HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 LOT C D E GORSUCH BUILDING AKA CLOCK TOWER MCBRIDE SIGNS LEGAL75 soulh frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3rB) 47$'2138 (303) 479-2139 LJI Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Lirnit.ed 263 East Gore Creek DriveVail, Col-orado B 1657 oflice of community developmenl CERTIFIED MAIL Re: Signs at Gorsuch, Limited, VaiI Village Dear Dave: On December 19, 199t, I wrote you concerning the signs on your front door. Our department requested that you remove one of your entrance door signs, The signs on your door are very discreet. However, in addi-tion to exterior si-gns, the VaiJ- sign-codepermits eacir business to have one door or window sign whichstates the narne of the business and does not exceed 1.5 sguare feet . It is important that businesses in Lhe Town of Vail conform tothe sign code so that each business is treated fairty. If you have questions concerning the code as it rel-ates to your business, I would be happy to try to answer them. We are not attempting to single your business out, but are merel-ytryj-ng to treat every busi-ness equa11y. We nust ask you to remove one of your entrance door signs by Friday, March 5, L992. Thank you very much for your cooperation. If you have concernsor quest.ions, pl-ease feel- free to call me at 479-2138. Qinnoralrr Ku[- rc?: ,(o,{ Betsy Rosol-ack Planning Technician 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (3fir) 47e2138 (303) 479,2139 ofllce of community development December 10, 1991 Mr. Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Limited 263 East Gore Creek DriveVaiL, Colorado 81657 Re: Signs at Gorsuch, Vail Village Store Dear Dave: The Town of Vail is attempting to correct some discrepancies inthe use of window si-gns. It has been brought to our attention by another merchant that there are two signs on your entrance doorsstating the name of your store. In addit.ion to exterior signs, the Town of Vail sign code permits each business to have one door or window sign which states the name of the business. This d.oor or window siqn mav be 1.5 square feet in size. Each business may have two window signs which state the g@ ofthe business, but not the name of the busj-ness. These signs maynot exceed 15% of any window in which you place them, and the twosigns may have a combined sguare footage not Lo exceed a total of10 square feet. Your door signs are very discreet. However, in order to treat each business equally, we must reguest that you remove one ofyour entrance door signs. We hope you understand that we are nottrying to be negative to you or your business. We are just trying to treat everyone fairly. ff you have any questions or concerns about this request, pleasefeel- free to call me at 479-2L38. Thank you velry much for yourcooperation. Sincerely, a),4."e h,"/'JAXrt', / L'/ Betsy Ro6olack t "< Cr-c Planning Technician -- T,rlr,.lfiT;-Ti6v r;:.;rrr.,r. -$, r v-,i! J, il l: r.: 2 -r ?1{rfiir* f Tfre ncxl: j.l etrr on 1:htr ltl'r,tld:i \:,'irs th(,) :r'{}trd i rril of flr.:e'4r'} Ut j on i1122, Seri ()' of 7.gBZ, a rcs<rlution arut:horiz j ltg an appl.icet j <trr to ls;sigtr lluI.cau of LaDd l,!anrigettrent righL-of-t'it1' f rorn -arlrenlry tlnlinrited, lnc' t'o Lhe Town of \tajl ' fheri.'v;as some'djscussi()n. Iir:r'mann Staufer tbcn nrrtle a mo1:ion t() approve itesolut ictn #22 and non 'Iodd seconded it. All voted in favor and thc motion passed un an i}'rlrlus f ]t. There \ras no Cit izt.'