HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B TYROLEAN CONDOS AKA BLUE COW GENERAL LEGALlnwn I department of community development 4 December 1978 box ? O0 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 47G5613 Jay K. Peterson Attorney at Law Box 3149 Vail , CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Peterson: Please find enclosed the Minutes of the planning &EnvironmentaL Commj-ssion meeting of November Zg, LgTg As you are aware, the Distance Between ffiVariance for the \rrolean Inn was approved by the pEC. IftlgTe is-no appeal made to the Town Council, the pEC decisionwill be final on December 8. 19?8. ENC 8 , l_978. '{re" MEMORANDUM TO FROM PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION DEPARTMENT OT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REF DATE 24 NOVEMBER 1978 DISTANCE BBTIVEEN BUILDING REQUEST FOR THE TYROLEAN INN DESCRIPTION OF VABIANCE REQUESTED Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law. representing the Tyrolean fnn, has requested a Disl,ance Between Buildings Variance of 16.5 feet in order to allow the eonstruction of nine (9) condominiumunits on the propertlz presently occupj-ed by the tvrolean Inn. A letter from Jay Peterson to Diana Toughill, dated 27 July 7978, outlines the conditions rvhich would a11ow this expansion to take place. (see enclosed letter) The plan as presented has conplied vrith these conditions. The variance reouest is for the distance between the proposed addition to the Tvrolean Inn and the existing Apol1o Park Building "Dr'. Both Apo11o Park and the present Tyrolean Inn building are in violation of the present setbacks. The Apo11o Park building "D" is 7* feet from the west property linewith the Tyrolean Inn building located approximately one (1) foot from its east property 1ine. This variance request involves just the new addition being proposed. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS. Upon review of Crlteria and Findings, Section 18,62.060 of the Municipal Code, the Department of Connnunity Development recommends approval of the requested Variance based upon the f,o11owing factors: Consideration of f'actors The relationship of the requested varia.nce to otherexistine or potential uses and structures inthe vicj nity. The oroposed addition to the Tyrolean Inn is 26.5 feet away from the Apol1o Park building "D". The present Tvrolean Inn building is only 8.5 feet from thls building. The addition should, therefore, not increase any exi.sting impact caused by the closeness of the trvo buildings. o Pg.2 -Memo-pEc tllzltzs The degree to which relief from the strict or literalinterpretation and enforcement of a specified reg-ulation i.s necessary to achieve compatibility anduniformitSr of treatment a.mong sites in thevicinity, or to attain the objecti.ves of thistitle without grant of special privilege. Due to the confiEuration of the site, the location of the existing Tyrolean Inn building, and the existing Apol1o Park building "D" ' the placement of a building with the allowable number of units and ' GRFA would be extremelv difficult. The existin* reguirements for Distance Between Buildings would require 43 feet between the trvo buildings as propc,sed. The effect of.the requested variance on lightand air, distribution of population, trans-portation and traffic facilities, publicfacilities and utilities, and public safety. We foresee no adverse impacts on these factors. Such other factors and criteria as the commissi.on deems applicable to the proposed varj-ance. There are no other factors that are deemed applicable. Findings: The Planning & Environmental Commission shall make ttre . foLlowing findings before granting a variance: That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a grant of special privilegeinconsistent rvith the limitations on otherproperties classified in the sa"me district. That the granting of the variance rvill notbe detrimental to the public health,safety, or welfare, or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or moreof the following reasons: The strict or litera] interpretation and enforcement of the specifiedregulation rvould result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent rvith the ob-jectives of this tit1e. a o Pg.3-Memo-PEC 'ttl24l78 'There are exceptions or extra-ordinary circumstances or con-ditions aoplicable to the site ofthe variance that do not applygenerally to other propertiesin the sarne zone. The strict or literal inter-pretation and enforcementof the speclfied regul-ation in the same district. The Department of Communlty Developurent recommends approval- of this request. l{e feel that there is a hardship due to pre-existine conditions not caused by the applicant that make the site an extremely difficult one for the construstj.on of the proposed addition. Orro, Prrnnsorq & Posr ATTORNEYS .A'T J.AW POST OFFICE BOX 3I49 vArL, corotADo 41657 VAIL NATIONAL BAN K BUILDING (303) 47e-OO92 EAGLE-VAIL PROFESSIONAL BUILDING (3O3) 949-5340 FR ED ERICK S. OTTO JAY K. PETERSON WILLIAM J. POST i :, FRED ERIC K O- GREEN OF COU NS EL 27 JttLv L978 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning AdministratorP. O. Box 100Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: Pursuant to our conversation of July 5, L978, in theoffice of Otto, Peterson and Post, when you, Ron Todd, and I were present, it is my understanding that the following has been agreed to regarding the proposed addition to the Tyrolean Innin Vail: 1. It was agreed that the property line between theold Tyrolean Inn lot, located on Tract A, Vail Village, FifthFiling, and the adjacent lot to the north, located on TracL B,Vail Village, Fj-fth Filing (that Iot actually extends to the Frontage road of the Inteistate Highway 70) , would^Byg=gl_bg- /6, r.7pvacated, creating a single lot of approximateLy 96?H- square feet(this figure will be verified and made available to the town .(-by an improvements survey to be provided by the owners of the u n, property) . -" surveY t., lle Pr.,vr.,e., rly trre ew----- -- /d'J 2- Under the restrictions set forth in the Town ofVaiI zoning ordinances for a High Density Multiple Family dis-trict, this would a1low the development of a maximum of 9 newliving units with a maximum GRFA of 9624 square feet. 3. The Town of Vail has agreed to grant a credit forten spaces whlch ncmr exist on the unpaved lot as long as thelower level of the Tyrolean Inn is not used for commercial pur-poses. Therefore, those existing ten spaces will not have to be replaced and only the new parking spaces required by the zoning ordinance for the proposed. Iiving units will have to beprovided. 4. If the restaurant were to expand into the existingarea at the lower level , the Tyrolean Inn will have to provide additional spaces as required by the zoninq ordinance. 5. The proposed. addition will be required to conform to all other stipulations of the High Density Multiple Familysection of the ord.inance. t ri r.\ :'ii-:'i , \ k' r'1. . ,'\I ..t llr'., t\ lls. Diana Toughill I would appreciatecorrect recollection of theJuIy 5. L978. -2-27 JttLy 197I a letter verifyi-ng that this is a agreement that we arrived at on Sincerely yours, oTTO, PETERSON & POST JKP:das cc: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. I\,Tr. Pepi Langegger Hermann Staufer Ronald Todd Jim Viele Jen Wright eterson o TOWN OT' VAIL APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE Application Date Publicatlon Date Public Hearing Date Name of Applicant Name of Owner if different from Applicant Mailing Address Telephone Legal Description.: Lot f property s unplatted submi mtes an bounds description is hereby made for a Town of Vail in order to allow: Appli cat ion Section Variance of the from the provisions Munieipal Code for ase of the bit ) Jil r" ..'ft'l Ln a h/C)MF e District. gnat oI Apprac APPLICATION 1VILL NOT BB TJNLESS ACCOMPANIED BY TIM LLOI{ING: 1. Hearing Fee - $10O.OO + $1.40 for EACH addressed envelope. 2. A LIST OF THE OI{NERS OF THE PROPERTIES within 300 feet in a Single-f'ami1y Residential; Two- Family Residential; or Two-Family Primary/Secondary Residentlal Zone Distriet; or .r adjacent to the subiect property in all other Zone Districts. Tbe owners list shal1 include the names of a1 I owners and the 1egaI description of the property or','ned by each. Accompanying this list slra11 be pre-addressed envelopes along with Certificates and Return Receipts properly fi11ed out to each owner. These forms can be obtained from the U.S. Post Offlce. Site P1an, floor plan and other documents as required by the tzOZoning Administrator. _d ftl A description of the precise nature of the Variance. c, 'T,[flxfl ev^iol (10^v^et^,/ ec,--< aE,; lbY /j 3.: 4. n/l)rr. ( a 6v2 r | "^f..^ Kt * Ltr K" b.i "l o,u { o" I '"d ) Eo x 6.Lo L,t"^,1 , :'? { ,'L4/ (6. 'rt\/))i ii^v ii.\ "tv\l / !\r\\ t sj) iir'1 PUBLIC NOTICE N0TICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Jay Peterson, Attorney at Law, is requesting a variance from the provisions of Section'18.20.070, Distance Between Buildings, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Vai'l in order to allow the construction of an addition onto the Tyrolean Inn which is located on a Port'ion of Tract B, Block 5, Vail Village lst Filing. App'lication is made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Hearing w'ill be he'ld in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code on November 28, 1978 at 3:00 P.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environmental Conrnjssion. Said hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. TOl,lN OF VAIL DEPARTI',IENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ,{g/nes A. Rubin Zoning Administrator Pub'l i shed i n the Vai 'l Trai I November l0, 1978 a Pinkard Construction Gompany 1O75 SouthYutonstr.rt. PorlOfttecBor 2A227t Lrl.wood, Cotorado 8O226I lgO3lgSC-a5btt CERTIFIED II1AIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED l4arch 2, 1981 Town of Vail Bu'i 1d'ing DepartmentVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Steve Patterson Re: Tyro'l ean Inn Condominiums Dear Mr. Patterson: I am writ'ing as a fo1 1ow-up to our telephone conversation of today con- cerning the "Final Certificate of 0ccupancy" on the above referencedproject. As you had indicated when we take care of the fo'l lowing six items, we will be issued a "Final Certificate of Occupancy" on the en-tire structure. 1. Unit #7 spiral staircase must be completed as per the drawings.2. A'l ight test must be performed in your presence to deterrnine whether one foot candle is achieved by the emergency lighting system.3. Two door stops at Unit #1 must be in pl ace so that the door will not swing into the baseboard heat unit.4, You requested to see a copy, to be supplied by I'4orter Fisher Arnold, Architects, oftheUnit #6 Structural Revisions. If Morter Fisher Arnold can verify that the structure was placed according to the draw'ings you indicated that you would give your approval on this framing, for purpose of our "Certificate of Occupancy",5. 