HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B TYROLEAN CONDOS AKA BLUE COW 1981-1993 BUILDING PERMITS LEGALCONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT S pluMetr.tc I rouruoeltotl n+oO r Meadow llr /12 ,a NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE OAfg _Jlr"= 25, f 993 6o DItr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING B NAME: Kianington Remodel MAIT ADDRESS CITY PH. LEGAL DESC. ARCHITECT MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM SumuiE Meehenieetr 945-249L TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TtrI F OTHER NTRACTO 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2. OCCUPANCY GRO UP ABEHI RM DIVISION r22a34 GE,NEBAL DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK : --A(lo Dar s]-nK and one lav. PERMIT NO. z tr J EUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 5000.00 MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A, VATUATION PERMIT FEES III lht R-l BUILDING PERM IT \. f\|'. r33t N s \\ PLAN CHECK E LECTR ICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION ( ) AOO|TTONAI( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING 75.00119.O0 Pc ltt DWELLING UNITS --- ACCOMMODATION UNITS -HEIGHT IN FI - NO.FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYP€ THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT EXr. WALLS I USE TAX WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 94 .00 Dan Stanek 6-23-93 ADDITIONAL ST CUT PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL JILD|NG OFF|C|AL DATE INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all th€ information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and PERI,'rT #&!eLo ETION FORH "fli I TOI{N OF VArt CONSIRU PERI'IIT APPLICATTON oernz 6-27-?3 , APPLICATTON UUST BE FIr.r.ED OUT COttpIJETELy OR It l.lAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I*************'t**************** PERMfT fNFOR}{ATION ******* * *************!t*******ttl [ ]-Building ffi-Plurnbing I l-Electrlcat [ ]-Uechanical [ ]-other Job Nane::L Job Addre"", UOOE Lega1 Description: Ict Owners Name: Architect: AddreEs: Address: Ph. Ph. Generar Description A,y'/ Bln <rnl 4rr/ oll- ,lrlfz, Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Unlts: ^ lpnber and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appllances_ Gas Logs_ wood/peLlet_ ft**** ***************** ************ VALUATIONS ************ * * * ******************rl BUILDING: I ELECIRICAL: S OTIIER: $p^LWBTNG: E @- trEcrrANrcAL: $- TorAL! --r'I**************************'t CONTRASIOR fNFORMATION *********** **************** t Eeneral Contractor: .I6rrh 6f ve{l P6n^ No^Contractor:Town of Vall Reg. NO. Electrical Contractor: Address: pluibing contractor: Janttif ,4r{ ec-,Address: _6'/e/4uaeo Town of Vail Req* NO. Phone Number: -0" -T Address: 6'/e.i/, Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR oFFICE USE ** * * **************** * *** ******* BUTI.',,DING PERMIT FEE: PDUMBTNG PERMIT FEE: I.fECHANICAI, PERMIT fEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: tw I u t{/.-l p-t l_ttlr_r_r_ Cotnments: t{ork Class: [fi-New [ ]-Atteration Kl-aaaftional [ ]-Repair t l-oth Address:Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Tolrn of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: BUTI,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 !,TECIIN{ICAIJ PI'AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION TEE: CI.EAII-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAIJ PER}IIT TEES:Z-.,.aT/!/i "/BUfLDING: lh ,//.,/ r--)z-€z GTaltliFttttEr.SIGNATURE: ZONTNGs SIGNAflTRE: CI.EAII IIP DEPOSIT BEFIII{D IIO: VALUATION -a-. - --INSPECTION TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME REQUEST ----@1) PM CALLER INSPECTION: MON @4{l(.' ar l'./li ir iTF, WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT VAIL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BU!LDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ D UNDERGROUND $noucn / D.w.v. F/ ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE JIINE 10, 1993 6i 21 department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOB TO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tJITfBUILDING ELECTRICAL iX MECHANTCAL [ ------------.400-E. I6-adow Dr. f LEGAL DESC. LOl ./ BLK- FIL,NG / tyxotnlll ll2 i UOB NAME: OWNER NAME SIEPHANIE KENNINGTON MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FTRMFRTSCO FTREPLACE TowN oF vArL REG. No. 101-M 668-37 60 ELECTRICAL )onrnncron FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. 1- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP A t tvv BEHIRM 22a34DIVISION 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TITC'I,{r l t rr (r trirrE!fir ^-F^ PERMIT NO. zotr BUILOING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING 1 MENDOTA MECHANICAL xxx*x0flQ 7,ooo 1 HEAT-N-GLO TOTAL 7 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES III lfiR R-l BUILOING PERMIT € PLAN CH ECK ETECTRICAL NEW() ALTERATION () ADDITIONALO REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNIIS --. HEIGHT IN FT No. FTREPLA.ES 2 MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES **N0 FEE* DAN STANEK JUNE 10, 1993 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED, Y N INITIAL sr cur I I I BU|LD|NG OFF|CIAL DATE ZONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE ALASTING ZONTNG & BUILD;NG x61Es; INSPECTIONS REQIITRFn trf PARKING KUUGfI GAs' TEST AND !'INAL INSPECTION WI{EN trt{XNN UNITS ARE COMPLETELY WORKING OEMO I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buirdins code and "^WU"gAJ I"O" "llicable thereto. SIGNATURE OF OWNER AND THE OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOB HIMSELF TEinN 0.F UflIL C0i"i-DEr.r (J:J0J-479.-2.152,FUe'e3 15 : 41 Nrr .007 {d P .03' -tt)/ll''' ,'$OWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCTXON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE; ")1 arl lirl ,l ' faOT , APPLTCATION MUSB Be FIr,r,ED OUr COMprrETELlf OR rT MAY NOT FE ACCEpTED It***************************** PERMIT TNT.ORMATJON *****************f***********rl'1 1-nulralng t I-Plurnbirfl , t,l-Electrlcal ft -uectranlcat Job Nane: Job Addre ee; /o44.Z4zrdL, Legat DeecrlptLon; Lot Archltects Block_ Filing:. Address: ownerE Nane: {Ef/nre !, ,f* Addrees: Ph, GeDeral Descrlptlon: l{ork claEa! t )-New ilf-oft.rotlon I J-Addltlonaf t J-Repalr [ ]-other Nunber of Dwelling Unlte: I Number of Accommodatlon UnitE: ^ $rrnber and Type of FlrepLaces! Cas Appllancee ?. Gh6 LogE_ Wood/Pellet_vfi********************************* VAITUATTONS * * * * * **** ****.