3-476-1147 TRANSMITTAL 6h, "41 -,", lAife ,Wll,t,n 'trl'^ Ta,V. - o^r". 1'&'81 Re:Ar€u/ p4i,AdtL Signed:LaMan -th-/,,- /D \1 li i !l l)i \,li ,\.r, i.1' { l\ l',,.. illl t.'.1 lii , r.. August 11, 1989 Mr. Peter Patten Director of Cornmunity Development Town of Vai-L 75 S. Frontage Road Vai-1, CO 81657 Dear Peter: Our plans for the south side of the qround floor of theSlj-fer Building is to have a retail store similar to, but noL the same as, The Finishing Touch. We will be selling home accessories, interior desi-gn books, lamps, picture frames,fireplace tools and other objects that are decorative anduseful in the home. As you may be aware, the space is much under 100\ square feet and will only accommodate relatively small objectb. Sincerely, n "-t \r I/El(-L L\ '-l \ s*-C-\ seEn blaIer'President, Slifer Designs BS/it APPLICATION FOR OR MODIFICATIONS VA IL oate otpl ication K /tt tE -t Date of peC Meeting 7,//,Y7 EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I V I LLAGE I. Plann'ing and Environmental Conrmission review is required for the alterationof.an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area or 9!!g9or patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCIDISTRICT. FOLLOWING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT MUST BE REVIEWED BY THE DRB. The application will not be accepted unt.il all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT T3') ADDRESS .f *3O NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE f l^ 'n /^' -.tt , LJuG:J ( 8l{a\ - pnotr ttJG- ilrl'l c.NAME 0F oWNER(S)(print or type)+!* SIGNATURE(S) r:: rjJL:-z't-a-r R ADDRESS &'at; PHONE E v76-2{ar D.LOCATION ADDRESS 0F PR0P0SAL: LEGAL Q3r) /':?->E. FEE ( $100.09/\___---- THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEI,J YOUR PROJECT. II. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANN]NG STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAL INF0RMATI0N IS NEEDED: -N0 AppLrCArrOn wiil-'BE ACCEPTED UNLESS-IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUIRED BY THEzONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE ApprrcAnits-nEiFoNiisiLrTy T0 MAKE AN ApporNT-MENT WITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS" PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESSFOR Y0uR PRO-lEcr BY-D-ECRHSING THa NUMBER 0F coNDrTior'ri or nppnovAl-rHAi----THE PEc MAv STIPULATE. ALL C0NDITI0NS 0F APPROVAa r'ruii ee coMpLrED wrTH BEFoREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIED. rHE FOLIOWINE rquii AI''iiBMrrrrO, A. Improvement.survey of property showing property lines and Iocation ofbuilding and any improvements-on the Taird.' B. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject PTOPCTTY INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROS-S STREETs, ana ineir iliiiingAddTCSSCS. THE APPLICANT l||ILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDREiSES. PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT i.IILL BY OVER CCI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. -The lile plan shail be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleof I'' = 20' SHOI,IING EXISTING AND PRoPo.-Eo-iuFnovrNrrvii ro THE SITE. Avariation: of the sheet size or sca1.e may be approved by the communityDevelopment Department if justified. B. The date, north arrow, scale and name of the proposed developmentI'IITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION shail be shown on the'site pran. ' c. The existing topographic character of the site including existingand proposed contours. This condition will only be reqiired for anexpansion area where there is a change of two fiet of giiaAe. D. fhe exjsting and proposed landscgping, patios. E. The location of all exist.ing and proposed bu.i .ldings, structuresand improvements. F. ,A title report to verify ownersh.ip and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THAT: A. THE_ ac SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORM A PREPONDEMNCE THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION INDICATING PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORMANCE I,JITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT SPECIFIED IN IB.24.OIO. B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES WITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESiGNTGUIDE PLAN REGARDING: l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape Framewoik4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edge6. Buildinq Heioht7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration MANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED AS-SKETCHES, SIMULATI0NS, MoDELS (TNCLUDING PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MJOR DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR BY GRAPHIC MEANS, SUCH NEIGHB0RING BUiLDINGS), CHANGE TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN CHANGES ARE NOTED IN SECTION18.24.220(8). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TO!,IN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUESTHAT THE APPLICANT MU5T RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTMTOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEl.t OF THE APPLICATION. VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN IOO SQUARE FEET OF FLOOR AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SEMI-ANNUALLY. THEYNEED T0 BE SUBMITTED BEFoRE THE FoURTH MoNDAv 0F MAy 0R NovEMBER. rHr pti H0LDS A PRELIMINARY REVIEiI sESsION I,IITHIN 21 DAytoF-THE suemirrnl oArE.- n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD bIITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEW SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FL00R AREA 0F NOT M0RE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET MAY BE SUBMITTED Ai THE , . REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENViRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEtll. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEl,l SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065 A5. OWBuff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontage Road \A/est Vail, Colorado 81657 3ffi-476-1147 TRANSMITTAL 4)FtpFr,pa p*).affi..- ,^. WO 3lgr-lp6f,..- /@tlATp\) /d^27,( -T T-Z\'r t, . f ta,t v:xJL,, I-t jr\t{J /'m 'fltr[Ds oF €tr5-Tlu<z - o PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the planning and Environmental Commission of the Fown of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipat code of the Town of Vail on Saptenber 11, 1999 at 3:OO pM in the Town of VaiI Municipat Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a rear setback variance for a deck on Lot 2, core Creek Meadows First Filing. Applicant: Firooz Zadeh 2. A request for an exterior alteration at the Slifer Building, Z3O Bridge Street. AppLicant: Slifer Designe 3. A request to amend the development plan for the Talon at L881 Lionsridge Loop, Lot I, Block 3, Lionsridge #3, and Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Subdivision #:. Applicant: Parkwood Realty Company TOI{N OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vail Trail on August 25, 1989. 'naik,9 +, ilt (rea;'^/w4 Llzllzq. o SI I|IlR lll:tl(;\\ \( ( I \ l\ .\ li{l .\\r. i r. r'r, f{.c ,,r--i F<-'- ' t* \ J 3.> r3z".Qff $,*{. ('c,--'.o-,'t T- \f*^+ S('.f T" .b- tL \r+- GItr.{..-.-^ fit**l [..-o,r'=.--.--, *-{ .&. $"[ 1...-,.-- $ g..go-^-1.1 cq-->\a-!s &-rc :.J") --i--,,.-,- ..J /o.-L ta F-r1 c^-,-J -F. [r].st .lD.o* C.-.-3.^1[, O'.-,--r-.fl* (l-.-L lo,.-*r. 'R"st^^-*f lz, \o*l.( t("& =l+" l"r aL-f.. . {. l- w.--t(.- i?.o,. ,k!tl _{r,, c-,.._.[.1s.,.*< L Nri(L r{ :t^/"^ I c. k0,-\,... .+-, Pe",:!{cu-..cn &-\'.r.i f,,. .i{e..li. { ri[ c-. tfou o9"'.x R-''' ({-11', ,$r,cfr^-tc1 L ,r,.'--tl { sr"f..rc;. b**. G"-,:,',-.-l^ R-cA SL+"^ R.,,^ Q\." Ck"--"-qes Koc{^J63 €, Gn.. C*J S-' j3' 9.rc!1" St^"*i ; ay ri..6{*':t '/" 6..-\X{ L"; \)cu& Cc s1{i s r \*r.._$ ,cr, tr t sT Uc.Jt c- iiuf r a:c ra*o<\: \r t | ' Vc.J ,(e .lrLf ) r ls. :v- sffi u .'ilil\iiii,: \ilil I.,jl {1!liill\:11 r-.{, l:l 'i\!l\ lli,t ,lil; ll!,'\ lL,l- iit:\ a ':r'jSDEFMRTMENT @Ftr@MMUNITV DtrVEL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41330 CO}J. DEV. APPLICAT]ON FEES ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORII BUII.DING CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM PLUI,{BINC CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI/ MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORM FIRE CODE 1 0000 +?+15 1987 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 1 0000 4241s OTHER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 E PRINTS (MY-ARS) 01 0000 42+12 XEROX CoptES / StrOrEs 1 0000 42371 PENALfi FEES / RE-INSPEC]]ON 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS TNSPECT]ON FEE CONTRACTORS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41330 0r 0000 41413 ,SIGN APPLICATION t t- Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone fi{ ^ 3 '' ='< Owner, Address and Phone: Si,{*,.Dno, /to^,. I t/-7 /? d Sc r l=Fft-wt Architect, Address and Phone: s4- Legal Description: Lot Commentsi Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by; DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL ' / /trr)Darc I I /1 / D Stati Approval Sc r t= FIL €l,S"n J)rr, //o,," /t/J/?rJ 6L,tl L.P:!. ,r Project Application Pro1ect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone 'Y+r*" l,y, ?q7 - _) tt -J Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone _ Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPROVA LAPPROVAL Town Plan ner o^" rt/-t/{ r) E Statt Approval \ ..lp Project Application r:-,-- - r7 t -5L ll-t-tL ;L, /o^r" / r,/1 /+ C ;/,', Project Name: Proiecl Description: Conlact Person and phone Sl,-{o* Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner t /-- /f JDate. t r / ! / O Statf Approval / *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOTrs suBr,itITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: o (r,c(' tt /(_ lfaIqo s+. BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORT'TATION A pre-application neeting wlthstrongly suggested to determine a planning staff rnenber isif any additionalinfornation is needed. the zoning adninistrator). It is the applicanttsresponsibility to make an appointnent with the staff to findout about additional subnittal reguirements. Please notethat a COMPLiETE appllcation will streamline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the number ofconditions of approval that the DRB raay stipulate. ALLconditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpennit is issued. Application will not be processedwithout Ownerts Signature. A.PROJECT DESCRTPIION: C.t tr-: -+-4o urji. a ZA h B.OF PROPOSAL:Bo PrnA Legal Description Lot Subdivision Zoning c.NAME OF APPLTCANT: Mailing . .nLlqI was7 Phone Ll)b39 3'l D. NAI'fE OF APPLTCANT'S RSPRESENTATIVE: a&{ I,OCATION Address Block 4" l(,t: -\ r -.1L-3't t 'Mailing Address: Phone E.NAI.{E OF OWNERS: srcNATunE(8): Mailing Address: " €a-c*p U Phone F. Condorninium Approval if applicable. G. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the.time a buildingpernit is paid for. VALUATTON $ o- $ 10,001 -$ 50,001 - 9150,001 - $500, 001_ -$ Over $ 10,000 $ 50,OOO $ 150, OOO$ 5oo, ooo $1, o0o, ooo 91, ooo, ooo FEE $ ro.oo s 25.00 s so.0o $100.00 $200. 00 $3oo. oo \ II. ilPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AI.,L SUBI{ISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subrnittal- reguirernents' the appllcant nust stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be rernoved must also be rnarked. This work uust be conpleted before the DRB visLts the site. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS will nornally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two meetings for a final approval . C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not asked for a postponement wil.l be requLred to be republished. D. At the discretl-on of the zonJ.ng adninistrator, the following items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approvaL: a. Windows, skylights and sinilar exterior changes that do not alter the existing plane of the building,' and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron any other lot or public space' which have had l"etterE subnitted frolr adjoining proPerty owners approving the addition; and/or aPproval from ttre agent for' or manager of a condominium association. E. You may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your propeity (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfaIl, debris flow, wellands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. ,LIST OF TiIATERIAI,S NAI.TE OF PROJECT: I.,EGAL DESCRIPTION: I,OT-L BrscK _ suBDrvrsloN DESCRIPTION OF PRO.TECT: STREET ADDRESS: J3o 4e: iK Sf Gt0,*;\nNll 'rn6 5 Df Crn O-tq:-n required for eubnittal to the Deslgn approval can be given: TIPE OF I.IATERIAIJ COITOR 6o^["-l A. The following lnfornatLon is Review Board before a final BUILDING I{ATERIAI,S: Roof Siding Other WalI l{aterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other B.IANDSCAPING: Narne of Designer: Phone: PLAIIT IiIATERIAIS: Botanl.cal Name PROPOSED TREES comnon Nane ouantlty Size* EXISTING TRXES fO BE REMOVED *Indicate ca].iper for deciduouE trees. MLnimum calLrer for decLduous trees is 2 l.nches. Indicate hefght for conlferoucltrees. Minimurn heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. i t "r^"& PLANT UATERIALS: Eotanical Nane Comnon Name ouantity Size* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING STTRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minlnun size of ehrubs is 5 qallon. Tvpe Souare Footage GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swinning p-o1s, etc.) please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. Maximurn height-of wllls within the front eetback is 3 feet. llaximum height of hraLls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. SLIFER&CO.