HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E CLOCK TOWER BUILDING AKA MCBRIDE GORSUCH 1983 - 1995 DRB LEGAL' ,u()/l'r I f\ . !r/-Lri Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Date t'| '1{ Proiect Name: ) Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVor<6t@ Address and phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision zoneDistrict(? J-- Projec! Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motionbv: ., / zl Vote: .. /, r 'r/ Seconded by: I Approval D Disapproval 2(statf Aocrwal Conditions: Y{*/ ,{tf V, cr$,ry"- fu /,}, frfr^*,q1 "l- "// rf't'+q ? f - (J'tn*"Zl Y* onn i ( I{ DRBFee ,,.-r,{ 0o rt/4 ll?11 ,i t.rt d, AllT 191 DBSIGDT REVIBVT BOARD APPIJIqAETON ' TOIIN DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOMPIJWE APPTJICATTONS TTAY NgT BE SCHEDOIJED FOR RFU/IEW. ***t****** I. A.*o \ \ .,^^^PTION: {v' t\ r ...+\- ,^ri\ I 5, la4- + B.TYPE OF REVIEWT o^-\3-,frfl -t,- ^.\ o:t<' 6!.*"r-e ^ New consrrucrion ($200 .oU -Ainor Alrerarion ($20.00)Addirion (950.00)Concepiual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Block9ubdivision rf property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach E. F. ZONING: NAI{E OF Mailing APPLICAIVT Address: Phone G.NA}48 OF Mailing APPLICAI!'I'!REPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phone H.NAI{E OF OWNER(S) : Mailing Address: Phone APPITICATIONS j{IIJIT NOf AE PROCESSED WIIHAW OrlNERt S SIG/rIIAII\IRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of subtnittaL of the onn application. Later, whenapplying for a building pennit, pLease identify the accurat,evaluation of the proposal . The Torrn of vail will- adjust thefee accordinq to the table be1ow, to ensure the correct fee I. .t. FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION $ 0 $ 10,000 ,P turuvJ. - P furuuu $ 50, 001 - g 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 $1, 000, 000g over 91,000,000 DESTGN RE\IIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ E:I(PIRES APPROVAL IJIIIJESS A BUIIJDING FERIdIT IgIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ f U. UU $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $500. 00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAIJ ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION IV. NEI{ CONSTRUCTION A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bya Colorado Professional lJiceased Surveyor, aL a scaleof 1" = 20' or 1arger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1. IJot area, and buildable area when different than1ot area. 2. Legal descripLion and physical address. 3. Two foot. contour intervals unless the parcelconsisls of 6 acres or more, in which case, 5 r contour intervals may be accepted. 4. Exist,ing trees or groups of trees having trunrswit.h diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (targe boulders, intermittent streans,etc. ) . 6, Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfa11, etc.),centerline of sLreams or creeks, required creek orstream setback, and 100-year flood p1ain, ifapplicable. Stopes of 40t or more shatl beclearly delineated by cross haEching. '?. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS tandnarkor sewer invert. This information musl be clearlystated on Lhe survey so that all measurements arebased on the same starting point. This isparticularly important for debermining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInformation, for more infornation regardingsurveys. 8. I-,ocations of the following must be shown: a. Size and tlpe of drainage culvert,s, swales. etc - b. Exact locaLion of existing utility servicelines from Lheir source to the slructure,including: Cable TV Telephone Sewer GasWater Elect,ric c. A11 utitiEy meter locations, including anypedestals Lo be located on site or in theright-of -way adjacent to the sit.e. at. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easements identified on thesubdivision p1at. 9. Provide spot elevat,ions at Lhe edge of asphalt,along the street frontaqe of Lhe property aLtwenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum ofone spot elevation on either side of the 1ot. B. Sit.e PIan 1. L.,ocat.ions of the following must be shown: a. Existing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. I to fascia, trim, railings. chimney cap. meterlocations, etc. must be shown graphically andfu11y dinensioned. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if theproject is located within the Single-fami1y,Prirnary/Secondary or Duplex zone districts. Phot,os of the existing site and where applicabl_e, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning Administrator and,/or DRB may require thesubmission of additional plans, drawings, - specifications, sanples and olher materials (includinga model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aproject will comply with oesign Guidelines. H. I. It MINOR AI.,TENATIONS TO EHE E:CIERIOR OF BUTIJDINGS. Photos or sket,ches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and Ehe location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of tbe more formalrequirements set forth above, provided alL inporbantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmat,erials to be used are submitted. N)DITIONS . RESIDEMTIAIJ OR COTTIMERCTAI, A. Original floor plans with aIl specifications shown. B. Ttrree set.s of proposed floor plans L/9" -- 1r or larger(L/4rr = 1t is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. IndicaEe roof ridqe elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. PhoLos of t.he existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Adninistrator you nay also berequired to subnit: c. A statement from each utitity verifying locat,ion ofservice and availability. See attached utilitylocation verif icaE,ion f orm. H. A site improvernent survey, stamped by reqistered CoLorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A preliminary Litle report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easemenLs. VII. FINAI, SIEE PIJAIV Once a buildinq permit. has been issued, and construction isunderway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an rmprovement r,ocationCertificate survey (tl,C) scamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be subnitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: A. Building locaLion(s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. vI . IJIST OF IIATERIAI-.S t1L,.I|AME OF PROiIECT: IJEGAI, DESCRTPTTON: STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing information is Review Board before a final EIJOCK SI'BDIVISION s4,- required for submittal approval can be given: 1rYPE OF MAtrERIAI/ LOT_ A. to the Design COLORBUTIJ}ING IiATERIAI.IS : Roof Sidins Other Wall- Materials Fascia Sof f it,s Wind.ows Wind,ow Trim Dgora Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior lJighting Other l--,'c*4 oesignerr*B.I.ANDSCAPING: Name of Phone: rrr : t\t* A.o'.^q \L *lo'-|^. a reviret 8/L7 /9a iTOB NAITIE rOTIN OF VAIIJ T'IIIIJITY IJOC"ATION 1'ERIFICAtrION FORM SUBDTVTSION IJOT BI,OCK FIIJING ADDRESS The form is used to verify service availabil.ity and location. thisshould be used in conjunction with preparing your ptility plan andschedul-ing installauions. For any new const.ruction proposlL, theappricant musL provide a completed ut,ility verification- tonn. The location and avaiLabiliry of uLilities, whether they be main lrunk Lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefollowing utilities for the accompanying-sile plan. All authorizing siqrnatures need to be originals. Authorized Signature Date U,S. west Communications 458-5860 or 949-4530 Pub1ic Service Company 949 - 513s Gary Hal-1/Rich Cooley Holy Cross ELectric Assoc. 949 -5892 Engineering Depr,. Ted Husky/t'lichael Laverty **TCI CabLevision of the Rockies 949 -t224 Mark Graves **Upper Eagle Vall-ey WaEer & SanitaLion District * 47 6 -7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. **A site plan is required. physicar location of known utiritiesnust be shown on tbe siLe pran. utiliEy l0cations tnay or nay notoffer senrice to the property line. eny utirity extension rlquiredshal-l be the responsibility of the property ormer. If a utility company has concerns with the proposedconstrucEion, the utility representative should notdirecLly on the utility verification form that, thereis a problen which needs to be resoLved. The issueshould then be spelled out in detail in an aLtachedletter to Lhe Town of vai1. However, please keep inmind thaL it. is the responsibility of rhe utilitt company to resolve identified problens. If the utility verification form has signatures fromeach of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town wilL presumethat. there are no problems and that the developmentcan proceed. These verificat,ions do not. relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Worksand to obtain utititv locations before dioqing inany public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVail. A buildino permit is not a street eut permit. A street cut permit must be obEained separatel.y. InstalLation of eervice Lines are aL the expense andresponsibility of the property owner. 4. Jalalo0 ;'1, Irac/ Nunb€r Ptice t: ,aK g2 /.60tFff€-ktr?0 SpBl Calalog Pztfa+ Numbor &tce , "3S.BK 1; t5.20 t)atafog TcPe<1 Number Az'cc : i FrniSh) :I'BK_-t8.4! .:.n1.sp9 g /3.40 iPr iElack Finish)^'!!y-_E!,E! ,rn --tzb :;t ,r.i.rri Aren&, luma After-sunset Spec ia lty L i ghti ng Ef'Ilf,ll.Tllt IJftlld cahlE P1y!4t/ LlmolY!€ llumber ')1i.| 20w.35t!MF16 tt0t1_Bt1 1:2 /.64 'SFrycoro, C.ct,nr !.! l.eri C,!,+. r'2m!.' CC'o'F llals 0C base frnwifu/nA flnirh: Elack {8K) Wf ile(WH) Sir!: ?.88 1x2' 13ne1!l 'I!011 issuDolied w th ihe TAXl2 Cafalog ?.t4ott ius€ylilh 1|IAX12) ihxCellLouver TA1,l4 (usetrihtTAxl2) $2.20 ttomExte,nsion IAxl1'8K $9.8O Sla€:5"1x3 25'Wr 1 88'deDlh tAy.l1.wN 4r.ga 3'lteqd9attte 14X13 gg.go rilFiI@IEr i,i,t.^ te1( L'.1 Lens Ccvet lsu!o ?c) Waltags/ Calalo! 1r!'4'/ LamDTvoe l{umb€rffi@ ri6a .wH r ,- 6 no tinlsh: B :ak iBt(' \1" r"ljjHl Size:5 13 | t 2 2: !^i 1!:: r T1-o13 Catalog PtePatT Acclssorios Nunbsr ,A.ca Color fllrers TAFI3' !5 2A 'so'f1.i..a.:4i ir.: ,.1. .' t.'-ri (use \" lhrTAHl:l _ , Lcuver/tilrelH)l0ef lA113.BK 56.40 TP'-:+-wn V;74 1AN13-SPB S / /.4O HexCe ltolver IAL15 $4.40 wrt 0si calaloq ;':. t'1': ,str#,.hr#.*-"% Cslalog ?*Fo+ ":-":: \:::. a.ii? i,r :. ?.ri: C.! r.- A,;FDa. i!sev tf 'TAC01lH"efrL,'"e -1!Jr--Zm (irs?wiihtTAC0l) Size:9 5 L x3 25 Wx2.25'dePlh C o!,s u | | | ecia ty iu ava i I ab|, 1 | OlIuOrcSce ltixtutes Slre:233 L\l l::J .ir.rIr.[rr MNH.2 $d.oo r rtt.n.ltL0.!E hxnttorn.t tnd aAo/ Ihteadtt staL ncldtd atn lo, tattrc. hhcto flood htlut0r Wadalei Cataloe nyn, Lamo Tvo! Numbel P1i'. PL'l3WlsLr!! i rr llS621l'BK S24,OO 2 CJf lr.rl5lrlrlrlllll (12 Voll)' Fil;,v,,twro)ffi.1lxg24.oo (l20Volr) iirP,.rJm.,.r. ,, t'tS6.'26 BK 936.OO {l lVorr) _'',,), r,,\ fl:,t;.'.\; 1lll, $j'6,4G (r2llVL'1 Finish:lli,i, i Sire;! /5 r \{i:'i \!\ i5 in'lrlh Moultin0: I J Tlrf.(iL{]Sl/llrvfl Nl|'Ji titi,r, ,\ llis'.rr,' (lnrd $ PILrC rf rir., S?4.OO finlsh: Black i8l(). ve!delvE) Slrs:5.13 1x2 25'W (sq.)x 10.51 'H calolog ':z(iAccessorros Numbet ,i- , Slandafdslake 0A05 52. SO Lensoover lACll.BK $.!;.20 lAQqt-WP' 95.20 ColorFllers TAtl2'' 93.60 'sorc 'l.t r' [,.rea,. arorue q.l!o G,!'eti. (.anba (usewtlh rTAC0l) tri'ffitowg --aLil-TrZA {l sp $,l11rAc01) Calalog ,'/1f t14r/ ONE CALL DOTS ITALL! Slro:2.44 1r4 688 C,3nelel r^c,01.fiB i5.20rAt',2: $r,60 LamoTvoe 20w'50u/MRt6 llumter ?',,,c 6124-8t\ $24.40 tlnish:Black(BKI Verde(VE).Bfass(SPB) SizerJ l3' !3clf r 4 ?5 d,aneier Ruud Lighting (800) 236-7000 *it-',a MEMORAI{DIIM TO: FROM: DATE: DEI . Pam Brandmeyer4/Randy stoudet rh4l e/ls/94 Ore House Awning Agreement I have attached a sunmary of Lhe LranscripEion of Ehe May 17, L994 Town Council meeting. Merv Lapin made the motion to approve theawning as is, wiLh the condition that Ehe owner agree not tofurther enclose the deck. Jan Strauch reguested Merv to modify his moLion t.o reflect the addition of flowers and liqhting on the deck. Merv modified his moLion accordingly and it passed by a vote of 3to 1. Thus, it is clear from the attached sr{nmary that the addition ofIight.s to brighten the appearance of the, deck were a condition ofallowing the awning Lo remain as originally construcled. r have conveyed this to Larry Anderson, co-owner and manager of the Ore House. He staEed EhaL he is diligrently pursuing adding boLh lights and heaLers to the deck. At your request, I will continue to work with Larry to implement, the light.s to brighten the appearance of the deck. You may want Lo strow the Lranscription summary to Tom Moorhead. A part of Merv's motj-on contains a reference to modifyinq a lease aqreement Ehat appears to be a different document than the awning agreement. Town Gouncil Meeting Minutes, May 17, 1994 Orehouse Awninq Merv Lapin made a motion: 1. To approve the awning as it is; 2. That the applicants have met the January 18, 1995 deadline and that this deadline needs to be removed; 3. The conditions that we want on this. Tom, will you give me ihe verbiage for the motion. Tom Moorhead stated that as a term of the continued lease with the Town of Vail that there will be a provision added to the lease stating that lhey will not further enclose the deck area, and if they do, the lease will terminate by its terms. He added that they will need the Town's approval prior to any assignment of the lease in the future. Jim Shearer seconded this motion. Jan Strauch wanted to ensure that the applicants go ahead with what they say they will do, and that they are not approving the awning as is and the applicants will install flowers and lighting to give the deck a more lively feel. Kristan PriE stated that any outdoor lighting would need to go back before the Design Review Board to ensure compliance with the Lighting Ordinance. She added that it was okay for the Town Council to require the flowers and lighting. Jan Strauch requested that Merv modify his motion to reflect the addition ol tlowers and lighting to the Orehouse's deck, Merv modilied his motion accordingly. A vote of 3-1 approved this item with Paul Johnston opposing. lt should be noted that Peggy Osterfoss was not in the room at the time of the vote for this item. \^Jt-"^^.,- ]+ t-{^ffl- (-}.^.qr*-,' ,, $rP 1 i$94 --:. iu!*| s.**e*.L* t.'t\ tdti " i\:i l I ba-\' l\, -:\- as -'-t Ltt-^,*- ,&. t=*-- c^- r-ne-sa\r.r<-. - f-. \L q qL\ -\,1!9'-+*sc\v.n\,;st' <!<yi- , L*_ ..\r r-g 6\a- r S-o--- S^" .f \ . c-<4v- s,, d.g-c -\r,./* I r^e-lr,l. ., 0 -Ir - S'ar.^-e--Ja-a-T - -$^i*- \ r,,^"" -.- -,L -\o""\-- - \^/aJ^.. -- {J^:o tr, t -. --\---lLb- - \.^, *l-- -I\*- - '^.=\-^r\o\'-*-- ** - - -J- {L*." - - _ cls- - _s--c/g*_ a.s MUL.T.MOUNT SERIES TOTAL AREA HEAT/SPOT HEAT/ SNOW & ICE CONTROL FEATURES: . 30", 60', or 90o symmet.ical and 30o offset, 30'or 60o asymmetrical heat patterns, available as shown below 7-LTR lor proper selection o 4 high temperalure lead wires tor single or two-stago wirlillT,. Can be wired lo single or three-phase systems tVJ. 3 lengths available lor a wide selection of wattagey voltages. Dark brown baked enamel paint finish. Has knockouts tor ,{'conduit on both ends and centered on top of wiring channel sEP | ffii HEAT FOR: . Indoor and totally exposed outdoor areas. TOTALAREA HEAT, SNOWICE mry"Wmf; '[3."J'*#H{r; Horizontarry '3'-l3i 339'' uo' 8'-10' (30'pattems-4utdoo4 MUL.T.MOUNT FIXTI URES HAVE THESE HEAT REFLECTOR PATTERNS AVAILABLE 30. SYTTEIRIG -{|l.TH 30" ASYMiIETRIC OFFSET -rutl-IH 60. sYitrErRrc 60'ASYTIIETRIG 90.sYI|I||ETR!C ^-.-90-TH Refer lo specification manual 7SP-RHDP for detailed heat distribution patterns. Fbdufa i/bd€l Sofbs DimgnsiorE LxWrD Mar. UL Wattage6 Availab{€ Per Fix. UL Volt. Availabl€ Psr Fix. Max. CSA Wattages Available Per Flx. CSA Volt. AvailaHe Per Fix. wt- Each 2n 24: L 19W 7WD Up to 3,200 WatE 120V 208V 210V 277V up to 3,200 Watts 120V a)8V 240V 277V lo lbs. s12 93' L 1SW 7r'D Up to 5,000 Watls 208V 210V 277V 480V 600v up to 5,000 Watts 208V 240V 277V 480V 600v 24 lbs. @ ,16" L 15'WvtD Up to 7,300 Watts 208V 240V 277V 480V Up to 6,000 Watts 208V 240V 277V ,180V ql lbs. Model Number Explanation: To order, simply add suffix tor the desired pattern to the model series required. For example, to order a 30' offs€t in the 342 series: 342-431-TH To select proper infrared elements, .eler to catalog sheet number 7-LTR. P/N 85-295: Metal Rod Support Bracket-{ust be used with th6 342 and 462 s€ries-lF Metal Rod Elements are used. Re{er to Specilication Sheet 7SP-MTM lor wiring and installation instruclions. *OPTIONAL RECESSING FRAME FOR STANDARD MUL-T-MOUNT ' Used as an option with the Mul-T-Mount s€ries lo recess the fixtures in a ceiling/canopy type installalion o Corrosion resistant aluminized sleel ' Brown baked-on enamel linish Recessing Frame l|odel RMF-222 RMF.342 RMF-062 cdllng cutout Dinensiona 16%" x24k" 16%" x33|A" 16Y," x 46h" FLng. Dimenslons 18" x27%" 18" x 36%" 18" x 49Y." 'Recessing is not a UL listed application. MUL.T-MOUNT HIGHLITE ' Fostoria's exclusive hinge feature for easv installation ' Less expensive installation- why pay two people when one can install? ' Full length wireways permit continuous rows WPICALINFRARED APPLICATIONS Aircraft hangars Enwways to buildings Warehouse aisles Ship building yards Indoor swimming pools Covered golf driving range tees High bay industrial areas Open sports press boxes Loading dock areas SPECIFICATIONS Housing is 24 ga. corrosion resistant steel, dark brown baked-on paint finish. Reflectors are.040 gold anodized aluminum. UL listed and CSA certified for indoor and unprotected outdoor applications. Top Chann€l Knockouts "T" Tab Hook the "T" tabs of the Mul-T-Mount heater into the slots of the wiring channel cover. The unit will hang freely by the "T" tabs . . . leaving bolh hands to wire lhe heater. Any surlace or objecl ghould be al least 24 inches away trom direcl .adialion lrom the unit. Fo. surlace mounlino, L,L r€qujres lixtures lo b6 3 inches from the ceillng, 24 inch€6 from a verlical sudace and sgoa- raled by a mrnimun of 36 irrches. s€RrEs 22 u2 462 nv'QT 45r B 15'15'15' L 2{3at-116' All Mul-T-Mount Heaters are now available in 304 Series Stainless Steel, No. 3 finish (grain-line type), lor any outdoor and many indoor applications. The entire housing is constructed of stainless steel. The hardware is stainless steel. The rellectors and end caps are fabricaied from Fostoria's highest quality gold anodized aluminum. Stainless steel fixtures will not rust or corrode in damp or chemicalladen atmospheres. 222 Series Heaters-.Stainless Steel 342 Series Heaters-.Stainless Steel 462 Series Heaters-Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Mul-T-Mount Heaters cost approximately 157o more than Standard Heaters To order Stainless Steel Fixtures: Add "SS" sutlix (e.9. 342-A31-THSS) to model number. Allow six weeks for delivery. No minimum quantity required. OPTIONAL MOUNTING BRACKETS T i o i!,.'It : 'l #l '-r" INFRA'RED *- si/ | i:;1 i;, RnotANT, INC. /Uf'. jj ,, ,-. .:, -... 1478 w. Tufls Ave, . Englewood. CO 80ltO. (505) 76r-1444. r*,zAt-ti6i" t.'.lf'l^ PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: Ore House 232 Bridee St. Box 996 Yail, CO 81658 DATE: August 3, l99lr PHONE: l-303-476-5100 HOME: t-303-476-2713 P.O.f: ATTENTION: Larry Anderson PROJECT:Patio Heating LOCATION: Ore House. Vail ,NOi .F'R.ICE: ::::EA;:::: D€SCRTP..TIQ{TT 8 222-90-TH 208 or 2t+O Fostoria Mul-T-Mount Series Electric I nfrared Heater, Fixture Oniy 2t2.OO 1,596.00 tb lb cF-1520H or cF*1624H 208 2t+O 1600 tlratt Quartz Lamp lnfrared Heating Element 57.00 91 2.00 l6 3t-939 Ruby Red Vycor Sleeves 38.00 608.00 TOTAL FOR ABOVE s3,215.00 PIus Freight From Ohio Approx. 180 lbs SHIP TO: Propane or Natural: Electric Charge Freisht? Yes Tax? Not Included Payment Term: Net 30 Days ___Bega_y_lt-ilr! **PRICES GOOD FOR 60 DAYS** MODEL S25 & S34 GAS-FIRED INFRARED HEATER For Indoor or Outdoor Operalion D slrtt'I)a,k I}IFRARED DYNA]UIICS 1040 W Seventeenth St. . Cosla Mesa, CA 92627. U.S.A. Phone: (714) 548-2245 t",.,*'io{W}Sii' ? iSJi ) ) The Sunpak patio heater provides radiant warmth outdoors for you, your family and friends. Sunpak is A.G.A. design-certified as an unvented infrared heater for outdoor or indoor installation. All units are equipped with spark ignition and 10090 shutoff for safety, economy, and conventence. Sunpak's aluminized steel enclosure and alumi- num face grille provides resistance to wind and rain. A slim body and G30 degree angle mount- ing option on most models, gives Sunpak the versatility to fit easily into a wide variety of patio situations. IIVARNING: lmproper installation, adjust- ment, alteration, service or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Read the installation, operating and main- tenance instructions thoroughly before installing or servicing this equipment. Retain these instructions lor future reference. HEATER FEATURES: Sfim Profife (8"H x 8"W x 47Vz"Ll Decoratlve Safety Grille Reduced Glearance Requiremenls Angle Mounting - Zero to 30 Degrees Rain Protected Wind Resistanl 25,000 or 34,000 BTU/HR. Input Natural or Propane Gas Direct Spark lgnition 1000/o Safely Shutotf ,"t --"" Form EB-BO?-E t/9J Printed in U.S.A. Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions for Sunpak Infra-red Space Heatens... ANS/ 283.6-1987 7. The heater must be installed in a location such that it is readily accessible for servicing and have no restriction of air flow to the air inlet of the heater's casing. iIOUNTING Each heater must be installed such that the follow- ing "Minimum Clearance to Combustibles" are maintained. WARNING: The clearances shown below are also applicable to vehicles parked below heaters. OPTIONAL MOUNTING KIT (#12006): Optional Mounting Kit is available lrom your heater sup- plier. Whether the mounting kit is used or not, min- imum clearance from combustibles must be observed as follows: I]{STALLATIOI{ Prior to installing your Sunpak infrared space heater, the following should be reviewed. Com- pliance with the following should yield satislactory heater operation and minimize installation costs. 1. Heaters to be installed in Aircraft hangars musl be installed in accordance with American National Standards for Aircraft Hangars, ANSI/NFPA No. 409-1985. Heaters to be installed in Public Garages must be installed in accordance with NFPA No. 88A- 1985 Standards for Parking Structures. The installation must conform with ANSI stan- dard No. 2223.1-1984 entitled "National Fuel Gas Code" an{ any applicable local codes. Each heater must be electrically grounded in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 7G1984 when an external electrical source is utilized. The gas inlet supply and normal operating manifold pressure for each heater are as fol- lows. For gas supply line pressures in excess of /z psig, consult with your representative or the factory. Gas Inlet Presqrre Nat Gas LP Gas Morrer p,il til' tff' ceirins tif* #i1; I 24', 12" g', 48"24" 17', 13" 48"24" 8', 14 4P/24', B', 18" 48" s25 s34-s25 s34 25,000 34,000 25,000 34,000 HORIZ. HORIZ. 30 DEG. MAX. 30 DEG. MAX, 4. 5. Do not locate either the gas or electrical supply line directly over the flue outlet of the heater. Efectrical supply line shortage and/or control overheating may occur. Above clearances apply to models on either natural or LP gas.*Model S25 for LP gas for use in horizontal posi- tion only. ELEGTRICAL 'f . Provide only a24 volt NEC Class 2 transformer to the heater. A step down transformer approved as having at least a 20VA rating must be utilized for each connected heater. 2. Control wire used to electrically connect one or more heaters together must have both adequate capacity and insulation temperature ratings for the total connected load. Use at least 18 ga. wire up to 50 Ft. lrom heater to transformer or wall switch. Use 16 ga. over 50 Ft. distance. 3. lf any of the original wire as supplied with the ! appliance must be replaced, it must be replaced with wiring material having a temperature rating of at least 105 degrees Centigrade. Maximum Pressure Minimum Pressure Manitold Pressure t/2 psig 1/z psig 6" W.C. 10" W.C. 5" W.C. 10" W.C. MODEL S25 & S34 GAS.FIRED INFRARED HEATER For Indoor or Outdoor OPeration %" MOUNTING It any ol lhe odginal wire ar :upplled wilh lhe appllance mult be replaced, ll musl be replaced wllh widng malerlal having a t€mperatute rating of al leatt 105 degre$ Centrlgrade. HEC Class 2 24v Transfomer-20V4 (Supplled by lnstalle4 \*?llr='*" {ll} -" I-t/ Pad No, Model Descriplion Dlmenslons TyPe 12OO1-2 S2FNAT Sunpak 25.000 BTUH Heater 8"x8"x47tA" Natural Gas 12003-2 S25-LP Sunpak 25,000 BTUH Heater 8"x8"x47%" Propane Gas 12004-2 S3+LP Sunpak 34,000 BTUH Heater 8"x8"x471/2" tqp4lgsgx 30" TrP MOUNT GAS SERVICE SHUTOFF VALVE ,h" GAS PIPE { CEILING MINIMUM CLEARANCE FROM COMBUSTIBLES T'UST BE MAINTAINED (SEE C{TATI ON OPPOS|IE PAgE) 30' MAXa/24:?' I'-t HORIZONTAL HORIZONTAL MOUNT ...)N.(/GAS INLET SUNPAK will raise the comfort level $10' Fahrenheit outdoors. The above coverage table was based on still -,breeze conditions. Under windy conditions, more heat Jwill be required. For exampl€, a 5 mph breeze typically will require twice as many heaters to achieve the same heat comfort level. lt is recommended that a windswept patio be designed with wind breaks in order to stabilize the patio environment. s-l H = Height S = Spread of Heat ANGLE IIIOUNTING: Most models of the SUNPAK heater may be angle-mounted to a rnaximum of 30o to accommodate mounting the heaters around the edges of the patio. Note that top clearance to combustibles increases when heater is tipped lrom the horizontal' LIGHTI]IG I}ISTRUCTIOilS TO START HEATER: 1. Turn manual gas valve to "ON" position. 2. Turn electrical supply "ON." TO SHUT DOWN: 1. Turn manual gas valve to "OFF" position. 2. Turn electrical supply "OFF." CAUTION: lf burner lails to ignite, shut down electrical power and wait five (5) minutes before turning power "ON." SERVTCTNG TNSTRUCTTOI{S Turn off gas and electrical before attempting any service to this appliance. Heater may be serviced by opening door to control compartment. Rotate round slotted disk on control door 90 degrees to open. Top of heater may be removed for servicing by removing six(6) screws holding top in place. The top should be removed if the gas controls, burner or burner orifice is to be reolaced. 1. REMOVALOFBURNER a. Remove grille by removing two (2) screws at one end of grille near control door. Pull downward at the end and grille will be loose. The far end of the grille is supported by two (2) pins that enter two (2) holes in the reflec- tor's far end. b. Remove top of heater by removing six (6) screws holding top in place. c. The burner can be removed without removing the pilot-electrode assembly. However, extreme care should be taken to orevent the burner from contacting the fragile electrode when removing or reinstalling the burner. To remove the pilot-electrode assembly, pull loose the wire connected to the electrode- Detach the pilot tubing. Remove the two screws holding the pilot-electrode in place d. Remove 7o" hex locknut located inside burner orifice bracket holding piping assembly to burner. A'1/s" 1z-poinl wrench will be handy to loosen the %" locknut from the top of the heater. e. Remove two (2) screws holding the end of the burner. Carefully slide burner down and out. When reinstalling, be sure both ends of the burner are beneath the reflector end flanges. f. To reinstall burner, reverse procedure. 2. REMOVAL OF RAM.3 DIRECT SPARK IGNITION CONTROL a. Disconnect two 24 volt power leads. b. Disconnect two valve leads. c. Disconnect ignitor lead from control. d. Disconnect green ground lead from casing. e. Remove two (2) 8-32 x 1 % screws and nuts holding control in place. Screw heads are located on exterior front side of heater above control compartment door. f. lf insufficient removal clearance, loosen con- trol assembly and move out of way. TROUBLE SHOOTING 1. lf no spark from electrode; or if gas valve doesn't work then: a. Check power supply. Should have 24 volts belween power wires. Use volt meter between inlet 24 volts wire and ground terminal at electrode plate to measure 24 volts. b. Check continuity. Use ohmmeter. For exam- ple, check resistance between valve wire and ground. Should show almost no resistance (0 ohms) through valve. lf high resistance, check wire connectors. c. Check spark gap. Should be7/64" (.109") between electrode tip, and pilot hood. lf gap is too large, spark will occur at wrong loca- tion. lf gap is too small, spark may not be hot enough to light pilot burner. d. Be sure connectors are fully inserted into ignition control (See Wiring Diagram on rat- ing plate). 2. lf insufficient gas flow then: a. Gas manual valve not full "ON." Turn valve handle to full "ON" position. b. Burner orifice plugged. Remove heater top. remove burner orifice (use 1/2" hex wrench) and thoroughly clean. Spiders often crawl into orifice hole and make a web, blocking the orifice. I a GAS PIPI}IG 1. A minimum pipe size ot 1/2" is required for inlet piping. A1/2" lever handled shut-off gas cock should be installed within 6 feet of the appliance for servicing the unit. 2. Check with local and state plumbing and heal- ing codes regarding sizing of the gas lines. 3. All gas pipe connections to the heater(s) must be sealed with a gas pipe compound resistant to liquefied petroleum gases. 4. Installation of a drip leg in the gas supply line going to each heaier is required to minimize the possibility of any loose scale or dirt within the gas supply line from entering the heater's con- trol system. 5. When checking lor gas leaks, do not use an open flame. Use a soap and water solution. 6. For gas supply line pressures in excess of % psig, consult the factory or your local representative. . Installation of 7e" N.P.I plugged tapping, accessible for test gage connections, is required upstream of the gas supply connection to the heater. VElITILATION 1. lt is recommended that a minimum building ventilation rate of four(4) CFM per 1000 BTUH of installed heater input be provided. This rate of ventilation may be obtained through either gravity or mechanical ventilation of the building. 2. In conjunction with building ventilation system, adequate fresh air into the building must be provided through fresh air inlets andlor building crackage. 3. lt is recommended that the local authorities be contacted to assure the ventilating system and heater installation are in compliance with any applicable local and/or state codes. HEATER OPERATION Upon installation of the heater and completion of the gas and electrical supply line to each heater, follow the steps outlined on the "Lighting Instruc- tion" plate located on the inside of the control door. ilIAINTEI{ANCE In order to get the maximum performance from your heater year atter year, we recommend the fol- lowing be performed. 1. With an air hose regulated to 30 psig, blow off any dust and dirt that has accumulated around the burner and inside the control compartment of the heater. 