HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E GORSUCH BUILDING AKA CLOCK TOWER MCBRIDE DRB LEGAL7 /*//r//r7o t'&-ha -Z' fne,aC4eGt?///UA",zqo,Je(l*toooo b.P,E Ht&'/u' 1t Design Review Board ACTION FORM DepartTent of Crmmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prctect Name; Ore House DRB Number: DRB030110 Project Description: Plastic awning Participants: OWNER GORSUCH LTD-MCBRIDE,JOHN04lL4l2003 Phone: 263 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT Larry Anderson 04.lt4l2003 Phone: 476-5100 232 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 License: Project Address: 253 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Loca6on: Ore House 232 Bridge Street Legal Description: LoH C, D Block 5 Subdlvlsion: VAIL ULLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 210108229003 Comments: overturned DRB decision BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Moffet Action: APPROVED Second By: Jewitt Vote: 6-1 DateofApprovalt 0710712003 Conditions: Cond: CON0005983 The plastic awnings cannot be used during ski season Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: S25O.OO V+. b-\ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Dnn MEMORANDUM Town Gouncil Community Development Department July 1, 2003 ilt. An appealof the Design Review Board decision to deny DRB03-0110, a final review ol proposed awnings at the Ore House, located at 232 Bridge StreeVLot D, Block 5, Vail Village lstFiling Appellent: Larry AndersonPlanner: Allison Ochs SUBJECT PROPERW The subject property the Ore House Restauranl and Bar, located at 232 Bridge Street / Lot D, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. The property is zoned Commercial Core l. STANDING OF APPELLANT The appellanl has standing 1o file an appeal as the owner of the Ore House. REOUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, ovenurn, or modify the Design Review Board's denial of DRB03-0110, a |inal review of proposed awnings at the Ore House, located a|232 Bridge SlreeUlot D, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Pursuant to Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Council is required to make findings of tact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title 12) have or have not been met. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicant, Larry Anderson, submitted an application to erect clear plastic awnings which roll up into the existing deck awning at the Ore House Bar and Reslaurant. Pictures of the awnings have been attached for reference (Attachment A). The application was in response to an enforcemenl letter sent by the Community Development Department for erecting the clear plastic awnings without design approval. This letter has been attached for reference (Attachment B). tv. v,BACKGROUND On May 21, 2003, the Design Review Board denied the proposed awnings at the Ore House. The denial was due to a 2:2 tie of the Design Review Board which, according to procedure, constitutes a denial of a proposal. The applicant, Larry Anderson, representing the Ore House, submitted an appeal of the Design Review Board's May 21, 2003, decision. The appeal has been attached for reference (Attachment C). The applicant stated that his appeal is based on the benefit the clear plastic awnings provide during bad weather. APPLICABLE DESIGN GUIDELINES Design Guidelines: 1. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be infened that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, mateials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed materials are incompatible with the existing structure and the environment. Specifically, staff does not believe that the clear plastic awnings meet the intent of this guideline. Previous applicalions for clear plastic awnings have been denied, based on non-compliance with the Town of Vail Design Guidelines. Staff believes that approving them in this situation, regardless of lrequency of use, will set a precedence for these types of proposals. The proliferation of the clear plastic material will have a negalive impact on the Town of Vail. Urban Design Guide Plan: 1. Pedestrianization - A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant, pedestrian ways. Staff Response: Staff believes that the proposed clear plastic awnings create too much of a streel enclosure and intrudes into the openness of the streetscape, making the pedestrian circulation less pleasant. 2. Decks and Patios - Dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bing people to the streets, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness of a busy street - making a richer pedestrian experience than if those slreefs were empty. A review of successful decks/patios in Vail reveals several common characteristics:t Direct sunlight from 11:00 - 3:00 increases use by many days/year and protects from windo Elevated 3 to 5 feet to give views into the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse). Physical separation trom pedestrian walk of 10 to 1 2 ft. (planter befter than a wall). Overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: sun, wind, views, and pedestrian activities. vt. Staff Resoonse: Staff believes that the intent of outdoor dining decks is to provide interest to the street. By enclosing this space with clear plaslic awnings, the interest to the street is lost. Some outdoor dining decks or portions of dining decks have been permanently enclosed, i.e. Pepi's, Red Lion, and a deck on the creekside at Sweet Basil. All of these permanent structures have been subject to site coverage, setbacks, elc. The Design Review Board stated that some of these deck enclosures have negatively impacted the pedestrian experience in Vail. 3. Accent Elements - The life, and festive quality of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement, and contrast to the Village. Colortd arcent elements consistent with existing character arc encouraged, such as: . Awnings and canopies -canvas, bight color or stripes of two colors.. Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, poles, and even across sfreets for special occasions.. Umbrellas -over tables on outdoor dining decks.c Annual color flowers - in beds or in planters.. Accent lighting - buildings, plazas, windows, trees (even Christmas lights ail winte\.o Painted wall graphics -coats of arms, symbols. Accent compositions, etc.o Fountains - sculptural, with both winter and summer characteristies. Staff Response: The Vail Village Design Considerations encourages the use of awnings, canopies, and umbrellas over tables on ouldoor patios. The use of plastic is discouraged. Vall Village Master Plan Goal 1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustain ifs sense of community and identity. Staff Resoonse: The Design Review Board and staff believe that the proposed awning is of character within the architectural scale of the Village. The proposal does not meet the intent of Goal 1 of the Vail Village Master Plan. Goal 3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking expeience throughout the Village 3.3 Encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be enmuraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects. Staff Resoonse: Staff feels that the currenl proposal does not meet the intent of Goal 3 of the Vail Village Master Plan. As proposed, the outdoor deck simply becomes "enclosed" soace. VII. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The Community Development Departmenl recommends that the Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denial of the proposed clear plastic awnings at the Ore House Bar and Restaurant, located at 232 Bridge StreeUlot D, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposal does not meet the intent of the guidelines as established by Section 12-11-5 (Design Guidelines) of the Town Code and outlined in Section V of this memorandum. 2. That the proposal does not meet the intent of the guidelines as established by the VailVillage Urban Design Guide Plan and as outlined in Section V of this memorandum. Should the Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial of the request, the Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council also direct staff to amend the Design Guidelines to allow for this malerial, VIII. AfiACHMENTS A. Photos ol proposed awningsB. Enforcement Letter, dated March 6, 2003C. Appeals Form, received May 30, 2003D. Final Agenda of Design Review Board meeting of May 21,2003 7a l't -o E () (u P g:x*-" -- --\- Ar' ?4"'k ",- S&* -",", ;i - .t f' .l'!l.it|i,?\;lf r'r,? i o o o o FlL E 00Py March 6,2003 Ore House John Beaupre 232 Bridge Street Vail CO 81657 CERTIFIED MAILRETURN RECEIPT REQTJESTEI) Re: Unapproved exterior alteration, illegal sign displayed Dear Mr. Beaupre: One of the many functions of Code Enforcement is to provide for the enforcement of the Town of Vail Municipal Codes. It has come to our attention that the above-described property may be in violation ofthe Town of Vail Municipal Codes as follows: Reported Violation(s): You have placed plastic cwtains arotmd your dining deck You also have a daily special bomd being placed out in violation of the Sign Code. Section I2-l l-3 (DESIGN APPROYAL) of the Town Code states, in part, that: 1 2- 1 I -3 : DESIGN APP ROYAL: A. Scope: No person shall commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, building cowtruction or demolition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection, aderinr alteration or enlargement of an existing structure, pning, fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits of the Town unless design approval has been gTanted as prescribed in this Chapter. The addition of plmt materials to existing landscaping, gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from thk provision. We are asking that you remove these curtains and no longer display the unapproved daily special board, Failare to do so will result in a summons being_ksued. Attachment: B Your prompt attention regarding this matter will be geatly appreciated and will help assure that Vail continues to be the desirable and pleasant resort community for which we all strive. Please feel free to call me with any questions, comments or concgms you may have. My office phone number is 97 0-477 -3417 . Very Truly Yours, David Rhoades, Code Enforcement Officer Community Development Department Appeals Form __ Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaii, Colorado 81G57 tel: 970.479.2t39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail:co.us General fnformation: This form is required for filing an appeal of a staff, Design Review Board, or planning and Environmentalcommission action/decision' A complete rorm ano associated requirements must be submitted to thecommunity Development Department within ten (10) business days of the disputeo action/decision. Action/Decisiol being appealed: Date of Action/Decision: Board or Staff person rendering actidn/decision: Does this appeal involve a specific parcel of land? (yes) Phone! Physical Address in Vail: Legal Description of Appellant(s) If yes, are you an adjacent propefi o,wnerf (yes[no) Nameof Appellant(s): ( /r-.' \*J-ut ? t )*, Maiting Address: 1}a; ?,..;A.r-,, {.-,r- { *,-'. Submittal Requirements:1' On a separate sheet or TParate sheets of paper, provide a detailed explanation of how you are an"aggrieved or adversely affected person,,.2' on a separate sheet or separate sheets of paper, speciff the precise nature of the appeal. please cite specific code sections having rerevance to the action being appealed.3' Provide a list of names and addresses (both mailing and phftic;i addresses in vail) of all owners ofproperty who are the subject of the appeal and all adjacent property owners (including ownerswhose propefties are separated from the subject property by a'right-oFway, stream, or otherintervening barrier).4' Provide stamped, addressed envelopes for each property owner risted in (3.). Appellant(s) Signature( For Office Use Date Lot:_Block: t*tt*t' iu itt or if more space is required). PLEASE SUBMIT THIS FORM AND ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS TO: TOWN OF VAIL, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAil., COLOMDO 81557. \,EB 2003Planner: Attachment: C RECE Ore {House 232 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 (97O) 476-s1OO J=h< e\J\--+*-',i s h^^'.- t-*^. i n p'\o"a o,""\ .; \^s€- {o"- a- \.\u-\'^"!t4-- -*Q 7eA-'rs. .-"\L \ atso\..^\tt7 *: cct-"'p\o..-'.\: -[\^. €-'r'-\*';J o-'nq i^f,'*?-;^*t:'Aqc'c\tJ$"i:?' .7^ o-.*'1*:; l:'.,'^:i :*-- -:z-;*' - -€-r- c-\,.rs i o-e-\.f i ^ {L.- Ji!r'vr'\t4' €n , :$na--t i s- v-' c) W t-.\<,'- \-\ s € . -TL,. G-rr.-\"".l-,c .)€*y .^.*tf,.. t.''.{'+ dr'r'v^ g,r,r.*.n-'e.- \.^.',-.-,0*- ^-\ A rJ-r- Lt* * ' ''.c ss . ,\t/ 4c e a.3ceaf b",*-o-{;+ {a lr\^. tJ'i\ 3:'t *'t-a:i-,-. h a-l s\. *.- ,i.9 +\^* su'Y'\v1-e' r {o <-r3d 7 *l " o'.tc\dcrr{ ar.-a\ ti^. Af,.a g'ue''\ t4 trct''"' Ao=t /^o{ L'--"* \a 9c.rrr'- y &o'- cc) ':e'r ' h *f" "^^' t JJ [" o$ \^ ts o ' ;;: -Zt^.*, 6t"" '\ Lcv-t -s '-"o."^" <n .,$"- L.-L ' t' o--*ri-\r^*i a*{5..,o-- *..$.':5. Tb.-l t-^*:'+ +LTc^^"^ o.q U':\ f,.-.^^^ c\ soLs {^*- 'p;"Pu^'; - -fl"n v^"\c/ra b-..ine.ss it". - O'" S*t. cc'}'^ A\ t Jo': 1)t- ,=['"-ro ' *L. h^ ar e- +L. L*^^*'t{t \" \L'* {c\"' r s' q\q g -}c*<' \) o\\ <ux.'-) ?/ -g-V *\ ' '-'ll c '..\et \t" Ft t v\\t{ \ F- e'"}' i s *)^e vlTtl\:fr "{ 4I.." t-,-*.)i *r cdl"^r'*"^: \) ", \f " €,wa\cr.*r. -^\)'*L-o^^* "!\^^\ ...i''ti\i! a"'o\ c-\ea-\y l^ €U€^n.-r.eL, -TLu. .r-qr*\\< t$ fL.e n^.art v-<-<-+'^-\ --Fa'^^ 4 I ( , \. I -- '.--,o -,.-,b ! rr-',--a t'* €.(ryr ggr r'- \5-,.^." fi\ QvQra <tv'r_ '. il il ,ii ..i* r,s:.:.8't ".,{,l :ir. '4 ,i; ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Communlty Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.479.2139 fax| 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail,co. us Project Name: Ore House DRB Number: DR8030110 Project Descriptionr Plastic awning Participants: OWNER GORSUCH LTD - MCBRIDE, JOHN04|L4|ZO03 phone: 263 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 Licnse: APPUCANT LarryAnderson 04/t412003 Phone:476-5100 232 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 License: Projed Address: 263 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL l-ocation! Ore House 232 Bridge Street tegal Descriptionr Lot! C, D Block 5 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 1 ParcelNumber: 210108229003 Comments: AppllcaUon failed due to 2:2 tie BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By! Action: DENIED Second By:vote: Date ofApprovalt Conditions: Cond: CON0005887 The awnings must be removed by no later than July 1, 2003, if no appeal of this decision is filed. Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 T-{61 P.002 F-S69' Apr-08j03 0l:57Pnr From-T0lll{ ;'..TfiHtr1#f'",..:{;r !1ng*:xx'"i::fJ:1#if#,t'ffigf'lx1l3jfll5'"FjJ'E!friffi,: Ar pro]ects requrnns ,i=-.y:|tfr;ti;.-.fr;frr*,j['r.aner*bl mat is. Fftt: PF..*tFll?'ir *;,,i;..r inr.im;riorr r$-recerved bv tne tr P tr :Phone:; Apr-08j03 0l:57pr From-T0[l'l 0F VA|I|IUNITY DEVEtOPlEtlT ,r*m L Orint name descriPtion) provide this letter as written aPproval of the plans dated beensubmittedtotheTownofVaitcornmunityDevehpmentDeparunentfortheproposedimprovements tobecomp|etedattheaddressnotedabove'IunderstandthattheproposedimprovemenLsinc|ude:. I n ,\^. ;r-. -riit uQ-t.; IfurtherUnderstandthatminormodificationsmaybemadetothep|ansoverthecouGeofthereview process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations' a joint owner of proPerty located at (address/legal k -i); which have 9701792452 T-484 P.003/013 F'868 JOINT PROPERTYOWNER' WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER Page 2 of 7zl02lo7lo7 Apr-08:!3 0l :58rm Fron'T0lll{ 0F VA!l'lul||lTY DEVEL0PI'II|T Roof Siding O$rer Wall Matenlals Fascia 5offits Wndows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing ChimneYs Tmsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Lighting s70179?45?T-181 P.007/013 F-969 ColoI C \..*-- . Exterior @ Notes: Please specify the manufachJrer's name' the color name and number and attach a color chip' PROPOSEO MATERIAI-5 Page 6 of ].2l12lo7loz FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Community Development Department May 7, 2003 Ore House request for review of the clear plastic curtains to enclose the out door dinino deck STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Design Review Board deny DRB03-0010, a minor alteration at 232 Bridge Street, to allow for the addition of clear plastic curtains at the Ore House subject to the following findings: 1. That the proposal does not meet the inlent of the guidelines as established by Section 12-11-5, Design Guidelines, and Title 14, Vail Town Code. 2- That the proposal does not meel the intent of the guidelines as established by the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan ln addition, the Design Review Board has denied similar applications which involved this plastic window material, including proposals at Haagen Daz, Sweet Basil, Campo di Fiori, stating in all cases that "clear plastic" is not an acceptable building material in the Town of Vail. APPLICABLE DESIGN GUTDELINES Design Guidelines: 1. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. lt is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Conpatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, mateilals and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. Urban Design Guide Plan: 1. Pedestrianization - A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulation through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant, pedestrian ways. 2. Decks and Patios - Dining decks and patios, when properly designed and sited, bring people to lhe streefs, opportunities to look and be looked at, and generally contribute to the liveliness o/ a busy street - making a richer pedestrian experience than if those slreels were empty. A review of successlul decks/patios in Vail reveals several common characteristics:. Direct sunlight from 11:00 - 3:00 increases use by many days/year and protects from wind . Elevated 3 to 5 feet to give views into the pedestrian walk (and not the reverse). Physical separation from pedestrian walk of 10 to 12 ft. (planter better than a wall). Overhang gives pedestrian scale/shelter Decks and patios should be sited and designed with due consideration to: sun, wind, vi ews, ped e stri an activities. 3. Accent Elements - The life, and festive quality of the Village is given by judicious use of accent elements which give color, movement, and contrast to the Village. Colorful accent elements consistent with existing character are encouraged, such as; . Awnings and canopies - canvas, bright color or stripes of two colors.. Flags, banners - hanging from buildings, poles, and even across sfreels for special occasions.. Umbrellas - over tables on outdoor dining decks.. Annual color flowers - in beds or in planters.. Accent lighting - buildings, plazas, windows, trees (even Christmas lights allwinter).t Painted wall graphics -coats of arms, symbols. Accent compositions, etc.. Fountains - sculptural, with both winter and summer characteristics. Vail Village Master Plan Goal 1: Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the village in order to sustarn ifs sense of community and identity. . Goal 3: To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village 3.3 Encourage a wide variety of activities, events, and street life along pedestrian ways and plazas. 