HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE & SPA ETC VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 1988-1998 BUILDING PERMITS LEGALTOW}I OF VAIL 75 S. FRONIAGE ROAD vArI_,, co g1-657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEN:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI-,L TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B98-0130 ilob Address: Locat,ion. . - : Parcel No..: ProjecE, No.: ADOLFSON & PETERSON, 797 VENTI'RA STREET, ADOLFSON & PETERSON, 797 VENTIJRA STREET, 'JWT 1987 VAIL I,P 352 MEADOW DR 352 E MEADOW DR 210L-082-55-001 PRJ98 - 0081_ SEaEus. . Applied. Issued. . Expi.res. lSSUED 05/2L/t998 05 / 0L/L998Lt/28/t998 APPLIES]{[ CONTRACTOR OlrlNER Description: RENOVATION OF EXISTING BLDG Occupancy: A3lRl-/E3NoL in Eable!Tlpe Construct.ion: II FR Type II FireTlpe Occupancy: 83,938 INC. AI]RORA, INC. AURORA, B0 01L B 0 011_ co co Phone: 303-363-7101 Phone: 303-363-710L 8L657 . Dev. 0leun.up BuiIdlng-----> PIan Check- - - > Invcs!igaeion> will c.tl----> Restualants Plan Rcviey- -> DRB Eee.-------- ToLal Calculaled F6ea- -- > AddiEional Fee6--- --- -- - > TotaL Felmi.r Fee--------> PaytlenLg-------- 650,00 429.OO . oo 250.00 t., 442 . O0 .00 r,442.OO r ,442 .OO Recreatlon Fee----------> .0O Clean-Up D.posiL-- - -- ---> apBroved nesisrfr€16Unt tlet6 Add Sq FL: , o0 100. o0 ValuaE.ion r Fireplace Infonnacion: Rc6!,ticted:tof Oa6 Appliancc6 t *Of (las Logs:tof, Wood/PaL let: *f rtrr{rrii FEE sul.lMA&Y .+rl*..r,.*+,r. ---....,T:*":lli:;;:;;;:.;.;;.t..."....i:iii;::..."...TTi:1.?31;;;.;;;;;;;;;:"......,."..;::".. ITEM: .O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:05/.21/L998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO GARY06/0]-/]-998 GGOODELL ACTiON: APPR APPROVED-SEE CONDITIONSIlqqri.q94q0_P!alwING-DEP.ARTMEITT _. pepr: PLAI'INTNG Divisj-on:05/26/t998 DOMINIC AcEion: APPR see conditio?rsrEgM: -05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DCPT: FIRE DiViSiON:05/27/1998 MIKE M Action: AppR appvd as noE-edIleBi .q55Qo_PUEf,rC WORKS Depr: PI'B WORK Division:05/OI/L998 CHARIJIE ACTiON: APPR N/A See Page 2 of E,his Document for any condiEions tshaE may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrrby acknor).edge that I havo read thl6 applicacion, filled out in f,ull the lnfor-Itation requj.led, conpleLed an accu)jate ploe pl'.n, and strte lhat all th€ lnfo!1nation provided ae r:equired is corr:ect.. I agree to conply s'ith tshe infotmatsion and plot plan, Eo codply tri,th alL Tol.n oldi,Eanceo and 6tate la$s. and fo build !hi6 sElucture according Ca the Tonn's zoDing end eubdlviEion codee, deaign rcvie* approved, uni,forrn Building code and oEher ordinancea of th€ Tol{n applicabLe Lhereco. REQUESTS 8OR INSPECTIONS SHAIJI, BE I4ADA TIdEINY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEI.EPHONts AT 4?9.2T38 OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM A:OO AM 5IOO EU g€nd CIaan-Up D.posiE To: ADOLFSON e PETERSON INC OF O!{NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER I *********************************************+********************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0130 as of O6/OL/98 status: rssIIED******************************************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUIIJD PERl,tT Applicants: ADOLFSON & PETBRSON, INC. 303-363 -7LOL Job Address:Location: 352 E MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001 Applied: os/2t/t995 rssued: 06/0t/L998 To Expire. LL/25/L998 Descript.ion: RENOVATION OF EXISTING BLDG Condit,ions:].. FIFJ DEPARI!4ENT APPROVAL IS REQU]RED BEFORE AI{Y I{ORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIEEK FOR CODE COIIPLIA}TCE. 3. Public works must approve cost share on siEe improvemenEs 4. Suttrnit plans to reflect. changes on flre sprinkler system' 5. PHASE TIT ONLY - DOES NOT INCLT]DE AIiIY EXTERIOR WORK. SEE 4/23/98 'JOHN PERKINS LETTER FOR SCOPE OF WORK. EXISTING BUILDING IS REQUIRED TO BE TYPE II F.R. CONSTRUqTION. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE NONCOMBUSTIBI..E & EONSTRUSTION MUST OTHER- WISE MEET '91 I]BC REOUIREMENTS FOR TYPE TI F.R' CONSTRUC- TION, EXITTNG. ETC.6. NO STAGING WITHIN THE R.O.W. WITHOUT PUBLIC WORKS APPROVAL COI{TAET LARYY PARDEE AT 4792L98 -lontacE Eaglc Coun cY Assessors 0fflce ' ;*3i' t ?ijl'ft''-5*ff:r tr '3y*?[ Xi I i- :iff I$"FIifl * ( oxrezf;.f__Zll TRStg- oosr PER.\IIT /I ^ APPLICATION I'{I'ST BE FILLEDI OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ::t Jr * :f rt * rt rt rt * * * * * * ,r * * * * * * * * * * * * * pERMrr TNFoRHATToN * * * * * * * * * * * ,i * * * * * * * * * * * '|( * * * * * ,[Xl-Building ffi-Prumbing ft-nlectricar [ ]-Mechanibat [ ]-other ob Name: ,ega} Description: LoLli*r71!+$1o"y FiIing Otl: f )nners Nane: .lulT tc37 LLc-' Address:Ph. 'rchitect: WAddressr R,^lt ?oo7 .Alail pn.2-ug-gst-a- ;eneral Description: 'ork crass: [ ] -New fig -erterarion t ,: -eaa-i.tlf'?ff? 1 -n"pui, [ ] -orher_ urnber or- Dweiiing unics: _- ?rlt*.oJlp* Accomrnodarion unirs: _- lrmber and Tvpq of Firepraces: cJ= eppliances__ cas Logs_- wood/pelIet_'....*rrr*lbs*+os..l**-qilih""#;d;r;;tt^i;;5ji:ih 7tUILDING: $E r,E crR r cA t_,, $ 3 *&_2_ _ _t OTHER: $LUMBTNG: $ t- UQ.I; *** * ******** ** * ** *******-* * * CoNTR\CTOR INFORMATION * * *.& * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *eneral- Contractor: ddress: lectrical Contractor: __t!..rg- Town of Vail Reg. NO.prlt-t4o6J[ -Phone Number: 7nZ-ALi- -,aL 0?g"oo 3'7 ddress: lunbing Contractor: ddress: echanicaL ddress: Contractor:. ******* *** ***** ** ** *r\** ********.r u.tt UTTDTNG PERMTT FEE: LUMBING PERMIT FEE: ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: LECTRICAL FEE: IHER TYPE OF FEE: R,B FEE: Tor+n of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vai] Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. OFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )t * * * ?t )t * * 'l * * BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK TEE: }IECHANICATJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP ENPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE:rnments: VALUATION LEAN I'P DEPOSII RXFI]ND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L657 970-479-2t38 E1€cCrical - - > DRB Fee InveEbigation> Will calI----> TOTAL PBES.. > 2, 000 .00 FEE SUI4MARY DEPARTMENf OF COMMI]NITY D NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED EI.IE TRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 352 MEADOW DRLocation...: 352 MEADOV{ DR (VAC) Parcel No. . : 21-0L-082-55-001Project No. : PRiI98-0081 APPLICAI\TT B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 28L8 t/2 NORTH AVE., GRAND JTJNCTION, CO CONTRACTOR B & B ELECTRIC, INC. 28LB I/2 NORTII AVE., GRAND JUNSITON, COOVINER .JWI 1987 VAIL IJP DBA VAIL ATHLETIC CLIJB, 352 E MEADOW DR, Description: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL TIMES Permit. #: E98-0137 STaTuS...: APPROVEDApplied..: 06/L7/L998Issued...: 06/L7/1998 Elq)ires - ., 12/L4/L998 Phone:. 970-242-245Q 81s01_ Phone t 97Q-242-2450 815 01 VAIL CO 8L557 Valuation: Total calculated Fees-- >53-00 Additional Fees--- -- - ---> -00 Total Permit Fee ------->53 .00 50 .00 . oo .00 3.00 53. OO ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DEDT: BUTLDTNG06/1-7/L998 JRM Action: AppR APPROVED ilRldITCM: -05600 FIRE DEPARTMEI{"T DCPt.: FIREO6/t7/L998 'JRM Acrion: AppR N/A Division: Diwision: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL-IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAIiI BE STARTED. ****i**t*r**.** DECLARATIONS I heleby acknowledge that I have read Lhi6 applicaLion, fi1led ouC in fu1l the infornalion required, completed an accurahe plot pLan, and Etate lhat aII tshe information provided ao requj.red is correct. 1 agr€e to comply with Che information and ploE p1an, to co$ply eith all Town ordinancee and slate law6, and to build thiE elructure according to the Tolrn, s zoning and eubdi.vision codee, deeign review approved. Uniform Buil.ding code and other. ordinanceE of the Tonn applicabLe thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE MADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADI/ANCE BY TEI,BPHONE Ar 479-2134 oR AT OUR oFFIcE FROM 8:00 AM sroo PM SIGNATTIRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJF AND OWNER )l-:::6 il:,i;el;.3" ;::":il" ;:" PARCEL #:- tg*"?; x*1.:iili'"o**Dt|3-q3ffilv*il #Ben -o,3D oern: 6l ro L3 B , AppLrcATroN Musr BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy oR rt MAy.ugr.al#o f* *********** **** * ***** * ****** pERMrr rNFoRuATroN * * ***** ******************* *** .t . s.\.i.* a 4.rr v..\l-l4lJr I\J Legal Description: Lot Or{Ders Nane: Architect: Block- fif irs ,urorurrro*, fuS-* Address: Address: Ph. Ph. General Description: worlc Class: [ ]-New f;]-Alteratl_on [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accornrnodation Units: fnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************** VALUATTONS ********************************* I tsUTLDTNG: i EIJCTRICAL: $ 2.oor:. oo OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECIIANfCAL: $TOTAL: II ***************************Seneral contractor:Town of Vail Reg. NO.\ddress:Phone Number: :O-:la:-ar"f iLectrical Contractor: B,r R E-u.-?T€, c f Nc_ _ _\ddress: Z€l.m 7z Norarx *rr€ _ Aenr o J<-r. CO .ptSO I ees. No. LLL'Qg:a:-a+a-*S- ?Iunbing contractor: tddress:Reg. NO. .lechanical Contractor: \ddresE:Reg. No. a *******:rrt***** *** **** ** ********fo_R -oFFICE USE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: lurLDrNc PERMTT rEEh\I[ ,LUMBTNG PERMTT FEqydlF IECHANICAL PERMIT q#N(d :LECTRICAL FEE: ,IE}.: THER TYPE OF FEE: l:l:suILDrNG PLAN CHECK FEE:I i. . i?LUttBrNG pr,AN cHEcK FEE: :1,i1:1i{ECIIANICAI, PIAN CHECK FE r.r.-. -CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT : ulrlrorer, PERMTT FEES:)RB FEE: T$V BUITDING: STGNATTIRE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: .:LEA}T IP DEFOSIT REFIIND TO: "tli 75 south troniage road veil, colorado 81657 (303, 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: Cltrl TF/^m . offlce of communlty devclopmenl ELL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WI!TI THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\TELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn surnmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, "o"i, sand, d.ebrisor naterial, incruding trash lurnpsterr, ;;;i.;iJ"toilets andworkrnen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewait<, -;1;;y or publi.cpli9r or any portion theieof. *re rigirt-oi-;;t-;" alr Town ofVail streets and.Ipug= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be. itriE-tiv--lnforced by the Town of vailPublic works Deoartnent. Bersini found vi;Iaiin; this ordinancewi11. be given a 24 hour written i"ti""-ti*;;;;;;t.ui-d rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified, d,oes not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne-ipeci;i;,'^if"-i,lfric worksDepartmenr wirr remove said natei-i"i-"i-inJ"""iJi=e of personnotified. The provisions or irris ordinance shall not beapplicable to cinstruction, s,u:.rri.r,.r,ce or repair projects ofany street or a11ey or any utiriries i; il"-;Iffrl,-"_".y. To review ordinance No. 5 in fu'1, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding Department to obtain a copy. tirani< you for yourcooperatj_on on this natter. acknowledged /Relati onsirip Eo- eroJE Fo* 75 soulh tronlage road vtilr coloredo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-ZL3g offlce of communlty dcvclopmenl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perryit requt'res a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s. (publ ic $tr) review and approuai ,'i ii.r,iini-b.pu"t "ntreview or Health Departmint review, anb a-review by the Bu.ildingDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ;;;i;-;.i"i.[l'a, tongas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or sma'rl) and ail multi-fami'ry permits wilrhave to fo] low the above mentioned maximum requireminli. 'iesidentiar and.small projects-shourd take a iesser amount of time. HJwever, ifresidential or smalrer.projects impact the various-.6or. *intioneadepartments with regard to-necessary review, tn.i. p".j..ii'ruyalso take the three-weet< perioa. Every attempt wiil be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. rfYlL*!.- A$feeo to Dy. =VAtt ?rttgTrc-, Ctut3 HroJect Name Comnun'i ty Develooment Department. TOhIN OF VAIL DEPART|j|ENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L557 970 -479 -2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P98-00B1 VAIL CO 8L657 Description: pLUMBTNG upcRADE (pHAsE 3 ONLY) valuat.ion:l_4, 020 . 00 FEE SU}IMARY APPLICAI\TT CONTRACTOR OUINER Plunbing-----> Plan check- - - > InTeetigat ion > 9liII calt----> ResLuaran! PIan Revierl- - > TOTAI, FEES-. -. - ilob Address: 352 MEADohI DRLOCAIiON...: 352 MEADOW DR (VAII, Parcel No.. : 2LOL-082-55-001 ProjecE No. : PRrJ98-0081 LIJNSFORD BROS. MECIIANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD., GRAND JUNCTION, CO LT]NSFORD BROS. MECIIANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BL\D.. GRAND .]TJNCTION, CO iIWT 1-987 VAIL LP DBA VArL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, SEatus...: APPROVED ATHLEApplied. . z O6 /!5/L998fssued...: 06/L6/L998Expires..: t2/L3/L998 Phone: 970-242-5790 8r_505 Phone: 970-242-5790 81_5 0 5 Total Cafculat.ed FeeE- -->2e4.25 Additional FeeB-- --- -- -> .O0 225 -OO 56 -25 .00 3 .00 . o0 284.25 Total. Permit Fee -- ----> Payments- -- - - BAIJANCE DUE'- -' 244 -25 - 00 244.25 ** t * *i r*r** * * rr i Itgm: .051_00 BUTLDING DEPARTMETflI Dept: BUTLDING Division:O6/1,6/L998 JPJd{ Acrion: NOTE PLANS WrTH cARy06/A6/A998 .JRM ACtsiON: APPR APPROVED PER GARY G. IEeqri.q96q0 EIRE DEPART'II4ENT Depr: FrRE Division:05/L6/L998 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL *r*******a****l*******a+****** ******r****rr*t*a1**r*********a, DECLARATIONS I hsreby ackno$ledge bhat t have read thi6 apptication. filled outr in full bhe information requir€d, completed an accurate plol: plan, and staLe that all. Lhe infornation provided ae required iE correct. I agree to co[rply with the information and plot p].an, to comply sith atl Town ordinanceE and state lawE, and to build this Etructure according to the Tovrn's zoning and eubdivision codee. design leviest appraowed, Uniforn Building code and other orditlancee of the Torn applicable theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BB MADE TVIEII'IY - FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEpHONE AT 4?e-2138 OR AT oUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiTIAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMEIVT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT Job Address. . . : 352 MEADOW DR Status. . . :tocation. -....: 352 MEADOW DR (VAfL ATHLETIC CApplj-ed..:Parcel No.....: 2101-082-55-001 Issued...:Project Number: PR,J98-0081 hcpires. . : 06 /L5 / L9e8 06 /L6 /!99A12/L3/L998 APPLICANT LITNSFORD BROS. MECIIANICAT 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND COIfIRAETOR LI]NSFORD BROS. MECHANICAL 2481 COMMERCE BLVD, GRAND OhINER \TIJNCTION CO 81505 ,JIJNCTION CO 8L505 Valuat.ion: +Of Gas lJogs: Phone: 970242579 Phone:. 970242579 co 81657 16, 905 . 00 *Of liood/Pallet r JWT 1-987 VAIL LP DBA VAII ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAIL Description: ITPGRADE MECH (PHASE 3) Fireplace InformaLion: Restricted:+of ca€ Appl.iances: Mecha.lrica1-- - > Plan check- - - > fnveEtigation> liil] CalI----> Restuara.nt Plan Revi.e!r- - > DRB Fee---- ---- Total calculated FeeB- - - > Addilional Fees-- --- -- --> Total Pennit Fee--------> 340.O0 a5 .00 , o0 f ,o0 .00 .o0 42S .00 42B.OO .00 428 . OO Payments-------- .00'.'...".;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;**"** ;#';;;;;;;';f;;;;;*;r3*o6/1,6/L998 JRM Action: NOTE PLANS WITH GARY0611611998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER GARY G.Ilqmi .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:06/16/1998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. . FIEIJD INSPECTIONS A,RE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}.ICE.2. COMBUSTION ATR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991- I]MC,3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTT]RES INSTRUETIONS AI{DTO APPENDIX CIAPTER 21 OF THE ]-991. ITMC.4. GAS APPIJIANCES SHAI-'L BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALI, TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.906 OF THE 1-99]- UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AIiID703 0F THE 1_991 UMe:6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTTNG ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANIEAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.8, DRAINAGE OF MECIIANTCAL ROOMS CO}ATAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOII.,ERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WTTTI A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE L99L I]MC. *****************************************************************:l************** DECI,ARATIONS I I herlbtr .cknorlBdge th.t I hav€ read this application, fi.ll.d out in f,ull bha inforuatLen rEqulred. qoopletcd an sceurato plotplan' atld scatB that all fhc inforuacion provlded aE rgquir"d iE correct. I egreo co codply nith gh€ lnformltion and plot planr Lo eostly rith all Tot.l! otdinlnceE and sLace lara, and to build thlg scrusture rccording to the Torn's zonLng atrd cubdivlslon cod66, &rign.r6vLar aptrrovcd, Unifolr Building cod! and obhcr ordinancsd of hhc Tovn 4rplicablc th.!e!o. RBQUESIS FOB I![APEeglOlI9 SIIAIL BB ITADE 1'l{EltTy-FOUR HOO"S IN ADIIBNC! Br TEIAPEO}IE A? 479-2139 OR AA oUR OFFICE FROU g:OO Alt 5:oO Pfi SIGIIIION5 OF Oi!IER OR, COI'IRACI$R FOR HIIII'EIIP AND OSINBR .o..oo. e".$.o coune, n""o?'" .rrrce L Datg ReCeiVgdac 970_328_8640 for parcel l. TOWN OF VA1L CONS1RUCUOF_ _ ,r.,. ', .^^^ lER.\tIT I!B9g_0130 \RfEL il:@ PERMTT AppLIcATroN F6RM rrUN l0 IYUU ---'- K DATET 6trzls8 ^ APPLTCATION }.IIJST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELV OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI t * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'t'k PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ********\t t l-Building I x)-Plumbing [ ]-EIectrical Ix]-Mechani-cal [ ]-other Fob Nane: Va+t qttt ett c club Job Address: 352_Me'ador,r Drive iegal DescriPtion: Lot Block__ I. ilinS SUBpIvIsIoN, fwners Narne:Address:Ph. ph\rchitect:John Perkins leneral DescriPtion: lt' 'Iork class: [ ]-New IX]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other tumber of Dwelling Units:Number of Acconmodation Units: ymber and rype of Fireplaces: cas Appriances- Gas Logs- wood/pe)-let r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )k * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * rt:v tt * * r t( * * * * * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * Address: P.O. Box 2007 Avon \IIUILDING: $ET,ECTRTCAL: 9 )LUI.IBING : $14,020.00t-MEqHANI cAr, : g-T69O5. UO-- J * * *:k:t rl * *:t * * * * * * * * *'*'* * *'* * * * * CONTRACTOR INFORMAT'JON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'f 'r*********leneral Contractor: _@_ Town of VaiI Reg. NO.\ddress: .'-'--- Phone Number: OTHER: $ ToTAL: $--30-BZ5ITO- ;lectrical Contractor:',ddress:rl Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: lechanical Contractor: Lunsford Bros. I'Iechanical Cont. ,.rTown of VaiL Recr. NO . LZ7-NI \ddress: 248r co*erce nlv X;;;;.-N";;;t'i!tl r^;.W- )Iumbing Contractor: Lunsford Bros. Mechanicdl tont. ,ddress: 2481 Conrnerce Btwd- G-J-- CO 81505 _ Town of vail Reg. P6.133-P Phone Nurrber:(970) 242-5790 r x rk rt :t * * * :t :i * * * * rt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FOR OfFiCf"USfg ******************rr*tr**'r**?k**** }UILDING PERMIT FE )LUMBING PERMI'I FE ITCHANICAL PERMIT 'ILECTRICAIT FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: rDEl Fff . GROUP SQ. FT.BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: : I & Mechanical Upgrade lonnrenLs: VALUATI,ON ) CLEAN I]P DEP,OSIT REFT]ND TO: lnwr 75 soulh Ironlage road vail, cotorado A165z (303J 479-ZL.3B or 479_2L39 of llce ol communlly developmenl FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH TIiETOI.IN OF VArL TolrN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/colaruNITy DEVELOPIIENT l"IARcH 15 , 19 B I CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ti*er, rrack or deposia ;;;-.;;rl-rl"x, sand, debris;:rffi::'ilil.ilirrdins trisn-iu*p"t.r=, portabre roirers and ti l:;_:: - ;1r"r"i.13i".f; ll"lf i""l[."ii;;lill;:l;:.;irfi]i;-",vatr streets and. roads is approx:.rnat-iy-s-it. -lrr pavement.This ordinance ,:.:.i-te ;;r;:ii;'enforced by rhe rown of VaiLPublic works o.oarinrentl--pJiiins found ,ilruling this ordinancer+irI be siven a 24 hour ".i;l;;'notice-to-;;;;;:,, said rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified.ao-=-.rI"'Io*prv with thenotice within the 2q hour time specified, the public worksDepartment will remove saia :niteiiur it-i'"-""-*pln"e of personnotified' The provision=-"r"'tnir ordinance sirirr not beappricable to clnstruction, ^ui.,t"nance or repair projects ofany street or allev ".-i"v'"liii"r-.s in the right,_a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in fulr, please stop by the Town of:3ii"::ii:i"3,":f;i:'X*"::""ilii" a copv- riranx vou ror your 75 30ulh f rontage ro.d va ll, colo ra d o 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 4?9-2139 of llce of communlty devolopment BUILDING PERTiIT ISSUANCE TII,IE FMI,IE If thrls permr:t reaui.res a Tov,n of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Ensineel'.t..