HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT B SLIFER BUILDING 1990-2003 DRB LEGALciz ts =t UJo- c c (/, IJJ uJu-t =Etu.L ffiha rl le' ,1'lo gttf ,fl I I I I I I IH rE I -tlor.rl rl I I l-,<M16 EIEfi9a"z z.i<l= IJJ ?o lo|!lIFxlztrlo#l zFl Ool )zl ) =loot .6{lrnzl4 616 u,lz3 \\f \) > IL lrJ :t o o) o q) o(g o O o) ==f lDtr'..o =CF i r'r 3*(!pjz,.o<>F!9)F-]-(J .9oo1t uiq)Eoo .vg'F cF €or -:-5ONEoloho/; olo E\ fo EotoEcY.uo c(JgH xo .:< o>6F.s cC'Eo o-OEoo-oEoc€(uo-(l)(,' E,: (! o oo = =F G ,= = E ol (lt 6. o (D co E (l) .c --3> Eoo og o)o '5E c.2 =dE.:x+ cL cl (E€q =H;> '-o d6',=!(6Otr .FO cc '- q)EE.=- o-$ dr lg--E ss'o ;./,o!LC Oo (!c-cs -o.(!0 oE(J, (6 o=E3o(gcet6$Q >.EII C) 90- EEJ':o -o oz rl c\l Ol = =uJILozo d) Y UJ Oz EF UJ UJ z6 =J oz o = uJtu!Lz tr uJ .E C)u,E o(r oo =g t!tz(,6ur uto o- ) tll x l- uJo Fl€ Fl Fl H3 at rfJ UJl! F = TTJ Fo z I ql J F UJ ul zo = J J 2 I()ul = NO|lVn'lv^ tszH E | (,)lz y.4 0a F.rohaz ouz-o! E< o-, qto(l= J l--l uJ rl'izXlr.r<(5E Eu3 zzo9 F^U'='-d9o tDOXr6Zrr< a-ot(JFO;.\i = T IE t:l/ ilz IE l14 l14lz t:lrll lF4t< lE z ;k J TL(r qJ F u] z (t FzlzOo <od< >E>t! YIUci<z =z, 9z ur- 63tr -l utlJ ct U) luzI =F z F Jloz o 3 JI -l zl zl .. >l ul UJEIzoF IJ IL J z E o z ca e\l I z tr u.l J 3 uJz IE T;Itjlt<ltil 8l o *lrl(ol:l A IJJFoooazo F(L r.lJY UJ c0 oF E sx;- or llI \Ol o- >lri<l - a-l Iuoltl'lHuJskzo z rn )iz2oO =zJo O- Lr- o(JzE t"\ F =14c0UJ b Etu 5:!!E:E<ol€ua9ELbe'=E =gF 't v- =Ll.t:-E h=o t iilE =EE U59 iutE XO_t x>t q*o-i!E 4l dtoF --a ts =Elrlo-zoF CJDEFazoo T! rAl\!./l I l._t , ^l >+ Flttel Iu^l =ll-l *l lrEl lco Flll:l| | (/)l tl|lDllo.t zF-.i -J IJ- E 14 t z F HE H Fla u.i =z (D -) z F E HHE : trrlHlFll-l uJtE 4 "l F(nl tr)l-* (-t I l-l | =Hl * -l nr cnl \oc\rl -llcofli.R<d>ql><=Eo ll'tIH_l"l llr'lilel olalFl ttt-ztt*C)t q F-r I crlv:l N F.Hl I '-.al l\cII."r l4l r/ifrl !41 ,lHl X, |-.'ldt H*t<EI Jfl95 l<l t*ll-l.tlill I<l dlEl zl ...r ",l gl3 F-11 ccl coEl :l.A :l fl5trl oltzl531 ulo.l gl trEI FIF z o u,l CE Ja lr- z3IF =al trl a(9| ull cEl ;l zl 3lolFI = tl-l .i 2 oultr J ?l>l tLl ol zl =lolH E o ul : al>l t!ol zl 3l 9l UJ r.ljF' al tuz = F C)ulF T (JE <F(ts()uJ<zE IIJ F(\ Z,oo <o()F HE;-F =zG 9F gE ^'5() <F :IFzr) iz =g =+E \JZ <oo9.L! rJ.t-rttrtr 1 I!' ' .ti*lt 4ry.I t- li ' *{jiLJ_ (a,1,'*tg ii. -"*Hiilr oF vArL coNsrRucrro,qiifie5rtTfpffi, r;; r ^;",;o;*,n u, u-il*:ffi :l*, #, ;;;q#" .a/?e f,:.1.:.:l::....1.************* PERMTT rNFoRMArroN *{t]f.l.e$tfrVf DE140EPL...******L,J-nurrcu-n9f J l-plumbing [ ]-Brectrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]_other Job.Narne3 (\r.$.g(^i*h Fi.*^t*Q,,\E+.hJob Address: ?"O Bci l.< Sr-. Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing owners Name: Slic9er,S^i Address; Address:23o rSrrJ€. Sr. , thtl (O pn . ?n-rcat Architect: _91,.$. Genera] Description: €'rr-I{ork cr'ass: [ ]-New ffi-Alteration t r-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: D Nunber of Accornmodation Units: $*tt and Type of Firepraces: Gas. Appriances o Gas Logs o wood/pelret g__ /f********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************* P-u:lPlllg' f <,ooo'o'EI,EC?RTCAL: $OTHER: $PLWBING: $TOTAT: co^NTRAgroR rNFoRlrAlrolv * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Address: I Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: ******************************** Reg. NO. t:..'Reg. $O. FOR OFFTCE usE ******** ******** * ************** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FE83 PLUI{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: I'IECHANTCAT, PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CIJAN-UP DEPOSTT: ZONING: SIGNATURE: fteehanical . Contractor :Address: BUTLDTNG PERMIT tr'EE: PLUI,'BING PERMIT FEEs r'fECANTCAI.I PERMTT FEE : ETPCTRICAI. F8E: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: -E:'' Town of Vait Res. No. /tt-#Phone Number: J76-tF Town of vail Reg. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nuraber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: NO. TOTAIJ PERI,IIT. FEES: =k-,/) -;-"-' i 3Y:ili$$. /''l'z cl.gAr{ qP DEPOSTT REHII{D TO:Ja V"t G^r*'"^"fioo, 75 routh tronlage road Yell, colorado E1657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlcc ot oommunlty devGlopment BUILDING PERI\IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this permr:t requires a Town of vail fire Departrnent Approval,Engineer "s..(.pubr ic r.rorks) ""vi"w .no'ipi"ouui ,'i ilii,,ii',ii'blp."t .ntreview or Health Departmint.review,-anl-a_review by the BuiId.ingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a-tout review lnay take as Iongas three weeks. All corrnercial (raroe or smalr) anu alr murti-family permits willhave to- fo'llow itre Suove rtntion"J-*ximum requirements. Residentiarand.small projects shourd tate J-i"iier"amount of time. However, ifresidentia'l or smalrer.projects impiii the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-necessii:y-".uie*, these projects mayalso take the three-week perioC. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - vv v^t'ev I, the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time Corrnuni ty Devel opnent Department. 75 soulh tronlaEe road vaal, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottlce ot communlty deuelopment rn sur'mary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any,person to litter, traek or deposit, ""V-roif]-rJ"f., sand, debrisor rnaterial , including trash hunpsters, portabre toirets and.workmen vehicres. upon anv streetr =ie;;"il;-ti:v or publ'cplace or anv portiin tt"i""il- irre rrgnt-of-way on arl. Town ofVail streeti ana.roads is alproxinatety 5 ft. off pavenent.rhis ordinance wirr ue ;I.i;ii;^enforced by rhe Town or vairPubric works DeDartment. --p.i=lrr= forrrra vi6ratinq this ordinancewirt be siven a 24 hour .,.ii!"i"""ii""-ti-;;;;;"""id rnarerial.rn the event the person so notified.aoe"-not-"or.prv with thenotice within the-24 hour.tir.-.p""ified,, ttre pul:.ic' worksDepartment wirl remove said nate'"i"i-ii-irr""""iIi=e of personnotified- rhe provi=i"n.-"r-trtil-"iali"ff ;f;fii not beapplicabre to c6nstruction, -riirl"-u'ce or repair projects ofany street or arrey or any'"Iili;i;"i; ;;"';i;;i-"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fu'l, prease stop by the Town of:3:i"::ii3i"g"Tf,?l*:*"::"";i;i" a copv. rirani vou ror your TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURREMTLYL REGISTEFAD !,ITH TT{ETOWN OF VAIL TOWN oF VAIL puBtIC WORr(S/COII{MUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT }|ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE edged )+ Date (i.e.contractor, owner) Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: SLIEIiER,SMITI{,FRAMPTON ADDRESS: 230 BRIDGE ST VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: B TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR DATE:5-5-94 CONTRACTOR: J.L. VIELE ARCHITECT: SLIEFER ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK 1. CORRECTTONS REQI.m.ED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possibte code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of vail. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTITIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WTIH 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. VENTTLATTON rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC.705 OF Tr{E 1991 UBC. 3. 4. U] EM tq IJ{ *l U) Y\$o ,J- 7r 4 !L u- td $L il\u- JJ .d \ El|lA r*^I /e|.I * q*",, 'r 5 (_) F u-qx F c_> .\J EF[J_ LTo $it tr{ F j'" i,rzw h-IF NL S- bJ H$ LHx -Jo )J { a 1, t-j \ E IT A JJ 4 >- z! F.$a d. F vlJ\ U u, a. I oJ { \t 1 F{ v, UJ t l-o-LIJa r.-.LJi3 := >PoL :\5at-1o \:o. <:' .(l) . r-l \.. arr*oo){ \l IrJ I .I\l I qr ti :gE +'seg €E sE Seto l6q 6. .'-Y 'qt @ l:(, Efrt 13 :J f-- r,: l: o a, G |:l .,..1 v|-a ll l_J {2 otr* s\-,. qF F,,ET.' \s\ .E Lr - ll,- !ttlAi5 . 5o ct o .{J E irE ;E '':) (!j -"ijl 7 \i* r_Tfl-<{\ls LL; 0t I o u J{t,o PERMIT NU T JOB CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ><-,l. r' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME UR OJEC L/ PRr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROIiND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUG}J / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (r*or,ro -'FooF & s& SHEERE ijiY"viobi'riii L r r.r c tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr filnrNAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED 6 - t2, -q'JDAIE =r t'.t t I INSPECTOR GTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t 479-21 - ,h/- READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED ,rnun PERMIT NUMB BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNQATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEF lr BOOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION .D POOL / H. TUB 4o SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL _D FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr E p trNAL D FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DA'E 1'l(r.{i{/: rNspEcroR ,'.|'' rcr 4l t-l{.,.J3' lN CALLEB TUES WED JoB NAME t ,/ li* r^' l=rtr-.r t rf.r il. F\ I'1 . l:ii! CTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL - '} 479-2138 (c.1r,,clcl PERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-1 BOOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr {rrr.rnr- f'.,. f-\ FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED U REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,,t! INSPECTOR ctz F =G UJo-N IJ) UJ UJu- E UJ(L @ AIHNN A A \t co ii UJ z z J (D .0 zz 4JF E z =o zz llrl I3r I \ltnt Ic{lH I :"1I'rlrl lr I 'l 2;l ;a, I<lE'llr , IE,? |frrl() | rC8lb I Etz I(Jt6 |tJ (E UJz3 tu.l- l- oz ltJ IJJo =I l! Fz ruz =o l! ut Feo (D (6 q)It o ; =o E o =f ?.i (l) o o.o. 3 11) o(l)a aho 13 o o o' 6 'o ,N! at, 'F o) E, o o. () ah o E o q)i'(5 o9: (u '=O)d|*to-ocs.Qd c.9 q ,9o 3 EgFFfco Xoc-o'- atooq inEr.='G >=c9o 83t E Ea FOO iEo 3eetqi c.=- (tr a"o o. sEE o+. a\EPo'(EC H./,:EEE oro= EFE_ o..Y -- C(6 0.-c; o dr (l)r drE -cT' L=o i 3'36>, 9 6a. T:E3fr8 .i6 e9E o e5g - o d. tl -ir 7l Lr) ==Gtrlo z 6 = Y UJ oz J o E ollJJ t! oz =J o- - IIJ = uJtuu-zo tulr TIJE o o co- UJt UJ z 6 U,J F (L uJo (L z Iu x F uJ U'l ./, UJ UJl! F = LU J FoF z :l J () F uJJ UJ z =:J J 9z UJ = NOtlVn'lVA F:llHI<lrt]l-l &lrdlHI<I3l HI 14lMl Y =lJ- z trirc uJo g UJz uJ =>(ts --(r) (\l zzoo F-(ho!!ad e ooz>- 6:t! <(oo-g8 FO -';dj z tr J q o-f tuo- t:leta lo- IU-l& : z Eoo R z F- e LU ^l ;lullzl .. >l UJoruulzo =(r UJL J z Eoo uJl E a) z iF z tr Jloz il trzlzO(, F- ul<O6< =fi>E XIL6o<z Lz 9z do3tr UJ z IE z tro co -L..! trrGZ I r'r Fl A.l z uJ tr @ooazo F.IulY L!oo,-Fi;Fq =ffiJ tQroglisl RHI"--lrl IJJF:IoEz.o z .nQz*coo =z dPEl = tu o- rLo : ^|JrEZE< cl(/)6e.E9vE c;- F Ltr =tu!E b=(, i;iE =EE bb {i|F,., f :>t q* (l,-rrE ul lI) F E =E,lrl o-zoF() &,Fozo() J (,()z= AF:io .JJ ) r'l 6J^r<^t z .r L! =ft FoJ m z ll- I r>,t< \< \E-r v, FlFl a ri; z m - I toI lF-I l\oIH I Ilml\o| | t'-lEl | -fl(, Izt o | ; 8lE I d c)t I <l <\ lotsl c.t l()tat itt.r4l '4 '-rwt ;'111 HHI EI <El ol >touingj aE() llil* lltfl| oilto *l 3=l llII tllllol| =.1| (rlI tttlItrl | "'ll>lI r|.llol del g tltlll l.ltlltolI ull t5t tfllol drl E lltlI Ailrl Jlol"dl -.1 ".lltsl cil \Hl zl {HI .INBl o|-rI uJt IEl 1l $+l al o' 3t il ddu =.1olutl 5t <l il oJ zl 3l 9|FI LlJ gJ I I ,'il uJlal JI <l>I tr-lol zl 3lalFItr ulz. =o F uJF I E <F r.rJ <zEuiF6Zo <o(.)F FS =zf 96.+F- E? =d-)F)zrro Jw<^(Jtr =2-r- i- ?,2 =g o g FEOz <O99IJJ tlJ I !tr i II t,,, t5 I I I I I IrE,ltIEt ts!zttto ie IEc$$Eis E$E;giF {$gl; lg FN gEs sg ggEEH E*iis gfe*E *i g;FiiHI esff$f;j i o !q T >g _rrt EuJr! 2 o.E I o' e A Hx r'j :1 !at It- i{iz i- E {, :l<l I -it <rEl =l .rlD Iu IJJ ah lr,l zo tr 6{ * I 91 .( g a l I F z L' d t- 5 ${ I I I e z tu 3d z 5 { *b {l.jj Q UJt4l!t Etr uJtr ir -i C.JL! IJJ 6 o.?zo F uJv ul :lt o I qJ oz $z IE E z{ t! =.: ,{ = IIJ Fi L, o2 oFt EE o- qnrhl nHl zA-nf--lnfI rP4 t0 uH0lI C T 7A I hc nC 'i'\l i/ti J DN ' ?.tt 'J e SPEIN PERMIT NUM PROJECT CTION REQUEST I TOWN PF VAIL n "d!,. DATE ..-, READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING. n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETBOCK NAIL O FINAL ELE OT trF NC tr MECHANICAL: N HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz = & I,IJ.L a.{ N N N (n uJ uJILt tlj 55.hgs /,': o llJF z z = (I) ca zz llll!'ll.--rtl c'r 'L!3rH tE loji I >t I at Ilr I, l* tr . c ttsz l,rd rs< .<a.[H l^Z lao ii<'2x lbE 1; 3lz^ziEt= ,z ar llJz3 LIJ !F oz 4 ,d.r we H# #9,p E,6FAH',nQ) L!J UJa \s\\ F Fz &do (r r.l,lx Eo uJ crlF z a ;;;fN caoY= .i EgE;$\ ;fi:;N :EF;Et;-eF .= 9I EtS. !EiFE) E;;if,{ r"; f.g gi cL:-o'J(g:o-I] :fifiE iio c IiO , , e isi= ff E".-;E H: E,*: f : Hl *si:3 WO(g:Xo ' I;EiR arats;9 el esH,;a =lFll \JI va TJ !na\o\.n.C.l.v N + F LI'c z o 5 Y z J otF LU z d = 2 (J LIJ rl'l UJ z tr Lrl e. o o 3 _llJ z 6 IJJo F u.l o-fz tu F uJ a.t) uJ trJ LLt E uJ J F z o:3to F IU qr z6 f, o_ J Oz uJ = e J NOrrvntv^ I I t-_ IF IEIrls lF4ml^GIY*l-t le,- ,(, oaH ='a7 *.u,Y v i-iaz=>ea (Jr n? <L.gt.r ur&ots at) =>E -= =co z T JX U'(Ji:6>u-< i-otoFO -.c.i tllld I lEr Itel lElt<ltrc It4 ll<l lF4 |t<ll*llr4 |t(, ItMl tsltzE ['1 [ lo li Its l,tt( I l-a IlFf kt< trIBLtt!tM t,la I l!tor h z tr :fJ lJ-q o- UJo- F c! C.l E ao- E lj t:t= la K t9z Fl sl 5l "l -lBIullzl zl X .. >l TIJo LIJ LUz F cc LIJ(L z Eo l .i L!z i F z tr Jl U)z i tztrz9oFuJ<OR1 >EO i;'O-OO<z =z Qz do3urOI o o z c az 1/) @ N I FA O C\j | /.1 cf(fta2a A 2 uJ La fzo Fo- IJJY IIJ dI F :- o\>q uJ-(I tL>oP o-zooQz lr' HPJ2E Hlr] ts coz r'rY C.' coo g>zr? co -J \J C\(It|- N J<fi >.=2AHS = t!;dd= F tr uJ 5F!{E:E< o9, {t->ooivd 5TE +r- EF=ouJ;(, dEE x9E U5 o F ,., t x>G-*FcL .jo-!; UJm o -l-e! E =E lrJ o-zo F() =E,Fozo() trLltl z Fll-{ & H Fl U) I ILld I I ) sl cltd<l:i><tr =l (J vt D{ aa ts]M7 eA U) q Fltl E z)tr titlllll,ll'IIll IJ| (/, I (llltcltartart< =t JEI <Ftr-l EO F.- l-- I( $ IItlxt ItlFqlEtttlF4 lo, ll\OlA l-{lot Iot IElol.alzlzl sl<IFIF{l:l Jl<l;l>l5llll,^loltzl>t 3l st el tltltltlI cil| =.1IOII tul t5ll?ll>l lBltzlE3lo.l 9l lrl tt\N tltlItrl Itr Ilo\ |l-r Il-ltlOl -rlEI :Itsl .,il - | ttJlI4l r?l Ht .l t<l i-r | >l5l r.lol oltzlg3lqol U.I FI ilttlllltl leltolI uJlItrltJltatl>lj t|-llollzlexlut Fl I I I I ol =Jol r.ul 1l <t>l xl;t.,3t iol urFI F F uJL_r <F(rOt!<zE <o(JFg? i\E =zUJOO (,Oz. ts- =#:z E F() EFz O 2 :E() LTJ = F o2FA|XlNFI'X* to {tt oz ts.G UJG o)o, IIJF o ttli llrt rxl9 rd iEll E lEI! )r- Yl=rl \|6e { ZzlAro o or: HE =;ri, E! I:J =96* zl .. >lo tr,qIzot qJ 2 tr uJFooo.) zo Fo- UJY uto oF F ccI!c ILo o-oo I uJFoz .zo9zz(oo =z#P *,Ro =lEl "3*l =E El :qFl c0 ur L H o !!JE9E<lLf6UtE9.E9T'L 'eEE =>EdEF8HEXl.XEY9REX tqo=I'E llro F ts =Glrl o-zo ]-() :) E,Fazoo -=- Irl$t HJrl eetl ItIlotz i\J Jll +i"rY w + t!:3 91 -r<-! = iri =z .no E z UIa^ IJJ : =o /lq S -r i"\ s i!\n Eqd U' \H J E t\ l$t\lsr l- I I o . tr t^ l"lJt) lud a1 I Ilcit1l I lrrll: <1>lttqta;i 9lFt uJ |llF d -!l Lt\l l ls "l =0td , llr-l u.a' .... ciz ciut J ? oz Bo 0o \\ (n I\f\ $( ui -JuJ =c .i z oul J |r z! F = .iz .i uJ J lt zl3 9i ar!lol 5l i=c ulz3o F UJ E O E, -.r O<t-GOur<ZEUJF(42-oa JG 5Pr() Hfi =Fd5rto oz to = a. )( , <o I tr -LlJr-rt EEtr t- 75 soulh frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlce of communlty developmenl BUILDING PTRI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thils perm'i.t requires a Town of Va jl fiire Department Approval , Engineer''s (Pub'l ic tiot"ks) review and approval , a P1 ann'i ng' Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Bui'l ding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as lonqas three weeks. All comnerciai ('large or small) and al'l multi-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Resjdential and small projects should take a'l esser amount of time. However, jf !"es'idential or smaller projects 'impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by thjs department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. Agreed to byr. Pfoject Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. -\ j, luwn n lltl 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE In summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful_ for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavenent.Thj.s ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vaileg!]ic works Departrnent. persons found violating this ordLnancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLtic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snlff not beapplj-cable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu}l, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtain i copy. tfrank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: Position/Relationship to eroject 1i.e. contractor, owner) Date TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOF LOCATION: EROMBNU FPR O!