HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B UNIT 7 TYROLEAN CONDOS AKA BLUE COW REMODELS LEGALPlanning and Environmental Commission Vo*V,ttoq'ffi*t I lo uar\ Cond.dg,uif 7 ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 faxi 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail,co.us ProjectName: MASSA/BLUEGROVEVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC050028 Project Description: APPROVAL OF DECK ENCLOSURES AND DORMER ATTYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Participants: OWNER BLUEGROVE PROP NV O4IIIIzon/s C/O BMNDESS CADMUS REAL ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITEC'1, LLCM I lI 12005 Phone: 970-47 L-6122 PO Box 7760 Avon co 81620 ARCHilECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECI, LLC04/1V2005 Phone: 970-471-6L22 PO Box 7760 Avon co 81620 License: C000001764 ProjectAddress: 400 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Legal Descriptaon: Lot: Block Subdivision: TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel Number: 2101-082-5200-7 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Viele Actionr APPROVED Second By: Bernhardt Vote: 4-0-0 DateofApproval: 05/09/2005 CondiUons: Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approvar. Plannen Matt Gennett PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 ,-ffi General Informatlonl Al projocb requiring Planning and Erwironmental Oommission r6\riew must recei\re buiHing permil apdi:ation. Pleee rebr b the subnittal requirerents for the partiarhr An apdhation for Planning and Bwironrn€ntal Cornmission re\riew cannot be accepted until all requircd information is recei\€d by the Community Developmenf Department. The pmJ*t may also n€6d to be revierred by th€ Town Oourcil and/or the Design Rerrbw Boald. Type of Appllcatlon and Fee: 1fi,gr .iq;1 1i+ Sg! APR i i .-;5 $6so $400 $650 $80o $1500 $250 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Departrnent of Corrnunity Development 75 South F onlage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.21 39 tax:' 970.479.262 web: www.vailgov.com . Remning. lvlajor Subdivision. Miror 9$division. Eernption Plat. Minor Anendment to an SDD. l.lew Special Dwelopnent Distric't. Major Annndnstt to an SDD. lajor Annndm$t lo an SDD (no e,deior nd,ti@tiot s) $1300 $15@ $660 $650 $1000 $6000 $6(x)0 $1250 Oonditional t 6e turmit Floo@lain Modffication Miror Exterior Alteralion Major Exterior Alteralion Oevelopment Plan floovr $ ca Description of the Requeet: Locatlon of the Proposal: Lot:Block_ Physlcal Address: Parcef No.: 2/O/d826@/ (contact Eagle Co. Assssorat 970-328{640 br parcel no.) Zonlng:tuur Arnsdrn€nt to a De\rebp.nent Pbn Zmino Code Anendment Name(s) of Owner(s): talllng Addrese: lafto /t4 tft rTJ-DaZf 7.o. Ba, o?.ffiol Owner(s) Slgnature(s): lilalling Addrees: NamoofAppf tu*, &blo-/rfa'"rtn .4rr/"h-l E-mall Addreas: For Offlce Use Only: F..P"ld, 6^tO: rygw.: /0t? ey:- It €etino Date: e - ?.OJ PECNo.: Page I of604/01/04 tFf,n ofv fl-- -, tt !- -r - -at\q! \. ?a AbF OS O{:OOp 'ii Rnpero Tenrlzas 9936eO7 ?.2 Application for Design Review De0sr|rnent o[ Oorfttnrrrty D{t obtr'nord ?5 St:irh Frcntag€ Faoad. V.t. C$radc t!1€57 tet: 970.479.2139 {a* {7u.47 -o.2452 '4€lI Wurra,. VAilCO.r,aO'lr General InformEtio:r; -!rl p(qecb :iti:liri:rf tJ':s3;:r 1r--,,1qr'.,r rnrtsl ie(Eir€ iiDpiD.rai tr'of to sl.lr!:il!::)f. e !:{ri.rJing pcrmi! app5aaii)''. P;'aig teI€t ti} he lrjlFrll:r reori:arrent: tbr lhe tr rilxrhr {;-Gmvat rhtl is i:qljeslert. A.'r a)f,kelioi! {or tlesi*: Rt}-'irtr carrrt 5e accept*rl untit al r.1qutr.?c inknriatmn s ra.f.c,vid e-. Fr? f-'9.1rin,-1,ri,.'b iE €icJrr*ri Jqcart::Bnl. Th, p:o;8i tnrc a$o nead l'r :lc :p.'k]$?.l tt :he T.Jffi C,g.!ft:!.atd.bf l'E PknFirq B:Lt grvircirnentat Crnmisgbr. Ocsign rcview apptoval laF(ie3 unloss a building Fclmit is 'rssu.--d sr:d ccn3lructlon ccmrnonce; witiin on4 ,rear ot th€ approval. [.ocation cf the Proposa t; tot: Q B:o*:Srlbdi'lsion: Farcei No.: 2lal08752 eg ?- t(bniaci €agle Co. .'lss$D{ at F?+-328-5e40 for Farc€l nc.'l / /r', ' .t t-Zoningi _ FI//YI !' ilame{si of Owner(s}: Meiling Address: __ '41qr;.Ot#ner(sl SiODalrjre(s!: l{ame of Applicani: lHaiilng Address: I 03-fnui V €.mall Address. Type of Review anri Fce:. $tgns . 6c-;:?fl.:il 3.?riei.,' .r,l'<rr h :::r.:tcn tm:i lii - it !::ilir;J mmc.'cidi lef'r: .{ t;:r:: li:lrr i:iiniX*tii ln l.J.titrfr ir: r:l Cha-.lpr l!) .q3orc:'rr: F|s!.: Sega: el:c:'. 3.a1.:est '6.1--.----?ttone.. Fax: i.'C Ptds S;1.CC $e'scuar+ rc.it ci l,-!1.21 sifl:t er€s. fla F::r I5:!rEgig:g j ""tn'19!gsr-!snc.llcttlg'-. --., F:;r rri .:rjrlilitr: :.d':e.re s.ajar fcltage is r'!|rlqrl to irnl -ei'Jsnlia! d. ;For Olflce Use O'nly:Fe€Fats: _ Ched. Na-: i,,lecling Date- Fh^rle,:*-- a'.dlnt4rNLii ijirildin i::::;rj & irrte(rcr coFi,irr: Er:si. enJ site aglf;{,i!n!. :JF.i:riF,!1, .'./;nC9w UJJ:li'.;rE. lenA'aaping. T,g'..cs:. Enr :g:n;n|na t+allg- i-L:. 52:, Frcr '::irsr .:h;:nc;s tc :)'. !:'ding* a,ri ..,it* ;,rf r+vemenls. s,*;lr ers.-q:3r:itl!, irrir':li::c. rsilrd:,r irddili:r:r-s. IrnCsa'lFi:€. ;.:i]-- an1 :i:i.?'i-in! 'r'Jal!r. Ji,:. Sa? Frr re'"'srns to i:arE alreaC!' a"?..:!'ad by tr.!nn;.n .Slal* oi E D Dsbn !'r1'r:..... ri..€f x l.lo :;:e CR8 ltlc.:. By: PeEe ? .:rf l r:Jl,4jii1.rc4 9rojecl [b : APR/p8/2005/FRI 02:39 PH CENTER FOR SIGIIT FAx llo. ?405223620 P.00?/002 JOINI PROPERTVOWNER WRITTEN APPROVALETIER r, (print narne) htjorie A. ktrff , a irint ownr ot propcru locabd at (addressllegal d€scriplion) Fwi(b this lett€r as wdttoo approval of tho plars deted 04/11/2005 ' whiLh halE b€en $ubrnltted to the Town of Vail cornmunlty Devolopment oepartmant br the ptoposed lmprovetnonts lo be comdeted at the addt€ss tloisd abova I undat€tand lhet tha prcposed furnrovprncnlp includa: Tttll,varianca f,or the dect"caclosurEs 'of. trlts '6 and 7. bS'gd oq tI" Vi SrDatr Arcbttect ' I.LC Plans 04/11/200s. allowable gRfA of 250 squ.rc feet. | further urtdarstand that minor modiffcations rnay be mado io tho ptatls owr lhe cours€ of the rsview picixss to effiure comtlianoe with the Tcnrrin's appfrcable codes and r€gulations' arjorie lYroldan A. Davtdoff' Co'udoninitn Presi4.ent Assoclatloo Condosioirnr, 400 Eaet uead@ Letter (Date) tff25102 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 9, 2005 A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7,Yariances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within a side setback, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit Tffyrolean Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Jorge Massa, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Matt Gennett il. SUMMARY The applicant is requesting a variance from the required minimum side setback standard in the High Density Multiple Family(HDMF) district of twentyfeet (20')and in orderto utilize the 250 square foot addition permitted for dwelling units in the HDMF zone district. The Tyrolean Condominiums site (Attachment A), in which Unit 7 is located, is presently in a state of pre-existing nonconformity with respect to all minimum setbacks, in addition to maximum site coverage, and several other aning standards (Section Vl). Based upon the criteria and findings in Section Vll of this memorandum, staff is recommending approval of lhe applicant's \tariance requests. DESCRIPTION OF REQUEST The applicant is making a request to add Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to Unit 7 of the Tyrolean Condominiums structure in the form a deck enclosure which will encroach approximatelyfive feet (5') into the minimum twentyfoot setback (20'). The variance being requested would allow approximately 183.1 square feet of new GRFA to be constructed within the easterlysetback (Attachment B). Given the architectural style of the building and the existing screening, or "mask', walls on the decks to be enclosed (see Elevations in Attachment B), the proposal to move the exterior walls out an average of four to eight and a half feet (4-8.5'), and the necessary variance request would have little impact on the apparentbulkandmassofthebuilding,orneighboringuses. Theapplicant'swrittenrequest is attached for reference (Attachment C) BACKGROUND In 1968, the Blue Cow Restaurant was constructed on the southern portion of the subject property. In 1969, the propertywas zoned High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) which allowed restaurants as an accessoryuse within a multiplefamily building. ilt. tv. In 1973, the Town of Vail re'adopted the zoning regulations (Ordinance No. 8, 1973) and removed restaurants as an accessoryuse in the HDMF zone district, thereby making the Tyrolean Restiaurant (then the Blue Cow Restaurant) a nonconforming use. In 1980, the Tyrolean Condominiums were constructed and attached to theexisting "Blue CoW' restaurant structure. The subject property currently contains 8 individual dwelling units, the Tyrolean Restaurant, which includes two additional dwelling units, 20 enclosed parking spaces, and three surbce parking spaces. On May 10,2004, a variance was approved, with one condition, to allow the floor area that was once the Tyrolean Restaurant to be converted into gross residential floor area (GRFA) (Attachment D} On July 26, 2004, a setback \ariance was granted for Unit 9 to allow for construction of a minor exterior alteration. REVIEWING BOARD ROLES A. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this Title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. The DRB has NO review authoritv on a variance, but must review any accompanlng DRB application. C. Town Council Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by the Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. D. Staff The staff is responsible for ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and v. plans conform to the technical requirements of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to comfliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a staff evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOGUMENTS TITLE 12, ZONING REGULANONS ARTICLE H. HIGH DENSIrY MJLTIPLE-FAMILY (HDMF) DISTRICT (excerpted) 12-6H-1: PURPOSE: The high density multiple-family district is intended to provide sites for mtltiple-family dwellings at densities to a npximum of twenty five (25) dvrelling units per acre, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as ray appropiately be located in the sane district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other antenities commensurate with high density apartnent, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resoft qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site developnent standards. Certain nonresidential uses are permifted as conditional uses, ultich relate to the nature of Vail as a uinter and summer recreation and vacation cormunity and, where permifted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residential character of the district. 12-6H-6: SEIEACKS; The minimum front setback shall be tv,cnty feet (2A), the minimum gde sefback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the ninimum rear setback shall be tvnnty feet (20'). CHAPTER 17, VARIANCES (in part) 12-17-1: PURPOSE: A. Reasons Fo r Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such pracfical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsisitent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physlcal hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a slte or the location of existing sfructures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cosf or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a vaiance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Variances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, sefbacks, disfances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and 3 parking and loading requirenrents; or with respect to the prcvisions of chapter 11 of this tifle,.governing physical developnent on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed for each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid resu/fs t'Trconslstenf with the objectives of this title is provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7. 'Amendment' of this tiile. 1 2-1 7-6: CRI TERI A AND F/ND/NGS; A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance qplication, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the reguested vaiance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to wltich relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcenent of a specified regulatbn rs necessa ry to achieve conpatibility and unifomity of treatnent among sifes tn the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title vithout grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportafion and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factars and criteria as the conmission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. Necessaty Findings: The planning and environnEntal commission shall make the following findings before granting a vaiance: 1. That the granting of the variance uill not constitute a grant of special pivilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properfies c/assdied in the sane district. 2. That the granting of the variance uill not be detrinrental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is vmrnnted for one or ffDre of the following reasons.' a. The strict or literat interpretation and enforcenent of the specifred regulation wuld result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary circurrctances or conditions applicable to the site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. c. The strict or literal interpretdion and enforcement of the specified regulation vwuld deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owrers of other prcperties in the sane district. vt.SITE ANALYSIS Lot Size: 16,039 square feet / .368 acres Hazards: None Prooosed no change no change" no change* *(The requested setback rariances are well within the area of existing encroachments) Height:no change GRFA: 12,190 sq, ft. .17,001sq. ft. 17,251 sq. ft.*(Units 1-5, 8 and 9 rirere calculated without counting exterior wall thicknesses.) Site Coverage:55% (8,821sq. ft.)56% (9,058sq. ft.) no change Density: 9 DUs 9 DUs no change Landscape Area: 30% (4,812 sq. ft.) 43% (6,981sq. ft.) no change Parking:19 spaces 23 spaces no change SURROUNDING LAIID USES AND ZONING Standard Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: North: South: East: West: Allowed/Required 20ft. 20ft. 20ft. Land Use CDOT ROW Open Space Residential Transportation Center Exislinq 16' 1'North/7'South 2', Zoninq Not Applicable Natural Area Presenation (NAP) High Density Multiple Family (HDMF) General Use (GU) 48'48' vil. VIII. CRITERIAANDFINDINGS A. 1 . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff has determined the requested variance will result in a harmonious relationship between the Tyrolean structure and its one neighboring building as the bulk and mass of the Tyrolean will remain virtually the same. The existent screen or mask walls, as depicted on the existing elevations (Attachment B), create the appearance of bulk, mass and GRFA in the setbacks today, despite the fact those are actually decks. Because the aesthetic value and inherent character of the Tyrolean building do not change with this proposal, nor do any further projections from the exterior occur. this criterion has been deemed to be met. 3. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibilityand uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Considering the variance requests approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) for the newest residential unit in the Tyrolean, Unit 9, the granting of this variance request for Unit 7 would not constitute a grant of special privilege, but would actually work toward achieving compatibility and uniformity for the building. The rampant preexisting nonconformities of the structure have greatly limited the opportunities for improvement or expansions for the owners of condominiums in the Tyrolean. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety Staff believes the effects upon light, air, and other public interests in comparison to existing conditions would be negligible considering the small areas to be enclosed and their respective locations on the building. The existing Tyrolean building is currently nonconforming with respect to the required minimum setbacks of twenty feet (20') on all four sides and the approval of this proposal would not result in an excessive encroachment in comparison with the rest of the building. The setback request would have no discernible effect on the South Frontage Road or the light and air of the neighboring Apollo Park property. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed yariance. Given the extent of the GRFA variance granted on May 10,2004, and the setback variance granted July 26, 2004, both for Unit 9 of the Tyrolean Condominiums, the cunent proposal does not appear excessive considering its extent compared to that of its immediate predecessors. The original placement and construction of the Tyrolean Condominiums on the site does create extraordinary circumstances and conditions which do not apply generallyto other properties in the High Density Multiple Familyzone district. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followinq findinqs before qrantinq a \rariance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a granl of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the 4. B. !x. vrc|nrty. 3. That the vrariance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary phpical hardship inconsistent with the objectircs of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same ane. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7, Variances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within a side setback, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 7/Tyrolean Condominiums, subject to the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose approve to the requesled variances, the Departmentof CommunityDevelopment recommendsthe Commission pass the following motion: "Based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Section Vlll of this memorandum, and the evidence and testinnny presented, the Planning and Environnental Commission finds: 1. That the granting of the variance will nat constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the sane district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or inprovements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for one or rDre of the following ,easons.' a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptnns or extaordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would depive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distict. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity MapB. Reduced PlansC. Applicant's Request otrc(J .u Attachment B I ! \ r wto'crex ( I I ! I II ,^^"*^ I vArr v[rAcE FfrH mNG I I I TR C( ' ,vervruoern24rwo D ,o rJoo:4-r!d,!i' ' - - - - -/ {------,:---------a ITtl ,4k" I ri ii: iii il WES]IRN SIOPE j[-jiL. tl \: j / PnoPERTY tlN€ '\- SFAD€DARfA -OEcKtNclostRE ' '. ._ ' ? / ";;;,,,-.^;i-,.^;^.IRAC( O A*tA RESJLIH'IC lN l€3 l sOFI Or " att z vArL VtllAcE FlFIlt tjLtNG A DDIIIONAL GRFA IN SFIAC( /i\ SITE PLAttlry I' Attachment C SUMAN ARCHI?ECI Apf|8,2005 Tyroleon Unit 6 ond 7 Additions Tyroleon Condominiums, Lof 5D Voil Villoge lst Filing Vorionce Applicofion for Side Selbqck RE: Section 12-6H-6, Setbqcks, Voil Town Code L Dercdplion ol Vorlqnce Requeded The Tyroleon Unil 6 ond 7 ownen ore working togefher to enclose oreqs of lheir exisling decks. They ore entifled io on odditionol 250 sq. ft. per the 250 ordinonce which is still ovoiloble for eoch unit. Given lhe exisling plon conshoints, the decks ore lhe onty procticol oreos for oddilion. lt wos discovered during o recent l.L.C. study(enclosed) thof the decks ond porlions of the unils were built in the eost ond north setbock. The vorionce being requested will ollow opproximolely 381 sq. ti. of GRFA lo be conslructed within the eost selbock ond opproximofely l0l sq. ft. of GRFA lo be conslructed within the norlh selbock. Below is o detoiled breqkdown of the GRFA perfoining lo eoch unif: Unit 6 Moin Level Unil7 Moin Level Eosl Setbock 134 sq. ft. Eosi Setbock 88.7 sq. fl.0 sq. ft. 235 sq. ft. 88.7 sq. fl. North Setbock Totol l0l sq. ft. Upper Level 63.9 so. ft. 63.9 soJl-- Tofol 197.9 sq. ft. l0l sq. ft. - 2?8.9 sq. tf. Nodh Setbock Tolol Uoper Level 94.4 so. ft. jla a so. ft. Totol 183.1 sq. ft. 0 sq. ft. - 183.1 sq:f Tolol Propored GRFA In Sclbocks t|82 sq. fl. The property wos zoned HDMF in 1969 ond lhe condominiums were conslrucled in 1980. Becouse the building wos originolly constructed in the setbocks, lhe properly wos rendered "non-conforming" upon the buildings complelion. This pre-existing nonconforming condition through no foulf of lhe opplicont(s) is o hordship bosed on lhe slrict ond liferol inlerprefolion of the code. 2. Anolysls ol Proposol The exisling design of the building uses a wood "mosk" woll syslem to hide lhe decks wilhin. This is generolly coniilevered 5'{" off of stucco wolls lhot enclose the units. The mojor reoding of the bulk ond moss is defined by the "mosk" wilh the slucco wolls being secondory. The proposed deck enclosures move the exisling exferior wolls of lhe units out on overoge of 4'-8 Vz". They mointoin the reoding of the "mosk" ond do not encrooch into the eosl or north selbock ony more thon fhe "mosk" woll sptem does todoy. Therefore, lhe proposed deck enclosures will impoci the perceplion of lhe overoll bulk ond moss of the building very little. The odjocent properties on lhe eost ond north ore o porking lot ond frontoge rood respeclively. The building oddition occurs wifhin lhe existing bulk ond moss ond is in o locotion on lhe site thot hos no impoct on developmenl stondords ond neighboring properties. michael@sumanarchitcct.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 VaiL CO 81657 970.479.7502 f 970.479.75rr n 970.471.6122 irtcrrTEct e Appovslcdtedo Bosed on procficol difficulfies. ihe requesled voriorrce will ollow Unifs 6 ond 7 to toke odvontoge of fhe 250 ordlnonce whici lhey ore enfilled lo. lt b simikr fo other vodonces gronled. Ihe proposed vodonce is nol o gront of speciol ffilege given fhe nonconforming locolion of fhe exisling building ond the need fo creole uniformity of heotmenl wiftrin this property. 4. Hlrcf on fght ond ah, cflrfilhdlon d populollon, horrpoilcffon ord hofrc foclllloa clc. the proposed vorionce will hove no negotive impocts on fhese items. michael(Osumanarch itectcom 143 ErstMcsdow Drive Suie ro0 Vai[ Co 81657 no.479.7s02f 970,479.7srr n 97O.471.61?2 ) THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-g-6, Vail rown Code, on May g, 2005, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of variances from section 12-6D-6, setbacks, Vail rown Code, and Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12'17,Variances, to allow for the construction of gross residential floor area within the front setback and the location of required parking within the public right-of- way, located at 2935 Basingdale Boulevard/Lot 19, Block 6, Vail Intermountain Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant Jay and Sheryl ScolnickPlanner: Wanen Campbell A request for a final review of variances from section 12-6D-6, setbacks, and section 12-ED-7 , Height, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 , Yanances, to allow for the construction of gross residential floor area within the side setback and to exceed the height limitation within the Two-Family Primary/Secondary zone district, located at 1783 Shasta Place/Lot 14, Vail Viltage West Filing 2, and setting forth detaib in regard thereto. Applicant Chris HeckmannPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, and Section 12-6H-9,,Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7,Variances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within the side setback, located at 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 6/Tyrolean Condominiums, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Enrique Rojas, represented by Michael Suman ArchitectPlanner: Maft Gennett A request for a final review of variances from Section 12-6H6, Setbacks, and Section 12-6H-9, Site Coverage, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-7,Variances, to allow for the construction of a residential addition within the side setback, located at 400 East Meadow. Drive, Unit 7/Tyrolean Condominiums, and setting forth detaib in regard thereto. Applicant: Planner: Jorge Massa, represented by Michael Suman Architect Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are avdilable for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail community Development Department, 7s south Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation anO tne site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Pubfished Apnl22,2005, in the Vail Daily. ''i o I DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 *Po-^lo{-R\\t t . +\u\ \)t \\"'X-t- r.4E\-*ln-* JOBSTTE AT ALL TrMES G^.t r Permit #: 805-0199 NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADDiALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON BI.]ILD PERMIT OWNER Job Address.: 4m E MEADOW DR VAIL Location......: TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 ParcelNo....: 210108252N7 Project No...: ?R:OS -O tr3 BriIEcRovE pRop NV o7/2o/2oos c,/o BRATfDESS CADMUS REAt ESTATE INc 281 BRIDGE ST VAIIJ co 81557 APPIJICAIIT NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAIL co 816s8 License:251-A CONTRACTOR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 3419 VAII-, co 816s8 I-,icense: 251-A o7/20/2oos Phone:970 - 845- 1001_ o7/20/2OO5 Phone:970-84s-100L Descipion: ADD DORMER TO UPSTAIRS SOUTH BEDROOM. FIRE. SPRINKLER AND ALARM Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation:$100.000.00 Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: 0 FEE SUMMARY +*tr.**'l'tt$:r++)tid*:**:*'Ft++:tr:1.*{.'Ft'l"f +:f'}t****r,rt;f !i'****:*ll,r:t*:*'N+*'t* ISSUED 07t20/2w5 o8/2st200,5 uzt2u2w 60 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 s0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > R-2 V-A 't'l Fireplace lnfornntion: Restricted: Y Building--- > Plan Check--- > lnvestbation- > Will Call---- > 5993 .75 R€stuarant Plan ReYiew- > $54s . 94 DRB Fee-----------------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------- > S3. oo Clean-up Deposit----- > TOTAI FEES----------- > 90.00 Additional F€es.------ > S5o. oo Total Pcrmit Fee--*-> $0.00 Payments---------> sL,102.5e BALANCEDUE--------> $1, ?02 . 59 st,102 .69 $1, 702 .69 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPART!'IENT O$/a!/2oos cArrnion Action: CR pla:r review comments sent to architect and contractor oe/fi /2oo5 cgnrni-on Action: AP approved corrected plans, fIeM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT o7/28/2oos vtRc Action: AP Itern: 05600 FIRB DEPARTI{ENT 08/24/2005 mvaughan Action: AP A1arm and sprinkler upgrades are required. Plans have not yet been PAGE 2**:t:8*'F!***:F{.'f't*:t*+{.**:t{.*:t*****+***:&:t.:8**:&*{.*****i.'l**,t***i{.,*{.'.*,.*i.**.*{.*,t.'tt't.***'l.********'. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0199 as of 08-25-2005 Stahrs: ISSUED*:*f ****:f*:t***:*!i.*,***:t:t***r(*:t4.'****:tt !****{r**{.***i,t**,f,{.{.'t{c***************f ******,t ******+*****:t*:f ***:**:8:t,i:F:*** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: O7t2Ot2Ws Applicanr NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: OB/2Snms970-845-1001 To Expire: U2/2U2W Job Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TYROLEAN CONDOS, UMT z Parcel No: 210108252007 Description: ADD DORMER TO UPSTAIRS SOUTH BEDROOM, FIRE, SPRINKLER AND ALARM Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: ,t0 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. EnW: 0812412fi)5 By: mvaughan Action: AP Entry: 081V412005 By: mvaughan Action: NO Cond: CON0007450 1 HOUR CONSTRUCTION REQUIRED PER ATTACHED ASSEMBLY DETAIIS. ANY RECRSSED LIGHTS IN THE CEILING MUST BE TENTED PER IBC. CLASS B ROOF REQT.ITRED FIRE TFGATED WOOD REQUIRED FOR EXTERIOR SIDING AND TRIM ON THE 4TH FLOOR. Cond: CON0007466 sprinkler and alarm upgrade required o See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acklowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurare plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQTJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN PM. osubmitt,ed. It,em: 05500 PIIBLfC WORKSo7/2t/2o's gc Action: AP TURE OF OWNER OR CO AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 AND OWNET LT 47v21 '/-/o'APPLICATION o WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS CONTRAGTOR IN FORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERM Project #: Buildinq Perm NWNDFYI 75 S. Frontage R Vail, Colorado 81 ffiE.Wu TOV.COM.DEV. PLICA ng, mechanical, etc.! General Contractor: IUEOA! G -1/ s rea c r( <t-c/ Town of Vail Reg. No.: dt/ /+ Contact and Phone #'si -ftauc,a Q77-osd Email address: p6,,"c t . G> Contraclor Signature: ,t ,/ - V4 r< /t-r,*"u ,!. fu*o G'rt* uu'7u IT bor & Materials BUILDING:$ /uraE"/.a)ELECTRICAL: $OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ /O4o"'- t- Eqlerpet # Contact Eagle gpvnlyAesessors office at 970-328-8640 or visit ***.r"L,"Hmh;fur; --l J F#ta$7a lar r-;2 e?JUi- Z {J i,.,-r: Job Name: BL/e6/Zr/,./e (daa o-*z c-Job Address: *""yp'7 W@sU Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:l"bqYi{gtr/4'u'fr,9;-owne8Jfrye;*,o Prz -.ae t r /Address: (/o &144/31 5, c+zrruJ?at &a-t$c <.f z4rL (o Phone: q76-t /t-o ArchitecUDesiqner:llt tetlda t- Sia't-tt At2Lpl r TEcf Address: lqs A mza|4 &ttlZ Efu-, l/"'r / (- Co K/L f7 Phnno''"""'4n-7to-- ut!"t"" /(nn,eddress. B:r.4f7 -E r, ss 'nont?