2. From the front of the heater, direct the air hose from a distance of approximately twelve (12) inches over the entire exposed area of each burner's ceramics 3. Do not insert air hose into the inlet of the burner. 4. Remove main burner orifice. clean and re-install. 5. ll additional service to the heater is required, contact the factory or your local representative. NOTE: Protective eyeglasses must be worn when any service or maintenance work is done to the heater. SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Turn gas and power "ON." The pilot and burner should light within 4 seconds. A heat sensor will shut off the spark. lf the burner does not light within 15 seconds, the heat sensor will shut "OFF' the gas valve. To relight the pilot and burner, shut "OFF" power. Wait 5 minutes. Turn power back "oN." T,INIMUII CLEARANCE TO COITIBUSTIBLE IIATERIALS USING OPTIONAL IIOUNTING KIT P/N 12006 No. 525-12" No. 53+17" No. S2$9" No. S3+13" No. S2t12" No. S3+17" s25-14" s34-18" l' __t_ !J r.ro. szs-rz" 47%" to Inside of Bracket Base 49%" to Outside of Bracket Base %xl Channel Bar o a o o Model No. S25 or S34 Heater (1) % Bolt 47?,',424' Sunpak Palti Li.t llem Parl No, DercriDtion 1 22OOZ A3sy, S Casing 2 32031 Ooor, S Caslng Reer 3'22003 Assy, S Retleclor 4' 7004r Fivet, ASD42-\ x ,1 5 22004-1 Aasy, S25 Burner 22004-2 Assy, S34 gurnet 6' 70037 Screw. 8-32 x h SPSS 7 70038 Nut. &32 Het Zn 8 9OO5l-2 Mc,dule. RAM-S 24 vo[6 I 70003 Scrsv/. &32 i( 2'. SPMS. A|t l0 22006 Assy, CrrlDoor (€6s prato) 1t' 70021 Scfew. r8x 'i WHSM 12 22024 Assy, Pitot-Etect. 2SH76 13' 50011 Gasket, Pttot 80031 Tubing, Al 14 x 14" L t5 AOO27 Elbow ti" Tubing l( % MPT 16 22Q21-1 Assy, V8lve-Beglla. S25 Nal 22021-2 Assy, Vatv€-Begltar S34 N.r 22021.3 4ry14!{ss!!r!rsfP 22021-4 Assy, Valv€-Fegular S34 LP 17 80032 LocRnut, % Assy, S Casing Top1822m9 70026 Screw, {8 x tr SP-SS 2A 22010 Assy, GrillS 22 90056 Regu alor, 5" WC. Nat 90051 Rsguraror. r0" WC. LP 23 90054 Valv€. 25V-Fi91CG- 12 24 90@91 Assy. Vatv€-Nippte ?5 35ml-44 Orilice.2sM-Nat 35@1-3€ O.ilice,34M-Ml 35@r-53 Orilice.2SM-LP 3500150 Oralice,34M-LP Opliond Moondng Kl 31 32043 Aar, ', r I Channel21-5/16"l J2 7(l@1 Bort. rF16 x r' Squaro H€ad 33 70Ol! Wash€r, i! Lock 34 70059 Nul, trlS bl6ck ,nc lj _1r04r __!'""-!g,s x""!:' 36 70061 Screw. ,;20 x ), black zinc 37 71023 Nut, 'r20 38 32042 Bracket. S Wall 39 70060 tsolt, ! x trd'L ag blk zinc SEOUENCE OF OPERATIO]I Turn gas and power "ON." The pilot and burner should light within 4 seconds. A heat sensor will shut off the spark. lf the burner does not light within 15 seconds, the heat sensor will shut "OFF' the gas valve. To relight the pilot and burner, shut "OFF" power. Wait 5 minutes. Turn power back "ON." TROUBLE SHOOTI]IG Problem Posslble Causes No Spark to Pilot . Voltage under 24 volts o Bad Fuse. fmproperspark gap (7/64" or .109"\. Loose ground wire. Broken Electrode o Faulty Electronic module Burner Won't Light o Air in gas line. Low gas pressure o Bad Gas Valve. Blockage in gas line. Manual Gas Valve turned "OFF" I nconsislent Operation Variable gas pressure (improperly sized gas line) Variable Voltage Wind exceeding 15 mph Tip angle exceeding 30" Debris inside burner Erratic winds Limited Warranty and Service SUNPAK@ Infrared Heaters carry a 9Gday commercial or one-year residential limited factory war- ranty. All heaters are stamped with the date of manufacture. In most cases, your dealer or sales representative will handle the warranty procedure for you. lf there is no sales representative available, the heater may be returned to the lactory for repair. Warranty is limited to repair of heaters at the fac- tory or replacement parts. Any work or repair of this heater must be performed by qualified service personnel. Infrared Dynamics will not be liable for any other expense to the customer, except as stated above. See Standard Warranty Form WT-112 for lull details. o a a a a mh$frfrffi6il 1040 West 17lh Street Gosta Mesa, Californaa 92627 Tef ephone: (7141 548-?244- IxrnnrEet-{. CORPORATION 1770 Workman Street . Los Angeles, CA 90031 (2't3) 223-1041 APPLICATION INFORMATION INFRATECH QUARTZ.TUBE ELECTRIC INFRA-RED RADIANT HEATERS FOR COMFORT HEATING "SPOTS' OR "SMALL AREAS'' The following inlormation is designed to help you apply and install INFRATECH QUARTZ TUBE ELECTRIc RADTANT HEATERS in a variety of locations. INFRATECH heaters are one ol the most economical of all radiant heaters to buy, and can be some ofthe least costly to operate. They may also be the most economical to install, depending on the location oi electrical power adequate to operate the heater(s) properly. Swiveling wall or ceiling mounting brackets (pair) Steel all-weather housing painted off white lnsulated housing \ reL^T]lYl':t^., singte quartz rube operatesdepending on model (max. 61-1i4") at approx' 1400' F' Wall/ceiling brackels are furnished with all heaters. Their use is optional. When used, they allow heater to be fastened to wall or ceiling, and then tipped to 45" from center of swivel. /i./l,\l ,/' '450 |/ max. "up" --l i Heater can be tipped up to approx. a 45 degree angle. Heater can also be hung level in horizontal position using chains or custom brackets. Heater must be dead level, but can be rotated around its horizontal axis. B" Wide After heater has been installed, and set at desired angle, we suggest you drill through the flat mating flanoes of the swivel brackets and insert a sheet metal screw to lock brackets in place. Do both ends. Connect power with flexible conduit or appropriate cord whenever possible to allow heater to be swiveled slightly. Inlet hole into wiring box on top of heater is sized for standard 1/2" conduit weather tight fitting with locknut on inside of box. Wiring box on top of heater has a oasketed side access cover. _--- Ground wire screw. Two wires from element ends are pulled into wiring box by factory. NOTE: Heater must be installed with quartz tube pertectly horizontal. For maximum tube life use a level on body of heater to find level position. Top Heater terminal on wire ends (part of heateO 11/32' outside nut Use thin 11/32" wrench like found in auto ignition wrench set on inside nut. Nuts must be tioht. Quartz tubes consist glass outer shell and soiral wound coil element inside. t;/>-- - TYPICAL 115V. WIRING 'I 15V. switch TYPICAL 220V. WIRING FOR TWO POLE SWITCH Heating element Heater WIRING FOR OPTIONAL 220V. CONTROLLER For 1'15V. pilol light if used Rear view of controller for max. 15 AMP load only. Heater "TOP" marked on rear of control must be in- stalled in "up" position. Below f- r"o' *f Always maintain the following clearances from heater body to combustible materials..... TOP - 6" ENDS _ 18" SIDES_ 1B' BELOW-72' Unless heaters are installed over 12 ft. high, it is generally recommended that radiant heaters be mounted on an angle to assure that radiant warmth is distributed from the side rather than straight down on top of heads and shoulders of the people being warmed. LOCATION SUGGESTIONS NOT RECOMMENDED RECOMMENDED 30 to 60 degrees lrom horizontal face down. Best angle approx.45" Aim point should be at feet, or on {loor behind worker or user. I When outdoors, hang heaters under protective roof, or weather cover. l! f whenever possible. Even lji-el7;/tnousl"' heater is all-weather Head too close, feet too far away. V construction, it will last longer, and stay looking good longer, if under a weather cover protected from rain and dew. Warm floor re- radiates heat. Warm air rises from {loor. Some heat reflects {rom {loor. Mounting a heater directly over a work table or above any above ground obstruction will allow radiation to be blocked, and will warm only the top of the obstruction. Better to move the heater and beam it in under the table or obstruction to better warm the floor. Suspend heater to beam into heated area from the "cold side" if practical. This helps compensate for increased body heat losses on the cold side. GENERAL NOTES: 1. INFRATECH RADIANT HEATERS are furnished with wall/ceiling mount swivel brackets. These brackets may be discarded when the heater is hung lrom overhead with chains or other special bracketing. 2. See sales literature and price list for full listing of models, descriptions, amperages, and voltages. 3, Forthe best comfort heating, it is always best to beam radiant heat onto people from two sides rather than from just one side. When spot heating, there are times when this is not praotical. The following chart is for warming from one side only. 4. lf insufficient overhead clearance exists to allow mounting at the recommended heights shown, heaters may be mounted lower, and tipped up at any angle from horizontal face down. At lower mounting heights, the heater is closer to the area of use, and could prove too warm for people forced to use the area close to the heater. 5. At times, especially when the mounting height must be quite low, smaller heaters, but more of them can help solve the problem of overheating. 6. Heaters up to 15 amps can be used with the simple inexpensive controller described on the price sheet. This controller, which is aclually a percentage timer, allows the heater to be turned down to the precise amount ol heat required at the time of use. It is highly recommended that you stay with the heaters under 15 amps in rating, and use this controller in critical commercial applications, such as in restaurants where patrons are forced to sit in one place in front of a heater. lt is always suggested that you avail yourself of our field application assistance concerning heater location and sizing. /tl IxFRATEeF{ CORPORATION Quartz Infrared Heat Systems for Body Comfort PATIOS RESTAURANTS SPOT HEAT WHERE YOU WANT IT. WHEN YOU WANT IT. COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL 1770 Workman Street, Los Angeles, CA 90031-3394 . 1-(213) 223-1041 . 1'(800) 421'9455 IxFRATEeH- CORPORATION INFRARED RADIANT HEATEFIS . Maximum Efficiency . Heats Indoors and Outdoors. Provides Spot Heat to Exposed Areas . Simple Low Cost Installation . No Moving parts for Low Maintenance . Anodized Reflector Resists Corrosion FAST ECONOMilCAI- HEAT . Units can be Regulated for Desired Amount of Heat . One Year Guarantee . Free Factory Engineering Service . UL LISTED FOR BODY COMFORT Celing Mount Wall Mount Infratube All Weather Heaters Model Length Watts Volts Amps BTU'S Cartons Ship. Wt. w 512 191t2 500 120 4.2 1706w 7512 19,t2 750 120 6.3 2554w 7524 19,t2 750 240 3.1 2554w 1012 33 1000 120 8.3 3412w 1024 33 1000 240 4.2 3412w 1512 33 1500 120 12.5 5118w 1524 33 1500 240 6.3 5118w 2024 39 2000 240 8.3 6824w 2524 39 2500 240 10.4 8350w 3024 61V4 3000 240 12.5 12236w 4024 61'/4 4000 240 16.6 13648w 5024 61,t4 5000 240 20.8 17060 For 208 - 277 - 440 - 480 Volts Specify o 15 15 1B 1B 23 23 23 INPUT REGULATOR Voltage Weight tNF t0 120 3 oz. INF 20 240 3 oz. IxTRATEcH CORPORATION RECOMMENDED MOUNTING HEIGHT AND WATT DENSITY CHART FOR BODY COMFORT WATTS 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 4000 Fl8' XT 10' Ul.e' ts H 14' E | 16' G H$, T 8x8 12 8x10 12.5 8x10 18 8x10 25 10x10-----.-9x12 nt.l 9x12 133 9x12 165 9x12n 12xl8 135- 12x18 185 12x18-E- 10x14 '10x14 10x14 10x14 17. 13x20 115 13x20 153 13x20 19 11x16 11.3 AREA' WATTS PER SQUARE FOOT 11x16 142 12x8 115 14x22 s7 14x22 12.9 14x22 16 15x24 83 15x24 111 15x24 13 16x26 72 16x26 96 16x26-E- AVERAGE RECOMMENDED WATT DENSITIES PER SQ, FT. FOR BODY COMFORT t BY CLIMATE ZONE -t.X ir.' \ .1r - \- AREAS WITH NO OR POOR INSULATION-add 250lo to above 1770 Workman Street, Los Angeles, CA 90031-3394 . 1-(213122 1041 . 1-(800) 421-9455 IxFRATEeH CORPORATION CUSTOM QUARTZ ELEMENTS Stock components for custom elements In addition to stock elements, INFRATECH now stocks a large assortment ol resistance wire, Quartz tubing and end terminators. Shown below are typical end terminations and ordering reference sketch. H A B c HEATED LENGTH TUBE LENGTH OVERALL LENGTH LEAD DIAMETER SPECIFY WATTS VOLTS VERTICAUHORIZONTA L QUANTITY E+_f-- 1770 Workman Street,Los Angeles, CA 90031-3394 . 1-(2131223-1041 . 1-(800) 421-9455 Ceiling Mount SIMPLE TO INSTALL... LOOKS GREATANYWHERE. Any qualified electrician or handy home-owner can easily install the INFRATECH INFRATUBE Quartz Radiant Outdoor Heater. For best results, a heater should be mounted on a side wall (mounting bracket included) 8'or more above the floor and angled towards the desired area. lf mounted overhead, the INFRATUBE heater should be at a height of at least 10'. Models W3024 and W4024, the 3000 and 4000 watt units must always be at a height of 10' or more when mounted overhead. You choose the model that best suits your needs for shirt sleeve comfort. In warmer climates, a 1500 watt heater is ideal on a 65 degree day, 2000 watts on a 60 degree day and 2500 watts on a 55 degree evening. Cold climates and unusually windy areas may reouire two heaters to warm the same space as they would in a warmer climate. Or, a 3000 or 4000 watt model may be used in cooler areas instead of two heaters. OPTIONAL LOW COST HEAT REGULATOR. While any INFRATUBE heater WallMount can be controlled by a simple over-the-counter toggle switch or circuit breaker which the home owner has installed, the INFRATECH optional Input Regulator lets you adjust the heat output and dial the comfort level you desire. INFRATECH'S Regulators are available {or either 120 or 24O volt heaters. Custom control systems are available for multi-heater installation. FOR MORE INFORMATION or technical assistance call the INFRATECH CO RPORATION At (213\ 223-1041. outside california call 1-800-421-9455. MODEL AREA HEATED LENGTH WATTS VOLTS AMPS w1512 w1524 w2024 w3024 w4024 10'x 10'(1). '10'x 10'(1). 10'x 10'(1). 10'x 15'(2). 10' x 15' (2). ee,l 33" 39" 61 1t4" 61 1t4" 1500 1500 2000 3000 4000 120 240 240 240 240 12.5 o.J 8.3 12.5 16.6 Optional voltages available : 208V-277V-460V (1). = mounted 8' above floor (2). = mounted 10' or more above floor IxpRATEcF{ -CORPORATION ',|770 Workman Street . Los Angeles, California 90031 (213) 223-1041 Outside California (800) 421-9455 DISTRIBUTED BY: fu^d*hr^d"!^ VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 12:OO P.M. IN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS AGENDA I. Lifthouse Lodge Site Visit (meet at TOV). 2. PresentationsRe:tg5Contracts/Duesi/Leases: a. NWCCOG - Dues. b. QQ- Dues. c. VA Cloud Seeding. d. Colorado West Mental Health Center. 3. Colorado Ski Museum Revienr of Lease/lntroduce Maftetirg plan. 4' Odinance No. 21, Series of 1994, an Ordinance re: Greenbelt and Natural Open Space/Discussion. 5. Review of Ore House Awning Conditions. 6. Intormation Update. 7. Council Reports. E. Olher. 9. Executive Session - Legal Matters. 10. Adjoumment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIIIES BELOW: (ALL TTUES ARE AppnOXmATE AND SUBJECT TO Clt tGE) oooaaoo THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAF WORK SESSIONwfLL BE oN TUESDAY,9t1gt94, BEGINNTNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couttql CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, g/20/94, BEGINNING AT 2:OO P.M. IN TO' COUI,ICIL CHAMBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY,$Ia',P4, BEGINNING AT ?:30 P.M. Irr rOV COUNqL CHAMBERS.aaoooao C:\ GENDA.IVS2 --f:,C Try {a^- $sun"w^ff;' Uht,^ ry#,,,lnr^ ffiW*,+,tu6r l2:ffi P.M. l. Jim Cumulte l:00 P.M. Sandy Blaha 1:15 P.M. Kevin Lindahl 1:30 P.M. Joe Macy 1:45 P.M. Ron Blake VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 12:00 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Lifthouse Lodge site visit (rneel at Tov). The Town cdJncil wbhes to visit the site of the PEc's recent approval of setback and site coverage variances and amai)r eliterior alleration in the conunercial core lt (ccll) zone district for the Lifthouse Lodge, located at 5i5 East Lionshead circte, legally described as aponion of Lot 3, Block I, Vail Lionshead, lst Filing. Action Reouested of council: conduct visit to the site ot the proposed remodel. Backoround Rationale: On March 14, 1994, and Augusl B, 1994, work sessions were held with the PEc to discuss the above referenced pruject. During both wofi sessions the PEc requssted the applicant make ceilain modifications to the building (roofing; ten€stration, etc.) and present the revised drawings at subsequent meetings. on August 22, 1994, the PEC approvect the prcposed variances and mai)r exlerior alteration, with conditions. Please see attached memorandum ol lhe Town councit tor a listing ot PEc conditions ot approval, as welt as staff's memorandum lo the PEC. Staff Recommendation: N/A. Presentations Re 1995 Contracts/Duesi/Leases: a. NWCCOG - Dues. b. QQ- Dues. c. VA Cloud Seeding. Action Reouested of council: vail Associates wouH ask lhe Town of Vail to contribute s23,469 ot 25% ol $93,9?0, which is the estirnated cost ol the program. d. Golorado West Mental Health Center. Ag{ion Requested of council Because staff has been atempting to consolidate all contributions to colorado west Mental Health, stafl would like council to revie$, lheir current level of contribution so all ol these can be brought together und€r one contrt|ct. gaqkoroqrd Rationale: Colorado West has been operating out of the Lionshead Parking structure since 1993, at which time an agreemenl was reached to defer lease payments unlll fumllure and fixtures for the renovated space were paid off. Although it was our understanding the lessee wguld apprcach councit at t-hat time to negotiate a lease fee, this has never been completed. In lact we have not had a curent lease lor this space since 1988. standard contributbns over lhe years have been as follows: !9,ase hotd expense (estimated at gl,Znmo.) $14,,rc0 per year L,llilities ($200ho/winter - $so/rnolsumrpo $ 2,000 ier year Community EAP Contribution gt2"000 per year lntemaUTOV EAp Cortributbn $ 3,600 per year 4 Blue pafiing passes (programmed for Lionshead only - so not true value of $S?S - eslimated at g475tea) 300 Coupons ($4.75lper coupon) $ t,9ffi per year $ t,125 per year slaff Recommendation: consHer total package ol benefits and decide contribution level. 2:45 P.M. 3. Colorado Ski Museum Review of Lease/lntroduce Markeling plan. Joe Macy Lucy Babcock 3:15 P.M. 4. Work session to discuss the contents of Ordinarrce No.2l, Series of 1g4,an Tom Moorhead Ordinance amending Chapter 18.04, setting fofth definitions lor active outdoorRussell Forrest recreation, intepretive nature walks, nature preserves, passive ouldoor recreation, Jim Curnutte private, public, quasi-publiq and changirE the seciion number ol recreation structure; amending Chapter 1E.36 Public Use Dislrict; amerdiru Chapter 1g.38, Greenbelt and Natural Open Space District; and creating Chaptei ra.Si, OutOooi Recreation Districi; and setting fodh details in regard thereto. Aqion Bequested of CouIpiL Council's discussion of the proposed tert charEes to the above referenced Chapters of the Municipat Gode. Bgqgqund Bationale: Onuay % and August 23, 1993, and February t4 and July 25, 1994, work sessions were held with the PEC to discuss tre pioposeO textchanges to the above referenced Chapter of the Municipal Code. On August 22, tgg4, ths pEC approved the proposed lexl changes. Staff Recommendation; N/A. 4:15 P.M. 5. Ore. House Awning AgreemenuLots D and E, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing/232Randy Stouder Bridge Street. Actiqn Requqstqd of Council: Discussion requested by Council. Larry Andersonhas been asked to attend this work sessbn to explain status of improvemefis requested by Courrcil at their May t7,1994, meeting. Bqchqtour-ld.Rationale: Several merbers of the Courrcil felt the awning made theoutdoor deck area appoar dad( and uninviting. Council requested fights andflowers to be added to improve the appeararrcC. Stafl Recommendation: None. 4:30 P.M. 6. lnformation Update. 4;r0 P.M. i. Council Reports. 4:50 P.M. 8. Oher. 5:00 P.M. 9. Executive Session - Legal Matters. 5:15 P.M. 10. Adjournment. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (A|-L IIUES ARE AFPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHAI{GE) oaooooa THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSTONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, 9/13/94, BEGINNING AT 2OOP.M:'N iO' COUICIL CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSIONWILL BE ON TUESDAY, g/2O94, BEGINNING AT 2:flI P.M. IN TO' COUNCIL CHAiIBERS. THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL BEGULAR EVENING MEETINGWILL BE ON TUESDAY,glg}E4, BEGTNNIHG AT 7:30 P.M. Ii{ TO\TCdUNCIL C,}IAIIBERS. oooaooo C:\AGENDA,WSE COPYflLt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 August 29, 1994 Departne nt of Communiry Development Mr. Larry Anderson, Owner/Manager The Orehouse F.O. Box 996 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Larry: At their meeting on May 17, 1994, the Town Council reviewed the Orehouse awning "tr""r"nt. fnle Councit reviewed the Design Guidelines that pertain to decks and patios in th-e Village Core. Various Council members expressed concerns over the dark appearance that the iwning created on the Orehouse deck. Discussion ensued between yourself and the Council regarding ways to improve the situation. You stated that the Orehouse was investigatin'g lighting options io create a brighter and more friendly atmosphere on the deck' Specilii tighiin-g opl'ions were discussed including fixtures that would.wash the back wall wilh tijnt. vou-atsJs[teO that the Ore House was looking at heaters to improve customer comfort aid extend the useful period of the deck, and flower boxes to improve the aesthetics of the deck. The Council urged you to proceed with all of these improvements as soon as possible. The proposed improvements would require Design Review Board (DRB) review and approval' To this end, we request that you submit a DRB application as soon as possible so that we can begin to review these items and hopefully get the improvemenls in place before the winter seison. The Town Council is interested in discussing this issue at their September 6th afternoon worksession. We respectfully request that you andior John Beaupre be present for this discussion. lf you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me in the Community Development Department at 479-2138. Sincerely, fJt"tW- Randy Slouder Town Planner 'i'c: Lrtut Ut-'o o 1fr-[, \,/ ,.69.b,f,e; ) ' 6610 ttl,e. ) - 6tt4'*ffs11. aEnupntORE HOUSE. VAIL SBD. VAIL. INC. BOX 996 vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 303.476-51002 May'1,8,7994 /O,'u tr4:(PRESIDENT LARRY ANDERSON GENERAL MANAGER Open letter to the Vail Town Council Town of Vail Offices 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81557 f,Fc€ryEO JUt, 2 w Dear Mayor and Council: Thank you for the very straightforward consideration of Ore Flouse's awning project. We are obviously very Fleased that it received your approval. While the economic, business development and community 'focus' elements will be self-evident, there was not unanimous agreement on the aesthetic considerations. To this end, we will pay close attention to the overhead heating, table'top lighting and decor as requested, and keep the setting and railing well maintained and properly 'flowered' in the summer, and subject to some further planning nicely decorated in the winter. Though we cannot speak for the land owner(s), who at some future date may (or may not) wish to build out to their property line, as long as we are tenants and operate the 232 Bridge Street premises, we do and will regard the space under the awning as an outside deck, covered, but not (to be) enclosed. In addition to the deck's obvious summer, daytime operation, and to respond specifically to councilmens' Stauch and Shearer's comments, we would very much like to establish this deck's function as Vail's first (only?) heated and covered outdoor space that can operate when possible during the winter and on cooler, surnmer evenings as well. As sucll it will/would be a very nice addition to the Old Town's core. Thanks again for your consideration. Sincerely, Is/pjj "f Owner & Manager :. DUU{GO. COIOR OO 3 SUi v^ufY. oN $E raaLr- 3un val.r.EY, roao \?- B\e o 1:00 P.M. l. Randy Stouder Lary Anderson 1:50 P.M. 3. Pam Brandmeyer 2:00 P.M. 4. Andy Knudtsen VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 17,1994 1:00 P.M.lN TOV COUNCIL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Site Visit: Ore House awning,232 Bridge StreeVLots C and D, Block 5, Vail Village, lsl Filing. Action Requested of Council: Examine the current awning. Backoround Rationale: The DRB approval was temporary and the awning agBement allows Council lo afiecl change or removal il good reason for such exists. Stalf Recommendation: See the attached memorandum for guidance from Vail Interview the three Licensing Authority. Aqlion Requested of Council: Review written applications from Don White, Amy Fritz, and Elizabeth Pickett. A ballot vote wilt be taken for two ol lhe threi candidates at the Tuesday, May 17, 1994, Vail Town Courrcil Evening Meeting. Backoround Rationale: Terms lor Don White and Milzi Gimenez on the Local Licensing Aulhority expire June t, 1994. Don White is re-applying. Discussion Re: Ordinance No.5, Series ol tgg4, prior to second reading al the Tuesday, May 17, 1994, Vail Town Councit Evenirg Meeting, an ordinance rezoning a tract l'om Primarylsecondary Residentiat, section 18.13 to Low Density Multi-Family Residential, section lg.16 generally tocated at 2950 Kinnickinnick Road more specifically describecl as: A palcel of land in the southwsgt Quarbr ot sedion 14 Township 5 sorfr, Range 8l west of the 6th Principal Meridian, more par cularly described as follals: Eeginning at a point whenca a braas cap set for a witless oorner for he West Quartsr ot said Sgction 14, bears (North 29 degress 2t minubs 5t s€cords Wsst, 1fl3.08 bet D€ed) (Norfi 43 D€grses ls minul€G 02 seconds west,915.96 feet irleasured); Thenc€ North 74 degrees 05 minutes ts ieconds East, 10.76 feeg Thence 163.62 l6et along the arc of a curva b t'€ dghi lAfiicfr ate subtends a chord b€aring Nonh 88 degr€€s 12 minubs 30 seconds Eas! 18r.?6 teet; Thence soufi 77 degr€es 40 manutes 21 seconds Easr, 62J7 t@\, Then€ 147.43 f€et along the arc of a curue to the left thidr arc subbnds a chord bearing Nor$ 86 degrees 36 minute€ lz seconds EaBt 145.60 feet Thence Norfr 70 degrees 52 minuFs 55 seconds Eas! rt06.55 feet; Th€nce 54.10 bet abng the arc of a curve b the right which arc eubtends a chod bearing souh 4? dogGes 20 minutes 3? seconds East, rg.20 te€t: Thence Sqnh 14 oegFs€s 25 m|nub8 i0 seconds l,Vest, ll0.5l f€€t Th€n€ South 6g d€gr€€s lg minuteB 91 s€conds west,320.m f€et; Thenc€ Norh 19 degrees 07 minubs 05 soconds wssl 50.@ feet; Thenoe south 77 degree6 48 minubs 4l seconds w€st, ldolg foet Thsnce souh lo degE€s 53 minut66 33 seconds w€st,5.48 t€et; Theno€ Norfi t7 degreeB 40 minubs 06 s€oonds west, ggz.zz fu€t Th€n@ (Norh lt d€gress 52 minubs 13 s€conds East, 130.00 fusl Deed) Norfi 1l degrB€c 55 minutes 3l seoonds East, 129.75 fs€t iteasurcd) b the polNT oF BEGINN|NG. Bearing from G.Lo. record tor south hall of s€ction line b€twsen s€ctions 14-15. (G.L.o. record sourh0l dsgrs€6 3O.2 minubs EasD (South Ol d€grees 3t minurc 32 socords East Mea6ur€dl Applicant: Juanita l. Pedotto represented by Greg Amsden. l:20 P.M. 2. Discussion re: Ore House anvning. Randy Stouder Larry Anderson Aclion Requested ol Council: Discuss awning agreement with Ore House owner to determine if changes are necessary. 2:30 P.M. 5. Bob McLaurin 4:15 P.M. Bob McLaurin 4:30 P.M. 7. Backoround Ratbnale: On April 11, 194, the PEC votd 4-{-l (with Greg Amsden abstaining) recommendirq approval of the requested rezoning and minor subdivision. There are several letters from neighboG which are irrcluded in the packet. During Courrcil Work Sessbn on April lz, lg9/', Council called up the minor subdivision requesl. Courrcil approved lhe minor subdivision on May 3, 1994, wilh a 4-3 vote and made it contingent upon apprcval of the rezoning. On May 3, 1994, Council approved the rBzonirE on first reading with a 5-2 vote. In addition to the ten conditions ol approval lisled in the PEC memo, Council added four more conditions to the plal, including: l. No 250 square foot addilions shall be allowed for any drelling unil on this parcel. 2. A homeowner's association shall be established prior lo lhe issuance ol a TCO to insure mainlenance of the @mmon area.3. The deed restrictions lor the three employee housing units shall inchrde language requiring the units to be renled, and requires the renlal rate be comparable to rnaftet rates.4. The maximum GRFA allowed on this sit€ shall be 25,900 square feet. Slafl has attached a list of all the conditions whbh will be placed on the plat. lssues such as the construction of the sicleuralk and construcition ol the employee housing units are identilied in that list. Stafi Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of Ordinance No. 5, Seriee of 1994, on second reading al the Tuesday, May 17, 194, Vail Town Council Evening Meeting. No action needs to be taken on the subdivision as that was approved by Gouncil on May 3, 1994. Town Manage/s Repofl:a) Work Program for Employee Housirg. (45 mins.)b) Summary of Comrn:nity Developmenl Department Project Priorities. (3O mins.)c) Cost ot Planner. (30 mins.) Action Reauested of Council: Review errclosed merKrs. Review of Resolution No. 13, Series ol 1994, a resolution ratifying and adopting the Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives for lhe Town of Vail, Golorado tot 1994t95. Action Reouested of Council: Review Resolution No. 13, Series of lg4, in preparation for reading and vote at the Tuesday, May 17, 1994,Vail To#n Courrcil Evening Meeting. Inlormation Update. Council Reports. Other. Executive Session: Legal Matters. Adiournment. 8. 9. 10. 11. r 0D irnuraromud d^h Lur,r,r\r} \0&d-fo L Wrt"ur,g^"{ r]*di,tl ^tL de"L f\qs, windaus, fl.\o.a di , u;o'r,! rnnmdrru{ 5 tL ja4oa -+ 2Ow. rro rf*.tu(ff tU du/vro4 - $*ue- k^!- 6ost^J, t6t r fi,,'ou.[pyg \qt , ,M*d DY3 &ie\) I,i!o, p^r0, rno\an \fur,J J,. ,Sqz.dnd, \,rr^:.. u. -"F -3- f?P^nU-2P- (1d' #K,' ;ii h,* fr-at- l- ili uu--'r lll t7 aprlrgaiufv.ip is zr M,n' \fir &rdCI* $oi J rrnaBd lV A- , --I.r{ht ) Jrenr^ d( -[AJ PW PrTrr;fDJ 1r' g^dotL daLLar€A- ,f -ttcrl to *U ,gla"u r"u'\\ *rnri1fr t\ t''1rt'y r,.', &r!.- baJcurc"t\- - \U\"lV ^u".L' {U}u\o!0!-r^rg. hed\ @0 oo .- (.ort\ 4r4u%- f&te,tf , pdt4hlr,4€r* o{,nnr- r,,t*a{l0'E , bV /ulunaq-ilj0s{r^ffi* I i" rAJ'C{y ,0,!"4 t;^-, -*|'N ^df d i"c'un"az-T '/?^'"'---r^ .,".' W 7f'(/^rr^ 1 -/ 1f-*. Aunn '' - l*#e p [,.nfu; .J />ry *;,(4n^?+ /1/61/ -"S,[^- @xS ,t"< 4h;W C"rffr-r"e4f . /nf'/** )s o 6=^-Z ft, p-fr^?%' /'-- f'' / { ' r - /'et rr {t,,* d't/y,4, '-,0^- 4fuq11++ %-, -,{J,^- &rr" 6"{r,h nnLl,,, _ t-rrrdl -{r,rqs Au Vab(e,s iri,tu-ltwz'^ fusd,-l^, tu"{us- @0. probehT i; ? $\^, rt^o g^nA>n^* &p@r8 S-R/l^?* g,f h ,^P\Y.ft f^eN- pail+&q ^fir" rt (ra 7 +K- ly ,M dfr+a.,^ ilt'dil/. *"ll ,*tl {n ^qtyl {o 2'1o5")tr"" {a*. b^bAb- btll- "{ lo4,-uMic"( *tuI&NJ fva&,ts - tt^Pkfrtnrlnd, 1"'tl ut' - g)si{+,/e oiw all ot To^,,/4.