(.p!,!Jti 19rfs) ;;vi; unl'.pprouu1, a plannins Departmenrreview or Health Departm6nt.review, .nb a_review by the Build.i ngDepartment, the estimated time for'a iotar ,..uiu*-iluv"iuii'us ionEas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or smail) and a'l r mu] ti-famiiy permits wilihave to follow itre ibove mentioneJ"mi*irur requirements. Residentiarand.small projects should take J-iesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or snrailer projects irpait the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r.ri th reqard to- necessai.y revi ew, tirese p;;j;.';; *yalso take the three week period Every.attempt vri'll be Tge bV this deparLnrent to expedite thjspermi.t as s.oon as possib] e. - I, the undersigned, nnderstand the p1 an check procedure and tjmeframe, rJalu '1| Cornmuni ty Development Departrnent. MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED WORKS PERMIT" Job Name: Date: Please an Permit': NO ls this a nerv residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propeqty? ls any ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed to site other than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" musl be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications rnay be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Communily Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. U,hu Contraclor's Sionature r the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way YES 1) ,\ t/ /l1) 6) 7) B) t/ Job Name BHI!ffi;H PlunrbhE Fl66tnS ' Ahcoffit:ioning ' HefBetaion FN( COVER SHEET DATE 7lt7le$ TRANSMISSION TO:fOIIN OF VAIL ATTN: PERMITS pAcES TRANSMITTEg lNcLUDlNc covER SHEFr COMMENTS FAJ{ ro l.lE A--cory-gI OUR PLI'MBI}IG PEMfiT WHICH TJAS PICKED.IP EIlf,ER LAST WEEK' OR I'IIE - /.,.n, rrEEK BEToRET so r cax caLL 3m AN rus?EcrroN -NsrI' i{BE(? L'4fy\94^- ' WE flAVE NCE Ef,CETVqD A CO?I OF TtTXs IN ry'ry 11**{fArL ArflLETrc cl.m 352 841]gAD0lqiEt'*** 1 pru< { ts7ot242-7634 |_+-?= ?[raA-L S.!r"si .1,^11[dco'a €-o-4$-+I Qo-\IJ-J2j--Q- { lAo^'=G- 2441 corvlMeRcEBoutEvARD - GFANoJLNcno!{'coLoFADo6lSos - p7o)24'l'579o ' FA:((97o12t2-?6it' r Do Nor nryqrn!-xtlEE& TIIANK YOUI'I ! ADOLFSON & PETERSON 5o Adolfson &Petersotr, lnc. FAQSIMILE TMNSMISSION ADOLFSON & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION C,OMPAI.IYNAMEr 7- .'a r"rrENrIoN,-\/ / K, . FN(NrrMBER,.fl7o-47?- z4eL. -. . .-. - / TOTAL NUMBER OF pAcES (TNCLUDTNG COVER)_+__ !lf!'* NW*AMTA- {//fu7Q €tEeTTlC,fL { fgn hfhffiztrfr&&-o@- ,,ffii3ot$,"wtu ff 6?/?% o t I !-/tvr DaI I I John iil. Perkans, AIA 0047 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suite C 16 P.O. Box 2007 Avon, colorado 81620 970.949.9322 fax 970.949.0629 Vail Athletic Club April 24, 1 Phase III . ,,, l. -F,;-'"'iT't lsjii . . l, t : '..i lj' :' ,',, ,$4AY. I ,1 1$gfi '-i;jtj i *V {;itii,iivi, Utri" Ul'd. 998'fitto$o t ai DaI!-/tvl I I ffi John M. Perkinsr AIA oo47 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resort, Suite C 16 P.O. Box 2007 Avon, Colorado E'l620 970.949.9322 fax 970.949.0629 Vail Athletic Club Phase III April 24, 1998 t, v {E3 3iq 6 E Eifl EEfi *bF. ljr ffiHG ti IE qG EEI g.$ 3a 2 E e F B Ho tr$p EE $ E p:l r{Jg Tq \ \ ,o 3i 60 lrlz R L' E EEn '(9' .-2,.'.D. ,o- ,: .3.o l4 ;::1 . :'5.. 1r.l.=:=:.o.z art NO3 SZNV5, NIOnVSS bVsbT A6-?O-,(EN6919 6?6 025 20'd NO3 3ZNV5 NIOn\/f El E 5-?O-,tPN xl l ill _--_---.E \@ tl It +llr'll IN d. * :,, 6ST9 6?5 026 l. lz.l9IEtq IE l5to L, 2 o- I I I I ffirl I rl rfl I .5 s5 T f IEf fEf i9 T E r# $m -: S'i in li' IF- i:'l gsfrE I 6C''d 69f9 AVg OZa NoJ rzNvo Nronv3a st,zbr so-bb"-E-w- F,{ n ="'ffi'= 500 9xg IIASSACE TH Porse 3IilASSsGE THERAPYlrs] o NEII' DUGT SII-ENCER- VIERON MOOEL- \fiS-NN l4x14x5' LONG WTH POLYEIIilINE FIW ENC'APSUIAIING UNING. IRA'{SMON D[,CT TO A.JD FROM SII.ENCER AS PFTASE 3 CONSTRIJCTIOH DCETPTn{ P I-L ATHLETIC CLUB EXPANSION AND RENOVATION h! m.:82LA Dctf, +2+95ffiutti rmr --m-wER .t"tb,L,1ltJ[. $EHRI * ifiiliitl,, m-'ffih* tJnltr l1a IS $d Xa, M9 F.l o o rn v d II 6: P*.:e 3 Certrt-rcTqpla t L.r'.___l 1ZxB ------:-lral o ,PLY DIFR'SERS TO 8E DIF'EUSER TYPE "A" T IL NRY DUCT SITE{CER. VIBRON [,IODEL.- WS-ltU 56x16:15' LONG WIIH POLYET}fYI€NE nur otclpsuulNc LlNlNG.'IRANSmON DU T TO A}.ID FROM SILS{CER ASREqURED. _^ CO}JNEQT TO DC-29 MECH- Rbqv SELOlv- PI{NE 3 CONSTRUSIION WL TTF{LETIC CLUB EXPANSI AND RENOVATION Bsluu rx-Qrxzn ' Goxsutt mcficllc€ll I lrc. t,ll aA ortr l{ fhtt,$lr tt3 &16.. CO t0r9llffiP* ffiB'11'lB'"ff Tfi ?"lE#.*'%' sE3 N Car.rsrfrrettEd I I rO r0 oto N.o- z IJJ N2 att z f t! m a I si :' h E oq. on o o o o zou l! Nz g z l-{ o ld E o u, d L trrrl,AND aTo ROUTE 6"W UNE DI'I IN i Eo Ivo III GA.t fGE SNO''V},$EL I{X-7. SNOWMELT HEAT EFPANGER MOUNTFD ( THE \TATL.-]iiFER TO DIAGRAM G), SHEET I.I P-4, SNOWMETT PUMP. LOCATE PUI1tP ON I'JALL CLEAR OF TRASH EQUIPCLEAR OF TRASH EQUIi REFER TO D1AGRAM (6) SHEET M5.1. ' RoUTE Htrjs,/HlrtR TO EQUIP. IN TWIN TEE TVHERE PO6$AL[ AND TO BOTTOM OF TEES WHERE"ELST- PTilSE 2 CONSIRUCTiON oEscfl FTroll tFs,E"r lAt-ATH LEIIC CLUB EXPANSION .A}.ID RENOVATION Jcb ric,: 5322.01 )ciu e/tE t'G; bF t{i:i%tilHghts?,fifitlcP,-AN Bngullil illi?.c--,rviie4F;r' f,aeo:3!-Glnzr ffii}_e"i l,?.'f.f;lf. :[[ilhllg1,-.. f:?$ffi* ]rit'ii*ii:i* l.!-{n bl: MIS Sherl ilo- MI ,=- - -t- - ---:!-;| "l . I _.t rI-.'t- I I I'tl* .rl --V IIltl ii t- Ii =l. & zo-T-G-z Ls, ( 4 €o {9 LL.iJl;p;t72 _J*___-- May-OZl-9€l l5: 07 UDIN GANZE CON 7Q 949 6159 Ejj' : i\ Eil'ti PI.{ISE 2 CONSTRUCTION DE5CNIPNO|| EEgf--TIE ATH-IE-T| c tLU B EX PANSION AND RENOVATION A'DN2 xt..Jlal9a Efn./, !; h''r''lffi[fo\"to??y'* HIAIIDIN lr2 oFYrtd lhr. p-tr&tJ,-Caniu- H"'F-**r blfiEl,ffl.:;-... _.... (rD)rrtsIro l4l*loii:irsoggllg:lly,". f€4!t)4t0.-!6rr t|tnD lrrl bls tilc.l lh, AI / rYrl (2) rZ EeJNt lN:fl GRr= < wrJ b' ?iPE COXN-*i|ONS. 9Fl3'r40: HiAi IF.JCE OX 6" Pi9E DF.O?. x€iy 6" P:F:CRr:O Dp,Irr{ PF: hll-t l" tJ.tEArLS. PECI,!']= CGYnlriOJ:i ICE Src'? A RSQU:"ED, sai oRA\vrtrc ,,A' ?1rS SH-=-T FnR CuSF-.rJ- FLAG NOTE: 6J ppg+tqg:.r':rru F.A I EeriE I42- - it|3r..i.- ii =8i". @ H.'{.3' *t St',,,'i i#?8"'i;.i,rb"or., B:iH 3t rri |lif:li$t! Gl"JhD FflrLT F,lX-r:fi0li. oH,r"ilg.lil?;i'.#.1'lir%gj,i!3'^*,* vifiDl 5t r.A lxl-aAl{ GiaJiiO Ff,JLT PRfiicii{r!{. A tP,Ar6tr:r L$:E LI{CER l','iqSiE tlNts.>.rcE OilC€ al Era lEE. DfiEt't F--:.{I t a'' Cdir{ lEillcJil l|S-f; li {/* -0" Eao{. ceriE. (ll:! f',l i'-l-'!i.r,.6{P5 (t 1 tl ::: ? =.----:: -='=,;;.._-*' -- -. --.-=.-,,,1f -;--- .:;o i: "--!" \.-l=i ;: ii:ls' .'=: Plrls: 2 coxslRuc;lfri I'i.-'{ ila"-', JnJ:cI VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB EXPANSION AND RENOVAIION Jr: Eo; ltzz.E? v+r3 l"ft-d bil H:.!4.refi#fil,'#1 ]l!:n Ul l|;s st?t P., E? o a t- o(J (1 LJv} :do. n' 4 t9l .s :t fr 'l,,.a ii. rl a .61EuJ f, zo vrz ftFl*l =o<3ec)2. oH i.;aJZ.r<F Ja $ It ..l: 9n PL' 5F ES F.. =?& -#,F a{ Hrqt iffi !J x*,il ,r{',c u i.-; =;iiti{.=.Jtjri:.:: n_ a4 17 ztr.Qs{ =5FN J2 ;53 'ze f;i:- ilir' iiil lili ilr liI F-" $fr sH ,EE Esil15: r5t il F trH ffiH 9l i,#g# 3l [t fff mE'oo o Iil ,ll;;t ll"l !$l :::f:-:-_:___ tl+:{!F-l I o r-t EIo o o: o'' - zn U UJ Nz l|l ll I I I I !I DEscEFiIllll .. . ... _,'1.i..,:,:;.'s: , .r.. 5lQfi"r:i:' AND RENOVATIQN . .r ":"':.'::"i. ,eb h€:'.53t292' Hn.- .! $Z4Fa .',. ilt rA Fr....'j -']ITIA':':BJ)LEcrRIcAt' BflUlllt lrla-Frrra?te.' rs,r-re .':. 1**$ilifi,*, tffi#,, i'ffiffi': )rcr,r b'?.: Drs ;', l: ',.:r.:.,t ' 'i r" \t '.r '... g. .' irl r ', n ' .rllt;:'',ii:.'.. . 1:..,I ":.,l+r,1" i .i.11 6dre E?6 "ra ' 'l No3 "a2'ri#e 'Ni ln u& nTd a5-?o-{EW o + JriP tgl lJ v.i tb" mot4 l0'nM( EE UWr/f rffirF &tr lv c 16';Isruf ofA ffi$s@tgnt wrc 6'ffire't#fl ffi,tr/:0 AMS smns r14 c-crFwtao| aElo n mFMtrW5 eorrd?qlmlw tlil l0'ltw$ F tvrpr 2-F OLEE#Btt6MIWWMutusN 'l&lr,m.E rp+ai",F*?frLyfr Pilt jf rAQ '$ll'tr% Siaiii:trN SECTION Enffifi fiIl I *l.e t'=t4@wtoArfE {,24,1A I DR *{o I ntilsEft lsc-r DBAfi|c ffi.e PNOET IIATE IN. 'OIEIE AN Hilg J J\r JoB nnffi |na J ,1 ttf ^.i,. "1Jrr^' * t,'l f.r'*r.Q ' fl n i' 5 I r.,t, 1 ; +i. 1ro."l: \ni i 'h,rtll r* '" i r r , :*tn'l- , \ *t p4be lsfE Pt?llic \GE. I A}]D RTO ,r,, : v/AlTtNG ARF_A.. h?*tri:'#ffif.3b?1"' TO TI-|E WALL REFER Tq ur,qemu @, snerr us.t. CoNNECT NEW HWVI-|WR PIPE TO {E) 1-1,/4" HWM{Y/R ptptHC CnppEo IN THE GARAGE. ROUTE HWSAIWR PIPING AI-ONG Y/ALL TO SKI LOCKER ROOTI. 2". |--:--_-__ DC-18. PHASE 39 CONSTRUCTION 0 EseRrmox ANstoNr AND RENOVATION Job no.: : 5822.02 iol!: . 5A6198n'r uPPFJlLt'Yb\Jif 6tEE*frtlif,d'.lo$3{f,l*lgned ttF . . MTs.ttl*lil ffiffi*'rffifffi* iffti$blill'n'. la6id; )rqYn bF l fis Shrsl Ho- f ::r'i i:. :: ji': '. .|., ,:'. j.r... . :t ,! .i, '. ;,. j ' .ir'i : ;': r: 'ir .,: ..,' ' - i i;.'",.''| ..- ': ; ;r'' 'i ll:,..' ll 1 .lt :.:.. I''':.,.: . .. ,:.''..:i i r::r- r ',,.1., ' i;.i...'i . .j'.,, .t. . .i-:, r o 1I:'t II ROIJTE HWS/IIYIR PIPING IALoNG WALL TO SKI ,tJYI rN' IBL)F' ,Htw }AR LOCKER ROOM. SLOPE 1/8" oi tlt,tl I t I PIIASE 38 CONSfRUCTION D€SCRIFNOH ----"-- lnoJscr -mIITTHIETIC Ct_Ug EXPANSION AND RENOVATION J€b no.: fi22.O2 )dr: 5/26/38 r-Jg-,.d bt'; MTS%r1Pft$f HVACPT-,AN E g IUO t X llll2 t!.nrrH*t PkrT' p,0. Eer r0"e;itE-' t&',lto-*-*' fgleemfra5tr73-3'd",, iidizblr+6rsrlllifilllil,*r. tu:d3d])2t&3.$ '-'' :' .' . f.€rn bF lfrs shrcl Ho. M4.. , r oxz+ IF.""tI il.:JJ clo .. .I;al a @ sq r r., o6 !:, ?gur b::! c 'p - lrl 61. 90 1 ffel lsnl lE all- <l l3 l E Pdl(9ol IJtrI ffit ld=l IF t; - 'h=ll;tt=iot .SOJ(lo;- * f;=* I.qE$ $gg# . :.9 t-< 14 !3 E| Fl FLI GE} 5C o o APPROXIMATELY.in nrnr rnncE 1.ffi,#ilt$" rER T0 +/- Var/ U{/ rrO LJ. {U tJI.\.rut {{{ j.v., I ll\l , e + JJUP msre mu ewre Rffi @atrl ffifGnffi t.hzfi ffi{wfi&w{c r{J u0J .E nE I$ASCttvS€Rqv l'ffipfrp€P& ilI Iffi AIW,EFMlf,tlxr( 6M l*fra ot, 0@ tft gP-tdt6 gTlnp nP oft' fr ffi IPAQC It2 lE$ 0 t6' EArtutufio 80t 2'ElNAs SflrI6t&18 EUs nr. r/ C1M5J ffi*-----W,,. $wI'-'* .v*t" iino r. '3 SECTION m^ut{c rnE Slf flEESSmn I ** tt'- t4MWA. INCORPORAIE) 'tJ'tg SPRUCE SmfEr goutoEi. coLGrDo aoro2 PHO{E: J01.a..1o5l FAX: J0s'rt'l+.r957 --r-r i-i,-t l r..|'n Pno.|ECrxme rttr tntElc aE ffirE J JYA Jm wr$'c lllm o^rE 1-2148 I m riilcl** lsc-2 Hav-ze-ge taz2a At\ ADoLFsoN & PETERSoN I ADoLFSoN & PEr fasezsr Adolfson &Peterson, Inc. P.A1 F,A CSIM ILF TNANS U IS S I ON ADOLFSON & PETERSON CONSTRUCTION 797 VENI'URA STREET AllRoRA, COLORADO 60011 FHONE (303) 363-7101FAX (303) 363-925r coMPAlrY *n*, ffit{Ftffi/L Arrnr.rrroN, 644 hfuIg.L FAXNIJMBER: q TOI'AL I\TUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDINC COVER)___I__ "*r, q/4f6 altlt € C)RIGINAI,MAII,ED P. S2f asezsrDtAY-25-94 LA z2g ADOLFSOH & PETERSON J.llul\ gtr:gt BEE-.-{E-tl{tA 8fr 8s NE $;$r5'H frtE fu f,{ ||' 6 f;f E Egi5H E= f;E H E 'l$ '$tfiil H; F.Y,s lI$ fiIfi 4JL zl ot EIJIoi EIlul AI 5 ot z E fl ot- zq I $!- frHF Hfr 6P 1L- -rJF-,- d\ $rg ,$fu ' r1-r \ tf-ri '1}lr .gI'J31lrneb d{fzoIA P. g3f'fAY-26-9e tA=2A q4- ADOLFSOH & pETERSON f "=e=st t# fl$ Ip t Eoi $ ',nlfin 'JNI 'St33llH]t# Ctlf p s E i$$ k EE !' l!r [[r <l $$$ didr $ 5$$ $Ifi[ It tgl ?€16'. -?Z-}!'J*ro'c FIAY-26-94 lB =2Lr-w l J.rL' Enfi rtllrrl0 F$in - r, rrr'lll '| lrriE ;r$c !a' t.""".'':f;,fe=ezsr lttttr ir*irlFfri&5 rdrr! rrhrrEr urr u.rril int,ttr*o lrrrsr rrr tc ttlor 'trs rul3 iffiffiffitBir-."- & PETERSON +cHl tbcrs, It,tc, P-S4 7,94 tlvs ru$llcitrlErd tfrr.ttt ItB.rtt E tEtE I mr *l l! I ret rttl.[ I ItEl tE a EvIL rIS t lrtlEl tta r|lr rE^lt gl l||ll?a frfififiicarru-Feo tla cl't ! aIt 1 6 a t{|ftl *iql1 ,ltrrattEovt lJlr ctFr L|lC F ltld ||Eri llAElUL q-EvATto{ oF uQ{nilc.---+--_nrruREsm fllll. UrtltB lrl ' ftEffi s R .ffitl6i: -'ff'ttrv8 613rrr!{. -I ttJlrtu! '!a Y nqr'IlD fl6vd. rrttruc{rr g utftt rcrfirftl /i\ sAts{ P|JAN\7- ffiq!'lftE,fYi![! lr !Yra{ TOTfr. P,T]A nev-ee-ge ta:21 Al AD0LFSoN & PETERSON -Hay-22-9a og.4ttBEnUOIN GANZE CO{\l ]=""=t 970 94e 51.89 P. 0s P.Ol FAOSI},ILE TRANSMITTAL DrrE: */tlre l?'-rio: lc-g6 p-r., ', DS t4 6r.a1 cotlpAt{y: ,4 + p Frr {ur,tBFx: !.,"r, . ")s I nou. ft g41y /ag2$t - suEJt'dI: IAA'C FROJE0T hUvBER: *,27,r)2. I'ltSSA0t' '.r' '1 "J€l' - t+- | 1-"r t P- r* 5 rt.z lJ,-* r" - l, . I v'r- '-'' NUMSaP 0r P^OEI! (ilrtcL. cc'vEr) 5- BrruD r n-ffrrzr cmttrtt allt!|. lrc. *ro||a.rrr|ltrflb!i r! Elsrs'h{!S?Dl.t 7A F.tlrr( 'ft{'- rr, llt,t ls t rL,-'i. r".'v Q i.r!.ir:rG,.-ri. PLEASE \ERIFY RECEIPT Of ALt PAOES. IT' ANY ARL MISSIiII;. PLIAsE c rt :301) 279-1t20 FIJR FgrR$lsulssloN. cc L [ : Fi3 ,';:=,-iL:] i lgj-iL----:-. ---...,.- . tt | ,.r .-iF___;r7-__='__r. ).n' P. A6 p.o?Q;=""=^=r'"r", I'AY-26_94 L9.22 45. ADOLFSON & PETERSON Mry-zz-98 osrn!eeAUDrN G^{;ZE coN -- t+. $J tti IIJ ll'tl .rlnt .-i I,ii't,I, ;... t. ._t ti t: lil trl zt.,' It. ! I 3Z .$ di| 5t, tl It,| ?)lol at I .l(;!.rl { -is Rt N* \$ A 'gj./_._. _._hj: .- /$$; ,ffi \\R\ 'J"1"L;1"'T;":fr;r".';='" Qr'o=""=n.o' .'"" t."=' ti ' i' t -'--'l "' . "^''r--'=-ol .r=i) . ; Iril J I ll'i li !iffi:jr'* =;:-!i ;.-:l iui'il ' firr'ill[j;ffiHin qIffiU [wMffiR\\A l - i'u*-,i ft lr H i-[ ', I -ii('*ii ,l'u*'l 4\gJ l#Hfr;'**u, r- ri'1i fiffiffiFn,,ff$rli- i I,llWli ffi rtAY-26-9a 19 Flay-zz-98 *,...*,. E:i+: $e\ $ \ J.,s N'S\) \\ \r N -\a $Ri$*vSE o o o GANZE coit -97O 949!r | | r'f AY-26-9a ra 223 Mry-22-98 09! t:ll Ft"l !rL$a U1V o Snib; 3 f, fet B3E H!E 6 $t ft T ErE7 l; lc. le $$; "l;- I 5-(.:r r.rl.:EFII =:: eT\)\0 \) q I f\ $ \)tr HT{s $ $rl $ $ $ sfi P. g9 P. O5 63925L 70 949 6169 F .:,rEff; fiis \ HIgr:. f;*$ FFff i' ofi ifiEF lgH tlnr dEl IJ <r-.(;i-lEF.' Fs:!N s $ .t .rt sn 3r $l > l!.1-.- t E $ : i\lil l' , i-; t.j L,! L.: € :5 ;f.ts CJti.t I E-JFi dill.ri.., i*'riErq !s 'r131 P7 /98 I r : e / ,l : 898-O13rA 7 /-c7 19A Type I A-COFIM 354 MEADOI^I DR 358 E MEADOhJ DR e 101-Oge*55-e'rzr I RENOUATION OF EXISTING BI-DE ADULFSON ff. F,ETERSON, INC. JI,JT 19S7 VNIL LF ffDOLFSON & F.FTERSON. INC. a7 /^\ cil Cr,"d.ot TDHN OF VAIL.T CoLBRADO REUESTS FOR INSF'EI]TION WORK SHEETS FOR: 7/87/9A F.AGE. AREA; [D Activity; Addrees r Locat i on : Parcel: Descr.ipt ion: ftppl i eant : Owner l Cont t'aet or: . Statr.rs: ISBUED Constrt AC0lrt Occ r Use: It FR Fhone: 3Et3*363-7 lEl Fhone: Fhone: 303*363-71?tl Inspect i on Requeet Informat i on. Requestorl BtrB J0NES Req Tine: O1:0Et Comments:Itens raqunsted to be Inspected F,hone : 3O3-419-85PtZt rAAE40 Time Exp .+-- Inspeet i on Histor.y..... Item : AOqt36 BL-Dti-FY"aming At6/11/98 Inspentor; CD Aetion: F,A L.0ilER SF,A SOUND [,ALL A7/Ae/94 Inspector: JRM Action: APPR AF,FROUED B.SRLON CEILING Iten l 00090 BLD6-Ineulat i onIten: A6@60 BLDG-Sheeti-ock Nailq6/IS/9A Inrper:tor: JRM Action: AF,F,R AF,FFOUED Notesr AFFROUED HITH EONDITIUN THFT P LAYERS Ft. fiDDED RT BUTT JO Q7 /@A/9A I n s pect or' : JRM Act i on : AtrFR AF,F,ROUED Notes: ffF,F,ROVED IN SALON ARER,COMF,LETE SCREl,l F,RTTERN IN SINK AREIt€ni! A0O7O BLDG*ltlise,Iteml OBO90 BLDE-Firral IQem: rzlqtg3a BLDG*Temp. C/LiIten: OO53f FIRE-TE|'IF. C/'OItenr OU53S FIRE-FINAL C./0Itenr 06544 BLDG*Fin*l C/O I r1... ., TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 n> futo^ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T]MES 6r eanr/er,r-, BUDG.Permit #: D96-0013 OWNER CONTRAC?OR APPLICANT Description: Job Address Location... Parcel No., Project No. JWI 1987 VA]L LI}4ITED PARTNERSHI VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, VAII J. PRENTNER BUILDING CONTRACTORS 108 DAVENTRY LANE, SUITE 301, LOUISVILLE, J. PRENTER BUILDING CONTRACTORS Status...! ISSUED E Applied..z 0e/tt/!996 rssued. ..2 A9/L6/L996Expires..z 03/t5/1997 co 81657 Phone z 502-429-8689Rt 40223 DEMO OF 2 LEVELS OF HEALTH CLUB Occupancy: Type Construction: II FR Type Occupancy: Type II Fire Resistive * rrr FEE SUI IARY ffitiiri**ffir*#nHri***1kttr**ffi****ffi*ffirffi Valuation: Fireptacc lnfornation: Restricted: Bui tdingr---> Ptan Check---) Investig€tiorDltitL Catt---> 125,000 Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptianccs:#0f Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pa t tet: E40.m Restuarant Ptan Revicw--) .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 1,9E9.00546.00 DRB Fee------.00 Recr€ation Fee--------> .00 Totat Permit Fee------> 1,989.003.00c[ean-UpDeposit---.---->500.00PayB.nts---___--=.---> *,,,ffiffirffiH****-************HJlhllli;;-*-*-*;i---**-klll*--*-*llHiil-lli;;;;;;;;L*-**--*;H-* Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/lL/L996 CHARI.,,IE Action: NOTE PLANS TO CHUCK09'/13'/1996 CHUCK Action: APPRItbn:, O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING DiViSiON:09/IL/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO MIKE MOLLICA0971671996 MIKE Action: APPRItEM:'O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT DEPI: FIRE DiViSiON:09/.IL/I996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO MIKE M09'/13'/1996 MIKE M Action: APPR Approved w/ conditions.It'en:'.05500 PUBEIC WORKS bept: PUB WORK Division:09/.7I/L996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO TERRI09./16,/1996 LARRY P Action: APPR LARRY PARDEEI!e4i',95?Q0 ENVIRoNMENTAL HEALTH . nept: HEALTH Divisj-on:09/1611996 DAN Action: APPR N/A I!b.qri'.959Q0 LIQUOR Dept: CLERK Division:o9/L6/L996 DAII- Action: APPR M/A ***tt,t**ffi*tffi ***f,h**S***l**tt*****ft ft*ilrffiHffi*ffi tiH**##rr*ffi **** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that rnay apply to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I hcreby acknovtedge that I have read this apptication, titted out in tutt thc information required, coipteted an accurat! ptot Ptan, and state thrt atl th. inforiration provided as rcquired is correct. I agre! to conpty Hith the information and ptot pl!n, to compty Hith atl Torrn ordinances and stat€ taws, and to buitd th'is structure according to thc Tovn's:oning and subdjvision 352 MEADOW DR PRJ96-0160 codcs, dasign revieH appfov:d, Uniform Permit #: D96-0013 code and other ordinances of the Town appticabte o Bui tding REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENW-FOUR HOURS It{ ADVAT{CE 8Y sehd ctean-Up Deposit To: vAlL ATHLETIC CLUB f Ror,t 6:00 An 5:00 Plt TOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER *************************************************tt****************************** CONDITIONS as of 10/01/96 (6r','^ wxua Status: ISSUED ***********t(************************.******************************************** Permir Type: DEMo. OF PART/ALL BUDG. Applicant: JWT 1987 VAIL LIMITED PARTNERSHI Applied: a9/It/t996 Issued: 09/15/L996 To Expire2 03/15/1997 Job Address: Location: VAII ATHLETIC CIUB 352 E MEADOW DR Parcel No: 2101-082-55-001 Description: DEMO OF 2 LEVELS OF HEALTH CLUB Conditions: 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. STRUCTURAL OR FIRE INTEGERTY OF BUILDING CANNOT BE AFFECTED BY DEMO. 4. PLAN SUBMITTAIJ FOR REMODEL MUST COMPLY WITH ALL, UBC, ADA AND OTHER FEDERAL CODES. 5. EXITS AND CORRIDORS OF OCCUPIED I'LOORS MUST BE MAINTAINED TO CODE.6. PROPOSED PLAN SUBMITTED WITH DEMO MAY NOT MEET CODE REQUIRE_ MENTS AND IS NOT PART OF THIS APPROVAL. 7. ASBESTOS ABATEMENT MUST BE CLEARED W]TH THE PROPER STATE OFFICIALS PRIOR TO DEMO. 8. Remove smoke detectors from both levels of Athletic Club. Install heat detectors 0 l/1500 sqft. System must be on line each evening. Provide dust barrier between const. area and upper floors, Exits must be provided per UFC and maintained at all times. 9. Dernolition pernit approval is for the ]ower two "Heafth CIub" levels ONLY. / APPLICAIToN MUST BE FTLLEDUIr*****************************rl [ ]-Building t l-ptunbing t PFR\ITT JIz-} l\'lon4 EIJSC+ 3zo - {o tG OUT COMPLETELY OR IT ItfAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMTT TNFORMATTON * ** * * * * * ** * *** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * l-Electrical I J-Mechanlbal f firn"" fufn' rob Name: \AU-Aftt{.gnC CfOe Job Addre"=. 3& resal Description: l,or Ets-SilbtilytttOt"FO6 owners Nane:W Address: Architectt @ddress: Eal za"n Fntr.l Ca png4l@ ceneral Description: Ph. Plunbing Contractor3 Address:Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ** ************ ****** * * * **** ** !r * *FOR OFFICE USE ***********?r*******************BUTLDTNG PERMTT FEE: PLUMAING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP D@s4TOTAL BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE ZONING: SIGNATURE VALUATION ctEAry UP DEPOSTT REFITND TO:dt^/f (5rE . PAernaFf$ltF I . 1.r. j'i, i I 'l . j+ , i..i$ $'i: Xli .:: l'\',r;('- . tl S,f .i'J .'i .$: i. ' }c ,:,!, .r';: .:. t; E j 1.1 ,:;"-' . i'rTr, ; {:.1.?1" Itt, t,$: :rl -'^ lid -*.ri -\ ' f? r -'.- {t } a'-*-Ylli: :.i.Iii !,"". -' .'l I .'*'i. .,.tt'".) ,1,f,:,1.:,":1, r. ri5,' -i.,;."i r' .' .l' , ?'. L, I i'I .l i t-i 1 f', t lt.t . 't ,'t' I 'l ll ,.-l'i i'l EROM: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPITENT TO: DATE: SUB.TECT: 75 3outh lrontege road Yail, colorado 81S57 (303) 479-2I.38 or 479-2L39 AI.L CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL ofllce of communlly development CURREMTLYL REGISTERED WITIT ITTE l,tARcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. a"V-roiL,-"J"i, sand, d,ebrisor naterial , incr'u.ding^trastr-i'lnp=ters, portabre toilets andIIIP"+,-"uht"1"=-lp:',.3ny streer;-;i;;;"il; ;ii;y or publicplace or anv portion theieof. in" rtgnt-of-way on all Town ofvail streetl ina.roads is approxiraatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance wiu ue ;t"i;ii;^lnforced by the Town of vairPublic works oepartrnentl--p"rlinl founa rrii,r-ling this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour r.ii;;;";oii""-t"-;;;;;"=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cornply with thenotice within an:^31 hour.tirn"-=p""ified, tne pultic WorksDepartment lrir.r remove said natEi:-"i-"i-ir."'