/q-gg,Detailed description of work: fi446frr-4(c/zt d AC4zt-tzr 72o.4"+t rzA -r-d u?srzas Sou-r4 8t2A>c,.rl I E/Ze WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet (y' Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exierior ( ) Both ${Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofB|dg.:Sing|e-fami|y()Two-fami|y1;l,tunir"'@aurant()other() No. of Accommodation Units in this building:ff Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) woodipellet ( ) wood Burninq ( /) Noffvpe offilgPlaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves Qf) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ve-() To ************r.*************************FOR OFFICE USE ON LY*********************tt**i******r***** F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGP ERM. DOC Q7l28no04 ll Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-ZIZB Department of Community Development Project Name:t/4 @./t/p Frz.Yta.en-u Project Address: accepted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complex Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projects valued over 925000,00 (See atbached Construction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkino or material storaqe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for SFR and Duplex, 5 sets of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown a n B tr -l o D a D o o D o a B u I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Applicant's Signature: c'704{Date of submittal: y' !l Received Bv'f:-fi€' t-r'v-\l\l V F:\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28t2004 ll BUILDING PERMTT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all,multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take five (5) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depatment to expedite this permit as soon as oossible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: / a.t't Project Name: Print name F:\UsersUSutherhewBLDGPERM.DOC 07 t28t2004 ll PUBLT WORKS AND THE PUBLrc WAY PERMII PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: Fill out the atbched check list widr the Buildinq Permit Aoolication. If yes was answercd b any of the questions Uren a 'Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Communi$ Developmenl locaEd at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, locaEd at 1309 Elkhom Drive. Notice signoffs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verifu (locaE) respective utjlities prior b signing application. Some utility companies require up b 48 hourc notice b schedule a locaE. A consUuction taffic control/sbging plan must be prepared on a sepante sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all faffic conbol devices (signs, cones, eb.) and the work zone, (area of consFuction, sbgingr eb,). This plan will expire on November lst and will need b be resubmitFd for consideration for approval tfirough the winbr. Be awarc hat your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the locatjon of construction. Skebh of work being peformed must be submitEd indicating dimensions (lengtr, width and deph of wort), This may be drawn on the ffaffic confol plan or a sib plan for the ]:b. Submitcompleted application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locabs will be scheduled for the Town of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locates bke place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours b peform. The Public Wo*'s Constructjon Inspector will review the applicaton and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as b he sbh:s and any requirements hat may be needed. Most permib are released wihin 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (1) week b process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Deparbnent will be notified, allowing tie "Building Permit" b be released. Please do not confuse the 'Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permif'. NOTE: The above process is for rnnrk in a public rnray ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15ft. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an aubmatic renewal. ( ,//e/tu/os- Date Signed 07n8t20u PRJ #: PW #:,*mAPPLICATION FOR TOWN OF VAIL PLBLTC WAY PERMTT 20_BIdg. Pemrit #: E Parcel #: Job Name Street Address (lf urrknown call Excavating Contractor Name Mail Address 'l OV Contractor Liceuse Nunrber - REQUII{EL) zipCityState Phone # 4. Start Date Work is for (circle one) Other Contpletion Date Water Sewer Gas Dlcctric (Permit Expiration Date) Telephone CATV Landscaping Temp. Site Access 5. Trench-width Length Dcpth (min.4') Bond Amount $ Total SF $ 'l-otal LF Total Pcrmir Fee S 6. 1. Permit Fee $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUTPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE TI.IE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket and lugs shall I'e protected at all times. 8. A signature below indicates a review ofthe arca and utiliry locations and approval. Once all utility company signatures are obtained , permittee has opticn of routing application through the Public Works office lo obtain the neccssary Town of Vail signatrrres. Please allow up to one week to process. Xcel Energy / Public Service Cornpany ( I -800-922- 1987) Xcel EnerpXr I ligh Pressure ( I -800-922- | 987) Quest (1-800-922-1987) Comcast Cable ( l -800-922-1987) Eagle River Water & Sanitation District (970-476-7480, ext. I 14) Holy Cross Electric Company ( l -800-922- 1987) Town of Vail Electricians (970-4"19-2158) Town of Vail Irrigation (970-479-2158) THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A consLructjon trafhc conlrol plan rrust be suhmitted and approved by ihe I'uhlic Works Depsnfient plior to jssuance of the pennit. 9. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" ofutilities - (Senate Bill 172). 10. I'ernrir!9p_1111g1g11rtact the IrLrblic \torks Deualtr:rcnt ut -176-2198 24 hou:'s nrior to co_nl forfeiture of bond money. Schcduled inspections that are not ready may result in the 'lown charging the contractor a reinspection fee. ll. I certify that I have read ali chapters of Title 8-Pubtic Ways and Property, of theVail Municipal Code and all utility Company agreements, signed by me, and wili abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as requited. Contracfor's Signalur e o{ Agreetnent Plint narne clearly ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDTNG CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show street rvitir narnes, buildines, and locarion of curs. USE DASH LINES FOtt CUT. F:\UsersuSuther\newBLDGPERM.OOC l)ale ofsignature White - Public Wolks Yellow - Contractor a7 t28/2004 rl tr u a D B wHEN A'PUBLT WAy PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PI.TASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'': Is this a new residence?YES NoD4 Does demolition work being performed require the gse of the Right-of-Way. easemenE or public property? YES_ NO l( Is any utility work needed? YES- NO { Are there any improvemen6 being done to the driveway ? YES No{ Is a diffurent access needed to the site oher than the existing driveway? YES No/ Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easemenE, or public property? YES NO-X-- Is a "Revocable Right-of-Way Permit" required? YES No ,< Is the Right-of-Way/ easemenb or public property to be used for shging, parking or fencing?YES NO )(- . If answer is NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ No y If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public WayPermit" applications may be obbined at the Public Work's office or atCommunity Deve.lopment (a sample is atlached). If you have any quesb'ons please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESNONS, Job or Project Name; [ftt/f, Date Signed: "7/: FiUsers\JSuther\newBLDGPERM. DOG F. /ovaF/^n6 |f^Ffr c /hl.l^arm4 07 t28t2004 ll DRAINAGE AND CULVERT TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED By PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check off each of the items below: The Town of Vail Building Depaftment has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. The Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at 479-2198 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving installation with resulting road patching as necessary, Such approval Final Ceftificate of Occupancv issuance. Agreed to by: (. Project Name: Date Signed: all final drainage and culveft must be obtained prior to any FlUsers\JSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC 07128t2004 ll . Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of compleE text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSIIS ON pUBLf WAYS PROHTBITED o Unla!{firl deposiE: Subject b subsectjon C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litbr, 5.ack or deposiL or cause to be littered, tracked or deposibd, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any sfeeL sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. a Notice; Abatemenh The Director of Public Wod€ may notiff and require any person who violates or causes ano$ter b violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in tre Director's employment a person who violates or causes anotter to violate the same, bp remove such sand, gmvel, rocks, mud, did, snow, ice or any ofier debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Direcbr of Public Works, or oher autrorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocls, mud, di(, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at the expense of the notifled. o Sumnrons and Penalty: As an albrnative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violaE the same, may be issued a summons.b appear before fie Municipal Coutt of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of b violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 1-4-1 of this code. s Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any pemon to fail or refuse b comply with the notice of the Dirccbr of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such pemon shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Direcbr of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilry of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7.3A-I AND 7.3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFT & TMPOUNDMENT AUTHORZED o No person shall park any vehicle upon a sbeet or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere Wth the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper sreet or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) g 1) D Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of tftis Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colomdo Revised Sbbrtes section 42-4-1102, as amended, he officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in sbrage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designabd or mainbined by this Municipality, and the charges for bwing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged hc the owner of he vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge.. (Ord. 2(1968) g 3: Ord. 28(1981) S 1) I have read and will comply with the above code provisions: Position or Relationship to Project: (fn ,-aa, 6r,fa-+.lrZ*"^ Dute&igrsd)eAnewBLDGPERM. DOC 44c-rut- 07 t28t2004 tt Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Forrbst, Director, (970) 479-2139 Check all that apply Date; 1. Which Department(s) did you contact? Building_ Environmental_Housing_ Admin 2. Was your initia Planning DRB_PEC I contact with our staff immediate slow or no one available ? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first time to file a DRB app_PEC app_ Bldg Permit_ N/A_ 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) Name: responsiveness, availability) 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 21 (5 is high) 8. What is the best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? B. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve you next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. (knowledge, F:\UsersUSuther\newBLDGPERM.DOC '' 07 l28r2oo4 & D Asbesto, Trr:"g and ConsuttingJohn R. p"t."n ;' {<**{€{<****** ^ _- p.O. Box 1230ceu gto_zio:;ffi ;i*:?f;?; i],ff;l?ii* INSPECTION REPORT PREP,ARED FOR: ilelff"#trucdon J#1;;;;;';" LOCATTON: The Tyrolean Unit#67 _40-0 E Meadow Roacivarl, CO. 91657. REPORT PREPARED BY: John R. Fererman mspector Manager Lerfificarc Uo. OOO\ A & D Asbestos Testing and Consulting AsL^^. _John R. peterrna;""o' s bes ros Tesring, project o..i*rl lio.Cons ut tin g INTRODUCTION: On March sampres r";il,:1tht?3* an inspecrion/survev was conducred and 6 burk The Tyrolean Unit #67 L09 E Meadow RoadVait, CO. 81657. .,,^_ ft," purpose of the inspecdoa/sun "$ffii::*,"$:l'"*il;;"';';ffi:,Hlf,';$:llj,:l1jeun,ttharThe inspection was 'rn,.rA ^_ -! .,reterman' un a'rr'Jtt^ut *1d:'and the r hspecror. cr"u, "*5-1- *.d aot-or#*o]es were collected by John R. accurare as possibre t,::: t*:l;;;'";'"lado certified Asbestos rne exisring building iTl:"to ur r"r"? u'e lnspectron and samoiing to be as documentJri";;;;".":ff Hn;,:1ii1ffi ffi 1,lT3";,rf ;;"' AII samples were Arlarrt->^s,^_ h ^_rhis rabora.,i;;;;;": ,Hffillli:#,s.:"1., Lab in whea Program for ilre deter ac cre di,ed r il r#Iilh "dffig,ff ,ffi *i* T iflt: 3?, cot:affi were discov.r"a. f al,l,lTt *ut^ used to sarqrrenF..r - uflng any future n-,-^?,*-le suspect materiais thatffi:ffi :i"T".fl -*,:::'::ji;t':::""#ll.thesuspectmateria js Jicr',h^.r _,.- . - _-_covereoiirutr*",i;:::,::_:.,.enovarion work,:l^1p-:t marerial is dir --^b q'r luture demolition or rentuucon J"ortristurbed,,";;,#,il:T:fl j:il jlTI I o::: sampl ed and wour d be disturbed, work shfivu'vurcu tnat nasn't been sampled ;;;;,;"'d be haltei u;ffiil::t'tTlr-d and would Iaterial has been tested. A & D Asbest, Joos Testing and Consulting A,r b e s b sre,#i *: l: terrn an ry' rroJect Desigrz, atzd, Consultinp The Tyrolean Unit #(t7 j-09 E Meadow Roadval, CO. g1657. CONCLUSIONS & R R CNN,rI,rr-r'.*RECOMN,{ENDATIONS: Laborarory analysis of fhe h'rr- ^^_-cerccred in any "r ,rr" i11,"- bulk samples ind'bulk sampler.r'-- ^uulC0te thar no Asbestos wa-s RENOVATION AREA DESCRIPTION: fli*!fl; ;tlJ:lt*j: #tfff ,fJ ;:?:"xl:" w.rk,h a, f$li!: Jni*itJ' "' o,he in,ro-r fff ]: *T#*lil1i..ffi ,::1"*,*o;H#ffiirffi'.'*:iiji?:?_"*J,"1'n,"o"j"0,,,0 i#ihliiffi :'::,U:.;;;'fi :+i:#*":J;ff ;":*."{j;,""" Date; March 14,2O0St-ocation: The Tyrofeafl. llnir !tE7 na^ _ _. ,an, Unit #&7, 400 E. lV sAMpLE LocATroNs readow Road, vaif, co. g1657. SAMPLE TY 7.8 TY 7.8 TY 7-B TY 7.8 TY 7.8 TY 7.8 NUMBER AREA SAMPLE REMOVED FROIVI Errtry Closet WallLaundry Floom Watt $$1,:"i,:#"rirr:",rri' DESCRIPTTON E$u5$irirl*im FRIABLE NO NO NO NONo. NO o0t o02 o03 oo4 005 006 i I I vi i I I Date: March 14, 2005 ::::::r, rhe ri;;;n, u,rir #az, 4oo E. Meadow Road, vair, co. o16sz.SAMPLE RESULTS: SAMPLE NUMBER TY 7.8 TY 7-B TY 7.8 TY 7.8 TY 7-B TY 7.8 KEY: NAD - No Asbestos Detected NESCBIPTION gfftr$:iiirrfii'm ASBESTOS TYPEo01 oo2 003 004 005 o06 NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD NAD % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o-00 o Date: March 14,2OOs r_ocation: The Tyroleah, Unit #E7,4OO SUSI'ECT MATERTAL SAMPLE NUMBER E. lldeadow Road,Vait, CO. 8165Z. wTA TY 7.8 TY 7-B TY 7.B TY 7-B TY 7-B KEY: oo1 002 003 004 005 006 CONDITIONS TYPE OF SUSPECT MATERIAL SUR SUR SUR suR SUR SUR OVEBALL CONDfftON GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD GOOD TYPE OFDAIT|AGE DAMAGED ,NO NO NO NO NO NO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.oo N/A NIA N/A N/A NIA N/A SUR _ Surfaci|lg vl i I Date: March 14,2005 Location: fh"'fyffin_ trh;, t &, ^^^an, unit #07,400 E. Meadow Floaa r,^t, a ''TENTTAL l_oR rxsruRu;;; Meadow Road, vair, co. Br6sz. j ''::.'i I I I I I I I ] t' i Sample Number Accc,ssibility . yes/no TY 7.8 TY 7-B TY 7.8 TY 7.8 TY 7.8 TY 7-B YES YES YES YE$ YES YES 001 o02 003 004 005 006 Potintiaf contact HIGH HIGH }'IGH HIGH I{IGH H,GH Influence vibration Low Low LOW Low LOW Low Potential air erosion LOw Low Low tow LOW LOw Located in plenum yes/no NO NO NO NO NO NO CLIENI: A & D ASBESTOS TESTTNC & CONSULI'ING 653 36 r/4 |{OAD PALISADE CO 81526 DCM SCIENCE LABORATORY, INC. 1242t W.4ylll AVENU& nNIf t+6 WHEATRlDGq CO 80033 (30t) 461-s270 BULK ASBESTOS TEST RBK)NT PACE I OF 3 ANALYSIS DATE: REPORTING DATE: RECIIIPT DATEr c|.rE\tr JoB No.: PITOJECI TI]'I.,E: DCIUSL PROJECN 3-15-05 , 3- 18-05 3,l5-05 TI.IE TYROLEAN uNtT #7 - VA|L, C0 AtlATlTS PIiRCENTACE COMPOSITION BY VISUAL ES'I'IMATE DCMSL CLIEN'I SAMPLE SAMPLE NUMBER NUMI]ER , SAMPLE DATB DESCRIPI]ON 3.14.05 A. MULTI COLORED PAIN'I'. B. MULTICOLORED TTBROUS C. WIIITE DRYWALL MUTJ D. W}IITE DRYWALL 3.14-05 A. GREEN PAINT . I]. TAN FIBROUS C. WIII'I E DRYWALL MUt) D. WHITE DRYWALL 3-14-05 A. MULITCOLOREII PAIN'r B. WI,IITE DIIYWALL MUI) C. fuUL'UCOLOR ED FTBROUS D. wltttB oltywarl 3-14-05 A. $ltEEN IAI.l',r I]. 'TAN FIBROUS C. WIITIE DRYWALL MUD D, WHI'IE DRYWALL 3-14-05 A. GREEN AND PINK PAINT B. lNN F|BROUS C, WIIITE DRY1VALLMUD . D, WEITE DRYWALL PERCENT OF SAMPLE L.Q% 7.V/o l0.V/o E2.OY. t.o% 6.O% 10.0% 83.07o r.o% ?.ty/o 6.lf/t 9t.0% t.vh 8.0% t2.o% 79.0% z.tit" 3.VA 4.0% 9l.o% ASBES'rOS TYPE RANCE o/o TOTAL ASBESTOS IN SAMPLE MAT -l 1'Y7-U-001 -2 Ty7-B-002 'l'Y?-8-001 TY7-U-004 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0 100.0 0.0. 2.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 2.O 0.0 0.0. 1000 2.0 0.0 r00.0 0.0 2.O 100.0, 0.0 r00.0 98.0 Nl) ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 100.0 100.0 0.0 98.0 100.0 0.0 t00.0 98.0 100.0 0.0 100.0...- 98.0 : 100.0 100.0 t000 .100.b 100.0 i LttllII -i 100.0 i r00.0 I 100.0 i 100.0 i 0.o 100.0 0.0 2.4?..: CLIENT: af# fiiTff. *suN6 & coNsullrNc PAL|SADE, co I t526 _"n*i#t3#$[sii]i,, BULK A$I]ESTAS TEST RHIRT PACE 2 OF3 ANALYSIS D*u*o.^offi;. :-llotnecerr.orrrr,'- :-i!-05 .1?:i:;?,",fj, i,iiiioo,*no"rs,o,.ji6i., iifi1;; "^,u c" PERCENIAGE coMPosIl.IoN ay vIsUA[ ES].IMATE?cMsr cLrENr ilffii? itffii?SAMPLtr , DAT€DESCRIPI'ION PEI{CENf OF SAMI}LE ^SUf^!l.OSTYPT R NGETy7-It406 3- l4-05 TOTN L /\SaESl.Os IN SAMPLE OT}IEIT FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS ,#ffil IDENTIFTED MATERTALS A- 1AN PAINT B. wt[TE CoNCI{E1.E NON-FIBROUS CONSTITUENTS 6.0% 94.0%FOR CALCULATION PURPOSES, (r) - TN'E'A.ABLE LAyERs rluc' GI{) ts ^ssuMED r o BE 0.i%. ND - NONE DETECTED NI) ND ND 0.0 TR r 00.0 100.0 r 00.0 loo.o 12421 W.49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DGM Project No-: client Job No.: Bulk SamPle A,nalYsis ADAT 178 THE TYROLEAN UNIT 7 eage ? ot BULK SAMPLE ANALYSTS PROCEDURES: DCM Science Laboratory, tnc. analyzes bulk asbestos samples following procedures developed by the Mccrone Research Institute and rntomptiance with guidelines established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA-600i R-93/1 16, July, 1 993)' Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 1OX-80X stereo microscope in a hepa filter hood which provides a contamination-free environment, ihe sam-ple is then analyzed by polarized.light microscbpy (PLM) at 100X^ when the sample consists of more than one layer, each layer is prepared and analyzed separately. Fiber and matrix materials are identified oy tne cnaracterization of opiical pioperties including color and pleochrorism, . form, cleavage, relief, b iretririglnce, extinction, orientation, twinning, interference figure and other distinguishing features.Dispersionstainingisalsousedtofurtheraidinminera|identification.Al|percentagesofasbestos, oiher fibers and non-flbrous"constituents are calculaied from the values obtained from the stereo and PLM microscopes analysis. ln-house and NlsT standards as well as a chari prepared by R D' Terry and G V' Ghilinger for ,'The Journal oi sedimentary petrologv", (Volume 24, pp. 229-234, 1955) provide a g uide for estimating percentages. Ali r"r;j"r ;;; archived''ior six months unless other arrangements are made by the client. ACGREDITATION: DCMSL is accredited by ihe AIHA (since 1986). our laboratory ngmber is 101 525 DCMSL is accredited by NVLAp (since April 1 , 1 geil. bbpisl t"*plies with NVLAP and AIHA requirements unless otherwise noted' ENDORSEMENT: The results of ihis analysis must not be used by the clieni to ciaim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of ihe U.S. Government. This test report relates only to the items tested. This repori may not be reproduced except in full' without the written approval of the Iacoratory' The analysis was performed by : - tr- ar'./, - jr^r-/ )P'7J lJ L-".r ^-^ ^d n atNVt!A# D^n Qnhnffi _\'v'i i vv, rvrr LaboratorY Director NVLAP Lab Code 101258-0 BUt-K SAMPLE ANALYSIS PROCEDURES: Ron Schott Laboratory Directcr M SCience La6oriiory, InC. 12421 W. 49th Avenue, Unit #6 Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 ' DCM project No.: Client Job No.: Bulk Sample Analysis 3-i5-D5 Nv[Ap NVLAP Lab Code 101258-0 ADAT 178 THE TYROLEAN UN IT 7 Page 3 z DCM science Laboratory, Inc...analyzes bulk asbestos gamples following procedures developed by theMccrone Research Institute and in compliance with guidelines estanrisni; il;; Environmental protectionAgency (EPA-600/R-93/1 16, July, 1993). Bulk samples are prepared for analysis using a 10X-B0X stereo microscope rn a hepa filter hood which provioesa contamination-free environment. The sarnple is then,analyzed ny polariea iilht ri.ror.opy (pLM) at 100X.when the sample consist.-oi Toi: than one layer, each layer is prlpiared and Jnayzed separately. Fiber andmatrix materials are identified by the characteriiation of opiicat properti"r r"LJing coror and pleochrorism,form, cleavage, relief, birefringence, extinction, orientation, twin;in;, int"*"r"n"" ngure and other distinguishingfeatures Dispersion staining is also used to further aid in mineral identification. All percentages of asbestosother fibers and non-fibrous constituenis are calculated from ihe values obtained from the stereo and pLMmicroscopes analysis. In-house and NlsT standards as well as a ctrart prefireo oy n.o. Terry and G.V.chilinger for "The Journal of sedimentary Petrology'', (Volume 24, pp. zie-ii+,1e55) provide a guide for :;JA"''tn percentages. All samples are archived for six months untess other arrangements are made by the ACCREDITATION: DCMS-L is accredited by the AlilA (since 1986). qlr l??.olltory nunnber is 101526. Dctilsl is accredited byNVLAP (since April '1, 1989) DCMSL complies with NVLAP ano AIHR i-equir".ents untess othenaiise noied. ENDORSEMENT: The results of this analysis must noi be used by the client to claim endorsement by NVLAP or any agency of theU.S. Government. This test report.relates only to ihe items tested. This report may not be reproduced except in full, without ihewriiten approval of the laboratory. The analysis was performed-bv : John Silverman, Analyst o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Fontagp Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.4i9.2139 taxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us Prclect l{ame: MASSA CHANGE DRB ilumber: DR8050317 Projed Descrlpdon: FINAL APPROVAL TO A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PIANS, APPROVAL OF A DORMER AND ASSOCIATED MODIRCANONS Parficipants: owNER BLUEGROVE PROP NV 0il051200s C/O BRANDESS CADMUS REAL ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT MICIIAEL SUMAN ARCHfiECf, LLC0Z05/2005 Phone: 970471-6122 pO Box 7760 A\on co 81620 License: @00001764 ARCHFECT MICFIAEL SUMAN ARCHfiEC-|, LLC0T 10512005 Phone: 97047L-6L22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C0000017fl Prciect Addrcss: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Locauon: TYROTEAN @NDOS, UNITT Legal Description: Loe Block: Subdivlslon: TYROLEAN @NDOS Pael ]{umber: 2101-082-5200-7 Gomments: see condiuons BOARD/STAFF ACTIOil Irlotion Byr Action: SIAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: Date of Approvalt 0712012005 CondiUons: Cond:8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the wriEen consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew committee(s). CoM:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail BuiEing personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 ona approval?fl not beome vdu for z0 aays ruovrrg iFdate of approvat. Cond: 202 Apprwal of thb project shall lapse and beorne rroil orn (1) year fullowlng the date of flnal approval, unless a buildlng pennit ls bsued and aonfuction is commened and ls diligenfly pursrred toward ompletion. Planncn Matt Gennett DRB Fee pald: 1m.00 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Fontage Road, Vail, @londo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97A.479.2452 web: wnwv.ci,vail.co, us Prciect Nams MASSIT/BLUEGROVE ADDmON DRB l{umber: DR8050172 kotect Descriptlon: APPROVAL OF DECK ENCLOSURES AND DORMER ATTYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Partlcipants: owNER BLUEGROVE PROP NV MlzstIOOs C/O BMNDESS CADMUS REAL ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MICI-IAEL SUMAN ARCHITEC-| , LLCA4l25l2005 Phone: 970-47I-6t22 PO Box 7760 Avon co 81620 Liense: @0000178+ ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHffiCT, LLCA4l25l2005 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81620 License: @00001764 ProjectAddrcss: ,100 E MEADOW DRVAIL bcauon: TYROLEAN CONDOg UNIT 7 LegEl Description: Loe Bbck Snbdlvlsion: TYROLFIN CONDOS Paroel ]{umber: 2101-082-5200-7 Comments: see conditions BOARD/SiTAFF ACIION Ir{otion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval: 05/09/2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to stese plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revlew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days following the date of approval, Cond: 202 Appoval of this prold shall lapse ald beome roid orc (1) year folloruirg tE date of final approval, unless a buiHlrg permlt is issr.rcd and construdion is ommelred and is dlllgendy rursued brad completion. Plrrmen Man@nnett DRB Fee Pald: $3OO.O0 &prtment of hmmunity Development Buitding Safety and Insrection ftruices 75 South Fronbge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 97Hn-2138 FAX9THn-2452 www.uailgov.@m BUIIDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:ContractorlAoolicant Nedbo Construction RollieFAX/Email#: rollie@nedbo.com NUMBEROF PAGES: 2 FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCYGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUI,IBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Suman Architect proj#408 479.75Lt Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 08/10/200s 805-0199 Bluegrove 400 Meadow Drive unit 7 R-2 V-A existing 55 s.f. addition The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International ResidentialCode, 2003International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 Intemational Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. The following @mmenE will need tu be addtM prior b isuane of a building permit: For processing:. Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containino the rEuested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writinq to each comment bv marking the attached list or creatinq a response letter, Indicate which olan sheet. detail. specification, or calculation shows the requested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the buiHinq permit apolication number noted. r Please be sure to include on the resubmittal Hre enoineert or architect's "wet" stamo, signature, reoistration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-f,amilv proiects all sheets of the plans must be stamped. Archihctural Comments:1 Include complete construction details with fire resistive assembly listings for all new t hour floor/ceiling, roof/ceiling, o<terior walls and new column and beam structural frame as required for type V-A construction. IBC table 601. Structural Comments:2 Include sheet 56 in the plan sets. Please refer to the cover sheet for infomation on rcsubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permi$ please check f! requested informauon irs irduded with the rcsubmitbd plans. Please submlt revised planr as a complete s€t Paftial plan resubmittals wlll not be revieured. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Seruices 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F:\der,\CH RIS\PERMIT.mMMENTS\905{199. DOC SUMANARCHITECT MEMO Dote: To: From: Project: 8t12t2005 Chris Gunion TOV 479.2452 Rollie Kjesbo @ Nedbo 845,9979 MichoelSumon, AIA Tyroleon Unit 7 Building Permit #: 805-0.|99 Enclosed: Response to Building Deportment Comments This is in response to the review comments from the Town of Voil, doted 8l1OlO5, for the Tyroleon Unit 7. The numbers below reference those on the TOV review, Atchileclurol Commenls:L See Sheet A6.l for roof/ceiling I hour fire resistive ossembly,2. SeeSheet,46.l ondDetoilWS6-l,5forexteriorwoll I hourfireresistiveosembly.3. See Sheei 46,l for detoil, Per IBC section 721.6: wood floor frome = l0 min roting; glos fiber botts = l5 min roting; ond 5/8" type X gypsum boord = 40 min roting for o totol of 65 mlnutes. Slrucfurol Commenls: See response by KRM Consultonts, lnc, 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 michael @ sumanarchitect.com 970.479;1502 f 970.479.751r m 970.471.6122 RFGt' AUF TO'rF,, . &pttnent of Community &velopment Euilding hfety and Inspction &rvies 75huth Fronbge Road VaiL @londo 81557 970-47+2r38 FAX9THn-2452 www,t'ailgtov.