-RUON o.303-949-LL22 ttto js ' 90 15 :50 No . oo4 P . oJ ?aae L 1J l\ t I J t I 'J' 3* wl\uu lrr,lft I I OF BUTLDtNf{ !vf MDorv LED&E ll/g'/wrrrrF WALL c0. - RVoN TEL -.303-949_'-,'-, , rri;;i 17 !1.,', SLIFER & ,. l +tt;-,C. IT''rI:I L- {2-l I ,/ TI II tt22 ./) \#:. r--. -\-__.+*a-- r *t I I I I I I I -J I I { t. I,1,,*<lt .-rta -- qII qrb {D .- !b NovO,gu r5:S0 No.004 p.02 Nai led blilding SLIFER&CO.-RVON Pt*r, 3 Il, Birild rrr f.Jo3-e4e-1122 uov I so lall-icc sfruclurc, " lZ f+ x 15:50 N0.004 t6+t. P .04 Ilrnide.drotrtf ''i .r. ,'I L, 3. ' '* B,;bble-Tvrdp tnot-,ld b wood lattice sfruchure. (opxx -lai m{ 6lsulcl , geneqAly ol-ound ++E wroppd around flr.' -, {nl"^, 'tr\{\'i*hen b.,^dred r1' " \ €mnewrL, (eouch,6d) juni F,r wo.,ld 'fu,.- ;. . -.r.t I tI n, ffif lond ol+, LA.gTtY v, Jr **99 ohye 'iarrrdovfg. t) "/ Fl : I'LACrr le Fr Noiled *rydfur like q tgtli.* *ruc*ure tg'/' rat{ulqsT t q tq f+,gnst -q lqBq Project Application //'27 ,tr7 Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: , Zone Design Review Board DISAPPHOVAL Sum mary: Town Planner E staft Approval g=; . {. Mqrnv,qv Rcvtau. ffpnLL 6p@r a.1ANAA} n'otffi ' frEW rpu3Ff4f ltF tbll flr,+s.-- {V- W EnFP'rF lef"Auf I Aaot-TtpUAL g'F APPLICATISII DATE: W DATE 0F DRB llEETIl'lG; ffi +a''.-rEfr==F=-fift u DRB APPLI.ATI'N ftrrl'i'f ' : 5 1c;o *****THIs AppLIcATI0N wILL NoT BE AccEpTED uNTIL ALI- INFoRMATI0N ls suBllIT;tD***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to . a.i"i*ihb ii any"aaJitionut inforinatjon is needed. No application will be.accepted unless it is compieie (must include all items required by the zoning admlnistrator). ti ts ttre apptic5nlts iesponsibility to ntake an_appointnrent with the staff to find out about additional .submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE appl ica- tion will streamline the approval process for your projgct by decreasing the number of conditions of approval ihat the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description lot---_-rp- alock 5 Zoning d'ol Filins VAU UtUaaC 1<t. C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Add res s Addres s F. ORB FEE: $ o-$ to,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $t50,ool - $ t5o,ooo $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 '$ 10 .00 - $ 25.00 $ 5o.oo $too.oo $200.00 $300.00 2.The review process. for NElrl BUIL0INGS rvill nornally involve tr,ro separate meetings of. tfre Design Reviiw Board, so plan on at least two meeLings for iheir approvai,N.A. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have nob asked for a postponernent will be required to be republ i shed. telephone 4'lb'24'L1 D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: I Addres s E. NAl'lE OF OWNERS: Si gna ture telephone q'Zd, e.!a/' is requested. VALUAT I ON FEE IMPORTANT NOTICI REGARDING ALL SUBIIISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must'be conrpleted before the DRB visits thesire. wlrv |365[i!Fxp ltF {sFnr, - FtplKr,;s Knr,r0ve\p - tel ephone The fee wiil be paid at the time a building permit 3. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS I orscRlprlon or pR The foliorving informatjon is required-for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before-a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Siding 0ther l,lal I Material s Fasci a Soffi ts !li ndows !lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Encl osures Greenhou s es 0ther cLd\Rstr'ss. €b$/W-. ?, tl -,1 B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botani ca l Narne EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *lndicate ca1 iper for decjducious trees. Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers. (over) Indicate height .! . - PLANT NATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name Quanity Size .. (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED GROUND COVERS IyPe Square Footage SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSiON CONTROL C. OTHER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retajning wa]1s, fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) Please spec'ify. ,PA/'vPsjA}.\p A^i4r3 db trp y\-6p- -'t,{ur3TcrrE -]Ffl{ . ',)w bt"lrU^r Rq^D&/q.'t6ry) J FACADES Materi al s Stucco, brick, wood (and glass) are thepfiTarv building materiati founO-in iheVil lage. l.'lhite-not wishing i; ;";;;;;design freedom over-much, 6xistino-- ''- conditions show that within this imallrange of materials much variation ana:lliyi!ttjty.are possible wnire .prl_ servtng a basic harmony. Too manvdiverse materials weakln the conlinuitvand repetition which unifies iil-;;;;;i_ . scape. 0f the above materials,stucco is the fl fiii.ii'liiTllll,fi:.,l"ff:'il i,.S=--= <Tw,a, vo p$dexntDrt_sorne stucco, and there are- y I v'rrtual Iy no areas where Stucco isentirely absent. It is intenJ"O iopreserve the dominance of stucco_byits use i.n portions, at least, ol iitnew tacades, and by assuring that othermatertals are not used to the exclusionof-stucco in any sub-area within th; - Vi 1 1 age. Col or There is greater latitude in the use ofcolor in the Village, but still adiscernible consistency within a general'range of colors. Bright colors (red, orange, blues,maroon, etc.) should be avoided formajor wall planes, but can be usedeffect'i vely (with restraint) foroecorative trim, wall graphics, andother accent elements Iseb g. Accent El ements ) 4-- f,1ffl' l6 o As a measure of transparency, the rnostcharacteristic and successful groundfloor facades range from 55?l t6 IOZof the total length of the commercialracade. Upper floors are often theconverse 30%-45% trans parent. Examples of transparency (lineal'leer or gtass to lineal feetof facade) on ground level . - Covered Bridge Bldg. SBlt- Pepi's Sports 11%- Gasthof Gramshammer 4g%- The Lodge 66%- Golden peak House 62%- Casino Building 30%- Gorsuch Building 51% l,Ii ndows In addition to the general degree oftransparency, window details ire anrmportant source of pedestrian scale_giving elements. The size and shape of windows are oftena r€sponse to the function of the streetadjacent. For close-upr cESual pedesirian viewing windows are typ.icaily sized tohuman-sized dimensions and ciraracteristicsof human vision. (Large glass-wall store-tronts suggest uninterrupted viewing, asfrom a moving car. The iense of iniimatepedestrian scale is diminished. ) Groundfloor display windows are typically 0y*raised slightly 18 feet * ani Oo not I extend much over 8 feet above the walk_'way 'leve'l , g"ornJ floors which are 0,K'noticeably above or beiow grade areexcepti ons . d__, n ,. c ev,__ l37g,nr. {a}a"'o^"e 'lt General]y, to avoid both "busyness", and weak visual interest, the variety of major wall colors (and materials - exclud'ing glass) should not exceed four nor be less than two- A color,/material change between the ground floor and upper f1 oors is a conmon and effective reinforcement of the pedestrian scale of the street. *t\ {*'"o O,F t, <"/K/il Trans parency Pedestrian scale is created in many ways, but a major factor is the openness, attractjveness, and generally public Ncharacter of the ground floor facade --,"./of adjacent buildings. Transparent ",,;109t-store fronts are "people attractors", f' I opaque or solid wal'l s are more private, imply "do not approach". 0n pedestrian-oriented streets such asin the V'i 1lage, ground floor cornmerciijtacades are proport.ionately more trans_parent than_upper floors. Upper floorsare typcially more residentiii, privateand thus less open. 11. tJ The articulation of the window itself OWt' -i( <ril'l '.^*r.^- :; ^-^-- f I Iis.still another element in giving-" r pedestrian sca'le (human-relaied limensions).Glass areas are usualrv suooivia;; ;;"'"e-xpress individual window elenenti j-and arefurther subdivided by mulfionr-inio ,iuirpanes_- which is reslonsib.le io"rnr.n"'oithe old-world charm of ttre Vitiuo".-" -' Similarly, windows are most oftenclustered in banks, juxtaposed withp'lain wall surfaces !o give a pleasinq rhythm. Horizontal repetition of singiewindow elements, especiaily over tondd'tstances, should be avoided- a,toQ_lonza:6\2,\ \) hflKi --tu . . ujjllt r{r arhn\a.e $(ve arere- {;-._{._\--- {ql- 4 bow box \^itq Large s'ingTe pane windows occur in the llj:u9",.and provide some contrast, nSj9nS. ar they are generalty cons:iieni-rn tonn with other windows. Longcontinuous glass is out of crrirJiter. Bay, bow and box winoows are corffnonwindow details, which furtirer-viriety and massing to facades _ ano areencouraged. tnl:nduqt feLEWulAr wml"a':s wvhcal gtrytwg4ildl Fn& t^t1'ld'm4-) Reflective g1ass, p'lastic panes, and aluminum or other metal frames are notconsistent in the Village and should be avoided. Metal-clad or plastic clad wood frames, having the appearanceof painted wood have been used success-fully and are acceptable. Doors Like windows, doors are important tocharacter and scale-giving architecturalelements. They should alio be somewhaitransparent (on retail comrnercialfacades) and consistent in detailinqwith windows and other facade elemeits-. Doors with glass contribute to overallrqcqg9-transparency. Oue to the v'r s'lD'l I r ty of peopl e and merchandi selnsrde, windowed doors are somewhatmore effective in drawing peopie insiaeto retail commercial taciais.' Altfrouqhgreat variations exist.- 25-30% r -"--J" transparency is felt to be a minimumtransparency objective. private resldences, lodges, restaurants, andof,ne-r non-retail establishments havedifferent visibil ity and characterneeds,_and doors should be desiqned ^}4-accordingly. Sidel ight windows-are v'l arso a means of introducing door_transparency as q compiemeit-or' suU_stitute for door'winoows. ,ieN c "1v(P dxk ud*riru at furt ?d/" gl* arl'ut*fd sofFare 19 Articula.ted doors have the decorative 9r1a]itV desired for Vail. Flush doors,light aluminum frames, plastic appliqueelements alt are considered inapbi^opiiit".i{,i",dad. nwat fa,te. Jark Wfel gna( hw Bh% lfavhe M, Panel Muahie N0TE; Security is an 'important design consideration in Vail. Dead-bolt locks are encouraged. Locks, door handles and glass shouid all be desiqned to discourage break-iis. Security-design discussions with the Town police staff are encouraqed. As an expression of entry, andsheltered wel come, protected entrv_\{ays are encouraged. Doonvays ma}De recessed, extended, or covered.F-7]Hffi 20 I r] m Prominent wood trim is also a unifyingfeature in the Vi11age. particulariy - at ground fioor Ievels, doors and windows-have strong, contrasting(see Color-Facades ) framing eleients,which tie the various elements together in one composition. i.lindows and doors are treated as strong visualfeatures. Glass-wall detail.in! toreither is typically avoided. Aa,k UJOoA*n* -ill$.; dFo \'""' 2L Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 Soulh Frontage Road wesl Vail, Colorado 81557 3G.476-1147 MEMORANDUM - Parties $rfe ^,towt,\ Date Re: FsoFD o, - l+ -ts1 &.tt* Buor. @4ow1- G0. s,f$.rffrT t€ The following was discussed: tptt:gP5.J'v. ir tFlct rgrtc'- .ltrc Amrnpl) .g-Is Lor4rl?^f'{i F{rrtffb aD% Tbt6t) WtU/ i{tsCo1p ft- fER\trRlAS-lrE \r\.ht\ PA+.. e) A.tsrnz' laff .sFrfr vwF,r, u(c, To gat TPtr {€}4AtrJ. larrD tst+ -rRtFtwrD r.rP. tth turtz pr{r4tb u'{Rl E-IF'*J O frxo ouf, eFa^t F.t'u,tRqFde ffFexBRs - trT\E/ Affi f" fff:A^An cApTlEV Ee oF A'Flrz4p lr5Te At.l, worpa\# @A@cE' Al/"crrul- DF qjc6- a) 6reMczra su4 zt FART oe fts arRu.qno.r- \dlw RP AF+Pltt,}) t:xF ?- - AWDtrEz \Pt{t ufF _ F8,rotro htq E)Fl^t:\,6rrp Rfl4^pTo:rtu,r.) t-:r nuJF.u op a(HpH*. 'lFfg pw Bl5.\1\82 (Dr.xFgle PAvrL&' F{Ta{ wrrH eFFtlA{' wrrH fltr*s t Project Application S {, #*-,zrr / o^," t o /t r/f f<1i-l ,l Project Name: -'J I I Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: p' sta+t Approval ,{ J Apol ication Numbero Fee Paid S IGN AIPL ICATION Oate October 16,1989 Name of Project Slifer, Srnlth &Frampton Real Estate Name of Person Subrrritt'i ng Bruce D. A11en Phone 422-7949 Locatjon of Project 230 Bridge st. _ Oescription of Project remporary sign to cover exisring hansins wa11 sign (retro-fit onto each face) The fo.l lowinq infornraLiorr'i s required for subnrittal by the applicantto the Design Review Board before a fjnai approval can be given. Sign subnrittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Materjal 3mil Komapor to reface existin& sign B. Description of Sign '.REAL ESTATE BROKERS * Nfix]s{ copy: "SLTFER, SMITH & FRA}.mT0N" CONSULTANTS" Ivory/white on turquolse C. Size of Sign D. Conments an installation deadline of Nov. 1,1989 This sign will be removed at time of ar,ming lnstal1ation. Sign exposure is estimated to occur from Nov. 111989 to Nov. 2lr1989 in order to remedy an identity hardship to the public l,lould like to recieve staff approval as to meet I,IATERIALS SUBl'lITTED I^IITH APPLiCATION 1. Si te Pl an2. Drawings sEowlng exact location3. Photographs show'ing proposed loci-ITon4. Actual sign _5. Colored scalelr;unq6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Subnrittal 0isapproved for DRB Subrnittal - Sign Adurinistrator Sl.ll:filt l)l1Sl(;\5 .\( ( l \ l'\.\ |.iil,\\t lil 5. irr August 11, 1989 Mr. Peter PattenDirector of Community Development Town of Va11 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, CO B1-657 Dear Peter: Our plans for the south side of the ground floor of theSlifer Building is to have a retail store similar to, but notthe same as. The Finishing Touch. We will be selling homeaccessories, interior design books, lamps, picture frames,fireplace tools and other objects that are decorative anduseful i-n the home. As you may be aware, the space is much under 1000 square feetand will only accommodate relatively sma11 objects. S incere 1y, "l .l t'. I| ^ _T--{- \,( tiur-t \ '*'l'4^Beth Slifer U President, Slifer Desiqns BS/jr '1') !