0n additional space closed off on Unit #6 loft drywall and fire tape one side on1y.6. Pushbutton on overhead garage entry door must be insta'l led. If you have any questions regarding the above, pl ease contact me as soon as possib'l e. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. nt -2 r-{az/ a$/g , Gary?Leaf o 'Project Superi ntendent kf CC:Morter Fisher Arnold, AIA D Dn \tr }E department of community TYPE OF PER[,IIT BUILDiNG ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL I I r.\.J t.t I h\rrr v dcvelop ment PLUM BING FOUNDATION ONLY 3B llAlvlE: 1:,t.1 :Ll.-;ir\ l .', EGAL ,:SC. V/NER RCHITECT 3ENERAL NTRACTOR LCL I N I\,/-\L NTRACTOR ,LU}.IBING NTRACTOR I/ AIL AODRESS IlI AIL ADORESS ECHANI INTRACTOR t.! AIL ADDR ESS .OTHE.R )i'ITRACTOR FILING tNAiI ADDFESS lratt annpFQq I,tAIt ADDR ESS a tnt rr\tlr )ATE 4i-i4 | t'''' PRoJECT NO. N9,-r\ T.TYPEOFCONSTRUCTION , llr rll lv0/ /1r\2.oCCUPANCYGROUP ABEHI(siM olvtsroN (fr. z" s q c ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF W08.6 :- 3S7z'€ vt I A(Z T tee Gv, rf- PERMITNO. "- - z ; BU ILOING 7Os, 1b I ELECTRICAL 2 PLUMBING Lt ?oO MECHANICAL /s,aaa TYPE GROUP SQ, FT. VALUAI'IOiI PERfulIT FEES 5 EI lzTo''i 3A8,.LuL-EUILDING PERM IT /z)/, z() 1q$rQB 9sO PLAN CH !CK *sz,z?' aS3 410 / 9sEb E LECTR ICAL l/ rs,?r PLUI,,I BING z bz, s7) NEW(>d ALTTRATTON( ) ADDTTiONAL( ) REPAIR ( )MECHANICAL /IZ, SD DwELLjNG uNrrs -B o""o*rnoDATroN uNrTS-g G,R.F.A. t1 1?rr uro*oo"s /L COMMERCIALSYST - RESTAU RANT SEATING --HE'cHT !N FT. - BATHTU a./sHow ER / >- No FTREPLAcES F n,o.to,r.r, / I covERED ro*^'*cl.€.- ui.rcovgREo pARKrNc - RECREATION FEE G,1 s-7. oo DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 2oo. ttct CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 4Ut.oo TOTAL PERI,'llT FEES BU1LDTNG OFF1CIAL OAT€ INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF I Yrc THICi(N ESS R.VALUE iY$ AU rll i l\ i ) | nll r \J I\ At <NING NOTES: Fr.t tr? -t FG ,b"2: .gs itEAT It i t l{EliEaY cKNovfLEDct rltAT I HAvE { n,SADTTIis ^PPLICA.TION AIrD ST TE TII T THEI! AI]O\IE IS CORIIECT 'ND AOREE IO CO}''LY I w,rrt A!,r, T()wr- oRrlrNArcgs AND srATE | "^u.t REcARDTNc gr:'.5r)i6 cor'.srRUcrr()N I I : q;ri\rlI af t)L r)\\\r'ti f \tt I rt{Tr,, \(T,rlljgdcl.l**,Ka.! ELEC: I cos' 73 D SO,_AR: l,j/!CD: vArLVrAreR&sAN orsr.rAPF* 6a4O SPECIAL NOTES: e ,rrfE"roN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON Cr.) *=o rHUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr D tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL PooL / H. rue (r,*o.FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n, O SUPPLY AIR tr oAo,tr FINAL ,4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,"rl["roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL --f' DATE iJ-,t i INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ---- IWED THUR ftRI .PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING D SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr '-'-t--FINAL ,/{:.,/;i /:, . tr FINAL;/ ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr N FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORBECTIONS: C DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED ./ "i z ''^;''/l) "-t ./ .'-' .-' , t,/ ' / t ./ / / _.--, .,,:-t(J 7.-).J 7' . /,iu <, t/-: '-'/ ".i'/ lt ,ay',r- -,- ,.),i:, -,i,-",-r.x . ,// ,e,.'{-1;. <- ./,(--J ,/.r'5''i',{';' DATE INSPECTOR 7 / .N I PT:. ,' ',fP, 21, IIOD SLIFER: .IAY PETERSON: I THE TYROLEAN 197I INN o SCOTT UOPMAN JAY PETERSON ROD SLIFER: JAY PETERSON Citizen ParticiPation' Itve got one, unfortunatelY' The Tyrolean Inn has plans of putting some enltlglree-dgJ:niiorlL.xoosrs in the lower floor of the old Blue Cow' It amounts to *lgu,,-bndrecns, two employees' one in each bedroom, 14 employees' There will r'r^rha'^c'nq in there. They can do it because it fits into the zone' The problem is, that it is zoned right now for a restaurant and once we take that ? out it canrt go back into a restaurant again. They are spending a large amount of money doing these dorm rooms and they donrt want to take them out until the employee housing problem is solved' But they have no guarantees at that point that they could go back to a restaurant' They have lost a lot of employees sofart they've lost two and are about to lose two more employees because they cant find housing. Their going to house 14 of their employees rigbt in Town' They don't have to drive tbere, they don't have to do anything. lYh^+' o-i.E-+hdrt-sltace right now? I-rc'-a=rel#ffr n t"; :p e?f ncffCFerl*tt?rdf room' pffirtri"'peto&"ro€rt. They are taking that out and putting the bedrooms in' Have they started? No, they havenrt started' The problem ls th Zoning Ordiance on that use is non-conformin use, and once they change it' tbey will have to come back in to get the use again' Now You no that? Yes. They canrt afford to do thatt because JOHN JAY DONOVAN PETERSON . I'iROLEAN INN Page 2 JAY PETERSONI CONTINUED tbey can't afford to lose the use but during this interim period witb the employee housing crunch, they need to do this. JOHN DONOVAI{: But Jay you know we can't answer C questions that are going to asked of us down the road. JAY PETERSON: But I think Larry, isntt there a way that the Town Passed a Resolution that 1ts not going to be deemed abandoned. Otherwise, it iust not going to be worth it. It can't be done' Because theY can't do j-t. JOHN DONOVAN: Sure they can do it' TheyrlL have to take the risk that it won't be approved as a restaurant agal-n. JAY PETERSON: But thats a risk they can't afford to take. JOHN DONOVAN: Well they eantt afford not have employees either. JAY PETERSON: We1L, everyone is in that boat this year. their willing to suPPIY housing for their own emPloyees' Otberwise its iust going to remain ' a restaurant this Year' ROD SLIFER: Larry do you have something to say' LARRY RIDER: lthat John's request is' their saying rd we have Dow aD existing conditional use the ordinance says that if its not used, as such within a yeat for a years e period it is deerned abandoned' And what Jay is saying, we donrt '*ant to abandoned it, we want to provid€ , ti the housing but we want to kecP the rt conditicr:'al use. lfhat we aro asking lEe3' o '-';'I:YROLEANINN PAGE 3 LARRY RIDBR: CONTINUED you to do is recognize not amend it. You can do that bY motion. You can just saY we recognize that youafiEt tuanaoning this' JAY PETERSON: JAY PETERSON: anything in the its got to be done bY REsolution' There is no variance proceedures there is no nothing. Irve been through the Zoning Ordinance. There is no procedure to do it, excePt tbe Resolution that it would not be deemet a-bandoned. JOIIN DONOVAN: How many showers are they putting in? JAY PETERSoN: I don't no the exact number but there is a shower room. UNKNOI{N, There is a menrs room' there is a ladies roomr there are shower flcillt in eacb one, sink facilitV rrnd tollet BILL WILTO: .It seems rather obvious that we are not going to take it out until employee housing units arenrt needed anymore. But once employee housing units are built in Vail that dorm room, like that, it will be un- occupied. NobodY witl staY in it because its not : good ' housing' Just like trailers down the va11eY but their sure jammed uP this Year' Its good and thats all I'm asking for' But we don't want a set of dorms that are empty fi.ve Years from now' Isn't this something that should be before the Planning Commission? No, there is no Provision for jr r " yaOLEITN INN PAGE 4 JOHN DONOVAN: JAY PETERSON: ROD SLIFER: INAUDIBLE: JOHN DONOVAN: JAY PETERSON; BILI I{ILTO: DR. STEINBERG: LARRY RIDER: STEINBERG: STIFER: STEINBERG: JAY PETERSON: BILI 1YILTO: ROD SLITER: DR. BOD DR. In other words, on@' orcie*itett Your saying that the ideal situation would be 7 and 7' I don't know what the break down is' Donrt mix that uP anyway' There is a hel1 of a lot of PeoPIe pushed in that basement' Inaudible. Its a big "oot' It a dorm tyPe lihe Poor Richards was' I donrt have anY Problen wi'th lt' IIe shou-.d pass a Resolution oking it that werre not, werre recognizing not abandoning their rigtrts as a restaurant' I recommend we do it by a rnotion not a Resoluti-on. ok. IYould You I from th abandonment of thqir building trn e Yees # ^^nCem***'nni*ation t Its the Tyrolean Inn and the Lancelot because they are both tied togetber' Seconded. Se have a motion and a second' Witb a two year stipulation and the stipulations that Dr. Steinberg mentioned' like to make a motion' otj.on we give tbem a dispensatior I tIOI,EAN INN Seconded bY BilI Wilto' other discussion? A11 in favor. " 'Larry how would this be done, by contract' by letter agreement? Is there anY . Jay can just " ' his to have the taPe TheY would be " client could PaY transcribed and LABRY RIDER: ROD SLIFER: JAY PETERSON: just Put the taPe the file ' I tbink that would OK. No other discussion' A11 in favor say aye' Those opposed' UNANIMOUS. Thank You. in be fine. o Application Heai. ing Da'ie AFPL ICAT iCN i.3R VAR tA;'iCi And/Jr coN0 I 'i toNA'- USE pEi?r.l I T Ordinancc ilo. I t Series of 1973) Cate September 25, I9Tdrbtic3tion Oate llearing Fee 5100.00 - {Address) Phone F1 p61 0ecis ion Cate for Tovrn Counc i I | (we) Blue Cow Restaurant (Applicant) Colorado vail (Ciiy) dc hereby request permissicn to appear before the Vail Planning Comm i ss i cn to req uest the fo I I ov i ng : ( ) Variance from Ar*icle_,( ) Zoning Change f rora Section (xx) Pert< ino Variance( ) Condif ional tlse Permit to al!ow Tone . For the follovring describe<l property: Lot/trac1.--, Block Fi li ng fl umber See attached Exhibit A Clearly state purpose and intent of this appt ica'iion it ;is _t_he intention of the applicant to chanqe the use of.the ln first Ievel of its premises to a restaurant, thereb i nr.reasi ncr t-he Farki ng fegtr i rempnt - _ l,lhat do you fee I is the bas is fcr hardsh ip in this case? Without a variance, the first floor of the premises cannot be used for any purpose whatsoever. _ Vail, Colorado 81657 47 6-2427 100 I ;'!{1"+tl tforney for Applicant O. Box 1408 or'. :.i EXHIBIT A Blue Cow Restaurant A part of Tract B, VAfL VILL,AGE, FIRST FILING, Town of Vail, county of Eagle, state of colorado described as: commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract B; thence S 10"14100" W 13G.31 feet along the Easterly line of said Tract B to the true point of beginning; thence continuing s 10014'00" w 62.00 feet along said Easterry line to the southeast corner of said Tract Bi thence N 79o46t00'w 95.00 feet along the Southerly line of said Tract B; thence N 10o14'00', E G2.00 feet; thence s 79"46'00" E 95.00 feet to the true point of beginning, containing 5,890 square feet or 0.1352 acres more or less. )-.