@m BUILDING SAFETYAND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAII REVIEW COMMENTS: Contractor/Aoplicant Nedbo Construction Rollie FAX/Email #: rollie@nedbo.com NUMBEROF PAGES: 2 FROITI: DATE: BUIIDING PERMIT #r OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANtrGROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUI{BER. OF STORIES: BUILDII{G AREA: Architect Suman Architect proj#408 479.75tL Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 08/10/200s 805-0199 Bluegrove 400 Meadow Drive unit 7 R-2 V-A existing 55 s.f. addition The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 Intemational Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollwing @mmenE will ned to beaddrM priorb isuane of a building petmit: fur procesing:. Please submit two complete sets of revised constructjon documents containing the requested information with all plan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writing to each comment by markinq the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which olan sheet, detail, specification, or calculation shows the rEuested information, Please send revisions to the attention of the plans o<aminer with the building permit apolication number noted. r Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enoinee/s or architecfs "wet" stamp, signafure, reqistration number and date on the cover paoe of any structural calculaUons, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multFfamilv oroiects all sheets of the olans must be stamped. Architectural Comments:1 Include complete consffuction details with fire resistive assembly listings for all new t hour floor/ceiling, roof/ceiling, exterior walls and new column and beam structural frame as required for type V-A construction. IBC table 601. Structural Comments:2 Include sheet 56 in the plan sets. Ple.se r€tsr to t|re cover sheet for infonnation on rcsubmitting plans. tn order b avoid delays in issuance of a pelmll please check nll rcquested information ls included with the resubmitted plans. Please subrnit le rftt€d plans as a comple0e s€t Pafial plan resubmittals will not be revieryed. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Raminer Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cAunion@vailgov.com F: \odev\CHRIS\PERM IT.COMMENTS\805-0199. pOC I Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970479.2452 www.vailgov.com April 19,2005 Mr. Michael Suman Strman Architects 143 East Meadow Drive Vail, Co.81657 Re: Tyrolean Inn Units 6 & 7 Administrative Modification DearMike, I have reviewed your preliminary submittal for the remodel and expansion of units 6 & 7 ofthe Tyrolean Inn. These submittals have been received via email on 4/14105. For convenience, I have attached copies ofthe submittal to this correspondence. Upon review of the administrative modifications for both units 6 & 7 and review of the supporting schematic floor plans, the Town of Vail Building department has no objection to the proposal. An item that should be noted at this time is located on both administrative modifications and is identified as "3) Unit 7 will be sprinkled at a later date.' I believe the Vail Fire Department will require a sprinkler system to be proposed and installed at the time of building permit issuance. Be aware that a formal building permit submittal is still required and may identifr other building code issues to be addressed. Such items may include: Structural requirements, type of construction issues and rise and run issues on the proposed stairs. None of the conections that may be discovered should have a major effect on the proposed plans and should allow you to proceed with the entitlement portion of our Development Review Process, Feel free to contacgie if anything further is needed at 9't.0-479-2142. Chief Building Official Town of Vail $tEcvclltt PrPEr ANCHITTCT April 13,2005 Chorlie Dovis Chief Building Officiol Town of Voil 25 South Frontoge Rood Voil, Colorodo 81657 RE: Tyroleon Unil 7 Exlting Hello Chorlie, I om writing to you regording the Tyroleon Unit 7 remodel on which we recenlly mef. As you know, ii is on exisling unit lhqf does nol hove o 2no exif nor hove exil occess from lhe upper level. The enclosed drowings include the existing ond proposed floor plons of lhe unit 13'o ond 4ti'floor of lhe building) lhol provides both. Referencing Section 104.1 0, ihe existing conditions couse procticol difficulties with corrying oul every provision of the 2003 lBC. On beholf of fhe ownen, I om requesfing thot you occept our proposed modificofion bosed on the following: I ) Adding the 4th story exit occess is on improvemenl to the existing non- conforming condilion. 2) There will be no lock on lhe door lo Bedroom #3. 3) Unit 7 will be sprinkled oi o fulure dote. 4l The intent ond purpose of fhe code hos been met. Thonk you foryour time. I look forword lo yourwitlen response. A.t.A.Michoel Sumon,,trW 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail. CO 81657 michael@sumanarchitect.com 970.479.7502 f 970.479;tsrr m 97O.471.6122 af,clttttcT April 13.2005 Chorlie Dovis Chief Building Officiol Town of Voil 75 South Fronloge Rood Vqil, Colorodo 8,l657 RE: Tyroleon Unit 6 Exiting Hello Chorlie. I om writing to you regording f he Tyroleon Unil 6 remodel on which we recenlly met. As you know, il is on existing unil thot does nol hove o 2no exil nor hove exif occess from lhe upper level. The enclosed drowings include the existing ond proposed floor plons of the unit 13,4 ond 4tn floor of the building) lhot provides bolh. Referencing Section 104.I 0, f he existing conditions couse proclicol difficulties with corrying oul every provision of the 2003 lBC. On beholf of the owners, I om requesfing thol you occepl our proposed modificotion bosed on lhe following: 1) Adding fhe 4th slory exil qccess is on improvemenl lo the existing non- conforming condilion. 2) There will be no lock on lhe door to Bedroom #3. 3) Unit 7 will be sprinkled ol q fulure dote. 4) The intenl ond purpose of lhe code hos been mef. Thonk you foryour time. I look forword lo yourwrillen response. ?^ffi4)nto 143 East Meadow fhive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 m ichael@sumanarohitect.com 970.479.7sO2 f 97O.479.75r1 m 9'10.471.6122 Michoel Sumon. UNIT 6 UNIT 7 1=qAI /A EXISTING UPPER LEVEL PLAN I rlc Rro lr{E ratiEJENls --- -l ErfE roFr* lx6irrc I . - Ir ,*ruo", I1""*i L - JL J_- fDGE tlM.ABOvE _, . otlN to I rqro9M, [ELow DAHED OIAIICE INC TFR6EiI5 THE OrySbN UNE SEIIIIEEN ROJA5 UNII, M,/|ssAuNllAllDGtxll^!@ [1ort AEMEN]' *Dr09M UNIT 6 UNIT 7 Bs S>= I I 9 4 + t SEOROOM E rri}lccoruMi 52 07 rofl Ge^ 66rai^r, co rrcr AFMTM (GC.8J ".1 . rNosHoMRroRrM^ t\_ flsrNcB6r \ _,!NEAow i... ,: OPENTO /T\ PROPOSED UPPER LEVEL PLANry l$} MASTER crosET -f MASTER BEDROOMEf Y MASTER BEDROOti,i - LMNG ROOME LAUiERY \ ROOII - BEOROOM E KITCHENE ENTRY cLosEr =,. I /i\ EXISTING MAIN LEVEL PLAN \s s> /'i\ PROPOSED MAIN LEVEL PLANry qr -0ct.ll. 2805*ll :ll0A5*' ilEuB0 G0lsrRUcTloxseeuS $FM"*J'.**.- \fl,BECBr*t -to .0tl Z'-P . lll.- l: r- tiroaas€Fr FAt( 9.$r E2? tr nbomar ht{3s?l /|ttarm ks tUtFt? Inarrttlrtez FE'.Drepmr UE frtE iltrill attrE .EtUG |orm r:tOln 2sF.a. 44.drr a$|t tffitlr|,l|8 xhrljltlrlhrAdrrrrturadgnr ,olnreqr LffiS.XSS,fHtr& a Er sr hn*. b ., h trrc '.t Gtrt!ts 6||!|frg,bd lar}ttrl tnE flr -ucr. tr. zUUt't0:f/At',' llt[}8o C0ft$In|,cflof'duuS trS#""*"r^*;.{r. i;b|nrEo Br esa '-*Xo. 0187-?. l/t-*i,;r*. -.. [37Olg.€-39€1Fax gagr Et77 rD Hrllr4?l+48 NedboCon.tgcfcn loruill05 T'|!bI|t r{z D grrrcrpras AllIE: rnqJEc?, Elnr ffiCARD CSPY !\b, EL,1t$,?p JDwtggp 0EgE-t6 El erms I crr64nwlric|n6E @frtlo: Srn*tAdfu lu4?FzSf l -lov. H-t+& Effi{ttfo fD6.tDrtt - __ _trrlF.cd. rtw.drbd4dir1lrCol=.ffi =R:ffi--*-#g helbrdrnn fLcddorrlruF*r=G#:;fi=ffit#ffiH:* l. 2005. 8:3{AI -llE080 C0tSTRUCTl0t--*--:sr"o?'3rF?oE"il0.10'H. ulr--__oovG{ Ordw t' ^FG.jB ^IilIIIDEI{IToUI{TAIN TEISTING T,- Q( "oo+ 'tY/, ttBt nd.Hfirf,*conif ' Rg. F rJr'{Ifftd' rQe'I,tl',irprql!(-.'rr' Ad Ilfioffiin P.o,Actal9Yr[ffitrd$ ATItt *.ED€b nE r$*r&brrfH6e -tr00Ell&Dirvril.Cdd orfi.ouyr+ a o THUNDER MOI]NTAIN TESTNTG ol}o 29t3 F. Rod r Grmil Jurcdotr' Ct) E1504 (vro) 2s6ee65 / cdt (vto) 21s?m0 / rAx (970) 3l'..7w Nedbo Cd6tntction P.O-Box3419 VaiL Coltrado 81656 ATTN: !"lr- Mn* DoYIe RE: Tyrolem Resirlence Remodel Usit*.P6&#7 4fi) Eas Mcadow Drivc Vail, Crlorado S€dembcr30,2m5 Perrft#8054198 Der lvfr. DoYle, as requsted stnrcnral stecl special inspcctior was conducted d the above referenced Ploj€(i per tb IBC 2003 Fdition - Chapftr 1?: Strucural Tests @d Spcciat lnseccrion I arived m sitE at 12:45 Plv{. I mgt with you to Gvicw ihe rygoved jobaitc <hslvings fc Crmnal steol md rreltlbg l€Suirffi$s fa this goSc*. fte *et erecton for fu poject vas Trinity Welding in Mimn, Colcado. The welders uilizd for ail tbe field welding, wrs lvfr. Jercry kibseit ard Mr. Kei& Forom. I received copies oftbe rrelder qoalitrction tc$ t1eporE f6 boft gpNdm. Rrpdts rcrc rwiei cd md fmd 4blc with project requirecrens. I also received a copy of orrtnt RFI chqes nnm Ms" Kimberty R Mc$hee sift KRM ConsulUnts, Irc-, the project stmrral cnginm, dabd 92O5. Please rcftr to ffi re'porb for doqmconation- Visral welding iqectim wrs wn&ccd d tbs Fondaion Plm level m lhe neu,ly in$a1ed Wl2 X 35 bearn srd a 4" X 4" X /." trbe oohmn sppats rs dctailed on Shcet I, Detail#l on qprovcd poject drawings ptrovided by DRM C.onsdtarbr Inc, in Vail, Coltr do (JoM 0505-1J). AI field fi[et wcldcd comcctions wlr€ fumd b bc in aorqlinco with poject spccifuims gg! frr lb€ tlbe colurm $4lport in vrtich missing welds wrr deervod Missing *tHs ltrc msrlcd fu rcpair md sho*n b )rou on site. Vi$al welding hry€ction r*6 oonductcd r thei l{ain Floor Framing Plm level in tlnit fl6 on lhc ubcandpipecohmwlded@ionsasperDo,tails#8, l0& ll onShcetS3 ofapp,mvedjobsib &awings and doomented RFI changcs' S/clds *s. dscrvod b be as rcquircd ard in cmplimce with ptojcct spccificcions. Vi*nl wolling inryec*ion rrzs condr@d d$c Roof Fr@hg Plm level in UEit #? onth Wt6 X 26 bcan to tqto 3" OD tube coh'rtrn knife plato fillet wlH oomcctim c per Detail #l u Shcet 36 on ry,oved jobsite drawitrgs. Both cmnectios crc obs€fl/cd to hrve missing *ulds m ttr inside knifc pl* Iocdiom. Boft arees qse mfltcd ed shown to vpu on sita. PAGE2 Re-inspoction ofrtpair reas Sall be cou&rcccd upon corDlaim d a lah dst€' Thrnder Moumin Tcsting [ir+*-',*a,*o*!k +!h,'6.l I Sr,ro -AX rq€ i-ts-ll_ !:sPiiDo.!.'i-SeN. 36J S'-'irb ibattr|A Ergts*o:rJ Arrr.du El! l0 P"-t;c 3{3.--41 {{tio I +i:!?;?,$?l FA K-3rr3-?6t -{rdi8 ;:'ffi,ffi,iri#rilrnFany JOINT OES'GN USFD WE(DING GRFROCEDUR€ llouble sPEClF;cATtOtt {tr/FsI_ eu*urunBytei R€CORDS YES__ !deililicallo.l nf{1 Auhc ?arixl Ttre- l,3chine_- Posrnoil Por*irn of V€.1icd ELECTRICA! Transbr [4odt€ Sho.r CrJtrBfit Olhet Twrg8ten f37AWI TFC|{rrttctuE S&ir4 or [,lr$ttpa$ or Nurrier of Ftscboib @Tribeto F€erip InErp"ss TREA'IIETT -Giobular*Srrrav -i-acEN 'FAG:-- Eackhg: aac$"9 BAS,E METAL Msterial Tlre or Ta!ickh€sgi D;arnetet FILLER TSTALS AWS AWS sHELorr{c Fitly E;e*ode-Flux (<lassi Ei:rEle-X* Yes_ i.lrA Lotrs,tuo,E -LAB.?rt ^ndr..-Derarce - PFFHEAT Prehesl Tefit l,li,n.P(!Stl a.D .I{€LOI'{G PFOC€DURE Pl op.r"rr-.ffi ?6 Dinansic :1::tA,E_iE-:_45r2aece$"Rad,6 {.!ui up x cr*rrE Pasg or weld l.ateri$) Pro€s FSef Ll€dab;t;L Cuf's* f:------T---lj _ t Amps o I fype & | l{i|e FePid"nl/ l*t:l:ltl:l 30 /oEs i Trav€f I qpeed l rsneo. j AS REA, IAsREa. I I I | -,€krr D€taib I-ffi irlth .Sacking per fgure 3.4 of Atl'S 01.r-99.ALL LAYERS svAlE. Str{A'*/ SFIAW E?01€ F018 E4t8 3BT 1E i{3? DCEP DCEF DCEF 7U10c 1t5-165 15&.-io o TT{UNDEfI JTTOTIIf TA IN TE.$T[NC' *+a 19t3'F. Ibd I Grrrd Julrc i.r. (:it SISH (9?O) 25611965 / (9?tt 263-t4 rc TIIINITYVUELDING' IilC. _ __ !llq$.f_ql Lliceffs? T€ri ftecord | 'iyQTH !€o- r€iE{_tRtl&lFn$ff sibtb.-fia|P HEITHERI|S . r.-rrps \o lqg!'. .. _. ._ Raui{q| e__.__ .-...-:rr?e lll&3ms- _ ; rradeH€Rsco{d Arnst $ahs fMh O$Itcrtior Quehilicrtlon Eengn. Pr'):!53 jiatre 4 lo llsy, irll srlw __sgin I Tra.rslir llodr (GUAVrl)'Sho+Ci. ,11 G|cb{lar J i Trpc llhatrd E lrladrip .*i s!'tce$o t: l,iurN.5er rf g,€racr:s SingAr B ltdnpfr i] .-trient?0latltt rc I ., EOEP A If:En C | __^. Fosdiin::i. abic,a 10, t!€"i41) SL{e_...___. . _. .,rrrd C(sE,1rsErr"- .:f 8bb i! 10. lgn t3r! ijp F Ocrttl - Ee{rlir'g l1*b ,il.t0. tiern iAl Use Sec.{iig Gl CodBuria-trle tncan (OTtLrl {rac |fic.ri C] ttrccriin.Sp€.: afi_6 lo Ar8 ,.-__. Thitfries$ (Plziai: groclle i in j "trf'f;d ( i ti*ct{!}ess ifrbelt.6e}: Gr3:alg f L!'.rr|G,req(F|pr' Gro.IEi Fiilit r tlcie€ r,€r( I Fltur lBial ir*,l3 tn ne.r {?il SFea ILE.l ..--_ Ci:iE- EfOl $ F-I.{a * ri*srfr.,r iy,,re {Tsbtts 4.rt. ne (t!} .ftnsr tq:F.. gfqF_rd" Sprey n &rlo U Pd€ed tr; v[ rA[ nr&PEcTlpX la"a.tl Acc€lEtsre ys3 _ CgtEBlt_E rp TEST RE$i|.JI TS id..3!i.-i) ftg.toft T(EIFH FORF'Ail.lrililTMt li.'ecer'd "rzg.sls -l-i I .,.-..-----J Stejt4rrtxtin0 i: Gkftr.lr:, S$ray i i,larr.rl F-.1 ftdj..ir: i-: S.flriAto :l Artc Ll SirrJle l:i S*rnipb I /'.c l. I TJCEP !:i ficEft 1tr,ac. tc, G,rF, t"tt,aF n R*c"d Li Uf- u: ilotirr | 'UJdnBeddr€*i r1rftrrf sac(i& i: lValtu |reen ,-l '4fthot;i bl*rt i:i At!qa.nf &!_xd*li3g.- .126 .12s _ .125 {-t a '.?4 * >1't si :'- i I I I i I I I ! I i l_..-.- !__ - .75 in +e@C.._ -75 U!!@__._. tf, in ul ir! in ErraEn d ie-B.clgogge- j *5.1, Ar-5 Ert* :rrl Lor,{rrttra]|g8i Erecsqqls F4 and Ld€. I t --l Trr R€$tt ; t-; ".. _-LIil€_fl.;- Far. IAe.ccf,lab{e jaG-Face ,:9.:-49-ot- . . : AoggFt#__. __- -_ i 4G- Ra]r i-+{,rri'---.-i ..-J : - ---t ! ; r'".xq*ab!': =.:-Iyl'- . . .. : a€99FI#_-_-. __- --_-, i aG- Fg_yl - -,4c"epF d.-____._. Fdel T€i F€aGs (4.S e3 arrr d_.:ot.l,itrpeai.r-r-r: Ffipr R,:nr,irrpeait-r-r: Fil€t S,?e _ . -. .. . firg.oetci :t69iJre T€6t Roct Pe:r€tre'jca - - - 8*cdpJn irxpe.tr + .:4A.IT-i&' tao. &q.-*=_ G-gafit8tbnT}ATXDR :r!&?|os .L -.-.-. *--- -. ---- ...-:---.--_ i D"lt -. -l Cr e. li'|e unieer;i.x*. oadry tfrst lhe tdphfrel"fg h tiis rec$d 3re ccneci and Brd thc esf r,*Us r*r" prirco. r6an,{$+'*r-. :ryIlltrWl$.. -r-=:::=_-_ Airnoe{ B.t tesbd i1 ffirdancs vrth the rs+irs{ierr: sf €€ciilr 4 ot AnSUAtA,s D1 .1. t :Cll ; $n ]| r6ar{$+Ii3r_:ryrt1ltr1.tlf.lp-llg.. .-.-- Au!'oes r.G.*- gt&-SteEt TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT.VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2t3s NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 4O0 E MEADOW DR VAIL l.ocation.....: TYROLEAN CONDOS. LJNIT 6 & 7 ParcelNo...r 210108252W7 hoject No ' -?tr-lO5 Ot( S owNER BLITEeRovE pRop N\r o9/L5/2oos c,/o BRANDESS cADMus REAIJ ESTATE INc 281 BRIDGE ST VAIIr co 8a657 CONfRACTOR BEST ELECTRIC, THE P.O. BOX 273 EJAGIJE co 81631 License: 540-5 APPLICAIST SHAIIER IJIFE SAFETY DEBBIE SHANER 09/L5/2005 Phone : 970-328-L610 09/t5/2005 Phone: 970-408-9082 Permit #: A05-0072 ioS-otql Status...: ISSUED Ap'plied. . : Wllslzffis Issued. . : l0ll4/2ffis Expires. .: 0/.lI2l2W6 $,i 94 . 50 ($3.00) $491.s0 s4 91. 50 $0. 00 Desciption: FIRE ALARM RETROFIT AT TYROLEAN CONDOS, UMT 6 & 7Valuation: $7,000.00 **************i*******:&**********+*i.*|.*d!*'t**|i.*'***'t'|.*:i*|t*|i.*,.{.*****FEEs Electrical----- > DRB Fe€--------- > lnvestigadou--- > Will Call------ > TOTAL FEE$- > $0. 00 $0. o0 $0.00 $3.00 $49,r.50 Total Calmlrted Fes- > Additional Fees:----- > Totrl Permit Fe€--- > BALANCE DTJE--_ > Approvals; Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARI'!{ENT L0/06/2oos mvaughan CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, coupleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIAII BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR, ROT'RS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. Action: AP _a7 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI Qfot15 ication submittal and must include information listed on the APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of m/WNOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 ms*:H6T"tw'[h'u"hs Fire Alarm Contractor:Contact and Phone #'s: lv ne - 170 4 71 jbtoTown of Vail Reg. No.: CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMTT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ 7, @"oO for Parcel # ******************r'**r.**************r<**FoR OFFICE USE ONLY***rr*rr**********rr****rr*r.************* 0712612002 Contact Assessors Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit Parcer *,2t O t A I AS A,0o7 JobName:-y' r f, t | / ., -1'lVrole&rt L0A6as La i I Job Address: 4oa 6. Itfuot"o b' U"i I Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Namei -f;m llt -doag Address:Phone: !76 - 33e6 Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit #, bldg. #) LfJ+ t" E 1 Detailed description of work: t4.. A\ar^ &+ruft* WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Retro-fit(X) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MultFfamily(X) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: q No of Aciommodation units in this building:d Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( |) No ( )dbes a Fire Spn=nRlei$item Exise Yes (l) No ( ) \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITSULRMPERM. DOC TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2138 OWNER co 81657 APPI.,ICAI{T DOI'BLE Q P.O. BOX EDWARDSco 8L632. License: COI{TRACTOR DOUBLE Q P.O. BOX EDWARDSco 8]-632 License: PARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 4O0 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: TYROLEAN CONDOS. UNIT 7 ParcelNo.,,: 210108252N7 ProjectNo : .'?RsO:-Ot\ j Br_,UEGROVE PROP NV aO/LO/2'Os C/O BRAIIDESS CADMUS REAIJ ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAlL Status . . . Applied . . Issued . Expires . lo/Lo/2oos Phone:970-748-9780 a0/L0/2oos Phone z 970-748-978o E05-0240-tpS 0\<1 : ISSUED: 10i10/2005: I0llll2ffi5.z 04109/20[,6 ELECTRIC 242 190-E EIJECTRIE 242 190-E Desciption: MOVE AND ADD DEVICES, LIGHTS AND HEAT Valuation: $5,000.00 Square feet: 1500 :a,i:]rt*'lt*t*i.'t****:l Electrical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > Will Call--------- > TOTAL FEES- > $s?..50 s0. 00 $0.00 $3 .00 s60. s0 $50.50 s0. 0o $50. 50 $50.50 90.00 Toal Calculated Fees-> Additioml Fees-----> Total Permit Fe€------ > BALANCE DUE------_ > Approvals: Item: 06000 ETECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENr Lolto/2oos shahn IIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARIMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAITCE' **+*******'l****** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fitled out in frrll the information required, completed im aocurate plot plan, and state that all ttre information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according !o the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUBSTS FOR INSPECTTON SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR PM. LA|A7l2AA5 67ie7 MVN OPUAIL 75 S. Frootage Rd. vall, colorado 81657 Eor-oavo e7a-748-q16 DII.JBLE O ELECTRTI PAGE g2 APPIJCATIOI{ WILT NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR PrcJect#:- Bulldlng Permlt # Electrical Permlt #l CO NTRACTO R IN FO RMATION County Assessors Office at 97O'or vlsit ii+r"+s*nr *rrfr+:' t r;;': x.ParceI # ' JobNa?s' t -TIr^a)btt -J ",w:gff##fFi,;WJ Legal Desoiptlon tot:Block:Filing: HfftA#,,"'U poc tt y' llAdd$fri Aotr .n y't'c Engineer:Mdress:.moner ..- :i::rrtn,.'.r t v. ,'. .. llM ue q tfrO fuubs WorkType: lnterior{lt Fxterior ( ) Both ( )ll ooes an El{U exist at thlt lo."Uon, ' Yet (i:)' No. of Ex'sUng Dwelling Units in this building: hrf,- r rr r +r tYrr t r t*r. r. r | **t *r * I *' * * a t * { t}r IFOR dFFICE USE \Wr iMrtrhdcf, \FORMS\PERM ITS\ELECF E RM. DOC oT o TMENTTOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMEN 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 nG479-2r3s VAIL FIRE DEPAR NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT PCrMit #: FO5-0069-3os otq'cf Job Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDIocatim.....: TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Applied . . : lll}3l2Cfrs Parcel No...: 210108252U]7 Issued . . : ll/WlzCfd Project No , -eR-SOS O(3 Expires . .: owNER BTJUEGRoVE pRop tw LL/og/2oos C/O BRA}IDESS CADMUS REAI-, ESTATE INC 281 BRTDGE ST VAII, co 81557 APPIJTCA$T WESTERN STATES FrRE PROTECTTLI/O3/2005 phone: 303-792-0022 7025 SOIITH TUCSON WAY ENGI.,EWOOD eo 80112 License:338-S COTURACTOR WBSTERN STATES FIRE PROTECTITL/o3 /2OOS phone: 303-192-0022 7025 SOIIrH TUCSON WAY ENGIJEWOOD co 80112 L,icense:338-S Desciption: add prinlcler system to, UMT 7 Valuation: $6,795.00 **||'l'}||a+****+'.'}*|*'}*#*|l||++|+|*.t'.***t*'+*{t..*t.||.tt}****{.**{l*I.EsUMM Mechanical--> go. o0 Resnrarant Plan Review- > Plan Check- > S350. 00 DRB Fe€------------ > S0 , 00 Total Calculated Feas-- > $638 . ?9 90 .00 Additional Fees--------->$0. oo Iuvestigation- ) win cdt-- > s0.00 TOTAL FEES ,- S638.79 Toral Permit Fee-----> 5638.79 $0. 00 BALANCE DI]E----- >$0.00 ITEn: O51OO BIIII.,DING DEPART!{EI{TIten: 05600 FIRE DEPART!,IENT aL/O3/2OOS mcgee Action: Ap Approved as noted: Subject to field inspection. Plan sections are inadequate, reflected ceiling plans were not provided. CONDITION OF APPROVAL Coud: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Town ordinances and state laws, and to build tbis structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Pajrmenls-------*-- > $638.79 REQIIESTS FOR INSPECTI_ON SHAr,I, BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOLTRS rN ADVAFICE BY TELEPEONE AT 479-2135 Ai;' to,,i'li t",;Hlgtleste5$t')'i: or, zrT6 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81857 I'll . 0105 F. l AFpucAnoN wrLL Nor BE AGCEPTED tF lNconpLErE.oR Itt{srGNED 0 (lfn ( , 0l tjt ,-4,,€-- > Proiect fr [ l-U L/ Building Permit #: Sprinkler Pennit #: 9ze{79-41-sl- llaregsrtgl T 6WFTFVAIILF tR E S p Rt i.t KL"E B pEEM!I APPUeAfl o N rire Sptinner shop drawlngs are required at lime-of permit submittal and must-include the folowlng-- Pefmit apPlication will not be accepted without th is i nformation :. .q Gotorado RegisGrcd Englneede stemp or H.l-!l'T- Leglp(mirletamp ' i#l$iiiiitil'j* ri',=*,"i** f*5"# col't'lL{c'rt)R r N FoRMATION Firesprinkler:$ / 1flo.n'?'lu for Parcel # Fire Sorinkler Contractor. ilesiarn 'Ghfrs F''P f*#'h Town of Vail Reg. No.: 3#g-s EoniE* ant Fhena #'s: lo3 Tqzmzz Et 4!4 E-ftlail Addrees:Lei,f*r,*@isfrt.ue , Contraclor Signalure: *--f- - / ^145f{_,{. COMPLETE VALUATIoN{I FoR ALARU PERlrlT (Labor & Materials) Coa at Job Name:&n/os7 7ra {urt JobAddress; /tW 6r/ lrfurr{.U D|fe Legal Description ll Lot: fl Block: ll Filing:SuMlvlsloF: m^*m""'@E-k tLi tO lf rooress: po ZMffin' H*sry* P*p,oy' l'Roo'"*'' zp,f $.4+E--h;/)ry e", fr# t4ea{att P",r,e #,(/raf2! Deta led descnpuon ot worK: AlJ qs,inkt r tyst'*a ,/o eil-#q-fug- t*,/s- J- Work Class: New( ) Addilion { } Remoclel (\4 Repair 1 ) Retro-lit ( ) fther i ) - Type of Btdg. singl+famity ( ) Two'farnily ( ) Multi-fsmily 1yf Commercral ( ) Restaurant | ) Orher ( ) No. of ExBting Dwelling Units in thls butldlng: I No. of Accommodation Units in this buildirg: I ***trf,+t+ * i ** ****** +* rt++** * * *******+****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** **+++++ !r*+++* + ****+*** * i *|rri** *frrt* l'1174l1(to2 f\c;y+*"'\t" V*'-11^a/v\ :iv,ril'rlatir',rdevfOld\t$ C[R-t\l lIS\$I'j{XPERLI IJC)C: \ ,; .Z < Wr*lU1 )fts6oulb oo Thb?q TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 nu479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MBCHANICAL PERMIT PErMit #: MO5-O24O-ba5 -o \c( ( Job Address: 4m E MEADOW DR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Applied . . : l0lL8l20[i5 Parcel No...: 2L0L08252n7 Iszued . . : ll/03/20{Js legal Description: Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing Expires . .: 0510212UX project No : r, qaj5 ,O r\ S ovtNER BIJUEGROVE pROp ITV LO/L8/20O5 E/O BRA}TDESS CADMUS REAI-, ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81,657 APPIJICAIIT SWEDETS METAIT FAB LO/L8/2003 Phonet 97O-39O-t176 P.O. BOX 801 MINTT'RNeo 8164s L,icenge: 239-M CoNTRACTOR SWEDETS METAr., FAB LO/!8/2003 phone: 97O-39O-L176 P.O. BOX 801 MINTT'RT{ co 81645 IJicense: 239-M Desciption: INSTALL HLIMIDIFICATION SYSTEM Valuation: $6,000.00 Fireplac€ Infurmation: Restricred: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Peuet: 0 ttltt+rt t!.attttt++l++t+'tt'|:r{.*'Fr**ti't Mechanical--> $120.00 Restuarant Plan Review->90.00 Total Calculdted Fees-- > $153.00 Plan Che.k--> Investigation- > Will Cell---> s0.00 BALANCE DUE.-.--- >$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{EI\II Lo/tg/2oos Js Action: Ap ItEM: 05600 FIRE DBPART!,IENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond3 12 (BLDG.): FIELD II{SPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRm TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-'IAIICE. Condz 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF THE 2003 IMC AlilD SECTION 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond: 23 (BLDG.); BOIILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO II{A}IUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS A}lD CI{APTER 10 OF TIIE 2OO3 IMC, Cond: 25 (BLDG.): GAS APPLIAITCES SHAI-'Ir BE VmgtED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC' Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO MECIIANICAI EQUIPMEIcT MUST COMPL,Y WITH CHAPTER 3 OF THE 2003 to DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $30.00 TOTAL FEES--------> $153.00 Additional Fees------ > s0. 00 $3.00 Tohl Permit Fee-----> 9153.00 Paymenis---------- > $153.00 IUC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE Cond: 31 2003 rFGC. (BIIDG.): BOILERS SHALIT BE MOIINTED OII FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI-,E CONST. ITNLESS IJISTED FOR MOIII\ITING ON COI{BUSTIBI.E FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AIID CODE AI{AITYSIS MUST BE POSTED I}I MECHANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTIO}I REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG.): BOIL,ER RoOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITI{ A FIOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROV@ MEAIIS FOR DISPOSI}IG OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTIO}I 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL 8E MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. 2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET AppucATro' il. no, BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLETr?* rnrrun 'gqs-. 0//) ,,-ffi,!Dl_.oaro zvd TOV Project #: Buifding Permit 523€ o Mechanical Permit #: 97 O-47 9 -2149 (Inspections) Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:o Mechanical Room Dimensionso Combustion Air Duct Size and LocaUonc Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size and Locationc Heat Loss Calcs.o EquipmentCut/Sp€cSheets 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8f657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: ot(7C E/{e MECHANICAL: $ f,"qro-E COMPLETE VALUATION FOR I{ECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials \e @nbct rynUAssessrs Offieat or uisit for Parel # Parel #p lO / otrJ r&oo) lob Name: B t*e g 'Aa'E JobAddress: lfu e fl4c4&l";btL-*2 Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: tif cl*. E(ec t Ys(f/il Address: &EJ*,orRfl6 sr ll Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detaifed description of work:5n:rSfr+{,| tlo-ra ic9< F,ct* ,i,-, Syg\fc=r\ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alteration(X) Repair( ) Other( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg:Single.family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family(1) Commercbl ( ) Restaurant( )Other( ) No, of Existing Dwelling Units in this bullding:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ATIOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) tlo ( ) F:bdev\BUILDING\APPUCATIONS\IUECHPERM2005.DOC +- I 03-13-20064:24om -'- Vait Co':-Ciitdf -'- - R€quested Inspec{ Date: Tuesday, March 14,2006 lnspection Area: CG Site Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL ryROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Requestetl'Jfi8: E9t98ilY Entered By: DGOLDE?XJ '/) t tfr4,D'rn'/fl rfl(' (;\, (4', 7 A/P/D Information Reouested Insoection{g} lnsDection Hastorv Item: 226 FIRE DEPT. 03/10/06 Item: 50 Item: 60 Item: 70Item: g0 Item: 21Item: 22 NOTIFICATIONInspector: mcgee Activitv: 805-0199 Const Tvo6: Ow?ier: BLUEGR( Apolicant: NEDBO CCohtractor NEDBO C Description: ADD DOFCominent ROUTED RS SOUTH BEDROOM. FIRE. S MATT Git\NE iI. :lRi AND PU Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: apDroveo PLANS IN sprinkler Item: 10Item: 20Item: 30 Sub Tvoe: AMF Status: ISSUEDUse: V-A Insp Alsu' gn IN SLOT D.2. ING COMMENTS ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION - JSUTHER issuance pending VFES approval. - CGUNION required. ilo apprications as of this entry. - cDAVls * Aoproved * ' ' Action: AP APPROVED REPTI31 Run Id: 446L l |nspectlon Request AJPIII Inlbrmr0on Acttuihn Const Typ,[: otrlrier: ADDlhant Coh'lracior: B0so199 BLUEGROVE AMF V.A Sbtls: In$p Area: ISSI'ED CG Phone: 970'84$1001 Phone: 97tl'84$.{001 UP8TAIRS SOUTTI BEDROOM, FIRE, SPRINKLER ANDALARM rquhEd. no aodic€lbns as ot tf*s anW. - lrrfi/AUGI-lAN TT C#NNETf HRE AND PUBLE lr6RKS. PttCED I rnW. - tS/AUGI-IAN IrUORKS. PttCED lN SLOT Da - Commont C ComnEnt aComnEnt apDro\rsd by bCoffalt FU{NSlNffN SU8[|'TTED ADDRESSII]G COilrtlE[IfS ROUTED rc CHRIS GUNION - JSUIHER bu!d!ng_a4-7-l$_., porml lssnme prndhg VFES appoval. - CGUI{Oh| N C-2 --CGUNTOAI- RaquesEd Inspecuon{sl }.IEDBO NEDBO 30 BLDG NEDBO C wil can 977-827, un[ JMOTTDRAGON Requested Tlme: 0l:30 PM' Phon€: 977&27 Enbr€d By: DGOLDEN K Ite+l Rsqu€stor: Confunentl: ^*qsltrCotntmrt f ntn'u st!*rpoc Qo^ocna/p,41s7..lG UEL C^Lt^/63T Item: llsm: lt.m: hm; Itrm: lt3m:lbfihm: nail:llrit: ltT YltYnM lnso€cdon Hlsbry 226 FIRE DEPT, IPNHCATION 10 BlDeFoollnos/St€el 20 8l-DGFoun&tlorVstset Requested lnspect Date: Frlday, l{ovember ll,2005 lnspecflon Area: CG - SltcAddr6s! 400 E ilEADOWDRVAIL TYROLEAN COIIDOS, Ul'llT 7 Wpe: A-IF ffiumlicv: REPr[.31 Run Id: 3E85 12-0&Zl(F lnspccilor Requcct Rcpor0ng Page{l 4:50 prn uel|, co - ctqr ol - RequeciEd Inspecc Deb: !flday, Dec.ember 09,2005- InwdonArca: SH Slb A|ttrrls: ,000 E IXEADOW DR VAIL TVROt.EAfi COSTDOS, UiltT 7 ArPf,' Infonnaflon Draeflbn: llCttEAI{D UGF{TSAiIDFEAT subT6: AMF $trs: lSSl,.ED InspA'3s: SH Ptpm: 970.?4&97ff) Phom: 9rc'7il&9?80 RcquestedTlme: ll:(EAll' Ptpn : 9774i27 Eilercd By: tCAllFE€Lt K F€oucslld lncoecton(sl lbmr 190 ELEC#lnal Rrquetbr: MARKUfiIHNEDBO CordmentB: YULL CALL: WROLEAN tTA*tHlIS: ry ImEry: ID€: BELEC A_cgueai*,f F,y*Atlflf o )Y eZ )FA N-r tklllo{ lsuectEqEEtsq lbm: ll0 ELEGTemp.Poxrerlbm: l2O ELEC-Rough 1@O05 InrD3clon EG Actbn: PlPARllALll.lSFECTlOlrlCd|iln.lt IIISFECTED l,t ^lrs O|.ILY. CE|lJtlO HXTURE9 S]lAtL BE RAIED FOR Tl{ElR APPLICT\nON.!bm: l3t ElEc4orxiln!bm: tro EI.EC-frbc.bm: l$ ELECFhaI REPT131 Rtrn Id,: 4OO3 ?.b. 12-7?ffi Inspegtlon RequectReportlng Page tl4:(PHn Vell, co -clry ol - Reguested lnsp€ct Dab: Yuednecdly, D€cernber tt[, 2005 lnsoectbn Aree: Cb Slte A&trecs: /m0 E TEADOW DR VAIL TYROLEAN COSIDOS, UNIT 7 eEb@!gs AclFtv: ltfil$O?