HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB MAJOR SDD AMENDMENT DENIED MAY 4 1999 LEGALC*l /''t/n1n r'n t / I /'rt/Z'rt4t fuer$s, /a',tfln"r*c /er/ Arlei- u'4 Llqh lbb A4"/4tu"-f ' {n g'*}z f/r7r7 ta Vail Athletic Club March, 1999 Major SDD amendment (Denied by Council May 4, Leee) a I MMIOFVITL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, Colorad'o 81657 970-479-2138 FAX e70-479-2452 June 4, 1999 Stan Cope 352 E. Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Vail Athl*ic Club-Major SDD Amendment (March 1999) Dear Stan: The Town council, at its May 4,lggg me€ting, denied your proposal to amendment the special Development District for the Vail Athletic Club. The approval granted in 1998 remains approved until May I , 2000. You must begin construction Uy thaidate a.n-d "continue diligently toward conqrlction ofthe project" for that approval to rimain valid. If you wish to alow ihat approval io expire you have the option of seeking a new SDD approvat oi havlng the SDD ..,',ou"d fton' the propeny (by ordinance) and developing in accordance with the underlying zoning of Public Accommodation' Thank you for your patience in the proccss and I look forward to working with you in the future' If you have any questions, please call me ar 479-2148' Do-minY F. Mauriello, AICP Chief of Planning {S*"n"ur*o ., I VAIL TOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 7:00 P.M. tN TOV GOUNCTL CHAMBERS AGENDA NorE: Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relieil upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. 1t.CITIZEN PARTICIPAT|ON. (5 mins.) CONSENT AGENDA: (5 mins.)A. Approve the Minutes from the meetings of April 6 and 20, 1999. Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1 999, An Ordinance Amending A Special Development District - SDD No. 30 (VailAthletic Club) And Repeating A And Reenacting Ordinance No. 3, Series Of 1998, To Allow For A Change In The Number Of Dwelling Units/Accommodation Units, Modifications In Square Footage And GRFA; And Amending The Development Plan In Accordance With Title 12, Chapter 9, Of The Vail Municipal Code And Setting Forth Details In Regard Thereto. (1 hr.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCTL: Approve/Modify/Deny Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, on first reading. BACKGROUND MTIONALE: The VailAthtetic Ctub (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by Stan Cope and John Perkins, has submitted a request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #30 (as amended by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1998) to allow for a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46 (or 48), an increase in the number of dwelling units from 3 to 4 (new dwelling unit to contain one lock-off unit), and an increase in GRFA as shown in the table attached to this memorandum. The changes are proposed due to financing constraints (the need to have additional revenue from the sale of a dwelling unit) and also the desire to construct larger accommodation units which the applicant states are more suitable for a first class boutique hotel. The applicant is asking for some flexibility in the exact number of accommodation units so that final design and costing can determine whether they provide 46 AUs or 48 AUs (48 is the maximum number they can have based on parking requirements). Additionally, the owner of a condominium on the fifth floor (Angelo) is proposing to add a dormer and 713 sq. ft. of GRFA to their unit. This condominium owner is entitled to add this space and dormer under the interior conversion ordinance (Section 12-1541which was passed last year regardless of this SDD amendment, however, they have agreed to bring this request forward with the VAC application so that it can be viewed with the other improvements. Below is a summary of the changes (it should lre noted that final hotel room design has not been completed and therefore there could be minor shifts in floor area to accommodate maid storage and other necessary common area improvements): There is a slight reduction in common area (52 sq. ft.) from the 1998 approval. z 2 Dominic Mauriello Common Area: t I AUs: DUs: EHUs: Parking: The number of AUs is reduced to 46 units. The GRFA allocated to all AUs decreased approximately 10Yo or 2,337 sq. ft. Most of the existing accommodation units are approximately 300 sq. ft. Some new accommodation units are proposed at 500+ sq. ft. The number of DUs is being increased by one unit (3 DUs to 4). The new proposed unit is approximately 3,700 sq. ft. in area. The west condo now has a lock-off associated with it. The number of EHUs remains the same at 4 units. The square footage allocated is being reduced by 39 sq. ft. The sizes range from 220 sq. ft. to 3S0 sq. ft. The proposal reduces the demand for parking by 2 parking spaces (from22 to 20 spaces). The applicant still proposes 22 spaces on-site. The proposed changes to the building do not result in an amended footprint or modifications to the site plan. The previously approved site plan and conditions of approval are proposed to be canied fonarard. The building elevations are modified by the addition of several dormers on the south and north elevations of the building and the enclosure of areas that were previously balconies. The DRB will be required to review these changes to the building. overall the changes are minor in terms of bulk and miss or impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed building continues to meet the definition of a lodge with 64% of the GRFA devoted to accommodation units and 36% devoted to dwelling units (includes lock-off)- See the attached PEC for greater detail. The PEC recommended approval of the proposal at its April 26, 199g meeting subject to the following conditions: 1. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site rmprovement approvals continue to apply. 2. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. 3. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the north side oithe bridge to the front entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). 5. The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a building permit for the project. 6. That the number of AIJs falt in the range between 46-4g. (added by PEC). 7. That the total square footage of the four EHU,s be nof /ess than 1,149 sg. ,?. - 1,300 sq. ft. (added by pEC). 4. Tom Moorhead Bob McLaurin Greg Hall Richard Brinlkley of Holy Cross b. George Ruther Jerry Wurhman STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1999, on first reading. Ordinance No. 13, Series Of 1999, First Reading Of An Ordinance Of The Town Of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado Granting A Franchise To Holy Gross Energy, lts Successors And Assigns, To Locate, Build, Install, Construct, Acquire, Purchase, Extend, Maintain, Repair And Operation Into, Within And Through The Town Of Vail, All Necessary And Convenient Facilities For The Purchase, Generation, Transmission And Distribution Of Electrical Energy, And To Furnish, SellAnd Distribute Said Electrical Energy To The Residents Of The Town Of Vail For Light, Heat, Power And Other Purposes By Means Of Conduits, Cables, poles And Wires Strung Thereon, Or Otherwise On, Over, Under, Along, Across And Through All Streets And Other Public Ways ln Said Town Of Vail, And Fixing The Terms And Conditions Thereof. (30 Mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, deny, modify Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1999 on first reading. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: BAGKGROUND RATTONALE: Since February 27, 1979, the Town and Holy Cross Energy have been partners in an Electric Utility Franchise Agreement. That Agreement by its terms, was to expire of February 27, 1999 and has by the Vail Town Council, in Resolution No. 3, Series of 1999, extended that Franchise for a oeriod not to exceed ninety (90) days. The Town Manager, the Town Attorney and Acting public Works Director have been negotiating terms and conditions for a renewal of the Franchise Agreement with Holy Cross Energy. The two principle areas of discussion have been the franchise fee and the allocation of costs of undergrounding power lines within the area of the Franchise Agreement. In regard to the franchise fee, it is currenily set at 3%, which is consistent with other municipalities with whom Holy Cross Energy has franchise agreements. lt is anticipated that the franchise fee will generate a payment to the Town of Vail in the amount of $318,000 for 1999. The Town Manager will address the franchise fee and the possibility of an increase thereto. In the Franchise Agreement, for the first time, there appears a Community Enhancement Fund. Pursuant to the terms of the Franchise Agreement Holy Cross Energy commits to creating a fund equal to 1% of the prior year's gross revenues annually. This fund, which is available to be utilized for a number of community purposes including the undergrounding of overhead electric and other utility lines, will generate approximately $100,000 per year for the term of the agreement. Under the present terms of the Franchise Agreement the cost for undergrounding overhead facilities falls upon the Town of Vail. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1999 on first reading. Ordinance No.11, Series of 1999, second reading of an ordinance repealing and re-enacting Ordinance No. 23, Series of 1998 and Ordinance No. 1 ,1 999, to provide for amendments to Development Area A, Cascade Village, that concern the Approved Development Plan for the Westhaven Condominiums Development Site and the accessory and conditional uses allowed in the Vail Cascade Club & Hotel, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (15 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve, approve with conditions, or deny Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, on second reading. 7. Tom Moorhead BACKGROUND MTTONALE: On January 11, 1999, the ptanning & Environmental commission reviewed and recommended approvat or a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to ailow for the construction of eleven fractional fee club units, seventeen accommodation units and twenty-one employee housing units on the site of the ,,Ruins,'. On December 28, 1998, the planning & Environmental Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to allow for the accessory use of the iennis facility for special events and conference facilities at theVail cascade club ' & Hotel. on october 26, 1998, the Planning & Environmental commission reviewed and recommended approval of a major amendment to special Development District No. 4 to allow for a "transportation business" as a conditional use within the District, subject to the issuance of a conditional use permit. copies of the staff memoranda to the planning & Environmental commission for each of the three requests are attached for reference. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council approve Ordinance No. 11, Series of 1999, on second reading. Resolution No. 6, Series of 199g, a Resolution Adopting A Two-Tier System Of Qualifications For The purchase Of Unit 36. East Vail Lodging. (30 mins.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Approve or deny Resotution No. 6, Series of 1999. BACKGROUND RATTONALE: Unit 36, Vait East Lodging (A Condominium) has been purchased by the Town of Vail as the first affordable housing 'buy- down' unit and is presenfly being offered for sale with deed restrictions ioa qualified buyer at a reduced price of $140,000. This sales price is comparable to the purchase prices developed for buyers of the Red sandstone Townhomes and consistent with other deed restricted programs established by the Town of Vail. To qualify to purchase the unit at thiJdeed restricted price, potential purchasers must: Currently own no other real estate in Eagle County; Use the residence as an owner-occupied primary home; Work in Eagle County a minimum of thirty (30) hours per week over the course of a year and plan to continue working that same amount until the sale of the property or retirement; . Agree to a re-sale cap of three (3%) percent annual appreciation. This unit is subject to the rights of first refusal held by other condominium unit owners in the Vail East Lodging association. In oider to recognize this right of first refusal and enable present owners to qualifo for purchase of this unit, it is suggested that the unit be available to a second tiei purchaser free from any qualifications or deed restriction. The second tier purchase price will be a minimum of fair market value plus any additional costs incurred by the Town during its time of ownership. ln the event the unit is sold at the fai market price there would be no deed restrictions on the unit. srAFF RECOMMENDATToN: Adopt Resorution No. 6, series of 1999. Town Manager's Report. (5 mins.) Adjournment - 9:30 p.m. 8. Y. NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL lIMES ARE APPROIIIIATE AtID SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT vAtL rowN?dulc-rfnEdur_ln woRK sEsstoN wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/11/99, BEGINNING AT 2:00 P.M. lN Tov couNcll CHAMBERS. THE FOLLOWING VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5r18/99, BEctNNtNG AT 2:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. THE NEXTVAILTOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING wlLL BE oN TUESDAY, 5/18/99, BEGINNING AT ?:00 p.M. tN Tov couNctL CHAMBERS. Sign language interpretation available ,pon requeii ilitE zZ nour notification. please call cle-isgzvoice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Ci\AGENDA.TC oNote: Bold text indicat& section changed from Ordinance INo.3,Series of 1998. ORDINANCE NO.12 Series of 1999 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT. SDD No.30 (VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB) AND REPEAL|NG AND REENACTTNG ORDTNANCE NO.3, SERTES OF 1998, TO ALLOW FOR A CHANGE IN THE NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS/ACCOMMODATION UNITS, MODIFIGATIONS IN SOUARE FOOTAGE AND GRFA; AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN IN ACCORDANCE WITH TITLE 12, CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, Title 12, Chapter g, of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes special development Ior a certain parcel ot property within the Town, known as the Vail Athletic Club and as SpecialrAr ''i, | 7q7,Development District No.30 ("SDD No.30");and f V\eLttl WHEREAS, the Major Special Development District nmendmEftor SDD No. 30 will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously recommended approval of the amendment to the SDD at its April 26, 1999 meeting;and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend SDD No. 30. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TO\^/N COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled. Planning Commission Report. The review procedures prescribed in Title 12, Chapter g, of the Vail Municipal Code have been fultilled, and the Town Council has received the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed amendment to the development plan for SDD No.30. Section 2. Special Development District No. 30. SDD No. 30 and the amended development plan therefore, are hereby approved for the redevelopment of The Vail Athletic Club. Section 3. Puroose SDD No. 30 is established to insure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail. The development is regarded S.rbs 01 1999 as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and meets the design standards as set forth in Title 12, Chapter 9, of the Municipal Code. As stated in the staff memorandum dated September 27,1993, there are significant aspects of SDD No.30 which are difficult to satisfy through the imposition of the standards ol lhe Public Accommodation Zone District. SDD No. 30 allows for greater llexibility in the development of the land than would be possible under the current zoning ol the property. SDD No. 30 provides an appropriate development plan that maintains the unique character of this site and the surroundino area. Section 4. Develooment Plan A. The amended development plan for SDD No. 30 is approved and shall constitute the plan for development within the Special Development District. The amended development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1. Site Plan and Landscape Plan by JMP Architects, Inc., Project Architect, dated February 13, 1998;and Land Designs by Ellison, Inc. (Sheets L-1 and L-2)dated Aprill,1997. 2. Survey completed by Alpine Engineering, Inc., dated July 12, 1996. 3. Building Elevations by JMP Architects, Inc., Proiect Architect, dated February 19,1999. 4. Floor plans by JMP Architects, Inc., Project Architect, dated March 18, 1999, (Lower Health Club, Upper Health Club, First Floor Plan, Second Floor Plan, Third Floor PIan, Fourth Floor Plan, and Fifth Floor Plan). 5. Shadow Studies for September 21st and December 21st by Michael Barclay, Project Architect; dated November 1 1. 1995. 6. Other general submittal documents that define the development standards of the Special Development District. S€ras ol rggg B.The development plan shall adhere lo the following: 1. Lot Size: 30,486 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: 7. 3. 