_\J ECT JOB atl cTro NAME ON CALLER WED THUR FRI d.T\,,, BUILDING: - PLUMBING:nI TJ.- d ftrqr/frcs / srEEL bQtr-\t\ tr uNDERGRouND tr FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATEF ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETFOCK NAIL -tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER -D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr FINAL D FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr {-<) DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,or, /1- /f, 7/ ., rNSpEcroR ilr tr ,,1 ( ',,..--_/ -_ (-) _) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME t |' CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST, OF VAIL WED THUR LOCATION: f\/ n Nl ii ).1 :1' .1., PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. D ROUGH i WATER f] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n RQpF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O HEATING ROUGH i EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL tr.FINAL N APPROVED CORRECTIONS: (otsneenoveo tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR OF INSPECTION REQUEST,. TOW VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1I JOB NAME CALLER ES WED THUR a!-( =L INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FIOUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ' ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL i H, TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED y$emseecroN REeuTRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR I] t-FINA]IrINSPECTION I S COUPLEIED The lterns below need to be conplete before glvlng a peruit a flnal C of O. Please check off ln the box grovlded. FINAL PLIJUBING DATE: n FINAI }IECHANICAI, DATE:tl IMPROVE}IENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: FINA], ELECTRICAL FINAI EUILDING TI},IPOMRY C OF O IVII i-li tili a\.-Nrfr,\\ \\\ Cltnarr. \\\\)\\ - cJ..' \ \\ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: LANDSCA}ING DI'E DATE! .{) c{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:L tNs TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FBI AM '/- j7- ? ne BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_D &/prr.rnl tr FINAL APPROVED -f )tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: INSPECTOR 5 lr INSPECTION REQUEST.' JEC I T JOB TOWI\-€F VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME CALLER MON PB 1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr s =9.,= r1 {rrr'rnr- -rfuflUa n FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS .tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL f neenoveo tr DISAPPROVES N REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE - .//--27'V lNSpECroR oz E =G ITJ o- c{ (.t) r.lJ uJ t.t- ts =ui _-zb I tqhgs Oq-g)bd2 NlorcI\ o\Or lP -r ..-r | .-r dt& <t< l&It'] tEM l--.Llrlz ,<zhr l6Efl IEJ ='.2iN 14= I lzlI lel;I IH I(JI lX lF4 H I lrql< E I lelnI lrlSI tak^I lFr laI tu tzI t< t< I t=t; lnHlSIFIH :I gEE tr I oo ltrr =1il{FEI HIE E;f; F llfi ii€Ei€ iiffirEigr l qfsgg E *l ei;i= E-:l66.=5; h,491€a9,'E 5x"l gEiii;;El lga;ral N cn ca c.l .if Ln c{ €N Lrl cn F =u.l z =l d) x gJ z J aF U,JJ uJ (,z aD =J(L J oz (J UJ r! UJ z tr !J IJJ ;tu uJ z 6 Luo F l! z x F ul at,l U> uJ IJlr = uJ J FoF z = 9 F UJ UJ zo =) z alJ Fl H F NO[Vn"]vA F z lE .rtz Y!i Glrl 9E bF 3atr^o-;r/ E- tsa i.r.JOOHd!a,,r HE l! a.i zz ho- 7:< -1:lX=F;ooF:6Z*s\J=uJ :{+UFO d6i =E lu tD O{IA z E l q c o 4lo- F. N a E xXF4 J z E o A 2o F ulF ; uJz hzfz <o6< =s> .r-R!r6o<z i ^lI =z, 2=-Fdo-G OI .. >l uloujqJz U) tr ult! .J z Eoo utl = ulz orF z F Jfoz I I -+ I I I xxl 5X XIXI .t(lol< ul a tltdq->ol I Ei€tz N H fir Br F H a =t F uJ o tlJo zvE z 9) Jdl Ia L\ .'l6..1 cr) o tttdc) z H zX( c'lo\ Or rrl uJ F o uJF u,oo-zo Fo- UJ:. uJ !o oF ts Et!IL IIo o C) I ulFoz F F' t4 cn .--q{ LI z ze >z dr J."i6 =EE :o* =l!Xdd= rXr d{r d<r D<l txl t!41 a- UJ lr :l!E2E< 60Eoa9-tirieEri :- =lrl-5 b=(' o-' ilE =4E d6I \urtrxdE X>a q-o -'irr- EIdtoF l!-€ !! F =Elrl o-zo l-()fEF0zo C) = o F(J Fzo E 2P s3 d6 F E Fz z ? UJ UJz uJ TJ,J I E uJz3 z HH Fl & H '-lvl il z -) H F-lFllFrl>l |lt-{ z Jtr o I I 1F lrI l-{I to.llH l-tl(/) lNI tllr4 | \oICJIFlo | -t"-:I t--,1 | cg,lc< | o- r4t le IEt I Frl ol Flt (nl (nl Nltl>rl ItrIl utzt !,4 Aot ;t Hqt 6i <el d> ,,,1 =l J><t <tr4Eo 04 1 I e.r l-tZ l-1N l-1 h la+(rl I clcl:-l I I IIAUl .1 F<d>cJ<= =(J zH = |r1 I 1r].ir tltlI Fal'trl E-r l o, l('lNl Zl ?11ol Ill "lHl zl Fl ol F'.{ | llllrdl El{l -.rlHl sl ,il bltzl HFI olz) uJl 5lil>l rLlol zl =lolFI Illtttltlloll1ltolI tJJl l5ltall>lI t|-llollzl Et il I I I I ol =.1ol uJl il |!lol Pl e r/- aht! UJll, ts =g uJc tNl "iir')t \l- lF$r"l rlrNl iN .i*"iB .JNE l=Vib i I J ;\ g" o t- I I fl $\ariqJ 5.z. Iz.o.J 3- @.-tt i EiEiiIE iEElEIII :EEgE * iEEgg E3E;E iiiiE .c .j\ li {- :,1lf ;al : ttl) ,l 'cfl Ilur.l rk:ao l '.J rjsFrE.Ed:E tIJ .<x \ t.r l;t 'a "')\l t: : iJ lt$ \] .ij w .\} l!t a 1.\ l, \-; \ \i'\\ $ )z t, r 0 I F-E uJr(,z o =f x(, () z J J og,) (,z T J J z (, uJ E UJlrJ zI UJ al lr,c oE o6 E UJ zIulgJo F taI UJoo i uJ o x lrlof v,tl, lr E =llJej FoF z J J cc F() uJ ur o2 = a- I9z ou,I .\'J ] \ NOtrvn'tv^..e ill || :l E {! $6 ilx =9 J lt o (, UJL F K z F z I! ] z tlrl,l zz z9el6?9d =H9cE9 tlllrldl ;d' ts<F9? d6}Eot lu J U'glzI 9 !r z 9F) oz $ll tl -11 tl dll II tl -11tl .ll -1ttl tl 6llotlat tl i x U' \l-rl\ |<tv 2tl-'--l .l',-l >l F o Fo ri u, uJ UJzo ts: CE UJo- J z 9b =Es ti Jt o 'Z Z t!.1o o0tr - 6zq5 >ea9 0E t/){9g E b H..,(Jzx lr< iH E, -1 Isl I -t I I I I ol il FItrl \" \) ;T-l sl;l HaFl oz dgl e. = tro 2 3 F I t s rl 3 ol c cl o (9 UJat Ji t!oz3oF du,EJ t!oz3oF n E C) lstz 9i Fzo I =o =) I c) cFzo() E -rO<Fc((tuJ<zd.IIJ F a,t zo() o EFcr UJ \t F() E,t-zoo Fo UJ EI()c |l'It-o E, uJz =o tt TJJ 0t trLJ o rii =z E] z oPz_eoo 35JOo- tr !!D J Eg= =!'ldA;E E =E UJAlro o F o-=zFobs Ea "v, iE=" :i '-.EF{h'}; F ,:vllEE :*frE $ :,H l -: .l ..,. )Q =i. ..Y. .-{.rc Xpr Plan Review Based onthe 1992 Unifom Codeg NAME: SLIFER ADD. DATE: A-2Q-92 ADDRESS: 230 BRIDGE ST. CONTRACTOR: SHAEFFER CONST.VAIL, COLORADO ARCHTTECT: AGP OCCUPANCY: B ENGTNEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Tbe itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listiagof all possible code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro-visions of tb,e adopted codes or any ordinance of the Torsn of VaiI . 1. CONCRETE CURB 6"BY ].8'' REQU]RED, FLUSH WITH ASPHALT AND BRICKS 1/4" BELOW. 2. SKYLIGHTS TO BE 5' MINIMUM FROM PROPERTY LINE.3. HEATING SYSTEM AND HOT WATER HEATER NEEDS APPROVAL BEFORE INSTALLATION CAN BE STARTED.4. FLOOR DRAIN REQUIRED IN MECHAN]CAL ROOM.5. ENCLOSED AREA UNDER STAIRS TO BE 1 HR. CONST.6. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.I'7L2 1991 UBC.7. ACCESSIBLE BATHROOM REQUIRED BY CH.31 1991 UBC.B. 1 HR. CONST. REQUIRED THROUGHOUT. 9. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIRES AFIRE ALARM SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED UNDER AND rN ACCORDANCE WITH UNIFORM FIRE CODE SEC.I_4, 1991. T?wrlt qltl/,{ll, 42 lVest t\'lctlou Driue Vail, Coloratlu 81617 303-479-22r0 TO: FROMI DATE: RN: lit il I;ire Delttrnile ,tt MEMORANDUM GARy MURRAIII , cllrEF BUILDrltc oFFICrAr,MICHAXL MCGEE, FIRE MARSTIAL .)03/27 /e2SLIFER BUIT,DING REMODEIJ Tlre Vail Fire l)epartrnent has rev.iewed Lhe pl-a.s submittecl forthe slifer Remocrel. The rire Departrnenr-'s cr,riierns are listed asfoLlows: 1' rt appears t-he . buildi.g wilr- neecl a fire a.r.arm systeninstalled under a.cl i,n .""ordur,"e r,^rith uniforn r,ire c;" -iff;;' sectlon 14' 1991 eclitj.on, as anrended by Tovrn.f vail ordi"un"i-zslSeries of 1991. 2. The basenent cloes nottherefore, fire sprirrlclersSectlon 5O7. appear to be over l5O0 square feet andare not required trnder UFC Article 10, 3' There is a^question. regarding uFC secLion 10.60r., RequiredFire Resistive co's-t^rctlon,- a.s i{ relate* io -ur.'irorn Fire code:::!i:l 1_2_.10e (e) Elrclosures .(srairw.t;t;- i n t"rrat rhe inreriorscalrway as proposed appears to connect-3'st".or..i.es. rn"r. ue;-ii0ri 4 . uFc r0.60r reqrri res rnaintenance of Ir.er1ui:recr Fire Resistive-.gonslruction. .rs l-he parap_et_ wal]. tha! "".l.l,i,tfy exists required.under the new co'st.-r.<1!iorii - ri tne sr<yliglrL o" t-rrJ-i"o1f =;;';;: corsuch Buirding lrer:uritted as designed?';;; tfe operabre ruindowson the southwest co'rrer within the seLbacr<s fronr the property rine?, (Ref. UBc 1710). r brieflv spo)ce r'ri,th Ken at Arnold/Gvratrrr.eyll,ratt.'s office onThursday, o4/iJg/gl, antr'he was apparentry unatr/are of the fire alarrnrequrrement but dicr rrot teei it'-r,ras a big issue or probre*. J {. . \qt oo , , r',{', d,,l. :2!,'t-lio'J'Frl Do 1.' 'uJ'Ar''ttl. ffloI E, -,:. la7 l+il$ ir oltll slrI dlli +|il Fl$ dl$ \l )rrq >rnoll az0 \t-i $lu + il8!t-ls I't lo ru\ - o 7. oti- J {. . \qt oo , , r',{', d,,l. :2!,'t-lio'J'Frl Do 1.' 'uJ'Ar''ttl. ffloI E, -,:. la7 l+il$ ir oltll slrI dlli +|il Fl$ dl$ \l )rrq >rnoll az0 \t-i $lu + il8!t-ls I't lo ru\ - o 7. oti- J {. . \qt oo , , r',{', d,,l. :2!,'t-lio'J'Frl Do 1.' 'uJ'Ar''ttl. ffloI E, -,:. la7 l+il$ ir oltll slrI dlli +|il Fl$ dl$ \l )rrq >rnoll az0 \t-i $lu + il8!t-ls I't lo ru\ - o 7. oti- 5 3qi PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 5 r-4,t INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME UALLtrr{ TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: 'g'roortrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING EI ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - 'r C't DATE 5-LI - /a- tNSpECroR *r r'.- ? --a ------.:I -? ,r'.-, INSPECTION REQUEST .PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcr- -iOWN OF VAJL " I T ,.rs, - ./ -)t/,/ :i!.:-r. . ,--.- - - ,,a _,u ",_. ,,u ,,. ,1, READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ( TUES ] WED THUR FRI ' ,.':''u:EI' AM. PM ./ LOCATION: ; ;11 . ; '' ,..' -^. r't1' ,, .,' BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: [rour.ronroN / srEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERt PLYwooo NATLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr"_ErflAL tr FINAL t/t 1-4Fpnoveo E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Rffisrop 5-3? s'.*. INSPECTION REOUEST TO 'f IPEFMIT NU ER OF PROJECT DATE , ' oF vAtL/ /i-'i ,n{-1.1' + READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TU BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER[.rn/_ RC nnlrruc 5( tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL o tr.tr otr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL (neenovro ]ORBECTIONS: -/) tr DISAPPHOVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION; \ JOB NAME \ CALLER WED THUR FRI AM PM I APPROVED :tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL CORRECTIONS: .a>DAIE,4 /-'! 2 ffi*lop INSPECTOR.--: 42 l4/est Meadou Driue Vail, Colorado 81657 30)-479-22t0 TO: FROM! DATE: RE: Vail Fire Department MEMORANDUM GARY MURRATN, CHIEF BUTLDTNG OqTICTAL I'IICHAEL MCGEE, FIRE MARSHAL ,.,.,) 03/27 /e2 tt.- SLIFER BUILDING REITTODEL The vail Fire Department has reviewed the plans subnitted forthe slifer Remodel. The Fire Departnentrs concerng are listed asfollows: J.. It appears the . building will need a fire alarn systeminstalled under and in accordance with uniform rire coae -iniat section 14, 1991 edition, aE anended by Town of vail oraininci-zs,Series of I991. 2. The basement does not appear to be over l-5oo square feet andtherefore, fire sprinkl.ers aie not requj.red under ufc erticr. io,Section 507. 3. There is a guestion. regarding UFC Section 10.601, RequiredFire Resistive cohstructJ-on,- as ii relate" i" unitorn'rire coaesection 12.r09(e) Encl-osures (stairways), in that the interiorsEalrway aE proposed appears to connect 3 stories. (Ref. uBC 3309) 4. uFc 10.5or requires maintenance of Required Fire ResistiveConstruction. rs the qa^rap_et wall_ that currlntly e"i"l" ;;q"i;;;under the new construction? rs the skyrlght oi tt" root dt trreGorsuch Buirding pernitted as d.esigned?- afe the operabre windowson the southwest corner within the Jetbacks from the property rine?(Ref . UBc l_710). r briefry spoke with Ken at Arnold/Gwathmey/prattrs office onThursday, 04/o9/9L, and he was apparentiy,rrr.raf6 or trr" flre alarnreguirement but did not feel it iuas a lig issue or probleur. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATIbN: INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER TUES PERMIT NUMBEB F ROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr FINAL $f-q'nnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , DArE b* +' ? Z rNspEcroR ; INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -_\ -\'-DATE \V_ \ \-iJOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: ; 1 ,t .'//rylAppRovED_.:!..,10 tr DtsAppRovED D RE|NSPECT|ON BEQUTRED//\ / ,' ,/' CORRECTIONS: 1 THUR @ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D,W,V, tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING A INSUTATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D_ D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: {F;;" F coNDUrr tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL FINAL r t',t' / r' APPROVED,, -{ .1{,, tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ,or, .#- f - tE INSPECToF =t;Q{PERMIT NUMBER F PROJECT DATE 1')?-"' rca {ilqry")READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: INSPECTION' TOWN OF J'Lql:tl REQUEST VAIL NAME CALLER TUES WED THpR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL D FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP, POWER - tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL . DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB R'SHEETROCK ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E APPRoVED CORRECTIONS: U DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ( {{.4!q E(ule !1 dc^et ts;t r] *ri '5 EE ,r <tG i:,l'd .:^")L. .,, t'e1.)4;,:) ,4- i./ ).,./ ,/ -' ,\ -l11 4 i t I-. -, .) :'.J rf # '/ l./J C/ dfrv t ' t/. ,11,, t 'r' ..' ',t4t1 ')'.,/" t, lU , .',, /_\f l .< i,'-'!;t' t.lL''rt ., '1 '/(-,;^ / -'- i1't ' 1'/,t +./.,i a/', 1tJ i_, e). ,-1,, '/ ,?0 ){2-)t' /'., ,) "'t/'../ ) 1"',.i 1/ )./y J.k i,ii72 t//\' -/ c/, /" c)f b4c-o:' l- o -u/r0F c OJ t f f t.Jt[] (,z F \ f! :F. il-. fiit ;\) \\ r\ s utzln; tr);f,*Fl:.H il fr.r :r{ =bloHrE BsH -]-10ucs -t! -1-1(}UCS - F r<"rY{'_r \J4 s i' so.A r- *r\* -i Fo = 6qc0 !'d4 E*:- J.SsG ( r*'s a Ftln .^ or: T V/ FN& 0 dei5 . z "' lar -e :-.4 ii t-qrrt- E I.L o ; :f ar d. L';ge i.i gs* utj{ai c,)ro tL I .- 'o.", '.o-Q oSSSSyI ohtrtii) P{|\" t&&,&? iolJ{ta ln oFttolfl *snfrs {{{Yo TGEEE.t (> -.t <c. mmar'(4(hqlorolrt t0 ro llt p u) -I JJJJU (,('u(5 cl oH!torq m lir14 a4uJ lrl rJ'rn ulJ !rg!rq' ; ()ou(,-i o-trr- a'! ltt lr1 JtJ or tr Or O.llJ ro$loto 5Jof(() n J g Irl ! tz 6I)o uN2o tTtr Ef,z =:lJ ilril *h oo , I t4 ,\7 e )|s -.) 6u-tr :) \-{ c.J '\irF I.."\I I I t I I E I I l { l ! I I :r. i* \i \ \e. ? F F \ i1iir! ii II.j t: ll i:t,il t; -i l1 {l i: l.t 0 u -.r ,,t lJ t- .i .ir' j =-66 | / eg /98IB'd ozz I I6i6 r 01 il Odl3553HI5nSd0.rsl I INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT D^TE E READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDING: ,., D FOOTINGS / STEdL PLUMBING: _ T] UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INIsULATION tr POOL / H. SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr -trO FINAL E] FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED nffisxop D^rE U - /6 'L1' rNSpECroR t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBEROF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL - ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDU|T O SUppLy AtR r-1U NAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED coryt* D^rE € 7- /' ."72 rNSPEcroR t INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:vgN JOB NAME \\ THUR FRI PMAM \) ;(aeeebveo tr DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: a 4.r-/^/;-';, -(,/.-. / r .. :-a .' ,4^ DATE INSPECTOR hffisxop t INSPECTION PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOF LOCATION: PROJECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL f JOB NAME INSPECTIO CALLER TU WED THUR FRId3o BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ,&eenoveo CORRECTIONS: / tr REINSPE 9VY - {6{6 %., INSPECTOR t* ,*rrrcrroN's The ltens bel,ow need to be eonplete giving a pernit a final C of O. Please check off lo the box provlded. FINAL PLI'MBINC COMPLETED before DATE: FINAL MECHANICAI. Ki E |_r '1" l-vl,A" li DATET I}IPROVB{ENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAUE: DATE: TEX\'POMRY C OF J "'2 7-- \DATF': Q-^/ / --7) LA}IDSCAPINC DUE DATE: FILE NA}18: z tr = Llj .J) uJ LIJlL L t LU.L do\ot '.