\ MEMO TOWN C0 r.JNC I L PLANN ING CCI'4M I5S ION NCN-CCN FnR14 | i'lG USE ocT0BER |. 19i4 FROM: RE: DATE: .4 n ce t n er Tho no res re on i was ari NT ng. z E a I T het to s. the saw sa gm he e re ng u re ihe tb aur a rk t v N a n t n I t t I i T k u t n s TAUR n ing u ra n seat 00o the use d e com 0 of hat par ln t tha ca n I re for RE est anf .)n DMF ing OT 0.8 1) ng sed hic i on ma n BLU ue. re Sec sPa ng tf uld and ark ng ^-'|- OF tsI na I al ldi nS ins set exp rP ati P lanni'n)g:e ornm i ss ion vote llovr t'he basement of the me avai lable for a dd i l"io ng for felt (1) 1ir at und ng ord i nance, given the lem vrith having addition DJ', and (2) rhat the bui conforming, as def i ned i nance. Those vo1-ing aga nge rous precedent be ing he HDMF zone and ihat it I low other besements to ding does have a need fo ided now and fhat by cre e, it would further incr *fie- .-/ fo a beco vot i zon i proD a u ra non- ord i ada in t toa bui I P rov spac Merv Laoin, Chairman P lann i ng Commiss ion ML,/ n m ,rt 5 OCUO!^5 ra.lAUGa!rh a.aB.eo rr rtaq? JAr { FfYal|5or! lrl9l-ar*crrr-rN -! FIr\jt r ATTORN EYs AT LA'.V September 10, 7974 vara AAat_ _ ar O A?r !.J 3 v^rL. co|.ort^og e:557 3aJ.r€i-a4at fe '\rl .t'{ lf.ij Topn Council { ToryTr of Vail .j P. O, Box 100 I y Vail, Coloraclo 81657tr' 'l- DF. rl^- ^^*€^-*.:-- r,--RE: Non-conforming Use of Blue Cow Restaurant Dear Si.rs: Pursuantto Section20.800, Change of Use, Town of Vail Zclning or:dinance,I hereby request that the downstairs section of the BLue Cow Restclurantbe alloued to be usec as an extension of ,che presenL restaurafiE, rcr:the following reasons, to-wit: 1. That the proposed use does not substantiarly di-ffer. from the exisling non-conforming use i-n terms oi compa-tibility witir the character ot tne area in rvhich it isloeated; , 2. That the proposed. use does not increase or aggravatethe degree of non-conrormity exis-,-ing prior to sirchchange of use; and 3- That unless said change of use is alrowed, the zoni*gordinance prohibits any use and would therefore be confii-catory regardj-ng this property. Thank you. Sincerely yours I,TqLAUGFILTN & , HART cc: diunu Toughilr Gene Smith Josef Langegger .iKP./jb BY z'tr'-'1 ,;3ay K.j Peterson '.'r''-l ,4" Permit No.a VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE PAID IN NAME OF JOB Coiloa LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnrn GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water NUMEER OF UNITS Dat€ Blll€d Llc. No. Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Meter Size ,oo Date Paid A * S De.re lq) r'eru;- Box r,8Br UAtt-- lrl irie /r AwT€*l $ Ac H Finance'necttr/ 4z( - +3 16 Bldg. Dapt. -Whit3;- Wat€rand Sanitation - Gre6n;- PublicWorks- Canary:- Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - Gold€nrod :t .P O Dox .lu, VAILr COtlfU.I'J LIW ncgfiiiint_ trATEr I sa/ER T,l' fEE. Cll.cuJ|n$r JUlt: OF Hf € c'::ER 'St,tEEf rucngs5 -|,r 'FiLlllG 8lL[trE ,ocREsS flrrstcr\L - Pwl aac.K J 1f,i12 . V,SA*,.,, 2, , {' t^sB.€ilTlsr rrmn Iro rlocr 5,TD FLCCR PASAAIT Jsr rcor ?o rr-oc.c )ffD FLOOR nAsEI€^TIsr rucm ?o nocr JRD TL@R 2o, ooKTC NS Dlst'lAslfi,s LAUoRIES bsn xesraJ ICE !'AE{INES slr.NAs rarnen cce&.s t I{AIER FOIi{TAIIIS rul Elrls ms rr:olgt DIS'I.TASF€R I.AISRIES N'tsIDE TIATER TUr L FIII$S ? x?,fr {xl''ffi .lmtt {x.50 i -aao ,8= ,EE x./)= x3.(l = x siltr.?4ri.€ rrurJ x 5.Q = :-' JAa,JAl .-t X ),\N = -za-'- c\nsrc: vrATE 5 fr l.fi = 87aCfutHt,-w ar crd lPAFnEI{TL x x x x' 5. .9 '= xI.W= .l t.f'- .,'t / /.^ ' .'3/38/X0 0 DAIE lltsptcloR , '...] f0(Ul{llic Il'S COriLETlart cF CtftSIRLfTlOl 0F rJ-L sTiitfT.l-'lss, Tl€ DISTnICT Sltitl. ttttrOii.l A t.tt,sti.:J- t:t.;r'rrclic.'r cF Atl. il,..ill5:s ir.) ttli;;llt,:j Il . !:ttu[n cF fotr:Is 'lO l![ ASf,tS510 f'r i!-rul;:'.; IO l]': lj,iliS i.':l) Sl..e i l,? f :!:, ,'-':i) i]\II SatXtt'..t, ,\5 A\..,_t;0[0, f(it] I]tf: t)t.iilllCI 5!,.t.L ti',[.E,'.'lY lJUujr;'.:;liii li.( [i;!:iriY lN tlii C;ilr,lii/'t- ili; ii'e'pnrir. ttits t;r:ltcttcrt slrJ*L lr-rd L)lltiill:rc ill: f,ulL.l]ll$ c\,llut's In\Ica /.\o sLl{tR SLtivlt.L ut'\liGE. li ii l.g,tsnr8rorrEr. 2 x 1.50 = 3,OOr,drE PALf EAnU EfiRA sriri$ x ,E - .L ' ' R6,s (ir./rilc rm',s, tffi.i, ar;res,i7 x 1.C0 =27, OO - = ?fi, AO. t '6, . 7, g. g. 10. L 2. 3, 'q. '//6ao ' l0.m eotri's.= 1.C0 urtr .mrar- urrrs/,:Sne xg130o.o0= r, /1 ,?-{A-/ th, ', tl ll fra d 'c" ? o department of community developmcntbox 10O vail, coloracto 81657 !30?l 47c-5613 To,. T0rd[ 0F VAIL FIRE PEPARTMENT fl &tr;f^f*'t,r'fr), UNIT NUMBER lll lJoodle-ief Building Inspector p ;PECTION TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME rNs TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK B GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr T] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER TTIECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL { nppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o;rr.2*-.s > 5-,./ rNSpEcr box I (X) rail, colorado 81657 {3031'47&5613 March 5, 1981 Pinkard Construction P.0. Box 26227 Lakewood , Co]orado ATTN: Gary Leaf department of community development Company 80226 :i RE: Tyrolean Inn Condominiums Dear Mr. Leaf: In regards to your letter dated March 2 and was received in our offjces March 4 by certified maj'l , your statements are totally wrong. The reason that they are wrong are as fol1ows: 1) No "Fina'l C of 0'unas ever considered due to requirements in the surmer; 2) Light'ing in conidors and stairs must be "sufficient" for 'life and safety; 3) Item 4 in your 'letter is tota'lly incorect as to our agreement with owners, architect, and bui'lder; 4) All items that your letter refers to anda'll items that architect has from myself-I-nd any additional items that are found on your next inspection for "Temporary C of 0" must be comp'leted; 5) Architect must notify the Building Department as to when he wants an inspection as was agreed to by owner, architect, and owners legal representati ve. If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible. 1aZ:=:- --_Steve Patterson, Chief Building 0fficial Town of Vail SP:df cc: Jay Peterson I INSPECTION: INSPEDTION TOWN OF : REQUEST VAIL l, JOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION:?,,E BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL flrnnurruc tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING g SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr/rs ittr FINAL ^. i tr FTNAL tr TEMP. POWER :--..'- | O HEATING tr tr tr tr FOUGH CONDUI SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED CTION REOUIRED "x4-; Ll IILA {L[n'rr,DATE dAlIt -JJft ." A -f-(,t( i I INSPE, '/ | ,''tl(/t.il, {to (lrti lit t,/. /t {flr Lrtl'a'1 v/74 INSPEETION .REQUEST oor, lO-A?-fu JOB NAME r----)READY FOR |NSpECT|ON: /tvtOtt-,' fUeS WED THUR FRI ' Dr- \S-- ntrAUIrUh||\bt.EU||UN:(MQry.,|UESWEDTHURFRl-AMPM ' n /'' \s-- LoCATfoN: 6 ^' F/r ,e BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL Ktrl trs tr- trF NSULATION tr GAS PIPING FRAMING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] FINAL APPROVED innecrrous: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED rt^,,4'1 .'Ii.^DATE w 0'| :'' TNSPECTOR rNs#!iloN ^ TOWN OF REQUEST VAILilr'!/,,tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION GAS PIPING B SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr trMrr.rnr-FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr RETNSPECTON RtOnURED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /- /q' Fl rNsPEcroR 'Nsil;roNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: , coRflECTTONS: a4'b6lil- ,,l,tr1''' 7iA* tr APPROVED l- 4,2 i .J .rL DATE INSPECTOR 4ilal"t' 0 "!/y.r" t') -- { I Af.w.s. cERTlFlcATloN D] -l*7? PHOENIX, ARIZONA WELDI}IG OPERATOR TESTED BY: .ENGINEERS TESTING ABC NIELDING SCHOOL : WORKTNG cARD CARPENTERS DISTNICT COUNCII ea16 5-22-8O -ouAL I FlcATl oN r esr JZO-I t-noo Nurb*r-tIB4 1020 MI\X.3/4',1 OpercitorW II-I;Ase 28 TEST RESULTS:GROVE ttp --F-- PASS l,ll oF SOUTHERN COLoRADO Igl ". O. Ader, president Roy J. Spctlman, Se(I:etery. Fl Thts Certiites That CERT IF I :D l$l BRorrrR Bradtry_C___past_ _!lr,qe& /\is . l.l ffi1 :::.trn:d":::uil"* tr.ll.l L.A I IIJ I l3f rr'iu lgl nno flffi ; soctAlSECtntTYNLffaEF j .. : OCCUPATTONAL COOE Job Sorvics Conter J:5 l.i:.'.:il.n. ; ..r: uccuPATlONAL COOE , -.-,;.......-.i@ l'^ffig;n'6I ,A'LE "rorr . Cr,w I lNrrl^Lcl^lM aLeD ,// l. ..: /-:./stlqr;j BENEFTT 'EAR ENos _:___ ,JLr uc)i rrcFE: R€PoRrrr{c t" E B.rH ,g su^ JA i ol dffil '":"o-'#i#r,.i '"-- I .W FtNANctAL sEcRETaRY \-, @.rr ^LwAYs .ARRY THls caFD wHtLE AT woRK l'4-I llrue -la i:r/ t,,r\':: ,,," ,,' =a VERT. ALTEFNATE COD€ o DATE JOB NAME MON 1 /- CALLER TUES /,;s+|,-wED ,THUR ') FRI INSPOTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING f,*o'o" - tr CONDUIT E EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr F'NAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: -Vi r /'r,, y'," ,''",' ,,<,, !',/,n i",il ,i, r, . '; ' ' t' (! . -,('rt .',',,- i..,,.'. ; DATE INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: o JOB NAME MON FRI INsPftTIoN' REQUEST rues <,fr9 IHUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND XRoucH / D.w.v. f,noucn / wArERtr tr tr tr u FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D nr FTNAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPftTIoN REQUEsT WED AM TOWN OF VAIL PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I noucH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL q APPROVED i,' CORRECTIONS: REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o rNSPlTroN.rREeuEsr OATE t -t,: - JOB NAME MON CALLER' TUES WED THUR 'FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr D tr D ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr + F|NAL tr FINAL APPROVED !RRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED li{ 1.{ i.DATE i}',d'.r TNSPECTOR INSPETION REQUEST DATE " /- -'7,A -/u/- \.'u READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES BUILDING: g FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER Xror*ooroN / srEEL fuM tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL B-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o INSPECTION:MON INsPTTIoN REoUEsT CALLER TUES WED THUR nu r-{J')) ,or, ..f -/b -ft JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oerc &/b-fr INSPECTOR DATE {-/-tu IrrrgftTloN REQUEsT 't--:.AM 4M\.