****** **** ****** **** '!BUTLDING:ETECTRTCAI,:O1IHER: TOTALI '2' 732,X i. Electrlcal Contractor; Addressl Plunblng Contractor: Addfesss Mechanl.cal Contractor! AddrecF: **** t** * * * * * * * ***** * * tr * * ** * * * tr * * BUIIJDTNG PERMIT FEEI PI,UMBTNG PERMIT T8E; l'IEcHANrcALr PERMIF FEE: EI.,ECTRICAL FEES OTHER TYPE OF FEE' DRB FEE: MECHANTCALT 7;&*E-M coNTR4croR TNFoRMATION * * * * i * * * * ** ** * ** ** * *l * * * * * * 41 Town of vail Reg. NQ. 10/ rtl Phone Nurnber: A f"B - frffi-8t/{: Town of vail Reg. No. Phone Numberi Town of vail Reg. No. Phon6 Nunberi Town of Vall Reg. HO. Phonc Nunber! oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTI/DING PLIN CHECK FEE! PLUMBINc PLAN cHEcK FEEI -, MECHINICAIJ PLAN CHECK FEp: ---7IF-- RECREABION FEEr ** :f--- CLEAN.UF DEFOSIT; JV... TOTAIJ PERMIT FEEET \ FOR EUILDING: BIGNATURE: EONINGI gXGNATURE!.*.-l-# Connente I -Z/11 . 'aa ./ rI rt Dramatic FireplacesThatAreAlso Powerful 38,000 BTU H Gas Heaters t t Inserts fitflush into masonry ardzerodearance fireplaces. Theyuse exsislingchimney with liner. Nowyou can easilyturn any fireplaceintoa beauliful,clean, energy€fficient tEatsource. Dual-BurnerHearthGlo-The Log FireOfThe g0's Mendota Dual-Burner HearthGlo Combustion-lorthe lirsttime---creates a log firewilhchaned logs and glowing coals that is ritentrbalto a wood fire. And, Mendota'sexclusive Dual-Bumersystem providesf lexible hilo controlof heat output and f lame pattern. Mendotjaengineers, using sophisticated computer imaging, have captJredthefl anre pattom andcolorof awoodfire al its peakbeauty. To lhis perfectlire, Mendota engineers add realislic charred loos and a bed of Mendota InsertsConvertAny Fi replae ToClean, C,onvenientCras. Built by a companywith over90 years experience in gasengineering nodrce lessthan I "/oof he hamfu | oarliculate emissions of wood burning f ireplaces Equipedwith Dual-Burners foreasy, f lexible controloJ heatoutput and Ilame pattern Compacl and easy to install Available wilh thermoslat conlrols Sa{etytestedtoAGlr/ANSI slandards Mendota Built-in FireplacesAdd Charm And Warmth To Any Room. MerdotaFireflacesare compacland easylo install. Theycan be placeddireclly agairlslmostwalls. Thereis no need for expensivedrimneys. Nowyoucaneasily addaromantic fireplacetrcany room. Specifications Mts3r,MtG3t) 3! 3/4233t124314 | 27 3t4 163/16 140 3/r6 363/16 t40?r6 413/t6 6 291i2 29112 211t4 211t4 I5 15 141t4 i 5l/,1 161,2 16112 1lt4 Jl 18 3i4 i8a4 24Aa 211i2 24lt2 30 lMo.lcl ^U C3o I MoClriECa€ lzgooeaa@ | zmclea'auI cart'€r I C*tEl Bl 33 139 wl 347116' | 407x6" of 193,€" | 2O.!8. Accessodes Mendola hserls and Buih'in Fi@pl@sm6wit'ldremic lags, cod b€d rdattu€ conn€cror. Options Back d br6 tdEgrilb, b.as adl€d lionl,d€coralorlrinkil, blowr,(lreclpowe.v€.rt |tos:rc Gas Built-in FireplacesF-o 1til stut Mlo30.Hi 35,@0 - Lo 16.000 MlG36.Hi !8,000 - Lo 28.000 grvfd $€710 tslt tO116 1d| Ortn P.$' DofI I'r'; s'r..a cO 301tl Johnson Gas Appliance Company r Cedar Rapids, lowa 52405 Mendota Hearth Division: 1890 Woodale Drive r St. Paul, Minnesota 55125 r 612-731-5367 flwfil tlroo*JEEIS 292JGLD Msndora r€serues rhe ighr ro chang€ products, specilic.rlons and pric6 wirhour notic€ Printed in |J.S.A. the t( tlol , 3trndtd ntth burnlng omb€re IbpVnwrs fl UoAU 6OOOIV. This A.G.A. desisn certilied anrl CGA certified top venting (5" B-Vbnt) unit has a ratitl BTtr input of 25,000 BtU's per hour lt is dimcnsknrally idcntical to nxxtcl 6000(;DV (inchrlinll a 20r'x 14" glass door) and has a pnxision frrr oulsidc air frrr combustitn. It is a heat circulating unit and maintains a high thermal efficiency. lt comes standard with six authentic kxrking krgs and hurning emhers. I uod"l ST-38GI\'. This \trhrnock Hershey approvcil rop-venring. (5" B-\'ent) see-tlrnrq;h gns lilepltce not rmly kxrks g<xld, hut actually . heats. With a rated BTU ir4rut of 12,000/hr. this see-through fireplace comes stardard with burning emlrcrs, fuied prrels, and hert circulation with optional blowtr. lts large viewing area )et compact size makes it ideal for marry applications (soo photo back pase). d mod"l 40001Y. It is A.C.A. rpproved antl has a rared input of 21,000 BTtlh per hour The glass door size is l5"x27" and its comprct size (only 16" deep) rnake it ideally suited frrr instnllations u'here lS A COnCetn (slandard wllh burnlng qmborg), INSERTS t',', uniqw gas finplace insert, Model 4000INC, has a rated input of 21,000 BILI's per hour It is designed t0 fit most masonry fire- places and has douhle walls to allorv for eftectire heat circulation. Rcduced extemal dimensir-rns allow for easy insertion inlo any existing masonry fireplace witli a front width of 28 to 40 inchcs, hedtr of Zzy, to 2tl i[ches and a minimum depth of 1614 inches. For larger fireplaces it is possiblc to ordcr a larger fnonr (lNC-4812, it is 48', x 32,'). The insert is approved (LP or Natural Gas) for use with 4" B-vent pipc or flcx linc| Ntodel 4000lNC comes standard with an onloff switch antl damncr r:ontrol on the face of the unit. cerrmic clas and l60C[M bknvei with variable sueetl corrtn arrtl thernxrstatic bn/offCOntrul, (srandard wirh burntng ombors,. \-/a r a o I a a a a o a a I a a o a a a . I a a The Golden Flame Series FireDlaces come standard with authenlic looking gas logs, a standing pilot with Piezo electric lighter, high temperalure limit switch and a thermal generator for use with a wall switch or an optional hand held rcmote control. The lireplaces require no eleclrical power unless ths optionalhn kit hand held remote control or an electronic ignition is going to be used. All units are approved for L.P or Natural Gas. All units have installed Junctiofl Boxes rnaking the addition of a blou/er or remote control an easy option. The optional Uower indudes a variable 6pe€d contrd and tem- perature sensor switch. All lirephce units are availade with eleclronic ignition. The fireolaces are standard wilh decorative tJim fronts. orREcr vENT *roDELS 6000 GDV (27.000 BIU) l&rvli frod Yr., lll l-- ir',i'--l J F:_ 3 r'l'"__r F-ltL'- r*** !ffol-vl_ JEtm-[-R'Lllll \ lxl -\ e--f at lr DIRECT VENT iIODEL 4000 GDV 121,000 BTU) AU. Vl.r F dl Vld Tor Vl.$ T;;'t-r za,h" Ill3ry -T Ill" -l otREcT vEt{T ;toDEL PEn-GDV ({8,@0 BIU) Itlodel 600OTV l 1 I f.- "" --*l Il.- 3.f-_ i r A---A -i- L."L___J I -I-n; ll ll'1*i tl l.'F=.