^!"pIi"e of personnotified' The provisions .t-iitir ordinance sharl not beapplicable to clnstruction, ,uirri"rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or attey or any utiritiel"i; il"';i;;i-"_*.y. To review Ord.inance No. e in full, please stop by the Town of:::i"::t1:i"g,Tiiffi:ii.::"d;i" a copv. rirani< you ror your - ^l"f-"1*rcknowledged by:Y ,\<( ).- (i.e. contractor, owner) tnwn 75 south trontrge road veil, colondo 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 off lce of communlty deyclopmo||l BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII,|E FMI,IE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (Publ t. I:Ifr) "evien anJ'ipproval,' a piannini-bepartrnentreview or Hear th Departm6nt review,-.n['.-".uid ;i-il;";ritaing lirilg!.h"lll "'.r*tea time rJ"'u-iJt"r ;;;;;" ;.;"L[!'u, rons All connercial (iarge or sma'r) and arr murti-fami'ry permits wiilhave to fo] low the ibove menti6ned rarirrm requirements. Residentialand small projects shou'rd tai"-J-i"iser'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller,proielis-impici' the various above mentioneddepartments with reqard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three*weet perioa.--'r' '-r Every attempt will be rygge by this departnrent to expedite thispermit as soon as possibie. - e ev t/iHtu I LE Ll I:-ll" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imerrame. t was turDa re Commu ni tY Develoorn."tt Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'tS REOUIRED Job Date: Please r lhe following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'public way permit.: YES x X X K ( K >( \ !f19u_ alswered yes to any of these guestions, a "Public way permit" rnust be obtained.?ubfic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public work's office or atc9.ry1tu1ity Development. ltyou have-any questions please carx€grris, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 4Zg-21*. I have Vai/ ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easemsnts or public propefty? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different actess needed to site olher than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? 7) fs a "Revocabte Right CI Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easernents or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or {encing plan required by Community Development? €ontaetor's Sionaiure ONrur,.', Ul , NO X.1) 2l il':iil"'.re'ff"ll,,lv, read Job Name Date o./Foorcd /enr'd*.(,/PLc+ - /--- PRld __:\_ Cft. llo. 6l;rx -- aOgOw & ---,.- ..:,-rr?-,1 CHECK REQUEST PREPARED BY:DATE: >7 VENDORNAM .-f.. CI VENDORNUMUNN:o c> / oo L POSTTREFUND FOR Bp # Dlb- Oot3 NAME OF JOB:J -&*4 "L*(ACCOLiNT NUMBER: 0r 0000 22002 AMOLINT OF REFLIND:4s---oo,oo DATE APPROVED: APPROVAL SIGNATURE: t' TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PLUMBING PERMIT permit AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0198Jl, .fob Address Location. . . ParceL No. .Project No. 352 MEADOW DR VAIL ATHLETIC CIUB 2101-082-5s-0 01 PRJg 6 -0 16 0 ISSUED L!/27 /1,ee6t7/27 /r996 o5'/26'/ rssT .00 528.00 528.00 Status. . .AppIied.. fssued. . . Expires. . Description: WATER SOFTNER AND OSMOSIS SYSTEM Valuation:28, 000 . 00 ***********#*ff ************t*************ti************** f EE SUHI,IARY **:t***i'lt*********r*****t*t*********lrt*********ff ********** APPLICANT LTL' JOHN'S WATER TREATMENTP O BOX 1388, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR IJIIJ' JOHN'S WATER TREATMENTP O BOX 1388, AVON CO 8L620OWNER JWT 1987 VAII LIMITED PARTNERSHIVAIL ATHLETTC CLUB, 352 E MEADOW DR, Phonet 3A39493223 Phone: 3039493223 vAIt co 81657 Total catcutated Fees---) 528.00 Additional. Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Payments------- P tumbing-----> PLan check---> Invest i gation> tlitl. caLt----> 420.00 105.00 .00 3.00 .00 528.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES----- Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Ite4t! .g5iq0 BUILDING DEPARTMENTll/27 /1996 DAN ect,ion: -AFFn Ite4i'.0s600 FIRE DEPARTMENT --- - -- LL/27 /1.996 DAN Actionl eppn REQUESTS FoR rNspEcrroNs SHALL BE lrAoE Tr.'ENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADVANCE By rELEpHoNEtTryt? ^L%zr/r, **********s**************iff***********************'Hr********************i************trr***********t**********************tt***** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ********************t**i****r***ff*******************t***ff***t***************ff************t********************rr**************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknor'ttedge that r have read.this application, fitted out in futL the information required, compteteo an accurate ptotp[an, and state that atl the information Provided as required.is correct. t agree to compl,y Hith the infornation and ptot p[an,to compty t{ith aLl' Town ordinances -and state taws, and io buil.d this st ructu re'"a "oro i ng to the Toyn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review apProved, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordihances of the Toun appticabt,e thereto. Sffim;#ii,!F'i"r-=f , "'ssl"l; xllt :tili;;-#f' DATE: PERI'IIT /I , APPLICATION }!UST BE FTTLED OUT CO!'PLETEIJY oR IT IIAY NoT BE ACCEPTEDU x***************************** PERIIIT TNFORIIATTON *****************************7t ,/[ ]-Building 1.J-rrumting I J-Electricat [ ]-uechanlbal [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Fili.g susprvrsroN, Olrners Narne: Architect: Ph. Ph. General- Description:t*O)/\-, Work Class: [ ]-New guf-Atteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelll.ng Units:Nulober of Accornmodation Unl.ts: il;;;;rev"e!'E\'t'\"' - Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor:Address: % Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: Plurnbing contractor: /,./ JuL: lAo/r-T*/nr*/hr. Town of VaiIAddress:Phone Nuruber: llechanical Contractor:Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO._Phone Nunber: -__ ********************************FOR OFFfCE USE ** *** ******* ** ****************:r Add.ress: Address: ^ tlprober and Elpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wooct/pellet_v fI__::__:**:******....*"i;7.i_tlir",.r|,/**roNs ********************************* :y,r*p:Igi r -'J ,fi,eErn-rcar,: s orHER: $ BUII,DING PERMIT FEE: PLUUBTNG PERMIT FEE: MECHA}ITCAIJ PERUIT FEE: EI,ECTRTCAI-I FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PIIII.fBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:UEEHA}ITCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CIJE.AN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATUREs 13' lco/a* NO Comments: qEArY IrP DEPOSIT rgrulD t i7. RECEIVED I.i:I 2 894 DISTRICT COTJRT EAGLE COUNTY, COI,ORADO Case No. 93 CV 366 I9ITLO-F VAIL; PLANNING AND ENWRONMENTAL COMMSSIONoF rHE rowN oF VArL; row'-coiirvcn or rru roury or vArL;THOMAS STEINBERG, PEu" IOTNTSTOT.q MERBYN LAPIN, SYBILLNAVAS, JAMES SC}IERER, IEN SiiliiICH ANd PEGGY OSTERFOSSAS TI{E GOVERNING BODY oT TTn iburu oF VAIL; and VAILATTILETIC CLUB, Defendants. TTIIS MATTER comes before the court on c.R.c.p. 106 review ofaction by the Town lguncil of the rlum of va'("council,,). The partieshave stipulated ttrat a[ craims r" tt";;.rt* except the c.R.c.p. 106 craim be$'T*9 withprejudice. The c"* n* r*tewed the record of the decisionby the council adooring orai"*r. zz, '*3 series, tne uri"rs Jitr,, p"rti",and amicus curie and"-rriuirr r"i"trg tJ,h"."*rd. Being frrily advised, theCourt makes the following fi"Oi"g, "Ff"", In early 1993' v€il Athletic ctub ('vAC,,) submitted an apprication for lle_::tabtishm*t gf lllTia neuJoim'ent Dshict (,,sDD*) to altow cerraintmprovements to the vail Athletic club located within the toillimits of vail,colorado. The mning in 1993 ror rr,""vJiAthretic crub was publicAccommodations Zoie pi*i". -rt"-irrp'r"vemen.. proposed incruderemodeling of several interior areas to make more usable space availabre andincrease the number of hotel;;. ;r*"b the roof lines wourd not bealtered, the proposal called r"r,t" i"r,"ui.* of several large dormer windows. PlaintiffJoan Lamb ("Lamb") was concemed by the fact that the dormers proposed would block a mountain view out of her bedroom window. Lamb owrs a condominium unit at the Mountain Haus adjacent to the west side of the Vail Athletic Club. As part of the application process under the Municipal Code of the Town of vail (ucnde") chapter 18.40, the town's Plenning and Environmental Commission ("PEC") and Design Review Board ('DRB,) held a work session with the architect and agents of vAC on June 28, 1993- on July 26, 1993, the PEC again considered the application" uftich had been revised to address the concerns raised by tre PEC and DRB in the June work session. On Septemb er 27,l993,the PEC conducted a public hearing on the application and unanimously recommended approval with certain conditions. On October 29,l993,the Council considered the application, took public testimony, and adopted on first reading ordinanoe No 27, series 1993, approving the Special Development Disfiict. The testimony included presentations by VAC, opponents of the project and the Town of Vail planning staff. Plaintiffs representafive presented testimony. Planning staff memoranda on the application were submitted. On November 2,l993,the Council considered and approved ordinance No. 27, series 1993 on second reading. substantial testimony on plaintiffs claim of interference with her view from her bedroom window was tendered and discussed by the Council. The decision and testimony before the PEC and Council concerning the impact of the proposed project established that I-arrb's view from her bedroom window is not a protected view under the Vail View Corridor ordinance, code $18.73.040. Further testimony and discussions indicated that Lamb's loss of view was not quantifiable because a survey had not been done, although [amb's representative did present testimony about approximations and exhapolations from the project scale model and blueprints. The discussion at the meeting centered on the assertion by several council members that the view issue was between Lamb and VAC, andnot the town. Lamb filed a complaint for C.R.C.P. 106 review on November 30, 1993. TTIE COIJRT makes the followingConclusions of Law: The standard for review uder 106(a)(4) is limited to a deterrrination of whether the body or officer has exceeded its jurisdiction or abused its discretion based on the evidence in the record before the body or officer. C.R.C.P. 106(a[a). Abuse of discretion means that the decision under review is not reasonably supported by any competent evidence in the record. Ross v. Fire & Police Pension Assn.. 713 P.2d 1304, 130849 (Colo. 1986). No competent evidence means that the ultimate decision of the administrative body is so devoid of evidentiary support that it carr only be explained as an nbirary and capricious exercise of authority. Id. at 1309. Moreover, adrninistative proceedings are accorded a presumption of validity and all reasonable doubts as to correctness of administrative rulings must be resolved in favor of the agency. Hadley v. Moffat Counqv School Disf. RFl, 681 P.2d 938,944 (Colo. 1994); U-Tote-M ofColo..Inc. v. City of Greenwood Village, 39 Colo.App . 28, 33, 563 P.2d 37 3, 37 6 (re77). Van Sickle v. Boyes,797 P.zd,1267,1272 (Colo. 1990). The Court will apply the analysis of Van Sickle to the facts in this case. First, Lamb contends that cbuncil had no jurisdiction to considerthe applioation for an sDD because sDD applies onlyto new development and not to redevelopment. The Court disagrees. Code Chapter 18.40.010 provides, in part,: The purpose of the special development district is to encourage flexibility and creativity in the development of land in order to promote its most appropriate use; to improve the design character and quality of new development within the town; . . .. Lamb argues that the words "new development" make the sDD section inapplicable to the vAC project. However, when interpreting a statute, effect should be given to every clause and section" if possible. people v. Rapini, 107 Colo. 363, 112P.2d 551 (1941). Code section 18.40.050 lists the submittal requirements for an sDD. Among these is "[a] comprete set of plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations), if applicable. code chapter 18.40.050(4). This section would be urnecessary if the sDD applied only to undweloped properties. Therefore, the court concludes that this project was properly subject to an sDD and the Council had jurisdiction to determine the propriety of the application. Iamb discusses at length each of the oriteria on which an SDD approval is to be based. A thorough review ofthe record indicates the cormcil considered each ofthe criteria they were bound to and there was competent evidence in the record to support their decision. whether the court would have oome to the same conclusion based on the evidence is not a proper inquiry; judicial review pursuantto C.R.C.P. 106(a[a) ofthe decision of an inferior tnbunal permits fte distict court to reverse the decision of the inferior tribunal only if there is no competent evidence to support the decision. Ross v. Fire & Police Pension Assoc., supra. Finally, Lamb argues that the Councils action oonstitutes illegal spot zoning. The language stating the purpose of the Special Development District inoludes: n. . . An approved dwelopment for a special development distict, in conjunction with the prooerty's underlvins zone disfiict. shatt establish the requirements guiding development and use of property in a special development distict." code chapter 18.40.010. This provision shows that the designation of an SDD is to overlay the zoning and not change it. The general nrle against spot zoning prevents the governing endty from changing the zoning of a parcel in conhavention of the comprehensive general plan. See Clark v. City of Boulder 362P.2d 160 (Colo. 196l). The record is replete with evidence that the SDD was approved after consideration ofthe town's Land use Plaq the Vail Village Master plan and the Sheetscape plan. In addition, there is no chaqge in use of the property--more accommodation units will be added to a sFucture that is already used for accommodation purposes. The Cotrt concludes that the Council's action does not constitute illegal spot zoning because there was no change in the zoning so as to require changed conditions, the SDD was adopted in conformance with the comprehensive general plan and there was no cbange in use. r TT{EREFORE, TTIE COI.]RT ORDERS: The decision by the Town Council in approving a Special Development Disfrict forthe Vail Arhletic Club is affirmed. DoNE rms&DAyoF y .rss4. BY THE COURT: f CERTIFICATE OF MAILING I certiS that a true md correct copy of this Order Atrrming Vail Town council was placed in the u.S. mail, postage prepaid, on the lst day of August 1994, addressed as follows: Mr. Bruce Chapman Ms. Britt Anderson Chapman and Associates 143 East Meadow Diive Vail, Colorado 81657 Mr. R. Thomas Moorhead Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Gerald E. Dahl Maureen Herr Juran 1401 17th Streeq Suite tt00 P.O. Box 17180 Denver, Colorado 802 174 1S0 John W. Dunn 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 300 Vail, Colorado 18657 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT departmsnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO p41E June 2, 1993 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 5/N- 6087 Ef t-l I Etr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. ub Bol1er: vail Athletlc ARCHITECT Yoder Engineerlng uo,rooo*ra, 48 Beaver creek CITY Arrnn PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Summit Mechani ca'l TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. 141-M ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Summj.t Mechanlcal TOWN OFVAIL BEG. NO. 212_E PLUMBING CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTO OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I ELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2 OCCUPANCYGROUP ABEH IR M OIVISION I22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : D^i t ^- -^-1^^^-^-& PERMIT NO. z tr J BUILDING ELECTRICAL 2000.00 PLUMBING 24000.00 MECHANICAL 7000.00 TYPE GROUP G.H F.A VALUATION PERMIT FEES II F]BrR,A BUILOING PERMIT r334 i i335 h F-{ $S \ PLAN CHECK E LE CTR ICAL 50.00 NEWI ALTERAIION Cq AODITIONAL REPAIR()PLUMBING 360.00/PC 90.00 # OWELLING UNITS --- ACCOMMODATION UNIIS --- HEIGHT IN FT ---. NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 140.00/Pc 35.00 /i RECREATION FEE INSULATION' TVPE IHICKNESS B.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW EOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT"'*o*'f----L- t USE TAX BOOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLARHEAT GAS TOTAL PERMIT FEES 67 5.00 wooo Dan Stanek 6-2-93 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED N INITIAL sr cur --- | l--L--- ,utLDtNG OFF|C|AL DATE IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES:Trry___ | |Field inspections required for codeoeuollicomDlaance. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zfni ng of and sion codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ble THE SlGt AND OWNER OR FOR HIMSELF !1RY 28 '93 9;20 No .001 P .01 -,Uaoe 7 . APPLICATION IIUStr BE NTLI,TD Ol'f @iIiPIiEfAIJY OB III'TIAT HET f,E ilCCBIII'ED t|(******.r*r*****r*.*r***i***** ,,'Rtrr r*so*!{A'rorf *****!tt}*******t***t*****r****,t"t l-srrluftng [NJ-Prrruu6U ffl-Electrtcar Cr0-racrrantoal I l-othar ilob t{arnr: gair athletic clgg&rr.Le[L rTolr Addr€EE:352 E. Meadow Drive I#Etl Descrlptlon! Ist Bloalt- rtllng sunulvrsrou: -- Oflngrs ltare! Jwr 198? veil, Lmt. partndddtrclsi 352 E. !{eeder{-!rjr{s-f!r,!J9-J%9- Archltect:;to Pll. 307Gcnual Dlscrtptlonr Ilork clace! [ l-Neu f(l-Ar.teratlon I l-rddltlonel tmrber of l}lrulllng Unltsr Ntrnb€r T0tllN OF VRIL C0H-DEV ID:303-479-2452 BOWrt Of VAfIJ COIISTRUCTIoil FERINTt APPI/IC$TIO}I FOE!{ DifEr I l-Repatr t ]-othel of Accomtodatlon Unlter ***t*************t*i**r*r*t*r** FIAII CITEEK FEE: PIAN CHtrCN FEEg EUII.DIN€ PENilIT TEEI PLT'ITBIHC PlnXIj! EEEs ldDCHrffIGtI! PBIilXT FEEI EI,ECTRIC}T, FEEI OTHER TSPE OF FEEI DnB alat -Zae^**J46, aa <a,40 lddrrrsr5 Eleotrieal contf,actors same Phone lfi$nberr _9.ls4!91 Tovn of vall ReE, ilo AddreF6l Plronc tfu[ber: Flrilblng contractor!Totrn sf, Vili,I lleg. tlo. AddrcrBl PhonG Hu$berl l{schanlsEl centractoa:Same toun of Vall *eE. Ho, Addrcaer Phone Nuuberr *a*aa f**it*tl ftt*t tt * * *t**r***** Fon I{ECHI$ICAIJ BI,Afi cfiECf EE;Ei ,-- ZA @ - -IEC.TtrATf,Oil FTBB CT,EAT.UP DBIiOSITT rsorlAl IEESI JJ.frL lillIL'DIHG! SIqglTltRErgqilfilGE SIGNAIT'RBs OI'FICE USE EUrI,Drlle FIT'IIEIFC ^ $lnber rnd Type of Flreplesea? cae Appllances- Gae l,og*,-- ilpod/I'slls U [.******** **********************r* VAIITAIfOHS *************tt*i***t*****r *t**** dmr,prue; ErJacllarcarrti-L:r,+=s3gpaa qlEERtEUfLDItfC; t EIJBcllRfcLIrtl.J-MoXe" elEERl t- Jr{rrgrlc: ffi e't/,6c rrscltAprcr;,rl@o rrxr.Ar,r -,_l*.*.**t**t.r.rttrt****f ***r OOt|qRAC'I'lOn fNFORINI|TIOI| **tra**i*.*.t*t*t*rttt-rt 4lEansral eontfrotori . Town of, ValI Aeu. W{j:gZ Comrrentgr TOIdN OF VFIL COH-DEU ID :303-479-2452 ttRY 28 '93 9:21 Ho-001 P.03 afrln ol Gofinl||rlu rLraftptnil hun ?6 ril$ |ronl|er rord rrl, colorrdo tltit (1o8, 479-2138 or 479-2139 If th{s permt$ requlres r Town of Vail Ffre DeFartment Appruva'l ,Engi,nesr"s (.Pqbtli llorksi reyiew rnd approvrl,'a Plannlng tleparfinerrtrevi'et or HenlUl Department revtstr and a revier by the Euitillng O€partnent' tlte esttmated tine ior a total reviaur may take as iongrs three weelr-. ilf cormqrglal ('large or small) and alt multf-fanily pernlts rll'l'l hoYs te,follor the above nentlond mxlmum requirem-ents. ResldentJal and onall projects should take a lesser anpuni of tinp. Horever, if restdenti.a'l on smlIer proJects lrngact the various above mentioneddcpartne'nts wtth regor{ to necessary revfew, these prpJects mayol:o take the three week perlod, Eyery atteflrpt wi.ll be rmde by thls departrnnt to expedlte thlspermt't r$ qpon as possiblc. BUILDII{G PEH'IIT ISSUAilCE TII|IE FMI,E unders'tgned, understard tha plan check prccedure and timIr tbF frane. i#*-"*-o-- Oepartment. TOIIN BF VRIL COH-DEV ID:503-479-2452 lnttn tC roulh iturt g|| r6td |rll, soforrdt 8tG6? t'UD 479-21_38 or {?9-?139 Tot FRO}|: DATE: EU&rBCEr |1RY 28 '95 9:20 No .001 P.02 fn aurnnary,.Ordinance Ho. 6 statee that 1t le unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or depesit any eoil , rock, rattd, debrisor laterial , inGludlng traeh dur{rsters, portalrte tollets androrknon vehiclee upon any etreet, sldewalk, alley or publlc Ff?gq or any lrortton thereof. Ttre right-of-way pn all Tonn ofVaJ.l streetE a$d roadE i.r approxi"netely S ft. off pavenent.lllrl.s ordinanoe ylII bc etrlatfy enfnrced by the Town o! VailPubllo Wortrl DcpartsGnt, Parsons found wiolatlng thio ordlnancerlII be gLwen a 24 hour rr-ittcn notico to reraevc-said naterial .fn tbe ayent the person so notified doec nor conply vith thenoti.ee wlthin th6 Z{ hour tltre specified, the publj.c WorkFDapartn€nt rLII renove sald titerlal at, the exltense of perconnotifled, Itre provLsLone of thls ord.tnance Ehltl noE beappltcable t6 constrrrctlonr rnal,ntenance or repair proJecte ofany Ftrcct or allsy or any utllities Ln the r-tght-i-uay- llo raviaw Ordinancc No, 6 tn full , trIsaFG utop by ttre Etrlln ofVall Bulldlng Departrant to obtaiir i copy. danir you ior yourcooperatl,on on this uatter. offiG| ol oorflilnltt d.ftlopfir.Gl AI.I. EPTTTBAST€IRS C{TRREII'TI,YL N$IS![&ED trIIE 1[!tr8 ro$r!