{l{il)r,! \ilil I \\lt ((,1()li\i)i)t-i,\r' 11,;i r , 1.1 l:i^' \\(,\ lil t rl.i,() 111 r\ i(,i- \\r ':, r r 'li ili \ltl r lirr,'i. w d,fu Lt-i y'-t:t t 'Sa 42 wesl meadow ddye yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476_2200 September 8, 1987 Chuck Henning Briclge Street Shuffle a\.\-.\ \..\' \.l '\ \' ..\ \i.. ' '.)-/ flre department Vai1, Colorado 81 657 re: FIRE INSPECTIOI,I DEAR SIR: on July 24, 1987 the vair Fire Department conducted a routinefire inspeetion. The results of the inspection were u-sted on acorrection notice and served by Firefighier Bosworth to arepresentative of the Bridge street shuffle at approximately 15:15hours on the 28th of July, 1987. compliance was-ieguired by 10:00a.m. on or before August 13, 1997. f- personally conducted a compliance inspection on Friday,september 4t 1987 after recei-ving notice that the violations-citedhad not been corrected. As a result of my inspection, I haveidentifled and listed the viotations founa in tne course of thecompliance inspection. The following are violations of the National Electrical Code andthe Uniform Fire Code Section 85.104: 1. ?he duplex outlet next to and berow ure cash register on theback wall is not, securely mounted to the junction box and thusthe ground is rnade ineffective. 2- The soda gun has a broken cover ancl low voltage wiring iscovered wj-th rvhat appears to be electrical tape. 3. The electricar extensi-on cord to the brender is for temporarywiring only. 4. The extension cord running overhead above the main entrance andthrough two partition walls is not alLowed. this cord p";;r;-'a T.V. set in the corner. 5. The multiplug adaptor ln the coat closeL is not alrowecl toexceed the rated amperage. BRIDGE STREET SHU Page 2 9. The electrical junction cover plates. 10. The eLectrical box('es) in the back bar do not have junction box at the office FFLEo 6. The electrical panel in the coat room does not have a cover, isnot labeled and has missing breakers or blanks. 7 - The use of electrical cords to the video gar.es is not arr.ovred. B. The practice of mounting electric osciLlating fans to ceiling orstructural mgmperg by srlspension, taping-oi-iire is not incompriance with the national electri-car-code. Fixtures" shaLLbe securely and permanentry mounted to an approved base. 11. The and The power cord to the refrigerator appearsis in excess of the maximun of 6- ieet following violations and cod.e sections are: desk is not secured. to have been splicedin length. '12. UFC 74.107 Compressed. gas cylinders shall be secured Loprevent damage to the var.ves fiom farling over. The gascyrinders behind the main bar, back bar ind store room are notsecured. 'l 3. uFc 10.401 Hores in fire rated ceilings are not permltted.The hores in the ceirings above t.he sump"p"*p tin the crosetin ttre ments restroom), back bar and store rl"* must berepaired. 14' uFc 11-203(c) The storage of combustibre material in the hotwater / boirer room i.s"ltrictty.prohibiieal--rn addltion, thestorage of combustible material/aebris behind the back b"r-i;strongly discouraged. such storage shourd be mini*ar a"a-reptin an orderry arrangement. Remove flammable and combustlbleliquids from the rear storage / stock ,oorn.- 15. u'c 10.402 The fire rating and operation of the door between $re-!ac]<.bar and the stock room appears to have been madel_ne I r ec tl_ ve. 16. The occupant_road appears to be in need of recalcuration dueto the addition of video glames, game tables and possi.urv trreinslusion of an area for set up of a stage. The foregoing cited violations sha]l be abated by repair,removal or other neans in accordance wit.h appricable iaws'ana'coaesas adopted by the Town of vair. such comptiince shaLr ue mei ;;-;;before the 181_h day. of-september, 19g7, no fut", than 3:00 p.m.Fail-ure to comply shall result in the l:"",r.rr"" of a summons to appearin_Municipal or District court. effecied portions-";-U;..;p;J.-*o='gnd/or operati-on may be orclered stopped unlit such time as comprianceis made and a reinspeetion is cornpritea witrr siiisfactory result. BRILIGE STREET Page 3 DnUI.E !-C rf you desire more information or wish to d,iscuss these issues,prease contact us durlng normal business hours. you.may carL 476- ?000' stop by the Fire station or the Buirding Department, or writeto the desired party by send.ing your correspondente to thelgglonriate department at 75 south Frontage Road, vail, colorado,81 657- rnguiries shalr not affect the aa[.e required for compriance. Sincerely, -.-*-z*/V,er MICHAEL J. McGEE, FIRE MARSHALVAIL FIRE DEPARTI'{EI\TT GARY I"IURRAIN, CHIEF BUILDING OFFICIAI-, ERNST GIATZLE, ELECTRICAT, INSPECTOR ab cc: Owner, Address and Phone: ,i-\)l Ir,t Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Planner E statt Approval =E oo qE B G-+(5 .P, = \tl()cF <s''>.?3N \\-l9r :-h..E r fi$ :sr t- l}.,, . \..jf' I !. -t"l .'t .i I'.. DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I.IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTiL ALL APPLICATIOi'I DATE: T DATE oF DRB MEEru'tG, 0,{. 6f \q[b INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determihb if any additional information is needed. No application will be accepted un'less it is cohplete (must include all items required by the zon'ing administrator). It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please ngte that a COIIIPLETE appiic:- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipuiate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building perm'i t is issued. A. PROJICT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot 6 Zon i ng LEL C. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT:Q"t Sl;fta B'lock 6- Filing Addres s NAME OF Address NAI'IE OF teiephone 4^ -eqel D. E. APPLICANT'S REPRESENTA /LUEa ,L/ 1/ 4 te'l ephone telephone (?l -2r'l>/ is requested. FEE S i gnature Add res s F. DRB FEE: VALUATION 00 00 00 er 0'0nn 0'0 0ve 10 nn .$ $ $ $1 $5 $ 1 - $ 150,000i -'$ 500,0001- $t,000,000 $1 , ooo, ooor $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $too. oo $2oo. o0 $:oo. oo II'IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI.IISSIONS TO THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and bujlding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visjts thesite. 2. The review process for llEl.J BUiLDIIIGSof the Design Revievr Board, so plan 3. People who faji to appear before the meeting and who have not asked for a republ i shed. r.ril'l norrnally involve tr,ro separate i;eiiings on at Ieast tlo meetings for thejr approvai. Design Revjerv Board at their scheduled postponement vrill be required to be building 4.The following items no They, however, have to lonqer have to be presented to the Design Revievl Bc:rd' be firesented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. l,lindols, skyiights anci simiiar exterior changes that do not alter the b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other'lot or publi!-:li::' .j':rri which hive had 'letteii suUmittea from adjoining property owners appro'1]19_...- the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condonrnluill association. :.. ,., .. i existing plane of the building; and ..'.-i, '. .. .. .-'..-..... .... r - . . 5. .You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You shou'ld check with a Town Planner before proceeding I i .l-, MATERIAL TO BE SUBMiTTED I.NEI,I CONST?.UCTION A. Topographic map and s'ite plan of site containing 1. Licensed surveyor's stamp. Rock outcropp'ings and other significant naturalintermittent streams, etc.). the following (2 coPies): . "2. Contour intervals of not more than 2' unless the parcel consists of5 acres or- more, in uhich case, 5' contour intervals wjll be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters one foot above grade. features ('targe boulders, : of 4' or more 4. 5. Avalanche areas, 100 year f'lood plain and slopes 40% or more, if 6. Ties to existing benchmark, ejther USGS landmark or seler invert. 7. Locations of the follolinq: app'licab1e. "' -.. a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site sholing size and type of culverts, swales, etc. b. Exact locations of all utilities to include existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structure. Utilities to inclurie: cabl e TV sever gas Te'lephone vrater el ectri c c. Property lines shorving distances and. bearings and a basis of bearing d. Proposed drivelays w'i th percent slope and spot elevations e. AlI easements Existing and finished grades All existirig and proposed improvements including structures, landscaped areas' service areas, storage areas, walks, drivevrays, off-street parkin$, loading areas, retaining wal1s (with spot e1 evations), and other site improveaents. Elevations of top of roof ridges (with existing grade shown underneath) to determine height of buiiding. B. A statement from each utility verifying Iocation of service'and avajlab'i1ity. To , be'submitted with site plan. C. Preliminary title report to accompany all submjttals, to insure property ol'rnership' and a'l 'l easements on property. D. Landscape Plan (1" = 20' or larger).- 2 copies - 1. Shorv the 'location of 4" djameter oi-larger',trees,.:6llgp 'shiu6s,ana-ii:itjVe nlantsare on the site and the location and design of proposed landscape areas with the varieties and approximate sizes of plant materials to be planted. N 2. Complete landscape materials ljst. 3. Designate trees io L: sa,red and those to be lost. NOTE: As much of the above information as possible should occur 0n the site p1 an, so thatthe inter-relation of the various components is clear. The landscape plan should beseparate. The exjstjng topographic and vegetational characteristics may be a separatmap. The applicant must stake the sjte to shol'r lot ljnes and building corners. Treethat r'rilI be lost during construction must be tagged. The work should be completed before the DRB site visit. 8. CI 10. ,at ..E.Architec:ural Plans (1/B' = 1' or larger) 2 copies i. Must include floor plans and al'l e'l evations as they wj 1l appear on completion'-Elevations must shoiv both existing and finished grades. Z. Exterior surfacing materials and colors shall be specified and subrnitted for review on the materials list aviiiiUi.-fiot the Deirirtment of Community t)evelop- menr- Color-cnipi, riatng-iu*pies-.t.., shou'ld Ue'preienied at the Design -Review . Board meeting F.TheZoningAdministratorand,/orDRBmayrequirethesubmissionofadditionalplans' Oii*ings,-specifications, iuiopr"i inJ-"otirer-material (including a *94"]l if deemed necessary to determine whethei a project wi1'l comply with design.gu'idellnes' II.MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS Photos or sketches that clearly ind'icate what is of proposal nay be submitted in lieu of the more long as they provide all important specifications proposed and the location (si"''e plan) ?ormal requirements given above, as for the proposed including colors ano materials to be used. iII. ADDITIONS . RESIDENTIAL OR CONMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shot'tn B. Floor plan for addition - 2 copies C. Site p'lan'sho'rring existing and proposed construction - 2 copies topos D. Elevations of addition . E. Photos of existing structure F. Spec'ifications for a'l I materials and co1 or samples on materials list available at Department of Community Development At the request of the Design Revie; Adrninistrator you may also be required to subm'it: G. Statement from each utility verifying location of service and avajlability' See attached utility location verification forn' H. Site improvement survey, stamped by registered profess'iona'l surveyor. I. Preliminary title repor.t, verifying ot'tnership of property and iists of easerients' IV. FINAL SITE PLAN a -Afier a building p"rn',it has been issued, and when the project is underway., the following wiil be requirei [;;;; unv urira'ing reieives a framing inspection from the Building Department: A certified improvement survey snol{lng: A. Bu.i lding locatjons with ties to property corners' i.e. djstances and angles' B. Building dimens'ions to nearest tenth of foot' C. All utility service lines as-builts showing size of'l ines, type of material used' . and exact locations' 2 coPtes D. Drainage as-bui'l ts' 2 coPies t. Basis of bearing to tie to sectjon corner' F. All property pins are to be either found or set and stated on map. G. All easements H.Buildjngfloore]evatjonsandroofridgeelevations. IF" t- . iiH..'5,!!!iF!1;,, ^nnotrqq.J I KLE. I AUUI\I-JJ ' oEscntpriott or pR LIST OF I'IATERIALS The follorving information is required for submittal Board before-a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDIIIG IIATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Roof Siding. . 0ther l,la'l I Materi al s Fas ci a . 50TT r CS $li ndorvs }lindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F'las hi ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B.LANDSCAP I I{G :Name of Designer:' pnone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanr'cal Name Common Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED by the applicant to the Deiigh Review COLOR Qua ni ty Si ze* *lndicate caiiper for decjducjous trees.for coni fers - t Indicate heiqht ..*<' (s E 6_+q5 I-Pr E{tog.F (s' 3N \I-lPL:-S.:) $+r\\:- 'ft$ sf 4 I 7 q 4 s, tnt! uJll E =E uJ 7ANo tsbe I I I I I I I I l. F5e .t- il/) tr--rrZtJ 4CF-J<F c0 .5 I I .Ft<ro I I I I I l* ,9lte =,FJl u)>.,2cl =#? H:.z (ol @l @l c\J.,,.'