====_1_ I |l-18t ! l F io*: TOP Vg T MODEL 6000 TV (25,000 BTU) lF-afl TOP VENI OOEL a000 TV (21,000 BTUI SEE-THFU MOOEL ST€8GW I32,OOO BTU} L ,t _L ft{sERT ODCL 1000 NC (21,000 ArU} I F- 27 !d--1 it-40"+ a P I F A T o N s Model HerSht Ba* \llldtl Ml Fl(rlI Gbs Doots \tn[n0 Syslem It\tilht SsEenFrfinin0Framin0lclualF|anlng Act!al Framln0 6m0 00v 38[38',t 41 42 21 28 22 22k 34 )( 20 DV 125 ns 4m0 Gov n|,1 309t 36 u 17h l8 25r16 w 100 HEF.GOV 46Ut 46tt 24Ab 233h 24qt 23Cl 41h 4l X4x22 OV S'I-GOV 46'A 46'r 45rA 46 45h 46 21V 23V 34 \22 DV 190 6000 rv 38!t 38tt 4l 42 27 n 22 nk 34x20 5" lv t25 ,{m0 w 28 28Ya 36'6k 21h 11 11h 27rt x 15 5"W o0 NO sr.38GW 381,38q{38"1 39 38!,39 n\a 2111 3l r 19h s',TV 175 40m c 21 M {0 26lt NA 1t IA 271r r15 n0 NO 4m 'ftt m1a NA 30 NA 3{)NA l7h M 23 x lSlt 0v r00 'Can a|so be harned k a ln:dth ol27h: Franing drnensions rmy varydepeniE l+on the lacjilg rnaterial us€d Assrm€s h " sheetrock for lrarriE. PERMIT NUMBER OF.PROJECTI i lnoarc v I ll i"l-J rce INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL NAME CALLER t' ,o*--: tr.tREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ISAPPROVED ff REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAT ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nifrsnoe CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE OOIE Septernber L6, L993 KEPT ON JOBSITE pi 635 i+ Fr dep6rtm6nt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT L]Ttl t4fI BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOBNAME: Tyrolean Windorrrs NAME Pepi T aqgegge-I__ -"o,, ooo*ara 400 E Meadow Dr. crrY PH 6-2205 LEGAL DESC. ARCHITECT F'RM RC Construction TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. No. TELE, 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2, OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IRM DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Chengiao windowq nn ra<lrrrrrnf PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING I OOOO - OO ETECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A VAT UATION PERMIT FEES III 1 rr BrR BUILDING PERMIT 145 . 00 .'J"N# +,1lcl{l **>,s-Y>+/(,u{l P5 PLAN CHECK 94.00 FLECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION{'v}. ADDITIONAL( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -_ ACCOMMOOATION UNITS -- HEIGHT IN FT - NO.FIFEPLACES MECHAN ICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION TYPE THICKNESS F.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 20-00 nn 1901__ EXT, WALLS f--CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 1()()_no USE TAX ROOF I'IiIl Ca11 3.00 TYPE ELEC. oF ro,-*WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES 342.00 Jau -Staaek- -9-LL-93-,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE -JiD Curnntre 9-r5Jl3- - - -1,NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE ! ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL tt "rt _ BLASTING )NING & BUILDING NOTES:;l-;; I I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all rhe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CL-EAN UP DEPOSIT TO: AND THE OWNEF. o TOWN OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCrION ""*lililPLrcArroN,t:"of I lggt 4 K,#+@, 1fi€q , APPLTCATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COUPI.',ETELY OR IT MAY NOE BE ACCEPTED *r.tc*A|f&*t$fi,t**tc*tr*********** PERMIT INFORMATfON ***************************** tl AL17€/24*'-7o/V -..-ff(i-BuildinT j4-Plurnbing ,j,.'-f-ELectrical !.-1flrfechanical [ ]-Other Job Narne: TJtb Job Address: *o.o F. /wA=eaa"t: 2/<. Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing sueprvrsroN, Owners Narne:Address. t/oo E . /-7H/o4, /2!. (/ErL pn,976-ZZef Architectz frut? At 0'=..t Address: fitoa qQ P:n. ?"1- </4/ ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New ff,3-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ 3-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units i ----Nunber of Accommodation Units: ---- . lSrmber and fype of Fireplaces: cas Appliances -.--'Gas Logs_g_ Wood/pellet_:_ J$********************************* VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *tl EGroaa"rar 4,)tq?<ous BUILDING: $ tO, oao -ELECTRICAIJ3 $ -. OTHER: $ -""-urcHaxrcaL: $ ----ToTAL: i-----V9t4, -RMATTON *************************** Address: Electrical Contractor; Address:Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Contractor:Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Plumbing Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: *****************************it** FOR BUTLDTNc PERMTT FEE: /qsioD PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERUIT FEE: .Z oFFrcE usE ******************************* rHEcK FEE: 74 aD PLTIMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: - ELECTRICAT FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE! RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITI I I Ittw:I r-t t' l_l_t_t_l_t_ r_r_r_l ZONING3 SIGNATURE: '//,'/P o AJt Otv Comments: CLEAN IIP DE,POSIT REPINTD I 75 south tronlage road vall. colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlc€ of communlty development AT.L CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE please stop by the Tohrn ofa copy. Thank you for your rn surnmaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyPerson to litter' track or deposit any soir, rock, sand., debrisor materiar, inctuding trash durnpsteri, poriable i,oilets and,workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewal-k, alley or publicp1?9" or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n all Town ofVaiI streets and_roads is approximateiy 5 ft. 3ff pavement.This ordinance will be strillty enforcid. by the Town of VailPyPli-" works Department. pers6ns found. vi6tating this ordinance$rlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the pultic worksDepartment will remove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full,Vail Building Department to obtaincooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by:>( <6*?b a. /K=.=- a /"t //1ts contractor, owner) 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlce of communlly development 5-T//6:.< BUILDING PERI\UT ISSUANCE TIME FRAT1E !f th.i.s permi.t requi.res a Town of Vail fire Deparbnent Approval,Engineer.!s..