€'J- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: {rou*ooroN / srEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER :i' tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED !RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED rtOlDATE E-t-'\,) TNSPECTOR 7 OATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPftTIoN REQUEsT uoN (6@ weo (]ruugr' rnr 'i1iil'r pr,,rINSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL PUUMAtITIC:"* tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - trROUGH/D.W.V tr FRAMING :tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr HEATING B EXHAUST HOODS tr APPROVED TCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR PROJECT # - .. oltrNER'rrntffi^, P}IONE # I.OT , BLOCK_,FrLrNGl4at€a-C+,rsr C-cnut*ot3LJT, SoBL department of community development tnun n box 100 vail, colorbdo 81657 (303) 476-5613 The follorving are required to complete Department for revierv: additional information the Plan Check which is or corrections now in the Building { q,# @s I zo ,,rt t *r La.af;cer^ ut ..nt. I o (tal oe e OR( 3J41 I have read and r:nderstand the atrove --r1aos-eorree#i \ - ./)/EaLEe., o B6,s x S.9,3 32.s x qo. { /tx30 9.sy B Iqr'r w-( 22,( x /g /8 y z3.s /^t 5 (ou 70b 'fOO6@/,2 = l/obn, o o 7c1J,20 7o G,qznae- 1.e ,"r, /q Y €6 = 7oo4 /q v ?q = /€o/ /9x 6 = ?69 €ux 7? = 41ZV-lgsg e z{ Fesr _Tttue_ ?_r :-5.3.xSS.3 = Bosg Seca"rT,arrL P-/ 5S,3 v SS,3 ? So5 S Z9.axL/?,3=/4oO -Ete- l,eurz 2--/ 13-r"o 7 / fA) ?so F*rz zole17{ = z/r3s2 ) ''='ry 3z'ao frre--nfbbu? { Ft"C = / 3//-7 0 8sz.zB < zo/ B = 13/ b t1 )? /Q 3 y'oi = z/23 T,r*P /27 zol &40 -4 Bg, /b0 55sxr/ - bo5 "b u j = /82 ss,i r?: 387 /o v?$=Zfu,^- S6?D%_/B ssr) rPauttnG - ?3 @ //D = 27., Zg) \tr)tN \ ll ! 0 \ R' I \ $ -Dulcs Szx 5 = /bO 70 xS -- /oO zs x 3 = ?{ 3a w5- </g{ JcTx{- ? /?O /? v$- ; 8{ z),f r { =/AO /? y 3S" S?{ Zz v./ O q^ ZZO, tfivd 44v{ e@O qSx{ ? 7zY 39, uo sg Q- 7o'0= Z6z.s*o // o,q{ lN.t{tLLlAM4 b\- bub- wtlq+w 2 dAtA(€" TAlNf rAr z+ll'UU,O,-attr, FAINf trPr ?l^J el^l *x. PVt s-1-i Y{4 EX. Avlr.b | *u. .-,'.-.. -=,--.F :-=* +hlu. 'A?LvF-t1++ WP. Lttl,.. AZL\IWVA IdW ")'o[ ai-oli 4t-ail - l'77t1x j', YLYAaai ,tnVol j--i I l, i1-f-.-' ll,C'Nrd-K Provide one construction architectural site p1 an. +toN lt-al sign, as detaiIed above, to be Id Pa'int back of sign to match fro , .( _J v tE=ll.- r, \,ru H uu ulJva LUXUnY C@NEOnn[ns0uAns j [,4qFTER FISHEE ARNroiud) AIAxtollrco\orado I i 1 coNirFAcToR CONETRUCTION vail, coloraio CoNTROL$' lNC. L-tt lal.\ffiVA t-lb\I ur?b? +t-aA?Fe L-_ It I f J-er'' b'i r I irK. '--'-- | | e.'| c-,T'r'! ?<,^/l I i'-'-- / TYHOLEAN INN ARCHITECT vail I-IFPIUM. iJPPLS LIbiT . UPPER Llblj - lallz-\ IP'aLYTTl.-r'\ lwv?Tt4 HELVSI'II/A oz tr = uJ l9r lo I I I I I I t-., lo lrLlt! l(, tzro p ,o l*lrztt\ -"i;::rr-EiF _ < 3 cc!+ (.) : F:'<'. ? z e I:!F.coF ?H., 1l;E;iiio?Esu.! z - <zl<ozE<zz;r;9.;5Yt'lcroU<O<ULIZ:>i:i:fi6i;;<e'<o9ol9 - t .. < d o> *0'<c*tr,.to=<tr<Jl NOIIVNlVA J IEl.\ =zzu-oootr o- 2=X r >:lr9 0[ 6oEz.>ooo9l.ozXlL<9i <*-tr!- - IJJaXz'. 'i urH(\to =22A '-- x *'6-rl,ri33 { 4!EEPl"+ea8f;fl EoP<codoz= zal t-v zdo !- t! LU UJOOTZO z F UJ--)o&c LtJ o Jz z =<coo =z O- LL ."i3t-., \J = =^rg - tlt v 6d> q, -9q, o .= F=Er?o;i()x. ou-.tOE rrro;E>-tF.g CLo!l F =E,lrlo-zot-()3EFazo(J nf]I -E J d) F =J tJ- LIJ z --'t u] =z a IJJ oo Je o- F z tr ut UJ oo J F (r tr UJ oo Ja T o- F = tr E o (r ulE o )g a LU(roo )=E ll. ll.lEoo ) E I0 F O ulz -'- OlutI TY <F L!<zEUJF(1 Z O <oQF -< 5 Af E >Y =#\ f Fa !z7 u-o <F/) Y =F7() =#fiz =g &oEI. = rJz <(Ja9, JO It]tr uilr{J{TltL }lATa t sn,B vrp tc€ o"?:ERl,l/,1€ 0F flniFr ADMESSlor BILLII6 ADFESS ;ttcK 'FiLlllG 1, BAso,r${rlsr nooR. tro noca JRD FLMR 3.O 2. EAsElaIrlsrn-cor a- /?ormn-HtS -^iD RocR Ji BASE'ENT Isr rpcn |to nmr JRD FLOOR q, 5. 2,1 )l+r/ll -t g ++71//i ' B 70, C z o.oF.o. . L/, /) $x $x f,x g ftLn = 2.fl 1.m .50 ,E= .50 '= 6. 7, 8. o 10. ,6= - sF.r.NAs x ,E = --- WATEq COOLE?S & }{ATER FOIT{TAITE Sl{Il'}tIt\S POCLS JAA'Z'I GJTSIDE }NTER fttHtru,t or cre) Rrl E1]}S F00t's KIT{}EN DISr-r'lASf€R i-ntr,ooates CN,'TSID€, WATER x l.fr! = TOTAL POINTS 10.S potrrs = 1.00 tr '--- AFARNENTS x 5.ffix 5,fi1x -l.tu 3.0 IM ts l. 2, 5. q. 5. x x x x x 10,ttr polrrs = l.w ug *r*^rr(b'7 {t roLt-cl{ttlcT}€co,-?LrrlcrtoFctrtslRLfilo..|oF'{-Lsl-Rtrlrnss,T}€DlsTRlJSrvlLL;-:;fi^ii'; iiiTsrc^_-iil;''Ecilc'r oi ^LL ':REiusES To DITEfiril;e rl! rruL'eR lF Polt:rs \i"rE rrsieitsD'ico-r'ut;:'; i6 rv: rr'ii'r rr'iD sl'"ci rP Fte- ' i":D FITE scti::ull' '\sj..:irtD;-n,r*n,i-olsil,rcr syau r.,,..r€ ,.;ly r,ruujr;i;lTs tiicEss,'r'lY lrl n€iillGl;v\L ir,ij'iii'pnio." i}is t;r:prcrior sir.I-r- ALe) D[-It';ltirg n[ [ulL'll'6 o:ittx s to\TER /"to ScrER sLRvtcE ow'$E' Dor\RD oF Dr^ccr$.... -. . ^r | | I A r I nrl nl tTPla t ' lttsPEsioR B/rsur&rolLrr Zx 1.9 =(oru mu r,qn)-ax ,E -iE([RA SINICS H,,S]E. t* , rtx tm = ' ns' 0 BASI|'I, TOILEI] Rccrs (Lt.lrxc ffis, EE[ROc'-S, OF;lrf.s,z sRDlos) KITC.€NS DIS+tASlm,S t ALsrDR I ES brn r+sra) ICE },IAGIINES a , Proiect APPlication ?"* +* | Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: .gddf Adiless and Phone: az^t*i EeY Architect Address ano pr,one' a/'/ atz'r / {E ' Legal Oescription: Lot .- , Block Motion bY: Design Review Board Dat6 DISAPPROVAL VI I I t I Project Application // "". a-/ez/il Project Description: .&rAddress and Phone: /Y[rrhta-{ lt.+.ab.LL- azt-vezf Z ef ntJor =cEt Vt,'l e76-434L Architoct Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lol -...--------.--- , Block Zonei // Zoning Approved: i 7 Design Review Board Drte Motion by: Second€d by: DISAPPROVAL \ o T?et€tu/ tM,tl 4Pantd af =/ftr /,,,/ a,rt,ry b bFr &r.7r1g ,KcM re ldrl.utrznz hEFo eFf6zf/ I Prolect Application Proiect Nam€: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Logal Description: Lot Block Filing Zonei Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Chiel Building Otficial FINAL. ACCEPTANCE DOVER ELEVATOR COMPANY eox2177 MEMP}IIS, TENNESSEE 381 O1 Date ft.s; Tyrolean Tnn Condnminirrm 400 East Meadow Drive Vail, C0_ 034J-90848 E-596i2 HOISTWAYDOOR Gentlemen: We have examined 16" Passenger elevator(s) furnished and completed by you in the above building under the terms ofa contract betwesn ug dsted Ja nua ry 'l 980 . The equipment as installed appears to be satisfactory and in accordance with the conbract and we hereby accept it under the terms and guarantees of said contract. (bvsRncsrvrn;CARSTATION 6!@,a, By st(';NATI ' Rn ()l'AtrTlIotttzut) ol'flelAt, TItle DATD Form DC I t"C = ffiffi ELEwAToR confiperuV $qto$tl!"qrsqff rutrql,n.nl*ttiffi tfLlJff !$qqqqqtl$q,tu0.uq-Eqqn0't{$rtff ,mff @::.O{:c>l EfnF@fffiFlgb :;c New Equipment Cuarantee NVband Maintenance Certificate Pinkard Construction Company Tyrolean Inn Condominjum 034J - 90848 Final Acceptance Date --1--/ 9 t ' nonlh day Dover Equipment Serial Number[s)__t -q9q U One (1 )Dover 0j I draul ic Passenger il evator Dover Elevator Companv complcted installation of the equipment identified above, on the Final Accep tance Date shown. fiover Elevator Company hcroby gualantees this installation for. a pcriod of ONE YEAR from the above Final Acceptance Date, rn acr;otdance rt,ith telms of the new constructlon contfact. Dover Elevator Conrpany rvill provide selvice lor llie above ecluipment, in accordance of the new eqiripmenr conrract f.onr - J-Q!-.. 15', !g_ql ro hp_rf[5_r,*]_98'l' 'rni, provided at no addi[ional charge to t]rt: purciraser nanrr:rl above. Dovcr lrainctl antl sultr:rvisrrl rnainlr:nirnr;t: ler;hnicians rvill nrovjcic cxDert allenliotl above equipnrent rrill peifornt ab its peak elliciency. On thc expira[ion of the scrvice pcriod stated above, this equinrnent will continue to Master Maintenance to protect llrc on,ncr's invcstment ancl insure toD Derformance. OPTION: iitn tli, cerlifjc;a1e, tho purchasc:: has an option to sccurc stanclarcl Dovcr MnsrERMAINTINANCE SL]RVICE nt rvarralr[y peliod ratcs, It is a requirenrent of this option, thatthe scrvice providcd by Dovrx Elcvator conrpany not be interrupte,rj. TJre Dorrcr \,lasre1Maintenanr;c Agreemettt covaraqe must commencc nnt lator rhan April 15' l98lMaintenanr;c Agreement coverage must commence not iatcr th an To exercise this valuable option ancl senurc Dover Mastcr Maintcnance covcraqc at the reduced ratcs. piease complete, sign and rcturn the ,'Option copy" of this ccrtificate. I I IIE PURCHASER: REFERENCE: Dovcr Cons truction Contract Number(s] Yes, we lvant to secure the Mastcr Maintenance price op tion. Name (print) B1 with the ternr s selvice lviil be lo insurc'the require Dover -- j- - -1- a::t>,: <__-:F DOVER ELEVATOR CON4PANY Mailing Address 1165 S. Pennsylvania Denver, C0 802i0 Ma i) ing A d cl ress 24 FIour Scrvice Telephone No. -- 303-/77-3061 Datc - "ra!ui-Dl-J-l ' IYU I Signed R.E. Denkler ij [[iiilii fiilljii bT ilil iij Inilililb iiilfitffiil filb'bTtib'il td Telephone No. $ il fiil fibtjti b'$bT bTfiilbT [t liii?j INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES WED @ FRI JOB NAME MON CALLER LOCATION: OATE Z/// /P BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ..PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK T] GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING fnoucu tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED D^rE "'"J- /2"'tr1 rNSPEcroR m INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOB LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES@ ------@pilr BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB n-t d rtrunl dprruel,l / \ ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr BOUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - r'r I tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr/otseppRoveo D( REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rrus#lnoN TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATJ.ON: JOB NAME AM@ PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E FRAMING tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr BOUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL "\ tr FTNAL E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT _-tr SUPPLY AIR - D FINAL APPROVED .CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REOUIRED oor, / -l? -f/ rNSpEcroR '-i'.,t-nPi 1" '" REQUEST VAIL CTION TOWN OF JOB NAME MONREADY FOR INSPECTI tocnitott, TUES WED @'FRI AM@ C<a* /-. <2-a BUILD|NG:\,' : tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - trROUGH/D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION O GAS PIPINGl.ttr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR lc, /f ,,a.u.. tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: SAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION; JOB NAME MON CALLEH {TUES i LOCATION: -: WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION E GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL E] FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o rrvstcnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION:TUES. WED THUR FRI PMAMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING; tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGBOUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING 4 SHEETROCK NA|L N POOL / H. TUB tr B FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: I] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED COFRECTIONS: F DTSAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \ 3 DATE READY FOR LOCATION:- , -r.,{.. rrrlstcnoN REeuEsr INSPECTION:MON tee ,. i.l, ' ruES {ryJg ' rHUR TOWN OF VAIL l;:i-------- AM i NAME FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING d/\ tr sneErnocx ffi)\**--l O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr FINAL O FINAL \APPROVED ]OBRECTION tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rNsilcrroru REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CA(.LER INSPECTION: \t MoN ,@ WED PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,|1! | | !r\l -lvK''DATEII I'TNSPECTOR I rNsP?croN REeuEsr / ' , ii r'DATE t',/' I JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERT] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS E] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL unppnoveoi' CORHECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR lrrrsilCTlON REQUEST DATE JOB NAME CALLER TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:fs) *.o THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: qTEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING yl. noucH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr, SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= /i- /i- itt. rNSpEcroR rNsftnoN REeuEsr DATE JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING x SHEETROCK NAtL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL T] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: FtDISAPPROVED BEINSPECTION REQUIRED TNSPECTORi INSPITION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME /: t'r"rDATE READY FOR LOCATION: RIsEWED .4 THUR AM PML' r, F n.' . i ' t ,. !