!Esl lk I I II I I <lJd,<oal- =tr>to t!Jul U' =I E.ou- tf Fzo 4r''4 _/ 4 ,2i7 '=Ol(/l:iO sbE; t EE gEf; e ug:5; :e;{E: ir Ele'- o€ J*E:EH; !Ee:Y :€ 8E+ gesPE' g.; ge $sE;sI f E ='gI:(a'"oo :EE H"= FHEgE :3€Ed cx o U) tr etle€ -!9 i =EJE H+Es ** E: iatsET ist'aa \ LO cn cf, cf) u> TU uJu- tr =(r IJJ o- FoF v 3ll. z tr a at uJo E UJz LU =>a -:lr) =...l! =loN zzo9 F^A aF i661>-()(JQZlr<9\HQ-E -';tri (l IJJ J z =oo z EEulFJ .. >lo LIJoui uJza = cc IJJ o- z tr 5 aFz, Oz -iF ilo;tr 7 r-. .f, OJO C) oz tr =c UJ4 uJF g)oolto Z6o> F c.J"o-\IJJ <I!<,ur5dlcr O r.".rFFtE t UJo- trloH>!o. rct8$rl HuJ23 z rn=Etecoo= E Z r-r- dPE EE=a; =' ts lJt t!o!ulEO E<al6 tt)AoB9?a.49sar i- =uJ'-E E=3' dtrE =o-r FbE 5pt :>F-gFcL ".to-iEi uJo F =- F =E lrJo.zoF(JfEFtnzo() nng P UI lJJ€ JJ J d I I I d I,FI (Jz J tr Lll =z ID r-l Ns!'(\J I(o io- aEI F lt ll- tlLJ IH *l 3= |l.l-l 1l* I Dl slel sl =l 1l =l slo-l rl-lloltzld3lE9lrl-t Fl sl c,lutltrl JI <l>l |rIol zl 3lolFI tltllltl l"lt1l lsl| -.1t<ll>lIrl-Iloltzle:l rr-t Fl I I I I I ?lolull !ElJI <l>l u-lol pl I E, -.r O<F(tsouJ<zE I,I,J Fs6 t 9P =<aft .JF a'5 C) Ehg !ffF=o nxn oJ = AJF- E.6 tnEuocL! 'r E Oo--o-F +,(5 O-.F ro = r6v g ro Fr .F cI) O-qv C )< o< '3Oc.trO,Lr- !4 L +)(/| 'tf, (uo<L! (uO_ |JJ -O 0J c'L,tl C - (Jzoo-(JE<)(/)_o= H E (J.IJ (5 !- (F ^Zq- O (^ .c''-v =L(4c!O OJ #'r OJ]J (IJ = BJ.lJ r..t ag O OJ LtFtr- J c\l -O O F lrJ t!o I uJF z lli r-\trl)I+)l\4iylscIrol -l-6 t .'--|E \ v-/tr=>zr=.= IJJItl ^--:- o F \y;t (Lo.ro'r,\ 5 \-l.I \'tl *l.rlrtl N IJs5 (,z lJ- 6 I I ,l \rtl+l F UJ z a s:\ rI J 4 ts I J '4t!t >l<l4 h UJ ? :d ru an UJI <l J tltlll-llctltlI gJi.1 flIE tq>t -{flgE ll ,!$ del u .jFl $ H *l ,$t>:l ol "tzl =l 3l u.lcl 9l r.,rrl-I FI F I I 3|ull :l <l>l Lllol zl 3lolFI E trl i I "lzl.lol sl ?l>l tl.lol zl 3l 9l z l! ol =.1 sl 1I <l>l lIIol zl 3l 9|=E : t!- I I I I olzl IJIJ 3 bl el E UJz = Fo LU =I <F r.rJ <zEUJF o() <o()F -< XFqt /n =>Y =f]FJZ(r-o Xo =F?() =sil, z =g 0a =Oz <()(5 u) t! LU z =eJ E i'; J F.€ ntrtr J ,"*-6YY':r3 coil> ::l tr LU u- u.l F r! cc. C>Z 9><au= = ttJEca ;=5= EO{) o '., Ld <FZrro2.t<NOIIVNIVA ll r : ,il$t = : 'Y$l= = iH-R; ;;-tii g g =frlr IflE$$ uJF ox >< f,trt IN , SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H UB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr trtr ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP- POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trr FINAL tr FINAL F.APPROVED I i' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 75 south trontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Very sinc yours, Di rector Patten, Jr. Community Development APP: bpr Encl osures cc: Larry Eskwith Ron Riley olllce of communlly developmenl November 18, 1985 Mr. Rod SliferSlifer and Company 230 Bridge Street Vai l , Col orado 8.l657 Re: Compactor Easements Dear Rod: Upon further review of the submitted compactor easements for both parking and access by the various departments, we have a couple of further rev.i sions we would like included. we feel it important to make sure the easement agreements recognize the importance of fjre lane access and would ljke thearea signed for no parking. It.i s also jmportant that the area be snowplowed and otherwise maintained for the fire and emergency vehicles, and wehave suggested language for inclusion in the agreements. I apologize that this wasn't done on the first go-around. However, we havenot lost any time in that I could not get the easements on the November 19council agenda anyway. As I am ieaving the country from November 26 until New Year's Eve for a glorious trip to ihe south palitic, yor.l should workwith Larry Eskwith to finalize the approvals from the Town council in myabsence. The easements, if returned as corrected, could appear on the December 3rd Councjl agenda. I hope that this will wrap things up in this long and pa.i nstaking projectfor us all. FOR TRASH C0MPACT0R INF0MATI0N, PLEASE SEE "VILLAGE TRASH COMPACTOR." |)-o ?*Br,ntE E+&6on""-tr <tC{rtETD L+l$+prt- T(a.il>aars ttf tafea tll ewfr{ny- EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT KNOW AI.,L IT1EN BY THESE PRESENTS: ,. -THAT the Town.of Vail (hereinafter, referred.to as . conslderationr.the receipt.of which 1s hereby acknowledgedl, by theEe .presents does grant and qultc.lain unto Rona1d Rtley ' '. and Rodney E. Sllfer wh6se legal iddress ls 288 Brldge_ anq Kooney I;. Dr:,rer wnoge J.ega]- address ts zuu srrqgeStreet-r Vail, Colorado 81657r- (hereinafter.referred to as "Grantee") r the followlng-real property situate ln the County of 8agle1 State of Coloradol to-wit: A permanent' non-exctusive parking easernent, togetherwith the right of ingress and egress inz on and overc That part of Tract B, Vail Village Flrst Flllngraccording to the map thereof recorded under ReceptionNo. 96382 in the offlce of the Eagle County, ColoradoClerk and Recorderl descrlbed as follows: I aegtnitng at a point yrhence the southeast corner of Loter Block-5r Vall Viliage First F1ling bears S 04 3l116|' W 75.7T.feet dlstantl thence N 23 45r49't lt L6.79 feetl thence N 26 34r44r W 17.50; thence N 62 48!58r E 10.90feetl thence S 85 52'3I".E L3.68'feet; thence S 14 27)474 W 13.00 feet; tbence 5.75 32t13" E 15.70 f,eetlthence S 09 06137" w 21.09 fedt;.thence N 82 23100'w17.52 feet to the point of beginning, containing 787' square feet, nore or less TOGETHER WITE: A.permanent non-exclueive access "a"ererri, togetherwlth the rlght of ingress and egress to: ThAt part of Tract B, Vail Vlllage First Fillngl . aecording to the nap thereof recorded under ReceptlonNo. 96382 in the offlce of the Eagle Countyr ColoradoClerk and Recorderr described as follows: Beg.innlng at the southeast corner of Lot e, Block 5rVa1I Vlllage First Filing r thence following two coursesalong the northerly rlght-of-way line of Gore CreekDrlve f) 6.2I feet.a.Iong the arc of a curve to therlght havlng a.radius of 325.89 f,eet, a central angleof-01 05r30n and a chord which bears S 80 39139" E 5.21feet 21 . 11.42 feet along the arc of a curve to theright havlng a radius of 55.80 feet, a central angle of 09. 56'48'.r.arid a.chord which bears S 75 08r30n E 11.41feetl thence departing sald rlght-of-way N 00 45r13n E37.30 f€et; thence N 08 03r12a E 37.58 feetl thence N 09 05 r37"..E 23.7L f eet; thence N 75 32 r13n W 15.70feet; thence S L4 27 r47!r.W 15.00 feet; thence S 12 30.109" W 8.09 feet; thence S 04 31116( W 75.72 feet to more or less. l Together wlth aII and singular hereditanents and'appurtenances. thereto bel-onging, or ln anywise appertalning, and the reverslon and reversions. remainder and remalnders,renta, issues and. profits thereof; and all the estaterrlght, titler.interest, clalm and dernand whatsoever, of the.Grantorr elther in law or in eguity ofr in and to theabove-b.argalned real property int,eiestr with theheredltarnents and appurtenanCes. . .TO EAVE AND TO fiOLD the.sarnel together with aL1 andslngular the appurtenances. and priviliges thereuntobelonging or ln anywlse thereunlo appeitainingr and all thee€tate' right, titler l.nterest and cLain whatsoeverr.of theGrantorr.either ln law or equity to the only propeE uselbeneftrt and behoof of the cfant6eEr thelr frefis lnd asslgnoforever .Grantor, lts heirel Euccgaeote, and/or aeslgnsr ehall .: not erect.nor place any permanent buildingl structureT r,l,r,:": -iilt;;;;;nt7 rence or tree ilt';il; il;;;il:;cribed oas€n€trtl -1,iiii: ' and Grantees ehall not be.llable for their removal tf they .,.i:i., are ao placed . 'r;,'. t :. ..'. rl4 -. ;.tr , .Acceptance of this..easenent by.Grantees shall :if;'... , constltute their agreement and consent as follows:lii.,,ir,i ,rr;;'ir. 1. At such tlme and ln the event that the easernent .,iif . ., degcribed.hereln shaLl be abandonedl Granteers real property *:ii, lnterest tn the eaaement shatl irnmediately revert'to and bef;: , thereafter merged w.ith the servfent estatE. ,li, 2.ry:The parktn! lot constructed on the above-described-i eaeementlehaLL be constructed, maintained, and repaired in a' ' flrstclass.rndnne!.; conditlon and appearance.. In lbe event.i, ,i_t ls.neceEsary to construct, reconitructT repalr or replace:,.,;the-parklng lot1 Grantees shall restore the area as neaily,i .. .as nay be-practicable. to the same conditionr including full. ,,, ,revegetationl.as.it was prior to.constructionr repair-orrepJ-accment, provided no permanent building, struCture,';' lmprbvenent, fence or trel shall be placed-thereon by. Grantor which lnterferes with Granteers rights herein. o ' '..r :l -... 3. ftre Crantees agree to fully lndennifyl eave Bnd, . . keep .the--Grantor harmtesl frorn any aid alL crailns for danage.t'orea1.and..persona1.propertyand.1njuriesordeaths< suffered by-pereons o-n sita iroperty during tbe tern of thls. easement, and including but not llmlted to the' respons1bllity for enforcenent and control of park!.ngrlgbts. i SIGNED AND DELT\ZERED this':: , AtteEtr- Secretary - day of April, 1985. TOWN OF VAII, By: That part of Tract B, VaiI Village First Fltlng,according to the map thereof recorded under ReceptlonNo. 95382 in the office of the Eagle Countyr ColoradoClerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beglnning at the southeast corner of L,ot e, Block 5rVail Village Flrst FiJ.ingr thence following two courseaalong the northerly right-of-way llne of Gore CreekDrlve 1) 6,21 feet along the lrc of a curve to therlght-havlng a radius ot lZS.g9 feet, a central angleof 01o 05'30" and a chord whlch bears S 90" 39'39" E6.21 feet 2, IL.42 feet along the arc of a curve tothe right havlng a radius.of 65.90 feetz a centralangle of 09o 56'4Bnr ond a chord which bears S Z5o08t30n E tl.4l feet; thence departing sald right-of,-wayN 009 45rl3n E 3?.30 feet; thence N 09" 03.42" E 3?.SBfeety thence N 09o 06'32" E 23.7L feet; thence N 25"32r13n W 15,70 feeti thence s I4o 27|47" i{ 15.00 feetl'n thence 5 12o 30 tO9" Vl 8.09 f eet; thence S 04o 31r16n W.75,72 feet to the point of beginning, containing tr60lEquare feet, more or less. Together wlth all and slngular hereditaments andappurt,enances thereto belon9 l.g, or in anywlse appertainlngland the reversion and reverslonsl renaindEr and ienainderslrenta, lssues and profits thereof; and all the estatelrlght, tltlee. lnterestr clalm and demand whatsoever, of iheGranto4, either in law or in equity of, in and to'theabove-bargained real property interest, with thehereditaments and appurtenances. Acrss €nae'ne1;T 5r?467eb u^&ffi€ ftztaats tla/t( EASEMENT DEED AGREEMENT KNOW ATL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TttAT the Town of Vail (hereinafter referred to asnGrantor"), for Ten DolLars and other good and valuableconslderationr the receipt of whlch is hereby acknowledgedrby these presents does GRANT and QUITCI,AIM unto Lower BridgeStreet Trash Associatlon whose legal addrees 1s 288 BridgeStreetr Va11 2 Colorado 81657, (hereinafter referred to asrGranteen)r the following'real property situate in the County of Eagler State of Colorado, to-wit: A pernanent non-exclusive easement, togetber wlth tberight of ingress and egressr to constructr reconstruct, . operate, repalr and nalntain a conpactorr and relatedstructure or appurtenance ln, on ov€rr under and through 3 That part of Tract Bl Vail Village First I'illng ,accordlng to the map thereof recorded under ReceptionNo. 95382 in the office of the Eagle County; ColoradoClerk and Recorderl described as follows: Beginning at a point whence the soutbeast, corner of L,ot' e, Block 5r Vall Village First Filing bears S 05oL7t24" W 83.74 feet distant; thence N 14" 27t47" E38.38 feet; thence S 75o 32'13" E 15.701 thence S 14o 21 t41n W 38.38 feetl thence N 75o 32r13n W 15.70 feetto the polnt of beginningl containlng 602 sguare feetrnore or less. TOGETHER WITB: togetherA perrnanent non-exclusive access easement,yrith the rlght of ingress and egress to: ; Grantpr which interferes wlth GranteErs rights hereii. -/^ ) ,/ ' b4- ffre Grantee aofees. to. fu] ll w lnrtcmnl fv- s.ar.ra TOWN OF VAIL Attest I Secr etary 3. -rL 6*.*-tT8.'*rt- &-l^--efu. 4^t ty'< a-.c.-- zz41/,.r4-/ L ^u;/ fit L*- a*d W d- *;.4ur.Z--A h /..* "^o-.*e rd-- fidfrelr h );-A;L_.^ /.// 7r"7 TO EAVE AND.TO ITOLD the.sErn€r togetber w.ith.al_l andslngular the appurtenances anA. piivlteges thereuntobelonglng-or ln anywise thereunto appeitainingr and alleetatez rlghtT tltle, lnterest and llairn whatioeverrofGrantOf , elther in 1aw. or eouitv to l. he nnl rr. rrranar. rtFraGrantor, elther in 1aw or equity to tbe only proper.use, the the .benefit and behoof of the eianteer lts succ6siori andassigns forever. -.... -GrantorT its helrs,.successors, and/or asslgnsr shallnot erect nor place any pernanent building, stru-ture,lrnprovenentT fence or lree on the above-d6scribed easementland Grantee shalL not be" IlabLe for their removal lf they iare so placed .Acceptance of this easenent by Grantee shalL constltuteIts agreenent and consent as follovrs: ' .- .'1. At such tine and.in the event.that the easementdeecrLbed hereln shall.be .abandoned, Granteers. real proper.tylnterest.ln.the easement shalr lmmediately revert to-and be-thereafter nerged wlth the servient.estate z a4fh<-at ^' ol il< acecss c*,.".^f- .-..2. / The courpactor.constructed on the above-descrlbedeagenentl sharr.be constructed r,naintained r and repaired in a i ;' i :'i: : 5 ; Iill " i ; : :* t :i : I . "H. :# : ;l :il %"brrtrttfi v3i.E?*Jr" y! 4yy,*'the conpactor ' crantee sharr restore the area- as nearry as ffiS/iLnay.be practlcable to the sane condLtion, includlns fuit 5:':?r,,., ,,. ,,revegetatl.onl. as lt was prior.to bonstruction, repilr or rt*\tr t/"/ /i'< tut'tc replabenent, provlded no-peruranent bulldingr gtructurer ilmprovement, fence or tree shalL.be placed-ihereon by '. -,a b4- ffre Grantee agrees to fully indennlfy, save and.keep the crantor harmJ.eis from. any aia all clairns for dampge I.to"real and personal property and injurles or deathsEuffered by persons on said property during the tern of thisea6ement. i SIGNED AND DELIVERED this _ day of1985. By: u;./ f -,;L e A-Lz-4 b \ I PEc -6- 8/13/84.