€ TVoo: &MECH Const TyrE: ocrupoilvOrtbr: BLUEGROVE PROP lW ' sublg: AMF Statn: lnsp Araa: ISSUED CG ADD|baft SI,UEDE'S METAL FAB Coirbacbr: SYVEDE'S METAL FABD.slpdoo: llSTltL til,rMlDlFlC.ATlOf{ SYSTEM Requesbd lngoecdon(sl lbm: 3S) IUECH-Flnale$T: SITEDE.S METAL FABRe$le$n 9IVEDE'SI'ETAL Acdon:TIme Exp: lnsoecdon Hlsion Phom: 97(X190't{76 Ptpnc: 97(L3EX).'1176 Coorn nE; Ttsoleeo tT, wllfell srF€r 977-0327 A$lgn_cd To: GDEI.ICKIA /U ) *"*lkK,Fxn Erfrred By: DGOLDEN K U 200 lrtECl-t-Rotgh tl/07/{16-lnsDocbr: IIROYER Ad[on: AFCRAPpROVEDCORRECIONRE@ Conrtmrfi 1.) Humklf,ler and relotad fffi,'draln3 cro not laisll€d at $b une. 2,) Exporod |an neo(b I hout rated box owr the fop and rlgH drctrE Checfr et fnme frpo<lbn. 310 MEC'Fl-H€N$no 315 PLt€€erPldmsltt lEcl-l-Exl5ric llood3:l:n fECflSueDl'yAh 3{o ilEg+rt6c. - 3gt Gctl-Ftml Itam: lbm: lb|D:htru lht|r: lbm: REPTl31 Run Id: 4017 Vorz Vilhqo6trry t W*l tudat, Design Review Board udf/ f0n{\im ACTION FORM Depafunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L39 f ax: 97 0.479.2452 . web: www.ci.vail,co,us Project Name: MASSA/BLUEGROVE ADDmON DRB Number: DRB050172 Prcject Description: APPROVAL OF DECK ENCLOSURES AND DORI"IER ATTYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Partacipants: owNER BLUEGROVE pROp NV 04l2Sl2OO5 C/O BRANDESS CADMUS REAL ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC04/25/2005 Phone: 970-471-6122 PO Box 7760 Avon co 81620 License: C000001764 ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHIECT, LLCM/25I2005 Phone: 97 047 L-6t22 PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ProjectAddressr 400 E MEADOW DRVAIL Locationt TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNIT 7 Legal Description: Lot: Block Subdivision3 TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel Number: 2101-082-5200-7 CommenB: seeconditions Motion By: Second By; Votel Conditionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalr 05/09/2005 rh/or.f Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: 3300.00 ,*ffi Physl€al Addro6s: Type of Rwie* and Fee:. Sisns. Con€eptual Revieur . Minor Alteration (multi-fam ily/comrErcial) Minot Alteration (singbfamih/duplex) Cfnngcs to Approwd Ptans Separatioft @u€st Application for Design Review tleparhnent of Coomunity Development 75 South Ftontage Road, Vail, Cohrado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 lailj 97O.479.2452 web: www,vailgoY.com General Informatlon: Al projecb requiring d€6ign rwiew must rec€ive @proral prior b submittirg a building pemit appliaatirn. Plece refer to thg submittal requiretnenb for the partiarlar approwl that is requesbd. fui application for DesQn Ret/iew cannot be Ilescription of lhe Request: r,oeat'u.x: 5D Bbek:- *m*"s.*, l/e'l !/i1/r1. Ffiti 4u ( ,/ 7: (u/ttl/r\ / / -Parpet l,fo.: -?0V6252j41-(ConraetEagileco. Ass666orat970.3284dtoforparcelno.) 1|} '7Zoning: 'r\' t' Name(e) of Owner(s): /orlo *U. Vl IJ 4 -- , 7?- Owne (s) Signature(s): ve 70v. - o -\, ,).J $50 Ens $'1.00 per square fool of total sign area. I'lo Fee oorEtrucibn of a new aftt 46, reroofing, painting, winddv walb. etc. additions, landscaping,fen6 ard retaining $20 For minor changes b buildings ard site improvffrenb, sudl 6, refoofing, painting, window additirrs, landscaping, funces and r€*aining walls, etc.$20 For rcvisixrs b dans atmOy approvtd by Hafftirg Statr or the Design &vbwBmrd. No F€e I{ailing Mdress: E-rnallAddre*: b add€d tD arry resideritial or g8#:g!ql ct "cr* No./9 fif- ev,--, [fnsDate: ,.#oRpNo.:t yAe - - rtoirl r,lo.: /iage1oflzlo4,lO1lo4. b H (} r\ls #FilT l.r* td" ^io. t .r3,,"t t ,.,:'. ' sr.r. J,ll' .!','l 'ir ;.{-.li-l,i',. ,'f.:l,l:-- 2 ili5;- {},',t, r.r'ri' l{'B\-'i,, , \:1..r ! . o6 Rbr 05 09:34a Flmparo TeFFa2a3 933620?p.1 Apptication for Oesign Review Deoarlm€nt of CotTmentt' Detmlopcunt 75 Soulh Frontage Road. var. Colorado 81651 tot: 970.479.2130 fax: 970.479 2452 $reb : wly'rr.r'ililG{3v.co'T| General Information: Al projects :aquidng dr:sign rcv:sw .rtrrst ]eoa,vc aptror€l pflor to Subf,inilg a Dt ndrts pernlit apF*5tkt:- Phrse refer b t,re sutrrifta rcquirerrenLc lcr the parli|:rrbr approval thsl b ;Eqursted- tui apPlicatlon ior Oc$0n &'\riaw oarntt be f',|fioted untir a! rceired h:orma$gn is rscenerj by lhs Ctmmunit/ Dellridmrr.cnt Deparlmsnt. Tf'8 proied nray i.tso ,c€d to ti€ rev.E!.#ed by tl.,e Tolwr C.;(arncil arldtor $re PlenPlng ald Environfrtental Cctrnission. Ooiagn revierv spptoyal lapscs unlcsF a buikting permit is lrs|rd md cdlsttuction commctEes tathin ono yPar of the approral. D6criptionor theRequesl: /*,u, ! o!,/.t /, ,n .ti**l-Z/agin* *.fui*i ^! .*,: r,jAfu nA fiQ , / -.,\. / /, .i .? 'r.. PhysicalAddress: .<fOO F*<!- /r'r'a'^/'o"a' tr' ! 4*:,!,' parcet No.: Zl0l49.25ZOA f- {Contaci Eagle Co. Assor at g?G328€BtB for parcel no.i //ht.trrErrfff.fg. t'tzl'al | -" Narne(sl of On ner(s): Haillng Addre6s: Owner{s} Signature(sl: ,__<a__i.. Ndme of Appficant: /:4hi(;v/ -W21-:dr-!9-9'!'El ltailins Addros ". - --rU Z 6^)i rt't *'aL l',- E{ail Addr€ss: Phono: Fax:4tif .7r!./ Type of Rrviaw and Fee: . Signs .. <Conpoua neu'e.r -..'' . f.le,,y Corslrudion- Adiritirtrr ' lv{rpr Aterolion irnult i-,3arrity/mmrnrYcFtl -r - Licrx Altaralion isi nd e-lern:lyr'duPlex l ' g'€noes lc Apprs\,ed Rans . SeFaiai-rrr:Rcqrrst S50_ PtJs $1.09 Fer sqilre root oi loltl s€rnarea. i.i\fJ Fee -.i 3550 For cDnsln clion ot ;l new building or demcJle$uild- .Saxt Frr an addiiori rrfere s4frats r,'Jolege b added to a'nl t6sicedlid o. ctrnrprc!{ buildttg (rnd.tdes 2511 flttditaorF & inlatiot eJ|nt,f't;r,r5) Setc Ftr rnrxr cfirsrgec to builcfngs md stc ifiFrottortEnt$. slrfi as, rerooring. Fain{ng. wi.r<kDr adjiibns. htldscaping. feot*$ erd retainire v,"!!. elc. Sao For minoa chflsEs lo buikLn0s 3nd $te iitlpfon€tncds, stah 6, reroonng. paintng. win(b'.v ad,1illxts. btdecaping, teri{jet and i€t€ining wa{s, etc. 520 For revisivrs lo Far6 3lreedy :tlptav€d brl' Ptarjn$ Saff or lhc Dcsign l?€\'b'A Eoard No Fcc By: IrBNo. Cneck f{o. Projecl Nc.: I a ,r/6 Western States Fire Protection Co. 7026 South Tucson Way Centennial, Colorado 801 l2 (303) 192-0022 (303) 792-9049 FAx Commercial . Indusrial . R$identiEl . lnstitutional Spccial Hazards . High T€ch . Defense. Hangars Retrofit. S€rvicc. lnspection. Msintenance FIRE PROTECTION HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND MATERIAL CUT SHEETS TYROLE 4OO EAST MEADOW DRIVE SUBMITTED BY LEI TANG PROJECT MANAGER 09t08/2005 "\,f' VAIL COLORADO Frank C. Konecnv Westem States Fire Proteciion Co. Nicet Level IV Regislration #111423 sEP 14 2005 Albuquerquc.NM.Austin,TX.ColoradoSprings.CO.Dallas,TX.Denver,CO.l{ouston,TX,KansasCily,KS.LasVcgas,NV Phoenix. AZ . Ponland. OR . Rapid City, SD ' San Anlonio, TX . Scartle, WA. Spokane, WA. St. Louis. MO Job Numbgr: 49950 n: T#t&J1Ce- il @ @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc.fllnutosenrruxo vR4 v4.1.0 0911412005 9:18:56AM f;ffi 26.00 29.79 cD Most Demanding Sptinklor Data fu,@m.e.e.cnD, tnc.InutosRnlHxo vR4 v4.1.0 09/1412005 9:18:574M P4e2 Job Number: 49950 Report Description: I Pre&sure Summary 38.074 T(2'4). T ?8 7'-0 Pe -0.003 72.742 T(5'-0). T(1, 4' 13' Pt 1 .'121 Pe 3,685 Pv 77 _548 83.913 67'-4y; pe s .636 2(-0.000), BFP(-13.500), 107 -1i Pv BV(16'-10), LtE(8',-5), PRVG5.000), I 34_378 ?R ?O7 4'-6r Pe -0.217 131 1418 51.2M 3T(2',-0). 5T 121 14'€ 2 -6 Pe 2.681 8'-8% Pv 65.211 T(1' fo, @ M.e.e.ceD, rnc.|fl Rutospntuxo VR4 v4.1.0 09n4nOO5 9:18:57AM Page 3 f;ffi Dowmtream Pn Flttlngs Job Number: 49950 Report Description: I tl |JrSSSUre iEq. Length lSummary Total 8'€ 72.546 5',-0 Pe 20'-10y; Pv 18'-1% 67.554 7r.606 r(2'-0),4E(2,-0), er(0,-6), f Aclual Inside Diameter \zr'87\6) =r.ao,Vafue OtC 100 130 140 1SO i4:ultjplyils l-a,clqf - 0.7.11 1 16 1.33 1 51 6,@ M.E.p.cAD, Inc.*l AurosPRtNK@ vR4 v4.1.0 0911412005 9:18:57AM Page 4 f;ffi Job N|'mher. 49950 Report Description: I Eq. Length Total AO Arm-OverBL Branch Line CM Cross Main DN Drein DR Drop DY Dynamic FM F6ed MainFR Feed Riser MS Miscsllaneous OR Outrigger RN Riser NippleSP SprigST Stand Pipe Diameter InchElevation FootFlow gpm Discharge gpmVelocity frsPressure psiLength Foot Friclion Loss Dsi/FootHWC Hazon-Williams ConstantPt Total pressure at a point in a pipe ll Normal pressure at a point in a pipePf Pressure loss du6 to friction betrriren oointsPe Pressure due lo elevation difference betwtsen indicatedPv Velocity pressuG at a point in a pipe ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valveb Bushing BalV Ball ValvB BFP Backflow PreventerBV Butterfly ValveC Cross Flow Turn 90.cplg CouplingCr Cross RunCV Check Valve DelV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe ValveE 90' ElbowEE 45'ElbowEel 11%'Elbovr EeZ 22%" Elbowf Flow Device FDC Fire Deoartment ConnectionfE 90" FireLock(TM) EtbowfEE 45" FheLock(TM) Etbowflg FlangeFN Floating NodefT Firelock(fM) Tee I Glov GV Hose HV Hvd LtE mecT Noz P1 P2 PIV PO PrV PRV red S sCV spr st T Tr U WirF WMV z Gauge Globe Valve Gale Valve Hose Hose Valve Hydrant Long Turn Elbow Mechanical Tee Nozzle Pump ln Pump Out Post lndicating Valvo Pipe Outlet Pressure Relief Valve Pressure Reducing Valve Reducer/Adapter Supply Swing Check Valve Sprinkler Strainer Tee Flow Turn 90' Tee Run Union Wircbo Water Meter Valve cap fu,o m.e.e.ceo, tnc.ffi lutoseRtNxo vR4 v4.1.0 OU14aO05 9:18:57AM Page 5 Job Number: 49950 9so 3m 4so Supply at Node 1 1050 Water flow, gpm 900 120n Shtic N I I I Pressun \ :1 35.000 I ,110.i il I i"" l.Nr \ i"; deman d ourve \tr**o,*i r0O nl l \ 133.981 @ 110.73 110.73 @ 112.390 fo,o u.e.e.cRo, rnc.$ RutosenlHxo vR4 v4.1.0 O9l14nO05 9:18:58AM Page 6 IFEECO, RED U C E D PRESSURE ASSEM B LY@ BACKFLOI/i' PREVENTION Characteristics Phyeical Properties Size of Mainline Max. Working Pressure Hydroslatic Test Press. Temperature Range End Connections llaterials Main Valve Body Coating Shut Off Valves Trim Elastomer Discs Spring Clamp Application Health Hazard 21LI,3,4" 6., 8., 10" 175 PSI (1200 KPa) 350 PSI (2400 KPa) 32o F to 1400 F (0o C to 600 C) Flanged ANSI 8i6.1 Class 125 Duc.tile iron Grade 65-45-12 Fusion epoxy coated internal and external AWWA C550-90 OS &Y resilient wedge gale valves AM^,A C509 Bronze Alloy C83600 EPDM Stainless steel AWWA c606 (10" only) U.S. Patent No. 4,989,635 Agency Compliance . ANS|/A\ A4rA (C51 1-89) _ 2%. _ 10.. ASSE(Std. 1013)- zut,-10,. CAN/CSA (864.4) - 21t1" - s,. uL Listed - 21t2. _ 8". FM Approved - z'li'- e.. cUL - z'lr', - B". Approved by the Foundation for Cross Connection Gontrol and Hydraulic Research at the University of Soulhern California. - 2tlz" - B" ISODEL 860 REDUCEO PRESSURE ASSEIIBLY Model860 Flow Curves 2%" and3" 4OO GPM 2OOO GPM a31s q 810o'l- 5 U'o.;15I 810{, 5 20 o915ooq ;10 EI.c 4" and 6" 8" and l0' s(X)O GPM MODEL 860 INSTALLANO}I 360TopView Dimensions andWeights stzE U.S. - Inch$ (Motertc . itM) CDEA Nel WL Lbs. (Kss.) NRS Nst Wt. Lbs. (Kga.) os&Y 2'&.. (6tt) 3" (80) 4. (r00) 6" (r50) 8" (200) 10- {zr0) 401. (1 035.1 ) 4171.('t063.61 46\.(1174.6) 56 (44.4) 6s (1651.0) 726h(1U4.7) 251h(e7.71 25sl. (650.9) nQ11.2t 34% (882.7) 413/. (1060.5) 4dl8(1177.9) 41h1114.3) 41h(1'14.31 Sri: (139.7) 6% (165.1) 7 1177 .8\ e (228.6) 7'l'(181.0) 7r,s (187.3) 81/6(200.4) 9% (250.0) '| 1V! (282.6) 12316(314.3' 219 (99.3) 231 (104.8) 317 (143.8) 481 (218.2) 734 (332.9) 946 (429.1) 223(101.2') 233 (105.7) 334 (151.5) 516 (234.1) 796 (361.1) 1008 (457.2) 12'16 (320.7, 10 12 .0 12th (n7.0,, jo (204.0) 121.(327.0' 10(254.0) 13 (330.2) 10 (254.0) 143/.(365.1) 10lil, (257.2' 15Vr(384.2) 1ltl. (257.2' 18tlr(479.41 12V. (323.9) N't.(527.'ll 11\6(282.6) 23v, (s69.9) 155/0 (396.9) 26%(682.6) 12'\ (211.2| 2714 (698.5) 155/r (396.9) 28\4 (t17.6') 12xt.(314.31 Note: Dimensions are nominar. A ou€nces muEt be msds f.r normal manuhctufng tolerances. Distributed by: Daniel L. Jerman Co. 275 Railroad Place Hackensack, NJ 07601 Phone 800.654.3733 Fax 201.487.3953 f nternational Phone 201.487 .7444 'FFg€fi,tl Materials of Constructlon |TEX oescR|mo f Body1,1 Plpo Pl,o1.2 Birldng i2!rf4" Onry)2 Co!/€t2.1 ORino22 Cap S-crw2.3 Her( t{ur3 S€st Rho3.1 G66k6l - 32 Sodet Hood Sofgw3.3 Whdr{3.4 Ehrth Stop Ntnil A,m1,1 BuEhtE Swino ptn42 Sylno Pin5 Rrblnlng Ctip5.1 Rotainlng Ctig6 Choc& Did( i.ATERIALS A3 1 3 Type E3l SS 4313 Typ6 631 SS Ac€lal R.sln Bl30 Alloy C22m0 8584 Alorr C83600 AE6tal Resln 8585 Allq CE36m Rutt6r,/Fab.lc AEliil R6dnlE{ SS 302 SS PHod Sb€l Plat d SIE€| S584 Allot C83800 18{ SS HDPE 85E4 Alhry C836(x) 1&8 SS A5it6 GR 0&{"t12 Plabd Sl€d Pbbd StsdfrHSbcl EPD[.' Mftno AATM DAFo EEII DESCRIPTIOI{ 28 Button28.1 Flow Wb6he.29 Rr' Sprnq30 RV Sl€n3l Main Guido31.'l Maln Guid. O.Rlno32 Ssat Dlsc33 La€r Guide34 Soet Rhg34.i O{hS35.'l O.RInC31t.2 Erlemlon37 Sm. DlsphEgm3E Retainer36.1 Slip Rlng39 Flow Whsher,f0 8dl Vah.o4'l Nlppls41.1 Nlppls11.2 Nlpplo42 G€le lldE (NRS)60 ltondfrcado.l FlrtEA2 Ddr/e Sc,swm Cbnlp Lod Ph Lvrr Srlm Rrtr Sprlm Sbrt El.sdc Shp JEm Nut IATERI.ALS A536 cR 65.45-.t2 Galv. St. Brds 4536 GR 65-45-1 2 EPDM ASTM D2OOO PlatEd St€€l Plabd Slr€l 8584 A||oy C8:l6q) EPOM ASru D2OOO 1&&SS 3(x SS't&8-ss B58/a Alloy C836{Xl Ac.bl RBsin 304 SS 302 SS 302 SS EPDM Coalrd cR, ,lsDucife lrcn wi0r AZ16 Vpe 3(XSS sbn 815{t Alby C6i30O B58if Alry C&[nO 30t ss't8{ ss DESCRIP'ION apnng Sprin0 2nd Ch€d( Sp,iE Slim 2nd Cihed( Sprlno Guid€ Upr Sp.ing R€hrgusihg.Spr- Sldn PlFl BoarlrE Flangq G€s*.f Boedng Sodotlb &m Nd lvarher Fh.Ee Nul Fla||ge Nul R.V Co\€. Ebod Scrfl Grstat R.V Eody Co/.r Boll Elbow RV ME Bor W'shat FV Mb Mn MATERIALS 4240 3(X SS Ac€tal Re8in A3l3 Tt?q a)2 SS Acotal Resin 8s84 Albry C8:l6(x! FDA EPDM EPDM AST O2OOO Acel6l R€ltn 8504 AIry C836{X) FDA EPDM EPDM ASTIII O2OOO Acolrl RssAn Mldl. ASTM 02000 BSE4 Alloy C83600 Acatrl R6sh Acatal Resin 8584 Alloy C8,&rc0 Bra!s Brasa Bra!s AWWA C50!t 836 Aloy C26000 Stahle3! Slrql AWWA C606 (r0r |lEI 10 10.1 10.2 11 12 12.1 13 11 15't6 I 9 s.t 17 't8 1E-l 20 m.1 20.2 2lax 24 24.1En2'U!. rrhptr.{m EAefiFLOW FRBUGIIII{}I'I S v = volrfi|o (geD ot entifrsee 6ystem. not Dr = ddtaty (grn/rnl) of antitreeze sotutionil_lorrest Ii:ut = P)-v, =4.r..'r, \ ?; yr:_!LE!r9g![J,e""","rg3Tlg 1_ep9l3t9l!9!q_E11l:!9i]1-___--r', V- f1!]!votgqe (sst) in rxpsns;;&-mber -ef nomd static possr.rre r I , -'y t;i.,od;G;it i" ;-i;n6io; ;;;G ai p;stro-ansfi e-i""s,,"- -l- - ;i P o = lllcoluls prrcnaqo prorslro (psis, on erp€nslon dtamb€r bofors f o = t€mpdatuG ('R) of air in 7 t : t6mp€raturE (.R) of ai. in @gansbn .rEmbor "ten anffre"." "ytffr f 2 = t€mparebllg (.R) of d? in lrgamion ct|snb€r *hen anllfitezo sysbi i3 6t hlohost erodded lelrseml',h Thb €4laton k one fomulation of ths idgat gas lat / from basic dtEmidry. Tho dnount ol air-h tha €panslon chEmb€r will nol dtrnoo ovEr {trle. Tha p|lasuro, l€rnparafurE, gnd tdlrno ot lhe ak st dtltd€flt th€! $i! bo r€lat€d in ac.lrd$ce wflh lht! r6nr,tr f|ff|egEa h hs lyst€m 16 ossgnlially hcompr€saible, 90 lh6 air volun6 in th6 h tha orpansloar ctrembsr. Thls is e congedative assumption. sjnco mo€ alr b b€tter ln thofe will b6 at l€ast sorn€ trapped air Howev€r, tr y ths alr in th€ 6xpansion gr cd1 bo rEllod upon to bo eyaihble wh6n ne6d6d temp€rafuE d thg rnktu€ In tha enuro system ffi a aandt styb houso. A hlgh€, rr€ mlght b€ e)(psd€d tor a tri,level hom6. Th€ d.nsity tor glyc€rin€ under $; I b.$d on 104"F lo'EDFpropyldEolyaaf;hin5 an oslifrAfs-A iFahf$esf --i*--- temp€ratrr€ of llb mirtu.l in th6 sntiro syBlsm tor 6 ierEh !tyl6 houso. A low6r Ir. mlghl ba ae€dsd tora trt{olr€lhome The d.Bity tor glycstno und€r th€ | Bulletin 035 Fev.D Guidelinesrorusffi installations below Sloped Ceilingi The installation guidelines cover Resldential Sprinkler Models: Fi Res 49 Pendent Fl Res 49 Recessed pendenUF2 Fl Res 44 HSW Fl Res 44 Recessed HSWF2 Ft Res 40 HSW Fl Res 40 Recessed HSWF2 Fl Res 49 cCp RFC 43 Flat Concealed Listings & Approvals l. lptgd by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cUlus) 2. NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Usting Gategory Residential Automatic Sprinkler UL Guide Number VKKW Patents: US Patent number 6,516,993 ModelFl Res 49 Product Descriptlon for F1 Res Sprlnklers Model F1 Res Pendent sprinklers are fast resoonse sprinklers combining excellent durabilitv. hioh sensitivity glass-bulb and low orofile decbrativi design. The F1 Res Horizontal Sidewall sprinklers are equally attractive when above ceiling piping cannot be used. _ The 3mm glass-bulb pendent sprinklers, with a K Factor of 4.9 for pendent and 4.4 for horizontal sidewall, permit the efficient use of residential water supplies for sprinkler coverage in residential fireprotection design. The low flow Fl Res sprinklers are soeciallv engineered for fast thermal resoonse to meet th6 sensitive fire protection application needs of thelatest residential market standards (UL 1626 Standard *). Upon fire conditions, rising hdat causesa sprinkler's heat-sensitive glass-bulb to shatter, releasing the wateMay for waler flow onto the dellectror,-evenly distributing the discharged water to control a fire. F1 Res,,K) Recessed Pendent/F2 F1 Res44 Fecessed HSWF2 F'l Res 40 Recessed HS\,V/F2 RFC 43 F1 Res44 HS\ru F1 Res4€l CCP Pendent $+ * Etfective date July P,nlz Residential Sprinklers For Sloped Ceilings c- o =-f ]Jo U 1,ry BFC 43 The Rellable Automatic Sprinkler Go., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New york .'|0552 II Product Description for RFG 43 _ Model RFC43 Concealed Residential Sprinklers arefast response residenliattusibte sotdei ti,ik il;ali;sprinklers. Residentiat sprinklers differ from .r"nJiiJ s.pr]r.tKteis primarily in their response time and waterorslnoutton patterns. , Model RFC43 sprinklers discharge water in anem.rspnencat .pattern below the sprinkler deflector.Hestoentiat distribution patterns are hioher andgeneratv contiain a finer droplet size than standardsprinkler patterns. ..The combination of speed of operation and hiohorscnarge pa ern required for residential sprinkle-rsnas demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability forcontrolling residential fires, and thlreby proulOino significant evacuation tjme for occupants. The RFC43 Sprinkler provides the best lorm of fireprorectton by.combining an attractive appearance and i/2" (r umm) ol cover adjustment for ease of installation. I ne sma diarneter cover plate is easily and positivelv a[acned and btends into the ceiling, concealing themost dependable fire protection availablel anautomatic sprinkler system. The RFC43 is a UL Listed Hesidential Sprinkler to beinstalled in the residential portions of anv 6ccupanCv inaccordance with NFpA 13, 13R, & 13D. The RFC43 can reduce the need for precise cuttinoof drop nipples. The threaded cover itate asslmOfican be.adjusted without tools to fit aciurately againsi the ceiling. The f ire protectjon system need ncit bE shutoown to adlust or remove the cover plate assembly. Technical Data (Fi Res Sprinkters): o Thermal Sensor : Nominal 3mm glass-bulb . Sprinkler Frame : Brass Casting . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 125 psi Faclory Hydrostatically Tested to 500 psi r Thread Size : /2" NpT (RZz) o K Factor : 4.9 (Actual) - F1 Bes 49 pendent Sprinkler 4.4 (Actual) - F1 Res,t4 HSW Sprinkler 4.0 (Actual) - F1 Res 40 HSW Sorinkler r Densily : Minimum .05 gpm/ft2 Technical Data (RFC €): . Thermal Sensor: 16S.F Fusible Link . Srrrinkler Frame : Brass Machined . Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostaticatly Tested to 500 psi . Thread Size : lz" NpT (R/r) . K Factor : 4.3 (Actual) . Densily : Minimum.O5 gpnr/ttz Application Model Fl Res and RFC 43 Sprinklers are used forResidential Fire Proteclion according to UL .1626 Standard*. Be sure that orifice size, tem-perature ratino. deflector style, cover plate and sprinkier type are )'n accordance with the latest published standards of The National Fire Protection Association or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction * Effective date July 1 2, 2OO2 2. METHOD OF CALCUI.ATING T}IE OF 'RISE-OVER-RUN' TO DEGREES CONVERSION OF AN ANGLE. (rlre) t.+A = TAN-| (q/b) 2. slope dlsfonoc: o = /p-4-t Exomple: s = 4b=lZ *A = rAN{ (o/U) 4A=TAN-|=(O.JSS) 1A = lErtit rfopc dlsfonoc: o = fifTlrt o = y';i-6o- o = t2.65 aJf,.ew-A Note: There must be an I in. lintel at the peak separating the 2 slopes. 3. Model Fi Res 49 Pendent & Fl Res 49 Recessed PendenUFl & F1 Res 49 ccp pendent &RFc /B Pendent Frar conceareo Sprinriirslniiiirea GrJ,w-sbp; C-"iring". F1 Res49 Pendenl RFC 43 n*"*LFF3#fl*rrz F1Res49 CCP Pendent RFC 43 Note: F1 Res 49 CCP pendent and RFC ,[3 sprinklers are not suitable for installation in ceilinoiwhich have posilive pressure in the space above] - 4. B LISTED ARA OF COWR,4GE CORRESPONDS TO CEILINC SLOPE -L = THE TiAX|MUM USTED SPRINK|ER - sPAClNc, LENGTH (s'_0" MtMUUil).LrlZ = ONE HAtf THE MA'alUUl, USIED SPR'NKI,ER SPACING (O'-4' MINIMUM).W = THE MAXIMUM USTED SPRINKTR A B c SPACING, }VIDIH. = 5'-0' MAXIMUM. = !fN!_E: z/12 (s.{) < E s E/12 (ss.z). = 8'-0" lttNlMUM. o35F@l sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of a/rr(33.7") pitcht. 6 eruIw tr5r['.G c @,/g[,/afcfiElRt{Us m cfrna L r TIT IAI[.UI. LfSTED SPCIT|.ER - sPAGff{G, tEilgfl{ (E -0' xllilwr), V2 r ONE Mlf ilG ll ilILf,i lJstEO sPRiltg.ER S?AGlltC (0'-4. rtNtrurl.U = II{E IAT|f,JT UIIIEO-SPflITl.ER AI c SPAC[{C. UD$. = 5'-t,' IAXllUL.E R/ftrfcE: 2/r2 (s.+) < a t,6/12 (51t.7),. 8'-O- lllllllul. Sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of /o (33.7.) pitch. There must be an 8 in. lintel at the peak separaUng the 2 slopes. 6. Model FlRes tl{l Pendent & Fl Res 49 Recessed PendentF2 installed below Sloped Ceiling. Table 1 Thread Size Md. Pa€ssute p6l (bar) Max Ambaer Tsmp,.F fc) Actual K Factor (metric) Sprlnk|er Length Escutcheon Sprinkler ldentiftcation Number {SlM Yr" Nn (RVr)17s(12)100 (38)4.9 (6€),94)2.25"F2 (%" Adiustment)R3516 ilhx. Sprinklor Spa*g AbnS Slope Ulwidh x (L) Le'nsth ft(m) Itilax. Slope of % (311.7") Pitch Max. Slopo of rd, (1q.4") pitch Min. Flow Par Sprlnkter Flead sEnllDml Pressure psl (barl Sprinh'ler Ternp. Raftlg.F (qC) 155 (68) & 175l'l91 ls.F(68t)r75.FF$C")rssF(c8€)175"F freae)Min, Flor PerSpinlder tbad spm (Lpm) Presaurc psi (bar) 12 x 12 (3.6 x 3.6)13 (49)13 (49)7.0 (0.48)7.0 (0.48)13 TnlndRl '14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)13 (49)13 (49)7.0 r0.4)7.0 (0_48',1 !3 (49) 13 (49) 7 0 (0,48) 7.O a0 48)16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)13 (49)13 (49)7.0 (o.4a)7.0 (0,48) 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5.5)17 (64,3)18 (68.2)12.0 (0.83)13.5 (0,93)17 (64,3)12.0 (0.83) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)20 (75.7)21 (795)16.7 (1.15)18.4 (1,28)nQ5,7\16.7 (1.15) Sprinkler Tomp. Rating 'F fc) Model FlRes 49 CCP Pendent instailed betorsloped Geiting. Technlcal Data Max. Ambient T Table Model RFG 4l Pendent Flat Concealed installed below Sloped Ceiling. T Table Aetual K Factor Sprinkler Length Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN) 7. 2- Max. Qpftk[er Spacing Aong Slope(w) Wdth x ( L) Lengrrh fi'(m)- Max. slope of % (33.7.) Pltch Max, Slgp€ of %(18.4") Pitcfl Mln. Flow Per Sprinkler Head gDm (Lom) Pressure Dsi (bar) Min. Flow Per Sprinkler Head Pressure 12x X 14 {53)8.2 (0.s7)13 (49)7.O tO 481 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3)14 (53)8.2 (0.s7)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4.9)14 (s3)8.2 (O.57\14 (53)8.2 (0,56) 1B x 18 (5,5 x 5,5)21 (79,4\18.4 (1.27) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1)21 (79,41 18.4 (1 .27\ Thrced Slze Sprinkler Temp. Rating 'F fc) Coverplate Temp. Ratng.F (.C) tlax. Precsure oei bsrl Max Ambient Ternp, 'F ec) Ac{ual K Factor fmelric) Max. Adjustrnent Sprinkler ldenlification Number (SlN) %, NPT(R%)165 {74)1s5 (s7)175(12\100 (38)4.3 (61.4)v"RA0612 3- Sax. !p{1!ler Spacing Along Slope W) Wdthr( L) Length ft (m) Max. Slone of % 133.71 Pltch Max. Slope of % (18.4") Pttch Mln. Flow Per Sprlnlder Headq n {lJm} Prossuro osl {bar) Mln. Flow Per Spdnklor Head oom (Lnrn)Pressure osi fbarl 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6)18 (68)175 (1.21)13 (49)9.1 (0.63) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)18 (68)17.5 t1.21)13 (49)9.1 (0.63) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)18 (68)17.5 n.211 _.19_99" e!(q,q3) 21 (791 23.8 {1.64)18 x 18 (5,5 x 5.5) 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1 tv 23.5 ('l Installation Guidelines 1. F.or q/sbms designed in accordance wih NFpA j3. 13D end 13R, whbre specific U[ Listea llovr,i aie noirgquipd, consult wilh the local Authoritv Havina Junsdiction regarding the number of design sprinklerE ror snpeo cef lngs having a pitch greater t}]€.n %,(9.f). 2. Installation of UL Listed residential sorinklers under sloped ceilings shallbe limited to a Vpe bf unobitruCteO cons!ruclion consistinq of smooth ibilinqs. as defined DV.Nf-pA 13, having ainaximum pirch of,fiUlA-- - 8l1Z 193.71. 3. Spacing of residential sprinklers under sloped ceilinqs is mp..asured.-along _ the slope when determininq-the otslance ofi oT wa s and between sprinklers. 4. Measure listed areas of coverage alonq the slopedceiling. The actral floor coverage"area will G tess thanne ltsleo area_ 5. For coverage areas less than tire listed coveraoe areashown in Tables 1 through 5, use lhe minimuin flovv ^ requtrefnent tor the next largest listed coverage area. 6. Minimum spacing befiteen pendgnt type sprinklers is g ft. (2.4 m)' Minimum distance froni'a obndent tvoe sprinkler and an adjacent watl is 4" (102 mm). 7. Residential sprinklers located closest to the peak of fre ceiling shall fave the deflectors located nol more than u n ( r m) veftcaly down from the peak. Aliqn deilectorsparallel with the ceiling slope li, to 4,,-(25mm trcl0znm) below the sloped ceiling. 8. Hydrzulic Requirements: a. For NFPA 13D $rsbms, lhe number ot desion sprinklers shall ihclude all sorinklers within-a comparfnent, up to a maximurh of two sorinklers (where specific'Ul Listed flows are requiied) that requtres the greatest hydraulic demand. ' b. For NFPA 13R Systems, the number of desion sprinklers shall ihclude all sprinklers within"a compartrnent, up to a maximum bf four (4) sorinklers (where specific UL Listed flows are requirbd). that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. c. For NFPA 13 systems, the desiqn area shall be the area that includes he four (4I hvdraulicalfu most Qemanding_sprinklers. The'miirimum requireddtscnarge trom .each .of ..the four hydraulically oerranotng spnnKters sha be the greater of the follorvino: - (1) ln dccordance with the minimum flow rates indicated by the individual lisrinqs (that atreadv will provide a minimum density of0. l oom/ft2): oi(2) A calculated value based on d6liverinij a minimum of 0.1 qpffiz 6ysr the desion are5. 9. Because of lhe varied nafure of residential coinslruction feafures, therewillbe some compartment desions which canmt be fully sprinklered in accnrdance witlr'NFPA 13. 13D, or 13R.' lri these instances, consuh the Authoritv flaving.Jurisdiction .(AHJ) for guldance and approvall I nls Inctu_o_es sropeo cettlngs navtng a prtch greater than 412 (33.7"). 10.Glass bulb sprinklers have oranoe bulb orotectors to minimize bulb damaqe durinq sh-lppino. handlino and installation. BEMOVETHIS PROTECTION AT THtrTIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACE IN SERVICE FOR FIHE PROTECTION. Bemoval of the protectors belore this time mav lealre the bulb vulnerbble to damaoe. RASCO wrenches are desioned to install sorinklErs when corrers are in place, REIITOVE PROTECIORS By UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS, Model Fl Res44&40 HSWand Fl Res44&40 Recessed HSWF2 installed belowtheslopeceiting. HOFtZWttat s/DEtl'rtL SPRINI(IER NSIALLED. DEFLEC|OR P,EILLEL M SLOPED CEILIT,IC. F.l Res 44 HSW Horizontal Sidsltrall Sorinkler (with discharge directed acrbss the slope) F1 Res44 Recessed HSWF2 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler (with discharge directed dorn tfe slope) B. \/z L,sI@ RA OF COEPM CI'FRESFO^'OS N C .NC SLtrE DP E IEFLSRN US'I SE LEAIEO1' to ,2' ELotl sLpED cEtLNc,IIE ftF OF IHT IEFLECTOR HUS| AE PARALLTL II'|H TIi: PIANE OF fHE CEII IM. OSSFGOJA ELEYA.IOI! L = NIE UAXI{UU USIED SPruNKTN SP^CIIIG, LENGIH.w = THt AXlMUll UsfED SPnNKIER _ SPAC|NC, WDrH (0,-a" lllN[ru ).V2 = ONE-HA|.I THE MAXlllUlt LISTED SPRINKL€R D/SCIAFGE 15 ACROSS fHE SLOPE. IE 6 DlIlETrcN UUSf * LOCA|A tlsfED AR$ OF COTEHOE CORPESrcNDS TO C:ALNA SLOPf "*\a L = THE MAXIMUM LlsTEO SPRTNKLER SPACINC, IENGTH.w = THE MAXIMUM USTED SPRTNKLER SPACING. WIDTH. {2 = otlE-HALF THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPR|NKLER SPAC|NG, WTDTH (0'-,t" MtNtuuM).A = 5'-0" MAXlMUtl.B = RANGE: 2/12 (9.t) < B s 8/t2 (5s.7,).c = 8'-0- MINIMUM, TOP OF DI.IECT(N U'ST E€ LOCAIM4'm t2'aELOW SL(Pm CAUNG IHE N)P ff IH€ DEFLECIOR UUS| BE PARALLEL VIM fTE PUNE OF IHE CAUIfi. I)'SCHARGE E W tHE sl:ogE. HSW sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of Zr, (33.n pi6rr. w ,$12 vz #-B ustEo AFg ot eowattEcopRt'Forps m cat!fi SLwt 1' ro 2' mu g,EED cEltt6, IHE TP 6 IE DTTLECTDf, &ET ffrlflua f,|ly lrt PwE 6 lttE ctt,fi,m&i6t ,s &68 nfi. StoPE '..-.\ -orP- sPAclNc, vltoTH (0'-,1' uNtLura). = 5'-0" ^xt)ruy.= RANGI! 