HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E GORSUCH BUILDING AKA CLOCK TOWER MCBRIDE BUILDING 1988 - 1994 PERMITS LEGALSNOC Designed to Last April 15.2005 Home Gompany Profile Lightang Fixture Gollections Mailboxes House Numbers Pole Mounted Assemblies Bases and Pedestals Gustomizer Tool Warranty UUCSA Gertifications Search Dealers Login Your Wish List Catalogue Download Frangais Page I of I Lighting Fixtr^ @ HAVANA Gollection Copyright @2004 Snoc Inc. http ://www. snoc.net/LuminaireCollections.htm?CD:604 4/ts/2005 SNOC Designed to Last April 15, 2005 Home Gompany Profile Lighting Fixture Gollections Mailboxes House Numbers Pole Mounted Assemblies Bases and Pedestals Customizer Tool Warranty UL/CSA Certitications Search Dealers Login Your Wish List Catalogue Download Frangais Page I of 1 HAVANA Collection Lighting Fixtr^ 38 Series - 16" @ Copyright @2004 Snoc Inc. http://www. snoc.net/LuminaireCollections.htm?CD:605 4/15/2005 ^ *1-* . - .._ -*-*;. .- *+-- !G!GGmr---)a--__)TJt::_-JE!Gt3!rGTGT L]EEG!GG -3c ?€ - ;E e-:-EE E E€iE*F: 6 E =ji=":, 5=: =;€€1 EE e;3E Ei{€€E € a -i!s ;ElEt(t !DG F]RIAtR € dllFll:ll=lt* |.- = €E t =e E€€giEi: .T I 6L6z -.- = 4 B s:F ! qii:5E1 =-i'= - $;+ P} \SIF-t NFr t\F1,-|-{ ..f | |l6h'l lt- f tttt' Tol-hl -ta kl 1^-$er o(- lrlL'k '^ flt \nte'* 4*t/o'"'l'iunts /nl//t;t {t, e,u'14r,'or ma#('?-'-l:., ,s o't Unil q (T/r'le"'Ckbtr) ' J ntnicr o,, i4t^.h^rt k !- n'l^cJ 4'/ )o nq^tb{ k" anll- 1 It l- 1'o/"c"-/ + 19 [xtu.r. F,kJz^re>. s I'r *l l- ,,i kr I-t -"r4er"**ss'- f JF.3 , r* rlo, L, r 3r|r|l !e.*..** ' '-"-'f' ..:l: i: .. i) r:i. .i i Tbe Tyrslsan -"# .!7ll-u t 1| t trt 4r..", : " sjlt :J Jr, ' f -lv"' ' ",J liri-j;,t,-.., . .-,il iiVl'. JU I'rivri)-r ?lndOl=l Cra a) lc\l \JOU- n x93 Iv-F I<ffo Ib-Y ;*9$.2' EEtr eF-] *tt gtr trE q =E =(rl-li.,. /.''l-l<:t-l>o- &i|:l 2flRllLJ*|J oc.-) 6Vl:l<+lc,l any, r,.I \ I I \ \ vl99 rOo t6N I<!J /-2? />uJ /E---' L!> 93 3=9= ur tr d5t= S=OF .\. qg \:ri.q n f x /2 oeZ 'iI o-dul<(!rl<6UoL!.t '7 t1 _rJ<< <r.')J<: E=A<^rJv in=-di-\^<z<u> \_--- ----' \ > u.r$t3ll bo zuJ l-l plBl rZ X /r /(\ ivv :\ - (-' /l --l- L I ' ,1, DESIGN REVIE$/ STAFF APPROVAL \ V"*U,tt"1"O,'r;,9' Eesign Review Bsard ACTI0FI FOrRill Department cf Cornrnunity Development 75 South Frontaqe Road. Vail, Calorad* &1557 tel:970.479.2139 fax:97$..$79.2452 lryeb: rarww. vr!lgcv,com60!*:*"s,$Y ne!&LsFtict?? Project Name: TYROLEAN 9 CHANGE Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8050469 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS-REVISION TO HT E LANDSCAPE PI.AN owNER GOREVALLEY RESTAURANTASSOC09/02/2005 C/O JOSEF LANGEGGER 3BO7 LUPINE DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC09/02/2005 Phone: 970-47 1.-6LZZ PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC09/02/2005 Phone: 970-47 l-6122 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 4OO MEADOW DR VAIL Location: Lot: 5D Block: 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing I 2101-082-s200-9 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 09i 2U2005 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced. and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: g2O.O0 I0ilft,m Description ol the Request: Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailoov.com General Information: AII projecls requiring design review musl receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicatton. please refer to the submitlal requirements for lhe particular approval that is requesled. An aiplication lor Design Review cannot be accepted unlil all required information is received by the Community Deveiopment DepartmLnt. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council andior the Planning and Environmental Commission.Deslgn review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and co-nstruction commences withinone year of the approval_ Parcef No.: 2t0t08757il/ (conract Eagte co. t"* ", 970-g26-s640 tor parcet no.) Zonins: HDUf Mailing Address:lz Va^'L ,J Owner(s) Signatu re(s): v r-)ws ,q 0 {s\ {} Subdivision: UA'l tt'tal,t", h; $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot ot total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.$300 For an addition where square footage js added to any residential or . commercial buitding (includes 250 additions & interior conversions).$250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemen,ts, sucn as, rerooling, painting, window additions, landscaping, Iences and retaining walls, €lc.$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Name(s) ol Owner(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs . Conceptual Roview . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-f amily/commercial) . Minor Alteration (singleJamity/duptex) . Changes to Approved plans ready approved by Ranning Staft or the For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: )O . O O Check No.: flffH:o",6' /o-s -o f walls, etc. RCIIITECT 9/112005 Elisobeth Eckel Town of Voil (?70147e-2454 RE: Tyroleon Cholet Londscope Revisions Deor Elisobeth, Enclosed pleose find fhe following: 1) Revised Londscope Plon 2) Revised Londscope specificofions for soulh plonting bed. 3) Approvol letter from Tyroleon HOA president. All these documents should be ossociqted with the Chonge to Approved Plons opplicotion I dropped off for Mott Gennett yesterdoy. Mqll sqid thot you would be covering for him while we is out. Pleose cqll me if you hove ony quesiions. Thonk you, Michoel Sumon, AIA 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81 657 m ichael@sumanarchitecl.com 970.479.7502 f 970.479.751r m 97O.471.6122 @ ATCHITECI 9/1/2005 Elisobeth Eckel Town of Vqil (e7ol47e-24s4 RE: Tyroleon Chqlet Boulder Woll Londscope Schedule Deor Elisobeth, Below qre lhe revised londscope specificotions for lhe new soufh properly line boulder retoined plonting bed. I met wilh George ond Gregg of Public Works on site this morning for their review. This schedule reflects our conversotion. Common Nome Lotin Qiv Size Dworf Arctic Willow Solix purpureo 4 5 gol. Dworf Spruce Dogwood Piceo pungens'glouco globoso' 2 5 gol. perenniols ond perenniol groundcovers 4 5 gol. 25 I gol. Pleose cqll me if there ore ony further comments or questions. Thonk vou, Michoel Sumon, AIA lsonti 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 miohael@sumanarchitect.com 970.479.7502f 970.479.75rr n 970.47L6122 IE-IVHC NVE]OHAI . UNIT#g LANDSCAPING PLAN Page I of I MichaelSuman From: HerbertA. Tobin [HTobin@bentobinco.com] Sent: Tuesday, August 30,2005 9:52AM To: deighanone@aol.com Cc: jorgemassa@aol.com Subject UNIT#g LANDSCAPING PI-AN Dear Kevin, We have reviewed the landscaping plan for unit # 9. lt is consistent with the plans as previously approved by the Home Owners of the Tyrolean Association. Herb Tobin Herbert A. Tobin President and CEO The Ben Tobi n Compani es, tld. 1101 Ben Tobln Drive Hollywood, EL 33021 Phone: 954-989-3000 Fax; 954-985-1100 Email: htobin@bentobinco . com 91y2005 l/*/, VtttT- fr,,7 / laf 5D, 'b/E-g-' DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, West Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www,vailgov.com project r,rame: fl Tyt , ie^"- C/r, i eF DRB Number: DRB0s008e Application Type: Project Description: APPROVAL OF EXTERIOR CHANGES TO UNIT 9 Participants: OWNER GORE VALLEY RESTAUMNT ASSOC03/14I2005 phone: C/O JOSEF LANGEGGER 3BO7 LUPINE DR VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLCO3i 1412005 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO Box 7760 Avon co B1620 License: C000001764 ARCHfiECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECI, LLC03/14/2005 Phone: 970-471-6I?2 PO Box 7760 Avon co 81520 License: C000001764 Project Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Legal Descriptionl Lot: 5D Block 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel Number: 210108252009 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hanlon Action: APPROVED Second By: Dunning vote: 3-0-0 DateofApproval: o410612005 Meeting Date: 04/06/2005 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007012 1. The handrail on the existing, long wooden staircase on the west side of the building leading to the creek (on TOV land) shall be replaced and a detail of the proposed railing must be submitted to staff for approval prior to an application for building permit. Cond: CON0007013 2. The exterior lighting plans, as submitted, is not approved and must be resubmitted to staff for approval prior to applying for building permit. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee paid: ?? ror4,Nm ^':';;.Fil,"[ffi;;*il;;'"- '.]'., " 1-c Creneral Information: "t.f:i:f_ All proiec'ts reguiring design review must rcei\re approval fior to subrnifting a hrilding permit application. Please refer to the subrnittal require[Ents for tfle partiatar approval that b requested. Ar application for Desfn Revbw cannot be accepted unlil all required infonnation b rcceived by the Cornmunity Developnent Department. Theproitci may abo need to be rcvieued by the Tqm CourEI ardlor tle Ptannhg ard Bwionrer*d Oomsssixr.Dee[n revier appvd laFs udeas a hrfrlirry pgrl*t b issuerl anrl corr#uetin corms*ls |i$d|' one year of lhe approval. Description of the Reque* Location of the Proposal:Lot 5D g'od<'Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328€640 for parcel no.) Zoning: HPUf Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: E-mail Address: L,a $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of lotal sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demolrebuib.$300 For an addition wher€ square footage is added to any residential or hrik$r€ (indu&$ 250 a&tlix!$ & interior conersirxs). minor cfunges b buildings and site irprwanents, sucfi a, reroofiqg, painting, windour additi:ns, anasc+ing, ferrces and retaining uralb, etc. For minor draEEs b buiHinp and site irrpro€rEn0s, s|lcfi as, reroofing, painting, window aditirxrs, hndsc4*tg, fenc atd retainirg walb, etc. Fo revisbm to plans alrcady +pror€d by PbnnirE Slaff or the Design Revbr Berd- Type of Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceptual Review . hbw Construction. Addition . Mhor Alteration (multi-family/commercbl) . lvkror Aterat*m (single-fan*y/drgex) . Changes lo Approved Pbrls . Separatbn@rcd $20 NoFe o T)(i/o ("1 8 ee-o Name(s) of Owner(s): ilailino Address: Hgfi]2:ffy s**,,b, 13R By: nr""il"g o"ti- Page 1of lzlMl!1l% Buildinq IUaterials PROFOSED MATERIAIS Type of ltlaterial Color Roof SHing Other Wall Malerials F6cia Soffits Wndors Wndow Trim Doors DmrTrim Fbnd or Ded( Rails Flues Fla$ing Chimrep Trash Enderes Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterio'r Lighting Other | - a<t llta-l ) t..1a,, / trJ,i/sf-'a 7zr Ja,4/c|. n*lornl ,zr/^r^ I ol*- s;Jq 2w coWe?fT I1 .lp<,. ai+ .A- ( fuzco - // | r ' I>(t^{,(,0 _ td 'kqrJ-tifl lttr*z Auf shu,ft Notesl Ple6e speci[r the maufactr.rrefs name, the color name and number and attach a cdor c]rip. fo*eL Jav,tt+ t+&r */*. o(J -oI tr/A Page 6 of 12lMlO1lM --r|| 17,) alfnvt ( ', 5{1u^\ TrlL/-- b. There are exceptional or extraordnary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of the specified regulation vwuld deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sane district. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Lot Size: 16,039 square feet / .368 acres Hazards: None Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Height: GRFA: Site Coverage: Density: Landscape Area: Parking: North: South: East: West: Allowed/Reouired Existinq 20ft. 20ft. 20 ft. 54' 1-2' 4' Proposed no change no change no change (setbacks not changlng as encroachment alreadyexists to same extent) 49', 5,597 sq. ft. 55% (8,821sq. ft.) 9 DUs 30% (4,812 sq. ft.) 19 spaces 48',no cnange 5,597 sq. ft 5,464 sq. ft. 56% (9,058 sq. ft.) no change 9 DUs no change 43% (6,981sq. ft.) no change 23 spaces no change Surroundinq land uses and Zoninq: Land Use CDOT ROW Open Space Residential Transportation Center Zoninq Not Applicable Natural Area Presenation (NAP) High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) General Use (GU) CRITERIAAND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq the Variances: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff has determined that the requested variance may not result in a harmonious relationship between the modified new residential dwelling unit and the eight other residential condominium units already existent within the structure (Attachment B). While the minor exterior alteration that will be HlF I I OS O,t: 5lp ROAr?r KEvIN E I GHRi{ ffir oilFrwr?a urlDr Tyrol,raa C oadqd'ttlt$ Aeaotl! L (tfrtr otilrdn) lurtl iib Enr r; *illr tglrl c tlG*G GF|rt|Wtr'ln!filitwf C'|rrt|'|av lrhoE rd6rt gt!t!dfiEcrststiFs!. I s?o -rl?E -436 HpmftFrttrFca# u*$aFdlrwdrarutll 1..!r l.rB.ur.nE (ft!trt 9' t$. rlagl. ?.2 u$lr l-E Convcrribo sf Chb Cerio!.fclal ri I fwtngr |,|dfu rtfl r|*r noroo|rt |rEt ll! tt4s dl Fbnt qtr ltt dr* d p{ffii B t E{rldrTlEr *r s: tsrr oi* d lr Qrlbefte. ji. lsignsture tlolkr on ?ollo*ing PlSel I ,i / rtrd otD.Gra of fYEtrlcan ' .frfiqrF ?'.!sFq d.c nrr lt O5 Oir52p ROETN XEVIT Coodorninindr Unit No- 9. Tyrolcur rccsdttg to thc *preof rco#cd FcbruryI 27, l9El in 319 d prp l3E, rnd es condosrinium Dwlaratron rhorcforc Februry 17, lg$i id book 3t9 ar rilroGl nunbcr 40O E. "Unit9-)- I Corurty of E{glc, $tate of Colomdo; als I I Unit 9, Vril, FO 81657 (refcrrcd to hcreirr s70- a?s'p.+ m.P in thc prge t39, Driw 0Jl14l 2005 10: 15 ''M;i'io o5 o3:38p FAX. 30'6940370 WDT 3036949370 @ooq THE FARM I Tyrolan Cordominir:ur Astocir6o By: Trusq & Iltinois Ihllt 74n 87 2n7 p.2 By:S.ga-wl4ujrihl4. Drvidodf lOirtcaorl -".JPffi-Leaios' BV:---------xcrbar ToDin (Spochl Dillclor) Dore Fdnary _, 2005. @ Dare Fchusy_ zllOi, 8tt*:grove ho!,crtics, N.V' r Nellnr'l qd Antillea Corpoterion Kundlk Vail. trc,, a Colsrsdo Gorpodtiorl Bv@ IE: r>b: Febrrnry J 2005, Suc Thumw Trruq lr IIIoods TrusgFcnerly tlrr 3ue D-rvel-Thratv -- r"*tm@-t--By,_- Suldr I. CLdG (Uail3) - Is:*::*-uaa: rctruary, ?005.Date@ms- Ssr L Orrkc Fanily Trucr drted APtil 24r 2003, Suqn J. Cta*e, Ee$lof snd Tr*ctsc Tbc Bcn Tobin CooTealas, Ld_ a Flcide linrired prblrship.B]r: Its (IcartEt pe(bEr Tho Bcr! Tobdn Comprnicx, Inmrporarc{ Byi H(rlcfrA, Toun --_ 16 PrcstateDt (ttnir l) Drre lobrur.ll .- 200j. @ DaDc Fetfl.sj, _ 2005.' - firtn r- Notd (Unir 2)Ilrrc; FEtttsry _. 2005_ C:W'f onutiu!|!.8dr,.cl{tfl l1l tX6Or_t,mC By; ill;,m*',=91[i, Miab&l L&h€r (Uutt q Da!o: Pclnlay _ 200 S. -------:l:-^ ^ r 4vul rQ. v -'Ai Frrnando JUi'f9{9J70 ci erot DT 9rs6t3 3(,3 P.1 Boor -xr'ln*--*^5ffiffiil Dlrc; Prlrlrry _ Zd5 Dxcr lrhury - X,ori|l Vol" brc.. r Cllqcjo Corprner J. C}rrtr hndry Trsr rhl ta, t00!, 8rfi ,. Clut . 3s$lr ud Tfrsr. -*-EGicffiffi')- ItrD.fiffit:;6. 8ce Tobin Cerromb, Ld., t llariCr linid frGrhO,Brr !r Gasd lrrrrcr TtE Bar Tclh Cc,rElnb, lu h$*tq| (t trir l) Dru: tflaE _ foqt. D&c: fthrry _, 1009. tt-=;6q1rr6-- I!:-.-=--|J|lc. rthl||:ry_ il00j. Srx Tlmw Trr.rt rn tnhob Tirsr.Iolltlat, rh. $r. Dttrt. nufo* Tn|n || Uutlrir Tturr Bt,-. -lu;--otir l)Dlr Frbvur _ 200s. -..-ffidffiffi;a hE f$i.ry _. tOOt, ( {rrll1}ratfu,5<fr i||tt\, lura LbC 0X/L4/2008 10:15 FAtr t0J6g4gJ70 ' "',i:_-.:i.... r i r' 3-r 0-05; g iEgpM;BEN T0- T$Ele8n Condominibn AsrociadoD Daw: Fcbruary _, 2005. Brr-@.1 DNtr: Fi.bruart . 200J, @ Das; FcDc{s$f .......r 20g!;, Srls J. Clatc Fa{dy Thrsr itrcd APtiI24, 2003, Shs!tr L Chrb, S€itlor ard TrulrEe Bvl Surar I. ctukc (UElt jt- Ite; uaEffigry=2005. Tbe Bcn Tobi! Cor4ccriee, Ld., a llor{da liai_ tcd plrhggttp,Byt I$ Crd€rel porhcr l1DT I @oog B),: E------_r-,rrc; toDruoly _- , 2005. Kclihk Vril, hc,, s Coloredo Corpocctioa Bv:-rlrncil@-tudt?t-. It:oat"fF@Jbos. - Marjoric A. Davidorfl @r ry D.te I Fcbflfiy _, 20b5. ffi hre: Fcbmssy -.2CrOj. Blucgrot/r Mie6. N,y., n Netlralard antiltce CoDoEliqD By; Suc Tltlrrm' Tflst an llliuoje Trust, Fonacly thc Suc Duva)-Thurcur Thrst an lllinols lhs: llhmaa_.9i|,9 B;e _----EtrElc.6ffiiA Darefct"rlry , aOO:. ew|?oTt$\l&nolrrcsclltrmt0(65r t.Dcf O3/14/2005 10:14 FAX, 3036949370 '" "' llilR-1q:itu) tU:CJ t- rom: LHLrt| Tytolc{tr Condo$hium Asgoci$ion WDT I 3036949370,1be4 r0!JUJbl.t:tJlts D}ann f .q. c. Ey,Bxt .,,',, 0.. I - r. :.r, .t .. Mrjorie rL Dlvidoff {D,ircobr) DrEt Fefuu!ry -....._ 2005, Bv:Tfii6il.iffiftorl Dcrc: FEbrudy _. 2003. Bluegrove propeties, N,V.. a Nctherlsnd Anr lst CoDonrtion By: Sutsr J, Cl[lc Ftrnity Thar ahrcdAFil 24, 2003, Susn J. clsd(c. .Scqtor and Trucnc BY: ,9u!en J, Chr&F Grnir 3) Itr:olFFffiilAoj. @rsr Dru: fabnnry . ZOOS_ Thc Bcn Tobin C.;ffiprrri6. Lrd,. I Ftori& limird pvurershtp,Ey: ttr Ccaelll pirla* Thc Bcu Tobin Corrpenier, lncurporated Eyiffi IE: hcrddefll (Unit l) Dar: Fcbruary _, iOOs. ffi htc: pcbrusv-_.200j, Dy: Kaidalc Veil Inc,, a Colqrsdo Corpcrrtion By:ffi Its:;r-affios. luo ft:.: l*, sr lllinoir Tn$r,f otEcrly thc Suc Dirvol_Thrrow TtusL nt| Illinois Trurr H"lqlH',1, (lNrrorl! iuMnnD!!v:cct{M,1\t 06658_r. D oc Jrg€ MsEo (Dir€c"torj- Detc: Fcbruary _ 2995. w.4) @oozWDT A0J/!4/2005 10:15 FA)i 3036849J20 i,,uziitiiioliifi iii;50 i[ 'inrvrur oun r,#,36e4e370 rAi"il --oiiiioio p oai4 I iB i lsll$*1$lrrlffl#slilp ii i$l$r Flgg $s $Fjfi lru.F4 f | 'iii n ql N =in ..>- gE'>a R ,vqc- ':i f 'zn rd-'l r-> FE -'q=JE -+- .s.!ve:t'-7 5 3 A al E- c .-, @ ooelIDT I03/L4/200t 10:15 FAli 3016949370 '" " '' :" """" mfi/lll2005/FRI 02:43 PlI CEhrrr 3016q4S110,.,,. run olirii -' ' - ' " iAX t{0, ?{052?3020 P, 00? $$FIf:i I i rl- id FIart e$ IE I t I J { IFfff 6 hi lfli. II: It N te-g-- ! t0E .E .u=nt(a 7! l-,.r lll =HEr. EE E EF F=s*: E 03-14-05 08:32am Fron-0TTEN JOH|\lSo|{ RoB|I{S0N ilEFF { RAoofltilt 303 8e5 6525 dL/at/Lss6 sa:86 e7E2zB!r:so 3038256525 cRorEAu NoLD tyrol osr Codorini$t Asso ciatiotr T-980 P. 003/003 F-043 PAGE g3 Brt ----------.... .- Jorge MrEEs (Dir;smr) Drre: Fclruary ^-, 2005. ---Eeruft rolln1spectO Dircsrtr) Dstr; FebruEY -, 2{n5. By: Flv.-'@or) Don: FcbrurrY -, 2lX)5- DeGl FctnnrarY-r 2fi15. srrssr J. crb*e FasullY Trult dutEd Audt 24, 2003, Susan I. Clarle. Sg0lor qrd Trugtee Arx-,ffi ht---- Dab: FcbruEy -, 2tXl5. @sl DatD: FEtrurty-, 2005' thaEcr Tohb Cornprnica, Lt&, a Flotids litniEd Issrrsbip,Bv lfr erctEal P!tusl" ilot fobirr Ctryriric*.Ilruorporaea Jrdirtb W. Lachcr (Unit 4) Dme: Febatr)'---2@5. Blucgrovc Propcrdc+ N-V" a Netrslrod Andtles CcaPcation By: -tcgcMssEE@*7)lb:-* Dstci Februqy _, 2005. Ite: - Dcc: Fabrury-,2{Xl5- Sw Thurow Tnrsq cn lllinois TrueL Fcmcrty tlc Sue Duw,l-Thuruer Trurq ut ntilois Trugt By: . C:\}tMU\,iMlngdDSCHMml 06658-l'n$ By llatrtA.Tolb Iu: Fmeidcnt (Uuh l) Deta: Fctnry -,3005. Deie: t*au::120o5- Klodal Vait, krc. a Coloraalo Corpqatio F,ruiqpcndjss (unirO fc: (Unit B) nllr,u.,-4^ ,t, LoQr f:'WWE A Features 'Iirt squitle l,.lltLfitirlri rrru; -[ r]:irlj 1.,- nr;1rl: r-,r f j'.t \l _ili", l Jluntinll t. r:iist In p(llri:nl(nl mrrl,l: rrtiJ .it;.tl. :nlrrmr r,., 'lte J,.-,lli;rr lr:q il\:i::iti .rtrL,rLt. 'I ht upp+r tlt:tmber. lid slr,iil L- ,i:lll .-rllnrrrit. tr_r tirc,r[;Lrr_-ri rhenther lx urcLurr,:ll ' -l r \litiill!.\{ llfel :,ir'if I i1.,,., l,'r..Lt.i.L:ln,te.t..,.rrrLt,,..:,,i.: l'ht rtpf ical r.'huntller , c:-rqr: sltrll ri-: r,lrrLr-rrlt:l :r rlasr lrrtrsiltr.rrr,r L*itlrtlr.. Ilr< :nLhrrttte sl:.lr- l:c -it'nrtc.l l11. r,ir I l,rrcr rll.-lt.iltt,,.llr 1.1.,1,;,1.,; :rnil .:erglgl i}1,r'Llillllc | - ttJt t :-lpLr.rltr rr The elctlri(:al charltbr'r litter.,hlili,r:r;irsl *iurr]r'rin: rliirtr.lrL\r:lr:ljrriesilneij Lo itL [r] nt n.,\lr] ir lc :ht hril.r:rt iriiiillbll i:rr:l :lh.:ll it-r{.|l:tl l{] J itr\t1 :,rll rrf hr:t! [i.it h]rrt:,u:i'il r r"ll) .iLt'Littcrhr-Ll..r.rrl .c. .rrrll_.,. ril_-l .t.iltles,iler: .rlr,;i.,rr The cl*.ctrita.l rsltmhlv.h:rll l--*;r r:rlri:irtirrliliirrrl,;tliitsl-iltcignr:i rr rrl-)<r:rrL,rlllll) itmtr ,.rr' ,rirL,. I r-tp trr :'rr' r:r:,\ .rl:u .htr,i lx rr:lcur.rll, nr4irrrie,t r,:, ,trern|r;thie ithrltt:nulr lru., ,r tl', ,.,,\ -- -.]Fr.l\ hritf.(ii:l i.t { :-l\iil-tlr_ Ll:c l;ttrr1.h(]liier rhi)ll.Lrf,,rrp:ti:t ,rii;r,itrt, Lrr,,::-.Lt:tr gl.i,'r:,: it;,i prulrr rrrtr:i ,,itl l!- jK\. l,tr 11]e(Jrutrt ;Lrr.rl nr|:!ti lt.rllr l Jlrrt rp'.. Tlte lurr Lrrrurrr .:h;,ll ,.,t L lL irrr,li \ \ r.rr.,i,.lr..t .;uiuhl: t,:r ..1.Lt jr,Lilt!.ir.. [' tr: \rrnrh,, :' \l ltrll \l llf,ili Hii!tiri L. [1 \ :1" I :il lr.r i -lr l Dirrtctt.:icnr: Larttern .--.,\- ;_T l F I ()trlt:ring (iuide Lcns (-)rrtronr Ai\. : '....1_r l-r iJ I'ii'; 1i r- ir. fr.,:rrl :l , '\+ I .\, :'.lrt: Rrlttrr- -J,l'r . r' ...-r::.r:.1:: r'rl fl tl'l : P,,l',,:.rr tr,,l:,',- l'fi '.ri:t ]J, i'lt.' ( )ptrcal f)p!1ons ]l :lt' I 3 - il.:. ,. ',.!t,'1 ,!.:.. !.i:;::,' ,' :(!, . i,r.r"r'rr,.i ',; ,r ,1 ] ';r,' f11',1 lJ (. ctl"t L:itl (-ltrrl i r-) u5 )(t''. r'':: r'':. ' il :r-, r', J .i ',";. ,, '' ., -J I rl,), .rUr.:; lr rL ::r:r.r,:t J itrr.. i'r.:..: :.-..r l'rnrjh-( lpl4rrrr J ,i. -i ! ,..,-. fJ ir. li ';1.r..i X',,,.' ,,'.' 'J ir -.,, ,r [-f I l,it I ]r,:trl :l ' f-'- r J 'tl ",t_ rtlt111-, I rl rr.'r, i,,r,r U -l -J 2* PAr^tort st+^lr'ts [';rt-t \trttther ',1., ..t,:,.,ii,iir'r." :.,r,,i .,., !f,,, l-lehr S(ruruc ()ptitrrti ', , . J'.L::'," J tL j,.',, ''l' '," Il ',,tti' fl rrr.ttt J t :r,LfH f l),r\fl: tr r\.tll -l -'.,:.t:' f r nrl lP) f ;''tlP! :l .",rt tF! D i jtr.{\,1 .\ r'\'" 3 .'n ' 1'1' E l_'r\ r'f rr x.. ] t [:,cr l\ \ .1 ,'\. . t, -., i;i.'-.; I \Lllfill\l I:r'.:(l rnill#lLtl -;-- I \\;rll [,L'iutt .'r,i. ,1,, ,, n.'' .lll , .' I \." Itil' ll t" ,i m_ 10OMH120-O / HSS90 i FS1 / BKT1 ,. , ,. ,,_, . _. .- T tr tn l-1rrst \lrtLltlt,,,,". ALlZ62Ztfut t t'trc-tb.Dt FG+ TYPEI DESCRIPTION CATALOG#: SPECIFICATION FEATURES PORTFOLIO A low brightness 4" aperture lensed downlight for use in wet locations which accepts PAR20, PAR30 and A'19 lamps. The deeply regressed lens provides superb shielding to eliminate brightness at higher angles. Choice of lenses for various aesthetics. The modular housing will also accept various downlight and wall wash reilectors. SPECIFICATION FEATURES A .Rellector Clear upper Alzak reflector for maximum output. Positive reflector mounting pulls trim tight to ceiling. 0.050" spun aluminum lower reflector available in low iridescent ciear, haze, straw, wheat, warm haze and specular lrlack Alzak6 finishes or painted white as well as black and white baffles. B .Lens Choice of tempered fresnel, prismatic, diffuse, or clear glass lenses. Lens is fixed to lower reflector. C Trim Ring High impact polymer wilh satin white finish or self flanged {eflector. D Socket Cap One piece heat dissipaling die-cast aluminum. E..Univ6rsal Mounting Brack€t Accepts 1/2" EMT, C channel, T bar fasteners, and bar hangers (See Accessories). Provides 5" total vertical adjustment. F Housing Precision die cast aluminum H .Junction Box Galvanized with (6) 1/2" and 12) 3/4" KOs- Listed tor twelve #12AWG (six in, six out) 90'C conductors and feed through branch wiring. l.Socket Medium base porcelin base socket with nickel plated screw shell to prevent lamp freeze. Insulation Detector Self resetting insulation detector opens circuit if insulation is improperly installed. Labels HD4 478() 75PAR3O 5OPAR2O 100A19 - 4" LENSED REFLECTOR 1 1/2" {38mm) deep collar. Optical U L and cUL listed, wet location, assembly adiusts within the housing to accommodate ceilings up to 3 1/2" (89mm) thick. G .Conduit Fitlings Die-cast screw tight connectors. Optional Step Down Transformer frnrcO OR DER ING I N FORM ATIO N Complete unit consists of housrng Housing HD4 |T- tit44" HO4CP.=4" I NOTES: Accessories should be ordered For additional options please consuh your Coop€r Lighring Representalive A zak ls a regislered trademark of Alumrnum Company of America. Refl6ctor Finish t1780=Reilector Trim Fing 4781=Scil Ll=Specular Clear H-Haze S=Straw WMH=Warm Haze B=8!ack gB*=B ack 8afile flarge on selj flanged retlectors add WF to 'Eattle ava lable on 4740 only 1G=Prismalic Glass 2G-DllJ!se Glass 3G=Clear class 4G=Fresn-.lGlass Sloped Ceiling Adapter HSATIXX=Replace 'XX' wrlh slope RimlessTrim Ring TRR4 Bar Hangers HS26=26" long bar C channel hansers Hg50=50" long bar C-channel hangers BMB22=22" long wood joisl mounting bars Step Down Transtormer H277=217V ra 120V,300VA m6x. Mounts to knockoDt on J aox. COOPER LIGHTING ADP040660 PHOTOMETRICS Candlepower Distrib ut ion Candlepower HD1 4780 Averrge Luminance Test No. H21317 HD4 47801t2c LamP=100WA19/lF Lumens=1710 Spacing Criteria=1.1 Effic;ency=39.1% D.s. CD/SO M Cone of Liq ht lnirial Nadir Besm diameter is to 5096 of maximum foolcandles, rounded lo ihe nearesl halffool. Footcandle values are;nitial, apply appfopriate light loss factofs where necessary, Zqnal Lu men Sum mar Coelficient of Uti liz ati o n Zon6 Lumens %L6mp 0 30 319 41.7 0-40 480 28,'l 71.8 RCR o ,| 2 3 1 5 0-60 663 47 47 45 45 45 43 43 42 42 40 40 44 43 12 4l 40 40 39 39 38 41 39 3A 37 35 37 34 36 34 35 33 39 36 35 33 31 34 31 3330 32 30 28 32 3028 31 21 fi27 3027 34 30 29 27 25 29 25 2A 25 27 24 6 7 I 2A 23 21 19 25 22 21 23 21 19 25 20 24 20 23 19 22 19 22 1A 32 21 21 2[ 23 26 22 26 22 25 22 30 25 21 20 26 22 19 17 22 19 11 2t 17 2t 11 20 17 25 20 18 16 20 2A 16 20 16 19 16 t9 t6 rc=C€iling reflectance, rw=Wall ?ellectancc. Rcfi=Room cavity ralio CU Drra Based on 20% Eftective Roor C.vitv Rclleclence. 0'90 668 90-180 0 0-180 668 39.! 10 Candlspower D ist r ib ut ion Candlepower Average Luminance Cone of Liq ht Test No. H21315 HD4 4780L11G Lamp=75PAR3oL / HAL / FL4O Lumens=940 Spacing Criterie0.6 Efficiency=65.5% Dsg.cD/so M Diitanceto l.|hi.l Nedtl 0 1171 5 1117 Beam diameter isto 50% ofmaximum footcandles, rounded to the nearest haltloot- Footcandle values are initial, apply appropriale light lo6s lactors where necessary- Zonal Lumen Sum mary Goefficient ot Util izati on Zon€ Lumens %Lamr %Luminaire 0 30 472 .w 70 50 3(}76.7 0-10 561 s9.7 RCR 0787a787A 91.1 0-60 613 0 90 616 175 7371 70 90-180 0 211 68 66 63 0-180 6't 6 36E 64 61 58 465605754 59 56 54 562575350 56 53 50 659545041 53 50 47 756 51 47 45 50 47 44 851 4a 45 42 Aa 44 42 9s2464240 46 42 40 10 50 44 40 38 44 40 38 rc=Ceiling reflEctance, rw=ftll reflectEnce. nCR=Room csvitv rstio CU Data BEsed on 20% Eltcctivc Floor Cavitv Refl€etanc€.- Not.: Speciii.arions..d Dim6nsions subjecl tochanqe wnhout notice, Visit our webshe at www.cooperlighiing.com Customer First Center 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree CitV, GA 30269 770,486.4800 FAX 770 468.4801 ADP04{)660 Cooper Lighting 5925 Mclaughlin Rd. Mississauga. Ontario, Canada L5R 1Bg 905.507.t000 FAX 905.568.7049 , GO@ER Lighting Echelon Collection f c lrr-- lon { rr Il*ctio rr Page I of2 ODYSSEY W Specifications . Sleel Housin'J - Bronze Mist Powder Coated Finish . Lens Panels - Luminous Whrie Acrylic .lprc, p.en.l< - T.mrrp.*.d CraSS EnO Pa n ets . Steel Mounting Pan - Hi-Reflectance Whrte Powder Coat Fin ish . Lamps - (2) 26w 4100K Color Temperature . Larnps - i2i 5Cw Max PAR Larnps U pi Down . Nlo,'rfing - Di.ecr to Surface pe'Pict,-rr Bolt Pattern . ETL Lrsted Wet Locatron @@@@ r+l lralt"'4 +\ l'l J Ut '.Jt/ | -?,/r.57r, o7L7 oO ++o. Pr':cJucts Scru r(,r ,iWattage Vf]ltage Diffuscr Frrrish 0ptions CDYW OD\':l S EY r^j F23?X- it3,1"\) Tllx rStan larft i i 20E - Electron c t'tA BT - Bronze Mrst fStandnrd l 41K , 41oLrK Colof Temc tStandard i http : //www.teronlighting. com/EProduct. aspx?Prodllr:EchWalO D yyW 7t7t2004 Cutsheet ! m OuldoOl Page I of2 t_@t t'endant @@@@@ Echelon Collection w 5crrnct- ODYSSEY W r^r-1..^^ ^.. ll-/tJ r.-J y 5:) C'/ !VOurdo+r L;gr11ing Specil icoi ior' s: 51eet H,)L s;nq - Bronze HiEt FOrder Ccoted linishLens Fcrr rls - [ uminou:; \thil+ AcrvticLens Por.lis - TemE€rert Gtoss End ponets Steel M.)r.ntirrg parr - Hi- Fef tectonce White pow,ie!. CoolLorrrps - 1 j 43* IBX 4100K Cill(,r Ti,nOe.dture Lomps -.l) 50w Mox PAP Lornps Unl|rornMountinr; .-. lJ'recl tc'_ 5urloce oer Piciu'e,: Borl Pctte.. L IL LlSl*'l Wel i-CCOlron Specifications . Steel Housing - Bronze Mist Powder Coated Finish . Lens Panels - Luminous \A/hite Acrylic . Lens Panels - Tempered Glass End panels V C€illng Q', ',--l-l Cctolog ooYw- rl 42 x- 1 ?oL- 8T- 41r{ Finish r I I I _t 3 II FrTLI _J fer.tr XrJllJ.e lrc, [j mffiE http ://wwwteronlighting.com/ecutsheet. aspx?prodlD--EchWaloDyyW 7/712004 Cutsheet Page2 of2 . Steel Mounttng Pan - Ht-lteflectance whrte Powder Coat Finish . Lamps - (2) 26w 4100K Color Temperature . Lamps - (2) 50w Max PAR Lamps Up/Down . Mounting - Direct to Surface per Pictured Bolt Pattern . ETL Listed Wet Location . ADA Comoliant Accessories NA Replacement Parts Odyssey W Acrylic Odyssey W Glass Products Source\Wattage Voltage Diffuser Finish Ootions ODYW ODYSSEY W F232X F226Q F142X F242X F157X F17QX 2) 32w TBX (2) 26w 0E 1) 42w TBX 21 42w IBX 1) 57w TBX 1) 70w TBX 120E - Electronic (Standard) 277E - Electronic NA BT - Bronze Mist (Standard) All Paints Available 41K - 4100K Color Temp Lal (Standard) 35K - 3500K Color Temp. L€ 27K - 270OK Color Temp. Lz Please click submiftal to send this cutsheet to a client. @ http ://www. teronlighting. com/ecutsheet. aspx?hodlD=EchWaloDyyw 7/7/2004 (crtsk i l! Seri&s " Features . Tamper prool design.. ADA compliant.. Completely sealed optical compartment.. Clear, tempered glass lens, Jactory sealed. The Catskill Series'" utilizes the PAR20 halogen lamp. The entire fixture is manu- factured from machined aluminum. There are eight luxurious polyester powder coat finishes from which to choose. The Catskill can be used as an uplight or downlight architectural wall bracket. With a projection of only 4", it meets the ADA requirements for wall bracket lighting. Machined aluminum construclion with stainless stesl hardware. Medium base lamp holder with 250" C, 18 ga., wire leads. S & (I.^ t-isteO with PAR2O lamps to 50 watts maximum. For use with 120V, no transtormer required. Universal Mounting Ring PAR20 Lahp 5' Dia. Maciined Aluminum Wall Plate Two Cap Head Black Oxide Slainless Ste6l Mounting Screws 47-50 86 gl'*{ LrsHTtrdf* LUMENTON @2002 Applications Page I of I CATATOG lvt$(WATT 1il t'iu rjl l,:1 :rJ IMiniature Die-cast Step Lights] Image 2 of 2 PREV List TUMENS ?-..-=.j.-=_ .F-q--t-- -------- - .--T I \r^JLls ?.rr .j :le::er r-rt:rd v:.r. t.:ct 'ar :.-c,:r.-l -f* frono"hv4,s;.:;:,, -. - a/d,-1i4"-u - Wa mn curtom point orry mlor st e*tm dhoroe. frmt$_E http ://www. lumenton. com/apps/appstn/sl/3 00 Vimage_2. hfinl 7/7t2004 Features . Tamper prool design.. 2 l14 diameter housing. Helghts to 24". Power Pipe mounting option available, ' 1/8" Pvrex@ qlass lens. Frerd adlustable cutofl sh,eld,. lMachined aluminum construction with stainless steel hardware. ' _O S 6}^ Listed to 50 watts.. ror rernole transTormers, see oages 92, 94. and 97.. lntegral transformer oplion available. Style 'D' only available in Bross, see page 90. Uplight Otrening T4 Halogen Lamp The wide range of architectural styles of the Camino Star" Series gives the designer flexibility in choosing the right look to blend with the surrounding architecture. All styles provide a highly efficient 360" lighting pattern. The highly designed ref lector provides exacting cutoff. Each Camino Star is provided with a fully adjustable 360' cutoff shield. This allows the path or area lighting design to be individually tuned to each installation. C, D, E, G, G'l, Color Filter (For styles G1 & G2 dome windows.) B- Red, G-Greeri. Y-yellow. B- Blue ,Vith mGgfan5tFeteetrofll-c t ran slorm e r. For 120V operation or to leed additional 12V fixtures. 46 For photomelrics, see page 1Og. Choose the right height: Machlnod Aluminum zE Dia,e1o' Dia. Sllp An6or Bolt Hol€sIt_*.r|| J3L1L- ANCHOR BASE (STANOARDI 6'BASE 18'BASE 24' BASE1T BASE BAAE DFTAL LIGiHTINGi Note: 360p tield adjustable cutotr shield stundard on all styles. / l ,rn -/t lr f) >. 'l lv a 'E 6 C) o) c 6 qJ € (t .6 a.) o q) o c) cOtFic)t^i! ll,)(Jt>'i | ;itx:tr*| >.,<l F-r C 'z';|-\\ ?. t< r' >\aY'-9 ,?!i 1aEF3-r6C'l] UI U1 9l IQ>, 16FilG rtnttatto tl tlttdr llcdNt t.9 I'lGl+r0) tF-(EV A l'1 'd \r/lx (rlu xtbo 9ltAt>\J .tc,sl tot >'tot GtI'il E l r.i^l {ll tta cnl loot tboot ^co{l {1 =lLilX= tsi9t7? = .= .:i {l r< i\ ^= .r \J itta >.9 .\Gl >q) L.r C,l .ri !./ .=x=F rrr rs f.l o.HE5 € A r,ir FQ(,r' .=H-. F:: 9Hiiil > rr .s i.9 NUY;la? y,6 2'iod 6Jrbo * v: ^65 !360 Y,-59E !/)60.1 o!- .Y_sl +'j =u u .>' g .t ii r;i FUO FUz4A DUUo Frro F] H4U H fr{ H H& F] U O r'.ic< co g"xSi .R€HSss XrI.xv rnENS t- s- D (.) .\ .t{ct' OO \ a) A) o 3o OJ u) OJ (J o Utl)cl (g z Project Name: TYROLEAN Application Type: CondThPl Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81557 teli 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: www.vailgov.com UNIT 9 PLAT REVIEW ADM Number: ADM060007 Parcel: 2101-082-5200-9 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CONDO PLAT REVIEW Participants: owNER GORE VALLEY RESTAUMNT ASSOC0S/09/2006 C/O JOSEF LANGEGGER 3807 LUPINE DR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT TYROLEAN CHALET, LLC 12 VIAL ROADSUITE 600 VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 400 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Legal Description: Lot: 5D Blockl 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Comments: ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM 05/0912006 Phone: 476-4693 Motion By: Second By; Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 08/15/2006 Meeting Date: Cond: I (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $100.00 t APPLICATION FOR CONDOMINIUM/TOWNHOUSE PI-AT REVIEW (TITLE l3 Vail Municipal Code) (please print or type) APPLICANT MAILING ADDRESS ___---_ _ F .=)E F l=. tr \\7 lElqr \, - rowl'{eE-\4lL B. PHONE APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE e"W-o AArSttJ@4rd MAILING ADDRESS PHONE eA.vnb e ^w{b €r{/18 Ae fto'ortg 4.1b. +1043 C. PROPERry-OWNER OWNER'S SIGNATURE PHONE D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: MAILING ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS LOT 5D BLOCK 480 6$f rv\@r/o^t ttr.tg 5 SUBD;V;S1ON VA{t Vlui{96 FtLtNG E. F. PARCEL NO. zlotot?,6Loo\(Contact Eagle Co Assessor 328-8640) APPLICATION FEE $1OO.OO PAID MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED: CHECK #DATE Two mylar copies and one paper copy of the subdivision plat shall be submitted to the Department of Community Development. The plat shall include a site map with the following requirements: The final plat shall be drawn by a registered surveyor in India ink, or other substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension of twenty-four by thirty-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of -a foot for all lines, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All 1. a. b. F,e; o at- 6 O ?H"r shail be circurar arcs and shail be defined bv the radius, 4prlo6oo) central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand. c. North arrow and graphic scale. d. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. e. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and olher public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat . f. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner as well. S. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter , per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the town engineer. h. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. i. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51 . j. A certificate by an attomey admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. k. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. l. Certificate of dedication and ownership. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. c- A central angle, arc scored distances and bearing. All dimensions, both linear andlngular, are to be determined by an accurat'e control survev in ttre fielC which must baianre and dose wiihin a iimft oioae in ten thousand. Norih arrow and graohic scal€- A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings' units, lots. blocks, and names for all steets- An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use, An identifimtion of ihe easernents as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use' Areas reserved for future public acguisition shall atso be shorrn on the plat A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest ippropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or rarcel shai be.shot/vn in his rnanner as wefi' A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all {ru}rultnents used in mnductirq the survey- Monurnent perimeter ' per Colorado statutes. Trr'ro perimeter monuments shall be established as maior control monuments, the materials which shall tre determined bv the town encltneer. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was deiermined- A certificate by the registered land surveyor as ouflined in Chapter 17.32 of this title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat' and that the survey was performed fv fti6 ln accordancc with Cdorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51 . A cP-rtificate bv an attomev admitred io pracfice in the Siate oi Colorado, or corporate tifle insurer, that the owne(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shoy'rn therecn are ihe ownem fiereof lrt fee sinrple' ftr:e and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. The ora{prfomt for filing of the plai wilh fhe Eagb Cor.rtfy Cletk and Recorder Certificate of dedcaiion and ownershh- Should lhe ceriiflcate of dedicatbn and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the pubtic, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortqase tpHers on said real pmperfu wilt be reguired tosiqn the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. h. f. l- 2. 3. m. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. n. Signature of owner. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other'ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. A copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly owned areas. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. FILING AND RECORDING The zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the approved plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. lf this application requires a separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmenl of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50% of the application fee. lf, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the entire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any application, the Community Development Department may hire an outside consultant, it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay him or G. her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time he files his application with the Community Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the application by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not been paid to the consultant shall be.returned to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. her and *ris arnount strall be folwarded to the Town by the apdicant.ai fte ldme he 61"56j; "pp1otion with the cornmunity Development Department. upon completion ;l tu *|[; "f the apptication by the ionsultant, any of the tunds fa'erarded by tle "irpii["i t"i pay*uni of the coniultant which have not been paid to the consuhant sffil UetetumeO to the applicant. Expenses incuned by the Town in exce-ss of the amount foruparded bv the application shall be paid to the Town bv the appfrcant wiftin 30 days of notification by the Town. IVlaY' 8. ..4- r- vL 7{J0b q:4/fM lit. Utll IUUIN LV lrfiNlLr Lru r.v 1,rr .,y,v .:.: -, -J *; APFUCANOil FOR coNDOfl lilltflfrowllHoLlsE PtaT REVIRU (nnDl3wf ilhJt*fpalftda) {pLrsc Firto?type) A.nppurcur MNLINGAIIIIRESS pHoNE (.flo) +.rb.+rrrtg , APPUA$MS REPRES€T{TATryE uALIT,fGADDRESS j!t!F:L--tr9Q-- Pt{o}.lE PROPERW€IVT{ER OWITICRS$GDTA PHo}.IE MAruNGADDRESS D=tOeAT|Qq'f OF PRFOGA'I-: SIREETADORESS Lor-jIL BLoeK. 5 sLtsDMsloN FLt'--uu'err|s FLHG I prRcelno. Xl0t0Sl,5t00'1. . (Erg|o CoAssctsorlXlS#{} AI'PLEANON FEE IIOO.M PAD - CI{ECK # .- OATE UATERNuITOOESJBMTTER 1. Trrc mylar opi.i srd orc peper copy d he suDdv6]i'm C$ 3hail bE . sulnrtdtO U tn Deprylrsrt of Commwr$ De\rghptcnt Thi dst .tlit hi*fab i rtb lnp rft t$ ftbr{n$ na*rmue: E. F. !'- Thafudpttt3hal bedrawrr Dy e lld$af€d Etsnoyorh ftrdE tlq or Uqu&ffiu ntdE+ olt ar+rudtr$b mdm0nfrr$tf nller) vrilr dnonsiotl dhttrry566y f$iy{ix ifih.l ttd shd bB *-e rietc O fir hnd.d tbd b one lql or FIG' xilD meEi|t| of or*e*riana{Etlt tFDindrs gt the bfr eid one*sFbdtan a[ odrarsldct.. iAesec chtrrcilt b llp rrcalet ac*tnnrit'cdr d + hot lbr x lh€s. €ttglc and olrvea used b dGctlbr bqrndeda. E!€S' esOiOe, rnayr, eaaflt€lts, ElrtchrEa, atlrc b b€ lmntsd or lsdlesl ep. soc qrqqms! !Ft!f r!{ str Flsnffit frru!& Ar cuns atrql lc cituJirffir tttd rhef bcdalftrd bythe raditts' itf,ilEfil sfl66@7 ilfrllH$l ;:i;;;;: ;3,-, R 24t .@O I g .@@ I tfrfi|il fifllll H$lfflHll ffiIffi,,,11 BilHlHfil iil F$ffi| Teak J Simonton EagIe' C0 133 FIR.ST AMENDMtsNT TO CONDOMINIUM DECI-,ARATION FOR TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS WHEREAS, the Declaration for Tyrolean Condominiums was recorded on February 27, 1987, at Reception No. 215509 in the Eagle County, Colorado records (the "Declaration'); WHEREAS, when the Declaration was originally adopted, condominium unit No. 9 was designated as a commercial unit intended for use as a restaurant and bar and currently the owner of unit No. 9 desires to convert such unit to a residential unit; WHEREAS, the owners (all defined terms herein shall have the sarne meaning herein as in tle Declaration) desire certain changes to the Declaration in connection with zuch conversion of unit No.9; WHEREAS, on May 10, 2004, the Town of Vail Plaoning and Environmental Commission iszued an action for a GRFA variance to allow conversion of the then existing restaurant and bar to GRFA; WHEREAS, the owners desire to create four (4) parking space units located in the underground parking area; WHEREAS, ttre owners desire to amend the Declaration in this First Amendment to Condominium Declaration for Tyrolean Condominiums (the "First Amendment to Declaration'); WHEREAS, the ownsrs have or will record a Supplernental Map recorded on 2005, at Reception No.Eagle County, Colorado records (the "First Supplemental Map"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to Paragraph 15 of the Declaratiorl the Declaration may be amended only upon approval of 100% of the owners of the general common elements and all first lienors since Exhibit B to the Declaration is being revised herein. NOWTHEREFORE, the owners amend the Declaration as set forth below- 1 . Paragraph 1(d) is deleted and amended in its entirety to read as follows: (d) "General Common Elements." There are three categories of General Cornmon Elements: ' (i) 'Building A Common Elernents" means all of the following as applicable, which me exclusive to Building A: (aa) foundations, coiumns, girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, roofs, gutters, downspouts, balconies, halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, elevators, fire escapes, entrances and exits ofthebuilding; (bb) basement and storage spaces; (cc) installations, equipment and materials making up the central Building A services, such as power, Iight, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration and air conditioning and incineratins: (dd) tanks, pumps, motors, fans, compressors, ducts, and in general all appa"rafus and installations existing for the benefit of Building A; and (ee) all other parts of Building A, which are not part of an aparknent unit which is intended to include all common areas in Buildins A. The location of Building A is shown on the First Supplemental Map. (ii) "Building B Common Elementso'means all of the following as applicable, which me exclusive to Building B: (aa) foundations, columns, grrders, beams, supports, perimeter and supporting walls, roofs, gutters, domspouts, balconies, halls, corridors, lobbies, stairs, stairways, elevators, fire escapes, entrances and exits ofthebuilding (bb) basement and storage spaces; (cc) installations, equipment and materials making up the central Building B services, such as power, light, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration and air conditioning and incinerating; (dd) tanks, pumps, motors, faas, compressors, ducts, and in general all apparatus and installations existing for the benefit of Building B; and (ee) all other parts of Building B, which are not part of an aparhnent unit which is intended to include all common areas in BuildineB. The location of Building B is shown on the First Supplemental Map. (iii) "shared Common Elements" means (aa) the land included in the real Foperfy which at any time is subject to the Declmation; (bb) the landscaping, including the irrigation equipment used in connection therewitlq driveways and any sidewalks; and (cc) any item set forth in (i) or (ii) above which is not exclusive to either Building A or Building B, including but not limited to the columns, guders, beams, supports and supporting walls that are cornmon to Building A and Building B. The phrase "General Common Elernents" as used throughout the Declaration shall refer to Building A Common Elements, Building B Common Elerrents, and Shared Common Elements, all as defined herein, unless otherwise noted in this First Amendment to Declaration. 