HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B UNIT 5 TYROLEAN CONDOS AKA BLUE COW REMODELS LEGALConn$Jrrfi OEkElOP\tEhr PtranninE and Environmental Commisson ACTION FORM Depa rtment of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479-2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov"corn Pruject Name: Project Description: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 2101-082-5200-5 Overturned by Vail Town Council DAVIDOFF ADDMON PEC Number: PEC060071 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE FOR A DECK ENCLOSURE OF UNIT 5 WiTH 147 SQ FT OF GRFA IN SETBACK owNER DAVIDOFF, MAruORIE A. tOlL6l20O6 2170 HAYES RD GRANWLLE oH 43023 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC10/15/2006 Phone: 970-47 L-6122 PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC10/16/2006 Phone: 970-47 L-6I22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: @00001764 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TYROLEAN CONDOS UNIT 5 Loil Block Subdivision: TYROLEAN CONDOS Sx* w'tg&con/€+L ftvtlto. BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Moffet Second By: Foley Vote: 7-0-0 Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approvalz OL|042O07 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 atl btp Planning and Environmental Commieson ACTIOII FORlrl Department of Community Devdspment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, Colsrado S1657 tel: 970.479.2139 fix: 97c.479.2452 web: www.vailgo!/.com Vllatlc4t,ttrD, Iurnt{ ffia;ttfY cErJEl.rFrEt(r ilnr{trfilt Project l{ame: DAWDOFF ADDHON Project Description: PEC Number: PEC060071 FINAL APPROVAL FOR A VARIANCE FOR A DECK ENCLOSURE OF UNIT 5 WITH 147 SQ FT OF GRFA IN SETBACK L0/1612006 Pafticipantsl OWNER DAVIDOFF, MAR]ORIE A, 2170 HAYES RD GRANVILLE oH 43023 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITEC-|, LLCL9 | 1612006 Phone: 97 0-47 L-6I22 PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHffiCT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC10/16/2006 Phone: 970-47L-6122 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 Project Address: ,{00 E MEADOW DR VAIL Locatlon: TYROLEAN CONDOS UNIT 5 Legal Description: Lot Block: Subdivision: TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel Number: 2101-082-5200-5 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condi6ons: Cleveland Pierce 3-1-1 Action: DENIED Date of Approval: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C,ond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 i t'' Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application lor Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepled until all required information b received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to b€ reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: . Conditional Use Permit. FloodplainModilication. Minor Exterior Alteration. Major Exterior Alteration. Develoomenl Plan. Amendment to a Development Plan Ud 12 f, $650 $800 $1s00 $250 T)Ioo oo \, -r $650 $400 Filg-QdqAmendment _-$.19q . Sign Variance $200 : Lot: 5P Bbck: l.tta/^.- DrV. Zonins: #d'rf Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signatu re(s): Name of Appllcant: Mailing Address: Phone: 1". 4rfi /r/E-mall Address: -Fax 2a2@ TOI4'Nffi -Ilescription of th/t / Artotrt tfild4,'I Location of the F Parcef No': O zlltolz . Rezoning $1300. Maior Subdivision $1500. Minor Subdivision $650. E)Gmption Plat $650. Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000. New Spechl Development District $6000. Major Amendment to an SDD $6000. Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior moditications) Physlcal Addresg: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Fg,:li:""r$Tin no,MeetinsDate: tt. [ti8"tt *ruAdt^ Page I of604/01/04 "t :'r / i-- \,,t t-tfl T ()*$ ()c b, €"* .lt i..lttxnrn $r ?1.i,' a' , \ |.lr\-".,| NIA.rc.j )-r4.r.'r'r fgS; c).:i... (-_ -1 r r .\ -, .- rt._, f ". q]\ 1 -) Cl,' tJ .; *-f I t' ') '(; ' -,r &.,'. ir r' j ; r ' \.'t:.. j/, r- r-)i"r'.r/^ll / r'- \t, I Flezoning $1300 Itrhjor Subdivision $1500 Minor Subdivision $650 Exemption Plal $650 Minor Amendment to an SDD $1000 New Special Development District $6000 Major Amendment to an SDD $6000 Maior Amendment to an SDD $1250 @o erteriot modifiations) . Conditional Use Permil. FloodplainModification. Minor Exterior Alteralion. Major Exlerior Alteration. Develooment Plan $650 $400 $6s0 $800 $1500 $250 Zoning: ,tbUf Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: E-mall Address: ,r424-4(Jpa<lzoata ,-ffi $200 Deecrlption ol the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot: parcelNo.: Zl0l0rZ5o0f (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission ' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.varlgov.com General lnformation: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal r€quirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannol be accepted until all required informatron is received by the Community Development Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type ol Application and Fee: Amendment to a D€velooment Plan Zonino Code Amendment Physlcal Address: Mailing AddreEs: For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: i/beting Date: By:- PEC No.: Planner: Check No.: Project No.: Pase I of 6-04101/04 T !,C[UEIE mVItrF 21N) HHE MD GRAI{1ITIjT]E CI 43fr?rJ IEn€Frrtr 2, 1998 EEf€ tu.r wlLt ftd 1iB Ffby tu der 16. gl6frB, lssEal by RISSI IttGRICADf TIltrE xIg nNE Cr!'PINY, ha\dry an ef,trEclC-ve daE otr l.tay 21, f998. lE amr€cfste tts qXrrumftfr b lrutfcrpE tdth yu: {rl flrrg{zansactlct. Stgild lur }tarre {ry? qicstisF I cErerrE, p]Leae fe.l fr€ lD clrrE us gt ItE dtrs c 1taE nders lt.sed beler- fxlth best qilds. I€slte L. Ialdns Enlsuue EIGIE GIiITT TTIIE OFFCNAf,ICT{ FCFtr G'EICE EX 98O A\rcN @tRAm u520 Eex 970-94)-9486m 97o-94y9497 rErilrER 3G-5'/2-1490 vvl fv w vf .wv , -1!') t.t, a-ta.r Fom No, 14(E-S2 {1o/up4 ALTA O*'|€rb Poticy POtruY OT' TITII INSURANCE AMtRrc. ISSUED BY Fitg Anwic a n Title Insu ta nc e Company SUBJECTTOTTIEDCLUSIONSFROM COTJERAGE,THE OGEPTIONSFROMCOVEFAGE COI{IAINED IN SCHEDUIf B AND THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, FR$T AII|ERIGAN IITLE INSURANCE COMPAI{Y a GalifomiA corpudion, herch called tfrc Company, insures, as of Oate of Policy shown in Schedule A, agairst loss 0r damage, not exceeding the Amount of Insunnce sEted in Schedule A, susbined or incungd by the insured by reason 0t 1. Tide to ill€ €sE& or iflbcst described in Sclndule A being vesbd other fian as stnEd therein; 2. Any defect h or lien or enclrmbrance on ttE tifle; 3. Urmadchbility of he ilfle; 4. Lack o{ a ri$t of access t0 and lrom fie land- The Conpany will also pay ths cosb, atfrneys' fres and sxpenses incuned in defrnse of the ti[e, as irEured, hut srty b lhe Eftflt provided in {ie Gmditons and Sllipulations. Firct America n Titb Insarance Company ", (B& rd {*1, P,*E.,D'\,' Arrasr fr*t / rt*rvaa sttc:Rccuit sEqlE e onihr rS. 316308 -OFll"cy !rc. ,1868606EE otr hltc1n l.'ts1' 21. 1998 1. Ire of &qrcd: D4R.TCRIE A. BVIMFF wGRrS Po[,Ifc Inslrne M.utt S 645,000.m 1>1pgIr-u rry13r3'rt $ 1,539.00 at L2t?,4 P.VI, 2. rbe ectaE q lstnrest tn & Lild rfir."rr lr omrd bI, e mllgfu ls: T'EE SIMPLE 3. Title b fu st3E c lrrEesc tD ItE rE r.r ts ved Lal I'GF^ICRIE A. TBVJTFF 1. trE Lrri re6elred to b thfs pollsy I"e IosH LE ltle state d rblror.do, Grftlr otr Eagle ffi.rrtul (trrtt I.b. 5, , d ts HDd ag follcs: TIIROIEAN O|I!4INIII'|S, *rnoarllng b ltE ffirlrtfurn !q, (|lE "lqt") thereof recs&d rEhualY Zl, L9f3l, ln bd< 319 at Fage 138, ad a detrjrEd lri r*E Oanffi.rrfrn 1glaatL6r,r (lle r'le..laraf,igr')tffie rec,.red feftnrfr n, L98J-, lrr Bodr 319 at rage lilg. fhis Ibllcfz ts lJr\ aljtd |rrf€ss tls oler ffi ild ffibl"e B €L'e aiftactEd. ALEA OsrErf s 151tc,j, e0-17-gzl EIRSI Il'lffiICAl{ TITL,E IIiglRt[E m@Atw SEIE B PIFIT I or& ll'. 316308 -OhrJcr }b. J8686ffi 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Gtfs ftougy tuc Et l.uEe €afrst L€ a +-.eF (Frr C slay nilL wt pryGts' attqzular fue c -€errsF) r|1Lb a'Lg br 15g o6|: lnry f,ecbs, rlgirbs, lrt@sts. cr clalne ttra*r E€ rpt *rcrm by tte pblfc rerr'rds btE litfdl cnrld b asftatrd blr an tnq*{J.ct otr sard l.ad or bEZ rmlrirg inqldqrof pauts irr pos*ssfcn tM. @l'bs, c' .^lrrrc of, eegcrtts, c €rErr&a.r-e nttfclr qe rgt sbur blr t}te 1r&J-l.c tlwd. U-geFa'rctes, utflir:tE in brdarlz IJrE, *latages !n aEa, a'YrH&nF'rte. oE: any otler f*ts $trich a rn'"trgt gJnEIr rrcuflil d!.gcf.aGF, ard ntridr aEe rgt sfgrrr try p'tbfJ.c rmds. .Arry ll€rr, c rlgtrt 1o a llen, fu serrrlcne, rqhcr e re€ia]- t}rerertofsec lerefEr ff,!rr!.sH. trpoed tE l"a{ ad rut *sm b1l t}e glbfic remd. I&s cn assoFs"'e rtq t*tl<:tr ae rrclG $fnrr as eni.6-ttrg fisrE try tle remrds ofary laxiry arm.ty t}at fedes @E c as-s@ats sr real 1rtcpest1' q b1'tte frtbf: c rEdry?dg. Righ't otr DtI' fc afidE8 c srals Glstnscdl lEr l*E alroW d IfE (rriEl staEs, e resved lln ttrtE StaEs hEtt rsdd &fly L2, fSB, tn bcfr 48 at Page ll75 and Sqrffier 4, Ly8, tr edt' S at FagB 98- Rl€t$ otr {tE hapcleb d a Vetrr q I& b esffi ad. rerove hig se tlrefiul,stnrld tte m be fcr'rd b penerffi G lrrEcst tle gred.s hetrq'g!.anted. asre*nted ln ladd StaEs HHrt rffi .iirly 12, 189!1, ln bd< {8 at Fage 475, ard Sep/ffier 4, LgB, ln bd( *l at Fage 98. Ehstplt sd rlgm otr Ey fc Elefid.glsr cable frsfws, as gmarHl tUr Farllre S.lrlEffitg lo Gmnlty lEtedsdgr IrrElEEr:t, IrE. try tlEtrlrErt rwtled rb.Jerttr 17, 1968, at Eqtttsr lb. l09t?4. Eald eserstt be$g ree fuAfy deuJbed in saidlIlEtrLEIt. esbcjctlss, r&lctr & rpt qrtatn a ficrGLtr.ue G rEv€Etr cl.aJ*, c crntained in lns|angrb resrrned Algpst 10, 1952, lrr bdi L74 at Fage 179, as aerded by lruttrurErrE, remdd AtEusb fi, L971, ln Fd( nL at Fagp 497. Iftilifty eeatrrFrtt L0.m feet Jn rddtlr, € dnm qr lie ruded Plat of s€ld aiEivlsicn.