- b'rwtL o'c',./a fuefl JJ l*iu*-u{ O &#cA Wry {t*' lna@t t(4/!f -/ owhsrs fud , ,- ftnf"d;n'iTrj'fo[ ^J {l'- - Aa 6w:,n'il.,(/flrrph*) , * ^ A#<^ ,,9 ,./a^,'-J U"M1 - ffi4 mAtu onrka4* ,10"fun ({o^, ,,,^I4rW4/ *'pd^Y7 htr"lf I -'/a1,'sfr)&\- lrte on^- d{"o- ud,ftdznt C1^4^'fr/, ffit'f*g wJ,5Ury" Hf^f'M'&+u^'1* 6*',n'X^o ^';D € l,a,U'1, @f aN^ Nr4 fuZ "6"" '".Ary Wr t-TBAI{( OF VAIL 17 VA|L ROAD VA|L, COLOHADO 81657 303-476-5686 l{ay t7 , 1994 The Honorable Margaret Osterfoss Mayor of Vail- 75 South Frontage Road Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear Peggy: Thank you for taking the time to discuss the Ore House awning situation yes cerday . To reiterate our conversation, this auning covers approximately 50 seats, This additional seating capacity not only increased the Ore House revenues by 15% over 1993 (based on my review of the most current financial statement), but I believe also visibly enhanced the activity in the heart of Vail Village. There's no question that anyone walking down Bridge SLreet wancs to feel the pulse of Vail, its character and traditions. .and you can only feel something like that when you actually see people enj oying thenselves. I believe che patio dining experience in Vail is a valuable asset to our village, and we should do all that we can to encourage it. The Ore House has made a significant investment in this awning, attenpting to provide this experience. I hope you and the council will also encourage this experience by providing the Ore House with your final approval . r{RR/ Executive Vice Pres ident REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND CONSULTANTS 23O BRIDGE STREET VAIL, COLORADO 81667 May 16, L994 Larry Anderson The Ore House Restaurant232 Bridge StreetVail , CO 8L65 Dear .Larry: Although f am no longer on the Design Review Board,express ny continued support of your awning. TELEPHONE (3031 476-ZtZ'l TELETAX (303) 476-2658 I wish to A nain concern during our review last year was the snow mett off ofttre awning and the effect it would havt on Bridge street. r watchedthis situation during the winter and it was not, even an issue. The other nain aspect of your approval was the change of the streetscape and a perceived 'Ddrrowingrr of Bridge street. Again, theawning has proven to be a positive- addition in that it haj enhancedthe activity and lent more vitality to this area of Town. r was preased to rearn that your improvement to Bridge street alsoltas an economic success for you ind added to Townrs sares taxrevenue. With sincere regards, Design Review Board E(cluiivc Alliliate SCITHEBYS IMERNANONAL REAITY ceorge S.Past chai IJ\COITOI TTID REAL ESTATE AROKERS AND CONSULTANTS 23O BRIDGE STREET vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 Apil22,7994 Mayor Peggr Osterfoss Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Peggr: I am writing regarding the Ore House awning which was installcd last year. Both Beth and I fecl the awning, as installcd, is fine and is not a dctrimcnt. We would encourage the council to allow the awning to remain. As you might recall we expressed concerns at the original hearings but fecl, as installed, it is fine. Erchoiw Alliliattw IN1ERNITTIONAL REAL:IY TELEPHONE (3O3) 476-2421 I'ELEF-AX (303) 476-2651r Best regards, &4@, fl,;. *:,ir,ir' &wn$ n; re &3 B- 1,2.?F,f.'a {+aE t.'g,.:;"tts' e: .6 ffi { +:.fti tir- s, n=g'. ggYl'*.qr "f.*tt irl' *:olff$.** fUa -+rt^alnp{ c tt:roA. Lwbr4oo.lc" rlr^;g;;44 . F*^ 0r lt (c''t'+) 4ila- ' tbttnlu^{raq h^^ aiealul? g}'0r Sf=..F9:'r.;1, s,:' StS:l d.ff. S*F.q# ei. de, fri.€:.. Fi:..r"el;l " ; .1,, "?: ;.,S&t ,9. & : ,'.," s: . ?*rhl'*olnft+ a lr:tad Laol4tcft I-r^ &ou.-6rtvDu; #a 6. ffiuse#. &ue*'e* &&.a*ef. *3 tlewte ArffiY f,nnE8.s$q} $6 e ##,ffitr*tlse 6rts*v (naro) ft"h+al'^ slnh+ c tt:tbA f.$^i o*ia 4:,*+4. f ,* o, Ir k*n e irr- ;tt"r)".arAvrth TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Gommuni$ Development Department May 17, 1994 Ore House awning agreement I. BACKGROUND On June 3, 1992, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the Ore House application to install a permanent awning across the front of the restaurant. The awning would be approximately 12 feet deep and 55 feet long along the west side of the Glock Tower Building adjacent lo Bridge Street. The DRB members voted to approve the Ore House awning application by a 3-2 margin. The Town Council called this item up at the June 16, 1992 Town Council meeting. Shelly Mello reviewed the opinions of the various DRB members and why they voted for or against the application. Sherry Donrard voted for the application stating that the awning would extend the use of the deck and add vitality to the area. Ned Gwathmey and Gena Whitten opposed the awning stating that it would enclose and narow Bridge Street to an unacceptable level and would not comply with several Vail Village Design Considerations. Following the review of DRB opinions, Peggy Osterfoss stated that she also felt that several Design Guidelines had not been met, specifically, there was not a varied height, there was no inegular street edge, and the sun/shade issue on the deck had not bben adequately addressed. After some discussion, Merv Lapin moved to uphold the DRB decision. Bob Buckley seconded the motion. A vole was taken and fie motion was defeated 3-4 with Jim Gibson, Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg and Peggy Ost€rfoss ln opposition. Following further discussion, Merv Lapin moved to modify the DRB's approval lo a one year temporary approval with the contingency that Larry Eskwith dratt a written agreement between the applicant and he Town establishing temporary approval and allowing the Town to request the removal or modification of the awning at the end of one year. A removal or modification request would need to be based on the determination that th6 Installation did nol meet the Vail village Design Considerations. Bob Buckley seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-3 with Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg and Peggy Osterfoss opposed. A copy of the minutes are attach€d. On March 8, 1994, at Council's request, staff reviewed the awning agreement and brought the findings to lhe Town Council. Staff's memo stated that the Town Council had until January 18, 1995 to review and require modilications or removal of the awning. A copy of the March 8, 1994 memo is attached. il. vAtL y|LLAGE pEStGN CONSIDERATIONS Attached to this memorandum are the pertinent seclions of the Vail Village Design Considerations. These considerations should be used to guide any decision regarding a modification or removal request for the Ore House awning. The major points to consider are as follows: %street_Elglosut9. - An external enclosure is most comfortable when its walls are virtually half as high as the width ol the space enclosed. lf the ratio falls to a quarter or less, the space seems unenclosed. lf the height is greater than the width, it comes to resemble a canyon. When exceptions to the general height criteria occur, special design consideration should be given to creating well defined ground floor pedestrian emphasis to overcome scale problems. Canopies, awnings, and building extensions can all create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from the buildings' .Slfeet eSre - Buildings in the Village Core should form a strong but inegular edge to the street. Plazas, patios and green areas are important focal points for gathering, resting and orienting and should be distributed throughout the Village with consideration to spacing, sun access, opportunities for views, and pedestrian activity. .!:!9@9L@Lrei!!S, - When evaluating a development proposal, priority should be given to an analysis ol the impact of the proiect on views. Vie\ws that should be preserved originate from other major pedestrian areas or public spaces. .Sun/ShadC - On all but the warmest summer days, shade can easily lower temperatures below comfortable levels and thereby negatively impact use of those areas. All new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow pattern on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way. .Oecfs anclEatios - Decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets. A review of successful decks and patios in Vail reveal the tollowing common characteristics: lF.Djrect sunJght from 11:' .Elevated feet to give views into pedestrian area. .Physical separation from pedeslrian walk. .Overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." .Accent Elemenlg - The life, and festive quality ol the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement and contrast to the Village. Colorful accent elements consistent with existing character are encouraged, such as awning and canopies. evandj^m€mosbfe hous.tc II. VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Attached to this memorandum are the pertinent sections ol the Vail Village Design Gonsiderations. These considerations should be used to guide any decision regarding a modification or removal request for the Ore House awning. The major points to consider are as follows: .,.@.Anexterna|enc|osureismostcomfortab|ewhenitswa||sare virtually half as high as the width of the space enclosed. lf the ratio falls to a quarter or less, the space seems unenclosed. lf the height is greater than the width, it comes to resemble a canyon. When exceptions to the general height criteria occur, special design consideration should be given to creating well delined ground floor pedestrian . .ta,t tt** emphasis to overcome scale problems. Canopies, awnings, and building extensions yi.' 'i:; A can all create a pedestrian focus and divert attention tronitne buildings. frheh lt'ww 1 \R fl a t^*1'* york.'",: ;W.,",-T:[?,."l."1,|;JJ13fl""'"ff;l',:li:?ffi,T:Il%i,l:ff'#i{""',1ff '6 *'"'*n,'F t,f 3f.:,iII-.:. resting and orienting and should be distributed throughout the Village with c4E*tY*"?;iliJel;iloili;;;.d, irn "*".r, opportunities rorviews, and pedestrian activity. ,7,oo^|ntu.,rd, "lnicl b)^rA .Vjet{S_atEE99A!_PointC - When evaluating a development proposal, priority should befl^ff"''C C/, gi"enE-an analysis of the impact of the pioject on viers. Views that should be i;i[ tt $g{:'. pr"r"red originate from other major pedestrian areas or public spaces. , .SunlSnaclg - On all but the warmest summer days, shade can easily lower , .*)t{ temperalures below comfortable levels and thereby negatively impact use of those i\'s j .1| ln 0? areas. All new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and {yr {,Y *" f"ll shadow pattern on adjacent prolerties or the public right-of-way. ',tte{t .Oec,Xs ald- patiSC - Decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets. A review of successful decks and patios in Vail reveal the following common characteristics: .Direct sunlight from 1 1 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. t'J bc:' lc a-n"*'-1 S' .Efevated leet to give views into pedestrian area. {eJ .Physical separation from pedestrian walk. .val .Overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter. at - L;/ b; ,r o.1," " 44h,*1 Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity.. c:Vandyvnsmos\orehous.tc oo & fW Dburs")n4'*^u'Jn; 7* ^/.^hs- d tuffirl/?t v{ /o-.; f,"^24"^( Av6<,r,'t-"'<r nd{ w*- -?@l^Mo.-1 W # >rvh"&)/p&)or. W.r,'r'\/Md hry( r;'"* i fM n ilurr {A' ltn,xbt^ ee fiP' ry"q*/ 116^ '{-,115 €'"^t^< fuY49*W f,, fr^t- f,,r! fr5r"4" ;,*'? o.Jufl. n 44 'l'.' n#W*Y; t;'4! af /ryryfur,krr'nnrffi $"rurh,rry fr /-Ff.4 "4 t'?'fufr"^- U/44 &*{" 7r-' ai"t " 4^ fr"" r*/ d ;i- -""{* i ry f,"W,fffi ^rynN4"& fl,rt /k''* e'^*hanq ' IiE,!,.t: i,APER TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department May 17, 1994 Ore House awning agreement I. BACKGROUND On June 3, 1992, the Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the Ore House application to install a permanent awning across the front of the restaurant, The awning would be approximately 12 feet deep and 55 feet long along the west side of the Clock Tower BuiHing adjacent to Bridge Street. The DRB members voted to approve the Ore House awning application by a 3-2 margin. The Town Council called this item up at the June 16, 1992 Town Council meeting. Shelly Mello reviewed the opinions of the various DRB members and why they voted for or against the application. Sherry Dorward voted for the application stating that fre awning would extend the use of the deck and add vitalig to the area. Ned Gwathmey and Gena Whitten opposed the awning stating that it would enclose and narow Bridge Street to an unacceptable level and would not comply with several Vail Village Design Considerations. Following the review of DRB opinions, Peggy Osterfoss stated that she also felt that several Design Guidelines had not been met, specifically, there was not a varied height, there was no irregular street edge, and the sun/shade issue on the deck had not been adequately addressed. After some discussion, Merv Lapin moved to uphold the DRB decision. Bob Buckley seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion was deleated 3-4 with Jim Gibson, Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg and Peggy Osterfoss in opposition. Following further discussion, Merv Lapin moved to modify the DRB's approval to a one year temporary approval with the contingency that Larry Eskwith draft a written agreement between the applicant and the Town establishing temporary approval and allowing the Town to request the removal 0r modification of the awning at the end of one year. A removal or modification request would need to be based on the determination that the installation did not meet the Vail Village Design Considerations. Bob Buckley seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed 4-3 with Jim Shearer, Tom Steinberg and Peggy Osterfoss opposed. A copy of the minutes are attached. On March 8, 1994, at Council's request, staff reviewed the awning agreement and brought the findings to the Town Council. Staff's memo stated that the Town Council had until January 18, 1995 to review and require modifications or removal of the awning. A copy of the March 8. 1994 memo is attached. II. VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Attached to this memorandum are the pertinent sections of the Vail Village Design Considerations. These considerations should be used to guide any decision regarding a modification or removal request for the Ore House awning. The major points to consider are as follows: ".&g!_fu!@1g - An external enclosure is most comfortable when its walls are virtually half as high as the width of the space enclosed. lf the ratio falls to a quarter or less, the space seems unenclosed. lf the height is greater than the width, it comes to resemble a canyon. When exceptions to the general height criteria occur, special design consideration should be given to creating well defined ground lloor pedestrian emphasis to overcome scale problems. Canopies, awnings, and building extensions can all create a pedestrian focus and divert attention from the buildings. .Street Ale - Buildings in the Village Core should form a strong but irregular edge to the street. Plazas, patios and green areas are important focal points for gathering, resting and orienting and should be distributed throughout the Village with consideration to spacing, sun access, opportunities for views, and pedestrian activity. .@L&idg-Whenevaluatingadeve|opmentproposa|'priorityshou|dbe given to an analysis of the impact of the project on views. Views that should be preserved originate from other major pedestrian areas or public spaces. .Sun/Shade - On all but the warmest summer days, shade can easily lower temperatures below comfortable levels and thereby negatively impact use of those areas. All new or expanded buildings should not substantially increase the spring and fall shadow pattern on adjacent properties or the public right-of-way. .OecfC_and Patios - Decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to the streets. A review of successful decks and patios in Vail reveal the following common characteristics: .Direct sunlight from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. .Elevated feet to give views into pedestrian area. .Physical separation from pedestrian walk. .Overhang gives pedestrian scale/sheller. Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to sun, wind, views and pedestrian activity." .Accent Elements - The life, and festive quality of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement and contrast to the Village. Colorful a@ent elements consistent with existing characler are encouraged, such as awning and canopies. cvand^rn€mos\orehous,tc MINUTES VAIL TCIWN COUNCIL MEETiNG JUNE 16,1992 7:30 P.M. :_:S:g :l*:.u,*,1111 .CoTld..y.r" herd on r\resday, June 16, Lggl, at?:80 p.m., in theCouncil Chanbers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor Menr lapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Buckley Jim Gibson Rob LeVine Jim Shearer Tom Steinberg noDe Ron Phiilips, Towu IVlarrager Larry Eskwith, Towa Attorney !-an pryod:neyer, Assistant to the Towa Maaager Martha Raecker, Town Clerk ME1VIBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIAI,S PRESENT: Item twelve- 01 thg -qeelda was a call up by Towu Corncil of the Design Review Board (DRB) {ecisioa fPlrwing the installation of ga awning located on the west side of tbe Clock Tower Buildiag (Gorzuch byrllin8) for the Ore House Restauraa! 232 Bridge Stree! I-t A, Block 5, Vail Village flrst f,ilhg. Shelly Mello gave a brief oven'iew of the project, statiag the owners of the Ore House Reltar:raat made a request to locate a greeB awaing approximately 1? b depth with a combined leagth of 55'along tbe west side of the Clock Tower Buildi:rg adjaceut to Bridge Street. The Design Review Boaril voed 3-2 to approvg the reguesl with Sherry Dorward citing in her motion the installition would extend the use of the deck and add vitality to the area. tr1"4 gsfu+hrney and Geua Wbitten of the DRB opposed the Totigl, fiading that although the request did conform with a nunber of the Vail Vilb-de Desig:n Consideratioas, it would enclose and narow Bridge Street to an unacceptable level ald woulcl aot cpmply witb several of ttre Vail Village Design Considerations. Ore House owners Larry Aaderson ala JoUn Beaupre presented their project and stated they had full s;upport from David Gorsuch, the buildingofilen Rod Slifer, owner of the adjacent building, stated he was concerned with the permanency of theyear-muad awaing and the protrusion of the building into the street. Peggy Osterfoss said ieveral Desip Guidelines had not been met, specifically, there was no varied heigbi, no irregular street edge, aad the suq and shade issue on the deck had aot been adequately addressed- After further discussion, Men, Lapin moved, to uphold the DRB decision. Bob Buckley seconded t'bat motion' A vote was and the motiou *"" a"i"ri"l,-t-1;;th Ji; Gibson,Jim g.hgarer,.!on^ s*F_"q,_T_1_l:ql^oj ;;#;T;il"i"r ifin"" &scussion, Men l,gpglgove{.to *:diry the DRB's approval to a oDe'vear temporary approva:r *itl tl" plan as p*pot"a--fUi. motion also called for Larry Eskwith to draft a written agreeloent o"i"L"-tU! "ppfi"fit--J[" 1.o.'^ *gariling t-bis temporary apProLal as it relates to the removal of the ;;;Et";i[ iiu" a"t"-ti""J tr.tip" instlttauon dies not meet t'he Ya]yrot:Tf"Jt*[i"lif;#;r.'b;"B;;1"; ;;;;"d.Ilhe motion. A vote was ta.ken, and the motion paesed, 4'3, .lE-S-U""t"t, Tom Steiuberg, aad Peggy Osterfots oPPos"& - ffied to items ten ana eteveu on tbe agenda- Item ten wls-t!:-Towu of vail and val neso* Assoeintiq@) u'it"' c."t"f +c'""P3llpldqc^f:::P-cXf:?yi,,""f:Y :::::: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Town Council Community Development Department March 8, 1994 Ore House awning agreement Staff has reviewed the Ore House awning agreement executed between the owners of the Ore House and the Town of Vail. The agreement states that: "the Town council shall have one year after the final Building Department inspection of the awning to demand modification ot the awning design or the removal of the awning." The awning was installed by the Ore House in late April or May of 1993. lt appears from a review of the permanent tile that the Ore House never called for a final inspection on the awning. Aftei a routine review of the files and activities, the Building Department discovered tfre neld for a final inspection, and completed that inspection on January 18' 1994. Thus, the Town has until January 18, 1995 to demand the modification or removal of the awning. Such a demand is required to be in writing and must date the modifications that are required by the Town Council or the demand for removal of the awning. -E'.€> .qf o Toirr,N oF vAttJsBD-vAtL.rNC. AWNING AGBEEMENT ' THrs AGREEMENT mad€ ard enrered Inlo oo Juno 16, 199i by 8nd between th€ Town ot vat, a colorado mJnlclpar corporallon flhg Townl,. ard sBD-vair. tnc., .tba The ore House, a colorado . coDoralion (Th€ ore House.J RECITALS : t. on June 3' 1992' a hearing was hsrd beroro rho _Town ot va Desrgn Rgvrsvu Board lo - delermlne whelhBr or not lo approvs The ore House,s appnca on lo Insra[ a permanenl awning appro{mat€ly lwelvo (121 tsot ln deplh with comblned tength ot tirty-tive (55) teeq abng th€ west slJe ol lfu Clod( Toryer buildtr€ adlacenl lo gridlp Streel. '' 2, Subsequsnl to the hearlng. lhe Design Review Boad voted lo approvs Th6 Oro Houset . application lor lhe hstattalion ol tho awning. . 3. Ti€ dedsbn ot rh3 Design Review Boafd was app€ated to tho To. n courEl pursuarr b the Municipal Code ol lhe Town of vait and a hearlng on lhe appeal was heard by lhe Town CourrcI on Juns 16, 1992. 4. Subsequent lo the Ptss€ntatbn ol thb tads ietating to ths appeat betore tho loryn Councl, lhe Town CourEil suggested, and the apptkant agreed, fhat the Deslgn Revievr Boards approvd ot tho awning should be tnoditled tom a permanenl lo a tomporary approval, lasting not moro than ono (1) year Irgm lhe dato ot ths lnstatlalion ol lhE awning. 5. fn" Town Courctr requosted that $e appfcar{ and thE Torrirn enler lnto a v,rflen agteernent seUtr€ fodh tho tetms and conctitbns relating to thc temporary Design Revisw goard approval ol The Ore Hous€ awning. AGREEMEI,IT NOW, THEFEFOHE, tho panies herelo agrae as tollows: 1. In acoordance wih thg decision ol rown councir at lhe Juns 16. 1992, headng appearing th3 Deslgn Fevlgw Board approval ot rhe ore House awntng al the regulai meeting, Th6 ore Houso b r! hereby given a lernPotary apPrcvat lo Instalt the awning as nprs particutarly let lodh h lhg deslgn ard plan altached to lhis sgtesmenl as Exhlbll 'A'. Subsequent to the Instaltallon ot lhe awning, The Town Counctl shallhave one (l) y€at alier the llnal Building Deparlmenl hspection ol lhe ey,,nins to demand moditicalbn ol rh€ annins desrgn or lhE ,",J*1il"*r-l-----'-- --==----'_-----Z Shot ld the Town Councl demand ellhgr ft€ rnodtrration or thB removal of the ailning, n sh3ll notily The Ore House in wrlting of either ths modlllcatlon requked or lhs demand for removat, as ths Ga3e.rnay be. 3.||ThaoreFbuseta[slomakothonecessa'y'pditicalbn|othoar,vnhgsettorthlntho. -i o Toyvn gouncil mlbe or fatr lo renpvo lhe awnlng. a3 lhe caso rnay'be, wlhh tttlny (30) days ot sucrl notlce, lhe Town or ns agenl ot rcgesentalives shall have lhs righl to enteionlo The orB Housg premlses and remove tha awnhg. Any expanses inqrngd by the Town reht;d r0 the rernovar or the awnhg shal bo FrrfSursed to rho Town by Thd ors HouEe wrhrn thlrry (30) days ot such ,emoval - 4. Tl'b agreemSnt represenb lho ent&a unde-tandno ot rhe par$es erd stEt not bo amended gxcept bt a subsequent written agreement aignsd by the padles. T}IE TOWN OF VAIL t Larry (9Atet, ac{ff town trlanaler SBD.VAL tNC. Btr 1i { csSq,EEtci L : :1 'I I '. ._r, ':i:t,.il ':-;. . '1 ::: .i* i:, .1.,: :ir! I t..{ . iii', ., RCIt,t :,:. J:jl 1.. i\:1. :.. :t+, :;::i. : i-.!, 'j i41 r,!i: oI PMAMFRIWEDTHURREAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILOINE O FOOTINGS/STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNOERGROUNO o RoUGH / D.W.v.O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER n ROOF 8 SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING .tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr o D- 6//' o,FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAI.: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutT tr SUPPLY AIR o B O FINAL O FINAL O DISAPPROVED O FEINSPECTION BEOUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: MEMOFANDUM Town Council Community Development Department March 8, 1994 Ore House awning agreement Staff has revlewed the Ore House awning agreement executed between the owners of the Ore House and the Town of Vail. The agreement stiates that: 'fie Town Council shall have one year after thE final Building Department inspection of the awning to demand modification of the awning design or the' removal of the awning." The awning was installed by the Ore House in late April or M1Y of 199& lt appears frgm a review of t[e permanent tile that the Ore House never called for a linal lnspection on the "*ning- Afiel a routine review of the fites and activities, lhe Building Departnent discovered tne neiO for a final inspectlon, and completed that lnspection on January 18' 1994. Thus, ths Town has until January 18, 1995 to demand the mOdifiCation or removal ol ths awnhg. Such a demand is reiquired to be in writing and must date the modifications that are required by the Town Council or the demand for rEmoval of the awning. o :1"$:_i:51,.h:,V,1J3"q.C"1":rt.ft held oa 1\resday, Jr:ne 16, 1992, ar ?:80 p.m., in theCouacil Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building. MEMBERSPRESENT:Peggy Osterfoss, Mayor' Merv Iapin, Mayor Pro-Tem Bob Buckley Jim Gibson Rob LeVire Jim Shearer Tom Steirberg noDe Ron Phillips, Towa lvla.nager Larry Eskwith, Towa Attor:ney _P_an pryodngyer, fu sistp'' t to' th e Towa Manager Martha Raecker, Towa Clerk MEMBER.S ABSENI} TOWN OFFICIAIS PRESENT: MINIITES VAIL TOWN COI'NCIL MEETING JUNE 16,1992 7:30 P.M. ftem twelve- o1 tb9 3eeuda was a call up by Towa Cou:ccil of tbe Desigin Review Board (DRB) decision fPnr-onng tbe installatioa of ga awni:og located on the west side of tbJ Clock Tower Building (Crorsuch building) for tbe Ore House Restaurant, 232 Bndge Street, Iot A, Bloc.k S, Vail Village first filing. Shelly Mello gave a brief overview of the pnoJect, stating the owaers of the Ore House Bestar:raat made a rcquest Q 1g."? agr€en awaing approximately 12'in depth with a combined lengjh of 5b, aloag tbe west side of tbe Clock Tower Building adjacent to Bridge Street Tbe Desiga Review Boaril votcd 3-2 Q a-ppryvg the requesl with Sherry porward aUag in hir motion the installation would extend the use of the deck and add dtglity to tle area. 1J"6 6wsrhriey aad Geaa Whitten of the DBB opgcsed tbe 1otio.1, fiading-that 3lthough tbe_ request did conform with a number of the Vail ViUide Desip Colsiderations, it would enclose aad narow Bridge Street to an uaacceptable level and would iot comply'with several of tbe Vail Village Desig;u Consider-ations. Ore House o-*'oe"s Larry Anderson aad John Beaupre presented their project and stated they had fi:ll s;upport from.David forsuch, the builrli''g owner. Rod Slifer, owaerof tbe adiaceut building, stated be was coacbraed wittr the per:oaaeacy of thi ryar'ro!3q alarng aad the protnrsion of the buildiag into the street. Peggy Osterfoss said -several Design Guideliles bad not been !et, speeifcally, tberi was no varied beight, no irregular street edge, and the su4 aled sbade issue oa tbe deck had not been adequately addressed- After fii:tber discussiJn, Merv Lapin noved to uphold tbe DRB decision. Bob Buckley seconded t'hat motion' A vote was ""J tn"-i-ou"" *"r a.["t"a, sa, *iu ii. Gibson,Jim S-hearer,-Tom Steinberg antl Pegey Or ;;;;-i;Iil*jd i"ta.b"r &scussioa, Men Lapinmoved.to m.odi& the DRB's appmval to a one-vear temporar;y approvar *itUlug plaa ry p*porud. Tbis motion also called for Larry Eskwith to draft a written agree4eDt beLween tbe applicalt -a iU" Town regarding ttris teaporary approval as it relates to the removal of the .*"i"g "ro"ri it U" a"e"-io"a t,bat tf," instllation d6es uot mee, 6" Y:lYltitf desim coasideratious. noU-n".U"y seconded the motion. A vote was taken, ald the motion passed, 4'3, ,li--S1".t"", Tom Steinberg, and PeggT Osterfoss opposed'. H o:. . TOry.N OF VA|L6BD.VAIL.|NC. AWNING AGREEMENT '- ,--.-> ftE AGREEMENT tttado atld entsted lnto on &rns 16, l99i by and between thr Tovrn ot va!. a cdb,rado rruni:lper corporation ctho Torrnl. and s€D,va[. rnc" oa The ore ]buse, a. frbrado .corporalbn (Tho Or9 Hous?.J FECITAUi . 1. On Jung 3. 199A. a hoarlrE was hetd betore the.Town o, Vail Deslg'| Revlsw Board to - . ,. dsl.rmlns wherhsr or nor to approv. The 0'6 House! apprcarron ro hstatr a perman.nt a$rnrr€ . apptorr'Elely h^rehe (1?) tesl h dePth wlth cortlned terpth ot titlfnve (551 tscl. atong 111e wssl sirc ot lhe Clod( Tower building adlacenl to grHge St eBL e Subsequenl b rhB heatlng. lhe Deslgn Revlew Board voted lo approve The Oe House! . . app[catbn lor ths hstatatbn ol tho awnlng. . ' 3. Tha decbron ol lhe Deslgn Review Board ria3 agpealed lo th6 To$n counctr pur$ranl to . . . . lho Munic'rpal Code ol hE Tor'vo ol valt and a hearhg on tho appeal was heard by lhE Town Courrtr on June 16, 199a .,{.subsequen[rohePres€nl.uonott*'actsietat|ng|othqePP3alb€tofotIETov0councr. lh3 Town counctr 9uggesled, and lhe appllcant agrsod. that tho Oeslgn Beviev, Eoards apprgval ol lho -rf awnlng should be modilled trom aPe{manent |o a lorporery rpproval, tasting not rflgre than ons (i} yesr : ,'f\ J, f- Irorn hs dale ot th€ hslalarbn ot fio awnhg. .' : . . 5. rn. Tovn Counclt roquesled lhat tho appttcant and the To$,n enler tnlo I wrflten tgrcernenl sanlr€ torth lhs lerr|3 8rd cond or|s refa ng to the lemporary Destgn Revlew Eoard approvat ol Tha. Ore Hou3e awnhg. AGFEEMENT NOw' TIJEREFOBE, th€ pad'les hereto agree aS lotbu6: l. In eccordanc€ wirh the dgckron ot rown councfl at the Juna 16, 1992. hearlng appeatiDg lho Desbn Rsvlew Board epprovar ot rha ore Hguse awnhg ar rhe regutai meating, Th€ oro Houso ts heroby given a lemPorert epProvat lo hslall lhe ewning ss more pafliotarty lel lorth In the deslgn and ptan sllsched lo thts agteemenl es Erhtblt *A'. Subsequent lo lhe hslathtton ot lhs swning. ThB Town counctr shal have ong (l I ye_ar_a_!e4[frnal Bultdqypgpartrnent lnspedion ol lhe arvnhq to demard rpdirrcaibn- ^ ot lhg awning d6s'tgn ot th9 rgtiEval ol lhg awnino._+-\_-__:Z Should tha Toten Counc! demard elher lhs rrDdmca on or th3 removal ol tho avfiing. ! shatr mlily Tbo Oro House h wililE ot elhet tho modiricalion requtred or ths demand tor removat as ths c3ge may bs. 3.llTheo'gHot,so|ai|s|omalro|hgnecessarysnodi'lcalbn|o|h9awnhgs€t'or|h|n|h9. 4 o Twvn goulrr m{ca or tair lo remow |hE a$rning, a3 rhs case miy'us. wnrrrr |h|rty (30) days ot $rch .' 