3.3.2 Outdoor dining is an important streetscape feature and shall be encouraged in commercial infill or redevelopment projects. Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Gorsuch Remodel Project Description:M inor exterior alteration Owner, Address and Phone: David & Renie Gorsuch Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tom Frye, Resort Design Collaborative lnternational, 1000 South Frontage Road, Vail, Co. 81657 Project Street Address: 263 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description. Lots c, d, e & f, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: Building Name: Comments: Amended Approval (lUA2/98) of cedar shake rooling shingles Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrich Vote: 5-0 Conditions: See PEC conditions Board / Staff Action Action: approved Town Planner: Date: F:\tlvliRYONE\DRB\APPROVT\l li98\GORSt.rCIJ.7 I7 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Gorsuch Remodel ProjectDescription: Minorexterioralteration Owner, Address and Phone:David & Renie Gorsuch Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tom Frye, Resort Design Collaborative International, 1000 South Frontage Road, Vail, Co. 81557 Project Street Address: 263 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lots c, d, e & f, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing BuildingName: TownPlanne r, fL..-3 -Q.uJr,rDate: lln nA F:\EVERYONE\DR3\APPROVAL9t\ I DRBAPPR.FRM Motion by: Pierce Seconded by: Woldrcih Vote: 5-0 Conditions: See PEC conditions Board / Staff Action Action: approved DRB FeePre-Paid: FS-D. -- TOTyN OFVAIL CENERAI.INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Pl:urning and Environmcntal Comnrission. For spccific information. scc thc subnrittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc Itcccptcd until all rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Torvn Council nd./or thc Dcsign Rcvicw Board. A.. TYPEOFAPPLICATION:,, . tr Additional GRFA (2s0) , itl Bcd and Brlakfasttr Conditional Usc Pcrmittl Major or El Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning tr Sign Variancc D Variancctr ZoningCodcAmcndmcnt B.DESCRTPTTON OF THE REQUEST:*t\tO AL o Pl'1, Qucsrions? | rtrc Planning Suff at 479-?.118 I CATI O N I.'OII PI,ANNI i\ic A i\i D Ii NVI RONN' Ii N]'A I. COMMISSION APPROVAL PPsIB-ol'{) tr D tr Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopnrcnt Plan Employcc 4ousing Unit Cfypc: ) Major o5,2{Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (VailVillage) Major or N Minor CCII ExtcriorAltcration (Lionshcad) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt District Major or E Minor Anrcndmcnt to an SDD o B tr tlLu) Lr. [. ci. olvNER(s) STGNATURE(S): LOCAil ON O F p RO pOS A L: yOr de&r{BLoc K_<t_ Ft LrN c Vnt-'4or*or,z Ftesr ADDRES* 2&3 GopeQiE-Etav,F BUTLDTNCNAME: i frere ,Satutatg zoNtNG: &/&ntuaz lbZE- 7 NAMEoFowNER(sl' ,*up *atA fule 4aesa6,/J MAILINC ADDRESS: NAME OF REPRESENTA MAILINGADDRESS: Cert:rW: TpFFrE 4H. FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. I STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT oF coMM{JNITv DEVELOPMENT, 7s SOUTH FR0NTAGE ROAD, For Oflice tfsc Only: .Fccpatd: Loo. oo ck#: I lllt By: 2r,d Application Datc:PEC Mccting Datc: PHoNE: 47b- 22?4 VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvircd &96 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 5,' Tolu MEMORANDUM Fnew Planning and Environmenlal Commission Community Development D€partment July 13, 1998 A request for a minor exlerior alteration in CC1, to allow for an exterior renovation of Gorsuch Ltd., located in the Clock Tower Building, 263 Gore Creek Drive/Lots c,d,e & f, Block 5, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Gorsuch Ltd, represented by Resort Design Collaborative IntemationalPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST Resoil Design Collaborative Intemational, on behalf of Gorsuch Ltd, has requested a minor exterior alteration in the Commercial Core 1 (CC1) Zone District, to allow for an exterior renovation and addiiion to the Gorsuch Ltd. store, located within the Clock Tower Building at 263 Gore Creek Drive. ln anticipation of the upcoming World Alpine Ski Championships, David and Renie Gorsuch, owners of Gorsuch Ltd, are proposing to renovate the exlerior porlion of the Clock Tower Building. Proposed improvements include: . The removal and replacement of the soffit and fascia. The addition of flower boxes at various locations around the building. The removal and replacement of the balcony railings. The addition of copper gutters and downspoutso I complete repainting of the building. The addition of two copper awnings on the Gore Creek Drive side of the building. The construqtion of a permanent arched entry on the Bridge Street side of the building. The addition of a new 46 square foot bay display window and dormer. The replacement of the existing exterior lighting with new recessed can lights. The removal and replacemeni of the awning over the Ore House dining deck. The replacement of the hour markers on the clock II. ZONING ANALYSIS TPPROI.,ED Sf TI{E The following summarizes the relevant zoning statistics forthis request: IfiIil OF VAIL nfflnnAilD Bfirn$ffinloolltrF8|oil nfir* Zoning:CommercialCore 1 (CC1) qrlrc*4 oo tslfr 141OiltOrFHfr Jf v|]ultffiafirffiJqr4figailnsfil.slffiyttl ffirr'r'f,llg !.ryftt*n Setbacks: Site Coverage: Parking: Loading: no changes proposed no changes proposed Gorsuch Ltd. addition with 46 sq. ft. / 300 sq. ft. = 0.153 spaoes. Total additional parking fee required = $2,677.65. No change III. CRITERIA TO BE USED IN EVALUATING THIS PROPOSAL The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The emphasis of lhis review is on the proposal's compatibility with the Zoning Regulations, the Town of Vail Streetscape Masler Plan, the Vail Mllage Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Design Considerations and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. A. Gompliance with the Town of Vail Zoning Code As stated in the Zoning Code, lhe purpose of the CC1 Zone District is as follows: "The Commercial Core 1 District is intended to provide siles and to maintain ihe unique charac{er of ihe Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environmenl. The Commercial Core 1 Distrist is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The District regulations in accordence with the Vail Mllage Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered anangements of buildings fronting on pedestrianways and public greenways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architestural qualities that distinguish the Village. (Ord. 21(1980) $ 1)' Additionally, the Zoning Regulations define an Exterior Alteration as, in parl, "the alteration of an existing building which adds or removes any enclosed floor area (and/or) the alteration of an efsting building which modifies the existing roof." An exterior alteration is consider a 'mino/' exterior alteration if the addition is less than 100 square feet in size. STAFF RESPONSE: Upon review of the proposed minor exterior alteration, staff believes that the proposed 46 square foot addition complies with the purpose statement of the CCI Zone District and that the addilion is a minor elilerior alteration since the proposal adds 46 square feet of new floor area to the existing building. '1. Compliance with the Vail Mllage Urban Design Guide Plan According to the Vail Village Urban Design Guide plan, the Clock Tower Building is located within the Gore Creek Drive/Bridge Street sub-area. A review of the Gore Creek Drive/Bridge Street sub-area revealed thet no specific improvements are identified for the Clock Tower Building. The only sub-area element relevant to this proposal is the focal point importance of the clock tower. The applicant is proposing to replace the hour markenr on the clock. The new hour markers will be patinaed copper. STAFF RESPONSE: Staff believes that the changes to the hour markers will be a positive change without departing significantly from the historic nalure and appearance of the clock lower. Compliance with the urban desion considerations for Vail Village and the exterior alteEtion criteria. Urban Design Considerations. a. Pedeslrianizalion A major objective for Vail Village is to encourage pedestrian circulalion through an interconnected network of safe, pleasant pedestrian ways. Staff believes the pedestrian ways (Gore Creek Drive & Bridge Street) are already a pleasanl pedestrian environment with the street benches end the landscaping. The plans proposed by the applicant further enhance the pedestrian environment. lt is staffs opinion that the proposed addition and renovations will positively impact the pedestrian environment adjacent to the Clock Tower Building. b. Traffic penetration The minor exterior alteration to the Clock Tower Building will have no effect upon vehicular penetration into the Village. The proposed addition will generate an increase in the total parking requirement for the Village Center Building by 0.153 parking spaces. The increase in the parking requirement will be met by the applicant through a payment into the Town of Vail Parking Fund. Therefore, staff believes there will be no impacts to vehicular penetration into the Village as a result of this request. c. Streetscaoeframework According to the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, the quality of the walking experience should be improved when necessary, and the pedestrian ways should be maintained. One means of accomplishing this goal is to infill commercial store fronts. Staff believes that lhe proposed addition and renovation will generate commercial activity and add to the visual interest of the building without jeopardizing the walking experience or pedestrian way in the area. d. Street enclosure Street enclosure becomes an issue when each side of a street has buildings on it. ln the case of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street, both streels are bordered by buildings. lt is the staffs opinion that the addition to the Gorsuch Ltd. store will have a positive effecl on the perception of street enclosure. Staff feels the proposed arched entry addition will bring the building closer to the main pedestrian walkway, thus helping to divert the attention of a pedestrian back to the building and back to the new display window. Staff further believes that the new awning and the addition of the new balcony rails and flower boxes will increase and enhance the visual interest of the building. e. Street edoe According to the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, buildings in the Village should form a strong but irregular edge to the street. ThE resulling 'jogs" in the buildings should be used as activity areas for pedestrian use (ie. gathering, resting, orienting, etc.). In staffs opinion the proposed addition meets the goals of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations as it relates to street edge. f. Building height The building height proposed by the applicant is in keeping with lhe intent of the Vail Village Urban Design Consideralions. The height of the proposed arched entry addilion will be significantly less than the overall height of the existing building. Staff believes that the applicant has done an excellent job of matching the scale of the addition and the improvements with ihe scale of the existing building. g. Views The Vail Village Urban Design Consideraiions stress the importance of views in the Village area. As proposed, ihe addition will not encroach upon any of the established view conidors. 2. Architectural/Landscape Considerations. a. Roofs The existing roof surface material on the Clock Tower Building is gravel. The roof surface material on the clock tower is cedar shakes. When the addition to the Gorsuch Ltd. store is completed, the new roof over the arched entry addition will blend and match the existing roof and roof materials. Slaff finds that the roof forms and roof materials proposed by the applicant are in compliance with the architec{ural/landscape considerations of the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations. b. Facades The facade of the building is where the majority of the improvements are proposed. The improvements to the facade are listed on page 1 of this memorendum. According to the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations, bay, D. bow and box windows are common window details, which add further variety and massing to facades. Such window types are encouraged. lt is the opinion of the staff that the new building facade will result in an improved and enhanced appearance of Vail Village. c. Balconies The applicant has proposed lo remove and replace the balcony rails around the building. The new rails and accompanying flower boxes help to further the goals of the Vail Village Master Plan. d. Decks and Patios The existing dining deck at the Ore House will not be impacted by this proposal as there will be no net loss of dining area. The existing green canvas canopy over the dining deck is to be replaced with a new canvas canopy. The new canopy will be blue & white striped. The new €nopy is intended lo improve the visual inierest of the building at street level. e. Accent elements Colorful accent elements, consistent with existing character are encouraged in lhe Village. The applicant is proposing changes to the building that will incorporate new accenl elements. Overall, staff believes the addition and renovations will be a positive element on the building. f. Landscape elements Upon review of the site, staff finds the landscape elements around the building are more than adequete. o. Service No additional loading and delivery services arc required as a result of this request. Compliance with the Town of Vail Strcetscaoe Master Plan. The Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan ettempts to improve the functioning character of the area by adding sidewalks where none presently exist, screening parking areas, and to enhance the visual appearance ofthe Town. Each ofthe slreetscape elements prescribed for lhe area around the Clock Tower Building have been implemented to the extent possible. STAFF RESPONSE: Upon review of the site by staff, the improvements suggested in the Town of Vail Master Streetscape Plan have already been completed. Therefore, no new streetscape plan improvements are proposed to be made with this application. E. Gompliance with the Vail Gomprehensive Plan Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address lhe proposed minor exterior alteration to the Clock Tower Building. The relevant elements and sestions are lisled below: 1. Land Use Plan - 4.3: "The ambiance of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling and environmental quality shall be maintained or enhanced." 2. Vail Village Master Plan - 2.4 Objective: "Encourage the development of a variety of commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses." 2.4.1 Policy: "Commercial infill development consistent with established horizontal zoning regulations shall be encouraged to provide activity generators, accessible green spaces, public plazas, and slreetscape improvements to the pedestrian network throughout the Village." STAFF RESPONSE; Staff believes lhe applicant's proposal seeks to achieve each of the objectives and policies listed above. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommendations approval of the proposed minor exterior alteration to the Clock Tower Building to allow for an addition and renovations to Gorsuch Ltd. The recommendation for lhe approval of the minor exterior alteration is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in section lll of this memorandum. Staff finds the applicant's request complies with the criteria outlined for a request of this neture in the Zoning Code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Design Considerations, and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, staff believes the minor exlerior alteration proposed by the applicant is supported by the Town's goals and objectives. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's requesi for a minor exterior alteration, the staff would recommend the following findings be made: '1. That the minor enerior alteration is in compliance and is compatible with the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan, the Vail Village Urban Design Considerations and the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the PEC choose to approve the applicant's request for a minor exterior alteration to allow for an addition and renovations to Gorsuch Ltd., the staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the applicant submit detailed civil engineering drawings indicating how ihe gutters and downspouts will be tied into the Town of Vail stormwater system. The drawings shall be submitted for review and approval of the Town Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. That the applicant submit an application and receive a revocable right-of-way permit to allow for work to be completed in the Town of Vail right-of-way prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the applicant pay $2,677.65 into the Town of Vail parking fund prior to the issuance of a Tempomry CertificEte of Occupancy. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION CLOCKTOWER BUILDING/GORSUCH LIMITED EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS The Clock Tower Building/Gorsuch Limited Store have been a landmark in Vail practically from the inception. The two buildings that comprise what is now known as the Clock Tower Building were constructed in 1965 and 1966. Various renovations to the exterior and interior have been completed to date to improve the building's appearance. The Gorsuchs would now like to bring the whole building together aesthetically and update the details to change the 1960's character ofthe building. The proposed improvements are focused on the west elevation as this is perceived to be the weakest elevation by the Gorsuchs. The scope of the proposed revisions is cosmetic in nature with the exception of an entry feature and bay windoddormer on the Bridge Street side. These revisions include:r The removal and replacement of the existing fascia and soffit on the entire building.r The removal and replacement of the all existing balcony railings and the addition of flower boxes at most balconies.o A change in the stucco color from white to an off white.o A change in the trim color from black to medium brown.r Removing the roof drainage crickets on the south side and replacing them with copper collector head and downspouts.r Replacement of various door and window trim elements to be more in line with the details on the east end of the building on the Gore Creek Drive side.r Addition of two copper awnings on the Gore Creek Drive side entries.r Extension of the roof overhangs 12"on the two west gables of the Gore Creek Drive side.r Remove the existing arched canvas canopy at the entrance to the Ore House restaurant, replace with an entry feature as shown on the attached drawings.r Remove the south balcony on the Bridge Street elevation and replace it with a bay window and dormer roof as shown on the attached drawings.r Change the material and color of the over the two outdoor dining areas to a traditional Gorsuch awning material used on other Gorsuch Ltd. Stores.r Modernize and improve the exterior lighting of the building: remove existing downlights and replace with recessed can lights in soffits and other accent lighting fixtures. r Replace the hour marks of the clock on the tower. We believe these renovations improve the somewhat dated appearance of the Clocktower Building while improving the "building scale and architectural qualities that distinguish the village." The Clocklower Building as it exists complies with the all the issues of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan. The proposed renovations only serve to enhance the existing building scale and improve the overall appearance. \WAIL_SVR_01\clients\PR Gorsuch Rem Vail\docs\PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION.d0C / a I -'r- * frK:. _.",9 w *-.