HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 BLOCK 5 TRACT B UNIT 2 TYROLEAN BLUE COW REMODELS LEGAL/rut //ay V r,l ls l-wv{i TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 lnvestigation-> wit1call_> NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 8014288 fob Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: UNIT#2 Applied..: 09/78/2001, Parcel No...: 210108252002 Issued . .. : W/25/2007 Project No : Expires . ..: 03/24/2W2 OWNER ATEXANDER FAMILY TRUST - O9/L8/2OOL PhONC: iItIDY IJYNNE AIJEXANDER TRUSTEE BOX 6746 STATEIJINE NV 89449 License: APPITICAIirr VOGEIJMAN WEST ASSOCIATES, IN09/18/200i_ phone ] 970-949-4L38 P O BOX 92L AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 426-S coNtRAcToR VoGEIJMAN WEST ASSOCIATES, INO9/LS/2OOL phone. 97O-949-4138 P O BOX 921 AVON, CO 81_62 0 License:426-S Description: INCRB,SE PATIO WALI., HEIGHT Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: V-1HR Valuation: $5,415.00 Add Sq Fi: 0 Iireplace Information: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of wood pellet *,'r*'r**rd***ts***f **. FEE suMMARyBuilding--> 9105 . 00 Reshrarant Plan Review->$0. 00 Total Calculat€d Fees-> $1.95 .25 DEPARTMENT OFCOMMLINITY DEVELOPMENT A.0," ry(^ 'uun'Y $0.00 g0. oo Total Permit Fee-> $x95-25 50.00 pavments__> 9198.25 $0-00 Plan Check-> 968.2s DRB Fee---> 920.00 Addidonal Fees-> S0. 00 Recreabon Fee--> $3 - 00 Clean-up Deposit---> TOTAL FEES--..-_> g1e6.25 BALAIICE DUE----_> Approvals:I€e'm: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEM| o9/2o/2ooL cDAvrs Acrion: AP Item: O5400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI{:I Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEMT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plao and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordiffmces and state laws, and to build tlds structure according to the towns zoning and subdivisi,on codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable- ttrereto. REQTJESTS IOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI]R HOTJRS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OrUCr FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 P\,t SIGNATURE OF OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OVVI{ET PAGE2 !h*****t***t:k***l**F*****lik'E{r****!H*******s*******iwr*rr************t**ri}ffi******rts*1ffi CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Perurit#: 801-0288 asof 0$1G2003 Status: ISSUEDL********'l"l!rffi****t(*{ittrrt*rtrttt|r.**ll!t*****ii*****ffi*******{r****lr**.******rt***?r****it********tt**ffi!!** Perudt Type: ADD/ALTSFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09/78/ZO0t Applicanf VOGELMAN VVEST ASSOCIATES,INC Issued: 09/25/2007970-9494738 ToExpire: O3/24/2W2 Job Address: 400 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: UNIT # 2 ParcelNo: n0108252002 Description: INCREASE FATIO WALL HEIGFIT ffi *}*lt:!l.l***********'t*******r.*** coldi tiolls ***{iffiriffi 1#****ra************* Cond:12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF TFM 1997 TJBC. 'l'.*********:**+********+***+++***+****{'****'f++++****{'**'t **t * * *** * * t' ** a ** ** * *'! ** * a + ** * * t' * * **'}l TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCoIy Xcprhbrl o GLlGl0Oil et 11:01:tlt 0SlL6l2OO3 Statement * 'l {t * * * {"t* * *+ t * * ** * * ***** *f {' +* f +i' * * * * *** * t*+'}**+*t'* * ********{'+** ******++ * 'r + *** * * f+*'i'}** ****!r* Statement Nuniber: R000001433 Amorturt: 9196.25 09/25/z}otaO:33 Alt Palment Method ! Check Init: DF Notation: cK # 3681 CRO1TE,AU Permit No: 801-0288 1l|tr)e: ADD/AIJT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Parcel No: 21010 82 52 0 02 Site Addreas r 400 E MEADOW DR VAfIJ Location: t I{IIT # 2 Total Pees! $196.25This Palment: S195.25 ToCaI ALL pmts: 9196.25 Balance 3 $0 .00 ********+****** ***+**+l'* ** * + 'l' *** * * * * * * * +*** * * * * * *** *'i * i **l'*{.'