\ \F{c{r c{qb ,-.rl Fdl ,v14<C)zlF'<<i= FJFlt o,rtio:f. zYd<t=A]1 Fq I I I I IFJ t- loIuJIFxl>Yl'a#l4 =l nal = =ldolod<1,^ >l =zlA IE uJz3 LIJ IF oz B z H,1 FJ (DFl Ho<ts> pr|.n 14,1 trrx()€ .; !o g?R !t-oq):K-()'(/,a'ta 33t.q io r- 6.E 5aNO-r$ ;; l-uoh.C. F#=oo -!o)c o t1 C6cn ".c :d aO Ef'=-rx o9o t; ,./i q);>(gg ':g)o6ieEU; c.9!).9oBE9c noY '-oe:5:T3 * >=cI'- d6;_= >,R q;i:tF =r-c+oo k=a'.E e;:q* c!=S0-(g 0a:E .,eO- Ego(6C E=(E OE:LC\J o cEi;Hi6x - E..9 veC ! *-co.g* E L.=o:3;E> l<;tr9; e Bte9EarEEE!oo) N\f c!\f E llJ(L(, 6ffE :a(J UJI z J o- o g. 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E(t o- 0- F a: : z Eoo 5z tr F L!z rl =zlzac)a ^r!o< > iii>ERtr6o<z Lz,rI2=ri,,-o3tro:t UJ:l J CE g) l!z 9IF z a F Jlaz oofI J B F t! )l<lFl zl .. >l l1Jo ltJ u,.lz t/)F cc I,JJ o-) z Eooitr-<>o+ E o ulo z CE L oz tr @HH t-- O t_ u)(f luF U) d! -)z FotllY lu F F LrJ u-lo.l>o{o- --lat -{lxNl\Jr{ | -'1 lrJFI! \Jzo z =<@o>z O- lJ- ."i6z=<'=*{ --1 -': L!md> F E. uJ TL ul z loo F(! a( JFt!:h= (L III>rLOu-9o\UJxo-x>IF- J) UJ ID F |1, Eooo o .= a co(, o E =Elrl o-zo l-(J3EFozo() t]L]T I It-l- I I J01utl 6lolnl><=EO I I Ij rrl F.{HIa 1 EI<l4 tJJ zo "') l'- F I \'o\ I OI-l ol uJl 5l al>l 6l zl3lolFl B .a z H dj <A =ltr 9) LIJ(r o =.1olrrll 5l '"l5l zl 3l 9lr-l frlJl <l>l u-jol =lolFI c'\ LO IFc{ ol z.l fllEl JI ?l>l lr.lol zl 3lolFI H Fl tr1 Fl =Etr I I I I I 2l.l uJl :l <l>l rLlol zl ,.1BI :Ol rJrF] F F uJ =I <F uJ<zE LIJ F(tZo() <oC)F t< =z (,Ozl- =f]F LLO z = LIJ = .r. tY ;r\..,/ z J<(J<5 !4.ul r.rr -..i O EEN .1, UJ uJt! ts =q uJo tt,. | \l,i\ ,.li *., '!:'itE.lotit Irl |,|l\rr!J,'I VleI or9 \.r {, t-tlk "'i*n?tE #tE Gulz = u.l F z Jul .A = = lt 3 F o (l) (! ooo o) (t ' E*8.9 = 661? gFE; =.e *€*tesEiEs S UE:Ec-o> cf;E- 6.0 d_ T'F3;=Ec9dF -*=o3 5;.; E EE3l€s: EEgP n!sco.(E cL-sF; s o=-o-(t :*:€ E6: F :E€ H !s i5 !; tD (') ef;; f 6 i'lo3U>.= T: F9;*;E9E o . PEgg o UJul4 b uJ =>E -tlr)€.-. 3 \ i\s nl z2 F^A :fa I o' -v:t5ilr< uJ-9UFO o-t! e. z .. >lo UJ UJ uJz = t! z tr k 'C o =b =E uJc (F. $- UJt u) c0o-zo F uJY uJo o F IIJ o- lt 0. UJF I tu Foz 1 t ,l t =ulc F9E<ELf*8E9Trk )9'EE =>E dtsE h=o o,' il:i >o-:OLE ooI ltrE XO-t x>E EFo-!E IIJ (D oF = =E, lrJ o-zo Fo EFozo() z- o=F.' ==1.EZ.r dts ".n!tr dE :EI A;E IrlutI v\lrl il tpl.+-<]ll5lilltg I -l lzF -':9i Jn+ \) = rri =z clI UJ -) = Ee U' (u = c F A 3 3 r1 g1) \l: '.)nE n] ci ulq <l>l lI.lol zl BIolH F- N Ir r uiJlllF Ir, \Ji-l! <l al I*6;rl .il z, o1u, : <l >J |rI ol zl;l 01H S4 Fvl tI Nv ui J u,lh =E J tll I I I I I .tol =llrjl :l <l>l ttlol n:(J UJ tr triJ&lF. oz ogJ J t!o z3 &. uJz3 F FollJ E E -rO<FG()uJ<zE u,t F<tzo() JE<o(JF =QFSslE;L z co = Jc i ;)) i5 il 5 =F [* t-z? |lE ?+Yll-'L a.) J J<c)oL3H ---a lnun 75 south lrontrge road vsil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 ofllce of communlly developmerri BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this peryit. requirres a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineer''s (.Publ ic works) reyiew and approval ,'a planning'oepardnent review or Health Department.review, and'a review by the auitbing - Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeks,. Al'l commercial (large or smal'l) and all mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirembnis. Residentia'land.small projects_should take a 'l esser amount of time. However, ifres'idential or smalier projects inpact the various above mentioneddepartments.with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every.attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as soon as possible !, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, S, llru.^ * {.,.tJe.] C*"] Communi ty Devel opment Department. -t 75 3outh frontage road Yaal, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oftlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpsteri, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any street, sidewa-lk, alley or public P119. or any portion theieof. the right-oi-way 6n a1i Tornm ofvar-r streets and.roads is approxinatery s ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr be striilry enforcid. by the Town of VaiI -ll?}i: works Departnent. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinance Ylr+.be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .rn the event the person so notified does not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulfic WorksDepartment will remove said. rnateliat at Lhe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlff not beappricable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities j_n the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of!3if Suilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: owner) It!IJIqJ |!,l: t- lo u () lole I l/JIZt3 ,.,3 trvf(U <F y2o< f *':o-I I E.0l.5E.IciI g6EoE f 'uod{,I s.grss f; EEissI t:'.:=!?| ; ; i.9.s E ss53&! o,Hc56U -c-t5c[ ='sP;eH 3l=?FF c9"EP H =35s,3E d 6 i.: o E o;:EBH Ora'^r(J[=55:EI f E o ti t ':9-F oi.a:Feb o:- o o3! :: o-n-=EorE )< :€;€J x ;o''oo3P 3 30.,;=.Jc!) -q:uJ f J5.r 6. C,;:: =i ;;;:-i u >-=.i3Il=59ii S e: l" U eo f,a;: o c d IEo'-! -:::.gg - o (:::; >4 I I I I I I I I I ol q u, Fa c0a\.> zo q- LtJ UJ tq HC3-, ii{ ccEU cH:: ""& *-= < cr J lr- .^:-- e'l,,- - c I._ |c . ilC) cl-. lr.l , !-loH=l H o:l1g 'o C.r ItiJ C-l.= o =_l-: sl4 E L)IOI(-r L q_ l,;: \- C"l c) or -Jl -JJ cJltd; -l! r-,- _.t cv I .t:trl l: = . .l:F-c!F <GqJt/)G cao:< l,{t. -- y i'< ):-i,io- : L^J O == F-r-€i., 9':= e :=> i=Ye= uJ ?5-c|,: =-():i:') g<j -rJ: -t! *O XX tlIIlsrl tJl t<ll>lt;ltlI:tl,rlr!1 | It Irul I ltlurl t: IlltlI I.i.i I5i <l =t-t:l I I I I I I I ; o(J() II I t >E -:Fl -- u, ,i >l U tr.t UIul lt : tu [ <lluJA o.-r of; uIz t '1 f,-oFE3o:>V(Ju= r!f >(Jr-Oj ''i F X a, c (, J l- a rJJ 7o C)f a7o(J )::> l! --- (' - ) J c- Klr I 6;5r l- rl-l o- (,i- LTJ - :r'.a .'.{ t 1'j. 'rl. ll at Lt_' lLlq- = =r LI' =l x F u, .) ; o(J ll- tl l, - t;; tr||^i ll:l tol roll t<llt^tl I I qrlj r.u t- i llJq J .<l <tJ i l-a c liotlYnlvA -i/ =<--: - -rO<F u.,r { UJF I I I I I I I I I I I wl Ll o J 3 r! UJ = !,'1 J li J< c.)t) <n !! uJJO haz Town of Vai I Bui lding Department 75 Frontage Road !.{est Vai'l , C0 81657 Slalom, Inc. agrees to install Bridge Street, in conjunct'ion october 25, 1991 a sprinkler system into with the remodel'ing of cur basement space at 228 the back area in Nicks. 5i?Q INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR -) D^TE /) )/*q/ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATERfr*or'*c_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION N SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL )gneenovro CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED Priffis'o" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAIVE INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL i\ tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,/ ,.) '..)', BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ! POOL i H- TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING fu(nouen tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR nFtr FINAL INSPECTO PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME -TOWN OF-n{' 1,.u/t REQUEST VAIL DATE MPII CALLER TU WED gheaoveo. . CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED ault'DtNc: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL INSPECTOR ntFseop OFRMBE/lPERMIT PROJECT DATE 'i JO8 NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: turs,@m ... i :a.r BUILDING: tr,.FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND ! ROUGH i D,W.V. tr ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER* PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING I INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr drrrunr-D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODSC O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FtyxL D FINAL i'a OVED tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUI,RED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o a E0 ocT 21 regl RileyRonaldH. 0ctober 16, 1991 P&R.Enterprises agrees to instalI a 3" water line into our basement space at z2gBridge-street to provide water for the proposed new sprinkler system. lt,|e wi.l linstal] the fine when the Town ofVail makes repairs on tfr" ""nei line in frontof the building, so that we can gain access for'the-pripo"""-or making the tap. !:_Yn{gFtand that vou anticipate doing this work "o*"iim" prior to ski season1991-1992, Please contact.us sufficienfly in advance of the ""ir o"ins";";;;;enable us to coord.inate the project. Town of Vai] Building Department 75 Frontage Road t{esr,Val1, C0 81657 If you have any questions, please do not hesltate to contact Sincere'ly, RHR/c lh General Partner us at 476-4'150. ft.,aUil,ft'!, Rona'ld H. R j ley A 228 Bndge Street, Tail, 9olorado BtOsT . 3o3/476ircq/oo}o o v ,t I:.' .. $,*..,,' ^v i1!i.i.:**. o A home's first impress iono wood enhances o o o o Bourbon Lalitte Door and Stdellghts O Morgan Products Ltd. l99O B focttsed atthe entry . . . that important impr€ss ion. The design of a fine home recognizes the importance of the front entry. It is a focal point, a summary of the overall design of the home. the first impression of the owners' lifestyle and tastes. Finer homes have wood doors. For good reason. No other material says "home" as sincerely as real wood. Wood is authentic, natural. Wood is warm. Also, real wood doors are available in such a wide variety of lovely designsl A style exists which will reflect your tastes beautifully. without compromise. And the style of the front door can be carried throughout the home, because interior doors are available to match your front door selection. .. adding warmth not only at the entry but in every room. On the practical side, a wood entry door can be easily trimmed to fit precisely and readily bored to accept virtually any lockset or security hardware of your choice. Speaking of choice, only a real wood door makes possible the full gamut of finishing options. Stain the door. Or finish it naturally. Or paint it any color of the rainbow. Wood offers the ideal finishing surface, the grain and texture required for the perfect and long-lasting expression of your tastes. A real wood door at the entry. .. a beautiful focal point to your home. But which style to select? we leave that choice up to you, In the following pages we make a variety of beautifully-distinctive options available to you from Nicolai. Lavalle Door. Sideligftts and Transom EG-528O Door w,zC.OF?5 Insert Dc.57aO Sldelight w./c-Os76 tnsert EC.558O Transom wlc.OSZT tnsert Symphony Doar Sldelights and Transom DC.527O Door w/C-O570 Insert EG-577Q Sidelight w/C-Os70 tnsert 8C.5575 Transom w,/G-OS71 Insert Creating a Masterpiece Doors in Nicolai's MasterPiece Collection continue a lradition that began in l9lOr each door exemplifies tlre skills of master craftsmen, each door a work of art. Each is made frorn only select vertical grain, old'growth Douglas fir. The wood is carefully selected and requires a lengthy time to cure before we can make a door of it. But our customers expect the kind of results this wood produces: a more durable. more beautiful door. St. Cirarles Door and Sldelights Craftsmanship and materials are only part of the story. Ilow the door is made is equally important. Stiles (the vertical members of the door) are built up with dozens of pieces of wood. These glued-up sections withstand greater stress than solid wood because the grain structure varies within the stiles. When t/ra" thick veneer is applied, the stile is a beautiful, continuous vertical wood grain finish perfect for staining. Rails (the horizontal memb€rs of the door) use the dowel-and-glue method of joining. Dowels are inserted in the rails as they are shaped. When the door is assembled, the glued dowels in the rails fit precisely with pre-bored stiles. This virtually eliminates twisting, sagging and racking, and adds years to the life of the door. Panels - the third major element of a door - are laminated for strength. And for overall aesthetic appeal of the door; panels are machined with a gradual raise, with care given to the type of bevel and thickness. Concerned about energy efficiency? Select a Masterpiece door with Energy Guard* features. Panels of trnergy Cuard doors are 1% " thick, 5Oo/o thicker than industry standards. Decorative glass inserts are double or triple glazed. All clear glass is Vz" tempered insulated. Energy Cuard is but one of many options available to you in the Masterpiece Collection. Whatever your choice, you can be sure that each door has been made to architecturallv-correct specifications. Quality materials, master craftsman- ship innovative methods of construction . . . each detail of every stile, rail, and panel created and assembled with pride. . . that's a door from Nicolai. Designer Entrance Doors A Masterpiece Collection of unique door designs with a choice of multiple panels, carved panels or leaded glass. N-2601 Door w/G"O50t Insert EG-5601 Door w,/C'55O5 lnsert Ec-5701 sidelight w/C'O7O5 lnsert EG-s55o Univ€rEal Transom Sldellght glass is .h' insulated TTTE TOXWOOD This nine-panel layout offers a choice of four triple-glazed leaded glass inserts or two carved panels, Your insert selection is highlighted with raised molding, set above a carved lock rail. Coordinated sidelights and universal transom are available to complete a total entrance. FOXWOOD II/SERTS C-O5O4 Crltstalite c-5504 G-O505 c-5505 TtffanA c-o506 G-5506EG-5044 Door & EC-5744 Sidelight with C-O547 lnsert Morning Meadow EG-5O2O Door w,/C 555() Insert t P-O501 P-O504 P-5501 P-55()4 Versatile four Panel Design LaRosa door features true divided lite frosted glass with etched rose :fi '"t"""*X"':il.?t"'ilhil,1';isJ*l"O circular glass designs, Morning Mist EG'5O2o Door w / $-532Q 6 Ins€rt La Rosa N'2620 Notet Ec prefixes Indicate Energy Guard doors and sidelights. see page 5'l P-sOOO numbers lndicate lva " guaranteed panels with y2 " mlnimum taPel O-5OOO numbers indicate triPle glaz€d glass. I Foxwood Bourbon St. Charles EG-5644 Door w/G-O549 Insert EC-5745 Sidelight w/G-O584 lnsert EC-5549 Matching Transom st, charl€s glas3 i3 5'ply Insulated Bourbon Royale N-2644 Door w/c-O522 tnsert ll-178O Sidelight !y lC'O580 Ins€rt Avallable single gtazed onty BOURBON SflfiI&S Soft flowing lines in the carved lock rail enhance the harp shape at the top of the door. Raised moldings accent the panels and leaded glass inserts. Matching sidelights are available in all glass designs.Bourbon N-2644 Door w./P-O52O Insert A Variety of Classic Designs Innsbruck Aztec N-2o()5 N-219O Door N.2112 w/c-O19O lnsert Noter EG preflxes indicate Energy Guard doors and sid€lights. See pag€ 5. Bourbon Lafitte H-2644 Door w,/C-O525 Insert N-1780 Sidelight w./G-OsSL tnsert EG-5644 Door w,/C"O548 lnsert EG-5745 StdeUghtvJ / Q-O582 Brass lnsert EG-5548 Matching Transom Qlass lr| EG door, sid€lights and transom is 5'ply lnsulated H CanterburA Part CanterburA Port n-2046 N-2005 Designer Entrance Doors Fairulew Tiara N-2O44 Door w,/C-O5O2 lnsert N-1770 Sldeughts EQ-5O44 Door w/G-O547 Insert EG-5?44 Sirlelight w,/C.O54? Insert 8 fE-5547 Matching Transom EG-5()44 Door & EC'5744 Sidelight with G-O55O Insert Fairwood N-2044A w,/P-O5Ol lnsert Carved Lock Rail Raised Molding EG-5O44 Door w,/C-Os46 Insert EC-5744 Sidellght w,/Q.0546 Ins€rt TIVOLI To a classic 4-panel design, Nicolai has added a carved lock rail and raised moldings around the 1rla " panels and Inserts of your choice. The Premiere and Tiara insulated lites are S-ply. with cleac tempered glass on both sides. The Interlude insulated lit€s are 2-ply, with the pattern etched in the glass, Matching sidelights available. EG-5044 Door w./Q'O55O Insert EG-5744 Sidelight w./G-O550 Insert TIDoll Interlude Tiuoli Fremiere Note: EG pr€fix€s indicate Energy Guard doors and sldellghts. S€e page 5. oo IIYDE PARK and CIIELSEA PARI\ Reminiscent of the Victorian era. this oval-lite design features the timeless beauty of beveled glass, raised moldings and hip- raised panels which accent the smooth grain and texture of the wood. 5/a " beveled insulated glass is available etched or clear. Brass camed, beveled glass insert is triple insulated. tlAde Park w / etched. beveled glass N"?660 Door w/0-566O lnsert N'1760 Sidelight w/C-0560 Insert QRANDVIEW & COVENTRY Granduiew Fl.2O47 Door w./C.O2OB tnsert EQ'5O47 Door w./C-52O8 In6ert EG-57O1 Sidellght wlc-O706 lnsert Sidelight gla6s is Y2,, Insulat€d Chelsea Park N-266O Door w/c-5662 Insert H-1760 Sidelight w,/C-O562 Insert Ilgde Park w,/clear, beveled glass N-2660 Door w/C-5661Inrert N-176() Sidelight w/C-O561lnsert Barcelona N-2olrl Door / EC'5O12 Door w/EG-STOl Sidelights sidelighl glass is lh " insutated EIQIIT.PANEL DOORS The traditional eight- panel door is available with smooth, hip-raise d panels or three carved panel designs. Cuaranteed panels are 1!