4. a. Accommodation Units. b. Dwelling Units. c. Employee Housing Units. d. Health Club. e, RestauranURetail. Accessory Uses: All other uses accessory or incidental to the allowed uses. Setbacks: The setbacks shall be those shown on the site olan. DensiW: Approval of this development plan shall permit 46 - 48 Accommodation Units (AU), 4 Dwelling Units (DU) (3 with lock-offs) and four (4) Type lV Employee Housing Units. The developer shall permanently restrict all AUs as short-term rental units and AUs shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The Condominium Declarations shall be amended to include this restriction before an occupancy permit will be released for the project. Building Height: Building height shall be as indicated on the elevations. Parking: A minimum of twenty-two (22) valet parking spaces shall be provided within the existing parking structure. The developer agrees that the area adjacent to the parking structure[s entry, and the area adjacent to the main entry to the hotel (on East Meadow Drive), shall be designated and used for short-term drop-off and loading/delivery use only. GRFA / Common Area: The total GRFA allowed shall be approximately 36,492 square feet: with approximately 22,671 square feet for Accommodation Units; 12,672 square feet odinanc6 No. 12 Selbs ol1999 5. 6. 8. L 10. for Dwelling Units; and 1,149 square feet for Employee Housing Units. Site Coverage: The site coverage shall be as indicated on the Site Plan and Floor Plans. Employee Housing: The developer shall provide four (4) Type lV Employee Housing Units on-site, which shall be restricted per Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code prior to the release of any Temporary or Final Certificate of Occupancy for the project. Additionally, the developer shall provide one one-bedroom employee housing unit and one two-bedroom employee housing unit. These employee housing units shall be located off-site, shall be located within lhe Town of Vail municipal boundary and shall be restricted per Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. The employee housing restriction agreement shall be signed and submitted to the staff for approval before a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy will be released for the project. The units shall meet the minimum standards according to Title 12, Chapter 13, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Landscaoino: The area of the site to be landscaped shall be as indicated on the landscape plan. The developer shall finance and construcl the approved landscaping, generally located on the south side of the building (between the building and the streamwalk). The developer shall maintain this area in perpetuity, Streetscape: The developer shall finance and construct a heated concrete unit paver walkway and lighting according to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master Plan, parallel to both the northem and eastern property boundaries ol the Vail Athletic Club property, continuing south on the west side of Vail Valley Drive. The walkway will extend across the Gore Creek Bridge as indicated on the Site/Landscape Plan, however, the walkway on the bridge will not be heated nor will the bridge be widened by the developer. Stamped engineered drawings shall be submitted for these improvements to the Town of Vail Engineer for approval, prior to the release of any Building Permit(s) for the project. The developer shall maintain the sidewalk, lighting Odinanc€ No 12 SsrEs. o! 1999 11. 't2. t and other streetscape improvements in perpetuity. Section 5. Conditions 1. 2. 3. Section 6. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Title 1 2, Chapter 3, Section 6 (S12-3-6) and Title 'l2, Chapter 9A, Section 10 (S12-9A-10) of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The Community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 7. Expiration fie developer must begin construction of the Speclal Development District f30 by May 1, 2001 and continue diligently toward completion of the proiect. The developer must meet the requirements of litle 12, Ghapter 9A, Sectlon 12 (S12-9A-12) of the Municipal Gode of the Town of Vail. Section 8 lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity oJ the remaining portions of this ordinance; Odiinsnc€ llo l2 ScrLr ol1999 4. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site improvement approvals continue to apply. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or final certificate of occupancy. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the north side of the bridge to the lront entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a building permit for the project. That the total square footage of the four EHU's be not less than 1,149 sq. ft. - 1,300 sq. ft. 5. o. and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the lact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 9 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment ol any provision ol the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provisions or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST HEADING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE lN FULL, this 4th day of May, 1999, and a public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on the 18th day of May, 1 999, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk Odinarce ib. 12 S€rier ol 1999 a READ, AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED IAtEUlt this 18th day of May, 1999. Rob Ford, Mayor Attest: Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk odinaft! tlo. 12 3€.i$ol1990 llqsORDINANCE NO.3 Series of 1998 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A spEctAL DEVELOPMENT DtsrRrcr _ sDD No. 30 (vAtLATII!5]]C.C!UB) AND ORDINANCE #2, SERIES OF 1996, TO ALLOW FOR A CHANGE INTHE NUMBER oF DWELLING uNlrs/hccouMoDAnou uruii5, rvroDtFtcATloNs tNcoMMoN AREA seuARE FoorAGE AND GRFA; MoDtFrcATroN oF THE EHU TTMINGREQUIREMENTS; AND AMENDING THE DEVELOPMENT PLAN tN AccoRDANcE WITHTITLE 12, CHAPTER 9, OF THE VAIL MUNICTPAL CODE EruO iririltc FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS' Title 12' Chapter g, of the Vail Municipal Code authorizes special development districti within the Town; and WHEREAS, the developer and applicant, JWT 1987 Vail Limited partnership (aka The Vail Athletic club), has submitted an application for a Major special Development District Amendment for a certain parcel of property within the Town, known as the Vail Athletic club and as special Development District No.30 (.SDD No. 30,'); and WHEREAS, the Major Special Development District Amendment for SDD No. 30 will ensure unified and coordinated development within the Town of Vail in a manner suitable for the area in which it is situated: and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has unanimously recommended approvar of the amendment to the sDD at its February g, lggg meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend sDD No. 30. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO. THAT: The review procedures prescribed in Title 12, chapter g, of the Vail Municipal code have been fulfilled, and the Town council has received the report of the planning and Environmental commission recommending approval of the proposed amendment to the development plan for SDD No. 30. SDD No. 30 and the amended development plan therefore, are hereby aporoved for the redevelopment of The Vail Athletic Club. Section 3. Purpose sDD No' 30 is established to insure comprehensive development and use ot an areain a manne' that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town of Vail. The development is Ordinance No. 3 Series of 199E o regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town council and meets the design standards as set forth in Title 12. chapter 9, of the Municipal code. As stated in the staff memorandum dated september 27,1993, there are signiflcant aspects of sDD No. 30 which are difficult to satisfy through the imposition of the standards of the Public Accommodation Zone District. sDD No. 30 allows for greater flexibility in the development of the land than would be possible under the current zoning of the property. SDD No. 30 provides an appropriate development plan that maintains the unique character of this site and the surrounding area. Section 4. Development plan A' The amended development plan for SDD No. 30 is approved and shall constitute the plan fdr development within the Special Development District. The amended development plan is comprised of those plans submitted by the developer/applicant and consists of the following documents: 1' Site Plan and Landscape Plan by JMP Architects, Inc., project Architect, dated February 13, 1998; and Land Designs by Eilison, Inc. (sheets L-1 and L-2) dated Aprit 1, 1997. 2. Survey completed by Alpine Engineering, Inc., dated July 12, 19g6. 3' Building Elevations by JMP Architects, Inc., Project Architect, dated February 13, 1998. 4' Froor prans by JMp Architects, Inc., project Architect, dated February 13, lggg (Lower Health Club, Upper Health Club, First Floor Plan, Second Floor plan, Third . Floor plan, Fourth Floor plan, and Fifth Floor plan). 5' Building Sections by JMP Architects, Inc., Project Architect, dated February 1p, ' 1998. 6' Shadow Studies for september 21st and December 21st by Michael Barclay, Project Architect; dated November 1 1, 199b. 7 ' Other general submittal documents that define the development standards of the Special Development District. B. The development plan shall adhere to the following: 1. Lot Size: 30,4S6 square feet. 2. Permitted Uses: a. Accommodation Units. b. Dwelling Units. Ordinanco No. 3 Serbt ot t99E c. Employee Housing Units. d. Health Ctub. e. RestauranURetail. 3. Accessory Uses: All other uses accessory or incidental to the allowed uses. 4. Setbacks: The setbacks shall be those shown on the site plan. 5. Density: Approval of this development plan shall permit fifty-four (54) Accommodation Units (AU), three (3) Dweiling Units (DU) (two with tock,offs) and four (a) Type tV Employee Housing Units. The developer shall permanently restrict the approved 54 AU's as short-term rental units and the 54 AU's shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The Condominium Declarations shall be amended to include this restriction before an occupancy permit will be released for the project. 6. Buildino Height: ' Building height shall be as indicated on the elevations. 7. Parking: A minimum of twenty-two (22) valet parking spaces shall be provided within the existing parking structure. The developer agrees that the area adjacent to the parking structure's entry, and the area adjacent to the main entry to the hotel (on East Meadow Drive), shall be designated and used for short{erm drop-off and loading/delivery use only. 8. GRFA / Common Area: The total GRFA allowed shall be 34,266 square feet with 25,008 square feet for Accommodation units; 8,070 square feet for Dwelling Units; and 1 ,1 gg square feet for Employee Housing Units. Additionally, the total common area allowed shall be 15,945 square feet. 9. Site Coverage: The site coverage shall be as indicated on the site plan and Floor plans. OtdinarEc No. 3 S.rb6 of t998 10.Employee Housing: The developer shall provide four (4) Type lv Employee Housing Units on-site, which shall be restricted per Tifle 1 2, chapter 13, of the Town of Vair Municipar Gode prior to the rerease of any Temporary certificate of occupancy for the project. Additionally, the deveroper shall provide one one-bedroom emproyee housing unit and one two-bedroom emproyee housing unit. These employee housing units sharl be located off-site, shail be rocared within the Town of vair municipar boundary and shall be restricted per Tifle 12, chapter 1 3, of rhe Town of Vair Municipar code. The employee housing restriction agreement shall be signed and submitted to the staff for approval before a Temporary certificate of occupancy wiil be rereased for the project. The units shail meet the minimum standards according to Tifle 12, chapter 13, of the Town of VailMunicipalCode. Landscapin$ The area of the site to be randscaped shafi be as indicated on the randscape pran. The developer shail finance and construct the approved randscaping, generaily located on the south side of the buirding (between the buirding and the streamwark). The developer shall maintain this area in perpetuity. Streetscaoe: The developer shalr finance and construct a heated concrete unit paver warlrway and lighting according to the Town of Vail Streetscape Master plan, parallel to both the northern and eastern property boundaries of the Vair Athretic crub propeny, continuing south on the west side of vair Vailey Drive. The warkway wifl extend across the Gore creek Bridge as indicated on the site/Landscape pran, however, the walkway on the bridge wilr not be heated nor wiil the bridge be widened by the developer. stamped engineered drawings shall be submitted for these improvements to the Town of Vair Engineer for approvar, prior to the rerease of any Buirding Permit(s) for the project. The deveroper shat maintain the deverooer improved sidewalk, lighting and other streetscape improvements in perpetuity. Ordinanca No. 3 Scri$ ot 1998 1',t. 12. o Section 5. Conditions 1' That the applicant permanently deed restrict the 54 accommodation units as short-term rental units, and that the 54 accommodation units shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The condominium declarations for the Vail Athletic Club shall be amended to include this requirement. These items shall be completed prior to the Town's release of any occupancy permits for the building 2. The applicant shall execute and have recorded at the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder,s Office, the Town's Type lV empoyee Housing Agreement for the four employee housing units proposed in the structure. This shall be required prior to the Town's release of any occupancy permits for the building. 3' Construction drawings, for all the site planning/streetscape improvements included as a part of this project' shall be submitted for the review and approval by the Town Engineer. This shall be required prior to final review by the Design Review Board. 4' That the proposed oversized shingles not be used as the exterior siding materials for the building and that the applicant use siding materials such as stucco, wood and stone, subject to final Design Review Board review and approval. 5. That all the deck rails and the exterior siding of the building be consistent with regard to desigh, matedal and color, and that this requirement shall include the two existing condominiums on the third and fourth floors of the building. Section 6. Amendments Amendments to the approved development plan which do not change its substance may be approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled public hearing in accordance with the provisions of Title 12, Chapter 3, Section 6 (512-3-6) and T]fle 12, Chapter. 9A, Section 10 (S12-9A-10) of the Vail Municipal Code. Amendments which do change the substance of the development plan shall be required to be approved by the Town Council after the above procedure has been followed. The community Development Department shall determine what constitutes a change in the substance of the development plan. Section 7. Exoiration The developer must begin construction of Special Development District #30 by May 1, 2000 and continue diligently toward completion of the project, The developer must meet the requirements of ritle 12, chapter 9A, section 12 (s12-9A-12) of the Municipal code of the Town of Vait. Ordlnance No. 3 Sarils ot 1 898 Section 8 lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance: and the Town council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, anct each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, crauses or phrases be decrared invarid. Section 9 i The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Vail Municipal code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provisions or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED oNcE lN FULL, this 17th day of February, 1998, and a pubtic hearing shal be hetdL on this ordinance on the 7th day of April, 1998, at 7:00 p.m. in the council chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ,/,' '// i/r-u4. .r -4 |t,' -- _''\- J " t Lt \"--\ Ludwig Kuz, Mpyor pro-Tem Attest: READ, AND APPROVED ON SECOND READTNG AND ORDERED PUBLISHEDIILEIJIL this 7thday of April, 199$un,rr',rnn"- Rob Ford, Mayor Ordinance No. 3 S.rlra of 1998 ? "/-, Attest: ,o PLANNING AND EM/IRONMENTAL COIIIiIISSION PUBLIC MEETING SCHEDULE Monday, April25, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Prolect Orientation / PEC ,VO LUNCH - Communiw Develooment Deoaftment None MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Diane Golden Brian Dolon Tom Weber Chas Bemhardt Doug Cahill Site Visits : MEMBERS ABSENT NOTE: lf the PEC hearing €fends until 6:00 p.m., the board willbreak for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Public Hearinq - Town Council Chambers 2:fl1 p.m. 1. Swearing in of new PEC members Chas Bernhardt and Doug Cahill and reappointed PEC member John Schofield - Lorelei Donaldson. Town Clerk. 2' Erection or leee VlHt-d,o,T*llo,l'ilo.,"no (ChairA/ice-Chair terms expire 4/1 /00) 3. A request for a final review of an amendment to Special Development District #30 (VAC), to allow for an additional dwelling unit and the reduction of accommodation units, located at the Vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins.Planner: Dominic Mauriello/Brent Wilson MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE:7-0 RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH 7 GONDITIONS: 1. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site improvement approvals. continue lo apply. 2. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. I it . -\." [-.- $,t None Driver: George KEX 1o 3. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or {inal certificate of occupancy. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the nofth side of the bridge to the front entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). 5. The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a buiHing permit lor the project. 6. That the number of AU's fall in the range between 4648. 