(.Pgblic Wofks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Department reyiew'or Health Department review, and a review by the 6ui'l bingDepartment, the estiJnated tjme for a total review may take as l6ngas thfee weells. AII commercial (.large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maxirnum requiremenls. Residential and smali projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if lesi.dentr'al or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may a'l so talte the three week period. Every attempt wi1'l be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as. s.qon as possi.bl e. I'. the under5igned, understand the pian check procedure and time frane. r -fz,Zrr-, atr* (er ,4 ,ftfrorur'*-c- ffirr./- Communi ty Devel opment Department. ,'-' fr' Project Application L< ,4 pnone P< D r Lci ,oe ci(rq. /- t(ZC-,"Qno t/ J A nft3w 1l Block Filing , zon" (ily'-lF Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL ,o(, + t-'Lu E statt Approval I s- tt' t (\l I L t\ -$ s E {r \ ,E- $fsle s Et E ) {= . u Ec:t..' i l) i ffi ,1"?I ; 'l' ,51 ' " 1.r;i g.i; ,-' .. rt, , .r*1' "- ,tr, r il, . r,, 'l !., \t f ,J t INSPECTIONTOWN OF ' :: :l, !,., (-,;. i,-,. REQUEST VAIL DATE lll I JoB NAME J-:r ' ri /it r ', -f r,n F /@ pMRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER n tr q tr tr D E FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL , BUILDING tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -T] FINAL tr FINAL B.APPROVED') CORRECTTONS: tr DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nd |,m at w ZII s<nrq =frl ( ,b -7q"Q * u'!,;rtq + Lea+ aPE / lzr \4- fuAU *.leftuet FBR/\l!6tove or,tt 6F fr\l& Iz{ lt- fo tT P-'/+t,4rl'b-' [w"++ ew) Vst\wlfi-|- Pos( - W hns x)aonoA-) a,*€--(l ?oD€Nll l/u Kl .+0O E, tAsftPoA DL. VA { t- / Co lrs FAQ> Il-,ry -Q7 f,tl*:'i'i.r-O "o,1v" -'31: - \ gli _---"" {- () 'i.-'. ;:6*? ,o +ep 1;17 lOrtt 0 2-\ '/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES wED ffi) ,*, I | 'i/,T,,,INSPECTION REOUEST -r / --/ TowN oF vAlL /vrn /ntr Lnn cALLER .Ard. R.L-It-rt._ AM (@READY FOR LOCATION:cl BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr y'rrrunr-tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC u_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR UI FJNAL tr tr FINAL OVED D DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CgRRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR hr$ssop dopartment of community dwelopment TO SE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION E Dtr !trl BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL * FILING IOB NAME:TYROIJAN INN - EEATERS MA|L ADDRESS 281 BRTDGE ST. s1il VAIL pH476-L450 ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rrnu VALLEY WIDE P & E 103-PTOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. 949-17 47 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. CONTRACTOR oTJ{ER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO 8E KEPT ON JOBSITE IIO PI.ANS DATE RECID APR 9, L992 005317 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP t t rvv ABEHIRM 122a34orvrstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REPLACE ELECTRIC WATER IIEATERS WITII PERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING t1,000 GAS VO1TIME IIATER HEATERS. SEE MECHANICAL 8NC TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES EUILOING PERMIT II G! f- .l- ____.+_ ^Stn v ^f I. \\ t\ VrN," O \J' PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATON (lcx AOOTTTONAL( ) REPATR( )PLUMBING $165 / $4r ll4L334 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMI\4ODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIFEPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD NO TEE CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT EXr. WALLS I _l NONE _ |USE TAX TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAF t-1EA I GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 206 DAN STANEK APR 15, 92 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT I l* | ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATE ANDY KNUDTSEN APR 15, 1994 INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILOING NOTES; VENT AND PIPE MUST BE PAINTED TO MATCITPARKINGsfl,Icco. t I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plol plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build lhis structur€ according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi OR FOR HIMSELF ,/ MODEL VP-z tVater Healer Vent Package 1"1",, , l Le "iz"l ' l+5V L- d' Selecting the Proper Tjernlund Power Venter NOTE: The vent pipe diameter in a power vent system is usually smaller than that of a chimney ven.ted aooliance. Select the Power Venter based on 8TU/hr input of the appliance(s), rather than the diameter of the appliance vent outlet. Use a tapered reducing collar or transition fitting to reduce vent pipe to diameter listed in selection ta ble. 286 235 2r5 '16 'id .{ ., ",",'",,'1iies Y0u Special Advantages:/ TTsalapplication-Works wilh any brand or type /alet neale(, whether new f rom invenlqly 9r qng ,.rat needs 1o be retrofitted in the f ield.r 7'llasts longer than most water heaters in areas with / natd walet. ' . Venting up to 75 feet allows you to locate the water heater in the most convenienl location. D. B. Specially designed lan offers extremely quiet operation. (Three inc h diameter con nect ion s lor 50,000 B.T.U. or under.) Factory wiring eliminates need for electrician. Low voltage 24 volt con- neclions ensure a saf e, qu ick installa- tio n. 24 volt solenoid va lve provides 100% gas shut off in evnet of power outage or venter malf unction. 'Both LP & Natural Gas. Ad justable post.purge timer keeps Power Venter operaling at end of burner cycle, purging the vent system of residual f lue gases. Gas diaphragm switch with aluminum tu be connections turns Power Venter on and off with the gas f low to the water heater. Heavy duty side wall Vent Hood spec ially designed for side wall vent systems. E, F. cnP 11 A- Dimensional DaE (cont,l IndooriOutdoor Models 125-4f,,0 Mod.l Indoor Ouldoor 725 23'tzl7S 13'tz250 243h325 25'ta400 261tt I I:41 t I -tJl. / |.l.E: \ l-"\ go.g ta Vff1BAS€ lo. Co.ntu36b Ftoqs 13ei6 13o/re 185/r 193,/rt EJa t I S.. Charl ,l0.9 16 with Base I I It Indoor Models 500-1825 Outdoor Models 500-1825 tndoor ro' Models 2000-5000 Models 200S5000 l-- ?&t4 ---a I._ zerzJ - Recovery Tables Gallons fur Hour DeIirercd lndoor Model Required Waler Temperalure Rise . ,rc. F mF 80. F g(rF 10eF 120" F 1/t0'F 608 486 125 250 608 486 405 347 304 270 243 203 174 -l' .aes:_':, -{ffiBitjW;ffijyg:W 7.,"500..