2. Paragraph 1(f) in the Declaration is deleted and amended in its entirety to read as follows: (0 "Common expenses." There are three categories of Common Expenses (i) "Building A .Common Expenses" means all expenses declared to be Building A Common Expenses by this First Amendment to Declaration; all expenses of administering, serricing, conserving, managing, maintaining, repairing, renovafing or replacing the Building A Common Elements, as approved by the directors elected by Building A owners; and all expenses lawfully determined to be expenses of Building A Common Elements by the directors elected by Building A owners; (ii) 'tsuilding B Common Elements" means all expenses declared to be Building B Common Expenses by this First Amendment to Declaration; all expenses of administering, servicing, conserving, managing maintaining, repairing, renovating or replacing the Building B Common Elements as approved by the director appointed by Building B owner; and all expenses lawfuliy determined to be expenses of Building B Common Elements by the director appointed by Building B owner; and (iii) "Shared Common Expenses" means all expenses declared to be Shared Common Expenses by this First Amendment to Declaration; all expenses of administering, servicing, conserving, managing, maintaining repairing or replacing the Shared Common Elements; maintenance of the trash area, driveway, any sidewalks, and the snow-melt systern; insr.rance premiums for the insurance carried under Paragraph t hereof; trash disposal costs; costs associated with capital rqrairs, capital improvements or re,novations of the parking gffage and related facilities; and all expenses lawfully deterrnined to be Shared Cornmon Expenses by the board ofdirectors ofthe Association- Ifthe directors representing Building A owners are unable to agree on expenses to be incuned as set forth in (i) above, a majority of the Building A owners shall approve any such expenses. The phrase "Common Expenses" as used throughout the Declaration shall be inte4treted to bethe Shared Common Expenses, as defined herein, unless otherwise noted in this First Amendment to Declaration. 3- Paragraph l(m), (n), and (o) are added to read in their entirety as follows: (m) "Parking area" means the underground parking tacrlity as shown on the First Supplemental Map, including the general common elerneirt ramp, gate and security mechanism, driveway and other improvernents located in the underground parking fasility, the generj common elernent parking spaces, the limited common elenent parking qplr.ces, the ttyee (3) surface parking sprrces, and the parking space units. (n) "Parking expenses" means all costs and expenses incurred by the Association in connection with the provision of services, facilities, supplies or other iterrs necessary or convenient for the existen€e, use, operation, upkeep, repair and/or maintenance of the paricing area. Parkilg expenses shall be limited to the existence, use, operation, upkeep, repair and/oi maintenance of the parking area, but shall not include any capital exp€.trse related to ienovation, restoration or rqtlacernent of the parking area which shatl be allocated in accordance urith the percsntage interest of owners in the shared common element. (o) "Parking space unit" means any one (l) of the four (4) parking spaces designated on the First Supplernental Map with the prefix "PStf'. The side boundaries of the pltirrg spaces units shall be the vertical planes extending from the unfinished floor to the unfinishejceiling which in turn, shall be the upper and lower boundaries of the pmking space units. Parking space units may be used for automobile and motorcycle parking purposes only. The owners of parking space units shall have no voting rights within the Association. 4- Paragraph 2(a) is deleted and amended in its entirety to read as follows: (a) The real property is hereby divided into nine condominium units numbered 1through 9, inclusive, and four parking space units numbered 1 through 4, inciusive. Each condominium unit consists of an apafirnent unit or parking space unit, an undivided interest inthe general conunon eleraents appurtenant to such apartrnent-unit, which interest is set forth in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the exclusive or non-exclusive right to use and enjoy limited common elements as set forth on the First supplemental Map. 5. Paragraph 2(g), which is the Paragraph that follows Paragraph Z(f) and precedes Parugraph 2(h), in the Declaration was inadvertently labeled Paragraph 2(e). The numbering of that subparagraph is hereby changed to "2(g)". Further, the referenci in subparagraph 2(g), iine 21 to "Exhibit C" was in error and is hereby amended to read ,.Exhibit 8.,' 6. Paragraphs 7(b) and (c) are deleted and amended to read in their enfirety as follows and 7(d) is added to read in its entirety as follows: (b) The general cornmon elements (including the limited cornmon elements) and the parking space units shall be administered conserwed, managed, maintained, repaired and replaced by the Association, which may have access to any unit from time to time during reasonable hours for zuch purposes, or at any time for the purposc of making emergency repairs therein necessary to prevent damage to the general common elements, any parking space unit, o. to another apartnent unit or units. The costs of repairing any damage to an aparhnent unit resulting from entry therein for any such purpose shall be a Building A Common Expense or a Building B Conunon Expense, depending on which building was damaged. However, if the need to make such entry results from the negligence or intentional act of any owner, his family, agent or anyone on the property at the invitafion of such owner, such owner shall reimburse the Association for all the costs of repairing such darnage and shall be liable to the other owners for all additional losses or damages suffered, including reasonable attomey's fees. (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i) each owner having an interest in limited common elernents shall pay the proportion of the costs and expenses of maintaining repairing and replacing any limited common elements of which such owner has any use and enjoym.ent, ttre numerator of which is his percentage interest in the Shared Common Elernents and the denomiaator of which is the total percentage interest in the Shared Common Elemerits of all persons having any use and enjoynent thereof, and (ii) each owner shall paf-all costs of repairing any damage to the Shared Common Elements, Building A Common Elements or Building B Common Elements (including the limited co lmon elements), parking space uniq or to any apartrnmt unit other than his own, resulting from the intentional act or negligence of such owner, his farnily, agent or anyono on the properfy at the invitation of such own€r. (d) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owners of parking space units shall be responsible only for parking space expe,nses. 7. Paragraphs 8(b), (e) and (0 are deleted and replaced in their entirety to read as follows: (b) Subject to the provisions of Paragraph 1(d) and (0, the board of directors (the "Board') of the Association shall fix, determine, lely and collect annual and special assessments to be paid by each of the owners to meet the common expenses and to create a contingency reserve therefore. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year ofthe Association, the Board shall adopt a budget for that year divided into four categories: (i) Building A Common Expenses; (ii) Building B Common Expenses; (iii) Shared Common Expenses; and (iv) parking area expenses. The budget shall include, but shall not be limited to, an estimate of the costs of maintenance, repair and replacement of the Building A Common Elements, Building B Common Elements, the Shmed Common Elunents, the parking expenses, the cost of utilities and other services to be provided by the Association, the cost ofinsurance required by Paragraph t herein, and proposed capital expenditures. The budget shali inciude an adequate r€serve fund for the maintenance, repairs and replacement of those Building A Common Elements, Building B Common Elements, and the Shared Common Elements that must be replaced on a periodic basis in order that such maintenance, repairs and replacement may be paid for through regular installments rather than by special assessment. For the Assosiation's first fiscal year, the Board shall adopt the budget at thefirst meeting of the Board and designate the date of commencement of the firsi annual assessment' with the costs for maintenance, repair and replacement of the general common ele'ments and any reserye firnd needed therefore based on a good faith estimate of those costs. Said estimate may be based on the costs incurred by similar Assosiations in the general locale. Thereafter, the cost of maintenancg repair and replacement and any reserve funa neeaea therefor shall be on the basis of the previous year's costs with such adjustunents therefrom as the Board considers appropriate- The budget shall also include the annual assessment for each condominium unit. Special assessments maybe levied whenever in the opinion of the Board it is necessary or advisable to do so (i) to meet increased operating or maintenance expenses or cosrs,(ii) to provide for additional capital expenses, or (iii) because of emergencies; however, if the proposed additional capital expenses at any given time are in excess of ten percent of the maximum replacernent value of the buildings, as determined by the Association pursuant to subparagraph 9(c) herein, such expenses may be incurred oaly after the owners, by the vote of the owners of at least 75 percent of (aa) the ownership interest of owners of units wiihin BuildingA with respect to Building A Common Eleurents; (bb) the ownership interest of owners of unirswithin Building B with respect to Building B Common Elernents; and (cc) the owners of the Shared Common Elements with respect to the Comrnon Elements approve zuch expenses. No special assessments shall be levied against the owners of parking space units with respect to any such parking space unit. All annual assessmsnts shall be based upon an approved Ludget; all other assessments shall be in itemized staterrent form and shall set forth the a"tal of the i#o* expenses for which the assessments are being made. Notwithstanding the fact that the parking space units are located in Building A, parking expenses shall be allocated to owners on u po nnitbasis. The allocable shme of parking expenses to be paid shall be equally divided arnong the four parking space units, the general colnmon element as to the tlree general cofirmon el#rentparking spaces, and the owners to whom the limited coulmon element parking spaces are designated- The costs of renovation, restoration, or replacement of the parking Lea shall beallocated in accordance with the percentage interest of the owners in-the shared common elernents. (e) If any utility service, such as gas, erectricity, terephone, sewer, water, etc., is separately metered to unit !o. 9 lut shared by units Nos. l-8, unit No. 9 shall pay its separately metered utility charges and not be subject to utility assessments for any sn"h ,rtiliti", io units Nos. 1-8. (0 If any assessment shall remain unpaid ten days after the due date thereof, theBomd may impose a late charge on zuch defaulfing owner in an amount equal to t.s perce* oi ' such assessment or$250.00, whichever amount is greater. Likewisq a late charge "q"ut to tSpercent of the unpaid assessment may be imposed on the first day of each "A*a* *ontt thereafter so long as such assessment shall be unpaid. Failure to make payment within 30 daysof the due date thereof shall also cause the full amount of such owner's regular monthiv {tssessmcnts for the remainder of that year to become due and owing at oncg at the option of theBoard. In the event it shall become necessary for the Board to collect any delinquent assessments or fees, whether by foreclosure of a lien hereinafter created, by commencing of a court action or otherwise, the delinquent own€r shall pay, in addition to ihe assessrnent anl late charge herein provided, all costs of collection, including a reasonabie attorney's fee and costs incurred by the Board in enforcing payrnent. 8. An additional subparagraph 15(c) shall be added as follows: (c) Notwithstanding any other provision hereof to the contrary, no amendment or modification of this Declaration shall abridgg aurend, impair or otherwise adversely affect the interests of any parking space unit or the owners thereof w'ithout the prior consent of atleastTSV;o of the owners of all parking space units. 9. Paragraph 19 is deleted and amended in its entirety to read as follows: 19. Architectural Control. No building, fence, wall or other skucture shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein, be made until the plans and specifications showing the nahrre, kind, shape, heigfrt, color, materials, and location of the same shall have been zubmitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of extemal design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by a vote of owners represe.nting seventy-five percent (75%) of the unit owners (i.e. 7 or more out of the 9 unit owners), upon submission to the owners of zuch proposal by the Board of the Association. Notwithstanding the above, Building A shall have the right to make interior changes to Building A upon a vote of the owners rqneseirting the majority of the ownership int€rest itt gsilding A. Building A apartrnent unit owners have the right to expand their rurits onto existing balconies, without the consent of owners as provided herein, so long as they (i) meet the requirements of this Paragraph in the discretion of the Board or its designated rqnese,ntatives; (ii) submit a comprehensive architectural and structural engineering rq)ort, acceptable to the Bomd or its appointed representatives, wtich addresses arnong other things the structural integrity of the balcony and concludes tlat the sffuctural integrity of the proposal is sound and that the proposal is in harmony with the external design of the building; and (iii) have received all required Town of Vail approvals. 10. An additional Paragraph numbered 26 shatl be added as follows: 26. Board ofDirector's Dispute and Faimess Standard. (a) In the event of a bona fide dispute Ermong the merrbers of the Board as to whether a matter relates solely to Building A Common Elements, Building B Common Elements, Shared Common Elemeirts, limited coulmon elernents or the parking expense, or capital improvernent, capital repair or renovation ofthe parking area, the Board shall use their good faith, reasonable judgment in determining such matter. If the Board is unable to reach a decision as required by the Declarafion, then any director may dernand that the issue be submitted to binding arbitration in Eagle County, Colorado, in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association then in effect. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parfies and judgment may be entered in a coud having jurisdiction over the Association. The arbitrator shall be appointed by the Board. ln the event the Board is unable to appoint an arbitrator with ten (10) days of submitting this matter to arbifration, the arbitrator shall be designated by the chief judge in the District Court of Eagle County, Colorado. The cost and expense of the arbitrator shall be deemed a Shared Common Expense. (b) The Board, the officers of the Association and the Association shall have the duty to represent the interest of all owners in a fair and just manner on all matters that may affect any or all of the owners. In upholding their dufies, the Board, the oflicers and the Association shall be held in their decisions to the standards ofgood faith and reasonableness with respect to such matters, taking into account the effect, if any, of the matter on the Assosiation as a whole. 11. An additional Paragraph numbered 27 shall be added as follows: 27. Approval of First Supplemental Map. (a) The preliminary survey by the suryeyor, Archibeque Land Consulting, Ltd. ("Archibeque'), is the basis of the calculation of the percentage ownerships set forth in Exhibit B and the preliminary First Supplemental Map attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. In the preliminary surve% Building A measurements are the actual interior measurements and will not change; however, Building B measursrnexrts are based on the Suman Plans, as defined below, and could change when the First Supplemental Map is finalized after Building B conskuction is complete. The preliminary First Supplemental Map will not be recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Once Building B conskuction is complete, the First Supplemental Map (the "First Supplerrental Map') identified as the final First Supplernental Map prepared by Archibeque, qrill be recorded at set forth below so long as it is zubstantially as shown on Exhibit A ["substantially as shown" is defined as so long as unit No. 9 is no more than 1.5% larger than as shovrn on Exhibit A and no unit boundary line on Exhibit A moves more than twelve (12) inches, as determined by the surveyor] and it is approved by the Board, and the owners hereby authorize the President of the Association to record the final First Supplemental Map in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado without firrther action by the owners. If there is a substantial deviation betwee,n Exhibit A and the fiaai First Supplemental Map, the percentage ownership of the owners in the shared conrmon elements will be recalculated and the perceirtages used in Exhibit B will be modified and the First Amendment to Declarafion will be amended by flte owners to reflect zuch substantial deviation pursuant to the procedures set forth in Article II, Paragraph 15 ofthe Declaration. @) The First Supplemental Map, to be finalized as discussed'in (a) above, is hereby approved, including but not limited to, the location of Building A and Building B, the designation of Shared Common Elemei:.ts, the desipation of Building A Common Elerrents, the desiination of Building B Common Elements, the designation of limited common elements, the designation and size of parking space units and the size of apartnent units. The First Supplemental Map shall be recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado, and, as discussed abovq the president ofthe Association is hereby authorized to sigrr the First Supplemental Map in order to evidence approval of the ovners and first lienors as contained herein, and each owner and first lienor executing this First Amendmeirt to Declaration hereby designates the Association as its agent and attomey-in-fact for such purpose. (c) By its signature on this First Amendment to Declaration: (i) the unit No. 9 owner expressly consents to the redesignation of three (3) parking spaces from a unit No. 9 iimited common element to a general common element; (ii) all owners expressiy approve the change in Iocation of the duurpster which is currently a general common element from the west side ofBuilding B to the underground parking facility, the conversion of the new dumpster location from a limited colnmon element to a general common element, and the landscapingof the former dumpster location; and (iii) all owners also expressly approve of the resubdivision and redesignation of certain limited colnmon element parking spaces identified on the First Supplemental Map into parking space units. 12. An additional Paragraph numbered 28 shall be added as follows: Notwithstanding anything contained in the Declmation to the contrary, the unit No. 9 owner shall have the right to make all proposed changes to the exterior of unit No. 9 as set forth in the Suman Architect's Preliminary Plans dated January 27 , 2005, as may be revised pursuant to the Design Review Board Town of Vail Departrnent of Community Development requiremeuts and comments, Sheets A0.0, L1.0, A2.I, A2.2, M.3, A3.1, A3.2, A3.3, A4.1, A4.2, A4.3, A5.1, 45.2, A6.l (the "Suman Plans") without any further action by the Board or owners. 13. An additional Paragraph nrunbered 29 shall be added as follows: 29. Ovmership of Parking Space Units and Right of First Refusal on Certain Sales Of Parking Space Units. (a) Upon recording of this First Amendment to Declaration and the First Supplemental Map, the own€rs hereby agree that the parking space units shatl be apportioned and owned by Tyrolean Chalet, LLC, a Colorado limitcd liability company. The owner of unit No. 9, and the preside,nt of the Assosiation are hereby empowered and authorized to execute quitclaim deeds to Tyrolean Chalet, LLC in order to verify its ownership of the parking space units. (b) Any owner of an aparhnent unit shall have the right (the "fught of First Refusal") to purchase a parking space unit on the same te,ms and conditions as those of any bona fide written offer (the "Offer') received by and acceptable to the seller of the parking space unit (the "Seller"); provided however, a Seller who receives an ofler for the sale ofhis parking space unit from an apartrneirt unit ovmer is not required to follow the procedures set forth herein and can proceed directly to conclude such sale. In the event a Seller, at any time, desires to sell a parking space unit and shall receive an Offer that the Seller is willing to acce,pt, then, prior to accepting the Offer, the Seller shall notifr all aparfrnent unit owners of such facts and shall deliver to all aparhnent unit owners a copy of the Offer, and any apartment unit owner shall have the right to acquire the parking space unit on the same terms and conditions as are in the OfFer. Aparhneirt unit owners shall have until 11:59 p.m., Mormtain Time, on the te.nth (10th) business day after the effective date of the Seller's notice to exercise the Right of First Refusal. An apartunent unit owner shall exercise the Right of First Refusal, if at all, by written notice to Seller of such aparftne,nt unit owner's election to exercise zuch right. If more than one aparknent unit owner desires to purchase such parking space writ, it shall be sold to the aparknent unit owner willing to pay the highast price. Notwithstanding the above, the right of First Refusal shall not apply to the first conveyance ofa parking space unit by Tyrolean Chalet, LLC. 14. Exhibit B is deleted and amended in its entirety to read as follows: EXHIBIT B 28. Declarafion for Tvrolean fnn Condominiums. Interests in Shared Common Elements Unit No. Aparknent No. I 7.8819% 2 7.0973% 3 5.5523% 4 10.3805% s 8.0992% 6 9.9217% 7 125591% 8 5.7273% 9 32.7707% All parkine spaca udts, collectively 0.0i00% TotaI 100.0000% Interests in Building A Common Elements Percentage Ownership in Shared Common Elements Appurtenant to the Unit Percentage Ownership rn Building A Common Elements Appurtenant to the Aparnnent Unit I 2 4 5 6 1 8 11.72s6% 10.5584% 8.2600% 15.4426% n.4488% 14.7603% 18.6838% 8.5204% Total 100.0000% Interests in Building B Common Elements Percentage Ownership in Building B Common Elements Aparffnent No. Appurtenant to the Aparknent Unit 9 100% The prelimina.ry survey by the suryeyor, Archibeque, is the basis of the calculation of the percentage ownerships set forth on Exhibit B and t}le preliminary First Supplemental Map. ftr the preliminary suryey, Building A measurements are the actual interior measursrnents and will not change; however, Building B measurements are based on the Suman Plans and could change when the First Supplernental Map is finalized after Buiiding B conskuction is complete. The preliminary First Supplemental Map will not be recorded in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Once Building B construction is complete, the First Supplemental Map will be recorded as set forth below so long as it is substantially as shown on Exhibit A ["substantially as shown" is defined as: so long as unit No. 9 is no more than l.5To lmger than as shown on Exhibit A and no unit boundary line on Exhibit A moves rnore than twelve (12) inches, as determined by the surveyor] and it is approved by the Board, and the owners hereby authorize the President of the Association to record the final First Supplernental Map in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Coloradq without further action by the owners. If there is a substantial deviation between Exhibit A and the final First Supplemental Map, the percentage ownership of the owners in the shared common elements will be recalculated and the percentages used in Exhibit B will be modified and the First Amendment to Declmation will be amended by the owners to reflect zuch substantial deviation pursuant to the procedures set forth in Article II, Paragraph 15 ofthe Declaration. The owner of each condominium unit shall have the exclusive right to use any balcony, deck, staircase or patio attached to such rmit and desigrrated as a limited common element on the First Sup'plemental Map. The owner of each condominium unit shall have the exclusive right to use those parking spaces shorvn on the First Supplemental Map with the numerical desigrration corresponding to the numerical designation of his condominium unit and each zuch parking space shall be a limited conunon element, as designated on the First Supplernental Map appurtenant to the condominium unit with the corresponding numerical designation. The owner of each condominium unit and anyone on the property at the invitation of an owner shall have the right to use those parking spaces shown on the First Supplernental Map designated as'.GCE". This First Amendment to Declaration is dated thisJ 5ea, dav of OWNEROFI.INITNO. 1: The Ben Tobin Companies, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership By: The Ben Tobin Companies Incorporated, it's stx".rJfuL<izr-. 1 Its: Dated: co*rtyotrM* The foregoing instrument was acJmo. yl"4lged be forc me this f a^V .{fu----,2005 by: Herbert A. Tobin as President offotin{5-mpanies Incorporated as generd lartner of The Ben Tobin Companies, Ltd-, a Florida limited partrcrship. MY C0MMtsstoN # DD 223848 EXFIBES: 0ctober tB. 2007 Eonded Tlt|U Notary puuc unde|wrn€,s . TJNITNO. l LIENOR: Uo t'J E- Stde of -) coon y or-i o' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of ,2005 by:as of My commission expires: Notarv Public Dated: State County of The foregoing instrurrcnt rvas acknowledged before or" t i, ffa"y ot flfyCommlssion Epkes 09/03/2008 Karen A. Nold. My commissiou expAes: ,2005 by: ,2005 by: ,Jfi The foregoing instrumenl was acknowledged before me this J3 day of Robert J' croteau' Weontnrlslon Enire* Mv commission expires: o9/osl2oo8 State County of I-II-IITNO.2LIENOR: .{,* - ,}t.,.-.*L. d*c., tU&oS State of s5. Countv of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged belore me this _ day ol_, 2005 by:as of Mv commission expires: Notary Publio April 1. 2005 KAREN NOLD ROBERT CROTEAU 3833 VALLEY OAK DRIVE LOVELAND CO 80538 Amendment to Declqration of Covenanfs Loon Number: Ol4004tZlL Deor Sir or Modqm: Welfs Forgo Bank, N.A. reczived o reguest from you to approve the amendments to the current Covenants, Conditions, qnd Restricfions for Tyrolean Condominiums. The enclosed consent form. which hos been signed by Lorno L. Sloughter, Vice President, on behalf of Wells Forgo Bonk, N.A. is being returned to your ottention. Please do not hesitote fo contoct our offjceif we can be of any further qssisfonce. Sincerely, ,, \ ${m\lu d$ Drftii+, Heather Rosebeary U ' Lond Tronsoctions and Servicing Support (30r) 815-6382 (301) 815-6514 Fax Heather. J. Rosebeorv@wel lsf orgo.com Enclosure Wdls Fargo Home Mortgage MAC X3907-0r M 5325 Spectrum Dr. Frederick, MD 21703 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage :s a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Consent of Lienholder Wells Fareo Bank. N.A.. successor by mereer to Wells Fargo Home Mortgage. Inc. ("Lienholder"), hereby consents to the First Amendment to Condominium Declaration for Tyrolean Condominiums and, joins in the execution hereof solely as Lienholder and hereby does agree that in the event ofthe foreclosure of said mortgage, or other sale of said property described in said mortgage under judicial or non-judicial proceedings, the same shall be sold subject to said First Amendment to Condominium Declaration for Tvrolean Condominiums. SIGNED AND EXECUTED this dayof March ,2005. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. STATEofMARYLAND COI-IN:IY of FREDERICK BEFORE ME, the undersiped authority, on ttris day personally appeared Loma L. Slauehter. Vice President, of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., known to me to be the person and Officer whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capaclty therein stated, as the act and deed ofthe said Bank. GIVEN TINDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE 2005. JENNIFER L. FOSTER Nolary Public Washington County, MD My Commissioo Expires August 19, Z0{i6 By: My commission expires: 08/19/06 OWNER OF LINIT NO. 3: Susan.T. Clarke Family Trust dated Apri| 24. 2003, Susan .T. Clarke, Settlor and Trustee Dated: 9/.9'o9- ./2r I State of {t|2fl 4,0. County or 4 r, atlas The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this -1l4ay of ,2005 by: Susan J. Clarke as fT€lt of the Susan J. Clarke Family 2003, Susan J. Clarke, Settlor and Trustee. rust dated Aprjl?4, My commission expires: /0 ' )) ^^J !5. ) /a/, W #ffiffim gJrtN{* I,INITNO.3 LIENOR: State of County of . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of . 2005 bfras_ or My commission expires: NotaryPublic ) ) ss. ) \t | (. - 4-_-,..- . DraLedl. tl Judith W. Lacher and Michael Lacber. Sateor lu{t.t, -la{ t( } i | )ss. coumyor lVlu-t Y,c.r t<- t -J tnnL The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledged before me this I day of ftfKatn -2005 by '"""i$llitfiiift'$s::: **#s*93'$:x,xghggly st My commission r*piro, i[N.l/|fr RPR-t1-EAES 18: tZ4 From: LACHER LOUELL My conrmission e4pircs:/c/z?/a L"teE7?1634 To:l,lashinston I'luLua I HL P.e1 co*,o, or f/|/t/*,tkaz. 1,"' Th€ forcaoine instrumefi was acknowledned before meW* LStuz',/ T7- or /t 14w.* /1" No{ary Pilblic pA€EllB?tneWATll?ll?0$53:01$8Pfil&cfficey|[$htTlntel*$VR:AffW1A$l4r0fll$$052?i1'e$ln1?fi8fflffi0*HnATbfi{rnn ss}:ffi.34 CERTIFICATE I, Ruth B. Johnson, Esq. as scrivener of this First Amendment to condominium Declaration for Tyrolean Condominiums do hereby certify that I have confirmed that washington Mutual, Inc., merged with Bank united corp. in approximately February of 204r. In witness whereof, I have hereto subscribed my name this I 7e day of May, 2005 . fl*c6-tS . Y**t'tr Ruth B. John(on- State of Colorado ) ) ss. County of Eagle l The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _[1 auy of \Sfct\ 2005 by: RuthB. Johnson. \ Mycommission expires: f e\F\rsS Notarv Public 18a OWNEROF I.JNITNO,5: State of e"P,z;" co't ) ss' Cottrff of avc-ru--"a- |-----=----v_- The foregoing insarmrent rvas ackrowledged before me this{tay of %vt-4 .2A05 by: Ivlarjorie A. Davidoff. My commission "*;rrrx,: C/ 'e 7 - cs I tf1 /1 -\tY".-"",et UO./ Jfu Notan Public z / DIANE JOY FURBEE Notary Public, State of Ohio My commission exPires 4-27'Og UNITNO.5 LIENOR:/\'?N L State of -l ] ss. county of-) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of . 2005 by: as of My commission expires: NotaryFublic 2A OWNER OF T]NIT NO. 6: Kendak Vail" Inc., a By: Its: Dated: Stateof 'frrt1€gse( t, c,*otor shoJbf l"' The foresoins instru$ent was ac,knowledged before r* rhi" l/ uy of A?ri L2005 by: Emique ftojas as Yresid{e'n'f ofKendak Vail' Inc" a Coloraflo corporation' Mycommissionexpires: q/*/A myii*m.gtP, sa$id F#qSTA}Htlf "itlll$5$€E T#I,AfiY ruatE \..-riSCcr.tS r"i couotyor W ftur iAigHA f "' , The forogoing instrument was acknowledeed before me *ris h 4dav of r(obs_(L X_l,Jg!f_ as V, ( € .?( t s (A^i i-ot 6te frrT t t ri ttt, ,{flt t- My commission expires: 2005 by: JJ OWNER OF Bluegrove Netherland stateof (-aLeta.cln j . dl^ ,l The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this t[)day of ffPuA ,2005 by: county or {lt,artrrl, * - I""' Jorge Massa as Corporation. My commission expires: of Bluegrove Properties, N.V., a Netherland Antilles iW*l*" LINITNO. T LIENOR: State of County of The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this - day of-----.....-.---.- 2005 by of My commission expires: NotarvPublic --) ) ) For An OWNER OF LTNIT NO. 8: Sue Thurow Trust, an Illinois Trust By: Its: Dated: State of / t- l_1,1y s 11' County of LS[,:A'J' Robert R. Krysl iii,ii,r! i'':h!ic, r-ihle oi' !llinais iiv i irrii:,rir:;:",:r !irp. l{iji?:?ljiiii the Sue Duval-Thurow Trust. ) ) ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before *" U"'fauy of rt Pn t a ,2005 by:.j'4€ -TlfufLiLr as,Tyh4JTz€ ofSue-ffiThurowTrust, an IllinoisTrust -e9My commission expires; ta h/ab Notary Public LINIT NO. 8 LIENOR: State of N0t'/ tu ) Cormty of ) ss. ) The foregoing instrunent was acknowledged before me this - day of . 2005 by: My commission expires: NotarvPublic OWNER OF LNIT NO. 9: Tyrolean Chalet, LLC, a Kevin Deighan Its: Manager oxed: a*E'€- Stateor ( blr ""'1., county"l &t:<tr-e- ]" The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me tni. ffiuy o t Aftjl ^2005 byffi Kwin Deighan as Manager of Tyrolean Chalet, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company. Mycommission expires: I -')l' Jcr:f r^Tri#{dI.toa^nlj'..j<i ?.' WsffW LINITNO.9 LIENOR: State of (o {o *Ja county "r , e'vde- A The foregoing instmment wqs acknowlgdged before me this Lauy og ftPetU ,2005by: fu'oea A. V*a; as frcsld"qP of ftt'?ru€ &nvtL My commission expires: ] ) ) My ucrrurrisio-n fxplres "il1112006 ltl ze EXHIBIT A PRELIMNARY FIRST SUPPLEMENTAL MAP )a .,f:11"li-lliif irt -t 'itl"':':{.ti"' '-- Sxti! &g;iq 5;-iir1:.-'1:j ,rl :':,; i .. ; fi11 ,r: ,rll {*#i$ i:,"i iirril rJ !t,r'IHS6 'r..E <E : 143 E P pidfi -q il s dv;;90 - !'in!,i6.!o: q!$Ei2 !::FE2. F-,.E$ dE,r- 5$H E'".2:l E EfFd xttr = -''r2tr.,,) c'i F zD 'ilff F zD's{C f n a'>Jb.: F FlFt*z4) !o_ F 25 c.l Fry< "Yt!, F IIJHO> ta-z j F z cl 9 Ez I zl 8ot E3E9 dzEiz>9 {9of, 3sifi;ils!* iSnq HP33-)"b t-z ;oF F ! E* 1;21 I: ;- iF ia ts E4EiE 6i E62 4c ? E3 ::E E U6 rE' .* Fp t! fH= eF I eEFi i5; EE 3.. Es !9e i5frl 289 2Ex= leE 1a HESEHBE; :t - -- -€4 r^;fr-? 6lr o9 E9E 2zEid=Ei;oi; i6ti $iii.gEE il !o :i Er !5si i E.HiEE U il;5 - !Ea E * 3i e rJ ali!: ", r3 f i ==E_i5*.E$ d d{E I pdd' i I o\ F. zD J J atzZ <Q>tsnD ir) c. j F.l(,z F.1v a4z > !:i33(,< vz?< o.X ")>f;., UF FolF<OZq><6z2ov P !t) ?HFF o.Ur&E< D F zl- F.lq] e,Z >H EJ(n oo Eo9 3;:n 58fi.tE A r,r IrI r.rrl H fi J ,._l4itRSl.fjTh ^tl-EtIJT' \J > O I ilrE iSrs HEEf zIo r!.t: -_:lrt' ^ T::: J-*-i"61*__i T***'i -1---- lr 1l't i0 l rlt:___l-**Tiio ---rsl ffi OR E9; iz Ei I6HH !3 !lgo;! 72)E if i!.EEE Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION I*#.Illls Date: 05-01-2006 Our Order Number: V50014159-2 Property Address: 4OO MEADOW DRIVE - GENERAL COMMON ELEMENTS IN THE TYROLEAN VAIL, CO 81657 TYROLEAN HOA ARCHIBEQUE LAND CONSULTING, LTD, 12 VAIL ROAD STE 600 IO5 CAPITOL STREET, SUITE 5 VAIL, CO 81657 PO BOX 3893 At[t: GREG GASTINEAU EAGLE. CO Sr63t Phone: 970-476 1464 Atm: GHARLIE Fax: 970-476-1986 phone: 9?0-828-6020 EMail: greg@timberlinere.com Fax: 9?0-328-6021 Linked Corrmitrnent Delivery EMail: chades@prolandsurvey.com Linked Comrnitment Delivery If you have any inquirtes or require further assistance, please contact one ofthe numbers below: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Roger Avila rO8 S FRONTAGE RD W #203 PO BOX 357 VAIL. CO 8T657 Phone: 970-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 EMail: ravila@ltgc.corn Land Title Guarantee Company Date: 05-01-2006 Our Order Number: V50014159-2 Property Address: 4O() MEADOW DRIVE - GENERAL COMMON ELEMENTS IN THE TYROLEAN VAIL. CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION Seller/Owner: TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATTON, A COLORADO NON.PROFIT CORPORATION )i. +:ir * *:f if:t :F ,t t( t( t )i. * x t* ****+ ***,t,i.*{.*+ *:t **+**t,f +,t+!(f +:t *:f:* ,f,i.:} :t ,t,i.,i. ri.,.i. *,: *** Note: Once an originat commi0nent has been issued, any subsequent rnodifications will be emphasfued by underlining.**+* *****,i:r* * 't ** f ++ ++t+**,*i.** **+)i*,i *****+:i* ** t***** ***,* *:i. *,r )i,i.:t * **t Need.a mlp or directio-ns fo1 yoql up-comi.ng closing? Check out Land Title's web site ai www.ltgc.comtor directions to any of our 54 office locatiois. ESTIMATE OF TITLE FEES Information Binder $750.00 rf Lald Tltla cuarantee coq)arty u!77 LE cToatng thls t.aDaactlor, ztEve faea pl.li b€ col-lecteit at Lhat tlne. TOTAL g7so.oo 16 corrrct 06/0.THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDERI IAND TITTE GUARANTEE COMPANY tNvotcE TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPORAOwner: TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLORADO NON-PROFIT CORPORA Property Address: 400 MEADOW DRIVE - GENERAL COMMON ELEMENTS IN THE TYROLEAN co 81657 Your Reference No.: When referring to this order, please reference our Order No. V50014159-2 . CHARGES - Information Binder $150.00 --Total--$150.00 Please make checks payable to: Land Tide Guarantee Company P.O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 Chicago Tltle Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Our Order No. V50014159-2 Cust, Ref.: Property Address: 4()OMEADOWDRIVE- GENERALCOMMONELEMENTSINTHETYROLEAN VAIL. CO 8165? l. Effective Date: April 17. 2006 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: Informaiion Binder Proposed Insured: TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION. A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPOMTION 3. The estate or interest in the land descrlbed or referred to in this Commitment and covered hereln is: A FEE SIMPLE 4' Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effectlve date hereof vested in: TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, A COLOMDO NON-PROFIT CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitrnent is described as follows: TYROLEAN CONDOMINTUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1981 IN BOOK 3I9 AT PAGE 138, AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION THEREFORE RECORDED FEBRUARY 27,1,981IN BOOK 3I,9 AT PAGE 139, COUNTY OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. V50014159-2 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for lhe accounl of the gmntors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or inlerest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subJect premises which are due and payable. Itern (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constltute any forrn of title guarantee nor insurance. The liability of the company shall not exceed the charge paid by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party other than the applicant for thls product. THIS COMMITMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY. AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptlons) Our Order No. V50014159-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptlons to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satlsfacdon of the Company: l Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the publlc records. 2. Easenents, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancles, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material lheretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed by law and nol shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse clalms or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent lo the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estale or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitmenl. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8' In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD TIIE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY II, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY I I, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4, 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11. EASEMENT AND RIGHT.OF-WAY FOR ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION OR DISTRIBT]TION LINE PURPOSES AS GMNTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION. INC.. IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 19, 1980 IN BOOK 309 AT PAGE 652. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILTAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 360? OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, 1963, IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE I79 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50014159-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED AUGUST 30. I97I. IN BOOK 22I AT PAGE 497, 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRMINATE ACAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1975, IN BOOK 241 AT PAGE 629 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 28, 1979, IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE 5I8. 14. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, 1981 IN BOOK 319 AT PAGE I38. 15. THOSE PROVISIONS. COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS. WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANTS OR RESTRICTIONS. IF ANY. BASED UPON MCE. COLOR. RELIGION. SEX. SEXUAL ORIENTATION, FAMILIAL STATUS. MARITAL STATUS. DISABILITY. HANDICAP. NATIONAL ORIGIN, ANCESTRY. OR SOURCE OF INCOME. AS SET FORTH IN APPLICABLE STATE OR FEDERAL LAWS. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT OR RESTRICTION IS PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27. 1981, TN BOOK 319 AT PAGE I39 AND FIRST AMENDMENT RECORDED MAY 23. 2{)()5 AT RECEPTION NO. 916607. 16. ANY AND ALL ENCUMBERANCES WHICH HAVE BEEN CREATED BY THE INDIVIDUAL CONDOMINIUM UNIT OWNERS. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN LAND TITLE' LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Nole: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located ln a speclal tadng district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each laxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's offfce shall contain a top margln ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at leasl one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document lhat does not conform, except that, the requlrement for the top rnargin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters whlch appear of record prlor to the time of recording whenever the title entig conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commitment from the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditlons: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitment must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or lownhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described ln Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemniSing the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the approprlate premlum. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requhements lo obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contraclor; payment of the appropriate pfemlum fully executed Indemnit5r Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination ofthe aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuanl to CRS 10-ll-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy commitrnents containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed. leased. or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantlal llkelihood that a thlrd party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal enerry in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the rlght to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nolhing herein conlained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred lo herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfied. Form DISCf,OSURE 09 /Ol/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidellty Natlonal Financial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Unlon Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Title, LLC July l, 2001 We recognize and resDect the Drivacv exDectations of todav's consumers and the requirements of aDDlicable federal and state privYacy laws. Wil believri that riakiirs vou aware of liow we use vour non-Dubfic Dersonal inf6imation ("Petsonal Information-"), and to whom it is disclosed "will form lhe basis for a r6lafionshid of ftu'st between us and the public thal we serve. This Privary Statemenl provides that explanation. We reserve tha right 1o change this Privacy' Statement from time to tinie consistent'with applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Informatlon about you from the following sources: * From applications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized represenlative:* From yblr transactions with, or from lhe services 6eing pirformed by, us, o'ur affiliates, or others;* From "our internet web sites:* From the prlblic record; maintained by governmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities, oi from our affiliates or otheisiand* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ofthe Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safesuards to Drotect vour Personal Information from unauthorized access or intrision. We limit access lti the Personal tilformatioi onlv t6 those emDlovees who need such access in connection wlth providing products or services to you or for other l6gitimate busines's purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may stare your Personal Information with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other real estate s'ettlemedt service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Informatiori: to agents. brokers or representatives to provide vou wilh services vou have reouested: lo th-trd-party conlracto_fs or service proiiders wlo provide servicds or perforni marketing or other functioni od our behalf: and to othprs wlth whom we enler inlo joint rnarketing agreements for products or services thal we believe you mav find of inleresl. In addition, we will dlsclose Vour Personal Information when Vou direct or qlve us permlsslon, when we are required Dy law to do so, or when we suspect liaudulenl or criminal acilvlties. We also mav disclose vour personal Infbrmatlon when otherwise permitted by applicable nrivacv laws such as. for exa"mole. wheh disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agre'e:ment, transaction or relationship with ybu- One of th^e important responsibilities of some of our afliliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such-documentf may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Abtltty to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you- tle right to_access vour Personal Information and, under certain circumslances, to find out to whom.your Persodal Inform-alion has beeir disclosed. Also. certrin states afford vou the risht to reouest correclion, amendme_nt or delellon of your Personal lnformation. We reserve the right, whetr permitt'ed by law. to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6ss incurred in responding to such requests. " All,requests submitted.to. the Fidelity.Nario-nal Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Companyshall be in writing. and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Oflicer [dt"o'g.llf ,ig:il Financia r, rnc. Santa Barbara. CA 93110 Mnltiple Products or Servlces lf ry .ployj9. you with more than one linancial. product or service, you may receive more than one privacy noticetrom us. We apologtze tbr any inconvenience this may cause you. Fonn PR-IV. PC[,. CHI DE'ARTMENT oF coMMU*t oru* KYfr t { s }- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI, TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Job Address.: 400 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location......: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 ParcelNo....: 210108252m9 projectNo...: pr'10( - ooqtvltowNER coRE vAr,r_,Ey RESTAI'RANI Assoc04/20l200sc/o ,roser T,ANGEGGER 3807 IJUPITiIE DR VAIIreo 81557 APPITICANT ENGIJTSH & ASSOCIATES, I_,TD, L2 Vail Road, Suit,e700vail co 81557 L,icense:589-B COMTRACTOR ENGIJISH & ASSOCIATES, LTD, 12 Vail Road, Suite7ooVail 04/20/200s Phone: 479-'7500 04/20/zoos Phone: 479-75o0 co 81557 Iricense: 889-B ARCHITECT MICHAEIJ SITMAN ARCHITECT, L[,CO4/20/2005 phone: 97O-41L-6L22 PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81520 I-ri.cense : C000001?54 Desciption: COMPLETE REMODEL AND ADDITION TO OLD TYROLEAN RESTAURANT SPACE, CONVERT TO RESIDENTIAL CONDO Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: V-A Type Occupancy: ?? I Valuation: $631,000.00 Fireplace Infomadon: Resricbd: Y Permit #: 805-0064 pa(.-oo tJ Add SqFt: 5464 ISSUED 04t20/2005 06/08/2005 12t05t200s 53 , 856 .00 Resnrarant Plan Review- > $2, s06.40 DRB Fee------------ > S0 . o0 Recreadon Fe€-------- > $3.00 Clean-upDeposit------> TOTAL FEES---------- > # ofGas Logs: I So. oo Total Calculated Fe€s- >90.00 Additional Fees------ > 95, 454 . oo Total Permit Fee:---- > go. oo Payments--*------- > $11,829.40 BALANCE DUE------- > # of Gas Applianc€s: I # of Wood Pelleh 0 $11,829.40 $0. 00 9L1,829.40 $1r-,829.40 $0. 00 {.t+:t*{rt 't+{'t +*+++++:t:r+f +t+*******:t:}'.,i*rrd<**d(ir***+.t**:t*******t*******,t r,$ FEE suMMARY Building----- > Plan Check-- > Investigation- > Will Call---- > Approvals: ITEM: O5]-OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/O9/2OOS cgnrlion Action: cR buildingcorrections required. see F : \ cdev\crn rs \ peRMrr . CoMMErqIS\Bo 5 - 0 o 6 4 . DOc 05/L9/2005 cgunion Action: AP corrected plans approved Item: 05400 PLANNING 04/29/2005 t(RG approval Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIT{EIi'I 06/04/2oos mcgee Action: AP Matches DRB Action: AP the permit number o DEPARTMENT is: Et05-0064. We intend to address the alarm system as well . -- -- -Original Message--- -- From: Mike Mccee [mailto:MMcGee@vailgov.com]Sent: Saturday, ilrrne 04, 2005 12:52 pM To : michael@surnanarchitect . comCc: deighanone@aol . com; michael@englishandassociates . us ;greg@timberlinere . com; peter@vailcrossroads . com Subject: Re: [rrolean Chalet permit I will take a look at the permit again. I accept the commitment to install fire sprinklers in Unit 9. Ttre fire alarm systemwill need to be addressed as well . Do you by chance have the permit mlnber? >>> rrMichael Sunan rt <michael.@sumanarchitect. com> 06/04/2oos !2:4s 47 pM Hi Mike, Per our conversation, the Unit 9 owrrers are committed tosprinkling their unit. As f described, Western States has been brought onboard. We are reguesting you release the permit now based on a future review of the Western States design prior to installation. All of the other departments have signed off on our permit and we are hoping to start const,rarction immediately. Itrank you, Mike michael suman, AIA Suman Architect 97O.479.7502 ph 970.479.75LL fax 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 300 PAGE 2 tl * ** ** 'F:* * * ** *:* ** * ** **** * ** ** * ** ** ** ** ***ir* * {e* *** *:B ** **** *** ****** ** ** ** * * ** * * * * * * ** ** * * ** *:r( {c** ****** ** + * CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0064 as of 06-0g-2005 Srarus: ISSUED ******+'F*d'**************:t!****:F,kd.t<*********{<*****it!ic*t<+4.*;,F*t(!&!N.********************:t ********:t ************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: MlZU2Cf,rl Applicant: ENGLISH & AssocIATES, LTD, LLC Issued: 06t08t2005479-7500 To Expire: r2l05r2n5 Job Address: 400 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL Location: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Parcel No: 210108252009 Description: COMPLETE REMODEL AND ADDITION TO OLD TYROLEAN RESTATJRANT SPACE, CONVERT TO RESIDENTIAL CONDO Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIJIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond: 14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.' Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.1 OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Vail, CO 815s7 <mailto : michael@sumanarchitect, com> michael@srrnanarchitect . com Item: 05500 PIJBL,IC WORKS o4/21/20os gc LSrr shoulder off theof disturbance fence 04/29/2oos gc landscping is meet with TOV be done. Act.ion: DN Provide a mini.mum edge of the Gore Creek path, Limits around alI grading to be done.Action: COND Before any done on the Gore Creek path builder must landscape architect to ok plan of work to **:***********t't++ See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of REQ{JESTS FOR INSPECTTON SIITq,LL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOTJRS IN ADV PM. FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF FROM 8:00 AM - 4 tl PjlI:'nYRJoq -oorJ IUR{YOF P are required ng, m 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ******t*********i*f****'t-'.tlt***rtrt**+***FOR OFFICE USE ONLr|'**************#***************'t****tr* f :\U sersUSuther\newBLDGPERM- DOC i N etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: $ 3/O, h0 -ELECTRfCAL:$ ,//t fu OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $ /a-1, ap MECHANICAL:$ /A ? fu rorAL: s 63/ nO / For Parcel # Contact Eagle Countv Assessors Affice at 970-328-8640 or visit s*sf.l$l[ 7/o/ - ot7-,-f tua - ? Job Name: zr- /| \/ rn/A/rl cln/uf rob Adile'* yoo fre#- F-o) Lesal Desc/ption lltotlFp ll elo"r, 5 ll riring, /Subdlvision: 7/p/ /// //€ j. 6 /e / o'"V':*Iso"A^J;/r./ llAddress:roftar 77Aa l*t' ll'non,trrt-ztal EnsineerKft:/i4 AdeessFo Ew ggzu /zl ,*n<AlPhonetft?43?/ Detailed description of work: ,flznoa.,/oo* r#^u-*./ fu b-fu WorkClass: New() Addition( ) RemodelJ.|f Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: tnterior ff) Exlerior fr! Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Ng4A Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Twojamily ( ) Multi-family ffi Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ,Y No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas toqs ( / Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes !z\) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) NoE) 07 n812004 Eagle County Government - n]"t Assessment and Tax Information I Page I of I .' .. :.. Eagl€ County Covernment wltt w.efr gl*f *l rty,us DETAILED RESULTS Froperty A*se*sm+nt and Tax lnformation Acrsar i llumbsr: P{rtfl llrufilrcri TNr Ar€ff mi L€rry: Oxner firme lAddres*: LeSNI lle$crip,tion! Phyxical Addre**: Acres: R010168 2101 08252009 SC103 47.71g TYROLEAFI CHALET LLC 12 VAIL RD STE 600 vArL, co 81657 CONDO: TYROLEAN CCtr{DoS UN|T:g DESC:COMMERCIAL UMT EK-031 S PG-fi 41 ACD 02-27-81 BK-0506 PG-0242 QCD 05-01-8S 000400 MEAD0| r DR s VAIL 0 t ALUATt*lt fi roRnilATl{)u Record 1of 1 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/index content.cfrn tU02/200s Printable Search Results reWf Account # Parcel # R010168 210108252009 Owner TYROLEAN CHALET LLC Physical Address 000400 I E MEADOW Mailing Add ress 12 VAIL RD STE 600 City State VAIL CO Page l ofl Zip 81657 http://www.eaglecounty.us/patie/printable results.cfrn tt/02/200s DEC 05 200s KR 3200 F.2 CONSULTANTS, INC, E'1 658 970-34El-g391 FAJ(94+1577 I TO: English and Aseoc. AfTEIfiloN: I Brian R. PRO.TECT: i I I Tymlean Chalel Remodd SfAn{S OF COilPlEfloDl: Framed, awailing insulelion At the rc,quest sf Bdan R. of Englbh and Agsodatas, we observod the oonstruc-llon of th€ Tyrolean Chalel rcmodel wih Greg Denckla ioraltre Tomr of Vail. H€re are ourfindlngs: -The 10x10 column betw€en the maln floor framing and tlre slab on grade is sulffcient lo suppon he bads' il -The. main floor lranrlng areas dranged due 1o the sddtion of bsadng walls and the elimination of Gxisting beam lines. We find ftat fi€ lraming is suffdenl -An exiglhg t2x14 roof be6rn was reinforoed wilh a flitcfr elaE deaigqr to make.it.sufident br lhe loading. Tha beam' ttrrouotrih,jcourse of aging and drying hes twigFd. When the bolts for the f,ibh b€fln wete installed' th€ bffirffi u,efe il;;iitftljl{;;J,-;;;J[ th" rtinarry speci6"d edge dbtanc€s were not malntained $roush tha s€clidt of $e bearh. We accapt lhe bolt spacing as sulbHe. t cwTo: T. o. VaiUGreg D. FtErr REPr,RT fu:5.ce6 DATE: ARRTIIE: DtrARf: WEATHER. JOEMilffi 11nszc06, 3:.{5 4:24 Cloudy, Cold 040841 Brian R., Greg D., Jos L.6t us knoil if you hane any Slestions, $*j"B %;''# RUG 24 2OO5 8:34FM KRM HPdsERrEr 32oo CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. EOX 4tt2 vAL CON.ORADO 81658 p.2 (970) 949-93S1 (FAX) e4*1577 RECORD TQ:Torvn of Vail Building Department u2a2ao5 Tyrolean Remodel DATE: PF0,IECT: JOB NUNEEfu 040841 nnn I nemnatvo?Es ffi neseorse J weruacnflotttcuAusE At the request of Bl.en R. of English end AssociaEs, we have reviewed end approve tre heli:al pier lnstallation log from G|eat Dlvide Construction, dated July 28' 2005 Pier 5 was not instialled due to a mck in tre vicinity of the pier location' Ajl other locatiom were deemed acceptsble and no obeenation by a soils engineer is required for the installation of these hellcal piers. Please contaci us lf you have any questiotls. @PYTO: Brian - English Assoc. STGilED: , 'aelazlzaas LL:82 9zB47sl5q1o ENGLTSH & AssoTrEs HEPWORTH . FAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL a \/ll- n I l Inry r5,200r (eora Vo-\V\f K!,SiWUr"v{ CSSIC English & Associates Atul: Michael English 12 Vail Road, Suite 700 Vail, Colorado 81657 IobNo.4g5262 Subjoot ObservationofExcawion,ProposedAdditionTyroleenChelet,40o Meadow Drivg Vail, Colorado. DearMchael: As requested, a representative of Hepworttr-Pawlak Georcchnical, Inc. observed the o<carration at the subject site on luly 12, 2005 io evaluate the soils erposed for foundation support The findings of our observetions ud recomrnendatiorc for the foundetion design are presented in this report Tlre servicss were performed in accordance with our master agreement for geotechnical eagineering servioos to English & Assooiatps dated July 12,2Oo5. Propoecd Conshnrction: The proposed addition will be attached to the west side of the eristing stnrcflre. The esst half ofthe addition will be a sfurglo story wood/steel post and bcam stnrcture. The west half will be an exterior patio area- The addition will be founded on cast-in-place concrete foundarion walls. Floors will be slatson-grade. We understand that fie footings urere designod with sn allouable soil boring pressure of 4,000 pounds per squar.e foot based on the previoru subsoil study report prppared by Chen & Assoctstes, IobNo. 17348" X'ield Observarions: We understand the oristing Tymlean Chalet was built in 1968. The building is a multi-level strusture owr a welkout basement. The above grade portion of the building corsisE of a combination of wood ftame and wood post and beam constuction. The $dstlng foundation walls oonsist of rnasonry block or cast-in-place concreto. fite soutfi end of fte existing masonry block wall along tbe west side of the building has settled and cracked excessively. Crack separ*tion u,as up to approxinately I inch, r\f . .l c.-..:.-...- n.7n n,l( ?ll9g r D^-l-^- ?n2 a/l ?11O r f .^ln..zln {rnr"innc 719-411,.C,qA') PAGE gVAT Hcpworrlr"Pawlak Geotcchnica[, Inc. P. Q. Dtirwcr 188? Silvertlornr, Colorado 80498 Phone, 9i0-468-1989 Fax, 970,468.5891 cmei[: lrpgeu4@lrpgeotcch.com 8d'- P6+ , EBl92l2A85 11:42 9?84797 541o ENGLISH & ASSOCIATES English & Associates Iuly 15,2005 Page 2 At the time of our site visi! the addition foundation excavation had been cut in thrroe levels Aom about 3 to 6 feet below the adjacent ground surface, The soils exposed in the bottom of tte cxcavation ganerally consisted ofvadable density mam.ptaced fill. The east half of tlre orsavation was widrin the bacldll zone of the €xisting foundation walls. The fill soils cotlsisted of silty to claye,y, sandy gravel wilh cobbles. Dcbris sueh as wood and plastic was obEerved in the fill. No free water wts encountered in the *cavation and the soils wprc generally slightly moist io moist i Recommcndations: Due to the risk of excessive differentiel settlemen! we consider lhe fill soils unsuitable for foundation support Furthermore, new foundatioru that bear adjacent to the existirrg foundation lwJls above dre footings will impose additional lateral loads on the o<istirrg walls. We recornmend thaf the proposed addition be supported with heticd piers so the foundation loads can bo tarsferred through ttre existing ffll and below the footing of the existing wall All helical piers should be instalted to elevation E,t7i feer or lower. A representative of II-P fuh should observe the helical pier installafion 0o verifu that or,u resornmendations haw been properly implemented. An altemative to helical piers would be to extend the footings dowr to bear in the underlying natural granular soils at or below the lwel of tho a<isting foundation, Ilowevcr, due to access difficulties we understand thu this alernative is not economically feasible. Footittgs should be aminimum widtlr of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet fur columns^ Exterior footines should be provided with adequate soil coror above their bearing elevations for frost protection. Foundatiom tvalls acting as retaining structues should be designed to resist a lateral earth prassure based on an equivalent fluid unit weight ofat least 55 pounds per cubic foot for on-site granular soil as bacltfiIl. Tho backfill should not contain debris, topsoil or rocts larger than 6 inches in diarneter. Care should be taken durilrg corrstrrction not to disturb the foundation bearing soils of the o<isting building. Some sdditional settlement of the existing buitding foundatiqn may occur. Connections betn'een the existing building and the addition should be designd to account for some differential rnorrement PAGE AVAT IobNo.405262 ct5tectr - aglpzl2AA5 tL:,82 9i647971 EN6_rsH I ASSoTTES PAGE g7|g7 English & Associates Iuly 15,2005 Page 3 A perirneter underdrain should be provided to pre\tent temporuy buildup of hydrostatic pressure behind the rvalls urd wetting ofbelo*'gradc areas. Stuctural fill placed wi6in floor slab aress can consist ofthe on-site granular soils or an irported relalively well-graded granulsr m*erial compactod to at lesst 95% of sandard Proctor (ASTM D'69s) dry density al a moishre contsnt near optimunr- Backfill placed around the stmdure thould be compacted and the surface graded to prwent purding within at lea$ l0 lba of fte building. Limitetions; The recommendations submiued in firis leter are based on oru observetion of the soils exposed within tha foundation errsavation and do not include subsurface exploration to waluate the subsurfaoc conditions within tho loaded depth of foundation influence. This study is based on ttre assumption that soils benEatlr the footings havc oqual or better support than thosc oxposed- The risk of foundation movement may be groaterthan indicated in this report because ofpossible variarions in the subsrxface conditions. In order to reveal the nature and artent of vadetions in the subsuface conditions below the excavation, drilliw would be required It is poasible the data obteined by subsurface ecrploration could change the recommenduions contained in this letter. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concemed about MOBC, then a professional in this speoial field ofpractioe should be consultsd. I Sincerely, HEPWORTH . PAWL{K GEOTECHNICAL, INC. George lV. Benecke III, P.E, Reviewedby: RJU cc: Kimberly McGhce - KRM Consulknb, Inc. (Fax) f:Hg ffitrit;g JobNo. ,105 262 c55ied' Department of Community Development Building Safety and Inspedion Seruices 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.uailgov.com BUILDING SAFEW AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Applicant English and Associates MichaelFAX/Email#: michael@englishandassociates.us NUMBER OF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Suman Architect proj#402 michael@sumanarchitect.com J Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 0s/09/200s 805-0064 Gore Valley Restaurant Association 400 Meadow Drive R-2 V-A 4 5464s,f. The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code,2003International Residential Code, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenB will need to be addressed prior to issuane of a buitding permit: For processing:o Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. I Please respond in writing to each comment by marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet. detail, specification. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit application number noted. r Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamp. signature, registration number and date on the cover paqe of anv structural calculations. all structural details and structural sheets of the plans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. 1 Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing plans are required to be submitted for review with commercial/multi-family building permit applications. Please include these drawings with the re- submitted plans, Architectu ra I Comments:2 Please indicate occupancy type and construction type of the plans. The Tyrolean is a type V-A construction type. The proposed condominium is a R-2 occupancy. The parking garage is a S-2 occupancy. r3 Revise plans to provide t hour bearing walls, floor/ceiling, roof ceiling and structural frame per IBC table 602 as required for V-A construction. Include UL, gypsum association or other listings for the 1 hour assemblies, For proposed heavy timber poftions of the building show compliance with Ups IV *-construction per IBC 602.4, Please note, heavy timber constructionls not permitted for arefriffif building which contain concealed spaces per IBC 602.4. These areas must be t hour construction, <4 Amend plans to provide two exits from each level for the proposed condominium per IBC 1004.1.2 and 1014.1. The floors exceed 2000 s.f. on each level. The stairway within the unit may be used as one of the required exit for each of the floors provided the minimum separation of exits is maintained, Exits mustbe separated by a minimum of 1/3 the overall diagonal of the floor. IBC 1014.2.1, Required exits may not pass through a sleeping room. IBC 1013.2 ---5 Amend plans to show t hour occupancy separation and t hour door between the condominium (R-2) and the parking garage (S-2) IBC table 302.3.2 --6 Amend plans to show complete t hour separation between the proposed new condominium and the adjacent dwelling units per IBC 711.3 and 708.1. :7 t hour exterior wall construction is required at the dining room wall within 5'of the east propefi line. IBC table 602, 4 Combustible wood siding is not permitted within 5'of the property line on the east wall per IBC 1406.2.1.1 -'€ Openings are not permitted in the east wall within 5'of the propefi line. IBC table 704,8 -) tO Amend site plan to show location of the roof overhangs on the east propefi line, Show compliance with IBC 704.11. . -11 Specify class B fire treated shakes at all new roof covering. $2 Amend exterior elevations to show the new great room fireplace chimney to terminate 2'above roofs within 10'per IMC -l3.Amend terrace, deck and stairway guardrails details to show minimum 42" height per IBC 1012. "-14 Asbestos test and report is required for remodel projects per Town of Vail ordinance. :*5 Revise general note 10 on sheet A0.0. The 2003 IBC is the currently adopted code. <# Include a door schedule on the plans. \7 Revise west elevation to show location of the master bedroom fireplace vent termination. f/ Sno* location of the mechanical equipment vents on the floor and roof plans. Structural Comments: 19 Revise structural plans to show compliance with IBC 1614. This building is not an exempt detached single family dwelling unit. 20 Please include two copies of the soils report as referenced on sheet 51. t 21 Coordinate existing concrete floor topping and proposed additional floor topping as shown on the architectural plans. A maximum of 4" total concrete/gypcrete may be supported by combustible construction. IBC 2304.12. * 22 Yerify actual weight of proposed spa on the new west deck. Verifu new deck joists are adequate in the area where supporting the spa. Sheet 53. P|ease refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance ofa permit' please check f requested information is included with the resubmitted plans, pleise submitrevised plans as a complete set. partial plan resubmittals will not be reviewed, Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F:\cdeV\CH RIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805.0064. Doc KR M"o*.rrrlh.. ,*.. P.O. BOX 4572 vAlL, coLoMDo 81658 (970) 949-9391 (FAX) 949-1577 RECORD TO: DATE: PROJECT: Town of Vail Attn: Chris Gunion 5t16t2005 Tyrolean Remodel JOB NUMBER: 0408-01 Inn L) MEETTNG I/OIES X nesporuse L) CLAR|FTCAT|ON/CHANG E ln response to your Structural Comments regarding the Tyrolean Remodel in Vail: 19. "Revised structural plans io show compliance with IBC 1614. This building is not an exempt detached single family dwelling unit." -Earthquake Design Data: le = 1.0, Ss = .359, Si = .089, Site Class B, Sds = .2339, Sdl = 0539, Seismic Design Category B Basic seismic-force-resisting systems: Light Framed Wood and Ordinary Reinforced Masoniy Bearing Walls Design Base Shear = 6511 lbs, Cs = .0358, R = 6.5, Simplified Analysis procedure 1614.1.1 and 1643.3 - The addition and alterations increased the seismic forces versus the existing structure 0.6%. 20. "Please include two copies of the soils report as referenced on sheet 51., -At the time of this writing, HP Geotech was unable to locate a copy of the original soils report from Chen and Associates . We designed new foundation elemenis and checked existing footings according to the originahy specified bearing pressure. A representative of the geotechnical engineer shall verifo soils conditions and types during excavation. Construction of the foundation may not proceed without verifying the values previously specified. Report any discrepancies from design assumptions to structural engineer for re-evaluation of foundation design. 21... "Coordinate existing concrete floor topping and proposed additional floor topping as shown on the arciitectural plans. A maximum of 4" total concrete/gypcrete may be supported by combustible construction. tBc2304.12." -The existing steel decking supporting the existing concrete floor topping/slab results in a rough average thickness ot 2 %" of concrete. This with the new additional new 1 /"'; of floor topping meeti the code requirement. The floor structure as designed is sufficient to support the concrete and floor decking. 22. "Yerify actual weight of proposed spa on the new west deck. Verifo new deck joists are adequate in the area where supporting the spa. Sheet S3." -A design load of g0 psf for a spa of approximate 6'-6"x6'-6" size (in addition to the 100 psf snow load and 1 0 psf dead load) require 2x12 DF-L #'1 or better @ 16" o.c. COPYTO: M. Suman S'G'VED,. KRM"o*.rnt*. '*.P.O. BOX 4572 vAtL, coLoMDo 8.1658 (970) 949-9391 (FAX) 949-1577 RECORD TO: DATE: PROJECT: Town of Vail Attn: Chris Gunion 5t20t2005 Tyrolean Remodel JOB NUMBER: 0408-01 f nrr l) MEEnNG,VOTES X aesporuse I ctaatncanoN/cHANGE In response to your Structural Comments regarding the Tyrolean Remodel in Vail: 19. "Revised structural plans to show compliance with IBC 1614. This building is not an exempt detached single family dwelling unit." -Earthquake Design Data: le = 1.0, Ss =.359, Si = .089, Site Class B, Sds = .2339, Sdl = .0539, Seismic Design Category B Basic seismic-force-resisting systems: Light Framed Wood and Ordinary Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls Design Base Shear = 65'1 1 lbs, Cs = .0358, R = 6.5, Simptified Analysis procedure 1614.1.1 and 1643.3 - The addition and alterations increased the seismic forces versus the existing structure 0.6%. 20. "Please include two copies of the soils report as referenced on sheet 51 ." -At the time of this writing, HP Geotech was unable to locate a copy of the original soils report from Chen and Associates . We designed new foundation elements and checked existing footings according to the originally specified bearing pressure. A representative of the geotechnical engineer shall verify soils conditions and types during excavation. Construction of the foundation may not proceed without verifying the values previously specifled. Report any discrepancies from design assumptions to structural engineer for re-evaluation of foundation design. 21. "Coordinate existing concrete floor topping and proposed additional floor topping as shown on the architectural plans. A maximum of 4' total concrete/gypcrete may be supported by combustible construction. !B,c2304.12." -The existing steel decking supporting the existing concrete floor topping/slab results in a rough average thickness of 2 %" of concrete. This with the new additional new 1 y2" of floor topping meets the code requirement. The floor structure as designed is sufficient to support the concrete and floor decking. 22. "Yerity actual weight of proposed spa on the new west deck. Verify new deck joists are adequate in the area where supporting the spa. Sheet S3." -A design load of g0 psf for a spa of approximate 6'-6"x6 -6" size (in addition to the 100 psf snow load and 10 psf dead load) require 2x12 DF-L #1 or better @ 16" o.c. COPYTO: M. Suman s#nT&i- 23199 -: aa l..o .. ( ---_-SUMANANCHITECT TRANSMITTAT Dote: To: From: Project: 5/16/2005 Chris Gunion MichoelSumon, AIA Tyroleon Cholet Enclosed:(l) Architecturot Buitding Dept. Response Letter(2) Stomped Revised Architecturot Dwgs(l) Structurol Building Dept. Response Letter 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 mic hael(4isu manarchitcct. com 970.479.'7502 f 970.479.7sL| m 970.471.6122 SUMAN ARCHITECT MEMO Dote; To: From: Project: Enclosed: 5|5t2005 Chris Gunion TOV MichoelSumon, AIA Tyroleon Cholet Building Permit #: 805-0064 Response to Building Deportmeni Comments This is in response to the review comments from ihe Town of Voil, doted SlOglOS, for theTyroleon cholet. The numbers below reference those on the ToV revrew. Generol: l, Mechonicol ond Electricol plons ore included. Archileclurol Commenls:2, Sheet A0.0 is included with revisions.3. sheets M.2, A3.r, A3,2, A4.r, A4.2, A4.3, A5.r, As.2. 46,r incruded with notes ondmoteriol revisions.4' sheets A2.l ond A2,2 ore included with diogonols ond exit dimensions.5' Sheet 42.2 includes portition designotions ond notes. A2.l includes the door schedule.6. Sheets A2.2, A4j, A4.2 inctuded with revisions, 7 . Sheet ,A6.2 includes o new exterior woll detoil.8. Sheet 46,2 includes o new exterior woll detoil.9. Sheet A2.2. A3.l ond A3.2 include revisions. 10. Roo^f overhongs ore existing ond ore shown on Londscope plon. sheets t1 .0, A2.2,46.2 include revisions.4.1 Existing4,2 Exterior woll is I hour ond supporfs 12x14 roof froming4.3 The skylights ore locoted between 5'-6" - 6'-0- froml -hour fire-resistonce- roted exterior woll,4,4 New roof finish is Clqss B fire treoted wood shokes I I . Sheet A2.3, 43.'l, A3.2 ore included with revrsrons. 12. Sheets 43.1. A3,2, A3.3, A4.2, A4.3 ore inctuded wiih revisions,13. Sheets 1.l.0, 43,.|. ,A3.2, 46,l ore included with revisions. 14. Asbestos report wos submitted with demo permit opplicotion.i5. Sheei A0,0 includes revision. 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 !Uc_hBq]!L-r! nt4!41c [tec1.c o r rr 970.479.7502 f e70.479.',lstl m 970.471.6122 sllr4aN ARCHITECT 16. Door schedule included on sheei A2.l.|7. SheetA3,l includes locotion..l8. See mechonicol plons ond Sheet A3.l for locotions. Slrucfurol Commenfs: l9-22. See response by KRM Consultonis. Inc. doted Sll j /2005 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 m ichael(4sumanarchitect.com 970.479.7502 f 970.479.7511 m 970.471.6122 VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES oNT Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9ParcelNo...: 210108252W9 hoject No : "jeSO 11 -6OK owNER GORE VAIIJEY RESTALRANT ASSOCTO/27/2OO, C,/O ,JOSET IJANGEGGER 3807 IJUP]I{TE DR VAII-, co 816s7 APPLTCANT BEST ETJECTRTC, TI{E 1-O/27/2o}s phone: s70-328-a6toP.O. BOX 273 EAGIJE co 8L531 License: 640-S COFTRACTOR BEST EITECTRIC, TIIE P.O. BOX 273 EAGI.,E Lo/27/2oo5 Phone : 97o-328-1,6L0 co 81531 Lricense: 640-S Desciption: REMODEL-ADDITION OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEM unit 9Valuation: $8,000.00 ****{.*********:i**'||++|!t*:|*'.|t**)t)****{.****{t****+************i****** Electrical-------- > go. oo Total Calculated Fees_ > s532 . 00 DRB Fee-------- > 90.00 Additional Fees_____ > So.ooInvestigation-- > go. oo Total permit Fee________> 9532.00Will Call--------- > 90.00 payments*_-________ > $532.00TOTALFEES--> 9532. o0 BALANCE DUE_--___ > $o.00**i.***t++*++*+:f+* Approvals: Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENI 11/03,/2005 JJR lL/08/2005 mvaughan Inconplete submittal . DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review E4)roved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. ANCE BY AT 47y2 t:00AM-5PM. TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTME 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 ALARM PERMIT Permit #: 405-0092 BOS dOG r'1 ISSUED r0t27t2w5 tlt08tzms 05tut2006 Action: DN Action: AP R-EQIJESTS TOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET APPUCATION o WILL MWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 rawings are required at time of app|icationsuumittatandmustinc|udeinformationIistedonthetfd;;s;;Gij toim. Application will not be accepted without this information. s;",@6,0.#, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) for Parcel # Building Perririt #r Alarm Permit #: Contact and Phone #'s: .firru/ri,re- 'l7l - 0U to Town of Vail Reg. No.: Atfo - s' Fire Alarm Contractor: tL. ne Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or visit Parcel #Alo {a 3){doaq rob Name: -iilrorean &,rdos ,l utr{|ffiapCIr-Ui,+'/ va{ -!CI Legal Description ll t-ot: ll Block: ll riting:Subdivision: owners Name: g^6 ilsl.'. 9 Ass .Address: t.d \fA, t RA \r&it, co phone: q11 _ 1{OC Phone: qroEngineer: ;'o et L:,L.\oSJ v A4,eft^* io1.\ {nrrr, Lb. So+'tg -q8-QoQ*,ii"ji"Tq of work; (i.e., floot, unit #, blds. #) Detailed descriDtion of worr: -/'l A /aKertudL\ -. ir'-(tr.ltaff or nt Jdre. aiarrn -rvs*errt WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel(Y) Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) other( ) Typeof Bldg.; Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-famifff.) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No { ffof Accommodation units in this bui|ding: € Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (X) No (Does a Frre StflnFlystem Exist: Yes (,{) No { ) ,( * r< * ri * * r: * * * :r + +2/* * + * * * L ** * * * * * *,r *qr p6{jFhR fifefuffn n-U =., = __q"rrllii..i!!#Other Fees: "&',-,1 I#sePeivedi Public Way Permit Feel Accepted By; Occupancy Grorfut e.ruwffiffi ffiE * * * o * * * * * *,. * * * * -Ji * + Ti{ler \\Varl\data\cdev\FORM5\PERMITS\ALRMPER[4.DOC SAtg:o7126120a2 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNI? DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81657 g'.t0-4'79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO.OFPART/ALLBLDG. PErMit #: DO4-0017 Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: TYROLEAN REST/BAR Applied . . : oglzolz0o4ParcelNo....: 210108252009 Issued...: 0gl}0l20}4 Project No . : ?? ptZ I od- _an4 g Expires . . .: 0211612005?? Pnt o(-ooJt OWNER GORE VALLEY RESTAURANT AssocoB/20/2004 Phone:C/O JOSEF LANGEGGER 3807 LUPTNE DR VAIL co 81-657 License: CoNTRACTOR Enqlish & Associates Lrd., Log/20/2004 phone: 479-750012 Vail Road Sui re7 0 0Vai1, Colorado 8165?License: 589-B APPLTCANT English & Associates l-,td., Log/20/2004 phone: 479-i5oo12 Vai-l Road Sui teT 00Vail, Colorado 81657License: 6e9-B Desciption: DEMO INTERIOR OF OLD REST/BARNON STRUCTI.]RAL Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $20,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 *:*++*+i*****i!*:* FEE SUMMARY Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas [.ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 51 , 004 . 31 S50.00 AdditionalFees------>s0.00 s0. oo Building----> S321.25 Restuarad plan Review--> Plan Check--> 9208 . 8l- DRB Fee------------>lnvestigation-> 5321 . 25 R€creation Fee--------> Will Call---> Approvals: Ttem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 08/20l2004,JRM FII-,EItem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS S0.00 Total Permit Fee------> S1,004.31 S3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> $100 . 00 paym€nts------------> 91, OO4 . 31 TOTAL FEES-------------> s 1 . 004 . 31 BALANCE DUE-___-> *+*+ +* *l,t ** +* **t * ++ *,+ +* +* * * +* **** ** ACIion: AP ASBESTOS PERMIT IN t* * jt * +:*:t,t,i * *,t**,r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structue according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTJR HOURS IN ADV T OttR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE FORHIMSELFAND OWNER PAGE 2 *'f*!8*****t|.**:f't**!**********:t.|t.***,F!t.:t***{.,***!*******,|.{.**,F!t(***{.!t***:F+,8*'t**!**!************,t(:t.*,.***{.*:**:t****+*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D04-0017 as of 0g_20_2004 Status: ISSUED*+:8*********:lt** ***!****+****:8 *****)F* t' !t '*!*********,***{.*!t *,r*,F************!i*++,F,F*,t*********+*,**,r:**:***:r**,,.:}*** Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant English & Associates Ltd., LLC 479_7500 Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TYROLEANREST/BAR ParcelNo: 210108252009 Description: DEMO INTERIOR OF OLD REST/BARNON STRUCTURAI Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTTMR WORK occuRING oN THrS SrTE. IF FURTHER QUESTTONS ARTSE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVALIS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REeURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 08120/2004 Issued: 08/20/2004 To Expire: 02/16/2005 /ad/ + 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BEg 0o'{ rowttFvlu,]F -^^-49H# For Parcel#Assessorc Office at970-32&864{t or too*'**f ," oL- zLJ&. /1c--JobAddress: - ,qtu /x/,l,,afu *n* no,t." lt t pl* [e'o"r,' ltfh ftrni"s, ul4. Isunoivision: T*trotcorrr Co.r&os \gw7'nyT"J,fr.4 Phone:,n_ 7€oL- Engineen Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: ,///tlF/-l/D/'ton oon ,frtlrh./,, ,aanLa,s a*4 r'Afl *T WorkClassY New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) nup"irt I D"tolU ffittt I o*s an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (JO Type of $dg.: Single-family ( ) Two.family ( ) Muhi-family 0\'| Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Ofter ( ). No/Tvpeof FireplacesExisting: GqsAppliances( ) Gaslogs{ } WoodPellet( ) WoodBUming( ) No/Tvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Cas npplie Eoes aTireEiarmEist Yes (J,,1 No ! ]@exct Yes( ) No{ MFOROFFTCEUSEONLYry $VAiMAIA\'dEY\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07a6I2OO2 DEMOLMON PERTIIT APPUGATION FORII A $55 FEE MUST ACCOMPAT.IY THIS FORM. INCOMPLETE APPLIGATIO}IS WILL BE REruRNED. (Pennitwill be fidld to d€rnofiton conhacfior unhes spdned oUreyrerc) SubBlf,bm b: Pi|teGoa&ar Colo.dory.dRffcHldrrdEdromfit AFC['€$At{lul Ctsrtqr* Drta So|dr Ormr. CO 8@ilGlSXt Pha|eCB4E-S100 Retuad md Tlyo Sod Anstnem Unis 400B.McadovIh. gERROI,l.BeEiscs US.{, Ilc. -L.p. (I.arb) Henon T€foPE It40:(, oGtot -YWr nrtCgndm hdfl, I €rl|r3t I po.3€s.r|fltAtfrRA lid5!o d currdo c.ltrcslm s gt Atb€loB AuElE h|ecb?. I efooodry_t|at | 1|81'8 &e.c$ ftr h|*rg U bo d6rEd, hLd h fr. Qgn9fl91* €Aonar lrrrra i arapaccgcd f, rirdrre Fir AICRAI trrt C siltCc rtryed fi. !r€ Fgs!,E n-at.o. ty Iil\AAP E*dborery at ieur o*rmirrC rs td..*iEiJirObqrd rln h BlrEofil oEg Eo(, o o ;oItEg to I ury.$al d r*k[sfs tqr * drda*Iffilgrslon eglm IEY3 b[l 9|!CqV rwrirad h .ccqll3|6 uft feCC Ragua&t fb. f 6 (For bfrefldono CFC nqlanplr cd@-3'ldD dt_ lcllE b [E_httsro b ng|{* VAT.dFt".lwtrgn$drgEzdtbd rft n r$tufurffin - iSAC , EIC||!E rEynq srtrd flrl$ drt[dffiGthc tr5:1 Er cqEHatlcEwd hrntr|bLlhgi g-nlf ril' L.P, (I.em*r)Hcnul Pdnfr*MorflddDofveryDe Cft.d(* -compbb lonqren byurecldng, iteccordarrce not a derdldon of the s,tucfrne. &lPnl*OocrlurdA.h6b.ffii hniil!@d6fi0{, h Fg|q,ltETtFarv(rt E lbrt Dr- \&t CO StW, CaE! A,gbtr rd ^s.rdq ifttu.r BEId\ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAILLocation.....: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Parcel No...: 2l0lO825ZW9 Project No : 7r1 ol - oDTg owNER coRE VAIJIJEY RESTAIIRANT ASSOCOI/22/2005c/o ,JoSEF LANGEGGER 3807 IJUP]NE DR VAIL co 8l_557 APPI-,ICANT IqARMOT EI,ECTRTC P.O. BOX 451-1 AVON eo 81620 License: 250 -E COIilTR,ACTOR MARMOT ELECTRIC P.O. BOX 4511_ ?"ro*r"rNr oF coMMUNrry opvtopvrnur NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: m5-0223 Bo 5 - oob+ ISSUED wl22t200s wt26t2005 03125tz006 09 /22/2oOS Phone : 97O-926-0990 09/22/2005 Phone: 970-926-OggO AVONco 81620 License I 250-E Desciption: ELECTRIC ROUGH AND TRIM FOR UNITValuation: $42,000.00 Square feet:5500 :f :f :t,F:****+**:lrrt***t Electrical-------- > 1247 .25 Total Calculated Fees_ > g250.25 DRB Fee---------> go . oo Additional Fees_______--_> So - ooInvestigation:_ > go . oo Total permit Fee_*__> S25o .2sWill Calt---_-> g3 . 00 payments'-________- > g250 .2sToTALFEES__> g2so.2s BALANCE DuE______-_ > $0.00 Approvals: ItCn: O5OOO ELECTRICAI, DEPART14ENT 09/23/2005 shahn Action: AP Item: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REeUTRED To crmcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE.*t*+*+if +:f t*:F*:B*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structuie according io the towns zoning and subdiviiion codes, disign review approved, Inte rnational Buitding Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR PM. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 o ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI(IIIEFZ?3 ;j,tiul,t:m.r. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION SQ. FOOTAGE FOR AREA OF WORK AND VAIUATION OF WORK (Labor & Materiats) MVNWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Electrical Contractor: rr?funf ,r-tEAZLfra Town ofVail Reg. No,: €- q-ro Contact Person and Phone #'s: J"a^-, -{zq ^o??o E-Mail Address: ,=.,Fax#: SZq- O"? / ContradorSignaytz' - // coM AMOUNT OF SQ FT rN STRUCTURE: f,$-<_rrr ll rucrarcn vALUATToN: g Assessorc Office at 970-328-8540 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #zto I oF? 38 JobName: @o nlf?octd..t Job Address: /a) -,ar'. {&-n/ \L4? Legal Description ll tot ll Btock: ll riting: -{ ll subdivision: AYHLlY%u',s zt c ll ft'ffiQ- tf,cif'c'lw Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of wofl<:E@"oV= Et*te +Tlq workctass: New() tgdition( ) Remodert@wer( ) other( ) !91tvp"' Interierlk) Exterior( ) Bothftl)Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No K) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes M No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (p /l,lo ( ) ] ** *** ** ** *** **********+, *****************FOR OFEICE USE ONLY*************************************'.; q 2--;t '' F:kder4BtlllDING\Af PLICATION S\ELECPERM200 5.DOC 07106n00s 4..;r-*;1 'rp*"lsl'"r' aa+-'t TVWXAF Amendment to the 2002 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 4. Series of 2005 o Overhead seruices are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground seruices have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect swikh and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel, o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the structure easily accessible.a All underground conduits are required to be inspected beforc back-filling the trench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electrical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted.s NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories.o No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT GUIDELINES u All installations of exterior hottubs or spa's require a DRB approval'from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must.also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and verify that it will suppott the added concentrated load. Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped lefter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have read and understand the above. Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions' ptease contact the Town of Vail Etectrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspector can be reached on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday mornings between the hours of 8am and 9am. You may also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. F:\cdev\BUILDING\APPLICATIONS\ELECPERM2005. DOC TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENP 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . $ 0 . 00 Toul Calculated Fees-- > 90.00 AdditiorulFees-----------> $1,s23-oo ToEl Permit Fee - -> Payments- .....' - F05-0061 ISSUED 10120t2005 rr/02t2005 OWNER TYROLEAN C}IALET LLC ]-2 VAIL RD STE 5OO VAIL co 81657 Lt/02/2oos APPIJICANT WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTI.IO/20/2005 PhONC: 303-792-0022 7025 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOODco 80Lr_2 I-,icense: 338-S CONTRACTOR WESTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTII-O/2O/2OO5 PhONE : 3O3-792-O022 7026 SOUTH TUCSON WAY ENGLEWOOD co I011-2 License: 338-S Desciption: TYROLEAN CHALETS-RETROFIT AUTO SPRINKLER IN EXISTING BUILDING Valuation: 527.600.00 :t*+*t+t*:t+**:***** Mechanical--- ) Plan Check-- > lnvesdgadon- > Will Call- - > $L, 523 . 00 $0.00 s1-, 523 . 00 $1, s23 .00 L0/3a/2005 mvaughan Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: l-2 (Br,DG.): FrEr-,D rNspEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC.TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2135 FROM 8:00 A-M - 5 PM. . z: -., ._ ..:-= (__- -_.-_-___/ VAIL FIRE DEPAR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES oTMENT SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: 400 E. MEADOW DR. ParcelNo...: 210108252009 ProjectNo : r. Cti -t -_;-" y' $0.00 Restuaram Plan Review-> 53so. oo DRB Fcc:--------- > $0 . 0o TOTAL FEES--------> $0.00 BALANCE DUE____.> SO. OO IIEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENTItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1-0/20/2005 JJR Action: DN Incomplete application. AppucArroN ]l nor BE AccEprED rF tNcoM pLpil* #f tM Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: 9 7O-4 79- 2 7 35 ftnsoections ) l.t ', C( MWNWVAL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8f657 without this information: Firc sprinkler shop drawings ane requirea at @ndmust include the following. Permit application will not be accepted CONTRACTOR INFORMATION \]MLffiF\* (Town of Vail Reg. No.:4zq- 5 Contact and Phone #'s: l-Ll ffi(w 3q'n?--o6?z E-M{il Address: I a contmctorsisnatur{! l/bfut, COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ATARM PERMIT (tabor & Materiats) Fire Sprinkler: $ 1/1 U A ***************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*****'t*******************'!*********** 68 zr-'. Assesnrc Office at 97O-ffiParce,t# L/OJ COZ 4ZE= robAddress: fb t Q7*AW Ou LegatDescripti/n ll rot' I ur*, J*nn,Subdivision: owners Name: lTAares$Phone: Engineer: ll naaiess;Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, un I [,Anr Yq -!r.rru.nr ft-4- Detailed descrietion of work: - Knreor/r 4pVP 5?fr/^tkga4 //rra €>0sz^1" rc WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Reho-fit( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( 07D6Dffi2 HCW DtD WE RATE VU.ITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Develop ment Departnent Russ ell Fonest, Director, (970)47e.213s Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you contac? Building _ Environrnental_ Housing Admin Planning DRB - PEC Was your initial contacl wifft our stafi immediate- siow -orno one available ? 3. lf you were required to waii, how long was it before you were helped?..-.__-_-__.. 4.Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app- PEC app Bldg Permii.- l,l/A Please rate the performance of fre staff person who assisted you: 54321Name: (knowledgq responsiveness, avaiiabiiiiy) Overail efiectiveness of he Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 What is the best lime of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to better serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the time h complete this survey. We are commitbd b improving our service- 7. 8. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970.479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Parcel No...: 210108252W9 l.egal Description: Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing Project No , ?RSO\_ ooag, ov\INER GORE VArrLEy RESTAURANT ASSOCll/29l2005 C/O .JOSEF IJANGEGGER 3807 IJUPINE DR VATL co 81557 APPLICA}IT WESTERN FTREPLACE SUPPLY, TN1,L/29/2005 PhONC: (719) 591.-OO2O].585 PAONIA COIJORADO SPRINGS coIJoRADO I09l_5 License: 323 -M COIIITRACTOR WESTERN FIREPI,ACE SUPPLY, rN1,L/29/2005 PhONE: (7].9) 591-OO2O1685 PAONIA COIJORADO SPRINGS corroRADO 80915 License: 323-M Desciption: INSTALLATION oF A coNTEMpo FIREPLACE WITH GAS Loc sET. INSULATED FLUE PIPE WHICH IS A GAS LOG SYSTEMValuation: $12,472.07 Fireplace Information: Restricted: y # of Gas Appliances; 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 fof Wood pellet: 0 Mechanical-- > $250.00 Restuarant Plan Review-- > go.oo Totat calculated Fees- -> $32g.00Plan check--> 965.00 TorAl FEES---------> g328.00 Additional Fees----------- > so.ooInvestigation- > 90.00 Toal permit Fee-_____> g328. oowill call--- > g3 . o0 paymens------------- > $328 . o o BALANCE DI.]IE-------- > go . o0 IIEn: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTMENT 72/06/2005 cgunion Actj.on: Ap IIEm: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIREDCond:22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTION ArR IS REQUIRED pER 304 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC As MoDIFIED BY ToI/iINCond:23 (BL,DG-): BOIILER INSTAI-,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS Ar\rD CHAPTER 10 OF THEI2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIANCES SHAL,L BB VENTED ACCORDING TO CItapTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC.Cond: 29 Qrro*rrr*r oF coMMUNrry DE\#opMENr Permit #:M05-0306 3or-ooGl ISSUED lIt23t2M5 12n4t2005 06/t2t2006 TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2OO3 IMC A}TD SECTION OF VAIL. (BLDG.): ACCESS To MEc*ANr"t"ourn"EMr MUsr coMprry wrrH IMC AND CIIAPTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 TFGC.. Cond: 31 o CHA (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. I]NIJESSI-,ISTED FOR MOI]N:UNG ON COMBUSTIBIJE FLOORING.Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PI.ANS AND CODE ANAI-,YSTS MusT BE PosTED IN MECHANTCAI-, RooM PRfoRTO AN INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI-,DG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEjA.\IS FOR DISPOSING OF LTQUID WASTE pER SECTION l_004.6.Cond: 28 (BLDG.): DAMPERS MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE FIREBOX AT ROUGH-IN OR GAS LTNE TESTINSPECTION. DECLARATIONS Ihereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, compteted an accurate plot plan' and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to compty with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structuie according io the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOTN, HOURS IN PM. PTER 3 OF THE 2OO3 ANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET APPLTcATTOvTLL Nor BE AccEprED ir rr.rcorurnr-| oR uNsr WWNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado a1557 Proiect #r Buitding Perrnit #: Mechanical Perrnit #: M- 47 9-2119 (Inspections) TOWN G F VAi i- M ECI.i AFJ : CA!_ P E R.M IT' AP F LI.CATIO N Permit will not be accepted wiihout ihe foiiowing: Cantact Assessors Office at 970-329-864A or visit .com for Parce! .# Job Name:13rols6,.fl Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:s -, bd ivision : {asl_t.*4 C orrdO5 owners Name:7bCol€Wl}-hooc ffi teoofl Phone:q ?o' qal " Ab\Ll Engineer Address:Phone: Detailed descrrprion ct *o Iu,* Pi@-t"h.ctt i. ii'gad-ibe'' st{g+"un. (* u?#t rzz.t,,pcn EF -tr,v oFD. WorkClass: New( ) Additionfr Altei-ation( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in thrs building:No, of Accommodation Units in this buildina: No/Iype of Fireplace tinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Locs { ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( No[ypeofFirep|acesProposed:Ga5AoD|iance5()Gu'Log= CoMPLETE VA!-UATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials) MECHANTGAL: $ I e | 17L4. 0+ CONTR.ACTOR INFORMATION Mechanicai Contractor:Contact and. P.hone !'F: 17O-Ut- j+Los Fcir-q7d-tcta4- 5';4, Contraclor Signature: *****x***+* xx FOR OFFICE USE ONLy********* ** *** x**** ** *x*x*** * t* TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Qrroorr"*r oF coMMU"rr" orutpMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0093 boaao o( Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Srarus . . . : ISSUEDlocation.....: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Applied . . : OSll8lZ005 Parcel No...: 210108252009 Issued . . : 0610612005project No : Ph o 4zoft Expires . .: tzto3/zffis \., ovilNER GoRE VAr_,r,Ey RESTAURjNNT ASSOCO5/18I2005c/o JosEF I,ANGEGGER 3807 IJUPINE DR VAIL co 81_657 APPrrrcArvt coNcEPT MEcHANrcAr,, rNc os/!B/2oos phone; 97e-949-o200P.O. BOX 1155 AVON co 81520 License: 189-p CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC OS/te/zoos phone: 970-949-0200P.O. BOX 1155 AVON co 81620 License: L89-p Desciption: RoucH IN RADIANT FLooR HEAT. BUILD BOILER PLANT. INSTALL VENTILATION. Valuation: $35,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas Logs: 0 # of Wood pellet: 0*:*r*:r:r****+*+****:i****t***t'*'rr.*++*+:s***+*************i*****:i**t tr++i.+* rps sul,4l\,tARy*+*t*tf*:Ft:f**:N********!*ir********'t**{*++*+*:*x**:f:F:a:***,t******* Mechanical-- > $?00. oo Restuannt Plan Reyiew-> S0.00 Total Calculated Fees-- > 9878.00 Plan check-- > 9175 . oo DRB Fee------------ > 90.00 Additional Fees------- > so . 00 Investigation- > 90. oo rorAL FEES-------+ gs?g. oo Toral permit Fee------ > gg?8. oowill call--- > 93 . oo payments_______--_- > s878 . o o BALANCE DUE-------> 90.00 Item: 05L00 BUIITDING DEPARTMENI O5/L9/20Os egunion Action: Ap Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FrEr.D rNsPEcTroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMPrJrAlIcE.Cond: 22 (BL,DG. ) : coMBUSTToN ArR rs REQUTRED PER sEc. 7ol" oF TIIE j.997 IlMc, oR sEcrroN701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG.): INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANIIFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AtilD TO CHAPTER ]"0 OF THE 1-997 T'MC, CIIAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (Br-,DG.): GAS APPIJTAIICES sHAr,r-, BE VENTED AccoRDrNG To CHAPTER I AND slIAr,L TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF THE 1.99? I'MC, OR CI{APTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING THE 1997 I'ME AI{D CHAPTER 3 Cond: 31" (BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SI{AIJL BE MOI'MTED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNIIESSLISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FI.,OORTNG,Cond: 32 (BI,DG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE AIIAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, RooM PRIoRTO A}I INSPECTION REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI.,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING oR HoT-WATER SIIPPLY BOIITERS SHALI-, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FITOOR DRAIN pER SEC. tO22 OF TI{E L99Z IIMC, ORSECTION 1004.5 0F THE L997 rMC- DECLARATIONS I,hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan' ard state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to buitd this structure accordins io the towns and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town-applicable EQUIPMENT MUST COMPIJY WTTH CIIAPTER 3 AI{ID SEC.1O17 OF OF TI{E 1997 IMC. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION STIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR PM.T OUR OFFICE 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNETTTJRE OF AppLrcATroN *t no, BE AccEprED IF rNcoMpLEr.lu ov Tdt g Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (InsPections) mrllDFwn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, C,olorado 81657fi Fermit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contactand Phone #'s:Town of Vail Reg. No-: MECHANICAL; $ ?tr. coMPtETE VALUATTON FOR MECHANTCA!, PERMTT bor & Materials for Parcel #Contad Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Farcer# 2.,/o/0 6ZtAao? rob Name: frn^ /-o - /lo /< /JobAddressr /# asz -n--L- an r-egat oescri/ption ll mtt 5D Blocki W 7rn*., . qt/ f-rzoogoilA ba r,lpr plat4 -Tnsthlt Wafz 7a hb't' a I work Class: ruew y'{, \ddition ( ) nlt"tution ( ) R"puit ( ) o Boiler Location: Interiorfr) Exteriorl l_ jry!Do"s at' EHu e-ist at this locationr Yes ( ) *"1Q -l---^7 TypeofBldg:Singlefamily( )-Duplex( ) Multi-famity( ) Commercial (r(Restaurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: - No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing:. NorrypeofFirep|acesl,opood/Pe||et()WoodBurning(NoTALLoWED) ice? Yes( ) Nol - W xx************)F*****x***FoRoFFIcEUsEoNLYry********* \WaiI\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 61',6'e GM44 Series Ca*ired Sealed Gombuton Boilers set new standards for efficiency, quality and comfort. Two venting configurations: Four venting systems: Tight mechanical rooms, no combustion ai6 no problem! Versatility: Horizontal with concentric single wall penetration terminal. Vertical with special "through the roof" system. Approved for use with Heat Fab, Z-Flex, Flex-L and Pro-Tech 3" AL 29-4C stainless steel material (4" for /53 and 162 Model). 1. Sealed burner box with stainless steel burners. 2. Gas valve with intermittent ignilion. 3. Honeywell aquastal and quick electrical conneclions. 4. Honeywell ignition module. 5. 3-112" Thermal wrap around insulation. 6. Access cover for gas valve. 7. Non-combustible boiler base. Efficiency By Design: . Boiler AFUE ratings u1-r to 85 0/r' fbr top perfbrmance. . Stainless steel premixed lactory tcstcd burncrs lor lorv emlsslons. . Available in Narural Gas and Propane options. . Durable, quiet and efficient, designed for long life. . Full 3 inches thermal insulation for minimal standbv 1oss. Quality Features Manufactured by Buderus, r,vorld's leader in cast iron boilcr design and production' Ilexible GL- 1 80M cast iron, designed to resist thermal shock For long lile. High silicone cast iron surface For excellent corrosion resistance. Saggered. contoured fins for optimum heat transler and efficient operation. Deluxe, hcaq- gauge bJue enameled .jacket. Whisper quiet opcration with integrated draft inducer. Attractive design i,vith front accessible controls, all piping connections in the rear for finished aPpearanc€. C.S.A. Certified for Natural and Propane Gas Tested for 58 lbs. ASME Working Pressure C.S.A, Certified for Natural and Propane Gas Service Features: Approved fbr closet insrallations. Approved for installation on combustible floor with non-combustible base. Quicl< elecrrical disconnects for easy rviring. Simple wiring for easy trouble shooring. Possible System Upgrades Indirect fired hot water storage tanks Vertical models lvith improved recovery rares. Easy access port lor cleaning oF tank interior. "Duoclean" inrerior tank prorecrive coaring assures corrosion resistance fbr long resistance For long life and ease of cleaning. . Well insulated tank loses less than % "F per hour. Adjustable facrory heating programs allow customized O' ::nil"'T,'.:r coiled heat exchanger ror excellent Heat exchanger size increases with tank r.olume. Extra thick Magnesium anode rod for active corrosron protection. Standard electric anode on ST tank models. Buderus Logamatic control systems Low temperature boiler operation for superior comfort and improved Fuel etiicicncy,. Cornplete space heating control based on outside temperarur( wirh room temperxrure compensarion. . Universa.l terminal body for use with any venting system. . A.ll rear tappings lor easy and clean installarion. . Burner tray removable for service and LP field conversion. . Simple packaged design for easy and fast installation. Buderus ST Thnk . Prioriry heatirrg of domesric hor lvatcr..-, J. Adjustable night setback for addirional efficienc,v. . Built-in self diagnosrics for ease ofservice.Logamalic Control Dimensions and teCnical Data for GA2aa Cs Boilers 3t425 -Bud;;tn GA244t44 | GA244153.. I G4244162--GA244 Serres App. 212,000 Inout Btuihr Heating Capacity Btu/hr NET IBR Rating. Btu/hr AFUE % Vent Size Inch Air lntake Size Inch Gas Connection Inch Water Content Gal Number of Burners Flow Resistance at 20 FAT ft. of head i -l 'TheNETlBRfatngsarebasedonapipingallowanceofli5.consutfactorybeloreselectingaboalerlornstallalonshaving_ GA244l53 and /62 models avai able ear y 2004. piping and pich up such as elposed p ping. Venting Requirements: Intake: Use 4" gah,anized or flexible pipe (,10' fbr vertical sy'stem). Exhaust: Use 3" approved AL29-4C stainlcss stccl ventins material (Heat-Fab, Flcx-I., Pro-Tech, Z Flex). Use 4" approved AL29-4C venting material for /53 and /62 models. Use condensate drain as starting piece at 3" bt,iler exhaust connection. One 90'elbow'is equivalenr to 10', 2 45" clborvs equivalent to 10'ofvent pipe' Mainrain minimum 1" clearance ro combr-rstibles lor vent pipe in unenclosccl spaces (Flex-L, Z-FIex). Slope exhaust system upw'ard from the boiler Jl" per foot. Use high temperature silicone (GE 106 or equivalcnt) for sealing of vent component' Refel to Table for maximum permissible vent Ie ngth Model Horizontal System Vertical System GM44t37 GN244t44 50'40 4A'40 GA244t53 40' 40' 40 GM44l62 40 Buderus HYDRONIC SYSTEMS Buderus Hydronic Systems, Inc, 50 Wentwotth Ave . Londonderry, NH 03053 Tel:(603) 421-2760 . Fax: (603) 421-2719BHSGA244SC BR.1 10/03 Subject to change without notice. coNcEPT MECHAw$I, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949.0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 May 17,2A05 Town of Vail Building Department 75 SouthFrottageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: Tyrolean Chalet; Vail, Colorado Mechanical Information To Whom It May Concern: we have completed our heat loss calculations for this prqiect. The hear loss for the tsidence is approximarely 105,380 Btuh. calculations are based on 70oF interior temperature and -20o exterior design temperature. This project will receive a central boiler plant to accommodate the project energy loads. There are eleven (l l) zones ofradiant floor heat. There will be two boilers rated, il.22o,0ffi Btuh input each serving the radiant floor hea! provide energy for domestic hol wder production, and provide energy for melting approximately 520 square feet of prqie* snowmelt. At fhis time' the boilers will-be side- vented with 4" diamaer stainless steel flue pipe and combustion air will be hard piped in 4" diameter piping to the boiler jacka. There will be two l20-gallon storage tanks-with internal heat exchangers providing domestic hot water for the residence. I bave included heat loss calculations, cut sheets ofboilers and tanks, mechanical plans which include boiler piping schematics and a girs piping schematic along with tfte mechanical and plumbing permit applications. Please do nc hesitate to call with any questions. Thank you. Timothy J. Rosen, P-E.; V.p./Secraary Cc: Michael English; English and Associates, Inc. Michael Suman, Suman Architect f.11) 30, 40 & 50cT 80 & 11gCT Model Storage {sal) Boiler Output (BTU'HR) Delivery @ a 70'F (GPH) Minimum Pump Requirements (GPM @ FT. Head) Dimensions Shipping Weight (lbs)iPM FT. Head A c D 30cT 30 74,000 - 100.000 1t5-150 11.5 39'2V 3t4 8"'140 40cT 40 74,000 - 100.000 125 - t60 6'20"3t4"8"193 50cT 74,000 - 100.000 140 - 170 6'11.5 48'2?u{220 BOCT 80 150,000 - 200.000 185 - 210 12*'1 1-5 60 1/4'24'11t2"286 119 175,000 - 200.000 250 - 260 12*11.5 611t4'1 1tt 372 * 3y4" pump in, out " 1" tump in, out Pressures (all): Test pressure, 300 psi; $/orking pressure, 1S0 psi Slandard Voltage (all); 120V, 60 Hz, tP T&P valY€ installed All Bock products mset or erceed current ASHRAE standards, For addilional information and sample specitications, pl€ase vlsh our urcbsite . www.bockw.terheaters.com 3t $* $r\.s Nt T&P R€llef wARNING: oo not install on combustibl6 flooring. Installation should be in ascordance with all national and/or local codss. CAUTION: The recommended maximum hot waler temperature s€tting for normal residential use is | 20"F. gock recommends a tempering vatve or ant-scatd valve beinstalled and used according to the manufacture/s direc{ions to prevent scalding. a 80021 rev 7-04 CONCEPT MECHAN;AL, INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DEStcN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81G20 Phone: (970) 949.0200 Far (970) 949.0300 TYna-e*r,t C#ftgr. slrerr r.ro. ,/ O, I catcutmeoet /.f 11 e^_g V-4-'as _ jArE->0/t&,1]laL/ PF0DUCT 204 1 isingh SlEsbr ?61 (hddrdj CONCEPT MECEAI\IICAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE"OTT FORM ttzf Y o-3q Ylo'-- --€.>"-- 'ra'76 t.aa.K Qo GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NET WALL AREA FLOORAREA GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYI,IGIIT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR CO\IERING "R' VALUE BEL9y-6RADEWALL: /tA uF @ g,/4.t. X d, Zg y7o' : cRosswArrAREA /Oo # ( /*vf Af# X/W.o62<fa'=5ao HEArLoss(Btuh)= 5 /QO HEAT LOSVSQUARE FOOT (Btuh/sq. ft.): Tz" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = r:ageJL or l/ BY TimRosen DAT'E Y-?7-tog PROJECT flebtEArr {:ttfttff LOCATION lat t nColorado INSIDEDEsIGNTEIT4P -7""F- ExTERIoRDu$IGNITMP -?-q"F - AnEA oRzoNE cALcur,ArE n 6,aest fuast=-L S!: fufSlvfa?e/ RooMSrzF: 112 ft out RooM voLUME: (zt 7 f N') x'o - ?? r fix o.r9 v 7a'1 /f,Zo 4zu l{70 5Vo 7ga /6 $ x o.a5/ kQo" = CONCEPT MECEAI\IICAL, NC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OTI'FORM trye Zof / / DATE l'L7Joq LocATIoN Vai t,Colorado D(TERTOR DESIGN TEMP 3-":f ( /V'/ { o.TQuQoo= -.4 - IM+ X O.osl k?o"' GROSS WALL AREA GLASS AREA DOORAREA NET WALL AREA BY TimRosenpROJEcT fl@6tEkN {ttftL€r rNsrDE DEsrcN TEIItr' TanF- AREA OR ZONE CALCTTI-,A-TED /3*fl ROO TA / /I ROOM SIZE: EO # / '\ RooMVoLUME: Lfie n')X 0'718 BELow-cRADEWALL: ,/? t-r @?'duf F O$f YVO'=Vro /v ".# FLooRAREA /?o p'x- A-o 7e.E6,.) GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA - e - SKI{"IGIIT AREA --c> - NET CEILING OR ROOF AREA - €, -FLOOR COVERING'R" VALUE L{q 0 65D 860 IIEATLoss(Btuh)= ?, A 1O HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tul/sq. ft.): /2" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = coNcEPT MECEANICAT4 INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OFT' X'ORM Pase 3 ot ll 'BY TimRosen ITATE V-27-'og lezo 37o €go NETwALLAREA / to P FLooR ABEA I4--7 5 * f 2.' o' (s.oa") cRoss crnnqc oft. RooF AREA Nott€ , SKYLIGHT AREA NET CEILING OR ROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'RN VALIJE IIEATLOSS @ttn)=Q,,qr} HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tuhisq. ft.) = 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: PROJECT ft?4LE$ Ottrtl$ LOCATION Vai t,Colorado rNSrrlE DEsrcN rnvg. TooF* ExrERroRDusIGNTTnw =?_g'Ftt - AREA oRzoNE cAlcgr.ArEn kfuzZwrv tar/ U"^tcoV/n/ RooM SIZE: ?75 ,p RooMVoLUME: (+zS ,hV7')*A.Z? = BELOW-GRADE WALti cRosswALLAREA //oF x Uo ft 3o" =4- (+er*r/Er ve/a tP@) GLASS AREA DOOR AREA 1,1ouE /vaD€ CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE-OFF X'ORM BY TimRosen ( DOORAREA Ntt. NET WALL AREA FLooRAREA flm 4l' a'o ' cRoss cEILINGoRRooF AREA A/oue ' sKYI"rcHT AREA l/o Me . NET CEILINGORROOF AREA -- FLOOR COVERING'T.'' VALUE IIEATLoSS (Btuh) = lrq\0 IIEAT LOSS/SQUAF.E FOOT (Btub/sq. ft.): 72" Wirsbo hePor pipe spacing = rage t/ of | / DATT .l-27-t ag -ZaoF PROJECT fY?lt*A-$ Ottftt-tr LOCATION \/at- t,Colorado INSIDE DESIGNTUTIP zOUF"' EXTERIORDISTGNTEMP AREA oRzoNE cALcrrLA,TED Exgat te Kurn / o 3 ROOM Sr7.tr:flqz # RooMVoLrrME: (urz F g') xo-31 = BELoW-GR4)EWALL: 2e rt, x ho Y3o" ='I\ ,,f7a-'naf rar'e( €7cc-z-. GROSS WALL AREA ct,Ass AREA /v/ 4 . -i4 E7 a- Ooo' 5oo CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TN(E.OFT' FORM Prye {or // DAI" V27-'o€BY TimRosen PROJECT fleltEry {-Etrtt6r INSII}E DESIGN TEI\{P' zO"F* ?o"- t/qo /oso Vro 68o GROSS CEILING ORROOF AREA 7t.1au€ SKYLIGHT AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA -- FLOOR COVERING NR'' VALUE IIEAT LOSS (Btuh):?,300 IIEAT LOSSiSQUARE FOOT (Btuh/sq. ft.;: 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing = LOCAfiON \/az t nColorado D(TERTOR DESTGN TEMP 3|?"f AREA oRzoNE cALcrrLArE, B EDrlaom Su trT Tt4?z€ -it,2ft /, / ROOM SITE:v"efu RooMVoLUME: (zz*X f' )vo 31 BELOW-GRADE WALL: MO P € . cRosswALLAREA /2 Sfr GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NET WAII AREA FLOORAREA 30 ? Fo"7? x qrp Y0-o5/ xfo" A3/.PVa.o - "ryeL of | / BY Tim Rosen DATT V/7-'oa PROJECT f{rz.bt*M Ct+fttff LOCATION Voi t,Colorado INSIDEDESIGNTITVTP TOUF* D(TERIORD}:STGNIIMP / /(a 88o /oqa loo 6sz: CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE.OX'F ['ORM -Zo"F .h a ,' I AREA oRzoNE cALcrrLATEo HeWrcru >u r re Y / lTtm* / oa -r ROOM SIZE:bzs,F RooMVoLUlvrE: (zZsrt K1')ra.vet z BELSy-6RADEWALL: 4.3 cf € o'DeP. XO,Ay yao'= cRoss wALL AREA /g o 4 GLASS AREA DOOR AREA NEr wALL AREA t oa 4 FLooRAREA- nLgQ r a 5.os-, ' GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKI'I,IGIIT AREA NET CEILTNGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'R'' VALTIE 6aIIEAT LOSS (Btuh): HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btut/sq. ft.1= 72" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: "& rU aue 3' f Yo"3q rc?o": Ao Fo-oSlkYo : I o BY TimRosen CONCEPT MECEANICAL, INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OTT' FORM PROJECT f,t@tE$ OtWLtr LOCATION Ve I'Colorado INSII}EDEsiGNTEMP' TOUF* . E}(TERIORDusIGNTEMP :Z^E'F,lb4 AREA oRzohrE cALcrrr,ATED rl(gUe- I uru-. RooM srZE: 67f, F //to 7rc VYo 670 -- laeZot l/ DA1E Yzz1'2a RooM voLUME: (Zlt x 7')r o .3 9 = BELOW-GRADE WALL: 3 t t-7 916( lfrP. v d -ffr *)-=Ir cRosswALLAREA /ao d X'fto X 3a'=4- +etto6 f Ya tD 9I"l1E. GLASS AREA Noil€ ( DOORAREA NET WALL AREA FLooRAREA ??5Q F 7' o '- GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGI{T AREA NET CEILINGORROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'R'' VALUE 4 3tn HEAT LOSS (Btuh) = ?, tt ' v - IEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btut/sq. ft.) = CONCEPT MECEAMCAL, INC. HEAT LOSS TAKF-OTI' FORM r:ase Aof | / BY TimRosen I'ATE Y'?7-IOg PRO.IECT fY@ueW O&ftt$ LOCATION VUJt,Colorado INSIDE I'ESIGN TTIW. 7A"F* TXTERIORDUSTGN TEMP &f AREAoRzoNE cALcrrLArED /Lt *-gran E+zt+r<ao,,4tl ROOM SITE:/ao f RooMVoLUME: (tbo X /2') BELOW.GRADE WALL: 23o R( GROSS WALL AREA GLASS AREA DOOR AREA ,? 4 va '31 ) o.71 --b7a 7Vo ?to 260 3Vo F?0" = NETwALLAREA /? ? 6 V0'o5/ k?0" ' FL'.RAREA (t:Ef.: ,% Y b"&= cRoss cE-.ILINc oR Roo_F AREA - / oo ,p( ftanc-aertcE) SKY-I,IGHT AREA NET.ETLTNG.RR.'FAREA / ao Q Y IqK W = FLOOR COVERING 'R' VALUE HEArLoss (Btuh)= 8,WO IIEATLOSS/SQUARE FOOT @tub/sq. ft.) = /2" Wirsbo hePex pipe spacing: CONCEPT MECEANICAI", INC. EEAT LOSS TAKE.OTT' FORM vaee Zor | / DATE I'?7JO5pRoJEcr Wt4tEl+t oqftrg LocATroN Vai t,Cotorado INSIIIEDESIGNTEIIO' zA"F_ . FXTERIORDUSIGNTEMP -Za"F BY TimRosen DOORAREA NET WALL AREA FLOORAREA GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGIIT AREA NET CEILING OR ROOF AREA FLOOR COVERING'R'' VALUE AREAoRzoNE cAr.,crrr,Arro ft*s m Be>rro, Zrs / ru,+.t€? RooMSIZE: i?/4 s€ra/3 RooMVoLr-rME: (zq f d,t /z' ) rV./ = €/242 BELOW-GRADEWALL: NApr€ cRosswALLAREA bo o f -t- cLAssAREA lVz # xO'17 r 80"= 5tA0 ao 8o a^0 lEf o rrEArLoss(Btuh)= 14, l1O - IIEATLOSS/SQUARE FCOT (Btuhisq. ft.) = 72" Wirsbo hePor pipe spacing = 'ftf ./1 ,.o tr)-os lxlo = g,,L"."{ /aoY6'= --usD th CONCEPT MECEAI\IICAI4 INC. HEAT LOSS TAKE OFT'FORM Page Aof // BY TlmRosen DATE l'27-'og PROJECT ft@LZl,t! O&ftt$ LOCATION Vai t,Colorado INSIDE DESIGNTET,P- TAUF'' EJrIERIORDESIGNTEMP -2a"F AREA ORZONE CALCIJLA- -TED /h, O RA. 7s" P (zss * rtD x s).vJ = ROOM SrzF: ROOM VOLUME:t fZ-> BELow-cRADgy#,,, _ Mvl P y h f cRoss wALL AREA Ag@ V GLASS AREA ( DooRAREA Al I tr o '7i tr ?ou = NETyALLAREA arq 4 fooSlx?d": FLOORAREA Vto 6^'' 6aa GROSS CEILING OR ROOF AREA SKYLIGHT AREA NET CEILING OR ROOF AREA FLOOR CO\TERING NR'' VALUE HEAT LOSS (Btuh) = ,f ,%0t/ltr- IIEAT LOSS/SQUAFS FOOT (Btut/sq. ft.) = tl" Wirsbo hePer< pipe spacing: 7oO /(q0 fto ( f7-avzxfa"'/7tu I coNcEPT MECUANICAT4 INC. HEAT LOSS TAKF,-OIFFORM hgefor // BY TimRosen DATE /'?7-'o5' PRo.IEcr WPue{ {-,Wg LocarroN Vut,Colorado INSII'EDESIGNIIjTVE. 7OT- EXTERIORDTTGNTTjNT'jg3 AREA oR zohrE cALcuLA'rE a G ax i7 oan/ t t rrn&/Dru, ra RooMSTZE: /,21o fr e+oryry R..MV.LUME: (r,r?a #k /5) $t- 3t,V@r' hz B.tuLffi8wff.:'.*:'J+"oe* IorVo"' l,vfo cRoss wALL AREA I VVo P cr,Ass AREA 376 YO-i| K10"= l|,rs O DOORAREA - d _ NErwArr,AREA /W4[T-oEtNQo"' (,8'lo FLOORAREA MOT 6FPS /(tr,#,T,;tr" cRoss CEILTNGoRRooFAREA -ZOoF y' t/rpat' iltu.-e sr(y,,rcrrrAR'A Arf K ;9{Y4;"' .., a. l?y,0,^ NErcErLrNcoRRooF;' 'aa'jA f ,r rvzxWt 6510 FLOOR COVERING'R'' VALUE HEArLoss (Btuh): 5?,7ffi HEAT LOSS/SQUARE FOOT (Btuh/sq. ft.) = 7a" Wirsbo he,Pex pipe spacing = -\ -borucEPr MEcro*il^r,,ra. pTUMBING . HEATING r SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200' Far (970) 949-0300 SHEET NO. CHECKED BY SCALE 'L1) -" frp@t1nt a. O'L_r_ t A ca-curnreo ev-----ALla-- orre 5- 7 -.os JONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PLU_MBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1.165 Avon, Colorado 81620phone: (970) 949_0200 Fax (970) 949-0300 * frpfue**t &rns SHEET NO. "or"r ar- ", FP ,o-..?-?:7-bsg-7 CHECKED BY SCAIE OAJT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ?ro*r"r*r oF coMMUMry DE\topMENr Permit Status . Applied Issued , Expires co 8L5s7 APPITCAIflT coNcEpT MECHANTCATT, rNe P.O. BOX 115s AVON co 8L620 License: 189-p colvrRActoR coNcEpT MECHANTCAT,, INC P.O. BOX 1165 AVON co 81520 License: 189-p 05/Le/2005 Phone z 970-949-02OO 05/L8/2O0s Phone: 97O-949-O2OO Desciption: ROUGH IN, DWV, WATER AND GAS pIptNG TO THE RESIDENCE. SET AND TRIM PLUMBING FIXTI.]RES Valuation: $31.000.00 Plumbing--> Plan Check--> Investigation- > Will Call-----> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9ParcelNo...: 210108252009 ProiectNo : ?'rrl D* -oo4tIOWNER GORE VAI-,IJEY RESTATTRANT ASSOCO5/].S,/2005 C/o ,JosEF IJANGEGGER 3807 I,UPINE DR VAIIJ Fireplace Information: Reshicted: !? # ofGas Appliarrces: ??,i******'i**ir**'ti*+{.*+++t}:f :}:a*,*!r**:t:*:****************,*+*+*+++:a,}***+*:}:}**,t * FEE suMMARy:F:*:*:*,***!i****+***,t******ti.*1.**+*++:i+*t,f*:B:a:*,t:i(**,t ***,i*!}:t*****tr :t*:t,!t***:t:9:l:*t*'t *****tri(****,****'i't*ht Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMEIiIT 05/19/2005 cgunion Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG-): FIELD INSPECTIOITS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLfAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requted is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. #; P05-0051 Eaf-aoo4 . . : ISSUED . . : 05/18/2005.: MIM/2005. .: l2l03l2W5 # of Gas togs: '7 # of Wood Pallet: ?? $465.00 Restuara Plan Review,-> $ 115 .2s DRB Fee--*------**- >s0.00 ToTAL FEES-----> s3.00 $0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-- > so. oo Additional Fees------> $584 . 25 Total Permit Fee----- > Payments---------- > $ 584 .25 $s84.2s $s84.25 REerJBsrs FoR rNspEcrroN srrAr.r u" "*" ,t*"-"o* PM.OFFICE FROM 8:0 AM - 4 APPUCAIION WIII. TIOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOiIPLETE OR UNSI Prcject #:o{.00?g Building Permit #:-+- Plumbing Permit*: I(1S--€OS ( 97 0-479 -2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colondo 81657 ftact and Phone #'s:-.n Pot"n qq? -a2oo COMPLETE VALUATIOI| FOR PLUMBIIIG PERIIIT (Labor & Materials) PLUMBING: S 3/, mOY .4sremrs # Parel # _t /il t p2g Zp q Job Narne: fia /." n ch, kT Job Addressr //4 Eosf r/lalau DR- vn)lt !ryaf Deecrirtion I ue 5D[ aro"tt I ritinn. Vu^'t 4l hS," ]-*', lgfi)lAOwnersnaty, /lr^ -, Enginer ,otof rrlfcr-nirn( lMdress: ?a Eattlrs' ,4uon Svr'one' qqq'of@**,frffiT."y;r&,#t *" 9frhfr*n?#,{Ei P/p''rb ma LJWorkChss: N*I,{ MdiUon( ) Afteration( ) Repair( ) Odrer( ) Tvp€ofBldg.: srrgb-familv( ) Duphr(( ) Multi-famiV( ) commercial( ) R€6taurant( ) oEer( ) No. of Fristing Drvelling Unib in this buiHing:No. of Acmmmodation Units in thb buiUing: Is this a conversion frorn a wood buming fireplace to an EpA pnase u de^/iaemo ****rt*trtr**:lrn***!t*****l'!*t**it*:ir:r*t*FOR OFFICE USE OlfLYa*ar*r*****rl*tr*.***i***trt*rr**r*ri* 5w! ffi- 4;13 prn _ Inspection Request Reporting Page 11_-- Vail-CO - Clty Of Requesled Inspect OaF: Thursday, August t l, 2005' Inspeitlon ,Area: CG SIE Address; ,IOO VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL WOLEEAN INN UHlTre AIP/D lnlbrmafion _ Acjvlty: gl$0064 Type: A-MF SubConst Typ€: Occupairbv:Ofrief: GORE VALLE\' .IESTAUR,ANTESSoC INc AMF V.A Sbtus: ISSUED Insp Ar€a: CG _Appllcant EFTGLISH&ASSOCIATES,LTD. LLC phone: 479-7500Cqnkactor: ENGLISH&AS,SOCIATES,LID, LLC phon€: 4797500 _ Archltect I,ICHAELSUkI/NARCHTTECT,LLC phon€: 97S4714iA2Descrlptlon: q9!4PL_ETE Rl:iroD€L AND ADDnoN To OLD WRoLeAfu nEsiAunAFJT s-pAcE. con VERT ToRESIDE TNAL CONDO COMment ROT,TED TO CI. RIS GUMON, MATT GENNETT, FIRE AND PUBI.IC TA,oRKs - JSUTITERCommenl: R€csvled I Revt,cable Floltrt permtt. - CCHALBEhC COMMENT EXTRA SET PI./.NS SUBMIfTED AND RO|.JIED TO FTRE . JSUTHERComment PERMIT ISSUAI IcE 's PENUNG VFES APPRoVAL . Cout.TIot'I Reouested Inspecdon(sl Item: l0 BLoc-Fo,)tinqsrsteet Requested_Tlme: 02i30 piil R€q$6sbr: EhleLtsH&ASSOctATES,LTD, LLc phoil: 17i:23rii _ Comm€nts: {U.-10!O p,xu Assbngq.To: COAVTS _ Enrarad By: DGOLDEN KAcllon: -*- --^-Tiqrs..Ep-..-comrnerd: ElEcENEtrHfCAvAnoN solLs'REFoRTsllLL NEED HELlcAr ptER spEctAL trlspEcloN.commeni: FooTtNGs ,lltpRovED. PRovtD€ 2 '5.s ooiFr-LED-oii-Fxi$nruc Fdir.r-oAlciN z p-Ll-CEq. flgyrowQ tu-rAfty , rlloil ,?ryA:'Jvir,p \"p&7# 5 h"i,,, bL".lr,4 ? u, De.{*, L -1n, utpa fftc& f+ crrhrL2//#?}- S htrll"Jfrlr(a{Insp€cdon History 2?6 FIRE DEPT. tffCT,FICATION BLDG-Mlsc. BLDG-Flnal PLAi+|LC Foundatjc n Ptan PLAISILC Sit€ Plafr ttgm: Item:10 BlDG-FootlngsStr e | .- Approv€d'. 08102:C5 lnste:tor; ccD " Action: ApAppROVEDCOMNENI FOO'IIITIGS APPROVED. PROVIDE 2 '5'S DOT,\IELLED ON EXISTIT.IG FOUNDATION 2 P{_ACES. ,08O3tO5 InsF€:lcr: cCD Acilon: NONOTTFTEDCOMM€NI RECT.MED EXCAVAI1ON SOILS REPOfTT. STILL NEED HELICAL PIER SPECIALtNst)llcIION.ltem: 20 Item: 30 Item: 5{}llem: 60 Item: 70 It6m: 90 liemr 21 Item: i2 REpr131 Run Id: 3509 t Requested Inspection(s) Item: 90 BLDG-Final, Requestor: ENGLISH & ASSOCTATES, LTD, LLC _ Commeds: Wi! call471-2344, mechanical final is also scheduledAssiqned To: GDENCKLA- Action: Time Exp: 05-22-2006 A/P/D Information Description: Comment: Comment: Comment: Inspection Historv Item: 226Item: 10 Item: 20Item: 30 Item: 50 Reeu estedri m Zl tr?+_ldl Entered By: DGOLDEN K Comment: BL DG-Foundation/Steel BLDG-Framinq 11l23lOS -lnsoector: Comment: 1 .) Seal all 12t't5t05 Comment: 12t15t05 Comment VAPOR BItem: 60 BlDG€heetrock Nail 10121105 Inspector: ^t, l]T Yfo lsd^ Inspee._tio4 [e_que_gt Requested Inspect Date: lupsday, May 23, 2006 Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 400 VAIL VALLEY DR VAIL TYOLEEAN INN UNIT#9 Sub Tvoe: AMF U'se: V-A Status: ISSUED lnsp Area: CG Phone: 4797500 Phone: 47$7500Phone: 970471-6'122 AND ADDITION TO OLD TYROLEAN RESTAURANT SPACE. CONVERT TO TT GENNETT. FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS - JSUTHER t. - GCHALBERG CND ROUTED TO FIRE - JSUTHER 6.) re/s-approval of roof beam at fiues. LETTER (,r# Action: NO NOTIFIED VATION SOILS REPORT. STILL NEED HELICAL PIER SPECIAL N (2) #5 BELOW REQD ACCESS PA PARTIAL APPROVAL INSPECTION *" Aooroved * GCD ' ' Action: AP APPROVED APPROVED. PROVIDE 2 #5'S DOWELLED ON EXISTING vl ENGINEERING ON SITE. FRAMING APPRC 6,7,8,9. Action: AP APPROVED FROM KRM ENGINEERING ADDED TO FILE. Action: Pl PARTIAL INSPECTION REPT131 Run Id:5314 ,", "' I,\ \ Requested Inspect Date: Assiqned To: Inspecti6n Tvpe: lnsirection A'i,ba: Site Address: A/P/D Information ^ Aclivity: E05-0223 Tvpe: B-ELECuons! rype: Occuoahbv: OwTieT: GORE VALLEY RESTAURANiASSoC INc Applicant: MARMOT ELECTRTCCohtr€ctor: MARMOT ELECTRTC Description: ELECTRIC ROUGH AND TRtM FOR UN|T Reouested Inspection(s) Item: 190 ELEC-Final Requestor: MARMOTELECTRTC Assiqned To: SHAHN- Action: Thursdav. March 30. 2006 SHAHN.' ELEC SH 4(,O MEADOW DR VAIL TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Sub Tvpe: AMF Use: Phone: 970-524-0990Phone: 970-524-0990 Reguested Time: Entered By: Status: ISSUED InsD Area: SH 10:00 AM 970-926-0990 DGOLDEN K 5@NJ. h lrol@e or|i Ck,,(,\ DY' 6, Ef '4,-. / 0 P I t''ii-'t tr1' lh //' l) 's' ' / tf * Action: AP APPROVED anels oer NEC 1 1 1) Condition 2 or vall or Ins( cannot be : Pl PARTIAL I r only 3ft for 120 to ground per NEC 110.26.. Time Exp: '"ff, t,u*v Inspection Historv Item: 110 ELEC-Temo. Power09/28/05 lnsoec_09/28i05 Inqlector: shahn Action: Pt PARTTAL TNSPECTION -Cgn]ment: INSPECTEDVAULTED CEILING ON UPPER LEVEL FIXTURE BOXES.Item: 120 ELgQ-fto^ugh . _l Approved;;-- ' -lC-Rouoh 11117105 Insoector: EG Comment: shahnahn Action: DN DENIED ,/ conduit in boiler room storaqe (4" conduii.l/ -/oom equipment dlplex withtingle recept; t / rroom ctosetsJ!/ isconnect. L/ (rf ,:,OMt 'a\'w ----;; \/'J,/ comment: ,/ NEC 230.72. Cunently, they are located in both REPT]-3]. of panel needs to Run ldz 4537 if * 05-22-2006 7 a:26 pm -'-- -V;ii. C-.t-:i.JU 6f -'-"-" Requested lnspect Date: Tuesdav. Mav23.2006InsgeitionareSi Souo u=ioo* DR vArL TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 A/P/D Information ^ Acjvity: M0$0093 Tvpe: B-MECH Sub Tvoe: ACOM ""'.6Jrvf;fi GoRE vALLEy nesr?i'HRflifXssoc rNc ube: Applicant: CONCEPT Cohtractor: CONCEPT Description: ROUGH lN Requested lnspection(s) Requ€sted Time: I l:00 AM' Phone: 471-2344 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Time Exo:Tf|triilF@-powder room fan is hot wo?KnTZ.) Insulate 2 heat runs in mechanical room aeXistino stairs. -Greaf room fireplace approved bv JR on 0312012006 insoection. -master bedroorh firepldce vent cover is installed. (,1 not installed. Item: Requestor: Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Comment: T. BUILD BOILER wtll call 471-2344 Inspection Historv 03/30/06 Comment:Item: 390 MECH-Final 03i28/06 Comment: check for mechanical flue pipes DUCTS. FLEX ATTIME OF Inspecton MROYER Action: APCR APPROVEDiCORRECTION REOD 1..) Main _level powder room fan is not working. 2.) Insulate 2 heat runs in mechanical room above thb existino stAirs. -Great roo'm fireplace aooroved bv JR on 03/20/2006 insDection. -master bedroofi fireoldce vent c6ver is installed Run Id: 5314REPT131 rd Inspection flequqst Re Requested Inspect Date: Inspection Area: Site Address: A/P/D Information ^ Acjvity: M05-0093 Tvpe: B-MEChuons! rype: Occuoahbv: OWriCr: GORE VALLEY RESTAURA-I*IiASSOC INC Aoolicant: CONCEPTCohlractor: CONCEPTDescriotion: ROUGH lN Reouested Insoection(s) Status: ISSUED Insp Area: CG Requested Time: 1 1 :00 AM- Phone: 970-949-0200 -or- 331- 4510 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K DUCTS. FLEX AT TIME OF Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4OO MEADOW DR VAIL WOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 SubTgne: ACOM Phone:phone: T. BUILD BOILER PLANT. INI Item: 390 MECH-F|nalRequestor: CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC Comments: will call 949-0200 Assioned To: GDENCKLA- Action: Time Exp: &eg&" ^,t{ (olb n@\)s, t) lvl*w lgtau Towoa- ?-aot, \ .rz-) luJrrtA{d l@T ?rtr,,tt, tt) 3f f+n ts NoT o?eq4firJe - Wup*lst*u- (-qsvl - 4t*? MECH-Final hrerr ?aou fua*caT 'Ao*nno h 3P- odu/woq.. Mksf,Ez- BepfUor,t Ver,:r LstA- tptrH)PD- $a REPT131 Run Id: 4528 t ur-l/-zuuo Insper._tion [equest Reporting Page 10a:30 pm -'- V;ii. i-d:Flil6f-'-"'" Requested Inspect Date: Monday, March 20,2006Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 400 MEADOW DR VA|L WOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 A/P/D Information ^ Aclfvity: M05-0306 Tvpe: B-MECH " on%J#|"?, coR E vAL L Ey R rrr?t"HRilf tt. s oc I Nc Applicant: WESTERN F|REPLACE SUppLy, tNC. Contractor: WESTERN F|REPLACE SUppLy. tNC. Description: I Comment: Comment: Sub Tgpe: ACOM Phone: (719)591-0020 Phone: (719) 591-0020 CONTEMPO FIREPLACE WITH GAS LOG SET, INSULATED FLUE PIPE WHICH IS FOR GAS LOG SET FOR FIELD INSPECTION. COORDINATE GAS PIPE SIZING. - inFtallation instructions a1d listing informationJoJ !he._f\re damper that is installed at theuamper must be listed for that fnstallation. - MROYER Status: Insp Area: UEDISS Requested lnsoection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: WESTERN FTREPLACE SUppLy. tNC. or",sT;l,Iff : JMoNDRAGoN' Time Exp: Requested Time: 08:00 AMPhone: 668-3760 Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K ,, il ^l'/\lr" ,,Ih'* '"t>* Inspection Historv Item: 200Item: 310Item: 315Item: 320Item: 330Item: 340 02/06/06 Comment: MECH-Final 03/02/06 Comment: A vl l) P-0-'"" Item: 390 I rt tn ttv I 't +:23 pm --- V;ii. Cd'tL'iitbf'""'w Requested Inspect Date: Mqnday, March 27,2006Inspection Area: CG Site Address: 400 MEADOW DR VAIL ;TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 A/P/D lnformation ^ Aq3lvity: MOS-0306 Tvoe: B-MECH "on*bJuvf;f :GoREVALLE'*r.-?",?HRlli*rtssocrNc ISSUED , Description: Comment: Comment: Reouested lnspection(s) Item: 390 MECH-Final Requestor: WESTERN FIREPLACE SUppLy. tNC. Sub Tvpe: ACOM Status:U'se: Insp Area: Phone: (719) 591-0020 Phone: (719) 591-0020 CONTEMPO FIREPLACE WITH GAS LOG SET, INSULATED FLUE PIPE WHICH IS FOR GAS LOG SET FOR FIELD INSPECTION. COORDINATE GAS PIPE SIZING. . inplallqtlon instructions and listing information.fol lhg_flge damper that is installed at the. uamper must be listed for that lnstallation. - MROYER , Comments: contact - Brian 471-2J44**'sT8.ilff' pffi+c WFE6V*=--l)lnSron FtUt SNct-rxulze /,!SlDe- C+?tuLI , Ma7rne E€,o,Lucrrt @ 6NuY , Requested ilms: X?i9gdy Entered By: DGOLDEN K tlilqu (4 fratu [,,t9?tcrte r,\ o2t06to6 Comment: Item: 390 MECH-Final 03i02/06 Comment: ln$pector: SHAHN Action: NR NOT sflI READY. CoNTRACTOR CALLED tN By Mtsrr APE/SCREW. CONTRACTOR TO CALL ATION ON ' is installed on the top of flue. Contractor damper prior to final inspection. lilnnact,l frrtv '4-- (t,toE//Do /ttrfg r..1pr.-, 4'+t ntV 32.8'/7f0 o!./27/7oa6 // 'ft Inspection Historv REPT131 Run Id: 4494 o lo Requested Inspect Date: lnspection Area. Site Address: A/P/D lnformation ^ Aclivity: P05-0051 Tvpe: B-PLMBuonsl rype: Occuoahbv: OWTieT: GORE VALLEY RESTAU_RANiASSoC INc 03-27-2006 Item: 220 Item: 230 Item: 240 Item: 250Item: 260Item: 290 Insper'.