7. mat the total square footage of the four EHU's be not less than 1,149 sq. ft. - 1,300 sq. ft. 4. A request for a linal review of an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon O{fice Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt Segerberg, Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 1999 5. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, fo allow for an encroachment into the required side setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 1999 6. A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a lront setback and Section 12-1 0-8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane i Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creek SuMivision. Applicant: Montogomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 1999 7. A request for a linal review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 32'l E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead zno Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL MAY 10. 1999 t -8. A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Hiva Glen/ Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 19!X' L A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at 2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 1999 10. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9 (Site Coverage) of the Town of Vail. Municipal Code, to allow for site coverage in excess ot 20o/o and a variance from Section 12-6D-6 (Front Setbacks) ol the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the front setback on a Primary/Secondary Residential zoned lot, located at 362 Mill Creek Circle / Lor I, Block 1, VailVillage First Filing. Applicant: Walter Forbes, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL MAY 10, 1999 11. Inlormation Update. 1999 PEC rep- to the DRB - Apr. - Jun, - Tom Weber Jul. - Sep. - Chas Bemhardt Oct. - Dec. - Galen Aasland Jan. - Mar. 00 - Doug Cahill . 1999 AIPP Appointment - (Diane Gotden-1998) . 1999 Open Space CommiBee - (Galen Aasland - 1998) 12. Approval of April 12, 1999 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oflice hours in the project planner's otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Departmenl, 75 South Frontage Road. SBn hnguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour no[tication. Please call 479-2356, Telephone for the Herhg lmpaired. fur info rmation. Communig Darelopment Department TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: '(a MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Communify Development Department April26, 1999 A request for an amendment to Special Development District #30 (VAC), to allow for an additional dwelling unit and reduction of accommodation units, located at the vail Athletic club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, vail Village First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John Perkins John and Judy Angelo, represented by Ken Robertson and Larry EslwithPlanner: Dominic Mauriello I. DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND OF THE BEQUEST The Vail Athletic Club (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by Stan Cope and John Perkins, has submitted a request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #30 (as amended by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1998) to allow for a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46 (or 48), an increase in the number of dwelling units from 3 to 4 (new dwelling unit to contain one lock-off unit), and an increase in GRFA as shown in the table attached to this memorandum. The changes are proposed due to financing constraints (the need to have additional revenue from the sale of a dwelling unit) and also the desire lo construct larger accommodation units which the applicant states are more suitable lor a first class boutique hotel. The applicant is asking for some flexibility in the exact number of accommodation units so that final design and costing can determine whether they provide 46 AUs or 48 AUs (48 is the maximum number they can have based on parking requirements). Additionally, the owner of a condominium on the fifth floor (Angelo) is proposing to add a dormer and 713 sq. ft. of GRFA to their unit. This condominium owner is entitled to add this space and dormer under lhe interior conversion ordinance (Section 12-15-41which was passed last year regardless of this SDD amendmenl, however, they have agreed to bring this request forward with the VAC application so that it can be viewed with the other improvements. Below is a summary of the changes (it should be noted that final hotel room design has not been completed and therefore there could be minor shifts in floor area to accommodate maid storage and other necessary common area improvements): Common Area: AUs: There is a slight reduction in common area (52 sq. ft.) from the 1998 approval. The number of AUs is reduced to 46 units. T'he GRFA allocated to all AUs decreased approximately 10o/o ot 2,337 sq. ft. Most of the existing accommodation units are approximately 300 sq. ft. Some new accommodation units are proposed at 500+ sq. ft. F:\EVERYON E\PEC\MEMOS\99WAC2. DO C EHUs: The number of DUs is being increased by one unit (3 DUs to 4). The new proposed unit is approximately 3,700 sq. ft. in area. The west condo now has a lock-off associated with it. The number of EHUs remains the same at 4 units. The square footage allocated is being reduced by 39 sq. ft. The sizes range lrom 220 sq. ft. to 350 sq. ft. The proposal reduces the demand for parking by 2 parking spaces (trom 22 to 20 spaces). The applicant still proposes 22 spaces on- site. Parking: The proposed changes to the building do not result in an amended footprint or modifications to the site plan. The previously approved site plan and conditions of approval are proposed to be canied lonryard. The building elevations are modified by the addition of several dormers on the south and north elevations of the building and the enclosure of areas that were previously balconies. The DRB will be required to review these changes to the building. Overall the changes are minor in terms of bulk and mass or impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed building continues to meet the definition of a lodge with 54% of the GRFA devoted to accommodation units and 36% devoted to dwelling units (includes lock-off). Reductions of the proposed floor plans are attached. In 1998 the applicant received approval to eliminate one dwelling unit and one accommodation unit and make other interior and exterior changes to the building. See the attached spreadsheets for additional history on approvals. II. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communlty Development Department recommends approval of the proposed amendments subject to the following linding: That the proposed major amendment to Special Development District #30 (Vail Athletic Club) complies with the nine design criteria outlined in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town Code. Additionally, the applicant has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Commission that any adverse effects of the requested deviation from the development standards of the underlying zoning are outweighed by the public benefits provided. The recommendation of approval is also subject to the following conditions: 1. That the previous site plan, landscape, and off-site improvement approvals continue to apply. 2. That the Design Review Board review and approve the proposed changes to the building. 3. That the applicant deed restrict the 4, Type lll, Employee Housing Units in accordance with the Town Code prior to obtaining a temporary or linal certilicate ol occupancy. 4. The applicant shall be responsible for all of the public improvements of the original approval (including heating the sidewalk adjacent to property from the north side FIEVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\99WAC2.DOG 2 DUs: o (l of the bridge to the front entry of the VAC building and provide stone veneer on the access to the parking structure, per the approved plans, etc.). 5. The applicant shall provide and receive approval of a complete set of engineered civil drawings for all public improvements prior to receiving a building permit for the project. III. ZONING ANALYSIS This analysis shows the comparison of the current proposed amendment with the underlying zoning. See attached spreadsheet for comparison with 1993 - 1998 amendments. ttarics denobs no change from previous approvals. Underlying Zoning: Public Accommodation (PA) Lot Area: 30,486 sq. ft. Standard PAzoninq 1999 Proposal GRFA: 24,388 sq. ft. (80%) 36,492 sq. ft. (includes 713 sq. ft. inlerior conversion by separate app.) Density: 25 DUs per acre 28.33 DUs (AUs are 0.5 of a DU or 17.5 DUs (46 -48 AUs, 4 DUs, & 4 EHUs) and EHU's are 0.333 of a DU) Landscape area: 9,145 sq. ft. (min) 9,730 sq. ft. (N/C) Site Coverage: 16,767 sq. ft. 21,350 sq. ft. (N/C) Parking: 20 spaces 22 spaces (N/C) (per 1977 vaiance) Building height: 48' 67'South, sg'Notth (N/C) VI. AMENDMENT PBOCEDURE The proposed changes described in Section I are considered to be Major Amendments to the 1993 approved SDD and subsequent amendments. As stated in the Zoning Code Section 1 2- 9A-2, a major amendment is defined as follows: "Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved Special Development District. . ." Since the applicant's proposed amendments to the SDD involve changes to gross residential floor area, as well as density (number of units), the proposal is required to follow the Major SDD Amendment procedure. The PEC shall provide a recommendation to the Town Council regarding the proposal. The Town Council may approve the proposal via two readings of an F\EVERYONE\PECWEMOS\99VAC2.DOC 3 ,}o ordinance. IV. SPEGIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CRITEFIA As provided for in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town Code, there are nine SDD review criteria which are to be used to evaluate the merits of a proposed Major SDD Amendment. lt should be noted that the staff analysis of the project's compliance with the SDD review criteria has only focused on the proposed amendments lo the sDD, and not on the balance ol the 1993 or 1996 approvals. The review criteria, and the staff's analysis of the proposal's compliance with the review criteria, are as follows: A. Design compatibilily and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. Minimal architectural changes are proposed to the design of the building. The overall scale, and mass and bulk of the proposed slructure will generally remain as it was approved in 1993 and subsequently amended. The primary roof forms (and building height) will also remain as approved in 1993, with the addition of several dormers. Staff does not believe these changes will significantly affect the bulk and scale ol the building. B. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and woftable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. The general uses within the redeveloped Vail Athletic Club (VAC) are not proposed to change. The building continues to meet the definition of a lodge as more than 50% of the GRFA is devoted to accommodation units. The floor area additions are relatively minor with respect to the overall scope of the project with an increase of approximately 2.62/" from the 1998 approval or 4.910/" over the 1993 approval. C. Compliance with parking and loading requiremenls as oullined in Title 12, Chapter 10. Staff believes that the proposed amendments to the SDD are in compliance with this criteria. The Town's zoning requirement is for a total of 20 parking spaces to be provided on the site, which is based on the reduction in the number of accommodation units and the addition of a new dwelling unit. This proposal would reduce the number of required parking spaces lrom22 to 20, however, the applicant is proposing to accommodate 22 parking spaces on-site. D. Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for new or amended development proposals. The staff considered the following Land Use Plan Goals/Policies during the initial review of the FTEVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\99WAC2.DOC 4 o ,o 1993 SDD establishment for the Vail Athletic Club, and further, staff believes that these goals and policies continue to be applicable with regard to the current Major SDD Amendment proposal: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality ol development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 4.2 Increased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through implementation of the Urban Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) Staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets the goals and policies of the Land Use Plan as described above. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The staff believes that the 1993 approval for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club carried out many of the goals and objectives contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, the staff believes that the current Major SDD Amendment proposal also furthers the following Master Plan's goals and objectives: Goal #1 -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. Obiective 1.2 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal #2 - To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. Obiective 2.3 - lncrease the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. Policv 2.3.1 - The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term overnight rental. Obiective 2.5 - Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance F :\EVERYON E\PEC\MEMOS\ggWAC2. DOC 5 o of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. Goal #5 - Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics of the transportation and circulation system throughout the Village. Policv 5.1.5 - Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. The staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets the Vail Village Master Plan goals, objectives, and policies as described above. ldentitlcation and mitigation ol natural and/or geologic hazards that aflect the property on which the special development district is proposed. Although this project is located adjacent to Gore Creek, no portion of the proposal encroaches into the fifty{oot stream setback, nor into the 1oo-year floodplain. There are no other natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property. Site plan, building design and localion and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development tesponsive and sensitive to natural leatutes, vegetation and overall aesthetic qualily of the community. Although this criteria was discussed extensively during the 1993 review, staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no negative impacts on this criteria. A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site tralf ic circulation. The staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in otder to optimize and preserve nalural features, lecreation, views and functions. Again, the staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and eflicient relatlonship throughout the development of the special development district. Phase I of the VAC redevelopment has been completed (Club Levels - lowest two floors), The balance of the redeveloDment is considered Phase ll. (o tr. F. G. H. FlEVERYONE\PEC\MEMOS\ggWAC2. DOC VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB -. MAJOR SDD AMENDMENT. 1999 AU GRFA: DU GRFA: EHU GRFA: Cornmon Area: Conference: Reslauranl: Club: Garage: Gnnd Total: -8,89./" 50.66% -20.37V. 10.24% -105.04% 7.78% 2.870/. -28.31% 4.91"/" 1993 Applovsd TotalB 1996 Approved Totals 24,898 8,312 1 ,295 15,054 1,545 3,268 21 ,609 4,780 80.761 1997 Approvsd Tot ls 2s,063 8,125 1 ,207 15,s53 1 ,500 3,403 21 ,609 4,568 81 1998 Approvsd Totals 1999 P]opo3ed Totals 2,671 12,672 1,149 15,893 1,3{10 3,562 21,499 4,296 Psrcent Chango from 1993 from t0.31 0.00/. 0. 24,687 6,252 1 ,383 14,265 3,285 20,881 5,512 25,008 8,070 1,188 1 5,945 3,562 21 ,499 4,296 80.899 1993 1996 1997 1998 Approvsd Appro\rod ApFot ed Approved Prop unlts Totab Totals Totals Tolals T # ol AU's SZ 55 55 54 #of DU's g 4 4 g #of EHU's 4 4 4 4 D€nSitV 25 dU S per acte Z4.JJ ctu s JU.JJ oU s JZ.UiJ du s ijl.itJ ou s Z6.3iJ oU I' or 17,5 du's (d€nsity calc.) (densily calc.) (density calc.) (densily calc.) (densily calc. ar€0.5daDU o Notes: - 1998 Proposed square tootags ligures were calculaled from a new and complete sel of Vail Alhletic Club plans al a scale of me€ighth inch equls one foot. -AprecisecomParisonwith1995and1997figure3isnot|easib|edu61odifferBncesinpraviousp|ans'a]chilec|ura|Sca|€s,dn|zingopora| -The '1998 proposal includes a n6t lolal ot 62 square feet of additional floor araa thal is localsd on the Fourlh and Fiflh Floors. The GRFA figures includB lhs 713 sq. ft. of GRFA proposed by sepa|alo applicanl as an inl€rior convefsion. l:Weryong9ecvnemoE\99vac99 l- Vail Athletic Club Location Map Subject P,roperty VAIL VILISGE FILIN PARKING LOT TRACT B & C VAIL VILLAGE FILING EASTMEADoW DR Produced by the Gommunity Development Department MOUNTAIN I-IAUS CONDO 292 |TRIA HAUS 242 01ml0']01 llvl "1ti3},:il,Tff 0q!0J0u v .-.r HEC/) E I -----=-.;tlift_-r,/: --ffi r/B. / -'frsl htr/ $tl ttl, !l"t rEFuu" I I I il €il€il Eih gill 5l!o o o-*'oo o (\I _- Et l'l : : , ll, 'tffil\k l: illl, ii " ll it Hil(rd,",=__tt_iol i - -. . r- - h ;P {$p *r.a=:rr -i,i i ,il' .(ffiinq, lill :, i,i : : ll; i\WiffiJll : ill: i , *lj , - ./-+:+-J[-- $E E Wfr, .,jllj - , :JJ ; \lui.ffi#J, i . i I llftllll E/11 i ;,i--.'. - . "- l-!'--JJ4rE+&d5F i,ll,,*|1 -,.,ii'irl ' ' .lli'i ^ll' .:''ll - l- *- lir;lr irl '. : 'i'1:i:ll:' a,l I ,- - -,./--- - r-iiti ;/ li====:"l,i -- -i - i ll : ^iJ _, i il- .i-r"rlllol-"1 :----- r ,E:i: Itl ' '\ ll ;i, r i \ ll Fi , (3t+-'1- . -! -... .. -L-----Jl ......--rl \ tli:i i \ lloi-l -.