(htln=d) ALIA S'ffud HL5cy, t€sEsr regdrn - lEr tS. r4l2-c (Ev. 9/87) EIRSI AFERISN TTINE I}iH'NNTG @GRNY B. 9. 10. it EGr!|Irr|S (ctjn-a) @ rb. 316906 {) lb]'lry t6.J868605 11. I€stllctld|E, rih&Jr do rEt srtatn a ffil.tlre G !elE(@ cJ.are, as crrrtarrgl rJr rrrstilE'rt reoudedl s€pffiE. 4, !1n5, tul blr 241 at Fage ffi1, I aenr-a bfr fnstrrrsrt reogciga f.tF'r&er 8, Lflf7g, llr H( 296 at EgP 518- LZ. l['.s @ventrrt8, crdltkrE, crrr{gatlrre' eaefiEtrts Atl resbrfciC-ans $ildrtl EB a h.ffir b-ti€ cednfir rrirt ecrr-uea in sffirle A, trrd_ s99^ry ln .ttE ffirrfun tEc1l,E€rtl-o]r rwH r€tn'Ey nl , LgfL, tn bdt 319 at nage 139. 13t. tEdeEgEErrd rJghtd{qr €rF|lqt wnu b lbly_Crcee El€Gtlrlc esisUg.r, Iic., orer-the EasEIy 25.m H oe te nst lEttel:r co.(D ffi otr lf*c e oi VatI. vf-UagF fl.rgt nUfrgf, e srtaired ln lrstrusrt remH se1:rder 19, 1900, ln Hc il)9 at FESF 6S. 11. lEFEELuEfve €E@t ad rlglrtdqr, 3O.m ffi ln rrldttr, rySEq-!?tp lrrrLt fEpGAElarL as srtatrpd tn trrserrrerrU na€ I'W 26, t9TZ. tn H< EA at PagE 27O. nnsr atERrCN.r Trrta rlgtAl€8 $mrNY EIIIDORSEilIENT Attacfied to PolicY No. lssued bY ,868605 316308 Colordo Fm 11O3 Fttrr Amcr:frnn Titb Ingulraace C'omPnY Thisendorsement.smadeapartofthepolicytrcornmitmentand.ssubjecttoa|lthetermsandpro. vbions ttrercof and of any pti* dnOo*".ents thereb, Except to the extent expressly stated' it neither modt6s arly of ttre terms aiJ provisions ol the polioy or commifnent and prkx endorsements' ii arry' nor does it extend tne emecnne Ja!-"iift" p.f tV "t commllment and prig|^ €ndorsemenis or increase the lace amo.rnt thereof. This .-1 {-E - is hereby amended as follov\€: tEePtrgt lr. 2 tcqBh 5 ''&| sdnalrle B E€ he!€!ry eJ-ettedt.- rN rr.;L oEIER FESmas, sND PC[JI(I| HBA$B $IE silE. First Anprfu an TIth Insutartue C.ampny PRESIDENT ", (E/* BY sd cbl 5t::;lii4 =*-".r**t ";;":-1?,t-- g:g ,-- :. strtulEt ea, i *?,".. ura ..'S *;;;;;;;;'*SIGNATORY I I i TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department November 13, 2006 A request for final review of variances from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and Sectionl2€H-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 5/Block5, VailVillage Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto (PEC06- 0071). Applicant Elliot and Margie Davidoff, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Elisabeth Reed SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance from the required twenty foot (20') setback standards and the fifty five percent (55%) total allowable site coverage regulations of the High Density Multiple Family Districft in order to enclose an existing deck and add additional Gross Residential FloorArea (GRFA) on two levels of the building within the front (west) setback. fourteen (214) square feet. Of that amount, approximately 133.5 square feet of GRFA consfucted at the second level of Unit 5 within the front setback, and13.5 square feet of GRFA constructed at the third level of Unit 5, also within the western (front) setback. The area necessitating the additional site coverage request is composed of 16.5 square feet and also lies within the westem setback. Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vlll of this memorandum, staff is rccommending approval, with conditions of the applicant's variance requests. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is requesting to add one hundred forty seven ('147) square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) within the front setbacks the Tyrolean Condominiums Unit #5 and sixteen and one half (16.5) square feet of additional site coverage by means of one deck enclosure utilizing a portion of this unit's allowable "250 addition". One hundred thirty three (133) square feet will be located on the second story of the unit and thirteen and one half (13.5) squ-are feet will be located at the third story of the same unit. ur:O il wp The site coverage variance will occur at the same corner of the addition described, in the amount of 16.5 square feet. lf granted, the setback variances requested would result in a frontsetbackofsixteen(16')insteadoftwenty(20'). Additionally,thesitecoveragevariance request would result in exceeding the amount of existing site coverage by 0.1olo of the existing (56.6%). Cr' (i The architecture of the Tyrolean lodge includes a number of decks which are covered by overhangs which range in depth from four to eight feet. The overhangs create cavemous deck areas and ihe impression of more bulk and mass than actually exists. The applicant posits that the proposed enclosures will not substantially increase the apparent bulk and mass. A Mcinity Map, the architect's request, and architectural plans and elevations have been aftached for reference (Attachments A, B, and C). III. BACKGROUND In 1968, the Blue Cow Restaurant was constructed on the southern portion of the subject property. In 1980, the Tyrolean Condominiums were constructed (within the south and east setbacks) and attached to the existing "Blue Cow" restiauranl structure. On May 10, 2004, a variance was approved, to allow the floor area that was once the Tyrolean Restaurant to be converted into gross residential floor area (GRFA). On July 26, 2004, a setback variance was granled to the owners of Unit 9 to allow for construction of a minor exterior alteration. Additional setback and site coverage variances were granted to the owners of Units 6 and 7 on May 9, 2005 to allow for additional GRFA to be built within the setbacks and to allow for the addition of site coverage exceeding the maximum allowable for this zone diskict. IV. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the. proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any acoompanyng DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be l{ v. appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whetherornotthe Planning and Environmental Commission orDesign Review Board ened with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. D. Statr The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULATIONS ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSIIY MULTIPLE-FAMILY (HDMF) DISTRICT (excerpted) 12-6H-1: PURPOSE; The high density multiple-family district is intended to provide sites for multiple-family dwellings al densffies to a maximum of twenty five (25) dwelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adeguate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the didrtct by establishing appropriate site development standards. Certain nonresidentialuses are permifted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as a winter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-6: SEIBACKS: The minimum front setback shall be twenty feet (20), the minimum side setback shall be fuenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). 1 2-6H-9 : SITE COVERAGE: Site coverage shall not exceed fifty five percent (55To) of the total site area. CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE; A. Reasons Fo r Seeking Variance: ln order to prevenf or fo /essen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing strucfures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development sfandards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, disfances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and sife development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, goveming physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescnbed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resuns inconsistent with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, 'Conditional Use Permits", and by section I 2-3-7. "Amendment' of this title. 12-17-6: CRITERIA AND FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among stles tn the vicinity, or to aftain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested vaiance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commisslon deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. Necessa4r Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistenf with the limitations on other propedies c/assffied in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons.' a. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI. SITE ANALYSIS (requested deviations have been notated with bold fon\ Address: Legal Description: Zoning: Land Use Plan Designation: Gunent Land Use: Development Site Size: Hazards: Develooment Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Height: GRFA: Site Coverage: Density: Landscape Area: Parking: 400 East Meadow Drive. Unit#5 Block 5, VailMllage Filing 1 High Density Multiple Family High Density Residential High Density Residential 16,039 sq.ft. (0.368 acres) None Allowed/Required 20 ft. 20 ft. 20ft. 48' 12,190 sq. ft. 55% (max.) (8,821sq. ft,) 9 DUs (max.) 30o/o (min.) (4,812 sq. ft.) 19 spaces (min.) Existino l6' 20'(North) 18.5'(East) 48' 15,955 sq. ft. 56.6% (9,078 sq.ft.) 9 DUs 43olo (6,981sq. ft.) 23 spaces Proposed no change 15'(North) 14'(East) no change 16,169 sq. ft. 56.70lo (9,09,4sq.ft) no change 43.4% (6,964.5 sq. ft.) no change vil.SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING North: South: East: West: Land Use CDOT ROW Open Space Residential Transportation Center Zoninq Not Applicable Natural Area Preservation (NAP) High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) General Use (GU) VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-16, Vail Town Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reoardinq Variances: The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff has determined the requested variances will not negatively affect the relationship between the Tyrolean structure and surrounding structures because the apparent bulk and mass of the Tyrolean Lodge will remain the same. The enclosure will not further diminish space between potential uses or structures in the vicinity because the existing "screen" or "mask" walls, as depicted on the elevation drawings already create the appearance of structure located within the setbacks. The area of increased site coverage will not negatively affect surrounding uses as it lies adjacent to Vail Valley Drive. The degree to which rclief from the strict and literal interpretatlon and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand unlformity of treatmentamong sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Considering the variance requests previously approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for similar deck enclosures and setback variances requested within the Tyrolean Lodge, approval of such would not constitute a grant of special privilege, but will likely further the degree of architectural compatibility and uniformity of treatment of this site. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that little to no effect upon light, air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety will occur should these variance requests be approved. Such otherfactors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. The original placement upon the site of the Tyrolean Condominiums created circumstances and conditions to which ample attention should be paid by the Commission and which may not apply generally to other properties in the High Density Multiple Family zone district. 1. 2. 3. 4. tx. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretiation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance thatdo notapplygenerally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval, with conditions of the requestforvariances from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and Sectionl2{H-9, Ste Coverage, Vaif Town Code, pursuantto Chapter 12-17,Yariances, to allowforthe enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 5/Block5, Vail Village Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto subject to the criteria ouflined in Section Vlll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to approve, with conditions, the requested setback variances, the Deparlment of Community Development recommends the Commission pass the following motlon: 'The Planning and Environmental Commission aproves, with condltions, the request for variances from Section 12-6H-6, Sefbackg and Sectionl2-6H-9, S,fe Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuantto Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allowforthe enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 5/Block5, Vail Village Filing 1 and setting forth details in regard thereto subject to the following condition: 1 . The applicant shall adhere to the conditions of the aftached letter of intent, dated November 3, 2006, indicating the date of screening of the parking along the Frontage Road. 2. This approval shall bebontingent upon approval bythe Design Review Board of the associated design review request. "Based upon the review of the uiteria outlined in Seclion Vlll of this memorandum, and the evidence and testimony presented, the Planning and Environmental Commission finds: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the timitations on other properfes c/assffied in the same district. 2. That the granting of the vaiance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the vaiance is wananted for one or more of the following reasons; a. The strtc/ Iiteral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sife of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other propefties in the same district. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Applicant's RequestC. Architectural plans and elevationsD. Letter of Intent dated November 3. 2006E. Public Notice Tyrolean Gondominiums 400 East Meadow Drive (Lot 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing) Planning and Environmental Commission - November 13, 2006 - Ths m€owas cr€rr€d bv lne -,nwn o'Vr, GIS worrc6!9 Use c1|hs map shouL b€ lotqe.erali.r Ihe 'own of !t do6 id Bada* lhe acaur6cy or ln€ .iom:Bon con r?ielesl4wn D€rer lie FoG ;3 Attachment B SUMAN ARCHITECT October 15,2006 Tyroleon Condominium Unit 5 Tyroleon Condominiums. Lof 5D Voil Villoge lst Filing Vorionce Applicotion for Site Coveroge L Descilption of Vqfionce Requesled The Tyroleon Unit 5 owners ore cunently in the Town of Voil process for deck enclosures thot require setbock vorionces qlong with Unit 3 qnd 8 owners. They wish to toke odvontoge of the 250 ordinonce ovoiloble to them insteod of moving down volley. The deck enclosure for Unit 5 includes q smqll oreo thot constitutes 16.5 squore feet of odditionol site coveroge. During similor vqrionce requests by Unit 6 ond 7 in Moy of 2005. the sioff recommended o study be done to incorporote oll other foreseeqble fulure site coveroge needs for the entire property. All procticol oreos for 250 squore foot exponsions were identified for eoch of the 9 Tyroleon units. Of oll the ovoiloble ond procticol exponsion oreos, two smoll oreos necessitoted odditionol site coveroge, One oreo wos 20.8 squore feet thot pertoined to 3 units oi the northeost corner of the building. lhe other wos 16.5 squore feet thot pertoined to Unit 5 in the southwest corner of the building. Both oreos were opplled for ot thot time to occommodote qll future modificotions within the entire property, The plonning stoff's memo doted Moy 9, 2005 outlines the request ond intentionolly left ihe 'l6.5 square feet of odditionol site coveroge for Unit 5 out os on onticipoted request in the future. Howevel the 20.8 sq. ft. of odditionol site coveroge for Units l, 3 ond 6 were gronted on 5/9/05. The vorionce being requested will ollow opproxlmotely 37.3 squore feet of oddifionol sile coverqge to be odd€d lo the sile lo ensure oll unils con be heol€d equqlly in this property. 2. Anolysis of Proposol The property wos zoned HDMF in 'l969 ond the condominiums were constructed in 1980, Upon completion, the building wos non-conforming with respect fo not only site coveroge, but setbocks qnd exterior lighting os well. This pre-existing nonconforming condition through no foult of the opplicont(s) is o hordship bosed on the strict ond literol interpretotion of the code, On July 26,2OU o vorionce wos gronted to Unit 9 which in port, reduced the property site coveroge 48,9 sq, ft. The proposed plon olong with the 20.8 sq. ft. of the opproved Unit 6 site coverqge vqriqnce increoses the site coveroge 37.3 sq. ft. for o nel decreose of I1.6 sq. fl. on the propefi over the post severol yeors. The proposol olso reduces the exterior lighting fixture non- conformonce by 2 flxtures to offset the impoct, This combined with proposed efforts ot Unit 3, 6, 7, 8 qnd 9, totol q decroose of 19 exlerior lighfing fixlures. Port of the proposed plon is on fire olorm ond sprinkler system thot increoses lhe proleclion fol heqllh qnd solely within lhis building. The opplicont hos worked closely with the building ond fire deportments on o design thot will bring Units 3, 5 ond 8 into code complionce. michael @ sumanarchitect.con; 143 East Meadow Drive 970.479.7 5O2 Suite 300 f 970.479.7511 Vail, CO 81657 m 970.471.6122 SUMAN ARCHITECT In oddition to bringing the property closer into code complionce. the opplicont is proposing enhoncements to the orchilecture of the building thot will unify the overoll property while mointoining its odginol chorm. Ihe existing design of the building uses o wood "mosk" woll system to hide the decks within. This "mosk" is generolly contilevered 5'-0" off of stucco wolls thot enclose the units. The mojor reoding of the bulk ond moss is defined by the "mosk" with the stucco wolls being secondory, The proposed deck enclosures move the existing exterior wolls of the units out qn qveroge of A'-8 t/2" . They mointoin the reoding of the "mosk" ond do not encrooch into the west, eost or norlh setbock ony more thon the "mosk" woll system does todoy. Therefore, the proposed deck enclosures will impoct the perception of the overoll bulk ond moss of the building very liftle. The odjocent properties on the eost ond north ore o porking lot ond frontoge rood respectively. The building oddition occurs within the existing bulk ond moss ond is in o locoiion on the site thot hos little impoct on development stondords ond neighboring propertles. 