.tr Part i ci pat ion . The next item on t[e agenda \vas the c]iscussj,on of tlre Bald Uountain speed ;ip.. lrlayor Sl- j.f er stirted that the c.ouncil tiad recej.vecl nttmberous lett.ers fr-om residents oplrcsi.ng tire dip. He also stated that Couttcil- membel's had clrj.rren over tire d1p lrrior to the meeti.ng. Several citizens in the audiencre s'ol(e in faor anO against the dip. Each Council menrber stated their feelings on tbe dlp. After i lengthy discussion, Ilon Todd tnade a. rllc)tion to leave the "p""a dip on.Bald Jrlountain ltoad in rvith some nrinor modificzrtions by the puUf:.c \Tbr-ks Departnrent. Chuck Ar.rderson seC<-inded 1'he tnotion. A vote rvas taketr and the motion passed unamiously' I1a5'e1 Slifer asked the Public Il'orks Depal.tment to report ba.ck to the Coun-cil on rvhat wa.s done to the dip. Paul Johnston also stated it \\'as necessary to get a collsensus of the neighborhood and to set sonte tin:e cr:ntlol on tlie appeal of these dip decisious' The uext item on tbe agencla vas the East Vail llarket sign var:iauce l'equest. PeterJantarexp1aitreclthe'e.luesttttreDesigtr Revie1 Boar<l hid voted in favor of the lequest 7 - O, and that tlre staff regotnmended apploval. After some discussion, Herrnann Staufcr made a motion to ap1:rove tlre retluest a-ncl Ron Tocld sec.olrcled it. ALl voted in fa'vor aud the rnot i on passed una.nin:ouslY Tlre lir::;t i tcnl otr t ltc agi:rrdn r'. lts tlte Sj.nrb:i llrrn. ),:illy D.qlll'.'i ih (;\p-liijned -TlJllT.t.]] llttlcic n ttlotiott t-r> airlllovc tlic' v()t.ucl j n f ltvc'r' l:trcl t ltc: ttltll i oii piissed A11 d;-"d'T-T-tei,r-on t['tigenoa rvas the .+p-peg!-g!-q]-e-IlEe. dccieiqr-rresarclj.ng the setback ya1ialcc tuqruli otr Lot 17, iilock Il-EeiuUA;vision of ''fract E, Vail Viii;;; 11th f i1i'e, *l*.!__gLr:1gg! applicant. PeLer Jarnar exptained the hist.rl' of the subject to ifr5 C-o.*cil. Jan- Strauch, o\rner of the pr-operty, gatre his vieu,s on tlte rnatter. Titere \,.'iLs some input from the citizens. After a lengtltJ discussion, pz"u1 Johns'ron nade a rnotion to overtttr:ll the Planning Contniissio'nrs decision and appeal , Chucit il,nderson seconded the tnoEion. A vote r';as talieu on the motioll and it failed 3 - 3 - Slifer,'.foCd and \\'ahrl-ich oppos:ing. It Nasdj.scussedb}ZtlreCounciltotablethematterfortrvotveeksuntiltl:e Counci-t hacl l.rad an o))pt;l-tunity to rerrietry the zonj.Ilg ordinairces to see if illere tJet'e soute other a11.e::r.ratives they could talce. Gail llahr'lich ntade a rnotion to r.econsider the recruest, but taier rvitbdrerv it, as l.'t-.tlvn Attorney Eskvitl: jnformeC th(xn litat thls rvas Dot a l.ega1 rule of procc+drtre accoldiug p.ober1.s Rules of Olcler'. It \i.'as agleed by tire Coutlcl I aud tn':rtrbers of tlre PllC in attcnclrrnC€ itt the lneet ing that it, rvas lrecessal:I/ f oI the z;otr ing o].dinances to be r:erriett'ecl l-elirting to llltitt.ers such as t'his The next it()rr) ot) tlre agr:Ida 1,,'as the appgal- of,'-trhe fliC decision relJar:ding a lLeigirt yaLiirlcr: .reqrr,,*f f ol Lot 12, Uf bcX 2, .Gore Cleeli Subr'iivis'ic':n ' John Perlr-ins, t'cj)l-cscrlrtiir;; tiie appl jcant, aslirrtl the CouI)(:i1 to h:i.ve this ntatteL 1.trbl.c'<i un I i I 1:lle ll()si reilul il tneetillr ot't Notcir:llet' 16' Prrul Johtrs t.ott Itr:tdc a ni(rt j r.rn to arl)j)1.