-, "-i,i i\ fl-', iiil o \lLll --l \ ll "i i : ft t-"1l-i ;-,o)lFi;i qI--/ ll ; @fi -.-.j. ' li ,. ll i, lll I r- illl :, iri , , llffill ', ;lll I ; I ; *l'l : \ ll fT\J .il [,t{Hl | il{;tar o \ lt_=_3 -pF4F:: 4Hoj-+ -)r {*L- *.r+l [."-_{:Xfl._ i ,lll ji-i ' :' I p+ ffi::#F{ ,i'i , $J fl 'lL+-Cl fr-rur .iln _.-1. "j'i , $( ffi#t=#: i;i i \ ll Rf; sL-:J i I ' o: "ii] iii i j Iii , , Io:-l------- i -f- - i:i@fi -- . "-"'t^l'i ' . \ rli ttrlr)trirt,tz -\2t,^(9(9tUq.f ;*P? I I I -F I I I I 'I -rll il i tr' I I I I ( .oa-t0 .\t dg3 r_t ? aii- ll I I Fll €t; @ '"i*ft-:il,T'ilr' 0ls0d0td v m t|x, m "ffi3T,ffiT'ff GSoAd I @-o- o-- o------ o--- @--'-- -E--- s - [r E trFFrq EIul gE x|||'.t',!nr4{t,i.l illl Fn ..r.r rtr JII 1E5d <li ,FE uu s@-.a- ? € ++ A o+ E o----- @----- @----- @----- e----- '1T13":T,ffi';'ilr otso&uJ Y !l ia !ar.t {|!t t.r.r r.l.l rrrrri,<\I c\.i -t @---- o---- @----- t o---- o------ e-- e-- o-- o-- e--- o---- e---- ffF@ €€ffi FEil*€lqg ffiH *- m- @ffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi TO: FROM: DATE: SUtsJECT: Bo-b G"A^ A1f<ila'o5 I11E {-r MEMORANDI'M VailTown Council Community Development Department September30, 1993 Rgquest tor the establishment of a Special Development Disfict to allow the expansion of.the vait Athtetic ctub tocated at 352 East Meadow Drive. Applicanl: Planner: VailAthletic Glub Shelly Mello on september 27, JggS,lhe Planning and EnvironmentalGommission (pEC) reviewed a request from the owners of the Vail Athletic Club for the establishment of a Special Development District. This meeting was the final hearing after a series of three worksessions with the PEC and Design Review Board (DRB) beginning in June of this year. Attached please find a copy of staff's memorandum dated September 27, 1993 regjarding ttre details offie applicant's request. The PEC voted unanimously to approve fre project with Jeff Bowen making tha motion and Dalton Williams seconding the motion. In additioh to the statf's conditions which required the following: 1. The applicant permanently restrict the proposed 52 AUs as short-term rental units and thal the 52 AUs shalt not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The Condominium Declarations shall be amended to include this point before an occupancy permit will be released for the project. 2. The applicant provide one 1 bedroom and one 2 bedroom employee housing unit and restrict them per the Town of Vail Employee Housing Orbinance. Tne employee housing restriction agreement shall be signed.and submitted to the staff for approval before a building permit will be released for the project. The proposed employee units shall provide housing for a total of 6 employees. The units shall meet the minimum standards specified in the Town ol Vail's Employee Housing Ordinance. Further, the PEC recommended the following conditions: 1. That three of the parking spaces cunently being proposed on the site for the incremental increase in required parking shall be removed and the applicant shall pay into the parking fund for these three spaces (98,000 pEr space =$24,000). With this provision, lhe applicant shall remove the two exterior parking spaces adjacent to the structure entry and this area shall be designated 2. a for loacing and delivery. An additionat space within the interior of fre parking structure shall also be removed from the proposal. This condition was due lo the PEC's concem with the ability of the parking structure to function witil twenty-seVen interior valet parking spaces. That he applicant work with thE DRB to develop a landscape plan on the south side of the building between the building and the streamwalk with the goal of returning this area to a more natural condition. This work includes improving and allowing public access through the property via the existing Uridgi and iath on the southwest comer of the building and removing the.existing sod and reseeding the area with a nahrral grass seed mix and possibly adding additional planting. The area to be returned to a natural condition begins just south of the willows adjacent to the VAC and extends south to the sreamwalk. That the DRB rwiew the archifecural details of the building further to insure thal there is adequate architectural relief in the window mullions, trim, etc. That the applicant work with the DRB to improve the signage, landscaping and general of East Meadow Drive as it intersects with Blue Cow Chute particutarly the north side of East Meadow Drive. The objective of tlris effort is to not only to improve the pedestrian character of this area, but to also deter unnecessary vehicular tratfic from entering East Meadow Drive. 3. 4. c:\shell)/vnemosVac.930 2 o TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning Environmental Commission Community Development Department September 27, 1993 (Conestlons made Septembet 2711993 are In boltl.) A request lor the establishment of a Special Development District to allow the expansion of the Vail Athletic Club, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, and niore specifically described as follows: A parcel of land in Trac| B, Vail Village, First Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. more particularly described as folbws: Commeneing at the Nonheast comer ol sajd Trad 8; thencs N 79'46'00' W alorp lhe Northerly line of Vail Village, First Filing, and along the No.thedy fine of said Tract B 62286 feet thence S 0626'52' W a distancE of 348.84t teer to the Southwest comer.of lhat parcel of hnd descdbed in Book 191 at Pege 139 as recorded Jarurary 10. 1966 and filed in Reception No. 102978 in the Eagle County Records, seld @rner atso being the True Pcint of Eeginning; ttrence S 79'04'08' E and along lhe Southedy tine of said parcel 200.00 feet to the Souhdast comer ttrereof: thence N 62'52'00' E and along the Nonherly line ot thal parcel of land described in Bcr,k t2c. at Page 513 as recorded in 1971 in the Eagle County Records, a dislance of 66.78 teel to the Northeaslerly corner of said parcel of land: said comer being on the Weslerly rightof-way line of Gore Creek Road, as planed in Vail Viltage, Finh Filing: thence N 27'13'37' W a distance ol n37 feet along said Westerly right-of-way [n€ ol Gore Creek Boad; thence N 8929'2? W a distance of 12.80 feel to the Nonheaslerly comer ol lhat parcel of land described in Book 191, Page 139 as recorded January 10, 1966 and nled in Reception No, 102978 in the Eagle Counly R€cordsl therpe Northwesterly 26.51 leet along rhe arc ol a 37,50 teel radius cuwe 10 the left having a central angle of 40"30o0' whose chord bears N 53%0'00" W a dsrance of 25.96 feel to a point of tangerEyi thence N 73"55'00'W and along said tangent 106.44 teeq rhence N 85'10'21'W a distance of 50.40 feet to the. Northwesterly corner ot lhe Mounlain Haus Parcel; thence S 02'18'00'W and along the easterly line ot said Mou ain Haus Parcel a distance of 1O0.00 feel to the Santheasterly corner thereof; lhence S 45'13'53" E a disrance of 98.70 feet lo the True Point of Eeginning, containing 30,486 square leet, more or less, fuplicant: VailAthleticClubPlanner: Shelly Mello I. PROJECT OVERVIEW The applicant is requesting a review of the proposed establishment of a Special Development District (SDD) for the redevelopment of lhe Vail Athletic Club located at 352 East Meadow Drive. The Vail Athletlc Club is locat'ed on the southwest comer of Vail Valley Drive and East Meadow Drive at the bottom of Blue Cow Chute. The property is currently zoned Public Accommodation and is considered to be nonconforming with regard to development stiandards. The appllcant has indicated that the purpose of requesting a SDD for his property is to lmprove the appearance of the building and site as well as make il a more viable hotel. The proposal includes the deletion of six dr,rrelling unib, the addition of twenty-four accommoda$cn units, a decrease to the Club Area, a decrease in total restaurant area, modifications to the elevations, a decrease in common area and the addition of nine; underground parking spaces. The four existing employee units will remain on-site and will bepermanently deed restricted The deviations from the Public Accommodalion development standards include: 1. D9,nsiry. The proposed density for the proiect will be 30.33 dwelling units (DU), which will include 52 AUs, 3 DUs and 4 employee housing units. The exEting density for the project is 24.33 DU and thE allowed density for the project 17.5 DUs. ine totat density increase is 6 DUs over the existing development and 12.83 DUs over Fre allowable - ' density. 2. GRFA. The applicant is proposing a total of 32,282square feet of GF|FA. In addition to this, there is an overage on common area of 8,456 square feet. When this is added to GRFA, he total GRFA for tre project will be 40,738 square feet. The a[ow.ed GRFA/Common Area for the prdect is 32,924 square feet. Cunently, there is 33,902 square feet of GRFA in the project which includes overages on common area. This rEsufts in a total increase of GRFA/Common Area of 6,836 square feet above the existing development and 7,814 square feet over the allowable GRFA/Common Area. 3- common Area. The applicant is proposing to reduce common area, however, the existing project is in excess ol the altowed common area by 13,541 square feet which is added to the GRFA. The proposal would exceed the altorvabte common area by 8,t156 square feet. 4. Heioht The existing building is 67 feet in height on the south elevation and 59 feet on the north elevation. The allowable height is 45 feet. The applicant does not propose to increase he ridge height, however, dormers will be added to both the north and south of the building where the ridge heights exceed the 45 foot height allowance. 5. Site Coveraoe. Currently, the site coverage lor the project is 20,796 square feet. The application will increase this to 21,350 square feet. Which includes the underground . parking and service areas. The allowed site coverage for the site is 16,767 square feet. 6. . Accessorv Use. The accessory use allowance is 10% of exlstlno GRFA. lf built as proposed, this proiect would have an accessory use allowance of 3,228 square feet. As proposed, the allowable accessory use will be 3,426 square feet. This is a reduction from the existing 4,066 square feet. However, there is still an overage of 198 square leet. 7. @,, The appticant proposes to add building along the north side of the project. This will be in fte area of the entry and the restaurant. The addition of fre entry will result in a 1 foot selback from the property line. The existing. parking sfucture has a o foot setback. on the south side of the project, fie appticant is proposing an at grade tenace which will have a minimum seback of 2 feet. The required setback in this area would be 10 feet. In addition, other areas of the building which are currently in the sebacks will be infilled. This includes an arca on he northwesi comer as well as decks along the rear of the building. The dormers will also be increasing the amount of buitding in the sebacks. The applicant has proposed to do the foltowing with the application:. 1. Decrease the amount of GRFA allocated torrards drvelling unib and increasefie amount of GRFA for accommodation units. 2- Decrease the number of dwefring units and increase the number of. ac€ommoflation unib. 3. Encroach further into the lront setback with entry and second-story accommodation unit as wetl as an addition to the restaurant to the east of theentry. \ 4. Increase common area while decreasing the area allocated towards a@essory uses and athletic ctub use. 5' Add dormers to the building on the north and south side which do not exceed the existing ridge height of the building. lnsert decks into the roof structure on the south elevalion. . 6' Increase the amount of site coverage as a result of the new entry and restaurant ad.dition (554 square feet). 7. Add tenace and expand dining deck on south elevation. 8. Removal of deck on the south elevation which currently encroaches onto public land. 9- The applicant is proposing to mget the incremental increase in parking requirements. There is an existing deficit of 58.44 spaces on the site. The ngtry parking is located in tre following manner: .2 spaces built underground below the entry.2 spaces added by relocating an existing ski storage area.2 spaces added by relocating the laundry room.1 space added along the south side of the parking structure.2 soaces in central area of oarkino structure . I total 10- Change exterior materials of builcting. This includes stucco, wood lrim, deck railings and a wood shake roof. Add streetscape improvements. These include: a 6 foot heated concrete paver walk along West Meadow Drive, an 8 foot heated concrete paver walk afong Vail Valley Drive exlending over the Gore Creek bridge and street lamps. The pavers on the bridge will not be heated. Relocation of existing trash area and removal of the existing fash facility which is encroaching onto adjacent properties. 13. The applicant proposes to provide one two-bedroom employee housing unit within the Town of Vail which will be restricted according to the Town ot Vail employee housing requirements. 14. Additional landscaping on the north and soufr sides of fre building. 'For furlher details on the deviations please see section lll, Zoning Analpis, of this memorandum, which specify the changes in development standards for the projecl Also, please see applicant's description of proposal for specific details. II. BACKGROUND A- Prolect History The Vail Athletic Club was originally developed in'1977 and inctuded " ri*"0 use building' with condominiums and accommodation units as well as the health ctub facility and officei. Twenty on-site parking spaces were provided for the project and a variance was received for the remaining required spaces. Per the file records, it appears that the variance was granted in order to facilitate the construclion of hotel rooms which were needed in the community at the time. In 1977, it was felt that il would be reasonable to grant a parking variance for the sixteen parking spaces for this property due to the proximity of the Town parkng struclure. Parking variances for four additional spaces have been granted for the project,since that time. ln addition, while variances were not granted for height or denslty, the projbct was ailowed to deviate from these standards. Seback variances were granted in 1gT7 tor the development of the project. The property has been the subject of numerous redevelopments over a number of yeai-s and subsequent parking variances. At the time ot the proiect approval in 1977, it was discussed that possibly a portion of the property which the Vail Atfrletic Club had acquired would not be counted towards their developable site area. Research has been conducted regarding this issue to determine whether or not that was actually done. The statf has found no definitive information which would indicate that this was completed. B. Previous PEC reviews on June 28, 1993, a joint worksession was held with the planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) and the Design Revierr Board.(DRB) to discuss the establishment of an SDD for this site. At this time, the applicant was directed to work wittr the existing volume of he building. lt was also indicated that it might be acceptable to expand the buitding adjacent to the Mountain Haus. lt was stated frat some expansion would be acceptable on ine - 11. 12. I soufiwest comer and that no additionat development should be proposed on the north side ofhe building. In addition, there was a concern with the additionaishade/shadow being cast on Meadow Drive. ln regard to parking, the PEC indicated that the applicant shoutd striie to accommodate parking on-site. on Tresday July 13, 1993, a worksession was held wiffr the Town council regarding the parking for this project- During this discussion, three of the Town Councif members were gpen t9 discussing turther the possibility of pay-in-lieu parking for fris site. Three of the Town Council members fett that the applicant snold accomrirodatiparking on-site due to he already significant overa(;e ot piiKng which is not provided od tre sr=te- As a result of this discussion, the applicant has provided an additional nine parking spaces on the site which will accommodate all of the increases in parking generated by the rendvation of the building. On July 26, 1993, an addiilonal worksession was held witr the PEG. Please see the attached minutes which detail the discussion 5 Siile Are* Srlb|d(!: l{.lght: SlL Covrsio: L.ndsc.ping: Unl|s: GRFA: Accessory Usa: Resteunnt: Oub Rglail: Totat: Gornmon Arlal Halls^lech: ' Conlarenc€: Tolal Cornmon: Club Ar.a: Parldng G3.go: Toral Buil. ng sq,u.tafubge:- s"" 16,757 3q. lt 9,1a5 3q, tL 25 unis par acre 17.5 uniib 24,388 sq. fr. (807") 1ffl. of exisling GRFA 8,538 sq. ft. (i!s%f B(ISTING DEVELOPMFNT 30I8S sq. fi. noflh: -0- routh: z - 26' O (d6cb) ..5t: 12-20 $r3t 12 6t routh; 59 noflh . 20J96 sq. lt. . 9,07r sq, fL 28 AU + I DU - 23 DU(2 LO)-- + a emp mlts" - 24.E1 DU(2 LO)' 10,927 AU + 8,12 DU - 19,&9 sq. ft. + 1 ,312 emp unhs - ZQSBI + 13,541 common - 33,902 2,036 sq. lt. (Alloled) 3,606 sq. lL a60 so. fi. 4,066 sq. lt. 19ti5 sq. lr. 2.842 sq. tt. EOn 4.i. (13,541 sq. ft orerage) .2'25i1 q.n. 4.131 Eo. lt. 7t2,8g2 q.IL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT , :X)386 sq. n r|o &: -t! !ouh: ?-26' {decis)eesl:12-2(r w6t 12'. 6t soulh; 59 north 153m sq. fr. + 5,050 sq. lt. - 21,350 t+ lt indudee gerage and b€low grade t€wic€ ar€g on ea8l side. 9,730 3q. tr. 0ncludln g .r€rrd. d.cks) 52AU+3DU- 2s Du (2 LO) + 4 emp units - 30.3!l DU (2 Lo) 24,U7 AU + 5252'DU - 30,899 sq. lt + '1,383 €mp unils - 32,282 + 8,{56 common oveErge . 40,738 3,228 sq. tt. (Ailolvedl, 3,285 sq. fl. 141 so. ft. 3,426 sg. lt. 14.265 6q. ft. 2.727 so. ft. 1€,992 sq. lt. 8.