-tion [e^que^qt Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4()O MEADOW DR VAIL TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Sub Tgoe: ACOM ^Applicant: QQNQEPT MECHANTCAL. tNC _Cohtractor: CONCEPT MECHANiCAT: iNeDescription: B.QJ.G.I|_IN, DWV, WATER AND GAS ptptNG TO THE' FIXTURES Requested lnspection{s) Item: 290 PLMB-FinalRequestor: CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, tNC Comments: will call 949-0200o*'sT$,Iff: GDEN.KLA DK. Requested Time: 10:30 AM' Phone: 970-949-0200 -or- 331- 4510 Entered By: DGOLDEN K A'wg.ovoD Time Exp:2o r: GCD COLUMN TEST. ND Spsi TEST Approved ** Action: AP APPROVED frnrrrv* '?uvw i^n -*rro lYs PF-'/l,t,",ftortq 32-g- l??d 69/zs/zoou ll:70 ater. ^ ^^"* Approved ** _14121105 Inspector: GCD " Action: ApAppROVEDComment: 100osi TEST- PLMB-Gas Pipinci *" Aooroved ** _'11123105 Ins-pector: MROYER Action: ApAppROVEDComment: PLMB-Pool/Hot Tub PLMB-Misc. PLMB-Final REPT131 Run Id: 4528 I Proiect Name: GORE VALLEY RESrAUMNT VARIA Project Description: Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM DeparUnent of Oommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 f axt 97 0.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us PEC Number; PEC040041 Participants! SETBACK VARIANCE TO ALLOW A MINOR ADDMON TO BUILDING ASSOC06/29/2004 Phone; c/O JOSEF OWNER 3807 V 81657 License: APPUCANT GORE c/o JosEF Prcject 3807 VAIL co 4OO MEADOW DR VAIL 400 E. MEADOW DRIVE CryROLEAN UNIT 9) Legal Description: Lott 5D Block Subdivlsion: TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel Number: 210108252009 Comments: Cahill Opposed Ti^be"li n z Lo rtnerc,2*l Re^l Estak / r,{/L. ASSOC06i29/2004 IIT'- tuprese*(e<) by ! ftro"p, LL(Tfroler-. ({"c'lc.f1 hawiello Plaa^i1 Location: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Second By: Lamb Vote: 5-1{ Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalt 07 l26l20M Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condr 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: MattGennett PEG Fee Paid; 9500.00 06/24/2004 16:48 FAX PRUDENTIAL GORE RANGEI tr Conditional Use permit tr FloodpJainModincatlontr F{inor Ext€rior Alterationtr Major Extedor AlterahbnE DeveloDment Plan0 Amendm€nt to a Developrnent planQ Zoning Code Amendmentx Variancetr Slgn Variance $5s0 ${00 $550 $800 $1s00 $250 $1300 $s00 $200 Des{ription of th€ Request: Setbask variance to al Location of the proposal: Lotr SD -Block!__ Subdivision: Physical Addresst 400 E- Meadow Drtve aTvrolean Inn Unit 9) " . narcel No.: 2:r01Q825200g ( Eagre co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcer no.) Zoning: l-tloh t)ensltv Mulflple Family fHDMF) Name(s) of Owner(s); I0l4,I'm n Rezoningtr Major Subdivls,onE Minor Subdivts,on0 E)€$Dtion plat 0 lvlinor Amendment to an sDD0 New Special DH/elopment DlstrictO Major Amendrrent to an SDDD Major AmendrFent to an SDD (n o ederio ( rnndl fr ca ffons ) Application for Review by thePlanning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, C6lsrai. '816r, tet: 970.479,2139 faxi rtg.4zg.Z4iz web: www.cl.vail.co,us General Infonnation: All pro'ects requlrilg PlanntnE and En-vironmenldl commission -review must receive approval pfior to Ssbmittng atrulldlng permit aff)licatlon' Please.refur to the sutmiaai'req';item€nts for.the pattular appro;ar tftat is requested.An aPpltcafon for Planning anu eovlronmentai"c"r-rt'riti"riHrril* cannot be affept€d untir art required InformariongiXTiTf.i?.iffi 3#S'n:Y,"?-""#:p'n'nt o*pi't''R:"rie'protect mav ar,o -n'6. i"L-,euiewea bv the rown rype of Application and Feer $1300 $1500 96so $6s0 $1ooo $6000 $6000 $1250 @ oo3 REeF:llJrr! . | -; -, RECTIVED i,'": { d ;llrli,:l Owner(s) Signature(s):|-.tg'tE{f.E){ Nanre of Appli@ntl Mailing Address: p0 BoX 1127. Avon. CO gt620 Phone: 7,+tl-0920 -_ .._. Fa* 749-0377. - - |€co\ oot+ l dtz:tg tO be un1.z'd 06mn4 ss?osl,fotE .raB3a?ue1 1de4 Jul O8 04 la:sOP """:u::":::;:""s?o-4?9-?511szfr roza p.2 p. r JOTNT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPBOVAL ISTTER , a pint owner ot propedy located ar (addr€s/legal o 1 ' Tq-t, on \lo A aefo.t* s a{I rr+f\,b Cv Ae_,jry*t i Crft +y"-,itarq an -tt -G.fi.^*r r{ra-nn *G;Tw-r- ffi T0r.fr'trI'Hn-y descrlption) provlds this tetter as written approvat ot the ptam oaea J.rne Z 9,2--"-.o*./-C-t$fi&which have I turtlrer undorstand that minor moditbations may be made lo tha ptarr olrer th€ courso of ffr.f,rffi q proc€sE to ensurs compliance wilh the Town'6 applicable codEs and regulationE, .}.^u I Zao4 *)rtr.o.Q,t-*-r4-d 4 tleen subrnitted to thc Town of Vail Oonrnarnity Dgvolopmgnt DepanmEnt fot lhe pro$ed improv€tneds to bs co.npleled at the addrBss noled above. I und8rstand lhat the propoced imptovstn€nts includg: Trr^l.c "-^n lf*te \k.E11aQs&*C I k rulr u.vf C.,).-r.\r,T C.avttrLo r,ta-uvu+'a t I . c, l - ,, . g{.pf,n-,.r.4 u! 3,;b-.{ t".}1" -t.s*t,'..Cl^*ta.t' "Vnltz*r.. AF0l,rc,..{,a,vr(rG& $.tfu,,,!'.lor. &\4/l,r (Signdture) J U?.5N2 A7lL2/2884 6e:39 s7a4uE6 ROBIN KEVINAIGHAN PAGE A2/92 Page 1 ofl Greg Gastineau From: Jay Feterson $kP@vail.netl s€nu Friday, July 09, 2004 4138 PM To: greg@timberlinerc.com Subl€of Re: TYrolean Inn -- Original Message -.- From: Jey-PeleEgo To : gfCq@ti m be rl i n-eJe'Gom Senfi Friday, JulY 09, 2004 3;43 PM Subiectu Tyrolean lnn Dear Greg; per our discussion of today's date, I am sending yuu this e-mail to veriff thatl have met with George and Matt at the Tor;;i!"il ;i;ni-ng'dep"*ment in regard to thu remouat ofti,e awning licated at the Tyrolean lnn' After explaining i.,;;',t".1ign,-drg;and frrt.ttusr""Jinatthe site caverage created by-the awning (even thoughremoved} will continue to count as sire coverat? to-purpos*" of caloula[ng existing iite couerage. as it relates to your variance request. (tlnlo,l) should you have any questions, please contac,t George Ruther at 479-2145' Accepted and agreed to: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department July 26,20O4 A request for a final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 9, (Tyrolean Inn)/Lot 5 D, Block S, VailMllage Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Tyrolean Chalet, LLC, represented by MPG, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett il. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance from the required minimum side setback standard in the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) district of twenty feet (20') in order to reconfigure the gross residential floor area (GRFA) and site coverage of the existing structure. the Tyrolean condominiums site, in which the'Tyrolean chalet" is located, is presenfly in a state of pre-existing nonconformity with respect to the side and rear setbacks (Attachments B & C). Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vll of this memorandum, staff is recommending denial of the applicant's variance request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is making a request to remove floor area and site coverage from places within and around the existing building and add floor area and site coverage in other areas. The variance being requested would allow approximately 83.1 square feetbf reallocated GRFA to be constructed within the side setback (south property line along the stream tract). The majority of the existing building is constructed within 7' of the south property line. The proposed addition, located on the west side of the building, will extend the existing wall plane six to nine feet, butwill not encroach any further to the south than the existing buiiOing, although more bulk and mass will be added to the southwest corner of the building. Th! proposed setback encroachment occurs on the main level of the building (Attachments B & c). In order to offset the impact of the proposed addition, the applicant is proposing to remove approximately 315.5 square feet of floor area that is currently located within the 20' setbacks on the south and east sides of the building. Additionally, the applicant is proposing to modify the bulk and mass of the structure's architectural design, remove some small pie-ces of site coverage and improve the landscaping around the sit,e (Attachments B & c). BACKGROUND In 1968, the Blue cow Restaurant was constructed on the southern portion of thlyry 1 ,ffi\"-)t+/*J TowiorvilY ilt. tv. property. In 1969, the property was zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) which ailowed restaurants as an accessory use within a multiple-family building. In 1 973, the Town of Vail re-adopted the zoning regulations (ordinance No. 8, 1973) and removed restaurants as an accessory use in the HDMF zone district, thereby making the Tyrolean Restaurant (then the Blue Cow Restaurant) a nonconforming use. In 1980, the Tyrolean Condominiums were constructed and attached to the existing "Blue Cow' restaurant structure. The subject property currently contains 8 individual dwelling units, the Tyrolean Restaurant, which includes two additional dwelling units, 20 enclosed parking spaces, and three surface parking spaces. on May 10,2oo4, a variance was approved, with one condition, to allow the floor area that was once the Tyrolean Restaurant to be converted into gross residential floor area (cRFA) (Attachment D). REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B' The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or notthe Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. D. Staff I v. The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE H. HlcH DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAM|Ly (HDMF) DISTR|CT (excerpted) 12-6H-1: PURPOSE: The high density multiple-family distict is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings af densrtbs to a maximum of twenty five (28) dwetting units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor ortenbd uses as may appropiately be located in the same distict. The high density multiple-family distict is intended to ensure adequate tight, ain open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desinble residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropiate site development standards. Ceftain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditiona! uses, which relate to the nature of Vait as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permifted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 1 2-6H-2: PERM ITTED USES: The following uses sha// be permifted in the HDMF distict: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, recreational or retail estabtishments, located within the principal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10To) of the fotal gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the main structure or structures on the site; additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, ortenace. Multiple-family residential dwellings, including aftached or nw dwellings and condom i n iu m dwe I I i ng s. CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (excerpted) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln orderto preventorto lessen such practical difficutties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this tiile as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A practicat difficulty or unnecessary physicat hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the tocation of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosl or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a vaiance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted onty with respect to the development standards prescibed for each distict, inctuding lot area and site dimensions, sefbacks, dr'sfances between buildings,.height, density control, buitding bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respeet to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, goveming physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant vaiances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each distict because the flexibility necessa4f to avoid resu/ts inconsistent with the obiectives of this titte is provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-&7. "Amendment,, of this titte. 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDtNGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance apptication, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the stict ar literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among s/es rh the vicinity, orto aftain the objectives of this titte without gnnt of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transpoftation and traffic facilities, public facitities and utilities, and public safety. 4. such other factors and citeria as the commission deems appticable to the proposed variance. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a vaiance: !. That the granting of the vaiance wiil nat constitute a grant of special pivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distiict. 2' That the granting of the variance wilt not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or mateially injuious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the fottowing reasons: a' The stict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical diffieulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other propefties in the same zone. c. The stict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distict. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Lot Size: 16,039 square feet / .368 acres Hazards: None Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: North: South: 20ft. 20 ft. 20ft. Height: GRFA: Site Coverage: Density: Landscape Area: Parking: Surroundino land uses and Zoninq: Land Use CDOT ROW Open Space Allowed/Required Existinq 54' 1-z', 4' Proposed no change no change no change (setbacks not changing as encroachment already exists to same extent) 48' 48' no change 5,597 sq. ft. 5,597 sq. ft 5,464 sq. ft. 55% (8,821sq. ft.) 560/o (9,058 sq. ft.) no change 9 DUs 9 DUs no change 30% (4,812 sq. ft.) 43% (6,981sq. ft.) no change 19 spaces 23 spaces no change vil. East: ResidentialWest: Transportation Center CRITERlA AND FINDINGS Zoninq Not Applicable Natural Area Preservation (NAP) High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) General Use (GU) A. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq the Variances: 1' The relationship of the requested variance to otherexisting or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff has determined that the requested variance may not result in a harmonious relationship between the modified new residential dwelling unit and the eight other residential condominium units already existent within the structure (Attachment B). While the minor exterior alteration that will be 4. possible as a result of granting this variance could enhance the aesthetic values and architectural character exhibited by the structure, it will also cause the new Unit 9 to be more out of character with the rest of the Tyrolean Condominiums. The proposed remodeling of the new residence will also make it less compatible with the existing and potential uses, and structures, in the vicinity of the Tyrolean. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attaan the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the request is not the only option with respect to the proposed remodel as the 83.1 square feet to be located in the side setback could be placed elsewhere on the site without requiring a variance. Reconfiguring the proposed remodel so that the entry courtyard becomes the area wherein the 83.1 square feet of GRFA to be moved is located would render the minor exterior alteration application in conformance with zoning standards. Forthis reason, staff believes that a grant of special privilege would be made if this proposal was approved as there are other alternatives for redesigning this new residential unit without the need for another variance. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transponation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes the effects upon light, air, and other public interests in comparison to existing conditions would be exacerbated with the approval of this proposal as additional bulk and mass would be located along the stream tract and Vail Valley Drive. The existing Tyrolean building is currenfly nonconforming with respect to the required minimum setbacks of twenty feet (20') on all four sides and the approval of this proposal would cause further encroachment into an already greatly encroached upon setback. Locating the proposed 83.1 square feet of reconfigured GRFA into the western most portion of the southern setback would render nearly the entire southern side of the building as an encroachment overtwelve feet (12') into the twenty foot (20') setback. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. Given the extent of the GRFA variance granted on May 10 of this year (Attachment E), the current proposal does appear excessive consideringjbe many alternatives to situating 83 square of GRFA, out of in a side setback. As stated above in Criterion 2, there are other ways of configuring this new residential space that do not include the necessity of locating the space in question in the side setback. Considering the condition of approval made with the previously granted variance request, this proposal may be construed as a grant of special privilege as no "hardship" exists. .hI h'\ ls a variance truly necessary in order to achieve the results contemplated by the applicant? 5,597 square feet of GRFA is already allowed for this new residence, so the question remains: are there not other ways of configuring the space without going into the setback in question? The purpose of a variance is listed as follows: Reasons ForSeeking Variance: ln orderto prevent or to /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or condition in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of stict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason forgranting a vaiance. B.The_Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findings before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 1. 2. 5. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends denial of the request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of the existing Tyrolean Restaurant space, Unit 9, into a dwelling unit located at 400 East Meadow Drive/ Lot 5D, Block 5, VailVillage Filing 1, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is not warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle. b. There are exceptions orextraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to deny the variance request, the following findings and conditions must be made; 1. That the strict, literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District. 2. That the strict interpretation or enfofcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practicil solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. ATTACHMENTS Vicinity Map Applicant's Request Reduced Plans Public Notice Staff Memorandum to the PEC, May 10, 2004 A. B. c. D. E. .a 6 s 3 E ; i6 I E 1 6 t F I 5 t : E .9 E E oI t P E6 E g s E .9 v :lueulqce$v Attachment: B Tyrolean Ch alel Vanance AFFhcailon for Stde Sehback ApplrcanL: fyrolean Chalet, LLC June 26, 2OO4 {cllf/ | Mauriello Plannailg Group lntroductton and 9ummary ol Reqvest On May l O, 2OO4 a vatance was granted to allow the floor area ol Lhe then extsttnq Tyrolean ReEtaurant to be converted lo restdenltal floor area. The vanance allowed the removal ol a noncontormnq vge n lavor of a Vermtted restdenttal u5e on lhe VroVerty. ln develoVnq lloor Vlans for thrE new resrdence (known ag the "Tyrolean Chalet"), the aVVltcant has dtEcovered a need to remove lloor area lrom areas of the buldnq and add floor area Lo other areaE. The vatance bernq requesLed wll allow approxtmately 63. I sq. ff. of GRFA to be construcLed wfthtn the stde setback (south property lrne alonq the ettean Lract). The malorrty of the eAsLnq bvtdnq e conglrvcled wfthtn 7' ol the =outhproperty ltne. The TroVozed addhon, located on the wesl stde ol the buldtnq, wll extend Lhe extsinq wall Vlane 6' - I' but wrll noL encroach any lurther to the souLh than lhe extsInq buldnq. fhe proposed getback encroachment only occvrs on the matn level of Lhe buldtnq. ln order Lo offsel lhe mVacl ol Lhe proVosed addtLron, Lhe aVVlcanL e VroVoang Lo (emove aVproxtmately 3 | 5.5 sq. fL. of lloor area Lhat s cvrrenLly located wfthn the ?O' setbacks on the souLh and east gtdeg of the bvldnq. Addtttonally, the a??loanl e ?rc?olnq lo srqnfcantly tmTrove the archftecture (bulk and mass) ol lhe sLructvre as well as tm?rove Lhe landscaptnq around the exrsltnq buldtnq. l".6ti/ F!.i.+u I I *1 ! Iyrolean Chalet Maurrello Plannrng Grovp, LLC il.Detaled Analysrs ol Proposal floor Area Removed lrom 3elbackE: The VroVosed Vlans lor Lhefyrolean Chalet nclude a LoLal of 5,464 eq. ft. of GRFA (5,597 sq. lt. allowed). There rs floor area betnq removed n four areas ol the buldnq. All of the Iloor area benq removed from lhe extstnq buldnq s located wthn Eelback areas. The removal ol these Vorilons of the buildng wll reduce rmTacts to adlacenL VroVertres ana reduce Lhe acttal and Vercetved mas= of the buldnq. The areag betnq remove) nclude: 48.3 sq. ft. of floor area located 2.5' lrom the soulh VroVerty ltne (lowesl level oI bvtdnq) | 7 .2 =q. ff . of f loor area located 2 .5' lram the =o'tth property ltne (lowesL level ol bvldnq) | 53.8 sq. ft. of lloor area located 7' Irom llle ".rt rth nr.tr>errtt ttne (matn level of bvtdnq) ?G.2 sq. ff . of floor area locaLed 2.5' from Lhe easL VroVerLy lne (matn Ievel of buldnq) ' r--?Ir---l .rr | |r.s._/FlLl 1i\ PROPO$ED IIAIII LEVEL PLAII - Tyralean ChaleL Maunello Plannnq Group, LLC /i\ TYROLEAX LOYJER PLAflv---'.-'=,=-- Sfte Coveraqe: The ensLtnq Tyrolean Condomntums sfructure, ndudnq Lhe Tyrolean Chalet, e develoVed n exceis oI Lhe sfte coveraqe lrmrtatron of the ltqh Densfty Multple f amly zone dstnct (55Vo ol lot area). ChaVter 18. Nonconformrnq Sftes, l)ses, SLructures and Sfte lmVrovement5, allows ex?ansoni of buldnqs LhaL exceed the sfte cove(aqe lrmrtatron as lonq as the ?rc?o5ed ex?anston doeE noL ncrease the stLe coveraqe. The aVVlrcant e proVo=tn7 a 2G7.2 sq. It. (sfte coveaqe) addftton to the west itae ol the Tyrolean Chalet on Lhe man level ol the buildng n an area currently occuVted by a larqe Vabo. Only 95.4 sq. lt. (ste coveraqe) of thrg addftton E located wfthn the setback area. ln order to accommodate the new lootVrnl of thebuldnq, the aVplcant E pro?odnq to remove 3 l G. I sq. ft. ol ensttnq sfte coveraqe (rnosl of whrch rs located n the setbacks\ as detaled below: Iyrolean ChaleL Maurrello ?lannnq Grovp, LLC . 48.3 3q. ft. ol 5fte coveraqe locaLed on Lhe =ovLh =tde ol Lhe butldnq. fhe area o an ensiln1 enclozed entryway to the lowest level of the butldtnq. r j7.2 =q. ft. ol sfte coveraqe located on the sovlh srde ol the burldtnq. The area s anolher ensLnq enclosed enLryway Lo Lhe lowesL level ol Lhe buldrnq. . 36.2 sq. ft. of sfte coveraqe located on the ea5L 5tde oI Lhe buldnq. Th's area s an extzLrnq itoraqe area uttltzed by Lhe reslaurant located on the matn level of the buildnq. . 94 sq. ft. of sfte coveraqe localed on the we5l ;de of the butldnq. Thrs s Lhe enlry cano?y to the Vre-enstnq resfauranL. . GO.4 sq. It. ol sfte coveraqe locaLed on Lhe wesl and so'Lth srdes of the buldnq. Ths ste covenqe e an enstrnq rool overhanqthaL extends qrealer Lhan 4' beyond Lhe f ace ol the butldnq. Ihe proVosed plan resvlt5 n a net decrease oI 46.9 sq.tt. ol stte coveraqe. 1...--...---l----| W Exrstrng Roof Removed Iyrolean Chalet Maurrello ?lannnq Group, LLC :' I' i. a!f t!ii P ro? oged Lan dsca?e lmpr ov ements : The overall quanLty and qvalfty of landscaVn4 s benq tmVroved as part ol the renovahon. Landscape areas are benq created n the area of the extshnq deck and n Lhe area of lhe extstnq dumpsLer on the we3t stde ol the bvldrnq. The extsttnq tmVrovements are benq removed and replaced wfth lrees and other landscape mateflalg. Addfttonally, Lhe ensttnq statrs to the lower level of the bvldnq and svrlace dratnaqe tmVrovements on lhe south ade of the buldng are benq removed and reVlaced wfth lrees and olher veqetabon. The walkway to Varl Valley Drwe E betnq removed and the malboxes are betnq relocated n order to create larqe land=ca?e area to helV soften Lhe feel of Lhe area. Below ts a Vhoto ol the exettnq condfttons and a landscaVe Vlan, whtch detals the proVosed mprovements. DvmVster Enclosvre Temoved and Area t-andscaped Rarlrngs Removed - New Slone Walls Added Tyrolean ChaleL Mavrrello ?lannnq Group, LLC Slars and EnLry 5pace Lo be Removed SLarrs, ?avemenE, and fntry Space to be Removed Deck to be Modfied and LandscaVed Sta,r Ra'ls to be Re?taced Iyrolean Chalet Maurrello Plann:ng Group, LLC 6 I II I II I I I I I! /,"i\ PROFOCEO I.AXIXICAFE GRADITC PrArlgr-E-E- fyrolean Chalet Maurrello Plannnq Group, LLC Ar ch ft ectv r al E nha nc em enLE : fhe most aqn$cant qualtattve enhancemenlE to thts sfte occur wth revsrong lo the archftecLure. Great lenqths were taken to uVdaLe and tmprove lhe archtecLve ol the tovlh porhon ol Lhe buldnq whle slaytnq true lo Lhe archtecture on the remander of the stte. The enhancements nclude addrn4 dormers lo the roof on the govlh =tde ol thebuldnq, removal of butdnq mass lromthe center ol the south elevabon (new deck en matn level), new hqh qualtty wtndows and doorE, new gtone elemenls on the wesL elevahon and wthtn Lhe landscape elemenLs, and lhe removal of mechantcal eqwpment assoctaLed wrth the ?rev@u5 reglaurant. Below are Vhotos shownqthe exrslnq condtt@ns and rendernq showtnq the VroVosed elevattons ol Lhe butldtnq. fyrolean Chalel Maurrello ?lannnq Grotp, LLC a : 1 g#g{aollrE ElPldEsr Ele'rlnorr g+!gE4!s@!l&!g4t ElEvarrorr fyrolean Chalet Maurrello Plannnq GrouV, LLC I -:lh. South ElevaLron fyrolean Chalet Maurrello ?lannnq Grovp, LLC ro lll. Zonnq Analysrs Zontnqt LoL area: GRFA (unrt 9): Densty: Tarktnq: Ste Coveraqe: Slandard AllowedlRea. ExtsLrna Troposed IIDMF O.3GB2 acres or | 6,036.79 s.t. 11Q7..t I dvs l3 sVaces E,621.3 s.f . 5 \97 ., 1 I dus 2? ,.^n.. e,.^ (2O enclosed) tO,7O7.6 s.t. Vlannnq and enuronmental to the requesLed vanance: 5,4C4 s.f . 9dus 23 lO,G5B.3 s.t. lV. AVproval Crrtena belore acltnq on a vaflance appltcabon, the constder the tollowtnq lactors wfth re=Vecl commtgsron shall The relatrc>nshp of the requested vanance to oLher exrsbnq or Votenbal u3e5 and strucLures rn the vranrtv. Our Analysrs: The fyrolean ResLaurant was ol4rnally congtrvcled n lhe | ?GO's. ln the early | 960's Lhe Tyrolean Condomntums were added to the extstnq restavranl structure. The buildtnq s developed wrthrn the ade setbacks on the east (next to Apollo ?ark) and lo Lhe south (alonq the Town'= slream tract). The progo=ed vanance wrll allow lhe new fyrolean Chalet to be expanded Lo Lhe west an addtronal 6.4' n one area and I' n another. The Vropo=ed encroachmenL n|o lhe srde 5etback (alonq the stream tract) wrll not encroach any lvrther to the south Lhan the exrstnq buldnq does today. The proVosed exVansron wil have lltle mVact to adlacent proTertrez, as the closesl burldnqs are over IOO' lo the south and west. The requesled vanance s stmlar to other vaflances thaL have been qranted n the area. The Vroposed vanance wrll allow thtg strvctvre to be treated the same as other sLructures wthrn the vtanfty, Euch as the Val Mountarn Lodqe, Ap ollo P ark, the T own' s P arktnq Structur e, and the Cornce buldnq Tyrolean Chalet Maurrello ?lannnq Group, LLC tl all of whtch are conslrvcted wthn setback areas (some butlt to the VroVerty lne). ?. The deqree Lo whtch reltel trom the slncl or lfte(al nterpreLa\on and enlorcement ol a spealed reqvlailon E neceisary to achreve com?atbitty and vniormfty ol lrealmenL amonq 9rLe9 n Lhe vtanfty, or to atLatn the obJectvei of thr= trtle wrthout qrant ol cpeaal gr:leqe. Our Analvsrs: The proVosed vatance wrll allow the matn level ol the buldnq to be expanded wrthout lhe need lor a sfte coveraqe vanance. The buildnq addttton s n a locaLton on the sfte that haE the least tmpact Lo development standards and lea=t tmVact to netqhbornq VroVerhes and sfructures. The proVosed addtilon ncludes a??roxtmately 63.1 sq. ft. wthn the stde setback and al lhe closest Votnt the addftron B 7' trom the south VroVerty hne (rn hne wrth the ensbnq bvtdnq). The agplrcanL e rernovtnq olher structural element= and floor area currently located wthn Lhe seLbacks Lo help reduce the overall eflect ol the proposed addhon. Areas betnq removed nclude: . 46.3 sq. ft. ot GKf Alocated 2.5' from lhe south VroVerty lne (lowesl level ol butdtnq) . | 7 .2 sq. ft. ol GRFA located 2.5' from Lhe soDth ?rc?efty lne (lowest level of buldnq) t | 53.6 sq. ft. of GRFA located 7' from the soulh VroVerty lne (matn level oI buldnq) . 9G.2 sq. ft. oI GRFA located 2.5' from the easL VroVerty lne (man level of buildnq) Therefore, Lhere o approxtmalely 3 | 5.5 sq. ft. of the buldtnq benq removed from wrthrn the seLbacks. Thrs rs nearly Lnple the area benq added to the buidtnq locaLed wrthrn the ide 5eLback ( 105.5 sq. tt.). The proposed vanance s nol a qrant ol spectal prvleqe qtven the nonconlormtnq locatton ol the enstnq butdtnq, the meagureE bernq Laken to olfset the mVact ol the requested vanance, and to need to creaLe unlformrty ol treatment wfth other properLes n the area. fyrolean Chalet Maurrello Planntnq Group, LLC ta 3. The eflect ol the requested vanance on |qht and arr. dslrtbuLon ol VoVtlatton, transporLa on and lralfc faciftte=, Vub c f acilftreg and utrlfttes, and Vubhc safety. Our AnalvsrE' The proVosed vanance wrll have no neqattve ffi?acLl to lhese E5ue9. Tyrolean Chalet Maurrello Tlanntnq Group, LIC .iJi i: f ..: i i!Eii,tur!ii,iFF! oo troJooj uz J E Fot, IL d F.u trF F UIJ -r =U z IJIJoft F I fi-q= 3, EE:EltiiEiti "EH3:zgEEgttH EKHEgg*F??g;I oOaFF<i -; i.i.i.itl .l dri.i ri<<J<X'<X<<<<<<I0 :uEulqcqlv [-rE-Iffr5^F.iViibu,r'r 'h ilri l i 1[]'l' ir QluF F irE s t:i- ; i ::l I ., i. [] rE r vil5"F.iV:i Tb u,lr l li si Fi 16 I il tlu ;lE -t o,: SEf{ z J 0- (9z 6(r trl(,l trtl GI<lotolotzl<lJI oll!| 8b O.l]olslrl!olt /T\t9- "tp .?; ; 15: q tt s! !E :!i: do ol != :; E4 c: ;EigFqi;';r;:iEE ---+ z ,); E l::!:l!liEss I l---- l -tilrtntl L ]ryHns __l IE-IVHI) N\/E-IOUAI 'l' ili lil'l' Fl:l: [-:rr$ts !E <[.] E e q E IFFF iRg* .dE4 E= AE 5551P r!l EIel JI lll I>l uJlJl zl <l El ol u.tlot.ol!el! ot-*El!trltrhtNlzl l!at.ol JIrJl>l uJlJl t!l;lql al IJJ Iot.ot: O.lt, ots EltrAl-li,\l.// I l I I I L o isru|Hffig.iru!3qT lf exvltns rErf[iSniViiou,r,r ii ,l tlu ;ll [t*-' ;E \ [= IE-IVH3 NVE'IOI{AI [l,l' ie\tidL zl<lJI0.l JI uJl>l uJlJl zl <l =lolzl4 Fl"Ulii @ Er i : e --,--f-l---,*:**I- t I i IE-I\/H3 N\/E-IOUAI ;il i;l ;H * =l<lJI 0.1 tI-iololtrl (9l 214 F1"gl-i XE url$ /-f.\fl, o IE-IVHC NVE]OUAI z 0.1JIt!l>lutlJl ul lr,tl tlJl olr!ll/)t-ot: EliElgqls a:\t-t4, I 2: n rEHS i*fl* I Il IEH EiqErf fl3 s5519 6il HJtrl i'- '.il IE-IVHC NVE-IOHAI z. <lJI o_lJI uJl>t u.tlJl zl <t El cll utl u)|. OI:Cllol:Eliattrht-li,\l-l 6 d 6 E!tdFEE :B3t qEq E=EB SESP I @ 4glv!q'1!1\o lol , .fl ;-' e EEU I Y o I rE-rfiiS"hiViiou,u ;1i ,l *lu ;l: ot a,.i o al@ lili zL</JI+lEIolot IEl lol l ' uJt /o|ol: 0_ll,/ot:dt{dlg '/zr\ l ["]!) Fi I, 9l ? E: 9rtt F88C-Ett i€ifr :5 , *5 O iil'lij il ii itl l*E ,' '',' ' ,u I.. ;|.,:dt I ;t t tl I ll I ,l rl ,rtilitil itiilii ,,lil :ttl rrll tl ,ritl lilil I,tit to6 6 lt riool a t' t-1, ,1 i i [.::l-' ti i,' .E tl. 'l "Z i- it 5! l* itl ;i,' i' ;_--!---- !r\,l s"j iE <\rgrf,;i5F.ifliiou,r.r z, :-l <l>lurlJI uJl FIolutI 3l olutIoLot: O.llol: trlgalt/T\q9 r5 :; !; zt at, i ii 4;6i F 5 ^z= Y ;I i Qtc ;?! R3 : PX xF"!i iliEsi Eli g; 11 zlol <l>tutJI PI 6l u.t I 3l (9l z14|-t: 9t-=XI:r!l! @ rErviiS^F.iVfr{bHAr iL ill l(\t is"t I =l x BA iF z Qr <l>lurlJI ml IIFI olol uI(t .ot:ql! ot:ElcAII e9 ! ! F E lt li l: iF l E Fi E? E; Eg :: ei rFi: ii E] I!] I ! 2 ! 5" ! -oB! "'*? :t ? 11 Bs :; !t ta i :1i Pdrl ,l ,1liatr a <la6; E q " :14 t?s -; I u:-.F L:l ir i !: t zlol FI<l>l r.ulJI uJl F]flotol olzl+ Fl"9t:Xlrurll/T\(-ta I\_t / ltp i!i! E i:i! ! 1 t E5! g; i i t rg'rf ii5 F.i.?E i o u,r.r 5el t$ ieIrE P !' Ei FE gii:i'! i5 i:p ! E? 5ai I F: F' i:d;;;! ; B:3n; i e??5t t t6.a:trEtrE] t E l I _l 9t;b 6E It 3 1 E E 3 Io Attachment: D THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE ,*M NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN thatthe Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6,Vail Town Code, on July 26, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council for the establishment of Special Development District No. 38, Manor Vail Lodge, to allow for the redevelopment of the Manor Vail Lodge, and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of Type lll Employee Housing Units, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Vail Town Code, and a request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Chapter 12-6H-3, Private Clubs and Civic, Cultural and Fratemal Organizations, Vail Town Code, to allow for the sale of 30 parking spaces, located at 595 Vail Valley Drive/Lots A, B, & C, Vail Village Filing 7, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Manor Vail, represented by Zehren and Associates Planner: WarrenCampbell A request for a final review of variance, pursuant to Chapter 11-10, Variances and Appeals, Vail Town Code, for a variance from Chapter 1 1-6.,4, Building ldentification Signs, to allow for a new free slanding building identification sign, located at 934 South Frontage Road/unplattedrand setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: George Brodin, represented by Mauriello planning Group, LLC Planner: WarrenCampbell/ClareSloan A request for a final review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 1 34, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to amend the locations of the existing building envelopes, located at 1390 BuffehrCreek Road/Lots A, B, C, Residences at Briar Patch Condos and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Residences of Briar Patch Homeowner Association, represented by Zehren and Associates Planner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, pursuant to Chapter 12, Variances, Vail Town Code, from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit g, (Tyrolean Inn)/Lot 5 D, Block 5, VailVillage Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Tyrolean Chalet, LLC., represented by Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-21381or additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published July 9, 2004, in the Vail Daily. o Attachment: E TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 10,2004 A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of the existing Tyrolean Restaurant space, Unit 9, into a dwelling unit located at 400 East Meadow Drive/ Lot 5D, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Josef Langegger, represented by MPG, LLCPlanner; Matt Gennett lt. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to convert the existing Tyrolean Restaurant, Unit 9 of the Tyrolean Condominiums, into a residential dwelling unit (Attachment A). The Tyrolean Condominiums site is presently in a state of pre-existing nonconformity with respect to both the restaurant use and the current amount of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). The proposed new residence is to encompass the entire restaurant space that exists today, which is 4,685 square feet. Under the proposed plan, the conversion of the restaurant space into a residence will result in a new total GRFA of 16,985 square feet of GRFA. As the subject space is already existent in the building, there will be no net increase of bulk and mass on the subject property. Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval with conditions of the applicant's variance request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting to convert an existing restaurant space into a residential unit, thereby necessitating a variance to further exceed the allowable GRFA onsite. Curently, the existing structure is in a state of nonconformity in terms of the restaurant use itself, as it is not a permitted or conditional use in the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) zone district, and in regard to the amount of GRFA in excess of what is presenfly allowed. Today, the Tyrolean condominiums have 12,300 square feet of GRFA, or 2,677 square feet in excess of the allowed 9,623 square feet of GRFA allowed forthe site (Attachment B). The proposed residence will not require the construction or establishment of any new parking spaces and will actually reduce the number of spaces required onsite as a result of removing the more intensive restaurant use. Other zoning standards including, but not limited to, site coverage, building height, setbacks, and landscape area will remain unchanged with this proposal. ilt.BACKGROUND ln 1968, the Blue Gow Restaurant was constructed on the southern portion of the subject pfoperty. In 1969, the property was zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) which allowed restaurants as an accessory use within a multiple-family building. In 1973, the Town of Vail re-adopted the zoning regulations (Ordinance No. 8, 1973) and removed restaurants as an accessory use in the HDMF zone district, thereby making the Tyrolean Restaurant (then the Blue Cow Restaurant) a nonconforming use. In 1980, the Tyrolean Condominiums were constructed and attached to the existing "Blue Cow" restaurant structure. The subject property currently contains 8 individual dwelling units, the Tyrolean Restaurant, which includes two additional dwelling units, 20 enclosed parking spaces, and three surface parking spaces. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Gommission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Gommission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authority on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision, tv. v. D. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMILY (HDMF) DISTRICT (excerpted) 12-OH-1: PURPOSE: The high density multiple-family drsfncf is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings at densifies to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, pivate recreation facilities and related visitor oiented uses as may appropriately be located in the same distict. The high density multiple-family distict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resoft qualities of the distict by establishing appropiate site development standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permifted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the distict. 12-6H-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses sha// be permifted in the HDMF distict: Lodges, including accessory eating, dinking, recreational or retail establishments, located within the principal use and not orcupying more than ten percent (10To) of the lofal gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the main structure or structures on the site: additional accessory dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, or tenace. Multiple-family residential dwellings, inctuding attached or row dwellings and condom i n i u m dwel I i ngs. 1 2-6H-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditional uses sha// be permifted in the HDMF district, subject to rssuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast as fufther regulated by section 12-1 4-18 of this tiile; Churches; Dog kennel; Home child daycare facility as fufther regutated by section 1 2-14-1 2 of this title; Pivate clubs and civic, cultural and fratemal organizations; Public buitdings, grounds and facilities; Public or commercial parking facilities or structures; Pubtic or private schoo/s; Public park and recreation facilities; Pubtic transportation terminals; Public utility and public seruice uses,' Ski /rffs and tows; Time share estate units, fractional fee units and time share /rbense units; Type lll employee housing units (EHu) as provided in chapter 13 of this tiile. 12-6H-4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses sha// be permitted in the HDMF district: Home occupations, subject lo lssuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this tiile; private greenhouses, fool slreds, playhouses, attached garages or carports, swimming pools, or recreation facilities gustgmarily incidental to permitted residential and todge uses; Other uses customaily incidental and accessory to pennifted or conditionaluses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 1 2-6H-8: DENSITY CONTROL: Not morc than sixty (60) square feel of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permifted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Not more than sixty (60) square feet of gross residential floor area shall be permifted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area for any conditional use listed in sectlon 12-6H'3 of this article. Total density shall not exceed twenty five (25) dwetting units per acre of buildable site area. Each accommodation unit shalt be counted as one-half (12) of a dwelling unit for purposes of calculating altowable units per acre. A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one aftached accommodation unit no larger than ane-third (1/3) of the total floor area of the dwetting. 12-6H-11: PARKING AND LOADTNG: Off-street parking and loading shatl be provided in accordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least seventy fwe percent (75o/o) of the required patuing shatt be tocated within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view or ihail be completely hidden lom public view from adioining propefties within a landscaped berm. No pafung shatt be located in any required front setback area. CHAPTER 13: EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG 12-13-4: REQUIREMENTS BY EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG UNtT (EHU) TypE: Per section 12-1*3 of this title, type ttl employee housing units are excluded from the calculation of GRFA and do not count toward densitv. CHAPTER 15, GROSS RESTDENTTAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA) (excerpted) 1 2-1 5-3: DEFI NlTlON, CALCU LAT|ON, AND EXCLUS tONS: 2. Multiple-Family structures: within buitdings containing more than two (2) allowable dwellings or accommodation units, the fotlowing additional areas shall be excluded from o -g{ Group lv; I Mauriello Planning Adjacent Property Owners List Tyrolean Inn Variance Application Prepared by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC APOLLO PARK AT VAIL ASSOCIATION NELSON, ANNE 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD #J542 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 I APOLLO PARKAT VAIL HOA 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD \ILLAGE, CO 80112.1436 t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 VAIL TRAILS CHALET CONDOMINruM ASSOCIATION DTINN JOHN W PO Box: 7717 AVON, CO 81620 t VAIL TRAILS CHALET CONDOMINruM ASSOC C/O PATRICK GRAMM 695 PROSPECT W]NNETKA,IL 60093 I Van rn qrls EAST coNDo Assoc CiO MARKFOSTER 60 S CLERMONT DENVER, CO 80246 VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDO ASSOC BARNES LARRY 143 E MEADOW DR STE 397 VAIL, CO 81657 r t-. HILLARY, JAMES A. & ANNE M. -JT 7 CHURCHILL LN ENGLEWOOD, CO 80110 a PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLO 122517TH ST STE 21OO DENVER, CO 80202 TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM AS SOCIATION W. THOMAS SAALFELD 62 E MEADOW DR VAIL, CO 81657 itaeUnlErrO PLANNING GROUP. LLC PO BOX 1127 AVON. CO 81620 6/24/29b4 I1:15 9784761996 ROBIN KEVIN DEIGHAN tved 23 luh 2004 08:40:0E AM MdT O PAGE A2/69 Page Z of 9From Land Title (S?) O Land Title Guarantee Company Drbl 0&23'AlM (hr Order n-urrrbe r: V50lll)5262Iiir r.rr../ (0rl!.$lY Propcdt Addr6is: 4n0 ts ME,irrOw DRIVE uNfr t valL co E1657 Euycr/Bomrwcr: TIMEIIRIJND C()MMIIRCTAL RtsAL t;SfATEt tNC. lidhr/(hfitcf: ('oRD YAt r,BY Rlsll{UltA$'r'ASSOCIA'ITS, lNc., A CON.oITADO COXT'OnATTON Wrc Informalion: BunlC FTR.$TBAFIK OF C0L(,RADO t04u{w@LF xAvliNlJll uKt;wool), co 80215 Plrouc: 3ll3-237.31X11) C(ldic ,.AI{D TITI,II GT]AMNTF,II COMPANY AB,{No.: rl)rt005{147 Acr:{nue 2161152ltf25 Attrntion: Aimgs 1,ups.1 r€ tl|.tNt !t/aa THANK YOU T^OR YOUR ORDBE: Nccd a nrp or dirocliods for your upconiog clo6irg? Chcct out l,rod lirlc's wcD $il,c 0t wwrr'llf,c.colE for dlrections to rny ol oru 5d olfitc lootiorts. nSTIMATTI OF TtTf,n I'EIXS Atfi()$,n:ffRrlicyL0-71'92 - Delction of ltxcrptiDrs l-3 (OlyrEr, troo.oo ttclction of (iccrnl llxccplion 4 (Qwcr; $t0 , 00 Ta RgFTnSCH# Rtfl0lftt S75.oO rt tl"d t tlc cuaafatrc sorgitu, Yilz * .to.rnt .rtlt crrn"a?Jon, 'Low. f15 .ltJ b l!!]:!4-::-!E:-:y TOTAL ,- 66/2412994 11: 16 9744761986 RDBIN KEVIN DEIGHAN PAGE A3Ig9 Page I of 9From Land Title (S?) O ** 23 lun 2004 0E140:08 All MoT O Cbtcego li0c ldunlrc Corpony ALTA C()IVIMITIlIENT Srhcdule A Proporty Addnurs: 40u E MDAD()rv DnWE UNII T VAIL, L\l t11657 L LlEtctive Datu: aFdl 12, 2llll4 at 5df0 P.1\{. 