-**-*- # *-.*^-*- IUPRO\oIEHT LOCATIot,I CERNNCATE AND TOFOGRAPHIC SUR\EY LOTS d & s, BLoCK 5. VAIL VILLAGE, FIRSI FlLrflc LorS c & t, SUFER ,/ McBRloE SU80l\1Sl0N TOr$'r 0F vArL. EAG|E Co('NTY. C0L@A00 lol d 4N ExrsrlNc sourH 2ND LEVEL PLAN flttonrnlciLE' v.' .1'-0' ll EXISTING SOUTII STREET LEVEL PLAN fi.-t" coRE cREEK DRrvE trl 9::l - --<h A uge{H{ J*.*56U OFJAaR' jiiii:iirili!r!i ''r#r"J"Joll"l,.*, 3UOIS 3CV11|A HSnSUO9 aqi 3F3,2 = e - l!an9X ;t'oith c-t rItt xz GORSUCH VILIAGE STORE -i :i;r ;ii: ;:i iiiiF S.t..brr3 & GORSTJCH LTD, oFFICE SPACI OORSUCH LTD. BEIA|L APACE I NEW FI..IOWER EOX PROPOSED WEST 3RD LEVEL PLAN PROPOSED WEST STREETLlt.l: Vt' - l'-c ITVEL PLAN I \ NORTH BRIDGE STREET PROPOSED WEST 2ND LEVEL PLAN sCA|.e Va'- !-f UJ :., o l! J -J (J o J B1 E lr,lFxlrl . J"o.-,,on-I3QOh{3U UOIU:|IX3 :ruors 30v1-Iln Hlnsuoc 6 ul (.) lq /z z J |rJ !J Etrlc lh F o 2,:- E;lqt =l9F F ,z z J|rl IIJJ z F at E4 ttAd B *azi ] azfl\ jl Et> fii AEEvl iH =-li -le _-_*_e i *;ii: !:: ;ilr ii;!:SUOrS 39\f-r'ilA HCnSUOO E e z k JgJ F 36 Qr, !1 > 4d Ee. gE g qE E2 2 3 sEIF EF 6i ax 'gg 5t et r:l fiF{F']i:8 F; ai sEig :;:i :9t! E9 T: 3E I t: {l i.i:i uiiu i:i: 4;;; ocvuo-toc "ltvn .-rSqohl:Iu uoluSJxa SUOJS 3OVTiln H)OSUO9 7I r: ii Yt: I' rr i! !l i I 18 r,| ;;gI i!8| :1 .!| !:zI l: a| :J I| :t 5I i! oli ii Elb :r 3i: o 6I r: li: $9EEa ,5,ol 5il -dr*u iIFgEEg coooo t;::l l&:_Jt ll-,r-lLJI dh sli L il ;.o A-r_equest for minor exlerior alterations at the Vail Village Clock Tower Building (CCl) located at263 Gore Creek Drive/ Lots C, D, E & F, Block 5, Vail Viilage First Applicant: S. David Gorsuch, represented by Resort Design CollaborativePlanner: George Ruther A r9_g_uesl for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for a primary/secondary residence localed at 493 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 6th. Applicant: Planner: Ron Byrne represented by William Reslock George Ruther A request for a rezoning from previously unzoned property owned by the United States ForEst Service and lransfened to the Town of Vail pursuant to the Land Ownership Adjustment Agreement to Primary / Secondary Residential District for property located at Ptarmigan Road /Govemmenl Lots 2 (1 .66 acres) and 3 (4.252 acres) crealed by a survey done in 1995 under the authority of the Bureau of Land Management Cadastral Survey. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and informalion about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office located at lhe Town of Vail Community Development Deparlment, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published June 26, 1998 in the Vail Trail. l l" l,ll',, ,,, 11, ,1' l ll, ,,l,l, ,l James M, Todd 5728 S. Gallup Street Littleton, CO 80120 Richard K. Parker 3329E. Bayaud 1514 Denver, CO 80209 ll"l''"ll'll,,,l,l,l,r,l,,ll'l Slifer Buildin& LLC 230 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 l 286 Bridge Street, Inc. 701S.E.6th Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. c/o East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avory CO 81620 o Gorsuch Ltd. Clock Tower Building Alteration to Exterior List of Adjacent Property Owners Subject Property Address: Clock Tower Building,263 Gore Creek Drive Gosuch Ltd - John P McBride 263 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Adjacent Properfy Owners: A&D Building,286 Bridge Street 286 Bridge Sheet, Inc. 701 S.E. 6'Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Casino Building,281 Bridge Street Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer,23l Gore Creek Drive Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building,227 Bridge Street Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. o%East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Slifer Building,230 Bridge Street Slifer Building,LLC 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Vail Townhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit 2A: Richard K. Parker 3329E.Bayaud 1514 Denver, CO 80209 Unit 2B: James M. Todd 5728 S. Gallup Street Littleton, CO 80120 WAIL,SVR_O1\clients\PRl\Gorsuch Rem_VaiMocs\Adj Prop Owners List.doc v ,rJtcE coRl . att omtr r{ cLlI&Illlo allr!|tr!|D{o Eq^FlD - u!leDr rdtrlD^'ttllt d lltltlttll|4<rat rror n.I,|l tarvla arDDIlVlrr raolxirD^tnr - r E c$Ea totlal od8 loiltttsttvl . |Dal|nat otio|'r,||{nua ma ADolLotrl|Df{fa focErl . udl.ro|.| rrvlr! ^rl o{rDaqjllt ll{ lxilllttlt . rcra 8^flr.o lra^a ^rt flloall - omrr af't n llaBrru*;a 1r|| at llgl rct('.tr r|r| rDcrrflra-l.llatc- rn r|r xrl|rarr - xfrlt rar Yla.orro lrclJraa l||ot,lD aacoa-ua.tEo trato t|raot.. aEtt,|ta Gorsuch Ltd. Subject Property !!l! !t!!t! ,r#-tn"- d. . loooa t^a.L€') r,F# t.tcuro [] <*-.rrnt^v"rc n ct.l(ra s|{tt t^vus lpjil rrrcx t^v{s Ii;l cullfrr t^vtf€ f] urucrlo las Figure 14 9!!!4-!gt!ra!!- - nrsrrirr.r.|lorrtlarr dcdtt' 1 \?*' INVENTORY/ANALYSIS VILLAGE CORE rat vlt-.cE stf,€€tsc^t€ Town ofVall Strtetocape Marlcr Plan Page 69 co*orf;ity Development rhn noutg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimeq Public Works Mike McGee, Fire RetumTo:George Ruther Date Routed:6lt7l98 RetumBy:ASAP Project Nane:Gorsuch Exterior Modifi cations Project Address:263 Gore Creek Drive Project Legal:d,e,c, & { Block 5, Vail Village First Project Description:Exterior Modifications {pproved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons 1) On south side of your building, you are showing two new copper down spouts. All down spouts need to be rmder grounded and not spilled onto the surface. Please show us and tell us how you plan to do this work. The old avming nwer had grtters and down spouts and that makes for lots of ice in the winter on Bridge Street. Please add gutters and down spouts for the new awning and show how you will underground the down spouts. 2) Please place propertry right of way line on slreet A-5 for the new arched entry. The survey and your drawing do not match iftlre new arched entry is in the TOV R-O-W you will need to get a revooable right of way permit. l€t Lsrry Pardee from Public Works know who your contractor is and when they would like to staxt this project. We will need a staging plan. 479-2198 LarryPardee 6123/98 oo Design Review Action Form rowN oF YAIL ProjectName: Gorsuch Ltd. Remodel Project Description: Connect east and west retail sales areas Owner, Address and Phone: Gorsuch, Ltd. - Colorrdo S Corp. 263 Eest Gore Creek Drfue, Vall, Co 81657 (9701476-2294 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Rav Storv. Architect SziO xat'sirs Ranch Road, Vail (970) 476-563e 263 East Gore Creek Drlve Lot C-E, Block 5, Vall Villege lst BuildingName: Gorsuch Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comrnents: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: nlt Board / Staff Action Action: Staff ApProval l. Parking pay in lleu fee of $6,112.02 ls required to be paid before building permit is issued. Town Planner: Christie Berton Date: 416t98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOWI,IOFVAIL Department of Community Developnen 75 South Fronnge Road VarL Cobrado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 April 6, 1998 Gorsuch Ltd. Colorado S Corp. 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Re: Parting Pay in Lieu Fees Dear Gorsuch Ltd.: I have reviewed your application for connecting the east and west retail sales arca. Any increase in squarc footage for properties in the Commercial Core 1 area requires a contribution to the Town Parking Fund. This parking pay in lieu fee is established to meet fuhue dcmands for parking, and is currently $17,462.92 perparking space, The proposed increase of 105 square feet istheequivalentto0.35ofaparkingspace, Thcrefore,yourcontributionis$6112.02, The feeis required before a building permit can be issued. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (970) 479-2454, Very truly yours, AA Mtne{* br/trJ Christie Barton Town Planner tp *ouo'uo 286 Bridge Street, Inc. 701S.E.6th Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. c/o East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avory CO 81620 o Gorsuch Ltd. Clock Tower Building Alteration to Exterior List of Adjacent Property Owners Subject Property Address: Clock Tower Building,263 Gore Creek Drive Gosuch Ltd - John P McBride 263 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Adjacent Properfy Owners: A&D Building,286 Bridge Street 286 Bridge Sheet, Inc. 701 S.E. 6'Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Casino Building,281 Bridge Street Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer,23l Gore Creek Drive Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building,227 Bridge Street Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. o%East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Slifer Building,230 Bridge Street Slifer Building,LLC 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Vail Townhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit 2A: Richard K. Parker 3329E.Bayaud 1514 Denver, CO 80209 Unit 2B: James M. Todd 5728 S. Gallup Street Littleton, CO 80120 WAIL,SVR_O1\clients\PRl\Gorsuch Rem_VaiMocs\Adj Prop Owners List.doc v ,rJtcE coRl . att omtr r{ cLlI&Illlo allr!|tr!|D{o Eq^FlD - u!leDr rdtrlD^'ttllt d lltltlttll|4<rat rror n.I,|l tarvla arDDIlVlrr raolxirD^tnr - r E c$Ea totlal od8 loiltttsttvl . |Dal|nat otio|'r,||{nua ma ADolLotrl|Df{fa focErl . udl.ro|.| rrvlr! ^rl o{rDaqjllt ll{ lxilllttlt . rcra 8^flr.o lra^a ^rt flloall - omrr af't n llaBrru*;a 1r|| at llgl rct('.tr r|r| rDcrrflra-l.llatc- rn r|r xrl|rarr - xfrlt rar Yla.orro lrclJraa l||ot,lD aacoa-ua.tEo trato t|raot.. aEtt,|ta Gorsuch Ltd. Subject Property !!l! !t!!t! ,r#-tn"- d. . loooa t^a.L€') r,F# t.tcuro [] <*-.rrnt^v"rc n ct.l(ra s|{tt t^vus lpjil rrrcx t^v{s Ii;l cullfrr t^vtf€ f] urucrlo las Figure 14 9!!!4-!gt!ra!!- - nrsrrirr.r.|lorrtlarr dcdtt' 1 \?*' INVENTORY/ANALYSIS VILLAGE CORE rat vlt-.cE stf,€€tsc^t€ Town ofVall Strtetocape Marlcr Plan Page 69 co*orf;ity Development rhn noutg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimeq Public Works Mike McGee, Fire RetumTo:George Ruther Date Routed:6lt7l98 RetumBy:ASAP Project Nane:Gorsuch Exterior Modifi cations Project Address:263 Gore Creek Drive Project Legal:d,e,c, & { Block 5, Vail Village First Project Description:Exterior Modifications {pproved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons 1) On south side of your building, you are showing two new copper down spouts. All down spouts need to be rmder grounded and not spilled onto the surface. Please show us and tell us how you plan to do this work. The old avming nwer had grtters and down spouts and that makes for lots of ice in the winter on Bridge Street. Please add gutters and down spouts for the new awning and show how you will underground the down spouts. 2) Please place propertry right of way line on slreet A-5 for the new arched entry. The survey and your drawing do not match iftlre new arched entry is in the TOV R-O-W you will need to get a revooable right of way permit. l€t Lsrry Pardee from Public Works know who your contractor is and when they would like to staxt this project. We will need a staging plan. 479-2198 LarryPardee 6123/98 oo Design Review Action Form rowN oF YAIL ProjectName: Gorsuch Ltd. Remodel Project Description: Connect east and west retail sales areas Owner, Address and Phone: Gorsuch, Ltd. - Colorrdo S Corp. 263 Eest Gore Creek Drfue, Vall, Co 81657 (9701476-2294 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Rav Storv. Architect SziO xat'sirs Ranch Road, Vail (970) 476-563e 263 East Gore Creek Drlve Lot C-E, Block 5, Vall Villege lst BuildingName: Gorsuch Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comrnents: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: nlt Board / Staff Action Action: Staff ApProval l. Parking pay in lleu fee of $6,112.02 ls required to be paid before building permit is issued. Town Planner: Christie Berton Date: 416t98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOWI,IOFVAIL Department of Community Developnen 75 South Fronnge Road VarL Cobrado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 April 6, 1998 Gorsuch Ltd. Colorado S Corp. 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Re: Parting Pay in Lieu Fees Dear Gorsuch Ltd.: I have reviewed your application for connecting the east and west retail sales arca. Any increase in squarc footage for properties in the Commercial Core 1 area requires a contribution to the Town Parking Fund. This parking pay in lieu fee is established to meet fuhue dcmands for parking, and is currently $17,462.92 perparking space, The proposed increase of 105 square feet istheequivalentto0.35ofaparkingspace, Thcrefore,yourcontributionis$6112.02, The feeis required before a building permit can be issued. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (970) 479-2454, Very truly yours, AA Mtne{* br/trJ Christie Barton Town Planner tp *ouo'uo 286 Bridge Street, Inc. 701S.E.6th Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. c/o East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avory CO 81620 o Gorsuch Ltd. Clock Tower Building Alteration to Exterior List of Adjacent Property Owners Subject Property Address: Clock Tower Building,263 Gore Creek Drive Gosuch Ltd - John P McBride 263 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, CO 81657 Adjacent Properfy Owners: A&D Building,286 Bridge Street 286 Bridge Sheet, Inc. 701 S.E. 6'Ave. Del Ray Beach, FL 33483 Casino Building,281 Bridge Street Plaza Lodge Condominium Association 291 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Gasthof Gramshammer,23l Gore Creek Drive Gasthof Gramshammer, Inc. 231 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Covered Bridge Building,227 Bridge Street Covered Bridge Building, Ltd. o%East West Partners; Attn: Chris Wright Drawer 2770 Avon, CO 81620 Slifer Building,230 Bridge Street Slifer Building,LLC 230 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Vail Townhouses, 303 Gore Creek Drive Unit 2A: Richard K. Parker 3329E.Bayaud 1514 Denver, CO 80209 Unit 2B: James M. Todd 5728 S. Gallup Street Littleton, CO 80120 WAIL,SVR_O1\clients\PRl\Gorsuch Rem_VaiMocs\Adj Prop Owners List.doc v ,rJtcE coRl . att omtr r{ cLlI&Illlo allr!|tr!|D{o Eq^FlD - u!leDr rdtrlD^'ttllt d lltltlttll|4<rat rror n.I,|l tarvla arDDIlVlrr raolxirD^tnr - r E c$Ea totlal od8 loiltttsttvl . |Dal|nat otio|'r,||{nua ma ADolLotrl|Df{fa focErl . udl.ro|.| rrvlr! ^rl o{rDaqjllt ll{ lxilllttlt . rcra 8^flr.o lra^a ^rt flloall - omrr af't n llaBrru*;a 1r|| at llgl rct('.tr r|r| rDcrrflra-l.llatc- rn r|r xrl|rarr - xfrlt rar Yla.orro lrclJraa l||ot,lD aacoa-ua.tEo trato t|raot.. aEtt,|ta Gorsuch Ltd. Subject Property !!l! !t!!t! ,r#-tn"- d. . loooa t^a.L€') r,F# t.tcuro [] <*-.rrnt^v"rc n ct.l(ra s|{tt t^vus lpjil rrrcx t^v{s Ii;l cullfrr t^vtf€ f] urucrlo las Figure 14 9!!!4-!gt!ra!!- - nrsrrirr.r.|lorrtlarr dcdtt' 1 \?*' INVENTORY/ANALYSIS VILLAGE CORE rat vlt-.cE stf,€€tsc^t€ Town ofVall Strtetocape Marlcr Plan Page 69 co*orf;ity Development rhn noutg Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Todd Oppenheimeq Public Works Mike McGee, Fire RetumTo:George Ruther Date Routed:6lt7l98 RetumBy:ASAP Project Nane:Gorsuch Exterior Modifi cations Project Address:263 Gore Creek Drive Project Legal:d,e,c, & { Block 5, Vail Village First Project Description:Exterior Modifications {pproved _x_Denied (cite detailed reasons)Approved with conditrons 1) On south side of your building, you are showing two new copper down spouts. All down spouts need to be rmder grounded and not spilled onto the surface. Please show us and tell us how you plan to do this work. The old avming nwer had grtters and down spouts and that makes for lots of ice in the winter on Bridge Street. Please add gutters and down spouts for the new awning and show how you will underground the down spouts. 2) Please place propertry right of way line on slreet A-5 for the new arched entry. The survey and your drawing do not match iftlre new arched entry is in the TOV R-O-W you will need to get a revooable right of way permit. l€t Lsrry Pardee from Public Works know who your contractor is and when they would like to staxt this project. We will need a staging plan. 479-2198 LarryPardee 6123/98 oo Design Review Action Form rowN oF YAIL ProjectName: Gorsuch Ltd. Remodel Project Description: Connect east and west retail sales areas Owner, Address and Phone: Gorsuch, Ltd. - Colorrdo S Corp. 263 Eest Gore Creek Drfue, Vall, Co 81657 (9701476-2294 Architect/Contact. Address and Phone:Rav Storv. Architect SziO xat'sirs Ranch Road, Vail (970) 476-563e 263 East Gore Creek Drlve Lot C-E, Block 5, Vall Villege lst BuildingName: Gorsuch Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comrnents: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: nlt Board / Staff Action Action: Staff ApProval l. Parking pay in lleu fee of $6,112.02 ls required to be paid before building permit is issued. Town Planner: Christie Berton Date: 416t98 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOWI,IOFVAIL Department of Community Developnen 75 South Fronnge Road VarL Cobrado 81657 97G479-2138 FAX97M79-2452 April 6, 1998 Gorsuch Ltd. Colorado S Corp. 263 East Gore Creek Drive Vail. CO 81657 Re: Parting Pay in Lieu Fees Dear Gorsuch Ltd.: I have reviewed your application for connecting the east and west retail sales arca. Any increase in squarc footage for properties in the Commercial Core 1 area requires a contribution to the Town Parking Fund. This parking pay in lieu fee is established to meet fuhue dcmands for parking, and is currently $17,462.92 perparking space, The proposed increase of 105 square feet istheequivalentto0.35ofaparkingspace, Thcrefore,yourcontributionis$6112.02, The feeis required before a building permit can be issued. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at (970) 479-2454, Very truly yours, AA Mtne{* br/trJ Christie Barton Town Planner tp *ouo'uo RECEIPT - The Tovn of Yail ,n" *-l'[ ,t# ADDRESS tnTt PAID-Odr _-CrrccY l0(7fi N9 48559 t, Z5 MEMO To: Planning Staff From: George Ruther, Town Planner Date: March 12, 1998 Re: Parking Pay In Lieu Fees for 1998 Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1994, established the Parking Pay in Lieu Fee of $15,000 per parking space. The fee is automatically updated each year based on the percent increase in the consumer price index for the Denver-goulder area. Below is a historical analysis of the pay in lieu fees for the Town of Vail: Date 12131192 - 07119194 N/A 07119194 - 12l3rle4 N/A 01101/95 - l2l3ll9s 4.4% 01101196 - 12131196 43% 0ll0rl97 - 12131197 3.5% 01/01/98 - L2131198 3,30/o Source: Colorado Municipal League C\overyone\george\ nlieu,wpd CPI (increase) Fee Per Space $8,594.40 $15,000.00 $15,660.00 $ I 6,333,3 8 $16,905.05 $17,462.92 ryL 2,?6 x rl?,4{?'