{ oF vaIL ,IOIIII OF V^TL PUBIJIC 1{ORI($,/COUIAINITV DETTEISPHENT I'IARCH l-5r 19Bg COIISTNU TTOU PARKIHG & I{trTERIAI. STORACE (1.e. contractor, ownsr) a CONSTRUCTION PERMIT N\ \-\ \ NOTE _ COPY OF PERMTT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE \\LXT':T= -$i-'\ \+v\ DATE JULY 14, 1988 003'i2i dopartment of community dwelopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT tr DR h Dtrn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNOATION DEUO q LEGAL DESC. JOBNAME: vAIL ATIILETIC CLUB REMoDEL crrY SANTA BARMR px, P0 BOX 1976 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 476-3082 FIRM WIITTE RMR ELECTRTC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 949-1403 ELECTRICAL FIRM C0L0. PLIIMBING SER. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MECHANI COLO. PLIJMBIGN SER TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH I R M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - PERMIT NO.-:- z tr l -) BUILDING ,F ELECTRICAL PLUMBING c MECHANICAL TOTAI our)uu.uu TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VATUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT W. &r ,0tt Islt { PLAN CHECK DEMO X ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION I ADDITIONAL () RFPAIR|PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAI RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT Exr wALLsl | |USE TAX DEI.iO FEE 15 TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS WOOD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 15.00 JOE NORRIS JULY 14, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED:utLDtNG OFF|C|AL DATE KRISTAN PRITZ EX JULY 14, 1988 )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILOING NOTES: PHASE I DEMO ONLY ON CONSTRITCTION OT' NEW WORK. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town'sfFning andAbdivision codes, design revi e w a p p roved, u n i f o rm B u i I d i n s c ode a n d "ryIy:f 2'w(- r*' " ri' .v 2 AND THE OWNER. tuwn 75 south lrontage road vall, colo.ado 81657 (303) 475-7000 depanmont ol publlc works/transportatlon TO: TROM: DATE: RE: In susurary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it Ls unLaltful for any Person to lltter, track or deposit any solI, rock, sand, debrls or naterial, including trash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles uPon any street' sidewalk, a1ley or publlc place or any portlon thereof. The right-of-way 'on all Town of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 tt. of,f Pavement. Thls ordinance wlll be strictl.y enforced by the Town of Vail Public Lrorks Department. Persons found vlolatlng this ordinance will be given 24-hour rtritten notl-ce to remove said naterial. In the event the person so notified does not courply with the notice within the 24-hour time specified, the Publtc Works Department w111 remove said materlal at the expense of person notlfied. The provisions of this ordlnance shal1 not be applicable to constructLon, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utllities in the right-of-way. ?o revlew Department Read and A by: 7-A -o7/vo/. Date VAIL1989 ME},IORAI.IDI]I'I ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERSD WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT UARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vail Building to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooPeration in this matter. Acknowledged THE VAIL HOTELJuly 13, 1988 Slrrr-uLEUC CLUB Kristin Pritz Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vai1, C0 81657 RE: Vail Hotel & Arhletic Club Renovation Dear Kristin, The Board of Directors of the Vail Athletic Club Condominium Association,rnc. by a special meeting of the Board has approved renovation of the main1obby, restaurant, lounge and athletic club as described in the plans submitted by Zehren and Associates. The Board understands that t.he community Development has review our plansfor the renovation of the Vail Hotel and Athletlc C1ub, and is of theopinion that the retail area wilhin the building has been ir.iJ"l.a-il t ry.lOO Wsq. ft-. Furthermore, it is the comnunity Developrnent Department positionthat this increase will require one additional parking space for theproject. since there is no available space on the site for additional parking andthe town of vail Parking structure is directly across the streec, h'e arehereby requesting that the Vail Hotel and Arhletic Club be granted avariance for the one parking space. we understand the variance is onlyfor one additional parking space and does not give us any exenption fromthe physical parking requirements of the Town of Vai1. We feel this approach is appropriate since the retaiL function rrithin the building islocated in the Athletic club r^rhich i.s restricted to members of the vail Hotel- & Athletic club and Hotel guest. Therefore, the retail space is a secondary, supportive use to the club and in itself should not qenerate additional parking requirements. lfe understand that the additional retail space will not be allowed untilthe variance is approved by the town of vailrs Planning commission at the August 8, 1988 meeting. upon approval of the variance the vail Hotel andAthletic Club will pay rhe tor.r'n a fee of approximately $3,OOO. lf the variance is not approved the plan rci11 be revised to showing no increasein the retail space. Thank you for your help in resolving this problem and understanding the need for fast tracking the permit process. ET.h,Rj G. Patrick Bourgeois 352 E. Meadow Drive . Vail. Colorado 81657 o 303/476-0700 I I I I I I I I I I t I I I t I t I I VAII, ATHLETIC CLUB VAIL, COLORADO REPLACEMENT OF DOMEjSTIC WATER HEATING SYSTEH CONTRACT SPECIFICATIONS Prepared By Yoder Engineering ConsuItants, 48 Beaver Creek Blvd., Suite Avon, Colorado 81520 ( 303 ) 9{9-1191 t'tay 1993 Inc. 307 Y 'Lt7^l/7'Aft n{v cqr fo*d ww# t I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I VAIL ATHTETIC CIUB VAIL, COLORADO WATER HEATER REPLACEMENT TABLE OF CONTEN?S PAGES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NC 1 INSTRUCTION 1,O BIDDERS. IB 1-{ PROPOSAL. P l-JCoNTRACT. C 1-5 PERFORHANCE BOND. . PB I-2 GENERAL CONDITIONS. GC 1-32 NOTICE OF AWARD . NOA 1-2 NOTICE.; 1'O PROCEED . NTP ]. WORK DIRECTIVE CHANGE . I.,.DC 1 APPLICAI'ION I-OR PAYMENI' . . AP 1 CHANGE ORDSR. . CO 1 DlvtsloN 15 - ltEcHAt{tcil, sBcrroN 150r0 - sEcl.'10N 15180 - SECTION 15400 - SECTION 15500 - sEcrIoN 15?00 - sEcl'ION 1.5800 - SECTION 15900 - GENERAL PROVISIONS. 1-5 GI,;NERAL REQUIRE.;MENTS. 1.4 PRODUCTS 1-5 HEATGENERAI'ION.. I-2 MECHANICAL EQUIPHENT SCHEDULES. . 1-1 AIR DISTRIBUTION. L-2 CONTROLS L-2 DIVISION ],6 - ELECTRICAT SEEDRAWINGE-1 I T I I I I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed blds will. be recelved by Vall Athletic CIub, VallColorado, for the constructlon of: WATER HEATER REPTACE}IENT BiCls wilI be in accordance wlth plans ancl specificatlons PrepareCl by Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc., Avon, Colorado. PLans may be obtained from Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. upon request. Return of the Clralrings and specificatlons ln good condltion wlthin ten (10) days of the bid opening ls reguired byall who have requested plans. Sealed bids wl 1. 1 be received until 1:30 P.M. Monday, t"lay I7 , 1993. Vail Athletic Club reserves the rlght to reject any or aIlblds or to waive any formality or technlcality in the interest ofthe Owner. To obtaln plans, contact Yoder Engineering Consultants,Inc., Benchmark Plaza, Suite 30?, P.o. Box 5740, Avon, Colorado, ( 303 ) e49-1191. A1 1 blds are to be Eealed and delivered to! Mr, Stan Cope c,/o Yoder Engineering Consultants, Inc. 48 E. Beaver creek 8lvd., suite 307 P.O. Box 5740, Avon, CO 81620 marked: Water Heater Bid. The Mechanical Contractor wilL be the Prime contractor. He shall assemble sub-bids, if any, and lnclude as part of his proposal. I I I I I I I I I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB VAIL, COLORADOI NC-1 1. 4. I t t t, I l I I ) I I t I ft t I I I I INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Drawings and speciflcations may be obtained from Yoder Engineering ConsultantE. Any person or firm who retains aset of drawlngs and specifications longer than ten (10) daysafter the bid date and fails to submlt a proposal on the work indicated by those drawings and specifications instrict accordance wlth the instructions herein, or fails toreturn to the Engineer within ten (10) days after the tineset for receiving btds the complete set of drawlngs andspecifieations in good conditlon, wilI not be notified offuture projects by the Engineer. PROPOSALS Before subnltting a proposal, each bldder shall carefully examine the drawlngs, specifications and other contract documents; shall vlslt the slte of the workl shall fully lnform himself as to aII existing conditlons andllmitationsl and shalL include ln the proposal the cost ofal.I ltems included in the contract. CONTRACT AND BONT) ?he contract agreement wl 1l be on a form simllar to that which is bound ln the specifications. The completlon dateof construction wl 11 be as indlcated in the proposal. The successful bidder, simultaneously with the execution of thecontract agreement, may be reguired to furnlsh a performance bond and a payment bond in an amount equal to one hundredpercent (100t) of the contract price. A space ls provided ln the bid documents for a separate fixed price deduct for the owner relinquishlng either or both bonds. Said bonds shal1 be secured from a company satlsfactory to the Owner. LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS The experlence and responsibillty of subcontractors may havebearing on the choice of a contractor by the Owner andEnglneer. Bldders shall attach to thelr proposal for the or.rnerrs consideratlon a 11st of the nameg of subcontractorgto be furnished for each of the prlnclpal parts of the work and the correspondlng dollar amounts. Each prlncipal part shall mean a subcontract dollar value in excess of $2,000. Such list shall be binding upon the contractor; however, the Owner has the rlght to reject any or all. subcontractorslisted or unllsted who Owner and,/or Engineer feels areungualifled to do the work. IB-1 I I I l I I I I I I I Or.rner may wlthhold avratdlng contract to any partlcularbidder lf one or more of his proposed subcontractors are considered by the AEsociatl.on to be unqualifled. 5. INTERPRETATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS If any person contemplating submitting a bitl for the proposed contract ls ln doubt as to the true meaning of anypart of the drawlngEr speclflcatlons or other proposed contract documents, he may fax to the Englneer a wrltten reguest for an interpretation thereof. The person submitting the request will be responsible for lts prompt dellvery. Any interpretation of the proposed documents wll] be made only by faxed response to each person recelvlng aset of documents. Nelther the Owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for any other explanations or interpretationsof the proposed documents. 5. ADDENDA OR BULLETINS Any acldenda or bulletins issued during the time of blddlng shaLl become part of the documentE loaned to the bldders forthe preparation of the bid, shall be covered in the bid, andsha]l be made a part of the contract. 7 . AWARD OF CONI'RACI' The contract wlll be awarded aa soon as posslble to the lowest responsible and responElve bidder, provliled the bidls reasonable and lt ls ln the lnterests of the owner to accept it. The ohrner reserves the right to lraive anytechnicalitles or formalitles in any bld or in the biddlng. 8. OUALIFICATIONS The contractor rg and subcontractor ts past performance, organization, eguipment and abillty to perform and completetheir contracts in the manner and withln the tine 1lmitspecified will be elements, along with the cash amount ofthe bid, which will be considered by the.Or,rner in theletttng of the contract. The contractor shall conply with and regulre al.1 of hts subcontractors to comply wlth the license laws as requlred by the Tor,{n of Vai1, state of Colorado and any other 1ega1 entlty governing at thelocatlon of the work. I I I I I t z tB-2 t I l t I 9. COST BREAKDOFIN The contractor shal}, before Etartlng hls work, submit tothe Engineer a cost breakdown showlng the cost of various segments of the work accordlng to a speclfication heading,the total amount eguallng the contract price. This breakdown shall be used as the basls for the paynent of estlmates as stated in the contract documents. 10. RIGHT TO REJECT PROPOSALS The owner Eeserves the rlght to reject any or all proposals. 11. WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS Bids may be wlthdralrn on wrltten or telegraphic reguestreceived from bidders prlor to the time fixed for opening. Telegraphic request must be received by Olrner ln wrltten form before bid opening. Negligence on the part of thebidders ln preparlng the bid confers no right for the withdrawal of the bid after it has been opened, T2. BASE BID AND AI,TERNATES Contractors muEt bid the contract documents as a base bld. Any material or equipment specified by brandl name and model number shal1 be in the base bid. Substitutlons and alternates and "or equivalentsrt will be consldered only if a deductive (or addltlve) prlce lspresented in the space provided on the bld form at the timeof bidding. The entire cost and design,/space lmpacts rnust be incl.uded in the alternate bid anount. Note also the completion time requirements. Be prepared to lmmediately provide full data on equlpmentalternates 1f accepted. COORDINATION OF SHUTDOWN OF SERVICES The o$rner will cooperate with the contractor by relocating ownets and guests to portlons of the complex with fullservices. It is imperatlve the contractor schedule and coordlnate hls work wlth the Val1 Athletlc club Manager. 13 I I I T I I t I B-3 I i I t I t I I t t t t I I I i I I I 1,4. PROJECT COHPLETION DEADIJINES The work sha1l be substantially complete Clomestic hot water eguipnent and plplng ln full operation) May 28, 1993 wlthflnal walkthrough and review June 2, 1.993 and project 100t completlon June 15, 1993. I B-,,1 t I I I t I t I I t I I I PROPOSAL T{ATER HEATER REPLACEXENT TO: Vall Athletic ClubVail, Colorado 81557 FOR: Water Heatlng System,Plping Revisions and Addltions Propogal From:(flrm) ( address ) (clty, state, zlp) The underslgned bldder, having carefully reaal and examined the Blcl Documents, site condltions, and all lnformatlon avallable forthe above-designatecl work does hereby propose to perform the work and provlde the servlces set forth In thls proposal ln accordancewlth the attached schedule. The followlng addenda are acknowledged: The underslgned Bldder declares that for the price Iisted below, allowances have been made for and all expenses have been lncludedfor the complete and satisfactory lnstallation of all materlals.labor, ceneral Condttions applicabl.e to this work, temporaryfacillties as may be needed to Implement thls work bid upon, insurances, taxes, tees, assessmenta, Eupervlsion, frelght,unloadlng, protection of the work while being lnstalled, shoring,braclng, hoisting, weather protectlon, and all ltems related tothe complete lnstallatlon of the work blal upon. Thls proposal is in strlct accordance wlth the Bld Documentslssued by Yoder Englneerlng, and designatecl for this project. Noassumptions have been made, and no verbal lnstructlons have been uEeal to prepare this bid. Any exception to the above lsspeclfically noted ln wrltlng and attached herewith. Ourproposal ls valid and $1111 not be withtlrawn for a perlod of 50 days from the date of bld. t I I t P-1 I t I t t t I t I I If reguested by the Ohrnerts representatlve, we w111 provlde, wlthln 1.0 alays, a 1001 Performance Bond and 1001 lJabor andMaterlal Pa)tnent Bond ln the full amount of our ploPoBal. The Sulety will be a recognlzed and acceptable gurety licensed andregistered tn the State of Colorado. The base proposal ls for the work as descrlbed and speclfled ln the bltl documents. Alternate materlals or eguipnent are to bepriced as llsted ln the approprlate sectlon of this proposal. Ease Proposal of ( contractor ) For The Water Heater Replacement The Sum of Bidders authorized signature: ProJ ect dollars and cents. ( Corp. seal ) (Name If owner walves Title ) L00t Performancedollars and Bond delete cents from the base and the proposal . If o!"rner walves the 100t tabor anddollars and Material Payment Bond deletecents from the baseIproposal. Eidder p!oposes the following alternatives. Hls price lncludes all necessary submittal information tncluding drawings, calculations, etc. aE requestecl by Engineer for review and recommendationE by Engineer to owner. No extension of tine is requested. Alternate A:Descripttont I t I Anount of add Alternate B: or (deduct) Descr i pt 1on I l Anount of add or (deduct) P-2 Alternate C: Description Amount of add Al.ternate D: or (detluct ) DescrlptIon Amount of add or (deduct) ETC. P-3 t I I I I I I I I t I I t I EJCDC STANDARD FOR}I OF AGREEMENT BETT{EEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR ON THE EASIS OF A STIPULATED PRICE THIS AGREEMENT is dated as of the ln theyear _ by and between(herelnafter called oWNER) and ( here lnafterca]led CONTRACTOR). owNER and CoNTRACTOR, in conslderatlon of the nutual covenantshereinafter set forth, agree as follows: Article 1. W0RK CoNTRAcToR shall complete all Work as speclfled or indicated lnthe Contract Documents. The Work is generally descrlbed asfollows: t lvater heaters and miscellaneousat Vall Athletic Club in VaiI, The Project for whlch the Work be the whole or only a part is piping revislons and replacements Colorado. under the Contract DocumentE naygenerally described as follovts: all and the work N,/A AItlcIe 2. EHGINEER The project has been designed by Yoder Engineering Consultants,Inc., Vail, Colorado I I who is to act as OWNERTS representative, assume dutleE and responsibilitres and have the rightsauthority assigned to ENGINEER in the Contract Documents in connection wlth the completion ofln accordance with the Contlact Documents. Artlcle 3. COIfTRACT TIHE 3.1 The work will be substantlalJ.y conpleted on or befole May 28, 1993 and completed and ready for final palment ln accordance with paragraph 1{.13 of the General Conditlons onor before June 15, 1993. c-L I I I i t t Artlcle {. CONTRACT PRICB 4.1 owNER shal1 pay CONTRACTORln accordance wlth the Contract for completion of the Work Documents 1n current funds: t I I Dollars Centg. Refer to Exhibit A, contractorrg Bid. (Prlce above ls reduced from bld as negotiateal . See Article 10 herein. Artlcle 5- PAYHEI|T PRocEDtRES CONTRACToR shall Eubmit Appltcations for Palment in accordancewith Artlcle 14 of the ceneral Conditlons. Applications for Payment will be processed by Engineer aa provicled in the Generaf Cond 1t I ons . 5.1 Progress Paynents. oltNER shall make progress payments on account of the Contract Price on the basls of CONI'RACTORTS Appllcations for Payment aE reeonmendetl by ENGINEER, on or about the 15th day of each month durlngconstructlon as provlde below, Al.l. progress payments wllL be on the baslg of the progress of the llork measured by the schedule of values established ln paragraph 2.9 of the General Conditlons. 5.1.1 Prior to Substantial Completlon, progresg payments will be nade ln an amount equal to the percentage lndicated below, but, ln each caEe, Iess the aggregate of payments previously made and less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determlne, or OIINER maywithhold, in accordance wlth paragraph f ,il .7 of the ceneral Conditlons. 90t of work compLeted. If work has been 50t conpleteat as determined by ENGINEER, and if the eharacter and progress of the llork have been satisfactory to OWNER and ENGINEER, OWNER on recommendation of ENGINEER, may determlne that as long as the character and progress of the t{ork remain satlsfactory to them, there will be no addltional retalnage on account of btork completed ln which case the remalnlng progress payments prlor to substantial completlon will be ln an arnount egua). to 100t of the lfork completed. 80t of materials and equlpment not lncorporated tn the work (but dellvered, sultably stored and accompanled by documentation satisfactory to owNER as provtded ln paragraph t4.2 of the General Condltlons ) . I l I I I c-2 I I t I I I I I I I I I J I I I I t 5.L.2 Upon substantlal Completlon, ln an amountsufflclent to lncreaEe total palznents to CONTRACTOR to 951 of the Contract Prtce, less such amounts as ENGINEER shall determine, or O!,NER may withhold, ln accordance wlth paragraph 14.7 of,. the ceneral Condltlons. 