-' irllW600 1459 1167 972 833 729 648 583 /l8o 417 i&*,iJ], tfi 850 2066 1653 1378 1181 1033 918 827 689 590 1200 1670 4060 3248 2706 2320 2030 1804 1624 1353 1100 ':"1 -,.,ipzs-l 6W2000 4920 3936 3280 2811 2460 2187 1968 1640 lrtt)6 l, ?4s0,3050 7503 6002 5002 4287 3752 3335 3001 2501 214/. r ji", ;.3900 ;'.;lm.iifilwp€p:W9"4itri""{$0s. ]i_i; :r, gFw 1459 1297 1167 4050 9963 7970 4642 5693 4982 .frTELEDYNE LAARS MIGHTY THERM Dimensional Data Gas Connection Slze (lnches)?'6 INDOOR MODEL vwiPwtw. Inputr BTU/H x 1000 Outputl BTU/H x 1000 Water Conn. Size,oimensions (lnches)2'a Nalural (lnches)3ABCv(lbs)s 125 C 125 101 3h 1lz 11lz 15 23112 131/.1 5 230 ffi,ri!'.:.;,iui.7.s,T-"'i-*ilde-ffi':,-'*frFll.j*?ffitr1!,i:,&ii'e"lwjl?61l3'j r.t-3.:i'.:,-,.*i".9: Fif; 250 c 250 203 3h 1lz 11lz 22tlz 31 l3r/r 7 285 c ,",.;j:^tt+..1"'t2qffi;,-.1:i;f45trL,,1:.'&Wu{b:.'{z{r}F';.gs'1{:. -1.3l4.ff ilffi!4.F;. C 4OO 324 3h 1lz 11lz 313h 401h 131/r I 360 3L 2 3851s 4431a 2251a 12 780 11h 2'lz 853/E 913/e .195/e 18 1375 600 +oo 1200 I 1200 ffi.tq r .'raso,..,. i.l-ej;,,,,-j:{4ff; -.tyr:€f -:gl";-Y-,'jitatr ,.9?i.;flLq6.::-1,b:ff$,"!.p-0.,',: 850 I 850 690 1 3h 2 5o5le 56% 2151a 14 900 ffiBlbl,'-:,:.1-p19i:',,-s,?g:f;,:i"-111,S1:i !..,:::;;P.gt*:. ;i,*{9i...,."-o.{.iii;,?q/-p'::;'rj:;Lqil;AuB-0;:.1i 972 11/t 1 21lz 66r/c 7211a 20sle 16 1145 1670 I 1670 1353 1'tz @ries1 , 1ri825iei - .,r,si3ili' .1i1;j€;11,.):{ff;gq:-'*$.sjff-::.:s8_11s.:;3.y}_3, 1,9;*ii"r*2q .,:: 2ooo I 1999 1639 11lz 1tl./1112 4 55112 63 24112 22 1755 B&.*i.sqi ::rznrnll, . ,:rep#iil-.:.rVt-4ii.ttir.ffif;lfr;i,.,:9,€1A rs',1::i:*f:/3iffi-:ffif9io.:,.i 3050 I 3050 2501 llzJz 11lz 4 78 85112 24112 26 2350 ffi!qo':' . :,11#s:* - ,,297-d"W*:";.,t$jgi.,tlt};i.iilf4#Lj-.j e6jJ:;ip-{ j',,-2{a-l;i.;ji6ffijato: 4050 I 4o5o 3321 212'/z 2 4 100112 108 24112 30 2910 ffibofr.] ','.*oof:: .f-01*ffi;,,1?lb,Hif;.2r.,&g{il?A',.'Jiqy'"':tt8:;iL:-r2+li:;;.p?-"ilfilQ1S1 5000 I 5000 4100 21lz 2 4 123 '1301/z 241/z 34 3500 Gaa Connection Size (lnches)2'6 Water Conn. Slze, Dimensions (lnches)2'' Vw/Pw/IW- x 1oo0 x 1oo0 Natural LP (lnches)3 A B C v 0bs)s OUTDOOR Inputl Outputl MODEL BTU/H BTU/H Shlpplng Weight 125 C 125 iffi]7sc , 17s 250 c 250 ffiiazs,c s2s 400 c 400 F*,f,soo r r:. .s .oo 600 E 600 ffiZrqe . zrs 850 E 850 ffi$-oioe ' r 1o1o' 1200 E 1200 Fj-,.1-430 E 1430' 1670 E 1670 lljljazs E is2b 2000 E 1999 [i. r. e+so E 24s0. 3050 E 3050 f''' .3soo E ssoo 4050 E 4050'. lsoo E 4500,1 5000 E 5000 ..13j[' r:.!tlr: : 1t.i,- .i,1'tz 195 3lq llz 11lzzil" 1, :ri'. u1,1312 3/o llz 11lz 410 1" 3h'2. 492 1 3/a 2 586 j 1 sh 2. 697 1 3la 2 828. . 111a:.. 1 '' ztl" 984 11la 1 ?1lz 1173.:: 11L .,.. 1n/0 ' 21lz 1370 'l1lz 11/t ?1lz 1497 11lz'- l1h ' , 21lz '1599 1\/z 11ll11lz 4 1960ii 111112. .. . .11.1; ": "4:. 2440 1112/2 11/z 4 28OO ? 11lz 4 g24o 2/2't2 2 4 3600 2it2: 2' 4 4000 21lz 2 4 98 tlz 11lz 15 23tlz 13r/4 . tg'1:'1 -'2611" ':.;.1"9t2 22112 31 1311. 76. . 82 851/z 911/z 9211; 981A 65112 73 -78 85r/z 88 95t lz 100r/e 108 1101/: 118 tzJ |JU /2 -, . .5:..',:,-',., r*,. 7 285 25sh 3i1h 1311a I ,., .1. : 32S 1 31%' 40'ta 1g1h I 360 - 3331t .393/1.,,.,.- :1.,,,,.'. eOO 3831c 4411c 910 44tt;' . SO1h ".' - -':'ll, :i 995 503t 5634 1030 58 64 .: 661h 721ta 1330 - '''.' 1490 - 1600 :t ..r', looo - 2090,,::: ":' :BZ0' - 2600 . 2750 - 3175 -. 3380 - 3790 OIES,. 1. Input and output must be derated 4o,'. per 1OOO leet above sea level when installed above 2000 {eel allitude,2. Dimensions are nominal.3, Modets 1010 - 1670 instantaneous wet€r hsaters have 2-inch water canneclions. 4, Consult factory lordimensions of pump mounted units, Modets 2OOO - 5000. 5, Add 55 pounds lor unils with pumps. 6. When two gas connection sizes are sho^,n, the smaller applies to the :iiltfl'i.Xi:[?!:|5T,]T%T"13ilinfft;fnartrains'suchasrourstasaormoroTLsasvarves consurtracrorvlorexactspecirications' 4yrobou Jr''r fo,*lltr/nni'J Ita" - Mo ^prp"* h *'^ U"ti tl^ l,' h eos/ st* I l/t ,ilf ,'h,onrrt nzYo brn nt*' Se e,rr/No/ 7'''/"" c(4rrf ,.2\\, - l,/ + I l0' t, tLccesS D'u r t10 &lbp'')0,*,o(uo[s -laac - (ke l,k''1"rc tn"Lil) kr, ., t, l:l 1ls"Iu V" , ^f t 30w491747 Poovhlo-r lkl'et')r' f: ;J"" lji'.I l,^,,^bisJlrnt L_i i,'- , - ll 0r la- Ct,.rrbrslnP 6" 5,,4,h' tali Flu quAhl , O 14,fu funa f '.4 Lt"^ l/*[yn, *17 y'+'' n I I I I t I<- 15' ->VALLEYWIDE PLUMBING & HEANNG,INC. "be Service Company' P0 Box 5080 Avon, C0. 81620 Tom D,Agostino ,11g..,r5 3e'CJ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: OF PROJECTT NUMBER \-\JOB NAME wED (@ CALLER TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING re^t PTPTNG ) lN POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION O SHEETROCK n_ NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL ffioveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ffisao" INSPECTION TOWN OF ,t Iif. :;t --\' REQUESTT.,VAIL t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON @ WED THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT VAIL BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PI.UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " Plvwooo NATLtNG Fo. PTPTNG - tr poor- / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D . D SUPPLY AIR D B FINAL O FINAL ffi.Paoveo D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oz t =t uJo- o(r) .n UJllJ LL tr =E UJ d?btilo€lu GW?#tl o\('\ z FlN E{ az o\c'\ Pro o z FldItiE(J )"i Hil zaD 6J v H F H l6rx d rrl llJ z r.r H z2oJ2 I (_t CoH drn 9* =Lz llJ o (r F FIz =o4 zz utz3 t! I z (s .9o c 3 r o at, o,oc(o ts (l) o o) O o)c =l E = l 0) o (! =.9 0) ano .: c -o ao := o coN o, c 3 F 0) ; o(J (!J f o o '= (! ,li 3 rt: Eox6 '= g, (t) *Eo E3E ,.s *,.Yo 6EPc Flc ;o:c-o e:5-60 =oFd'i =c9G'- o-c 36;_E >.3Pa €qpx! ci=-go-(! 0- sEc .nF A- :fi;(!-'_cE; or c* !EE 66E P _8. E'f;; -Ei=iu>o 6; ficF6sE.ii s9Eo eEg -o6 N.if \' @ ==Eut z 6 f :< lu- z J J o F tu tr z =.Jo- J 2 = t{ttl z tr LU () UJt o(D:lu UJEz 6gJo F LU : z lu.Jo X F lll f, U' llJ Ll,JrL = LlJ ) F F (5z !l J F lll u,J z = J - I UJ: NO|lVn'1VA I I lsIHIH"lsolx .o lfrlNlr.r lrr:-t> YEt =zZ rLC,OOH6 zu)l3=" o_rdEZ() frg -:H =frtrBzI4 8n =>G ztr^ rP'ao Zt-QO\JZ r! <(oo- E!?>!{ ;nj lrrl IH laItIrll t: lEelF{ I'r z F t o- oE (.5 uJq- F o- UJ(r J z E 4. 4z tr E FJ ; z IItltlII LzlzOa <oo<:ft>aERtr6o<2 =z. 9= =F-rIoi6OI X X x X f-l(J FtJ) z tr o z c =uto Jl<ttrl zl zl o uJ uJ u,JzaF UJt! J z Eo LUl J E a lrlz (-)r z F 5(tzH s C\Jc! LOOO D{vlz A z lutoo -z F(L IJJ)( uJ 9d F r"{ E01uJ c! bgliFlo-l(Jzlr-l HuJbEzo z zz(Do>z JO O. LL ) .^*6\., \., = ==36il> L r!ILl!ot!oz lq, LoF s o" JFlLt -h> (LuJ>(LO|!oo \ulx> Ul Jtr ul dt o co E CLo 6r {t! .E J E Eoo A3t=6IDEf=E =t:o -! F =E lrJ o-zoF C)fEFazoo TDtr z =t! J .D F CJ lF1 trz p F{-rt z E] Fl Nts ri z -.