$*t****l'* *'1.**+ +*'i*{r* ****if+* *'l * t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERHIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,J FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FETS t^JC 00100003112800 h/ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 105.00 20.00 '68.25 3.00 .- t mwvavvtn 75 S. FrontagdRd. Vail, Colorado 81657 for1- OR INFO General Contractor:U;i;fi il'i5.-cf Nt soao-t:'"+dJill3"'Contact and Phone #'s:[r,,. lr-luv,t 11s- 111-qfit^Y***5/ | COMPLETE V Itflrrirskeur6lfG l*RMrr (r bor & Materials BUILDING: $frLFSA{$L{THER: g €, +tS'oo PLUMBING: $4oral: $ 5, 4t5, oo fur Parcel DRB F: /everyongformtbldgperm of Construction: # Contact Assusors Office at 970-328-8640 or visitF.areI;r# Z-tow gzi4667- (applilcationnwilHnot, be acceptedr,riiithoUt: paitit numberj Job Name: C RoTeq'J Q.esiA-&c-e, E. MerAoq.Dr,\frt z, Uci\JobAddress: 4OO e. riAc-a,laq, Br. RetzVai\ co {FC.6IL,SZ. Legal Description ll Lotr ll etock: ll riting:Subdivision: Owners Narne:fulo4 Cro*.-*Address: tl3iuYi'lEoo*ror? ll Pho[?ro) fst-teq4 Ardritect/Designer:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed desoiption of work: eJ!.- J.4.t 's!+ a.l oJ3ot**'t\3 ?4\o Co'n*\-.4r..., , c\n- c-g,a$a{3*"t .-rilt|,.- c4tftrs.5 fAeD a.l[s, WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodet( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NoffypeofFireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/pellet( ) WoodBurninq( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exisil Yes ( ) No ( ) *************** **** ****{.* *** ** * ** ** * ** FOR OFFICE USE ONLy***** $F.S-.* z fi- TYrt zo?+ G P F tG{\9 [-+cO TlFf,'-o 8+ o h.l ,D,* f, ?P o t, L- o II ) I I I II n?iI Ei'rhi r t?*ri I ti; L ffi s EatJ Nr ?r(Jy fl'4?o Auf+ E T o TJ CP 0a e 6 9r l'- Dr -{ m tD{t,-.r'I t oL €TI'rf *rT { €i€ rP t'" t {t Ul t'b +oo F FE. r, Y vak f'o t ,J\9 +J ''lllro Of & I F s. ($ o F (D ,t F.' iE?+tstt'2 F? 5l *F I , 1 I I I I I /-t C'l 4f, \ W:" -yt p {oI -lr,jl 5Jq?t f,I .* 39P\int il'ct BT 13 \E D epaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.yail.co.us . May 16,2003 Vogelman West Associates, lnc. Attn: Mr. Eric Peterson P.O. Box 921 Avon. CO 81620 Re: 801-0288 Dear Mr. Peterson: I have located the payment for this permit. I need to get a signature on the permit and the original returned to our office. I have also requested a final inspection set for Monday, May 19. I appreciate your help with this matter. lf you have any questions do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2150. Sincerely, /)/\l ffitw^&r,,nWtt'- Lynr{e Campbell r Office Manager enclosure {g *ot"""*" rsn 0"u _l ,1.-t)6tJ C'o i<r,, ti^ ll.. oc.l- ffiDevelopmentffiRoadffimptr6g*F 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us {', |s,t Ivn'l( fI VacETMAN rr.f ,Jae,Alf u'K st3& 417fl'l ASSOCTATES, I NC. Eric Peterson Vice President eric@vogelmanwest,com STONE . MASONRy r STONE SAtEs PO. Box 921 r Avon, CO 81620 . g7o_g4g_4138 F ax 97 0-845 -7 605 o www.vogelmanwesr.com L"".1^^.1, 1. b5'10 P''J hi l"b L1r .-/tt,,- April18,2003 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL Vogelman West Associates P O BOX 921 Avon, CO 81645 Re: Building Permits not picked up: 801-0288 Croteau Residence, 400 E. Meadow Dr #2 To Whom lt May Concern: A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.4, requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permit has expired. lf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. You will be invoiced for the plan check fee if one was charged. Feelfree to contact me at 970-479-2142 or Lynne Campbell at970-479-2150 with any questions. CD/lc harles E. Davis Chief BuiHing Official {g*t""*r "o Depdrtmcnt of Commwdty Development 75 South Frontage Rood Vail, Colordo 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that there has been no recent activity with the above listed building permit. The 1997 Uniform BuiHing Gode, Section 106.4.4' requires evidence of construction progress each 1E0 days to avoid expiration of a permit' As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permit has expired. lf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. You will be invoiced for the plan check fee if one was charged' Feel free to contact me at 970479-2142 or Lynne Campbell d97O479-2150 with any questions. April18, 2003 Vogelman West Associates P O BOX 921 Avon, CO 81645 Re: Building Permits not picked up: To Whom lt May Concern: CD/lc SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ?00e 1080 000{h9a0 bs13 BO1-0288 Groteau Residence,400 E. Meadow Dr#2 harles E. Davis Chief Building Official t **oruo I Compl6t6 itoms 1, 2, and 3. Also comd€te item 4 if Roslricted Dollv€ry F de€F€d.I Print your name and addr€ss on th€ nevet3e so thet we can bturn th€ card to You.t Attaoh this card lo the back of tho rnailpleca' or on the front if sPace PermitE. 1. Articlo AddrEssd to: VOGEIXAN T|EST ASSOC. P.o. Box 92L 2$ Avoil, co 816flL O. ls d€tlwly sdd|€ss dttr€€rf tio lf YES. ento. d€livory add6ssletu/,ilttn,b fla ad 3. So|.lca TYP6IE C"rrn"o u"it E BrolstoFd E lnsur€d Mail tr ExprEo Mall n Rdurn Rccalpt tor Morchandl$ E c.o.D. 4. R€Gtrlct€d o€livciyl (Exta F@) E Yes 2. Anicb Nu.nb€r (ffirrffit',aias|/)7002 l(xn (xr 5980 6513 O#mtrntuo.ht 'IGG{'!ai}m PS Fdrn 3EJ 1, Atgud 2001 m l-.lIJ' '-! cf EOtr.Jl -oc: Ef, IJ cl (:f,.{ ru EIct rL postage Certifled Fee Fetlrn Receipt Fee (EndoGsment Requi€d) Fleskicl€d Delivery Fee (Endorsoment Fgquired) Total Postag€ e F€es % ?ta ll{LliUl,tlt iUrrys -, -uniComm ty Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Workq Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Dominic F. Mauriello, eonouou.nlLDevetopment Postlt9 Fax Note 7671 ,^" 5i)olqclt^91",r"5+€^/{- R!'le,^From .\,(Js ^4. rr\ i L Co./Depl.co' (-,,n- oer.tPhone*JA14&,phone# 4 fr_Zi+y '*o q{ 1,- 6to4 Fax # 4t0fuC pb'nl, otte ?qt a.- A.+1.413 er'e ect Description:Rework of aparhnents, new patio, new stairs to replace old two that exist. E-mail me with vour commcnts. m a6.-' frru.ht>>t & a ra)*- ..r\ TLvt kJ Dn^ni, .I Dr,-[. \ ;;"T; rnr-t. €traL)s. Ju u/-.-- arnS,,l't ,tu?Lm r/- lrl SLi ,!xo;,4*"tl-=. a"--L ,^,\^*L (-, {' 1", vw,.,-.,e-J tr+l c,rf "\,4; om qra)jnq c*J i*)**r(o^'f(./,7 f,w\ F/lll/i:,rt w\ t+'bRJ^ J J \ I.J"A ,\A ac ?,? t l{t I Date received: Reviewed bv:Date reviewed: Community Development Plan Ro I uting Form Approved X Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions fgvxz.r:d.. mL\rcx-l Iq. lqq it Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works 'RtC'0 '-iAfr t 4 1996 Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Dominic F. Mauriello, Community Developrnent 400 E. Mcadow Dr. Rernodcl of existing apartrnents. Convertirry two apaxtnents to one. No change in GRFDescription: ..Iftre\lar3bLt.t4Ir'rqc,..rz^.:.gosic&t3.rrc,.r$s.c,r:eJc'r@ vi<]e cl 6of ug.l (Y"lc,uvrr inly Aen 0.,r|,0rrYlrlyfow Cxt the pr<tn. !s thr', ,n t$:{<r-rrf o: tr'c-}-cF viacrrrt\x<)'3 f :\e\aryoneuom\Ioirdorm tr $ t, l,l- i.iii:i,i 1,".: "l:Ii \ -)- \\ \\ \\t\ \.. \\ r t< oI Jr1ii$!l d$ I tr J I 6r 4-1 0s-z -t :I *{ 6$ilp ,,:q ) .--i N-/\rJl *Sd --I \-ltc r 9r$ L :l {PI rll { 1glf,+ b-t up /l l1llxhb/ {t I fs $i dlu $'f:l? :i!lJ h$ { 'gt $U:l? $$ s $i +s+i $f$ iS _t Fi I + rit *i$ii -l ;$t- []l tr --@ /$I f.,J l/J":t ;=[FTI $ F= '9{-ttt r ,d\$ _tfri\.t Ar! L I ;J ' -JI J $* r$fi,o( s $$1 t$i r $*i$ ,/: q tPi {' U 1.o3:1 L bl 'll a I \ \ ..1' r-'ti' ; I tY- e$-t ).-l f-r .-! l'^\l'l$r iilIil t.-l ^ {il\rl ,,1 I