/4 " thick with r/2 " minimum taper. Any of the four door designs can be enhanced with clear, etched or beveled glass sidelights. B-2O1O Door ./ nC-5O1O Door EG-s701 Sidelight w/G-O7O1 Insert Sidelight glass is ,/2 " insulated versatile look. Accent the unique detail ol either door with a 5-ply leaded glass or 1%" thick carved panel insert. -- E -EI I Oranada N-2014 8C.5014 ffi Q.O20a G-5208MII&Mffi!tqaE{nr*ET$ - Bose P-O110 P-51 10 I omanesque EG-5015 rAr|\TI tA\l a-0207 a-52Q7 w Ctipper P-O104 P,5108 IE K E E*- T G-O109 G-5109 MFffit xr[t DF!3 EI Monarch P-OlO7 P-5107 TII_I ffrfffi G"O108 G-5108 - !- aiEsir L El Rio P.Or 05 P-5105 R Peaked top and carved lock rail offer a European elegance to the Grandview design. A more traditional panel layout gives the Coventry design a more G-O102 c-5102 CouentrA franclsca N-21O1Door w/c-OlOB tnsert P-O1O1 EG.BlOl Door w/C-51O8 tnsert P-51O1 Noter EG prefixes indicate Energy Guard doors and sidellghts. See page 5. oo Entrance Doors N-21JO/EG-513O Door EG-5702 Sideltghts w,/G-O7O2 Insert N-2134 H.2152EG-5010 Door. EG-57O1 Sidelights w/C-O7O1 Insert. N'2022 N-2060 DG-5060 N-2045 EG-5045 and sldelights. see page 5,Noter EQ prefixes lndicate Energy Cuard doors ooi' 9 LITE Crilles fit 5OOO Series Doors I '. :' t., 12 LITE In addition to the vast array of leaded glass and carved panel door designs, the Nicolai Masterpiece Collection also includes more traditional panel door and sash door designs. Each of these doors is built with the high standards of construction expected of Nicolai doors. Sidelights shown on this page have Energy-Cuard panels and t/2" insulated glass. Snap-in grilles are available for cleat one-lite glass designs. Palr of EO-51,1O Doors u,ith clear insulated Transom EC.55()() tlH DC-5701 EC-s702 w./c-O7O1 w / CI-O7O?Insert Insert EC's701 EG-5701 w /O-O7O1 w/C-O7OoInsert [nsert ffi EG'5702 t EG-5701 H 3LITE 5 LITE crilles fit EQ-5701 and EcJ-5702 one lite clear glass designs. rG-5142 EC-5570 N-2(}35 N-20,59 N-2046 Noter EC prefixes indicate En€rgy Guard doors and sidelights. See page 5.1l French Doors French doors have long been a mark of grace and elegance, whether used on the interior or exterior of a home. The Masterpiece Collection includes a wide selection of one-lite. two- lite, five-lite. ten-lite and fifteen- lite designs. The Ultimate combines r/.r " beveled glass separated by brass caming and surrounded by the beauty and warmth of Douglas Fir. The one- lite design can be enhanced with a selection of removable grilles. N-1580 N.1sAO-6 EO-,OO7 Doors N-1501 EC-50()1 N-1510 EG-5510 N.1502 8A.5502 Palr of N'757O Doors T2 o N-1s05 1 EA-5575 Doors nRENCII DOOR ORILLES All grilles fit EG-sOO1 door. 9 LITE The Ultimate French Door N'1501 w,/G-O215 lnsert 15 LITE Note: EC preflxes Indicat€ Energy Cuard doors. See page F. 15 Extnrtor Doors This group of exterior doors completes the Masterpiece Collection of Nicolai exterior doors. Designed for the main entry as well as auxiliarv entrances. these doors feature qualitv wood and are available in both l3/e" and 15/+" thicknesses. A choice of raised panel and flat panel designs is available. N-108 N-266 N-466 Pair of EA-54)] Doors nIRE.GUARD DOOES Three of the more popular Nicolai door designs are manufactured with 2O minute fire rated panels. This means the 15/a" panels are laminated with a fire resistant core. Each door carries a Warnock flersey label signifying its capability to pass 2O minute fire endurance and hose stream tests. Not only are these wood doors fire rated but they also meet security requirements of the Uniform Building Security Codes Chapter 41. Fire'Cuard doors are manufactured of quality Douglas fir in2'-6",2t -B't andS' 'O'r widths. R-90L0 t4 oo N-50 N-44 N-55 N-66 N-88 N-944 N-982 N-5812 N-3818 H-22O9 Top N-2455 Bottom N-2212 Top N-2444 Bottom SIDELIGI1TS Add extra light to your foyer. Four basic sidelight designs mix and maLch easily with any Nicolai Masterpiece doors, 151a " sidelights are single glazdd. Designs shown are available I'-4" and 1'-6" widths. N.1703 N-1705 R-9044 R.9150 N.1701 N.1702 15 Intertor Doors The Masterpiece Collection of interior doors enables you to continue a panel design begun at your front door throughout your home. With a selection of one-panel, two-panel, three-panel, four- panel, five-panel, six-panel, eight-panel and French door designs, the possibilities are virtually unlimited. Note that some designs have flat panels while others are hip-raised. A choice of two-door and four-door bifold units completes the Collection. N' 15 rO B-7445 Bifold Doorsl6 N-45 Passage Door N- 1515 o B-L440 2rD E'1440 4rD B- 1460 2FD B-1460 4rD B-1480 2rD B-1480 4rD l7 Door t ayEuts Based on 3{ X 6-8 layouts Design Stiles Top Rail Diag. Rail of Cross Rail Mullion Lock Rail Bottom Rail Panels Hip Raised 2 Sides Height to Oaylight ODenins Height to top ol Lock Rail Bars and Muntins Size Sticking o N-20, N-1501 4112"4r12 S/e'3,/e " N.30 4r12 4Llz" 4t2"93/8 " N-rt4 4tiz 4\2"4tlz"7 tlz"#la"ri2'3/e' N-45 4Liz 7318"4rlz"7 tlz"93/a "l/e " N-55 4ri2 "4112" 4tlz"4\h"7 tlz"93/8 "trz"3'33la' N-66 4rl2 '4rlz '4'12 4112.7 tlz"9\t"t12"3'33/+' N.82 4\12 '4112"7tlz"93/8 "3'33h'3/'8' N-88 4rlz"4112"4tlz"4tlz'93ls "tl2"3/c' N.IOB 4rlz 4t12"4tlz"93/s "4',23h" N-266 4Llz 4112"4tlz"4rlz"7tlz"93/e "ttz"5'7"3'33A' N-466 4tlz 4112"4tlz"4rlz"7rlz"91e "\12"5'7"3'31+'Lrlq' N-512 4rle 4Llz"7tlz"91a'2'3tlz"1Vq. N-944 4riz 4112"41h"7rlz"9:/a 't2 3'33/c'1V+' N.982 4rlz 4tlz"71i2"91a '12 3'33/4"1Vq "3/8 " N.1502 4riz"4tl?"Trlz'93/e 3/8 " N.1505 4)i2'4\2"91e "l\q"3/e " N-l510, N.15lo-rc 41i2"4ry"9Vq "I V,r'3/e " N.15r2, N.15r2-lc (8-O)4112"6\2"9la"1Y4'31s ' N.1515, N.15r5-ta 4\lz"4\lz"9tla"1Vq "31e' N.1518, N.151&ta (8-0)412"6\2"91a"l\q" N"1580, N.i580-8 4t lz"63/8 "911a"1Yq "3/e' N,2005 4) 12"61a"4\i2 4\2"711-'9%'s',7"3 33A "2tls"3/e' N.2009 4tlz"63/4 "4\12"4\2"9%'3,i8 r N.2010 4rlz"4\2"51e"53/e "9%" N.2012, N.2014 53k "4rlz"53/a "5Ye "93/e "1ri 3,/s ' N.2020 4tlz"l8!/2"4ti2'4\2"93/B "5',2',1Y+' N.2032 53,/8'4\2"25tr,25|e"9:/e "lra :,/e " N.2035, N.2039 4tlz"4\2"4)i2"712"93la"5'2"lrk"3,/e " N-2044 c'it6 53/e "4\2"7112"93la"I lia 3'33/a " N.2045 4tlz"7318"3lll "314 "93le ")12 4',o"3/e " N-2046 c-l16 10"31/.r"3V4 "93/e "I tla 3la" N-2047 (OPEN)3116 10"3Vq"3%"93/a "ltla 4'4"3,'e " N-2060 4tlz"4\2"3riq"3Vr"93/e "ri2 3,'e' N-2101 (OPEN)55ha 53/8 " 31.ir "3V.r "9112"Illa"4'4" N-2112 55lts 53/s " 251a"2ab"91e"Itla" N-2r30 !'i"" 4ri2" 4112" 4tlz"4rlz"7112"93/a ")lz ?'?:L.3ft" N-2132 4\h"4tlz"4Vz"7 tlz"93/8')lz 5'7"3/B ^ N-2134 4riz"4t12"4tlz"4\2"7 tlz"91s "tlz 5',7 "l\q"3/e' N-2144 55i'ro 731s"4tlz'7tlz"93|a"I l,/a "3le" N-2190 5s/ra 53/s "2tl+"211q"931s"l,tla 3',31,r"3/e' N-2@l 55/ro 4112"4tlz"3%'7tlz"93/a "I r,/4 3'334"3ls' N-2620 55/Lo 16t12"4tlz"4th"7tlz"91e'1',/a 5'2"3'33/+'1V4 " N-2644 (OPEN)7318"4112"7tiz"93ia'ltl4 3'3rhe"3i s' N-266O (OPEN)55h0"53/s "7tlz"T- Irii' B - 1r/a "2'8\2"2'2ti2 Jie" N.3812 4rlz"4rlz"7tiz"93ls 3'33/a "rle" N-3818 4rlz"41h"?r1. "4) lz'93/s "'12 3'3%" EG-5001 4riz'4\2"113/e'5ia" 5 3is 4tlz 53/e "53,b'93le "lVa 51e ' EG-5020 41lz 18Vr "4tlz"4tlz"7tlz"93/e "1!/4 5'2"3'33ia'5/s' EG-5031 41lz 4\2"4riz'7\iz'9tla"1%3'31+' 5 3/s 731a"4\2"71lt'9th"l,Lia 3'31.r " EG-5047 55ho "10"3r/:4,9r/a "l,ria 4'8" EG,5060 4tlz 4t!2"314"3V+ "93/e'll/a 5/e' tG-5I01 55ho 53/a "31i4 "3 V+'93la"4'8"5/e' EG-5r.30 4tlz"4t12"4ri2 4\2"711-93k'13i 8 3 314"!/e " EG-5r.44 4tlz"4t12"4\2"71i.'93/e "13i 8 r/e " EG-5182 4tlz"4lz"7t lz"93/g'13/e tts" EG-5270 (OPEN)55,t0"4\2"35ie'35/8 "93/e'r:la 2'8\e"5,/s " EG.5280 (OPEN)55h0"93/a "712"93/8'1ti 3'3U2"5,/s " EG-5502 53h0 "4\2"71lz'931a"5la" EG-5510 4rlz"4rlz''931e"l5/8 "5,/e " EG.5512 (&O)4\lz"6112"9118"15/8 "tle" EG,5515 4t12"4!2"93/e "1518"5le" tls" EG-55r8 (8O)4Vz"o't2 91e" EG-5601 (OPEN)55/r o "4tlr"f 4112"3\4"7t12"93/e "lrA "3'3r3/rs' EG-5570 4112"4rlz"4tlz"4Llz"9'3/8 "13/e'3'33/.r' la Door t ayo?tts Based on 3-O X 6-8 layouts Design Stiles Top Rail Diag. Rail or Cross Rail Itullion Lock Rail Bottom Rail Panels Hip Raised 2 Sides Height to Daylight ODenirc Height to top of Lock Rail Bars and Munti|!s Size Sticking N.1rt40 2) lto 4t12"7r12"8?e "'i2 3'31a N-1445 21lv'4\2"7\z'85/e "3ie' N-1460 21ha"4\2"4tiz"87e "3/s ^ N.1480 2rio"4rlz"3tl+"8Ve "3ia " N-2209 4Ilz'4rlz"4rlz 1V,r "3i'8 " N-2212 4\z '4rlz"4112"!\+"1e N.2435 4rlt'5"4tlz"8V+'% N-2444 4tiz"5'4tlz"8Vq')12" R-9010 5s^6 "4tl?" al2 51a"53/a'9E/e'l3/s' R 9044 5.h6"442"7 tlz"103ia "131e " R-9130 55/r6 "5t12"4\2" 7t lz"1@ie'13i e " N-1701 3"4\2"l,/e " N-1702 3"4\2"712"o3t r 1lz"3'41l+"r/a " N 1703 3"4t12"712")lz"3 4tl,r"Itlq"J,/e " N-1705 3"4112"L\!c"J,/e " N.1760 25|rc"53/e "7rlz"1rA 2',3"3,h " N-177O 25h6 53,f8'T rlz'71lt'3'41la" N-178O 25ha 7"Triz' 934"3'313 6" EG-57O1 2ttt 4tlz"93/q"rte" EG-5702 2t12" 23ia 23ie,' 4tlz"7rip"1lL"3'31.r "5la" EG-5744 4tla Trlz'931q"1Va 3'078 " EG-s745 ]"Trlz'93h "5le' EG-5770 (OPEN)4rb" 7Ilz" 9%"ltlq'2'851e"5/s " EG-578O (OPEN 3tiz'91e "Ltlq'5/s " ENTRANCE DOONS Door Sizes: 2' 6", 2' 4", 3' O", s',6" x6', Raised Panel thickness; t/2",5/+" *, lt /r" * Stile width: narrow layout-4r/,", Wide layout- 55./e " Olazing: (5Q11) SateLy Qlazing Materials*Cuaranteed panels are optional. -FIREOUARDOrade: S€lected per nir & Hemlock Door Association requirements (7/79) Door Sizes: 2' 6", ?' 4", 3' O", 8", 7' O" x l3/e" Panelsi lr/s" thick, laminated with a special fire-resistant inner ply. See special literature for more d etails. Specifications Doors shown in this catalog are manufactured from selected vertical grain, old growth Douglas fir, SIDELIOI'TS Sidelight Sizes;l'6" x6'8t/rt x l1/an, l'/a" Raised Panel thickness: t/2", 7t/t"' Sidef ight stile width: 3",35/a", 4" Clazing: (SCtt) Safety Clazing 14 aterials * Cuaranteed panels are optional. Tft,{tisoMs Transom Sizes: 6' Can be trimmed l3/q" Class in high style transoms is s./e " triple insulated. Clear glass transom is s/s " insulated. FRENCN DOOfiS Door Sizes: 2' O', Z' 4",2' 6",2' 8", 3'O" x6' Thickness: |t/a", ls/a" Qlazingr (SAM) Safety Clazing Materials ENERAY OUARD Sidelights: I' O", l' 2'. 1' 4", l, 6,, x6' gt/2,, x l5/+,' Raised Panel thickness: lr./+" Raised molding and carved lock rails on some door patterns. Clazing: (SCM) Safety Clazing l'l ateria ls Inserts: [-eaded glass or carved wood panels. Door Sizes: 2' 6", 2' 4", 3, o,, x 6' 8J|| 7| o,' x |3/4II INTERIOR DOORS Door Sizes: l' O", l' 2", l' 4", L' 6', t'8",1'1o",2'o',2'4",2'6", ?', 8", 5' O" x6', 8" Thickness: 15,/e " Raised Panel thickness: r/"', -1l.r " Stile width: 3t/z', 4t /2" Sizes and specifications subject to change without notice. For current information, Dlease contact vour Nicolai door distributor or dealer. 19 CARE & NANDLINA a) Inspect your door(s) promptly after receipt and notify your dealer/distributor immediately, if there are any problems. 'b) Keep doors clean and handle with clean equipment. c) Avoid dragging doors across one another or other surfaces. d) Store flat, on a level surface, in a dry, well ventilated building. e) Cover to keep clean, but allow air circulation. l) Do not subject doors to abnormal heat, dryness or humidity or sudden changes, such as forced heat to dry out a building, for prolonged periods. g) Protect doors from soiling and moisture during delivery. h) Do not deliver to building site until surrounding plastet cement, etc. has dried. i) If doors are to be stored on thejob site, all wood surfaces, including edges and ends, must be properly sealed with an approved sealer, to prevent undue moisture absorption, j) All wood doors should be conditioned to averaae relative humidil.y of the locale before hanging. FITTINC E NANGING a) Allow adequate clearance for swelling of door or frame in damp weather, when door is installed und€r dry conditions. b) Avoid cutting door to reduce width, use designated sizes. c) Use caution to avoid impairing the structural strength of the door when fitting for hardware or special features. d) UseJhingesondoorsuptoT,-O", and 4 hinges on doors over 7'-O", Align hinges properly to prevent distortion. e) Jambs and stops must be set square and plumb. f) lnslall exterior doors with as much protection from the elemenls as possible. g) After fitting, and prior to hanging, seal all cut andlor mortised surfaces, including top, bottom and side edges to prevent undue moisture absorption. h) nor maximum energy conservation, exterior doors must be properly weather stripped. DooRFINIS.',GUIDE a) Make sure doors are dry. Adjust or align components if necessary. b) Remove all handling marks, instruction labels, stamps and effects of exposure to moisture with a thorough, final light sanding over all surfaces of the door, using 5/O or 5/O sandpaper. NOTE: Small amounts of grease, oil or pitch can be wiped cl€an with mineral spirits. c) Clean door thoroughly after sanding to r€move all dust or foreign material, Howevel avoid using caustic or abrasive cleaners. d) Apply finish as soon as door is fitted, but before final hanging. e) Make sure all surfaces are sealed and finished, including the top, bottom and side edges of the stites and raits. 0 Use exterior grade paints for exterior installations. Use a good grade primer followed by at least one top-coat of a good grade oil or latex base paint, g) For natural finishes, apply quality stain and sealer fol- lowed by at least two coats of clear finish. Three coats of clear finish will provide greater protection. flot alt exterior stains are sealers. Doors must be adequately sealed to prevent excessive moisture absorption. Do not use lacquer-trased finishes. Use exterior grade finishes for exterior installations. h) Sand lightly between all coats. i) When finishing the joints where wood parts or glass and wood come together. insure that enough paint or sealer is put on to form a bridged film across voids. This action will minimize moisture penetration through thesejoints. j) You can make sure that all coatings in the finish system are colnpatible by using products from the same manufacturer. Finish manufacturers will be able to tell you which of their products may be successfully applied in combination with each other. Finishes should be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. LIMITED ONE YEAR WARRANTY The manufacturer warrants that each stile and rail door that it sells complies with Industry Standard FHDA 7-79 and all revisions in effect as of the date of manufacture; is free from defects in material or workmanship when shipped from the factory; will not warp more than '/a " (one-fourth inch) in the plane of the door itself. The manufacturer further warrants that all guaranteed panels will not split through due to any weather conditions exclusive of major calamity. NOTD! For more detailed information governing the conditions of this warranty and your rights under this warranty, ask your dealer/ distributor or contact the manufacturer for a complete copy. Route 16, Box 4BA PO. Drawer 1430 Lexington, NC 27293 228 Mill Street, Bldg M Suite A Springfield, OR97477 NM.AIDOM ND-2040 Printed in U.S.A. oz ==Eu,o- U) lr.luttL F E uJ (N*$N$s ol!F z z J .5 z z llrlt,ll c'\' o\'uJ jlH irErl ^l rntrl ll l,rl,l-t rt,6 ,^t .:t k;,i J,glrl- r{l a/) Erg siF xl? Si;';'q tr =l= ,1 uJz3 !!rF z r! tro =I (rol! F Fz t! LL r.lJ l o ; (u .9 o- (q c 3 r (n 0) O ct)c =fdl E =cf o 3 .(l) o o) atoD g> q) v, v, (! (1, B F Q) o oo(5 o vl f (g =(u ;- q) ox(6 '= g) (/)6!sEUh coao: eFXy E.: ; '- the:=* 6.o =!Fd'l =c96'- o.g 3E; 3 Ea ,jF o 'Yo:iF5;.:- (E o-(5 0- AEE (/,P O.Eg=(!Elt- 6 EE; o oEi;H g: C(! 0'-"c; o! *-c 3,*: E:E '6>o('; -Y;EHiis ,i6 e s, o- o)OEE!oct) -o(6 (\l \T F =E uJ z o) f ID Y UJ () z) J F. J UJ 4 ID E: Iz (J {IJE uttu zo tr IU |lJE oe co 'uJ; LI'| z 6 IIJo F .L uJo (L fz uJ (J x ut ah U'ululIL E = lJ.l J F z :il co ) E llJ Lu z.6 = IL J z I IJJ:' NOTIVnIVA :<, 9rZ Z u-'o o o'ltr ^ 6 z' = l > !/:E I a i:66z >- Q.o (J l+. ;Q z X;lL<33 3\e x E:i 6 fr-Hs{O f \3Ja __(Y) =a6 r+{ .r{ t{ b0 r.1 =o*l u ll c I J t t d{ ,i z tr l (L ci o-l llJo- F rL uJ E. zo E o z F- E Lr.l 3 z U)Lzlz trul<Oo< >;i>ERddo<z iz,-rIOz -F--! -;oEulOI -Jl -l =l zl .. >l UJo UJ uJz g) F UJ(\ J z Eo IJJ l J a UJz O IF z F 5az o z (l z tr N I @ '.--CD O lrJFoo -z Fo- lrJ!c lu d) oFt TE uJ o- t.|- vo>o\o-"\ x..{ Itn I = .Etu(L IJJ z loI FE a JF!J :-h= & LIJ>(LOL 5ur6(Lx>UF-t! J J tr IJJ tD F = =E,lrl o-zIF C)3 E,Fozoo F Hulbkzo z \J i-zQmo>z ".,P ..iE =r=dd= !DT o UJ ;.l.i 0) S.r rjj =z (D zftr $ I\o F\\+ lltll<l t+ll-rl| '-r IJI9olazl9old "'lH,I flsl.1 bltzl>t ;lGl 9l I I I Ilr I I I I U,tq\ !!l qq J Eo ,l ol uJl €cl JI <lilol zl 3l FI llttll l.lllltoltul t5ltalI>l l6ltzl Et pl ol zJ rl<l>I ttlol zl fl I I I I .l =,|olurl 1l al>l lr.lolzt ,.tBl --r-ol !JFI F J EF uJ tr >Y =Ef,FJZ -:o<F(l(Jur<z.EL!F<nZ c) = \JZ <O<5 q. lrr LIJfo 4t -.."-/ E G' 73 tEt./', >^/ o{7t--.k > .'.4 E LC,"o (, Et]tr o cj- ntrD z o9ze zz d8 2 T O uJE n J =EJ() = llJ F =t UJrttoEgE3€8B9!ira9 EFE dtrE h=o dEE >o.E Eb9 EurE ;O_t x>I EF €-; uJ o d x ,i{ IJJF o ts =E UJo.zoFoD E, Bzo(J E =e, uJI \Et= Nslg $l olr\t ;F ;i5 rll1 6 * 8.9) iE€:E E gE:E E$E!E EEiIE e"; ae € !IEEg t: q, c' l: srieE€ 3 3P-. iBgiE Y iZZtL F ^ 6zg 5 =eG I of, U'(JE1> !t9(,|,.1?