{56 sq. tt. overage) 20,E81 sq. fr. 5.512 sa. tl. 79,e:tq.tt III. ZONING AiiALYSIS Ustod b.bw h fie zmlng .ndlsis O, ti, V"l mf"tc Club SDD poporal. ALI.OWED DEV. STANDARDS , $,486 sq. tt. 20 h€t o Per*ing:., A) on-she dre to Xt appfov€d r'3 tanceE, HdlE/tlech: Club Area: R€tail: Conference Area: Rect rent: AU: DU: Emp Units: Total Parfting: ++ 1,84 parking spaces . 11.8 ps*ing rpac.g 22.5 pe*ir€ Epaoss 21.8 parldng space3 15.5 parking spaces 4 Derldno BD,aces 78..9 P3 ldng spac€s B (2121h 6tnac1, .0- {. .47 palking spaces . 1129 par*ing specas 203 peding spao.s 4{.75 pa*ing speces 6.5 pa*ing spacos4 padtino soaces 87.31 paldng spacea (8.87 or I speco hcrra*) A lockofi is an sccomtrEdalion unit whlch is attarfied to s dtening unit and is no larger than one-thid ol tho totat ttod&e8 of th€ drveling unit. Required by the Vail Town Courufl in 1977. Unhs are lo renEin on-site for the life of the hrildng. Eadr ernployee uniloornls as ,33i1 units lowan& density. lndudes GFIFA/Accessory ReteiuF€staura'|uclub/corrnon/Parldng. There i6 a totel increaso of building area ot G2o1!q. lt. The mannrandums on tha Vail Athleth oub condfirhium corwersim process irdioda that 24 AU and s DU were fn9l tll"t"g Td 2 DU were appoved wifi no r€stricrbrts. There are no fle rscords which indcare the approval o, the 4 addtionel AU's and 2 DU! cunently on-sile. tv. As stated in the Zoning Code, the purpose of Special Development Disticts is as follows: The purpose of the special dwelopment distict is to encourage flexibility and. creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use: to improve the design character and quality of new development witnin tne Town; to tacilitate fie adequate and economical provision of stieets dnd utilities; to provide the natural and scenic.features of open space areas; and to further the overall goats of the communip as stated in the Vail Comprehensive Plan. An approved development pran for a specialdweropment disirict, in conjunction with the propefi's underlying zone district, shtl establish the requirements guiding development and uses of property inctuded in a special development district.' The staff finds that the application meets the purpose of the Special Development District. Specifically, staff linds that this application furthers the overall goals of the iommunity as stated in he vail comprehensive plan. The project proposes io improve the design - character, function and quality of the development and provide addiiionat short-term units within the Village which is a specific goal of .many elements of the Comprehensive ptan. The staff as well as the PEC have identified in past reviews that this site is appropriate for increased densities as well as a variety of uses due to the location anO iroxiinity to the Vittage core area' In addition, employee houslng ild streetscape improvement-s are prbposed which provide overall community benefit. Stiaff recognizes that the existing building ixceeOs fte underlying zoning requirements, but believes that due to the site and location lt ls suitable to allow for such deviations as proposed intlre application given the goals and policies in the Town's Land Use Plan. vait viilage Master plari and S!ryg5g_tlgIt. pbale see section vttoifiIdheiliffii5 orirn".ep1.6: -" ' I V. SPECIAL trEVELOPMENT D'STFICT CRITERIA The fottowing nine criteria should be used to review the project A. Design compatibility and sensitivity to the immedlate envlronmenti neighborhood and adlacent properti€ relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, ldentity, characterr yisual integrity and orientation. Massino The staff feels that fiis criterion is especially imporiant to the review of this proiect. While this application does not propose to increase the maximum ridge height, the proposal includes adding dormers to the existing roof. The amount of building area is increased with building infills and the Introduction of a series of dormers. On the south side, roof cut outs are being used for the three central top units. Ohenryise, dormers have been added to both sides of the roof form in order to utilize existing "dead'space. . The applicant has also modified the roof form on bofh the east and west elevations of the building. The east elevation terraces back frorn Vait Valley Drive and additional windows have been added lo this elevation. Tenacing has also been accomplished on the west elevation adjacent to the Mountain. Hius. The low eave line which is maintained with this proposal and the landscaping of the site bring the scale of the building down to a peOestrian level. The staff feels that maintaining the pedestrian character of this area is important as it is. seen as a major coridor to Golden Peak and the Village from the parking structure and is also used by pedestrians to access Ford park. The Vail Village Master Ptan catls for fris building to have a maximum of four . stories. From the original application, the applicant has lowered the building to the existing ridge line in alt locations and decreased the scale of fie dormers in order to decrease the shadoyv on East Meadow Drive. SuniShade The proposed building increases the amount of shade on East Meadow Drive by 5 feet 6 inches in the area ol he entry, 24leet 6 inches on the west wing and 5 feet on the east wing on December 21st (See attached sury'shade analysis). The impacts on shade on September 21st will be an increase of 1 foot 6 inches in the center of the building, 11 feet on the west wing and 2 feel 6 inches on the east wing. The amount oi shade is determined by b-oth the angle of the sun and the height of the ridge or eave line. While he December 21s[. date creates the most impact the September 21st date is what is specilied in he code for sun/shade analysis in the CCI zone district. Altrough this propefty is not in CCl, the shade impact is important to address for this pedestrian o The greatest impact in shade is seen on the west wing of fre building. on December 21st, the proposed building will cast shadow onto theliOervattc On September 21st, the increase in shade in his area wilt be 11 feet and does not cast shadow onto th8 sidewalk. lt should be noted that the existing' building casts shadoi,v beyond the sidewalk into the street in he center of the building and east wing. ln the center and east wing, the additionat shade cast will be 5 feet 6 lnches and I feet accordlngly as i result of the dormers. The applicant proposes to heat the paver sidewalk which will make this area safer' for the pedestrian. The staff feels that fre increases in shade have been minimized to a point that is acceptable. Entrv on the north side of fre building, the applicant proposes to add a two and a half story entry area to the building. The entry has been lowered by two floors fo* tha original proposal. The design of tre entry minimizes he massing impacts of the element and does not add any more shade to the stre6t- ' Buildino Foolorint The applicant proposes to increase the building footprint by 450 square feet to allow for the restaurant addition and entry. staff does not have a problem with the restaurant addition as no landscaping is removed. The entry will remove two to four tees which the applicant has agreed to relocate or replace. Streetscaoe The applicant has proposed to install required streetscape improvements discussed in section Vlll of this memo. This includes a heated paver walk along Vail valley Drive as well as a heated paver walk along the south side of East Meadow Drive. The driveway to the garage wiil also be heated. ln general, the project is sensitive to adjacent properties through the use of appropriate architectural design and massing as welt as landscaping. B. Uses, activity and density which provirte a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surroundlng uses and activity. Densitv The.applicant proposes to increase the lggl density of the project by six cturelling units. This inclu.des the removal of six dwelling units -as well as the addition of twenty-four accommodation units. o' the nine dwelling unlts on-site, six are cunenuy restricted per the ,Condominium Converslon requiremenF. There ar,L two existini units which are tree market and the applicant wishes to retain one additional u-nresuicted unit. The staff feels that because this unit is already restricted that it should remain available for short{erm rental accoding to section 17.26 of the subdivision Regulations, condominium conversion, or an employee housing unit should be provided in place of t[e restricted unit as was allowed with thl vail Village lnn Goodes space. The staff would prefer to see an addiuonal I employee housing unit vensus the restricted DU provided as we believe the employee housing unit also provides an lmportsnt community benefit. The staff feels that ttre applicant's desire to increase the short term hotel units . is very positive. The GRFA attributable to drrvelling unib has been decreased by 1,870 square feet. 13,270 square feet of GRFA will be added to increase he amount of floor area for accommodation uniF. The additional GRFA has been gained by using existing dead space within the building, using common area more efficienfly, and the addition of dormers and infilling portions of decks. on the south side: An idditional 6,201 square feet of total building atea will be added wlth this proposal. In order to insure that the AU's remain as short- term rentals, the staff requests that the orrner sgree to not subdivicle the units in the future per the Condominium Converslon section of the Subdivision Regulations. Emolovee Housino Currently, four employee housing units are required on-site per fte 192 parking variance. The applicant proposes that these units remain on-site and has agreed to restrict these units on a permanent basis. Due to the requested increases in density, the applicant has indicated that there may be an Increase of two to four employees on the site. Utilizing the Employee Housing Guidelines, based on the net increase in development over the existing building, two to tour additional employees would be generated by the expansion. The stalf would require that one two-bedroom or two one-bedroom units be provided to address the increase- The summary is as follows: a) Bar/Flestaurant = 321 sg. ft. (@6.5/1,000 sq. ft.) = 2.08 employees (decrease) b) Retail/ServicE Commercial = 310 sg. fi. (@6.5/1,000 sq. ft.) = 2.015 employees (decrease) c) Dwelling Units = 6 uni6 (@.4/room)= 2.4 employees (decrease) d) Accommodation Units =24 units (@.75lroom) = 18 emolovee fincrease) e) Total 115 or 12 employees .12 employees x .15 housing mulliplier = 1.8 or 2 employees .12 employees x .30 housing mulfiplier = 3.6 or 4 employees .Assumino two emolove the proposed one two-bedroom unit would be needed per the employee generation formula The statf has used the higher multiplier due to the overages in density. The Employee Housing Report does not ditferentiate between the provision of on-sile or otf-site housing' As 10. \',- o stated above, the slaff would like to see one more employee unit provided in order to lift the use restriction on fie proposed dwelling unit. C. Compliance with parklng and loadlng requirements as outlined in Chapter 1852. Parkino Parking has been a long.standing issue on this site. In researching the history of this project, the staff found that there were a number of variances gmllted to this project. ln December of 19V, twenty underground parking spaces were approved lor this site. At fiat time, it was recognized that surface parking was not appropriate for his site and that these spaces would be the maximum number that could be placed on the site. Different anangements have been made over the years for parking on Town of Vail land as well as other properties for this project to address the deficit. Variances have been granted for a total of twenty spaces over the life of lhe project. Using today's standards, there is an existing deficit of 58.4 parking spaces for the project. ' There would be a nine space parking requirement increase as a result of this expansion. This is based on the ditference between the required parking for the proposed project and he existing development. The applicant is proposing an additional nine on-site parking spaces which would bring the total on-site spaces to twenty-nine. All of the parking spaces would be valet. Cunently, the applicant valet parks eighteen parking spaces in the existing structure. The parking structure will be expanded which will accommodate the nine additional spaces. Due to the type of use of this facility, valet parking is appropriate and has been approved for other projects of this nature. With the full-time concierge and valet, this lype of parking solution is feasible. In addition, atler reviewing the function of the existing facility, it appears that the proposed plan is reasonable and, the additional nine parking spaces can be accommodated. The two existing exterior spaces will remain adjacent to the entrance to the parking structure on the west side. No additional square footage has been added to the health club and therefore frre statf does not leel that it is appropriate to assess a parking requirement for this facility. Parking for a health club is determined by the PEC. There is no parking standard for his type of use. No parking requirement has been assessed in the past and the staff is not assessing any additional parking nor do we recommend to the PEC that a parking requirement be set as no club square footage is being proposed. 11 Loadino and Deliverv The applicant is providing a loading facility with a pull-out from East Meadow Drive. This will accommodate he short-term parking needs of the projecl Loading and Delivery will also be accommodated in this pull-off area. The applicant will no longer be allowed to unload deliveries along Vail Valley Drive adjacent lo the restaurant entrance. This is a very unsafe practice which the Town does not encourage and will not allow to continue. In addition, the applicant proposes to remove the existing trash facility on the west side of the project. This enclosure encroaches both onto Town of Vail land as well as Mountain Haus property. The applicant would propose to include the trash facility inside the building in thissame area D. Gonformlty with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. There are three other elements of the Comprehensive Plan which apply to this application: The VailViltage Master Plan, the Streetscape Master Plan and the Land Use Plan. Please see Sections Vl, Vll, and Vlll of thls memo lor further descriptions of these plans. Many elements of the Town's Comprehensive Plan encourage the development and preservation of hotel-type units. The applicant proposes to add an additional twenty-four AU's and delete six DU's for a total of. fifty-two AU's and three DU's. This is in keeping with the Comprehensive Plan's objective to increase the hotel bed base. Please see Sections Vl, Vll and Vlll that identify the applicable goals and objectives of the plans. E. ldentificstion and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development dlstrict is proposed. This site is located adjacent to Gore Creek. No portion of thls proposal. encroaches.into the 50 foot stream setback or the one hundred year floodplain. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functionat devetopment responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Buildino Desion While the changes to he site plan through tris proposal are limited, the builcting design changes significantly. In respect to the south or Gore Creek side of the building, the applicant is proposing to. change the character of the elevation with the. enclosure and redesign of balconies and to change the window design. Dormers will be added to the east and west wings and decks will cut into the roof form in the center area. The appticant has adjusted the south elevation to brdak up the facade per PEC and statf comments. lnitially the applicant proposed to increase the height of the westem section of the building. 't2 curently, fre applicant proposes to maintain ajl of tre existing ridge lines and not increase the ridge in any area of the building. The staff feels that this is very positive. ln addition, the applicant is proposing to add a tenace at the lower tevel on the south side of the projecl This will encroach into the 20 foot seback and result ln a 2 foot selback a tre tightest point from the south property line. on the north elevation, the applicant proposes to infill an area on the east wing adjacent to he restaurant and add an entry. ln addition, balconies will be added to unils on the east wing. Dormers will be added in ail three areas on this elevation. This will ailow for the additional accommodation units on the upper level. These additions will cast additional shade onto East Meadow Drive. Landscaping has been proposed along the retaining wail a jacent to the sidewalk on the north side of the building. This wilL increase the landscape buffer between the building and tre public area. The stafl feels that lhis additional landscaping is very important to the project as it will screen the building and mitigate both the existing and proposed impacts of the buitding. Buildino's imDact on open space and veoetatlon The application impacts the existing landscaping on the north side of the building. Approximately two to four large evergreen trees will be lost as a result of this proposal. The applicant is proposing to landscape along the new stone retaining wall adjacent to the west wing in order to better screen the building in areas where landscaping does not cunently exist. The staff teels that while it is unfortunate trat these evergreen trees wiil possibly be lost, the addition of landscaping which includes evergreen and aspen trees along the sidewalk, wilt mitigate the impact of the loss of these two to four fees. The applicant will attempt to save these trees. However, in the event that they cannot be saved as a result of this construction, the applicant does agree to replace the trees. The applicant has also added a 3 foot planting step to the east of the existing at- grade parking on he west end of the building in order to help screen the parking. The step will also reduce the height of the wall in this area. On the south side of the building, the applicant wilt be removing an existing deck which is cunently located on Town of Vail land. The applicant proposes to add additional landscaping in this area which includes shrubs and aspen fees. This will buffer the building from the public area. Due to the amount of land and landscaping between the streamwalk and he building, adequate buffer areas are provided. The proposed landscaping adjacent to he building will be positive and will not hinder he use of this open space area on the south side of the building. The appllcant has also agreed to provide a mainlenance agreement to the Town lor this open space. 