3. Approvol Crilefio o) The relotionship of the requested vorionce fo ofher existing or potenfiol uses ond structures in the vicinity. The proposed vorionce will ollow the property to sotisfy the future site coveroge needs of oll its units. The proposed site coveroge oreo is not only smoll, but is in o locoiion on the site with little impoct to development stondqrds ond neighboring properlies ond siructures. The proposed site coveroge oreo will qllow Unit 5 to be treoted equolly with other units with similor vorionces gronted, b) The degree fo which relief from the strict or literol interpretofion and enforcement of o specified regulotion is necessory to ochieve compotibilifu and uniformity of lreotment omong sites in fhe vicinity, or to ottqin the objeclives of this title wifhouf gront of special privilege. lhe requested vqrionce for Unit 5 is o pqrt of o lorger proposol with Unit 3 ond 8 thot is similor to vorionces gronted in this property. The proposed vqrionces will ollow these units io be treoted similorly to other units in this property os well os other properties in the vicinity such os: Tyroleon Unii 6, 7 ond 9; Voil Mountqin Lodge; Apollo Pork; the Town Porking Structure; ond the Cornice building, The proposed voriqnce is not o gront of speciol privilege given the existing non- conformonce of the site ond the hordship it couses through no fqult of the opplicont(s). Significont meosures ore proposed to offset ony impoct of the proposol ond to bring the property closer to complionce with the underlying zoning ond building codes. c) The effecf of the requesled vorionce on light ond oir, distribution of population. tronsporfotion ond froffic focilities, public focilifies ond utilities, ond public sofefy. The proposed vorionce will hove no negotive impocts to these issues, rnichael @sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.479.7502 .f 970.479.7sr1 m 97O.471.6122 kzunrtSUMAN ARCRITECT October 15,2006 Tyroleon Unit 3, 5 ond 8 Additions Tyroleon Condominiums, Lot 5D Voil Villoge lst Filing Vorionce Applicqtion for Side Setbock RE: Section 12-6H-6, Seibqcks, Voil Town Code l. Descdption of Voriqnce Requesfed The Tyroleon Unit 3, 5 ond 8 owners ore working together to enclose oreos of their existing decks. They ore entitled to on qddilionol 250 so. ft. oer the 250 ordinonce which is still ovoiloble for eoch unit. Given the existing plon constroints, ihe decks ore the only procticol oreos for oddition. The vorionce being requesied will ollow o totol of 423 sq. ft. of GRFA to be construcied within the west, eqst ond norlh setbocks. Below is q detoiled breokdown of the GRFA pertoining to eoch unit: Unit 3 Eost Setbock North Setbock West Setbock Totol Moin Level I ]4,4 so, it, 82.6 so. fi, 0 so. ft. Totql 114.4 sq. ft. 82.6 sq. ft, 0 197.0 sq. fl. Unit 5 Eost Setbock North Setbqck West Setbock Totol Moin Level 0 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft, 133.5 sq. ft. Uooerlevel Osq.ft.. Oso.ft. ]3,5 sq.ft Totol 0 sq. ft. 0 sq, ft. 147.0 sq. ft. 147.0 sq. fi. Unit 8 Eost Setbock Noith Setbock West Setbock Totql Mqin Level 0 so, ft. 0 sq, tt. 78,5 sq, ft' Totol 0 sq, ft. 0 sq. ft. 79.0 sq. ft' 79'0 sq' fl. Tolol Proposed GRFA in Setbqcks 423'0 sq. fl. The properiy wos zoned HDMF in 1969 ond the condominiums were constructed in '|980. Becouse the building wos originolly constructed in the setbocks. the property wos rendered "non-conforming" upon the buildings completion. This pre-existing nonconforming condition through no foult of the opplicont(s) is o hordship bqsed on the strict ond literol interpretotion of the code. 2. Anolysis of Proposol The existing design of the building uses o wood "mosk" woll system to hide the decks within, This "mosk" is generolly contilevered 5'-0" off of stucco wqlls thoi enclose the units. The mojor reoding of the bulk ond moss is defined by the "mosk" with the stucco wolls being secondory. The proposed deck enclosuresmovetheexistingexteriorwollsofiheunitsouionoverogeof 4'-87a". Theymointointhe reoding of the "mosk" qnd do noi encrooch inio the eost or north setbock ony more thon the "mosk" woll system does todqy. Therefore, the proposed deck enclosures will impoct the percepiion of the overoll bulk ond moss of the building very little. The odjocent properties on the eqst ond norfh ore o porking lot ond frontoge rood respectively. The building oddition occurs within the existing bulk ond moss ond is in q locotion on the site thot hos no impoct on development stondords ond neighboring properties. michael @ sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drivs 970'479'7502 Suite 300 f 970.479.751r m 970.471.6122Vail, CO 81657 - t' SUMAN ARCHITECT The deck €nclosures will be construcied concunently wlth o renovotion of the entlre building, See drqwing A3.5 for the proposed improvements of the entire complex. The overoll building improvements will be reviewed by the DRB ot the some time os lhe proposed unit modificotions. 3. Approvol CritEdo Bosed on procticol difficulties, the the 250 ordinonce which thev ore entitled to The proposed vorionce is not q grqnt of existing bullding ond the need to creote uniformlty.of treotment within this property. 4. Eflecf on lighf ond oir, distribulion ol populofion, lronsporlolion ond troffic fqcililies, etc. lhe proposed vorionce will hove no negotive impocts on these items, michael @sumanarchi tect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 vail. CO 81657 970.A'.t9.7502 f 970.479.7511 m 970.471.6122 TYROLEAN UNITB, SAND 8 REMODELS LOT 5D, VAIL VILLAGED FIRST FILING VAIL, COLORADO MATERNL AYMBOLS: t5:+n "- F,?.R *** r'VE::-A ,.-'*.* l-.' ':-l ' *'** ffi---,*--" ffi?771 ."*^* Ifi:E @ed v---v1 ",**^.* t4--:xl ^ffi F::,.4 effi t:<l k6'b8 t<=:l ,*N r------l .--* ABBREVIATIONS: ii I I I I APPLICANT: ARCHITECT: CONTRACTOR; STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT CIVIL ENGINEERING P.Bq|ECT SUI,|MARY: AO.O xt.o at.o xz.l 42.1 ta.2 t;2.2 ,;L3 42,3 x2.1 a2.a a3.t at.2 43.3 A3.4 43.5 COVER EOSTII{C SITE PLAI{ PROPOSEO SITE PTAII EXISTINC SECOI{D FLOOR PLAN PROPO8EO SECOi{O FLOOR PLAN EXIAt|flG THIRD FLOOR PLA'I PROPOSED THIRD FLooR PLATT ErtSTU{g FOURDT FL(X'R Ptll{ PROPOAED FOURIH FLOOR PLAN EXENXG NOOF PLAN PROPOAED ROOF PLAI{ WE6T ELEVATIO A SOI'TH EIEYATIOIIS EAST ELEVANO s t|oRt]i ELEVATTO]IE EXTERIOA RE OVATIO ELEVAIIONS GENERAL NOTES: aO@@|aD^duq@qa d o4d,@r,3E@N'LqNs l&^fuFil F@-{_\ @- E @- i----) !,.-e/ a ;* j I I I I I oJltloo =Irl atr!ojq G, E -I q)o =3oJ o 40.0 I '1 I 1 ir \ il V i . ,/, EDG€ Or CRE€K "#" 6 eooront u,rn rP GRFA I'I 5EI3AC( ARE{ r i#R:l:'.f^'-* [! rooror,^r tnn rH GTF^ N SETIACX AIET & a::ln*;x"^"^ vatL v|'tAGE ltallr flr|rc /?\ PROPOSED SITE PI.AN gy 4 l,'.'a,a l';-, ili;; tl t;, | ;)' oJltloo =lll atrl o^i ul G' Ezf di;ftr rd!_ t;;;--- ' At,o Itt i i i slroorrffits'e rtNn i tirl: iiiicil rtsi ';i *. I il tl tl tl illl"fiz6F lE9 ll"' tllt,ll Iol il u.tl>l u.ll olzlh Ft'lDli dti,+\(-l!) \I/ srroonffits'e rtNn ;l ! lli! iE! iEii! s iEI lSEc:I iii; IiiEl HEEEiIJ*ii!ili 1 slroonffits'e rtnn ittc rl: l,lr sr I.l c\i ii .(i E;iHitE: f,i-' I z lr o.l &lololJIt!l olEI =lFl ot uJtot.ot3 o.tt,ot:dt:rlt/t\Rvrr;i;,ii$iri,llliiiillll I I I l I i_ UIIIT I LOFT €NATNG \/-\/' <'-_'_ /T\ EXISTING LEVEL FOUR \?/ d] x{= |.f ggllcc.q !!! H;,il-* Ittt aAZ,J _l llI I I I I I I I !!!nEll&!tE ' sdr, L6rlxMrm& gafacs..q :.fu,lcdtre oJu Eto =Irl ctrl o{ ut G'! =f 9!1!€g_J!! wi;Li** At7frLt! r\]ub c\i EE <.o.rloDr'rttslfool,uiu 8'9'e uNn EtliiGftr l::;;,;-:; 1.-,;,;1;;1!tYX.Qi ;. ; |lnatc 5t's130(,l,Iru 8'9'e ilNn Ejg:t t,ir ,l c.j r ii <r ; I ; I I I I l I lilfiili,1$$ii @r-.lor+llElAln!flErlr @t*cHF!4.!9l4le!! P g i:. 1.,' 1 ii: oJgloo i=ilrlr ;tr1roi Eur ot Ez3 ryE1g lrl ffi.*-* 424Arr'a ii.:i:: ; E;iitFEt I.t ,," .., . HYXOS l ossr€ ints1300l,llru 8'9'e ilNn !i,.tI iE rscl.E o.j ,iE < I itiI:lsl l-'r''i f'tv xtrrEstrr8flrdsffi@ .1:,._-r:ga c -I.{ G' (,| iollI ltl =oI mFo tftt I I:Ei:T 'Eiili iei;i EBI Ktgtg&rrre TYROLEAN CONDOMINIUMS Ti^cT E. FrLsTfr|'rNc VALCOIORAOO >!t S.l Et('|t l Attachment D MEMORANDIJM To: Elisabeth Reed, Town of Vail Planning Department From: Kevin Deighan Date: November3,2006 Re: Tyrolean Landscape Agreement CC: Michael Surnan Dear Elisabeth, It has come to our attention that our contractor inadvertently failed to plant the shrubs around the easement in front of the Tyrolean building as part of our overall work. In consulting our landscape engineer and landscape contractor, any plant material planted at this time, will not survive the year. We anticipate the costs for this work will be less than $1,000 given the size of the material required in our approvals. It is our intention to plant this material in the spring. ln the meantime, please fr€e to contact us should you have any questions regarding these materials. Thank you in advance for your consideration. KevinDeighan Timberline Commercial Real Estate 12 Vail Road, Suite 600 Vail, CO 81657 970476-3436 970-390-5213 970476.1986 (fax) Deighanone(daol.com Attachment E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on November 13,2006, at 1:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12- 7A-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a business office (real estate), located at 1 Willow Bridge Road/Lot 2, Sonnenalp Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0066) Applicant Vail Dover Associates, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to section 12-78-5, Permitted and Conditional Uses, Above Second Floor, Vail Town Code, to allow for the operation of a "quasi-public" club, located at 333 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0067) Applicant: Remonov & Company, lnc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12- 9C-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for a ski storage facility, located at 395 East Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0068) Applicant: Town of Vail, on behalf of All Mountain Sports, LLCPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7, Vanances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition located at 2339 Chamonix Lane/Lot 11, Block A, Vail Das Schone Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0069)Applicant Robert Stephanoff, represented by Jack Snow, RKD ArchitectsPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 3/Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0070) Applicant Lewis and Patricia Lewis, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Elisabeth Reed . tr.t A request for final review of variances from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and Section 