()ve tlie I'triirir.s;t- ar'rri lici'n:ann Staiif <:t' sceoiti-lc,d j t. A11 volr:d in Ia',,'ol iLl.) d lile tnl;t i '-rt: l)lrssi''d untuilaottsJ 5" al)l)r'()','ll of viiclil j ot: of casencnt f or t.hc. dc't n i. I s to tlrct Corr uc i I . llet'tniittlt 1'1.qttcst ttrcl litiri 'i'.'rrlt! sut:<;ncled it ' Ai I rllr :tn.int,,1ls] ]'. o ufi! hox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 0ctober 25, L982 T0: T0i'lN C{'riil{(]IL FR0l4: llcpar.tn;eni of Corinunity Deve'lopnterit R[: lgfsu!!_!U_,_!f9f_kriancc departrn*nt of community development will display a seven square a 3"8 square foot Gorsuch a separdte errtrance to ais for the additional The applicant, Gorsrrch Lti., is rcor:esi'i rig a v<lriance fi'orrr ser:ljr:n76-?0.190 of .the siqn code, erx,it.rec "i.Jaii signs - Indlv.i dual iiris.i ires}{ithin a Multi-Teria;rt Bui1clinl. " Gor:,;ch is ipecif ici'iiy ast<in,; a .variance from para3r'aph D, r',hich I in;ts the nr,irber of ri!ns allo,,vablc1or each business. liectir.,n Ir 1.q1;r-:5; Descri tion o'f Variance Rrrc..reste:j Numi:er, one sign per vehicl'i ar strec.li cr majr:rpedestr"ian lvay wh'i ch the bi.rsiness;rbuts asdetermired by tlre Adn inis-Lrat,:r, wjth a maximuinof two signs, subject tc r.er,,iev, by the Design Review Bcarci . Presently, the app)icant displays one three squnre foot ',Gorsuch Ltd.,'srgn EdJaccnt.to. l:he'i r entrance on Gfi'e cr.eek llrive and one sorsuch tog0 01 aprprcximi'ue1y two square feei. a variance, Gorsuc s allcnrecl one sign a ong Gore Creek Drjve. g.As proposed by-fapp)icant, the arvringl:tj itt drr;rartment wi thi n the s tore . The var.i arice t.*o s i gns on th e dlvni na".'r. -)( 9i >e Criteria for Approval Before the board acts on a varjance app'l ication, the app'l icantntust pro're physical hardship, and the board must find that: {: There are speciai circumstances or condii,ioris applying tothe land, buildings, topography, vegetat.ion, sign strultuiesor other matters on adjacent; lots or vrithin the adjacent right-of*way, which woulcl su6stantjally restrict the effectiveness ofthc sign in question; provided, hovrever, that such specialcircumstances or conditions are unique to the particular businessor.enterprise to which the applicant desires to draw attention, .and do not apply generally to all businesses or enterprises; B. That such special circumstances were not created by the applicantor anyone in privy to the appiicant; C. .That the granting of the variance v,'ill be in general harmonywith the pur.poses of this titie, and vrill not be maierialivdetrirnental to the persons residing or lvork'i ng in the viciirity,r0 adJacent property, to the neighborhood, or to thr: publ'ic vrelfarein general ; 9,.. ff:.variance opplied for does not depai"l fr-om the provisions oFthis title any more than is requirecl to icientify the ailplicant'sbusiness or use; E. such oiher factcrs and criteria as the design revier,l l)oard deemsapplicable to the pl^oposed variance. Staff Recqm'nendat'i on " i'len 's F Page 2 s " deDal'tment; The Departnrent concerning the ci rcumstances an al so The s recclnmends approval of the variance given