?z *{b{l'o* 'vn - -q.2,rQAa _ :9'71vt42tan1 ;9ll ,$*HJ o e aO ,.hr v ,d (ln ,ta" J ,,1!"n &vJ'd'<i+'V,2"- Lt*t-+enJfr' ileu d atxlc.2t&*Jca F-xzxv^1€ -To -@P,oF f1a W +. caxv, d*p at-lae*ag t-,lgxl GZFA co'rllLz'r'= be$ -.1dE LJ G. Ufr-y"o n N @z f xr-r A?t6? 6x2.\\/fr1/,4.J.cr\ H2LE til eKHl;1^!\lrVNEt LUfrfeLf*.4ge' :i '4-$xUxe/on - "-b-16 Irt N g $ uj $ 1 -f o' _bta ul 0r og g z Ft E N I Fzz $j bI0 0 00 I I INFN s'4n.Jz.atl@r^14-- . .j, _ h.6rL-4PA{ Fa'fI4#t4bu+4 ry- -deu 4) aqc,ilantslcl i.t4rl-e-#z'qr.'+v'*TQ, Te -{aP oF F1a llF.l 4" caxv, *.1*u 2 sL4vao]€ "-?'16 H .fi L'J \T I 4f $ta '0sr o E Itl E IAI fr F7z Bj ilo t trign Review lcttn Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Gorsuch Project Descriptiou Window color change from white to green Owncr, Address and Phone: Gorsuch LTD.,263 E. Gore Creek Drive, Vail Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Roy Johnston Project Street Address: 263 Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot E' Blk. 5' Vail Village lst Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingNamc: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions:Staff approved Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 9-25-97 Board / Staff Action Action: F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPRovAL\97\C,OR sUCH.92 5 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 Qucstiorrs? at Planning Staff at 479-21 28 APPT,ICATION I.'OR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAI, CENEI{AI- INFORMATION 1'his application is for any projcot rcquiring l)csign Rcvicrv approval. Any pro.icct rcquidng dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval pnor to subntitting for a builtling pcrtnit. Iror spccific infomtatiotl, scc the subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc pnrticLrlru'approval that is rcqucstcil. Thc application catrnot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is strbnrittc{. 't'hc piojcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc T'orvtr Couticil anrl,/or thc Plarrning and E,nvironnrcntal Cotltnissiol.t. flesign ltcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc year aftCr final approval unlcss a builrling permil is issrrcd and construction is started' (1< l{lva=+-DESCRIPTION OF 1'FtII REQUI]ST:$rut #s6 t-^*' 4r t]. D. 1,. Pt{YStCiAt. ADDRESS: 6[-Lc (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Ollicc at 970-32|i-8640 for parccl fl)PARCEL tI: ZONING: TOlf/N CFVAIL t,l{oNE: OWN ER(S) SIGNATUI{I'(S): NAME OF OWNER(S): li. (i MAII-ING ADDRF]SS: NAME OF APPI,ICAN'I':\)o H. MAILINC ADDRESS: PIIONE,: C.lonstmction of a nov building. Includcs any adtlition rvhcrc sqttnrc lboiagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrnrcrcial buildin,I. lltinor Altcration -$20 Includos nrinor chatrgcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnlcuts. such as' rcrooling. painting, rvindow additions, lardscaping' fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DI{B fces arc to bc paid at thc tirnc of submittal. Latcr, rvhcn applying for a building perrit, plcase identily thc acctratc valuatiol of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fcc according to thc projcct valuatiotr. PI.,EASE SUBMIT THtS APPLICATION, ALL STJBMITTAL REQUIRBMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVIILOPMENT' T5 SOUTI{ FRONTAGE ROAD' vAIL. COLORADO ti1657. TYPI] OF REVIIJW AND FEt-T,: E Ncw Construction - $200 D Addition - $50 MEMBERS PRESENT Bob Armour Henry Pratt Jeff Bowen Greg Moffett Kevin Deighan Greg Amsden MEMBERS ABSENT Dalton Williams TOWN COUNCIL Peggy Oslerfoss Merv Lapin SybilNavas Jan Strauch B,"b q /"7E STAFF PRESENT: Susan Connelly Mike Mollica Jim Curnutte Lauren Waterton George Ruther Judy Rodriguez \/" L /; /h4e- /sl- FtL r c0pv6o""n gl/1 'PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June'12, 1995 MINUTES Publlc Hearinq 2:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Bob Armour at 2:1Opm 1.. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an automatic teller machine to be located at 263 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: David Gorsuch and Beth Golde, representing Vail Bank Planner: George Ruther George Ruther gave the following overview: Weststar Bank, formerly doing business as Vail Bank, has requested a Conditional Use Permit approval to allow for the installation and operation of an Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) to be located at the Gorsuch Building, 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Lot E, Block 5, VailVillage 1st Filing. Staff has determined that an Automatic Teller Machine falls under the category of "Banks and Financial Institutions" (as described in the Town of Vail Municipal Code). This type of use is subject to Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) Conditional Use Permit review and approval prior to being located on the "first floor or street level'within the Commercial Core | (CCl) Zone District. Therelore, the applicant is requesting a Conditional Use Permit to install and operate an automatic teller machine in the CCI zone district. Banks and Financial Institutions are permined uses on all of the levels ol buildings within the CGI Zone District. The ATM would be located on the south side of the Gorsuch Building, immediately adjacent to East Gore Creek Drive, The teller machine would be placed on an existing blank wall between two retail display windows. The machine will be mounted llush with lhe existing exterior wall and, therefore, would not add any new commercial square footage to the building. A 12-inch countertop is proposed with the ATM on top of a trash receptacte partially installed into the exterior of the Gorsuch Building. The stainless steel housing of the machine would be faced with wood and stained to match the existing trim colors on the Gorsuch Building. To provide adequate customer access to the ATM machine, the applicant is proposing to cover a portion of the existing exterior staiMell with a reinlorced concrete slab, to be covered with pavers. The brick pavers proposed by the applicant would be malched to the existing pavers along East Gore Creek Drive. The brick paver construction proposed would be installed to insure positive drainage away from the building. The area would drain into the existing drain pan along East Gore Creek Drive, thus eliminating any potential icing problems during the winter monlhs. The applicant has indicated that additional stone veneer would be added to the building in the area of the'riew ATM. The additional stone added to the building would match the stone cunently on the building. Additionally, lo provide shelter from the weather ior the customers u$ng. !!tq AJlr' tlte , applica-nt is proposinj to bxtend an existing, second floor deck located above the ATM. The deck would be exienbeO approximatety six feet io the east to accomplish this goa!. Besides providing- protection from the de'atner, the beck extension would also serve as a location to install a 3 sq. ft. 'hanqino sion directly above the machine. The sign would be suspended from the deck by short tengitrjot 6nain. me sign and the associated lighting would be subject to review by the Design Review Board. Statf recommendation for this request is approval. Staff finds that the applicant's request complies w1h all of the above criteria and findings n'ebessary for granting a Conditional Use Permit approval in the CCI Zone District, as well as thdrelevant eldments of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the,applicant's request for the ATMI the statf would recommend that tfre approval carry with it the following conditions: 1. That the applicant monitor the ATM area daily to insure the area remains free of trash and debris.2. That the applicant complete and submit a Design Review Board sign application for the proposed WestTeller sign. 3. fhat att areas of the siainless steel housing be either painted or covered in wood to reduce the possibility ol reflection and glare of the machine. Henry Pratt stated that he doesn't like the architectural enclosure and feels the trash is still an issue. Greg Moffet asked if a receipt could be optional. Beth Golde said there is 4yes/no receipt option and would investigate this turther. Greg Moflet is in favor of i yes/no receipt option and alsQ stated that the balcony area is dingy. Kevin Deighan mirrored Greg's comments. Jetf Bowen questioned the proposed location. Beth Golde said the location was requested by the community. Jetf Bowen stated that the location had no proximity to the bank. Jetf Bowen and Beth Golde agreed that debris will be cleaned jointly by building owners and the bank employees. Bob Armour assured all that the ATM would be under close scrutiny by the Design Review Board. Jeff Bowgn made a motion to approve the request subject lo the following conditions: 1. That the proposed location of the use is in accordance with the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes ol the district in which the site is located.2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.3. Th'at the proposed use would comply wilh each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. 4. That staff would monitor the use and it a trash problem occurs, the item woutd be.called-up". George Ruther made it clear that Statf would monitor the area to make sure trash was not a problem. Jeff Bowen suggested that be a condition for granting the request and made a motion to grant the request. Greg Motfet seconded the motion. All voted unanimously in favor, with a vote ol 6-0. 2. A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 ol the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski Base Recreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow lor the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, VailVillage Sth filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing. Applicantr Vail Associates,lnc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnune and Lauren Waterton Bob Armour gave an overview and said that he would like to see the discussion follow lhe memorandum which include: A,Transportation/Circulation and Parking 1. Privatized Parking Structure 2. Employee Parking 3. Skier Drop-off/Pick-up Areas 4. Roadway/Pedestrian lmprovements B.Neighborhood lssues C.Employee Housing D.Review Schedule Bob Armour stated that Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton would make the initial presentation. Bob Armour again stated he wanted to follow the discussion items listed in the memorandum and reiterated that he wanted to narrow down the discussion today to the major policy issues identitied in the statf memo and stated the applicants would be back foi future discussions. Before beginning the presentation, Jim Curnutte stated that Larry Grafel, Greg Hall and Mike McGee were present and available for questions. Jim Curnutte reminded everyone that we were discussing an amendment to a plan that had preMously been approved in the early 80's. Jim pointed out that the text amendments were located in attachment No. 1 of the memorandum and the second element of the application, revisions to the previously approved plan, were really the focus ol todays discussion. Jim Curnutte stated that page 2 of the memo had the most substantial changes. They include: - The proposed program for the Golden Peak Ski Base facility calls for a building ol approximately 73,000 sq. ft., located virtually in the same location as lhe previously approved building site. The residential portion of the building (6 condominiums) is considerably larger than the original plan, expanded lrom approximately 13,000 sq. ft. of GRFA to approximately 24,500 sq. ft. of GRFA in the new plan. The residential units are Ft Yafyone\pec\riinuies\061 295 reviewed using the Conditional Use Permit findings. Additionally, the amount of retail and conference/meeting room space has been expanded as compared to the previously approved plans. - Both ski lifts 6 and 12 are proposed for replacement as a part of this redevelopment plan. Chair 6 is currently a double chair with a hourly capacity of 1 ,1 30 skiers per hour. lt_is_ _ _ proposed for replacement with a detachable quad chair lift with a hourly capacity ol2,250 bt<t6rs per hour. Chair 6 will be designed to allow skiers to unload at a midpoint on the top of Goden Peak, or to continue on to the top terminal located near the base of Chai|I 1. In the future, Chair t0 will be realigned and extended, ultimately enabling skiers to ride a 6 to 10 connection to the Two Elk Restaurant and China Bowl. The existing Chair 12 is also a double chair with a hourly capacity of 960 skiers per hour. The proposed replacement chair willbe either a triple or a quad chiir, with a slow loading speed to assist in the instruction of ... children and first time skiers. This lift is proposed to have a hourly capacity of 1,000 to. ., 1,400 skiers per hour. In addition to the'replacement of Chairs 6 and 12, the applicant is . pioposing to ielocate the "poma" lift from its current location on the west side ol Chair 12 to ,. the Children's Center area. "- The tSg-space surface parking lot, which is open to the public for a fee, is proposed to. be replaced with a 1sO-space piivatized parking structure. This structure is proposed to be apprdximatety 64,800 sq. ft. in size (32,400 sq. ft. on each of the two levels) and is partially buried and surrounded on three sides with landscaping' - The skier drop-off zone, shown on the 1984 plan, has been expanded and relocated to the north side of the new building and parking structure. This skier drop-ott area has been designed to accommodate approximatbly 30 vehicles. Some ol the spaces are depicted,on tne dite plan as angled spaces and otheis are depicted as "active" drop-otf-spaces, which are designed as an "airport style" drop-otf, maintaining a continuous flow of vehicles through the area. - - The four existing'tennis courts at the Golden Peak area are proposed to be removed in conjunction with this redevelopment proposal. An agreement has been reached between . the Vail Recreation District (VRD) and Vail Associates that calls for a cash payment to be provided in order to cover the cost of relocation, resurfacing and construction of new bourt(s) elsewhere in the Town of Vail. The number and location of the courts will be deteririned by the VRD, with Ford Park being considered as the possible new location. The' 1984 approved development plan contemplated the possible relocation of one tennis court to lhe Cilalet Road right-of-way. lt is the intenlion of the VRD to leave the exi{ing lennis courts nexl to Chalet Road, but not to expand the tennis program at that site. Therefore, no additionalcourts have been proposed in the chalet Road right-of-way. - The Children's Center parking area has been expanded from 21 spaces to 28 spaces and relocated to an area on the inside loop of the new dedicated bus lane' - Vail Valley Drive is proposed to be relocated and realigned to allow for a new'Tour-way intersection' at the existing Manor Vail entrance. - Pedestrian and bicycle conneclions leading to the Golden Peak Ski Base are proposed for improvement. Jim Curnutte turned it over lo Lauren Waterton for a discussion of the background information related to this property. Bob Armour clarified fhat the zoning code lext revisions would not be a part of today's discussion. Jim Curnutte agreed with Bob Armour. F lpveryone\oecvninues\06 | 295 Lauren Waterton stated that in 1984 this plan was approved and the amendment to that proposal is what we are discussing. Lauren waterton stated that in 1988 an amendment was approved to make lhe Children's center a separate building. That this application is to further amend the previous application. Jim Curnutte stated that on page 6 of the memorandum, items A-D were the major criteria which would be used in the luture to review the application. Jlm Curnutte said we would not be getting into a detailed review of the criteria at this time and to keep the discussion centered on the major policy issues. Jim stated that the purpose of this dlscussion was to provide some direction to the staff and the applicant. Jim stated that transportation, circulation and parking were the major issues today for discussion. Jim turned the discussion over to the applicant, Vail Associates,lnc., represented by David Corbin. Dave Corbin introduced members of Vail Associates, Inc. that were in the audience and also members of Pierce, Segerberg Associates and Design Workshop that were present. Dave Corbin explained that TDA and RRC were used by thern to provide base data and research but representatives from those firms were not here today. Dave Corbin agreed with the scope of the meeting and that there was an enormous amount of detail in the memorandum. Dave Corbin stated that by using the printed information in front of you, general issues could be identified. Dave Corbin, at this time, only took issue with the following 3 items: 1. That the parking should not be viewed as condominiumized, but a reserved parking product. That there were a variety of ways to think about this parking, rather than condominiumized. 2. That the sidewalk to the soccer field not be considered lo be included as a part of their application. 3. That the GRFA figtrre mentioned by statf in the memorandum was nol the same figure in their application. - Jim Curnune explained that the GRFA figure did not count common circulation area. However, he poinled out that the GRFA discrepancy will be addressed at a later meeting. Dave Corbin reiterated that this was clearly an amendment to the previously approved plan. The design creativity of the project is restrained by restricted covenants. An amendment changed the 1984 zoning to allow for the Children's Center. He suggested not to consider changes in the uses of the property now. A series of constraints were developed when the process began in light of existing covenants. He asked what were the development goals? The basic premise was primarily related to skiing operations first and foremost and not real estate. The goal is to buiH within the 1984 plan without increasing the building's mass, but only to revise the interior and add underground parking. Beginning in February, 1994, these goals were articulated and are as follows: 1. To balance the uses of ski portals (heavy use at Vista Bahn, peak loading periods).2. lmprove the guest, neighborhood and community experience to use this area and enjoy it in the future. 3. ' Find a way to pay for these improvements such as sharing of expenses for ofl site improvements. Since February, 1994, VA undertook a series of studies to determine the public process and set up meetings with property owners, and the Town Staff. VAs traffic studies were made available to the Town. This is lhe first significant project to go before the town since the adoption of the Townlr'.A. growth managemenl agreement and VA fully anticipated a detailed review of the application would be a part of this application process. Dave Corbin stated that VA was proposing a four story FLvoryonotsocvninuss\C6r i€5 building similar in size to the previously approved building that would house ski lockers, ski school, food aid beverage and all other serviies'dssociated with-a ski portal. Six condominiums would be added to generale revenue to pay for the project. The largest changes that would require time t0 review in ihis proposat dealt with various tian-sportation components involving lhe bus drop otf' Children's Ceirtei and the parking structure. The need to balance this impact in a confined area was important. There werb a vaiiety of solutions to be discussed. Also to be discussed were the pedestiian conneclions between Gotden Peak and the surrounding Leighborhoods. Dave Corbin 'also mentioned that VA reached an agreement with the Recreation District regarding the Golden Peak tennis courts. Dave Corbin then turned it over to Bill Kane ol Design Workshop. Bill Kane gave an overview of the site planning. The eight transit modes needing to be ?