-".ri ,- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING:lt FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING \loucri tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNSClcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ,'' I fl-."JOB NAME MON CALL TUES WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING ffSHEETRocK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr u o FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr U tr FINAL tr FINAL q APPROVED pJnnecrror.rs, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR,, .2.' DATE rNsPtTroN REeuEsr DATE L i; ,JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIQN: "oy JyFF _yFo ,(:u\ FRr --- AM pM4 f '-' ;z - 2 \" --"-/'f ) f/dd< !tr'neeRoveo COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING E.INSULATION D GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB 0 D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E] HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS B CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR DATE INSP}TION REQUEST {aq''to JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O BOUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o E FINAL O FINAL ry. APPROVED CdRRecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ..'- i - - rnrsCfrnloN REouEsr <n\ArN OF VAIL lt't / ' i "'l --/oe t{nl''Ie qlL-'rl-v-7 g$e AT i ,.. MoN,"r/*' tol READY roRj \-9oA1\o) PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D'W'V'14rv' f"ot'*ot / srEEL .- . lou*oot'oN / srEEL tr ROUGH / WATER *-i*'):tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H' TUB b'tusuuertot't B SHEETROCK NAIL tr 6 FINAL tr ffirr* FEQUTBED TOWN tr HEATING tr EXHAUST tr SUPPLY 6 coNDulT g FINAL 6-*o.t^outo tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR h. PrhilrYlvail DATE TIIsPECTOR oor, 4-r(4'go JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON o INsPftTIoN REQUEST THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBX::1"'i_"tr 0 tr tr tr tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H- TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: t: ie o ':;1-rl ir.Fr _ I I Froieat Name: Project Application Projgct Description: Ovrner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone:/4o,-*a- 4>=o. f9"x ltt6 L/^;l Legal Description: Lot Block , Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board I t tl. Morionby: t-JOllt>AA'tl F; ^nlJ-- APPROVAL D,,"hh 817?7 DISAPPROVAL Q na fii uv.,o 0r S Summary:;1 L.l Chiel Building Ofticial - Date o 816s7I LEgal Description: Lot Zone: - Zoning Approved: Design Motion by: Seoonded by: -S; uovlso u APPROVAL Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial o lmn box tfll nil, colorado 81657 (3{l3l 47Gs613 lby 11, 19@ department of community development $rol-ean Inn Bcor 3M Vlai]-, @ 81657 Attn: Pepi Iangegger Be: R$lic/kivate Joint Vmtme Program Dear Sir: I am sorry to inform you that your project has not been approved as part of the Rrblic/hivate Joint Venture Pr"ogram for 1979. the llcnvn Council has decided tbat your project shoufd not be funded due to their feeling that ttre $rroLean Irur should pay for iqn"ovenents that directly bqefit their property and that tbe Town will do scre rrcrk sr the fbortage Road side of the ItWern SJ-ope Cas Building. I mrld Like to thank you fe applying and hope you have a gpod gntrler. Sincerely, '-fur*r(|, Jarres A. Ribin f).^.tZoning Adrdaistrat& n7 . JAR:caJ oI $ F tf i 1 Al \ 0^r -$t/ \- \t U '.-t J-t; !-+t-t( i ( (. F:i: i d[[g,h3*-:vr/h/{.jlW F'Gt$/**$\o\ifift \'aj$l r$r\ I ^$ -*d6hxhC)tl \t /1 rusrDo{TtAL lt^Ttn I vAlL, cotxluJr) sa,rn rAP rte oufrro, 3r6y Pt{YsrcAl- --- t.* lr .,/ ??o /6 > 700( ,-DO lutT- oF tc€ o.'i:ER 'EIREEf ADCRESS tor 8ll.l-116 toD?ESs ALCCK 'FiLr16 l. 2, PASA.€ITTIsr rrcon ?o rloct JRo rl-ocR PASASIT x 1.50 x.E i 5.m ,",:<7;-" Y /Ix O /2x xDtsF lAslg'S LllFoRlEs brn r::smiJ lcE flAtitINES str,ur{,As wnrn cccrbs & IIAIER FOU{IAIIIS s1{l}?,llilG POILS JAcltz'l OUTSIDS }Tq,TER 6,ru'tt,.rr.l oF c\g) Frr.t E{'I}S Ross fffffg.f DISq.IASIER i,Er.r,oarEs CI'TSIDE I{ATER x x #_|- x5.fil =x5,N =xl.W = .E= xl.ffi= IISPECIOR ....1 rouo{tl:6 nE cc[?LEftct| oF culslnlgflol oF ^:.L sTn[-fTLnEs, IllE DlsTnlcT slt^Ll- i{iffili; iiisiiil-iiiiecirc.r oF nu- r'h.ius:s i0 rr.Tii;uri! Ir€ r:u|:'fn cF Forf:Ts 10 tlE ASSISS';D ACCUTUt;:',r io- rv: u^iir i;:D sl"'Li Tt'2 Fr-9', "-'$ D\IE Scri'f,"r!' '\S ilriiccii-,tiu rls-otsirltcr'irvu ti'.r.r, ,'irY NUujI;i:;lls rii([ss'liY lN IliL gitlcl;vu- rnr trE pntt,. n,rs tt,:ncciiuisiitr nr-:.1 Dcltrill;rt lic llulLDlrs o"lLR-s I','\TER i.itb sorrn s[RvtcE o!\li6E' tnrulD oF ntnic'rnnsVttll lJtrrh rr{r {A'.llTilfln" nl'iTptnT rsrAl. PorNrs /60 10.$ polxis = I.ffi uttt TurAL uun f 4 x$13@.oo- t ,n 07 r? EABI}ENIS. o DAIE qrslrr I TotLET.(dIS TAIf PAIH' lsr rlmr zro FLmR ,RD FLOOR 3i BASflENT R6/S (itVtxC Fooftsr --' lG tfr. ?o nma EfiRA Sll.li€ [H*',Sti- '* ,l'tBASIII, TOILETJ ' JRD FLMR q. KITc€Ns t 6. 7, & g. 10. l. 2. 3, 'tl, 5. 1.co = 'l & 2.fr 1m .50 ,E ,E x 3.Ul x'.Lm rtil x' .q) ) |'II MORTER FISHER i ' : Crogsroads at vail , y"il, colorado 81657 April 24, 1979 ARNOLD, AIA P.o. box 1186 (303) 476 - 5105 l4ark Marchus Town of Vail P.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mark: Enclosed are certification documents, prepared by Clay and Asso- ciates, E'lectrjca1 Consu'ltjng Engineersn certifying that theelectrical design of the Tyrolean Inn Condominium project conformsto the State of Co'lorado Energy Conservation Standards of November, t977. You wi'11 be receiving working drawings and specifications for thisproject from Comtruction Controls, Inc., general contractors forthjs project. Best regards, { Horter, AIA FISHER ARNOLD, AIA Jim Viele Construction Controls, Inc. l I enc'losures JRM/mrp o NCConsffuctio ontrols, Inc. 86. Box 331 \llall, Colorado al657 €oe)476-3082 James L, Mele Bill Duddy Apri 'l 25 , 197 9 Iown of Vai l $'oilding DepartmentF.0. Box 100Vall, Colorado 81657 GenTtemen: Attached are two (2) sets of p'lans for the Tyrolean Inn 6cndominiums and parking structure. lle are submitting thEse plans to obtain a building perm'it for the project. P'l ease 'l et us know i f you have any questi ons . Yours tru1y, COTISTRUCTION CONTROLS, INC. Karen Robi nson enc. Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Addross and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Molion by: o^t" 5/r+ Ie? DISAPPROVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL Summary: Admin istrator Chiet Building Off icial (1) Name of Appl icant: SIGN APPLICATION PERMIT o Address of Applicant: fu{ =a=O Vq// - Telephone Nunber of Applicant: ffi 47( 22O+ - Date of Application: (21 Numerical locatjon of building designation; and street address structure upon its 'l ot, upon which the sign is block and filing to be located: (3) (4) (5) (6) L Section made: number and paragraph of ordinance under rvhich application is being Name of person or persons constructing and erecting the sign: llritten consent the own itd , structure, or land to which or on whi s'r gn r f busin frontage: NaUE (a) (b) FOLLOI,'ING MUST BE ATTACHED TO THIS FORI.I: Position of the sign on the UuiiOjng in both plan view, drawn to scale, and elevation views, drawn to scale; Two sets of scale drawings of the plans and specifications' including size and color of the sign and its various parts' the style of-lettering, Iighting, type of material of which it is fabricated and the method oi attachment to the building or to the ground; A coJor sketch or color photograph of the sign and building, as well as any contiguous street-or'building' in order to display how they would appear in relation to one another; If required by Adininistrator, a copy of stress sheets and calcu- lations showing that the structure is designed for.dead load and wind pressures-in any direct'ion in the antount required by the sign (c) (d) ordinance and any and all other laws and ordina4ces of the Town of Vail. SIGN I'IEETS GENERAL REQUIREI'IENTS OF ORDIMNCE: SIGN APPROVED: DATT APPROVED; stra Acting Chajrntan of Design Revi ew#\(hq FEE PAID; tsoard (sr0.00) a Inwn u box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476-5613 @taber 29, L979 department of community development William J. Post Otto, Peterscn-r and Post provals Dear Bill: ltre \rrolean Irur Ccndorninium project has received approwals from tlre Planning and Elvironnental Ccnrnissicn and the Design Revisl Board. {fie Building Perrnit for t}e Tlrolean Inn tns been prepared and is ready to be paid for and picfted r-p by tle applicant at his convenience. If tlere are any firrtler guestions, please let ne larcnv. Sincerely, I .)/' d 1tu' ut /. ,L.t1, 4t,t ,J Jares a. nubin Zonhg Adrninistrator . ,' JAR:caj oz F =u, uJo- i $[ IPJ :Elo I I I I I I t_,, lo I ll-It!iot(9tzl6 i-Jr= I l_ ,Fl<ro I I I I I, IEErFlaz l= l2 !H!i= r->iF_<Oc')(.);o f <'- 9 z Ftri!Fro HhEil3X^o!rr42.i2; < a zo'^zz^)ze<E5tFFOaa<o<aazY aiEiE:<u- < :=2:;li"<trO> -t,<o*Brdas<q<;J NOrrvnlvA Yt 3ZZU- F ^ 6zq 5 :eF9 of,-oOEz'iooirn(Jzx** :(r*H5 sIX Z'. '1 UJr-r (\ tJ =Ets- ah<(F662Os>5q =94(JOu,c) uJ !!<(n8 zLzf,Ytr =-o-o!- L! llJ urOO-zo oz F UJ-) o- Jz z .nQ =<clozz (LL co tr o o 6,E J ,"<5zEzhF-- '-r - Lll6d> L =IY IJJ LL tJJ F uJ F o I- =E,ul o-zIF() =E,t-azo() nnI GEtr .: 3 E EoC' o Eo J d) J z Jtr UJ { =z LUEoo)- = I o- tr t t! oo a -(L F EEtr UJ oo )a =e. Q ctcc E !L llJ E.oo J v ao UJEoo E G UJ(roo J I(L F O LU F t! E <F(r() r.! <ZEUJFr,l z () <o(JF :< UI ulv t(,Oz.