stipulatjonssize of the additional signs. There are. specialinvolr:ed 1n this vari ance appl ication. cnrqrrq!,! i{- does need to be i denti mprovemen t over TFe:exT5.tj nqtend to draw pcdestrjans to new awning will be far enough e nel{J atinlng al^Jn I ng .e c1i{ni ng and si gns wi 1i the east along Gore Creel< Drive. away frorn the existing signs so HOi\'dver' the size of the slgn proposal needs to be scaled cJown. criteriarrD" of the variaRce secti0n stiites that "the var.iance aoplied for doesROt depart froin the provisions of this title an.y nore thhn is requiredt0 identify the applicant's businerss or use.,' As proposed, theepplicat.ion does go beyond rvhat 'is neecled. Including thc iogo, the 9w1ing wili display near'ly {:leven SQuclre feet of sigiage. The requestand Starff feeomirrendation att outl ined in the chart 5el6rv: Appl I cant's Proposal te!!gf. Sl:"e* sq.Ft.. 10u . 4.t 33't 3.9. page 3 Staff Reconirnendati on Letter Size-Sq . Ft.Si qn L. Gorsuch Ltd. Men's Furnishings t. Logo B,t :TOTAL SQ . NT. The Staff recommenCs approvai DRB Recommendation The Design Re 20 meetin Qrr 1 Av rt."f4ll .t nv -.._ L.u 21K 1 q' 4.\, of the variance the above size 'a I ini lati ons .vri th tJie varjance request commenC approval of at thiri-r:0ctober^ .r " :-.-tne var'1 ance , '1'":'a-fr EES1 t1r}PY liirrLEsLl .: LzAVI B :,h'- ,*r. I 6"t?,ft ; - :- :1- 20ffi I I i.rl nJ ilJ2 ,Loil u)a4 ul dr -r- I u V,-€'t.: u \*Xi EA, o- .- '{ v?rft..,t ,tc1 .-r;fl Fs'. \):J .- -rc- ..IG o ix& l p -t* 5S; .+ IFr--r tr\l IvJ1U =t\t, au sl' ,,1 'lil ql 5 LL !t) c cDI t lrtr i\ l I iotrot\ ,J i'L[) }Gt-*'\.\ = I) :> Tt2 "5{b c- .-$-5nd- \/' a{ +ol \)n.v ;. 31 5cq dT dl9t <ea E s $t J<r cfis? \- crl 2.\ il-E J .l I I j I i : i I o Project Appiication Project $ame:i Froioct Description: Cintact Person and Phone Design Review Board Date Motion by: $econdpd by: "APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ,d. st"tt Approval lvl >.:'ll' I I' i l/\" 'il^'.,rI:r 6t, l':h"-r".gMLirt-' Fl. ___e._- ffi1 cfFrn i\ci ) .t 'I L.- ---- --tr ---!r*v E.b \,l\ ew 6PHHq{. ', orltciiro9 cffSo9 +n J,rn '[hug l-b oDfL [rrqo to lo'^ 0grtd on odfu 'honb- htUd Lt-Drttnq ' ?lgoba tail rne. Fl., ry-l ho,lz- orul Tebtidrf Cal\ba- blssrn r)htnt- do c;u Qo Lnsrn huLLp A - OftvD 1Dh14rzt1-*) - 263 E Gore Creek Drive. Voil, Colorodo 81657 (303) 476 22a4 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.s613 department of community development 0ctober 21, IgBz Dave Gorsuch Gorsuch Ltd. Clock Tower Building 263 E. Gore Creek DiiveVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Gorsuch: 0n October 20, rg'z the-Design Review Board approved the variousminor modifications to Gorsuih Lia.-on-do"e creek Drive: thepavers, railing, door and sign for the lower level store. -' The Design Review Board also recomnended-approval of your signvariance with the stipuration that tht iizL'oi'ir.,"-iiii-r""i o" o.smal'ler than the size'rimitations ouiiinea in the stuii m""o ot 'ctober 19, 1982. The Town couniti-;iri act on your varianceapplication at their November 2 meeting. Sincerely, .4 ./ "fr'r1,t71o-Jim Sayre { Town Planner JS:df to Ftt-L' 6@F..Suc# g^dJ- -f ,tl zf 6,sL Sro l" is incn,--l I . "-) ( t/ /: -'- '/' ,,/ (\c'' -l -H.Mg & SOhn KG. - Konr. Sreinmctarcislct - +J020 Salzburg - Nonnlaler Haup*ra8c | o2 ' Tclcfon (052 z7l13l%' 47 fi H..Meyer& Sohn KG.