= 6 zl .. >l IJJ UJItzoF = UJo- J 2 E (9z J t! I I I I I !d J oJ L o a al 5,)I -v ul s'lc ui =z o ult 2 ul uJ oo J = :lc Tg ant) eo t A F E I I "t4ll <l ,) 4u +t! Ec, lr oz dul ! t!oz3 F q J I, qr.J u u :g lr 0z '; IJJ lrozaoF Ic oz C'u,(E J atoz =o u u F tg TI oz (, UI(E lt z3 F E -E o2 dlt = ll' z 3 F UJ J uJ z Bo F() UJE? (J E. -rO<FE(JuJ<ZE r-Ll F crr 2-o (J ge C) UJ - 3 t zc gF =o =EDFd6 C) i.5 33H' =g go HE i1 = J<ot4 ahrir LLlJO )xr<)<)c)< 't. ?5 south lronlag€ rord Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TEgr: ottlce ol communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WIMI THE TOWN OF VAIL lowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, _ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, i-ncluding trash dunpsteri, portabre ioileti andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, atley or public P119" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n af1 Town ofVail streets and.roads i.s approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be striilry enforcid, by the Town of vailPYPIi-c works Department. pers6ns found vi6tating this ordinar,"etflrr be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said rnateriaL.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour ti.me specified, the pubric worksDep?rtnent will renove said mateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not bLapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair project,s ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fulr, please stop by the Town of Ylil_f*lding Department to obrain i copy. rirank you for yourcooperat.ion on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: HAND SINI{ ?ts H SINK .TOCKSy ?OX 'bnt \, BAR tr TILF SEE LOttER SHEIV /I\I F KEG OUARR -'tt F oPENtNd htA UFALTIJR,Ebey REt<oFD DaoFs oF \{Eh'r aEFJ'iiANy - oF-J. zELuLK oF Ne\v yoFt< AND DtbTpt'uTEDBY DANA .4ARLLS 1611-Ep},LETI oN A L, T N I-. PEN t e-2- /'/'r- L62Rr4Do . Oq\v CDNSTRq4TED oF LI$F., \.egfta,L. APA.IN\VE'TE-FN LlE Ml_d.^t<. F tF. . 5u ppLt E> P R.4E RVATT ve TFF-AT4D, 4 N F I N t5 t-lE D. HAFD\r'AR.E To & fRa61716^13L.a-fyLED Apa% LEYEF t-|.^NDlE5 AND g7LJrutrort pLatT.t EY 4u. t<Et€D o4TStDL,Tr.luMBTuRN tNStDe. 4tAuNA -To.AE 1,/g" eLE-aF.fiErapsFeb ,.q. o4\{ 15 tNbvtNAtN4. ELLVNT|DN ra SplorvN re VtE\vED FRou trlreFto=. _QEE*d_o_43*+_ y'At L-, {-oLoBgp6 oto** t' *i-.y' P. €-TTLR5 cobls'Tqu.:TtoN , aoNTRA(:roF.- onAwrN6 NU^lEIn lopl I i s,hll{ - - -l- - -t- I f-* cAs t(E(' _l Hl r5r.I - -t t -74 E N LRAL 5P e-at F t tAT t orJS OPE,]IN d 6 IA'5 \{A,IJ. ETEVATI ON A^Ib D €TA I 6 o * INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPEHMIT NUMBER OF PROJEC- DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. I HOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING E ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS fI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL kAPPFrr*tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ome //& ?hl rNSpEcroR// niffisgon 6) / fz/ ol E;fi 5 BEE:E E€H:f; Ef;E€F EEiiE EE;Ee fli*:fift-'gsi*tgg iEEg*ru o'- .: -t; d) (,, E $:E= g E!E;E ieilr lt uto =7 ott toF C) trF2oo .ro E lal= lxlr:"lEl=rIl:l:::.!el -!41 5El6 6bEl ie =tFl6 ; fiEl iH*=ls P<zl .. >l uJ UJurzob =Iu J zIF oo r- .-l- OO o =E =cUIo- u,F U' @o-zo Fo-lux Iudl oF ts t uJ o- Ll-o o-oo I uJ F,oz tr =lrjo.l! EE2ZE<ttl€8B9?irie'Er => =uJ:-E FfE >o-r UBI lruE T*F ii F6a!E l! dt oF @ IIJfo z oPzeoo =zlf dP EEi = Lu ;Ydd= ts =Elrle.zoFofEFazoo tr!n l"l tEl l$l JEi I*r3 |lrll'l I tzF-9i aha H H trl Fl trl H }-1(/) ui =z .o -)I t .l RFl -a-l Itrll \o !'-1t if"rl -&l Fcl -l('1lNl lrtl tJail ,1H<a>q l>g5 o. 6 ,JXt4uleqd{J - I I I 3 HI il I I I elg q* slH il* FI H&H FJ CA z o 1(t uJ 5 rr.lq zl 3l 9lFI J d I 9l.l fll lEJ ilztt-lol sl ONH =g I I J g trlol pl i: cuIz =o F C) UJFxo& t -tO<tFE()uJ<zETUF(tZo() JT 6PF():<ir EY r--tu :-J1urOte gP =d d6 Q 6F =3frE =g g \JZ () J<c)(4 v>uJ ul / rHl J- Y ;\t 'l ctz E =GUIo- giEg*lE : +n'.0€ lb =EX.3E ,lS iEiiE{i- EiFi€$mi c I;gf !iEsg t;6, s, tr Bg;== E Ea;e. sggEs I { :\ >G r?\ Gt _YE u.r fii = 60 .n*- Y \ Y tr 'v \ L I\ \ I :l ,:l il "l '{ oa aE HE =FF! sFe dFt Ej .{ -U zl .. >lou!oululz th : (ll zo F o2 J l! 6 Fo I F \{ v \ v ii =z -'l lit i 1;l; lil'1fl.338 ll. Jd q flolzl fl ',rl :l "l :t - Ol ..rzl .- dlgl '?l tril > f,E I EI I I I ol-t ol Hl JI EI fl uiJ UJF' I I ?lolutl rcl JI il zl3l9lFI Igtt <()(4 U)rir UJJO'- llJ :z =o u u.l ?() G -rO<F0a()lr, <ze,IUF6Zo() JG 6P =()EE H6 ^9 gF 3Ed6o <^ zl)#E Y,2 =o (r H r!, Z .F't?<Kr3,?tr.x" l!F o u Do)? z) L u u 0 ) E ll L ) L)J I IJ ), EHi A;H trEtr 62u,F9tr< €8gE b0 =q-=>E rl{FE h=x f E-: 0- uJE EqE EEP Eru5 5$ E. 8Fo-!i u, @I z oP =<(l|o =z=-d8 ts =& ]rJo-zo Fo :)Et-azoo trDn Ir -vt\l a. llal 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3031 479-21.38 or 479-2139 a ., t. ' i. I I' luwn n TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI4ENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit anv-r"ir,-.J"i., sand., debri.sor rnaterial , including trash burnpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles. upon any srreerl .ie;;.ik; -;ti;y or pubricplace or anv norti6n tneieoi. --t!" right-of-way on arJ- Town ofVail streetl ana.5?.-d= i= approiimateiy 5 ft. Lff p.,re*ent.This ordinance wirr be =t"ilirv-'enforced by the Town of vailPubric works Department- ;;;;;"; found violating this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour writien -n"ii""-t"-;;;;;;'="id marerial.rn the event the persb" "" ""iitiea.does not comply with thenotice within tng_.za hour. ti*.-=i""iii;;, "trt"-i"tric worksDepartment wirl remove said rnatei.i-i-"i-irr""I"pli=e of personnotified. The provisions "f ini= ordinance sha1l not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ,iir.ri"rur.rce or repair projects ofany street or arley or any "tiiiii;;"il ;;"-;i;ii_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of:3:i"::iffi"3"";flH'il:li"::-'";;;i" a copv. rirani vou ror your Read and acknowledged by: Po s i t i o n7 n e 1 EEj.-6fr EEi p- Date (i.e. contractor, orrrner) :l,i INSPECTION REQUEST , TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF FROJECT oore { /' ',r, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR JOB NAME MON FRI i., I tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL oz F =t UJo-c{c{ <t IJJ uJu- L =E LrJo, NS co @ o,\ .(r z f-) rnH& z F) l9J J tru-ooz dJ LtlF o | ,inI lJl .19Plo El=at J =laot€ ilz 5ffi EE #- se 4E 94,46 EENF 5; \s E!\Nfl Pr \[E F s Jlis 5f.$lF es xa ov 3EA E\ff.fr,69,k{, gi /,4 Eifr j,( rl,fft i Ei'&,4' e g. irrEO. - li9 o o.l i Es ;ti dti g oii'ig)(', *ioE8F =.e *,#r E E=E ^g={pY.=;o€:i:s€+j'l=c96 ESE 8Ei ==EiE() €eg!qi i.Y- (5 O-(g cL sEEo' o_Ego : (/,'- Ees or oE E$E - o.; e-C6 0'-5ag !'f;;-ei336>O (g=c-=;EFo? 6 -if s9E q) OEE!ocD -()(! or \a,+c{r\c{ crl = E Luo-oz = 6 :< C)ru (Jz d J cFout uJ z =J ()z c) uJ = qJ tuILz tr UJt UJE =u.Jt IJJ z 6 lLl v> L UJ z uJ) )< F utol U' uJulu- E IJJo J FoF z f h UJJ uJ z f) a()z o uJ = I 3 3 NO[Vn'lv^ t|l ':< ;B 7> :H =< EFq 9< uJ !u O F.r iptE> fr= GI N zz tr^6 :< -1 :J:=FZoaZt- 6:L<oo-t! :{o- !{ FO.iai =>oa -I 3tl =aD I I I I tilF.lt< IrJl!{ IFIFI()lr{t|l'F1 -.,t n I -{ :.- -1 z tr l! IE o. UJ F @ ao-luE J 2 E +{ 2 tr UJFJ =UJz (n Lz zOa F IJJ<oO< =-tx rr-6o<z Fz. 9zz.-"iF ur- 6Btr o ts UJ J z Eooo-ttk:o_u qtl f autzX =F z F Jl z llJ z (c z F(D J J IL E U' =F UJ c.l I H :-1r}in {-)Oo cl\ $N z uJF @oo-: zo Fo. IJJ!. llJ @ oF F E uJ t!o o-oo I uJFoz IIJF 6 z oP =e>z dP.i<-_ r_xL_lLl J..i5\,/ \,,, = =83:o* =luXdd= tr: uJ tl. !- IJJF()9,2E<of6ahEga9!rLie'= af tsJt- :IJJ!EF=8 HHE =aE U3P \u.rgxo_E :>6 !lFcr '.ioit; UJdt F -C' ts =Elrl o-zoFof E,Fo =o(J 4 z =tr .j F J itr^I F{rPilra ts Hv) H tr.i =z m -1 l-loolo\lrnllt:lE I I Irn tJrltll FlqFrqs i><=Eo zHaz v t i! ll.t 4 Itlll-lltltfl tdto =l i -sl g5 |'r\\o CN I\o a.l c'r IrlF{ItrlXI \tlC'! I-;l >l sl<I>l|rl zl3l Fl z HF H(,rlz F tuH tr 3 IJJI rl ?l>l rLJol zl 3lolFI H HL) Fl F F.l Fl frl Fl c{t\t\ Ir.-(\ F\|.\r\ Ig\ \T rltllltlll loltlltfll t4llilI>II ttlloltzl Et x |J-t Fl I I I I I ?l utl 5l al>l lLlol Zl ,,t FI E <F(E() r.rJ <zE (42 J E uJJ (JOzt- =#JZrro F- Fz z -t- c) IJJ = = \JZ F-}Fntrri"4 F4 '|t. ^cLTJ O <(D+l{ naLt aJ-. ( o_ctcL tl< a. I ll- r/l 'H I,vc r'=c.6(4 !-(/|E .l' @ (JE ts(J ! (+-q-o L(/t a, {-)l P(/)l J Cvl I I .i (\rl 0(-F \T t/- - o UJF z flllirll- lk' l3j"t rl!tirIt ls t5lu,tqIE ott Fo Fz tr rlJ 3 UJ F oz IE;;F.I rEE:gI r gr '^ qr€ I =.-:i?r- lFiE3# IlTE;F I :EF;5| 3';=orI c96hPl=3€s,ix; B.: oi'*>5ecJcQ-NCl E 6 6-: g --: o ;.=o'- o o E'!9-Fo $iget R: -.;E(lt ra.r-qr5=o-E =*:€JE:IF6 ; F;6 o' i i E g+ !i:E= -a.:of-- c:[O c; o (') triiiS,5gs!:5 E !;;e H;E:F EF;;fc;;J >-6;'sE r!z3 \ u,(r f,F v, >< >< st d1 "lJ *'ls rJl:rl 11 nril OI c(-l I sl q n c6l dl l v xlt'l I IIFl= | !Jtlall(,llzllollJl l'l :< LIJ (J z JI<l(Jl bl rJ.l I6l J luE' UJlf:t trl<lvlolurl o 3 _uJ tu zo tu () x F o lt> uJL!tl =l,fi o-l Jl<l Fl (J = F t! JgI J - o UJ = J F F 'lis ;fr I E NF rsl; )F' ;FleNOtlvn]v^ >E q AEGIIFlr{ cr:-9I 66l- o- u' =>FP62ogi l]L sdui fii I' I I ,ll ll tl tl il 2 E:I IL .. >lo tr, UJulz att = urq. J zo F o ISlzIYto l:lo-t> l-r z1oltrl{l .Dl =l UJ J o- oz I F z Ia ;il |Ell I;I a IZ^il :ltz-[ o3ll Eo[ x =lt = tll oafl xlll i :fl |ill oull !: Z'll o-lt zl 'll urill 3ill " _rl :l 2l zl u,(!rL>o I F IJJ ozx z F J I E ..i ^i "l r( t- t{3fr'r f,o- C)>L'Fo|jci fl;1)< .lil v '.<'tr n 5 z F F.= rJ.J.. cl. (5z, J -L-nd."AO tv I lJ- ,46al' LlJlouJ't!z, a/, (j 7- =JJaLr- rrl F u9 A<!dl;o!-;z-O=r-E UJ Lr. utrcl oFt UJq-_ r!'o TLoo I 9J rrt-- Zcx F F =E.irro- zo9 =<(DO =z =/oT* FRr-'r r-'r ^-{\-J L-l IJl.-i6>=z;i- S =o* +ilE@ TEul(./.)O.xb EEUc^ <*>< P;-U :trJO;=F-F E.i- g ::-:qEHi --, 5TF fI;=i tl E:i slELd slEuq;le<f,-:* | -.0ip.*F* - z J u- ll I I I T Ir/ J &! I I I I IF r 1q 4>.1FI (Jl I>l I I I I I I I I JItlr{ q ct<l J E z (, Ji f zl xlYIFI z olu 5t <l>l ol zl BlolFI n ttJ rlJ z JO<F uJ<zxUJF(rzoo -J F t! :P;o =s-JF'';/z () J<o UJ LJ JO oFo Fz o F F zo F.()f,EFazo() ot f I b+- iv).J Q3 o- ,4, 0J-7-\4 6':l .1c, ,v '!v/\v) 11 i* ca 6^)t -: st tl fa tl-rl )l+,)o | {'l,t- =4-.)5 t c -i 5 o c-/ .i5 J o €- pr \ln:.-9 +7 da/s ,r7 to \)o cr)-.ct \J s a1+ U I'v- oI Po 3 a) = -# y) fr. t-\ V) ! f'-. \)s tJ .!-+.U t).\ i4 No, -.--A\q- ---'t- 6-;' ---- -l l__ l- ,ti Ft dl lll It \{ N 'tf q) 9-o lr> '!;$:l0- 3-, 'lF t dil s -l ,5 o-ra OJ l.r l "ip b,i frfiU;3i !i1" r{ Jlt F' tr r.lid iid]|o zF '11 F tql dld ur0 O2 did60J F. d! npl $ : r0 ! t-s 4 I Ii -\"'q aoqq <i -r q t': ul t- J -l ] r/i 4I Jvs 5 adl I I j o j \5 rf, tJ d -\.f t: \ '^a$; '*N n*{S f+, \ {s a++iI (\t$rdr :t (o 4 ('".s ,lf OJFd "x "-) :lt J'J.N -)l,16 *9- 0, IL t\ b Jr.l .9 $ .f I o/\j%\o, */ .Gl rs b-iFd rtsilrlr o-i !,H 7" J.u J,o: u i'l si rr .:t - atl ..-l{t o .l (. wnzq Ln et ft rey ${s $id $A -.r ;i$ N ;)'o .ql 'L\t zt2 p I|- ri F. .{. Uqhit F- tU I :,:J,t; :;, ,'r,t | -. ,1....,.... L-'Z I2t-,6t' FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belovl itens need to be complete before giv'ing a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box prov'ided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL n FINAL BUILDING TEMPORARY C of O DATE : CERTI FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ,/r1.-2.t.; t PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST DATE : JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: **?iun" tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL '. R,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUTRED DATE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: rr JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \ fl rowN C*r<i\ <;* l I I I ) \l BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr FOUNDATION i STEEL B rnnurrue _tr ROUGH / WATER i RooF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr rrNAL tr FINAL {t'eeaoveo )ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT '/ ,, /.1 !-*- -r I I lr CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ' \ f- ..- ,/l r, 1- r (- --{. IN r) l-s r r i." o SPE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUES WED t*r* a*i) .BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ri +dorrr'rds / srEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMI - n Houcn/wATERtr FRAMING u l9.9.fjj tr GAS PIPING & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL .tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DtsAppRovED ld'nerruspecloN REeutRED -7 "l-('t. u' ( INSPECTOR ot rf PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUESTvAlL .TOWN OF : CALLER TUES WED THUR PMFRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr .CI. FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tI JOB NAME MON lr INSPECTION REOUiSTvAtL i , DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED (-h. (@> enr AM _a rfrt*\l-/ -:"_3q \ PEHMIT NUMBER Or PNOICCT TOWN OF i. I O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FRAMING tr BOUGH /WATER - rr ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL PECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .aw / g,Se'e- -i- o c lr+o:i r6.Y, |[l a;f;E l: .E' HEE lE Eg l;E IF !$Ef,g IE =FiKlg:E Er s g EaEaEio:*o"G X o-E f E ='g;:d).voo :EE H!, EF'Fg= ;-'€Ed $t; s: e 3;o-" 6 3:=8 TEF;i EFgEg J izz!- 5 H =F66 EZ5-()82 q {!<9q i!i-ti6 sFq fid(\t(, l=lr-{ t= loIH [-..|l- lillo t tr z z 6 UJ lu uJz U)L c(ut z E I.-l ccl c\+ctq ct =E =E LlJo- /4./"4,u .,/) n,t ,0r /l/1 12.4qv IJJ E U)oo-zo Fo. uJY IJJo oFt =G. lrJ a- tLlOnIr{. I6sl ?---lrlguJbkzo z oPz'-< coo =zJO(L TL :Eifo^ dd= = uJ u- ;!!EZE<o606oE9vI :E =>.= uJ-E b=(J dtrE =o-E oo 9 itttE XO-E X>OHFcl"io-lttr ul ro o F --€ F =E UJo.zIFo3EFazoo M a F'l(,tz.F-.i9; U)z, .t) bJ6 Ld Lr- --Jt/) ui =z ID '-) ?'a i.dl.r-l.'.t g I oz ciultr J a LLoz3oF FV, z.c L: L! IJ- F. I = tf. f,z, =g u_ =.1ol|r|I 1l al>l tLIol zl 3lolFI .lolzl gI El JI alilol zl =l9lt-l I I I Iol =llr.tl ccl Jl <l :l =ol uFI F EJO<Fcc) IJJ <zE IJ.I Fa\z oFo TY zoo 9 ul .J E 9Pg?>EfFd5 z z r LU gb = |!,, z t2sL_l L l I lr-IJlult(n l= I s., tv () Fz o I E;€5 fiFf:g fl E.= $gf H sgf;:E ll ii€Fg H;=Bli..u H:EF;5 F=i:ReF:s:iq H seFi\ H .€stY{t eEe8x\ i -8lE-e F\I cL(o O,-=I 'oE;sj -c c'- c (' ;gFEg iE€:E _a:o: {€eis o c'l.t 6 €'Es=E '6i'taf, FI;Fgt.Feg iE; e .R PEo'--Botrot,Q)cX;3-;_6;',sE N -rttJC :x ,cJ (J +J ,F ( =:LqEc JO iq-r.- O r-, .=:.ort- OJ E U: q- Ol ( rat v1 iIc! -t =L; ".3 Jq t/t .tt.< l( o!-$ Lv +)O+t tt J c\l l'* ,fl nl\ulI F o >< \ F- trJ .J Lr- . !- r_rJ LTJZ. l a/1 Hi ( =(+ =!J+J+Po oF F En IIJ o o o I ulFoz l<ro Ir-\lo ruz!oq f,ox l o z lJ"l o r B s z 6 tr IJJ :E U) &J UJIL|- tt 9EF auJ tlJ o IJJ : Ett z o o l Jr e) z =< =z rI u_ t-o F ?o UJz =o J<()(5 u)tu l!JO F_{C\J NOllYntv^ l-..lT-'rt_rLJ L__r t_l QI l- lo ,-t9 F F z E Jq ;i !frJ .J' E >< F J Jitz=zo-=f ouJ> It- l= ILU u-o uJl o_lil F F ol UJ'r Fo oF- C) Fz z E :P;o =s;iz () J&59;(J q'lEf <F uJ < ,-j LU t- ar5Z J-oo z J .a 4zo =f, J z ol!O- Lr-:o l Iclolql a!lF x'x >€ -=nlf r:r .t zoz F"Y -its5FE9o Y(,\Jz5f('tJfo- c)>L)FO.jt,.i o t2lo tr J f z -tlll-:lt< Iift ll"i il-t il:trtr< Illtz tlltotlF llsll ll"li It il t-tltzll tetl tEllto.tlfrutlt:tl<ti tl^ll ;llr! llzll z F :[Etuil gc trJ =zl z J u- UJ F LJ F -J-J u- lrrJ Ia./'l I Lr.,Jo- E o ol) qt .:t :- \-' !, dll d E d_+sI-Pr = \ttoc'F(s =$ \l-IAr ll-ilCl s -.1+ r \+fis s PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE ' JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI |NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr trD_ tr-F INAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr o FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR -.-..- INSPECTION REQUEST oor- A\Lo\tt JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER MON TUES IHUR@ AM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEH tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB N SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR t-f)O evOO ./qy'/ /-,u 4, /,-J' A lt,A a7 UJ ts @ @o-zo Fo-ulY uJo oF ts E uJ o-bl- rf)la col6;'lo {.1t-l HErakz6 z o=4e =z dP ifi(JO= =81dd= =E uJ o- oEEzzE<ctf€Ee9arLbe 5gtr Lt r- =uJ-E b=o +iiE =rE E39 iurEXo-t :>t q*o-i!E ur cooF ts =E lrJ o-zoFofEF(nzo(J nnn ro cr) anululu- = = UJL s6/8/n I I I LrJlkco to -\lcrl --t(ol 1qr.+l =lgctE >r!: z -:Z l=()lo.F<elo tz. tolH {. rEa?, (ol sol L,orl.lJ.+r Is:i-t6q., tE>r* C, rv+, lC'U| tzr6 c, c lr+ (d .Y' I uJ3$; lgIEe lE E;ffiIE E': $sr* E''%|!= g3glsil E;Plse-" o#! islo65 EH3(Ua'tr F r-n €gE ETE "BEf 'E X l1'lor {J \ girup s;igtul o EE'=E ;iogo c.2o_ F.=!-JETcL'- v,oo.cn€x =iE>c9'- o.5co.9 I'(dOg so ;e ;i-.=- d(u $E lnPEg -(6E6OELtr @6 6tr<s -o.(!0 og l?, (l' ELofE8OGCFtE(!E >gtropa CE-r. o -o F = IJJ z oI a IJJ uJttt =Ir uJo- J FoF I J >t ri q rls 0l al? I Y = z tr Ea IIJ a UJzItl =>E --(rtSurS =aDAl 2Z Fo- g ="ri966A<>!?o.JZr!