^d9ressed were the fhildren's Genter, general skier drop ofl, the Town ol Vail shuttle having over 40% of the arrival mode for Golden Peak, the parking stiucture, VA employees, charter busses and taxis and limos that needed to arrive in the site area. VR ownership is over 40 acres, however, VA really . has onty 3.3 acres of base area to work with. Bill explain'ed thal the surrounding area would need,. to accoinmodate the increase from 'l 100 persons per hour lo 2250 per hour with the upgrade of Lift 6, with primacy given to the Town of Vail shuttle and pedestrian qcc-e!s. 1500 people would. be airivinij in the'peak hour and human activity that now processes 3000 people per day, would . procesi 5000 beople per day with the new portal. This is the only one of three majorportals.that iits on a publii street. the iite plan addresses the demand for skier drop off. The TDA study observed demand activities. This plan incorporates expected transit needs into the new plan. Grading has determined the loading area. The load platform for chair.6 is at 8213 ft. That means theie would be 18 ft. of grade chan-ge from the transit arrival area, which is at 8195 ft. Wide tread itiirs "re planned. the'Cnitdren C6nter drop off would be highly managed. Much like an airport is managed,'an attendant would be present to encourage all vehicles to move on . Because of this aggreisiv'e management, tvyenty 6ight spaces on the loop (including some double parked spaces) . wTtiOe proviOeO. inis would be'a v-ery etficient anangenienl. He mentioned a security booth would be located at the entrance to the structure. Conceptually the top deck of the structure would be at 8207 leeland could be skiable terrain when covered. He pointed out the positive ideas of this plan such as: plazas would aff6rd space for display tents during special evenls, Golden Peak would finally be'clarified with a gleat entrance, sidewalk widening, which would enhance pedestrian acceis, the 8'wide walkway system would keep skiers otl the streel, improved signage, relieve pressure on the Vista Bann, F6rd Park and Manor Vail could be alternate trail locations to pick up butlying parking and pedestrian circulation to the soccer field would finally be clarified. This wrapped up Bill Kane's summary of the site plan which included skiing, response to covenants' building, public transit and pedestrian access to the base area. Bob Armour said the plan was nicely explained by Bill Kane and asked that Stafl and Council try give the applicant an idea where we stood. Merv Lapin understood that the plan was being given to the Council in August. Dave Corbin said that was correcl. Merv stated he had to leave and wished to express his comments now. Merv summarized his thoughts. He said skier retail operations and skier food operations should be limited to accessory, not destination services. Merv said VA should pay for the whole project. lmprovements should mirror the streetscape plan. Merv was concerned about traffic impacts and saiJ that it warrants more serious considentidn. The project seemed to be creating too much. in too small ol an area, especially during key pick up times and drop off times. Merv is not a believer of skier drop off at the base of the lifts. He doesn't want to encourage this convenience, since everyone will Oe dropping otf there. Merv wants VA to provide parking for its employees. The number of employees far exceeds the fee in lieu lo solve VAs parking problems. Merv is not excited about'a cbndominiumized parking situation. He also stated that it was not a good example for VA to fill up the soccer field parking lot with VA ski instructors and lift operators arriving at 7am F:\errervone\Dacvni ndes\06 t 295 and then make a profit by selling the on-site parking spaces. Dave Corbin asked Merv if the employee parking was resolved, would condominiumized parking be acceptable? Merv stated by having designated parking, bringing cars in will be encouraged, not discouraged. Merv was reasonably pleased with how VA addressed its employee housing. { generat overview of the architecture was presented by Gordon Pierce. There were four criteria that related a building to an environment: 1. neighborhood scale 2. easily understood by skiers 3. windows 4. interior Gordon then explained the interior of the building, including the condominiums and their layout. The drawings showed landscaping, balconies, pitched roofs with dormers and some flat roofs. The roofs would be slate colored tile and the building would be mustard colored stucco. The stonework would be similar to that at Mill Creek Circle. Jim Lamont spoke representing the East Village Homeowners Association. He gave a brief overview of his Associations involvement over the past two years. lt consisted of a volunteer group of property owners. This group communicated with all the condominium associations in the area. They lobbied to place Golden Peak on a high priority list for redevelopment and asked that it be ahead of the Lionshead area. Each property owner communicated with VA during the last two years before it came to Council. The neighborhood desires redevelopment, There are three entities involved with redevelopment. They are Vail Associates, Town ol Vail and the Homeowners Association. An investment is being made from Vail Associales and must also be made by the individual property owners and the Town of Vail because this investment increases useability and also the sales tax. The piincipal concerns of the Homeowners Association were the traffic congestion. Jim pointed oi,ut that the HOA wished to install gate posls to identify individual residential neighborhoods, not gated neighborhoods. The question ol the Homeowners Association was whether or not lo be a part of the Vail Village pedestrian precinct. Bob Armour slarled the discussion with the lirst question, should there be any parking on the site at all? Jeff Bowen said it didn't make sense to talk about one item at a time. Sybil Navas agreed. Bob Armour agreed with Sybil, but also said the discussion needed to start somewhere. Jim Curnutte stated what was being proposed was 150 privatized spaces in a subslantially underground structure. Henry Pran said parking was a necessary evil and didnt see how you could increase a portal without increasing the parking. The Children's Center continues to drive the activity at Golden Peak and was the only portal where children could be dropped otf close in. Henry believed the Children's Genter needed parking but what was shown didn't seem to work. Kevin Deighan agreed with the necessity of parking. Jefl Bowen had no further comments. Greg Mollet agreed with parking. Flderyonovecvninu€s\o6 1 295 Jan Strauch said there was a growing need for the.Ford Park and Ski Club Vail areas t0 have parking. Jan said that we need to look at the bigger picture. ' Sybil agreed with the proposed privitized parking but pointed out that VA needed to address the loss of 130 public sPaces. 'Peggy Osterfoss sald it was evident we needed parking, but to what extent. Jim Lamont stated that cars in an underground structule were fine, but he doesn't want to see cars visible. - Dianne Milligan, the manager of Ramshorn Lodge agreed with Jim regarding the underground .' structure that is landscaped. Her greatest concern was the drop otf issue. All Seasons president, Al Southfield, agreed with Dianne and Jim. All agreed that underground parking, not surface parking, was important. - Chris Ryman wanted to have people call the parking structure^ "managedparking'instead of i .ondom'iniumized or privitized'and said thal this would maximize usage.. Chris Ryman's vision of managed parking would collectively lay out a definilion for summer or winter usage- The iisue'deseries a better descri'ptioh, before defining uses, all of which can be determined later' Susan Connelly stated that we need to distinguish between public and private or managed parking. Dave Corbin views the structure as available to all the public, but with a fee. Members of the public would pay a higher fee to have a reserved space. Greg Amsden asked if thd need for parking is monetarily based. He suggested using the east side of thl Children's Cenler fgr the parking location. He stated that we need to look a minimum 5-10 years down the road when it comes to addressing the parking situation. The 1999 Championships ind the Ford Park Amphitheater would need futuie parking expansion. Greg thinks a lot of empty parking spaces would exist with privatized parking. Chris Ryman stated that only one time this year was lhe existing structure full and 25 times last season per Larry Grafel's statistics' Jeff Bowen wanted to address lhe major need at Golden Peak for parking and that is a main consideration. Kevin Deighan questioned the number of VA employees. Dave Corbin said 314 employees are at Golden Peak on an average day, but the total is anticipated 10 go over 400, He stated that all of these ligures were included in his letter to the Town. He then-said it was critical for the success of the project to have parking at the Children's Center. Kevin Deighan said a drop-off and pick up situation causes twice the traffic of a fixed parking area. Kevin has-a problem with'parking not beiirg available to the public; only available to the wealthy. Greg Mofiet said that making parking exctusivitized would give the wrong impression to the public. Greg also agrees with Kevin. He felt that the structure should be open to the public. Henry Pratt agreed with Kevin and wanted summer usage to be totally public. He said that the privitized parking is just displacing public parking without mitigating the loss. He thinks that the Fleve4onc\pec\rninue3061 295 Children's Center parking should be moved to the east side of the building. Bob Armour pointed out that when a condominium owner wasn't there, a parking space would sit empty. Jan Strauch was in favor of prlvate parking. He was not In favor of parking for the day or weekend skier. He wanted to know how much parking would actually be needed. He suggested that the name of the structured parking include the words "adequate and supplemental'. Sybil Navas thought private pArking was fine, but not taking away the existing 130 spaces lhat are now currently available to public. They need to be replaced somewhere else, perhaps at the soccer field. She said no double parking at the Children's Center, consider re-designing. Peggy Osterfoss said that she isn't convinced that private parking will decrease traftic. Peggy is also concerned with the loss of the 130 spaces that are now available to the public. She also wants to know what would happen to reserved spaces unused when an owner is not present- Who is responsible for replacing the 130 spaces? Jan Strauch suggested a better connection from the project to the vista Bahn. Chris Ryman said that 75% of Vail's guests are repeat visitors and therefore, are easy to educate regarding the project. lt is easy to educate people with children who use only Golden Peak. User groups for Golden Peak are those with children. The Vista Bahn has different user groups. The project is not to encourage people to use Golden Peak; but to improve upon what's already there. It's not meant to be an access to the Vista Bahn. Greg Amsden lhinks the new project will increase user numbers of all user groups. Chris Ryman stated that dwelling on the loss of the existing 130 parking spaces is making t00 big of an issue and won't mdke any difference with the overall parking. He reminded everyone not t0 get hung up on this. A paiking lot will not make or break the ski area. Busses will always fill and pedeslrians will continue to walk. Bob Armour asked if the displaced '130 cars would fill the parking slructure in the winter? Lany Grafel said he didn't have those figures with him. Chris Ryman stated that the Lionshead structure would then be maximized because the 130 displaced cars would have a domino etfect. This shift of parked cars to Lionshead would bring increased Town revenue to Lionshead. Jim Lamont stated a zero nel increase in tralfic, no visual cars and managed parklng are slated with this project. ll lhe Town of Vail is unwilling to break with traditions, we cant move forward. He suggested the Council and Staff review the material that Vail Associates, with much research, had prepared. Dianne Milligan agreed that a parking overflow into Lionshead would show increased revenue. However, she couldn't help believing there would be increased usage in Golden Peak with the new attractive Portal. Peggy suggested a park and ride situation. Dave Corbin suggested that,in the future, it would all balance out with the Lionshead redevelopment. Diana Donovan thinks this project should be held accountable for lhe 130 lost parking spaces. Flovsryone\Fcvlf ntnes\06 | 295 ,!:. : ;,4 she said that our parking structures really do not have excess capacity. Reserved spaces will promote constantbrivinj'in and out of thd structure more trequently,.sinc_e drivers know their space is reserved. This wouldie very attractive to realtors. Diana thinks the structure should be public. She also feels there should be'better communication between all parking structures. She would like to see a staffed two level open parking slruclure at the soccer field, She feels it would be an inexpensive alternative and atf6rd d great'iocation for visitors to Ford Park in summer and skiers in winter. Bob Armour asked if there was any other public input regarding the managed parking? Jim Lamont noted that there could be many interpretations of managed parking. Jim Curnutte said it would be lough for Staff to do a technical review, since we don't know what minig"d parking is. He asked V-A to provide a very detailed explanation of how managed parking works.. Bob Armour suggested that Dave Corbin come up with a plan explaining what exactly managed parking is. Dave Corbin said that since they wished to fast track this project, VA will provide specifics. Mike Mollica pointed out that we can't be on a fast track until we know what the animal is' Chris Ryman apologized for VA being short, since they have been working on this for t\/o years' He wanis staff io understand VA's position. 25h ot guests staying in Lionshead are driving over t0 Colden peak to drop their children otf. The origination of Devo in Golden peqtgF poor planning in Lionshead have iontributed to Golden Peak-being so congested. Moving DEVO west to Beaver Creek and out of the area would help. Sybit Navas was concernid about the projects projected 2 minute drop-off at the Children's Center. She said small children neied a rninimuh i5 minut6s to get them into and organized for the day at the center. She is very uncomfortable with the Children's Center drop-off Part ol the proposal. Jim Curnutte suggested discussing the three drop off issues. Staff suggested a parking structure be considered between the Children's Center and Ski Club Vail. Jan Strauch said a drop off is opening up new uses and maybe there shouldn't be one. Jim Gurnutte said the overall management system of the drop-off areas needs to be better defined. Peggy Osterfoss said the adult skier drop-otf should be located elsewhere. Greg Amsden is not opposed lo an adult drop-off. His concern is congestion at the Children's Center area. Jetf Bowen stated lhat we need to make it convenient to get to the ski slopes, not easier to get to Golden Peak. Jetf has a problem with the children needing to cross the bus lane. Kevin Deighan agrees with Jeft regarding children walking in the bus area. Greg Moffet wants long term parking at the Children's Center and not a drop-off situation. Henry Pratt suggested parking for the adult dropotf be located on other side ol the Children's Center. Henry Pratt thinks with lhe Far Easl development, the Golden Peak portal will become more o lmportant in the years lo come. Jim Lamont thought management solutions should be addressed, ie: four persons lo a car. He also pointed out that whatever ultimately gets approved will need on-going monitoring. Diana Donovan thought the east end of Vailwould become elitist and the east end willget busier. We keep forgetting that skiers come from a lower altitude and don't want to walk too far, since they are not acclimated_ Peggy Osterfoss thinks that converting Vail Valley Drive to one-way might work. Greg Moffet suggested burying the bus tane. Chris Ryman said typically there are four weeks, of very heavy use and Saturday and Sunday and that makes up the busy usage of Golden Peak. A tiered management, ie: to have children slaggered for race arrivals, devo etc. is an option. Destination guests, children and specialty prOgram children having drop offs in separate areas would be an example of tiered management. Jim Curnutte asked if the bus drop off is appropriate at lhis location. Bob Armour said he is concerned with children intermingling with bus traffic. Jim Curnutte asked if buses should have their own lanes on Vail Valley Drive. lf there is a dedicated bus lane, is it property sited? Henry Pratt thinks it is a good location and does not feel a dedicated bus lane is necessary until a problem arises. Greg Motfet suggested bqses underground. Kevin Deighan suggestedihe bus lane on the inside lane and children being dropped off on the outside lane or the opposite of what's shown. Dave Corbin said it physically doesn't work with buses on the inside lane, because of the lack of turning radius. Bob Armour reminded everyone that this meeting is to bring up concerns even if Dave Corlrin has already addressed lhese concerns. Kevin Deighan said we needed to address the safety issue. Jetf Bowen stated the prospect of a child running in tront of a bus is an issue. Greg Amsden is OK with the bus location. SybilNavas agrees that bus safety needs to be addressed and is concerned that parking is insufficient foi the Children's Center. Jan Strauch said it is necessary to separate these two uses. He was led to believe Chair 6 was moving west. Chris Ryman said Chair 6 found its way naturally back lo this location. Peggy Osterfoss said it would be desirable to separate the bus and Children's Genter uses. Busses going around the curve al Manor Vail is not deshable. Perhaps the busses should move east. Fi€rrarygne$ec\fi lnd€\06 | 295 t1 Bob Armour said the turning radius of the new buses is a significant lactor. He doesn't like it as it now stands. Jim Lamont said convenience and efficiency is the main reason for the location. Dave Schnegelberger (from the Seasons) felt that the board members are being to.o biased regarding thd Child-ren''s Center issues and said that they need to look more globally at all of the issues associated with the project. Jim Curnutte Said that since there are numerous off-site improvements and impacts associated with the proposed Golden Peak redevelopmenl, staff will definitely be looking at the project from a global perspective. Jan Strauch noted that one of the weakest parts of the plan is the four way ht Manor Vail. He . asked the applicant to lake a harder look at resolving traffic conflicts al this area. Sybil Navas said the impact to Vail Valley Drive is important and vehicular and pedestrian needs must be addressed. Peggy Osterfoss reminded everyone that the project presents a great opportunity for.the Town, VA andine neighborhood. Howevei, she pointed oui tnat tne private covenants aPpear to be stitfeling design creaiivity, She said that this expanded dialog of impacts and opPortunities is in the community's interest. Mike Mollica said covenants keep it within boundaries . Arbitrary lines may need modilications to covenants before going any further. Dave Corbin said we need to design alternatives. All owners need to approve ol any final decision. Larry Lichliter, Nola Dyal gnd Chrii Ryman had modifications to the covenants done in 1984. Dissent would be formidaQle, if it was to be done again' Jim Lamont said he is not in favor of going back to square one. Jim said that to go back and start over would be a major effort. Bob Armour, nol to be a devils advocale, said people may say to live with your 1984 decision. Jim Curnutte brought up employee housing. Staff is interested in requiring this redevelopment lo provide emPloYee housing' Jan Strauch agreed and asked VA to find a way to provide some employee housing. He pointed out that we always have to look at employee housing. Sybil Navas agreed with Jan and said that VA should try to provide housing where you can walk to lown. To keep people in town would cut down on car usage. Peggy Osterfoss wants to require housing on al least a bus line, not necessarily on site. Greg Amsden echoes Peggy's point of view. Jefl Bowen said that VA has done a great job regarding employee housing in the lower valley and suggested not puning this stipulation on the approval. Kevin Deighan and Greg Moffet agree with Jeff. Henry Pratt agrees with PeggY. E{aEtu h6\MAhitun..