12- ^WVrVsv\-J 6H-9,SiteCoverage,VailTownCode,pursuanttoChapterl2-l7,Yariances,toallow l'i...rrl- dril for the enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit S,/Block 5, Vail to\o t' T Village Filing 1, and setting and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0071)' Applicant: Elliot and Margie Davidoff, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Elisabeth Reed Page 1 a ""\h\Nl A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 8/Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0072) Applicant: Sue Thurow, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Elisabeth Reed A request for a final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to, and the renovation of, the Landmark Condominiums; and a request for a final review of variances from Sections 12-7H-10, Setbacks, 12-7H-14, Site Coverage, and 12-7H-15, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for an underground parking structure and a staircase within the setbacks and deviations from the maximum site coverage and minimum landscape area requirements, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0074) Applicant: Landmark condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff WrightPlanner: Bill Gibson A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Gode, appealing a staff determination that Chapter 7, Development Standards, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, does not supersede the setback requirements prescribed by Section 12-7H-14, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Landmark condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff WrightPlanner: Bill Gibson Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building Plans for the Vail Cascade Residences (Cascade movie theaters and Colorado Mountain College), located at 1310 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0075) Applicant: Vail Cascade Residences, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-6H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit, in association with The Willows redevelopment, located at 74 Willow Road/Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0076) Applicant The Willows Condominium Association, represented by Triumph Development, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Reed Page 2 a "\\s& A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-OH-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for the enclosure of a deck, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit E/Block 5, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0072) Applicant: Sue Thurow, represented by MichaelSuman ArchitectPlanner: Elisabeth Reed A request for a final review of a major exlerior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7H-7, Major Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for additions to, and the renovation of, the Landmark Condominiums; and a request for a final review of variane,es from Sections 12-7H-10, Setbacks, 12-7H-14, Site Coverage, and 12-7H'15, Landscaping and Site Development, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12'17, Variances, to allow for an underground parking structure and a staircase within the setbacks and deviations from the maximum site coverage and minimum landscape area requirements, located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0074) Applicant: Landmark condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff Wright Planner: BillGibson A request for final review of an appeal of an administrative action, pursuant to Section 12-3-3, Appeals, Vail Town Code, appealing a staff determination that Chapter 7, Development Standards, Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan, does not supersede the setback requirements prescribed by Section 12-7H-14, Setbacks, Vail Town Code' located at 610 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 3, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Landmark condominium Association, Inc., represented by Geoff Wright Planner: BillGibson Report to the Planning and Environmental Commission of an administrative action approving a request for a minor amendment to SDD No. 4, Cascade Village, pursuant to Section 12-9A-10, Amendment Procedures, Vail Town Code, to allow for modifications to the approved building Plans for the Vail Cascade Residences (Cascade movie theaters and Colorado Mountain College), located at 1310 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0075) Applicant: Vail Cascade Residences, LLC, represented by Mauriello Planning Group Planner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12'6H-3, Conditional Uses, Vail Town Code, to allow for the construction of a Type lll Employee Housing Unit, in association with The Willows redevelopment, located at 74 Willow Road/Lot 8, Block 6, Vail Village Filing 1, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0076) Applicant: The Willows Condominium Association, represented by Triumph Development, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Reed Page 2 . .i,- , !r -r The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Pubfished October 27,2006, in the Vail Daily. Page 3 uct, 10, r f r r 2006 10:53AM THE BEN TOBIN COMPA|,lIES tID No, 3408 P. 3 fitrrfiFR0pERTYOSlllEt mtTilrf lpPnovrt|.ErrEt t, {fi'nt ffiflro a Jolnt o$mer of ptqerty lffited d (ddr€s$/lcgal dglfifiim)fr*t 't,a pruUde tlis lEfiff a$ vrnitten amrowl cf the phm frmd whictr la,t bten $bnifr€d b tfc Torun d Vail ftmmunlty Ds€lopnEnt D€partnert tur ttn propoctl l}lproffiril€trtg b be (0ffipleted et fte addre5s roted above. I underutand that the fupo$€d |n1prfl,enents trrlude; //tn/ f /r*f, a'luaa o 3/r ffif' u/+/'l*t-cl #, /f I ftrthcr undErsiard fiat mlrffi rnodifi*i.* may be mint6 b t|e plarE ovEt ttls urrFe of the r€vbv proH b en$ie comdiane 'fltrt the Twnt appliEble Odes afld Gdubthns, y r d* 'rd-o ( (He) f :lghr|\Fffi rl5\PemiEFtaflins\DRB\idnt-Ftpcr0Jil*nr_h-d0i l2+I00$ RfA d4;/ir",'l * SUMAN ARCHITECT October 15.2006 Tyroleon Unit 3,5 ond 8 Additions Tyroleon Condominiums, Lot 5D Voil Villoge lsi Filing Adjocent Properties llsf wEsr Nome: SOUTH Nome: EAST Nqme: Zoning: HOA Agent: Address: NORlH Nome: r )''r I Gore Creek lood/Voll Po*lng Sfruclurc Gore Creek Apollo ?odc lrqct D, Voil Vllloge Filing 5 High Density Muliiple,Fomily Lunor Vqil, LLC 285 Bddge Sheet Voil, CO 81657 South Fronlogc Roqd michael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.419.7502 f 970.479.75rrn 970.471.6rD OMMUNIW DEVELO Routed To:Fle U Date Routed: ,'10t18t06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:10/25/06 r fi- r r c D PMENT ROUNNC FONUI fi Approved with conditions ) Denied Status: I Approved Description of work:Requests for deck infills into setbacks at three different units (#3, #5, #8); request for additional site coverage at one unit (#5) Address:400 East Meadow Drive, Units 3, 5, 8 Legal:Lot:5D Block:Subdivision:Vail Village 1"'Filing Gomments:Date Reviewed: 10/20/06 Need additional review bv Fire From: To: Date: Subject: Mike McGee Elisabeth Reed 1012312006 12:03:1'1 PM PEC060070 - 72 Tyrolean Inn I have reviewed the proposal and have found the statement to install a fire sprinkler system and upgrade the alarm. The plans call for "design build." Vail Fire dept does not allow "design build" for life safety systems. An engineered plan must be provided. The exterior wood siding is a concern, especially the T&G beneath the soffit. The location of the "shed" at the garage door does not show the Knox Box or FDC locations. We cannot approve that portion until more detail is provided. The common elements in the conidors outside these three units will be subject to the same requirements for fire sprinklers and alarms. The interior ceiling construction of units in this building have been a concern to the Building Dept in the past. Dryer vents and openings have been an issue. The building is in excess of 300 feet on ihe exterior perimeter. Access,to the east side to suppress a fire on the exterior wood siding is inordinately diffiCult. I suggest a meeting with the architect may be prudent. The Fire Dept cannot sign off on the plans as submitted. Thank you, Mike McGee Fire Marshal GG:Building_Division; Fire_lnspectors; michael@sumanarchitect.com t Fi. From: To: Date: Subject: Hi Elisabeth, Unit 9(Tyrolean Chalet) Garage(Unit 9 Storage) First Floor Second Floor Third Floor Fourth Floor TOTAL EXISTING GRFA 3,3s2 SQ. FT. 44 SO. FT. 2,610 SQ. Fr. 4,005 SQ. FT. 3,764 SQ. FT. 1,950 SQ. FT 15,72s SQ. FT. "Michael Suman. <michael@sumanarchitects.com> "'Elisabeth Reed"' <EReed@vailgov.com> 1110312008 4:15:12PM Tyrolean Condos We have completed the GRFA calculations for the Existing Building as follows by level: Have a great weekend! Mike michael suman, AIA Suman Architects 970.479.7502 ph 970.47'1.6122 mobile 97O.479.7511tax 143 East Meadow Drive, Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 <mailto:michael@sumanarchitects.com> michael@sumanarchitects.com CC:'Michael Suman" <michael@sumanarchitects.com> colt|tlrt (=tiEltlPlEat Design Revisw Board ACTIOfl FSRM Oelarbnent of f.ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Calorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fal:970.4?9.?452 web: www.vai [gov"com Ptoiect Name: DAVIDOFF RESIDNCE Prolect DescrlpUon: DRB llumber: DR8070019 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA TO.A DECK ENCLOSURE OF UNIT 5, TYROLEAN coNDos Partlclpants: OWNER DAVIDOFF, MAR'ORIE A. 2170 HAYES RD GRANVILLE oH 43023 0u2212007 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHffiCT, LLC0U22|Z0O7 Phonez 97047t-6L22 PO BOX Z/60 AVON co 81620 License; C000001754 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHIECI, LLCOU22|2O07 Phone: 97O471-5t22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: @00001764 ProjectAddress: 400 E MEADOWDRVAIL location: TYROLEANCONDOSUNITs Legat Descrlptaon; Lot: Block Subdlvision: TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel ilumber: 2101-082-5201-4 Commentsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Mouon By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: DORWARD DUNNING 5-0 Action: APPROVED Dat€ of Approvah O2|2U2O07 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction actlvities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days follwving the date of approval. Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is lssued and construction is commenced aM is diligently pursued toward ompletion. Cond: U3 All development applications submitted b the Town after the effiive date of Ordinance 26, Series 2006 shall be subject to the pending employee housing regulations in whatever form they are finally adopted; pro\rided, hovvaner, that if the Town lails to adofi the pending employee houslng regulations by April L5,2007, this Ordinance shall not apply to such dwelopment applicat'tons. Planner: Bill Glbson DRB Fee Pald: $3O0.OO Jan 08 07 09:30a Davidoff 740 87 2727 Additions-Residential or Commencia p.1 t l= /,-\ .;;*-':r-"---ll '\,/ r-;- Fl]"v/lF!\ @*e- rell Application for Design Review JAN 1 t 2001 hartrnent of Cornmunity De\retopment 75 South Frontage Roed, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2128 tax:' 97O.479.24F'2 web: www.t/ailgov.aom General Iniorma6qr: A[ pmjects rcquiring clesign review must rec€ive apprcval prior !o submitting a building p€rmit applhation. Please refer to the submittal requirernenB for the particular approval tlat is reguested- An applit:ation for Dsign Re/iew cannot be aacepted untl all required infomation b reeived by the Community Development Department The praject may also need to be |glrieued by tie Town Council and/or the Flanning and Environmenbl Commission. Design rwios, apprwal lapces unles a building permit Is issued and onstructirrr @mm€nceo within one year of dre approval. t)*ription of tfte Regud: Parcd ib.:Zl|to*zgzat+ (@nrad Eagl€ c-o. Assessor at 970-32&8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:4Dur Locationof theprcposat: Loil fD ebck- suwricon, /pl Wlgc lst F/t^1 Physicaf Address: lOt &-tl t'blu b;u. rvo-l tl;l' 5' t Hame(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: a7)g[, s oo \-.\o Owner(e) Signatun{s): Name of Applicant:/h2/r.r lJ**un2 Irlailing Address:/12 tt'.te/^o ,h, Fhmei Phone:,4/22 E-mailAddrcss: _---F ^,/.WTlpe of Review and Feer tr Signs O Concepfual Rwiew tr New Construction ,1d naaition E Minor Alteration (multl family/mmmerclal) B Minor Alteration (singlefamily/du plo<) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Phis 91.00 per square foot oftobl sign area. No Fee $550 For constuction of a new building or demo/rebuild, $300 For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential commercial bulldlrp (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For mirnr changes to buiklingE and site improvements, such as, re-rooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping. funces and teeaining walls, etc. $20 For mlnor changes to buiHings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, fvin(bw additionE landscaping, fences and retaining walb, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or tfie Design Reviafl Board, No Fee OLlg612607 Lzt42 9794795566 cRussRttADs 'OII|' PROPERTY OWIIER WR,ITTEN APPR,OI'AL LETTER Frtf:tl o1t vz I, (pdnt narne) desoi$ion) , a i)l1t oryner of pmperty located at (addressflqal nlap, Ar-l i,F,18: prcvide thb lettetr as written appro\ral of the plans dated I futtfer understand that mnol modincations may be made to the plans over the course of the review process b ensu€ compllance with the Town's applkable codes and regulations. (Date) F:\d6AFORMslPe.nSB\PlEn*"aatJn",-O|9toV-ffiff ' | "M cE whrdr have fu(:p),rh*- been submtfred to ttre To$rn of vail commrnity Dodopment Departmert for tfie propoeed improvemetrts to be comdete(| at the address mtec] abore,^I undetstatd that the proposerl improvernents indude: oatc: ?ft1/o7 .Lcgal dcscription: addrcss ? Osncr €/f Arch;tcct tlti Zonc district Lot sizc lL. O Totrl CRFA --: Fiting ZO,YE CHECI( Pbonc' Pbonc -,tt't l. 61L7, hoposcd usc Brrildablc arca Exisrilg Proposcd Total Rcmnining t-- = ll,lt, ,- ^ekgl Allorvcd Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250,{d,jition? Horv mueh of rbc allorvcd 250 Addjrion Sitc Covcragc Hcighr Sctbacks ts thc propcrty niln-conforming? rs uscct virh lhis rcqucst?__7// - --- IrlU arn e + p 4e 1tb7g o t. sidcs U,.r+ j3!- [+- g r,rj:i Rcar 6'J+ .* "/ ty't I Mtnimum -&4n - q,tq6t ,p.t -f, L.grt 2.L? .: ^- - - 1 3'.t 6' Qrc cAa+tc . _Encloscd Pcrnu'ftcd Slope{;xt#iylej/" proposcd Slopc u 4.eae, lz" \ts.nr_ikerc No_.- Ycs*+ zi/grTpNo_ 3)w 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Course Saback (30) (5 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roclt'atl c) Qcbris Florv ' ' ' /fi coNSTRUcnoN PERMTT,rW [',,,*, dopartmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPL€TELY PBIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT E eurlorxc El pruuerNc E} elecrRrcll D FoUNDATToN! MECHANICAL D LEGAL ]rsc. LOT-BLK-,,r.,*-tt/lirzJruffi{ JOB NAME: Friedman Resldence OWNER .Box MAIL ADDRESS "Nq II^.I 1 cfrY PH 476-1555 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ,rru Far1el1 Interiors- 568=r TOWN OF VA|L REQ. NO. tcr c QLQ-771) l.r.rr,.o,-,,"u Do.l1" Diamond^ -EIec t ri T0wl'l OF vAlL REG. NOU(JNIKAUIUF( 47 6-627 2 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM rolvN-olvatnEe. no. 175-P 827 -9414 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OOra llay 18, 1994 6731 r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I Ir rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B EH I R M DIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTIOIT OF WORK : Rel oc.af e and rcmndol f 'l r"anl aca PERMIT NO. zI F BUILOING ELECTRICAL 50 .00 PLUMBING r000.00 MECHAT{ICAL IIIITIK KITYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 85 .00 t+I334 N PLAN CHECK 5). UU ELECTRICAL 50.00 NEW( } ALTERATION (A ) AODITIONAL () REPAIR PLUMBING 15.00 /Pc=4. // DWELLTNG uNrrs I AccoMMooATroN uNrrs 1 HET.HT rN FT. - No. FTREPLA.ES I MECHANICAL RECREATIOT{ FEE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 Exr wl Ls| | ,USE TAX ROOF Will Ca1l xxxSrgE 4.00 TYPE OF HEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES JI6. UU Dan Stanek May 19, 1994 AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT .DING OFFICIAL DATE ING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING IING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informalion provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinancos and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordiDBlcsr ol the TowDtpflicable thereto. Clean Up Deposit: Farrell Interiors P0 Box 2305 Va1l 8i658 ANO THE OF OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF Qo* oF vArL coNsrRucrrogt0ruat I g rgg4 PERI{TT APPLICATION FOR!{ DATE: f-lF-?cI , APPLICATToN l,IusT BE FILLED OUT COUPLETELY oR Il MAy NOT BE AccEpTEDt, i x*** ************* ************* PERIIJ! rNFOR]IATJON *********************** ******rl Ix]-Building ,-./ [.(]-Pfunbing [x]-Etectricat [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Descriptions Lot Block filing suBprvrsroN: owners Name: Ka i*^**rt Address: Ro* qorg y'*o.Ph. q:o-tss< Address: _ P e-Ptr. tt. A - ceneral Descriptioru Pr*",**- ,- P^*uu. G-pir*.o€'!{ork Class: [ ]-New [X]-Alteration [ ]-Additional I Nunber of Dwelllng Units! | Nunber of ^ Ipnber and Tylpe of Flreplaces! eas appliances_[ Gas Logs I Wood/pellet__e_v lf************* * ** * * ******** ******* VALITATTONS ******** ************** * * ********* !_u-t:p1tg, ! ",o"t . ELEcrRrcAr,, l_-soa *._ orHER: I o' rtiudiii;: i€"Ei--hEol lriEiaurcar,$-- ;ffi;; ffiv,u;:::i.;ffi ::illl...fiiil""Hffi.l*'"\;il.:;.;:ii T;:.il::lffiAddress: Dr. Ro* 'tei phone Number: q,,q_rrff- Erectrical contracpr: Do,rar^E 'D,.vlroqD f*aa, Town of vail Reg. No. t3q-gAddress: flll fr. fcrrntrd..t@ Phone Number: q)a-atlL Pllrnbing Contractor: G.r*n*urCa! Dtr.rr,grye Town of vail Reg. NO. tlL-PAddress: ^^ &, !J;(' -8,-Zll6lcsE phone Number: 6qt- g{tq Mechanical Contraetor: Address: J-' '. a ,""r&r*t, Architect: * ************* * * *********** ***** FOR BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE: 85* _ PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: -;-5--MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: l-Repair [ ]-other Accomrnodation Units: I Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: oFFrcE usE ** * * ********* * ***************** BUILDING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIAN CTIECK FEE: },IECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: ETECTRICAIJ FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE; DRB FEE3 ZONINGS SIGNATI'RE: l.o. Ba* vl*ru, J,t fgrcoas 1r€r C.o, A$SO CLEAII TIP I'EPOSIT REFT'trID IO: a.'.' ( 75 routh lront-gc rosd uell, colo?ado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ofllcc of communlly drwlopmcnl BUIlDING PERFiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If !t'it peryit lequiirei a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approvat,Engineer"s (Pgblic uorks) reyiew and approvar,'a Fiinnini"bip""t "ntf:j:L::.H"11!h gipu"tmint review, and'a_review by the Buildinsueparrmentr the estinated time for a tstal review iray take as 16ngas three weeks. All corrnercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits willhave to follow the ibove menti6ned maximum requireminli."