<oo- E8FO.;Gi =lJ,l zo F =o z tr uJ J uJl E IIJz =F ul a. 2 F 5 U)z tltl+l -.1tl (D Ezlz 9OAr|J<oo< =tL5H )a r!3o<z llr-{ | |tl aF2,. 2z d6}E oz ts =G, UIo- I I I 5 o, (u (u(F U\ UJ =z o-) l-t +P C! aP <f CD NI+l{+(ou! r\lst(D _:.Tr.l.rT q EI IacrD o+ fr'=6;olsc><tr =lo I sl LOI*l I ?lol ..'l fl zl FI +, tn a = trl c\^F -l \^ ".1rl \Dlol -ol zl d :lilol zl 3lolFI lltl l'l lsl l;ltzl BFI I I I Iol =.1ol IJJI :l 3lltlol Pl E E -rO<FCO[!<zE I.IJ F6Zo c) J () F uJJ uJ z, =f Eh ez o bSJbSJLJ u, '"/11 #,!: I I Illil ' lo.\.o'' l! tgr <nru LlJ !r- F u.t B !U z LU LU tr. rU c o rlJ = (J Lu oz F ul l-lT'lr-r z =<cooEZ =JO JJ<o(JY =:-<-r O ,'\ ts lrJ-.o_-.ttt!OE .3<zu) oFX cllJ;=af- ur=:- |E=l o--uj I>, o-lO(r,-l(F/-\l I rul ^-Jo- |L'T'5-rtlt4 YJ @ 4 ID I E c IJ ,o o, el J- 'oJ 0,efl )z Lo3l NOu.vnlvA r!- ,. >lo UJ 11! z q UJ uJo- u-.o Jtt 6FT- Fg ilF g.TE [F &' E5 fl" E .:! =:61 i al trFIF trfr1 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -J 4 /) / t't'DATE ' *'./ * JOB READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME THUR )''J t-t-l 4't CALLER MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ,tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr fi rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr ZNAL tr FINAL VED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rt MARCIJS June 7, 1985 THE TOWN OF VAIL MAILINC PERMIT DIVISIONvAlL, co. 81657 GENTLEMEN: Please be advised that the Board of Directors of Lodge Tower Condominium Association has given approval to one of their owners, namely Lynnand Phil Goldstein, who own Unit 399, -to closeoff two of the access doors to the hallway, namely those of Rooms 395 and 397. In order to closethe rooms off, however, the doors must be takenout completely; the walls must be sheetrockedand finished to match the existing decor on theinside of the hallway to reflect no door exists. No other major changes have been approved bythe Board of Directors other than thii specific one. lf you have any questions, I would be pleasedto be called upon. '^;p{*""p President Lodge Tower Condominium A ssocia tion AS:wl SraNley M.rncus /CoNsulreur Posr OrnrcE Box 188, D,lrras, Texes 75227,PuoNz (2I4) 922-0022 i;ri*r;o -9 n),hE h )tol t- 1;l: dJ br<t <l0\ )'f'vA I I I -; I € { ^q -L _/ lt-r oz ts =E, UJ o- oo O c> U' UJ uJt! == uJ '*'+tilSttrif*,:V{\ii{r ]\;\IH i16$tl \\ ,'c!It t-l dlNttl1 Ni =\l rl;i< 1lP."lltr (dl:oE N le,P,/116 r- ut= IJJ ko F Faz =o Qzz ahlltF z z Jl .6 =zo UI, a.l 5 qtrt -!.lq(fd '-!! l!JlUo = oIL o, (tr oao o, dl E l (u 3 C '6 (D 0) ct) E oo() 6 o o at) .2 = o !c6 .J; 3 ag o) ct g, '-ooP€f =(E@o !o -o qE (EL o'- --co!Ef aBo> Nd6s Eor EEOo)o(u c lD o c (d E o ; l C o o G o $q) (o o o o =o Jo6 o o .9o .: s vd o 3 E o H t- (o 1J = o O O <l- F = UJ z v oz o EFo uJJ z 6 =Jo- oz =u, = uJ uJl!zo l- uJ tu ot o co =lu urEzo tuo F U> (L ulo z u,J x F uJof (n uJl l.L F =tul o- J oF oz o = @ J E IJJ uJ z co =Jo- 9z tu: NOtrvn]VA lil>lc :,a ;tr l,r i.irG l'- i{( i .r- I Yt =oz tro- E(Ju,lu J tuz uJ rt=l:l E)r- <r -4r .S:\5 S zz Fo- AY-rdp 6 ao =ri6:l'|-<oquJ i9EFOj$i .Y Q(o ! {J q-o go F G' E.l-) U' c1''-lI':lgl Ll !() +J (J =UI .o {-t z tr J {t|- o cl qJ o- F - o- uJ z Eoo z E oa UJ ;llJz tltlkl!, -tzCf,z _qQr6-to *( =Pxu-6o<z aF?.2z_iF d63dOI f F(n F =_) o UJolu UJzoF (E utIL I zo F oo z tr J ct)z z F (D z YE o- c\l I co r{F-q, rlOo t!Fo !oo-zo FL uJY uJ to oF l-- (r uJ o- trlol>*lbslO-1rNl' .-{g u,lAF>f; z flr= =< =z (L tJ- if;=dil= .F E UJ ,o-IIoP IIJFO2ZE<oldo6(hB9fir.e9gd =>EJFE H=arii-E =dE EbP \urcxaLE ;TxuJ'oi!i ulq) F b =ElrlLzIF(J EFazoo !!tr --- =co rl t! (,/', =-Jtr Jo F J (L) o c, OJo (ts(F (J rna L iri E z (D -) o o F ;l EI ol 1E 4 I I.pl(./)lrFllo<q, lF*Full.+.3l LI o-ml IOF-(f'lf).c! FooF-{J lco td t-lrJ .-Xl ox> <lt><tr =o +) oo) cf,GI t, uJ o = u v1 tn .(f, !- .t-J L(u =tr Fls(Or F\Fsl iF+|.r)(o t{ C) (d )t F a(u o \Z E trl I I@lsfl :l =.1ol Hl JI <l>l tLlol zl 3l PI +J U lJ.j o (d (d t! =tr I Iul(ol rJ)l-l .t (\t Ol F-zl F\,;l 6Yl I -l F-*l c\j <l>l ltlol zlit : FI F =tr oz o uJ a LLol zl =l9lr-l ,l sil uJl Gl JI <l>l 6l zl 3lolFI E tr = E o olut :l <l>l ttl :t 3l 9lFI l!J!l 2 LIJz = F uJ E (r --r O<FEQur<ZE JE<oQF i<it t ----t ZUJO ^-. o E 9Peg>t d6o -t tv<; :IF7() =fY,z<o-() =*&.o2 o J<()r, 9.5E - ntr! trtt z(r= =e =z dP J."i6z=zoFSJQA558(Dru> h =lE&F'a-.trLl-lOd .E< ZL/) an-.s= oF>< ordtrkrH=tdFrIl> o-lO(rr-lFel Hil5*lJ -]J 9+{ o-';E cIE. oo @T' c5 e ot o o, € tt- j- ,0, 0) -fl )z Lo?----) | Il.J|lJ l,rl = otl. xx ><xxxxxxxxxx $LO oo'N(J fY-o 1A.E io ; = c o J. q) (uctE92'nii:ttEjEa !oP '33)c() tyu,'o> ;€ --c, .- :'r.}-: ( -F:O-N (E't99ci'3;oo: EeIa-; -ovo-Eqc')c !€ t E;: : q ar : Gl o) :6.: : i- larrc ;a/to s) .fD.€9o9 EO.r- tB "iaa, q,i';Gq) t- a,:6sio./| ;9-, rrt (! .2 ,noB!)c ov q-(ECn36c g-= -.= ' d 3-l = \:EA; :5t esf -C. -:!u c-- :Ec r'.otC():OoiE cJ lL-: C) art 'E r;>.';. Eoo-ooi (|, -:(l)aD(;:; ag .:: i E:EE nrOgo cst .a -lrg!) -EscL OCE5rr =f;,:.;, 3 c':o€, -ssl=6iEC'3il.rrCq-faEio-NFE2=t J;.!E 5l.-€ .49,- ElO-,aP oJ=,(|Jt d'E:9:' a*';E - O' U sr a)!i o-(|,EtDr6;i().!-! lEIEl=xqt|l) Ecl.oli;!trsilo E5torE E. tl =rI :'t E s j| =ia o(| -;l-*il:iI EC| .9;I -:qt -r-o- AEo-(dF (D= 5e E;9E o(u -a(!O gg' :, !!. 6):E3O (g. -r=t (''t5 i>.9 ;ll a)i9Et9EirOr i$l*-]* Fil- il I F F z =| (:t,z at)(u UJIL F =uJ l- =UJc z IJJ UJt!z tr LIJ u, ar, tlJ UJtt =E 0<l! J F t-l (Jz - 7zYOh^655 tr8 d2:X(Jvz3f|u=o-()>()FO .. >lo u.{ ul UJz I =UJ J zI trouJ lo a/,Ez z tr o E:ooo I I I I att tszf,o =Jul3 ||^il-let< JS I t^ll-i I <l ol otl<tl o tl a J; Fxut lzto IFt< JG l!.,J -l =lqrlzl drItl l$l f--- lhlo.t z .l $ 9lN\ FIFF() IUF ?o iF ll spgE il FE : I @n 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-7000 offlce of communlty development BUILDING PIRI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMMI If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineel"s (Publ ic works) reyiew and approval , a plannin!'Department review ar llealth Department review, and a review by the 6uilbing Departmento the est'imated tirne for a total review may take as 16ngas tliree weeks. All commercial (1arge or small) and all multi-family permits willhave te follow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentialand.srnall projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidenti.al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments.with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon 4s possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time T rame . a heet was turned i ntoJtre Comrnuni ty Devel opmqnt Department. t/ / /t -NSP )--\ (-- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOB INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL Ioor, /./i s/,r/ JoB NAME ,4 t- ^ .(,1 CALLER TUES WED tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION B POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED I rl il I oz E =E IIJ o- OO |r)r\ o |r) Ooo (f) (f Olr' t\ (t) IJJ r.lj lJ- tr = LlJ(! 2n/h__Ey7w" sgs€Y # )n s -x $i q (l \ tuJ Eo o u-o z J ldIl!IFxl9trlo El=(/t | ) =lrol 06<l,"2lz2t 7otv UJF -.i - o c lu-6*E.e ld FEffiE IE f E ='gIp;o65 :EEH;, \E :iEE;^ A I iF:@Xl igiid I o rr) C\Iro ro cf) orr)Oo Or OrF\o oo LO O LT'(\l (\.Iol<* sl- = =E UJq- z J Y, uJ oz J o E o IJJJ uJ z = J J 9z uJ = !utr, Ltz tr llj oaI co =g uJEzo v, UJ6 F UJ z uJJ x ulo (t Lljt!tr ==Eul(L J Fot- z J o J I ttlJ IJJ z = d 9z r.lJ = NOtl.v ]vA lel I9i " Fl I =6 $ l;l Ixtlco<'l I9'l IZ Z !- Ol Io o ool I e; :F:l I fr ; Ed;l r s Eq=l z9F w rL 4 c Oocl O r.c)(\l fetalo-uJ *z Eo az tr |lJ FJ =uJz o uJoul UJzo = IJ,J z Eo uJf J E a u) Lltz iF z tr Jloz trzlz9oF lll<oo< =Hxr!do<z u)F2,. z="iF tr(93tr luo z Y L z Fo @ c\.1 J s- :,-1',f, .? -t ul E U)gl o-zo F(L utY UJcl oF F cuto- cf) =drlo-li,:l o>l, rdlI =lHuriFvzo *fi =E= _': a\ J- ;Hgrdff t ulo- t!o uloz l U) oF Eo- JFul :-h=f(rI llJ>o-o|!9o{tgxo-x> l! =tr llJ tro Ecloo e .E 5 E EoIJ ri\ o Ei: ICE |Dl-gIEE -o.:{tr- at z.^o1,, ;-zQ coo>z o-- P F =Elrl o-zIFof E,Fazoo QQN Jc) (,z: tr- F J I I IIIl' I I J fr oloql><tr =() lltltltl ^llE Et I(ut Ioll:t d3t Eltr{tg I FI dEI lltl,ll El .l :l Fl nojl =l 1-o| <t (o =l >l Ndl |rl <ilol Itzl .l f,Fl ill Illlitl 'l I El el .ql Ellrl | *l tJl =l alot >lzl sllol dflill |ltttlI .;lEl zl8l "l=t Hlol -',lsl al.FI >I._.1 t! =l ol EeI E] ull t"lFl lIltltl>l I Et3|O I liJI'l 1l6t si.F I ,.I*lol lzl Hil UJ tr ol =.1 (51 uJl c(l il t!lol zl 3l 9l=tr L!z =o F uJE I JO<FGOuJ<zEUJF6Z *9\JF i<trFy2 lu O .O tge ;() =#]Fd6 tovF 7() =*tz =o-O to * \JZ OO J<oc'u,uJ [J - 7 /30/85 Sl ifer Building: Please note that a FINAL C.0. for this permit should notbe realeased untjl the landscaping for the trash compactoris completed. Please see peter patten before releasingthe C.0. Kristan Pritz Town Planner z-.-o6 EE;coog =3fJOxlL tL br ."i5 =F=et3 = = uJ u- LlJ F = uJ o- t!o F(J E<Etlao62a9vEietri'7a =uEFoluu#r=+,XcrJE5 6Htr u.ioitt; lU c0 oF EI-E ts =Elrl o-zot-()fEF(nzo(J trtrtr 'l ;'() ',*t,.) :J oz tr EE uJo- luJIF aloo1zo Fo- IJJY IJo oF tr G UJa N..L rtl vE-tli r..rl 5iltltguJ 9E r),t/-71' h: tEe o UJFoz z J (D € q{i $i*t* lur I d:l Ioi Egl I: ; ;9 J I = q eflElrl E#l;l= = ibl'l gg=g3:b Ig E;l:E zl .. >loruo l1t UJzoF (r uJ J zs =oo Orf) I slq ol<3du (t, Ot ul an o (O (U! (F CC 9) =t llJ CE IL!<[:og Jc) oz =l! F g) E' -l c,(F .n)iil>l<lzl(Dlol-tt (v =f(\l ttot\ Io- (|t Eo ltot,-llr)I cf, lll(oIt\I .+. (o o-(o(\]| Ixoq I<nvll e H.;H> J EO .A .:Z9-(u CL o.) t I JqI gl ;l @ -illR-t LoJl rsls ^rl =+ zl =l . 9i !Flt (l, -:z(J (U (U I L E tr I I I I olzl -sl a:t (o:l =f<l I>l (tt|!l sfOl o' zl El E tlIItl "l gl sl sl xot 4l oEI ll F. "-| <l Iol >l olEl bl x *l el p tltlllti l?l tqlt<ll>lI ll-llol El Fl il I I I I I ?lolull 5l <l>ltrl Fl *tr r.lJz = F uJ =T()t EJO<F uJ<zEUJF(42o *9 ES =z l(J 2? =<3r a'5 ix =F-z<) =tiz =g E. \JZ O -J<O<t 9.IJI UJJO ) b trIn =€..)t,:ioq:9tJIoYr-.;:!lr{!0tY co@9:9.33eEoca.oFS3=3 :Ex3& otrc9-!ri;:-r.:' n F; > =:-.96FP i : E.E't":-c('il;aoc)g E P:3 - O o'- :fE: i. 'E e Yi d6!a..'-.9- 6:9a,s a= i NPo-! .g=ogrE-c gl '. .! '' EissooEEtP AdEqEr:i: xi=- o; g# c;c)l/!cie-i:s 0 ? 3PJ EH:FE *EFs9,!9 6.,. *i!sF9 esH'eE I I I I I I t<ro I I I I I I I lyt?dIF| (r, z t= tz 35 iig s E 6 sUJ, gg=g$, :,Y ,o ; rN(, IIJ F'0-u-<aog zl .. >loIu llt lUzoF TU J z Eo l '_l -) oz b -uJAO-oo-zo l- uJ )< lu co oFt: It 'tro o .(, ",.t- IuF a z? .n o',9 Z k-oc00? =<fiilElr EAE Jix('o= qhi cOur= EUfr F ql tlo.. uts(JPZts< oo lo Tt; Eo- => =uJl-E E=Owrto i iil: >c: 5x tr x>.:HF t) -'; co F E E,lrl o-zo F(J El-ozo CJ zl Y -J F -J t( IY tl erl -l -11 -l-Jlal I I HIzl ol l,- | (-i.* \j.)f\-l ^s o- ) -t i $t $tfl fl f,I Jf; vll\4q '.llFtl Ori I{l ^t\J-* s fl') ry ut oq J 3 I I I I I I \l-?l -l;-fluol -<l!lq 4.11*l u,g 4 \9 F{ ^0I vt\UI 3l vl v. t ^\JtlJ -t9l I>l ;l lu tuF \x r' tD , .'3 {-T I ct oz o uJ >i ttiot i I l" cil U) ;l*1l I ;lu zl:l 39r !.,r 'v 'rS :3 h lrltrt l{'l il' g q*'ai sl\l T 3T1 I I I I I .lol =l uJl 1l =l<l>l u-lol zl 'l IOl !r.l I I I I I .l ..1 olul 1l sl ,,.1olzt ..:it 5OI t!FI F ll 6ll uJE I] Fr.! 1l ;z ii ;- = ii Yo ll< --r O<FEOLr< t.LJ F o _tE<o(.)F ;<, ',2^-- ^ -O- trt 7ZY ;F lz (J <^ I vFl a< ii 'J ll E =-tOz .a()t:a tN ijJ :J VVHILE YCIU vt,EFIE TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL trALIEO 10 SEE Yt]U WILL q\LL AGAIN WANTSTO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNEDYOUR CALL 6he tle y s- -dl oli|ce doltnO /fl-Pdre5 denver englewood va il - 751-0888- 790-0037- 949-4660 rIll lli lli ott)4 3q|4)/d& evb wawful /a4 frll , r-lAqvz- wv?q4 t/4t e lt.dt 'a: ?A14il ataw .V6fla"* 9^lAAt4 a,wtqw, lirr Qfr uyaa% ttDQ t/+, . lt-Ar il dlilo .')h Wffrr%Lbl-a)tr+ k*:aabl7b AbAW+a a6ldw9, 6ao No $ * $ [_=m-_T oft)4 3HA)/e3, ota l.*Anfu* frp* d.*l , r,.uave- wv?a*l Vlt o lt.2t t,7:' TAtalJ zlilD .0t4r Qfr ?6ffppd ?d;p-:lS euz6tqygu),'TdprE nD' t74t c lt-Zzt il d\o.ILEftzftL oA-a)r4 &r*a$f7a MaAp4a d4:Ta%g, llpo \ \ \\\\\ [:=trT a 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ot communlty developmenl March 9, .l984 Robert Ruder Pres i:den t Ruder-Rei necke 4496 E. MeadowVail, Colorado, Constructi on Dri ve 81657 Dear Bob, We have checked our records, and .o.l,pg.rgglly expired octoner illwrrntn fifteen days to have thiia copy of the inspection request. RE: Building permit #1365 Sl ifer Building liff ttll your temporary certificaterydJ. ptease contact this officeproject reinspected. l,le have enclosed Failure to Si ncerely, Gary Murrain Building Inspector GM/rme contact this office will result in further action. :/zE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ; JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr 0_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'N toN REou;sr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLEB TUES i WED THURMON FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING .-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL B FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] BEINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR tNs TION TOWN OF / 3 65' REQUESTVAIL i DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER @ tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR CORRECTIONS: e/ t 4 L[84/ uP i:t/2 Ftztg/] Pzzf 5 /,,'€6 h odk S/.. <E/( llt. ft. < t., eutr & DATE /o- f- 13 INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME . -"INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL FRI n W. PM/ - (-,1 -*f' -. 1 | r,ils), INSPECTION: MON -_-) .1 <-t _.1- t- !1 - //(a't{ / t"ltdf' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D E FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr ..-rML -tr FINAL 4 ffieaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR DATE €fl ' l/;>lS ;," .INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL - ,(-'., r.. * "1'" ./JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr,INSULATION - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL -ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER - tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR de .INSPECTION REQUEST' VAILOF {a'\ INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED fi,"READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING |- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ;ilrr.rsur-nlor'rtr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr trT] FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FlDliAd?tr FINAL 2 T#peoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: Q4' NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES LOCATION: , :.i.,' , -.'.,rr WED THUR }NSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF.VAIL -. .-,, :, .. AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT T] SUPPLY AIR tr,APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :..4' .l I:;lDATE -. "" ", -' |NSPECTOR; 4'' rN#toN REouEsr,- TOWN OF VAIL JOB (\, -t ^o", ; (iF,fl.K UR FRI /-""]\/ AM] PMINSPECTION: CALLER TUESMONREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr E tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION FEQUIRED /'' fr t.toate f -6-"t-f -INSPECTOR ',;{,r4'7 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED I ll }NSPECTION REQUEST' -+* TOWN OF VA|L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND U ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE. D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB {streetnocK NArL tr FINAL D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= * - t,f, ':l)t rNSpECroR *NSPECTION REQUEST' TO.WN OF VA|L ------@ t"INSPECTION:MON TUES WEDuL. oarc i-lO JoB NAME READY FORFp, LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr d tr A FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING / f, ee*rr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING y'cns ptptNc 8au.6t INSULATION /.,t'/ .ez-aar tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D o tr fl{il,tr FINAL 'ffpssyE tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -c*4. -]-ar]F lNSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST . VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUS FRI BUILDING:PLUMBINGI D UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATEB lftr FOOTNGS / STEEh _ ''\$tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I aoucH t.,i.;tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I oot, [' I 't JoB NAMEir # INSPECTION REQUEST. VAiLTOWN OF/ .,/* r l' La ,/-: CALLEB (R!,'READY FOR INSPECTION: MoN TUES WED THUR iFRI PM OCATION: Y')/i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE. FRAMING -FOOF&Sn FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Hsu z?E ,.",' tr fl.N4V tr tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED'' CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR IN CTION TOWN OF REQUEST- VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUB DATE tii , f FRI : 6.. READY FOB LOCATION: ,1 j t'' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr d b "i t.; r-r'tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL 4 APPROVED --i tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: {vF 5 i Lt, i,te'\\) t' DATE 'N#toN- TOWN OF REQUEST. VAIL JOB NAME MON , .IDATE INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: FRI BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDEBGROUND ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr D tr FINAL tr ROUGH / D.W,V tr ROUGH / WATER 'tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS; ..4 i ,'; - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE CALLER TUES PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr tr FOUNDATION/STEEL tr ROUGH/D.W.V. FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGI r\rr\.rr 1I \Jr rr-r-r r PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETBOCK NAIL - tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT . -1'rla ' ],, ,-.. . tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL q|,,APPROVED rr;a/.CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR # .. INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VA|LTr'\-)tl (a.i",DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL.. tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr- tr SUPPLY AIR n 7)4;'f i',,i B il#; /2"i ffi6vED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR -l -"INSPECTION REOUEST- TOWN OF VAIL DATE i"/JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON ('TUES-] WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: {; {..'1ni :l:4, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - FOOF & SHEER " PLYwooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB F.SHEETROCK NAIL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E} HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I(' #' {NSPECTION REQUEST . TOWN .. t":- - F VAI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES I a WED THUR FRI j ' ,._--. t: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: x FoUNDATTON / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERN FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL/ H. TUB NAIL B E I hrn'.ir..r.. Lt(;..'