- !gy:irg_1":!ii9!i9!r related to the 4 units on the rop floor cf the hotet, 2) Finat-izing and recording of the encroachment agreement reghrding tne unaeigiJuna-pa.ringstructure onto Town of Vail right-of-way,-3) Appropriate lSnguage wit6in the'iovenantsaddressing owners' use restriclions roiitre'acbbmmbdation units-ana the +-aweiiingunits proposed to be restrictgd, a!4 4) Complgtion, to the iatisfaction of the CommunityDevelopment Department, of all ipplicaUle biritding'and fire-code related items. After some the staff di scuss i on,n moved and Vie]e seconded to rove the memo with the t'i ons o ADDTOVA avor wPierce abstainTng. r0. A uest for a minor subdivision in order to real i B ock 5 st Fili wh conta nst ney (See moti on for tabl i ng fo1 'l ow.i ng i tem 1 I . ) +Alines of L Sl ifer Bu It. Appl i cants for items seconded I0 and to table ueg! for a front and side setback variance in order to construct a l1 requested tabling to the next meeting. Donovan moved 12. A uest items l0 and Il. The vote was 5-0 in favor. for a rear setback variance in order to construct a garaqe on Lot 3Bl ock re Cree ubdivision. nppi icant: nlc ard Di ng Peter Patten explained that the staff recommended denial of the request becauseit appeared that there were several other places on-ine tot where-dhe garage-courabe constructed without getting u uu.iJni.. Dick Dilling, the applicant, statedl" Iglt any.other place-on th6 properiy woutd uioct an iiaiiment below the maindwe'l1ing unit. He was asked why tire girage needed to be so large, uil;;;";;;;that he wanted to put a work beirctr and-snow blower in the garage. It was suggested!ll! ?grluel lhg.ggluse coutd ne deiign"a to ue w.ide rathei thin deep. Fip"i"--suggested that Djlling explore additi6nal opt'ioni, ina piiten stated that-lhe staff H:ll^9: lill:ry to^work i,rittr rrim to iina a'sorution. Diiiins asked to tabre to"'rt.^uot."*i."iIo l 4..uest f r exteri al terations and f r a conditional rmit for t S i tzmark od 1n o eve 1 commercial space SO thoft odnewdLdaswmmand roofto q en aDove e ommerc'i alspace.cant: Sitzmar I- |vr||rEu. Ine vofe was 4 ]n tavon seconded to approve the conditionalnal use permit. The vote waffiper abstaining.erce moved a Tom Braun. explained changes made to the proposal sjnce the previous meeting. Theoverhang had.been pulled-back 3 to 4 ieei, i pianiei-iaJeJ,-and piper,-ihe"i"ctrit"ctfor this project, showed photos inaicaiing whbre the overtreaa ana bntranc;;u;;;ywould project. Pierce woiidered it *re-ioin had ptins t; pui ;t';r;;ft-;ii ih."iluvto Gorsuch, and Patten answered that itris was not part of.the i,r.s.ni"piu;.- I " Pierce pointed out that.this side oi iiie street was very hot aird shaoe'trees woutdhe]p.immensely. Bob Fritch, the applr:cint did not Iike the condition that he wouldpromise not to remonstrate.against in irp.ou"*ent district. After disiuiiioi,"Fi"r.. absta i ni ng. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 pm. 7 less si wo est that a , but t ghts offootage could not be taken frrc -s- B/ts/84 arki variances were sted, and thenational econom c chanqes. with thers wou that any additionalsta in and oocument mention€ request additionalcou square individuals away. ) The vote was 4 in favor .with I (p.iper) against.could have been achieved withoui iirireaiing tf,e Piper felt the same improvements number of units. 7. A reques! for exterior a'lterations i n Commerci al Core I for the HilI Buildinot L, Block 5e .-Te aqe Ist ngtoa seco oor res entt aspace. Appi icant: Kristan Pritz presented the request explaining.that it was in compliance with theintent of the zoninq.for the -cci-i:=iii.t, aid with the Urban Design Guide plaiand Design consideritiont. -rni'itiii""".o*endation "u. ioi approval with 4 eng.ineeringconcerns to be resorved.before a bu'i'rding pgrmit would be issull.-'ir,""iirrJr""'inctude: r. Drainaoe wirl be-ins;;;';i"Er:iiaird, t:'irli.ni".or an improvement survey,3' issuance of a r6vocaore-rigr,i-oi-iuv-p.*it for existing improvement in theright-of-waY, and 4...the.encr6achment i,r-.ooi-or.i.rrirgi"rl;ft ue resotved by anagreement letter of the adjacent properiy owner. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, stated thatln9 h: talked a litile uu6ui ir,""Fiii-iirt the Town ofbut that VA and Hiil Buitdjng o"n"ri-aij- an interior drain would be installedVail did not plow this area, Pierce suggested turning.the roof 45o. Donovan didn't like losing the views, piperpointed out that oiven.ihe aireition irom the council-conlern.ing these views, helhad no problem wtitr thts ionc".n.'-" ""' Viele mov gnd Raoson seconded approve the with t condition hat alltemsconcern I i s Pr aooress vote was 0 in favor. st tor acconrmodqtion unit condomi ni um conversions for the phaseonoftff]0 at t Lionshea rc leopment D ct 7.plicant:rporati on 9.4 uest for accommodation unit ndominium conversion of the Vail Athleticst Meadow Drive.cant:at I ctu to lz illr:;tffi3l'.;5pil?:gttins the appl icant, requested to tabte.this. item indefinitely.:,,iij;. l:!::-Pl!l9n explained that this condominiumization was to further djvide the condo-mtnrum conversion nroposal approved last.year !v-ttre pEc by converting each accommo-dation unit within'th; vai'l nit'i"ii.'iiro not"r into condom.iniums. He discussed4 conditions of approval which in.iro"al r. -Fin;iiri;g-ild recording the emproyee t -,Slifer&uompany August 9, 1984 Town of vail 75 So. Frontage Rd., WestVaiI, CO 81657 Re: l4inor Subdivision Approval forSlif er,/McBride To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the above ilohn McBride's signature and willapproval at the current planning Please schedule this for the next commission meeting. Please feel free to call if this S incerely, Larry Peterson pm plat sti11 requiresnot be available for commission. available planning is a problem. 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 (303) 476-242l A.t{Ar4E 0F I'lAIL II{G NAI'IE OF r'AIL ]NG NAI.1E OF Ot,[,iER, s I'iAiLII,{G lt z5 J une l9B4 APPL ]CANT APPLICATIOi{ FOR MINOR SUSD]V]SION REV]El,ll t.(4 or feirer lots) PH0NE 47 6-242I ADDR I5S 230 Brldge Street, Vai1, CO B I657 APPLICANT'S RtPRESEi'ITATIVt Rod SIif er or Larry Peterson ADDRISS 230 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 8L657 p11gpg 47 6-242I PR0PERTY 0!rNER (p2i 0r type) S I GNATURE PHANE ?ZA-"lqa7 ADDRTSS 230 Bridge Street,VaiI, CO , DA B. c. F. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LOTS 6 ELOCKS SUEDIVISI0N vail VrIIage ilLING Lst tr FFt (l nn nn{ | vv. L/v PAiD +i- 5l , i MTERIAL TO BE SUBNlTTTD The subdjvider shall submit three (3) copies, tr.ro of which must be rnylars,of the proposal fol lorving the requirements for a fjnal plat as found in Section .|7.'l5..|30 of the Subdivjsion Regulatjons. Certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning adminjstrator and/or the Planning and Envjronmental Comm'i ss jon if deterrnined not appl icab'i e to the project. G. An envjronmental report may be required if so stipulated under Chapter .l8.56 Environmental Repcirt of the zoning code. H. The Department o1'Co;nmunity Deveiopment will be responsible for seeing thatthe approved plat is promptly recorded v;ith the Eagle county clerk and Recorder. I. Include a I ist of a'l I adjacent property oilners and their ma'il'inq addresses. tl'i ,-/l L v .'f t ' ,.]j. .^ 75 soulh ,rontage road Yall, colorado 810S7 (303) 476-7000 ottlce ot communlty deyolopment MEMORANDUM TO:lo9- !l I t""-!l-i f6"- g;j]-dig} Ron Ri t ey and Mi ke Bui Iding, Ji'ffiJ4-cBiiae a;d Dave Gorsirch-McBride Mark Cadmus-Casino Building, Vince Domenico andStuart Green-BFI, and John-perkins FR0M: Peter Patten, Town of Vail DATE: September 25, '1984 SUBJECT: Final Meeting on the Trash Compactor l'lednesday,_0ctober .3,_.|994, g: i5 am, Small Conference Room, MunicipalBuilding, Town of Vail At long last it appears that there is agreement on the location and theqgli:ipllls^for,.the trash compactor to be tocated on Town of Vait propertyeast of the Ore House. . At.the meeting the proposed site plan and uiritilng-elevatjons will be reviewed, as well is the'reiised pe"c"irt.ges of eachparly's participation. It is anticipated that the n't n-euliding wiTi'participate in the_compactor if approval for remodeling is granted; thisw] I I tessen costs for each participant. Also discussed wjll be final arrangements and agreements between all partici-pants in the "trash association." -please be pripared at the meeting w.ithany background work you're responsible for so'we can make final decisions. Staughto n-Ga I 1 ery Bui 1di ng 5 Buff Arnold-A&D Building, TheThe,goal is to.get this compactor in as soon as possible--one quite attainableaE ln]s polnt if we move forward qu'icklv. Thanks for vour oarticioation--we'Il see you ilednffiy.-Thanks for your participation-- I 75 south hontage road vail, colorado 81657 . (303) 476-7000 'ju1y 14, .l983 Rod Sl ifer S'lifer and ComPanY 230 Bridge Street 'Vail , Colorado 8.l657 Dear Rod: The purpose of this letter installinent of the Parking time. Sincerel y'tu_ JS:br Re: Parking Fee is to remind You that the first fee, $2,529.29 is due at this 1rrrt ) 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 June 3, .l983 John Perki ns Box 266 Vail, C0 8.l658 Dear John: 0n June I, .1983, the by the Design Review Si ncerely, Re:Sl i fer Bui 1d'i ng l,li ndow Slifer BuiIdjng w'indow Board as submitted. change was approved ,4.7*JirfSayre Town Pl anner JS/bb Project Application project Name: ,flt F /i 11,-- &J'u<)r-I--. ir-.rlr,tr:e* , .J > . . i;drr'al ,. - Project Description:|-i,A'i'D .At- C rJ4 rrb.. Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone --..--.--------, Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: 't'nf"-f 4 Seconded by: o^r. /lfJ*4*;*""rc):* $--rsl yi ,l DISAPPROVAL-- L) ,,r,jlJ' ,s,s,b H t D statt Approval ,.J ,1\1 '"',,AV vfro'-' .'t*4fi ,, 5t1?{6e 1*1",,t" L( Nt\ .lcil i'i"-P"tb PLANNiNG AND TNVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION February 22,1982 STAFFPRESENT Dan Corcoran Jim Viele Diana Donovan Jim Morgan I.li I I Trout ('l ater) Scott Edwards ABSENT Duane Piper Dan Corcoran, v'ice-chairman, called the meeting l. !ection of chairman and vice-chairman. Diane moved and Jim M seconded to nominate Dan Dan abstaining. Dan moved and Jim M secondedThe vote was 5-0 in favor. Dick Ryan Peter Patten Peter Jamar Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP Gail Wahrl ich to order at 2:10. for chairman. The to nominate Duane as vote was 4-0, vi ce-cha i rnnn . 2.qqval of minutes of meetinq of Februa 8. 1982. lrlill moved and Jim M seconded to approve the minutes of February g. The vote was 4-0, Jim V abstajninq. 3,uest to amend zonin code to add new district called Arterial Business. (Scott arrived) Dick Ryan exaplained the memo and explained that the staff recommended that theVail AssociatesJwest day parking lot not be included jn the rezoned land becauseof their reluctance to assure the Town that the area would remain parking. Dick added that the staff did not include lodge rooms in the new zone districtbecause the parcels were so small, and that oniy one site, VA service yard, wai iarge enough to be consjdered possible lodging. Dick went on to explain the diiferencesbetween this memo and thb previous oie.' Steve lsom if.I-p1 an, Inc., expressed concern over the addition of the sentence,"Surface parking shall be limited to ZE% of site area.,, steve also objected to the requirement of a pitch on the roofs of 5/l 2, statingthat it severely restricted bu.ildings to two stories. Diane expressed the concern that the area remain vehicular and for servicesnot available elsewhere for residents. She was also concerned that there be enough parking, as she felt there was not enough parking jn town. D'ick explained that the uses I isted were geared to more community-wide uses rather than gift shops, and that there was a possible offic-e bujldingto be in the Texaco site. The surface parking restrjction was debated as was the requirement of the 5/.|2 pitch and the facl that no lodges would be permitted.' Dick then suggestedthat the surface parking restriction be removed. The members were po1 led about their feelings on the issues. l,lill was infavor of a 3/12 pitch, leaving the lodges in permitted trses, and strikingthe surface parking sentence. Dan had no problem with 3/lZ pitch, Djane did not feel lodges should be in that zone, and did not want too muchleeway for parking, scott felt the 3/12 roof was alright, and would liketo see the code allow certain parts of the building have flat roofso andwanted to.see the park'ing restrictjon remain, and was jn favor of strikingthe west day parking lot from the djstrict. Diane added the concern that thearea would-be upzoned so much, they wouldn't be able to put in the thingsneeded. Dick countered with the fact that now wjth the ileavy Service District, one could come jn and get an office building with more densily. Jjrn, added that perhaps they were forcing this the other way by requiring lessparKlng 0n the surface, many businesses couldn't afford to come jnto the district. Jim V' asked jf it were tnr'ly down zoned, and Dick explained that jt was reduc'ingbulk and increasing open land which was down zoning, and increasing the uses,which was up zonin!. Wil.l moved and Scott seconded to approve the recommendation to amend the zoningcode as stated in the staff memo aitea z/17/gzwith the fojlowing changes, ' a. A minjmum pitch of 3/lZ be allowed on roofsb. Lodges be left as conditonal usec. Strjke the 25% surface parking requirementd. Strjke the west day 1ot'from ihe total areae. Add convenjence stores or grocery stores The vote was 3-l jn favor. Diane voted against the issue, because she feltlhe 25% parking restriction should remainl Jim V and Jim M. abstained. PEC -2- 2/8/82 4.uest to ameld Section .I8.54 Desiqn Review Gujdeljnes Peter Jamar explained that this was a recommendation to be made to council ,ATrer drscussion, jt was decided to remove Section .l9.54.095 for further study. Diane moved and Jim M seconded to reconrnend to Council the revisions to thedes'ign review section of the zoning code with the exception of section .