* =<z& lz.u-o <F YF7()*s Y,Z =g E F &<()a9, ltl IJJ:loI_*K .J *..-",1 INSTCTIoN REQUEsT *,u WED THUR FRI AM PM A tO'-tODATE €t * | l- 1/ | JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB -.4 1 ,b /oo -(, U, Al tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL /*6ennoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE ?'-zi -,7,7 rNSpEcroR 1/\,4 /./ d&t-P r-4 z't)" , '' INSf,CTION REQUEST }'--' inTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr _,_.___,_"_. tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE i INSPECTOR -iz E = uJo- l!rIF lo I I I I I I l- ICJ ItrILL tv t= I I l_ IEld I I I I l. rvIE tl-laz IE lglz !H:t<<:-a:v-r-lil-t9"! < .. i_ z F F2u-'7I'8fr;do9Eoslz- az!<ozI ^zz;)z: - d)ti-Fa! <A!,lZYiiEi;;<u <*=s:Eli'ocO) -o<oi3i!aS<tr < --1 NOrl.Vn'tVA :< =zZtL i o- A=x I zYF I of, .noEz.,()oo9,(JzX lL<o* ?uJ- !f ;i rJJaXz i(\(9 z;:<;E6f =,^o.ri Lr.J E J=+YO <OzfoZ= ,.iz F C) UJ-)ot Jz z."9zQ dlo>z O- LL df,C5()= =Ee dd= F =E IJJ IIo uJ F L trtr! o E CLo o oTI .E I E Eo(, o t =&lrl o-z9F(JfEFazo() & <F(rO tJ.l <zE L'J Fa6 O uJF -)<()anI IJJ:lo al uJl ololil ?l -(L F a LLItoo Jaz J u- I I IIIl' I I -lel!ul(rIq cI<l =El o ll llEII thltun IH El g= q) ul = Itltltltl l."ltflt4toltoll<lEJI(rt <ltr|El <l) LU o J =d E r-1z =<z.E lzr..r- o (J EFz z. I LU = )E<o()F Ftr:oO En! ri: , :;f.,r*\r: .it!; ,,!.xllr1.r.!4flnl ,rt.$?:aiJ , - ..'1' lr.ooProject Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL ,^," 6/az/7{ // DISAPPROVAL Summary: /\5 lNsPEcrrq]t TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER F|EtrTJEgT TOWN O-F VAIL , EorHeR fl pnRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE . NNPROVED florsneeRovED {i' D netNsPEcr [J UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: OORRECTIONS \*;'T,lllry* irrfl4li[|$ui BUILDING DATE OF APPLICATI TOTAL FLOOR AREA NEW () ALTERATIOIII]FT ADDITION { } REPAIRI I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.OFF ST. PAR KING MAIL ADDFESS NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS MAIL ADORESS AIR ( } ELEC( } UNIT EXT. WALLS 1. TypE OF CONSTRUCTTON t nt @V tHR 2. occuPANcY GRouP A B c D @c n r .r SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK F EES FI RE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE EBAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOWN OF ElI.JILtrlINGi l,A IL PEFIMIT furaU4 TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO €ASEMENTS VARIANCE*-e-^7= UNCOVERED DATE PERMtT # READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS qORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR o DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF IIEETING .L MEMBERS PRESENT: IL4i. SUBJECT: . ACTION TAKEN MOTION: VOTE:FOR: SECONDED AGAINST APPROVED: . ,-'/' DISAPPROVED:_ SUMMARY: tsY,.BOA oI I I a t +a.,- /4t '.1/-cc-.,u/, 5TATE OF COLORADO TNERGY CONSIRVATION STANDARDS NOVTMBER 1977 PRO]ICT CERT I FICATION : TYROLEAN INN lJe certify that the accompanying drawings have been prepared to confcirrnto the electrical portion of the ENTRGY C0NSERVATI0N STANDAROS noted. above and in particular Sections 509 and 510. The attached docunentation provides specific statements and calculations .supporting this certjfication of compliance with the standards. lof3 ,tr" " h,--.\/t?.e ".I \Ij ,I t o STATEMENTS SECTION 509.1 - Power Factor SECTION 509.2 - SECTION 509.3 - SECTION 509.4 - SECTION 510. Al I fluorescent and hiqh intensity discharoe I iqhtinq systems have been specified to have high power factorballasts. No electrical utilization equipment has been specif.iedunder the electrical portion of thjs project. SeeArchitectural and Mechanicai certificat.i ons for state- rnents about this equipment. Servi ce Vol tage The service voltage as shown on the drawings has beenselected to effeci conservation of materiais, ach.i eve an economical distribution system, and minimize theenergy loss within the electrical system. Voltage Drop The conductors for branch circujts, feeders, and servjce entrance have been specified to limr't the voltage drop on branch circuits not to exceed 3 percent or a total5 percent from the servjce entrance to the furthestoutlet during steady state desjgn load calculations.All voltage drops for conductors have been specifiedto comply with the National Electrical Code 1978 Edr'tionArticle 210-19(a). L'i g-ht inq Swi tchi nq Al1 ljghting circuits for normally occupied spaces have switchi ng whi ch permi ts the reducti on of I i ghti nc i nthese areas to lower levels for accomplishment of lesscritical tasks, custodial operations, or where the naturalligtht enterinq the building can be used effectively to achieve the necessary task lightinc Ievels. Liqhtinq Power Budqet The Lighting Power Budget calculatjons accompany thiscertification and have been made in accordance with items.1 through.5 and the assocjated tables 10A, B, and C. The calculations are sunrmarized on three (3) sheets as fol I ows : Sheet I Sheet 2 Sheet +3 - Job Room Take-0ff Data- Lighting Budget Calculation- Final Lighting Design 2Aof3 STATEHENTS (cont'd) ,. , Hore than one page for each sheet may exist, depending upon the extent of the project. . . A comparison of the Eudget Watts column total with the.j Room t/atts colurfln total can be used to ascertain com- ' . pliance with the Standards LIGHTING POWER BUOGTT SUMMARY I.IATTS Budqet Des i gn 6638 6018 * 92 580 ToTAL 6730 6598 Enc'losures : Job Roqn Take-0ff Sheet Lighting Eudget Ca'lculation Sheet Lighting Des'ign Sheet Floodlighting Calcuiatjon Sheet Legend - Calculation Sheets *Included in A.(1) under normal lighting. See attachments. 3of3 A. INTERIOR(1) Normat Lighring(2) Specific Task Lighting B. EXTTRIOR(l) Overtread Lighting(2) Facade Lighting(3) Floodlighting ROOI,I NAME TYROLIAN ]NN JOB ROOM TAKE-OFF 4/17 /79 DIMINSIONS L C-HT T.HT TASK DATA NO. FTC PAGI I FI YT L[ AREA TYPi DATA ROOM N0.TYPI OOIA PARKING ENTRY OOIB PARKING OOIC PARKING OOIO PARKING OOIE PARKING OOIF PARKING OOlG PARKING OOIH LOADING DOCK OO2A ELEV. LOBBY OO28 ENTRY HALL OO3A STAI RI.JAY OO3B STORAGE100 tQU tP. Rl4.IOB STAIRI.JAY1i2A ENTRY I128 CORRIDOR I 12C VIST I BULtI12D VTST I BULI 113A CORRIDOR 1138 STAIRI.,AY?LI STAIRHAY2I8A CORR IDOR 2I8B STAIRt,tAY219 CORRIDOR 2I9A VESTIBULI 2I98 VESTIBULT2l9C VESTIBULt306 STAI RI.JAY 31IA CORRIDOR3IIB STAIRI"IAY326 CORRIDOR 326A VTSTIBULT 3268 VESTIBULI 326C V[ST I BUL T 24.0 32.0 18.054.0 19.0 8.0 54. 0 22 .0 8.019.0 54 .0 8.054.0 22.0 8.011.0 22.0 8.0s4.0 i9.0 8.024.0 16.0 18.08.0 4.0 8.08.0 9.0 8.015.0 8.5 8.0 14 .0 4 .0 8.0 ?4 .0 10.0 8.08.5 t0 .0 8.09.0 4.0 8.034.0 4.0 8.0 7 .0 3.0 8.07.0 3.0 8.06.0 8. 5 8.010.0 8.5 8.08.5 10.0 8.010.0 8.5 8.010.0 8.5 8.043.0 4.0 8.0 7 .0 3.0 8.0 7 .0 3.0 8.07.0 3.0 8.0 B. 5 r0.0 8.06.0 8. s 8.010.0 8. 5 8.042.0 4.0 8.07.0 3.0 8.07.0 3.0 8.07,0 3.0 8.0 l0 55 768 K -B 10 55 1026 H -?7r0 s5 llBS P -?tl0 55 1026 H -21l0 55 u88 P -?tl0 55 242 P -21 10 55 1026 M -27 20 55 384 K -8?025 32 c-B2055 72 R-l 20 55 128 J -ls55 68 S-1l0 55 ?40 H -?12055 85 J-l2025 36 G-B z0 55 . 136 G -fJ 20 25. ?l c -t20?5 ?l c-120s5 5l G-B20s5 85 c-B205s 85 J-l 20 55 5I' G -B 20 55 85 J'-l 20 55 t72 G -8?07s 2I C-1 20 ?5 2t' c -t20?5 ?t c-l2055 85 J-r2055 5t c-82055 85 J-l 20 55 168 c -82025 2l C-l?025 2I C-1202s 2I C-t .0 n .0 n n n .0 .0 .0 .0 n n .U .0 .0 n .U .0 .0 .0 n ,U .0 .0 n I l I 1 I I I I I i 1 I i I I I I 1 I I 1I I I 1 1I I I 1 I I I I ROOH N0.ROOM NAMT TYROLEAN ]NN L IGHTING EUDGIT CALCULATION 4/17/79 ROOM TASK GENIRAL NON-CR I TARIA ARIA FTC AREA FTC AREA FTC RCR It) PAGE 1 EUDGITLLT !/ATTS OOIA PARKING ENTRY OOIE PARKING OOlC PARKING OOID PARKING OOIE PARKING OOIF PARKING OOIG PARKING OOIH LOAOING DOCK OO2A ILTV. LOBBY OO2B ENTRY HALL OO34 STAI RI,IAY OO38 STORAGE100 EqutP. RM. 1 08 STA I RI.IA Y1I2A INTRY I I28 CORR I DOR 1I2C VTST I BULE I I2D VTST I BULT 1I3A CORRIDORII38 STAIRI./AY2II STAIRlllAY 218A CORRIDOR 2iBB STAIR|^/AY219 CORRIDOR ?L9A VESTIEULE2i98 VESII BULT2i9C VISTi BULE306 STAI RI./AY 3I IA C()RR IDOR 3I IB STAI RHAY326 C0RR.tDOR 326A VTSTIBULE 326IJ VEST I BULi 326C VI ST I I]UL I 768 768 1026 1026llBS ll88 1026 1026 11BB 1188?42 242 1026 1026384 3847) 1.) 72 7?128 I28 5b 5b240 24085 8536 36 IJO IJO ?1 2',1 al{t (L 51 5185 8585 8585 5l8s 85r72 t722t 2l 21 ?1?t 2I8s t]551 5lo) u5168 168 alLL 'I(L IT2t 2l 020024020020020020020020020 020020020 vau020020 020 0200200?002002034 200200200200200200200200200200?0020020 0 10 6.60 i0 2,80 10 ?.60 10 2.80 l0 ?.60 l0 5.50 10 2.80 l0 9.40 l0 10.00 l0 9.40 10 7.40 i0 10.00 i0 5.70 10 8.70 10 10.00 10 10.00 l0 10.00 10 10.00 10 10.00 10 8.70 l0 8.70 10 8.70 10 8.70 10 10.00 l0 10.00 I0 10.00 10 10.00 10 B.i0 10 10.00 10 8.70 10 10.00 l0 10.00 10 10.00 l0 10.0 10 l0ln l0 I t., 1nIU l0 20 20 20 20 5 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 ?o 20 20 20 ?0 20 lu ?0 ?0 20 20 ?0 20 20 IU .44 .70.66 :70,.6B .70.66 .70.68 .7 0.47 .70.66 .70 ,.40 .70,39 .70.25 ;7 0..31 .70,23 .70,46 .70,27 .70 ..39 .70.39 .70.23 .70.23 :70.39 .70.41 .70.27 .70.41 .70.27 .70.39 .7 0.23 .7 0?7 7n ,23 .70.27 .70.39 .70.27 .70.39 .70.23 .70.23 ?70,23 .71) 455 407 451 447 45 | IJJ 407 503.94 ts2 ?t4 ,l3i l o,.l 105 lBl 104 104 6B'109 164 109 164 2?9 104 104 104 164 68 164 224 104 104 104 8753 6590 I TYROLIAN TNN LIGHTING D[5IGN 4/17 /7e ROOM N0. FIXT TYPT FIXT LUMTNS FIXT CU FIXT LLF N0. FIXT HATTS /SqFT PAGE I ROOM I.lATTSROOM NAI4E FTC OO1A 'PARKING INTRY OOIB PARKING OOIC PARKING OOID PARKING OOIE PARKING OOIF PARKING OOIG PARKING OOIH LOADING DOCK OO2A ILTV. tOBI]Y OO2B ENTRY HALL OO3A STA I RI.JAY OO3B SIORAGI100 tQUrP. RH.IO8 STAIRl.lAY I I2A TNTRY II2B CORRIDOR 1l2C VESTtEULIII2D VTSTIEULt I13A CORRIDOR I138 STAIRI.JAY2IL STAIRt./AY 218A CORRIDOR 2188 SIAIRI.IAY2L9 CORRIDOR 2I94 VEST I BULE 2198 VtST I BULE 2T9C VTSTIBULi306 SIAIR|,IAY 3I IA CORRIDOR3IIB STAIRt.lAY326 CORR IDOR 326A VESTIBULI 3268 VISTIBULT 326C ViSTIBULT K M P M D M K G J S M J II L c c J G J u C e L J u I G C 20 s00 9200 5800 9200 5800 5800 9200 20500 4400 l/50 4400 1750 9200 44 00 4400 4400 ?35 235 4400 44 00 4400 4400 4400 4400 235 23s 4400 4400 4400 4400 235 235 ? ? 3.7 1.4 1.9i.8'tl I.4 J. J 1q ?.4 1.4 t.4 r.