2. lolicy to bc Lrrue4 ud ltoprred Innrrred: "A.Ll'A" Owrtt's Polic.v 1.0-l?-9! P|oposed lrErlndl TIMBEU|LINE ccll4MD,RclAL RLAL 6TA'I'If, IN(: Our Ordcr No' v501105262 C\rt, Rd.r r- g. Itc tl't$e or ilrl+l.tfit ia t|rc ls8d drscnbrd or refcrrcd to in ttrfu Cumrrilmcnl rnd covcred hercin il: A Fet Sinplc 4. TiUc fo tlC cdtrtc Or inbrcat Covcrcd horcio is tl lhc clfcctiyc dalc hqrcof vcstcd io: (;OXE VALLEY NSiITAIJRANT A$S0C'IA1E.S, INC., A COU)NAD(} C0NR)RATI{)N 5. Thc had rclerrcd !o io t.Lis Commiltrcnt Li dcocribcd 08 lbllow8: fl)NDOM|NruM UNIT Ntr 9, ft'K)l,EAN COI{DOMINIUIVT.S ACCI)RDING TO IIIE CONDOMINIUM MAP TTtIiurcD KtcoRnF,r, TqIBRLJARY 27, lg8l IN EOOR 319 AT PAc$i 138i AND AS DEFINRD lN ftrf, CON')OMINTUM DECTAMTION THT]R TIOP$ RLIOIII}DD fIBRUARI 27, 19E1 IN BOOK 3I9 AT IACf,, 139, C(IJNTY OF',DAGLE.$TATE ()r C()LOMD(,' . 6/24/2A84 11:16 9764261988 Fron Land Tit'le (S2) I Wecl 23 lun 2004 08:40108 trM ltl0T IGHAN o I ROBIN KEVIN DE PAGE A4/ 89 Page 4 of 9 A, I.TA COMMI,l'M}]NT I Schodnlc B . Secdon I : (Rquirroeab) oru Ordrr No. V5lllr05262 Thc followilrg arc thc rtquircracnl.s to bc conplicd pith: Xcn (i) tBltcot l0 0r tbr ltc lccorDt ol tbc grmloa or tDorlgrgon of Oc ldl coqidcrdion for lbc srloro or lerc$t h bc ioeued. Itcn (b) ,ttop.:r intrumn(r) creacq lhc csbb or i.uLrtct to bc irrurtd '|uot bq rrccutr:d nnd duly frJcd for rccor4 Itcm (c) ltlnEot of ltl lrrcs' chlrB0t or rsccssnrcols tcvicd od asscsscd ogaict tbc subj(st p.tmirca t|ltcI ue duc und pryalie, llcm (d) Addiliorql rtqrircmcota, if any dbclo$cd bclow: 1. BVID$NCE $ATrStACrOf,Y 'rO lrrE COMpaNy 'lrtA'!.. llMtgnuNl: COIISIIJRCIAL R]:AL E.STAIET NC. I,$ AN ENITfl CAPABTT 0F ACQUIRtri(: IITI'E TO '\UBJSLT TR(}PERIY, a nEx.,,EA.tfE oF Dfm oF TRUtiT DATED lltAy 01, l9{t9, FRil\4 u}nF VALL,EY RF^STAURANT AssochrEs, |Nq, A CO|OMIIo @RIOBATTON TOTFtr PURr,lC TRUsTlilt or r.l|Gl,n couNlY !'oRr.HS UsU Or- ru:RMANN $1)|UIUR IDSEC'URE THn sUM O!'$450,000.00 RECORDED IVIAY 1$ l9lfr, IN B(nK 50lt AT Pa(;E 143. $AD DNDD ()FTRUSTWA..$ FTJTT|IHDRSELUIIED IIi AIiIICNMDNT ()F REII'Ti!* RECON|DDITTAY 15.' r9s9, tN ROOK 506 AT PAGE 24{. 3. E!'IIlf,J.ICli SATI$TACTOXY r0 TIIE COIvrpANv TI'IAT THli TnH\tS, CONDTfiONS AND PROVISIONS Ol"lllU'l OWN Ot' vAlr. TltAN$tr*R TAX HAVU finllN SAt.|SIllD. 4' WAltltANra DIED rRotr4 (rcRS VAJ,L0Y RDS"TAUMNTASSOCIAI'X:$ INC, A Col'ottADo L.OIIfi'IIATI(N IO NVTBERLIM COMIVIENC"IAL REAL BTIATE NC C(NV TING $UB.E(-T PNOFII.RTY. NOfi; SAID IIOCIJImNT CAN BE TNXT,CIJTT{D Bv TTIri FRr$II)ENT, wCr-mn$DnNT OR (SAlluuAN Ox'lu$ BOIRD (Cf,O) Ot"fHD. CORPoNiATrON. I] ANY OTt,tsR OrF'rCf,R Ol' IflE CONPORAII(N ON ACENT E(gCI'lIl.I|.SAID D()CI,J[&I'IT 0N BEHITT OF Tru' CORPO&\flON. A POUDN O[ ATMRNEY/RNSO'.UTION I\'UST BN PROfiDI{D TO TAI{D TITI,Ii GITAN'flNG SAID A U THOTUZAIION. THE t'Ot r OW|NG Dltl,El'tON S/MODU,'[CA1'ION$ A l(D t'OR Tt{E OWN HR'S POLICY, gd/24/zgo4 11:15 9744761986 Fronr land T'it1e (SZ) U !r/"a 23 Jun 2004 08140:08 AM MOT IGHANIROBIN KEVIN DE PAGE A5/99 Paqe 5 of 9 AI,IA COMMtl'MgN'f $cbexluleB-Stclionl (Rt{utrcmtnt't)Our Ordcr No. VStXl05262 Conlinucd: NSII': TTUII$ 1.3 OT'I'HB GENEI{AL TIXCI'PT'MNS AfiS TIE$DBY DELU'T'ED' uP0N Tml APPRoVAL Or TI.rn CoMPANY AND TIili RnclilPT oNT A N0TAR|7.TdD flN^t'. Lr'x{ li.i.roivn rnlt NO. 4 oF Tnts enNulr L ExcrJprroNs wtLL sD aMI:$IDED AS FOLLO'WI|: rTgM No. 4 gf luu Gt:ND$At Sl(cEPrroNs ts tluur'r'rD AS 10 ANY LlEl'{s oR rful'uRH r.u.r,rnnsur.rnrc FR()lvl lM()llK tnulrnur ruRNISIID ATTm nF,{)uE\T Or fi)RE 'iinur.r nilGTAuRANT Assocr^ns' lNc.' A cot'on,rrro coRFoMTIoN' C1ICA,,CO i'nr3 1;'1SU111NCTJ Conaplrrrv SlrAtL tL{vD NO LTABILII'y l'OR ANv 1,1}:Nti emtrc rn<wr w{)nK on MATEruAL FfiRNIltrD AT ItlE RE()UEST oF TIIVIBERLINE coMM|incl L RF LnST^Tq rNc. N('tg:nBM50PTm(;ENERALuCDITI0N|{WILLDEDEI,EIEDIFIANDTTILE- GT'A&ININD COMP^NY COI.NU_CTS Tt|n CTSING OF TIIO CONITMPIATFI' TRANS^CTION(S) AND n8coltDs'lDt: DocuvIDNl[5 lN coNNEcrloN 1]lEtltswll'H, NOnt: UIu*.J pROOr Or p WlIlNT Of'AIJ,TAXES, }rmvt 6 wlr, nn AMDNDF,I. TO RtlAf,: TAXF^S AI{D ASSg\SMrslrs tr{)R TtrE YEAR 20tr4 AND SUBSEQUENT YTAF.s' Itr{M ? uNDtjR $cHDl)utl: s.1 wlll. sti l}t:l s'l'ED urr\oN PRoo}' llrAT'l'Hs wAluR ANI) $EWDR LETROES ANts PAID UP TO DATE , ..**r. r N(muE ()r EEE LTIANCE ETTECTTVE $EPIEMBEn Ir Alll2 t'||rr.,ti.ris I1,1sua11 lo Cotondo f,cvircd Statutt 30-10.421, "Ilrc oouory ctcrl lud rccordcr 6hdl colkct e *rmbrgc of $t'(D lor crclr d'om:rt rtccircd trrx """,rrUi[ ,tr diq io ti. u" tur ,ifricc, Tle rurr:lugc rihrilf h" in rddilion tt Etry tttDe. fcel prmitbd by strtu' " : A6/?4/26b4 11i 16 9784751988 ROBIN KEVIN DEIGHAN PA6E 86/49 Page 6 of 9' Fro,,'r Land Titlc (sz) O t"O Zi lun 2004 0E:40:06 AM MDT a A LTA COMM ITETCN T SchedrilcR.Seclion2 (ErcoPtions)(hu ()rdrr Nrr. V51n05262 'fbc potrcy or poticios lo bc igoucd wilt contdn cxccptiorc 10 oc fotlorrilg uojsp l'bc garnc otc dieposcd ol hr thc plirfaction t tht Cornpnny: l. Rigbtr or claiut of porlies io poescstiori aol rhowu by tlrc puNic rtconrb' 2. Dsmedh, 0r ctairnr of so:cfientg. not;hown by tic prblic ltcotits' 3. Dhcrtpancieq c0dlictr il lxnrdery timsi sfurrtuge in xtn, encrrru:tnrcntr, rod unf f1n wbcb a corcct SUwCy ud trsFction of d* prcmisc'r rorild dkclose sd which arc tnt rhown Uy Ore p'ublic rronh' l, fny lieq or rlghr tr a licq fitr surlccsl lafu;3 nl prtarirl llcrctrlixe or lnrert'ter firmltlrc4 inporcd lry lw rd nol rhorYn by fte P$$c ncorlb. 5. DcfcrtJ. lienir ecttr raoccti, rdvcet clairn np 1fi411sllcn1 if lry' cculod finr! lneuire io t|rt FII'lic rtcr|li$ or rttactrirg ruhiegrOvt to t e rife.t"e Oaf henof hl prior to etc drG 0F ptpored inrutd rcqui6 of record fof valuc tlr cstalc or intcnlt or rrtrl*egc llrrcon coYcrcd by 0G Cornmilrncnl" ( Tuee or spociat agscrr'lmcntg which an rFl thown as exirttirg liens by 0* Public rtcods. 7. Utrl; firr rnpid wrlcr urd sewcr clurgei it nt. E .br addiiio$ urc or,vm/r policy will tr srtQicct lo lhc norlg*3. if uy, rolcrt io Srction I of sclrdulc B hnoL i 9, RTGHT OT fRO9RIL-T'OR O}'A VCIN OR LODE 1'O EXII(ACI ANI]I REMOVI' TIJS ORU THEREIROM.tH()tJLDTtrsAMpBEF{)UNDT(}fENEIIATE()RlNlEKiEcTrHEFreMI.sEs .ti nrsnnvrn N uNTrnD siATF,s rA'IriNT RnooRDr'D J['lJ 11' 1899' IN ltoox '8 Ar PAGS d75 ,AND ITIiCORDDD SESTUIV'BUR I' 1923 IN BOOK '3 AT PACIE 9& r0. NIGHTotf WAY I'oRDfrcUssi oRcahlAls cDNS'r'RUCll:D ttY THEAUTHOIttfY or'TUIJ uNIIm !iTAIE\ A{i RB$ERVED IN UNmD sTAlB'i P TENI nEC()RDED,ruLy Ll' llll)!t' ii noox 48 nr p ctr 4?5 ANt) RrrcoBrrnD slrpn$$alrR 4. 1923 tN BOoK t3 Ar P cn 9& rt. rlrsEituENTANl) Rlctll'"ol'-wAY xoRUlJ:c'l'RlcAL TMNsMlssloN oR D|$TRTBUTI0N LINE PrUnR(xiEiAsGnANTDT()H(}LYcR(xl$BtlEcTRIcA.$$(rcIATI()N'INc.'lN ixsmwuinr rutcotil)rrD sliPTr'iMttlan 19' l9E0 lN BooK 309 A r PAGR 654 t2. nI:SmICtWn COVIINANT$ WHIffi IlONorr CONTAIN A FORTEIT{)*E OR Bli.,vriRTEB CI^US& BUT olUTrr}ioANY COVBNANT oR REs'l'lucTroN BAsu) oN RACq cuo& ltDucron' S.Ef, HAI{DICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS| ()R NATIONAL oRIGF'I UNI,E$S AND (}NLY fi) il|E RXrtnr rs,rr SAID COVrNANT (A),Is nxrMyr UNDI'R CHAPTT,R 42, STCTION 3607 OIi' THrjUNn.EDsl.ATDscoD}:ott(s)ttl'LA'fe'sToSANDICAPt'UTDor.sNoT DI;CRIIVIINAIEAGAINSTIIANDI(LPPERSONS, A.$ CONTAINED lN !\I$III3.MENIREC()RDED ocromn x, 1963, IN BOOK lt4 AT PAGTi 179 AND As AMnNDT'D N lNsttuMnNT 96/24/29A4 11:15 From Land Title (S?) 9784 761986 I weo zi ROBIN KEVIN DE luh 2004 08:40;UU M !i107 PAGE 87/A9 Page 7 of 9 IGHANt ALTA COIUPTITMENT $cltedl'ae lt - Section 2 (Ercepdom) ()ur Ordrr l{rr' V5fi105262 Thc policy or pol$rca to bc iisucd vill coulrrirt cxccpligos lo $c foll,owi,rE rultsg lhc tamc arc dieposed of tr) th|} $rtidrcdon t lht Cornpaay: RgcoRDED AUcUsf 30, r97L lN A0OK 221 A'[ PAGE 497. ! 13, RDSIilI.CTIVD COYT:FIANIS WHTCII DO NgI CONTAIN A [IOI|I'ET':UI|E OR RDVERl'trR CLAUSq BUT OMtTIf,f{C A}.TY COVENANT ()B RE.STHCUON BA$ED ON nA(s' C'OU)& NELI0Ifi'I, $'q HANDICAP. IIAMII,U\I, STA|'T'S OR NAT'IONAI, ORIGIN UNI,IiSS ^ND OI{IJ TO N|n U(IANT IIHAT SAID COvEt"tANT (A) IS E)ili$m' UN DtsR CHA,|[BR 42' SUC'[[ON 3607 O!' IIIEUNIrED$iTATEsC(}DE0R(})IUIAIES|T0HANDICAI'BUTD()F.sN(}T Dsc.RlMlNATE ACAN$T HANDTCAP FIII|SONS, As CONTA|NnD IN lNsTRlftmNT RRCOnDnI) $III MBER 04, 1975r lN SoOK 241 At PAGU 62' AN I) AS Allt&NDllD lN lNstRUtuIl:Nl' NECORDED DECEMBEN, 28, t97', IN B(X)X 396 AT PAGE 5IT. 14. EA$EUnI{TS, CONDIII()NS, C(IVENANT$, RESTBIgnloNfi, n!:$EnvAtl(}hls AND N(vIgS ON trnr xr,connm collDorvdvruM MAp or lvToutlN coNlru\,flNruMs RncoRrrr'iD TTIBEUABY 27,lnll IN t ooK 319 AT fAoD t38 AJ{D ON 'ltt$ l'LAT olt VAIL vILL.ACt) }rl$T FILING. , rs. TII$iEpRgvSloNlt, cov6rrrsltli AND c()NDIrroN$, EAsElvlEtr{TlJ AI'{D RE_'trRIcrroNs' wHICn Anri A BURDT,}{ T0'rHn co'rDoMNrull uNlT I,r6ORIRTf,D IN scfinDurfi A' AS C$N'fAINI:D IN N$DTUMDNT ltEcottDDD I'E8R0ARy 27' 198I, lN BooK 319 AT fAGg 139. 16. EXIJIIIIiC I.^E[SE.S AND TSI.IANCIE.S. Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: TYROLEAN INN VARIANCE pEC Number: PECO400Z0 Project Description: GRFA VARIANCE TO ALLOW CONVERSION OF EXISTING TYROLEAN RESTAUMNT SPACE TO GRFA Participants: OWNER GORE VALLEY RESTAUMNT ASSOC04/12|2004 phone: C/O JOSEF LANGEGGER 3BO7 LUPINE DR VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT MAURIELLO PLANNING GROUP, LL04ltZlZ004 phone: 748-0920 PO BOX 1127 AVON co Mauriello@comcast.net 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 400 MEADOW DRVAIL Location: TYOLEEAN INN UNIT #9 Legal Description: Lot: 5D Block: 5 Subdivision: Vail Village Filing 1 Parcel Number: 210108252009 Comments: see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Kjesbo Actionr APPROVED Second By: Viele vote: 5-0 Date ofApprovah o5lrolzoo4 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond; CON0006461 The applicant provides a revised landscape plan, as part of a Design Review Application, depicting adequate landscape screening of the three surface parking spaces, pursuant to section 12-6H-11, Vail Town Code, and peforms said landscaping Ot concurrently with the conversion of the restaurant space in order to be in compliance with zoning. Planner: Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 I Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission _ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2!39 tax: 97 0.4tg.Z4'z web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requirino Plannino and Environmental commission review must receive approval pnor to submitting abuilding permit application Flease.refer to tn. r"urin"i i.q-"irements for the particular approval that is requested.An application for Planning and Environmentat c"rrioior-''i,"i"w cannot be accepted until all required informationis received by the c'mmunitv Development o.pr,tr.nt. in" project may also need to be reviewed by the TownCouncil and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: $650 $400 $6s0 $800 $1s00 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200:H3NN\Nd Description of the Request, UVO TECIIVEI] "l . ! Rezoning I Major Subdivisionfj Minor Subdivisionn Exemption plat [] Minor Amendment to an SDDtl New Special Development Districtt:l Major Amendment to an SDDtr Major Amendment to an SDD (no erteior modifiations) Conditional Use Permit Floodplain ModiRcation Minor Exterior Alteration Major Exterior Alteration Development Plan Amendment to a Development plan Zoning Code Amendment Variance Sign Variance $1300 tr$1s00 n$6s0 n$6s0 tr$1000 tr$6000 n$6000 r'l$12s0 Vtr Location of the proposal: Lot: 5D Block:.__ Su Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Parcef No.: 210108252009 ( Eagte co. Assessor at970-328-864JHYpur."t no.l Zoning: Hiqh Density Murtipre Famirv (HDMF) iHI {U;!;'i"-idV LilAN3 Mlsslofiil For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: -fOO ' Check No.: +L 7 tl:= ^ LnecK t\o.: Yc . ? By: Juq(tr. D' r//r r a v PEC No.: Project No': teroq . oo ia - Ir??l{d l$guriells Flanalng Sroup Aprtl 7, 2OO4 Georqe Ruther Chref of ?lannnq Town of Varl 75 3ouLh fronlaqe ?oad Vatl, Colorado E1657 Re: f yrolean Reglaurant gpace - V at1 , Colorado Dear Georqe: Enclosed wrth thrg leller $ an applcatton lor a vanance from the GRFA regulatrons for the zVace currently owned and occuged by the fyrolean p,eElavrant (t)ntt g, ol Lhe fyrolean Condomrnrums). As you are aware the Tyrolean Reslaurant E gotnq out oI bustness. fhe properLy s zoned fIDMF whrch daes nol allow for a resLavranl on thg ste. Theretore, once the reElauranL s vacated, the lloor area musL be used tor a VermtlLed or condthonal use. The owner would lke to exVand the two ex\eLtnq dwelltnq unfts localed n lhe lower level aI Unrt g to occu?y the sVace vacated by the resLauranL. ln order lo do so a vartance from lhe GRFA lrmrlatron E neceg5arv etnce lne VroVerty wtll be over the allowable GRFA. We beleve Lhe requesL 6 constgLenl wfth Lhe character ol the sfte and s Lhe only loqtcal vse La occuVy lhts ext=fnq sVace. PO Box 1127'Avon, CO 81620.Office: 970-748-0920.Fax: 970-748-0377rCell: 970-376-3318.mauriello@comcast. net o Tyrolean Condominium Association ApriI7,2004 George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Tyrolean Condominiums, Unit 9 - Change of Use Dear Mr. Ruther: The declarations and covenants for the Tyrolean Condominiums provides that Unit 9 can be used and occupied for any residential or commercial purpose permitted by the appropriate and applicable governmental zoning and use regulations including, but not limited to, its present use as a restaurant and bar operation. (See section 2. (h) ofthe attached Declaration). unit No.9 has the right to combine, divide or panition such condominium unit and by so combining, dividing or partitioning said condominium unit the right to create spaces either larger or smaller than such condominium unit No. 9. (See section 2. (g) of the attached declaration). Unit No. t has the right to make additions, changes or alterations to the exterior ofthat part ofthe building housing condominium tudt No.9 without the consent of any other owner, the Association or the architectural committee, so long as such additions, changes or alterations are approved by the Building Department or other appropriate agency of the Town of Vail. (see section 19 of the attached declaration). If you have any questions about these provisions, please call me at 47 6-57 | I . Sincerelv. '-64,{3"*. J o Attachment: B Tyrolean Condomtntums Vanance Affltcabon ApThcant: Josel Lanqeqqer Apnl f2,2OO4 Irrll{t{ In6uriellg Plarnl*g 6roup lntrodvchon and Svmmary of Re4vest ln | ?Cb the Dlue Cow Kestaurant wag congtrucled on the sovlhern VorLton ol Lhe varcel that Lhe Tyrolean Condomtnumz and Tyrolean KestauranE occu?y today. ln l98o Lhe lyrolean Condomrntvm= were conglrucled and allached to Lhe extglnq restauranr structure. fhe glrucLure cvrrently conLatng ) O dwellnq unrlE, the fyrolean Restavranf, enclosed Varknq, and three sufiace 9?acei. The Town of Val adopted zonnq n 196? a year aller Lhe blue Cow Reslaoranl wag consLrvcled. ln | 9c9 the vroperLy wae zoned Ilqh Denstty Multtvle Famrly (fiDMF) whrch allowed reglauranlg a5 an accessory vse wfthn a multtVle-famrly buldtnq (Ordnance No. 7, I ?69). ln | ?73 LheTown ol Val re-adoVfed the zomnq requlattons (Ordrnance No. B, I ?73) and removed reglauranLs a3 an accee5ory use rn the IIDMF zone dtgtncL, thu= maktnq the ryrolean RestauranL (tslue cow Resfaurant) a noncanlormrnq use. The reztauranL (eman5 a nonconlormnq u5e Loday. The only uses lsled as permtlled vses are mulLtVle Iamtly dwel|nqs and lodges. The Tyrolean Restaurant Building Constructed in 1968 Iyro ean Condomrnrum5 Ma;rrelro ? annnq Groop, LLC Whle iuqely .uccesslvl n lhe beqtnnnq and mtddle years ol Val, Lhe restauranl bvgrneEs on thts ate has starled to suffer from rts locaLron away |rom the villaqe core and lrom the chanqe n Lhe vacalton market rn Varl rn the lagl I O years. People used Lo take lonqer vacattons, ztayrnq one and two weeks aL a ltme n vail. roday vacaLton 3ray5 are much Ehorter wfth 4 and 5 days betnq more Lhe norm. The regvlt has been lhaL regtauranLz, whch are locaLed off the beaten paLh and away trom lhe commeroal core, suffer from lost busness, as quesls are not exVandnq thetr dtnn4 exVenence mvch beyond the core areaE. BuEtnes= has conttnved to droV lor the laEL len years and Lhe owner hai decrded to close the reglavranL. Stnce Lhe regtavranL s a leqal nonconlormtnq use on lhs VroVerLy, once ft ceasel o?eraLon ft cannot be re-eEtabhshed. Therelore the space cvrrenLly occuTed by the reslaurant (unrt 9) can only be vsed n the future lor other permftLed or condfttonal vses. rhe owner would lir.e lo exvand Lwo ol the extshnq dwellnq unts locaLed n the basement Lo occvVy Lhe area cvrrenlly occvpted by Lhe resLauranL. fhere e no avaiable GRFA on Lhe VroVerLy and Lherelore lhe owner e requestrnq a vatance to allow lhts exstnq sVace Lo be vEed as reEtdenltal floor area. Snce the e?ace E already Vresenl n the buldtnq, lhere wll be no ncrease n bvlk and matc. lmvacts to nerqhboflnq uses such as commerctal tralle, commeraal loadtnq and del:ery, trash removat, ana resLavranL norselodor wll be greaLly redtced due to the VroVosed chanqe ol use. Thrs rs a unqte sftvahon lhat s not qenerally gresent on other ?ro?efttel rn the Town. we beleve lhs provosal Lo converl the svace to restdenLtal lloor area b a toqtcal exLengton of the permtlled uses localed on the vroverty and allows lhe uees on lhe ?rc?efty Lo become more contormtnq wfih Ehe zonnq on the property. I y r oleart Condomrnrums I,Aaur e lo Plaantnq GrotV, LLC ll. Zonnq Analyors t-\Jlt,ttL3, LoL area: DenaLy: Reslauran| area: Tarktnq: HDMF O.36A2 acres or | 6,038.79 g.t. 9,623 s.f . I dvs O s.f. l9 sVaces t)?nnal lO duE 23 sVaces (2O enclosed) | /^ oa.c: - r +I o,\.ta)J 2,t. I dus O s.f. 23 spaces Nofes: 'Unrt 9 w l contarn 5,597 tq. ft. ol GRFA a5 lhere are two extstnq dwellnq unrts rn the basemenl ol the reelavrant wfth a total GRFA of I I Z s4. ft. lll. Apprwal Crftena Before acLtnq on a valance aVphcaLton, Lhe Vlanntnq and envtronrnenlal commrssron shall congrder the lollowtnq tactors wth resVect to the requesLed vanance: I . The relattonEhp of the requested vanance to oLher extsLrnq or Volentral uses and struclureE rn the vrcrnrtv. Our Analvsrg: The fyrolean Reglaurant s a nonconlormtnq uae on Lhe =ubpct VroVerLy. The VroVo=al wrll allow lhs sVace to be cinverted to a use thal E conlormtnq Lo zonnq. Snce Lhe Vhystcal i?ace ex$ts wrthrn the sLructvre today, any tmpacLs assocrated wfth the ncrea5e rn GRFA are ollsel by the removal ol a nonconformtnq use that prodvces lrafftc,loadnq and delwery, and other mVacL= Lo adlotnnq uses. The VroTosal wrll allow the ?ro?eft.yto be more conlormtnq Lo zonnq and more comVatble wfth netghbonnq readentral VroVerhes. Th.s nonconformtnq condftton E untque to ths ?to?efty. Tyrolean Condomnums Mar,rrello Plann nq Groop, LLC 2. fhe deqree to whch relref from Lhe sLnct or lfteral nterVreLatton and enforcement oI a spectlted requlalton $ necegsary Lo acheve com?atbltty and vnformfty ol lreatment amonq aLes n the vrcnfty, or lo atlarn the oblect ves of thrc htle wrthout qranl ol s?eaal Vrvleqe. Our Analysrs: The Vroposal resolves a very untqve conAftton whe(e a nonconformrnq use s bern4 removed lrom a proVerLy and benq replaced wtth a conlormnq u;e. ln order to occu?y the eVace wfih a VermtLed v;e requre5 a GRFA vanance. ll Lhe vanance were not qranLed Lhe zVace woda efther have Lo conLnve to oVerate a5 a cestaurant or would have to remarn vacant. The ?ropoeed vEe as resrdenhal sVace wrll allow property to be vsed lor the u5e thal zonnq nLended. The ?rc?o5ed valance $ noL a qrant. ol sTectal Vrvtleqe q:en the untque cffcDmstances on the VroVerty nvolvtnq a noncontormtnq v5e. 3. fhe effect ol the reqvesled vartance on ltqhL and atr, dstnbutton ot Vopulatron, lransVortatton and trallrc f acltfres, pvblrc lacilfttel and uElfttes, and gublc saleLy. Our Aialvsrs: The VroTosed vartance wrll have no neqattve rmVacLs to these $sues as lhe 5?ace s cvrrently enslnq wrthrn the buldtnq ana lhe regtaDrant use 6 betnq reVlaced wfth a restdenttal ule. fhe chanqe of use wrll tm?rove condtttons relaled to lhe=e '35\.)e5. Tyrolean CondomnnmS Maurtelro Plann nq Geoup, LIC TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 10,2004 A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of the existing Tyrolean Restaurant space, Unit 9, into a dwelling unit located at 400 East Meadow Drive/ Lot 5D, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Josef Langegger, represented by MPG, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett il. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting to convert the existing Tyrolean Restaurant, Unit g of the Tyrolean condominiums, into a residential dwelling unit (Attachment A). The Tyrolean Condominiums site is presently in a state of pre-existing nonconformity with respect to both the restaurant use and the current amount of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA). The proposed new residence is to encompass the entire restaurant space that exists today, which is 4,685 square feet. Under the proposed plan, the conversion of the restaurant space into a residence will result in a new total GRFA of 16,985 square feet of GRFA. As the subject space is already existent in the building, there will be no net increase of bulk and mass on the subject property. Based upon the criteria and findings in section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval with conditions of the applicant's variance request. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting to convert an existing restaurant space into a residential unit, thereby necessitating a variance to further exceed the allowable GRFA onsite. Currenly, the existing structure is in a state of nonconformity in terms of the restaurant use itself, as it is not a permitted or conditional use in the High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) zone district, and in regard to the amount of GRFA in excess of what is presently allowed. Today, the Tyrolean condominiums have 12,300 square feet of GRFA, or 2,677 square feet in excess oftheallowed9,623squarefeetofGRFAallowedforthesite(AttachmentB). Theproposed residence will not require the construction or establishment of any new parking spaces and will actually reduce the number of spaces required onsite as a result of removing the more intensive restaurant use. Other zoning standards including, but not limited to, site coverage, building height, setbacks, and landscape area will remain unchanged with this proposal. k,tlie - fu{;u" /avrl - 9ec,^cl 9*0 III. BACKGROUND In 1968, the Blue Cow Restaurant was constructed on the southern portion of the subject property. ln 1969, the property was zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) which allowed restaurants as an accessory use within a multiple-family building. In 1973, the Town of Vail re-adopted the zoning regulations (Ordinance No. 8, 1973) and removed restaurants as an accessory use in the HDMF zone district, thereby making the Tyrolean Restaurant (then the Blue Cow Restaurant) a nonconforming use. In 1980, the Tyrolean Condominiums were constructed and attached to the existing "Blue Cow" restaurant structure. The subject property currently contains 8 individual dwelling units, the Tyrolean Restaurant, which includes two additional dwelling units, 20 enclosed parking spaces, and three surface parking spaces. IV. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of trealment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanying DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. v. D. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSITY MULTIPLE-FAMtLY (HDMF) D|STR|CT (excerpted) 12-OH-1: PURPOSE: The high density multiple-family district is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings at densities to a maximum of twenty five (28) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and todges, pivate recreation facitities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropiately be located in the same distict. The high density multiple-family distict is intended to ensure adeguate tight, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apaftment, condaminium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Ceftain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-2: PERMITTED USES: The following uses sha// be permifted in the HDMF district: Lodges, including accessory eating, drinking, recreational or retail establishments, located within the pincipal use and not occupying more than ten percent (10%o) of the total gross residential floor area (GRFA) of the main structure or structures on the site: additional accesso4/ dining areas may be located on an outdoor deck, porch, ortenace. Multiple-family residential dwellings, including attached or row dwettings and condominium dwellings. 1 2-6H-3: CONDITIONAL USES: The following conditionaluses sha// be permitted in the HDMF district, subject to issuance of a conditional use permit in accordanee with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title: Bed and breakfast as further regulated by section 1z-14-1 I of this tiile; churches; Dog kennel; Home child daycare facility as further regutated by section 12-1 4-12 of this title; Private clubs and civic, cultural and fraternal organizations; public buildings, grounds and facilities; Public or commercial parking facilities or structures; Public or pivate schoo/s; Public park and recreation facilities; Public transpoftation terminals; Public utility and public seryice uses; Skl ffts and tows; Time share estate units, fractional fee units and time share license units; Type lll employee housing units (EHIJ) as provided in chapter 13 of this title. 12-GH4: ACCESSORY USES: The following accessory uses sha// be permifted in the HDMF district: Home occupations, subject fo r'ssuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of section 12-14-12 of this title; Private greenhouses, tool sheds, playhouses, attached garages or carpofts, swimming pools, or recreation facilities customarily incidental to permifted residential and lodge uses; Other uses customaily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 12-6H-8: DENSITY CONTROL: Not more than sixty (60) square feet of gross residential floor area (GRFA) shall be permitted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area. Not more than sixty (60) square feef of gross residential floor area shall be permifted for each one hundred (100) square feet of buildable site area for any conditional use listed in secfibn 12-6H-3 of this afticle. Total density shall not exceed twenty fwe (25) dwelling units per acre of buildable sr'fe area. Each accommodation unit shall be counted as one-hatf (1/2) of a dwelling unit for purposes of calculating allowable units per acre. A dwelling unit in a multiple-family building may include one attached accommodation unit no larger than one-third (1R) of the total floor area of the dwelling. 12-6H-11: PARKING AND LOADING: Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in aecordance with chapter 10 of this title. At least seventy five percent (75%) of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view or shall be comptetely hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. No parking shatt be loeated in any required front setback area. CHAPTER 13: EMPLOYEE HOUSING 12-13-4: REQUIREMENTS BY EMPLOYEE HOUSTNG UNtT (EHU) TYPE: Per section 12-1 5-3 of this title, type llt employee housing units are excluded from the calculation of GRFA and do not count toward density. CHAPTER 15, GROSS RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA (GRFA) (excerpted) 12-15-3 DEFINITION, CALCULATTON, AND EXCLUSTONS: 2. Multiple-Family structures: within buitdings containing more than two (2) allowable dwellings or accommodation units, the following additionat areas sha// be excluded from calculation as GRFA. GRFA shall be calculated by measuring the total square footage of a building as set forfh herein. Excluded areas as set fofth shall then be deducted from the total square footage: (8) Floor area to be used in a type lll "employee housing unit (EHU)" as defined and restricted by chapter 13 of this title. CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (excerpted) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln orderto prevent orto lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances from ceftain regulations may be granted. A praetical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or eonditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosl or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, sefbacks, dr'sfances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respecf to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, goveming physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescnbed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resu/ls inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, 'Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7, "Amendment" of this tifle. 12-17 -6: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the ptanning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessaty lo achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sifes tn the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special pivilege 3. The effect of the requested vaiance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and pubtic safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems appticable to the proposed variance- 8. Necessa4T Findings: The planning and environmental commission shalt make the following flndings before granting a vaiance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of speciat privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distict. 2. That the granting of the vaiance will not be detimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to propefties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons.. a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physieal hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appticable to the site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. SITE ANALYSIS Lot Size: 16,039 square feet / .368 acres Hazards: None Standard Allowed/Required Existinq proposed Setbacks:Front: 20 ft. 34' no changeSides: 20 ft. j-Z' no changeRear: 20 ft. 4' no change Height: 48' -49' no change GRFA: 9,623 sq. ft. 12,300 sq. ft. 16,985 sq. ft. Site Coverage: 55o/o (8,821sq. ft.) 56% (9,058 sq. ft.) no change Density: 9 DUs 10 DUs 9 DUs Landscape Area: 30% (4,812 sq. ft.) 43% (6,981sq. ft.) no change Parking: 19 spaces 23 spaces no change Surrounding land uses and Zoninq: Land Use CDOT ROW Open Space Residential Transportation Center Zoning Not Applicable Natural Area Preservation (NAP) High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) General Use (GU) North: South: East: West: vtl CRITERIAAND FINDINGS A. Consideration of Factors Reqardinq the Variances: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff has determined that the requested variance will result in a harmonious relationship between the new residential dwelling unit and the eight other residential condominium units already existent within the structure (Attachment B). The new residence will also be compatible with the existing and potential uses, and structures, in the vicinity of the Tyrolean. The restaurant use, which is not a permitted, conditional, or accessory use in the HDMF zone district, is far less compatible with the residential uses in the area due to its concomitant externalities such as noise. odor. and traffic congestion. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Staff believes the request may be excessive with respect to the proposed amount of GRFA to be converted from restaurant use, the existing amount of GRFA that is presently out of conformance, and the other alternatives for mitigating the extent of the desired GRFA variance. The applicant has not demonstrated an exhaustive approach to this variance request in terms of establishing the degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation of the GRFA standard attains the objectives of Title 12 without a grant of special privilege. There are other options to achieve a change in use for the restaurant, and opportunities to lessen the extent of the variance being sought, such as incorporating a Type lll employee housing unit into the plan, which would be staffs suggestion. One Type lll employee housing unlt of 1,200 squarefeet, the allowable maximum, would not count toward density or GRFA, would require only two parking spaces, and would serye a specific community need, thereby constituting a community benefit. Creating the new 1,200 square foot Type lll employee housing unit would reduce the new amount of GRFA being requested from 4,685 square feet to 3,485 square feet. The 2. 3. applicant could propose more than one Type lll employee housing unit onsite, but incorporating only one would result in conformance with parking requirements and still leave the property with one surplus parking space. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Since the structure and site will remain mostly unchanged in association with this proposal, the variance will not have any effect upon light, air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, public facilities, utilities, or public safety in comparison to existing conditions. However, pursuant to the parking requirements of the HDMF zone district (Section 12-6H-1 1, Vail Town Code) the three surface parking spaces must be completely screened from the view of any adjacent properties using appropriate landscaping and planting of vegetation (Attachment D). Obviously, since these spaces can currently be viewed from the South Frontage Road, this criterion must be metin association with any proposal for the Tyrolean property. Staff recommends that the applicant be directed to provide adequate landscaping to screen these surface spaces from the view of passing vehicles along the South Frontage Road, as well as from neighboring properties. Such otherfactors and criteria as the commission deems applicableto the proposed variance. It has not been established how the Tyrolean reached its present state of nonconformity in terms of the excessive GRFA as there is nothing in the Town of Vail legal files which verifies the processes by which the condominiums amassed 2,677 square feet of GRFA in excess of their allowable maximum. The Tyrolean Condominiumswere constructed in 1980 and apparently have not changed in size or configuration since originally developed. The restaurant is a pre-existing, nonconforming use that has existed as such for 35 years and has evidently become obsolete by virtue of its location in town. A fundamental question could be asked about which is the greater nonconformity, the restaurant use or the zoning standard being exceeded, GRFA? From a planning perspective, the permitted uses are the primary elements in the hierarchy of a zone district from which there never can be granted a variance. Zoning standards can be modified through the granting of a variance, and so from this perspective the applicant's proposal is more desirable because it eliminates a use that is not permitted in the HDMF zone district. However, there are other allowable uses, permitted and conditional in the HDMF zone district, which are plausible in the Tvrolean Condominiums structure. Examples of these uses include Type lll Employee Housing Units and Bed & Breakfast uses that would be conditional uses compatible with the surrounding uses in the vicinity. Additionally, a portion of the 4,685 square foot space in question could be used for association amenities, such as a spa, gym, office, or meeting room and not counttoward GRFA as they would be common area. 4. B. The purpose of a variance is listed as follows: Reasons For Seeking Vaiance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practical difftculties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing strucfures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site.or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or condition in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. Another factor to be considered with this variance proposal is the mechanism by which the applicant is proposing to increase the allowable GRFA onsite. The application being considered does not exhibit any practical difficulties or unnecessary physical hardships that require a variance as stated in section 12-17-6, Variances, Vail Town Code, excerpted above. Perhaps another mechanism, such as the formation of a Special Development District (SDD), would be better suited to the needs of the applicant. An SDD would allow the applicant to customize zoning standards, such as the allowed GRFA maximum, according to the Approved Development Plan for the SDD. Another advantage to this approach is that the Approved Development Plan could then be amended, through the MajorAmendmentto and SDD process, as was done with the Alpenrose Restaurant last year. The Alpenrose received approval for a Major Amendment to SDD No. 6 to convert a portion of their restaurant space into GRFA for a dwelling unit. The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VIII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval with conditions of the request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of the existing Tyrolean Restaurant space, Unit 9, into a dwelling unit located at 400 East Meadow Drive/ Lot 5D, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vll of this memorandum and the following findings: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship. inconsistent with the objectives of this tifle. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve the variance request, the Community Development Department recommends the following condition of approval: 1. The applicant provides a revised landscape plan, as part of a Design Review Application, depicting adequate landscape screening of the three surface parking spaces, pursuant to section 12-6H-11 , Vail Town Code, and performs said landscaping concurrently with the conversion of the restaurant space in order to be in compliance with zoning. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to deny the variance request, the following flndings and conditions must be made: 1. That the strict, literal interpretation or enforcement of the setback regulation does not result in a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the development objectives of the Town Code or the Primarylsecondary Residential Zone District. 10 2. That the strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would not deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. 3. That the requested variance deviates from the provisions of the Primary/Secondary Residential Zone District regulations more than is necessary to achieve a practical solution to the applicant's objectives. 4. There are no exceptions nor extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. 5. That the granting of the variance would be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. IX. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Applicant's RequestC. Reduced PlansD. Photos of surface parkingE. List of adjacent property ownersF. Public Notice 11 Attachment: A :i I' ii l;i E:r..: ; -lN ': :\i:\${ir ! i]:::: a 5 'lr :l;l! -cl!tfI \l' ti -, Attachment G \i Ftc$.^{a i\lq fi ; ;sJJ,* .\ t; ;;:.{; .i:l:l+ :ll !! i:!\i : ! ii;,11; a't! I ftB :ti fii;i9 ;;:J El-: ! :I tn t1! ti "t.!: i: ai . ,i i:li: ir \' ! i: r:; :: 'r' l;r: :i': !i !l '! i1! 'i !-:: !l: U Ei \-i;i:i lii:Ei $l! €:.: ::! " :! lE:i i:!i ;::11 :t '& : :5! t sEE EE f #;g Fz . pi e/ :"i i/ .{,, ^<lfiI5'"i rrr: 48. t E €g q::: .c! ;T !:! { ::1r{l lEiitl Ei;! rll !; "il r:i:jt e a '!"e ir !g'l l:!r ! EF E Lot:l:=tr lEs Hf g * oco E a I e vaE; ig. :, eY i dL ; i Fo,j J ; i ;'. ,;.,' EF9;";- : <--'iji tr t!ie o".rl 5 Cq::Ht8 T cg:;':,.i ; O ;;^id'' St r. n Eiii'v = F- oi:: u5oitooooo.tso I I I Ir, EfI|ltsTuSote.;: 5EIJ:oi:o(,GOc4a o<-l I {9 t I a{ttoo.69 =r.Eg ;A:b5 !g6 ;tr! !DsEI$eOo ,t5 -dr I;; --:-t 6 ,: (JF r-- -r6 6r: ?i. {i! Yi, Iuut d:drn ",! ..i! ;i:h5:3";: EUnng-< -9;S - " -.'x qi "'${!9i;: dlf fi:;+-s::le,.^"9 a iHiis,;"j - I j _' i-r U!irl ;eo,; b :a -"3 ! R :- 22aE.t2i !3e a;is '-'i i ii]] I . EL r+iF-l r' ITFT' ffiill j: * tf , llr tf Fr+i! 4lg| 1"9 r' I TF'- ffi ti ir t1= l.li--J tl ||tt-1 {i -T I l! (, 1 I i "J <J t -J o *: t1 El td : C' L_- r 1t t9!loao9ts!..Eg :EF!E rs(J i99EZ El 6El!rlUo fi5 ^i : .', -ug ' ..^P.'q'4 t. l* g; 3ut:,?, i ==1 o uo -gOdv-jau<r:oouu<-q<--u3 -urr-5?di';;"; d!gl6iEe'="ry_:@ouLr-! _1d oi;'E-ullu a9 ^^'; t;; = :!uluJ- I ,$ g:i3e s! r a; T I z fF o ; ,lio*I r o zo F sE .9flIo0EA.E3gg E9oq.4sEF*rtoo YO{i3 ,1-1 --- ul! 'r', 6 lo<; ---1 (} ---1 i !! I rd9 zA.= !EFa5Ao^ "oon g:i. u i,,r i 19,{lT lF'=. ," I I t -T--l :a I i,,,f I a :--rt f- lb f,- clF. e3 :lli: -t F$! Lf-."- a UlUri:i:t"j Attachment: D :.f,,{1 oo oo Attachment: E {dIrrtf Mauriello Planning Group Adjacent Property Owners List Tyrolean Inn Variance Application April2004 Prepared by Mauriello Planning Group, LLC APOLLO PARK AT VAIL ASSOCIATION NELSON. ANNE 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD #J542 ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 APOTTO PARK AT VAIL HOA 8547 E ARAPAHOE RD PMB J542 GREENWOOD VILLAGE. CO 80112.1436 t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 t VAIL TRAILS CHALET CONDOMINruM ASSOCIATION DL]NN JOHN W PO Box:7717 AVON, CO 81620 t VAIL TRAILS CHALET CONDOMINruM ASSOC C/O PATRICKGRAMM 695 PROSPECT WINNETKA,IL 60093 Ven rnens EAST coNDo ASSoc CiO MARKFOSTER 60 S CLERMONT DENVER, CO 80246 L VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDO ASSOC BARNES LARRY 143 E MEADOW DR STE 397 VAIL, CO 81657 HU-IANY,IAMES A. & ANNE M. -JT 7 CHURCHILL LN ENGLEWOOD, CO 8OI10 t PUBLIC SERVICE CO OF COLO 1225 ITTH ST STE 21OO DENVER, CO 80202 t TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION W. THOMAS SAALFELD 62 E MEADOWDR VAIL, CO 81657 IT,TEUruETTO PLANNING GROUP, LLC PO BOX 1127 AVON, CO 81620 Nv* TO][r/N|/FVALV THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town code, on May 10, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Density Control, Vail Town Code, to allow for a conversion of the existing Tyrolean Restaurant space, Unit 9, into two residential units, located at 400 East Meadow Drive/ Lot 5D, Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Mauriello Planning Group, LLCPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6D-7, Height, Vail Town Code, to allow for a new single family residence to exceed the allowable building height, located at 4916 Juniper Lane/Lot 4, Block 5, Bighorn Subdivision sth Addition, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Vail Viking Limited, represented by Fritzlen pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage RoiO. tne public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2Bb for additionil information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call {970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published April 23, 2004, in the Vail Daily. IE -\m+,Ilk Date: 04-08-2004 Property Addressr Title Guarantee Comlany CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Our Order Number: V50005045 UNIT 9, TYROLEAN INN CONDOS If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact orze of the nurnbers belou.: JAY K. PETERSON IO8 S. FRONTAGE RD. VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 90-4?6-0092 sent via courierx** For Title Assistance: Yail Title Dept. Roger Avila lOE S. F'RONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX3s7 VAIL, CO 8t657 Phone:970-416-?251 Fax: 970-4764132 EMail: ravila@ltgc.com For Closing Assistance: Aimee Dupont 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W. #203 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phone:9704774529 Fu<: 970476-4534 EMail: adupont@ltgc.com -^.