/ q'B,zzctl&1rt tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ D SUPPLY AIR D trFy{tr FINAL //frl(fuRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECT TOWN OF VAIL DATE L; ',4t) JOB NAME INSPECTION:, f,lON,WED THUR CALLER TUES FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: i.'.....: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr; I 11.r trt tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATTON .q""'i; P)iM- tr pool / H. rUB SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR traffit FINAL ,/t*PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORFECTIONS: INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL -----j..6) PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V.N FOUNDATION i STEE_ ( ! o tr n tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR }NSPECTION REQUEST- OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING B ROUGH / WATEB ElATTtr E. QLJEEDD ijiv"viob"rj'r.r-iii_r^rc D GAS ptptNc tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr f'l - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING\,a\noucH ,'?r-1 .iit'i trEXHAUSTHooDS I tr CONDUIT ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL ;$nenoveo/coRHEcroNS' tr DISAPPROVED f] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN INSPECTION: JOB NAME ,f<->(M'.ry-/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr D tr tr tr FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR APPROVED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TOWN JOB NAME MON DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:ruEs i,,yj,q. THUR AM PMFRI LOCATION:.t, /rt BUILDIilG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FfouNDATroN / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL u tr o trtrFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAT.: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDU tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL .,2<O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: 14 INSPECTOR DATE rNs#ctoN REeuEsr-.' - TOW) OF vAlL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THURMON PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING o 19.9.I^LSI-EFR...^tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING - tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT =tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL c}"AFPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ]# /3{'{ INSPECTION REQUEST JOB NAME 1'- /'iJ li TOWI\ OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIoN: MoN rUES wED rHUR @ - AM @ {2^'j U BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIB ;(aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..?roDATE ...,. * z' _: - /f _t |NSPECTOR rNst[:roN REeuEsr WED THUR PMAMFRI 1r oot= ? {z[s'{ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER " PtywooD NAtLING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER - tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED I I l, .Ft<ro I I I zl a I> I trlo I o<t z z g < it5 -5!bo:\<oo?Y \ rr.EiF -<O(,l.)rQ )F:: a!d *-:-<3l F-^OcdIi::bt aL z :< =ZZs- i o- A=Y'1 > \,l^:trFE66 Ez)-OO tr !',(JZH l!<a)o-)ur"Si6 sFo= H(\tO z ;:<;& t, t! UDq>H couJE IJJ=:itrRkoz623 C' atc G' oz F =g, llJo- I dq oz Fc) uJ-)oE o- I\crt*@u,F o ts =E lrJ o- nn z z zeoo =z o- t! J zEol. -J (J55 co IIJ =t IJJ tl-o I.IJ co Eo.o.' olE .E t E EI o |< Iz T uJ = J 'F{1l E E TJq Hv1 (tz -IlJ- Jo F J I I Iltl8t .9 Pt E F"l.Fl o)q< .Fl '-la i.i =.l-l I ILl- I I -l(tl u-{ 5ol<lj <t F =l (J tltlllill.II tdtEltolta>t J EI gE tltl dd*'Fil d AI RI A6el 4E $d5 =l =l rilg6 tltlllill.tl IJI LlJltg,ltoll<>l Jld<t Ftrl >l o uJl 3t 1l <l >l = tr I ld, I o- F LUEoo )=(r lJ- UJz =o F t.u .r E E49.u)<r. F- |(r() riiuJ< O)ZE rl llll-(nZo )E<o(JF t< * >Y =#:zrJ- o(J .J fY<F YF =?-rE iz =g lrJ o2 <L+lrgLLI |r]Jc| zIF(JfEFazoo utt] oor= h[fi [13 JoB NAME READY FOR I SPECTION: LOCATION: OVED CALLER INSPCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB E U n FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i::r*<F1<:EF21.F _<O|43- (.t fl;c9EF:'<3i;Hrga::ili<o2.61r.2=J; o..;::5!5":<o'rzY Edsi?t,l 6,- Jt):i;iHO > -r<O t']Lra!<c < 'J lu o[! lo I I I I I I l- r(J ti.lu- t3tzlo t-'lr(o ol an LU UJt! L 2 Et!, o- (7p N oz ,, (r LL,o- Foz z zo ofo F (r FI z. o (t 2 C a o <] L (r UJo-(, o::l oE o(D iut; t_r_l (., r,at IU UJ z F tu LU F6 lrro ft lt-, (J ln u-, t UJ J F F :< (J 'f (J J(L Ic (J LU o CO Iz :c tl-l J aF(J tll <l CD t Jo- Iz o = a =!l NOTMIVA rLt UJ o, F I6 z Lf,F .] < oz :c tfl(r trt ooz F(Ja9'z = ?ieF9 9=d;t"gEUHgESHE:o(,o-rzo F :]oF dz t. I I I 79 zrfiori}Fulo<F'r(laz-v,e=#; =E?3oc;r(JO'u1 tr' (J LIJ UJ <6C(Ct aF F o o- fofr(, - o- J z Eo z 9,- l- a z z.o F =az. tU:l J ?(r UJz:<9 F. - r- "riur.t =' aD (\l i aul F z Js(J UJ :< o =Z tt- 6zr9 ;F G() tr-lo E z UJ(t zo ()= ioFCao5dOZu-<oo-g8 FOjci ql Eo-Iqt (u .= :FF=bff-.-\ lJ H\ r-.=,.\ o *.,J\ r-.r P \,,. t;: G')1.-rr cl - X-I l-- tr 5/f_b a], IC> L F ::: o-€g HI ?lJ 1l Jz.o (\ s d') JO<r-gouJ<ZE F(-) uJ!ruJ 1: J J co .,Si =k:mo->z Irrd --.r C[\/o. LT..-: u', (Loo4 -a.. It, (J (roFI I g.FoJ {i(J(JY --7Fs3 53i" co trj ::oc)zt- ;(J =<-. CYDfl (, =J ,tr t o( F F g E.u,r t-- F D ft 1 tiI . iI II I J i l { i t i l l I l:'I Itltltlttt, l! z Fal F z E z -l & 2 R q 9'B F{F z l'l 2 z 2t \J 11 F n + 14> trIL> icat- f4FF ,.<9i -.A &/1 l,2<<ozzo<F*<ooa <o2a FEIo><olll|qtr{ FI F r'l ,]- z O I J oul u,r ozf, UJ zg F <( IIJ JIL UJ F Jt! J oF L Er ul o g z -o Jf E --l lre = =et- a2 ! o rNrsieeciloru FIEOUEST VAILTOWN i! JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED' AM PM CALI-ER. ! ornen I pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR .: E nppRovED E orsnppRovED fl nErNsPEcr EI upott rHE FoLlowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR I I I I()l C)l q) N !? I ! I Ilr\ | I Io N c{ I LL c() !{ () .; 'F 'o) 1-.(! (/) LU (U C)cl O o : a CY tf\ c! \o E o oz E +-o c) Lt- tJ) o) fJ) 1l t ol o- o z. K, tJl 1 -J $,a It..:!! r,t-!dsa lo&9 3US =e\xtr\I:r-.XEiIE14 it c<I\<e(-\\\ bi3kx RRH *q;,'a(€oR t-. c",d,r l! .. f.r !* \,/ f\-! \st \\ v.( F,+ ='{F"'a=:\?,\A:\\.\vt"s'J*lei53lr3:ar a\ ^ !A;YF\iq.'.*fSx SSsE \L:]|r,; i;-*si3!x3U,,.-r-, 12ri:ssa+t.F='dSF*EFFt '-.: (\ Fr5;(;9c5<8 tl.a,,.HSSi tl{ F€ An t{.i{ 3"{ +,!, +-{.Afffi EN tld& !t ffi E* rSs$ {"se)1.Q +qq'qaq tt*{ 4'h'k.".al.w +d€+qS9g'rr? f*1F4 f'*11\d ti€\r"{d 1-l ld*E+ tFei*e,eR{fqi*6 i-+k F-ft\ . ws.!., J\n6l q-d FrEl14 tu!Fq 4dc{t 3,*{ tf# tF-{rprhf 3-f A+ E z o ;i,L L-u '1''iii'i rutce Also: Dillon, Longmont . Vail, Castle Rock Porto-Mix Truck !lOrifafi # I Denver, Colo. 80204 Location l Ai r: Z.L Air Temp. : 56 Total |,later: Max. Size Load C.Y.: Tjme placed. g: A 5 Load Beam ntr AU6 7 rcri l',ltlCu. Ft. : 144.8L Y jel d: Concrete Temp.: 6l+ F A Moisture: 3 r/u l^leather: psiy Tjme Tested: 9:00 7 Au5 r3 mrt#als Testing S? l53l West 8th Ave.825 -5261 MATERIALS REPORT for [5p Job No or t. D. 9L2-L Date Tested t 6/z/ll Mix I.D,t 5* Water Temp. l Sl urp: )+ Total Yards; 3 L/1, lt'lax. Aqq. Si ze l r,/t,.// - Tjme Batched: 7z)A rEsT CYLINDERS gLZ ( SetI ) Cylinder Dia. 2@ 7 Day Cylinder Dia. 1@ 14 Day 6 .orz r5g5 6.01i+ zjgT 6.018 163r REPORT TO: Spec. P.S.I. at 28 Days: 3ooo Tested By: Pat UaloneIe 45 Days 6.o16 i'o68 Cylinder Dia 2-a 28 Day (S Da1 6.022 z7t+6 JocA 6.013 zg45 Average: R EMARKS: 1608 21Qq N o1tn,at7 4r."u,,1*.1 rNsi"=.lot TOWN OF FIEBUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER A I orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR rFRlr r'. '.. ,AM,PM E appRovED D otsnppRovED ! nerNSPEcr D upotrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR *J.||...,+.s'..-.',- fi::-t:, _j,",...: '': r' ..9 '. t..l{L ir..l ir.-'tul s lii)iil(trL . ij., ir l'r:.:.f t . i'.iiilKi-L ' AijS flll ' ()On$ullirtil l-t;qt,;i.'tl;r^ ...:.,"r;u Gentlemen: As rqques.tedjn our phone conversation fo 2 August .1973, concerning the./'Si'lfer & tbnpany Building", tve have reviewed our footing and graie -beam 'rl€signs It is our opinion that all structural concrete should show a minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi at a maximum of 45 days) Any contrete that doei not meet this criteria wi'll rE iew on tn individual basis. If we can be of further help, please cal]. Fitzhugh Scott Architect/P'lanners, Inc. P.0. Box'1773 Vail, Colorado 81652 ATT: Mr. Bob Hunt DtlL: lmf August 2, 1973 l.l. List tlilc S. }(e!chuii, Special Consullan! RE AUIi ? 1$,? f.l chn+i Il Bilrell 3,:rr.r,.t:,' lj N ,rifi tr.r!r,l E ,\.rr1,,. iiiciioliis V. -l Bii):r, aras lJiln.rld tl i1', l. 'r YJ'll|i!r1 u r) tllrrr Leioy E ToLt;ir Nrrl F. L)unbrr (.1:arlr,:i {i 1. ,, t,, \ C .lrrr'i {:rirkscn A J. Syan (1908'196/i E. Verron Konkel i1923-1970) PLUMBTNG/MEeHAN|CAL PEFIM|T TOWN OF VAIL fforr*ou.o n orsnppRoveo rorAL FEES: f 7, "'n ' *o". 5' / ,1." .D (J e ( ADDBESs lbq C.,,pnoNeTTl- 3 7A OF BUILDING:tc oF woRK: E ruew Eooorlo* E neuooel n nepnrn PrloNoFWoRK: ,/ n tTo I I l', o PLUMBfNG: NUMBER t6*--/MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION$ ,/ IdO VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMAFKS: PERMfT FEE 2c"a PERMIT FEE /a )fflcL- oF FITzHtJGH scorr -anclllttcrs,/pLAfiNrtis tl!i] v,\[. coi o8,4uo 8]657 :l:itr.j76 30rit Rod Sllfer & Conipany AddltlonVa1l Colorado ProJ ect #I5L4 MEETING W]TH BUILDING INSPECTOR, JERRY ALDRICH May 1, l-973 per square washed pea gravel. Rafters for the l-oin roof over the new shop will beDouglas Fir-Larch No. 2 seLect 1450 Fb with a minimumof not more than 15% No. 3. Detall of deck at grade shown on sheet A-4, Z x BJolsts and 2 x 6 decklng to be redwood. Procedure for pourlng footlngs and underpinnlng shownsheet A-6 has been d.lscussed wlth the General Contractor. Rlgld fiberglass 1s to be used between the exlstj_ngbullding-and the spandrel bean as shown on Sectlon 1,Sheet A-6. Bulldlng Permit w111 be prepared and w111 be avalLable NIay 2, 1973. RLH: cb CC: R. Sllfer 1. Roof to be bullt-up asphalt roof wlth gravel surfaceconslstlng of 45# base feLt, 2 plys ot l-5# asphalt1n pregnated felt layed in 60# per square steep asphalt.Flood coat of 60# per square steep asphalt and 400# 2, ? 6 Aspen ConstrucllonJerry Aldrlchl/ F11e PUBLIC NOTICE 9,'lp/ Notice is heneby given that Rodney E. SLifen has filed an application with the Town of Vail fon an exception to the panking negulations imposed by the zoning ondinance fon the Town oF Vail (Ondinance No. 7 [Senies oF 1969], as amended), which application is on fiLe with the Town Clenk. A public heaning will be held befone the Town CounciL fon the Town of Vail on said application at the houn of 7:3O orclock p.m., Tuesday, May 1, 1973, in the MunicipaI Building, Vail, Colonado, todetenrnine the request of the applicant fon an exception on vaniance fnom the panking negulations of the Town of Vail zoning ond inance. All intenested pensons rnay appean and be heand at the time of the pubtic heaning. Dated this thind day of ApniL, 1973. Witness my hand and official seal. TC\A/N OF VAI L Tr ,Q \N\ \,'\ \^,^ \ r.)\Y\J\ .\,'\ '! YYr\{\ h-'.\N*.Sv\ (\\J' Ib {rI*Fl tor o.i i< <Dlbl -.1 4ll IHI I3l:Jl,al.- gl Ea'rl I 6 ,q FI I < Ij JI dl >lI I 9ATE*i^,=E ;E' n(r{ _: fst .: 9l'o= ;i;* e.{ =l()l ! .\i :: *Yl 15 I .g )l .= csll 3i Q-] FE4l o P 19 {3E-s.=.|: g getx.-; 9*F:s5ia6l E UE8be I I ID F o) 4)a ' * h .) o a E o E ts3E-3lb?.'s :f, s3:itsT: :I #eE:=llE :o -'-tro.6E:€( doc - -.:=+i - 5 i flFiE;E HE i.g 'Pr'i*€.3!i v.2 B*:E:FE! €-vtE SSbeiiEH E( (J--5=Lia.t, =", - E - ^ a.-.- i aI 4, .E X.ts F r E <: €::Ip+!s g E .= i'E i= iE*f -Hlqs::"E Ei Ii':i*,ii;; E ='r'-f9EEEF!; ga =FE-=tr5:E 5i aEsf :ie:Ei : 3:s:ElEEgE! ; -- # tr.5E utt q.r.r o)3 EF5=cSF*.S.9 = AEEEEiA.99 Et : *;5;i;Ef ;| 6"?-eEiE6 tr,t ,- = : (J E € 4 -ql €E!5ErE3'F s{ i;EsirseE E-l '!;i:38--tt d $l si;E€,E: Fs I&l shfiedD€F'E - = ISEEFeEEE S z F Fl A,; .chFrrO ^^^ d< E .( Uh \J >,E2 aO 1'l N I I I ,'I.Y\l ,l\ J 1 s \.I(.1i\ I I 'd .9 () I l\-l\i$J I E() a !D b o) P5 d) o , (|) u) hl Nl e F a) PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is henebygiven that Rodney E. Slifen has filed an appli.catton with the To,rrun of Vail fon an exception to the panking negulations imposed bythe zoning ordinance fon the Town of Vail (Ondinance No. 7 fSeries of 1969], as amended), which applicatton is on File with the Town Clenk A publ.ic heaning will be held befone the Town Council Fon the Town of VaiL on said applicati"on at the houn of 7:3O orclock p. m. , Tuesday, May 1 , 1973, in the Municipal Building, Vai[, Colorado, to detenmi.ne the nequest of the applicant fon an exception on vani.ance fFom the panking negulations of the Town of Vail zoning ondinance. All intenested pe|^sons rnay appean and be heand at the time of the public heaning. Dated this thind day of Apnil, 1973. Witness my hand and official seal. TOWN OF VAI L *fu Town Clenk o.rr0, roN ro THE TOV'JN CCUNC I L AND/OR VA toN Hea r ino Fee i j.'t'I lol1a::s o r5s of 115? \iai1 \'a1le1' Dr jve i f']r'1 - ^^rrtrf\f( t1 TTUKL r L PLAr,lN tNG C01,4[.1 Application Date l-!73 l-lo: r inn fi=*o I ( We ) Rod,-rel E. Slif qI ( Ann-'|- YColorado '/al_L aM?res si---4'7C_1A.r1rnone ( C i ty )hereby request permission to appear before theann ing Commission to request the f ollowinq: Zoning Change from P a r k i n g V a r i a n ceConditional Use Pe rnr ii fo all . f-nrrrlorci ;r 1 Cof e TIn (State) oo PI Fo r rttl Town Counc i I and/or Vail fo ow Zone . the followi ng described p roperty: Lot , QloqE nq N umbe r 0rd inance and of Lr / t Sect ion s beinE appea teo:0rdinance , Sect ion ( s ) c^- Clearly state p u rpose and inteni of this appl of t-ic par.:ir.o re<luire:rert so that T nialt f r.^ror:l C like a rraiver:ication expand Th,e S lircr Rrrildinc!. I'/e currcli.tl-y have trro on sit,e parl<ing space-e in the rear of the buiJ-dinq. What do you f ee I is the bas is f or hardsh ip in th is case? llo olher Br,i-r1cre street lnnaf inrr< harrn l.r.on r.:r:'.i varl *a nfOvir:le narl;inq in aCCOfr]anCe W j-.t_-.h tlte ?On j,pn Lt' 1 s alsc ac{ainst Llrc pcr:csi--ri ali-cro nc cl f f.o rcrluir:c par}:ino ir: 'L.iri s locati on. a f u re cant INSTRUCT IONS: l. Form must be submitted in triplicate, and al| coo ies must be signed.2' A plat map drawn in tripli'cate to a icale of not less ihan 200 feet tothe inch showing the rand in question, ifs rocat ion, the rength andd.i recticn of each boundary thereof, the roca-f ion and existing use ofall buildings on s uch land and the principal use of all p.opJ rt ies w ith300 feet of such land. rf the apprication is for a parkinE variance,show pa rk ing provided, drawn to scale and n umbered to indicate thesPaces. J' The names and addresses of the ow ne rs of al{ proDerties within 500 feetof any part of the land includec in the o.opose d varaance.4' All in format ion. rec u ired by the Suboivisicn Regulations f or- preliminaryp tats whe re applicab le.5' The Town council and/ar- the pranning commission wir sef a hearingdate not more ih an th i rty (i0) days f rom fhe req ues f for zon ing cnange,app lication for oarkinc variance cr conditionat use Dermit.t,. )J9;. 