- Resiaentiat il!.:T3l] projects.shoutd take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresroent'rat or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, thi;; ffij;.ii'r"yalso take the three-weet peiioa. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as sgon as possible. I, the frame.- under5igned, understand the plan check procedure and time Cormuni ty Devel oprnent Department. a. 75 soulh trontag. rosd raal, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 oftlce of communlty devclopmcnl TO: EROM! DATE: su&fEcT: ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED !{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLIC !{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPUENT !,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUqTTON PARKING & UATERIAL STOR,AGE acknohrledged by: rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to lj.tter, track or deposit any "oifr-"""i, sand, d,ebrisor naterial , including trasb hurpster3, pJriaUi" -toif.ts andworkrnen vehicres. upon any streetl =ia"""i[, -;ii;y or public -ql?:e or any portion theieot. ihe risht-"i;;t-;n arl Town ofvail streets ind.:g"-ds is approiinately 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wilr be ;ari;iit'-enforced by the Toh,n of vairPubric works Deoartment. pers6ns found vi;raiin; this ordinancewill. be given a 24 hour written-i.[i""-ti-;;il;"'r"id nateriar.In the event the person so notified d,oes not cornply with thenotice within the 24 rrour tine-=p""tiiil,";;";;;ric worksDepartment wirl renove said nate;i;i-;i-irr"'""iil=e of personnot_ified. The provisions or trris ordinance sharl not beapplicable to c-onstruction, n.ini"n"rrce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any-uriliries il 6"-;I!fri-"_r.y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fulr, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Departnent to obtain a copy. thank you for yourcooperation on this natter. {on-t Fu=. Plan Review Based on the l99L Uniform Codes NAME: FRIEDMAN REMODEL DATE:5-19-94 ADDRESS:400E.MEADOWDR CONTRACTOR:FARRELLINTERIORS VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCIJPANCY: R.l ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 111-1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQIITREn The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possibte code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTM. 2. INTERIOR NON-BEARING PARTTTIONS MAY BE OF WOOD CONSTRUCTION IF COVERED WITH 5/8 DRYWALL ON EACH SIDE. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED TO CTTECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER MAYBE REQUIFSD TO APPROVE ANY STRUCTUAL CIIANGES BEFORE A FRAMINC INSPECTION IS APPROVED BY TOV. 5. GAS TEST IS REQUTRED AT ROUGH-rN FOR TlrE GAS FTREPLACE. Town cf Vail OFFITfi frOPY ^!vE E Iju Y j,i ; ji; ',I s d;j-r$ Ep E sf r$i !D? I.l 't \{ rJ *4l $zU KAtlt .105til iY \E 4 1t ^$ stxt$: kd - t s T;; r Ed i \$€ Hfit$ i-lis I I oo €J)!4 * AJ 'g3IL\, 49 t{ Arl,f ,+ Iuwrr ut Val and .0ran codo ol *rdt th! oftt approv{.01, or of ail;ot r^a.iii a permrt nDl 'IATE: * Lr ta oI= ?H {z x$fig rF t< Torvn cf \tail IOFiliflli #*PY Dramatic FireplacesThatAreAlso Powerful 38,000 BTUH Gas Heaters Mendota Inserts Convert Any Fireplace To Clean, Convenient Gas. To this perfect iire, lMendota engineers add realistic charred l0gs and a bed of coals made 0f high-temp ceramic fiber that glows and smolders when hit with f lames with the exact look ol burning wood logs. lnserts fit flush into masonry an0 zer0 ctearance fireplaces. They use ex isting chimney with liner. Now you can easily turn any Iireplace into a beautiJul, clean, energy-efficient heal source. Dual-Burner HearthGlo - The Log Fire Of The 90's Mendota Dual-Burner HearthGlo C0mbustion-for the lirst time-creates a l0g fire with charred logs and glowing coals that is identicallo awoodfne. And, Mendota s exclusive Dual-Burner svstem Drovides llexible htito -_ control of heat output and flame lMendola engineers, using s0phisticated computer imaging.- have captured rhe flame pattern t- rx Built by a c0mpany with over 90 years experience in gas engineering .r Produce less than .1% ol the harmful emissions 0f w00d burning lireplaces ,r Equiped with Dual-Burners for easy, llexible control of heat output and flame pattern fl Compact and easy to lnstall I Available with thermostat controls $ Safety'tested to AGA/ANSI standards Specifications Mendota Built-in Fireolaces Add Charm And Warmth To Any Room. Mendota Fireplaces are compact and easy to install. They can be placed directly against most walls. There is no need lor expensive chimneys. Now you can easily add a romantic lireplace t0 any r00m. and color of a lvood fire at its (_ -:, PeaK Oeaut!. ...t' . \"' ,)((' ' \ t- 4" ,"f .r .,l{'.,1'" -l/ llodBllllG 30 Gas lnsed Model lG 36 Gas lnsarl EIUH: MG30 H 3C000 - Lo 20 000 Ml0 36- hr 3E.000 - Lo 28 000 Flus 0lam€ler 4' Type B Gr! 3u0ply: AGA cenilied $alelyTastcdl MIG 31-r ii tbs. MrG 35 200 rbs. MZC -100 rbs. 24 ti4 15 r/4 741t2 Accessories l,lendolJ Insens rnd Buif in F repi:ces crme with jor cera,i,J Iros. coal b€d ano a'lue connector. Options 3lirdl xr ftss tone qr s brass 3rched lrrni, dsco.alor irim {l b o{cr, direcl pover!€nl.:{0 sr?es VAIL GAS FIREPLACE AND STOVES, INC' lll0d6 ItG 30 Cas lnsBd Johnson Gas Appliance Company r Cedar Rapids, lowa 52405 tilrfl Effil" Gas SpriaLsx .lintt l90l Mendota Headh Div sion: 1890 Wooddale Drive r St. Paul, Minnes0ta 55125 r 612-731-5367 Mendota r€serves the riqhl lo chafg€ prodrcls spec fications and price lvilhoul nol ce. Pr nied n U S.A. H p.o. b,X rebu \all i lI \/^iL .^a1(qall 0 ll il,iroi-u-*r",n"u' v PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE READY FOR I LOCATION: ROJECT 7,JOB NAME CALLER CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 777; TUES#z FRIUR ,y,gD tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERff rnnurruc ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAIL|NG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr| tr SUPPLY AIR n ,tr Fr.lAL El FINALW ctrRRpcrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .. t, .l {oTl rNsillnoN REeuEsrTOWNOFVA|L ,,,-,'),I 47g-2138 t PERMIT NUMB hnre READY FOR LOCATION: 'Al JOB NAME CALTER CTION: $Jl uF trF trF r-r F trll ES tr- PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEF ROOF & SHEER O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: P. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VnpftoveD ,ri.:./ \ '-/, 1r; a,n CORRECTIONS: '' -/ .-----*'-*.-. tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED t I DATE' I INSPECTOR TION REQUEST I PERMIT NUMBEB OF PB DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: {ro, *ot, TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 Q--*^*-- Jl/:tf zt AM (PM B tr o tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING F* PTPTNG tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL PERMTT NUMBER OTPROJECT A ,..) / ,1' /'/ )/ .t r)OATE / L,// (- v JOB 479-2138 NAME ,f/r(&t READY FOR INSPECIIQN: MON| /1 CALLER ,Ws w.E PM LOCATfON: L4 '- \J / =Tq t?,c/tn-^' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr FRAMING ,-' ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL Sg,ltrAL'-; O TEMP. POWEF MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D / p".ror-tr FINAL f nqt-'APPROVED €xu+,tt 2 5r\,!,d.4 tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED.tl/- "; ! GORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR- -) t 1' 'r' .i-41 (o I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138T NUMBPERMI DATE JOB NAME lPi ttGq - azle FEADY FOR INSPECTION: lv'tQ.*..- CALLER TUES WED THUR -----<D) PM -1 2 ROFP OJECT LOCATION:DO MON A , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ia t t INSPECTOR j,uubkDffiroN -rJdl!K CALLER TUES WED .6 i -l' tn"& 'ht-o READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MO.N {l"t* * TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tV5 tr DISAPPROVED r1. @"- @evr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FFAMING ,-' FOOF & SHEER" pLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL l. i I .+ oarc //- 0?-INSPECTOR / 4: department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT El pluMsrNe fl rouruoettott Qoo u Meadow Dr. /15 NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE g41g April 6. 1993 5956 E EI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC,Tvrolean Inn /15 B NAME: Frj-edman Bath Remodel runue Ken Friedman crryV.il, CO 81658pH476-1555 ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR 61py Farrell Interiors TOWN OFVATL REG. NO, 368-8 rrRu Double Dlamond Electric ,o** oruo,a "rn. "o. 134-B 47 6-6272 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM Grrrr.enf pcd P'l rrmh-ing TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I76-P 827 -94L4 MECHANICA CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. l. wPE oF CoNSTRUCTTON I l r V V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M OfVISfON 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Ramnde1 Maq|.er Rq |-hrnnm PERMIT NO.