5.2 Flnal Paynent. Upon flnal conpletlon and acceptance ofthe ttork ln accordance wlth paragraph 14.13 of the ceneralCondltlons, OWNER shall pay the remalnder of the ContractPrice as recotnmended by ENGINEER as provided in saidparagraph 1{.13. Artlcle 6. II|TEREST All moneys not paid when due as provlded ln Artlcle 14 of the General Conditions shall bear interest at the rate of 1-1./4t per nonth. c-3 t I I I t t I I t I I I I J I I I t DrvIsIo[ 15 ]rECnAlrICtL SECTTON 15010--GENERAL PROVISIOI{S : THE DRAT{INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THIS PROJECT ARE PROTECTED UNDER THE COMMON I.,ATd COPYRIGHT. COPYRIGH? E 1993 YODER ENGINEER- ING CONSULTANTS, INC. AI.,L RIGHTS RESERVED. PART 1.OO--GEilERAT l.0l SCOPE OF mRK WORK SHALL CONSIST OF FURNISHING AI.,L LABOR AND ilATERIATS NECESSARY FOR THE INSTALLATION OF COMPLETE AI{D OPERATING HECHANI- CAL SYSTEHS. I.02 PROVrsrot{S: A. I.,ORK PERFORHED UNDER THIS DIVISION OF THE SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GENERAL CONDITIONS, THE HECHN.IICAL DRAWINGS AND ALL OTHER ITEI'IS HEREINAFTER SPECIFIED: 1. DETAILS: MINOR DETAILS NOT USUALLY SHOWN OR SPECI- FIED BUT NECESSARY FOR THE PROPUR TNSTALLATION AND OPERATION AND,/OR CONFORHANCE WITH CODES OR STANDARDS LISTED HEREIN, SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE T{ORK. 2. DRAWINGS: DRAWINGS ARE DIAGRAI{HATIC AND INDICATE TT{E GENERAT ARRANGEMENTS OF SYSTEMS AND I{ORK. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. EXAMINE ALL DRAWINGS TO VERIFY AND COORDINATE SPACE CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS, CLEARANCES, FINISHES, ETC. A. DRAVJ]NGS N{D SPECIFICATIONS ARE INTENDED TO BE COHPLEHENTARY AND }IHAT IS CATLED FOR BY ONE SHALL BE AS CATLED FOR BY BOTH. BRrilG DTSCREPAI|CTES, CONFLTCTS OR DIFFERENCES rN JOB CONDITIONS AND DRAT{INGS TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ENGINEER F'OR CI.ARIFICATION BEFORE BIDDING AND PBOCEEDING. 3. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAI,: BASE BID FOR EOUIPI,IENT Ar.ID HATERIAT SPECIFIED BY T'IANUFACTURER'S NAHE IS TO ESTABLISH A OUALITY AND PRICE STANDARD. EQUIVALENCY OF SUBSTITUTIONS I{ILL BE DEIEBI'IINED BY THE OWNER AND ENGINEER AFTER CONSIDERATION OF ALTERNATE PRICE AND QUALITY. 4. I{ODIFICATIONS: HAKE REASONABLE MODIFICATIONS IN LAYOUT, ARRANGEHENTS, ATTACHMENTS. ETC. TO: t vArL Ar'Ltsrrc cLUs ]rrx 1993 15010 - I I I t I I I I I I I t I I A. MAINTAIN MAXIMU}{ CLEARANCE FOR HEADROOil TO EXPOSED WORK. B. ESTABLISH ADEOUATE CLEARANCES FOR THE INSTAT- LATION OF SUSPENDED CEILINGS AND SIMII.AR WORK. c. \IERIFY SHAFT, CHASE AND DOUBLE PARTITION CLEARANCES. SPACE TO BE ADEQUATE FOR INSTALTATION, BUT HINI}.IAL. D. I. 03 SUBI{ITTALS: SUBMIT 5 COPIES OF NOTIFY ENGINEER IMMEDIATELY OF ANY CONTTICTS. wrTHrN 5 DAYS AFTER AI{ARD OF THE CONTRACT, THE FOLLOT{ING TO THE ENGINEER FOR REVIEI.J: I A. A coMpI-,ETE, BouND HANUAL oF AtL HAJoR rrEt{s oF ! EOUIPHENT AND MATERIALS TO BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED ON THIS PROJECT. B. IDENTIFY EACH ITEI,I BY I,IANUFACTURER, BRAND AND TRADE NA},fE, NUMBER, STZE, RATING AND WHATEVER OTHER DATA IS NECESSARY TO PROPERTY IDENTIFY AND CHECK MATERIALS AND EQUIPHENT. THE T{ORDS IIAS SPECIFIEDIT WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED SUFFICIENT IDEN- TIFlCATION. C. STIOP DRAWINGS: CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT SHOP DRAI]'ING SUBMITTALS PROCESSED BY TI{E ENGINEER ARE NOT CHANGE ORDERS; THAT THE PURPOSE OF SHOP DRAT{ING SUBI{ITTALS BY THE CON- TRACTOR IS TO DI]MONSTRATE TO THE ENGINEER THAT THE CONTRACTOH UNDERSTANDS THE DESIGN CONCEPT, THAT HE DEMONSTRATES lllS UNDER- STANDING BY INDICATING WHICH T]QUIPHENT AND MATERIAL HE INTENDS TO FURNISH AND INSTALL AND BY DETAII,ING THE FABRICATION AND INSTAT- LATION HETHODS HE INTENDS TO USE. CONTRACTOR 8-URTHER AGREES THAT IF DEVIATIONS, DISCREPANCIES, OR CONFLICTS BETWEEN SHOP DRAI{ING SUBMITTALS AND THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS IN THE FORM OF DESIGN DRA9JINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS ARE DISCOVERED EITI{ER PRIOR TO OR AFTER SHOP DRAT{ING SUBHITTAI.S ARE PROCESSED BY THE ENGINEER, THE DESIGN DRAWINGS AI.ID SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONTROL AND SHAI,L BE FOLLO}TED. 1.Oa trLUSHING, CLEAT{ING ttID STER,ILIZINGL I A. AFTER FLUSr.rrNG, STERILIZE THE DOHESTIC I{ATER SYSTEI.|. B. EEFORE FINAL CONNECTIONS ARE I.IADE IN THE PIPING SYSTEMS, ALL PIPING SHALL BE BLOWN OUT I{ITH AIR AND THEN WASHED OUT WITH APPROPRIATE CLEANING COUPOUNDS. CLEAN THE BOILER BY THE SA}IE PROCEDURE. I I t VAIL ATHLBTIC CLUB Itav 1993 15010 - 2 I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I 1.05 TE8TING A. TEST ALL DRAIN AND ITASTE LINES T{ITH STANDING I{ATER TEST OF TT{ET..VE FEET OF HEAD HINIHUU/2o FEET MAXIMUT'I, HEI,D I,ONG ENOUGH TO INSPECT EACH .'OINT OR 24 HOURS T{ITH NO DROP }'HEN AI.,L JOINTS ARE NOT EXPOSED. B. TEST AtL TTATER pIprNG, BEFORE CONNECTING TO UNITS, AT I.5O PSIG HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE. C. TEST ALL AIR AND GAS PIPING UNDER 60 PSIG AIR PRESSURE. D. ALL TEST REQUIRED BY CODE HUST BE DONE TO THE SATISFAC- TION OF'THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES HAVING JURISDICTION BEFORE COVER- ING. E. ALt HYDROSTATIC TESTS TO BE HELD FOR A MINIMUM OF SIX HOURS. AIR TESTS TO BE HEID FOR A HINII.TUI.T OF TWO HOURS. I .05 BALAr.Cllrc A. THE BALANCING OF THE SYSTEH SHALL BE PART OF THIS CON- TRACT AND INCTUDED IN BID. A. AT I'HE COMPLETION OF THE INSTALLATION THE UECHANICAL SYSTEMS SHATL BE ADJUSTED AND BALANCED BY THE CONTRACTOR. C. FURNISH AND INSTALL SUCH ITEMS AS THERMOMETER WELLS, PRESSURE TEST COCKS, ACCESS DOORS, ETC., AS REQUIRED TO ALLOW TESTS AND ADJUSTMENTS TO BE UADE. D. ADJUST AND BALANCE ALL AIR AND I{ATER SYSTEMS. CHECK, AD.]UST AND BALANCE ALL SYSTEUS TO UEET THE DESIGN CONDITIONS AND TABULATE ALL INFORMATION ON ACCEPTABLE FORilS. AI.', SYSTEHS SHATL BE CHECKED FOR PROPER PERFORHANCE AT DESIGN COND]TIONS WHEN PRACTICAL. 1.0? OPERATING AIID HAINTENA]ICB IIfSTRUCTIOIIS DEI.IIVER AN OPERATING AND }.TAINTENANCE MANUAL AND INSTRUCTIONS TO THE O}JNER UPON COI,'PLETION OF THE WORK AND INSTRUCT OWNER IN PROPER OPERATION. 1.08 wARRrr{Tt A' ALL HATERIALS AND EOUIPMENT SHALL BE NEW UNI,ESS OTHER. WISE SPECIFIED. GUARANTEE ALL I{ORKI'IANSHIP, I.{ATERIAt AND EQUIP- UENT At{D REPLACE AT.IY FOUND DEFECTIVE WTTHOUT COST TO THE OWNER, FOR ONE YEAR A.F'TER FINAL ACCEPTANCE, AS DEFIIIED IN GENERAL CONDI- TtoNs. VAIL ATHI,ETIC CLUB IraY 1993 15010 - 3 r t I B. EACH WARRANTY FOR LONGER THAI{ THE ONE YEAR DESCRIBED I ABOVE (THAT COI{ES rrrTH EQUIPI{ENT USED ON THE.tOB) SHALL BE PASSED t oN To THE OWNER WrTH DATES OF START AND END OF WARRANTy. I I.O9 PROJECT RECORD DRAT{INGSr PROVIDE THE ENGINEER }TITH ONE CLEAN SET OF PTANS AND SPECI_I FrcATroNs coRREcrED up-?o-DATE As JoB pRoGREssEs. ! I 1.10 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS: AL,L MOTORS AND CONTROLS SHATL BE I FURNISHED, sET rN pLAcE AND wrRED rN AccoRDANcE wrrH THEsE spEcr- FICATIONS AND THE NAT1ONAL EI,ECTRIC CODE. I PROVIEE HOTORS AND EQUIPMENT FOR ONI,Y THOSE CURRENT CHARAC-'II TERISI'ICS INDICATED ON THE DRAI{INGS. IT IS ?HE INTENT OF THIS DIVISION TO REQUIRE COHPLETE SYSTEHS PER THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. I cooRDrNATu ALr, EourpuENT REourRrNG EtEcrRrcAL powER, REGARDIESS t oF votJTAGE, htITH OTHER TRADES, SO THAT ALL SYS?EIIS ARE COHPLETE AND OPERABLE. -.rj l.ll rDElfrrFrcarroNg I Do]rEsrrc coLD !{ATER, Doxnsrrc Hor ttATER, HEATTNc suppt,y AND I RETURN, AND ALt GAS PIPING AND VALVES SHALL BE IDENTIFIED tsY BRASS OR PLASTIC DISC WITH DESCRIPTION OF SERVICE PERHANENTLY r IMPRINTED. IDENTIFY ALL PIPING I.IITH PAINfED COTORED BANDS AND I FLow ARRows pER AsAAt3.1, AT uAxrHUH 30 F". TNTERVALS oN STRATGHT PIPE RUNS, AT TEES, AND I{HEREVER PIPING ENTERS CONCEALED SPACES OR PASSES I'HROUGH I.IALLS, CEILINGS OR FLOORS.-r L.L2 ACCESS DOORS I FURNTSH ACCESS DOORS OF TYPE SUITABLE TO ENGTNEER. ACCESS DOORS ARE TO BE PROVIDED IN ALL LOCATIONS I{HERE SERVICE ACCESS IS I REQUIRED. IF INSTALLED IN A FIRE RATED SURFACE' THE ACCESS DOORI rs ro cARRy rHE pRopER u.L. LrsrED RATrNc. - I 1.r3 coDEs .eND srailDAr.Ds I COMPLY WITI{ ALL APPLICABLE CODES, LAT{S, INDUSTRY STANDARDS t AND UtILITY COlrpANy REGULATTONS. I I I vArL ATHLETT' cr,uB ltAY 1993 15010 - { I I I T,.14 INSTALLATION AT{D ARRAI{GE}IENT I TNSTALL Ar.L WORK TO PERMTT REMOVAL OF COrtS, SHAFTS, IIHEELS, FILTERS, AND ALL OTHER PARTS WHICH HIGH.I RE]QUIRE PERIODIC RE- PLACEMENT OR HAINTENANCE, I L.15 PBRHTTS, FBEs, AND NOTICESI I PAY FOR AND SECURE ALL PERI,TITS, FEES, I,ICENSES, AND INSPEC_ TIONS FOR THIS PROJECT. I I- 1.15 ExAltrt{ATtox oF pnE}trsEs I VrSrT THE PREHTSES BEFORE SUBMITTTNG BID AS NO EXTRAS hrILLI BE ALLOWED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF EXISTING CONDITIONS. t 1.17 FOUNDATToNS AND SUPPORTS I FURNISH AND INSTATL At,L FOUNDATIONS, BASES. HANGERS, AN- I CHORS, GUIDES AND SUPPORTS FOR MECHANICAL EQUIP!'IENT, PIPING Al{D DUCTS. t . 1.18 PROTBCTION OF T'ORK AND PROPERTY BE RESPONSIBLE F-OR THE PROfECTION OF EXISTING FACII.,ITIES I wHETHER oR Nor sucn FAcrLrry rs ro BE REHovED oR REr,ocATED. Ho\rE OR REHOVE ANY FACIIJITY SO AS NOT TO CAUSE INTERRUPTION OF THE I,JORK OR OWNERTS OPERATION. BE RESPONSM TO OWNERTS OCCUPAI{CYI REQuTREHENTs. cooRDTNATE Norsy oR Dusry opERAfroNs I{ITH owNER Tor MrNrMrzE DrsruRBANcEs ro cuEsrs. II 1.19 EXCAVATIOII, BACKFILL, ATfD CORE DRILLIilG I DO ALL EXCAVATING, BACKFILLING, CORE DRILLING, AND SAW t currrNc REQUTRED By rHE t{oRK rN THrs pRoJEcr. I L.zO ALTITUDE RATINGSI EXCEPT AS OTI{ERWISE NOTED, ALt EOUIPHENT CAPACITIES, AIR I euALITrEs, ETc. ARE ADJUsTED RATTNGS IroR THE ELEvA'froN oN THrs I pRoJEcr As RATED oN THE DRAhrrNGs. HANUFAcTURER,s RATTNGs sHALL BE ADJUSTED TO PROVIDE] NET RATINGS SHOT{DI , - I I vArL ATHLETT. cr,uB ]rAY 1993 15010 - 5 I l I l.2t HOTORS: t coHpL,Y WITH NEHA STANDARDS AND CONFORM TO ASA C-50 FOR INSULATION AND DIEI.,ECTRIC STRENGTH. CAPACITY TO BE SUFFICIENT TO r oPERATE ASSOCTATED DRMN EQUIPI,IENT AND DEVICES, UNDER ALL CONDI- I rroNs oF opERATroN, ALTTTUDE AND toADs wrfHour ovERLoAD. MlNrl.rur.!I AccEpTABLE HoRsEpowER (Hp) rs IHAT TNDTcATED oN THE DRAttrNGs. SETECT AND INSTALL HOTORS FOR QUIET OPERATION. AtI, HOTORS RATED I 1000 wAlrs oR cREATER suAtL HAvE cERTTFTED por.rnRFAcroRs UNDER I FULL LOAD OF 85t UNCORRUCTBD AND 90t CORRECTED, I I.22 PIPIB DEPTHS - INTERIOR PIPE BELOW STABS SHALL BE A MINIHUH OF { INCHESt BELot'f sLAB AND sHALL Nor BE rN coNTAcr wrrH coNcRETE AT ANyI porNT. AREA DRATNs sHALL HAvE ilAxrr,rur.r covER possrBtE consrsrENT }TITH ACCEPTABLE FLOW IINES. f f I.23 FIRE DIUPERS l,I INSI'ALL FIRE DAMPERS WHERE INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS, ASr REoUTRED By NFeA pAltpHtET No. 90A, oR REpUTRED By LocAL coDEs. - FURNISH UL LABETED TYPE B OR C FIRE DA}.IPERS.tr .l END oF SECTIoN I II -.I I I I I I vArL ArHLErrc cLuB ltAY 19eJ 15010 - 6 t 1l I {l I SEEfIOI| 1518O--IilSULATION : I.' PART 1.OO--GBXERAL REOUIREI{BIITS I NOTE: ALL K FACTORS SHO9'N IN THE I'OLLOWING SPECIFICATION ARE EXPRESSED IN 8TU-IN./HR,SF,F.,l '' 1.or GEHERAL: I A. INSULATION SHALL BE CERTAINTEED CORP., OR EQUIVALENTt pRoDucrs sy ot{ENs coRNrNg, Kt{AuF oR UANVTLLE REvTEWED pRroR To INSTALLATION. t-B. INSULATION SHALL NOT BE APPLIED UNTIL AI.,L SURFACES ARE CLEAN AND DRY AND UNTIL INSPECTED AND RELEASED FOR INSULATION I APPLICATION. a- C. A COUPLETE MOISTURE AND VAPOR SEAI., SHALL BE PROVIDED ON . COLD SURFACES WHERE VAPOR BARRIER JACKETS OR COATINGS ARE RE- I euIRED. ANcHoRs, HANGERs, AND orHER pRoJucrroNs sHALL BE rNsu-r LATED AND VAPOR SEAI,ED TO PRE\IENT CONDENSATION. t D. prpg rNsutATroN sHALL BE coNTrNuous rHRoucH nAr,Ls AtfDI FLooR opENrNGs ExcEpr I{HERE wALLs oR FLooRs ARE REQUTRED To BE FIRESTOPPED OR REQUIRED TO HAVE A FIRE RESISTANCE RATING. -I E, INSULATED PIPING SHALL BE SUPPORTED BY HANGERS AND HETAL SHIELDS TO BE INSTALLED WITH THE PIPING. INSERTS SHAtt BE PROVIDED AND INSTALTED BETWEEN THE PIPE AND THE SHIELDS. INSERTSI sHALL coNslsr oF RrcrD prpE rNsuLATroN EeuAL rN THrcKNEss ro rHEI' ADJOINING INSULATION. I L.Oz rtRE HAZARD CLASSTFTCATTOil: f A. ALL INSULATION SHALL HAVE A coMPoSITE (INSULATION, I JACKET, oR FAcrNG, At{D ADHESIVE To sEcuRE JACKET oR FACTNG) FrRE ' l{AzARD RATING AS TESTED By ASTH E-84, NFPA 255, OR UL ?23 NOT TO EXCEED 25 FLN{E SPREAD AND 50 SHOKE DEVELOPED. ATL INSULATION I HATERIAI,s OR TIIEIR coNTAINERs sHALL HAvE A I,,ABEL INDICATING THAT f THEy Do Nor ExcEED THE ABovE FIRE HAzARD cLAssrFrcATroN. I I PIRT 2,00--PrPE rxSULATrot{ I z.OL HOT PrPrNc (UP TO s00-tr):I _ (DOMESTTC HOf WATER) trl I vArL ATHT.ETIC CLUB XAr 1993 l5l8o - 1 II t lj I A. PRODUCT: r TNSULATE $rrTH CERTATNTEED 500 ISNAP ONrr MOLDED ONE PIECE FIBERGLASS PIPE INSULATION WITH A K VALUE OF 0.23 AT ?5'F I{EAN TEHPERATURE. I B. FACTORY APPLIED .TACKET: I ALL SERVICE JaCKET (ASJ). I C. INSUI,ATION THICKNESS : I REFER TO TABLES AT THE END OF THrS SECTTON. t D. APPLrcArroN:t 1. PIPING: I a. BUTT AL,t JoINTS FIRHLY TOGETHER AND SitooTHLY SECURE AtL JACKET LAPS AND JOINT STRIPS T{ITH LAP ADHESIVE. FLARE- I TYPE STAPLES AT 4" SPACINGS MAy BE USED FOR CONCEALED ttORK. tlt b. sELF-SEAL LAp - AppIJy AccoRDrNc ro l.tANUFAc- TURER'S PUBLISHED RECOMI,IENDATIONS.II 2. FITTINGS AND VAIJVES: . A. INSULATE WITH MOLDED FIBER GLASS FIT?INGS, t SEcHENTS oF prpE coveRrNci oR ttrrH FTRHLx col{pREssED FIBER ct.Ass!r BIANKET. SECURE IN PLACE nITfl 20 GAGE WIRE AND FINISH IIITH A SMOOTHING COAT OF INSULATING CEUENT. PIPE SIZES UNDER 4II HAY BE I INsULATED wITH HYDRAuLIc sETTING INsULATING cEMENT. ALL THICK.I NEssEs ro BE EouAr ro IHAT oF ADJoTNTNG prpE covERrNG. I b. EXPOSED FTTTTNGS AtlD VALVES SHALL aE ADDr- I TIONALLY FINISHED trtITH OPEN-WEAVE GLASS CLOTH FABRIC ADHERED BETWEEN T}'O FLOOD COATS OF TAGGING ADHESIVE. LAP GLASS FABRIC 2II ONTO ADJACENT PIPE. I c. IN LIEU OF GLASS CTOTH EHBEDDED BETWEEN TT{O COATS OF MA$TIC OR ADHESIVE, CERTAINTEED IISNAP FORMN ONE-PIECE I TNSULATED FrrrrNG sysrEHs HAy BE usED. co\zERs SHALL ovERLAp tHE I ADJOINING PIPE INSULATION AND JACKETS. THE COVERS SHALL BE HECHANICALLY SECURED BY SERRATED-SHAFT STAINLESS STEEL TACKS I PUSHED INTO THE OVERLAPPING ?HROAT JOINT. t II t vArL ATHLETT' .LUB ]taY 1993 15180 - 2 I I I PART 3. OO--TTECIT.LI{IGAI, EOUIPHENT INSULATIOil Jr 3.01 HOT EOUIPT{EIIT (rrP To a50 F): I (Hor wATER sroRAcE TANKs,/HEAT ExcHANcERs)I A. PRODUCT:I|l INSULATE ALIJ SURFACES WITH CERTAINTEED IB 200, 2 LBS./CU. FT. FIBER GLASS INSULATION BOARD HAVING A K VALUE OF0.23 AT ?5'F HEAN TEMPERATURE. II B, FAcroRy AppLrED FAcTNG: I sHALL BE Ar,L sERvrcE JAcKET (AsJ) uNLEss NorED.r C. INSULATION THICKNESS: f REFER TO TABLES AT END OF THIS SECTTON. D. APPLICATION: a,r 1. cur, scoRE, oR ltrrER rNsuL,ATroN To l,'rr coNTouR oF EQUIPMENT AND SECURE WITH L/2" X 0.015't GAIJVANIZED STEEL BANDS OR | 16 GAGE GALVANIZED r.rIRE ON 12" CENTERS WELD PINS OR STrCK CLIPS I trrrH wAsHERs MAy BE usED FoR FLAT suRFAcEs AND spAcED LE't AeART. STAGGER JOINTS WHERE POSSIBLE AND FILL VOIDS }'ITH INSULATING,ir CEMENT.I I z. FINTSH By oNE oF THE FoLrowrNG: I a. APPLY 1" GALVANIZED I.JIRE MESH OVER ENTIRE - SURFACE AND FINISH WITH TI{O COATS OF INSULATING CEMENT TROWELED TO A I{ARD FINISH. llt b. APPLY A SHOoTHING coAT oF INSULATING CEIIENT. WHEN DRY, APPTY A COATING OF FIRE-RETARDANT LAGGING ADHESIVE. r. EXBED A LAYER OF OPEN-IIEAVE GLASS CLOTH, OVERLAPPING ALL SEAI,IS I 2r, AND FrNrsH wrrH A sEcoND coAT oF sAME ADHEsrvE.'t c. INSULATE 9JITH FACTORY APPI,IED ALL SERVICE I JAcKET (AsJ) FAcrNc. JorNTs rN FAcroRy AppLrED FAcTNG sHALL BE I COI'ERED WITH {II }TIDE STRIPS OF SAHE }TATERIAL, CEHENTED IN PLACE. I I I r vArL ATHLETTC CLUB trAy 1993 15180 - 3 I I I I PIPING SYSTEI'I I PLultBrlrc I Hor r{ArER I Ii:Li-?SurPHENr t ?il"3H.:ffi3i,,on, I I I I I I I I I I t varf. ATHr-.ETrc 'LUB INSULATION THICKNESS rINII{UI,T THICKNESS NOI{INAL PIPE SIZE (INCHES) oNE AND t-l/4 2-1/2 TSilP. F. BELO!{ TO 2 TO { ABOVE 4 100 To 150 L/2 1 1 r-l/2 SERVICE I{INIHUM TEilPERATURE THICKNESS 200-F END OF SECTION HAY 1993 2tl 15180 - r I t I SECTIOII 15'OO--PLI'HBING: )PIRT I.OO--PRODUCTS I r. 01 prprr{c: I A. WASTE AND VENT DRAINAGE PIPING: UNDER SLAB I I. . MATERIAL: r A. BELOW GRADE: 2 INCH SIZE MINIMUM, xSPUN'r, = STANDARD WEIGHT CAST IRON HECHANICAL SLIP JOINT PIPE AND FIT- TINGS. AACKFILL WITH SAND TO 6 INCH DEPTH OVER PIPE. IINO-HUBII I eERMITTED BELow sLAB oR GRADE oNLy wHBN cAsr rRoN rypE coupt,lNcs I SUCH AS XHGI| BRAND OR HEAVY DUI'Y COUPTINGS SUCH AS ''CLAI.IPALLII ARE USED WHICH MEET ALL CODE AND REGULATION REQUIREMENTS INCLUDING I LOCAL REVISION AND ICBO LISTING.r B. ABOVE GRADE: .I 1. 2 INCH SIZE AND SHALLER, CAST IRON DRAIN-r AGE PATTERN FITTINGS. ATTERNATE: COPPER DRAINAGE TUBE TYPE DT{V WITH CAST BRASS SOLDER JOINT DRAINAGE FITTINGS, USE ADAPTORS AT I GRADE coNNEcrroNs ro cAsr rRoN prpE. ALTERNATE: 'rNo-HuBtt SERV-t rce wETGHT cAsr rRoN plpE AND FrrrrNcs, 4 rNcH t'tAxIHUil srzE, I 2. 2 l/2rr SIZE AND IARGER; STANDARD I.IEIGHT f cAsr rRoN sorL prpE AND FrrrrNcs, oR ,No-HUB" sERvrcE tdErcHT cAsr IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS, 4 INCH HAXIMUM SIZE. 2. JOINTS:I A. MECHANICAL: SLIP FIT WITH LUBRICANT AND COM- il pRessron TooL, FLEX RrNc ro coNFoRM To AsfM c-5rt4. I B. SOLDERT 95/5 (TrN-ANTTHONY) OR 95.5/4/.5 I (TIN-COPPER-SILVER) OVER FLUXI:D PIPE AND I.IT.TINGS. r c. N.-HUB: coRRosro' REsrsrANT ctAilp AssEMBty OVER FLEX SEALING SLET:VE CONFORMING TO ASTH C-554.III B. HOT AND COLD WATER ABOVE GROUND: I 1. MATERIAL: TYPE ''L't HARD-DRAWN COPPER TUBING.r 2. JOINTS: REAM TO FULL DIAHETER, APPLY FLUX TO PIPE I ON PIPE SHALLER THAN I 1,/2I AND TO PIPE AND FITTINGS ON SIZES I ovER 1 t/zx. usu 95,/5 (TrN-ANTrHoNy) oR 9s.s/4/.5 (TrN-coppER-r srLvER) No LEAD soLDER AND AppRopRrATE HEAT. -,II VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB IIAT 1993 I5IOO - 1 I I Ir 3. FITTINGSI L25 PSI SOI,DER JOINT COPPER OR BRASS I FITTINGS OR ADAPTORS, USE INSULATING UNIONS AT ALL CONNECTIONS I BETwEEN srEEL, BRAss, BRoNzE, rRoN, AND coppEn prpE. 1- EQUIPHENT DRAINS:Ir 1. MATERIAL: TypE xt'tx HIRD-DRAwN coppER t{rrH TEE AND - REHOVABLE PLUG AT EVERY CHANGE IN DIRECTION. I D. NATURAT GAS PIPING: HA?ERIAL, COATINGS, IDENTIFICATION, JOINING AND SUPPORT HETHOD PER REQUIREHENTS OF LOCAL GAS UTILITY. r l.oz vel,vns AtfD plplltc spEcrALTrEg: I A, vAIJvEs: SHALL BE wALhtoRTH, cRANE, srocKHAl,t, KENNEDv.f RED & WHITE, HAilMOND, JENXINS, JOl.lAR IN ACCORDANCE IIITH THE FOL- IJOWING SCHEDULE, EXCEPT AS OTHERTTISE NO?ED: I 1. coPPER PIPE: A. GATE VALVE: BRONZE, [{EDGE DISC, TAPERED SEAT, I RISING STEH, SCREWED BONNET, 125 LB. S.W,p., 200 LB. W.O.c.,r HAilHoND No. 18-635. I B. cHEcK vAr,vc: BRoNzE, sr.o.c. RENEwABLE Drsc, - L5 DEGREE SWING CHECK, Y PATTERN, HAMMOND NO. lB-94t1. I C. BALL VALVE: ALL BRONZE INCLUDING BALL, TEFLON I SEAT, MINIMUM ?2t PORT, |{AHMOND NO. 806. D. SILENT CHECK VALVE: SJILLIAHS-HAGER. . 2. FERROUS PIPE: I A. GATE VATVE 2II AND SHALTER! IRON BODY BRONZE I MouNTED, soLrD wEDGE, RrsrNG srEH, scREtJED, 150 LB. s.r.f .p., 225 LB. tt.O.G., WALI{ORTH f?11. r B. GATE VALVE 2 L/zn AND LARGER: IRoN BODYII BRoNzE MoUNTED, soLID hIEDGE, RISING STEM, FLANGED (SCREWED OP- TroNAt TO 3|| SrZE) | L25 LB. S.W.P., 200 LB. I{.O.G., WALI'ORTHt *?tsp.I c. CHECK vAtVE 2[ AND SUALLER: ALL IRoN, SI{ING l| CHECK, 250 LB. W.O.c., WALW0RTH *904. r D. cHEcK vALvE z r/zu AND r.ARcER; rRoN BoDr I BRONZE MOUNTED, SWING CHECK (SCREI.II;D OPTIONAL TO 3[ SIZE), L25 I LB. S.W.P., 200 LB, W.o.c., I.TALWORTH *928F. 3. REFER TO SYMBOL LEGENDS ON DRAWINGS FOR TTPE.II VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB llAY 1993 15400 - z I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I 1. 2. 2II FOR LINES 3. ].,/2 OR IRON OFF TOR EACH B. PIPING SPECIALTIES AND ACCESSORIES: MANUAT AIR VENT:CRANE NO. 702 COCK. DRAIN VALVES3 CRANE NO. 45I, (1II FOR LINES TO 5'', 5II AND UP ) , STRAINER: CAST BRONZE, I{YE PATTERN, T'ALI{ORTH 13599 BODY ltyE PATTERN, CRN{E NO. 989 1/2. PROVIDE ELOW- STRAINER PIPED TO NEAREST FLOOR DRAIN. 4. TEST WELL: TEMPERATURE Al.lD PRESSURE TESf PtUGi PETERSON BRAND, Z VALVE CORE. PROVIDE ONE BIHETAL DIAL THERHOHE- TER O TO 22O DEGREE RANGE AND ONE 1,/4N N.P.T., I{ITH PRESSURE GAUGE ADAPTER (DAVIS AND DAVIS OF DENVER, HANUFACTURERIS REPRE- SENTATIVE). PROVIDE ONE PRESSURE GAUGE PER PARAGRAPH 5 BELOT.' (O- 1OO PSIG). THERI.'OHETER PROBE TO FIT TEST FLUG. 5. PRESSURE GAUGE: I{ARSHALLTOWN I'PERHAGAGEII OR TRER- rcE No. 500x, 4 L/zt. DIAI, I{rTH CRN{E NO. 88 NEEDLE VAL\|E FOR EACH GAUGE, PLUS SIPHON FOR EACH STEAI{ GAUGE. DIAL RANGS AS NOTED ON DRAWINGS. WEKSLER, O.A.E. PERI.TAI{ENTLY },TOUNT GAUGES AS INDICATED ON DRAWINGS. 6. THERI'IO}.TETERS: 9 INCH SCALE, RED ilERCURY-FILLED COLUI.IN, EXPANSION HEADS TO PROTECT AGAINST EXTREME HEAT, SEPARA- BLE SOCKET tf,ELL, STEHS AS REOUTRED FOR EASE IN READTNG FROH FLOOR. IiARSHALLTOWN, TRERTCE, I{EKSLER, DURO, O.A.E. 'l . UNIONS z 2 l/Ztt AND SHALLER, GROUT{D JorNT TYPE; 3tt AND LARGER, FLANGE UNIONS. 8. EXPANSION JOINTS: C & H ]'FLEXONICSII O.A.E. T{ITH SLIP GUIDES AND ANCHORS AS SHOI{N ON DRAT.IINGS. AI.,TERNATE: SPECI- FIED ON DRAIdINGS. 1.03 ACCESS PLATES: ACCESS PLATES SHATL BE PRIUE-COATED STEEL FOR PAINTED WALLS AND SHALL BE EQUIPPED IdITH ALLEN KEY LOCKING DEVICE. ALt OTHER ACCESS PLATES AND PANELS SHALL BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. 1.0. OTHER IIATERIALS: ALL OTHER HATERIALS, NOT SPECIFICALLY DESCRIBED, gUT REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE AND PROPER INSTALTATION, SHALL BE NEW, F]RST QUALITY FOR THEIR RESPECTIVE KINDS, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF' TI{E ENGINEER, AND INCI,UDED IN THE BASE CON- TRACT. VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB lrAY 1993 l5too - 3 I I -r PART 2.OO--BXECUTION I - 2.ol sEE sEcrIoN l5or.o. r 2.O2 PLI'}IBING sISTg}I LAIOUT: I A. GENERAL: I 1. LAYOUT THE PLUHB1NG SYSTEH IN CAREFUT COORD]NATION I WITH THE DRAWINGS' DETERHINING PROPER ELEVATIONS FOR ALIJ cot{Po- I NENTS Otr' THE SYSTEM AND USING ONLY THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF FITTINGS TO PRODUCE A SATISFACTORILY FUNCTIONING SYSTEH. I z. FoLLor{ THE GENERAL LAyour sHorrN oN THE DRAt{rNcs rNI ALL cAsEs ExcEpr As REQuTRED To cooRDTNATE AvATLABLE spAcg r{rrH OTHER TRADES..