-. F I-and Title GTIARANITf COMPANY Property Address: UNIT 9, TYROLEAN INN CONDOS Buyer/Borrower: TO BE DETERMINED Seller/Owner: GORE VALLEY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO 1MO3 W COLFAX AVENAE LAKEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: 303-237-SNM Creilh: LAND TITLE GAAMNTEE COMhANY ABA No.: 107MSM7 Account: 2160521825 Attentio n : Aimee Dupont .6re comAcT (3/2003 )]'HANK YOU [0R Y0UI{ ORI)I,]RI Need.a map or directions fog yogl up.coming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.comfor directio-ns to any of our 54 officd locatio-ns. -- --" Date: 04-08-2004 OurOrderNumber: V50005045 Title Guarantee Company ESTIMATE OF'TMLE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10,17-92 Tax Report SCH# R010168 TBD $75 .00 TOTAL o o Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITM ENT Our Order No. V50005045 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: UNIT 9, TYROLEAN INN CONDOS l. Effectlve Date: March 25, 2004 at 5:00 p.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Imured: 'ALTA' Owner's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: TO BE DETERMINED 3. The estate or interest in the land dccribed or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Sinple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested in: GORE VALLEY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT NO. 9, TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE CONDOMINIUM MAP THEREOF RECORDED FEBRUARY 27,1981IN BOOK 319 AT PAGE I38. AND AS DEFINED IN THE CONDOMINIUM DECLARATION THEREFORE RECORDED FEBRUARY 27 . IISI IN BOOK 3 I 9 AT PACE 139, COUNTY OF EACLE, STATE OF COLORADO. jl ALTA COMM]TMENT Schedule B - Section I (Requirements) Our Order No. V50005045 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Paynent to or for the account of the grantors or nongagors of the full corsideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrumen(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment ofall taxes, charges or assessrnents levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additiorul requiremenrs, if any disclosed betow: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 01, 1989. FROM GORE VALLEY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF HERMANN STAUFER TO SECURE THE SUM OF $45O.OOO.OO RECORDED MAY 15, 1989, IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 243. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSICNMENT OF RENTS RECORDED MAY 15, 1989, IN BOOK 506 AT PAGE 24. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM GORE VALLEY RESTAURANT ASSOCIATES, INC., A COLORADO CORPORATION TO TO BE DETERMINED CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: SAID DOCUMENT CAN BE EXECUTED BY THE PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDENT oR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD (CEO) OF THE CORPORATION, IF ANY OTHER OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION OR AGENT EXECUTES SAID DOCUMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CORPORATION, A POWER OF ATTORNEY/RESOLUTION MUST BE PROVIDED TO LAND T]TLE GRANTING SAID AUTHORIZATION. THE CHARCE SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A FOR SAID POLICY WILL CHANGE. THE PREMIUM WILL BE BASED UPON THE ACTUAL POLICY AMOUNT. NOTE: ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS MAY BE NECESSARY AT SUCH TIME AS THE BUYERS NAMES ARE ADDED TO THIS COMM]TMENT. a ^a:l,r ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)Our Order No. V50005045 Continued: ****{.*:I.*.** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER I, 2OO2 **J.******* Pursuant to Colorado Revise<l Statute 30-10421,, 'The county clerk and recorder shall coilect a surcharge of $1.00 for each document received for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in acldition to any other fees pemritted by statute. " 'rl= ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 (Exceptions) Our Order No. V50005045 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: I . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easanrents, or clainx of easenrents, not shown by the public recorcJs. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments. and any facts which a correct survey an4 inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed hy law and not shown by the public recorcls. 5' Defec$, liens, encumbrances, ailverse claims or other maJters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of recorcl ftrr value the estate or interest or nnrtgage thereon covered by this Conunitment. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, ifany. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, notecl in Secdon I of Schedule B heranf. 9, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY II, 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER4, L113IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 11. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475 AND RECORDED SEPTEMBER 4. 1923 IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. I I. EASEMENT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION OR DISTRIBUTION LINE PURPOSES AS GRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC., IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER I9, 1980 IN BOOK 309 AT PAGE 652. 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR. RELIGION. SEX, HANDICAP, FAM]LIAL STATI.JS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HAND]CAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN iNSTRUMENT RECORDEI) OCTOBER 25, 1963, IN BOOK I74 AT PACE I79 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50005045 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: RECORDED AUGUST 30, I97I, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 491. I3. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42. SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RETATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGA]NST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 04, 1975,IN BOOK 24I AT PAGE 629 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 28, 1919,IN BOOK 296 AT PAGE 5I8. I4. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONS AND NOTES ON THE RECORDED CONDOMINIUM MAP OF TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, I98I IN BOOK 319 AT PAGE 138 AND ON THE PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE FIRST FILING. I5. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED IN SCHEDULE A, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 27, I98I. IN BOOK 319 ATPAGE 139. I6. EXISTING LEASES AND TENANCIES. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Nore: Pursuant to CRS l0-ll-122, uotice is hereby given that: A) The subject real propeny nuy be located in a special axing ilistrict.B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may he obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such rlistricts may be obtained from the Board of County Cornmissioners, the County Clerk ancl Recurcler, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September I, 1997, CRS 30-10406 requires that all rlmumenrs received for recording or filing in the clerk and tecorder's office shall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right arul bononr nurgin of at least one half of an inch. Tlre clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not confonn, except that, dre requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using fonus on which space is provided for recording or filing information it the top marg^irof the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insuince Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every tide entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of recorcl prior to the time ol recording whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for reiorcling or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee Company conducts the closing of the iruured transaction ancl is resrrgnsible for reconling the legal documents from the transaction. exception nunrber 5 will not appear on rhe Ownerls Title Policy and the knders policy when issued. Note: Affirmative rnechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be availabte (typically brylgletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Couunitmeni f.onr the Owner^'s policy-6-be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this conmitment must be a single family resideuce which includes a condominium or towrfiouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been furnished by mechanics or nnterial-uren for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 rnonths. C) The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indenrnifying the Coupany against un-filed mechanic's and rnaterial-men's liens. D) The Company ruust receive payment of the appropriare premiunr. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs unclertaken on fte property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirernents to obtain coverage for unrecorded liern will include: disclosure of cenain .onstrucii,rn infonrution: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payurent of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, aud, any additional requirenrents as nuy be necessary after an examination of the aforesaicl infomratiori by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circunstances for labor or ruaterial firr which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is herebv siven: This notice applies ro owner's policy corruninuenti c-ontairring a ruineral scverancc instruurenr exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a ntineral estate has been severetl, leased, ur otherwise cottveyed front the surface estate ancl that there is a subsential likelihood rhar a third party holds sonte or all interest irr oil, gas, (xher minerals, or geothenllal energy in the property; an4 B) That such Dtineral estate ruay include the right to enter and use the properry without tle su rlacr owrrer's pemtissiort. Norhin-u hcrein contained rvill be deerued ro obligare the cotnpany to prrl,itJc arrv trf the covcr:t_qesretirrcd rrr herein unless the above coruiirions ,rJ fr.,tty satisfled. tonn D lSCt. OSURE 09/01/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of companies/chicago Title Insurance company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1,2001 We recognize. and re-spect.the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the rerluirements of applicable fetleral andsHle prlvacy..laws.. we beltev€ that_ltnlong you aware of how we use your non-puhlic personal infoinration ( " PersonalIntormallon )' 4.ng tP wnonl_lt ts chsclosed, will fomr the basis for a relationshiir of truLst between us and the nublictla-l we s?rye lnls Pnvacy Statetrlent provides that explanation. We rescrve thd right to change rhis Privacy ' Statcruent tronl tlme to tlnle colrsistenr wirh applicable-privacy laws. In the course ofour business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * Fronr applications or orher fomrs we receive from vou or vour authorizcd reDresentative:+ lrour yo'rl transactions wirh. or fronr the services 6eing perfonled by, us, dur affiliates. or others;* Fronr our internet web sites:- flos-4.-pqUlic recor{s- maintainecl. by governmental enriries rhar we either obtain direcrly from rhose. erutnes, or rom our afilllates or othersi and+ l.rolu consuner or other reporring agencies, Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We nraintain ph.ysical, electronic and procedural safeguards to prorect your Pervrrul Infornration fronr unaurhorizeclaccess or lruruslon. we ltmlt access to the personal Irrfon atioir onlv to those ernployees who neetl such access incoffrection with providing pnducts or services ro you oi foi oittei t6gitii"-irJ U,iiiridds purposes. our Policies and Practices Regarding the sharing of your personal Information Y..Iql:,!!jt y_our Personal Infonuation with our affiliates, such as insurance companies, agents, ancl other real estate settlenrent sewice providers. we also may disclose your personal Infomratiori: * to agenrs. brokers or reprcsenrarives to provirle you with services vou have reouested:- to tturd-party contractors or.service providers w}o provide servicds or perfomi rnarkdting <rr orherfuncrioni on our behalf; and+ to othgrs widt whour we enter into joint marketing agreel ents for products trr services that we believe youmay find of interest. In addition- we will disclose your Per-sonal Informarion when you direct or givc us Dennission. when we are reouiredDy law to do so. or when -wc suspect fiaudulent or criruinal aciivities. We alio nrav ilisclose vour PersonalInton'lutlot) wllell otherwise perntitted by applicable privacy laws zuch as, for exaiuple, wheir disclozure is neededto enforce our rights arising out of any agreleinent. triniaitiontirei.iiididhlp ;iihT&. glt:. jllthf. i[Cotlant responsibilities <lf sorue of our affiliared.conrpanies is ro rccorcl tlocuurents iu the publicdonlarn. Such docunlents may contain your personal Infonrntion. ' Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certaill states affortl you the right to access your Personal Infornration and. undcr ccrtaiu circunstalces. to fintl ourto wnonl your Persorial lnlonlntion has heen disclosed. Also, certain states afford vou rhe riuht ro reouJsr llll9j^tt-otl: tltglt!,me:tt or deletion of your Personal Intbrmaqion. Wc reservc the rilht. wherE penninid hy law, tocnarge a reasonabte lee to covcr the costs incurrcd in responding to such requests. - All requests subnrirted x1 ths pirhlity. Na-tioxal.FiDancial Cmup of Cornpanics/Ch icago Title lusurancc Courpanyshall bb in writing. and delivercd toitre ioilirwiirgT<iitiiss: Privacy Courpliance Offi cer [Agb"g,,*H?tfl Firumciar, I rrc Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multiple Products or Services Ll.Y:.1.,y^td:1ly.T,tllr p9rc (harr orre tinarrcial procluct or service, you r)ray rcecivc urore rhau one privacy uoriecrronr us. wc ap()lottrze tor any incr)nvcuicrrce rltis ulay cause you. Form PR lV. PoL -CHl | | t. .,t,,. i'ii lirl11It (rrrrrt; 3','?7/tJ'i CONDUI IN IUM DICLAR.r1,T lO.jI FOR 1ll]q!E4I_g0N!g[1IIu]$ II DIJCL{MTION generirl pnrtnership,Il'|C., a Colorado "Dec larant" ) , arein the Counrv oF Exhibi E A I r tached ass igns . unr ess ".hl;r ":eflF**edd.. (a) ,,Apa r Lnen tspac,. unlt contalned r:ithin fheceilings, windows and d,oors ofsErucLed on real property which As used i.n this Declarirr ioll . lr rov i ded : unir" means an indivi.dual airper irneLer w.llls, fluors.a unit in a buildinl cr.ln-i6 subj ec t :o tlre r)r()visions | )lJ I o RECITALS L fr S DEVELOpI*|ENT, a Col<rradoand GORE V^LLEY RESTAUMNT ass<Iii/rir:i.-corporaErcn ( col lec r ively called t"iuinthe.ownF-s of the real pioperty "ii""t"Eagre, -.ace of Coloradb, iu.ciiuuj-i"-hereto and m;ide a part her,eof.----- -" . Declarant desires to establish a condoniniumproJect under the CondominLuu Or""i"f,ip'n"t of Colorado("the Acr") and Eo def ,-ne che -charac fil, - -juratron , righcs,obligari.ons and ltrnira rtons of .;;J;;ili;' ownershlp.oeclaranr has execured p t"n" - io.-'ii,i"'ilii,, u". ion of oneP:ll:il:l l:l-!h: property a.,"iiueJ'-in-iiiliric A, whichourrdlnq when comDlered shall consist of separaiely desig_naced corrdominiun- units. e c" naorni"i *i-r!p 1at" ,,Map,,) wtll befiled shoh'tng rhe locatio" or,"iJ-l'riiaiil on Lhe properLy,wlrich is hereby made subJeci c"-it ir-j""i.i".r.o.r. Declaranr does hereby establish a plan for the:F:,1:hip of reat Froperr,y es!;ces in fee sf[ie -on"i"ringol the aii.- space containei in each oi ;[; ipart,nent uni. rs inthe buitding and che co_ownershif; bt ;i;; i;r.livlrtual andseparale owners thereof, as teha;ts in cono_.rn, of all of the::tillilq real properry, subrecr io ou"i"i."c,s above reservationol aII Spa ce . ?u"l..tll! docs hereby subjacc rhe real pronertyln Exhibir A ro rhis oe"riirri"n-oni"o"tii'",, ""j:: i_:1"1,. :: :I! t?i f . A i " i r. i =' o"iii.i i i.lij="ii'p'"[ i i,Jf; .ila :::::::,:r,.: rhe- foriowi;8-;;;,;:-;;;;;;;i":,,:"x;l:i;i": lii?l'llil__.csrricrtons, us..J. reservarions, limicrri..r..s-' ---'.---.",:., uri'-J. reservatlons, ll-mitaLio..s aud :"i,191::'l:.,"1r11 b:.deemert co run *i"trr-"""r, Iantl, sh,rlt ie- i., l::j:". :'ld a bener i r a;-t.; I ";;.,' i'J" " iii"ll'"';';, "lij j :::ill:,"11 .ny person. :..quirlne oi'"*,1i,lA-rn Inrer€s:::,::i:,!I"pert_y which ;s or bEcome" iut-j'""r Lo rhis :;___..".$,.u q,,J pers()n.:.qurrtng or owttirlg an inter€sL in:l:,I:"l,propert_y which ;s or bEcome" iut-l'""r Lo rhisl:::::::::' ffg_irnnrovem"". J- r,iil"'li"iiii,l'ir,iI.'iii.,, u." .:::::::".", heirs, personal r"t;;;";;;;i;;;,";";irE:;";; DeclaranE does hereby reaerve cerEain ai.r space'l:Elil.:lg building Eo us consrrucred on rhe Drooerrv des.;:-;_:il,::.: uurrsr.nE, rc,_os constructed on the properfy describe<i;:":::::',,:,"::^:pfi"iIicaity designaee,t in rLe r'rap ls,in""i"i"*:::::1.li: space. "';J-ili' ";6;"Ei-ii'.i".f,X!""l5"ii,iiiii,,i ag t'Declarant t s declaraEions by rer:ording r'sriiii,i."lil'i""t"ration orl::]l:",1:l:_:lll ._l:lt l-'"u";;i.H;;-;;-i,fi -i;. ;;;";.;i"9::::I:_!"I:ra<ro, recbldJ ;i;;i"";I"i"" ilIi"' ir"J;""ifiiiiorrecording of chil Deciaracion. //t c,z f i"/ oo ..1 ! :ris i)r',, l;rt.rt tort. ,rn,,l irs 1i11611"11 ;lrrj rle scribed irr ,r con,lr,-riiirL..rit t:t.rP l-ccol.dc(l j.n the r,,...r1 propt, rtj/ reCOrLis rr , Eagl,raotrni\.. (loi<rrrrr.l,r. tol;oLiler witl, ii)'ali- flxtures a .d !rrrp..t,ve-n:r'irLs Lhcrrrln; (i.i) the inner ,.t.,,oi"ieJ or tini! ht rl sr,._Lrcns 1,]. .",1.i, urrir'.c lsrimere r walls, f i;;;;-r,;.t ;;ii_;l; -ii; ii " Lnr d.ors anJ rr'indows of the u,rir, "nJ ii-u) cr,u li,.uri.i , lru:lsui)l\\t:'t rnl', $al j9 wittlLn thc trr.:it. The tnrn tloeri tr<rt ]1.. I!,il: I ir..r..cver,.:he-urrdecoror.ii -". uniinisnoa sur f;rr.t,s oft r)c n(.rir:tcL( r wnIls, Iloors or cei.Iin;l.+ of o u.,ic; ";;,.-- "' )l-!ll.t:f - runnins I hrouy,tr. rh;-u;i;'"iii"r,"""ruo rirorc L lr.*.r oncylll: -.]r lrn-,-.oLhor g,ener:al (.(ininotl ef emonr or parL thcreofr.ocaLed ur.thin the unit . (b) .'Condoninirrn rrnit,, mea.rs an ap:rrEmenLunr.E toseLher wirh the undivitle.i inier.gi' in ctr. !;.,nefot-,'.![ron elernencs rppurcenanc Lheiet(, an,! ihe right to exclusiveor llon-exclusive use of limiced "o*""-"ioo"rlrs nsscci:ltL.ci Lerewi E li. (c) l9*.r', rneans anv indivtdual, corporarioh,p.rrctrcrship, associstion, Erust ur-o'tf.r"r-lugiiL entity, orconrbi''tion of Ies{il ""titiu". -"ii"i'iI'at,. record ovrrer .f:ili,iX1t"tu., fee iimple i.a;;;6;"i;";; ;; more conctominrum ranrr incrudc,r i,111h"":::i'ilgilHl"di:il"1:";"}"il;.(ll rn', s'rbJect to rhio Con,lominiuin 9[al;i,,;i;;;' iaa) .t. fo;.:nrlar:ions,colunrns. 1.1 i.rdcrs , beams, BupporEs . pertrneier and supporcinlrrutts, roofs, balconr.es; h;ii;;-;;#i.t#;; robbres, srsirs,$Lairuays, fire escaoea, .entrancee "na ":rit" ;i-;h; ;;ii;i;g,lilf l .h: basenanrs. .y";a", -i"iij"i","i"ili"uire parkingareas and srorrnc sDaces;. (ivy tlru-irr;iiilatrons, equipmcnl "'nd. matcri.rs mrktng up itr,i-.!"ir"r''"'"iiii", sr..ch ss no!rt,r.I i6;ht, gas, hoE dnd-c3rr conu! rioninR .nd t?:1,:?:*r' h'eating'- refrigerution atrtJ' ",";,;;;-i;;;;l8dI;"li;il"1;: li:, "jI),,lni"jilxi, "iflp. . api,.,raLus and inscallations exlsii"g-fri !o*on use; and(vi) .11 ortrer narrs of Ehe p.oporfi "r,i.[ :." noL parE of an.1p,t r tl:ren t uni L. cr t lrt, lrcnt'rrl I:L""t.lf:::l. !''l:l elenenr:s". nre'rn's- the P$rt ,,or-(,)cruf,Lve use "", ;,1;[;#;,":itfil:0.*:..l: ;fflH,;; o' oltr. ,)r m()rc, [,ut les:; thin' ,tt , conJun iniuln units. ( f ) "Cornmon expenses', tneana : (l) trl I c,(pensesexpre$dly declarer.l ro i:e comnoir .xpen"es rry ttris,D.ci";;iil;i. " :: 9i;_lr'! r,y-rirws or :.|:,1:;;;i,ii[",'"iiiij arr orher expenscsol adtnLnrst('ring, servicjng, cou".rving, nr"naging, r.i"i"ini"g,lll:l-..,na o: rcplucir16 rl,. -g*n"rit-io,#on"'"r"r.nrs; (iii)rngu:'rncc p:-r,rniums for the In*"=orr""-.=iriie of Arric.ie ttli.r"or; an(t (j.v) ..;: o*pun"l""lj;i,,li;"tt'on :i.:il3tff ;],,::,'J:,fi:'*", cxlcn6e; r," t r,e.r,oiii " i",ri,tii.o," (g) "!'irst I ienor" me^ns t5e 'older .f ;rf'.rcrri rltorv nu(c puyrrerr! trl wlrtch i* '.;.;;;r;j hy a f irsr-nlflr!tl"1.. .rrr l-irsL deed of trrrst t'ne r.u'b,:rlnl ,rn lrrr(,rc,st iu'corrdonrinium uni r . "Morrg"s",' "[oi'i- lrrli"i.,ru J";J';i-;r:,,;i, , " ;ttd.'nrortua'er:" shalt iic t'ucte lii.-u.ii"ii"iary of a rteed t,rl (h) ,'.\s;ociaL ton,, m,.,ans T.yroIc;rn Conrlrr_lrli niur Alrsoc iirt lott,, ",,].,raarlo trrrnl:rt,f il cL)rporilt i()lt. ''| =.:i i t", ' i{ ( r) "ilrri Iriinrt', rirc;uls (jne of t hrr hui]riirrflI i l trL,{,ll( lr rr r:r)tlI ilint rri: Ct_'rrrl r ritrirrrr unitti l{r\.itl.c(l on t.c;r Ji,r,.l,('l iv :.r11,lt'ct. Lr, Lh.Ls Drclrriirt.trrp, ,,,.,,, ,, lt'i,iiicr"i,,,p,:,,u", ft:'rit;:, !or,r:itr *cr,cll (). rit(,_ pr.rlrir t), siif,te"il -L;-ri,i;;';",'il;;:;;;,, lI l1'll , .;-;,.,",....1 vrr rrr(. I,r. f,r.r tJ, Sul)lect l-U,..,r .: :turtnls rn(ra:1., .rlL .f ;rrclr iti,prover,,,,,r_s. . ( j). 'ihe co'tdotrinirrnt units sr_rl>.i t"ct to Lllisi,,.'.'r.ir,:l!.:t : ir,rlI bt. ktr,rrsn as .[_Vr,rle,rn (:rrn(l!rmini'ms. . r! r.- (k).. "Ltcclaldi a()n" fitcirns lhis lnsLrumenl lrd.,Lr ,\ri.( itu: :rnL.: r1l. l;rrlrt,l(,nl(,ni S l.h( r.L,L(l hef errf lef reC r.rlr,,rl itf: lrr, r( (r'l-.i:r rrf 1..,r1;le t.r,r,.,r,,,, i.(., l()1.fl(;i,, ( l ) "Sharir.g R;rt io,, of an owner: rsI ( t'rtr:lt.i!,e rnt_crest itt Lhe gr.nr..rJi cot;tuon elementst ''tli lt i () ltis il l.\ il r l lrrt n l, trn i i. h i,.irillrul'- 1t c"ql,[.us:li i d'#-,ffi:ru=tt[e r t' I rr r o E I t-i4sl-i-lb-e--iu.j"l (l) The rell l)t-operty j s hercb.r divi rL,d into 'r rlr(, c,.,n(l(,rrrnifinr uni-t_1r nulnb,3y1,11 i Utricrugl,- 9, f ;"iuni;;; ;,;;i;r'rrn:,isti.1i,.[ .n apartmenL unit, ;rn untlfvided tnieresi'in -" I ilc i(ncr.tl confnon eLenrents n;1purtunini-t_o suctr apartmerrfi,' ; I , wlriclr inLer€sL is scr forth in li;triiir, B att..rclteJl' :ia,l .;ir:rl ria,le .r patr hercor, .".t-ifr.'-.ill,.,o i.ue (,r non_t..cr'r1:i.vr rii:r)L t,) us* and enjoy tinriieJ-'iu,roon erenrc.ts, ,ir sstL l.l:-tlr irr l.,xntbit B. (b) DeclayrnE reservcs unro iLself and Ehesuccessor ot"n('rs of c,rnJominium unig No. 9 rhe rigirt wiiiiinse ven 'r{,;:trs r_r f thtr initial recorrjin[ "i - cirr-" Declaration tos,.rhjecr Declar:lnr,s Resetve<l Ai;-sp:ic;- c; the Frovisions oftlrrs Dccllr;,Lion anri tLr.consrruct i-fr"ioi., irn addirion to theI'uriri irrrr, virh strclr r di.rio.irlit-";;;l;;.,;,,ir sfrcn-io-rr"-p"rt()l ('crr(l(1r:ritri unr uni I N(). (). po"ir,a-,,,ni- iuic,,.,a r.cservcs tlrr, l,:l:":..':1,.,1::i'iL1-:il ,.r.,:itirirc,rso vri!hin Lhe arcu tlesignarrrii-,:n Lhe,r.ri. !ts lrf cl,rf rr I s I'ftrp1rs1,-,{ St.:ri!.citse'r to suppl.v ufcr,ss Lo i]1,:l:' ;,1,,.: l,,i::::u,o,l sp,"o, *iiii"Ju:ii srairc;rse .rpon bci. ry:1].;1.":-" r,{' a..tLmrLL'd. conuton element appurEel:ant. co condonriniumu,, , r ,t(-, r r. .)ucn addl t rons LO condOmirtium uniE ;.tO, ,J ancl t hel'.r'ner;'L :rrr,.l I irnitcd common c..lermt,uEs .rfl"if'rr. shown irr a:i.l)pi.nie!rLiir 'rrp recorded ir,' ati;'-;;.;.:i"-.i ri"iii""cJunrv, colrraJo.lr) sr.it..ll c.1sL, l)ce l;rriurt sball i.le i_n the r:ecolds trf eailie ----- llolrnt i': . coloritlo, ;r liLrp|lqmc.t,t. o..iu.rii,rn in uhiclr it shrlLrrr'rkc l)r'cr,.r'iirL'ri r{escrvlu ltr sp";;-;;;J;;r rrr rhis Dccrar'!irrrr.'l'lrC' ;11.1i trcn t,rf s,rcltrs i, F;,r:,,r ..,,,.r,ui,i,.1.H;lii:"r::un':'f,;-il.l;:,J:,',.,ioufJ!.f,,ttur',,tulr.rt$oei'(,r olr llrc Shtrring Rai(':; Of tf,a-o*nnr.r. (c) lf Dr_.clarin.rt lras rtot srrlr.lcr.t cd De cl.;rr irrrL,sllr.,r(r 'cLl .All. ;,lrit( r, to tlrt$ Dr,<. lirr.,rt Iorl rrrr ,,,rr rrrlrlrtir,rr trrcurr,,lcrtr.'r.rltu,, ur,it i.to. 9 tritItrlr r tr., p.,i:i',-rJ'"1lo.vr,.l lrcrrirr, rruc.lril', I s1';11-1. r,lrr I I lrc. L(.,r.lv ,ycrJ ,r,,.i ,rr,,i.. ,, 1r,,ii ,f !lre f,,enorrr L i:ll'l:l'l: .,1).'1,.'1,::. i,y.I)uclar;rnc rirrnt iii ir.,i'.",,or..r" of ulrrie"'l' .': \'u, -, 'r(r(" a 5ul'r.;rencnLll l.rec rjlrat ton, rrncr if rcqri ir"rr ,il :)upl'L{ lrrnl i, I :lnp slrowirrll l)_r.I;:,.rrt,,r Rt,:icr.;cC Air Spr,i., .,:l llr le f ii l ( ()nr[() e.]"errre t.]C. .. .r .-... , (,1) . L;rcir condrrlninirrrn unil gh.rIl be insr_,p.ir;rlr lcirr,u urirv i.,e (:onvuv(,r1. lr. lic(l , Jt,r. i Lerl rrr t.n(.rr|rbc!cd rrtr I .7. ;r$ ;r ::1:i:l:;,1',,:lli'i,,.,'l:t- j tlr le ro ;, i,,rr,ti,,ii,,i,,u,"u,,it nrry be lretttr'(rl vLLlLtirI I v ,rr. ltr ;r.i f,rm ,:rf c.ncul rertL ,wnersltil, f,..,ut',,ri,,...1irr (icluli rl,'. ln crrsr.'r,f inr,., *,r"f, i.,i,"u,:innr cwnclshrl, oac:li :::' ,ur.lt.l. sir,rl I b r.. .j oirl L;r rnd sever,.i lv ll ril,le fo. p,,i iorrrn"*etid (-jl)rir,lvilrlcc o! rr.l I tlte. dut ics anrl re r,;i<,iisi[,iliCir:s ol- :,n---- -'.1111"t" !-'i t-ll lcsi,rcL ,., .tr. "iu.ioi,,1'r'r"-.'lr"rt. in whiclr hg(ri.ns .rn rltLtl,.,iL - j- .,,ii,.:;::i , .. ,,.!i r..l;.1, I.:,:: Itr",r,,,.': ,ttl:: :-i.-i. i J (.1) ,',trv-:ontracL of sale , rlt,cd, lease, tlr.crl,' i.- r,,',,.'., I r()r : ri,r:(,, " i i i'",:' ;i'i,,lr" i,,l'Jil;,.,li'irfIccLing;r :t-:) ., ..ri , f, ur.:!( I L|.e r r. 0y rLs {tf ::rimcnt uni tlrurrtr(']' ,.:( slr()h,n on I hr, map, fol Io.^,id by t.ire nanre of rir l; i:1,1.'", . :.'ni ir nd rerer ..ce,' ;. - ih i; ";;.ii.,lii"ii',lfi.r"io ",J;o :::]]l:l:li :ll'1", " i L n;ii.. d(,.,i(. r Lt,e i ;. r,i i i"',,n; ;,;:;;' il'ii :r:,]l]:.:,,,,:.:.I'il:tl on.r h,, map. fol Io.^,id by rir" n"n,o of rire ,?,il.r1' --tl : r rr,,. ;r ss, ",,,, u i (ll* r!"iiff il: 3iiil"!il.rx.l;:"l"li:i"i.-l,l,r,,u ;l" lli,,l"l,lu'i,,1:;: each cc'n,lt,n,i"i"i-'i'ii' r'i. l l be ;.p";;i; ii"' r,{,rcin r r, rr,e .j:1,."X:1";::;:l:li.g"::li:}'$"::"illlit' "",,i iic. rr uccessor oi4Trers i,l conAomiriir*-;;i;-i e ombine, -ii"i,r"-..'p.-rri.t.ion srrch con; ;i,i?;gr:l; ;itn;"."so con.'u ining_, rii viding or. parr i tioni"g ;;ii;o;ioriiii*"i.,i.Lo cr-ci1re-sprices ei.ther .l.il., oa "*"il.i-than such contJcrminirrnrurrr! lio. 9 is shown on rhe ilnp fo.-i["-i,r.pn*u ot eirheri:l:;iil'i:':"1:,1;::,'"t, provided, h;;e;;;; ({) rhr,r-any such _r ri,r -iiiirui,.i;i;-":-i;ii',:n:l ;:i":"!j,:;ffi:;;":f"!"3i.";"'f'"0'i I i',lilli'ii.,iillf' Tl';f unit i.o e, -;';;";;hui"i"F, ii"iiing, l,l i:r: lt:', ;;;:;-;,i;;iffi:li :;'.f:l'i":f"l:ii#; ;3.;".,f;iilffi",ili J"il":.1:i::1":";il;":n:n;":':ll: :;"';:ffi i:1,."*"""."-^",i " i'pp L :'catrre governrnental, ""rttoririeJ, -iiiii rhar the perccnEap.crt"nershrp in t:he general conrnon elements "f-".j;il;;;;;il;;!;or . cormon. expcnses to be paid uy "ny ororr. i or a condoninuim lf, :1,';:'i; i:t I;'Tn:"31.;ll':'l::i:i;r;iii ";n":;,1;i:;i'ilir,,^ xi i lr}" nf ;;,,11:: ":?.: I":*, I:ii;"i1, i"l j:li, :.ii,iati";illi;Ii I conb i. tt it'. ion , rli vi$i()nnr,ri.. io, -,r,",'i [.,-n,,,.r:',,1"1,,,i.,i];lrl""i fil rirr. brrsis, wrriclr I r.r.r rt f (.-rr;:r s llc.o i<lcnin,,,,' zr:nin,,,,,riniiiii"i oilil''illil :l'rilllTfii, ii',;:i:il:, ,ru( ir, (. r,r,Ll(.'f. i_, i unr rrnlr, anrJ srruh piu'rri"'"i,uru* shall be scLr(,r rtr irt t hr. anr.ntlmerrt t, L'c |tuir and r_iio -",,ppl.rno"i -t.-ti,i, 'i;",1.1';i;i'|,;":::1,,i':l 5l::: t!' t!"'.i"."Ir' "iirr rirr,r -"r,,i ii - I rr. 1, r,n1. a3 i ";;;.; ;i ",T; i:''i:i- ::", f, :';:l;lii:,,;:";;, :ikil( ]:i1( lisLrs tu bc pa:_d lly_;rn/ db'rler noi iirvolveu irr srrctt conbirra_r ;,rn, diursion or p"riition. :r.r,,i,..;,r.t, ,,,,,, j,ll,.rlll:,i:?uilll:yi,"lili,",T"ercrr rnrhr'u'h 3. :::,.':,1,:.,1 r.oici;- f,,r ,tr_( :.1 r,u u, t,,i[t,rij 1,i,.1,,,".,", C6ntt<r-r:ii"ir Lir!:r unir li(). ,) r,lurli I,t. irs,..l ",,.f "".ir',irI.,1f f.a'rny'-r..,, ir.lr.r t i;rl ;ir:ii::i[i;];,1.u::fi:;i,.t"iliit;:,"iI :* luii:li*i l*,".,,',,, " buL r\.)r- I imited to, ii-s Fres€nt u.se as a rest;lurflnf anrl bi.roperariorr. An owner strait irive iii" ,ig,iir'i. Iease hisllld,:Tl"t un] g"i.t. upon such rerna dnd cc-'ndiEions as Lhe or{nsr ?:l_|":il,tl"i;l.li";.li9"i.derr,. howcve,;-fr,;; (i) any,;uch ii,r;riii:.9 I l',i: irr.:;"iirilni i'ff lii;i,'ii il.ixn{l; f',: ;:iPiil:'iii;rl:l':ll;lfitlltlt !" nl't ii'ireJ L'-r trre reasiirr c,rrtromi_ ,,,.,,.,-uu i I'-:;,,1" r"i![lll, !,:1,]Ir"::f,":,l,,.iffiiilli,,lil, r L,,l,lii,fi:i ;"jl,,1r"ii:rr rclst ;i ;;;i r,;;liori or condc,m,niun' ,, r "ui,i.,oi.i ;;;;':,,i ;' ii"l'i"ii'-ln;";*!:':n:f :lrf "l"i;n;;t,',.-" lil i il : l?iii i',1.J,::i.l:,;'ll,':,'i I ;;il :,1; I ":l:,' jii i,,i:,...''.Lls( s lrrc ,ridttl nerci rr.r[,ove ,lt,l r 1i,l .,,,_ - r..i' I ;.::lllil, iii:, Tll "iitli":l_ ii r l' ;1. t:3,, li:l :.i.: f " i,, I ":;,i.. ii;;";:l':lt.l;iir.,iil:i,,li t,,:"111;i:'i:; ;:::,, ;: i::":"::;,,;r:.. f.i) ,Tlte Ar:sel iltion shal i h..rvc the ri,tlr( roci)argc reas.naille admlssion .rnd ()tller ie"s f,rr ft* ,_rs.j tri--r.( rLirt ic'rral f:rcilir:itls, il ,,r_ry, "iiroio ul)on or rdtiich is aPart r)f tlle Etjneral ( crrrDon cr er,lont.s i. Condr: :,i":.,tti I jj"*,', l"T,iljl; lilil,:liflllli:::iji:i::::t l": r'li aor r('curd in Eaglr g:y,rry,.iri;;;;",";i; Hnp, vrrich shatl c(,rlLarn: iii !i;"li-#i" l:::;i: il.:":',::;, ljti.i: ;il!l:,:ili, :pi;" """' exter:or boundaries :L lh" t"nJ, -oi"ir.r"'i"fiai"i-r-.i .if-..-o tlter j.mprtrventenL s br he. r I oo'r p r,"" "i.a"ii'il "l'u ll"ll tlll' lr'!nlni. l::i;,,ii) . n.bui. ldlng includin,r tr,e op.rlnuii:-.,iii"l' arr" general conmLrnelemcnrs which ari no.. B pa:t (;f any "priir"rrc unic, and theI imired cortrn()n elemenrs, iJj -t rr" aliiiifiiiion by nunber orother symbo _ of c,ach :i. iqi:rii;nsr"::s lii'i*"i: ::ii i :i, i:li:"" Fiiiiilll,,.. _'.,,t:.lu,tilF r^hc nparrmenr unics, -as '""iiuiilJii.a-iror-"-j"..i,n,,,', I)lane, rl.re disrances beEween ffoors-ina-irifi"C", r.a-it"..Iinear nczrsuremenrs strow-ing tl,J"ini"[nl"i""r the perimeEeruarls of che buildlng.. u.Er"iu"i ;;;;;;;"-ir;-.; i;;ffi";;.to exceed suvon yeari f.rom che infcfai-rlcording of the Map,tlrc ri.tihc^ ro amend rlre M.p fr"r-lii!*i"-ii",u .o conlorm it to ii:riiii:li"::.:3t";i,:l: ::lltj;:"li*ijli*":ii"**i:,''"acces$ r-'oati easernenrs cnd'off siiu-puttiii "t""". rn addition,lr.claranr reserves,rnro rt".if-;;; i;;^;;E,:esecr owners of ;iii:l!litiT,ill,.ft;,l,ll", :ig'i,i""lull.i;:,;;t. ii,*l ii,,,,, 1:l::::l 1,I 1ry.,,:..:. pursuanL r-o r he re".ii.cron" se,r Lrrrth insulrplrrlp.rirplr 2(b) he:oin.o:. frum tt,"-"oinUfn"t1on, dLvl slonor parli"rion of condominlwr "nfr Hol i-pui"uor,a Eo rhcrescrvaLior:s ricr forLh fn ,,ut liri"!i,pf, Iirl hercin. 1. ggl1gg.. t C"m"o,, litem.n ,,w,t:ri in.:,,lr..ili,,i!..f;:":;;il.:"lT:'"f;"iT"l!i"il.,.1lu?ir,.,"r. NL\ o'dnr..r shall as.qe.rc_-any riglrt of prriiiion rrtrh respecC cot lrc ,tcnerrl conlnon elemenrs-. - Each l*n. i'"o i.ruu any and all .t i"t,l",li,$il:i. i;,J.f:"1^l,'ilil-:i":iiF:"li.lt:;l#ii,,:i'. t. cnar I L in cotffnr,n !rith ,, h; r r'n; .i. - r,":,. ij,l,' ii.;l: ::t;1" ini i ";n.t llinl'li*lif lr., .,'r I ir s i rrll lr, conelorrrirrir :r, i "ii,1 ii :itii, i:ii: fir il ili.ii:li:.ffiiir ji:,*ir:.; r;:,:::1.:.:l'r,1,.:li |,.,irion s,haii ;.,;i-i,.:-;";;1,,,,.r r,, mc n itii,;ii'li,.t':ii'11".?',,1'"tiEion or a condorninium unit, noru,,it n"f..iiii"'i"iari,i'l;;:i,?;t::;:"ll]0",\!ll,l"lj"lilr ; il"lliS ;"li'll"?*:i.:lTl"it;li'; ;:3;j:lt*ll.;ilj"5i: " lilieii.'i:.::ff:tit5: ;il;.:li".:l,il:.i:il;ti,*ro; ".parLirir,n of ccndomini"T u"i! fq". -S-pJI."I.,r ro ,creicrv;r' lons set fort:n irr srrh^o,-., ,:;-;;_Tr;iiit ;*.llr.:ri,r.::::irlli;I,!i:iiiir";u:i:r ii",,hr Llre,. ,un elLnrcnrs of, or rh;-p!;;;;;.ii,.", comnr..)rl:xffHii,;,n;'ll;l"lit,l,"il.!flil.i'"t-iii""i''oa i"'',"i' (!) Each.or"rrer sh;rrl be enrir led Lo use Lireileneral COlrut(rn elCnl,.nr* ih !^^^,,r.,,,.,ilenerar colrur(,n e lcnenrs ln. accorrlarrc" "iiii- r lre purl,.lse Ior!thich thcv a-re rucended- !ri rh^!,r hi^.r^-r--Ll.ll^dilt r.rirhour hindering, i,npL.tinir or ru-les.and r.,r:ul.rr ions d,.rt-u establ :.sh*J-i:ri.!,tine to r. :ne by fhe Assor.:i;r, iorr- _-l_ ."!. 1 (c) lhere _is herebv creuterl, r.,n easentenL,\ii'on, ncrcr$s. over arrd undet all ,r]. the gtnerul cot,,nron. i{.lri{,nt.{ f r)r ir_.!ircsa ;rntl -oJit.crrs, l.r:ntnllatfon, rcp Irr,':crncrrt ,rr".irrt ,'t(l rrrsi111q,1y111111.r of .ll utii.,!i[,]t, trrc L,ldt,,rj t,,i not'I tttrilr..tl to w,ttcr, solrl:rs ,,,/t$,. t6l,_,ph(lner on eloctr iclty,An (.itri',t:ir, r_ is I urther. grarr.erl tu ait oot:.ce, lire procecLlonirnd__anlbular,ce perso.rnnl, and aIi "irrt"i-por"ons co enterupr)n Lhe g,eirernl comrnon elemcnLs ""a i"nOirnfniun units int.r' pt rf'rm,,ircc o{ c}rerr dur a;;;. '-f;r;;;,il nn .o"oment ieI)dreby Frantr.d to rhd Assocla-ion .; ;;;;; In, onro, above, :1:-:?": <.rr. under f ne g.rnera I c()rEnon " t"reni" and any . "ori.jo- , riirrlrum uniL ro perfornr the duties of ,rini"n"ri."-l;,r-i"iii,to ilay condomini.um lrn:.t or trrc tloneraf ""*nou er.emcnts. Not-Ill]l;:.rl.tin,', anyrt.rtng ro rhe . on,ini.i-"onfa{ned in cti" 1,oi,,.,'.r'irl)ll , nd s('wers, elcccrical lince, iaiei rlne$ or of tteruLiliLLcs rnay be insratl;d-;r-;;i;;";;;'=;n rhe gen€ral connrr<;n:l:T::.1"^:.::!: "" apprr.rved i:r-ir,.-i"..*"i"rro.,, and anylr!lrlLy or- cDmp.rny in rhe_use'of the utilicy easemenE g!anredrlcrcin shal.i be resoonsible fo, ."y-a.r.i" ao.ny genr:raIcornmon. element or cosc. incurred by- the Aisociaf.ion as a resultof suc' daruaqc-.and shall b;-;;qrii";";o";;ornprry rcsrore anv,'f rhe licnerril cornnon el enents di.sturbecl or damaeed bv srrchll: ,' t j rI, e r c.,rp{'ry in - rha, ui; ;" i ;; -;i-riy"i r'iii"ii"rii;n i"''"unJ('r Ltre ur ility c{l$ene,fit l,,runcotl heretir. Stroultl auy uLtlitv::-:?:.p:]']|-1urnlshing.a."orvl""";";;;J-ili'iiiJ-ii""iil'nereln requesu_ a specific ea€entenL, incluciing a vehtculareascmenE, the Associacion nay granE such .n ersernenc Eo chep',<,neral conmon €lemen'is. Uy "'sEp.iit"-i""i.,r.o l_ns t,runen tt^ ttirorrL cr.-rnl ricLing wir.h ihe t"l**-ri", ""i-.,na wttlror.rE consc.lt:,1.:t':.:ll"'s, beini. reqrrrrert. --ii;; ;;;;ilnts providecr for tnl lrls PJrJitruplr slrall irr no nray al tect any"<,r.her rccord(,d(r(r.scln('11[ to tllc l;cnerul cor,rnr:ir el(trnenf s. (d) 1 f any po{ t ion oi the g,enera I c()[tmonelcmenLs n'),, encroaches upon arty aparfment uniE, or if any,rDarL$erf uniL now encroaches uir,n'any ofh", oprrrulent unrLo! upon an)' porcion of the geneial "oi*on etemints,-;; ;-'--resrlr of Lhe consLrucrior;f ""i-u":iJiisl ;; ii-;n;-_;"r,( nr r /rl( lrn,r.nL r114 [ [ 1,csur'. lr*ro,,fCir-n" -.-rl,i"f i _;i ;;t r ii;;:I :tl t, t t.Lrur, ul lny bu Jlng,, , ""i iJ 'uur*iin. lor rlrerncro;rLhnc'.r': and for che-maintenarr;; ;f";i;; s.rne "o iong .stirc building scarrds, "trari uxi"ll"-i"'irru""".nc any building,anr.' ep rtmenu rrnic. any,adjoirring .p".cr"ni u...i:, 6r any-- -. ;rdJoi n:n11 5',errcral conlmon eleurt.nt, shalI be partlally ort(,tal It' :i('sLroy.jd ;rs a r€.sult "f 'e ire-or-i1il., "riuitiy o,ils l rcsul!. oI c ondr_,mn a L ll.,n ,, entincnt Aon,uin prn"u"afiffi,lrrr.i r.hen rcl..rilt, cncroachme"l"-"i' p"it:J''"i rn" general .:jrln,],"n- elemerir:s. up)n any aparLncnr ,rir or of afiy ip.ir*.nrurrlE rrpon :1ny olher ilpartment uiriL or upon any poif iirn crj, ;tre_;cneral,conrnori elemenr s, clue iu-""J[-r"uultii.,g,, "tiItt)e perrriIced, atrd vr,lid e.r.sernenLs frr-"uct,-encroachments and ll,ir'l'"ll,lil ]rrce rherec f si,.r r -oxis i "..." i.ir: as the bui tdins (a) If nny uwntr slrall cnurie any m&terial robc iur nlshed Lo lris lparl,ncnE un-L or any labor rc, be per:fornle r.ltlrer.'in l'r thcrt,clrr, no ogrnet of ;111-, "Lta,i ",rn.fo,ninl.um unllstraIl under lrry circumstanets bc li"frfe-i,:i Lhe paylrcnL ofany c':pense incurred or for- the vi,lue of "ny work done ornJ;rterirl furnished. ..\ll such ,"rt st"ti-U!''at the expense ofLire c',,incr causing ir ro be ao"u, '.i,J-, Jc l] *owner shaIl beso).ely res;ronsibfe to contr4cLors, laborers, materi-aImen anrl()l-l'icr per.scns f urnishing labor or'mar*riii" to his .rparlmenL :l:1, ": .,.t:i improvencr.rrs rhercin. Nothin[ herein "oi,rri,i"J5'r.'rr aur-nortze an) olJner or. any p€rson di,aling chro.lgh,wrLn or under anv owner l-o charge'rt,. [u"eiat coulnon elcnrenLs $'SlfaU: _s-_.1,r_(.r)s"r- l-n(lc'nn ! f !I!rLj!,n. jii:j tl iii i;,1 -6- ..t.: l..ii , i :i,, .-*-;!. .t '1:l .r itny dparLmcnt unit olher than th;t of such owner wtLh :rnvr,u,ciranic ' s I len or other I i-en or ,:n"umt rnn"." ;ii;i;";;:" 6;;,tll(' contrlry (and noLlce ts herr-lri 't,i;;;t !h,, rtp,l)t {ndp(,L(,f l.i, t',rr.11c' ;lny I l.,u .r. r.urr'ui)l:rnc" of -u,,v-kilni ii'ur,,",I lr.. r',r'.or.rl e otr'l(r' clr,t tt.t.$ u, ,,,,"i,,,ri-,,i,y t',*ru, or ltny.'^.t'r's *l)ilL't.nrr'lrr untL for wu.r* ii,ine or"matertnts f urnrsrrc(lt.o iiny otller o\.'ncr's uFilrtlnent uni.t i.s trcreby ..*f r*__ i1, "-- .icrr i ed. (b) If ,.br.cause uf any dct or omisslon of J:rll:, ownert anv mechanlc, s or othcr tiin or orrler for tlre ili::l: "i *oncy shall be flled againsr rhe general comnron:::i:lt-r or againsr unl--o!hu: ownir's *partminr unit-oi inylinprovement.B thereln, or agaIns.: .ny oci.r"r owner (whether 6rnot such lien or order is ialid or i,nioiceat,le o"'"r"ril.- tfiutru'ner $'.se acL or onission for:nrs thJ tasia for ;""h-li;"';;order shall at his own cost un.t ur,i"i""-Ii,rs" ttre same to becancelled and discharp,ed of record'or bonded fry a "ri"ty- -- "91.p:lny reasonably acceptable ro che .tssocIatt6n. oi-io,auctother ori'ner or ouners_, wlthin 20 days aeier ttre date offiling thereof, and further shait iiiienniiy anO save all theoth€r uni! or.,ners and rhe as..rci"tion-iililro"" from andiq:i!*r a1I antl . r1'l coStc,- u*p.n"." , --.iiims , Ioeses orllf,..r9lll i.ncluding reasonable- arLorney'!r fees resuttlngt Irt,re I rom. 6. Adminislratlon and Man.lFcnenE. (al Tyrolean Condominiunrs shal.l be adrntnl-:iLtrcu lnu nl..utatc(l r,rtrsuBnC to tlrle DeclaraLlcrn, thearticles of incorporacion anJ-rtc-Uyir""-"f the AssoclaLlou.[ach or"ne r shall Le a nrcnl)(,r of in"'e""o"iation and shallrcmai.n a mcrnbcr untll he i:eases io-Uu-"n-o*n"r. Each member:litl""g:rptV sr ricrly-wrrt, rn* pioviJfo=ns-of rhls Declarari.onand o! the artlcles of incorporition ancl bylaws of theAssociaLlon, The Associartoir sh,rli -tra;; ;h" rtp,tri io-pront,l-p-aLe and enforce rulr.s governing the use, m4lntenance and 'ppcarance of rhe general coru'oil ;I.il;a; and shaIl have rhe:il!l_:? :1"its:l an! parking-d;;";-i;l;i gen"rar comnonclemenls Chac lrave not bgen dleignared ," ifmftea comnonelcxrents. Each member shalr _be E""iJ-ti-."a "[.ir-""*piywirh rules, resolurion" ana aecrsi;; ;'f iire associationtluly matJe or trdopte<i in rhe 'n..t'rtr"r: - " " c - ioiirr rn uhis Declaraelonor in Lhe arrictes or rncoipoi";i;r-;; ;;i;r". Fatture ofthr: _nrenrbtr ro conply with sirch pi""i"irii, rules, resolurlonsor decisions shati be grounds f;, o;-;;li;n Lo recoverdanages or- Lo obLain iiiJunctive ;"Ii";;-;;' borh, mainrain-abre l>y ttrc Associ€rr lon-on bchati "i-iti.-ortror "*".i"-"il l"a pr()lrer case., by an ntri1;rleved owner, In addlcion, tne-' -" Associat.on's by-laus.n.ry auchorjru ih" Assoct,.r iori, Juring,ll! tr9.i,',1 of arry rlelinq'uency, <rl rn i""ute a clel;lnquenr'--u'irner' s ri r;hE Lo use general.- .or*,on ., f .r"nts and (b) cosJspend a mcmber's voiin4. prtvil..iicsl ";;;;;.r, no srrclrsus;r(,ns Lon shll I af f ect t hc r i-r;l:t.i; oi- a f trct 'llenor. (b) The Associat ion and its members shalladopt no rule, resoluLion or ,r"ciiion'noi-;rk; ;;;i";-'i,i-r.ymanller whaLsocver thaL woul.d interfers wirti cne reasonlblcanu rrormal co mcrci:tl.actlvlties to bc carrled otr ln and:rr.und con<ioninium unrE No. 9, and rn-poiii",,rar the reasrr.able:ind nornr,.rI acri",,'it1e.s carrled on in-ln!-oi"r"Lion ot are$taur anc artd lrar btrsrncss. 7. Malnrcnance an-d Repalrs. - . i _, ^--__., , (a) E&clr _owner shaII be respons iLrle forn,aLnLenance and rendir of his apartment unll, includingIixLu-e.s an<] improvemenLs and_"ii-"liiiri"itne",.nd equlp-n.Ln! locaEed t_hLrein an.r s"i"inlr-"J"f,'unic^"nfy. ln per_t()rnlng such mainEenancr or rep,iir, or in-irnproYLng or 1!rrL.:ri, 7- i:i,! ll'i; :, 1i ' '.''! ''. I iii! lIt,]rlnti htc apa-rtmenL unlL , no owjrer slta I I rlo ,rny act orwork whlch imir.l!1.s Llle FLrriciural lourrdiress ,rf any f,.if ii"r,ttt'vlrlch lnLer.Icrts vl t,lt nrrr. c4 $e: 1.nt . lr,^ 1i_.r.-, -- (!l Tire general cormnon elemenrs (lncludingttre lLflltLcd comrnon elements) shal L be adni.nistered, uonseir,.,J-ll?:t"j t..*linra ined, repa ired an,i rep toced tt -;i,;-,i.r;;;;;;i;; :wr)lcn milv ndvc ..,cccas fo. any unlr. from ttme lo tlmc durl.ngrr\nsonlhlc hours Iur sur.h pirr[,onr,.,-or ni"nni tf,r"-foi-iii!prilp(,sc of maklng omerg.ncy rbpurri thaieln neces$flry ropreve.L darn{rpc to the f,en€i'aI ior,rn,,-n clemcnts 0r ro anoLllerirl) rLr,r|'ltt unIE or untLB, Tltc (ostn.;f rcpalrlnt rnv dlm ucLo irn ,tiri'rtrnent untc resuLttng, from cntry thercin for flrry".srrclt purpcse siurl I be a comrncrn exFensc ok all the owners .ilor{evFr, lf ri.e need to mu-:e suc}r' entiv iesult,s f r,orr, ihe'negll.,ence or tnlenti.onal acc of any oi"nui, ti" famlly, ?P,l"t,gr inviree, such owner ahall ieimhursc the Assotiaciouror aII tlre cosLs of r-eprrirlng such damnge and shalI beliable co the or ter owntrs f;; ;I1 ";Jiiion.r losses ord'im:rgcs s'.itfered, including r"u"on"frie-"iiornoy," iu.r. (c) NorwlrhsEandlng rhe foregoing, ({) eactrouner. lraving an rnrer.est rn limttet "u*o. .i",treiiis '.i,oi i-Ir.rv Lhe proportIon of !he costs and expenBes of nulnt;rlninr,.repilLrrn" and repracinB any llmLted coimnon elemencs <lf wnt ftisucrr rr^r-.er h{|s any-u6e and enJoyment, the nuneratoT of whlchLs r:rs p(,rcenL{rge lnterest 1n general cortrnon clements attclthe dclromtnator s1; whlch is ttrE rocat f"i""ncrg,. intcresL lnp,ener.l cornmon elements .of . all person"' frr"f"g ;;y ;;;-;;e -" :';J3ry T_!,lhcreof, and (1t) "r"h or"nei "tntr"poy'all cosrsot rci/atrtng- any_damage Eo Che general common eiements\rncrudlng the Ltmited conrnon-elements), or to any aparlmentunlL otlrer chan trls own, resulttng-ii";,'the tnrent{oi,nf .,ii-()r negl lg<'nce of such ownrr, hls irrmlty, -ngent or invlLee. 3. Assessrnt:nts for Connton ,Expenses. (a) f,xcept d3 set forrh in subparagraph g(e)hercin, euclt owner shull'pay t,ts-pio-irta share of thecolunon :Ipenses, whlch proration shall be ua<lc on the bas{sor r_ne btrartng Ratlos in effecr on the date such cortrnonexpcnse ts.a-ssessed, excepc. Lha.J wlEh ,"sp"cr to unoccupieduntts owrled bv Dcclarnnt,- thc Assoclatlr:n' ehall asseasI)ccI rr;rnt ,rnlv 1f i rre .3$5c$smcncr assesged !,1Lh respect toaJ I. crrrrrlrrmlnlutn u.rlts not owned by lfcclaiant or occunled bvDecl.uranr :rre insuff lcienr, in rfii"ii-;;;;-;."i"riii-!rr"ir", L', e assrssed for all conclo.riniun ;f;r-;;"; ,,.,r uno"",rf iuab:/ 1t in rh... n[],Brei:{rre r an amounE equal to rh; a;"il; -;.q,rr r",tLo meeL actu:lI expenses of tlre Assoi{at{on not to excc,etl enitmourrL equl I to the l)ro rat.! sharc of rhe corlrnon e:(Denscsuccrdranl would be requlred io pay lf all of Che coirdomtnlumunlEs or.,ned by Lt were occrrpled'. (b) Thc board of dlreclors (rlrc ,,Board,,) ot.tha Assoularlon shall f rx, decei,"t;;--i;il antj collecrr'.ntrll and special naaessmcnts to be pntd'by r_.ach of-ifr"owncrs fo neet re conmor. exFenses and to cieaLe a corrt.inAency '.'esr.:-ve clrcrefor. prtor to lt,c ueginii r"g oi-_i"r'r-ri;;;i"'-"-,ycnr of !he Assoclar_lon, lhe Board*shall''uJopt a budt,,et forLl.raf- ye r. The budlict shall lnclude, tur--"f.taf f noL beilmlced_ro, un estlfrrrre of che ;;;,;'ui-n,ui.cunnnce, repatritttd.rcptacemerrt of !he g,enrrraI a.ru*oa, - " ]. o*nn t s , t.tr. c()st ofut lllLtes and ortrcr s.rVl"n" -i,,-b;;;r;iil; by Ltr{f Assoclirriorr,.the ccrst of insurance requrred by i';;;t;;;1, 9'ter:ein,-:,n; ----" qt;<tqosgcl capital e xpenCtiure.t. ii,e bu,tr,,ct strntl tnclutle anacequat{r reserve fund for the ntltntenan;r,, repaLrs an(lrepllrce:nent of tlrone g,errorul "u,*,on of .,r",ir-" Etrnt mrtst belgytlccri on a perLoril-i, Uasrs i;i i;;;";-;i;t'rucrr m:rinren.rnce,rcpirtrs and replacemenc niiy be prritl ioi-'i-[r,rret, re 11u1;rr ,i'. -3- :.1 tii!;,: + ;+i i,l:;l.tLllrr:nt:; r ther f ll.ln by rpeCi:rI l|ssog$me:tt. I;Or Llrcrlr;.;r'c irrLlori's l-i.rsr f irrcll'yul,, , ltlo' iiuui,f "fr.f t Arli,lrj t lteI'Lr.l6t,L oL Llr(! f lrsL met,rlnil qI il,e 'trouij or,,t deslJinrrre lhe,iaLc of cornirc'cemenL of c.E iir;;:"";;ili essessment, !,tLht ire cosL.s for malntenance, tepalr and repJ,acem(rnt of thellener.rl collmon e]enenr:s "nO ahy l'."rerue"iurra nerdetl thereforirnseJ on a 6otd faith est j.nraL"" "i- ifri"* io".r; "o.o crtunatem,'r_v he b;rseJ on the coBL.