2/t2 (s,,r) < B t d/tz (ss.T). = 6'-0' IIINIHUV. HSW Sprinkler spacing below multiple stopeO Certinga with a mtmum stope of y,, (337.) pnch. There must be an 8 in. lintel at the peak separating the 2 slopes. o A s c ELEUATION 155 (68) 175 (79) Model F1Res44 HSW& Fl Res 44 HSWReessed HSWF2 installed belor slope ceiling. Model Fl Res 4(} HSW and F1 Res 40 HSllll Recessed HSWF2 with a maximum slope of fr, (33.7.) pitch. Fl Res40 HSW Fl Res40 Recessed HSWF2 Table 4 - Application Max. Slope of J{z (18.4:) Pitch Discharye Dlrocied Across the Slope 4'to 6" Defiec{or to ceilinq Dlscharye Oirected Acmss the Slope 6" to 12" Deflector to Celllno Max._Spri-nkler Spachg Along Slope (Wl Wdth x ( L) Lonqth f(m)' (tltiin. Flow spm {Lom} Pressurc Dsl {bar) . (l)Mln. Flow spm (LDm) Prsssure Dsi {bar) 12 x 12 (3.6 x 3.6)'t6 (60,5)13.3 (0,92)17 (e1,3)15 (1,04) 14x 14 (4,3 x 4,31 16 (60,5)13.3 (0.92)17 (&1,3)1s (1.04) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)16 (60.5)13.3 (0.92)17 {64.3)15 (1.04) 16 x l8 (4.9 x 5.5)18 (68,1)16.8 fi.16)zu (/o,o,20.7 (1 ,43).16 x 20 (4.9 x 6,1)23 (68.1)27 .4 (1 ,89\'I 27 .4 1 of Table 5 -Application Discharge Directed Down the Slope 4' to 6, Def,oc{or to Celllnd Dbcharge Dlrccted Down the Slope 6 to 72' Dellector to Geilino tztDischarge Direc'ted Across the Slope 4' to 6" lr,efrcctor to Cellino eDischarge Direc-ted Across the Slop6 6, to 12' Deflector to C€lllnq Marc Sprinkler Spacing Along Slope (W) Wid$t x fL) Lenoth fl lm) (l)Mln. Flow gpm (Lp,m) Presgure psi (bar) ollilin. Flow qpm (LDm) Pressu|! psi (bar) (1lMin. Flow gpm (Lpm) Pressur€ psi (bar) (1lMln. Ftow Spm (Lpm) Prcssure psi (bar) 12 x 12 (3.6 x 3.6)12 (45.4\7.5 @.52)14 (53.0)10.2 (0,71)lo 17 rc4A 15t1.M) 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4.3)14 (53,0)10.2 (0,71)16 (60.6)13.3 (0.92)16 t60.6)t.t.i,17 15 (1 .04) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4.9)16 (60,6)13.3 (0.92)17 (U.41 15 (1,04)16 {60.6)13.3 (0.92)17 (64.41 t5 (1.04) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5)r8 (68,1)16.8 (1.16)n05,7\20.7 n.$\ 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1)n 02.o\27.4U.89\23 (A7.1\27.4 n.85\ (1) Minimum flol per sprinkler gpm (Lpm). @ Minimum 3 head d€sign in a comparrnem Thrsad Slze Max. Prcssunt p€l (bar) Mar Arnbled Ternp. 'F rc) Actual K Factoi (mstric) Sprinkler Length Sprinkler ldentification Number (SlN) %"NPrG%)175 (12)100 (38)4.0 (57,09)2.ry',R3538 10. Table 6 -Application Discharge Dir€cted Down tho Slope 4'|F6 Def,octor to Ceillns Discharge Dirccted Down the Slopo 6' to 12" Defrector to Ceilino EDbcharge Directed Across th6 Slope4'tb6 Doflector to Cellinq 'afi f fi fi 5ii',:ni'i!l'#f 1n,;li*r')Min. Flow oom (Lom)Pr€asute ooi lbar) flrltln, Flow spm (Lpm) Pr€esur€ Dsi (bar) r)Mln. Flow spm (LDml Prcssute psi (barl 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6)13 (49.0)10.6 (0.73)13 (49,0)10.6 (0,73)1Z (64,3)18,1 (1,24) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)16 (60,5)16 (1.10)17 (64,3)18.1 1.10)17 (69.3)18.1 (1,24) 16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)17 (64.3)18.1 (1 ,24\nQ5,7)25 (1,72\ r 17 (64.3)'18.1 11 24\ 16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,5)20. (75,7)25' ('l.72\ !6 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1)23 (87,o)33.1 (2.28) 'Min flow and pressure on 175.F temperatJre ratjnq onlv is 2l oom(79,t Lpm) and 27.6 lisi (1.96ar) Escutcheons Recessod with F2 Recessed with F2 qtandard or raised mount onlv Temperaluro Ratinq .F ("C)155 (68), 175 (79)155 (68), 17s (79)155 (68 (r) Minimum Fiow Per Sprinkter gpm (Lpm). (4 Minimum 3 head dssign in a companment. Installation Guidelines '1. For systems designed in accordance with NFPA 13. 13D and 13R, where specific UL Listed flovvs are noi required, consult with the local Authoritv Havino Jurisdiction regarding the number of design sprinkbri - ror stoped celttngs navrng pitch greater than /r(9.4).2. Installation of UL Lisled residential sorinkdrb- undersloped ceilings shall be limited 'to a tvpe of unobsfucted construction consistino of flat. Srnmtfr ceilings, as defined by NFPA 13, hdvino a maximum pitch ot 4/12 (18.4) or B/12 (33.r). 3. Where listed, instail horizonhl siderarall sprinklers alono lhe wall below the sloped ceilino when discharoe i6 directed across the slope, and install at the oeak b;bw the sloped ceiling lvhen discharge is directdd down the slope. Aways atign the sprinkler deflector parallel with the direction of the stoped ceilino. 4. Besidential HSW sprinkbrs locat6d cbsed to the oeak of the ceiling shall have the deflectors located not more than 3 ft. (1m) vertically down from the peak. 5. Sp.acing of residential HSW sprinklers under sloped cetrtngs E me4gur-ed along the slope when determihinq lne ot$ance ofi 01 walls ahd bet\,r/een sorinklers.6. Measure listed areas of coveraoe alono the slooed ceiling. The actual floor coverage area wiii be less than the lisled area. 7. For cor,rerage areas less lhan the listed coveraqe area shown in Tables 1 through 6, use the minimLim flow requirement tor next largest listed coverage area. 8. Minimum spacing between horizontal sidewall sprinkbrs is 8 ft. (2.4 m). Minimum distance from a horizontai sidewall sprinkler and an adiacent wall is 4" (102 mm). 9. Where installation of F1 Res 40 horizontal sidewall sprinklers provide discharge across a slope having a maximum pitch of 8/12, F2-escutcheons mav be usld for surtace mounting onfy. 1 0. Hydraulic Requirements: a. For NFPA 13D Systerns, he number of desion sprinklers shall ihclude all sprinklers within-a csnpartrnent, up tl a maximum of t\ /o sprinklers (where specific UL Listed flovvs are reouiied) that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. E:<cepiion: For F1 Res 40 horizontal sidewall sprinklers, where discharge is directed across a s|ope navtng a rnaximum pitch of 8/12 and the compartment that requires the grealest hydraulic oemano ts targe enougn where three (3) or rnrre spnnKters are requtred tor adequate coveraoe. theminimum number of desiqn sbrinklers with'in that compaffnent Shall be three (3), where specific UL Ltsteo flo\ts are reoutred. b. For NFPA 13R Systems, the number of desionsprinklers shall ihclude all sprinklers within'a compartment, up to a maxlmum of four (4) sprinklers (wherei specific UL Listed flows ar6requireQl thal requires the greatest hydraulic oemano. c. For NFPA 13 systems, the desron area shall be the area that includes the four (4f hydraulicalty most demanding_sprinklers. _Ihb'minimum reiquired otscnarge rrom .each ot..the four hydraulically oemanotng spnnKers sna be tne greater ot the rotov\4ng: (1) In accordance with the minimum flow rates indicated by the individual listinqs (that atreadv will provide a minimum densitv ofO.1'oomft2): or(2) A calculated value based on &jliverin'o a minimum of 0.1 gpm/ftz over the desion aree. 1 1. Because of lhe varied nature of residential construction features, frere will be some clmpartment desions which cannot be fully sprinklered iri accordance ririth NFPA 13, '13D, or 13R. In these instances, consult the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for quidance and approval. This. includes sloped ceiiings having a pitch greater than B/12 (33.7"). 12.Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handlinq and installation. REMOVE THIS PROTECTION AT THEIIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACE IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to darnaoe. MSCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklErs when corvers are in ptace. REMOVE PBOTECTORS By UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS, '1 1. Reliable.., For Gomplete Protection Reliable offers a wide selection ol sprinkler components. Followng are some of the manyprecision-made Reliable products that guard tife and property fronTfire around tfre ctocti. o Automatic sprinklers o Flush automatic sprinklers o Recessed automatic sprinklers . Concealed automatic sprinklers . Adjustable automatic sprinklers . Dry automatic sprinklers r lntermediate level sprinklers . Open sprinklers . Spray nozzles o Alarm valves o Retarding chambers . Dry pipe valves o Accelerators for dry pipe valves e Mechanical sprinkler alarms r Electrical sprinkler alarm switches o Water flow detectors o Deluge valves o Detector check valves . Check valves . Supertrol electrical system . Sprinkler emergency cabinets . Sprinkler wrenches r Sprinkler escutcheons and guards o Inspectors test connections o Sight drains o Balldrips and drum drips o Controlvalve seals o Air maintenance devices o Air compressors . Pressure gauges o ldentification signs o Fire department connection IE6qu|Pmtpre.9€ntsdin|hi6bu||etinbtobsin8ta||edhaccordancgrithlh8lalsstp€{tinenlStada'dso|uENation8|FnsPlotectionAscoapore0ofl, or oher similar organizalions and al6! with thB povisions ol govemflEntal cod€s or ordlnances. whqrsv€r @plicabte. lq-*F, lql{eqt td fld distrihned bV RELI,ABLE havE been prci€dino lile and prop€rty b o/€r S y€ss, and €rB install€d and s€wicod by the mosl highty qu€litiBd and r€FUEbls sprinklE cooracto(s locabd hroughori U|e unibd S#q CaEda E d b(Bi[il cfurffies. Manufactured by Th6 RdiaHo AuHndic Spdr{der Co., lrrc. S*s Offfc€6 Sahs Fax Corporats Officas @ L.ff"' R6rbioo lin€s idiceb u@t€d or n€tv dsla. EG. Printed in LJ.S"A. 1/O5 PN 99S3970245 (e0)4i}1-1s88 (800) 848€05r (914) 668€470wwwjdobh6p.i*b.cqn InEinst Address @nqgpg,",VS.SP VANE TYPE WATERFLOIII' Slock I'lo, 111110O U.S. Pat€nt No. 3921989, Canadlan patont No. Xp6&) Olh€r Pat€nts Psrding ALARiI SWITCH . SMALL PIPE sorvfco Prb83ut€: up to 250 pst (17 2 B,.Rl f,lnlmum Flow Rab lbr Atrnn: I 0 cpM (SS LpM) llulmum Surge 1S FpS (E,S r/s) Enclosutb: Die,cas{, red enamel linish Corsr held in placa wlth lamp€r resistant scruxsContac0s: Ons sd of SPDT (Fom C), standard Secord sst optlonal, see belou: iS Anps at 12SPS0VAC O.S Amps at 12SVDC 0.2S Anps at 2SOVDC 2.5 Amps al g0 VDC resistirre Condult Entrance: Ona opaning for 1p" conduit Usage: Llsted. phstiq copper ard schedula 40 iron oioeFor pipe stzes _ 1,, (?5inml, 1-1t4. trenrliiilan,(38mm), and 2. (S0mm) NotE: i2 paddles are fumbhed wifrr each unit, on€ ,oreach pipeslze of thrcaded ard EsuatTEE, olrg;;;.Cpvc, one tor t. CpVG (Cenrrat), on"'tii_'ilz.potybuglene and one tbr 1_tp. thrcaded (Japani. - (CTS-Copper Tubing Size). WARNING: Install VS€p in systems that arB not sr.lblec{ bvariable wal€r pr€seure. Fallure to Ao so wilt dsult ilfalse alarms. Envlrcnmrnlalspeclf catbns:. Suihble for indoor or ouldoor uss with fuc_tory Installedgaskat and dlo-cast housing.. NEMA 4/lpSS raled €nclosur€ - uso urith appropriato conduitfitling. . Temparaturc range: 4O.Fto 120"F (4,SqC to 4grcl Gauthn: This device is not Int€nded for applicariors in eplo_sive envircnmentrB. SeMcaUse: Aubnafic Sprinlder One or two farnily dt r€lting Residental mq.lpanqf up b bur sbdes Naflonal Firs Alarm Code NFPA.I3 NFPA.l3T) NFPA-.I3R NFPA.72Opdorul: Extra Contacb Swihh Kit, Slock No. 0OSm13 (Extra Corltacb Switch is Fletd tnstallod) Th6 Modd VS€P ls a vane typ€ t/i,at€now s,vift fr use onryet-pTTi* r!!. see Fis. 2 for prp"r iEEfiiffit inslallaUon. Use no mor€ lhan h,e€ wraps oI bfl,m'f,pe; lhrasd lubdcant Screw ths device into tho TEE ltttm *lh*", in Fig. 2. care must b6 laken b prcpedy orirnt n" Odifo ti ji, dimclion of watorf,w. The vane must not rub tho inEide of tho TEE o. blnd in any wav.Ths stsm should mole freety when op€ratod bV har6. '' ''-'' TESTII{G: Check th€ opera m of the unit by openino the inspector,s test vahre st the end of the sprlnkler llne, or tne-Cnaln and l6t mnn€ction lf a tos{ vahrE is nd porrid€d. tl lt*ry * m poviCong for bsting he oparailbn ot ttE frof,,debc{on d€uico on th6 q si€m, apdi:don ott" VS_SF g rrot splnkler sysbms. Theee devlces rnay be used ss socihnal flow indlcatorc on large sprinkler systems and m smaltar sprlnkler systems such as mobilo homos and resldenfial dwellings. IIISTALLAflOil: These danices may ba mounted in hodzonhl or vertcal pipe. On horizontal pipe th€y shoutd be inrblled on th€ top sid6 of |ho pipe whem lhey w l be accaeslbla lhe unlts should not be insblled wlthtn 6' ( I Ecm) ot a vahra, drah or fifling nfilctr cfianges lhe direc-tion of ths wanor flow. Selac,t lln propd padde for the flpe srza and type ot TEE used. Ss Fb:. 1 'lbr irEffirc'lions m how b dlangs th€ paddb. The unit has a 1' NFT bushing for trrreading inb a non-ot Folbr Elecffb slgml cottlpsny ' 4tr1 cralg Roed, stl. touh r|o,6t148-/+161. phone: 8fiHn$€$qrcanada SS&882-18(xt. rww.potb",*"-, ll(T.f8&(nr- FEtrE l|Rt re(Ir o-fl,@ PFIITED IN UgA PAGE I OF 2 VS-SP VANEWPE WATEFFLOW ALARMSWITCH - SMALL PIPE FIG.' OPTbI{ALSECONDfltttH^v L.lBr-E IFFE(UIBED. SwlICSrngll(fqnms FIG.2 wln ne: Do rd uro mo,u 0un hre rnps or traffi"j]*" SWITCH TERMINAL CONNEfi ONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL Tly.tu gyptffi t, bo fitrlng as 8lEwr. Ca|b musr b6 iEhn bpropeny orEnt the d6vEs to. th€ drE on ol uat. our, Ol 8Ht l6ra noffi.ffi "ffi;Tm,ffi .*'*' unsu *i ilil'iir- Inpor||rl- Ihs dsp0r fo fiE tnsu6 botiom ot fie ta€ shoud nalrs fiabfloxitg dtr6ndona *xrrr30 anflrwor| 6tEH|rtr P()l 'AINOIRECII'trwlE E.AY I'NPT IHFAN'ED Fnn oo IrITEES EUX OF I}IEIEE Ii.,IYDE THESTE oRS E T TYFE SWITGHINFORMATION oF swficH IINNl-'l l-Isfl tlqil{r, LOQIL BELL,/HORN CONNEgflON w,/* APPI-ICATIOI{ WARNINGI Duo b the pcsblity of uninbtdsd discha4es cauaed { proesus suryss, trapp€d alr, of shod rctard ttmes, trndsrltotv sryigtesthat ar€ rnonibing. ret plpe sprinHer qptens shotrtd rrf de usea as tE db fihhtng 'd€vtce-m o*t rg"-AFiF,-di;-hiil;'*den*:al sppression sysbms. NOTE: the Model vs€P ha8 one SPDT srvibh. An oplional second sribh is arnildte if raquired. For uample, one swibh woutdcontpd b an annuncHor panel. and th€ opdonal srflihh could be rssd b ry€rah a tocat tbt. order snitti kfr G-. ixffii'g:- TESIIT{G ffio@lonryotilEpecilon and ies|t|g lbrtE lrodd lrgsP and fisrsdebd prlhcdvE nontbrlng BfrsHn dndd ba h accodarEs rdUr apptbaltNFPA Codo and SEndards ard/or lhe atllhdig lE dng nrhdltrr (rnannmftrr recorrrman& qrirlilry or mor6 trrgqudrtlyl stfrlcH AcTtoN*\/*o' 6oe(J \"r,,,f dF. ,l,t-l cAuTnt* An unhg.dabd €6cfon of a rfnglo qrnouctor should nol bo looped arcund ths bmlnat and sorvE a8 two sparats connection8, Tho wl|€ must be 8sr€tDd, thar€by pmt idhg s{pswi8lon of th€ connocdon ln lhe 6v€nt tftal fn $ro bmmes dlslodged fiom under fio termlnal ir(T. tsa l. - REltrsum.* I'rr-flr@ ry t|Forlrnl: TIE|E a|E 12paddtsstumtsh€dr tedrur{LonolorEchstsa ol l,fcd6d, stveat or plsstc TEE ss dascdb€d h Flg. 2. TIE!a peddhs hats rilsod l6t- brhg t|st Ehwr tha phe Btz6 and lFr of TEE U|at thq ere to bo uladrvffi.ThapDpErpaddla m.3lbo usd. Tha peddla nuat anod. ll_i 11 TFFNONATE GPIH NEOUIiEIErI' IEE 3ZE TXRAOf,O STEAT crg PU-t8Urfl.O|[cpE l rll' r r 1/+" r'r1/2'.1|/f,1'2' | 2' ,l' 2 t/tG' 2 7l1d2 t1/1t't ytt 1 s/.' 2 1116' 2 | /4'2 3h' ,.lA 2 112' 2 7/1d $f^ tvl TYPICALCONTROLPANEL oot{l{ECTK'NS END-OF-UNE REIiISTOR TYPE l|t FIXIL CLO6ED CIRCUIT TYPE rxc. f,6s-r Pf,t{rEr, l ua^PAIIE 2 OF 2 SPFCI FICATIO APPUCATOil Designed for insbllation on polable lvabr lines betlveen thebackflow preventer or pressure reducins \rafu;;; fl;;;;heater to protect against water thermlt "ip;;;;. t#;;system prcssure increases, water enters the G;|("ffi;;;which expands into the pre-charsea "i, "h"rb"i, f;;n-osysbm pressure belolr the relief vatve setfing.'--'' rrvsrrrY STTNDARDSGOMPLIANCE FEAruRES Sizes (liters): O 8 Et75V o 120v (V = vertical, free-standing) q9 rnlil.t Maximum working rmter pressure 150 psl Max'mum working water temperafuie 200"FHydrostatictestprcssurc 3SOpSl End connections Thre*dNpT ANS! 81.20.1Prechaqe(adjusbble) 40 pst AGCESSORIES BR4 - rltrabr pressure rcducing vah,e TP1'|0OA - bmperatjre & pr$surc relief Valve P1000A - Fessure relief valve SiOG - reduced pressurc backflolv prevenbr tr32 tr50v Q165V O320V IAPMO@tisbdr NSF@LisEd MATERIAI.IS Oubrshell Coatings Conneclion Bladder q High Grade Steel Epoxy finish (outer shelt) Brass (sizes: I thru 32) $iltgsgSteel (sizes: bovthru 32OV) Butyl Rubber (FDA approved) tr trg tr ltyxlP 50lA90v utJflP ['32OIilENSIONS E trrlElGHTS (do notinctude ptq.) Suppt ft€lswE (Fbl m :t0 ,&50 60 80 100 12{l {4n-&t I I 8 8 18 l8 1A n 176 200-a--E50EI88I1818t8u,&,55 8 I 8 I I 18 t8 t8 &,60 I I g2 32aIl818 r8 t8 1E a,nmIIIIt0 u 80 I I IE 18 a v,32 32 U I t8 {8 l8 u2n 312 a &,c)I 8 8 l8 IE t8 32100EI18 50,50r, 50v fI 1E a xiz 32 50v110I181At8au23tt5W 50t, 50v 7N1nt0$ul fl,e,Ifw | stw I 7|5lt 1Nv lfftt 1N SuFply Fsrarm (psh) tv mFHA TER CAPAT ffi2N260280flto3504{n if50 5(n 600q50lt50\/Stlv 50lt fln/7At 7^l 751/12W 120|1 t210ilt 1mv t000 t6ry l65r/- t65l' 50 ffil 5rw 5|}v frv 5Dv Ttiv 7$/7^t 120v55I'w s|lv Itw $v fllv 75t'75'75rI 75' l20lt-w-60 501,50v 50t/I'|}v 5W flrv 75lt 75iit7050v sw 50v 50v 5(M 1ffit l05lr- 80 fllv 75'7$t 7At 1A'V t2w {651'50v 501,7rw 7stt 7At 12W 12t{165'l66Vs05W50v50v7^l 7|'it 7at 1zIN 1mv 120V l65V 32tw100tSlt75lf75V7Atlutt120V1Nllolqtv16n340V!frv12tv12tv120Vt20vI?fN t661,16tw 3rl0v frt|'it w x1il)t$v 165t 1651,;ifrt I nwI 3a0v I 320r, I 32ov I lxlBased upon 1( rvDl^al trfcft x I xru r lf,itl]perarure nse (40- t- to 140- F)X=mulliple tanks required (conbct yourWltJ(t NSRepTYPIGALINSTATLATION Local codes shall govem installalion requiremenb. unless olherwise specified, the assembly shall be mounhd at least18'fiom the cold water inlet to the heatei. Note: lf incoming wabr pressrire is anove ao gsi, the precharge pressure of theexpansion hnkshould be adjusted to equal the incoming,rrater pressure. IOT'EL IT'IflP IIIS'IALLATI ON IODELWXTP I STALLATOI {\,' SERIES SPEGIFICATIOIIS The water Thermal Expansion Tank shalt be IAPMOo and NSF@ Listed. The outer shell shall be high grade steetwith exterior coating' The b!19_"j,:ry be. FDA apqmvgd butyt rubber ano prevlnt ,,racr trom conhct wtth sheltinterior' The assemblv shatl inoorporate a shrader valve no1-agi1gg-tre a;;;J;;;; "nd a read free bronzs systemconnection. Ths l,lhter Thermal Expansion Tank shall be a wl[KNs Model wxtp: 2ot2 tutLfoMt oPERAnOt Or alnxrxcA,r DAzunilrrly11511lTj:*j::H.ltyt1g,o"i,niui-ru.pi,*iriifrsozzr*.gocaoc-rzga Pro{d Support Holp Uno: t{27-BACXFtoI\t g.Anltu'Aq I W"Un", mprrgmr.am.co6 50 c' fr frl O{g tM 0l rri 6!6s,'tajl//|6|[J',rZ687tstf,{r'f.lil S Als fr Jfl et i00 g7 rig.glt I r11 U -J3! rA Ot ffr 4Ul.llt | "80 tlD' til ffil el fit tDl.sfi llA 1.0{ t@ ffr 62 uE ilid uWA lr t$ tm rn 4fr il6 sgt wrLIl! 2 zfi JF gro s{6 t1i nlafrld 2, 28 .6 ts0 flg Nt2 t$lilb 3 {0 .'n $t flr ril tB3,12i $tt d12 .rfr Eit ffi ffi tnf.lt6 I eil .lU srf, f,0 & t&Alzf 5 g.A -160 Zg iE6 ao tn61fi I llJo .t3c ffi frt nl tn6.fA t i6.n fr1 sl4 fi tgs tB. Irdhrhdgtlge, lnc. ccalznn.;t afcT{ I Grd BrtlnElilclanerr nomhd. rTrirns t ttTr I'.|AItnl J,noug 5r sfCC-OZt-E0E 9q: ZT TOnZ. Zn.4nl ;.dtr # ,let m fIE U2 W liD s$.t15 h Il! O I|0 0lr tn ffi $r.rN L ,P lm &, Etrz 506 fg6 flag5 * fff n -0af ffi lE {6t Ull-176 1 ffi ltn .60 18 3r5 N7 al1.S75 11A frl lrp "0s tn $i w zls 'f lao 1* i,l{ ro0 .o!0 stlr gd tEo m42,1fr 2 l:16 lrr! gn al Egr lnzffi UL ?A .04 1fi 6 m tr6al$ I 3Ja .d0 Ag %1 M tils.6[6 t* +a .lo ttt ut .Cb 1w'4.18 r [.$ .110 aE ffi 4n Ulf.1I6 6 r.fil -rzf 6 216 af fi64.1fi c trfl .10 ?|t Nt 1$ laa'|tr5 t la;[ fr An fl0 Zlz tsi 0J. ril rr/Fr rf/Eflt rur lfFF -E-6 n8 1-lrElslt 1MLtuttE s,n6 rle5 .,16alti al& g.ltE 1 il tly 11{ 2 gh N# a FII ilsflil.& llrl&, loo.90 10ln 2B ,,u LE a.fr! g.Pu! at!Litfi,&fi{rs a6 A'afts 1Ars rf,6 rzEgm. It1tl a0dt z0! ''/2.altf flaItl wr r0lta Ito lt6 1ry It7lnIt 1U 110 1n l1t TIFF I ,-q ffi I wofzfE 50 H. u *wolfifi w s *rflstal & s0 '.10 sh tIBdAdS W .Iil tk wEda 'n 100 a w wolcfi l0 100 J{8 1rjl wfizne l0 100 5g 1tA WOIflil | 50 J1 t$t W0/rn I zJ l.te l}{. WglW 1 16 1J8 ltas A0lszt, 1 l0 0J4 1% A(I0u/' 'l 5 e.m 1w -----JlDrrOlXilwol2or 10 :mwfisl@ mtvol&lo s0..wsttlr s ?50' wo//gia t001,s0 wsl'48 p ro w0l1!t E0 5m, wolrlo 50 7s tmtm 15 zfll woElt 50 t00 wo|as fl ffi wolr!0 s s0 wmg s 50 worr|t 8f wflflfri a n Aoflu'50 ru wglrfi 10 10wul| a ?$ wdl6 at ln wot0 l0 100 wdm $ lo w0l|'t 1 80wof6 t E0 w0l2t0 s 16 .11 l{e J6 'h.04 zh fi.w fi tth .1S W .r0 1 .06 rh .16 tckfir+.06 L .11 %J0*ilrs .1r 1 .17 Aulh n q/i fi* .p, lrh.sl 12 th.& rbta ttt $ w* I ltA 1# 2 uta I Wdfi6 e 7& .06 1qr. wot5Et 60 {d0 .11 lk .WO|6O zB 1s0 ,ts 1.*. WOfftg 25 2n .fi U&t woftr/l .10 100 a zrk w0l6-rs t0 j00 .s lq&wsttrr 1 t0 .66 2t& Am?ztr1m eassfi ---*--.--trEDUo cr r t6 wulol4 50 w J6 1ttfi | tA Wol68f t0 360 ,11 ltr& r t4 wdE 50 7fi .00 11h h t Si .Wofilg dO ffi Il ltt* | & wol'f,7 fi 5F .1I lfyh7 t* W0ls4 6 25o .17 1* { .A 4 * Acflt. t0 s0 .16 t tfi Xudhlndrrtbq hc Frn /Fnn. t cfcTI .GTTEIUE dl eherr nonf,td' IrT;rnc t lltT'l itqlrllrll .ltr il orl:c-n?i-cnf or: -. r? tn^r z^ 1r,n^ tAttfi frrtA tL r* ttA$xfirli tAr{trh xqhI r9l| itfr xtArlt 11A xl w@oll 50 76{t .rE lh nh w@le w 760 .a +h 7hw@mm 500 .a * lLw@ Ea 500 .06 +t v{wwt 60 600 ,0s tll[ rll Wol0€tr ao 500 $l rys hw@F6 E0 500 .11 +l qb wom6 50 500 .10 cu +wor''fi7 @ 500 -t0 rrd lNw0P[t[ u 25tt ,ll I ^W@Im 25 zfr .10 I ,A W|EoF| 25 lffi ,18 tl{r tr W0fsiz 25 i50 fr lrt& ryswlttoSt 20 200 31 lrls 11A Aftl8Z6'10 l0o 2A t* qhwwlT 5 100 ts l|6. qb A0lm' 10 100 "66 rr{B l AGI0G' l0 100 lg 'li ahwwn 5 50 ..0 1% 1wAdml. 5 50 .8t ra 11AAlElilll' ti fr .26 * IVl AMtTr' 1 2A Zn rw lvtAWflA' -t m Zil Et 1916Aof&. 1 10 5.tt lry 2r* udtq| 60 1,700. "04 .kra u,66 m 7$ "0a !nt( ww a ?ffi .10 111a.1 t 1016{1 10 100 .17 lTt|5 ffi I * Ati &r s wwr6 $ aom Jr n hwvrll s t,7!0 ,@, |. trwwlT n 600 .0+ $ *Wfilzfr 6Ct tr * U. wfE?tt 50 50 .tt lta lttvvnr 5 ffi .15 t*r ltfi .ul .& .0s .a .10 .t0 .17 .El ,4fl Lr ta ta tt t{ 1 lra lV 2 ZT g cr { w4m ff 2,08w@ E0 I,Ioo w0|tr7 50 7www !0 5!0ww il 500 rlB116{ 25 Mgnt8ar 10 100w@ 10 t00w@ 10 100 il@ffi 10 50 .rE 'ttt| l*ht@ffi 5 26 Ln lth tEti t@oru 5 25 1.rS 2W 2{ w@ 2 10 a.m ,.& llt& wErt 1. 1 11.7s {rb +btro@ 1 1 44rn 14 1* rt cltt ta9&*q6 *1ta ?i 1i. Itl {thlqb 1l& Iqh 1tb rhdElona All rhrr rra nornlrd. IrIddnS I tafa t5l{YU r.Nntrr tuelfrrhdufrle, tnc. O6GC-ntt-fnf | 6t?f T^nz ,^.tr^^ 1r [90/t00'd s0sT* W@E t5 150 n 1U 2y' W0dm tS s6o .09 1* rt{r. womfl 100 100 .,ts E St{ Wffia6 20O 200 -14 4 1vrlflmrt. 25 u8 .to 3 1!rwffit 50 800 .t't 2 1tk W060AE 60 300 fii 1rye 1WwffiE 50 {6tl .ot 1fr I w0!06e 6 S 30, aftwqez 10 120 .10 3lt 2 Wtmg0 26 150 ,lc s l!|r w0t6'0 25 ffi .'ls z'vt lth w06066 25 ?ffi .1A LtA 1tawffi 25 ffi .rl lra 1*srffit 25 ffi .10 tch lbw6mf t& ta .fi 4 Ifrwml 10 cr, ftt 39t 2wwffif? 10 100 .16 ztt lrr wGtr/4 .to 100 .t[ 2t 1+t W@/g l0 100 .1G Z 1!r WffiFe 15 15 JB '12 silrl w0g0$ 10 t00 .e0 a$ zfr wffiaz 10 lm a 2h 14itltoflt 5 60 .fl, 3g atl WFIIO 5 60 rl8 t zrr WSolCl 5 50 t0 3t( zYa w80l8l 26 zB .9c 41A rlt lY80l{0 1 15 1.S2 5lr 3,q& iFr lll!€ .r!rqlr T1r lf A t6 us* I 1Alk 2 2U 3 cta 4 5 0I n{oo6lm?{00 .01 % * hWO{m J0 1,71t0 .@ W r*r 4{oWdll0l slf 500 tr ttb ttu h lrrD0loE 50 fln .w ry 2b q w|,oitf a H .12 frt qt qhlnorut r5 mt .15 rh l'h 4& l/tB0|o{€ l0 100 .tZ dA. tt!. vt6W0l06t i t0 50 ryt qb +Ca.w0,/['-5flm!hryqt wlolgz 5 2r l{, rt& 1rr 1}lw&1ts 2 8 2,11 1ft tth lrrw&lu. I 10 s.79 lrk 1'9|o tq6w{ofs | 5 5.74 lrrh 11th llbwf@m 1 5 410 lla 21^ ntrv{o|o | 1 tasr 2t* yn zquWffi | 12a00 8fi! Alth a|{W{mf I 1 l4.0 1q 1+h +ryr 'ltxrrl,- W{E i0 7E .G 'b 'tfr +t f,Frlt^ TAfi t{, rl+{t 1 r"ltA A|EI|E A04103. A04qn. 10 t50 .11l0 100 fi5 60 .t8 lth 1* ,A 16lqk turlbrlhdnriEhq lno. tfo/qno'a FFcr{ 'Cr|tEtoilElllrbr rn nonlnd. Iqa;nF t llrT, r5[w t n{nt,?OaCG-nzl-9nC t c=2\ 't.i^t r^.tr^^ 4t rn ,Effi[. rrA rl wu172 10 lf,, fr Ir* t|votm rc 10 .zc +1k rZ llv0l17E I E0 .fr 1rhrlL tl,dtm 10 t00 A tVlnxt wollnl t0 t(n l5 lth2 rl'' W0tt8[ I 50 .60 1v2r1U Wd,1A 1 60 ,a4 l{ar fie t2 W0ltg/ I 20 .s0 Mx71a woft06 | a .q lb u * Act8t.l@ 1.0q, 4G6l7. !i0 S0 .G *h.0s rg& tt ft* I 11{ WOffiC fl |fi -01 frt[.wol{sr50ffi slrlwolllt s s00 .ti l.hwoflazi'FoJ42r' wrlt4Tt 10 t00 t1 21th tr % 1 ta 1 11A I a 1 6t WOllfl l00 llm IE 4. wollls 50 1,e .06 w wo112E 60 500 It % tillof13l 5ll 500 "01 ry6 umril8 25 4S .11 *utrfi0s 10 100 il th w0l17l 10 100 A1 th w0l17s 10 100 50 llrwoflu s 50 .8t Iltuwofls 1 fi1,a1* WOI1SE I NL721'fu Wollt0 1 16 8,71 1rylq AOlS?t. 'l 20 t.E4 lfr{rAeds.t 5s,60$t AElu.. I glo73 2 rllI rft -1 tlr. r*rrlL rltt lltttrutAttA *ra rta$r|artt xtA ta 11,A rilrttItxff rlli |. rlr I1 woflrE 50 lfi w0ll06 50 1100 wotllg $r 500 uiot114 fi 750 w01113 60 t000 wul?8 a $0.wolfr4 60 500 w0|le6 m 7n walfzc ts lm nooll4 26 Wwfllu 50 60 wofliE lJ rm wotl:s t5 mrvdla zE 2s Aeiflz. l0 lm wqll{E 25 zfi w0t1{7 t5 250wotlfi f0 to wolilz r0 t0llroltr t0 is wrl16 10 10 wol?o l0 16 .0 %: .00' gto .08 1.06 *.t2 % .17 lrhnS ryu .08 ra .N lCtu.tE rtr .tr' %.6V .14 'lltl ,12 th .E0 l?hr9 rtt .19 ri -s tq3 .{0 lfir .li !b .18 tb .5t 11& 'GqdEruEAll.br rrtr donln l, rT;ens i taT;t leilvu Jllour tt:llrrladraEbe, tra o6cq-OU D-foF Ae1.zi T|'nr. "^..rnn 72 stn l t_on'a rFCT* a, ta 1 ltA th 2a 3 4 w0'tt06 [0 5[D J6 wslgtr fi M .11 wotst 25 2fr .ln wolcto t0 100 2lwof$n 1 ft "s8w01st0 t 50 .60wfistl t E trrwolslt 1 15 406 ffi |trImFI dd717 .78 rI tt tb ttr 1 .1r )r 2 w ?rfI 5I ffluru 50 r"000 ^flB th worm{ 5o z"um .fi tk woflD t0 t.000 .ot ,? ll,Er0ot 50 1"m0 .m t? W07!06 50 2,000 J3 gtd hBrflrF 26 lnm -04 * u,Eotoll 10 5m ,08 *vtrol2?6 w .11 r& worott $ %0 16 th 1oo -?o 1/F fll .i[0 .t*r 50' ,73 tuwtrut 1 ?51-16 * W0lltfg 1 Ut lfl 'tfrr AE!f6. 1 5 L4'rla AgEIIEl 50.47 w fi u {6 rA ET .* 1 1t6 lia 2 21f 3 314I wolffi 100 4,000 .01 th Wfim 60 4000 .01 Yn wofof7 fr 1,7Wr .M vh wgmlw Fo 1,1100 ffi, lt Wol@0 50 500 .04 lt6 nBolggl .25 5oo .06 W Xmnoft l0 M .10 ltr. urolE6 2E 260 .15 WW0l8 l0 lm .21 Y'r Wmgn 1 76 .38 1rr lvolgsa 1 50 t0 lL WOfm 1 ?51.G uB W1llf00 1 m 1d0 7tr Wfofd/ 1 13 Lo n JI ol .02 .08 JI nr T h* wolo fo.{.mtoltill flr lEoudE flt 1.100wds m 1.000 uolof rE {15 'GaatBrnrsAlrhar art nomlnl. lft|tlhrhilltlb+Lrc. s6gq-0zt-f,o€ Rq: zI I002. zo.Efln 1.[ tto16tj'l 'i fFcT{tTaans I talil IgN'u ltilour SYSTEM DESIGN l3D-l I Tsbl€ tL43(r) Pre nrn Loi!.s {Fi/E) Schc&de 4ll St!.l Pipe, G = 120 {5c026 now nrrc Gpur) l8 a,PiDG Sile ti-l l0 72 14 . 16 I lVr lVg 2 0.04 0.01 0.0t 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.o7 0.m 0.0 t 0.tI 0.05 0.01 0.1!t 0.0s 0.02 0.01 0.47 0.1 ? 0.06 0.09 0.71 0. t9 0.09 0.03 0.09 0.02 0.01 0.58 0.li o.n 0.0s 0.?0 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.28 0.37o.vt 0.100.09 0.05 0.01 . 0.01 For 3t Untu: I d - f7E5 t I pri - 0.lF8$ten I ll = OJXS n' Tlblc 4.4,t(b) Prcrrurc Lorrcr (prffQ Copper Tutlag - Typer Xl I. & Mi C = 160 Tubirf Sizc (in ) TtF t5t025l0 Flow Brie (EpE) 16 lt t0 40 lut . lVt t, 0.08 0.10 0.15 0.0! 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 - 0.19 0.1-t 0. t8 0.03 0.04 0.(H 0.01 0.01 0"01 0.01 0.01 0.0 t 0.16 0.18 0.9{ 0.04 0.05 0.ori 0.09 0.0:! 0.0s 0.01 0.0l 0.01 . 0.30 0.5i 0-46 0.08 0.10 0.1 I 0-03 0-09 0.0-l 0.01 0.0t 0.0! 0..16 0.55 0.69 0.15 0.lt 0.17 0.05 0.05 0.ori 0.0:! 0.09 0.0'l 0.01 0.01 0.0r 0.Fl 0.75 0.97 0. td 0.20 0.2{ D.O7 0.07 0.0$ 0.0.'r 0.03 0.0:l 0.01 0.0 r 0.01 tl+M L K ,!l L K .\l L K Il L K !l L K 0.?0 0.?50.93 0.990.30 0.5u 0.06 0.o70.06 0.080.07 0.09 0.0'l 0.050.0s 0.0J0.02 0.0:l 0.0 t 0.010.01 0.0 t0.0t 0.u I 0.83 1.00 r.98 0.9.1 0.:t00.:7 0.J5 0.3 t 0.+0 0.09 0.1 I0.t0 0. t! 0-l I o.tj 0.(H 0.0.i0.tlt 0.0i0.05 0.06 0.0t 0.0t0.0t 0.010.0t 0-0t :: 0.t8 0..160..1j 0.550.50 0.61 0.t5 0.170.16 0.t90.t7 0.90 0.06 0.0110.0t 0.0110.07 0.09 0.0! 0.0!0.0! 0.0!0.0? 0.02 tirr 5l Unit!r I pal = f.i83 I-: I pci = ll-(l{i$11b.r: I li = 0'l{}lll m. Tablc 4-1.3(c) Equivdcnt kngth of Pipc in Fect for Stccl Fittingr and Valves Elbows Velves Fining/9elvc I)irnetcr 45 (inJ Dcgr.cs nov FlowLong Thru Thru Radius Brercb Run Angl"Globe GIobe Plcern Gock Chcck 90' IrcErecs !$ l5 l{ll5 l8 i :i+3 :!: 6 (ii7:!il78 l:! t:, lfl ?-r 5'.!l6!!$:t9 t0 t .l I ! :l 5I{i I! s 3 I t t/.r lVr Bir.*.rl rrn ( barrt' 'l-crhnitnl llrl*r .\u { I ll. F.rr 5l frdtr. I f - 0. Hil m. Teble 4-d5(d) Equivrlcrt kd6th of Pipc in Fmt fur Copper finings aad Valves Elbosr Tce.Vrlrc! Ftai4/vatvc ItiEdE il5 (in.) Dcgrcas 90 l.oog Dcgr.€t Rtdiur Fhrr Thru Brrtrdl FlowltruRun Cdc Arglc Glob€ Clob€ Ih(crn Gock Gtect 3 1.5 {5 1.5 15 15 tg li +.i -t.55 3 i:i :t 1.5 l8 {9 !5 6.0 7.1.t5 5I5 t.i 23 53 27 7.5 lr6 S ts 4.5 t.5 27 65 5J I l.r7 45 li {.5 1.5 t6 8ti +t l? t.5 1.5 t.5 5t lt I lVrlh 2 Fc 5l Unirr | [ = oli]ls u. tS4Erfrrl I f | .,. t Vata Vf llzae tet ,I/yra lzerrt', ur'rif Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax: 970.47 9.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Namel MASSA CHANGE Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS, APPROVAL OF A DORMER AND ASSOCIATED MODIFICATIONS Pafticipants: owNER BLUEGROVE pROp NV 0710512005 c/o BMNDESS CADMUS REAL ESTATE INC 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHffiCI, LLC07l05l?005 Phone: 970-471-6LZz PO Box 7760 Avon co 81620 License: C000001754 ARCHfiECT MICHAEL SU MAN ARCHITEC-| , LLC07 / 05 | 2005 Phone : 97 047 L-6L22 7 DRB Number: DR8050317 Location: PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ProjectAddress: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL TYROLEAN CONDOS, UNITT Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: TYROLEAN CONDOS Parcel Number: 2101-082-5200-7 Comments: seeconditions Motion By: Second Byr Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0712012005 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valld for 20 days folloring the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construcdon is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt @nnett DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO /,, ^ '.; - TOI4A'ffi Application for Design Review D@rtmenl of Crommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lntormation: All proiects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please reter to the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Fteview cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Developm€nt Department. The projecl may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unless a building permit is lssued and construction commences wlthln on€ year ot the approval. Description ol the Request: Parcet No.: 2 tOtOfZflUT- (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: rtf>,Vf Name(s) of Owner(s): d/ phone: Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Malllng Address: E-mall Address: o_ ,TJg vl o NT' \| $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of lotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square foolag€ is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conv€rsions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, lences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenls, such as, rerooling, painting, window additions, hndscaping, lences and /t '--\gtaining walls, etc. ( $20 -,For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Statf or the\---// Design Review Board. No Fee Type ot Review and Fee: . Signs. conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . Minor Alteration (multi-lamily/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . Changes to Approved Plans . Separation Request Locatfon ot the Proposal: Lot: h- etry.lrr, Malllng Address: Name of Applicant: For Oftice Use Onlv: Fee Paid: -2.6 : - check No.: r,,rEiiig o""i"^€'S 3 /ziltc 2005 f TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 91657 97 0 -479 -2L38 lJ{rrB \\< s- \).