|8.54.085. The vote was 6-0 in favor. PEC -3- 2/8/82 Request to amend the zoning code to inc'luCe definitions of "nn jor arcade. ,,nor a rca e amusement device eIc. Jim sayre explained.that.thjs was the third time this subject had come before theboard' The fjrst.tjme.there-wai-no"iuoience.participation, the second time therewas objection to the t icensingl-.o"no" the r iienii;g';;;i had. been dropped. Hefurther explained ttrat ifie-ipii:ui ij.u"ropment niiCiiiit nad been added ro thedistricts ai'lowing arcades. . Ri;k si'ituauLi-air,"a"Jtrri"whether or not a spaceunder the Gondora steps wouta re'exciua"o-tror';;";;;";r"arcade jn it and wastold that it wouta noi-oe-ati.""a"ir'ih;; io.rtiin.,,, .', The Plannjno'o*]:tjgn feJt that ;1 was not.necessary to.incrude any wordingthat relatei to establishments ihui's"ru*a riquor,-iii.J-.n".u **"" ""grlut"Junder liquor licensing' i;;ii toiua"una ;im li ieionl"i"to approve the recommendedilii:#:|.' to the coa6 per-irr; ;;;; memo of zttt/dz-iith tn" a"rinitjons as I.9,. tB.04.ZSZ Major Arcade"Major arcade".-shiit r"un-i place of business where an individuar, association,partnership or corporation ma;niatns more ihu; ;h;";'amusement devices.l.c. .|8.04.2S4 Minor Arcade "Minor arcade".-shali bean a piace of business where an individual , association,partnership or corporation mainiains tusl-itun ioi.-urrrement devices. In Commercial Cores I and II, add to paragraphs 1g.24.020 C, lg.Z4.0g0 E andIt;33;1,*.iiliT;Fffiii j;jj:r'"tr,iir "not-o"' visinie i.o,, uny pubr jc way, The vote was 6-0 unanimousiy in favor of the amendments. 6.+ Peter Patten exprained the memo and added that the neighboring bui.r ding, theslifer building, wouta ue-tr;;;J';t";.separate issue, but was rerated as to|}Til"[ol;,itl!;u.He exptainea -ii,u-."irons for ! ecommendins the el imjnarion John Perkins representjnq Rgn.Rirey showed erevations and explained why he hadnoped to have the north ieck to rreip-iire design oi gre-norih elevatjon. He addedthat the appi icant y:: f,ot strong on r^.tuining. ttre Jil. - H. sho!,ed sr ides andphotographs indicating the view ior"iao", and-how il,u-ui.", worrrd be affected. Ron Riley,.the owner,.expiained that in actuarity he was arrnost rebuirding, andthe costs were so high f;;;;il;;;".o*i, $zo,obo io.""urirdins the pocket park,but was willinq to do.sorne work on-t[e"parr<. iim-v.-wii"ion."rn.d that in theconstruction piocess,'rere wo.ui'a-il."nro'"."rent of the buiidrng codes. He wasassured there wourd be. Jim pr_qr".ii"ii"a tjming: Ii;; Ril;;, the person who wourdbe doing the construction .rprr-i..i'[,ii'proj..i"o ,"lnoJ. Ron.added that henad to do alr of the constructio"-*iirti,6 months, and was pushing for 3 or 4months. Will with"d^to_-lEgu;re facaOe.ptans if all the workIil'itijio":l:j"it.!.,ii:-r"i'bi ai"it=;i a certain am-oilnt-b? [iil.i"h"d?rf,pi!, ti'". t More discussion of the deck foilowed, with peter expraining that the deckwas an encroachment ?uql.town propertJ, prus the iiit irrit"aecks on the-north.side in generar did noi ior[-*.ii and that was part of the reason forexcluding it from the recommendation. wiil suggeiiua'ihut-it be a planter,John stated, that that woufa U"-ai.*piubi". Diane expressed concern over lack of an open.feeling in the front of the building,and the fact that the froni..i"uition-a'ia'not;;u;;p;;.lJnn uxprajned thatone could see the sky through ilr"-op"nings and this accomp'r ished an open feeiing. Jim v moved and will seconded !o-gpnrove the modifications to the Gailery buildingas per the staff memo dated Ztll'tbZ. Scott added an amendment--that al ternate PliOs..Street in the.eventuatitv inil-if,.the end of the buildlng season. -4- 2/B/82 pl ans be shown for the facade onbuilding could not be finished before The vote on the amendment was 5-0 in favor with Dan abstaininq. The vote on the motion with the amendment was 5-0 fn favor with Dan abstaininq. 7' €i?l::tBl?id?i: "'d "difi in ccr to remodel the > making ff$:"ol,|};: Sll].l19g the nre1,o. . piulg questioned whether or not the urbanDesisn Gujde p'lin encourased *re uienlind"rj"diTijiru;:"';liii iljri"Erii??lr.o ,,j"1j#^1..q9:^".ith*Igggrd-to thJ ;"'";i;; # ;f.';;;?. ur'r'"y. The buitdinolJ,",J#"""f 'ff,T.'n J.",n# .',."t::":lli:il::{"if:,#ls* l'lJlll:ih'.'pi,"1iilddepartment was io monifor tft-;;r;i;;.iiln"uni"l,i=iia'i"lidy;riii: ?H:':::?rr. llllrT:X"frjl ?fol:':^jl:_:::,::t q9r thq staff merno dated z/17/BZ with thelllJ:i?:,':::"':^1",:"lij"rg"llg I;;,;lfi ifli',ilE"i"lijilo'{lj{ff Hl'.:l: ;:"il;ll :i.:'ii,ll', l i^t:l,yii":ii-i:ileldii;;, ; ";, f i3 ffi ; ::'ff lfl!ntnlofi f !",,un..;;,ii'l::#ollo*";,1'".^:i,j:i::;:-i",i irlllTi;i;,T;;1";ln;;,,;:;::'1.:ffi:scott seconded this. o"n lJJ"i._"-"-;::.:.."r I rLdLruns or .lnsurance ratin the storage room rr,.,rD? :- lplXi*g:g'i"s'-iffi at oth er bujldings had been critjcizeJ: T},T1:lf"irri blane voting te.,. and she could not vote | 'l Ke one bui I di ng. Some ^in favor or taking two building, inJ-felt the scale in ihts case was smaller. a Request for ex terior al teration and modification !n CCi to remodel theeatto cons ruct Harry.s 2V' Applicant requested to table to the March g meeting. Jim Vseconded to table this item ,, ,.qu"ri"j. The vote was 6_0 Dan moved and scott seconded to haVe Jim Morgan the men$er to be on DRB for themonths of March, April and lluv-niif,-Oin', chairman, as alternate. The meet'ing was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. moved and Wil l i n favor of tabl .ing. - lnrtn 75 south lrontage rd. vell, colorado 81657 (303) '176-7000 April 26, 1982 Rod Sl'ifer Sl ifer and Company 230 Bridge Street Vai l,:,Col orado 81 657 department of community development Re: Parking fee del Dear Rod, The purpose of this letteris to explain and assess the parking fee for the SIifbr building redevelopment on Bridge Street, Each of thethree levels of the bui'lding will be examined in terms of the code' I. Ba:egpnt leygl_ The "new basement" area wi'l 'l not be asSessed a fee, The app'l icable sectjOn of the code 'is 18.52.040,.'"Additions or Changes:" "For additions or-enlargements of any existing building-or change of use that would increase the total nurber of paiktng spaies requiied, the;dditional parking shall be required only for such additioni./enlargement or change,,.u The addition of storage space does not increase ihe toti'l number of stalls required, Section .|8.52..l00, which outlines the parking requirement for djfferent types of uses' does not list storage space, II. -tjrq\tssl_ The "general storage" area On the first level will not be assessed a fee for the rdasons outl ined above. However, there is a new display case of 46 square feet which will be counted. III. '. Second Level The new office on the second level will be assessed, The addition is approximately 753 square feet. Sl ifer t Ine r€e 753 second level square feet .46. first level square feetl'\-. 799 Total new square feet This constjtutes 2.66 parking stalls. (0ne space per 300 square feet of office space. ) 2,66 stal I sx S3000 fee per stal l $ ?'9r0 Total parking fee This fee can be paid over a five-year period. A schedu'l e of payments appears bel ow: DaIe Wg 4ggtn! First Fifth May 1, 1982 $ 1,598 Second Fifth May 1, 1983 1,598ThirdFifth l'|ay1, 1984 1,598 Fourth Fifth May 1, 1985 1,598Fifth Fjfth May 1,1986 1,598 The first fifth, or $1,598 is due before your building permit js issued. Also enclosed is a promissory note,,which our town attorney has asked that you sign and return with your first payment, If you have anyquestions,"do not hesitate to cal'l . Sincerely,f eT- JIM SAYRE Town Planner JS: br $7 Vail , Colora r9B2- In installments after date, for value receivedr' I pronise to pay to the order of the Town of Vail at the Office of the Finance Director, l-tunicipal Building at Vail, Colorado Seven Thorrsanrl .;Ninp Hlnflrpd anrl Ninpty. Dollars, with interest at the rate of -0- per cent Per annun, payable in yearly instal lrnents as follows:' The first install.ment of $ l 598 due and payable on May l. .|982 too--Aplii-26-,-990 with subsequent installments of $ .|.598 due and payable on May'l , 1983 , May l,,l984 , and May l,l.9B5 , with the entire unpaid balance due payable on May I , ]986 IT Is AGREED that if this note is not Paid when due or declared due hereunder, the principaL and accrued interest theleon shall draw interest at the rate of 18 percent Per annun' and that failure to make any paynent of principal o, int "re!t when due or any default under any incumbrance or igr""rolnt securing this note shall cause the whole note to becone due ri on"., or the interest to be counted as principal , at-the oPtion of- the holder of :he note. The makers and endorsers hereof severally waive presentrnent for payrnent, Protest' notice on nonpaynent,and of protest' and agree to any "*a".,tioit of tilne of payment and partial Payrnents before' atoraftermturity,andifthisnoteorinteresttheleonisnot'paid. when due, or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonable costs of collection' including reasonable attorneyrs fees. Rod Sl ifer Date Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Com ments: Design Review Board f//V*c AppRovAL l{t\i.llt ',,tt jj.:t);i.(.'1 . Sl=i-tEB I hlir;Al, l)l',t,t:t!l ttl'l0i\i: i.O'l' 'l'hc fo | | ou i trli in Fo rm;r t .i.or,t i.:; lJolrd brl'rrrc a finaI rpprova I A. Bl, ll.tr lii(; M'fCnlALS Roof Siding other l,ial, I Materia I s Fascia )ortrts Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Encl osurcs Grcenhorrs es Other t'c<grr i1'q,.1 for sulrni.tt;rI L'y c;r rr bc l:ivcn: ?X6 TONGTIF AND GROOVE RFNWOOD CLEAR HEARTWOOD -VERTICAL GMIN OLYMPIC CLEAR sTArN fl -7r7 'tyLc of l.[t-c'r'ia_l (lolor REDWOOD SIDING AS MENTIONED ABOVE WH]TE CLAD f8366 FLUSH SIDING AND CAULK PAINTED OLYMPIC 717 REDWOOD zXB OLYMPIC 717 N/A 2+ GAUGE GALVANIZED METAL PAINTED DEVOE # UB 51 N/A (PRELIMI|\|ARY APPROVAL) N/A PELLA W0OD :TgR;E .pooR PAINTED DEVOE { pdz (wurrr>r' ." - -/ JooD cEpAR eATNTED DEV9E $ 4J- !\rHrrE) l_ B. LANDSCAPING Name of 0esigner; 6LEN ELLISONphone : PLANT MATERIALS Botanlcal Name Conmon Narne Si ze TREES SHRUBS .rr,lNIPFRUS SARrNA TAM.IUNTPFR _ ? OLYMPIC ANNUAL FLOWERS GMNDIFLORA PETUNIA TELSTAR PETUNIAS 2 FLATS 5 CAI t I 6ROUND COVTRS SEED I rr8/4/B Orr qn spr rr p^vrns rNr salE F0OTAGE 700 s.F. EIROUT ON A CONCRETE SLAB CONCRETE SLAB SQUARE FOOTAGE N/A TYPE N/A SQUART FOOTAGE N/A 500 TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR MTTHOO OF EROSION CONTROL c. 0ther Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. itr\i.ll: ^r,li I irl) ii.(: I SLIFER._.-----.- {. hf;(;Al. l)l::;lili ll'f lUN: l,o'l' 'l'hc follrrf irrlg inforrn.'rriou i.:; r'cryrilt:d for. subrnitrirl Lry tlrc u11r/i...:,,ry' ro thc Dc:;rlr;r i({-vr.(j,ir,Ilorrd lrcl,rrr: a l:irurl :tpplovul c;rrr bc llivcll: I fi 1 | tt ?14 I II'AC/A. BtJll.trlii(; I.aA'I'[RI^LS ,ryLc of l!t!_c]1t! ll t f;,,Tr.tl t--Roof srNGl F$nMRRAarF cMVEL coloR siding zx6 roruct 'r mtn cnoovr_ nrDWooD _ _ Other l'jail Materials ctEAR HEARTWOoD VERTICAL GRA.IN oLYMPI.C CLEAR sTArN # 717 _ -oJF-t_qo Fasc ia Soffits }{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encl osures Grcenhorrs e s 0ther 12 OLYMPIC 717 REDWOOD SIDING AS MENTIONED ABOVE I^/HITE CLAD il8166 FLUSH S]D]NG AND CAULK PAINTED OLYMPIC 717 IdOOD STORE .DOOR PAINTED DEVOE fl P67 (WHITE) WOOD CEDAR pATNTED DEV9E # P67 (WHITE) REDWOOD 2X8 OLYMP]C 717 N/A 24 GAUGE GALVANIZED METAL PAINTED DEVOE { UB 5T N/A (PRELIMINARY APPROVAL) N/A B. LANOSCAPING Name of Designer; GLEN ELLISoN Botanical Name Corrnon Name Quantj ty Si ze JUNIPFRI.'S SARTNA TAM.IUN'IPER 2 Phone : PLANT MATTRIALS TREIS SHRUBS ANNUAL FLOWERS GRANIDIFLORA PETUNIA TELSTAR PETUNIAS 2 FLATS q cal q6ROUNO COVERS l s00 SEED L 3 'nlrrl& l[ AR spr rr pAVqRs_ rN saet F00TAGE 700 s.F. GROUT qN A CONCRETE S|_AB CONCRETE SLAB 120 S.F. SQUARE FooTAGt TYPE N/A SQUARE FOOTAGE N/A TYPE OF IRRIGAIION TYPE OR METHOO OF EROSION CONTROL C. other Landscape Features (retalnlng walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) please specify. Projecl Oescription: ^ 4c-FttQ - t€r,a,a-n se ltr,-trcontact Person ano Pnone ! / --'-\ Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: /azrtc-A Block FilingLegal Descriplion: Lot Tone - Com ments: ftz,u/)/4.4?..'.1 Design Review Board e I s/ sDate Motion by: Seconded -t For;'f by:tr/2\^//A\ ,::.----\ $- <> DISAPPROVALffiqsyas -t \-.__--1 L4lAl,L' 'R)Lf.t 4-ov I et/) ,/-5 W4Lr- Summary:. RA :.fuAlL ta daH>)'.VT ,2-tgA-Ll6t1Ti/) (2 E|-TFaJv/2- P 5'l F-,/1 LlgT " 0i-L4 Poprrl rrq Trpmrr I Oidgg .\r-or Cih^..'r^ Cornus Stolonif era PolS.:t5!l 1n Frrr.c t icosa ,Tttn i rrrr rtt<- (.rlr i n.' f-n-,AL--qs,arf_ oF F4ve N{Hl: csF- -,aoct'- - t-.t4Tt HAjE..-tt4L-9 r3o444 D Statt Approval of, p{inl.. I"-t+'' ?- --sa-,l_._ !- sai-: Hf lt6u-7 or-- C€-JAtN /r-ig uALL 9 A ,-|.t{LO </ 7 / o-.r-- el...Jr-- Antr r IIa! 1e Dogwoocl Go I cl Drop Potpntilla .8_--- -l' 'r) 4a-.