13 G.A clrsulation system designed for both vehlcles and pedestrlans addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. The applicant proposes to add nine underground parking spaces. By adding additional on-site parking, the vehicular traffic on East Meadow Drive will be increased. While it is an objective of the Streetscape Plan to make this area more pedestrianized, it ls atso an objective of the Vail Village Master Plan to have properties in this area provide on-site parking. The statf te€ls that the provision of on-site parking to mEet the additional requirement is imporlant given the constraints on parking our community must deal with. The applicant does propose to install an entry and pull-off in order to tacilitate the dropoff of guests and toading and delivery. The installation of a dropoff area will be a benefit to the area as cunently there is no otf-street drop-otf area for this building and the existing situation creates congestion along East Meadow Drive as guests and trucks park in the bus lane on Meadow Drive. The Town Engineer has signed off on this solution. With this applicalion, lhe statf recognizes that if would be ditficult to completely restricl East Meadow Drive from vehicular traffic, but would strive to limit the number of vehicles which must access East Meadow Drive. We also believe hat by providing safe well designed sidewalks, pedestrian circulation can also be accommodated. The applicant's proposal improves both pedestrian and' vehicular circulation in an area thai cunently must provide for both uses. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space ln order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreatlon, views and functions. Due to the installation of the pull-off and entry and relocation of the retaining wall in this area, two to {our evergreen trees could possibly be lost. The applicant has agreed to attempt to save these trees, however, it would appear fiat this may not be possible. The applicant does agree to replace these trees in addition to increasing the landscaping along East Meadow Drive between the building and the roadway adjacent to the sidewatk- Trees in the 30 foot range will be required to replace the trees that may not be able to be relocated. The new landscaping in front ot the building includes evergreens that range In size from 10 to 15 feet and aspens having a minimum of a 3 inctt caliper. To the east of the main entry io the building, the applicant is proposing to redesign the sidewalk as well as the landscape area This will involve cutting back the existing utility grate and bringing the landscape down to the same grade as the sidewalk. This is accomplished by moving the sidewalk and curbline to the south lrom ths existing location. Landscaping will also be added on the south elevation in the area where the existing deck is being removed. Aspen trees and shrubs will be added to this area and the grades will be redone to match the existing topographic conditions. H. 14 The landscaping on-site will be Inereased as a result of the removal of an above grade deck. With this application, the prolect wlll be in compliance with the landscaping requirement for the slte. l. Phaslng plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development.ot the special development districl . The applicant has not proposed that the consruction of tris project be phased. VI. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goats contiained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as adopted poticy guid'elines in he review process for new development proposals. The Land Use Plans Goals/Policies applicable to the Vail Athletic Club redevelopment are as follows: i.t Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a ' balance between residential, commerclal and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.2 The quality of the environment including air, water and other natural resources should be protected as fie Town grows. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgnded whenever possible. 3.2 The Village and Lionshead areas are fte best location for hotels to serve thsfuture needs of the desUnation skieis. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, . therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 4.2 lncreased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character of each area is preserved through implementation of lhe Urban Design Guide Plan and the VailVillage Master Plan. 4.3 The ambiance oitn" Vtttug" is important to the iclentity of Vail and should be preserved. (Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimale size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) 53 Affordable employee housing should be made available through private etforts, asslsted by limited incentives, provided by the Town of Vail, with appropriate restrictio ns. 15 5.5. The existing employee housing base should be preserved and. upgraded. Additionaf employee housing needs shoutd be. accommodated at varied sites throughout the community. The application meets the goals and poticies in the Land Use Plan. The addition of short-term hotel rooms is a very positive addition to this area. ttem 4.2 specifies that increased densities in tte core are acceptable if tre character of the area is preserved. The applicant proposes to change the character of the building by changing the maieriats and design-cietails bf ttie building. While the proposal increases the size of the building, the staff -believes that the applicant has attempted to utilize the unused interior spaces ot ttre Uuitding to minimize the expansion on the exterior of the building. The scale aird design of the building with the addition of new materials and landscaping maintain the alpine character of the development. VII. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN : The proposed redevelopment ol the Vait Athtetlc Club canies out many of the goals and objectives contained in the VailVillage Master Plan. Applicable goals and obj&tves are as follows: Goal #1 -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community a;d identity. Obieclive 12 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal #2 - To loster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. Obiective 2.1 - Recognize the varieg of land uses found in the 10 sub-areas throughout the village and allow for development that is compatible with these established land use patems. obiective 2.3 - Increase the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. . Policv 2.3.1. - The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Residential units that are developed above existing density levets are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term ovemight rental. Obiective 2.5 - Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and . maintenance of existing lodging and commerciat facilities to better serve the needs of our guests. ' Policv 2.5-1 - Recreation amenilies, common areas, meeting facilities and other amenilies shall be preserved and enhanced as a part of any redevelopment of lodging properties. 16 o Obiec.live 2.6 - Encourage the development of atfordable housing units throughfie effods of the private sector. obieqtive.2.6.1 - Employee housing units may be required as part of any new or redevelopment project requesting density over thal allowed by existlni;. zoning. 9p"t f - To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience hroughout the village. Obiective 3.4 - Develop additional sidewatks, pedestrian-only wallnrvays and accessible green space areas, including pocket parkg and stream access. Go?l #5 - Increase and lmprove the capacity, efliciency, and aesthetics of lhe transportation and circulation system throughout the Village. Policv 5.1.1 - For nenr dwelopment that is located oufside of the Commercial Core I Zone District, on-site parking shall be provided (rather than paying into the parking fund) to meet any additionalparking demand as required by the zoning code. Policv 5.1.5 - Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. Obiective 5.2 - Encourage the use of public transportation to minimize the use of private automobiles throughout Vail. Although this location is not addressed in any sub-area concept of the Vail Village Master Plan' it is discussed with regard to the height of buildings. The Vail Village Master Plan specifies that buildings adjacenl to Gore Creek should have a height of four stories. The existing building is four stories along East Meadow Drive. The proposal builds into the existing roof to lorm a fifth floor. This is being accomplished by adding dormers, inlitling porlions of decks on lhe south side, and using existing common area ind dead space in the roof form. None ol the ridge lines will be increased and all of the existing eave lines will be maintained. This application addresses the lour Vail Village Master Plan goals which are applicable to the site. lt also meets the twelve policies and objectives which ire applicable. VIII. STREETSCAPE MASTER PLAN The sfeetscape Master Plan poins out hat tratfic on Vail Valley Drive is very heavy hroughout most of the year. lt is especially heavy in the momirig and late afiemoons during tle ski season, and evenings and weekends during the summer months. Pedestrian trafflc has increased because of the expansion of the Village Parking Structure and fre creation of a _ney eTtgm exit portal lrom his facility at Vail Valley Drive. Specific improvements for Vail Valley Drive in the area of the Vail Athtetic Club include the addition ot in e to 10 foot wide heated concrete unit paver walk on the west side of Vail Valley Drive extending over the 17 bridge at Gore Creek and a 6 foot wide concrete unit paver walk on the south side of East Meadow Drive. The applicant has included these improvements in this application with the exception that only a 6 foot walk is being proposed along Vail Valley Drive due to site consfainb and I feet along Meadow Drive. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The staff recommends approval of the application. We fnd that the proposal has developed into one which is in compliance with the objectives and purpose section of .the SDD zone district as well as the other Comprehensive Plan elements as described in the memo. The approval includes the tollowing understandings: 1. That the owner will permanently restict the 52 Aus as short-term rental units and that the 52 Aus shall not be subdivided in the future to allow for individual ownership. The condominium declarations shall be amended to include this point before any occupancy permils will be released. 2. In addition to the one two-bedroom permanently deed restricted emptoyee housing unit, the owner shall provide one-bedroom employee housing unit to allow for the use restriction to be lifted from the restricted dwelling unit. The employee housing unit restriction agreements shall be signed and submitted for saff approval before a building permit will be released for the project. fne totto",ing items will need to be addressed further as the project develops into working drawings. 1. Engineered drawings will need to be submitted which address the streetscape improvements lor review by the Town Engineer before a building permit is released for the project The staff feels that the application is a positive one and does meel the goals and objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan. These include the Land Use, the Village Master Plan, Zoning Code and SDD Criteria- We recognize that the proposal deviates from the existing zoning. We recognize that it is important to increase amommodation units as well as maintain and improve existing buildings in town in order to maintain the area. We feel that this is a site which can handle increased density and deviations from the site development standards which include height, density and site coverage while maintaining the existlng scale and character of the neighborhood. c:\pecvnernosvac.92T 18 ) r-.!il, &Gr! l'. i. ll I I ! 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I vArL ATTTLETTC CLo September 11, 1993 Snn - STA-rF-lvftrNT OF pROpOStrn IMpROVFIIvfFIITS The Vail Atlrletic Club (VAC) agrees as part of the implementation of ow SDD proposal to make the follorving improruements: The VAC rvill euftend the curb and. sidewalk 6'{" along Fost MeadowDrive and 8'- O" along Vail Valley Drive to crezrte a continuous, heated, rectangular concrete pa\rer sidenalli extending from west end of tle VAC sewice/parking drive ou East Meadorv Drive to the Gore creek Bridge oaVail valley Drirrc. This will be coordinated with the town engineer. We rvill revise the curb-line at intersection of East Meadow Drive and VaiI Valley Drive in accordance rvith the "entr;/ feafi.rre" concepts put forward in the Vail village r\faster Plan and as shorm on the site plan. At the "enuy feature" and partiaily along Vail Valley Drive, rve will eliminate the ocisting retairing wall to bring the landscape down to the level of the sidewalk We rtill reface the existing landscape retaining rralls along the garage and Vail VaIIey Driv'e with stone. l\te rtill incorporate signage to inform vehicles that East Meadow Drive is a ".pedesEian area" open onJy to vehicles on "offtcial business" with the VAC and the Ir{ountain House. We rr,iii nork n'ith the Design Review Board and AIPP to supplement tbe ercisting srreetra-ps along the vAc side of Vail Valley and East lr{eabbw Drives. \Ve rvill create a new car pull-off guest drop-off area directly in ftont of ttre new hoteVheaith dub entrry. This area rviil be pa'redwith granite pavers and heated. We will need consent from the town's authorities that short-term parking in the opposite dtection lvill be permitted here. The creatio'l of the new hoteVhealth club entry and car pulloff along East Meadow Drivre should result rninimal disnrption to the existing ''ueleation in the }and.scaped area above the existing garage. AI rte..ssary steps will be taken tbroughout the course of consUrrctioD. to protect the ocisting vegetatiorl New drainage grates n{ll be introduced to handle melting rr.rnoffat F-ct Meadow Drive. This rvill be coordinatedrvith the torlm engineer. we will replace the ocisting rvood tansformergrate with a new steel grate. t We will work with'th" tot* to formalize an informal maintenance agreernent legarding the town's properfy benueen the VAC and the pedestrian path along Gore Geels We will prutre the dead bnsh tn the area benpeen the VAC and Gore Creek We will remove the o<isting wood sundeck that is partially on town properry, zls weII as the edsting wood utility shed by tbe hot tubs and the existing wood trash shed at the senrice/garage drive We will create a landscaped path from the end of the existing sewice drive,/flre Iane through to the towr property on the south side of the VAC. We will consEuct a new stone terrace at the e,xisti:rg upper health club/swimming pool lorel along the south side of the lrrilrling as shown on tle site plan. Rrrilding F-terior We will restucco the entire outide of the building. The snrcco coiorwill be [ght, naflral color. There willbe a stone base by the new etrtry. We will fug installing a new wood shingle roof tbroughour we will be inroducing new wood eim and roof overhangs as shown on the elevations. We will be revising the existing porches, balconies ald declcs with new wood trim. to create the more.traditional porches shown on the elevations. We will be'ercending the odsting rlining deck atong.the south side of the restalrrart to conDect wich the new botel lounge. We will be constnrcting a rew on-grade hoteVhealth dub enrry on East Meadow Drive. We will be srtending the aorth wall of tle restaurant 6!