{ l -.t 1A i.4 1.4 L.q 2.4 L ..1 l..t 2.4 1.4 1.4 ?.4 2.4 l.tI 295 (t o 608 ?76 tt6 ..60B.776 ?95 t?0 100 : ?40 100 120 120 240 50 50 r20 I ttr t20 120 120 240 50 50 50 120 .120 l?0 ?40 RN 50 50 --r:----'6018 .41 A7 . ov .67 .69 .48 A'l ?n .47 .47 .31 . JI .28 ?1 .41 .34 .?8 .t6 .?8 .41 ?1 .4t ?1 .28 .tote .70 .70 .65 7q .65 .65 .65 7q .75 65 .65 .65 .65 .65 .75 .65 A(, .65 .65 J 20 9 69 9 t6 5 {t tt t4 la LJ 5 5 T7 1l l4 ll io 5 q. T4 . \t l4 11 5 5 5 CLAY & 1978 PROJECT^NO. 79065uAtLi 4111/79 ASSOCIATES t I LEGEND - CALCULATION SHEETS 1. JO8 ROOM TAKE-OFF SHEET Dimensi ons (2) L(3) c'HT -(4) T-HT - B. Task Area filType -(2) Number(3) FT-C -(q) Le (5 ) AREA - l,li dth Length Cei I i ng Hei ght Task Height Above Floor See IES Handbook, 5th Editionof Tasks in Room Task Foot-Candle Level Selected Lumen Efficacy - See Standard Tab'le 5-l0A Area of Individual Task J. FIXT TYPE - Project Fixture Type (See Fixture Schedule) IES Lumjnaire Type* LIGHTING EUDGET CALCULATION. for Appropriate Lumjnaire Selected (A) (B) I t,i (D) RCR i Es- cu LLF BUDGET WATTS Room Cavjty Ratio Coefficient of Uti Iization from IES Handbook Fiq. 9-12 Budget Light Loss Faitor Computed Budqet Room Watts: at Bottom of Column Total of Budget Room l,latts Giveri 3.FINAL LIGHTING DESIGN B c D E F t: FIXT TYPE FIXT CU rl,\t LLt NO. FIXT FT-C WATTS/SQFT ROOM WATTS See lC above Actual Fixture Coefficient of Util iz,ation Actual Fixture Light Loss Factor Number of Fixtures in Room Room Actual Foot-Cand'les with Number of Room.Watts per Square Foot with Number Room Watts wjth Fixture Type in (A) and Room Watts Given at Bottom of Column Fixtures in.(D) of Fixtures in (D) Number jn (D): Total 0f *0 No equivalent IES luminaire - project fixtuhe data used in budget calculation .: c) CLAY & ASSoCIATES I978 I la7s, 37 le r l-a_l- +r.a- laa 6-a5 € r".J v I 5 gs-s,ftr ''-''''.IItf,af 53xar =/52 Lo(1 lf,-s X ,..1 s l3].t R. xA.S s 7o 6.S ,f l{ = (xa Y x to = - / 5l * -15 Town Council Town of VailP. O, Box 100Vail, Colorado 8l-657 RE: Non-conforminq Use of \{9lrruc ur-rN & FI-.\nr ^ITORN E Y si AT LAv, September 10, L974 Bl-ue Cow Restaurant 3 OOVoIAS l.f|.^u6hr||r arci^Fo B ha;tt J^r |( t€tEa9oi. 0 1 Dear Sirs: Pursuantto Section20.800, Change of Use, Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance,I hereby request that the downstairs section of the Bfue Cow Restaurahtbe allowed. to be used as an extension of the presenL restaurant, forthe following reasons, to-wit: 1. That the proposeil use does not substantially differfron the existing non-conforming use in terms of ccmpa-tibilitv with the character of the area in rqhich it islocatedl ' 2. That the proposed use does not increase or aggravatep the degree of ncn-conformity existing prior to such change of use; and 3. That unless said change of use is al1or.red, the zoning. ordinance prohibits any use and would therefore be confis-catory regarding this property. Thank you. SincereJ-y yours, I"ICLAUGHLIN & HART,\ cc: rdiana Toughill Gene Smlth Josef Langegger JKP/jb 4 Peterson By October 9, 1974 NOTICE OF PUBLlC HEARING N0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jay K, Peterson, Attorney for the _B1ul: CotL&estaurant, has app'l ied for a parking variance or exemption of --!--fourtCen spaces, in accord with Section 14.60i of Ordinance No. 8 (Series of 1973), in order to change the use of the first level of its prunises to a restaurant, The Blue Cow Restaurant is a part of Tract B, Vail Vjllage, First Filing, A pubfic hearing wjll be held in accordance with Section 21.400 of 0rdinance No,8 (Series of 1973) on October 3L, 1974, at 3;00 P.ivl. in the Vail Munic'ipal Building, Said variance will be heard before the Town of Vail Planning Commission and findings will be transmitted to the Town Counci'l for the Town of Vail. TOl'lN OF VAIL DEPA.RTMENT OF COI4IIUN]TY DEVELOPMENT Diana S. Toughill, Zoning Administrator IJated this ninth day of 0ctober, 1974. Published in the Vail Trail, Friday, October lL, 7974, n|.t ocT22t974 Town of Vail FII.FICIRICAL PERMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Perrnit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Received By 65 $..........,....,.....-.... . -, iA s:- $.. sa:l-.:4.......-... $.....e-o-'< $6s Electrical Contractor...{-.} Applicant...-......1...o. :v,=....,' . f -t- i2 Lr-- $--...-'.4*.. -... -......-... /.a,*./->-f .. ?ae Date 22 a.r z+ THIS FORTI IS TO BE POSTED OlT JOB SITE DURIHG COI{STRUGTIOI{ 2' NOUNS ADVANCE NOTTCE nEQTJ|RED ron INSPECTIONS arYrr torl r r i1l t' -i ''^ 4 |. oarc 2-t TIME RECEIVED Ru ota s Et4 rNseectf,ru TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL JOB PM I orsEn MON COMMENTS: (g) E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED .KorlRovED I orsneeRovED FI /arl uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: E nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ,5 ?'/ ) (- (. DATE t L' <-./*- -7 L--' DATE A,/-/ - TIME RECEIVED AM tNseecrCru JOB PM . CALLER ., ru mI 32lF.74 FIEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL n ---- a/lJ oTHER dl t e lJ PART|AL.LOCATION B+rFtrRovED I5ilON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: READY FOR INSPECTION fl orsaee Ro'vED ! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS.-j" .1 1 'GLo tg';^l':i1 b oste 2l Dcr 74 $e TIMEREcEtvED.{'-,.> ArugtVf FIEOIJEST VAI L E oruen : MON TUE E pnnrteu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM COMMENTS: {aee Rov E D I orseeeRovED E nerNSPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE TOWN OF BUILtrIINGi vA tt PEFIMIT o APPLICATION A.CCEPTED PLAN CHECK AL I R,EAD THIS ABOVE IS WITE ALL CORRECT AND TOWN ORDIN ,,17' 4f ,,' ["'iY)'LAWS AND STATE G CONSTRUCTION. TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE JoBNAME B LwZ tJ)vJ DArE oF APPLTcATToN lo - / r" ,"'J4 nrrure @Or(F t47:E\ tQE, /'.,Yrc. MAf L ADDREss Bo,< 32{ ctrY lt' ,f lb pH.USE OF BUILDING nevrc L/fPe*€ % oht< tot4 SO. FT. OF BLDG,HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING MAf L ADDRESS l}o + )1. t clry U hl L.. pn. 41t,.93o7 NO. OF LIVING UNITS WATER( I FORCEDAIR{ I ELEC UNIT{ ) LOT BLK FI LING 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I t tV ?. occuPANcY GRoUP A B c D E Ffc iH I J Df vfsroN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED FIRE SPBINKLERS ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK (Rinf w,l4-t-t ?xtn gqpld*- AREA SEPARATION TOTAL OCCUPANCY S€PARATION P.kBlPe Q-oet< r"^;, # STATE THAT THE AGREE TO COMPLY SIGNATURE O OR CONTRACTOR Applicant to complete PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHITE - INSPECTOR t*8, CATIONBUILDING Juridiction of spaces only, WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION PINK _ APPLICANT (Ll3El AtraclrEo grirar) MAI L AODiES9 ttc tioltE LrcalllE NO. .a1/tt*V AiCT'ITECY ,OESIGNEF ENOIH'Ei LICENSI NO. LeN DER MAt L aDDitas U5E OF BOILOIN6 I ctass of work: O NEw tr AoDtiloN Et'Ltenlrtoil tr REpAtR tr irovE fl REM0VE l0 Channe of use from ll Valuationolwork:$ &, aaa . na PERMTT FEE 4 a. o o SPECIAL CONOITIONS: Slz€ of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire Sprlnklr15 nequired [yE, !61eAPPFOVED FOR ISSUAiICE BY:/"rq OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTBICAL, PLUM8. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. TH IS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUGTION AUTHOBIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN @ OAYS, OA IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANOONED FOR APEBIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOFK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT IHAVE RAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME']ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORD I I1FRF9Y CEBTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAppLLcATrqN AND KNow rHE SAME To EE TRUE AND coRRECT-.Ar=L_pBqvrsroNs oF LAws AND oRD|NANCES covERNtNG fHtsTyeE qF woRK wrLL BE coMpLtEo wrTH WHETHER specrrie6 FEF_EIN oR NorL THE GRANTTNG oF A pERMti DoEa N6ilgE9u!4E Io qrvt AUTHoRtrv ro vtoLATE oR CANCEL iHE ?ge.y!s-rgry9 oF Arty orHER srATE oR LocAL LAw iEcULATaN6coNsrRucrrpN 99 }'HE _PERFoRMANCE oF coNsrRutitoN: 9rcNtl.ntf,E or/coNthAcToi oi AUrHoittEo aaEN CANARY - AUDIT FILE o TO!{N OF VA I L BU I LD I NG PERM IT SUPPLEMENT I A I PROJ ECT The signafures below certify that the following excerpis fromthe 1970 Uniform Building Code, as amended and adopted by the Town of Vail, Colorado, have been read, understood and wi ll be adhered to: Section 302 (a) Approvedor altered wiihout wriften Section 302 (c) The issuance of a building permit does not give authority to violate any provisions of this code, or any other 0rdinance and shall not prevent the Building Official from there- after requiring the correction of same. Sect i on 104 (b) The lnsoecti on p lans shal I not be changed, modified, authorizstion from the Building Officlal card shal I be read, fi I led out y in the waterproof ho lder furn ished not cover up any work not signed in full and by the Buil of f by Buil posted consp icuous I d i ng Depa rtmenf. Doding Inspector. Section 306 (a) (d) NO BUILDING SHALL BE USED 0R OCCUPIED EITHERffiRAR|LYUNT|LTHEBU|LD|NGoFF|clALHAs|ssUED A CERT I F ICATE OF OCCUPANCY AS PROV IDED FOR HERE IN. 0rdlnance l5 (1967J Before any sign (temporary or permanent) or posted, it shall be approved by the Town of Vail Comm i ttee ( l97l ) Genera l Contractor may be used Sign Revlew Ord inance 2shall be licensed any work. with the Town of Vai and ALL subcontracfors I prior to the s+arf of Owner STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregolng affidavit and declagworn to before me, a Notary Publ fhis day of My Comm i ss i on Exp i res (SEAL} was duly subscribed andrat i onic, by to Notary Pub I ic ' '' . ; <-c ,oe Ar lsr G -Url./ o.,rt\tl FH #'$ \-r Hqr F 3o(, !r ?r tt h A( eq tt il *f, \ el fr 3'll *$ o\ t3G, o ra|lt Fl, +fl 4rl t. 6 F/ lr.ll\s,ll '- |l.'bti gr'[ ,11, ,ll',||, sz t-(,r ;lu I TO: ilcn Wright Augruft 19, lt71FROM: Larry nlrigftt: 8E: BLUE'@!{ EISBtIffi,fS il. Cru,nlorf: iwrua /?,/*o+rt' I -'i{tt. fuua ulttDt,0? tu /+t 1,{ -. ., ;i3 r ...,. 1 EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made this 19th day of August, 1971, by and between VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., a Colorado corporation(hereinafter referred to as Grantor), and the AVANTI CORPORAT]ON. a Colorado corporation {hereinafter referred to as Grantee} ' W I T N E S S E T H: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OT' THE SUM OF ONE DOLIAR AND OTHER GooD AND VAIUABLE CONSIDERATION paid to Grantor by Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowleilgedr Grantor hereby sell, convey, and grant unto Grantee a non-exclusive easement and right-of-way over, across, through, and under the following described lands situate in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, for the uses and purposes and upon the terms hereinafter set forth: An easement lying in Tract B, VAIL VIII-,AGE, FIRST FIIING, Town of Vail, County of Eag1e, State of Colorado described as: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract B; thence S 10o14'00u W 135.31 feet along the Easterly line of said Tract B; thence N 79"46100" W 50.09 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing N 79046r00u W 44.91 feeti thence N 10o30r00" W 45.00 feet; thence N 79045r00" w 55.00 feet; thence N 10"30'00" W 32.08 feet; thence S 79046' '.r'- 00" E 72.97 feet; thence S 54055'00" E 36.00 feet; thence S 10o30'00u E 60.90 feet to the true point of beginning; and An easement lying in Tract B, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, Town of Vail-, County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as: Corwnencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract B; thence S 10"14'00" W 136.31 feet along the Easterly line of said. Tract B; thence N 79o46'00u w 95.