-) 4 (Jz 'lHA F{t =4 E = .it ut oo a = .it o.lc{ I\o jc FlH F E tr anul F E o (rl uJl 1l <l>l ol z) =1vl Hg F.t trl xH!4 F4HH ts u7 t4 fcl ts E trl oz d llJ J t! z 3 ? 6 I ca =E o oru 5l >l ol 21 31I = t! z ,i UJE TL 2 3I t z o u.lc ILo z 3p UJ UJF E. uJz = F tl.l = c) E. -rO<Fcc) Ll't <ZEtj-l F t,'t z <o(JF F? ^E;'i F-,2 53 eoz. t- =<z.E d6 <F :JF7() =*iz &. ir \JZ )<Oa9.lu rJr JO a T-tKlf tr_Ji+r-J j',ryi REOUESI VAIL,PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF /z-td PROJECT '/P Yt JoB NAME TOWN OF Vu"f F/r.{,;CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MoN ruES d.o t rHUR PMAMFRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr T] UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n bfrrruel tr FINAL PROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t) //- ,D^rE /{'//' 7/ iruspecroR oz ts =t uJo- ooo r\ (n ul lrJlt tr =c. IIJo- ffioblc(h htMh*bh) o\ 6 .if .J) t-l4E z .-) tllJF- lo IJ rc' Elt! iot(J,zoJ F E F EF z =o zz oulFoz (9z 6 J 5o-o 1z t4F z rn tgJz =o ltl F 2 I ) o v^c' c, )L &or tto ulElF 2I <J' o Eo Eg fl^\ K8\i{AdV P\6lcl E'o o 6 Ec6 0,tono?n .€nEr ==/(o'I sE E-o -_F E'llt ..[i otlY HIIcL tlCl PJI6 Ftl>ll =zt.g <tl B r'+l ' 5ii cttoott ttioEoo c .9g, :1.tt.otg, ttC€ occoN -(' 'oF (DE o Et .s Po(,()qt E o 3 att p E I 3.o o oca g;,]6 d:gE6s BEE EEg €sE =gE c9c'- ot 3 5't EEEboo iEo E'e I E=ECTO CLSEi €Ei E6: E E.b i€:re C6 0'-€ag sEi E Ilo ifis Egg -o6 o\o\rfl .if, .if,rlF @l\ -if .EEF ==E UJooz ao Y, uJa()z Jq- IEF ul uJ az .ot JA J o2 a UJ E UJu,l!z9F uJE() oc o!o. UJtgl acz(t v,lrlo F arlo ulocfz uJJ C) t-{d Fz ()t)q ffi>1 z Fl Fl I'lA + <d 3t uJulll.t =tujI Fo atzo! =.0 J 9eF(, u.l tr tJz aaT o. J I =() ut. Fl F-t ts NO|.tYn]V ;eo3 Lo,z;OE -Eotd ?zZlrE!l HEul:' ^F . >E --l?-tn.! =@N zzoo F^'J'33 =ano?>E9l!<o*--6Ft;Gi zo F u. e. UJA F F. 4'c z F z9 F e, UJ ttuz Fzfz tr o o 8 g) Fzf zJJ IJJ3o (t, tuo 5 uJ E o2 F =F di uJfJ qt v) uJzYIIF I a z J- v>J 3 F UJ 3 -l*] F ol a1 _,rl<l -l zl zl .. >lo r.uo uJulzoF ul4 J zoto z F J 6 l-[II l"l*t3t6l'r' I I lEaF c.l I H H H (o(f CD -$Oc) z o9ze EO =3d8 EHi B;E IIJ E.t)gtoazo Fo.IuY IJJ ao oF trE*lll o\O- .".,1bJIJ .\ l-lr1gur \,zo E G Hlro E9E<o. l€8IP!95[ F HE! BtE ooE iHE HT €= ut @oF @ ts =elrlo-zIFq) DEFU'zoo mnn k FFo t z HH z Fl & >rti ii =z too-) ll .,l fl El xlcI oldtcd 9l el rl d*l E H] tltltl =llEt Ii"jl I',llErl I Ft g-l It< Ft 3 .ir e.l e.l Iro l-\.it I I I I dlzl ol Hl JI al>l HA 14A z 4 Fq rrl HE Ig (\I tal IT\ @ q H F{ J4adt FC =c l'|- ol\oln tfi IF\ c! t 9P e3:)Fd6o ogb =.I IYo2mmD 75 soulh trontage rosd yail. color.do 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlco of communlty dcvalopmcnl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOVIN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT l,tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I.fATERIAI STORAGE fn sunnaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debr]_sor rcaterial , including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Pl?ge or any portion thereof. The riqht-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and.roads is approxinately 5 ft, 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strictfy enforced by the Toin of vail {!li" Works Department. persons found viotatinq this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour written notlce to renove-said rnaterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply nith thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puffic WorksDepartrent will renove said mateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snatt not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiliti.es in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail 8uil.ding Department to obtain I copy. rirank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. , .**Qq (i.e. contractor, owner) Uppen Encle Vnu-eY WATER AND SAN ITAIION OISTRICTS 8a6 FOREST R0A0 . V lL, COLORAOO E1657 (303) 476 7460 *prr3 10. .iSc,J Hs. Susan Sca lon Environitental llealth 0f f icer Department of Conaunity Deve ioptsent Toun of Vai.I ?5 Soulh Frontag€ Road Vaii. CoLorado 81657 Re: Grease ?raps tn Restaurantg Dear Susan: This letter rs to reiterate the Drstrict's positlon on "Grease Traps" for restauraBts. Article iX. Sectron 2.i0 of t,he DlsErici's Rules and Regulations deals spec:.ficeiiv vrlh ihrs issue. "An adequaiely sized grease trap vr.ll be req!:ired icr alL resCailrant-c and bakeries vhere lheir sevage has an adverse qrease i{0pact cn l:re Distrr.cis s}rsten. " ,i have at:3cied 3 ccpv of :!re iules aad Regulair.oos rriln i!:is ietter, Ii y r have anv qriesEr.ons piease contact $e. Srncerel:.r. UPPSB EAGTE VNLLSY COilSOTIDATED SAIIIfA3IOil D]S?RICT\*d \" H*.IOqs, Fred S. Haslee Distrrct Regulatrons Adninrstrator FSH: j am cc: Ru I e-s and Bequldtions \\ -.---\I ll PaFtrctpAttiE Drsrircrli - ,aFrRewHEAD METRo warER . avoN METRo WATEF a ETEAVER CREEK METRo WATEF . €ERRV CREEK METRo warER / CLIAN \ a\ EAGLE vaTL MErRo !u^""''"*"'ri,I,ir:.".:::::ff:.:nrs:x::';;:::'"r'iir,?lii """'v coNsoL'DArEo sAN'rA'oN @ STATE CI'ffPENSATION INSURANCE AUTHO 950 BRoADWAy DENVER, C0L0RAD0 80203 (303) 837-4000 ITEI{ 4 OF THE POLICY, CLASSIFICATION OF INCLUDE CLASSIFICATION: 8810-05 RATE: ESTII'IATED ANNUAL PAYROLI, $t8,105 DESCRIPTION CLERICAL OFFICE E}IPLOYEES . N.O.C. POLICY {+t?t76293 2 RENEWAL PERIODT 7ll OPERATIONS, IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: $0 .46 I{INIMUM PREMIUI{: $94 .00 THE TYROLEAN GOLDEN EAGLE GOLDEN EAGLE P 0 BOX 3390 VAIL 81658 THIS ENDORSEI{ENT SHALL BE ATTACHED TO AND WILL FORT{ A PART OF POLICY NUT{BER L75293 2 , ISSUED BY THE STATE COI{PENSATION INSURANCE AUTHORITY OF DENVER, COLORADO INN INC INN INC DBA INN EFFECTM DATE: 07 01 THE STATE CO}TPENSATION Tlltq rNnnDqFlJlEtl'F +n atl 89 TNSURANCE AUTHoRITY OF COLORADO HAS CAUSED erl1llErn Erv flrrc lrtl'tittD tnttrc F? r,ltlrrrFEtr"rtt htv ::i : :t: i:: l:l ...E:...S. ?'l'l:..: r :1..:. 1"bb PERMIT NU BEH OF PROJECT qDATE / READY FOR LOCATION: INS REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR @INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND XRoucH / D.w.v. xnoucn / WATER/ -.-- -- - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n trtr FINAL 'FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 'I tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL dnppnovro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ?-' _!t3o b t,. INSPECTION REQUEST oor= 4 f>\ .roe ruRvE .r\-ac-r. n PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL . 4 '*l ...@ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI t'.r t'l BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBINGT tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER OOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr AOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR U0rr*ouro CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED t-' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT * INSPECTIONTOWN OF 3 RECIUEST' ' ,:{, i. . t-lvob VAfI-, oor. t//?t1 JoB NAME INSPECTION: '--\t* THUR FRI o''@READY FOR LOCAf ION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEBu pLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n- D n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: /noueH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr O FINAL tr FINAL |P/aeeaoveo ..?tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONST INSPECTOF l* *arrcrroN's .*,TPLBTED the lterna belon need to be couplete befor€ gl.virg a perml.t a flnal C of O. Please check off la the bor provided. [] o rIIAI, PLI'}TBING FINAI. UECHANICAL IilPROVEUENT SI'BVET RESID. UAME: DATE: DNIE' 7- /5--Z I'IEST SIDE! TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAI{SY DATEI liII SILE NAME: oz t =e, IJJ4 Lr al, uJ uJIL E =E IJJL .z>L 5B/ 5//Lo6tnh -u x) I Lc I l'. o.r-+ {- a/. L-@ lo Lr) tl ,l c,. (g rS>to o- rt l!.lu- -:zrrv (J 'l(, "-,rz d.tr6r! UJF z =o zz @llJF z (9zoJ o .! =z uJz3o ul Fo2 u-Jl!o =I lt o) Er9EE qtq Xor6E c-66.9'aa't o. E*-osr3f,, o EF. EE o)*-coCood)N9 -oICE eEFo EFe=oo-EgE F9ax 3o6ED o.= ?i'=rdl 6E f€ El'- ttog e9'o- EO. o.9 6E -i - ll) '=9(, sbE =.e *,.Yo 6tocE.= (EF:C o::.tc-o'6sE Etr 5:sPd'5 =c96 EsE_'F > E FA =EEFOO E;; E=6o-o o- sEE C,,fo. =*:1r;(! gE E E *.8 EEE - o..!a -e Co O'-c; o)u-.c $EE;6>,9(ua xf a hfrs9rEor eEg -o6 oo ro c((\ o rr) F =qJ z Y C)rlJ C)z GFoqJJ UJ 2o E J J z. Iu = gJ uJIIz tr uJE C)lu 6 3uJ qJ z 6 uJ F tnoo- UJocfz uJ x F u,lo U, uJ UJu- E =E uJo- FoF (5 z,6J o J 9EFo UJJ uJ z ao ==Jo- Iz uJt NOtlVntVA + G C+ + + "f v o;ZZtLo ootr ^ 62; B =FalroEZ!-O8e fru-<oq<, TJ;.iEttxulqd =--.N(5 -eY- tt --(v,Eur =co z F J {u- tr(, q-3oE,a uJ / o- UJ z troo I anFz z tr oo ==ooo aFz oz JJlu3 ut Jo.q,lg ciz F =F d oolltzY9 IJJo- F 2 F J oz Il ,lell HI\t lltl ;1, ll"ll EaFl Jl<lFI zl zl .. >lo uJ UJ IJJzoF Gul o- zILoo z Fo J @ l I I "]zlYI fl c\l I = zo F E UJFJ =ulz cv Cf)r{ c\.1OO u, Eo K) Iro It\ ts =E, lrJ o-zel- C)fE*, zoo uJ tsoooazo Fo.ulY ulo oF F t uJo- u.o ooo I lrJFoz z o9z4oo =z dP J "39 =83- ?i +. 6tr= nntr tr tcllt o-lt.oEqE<tLl€8B9rrL '9=EF't* = tll i- E FE: :o-E 8b9 ItuE Xo-E 6-aul€#- lLl d! F I =- J Y I I I I I .lol =.1ol uJlEl JI <t>l ttlq zl d I I I I .l ?lolull(El JI <l>l tI-lol pl i: l EL t- (,z)tr =F {-J uJ =z o-) (\t I(o sl- t*o o) = t! ts UJtro = = r\O LO )<o eo o I .d (u (u +, = -54(.) &. =,|ol Lrjl :l al>l IUol EI zr IJJ ox5 =+8,o2 E -rO<FE(Jr!<zVllJ l- o C) J Et- u,J-)Iu gP =<=E d6EilN Project Application o"'" zlsl as Proj€ct Name: Project Description: Contact Person and pr.,on" 3t+p44^-l,e- y'^*r^Jr,.x-t. J 'l 7b - 76o A Owner. Address and Phone:*+g' E ,{f\D'./e:l- .t. Architect, Address and Phone: Vlfr Legal Description: Lot \ .r 1 -|\^ | 'comments: C).r,r F J T[Puga) trx) Block Filing Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by:C*u.^r,-,- - APPROVAL L oate F/3ltt DISAPPROVAL Summary: APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION l.|ILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI1ITTED*** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-appiication meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional informatjon is needed. No application will be accepted unless'i t is complete (must inciude all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to fjnd out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion will streamljne the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. , | -1_*A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: lNa-i-Auc-z!-r--ro^r oc. FJo-r I u p, '-t) \ --1- -l+ ')r'> x) lAt tr-, I\ar" r- a- l\l Por.t--Ax) u ,/- B. LOCATION Addres s OF PROPOSAL: 4oo T---l\el+Doc,.r.--,be +,> Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing Zonins 1"lf:ot r+nl Co. oos C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: 5.nzp*q,,.1 16 KE ^ri.J r ^r (-tr\n) Address / 5'+ nn= P. o. Bo< f S-o f telephone {lt"-Zt'o-'- D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address E. NAME OF OWNERS: .TO J Si qnature Address --s.A-t^ € tel ePhone F. One fEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit is requested- VALUATION FEE 0 - $ 10,000 10,001 - $ 5o,ooo 50,001 - $ 150,000 50,001 - $ ,5oo,ooo 00,001 - $1,000,0000ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the appiicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be martia. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEt,l BUILDINGS wjll normally involve two separate meetings of the Des,ign Revjew Board, so plan on at least two meetings for thejr approval. 3. People who fajl to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be reoubl i shed. te1 ephone $,$ $ $t $5 $ $ 10.00 $ zs.oo r' $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $300 .00 NAMF OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: r'. LIST OF I'IATERIALS information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review a final approval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR OESCRIPTION OF P The fol lowing Board before A. BUILDING P^a.rr a .-, tr Oapno {#2 -TyP.e.L Ftr-r Aorrb65_ Roof Siding 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash i ngS Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 5H I ^rg.- 6lge'.E- E-,, rDnrr.e r*IT 'l)KEb,rn-roo> Dablp6 B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Des'igner: Dnone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Quani ty Size* EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indjcate hejqht for conifers. (over) TO Botanical Name l- Brondess -Codmus Reol Estote, Inc. ^rll} 281 BRTDGE .TREET . vArL, coLoRADo 816s7 l-.I June 6, L9A5 Town of VaiIBuilding Department 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI , CO 81657Attn: Tom Braun Dear Tom: Please be advised that the Tyrolean Inn CondominiumAssociation fully approves of the hot tub instaLlation on the deck of Unit #2 as proposed by Stephanie Kennington. Should you have any questj.on, please feel free to contact us at 476-1450. Sincerely, CMG/drm REAL ESTATE (303) 476-14s0 o PBOPERTY MANAGEMENT (303) 476-2855 DENVER TOLL FREE 893.3101 BRANDESS-CADMU Craiq Pepi Langegger, Presiden Tyrolean Inn Condo. Assoc. t*rl t f.t $ L 1- ^{ { E3Jf- 0l tr dt 3 -at 7, t0tr Io td $'o fi FI Tg eg rrl TIp oo a tJFt t3at ETtaii { tS,-t frr iiisf' aIn It3dtat . lqr+-!