'mllce, lhe Town or ns agent or iepresenlalives shal have the righl to gnler'onlo The c}16 Houss premises and temova lha awnkE. Any €xPgt|sgs hdrned by thr Town rehid to lhe rsrnoval ol lh3 awnlng shatl ba relrnbursed to rhe To'^rn by Thc or€ Houss wlhh thtrrt (30) day3 ot such rgtnorrat - 1, Thls agreement tept63e s rhe enth6 understandino ot ure lirries ana sfrail not be am3rided ercert by a 3ubsequenl unllen agres6r96 ipq€d by lho parlies, 8f T}IE TOWN OF VAIL SBD.VAIL INC. .r'lir clbFotoulc.rgl I i'o;W oerc /-/f 'fy' o INSPECT]ON REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL' .1 ^fJoB NAME f,{a //ar,a ,flut+,,r/.. CALLER .R€ADY FOR INSPEGTION:MoN @ wED FFI LOCATION3 THUR AM PM tr FOUNDATION/STEEL o BoUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER - NOOF A SHEEFu PLYwooD NAILING D POOL / H. TUB I.: I i .. ,1.:' . :: ",'' : ,:':.::ii,-i: .,.:...ii I' : j. .. .; .1.. :r' : ..., .-....:...tr :: ...: ,.'...;.'... & .:.. t.r. rr 'J ;it, i lt: t:r *--Fl- __N --c.)($I i { ; .t .'t 'zm € s6x Emna fll T,s.t-,l s- F [ 'J\Fl.tl|.. IF lfir -TtF N-l$ .. Lol d tf -|r) (\J F UJ . lrJ E Fa trj (9 o E. (D Lot e ( s85o30.E ilEAS.) R= l2OO' L: l&85' A= lQoggr N8905t'E TIE: S 29o44r E, tO. .l C AF€ C €AS €D ftE C-/+^TOrsucH . GORE CRE E K . . DR IV E (40') s/t s >z FEoc) ^ .JZLtmlj€l lsf lFf lPf t$t-?r ,fll- 'l o \it1-l1 q ilrIrrl lfit- -nF NT lr r 1 .--a 'a a/z a ., ! ,:. <-.t, I I l \.f'o t.+ \. i t.' t D "'.; q, P :," .f -.9oI. ct a Lot d ill -ro (\J F UJ . lrJ (r F(t td (9 3 E (D Lol 5 STORY BUILe ( s 85030.€ ilEAS.' R= l2OO' L=. 18.85' a:goo9g' ^TorsucH . GORE C N 89"51'E TIE 1 S 29044: E, lO. REE K -.DRIV .a ,+n C-4 E (40') s)t ifl!zlmi€ I IE lc)x PmnU) |ir $'I..-.l* -Jt. e .N -1. t-rrl Irrr- _Tt F N-N Tr-st' \. -i'ac/z iltftl rl :l !l;l ;i iii r Lof d rti -lO $J F trJ . lrj (r F (n UJ (9I (r (D Lol e ( S 8so30.E rEAs., R= l2OO' L: 18.85' A= 99o99' N 89051 TlE.. 5290.14'Er cAF€ c€As€D.ftnc'/+ REEK -'DRtVE (4O'} E ro. Ibrsucrl GORE C s/t Project Application ero1..tnu "4 4',/z ,4dd/'/)k2,' ,t'/n//t Ar/e b/t 232 ttt ,rto0<ZO -Qar€f Proiect Descript;on' GrlrcA(h &nl Contact Person and Phone ?rc tn3a7) Owner, Address and Phone: zzol . ,f/bs :rac/t e&3 E.ary Ceet<.,&t ,,/'I - ]'i.t , - / l/&_t , ttt rrta'rzt f 76 - ZZff Architect, Address and phone: *z- ro rh,r / /tlkl- alaue 5 ,u,^n /a"/ /r//ga, / {6/119 , ..* Com ments: Legal Description: Lot ,4rlrkr& y'71 Bloc kc Design Review Board o,'" {ru/r^ Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Staff Approval l,€A no1fuF DRB rPtrcrrroN - roHN DATE APPLTCATION rcvigcd 9lll9L or vf,rr., "CIln*o FSCEIVED: Er0 APR I ls92 tttattttat TEIS IPPLTCTTION TII.L NOT BE UNIII. ltr.I. REQgIRED INTOAMf,EIOHttt*titttrr.@: A.DESCRIPTION: DATE OF DRB MEETING: @EiAFF Iti'PFoVAl- ACCAPTED IS SUBI(IIIED B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nen Construction (S200.00)V uinor Alteration ($20.00) c. D. Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS:?72 zbl V (aca- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: T,ot --Csubdivision \Ait Vltbc, Ft'fi+t Filiha If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sbeet and attach to t,his application. ZONING:Q>w^vr,l. Qv.UE. F. G. LOT AREA: If required; stamped survey showing applicant mustIot, area. o a curr NAME OFMailing APP],ICANT: Address: H APPLICAI{T' S REPRESENTATIVE: Address:QO q. f"va^Ft I.NAItlE OE J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abover are to be paid at the tirne of submlttal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the tabfe below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. NAI{E OFMailing FEE SCHEDULE; VAIUATION$ o - $ 1o,0oo $101001 -$ 50,000 $50r001 -$ 15oroo0 $150,001 - $ 50o,0oo $500,001 - $1, o00r o0o$ over $1,0001 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEII BOIRD TPPRO\I}! EXPIRES O}IE XETR AFTER rIN}I. TPPRO\TAI. UNI.ESS T BUII.DINC PENMIT IS ISSUED A}ID CONSIRUCTIOX STTRIED. ITNO }PPLICATTON WII.I. BS PROCESSED h'TTBOUT OI{NER' S SIGNATURE 1 Phone *SIGNATURE (S) : Maili.ng Address: o /(€ or*tDcE 'TREET +4 \9 \ \P ?//t'--'$, : =l _ t 'I r-$ T\ $ II I 1\)aqt - 'Y- Ff zca" l7l' @t- e 9a- al .Sr-r-t. Proiect Name: Project Application W,U Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone:W. Architecl. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing A*u d4 O* {J-o..* Design Review Board o^," 7/-f/ OISAPPROVAL ,/"r-/ Town Plan ner E Statf Approval Project Application Proj€ct Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone:lPa-fi.c-.trnr q \-6 Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Filing f/ comments: c{ tt/ uf -+-/}i Orc {l lltWt (/.n Design Review Board Moti6n by: o^," 7'y'- f / DISAPPROVAL "tn - '/ Town Plan ner E Statt Approval Brlan llclnernqy Vice Presldent l{clnernqy-gcVey REal Estate 232 Brldge Street Vall, C0 81,658 Dear Sfrs: As pen attached blueprlnts, Gorsuch as produced. If pu have any further questions' us. Ltd approves the pvlposed drawings please do not hesitate to contact'pfu Gorsuch Ltd.' Davld Gorsuch cc: Oesign Review Board Town of Vall 26, E. Gore CreeL. Drive, Vail Colorado Arc57 303/476.2294F2x303/4764923 | \t\Jv'1LZ-J-l L I nu:|. U'Jl. tI.UI T.UZ t) hl \ V.=\, q$ H'-/ffl-d'.-Io dq/ l[Fy'ff H /t ld=:ig #; {{ril'Tl^,# \\i; hi.3T \\lrro '1d-H !\HdfK\ .Bqlit-t*;4 \*ffi\j\,- t*,rAl t Y iTtt*IG II{, '*.') l,l R,t 3t?1:/t?tA tP c4ug-- ul ao $ ;$f,: $i E$ 3$ fi " lE! At'ft'j I 21gS IPPIICTTION DATE -:' Q)f h 4 rloN,/lrNtN6 l"PLrCl![ION (Plrare Prlnt or lDJrItc) rhus or PnotEqr IINIE OF PERSON SUBIIITTTNC -I}.-. [i"{ ao^Jt l'- aoxn V)b' yr s*,/ ' IDDNESS ttlltE oF onNER tlol|rrgal ol orxln II'CATION OF PROJEEI DESCRIIITION OF PROJEEI \f t1 6 -y(ot J_6 C, Ig3"*ffi.l*i"IT3T}I'iIoi;,ffi"sl"iI3B'Si3#'ff o",, n u NEVIET.I BOARD. r. DEsCRrtTroN oF THE ErcN/AwNrNG (M!-ErNl inorscrrNc, ETcl, rNcIrtDE ErcN ltEssAGE'-l ING, t|lI..L,'t l*tt 46- ba" R te'/- Fprr*r'c{--2-C/{'.(8,:/tt{ .Uet !. E, E.SIGN OR AWNING IIATERIAI,,U ollaY €sr,fffa &z {,v 9. K-- ;Y\r.\ I D. D. ErzE oF o\fERALr, SrGN' SrzE oF I.ETTERINC Al{D loco ,11e-f,l6p-€Y'i'UeY t'Z / /t"o't /g /o,tr " x - L<7 IIEIGHT OF EIGN IBOVE CR,trDE DESCRIBE IIGtfTInG (EXISTING OR CONDOTTINIW }SSOCIAIION IPPROVAI., IITTACIIT ,/ ^D ar.tE apEA PATII CK V i EEEI l2o.OO PLus ll.oo PER SQIIAnE rodr or sIGf, AREI' PAIn w=fui REourqEn ill?ER"lrc EUrur'l.FEn tlrllr rDDLlca'rrroN t}" 81tr Dlln;i;;"iiilr rhoutng -.ract locatt'on of slEn or ewnlnE on tlrc DuUArnE irr'dt5ir"prtc lnoving-pioporrc locatl'on iororia icalr drrrlng ff3Eil'3i"":f :i;l ?i'!iliit" I \ 0\- \ \\) \ \ F. G. B. fr 1,1 tt'l - lt --2. -- !'--l'-5.- 16. - slgn fanfnlltrator ,d* tl : /.1 A tvY /\(.+ /oo zY"t'l r. DRB APPLICATION _ ?OWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TSIS APPLTCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPIEDI'NIII, AI,I. REQUIRED INFORMATION IS SUBIdITIED*t******** DESCRIPTION: TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction B. Addition (S50.00) C. ADDRESS: D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION,: Subdivision Conceptual Revie (s0) 7-. t./ht t- a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and ff property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. zoNrNG. -- L,OT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant must provide a current ]ot area. Phone NAME OF APPLTCANT: Mai1i49 Address; LgZ Ar'su€'V1 **:{,p* trrttl! Jr,l\ lfrl Jl]l NAME OF APPLICANT'Mailinq Address: Phone 4+t"-'(g1.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE ( Mailing Add Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at Lhe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the atturate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vaj-l w111 adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is Paid.FEE PAfD: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION s 0 - s 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 s 50,001 - s 150,000 $150,001 - s 500,000 $500,001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1, 000' 000 $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00tEnn nn C)4- f+6-^<-- revised 6/L8/9L coroRADF,[ AUB 12 pgl //s/ ^,/7/ ,/ ($200 .OOl lLuinor Alteration (920 ' o0) *NO APPI,XCATION WILL BE PROCESSED WITHOUT OVTNER, S SIGNATUP€ v ., a !t, Lcoct_ tow:.* tsu, t on" L /F/ 4t o{; 1*h_, \/4.Project Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Phone Project Application In- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I !; Mgtion by: Seconded bv: Design Review Board ,,," ( /'^/et DISAPPROVAL e'oUzr-f {-d APPROVAL Sum mary: Date: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval vr DRB APPLICATION _ TOWN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: r********* THTS APPIJTCATION WTLL NOT BEUNTrL ArL REQUIRED rl*NFO*RMAtrroN reviaed 4/26/9L cotoRADo ACCEPTED IS SUBMITTED I.PROT]ECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Minor Alterat.ion c. D. ADDRE;; TTl"7< ' *on-='""""ot"^' *""'"* tEGAt DESCRIPTIoN: Lot Subdivision BIock ff property is described bydescription, please providlattach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legalon a separate sheet, and E. F. H. G. I. NAME OF APPLICANT: applicant must provide a currentlot area. PRESENTATIVE:6 LOT AREA: If required,stamped survey showing Mailing Address: NAME OFMailing APPLICAN?' SAddress:€r "ffiLo1"?I'11^t' "Er^A'llt*SIGNATURE (S) :Maillng eddress: Phone Condominium Approval if applicable..7. K.DRB FEE: FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 110,001 -$ 501000 f5O,o0t-$ 1s0;000 $1s0,001 - $ s00;0oo $soo, o01 - $1, ooo;ooo$ over $1,000;000 APPIICATION TIILL BE PROCESSED FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500 .00 WITSOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE t1 I I I, ?t' I I I ,l v v;'c{:ta Z/,,, --5p _- .r I \. ---7(/ D*P ' ( t )lt-<-- O/01'4/+^J4-O\--4 A)/'- t^^- pau^-', aA d*- Czr l/'^"- 'b/ Wh',^-- Ou'w "'11 h--M/-. ,ri.J., '\-h ' I't ,..' \i '' q,l June 4, 1991 Brian l4clnerney l"Iclnerney & ttlcv€y Clock Torrcr 81d9. Bridge StreetVail, Co 81.657 Dear Brian, In response to lrour letter requesting permission to place a display boxat the entrance to your office I give my approval on the crcndition that same approval has been requested and given bV John eeaupre as ovmer of The Ore House. Best wishes, Ssa.tets5@ulr\ I s. David Gorsuch/.nancy MaJ t^sFF\ SDG/ntrn Brian Mclnerney Vice President office: i503) 476.4854 2J? Bridae St.. Toll free: {8001 544.52J6 Vait. CO 81657Far: 1305i 4765955 tlome: (j05)4764857 Afiiliated withffiw (t u'*, r,,r m r., r, r-r'r:u| JLr..l 6 ',gt L4tL5 {-II I JOHN J. BEAUPFE ORE }IOUSE COHPORANON BOX 4107 STEAII'BOAT SPRINGS, COLORADO 8T'477 303.87s-28&r Tsmp.30^:t?$426?Fax a/f/tt lhr^{/lc,!'","ttt*+ ^ - ., ilklrr*Mtt ,L1tU4 /h"P g#.- l' I h,^'^, 'i/rrh ,rtll &rrt* W ffuau- @ru'" &'^ W' Y4/'c- f--. ,l tt a A r.ntrr d/ wW'l-'A*t^,,*"f y*.{ ,h4,n-rryT;. WM- lht*'rhrA4*dvL (t'e lttt- 1i"",^ otuJ'L8^u:1 Y;/ otltt tltt t't' 7Y'u'+t1 ' ' '--d- fu-+ at*rr''heY ;r^d^fu"'d/4til*{! , l' W W"ry uwitl'{lrfl* toh-rfL'hfhdP w'0,^? Z. t/k- &Peur k'lwa'?rt- fu^d;-6(M afittt*ryt tr;;i'i*, @'WTt v 'ffi.uh-" -t"' iri' Project Application s-7-7o Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Archit€ct. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Block Filing Zone Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner I .?,?a Stafl Approval Invite nature into your home With the new PANORTUW\ folding door. All components for this folding door are manufactured to your individual specifica- tions. Widths of 3-6 m are available with heights of up to 2.50 m as standard. Your specialist rekord dealer will advise you about the many possibilities and give you any other help you require. Tailor-made elegance rekord's astra€al windows are the best example of how experts are able to com- bine modern techniques with faditional crafumanship. Almost all shapes, colours and sgles are possible. Only quality solid timber is used. This is one of rekord's specialities. The many different types of astragal permit the design of sglish units to suit all types of building. Those who prefer "real' products will opt for the 'real astragal" option. If only for ease of clean- ing the more practically-minded willtend to go for astragals fitted in the cavity between the two panes or for astragalled frames which can easily be fitted as a supplementary extra. UwYamn' Project Appllcatlon DEC 6, 1989 Project Name:ORE HOUSE SIGN CHANGE - OLD LETTERS Project Description' UO0DEN LETTERS 0N I'JAL,L T0 LEFT 0F DOOR Contact person and phone LARRY ANDERSON 476-5100 Date Owner, Address and Phone: Architoct, Address and Phone: 2r.rr r.ETTEn$ roR {-AlrT{LS, lI" r.Er.nE\S FOR BEI!!\INDER Legal Descr Commgnts: Block zJE BRIDCE sT iption: Lol Filing . Zone - Design Review Board Motion by: XERRIIiC'|ON secondod by: WARR$N APPROVAL coNsFNT a-o Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: BETSY ROSOLACK Town Planner r2/618eDate: E Statt Approval ,\- Appl ication Number SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid Name of Proiect Name of Person Subtttitting Location of Proiect The fol lowing to the Design Sign submittal information is required for Review Board before a final fee is $20-00. Phone '['76 - st oo the appl icant be given. .oDescription of Project \,,\*<- <r+ -<-r .C\ . gt €v+&€.c= - i rr --V.f.<--- A. Sign Material Iio4,!- l \<ro \"r lq,zZ submittal by approval can L B. Descript'ion of Si gn \J;^..u *r,i \-d--. t\ . /"\ . \axrg-\\ i-< <;.^*-- (JtE \:\clr.sE-\J --.' C. Size of SiSn <--q o\.-,.-.;,.^--y-",,t ).*{o.\ n Length of Conments MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfi6frli!-exact location3. Photographs showing proposed location4. Actual siqn -.-............-5. Colored scale drawing _6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal oisapproved for DRB Submitta'l1 Slon-nAmini strator Proiect Name: Pro,ect Description: Project Application i- --Date r lt Contacl Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL' Sum mary: Town Planner Ilt:tr lt )naia. ''/ J :/' E statt Approval D\--l1r-"Application Number t!-- SIGN APPLICATION tl oate lrrl .r-r I 8n Phone L-l-l.o - 5{ o o The folluwing'information :'is required for to the D:sign Review Board before a final Sign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sisn Materiur bJ 6oJ . Name of Person Submitting Location of Project Description of Project qL!-- submittal by the appiicant approval can be given. l L Paid t o lr', lf 7 Name of Project B. Description (--\ \ \ { t rl h<| ._:. r<-*--\ r^rL,'*c \.a ll\..,e.. sof Sigq -t c7* ;t Uo,-aJL D. F Length of Comments ft*.-1 ;\ \ t:\ a "'- .t (. q,t\(--'^--o-\ -tr..,dUi ..Q-)<.{ s+s . 1. Site Plan MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 2. Drawings sEowTng exact locatjon 3. Photographs showing proposed location Sign Admin'i strator Sign Administrator fD !L. uu-. ,-t. l' jEs5, I4. Actual sign _5. Co1ored sialefing--6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB Submittal i /rs lvvov<- 3 L 14 7\ 6 62--- (f ua r ( nr fL-J t a^ /x rt-<- )*-a-oz<'<--a-;t' D ft*A to P roiect Application 61, <-.:'ato lt - Project Name: Project D€scription: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 4- O Sum mary: E iii,. ,' Town Planner L / i s' ",/ ''/n^r. b/l) ii d E Statt Approval & xft&-: tG A*"!=- Planning and Environnental Commission _9-o o A request for an exterior alteration in Comrnercial Core I in order to partially enclose an existing deckat the Gorsuch Building, 28L East l4eadow Drive.Applicant: David Gorsuch DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST This request involves a fairly modest addition to the Gorsuch Building. As proposed, an existing deck at theeast end of the building along Gore Creek Drive would bepartially enclosed. The enclosure would encompass approxirnately 1-30 sqfuare feet of new retail floor area. The space !,rould be enclosed through the introduction of avery transparent wall between the existing deck and theroof overhang. Materials and detailing are alL consistentwith the existinq structure. II. REVIEW CRITERIA Any proposal that adds enclosed floor area to a buildingin the Vitlage core is reviewed with respect to the Urban Design Guide Plan. This review entails both the GuidePlan (relationship to any sub-area concepts) and the Design Considerations. Because there are no relevant sub- area concepts, this review is limited to those applicable Design Considerations. In addition, standard zoningconsiderations will be addressed in this memo. III. URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS Because of the second floor location and relatively innocuous nature of this proposal , few of the nine design considerations are directly relevant to this proposal . These considerations are the following: 1. Pedestrianization. Pedestrianization is not affected@ 2. Vehicular penetration. Vehicular penetration intothe core area should not be increased as a result ofthis reguest. frarnework. Given the second floor is no effect on TO! FROM: DATE: I. Streetscane]ocation for streetscape 3. framework. 4.Street enclosure. The relationship between the Gorsuch Building and the A & D Building is slightlyaffected by this infill. However, the clrange is notconsidered a negative one given the width of Gore Creek Drive and the tero story height of bothbuildings. Street edqe. Street edge remains unchanged as aresult of this proposal . Buildinq heiqht. The infill does not change thebuilding height because it occurs within the existingroof line. 7. 8. Views. Views are unaffected by this proposal . Sun/Shade. There isfrour this proposal . The 130 additional square feet have a neqrligible effect uponfunctions to this building. no effect on sun/shade resulting IV. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The only relevant zoning rnatter concerns the additionalparking demands generated b"y this expansion. The 130square feet equates to .43 spaces. This demand will benet by paynent into the Town parking fund prior to theissuance of a building perrnit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff would reconnend approval of this infill proposal .While the second floor deck does provide some relief tothe north elevation of this building, the transparentnature of the infilL will be a positive irnprovement to thestreetscape in this area. 5. 6. 9. v. Service and Deliverof retail space willservice and delivery o -To r, loc'' 6(1 TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Cornmunity Development Department DATE: June 13, l_988 SURTECT: A request for an exterior alteration in Cornmercialcore I in order to partially enclose an existing deckat the Gorsuch Buildinq, 2SL East Meadow Drive.Applicant: David Gorsuch I.DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST This request involves a fairly modest addition to thecorsuch Building. As proposed, an existing deck at theeast end of the building along core Creek Drive would bepartially enclosed. The enclosure would encompassapproximately 1-30 square feet of new retail floor area. The space would be enclosed through the introduction of avery transparent wall between the existing deck and theroof overhang. Materials and detailing are all consistentwith the existing structure. REVIEI{ CRITERIArr. Any proposal that adds enclosed floor area to a buildingin the Villaqe core is reviewed with respect to the UrbinDesign Guide P1an. This review entails both the GuidePIan (relationship to any sub-area concepts) and theDesign Considerations. Because there are no relevant sub-area concepts, this review is limited to those applicableDesign Considerations. In addition, standard. zoningconsiderations will be addressed in this memo. III. URBAN DESTGN CONSIDERATIONS Because of the second floor location and relativety innocuous nature of this proposal , few of the nine designconsiderations are directly relevant to this proposal. These considerations are the following: 1. Pedestrianization. Pedestrianization is not affectedby thi.s proposal. 2. Vehicular penetration. Vehicular penetration intothe core area should not be increased as a result ofthis reguest. franework. Given the second flooris no effect onthis proposal , there framework. 3. streetscape 4.Street enclosure. The relationship between theGorsuch Building and the A & D Building is slightlyaffected by this infill. However, the change is notconsidered a negative one given the width oi coreCreek Drive and the two story height of bothbuildings. Stregt ed.qe. Street edge renains unchanged as aresult of this proposal . Fuildinq heiqht. trhe infitl does not change thebuilding height because it occurs within the existingroof line. 5. 6. 7. 8. Views. Views are unaffected by this proposal . Service.and Delivery. The 130 additional square feetof retail space witl have a negligible effeCt uponservice and delivery functions to this builcling. qun/Shaqe. There is no effect on sun/shade resultingfrom this proposal IV. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The only relevant zoning natter concerns the additionalparking demands generated by this expansion. The 130sCluare feet equates to .43 spaces. This demand will_ bemet by paynent into the Town parking fund prior to theissuance of a building permit. STAFF RECOMMENDATION staff would recomrnend approval of this infill proposal .While the second floor deck does provide sorne relief tothe north elevation of this building, the transparentnature of the infill wiLl be a positive improvenent to thestreetscape in this area. 9. v. -' -'tt"i' o APPLICATION DATE: May 30, 1988 OATE OF DRB I4EETIIIG: ORB APPLICATION June 15, 1988 southeast corner.of the Gorsuch Ltd. Vail_ Villaqe Store *****THIS APPLICATION I.'ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED**}** I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatlon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to' determine if any addltional lnformation is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (rnust include all items required by the zoning admjniEtrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica-tlon will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof conditions of approva'l .that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. . A. 'R.JECT D'SCRI'TION. The enclosure of 3/4 of the balconlr on the (McBride Building) B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: 263 East Gore Creek Drive AOOTeSS Vail, CO 81657 Legal Descriptjon Lot D&E Bl ock Filing Vail Vil-laoe Zoning C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:David Gorsuch Addrcss D. NAME OF \ 263 East Gore Creek Drivevail_, co 81657 tel ophone 303-{76- 229 4 APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE :Gordon R. Pierce, Architect 1000 South Frontage Road 1^7est tel ephone JUJ- 4433Address vai1, co 81657 E. MME OF OWNERS:David Gorsuch Si gnature ast Gore Creek Drive Address _ vair, co 81657 tel ephone 2294 F.DRB FEE: The fee wi l'l VALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 be paid at the time a build'ing permit is requested. FEE '$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the siteto indicate property lines and building corners. Trbls that will be removed should also be marked. This work nust-be completed before the ORB visits the si te. 2. The review.process for NEll EUILDINGS will normally involve tlro separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, s0 plan on at least two meetings for the'ir approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Des'ign Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. lt,/.,i..- ,4'."r'd' NAME oF PRoJECT:. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOII: o LIST OF I'IATERIALS c,D&E BLoCK 5 263 East Gore Creek DriveSTREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The enclosure o outheast corner oe Store (McBride Bu The fol I or,li ng i nformati on 'i s requ i red for submi tta I Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL Match existing. by the applicant to the Des'ign Review COLOR Gorsuch Vail Villase Store Rem.odel Roof Si di ng 0ther }la'll Materials Match existinq. Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Fl ues l{atch existing. l{atch existing. Marvin, to match closely existing. l{atch existinq. Rails Match existing. Metal. Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Match existing. Stucco to match existinq waI1s. Trash Enc'losures Greenhouses 0ther N,/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: Phone: N/A PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* EXISTING TREES TO BE REI'IOVED coni fers . . (over) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height for . . PLANT I'IATERTALS: BOtANiCAI NAMC.. ( con' t) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Tvpe Comrnon Name Quani tv Size Square Footaqe GROUNO COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I'IETHOO OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER'LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. F U Gordon R. Pierce. Architect r [.t.4. U May 13, 1988 COMPLIANCE WITH THE VAII VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN Re: corsuch Ltd. VaiI ViUage Remodelproject: 1220 The proposed exterior alteration to the Gorsuch vail village storeinvolves enclosiag 3/4 of. the balcony on the southeast cor-ner of theMcBrlde Building. The alteration to the corsuch store substantially complies with the vailVillage Urban Design Gulde plan for the followlng reisons: 1. The addition increases the transparency of the facade bybringing the windows to the street edge. The wlndow area isslgnificantly increased to faclftate a greater pedestrian interaction. 2. The addiflon enhances the Mill Creek pedestrian path by upgradingthe Eoutheast corner of the building. Additionally, this creates a stronger building creek connectlon. 3. Both the street enclosure and edge are lnproved because thebuilding facade is upgraded wlthout changing the basic building edge. 4. The addiUon does not affect any of the follow.ing items: vehiclepenetration, buildlng height, views, or sun shade conslderation. f 000 South Frontage Road West . Vail. Colorado 81657 . 30-7i41.6-4433 Gordon R. Pierce. Architect. A.l.A. May 13, 1988 IIST OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OIVNERS 8OR GORSUCH tTD. Re: eorsuch ttd vail village Remodel Project: 1220 CASINO - Bridge Street condo Associauon C,/o Brandes condos. 281 Bridge street Vail, Co 81557 PEPI GRAMSHAMMER - 231 E. GOTE CTEEK DT1VE Vail, co 81657 A & D BUILDING - Richard Santalli & George Pressln #10 l{eather Lane Lloyd Harbor, N.Y. 11747 )(= * a^'*-t t L* L** I il{^ q 1000 South Frontase Road West. Vail. Colorado 81657.303 476-4433 Date Date of of APPI ication-szllOlffi PEC lrleeting June 13, 19ee APPLICATION FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAL CORE I VAIL VILLAGE I. Planning and Environmental Comnission revlew is required for the alterationof an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed flooi area or 9!!99or patio or the replacement of an existing building L0CATED IN THE CCI OISTRICT. FOLLOI,IING PEC APPROVAL, THE PROJECT_I{UST BE REVIEt,lED BY THE DRB. The application will not.be accepted until all information is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT DAVID GORSUCH ADDRESS 263 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Colorado PHoNE 476-2294 B. NAME 0F AppLICANT,S REpRESENTATIVE Gordon R. Pierce, Architect. ADDRESS 1000 S. Frontage Road West Vai1, Co 81657 PHONE 47 5-4433 c.NAME 0F 0tlNER(s) (pri r type) STGNATURE( S) ADDRESS Same as above David Gorsuch PHONE D.LOCATION OF ADDRESS PR0P05AL: LEGAL 263 E. Lots C,D & E. Block 5, Vail ViJ-lage Gore Creek Dr. E. FEE $100.00 THE FEE MUST BE PAID REVIEI.I YOUR PROJECT. PAID cK#BY Gordon R. Pierce.Architect. BEFORE THE COM'IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT t.lILL II. PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE: A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE }{ITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICAiioH tIiTT- BE ACCEPTED uNLEss IT Is C0MPLETE (MUST ITCLUDE ALL ITEMS REQUTRED By THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPTTcIHT's REsPONsIBILITY'To MAKE AN AppoTtT. I{ENT I.IITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION I.,ILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR Y0uR PROJECT BY-DECRilSINc rHE NUMBER 0F coNDrTtor,tS or nppnovnL-rHni--- THE PEc MAY STIPULATE. ALL coNDITIoNS 0F AppRovAL t4usT BE coMplrEt wrin sErongA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. THE FOLLOI,IING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. Improvement survey of property showing property lines and 'location ofbuilding and any improvements on the land. B. A list of the nanes of owners of al'l property adjacent to the subjectproperty INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing AddTCSSES. THE APPLICANT I,IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. OVER t ccI III. Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the fo]'lowing informatjon: A. -The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scaleof l" = 20' sH0l.lING EXISTING AND PR0p0sED IMPR0VEMENTS To THE SITE. Avariation of the sheet size or scale may be approved by the conununityDevelopment Department if justified. 8. The date, ryflh_lfrow, scdl€ and name of the proposed development l,lITH ITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION shall be shown on lhe'site ptan. c. The existing topographic character of the site including existing and proposed contours. This condition will only be required for-anexpansion area where there is a change of two fiet of jrade. D. The existing and proposed landscqping, patios. E. The location of all existing and proposed buildings, structuresand improvements. F. .A tit'le report to verify ownership and easements. IV. THE APPLICANT SHALL SUBMIT IN WRITTEN AND GRAPHIC FORI,I A PREPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE BEFORE THE PLANNING AND ENvIRONMENTAL cOMMIssION INDicATING THAT: A. THE PROPOSAL IS IN CONFORI'IANCE [.,ITH THE PURPOSES OF THE CCI DISTRICT- AS SPECIFIED IN 'I8.24.010 B. THE PROPOSAL SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLIES i||ITH THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN REGARDING: ' l. Pedestrianization2. Vehicle Penetration3. Streetscape FramewoFk4. Street Enclosure5. Street Edgeq. Building Height7. Views8. Sun Shade Consideration I'IANY OF THE ABOVE ITEMS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED 8Y GRAPHIC MEANS, SUCH AS SKETCHES, SIMULATI0NS, M0DELS (INcLUDING NEIGHBoRING BUILDINGs), PHOTOS, ETC. IF THE APPLICANT IS PROPOSING A MAJOR CHANGE DESIGN GUIDE PLAN, THE PROCEDURE FOR CHANGES TO THE VAIL VILLAGE URBAN ARE NOTED IN SECTIONr8.24.220(B). C. THE PROPOSAL IS COMPATIBLE h|ITH THE CHAMCTER OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD. V. THE TOt,lN OF VAIL ZONING CODE FOR CCI ALSO DESCRIBES OTHER ZONING ISSUES THAT THE APPLICANT MUST RESPOND TO IN WRITTEN OR GMPHIC FORM. VI. THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR MAY DETERMINE THAT ADDITIONAL MATERIAL IS NECESSARY FOR THE REVIEI,J OF THE APPLICATION VII. APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN CCI INVOLVING MORE THAN 100 SQUARE FEET OF FL00R AREA ARE ONLY REVIEWED SrNt-nrlrlunlLi. fnEvIIEED T0 BE suBt'tITTED BEFoRE THE FoURTH MoNDAv 0F t'tAy 0R NoVEMBER. rHe ieiH0LDS A PRELIMINARY REvrEw sEssroN wrTHrN. zl DAys 0F THE suet'|ifiet Dnri.' n PUBLIC HEARING SHALL BE HELD I,IITHIN 60 DAYS OF THE PRELIMINARY REVIEh, SESSION. APPLICATIONS FOR THE ALTERATION OF AN EXISTING BUILDING THAT ADDS OR REMOVES ANY ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF NOT MORE THAN ]OO SQUARE FEET MAY 8E SUBMITTED AT THE . REQUIRED TIME OF THE MONTH FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION REVIEI{. FOR MORE SPECIFICS ON THE REVIEI,I SCHEDULE, SEE SECTION 18.24.065 A5. * i'l , '1,---- I Project Applicatlon dtl Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Addr$s and Phone: -if ! ,; ',..