^ 16 SLIFER AND COMAT{Y OFFICE DESIGN Porcel B, Vo!! Village First Filing John tvl. Perkins, AIA November 23, lg8l ,l o I. Date of Applicatian*e3-Ugu. l98l* APPI,ICATION FORM FOR NXTARIOR ALTERATIONS OR ]'IODI!'ICATIONS '[N COMi'lEilCIAI, CORE I ICCT} Tiris procedure is reguired for alteration of an existing bt"tj-id'in<; whichaddsorrcinovesanyenclosedfloorareaoroutdoorpaL.i'oor i"pi"."n.nt of an e>:i.siiig builtling sha1l l:e subjec.L Lo revier"''r' sy IhL pfo""ing anci E;tvironmental Cornmj-ssj'on" Ttre applicaLion vrill l:oL be accepted until all i-nfornraLion is s'r-ih':rLii:.l-e-d" A.i$ri'in OF APPLIC:iI'IT. EQjl--X. Slitpr - * ADrP.ll55 230 Bridee Street Vailr Colo:g4lq Fiioli fi -- 426 : a4 2L-_-__- R liAi.lil oF l!l-ri..!.liJ ) rrIPPLlCAi,iT'S REPRESENTJTTI\'tr JO4N M' PETKi.J}9_T-.A-I4-_* Box 265 Vail, Colorado AUI ilCil.IZATION Otr PROPIRTY oii.alER . .'l 5IGl.i;\TUlil ;lirliii'-Di->PrroFJ. _476_ZLU u" Lr-,Ci'lllci{ or Pii.oPCtlAI-, ljDDiij,jss 230 Bridge $t. LEC,:rL DjSCti.itlt:olr Parcel nBt Bl"ock 5 Vail V e First Erli4e--.--- ;r TT {,i . i.i.tr': $l-Ci0,00 plus l8f fcr e;rcjr !rr:cp{:r:i.Ly c!'i11c}: io i'i' lri:,;if igtl" /'- J I/ / ,,/ts/tt eiol.o\ h+ 2'^y'3 .Inlr,, jic-J1-!in:iT !i ji-t-ylly, o].r pRCinPJY Srlcif ,l-ilG p.T.:..fplliiTY l li'i:i'': :'.iTD i',oiArlr oiil :,irliui-LI)ItJ{,;r:.-;Diii'iYII4PItS\ti:.I'lEil'.ilso1:iTiirl:'Alllj" l. L.lll,.r ()F lilill ill,lili fi,r'fti'i.;iJIis or i\LI-, l)I{t.ii'i.lIlTY I!l'T;:'ilr}i1;r trJ'iliIi rii.rI,il:-C'rl i)1i.')PilllTY l.hLr iiilrll{ ;\i)DiltlSSi;li" Ii. iroU:: 1,::i r:opi,ri; r;r. a li-tt: pi-en conl;.;:rit:iiig t'h* -fo1-.1.cr'li-n':J r;.;.iorrartil'n: A" ll,ll:: :.; ir 1.. e: p1-;.,n :;h::.1.1. l-- c iiri:lwt1 {i:} a. s}.t,,l(li; i::i:.! fif 24" >t ";1 " ": ii e scalc of 1." --" !:0'; i-.r 1,Iiii:iiltiol oi ti,.c sriier:l: i"j-;re cr3: "nlcllr: !; :):'' -:;rio'''qd irr" --ili: iir;nri::l -i 1.y lfevel orrtiicnL Dep'r:-i-'nl:ni "i':i j';i::ri'if i'L:t'i ; Colorado o AlAryoilJohn M. Perkins/Architect,Run Resort, 1ffi Lions Ridge Loop/P.O.8.2&Noil, Colo, 8165713f,3-4763515 November 23, 1981 Mr. Dick RyanDirector of Community Developnent Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, Colorado 81657 RE: Slifer Office DesignParcel "8", Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Dear Mr. Ryan: Our firm i-s pleased to present the following proposalin representation of Mr. Rod Slifer. We teet that ttreproposed exterior changes are rninor in nature and willhave 1ittle impact on lower Bridge Street. This letter sha11 serve as request on behalf of Mr-Slifer for you and your staff -to initiate forrnal reviewof the attached proposal . Please do not hesitate to call should you or any of yourstaff have any questions or require any additioiralinformation involving this proposal. PROPERTY OWNERS ADJACENT TO THE SLIFER & COMPANY BUiLDING Covered Bridge Building John DobsonP. 0. Box 70Vail, Colorado 81658 476-1.i.67 Gasthof Granshanner Pepi Grarnshanmer 237 E. Gore CreekVai1, Colorado 81657 47 6 - 56?6 Clocktower/Gorsuch' s John McBride 105 Pacific Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81611 9ZS-ZL\Z Town of VailRich Caplan, Town Manager 75 South Frontage Rd. WestVai1, Colorado 8165 7 476-7000 Gallery Building Ron Riley 4494 Streanside DriveVai1, Colorado 81657 47 6 - 3109 SLIFER AND COMPANY OFFICE DESIGN This proposal involves the addition of office and storage space in the rear of the building and a deck and en- larged dj-splay windows in the front. The proposal specifically includes: Basencnt Floor No work planned First Floor - Extending a display windows 6r-0rt to the West with increased transparency. - Adding approxinately 280 square feet of storage space to the rear of the building to be leased to others, not for the use of Slifer and Conpany. Second Floor - The addition of approxirnately 1,100 square feet of office space at the rear of the building. Creating a cover for the ingress/egress easement for the Clock Tower and City Linits businesses. - Adding a 6'-0" wide deck to the front of the bui-lding with windows in the West wal1 for increased exDosure and transparency. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE SLIFER AND COMPANY OFFICE DESIGN Street Edge The proposal suggests paving the entire front of Slifer and Cornpany frorn the steps to the Clock Tower deck, to the Ore House porch with brick pavers. Street Enclosure The proposal will add interest and transparency to the street enclosure with the second floor deck and larger display window. The ratio of enclosure will not be significantly altered. Streetscape Franework The nonolithic stucco facade of the building will be broken. Elernents worthy of saving were deterrnined to be, the semicircular form at the entry of Frivolous Salrs and the Frame Shop, the arched entTy into Slifer and Cornpany, and the angular overhang from the circular entry to the North fascia 1ine. Redwood siding will be introduced as a second rnaterlal. Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone /2oO s ut r8rz* Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: f, v Legal Description: Lot fr4cf LS ,q{ Block rrtins y'V / ,zone Com ments: flzELtH INALJ Design Review Board Seconded by: Date DISAPPROVAL P,gats.U7* E Statt Approval :.r r '{4s-tr*sidn6'*' !tisr or urtrnrAi.,sV I S March 1982 rl NAlm OF IInoJUCfJDI)rrrgN ANp REMopEL tEcAL DESCRTpTION Lot B' Pg6'fion ot t516f*n V4i1 V1l1age FirfiI" DDSCRIPTION OII PROJECI' j u'j.,y. v..''o-'ot del of , Sl-ifer Office Building The ,to A.) fo l1owin g the Design BUI LDING Roof SldJ.ng Other lYal1 Materials Fascia Sof flt s Wlndows Window Trim Doors Door ?rim lland or Deck Rails Irl.ues Flashings Chluureys Trash [nclosures Greenhouses Other iB.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Materiafsand Ground Cover)and Ground Cover) I i Conumon l{ameDotanical Name ls requl red for submlttirl bY t lt' before g f Inal aplrroval can 1.r'" r,. t!r:.' Typc of lfaterj,grl S]gf* lgrnvo] /hrri -l f rtF - . gr-y *.*-, - -. - -- v'edwnc'd -,-- nqf rrna'l -,- st ucc l stn whi ia *. --, cedar stained -exterior plvwood stained double hung white clad redwood natural glazed store doors redwood IFBI"L - - Pqintcd radrrrnnrl nqf rrr"n] Iir{cluding Trees, Shrubs , in format ion Revi.erv Board MATSRIALS: l Quant.itv S{ze I ..1 rlgeaI ltaterlal s Eotani.cal Name Conunon Name ges!!ry S ize Contlnued l c.) 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES(Retaining !'Ial1s, Fences, Swirmning Pools, etc.) t, (PI'ease t SpecLfy) r i li i ! . Stpge q_1an!_drs.and wal1s, wood benches, -picnic table, f {it I I ti 'it t III c t jl i I I ffi*r a MElvtORANDUi\t To: Planning and Environnental Commission FROM: DePa"tnent of Cominulity DeveloPment/Peter Patten IATE: February L7, 1982 SUBJECT: Request for exterior alterations to the Slifer Building under the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. Applicant: Rod E' Slifer A. COMPLIANCE WITH THE PURPOSE SECTION OF THE COMMERCIAL CORE I ZQIIE !]II8II] '18.24.0.l0 Purpose The cornmercial core'l district is intended to provide siLes and to maintain the unique character of the Vail Vil'lage conmercial area, with jts mixture of lodges and commercial estab'l ishments in a predominantiy pedestrian environment. The commercjal core I district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriaEe to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The d'istrict regulat'ions in accordance with the Vail Village urban design guide plan and design considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure continuation of the bujlding scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village. The Conrnunity Development Department finds that this proposal is in compliance with the purpose section for Vail Village. B. COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAiL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN 'l , Sub-area concepts There are no sub-area concepts of the Urban Design Guide P'l an which the proposal is affect'ing. 2, Pedestriani zation Basical ly, pedestr"ianization'is unchanged, but improvement should be real'ized w"ith the installation of pavers. THE REQUEST The proposal entails the addition of'1100 square feet of_office and 280 square feet of'storage space in the rear of the building as well as a deck.and enlarged windows in the front (Brjdge Street side). Also proposed is a complebe refur- bishing of the building exterior to make it harmonious with the proposed exterior revisions to the Gallery Bui'l ding. Some new "Town of Vail" pavers _will be insta1led in the front oi the buiiding. Also included in the proposal is an hydraulic trash compactor located in the rear alley enclosed by a strrrcture. 6. Street Edqe Street edge is slightly improved with over to the display window adding an to the street. Building HeighL Building height is unchanged. Views The additional office area on in that 'l ocabion in Commercialfirst f'l oor cannot be used by constitute the exPans'i on of an 2. ry-e&gg tUt Bldq -2- 2/17/82 be added with the remodel of and the new deck above it. the new front step extending addjtional activitY Pocket area 3. Vehicle Penetration Stregtscape Framework Some visual jnterest and variety w'il1 the displayw.indow along Bridge Street Street Enclosure vehicle penetration vrill be improved with the add'i[ion of the trash .o*picioi^. The compictor allows for considerably less trips for trash coliection. This compactor will be utilized by t'he Casino, Gallery' iiit"",'itoct< Tower and McBride bui'ldings. 51e feel thl!-is a greaI i*prou"r.nt and helps reduce vehicular traffic in the Village. 4. 5. The street enclosure rema'i ns basical 1y unchanged' 7. 8. No views are affected. g. Service*and Del ivery service and delivery 'i s unchanged, except that the ingress,/egress easement for the Cl-ock Tower ana C'ity Limits btrsinesses wilj be covered. 10.'Sun/shade Sun and shade factors remain unchanged' ZONING CONSIDERATIONS l. Uses the second floor is a Permilted use Core I. The storage space on. Ene bhe real estabe busjness' as tnls woulo existing non-conforming use. Site coverage is within the 80% allowed' slifer erf -s- z/17/sz 3. Landscaping No s'ignificant reduction 'in landscaping is proposed. 4. Park.ing and Loading Approximately 1100 square feet of additional office space is proposed. This amount of space would require 4 parking spaces and result ina parking fee, the amount of which wi'll be established by Town council. RECOMM.ENDAT]ON The Department of communjty Deve'l opment recommends approval of the requestfor exterior modifjcation to the Slifer Building with'the fol towing condi t'i ons : l. The appl_icant agrees to participate in and not remonsLrate againsta specia'l improvement district if and when formed for vail vittage. 2. The.applicant agrees to participate in the cost of construction andlandscaping around the new trasi.r compactor enclosure. 3. The-applicant agrees.to participate in and not remonstrate against 3-Tin]:l*qrovement district if bne is formed to impiove Bridle stieertrom the covered bridge to Gore creek Drive with pavers ano I'anasciping. o PLANN o IONING A,,\D ENVIRONF{ENTAL COMMISS February ?2, 1982 1. Election of chairman and vice-chairman. Z. Approval of rninutes of neeting of February 8, 1982. 3. Request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code to add a new zone district called Arterial Business for an area west of Vail Lionshead including Vail Associatesr west day parking lot, Vail Associatesr shop and yard area, Eagle Val1ey Water and Sanitation site, otd Town shop site, Chevron site, Holy Cross Electric's yard site, Texaco site, Voliter Nursery site and the Glen Lyon..office building site. 4, Request to amend Section 18.54 Design Review Guidelines of the zoning code speci.fying infornation which urust be subrnitted with the application t'or design review board, setting forth design review board procedures and details. 5.. Request to anend the zoning code to include definitions of 'rnajor arcade, "rrninor arcadet' and "anusernent device. " The request is to anend the following zone districts: Corunercial Cores I, II, and fII, corunercial service center,public use, parking district, pubtic accornnodation district, Special Develop- ment Districts 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 and 11. Major arcades will be subject toconditional use review. In CCI and II, major arcades will be restrictedto basenent or garden 1eve1s. 6. Request for exterior alteration and rnodi.fication in CCI to remodel the GalleryBuildj.ng (0re House Building) to add a condomj-nium on a new third Level above grade as well as.redesigning the entrance to the Ore House, expandingthe restaurant toward the west and adding and rernodeling second flooi office _---\space. Applicant: Ron H. Riley. " 7. .,Request for exterior alteration and modi-fication in CCI to renodel the' ./ Slifer Building in order to add storage space on the lst floor, office space' '-/' at the rear of the 2nd floor and a deck and windows on the 2nd floor, ApplL-cant: Rod Slifer. 8. Request for exterior alterati-on and modification in CCI to al1ow the Lodge at Vail to Construct l{arry?s Bar, Applicant has requested thatthis item be tabled until the March 8th rneeting. Applicant: LodgeProperties, Inc. a Community Development Department ,1.*5-'-',-"-z Sazo)lt / {, A Ll-'3ta{ 5y', )'"o' ,'r* / -la Cldz'k -[7t,,*t );()'i I(:l; l" lll.lil:l;\' a,t,lr;rt tlrt' l'l;ttrtttt).1 ;rrr(l 1,,,r,,'r,J,rt,'' 'l'owrt of Vail will hold a pr-rbl.ic lrcar-in!: in accor<lancc l'iil-li of tirc Zon ing Coclc o{: Lltc 'luttn of Vri i I on l:cb ruary 22 ' L9&2 ths serrncil chambcrs jn thc Vail I'tunicipai Duilding. Public hearing and consideration of: (1r.,;rrlui5sion o[' i lLr Scu L ion 18.66.0tr0 irt 2:00 P,rn. in 1, Request to anend the Town of Vail Zoning Code in accotdance with Sections 18.66.100 through 18.66.160 to add a ncw zone district called Arterial Ilusiness for an area west of Vail Lionshead including Vail Associatcst west day parking 1ot, Vail Associatesr shop and yard area, Eagle Val ley l'fatcr and Sanitation distrj-ct si.te, the old Torrn of Vail shoP site, the Chevron service station site, Holy Cross Electricts yard site, the Texaco service station site, Voliter Nursery site and the Glen Lyon Office Building site. Tire new district would allow a linited and specified amount of commercial, office, heavy service, general servj.ce, lodge and ernployee residential uses along with public utility and yard uses. Applicants: Chevron USA Inc, Alfred Williams, Holy Cross Electric Association, Inc.. Bob Boliter, Vail Associates, Inc., Eagle Valley Water and Saaitation District, Town of Vai,1 , and Andy Noris. 