- Konz. Srcinmctzmcistcr-A-S&D Salzburg. Nonnrrlcr HauprgraBe t(Dntrlcr HauplsraBe l(D Tclcfon (6222) ,t3 196 t | ' .:(' /y' i.l ]J t: I i..; I i I ! I I IT October 5, 1gg2 li'lr. J'im Sayre Town of VallVail, Co. 81657 Re: Aivnlng and Slgn Approval l" Awning s.l ze: 101 inches across8l jnches center drop (top of awnlng to top of skirt) 7. Letterl ng; 9 inch skirtI foot bottom of awning to top of flrst stepr8 foot across the steps Gorsuch Ltd" 10 inches Men's Furnish'i ngs 4 inches Gorsuch logo 24 jnches . 2 inch navy band around awn.ing 3, Awnlng materjal: canvas, red and navy in color, flame proof fabrjcaiso waterproof, 4, Rail ing-*1ron: 40 inches high extends out from the building 57! lnchestota'l l ength 18 feet 5. Iron sign bracket for German Furniture: 2 feet high and 3 feet long Attached nooden carved sign approximately 24 jnch Xi2 inch. 6. variance # 1636.020 t,le th{nk i}, is confusing for customers to useMen,s entrance, with no identification as to what it Js b€jng used for, wlth ot,her signs that aredistracting such as CiTy LIMITS,, e*.c. 7. Pavers: B inch square baked cerginlc. color ls rust-brown and arefor exterior use from GeffEny. 6r< zt I' lzl Gel161 1^* rtf Voil/Lionsheod stores: Box 1508. Voil, Colorodo 81657 (303)476-2294 Morv Jone ot Winter Pork store: Box279. Winier Pork. Colorodo 80482 (303)7268325 @KSuc}ffi i;!,1)i t:l. I r. l:;{; 'l'hc l'ol I or'r in11 inf orrnrt ion j r; Board bclurc a fi.nal approvu I A. BUII,I,,ii(; MAI.ERIAI,S EE ZAVffi: Sidi.ng 0ther Wall lvlaterials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trirn - Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash EncLosures Greenhous es 0ther 'Iypc of l'!1_c;.1a! rcrlu irt:tl f,or' :;rrlrnr iLtrrl by thc applit:rrnt. to thc Dcs.i l:rr lir.,v j r:',v cl: rr llc Jl i vcrr: []o lor B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS TREES Botanica] Name SHRUBS Project Application . t /-J- rn. /'''., r i/,/ '=., ' , r r.J 1- t J \9r^iArrl NadrA. I'JiJr<, i -;r't; - I-t I Prolect Description: , Owner AddrEss and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Block Fillng Zono: Zoning Approved: Motlon by: Seconded by: Derlgn Review Board Date APPROVAL G*o DISAPPROVAL .1 , |'t'2N lTvrt-E- .<ra'-t| T+tcYA-4s sr4t* Summary: Chief Building Ofticial l -Troiect Application Prolect Name: n Owner Address and Phone: -* dt .iArchitect Address and Phone: lLegal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone: Design Revlew Board ,r -l . - S€conded by: .. l'-' t'; -' ' t t frz':.'t4u1't'rnPPRovat 6- o ' y'Avr"n i - '"'' ' , 'u '' , Dat6 Motion by: DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Official N, ao a'll N: bKID6E sl R (r 72,yr-tr 'a-r,.4\ ;y. *--j .llul I_-lql -t dt:l ro-ttn f! o tn fJc-$(.\r t7 o'.l $ )r I r l:,. lll ul : Il I \t\ $rI U\ --t A tn i(l .'; a D o v lll 6't I o_ \7l t'l 'Ill v .,1t}rtts , .. o aD.N I: .J ,l.l,O' r^. rl "n ;. rn ii il l, 1 lr,'i ii \oTOi e'' t 1. i$l \la\. \\ ';2t bKIDdE < -r' fi.fl2,yr N, ao o1l N: t2ft41 0\0 o1 -J {ll r r-o{tr| (\ (t rfl ($r-$c\7 't7 :i (I )r' a T !\ ltr -riut A QA $I -s c', \il'l .\t c\ o 7 lll 6r I oI n fl fll Il I v V n 2tOrr'9 dlorl -l9-r)' \l tn +b I I I t t.! IiY' fi.' t.l I G fnX \N LI EDE: I tl ; a liifr\ 'iz'1, +o 3l' tt' -o?b(,:f 4,1 {ao(t _,) @