-ll-- it-t I I I I I I I .l .l I I I a I I t I I I '*-t i $I .brr9a-,oll'l t'tft ,'ft c f (S t. I II i;, I IT n $ Ii i 'r.l -r I I ! ". t- J INSPECTION TOWN OF ri /t'11 REQUEST VAILPER DATE JOB NAME CALLER ile t. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPI.QIIQN: /'i M.oN rues€ffi2 :Hua / ,,-:' ,': I I FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLywooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr D tr F \ TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . /'.} APPROVED ,",.. ' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . CORRECTIONS: \. DATE INSPECTOR oz E =c IJJo- oo (v., @ cc cv OOrr)(o t)) IJJul|l F =E UJd il,Lh-\ S8/ ?/ "6€rh8# fi tlr-l i <-nr irht -c-*E= - *iT ll t F F z =o =z inul z z 6J c0 06 ozzo cE uJz3o ulT F z .9 o.(g 'o'-t qJTat5q 6Tol GIc Eo o E (E oooo E c0 E =c do o o- G '.9 E col a/);o;Eo) Eei'! (DNEl.fr6.9'aE'to €(s.oc aeoh EE ctr *.soc.looNOpFcc EEFo cbtEoo 8E E€oo 8o(g0 o.E #'= 3mL;E €f ;E oS EC t3 O.s .sg d:9@'.:(g '=Og,dipE5k E#s E=E "E 8ptr-o c*5 :€Pd'5 =c9o EEE E E-esoo;Fo .Eae Jq! c ==go.(E o-tEco- o^ E€e E6:EE Eo(!= EE i - o..il *eC(B o'-5Ee $t;o?3!6> 9 0a .Y;E ;Eg9E or eEg -o6 Ln(\l c\]g o LN(\t tr E uJ zoJ @ Y LIJ oz Jo- 9tF qJ tr z6 =J ul llJ zo F ru (J uJ G 6 3uJ UJe,z 6 IJJ F oo. UJo z ul o x F ul U' (r, uJ UJ lJ- I ts =E uJofJr FoF (J =! ao J () Fo tr.l)ul z6 =3 = o uJ = J F F NOrlvn'lvA t- .li ET OF}rc u-o{- 6E F=o-L G:8-uJ (lo t+ H: E.\. =>0. --€., uJ cn =./\ . zzoo F-al,q5 EP o .no6b<)zl.|-<oquJ taCUFO.i$i I I;l tl :l :l il ,l rl il il le;l'tlo 'l? 15 zo F - l! .fi uJ O LO ro eo-utG J z E o z9F uJ 3 UJz aFz z tr o =e Lz:t ozfJul3 6l!o 5c uJg oz F z I d t*i t;'h trltJt fF,itt lsllYlloltil l*ltftltuJ Ito- |t>ll'ltl|ll:ttot tFlt1lt5ltoltzl lli ?.lk\llr F.\ll-+ ft.-ll IT.tl 5|l'..llY tlJI ilrr tlotlotl Lt il Til F+n.l ll nlsll-''ll ltH*lll>ogtl I I _l fo F dltrl =l zl >l >- ct 1lJ uJ UJzo tr ul z Eo z, z Fo Jo z :a cf) I s Cf @Oe{ C)ct Lr) (7) lo ulFooo1zo Fo- uJY uJcl oF ts E uJ 0. t!o ooo I utFoz uJ 6 z ,aozeclo =z=l=d8 "dq =r==u] E6il= Etrtr tr E uJ lt utoz o2oFEsG JFl!-h= Eur>o-OLoo F ...xo-x> l! J4t! UJ tDoF tro Eooo eE .:c: E Eol' o to E aILo!--- t- =E,lrl o-zIF C)f &,Fazoo i L-_- (u = (l, = tlJ o oz Jtr J .D FoJ LlJ =z -) -. CJ (u C'J c, IJJ =2 E uJ J o- F vl >1 U' '6 oz, tr t 1 HI+J ,4 =e'l UIa4ul oo = s-@lr)<t o- (u o ,-() @ v\ ol = _5 oo- =tr L(u =O ciz dutE l!o 23oF luJulF .rJ I(l : =d u- oz ,; ul = ILo 23 cc = t! -Io ct H J b z3 C\I(orf)rf, t\c\l@ uiJulF +).f.) 0j s- co 2 tr j 1 ol ultrl J io z3o]4 =Etr ciz oqI(r J a l!oz3oF ui uJ F. E uJz3 Fo uJt ()e E <FEC)uJ<ZEt!F(tZ C) <oC)F =c)trs \2ilo2 (9z 6 = d ; v z dxo; t3 s6 E E ir uJ+E IOzoo J<c)cJn --.,t 3 AEE tt-- .-!J-- -),e-O{.--th-4"-\-k_ / " ctz ts =E uJo- N?::= \_sii:lNiiii\ li' n*s ;iii r::in<F-1<: IF?FF -<9,,9 < ". :. z. -Fir. i i I t, ,Fl<l6 I I I I lC IFt< IFIU'z l=to tz g =ZZtL F, o- a=Xf>:F P oE rt5e.z>-()oonQzXLL<oq tur :<gU E :N(' z FQ< =doL llJ uJiclr uJOo7Z(J q1 ^,J*<!!!a=o JF= lu LrlEoo -o- b(J $lol -l <l >l 6l u.Jl dl Eil <l >t lltllttlll+rl I+rl Iq,l I Li I-l I -tl-lA.r- I ru tq =l {el atrt E (u o od. (t(l) oL F ui z I F tltl|l ll-II|l IHtol t< =t J EI gE g J- TYb2 2 - LIJ tFz z fJc <o(JF :-< XF-'ZurOQ (ts <F uJ<ZEUJF Q J<O(1 Aii r.!:o z F IIJ-) I odrl-tr{rl 1 uJF o F =E, tJJ o- Jz z .nQzt CDo =z o-- P Jixa.t , \ = =F16 r-u- E trftn -Ett go o o o irE=RE o4- o=E>IF z eFo :)EFazoo nn5 '!,r CTION REQUEST OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: c TUES wED@O>@ rt INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: fI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr o tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ( C (',*o.42..--t/r/{-/fi ''*o' ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr a ry1{D FINAL \PPROVED tr DTSARPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR.,i DATE READY FOB LOCATION: *' JOB NAME MON 'l-- CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL0 INSPECT.ION:TUES WED THUR .4 PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT "r fl SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE /2 * t' f/ rNSpEcroR t DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL rues @ *run ------O PMFRI LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL T] ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION -- tr GAS PIPING N SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL TEMP. POWER tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR /,) - '7(DATE/z'- 1^ ., DATE rt lo,NAME 7f/ot NSPE CTION REQUEST CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(D wED rHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING {sneernocK NAtL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FNf,tr FINAL OVED A DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,ia ril NSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE rf JOB NAME READY FOf, LOCATtOffi" @ THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND IN ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING tr INSULATION N GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: \nenlr'rctr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR v6ot FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: '/ DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME FRI CTION REQUEST @ THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. PO NRoUGH _ b tcor.rourr MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED EADY FOR INSPECTION:MoN @ wED IHUR FRI -----@'* OCATION: WN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER\rnnrvrrruc tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL E] POOL / H. TUB tr_ tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr N FINAL -42 -z:_ t.frfrwovED ffE CORRECTIONS: - /'2 * ks',. f-# F/,Q{ /</. tu#&- L/,'-F rt DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON TUES CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA1L 6ffi) rnr --@" CALLER BUILDING: C FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTHICAL: N TEh/P. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr ROUGH n CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR --- o o UJct E UJ ar0 SA],G Lrv$ o =:(ooo To 3 (t o W ""q1 aa zuIJJJAFl dLt ,q?L 4Q4 49Ctg Qt"ltYAqe?,eil@ffileJid f?rtd'aeb'llf., AE7B ,qd o -ltvn ax7,ar@atA'A eV NN I Nv1ladl-t eHL # neH?J.H 4d -144pfi# I -,li J.l2(. 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