\66! ?qq Chris Ryman said a lot of the space in the redevelopment plan is dead space and is nol belng used by employees. Chris reminded everyone that 150 VA employees were recently relocated down to the Seasons in Avon. Bob Armour mentioned that Category lllwill bring in more tratfic to Golden Peak. Peggy Osterfoss said a real issue surrounding housing is lo expect developers to mitigate the impacts on housing associated with their particular proposal. This is not a low budget operation in relation to associated impacts. Jim Lamont said it would make sense lo rezone immediate neighborhoods for employee housing. Jim Curnutte noted that a very aggressive meeting schedule would lollow depending on the results trom this meeting. Prior to the DRB meeting, it will be necessary lo come back to the PEC tor several additional worksessions. Susan Connelly thanked Council for joining the PEC at todays worksession. Jan Strauch mentioned that the bike path to Northwoods goes nowhere and wants VA to work on addressing this in the project. Mike Mollica suggested another joint worksession between Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission Dave Corbin said that he doesn't want to wait until next month for a meeting. lf this is a realistic project for 1996, we need 1o lake less than three week intervals between meetings. Bob Armour said the constraints of publishing a meeting would prohibit weekly meetings from occurring. Bob Arrnour asked the applicant if anything was left out. Dave Corbin said no, but ilants to move forward as expeditiously as possible. Jan Strauch asked about the architectural design. Jim Lamont said this was more mature than the l g84 architectural plan. Bob Armour thanked the public for their input. Jetf Bowen moved that ltems 3 & 4 be tabted. Greg Moffet seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous, with a vote of 6-0. 3. A request for a selback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 1390 Greenhill CourUlot 12, Glen Lyon. Applicant Summit Vacation Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 26TH Ftpvoryonetsec\minu€sD6 I 295 13 4. A request for a floodplain modification to allow for the development of a residence and . rebchtion of a drainage ditch located a|3797 Lupine Drive / Lots 4 & 5 Bighorn Subdivision/Second Addition. Applicant Chloe Moran Planner: RandY Stouder TABLED INDEFINTTELY Bob Armour asked if there were any changes to the PEC minutes of May 22' 1995. Bob Armour changed the May'8, 1995 PEC minutes to read Vice chairman in section 12. 5. Approval of May 8, 1995 and May 22, 1995 PEC minutes. Bob Armour made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Greg Moffet seconded the motion. The motion was unanimous, with a vote of S-0. The meeting was adjourned at 6:30p.m. Ftsvetyonelectinulssv)6 t 295 14 +I THIS ]TEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 12, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in tlre Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: 1. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an automatic teller machine to be located at 263 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: David Gorsuch and Beth Golde, representing Vail Bank Planner: George Ruther 2 A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 1390 Greenhill CourULot'12, G.len Lyon. Applicant Summit Vacation Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a floodplain modification to allow for the development of a residence located at3797 Lupine Drive / Lots 4 & 5 Bighorn Subdivision/Second Addition. Applicant: Chloe Moran, Planner: Randy Stouder 4. A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, Vail Village Sth filing and Tract B, Vail Village 7th filing, Applicant: Vail Associates Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton MwrFl6r6ryone\pednotic€s\061 295 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS 286 Bridge Street, Inc. A Colorado Corporation 6th Ave,nue Deiray Beaclq Florida 33483 Pepi And Sheika Gramshammer 231 E. Core Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 P& R Enterprises Ath: RonRiley 228 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 SlifqBuilding LLC Ath: Rodney Slifer 230 Bridge Sheet Vail, CO 81657 Charles and Elizabeth Koch P.O. Box2256 Witchita, KS 67201 Riohard & Jean Dulude 507 WelohRoad Coming,N.Y. 14830 Oume,rs ofduplexon: Lot 19 A&B Glenlyon Subdivision (1462 Greenhill Court) Douglas & Joan Kirkpatick 39955 Colorado Blvd. Englewood, CO 801l0 Mr. Jack S. Flowers 214 N. Ilawaiian Ave Wilnington, CA 90748 Owneroflot l1 Gle,nlyon Subdivision (1469 Greenhill Coud) I F. D. Wilkins 2655 Briarwood Boulder, CO 80303 Onner of W. Side of duplex on: Iot 12 Glenlyon Subdivision (1390 Gre€nhill Court) DiammdHomes P.O. Box 1716 Engtewoo{ CO 80150 Oqmeroflot 13 Glealyon Subdivisim PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 12, 1995 AGENDA Prolect Orientation Lunch Site Vislts Gorsuch ATM Golden Peak Ski Base Drivers: Jim & Mike Publlc Hearing 11:30p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for an automatic teller machine to be located at 263 East Gore Creek Drive/Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: David Gorsuch and Beth Golde, represenling Vail Bank Planner: George Ruther 2. A request for a joint worksession with the Town Council and the Planning andEnvironmental Commission to discuss a proposed amendment to Chapter 18.39 of the Vail Municipal Code ( Ski BaseRecreation) and an amendment to the previously approved development plan to allow for the redevelopment of the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 485 Vail Valley Drive / Tract F, VailVillage 5th filing and Tract B, VailVillage 7th filing. Applicant: Vail Associales Inc., represented by David Corbin Planner: Jim Curnutte and Lauren Waterton 3. A request for a setback variance to allow for an addition to a residence located at 1390 GreenhillCourULot 12, Glen Lyon. Applicant: Summit Vacation Properties Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JUNE 26TH 4. A request for a floodplain modification to allow for the development of a residence and relocation of a drainage ditch located at 3797 Lupine Drive / Lots 4 & 5 Bighorn Subdivision/Second Addition. Applicant:Chloe Moran Planner: Randy Stouder . TABLED INDEFINMLY 5. Approval of May 8, 1995 and May 22, '1995 PEC minutes. F:\ovsryoneb€c\ag€n&s\061 295 t TO; FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: IIEIIORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department June 12, 1995 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for the installation and operation of an Automatic Teller Machine located at the Gorsuch Building, 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Lot E, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanl: WestStarBanuBethGoldePlanner: George Ruther t. W DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST business as Vail a Conditional Use Permit 263 East Gore Creek Drive. Lot lock 5, vail Filing. Statf has determined that an Automatic Teller Machine falls under the cateqory of "Banks and . Financial hstitutions" (as described in the Town of Vail Municipal Code). Ihistwe_ol_lJEe_tg subiectto Planning and EnvironmentalCommission (PEC) Conditional Use Permit review and 3DpfgElglgl-tg.Eging located on the "first floor or street level" within the Commercial Core I (CCl) Zone Disricl Therefore. the appllcant is requestinq a Conditional Use Permit to Install and operate an automatic teller machine in the CCI zone district. Banks and Financial Institutions are permitted uses on all of the levels of buildings within the CCI Zone District. .As shown on the attached drawings. thq ATM urould be located on the south side of the Gorsuch Building. immediately adjacent to East Gore Creek Drive. The teller machine would be glaced on an p'isting blank wall between two retail displav windows. The machine will be mounted flush .with the existino exterior wall and. therefore, would not add any new cornmercial souare footaoe to the building. A 12-inch countertop is prooosed with the ATM on top of a trash receptacle of the Gorsuch would be with wood To orovide adeouate customer access to the ATM machine. the apolicant is proposino to cover a portion of the existino exterior stairwell with a reinforced concrete slab, t!_bg_CevglCdlgilh pavers.would be matched to the alono East Gore Creek Drive. The bric-k paver construction proposed would be installed to @hebuilding.Theareawou|ddrainintotheexistingdrainpana|ong East Gore Creek Drive, thus eliminating any potential icing problems during the winter months. o The applicant has indicateel-thalt_additional stone veneer would be added to the building io-the @3!Ldjt!9!al stone added to the buildino would match the stone currently on the building. Additionally, to provide shelter fiom he weather for the customers using the ATM, the applicant is proposing to extend an existing, second floor deck located above the ATM. The deck would be extended approxirnately six feet to the east to accomplish this goal. Besides providing protection from the weather, the deck extension would also serve as a location to install a 3 sq. ft. hanging sign directly above the machine. The sign would be suspended lrom the deck by short lengths of chain. The sign and the associated lighting would be subject to review by the Design Review Board. II. RELATED REVIEW CR]TERIA FOR TI{IS REOUEST The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by the Town of Vail Municipal Code. ln addition to the conditional use criteria, staff has included criteria from the zoning code and the Vail Comprehensive Plan, as we believe this will help the PEC in the evaluation of the Conditional Use Permit request. A. THE TOWN OF VAIL MUNIGIPAL CODE The Gorsuch Building is located in the CCI zone district. According to Section 18.24.010 of the zoning code, the purpose of the CCI district is: "to provide sites and to maintain the unique character ol the Vail Village commercial area, with its mixture of lodges and commercial establishments in a predominantly pedestrian environment. The Commercial Gore ldistrict is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to the permitted types of buildings and uses. The district regulations in accordance with the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan and Design Considerations prescribe site development standards that are intended to ensure the maintenance and preservation of the tightly clustered arrangements of buildings fronting on pedestrian ways and public green ways, and to ensure continuation of the building scale and architectural gualities that distinguish the village.' Banks and Financial Institutions on the "first floor" or "street level'shall be oermitted in the ccl zone district subject to the issuance of a conditional use Permit in accordance with provisions ol Chapter 18.60. For the PEC's referen@, the Conditional Use Permit pupose statement indicates that : "in order to provide the flexibility necessary to achieve the obiectives ol this title, specified uses are permifted in certain districts subject to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit. Beca'use of their unusual or special characteristics, conditional uses require review so that they may be located properly with respect to the purposes of this title and with respect to their atfects on surrounding properties. The review process prescribed in this chapter is intended to assure compatibility and harmonious development between conditional uses and surrounding properties in the Town at large. Uses listed as conditional uses in the various districts may be permitted subject to such conditions and limitations as the Town may prescribe to insure that the location and operation of the conditional uses will be in accordance with the development objectives of the Town and will not be detrimental to other uses or properties. Where conditions cannot be devised, to achieve these objectives, applications for conditional use permit shall be denied." ( o B. VAIL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Several elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan indirectly address Banks and Financial lnstihJtions . The relevant elements and sections are listed below : 1. Vail Land Use Plan 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. The cornmunity should emphasize its role as a destination resort while accommodating day visitors. The ski area owner, the business community and the town leaders should work together closely to make existing facilities and the town function more efficiently. The ski area owner, the business community and the town leaders should work together to improve facilities for day skiers. Services should keep pace with increased growlh. SeMces should be adjusted to keep pace with the needs ol peaked periods. 6.3 Vail Village Master Plan 2.4 Objective:Encourage the development of a variety of new commercial activities that are compatible with existing land uses. Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. 2.5 Objective: III, CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60 of the Municipal Code, the Community Development Department Statf recommends approval of the Conditional Use Permit request to allow for the installation and operation of an Automatic Teller Machine to be located on the south side of the Gorsudr Building, 263 East Gore Creek Drive, Lot E, Block 5, VailVillage 'lst Filing, based upon the following factors: 2.1 2.2 2.3 6.1 2. Gonsideration of Factorc: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on the development obiectives of the Town. Staff believes the proposed Automatic Teller Machine, in the location proposed by the applicant, will have a positive impact on the development objectives of the Town. At this time, tre nearest location of an Automatic Teller Machine to the Village Core is in the lobby of the FirstBank of Vail Building, located on vail Road (directly west of the sonnenalp Hotel). The proposed ATM is not only convenient in its relation to the Village Core, it is also located near one of the busiest pedestrian intersections in the Town of Vail (Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street). lt is Staff's beliel that this ATM will not only be used by visitors and tourists, but it will be convenienfly located for use by employees working in the Village Core. Staff believes that the proposed location of the ATM, approximately 13-112' from the edge of asphalt of Gore Creek Drive, will allow for the convenient use of the ATM by numerous customers without creating a congestion problem on East Gore Creek Drive. The area immediately in front of the ATM is sufficient enough in size to accommodate numerous customers without forcing waiting ATM customers to stand in the way of pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows. The effect of the use on light and air, distrlbution ol populaUon, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facalities, and other public fdcilities needs. The proposed Automatic Teller Machine would have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. Effect upon traffic with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffac flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the strcet and parking areas. The proposed Automatic Teller Machine would have little or no negative impact on the items listed above. 2. 3. o Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relatlon to surroundlng uses. As mentioned previously, Statf believes that the proposed ATM would have a positive impact on the area. Statf does not believe that the installation and operation of an ATM in the location proposed by the applicant would have any negative effects upon the character of the area. The area is commercial in nature and it is not uncommon to see ATM'S located in commercial areas. In fact, staff believes that the installation and operation of the ATM in this location would provide for a convenient, and much needed, service to both visitors and locals alike. B. Findings The Planning and Environmental Commisslon shall make the followlng findings before grantlng a conditional use permit: 1. That fte proposed location of he use is in accordance wifr the purposes of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code and the purposes of the district in which the site is located. 2. That the proposed location of the use and the conditions under which it would be operated or maintained would not be detrimental to the public health, salety, or welfare or malerially injurious to properties or impro\remenF in the vicinity. 3. That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of the conditional use permit section of the zoning code. a 4. Nc( -,'\\'t%'D IV. STAFF RECOIIMENDATION Staff reconimendation for this request is approval. Statf finds that the applicant's request complies with all of the above criteria and findings necessary for granting a Conditional Use Permit approval in the CCI Zone Distict, as well as the relevant elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the applicanfs request for the ATM, the staff would recommend that the approval carry with it fie following conditions: 1. That the applicant monitor the ATM area daily to insure the area remains free of trash and debris. 2. That the applicant complete and submit a Design Review Board sign application for the proposed WestTeller sign. 3. That all areas of the stainless steel housing be either painted or covered in wood to reduce the possibility of reflection and glare of the machine. Fry - Tru$6h .i).zobrc,; r , ^-67.] a^e, De-g- i*T>,x;.,.rrr,,c€.t \. I P. \everyon€\pec\res\atn. 612 o t"' T\..'