-.^-\ \l tt* -6-"^DEPARTI{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DE 4OO E MEADOW DR 4OO E MEADOW DR 2101--082-52-007 PR198-0071 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALt TIMESTOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depqsit Refund ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PERMTT Permit, #: 898-0103 approved amount date Parcel No..jects No. APPI,IEANT BOI.,ES CUSTOM BUII-,DERS, P O BOX L279, AVON CO CONTRAqIOR BOI,ES CUSTOM BUII,DERS, P O BOX 1,279, AVON CO Phone:- 3039263202 Phone: 3039263202 Total calculated FeeE---> s24.2ERrstsuarants Plan Rewiee-- > DRB Fee-------- INC 8162 0 INC 8]-620 ESTAT, Seatus.. (TYROLEANAppIied. Issued.. E:cpires. ISSI'ED os/LL/L998 os/tL/L9eB LL/07 /Le98 accuraEo PIoC and plor. pIan, subdiviEion 8:00 A-Dl 5:00 PM OWNER BI,I}EGROVE PROP I.I\/t BRANDESS CADMUS REAL 28L co 81557 Descript.ion: ADD EXTERIOR AWNING INTERTOR REPAIRS Occupancy: R1 Multi-Familyflpe ConstrucEion: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Valuat,ion: L7 ,OQ4 Add Sq Ft.: Pi!.place fnformatsion! RcECricD€d:*Of c6. Applianc€E:{Of Gaa l,ogr:*of wood/Pa1lee: .i+ir+.rr*r*ra. rrirtt**r..rtr FEE st uHARy Bui lding- -- - - > PIan Check- - -> 225 .OO .oo 50.00 AddiEional Fee6-- ----- - -> Invrstigatlon> .00 RecleaCion Fee----------> .00 Total Permit F€6--------> 504.25 will call----> 3.00 cl.an-up Depo6i.e--------> loo.oo Paymenta----------------> 504.25 TOTATT FBEg----- 524-25 BAT,ANCE DUS---- .O0 IEEM: O51OO BUII.,,DING DEPARTTITENT DEPc: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/LL/L998 .'RM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIR}TIEbm:'O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DEPT: PI,ANNING DiViSiON;O5/LL/L998 'JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER.CIIRISTIEItsbM:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTTVIENT DEPI: FIRE DJ-ViS1ON:|5/LL/L99S iIRM Action: APPR N/AItbm:'05500 PIJBr-,IC WORKS Dept: PtlB WoRK Division:O5/LL/L998 JRM ACt,iONI APPR N.A See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditsions Ehat may apply to this permiE. DECI-,ARATIONS I hcr.by acknosledge lhaC I have read chi.s applicaEion, filled oul, in ful1 ghe infonation lequired, coEplcted an plan, and Ecalr that all the inforEabion provld.d ae required iE correcg. : agrsG !o coinply nilh gh. informalion to conply uith all Torn ordinanceg and state 1ae9, and Eo build this ecluctule according to bhe Tor,n'a zonlnE and code., dc.i,gn rcwicr approvcd, Unifortn Buildihg codc and other ordinanc.! of tshe Toen applicable th.rcto. REQUESTS FOR IN3PE(TIONS SHAT,L BE MADE fWEMTY-FOTJR HoURS IN A.D\ANCE By TELEPHONE AT 479-r-13s ORrAT OUR OFF.ICE FROM BRIDGE scnd Clean-Up Dcporit To: BOLES CUSTOU BIJDRS SIGI:&TURE OF owNER oR FOR HIMSELF AND OI{NER *************************************f??i*?************************************* CONDITIONSPermit #: Bg8-01-03 as of o5/LL/g8 st.aEus---: rssuED******************************************************************************** lerslE Tlpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUrr.,D pERMrr epplied-- z o5/tt/L998epplicanr--: BoLES cusroM BUTLDERS, rNc rssuea--- o5'/LL'/1-9983039263202 yo hcpire. 1,L/07'/Lgge ilob Address: 400 E MEADOW DRLocaE.ion---: 400 E MEADOW DR (TYROI_,EAN #7)Parcel No-- : 2l_01-082-52-oo7 Description: ADD EXTERIOR AWNING INTERIOR REPAIRS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPE TIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE.2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE RBQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS A}ID EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.1210 0F TI{E l_991_ I'BC. ****** ssors 1 /t.'dt)-, aeE 70-**iw?tifl. il!7(uds,l,-,/ rLLED our coMpLETELy oR rr uaylfiot sn AccEprED * * * * PERI{IT f NFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * r S t l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other _ Eagle County Assess 328-86_40 for Parcel:}/Dl-tEt--5z- PPLICATION MUST I ****************J uilding [ ]-p1un *** Bui i.n6o'i., $rur' *; ****** umbing * Job Name: /VtA sS q. I Job Address: Legal Description: Irot . -_/- VA,{I r e-Block tta FLLingJtJllie.lrfsueorvrsroN, p\. qzu bs.{z Owners Name: \Jaffe ceneral- Description: Address: H Address: ViL._eO a3 taz -497 Work Cl_ass: [ ]-New I i-Alteration t$_Add.itional tx_Repair [ ]_other Number of Accornmodation Units:Nurnber of Dwelling Units: Electrical Contractor: Address:).. Town of Vail Req. NO, Phone Nunber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. No..PIumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical- Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ******************************** .r:.oR oFFrcE USE *******************************BUILDING PERMIT FEE:At'i auriorNc pr,AN cHEcK FEE:PLUMBING PERMTT MECHANICAL MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:ELECTRICAI. FEE;j# nucnserroN Fpn,OTHER TYPE OF DRB FEE:rrf CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: Y\ ToTAL PERMIT FEEs:twttll-l-l-t_t_t-- BUILDING: SIGNATUITS: ZONING: SIGNATURI: B"le>*-O?4 U)'!r-{'ubkta9 Px?":?rAa7,7.=-CLEAT{ IIP DEP.OSI,T RETI]IrID TO: . ."t : :3:i1 ] i',^r"' F^X. s7o1?84901 ' FRITZI+N PIERCE . &o06 7s+-I)(: esign Review Actibn Form TOWN OF VAIL Projccr Namc: Massa Rcsidence Projcct Dcscriprion: Add cxtcrior awning ownct Add'r'is and Phonc; i:-rag,\$?J.rg-pgx 02-8537 Migmi" F'L 33I02-8537 Archircc/conracr Addtn'ss and Phonc: l[rtliliuti'ffi o","., vair, co 81557 416-6342 Pmject Strcct Addtc.s.s: 400 Vail Vallcy Drive, Unit 7, Tyrolean Inn Con4ouiniurns Block 5, Veil Village Ist Building Namc: T;rrolcen lnn Condominiurns Motion by: nia Sccondcd by: Votc: Condirions: Torvn Planner: Christie Barton Datc: 4nElgB Board / Staff Action Action: StalT Approval DRB Fce Prc-Paid:s20.00 15:04: PAtr 9704764801 IRITZLEN PIERCE ,&oos G TYPEOF MA.TERIAL:... .:i.b uILprNG MATERIAT.S.: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Mafcriats Fascia Softits Windows Window Trim Do or-s Door Trinr Hand or Dcck Rails FIucs F lash ings Chimncys Trasfi Enclosurcs Greeahouscs Retaining WaLls Extcrirr Lightiog** 0thcr COI.OR:* Att*tr,t*. t Please spccifr the manufacturcr's color, number and ahach a snpll oolor chip +rAllexteriorligfrtingmust-mectthcTorm'sUghtirrgOrdinanccls.i4-050(J). tfer{reliorlighringisproposedpleascindicaoe916"rn'berofftxnnesarrdloetioqsonasqrarafeIightitrgpian'Idcntifycactrfi.xturlqqpeaodprovidc the hcigfit rbove Erzde, trmens oubput, lgrninors area. aad, attach a cut sh-a:t of the lighring fixbrrcs. FAX, 9704764S01 PIERCE @'004 cENER4IL INFORMATTON This application i's for afiy projcct requiring Dcsign Reviov approval. Any projccr rcquiring dqsign rcvicw nrustrcccivc Drxigtt Rcvicrrr approval prior to stbnrittig for a b1lialng por,.it io.'ir,"un. irrfonrradon. sec thc sub'riftalro+tircntr"nts for thc particular approval that is rcqn-rcstec rhc alipiication cantror be accepred until al I thc rcquircdinformationissubnrittcd- Thcprojec'rayalsoneedtouercvic"rcauftn.r"*r,-iounc'and./orrhcp,ranningand Ervironnrcntirl conr'rission' Dcsign Rcvicw Board approral orpiris oo* y"r. "i o,. final apirroval unless abuilrling pcrmit is issued :rnd construction is startcd. Qu."tiun.*? C rhc Planning Sraffat 47g-ZlZIl €-rt / f^WNmy APPLICATTONFORDEsIcN,REvTEwAppRovAL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: A. l]. c. l). E. PFrySJCAL ADDRESS: PARCEL,#: rt Z()NINC: H'?,'4F Contryt Eagfc Co- Asscs.soA Oilicc at g7}-J2g-tj64rJ tbr,parccl #) iPI.IONE: owNER(S) STGNATUR 6(5): NAME OFAFPLI(:ANT TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE; PHONE: Z=,4 -'7Tt r- (J. H. E Ncw Construction - $200 Constructioo ofa ncw building.tr fdtiidon -. $s0 51{: lf q*i,ion *r,rr" dL" footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or {naiuorAltcration - ,,0 trJffiffit":iil"io bu'dings aoh sirc impro"cmcnrs. srch as-tT:fing' painting. window additions- tandserpiog rcnces ana rcrainingwalls. crc- : . o "oo"ntusr Rcviow - $0 ,:'#;?1ff;l#tr..T;T,",r#'Jr;Jf;il,H'*ro,;T*Tff"*. -.. : desigt gddclincs..flrc DRB docs not riorJ oa conccphral rcvievrs. DRB fecs arc to bc paid at thc tirnc of submittal t*gera wfrcn {plfng fo! a building pennit. plcasc idcntifythcaccuratc valuation of flre project. Tlc Torvn of Vail *lr aa;'u'sirr,c-{alJor.l;,rg ro rhc pro.icct ,atuatioi'r. PLEA'E suBMIT THIS AppLtcATIoN, tLL suB[{rrrAl REaurREri,r.ENTs AND THE FEE To rHEDEPAETMENT OF'COMMIJNTTY DEVELOPMNTT, 75 SOUTI{ FRONTA(;E R-O-A J.VAIL,COLOI{ADO9i6.i7. i DE$CRTPTTON OF_THE REQ UEST: LOT: BLOCK: FTLING: : 06/0g/98 15:C4 FAX 9704784901 February 24,1998 Pepi Langegger, Presideul. Tyro lean Inn Condominiums 400 E. MeadowDr. VaiL CO 816s7 RE: Addition of Retractable Awing South Deck of Unit 7 Tyrolean Inn Condominiums (:\O*td M.tE .\Ol l{atvniog.vod Flarrnrng ' 1650 Elrt v.ril Vrllly Oriv.. f.rllrrtlqr-. l-.. r r o .\rclrrtertrrre ( UIl. C.O lll657 r iplrrr..lr(Eh;rl @oqz c at (+ ARCH IT€CTS Dcar Pepi, Auita and Jorge lvfassa would like to install a awning over a portion of their South Deck I have enclosed floor plans and devations ing the location of the proposed awniag as well as a photograph of the geoeral ares wher€ the the auming wili have linle visuai impact on thc Building. wning wilI be located. I believe I have also enclosed a sample ofthe proposed your revierv, The 9EIICL' , Hand iielivered to the Tyrolcal lur l leflOt\ ! l,lr irl'lll r r.170) 426.61c2 FNIXZI.E{ 8t:t,r 86/90/?0 P.1 ' G002 rtxl'd orca-oN . le 'd EJAI '. fr4t7 .,. nF .'v)tfu^a'r?,',. -AsFo o rvr'\r' Pfr , r-.r€pc4ry.,..tu ob Fs . .idteE -Gait7-tox eF n; ,.?z- a '-!rt .? fb+'.'&aba /y(Fs,a ffiF fryq. IH.pEHq.t #4g.Htlr&z, .fo .f7tr p-yr*... td*-<'.r/Ez6-,*t.'&vea " r+ I I I o/0, .4t Qp ClrVt:'f' W*War#r.(lal) | | E=a -jfet a,gE.l-$-,J^ TOWN OF VAIIJ DEpARm,tEtilI OF75 S. FROI{TAGE ROADvArL, co 9L657 970-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRTCAL PERMIT 'Job Address: 400 E MEADOVI DRLocation...: 400 E MEADOW DRParcel No. . : 2101-082 -52-007Project No. : pR,J98-0071 COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMET..M 'JOBSITE AT AIJIJ TIMES PermiE #: 898-0101 SEatus...: ISSIIED (TYROtEANAppIied. . : 05/L3/L998rssued...: 05/L4/L998Expires..: LL/LO/1998 Phone:970-926-6202APPIJIEAIillT cotfrrRAcToR OWNER DOUBLE DTATIOI{D SERVICESP. O. BOX 1-452, EDWARDS, DOT'BLE DIAIVIOND SERVICESP. O. BOX L452, EDWARDS, co 81632 co 81532 Phone: 970-926-6202 BL{'EGROVE PROP NVI BRANDESS CADMUS REAL ESTAT, 28L BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 81557 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR AwNINe Valuation:1, 500 . 00 t.rttf'rtttaia!|i*atttttlt.rrrrrr,, **rri*rr*r'rrrt FEB suuirARy rr*r**rr*rattttrrrr*rr*rrtrrtrrrri.rrr,rrrrrrrrrrfrrta'trrr.rrrrr Eleetrical -- - > DRB F.. Inv€6tigat.ion> Will Crl,I----> TOTAL FEES-.. > lotsrl Calculat6d Pees- - - > Addit.ionil. Fees-- - - - -- --> Total Pcrdit Pee--------> 50 .00 .00 ,00 3,OO 53.00 53.O0 .00 5l .00 Pal.nenEo------- 5f.00 BA'JAI{CE DUE- -- -.o0 i*rr* I *r*r ** rrir Itqmi .06000 ELEefRfCAL DEPARI'IVIEIiE DepE,: BUIIJDING Division:Q5/L3/L99,8 JRM Act,ion: AppR AppRovED fRJ"rItem: .05600 IURE DEPARTT{EMI Depts: FIRE Division:05/13/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A ***rr**r**trtri CONDITION OF APPROVAL i r i r + r t r r * * r r t t t i t t I a I * * t r i i r * * r * t * t l, r L ,r I ., I .r DECLARATIONS r hereby acknorlcdg. chat t hawc rc.d chL€ applicat.ion, filled out. in full the informatLon requLr6at, cornpl,.g.d ln .cculacc trloEPlar, and atata thic all th. infotlration prowided a! rcquir€d is corrcct. I agr6c to couply rith the informabion and plot plan,to conPly tith r1l Torn ordinanccs and €catse 1ae.6, and to build this .trqctuae according to ch. Torn,. zoning rnd aubdivltioncod.B, daal'gn lavLav apltrov.d, uniforB Building cod. and oEhar oldinancea of the Toirn applicable thcreuo. REQUESTI| FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALT BE !4AOE TflErtrII-Fot R HOURS IN ADVANCE EY TET EPHO!{E AT {79-2138 OR.trT OUR OFFTCB FROM g:OO tfi 5:OO P!,! -C -12rsq o_4:11p 9?O -926 -G203 P.: 2 IOIJN BF UNIL COM-DEU ID :30J-479-2452 JUL 21'95 15:06 N0.010 P.01 l)ar.ci v,aot -ttga'gPaq PERMII # aq{-6163 APprJrcArroN t'lusT BE Frr'LED ou' cot{prr'rErJy oR r" rrAy Nor BE AccEprgD1""_.::'**toN I'tusr BE Frr'LED ou' cot{prr'rErJy oR rT uAy NoT BE AccEprgD ,[]-:t^".:ri****!r***rrrrrt********* PERIrl', rNToRIrtATroN .**.r******i******iri*****r** :-t:tutto:n" I J-ptunblns fxl-Etcctrtcar I J_rdacbanl,car I J_other.rob [ane: lYy,n",n. trl;<.td rllr i -Job Addressc Legal Deaerlptlon: Lot BIock__._ rlling T1{ oe vAr& coNsTRucltroNPERUIT eppr,rcerrory ronuotyE: 5 rz-4(, --- ,'lr- -l.{!|l...7.1-g;l Arcrr itect :YD h ft\ ldLQi-u) ('eneral contractor; AdalresE! Pr.-?'r,v t),', \1,T?ta Addressl Addrees: General Deecrlption; }'ork stass! [ ]-$er (!-lrteratton [ ]-(aoitroo., Nunber of, Dtrelllng Unitsl'..v !,rr^r.s; Number of .Acconmoaatton Onitg: fl:::-::: -::" of, Ftrepraceai ca€ Appllances Ga' r.og5_ _".r;;;"._ T::ll:--********************i***** vAr,uATIONs ***********rr*********rr********* BUIITDfNGT tg.uMBrNG: l-l- 3*ISTlIg}}, l-l5.|IF . orHERr ffiur,'BrNc:-----. ffitri&l:l:/t]= H:::i -:;::::::: :. *1 : : - ? co, NrRAeroR rNFoRr.,ArroINFORI{A!roN ***r*r.**** *****r**i OTHERT SlofAl,rf--..- Aqqres'! $f,3l"KlilI:3at2*_Electric?l Contractor, 'lx,rlri r; i\,., nnr.,.tA {_Address: Ig1ln o-! vall neg, ro. &15.FPhone Nunber: i1 - .--.---phone Nunber: , __ tlechanlcal contractorr .- iqqress: - Tgrn of Vall Reg. NO.!.;gffi. *:H:.::H."---*- ,LUuBrNc pnnnit iiisi __.__ BU:!DrNC pr.AN cHEcK pEE: :ECHANTCAL pemrri_Fie! _ ptuMBrNc plur caecx irei -___,r.,pcrnreai pEE;--.''HER TypE op rnn, -_._.*_ RECREATION FEE!.RB FEE:!___ l[orAIJ pEnMr? FEE$ | BUILDII{G: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SICNAIUR8! .gAT. UP DEiPOSIT REPUnD. lOS ----- 'rr.S::;./i. i5 1if*1qqti ., i ' ;J"s- a .|' --ol ' I I ' ; -. r' .. -.i(:j{tt I Project Application ,^r" zf 'o ffZ i.4 [q<: A PES tb F1UCE:Pr,.\;6^t Nl.mo r lal u' projecr Descrip,,""' :Frt',{^*t\*;]*o^ -f- Hoo"t\elP-.{-6\e* H.f -i;t :-.,h " E o\*-a- t.r\ea- C.-- L*--fu, /d.-,- 7,...c ' 3o3,- 9ZG-3zo?- Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: /- l) r\-L)LJ-LI-4'-A- . \ q-v\e'ZJtdg- Architect, Address and Phone: Frl*zl" n lD,e r-z-q.- { Br ,n€/-I r^ ?..- t'-o* <f v,^r--{ C..,(. 4lc"-t":Yz , t .L 1 Trulear- 7na Legat Descriptio n, Lot vfrt T lt . d'i6cF ', -* . rir'ng , Zone - Comments:^_{ Motion by: Design Review Board /t ,^," 2//7/f z DISAPPBOVAL Seconded by: Sum mary: 1 '-, I '\* '..,i.{.;i:r 4"jj,/]t..1 ...1.- i.::.}. _ ?C,$fd Ci, r,,irji," ;..' ;,;.' .-.. r-:. :,. :i:-F.i...::: I , c.. :. ..1' .,.i_:: ii"r.l;.i .)li: t r.?i3*d C0LOFit"|rrr ffC0FEu r .'i:o) I jill:'l:i,;l[1? :r F rli 9/$/e! a, n,*-cIPf,E? TS 5iiHI4r,f:tLt' flo ,.-t\ .--[*F-.-{* u*\{.:.{- T.rb fz\t''': :*::^- .i:,'+:e:... :..-) r -::.::j:,.,. a..'.,;.::+ .'...,--::r: i''::'j"...1 - E : :1 .:.' ., ._- trF€? l-isry c(}FY 't AVr,il_s*ii.F, f _-f ilsrwlv.-, ,- L, Adflg:;' ii- rw t Ail ,ltr3iiOtl- El:P:'ki-: C'i; t:J'R A?::p, f iEiri A ;-;:LfIl{0 FI:F.t4I:t IS-1SSU3*"1 tJ.:) C?1"9T3::.-:lif;}i L; i !.:- B,1i .!"ii.'rlv.., b,t, r,.u i!,L',i'nuit i urt3uJ' 5' 5 r. Etlr{ "iLii{s i, ll t a 1\ _s- I I-=- i l-.lv-talzI F. l-,ll+: Lli rtr $ S-. l*$.kE $[ jH, ,n$.2-t: *E ,,11o = KI1l: i rlts s' J I'trz $ $.{' il.]\t silL L\ itl il${\ I kLls,N -L- *tok$E1-z 7 {$o .$S5 }L= *rs:A$?f-B Sen6*N'tdr3r$ {rdS:i.. * -r- t--[I 5 6()Zs SNis $Itr NI-ittl -r Ir 4 $t: iirz s b-a-3 l\.\ E ( $---r+ tr uJ;T e\L 1_) _\\\1\c\ $) {t -, ,. '\Hr-.- :l ll .- l'r{ - li -)'r ::rL;Ri\\s u_ =-r.l -31sd $q t I :l I * Drll $ R. E.$- \ ll -t zq k ilI d if\-: {1 I .: --./ d6$ L_<(5r\tI*;\ -z-[r< llJ.e(l NS AFr$ srqs LN ri I o o boyle engineering, inc, professionol structurol engineers 0ece.a,rber 30, l ggl f'lr. BiIl Plerce Fri tzlenPierceBriner P.0. Box 5? Uai1, Colorado 81658 Srrbject: Hassa Residenee 0ec!. Unii. f7 The Tyroiean Inn Uai I, Co l orada 0ear Bill: hr. 1ou Lnou I have revieued ihe strucr.ure of the ;,:uth dl;cl. *t iriin iirs:,.l Residence fon the loading ef fects of a prnposeC Erandee spl iry HL\,i i,,: r;-ig. ThlE iE s sumrlany af my findings, This spa r,.rill inpose a total load rahen f i1leiJ of *pprc;; : ia r. e i ,.,. 5rZ00 1 i:,.,Lir:ji. This loed is distribut.ed over an area crf ?'-8" r 8'-1". .ihr:, r. r .r n s .! ,: | '.. i-r ir i,f, a unif orrq ri!stributed load of apprcxrmalel'r 7E pounds per ieudr-e fo*t tpsf), I have anslyzed the'structure of {his de+!: besed upon a, fr,rl j Sff F.Si sn,},.!! load dvar the entire deck area not co'zered by tire fla$ *FJB, Further-n,';r-+, I ha're sllor.red t'nn a 30 psf snor.r load on lop ,;l' tiie iF-r irh:cfi lrr.r nc::. tlr* tota.l superimpose-d loed to 109 psf o.rer the ired r..J,/ererJ oy i.he spa, I have found that t-he e.xi6ting Binlrct.Lrre i-i ver/ ciirsfl l;..r rtr .,.::r.rum capacity under thie loading eonfigrtratian, Theref*re. I fe*I thst tirrr ,-iec1,. is capable of supporting the Eddiiional Ioad of the spai provrdrng thal 't.he snou on tcp af lhe spa cover is naintained so i.hat i t daes n.rt Ey,ceea tr.rofeet sf dept h - Flease give rqe a call lf you have any questions regarding lhls matter. { i nnonn I ., .rnr rnc cc: MarL Cadr'rus 143e. meodory dr.,suite 390 o crossroods shopping center o voil, colorodo 81657 o 3O3/4762170 A o D1{ o H Our largest and most luxurious spa czn easily indulge a party of seven or pamper a party of one. It allows you to run as many as twelve jets atonce, oroperate justhalf the spa for smaller groups. Experience the big, beautiful HOTSPRING Grandee and see why it has become the standard of luxury bywhich all other spas are measured. Seating Capacity:UptoTaduits 1'8" v.8'3 /t" x36 h"l Distinctively stylish and supremely comfortable, this spa provides room for six to enjoy its wide array of hydrotherapy jets. Yet, when there are just fvo of you, its dual lounge seats offer you each a personal oasis of swiding relaration.The Highlife's unique shape and impressive seating options have made it a hit with thousands of American families. Seating Capacity: Upto 6adults 8'4" x7'2" x34"HDim€nsions: Water Capacity:500 ga /ons '2-ers rotal -cr"d ^g ) voto l-as.age iet5,4Jelsl ca.n: forfeet caLves anc owe"back,6 adjustable hydrotherapyjets Dimensions; Water Capacity: 415 gallons ler Configuradoo;0jetstotal, rclud ng I Moto'Massage jet, 3ietst.eam lets for feet, calvesand lowerback,6 ad ..rstabLe hydrothe.aDylets SeatingType:Deep, multi level barrier-free seat l,rg lvith lYoto- Itlassage a"C fxed jet lounges P rs cool down/c5.ldren s safety bench Effective Filter Area: 20 square feet, top-loading HydrojetPump:sta-Rite t'4ax-E-Glas jet purnp. 5 ghly effrcient. 2 HP 220 vo t,5 kw stainless steel:G f;C l, Protected on all clrcuits subpanelinc uded as staroa.d. lYun be Installed bylicensed electric an in acaordancewtn iocalcodes. Thermostat Sensitiv rty: P,sorrrrus oetreeI Weight:665 os. d.y,4 l30lbsfLlled Jer Configuration: SeatingType:Fou'differe.t seatrng levers plus coo down/chilCrens safety bench 2Sta-Rte llax E-Glasjetpumps iighlyeffclent I HP 2?0',,olt 5 kw s+arnless steel C.FC.I protecteConall circuitst sub panel n:ludeo as standard. Mustbetotajly nitaled bylice.sed elect'rclan in accordalice witj" ocal cooes. .Q\ t. Effective FilterArea: 150 square feel top- oading Hydrojet Pumps Thermosat Sensitivity: o -s o'-n''us ceg'eec Elecrrical Safety: Completely U.L. lrsted Weight:820lbs, dry,4 990lbs f led #\l. ' CompletelyU L,listed VisitYourAuthorized HOTSPRING Dealerlbday. 2-tr'\WUtr| 1>.-.atv WAIICNSMANUMCNiRINGCORFOR!fiON,1280PANX(CENIERDRN'E,VISIACALIFORNIA92OS3 € 1991 WiihGMadfactuins CoD.r{ior Sa6.i6c.ttols$bjcctb.trElri0rod nodft . osBtlH $2.00 Prinred i! usa il otl EJ. @. : .}|Project Application /U /'It^Lr--() lt L.,.) o^,. +/rf ,/q/ Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: A/chitect, Address and Phone: Block Filing Zone -G i ,*r/,n., Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPFIOVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Town Plan ner 4-/'. /a,Date: t/t | | l/ E Statr Approval 75 south lronlage road Yall, colorado 81457 (3(B) 47$2138 (3Gl) 479-2139 February 7, 1991- oftice of community developmeni Mr. Jorge Massa Tyrolean Condominiums 400 E. Meadow DriveUnit 7vail, co 8t-657 Dear Mr. Massa: Unit 7 of the Tyrolean Condorniniuns is entitled to apply for an interior addition of 250 square feet of ltross residential floorarea, assuming the unit has not already utilized the 250 Ordinance, and as long as the addition meets Town of Vail zoningcriteria, building codes, and condominium association approval. You must be aware, however, that possible changes to the 250 ordinance are being considered. one option may be to cornpletely do away with the Ordinance. In this case, you would not have theability to use the 250 sqluare feet that is possible under the existing ordinance. Please let ne know if you have any additional questions. Sincerely, .'/". )//\ . , /.7'rJ-L*2 [ulu.(t.4:*,UBetsy Rosolack Planning Technician /ab JAY K, PETERSON TELEPHON E (303 | 476-0092 FAX LINE r303r 479.O467 Jav K. PnrEnso^r ATTORNET'AX LAS SUITE 3O7 VAIL NATIONAL BANK EUILOING IO3 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vA[- coLoR{Do 81657 February 8, 1991- Mr. Jorge Massa Tyrolean Condominj.ums 400 East Meadow Drive, Unit 7VaiI, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Massa: This is to inform you that unit No. 7 has not utirized the 250 squarefoot ordinance and therefore apprication to utilize the 250 squaiefeet of gross residential floor area is appropriate as long ai theaddition neets the Town of vaiL's zoning Lriteria, buirdin[ code, andyou obtain Condorninium Association approval. while the Town of vail courd change the 250 square foot ordinance,that is true with any ordinance for the Town of Vail . rt does takethe Town approxirnately 60 days in order to revise an ordinance such asthe.250 square foot ordinance, but to be on the safe side, if youdesire to incorporate the 250 square feet into unit wo. 7 r wouldsuggest that you make application at your earLiest convenience. If you have any questions please contact ne at rny office. Sincerely, erson U TYROLEAN INN CONDOI.IINIUI4 ASSOCIATION P.0. Box 2691Vnrr, Colonaoo 81658 February J-3, l-991_ Town of Vail Departnent of Conmunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 8L557 Dear Sirs: Please be advised that the Tyrolean fnn CondominiumAssociation fulty approves the interior addition of 2Sosquare feet of GRFA to Unit *7, Tyrolean Inn by theoltners, Bluegrove Properties, N.V., by Jorge Uassa. Inn Condominium Association t AP PROP i Rm'i ivlAl l : 1991 PLICATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA ERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA A pre-appl ication conference with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under wtrich additionil eRfR can be aidldto a site. It shou'l d be understood that this ordinance does not assure each property ll^"9!].iigral 250-square.feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows fo" -gplq - FOR PRE.APPL ICATION CONFERENCE 250 square feet if certain cond.i tions are met. SCRI PTI ON: ddition of 250 s uare feet Date of Appl ication_ l,red_llL leel Date of DRB Heeting aprrr d. rggr t1 Applicat-ions for additions under this section will not be acceoted unless thevare.complete. This includes all information required on thi;-iorm is weit-li"Design Review Board submittal requirements. Condominiums interior B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 400 E. Meadow Drive. Unit 7 Legal Description; Lot Bl ock Filing Vail VilLage lst Zone District Tyrolean Inn C. NME OF AppLICANTI Bluegrove Properties, NV by Jorge Massa Addres s hone ** Signature(s) D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Williarn pierce. ArchirecE Address p.0 co 81657 e 416-6342 E. NAI4E OF OI,INER(erties, NV L att' o Addres s Tvrol Condchiniums Unit 7 400 E.Meadow Drive,Vail, CO J ---F. Filins Fee of $100.is required at tine of submltta'l The following information, in addition to DRBrequired with this submittal: l. Verlfication that the unit has received 2. Names and mail ing addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. submittal requirements, shall be a final certlficate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis avajlable from the Eagle County 3. 4. Condominium associatlon approval (if applicable). Existing floor plan of structure. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with Vailts Comprehensive Plan. \ olean Condominiums lJt . LIST OF I'IATERIALS ,{t"tE 0F pR0JECT: - Tyrglggo Uqit /i7 Interior Addition .rCnr--oEscnl PTIoN : STREET ADDRESS: 400 E. Meadow Dr.. Unit 7. Tyrolean Condominiums DESCRIPTION 0F PROJETT' ry.or."r Addition of 250 square fee at loft 1evel The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof Si di ng information is required for submittal a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL nfa - no change by the appiicant to the Design Review COLOR wood siding to match existlng other t,lal'l Materi al s stucco to natch existing Fasci a Soffi ts l'li ndows l,l'i ndow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther n/a ila to match existing rL/ a \/a nla t/ a to natch existing n/a n/a rL/ a n/ a B. LANDSCAPiNG: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: pn0ne: Botani cal Name none - n/a Common Name Quanj ty Size* EXISTING TREES BE REI'IOVEO To ,'o't" for deciducious trees.Indicate height for coni fers . (over) *lndicate caliper ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: March 11. 1991 LEGAL DESm-iFTl0il-.: -Lot-Filing lst. r"act oBl ock AODRESS: 400 E. Meadow Dr.. Unit 7.WNER Bluesrove prooerties phone Phone 416-6242 Z0NE DISTRiCf High Density, Multiple Farnllv - Tyrolean Condos. LOT SIZE nla Hei ght Tota.I GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rea r Water Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni ng .'^lal i Parki ng Credits: Garage' He i ghts Al I owed (30) (33) __Ns-change 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) No change i/a nlaila (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) ,-^\ /i^^\(5UJTIUUJ (25)(50) (zoo)(4oo) Proposed a/a Additional LLI CL ILI E nla No change n/a nla tla r.la ila -----.Iu.4- n/F 250 s,q. ft.v'-L Mechan ical Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Env i ronmental /Hazards : nla Sl ope Actua l rla Ava I anche Flood Plain Slope n/a l.letl ands Geoi ogi c Hazards n/ a Comments: ARCHITECT William Pierce PR0P0SED USE Residential Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: gna.ture lii luwn 75 south frontage road Yail, color8do 81657 (3{xt) 4792138 (303) 479,2139July 6, 1989 offlce of communlty dev€lopment Pepi LangeggerP.O. Box 8390Vail, colorado 8t-659 Re: Tyrolean Restaurant Dear Pepi, The purpose of this letter is to clarify the Town of Vailrs position onthe zoning of the Tyrolean Inn. According to the official Town of Vailzoning rnap, the property is zoned High Density Multiple Fanily. This zone district allows residential uses, lodges, and with a conditionaluse pennit, sone public facilities. The existing restaurant is a legalpre-existing, non-conforrning use, An expansion of this use would notbe allowed under the existing zoninq and if the use were to cease for aperiod of one year, no cornmercial use of that space would be allowed inthe future. This existing use is not a use by right as is commercial space in the Cornnercial core I zone district of Vail Village. The two enployee housing units $rere created in 1978 under a specialdispensation granted by the vail Tolrn Council, al.lowing conversion fromexisting restaurant space to ernployee housing. These units arerestricted by the Town Council to long tern ernployee units. No shortterm rental or condoninlunization is allowable for these units. Theyare therefore not available to the open market. If you have any further questions regarding this property, please feelfree to contact me. Sincerely, K.R'^; Rick Pylnan Town Planner cc: Eagle County Cornnissioners (Board of Equalization) ea \1Ta oo H^ Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. ^tll^tl 281 BRIDGE STREET o VAIL, COLORADO 81657 -r---, -.4 rl B. -June 6, L9a5 Town of VaiIBuilding Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 8L657Attn: Tom Braun Dear Tomi P1ease be advised that the Tyrolean Inn CondominiumAssociation fully approves of the hot tub instal-l-ation on the deck of Unit #2 as proposed by Stephanie Kennington. Should you have any question, please feel free to contact us at 476-1450. Sincerely, <---By Pepi Langegg Tyrolean Inn CMG/drm REAL ESTATE (303) 476-1450 . PROPERTY MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2851 DENVER TOLL FREE 893-3101 Condo. Assoc. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE _ COPY OF 1t27 t84 PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE ? _qF tr' J tl o, dopartmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ! Dtr E Dn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT- BLK FILING JoB NAMElypolean Condo Unit 7-Remodel OWNER uue Pepi Langegger crrvVail. Co. Stauffer pn.57l I ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnr,r Duddy-Viel e Construct'iot rowN oF vArL REG. No 188-A rrl F 476-3082 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOU'N OF VAIL REG, NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM N/A TOWN OF VAIL REG-.NQ- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG-NO TELE. I.TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DfVfSfON t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. --.--" z9F BUILDING 5,000.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES VI hr R-3 5,000.00 BUILDING PERMIT 50.50 oIYrq- XSNor\x +Q . /r-\QI PLAN CHECK 2s.25 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION O AODITIONAL REPAIR (PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 100 . 