13,:s t:!ir iiiieer ( i5) de,,,3 c.ici- ia rhe a-.! :::i -c. .i_he hea!^;ng,the hearing aurhorir.y shall cause a copy of a notice of the time andplace of s uch heari!9 to be p ub r ished once in a newspaper of generarcirculation in -f he County of Eagle. All oroperiy owners in (J) aboveshall be not if ied of said app I icat ion and hearinc tn a It I t I f i,"i, / tr 4t /\ 0 ,tL n b ,t \\} t . f$,t:/ 6 ol\t'q t$ u /.$ lt, qr s\s a\ -\ \\\L -ts\\s\ .t I l .t l' tf-t. SFEC I AL I NSPECT ION REPORT t_I i .l: rl fl .r /7r* fiPot-o-c-f - 8y (n //i/?i o pnr:j;sp..torftaary').8- ADD IT I ONAL REMARKS RETE: U IRED / ' ,f/ *+/ LOCAT ION APPROVE Fuoz"tu95 !'z- f. Lo^. o P'yrg7- t1t r, RECAS t .f,.r, SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOWN OF VA I L firl juN25tg73 Project Nane SL t € F,=,7s r ntp".torhrl4a-&.J ONCRETE: LOCAT ION STEE L ; \_ DD IT IONAL REMARKS SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TowN 0F vA lL l / 'l;:t.'L-' f ?rz- f"r \Ii. {\ r'l Project na*e3f4{ NCRETE: r ntp..+orfrffioa J,r.y'- DATE LOGAT ION APPROVE PRECAST: ADD IT IONAL REMARKs SPEC I AL INSPECT ION REPORT TOv'JN OF VA IL Flf t JUL ). nf ti/E 6/22/73 Project Name Rod Sl1fer Addiblon Inspecto LOCAT ION AP PROV E ADD IT IONAL FlEEUEST VAIL sFEcioN TOWN OF IN DATE JOB NAME PM CALLERTIME RECEIVED D orHen MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnu LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PMFRI I aerRovED ! orsnee Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr n upott rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNsPEci.,N TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER ! ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE n pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOH INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM f,lneeRovED ! orsaee RovE D fl nerNsPEcr fl ueorv rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR SPEC IAL INSPECT ION REPORT TOv'lN OF VA It Project Name n.,.r,,i'il r..lltaatttor, 't-.-*--l I n s p e c to r-_3*;;.._913si16 CONCRETE: LOCAT I FootlnE Re ECAST: DDITIONAL \l \\ z 3(.) o F z a z rt z Ii , A {'1 I r,l>laa<F3<:c!aF*<Qo < :. J zTFF<'<t.-nt;iiAa921Z - < =<oz674daY'xIFF9 <Or'le>iH2fl::\,,;<o-81,{- i .. < tr<Br t"X $l s iils, tui (J IJJI z z -U itra-O ut ut (Jzl { z =o F z * {) i t\ \9 \J h : l\ g 'i IJJ z E F E J gl G F J F F u, o J J F QFz uJ IJJ Llt I Er ltl o o z -o -Jf 0 -l l-et =, =oF oz F E uJ uJ IL u, I z J ql d zo E \ z F rl|FJ =ulz z ut F 2f utJ urI a olrl lu F F- tr J 3 FX ){ -J a =Fz o UJ lJ- (, UJ o,(h E llJ) 2 uJ IJJ Eoz F Eo llt oz F ai E a u,/ =E F @ tt .i uJ F l! .iz v) z z: z z o o J <( EF ll,l ut NOtIVnrVn \\ J v) llJ E z trl z tr (Jf o- a!F d\\ \) F.l N x o \ o { l! o J a uJ oo -J E N> I J tL \ F 2 tr \ \0q \h F 0 z a d I uJ o d) a : = 2 tr z IJJ F cc 3|rozo F E ul J tc u,z dr \ $ \^ Tf. F o ,11 V ,N \ \Y $r \\\ t'\ N "lt iJ U )\ n \ -v)\\ \ "5 Y t' \..1 ir \ It.t -I !! u p llt$ l*lr.t; ;l rt :'rl I MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, Rodney Stifen and Heathen Slifen, of the County of Eagle, State of Colonado, in considenation of the gr.anting of a buitding penmit fon an addi.tion to be constructed on the pnemises commonly known as the Slifen erilOing, Bnidge Stneet, Vail, heneby agnee to comply with the panking nequine- ments to be included in nevisions contemplated fon the zoning ondinance fon tle Town of Vail and to do any and all things necessany and appnopniate to comply with such zoni.ng nequinements wl.ren and at such time as they rnay be enacted by the Town Council fon the Town of Vait. DATED this lJ day of Apnit, 1973. Slifen a BOARD OF ZONING, APPEALS AND EXAMINERS M INUTES OF MEET ING APRIL 12, t973 Meeting Ca I led to OrderA. The meeting was called to order at 9:10 a.m. in theVail Municipal Building.B. The following members were present: Messrs. Knox,Nottingham. Also present were: Jerry Aldrich, BuiOfficial; Diana Toughil l, Zoning Adminisfrator; Mr.MacRossi; Mr. Gordon Pierce representing Slifer addRed Lion Addition; John Eden representing LionsHeadaddition. Case Z-2-73 - Engelke Architects representing Mr.of Lionshead Lodge - Request for 6 r setback in I ion east side of proposed building. The east side Project is bordered by Va i I Associates Tract landnever be built on. The building must be oriented manner so that the two structures maV be connected t. lt. 1il. Town of Vie le and ng lan on an0 dge td A | -?, 0ld Bus inessA. Case Z-5-73 - W. A I lan MacRoss i request for setback varianceon east, west and south sides of structure to allow 4r0rr roofoverhang. Mrs. Tough i I I exp la ined that th is structure is notnow in the Town of Vail ( llth Fi ling), but will be annexed inthe near future and Mr. MacRossi would like for the structureto be conforming at the time it is annexed. Larry Robinson, Town Attorney, was of the opinion that the variance could begranfed and become va lid u pon annexation. Mr. MacRoss i furtherpointed out that the strucfure was partially complete whenthe nonconformity came to the atfention of the Town of Vail.A motion was made by Mr. Knox to approve the variance. Themofion was seconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously bythe Boa rd . New Bus inessA. Case Z-4-73 - Rodney S I ifer representingRequest for 0r setback in lieu of l0r0rt a S I ifer & Company - side of proposed addition locafed Lof B, Block 5, Vail VillageFirst Filing. lt was explained to the Board that the proposed Zon ing 0rdinance contemp I ates 0r setb ack in the core a rea ofthe Village and that the continuitv of the buildinq would be d isturbed. Mr. S I i fer fee ls there is a hardsh ip ii tnat hecannot add to the building w ithout the var i ance . A motion was made by Mr. Knox that the variance be granted. The motion wasseconded by Mr. Viele and approved unanimously by the 8oard.B. case Z-5-73 - Mr. Lawrence Burdick and Gordon pierce represent-ing the Red Lion - Request for it0tr setback variance in lieuof l0 f 0r' at f ront of proposed add ition. lt was pointed outto the Board that the present patio already comes within jrof the property I ine and they request the va r iance only to usea glass enc losure for a port ion of the patio. The same in for-mation as presented in Case 7-4-73 vras again pointed out to theBoard. A motion was made by 1"1 r. Viele thal- the variance begranted and seconded by Mr. Knox. The motion was unanimouslvapproved. C. C. Martin eu of l0l of th is and wi llin this Ij I togethe r April 12, 1973 Page 2 I V. Othe r Bus i ness - None V. Adjournment - As there lvas noadjourned at I l: l0 a.m. Respectful ly submitted, TOWN OF VA I L A motion was made by Mr. viele that the setback varlancebe granted. The mofion was seconded by Mr. Knox andapp roved unan i mous I y by the Boa rd . othe r b us iness, the meet ing lvas Jerry L. Aldrich(Ex-officio) dt =a-/"y' - APPL ICAT ION TO BOARD OF ZON ING, Date App I icat ion F i I APPEAR BEFORE THE APPEALS AND EXAM I NE RS ed 6 Fel:ruary ln73 I , rep resen f i ng , respect f u l,l y request a lrti r. I a' TT of fhe va r I a n ce A q 7\mcrnrr,arl rk1.,1..'' \/ai | 7r'ni nr'f rom Ord i the req u i rements of nance in order to Sect i on (h) (1) (c) or I{a ive the +ront- ancl side set-l:ack requirement-s for a lronosed addition to the slif er Buif clino located on Lot R, 91ocl: 5, Fi rst.' P.ocl nev Ii. Slif er f iIinrr i,t:ri I \.ri I I.rrrr,, g LI V4IJg'JU and/ or Sect ion as amended and of the Uniform Buildi ng Code adopted by the Town of Vail in order to In making a determination on zoning, the Board considers only undue hardship; need for the proposed variance; compatibility of the proposed va r i ance with the surrounding a rea; ef fe ct on future deve lop- ment of the area and; health, safety, and the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. In Building code variances, the Board may consider only suitability of alternaJe materials and methods of construct ion an d; reasonab le in- terpretations of the provisions of the Code. The administrative of f icial may cha I lenge any variance granted which goes beyond the scope of the powers of the Board. It is understood that a fee of $25.00 payable in advance and that a ten ( l0) day posting period is required prior to a public hearing on fhe above req ues ts . Please list adjoining property owners so they may be notified *Orrlinance l:o o,, Serir:s of 1q?l r' iJ i t! 1a ? It I t tt Ii I I I t Ji I t i \ o. rg- o 0 rn \\'\\\-\.\\ \\\ 'r 4! 0 r$ f$' (l) 'qJ 0/0' Lh r i\' +-- { t-i'r"' -\,s $- \\s\ \ ). -- - Ii: '' F' [:Er gi t_J \ : iiili fiili iiiiiil *:ll lili:iiiiii,iit ulL' l-oz -l o|rIJ l,1l NI I I I I I J\ I I I-lI\il *rl.t ..J\l \'rlC\N-l I o'a d 'a .2 E' ,nlt-l6): I I Is I IJl crl Rl o € o F(D o, 4) 9;n= s :T'>9 € nnl q r{l .= t-r o< €l()l'; .\l = \Yl .E JI*<l E GL]= c-l E4j li .9E€5L 9*EX ;9i ;!l 9: I I I I I qJ ' ,:t E ' R ID g E : : c: e o= >o rt: e (D !r.t - ui:s t-P -. *ar*-#= Aii .E-O!Eqi6E g9, Eq'F "=<B= -9A (aiH.5'Eg"; a g *l*rE:;;r EU -*s€FEFE :r:'gPtr-.9fI .=o -lriir:F.9!= rr '- Ea Ol= ! E - t iE i'Eac&lEE =E O_E=L.in! :- -E?-aJstr Q -3 -E5rj:lt_EI a- -..s:tr!-g '2 aa =.Y+ !!'-=: .='ii;!.=rE: € € g: oq!,.6: F_iD,. Z=.- - -;._l- tri f:AHEEES€ E^l ;: o- i: .?-q atBrfl:Ei ; = Es*:tiEf; ; 6 *i5=Eil?li sE oIEEEeEe!. E: cbEE*'".!-E E ; '- ulr O =.,:2 r.qr€ .i ':?;;EF.*! E 6ii €: ii'q2.6 +E E.r!l .€-.= l,trH,{>l xil B:EE-i;:=: 92'l i gEgsrcc€i; F-l .E -"c9!-.: evri -sE-E=#;Ei gD' FZE.aJC-8tr =ri! 3:f c,5=€F'E -G E+!X-":'* 6 = E l) =: r:! :.= ir, : EE cL(J o.E a=> c E - E1 z F{ O j or u; E< - Y Ofr h. \J !./ E2 i/l() --.t I : o olt-l q o = o Mcreh 22, t9T5 Mr. Rod SllfcrSllfer E Compony Vrl l, ColoraCi ' SubJcct: Deslgn Revlev of $l lfor Bul ldlng Addttlon Dear Rod: The Toxn Councll hsg approved yosr rddltlon subJect to thelol loullg t?enr: l. Sllftr & Conpeny nlll agrur fo elgn a contrEet to purchalaor rease guffrcront paritng In thi Tranopsrtrtton c6nterrhon psrklng ls avat labte In ths fufure. rl mestrng shouldbe rchodurrd ro udrk our rhe ooiait;-;;; rl,"-'iir"Ji.;;:-'- 3. The drarlng* ahoufd reflsct tho changeExterlor of the roundsd portton of tie fo rood on fhe!tructurg, and Examl nargtp rusol ve 5.A haarlng befors lhe Board of Zonlng, Appealslr schedulod for Aprli 12, l9?l ol g:00 E.m.your rctback problcns.t/*t*t*t- lf you have furthcl.Quastrons, prsasr contac? fhs BurtdrnsDopartmrnt. A mertrng rhoutd'bl *ched'rad Er sosR a, posrrbt6re thaf ysilr proJsct may preeeed Yours tru I y, TOI{N OF VA I L Torrell J. Mlnncr Tor n l4c na ge r df a llrrch ?0, | 975 Tgr TERRY l,lll{0gn TOTH COUIIC I L PLAHHTltg COilHtSSIOU FROl{r KENT ROS€ J I H LAHOHT 0t*r{A TousHttL REr STAFF REVfEY 0F SLIFER A00lTtOtl Thr rtaff hrs ruvlrrrd thr rubJref preJccf tnd h.s th* folgsnncntr: l. Thr prrklng elturtlon rhosld br rqrkcd ouf rltb Sounclto provldc tho noectsart plrklng In tha TrrnaportrtlonCrnilr 8t *hc ilm* lt brcoshar ! rrailty" lonfng I 2. ff tuggca? thaf fha round portlon of ?hr strucfurG bafrortad rlth rEod to be cqnprtlbte rlth ihr exlatlng csrearfa. 5. A rrtbtsk varlanca ls neecrtary fer th: rddltlon, .nd thssondltlen cxl*fs rlthouf ?hr addltlon, and re trsl tt Itconpttlblr rlth th6 Erldgr ltrcct ?rsc. lnun MI box 100 March 20, |,973 TERRY MINGER TOvllN COUNC IL PLANN ING COMM I SS ION vail, colorado 8t 6E?3O9.476-5613 SLIFER ADDITION the subject project and has fhe fol lowing FROM: KENT ROSE J IM LAMONT D IANA TOUGH I LL RE: STAFF REV IE!'l OF The staff has reviewed commen ts ! l.The park ing s ituat ion shou ld be worked out w ith counc i Ito provide the necessary parking in the TransportationCenter at the t ime i t becomes a- rea I i ty . We suggest that the round portion of the structure betreated with wood to be compatib le with the existing core a rea . A setback variance is necessary for the addition, and thecondition exists without the addition, and we feer it iscompatible with the Brldge street area. 2. t' J (1) STGN APP.EICArION PERI{T? Nare of Appltcant: RoJrui 5. S',o"a Address of Applicant: Si;{en 6tf!,' .:r":. de,,,'{ e Si. - Telephone ttlurnDer of Applieantt 4-7G - aVl I Date of Appllcation: (2) IVunerical locatJon of buiTdiag structure upon lts Lot, block anil ftltng desigmat,ion. aad streetb. iSlo . a'a {3,prtoe Srn"oa- * - Section nunber and traragraph of otdlnance under rh.f ch appllcatLon is(3) (4) (s) ?ss upoa whlch the slgrn is to be lodateds 'A,. Ur-t4r1p FrresT F,r-run. being mde: trlame of petson ot petsons constructjn g and etecting the sign: u€"J^'ri 2. S^,o"" f C/outr. S,f, G*rn^',' - llrixten congeat of the ownet of the buiTdtng, sttuctute t ot land to whLch or on which the slgn i6 to be erected: nc$./ (6) LlneaT feet of bugjness f,tontage:fa TI'E TOLWWTNG !,ITTST AE ATTACHED TO TfrIS FORIT: (a) Posjtjor: of the slgn on the butlding ln both pl'an view, drawn to seale, and efevatlon vl"ews, drawn ta scale i (b) ltto .sets of scale tlrawings of the plans and speciflcatlons, incluilinq size and coTot oE the si grn aad its vatiotts parts, the stgle of lettetlngt Tighting, tgpe ot 'raterial of which it ls fabticated and the rethod of attactuFint to the buil'iling or to the qroud; (c) A colot sketch or color ElrotograPh of the sign and huilding, as welT €s aflg cantlguous gtreet ot buiTding ' in otder to displag how theg would appear ln telation to one anothet; (d) If tequlred bg Adninistrator. a copg of stress sheets and calculatlons show i.:tg that the stru:tufe is desigmed for ebad Toad and wind prassures in ang direction ln the ancunt tequited bg the sign o rdl n;znce and ang and aIL othet lalt's aad otdinances of the Town of Vai7. SIGN MEEIS GENERAL REWIREIT{ENTS OF ORDIT:fNTCE: SIGN APPROVED: Adminisxraxot IIq,XE APPROVED: ChaLtnan and/ot Acting Chairnan of Design Revie;' B:-\;::.J r n?!f 'l'F 11\'rtiJl5 3. :li |vJrrr r }dDSTESS DT APPLICA]NT tsispso$il Ho.OF I\PPI.ICA}TT I8C&TION OT SUILDiNG $gICg TI{E Sicii IS TO STRUSIUFS CR TOT TO BE iTT.aCIGD- La' nil .l F ESUS oF .'coNsENt PERSC}I O!' THE UT( UII EREC T^TG Tffi o?:'.{ER Cr TtlE sgRutruRE, EPECTED CIR L}}IDi€?f ^tr'tFl5U.LfJrj::''\t. 'ri!:E. q.T STOEATO WSICE }PPLICA1ION RESEIVED - DATE $gE FO:,LO'$IING MIST BE ESTACED TO THIS FOR![: t\ge sets lncluding -' ParEs ' tt3 Dent to tne I color aPpear sketch of, the in reiation t'o sign eacll and bui.lding as oliler. D l'tJlr 'Q a. Mq.\€r'ta\ S b\q.c\( *:/ r^:hi\e l--C*rnctna-{cd ? L<,1*{s^S \q6{rc S *:::: :::,""2e Tt Le*ers I 207 ROMAI{ lt*:"1ril:f8lJl 408 PROFIL L:.T"l.l':,i;.:i:j'-:1"; 11;,;':i*i:r;"{ jia-t-'::. .,:;_;;;;;i,"."ji-'rar!.: 20?z'4. :--'+- ",: i 6 Spanjer 8106., Inc. ,:.. : r;; . t;: -iI;",{ ;..-liritii = ^. i.t, '., '.. j "-.' . l -. .l;? . i-.-i...:-. a a\ .;,)Perrnission is hereby granted ,,'2to1 ',.1{-o-/-{+."_-, :. - -/z Itc / /'', / n, - I ^ '*- / ' "' L: ./. (/' to__.!2::j__b_ ta "-1;/"'Ti'2t.,-. ,l ddress In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail Cornrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set Protective Covenants, and in compliance with the 1954 Type of Constructiorr / Y Group BUILDING PERMIT Vai1, Colorado Pe rrnit a z'<<i- stoty -A' rchitectural Control forth in the VaiI ViIIage Uniforrn Building Code. z_- C ont ra cto r INSPECTION RECORD (F or Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION .\ PPROVA L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN3TURE f.OUNDATIONS FR,A MING bo c t trl FINA L ROUGH OJ I- ' FIN,T L ROUGH bo; 0,FIN,^ L ROUGHdoh U) z FIN-A L a \ APPLICATION THE licant ,f AOR BUILDING PERMIT TO1ATN OF VAIL fill in this section onl nurr-,nrwc INFO RMA TIO rl---- New el Addition ho Bo Alteration Repairs Type of occuPancy BffirNG DI\dENqIq.xq T"trl flo"" area (ss ft).-------- tr{ u(t tr tlou No of stories-2*j7t' No. of room6-.-No ' .d booJ No. of water clo sets /{"/v No. of Families ESTIMATED COST Lot CIF CONSTRUCTION Bloek (Matetii Subdivision (Circle correct classificationl 1, Type of construction I.II.ffi@ V. Cccupancy group A. B. C. D. E.@c.H.t. t. ,, Apptoval by planning and architectural control committee to obtain building permit. Date .Signature BUILDING INSPECTION Approval of Plans Paid: Cash $ Paid: Caah $ Date permit iesued Final inspection Tap fee Paid Amount Certificate of occupancy & cotnpliance i4D 4f ,) zzt Building addregs Date of Applicrtion Address Ciry L4E/1- Addre-ss, gJ4g#29cityy'ffi Addres s TeI. No. (Al1 parts of building) 3,fu3 6 & l-abot) Permittee) 2i..{ih*check $ j:- Construction cLean-uP