- I B. ENCLOSURE OF PIPES: EXCEPT I{HERE SPECIFICALLy PERMITTED BY THE ENGINEER, LAYOUT ALL PIPES TO FALL T{ITHIN PARTITION, I CEILTNG, OR ROOF CAVTTTES. FURRTNG OTHER T|{AN THAT SHOWN ON THE I DRAWINGS rS NOT PERMTTTED WITHOUT ENGINEER'S PRrOR APPROVAL. C. FREEZE PROTECTION: DRAT{INGS ARE DIAGRA}IHATIC. ROUTEI PrPrNc ro AvorD FREEZE uP.a t 2.O3 TRIBIICHII{G Al{D BAcl(FILLIilc! PERFoRil ALt TRENCHING AND t BACKFILLING ASSOCIATED WITH THE PLUMBING INS',fALLATION IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF SECTION O22OO OF THESE SPECIFICATIONS. t 2.O1 II{STAI.ILATIOII OF PIPING AIID EOUIPHEI|T: I I A. GENERAL: . 1. INSTALL AtL PIPING TO CONSTANT SLOPE OR GENERALLY I LEvEL AIID PT,UHB As REQUIRED BY UsAGE AND HEREIN, FREE FROH TRAPS,. AND IN A HANNER TO CONSERVE SPACE FOR OTHER WORK. I z, pRovrDE uNrFoRH prrcH oF AT LEAsr l/4 rNcH pER Foor r FOR ALL HORIZONTAL WASTE PIPING WITHIN THE BUILDING; PITCH ALL VENTS FOR PROPER DRAINAGEi INSTALL VENT PIPING IIITH EACH BEND 45 I DEGREES MINIT'IUH FROI.! THE HORIZONTAL WHEREVER STRUCTURAL CONDI- f TroNs wrLL PERHrr. Ir t vArL ATHLETTC .LUB t{AY 1993 l5aOO - { I I a, I 3. PROVIDE COMPLETE ISOI,ATION OF DISSIHITAR HETALS I l{rrH DTELECTRTC uNroNsi A}tcHoR prprNc AND rNsrALL ExpANsIoN I GUIDES TO PROVTDE FOR UNIFORM THERHAT MOVEHENT OF prpE WITHOUT EXCESSIVE STRESS OR NOISE AND TO PROTECT SYSTEM INTEGRITY FROH EXCESSIVE PRESSURE AND WATER HAHMER. r 4. rNspgcr EAcr{ prgcg oF pIpE, TUBrNc, FrrrrNcs AND AOUIPMENT FOR DEFECTS AND OBSTRUCTIONS; PROHPTI.Y REMOVE AI,LI DEFECTIVE MATERIAL FRoM TI{E JoB SITE. I 5. INSTAI,L PIPES TO CTEAR ALt BEAilS At{D OBSTRUCTIONS, I DO NOT CUT INTO OR REDUCE THE sIzE oF LoAD CARRYING HEHBERS I WTTHOUT THE APPROVAL OF THE ENGTNEER. B. JOINTS AND CONNI;CTIONSitI 1. SMOOTTILY REAM ALt CUT PIPE, CUT ALL THREADS STRAIGHT AND TRUE; APPLY BEST QUALITY ?EFLON TAPE TO I'IALE PIPE I THREADS' USE GRAPHITE ON AtL CLEANOUT PLUGS. a 2. COI{PRESSION-TYPE NEOPRENE .TOINTS FOR T{AST8 PIPING II ARE PREFEHRED AS SPECIT'IED I{EREIN. It 3. MAKE ALL JotNTs rN coppgR TUBE wrrH soLDER AppLrED IN STRICT ACCORDANCE SJITH THE MANUFACTURERIS RECOHHENDATIONS. I usE 95,/5 (TrN-ANTrHoNy) oR gs.5/4/.5 (TrN-coppER-srLvER) NoN-LEAD ! OR SIHILAR ON ALT, ABOVE GRADE COPPER PIPING. SILVER SOTDER (BRAZED) JOINTS ON ALL BELOT{ GRADE COPPER PIPING. l, I I I I I I I t vArr, ATHr,ETrc CLUB END OF SECTION HAI 1993 l5too - 5 I T ,I, ! AECTION I55OO--HEAT GENER..ATION :I PART 1.OO--GEIIBRAL I 1.01 REI,ATED TX'RK DESCRIBED ELSBTITIERE: t 1. pLUMBTNG: sEcrroN 15400 I 2. INSULATION: SECTION 15180 = l.o2 rNsrALLATroil oF EourpltENT AtfD A.gsocrATED prprilc: I A. GENERAL:r 1. BOILER AND DOHESTIC }'ATER HEATING SYSTE}IS SHALL BE I TNSTAIJIJED As sHo9lN oN pLANs, LEvEL AND PLUMB I{ITH ADJACENT wALLs. !2. AI.,L CONNECTING PIPING TO EQUIPMENT SHATL BE IN- I STALLED IN HECHANICAL ROOH TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE HEAD CLEARANCE I UNDER PIP]NG AND ROOH AROUND EQUIPilENT FOR SERVICE. PIPING IN CEILING SPACES SHALL BE INSTAI,LED IN COORDINATION WITH ALL, OTHER - TRADES. I 3. ALL PIPING IN HEATING SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTAI,LED TO RISE UNIFORMLY IN THE DIRECTION OF TI{E FLOW Al{D AT EVERY CHANGE I IN ELEVATION PROVIDE ACCESSIBLE MANUAT AIR VENTS AT THE HIGH r POINTS.t 4. REFER ALSO TO SECTION 15400. II I.03 FLUSHIITG OF HEATING SYS'rEHS: I A. GENERAL: I 1. FTUSH AND TEST ENTIRE SYSTEH PIPING PRIOR TO IN- I STALLATIoN oF ANY covERING oR INSUIJATING MATERIAL. IdHEN REQUIREDr By coNsrRucrroN sEouENcE, poRTroNs oF sysrnHs HAy BE sEpARATELy TESTED. WRITTEN VERIFICATION OF TESTING TO BE SIGNED BI PROJECfI supERvrsoR AND suBMrrrED To ENGTNEER.I B. FLUSHING: THOROUGHLY CLEAN AND STER.ILIZE DO}'IESTIC T.'ATER I SYSTEM WITH IN ACCORDANCE W1TH APPLICABLE CODES.r I t vArL ATHLETT' .LUB END OF SECTION nAY 1993 15500 - 1 AND THE I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTrON 15900--CoNTRoLs : PART 1.OO--GBIIERAL 1,OI SCOPE OF t|()RI(: FURNISH AND INSTAI,L AT{ ELECTRIC OR AN EIEC- TRONIC CONTROL SYSTEM AS DESCRIBED ON THE DRAT.'INGS WITH COI{PO- NENTS HANUFACT'URED BY HONEYWELL, JOHNSON, POWERS OR BARBER- COLEHAN CONTROI., COHPANY. PROVIDE ALL COMPONEN?S, I{A?ERIAIJS AND WIRING (EXCEPT AS NOTED HEREIN) TO I'IAKE A COHPLETE SYSTEM CAPABLE OF ATL qONTROL REOUIREMEN?S AIID FUNCTIONS DESCRIBED HEREIN. COOR- DINATE qONTROL REQUIREI'{ENTS WITH PROJECT CONTRACTORS AND EQUIP- MENT SUPPLIERS TO AVOID CONFLICT OR OT'IISSIONS. T.O2 SERVICE: THE CONTROL SYSTEM TEED FORI A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR FROM AT NO ADDITIONAL COST TO THE OWNER. EOUIPMENT SHAI,L BE GUARAN- DATE OF FINAL ACCEPTANCE 1.03 IDENTIFICATIOTf: ENGRAVED TICARTA PLATES SHALL BE INSTALLED TO IDENTIFY ALL MAJOR CON'TROIJ UNITS. ON ALL CONTROL DEVICES AND AT INTERFACE POINTS }JITH BUII.IDING EQUIPMENT, IDENTIFY WIRES A}ID CONTROL DEVICES WITH ADHESIVE BACKED IMPRESSED TAPE LABELS, LABELS SHALT INDICATE UNIT FUNCTIONS, TEMPERATURE SET POINT, JIND/OR ID NUHBER REFERENCED TO CONTROT, DIAGRA},I . I l.Oa CONTRoL DIAGRAH: PROVIDE CoHPLETE LITERATURE AND DIAGRAMS FOR INCLUSION IN O. & M. MANUALS. 1.05 (]OORDINATION: REFER 1'O GENERAL PROVISIONS, DMSIONS 15 AND ALL BID DOCU}'IENTS. 1.05 SBOUET|CE OF OPERATIOI{: A. DOI.IESTIC HOT WATER SYSTEHS 1. DOHESTIC HOT WATER RECIRCULATING PUMP THE DOHESTIC HOT WATER PUHPS SHALL RUN 24 HOURS A DAY. FURNISI{ E INSTALL A HAND ON/OFF SWITCH FOR EACI{ PUMP. VAIL ATHLETIC CLUts r{ar 1993 15900 - 1 I T I 2, }IATER TIEATERS I HEATERS SHALL BE COIiPLETE i{ITH ALL OPERATTNG CONTROLS SELF CONTAINED. CONTROL OF DISCHARGE T{ATER TEI{PERATURE SHAIJL BE r SET THROUGH AN INTERNAL SETPOINT 9IITH Atl ADJUSTI{ENT OF 100oF I ro lgooF. uNrr sHALL HAINTAIN DTscHARGE TEIeERATURE r{rrHrNr spEcrFrED RANcE THRoUGH LoAD vARrATroNs FRolt 0 To 100t. I HEATERs sHALL 8E cAPABLE oF MAINTAINING THE oUTI,ET I TEMPERATURE WI?HIN ATiI ACCURACY OF i{"F. THIS }IILL BE ACCOHPLISHED BY }'IODULAI'ION OF FIRING RATE FROH lOOt TO I4I I OF RATED INPUT. THIS CoNTRoL ACCURACY SHALL BE CAPABLE OF I BErNG I{ATNTAINED ovER A HEATER ourpur RAlfcE oF 100oF To 1900F. I 1.0? TTIRIT{G OF CONTROL DSYICES I A. coNTRoL DEvrcEs cARRyrNc FULL LoAD cURRENT FURNTSHED Bv I MECHANICAL AND T{IRED BY EI,EcTRIcAI,, sHALL BE LocATED AT THE DEVICE BEING CONTROLLED, UNLESS SHOI{N ON THE DRAI.TINGS OR HUTUAL AGREE- I HENT Is MADE BETWEEN THE CONTRACTORS I{ITH No CHANGE IN THE cON-I TRACT PRICE.r I l.0o grsrglr cxEcrour: pRroR To coNTRoL pERsoNs LEAvTNG JoBI sITE, THEY MUST CoNFIRM IN I{RITING To THE ENGINEER THAT AI.,L SYSTEI'TS ARE OPERATING SATISFACTORITY AS SHOIilN ON APPROVED SHOPI DRAWINGS. I END OF SECTION END OF DIVISION I T I I I I I vArL ATHLETT. .LUB HAr 1993 15900 - 2 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION NOTE _ COPY OF SEPT. 9, DATE PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 1988 00351i department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT T E BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL !trtr 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IR M DfVtSfON r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO. _ zIF BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING REVISE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM.MECHANICAL I2,000 TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II IHR A-3 12 , 000 BUILDING PERMIT efr ffts 0trf ,23y/ fuik#' PLAN CHECK ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION (^4 ADDITIONAL +,]I) REPAIR ( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 180 RECREATION FEE THICKNESS R-VALLUE TYPE OF HEAT ADDITIONAL PERMITS ST, CUT NEEDED: N INITIAL , CUT x BLASTING x ARKING Y DEMO INSULATION: FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES r60.00 GARY MURRAIN SEPT. 19, 1988 lrlorNe-oFFrcnl - - trATE INING ADMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design applicable thereto. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF review approved, Uniform Building Code and LEGAL DESC. JoBNAME: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB plpy AEAREN & ASSOC GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, MECHANI CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACT 204-S OF VAIL REG. NO. FIRM TIMBERLINE FIRE PROT. llrpdnl.ry/vail -L. i. r,.ti 75 south fronlage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 department of publlc works/transportafl on TOr FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it 1s unlawful for any person colltter' Erack or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debris or rnateriil, includingtrash dunpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehi.cles upon any street,sidewalk, a11ey or public prace or any portion thereof. The righc-of-wayon all Town of vail sEreets and roads ls approxi.mately 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance will be stricEly enforced by che Town of vail public l,IorksDeparcment. Persons found violacing thls ordinance will be given 24-hourItritten notice to renove said rnaterial. In the event the person so notifieddoes not cornp ly with the notice wlthin the 24-hour tine specified, thePublic works Departruent will remove sald mate.rial at the "*p"rr"" of personnorl-fied. The provisions of this ordinance sharl not be applicable toconstructlon' mainEenance or repair projects of any street or a1ley or anyutilities ln rhe rlght-of-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartuent to obEain a copy. Thank you for ytur- cooperation in this natter. Read and Acknowledged by: c:i VAIL1989 MEMOMNDIJM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITIT TI{E TOI.IN OF VAIL TOI.IN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT d€partment of oommunity development TO SE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EF pLuMarNcfl rouruonrtom LJ52 E MEADOW DRIVE NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE rN 0l{ Nov. 23, 1992 PLANS rN ,.ot--.Jf 5860 E$gg BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT BL>__Fi FILING z-v- ' )Loe runnr, uo(or"ruttc .rury'u*.t OWNER 352 E MEADOW DRIV MAIL ADDRESS .,rrvArl PH. 476-070 ARCHITECT F|RM -^ -^.. " ^-.rv -D\-rra L' IV ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR 61pM DAVID L. REEH C0NST. TowN oF vArL REG. No. 355-8 rct476-Q700 ELECTRICAL fQor.rrnncron FIRM IOIVN OE]VAIL BEG.NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPAT{CY GROUP ABE H IR M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : RE}4OLDING OF LAIINGE AREA AT THE PERMIT NO. z tr BUILOING 30.000 ELECTRICAL 6,000 PLUMBING 2, ooo VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB.MECHANICAL 3,000 TOTAL 41 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F-A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES II B-A 0 41 , 000 BUILOING PERMIT 427 5 s . T JI-*. .4'' - A.llv, PLAN CHECK 278 ELECTRICAL 108 NEW( ) ALTERATTON {X) AODITIONAL( ) REPAIR(PLUMBING $30 / $8 lt4L334 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL $60 / $15 //41335 \ HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUEINSULATION: FLOOR EXT, WALLS OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 250 USE TAX ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO. Y N INITIAL ST. CUT x BLASTING X PARKING Y OEMO Y TOTAT PERMIT FEES $ I ,176 DAN XffiET STANEK DEC 1, 1991 BUITDING oFFICIA. DATE IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE 'olHf f"rEMb'otrnrXS['ntrm I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO: VAIL , 3528 VAIL, ATHLETIC MEADOW DRIVE c0 81657 OWNER AND THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF 75 south frontaEe road' vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38' or 479-2I39 TO: FROM: DATE: su&tECT: Read and acknowledged by: oftlce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL RECISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF,Vlrq t. TOWN OP VAI$ PUBLIC' WORKS/COIO4UNITY DEVELOPMENT ttARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAI, STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful fo" unuperson to litter, track or deposit any soir, rock, sarid, debiisor rnateriar, including trash dunpster!, pori,abre ioirets andworkrnen vehicles upon any sLreet, sidewaik, alrey or'publicp1?9. or any portion theie.of. The right-oi-way in a,ti Town ofVail streets and-roads is approxirnately 5 ft. 6ff pdvement.This ordinance wilr be strillty enforcld by the Town of vairPy!}i-c works Departrnent. rersggs-jound vi3lating this ordinancewlrl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with th-notice within the 24 hour time specified, the pulric worksDepartment will remove said mateiiat at lhe expense of personnotif,ied- The provisions of this ordinance srrirr not beapplicabre to construction, nraintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buil.ding Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter. - .! ',t' '.' (i.e. contractor, owner) itr !. r "t. .J ', 75 3outh tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2t39 otflcs of communlty devolopment BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME !f this permi.t. requires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval, Engineep"s. (Pgb1 ic wolks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Departmentrevi'er or Hea'lth Department revi'ew, and-a review by the Euitbing Department, the estinated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeltE. AII comnercial (large or small) and a'll multi-family permits willhave tq follow the a_bove mentioned maximum requiremenls. Residentialand.small projecG-fhould talte a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresi.denti.al or smalier projects impact the various above mention6d departments. with. regard. to necessary revfew, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt wrlll be made by this permtt as s.qon as possible. I' the unders.igned, understand the fpame. departrnent to expedite this plan check procedure and time '-. rst . - ' --.'_'!! \t r.'l. \ ' .1'.'. *-/n;l ryJeT. Pro-5ftT Corrnuni ty Development Department. il Plan REview Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB DATE: LL-30-92 ADDRESS | 352 W. MEADOW DR. CONTRACTOR: DAvrD REEH VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: ZEAREN OCCUPANCY: A ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON: 11 PIANS EXAMINER: DAN STNAEK CORRECITONS REQSIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It iE a guide to selected sections of the codes. The followlng is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of, the Town of, Vail . 1.. GAS FIREPLACE INSTALLED TO MANUFACTURES SPECS.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED ON FIRE ALARM, 3. ALt PENETRATIONS IN FLOORS,CEILING, AND WALLS TO BE SEAT,ED WITH APPROVED MATERIALS. 4. ACCESSIBLITY REOUIRED AS PER CH.31 OF THE 1991 UBC.A) EXISTING RAMP TN PARKING GARAGE MOD]FIED TO MEET SEC.33O? 1991 UBC.B) EXISTING HANDTCAPPED RESTROOMS TO BE MODIFTED TO MEET sEc.3105 0F THE L991_ UBC. raaaOaaaa,,l 6UI.IU I;EIilEJ A Grand l{eu Vieu! Beauty, Efficimry and Clean Burning. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa MODET SOOOGDV GAS FIREPTACE n 1987, Heat-N-Glo Fireplace Products, Inc., introduced the industries first built-in direct vent gas fireplace, The Golden Flame Model 6000 GDV Using this patented direct vent technology, Heat-N-Glo now introdu ces a 42" version of this fireplace, Model 8000GDV With all the advantages of a direct vent and a gran'd new view HHAT-N-GLo Fir€plaa Pducb, hrc. 6665 U'. Hwy 13, Savage, MN ttl (6rz)890-s367 Fa\ (612) 890-3525 ttttz-)l IEff-N.GU) Auailable with a remote control ! raaaaaa Finally rtrepkces that don't let ffici,ency go up in smoka aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaa E,tsy AND EcoNoMrcAr TO Iusrarr s with our 6000 Seria, Model 8000GDV vents directly out dre back of the unit, eliminating the need for a standard chimney sptem and thereby saving installation time and money. The air tight firebox takes all of is combustion air fiom outside and thus is ideally suihd for today's ti$tly sealed homes, This feature keeps the warm air in and the cold air out and pmvides a thermal efficiency in exces of 707o. In addition to the beauty and ease of installation which the Golden Flame provides, it will radiate and convect heat into a room. And, because therc is no heat loss as there wouid h up a conventional chimney, the heal exchanger 0f the Golden Flame is espcially effective. To further boost heat circulation we offer an optional fan. Not only will this fireplace make a grand imprcssion, it will add warmth and efficiency to your home for years to come. STANDARD FDATTJRDS 18,000 BTU Input Six Realistic l,ooking Oak logs large Glas Door Are r (38" x 23" ) Safety: High Temperature Limit Switch and Glas Micros\ilitch Buming Embers and Yellow Flames Piem lgnitor and Safety Pilot Hi$ Effioency (70,6+I Air Tight and Clean Buming InstalledJunction Box for Blower and/or Remote Control Fixed Mesh Scrcen (Polished Brass Trim) Polished Bras Decorative Hood A,G.A, De;ip Cenified and CGA Approved for use with natural or LP gas OFTIONS RCH-09A RemoteControl WSK-21 Wdlswitch Kit GFK-150A FAN Kitl60 CFM a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Slx Log Set is standard in Model 8000GDV The Indusgs BEST Pedormance Blower $1stem, AIR-SUPREME includes; . Magnetic Blower Mount that allows for installation in seconds. Optimal blowet positioning that eliminates air flow nesistance. thermal sensor switch that automatically tums blower on and off. Variable S@ Contml designed to h irntalled in the bttom of the unit or on a wall Clean Air Filtering qrsGm Our patent pnding clean-air slntem allows us to install tn seconds an optional fihering system Gartridge) that will clean room air when operating. For tbose wanting the beauty ofa woodfire witb tbe warmtb, ffictency and conuenimce ofgas Heat-N-GIo ts the'Smart Chtlce' DtnEct I,/ENT MOo€!S 8m0 GDV Sld.vk F d{ vi.r H[,AT-N-GL0 Fir€place Products, Inc. 556! W. Hn'y 13, Savag€, MN t5378 (6tz)890-8357 Far (612) 890-3525OFFICIAL FIREPLACE EUPPLIEB FON SMART }Ic|tJSE 'A3 tested by Ga6 T€chnoJogles Inc- tuhdel fl€ight Fronl Wrdfl &ck Widtl 0ept1 FrcnI Glass DooGAclilalkamin0ActlalFamingActialRamn{Actual Fnming E{no ciDv 42 42h 48 49 30t 3t !t 24tA 6v 8 x37JA Blower Systsm VENT SYSTEM APPROVALS Figures 1 through 5 and Tables 1 lhrough 5 show lhe vent systerns approvetl lor use wilh MocJels BOOOGDV, 6000GDV, 4000GDV and 4000WH. Approved vent systern conrporrenls are labeled for identilication. NO OTHER VENTING SYSTEMS OR COMPONENTS MAY BE USED. Delailed inslallation instructions are included with each vent tennination kit and slroulcJ be used in coniunction wittr lhe appropriate irrstallation marrual. HORIZONTAL VENTING piDe. Horizontal ciimensions Hi are based on centerline of pipe lo end of lermination. Elevatec.l vent syslerns using lwo (2) 90 degree elbows, MUST have at least a 1 foot vertir;al rise for each 6 feet of horizonlal rur r. The MAXIMUM verlical rise is 20 feet and the MAXIMUM beginning horizontal run H is B feet. The MAXIMUM TOTAL horizontal run H + Hr is 24 Ieel (2O feet in Canada). A venl system using two.90 degree elbows will result in a horizonlal terminalion. The vent systems installed on this gas lireplace may also include one (1), two (2). or lhree (3) 90 degree elbow assemblies. The following relalionships of vertical rise lo horizontal run in vent configuratrons using g0 degree elbows MUST be strictly adherecJ lo. NOTE:45 DEGREE ELBOWS (DV-45D) MAY BE USED IN PLACE OF 90 DEGREE ELBOWS, oNE (1) 90 DEGREE ELBOW Figure 2 and Table 2 show examples of possible insiallations using one (1) 90 degree elborv. Dimension V is listed as MINIMUM verlical dimensions and dimension H is listed as corresponding MAXIMUM horizontal dimensions. Vertical r'limerrsions are based on centerline of pipe to end of lcnnirralion. Horizontal dimensions are based on back of unit to centerline of pipe. lf straight sections of vent pipe are first atlached lo the unit, there musl be al least a 1 foot verlical rise for each 2 feet of horizontal run. The maximum vertical rise is 40 feet, and lhe maximum horizontal run is B feel. A vent system using one 90 degree elbow will result in a vertical lerminalion. A DVK-TVCD termination kit must be used. TWO (2I90 DEGREE ELBOWS Figure 3 and Table 3 show exarnples ol possible inslallations usang two (2) 90 degree eltrows. Dimension V is listed as MINIMUM verlical dimensions, dimension H is listed as MAXIMUM beginning horizontal dimensions, and dirrension H .r- 11i is listed as TOTAL MAXIMUM horizonlal dimensions. Vertical dimensions are based on cenlerline to cenlerline of pipe. Horizontal dimensions H are based on back of unit to centerline of THREE {3) 90 DEGREE ELBOWS Figure 4 and Table 4 show examples of possible rurstallations usirg llrree (3) 90 degree elbows arrd a horizontal terminalior-r. Figure 5 and lable 5 sfrorv exanrples of possit)le installations using three (3) 90 degree elbows and a vertical terminalion. Dimensions V are lisled MINIMUM firsl vertical climensions and dimensions H are lisled as beginning MAXIMUM Itorizontal dirnensions. Dirnensbns H+H 1 (vertical tennirtalion) anrl rH 1 r H2 (lrrxizorrlal lerrrrination) are lisled as TOTAL MAXIMiJM horizontal dirnensions. A vent system using three (3) 90 clegree elbows can lerminale eilher horizontally or verlically. Elevated vent systems using three (3) 90 degree elbows MUST maintain the following relationships. 