\ ' ;;.\ ii.'l I 9F$ tgrxE tt )Lrorlr?! 39YtL AooM 1, J. ?t4- 2/ 7u ^1 < td=o1tJ 3u *F d1 t7 26 r4n >Ht-4 F\Ja I ! 7 J A i a..i Irr\t2 a- Ii ag 2,i J i4 U tt ? .J' F:'..t ii --*- t..i i ^on)av.'> u,* <t) o:: UIJFui o :?'Ri;:r'+brevised LOl5l92 Date of Application: Date of PEC Meetings APPLICATIO FOR COIIDITIONAL USE PERI.IIT Hltf 1 : OF PROPoSAL: LEGALT Lot E, Block 5, Vail Villaqe First A. l| F. . t:."_'1ff ::i:rEfi::i"::"t:.;;!iired ror anv project required t"mVttt,ii,ii' ;i" v' v[f I' The application wilL not be accepted untll all information ig submitted. NAME OF APPLICANT: Vail Bank (a6 of June 1. 1995 Weststar Bankl ADDRESS! log South Frontage Road West. Suite 100, VaiL CO 81657 PHONE: 9?0-476-4500 B. NAME OF APPLICANT,S REPRESENIATIVE: Beth Golde ADDRESS: 108 South Frontage Roed West, Suite 100, VaiL CO 81657 PHoNE! 970-476-4600 Gorsuch Ltd. by NAltlE OF OWNER(S) I David corsuch oWnER(S) SIGNATURE (s) s ADDRESS : PHoNE! 970-476-2294 LOCATION Filing ADDRESS: A descrlptlonits operatingthe use I FEE 92oo.oo PAID: s20o.0o cx #_1ft!${ nt The fee nust be paid before the Department of Community Development will accept your proposal. Stamped, addreesed envelopes of the names of owners of allproperty adJacent to the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHfND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a liet of names and mailing AddTegses. THE APPLICANT 9IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT OWNERS AND CORRECT ADDRESSES. TT PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE : A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested t.o determine if any additional information is needed. Noapplication will be accepted unlegs it is completed (must include aII iteme required by the zoning administrator). It ie the applicant'ssibllity to make an appointment wtlL!!e staff to f-i.a! III. PLEASE NO?E THAT A COUPIJEIE APPLICATION WILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NU},IBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STTPULATE. AI.,L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL I{UST BE CO},IPLIED !{ITH BAFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. Four (4) copies of the following information must be submitted: of the precise characterietics tible with other nature of the and measures l.es rn impact of the use on devel Torrtn . proposed use and proposed to make the vicinitv. The description must also address: Relationship and obJectiveE of the Effect of the use on light and air, distribution of population, transportatlon facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other publlc i.irittti." and public facilities needs. 'E5gt tr needs. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference tocongestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverabil ity, and fqllgyal of snow from the st and. Pq:5 Effect upon proposed usebulk of the uses. the character of the area in ig to be located, including propoged use in relation to which the the scale and surround ing A site plan at a ecale of at least 1" = 2O' showing proposed development of the site, including topography, buildinglocations, parking, traffic cLrculatLon, useable open space, ,h*,ft$-9.f;ffinffffifi.and ut i I it ies and drainase f eature s . E'SE? plans. ?ffif verify ownership and eagements.tLrLSf If the building is condominiumized, a l-etter from thethe proposal must becondominium association in support of submitted to staf f. 6. Any additlonal material necessary for the review of theapplication as determined by the zoning administrator. ** For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zonJ-ngadministrator. TIME RAQUIREMENTS A.'. The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearlng. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoningadministrator) will be accepted by the planning etaff before orafter the designated eubmittal dat.e. B. AII PEC approved conditional uae permits shall lapse ifconstruction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion, or lf the use for which the approval is granted is not commenced within one year. A. If this application requires a separate review by any local, Stateor Federal agency other than the Town of VaiI, the application feeshall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, mayinclude, but are not limited to: colorado Department of Highway AcceEE Permits, Army corps of Engineers 404, etc. B, The applicant shall be responeible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50* of the application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causingthe matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shalI be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have significant design, land u6e or other issues which may have aeignificant impact on the community may require review by consultants other than town staff. Should a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to review any appllcation, Community Development may hire an outsidecongultant; it shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay hlm or heri and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by theapplicant at the tlme he/she files his/her application with the Coflnunity Development Department. Upon completion of the review of the appllcat!-on by the consultant, any of the funds forwarded by the applicant for payment of the consultant which have not beenpaid to the consultant shall be returned to the applicant- ExpenEeE Lncurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded bythe applicant shall be pald to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. 4. 5. elevations DESIGII REVIEW BOARI' o APPLI o COLORAIX'CATIOII - TOIIII OF VAIL, -ir,Y lF'f' ts o*rrr."r, *rr..an ro*" ,n *n- o" "o"ootr, "o* *-n@ I. PROi'ECT I FORMATIOII: ADDRESS: 263 East Gore Creek Drl-ve, Vai1. CO 81557 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot E, Block 5: VaiI Village First Filing ZONING3 Commercial Core 1 Dietrict NAME OF APPLICANT: Vail Bank fag of June 1, 1995 Vleststar Bank) ADDRESS: 108 South Frontage Road West, Suite 100, VaiI. CO 81657 PHoNE: 970-476-4500 NAl,lE OF APPLICANT's REPRESENTATM: Beth colde ADDRESS! 108 south Frontage Road West. suite 1O0. Vail, co 81557 PHoNE: 970-476-4500 NAIIE OF oWNER(S): Gorsuch, Ltd. byDavid Gors uch DATE RECEIWD! DATE OF DR8 I{EETING: A. TYPE OF REVIEW: W B. c. D. !| H. ov{!rER(s) srcNATnRE: ADDRESS : PHONE: 970-47 6-2002 APPI.ICAIIO}IS WIIJJ NOT BE PROCESSED IIITEOI''T O9IltER' S SIGNATURE I. CondominLum Approval if appllcable. II. PRE-APPLICATION ltEEfI Gs A Pre-appllcation meeting with a member of theplanning staff l-s encouraged to determl-ne if any additional applicationinformation is needed. It is the appll-cant's responsibility to make an appolntment with the staff to detelmine if there are additionaleubmittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application willetreamline the review process for your project. A pre-apglication meetino vraB done on April 1.9, 1995 with Jim Cufnutte. I I I . II'PORTAIII I{O ICE REGARDING AIIIJ STIBI'IISSIONS TO TNE DRB I Not apolicable. Not applicable. Not appl icable. A. B. c. rv. D. The followlng items may, at the digcretion of the zoningadministrator, be approved by the CommunLty Development Departmentstaff (i.e., a formal hearing before the DRB may not be required): a. llindows, skylights and similar exterior changes which do not al.ter the existing plane of the building; and b. Building additione not vigible from any other lot or public space. At the tLme such a proposal ie submitted. applicants must include letterE from adjacent property ownerEi and/or from the agent for or manager of any adjacent condomLnium aesociation stating the aesociatl-on approvee of the addit ion . E. Not appl icable. F- Not appl icable, Not apol icable. UII'IOR AIJTERAIIONS TO TEE EXTERIOR OF BUII;DINSS . AIrgI lcable--need sketches which clearlv convey the redevelopment pt:oposal and t.he Locati.on. Gign Review Action Fth TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone'. \cL-',-zt f --".to-.'l F.r..., t/ er"nit""Vg#"t)ad ress and P hon e : ..ta+ I u-t .* ,5* - /fD '-/ o.-l t , 4" 8/6$:7 " LegalDescrlption:nt E Block 5 gubdivisionV+',-tx.,l itL-ctf*/4oneDistrict (12 Prqect Street Address: Comments: *ooonrrr B-. *--'r- @til" Seconded by: flnonrovar ! Disapproval fl Staff Approval Corditions: on ' 4/Z t/ qs DRB Fee p,"-p ia Z3 . 6--zr"J I I I I I I I, I RECEIPT- lTI DATE RECEIVBD FROM {0s?s -a=t+f-i i:tF ii{? I t 1'!i :-r+ : i=:-:Eaf : ri 3':t rlri,_,r ,r. r r'r-; '-lt--JL: CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department ol community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT I autorr'rc I pluuerNc Ei ElEcrRtcll ! FouNDAnoNn "F66|T'Ff&NroB * LEGAL ]esc. t oT --Pkl.--l-f FILING E.J!sx.-- JoBNAME: VAIL BANK REMODEL EP OWNER r'rrue VAIL NATL BANK SAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY VAIL 81657 PH.XXXX ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. l.r.r*,"0. CONTRACTOR F1RM NEI.I ELECTRIC TowN oF vArL REG. No. 1Io-E PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE JANUARY 23. T995 71 95PERMIT.NO. LTYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON lll lll lV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISfON 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : REMODEL TYPE GROUP G-R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES <r-\)ss EWO ALTERATION ( )O( AODITIONAL() REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PEBMITS NEEDED: RECREATION FEE TOTAL PERMIT FEES _EBI{S!_GLALZLS _ 1-e3-js_ __ ,ILOING OFFICIAL DATE ING ADMINISTRATOR & AUILDING NOTES: review approved, Uniform Building Code and other.ftdinances of own applicable thereto. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the informalion and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Tgwn's zoning and subdivision codes, design ,aCTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TH "eppaoveo ../i:''tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ..l BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR t! -ub -,\b.,-"8 - a?p" tA\ I i i56 N0 .007 P.0l Lagal Descrlptloni tqt JOb AddT€BE: Blo€k-*- niltns@ Ptr./-fsl$c56 Ph, t,-i plumblng contrflohor! -fi 8;oo- ./ vv.rrdYr. Y owners Namei ftf,!'zl#^' ftrr+ - -rddreeor Arohlteot r Geherdl D€scrlptlonr , R, r^^"111-.t- ?fork class! [ ]-uew I J-AlterAtton td-eddttlonal I J-Repalr [ ]-other i' Nurnber of, DwElllng Unltet *- Number of Accamnrodqtlon unlts: - l. I gmuer and T1rya ar FlrdplaeeEs Gas Ap,pllancee . - cas t,ogs- wood,/Pallet- I ,T*****ttf***********l**r*******r*r VIDUAIIONS r*t*f***r*r*rtrr***********rr*lt* !i !,ullllMgt l*-- p!4qTrrcA!t*s@- orir!!, t-- .tr, ,f.. -. " rrFr Fr'x t'Tx ' ttt tt|r rrrrl;t?;lrt VAITUATIONS ttti 'r*t*l!trt tttrr**********il t tll * l; ^IHIHINSI h_ fls#tilr8it:l+4o3 s$Rtt F_tr',r',,it**r*rt**r**{r***rrr*t**l*ft-* CONfnACTtR INFOB}IAfION *******r*tf ******i**.*rt** I:7Y9loral conf,r_ag,lgtt_Q,4V(ltt ,(n-,* =. Town of valt Reg. No,_t Addrgget faJ, tfuv z . ihonE lluntueir t' a; Eleotrlcal Contractorrr Addresg: fr-O- hy 8ti iiill; !t"!'p7+i'Ali'bi*W $f,[|"'fi*Xi* :"fu&& {.n plumblng Contraohor! ,, . _. - rown of vstl Reg. No,_r Addreesi *-., ._ __ phone uunr[eir h. tMeotrantaaLContragtor:%TownofVallReg.N0._-*-i Addreser ffi Fhone Hurnberl '1.I **********att*t***********tr**** F6R oFBIcE UsE *r*********ri**********ir***rl**i;! EUXLDINC PERUIT fEE; BUILDINO pr,iAN CIIECK FEE: I PLUMBINc PERIIIT FEe: :- P}uMBiNO pLAN cHEcK FEEI't UECETNICAIT PbnHIT lEEt *,t4---- I'IECHANICAT, PLAN CHECK FEEI,. ELECTRICAIT fEEt lVY.fS+ .RECREAUoN FEEI' MECIIINICAL PEBHIT lEEr *,r4_--- l'IECHANtrCAr' PLAN CHECK FEEI. ELECTRICAIT fEEt llT.W .RECREAUoN FEEI'SlE$r[Y,taoE;,lEE*2:r.,.'4 g3f;1l-gl-flffiuffifti - W fl l ifii-l eurr,orwc, .-dn//6/r{-L-it^-2-rl, l_l_t_l_f ErcNAru.hBt ___ 1 / -,I l-- l-.::l- i-' --l 3?EilXfi,i-E': comnents:,_ A{l-f{WU'l"nUf roHN os vArL coNsr4vcrroN pnnlrir I.:IA{ 9t6t E z llvt ,.rs? t"*linlii-TqA?TN roRrt 8tr 7rtrtt4 9SB[ t c nvt '],ft , nerrrl-;*-9' ^l !flbtl1..#,rqi]ffi irr.,rro our col'rprrEr'r'v oR rr r,rAv No? BE AccEprED f,*****'i*Id*fin**H***iiil*i***n* pERMrr rNFoRl,{Aq'JoN ***r*r*r*******************r '['l-Buf.tdtng t l-ptunblns g{rrectrro"t I l-U€ahanlcat I l-orher $o$t$od oo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO statemnt* * * * * * * * * * * lr * * * * * rr * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Statemnt Number: REC-0004 Amount: 147.00 0I/23/95 ILz32Permit No: 895-0010 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-064-07-010Site Address: 108 S FRONTAGE RD WEST. Location: EP FOR OFFICE REMODEL Payment Method: Notation: TT ENTERED Init: *******************************************L******************** Account Code Description paid 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 144.0001 OOOO 4T336 WILL CALL TNSPECTTON FEE 3.OOTotal (This Payment): I47.O0 Total Fees: l4'l .00Total A11 Payments: 147.00Balance: .00 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE * COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATEJANUARY 13. 1995 1 18? department of community darelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Ek autt-otttcI elecrRtcRlI |\4EQHANIIUd 5 I TACI LEGAL )e sc. LOT BLK- FILING V3I!-MIL-EAXK-EIDC JoBNAME: VAIL BANK REMODEL OWNER NAME VAIL BAN{ MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu SHAEFFER C0NST ,o** o, uo,t ^rn. "o. 129-B 845-5656 lrr.r*,.o.. CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE, I D 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP tI t tvv ABEHIRM 122a34DtvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REMODEI. TNTERTOR NT'T'TCF'. PARTTTTNNC PERMIT NO. z tr J BUITDING 8000.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II 1 fiR B-2 BUILDING PERMIT 125 . 00 ta s $$ PLAN CHECK 8l .00 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION OO{ AODITIONAL O REPAIR PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: I YPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FLOOR CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r00.00 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF WILL CALL 3.00 TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAR HEAT GAS wooo TOTAL PERMIT FEES 309 .00 DAN STANEK I-I2-95 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr cur I I I UTLDING OFFICIAL DATE I )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES: I her€by acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other oldinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND IHE OWNER. HIMSELF I INSPECTION REQUEST ;i1 tg7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor, 3' Ib' 75 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: AM-@ TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING N ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATTON'D POOL / H. TUB tr SFIEETROCK NAIL tr (r'"l' -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: r] HEATING tr FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ T] SUPPLY AIR tr tr-FTNAL tr FINAL ,tfbrffirro ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTTON REQUTREq 4- t 4- 9 <DATE ' t'r /'t INSPECTOR \ \tr -a.rt,, I rNJPcroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] ROIJ'GH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ! rno"uuc tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING trFAS PIPING - ,d poor- / H. TUBINSULATION EETROCK NAIL u trtr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMR POWER MECHANICA[: tr |EATNG . tr EXHAUSTtr ROUGH HOODS tr CONDUIT E,SUPPLY AIR u E g/rrunr D FINAL lTTNTZYr;IJ RRECTIONS: tr 9TSAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED t at PErNs CTION REQUEST" TOWN OF VAIL?txq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT r ll lr,,- DATE :/ I LC I Ll ':) JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 479-2138 CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION C] POOL / H. TUB q SHEETROCK NA|L tr s Frrual O FINAL -ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr q IryAL tr FINAL 'fhnoveo ORRECTIONS: C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMBER OF P JECT rNsilLroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 'e DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI " READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER r!ES AM PM BUILDING: tr.FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr RoucH / D.w.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEr- D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL |Aeeeoveo $,)''tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR la It rV ,;/ INSPECTION REQUEST/ TOWN OF VA|L/_ la PERMIT NUM OF PBOJECT ,or, '2] ,"'j* i READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: FRI JOB NAME CALL TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERg FRAMING n ROOF &.SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr.INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D tr tr p rrrunl FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINALrH4L ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ONS: DATE INSPECTOR 3-fu'q PERIIIT /I PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.ETELY OR IT I{AY NOT BE ACCEPTED ******************** ********* PER!1rT INFORI{ATTON *** *************!r ************ fl"#:,"1J::#,:s ;6,'1'eel "Dofl Wt") Ph. Ph. []-Bui1dingt]-P1u]nbing[]-E1ectrical[]-Mechanica1tx/-otherfu Job Nane!b Address: Legal Oescription: Lot Block_ Filinq suBDrvrsroN: Owners Nane: Architect, /U 4 Address: Address: ceneral Description: I{ork Class: [ ]-l{ew f-aft"".tion [ ]-Additional '/€f [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nu:nber of Acconnodation Units z ,l/9 Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERMIT rBE: -IV(T-PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: MECITANICAL FERMIT FEE: E1ECTRICAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEEs DRB FEE! conments: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PIAN CHECK FEE: }IECIIA}IICEI, PI,AI{ CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: g- -;ICLEAN-UP DEPOSfT: Ut u-{ (l.,crt/ 3,u" TotAL pERt{rplFEES: VALI'ATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STCNATURE: Nunber of Dlrelling Units:. 4 r lPtrber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas AppJ.iancesPd eas Logs A)O Woodr/pellet- ptv ||t********************************* VALUATIONS *** **** ****** ** **** ***** *** ****** BUILDTNG: $,aoo9 EI,ECTRICAL: S OTHER: TOTAL: *** ***** * * * ********** ******'.1contl.-jFor 1 f-.-f-ezef sa*rpf a< fi*q.Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: *+.<-d Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Regr. NO. Phone Nunber: AOR OFFfCE USE ******** ************** ** ******* CI.EAT IIP I'EOSrf REFI'f,D IO3 Gt-f/*"oX Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL BANK OFFICE REM DATE: l-12-95 ADDRESS: 106 S. FRONTAGE CONTRACTOR: GEORGE SHAEFFER VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCTJPANCY: B-2 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTIONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possibte code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vait. 1. THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR AN INTERIOR REMODEL ONLY. 2. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIRED TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CI{ANGES BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 4. VENTTLATTON rS REQUTRED AS pER SEC 705 OF T[rE 1991 UBC. 5. ALL PENTETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Town of Vcii 0FFifril i -jfY /"'A"z /-/z€{ luttn 75 roulh trontage roed vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 olllcc of communlty devolopmcnt BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI.IE If this peryit lequi.res a Town of Vai.l Fire Department Approval,Eng'ineer ''s (.publ ic works ) review ana approvail'i' ii'iruii n["b.p."t .ntreview or Hea'l th Departnrent_revi'ew, ani'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estirnated time for a total "eui"n-iluv"iulE'us t6ngas three weel(s . f]] cgmmgrgial (Iarge or smat't) anO ajt mutti-family permits wi.llhave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requiremlnii, Res.ident.ialand.sma'l i projects,shourd tar(e a resser amount of time. However, ifresidenti'al or smalier projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to necessary review,-il"i" i""j".ii'ruyalso take the three-week period. Every attempt wl'll be nnde by this department to expedite thispermi't as soon as possrDte. I, the frame., undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time lc /5, ProjEET-Nanre Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. u\s : =..? F e E=""!n' ffi)YFpi il"rrl'S $i:N &s .,j at,-, fll7 *$u ,[ +lrF 29,*68 i' ,l '\ r"? {,*r"[.rji\;r)] I.l- --latr ' $ IU ti ---\ rq #ff-*"'t&r EIFc,T- F€I!CAfE o T;4ftI* cro$ER qrev) trttt \ \s N$ \ \ .$ \ \ \ \ \ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT *"J t ALLNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST PROJECT TITLE: NEW (SFR,P/S,DTJP) BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT PERMIT PermiI #.tt. TIMES 895 - 002 0 Job Address: 108 S FROI{TAGE RD WEST Status. .Locat,ion...: 106 S FROIiITAGE RD, VAIL, BApplied. Parcel No. -: 2LOL-064-07-010 Issued.. Proj ect. No. : Erqrires . Phone: 3038275656 Phone: 3038275656 co 80222 .: FINAL . : 01,/1,L/1,995 . : 0L/1,2/L99s . : 07 /1,L/L995 Units: 001 valuation .00 .00 8, 000 . 00 8, 000 . 00 8, 000 . 000 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OUINER Description: Occupancy Type Table DaLe: 04/0L/L992 Fireplace llrfo-Eation: Restricted: SIIAEFFER CONSTRUETION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81558 VIiTB BUILDING CORP t HANOVER REAI coRP, 500 s cI{ERRy sT sTE 1115, DENVER Number of DwellingFactsor Sq. Feet Subt.oE.al:MulEiplier 1.00: Addl Fixed Amountr:Total Valuatsion: Town of vail Adjustsed Valuation: *Of ea6 Applianccg: ReBtsualeDts Plan Revi,an-- > nDE Faa-------- Recreation fee- ------- --> elean-Up Depoai!--------> TOTAL FEES- - - -. #Of eaa ',ogs: +of liood/Pallet: FEE SI'I'MARY *** !',*t lrtt** ** ** 309-25 . oo 309-2s 309.2s - oo Building-----> Plan check- -- > Inwestigation> wilI call-- -- > ToCal Calculaled FeeB---> Addilional Fees---------> Tolal PermiE Fee--------> Palments------- BAI.ANCE DUB.-. - 125.00 g1 .25 .00 3.00 .00 .00 .00 100 .00 309.25 II,EM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'{BI{T 0a/12/L995 TRYNIS AcEion: APPR TT IEEM; O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMEI T O2/L4/L995 GARY Act,ion: APPR ITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPART'IVIEIiIT 02/L4/L995 GARY Action: APPR IECM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS 02/t4/L995 GARY Action: APPR ITEM: 05550 ENGINEERING BUILDING Division: PI.ANNING Division: FIRE Division: PIJB WORK Division: ENGINEER Division: Dept: APPROVED Depts: Dept: Dept: Dept: * ** ******:r***1*** * *t*r** ****rrt** * * ** * * *** * * * ** * * *****t **** * * * ** **l, +r** * * *** * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply to this permit - DECLARATIONS I here\F acknowledge tshaE I have r6ad thle appllcation, filled out in full thr lnf,gn0aLion required, conpleted an accurate ploc p1an, arrd stabe tslrat all the infornation provided ae required i6 corlect. I rgr.c t,o conPly wi€h ehe information and plot plan, to comPly with all Tolrn ordinanc€s ."o t tanr, and ro bulld chiB Etsrucrure ".."tdt" lhe Totrn'6 zoning and subdiwieion codee, deeign reviel aFproved, uniform Buildj.ng cgds and otsher ordinanceg of lhe Town applicable tsh€r€to. REQUBSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BE MADE TWEMY- FOI'R HOURS IN AD\IANCE BY TEIJEPHONE Af 479'213g OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM E:OO AI'{ 5:OO PM Send Clean-Up Depoeit To: SHAEFFER CONST SIO\N,TORE OF OVINER OR CONTR,AC'IOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWI{ER PAGE 2******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 895-0020 as of OL/L3/99 Status: FINAL******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: NEW (SFR,p/S,Dup) PERMIT Applied: oL/1,1/L995Applicant: SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCrION Issued: o1,/L2/]-995 iIOb AddrCSS: 108 S FROI{TAGE RD WEST LOCAIiON: 106 S FROIiITAGE RD, VAIL BANK BLDG Parcel No : 2l-01--064-07-010 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** Printed bv ,foan Nolen 9/99 0 6pn E'rom: f-ynne Campbe].lTo: Judy Popeck Suh)i ect: fwd: He110 - NoTE :t /25 / 99::5 : O3pm:: How do we refund clean up deposits on lha ^l.l narmi lq? Dr-r wa irlsr- srn.l -\/er.t,r f .inance a check requ.esC? Wbat backup besides the permit do we use? Thanks Fwd =by 3 :Judy:Pope ck-::L / 2 6 / 9 9:l- o : 03am:: F\^/d to: L\,'nne Campbell I serlt al-l tlrat 1nformation over to Joan about one or one and a half weeks aqo. I apo1oqizet I've been swamped with priorj-ty stuff and tbten I was out sick untiL now so I've got ].ots of stuff to do stil1 before I can work on and respond to Joan's question so long ago. Paease be patient and I'la do it as soon as I can. T HANKS MUCH! Fwd:]ry::Lynne:campbe I:1, / 26 / 99:1O : OTam:: Fwd to: Judy Popeck Thanks, I asked Joan if she had heard from you and she said no. Fwd:b\r::.fudt :Popeck:::a / 26 / 9 9:1O : l Oam:- Fwd to: Joan Nolen, I-yrrrre Campbe]-l- ()ka\r, orl January 13th I asked for the receipt nulnber, cLreck date, cfreck amount. and check nurnber. .foan responded \^rittrin a few minutes with the information she did trave. This was in :regafds to Permit #B95-oO2O. I have a coplr of tLris correspondence if eittrer of you need it. Thanks. Page: Printed by Llmne Campbell 6 /2e /99 10:21am From : Judy PopeckTo: Joan NoLen, Lynne Campbel lSubject: Permit SB95-0020 ===NOTE==== 6 /29 /99=IO:20am==Itrs been one week since my last E-nail and I have not receiwed a response onthis permit. Lynne, you took care ofCity Market but I still need an answerfor Shaeffer Construction. r'll repeatwhat I did need in case neither of voukept a copy. 1) There definitely is no such beastas B95 - 0020. Community Development sh'itched over to a different numbering system at that time. The very first new permit number I have is 895-0028. There is, however, a Shaeffer Construction permit #7187 durins that same t.ime period and Chris and Ibelieve that it could be the same one.Permil #7187 was paid. The job description on it was 105 S. FrontageRoad. Before a final decision is madeas to how to treat this one, pl-easeverify, if you can, whether or not thatis the same job site or not. Both of you please reply so we can complete the work on this permit. Thanks much! Page: 1 -, o"!gn Review Action , TOWN OF VAIL rorl Category Number /z oae /A /4 /4€ Prolect Name: Building Name: Proiest Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Descriptionr Lot € Bbck 5 / " , , -J Subdivision ik,.-*-/ f/ ,' (-L.:r f-- /-Zone Dislrict tLI- ProjecrstreetAdaress, 713 d-t )-dn,..--, ii-f . ,/ Board / Staff Action Motionby: 8a.a-l.r - , Vote: ri-O Seconded by: -.{! t"-,' I (AnRrovat 3 Disapproval fl StafiApproval Conditions: ,,1 +'z al " f ' '" ' r4 Town Planner o"t", /Of sf< DRB Fee ere-vaia lO-@ r?.zJ dt:: c-t3 a- eta "'#ar*' r<' s" E .r- I I I -t- :.. :: ... :: :i h:: 'l .'t N ;\ t,\k ,:. u,A \p.:n:i p:iA :'j R':: N 'n:r I'i ':.: t-r! .-.4i:l , :.c i't ii;'j i:l *: .r '.': t'.; i.i .,:+ . r ;1:k ., ,i{ illi .' : ii.t:' :i!r . ii'j( \ ii{ ' ).! .-Yi l. .T: , . GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION COMPA P.O. Box 373 vAtL, coLoRADo 81658 (303) 845.5656 ro €,-* - .-,-=r--* LETTEfuF TRANSNflITTAL oArE ?/z f/Zs- fiiE"srp- ,/rn ATrENTtott RE: E Plans tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications > WE ARE SENDING YOU tl Attached ! Under seParate cover via D Shop drawings fl Copy of letter tr Prints D Change order tr coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ./ ---t,1t E.q-z- jz2<c.t' THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use E As requested tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted D Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -copies for distribution D Return-corrccted prints E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO ,O% Prs€onluncr Conn€ . 1096 Po6tOoiluner Cont€r SIGNED: PBo[tf,Izo l@tnc,qtur k ol,u].,t encroct ra! aaa nol !6 notad, kilrdllt no,il! ia tl oaca. i \ I Lumiire Design & Manutacturing, Inc. \\ 11Sq0_V q Cotinas #101, Westiake Vrllage, CA 91362L.- TELEPHONE (B1s) 991.221 1 Ll FAX (s181 991-700s rYPEI--__l H'ghly v"rsarrle -O" rin0 Seated.nachrn?d minrature |ow voltage lan!966pg 3cc661tigtrr. UtiliZaJ.tzvoil. oouble contact (DC; bayoner base natogen tarnp Murtr'use.rlghl soUr.e ' cer'verl,'g a cofittonaDre 3000 to 34og K?rv.n coror temgefaurg vanedrarnpavalabhly a(ows s901. rnedium. aod flood r|ghrng rnvanous wanaoes (r a.20. and35waG.) Unobkusrve d?Sign. die torned and/Or rnaEimcd tor Crrtrcal lit and tuncdon ot all €mpgnenls. At3slclul ano qualry o/es?ntatoo rhal ders with tho envrronrpnt. Eecause or ns inconsprcuous torrn thrs tixture is padial ra.ry s uilgd tor uprighr ng or trees s hruba. and ::::::1,.11-":_. oorrnhghr,ng tom rrees. bu,rdiog, garros. ano gardenireas Accrnrtigntrng ro( Plants. ',vatkweys. vnder eav€S. SqnS erc All pans Are lirst chromAle gonv8rston Coated a^d lhen ints,|gd w|th a Oah€d the.mooBslspolyesre/ powder tor me/ res*l"nc! ano sp€oric wcarherlbliq/ rn mairne (9a[ sp]ay]. rand"cap€taqlteus Chomicalr) and oth9. rornaity cotor inprious envircnmens Cqbrs - ArchrteCtslije'orue. &ack vcde. and whrte a'u sranaad orrry coro.s and pl"lod finr;h* avaitaue - ctnsun taaory. Cambr;a ,?r I I /2' NPS swMei ngvnts ro mosi stardard outgog, J bores, ctsv"r paatgs. treernounB,0r gfound splgs (sas acc€Ssones) canonatzr2 ha3 a hanging,ing.nou*n t,nuo""lo sl3rlda4t cable or can hang trgrn liffe leads- Ssbmlttll Apprord by: Name: NoLa: Cornpany; Lumicre Design & Manu?acluring, Inc. reserves the r'gh1lo marc design changes wilhout notice, tor produci improvement I I U)taZ t -=() | ^ \ \l Lumiere Desrgn & Manutacnrnng. trrc. \\ 31 360 Via Colinas #101 , \rYesttake Viltage, CA 91362L- TELEPHONE (818) 9s1-2211 f F$( (818) 991_7005 rYPEI-l f'. 5 1 lf{agittt, bard, ar|{' mouriino gxiwl arc dc ce{, tdnrd. .nd/o, r.tr*hinad m6t-Tg lllTtjl; l1tq? n*{!!|q *trq '.rsrs bradc ryls corlrp.c.s.oo d.dgn rs,ic'diy an€ alqryTplt"di-. !O' ring !.at ai lrrt. bld.nd batf tsdr.rrneuce farrrc Crr*iry enCndretr6iifmr- f 2 v,ot stsnt l{ti.ing llFt I a phfl.rf r acb?, 35 war! lmerifium) haloofi tarrF - DC bGGs*r 'ith srrii-s rbar €rnrc!.nd 200 d.gr€e tEfor €€tad t - wtrlt, u.Lii"t"6 brrvcrbc.lirn. R'|tct Eansto|ttlcr ir rrqri[d. (tarq rnd mlsbrrrr not liddad,) Hytfaulc arivC nEunt wlth t /lr NFS fhrd alon! unaysrlsl aiming ar!6 tesrgri|l' b dJrncrourol*|tictl ffiirlg!. Ery-_Trt T1. !111!! st rpry rnrowc - qhce br'? - re thrlad r.ofq o€.cr ..s.'r,uy b*t orno ftrn. t{o scREIrs oF 8ot_Ttt rolos€. Ibs: F (ry, 4b (SBR. (}E (BGF|, yilou (SrF), Dinmd {DrR. Urt !r trrst (LSL),o'r.I SFd (OcLl. ild touw' (rvR)- uouwr$ 6twid SFr..s tOSe CSr. cdrzo, i*itdirtdch.,rtarJr,r€r'| stpb('|gtlrlftrfitrhrfinpntr$1, idra,totrnun6rq.Sro{l n ..a (a r-t} dltrrr $a5 (Fl(ltr). R s Phitlr 'tttctof , D.C. Es . 35 Wd Ituintrrr (bt Cf.'.rD). 1 TAfiFIOW ECAiISPFAND FOflJTSEAilSPFErD IVIDE SETX SPREAD lVilJ ttnp Cod. sttfilS!.rd ht CP FIU fbuft lvnrs Lrnpce €a|B Sqid i,g cp Fru lhnt lvrns t ttp Co.le laant A6rt'd iaar CP a6d LftrtItE7..sa00 emo ?o FSt '17.1tt00 m n FSv g 600 2000aF]SS r0.a000 s0 35 aAr af 2&m 3it AAY'94.1r0 2q00gta iKFx .tq (m0 so ai GT'Y 13 lso -m 90 6F :NF 350 3(xlonG3f6P7U$00 a0 GBA r8't.lO0 soo ?tiftF t?|log|.r.!hor 1.rry3 1 O TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 97 0-479-2 I 3 8/479 -2 I 3 9 FAX970-479-24s2 october 10, 1995 D epartment of Community D evelopmen fttt coPr Beth Golde Weststar Bank 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: The changes to the previously plans for the WestStar ATM at the Gorsuch Building. Dear Beth: As I am sure you are already aware, the DeSign Review Board consent approved yOur requeSt of the changes O the previously approved planJfor the Automatic Teller Machine to be located in the Gorsilch Buitdirig. The appidval grahted by the Design Review Board carried with it no conditions ot approv-al. merbiore, yoi, are now able to pioceed forward with applying for and ,. . receiving a Ouiiding permit for the cbnstuction of the Ritvt. Rn application for a building permit is available from the Town of Vail Office of Community Development. Again, the proposed changes to the ATM to be located at the Gorsuch Building has been aipioieA dy tne Design Rlview Board. Should you have any questions or concerns with regard td ine intorriration addressed in this letter, as always, please do not hesitate in giving me a call. I can mosl easily be reached during regular office hours at (303) 479'2138' Sincerely, George Ruther Town Planner GR{r {j *""nurru", t DOign Review Action FCn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number ProjeaName: r':{,1' Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot r"-- Block ".t Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Staff Action ) Motion by:Vote: ! Approval ! Disapproval \.f, Statf Approval Seconded by: Conditions:1-l ", . ,i DRB Fee Pre-paid '1. .-- , a; l'; tavl..a 7 /14/91 DESIGN RSVIEW o BOARD APPLICAT 'S TT,AY o F VArIJAPPI.,ICATTON . TOWN O DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: rrrrtlt****** *rt*t*****!tI. { A.DESCRIPTION: ET TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddirion ($s0.00) ADDRESS: ($200.00) * X lainor Arherarion ($20.00) ConcepLual Review (90) c. D.IrO tLEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Subdiwision Block If property is described bydescription, please provideto Lhis application. a meels and boundson a separate sheet legal and aLtach E. ZONTNG: F. l NAME OF APPLICANT: Mai-1i Address: G. ^APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATTVE:NAME OF Mailing Address: l{. l I NAME OF OWNER(S) ohrNER (S SIGNATURE: Mailing Address: APPIJTCATT0N9 wrLL Nor BE pRocEssED wrrilour otrrilER,s s.rcJvA?uRE I. Condominium Approval if applicable. ,J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,l are t.o be paid at therime of submirLal of .he DRB applib;iiorrl --lut.er, whenapplying fo1 a-building permic,-prLase iaencity the accuratevaluarion of Ehe proposal. The bown of vair wiri .al""l-crr"fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 0 $ i0.000$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 00L - $ 500, 000 $500, 00L - 91, 000, 000$ Over gL,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES ONE YF,AR AFTER FINALAPPROVAL IJNTJESS A BUTTJDING pERltrr rs rssUED AriID coNsrRucrroNIS STAR?ED. FEE i so. oo $100.00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 I rr. III A pre-appl-ication meet.ing wit.h a member of the planningstaff is encouraged t,o deE,ermine if any addiLionatapplicaEion information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibiliey Eo make an appointment with the sLaff todetermine if hhere are addit.ional submittaL requiremenLs.Please not.e thab. a COMPLETE applicaLion will streamline thereview process for your project. In addition to meet.ing'.submittal requiremenls, theapplicant must stake and t.ape Lhe projecE site toindicaEe property Iines, building lines and buildingcorners. All lrees to be removed must be taped. AllsiEe Lapings and staking must. be completed prior to Lhe DRB sit.e visit. The applicant must ensure ChaL stakingdone during Lhe winter is noL buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUfLDINGS normally requires Ewo separate meetings of Lhe Design Review Board:-aconceptual review and a finat review. Applicants who faiL Eo appear before the Design Revj.ewBoard on their scheduled meeLing dat.e and who have noLasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, wi. lt have E,heir iEems removed from t.he DRBagenda until such time as t.he j.Eem has beenrepublished. The followi-ng iLems may, aE Lhe discretion of thezoning adminisLraLor, be approved by the CommunityDevelopment Departmerit st.af f (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required.) : a. Windows, skylights and sirnilar exterioJ changeswhich do not. alLer the exiseing plane of Lhebuilding; and b. Building addirions not. visible frorn any other lotor public space. AL the time such a proposal is' submitted., applicant.s musE. include letters fromadjacenL property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacent. condominium associationstating the association approves of E.he addition. ff a property is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood p1ain, debris fIow,wetland, eEc_), a hazard st.udy must be submitted andt.he o\nner musr sign an af f idavit recognizing the hazardreporL prior Lo Ehe issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged t,o check with a-Town plannerprior [o DRB application to determine the relaLionshipof E,he property Lo aII mapped hazards. For alI residential construction: a. Clearly indicat.e on Lhe ftoor plans lhe insideface of Lhe exterior sLruct.ural walls of t,hebuilding; and b, Indicate with a dashed line on che site Dlan afour foot distance from Lhe exLerior facl of Lhebuilding wal1s or supporting columns. If DRB approves the application with condiE.ions ormodificaLions, aII conditions of approval must. beaddressed prior ro Lhe application- ior a buildingpermi L. A. R D. E. F. c t -LrsT or MATERIATS NAME OF PRO.TECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDTVISION The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffi ts 1 windows I, Window Trim Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses . Ret.aining Walls Exterior Liqhtinq OLher reguired approval TYPE OF for submiEtal can be eiven: MATERIAJJ to the Design COLOR 6@ ttt4&/, la.e rv/L.- z2aT LANDSCAPfNG: Name of Designer: phone: B. PL,ANT *t"*lr: Bor.anical Name cor*llqq*. ouanLirv si""* PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS *Indlcate caliper for deciduous trees.iduous SI nches. IndicaEet,rees. Minimum h**rndicate size of proposed5 oal.lon. Minimum'caliper f or hei.ght. for coniferousonifs6f shrubs.Mininum size of shrubs is Type Souare Footaqe GROT'ND, COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CO}ITROL c- IANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf ext.erior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixtures and locations on a separat.elighting plan. rdenrify each fixLure from the ri;hting planil the space below and provide Lhe height above grade, type ofliqhr proposed, lumen out.puL, luminous area and a cut sheLt ofthe light. fixrure. (Secrion 19.54.050 J) OTHER IJANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining vralls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) please specify. rndiiate heights of retaininiwarrs. Maximum heighc of warrs within the front seEback ii3'. Maximum hei.ghL of walls elsewhere on Lhe proferuy i_s 6, D. 't(w utlw e&oFotno Eaur Nor- \lqq