- -'_- zI F J BUILDING 4000.00 ELECTRICAL 1000.00 PLUMBING 2000 - 00 MECHANICAL 7000.00 TYPE GROUP G.B.F-4. VALUATION PERMIT FEES IV-1hr R-1 BUILDING PERMIT 115.00 r334 .:uJ t'l ft'\ \J *O\=f* !l3r a+\)/ PLAN CHECK 75.00 ELECTRICAL 50.00 NEWO ALTERATION (X ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR(PLUMBING 30.00/PC 8.00 ltt DWELLING UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIR€PLACES RECREATION FEE R.VALLUETIIICKNESS OESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r00.00 EXr wALLs I I I USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF HEAT wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 378.00 Dan Stanek 4-6-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr. cur I I I IUILDING OFFICIAL DATE ONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING :ONING & BUILDING NOTES:;** fl I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design OR FOR HIMSELF BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII{E FMI,IE If this permit.Iequires a Town of Vall Fire Department Approval,Engineer's (.Pyb,l ic Works) reyiew and approval,' a plannini' Departmentreview or Hea'lth Department review, ani'a revjew by the 6uilbingDepartnent, the estimated time for a total review iray take as 16ngas three weeks. Al'l commercial (large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits will have to fo] low the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residential and-smal 1 projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if t"esi.dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments. with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thisperm'it as sgon as possib'l e. {, ttre undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. 75 south Ironlage rord x.ll, colotrdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 olflcc of communlly drYdopmail o Communi ty Development Department. I i \ 75 3oulh lronleg€ rord I!il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&fECT: ofllce ol communlty developmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED }IITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TO!{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & I.TATERIAI., STORAGE rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that l-t is unlawful for anvperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsteri, poriable ioilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _ql?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way in all Town ofvarr streets and.roads is approxinately s ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilr be strillty enforcEd by the toirn of vailPylJi-c works Department. persons found vi6tating this orditut""tfrlr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said nateriar.In the event the person so notified does not cornply witn th-notlce within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulric worksDepartment wilr remove said matetiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfriff not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way, To review ordinance No. 6 in furl, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. ffrant< you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) %e-a Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TYROLEAN #5 FRIEDMAN DATE: 4-6-93 ADDRESS:400E.MEADOWDR CONTRACTOR:FARRELLINTERIORS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: IV lHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS pER SEC 1210, 1991 UBC. 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3. JACCUZZI TUB ACCESS REQUIRED FOR MOTOR AND GRFI OUTLET. -? fiu-, j,,nicnlx> fi*g-A -< r/ V,+tvstt Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TYROLEAN #5 FRIEDMAN DATE:4-6-93 ADDRESS: 400 E. MEADOW DR CONTRACTOR: FARRELL INTERIORS VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R-I ENGINEER: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: IV lHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The iterns listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. sMoKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS pER SEC 1210, 1991 UBC. 2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 3. JACCUZZT TUB ACCESS REQUIRED FOR MOTOR AND GRFI OUTLET. IN t SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPROJECT JOB OEIT NUMBERPERM DATE CALLER TUES THUR / L/: '4 READY FOR INSP LOCATION: 'cL.t ft FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION tr ROUGH / D.W.V. C] ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR \ TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLEB,'(-_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED ,41;) CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (. tt i., .-'t , ,' hffisrop DATE ' .f -il -qs StrsFEcro sqs6 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT<-/ ^,DAIE ) I d'I JOB NAME :-r-: - INSPECTION: ( . CALLER TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION:'at INSPECTION REOUEST. OF VAIL'r W1 (/t .4. THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,F(noucn / wArER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQU]RED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME tl'..'11, t, CALLER TUES i-. WED .,i ,r ii'v 'r i"'i'i-.i PERMIT NUMB OF PROJECT BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB €T FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIO INSPECTOR t -- --INSPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON il I' WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETHOCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED \j CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hffFsxop DATE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT DArE 3-18-81 PROJECT NO.- 0 66 rrtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT ffi eutlou.rc rS, e lecrntcnl I MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY Ilf PERMIT NO. 1. rYPE oF coNsrRucnoN I @rv v / 2. occuPANcY GRouP I e e H l@u DrvrsroN t z z"@ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORI4 . Remodel unit PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FI, VALUATION BUILDING PERM IT PLAN CHECK NEWI ALTERATION () ADDITIONAL() REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS G,R.F.A- COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES COVERED PARKING - ACCOMMODATION UN - RESTAURANT SEATING -AATHTUB/SHOWER - UNCOVERED PARKING PERMIT E tNG ADMINISTRATOR /\DATE INSULATION R-VAL UE FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF ONING NOTES: VAIL WATER & SAN DIST. TAP FEE : SPEC IAL NOTES: FtLtNG lyroteeilru- LEGAL DESC. B NAME: Ibarra Remodel NAM E MAIL ADDRFSS CITY PH, FIPL MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT rrnu Abundant Life Ent. tuG ENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESSPLU MBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRF SS MECHANI CONTRACTOR I\iIAIL ADDRESS ctrY PH OTHFR CONTRACTO the prlnlery./vai urh,i {oon/k,t"orn . 5P-tc'Fr 4n ottso Wnq) non - slnt,cttcra / ta/ls A, E, # (lccornc>cryz ea/mq b+, - 7'6o{CrH \ ry lkVbce roirtn,i hr*tc&,2,*) "ur+i /4'h,"ar{c'{s)exra' crrl,n c h L,t // ru a/qgton(S)ax{' Oelu n r nS ufu'c' h a/z-e.dV ZXS| ,ey' eac,h ?ryt tf fuo y'/out t w,htrt1 Ctt/.cr^+/ hof- D-5"2b €AST(R,gnl rtc,u). fle*onu Wa// E z6.tcco*odaft tzghgerann E/,/o". - ,tr wa// u:ct/(da/e'wa/6 f* r5r,,/z-,h frnru/e rznr'a,{z:r )- ?rtsfu// bfr/r.t -cfcors zb"c/ose 7f 1at,nc/nV anea- ! D ) \ z1 ' .tr) $ur/o( 6" Hrlrse4-hu'artfr- tr drourtc{1fr/tr-f/ae<-) -larVe r thar, txtsht'u| cne , a*rifiru7 (e'rdrtt)c 1ri" . \' ) Efte.U cwfiite - c'cvnbt"sr?or? dn-r/t,e-f Q Lrf b" b hew hetz,t/t /et't/. ) fiq'td 2-/eue/VA/fi"?n /'r) *uri -wts/ krrvrc:f' ti"q H&rv't, thhgt 'uritrrti bas"hoad /*i,-S (hct' f, *p/mc u,d / /cr. !.troF - r 7t rn,y/e-/ heaf.. Zs 6ot iot sirrts waft/36!r" Sr/n) ,^;h,ra a tbtu uts,fr //ed , ffi tbP /ruetof yt/al;6"rn ) )n sz+// zr /ra-' Zf' Easr7oar o,raa-EZ- J ne-rfu hp/a tfa,'n' d Jrar, */na fteccsear*#/toor 4)o sarJe're rteec/el' ) l/n4z EeCpuet -- $tu'/c{ e- /EuA-pl^az-Fotrr /'@.,? Rxrutao d'ozrzK. a:.!h J-rlrap-n fi*r"s k*6oqi,'- dJ /inrrlno.art mn/e),- -dnsht/ 8'tit,/f iafona /i3 t4 4e7 /iti 7t/cr B/"t/Ji7'nI ]$ r -tr -:ta \-/ t3 lilzs IRl> 17tsILl7 l -.Ns c'lz rl 1 \--\\ .t $af S C9. \z\5: ''far\ \ Glsl(sl\3 lsr5i :r G) l\-- I (-\V fn 'f\./\rF -{\\\i',./! -1-\.l\' \/,J \ \\ -,, .-S19.C.sl f tn.,L\\ N F-\ (^-t\ (\1.r\ C\zt o C. \^-Lr\f\il\ly -\J -:-- :' -\t .,1 l' \' >t. i-:.\)\ ':ri e -:- ( (.) i\ ll r *< \\ .$ N N \< INt/'D N /-\ .,/--\.\\ .nt\) ) *t)-T -}u) 5 a [/ tl tl t T DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBTNG: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDEBGFIOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH,/ WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr EI FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING /noucn D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /ii { Community Development Plan Rou Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions J ting Form Greg Hall, Fublic Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Development 400 E. Mcadow Dr. Rernodel of existing apa.rtments. Converting two apartments to one. No ohange in GRFA.ect Description: 5' bte | 55u<. \ .- (wtS{( o f1- '-1rO - f, MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIOI.I FOB ARCHITECTUFE CROSSROADS AT VAIL 143 EAST MEADOW ORIVE vAlL, coLoRADO &657 303/476 - 5105 l4arch 12, I 981 Mr. Steve Patterson Town of Vail Bu'i1d'ing Department 75 South Frontage Road West Vai l, Colorado 81657 Re: Remodel of Unit #5 Tyrolean Inn Dear Mr, Patterson: The remodeling contractor for the project noted above, Gary Kleinman, has asked me to write you regarding two platforms he intends to build. The platforms are to be located in the master bedroom and in the living room. The construction is to be 2 x 12 joists G 12" 0.c., with solid blocking @ 48" 0.c.,3/4" plywood glued and nailed, wrapped in carpet. The ori ginal floor structure was des'ign for 40 p.s.f. live load and wi'l I certainly carry the paitforms as described above. Please let me know if there are any further quest'ions about the original structure. S'i ncerely, ud'i Fi sher,AIA ARNOLD, AIAMORTER FISHER RF: cbl