-c,', .' ' ; t ' 'f L Legat Description' 1o, i-* ' i-*ill , Btock l;'. ' , riting \,iu, l'''' , =on" Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPBOVAL E statt Approval ,ll NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRiPTION OF PR The fol l ow'ing Board before A. BUILDING Roof ETaW=ra - o la r\ LIST OF MATERIALS information is requ'ired for subm'itta1 by the applicant to the Design Reviewa final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Si di ng Other t,|all Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash i ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Merr.L (.rzeoee-. C-oqJee B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Name Common Name PROPOSED TREES A=pET.T E*rstrsa I F sAwr6AFoa L\F.sJ:A- Quani ty r-)1 Si ze* T0 To trzupl rJ tF-5&l^lhaAEL for conifers. (over ) *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height l.' Botanical Name Cormon Name Quani ty Si ze EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Square Footage GROUND COVERS s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0THER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. " PLANT MATERIALS: (con ' t) SHRUBS Type Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Filing Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sumrnary: lfirnpurul -:::+ u$Wffi.n4*ru vAtL stcN sERvtcEs' " pu Y(&''p,a* *"ff:j ;"*,jr.s1,i$:ii,T*tff '"' t(qr No.ol Pages PROPOSAL SUBMITTEO TOf^nfr"effie9lrdAxd)'"o"'u-\A-1lk)DATE Trc4"'^"'2f;7 Wr(E{JOB NAME . CITY. STATE ANO ZIP OODEtrP//,^(n 4l/^#JOA LOCATION ARCHfIECT V' '- / DATE OF PTANS JOB PHONE We hereby submit specilicalions and estimates for: St6^/ /o,*ru OF 5wtr7 Sr ffUprf hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specilications, for the sum dollars (lB of: ) lo be made as tollows: ID"m^n tq9/fnnue utuil hlt/A/ / All m.le.aal is gua.antced to be as sp€eilied. All wo.t to bc complela<l in r rorkmanlik manner according lo standard paactlccl. Any all.ration or d.viation trom above sFcatica' tiont involvinS arlaa costs *ill be cxcculed only upon witlen order$, and will trecome an altra cha.ge orrcr rnd abova the estimate. All agreementg cantingent !pon tlrilar, accidant! or dalry3 b€tond our control- Owner to cary fire, tohtdo rnd othei naca3iary in$rrance. Our f,orkels ar6 fully cowred by Wo man's comp6nsation Ins!..nce. Authorized Signature withdrawo Note: This by us if not AfffplUnff nf flfUpm8[ -r,," above prices, speciricarions and condilions are satislaciory arid are hereby accepted. You ar€ aulhorized Signature lo do lhe work as spr€cified. Payment will be made as outlined above. SignatureDate of Acceplancel fORM ll&3 COPY&gtf 1060 - Availabls trom -aF-dslhc. G.olor. lJbss Ol45o !r,r 'Ia] llr7_r*-'lili, *::;*H h: !r,r 'Ia] llr7_r*-'lili, *::;*H h: I -4I o ZS south tronlage road vail, qel666le 61557 (303) 476-7000 April 17, 1984 T0: SIGN APPLICANTS FROM: Tom Braun or Kristan pritz, planners RE: Sign Applicatjon Requirements offlce of communlty deyelopment when applications for signs are submitted, the foilowing informationis required: l. site plan sholing exact location where the sign is to be located. 2. Photograph or drawing showing the building and where sign is to be located. 3. Exact design of sign (one or more of the following) (a) scale drawing or rendering (must be corored exacily as sign wiil be) (b) the sign itself is made (c) photograph if sign is made FEE: A $20.00 apptication fee wilt be requ'ired at time of applicat.ion. (over) TTTTT OOOOT 00TO}IH BOSOF 2? FEE I98? FRIBAY REEEIPT * 44?55 COIFFIGUE LTN,.IfiRGARETIE 23E BRIBCE STREET UAIL, t:0. 91658 IESCRIPTII'H' SI6N AFPLICfiTII}H 91068841413 TOTAL CASH cHECl4 * lges UU UUUfiIL l1'16ff1 OF sI{ITZERLANO e9.08 29.88 RECEIPT BY FOBO Locotbd in the Voil Clrck Tolver Buildr, .o Full Service Solon, Hoir Design Noil Core Hoir Remowl Europeon Fociols Eor Piercing lheropeutic Mossoges lhe(o Both lheropy Wdsso Scrub Acu-fresure Mossoge Hers ond His Fomper Yourself Fockoges 232 Bridge Sheet \ibil, Colorodo 81657(n$47671(o i1rr.rlly SIGN APPLICATION Fee Paid N N Person Subrnitting , "i *? - - t 2.if ^,'./f phone q2tr -ZJJJ Location of Project ( . ,i /1 utr., 7 - "-=z .Dnt./7<- s-* Description of .Project ,La P?oiect,Fto,"fnr./L 6 + sL,/; Date _J,l.JflZL 4t n r/A/-/d Application Number The fol lowing to the Design Si gn su bm'i tta 1 information'i s required for Review Board before a finalfee is $20.00. submittal by the appf icant approval can be given. A. S'ign Material _<a,- / z /zns /< /,zZ s /,rt n, ./ B.Description of Sign L&o 9,Oa) -7 Length of E. Comrnents 1l MATERIALS SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings showlng exact 'location 3. Photographs showing proposed locaTion-4. Actuai sign5. Co'lored scald?FEilJiE-6. Photograph of sign Approved for DRB Submittal Disapproved for DRB submittil- )1gn Aomlnlstrator Sign Admi ni strator\ Proiect Name: f', . .- / t, I i.-l I r^. \r/ i \ii.[\r \ \L;. o Date Project Appllcation \v' Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing ZoF.e Commenls: Design Review Board ".," ;1qf(? APPROVAL I DISAPPROVAL Town Planner ""," { irl(} tt E statf Approval {7 t'1 75 south trontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 1987 ofllce of communlty deyelopment January 6, Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Limited 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vai I . Col orado 81657 Re: Proposed beauty Dear Dave: salon n the Clock Tower Building It has come to my attention that fire escape ladders and a new stairway aregoing to be required by the building code in order to add the beauty shop tothe Clock Tower Building. At the time the beauty salon proposai was rev'i ewedat Plannjng Commission, the staff understood that the remodel would be completely within the building. Due to the fact that exterior changes are partof the proposal , it is necessary that further information be submitted. I am asking that you or the applicant, Ms. Margarethe Chri sty submit the following i nformati on: A site plan of the deck area and building that wil1 indicate where the new stairway will be located. An elevation of the west side of the buildinq that will show the new stai rway. The appropri ate elevations of the Clock Tower that will show the fire escapes. 4. A materials sheet should also be filled out that will indicate the paint colors fon the sta'i rway and fire escapes. The staff is concerned about the fact that fjre escapes will be placed on the C'l ock Tower. There is a possibility that the P'l anning Commission approval may be invalid, due to these exterior changes. Let's hope that the approval willnot become invalid and we will be able to work this out. 2. I will be.out of town untilr6'it.:Monday. If you need'to talk to a planner about the sitrietion before ltton-day, p1 ease conlact Peter Patten at 476-7000, ext106. Thank you fon your cooperation. Si ncere'ly, /, I g.l TSuOnl,rkKntstan Pritz Town P'lanner KP: br cc: Ms. Margarethe Christy I 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 June 10; 1986 Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Ltd. 263 East Gore Creek Dri ve Va iI , Col orado 8l657 Re: Cafe Gorsuch Dining Deck Dear Dave: office of communlly develoPment As I am sure you are aware, the P'i anning and Environmenta.l Commission approved your dining deck proposed at thejr June 9th meeting. The next step you need to take is to draft a lease agreement to present to the Town Counci1 for theirreview. I have enclosed a representative Iease that you can use as a model for your draft. Addrtional language I would request you add to this lease is: 1. Identify the dates the deck will be operational (as was discussed with ihe Councii, the deck is proposed for summer use only). Specify the dates that the deck will not bewjII be renoved). hre have recornmended that parade) and the Coors Classjc be restrjcted request language to permit the Town to add as they may deve'l op, v,,ith adequate advance you. -,ili luwn u I|ill 2.permitted to operate (and the 4th of July (duri ng thedates. In addiiion, I would adciitional restri cted daysn notice of these days given to Please forward this draft to me at your convenience. I wil'l then have it revjewed by Larry Eskwith prior i,o CounciI review. In adrjition, I would recommend that you contact Pam Brandmeyer to schedule your Liquor Board heari ng. I have scheduled this proposal for the Design reconmended that ycu include planter boxes or treatnent in conjunction with the dining deck. Please do not hesi tat-e to cont.act me with anv Sincereiy, Thomas A. Braun Seni or Planner APP: lpr inc, c s u;-e Rer,iew Board on iune 18. The PEC some other tvoe of sum$er fl ower questr ons you may nave I FOR TMSH COMPACTOR INFOI',IATION, PLEASE SEE "VILLAGE TRASH COMPACTOR.'' 'ill't rl luwn 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 14, 1986 Curtis Knudsen P.0. Box 5560 Denver, Colorado 802.l7 Re: McBride (C1ock Tower) Bui'lding Lots C. D- and E, Block 5, VaiI Vi1Iage lst F.iIing Dear Mr. Knudsen: The above referenced building was constructed prior to the Town of vailbeing.'i ncorporated. As a result, the Town was not invo'l ved in the in_spection of this construction. It can only be assumed that constructionconformed to Eagle County building codes. The property is zoned.cornmercial core I and to the best of our knowlegeall uses in the building are in compliance with those permitted.i n thiszone district. Sincereiy, /Te^lrRa*,--- Thomas A. Braun Town Planner TA8: bpr Project Application Sr a{- rI Oz-S v c:Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments:Sau lrn 4 br*--/-d Design Review Board *- ,fnfF/ DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: { a,"u Approval D\.-o Apfi pf icat'ion Number Fee Paid Wnbz 2o,5D SIGN APPLICATION Date Name of Project -rwE <AFF AiT- Go€sJ+l Name of Person Subrnitt'ing VAtl <tr--x)- aa.P-l- Phone 4zl4-b7lo Locatjon of Project CoeE CeEeL >2. Description of Proiect SAcJDBLASTFn P€Dtl)ooP Is r r--N j t P-o r.J 6e,4.<z-err The following information 'is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given. S'ign submittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign Material B. Description of Sign SUBMITTED I,IITH APPLICATION 1. Site Plan2. Drawings sfiowTng-ilKact location 3. Photographs showing proposed lo 4. Actual si gn _- ,/s. +++orea sial6-dFailIifl----1' -6. Photograph of sign Sign Administrator ,/t/ ,/cation r' Approved for DRB Submjttal Disapproved for DRB Submitta'l ,-r,/ ,l//-*'L Jl L.,4.*;: !,'1.-., ?.:i'i*.i i! i' t" r i- r..: . c-j F: i,.v-: l''-'-\ Flr.i....rii. 1':! t.. tt l*'---* *- -" *--r-----J tl ' ,na3 THtrW 7^ . ^..{Cre o9 o t't (1" ' ' {rr " ,( F'-{Ow-:._.t- ,r--; {rr"'o ".y' i .r18' 3t" sra-fi4\ , -.-o.- -Zie'e- TTTN CAEE €L-€VAf1 oN) t"---| -r! -"'i!trtu iIIf- Y -- I --In I ^YV II af,-?) , |5 -' 7/z s/ r '- only member that feit that perhaps a larger menu box may be a way to solve the Dr obl- em. The motion was made bv Viele and seconded bv Donovan to recommend denial- of the proposal,. The PLanninq Commission asked the staff to pass on the concerns to tbe Town Counci-I vith respect to the ;-"rro;'a.tteration of less than loo square Tom Braun presented the staff memorandum e xpla i ni ng tha t a compromi se solutlon had been reached with the applicant and that the staft was now supporting this request to now enclose the pJ.anter at the southeast corner ot the Gorsuch building. Statf was originally not in favor of the request because of the loss of landscaping on the s1te. The applicant proposed installing a portion of the landscaping as shown on t.he Gorsuch exterior remode.I p-Lans dated 8/29/A3- This wou-ld inc-Iude the three most westerly trees that are Located on the applicant's property as r're.Ll as brick pavers running the length ot the store along Gore Creek Dr i ve. A motion was made bv Viele and seconded bv Donovan to approve the A request to amend the deveLopment plan for Crossroads Center at 143 East Meaoow Drive. Appllcant: Snowquest A motion r,/as ma de and seconded to tabf e this proposaL and the vote to tabl-e was 4-O in favor. 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o Planning and Environmental Comnrission Corununi ty Development September 23, I985 A request for an exterior alteration in order toenclose an existing planter at Gorsuch Ltd. in VailVillage. Applicant: Dave Gorsuch THE PROPOSAL This proposal is to enclose an existing planter located alongGore CYeek Drive at the southeast corner of Gorsuch Ltd. Theenclosure is approximately 44 square feet and would be used forthe display of merchandise. Exterior finishes of this enclosurerrvould be similar to the existing finishing details throughout thebuilding. TO BE USED IN EVALUATING APPLICATIONS As the Planning Conunission is aware, applications for additionsor new constr uction in Commercia I Cor e I involve review withrespect to the urban Design Guide plan. These involve both thesub-area concepts as delineated in the Guide plan and map as wellas the Design Considerations outlined for the Viltage, fnaddition to this are standard zoning considerations. This memowill address this proposal with respect to these review criteria. COMPLTANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The Urban Design Guide Plan identifies a number of sub-areaconcepts which are to be addressed in any r edevelopment oradditional development in the Vi1lage. Iiowever, none of thesesub-area concepts are impacted by this proposal . As a result,these sub-areas are not a factor in reviewing this application. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE fhe following Design Considerations are identified as the primaryform giving physical features of the Village. rt is the burdenof the applicant to demonstrate that this proposal substantiallycomplies with these considerations or that the proposal does nototherwise alter the character of the neighborhood. How thisproposal reLates to the nine consider ations is summarized below. Pedestrianization ped es tr ran corr idorThis proposal wil. l func tions . . Gor e Cr eek Drive serves as both aand a vehicle access way in this area.not adversely affect ei ther of these two EXT ER I OR Vehicular Penetration.Not applicable to this proposal . o Streetscape Framework. Streetscape framework deals with theq@ experiencL amor4t the pedestrianwayswithin Vail Village. fr'lr> general types of improvements asoutlined in the Guide plan include the use of open space and landscaping as a colorful framework linkage along pedestrianroutes and the infitl of commercial store fronts to create commercial activity and street life along pedestrian corri-dors. This proposal will add store front display area to Gorsuch's that will in some respects provide visual activityfor the pedestrian. Gr the other hand, it will also eliminatea planter that can be utilized in the display of flowers andother plantings. There presently exists a large amount of windokr display and a very smal l amount of landscaped area onthis site. It is recognized that a variety of these tltrofeatures is a preferred alternative. With respect to thisproposal , the elimination of this planter area is seen as anegative impact on the existing streetscape. Str eet Enc losur e This criteria is not impacted by thisproposa.l Street Edge. ft is the intent of the Guide plan to develop5-E-fiagftore with a strong but irregutar edge to thAstreet. This type of develognent gives a certain amount oflife to the street and visual interest to the pedestrian.While this prolrcsal would enclose a portion of the buildingthat is recessed from the street, the relatively small sizeof the encLosure deems it to be a fairly insignificant factor. Building Height . Not appl icable. Views. This proposal does not affect any view corridors. Service and Delir"ry. Not applicable. Sun/Shade. tdot applicable. ZON]NG CONSIDERATTONS ff approved, this proposal rrrould contribute to the parking demandcreated by Gorsuch Ltd. Payment of applicable parking fees eroutdbe required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Section 18.24.I70 of the Zoning Code outlines landscaping andsite development standards for the village core. This reads asfollows: No reduction of landscaped area shall be permitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified inthe Vail Village Design Considerations. As clear ly stated in this zoning criter ia, the el imination oflandscaped area is prohibi ted unless sufficient cause is demon-strated by the applicant or the elimination of landscaped area is the result of some consideration in Guide Plan. fn this situation, theally recommend that this landscaped STAFF RECOMMENDATION the Vail Village Llrban DesignGuide Plan does not specific- area be r emoved . Staff recommendation for this request is denial . While the totalarea to be enclosed is only 44 square feet, it is felt that ifproperly maintained, this planter could provide a great deal ofcolor and life to this site. The intention of the applicant toincrease the store front display is not considered a detrimentalstep. However, it is the feeling of the staff that to sacrificethis existing planter for additional display area is not inkeeping with the Design Considerations outlined in the GuidePlan. This position is also substantiated by the Summer eualitysurveys that have indicated our guests to be very impressed withthe flowers and color found throughout the Village during the s ummer monthS . This proposal would not be nearly as objectionable to the staffif alternative Locations were available on the site to locate a new planter. llcwever, this building is constructed right to theproperty lines (in some cases, over the property lines) in the area of this proposal . While the applicant has proposed locatingdecorative wooden pots with smal l pines in front of the store, these are not considered an appropriate trade-off when consideringthe loss of a permanent planter. e Planning anq Environmental Commission September 23, I985 2:00 Site Inspections Meet at Foundersr plaza at 2:00. 3:00 Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of September 9, lg85 2, Appointment of member to DRB for 0ctober, November, December 3. Request for exterior alteration in order to add a third story at the Hill Building at 3l l Bridge st. Applicant: Blanche Hill 4. A request to amend Section 16.04 of the Municipal Code by adciing a new category of "Special Boards" to the Sign Code.Applicant: Restaurant Association of Vail 5. A request for an exterior altertation of less than 100 square feetin order to enclose an existing p'lanter at Gorsuch at 263 E. Gore CreekDrive. Appl icant: Dave Gorsuch T0 BE TABLED 6. A request to amend the development plan for Crossroaas Center at.|43 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Snowquest partners 7/z s/ r '- only member that feit that perhaps a larger menu box may be a way to solve the Dr obl- em. The motion was made bv Viele and seconded bv Donovan to recommend denial- of the proposal,. The PLanninq Commission asked the staff to pass on the concerns to tbe Town Counci-I vith respect to the ;-"rro;'a.tteration of less than loo square Tom Braun presented the staff memorandum e xpla i ni ng tha t a compromi se solutlon had been reached with the applicant and that the staft was now supporting this request to now enclose the pJ.anter at the southeast corner ot the Gorsuch building. Statf was originally not in favor of the request because of the loss of landscaping on the s1te. The applicant proposed installing a portion of the landscaping as shown on t.he Gorsuch exterior remode.I p-Lans dated 8/29/A3- This wou-ld inc-Iude the three most westerly trees that are Located on the applicant's property as r're.Ll as brick pavers running the length ot the store along Gore Creek Dr i ve. A motion was made bv Viele and seconded bv Donovan to approve the A request to amend the deveLopment plan for Crossroads Center at 143 East Meaoow Drive. Appllcant: Snowquest A motion r,/as ma de and seconded to tabf e this proposaL and the vote to tabl-e was 4-O in favor. 6 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o Planning and Environmental Comnrission Corununi ty Development September 23, I985 A request for an exterior alteration in order toenclose an existing planter at Gorsuch Ltd. in VailVillage. Applicant: Dave Gorsuch THE PROPOSAL This proposal is to enclose an existing planter located alongGore CYeek Drive at the southeast corner of Gorsuch Ltd. Theenclosure is approximately 44 square feet and would be used forthe display of merchandise. Exterior finishes of this enclosurerrvould be similar to the existing finishing details throughout thebuilding. TO BE USED IN EVALUATING APPLICATIONS As the Planning Conunission is aware, applications for additionsor new constr uction in Commercia I Cor e I involve review withrespect to the urban Design Guide plan. These involve both thesub-area concepts as delineated in the Guide plan and map as wellas the Design Considerations outlined for the Viltage, fnaddition to this are standard zoning considerations. This memowill address this proposal with respect to these review criteria. COMPLTANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The Urban Design Guide Plan identifies a number of sub-areaconcepts which are to be addressed in any r edevelopment oradditional development in the Vi1lage. Iiowever, none of thesesub-area concepts are impacted by this proposal . As a result,these sub-areas are not a factor in reviewing this application. COMPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CONSIDERATTONS FOR VAIL VILLAGE fhe following Design Considerations are identified as the primaryform giving physical features of the Village. rt is the burdenof the applicant to demonstrate that this proposal substantiallycomplies with these considerations or that the proposal does nototherwise alter the character of the neighborhood. How thisproposal reLates to the nine consider ations is summarized below. Pedestrianization ped es tr ran corr idorThis proposal wil. l func tions . . Gor e Cr eek Drive serves as both aand a vehicle access way in this area.not adversely affect ei ther of these two EXT ER I OR Vehicular Penetration.Not applicable to this proposal . o Streetscape Framework. Streetscape framework deals with theq@ experiencL amor4t the pedestrianwayswithin Vail Village. fr'lr> general types of improvements asoutlined in the Guide plan include the use of open space and landscaping as a colorful framework linkage along pedestrianroutes and the infitl of commercial store fronts to create commercial activity and street life along pedestrian corri-dors. This proposal will add store front display area to Gorsuch's that will in some respects provide visual activityfor the pedestrian. Gr the other hand, it will also eliminatea planter that can be utilized in the display of flowers andother plantings. There presently exists a large amount of windokr display and a very smal l amount of landscaped area onthis site. It is recognized that a variety of these tltrofeatures is a preferred alternative. With respect to thisproposal , the elimination of this planter area is seen as anegative impact on the existing streetscape. Str eet Enc losur e This criteria is not impacted by thisproposa.l Street Edge. ft is the intent of the Guide plan to develop5-E-fiagftore with a strong but irregutar edge to thAstreet. This type of develognent gives a certain amount oflife to the street and visual interest to the pedestrian.While this prolrcsal would enclose a portion of the buildingthat is recessed from the street, the relatively small sizeof the encLosure deems it to be a fairly insignificant factor. Building Height . Not appl icable. Views. This proposal does not affect any view corridors. Service and Delir"ry. Not applicable. Sun/Shade. tdot applicable. ZON]NG CONSIDERATTONS ff approved, this proposal rrrould contribute to the parking demandcreated by Gorsuch Ltd. Payment of applicable parking fees eroutdbe required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Section 18.24.I70 of the Zoning Code outlines landscaping andsite development standards for the village core. This reads asfollows: No reduction of landscaped area shall be permitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified inthe Vail Village Design Considerations. As clear ly stated in this zoning criter ia, the el imination oflandscaped area is prohibi ted unless sufficient cause is demon-strated by the applicant or the elimination of landscaped area is the result of some consideration in Guide Plan. fn this situation, theally recommend that this landscaped STAFF RECOMMENDATION the Vail Village Llrban DesignGuide Plan does not specific- area be r emoved . Staff recommendation for this request is denial . While the totalarea to be enclosed is only 44 square feet, it is felt that ifproperly maintained, this planter could provide a great deal ofcolor and life to this site. The intention of the applicant toincrease the store front display is not considered a detrimentalstep. However, it is the feeling of the staff that to sacrificethis existing planter for additional display area is not inkeeping with the Design Considerations outlined in the GuidePlan. This position is also substantiated by the Summer eualitysurveys that have indicated our guests to be very impressed withthe flowers and color found throughout the Village during the s ummer monthS . This proposal would not be nearly as objectionable to the staffif alternative Locations were available on the site to locate a new planter. llcwever, this building is constructed right to theproperty lines (in some cases, over the property lines) in the area of this proposal . While the applicant has proposed locatingdecorative wooden pots with smal l pines in front of the store, these are not considered an appropriate trade-off when consideringthe loss of a permanent planter. e Planning anq Environmental Commission September 23, I985 2:00 Site Inspections Meet at Foundersr plaza at 2:00. 3:00 Public Hearing l. Approval of minutes of September 9, lg85 2, Appointment of member to DRB for 0ctober, November, December 3. Request for exterior alteration in order to add a third story at the Hill Building at 3l l Bridge st. Applicant: Blanche Hill 4. A request to amend Section 16.04 of the Municipal Code by adciing a new category of "Special Boards" to the Sign Code.Applicant: Restaurant Association of Vail 5. A request for an exterior altertation of less than 100 square feetin order to enclose an existing p'lanter at Gorsuch at 263 E. Gore CreekDrive. Appl icant: Dave Gorsuch T0 BE TABLED 6. A request to amend the development plan for Crossroaas Center at.|43 East Meadow Drive. Applicant: Snowquest partners 75 3oulh fronlaga roed v.it, coloredo 816i7 (303) 476-7000 September 26, 1985 Dave Gorsuch 263 East Gore Creek DriveVailr Colorado 81657 Re: Gorsuch Planter Enclosure Dear Dave: As f am sure you are ahrare, your planter enclosure receivedPlanning Commission approval on September 23rd. As waa agreed byRenee, a condition of the approval $ras to do the on-grade pavertreatment that was originally proposed in 1983r as nell as threeof the most westerly trees proposed with that plan- In lookingat the property linesr it appears that these three treee can beinstalled on your property. This would seemingly eliminate theobstacle with the Public Works Department and their objections totrees planted on the town right-of-way. It should be mentioned,howeverr that you may neIl be responsible for clearing snow fromthe area around these ner., trees. We have scheduled your renodel for the October 2nd Design ReviewBoard meeting. At this tine we should include as a part of thissubnittalr the pavers and trees that nere originally a part ofthe 1983 Planning Commission eubmittal. In additionr the specifictype of paver to be used as well as the type of tree and sizeshould be determined. In the interimr we will notify the public Works Departnent of this new development. Please do not hesitate to cal.l me with any questions you may have. We are excited to see these etreetscape improvements being donein conjunction with your 6ma11 building expansion. Thanks foryour efforts to improve the landscaping in this area of the Vi I laoe . Sincerely I T-."-- Thomas A. Braun DATB :E:ff*!{9 S5,955 llr cl, tlrc f RECEIVED FROM Permit Numbers n|' ?D*cash-clrP,kt' -" ('v .-::,t. lci TO: FRO}1 : DATE: SUB.JECT:A r equest for an exter ior alteration in order toencl.oge an existing planter at Gorsuch Ltd. in VailVi1lage. Applicant: Dave Gorsuch THE PROPOSAL This proposal is to enclose an existing planter located alongGore Creek Drive at the southeast corner of Gorsuch Ltd. TheencLosure is approximately 44 square feet and would be used forthe display of merchandise. Exterior finishes of this enclosurewould be similar to the existing finishing details throughout thebuilding. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING APPLICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATI CNS As the Planning Conunission is aware, applications for additionsor new constr uction in Commercia I Cor e f involve review withrespect to the Urban Design Guide plan. These involve both thesub-area concepts as delineated in the Guide Plan and map as wellas the Design Considerations outlined for the Village. fnaddition to this are standard zoning considerations. This memowill address this proposal with respect to these review criteria. CCMPLTANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN GUIDE PLAN The tlrban Design Guide Plan identifies a number of sub-areaconcepts which are to be addr: essed in any redevelopment oradditional development in the Village. However, none of thesesub-area concepts are impacted by this proposal . As a result,these sub-areas are not a factor in reviewing this application. COIT,IPLIANCE WITH THE URBAN DESIGN CoNSIDERATIoNS FoR VAIL VILLAGE The following Design Considerations are identified as the primaryform giving physical features of the Village. It is the burdenof the applicant to demonstrate that this proposal substantiallycomplies lsith these considerations or that the proposal does not otherr',,ise alter the character of the neighborhood. How thi sproposal relates to the nine considerations is summarized below. Pedestr iani zation Planning and Envir onmenta 1 Community Development September 23, 1985 t) pedestr ]'an corr idorThis proposal willfunctions. . Gore Cr eek Drive serves as both aand a vehic le access way in this area.not adversely affect either of these two Vehicutar Penetration.Not applicable to this proposal . Streetscape Framework. Streetscape framework deals with the @ experience among the pedestrianways within Vail Village. Tvlo general types of improvements as outlined in the Guide Plan include the use of open space and landscaping as a colorfut framework linkage along pedestrian routes and the infill of commercial store fronts to create commercial activity and street life along Pedestrian corri- dors. Thie proposal will add store front display area to Gorsuch's that wilt in some respects provide visual activityfor the pedestrian. cl the other hand, it will also eliminatea planter that can be utilized in the display of flowers andother plantings. There presently exists a large amount of window display and a very small amount of landscaped area on this site, It is recognized that a variety of these tralofeatures is a preferred alternative. With respect to thisproposal, the elimination of this planter area is seen as anegative impact on the existing streetscape. Street Enclosure. This criteria is not impacted by thisffi Street Edge. It is the intent of the Guide Plan to develop5--VTIEffiore with a strong but irregular edge to the street. This type of development gives a certain amount oflife to the street and visual interest to the pedestrian. While this proposal would enclose a portion of the buildingthat is recessed from the street, the relatively small sizeof the enclosure deems it to be a fairly insignificant factor. Building Height. Not Views. This proposal Service and Delivery. appl icable. does not affect any view corridors. Not applicable. Sun/Shade. tdot applicable. ZONING CONSIDERATI ChIS ff approved. this proposal uould contribute to the parking demandcreated by @rsuch Ltd. Payment of applicable parking fees lvould be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Section 18.24.I70 of the Zoning Code outlines landscaping andsite development standards for the Village Core. This reads asfollows: No t:eduction of landscaped area shall be permitted withoutsufficient cause shown by the applicant or as specified inthe Vail Vilfage Design Considerations. As clearly stated in this zoning criteria, the elirnination of landscaped area is prohibited unless sufficient cause is demon-strated by the applicant or the elimination of landscaped area is the result of some consideration in Guide Plan. fn this situation, theally recommend that this landscaped STAFF RECOMIT,IENDATT ON the Vail ViJ. lage Urban Design Guide Plan does not specific- area be r emoved. Staff recommendation for this reguest is denial . While the totalarea to be enclosed is only 44 square feet, it is felt that ifproperly maintained, this planter could provide a great deal ofcoLor and life to this site. The intention of the applicant toincrease the store front display is not considered a detrimentalstep. Hov/ever, it is the feeling of the staff that to sacrificethis existing planter for additional display area is not in keeping with the Design Considerations outlined in the GuidePlan. This position is also substantiated by the Summer Q.ralitysurveys that have indicated our guests to be very impressed withthe flowers and color found throughout the Village during the s ummer months. This proposal hrould not be nearly as objectionable to the staff if alternative locations were available on the site to locate a ne!t, planter. llowever, this building is cone tructed right to the Property lines (in some cases, over the property lines) in the area of this proposal . While the applicant has proposed locatingdecorative wooden pots with small pines in front of the store, these are not con6ider ed an appropriate trade-off when consider ingthe loss of a permanent planter. d )/ PP9I LYUeY Jr rih-q\on^ 4D%'hA*y ti{<carp,toqp; ' 0 +Feoolp^-"*t ;/ old h^tt*f /dafu ry,. ILyix ($tuu I o^t"tt^ \UsC \L,rf o{ n^Jil,ut t AppDate of lication APPL,ICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR AITERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAI., CORE 1 (CCI) I.This procedure is required for alteration of an existing building which- adds or removeJ any enclosed floor area or outdoor patio or replacement of an existing building shall be subject to review by the Ptanning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted until- all information is submitted. A. NAI',IE OF APPLICANT B. ADDpe,ss (nq €., (ML c(tv 0(. pnonn-ML.7w-- NA}!E OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE NAME OF OI,INER SIGNATURE ADDRB*I ilql 6ffi -hvd& VLfl.. C0. pHoNE-.41h:l)@-- D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE $10 0.00 PAID vF. II{PROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWING PROPERTY OF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEI{ENTS ON THE LAND. E. G. A}ID LOCAIION A LIST OF THE NAME OF OIVNERS OF AII., PROPERSY AD.'ACENT TO THE SUBJECT PROPERTY and their mailing addresses. II . Four (4) copies of a site plan containing the following information: A. The site plan shall be drawn on a sheet size of 24" x 36" at a scale of I" = 2-0'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be aPProved by the Comnunity Development Department if justified; ' . Apptication for irior Alteration or Modirl "", page z ./' 1 (5. The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shown on the site PIan; ,C.- The existing topographic character of the site including exisEing and proposed contonri. This condition will only be regured for expansion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; "D. The location and size of al-l existing and proposed buildings, struc- tures and irnprovements i E. The existing and proposed landscaping; F. The location of all eiisting and proposed buildings' structures and patios or decks. t III. The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a.preponderance of evidence before the Planning and Environmental Commission tha.t the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of- the CCI District- ana ltrat the proposal substantially complies with the VaiI Viilage . Urban Design Guide PIan. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change.in the vail village Urban Oesign Guide p1an, the procedures for ihange are noted in . Section L8.24.?20 (B) . IV. The applicant'must also subrnit written and graphic supporting materials that the proposal substantially conplies with the fol-1or'rinq Urban Design Coirsiderations section of ttre.Vail Vil.Iage Design Consideration. ,".A. Pedestri-anization . B. vehicle Penetration C. StreetscaPe Framework D. Street Enclosure E. Street EdgeP. Building Height G. Views -H. Sun Shade Consideration Many of the above items .should'be addressed in some ItraPhic means usiig such tools as sketches, simulations, models (incl-uding neighboring buildings) . photos, etc. V. The Town of VaiI Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicanL must respond to in written or graPhic form. VI . Applications for exterior alteratj.ons or noclifications in CCI can' are only reviewed semi-annually. They need to be subnitted before the fourth llonday of May or November. For more specifics on the review schedule, see Section 18.24.065 A-5 A. Gorsuch Exterior Alteration Compliance with Vail Villaqe Desiqn Guidelines Pedestrianization_. This should be unaffected by ourffireek Drive serves limited vehiiulartraffic end primarily pedestrian traffic. c. B.Vehicle Penetration.Not Applicable. Stggelscape Framework. Additional storefront expansionwrll r'ncrease commercial activity and street life.Clothing apparel and equipment will be displayed in thenew portion of the window added to the southeast sideof the building. We feel that this will definitely addviBual interests to the present streetscape. Street Enclosure. Awnings are proposed to be installedol/er 6E;;iffi'g and nei wi.ndows along the southeastentry. This is intended to provide a storefront focusto the commercial displays and general faeade. E.Street Edqe. Decorative accommodate small pines planted wooden pots willin front of the east entry D. erea. Although paver€ientire south frontageto be coordinated with inprovements projects were initially planned along theof the building, this project isthe Town of Veil streetin the near future. F.Building Height.Not Applicable. G.Views. Not AppIicable. Sun,/Shade Canvas. ehade south facinggains. Deployable canvas awnings will help windows from excessive gun and heat H. " Gorsuch Exterl.or Alteretion Adjacent Property 0wnere n ,rT)f',' r I. fir. Ted Ven DeWoudeArts Capital Servicee,9 Broadway, 2lst Floor; New York, NY t & Pepi Gramshammer Gasthof Gramshammer2]l Eeet Gore Creek DriveVai1, C0 81657 t. l4r. Sam Garyl5 Village Road Englewood, C0 80110 Lt, ?i.,*T,_, wb-}^, e!-, rI c. *. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL Date of Application APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS OR MODIFICATIONS IN COMMERCIAI, CORE I (CCI) APPLICA}TT I S RNPRESENTATIVE I.This procedure is required for alteration of an existingwhich adds or removes any enclosed floor area or outdoorreplacement of an existing building shall be subject tothe Planning and Environmental Commission. The application will not be accepted. until all informatj.on is submitted. A. NA.I!,IE OF APPLICANT B. ll ( hn 3vrlo Vn o fr ,aoN, 4'lb-?,xe& buildinpatio or review by eoowss 4Il4 €, 4tL C(aV W, pHoNE ttl[Lw _ NA},IE OF ADDRESS NAME 0F 0!'/NER (print or type) SIGNATURE ADDRESS UPI+ ". ?,u. O ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE $1oo.oo PAID_. II{PROVEMENT SURVEY OF PROPERTY SHOWINGOF BUILDING AND ANY IMPROVEMED{TS ON THE LOCATIONPROPERTY LAND. IPJ' " n'A LIST OF THE NAI{E OF OWNERS OF ALI., PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THESUBJECT pROpERTy and their mailing addresses. rr' Four (4) copies of a sj-te plan containing the forlowing information: A. The site plan shalI be drawn on a sheet size of 24', x 36', at a scaleof l" = 20'; a variation of the sheet size or scale may be approvedby the Community Development Department if justified; /8. v D. 4. F. ./C., The existing topographic character of the site including exisbing and proposed contours. This condition will only be requred for an eip.nsion area where there is a change of two feet of grade; Applicatiorrl Exterior Alteration o, lrrr.CCI pege 2 .- The date, North arrow, scale and name of the proposed development shall be shown on the site Plan; The location and size of al,l existi-ng and proposed builclingsr struc- tures and improvements; The existing and proposecl landscaping; The location of all existing and proPosed buildings' structures and patios or decks. t rrr.The applicant shall submit in written and graphic form, a preponderance of eviclence before the Planning and Environmental Commission that the proposal is in conformance with the purposes of the CCI District- ana lnal the proposal substantially complies with the Vail Viilage Urban Design Guide P1an. A. If the applicant is proposing a major change.in the Vail village Urban neiign Guide Plan. the procedures for ihange are noted in Section 18.24.220 (B). The applicant'must al so submit written and graphic supportinq materials that lhe proposal substantially cornplies with the fol-lcHing Ulban Design Consiberations section of the Vail Vilfage Design Consicleraticn. Ped.estri-anizationVehicle Penetration Streetscape FrameworkStreet Enclosure Street Edge'Building Heighr Views Sun Shade Consideration l"lany of the above items .should'be addressed in some graphic means using sucir tools as sketches, simulations, models (incl-uding neighboring buildings), photos, etc V. The Town of Vail Zoning Code for CCI also describes other zoning issues that the applicant must respond to in written or graphic form. VI . Applications for cxterior alteratj.ons or moclifications in CCI catr' are only reviewed serni-annually. They need to be submitted beforetbe founth Monday of May or November. For more specifics on thereview schedule, see Section 18.24.065 A-5. IV. T I__ Gordon R. Pierce. Architect. A.I.A. fm^T@vt, Mt'At /hrrr'*1 -{" a'c(w- &n a{9/fr9 dantrA st:tft @tu4t turaa d'rQ fuvqof4,w' wffi 7:b"''7ro{ etlafft,q a 4nu// ardp*rp. Yfl ,notoEn-r( //q rf6 4//a lMA fu el /i; t*' *rq # 4qP T N a"&i €A1 ol:& /r'd,. tue/'d)"f- r/* oi4rftin-CU -/ord fi' a' nrar ry *ry,f i AUu rtowrh&v{tu( a'w&ar , l,/ t- '. // u-,^^'fl r-t ,,//'A /il1r,c t/a,' , M*n i - ar (.a4rrh. fu^ruA lfi'e"t/''"t qffi* Wft;Aut ofrdt'%,,,"^j frna 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.303/476-6776 I Planning Staff, McBride Buiiding File Peter Patten 8/19/85 SUBJECT: Gorsuch zoning question These are the proposed items for sale in the Gorsuch lower level: crystal chi na POtterY,/hano Painted cerami cs dolls small magazine racks I amp embroidered I inensil k flowers dry flowers hanci painted clocks decoys statues hand carved plaques fabric-hand blocked sma1 'l wooden boxes-hand pai nted mi rrors pewter antique-type furnitur e I find these to be the.types of items permitted in retair shops in basementlevel in cct as found in-section ie.i+l0z0 aBi: M";;;u"r,-r find that subpara_graph 6 of this section allows i'a,ioit'ionat us6s determineo to be similar topermitted uses...as.long gs lhev d;;;i encourage vehicular traffic.', The storemanager estimates that.only t o-r.z piitiuplatitr6"t"i p"r'ilonttr will be madeas a result of thir,,I:tuir-activiiyi -inbie wirl be abne in Gorsuch,s regularvan, not a large trucK. I feel this use meets the. intent of the perrnitted use section of the CCI zone9l:l'^l:i 1T,9f9ll 9:':Y:!-t!: iist't-to proceed as planned w'ith the expansionrnto the southeastern basement ar6a. cc: Dave Gorsuch Gordon Pierce TO: FR0l'l: DATE: Subdivision Lot 8l ock Fil ing S,t<'Il (/2 (if applicatrle) 1. 2. Submittal Items (A) Topo Hap (B) Sitc P'lan (c) utility Plan (D) Title RePort (E) Subdivision Agreement [,Bqi neeri ng Requirements Source of Utilities El ectri c Gas Sel.rer lfater Te'l ePltcr;e T.V. (Accepteble) (ltot AccePtable) (A) Cu'lvert Size -ilt i ;;i vev,iy- c ra d e T6ffiix)-fA€Can A B c D E. F 4. Cornnents :-.oc lpor'&4,.2t9-c:- Approved: Di sa pprot'ed : DEFffi::"ffi Eill Alrdrc:.'s I TO: I MEMOMNDUM P'lann'ing and Envjronrnental Conmission FR0M: DePartment of ConrnunitY DATE: JulY 6, 1983 SUBJECT: Exterjor al teration APPI icant: Gorsuch ' r. uE__Btqu$l DuetotheGorsuchSkiShop-operatjontakingovertheentireMcBrjdeBuilding wjth the exception i?'t[u-[rolk Tower i.i,"ir'ii-p::t:ti], is intended to facelift the south uno a iitit" oi ttr. west elevations to make the building read as i *0"" unified retail outlet' 0nthewestfacadetheproposal.istoc]osejntwowindowswithstoneandretain one djsplay winoow' 0n'thl soutfr siiel [tginning 'ul !h9 western corner' the proposal i, to ull'" ;;y;;r;;*-"ro iiiroii, ."*oa.l two existins windows' add another two-siorv biy window, r;;;;-;;a r"iocate.the stairs to the former citv Ljmits (now'il'ru""l'ri.i"""ni"r i''"pl'"io io-i"tooel the entrance to the secbnd level of tfr" "Uriiai.! in ttut-utli. Also on this elevation are plans to remodel *inoo*r-tli'*l'"'"ri"itiue-aispray'ina to treat the facade with stone .in certain areas' Theproposala]soincludesbrickpaversonthesouth-sideofthebu.ildingand new .landscaping. ihus, the p_.oporui'ii g;.""ifiy a tacel ift of the building to al'low it to ieao"ai'u-uniii"h itt"i'it"tliia'ining related retail busjnesses' Devel opment request for the McBrjde Building in Vail Village' Ltd. o II.VAIL VILLAGE DESIGN CONSIDEMTIOry! A. l!!!!I8.14!"LZITION Thetrafficpatternsofpedestrianswjl]notbeaffectedbytheproposal. However, ti'e pedlsiiiin Eiperien." riiorja be improved-with the brick paver treatmentand landscap.ing additionr.' Rito, benci'res will cont'inue to be orovided as rest.ing or waiting u"uu, on-ine iouth side of the building' VEHICLE PENETRATION The proposal may actually reduce. the number of vehicl'es entering and perking on the southeast.";;;;'tr;-io-ir," ionu;;;;"; from citv L..imits to a ski- rental shop. netiver! una-..iut" pjct-upi'may Ue reduced due to thj s change .in use and due to tn.'ptopotEa-io*'puitgf io ii'q.northeast^of the building' The servjce a.ltey on't[""!;;;-ti;;'oi tl'r" building remains undisturbed' B. 1 i : () MCBRTDE BLDb-2- 7/6/83 C. STREETSCAPT FRAMEI,{ORK The various improvements descrjbed above framework along Gore Creek Drive. STRTET ENCLOSURE should improve the streetscape Street enc'l osure is unaffected. STREET ED6E F. Street edge is also unaffected. BUILDING HEIGHT The proposal does not change bui'l ding height. VIEI.IS No view corridors are affected by the proposal SERVICE AND DELIVERY III. ZONING CODE ITTMS The proposal meets the zoning code requirements for Cormerc'ial Core I. D. D. G. t{ As stated above, the number of vehicle trips to this building cou'l d be reduced wjth the change from City Lirnits to ski renia'ls. As the PEC knows' the staff has advanced the installment of common trash compactors in the core to reduce vehicle trips required for pick-up and to centralize and enclose trash faciljties (by use of compactors with building enc'l osures). The McBrjde Building wi'l I be required to participate in the new compactor facility proposed for the existing dumpster location to the rear of the buildin!,' Wb feel thjs will be an improvement in the serv'ice and delivery to th'is building and to the others it will serve. There will be an organi- zational meeting concerning part'icipation jn the compactor on Wednesday' July 13. I. SUN/SHADE Thjs will not change as a resu'l t of the project, a. -l Mc BRrDE BLDG -rltut iv. sratF !EEquuE!!4IL0N The Department of Community Development reconmends approva'l of th'is proposal. i"" if'[-lrieiiae euii;ing. -t^te ure bf the opinion that these changes wjll add to the attractiveneii'oi tn. bui'lding anA ivt'tl enhance the pedestrian experience along Gore Creek Drive Conditions of approval are as fol'l ows: 'l . The owner of the building agrees to participate jn and not remonstrate igi;nii a mini-special iilprovement district'if and when formed by lower aiidge Street for the purpose of installing brick pavers. 2. The'l essees of the building agree to participate in (to thejr fa'ir share dg;r;;i-ih; io*ron compact5r iacil ity'constrlction and ma'intenance and ongoing normal fees. .O 75 south frontage road Yail, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce ol communlty deyelopmenl November 9, 1987 Mr. Roger Riggert Clock Tower Restaurant 232 Eridge Street Vai1, Colorado 8.|657 Re: Design Review Board Fee for the Clock Tower Renodel , 1gg7 Dear Roger: I am writing this letter to inform you that I made a mistake'in ca'l culating your Design Review fie for the entry remodel toyour restaurant. You were charged $500 for the Delign ReviewBoard fee. You should have only been charged $50. i am verysorry for this mjstake. Attached to this ietter is thereimbursement for the error. lf yoy have any further questions about this issue, please feelfree to contact me. SincerelyTl ,r./. I ll I nr,lton'tifl Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br Encl osure luwn 75 soulh fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 olflce of communlty deyelopment October 14, L987 l{r. Roger RiggertClock Tower Restaurant 232 Bridge StreetVail . Colorado 81657 Re: Improvement Survey for the Clock Tower Deck Dear Roger: r am concerned that an improvement survey for the deck has notbeen submitted. r am requesting that you abide by our originalunderstanding that was stated in severil previous- letters indcomprete the inprovement survey. r will appreciate your pronptattention to this matter. trrant< you for y-oirr cooperltion-. rwoul-d also tike to add that I think the reurodel l-ookswonderful ! Sincerely, | /l I | ), I 1 i t N\ftIvl{im=,Kristan Prit}' Town Planner KP:br cci Joe Norris 75 south lrontage roed vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ol communlly developmenl May Z, L9g7 Mr. Roger RiggertClock Tower Restaurant 232 Bridge StreetVail , Col-orado 81652 RE: Clock Tower Building permit Dear Roger, Thank you.for providing the drawings that indicate the proposedand existing seating airangement for the clock rower Restaurant.According to these drawingi, there is not an increase in seatsfor the restaurant. tne fiaitcing requir"*".ri ior-restaurantspaces reads: Section l_8.52.100 parking Requirement Schedule L.0space per each-eight seats, based on seating capacityor Building Code Occupancy standards which ever ismore restrictive. giygl .these_requirements, your parking fee nrill be based onDurrcrrng code occuparcy which is the most restrictive approach.The Clock. Tower parking fee wilt be caLcutated by dividi;; i;;-33 sq. f!. Uy Ls sq. ft. and then dividing tna-'arnount bi sseats. (The t_5 sq. ft. is equal to the fuiiaing code occuiancystandard for one person.) fne parking reguireient is .28spaces. As this project is in the Comrnercial Core f zone district, you I?l]19-h":: i Pillile ree or $84o.00. rhis ree is calcuratla ryEaKrng .28 x 3000 dollars.(cost of a comrnerical parking spacel ' 4ti.!.equars g84o.oo. rhii fee may be paid in b'instalr.ments.The first instalrment (916g.oo) mu;t be paid when you pi"x "pyour buirding permit- you may arso pay the fee in-one-r-urnp 3um. An inprovement survey wlrl also be necessary after the concreteis poured for the foundation. This witl privide the staff withan accurate drawing that nill indicate the aeck area which willbe used for the lease agreenent for the d,eck on Town of Vailproperty. If yog have_any questions about these reguirements, please feelfree to call me. sinc€rely, Ki,l*3,h.' Kristan Prltz Town Planner Jrr o * N; R€ \ \:r \ "--R .\ \)sU E E H; H EN H t - .-L,-"]-. - E EI h .g s -\ \ra -s E E i.Is EH \$ *\\jR$ \)$ i\\J \ t' -1\ --{<' S\) -r-:E EEH H E EI EEr' o Vai'l , Colorad. promise to pay to the order Director, Municipal Buil ding of ten percent per annum on the unpaid ba'l ance, payable in yearly as follows: o $ Total $840.00 Clock Tower Remodel Spring In installmsnl5 sffsy date, of the Tor'm o.f Vail at the at Vai'l Co] orado - 0ne Hundred & Sixtv Eiqht with interest instal I ments The first installment the second .installnent tie third installment the fourth installment with the entire unpaid 1987 for value received, I 0ffice of the Finance l9 of $__?13-gg_ of $?l_3_._89._ of $__?l_3._99_ of $ l_l_3._99._ bal ance due and due and due and due and payabl e payabl e payabl e payabl e on on on on ti ts nenErD that if this note'is not paid when due or declur"a iu",n"r"rno"r, the principal and accrued interest thereon shall draw interest at the rate ot 18 plrbent'per annum, and that fai'lure to make any payment of principal or interest wheir aue or any detault under.any incunbrance or agreement securing this note iniff.iri" th! whole note to belome due at once, or the interest to be counted as principal , at the option of the ho] der of the note.. The nakers and endorsers herLof severilly waive presentment for payment, protest, notice on nonpayment and'of protest, and agree to any extension of time of payment and partial payments befoie,'at or ifter niturity, aia it this note or interest thereon is not paid when due,:or suit is brought, agree to pay all reasonab'l e costs of collection' including reasonable attorney's fees. Roger Riggert DATE. PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Comrnents: INTER-OEPARTMENTAL REVI Et.I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date ft\ L^t^) ol"'"\ til'\\ P.oI' A"l' Mo.t^nq1co^o^ns -utc) (o", / /"* . y'ou / 5 .17 y'(gtr't(-t I _^L\L.k.4 nJ "'li.f, .> b\'//;a^rei* e $q[ft FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE OEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: . Date RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date CLOCKTOI'JER RESTAURAJ'IT & ENTRY REMODEL MAY 8, 1987 lst FL00R = 160 s.f. 2nd FL00R = 78 s.f- lst FL00R REST. BAY I.IINDO,I = 33 s.f. T0TAL 271 s.f. RECREATION FEE: PARKING FEE: NEhl RESTAUMNT SPACE = 33 s.f. PARKING REQD. = .28 spaces PARKING FEE = .28 x $3,000 = $840.00 27I s.f. x 1.00 = $271.00 New Restaurant Square Footage = 33 s.f. Parking Required = .28 spaces Parking Fee = .28 x $3,000 = $840.00 CLOCKTOhIER REI'IODEL MAY I, 1987 Typed May 8, 1987 PRESENT DTlil-Donovan Peggy 0sterfoss Duane Piper Sid Schultz ABSENTBFn XoUUs Pan Hopkins The meeting was ca'l led to order by the chairman, Duane Piper. uest for a conditional use ermi t on ast Gore Creet Gore Cree Dr Tom Braun made the staff presentation. a wrought iron fence to be constructed south side of Cafe Gorsuch. The staff addition to the streetscape. Approval stjpulated in the memo. The diryi,ng deck was to at the bdge of existing recommended approval asis contingent upon the PLANNING AND I { ENVIRONMENTAL COMMI SSION June 9, 1986 STAFF PRESENT Flter Fffi Tom Braun Kristan Pritz Rick Pylman cant: Dave and at Curt Segerberg represented the appl icant and asked for questions. She.i ka Gramshammer was against the proposal , stating that tables would crowd the loading on Gore Creek Drive and would create a dangerous sjtuation forpedestri ans. she mentioned that the cheese shop has wanted to put tables outin fnont of here shop for a long time and it would be unfair to allow Gorsuchthe privilege to use TOV land for business purposes without allowing theprivilege to other businesses. Sid Schultz asked about the nearest loading zone and the dimensions of Gore Creek Drive and suggested that the restaurant association should come in as agroup so each restaurant has the chance to request this additional space. Hefelt the need for guidelines as to who gets a dining deck. He also felt thatthe Town should be reimbursed for the use of TOV land. Diana Donovan stated that she has never supported decks on TOv land. She feltthat this deck did not look like it belonged there, looked temporary and blocked the display windows. Jim viele had mixed feelings about the deck. He had a concern about traffic and stated that they would have to rely upon Public Works and the Fire Department to review this aspect. He felt the issue would be precedent setting. Viele also felt the deck would add a lot of street lifeto Gore Creek Drive in this area. He wished that there had been trees planted along the A & D Building to improve that sjde of the street. Viele felt that decks should be looked at on a case by case basis and pointed out that this wasa seasonal deck, and not a permanent structure. Peggy Osterfoss said that the Town needs to come up with a policy because the decision wou'l d be precedent setting--others will want cafe areas. She feltthat the Town Council needed to set a policy. dr"' ,-4* er to establ i sh utdoor orsuc be de1ineated by pavers on theit is a oositive four conditions Duane Piper felt that decks have been approved on TOv property before and thatthis would not be precedent setting. He felt that aesthetically the deck was needed in this area. Piper stated that sometimes it was important to look leyond straight requirements for 40 foot public right-of-way and property lines. Peter Patten stated that j t was necessary to I ook at the street as a tota'lpedestrian walkway. If safety were being jeopardized the staff would be concerned and would probably not recommend approval , He said the staff feltthat this portion of Gore creek Drive needed more street activity and'l jfe. The southeast corner of Gorsuch has helped greatly to bring pedeltrians to theeast to the Mi'l I Creek Court Building. Patten added that the Councjl has notsaid no to these requests in the past. Perhaps there were a few that were denied due to obvious problems. He fe'l t that it would only be precedentsetting jn that it is in a public right-of-way. Piper stated that the decision could be left to the Councjl who could determine whether or not it was precedent setting. Osterfoss asked about the timeperi ods of the leases and rom answered that normally the'l eases run one year. Donovan asked what Gonsuch had given the Town in return and was told pavers, trees and a public bench. Donovan felt the deck looks very temporary and addedon. She questioned crowding of the street during the Coors Classic. Curt saidthe fence could be removed during spec.ial events. Gramshammer said that she had ca'l 'l ed the Liquor Board and found out that thearea of service must be separated from the street by a level or type ofplatform, the railing must be permanent and it was not feasible to'separate'l iquor and food service. Piper stated that the licensing for Iiquor is outsideof the realm of this board. Vie] e Tovgd, afrC Pipgr seconded to approve for one year the conditional use 1. The Town Council shall formal 1y review and approve the application.2. A forma'l lease agreement shal 1 be signed by the applicant and the Town Counc iI .3. The operation of the deck is for the summer months only. If theapplicant proposed to use this deck in the winter, jt wil'l require staffreview and approval . Establishing the actual dates of operation will be made by the applicant and the Councjl dur.i ng the review of the lease agreement.4. The applicant agrees to comply with those days that the operation of the deck will be restricted as established by the Town counci'l and these dates wil'l be incorporated into the lease agreement. should look at planters thatsite. Donovan voted in favor because of the by adding pavers and trees. She felt the DRB are removable to add further landscaping to the -v-,lt MI NUTES VAIL TOt'lN COUNCIL MEETING JULY 1, 1986 7:30 p.m. A regular meetjng of the Vail Town 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Council was held on Tuesday, July 1, 1986, at MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: Paul Johnston, Mayor Kent Rose, Mayor Pro Tem Dan Corcoran Gai I Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Hermann Staufer Eric Affeldt Gordon Pierce Ron Phi l1 ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney Pam Brandmeyer, Town Cierk The first'item on the agenda was Ordinance No. 16, Series of 1986, first reading, regarding the annexatjon of the So] ar Crest area of llest Vail jnto the Town of Vajl and amendjng the zoning map in reETlon _ahe annexed property. Mayor Johnston read the full tjtle. Rick Pylman explained the ordinance and the zoning changesproposed. After a short discussion by Council, Gail Wahrlich-Lowenthal made a' motion to approve the ordinance, and Hermann Staufer seconded. A vote tvas taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The next item on the agenda was 0rdinance No. 17, Seri es of 1986, first readjng, an ordinance defining when a dog constitutes a nuisance and expanding the areas of the leash 'law. Larry Eskwith gave background jnformation. He also noted a correctjonin Section 4, 1ine 6, which read "... or any athletic event ..." to "... whjle anyathletic event...". After a discussjon, Hermann Staufer made a motion to approve the ordinance. Dan Corcoran seconded. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The thjrd item on the agenda was the appeal of the PEC decision approving thejafe '-Gorsuchieck. Tom Braun detailed background information and listbd the irjterJiTfi'e-TEC-uSa-Tb make their decision. There was no representative present for the appeaiing party. There was no discussion by the Council or pub'l ic. A motion was made to uphold the PEC decisjon by Kent Rose, which was seconded by Gail Wahr'l jch- Lowenthal . A vote was taken and the motion passed unan.imousiy 5'0. The fourth item was an appeai of the PEC decision denying a GRFA variance request of a Bjghorn Terragg residence. Kri stan Pritz gave background information on the--Tffiea1 . 