1 . There MUST be at least a 1 -foot verlical rise V for each 2 feel of beginning horizontal run l'1. 2. There MUST be at least a 1 {oot tolal vertical rise V or V r V1 for each 5 leel of total horizorrtal run H+H1 or H+H 1+H2. 3. The MAXIMUM vedical rise V is 20 feet, the MAXIMUM beginning horizontal run H is 8 feet, and the MAXIMUM TOTAL horizontal run H+H1+H2 is 20 feet for systems terminating horizontally. (See Table 4). 4. The MAXIMUM beginning horizontal run H is B leet and lhe TOTAL MAXIMUM trorizontal run H+H1 is 20 feet for systems terminalinf, vertically. The TOTAL MAXIMUM vertical rise Vl.V1 is 4O feet. (See Table 5). ARCHITECT'S (612) 890-8367 FAX (612) 890-3525 IlEAT N Gt.O flronl:rco Prcrlu.ts, In. 6665 W Hr!V. | 3, Sav;loc. []lN q4T 'A Figure land Iable 7 show the horizontal venl lermina- tion kits approved for use on this nrodel. MANUAL r HORIZONTAL TERMINATION ,r . FIGURE ONE I VERTICAL TERMINATION T I I I { Ilf--'' I . TABLE TWO r VENT|NG W|TH ONE (1) 90" ELBOW v (FT.l H (FT.l 1'MINIMUM 2'MAXIMUM2'MINIMUM 4'MAXIMUM3'MINIMUM 6'MMIMUM4'MINIMUM *g,MAXIMUM 5'MINIMUM B'MAXIMUM 40'MAXIMUM 8'MAXIMUM . A 2 to t horizontal to vertical ratio applies until the maxlmum of 8' horizontal is reached. (612) 890-8367 FAX {612)890-3525 HEAT-NcLO Fireplace Producls, Inc,, 6655 W Hwy. 13, Savage, MN 55378 . FIGURE TWO HH KIT NO. MIN. RUN MAX. RUN I TABLE ONE T HORIZONTAL VENTING DVK-01 D 8" 13' DVK-OISD DVK-O2D DVK-o2SD 13.1 " 24" ,?\ ARcHrrEc's \r) MAr{uAL ._a- r O I HORIZONTAT TERMINATION I I FIGURE THREE . FIGURE THREE ARGHITECT'S MANUAL o . TABLE THREE T VENTING WITH TWO (2} 9OO ELBOWS Y H EtHl 1'MIN. 2'MAX. 6'MAX.2'MIN. 4'MAX, 12'MAX.3',MtN. 6'MAX. 18,MAX.4'MIN. *8'MAX. 24'MAX,5'MtN. 8'MAX. 24'MAX. 20'MAX. 8,MAX. 24'MAX. (20, tN CAI|ADA) . A 2 to t horizontal to vertical ratio applies until the maximum of 8' horizontal is reached. TOP VIEW (612) 890-8367 FAX (612) 890-3525 HEAT-N-GLO Fireplace Products, Inc., 6665 W Hwy. 13, Savage. MN 55378 r HORIZONTAT TERMINATION ' ' FIGURE FOUR r TABLE FOUR r vENTtNc W|TH THREE (3) 90" EL_B_OWS V H H+H1+H2 1'MIN. 2' MAX. 5' MAX.2'MrN. 4'MA)(, 10,MAX.3'MIN. 6'MAX. 15'MAX.4'MIN. *8'MAX. 20'MAX.5'MtN. I'MA(. 20'MAX. 20'MAX. 8'MAX. 20'MAX. . A 2 to t horizontal to vertical ratio applies until the maximum of 8' horlzontal is reached. r TABLE FIVE T VENT|NG W|TH THREE (3) 90o ELBOWS V H H+H1 1' MIN. 2' MAX. 5' MAX.2'MtN. 4'MAX. 10'MAX.3'MIN. 6'MAX. 15'MAX. 4' MIN. * 8' MAX. 20'MAX.5'MIN. 8'MAX. 20'MAX. 8'MAX. 20'MAX. NOTE: V+V1 MAXIMUM 40' . A 2 to t horizontal to vertical ratlo applies until the maximum of 8' horizontal is reached. (612)890-8367 FAX (612) 890-3525 HEAT-N-GLO Flreplace Products, Inc., 6665 W Hwy. 13. Savage. MN 55378 . VERTICAL T TE RMI NATI O N TFIGURE F IVE )" 'HE qFfr#'hJ"L J"l*-u;i = VENTTEHMINAL = AIR SUPPLY INLET = AREA WHERE TERMINAL IS NOT PERMITTED A =12" E=1?: C = 9" (USA) 12" (Canada) D =18" E=18: F= 9" G= 6' H=3ft, l=3fr. pSA) 6 ft. (Canada) J = 9" (USA) 12" (Canada) K=3ft.(USA), 6 ft. (Canada) *L=7ft. clearances above grade, veranda, porch, deck or balcony clearance to window or door that may be opened clearance to permanently closed window vertlcal clearance to ventilated soffit located above the terminal within a horizontal distance of 2 feet (60 cm) from the center-line of the terminal clearance to unventilated softll clearance lo outside comer clearance lo inside corner not to be installed above a meter/regulator assembly within 3 feet (90 cm) horizontally from the centre--iine of the regulltor clearance to service regulator vent outlet clearance to non-mechanical air supply inlet to building or the combustion air inlet to anv other appliance clearance to a mechanlcal air supply inlet cle.arance above paved side-walk or a paved driveway located onpublic property clearance under veranda, porch, deck or balcony ' a vent shall not terminate directly above a side-walk or paved driveway which is located between two single family dwellings and serves both dwel[rigs.*. only permitted if veranda, porch, deck or balcony is fully open on a minimum of 2 sides beneath the floor. NOTE: local Codes or Regulalions may require ditferent clearances HFAT-N.GI,O (612) 890-8367 FAX (612) 890-3525 HEAT-N-GLO Flreplaco Products, Inc., 6S5 W Hwy. 13. Savaga, t{N 55378 'l e6, tQtooa,o,/- lt-/' Re: r?n41flF\ Z E H R E N AND ASSO(-IA TLS, INC. December 8. LWZ Dan Stnaek Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail. C-olorado 81657 Vail Athletic Club Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes Dear Dan: Addressed in "Corrections Requircd" itcm #4 is "Accessibility required as per Ch. 31 oi the 1991 u.B.c.' Zehren and Associates approached this project as an'Alteration'per the 1991 Uniform Building Code, Appendix Chapter 31, Division II, Accessibility For Existing Buildings. Alterations Sec.3112.(a),1. states "Where existing elements, spaces, essential featurcs or common areas are altered, then each such altered element, space, feature or area shall comply with the applicable provision of Chapter 31 of this code." Each 'altcred element' of this Alter;tion, to the best of my knowledge, meets Chapter 31 of the U.B.C. Alterations Sec.3112.(a).3 state.s "Wherc alterations of single elements, when considered together, provide access to an area of a building or facility, the entire area or space shall be accessible," Under our opinion, the altercd elements do not 'pgqyide access' to an area of a building or facility. Per the above stated sections of the 1991 Unitbrm Building Code we do not teel items #4A and 48 are entirely mandatory as part of the alteration taking place. However: 1. Item #4A will be further researched for possible work to take place in the spring when weather permits the ramp construction. Design of the ramp will be addressed with the Town of Vail Building Department at that time. 2. The client is willing at this time to make the restrooms morc accessible by changing out the faucet knobs to levers and adding an additional grab bar in each of the handicappcd toilet stalls. ARCIlITEC1 URE. I'LANNINC . IN I LI{IOR5 \AII . S(.OI'TSDALE PO. Box l976 Awrn, Colorado Ul620, (30]1949-0257 (602) 991-1301 FAX (103) 949-1080 - -/ I have discussed the American With Dirsabilities Act with Stan C-ope, the Vail Athletic Club representative, and he is aware that it is a civil liberties law and compliance is the owner's responsibility. He is in general agreement with making the facility as accessible as possible and is in the process of determining a schedule for compliance. Please call with any questions or comments. Dean Koll, AIA Associate lcb:W5t P.S. ltem #4 which calls out Chapter 31 of the 1991 U.B.C., which in turn calls out U.B.C. Standard No 31-1, which in turn calls out the American National Standard 4117.1-1986, would be very difficult to comply with by the scheduled completion date. cc: Stan Cope - Vail Athletic Club Dave Reeh - Contractor O ,r*o" rNspEcrroN,, .o*rurroO The ltens below need to glvingapernitaflnal PLease check off lo the FINAL PLUUBING be conplete before Cof0. box provlded. DATE: n n FINAI },TECHANICAI, DATE: II'IPROVEI,IENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING tr tl u FINAL ELECTRICAI DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE:tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LANDSCA?INC DUE DATE: N:\taoFILE NAME:Q-; # saaS clcpartnrent ol community development****pLEASE FI LL OuR tJHtRE THE ( X) l.tARKS ARE I TO Bg FJLLEO OUTCO|J|PLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PEFMTT TYPE OF PERMIT F PEFMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOESITE sEF n'41q8{E T. FOLLOI,IIIIG IS NEEDED FOR 2. Ihereby acknowledge that lhave read this application, filled outcornpleted an accurale plot plan, and state that a tf,|e inlormation full the information required, Letter from condo assn..(lF AppLICAELE) 2 Sets pf complete drawings/expianation I Torvn or CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION PY lorn I Dtr tl n D D BUILOING EL ECIRICAL ITl ECHANICAL M ECHAN ICAL CONTRACTOI? FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TO..,1?.1 oF v^tL rere. Q tl( agree to comply lvith the inlormation and plot plan, to comply vrilavrs, and to build this strucluro accorciing to the Tovrn.s z oridreview approved, Unilorm Building Code a-nd other ordina ces and stale l. TYP€ o F coN srRucrroN rrr m rvp 2. occuPANcy cRoup rd} x r. n u OtVtStON tZZ.34 9ry5R1|i QEscRrprtoN oF Kep6 ; -f_e a_C-F- l BUI L OItJ6 PLUMBING GROUP G.R. F,A.VALUATION ||E V/ ( ) ALTERAT AOOTTTONAL( ) REPATR( OIV€LLING UNITS - IIEIGH T ItI FT NO. FIN EPLACES THICKNESS R.VALLUE AODITIONAL PEBMITS NECOEO: PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT PLAN CHECK ELECIRICAL PLUITIEJTIG MECHANICAL R€CR€ATION FE€ OESICN REVIEW BOARO C L EAII UP OEPO SIT USE TAX TOTAL PERI/IT FEES :ONING ADTIINISTRATOR zoNrNg & BU!!OrNG NOTES: LEG AL loT - BLx_,,_ vtittLt(. ARCH IIECT \rtri,'-t1/rL con rRAcTon ;.?a?a: FIRI % l,lAll ahnpF c.q FIN!J----- I!."1ri o; vAiL REG F littA--- TOV/N OF VAIL REG. NO. Fta [l - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUli18INC CONTRACIOR ATJO THE OIVIiEN. OTHER XX In coNrnAc n Fon H,r.ls€LF ,a# I I I I I IY. I I T to NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT r0/11/84 DATE 001899 depertmont of community development TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT ETn Etr m BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING Vail Athletic Club JoBNAME:Vail Athletic Club Remodel OWNER r'nru p Internationa'l Eouit.Gro untooonEss BgI l1?8 crry Vail,Co.81658 4t 58 6 1 6PH. ARCHITECT rrnu Gordon Pierce Assoc. MArLADDRESS 100 s. F!. !qffi GENERAL CONTRACTOR F,RM MorganConstruction rowN oF vAlL REG. No. 129A .rE, E 949-5720 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM New E'l ec tri c ,o*" o, uo,a "ru. *o. 110E 949-4651 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM Scheidegger Plumbing rowN oF vArL REG. No. L24P 47 6-5737 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR F'RM Summi t I'lechanical rowN oF vn* ned. No. I41M 84s-7766 OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM 0K Demol'i tion rowN oF vArL REG. No. l16x rELE. 979-3171 |l!prlnl.itlvail r.rYPEoFcoNsrRucroN rr{ry/vv I 2.occuPANcYGRouP @@. " '@n17 \DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - remode'l of athletic c'l ub and cornpn PERMIT NO. \, V J'' L' \' \' z E BUILDING $225,000.00 ELECTRICAL 25 ,000 .00 PLUMBING 39 ,000 . 00 MECHANICAL 75.000.00area of hotel TYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES A.I 404,000.00 BUILOING PERMIT 1193.00 \rF \/ w \ VQ B-2 PLAN CHECK 775.00 R-l ELECTRICAL 300 .00 NEWO ALTERATION & ) ADOITIONAL() REPAIR( $PLUMBING 390 .00 DWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMOOATION UNITS - MECHANICAL 750.00 HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIBEPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS B-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOAROFLooRlA/Ll CL€AN.UP DEPOSIT 500.00 EXT, WALLS USE TAX 2020.00 ROOF TYPE ELEc. n#:, il--s GAS TOTAJ, PERMIT FEES $5928.00 wooD -Kl*'. Yl,*,-%* la/tt lrgault6-rrc-oFFref,!-- o-nTE - Kristan Rhitz I0/I0/84 UONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ${ j /H{' I zoNtNG & BU;LDTNG xq16s. we n€ed StamP€d electrlcal plan beTore inspecr]on ano al I detail s I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled oul in lull the information required, compleled an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other applicable thereto. return clean up to: The Vai'l Athletic Club/Hotel 352 E. Meadow Drive - UqiiSl Co. nces of OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF Gordon R.Pierce Architect A.I.A. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: MEMoEAI!.9.! October 8, 1984 Mike McGee (Vail Fire Department)Gary Murrain (Town of Vail)Jon Mark pierce (Morgan Construction) Kurt Segerberg Vait Athletic Club Remodel (plans dated L6/l/g4)Plan Review with Vail Fire Department on LS/g/g4(in attendance: Mike McGee aia Kurt Segerberg) l.* Mike recommended_ a vapor barrier between the opening ofthe existing mechanical room and the pool equipmentroom to prevent rusting of existing flre syjtem panelbox. Duct work exceeding over 2 r0A0 c.f.m. will requiresmoke detectors A vestibule with an out-swinging door will be requiredfrom elevator vestibule to gira6" on the second f-loorarea to allow direct exit for the nursery area as wellas resolving a false smoke detection alaim at elevatorvestibule due to automobile exhaust. Existing doors to pool chemical storage area room shallbe marked ttpool storage roomr,. Annunciator for fire alarm system sha11 be relocated tofront desk. Controls for lounge gas fireplace shalIoutside wal1 of fireplace. Emergency 1ighting for building sha11 bedeterminedrr. please calt Mike Mccee tovisit to determine locations. Drawings of alarm and sprinkler systemsprovided to the vail r'iie oepartmlnt. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. be loeated on 'rfieldarrange a field shall be 9. A heat detector shal1 be provided in the work shoparea. * It was suggested by Mike, but not required, that in thebest interest and security of the ruild-ing that the firealllT system annunciator and panel box sh5uld be plaeed inpublic view at the front desk-. 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 ' 303/476'6776 dopartment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PBIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEBMIT WPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION DEMOL IT ION ntr6 Dnn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING Vail Athl eti c CI ub JoBNAME: Vai'l Athletic Club/Hotel Der OWNER r,raup International Equity crrv Vail, co. 816518, 949-5815 ARCHITECT FrRM Gordan R. Pierce MATLADDREss looo s;-ft:-8q +/o-o//o crry Vai I , Co. pH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM Morqan Const. LowN oF vatr- nco. r.ro. L29A rELE. 949-5720 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIUN OF VAIL REG. N!.- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM rowN oF valL REG- l!a. TELE, tha NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE r\.?E 9/t8184 PERMIT NO. DATE rrr.|vv 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP n., , a\ ,8 '/r' ,^ I, tDtvlstoN t?2a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION 9o \o BUILDING PERMIT NEW ALTERATION O AODITIONAL () REPAIR DWELLINGUNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIBEPLACES ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: YN TOTAL PERMIT FEES t? | (L/ & BUILDING NOTES: review approved, Uniform Building Code and other{or/inances own applicable thereto. I hereby acknowledge that t have read this application, tilled out in tull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure according to the i?Wn's zoning and subdivision codes, design JOHNSON - VOILAND - ARCHULETA, C onsu h ing S t ruc tural Enginee rs lNc.Rob6rt H. Voilend Robert B. Hunoea David M. flouderhcll H. Gaay Howcll R,A. Honon G!raldlne M. Soell Thomeg S. 506ll Willi6m J. N€l3on Chedea L Willerlon Oaana Davrd-Clana October 19, 1984 Kurt Segerberg Gordon Pierce Associates 1000 S. Frontage Rd. tlestVail, C:O. 81657 Subject: Vail Athletic Ctub Remodel - Third Floor Deck Dear Kurt: r have revietved your as-built drawing of the structural franr-ing for the thirdfloor dlning deck in the vail Athletic club. this deck is framed with 2x10's aE 24" o.c. which bear on 6xt0 beams spanning betwesr concrete colwffrs. Aperjneter 8" concrete block wal I encloses the spa.ce belor,,r the deck. You have informed rrc that the decl< will continue to be used for dining. Theexisting structure has a calculated live load capacity of 80 psf, whi-h r,oebelieve is adequate for restaurant loading. should you have any further questions in regard to the deck ard storage area,please contact our office. Sincerely, Johnson-Voi land-Archuleta I Inc. By: Thonas S. SoeII P.E. 2305 CANYON BOULEVABD 6385 WEST 52NO AVENUE BOULDER. COLORAOO 80902 44,1-1951 ARVADA. OOLORAOO 8{E02 420_455 ffi MEMSEF Gordon R. Pierce Architect A.T.A. October 31, 1984 cK/'/'Town of VailBuilding DepartmentAttention: cary Murrain 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81657 In regards to the ceiling height situation in the thirdlevel office space just west of the women I s restroom, \re would like to request a variance to the Townrs'7'-A"ceiling height requirements. This reguest is for a ceiling height of 6r-10r' in this particular office space. Due to the accommodation of existing ductwork below structural steel floor joists, we determined that a ceiling height of 6'-10" would be adequate for tbe size and use of this particular space. The drywall was fastened on metal channels as closely as practical below existing ductwork to gain the greatest possible ceiling hei ght . I hope you and your staff will consider this hardship. If there are any questions or concerns, please cal1. S incerely, Kurt A. SegerbergProject Architect KAS,/1r t 1000 South Frontage Road West . Vail, Colorado 81657 . 303/476-6776 Yoder Engineering Consultants, lnc. I Benchmark Plaza - 5u ite 307 P.O. Box 5740 Avon, Colorado 81620 Mechanical ,' E lectrical 303-949-11 9X 1-800-332-3259 (Colorado Only) NOVEMBER 5r t9E4 KURT 5E6ERBURG GORDtrN F.IERCE & ASSOCIATES 1AOA SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD IIESTvArL, coLoRADo s1657 RE: F,ROJECT 84a73,, VRIL ATHLETIG ELUB 19e4 REMODEL DEAR KURT, I' VE BEEN ASRED BY THE F,ARTIES CtrNCERNED IN THE REITIODEL TO DO AN EVNLUATIUN trF THE EXISTINF ELECTRICNL SERVICE TO DETERIYIINE ITS ADECIURCY IN LIGHT OF THE SDDITIONAL LOADS EE]NG ADDED TO THE BUILDING. THE ATTACHED COMPUTER F'RINTOUT IS ff SYNOF.SIS OF ]-HE EXISTING CONDITIONS AND THE ADDITIONAL LBADs. IN EFFECTI OUR ANRLYSIS SHO[/',S THAT THE ADDITIONRL LOAD AF 144 Kt\, I^IILL NOT AFFECT THE trRPRCITY OF THE SERVItrE IN ANY MRNNER. I.,E I^IOULD THEREFORE REtrtrMMEND THNT THE REMODELING GO AHEAD AS SCHEDULED. IF YOU HAVE ANY ADDITIBNAL OUESTIONS OR COMMENTS. PLEASE LET IVIE KNOi.i, SINCEREI-Y, VSD/DEC ENC. DR.TE I}PVE}IEER 1, t9E4 CLTFNT IEORDON PIERCE & ASSOC PROfitrT }AHE TVAIL ATHLETIC trLUB PROJECT NI'}IEER 184673 SERVIHE UTXLIY .IHOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIRTION l'lAxlt'tul't KvR FoR PRIOF 12 l"loNTHS = 672 e 125rr = S40 NE!'f trgNNEtrTED tflR - t44 € 125te - 18O TOTRL IIEF|AND = 816 e l2src = l@20 TOTfl- NElf AIIPS = 2829.519 e zOE VOLTS EXISTINE SERVICE CfiPftCITY tN AI{PS = 4OO6 7 BoyIe Engineeringo Inc. 143 Eagt l'leador,r 0rive, Suile N-10 Uai l, Colorado 8165? 303t 478-21?@ f'lr . 6ary Hurra i n Toun of Uail Building Oept 75 South Frontage Rd. ly'est VaiI, Colonado 81657 Bear 6ary, This t,iill confirm that i met wlth George Roberts of l"lorgan Construction at ttre above noted Jobsit€ on Friday, Decemben 7, 1984, Thc purpose of thls meeting uaa to revieu the iintel he is adding over the opening to the neu uorkshop unden the restaunant deck on the south side of ihe building and to inspect the opcning he has cut in the concrete block r^rall on grid linc 5 betr,reen grid linas F and 6 at the first and second levels. I havc deiermincd that the 5xSx5/18 angle he is using for the iintel at the uorkshop is adequate to canry the untic j.pated design loads- Furthernore, I have found that the 5' openings that he has put in the block r,rall at qrid 5 on the first and second levels do not harn the integri.ty of the building. Plcase feel fnee to call ne if you have any questions regarding this matter. Stgned: I]Please Reply lxl No Eeorge Rober t s December 10, 1984 Uarl Athletic Club Renodel ffill-#d}..jG- %q ! tagec ? -hJ$ BOYLE EN6IN T i rrot hy I'l , Pres i dentReply Req'd MORGAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, General Contractors and Developers rNc. ?eatt Gat4: A thont note to thanb qotgin!-+tey+-+eiranle and aAtiatanee dunLng the,Lz.cant zemode.ting 06 tka Va,i.L AthXQ.LLc CX-iFn\d Hotet. \r?.nn the de^tLgn ana o*i@nzstwfufoai--noon [x.oon, i.t becarnezv'i.dent ths.t ttLQ,Ee ahe no eodea, and x)-tt[.e ne.teutch, haitna to do wi.ththe inpac.t-'Loading o[ ban-joi'st {Loons aueh a,t one dind.a dL&ing autobLc,s, la.zzaLciAe, orL otllelL zqthnic exoncise, The inuteate in conttnuc,t-Lon o( athratie {aci.u.tie,s Ln necent qenu wi.It- mabe th.i-| tqpe o{ lae even no}Le common, 'L wou.Ld" guQAA. SevuwT 0$ ilteengineetu r ta.Lbed to Auggaated thnr.'t a.tlz a r.o&.