2. Request to anend Section 18.54 Design Review Guidelirres of the zoning code in accordance with Sections 18.66.100 through 18.66.160 specifying infornation which must be submitted with the appli.cation for design revietl board, setting forth design review board procedures and providing details thereto. Applicant: Town of Vai1, 3, Request to anend the zoning code in accordance with Sections 18.66,100 through 18.66.160 so that it includes definitions of t'najor arcade," "minor arcade" and 'tamusenent device. " The request is to arnend the following zone distri.cts: Conmercial Cores I, II, and III, cornnercial service center' public use, parking district, public accorunodation district, Special Development Districts I 2 - Northrcoods, 3-Pitkin Creek Park, 4-Cascade Village, 5- Vail Run, Simba Rrm, 6-Vai1 Village Inn, 7-The Marriott Mark, 8-Fa1 lridge, l0-Va11i-Hi, 1l- Highland Park. "Major atcades" will be subject to conditional use review. In Comnercial Cores I and I1, major arcades wilL be restricted to basement or garden levels. Applicant: Town of Vail . 4. Request for exterior aiferation and rnodification in Commercial Core I Zone District in accordance with Section 18.24.065 of the Vail li'lunicipal Code to rernodel the Ga1 lery Building (Ore House Buildilrg) located on Parcel A, Block 5, Vaj-l Village lst Filing. The request is to add a condominium on a new third level above grade as well as redesigni.ng the entrance to the Ore House, expanding the restaurant toward the west and adding and rcnodeling second floor office space, Applicant: Ron ll. Ri1ey. 5. Request for exterior alteration and rnodificatlon irt Cotmrclcial Core I Zonc District in accorclancc with Section 18.2J.065 of thc Veil trlunici.pal Cocle to remotlel thc Slifer Building locatcd on Parccl ll , Block 5, Vail Village First Filing in ordcr to add storagc spacc on the l-st floor, off icc sPace at the rear of t.lrc Znd f I oor and l ticck and wirrdows on thc Znd f I oor, AJr|l icant: l{od E. Sl jllcr. -,Slifer&Nnrza.rnh,er 'r1. regr \_iQmpany HISTORY OF SLIFER BUILDING Original building was bui.lt in 1966. At that tine, both the Clock Tower Building and the Ore House (then the Gal J.ery Building) were constructed. The Slifer Building merely filled the gap between the two buildings, utilizing a platted lot. First Phase: (1966). The building was designed by rit.zhugh Scott Architects. The entire building was designed although only the first phase was constructed in 1966. The first Phase consisted of the basement area (now Houston Gallery) and the first floor was occupied by Slifer and Company. Onty those two floors were built. Phase Tvo: (1968) This was a very sma]l addition where we enclosed what is now Jeff Houstonrs work area and the office located directly above it. This was a very minor addition and was not visible from Bridge Street. Phase Three: (1973) The original design and approvals always anticipated thisaddition. Gordon Pierce completed the working drawings that consisted of adding a second floor to the First Phase and also adding the retail space currently occupied by Frivolous Sal-ts, This addition required obtaining a small sliver of ground from The Clock Tower Builtling. In return, I deeded The Clock Tower a small portion in which his building encroached on my lot (.the northeast corner of the Clock Tower) and also granted him an easernent for access. This al lows The Clock Toh'er restaurant access and The Citv Limits eg'ress to the East. Copies of the documents and the survey are enclosed. I have also enclosed a copy of the original rrParty Viall Agreementt' with the Gallery, Inc, (now the Ore House) . If you r,vould like any additional information, I will provide it as best I can renednber. RES,/ca enclosures 230 Bridgc Street, Vail, CO 81657 (JOil 476-242l \ PRTSENT Scott Edwarcis Wil 1 Trout Gerry Whitc Dan Ceircoran Duane Pipcr Jim Morgan ABSENT Rdfibr Tilkeneier The neeting was following a work Residcntitrl Br:orun , Da:'y I Cluster lti strict R, Burns, David PI,ANN ING AliD IINVIIIONI'IINTAL COi'{triISS 10N December 14, 1981 STAFF Dicr Ryan Peter Pattcn Pet-cr Janar Ji.n Sayre Betsy Rosolack ca1 1ed to order at 3:00 p.n. by chairman, Gerry White, session on CC4 zoning and revised.Red Lion plans. t' . Apureutl-el:lgtu49:-€$9--ry9y.9tlb-9r_5-,_-19$ n99!ii1c. }lill movecland uuanc scconced to approve thc minutcs. thc' vote rnas 5-0., unanirnous. 2. Request for a minor subdivision of lots 10, 11 , and, IZ, Block 1, potato- :_-'-:-_-: _l'atcn. npplrcant: CDS Enterprises, Inc. Peter Patten showed site plans showing ;rew lines with thc o1d property linesin red. He explained why the staff reconmended approval and KLn fuilrltt rcpresentlni; -the property oir.'n er s cxplained that a <iriveway encioachment on lot 1l was tobe clinrinated with thc resubdivisi.on, Dan explained that no al lolable GRFA changes rvould occur. Duane voiceci concern about1ot l incs regarding thc distance between the buildings. Iteter a.ssuaged theirconcerns. Scott lno\,ed and M11 seconded to approved the r-eque.st. for a niuors.bdivision" The vote was s-0 in favor with ban abstaini's. ?rl for a re zon i n.c of lots 1 tlrro Cl iffsidc Subdivision fronito Singlc Family District. Applicants:L. Cole, and Charles H. Rosenquist. Peter Patten explained the mcrno showing the sj.tc pl an ancl clj-scussecl tfie graphsin the ncnto. Phil Ordrr'ay explainetl that he and ttave Sncntana each har; n .ont"u"tto buy a lot if the zoning was changecl, and thet they wele instrunrental j.n requestitrg the rezoning. Jirn recallcd that when this stil.'division was anncxcdand zoned ltcsidential Cluster it was thc intention to rcconsider the zoningat a latcr clatc. lle was in favor of the change. Dan stated that he feltthst lot 6 should be includcd, Ordivay c-xplaincd that liosenquist (oirrer oflot 6) was in fa'or of c.hangi'g his lot to duplr:x (prcscrtlf he could b*i.lda,po-s-siblc 5) or P/S. Orclway statcd that he dichrtt hLvc tj.rne to stully thoaltcrnat-irrt:-s jn ful l rnd so clcc j.<led not Lo inclutlc l ot 6. rt tlre 1a.st nrirrLrtc, ad<lrng ti:I.??.:i.],ll:r. told. hirn tltat Jtc (l{oscntSristi worilcl iot, j.ns.is1. on buit4irii: ; ;;;ii;. '' (rl'(ll{i)y Nctll ot) to st:1tc tlurt hc did not J-ccl 1-lrart thi:; rirtr _s spot zon.il.lg .i:or: I ot bsrncc j.t rva s ltdj lrccnt to ltc zolring. Richard a O^r- L2/14/81. Scott agrced with Ordr.ray adding that lot 6 was so differcnt, there was no nccd to consider it rvith thc other lots. Scott adtlcrl that he was conccrncd that thc lrouses not bc built high on thc rjdge and wondclcd if a trade-o*'f cotild be madc in this re-spcct, Orduay assured Scott that thc houses woul.d bc dorr,n the hill far cnough so that t1ci. lvo'1dnrt interfcr"e wit5 othcrsr views.oldrvay added that siting was the mairr lcason fol tne rcquest. Jim voiictt'-- -' concern ovcr the visual impact, al so, thcn said he r4tr. s sure DRB would takethat into considcration. Will movecl and Duane scconded to rezoltc lots voie rr'a s 6-0, unaninous. I thru 5 to Single Family. The Dan voiced his concent that thebuild, because the or.rner:s of the high point. Gerry felt this rgas owners would be coming in with a RC zone in this .devclopnrent made horne owncrs show conccrn a-s to horv high tl-rey Ridgc rrrere purposely not building on the the correct zoning because otherwise the series of l:equests for variances since the it virtu;rl1y unbuildable, Prelinj-nary l{eview sessi.on for Exterior Alterations and Nlodifications. This sessiorl was to dccide whether be considered maj or- - requiring a 90 stlrdy. or not the sr"rbinitted projects woul d day study, or ni nor- - rcquiring a 60 day A11 of the follor,,'ing were considered to be major revisions: r:?r I€l'/ lJulIdlng Sl ifer Br.rilding Lodge at Vail - Ilarr-1' t 5 Bar (nerv location) Red Lion Inn -Deck Enclosure The neeting was adjourned at 5;J0 p.rn. .. RfcnaRDs ENGtNEEnfiT_rc.sunvw I V9'34 il t,, b-.-t.- P. O. Bor 643 Vail, Colondo 81657 Phonr 476.3072 Drnvrr lim - 24&1521 /q' ,{ e82#3;ooF E/ock 5 \\\ss\ 939:y-uo rnntr:r{Eifii ,ss&. $N gaz.I?"das ii* *tqr*'J,v,a) :i..ti.t:t1 t:.: fatf LQCJ/ J/€5 Crul/Tlsn \ gec ihed z./z \ l _--.r-.t,_\, - - l.- r'\t --l, rr ,1;;;|$;:i;i,9rt',,j..1 : -':O.1) tZ- : i)\ rt ^,:ii-c',i. 't -. ' - (t <i ,z:ul i.t..-t. - -.:2l, --.^'. '' ." r ,t ",n :i;: i..r.. l.'.?';;Y I I t, - Cr; g g ;tJ':' "-:' . 'r r1q11..-1).1 ' ..llt::,__ DATE Sheal / o! I >;iii"'s;' ;l] 'rrr:lii_\ \, iJ { PT LOTg /48.55 et4 O.Oo.#'ac. s N,l ,:-t:jT ,'J Oena/cs fifua/ gpike. I cer t.if y Ehat. on under ny supervision, that both are accurate ffiCrNaa At-fD IAND sunvryol no..?/f?, $ LCC.\I D'SCRIPTI,ON: A portlon of I.oc c, Block 5, V;ril Village, Ftrst Flling, a subdtvlslon in the to$hof Vail' County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as: Beginning at the l.lorthvregt Coner of. said Lot c which j.s a point of tangent on the EasEerly l1ne of tsridge Street ithence s 82"23100" E 55.06 feer along the Northerly line of said Lor c; thence S 4"22100" U 1'08 feet; thence N 85"38'00" W 55.58 feer to a poin! on a 92.30 foot radlus curve whicir is the Eascarl-y line o! Bridge SEreeE; thence 4.5C feet along the arc of iaid curve to the right whose cenEral- angle i,s 2"47 t34" and whose long chord bears l{ 25"17t13" 4.5C feet to the point of beginning containing 148.55 square feet or 0.0034 acres moreor less. CERTIPICATION: the above Cate a survey of the properLy as shown hereon was done rhaE the :rl;ove plat and legal descrlption lrere prepared by me and to Ehe besE of my icnowledge. '- drcHaRDs ENGTNTE*?,*..,r*url v3-36 & V3-65 P. O. Bor 643 Voil. Colondo 81657 Pbont 17 6.3072 Donvcr lino - 244.1i21 CERTIFICATION: I certlfy that the above lE. 1s accurate to the besC of p11r ILry 22, 1973 Sheet 2 of 2 legal descr{ptlon was prepared by me and that ny knowledge. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF I}ICRESS A];D EGRESS EAS$,IENT: A portion of LoE b, Block 5, Vail vi11age, Firsr. Filing, a subdivl,slonin the Town of vail, county of Eagle, state of colorado, descrlbed asl commenclng at. the Southvrest corner of said Lot b irhich is a point of rangencon ehe Easterl-y 11ne of Bridge sEreet; thence s g2o23r00" E 55,06 feec aiongthe southerly line of said Lot b to the true point of beginning; thencecontinulng along said sourherly Line s g2"23100" E 43.10 feeE to thesoutheasr corner of said Lot b; rhence N 13o15r00,'I.l 5.35 feet along theEascerry rlne of sald Lot b; rhence N g2023roo" I.I 41 .49 feet; thenceS 4"221 00" W 5.01 feec to rhe rrue point of beginning. Regis c ered and Land Professlonal Sur:rreyor No. * o[a*uRDs r*o, * rtr*i, *..,u*ur} yg.i;. P. O. lor 5{3 Vail, Coloredo 81657 Phonr 470-!O72 Donvf Lin. - 2rt&l521 /q' 'l PTLOTc /4855 wl4aoo,#'ac e8283;oo" ff;ffl;ni:,in7tr/ii,//////c/oik"dij/i,/, it..t:iitr t:; ':-#f ,:r ihe above date a survey of the property as shovn hereon wag done LhaE. the above plat and 1egal description were prepared by me andto the best of ury icnowledge. ;rl.,iii- I certify that on uader rny superuision, that boLh are aceuraEe W oxr, 4prt/ Z4 HZi EA !;r;r::/'c?I s82.7?-?a"e, Far laa/,fui fiec SZed 2 r'it.,. s N. ,lt^ \ *Tt \i::,+".,"rcr ?iri -i t/ock 5 R\\#k-*"-\ $ LEGAI DESCRIPTION: A portion of Lot c, Bloek 5, Vail Vi11age, Fj.rst Filing, a subdivision in the Townof Vai1, County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as: Beginni"ng at the l,lorthlrestCorasr of said Lot c which is a point of taDgent on the Easterly liae of Bridge Stteet; thence s 82"23100" E 55,06 feet along the Northerly line of said Lot c; thencas 4"22'00" w 1.08 feet; thence N 85o38t00r'w 56.58 feer to a poinr on a 92.30 foot tadiuscurve which is the Easterly 1j.ne of Bridge Street; thence 4.50 feet along the arc of 3aid.curve to the right whose central angle is 2"47 t34t' and ',rhose long chord bears N 25"17t13" E4.50 feet. to the point of beginning containing L48.55 square feet or 0.0034 acres moreor 1ess. CE*RTIFICATION: $.N\h Oena/es 9fua/ fip/ka. REGISTERED AND IAND PROFESSIONAT ENGIN€ER suRvrYoR no.2/81 - nnicn^R's ,*o,*=!*( ,*.. F. O, Bo: 643 Voil, Colondo 81657 Phon 176.tO72 Danvrr Linr - 244-t52t SheeE 2 of 2 LEGAL pESCRIPTI0N OF INGRESS AND EGRESS EASB4ENT: A portion of Lot b, Block 5, Vai1 V111age, First Filing, a subdivlsion ln. the Town of Vai1, County of Eagle, SEate of Colorado, described as: Cowneneing at the Southwest Corner of sald Lot b vhich is a poinl of tangent on the Easterl-y line of Bridge Street; thenee S 82o23100" E 55.06 feet alongthe Southerl-y line of said Lot b to rhe true poinr. of begJ.nning; thence continuing along said Southerly iine S 82023100" E 43.10 feet to the SoutheasE Corner of said Lot b; thence N 13o15100" W 5.35 feet along the Easterly llne of said Lot b; ehence N B2o23t00I W 4L,48 feet; thence S 4o22r00" W 5.01 feet. to the true point of beginning. CERTIFICATI,ON: I certify that the above 1egal descrLptlon vas prepared by ne and Ehatit ls accurate to the best of nry knowledge. I sunvrfo. v:-:o a v:-os . p4p l.lay 22, 1973 Regist ered and Land Pro fes s lonal Surveyor No. ;...