-0u to tle north aad filliag ' in an ecisting 28'x 9' "indentation" along the south side of the rlining terrace. We will !g i$tarling new wood windows and doors throughoul We will be addiog new dormers at tle fourth floor level along both the north aod south sides of the existing sructure. We will fg 2{.ring ssvy chimneys throughout for tbe new gas fireplaces. The improvements to the health dub will not be o<tensive, itey will focus on increasing tbe spa and cardiovascular capacity of &e club and adding nern'door5 and rvindows along the south wall of the upper level in order to introduce more natural light itrto the dub. Most areas of the dub stay as they are. We will be adding new floors at tne upper healtb club level above the weight foom and the existing racquetbdl courL We will be creating a new staffIocker/louuge area at the lower heatth club leveL Tnterlor TmFroveinents - Garage 1Our SDD proposal will create tl'e need. for an additionalf cars to be parked on site. We will be relocating a portion of the ocisting laundry facility to create room for 3 additioaal cars and eliminating two storage rooms to create room for an additionat 4 cars,. The remaining 3 cars will be accomodated within the existing garage .tlrough a valet parkirrg arrangemenL Tnterior TmFrovements - Hotel We wiII be creating a new double-high hotel lobby and lounge area which will cornect to tbe new hotel/health dub enuy. There will be a new open stair to a . balcony above the lobby at the second floor. We will be reoovatlng atd revising tXe existing conference room on the frrst floor, adding a new boardroom at the second floor and crearing a neftr meeting room along the south side the fi.rst floor of the building. We will be relocating two employee uuits from the fourth floor to the firstfloor. Tbe other nro employee units will be relocated to the third floor. These rnis will $s meintained on'site, as per a previons agreement, for t!.e life of the sEucture we will be eliminating 6 existing DU's and adding 24 new AU's to create a oew roon mix of 3 DU's a.nd 52 AU's. The average size of our new hotel room (AU)'will be increase by 54 square feet to 478 square feet from 424 square feet AIt of the o{sting hotel rooms will be totally renovared. AII of the bathrooms will be renovated and made larger. 1'trs lmprovements to the health club wilt not be ertensive, ihey will focus oa increasin-g the spa and card.iovascular capacity of the club and ia6ing ner1' d,oors and windows aloag the sou& wall of the upper tevet in order to intrdduce rnore natural light into rbe dub. Most areas of the club stay as they are We will be adding new floors at the upper health club level above the weight room and tie existing racquetball courl We will be creating a new stafflocker/lounge area at the lower health club level Tnterior Tmprovernents - Garage 1Our SDD proposal will create the need for aa addgional/,O car.s to be parked on site. We will be relocating a portion of the edsting laundry facility to create room for 3 additiosal cars and eliminating two storage rooms to create ioom for an add.idoaal 4 cars. ffig 1em:ining 3 cars will be accomodated within the existing garage through a rralet parking arrangemenf Tnter:ior TmFrovements - Hotel We will be creating a new double-high hotel lobby and lounge areawhich will connect to the new hoteVhealth dub entry. There will be a new open stair to a . balcony above the lobby ar rhe second flo6r. We wiil be renovating arld revising the existing conference room on the first floor, adding a new boardroon at tle second floor and creating a Dew meeting room along the soutb side the first floor of the building. We will be relocating tr,vo employeg rrnils from the founh floor to the first floor. Tbe other two employee units will be relocated to the third. floor. These uaits will be qaintained on-site, as per a previous agreement, for the life of the structure. We will be eliminating 6 o<isting DU's and adding 24 new AU's to create a new room mix of 3 DU's and 52 AU's. The average size of our new hotel room (Au)'witl be increase by 54 sguare feet to 47E square feet from 424 sqrrare feet. AII of the oxisting hotel rooms wiil be totally renovated. All of the bathrooms will be renovated and made larger. --. U coMMrssroN .,)FlLE CoPy PUBUC MEETING SCHEDULE . Monday, April 12, 1999 FINAL AGENDA Proiect Orientation / PEC LUNCH - Communiw Development D,epartment 12:15 p.m. MEMBERSPRESENT MEMBERSABSENT John Schofield Greg Moffet Galen Aasland Brian Doyon Diane Golden Ann Bishop Tom Weber Site Vislts : 1:15 p.m. 1 . Ridder - 303 Gore Creek Drive2. Waterhouse - 285 Forest Road Driver: George KEX NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board wll break f,or dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m. Pubflc Hearino - Town Council Chambers 2:00 p.m. 1. A request lor an amendment to a previously approved final plat for the Tall Pines Subdivision, located at 2239 Chamonix Lane / Lots 1 & 2, Tall Pines Subdivision. Applicant: Chamonix Development Group, LLC & Paintbrush-Tall Pines, GPPlanner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE:4-0 APPROVED 2. A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for gross residential floor area (GRFA) in excess of the allowable maximum, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive #8 i Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: P. Anthony & Constance Ridder, represented by Gwathmey-Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Diane Golden VOTE: 4-0 DENIED PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL I, {s! 4 ', itq o 3. A request for a variance to the front setback, to allow a new garage, located at 285 Forest Road/Lot 20, Block 7, Vail Village 1s. Applicant: Steve & Linda Waterhouse, represented by Steven FlidenPlanner: Jelf Hunt MOTION: Tom Weber SECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE:4-0 APPFOVED WITH 5 CONDITIONS: 1. The north wall and roof line of the new garage do not e)dend any closer to the mature evergreen tree than the existing garage's wall and roofline, unless approved by a professional arborist.2. That the site lighting be brought into compliance with the Town regulations.3. That the pier & beam garage foundation & parking space be cantilevered to minimize the site disturbance.4. That the plate height of the garage roof be determined by a reasonable 8' garage door.5. That the garage roof eave does not extend over the front property line into the public right-of-way. 4. A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District #30 (VAC), t0 allow for an additional dwelling unit and reduction of accommodation units, located at the VailAthletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello/Brent Wilson WORKSESSION_NO VOTE 5. A request for a minor amendment to a previously approved development plan, to allow for the construction of a skier tunnel at the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, VailViltage 7'n Filing. Applicant: Vail AssociatesPlanner: Jeff Hunt STAFF APPROVED 6. A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Glen/ Lot 6, Spraddle Creek Estates. Applicant: Franco D'Agostino, represented by Hobert MachPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26, 199!) 7. A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located a12657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26, 1999 'l 8. A request for a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. . Applicant: Vail Recreation DistrictPlanner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL APRIL 26, 1999 L A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, to amend Section 6 of Ordinance #12, Series of 1997 to clarify a condition of the Ordinance, located al242E. Meadow Drive/ Part of Tract C, Block 5D, VailVitlage 1"' Fiting. Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development GroupPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 10. A request for a final review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Conoration, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Fluther WITHDRAWN 11. A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for outdoor patio seating at Special Development District f35, located at 242 East Meadow Drive i Austria Haus Club & Hotel. Applicant: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 12. Inlormation Update r Timberfalls letter (in packet) 13. Approval of March 22, 19gg minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planners otfice located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon requ€st witi 24 hour notification. Pleas€ call 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Communty Dwebpm€nt Depanment TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: o MEMOFANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department April 12, 1999 A request for a wotksesslon to discuss an amendment to Special Development Disirict #30 (VAC), to allow for an additional dwelling unit and reduction of accommodation units, located at the Vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, VailVillage First Filing, Applicant: J\ /T 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello/Brent Wilson I. DESCRIPTION AND BAGKGROUND OF THE REOUEST The Vail Athletic Club (JWT 1987 Limited Partnership), represented by Stan Cope and John Perkins, has submitted a request for a Major Amendment to Special Development District (SDD) #30 (as amended by Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1998) to allow for a reduction in the number of accommodation units from 54 to 46, an increase in the number of dwelling units Jrom 3 to 4, and an increase in GRFA as shown in the table attached to this memorandum. The changes are proposed due to financing conslraints (the need to have additional revenue from the sale of a dwelling unit) and also the desire to construct larger accommodation units which the applicant states are more suitable for a first class boutique hotel. Additionally, the owner of a condominium on the fifth floor is proposing to add a dormer and 713 sq. ft. ol GRFA to their unit, The two applications are being considered jointly. Below is a summary ol the changes: Common Area: AUs: DUs: EHUs: There is a slight reduction in common area (52 sq. tt.) from the 1998 approval. The number of AUs is reduced to 46 units. The GRFA allocated to all AUs decreased approximately 10o/o or 2,337 sq. ft. Most of the existing accommodation units are approximately 300 sq. lt. Some new accommodation units are proposed at 500+ sq. ft. The number of DUs is being increased by one unit. The new proposed unit is approximately 3,700 sq. ft. in area. The number of EHUs remains the same at 4 units. The square footage allocated is being reduced by 39 sq. ft. The sizes range lrom220 sq. ft. to 350 sq. ft. The proposed changes to the building do not result in an amended footprint or modifications to the site plan. The previously approved site plan and conditions of approval are proposed to be carried forward. The building elevations are modified by the addition ol several dormers on the south and north'elevations of the building and the enclosure of areas that were previously balconies. The DRB will be required to review these changes to the building. Overall the changes are minor in terms of bulk and mass or impacts on adjacent properties. The proposed buifding continues to meet the definition of a lodge wift 64% of the GRFA devotsd to accommodalion units and 360lo devoted lo dwelling units. Reductions of the proposed floor plans are attached. In 1998 the applicant received approval to eliminate one dwelling unit and one accommodation unit and make other interior and exterior changes to the building. The '1 996 approval allowed for 55 accommodation units, 4 dwelling units, and 4 employee housing units. The 1993 approval allowed 52 accommodation units, 3 dwelling units, and 4 employee housing units. The existing development on the property contains 9 dwelling units, 28 accommodation units, and 4 employee housing units. II. STAFF FECOMMENDATION No recommendation is provided at this time as this is a worksession. III. AMENDMENTPROCEDURE The proposed changes described in Section I are considered to be Major Amendments to the 1993 approved SDD and subsequent amendments. As stated in the Zoning Code Section 12- 9A-2, a major amendment is defined as follows: "Any proposal to change uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number of dwelling or accommodation units; modify, enlarge or expand any approved Special Development District. . ." Since the applicant's proposed amendments to the SDD involve changes to gross residential floor area, as well as density (number of units), the proposal is required to follow the Major SDD Amendment procedure. The PEC shall provide a recommendation to the Town Council regarding the proposal. The Town Council may approve the proposal via two readings of an ordinance. IV. SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRIGT CRITERTA As provided for in Section 12-9A-8 of the Town Code, there are nine SDD review criteria which are to be used to evaluate the merits of a proposed Major SDD Amendment. lt should be noted that the staff analysis of lhe projecl's compliance with the SDD review criteria has only focused on the proposed amendments to the SDD, and not on the balance of the 1993 or 1996 approvals. The review criteria, and the staff's analysis of the proposal's compliance with the review criteria, are as follows: A. D,esign compatibility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adiacent properties relalive to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, buffer zones, identity, character, visual integrity and orientation. B. Minimal architectural changes are proposed to the design of the building. The overall scale, and mass and bulk of the proposed structure will generally remain as it was approved in 1993 and subsequently amended. The primary roof forms (and building height) will also remain as approved in 1993, with the addition of several dormers. Staff does not believe these changes will significantly affect the bulk and scale of the building. Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, etficient and workable relationship wilh surrounding uses and activity. The general uses within the redeveloped Vail Athlelic Club (VAC) are not proposed to change. The building continues to meet the definition of a lodge as more than 50o/" of the GRFA is devoted to accommodation units. The floor area additions are relatively minor with respect to the overall scope of the project with an increase of approximately 2.620/" from the 1998 approval or 2.78/" over frre 1996 approval. Gompliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Title 12, Ghaptel 10. Staff believes that the proposed amendments to the SDD are in compliance with this criteria. The Town's zoning requirement is for a total of 20 parking spaces to be provided on the site, which is based on the reduction in the number of accommodation units and the addition of a new dwelling unit. This proposal would reduce the number ol required parking spaces lrom22 to 20, however, the applicant is proposing to accommodate 22 parking spaces on-site. Contormity with applicable elements ot the Vail Gomprehensive Plan, Town policies and Urban Design Plans. VAIL LAND USE PLAN The goals contained in the Vail Land Use Plan are to be used as the Town's policy guidelines during the review process for new or amended development proposals. The staff considered the following Land Use Plan Goals/Policies during the initial review of the 1993 SDD establishment for the Vail Athletic Club, and further, staff believes that these goals and policies continue to be applicable with regard to the cunent Major SDD Amendment proposal: 1.1 Vail should continue to grow in a controlled environment, maintaining a balance between residential, commercial and recreational uses to serve both the visitor and the permanent resident. 1.3 The quality of development should be maintained and upgraded whenever possible. 3.3 Hotels are important to the continued success of the Town of Vail, therefore conversion to condominiums should be discouraged. 4.2 Increased density in the core areas is acceptable so long as the existing character ol each area is preserved through implementation of the Urban c. D. Design Guide Plan and the Vail Village Master Plan. 4.3 The ambiance of the Village is important to the identity of Vail and should be preserved. (Scale, alpine character, small town feeling, mountains, natural setting, intimate size, cosmopolitan feeling, environmental quality.) Stalf believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets the goals and policies ol the Land Use Plan as described above. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN The staff believes that the 1993 approval for the redevelopment of the Vail Athletic Club carried out many of the goals and objectives contained in the Vail Village Master Plan. Additionally, the staff believes that the cunent Major SDD Amendment proposal also furthers the following Master Plan's goals and objectives: Goal fl -Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. Obiective 1.2 - Encourage the upgrading and redevelopment of residential and commercial facilities. Goal f2 - To foster a strong tourist industry and promote year-round economic health and viability for the Village and for the community as a whole. Obiective 2.3 - Increase the number of residential units available for short term overnight accommodations. Policv 2.3.1 - The development of short term accommodation units is strongly encouraged. Hesidential units that are developed above existing density levels are required to be designed or managed in a manner that makes them available for short term overnight rental. Obiective 2.5 - Encourage the continued upgrading, renovation and maintenance of existing lodging and commercial facilities to better serve the needs ol our guests. Goal #5 - Increase and improve the capacity, efficiency, and aesthetics ol the transportation and circulation system throughout the Village. Policv 5.1 .5 - Redevelopment projects shall be strongly encouraged to provide underground or visually concealed parking. The staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment application meets the Vail Village Master Plan goals, objectives, and policies as described above. E. ldsntitication and mitigatlon of natural and/or geologic hazards that atfect the property on which the special development distrlct is proposed. Although this proiect is located adjacent to Gore Creek, no portion of the proposal 4 encroaches into the fifty-foot stream setback, nor into the '1o0-year floodplain. There are no other natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property. F. Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed lo ptoduce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. Although this criteria was discussed extensively during the 1993 review, staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no negative impacts on this criteria. G. A circulation system designed lor both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site tratfic circulation. The staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. H. Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recrealion, views and functions. Again, the staff believes that the proposed Major SDD Amendment will have no impacts on this criteria. l. Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and eificient relationshlp throughout the development of the special developmenl district. Phase I of the VAC redevelopment has been completed (Club Levels - lowest two floors). The balance of the redevelopment is considered Phase ll. VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB - MAJOR SDD AMENDMENT - 1999 1986 Approvsd TotCg 1$|7 Approvcd Totals l$n 1990 PeraentApproved Proposed ChangeTotals Totals from 1998 AU GRFA: DU GRFA: EHU GRFA: Comnnn Area: Conference: Reslaurarn: Oub: Garage: 24,898 8,312 1 ,295 1 5,054 1,545 3,269 21,609 4,740 25,063 8,125 1 ,207 15,553 1 ,500 3,403 21,60S 4,568 -10.31% 36.32./" -3.39% -0.33% 0.000/" 0.00% 0.00../" 0.ov/" 25,008 8,070 1,188 15,945 1,330 3,562 21399 4,296 4n671 12,672 1,149 15,8q1 1,330 3,s62 ltAsg 42% Grand Total:2.62v" 1S6 19gt 1$8Apprcved Apprcved Approved PropTotals Totals Tot ls T # of AU's SS 55 54 6 #otDU's 4 4 3 # of EHU'S DenSity Zb (ll I pef acfe 24.55 ou s :J{J-ia-J trl s UZ.Uit (l., S Ul .ijit OU S zE-:J:, oU i' or17.5du's (densily calc.) (densily oalo.) (density oalc.) (density calc.) (density calc. (AUt ar8 0.3 ol a DU Notes: - 1998 Proposed square foolage figures were calculaled lrom a new and complele sel ol Vail Alhletic Club plans at a scale of one€ighlh inch equals one foo1. -Aprecisecomparisonwith1995and1997fguresisnot|easib|eduetodifferenoesinPreViousp|ans,archi1ec|ura|sca|es,digitizingopera1ors'andb|uep - Th6 1998 proposal includes a nel tolal of 62 square feet of additional floor area lhat ls localed on the Fourth and Finh Fbors. t:bvoryone$ec\memos99\Vac99 t o Vail Athletic Glub Location Map --...__ Subject P,roperty VAIL VILI.AGE FILI PARKING LOT TRACT B & C 41 VAIL VILLAGE FILING EASTMEADoW DR MOUhITAIN HAUS CONDO 292 iTRIA HAUS 242 Produced by the Community Development Department ,FE""u ""ffi:w;'# 0t!0su v {r|nolr.r ftr3'|ot. 0lrl or|., ur t.l {"r rs.r *{ {!{iEIg rE ; ig E lT ---,"lL-rrr-n,i:--YM il o c\ I I ilII:, i;tl I -+'l ttit IL .:,i Flc/\ ry^6 / .tr# ,h a/ $// tk {$'ig t: it I il il €il Eil. Rlls she ,Eg<<< t$ .;tg Ea6 a @c - tE<-r ' I il 'l sil Fil, silio o----(.'-.'_ lr*ttl tl ""ft#y,ru;'# .{t).}ct. {r rt()3t:6 clgr 4e.r: 4r:.4t.{!. r, j 'i. rf,{s &r ,.eaj 3* ala3 2 il il Fil Flr EI;A t"., o o /n rn r,n @o og o @ o---- -_--*-_----'_=-.-Y a"'t__i__Y , .-__!-!__ _.; _ _!1jf_*_ir.,,,/'.__ i *bv. _ j.t ! d.r ' .4 | J!_.! . s!_ *_ _,e-,___: _J!_ : l:iii I l, I)ll lr ll i: it'i:l lliil: lru)lrll ll,.iti-lllr :ll'lti lloii 'l ! ^r, iiii; : ;l ]ii-l:;:ili,r-- -'---t 1l I : rt Ii;ilim--t| , I tl :lI I I [ -ll il*rel --i - ---l !+fEfl -\.iiItJ- frl HH ;i'tl-nHl'(WffiMl A yil- 'l - i-=,ll*jl S | :1,':,FF4re1,lF{d[F]l l 1"il i- flffiri.*1-a,-\H{ ffi ;i,ol*""-"+*^HY"H ;r,i -a Ft ---=-f-Jl:-:F"#-\"-llJl$ul ll 'L'T\EI ffinnffi'c- ..i.1 --tr---l Efi'ffm+lryi:E$ffiL $" -il . :rill IF.lrL lF JL+FJI- h il ll ----JL-=.11 ll - ll . ,-. r-.ler : ll il ll I ll rll , -f fi ' ll 'll -rdl i il'''il illl ill il il il.ll ll 1l ,-ii l"i -=--=-t il It ,il [_ __ -.fl ,._ ll____.[.- __....__h_.... i tQJl -- A A oacr,{D At,At.tzr,SeeoM Fl@@ Ha{t \i.r- ""ffi:':r,:l;,v# 0ts0J0ud v rr{rrri{ 'r arl 6{ir.|!r 4r't.: '4t ||: l.{ ts}N }1.1t|14' il ll il *N Filr EI;o i ;lll !i titl.l-.l- I:rJ llti llrl+tl I gtr' I+-- l-- t \ oovmTJ w X'ffi'f'ffi'Tilt 60m|d I ? i ??? dLt! E EiENI r F €EE sEt <.E c3 /F\Ea8t Ebvrtong/ ? I I I ? ? I ? ? ? ,e-4*rg9 I ll 99 uE8"u" 00ft010t IY/r'lfi]:l'ffi'T'il't 0ls0&u v C\I c..i o---- o---- @---- t o---- e------ o-- e-- o--rcH@ HEg ffilH ffiJg ,#m- ffiffiffi ffiffiI-rn TrFl ffi ffiffi @ O"$f Call thcPlanningSalTat4?9-2t38,. APPLICATION FOR PI,ANNING AND E NVI ROI\IMENTAL TOWNOFVAIL coMMrssroN AppRovAL Date ReCeiVgt tlAR le 1999 CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For specific information, see thc submittal rcquirements for the particular approval that is.rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc accepted until all required information is submittcd. The project may also n:#d to be reviewcd by the Town Council andlor thc Design Rwiew Board Amendmcnt to an Approved Dwelopment Plan : Employee Housing Unit (fypc: ) Major or tr Minor CCI Exrcrior Alteration (VailVillage) tr tr tr tr Major or E Minor CCII Extcrior Altsration (Lionshead)tr Speciat Dcvelopmeirt DshictXI Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD DESCzuPTIONOFTHEREOLJEST:.An ad.dition of one dwelling unit, a reductio of-o to e iccomodai-ion*-' side of the building. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA(250) tl Bcd and Brealdast tl Conditional Use Perrnit fl Major or E Minor Subdivision D Rczoning tr Sign Variance E Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment l'l .1r- the' f {! .!., North c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT_BLOCK_ FILIN ADDRESS : 352 E. Meadow Drive '" ^ -t-"i1" liiliEi i.. cr.rnBUILDINGNAME: r',rE ZONING:i Special Developmett District NAMEOFOWNER(S):JWT 1987 LLC. MAtLrNc Anppggg. Dr.Tom Roush 232 Ea.st 61st Street New York. NY 100 PH (21-2) 980-5 F. OWNER(S)STGNATTJRE(S): G. H. NAMEOFREPRESENTATIVE: St MAILINGADDRESS:352 E. Meadow Drive Vai1. CO 81Q!7 p1191qg. (e70) 476-0700 FEE - SEE TI{E SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL STJBMITT,A,L REQINREMENTS ANDTIIE F'EETO THE DEPARTMENT oF C0MMIJNITY DEVEL0PMENT' 75 soUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, For Office Use Only: FecPaid: \Nt'ra ^(,,r^nCW: '/,Dutt-l By:N.\-i Application Datc:1l?\PEC Mecting Datc:_ Rctir.d 6D6 i .i:. 'a .,:r il '.1*ic $ VAII,, coLoRADo E1657. Mr. Dominic Mauriello Chief of Planning Town Of Vail ?5 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO E1657 March 19, 1999 RE: Vail Athlaic Club Amendrnent to current SDD Zone District John M. Perkins, AIA 0O4Z E. Beover Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suiie C- l6 P.O. Box 2QO7 Avon, Coiorodo 81620 970.949.9322 fox 97O .9 49 .A629 Dear IVlr. Mawiello: Please note the attached application for the Vail Athletic Club. (VAC) The VAC proposes the following changes to their currEnt SDD Zone District: o The addition ofa new fourth floor dwelling unit of3654 SF.o The addition of 1427 square feet to th€ building breaking out as follows:l0l S.F. Common Area 47 S.F. Meeting Space Area 1279 S.F. Employee & Accommodation unit GRFA . The overall project square footage percentages will be very close to 33% dwelling unit GRFA and 67% accommodation unit GRFA. . The reduction of six to eight accommodation units bringing the total accommodation units to 46 to 48 (depending on keying options and final design layout). r The addition of five dormers to the roof line on the north elevation ofthe building. r The building fooFrint will not be altered and the site coverage percentage will remain unchanged . The parking requirement will be reduced by a rct of 2.72 spaoes rrsing curent Torm of Vail formulas. Dominic, the VAC is pursuing this amendment for two reasons; one, to make the overall renovation financially possible, and two, to create large luxurious accommodation units suitable ofa fint class four to five star boutique hotel. Please do not hesitate to call me for any need you may have rcgarding this proposal. Thank you" Dominic. Date Receivet JohnM. Pe*ins, AIA tlAR le t9g9 APR-O9-99 6E|:18 FROM , TOU-COM-DEV-DEPT. and/ortho Dcsigr Revicw Board- A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: tr Additional GRPA (250) n Bcd and BreaHast tr ConditiosralUsePetrit tr Major or El Minor SqHivi$ion tr Rezoning E SignVariancc tr Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amendmcnt B.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Qucstiofoll thc Plaoning StatTat 479'21]ti APPLICATION FOR' PI.,ANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amqldmont to an Approved Development Plan tr EmployccHousingUnit(Iypc, r-)B Major or E MinorCCI Extcrior Altcratiqn (Vailvillagc) O Majoror O MinorCCII ExtcriorAltcmtion (Lionshcad) tr SpccialDcveloPmcntDisrict fl Major or E Minor'Amcndrncnt to en SDD lD,9?64?92452 PAGE I/I GE{€RAL TNFORMATION This application is for any projcct requiring appoval by thc Planning and Environmental commission' For specific informatiorr, seo tnc s'umltui'.equirlm*6 fot tf,t patiicular approvll that is rcqlestcd' Thc apptication cqn not bo accepted until all rcqrrircd information is submifred. n" p...iJ t"V also need ti bc rcviewed by thc Town Council lUWAI0rvdtl c_LOCATION OFPROPOSAL:LOT--BLOCK-FILNGS r.Y r- -l-r l;"d ADDRESS UILDINCNAME: D- E. ZONING: NAMEOFOWNER(S): F. G. OWNER(S)SIGNATIJRE(S): -' NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: H.FEE - sEE THE SSBMITTAL REqSIREMBNTS FoR THE APPR6PRLATE bvn! poo STJBIIIIT TIIIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBUTTMT, REQUIREMEIIiTS AI\ID TIIE [.EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD' For OfhccUse Onlv: €. DLFccPaiBy: :126fi Application Datc:-- PEC Meeting Datc: PH}NE *)b 441=> MAILINGAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657, RcYi*d 6tl!96 o o Adjacent Property Owners to the Vail Athletic Club Parcel #2101 082 "30' & "3ll o Richrrd Par{cr 3329 E. Bayaud # t5l4 Denver,Co 80209 Jemes Todd Robert & Barbere Euwer 5728 S. callup St. Littleton, CO 80120 Sonuel &Nency Gary JamesHolmbelg S. Repqblic Plaza 370 l7b sr Suite 5300 Denver, CO 80202 Gore CreekPartnership C/o OliveC. Watron 100 Fieldpoint Circle Creenwich, CT 06830 Stemart Colton 232 Hartshorn Dr. Short Hills, NJ 07078 Mr. & Mrs.Tucker 31033 ButtermilkCt. Evergreeq CO 8(X39 JRH-I Tmst 4600 S. Monrce Ln Englewood" CO 80110 FemilyVeil-LP Attn: Kate Mitchell - Tar Depertment 200 W. lvladison Chicago,Il 60606 WillirmB. & G. MitchellWhiteford E. Pa*s P.O. Box 1440 Eagle,CO 81631 Wdter Petrick Gremm 695 hosp€ct St. WiE€tka,IL 60093 Brrtrre & John lVclles - Tnrstsca 1133 Race St. l1-B Denver,Co 80206 John H. Crrtcr Co., Inc. P.O. Box 7130 Mctairie, LA 70010 Anthonv & Constrncc Ridder tgOt w. z?6 st. Susetlslmd Miani Beach, FL 33140 Itfir. Dnid Smith C/o Cornice Building 108 S. Frontags Road Vail, CO t1657 B-A" & Berbarr Bridewater 8300lvlryland Ave. St.Iruis, MO 63105 Robort& Mrry GalvinI Rolling Oaks Farm Route 68 Baningtoa IL 60010 lfl.rior l]L Lloyd 25060 SL Mary's Road Libertyville,Il 60048 Gcorge lVerhington Knor, IV 291 hidg6 St Vail, CO 81657 Tyrolean Condominium Associntion & Rcrtrunat C/o Brandess / Cedmur ReelBstete 2El Bridge St. Vail, CO 81657 Vorhufer Condeminiurn Arsocietion 385 Gore Crcek Ih. Vail" CO 81657 N. J.Nicholrg 50 C€ntal ParkWest.NewYorlqNY 10023 Mountain Haus Condominium Associrdon Ath: JrcJrlenbert 292E.MeadowDr. Vail, CO 81657 Revised:3/16199 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PFOPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section '12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April 12, 1999, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6H-8, Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for gross residential floor area (GRFA) in excess of the allowable maximum, located at 303 Gore Creek Drive #8 / Lot 8, Block 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: P. Anthony & Constance Ridder, represented by Gwathmey-Praft ArchitectsPlanner: George Buther A request for a conditional use permit, to allow lor outdoor patio seating at Special Development District f35, located atz4zEasr Meadow Drive i Austria Haus Club & Hotel. Applicant: Johannes FaesslerPlanner: George Ruther A request for a minor amendment to a previously approved development plan, to allow for the construction of a skier tunnel at the Golden Peak Ski Base, located at 458 Vail Valley Drive / Tract B, VailVillage 7th Filing. Applicant: VailAssociatesPlanner: Jeff Hunt A request for an amendment lo a previously approved final plat for the Tall Pines Subdivision, focated at2239 Chamonix Lane / Lots 1 & 2. Tall Pines SuMivision. Applicant: Planner: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setbacK located a12657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a modification to a platted building envelope, located at 1047 Riva Glen/ Lot 6, Spracklle Creek Estates. Chamonix Development Group, LLC & Paintbrush-Tall Pines, GP Dominic Mauriello Franco D'Agostino, represented by Robert Mach Allison Ochs Applicant: Planner: A request for a minor amendment to Special Development District No. 35, Austria Haus, lo amend Section 6 of Ordinance #12, Series of 1 997 to clarify a condition of the Ordinance, located at242E. Meadow Drive/ Part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"I Filing. Applicant: Bill Sullivan, representing the Austria Haus Development GroupPlanner: George Ruther A request lor a final review of a proposed locker room expansion to the Dobson lce Arena, located at 321 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 1, Block 1 , Vail Lionshead 2no Filing. Applicant: VailRecreationDistrictPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of a major amendment to Special Development District #6, Vail Village lnn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District tt30 (VAC), to allow for an additional clwelling unit and reduction ol accommodation units, located at\ Jhe Vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, VailVillage First Filing. {ppri."ntr JWT 1987 Limited partnership, represented byJohn perkins7 Planner: Dominic Mauriello The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2355, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published March 26. 1999 in the VailTrail. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that rhe Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of th'e Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on April26, 1999, al2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vait Municipat Buiiding. In consideration of: A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-5 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, to allow for an encroachment into the required side setbacks, located at 3003 Bellflower Drive / Lot 9, Block 6, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Mr. Guillermo HuertaPlanner: George Ruther A request for a final review of an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a final review to discuss an amendment to Special Development District #30 (VAC), to allow for an additional dwelling unit and reduction of accommodation units, located at the Vail Athletic Club, 352 E. Meadow Drive/Parcels A & B, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: JWT 1987 Limited Partnership, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello/Brent Wilson A request for a variance from Section 12-6C-6, to allow for the construction of a garage within a front setback and Section 12-10-8, to allow for the construction of an undersized garage, located at 5125 Black Bear Lane / Lot 11, Block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applhant: Montogomery(Mike)MathiasPlanner: Allison Ochs A request for a variance lrom Section 12-6D-6, to allow for a building encroachment into a rear setback, located at2657 Arosa Drive / Lot 8, Block D, Vail Hidge. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Allison Ochs The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. ' Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published April 9, 1999 in the Vail Trail. M#w Date Receivet APR r 5 1999 BBITII\I WAGNEN 2e2 DrstMerdowl)rlve V.ll, CO 8f857 s7o47o,-24e'4 Friday, April 09, 1999 Mr. Les Utley Manager, Vail Athletic Club 352 Eas't Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Les: Thank you for retuming my call lasl week regarding the space between the Vail Athletic Club and the Mountain Haus where your lrash building used to be. This space has been an eye sore since the trash building was remo/ed and because it is not landscaped as required The Town of Vail, illegal parking has been a continuous problem. I know that there have been abuses from occupants and sewice people from the Mountain Haus as well as from the Vail Athletic Glub. I really apprecialed you positive atitude and willingness to police this problem until we can get this area lendscaped. Since you are not going to be doing the projected oderior renovation lhis summer as planned, I volunteered to participate in the expense of landscaping this area. I spoke today with Dominic Mauriello al Building Department and he was please that we were going to get that area landscaped. Pfease give be a call at the Mountain Haus at 176-2432 or in Hilton Head at 843-3636155 as soon as you make plans for this Spring's Landscaping impro\rernents so we can work together to make this small ponaon of The Town of Vail Property look great. I'm sure lhe improrements we make will elevate the problems we have had in the past! Thank you in advance and I look forward to talking with you. Sincerely Brian Wagner mhg$ll07cc: M/omas Zeisel, Manager, Mountain Haus 1,"1il'r. Dominic F. Mauriello, Senior Planner, Town of Vail :#.-H * I tr"x q?b-qwe tqi+ gf^rgaare- q,l[o*eA ZO + ftRA eJb.r lLfr*.le*\rc^ 1L,"re4.re. Sy--!t- g(ates q(e "( 6t^.,-J€{lnpJ" L*; Co"t-[*lao, n4 tp*^ ,g roorn * ,l >prcad"6. lil l.i 9?qQ Lo O >-4uarel*' r^; r'*i"-o. vt*Yo{ lll Aer: vn-.l . I i:, (r,AD0 t i 2 pdrLirysp,rt-,,,p 4a L,o1o s1.#y". unil t Jr I ::i e S P'UrV 27'ces o'tu?Po 4 i 6,+t0r- \p"r^* lyce Wtrn,t \ +yce d.r ZDO .y-1{- \ ryaehi e-* X mls o(L I ' tl .t ) Daqecl_" 6,tllt^o61n ',\+w i I^LD aI.#- t(*u -th* ?f.V+ r*1g17g d' t/ / \+(tn-o-br X tnb. fae,o/"k k4uls