$. fn"u.r:ua-ili"rfiif", agsocl;r!{(}nsin !hc generHl rocale. r'ner".rliei, "itr"'.ora of mai.ntcnance,::lf i., a:rd replaccmenr and ,"y ,:ori""o'tii.t needed there.for :,1.].1-r--o* 9n ll'o basts of rlre irruvtoua-y;;;, ;;;;, ;iir,-i"ir.l.rulusEmenrs therefrorn fls Lhe boar.A c"n!iJers anproprlece.The budgcr shBll also tncr"Je-I[e-r;;;;i"l".""Bmenr fcr eachcondomtnit:ltr uutr. specrii asse;;r;;;;-;"; be levied wtreneverin che.opinton of rhi: nouia-ri-i"-';;;;.U;y or advtsable rodo so (i) to meet increased op"ar,ing'oi-rnrrntengnce expenses:t,?ii i;' uj:ll":'"!.tJlt;"j3;.;i.*lilii ;itriii-;l*::iir"=" adr,li.t_ion;l cdplLal expenscs at any giuui,ti." are ln excess iii! il.'!:t"i::e:i"*!4:.il. l":Ti:5:uu.*;lu"i:,i':"'=" " sul'pararraph 9(c) herr:t_n, ;.;[-.$;;;!'iiy u* tncurrert onlvrlrer Lhe own(,rs, by rhe'.roc" "i [il.-"r"ii; ;; ;;;-il;;; ;;.,fcreenL of the Ecnei.al cgqflon. etem.nt","iiprove rruch expenses.AlI annual asseismenrs_"t"l.f t"-i"il;-,lp;i an ap[,roved?ylg"t; ,all orher essees&eni8 ;tr,,f l-bc-ii'ttemlze,l sracernenrlorm and shall set forEh rhe .r;;;ii ;; ;i;" varlou, expensesfor which the asseesments are U"i"i ,i"ai.- :::lt,ey,", " ".i:l,lli. ?::'ln:n:ili":i":3:: and provlrre co special ;;";.,';;;;*;;latnsc hle condorntnl,,,"":,iil: "X;"::lnsse,{srncnLs for rho_6udgeted ".,";;;-;;;;;ses shall be pnld i!,!i!:'1,\'iu''::::':ri[:,,i::l ili'.|i:i:ii::l:.*i';11,.".,or more frcguen! instaLlments. "o _riy be -dJtermlned by the[1,rard. Specisl assessmenLs sha- I -bi ai.-in,f payable as ;i";i:';:"::. the h'rltten norlce "r-ir,"t-al"ussftenr provrded 1 r:: :rwn e r, * . " " i :l,".ll' ", I.; i j" i ! :: j t, I " ;;*, i n F-' : li :: o ;., f, :l_.. ir!t! ii"ii,;tl::*!t,ll."li i":ii. l;: :x. :t,!:::ljti;lli"_,but noE llmired ro, fines tp"is""ni i."i"f" adopred by the 5 T:til:trl:;[:ir r" i:d;;r*:irifi, iir.1i-6F:lir iijr,,,ri.."..",, ;;;;";; ;;'i.lilil;.ri:, jilijl;.:'l:;:i,:ij::.j;, and reptacemenc of peneral " or,i"n-. i.i.Ia:!' "pp ur au'an t ED acondonriniun unir; aid^alt .L rii,i-.*i.ili;;;" _ or charr;e sprovided for by rnis Decrarata;"-;";;;';;,;""". ,): i" _.: r o t r,e " jil...l;,:i:n;j;ilf':t ::l:ij,lfi ,.ff,"lill"il".,.(t) shalI. be rt,qrrlred'ro coc.tracE in lEs olvliny u t t -"t'uir:"*'i,i"i,,*, e rccrric i Lr, .o r*nilullT".:llrn:;,Jn,'twHLcr turrlisi.ed co lt:r apar rmenr unii, an<l'ai I .;r:h ;i,";;;.shatl not be dcornetl to,be r:{)mrrorr ":,p.riu"""frnrcrrndar, ( j.i)sh,rll p*y, . as part of rcs. J,ro rirtfl share of t l)e cou',on:fpcns'..rs, 40. pcrccnu of t hir. purf oJi"".:r,irii r.,r t rashremovu I anrl 40 percent :i::::i:ii.;"".i'!liiiirli F:; A::fil".;niilE"ul?lJl:provLdr.g access rn and ro rhe under-[rou"J'uur,il"i"i'pl.ll"s provided ar rryriean-'4"il;;iftil#l ar:rr (r ir)rtrulr not bc requirctl Lo pay 6ny p;;;-;;;i.;,,\.cr of rlru $,i bil ..; .I !:ii..,* ''' .', i.tl. .onil'rn €\lcni:es rcsulLing tn anl, manncr from t:nesLl'\'1e es - i)iQvi-dei! lo Lllc residr:rrcia I unlt$ or thcu (i r.!:lon f ltti tcntS. f ol lowlrrn gcnr_'ra I 'r':ti i (na) lt|ater, sewer and $,aa. 1\ri,\.i(red,.. _,,bll:::1s:j;fi ,lt:it,ff';l;;rll"". rr,a,, irs (cc ) Slcur i ey . (drl) [1.u protectlon, (ec) rilevacor. (ff) Teleptronc. (EF) Hanagerncnt. .rrrcurtt,rr r".. rri:iii*llr";;In;;"";,"ff.:,ili;lolouil"",benafir t,l rho te-sltlcnuiai ui,i:".-irlrurrted, however,rh;rr rhe cosE of uraint"nincil-.;i,"[;.or replacem€ns of l?'. iE"il;"Il I "I;#li :ii::l:.1f;: i,'i:.;,liF-;;-;";i ;lH?l*"il:t'fi: ?I :ll":ff;'.i: ji:!*F"::,;i:r I ncurred. Al. I .c .'u":on exlrenses t!]nt. ,r-: nul. to be borne by tllc o*ne; ofer.'rrtlrr,ri'rirrr,r nrrlt No. g "tratt iir-t,oinl-piipo.tt.rnoLcly by thoow.rrrs r-rf t.e r.srrlcrrLrrrl-unii*,-orrti"l,''ia6.rriou s',rrl b*r:radc o. rl:t, btrsis uf :l: stl.i.ii.i il;;i;"";l rhc (l$n,:rs of rhei;,,:::::l:l urrirs tn er'tecr on'Che rtaie iuch conrnon expenre (f) lI ill ":."""srnenr -qhall remain unpatdct'n tlavs af rer rhe due .daie _ t r,"..oil - tt'ie-io.r,t nay funposea I'Le e lrnrr..e on such.defarrii.g"J"""i"in"ur, amount equaltrr l. J p€.rs1'rr! of such,ns.*e"sment. llf."if r", I Iate charget;1u,r,l to.1.1 perct,n! o[, the.unpai.t ,"r"""nrunc nay be lrnpostdtrrr r lre f trsr tlay ()f orc^ ",, t"nbri-r.]i;h-;il;;"il!r-;"-i;;;.;"su!h assessrnent sl-.a I t i3_ur1nafd.. f.ii"r""ro makc payment$lthin J0 dirvs cf chc (rue,d{te Ehcreof also shall cause thetuII arnount o.[ s,,rch oifier, s regular ln"rrftrfy dssesBmenls forLlr.' rcmirindur of LllrrE,,vcar to-Uecome J"."i"a ow{ng at once,;rL ttre opr. lurr of clir.r Borrrrt. t" cire-.ie-ic ic ghall becomen(,ccssar/ for. che_ lJoard to corfecr-any-Jitinqr.runt a$sessmentsnr rL'cs, w.er'.er bv forecrosu."-"i ""iiIi'hereinafter creared,by c.rn.'ne'c Lrrg, of a- court accr'n oi Jtt.ilil", the delinouenrl:::;...i,"11,q"): ,r,-,.addtr-ion_to tfre asses6,ne,i.-".a-i"i".,Ii,ji,.* ::1. I ot'1. pr <;vIJed. -al I cosLs "t "oiio"Ii"il-ir. f uai"c-;-;";:;;;:.:::l:.':!rorr.rr,.,,s fcc arrrt ",,"r* iucuiiui-iri rr," boarrt tn('nl(rt ctnl'. p;tylncnL . slr.re .f "u,*non,!inrl,l I s urn.q asses sed buc unpatr! for t.ire *r,ur i "on"ill;;'r'"-;, ii':;"#":::i"ili: ilrrlill"Sl"l# xll:ciacio. prtor r-o ult orher ri;;" ,i;; in.uf,i.rn"u,, excepr:(t)_Ilens for. raxes nnd cpeclal - ";;;";;;;;;; an<t (ii) rherren ol dny flrsr moi,rgaB; o, ifi"i-a".i"Ji arrr"a cf recordencumberLrrp, such unlr." ir," .c"*o"i",iiii""ir"n shall BttachI rom rlre dare wtrcn the unpa td i;;;.;;;;.; s.rra I I become duearrrJ n,;ry be forccloserl by cire Association-ri rite ',u.nner as aii?"l9"Pi: on rcal property upon- rhe i.."i:,iiiie cf a norlce orclaLnr drereof cxec.rred_by. ti:u Ao*oci"iioi-""talng forch Lheamount. ?t !lr: unJrald lndcbte_dness, tlre rrame of rhe <,wner oftlr. con(l()mtnlun unlt. rrnrJ n .r.,r.iir iiin"ii'1r," c<,rndomtni,urruntt. If itnv such I ir.,n rs recur.rlet, by the Assoclirt,.(,n, t6e ,.,-, ..r.ilt..i . i; ;:i t{{-. .! r. r.-;.,; Lli ,'.!;a! -I0- (r) keup alI btrlor t lrc {rPirrtmcnt un Ics antiouL noL. Inc lud I ng furn I Lrrr.epel ri(1nit I pr()part y au1.p I tt .l OWnt,l 3 l -.t r- ;.;i'1,, i;iJ,i ll,,':ll;.1:l1"l"nl'''1,,,1,,i.*,llllrl,,',, errlonq{,., trr , h, i;i;fr, ii:-.:ii:;lii"; *t-;.tr"ilt?;:r, dii*ii"hii:i;ii,' i-,i'iiil*"riri;;:L itliit:i:iiii;:}:iil*'irl iffi;:if ir ii!'*:i::il.ilti:, f;"';::::i:.ijJ:|"i,;;ililliI ;;;.;i," Irurclrir.re tlrc c,)n(tQllilnlum unlL "t f tro -iornclt)sure :t le I nndtro nC\llil-1!. lr(rld. l(,itSe I m(lrtll..lf,,C ()f "unu*y Hrr sJrno. li:,itr1.:v ..'. .lHnufo.,?Ti; :li:jj :l"Tl: hrmserf fron oi tlrur t'!' untver "i -li,: u". o.".uioi_";,''"F"H;"r;*lii;."..;;rll:.t comron elencnLs or U.r. ,rU,,i,Jilr,runt'of hls contromlnium : l:ll,,,rrlr " t,,* u,,,.( t,l,.in,llil" l t. i",Ifi , :,1 ;Ill;." : ;:l I ji, rl] f "c.rr& ron rr{penses slral I be_ unputr.l , lii" -puiJf,.""r or orhert:rarrsfer.e'e oF'an lnteresL f;r. su,.:fr-u"f[-"ilrf i be Jolntly nrrdill fi ';llit, i'"'!::"*:1.:1"-*l1;n.::.f iru;ii!.i*il"ilii' r'jlr" , trs E : Ienor who obralns Lir re -'Co-I"I.iiE.ii"til",i,l i r-p{"",,rn, :i.:i::i;ill';i,i';;lo;l ir";i: ui,ifff;l. rorecrosui-e or or char4cs whlch acc tsucrr uni r, ri,r !rre rri:i-llj;i.;.^;;".::l"illi;;.':?"ll,li.'i" ( j ) Upon wr-ltten re(iuest of a:ry owner:,lllll:j"rug. prospccrivb ro.rg.i"u,'iil;:il.; ff : il'i" :lf : i;in. j:,. "oniofi i.. i,i-""ii, "ir,!'d:|:i"1ffi - f ;1iiir1iiti"iff ';;!.rn:::'i: :"ii:'iiilli::f;:ri,,lr'':yil. " I :ili*:lii,j,!ii ii""liii";":!_ff;;ii*f: lj:"li;:,r.liil""ii"i,X.!i,li,''lllk i;: whrch.a r'.'rionabte -ree iir, iiir, trri;|":ii,l;tlii'iil T;ir i- *,.;1=*, r"il;Iir[; l;i:lnl "' lli;:"lii."il ::r:lll';;;.,; -;;;;',ill,,r,i"r, becimc,r,.e i :,, ii;" ji i;l".I"i,ir,lti: T'-:Llll. l'5? If, :';::":ll" ll,*_ l ilil'llit..u ::l.q?:llri y un, lui""oill"l,,lll,lllu,#;i:i lll:l,,njl"il":,, "::1iiI.1t. ro f!irv an), unpai.tl cr)mr(,n **;u;;; ;ll:l :l'li.l;'l";i:l,lr;l ffill,"i:,"iI;l n::jj:i:ii"il;i;1,,,..:;al*r rir.k .r$ I l.* I lcn g111,r.o1.f r,." .*iri'ii,r]., ::;r, : :: : l), l,r.r ^i ll", i;li;:, 1i.:iiii.u:lr;l l.oi,,*1il:"'::i:fii1". "lj,"llr il.llil ill, ::", iil,,,;;,:il -,,?;lil ;li j::, ;i,i1;Irff ii :ill': i ll,,'lr:J1,fl I.,:": j,:l' rll' ; ;.;;,;-; ";; ffi i ; : *r,rc r, r..ri ut.t - 9. -Lrou,_:r.rc-e_. (,,) Tlre AssoclatLun shol I {rn b(. h{l I f ot' flre I d inls (lrrc lu.llnl allttll f l.xtures r l'ci:cl.rr,, lurnlshlngs .. (rf ir,.r.or instlllr.d b., l ;, -r 'ir- :t; " l, 1*.rJol:ripiurl. urr{L uwrret s) in:;rrrctl ni.;,1insE ltrss or i,:T1!" b.u I ire. wt.rh r,xrendetj "orru.nj.' ilncf uAt,ig ] nll:ln'.c tlI:aIrr|;r -Ioss or ,l;irnilf.c hv ij,r,,,j.ll i",r, .,,.rir.r r rqr()rls r.Lsclllel), ln at ler:.*1 1i.,a amnu3lE.l: :,:: l]lltT,* rcplacernerrr value tliereoi]' ,i.rrern i:re(llu it.c,,r'J.ll)ce rilh .subparagraflr 9(c) herein: . (ii) frovide and keep ir force, for thefrotecrton of tlre AssocilLion,' frs oliiii.rs anA(l ir(.ctor!i, rntl lll the c,mrt,t.s nrll ftrsi-lionurr, il:l'l:1.,1 pu[rllc lt,rbt.trty oua piiiforiy ;,,,;;;n 1r]::Iilnce again$L ctutms tor Lodiiy ini"i:"'n, :]::::-?r_?l-"perry darrage cccurrtng'"roi-"i tn r.he;i(:neral conmon elements, [n Itm{ti oh not'lessrl,an 91,000,000 :.ur bodilt r"jirii-"i-a""ih .o "nut]ylr": of persons.arisirrg-out of ";; ;;;i;";; ;;tdl sasLCr, or fOr damari.mi Li-sriari ";'";;'Tt;"'3"nlllil,il;r"lj jl.llfl". "fl"l,.'"! posstble r6rt trabiri;t;-.;;t hisirlr rrn,i t*,shal I bt cnrrletl; : r. r,,.iiii iJ";:i :ff :ill:",,::.:3:1,.#"::;,::0,".:g.irinsE such other" tnsurable ii;;;;;;-i"-;ri f.ornctne ro cime be connonly in*ufeJ-r[aii"."ii .rlo ".11" :f similar properry in simtlui fo"rtio.,"eLsewfr(.re. 0r) Al1 i.nsurance required to be carrledi'il":"lll:; :l;i":ilo|,:ll'1,*,:::'iF.ll,i.i:;,::.ili'li;::llil"", l;tif .iltlliii';,"11:", l" ll:l."jr':i."il"f i:" iii i*fi?li'il5:liiifl; iilii i:ij::lrri :ii i I i;";i:; i l:: lii"l* : ;.ii,i:;," ::i:iiiiiji;'"""ir;,nL.ar , subl ect , howcj;T;,';"iu'liiff iiEi':-,,i?.,.1i,.'3il:ili?:.. provi s i,:ns in .* r,ni r p i,-,ii.r" -i,ii;; i.lll$i;:ilii=ltj;;f i'ili rtll'';:i'"'"" lrl:"^::,'.'lill:;;;ii:li ;:,1 ;iii;.i;,li;tlii";ii"ill,.:#:ii:; ,l:lt:i":;"ii ;;:"[::,l,,jl ::i:"liiiix*H.l^":li["*:;t:;i. i..ji:'il.ii: ;ti it:li";, ;t::I:;.:iji;* lf, i't$" jli: :,ii::1,:, iri;iu: ii:li" l: *:;iiii:ii,'i:rri;riii;, fiiriiiil;;,,iii.t.r.'..: Ar;soci.1L iun or ont.r, more -(!1rrs, if ""' if,".""iii. ;; "r haorJ:le f s , the covcra'le r i*,'; Liii,;rli"ri":rili, iri:ii!l.ri,ii:l*"::;ull:t :r ii:":ll'iiiii,,::" ":t"iiu::"i:'i;';,,;ti :" ;: i I iin";:.llI:*iili,"iI, ti lil'i,oii,,i, ll, ":;il;:;i*:,"*l'iil;i,;; iiil:ii:":; I _I,i"i!il;.ilt"ili't,t' !'i,tf?[]j, i;lr;l:.:l"i#i:lj ;,itlii,'.' ('):[,i:'rlr r on <rf fiie tiion cu:.rcnt p()Iie :,e-s. . (iv) c:ltry dlrectorsrnsurance ln such ameunEs dsstdcr ncccssarv or advlsable. l. 1i irri.1;s ru.i,r. :1'lr,"l'i",l:illlil iii,ff:fil;.,. : e.r(h (.on,lt,min i.un urr { t crJnl.l i,r,.r,t L,.,i]*i,li'. :,:t^:1,'l]i.ilirL iun, :;lr.r II [rc L.i"i ri,l"jtf,"','f1"I '.' ,tlt.alnlnl! rrrrv pol icy of f Jrc. irr..u..,,,1.,,'.1 and offtcers llabtlitvtire A:..qoctac iorr ma.,' con- v;rlue tlf tirc r(.p 'i. il c t ant v;i lu(. ii I I lrout tlt' lur:r ir.rr Assrr!{11t-lu11 p1 i.,a,tnv rcnow.t , L ii(, r r, . -l. l of I'v loatts ,-ri otre i)r rNore $rritter appraisals mailetiisitrtelcslr:d apl,r*i.sers; however, aupraisale nce.lt':.r 'lilrl',1 n"orc L1(.qrrr.nt l.r' g61n nt one'-i.enr lnCerYatSI iueh :r1'praisrrls sh;rll be furnlstled Co each ()vrner' i rsc Ii.r'rtr.r <rf a contlominiurn unlr. b)' c lh[.!'tent-, no t lrO . C(,1,1o:r ilnd t!ach ' ji (cl) Each owner .shall be respnns_lblt, for rrl I:''li,lir:rilcc crJverl nE los-s or danrag.e t,r pers<rnn I pr.!rnerCy t n lt lglpirrttncnt rrr,it nrrd liabllitg foi inJui:y, rleath'of o8m;go.rccurrf nll Lnsido his apartrnent un!rl iriy suclr pollcy siiai IconLaln waLvers of subrogat.ion and shall,'be so writ.tin tfratthe Iini.ility of the carii.ers Lssuirrg insurance obtai.ncd bv trer1ss,.'r;..at.ion shall ncr he af t-ectcd or'"rlimlnishe.l tr,"i.f l: -, -' - 10. ADDo lnrmcn L _ o f_ 4-+g.neg1!:t. aS!. Each owtrer lrylrls {rcceptlncr, 6ITIiE sced oc otlrcr conveysnce ve$tilrll i.nhi.n rn i:ltercat in a condoml,rium unLc does trrevocublv ":n:rj!:!: nrrd nppo-inr (a) the Associacton wictr fuii-irowcr(,r s..rbsLiCutiori {rs hls_true snd lawful attornr,i fut his name,place and stead to deal wlth such lnreresi'upon darnar,.e io oi{l{'srrucLion, 6bsole.cense, or condemn.ii;; ;t-;n;-t"ilai"r-'c1 5e.ll.properry as hereinafrer provided,.;a iL-j il;i;;;EuLcu trrrt po!^,er ot substituLlon as hls true and levful&t:rorne). in his narne. place, und sre.rd to deal ulth such!nt(|rcsc i.n crder to effectuate tha reservaLions confalncd {tll';rrngrrI lrs ] and 20 hereln, each wich futl'-power, rlght andauti,c. iz.rLion to execute, acknor{ledg,e and dLlivet ^nV conCr".r .d,:crl. proof of -toss., retease ". "ir,lii tr"tirr"ni-"it!";i;;"'-"L:le rnleresl ol such owlcr, and to take any other actlon,thich tlre Assor:iaCion or DeclaranE ,"y "on'*ide, necessari orittlvlsable co gtve effect to Ehe pro,ri'sions of rhis Declaiatiol.rr requ(.sLcrl to do so !f t1e Associaticn or Decla:ant, eachor^1re- shall e.'recute and- deliver a rvrltten inscrument icnf iirnirrgr!uch .appo.i.ntaenc. The acclon of the Ass,..rcLatlon ln setclinganv damage cr condemnatlon clain ,trtt i"-iin.rf and bi;Ji;t'on aLl cuners. No owncr shall have any rights ,g.in"f it "''ll::::11.ior: o:- lny of tis_ officers or i..LreEcor" uiith rospu"rt rrcl-eto exc(-pt in case of {rar,rd or gro!rs ncglLgence. It. Dam.r1',t, -or DdsLruct[o!. ln case of danrage trr.dc$Lru!t ir-n of ,inf tilrrtr.n,! or any plrrt thcrcof by any'ca,.rsclrhir [ $ (re \'rt r ; (a) lt i.n Lhe reusunable J r.rugment of thc,Associatio', llre pseqssds rrf insurance sh"alr 'be sufficie.rrtio pir;- 3lI the costs of repairlng and restoring the bu!Itling,th(' As:'jucLitr iorr (as atrorney-in-iacr foi-itiu oineru) sirarl -" ciruse Lhe buildl,ng to be reluired anrl resiore<t, appiying t-hel.r.ocr.tds rrf itrsurarrce tor tit:rL purpose. (l)) I f in rhc rt,asonab It, J u<lgment of cheArliucint lon t.llr' Jr,ticipdLed procecds of iisurarrce ore noL l:fl i11"", !I pdy thc cosrs oI rcJ'airing-an,l restoiing, r1,.,oLrrlulnf . dr'1(t Lt Lhe exCr,ss of such C()sf S over thc ant i.ci_l,;ttcd insrlr.irrce prlcecrls, nr:c less cti"n'iOil, of f lre maxinurrrt ('[) l.'lccmt,nt vslue lar;t.ttCternrined urrder srrl.;:ragr$ph 9(c)llt'rcit1 , tlren thc Ass<1,:IaLlrrn (,.1s arEornei._ i;_ fa;t f.,r ttrnowtrers) ,shsll plornpt ly clusc. ttu t ui.i,rl.i, ;; be r:.1,,ilri,J arrclt'(:,Loted, antl tlrc dlffr:rcncc b(.twoun the insur0nce [rl,(,ceedsnri Llrc costs oI rt,piri.r .rn,l rcstc,raf Lon-str,rtt be a conmron :li::i:. to be usse$s,:d and paiC a; pr.,vrd(,d ln I'uragraPh g rtc r(.: 1n. (c) I t' in che reirsonatrlc J ur.lrlr.rr.nt r:r Lht.\sr;ricl;11 ion clr(, ant iclpaterl proceeda of tiisur,rnce .rre nc)r "i -Il- il.;liil,i;'l',,,i.l ';i',.i!".::;;: :ii :"!i:'Ji:l'i",,111".!i:,.';i,,*,, 1:,'.,1!:c :ri,rxir:um rcf-rncer:lenl r',r11,,, r,rsi tr"."in,inu,r urrder :;ul,_l.ii.,'.'.r.rljlr tl(cl her+,i.,. tlre' !lre f.*ro"ioilr,l (as ;. r t r: t .e... - i r. _ i"'i,,J:;i,l'i',,;:"il:1,,::::jl,,,l:1,'l'il:'i,llll:"ili,1i;,;i:i;;,';,' tll.$tiriine t prrrcticds atrrl Lltc costs ol. r epaif an,t r{,.jt (,r .rt iolls lt.i I I irc. a coriun.n expcnse, i; ;; ;;";;5;;t'r n,rr.,lr,ipi-if i.lroin' provirrcd, lro*ever.. 'illi.''li",,iini,l"j"dll"u ,,1;r-vs :rf lt,r the rltrLe of sur,lr ,tu,nu6.,-ui',lo*tru"r ron a plan ,.ort'cp,rirrniq;rrr.l "r.sr,r1]ll !hu uuftii.i""r,"ir uu ri isapprtrvcJ a^tl;r s.rle oi such building is approvctl by t lte ownrrr {!f cr.,n<lonri n i rrnrir.ii No. 9, L^c or,.'e,, -or ."iil"n,i;i*;, ";i;, or,rrin6 7 51i. riruri.rr. t.f r_h(, Lor.al interests i" ii"ii"i.f ""ir*on .lerre:rf s ifl.,lljl'.ii'.1,1,,"|"I,lllill,l,i,',].1,1,;i,1,'.li ,lil,:i"li:"fiil;at ldrllcr-t.it-l e-t frrr t',e oLnct-s or. e,rtttl,:ltitt r rn ttni.r_:l) slr.iilox(,clir c lnd rcc<rrd in lht,-liag,le io"nff,l il.frr:rJo, rurrlcs tlit-(, rccords a notice of sich fa.:rs.'an.r thereitt:.er slrallst'i I t lte etlt ire rc., l, I,rgpg1!y on which ",i"t, r.,uildi,,11 is -l:l:.ti::l!. ( L nt'i ud inli ttre uui t,iinsl f .iri.i'hJr'wi. r.rr reasonab r e ii, i,i,l i;ltlirirr'il;i';rl; ln:, i{flilitii*i"rilii;i;:l :-:t:.i."- wtr.lr rc:rpccr i:-::ih pr"poii.u ,i,in"rn. ct,rsintr; orsu!.n sllc. l'his Dec. r,,rn.r i.,, .u r-ui I -i,Ii;':;lr:??":iu"ili, yll;"l.J"i;",,i, "lilj. i,:;ll::i'"il'j.li": i!;:Hl; ili":i:":;1,;:,:il -**:i:::";1, i"rt.rrr.rlrrinl; :irrbj'cL r" ttris' bcci;;;;i.r;".fr;i ;l;::: i ;i.,li"i;:, :n*li'*, i:t"r*:u:ffi tli:iil:; : ili ::. ".. ::..11':'-b:iLling sutd {1ee'lnl creai "i ffris o"clara:i..:rr,s lrcll lnc!.Cils!' !O be s .,,. c.rd.,'. ;., ; ;;" il ",,;l i.'?: "1 :lnlffll..li;,:ff1:",,il t li. l:.._, r,{cne!-r I (.urinr(}n elemen Ls opprr["n"ni- ao,'Iii.croorrt units irirhe buil (tLn,::; nor being, stiJ. --Til'p;;";5ls of insur,rrre uirdt ll!' i) rL,t.(.(.ds of suclt.,'iil'"i*j-i,l, ;i"'ttr."ale'ot Lhr: re'1I property shall L'e :l :3in:;,::i'il;i.ilii::il!'iiliilii$,t:5.t".,i;t,.:;"'ilil:t: ;rccounLs, each rc'rt,-::' :::h^!Ytlrling und pairl- into-st'li"i,t" 1..1:l tf l- :lr" " p,n ""u,ri, - * iiil I'ilt :ff , ::l u:l: I i lif ,,r:" i,! . " "li"'I'i:::. ::.. :.:: :: r'r' c-L i ve * "i:.ii:!: ll*j:;:, ii*ti,l i:"li:ill,rl,::lilr-Fi.i::: ", l:l;:: l i'"e i rrLe,.es r in serrcril r c(,nuD(,n cremr.ncsrr'l'1rrrt(:n,rnr Ltr ap1rt',n*r a- untrs irr r,r,.. irrir jins "" ,;l;;.-;;iI no l)!'oc(,{.ds rrf st-|le ll:"}l !. ,tiuiJ".f ,l,.""roiur-, td suchwrrar's I (,rip(,(live. utrrlivIrjrd inL(.rc$t-9 ln tlre 1letr.:r.al ;i;?.i:il,,;;' ;,li''iI, i,,."'it,l.l,, illll i;i :llii ;:ff : ;l ti;, iij., ii;;""",., -l)ut.ion I 1sr1;, 1,6q, i,ccoullL- to iutol irtr) shul I bA::;,,rc i ir L iorr Ior L lre fr f.i1-i"i:'ii;,,,,;,;; ;i',;:;*illi";liil;:f ,il"ll;""lf.lii',31'l'.1,',.,,,nr().! L6,riic trr tli'cd (lf trrrst-an Lh(] ..,n.lonr i n i'rrm unit: (ii) ftrr.ilil.inlctlL sl tirx('s lrid $1r(,({;11 u*a.*,"ruaf 'l'ion, ,.u tirvrrr. lf :H.r ;: ;: - I'Jltr "!,\ i'il;,,l,ii 1,. i"i "ilii;il"li "lll ;il" nlll,:ll. .,,ji:..1,",t'rdcr ut' .r.,.1 t. Lii" **,i,;;^;i ii;l';L lr! l.'aldltce rcn'a ininr, _,l,,,:, i, ::ry, i i,,, i u i" r iiiri ;i. lli;o;;:ii, f l:lf '1" {:if l,.ili, i:' ,1 :l:l l:lii ll,.lH,i.:i',,\li;,.. i,if .,,Ij, : Ii:ll l:;l:l, ill";l;: ill. l4- ,, dr!,, . -, . ;r{rr-!e*rjdrr5...*taia-r-idrida,r U i : l-.',-':;1.1111 -.5 er : 1,,r ,i, !t.-.,': ,, ' ,i,r 1.,11,,,,u,1 .1 ,:;.li1,l:' ::l',,J]ii"l,..li,.ii.,illi,,,lni,, ll: ,,' :; ,iii;iili',:,i,!1,1, 'li',"i,ir.',,irj:;ii;;i;:ii:i,,j,:l;l:il,:",,'. .rr ;\: t,r I ir pl in jrr) rup,rirtng anl rr,iroring a rlirnirgt,ri or_r,(.:,".r','..ctl ,rrirtt irrr: is.n,,r',li "rf1_ir..,-r"r.f ir,_rir".,"a Lo Ilri.e sub-ir.r.i: rir;li liir.). r i.r,,,,i:r, r'^lrirsr s,,aii i:.,,;;l; ij";.:::l^i:::. .l'l-l'In9i in-rart ror i i 11 ri, ',. ::a,i., ,,.,1;;,i'i'j,;,.i, .lliii ;;,,:;; ..lll.:,":l::1,,:?,.,,,,. l] -i,,,"',:',,1,::.'..irr -*'tlr l.'ril. r:: il,.,J'u., ,,,,......, :r:.rl t l,t, ', r...,,,r, , ,,.',,,:.:,',:,'; :l: ;'l:,',n, ,,1 , ;it'(l L,rc rliffr rurrt'r'. it ;rrr.., :.:,:.,,,.,,, 1,. i ,.,,, , .l ,;::,,.li,',;i"l:.,,Ii.::;;:;11,,,:li, lll:, ,:;;l;:,,, (.r'rt,, .,,ril ... lr:r jl irt ir: srrsi{,(l ,,r.,,i p.i,t 'ir1,. llri,. ,,,unl,.,." tn r1,,,J,T:ilr.i:tr,rr:r i.f rl.ci r. r.t,:p.r r i ".,' i,li'..,..,,,ri.i,, g.n".,nl ccr,: .,rrl,;lii,l ;., .ir; i.il :('nir:rt r, ri)lr,f.r,r(.r.1 ;i;;'i,, ._,," darnirr:(,,i ;.,rrti i,t. '.,,o',ull], - i":l.llll: ((lrrr rtitlt'(l .in tl' j.' I'\.i:;!r:r;.'j1:, i:.,:c i;, i ,:-i l-.:;,.' .i, itt,i]l],, ltii' irn'.' I ia!i 1 i r.,. i.l,r'_r.rer (,n .rn.r !.,: I'r.srrrl,rl . (Jri l ol' ;ll''' I'al't oi l lt,' cr-,s.s r.,l tcf :ri r ' l.' {-)!:,,__1, -',., ,.,.J,. I ! ;rt fln,/ i i;_rr: tlrc rrluers oJ. 751. o, r_rort,_ir., ir'|lr(1.,r (:Ol:)n( il (] l{lti0l}i:r ,.JtJ\ul-l (,rrlnt ,,1 irlt,n.tliiitr, l'r'iitr Ln rlr.,' i)ui. irlirr,t,.co.;crr,rf r,"' ii,i.,-i,.l,li ,,.utrirn ;urrl r. r.;i, rrl,',,, itrl; I I itrrors wiri|l:J:((' rri.it rrrr(.], 1r,,i 1,1', -ltt,tot(""1- ji iri rrci; bulidtn| slt-l I . ,rll ,.,. ;i , .irr r,, r,"",.,.llil:"|i.:;l':;,,i;:r::i;; i::]1,-l;l.l'.\r.i{ L r.r{,rr (r,i iri | (}r-r,rci- i.r,_ f ;t t f ,,l. ii,,l '-,,i.,,(,: rr wrllr rlrlt ).r..,r.,r iirrr,'r I,rr: i.llrrr,) .;itirll pr..r;rpt 1,. ,,,;.;',,..,, [ 'l..,,,,,u-Lr( I .)r',i ,',:,1...,. i!'r. t(, lrrl n1.111,, ,,i,.rtrr,l,,,,, ,,r",,u"fi 'i,t,,,,. ill I c,\,rr.r.rl',,,,1"','. '1;i ,'il;',,,.,1;,.:;',:ll I'rri'11i11,, _i'i,.r'r'r, r,,,u,,,t r,.i ii,.,, '.1,r-rr .r r ! ,r,,i. (,kr..r ,ltt, ,:1':. !'rrrrl ti {'l'. t ll( worl: r,i,i, I I irr. .,i, .r il( i {r,^r,r.::j j,, ,i," t ('ll f illttr 'tr'rll llt ilri};(!trrir' ! artr, 1,.,tri,rr,r r,.r:i. iir i r r,,.r.,., I (lrol)()rl i"11'; ,'5 iir,.;- l cr.l',,-ci iv,"'r u',ir:' irr 'i;,i, r,"ii'llT'll:i '''1,:l'',11,',:.;"1.,"],,L".lir.lri;1,,;lf"'1,,i,'r:rir, r,:rr(r l,uilriirl, :;lrrril i,. i.,,1r; r. , ..t ' , , , ., 1, ,, .,. irnv ()l lll'rl ,r:, r ni,!/.,.1,,,, , ,; ;;.,: :il'll ':', .i(; jll\ "ll {'r l( f.()rit'ir}ll ,}lr it(. r'rlll {,1 .,lt\n ' i,1,1 ;' .i...,i, .l.f,l.:i:. -t:",.-::1 .i*l : , .-t,iri til'i Best copy Available ;i1 dli*1 r,rtTrers D:, :ne Associatiparagraph Il(c) herein, sr.verancecrnere of takc'1 or ownef' s Seneral 13, (c) In rheEh0 tallinB of an apart:nenrauconft._lcs I ly certse Lo be a ry.ir sell fhc ent tre real oroperty, free and clear of the provlsioX,iu.llj,ll.l:::,1:l lT9 i!: ir.i^ , -"i:iii-"riiir ,norry termrnare"F'ir,ii'"ulli;l;,i:l',ll"ff;lril;^ f ';f; , :i:d.ilf i".-ll, f l"-t::yl:l'n" lllfn.fl i;",,Hlll Il.": ll:1t9,l'i,i""ii -lliri'.,".in:';iil":;:':? such sare shai.r be ""ri""iEa,'.";p-ii";'ili oi$iaEl"lii.li::T:::,,:i ;fi^t,:::lllron tn.rrb-m,ii"i..i,o"raed rn euE_j:T:: :,, :i ; *^t, ::: ii; iil' i;, .f, [';#;";.l.,:inliur."llf; _, n. Condemns L i.on . (a) lf_che enclr.e.reel property shall be;;*:l*i:'" ;"LlI:ll"o:I . qr.,""r'--pu[ t i"-'i' !, -La"i .nv -" tiiutu,or tf any parc of "nuoPllTl,-ot by purch-ase ln lieu'tttti.oi,' srrau be' gi"iir."i, Ti ll'j:i"f;,ll"Ef"fnlrr:ll,"ffil";:.::,' _caken and che parr renatnrni lr,iir-u""iiriirr"r"nr fo,purposed of Tyrolean Condomlni.ums, rte-Is"icialion (aeaLcorney-in-facr for !!e plrrjgrs) ir,.li "iii""r rhe aldardmfld('in s trch takinr arrernainin!-air.,^iii8 ;l[,]!ftir'il],.]i"l"lio.:r:li ji;l;"provielorre of thtE Declaricion..ni'ttu-ll"i'. such provlelonashall whol ly- rermiflare, a"O_oxp ii" -gfoi in[.r""ordlng of all:1:: U rhe .tssoclarlon nerttng. forth all of euch facrs.rn€- anard and the proceecte.of ,uEt -"ai",-,..i .ny, thull becorlecred, applted and-d(vtded fi;d-;i; oio"r" by chel:i:i*:,."" i.n Lhc nanner provrJea-'in-eiuilraersph rr(c) $!)- lf ruch_taktng shall be parulal only.lnrls_prrr of the Iand ahaIt be-"riFr"iiii:11 lf rr,",",oiiinu^i,ii"lr'iill"fJl"ll"?i" I::: er (ne -rand thall be eufflclenr;:f,::"^,*:::::: :l ryroleen. conaori"i._il-tne condo_Till y_:T::?!ll,h::"y.9;;;qiTI;..;ff i":i;. ".ff:;:ll::_?:.,:,:l: l!d-:: :-i[i,*"ii'ciil."iiiliXiEt;. f:loT:"ilto bcdecermi.n€d under the i"iil"id'p;$diffil - (f) The totel arooun t allocated ro taklngot or tnJury ro che seneral ;_fi-;i;;;irJ snarrDc_apporLloned anong -owne r !r on the basla of eactr:T:::f respecrtve fiercenrage f"iere"r-in-ifr"gcnerar coEnon e lenent s; (1il The toral anount allocared toqanages shall be apportloned Eo che -cnose aparCEenc unitd hrhich lrere noEcon<lemned on rhe bastr of "actr-s;ci;"-respectlve percenc€{!e inEerest rn iiiocom-non eleDents I , . . (fti) The reepecrlvc arncuutB allocacetr tr.rrhe taklng of ot lnJury to a particuLar apar.cment:?lc,oI ro improvem6nri an .d;;-[;;-;;ai"ir*,i.n .l.i.l_:T""pprEmenc untr sbarr L-e-a;;';rli;;.; io lheowner ot ulr p,lrL(crlrrr 6p.rrtrncni.uni[-i:iioiu.Ji-alld, (fr.) The cot:al itnlorlnL slloca!ed to('onnrqucnf tul damrrgne unrl any ot ["i-ior.iisro._r1.ly.t"l shull bc iipp.,rtronoi "";;;;i;;-il.erB rn?:ofll:riou Eo. rhctr' i-r:cpecttve p"l8unirrqi-rnEeresrtn Lrte gcnel.al ccirmon,elcmentg.' If an iritocarionol ,9h: a-.t,_d rd ls .rlreedy eetabllshed ln n.!FoctatlolJ,udtciaI .decree, or oti,erwi.ri;^;i;;; i; litJ.rrrn,Etne, or"orrJ^che Assoclatlorr it.ir-.rp*roi irii "rr.-,3!l?"; Distribution of apporLionla iro"".A":l:ll lf made by checks. p"yirri.-jl,r".ii"ii=cr," i::i::ii". owners and rniri re"picrt.,o,fii". L Len6rs . evgnt .r. partial taklng results inunlE. the orrner thereol slra l ltrtember of the AssuciuLiurr, arrtl -r6_ ..b*r;E Jr,!$qr.l'4&irtl IU lt^i:.::'']:rship incerear-.in che general coumon element.r shallLerr:ir.nate ltnil v€sr 11. thg o"".ii "i-ir,i renatnlng conrlc,mlnl.rmuni :s.. .Thereafter,-the AssociairJ" iiilfi leatlocare rheo-.rrership and asseicnent rattos def.riiii"a in eccor,JanceL.iih rhis Declararion_.""orJi"t ;;';h;.;;r" prlncipleser.;.Ioyed in chis Declararion "E i-"-l;.;;tton, and shalls r)Erir such reallocarlon to crr" il"i'.''it rhe reoaintnsapJrrnenr unirs for the anen<inini iii-itii n"irri.iiiii." (d) .In the €venc that any portlon of Tl.roleanc )rdohini.ons shali bc-uad" ;h;-';dfi" .-iiia, ", of, any condennarion,rr enlnenr rtomain oT::::dl.q. or-ii,iirr".irs€ roughr ro beacq',.rired by a condlmntng, au[hority, -iii-ir,-trrery r*rictGnno.ice of such condennalton "h;ii,6e-;i;cn by the AssoclarlonLc each orrner end first lienor I/r. oua r i.lLgt_&r!. Any reparrc, renovatlon orre r r or€ r ion of ;EaTeafp;op€-?cy or, "ni. 6ut I rti,n g covered bvth!s Declararton bv rt" i"rb"i"iion l"r.ito*ey- in- f acr foiLhe oqners shatl bl done in "".rr-*niJ.-is to nake the reali'roperrv or che-building. ac. te."t a"-'i.rieble after suchif;l*,;;ntl"";: ig::t..;ry b;i;;; it"'iiiu."u.,ce requlring 15. arneg@L-gsevogaElg!. (a) Thj.s Declaration may be amended or.-cvoked (a) bv Declal.:,r "t ft-;i; ilioi.o Ehe ritiilg of;1. l'tB,.i"d (u) upo? !l,S ".ili_en-Jipii"Ii r.. rerordabret?T "l the.otnrera of,i5Z,or nore oi'i["-i...rrr co11lnonr ,emenra and 752 of 1!f ffrsr- fierroi",'i*!.p. rhar rh€: |ovisl.ons of thte pr,bparas:,pr,s zraj,- i!![:??ri: i?*r l,'3.Bil;ii]i,i"iir,.,...'rein .ind Exlrtbir B relac(ng co i"iir.iil .i..tf,.;;;;;i i.'irnon e I enen r. s anc the _ I tsrt,t.J-"i;:;=; ilr.r,. " Day bi : .::19::l only upon euch apprcval ;f;il; Jfi.r" of 100? of rheA('ner'rr cor'rnon eremencg and alr trrei-riJiorr. --t;-;fr"ii '"' lin:, bu revoked in whore rr ln nsrt upon rare of all or Derrot t ire real properly 'r iJ(a) herein. ' Pursuant to subpiragraptre 1r(ci,-izt"i- (b) Notwithstanding Ebe provlsLona of sub_par,.graph l5(e) ro the-concrarl,, ifr iii" lienr of rhe combl_nation,or,,': i;ron or parricicn.of condoninil_-uiiE'uo. 9 pursuant tor.tre i eservarions ser forrh ir. af,t-p*"iliit 2(g). che owrler oro.'nr.i s of condonini*_:"lr G. -t-fi,t-t;i"iioraur" of an;r recordedrLr$: morrgaqe or .i.rst_deed of-ti""a".i"errng ur affectingcond 1tnrutu unlt No. 9 may auenr! cti" ieci.r"lion to roflecca pr'., LrrLionare aJJusrmenl, corUin.ii"il-aiut " lon or pnrtlrionDeE!r.r . Lrre resulcinp Bpoces ."a ii,u-o*riui'o" o*ur, f hereoflritJ rcspect. co che i.rc"ntage ownerehif-in the general comtron€remcnis and che p"rt:?:^"e: ;f ;;;;;;i'[o#.,n "*p"n"es aErrr_Durable co such resul_ring spa"ei; p.o"ij".rl-iio"i,-i_il'inii,"iysuch air,endrenc shalt l!!-rnlur..;..;;-;;;;i""" .nu pelccnraseowners[r;p ln Ehe generai corcu, n "r"r"nfJ-oi, or the percentage::._:"-u"l expenaea.co,L,e patrl uy,-ri,i"J."Ji nor rnvolved rnauch corrrl,!natlon, divtsJ.on or piititio".-'-- ::::_r::.""iui",!+..*r:{*Jt'HiTa"!:iirl?""1i"ffi ::;:",HI?l:l':T!I , :rs ions ao lugh ,.rr frufuiri-tJ'p.rrcr,r"ed ar ar or(,cIosurc eirle ormana*er., ;";;;-";; ;;dffi"offE.il{,iirii"bi"Ii3;.,i"01.n",., ll_d T..,y.dispose of rhe I"^e ui--""iu'Ii"Jl,lrrrr"e, and rhebenetici-6I incercaE in _any_auih pi"pJiti-"Lrr be owned by : :"- l""ul" in. rhe sarne_ gr_bporrt"i, - i."-iir6 f i respecrlve lnreres ra!n tnc general. cor Don elements ana "nalf-not be transferableexcePt r.tith a tranefer,of., cor:.domin ir]" -"" i t . A transfer ofa condominiurn trniE shdll trarsfer to-i't,u-li"rr"ferce owrr..r-shtp of rhe r:.nnofer,r's beneriii"i"riii.rlii rn srch pr.cperEy '1. .' i irj.l I cert I t ied nail, pos laws of the As eoci rr Eion. Lhe condominiurn prcJecr end ctre besr interesilJ #";;:"#":i" n lrhout any reference t'rerFco. Each owner tndy use Eucllproperty tn accordance wlEh the purpoae"f.,r whlch {t tsintended, wichouc hindering or eircrbachtng, upon Lhe Iawfulrlghts of rhe orher ohrersl ir," -ii.iJi"r"of ri Ele ro acondominlum untc under foreclosure-"ii"ii-"ntit;e the pur-cilascr to Lhe beneficlal iniei es i- f"", u"t,=p,op"rEy asso-craLed with rhe forecloeed conaortnirr-*ii. I z : ", FalSJ.Sgf-tofr, !:-grEr_eE_Ual I lns Ad<lre s s . f:::li._':l; -and e.rEr pc-i.;-;";;;i;"i.iiJil"." and ocher:::.:11"..::lr!!'t _"11 bttrer noiice"'"i-["i*ia" inrended ro be:::y:t'.:t":_:l .p:: atrari L-.-eii; ;i il;il, resrsrered orervrt d,r vwrrEl cnalt oe.BenE.by elfh€r regtaLered o:::.1-19q n611, posceS,e prepald, atidressed tn rhe name ofLne ohrrer ar such reslscireh nailtng "JOiesr. All notlcedemandn or other ncrfcea lnrendai-;: i---;;:.,-r .._^_ !L- 18. - Durittsepara.e ;;;"."ffifi*t*aSlffi ' c*,lhioostrall corrrinue unri.:. rhis beciarari..-iiiiii'u;";oil;";-I.until lr.o provlsiorre shell r e inln" i" ".l "p-io"ide d heretn. ::it-e*Ifl;, "ffi".llul"llllHe j:""", T:il::i!"9 "pon rlre prop.rti-",-noi'li"ii-r"y exrerioraddrElon ro or ?hange or alceration ctreiein Le nade unrilrhe plans and sceciflc"ri;;;-;h;;ine-l-fr"-i.r"re, kind, "Jttp:,. hcigirt, color, naterials, and locatlon of the BatDesharl have been submirrea io gni "iliroili-r" nrlrlng as roharmony of external deslgn and locatLon in relaLion tosurrounding _s Lrucr'..rres ..ia ropotirpt,y-L-y-it, Board o iDirecEors of the Aeeoclation,- oi Uy in irchttecturalc:yn-iEte: cot"pcsed of .three o! more repred€nEat t-veglppointed.by che Board. .In Ehe u"""l-I"fa Board, or irsoesignated comnj.rEee..Ilil. to approve or aia"tpiove s".ideeign and locar.ion t irhin tfrfri|'aaye iiter eara plane and-speciftcarions hsve been e uboi i l6a -ci, - iil -"pproval rtll norbe. requlred and Ehra paragraph wilr be deemed to have b€enfrrlry compl i-cd wrE.h.' H"ciir["r;;Aid'r;;;'hing eoncained hereinro the conErary, DeclstanL reserveg [nro'ltself and the guccrsaorowners of condoniniuir unit no.-i tn.-iiir,i'.o construcE cheinProvementrj, which lral _!g constructed iursuant to the regetvaElcn.sfound in subparagraph 2(bi h;;;i;;"ii-ri1i"*" adqiEJ.ons,changes or nlreraL!r,ns co rhe exCer ior -J f"'ifr" t purt ,,i ihel:f19.1"p-l"lslng condorninlum unir No. 9 wlrhour rhe consenror any oElrer owner, the Ausoclation or tlii-architect"i.l----commiLrec, so. long as gyql aOafifons, -ct"ig"" or elEeraclonsare upprovc.d by the Bu_ilding n"parrmcni--oi-6it,"i ;;;;;;;i;;;agency of ctre Town of Vail,"Ea.,je-Couniyl-Corurado, and donot, resulc i.n an increase ln tire cros;-i,esiaential FloorArea_of _condomtniun unic No,- t.-- il;-;"illiucrron of r.herroor aren pursu*lnr ro the -reservaLion i;Ge-i;-;";p"J.i_upt2(b) herein, shalt nor b. d;;;;e';;;;;";;;"rs an increase i.nCross ReFidenttal Floor Area. Lr.E vw,,,cr .'L rrqsn reprsc€red natltng sddresa. All notlcee,demandn or orher n.rfces-lnre"d;;-i8 t!-iIi""a uoon rhev. vLrrE. rr(.Li|.qes lnEended to be O€fVeC upon lhel:'::l':l:l^ll"-ri l,: ""nr "eriiir"j-riirl*po"cese prcpaposcege prepald, f :_l n: o"ll:"1 : -: j. l$^1",";,.;;i;;-;"T";isfi;;;.in";;:"i;i 20.. General R.:-servations. Declarant reserves for :-?:I :?9 .o f sevEi-IEir-Ffi6fr rffii" iii.-iu.r.r" t ir,n is::ljl"l:l ::::1.1:ir <"r tt"-.igilc-ii'o"iii^le any sccessroads- and sEreecs sei.ring ct i"'"i"airini,ri"pro3""r for andEo.public use; Lo esrabligh ;;";;;;;-";Lo..,,..;^^.llro."l] l:- l::: ::_:: ::!li"r,. ., ""..ii " l"iJ..i"..ions, excep cions:l: :::*:fl:_.:::i:::,; ":i.r, ciil'i";.r"ii.i,lf i#:;.;i;-;; o :11_:!: Asaoclarlon, and (Lr) dn e{|aenenr over, under andElrougl rmproved and unlmproved parEs of the ieneral contrnonerLmenEs. to the extent nece88flry for constru6Clon of arl<l{-:l:l3i -!'il.r]1qg and_ tmprovencnri c6-ct,""[uliJiri--rn-tr,"--aoorr.:.)n or Declarant.s Rescrved Atr space to thii builrltntpursudnt Eo Ehe reserveEio) tn subpara!,raph 2(b) heretn, "inciudlng, but noc Irmrted to, the'conicrirctrdn'of che'iuarrcasewhi<:ir rignr is also reeerved i" ""lfai"ii.pt Ziti t,"i"in. ------' Thr .walls, ceiling and floor enclosing tucir aAdflton-io -' condonlntum unir No. 9 ahall Ui-i"""iif -"inrnon elenren!8 andthe stalrcaee shall be e-Ilmlted""o*Jn "l"r"nc appurlenantto condonlniu"r untE No. 9. --ttre oleiaiinl;-expenreb';i-;;;ii-general conmon elemento will be "br*on-eipen"e" . Horever,Declarai-i has no obrlgacrone to "on"iiucl';aai;ir";i"iriii.r"r"nc".2I. Regtr{ctlve Covenants and 0bligatlona. (a) Ng_lnpef l l.fne of .Ilsuranee-. No ownerarrd no owner' I tnvl.tEee eTAIT-ilo-;tcTf-E or cause anythtngto be kept in or on rhe condourlntr"'p;;l:"; whfch mrgfr[ ---" I.:ull ln an ll$rea6e ln rhe prenf unri - of -Irr"uranc. obcatnedror Ene condonlnlum- proj ec c or whlch nlght eause cencellationor such insurance rdichout che pllor wrlEten consenE of if,e - Associaclon flrer havLng been ibtained.---- o,,ne :, c i,,.,i. ". ib I n"HS$if;i##f;"n*!"ililii, "lj llon rhe conclominlum oroJect whfcn i<ruia--Ue'fnu6raf , -lnproper,offensive or tn vioiation oi ""v ii.iitli rule, o;dtntn;L;-'regulatJ.on, pergi-c or orher variaiy-iurpoiei r".i"ii"nilr--;iany gov,ernhental body. fnnovi,rf. 4.rtl,iltlg . n"rr'De carrted on upon.any part of the condom{nlun prolecl norsnarr anyEnlng rre done.o.r placed on or ln Bny p;rt-of thecondomlnlurn proJect whlch is or may becone- a' nlls ance or' .cause embarrassmencr dlaturbance o'r onnoyence Eo otherB_llo acclvi.y shall be conducced ;"-;nt;;;;'of rtre - conaomtnlumproJecE and no inprovenenls shall be'nldu-o, "on"rrrrcted onanv p-arr of rhe c6ndomtnturn ;;;j;";-rhi;i iru or rntghc beunsafe or harardous to any person or property. No Boundshrrll be emtrred on a:rv pirl oi-Ctre-"ina5iinir. prol ."i-which ie unreaoonably _ioird ur ,nnovfngl--iio odor shall beernitted on any parr Lf rn" "onJii*iiiuf,'proi""c whtch tsnoxr.ous or olfenslve rc ,'.hers. No ltghf ihall be enlttedflg. l"I purr of the co:r,iomlnrtn proj"El-rf,r"n i., unreason_ably brlghr. or causes unro".on.bl[-;i;;;.-- (d) No Un:ighqliness. No unelghtllnesgshall be pe_rrnir Eed ontor fi-Eil-lEF of che condomtntumprojecE. t'JlLhour Itmir.tnB tt,e' eln.i"liri""f -iii"-i.ie-iofng; :l$l:e-l!:l]-!e t<egg.or srored on or in'any of rhe eln"iEiconmon erementa: nolhlng ehall be hung or piaced upoi any ofrhe. general co rnon elemEncs; ;"d -";;i;i";^ sfia} I be placed onor in windows or doore of rhe "o"aon-{niir-fro1eci,.;hia[ --- would or ulght creaEe an utglghLlv "pp""ru["".(e) Re: tT lcl!eg__g!. AnimaIs. No anlmala,I lve s f, ock, horses orloulFiy -f-?iy-[Til[-i'na I I b; k$; ;'ralsed or bred wirhln'any cirndomiiii.ur-"if i"o, wlrhtn rhe -r9- eeneral cormon .llem(jnLs. exceD! chsL rloss. cats or otherdome:stlce|ed household anlnals nor to exceed t*o tn-nurir".mav be keoc bv an owner q8 household Deis ao lonP es suchoets ere not a nuissnce to anv other ouner. pedret:i;rns accomoanied bv e household oec wlthln the seneral conunonele&enLs nus! have sald Det u"a"i-if,"ii-'Jlrect concrol bvuse-of a leash nor ro exceed lJn- filt -i"-iene ct!. No anLualeshall be allowed to rematn t fea--o i -cfra fn.i fo anv decks.balconies. Dnt.ioB or orher ""r[a or -[t "-'io'ndomrntun-oiu i ect .and ..nv such nntnal(s) ao tted -ot - ctr"i""i-r"v be rerooved bvthe Associatlon or ics epenEs. obrecr' ",,0,..ill"r*ffi; tHTl::;.,cotntuon eleoenls and no part of the geneisl coftlon eleEentsnay be used as a dmpln! grouna-For'l;b;;u, trash or orherwaste, and rhe game ihait"b"- ir"po"uE-oi-i" " senrtary manner.The l.ssociation ehalL. heve-rhe riit i-to-."ler upon anygeneral conmon elenents and to r!f,o".-"""ii-i"t"'""--pf i'"e o:ot_hsr unsLghrly. ob.t{,cre and material-"r -iii" expenoL oi-tneormer cauelng the !.rn,e, end such .ocr.., g["lt nbi Ue a""r"aa tre8Pa6s. . (e). pgr\lns,Areas. No vehlcle of eny ryperray. be parked on t he-[enEE,l-coffion elenenEe rxcept in "parklng "pggnl deslgnired by the es"""i"cio". No comercl.alllpe^or vehicle (e*cept for- deltverles to condonlnlrn unLtNo. y,, and no recreauLonal vehlclee ehall be stored orparked on the general. cotrtrlon elernents Ji""pu tn -aieae -.tes tgne ted9y tne Assoclacion. A recrearlonaf "eticil, shall lncludfor purposes of chls oecraraiionl-roiJi-iiru, , r0oror coaches,buses, plckup Erucks wfrh carnpei ' top e -or"Jirf i., accu""oifeeiboare, camping trailere - or _trii lets' of - any type. parklngspaces ehnll be used only for parktng a"i6no6iiio .na- *oEot"y"re"and nor- for any ocher stArag. i"-po"8s. --Motorcyclea ehaii--, --- not be srored on paLlor, bafcoiriei oi iorct.", oll::, 1 r.,,,rr"""(hln.ffi"dN:dfi:li;13 ".adopted from ttme Eo llme by the L""o"f"tl.o", erhetherrelatlng_ ro rhe uee of. apartnenr ""ti"l-i[! "ae oi--tenerafconrxon elementB, or o theiwlse Detennlnac{.,n uiEh reepecC to whether or not rpartlculr r acfivlty o't_ occurrence sh.rll constLtute a vlolafiongf rlis paragraph.2r "nari i"-il.J"-ili-in!"toard and shatl berlnar; provtded, however, Ehat E decillon whether or not aFarctcular acLlvirv or occurrence occurlng on, ln or aroundcondominlum. unir Ni:. 9 "h;it-;;;;riiii"'.""rorattDn of rhtsParagraph 2l, shall be rrade dit-6;;-; ieaconaute derer'lnarton !a1e{ ungn.Lhe requiremence ltmirt;g ."tio" ot rhe Board aseeE rorch Ln subparagraph 6(b) hereln. 22, Effect of pTovisloE of Declaracion. Eachprovlsion of ghil-TGElaraEron, antl agreemenc, pronlse,covenant and undertaklng to conrp Iy uictr eictr'piovislon c,fthls Declaration, and any neceltsary exceptlon or reservatlonor grant.of Eigle,. esracl, rlght ol ini"i""t ro effecruareany provtslon of rhis Declaraflon, fii-"f,iff be deemed -- incorporated in each deed oi .it., tri"i.."fnr uy whtch anyrlght, rLrle or tnLeresc r" ""y conJor-ri;l; unlt is gr.nC6d,devlsed or conveyed, wherher .i ;;-;;;'-iJirn o, referred -20- ,t, !:, :? l-l rylrh deorJ^or orher, tnsrrument; (tt) ehal1, by vtrcueo r. acceprence of an''r rlght , r tc le or intereat rn airv "o,iJr-mlniun untr by "n oirncrl u" jeerilo-"ciLiiial-ri'iriilul",.""- adopcetl and dlclared ""'o f"iri.Ji ;;ilfi;;r of such owner "nq.. ?r a pcrsonal covenant, ehall be blndlng on Buch ordnerand,hLs helrs, peroena!..represenfacLvei,--successor:s andasstgnsi .rnd, ehall be deeinecl " p;;;;;;i "orr"nunr co, rrtrlrand lior rhe beneftt of t,he e"ro"i"lion-ina of esch ornerof any condomtnturn unrr; end,-iiiii-;i;.ii'be deemed a reelcovenanE by Declarurt, for. fisetf,'iir-"-"""u""or" ind .""ign",:':1 ,aIso.sJ, equtrable servrcuae,-il;id;'rn eacn case, as ailiif" 'rf.Eh and upon l_he tiuru io-"."r,"!,ia "".ii'-"""a",iiii.fr 13. Enfortrris DecrarJir.ffi .ft"l,H:li:l:l :iby.any owner by u p.""""Jtnr-;;;;-;;";ibi.rrvo or mandacorvihJuncEion or.by a' gutr o:,.,fo" rir-i";;;;;';;;gil'j";;"courr proceedtngs are lnst i:...r ,d rn-c;;;;;rton ulch Eherights of enforcemettr "nd',, .,,:I.i'piiiiiiia rn rhrs Deerara-ticn, the prevarlrng p8.rty -,.:I1 be entltled to recover r.!scostc end expenaes In connecrLon therewri[, - r"" r"ai"i-i"iJi.r_able arcorneys' fees._ rrit.,i.-ily''ii"=ii"J"t".ton or by anyo!,mer to enforce rnv provlslo", -6oi"i"ni'Ir regtrrcLi,rnheretn contalned tn'no-evenE "n.fi U"-J"uied a watver ofthe rlght to do cherecrrer. 24. SDecl ^.1r,_hgn{ment s. Declaran! hereby reBerve,a rrl ls grant€d ffinqla ff$ nower. rv record a epeclal aoend-menc (a "Speclal Amendrnent") lc thls-oeifaratton et sny tlneand frorn r{ne ro clme r.rhtch'ar."ji-if,iJ-ilclaracton (t) coconply wtrlr requLremenr" of iiii""r"o"lji ilIrron"t ttorrgflgeABBoclat tori, clie covernmentai u"i f"r.i'uiiiteugn Aagoclatlon,tne Federat Home Loan^Mo;d;;;""i;;;;;;ril;, rhe Deperr,nenrof Housing and Utban Developrrent, br ony other public, quaai_publtc or prtvaEe enrtry *hi;h'-;;ri;;"r(I rry perform 1nrhe fucure) func t lons , s inf I ai--r5 -ihJ"."..Ji."" c ly performedtJy such entlrles, and/or (ti) ;; i;il;"-;; or such agenclegor_entlrles ro make, purch"si, -;"i1;-i;"il!, o, guarancee:rm::rtage coverlng, che condoritniG'dit;:.'In f;;;h;;;;;.::^:l:-t,"r"qorng, a.pover couplea wtiii-"n'fnreresE 1s herebyreserved and ErdnEed to. Declaiant to ."[" or consenc to aSpecial Amen.inent on uetaii-oi-;;d".ffi;;.' Er.h deed, nortgage,trust Jeed oLher eviden".. of otill";i;;';, oErrer tncErumenr'ttecstng :r condomlniur unlt and af,;-;;;*;i"rce rhereof shallbe deemed co be a Erant and ".["o"iiaeii"Ii "r, and a consenrco the reservation-of. rtre power -oi-iE"iillrr Eo make, execure.rnd rccord a Special nr."o"Eni.- N; sil;;;i Arnendmenc rnade byl::-lu::n. sharr arrecr or: 'i'ip"i. ;";[;;;; upon a condomrnrumunLc or any r,rarr.:rnr i":'T:o" 6y .n orrr"r"o; -ro.rg"g". tn orderI9-11,1!"o any of rtre sbove aglncles oi-.nlfrfes Eo mal.e,purctrase, insure, or quaranLEe tte-miti"i! on such o*ner,gcondom i i. un unl t. 2i. GeneraL (a) lf any of rhc nrovlslons of this Declara_:lon or'.lny paragraplr,.senr€nce..clause, pi,-rr". or rlor , orch€ aPPllcarlon thert,of in qly ctrcumetinc; S. f"vaiiariejlsuch, tnvatldrrv sharr nor arf6ci-ifi"-"riiiiity oi ir,"-i.riiia..or Ehls Declararton. il9. !hu .ppfi.uriin-Ji .ny euch provtsion,l?liglipl: sencence, ctause,-pii""j ;;-;.;; ,.n sny oErrercrrcumarqnccs shalI noc be afiecreJ i[";;b;. l, 0rl 1,lr{ f)rovlalonA of thl, t}oclurltlon shalI bo lnadrtittor 'rnd suf'Irlanpnt.l t6 g16 r-rondonr.nlum ot"r"rrrp Act of the gtnteol ct)lorado rd to dll other !.rovlsldrr of l$v, lcl l{heneve r usetl hcre: r rnlssa tho csntExtshall otherrrise provide. t$e singul,rr ir*r.., Jfr"ii'include tie plurdl, ;i:.il::., u,e sinqular, ana tre-us,e or;;-;;.; sratl tncruae all lN |rI?NEss t{l:EREoF, Doc: rrant hiu duly eaecut4d uri.str,('t{r,rtton thtu __!r! d,rr .rr .,.jTi ,r41, L tr S DOtlf,TOPMtrNT, r Colorado general partnershlp BYr BY! @lrE RY. S t aufe r, c€neral Tlre underslgned holdqr of a fl:"i:::L ll".:.9 r,y thi.e oecl aratron hereby \tore f L cen€!aI deod o I trust rpon th6 cohserr Lq to the subordlnnlton vALLEy IGSTAUR,INT ASSOCTATES, IHC.,! C .lorado colporrt.lon Enpl re BY: ) rrs.c(ltil'rY .)F -__.-__ ) itqrng lnstrunent ras acknwledged before rne Uris' r(r t-L{ri,t 1 . 19f L bv 'larn:nn <},:,r^, r_.:_+,',:t "r ,(r r-L{.irrt i,'ili,jl.,l:ll.ll. jl],- 1,. _.:.ll"",lt1l l,artner--f L & s Deue ror,rnenr, a( .lorr<[r ( iorror.l p]jtnrrrjitttlr. 'ri i tnr'!iq nr/ h.rnd xtd of f i,_-inI so.rl, i ,.r.. t.s.- l'i , r ', ? : .\r --:J--,---$---{J i., , -_liotar'/ prr)ljc. Partrer ,r/(- 99er r SavJ.ngs, Butldtnq .tr.1 I.o[| -22- STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF _ Ttre 3 1s' clay assecffiil $ii:-ff"Hil )) rr, ) Colorado- corporat to;: I-.1::r.r" ny hand end offtcral ceet. elon c:cptrea: J,r^^*n1 rC, lq.f) STATE OF COLORADO ) cBffirfldoe perrJ€r )''"' "._,.tl:.'r::"golng. tnrttwenc raa acknowledgcd before ne thlriffi.li: * I{Ltneas ny hand and offlcial real. My comlaslon explrea: before ro€ Lirr.s -23- EXHIBIT A (Attached to_and made a parrDeclaratlon for Tyrolean- Inn of Gondoml ntum Condornl rlume . ) LECAI. DESCRIPTION TYROLEAN CONDOMINITTMS _ a resuLdivlsJ.onorlrect 8, Val l vtlla. e Flrsc Flllng,Town of Val l . Eap,Ie Co-.tcy , Colorar.to"' BXHIBIT B (Atcached to_and made a p, of Condornin{unrDeclarecion for Tyrolean' t..r. conJorni;f;;.i Interes!3 in Genersl cormon Elenents percentage Ornershtp ln. General Comlon E lerninrsApartnenc Apprrrrenent to thelld. Aparttncrrt Unit 2 I 4 q 6 I 9 t0. ?4 9. 58 7 .49 14. 15 9.55 ,4, L9 15.80 5.49 i2.00 The owner or- each- con<lomfirLum unlt shall haveexclusive rishr co us. "ny b;t;il;;";;kl'it.r."."u o,parlo nLtaclred ro such-.unir, ..td a'!,i rt".'cia-,rs a lrnltedcomnon elEnent on lhe Map. the Ihe owner of each corldonlnium unlE€:xc.Lusiv(. rlthr ro use.rhose p;;kiil-;;.;;with the.numeri<:aI deslgnat.ioir corrErpb"aingdesignation of h1s cond6mtniun r"ii-rii"iiiir,space ehell be s l(mtted cbnrnon;l;rr;;;,-;;!!" {lp, sppurLenanr ro che cona,rrninius,'uiir a pondir..g numerlccl de s lgnat lon. ehall have the g hown on the MsDto the numerlcil euch parklng deelgnated on wl ch rhe corro-