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing N 79"46r00'r W 48.00 feet; thence S 10014'00u W 20.00 feeti thence S 79o 46r00" E 48.00 feet; thence N 10014'00" E 20.00 feet; to the true point of beginning. This easement and right-of-way is for the purpose of granting Grantee the right to construct, inspectr maintain, opexate and use Ingress and egress routes for vehicLes and pedestrians by the Grantee. Grantor grants to Grantee the right to enter upon the above described lands for the purpose of installation, inspectj-on, repair, replacement, or removal of ingress and egress routes. Grantor reserves the right to cultivate, improve, use and occupy said lands for any purpose not inconsistent with the easement and right-of-way above granted. Grantor further reserves the right to relocate or require Grantee to relocate any of Grantee's propertyt the expense thereof, if any, to be borne by Grantor. In the event of such relocation, Grantee shall reconvey to Grantor lhe easements and rights-of-way conveyed to it. hereby to the extent such easements are no longer to be used by Grantee and Grantor shall- convey other rights-of-way or easementsgranting the right-of-way or easement over, across' through and under the property to which the easement has been re- located, said grants to be in form similar to this document and subject to the rights reserved hereunder at all times. Grantee sha11 restore the subject lands, except forthe portion used for ingress. and egress troutes, to originalconditions including but not limited to, replacement of trees,grass, and shrubbery, and shall repair any similar damage toadjoining land or structures as a result of said construction, maintenance or remova I . Grantee hereby agrees to hold and save Grantors harm-less from any and all damage arising from Granteers use ofthe right, easementr dnd right-of-way herein granted and agreesto pay any damages or damage which may arise to the property,premises, or rights of the Grantors through crantee,s use,occupation and possession of the rights herein granted. This easement is granted subject to Grantee obtainingwritten approval of usage from any tenant having presentrights on the above described land. The provisions hereof shal-l inure to the benefitof and bind the successors and assigns of the respectiveparties hereto. fN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement on the day and year first above written. VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. -Wre' foregoing was acknowledged , I97I, by ROBERT H. ELLS as ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF before ne t:t}rs 40! d,ay Norr as vrcr Pneffiwr and vArL ASSOCTATES, rNC., a- C6Lsrado STATE OF COLORADO)) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The foregoingof19-71'.-by a AS corpora -&fore me this / CORPORAT cknowl edg an of day uy cbrnmission expiresr 1///27 WITNESS my hand and official- seal . .l ATTEST: Secretary ORATION .?/-r/tv I "-'f I I EMENTEASEMENT AGRE TIIIS AGREBMENT, made this by and between VAIL ASSOCIATEST INC.(hereinafter referred t.o as crantor) a Colorado corporation (hereinafter 19th day of August , L97L, , a Colorado corporation , and the AVANTf CORPORATION, referred to as Grantee), WITNESSETH: FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION OF THE SUM OF ONE DOLLAR AND OTHER GOOD AND VAIUABLE CONSIDERAfION paid to Grantor by Grantee, the receipt'of which is hereby acknowled.ged' Grantor hereby selI, conveyr and grant unto Grantee a non-exclusive easement and righl-of-way over, across, through, and under the following described lands situaLe in the Town of Vail 'Eag1e County, Colorado, for the uses and purposes and upon the terms hereinafter set forth: An easement lying in TracL B, VAIL VILLAGE, PIRST FILING, Town of Vai1, County of Eagle, State of Colorado described as: Commencing at the NortheasL coxner of said Tract, B; i:hence S 10"14'00n W 135.3I feet along the Easterly Iine of said Tract B; thence N 79046100" W 50.09 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing N 79"46t00" W 44.91 feet; thence N l-0o30'00" W 45.00 feet; thence N 79"46r00" W 55.00 feet; thence N 10030'00u W 32.08 feet; thence S 79046' 00" E 72.97 feeL; thence S 54"55r00" E 36.00 feet; thence S 10o30'00u E 60.90 feet to the true point of beginning; and An easement lying in Tract B, VAIL VILLAGE, FIRST FILING, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, StaLe of Colorado described, as: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Tract B; Lhence S 10o14'OOu W 136.31 feet. along the Easterly line of said Tract B; thence N 79"46t00" W 95.00 feet to the true point of beginning; thence cont.i,nuing N 79o46r00u W 48.00 feet; thence S 10o14'00u W 20.00 feet; thence S 79o 46'OOu E 48.00 feet; Lhence N l0ol4'00u E 20.00 feet; to the true point. of beginning. This easement and right-of-way is for the purpose of granting Grantee the right to construct, inspect, maintain, operate and use Ingress and egress l:outes for vehicl-es ancl pedestrians by the Grantee. Grantor grants to Grantee the right to enter upon the above described Lands for the purpose of installation, inspection, repair, replacement, or removal of ingress and egress rou tes . Grant,or reserves the right to cultivate, improve, use and occupy said lands for any purpose not inconsistent with the easement and right-of-way above granted... Grantor further reserves the right to relocate or require Grantee to relocate any of Grantee's property; the expense thereof, if any, to be borne by Grantor. In the event of such relocation, Grantee shal-l reconvey to Grantor the easements and rights-of-way conveyed to it hereby Lo the extent. such easements are no longer to be used by Grantee and Grantor shall convey other rights-of-way or easements granting the right-of-way or easement over, across, through and under the property Lo which the easement has been re- ]ocated, said grants to be in form similar to this document and subject Lo the rights reserved hereunder at all tinies. atale" sharr restore *re suu3fi lands, except forthe port.ion used for ingress. and egress routes, to original conditions including but not limited to, replacement of trees.,grass, and shrubbery, and shall repair any similar damage toadjoining land or structures as a result of said construction, mainLenance or removal. Grantee hereby agrees to hold and save Grantors harm- less from any and all damage arising from Granteers use ofthe right, easement, and right-of-way herein granLed and agreesto pay any damag.es or ilamage which may arise Lo the property, premises, or rights of the Grantors through Granteets use, occupation and. possession of the rights herein granted. This easement is granted subject to Grantee obtainingwritten approval of usage from any tenant having present rights on the above described land. shall inure to the benefit assigns of the respective IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Lhe parties have executed this on the day and year first above written. VATL ASSOCTATES, INC. The provisions hereofof and bind the successors andparties hereto. STAjrE^ 'c/- COUNTY : dr cor,onAuo) irF sAcr-,r ) corporation. /) ., My cornmission expiyes. L4.PA.I-( WITIIESS my hand ancl offiiial The foregoing was acknowledged , L971, by ROBERT H. ItrLS as ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF before me Lhis;7'06aay NoTT as vrcn PnEffiwT and vAIt ASSOCTATES, rNC., a RPORATION,orado STATE COUNTY OF COI.,ORADO) ) ss. OF EAGLE ) e/, lf tl seal . acknowle ed before me this ?4 auy o as dD an on. 6/Mv commission expires: t10/Z I Secretary RATION t The foregoing wi LeltL.-by corpora WITNESS my hand and official seal . :t } PPLICA TION FOR BUILDING PERMIT THE :O-.fN OF VAIL licant fill in this section o ^ ..) Y 6/* &-r BUlLD G INFORM,A TIONBuilding address Date of A pplication {-.i - Address -Q-4X 3"JCity VAtt- C0t0 Te1. No. Z. Occupancy grouo A, H, New A ddition A lteration_ Repair s N^'n El/FRF(f / )FtGFt Address Na*.e fl(llbtfl C0fe)LPAno{ Address_--fij;' 3?{ Lot SE E lock Subdivision (Circle correct cla ss ification) l. Type of construction I, II, III, IV, V Type of o c cupancy_?F911!1411!ai' y' rea of Lot €lgO Sd Fet:f BUILDING DIMENSIONS Total floor area (sq ftu!!h._ No. of stories Ht. ?7 W Nr. of roorns /No. baths-/ No. of water c losets rd u4 tl E, C, D, E, F, G, I,J No. of Farnilies ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTION (Materiald & COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE lq INSPECTION APPROVT L FOUNDATIONS lA iL - AALO Tel. No. 0. r"o "'lll{ ol I$$' I53i IflEl I HEiTI:ii *lnH*l IIE2&i €luzEct oiit6i Hl.!p, o i il,5 r |||||tl Illlltll,tll l,l'gi'dJii*uok Io-.()n*'Ed+rui1.. \J dOnd* F()do{.}oo {itr'F A4 rd o+r i a'i ho t{.otlc) $too?qoa kn€.1 |u-a;t'.rts, ,f ,<5.c, 0)ti +,d F ho (rJ C)+id z ts{u Iq Ptv)z z a "l1-l H{ I lfllI l-rl i,d'$qfl : I' f fi*|-l'r.{O.. r+.r v t+t gl o -< oda { tt'd I t;o P" ;.:o o trdd Cr re Ji l*'d f "l€ :.:'Eit'is ! I,q i$ fi;}HTAF{hUO INSPECTION RECORD (for Departmental use only) t1a FRAMING FIN^ L ROUGHl) t*l FINf L ROUGH LI,FINA L ROUGH?J o FINA I, t - BUILDING PERN{IT Vail, Color4do Perrnit T--V. tlt Date J*ne,. G ]q,69 Perrnission is hereby g"^nt"a A.,l4,r\+; Are, as l!.^m O rr t9 cJr -4{-..-.rt >story /f.tl..--*'* In accordance with the Committee, subject to Protective Covenants. provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the I954 Group A rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniform Building Code. Type of C onstruction C ont ra cto r )- ll pproved Vail Building Inspector INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROV-AL COMMENTS DATE & SIGN!TURE }.OUND.\TIONS F'RIMING boc E |rI FINAL ROUGHtu ttt FIN} L ROUGH EI \ ; d. 0"FIN/ L ROUGH I I DI} -+, d 0)t E FINrl L t tI' 'r' TEMPORARY Perrnit Perrnission is hereby ILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Dane June 5 granted the Avanti Co ration r9 68 as Owner to c on struct two stoty Restaurant the southeast corner of Tract B Vail Villaee lst Filing I ddres s In accordance with the provisions set forth by the Vail A rchitectural Control Comrnittee, subject to the rules and regulations as set forth in the VaiI Village Protective Covenants, and in cornpliance with the 1964 Uniforrn Building Code. Type of Construction Group Contractor Avanti Corporation, Box 325'ail, Colorado A pproved Vai1. Colorado , Vail Building InsPec INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental usJ Only) INSPECTION ,\PPROV}L COMMENTS DATE & SIGNATURE FOUNDATIONS FRA MING FINAL bod ROUGH() a) F'INA L ROUGH FIN/ L h0 F AI ROUGH I I t{t -+, (6 o PF L. FIN.^ L