00 USE TAX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST, CUT TOTAL PERMIT FEES LT5,I5 Ut ZONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING zoN'|NG t ?H$9',t" illgtE?.l# PARKING DEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. send clean up to Duddy-Viele SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND THE OWNER.Box 331 - Vailn Co. Pnn|ery/vail Project Applicatlon o"," -ri:lss Proiocl Nam€: Contact Person and Phone Orvner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: L€gal Description: Lot Filing Design Review Board o"," d./t S DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by:t -_.... )c_ . , APPROVAL Summary: .t'. ^^--- - T Planner E statt Approval APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THI5 APPLICATION I^IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED***** I . PRI.APPLICATION MEET]NG: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addii,'ional information is needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the nunrberof conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTI0N' f ,''ra-r AL-c-4-i'\()^) or LJ.-,-r Jl-,O, I '"r-) \ --r , 4-' '-'cc{ lArrc-> l-)e<,,r- 4t l\l FC:L-r:ArJ u/- R LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 4 .,.-- f-Yv\?A D o c-^-.,L\iz Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Zoning fll Po ue-n ^-l Qo "tb o s C. NAME OF APPLICANT: 5*n=prte^r 16 k E pr,.l r ru (r ]*n ^) D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address te1 ephone E. NAME OF O S i gnature Address rt 5,o n- , / ?. o,'Bct* lStt --t telephone 4'lt,-l*"t- Addr F. DRB -,,1+-t\€ess I Ft-1. tel ephone VALUATION : The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested FEE $o ., $ 10,oo1 $:"50,001 $150,001 $500,001$ 0ver - $ 1o,ooo- $ 50,000- $ 150,ooo- $ ,500,000- $1,000,000 $1,000, ooo $ 10.00 ,$ 2s.00 / $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00{?nn nn TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMIsSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and build'i ng corners. Trees that will be removed should also be martea. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS wjlI normally involve t!^Jo separate meetings of the Des,ign Revjew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Reviett Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. t NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PR The foliowing Board before A. BUILDING B. LANDSCAPING: Roof Si di ng 0ther tlalI Materials L I ST OF I"IATER IALS 'i nformation is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Reviewa final approvai can be fiven; MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR - i) <--KEnr,...too> )tbrp<, Fasci a Soffi ts l'Ji ndows lJindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical NamePLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES u/e Common Name Quanj ty Si ze* for coni fers . (over) EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *lndicate calioer for deciducious trees.Indicate height bttqrqorlEog gsvtf? ttlngtl ,81 -rz ',fd Z+ olrY<L t|?'|5$.91 3f^rEoIC lL}|'lrr{,raE 3i u-{t ae i T $i ,f,u Fill iiiiF' .lhF-!{l-- it-t I ,I ."1 I a I a I 'f I It.l,l I clt- "o NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITECONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DATE tluiStii ; J-"" department of community devalopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEBMIT TYPE OF PERMIT f, Dtr Dnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOB NAME: Tyrolean Restaurant NAME Langegger MATLADDRE.' Box 3390 clrY Vai 1 PH. 2204 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL HEG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. l.ryPE OF CONSTRUCTTON IIut I V(y/) z.occuPANcYGRouP @ e x r r u DlvrstoN t@a e a GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO. zIF BUILDING ,ouu.00 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v th A-2 I ,000.00 BUILOING PERMIT 17 .50 \\1 \ 9r mcq Kq $8 PLAN CHECK 11.00 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATTON ( ) ADDTTTONAL( ) REpAtR (.\PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - A@OMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE OF ELEC. HEAT soLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 28 .50 V__J&n_=._J./stte; AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I | | JILDING OFFICIAL DATE INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILDING NOTES: PAFKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in lull the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agroe lo comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TOR FOR HIMSELF l) INSPECTION REQUEST OWN OF VAIL f a-/'z--'a' THUR FRI DATE ta | ry l,:, li-\L cnllen) rves ('fueINSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK nl tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n fr,*o.-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER iIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr F)FAL tr FINAL YAFPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oere /Z- tcl- E 7 rNSPEcroR d/.1" rfWTyroleaninn " Box3jgo trlail$dorado 816t8 $fr-ztd Pfun"f,€P 6ezcoN -/ sr / f '/ N o#tls fif p t..t FtZt rlJ txr f ta / ts /f" GV@s/o/\'/ 9*o 't^t /v a t 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 Cadmus- Inn Cond$minium Association Vail, Colorado 81658 ofllce of communlty developmenl Dear Sirs I'm writing in regard.to the parking activity taking prace on the northeast fo:l::^:f.Ioy1-11onerty, just' east 6f the weitern jiob"-eis-euiidtns.r regre. r0 rnform vou,that this parking area was not approved as pirtof the site ptan roi the Tvrolean'inn'c6noomrnirrs ii il;i;;" of whichi s encl osed ) - I!:,.?::oilg-","U Or*, not medt Town of Vait standards in that it requiresbacking into a public right_of_wiy, irO it is not paveO.'-Vou Oo havethe.right to request appioval roi"ii,e pu"king area, uui-it'wrtt requirevariances to these iremi and, most likety, wdulO not-Oe iiproveA. At this point in our season, it would not be possible to restore thisarea to landscaping. - However, untesi we r"ceiv. un appiiciiion torthe above variances.(which wouta m heard at a planning comrnission publichea.ing) bv December iz, rgai, w" wiri-iequtre il,ui lr,""pii[ing viotationbe el iminated by placing q Uirriei to iis.entrance. Next spring whenthe weather permits, lhq randscaping courd-be t;;i;*;;";o iompry withyour Design Review Board approvai. ' Re: Parki ng cooperation in this matter. Senior Pl anner cc: Pepi Langegger, Tyroiean Inn RestaurantCurt Ufkes, polfce Chief November 16, 1983 Tyro I ean Box ]289 Thank advance ?TN ;t--*- ----*--*-,-;-.,-=- **j O "o FR'NTAGE R'Aa '. ' --1. r 'dl ' '\\ ' Il.'ri-t i1!i '--./'J,' I I :*,1 i! | rjo,ll I i .-'l t I I-t - ---------? - ti I---!t ao:@L-- :--'l - ..,[ 0 t :-_:_i:.i*- ll.' I I I I II II !'. t'.,,I'rt\ t0l'll Ilo lo f .f o Ii$t' -l-...- -.. .... \- i*Jl' \ tlO $ t'. $,i qq s' fltrtip7 D-il , \ I PEC 9/26/83 Peter Jamar presented the proposal . Stephan.i e Kennington, the applicant, said thatshe had a letter from the Tyrolean condo association wno iraa no b'bjection. Sheadded further reasons of efiiciency, €tc. Trout had no objections, Donovan supported the staff memo and was opposed to theaddition, Piper stated that it was dillicult to find a basis for hardship. Vielesaid that for a strict interpretation, he wouid have to agree with the staff, butalso felt that Gold Peak was receiving special privilege.- pierce felt that in spirit, he. liked to see people adding this type bt an aioitionl Uut felt that he had touphold the staff's recommendition. Donoyagryovqd and,Piper seconded to deny the request per the staff memo. Thq vqteyls J-o !oru oays tn whlch to appeal the decjs.ion to the Town Council. 8.uest for a GRFA variance and on a deck in un meadow url ve,f6n rocess t aE, occurs on two t App cant: Vai I ssoci ates , nts to build cclS L circle. Corcoran stated that it had Dick Ryan said that he had seen Rat the loading zone that the storage in the 9. A request for a conditional use permit in Commercial Core II in order to construct co Appncant: Eagte valley lnvestments, Inc. Peter^Patten shovred plans and site plans and described the request. Mike Arnett,one of the applicants said the intended use was not to serve shops, but residents. He stated that they were willing to set aside time for de1 .i very trucks such as trasntrucks to use the loading zone. He also felt strongiy that they could limit theaccess and the length of time each customer used thi ioading zone, that this wouldbe in the contract each customer would s.iqn. Discussion followed concerning the use of thealways been dedicated to the Lionshead Loop.In l.|illie's, the Baggage Claim, and others userequest was_planning to delegate use of. Brad QuayTe, one-oFthe appljcants, statedttl! !l cou'ld get 100% of the business owners to agiee with the propbiat. Arnettsaid that they could alter the hours if it would help. More diicuision followeq concern'i ng the restriction of hours, the length of time allowed, the need to makeappointments' possib1y putting only long term use in the restrictions, 10.to amend Section .l8.2 .065 Exterior Alterations or Modification ce<lure to ex t smal I chan Dick Ryan sa'id that VA felt current restrictions do not allow for small requeststhat do-not have.significant impact. Joe Macy, representing VA, felt that basicailythe staff's conditions were reasonable. Discusiion fol l6weo. ariance from setback requi 2 of the Tyrolean Condominiums at unti I P i erce defined as .l00 square feet or less Piper moved and Viele seconded to approve the request and re t { t PEC 9/26/83 8.uest for a GRFA variance and a var etback uirements to build reenhouse on a eck in unit #2 ondominiums at 400 Eastow ur] ve.cant:Step Kenn to 10.request to amend Section I .24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications roceclure to ex t sma cna in therev'iew process t at occurs on two times er year, Appf icant: VaiI Associates, Inc. Peter Jamar presented the proposal . Stephanie Kennjngton, the applicant, said thatshe had a letter from the Tyrolean condo'association wt'o taO no b'Ug'ection. Sheadded further reasons of efficiency, etc. Trout had no objections, Donovan supported the staff memo and was opposed to theaddition' Piper stated that it was difficult to find a basis for hariship. Vielesaid that for a strict interpretation, he would have to agree with the staff, butalso felt that Gold Peak.was receivjng special privilege.'Pierce felt that in spirit,he liked to see people adding this type of an addition, uut felt that he had touphold the staff's recommendation. Donova! movqd and Pjper seconded to deny the request per the s1!4ff meno. The vote Uqs _5-0 lo dglv with Vielg abstajning- Corc rU oays tn whlch to appeal the decisjon to the Town Council. 9- A reques!=.&r g-genlljt[jonal use permit in Commercial Core I] in order to construct goqngrciql slorgqe uljt Apptlcant: tagte vattey lnvestments, Inc. Peter Patten shovred plans and site plans and described the request. Mjke Arnetr, one of the applicants said the intended use vlas not to serve shops, but residents. He stated that they were willing to set aside time for del ivery trucks such as trashtrucks to use the loading zone. He also felt strongly that thiy could limit theaccess and the length of time each customer used th6 ioading zoire, thqt this wou'l dbe in the contract each customer would sign. Discussion followed concerning the use of the circle. Corcoran stated that it hadalwayl_been dedicated to the Lionshead Loop. D'ick Ryan said that he had seen Rat'n lr|illie's, the Baggage,Claim, and others use the loading zone that the storagerequest was-pl anning to delegate use of. nrad QuayTEl-oie-of-the appljcants, statedthat he could get .|00% of the business owners to agiee with the propbsal . Arnettsaid that they could alter the hours if it would he1p. More discussion followedconcerning the restrictjon of hours, the length of time allowed, the need to makeappointments, possibly putting only long term use in the restrictions, Quayle asked tg=table until l0/]0/83. Trout moved, aryL Pjerce seconded to table.The vote to table was 6-0. Dick Ryan said that VA felt current restrictjons do not allow for small reoueststhat do^not have.significant impact. Joe Macy, representing VA, felt that basicallythe staff's conditions were reasonable. Discusiion fol'lowed. nce froni the Tyrolean defined as ]00 square feet or less ?ipe.l" moYed and Viele secondgd to approve the request an{ recommend the amendmentto Counci'l . The vote was ll:45 am 2:00 BE TABLED 4. .|0. pm t. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMI'4ISSION September 26, .|983 S ite Inspections Public Hearing Approval of mjnutes of September .l2, .l983 Appointment of PEC member to DRB for 0ctober, November and December. A request to amend the Vail Municipal Code to add a new zone distri ct entitled Ski Base/Recreation District. 41 so, a djscussion concerning the Golden Peak redevelopment proposal will take p1ace. Applicant: Vail Associates Request for an exterior alteration to the Lionshead Arcade jn order to build a commercial additjon. Appl icant: Lazier Commercial Properties. A request for an eiterior alteration to the Village Center project at 122 East Meadow Drive to add a new retail addjtion on the east end, to ,, revise the entrance to Toyrnaker's Trai1, to construct additions to theretail shops, and_to constluct a-.new sidewalk along the north side of the proieci. ' Appl icant: Fred H ibberd A request for aminor subdivisjon to realign the lot line between lots ?7 and 28, Block A, Vail Das Schone, Fi1in9 No. l. Appl icants: Bjll and Patti Anderson, Russell Motta Request for rezoning and resubdivisjon of L-ot 1, Block 1, Bighorn First Addjtlon to change from one Two Family Residentjal to two Single Family lots. Applicants: James E. Sheahan and Rocky S. Chrjstopher Request for a GRFA variance and a variance from setback requirements to build a greenhouse on a deck in unit #2 of the Tyrolean Condomjniums at 400 East i|eadow Drive. Applicant: Stephanie Kennington L, TO 8. 6. 9. A request for a conditional use perrnit jn Commercial Core Ii in orderto construct commercial storage units in the'lower level of the Concert Hal l Plaza. Appl icant: Eagle Va11ey lnvestments, Inc. A request to amend Section .l8.24.065 Exterior Alteratjons or Modifications- Procedure to exenrpt srnail changes (defined as .l00 square feet or less)jn the review process that occurs only two times per year. The jntent is to enable additions or deletions of enclosed floor area of of ]00 sq ft or less to be reviewed at any time of the year. Applicant:Vail Associates, Inc. Request for arnendments to SDD 6 (Vail Village inn) to increase GRFA allovrable, modify permitted and conditjonal uses, request a parking exemption, modify language concerning height restrictions, expand commercial space ai'l orvabl e. Furthermore, a rezoning has been requested for the existing Arloco Station sjte to rezone from Heavy Service to Public Acconrmodations and to be included in the Vail Villaqe lnn SDD;6 District. Applicant: Piccidi11y Sr;uare, Inc. ll APPLICATION FORM FOR A VARIAI{CE r. This procedure is required for any project reguesting a variance. The application wilt not be accepted until all information is subnitted. Apprication Date_ J- AG- 93 PPtrczu{T 5.IEp*r*^, ,n= Ke* ^t , ^lc-T. d b*,+Hon" 4Jo^ze o z- Arc APPLICAI{T t S REPRESENTATIVE c..NAME 0F 0llNER (type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS I pnownJ/4- 411-a+n Lc.St D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAI A. NAME OF ADDRASS NAD,IE OF ADDRESS B. I ADDRESS IV(O LEGAI DESCRIPTION lot block Filing ot4r*n FEE. $100.^00 plus an amount equar to the then current fiTst-class postagerate for each property ormer to be notified hereurder. A list of the names of owners of aI1 property adjacent to thesubject property and their mailing addresies.- @ 0"e.,u-g 3.oq. {1urtttzL r,,Jncre.& A.ll=oo S . fvl'*^setec-r 4ue ,Bn"aoea . Epace-otood. 0-o F o tt o @ 4p"t-o 7*a* €-on, Do s -B,rneaLU tQx- E peKp(tse.- lorgy fu.9"'UAue Ln reeooo b C- 9o a 5*flrn-ey , {*et- $aqt-ns , lOe-ig c- P.- futt- e! ,Tox'n&-es?.o. 21s1 VA,.,Qo' PtGsS 9 0.." Sznre rU^ V Dtpr. 4zo l E. Aeknpsas& nsveB 0_b F" jaa @7o^u oF V4,- . ./,/,'-t^ ; 'aJ + f-o'/'*'- c "x-t't ''( '-- z- M M M M M MNOY DESIGNS Slcphanie Konnirglon l3€ Lo Miroda Laguno Beach, CA 9265 | 7 14497 -2179 r-aq -ss VA*-A--*a ll'aa'<?'4f @-a'fra4,a'^/- y41J ' il -_=-d / /-q-/ilr"-4 t4''lo'o6o ?-T1:^* a-' ,L- l"-A' fuf^tt"z**' \Yh 4uf2^, /b /u ui:<' ^f/*-''* t* a- 'a-14'a-/-/ n ' 4/a4't q/t"t*/'*- fu"4dL4/"^* V r,l^P, *7 rrye<'-- % N Vtt-*7 af;,-*, az-d-- /h-h-4'2 tf/* e'r''xt ^"- ,g e /-"f-' /oafu:D. P4--' t/ r4'{A f1.^f" /*-<- 6<"^' P/'* - rufrueL a,n-A "#rL".A- fuf V-ab '114&-; IIV M M Wa MvNOY DESXGNS A a/a-it;^"-) h e /t-4". /" a-au* Stcphanir ibnningfon 1340 La Miroda Laguna Beach, CA 9?65l 7 14-497 -2419 f,- eq- ss Ue- t-*4Le*)-t'^tr-/'",4-44 rttffi att00( /r.fr^fu*f W-L' 4 e'^-4 aat+a-^-7*^n-* ^/ Y/"u aoA'+fa-a'o eL #^t"6 'zelJ sn 44o € n7t'<a^-fr* "4 ry 6L4-c/r<-) '-/{'<) ' ' J/r- f,|-Af)<jR *a^4/sezau l2z4 k- *? /foa *5*t"-*- f""* % Y44* rtfru' //44!r' \iltge- -tp a.- '/'#h YA4-/- @*z'*-z) e-"4^) ,,1t4-r- dad-/,) €/r; J/'"- /"* 64. *f J/+6/r u.'ceLad ry*: vn.- n.t.y', a n- ]--Ud'-e a^j ^'"-uL l-a-ry /L'J'4-"44) "6 ',.*' " o V&P $1roud'a Tf*L(ll '<9 ?-2-<),'oz i_----- _ _' _-_ __+ ?i __-) lli', it---.-..-'J /r.c- i'?.lY' t" r-'- - \- a\c|- qi' I !i -r ilt =-o*-|(rt,.t' a_ "_-l -zttz'l :^ 't ', l2o i T-_-_tn\U L-; i- --{ .lrlnl'- -1,rt' li>:l; :- nt l, | | | tLJ; llr r, u 1ft4 i ,Vt -|,cr llot -r- Ol,ol .-oi - <ol,cl -' f .a.:l i I i zi-f r' rlt ',o -O I.:_-: a ,J. '!'.1' \ll 4r.l ,r[l ffi : I aEIt---""', I ' 4. rlt , s-o I !,ut: t8 -: + o lol._-- rl s'. 5- I itt iql n0 i((l.r. | ( l. I ', lrEi \ $$n- \ 5*q- J.KS S['t ' S/' ".1. I;itl*l r r-)r Ii :(i i or! ; j-lrg -{ r -t- :in:r! J;'i +' i'r i- ^.I .'o'\| ' ' .-r-. L/_ - _- ',9-) ' r6i , -\l' Iti .. i i .i .---- 1t Ii---T )* -;i i iq: t l'!idi' .l-\\ . D i'i t' at ti-I \i-r\,J _7 a_- -*.- -- -- + uih N fh-l "i r 'ri |l # I II I t t I I I c.f.t Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Massa Residence Projcct Description: Add cxtcrior awning Owncr. Address and Phone: Jorge Massa A-CCS-A-0091, PO Box 02-8537 Miami. FL 33102-8537 ArchitecVContact, Addrcss and Phonc:William Pierce i+|!dti, valrey Drive, vail, co 816s7 400 Vail Valley Drive, Unit 7, Tyrolean lnn Condominiums Block 5, Vail Village lst Building Name: Tyrolean lnn Condominiums hoject Street Addrcss: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Commcnts: Motion by: nlr Seconded by: Votc: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Date: 4t2il98 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval DRB Fcc Prc-Paid: $20.00 DCe ReceivEd ) APR 1 3 1998 Qucstion:,-? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2l2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENEML INFORMATION This applicatiorr is f'or any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicrv approvat. Any projcct requiring dcsign rcvicw nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvifw approval prior to subnriftirrg for a buiiding pernrit. For spccific infonnation. sec thc subnrittal rcquirctttcnts tbr thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application caruot be acceptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also need to be rcvibwed by thc Town Council and/or thc Plannilg and Environmcntal Conrntission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpires onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcsi a building permit is issucd and construcfion is started, B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:IsLOCK: !" FILINC: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S):,48 MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E' Ncw Construction - $200 tr Addition- $50 Constarction ofa ncw buildins. squarc footage is addcd to_any rcsidential or ,(o4, d:-.. i,ta ?* t4,,/t^t DESCRlPTION OF:IHE REQUEST:A. C. n E. F; C. "7.7- H. ' 'DRB fces arc to bc paid at the timc of submittal. Lato. when applying for a building pennit, pleasc idurtify thc accirratc valuation of the projact. The Town of Vail wilt aA.jusitle r"e accoroing to thc project valuation MAILINC ADDRESS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: --t--ex/e/ COLOR:+ Roof Siding ' Othcr Wall Materials Fascia / Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosurcs Grerntouses * Plcase specify the manufacturer's color, number and aftach a small color chip , 1r*.AllocteciorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8,54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed. please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identifi each fixture type and provide , .,' :'thcheight above gradg lumens outpu! luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lightng fixtures. g4-86-L9% A2:2PH i#rcsi, (sosI nt, FRO){ ESTRELLA--PETRO-Phx fitxtsqA? (sod ts}I" ovmro t*nt frfi6bP, . ..1P.001 , f, { N0.234004/06/98 14:38 x/Rx Approximate location of the awning when extended. Project Application o o^r" {- /Z'T Projecl Name: Proiect Descriplion: -6##l**n#th "" /./. 7d, o/.^,^ Owner, Address and Phone: fC*{:it *o,ess and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -. Block _-,Filing Zone comments: zt(r, E. /1./eq..Q ^, , -l\ Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Plan ner o"rr. t{- /Z - ? 7 Staif Approval .06/os/s7 10:55 Et0?0 a5{40 C0EEN c0l{srRucrr It 8001/002 ** +r * !+ * * r + + r rt 't + ** f-* * ,, t + * '+ * { ** + r' t *'+* + * *;i + + + *,, t ir '} a * * * + + !+ t Cohen Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 1889, Bdwards, Colorado 81632 Phone: (970)926W3 Fax (970)926-344 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 619/97 PAGES (incl. cover eheet):Z TO Tamrnie Williamson, Town Planner FROM: Ieff Cohen Town of Vail Hard Copy to Follow: Yes- No-x- cc *****+*****'T+*+*r*'++!rat*|*+lt*'3|***|t|t+t*+!ttl'ltf|+|tt+*+*'+****+*'+|+* Rs l^acher Residence Remodel, Unit {14, Tyrolean Irm Following is a eopy of the letter from Michael Lacher lutholzing Pe t9 lqresent the Ladrcrs before ttrE Uesign'fteview Board. Please include it in the submittal packap. Thank you PHONE: -89442 FAXNO.: 4n-2452 tK?,9"?1 10:55 Eg?'ft9t , ,'oo fffitg$ffil.'qT''ti' Lacher. & Lovc[.rlaylor , APt*sidrlGsDsrlio TtUt*4srr'E- Irbt llY. FqlFSS tl4rtE : E!I' stS.FlF TcDctr.t: EUI Slt{ss eue{t*L{Dad FAoo2/oozoau ittl' crl!|v re .t . [re5,1997 El' IE ECOPrE4 =i70:g!6=l!90 Cohat Cottltttclioo, Iaa 0060MdcLD" Edwrd+ Cdgndo tt632 Alh: JcffCohca ttrr.fi Tlil htls oooftncr yotrr $ihaidit! to rtpuot Judy rnd Micbtd Irfu bdrt tta Dadgn Rluios Eqrd to otrbia tln rccrrry ryovdr 6r thc uEft $ Utit #0' I)'tolcn Cododdutns 0e/L2/97 0E: {5 *+*++'a**+*++t c070 COEEN CONSTTUCTI (e70re%-w3 (970)92Gu4O E oot/oo2 *+{f*{,*r++++**|lr++*o 'a !a Cohen Constructiory Inc. P.O. Box 1889, Edwards, Colorado E1632 Phone: Fa:c; FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: 6/12/97 TO Tammie Williameon, Town planner Town of Vail PHONE: 479-2742. FAXNO.: 4W-2452 cc PAGES (ind. cover sheet):2 FROM: Ieff Cohen Hard Copy to Follow: Yes . NoJ_ |t*itt+**+r*+****r++,1 * a**++ *ratlr1a*+I!t* r+**a * + t:t t Re: Ladrer Reeidence Remodel, Unit #4, Tyrolearr Irur lo}rylF.i".? "oPl' o{ th9 aplxoval letter from theTyrolean Condominium Association- pleaee HT:-'J"i||1:_:TTTIq"*q".9* y.o" 6ve mi an idea of when r might receive stafrapproval?Please give mel call to let ^" nJw. Thank you *at+++*rT***rt+** L6/L2/97 0E:18 Es70 to @ oo2loo2 Re: .: Ircher remodel of uit #{ Tyroleeo Erviewed thc prcaosod ocnodcl ou i.Ttc Tyrolearr Condominiuo Auocidign haa r unit #4 (for lvir. ad Mrr. Lrchcr), eld dees tts'i1ryrcmel to cqamcncc $cordlngto thp rubcriucd pleus end agreeracots. Pcp[LangegBer Prcsident. IlroleanCondominitrmAssocietioo rd {6E l,L.dilD\hi[ r otndo.l{tt?. fr.gtsl?cllot. Edyn4?6565:r z# 9L" aZ6 ]r.lvrflVlsRi rW:rR \I ]€tiJ lwl?.8 t66t€r€ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 OWNER CONTRACTOR APPLICANT Description l FINISH LOFT Job Address Locatron. .. Parcel No. . Drn i ant NTn I SSUED oe /03/ree6oe/10/tee6 03/oe /ree'| DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT I.lF BUILD PERMIT PCTMit #: 896-0260 400 E MEADoI^I DR Status. . . TYROLEAN COND0S UNIT # 8 ApPIied.. 21"01-082-52-008 Issued. . . Expires. . Anr.rrn:nnrr. Type Construct j-on: Type Occupancy: Valuation: COHEN FRANK ROBERT 36 FALCON HILLS DR, HIGHLANDS RANCH CO 80126 GARY LEAF CONSTRUCTION Phone: 303/973-2042 7960 W PORTLAND AVENUE, LITTLETON CO 80123 GARY LEAF CONSTRUCTION STORAGE SPACE Rl Multi-FamilyV l-HR Type V 1-Hour B / 000 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace Information: Restficted: #of Gas Appliances: #of cas Logs: fof t,lood/Pa|Let: ***********trff#****Jr*rr*t#**********rr/*****rb**)i****# FEE SUtll4ARY ********i*******i**************ir******Jr,r*******ffi*****i Bui Ldi ng-----> P lan check---> Investigation> tliLL cal.L----> 8,1 .25 DRB 125.00 Res tua rant Plan Review-->.00 Tota I catculated Fees--->> 20.00 Addit iona I Fees---------> 329 .?5 .00 329 .?5.00 Rec reat ion Fer--------->3.00 c Lean-Up Depos i t--------> TotaI Pertni t Fee-------->.00 100.00 Payments > 329.25 IIEM: -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI'{ENT DepI: BUILDING Division09/03/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHARLIE09'/70'/l-996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIT,em:.O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT DeptI PLANNING Division09/O3/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN09'/O4'/1996 LAUREN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division09/O3/7996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AIt'e.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS ' Dept: PUB WORK Division09/03/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A *J.t***'r**ffiJr*:t*M#******jiH,rffi***ffiJnt*.t*******#***#*****'ri**************ffilrHffi******* See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, til.Led out in fuLL the intormation required, completed an accurate ptot Plan/ and state that atL the infornation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y |,l'ith the information and plot ptan, to compty with al.l. Toijn ofdinances and state Laws, and to buil.d this structure accord'ing to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes. design review approved, Uniform Buil.ding Code and other ordinances of the Town app'LicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,1ADE TlIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT FRotl 8:00 Alt 5:00 Ptl Send Ctean-UD oeDosit To: GARY LEAt CoNSTRUCTI0N FOR HII'ISELf AND O|,lNER ******************************************************************************** CONDlTIONS Permit #: 896-0260 as of 09/10/96 Status: ISSUED ******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/AIT MF BUrLD PERMTT Applied; 09/.03/.1996 eppliclirt: coHEN FRANK RoBERT rssued. 09/.10/.1996 To Expirel. 03/09/7997 Job Address: I,ocaLion: TYROLEAN CONDOS UNIT # 8 Parcel No: 2101-082-52-008 Description: FINISH LOFT STORAGE SPACE Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS/CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC.4. F]RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WOBK CAN BE STARTED. 5. NO PLIIMBING WORK ALLOWED UNTIL A PERMIT IS AQUIRED 6, SPTRAL STAIRCASE MUST COMpLy WITH 1991 UBC SEC 3306(f) !. ,f I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165? 97 0-47 9-2L38 NOFE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLI]MBING PERMIT AT AtL TIMES P9 6-0155 Job Address! 400 E MEADOW DRLocation...: TYROLEAN # I Parcel No..: 2101-082-52-008Project No. : PRJg6-0169 COHEN FRANK ROBERTOWNER P lan Check--> 15.00 Status. . . : AppIied. . : Issued. . . : Expires..: I S SUED 0e /24 /ree 6 0e /24/tee6 03 /23 /tee7 36 FATCON HILLS DR, HTGHLANDS RANCH CO 80126 CONTRACTOR CRONEN PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Phone: 303-733-7944 6835 S. LOGAN STREET, LITTLETON, CO 80122 80L22 APPLICANT CRONEN PLUMBING AND HEATING INC Description: MOVE PLWBING VENTS FOR REMODEL Valuation:4, 000. 00 *i##rrc* FEE SUl,[,lARy P Lumbi ng---->60.00 Restuafant Ptan Reviey--) TOTAL f EES-__- TotsI catcutatrd Fees--> Additionrl. Fers-----> TotaI Permit tee-----> .m 7E.00 78.00 .00 78.00Invegtigati on> . tli tl, Cal.t----> .00 3.m REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TI,IEI{W-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Payments------- *t**ffi Iteml .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr! BUTLDING Division:09/24/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHALRIE DAVIS * *H**lr*r**ffiffi**t******ffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE *t* ffiffiffi**ffiffi DECTARATIONS I. hereby .acknortedge that I have rr.d this application, lil,l,ed out in futt the intormation requi red, compl,eted an accurate ptotptan, and stat! that al.l thr information provided as requircd is correct. I agree to compl,y riith thr inionnation and pl,ot itan,to.compty Hith aLt Tolrn ordinances -snd state [aus, and to buitd this structure according iothc Tovn,s 2oning and subdivisibncodes, design revier approved, Uniforn Buitding Code and other ord'inances of the Tolrn appticabLe thereto. !t.vu[lLacL Eag]e Lounclf ri gto4zlll6qo to. fr-=-.==at,, : Ztrsr -a4>- ?I'uonEact Eagte uounty L:::: ; ",P'*Tf"i ". vArL coNsrRucrrp PERMII APPLTCATION FORMoetxz ?.bqfta// PER.UIT i' - t APPLTCATToN ItIusT BE FTLLED oUT coMPLETELy oR IT Ii{AY NoT BE AccEpTED X***************************** PERMJT rNFoRltATroN *****************************rl-t l-Building L,(-ertuuing [ ]-Ele€trlcat [ ]-Mechanibal I J-other .rob Name: Z,t ^'" i*, t-- d{@ou Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Filinq qTTRnr\rrcrnr{. owners Nane;? r f M n,oddress: @pr,.Architect:Address:Ph. General Descripti on:. PromAc_Z_ Nunber of Dwelling units: / Nunber of Accomnodation units: ^ ryFrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances _ Gas Logs_ wooc/perlet_V-.. Wqe-auv- /f****************-"*;A:;i-**tl***** vaurarroi'l5i ********************************* JtuMBrNGr | 4g,;;T MEcHANrcAr.: $--l i;T;i; - f******* ****/*F*9*9;AlfF..