3im-eoylDgave his reasons why the ippeal should be approved. There was a lengthy djEEuSST-on by Counc'i I, Peter Patten, Krjstan Pritz and Tim Boy1e. Dan Corcoran made a motion to uphold the PEC decision, and Hermann Staufer seconded. Djana Donovan gave comments on the appea'l . A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 5-0. The fifth item on the agenda was Resolution No. 18, Series of 1986, supporting the Town of Va'i 1 request to the State Division of Highways to reduce the speed limjt on the South Frontage Road. Tom Braun exp'l ained the reasoning behind the resolution.After some discussion by Council to extend the 25 m.p.h. speed zone from the intersection of Vajl Road and the South Frontage Road easter'ly to the area of the Ford Park tennis course and reduce the speed limit to 35 m.p.h. from the Ford Park tennis courts to Vail Valley Drive, with the 45 m.p.h. zone east of VaiI Va1 1ey Drive maintajned as presently existing, Dan Corcoran made a motion to approve the resolut'i on with the changes discussed. Kent Rose seconded. A vote was taken'and the motion oassed unanimously 5-0. The next item on the agenda was consideration of an air rights easement for CascadeVillage chajrlift. Tom Braun gave a brief overview of the request for easerienTsince it had been discussed at the l,lork Session that aftennoon: he also mentioned changes had been made whjch Council had requested. Dan Corcoran suggested'l abelingthe three Exhibit A's for reference identity. Larry Eskwith suggesled there be aterm peri od jn case the Forest Service did not approve the requeit; Councjl decidedto make the easement effective upon Forest Service approval within eighteen (18) .T Project Applicatlon Date Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Comments; Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: , APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town, Planner E statt Approvat 75 3outh |ronlag€ .o.d vlil, color.do 8165t (303) {76-7000 September 26, 1985 Dave Gorsuch 263 East core Creek DriveVail, Colorado 81.657 Re3 Gorsuch Planter Enclosure Dear Dave: Aa f am sure you are aware, your planter encLosure receivedPlanning Commission approval on september 23rd. As was agreed by Renee, a condition of the approval was to do the on-grade pavertreatment that was originally proposed in 1983r as rrell as threeof the most westerly trees proposed with that plan. In lookingat the property linesr it appears that these three trees can beinstalled on your property. This would seemingly eliminate theobstacle with the Public tf,orks Department and their objections totrees planted on the town right-of-way. It should be mentioned,howeverr that you may well be responsible for cLearing snow fromthe area around these new trees. We have scheduled your remodel for the October 2nd Design Review Board meeting. At this tirne we should include as a part of thissubnittalr the paverg and trees that were originally a part ofthe 1983 Planning Commission submittal.. In additionr the specifictype of paver to be used as \^reLl aa the type of tree and sizeshould be determined. In the interirnr we will notify the Public Works Department of this new development. Please do not hesitate to call me with any questiona you may have. We are excited to see these streetscape improvements being donein conjunction with your emall building expansion. Ihanks foryour efforts to improve the landscaping in thig area of the Vi1lage. Sincerely r Thomas A. Braun a f A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPTICATION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI,IITTEO***** I. PRE.APPLICATIOI{ MEETING: A pre-appllcation nl99t1ng with_a planning staff member is strongly suggested to 9:9!Till 1f any additional inforhation is neeaed. No applicatio-n wiii be-iccepted Yll::s^!t is complete (must include all items required Uy'ttre zoning administraior).. tE-'ls.the applicant's responsibility to make an appointmlnt with th6 staff to findout about additional submittal requirements. Pleiie note that a C0MPLETE applica-tion will streamline the_approval'process for you"-project ui aecreasing-th! numberof conditions of approval .lhat the'DRB may sti-puiati.--nrr c6na'iilons oi ifprovat mustbe resolved before'i Uuitalng permit is iisued. 8. LoCATIoT{ 0F Address Legal Oescriptisn Lot Zoning C. I{AI.IE OF APPLICANT: Mdress Block Filing telephone J?.-e terephone 416-E7b D. Mf,tE OF AppLrcANT's REPRESENTAT:.UI, aOrhnYl4,rct. Address E. MIIE OF OI'INERS: Signature Address F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the tlme a building permit is requested. VALUATION FEE II.IPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUB!4ISSIONS TO THE DRB: M+ $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150.000 $tso,g61 - $ ,5oo,ooo $500,001 - $l,ooo,ooo$ 0ver $t,ooo,ooo t.In additlon to meet'ing submittal requirements, the applicant mustto indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must-be completed before the DRB sl te. 2. The review-process for NEtl BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetingsof the Deslgn Revlew Board. so plan on at least two meetings for thelr approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ I shed . stake the site be removed visits the 1.. a 4. The following ltems no longer have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, horever, have to be presented to the Zonlng Administrator for approval: a. l{lndows, skylights and slmi'lar exterior changes that do not a'lter the existing plane of the buildlng; and . b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public space, which have had letters submitted from adjoining property owners approving. the additioni and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium assoclation. 5. You nay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. LIST OF MATERIALS NAl,lE 0F PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: OESCRIPTION OF The fol'lowing information is requ'ired for subm'ittal by the applicant to the Design Revien Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING IIATERIALS: TYPE 0F MATERIAL C0L0R Roof ' Siding Other blall Materials Fascia Soffits tli ndows llindol Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ratls Flues Flashings.. Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSEO TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REI{OVED of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Conmon Name Qganl ty Si ze* *lndlcate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for conifers' ' PLANT I,IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTII{G SHRUBS TO BE REI'IOVED Botanical Name Cormon Name Type a Quani ty Si ze Square Footaqe GROUNO COVERS s0D SEEO TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa]1s, fences, swimming pools'etc.) Please specifY. /PEC 7 /11/83 a pjerce wondered vrhy they could not put vrindows jn the bqg,t:lop. .corco1a1 f9]1Piefce wonoereo v/nV Engy coulu lluL iJuL v'l llruLiws lrl LrrE rJLrv r' JrrvH' "" '"''. tliit"irr"-ufinl wuil "iinot acceptable. Trout agreed with Pierce's remarks and wanted to see specific drawings, He asked the appli.cant'if he wanted to table hic y'onrraq't. Fi<her rpn'l icd ihat since the site had been vis jted by the boardhis request. Fisher rep'l 'ied that since the site y the boa tqd--a!-!s--DBE 'ltbjsh -b- , *"*Uuid, that the request be passed. More discussion fo1 lowed concerning-the piunleii and Corcorari stateO tnat ttre DRB could address the question of p1}n!:rs. Fjsner asked the board to approve the request for alteration whether or not tne wall became totally transpaient, with suggestions sent to DRB- B.McBride Buildin - Gorsu Ltd:Facade and brjck paver treatments, redesign Ant -.l\r-l:-.- pey'er pilten itatea that this was a remodel of two facades, that Gorsuch, Ltd. was taking over the entire McBride Bu'ilding with the exception of the Clock Tower Inn, ind ih" fo"mer City Limjts was now to-be a ski rental shop. He-showed site and'floo" plan changes ind e'l evations, adding that new pavers were also proposed on the south s'ide of the building with new landscaping. Gordon Pierce, architect for the buildjng, stated that there were no ma3o".chang"s in ttre Uuitaing, merely revisions to allow people to flow more easily wi-th]n spaces, Corcoiin wondired if Gorsuch had any problems with the Znd condition' that of part'icipatjnq in the cost of a com'noi bompactor facilitv, and Gorsuch, iJpii*O [[ii titi-t'ia rdo proniemi-with either of thb conditlons. Patten said that thbre would be a meeting of all persons jnvolved with a common compactor that week. Jack Curtin in the audience conrnended the archjtect for his des-ig1 in upgrading Itre Uuitaing. tii*le agr"ud with Jack. Piper wondered why one balcony lvas remaining so'l id when ihe Design Guide Considerations mentjon the suggested transparency of balconies. Pierie answered that because there would be transparency below it with the sky light, he felt it would be a good contrast' Piper suggested that where there was a ,|2" drop it woul.d be a good place for a. moi^e perfrineni planter, and noted that the bu'il.ding had mostly plants in containers. Piercb answered'that this part of the street edge was on TOV property, but that they would prefer something more permanent and wou'l d investigate,the subiect' Dav! Gorsuch, applicant, stated that many trees and p1 ants were destroyed by drunks as they t.ft tnu buiiding at hlght. Peter Patien explained that Bill Andrews, town"engineei, wanted ie*poraiy planters so that they could.be removed fOr snow removalI Donovan had reservations. about un'ifying the whole street' ana give as i negativ; gi;mpia the Slifer-Ore House buijding. Piper,pointed.out that-thjs bujldjng had some'factors which broke up the appearance and did not appear to be massive. Trout pointed out that the TQV't and was owned by the people and encouraged the usb of permanent planters. He also was conlerned that the stone jn the stone wall be a gbod choice'and not be too high. He said tla! lre wou'ld miss seeing ihe hats ii tfre window jf the window weie removed, and felt that the building did not look'like one big builJing. Corcoran stated that he had seen rnany appl.icants .a o Prc 7/1t3 -6- who ask to recejve more than they give to the Town with re'l atjon to.f1 oor area' dtc., and that this project was not one of them. Vie'le moved and Donovan seconded to approvg tlle requeg!,with the S9lCjU-qn!---..:..1---....i-...---_-.ias tne srarr requesr ierc-e-;nd-6mFql abstaining. C. Gore Creek Pl,aza Bu j ;ffi's Beaner Sweet Basil: Peter Jamar showed the pl ans and suggested that the optirnum situation would b;-i" h;; the;bility !o enctose t66 area during the winter months while keeping as much transparency is possible and total'ly eliminating the enclosure during the summer months, Robin Molny, archjtect for the project,_exp'lained that when l"Yins !9 lelisnthe enclosure he tried to remove the walls for the summer' but the p'itcheo roof made it d'ifficult. He explained that the Fire Department had wanted the fire exit changed, and that was the reason for the wal kways. He felt that there would be no prob'l em in opening up the east end., but because of the icy conditions, could not remove ihe'roof. He added that no doubt the encloied ieck would reduce the open deck impact, but there would be more people observed din'ing on the deck tn early spring and late fall. He felt the masses that cupently exjsi were not attractive, ahd by bring'ing the second floor forward' the builiing wou'ld be perceived as i two siory rittrer than a five story building. Kevin Clair, owner of Sweet Basjl , stated that in terms of v'isual impact'.75% of ttre bu'ild'ing would be open (ttr6 north side). He said that because of the ice problem, tiey d'id not tonsjaer a removab'le roof. He said that.the.qqlio ii-ohty-usuiOfe--for 90 days i year from the middle of June through the middle of Sepiember, because jt ioesn-'t get sun, and then o-ften. lunch can be Served but nbt dinn6r. Also, because of rain tie djners often have to move insjde. He stated that in the winter he does not have enough seating capac'ity. Pjerce fe1t jt would be good if the Fire Department could fjnd another way to-gei people off of the-building. Molny baid the F.D..asked them to combine their siaii^s with ttre-UJtiaing n6xt door-, and that they did investigate a spiral sta i rway. Jack Curtin in the audience, said that encloiing a ba'l cony or deck for w'inter ina tnen removing the windows in the summer did-not work, and gave the.Red. ijon as an exampie. The Red Lion looked attractive, but was a g'iant microphone' wtriitr amptjfied'even quiet conversations. He suggested that perhaps better maintenance would solve the ice problem. He also-suggested a canopy.and gas heaters. He stated that at the Lodge 'in early May, canopies ancl neaters maoe the patio useable even in rainy and-cool weather.- Curtin added that everything in-Llontt"ia-ii Jnitosed and tfiat this particular deck was critical, because next Las Mananitas would ask to enclose their deck. : l2:00 'l:45 2:00 pm pm pm o Planning and Environmental Corm'ission July ll, '1983 Site lnspections Discussion of pedicab company Publ jc Hearing Approval of mjnutes of meeting of June 27. t. Request for a conditional use permit for a day care facility on lot 34, Buffehr Creek Subdivision. Applicants: Mike and Debbie Dawson Request for an amendment to Sections '18.04.030,18.22,090,.and 18.24.130 in order to increase the number of accommodation units allowed in the Commercial Core I and the Public Acconmodation zone districts. Applicant: Lodge Properties, Inc. Request to amend Section .|8.64, Nonconforming 5ites,-Uses, Structures and Sii,e Improvements, to'incl ude'l anguage which will allow for interior expansion of pre-ex'ist'ing legal non-conforming uses for additional Gross Residential F'loor Area, Applicant: Richard S. Baldwin Request for a conditjona'l use permit to construct a water collection system in'Gore Creek inmed'iately below the effluent discharge po'int of the sewer treatment p1ant, and between the Glen Lyon office bui'l ding and the Chevron service station. Applicants: Vail Assocjates, Inc. 5. Request for a conditional use permit to place a popcorn wagon in the Vail Inn Plaza, Special Development District No. 6. Applicant: Van Ewing 6. Requests for exterior alterations or modifications for the following buildings: A. Plaza Lodge - Christy Sports: Enclosure of space on eastern side of Pioneer Pl aza . B, McBride Bujlding - (Gorsuch, Ltd): Facade and brick paver treatments, redesign of entryways. C. Gore Creek P1 aza Building: Enclosure of north side outdoor decks for Sweet Basil and Blu's Beanery. 2. ? 4. PEC 3/83 -7- 8., Reques! !q qnen4_!p_es. coiblex,-to-ad-il odfsT ing Oick Ryan explained that if the amendment is approved by the Planning and Environ- mental Conmission, and then by the Town Council , the app'l icant will have to come back with a request for a conditional use permit for a specific use. He added that the staff felt that a certajn amount of vending added to the streetlife in Vail , and was in favor of it when it wasn't in conflict with other uses. Van Ewing said that he had the support of the surrounding shops. Trout said he had thought this was illegal in the Tovrn of Vajl. Dick explained that this would be reviewed on a case by case basis. Diana wanted to know what contro'l s the Town had over the other popcorn vlagons, and Ryan replied that the agreement with the Town jncluded control of trash, type of menus, et€. Donovan felt that a popcorn wagon would be good, but how cou'l d the town control vending of baked goods, ice cream, etc., and she felt that criteria should be listed. Ryan described how this was handled in the Boulder ma] l: Certain areas were set aside for certain types of vend'ing with oniy one year leases. Donovan felt vending was a gold mine because the owner would not have to pay rent, and she would support the popcorn wagon, but not much else. Viel e shared Donovan.'s concern, and he anticipated an expansion of this type of conditional use jnto other districts besides SDD6. Ryan admitted that he had received 4 or 5 other requests for various types of vending inc'l uding a 1ow frequency radio station for skiers. Corcoran stated that under conditional use perm'its, on'ly a few criteria had to be met, so if an applicant met the criterja, the PEC would have to grant the request. Minor Major 6/1 o -l Van Ewing suggested changing h'is request to a specific use, and Trout wondered if there would be anything wrong with that. Trout moved and Viele seconded to glprove the request to ha popcorn vending wqgon to conform in appearancewftn-ffivoEe ns-IFTsEo -- Council. 9. Request for a minor subdivjsion for'lots'l 5 and'l 6, Buffehr Creek. App'licants: Randy Guerriero and Angela Leighton Peter Patten explained that this was a mjnor subdivision and that there were two condjtions of ailproval . Randy Guerriero, one of the app'l icants, stated that his plans did include cleaning up the parking 1ot. Patten added that he had a jetter from a survey company which indicated that this was an equal trade-off. 'Trout nroved and Vie'l e seconded to aDDrove the request with the words, "the'l ot" ". .he vottwas T':0-Tn-TeTor' - 10. Brel,imilaly fgview of exterior moin the fol I owinq-tesignfrions: +f;;i$ipo,"t, Purcel I 's Lod.ge at Vail A & D Building Lionshead Arcade Villaqe Center Sweet Basil and 81u's Beanery o PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 23, I9B3 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Dan Corcoran Diana Donovan Jim l'lorgan Duane Piper tli'l'l Trout Jim Viele ABSENT Gordon Pierce The meeting was ca1 lsd to order at 3:00 pm by the chairman, Dan Corcoran, fo1 lowing site jnspections, 'l . Approva'l of minutes of meetinq of May 9. Donovan moved and Viele seconded to approve the minutes as written. The vote. was 4 in favor, none against, with Piper abstaininq. 2, Appo'intment of PEC member to DRB. Duane Piper was appointed to represent the PEC at the DRB meetings for June, July and August. 3. Request for rezoning from B_?/S to HDMF on lot l, Block 6, Intermountain to ; Peter Patten showed a site plan and explained the information in the memo. Jay Peterson, represent'ing the applicants, stated that the project could not use a tax exempt bond process, and djd not want to get locked in to a specific interestrate. He explained that interest rates fluctuate. He added that the GRFA was approximate, that it could be 200 square'feet more, and would like the f1 exibility of approval of up to 3500 square feet. Also the applicant wanted the $85/squarefoot to be the average price because studios cost more per square foot than Iargerunits. He added tfiET-units A & D were njcer units so could command more money. Peterson stressed that the total seliino price would not change, Peterson stated that the membership to the Tennjs court; irould be mandatory, ind in three years the fee would increase to $'15.00 and after that would be determined by the CPI. Chuck 0g'i 'lby discussed a poss'ible financing arrangement whereby the mortgage payments gradua'l ly increase for five years, and then level off, Patten expla'ined that the staff had done research on prices in Vail and $g$75q ft was below the market rates now. He added that only Matterhorn was less. Morgan asked if the applicant wanted to change the proposed GRFA to 3500 sq ft, and Jay answered that tha! would be very close, and when the p'l ans were finalized, they could fluctuate I200 sq ft, but wou'ld be 3500 sq feet maximum. 0gi1by agreed. Patten suggested that if the tota'l 6RFA were to be 3500, the maximum sales price would be $297,500. Y? Peter Patten Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack t PEC 5/23/83o -2- wondered if 0g'i1 by. statedtraffic on be a problem, Peterson suggested restricting the number of units allowed when rezoning. Morgan wanted to make the maximum GRFA 3500, and was concerned with the large iarcel icrossthe road. He felt lt'll with.this precedent. they would want nore deisity whichwould affect the neighborhood. Coi'coran pointed-out thai ih"ru "as no one therefrom the nei.ghborhood.to oppose the proposal , but that a larger project may havemore respondents. Patten said that he did meet with owners iho "epiesentei theBellflower Condominiums who did have concerns about increaied acti!,iiy, ino tt'athe.encouraged them. to pgt their concerns in letter torm (wtricn they 6-ii not do),and also from one westridge condo owner who also was nod at-the m6etlng. - -' Viele wondered if there were qny way to prevent these condos from becoming rental I!lt?l and Jay.answered that jt would be'best for the developer to build ind sell,but lf the units did not se1l, the developer wou'ld 1ike to bb able to rent'longterm. Patten reminded the board that the'proposal being considered concerned - sales only. To-Viele's questions concerning tinancing,"peierson replied that theywou]d use normal financing, possibly with a graduaiing'raie sucn as used at pitki;t 9rySf lutl... pjpg" questioned zoning change [o HDMF rithe" than sDD, and pattenreplied that with an SDD there still had to be an underlying distriit, which wouldbe HDMF. Piper was concerned about taking a zone and changing it. He was also concernedabout-the design of the structuie, Patten statei tfrat the site coverage inO in"height would remain the same if approved, but the design would be handied in DRB.Piper wondered if on-site parking'had be6n studied, ind peie"jon "epiiea-tfrit-lodo so the structure would have to be torn down and construction sta;ted again fromthe beginning. Piper did not I ike the idea oi triving ii uiir, down a street toget-to-the off-site parking, and wondered if there wis room for a sjdewalk. peterson replied that it would have to be along the right-of-way next to the road. Discussion continued about financing. Peterson explained that interest rates werenot tied to the amount.of down paym6nt, and also elplained that the pointi-woriaqt9!lbl{ be.2*.to.3,points totat.- Donovan asked it 0gi1by had to jrasr on tiieinterest rate that he received. Peterson exp'l ained ttral ttr! construction ]oanfloated with the prime, but that the long term financing did not. Donovan was a'l so concerned with the sidewalk or pedestrian way, andthere was a bike path in the area. patten said that there wasn,t.that since the new bridge had been built to the east, there was lessthis end of Intermountain, and he felt that traffic wai noi going to Donovan fe1t that the numben of condos should definite'ly:be limited to 4 unitsand the GRFA should be limited to 3500 sq ft. She also"stressed that whoever from PEC was to be on the DRB shou'ld make sure that the design was improved. Discussion then concerned which restrictions to use concerning who cou'ld purchasethe units and it was finally decided that the Uuvers wouid follow the same restrictionsas stated in the pitkin creek park declarations, Trout expressed qualms about granting the variances since others in the neighborhoodourrng ile past year had wanted variances to have emp'l oyee housing, and were turned down because of increase in den-sity. He pointed out thit the derrsity would bedoubled on this sjte. Jay repliei that in this caie Ctre units were'restrictedto employee housing. Corioran pointed and restrictions owners wou'ld not plus their costs. oPEc 5/23/83 -3- out that since the memo stated in #ll that the basic stipulations concern,ing leasing would be the same as Pitkin Creek Park, the be able to rent out their units for more than a certain amount Corcoran repeated the concern for a pedestrian_way, and fel.t. that_something should be worked oirt witn the Town. Jay said the applicants would be willing to work with the Town. Morgan stated that he would rather have seen this proposal as an SDD. Peterson ansilered that there could be restrictiqns in the declarations, and that the declarations wou'ld have to be approved by the Town. Patten stated that he had an SDD tlpe of statement which'ilould be- #12 in the list of conditions: "The site plan, floor plans, and all approved plans as submitted are hereby development p'l ans, and any major changes to these must be approved by the PEC." Jim Vie]e moved to a rove the uest for rezoni the staff memo dated cations: b, a. That the applicant be al'lowed to construct not more than 3250 square feet of GRFA and that the sale price average $85/square foot. That #5 be stricken, That #]2 be added as stated by Patten above. That the word "parking" be inserted before the rcrd "maintenance" in item #9. The motion was seconded b r. The vote was 4 in favor 2a ai nst ano lrouf,. condition that a walkway be s and constru ssible.vote was rcoran absta c. d. Donovan moved and Vje'l e seconded to approve the request for parking vqllqnqe!i 4. Bq he '1Bg-l!ggf.-!g-!jl-at 3160 Katsos Ranch Roafof Vail Mountain School Peter Patten explained that the Town had recently passed an ordinance providing for hjstorica1 bujlding status and that those buildings so designated were exempt from following the Uniiorm Building Code for work done to preserve the buildings. He gave the history on the Baldauf-cabin and felt tftat it did meet the criteria necessary for the designat'ion. Piper was concerned about the safety. 0gilby answered that the local building._ delartment would have jurisdict'ion over ihe construction. Steve Patterson, building official, stated that the Mountain School was virtually rebuilding the building n favor. I aqainst Po EC 5/23/83 -4- and bringing the footings, floor, electricity, alarm system, etc. up to code. lfe added that the only thing not being changed gras the front door which openedin rather than out. Corcoran asked if the Mountain School had been given the'ir first conditional use approval based on a certain amount of square footage, and Patten explained that it was based on the number of students, but that the Mountain School had come back and asked for an open ended ni.lmber of students and received permissionfor an un] imited number of students. !g!g!qn moved and Trout sec 5.Request for a side setback varjance in a Residentja'l zone district in order to construct an addition to a res'idence on Lot '1. Block I. Vai] Villaqe 8th aqle's Nes uscnman Jim Sayre showed site plans and explained that the staff was recormendjng denial because there were other alternatives avai'lable to the applicant. A1 Abplanalp, representing the appl icant, repeated the reasons stated in the memo for reguesting the variance. He added that the two lots, lot l and lot 2, were developed in conjunct'ion With one another and the easement was to ensure each a view of the Gore Range, He gave other examples of variances granted. John Railton, of Trout Creek Co'llaborativeo architects for the project, statedthat his office had gone through the options ljsted in the memo. He discussed each alternative. Vie1e stated that the purpose of the side setback ordinance was to insure a mini- mum setback, and that he was in favor of this request because of the extraordinary circunstances. Piper agreed with the staff's philosophy and felt that the alterna-tives should be explored. He added, however, that with the nonbuildable area there seemed to be adequate separation and low impact, and he was in favor of the variance. Donovan felt that as long as there were al ternatjve places where the addition could be constructed, and the fact that the easement was not necessarily permanent, she was against the variance. Morgan wondered if the setback could be ieducedif the addition were p'l aced where requested, and Sayre answered that -it would .have to be a long narrow room. Morgan said he cou'ld not see any benef.it to placing the addition anywhere e1se. Corcoran pointed out that the board had turned down a side setback request in Bighorn which would have allowed a l0 foot ajrlock, and the board accepted it after-the size was reduced to an 8 foot airlock, showing that the board was concerned with degree of variance. Donovan pointed out that there was the possibi'l ity that the lot with the easement wou'l d be sold and the use of the area where there-was an easement changed as had occurred elsewhere in the same neighborhood.. Abplanalp answered that in the deed no bui'l d'ing "whatsoever" could be built in the easement. Larry Eskwith, Town attorney, stated that the easement could be abandoned because the easentent holder or his successor has control because 'it goes with the land. PEC l4organ asked which other variances had been grantel in !!q immed'iate area, and Savie answered that there had been two others which he did not research' but tnit tne staff had tried to be consistent with the Bighorn airlock refeffed to by Corcoran. Morqan mentioned Seibert'shouse remode'l , and Patten repeated that part of the garige could be made into a bedroom, and a new garage built in front of it. Viele moved and Morqan seconded to approve the setback variance request statingtf of special Privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties c'l assified in the same district, that the grant'ing ofthe variance would not be detrimental to the public hea'l th, safety, or welfare, or material1y injurjous to properties or improvements in the vicinity, and that the variance was warranted because there were exceptions or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the site that did not apply generally to other properlies in the same zbne. The vote was 3 in favor, 2 aga'inst (Donovan and Corcoran) and Trout abstained. The variance was qranted 6.uest for renewa'l of an existin r conditiona'l use rmit for the onotam or arca 5123/83a -5- Jim Sayre explained the memo and read the conditjons under which the renewal could be grairted. Shockley, one of the owners stated that he felt the Town supported the arcade, that he probably had 75% local customers, and wished to rifriin in Vail. He was quest'ibned co-ncerning the percentage of customers who were adults, to which he replied, "75%." Piper moved and Corcoran seconded to 4pprove the renewal subiect !q-!!e -tg!Iiii 7.est for a side setback variance to construct a raqe for a residence on lot oc ntermounta in .so a reques or variances from tions be-T6caGd-paiTlal wThfi Town of Vail to construct one -street oarkin space tnan requlreo.arles barnes a Jim Sayre explained the memo and showed site plans and elevations, Corcoran read f lettei^ from Mike McGee of the Vajl Fire Department in which he stated that the Fire Department was',notin favor of this variance. Dave Irwjn, desiQner for the app'l icants, showed a rendered perspective.which revea'led the steepness of the lbL. He explained how he arrived at the 9":igl which wou'l d have the least impact, in his mind, on the property. He added that since the Barnes' only owned one iar, four parking spaces would be more than adequate, Sayre expiained that any-approval would be contingent upon the.Town of Vai'l abandoiing the easement, ani thit Irwin d'id have the approval of the utility companies. -of-way and Section .