*r* coNTRA"ro* ;;roN ***************************f EeneraL Contractor: 2,46., t-J'- ..r -'rzr-.*. s - ./^----Eenerat contractot, rown oi t;ii ;;g. No._Address, ;h;;"-;"rbii,"-' work class: [ ]-New t//ttteration [ ]-Additional I J-Repair [ ]-other P_ullPlllgr ErEcrRrcAL: t_- orHER: $PLI'MBING: $ Electrical Contractor: Address:Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Reg. NO. ******************************** FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* Town of vail Reg. No.? qf-P Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiL Phone Number: BUIIDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBING PI,AN CHECK -FEE:I,TECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLSAN I'P DEPOSIT REflI}TD TAWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road YaiL Colorddo 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 r 39 FAX 970-479-2452 FROM: DATE:q-ez- 16 2:,-ts Pvn D e par nne nt of C ommunity D eve lopme nt l_u-qD coilo{tiNTfy DEVEL0P}|3NT FLX TRANSMITTAI SHEET --t /1To: -JOE UCONENI CoMPANYNAME: CRoruerJ FI-TITVIBUJG-.I l1€hn NtG $NC FAxrELEpHoNEN6oen. 3oB-?33-??68 # oF PAGES rfi DOCUTIENT(S) 0iOT L\CLUDNG COVER SHEET)--s- RESPONSEREQ SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COIdL{I ITY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: (970) 419-2452 TOWN OF VAIL COlvt\IiTNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHOM #: (970\ 419-2138 odeSPECIALCOMMENTS A\DNOTES: a- COrnzf DZU \.lDL p.l.{Slcnc AUOe.eSSl 75 S. trPor,rrru46e eDutttL c-o. 8ta57 Lo?eter {S,tn"rro,u* 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artm e nt of C onmunity D ev e lop ment COMMINTIY DEIIELOP}fENT FAX TRANSilflTTAL SHEET TO: COMPAI{YNATVE: FAX TELEPHONE NTII{BER: FROM: DATE:TIIvIE: # OF PAGES I\i DOCA,{ENT(S) ciOT DiCLUDING COVER SHEET)- RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY: TOWN OF VAIL COlvIt\'fli\TTY DEVELOPMENT FAX#: Q70) 4'79-2452 TOWN OF VAJL CONI\fI]NITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHOM #: (970) 479-2138 SPECIAL CO},&,IENTS AND NOTES: {s rtorrror.ur^ TOYIN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Elcctri cat--> DnB Flc Investlgation> tli t t Catl---> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 400 E MEADOvI DR Location... : TYROLEAN *8 Parcel No.. : 2101-082-52-008 Project No. : PR,l96-0169 APPLICA}IT DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2:-LL N FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, vArL co CONTRACTOR DOUBTE DIAI{OND SERVICES . 2111 N FRONTAGE ROAD WEsg, vArL c0 OWNER COHEN FRA\TK ROBERT 36 FALCON HrLLS DR, HTGHLANDS RANCH ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit *: 896-0233 Status...: ISSUED Applied..t 09/24/L996 riiued...t 0e/2s/19s6 Expires,.z O3/24/1997 Phone z 3034766272 Phone: 30347 6627281657 Tota ! c8lcutated Fees---> Additionrt Fces-----> Tota ! Pernit Fre------> PaYnenl S----- BALATICE DUE-__ Descriptionr LoFT ADDITION (STORAGE) FEE 81657 co 80126 VaLuation:2, 000 . 00 SU[I.IARY 53.00 .00 53.00 53.00 .00 t0.00 .00 .00 3.m 53 .00 Item: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT- DePt: BUILDING Division: 65fts tlg6 a-cfriRiib-- -act-ion : -apFn roR ERNsr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ',D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARATIONS I hereby ackrcrledge that I have read this apptic.tim, fil,l.ed out in futt thr inforration. rrq9il"d, tTet:!4.:l itin,-"iO-.iit" tfrit att tf," inio.."ii* p.oiia.O as rhuirJ ii correct. t agrec to GorPty vith the inloPnrticr to coDly Uith att Toyn ordinancea end stite taHs, tnd to Uuitd this structurr according to th! Tovn's.zming and roair,'a'.rign .*i"* "pp-uJ, unito.n Bui tding c6de and other ordinances ol tha Toun appticabte thlrcto' accurete Ptot and ptot pt.n, subdivi 3lon REouEsrs FoR lltspEcrlo s SHALL BE IADE rllEt{w-FouR HouRs Ir{ ADvANcE By TELEPHoNE AT 47}213E oR AT ouR oFFtcE tRoll 8:m 5:00 PH 6EP-2!t-95 T0l.'lf.l 0F VRIL ai' TUE 9: I? CI]M -DE U P. e1 J sos-ars-a4s2 ;ir.;' ai-q :c5 trr' c1o P' il LeEal ocrcrlptlon: r.ot........._ glorlr oernarr l{onsi Architcct: ccnarcl Dsscrlptiont Kcrrh Class! [ l-llew I Addrosel Addresa r Nunber ot D$el,llnE unital l_ I l-Addltional I l-Ropalr [ !_other___ Nunber of Acconnodatlon Unlt,r: -Alteratlrrn r*****t**r* *l* a***** *** *t* t**t+*rU_rLDfNG FERltfT FEE|,UJI.IBTNC PERMIT FEE:ESIrJIFfCAIJ EERttfT FEEI,L,EcTRfgAIr FEE !fHER SYDA OF FEE;tB TEE! FOn OFFTCE USE ********r*i****lrr**r******i**. !q-IDDTNO PIAN CHEcx PEE: .PIJUT.IBTNC DIIN cI{EcI( EEEIUEC$ATTCAL PLAN CHECK FEEIRECRFATIOil rEEr CI..IIN-UP DSPOSITS TOIAIT PEFHTT r[Es I EUII,DINO' $IGNATUREI ZONTNG! SICNAEUNE! ,E{fl .-U,P pEPog$ unrNpito, t, |*Conrac t'.rt" ..i${€:i:i!? fi,rua';:Aigfu Office TOWN OF VAII CONSTRUCTTON PERMTT APPLtrCATTON FORI.fomez Bltl l1L PERI'IIT /I Lor+ex)ftf.- *7o -?roo Architect:Address: l-O.6a , LD @tz6'c,s ' Ph. 949-Scz4 work class: [ ]-Nehr ffi-Arteration [ ]-Addltional tx-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelting unJ.ts: f-l/* runb;r of Acconiodation units: n/* ^ {pnber and llpe of Fireplacess Gas Appliance=D/4 -Gas Logs_ Woodrzpellet_v /|t** ** ********* * *** ********* ******-* vALt aTroNs *********** ** *****************:t**'l _ ^4, A%-OAloOdurr,ornc: t_M_ nr,rcrnr6al:-t oTHER: !_ litlilBrNc: $ uEcHANrcAit f- rorA',: - l****** *** * * ********* * ****** colflIRAq{'OR rIFoRMATION * ********** ****************: Eeneral Contractor:raai"'"' l---l-'-' _:- ff:1""$"nli,*"n' No.- Electrlcal Contfactof : m^r-,* ^€ r,-r.r rAddress:Phone Number: flurnbing eontractor: Address;Phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor: Address:Phone Nurnber: *** ***** *** ** *** * * * ** ** * * * * * ****FORBUTLDING PERI,'IT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: IIECIIANICAL PERMTT FEE: EIECTRICAL TEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFrcE usE BUTLDING PL[,I.|BING UECIIANICA RECREATI CI-,EAN-UP EOTAI, * * * ***** * * ** *** *** * * * * ********* PI.AN CHECK FEE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE! ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: G.El UP TTEPOSIT RXFIIND r0: rSSF r I rggo 75 3oulh lrontagr road vail, colbrado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 olllce of communlty deyelopment TO: rROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITE TITETOWN OF VAIL TOI{N oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMINITY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTIiUqTION PARKTNG & I,I,ATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states tlrat it is unrawful for anyperson to titter, track or deposit.;;t-=;irl-rJ"r, sand, debrisor materiaf, inclugllg tras-h tunpsters, portable toilets and,workmen vehicres. upon any srreerl =ie;;"il; -;ii;y or publicplace or anv porEiin th;;";;- --ile right-of-way on a* Town ofvail streets ind.I3.g= is approiir"I.iv-s-it.-iri pavenenr.This ordinance wirr. be ;ari;ii;"enforced by the Town of vailPubric works Department. --p"i.lns found ,iirr"[i'g this ordinancewil'l be siven a 24 hour rri;;;;';oti""-t"-;;;;;"="id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified_does not comply with thenotice within ttr3-ea nour-tine-liecitied, the pulr'c r{orksDeparrment wirl remo'e saia nite;i;i-;t-irr""E"ili=e of personnotified' The rrovisions-ot-ttril o-atrrunce sharr- not beapplicable to c-onstruction, ,.iri.rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or .ny'"ritiai;;-'i; ;;"';iiii_"-*.v. To review ordinance No- 6 in full , please stop by the tori,', of:3:3.:liHi"3"":Hil**"::""iiii" a copv. rirani< vou ror your 75 louth tronlege rord urll, colorado 81657 l3o3) 479-2L38 ot 479_2L39 offlcc of Gommunlty devdopm€trt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If this permit ""qui;l::_? ]9w1 or Vait Fire Department Approval,Ensineelts (Publ ic lg*r) "ivi"* rna ipb"irui,'i' piiliiill"ireparunentreview or Hearth Deoartm6nt reuiewl-.n5' u-""ri"; ;y-il;;";rirains 3:rilS:'h.lL: .rrirrted time fo"'"-lotar ".uie*-il"j"L[!.as rons All commercial flarqe^gl 1mall) and al.l mu.tti_famity permits willhave to fol'low dtre ibove menti6ned mi*iru, requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd u["-u-ielier"amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal ter,proiecis-impiit' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoard to-niCesiiiy-""ui"*, these projects mayalso take the three weer-peiiJjlrs r" rs! Every attempt wilt be l1r'age by this department to expedite thispermi't as s.eon as possible. - s'\PEur r'E Lrl l-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. _ CprtEJ LoFTProjectNamF Sh ee t wai-Tu rne<i-TiT6-TFEDate lioik Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM a ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'IS REOUIRED rIFJ ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public proper-ty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different ac-cess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfecling the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit, required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing ptan required by Community Development? I have read and answered all !f_v9u_ alswered yes to any ollhese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way, Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or atC.o.ry1u1ttf Development. lf you have any questions ptease cal Cnarrie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspec.tor, at 429-21fu.' r X X x V ts ts p 1) 2) YES 8{n NO X Job Name Contradofs Signature Date H d rnvestmem.ts 36 Falcon Hills Drive Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126 U.S.A. (303) 470-9800. Fax (303) 470-9887 August 24, 1996 Attn: Charlie Davis town of Vail 75 Frontage RoadVaiL, CO 81,657 Dear Mr. Davis: Enclosed are the following documents: Building Permit Application;Contractor Registration Form; andPlans for Tyrolean #8 Storage Loft. Please do not hesitate to contact me wi.th As mentioned when we met at your office, has an approval on file for thi.s project. any questions. Lauren Waterton Singerely, Frank R. Cohen Enclosed: Plans & Application /YtOUt rua PcunrBrrn/c TJEAITS ) Nru ST- AOureg Pcuwrer^16 P**nif .xhnercO FP*xtz ?-s-za l6'.+wr O, REpT131 TOt^tN OF VRIL, COLnRADO Ie/LL/56 Q7rQ? REGUESTS FOR INgFECTITN hJORK SHEETS FOR:1P/11,/96 Usa: 3834766t78 3rzr34766e7E F.AGE ;:E AREA: EEi Time Exp Aetivity: AddreEa: Locat i on r Far.ce I : Descr*l pt i on: Appl icant r Ewner: Dontract or: 896*Oe33 LelIL,r96 Type: B-ELEC Status: I5SUED Constr^: AAtrT 4ofi E MEADOII DR TYRtrLEAN *8 e l rzt 1-0se-58*eras -LOFT ADDITItrN (STBRNEE) DOUFI.E DIffIVIOND SERUICES COHEN FRANH ROBERT DtrUBLE DIffMNND SERVICES Occ: Fhone: Fhone: Fhone r Inspeet ion Request Reqr.restor; LLOYD Req Tiner 08:lZtO Items requested to QgIgU,ELEC-Final be lnspected.,,:::7:"*' Information..... - DOUBLT: DIOHOND Comnentsr TYROLEfiN UNIT z 476-r.:E7ic CALL F,LEffSE F,h on e *A - HILL Insp I tp riir: I trem t Ite.n: . Iteo r' Item l. Itemr.Itein: -1. History..... WttA ELEC-Temp. F,ower. AAle6 ELEC-Ror-tghg9/97/86 Inspeetor.: EE 0Ol3lA ELEC-Conduit OO140 ELEC-Misc. 60198 ELEC*Final OOEE4 FIRE-ALRRM RNUGH SO53E FIRE-FINffL {:/I] /2- rr- 76, Act i on : f;F.PR RF,F.ROVEN ,':, a 0/3 IEuTl-90-tE 'at$ra$ !u€4I o,3',1";Y:1*T: :ffiHg :;:ll ' O/3 -IUNIJ*NU-Id ZE$E|A !|ltall o/a 'dhl3l*Nu-]d segora !u€4I frl3 'dlrl3l*Md aFEtAra I u€+I o,/3'dhl3l:3uIJ IrSrArA :|ll44I nlA'duat-gotg OeSBfi , :ra+I r{1uo aaedE aEsro+s .{oJ oleltqeq {ou sT t'a.{p +JoI sql : saio51 *psbar sJo+el€p €{ours Nf !uoTlrU JJ r.rol:r6dsu7 26y96y46 ,. lFurJ-$CI19 06taBra : ur6+I 'nE !ht-9fl-19 vlgqlg r uEtI * * aII:l uo +oN * * taE0tao !ua+I gjnOU,ldU H,l,lU ! uo r +;rU Og :,roqtadsul 96/lA/fr\ I IEN {Jo.1+aeL|S-SO-|U rAgrataB : Itts*I uo I +EInEuI-SC-18 TDTJOB|D- .,: ua11 * * aIlJ uo +oN * * utoffQ :ua+I Eurue.rj-gq-1fl ragorara ! ue+I uFId €+1S 3-lI-NUtd BaSOO :rre4l Iaa+s//uot +ppunoJ-sfl-ltl raaqttaa ! ualI laalgTsEur looJ-gg-1g AITAOO ! ua+l IFUIJ ape-rF AeMa,\Irp tAIEB6 IE'a4I ''' .-d,rols IHl uol liladsulI'- --"_::: : :_-*:_-_::::-.:_-::=:- - : - * : : * i_*___Jmwdx3 aur j1 tar{"VtVa uo.ffi '..pa1aadsuI tsq +!un :5+usu uoS Ir?rTJ-90-tg A6DEEo1 paqsanbar sua 4I 0B!Bra !auIl baH d,reg :.ro Xstsnb6U '*'"SU3'ld"l^lu NI 3'1SIS50'I SH NO05 SU !B* e?@e*E[6-gar : Euo{-ld i ' ' ' ' 'uo t +Fo.roJ{rI lsenbag uollsadsul --**--1--etae-rL6/Eaa rauoqd NoIISnursN0:l JU3-1 A8u9 :ro+rF"r+uo3:tsuoq,l J.u3guu XNHHJ N3H03 lrauMo : a uo qd NO I lInU ISNOI JHI-'1 AUHFI : luec r 1 ddg i 33UdS 3SHUOIS ljnt HSINIJ :uot+dr'{r5ag UH*I lt lasn !r30 AO|A-EE-EBO-IfiIe : IaildPdg * lINn sooNoS NU3*|ouAI :uol+Ero-l u0 f.loflH3lrl 3 |ota+7 !s5arpPu Jl^lU lr{EuoJ O3nSSl I srr1F+5 Jhf-U : adAl 2971 11 tzrggEr-968 :'{lrnr 1ag L6/L /e IUOJ S133HS HUOH NUITSSdSNI HA.i S153n$3H Sq:gra L6/LA/a$ IfIId3H I. t t .Cf, : UFUUr SgHd ocuH0:1r13 ''IIUA JO NHOI ilsign Review Action FOm TOWN OF VAIL : ' t,/1 '-,u.J t Itl./,\ Category Number Project Name: Bullding Name: Project Description: ,. :\ Owner, Address and Phone: 117 ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: ILegal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision ' r'i l:; ct'rn I Zone District Project Street Address: 'ii -, Comments: n.,.4 ._.--eoar+dstaff Acti rin Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: D Approval fl Disapproval ,E StafiApproval . '.', ll,i, ,,\'}'\, I ,, '. Town Planner oate: \:ll,,".tn.t tii 1:1 if DRB Fee pre-paid rwird l2l9l93 APPLICATION DATE Type ) ,-.-tt3fr.Y //V r 3s$q5Print or PROJECT PERSON SUBMITTING ,DLII^ ( Please NAI4E OF NAME OF ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS Le-ro /3. /Y </4 O O 4-./ PEVz L4.\/qF€5I^7L-PHoNE Lt7(a -- 5a ) / / SIGNATT]RE OF OWI\ER I.,,OCATION OF PROJECT Lot BLock Filinq MESSAGE. DgscRrprroN oF pRoJEcr ,44u*/t'< f t=,oz 7-7/2oe's4"2 THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNTNG PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE S]GN (FREE STANDING, WALL' / /wcLB.SIGN OR AWNING MATERIAL C. SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERTNG AND LOGO /lL=o D.HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXISTING oR PROPOSED) G. /.- ,/- | LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (FT) "2:2 CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAL FEE: s20.00 PLUS s1.00 PER SQUARF FOOT OF epn fr?(Q cHEcK no. ?Pffbf nI.sE Site PIan Elevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building ehotolraphs showing proposed location Colored scale drawing Sample of proposed materials ehotograph of sign if avaifable 1. 2. { 4. E 6. Sign edministrator - H g B 5t Ettl f,I $ g \ n E]r rrl>Z z.z. figa-pr' ( z oz tr =t uJL o.l (rl cn I.TJ tiJIL = lr.J (\ CA "i(\ FCI rJl |4rdz ts va z c\ Ch 6e.r t4h z <rF. *26V ixca =< IJJF ldtluJIF lzl tPloEl= al Jzlr =t-olc6<lrnzl4ztA ulz = ulx J uJo =f t! q) o o (oo G 3 F o .c (o q) c ==d) E o = l -i 0) (E ; .g -'- o c o x (6 .Y,'=OoX(*tai885; F.e S? € *EB8Ei!c 9EE:Ec-o>': * -E;;;€:gs;"r,= n; >= Xc9GE -*Eo)B 5;': EEARf!Eo :-€8=.e; .e 3 E! s'E o. (E o--o=-o(E: O-oe o- cts*e€ (!',-X EE E Too=--igEqr-: iE e-ca(E0-.:r;o(/) E,f;;;u i';oi3r.EO(u=; icE9 iE i;9E o - eEgg ln corn* F = Lu zo) x(J UJ z J E o uJ ur z =l) z Lll = 4llrl 2 tr ul UJ 3tli UJ z UJo F u) u,o o- z UJ x lll l U) UJ UJ lL_ F =ul o- J F zo g l-ou,J z CO J oz uJt NOlrvn'lvA I I I I Il,t< 1.,t\.lFc IE gt Bi! br{ =EY<F F.r -.co!44 O l-{ --.r rl .Its{ Ez(.' r-r =>e --(Y) =cllN zz Fo- A =_1-*Pa 666-<Jzr.L <oo-,'. fs*8FO dni z E cg ti o- E uJ f-. o.t o- LU z E hX; tr tr UJFJ tujz t1tl!l LztrzOotr l./J<oo<5S>dRrdo<z trz. 94 -.1 TgtHo\r tr1z z l CE aa z (.) If' 2 F Jfaz 3 F ru X X D{x Fl F z F z Y Jl<L :-- | =l zl UT t! u,Jzo = rrut(L J z E o ilrllltllli.li*ic11 ;mlIlllrlcrliI otsl 9td tl-l "ll ,ll t-dl Pil roHll I& H r- c\J ci) Lr)O U)Ov Fl o(Zi ulF U)oo?zo Foutv UJ @ -F =d1ll. 6h o- A ";l" c,tl iL !_clo E1l 1=lrHl uJbkzo H zF-^o EYE <f x s33' (Lu_ o L-I LI L ] ,^iE>_di A;E nEn = ul E(J =zE<olo t!2EsB9!ir 5g81,:uJ-E h=o dtr6 =*E 569 Eu-tE XO-r x>G-"FAYoi!i uJ() --E F =E,lrl o-zIF() EFozo C) vzH z 14 Fl E v. z =; JD IF\l trlHlzl F -J FA Lrl I f-l v)q E ul =z o c/)(A E zz ,a f:lct uJ =z zzH z lrl J H LIJEoo = rn I |-\.ir FlH F zH& Hpr A tr,t FlNHH F 0a r\rtl X uJ C.l -a(n \o I\o F.n i H tr tn& FlH E H U) () an Fl tr I@\o oz (, ul l!ol z) B] 9l c{ N(n I\oNo\ z t € o =tr I.s (Y) Az ulc -J z3o NF\N I F\.r II EF =E tr z ciul J oz3 F =tr olz oul 1l >l |llol zl 3iI g: lo z.l ol uJ G J1 <l>l lr.lol zl pl uJ tr U.Jz = tJ.lEI() <Frr() LlJ <zEUJF.42 (J )E*9 tr?tid ',25] E 2P =#fF-JZGO e.x :IF *4.+e Y,z =g (I ir J- t\.F l--OzAcian3H 75 routh frontage road vail, color.do 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 otllco of communlty dcvelopmertt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permi.t requjres a Town of Vai1 Fire Department Approval ,Engineel''s (Pub1 ic l,lorks) reyiew and approval , a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departnent, the estimated time for a tstal review may take as long as three weeks. AII commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits wi'|1 have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and small projects should take a lesser amount of t'ime. However, if resi'dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possib'l e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. il*,*'- Al ! t Prciject Name //2/z( /€ t Date Work Shbet was turned into the Conrmuni ty Devel opment Department' 75 3oulh fronlage road Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: To review Ordinance No. 6 in fulL,Vail Building Departrnent to obtaincooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledqed bv: ofllce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MAIERIAL STORAGE fn summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wil.l be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice wi.thin the 24 hour time specified, the Public Works Departrnent will remove said naterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordj.nance shatl not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your acknowledged (i.e. contractor, owner) )tzr I lD it-r(."/ iytr, /c (.2/,t;t".- J f'tt' bD.tJ ,Cu,, INSPECTION REQUEST /J / l-! ':-' _t-t - i PROJECT INSPECTION: 1z- JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL! -'r,-/--r',' ,/.- MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: t;',:'dt Ll BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING FOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR PPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ',r/' LDATE niftg,* INSPECTOR u, uJ IJJu- F = I I I IHIEt& lrI] Itr'r I td IEtplFl lA Il.d s-:FFoc)zE'i oEiz-o. @trl .6E I I F_{ |Orl...- P LN IE..\ to I I I I I (ts h. Iz =o oz 2 (E ulz3 t! I o o q) q) (0 = (! o (/D\ o trc ,$\ 0) o c(s oI' E f d] E o =l oo o 6 3 -9 a) '=O.a;i sbE: F 9 R€*tee FJC; e 6P:ec-o> ef si : s'e:g >= X cY'-o -*=s): F't.5 EEERf!Eo* O O'cfEoS €qe€ nisecL (u o.-cL= * o(E )y o*oiEorsfie€ !b66Xa c o :E!H EsFq!::;_ o..y o !;o(,- *.c -- 8,f;;'ii salq9,6E.6r;tso ;E;E9Eo - 3E$i (n.ir .if F = lll oz o:l UJlu z tr t! E (n UJ lrJ lJ- F = UJ aFo z F1 IAH2H & ts& HzH l3t<Itrl l(/)I IMl9 ;4h oz3O,. l-{6H =ri EA; 62 H9 Jfl 5Ligd r!>OH >G -rd)Etu.S =.oN 2Z io_ a:< .-ldF 6 ao =><)zl!<oq tlj ;':9U '.ini z tr f { l! tr o-l o €'\ (r (L t!g. J z E z ? LUFJ X X X X Fl F z v) (D 2 CE u.J .. >loluollr UJzaF tr uJ o- z E o lltfJ E zY iF z F Jlaz !z, Az -Fdo3trOI =.1ol uJl :l <l>l t!lol zl 3l PI ol lr.tlEl il 'l 3lolFI I l I I dl il ,.El-lJl <t>l bl Zl ..t3t 591 9JFt r- I Ii-l" I Lall 11gs ol i><tr =o e Fg ut rA E ii z. co zzH :rdz : LL e.loc.l I\o(\ o\ I I.l "il-"1-l ol il EI 1l <l it 3l 3lolFI an Fl p E Hvt (.) an Fq =.1ol uJl :l <l>l tl.lol zl 3lolFI I I I ,-l.olxl*ol*l erl I ,At4ut 5 CI{FI-t+<+E>() :P =#]F1Zu-o F z Clrg b2 E, <F U<zErrr F(42o E F Fz 9 o LrI.! UJ <oo9.3E o =h =Euto- z ,^ Yz\tDo =z O- tL Jit.i ?\ = =Fidd= T!D t- llJ t!ofuJEO E<ofctU,neB9trk .=(r5gF 2E:IJJ-E h=(, dtrE =9E U5I 5tuE;<(Lt x>6=Fcl"ioittr IJJ (D F ---Iq] T-l f -"r !<ILJLI (oor -ifOO I I I6v L,] E{.l ?h = a-{ tr| llJbo d) -zo Fo. uJv luo F orrFq = (i.t rJ. D'.1o<--E O-zoooz lH *t IJJ,^Ft-,zo E =Elll o-zo l- C) E,Fcnzo C) luwn 75 loulh tronlage rord I|ll, color.do 91657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlcc ol communlly dcv.lopmont !f thi.s pery!.t requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Deparfinent Approval,Engineelrs (.Pyb.l ic t^lopks) reyiew and approval,' a plannin!' Departnentreview.or Health Department rpview, and'a review by the Eui'liingDeparlnent, the estimated time for a tstal review inay take as 'long as three weeks. All commercia'l ('1arge or sma'll) and alI multi-family permits willhave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand small projects shou'ld take a lesser anount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects inpact the various above mentionid departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to exped'ite thispermi't as sgon as possible. BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI'IE undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeI, the frame, 6t-'144-- Pfoject Name Comnuni ty Development Department. t a ,L 75 south lronlage ?ord urll. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROU: DATE: su&fEcT: offlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT liIARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUC TON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, trhck or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash durnpsteri, pori.abte ioilets and,lrorkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpllg" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n ali Town ofVail streets and-roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strillry enforcid by the Town of vai.l TPli-" works Department. persons found vi6lating this ordin.tt".srrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .In the event the person so notj.fied does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specJ.fied, the puLfic WorksDepartrnent wiLl remove said urateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Departrnent to obtain i copy. tlrani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. \ Position/(i.e. contractor, owner) I JOB NAME t INSPECTION REQUEST VAILTOWN OF CALLER READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUITij|SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Y{ntt*outo cohEcroNS: O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED oo* f-/z Y/ rNSPEcroR ,lX; - ::::F:6 INSPECTION @u;' Qzb- 9zo' ,4/t<) 4</:c'- REQUEST,'^:t4'-{' PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME /i,',i' tt I nl'(,/lJ WN OF VAIL CALLER INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI qRoJECr tq I JoB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. .t:r\-:=-*- FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n tr tr tr tr OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK, E POOL / H. TUB NAIL n FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr tr FINAL F+ppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIO oo* f *,fu - *, rNSpEcroR REQUEST" VAIL')?? READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUB FRI ) PERMIT NUMBE BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr tr n tr tr tr FOUNOATION / STEEL OUGH / D.W.V FRAMING OUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING OUGH 'ta D EXHAUST'}IOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL F FINAL ! neenoveo . -/i O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: . / t .'1/ tgp;E r ... t u "-// |NSPECTOR . ' ,//:,n/ t'Ltb INSP CTION REQUEST WN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NAME tCALLER TUES WED THUR ECT JOB OJ INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER C FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr n n POOL i H. TUB EETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING E fl tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL Jqlne119veo D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: tuffisrop INSPECTOR oz t =t uJ(L CA (t) @ o C'l (Yl 14 (! (A UJluu- F t UJ -zt<lbltrlb Lgott . m Oro\ o\ P.lrdIA YF]z u2 z d z 4e lr- A.rl!oO <52z o = t$l r6 ltF lolqJIFxl> frl= -:t I =tf,aat-ot€<1."2lzzl= G llJz3o UJI z c, ot o (E c)N 3* F rr\or\\:NoN x.L\c^.\ ._c \s E o qt o c) O ==:lo o =f o =.9 o -.i - o c ot:(!.Y, gEE; c.9 s? **;EeE]E= B 6E:Oc-o> :T;E : EP:€ >=:c9cE -*=ot: F ''.E ieaF* O O-ciEoS SeeF!lseo-(g 0-- REasoiEol:fie€ :(/)'"O : E€ 3 X;Ee.c-g=: - o..!J o -* c fo o'- .:!; o (/)P --C -^ E,fi; E cEl=o(E:x *6F96! 6-afeE9Eq)e5g* carn o\o (flo + ==L! o-oz;:f co ! uJIoz J a u UJ z 6 =f, z E utur z lr, t E =g uJEz -t/, uJ F lu o- z uJJ F uJ6f (t't uJ uJILt = UJ F z !l F rlJJ uJ z =Jo- ?oz (J uJ rl ts H NOrl'v 'lVA Hz frlE IAtz i ta;t{ )E ti:fu I t-lt< ,F,I t&iF Y =zzu- i o- 4=;3 eE66 EZt-()Qon.rz=r!<60-J;? tqU EFoa dN(J GI azl-{ z ts t-{ & v oB z F f LL cl (r(, IJJG F tr) oN E o- uJ& j z Eoo XXElz tr trlF ; z (t hz:lz9aFTU<oa1 >ii>ERnbo<z Fz, Az -iF I(5BfrOI I X X b<X F f =F o =Y c o -Jl<lH 2_l zl .>lo uJ uJ uJz aF E uJ ) z Eo gJ f-)J .E Y9IF z - Jlaz llJqr!-otar 2 ?3 F & H cv @c)|r)OO uta oz z z? cro =2. (L TL Jiffoo= =83cn;= ut =oo -) z F utV IIJ c0 o FO\ =-(EtllJ @TLd t! ^.1o Eil>(al*zlxol,zltHl'I LIJbEz6 tr ul l|-o tuoz loIo I JFul :-. h= o- uJ>o-O|!oo - llJxo-x>EFJj IL u.l to F co Eco o !'t 'E t E Eo|) .f,o =J +, la- ol-gf=E =t:,o_E f ts =Elrl o-zIFofEFazo C) Krr-,.- D4 L_I L-J I I Il-l- I I ,,l sl cl gl><tr =(J LIJ =z --') c.l (\ I e.t *l "tlrol-l .lzl dl HI 3l ol zl3l PI (/J FfH E H(n th trr F1o tr NF\6t I F\\' tll'rl Icrl IHI CA I>l I IEt .s Ir4l ci I(al -. Itlat Iztl9l olPit zl Ht olEll ujlI crlrr1| JIEt <lHl >l 'tzl!3104 0l I I I Iol =.1c,luJl\ocrl(n JIF- fli ^tN"l@zl 3l 0lFI aHEE Fl F cl) FH F1 \o CAr'.ln It-. N rl(Jl Iut AlHt I IFCt-f IEt(o IPl-r IFfl I*l I}{I AI Ht =lat fllu:l trl tJlHl alill :llrll XlbI 'JItzle:l tlt Fl I I I I I .lol '.1ol uJl 5l <l>lr!l zt ..:3t fOl uJFI F I I ILl' I I )UI uJl qsJ =o <FE()l,! <zE (52oo z J G u, E 9P =#]F)zr!o F Fz b () uJt--r (r ftFrxlL-r i+ 94 d Oo ctz E-g H lsll lt t!oIIco iBii#jiEgEg}] aD!z 2Pg6? EA. 'HRE5da2 tltlt.lll o ?.- 9= d6tG q d oo z-I F ulA 2 5 oz zl .. >loul IIJ uJzoF =et uJo- J z0 6o o9;i-S =,!/&-<\J -BIZz|ro oo; ^ a2 3 3 =F.n.9C6T Er|<oq cH6 sTt ErNc' t-l L:r' ' ul E atoo zo A UJx UJo o E =TE uJA l!o coo lt o I UJ oz t =EE o =.o =3J4 E H E EHE<gat6-!FvGD9EI = lrlEF:=:8 TEi8si HoF @ zo oz ts =Elrlg zo E3E V,z0(J \ N \ g :*ndn 75 roulh frontrg" rord t|ll, colondo 81657 (303) 479-ZL3E or 479-2\39 olflc. ot communlty d.Ydopmcttt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If thris permi.t requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval , Engineer''s (Pub1 ic Works) reyiew and approva'l , a Planning Departnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. A'll conrnercial (1arge or sma'l'l) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects shou'l d take a'l esser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects 'inpact the varjous above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects rny a'l so take the three. week period. Every attempt wi'll be rade by this departrnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. Date ttork Sneet was turned into the Communi ty Development Department. '\ * luwn n [al ?3 muth tronlrgo road nll. color..lo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 clfler of cotnmunlly dcvclopmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: ALL CONTRAEIORS CT'RRENTLIL REGISTERED WIIH IIIIE TO!{N OF VAIL TOrfN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!{MLNrTY DEVEIpPUENT UARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & UATERIAL STORAGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for any Person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor nateria)., including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehlcles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publlcplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-rday on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wilt be strictty enforced by the Tor^rn of VailPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial .In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tlne specified, the Public Worlcs Departnent will remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utillties in the right-a-way. 3o revLew Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Read and aclcnowledged by: FositionlRelafionship to Project Iit t^ '1 ll7 l*lt o)UY '7-"INSPECTION REQUEST PENMIT NUMB ROF oora (JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED td-t*.+ /La e*READY FOR LOCATION: ,h OF VAIL d-+,t o, BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL , DROUGH/D.W-V. FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION .tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL _tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT . - O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Xorrroueo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED f] REINSPECTION REQUIRED niiRs,* DATE Vt INSPECT -INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER O PBOJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUF JOB NAME MON,1 i,' LOCATION: /?o^t la 1/I q/4 3ota* ,/-.{trrv t,L,. a/' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: t/ : j t) tr FOUNDATION / STEEI D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION n tr POOL / H. TU8 tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr p rrrunr ', ,r, / tlf,,.- \f rrl'rnr- ,m l,te*/"- MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR n D FI\AL ., Xrppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED.:a ": , , /' ()lDArE'l-l-l?--ll tNSpEcroR AL INSPECIION'S COUPLETED The iterns belou need to be couplete before givlng a pernit a fl.nal C of 0. Please c,heck off ln the box provlded. ETNAI PLI'MBINGM I 'oi'-T* I FINAL UECIIANICAI, IMPROVEMENT SURVEY FINAI ELECTRICAI DATE: ii i CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCYl-t DATE: I I I