|8.52. PEc 5/23/83 O -6- Trout was concerned with the method of constructjon, and Irwin explained the reasons he wanted to build as presented. Donovan fe1t the building did not belong on a steep lot, and Irwin said that he had kept the addition as small as poss'ible, that he was using'less GRFA than was a11owable. Donovan felt that it would be too imposing to the neighbors. Irwin answered that that it lvas surrounded heavily wjth woods, and'that the addition rras an lmprovement to the property. Pf'per mentioned that they cou'ld not deny the number of units allowed in the zonedistrict, but that the number would be partial'ly determ'ined by the parking limitations. He added that there may have to be a setback variance, but there should not be a parking variance. Viele agreed with Piper. Patten renjnded the members that non-conforming parking could remain, but parking for the new addition must be satisfied. He said that there were two questions, l. Are there three non-conform'ing parking spaces? ard 2. what are the merits of the overall program3 Corcoran asked that assuming that there are three spaces, if the wall were rebuilt, would the three spaces still be lega1 non-conforming? Sayre answered that the non-conforming spaces could be repaired or improved, so long as the discrepancy'not increased. Vie'le stated that the burden of proof lay with the appljcant. Dave Temell, representing the Andersons who own1ot 8, stated that there wou'ld be visual b1 ockage, and from lot 8 it appeared to be a massive structure because of the proximity of the project to lot 8. He was protesting especially the setback variance which was close to the more level and most logical part of lot 8 upon wltich to build. He added that any variance would set a precedent for further variances on that street, and that it would prevent the minimum setbacks the Torn was trying to maintain. He added that it was the board's responsibility to protect absentee property owners, and that there would be a problem with snow remova'l . Irwin stated that he had considered all of these things, but that this was the worst (most steep) lot he had ever seen. Discussion continued trying to. find alternative methods of parking Pioer moved and Donovan seconded to denv the reques.t for a side setback variance privileqe inconsistent with the limitat'ions on other properties classified inprivilege_Lnconsistelt wi!h the limitatrons on other prope oran qlsta'ini 8. A reqgest to amend Chapter 18.54, Design Review, of the Vail Municipal Code. Appl'icant: Town of Vail Jamar had asked him to request to tab'le th'isPeter Patten stated that item. It was decided to Peter have a special meet'ing on June 20 at 2:00r seconded to table as requestecl ' The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 pm. pm for only The vote wasthis item. Viele moved 5-0'in 'favorl--and Piri Date o ALTERATIOT.iS coRE I (ccl) trpiication May 23.1983 APPLICATION FORM FOR EXTERIOR OR MODIFICATIONS fN COMMERCIAL I. ADDRESS 1000 So',tr r'.^ntag' Rdad west voi1, Co1^-€1657--PHONF 476-6776 NAME 0F 0!,'INER (Prjn r L SI ffi6QT t+"-- /,4rrf-L - t/6 t/ L/ Pll'P HoN E_!l9o__2? s - 2_1!2-- ADDRESS -gox Iq4n A.pca, c^l^rad^ 816Il D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAT' ADDRESSC LEGAL DESCRIPTIOU nf""f. qa, t^t. n. $100.00 plus an anount equal to-'th" tB" current fiTst'class postage rate for each property owner to be notified herer:nder' IMPRoVEMENTSURVEYoFPRoPERTYsHowINGP$PERTYT.,INESA}iDLocATIoN OI' BUILDING AND NIIV iI'TPNOVEMENTS ON THE I&ND' A LIST OF THE NAME OF OWNERS OF SUBJECT PRoPERTY and their mailing II. Four (4) coPies of a site plan containing tbe following information: A. The sj-te plan shall be drawn on a sheet'size of 24' 136" at a scale of 1" = 2-O'i a variatio'' oi"tt" =ftt"i sige-or scale may be approved by the co**l!"itv- pevetopm"nt-o"pittment if jusLif ied; c. rj' ls'F !rFIi! G.ALL PROPBRTY ADJACENT TO THE addresses. e fA This procedure is requi-red for alteration of an existing building which adds or ."*oiui--uny enclosed floor area or ^outdoor patio or replacement of ";";;i=iliq buildi"g-"hirr be subject to review bv 6;-;i;;In9 -a"a Environmental conmi-ssion' TheaPPlicationwillnotbeaccepteduntilallinformationissubmitted. A. NAI4E OF APPLICANT Dave Gorsuch ADDRXSS263 Eas PIIONE 476-22qlr B.NA}IEoFAPPI.,ICAI{T'SREPRESENTATIVEGordonPierce',qrc_ o Pierce I Gordon R.Architect A.I.A. M.ay 23, L983 CLOCK TOWER 5UILDING REMODEL SUIJUITTAI, DATA FOR AGENCY REVIEW A. URBAN DESIGI{ CONSIDERATIONS 1. Peds trlaniza tion The more unified building facades of this proposed remodel will ehhance the pedestrian event on both Gore Creek Drive and on Brldge Street. The Street level dlsplay areas and building entries r^ri11 encourage pedestrians to explore more of the building/street interface--- especially on Gore Creek Drive. This will tle in favorably with the Sub Area Concept i.h:mber Six, as proposed in the Vail Village Urban Design GuidePlan... this concept proposes a stronger pedestrian link between the Mil1 Creek Courtyard and a proposed entry I'gateway" at the Mt11 Creek Bridge on Gore Creek Drive. 2. Vehicle Penetration Slnce the major use of this bul-lding will remain commercially ori.ented, no major changes are. anticipated in vehicular actlvity in the area, as a result of this remodeling, Due to the changlng of the lower leve1 area frorn a bar-type activity to a retail sales activity, some of the delivery truck and refuse truck conjestion may actually be reduced. The service alley on the eastern side remains virtually trndisturbed. Parking and deliveries w111 continue to use the existing methods and locations. 3. Streetscape Framework Thls landmark buildtng, located at the major Vail Village intersectlon,is of paramount importance to the core area, By generating a bullding facade that is of a unified, yet varlgated design the visual interest and characEer of the building can only be hlghlighted. These changes will be mosL apparent in the forms of of f -r"rhite stuceo and a unifying element of stone at the base. The building r,ri11 then be provided with a harrnoni.ous mixture of accent elernents such as display windows, bay r^rindows, baleonies, wrought iron rai-1ings, planters, building-mounted 1lghting, canvas awi-ngs, benches, signage, and wooden entry doors of interest j.ng design. 4. Street Enclosure The "0utdoor Room" j-n the vicinlty of the project will be made more interesting by increasing the opportunit.ies for store/bulldlng entries and <iisplays, and of the variety of accent elements noted previously. The mass of the building will have only minor alterations in relationship to tire building-he ight-to-s treet-width racio. 1000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657'303/476-6776 /l- CLOCK TOWER BUILDING REMODEL l4ay 23, 1983 page trro Therefore, the perception of the exterior spaces vi11 remain in the s:rne general "comfort' range as lt ls currently. Naturally, the awings and window displays at street 1eve1 r^rill reinforce a pedestrl-an scale;the upper 1eve1 display area will announce to the public that they are welcome to enter the buildlng and visit the upper leveL retail area lnaddition to the street level shopping. 5,.. - Stteer Edge rt is the intention of the developer to define, and refine, the street edge by introducing accent pavlng as a grade 1eve1 "apron" on the south - and west Elevati-ons. This naterlal will mostly be brlck pavers ser ona concrete bed---slnrilar to the brlck paving used elsewhere in the Village. Access by fire fighcing equipuent and by olher service vehicles isnaintained. 6. Bulldlng Heiehr The building heighr is unchanged. 7. yiews The proposed urodiflcations have no effectg on maJor or mlnor viewcorridors. The short streetscape vievs from the buildlng environs w111be inproved, as descrl"bed prevlously, B. ZO}IING CODE ITEMS I. Density Control [ininum Allor"rable Lot Area. Actual Lot Area . +Setbacks. ....; A1lowable GRFA I'rttual - and proposed GPJ'A Actual and proposed Number of Dwelling Units Al1owab1e Nunber of Dwelling Units Actual and proposed Nr.mber of Dwelling Units A1lowable site coverage . . (Re: 18.04.360, 18.24.150) Actual Sire Coverage (Existing) 7BAZ.47 S.F. Actual Site Coverage (Proposed) 7909.56 S.F. Excluded in this area is approxLmatly 125 square feet that is aporcion of the Slifer Buildlng whlch ls physically locared on aportion of thi.s property. It should also be noted that some of thebuilding lies beyond the property line to the East. This area contains approximately I77 square feet and is not included in any calculations. Staff has directed the applicant to exclude the patio area on the Westof the building (contai,ning approximately 750 square feet) fron the sLte coverage calculations r 5000.00 s.F. 8670.00 s.r. (r.99 Ac1* None 6936.00 s.F. 0.00 s.F. Zeto 49 Zeto 6936.00 S.F. ]trt CLOCK TOWEIT BUILDII.IG DEL Flay 23, 1983 page three o RE}1O 2. Landscape Area Reduction The existing planter on the West will remain unchanged. It is theapplicantts desire to place removable planters and/ or trees r,sith treegrates and protective guards on the southern elevation, This willbe a significant i-mprovement over the current non-existing landscapingin that area. tsrick grade-1evel walkways will provide yet anoEher warmand unifying design element to the remodeled building. Benches willbe located along Bridge Street for use by the public. 3. Parking Existing parking facilities and locations will remaj-n unchansed. I{oo f s The majority of the building shall remain white stucco. Accent areas of native stone will- reinforce the concept of one bullding/one major retail facillty. The rock used will be compatible and similar to the moss rock planters near Gastoff Gramshammer and the Casino Building. Prorninent wood trim will be stained to match the existing colors. Clear glass in the display windows will provide glimpses of the interior of the building, as well as allowing the window dlsplays to enhance the color .and spirt of the street. Exterior doors will be specially designe<i and color-coordinated . The existlng wrought iron rpi11 remaln. Facade transparency will increase on the street level and the upper 1eve1 by the lntroduction of new glassed areas. The large display case on l3ridge Street w111 be rnade a bit more human in s.a1e by f i11ing in two th:irds of the wj-ndow with srone. This will also give more importance to the remaining glass area. 3. Balconies ARCIT]TECTUAL/LANDSCAPII{G CONSIDEMTIOI{SC. The existing balconies will remaj.n the balcony on the South Elevation ret.ail shop. This balcony will be area and to become the roof of the 4. Decks and Patios virtually unchanged except for near the existing doors to the enclosed to generate a display new airlock foyer. llo funcEj.onal or practical changes are proposed for the existing decks and patlos. 5. Accent Elements Refer to earlier portions of thj-s document for discussion of accenE areas of stone, brick, copper and wrought iron. Additionally, theexisting polished brass logo elements will be retained, as rvell as the brightly colored awriings. CLOCK TOI.JER BUILDING REMODEL' l{ay 23J983- page four 6. Landscape Elements Nat ive plant rnat,erials and flowering annuaLs r,ri1l be utilized ln the :: - window flower boxes. Medium slze evergreen trees and shr.bbs-r^rill- beutillzed in the tree grates and renovable ptranters. Lighting for theexterlor of the building,wll-1 be discreet and indirect !,rith accentlighting rather than a general flood Lighting rnethod. Servi.ce access ls unchanged. The quantity and frequency of delivery truekE may be somewhat reduced due to lhe change of a restautarLtfbarfacility to a--ski rental facility. Trash storage and trash removal renains the same. CLOCK TOWER BUILDING RFfiODEI, , l4ay 23, 1983 - page five NAIfiS AhlD ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OIONERS FOR PROPERTY ADJOINING BUIIJING). Glock Tower Building Mr. John McBride Box 1940 Aspen, Colorado 81611 Slifer Building' Mr. Rod Slifer 230' Brldge Street Vail, Colorado 81657 Gastoff Gramshanmer, Inc. Be a thune-+Ros enq uis t-Swi tzer-Dobson 231 East Gore Creek Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Store Bullding A & B Enterprises, Inc. c/o Vincent J. Domenico 12405 West 19th Place Denver, Colorado 80215 Casino Building Bridge Street Condominium Association c/o Brandess-Cadmus Real Estate 281 Brldge Srreet Vai1, Colorado 81657 Vail Townhouse-(Block S, Lot 1-.6) Betsy G T.O.V. to provlde names addresses as discussed r.rith her. BLOCK 5A, clocK TowER The 5. and {'e , /rs Gordon R. Picrce Architect A.I.A. A. May 23, 1983 CLOCK TOWER 5UILDING REMODEL SUBMITTAL DATA FOR ACENCY REVIEW URsAN DESIGi{ COI{SIDEMTIONS 1. Peds f.rlanization The nore unlfled bulldlng facades of this proposed rernodel wlll eirhancethe pedesEri-an event on both Gore creek Drlve and on Brldge street. The street leve1 dlsplay areas and buildlng entrLes will encourage pedesErians to explore more of Lhe bulldlng/street interface--- especially on Gore Creek Drive. This w111 tle 1n favorably wlth the Sub Area concept Number six, as proposed ln the Val1 village urban D€slgn GuldePlan-.. thls concept proposes a stronger pedestrlan 11nk between the MillCreek Courtyard and a proposed entry ,gateway', at the Ml11 Creek Brldge on Gore Creek Drlve. 2. Vehlcle Penetratlon since the maJor use of this building will remain commerclally ori€nted, no major changes are anElclpated ln vehlcular activlty ln the area,as a result of this remodellng. Due to the changlng of che lower levelarea f rorn a bar-type activlty to a retail sales actlvity, some of thedellvery truck and refuse truck conleetion may acLually be reduced. The service a1ley on the eastern side remains vi.rtually trndisturbed.Parklng and deliveries will continue to u6e the exlstlng methods and locaEions. 3. Streetscape Framework This landmark buildlng, located at the major Vail Village lntersection,is of paramount lmportance to the core area. By generatlng a bullding facade that is of a unifled, yeE varlgated deslgn the visual interest and character of the buildlng can only be highlighted. These changee r^r111 be most apparent in the forns of of f -rohite atucco and a unlfying element of srone at the base. The bulldlng will then be provlded rltha harrnonlous mlxture of accent.elemente such as dlsplay wlndows, bay vlndows, ba1conles, wrought lron ralllnge, pl"antere, buildlng-mountedllghtlng, canvaa awings, benches, slgnage, and wooden entry doors oflnteresting deeign. 4. Street Enclosure The "0utdoor Roomt' ln the vicinlty of the project w111 be made norelnterestlng by increasing the opportunitles for store/bullding entries, and diaplays, and of the varlety of accent eleruents noted prevlously. The mass of the bullding wLll have on1-y mlnor alteratlons ln relatl-onahlp ,to the bulldlng-helght-to-street-wldth ratio. l,i:,,; . i' ..1,i t000 South Frontage Road West. Vail, Colorado 81657.303/476-6716.,:,,ii;,,::, CLOCK TOWUR tsUILDINi RIIMODEL Hay 23, 1983 page two Therefore, the perception of the exterlor apaces will remaLn in the same general "comfort" range aa it is currently. Naturally, the arrlngsand wlndow dlsplays at gtreet level wiLr reLnforce a pedestrlan scale;the upper revel display area wiLl- announce to the publlc that they arewelcome to enter the bulldlng and vlsit the upper leveL retail area lnaddltion to the street level ehopplng. 5. St.reet Edge rt Is the intention of the developer to deflne, and ref 1-ne, the screetedge by inEroducing accent paving as a grade level "apron, on the southand llest Elevations. This uaterlal will nostly be brick pavers ser ona concrete bed---slml1ar to the brlck pavlng used elsewhere ln the Vtllage.Acceas by flre flghtlng equlpnent and by other servlce vehLcles isnaintalned. 6. Buil-ding Helghr The bullding height is unchanged. 7. Views The proposed modiflcations have no effects on maJor or minor vlewcorrldors. The short streetgcape flewe from the bulldlng environs wllrbe lmprove.d, as descrLbed prevlousJ.y. B. ZONING CODE ITEI{S t. Densl-tv Control llinimurn Al1owab1e Lot Area. 5OOO,OO S.F.Actual Lot Area . + 8670.00 S.F. (1.99 Ac;*setbacks I Norr.Allowable GRFA 6936.00 S.F.Abtual and proposed CR"FA O.O0 S.F.Actual and propoeed Number of Dwelling Unlts . . . ZeroAllowable Number of Dwelllng Unlrs . 49Actual and proposed Number of Dwelling Unlts . . . Zero AlLowable 61te coverage . . 6936.00 S.F. ?tlt (Re: 18.04.360, 18. 24.L5O) Actual Slre Coverage (ExlstlnS) 7902.47 s.F.Actual SLte Coverage (proposed) 7909.56 S.F. Excluded ln thds area is approxlmatly 125 square feet that is aportlon of the S1{fer Bullding whlch is physlcally located on aportlon of thle property. It should also be nored that some of thebulldlng lles beyond the property llne to the East. Thls area contains approximateLy L77 square feet and ia not included ln any calculatlons. Staff has directed the appllcait to exclude the patlo area on the Westof the bulldlng (containlng approxlnately 750 equare feet) fron theelte coverage calculatlons. i, l.r, r/i ,:-,F !ria,, . '; :irdllitti ii { t Rn"10CLOCK TOWE]T EUI],DINC DEI, l*Iay 23, 1983 page three 2. Landscape Area Reduction ,n. ffisr \rilr renain unchanged. rt rs rheappllcan!r s deslre to place removabl-e pl.anters and/or trees r.rlth treegrates and protective guards on the southern elevation. Thls willbe a signi.ficant lmprovement over the current non-existing landscaplngln that area. Brlck grade-1eve1 walkways r"r111 provlde yet anoEher warmand unifying deslgn element to the remodeled buirdlng. Benches rvlllbe located along Bridge Street for use by the publle. 3. Parking Exlstlng parklng faclllries and locabions wlll- remaln unchangeti. 1. l{oof s The majorlty of the building shall remaln white stucco. Accenr areasof natl-ve stone will reinforce the concept of one bullding/one majorretall facillty. The rock used wlll be compatlble and slmilar to the rnoss rock planters near Gastoff Gramshammer and the casino Building.Prominent vood trim wl11 be sEained Eo match che existing colors,Clear glass ln che display wlndows will provide glimpses of theinterior of the building, as well as al]_owing the windor.r displays to enhance the color and spl-rt of the street. ExterLor doors will bespecially deslgned and color-eoordlnated. The exlstlng wrought ironwl1l remaln. Facade Eransparency wt1l increase on the street level and che upper level by the lntroductlon of new glassed areas. Thelarge dlsplay case on )Jrldge Streec. wlLl be made a blt more humanin scale by f i1ling in t\,/o thtrds of che window r,ri th stone. Thls w111 also glve more importance to the remal-ning glass area. 3. Balconies The existilng balconies will remain virtually unchanged except forthe balcony on the South Elevation near the exlsting doors to theretail shop. This balcony will be enclosed Eo generate a displayarea and to become the roof of the new airlock fover, 4. Decks and Patlos No functlonal or practlcal changes are proposed for the exisLlng decks arrd patlos. 5. Accent Elements Refer to earller portlons of thls document for dlscussion of accent areas of stone, brlck, copper and wrought iron. AddittonaLllr theexls tl-ng poJ-lshed brass logo el,eroenEs wll-l be retalned, as well as the brightly colored awriings .' r;1 .; i ,::i, , rl, ]] ' .i ;. CLOCK TOWER BUILDING 6. Landscape ELements liat lve plant materiale and f lor.rering annusl-e will- be utillzed ln the I Rh]MOD rlndow floser boxes. l{ediun alze evertreen trees.and shrubs wllL bebtllized th the tree grates and rercvable planters. Llghting for therxterlor of the buildlug will be diccreet and Lndirect wlth accentItghtlng rather theo a general flood ltghtlng merhod. quantity and frequency of dellvery to the chaoge of a restaurant,/bar Tresh etorage and trash renoval CLOCK TOWER BUILDING RUMODEL l,Iay 23, 1983 page flve NAI'{ES A\ID ADDRESS OF PROPERTY OWNERS FoR PR0PERTY ADJOINING BLocK 5A, LOTS D, E, PART OF C IN THE VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING (THE CLOCK TOWER BUIT,DING). . 1. The Clock Tower Buildlng Mr. John McBrlder gox 1940: Aepen, Colorado 8f5fl 2, The Slifer Bulldlng Mr. Rod Sllfer 230 Bridge Street Vai1, Colorado 81657 Gaetoff Gramshanner, Irrc. Beathune+Ros enquls t-swLtzer-Dobeon 231 East C,ore Creek Vai1, Colorado 8f657 Llquor Store Buildlng A & B Enterprlses, Inc. c/o VLncent J. Domenlco 12405 West l9th Place Denver, Colorado 80215 Caelno Bulldtng Brldge Street Condomlnlun Aseociatlon c/o.Brandess-Cadmus Real gstat,e 281 Brtdge Street Vall, Colorado 8f657 Val1 Townhouse-(Block S, Lot 1-6) Betsy G T.O.V. to provlde names and addresses as dlscussed nlth her. 3. 4. 5. 6. + $r-oc<. t'owiirr.iitl I 1,DLI'l(l llllli(ri)i,-1, I'i.ry 23, I9ti3 page three c. 2. I.andscape Arcra _.i!c-4-ttc_!&g The exisLi;tg planter cn the lllcs t will- remai.n unehanl5ed . J. I is the applicant t s desire to place removable planters andfor tr(:cs l,rith tree grates and protecrivc guards on the Soutirern elevation. 'l'iris wj-1l be a significanE improvement over the current non-existitr* l-andscaPing in lhat area. Brick grade-level wa li',rvay s will provide yct another warm and unj.fying design elenient to the remodeled building' Bi:nches will be located along .Bridge St.reet for use by the public. 3. Parking llxisting parking facilit.ies and locaLions will remain unchanged. ARCigT ECTUAL / LAI'IDS CAP Il.lC CON S I D ERAT I Oi!9 1. Itoofs The rnajority of the building shall remain white stucco. Accent areas of native sLone will reinforce the concept of one buildinS/one major retail facility. Tbe rock used will be compatible and sirniLar to the moss rock planters near Gastoff Gramshammer and the Casino Building. Prominent rvood trim will be stained to match the exlsting colors. Clear glass in the display windows will provlde glimpses of the interior of the building, as \^re 11 as allowing the window displays to enhance the color and spirt of the street. Exterior doors will be specially designed and color-coordina Eed. The existing wrought iron r^ril1 remain. Facade transparency will increase on the street level and the upper 1eve1 by the introduction of new glassed al:eas. The large display case on liridge StreeE will be made a bit rnore human in scale by f illing in tr,ro thirds of lhe windora wj.th scone. This will also give more importance to the remaining glass area. 3, Balconie€ The exist.ing balconies will remaj,n tlie balcony on the South Elevation retail silop. This balcony will be area and to become Lhe roof of the 4. Decks and Patlos No functional or pra-cEical changes decks and paLios. 5. Accent Elements virtually unchanged excePE for near the exisEing doors to the encl-osed to ger-rerate a displaY new airlock foyer. are proposed for the existing Rcfer to earlier porLions of ar:eas of stone, brick, copper existlug polished brass Iogo the brighcly colorcd avrnitrgs. Ehis docurnent and wrought elenrents will for discussion of accent iron, Additionally' the be retained, as rvell as : l^*'' . IJ.-:LOCK 10W$R iJUll,l)Il'lc Ril}lol)1.1.z :;.;;-TT--TqH r'i4ay 23, 1983 . 'page f our ..r. g. L-andscape Ulemeqrs Natj-ve plant nuterial.s and flowering annuals wi.lI be util i::r:d in the winciow f lower boxes. I'ledium size evetgreen trees and sltr:trirs wil"l be urilized in che t.ree grates and removable planters. Lightjng for the exterior of the builtiing wil-l be discreet and indirect with accent lighting rather than a general flood lighring method- . 7. Service Service access is unchanged. The quantity and frequency of delivery trucks may be somewhat reduced due to the change of a restaurant/bar facility to a ski rental faclllty, Traah storage and trash removal remains the same. Tlre fol lo*ing inforr:tion is rcquil'qd for subnittal by thc appl icrrnt to the DesignBoard bcfore a fin:l approval ctin lrc givcn:Rcv i cw A. IiUl LIUN(,- tii'fERi,r.Ls t{oot Sid ing Other l'ial I lttat e:i aI s Fascia Soffi t s lf indo'','s lltnoow I l'1m Doors Door Trim llard ot Deck Ra i i s Fl ues FIa-shi.ngs Chir::neys Trash Enc-l osures Gl.c,r-lrhotts es Other B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT I'IATER IALS T),pe of ltrtcrial Col or TREES leleligsL,,,qqe Coningn |,i6rxg e-"-iss&&1 9rqnt_i!t .a__ Size t.71SHRUESAn&-1",0Q. saret SEED SQUARE F00TAGE:_-- SQUARE FooTAGE TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Other Landscape Features t (reta I nl ng viial I s ,ferrces, swinmlng pools, etc.) Please spectfy.c. t.^ 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce ol communliy development August 18, .|983 Gordon Pierce.1000 S. Frontage Rd. |,|. Vail, C0 8.l658 Re: Gorsuch Ltd. Exterior Remodel Lots C,D,E, Block 5, Vail V'i 11age lst. Dear Gordon: 0n August 17, 1983, the Design Revl'ew Board approved the Gorsuch exterior remodel as submiteed. The trees are to be 5 2'-3'mountajn ash; tree guards are to be provided and paver material studied by staff. Si ncerely, ../4;-. (Vq.--- //u - v- ./Jidl Sayre Town Planner JS/bb Project Applicatlon Proiect Name: Proiect Descriptio Contact Person Owner, Address -{zt', /"'lt:-U ci* 'l.t: €, r4rw (ype f {zr -t: vtuf Zone - Design Review Board on" 4rJL r? .:;u&HtlT;A DISAPPROVAL Summary: E staft Approval aI !lo!r!_!!wrir! _qq r.rrrlli{li tj!ilql2l;llitay 23, l9dJ p a i)e tltree 2. !ena,.sS_qpe_4r g1=(qd_uclige The existing planler cln Ehe l'Jest will rcrrain uncl,ange.l . l.t ls the applicant.rs desire to place rernovabfe pl.rurters and/ot trcqs vtith tree grates and protective guards on the Soutltern elevatlon. llhis will be a significant inprovement over the current non-existing landscaping in Ehat area, l3rick grade-level wal-kl,tays will provide yet anocher warm and unifying design elenent to the r:emodeled building' Bcnches rvill be located along J3ridge Street for use by che publie. ^'-J , rar Kr_ng Existing parking facilities and locations.will remain unchanged. c. ARCHTTECTUAL/LANpSCAPil,{c coNS!pEF.ATTONS l. Itoo f s The majorlty of the building shall remain whlce stucco. Accent areas of aative stone will reinforce the concepE of one buildtng/one major retail facility. The rock used raill be conPatible and similar to the uross lock planters near Gastoff Gramshammer and Ehe Casino Building, Pr:omi[ent. wood trim will be stained to maEch the existing colors. Clear glass in the display windows rvill provide glimpses of the lnterior of the building, ae well as allowing the windorv displays to enhance the color and spirt of the srreet. Exterior door:s will be specially designeci and color-coord ina ted. The exl.sting wrought lron will remain. Facade transparency will l-ncrease on the sEreet level and the upper level by the introduction of new glassed areas. The large display case on l3ridge Street r^rill be made a bit more human inscale by filling in t\,,/o thirds of the window with stone. This vi1l also glve more importance to the remaining glass area. 3. Balconies The exlst.ing baleonies will remain Lhe balcony on the South Elevati,on retail shop. This balcony rvi1l be area and lo become the roof of the 4. Decks and Patios virtual 1y unchanged except for near the exisEing doors to the enclosed to gencrate a disPlaY new airlock fover, for discussion of accent iron. Additionarlly' the be retained, as well as No functional or pra-c t ical decks aud patios. 5. Accent Iilements Refer: to earl,ier porlions of this document areas of sLone, brick, copper and wrought exisuing polished brass logo elements will LIre brightly colorcd awnings. ciranges are proposed for Ehe existing I' cr,!igli:!gwr1!lju.I!.r,!l{._l!l..iiqyt! 'tl:ay 23, Lt)83 p;rge f our 6 . Lands cap e lil emejr-t-e Native pLant, materlals and f lowering ;rr:mrals vrlll be util I zt:rl ln the wln<iow flower boxes. I'te<tium size evqrgrcen trees and shrubs w111 be utilized j,n the tree grates and removable planters. Lightin| for the exterior of the building will be discreet and indirect with accent Lighting rather than a general flood lighting rnethod. 7. Service Service access is unchanged. The quantity and frequency of delivery trucks may be somewhat reduced due to the change of a resEaurant/bar facility to a. ski rental facility. Trash storage and trash removal- remains the same. aI !lo!r!_!!wrir! _qq r.rrrlli{li tj!ilql2l;llitay 23, l9dJ p a i)e tltree 2. !ena,.sS_qpe_4r g1=(qd_uclige The existing planler cln Ehe l'Jest will rcrrain uncl,ange.l . l.t ls the applicant.rs desire to place rernovabfe pl.rurters and/ot trcqs vtith tree grates and protective guards on the Soutltern elevatlon. llhis will be a significant inprovement over the current non-existing landscaping in Ehat area, l3rick grade-level wal-kl,tays will provide yet anocher warm and unifying design elenent to the r:emodeled building' Bcnches rvill be located along J3ridge Street for use by che publie. ^'-J , rar Kr_ng Existing parking facilities and locations.will remain unchanged. c. ARCHTTECTUAL/LANpSCAPil,{c coNS!pEF.ATTONS l. Itoo f s The majorlty of the building shall remain whlce stucco. Accent areas of aative stone will reinforce the concepE of one buildtng/one major retail facility. The rock used raill be conPatible and similar to the uross lock planters near Gastoff Gramshammer and Ehe Casino Building, Pr:omi[ent. wood trim will be stained to maEch the existing colors. Clear glass in the display windows rvill provide glimpses of the lnterior of the building, ae well as allowing the windorv displays to enhance the color and spirt of the srreet. Exterior door:s will be specially designeci and color-coord ina ted. The exl.sting wrought lron will remain. Facade transparency will l-ncrease on the sEreet level and the upper level by the introduction of new glassed areas. The large display case on l3ridge Street r^rill be made a bit more human inscale by filling in t\,,/o thirds of the window with stone. This vi1l also glve more importance to the remaining glass area. 3. Balconies The exlst.ing baleonies will remain Lhe balcony on the South Elevati,on retail shop. This balcony rvi1l be area and lo become the roof of the 4. Decks and Patios virtual 1y unchanged except for near the exisEing doors to the enclosed to gencrate a disPlaY new airlock fover, for discussion of accent iron. Additionarlly' the be retained, as well as No functional or pra-c t ical decks aud patios. 5. Accent Iilements Refer: to earl,ier porlions of this document areas of sLone, brick, copper and wrought exisuing polished brass logo elements will LIre brightly colorcd awnings. ciranges are proposed for Ehe existing I' cr,!igli:!gwr1!lju.I!.r,!l{._l!l..iiqyt! 'tl:ay 23, Lt)83 p;rge f our 6 . Lands cap e lil emejr-t-e Native pLant, materlals and f lowering ;rr:mrals vrlll be util I zt:rl ln the wln<iow flower boxes. I'te<tium size evqrgrcen trees and shrubs w111 be utilized j,n the tree grates and removable planters. Lightin| for the exterior of the building will be discreet and indirect with accent Lighting rather than a general flood lighting rnethod. 7. Service Service access is unchanged. The quantity and frequency of delivery trucks may be somewhat reduced due to the change of a resEaurant/bar facility to a. ski rental facility. Trash storage and trash removal- remains the same.