(, codz o{{ieint to wnrteto the UBC. a.nd neq.uerst,guide Xines don auch an applicntion. I( qou ge.t a,nq ,such indanna,tion, l,d Xitzz to have a cofr7. Thanh.a again gon qoun he.Lp; I hope to wonlz wi.th qou a"gain aoon. Januan4 16, 1985 Mn. Gazq MwtnaLn Town o( Vai.t- 75 So. Fttontagz Road ttlest Va,i,L, Colonad"o 81 657 \-_--- ee Manage,,t JP/ jt cc: [iJe antz 953 S, Frontage Road W., Suite 200 o Vail, Colorado 81657. (303) 476-1900 NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE IN ON NOV L2, l99I PI.ANS ATTACI1ED department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION L]trT g E L] BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING JOB NAME: y411 ATHLETIC CLUB MAlLAppREss 352 E MEAODW DRr crrY vArL PH 6-0700 ARCHITECT FIRM DARK HORSE LTD rowi{ Or varr Ree. No. 149-8 926-3300 GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL ONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, MECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, I,TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION III III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY G ROUP A B E H IR M OIVISION t22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - REMOVAL OF NON-BEARING PARTIOION PERMIT NO. z tr BUILDING 2.000 ELECTRICAL I ,000 PLUMBING WALL.MECHANICAT TYPE GROUP G.B,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES fII B 0 3 ,000 BUILOING PERMII 75 (y 0.1 TFt-qc: \,ftf- \qt \_) PLAN CHECK 49 ETECTRICAL 50 NEW( ) ATTERATIONX]O( ADDITIONAI ( ) REPAIR( )PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS ACCOMMODATION IJNITS HEIGHT IN FT - NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULA-[ION:T YPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE NONE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT ffii7qv USE TAX l-I TYPE HEAl' ,.o --- - -l *" s-oL;-- l *;;TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 274 DAN STANEK NoV 13, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED. Y N INITIAL ST CUT I l* I BUILDING OFFICIAL ' DATE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING X ZONING & BUILDING NOTES: PARKING !rELU tsspsurruN K!;quIK!;I, luR uuD!; COMPLIANCE. DEMO _l l-l _ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to co th all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's bdivition codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and olher ord therelo. CLEAN UP tO:Tlm n iT'iT //4 /t- .+77/Ltf1( I z-,tr1: 3SZ tr'az-7,tt*+ k'-<-": )r? t/4/l- cco. tilasy -t(: ANI TURE OF OWNER OR THE OWNEF. TOR FOR HIMSELF BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval ,Engineel''s (Public Works) reyiew and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All commercial (large or small) and al'l multi-family permits will have tO follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if resi-dential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three week pertod. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi.t as sgon as possible. I,. the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame. 75 south tronlaEe rold Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olllce of communlly devalopm.ttl , *' Cca PFoject Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 south fronlaga ?oad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUR]ECT: olflcc of communlly d€velopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAT STORAGE In sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, j.ncluding trash duupsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alIey or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately S ft. off pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-tly enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove saLd rnaterial .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLtic WorksDepartment will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provlsl.ons of this ordinance shalL not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G ln full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain i copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: Po5ition/RelAtionship To-ErolecE- ( i. e. contractor, owner)t )^r//2 /(/uace .' Cirhii,li 'I ,l:,i .r1 ,1. ? i.rl \'l . j..,: 1 {'Jti:: ,'iii';fl".',i'i'li: ,(r'1i i';ii"ffi;;';'.:'li,{J I @NrlLtant+:qi:tffi,tl,;,l.ii:' [*ia;ff1i ). 4t- t:-/ r8)JE The ltens beLow givlng a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLIHBING JAr. rNsPEcrroNrs CoMPLETED need to be couplete before a final C of 0. Ln the box provlded. DATE: rINAL }IECHANICAL tl IMPROVSIEr{T SURVEY RESID. NA}'E: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICA]. tr FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: t_TE}TPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY t'- LAND'.APTN. DuE DATE: \,\{\ NNN." \\,\-.' \se\\ ln department of communlty dwelopment TO 8E FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOFTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION I DnEtr BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL ]ecnr DESC, LOT BLK FILING JOBNAME: Vail Athletic Club Awning OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS crw PH. ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rl prnu American Awninq & Patio TOWN OFVAIL8EG. NO TELE. J ELECTRICAL FIRM TOJN OF VAIL BEG. NOLt t\ r F(Ar,rt K PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. i paldarr/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO 5-20-82 BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PERMIT NO. DATE 1, TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRI/l DIVISION r2?a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : Instal I canop.y TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES u$ 9Rl %r NEW ALTERATION () AOOITIONAL( J$ REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS G.R,F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES - ACCOMMODATION UNITS -COVEREO PARKING UNCOVERED PARKING INSULATION TOTAL PERMItr,FEES NING ADMINISTRATOR review approved, Uniform Building Code and other 9{dinances of lhe Town applicable thsreto. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree lo comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design al; coNSrRUcnoN PERMIT i v\':; - lrxnhifiV . ' [""o' departnrent of cornmunity development PE OF PERMIT BUILDING EL ECTRICAL I"4 ECIJAN ICAL PLUMEING FOUNDATION ONLY ff!illl LEGAL G.. LOT BLK-- FIL ING -oB i.jAME: /,/.qt / AT/, leTc &o /, OWNiR *otr Frll ttorT- l,,!AlL ADDRaSS :: CITY PH ARCIi ITECT FrRM Ow,,/ e /2' MAIL ADDRESS CIIY PH. G EN ERAL CONTRACTOR ,,**A*r*o, ,4*o*o, E/', (" ;' ^r*r"3tt a hL,^rha ",r, De^, 0o, pn?36'7J27 *.r*,.o. CONTRACTOR FIR!1 ue{ aooa*sfl /_ y' - clrY / \j PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR lfir- ,\rA.LADDRESs l/ 'l aiTY /ll ' r,n' MECHAN iCAi. CONTRACTOR F: OTHER CO NTRACTOR FiR\1 MAI'. ADi]RFSS C IiY PH \-'. DATE PROJECT NO.-I'r '47 ZPERMIT NO. f t'.'vl I I ltcHEaY AcKN(r\,tLr-l)(;f.'IllAT I ll,\!l: R I: A D TII tS APPI.TCATI{)N A T.I) ST A'I !- TI I AT TII T AE('VE tS C()RRf:(iT ANrr ACRt:F 1rl (rOtlPl,Y wtT|| l,L T(,wli (]RI)li.iA!lcEs .1:ll) sT1'I l' t.Aws Rt(; RDINC BflLD||r.C Co:ISTRI CTI(tN. I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2, OCCUPANCY GRCUP DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : BU IL DING PERMiT FEE+TYPE GROUP SO, FT VALUAIION BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICALN€W( ) A!'TERATION() ADOITIONAT() REPAIR() RECREATION FEEDWEf UNG UNrrs cn.rn -@-- ACCOMMODATJON UNITS COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT, - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FTREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVEREO PAR(ING - UNCOVEREO PARKING OESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT TOTAL PERMIT FEES orurdMMr'rrs"RRfion DA INSULATION VAIL IVATER & SAN.DISII. TAP FEE : SPEC IAL NOTES I lnun 75 south frontage rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 Septenber .|6, 1982 Andy Norris Norris Realty Company.|000 South Frontage Road l,lest Suite 200 Vai1, Colorado 8'1657 Dear Andy, department of community development Re:Vail This is in response to your letter to Dick Ryan dated 9/13/82 regarding the conversion of two dwelling units to condomjniums at the Vail AthleticClub. You are correct in your assumption that the proposal is exempt from Section I 7.40. 075 Condominium Conversion--Lodge and AccommodationUnits. As you are probably aware, we've recently gone through a clarifi- cation and re-writing of that section, and it does not regulate anydwelling unit conversion (unit with kitchen facilities). Howevern the proposal does fall within the jurisdiction of Chapter 17,40 with regard to a condominium conversion in general . I've included a copy of this chapter of the code and underlined on page 298-1 the definitionof "Condominium Project" whjch speaks specifica'l 'ly to any proposal of two or more units. As you read through the provisjons for conversjon, I'm sure you'11 quickly becore confused, I've had several opportunities to work with these provisions and have a pretty good handle on the procedures and requirements to follow. Let's get together soon to go over what you'll need. Thisis basical 1y a "cross your t's and dot your i's" type of ordinance,but it is detai'led. A. PETER PATTEN JR. Sen'ior Pl anner cc: Dick Ryan Larry Eskwith As I etic a l ways tm department of community daralopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION F autLonrc ffi elecrnrcel I' I MECHANICAL nn! FILING JOB NAME: Vai I Ath'letic Club Squash C MAIL AODRESS ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, OTHER CONTRACTO [r prhLry/vail NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE 5- 11-82 001031 I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IR M DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK :Mnrlifw avi ctinn rrrnrraf hr'l'l r.nrrv.* PERMIT NO. - -_- _ _ z tr BUILDING r2.000 ELECTRICAL 1.327 PTUMBING to squash court.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP SO, FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT 92.50 aY-r 5,o\ - -$ 5s PLAN CHECK 60.00 ELECTRICAL 35.00 NEW() ALTERATION ADOITIONAL () REPAIR PLUMBING owELLtNG UNrTS _ ACCOMMODATTON UNrTS G.R.F.A. -BEOROOMS COMMERCIAL SYST -COVEREO PARKING HEIGHT IN FT. -UNCOVERED PARKING NO FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD 25.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100.00 USE TAX 150.00 INSULATION TOTAL PERIU/ffEES $462. s0 FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE '/,- tutJ-ftltutra= - -t{e.- ---,UING UFITIL ING ADMINISTRATOR DATE HEAT IING & BUILDING NOTES: ELEC: I GAS; SOLAR. IWOOD: nd/u efua^-,r/fi. OR FOR HIMSELF I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi U,.xt f y Rc F 03e.Z 7 ie t't' t I CotLrl DooA ll il ll eroarjE Ll Roo^ _! c-TT _tl I I t +- o*t4lrJ':f,r'"u' 1""t19 y*1c .--. NevJ srAttcruriiL Sru-o & l.rt-i- lb',oc +--uew ?/c"$-. - Pnret <vcn I ', i Bu-*aena n ivl:I .I T I I I I aO I I I -L \ DAY unLL 6P'.\..- ieR^l,cA Et I P f),!, a [) l" t le' et roogruo tt tf L{ //' w/oa'1 ton*3to*,..qE Roa 14 IJ I t7 ! tr: I't i ,- ..+i . a'! fl--T{4;/ Yd ,f;. /rirzilrtitt stoil \ b 9\,Liriile'fo' c'39ryb t III-^t '. I IACIL'Q t -2rlo onr CnP r------1r lT-- Tcnpe*eo ?/.Es z/+"rn pt-Y,9tooO I'LrD"cq( &E 7oe Ftcn 2 xb fnnnnl /o r,eyunr''- ZrrlO ; ot3ls ra E t3tr q 8to€,8 art e4- -TAFD : 1e.er,o ) (tl J-lq 3 s\a qx\q rJ!t,s* F& :sI I l ) : t- C) -lu{ i .yr\l Fs) \{q o ;! illi1! l*' {'c<i eF()H I I ; / .> coNsrRucnoN P t:+'/.. I luun'lftaillV department of community danel oprnent TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY ERMIT OATE PROJECT NO.-[in88ii ntrfl a E PERMIT NO. I, TYPE OF COI{STRUCTION r t@w v lftA z.occuPANcYcRouP @r, t ^ u DlvlstoN r z za@+ oF woRf( , C;,tt easton) TYPE GROUP SO.FT. VALUATION BUIIDING PERMIT NEW ATTERATION ADOITIONAL REPAIR ( OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION U G.R.F.A. -BEDROOT/IS COMITIERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. -BAIHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPI-ACES -TIO. TOILETS COVERED PAR(ING - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMIT FEES I HERESY ACKNI'l.}LEDGI THAT I HAI'C READ THIS APPI,ICA'I('}I A ND STATf, TTIAT TIIg A8{rVE rS C()RREC? At{D AGRED t(' COI|TLY WITH ALI. TOWII T)RI'INANCES A:I'D 3?A'I: t.Aws REcAnDtNG EU|LDI!{G C()iY3lR1'CTt{)f5 VAIL WATER & SAN, OIST. TAP FEE : LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING lG ^nue, OWNER uaraooness E.,P)enDau DP. clrY l/n rt ,*.+7fiu ARCHITECT FIRM MAII ADORFSS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR r nu O e u e Lt pex&ozSeauccs_-_----"_.-_---_ urrrrooness Pd 6 7?g 4 r/^,' ^.. /id)-2tt<t trf-'^Ti3i ,r*u AJet^t tt<ernic MAIL ADDRFSS PLUMBING FIRM NOruE MAIL ADDR€$S CONIHAUIUT( MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM No/UE MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM MAtI. ADDRESS crTv PH. th. PrinI.rt !.'l 4 .ffi,J1.-+=J.'. trF (--* _-.* ,-/ I'L" \lFr) I I I ?**__A*couAr 1.txl9 gury ileW srnucfttAAL Snto bJnuu lb,,og. ^rew Vi" foo.,,r, Paateu n AAYutnLL on +oRl4tcn ENr pnileL^rcd. : ' i Z"tL* uooa ./ l7u.D reri!( /--w/oey un* Front Wall: 18- 3" -.R.ceiving Line 20'<)-- Coun Linesr !;;1- t--rl-''l- ::?rRitlFloo.: I i: rl t-- l l-- i tt I lol b! I ;!? o = -J BASIC COURT DESIGN & DIMENSIONS Note: Oesign and dimensions illustrctec! are apprcved bv the U.S. Bacquetball erd U.S. HandDa,, Assns. 13.3f/Sp Typlcal splln€ alttchrnont Point ot qt€atgst densi? double slock glue lin€ Solid glus linc pro/ldg8 compl€le bond bstween pan€l and localvlng u/all -No Gapg Sports Unllnltod front w.all panel I 1/E" thick 72*/CF composite d6nsit Cgnc€aled alumln!m ipline atlqchmenl R..r Wall: Exact DimgnElon Requirements' Before Panet Can Be Ineta[€d 20?" Width il0'2y.', Leng{h 2uqa. Hsight Ceilhg lolst seis dlrec y overwall studs ercepl b,here lightE are placed. !/16" Wilson Art L8mlnat. Slaql slud turring or loteriga masonry Sterl Studs - 16" O.C. Deep Leg T,ack St€el Treck ,i FttairNc! eetL,Ng') ?I I I-.v ' 'i ,i l*li r i': /t!:_. t:a aa( TOe Ktcx- 'n-2 | L {;isritr:= i*/g Z'RYa.tt-'- : j t.!t 3/+ r"S pt-yytcioo 2y-tO 3 orST-s tt oc \Seertc rt EJ vlJ{t 3 s\I !x U,t q U Ir ld-I I ! ! I o t-q s,J \.t{ >s i ! I I l : :' ;j : o.r.sl -t\lq, loi Ii\,, Iq.io: : : ; I I , o o Project Application Date ..,yProject Name: -Proiect Description: Contact Person and /- : .\. Tj ! nro; I { Pro; {rCon Phone I O*n"r, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:'t Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL summary: '/Vr{'' | ,-i t',"$' n' , ,"}'"--), 'Jl' ,'',IZ .'1-( E Town Planner El statt Approval Prpject Name: Contact Person and Phone Project Application ,6 Owner, Address and Phone:OG /!Architect, Addiess and Phone: ,Il\ 't . Ltgal Description: Lot B lock Filing Zone - Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL -t E Statt Approval 75 south frontage rd. Yall. colotado 81657 (303) 476-7000 January 12, 1982 Fitzhugh Scott 143 E. Meacjow Dr., Suite N-40Vail, Colorado 8i657 Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development RE: DRB Submittal of 1-6-82 Dear Fitz; At the January 6 meeting of the Design Revjew Board, your submittalfor an awning addition to the north side of the Vail Athletic Club was approved as submitted. Project Appllcation Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architoct, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone Comments: Design Review Board Oate Mcition by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL E Statt Approval l: A at I ..1 'rot F CTF ?+ ot t'? ti II r I t I I 'l :) d_t trt F- s ?ts at' YfPfL ?1 * {> ra l>t t _ -.ro- h- e o x] at I :7 D \(r 1,.rF l) d =5' F qef itir*tcsib*l;J I \'.' ! \ E 1!*/ nl*t pr N"4rd. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT of community development TYPE OF PERMIT Ttrn Enn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY LEGAL DESC. LOT BL K FtLtNG Athletic Clr-rb JoB NAME: gthletic club Deck Addition Qen NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT nnu Fitztrugh @tt MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL, CONTRACTOR nnu lutzi Construction MAIL AD0RESS Box SOfO crrv Vail. @ p827-5833 FIRM ELECTRICAL OERACTOR MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM IUAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR F rR tlt MAIL ADDRESS crrY PH. DATE 6/ll/7s PROJECT NO.N-289 N9 280PERMITNO. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH DIVISION GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : Deck Addition 122a34 TYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES BUILOING PERMIT PLUMBING NEW() ALTERATION ADDITIONAL (X ) REPAIR() DWELLING UNITS G.R.F.A. - ACCOMMODATION UN COMMERCIAL SYST - RESTAURANT SEATING HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO. TOILETS COVERED PARKINC - UNCOVERED PARKING DESIGN REVIEW BOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEES NG OFFICIAL ONING ADMINISTRATOR ONING NOTES: INSULATION FLOOR EXT. WATLS ROOF R-VALUE I Hr:REBY AcKN,*LEDGE tr^l::*;{s\ READ THrs Appr,rcATroN AND srlTr rHAT THE \g^ ff\ i,i"I'^:i,T,fi ":#:;T:' J"",':Ij;J, \$' "nr* n/oo*o," c sutL^d coNsrRucrr()N u \ \,/ VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : SPECIAL NOTES: O;rttifirutr rf (Drrupsnrg ffnmm (#f trffisi[ ffiutllting Eepurtmrnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSIJED PURSUANT TO THE RESUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THEUNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOILN REGULATING BTJILD_rNG CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOWING: *ur. Vail Athletic Club Use Classification MF, GAR, OFF, AC, A Building Permit No. 23I-77 II F R 3 Fire Zone- Use Zone R-1; B-1; Owner of Type Construction CIub August ?. 1978 {{ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE The Vail Club The Vail Athletic Club Box 573Vail, Colorado 81657 o""ot;:";riday, July 28, 19?8, r made an inspection of the Val1 Athletic Club building for the Certificate of Occupancy with the exception of Unit 301 (Fitzhugh Scottrs apartment), and some landscaping at the south side of the building. ' The building was found to be ready for a Certificate.of Occupancy. Upon completion of the landscaping at the south side of the building and the finishing of Unit 301 this office will make another final inspeetion to issue the Certificate of Occupancy for Unit 3Ol-. Sincerely, box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 ..MtfM/gew ENC cc: Fitzhugh Seott Shaw Construetion Co. department of community development 2 August 1978 Mark II . MarchusBuilding Official l- i ,l'1. \ oU ' It\" "i'. r,l. '. Iv ! '.r"'t' -,1' t t'itbox 100 rail, colorado 81657 (3031 4?6-5613 The Vail C1ub, Ltd. c/o Vtx. Fitzhugh Scott Pierce, Briner & Fitzhugh ScottP. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 8l-657 office of the town manager January 19, L978 Re: Employee housing in thevail Athletic Club Dear Mr. Scottt This letter is to express the conditions placed upon the parking variance granted to the Vail Club, Ltd,, the owner and operator of the VaiI Athletic Club. The parking variance applied to the parking requirements for the employee housing unLts located in the facility. Upon the granting of that variance, the Town Council imposed certain conditions that !{ere aEreed to by you. The Town Council approved the parking variance above referred to at its regul'ar meeting on December 2A, L977. The Vail Club, Ltd. applied for a parking variance for three cars that woul-C have been required for the four employee housing units located in the Vail Athletic Club facility. That variance !{as approved upon the following conditions that were ag'reed to by the appli- cant. (a) There would be four employee housing units, consisting of 1,1-66.25 square feet, located on the sixth floor of the structure. The ernployee housing units shal1 remain as housing for the employees of the vail CIub, Ltd. so long as' the Vail Athletic Cl-ub continues in operation. (b) Employee parking for the Vail Athl-etic Club shall- be provided on the McAllister Property, and a shuttle service shall be provided by the owner and operator of the Club at the expense of the Club, between the l,IcAllister Property and the Vail CLub. (c) Any parking that is now or may be provided on the Vail Athletic club site in excess of the required parking may not be used in the future to obtain any additional parking variances. ?a ^, f" The VaiI club, "oJanuary 19, 1978 Page 2 (d)Thislettermayberecordedtopu!anypurchaser or future or^rner on notice of the condLtions of the parking . variance. Wbutd you please have the appropriate officers or Partners of -the Vai-t Ciub, Etd. sign tfrii f6tter below where indicated and return the original- to me. ResPectfullY, Terrell J. lilinger Town Manager TJ!{,/sJm enclosure DAfED: VAIL CLUB' LTD. By: Tlt. w hr 000336 ttlAtL v{ATER At{D sAt{tTATtol{ DtsTRtcT UTATER Al{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMITWILL NOT 8E ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAMEoFJoB'r'/' LocAnoNANDLEGADEscRlpnoN TparT e BryfZ- 5 Rt-rHg- v.v. IS GENERALCoNTRACToR S++lfnl Cr.*ls:-t . Ltc.No. I PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR LIC. NO. EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS .C/Zi x$300.00=Amount Date Billed ,H Y ceeor-/P474756 trean WpT *tu/N6- d; @4 RJdt=l@ Bldg- Oept. - Whita; - W€tgr and Sanitation - Gresn; - Lrc. No. DatePaid 14 Public Wqrkr - C.nary; - Contraclor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldenrod Townof Vail nI,I:CIRICAL PmIIIT Job Date of Application.- Electrical /a/a ff N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 557 I $.-...-....-.....--.-.-..--.. $............-...........-... $...-..........-..........-.. APPROVALS Total Fee Data /Z:.2.2*:.72. Datc ReceivedBy.-......-.......-... A-FORTI T3 TO BE POSTED ON glTE DURII{G GOl'lgTRUCTlOlr ,I4 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQT,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Trir 3. F. Haalttt ao., otrval troaSt box 100 vail, colorado 91657 (3031 476.5613 Pepi GramshammerBox 506Vail, Colorado g165z department of community development 1 December ]..SZS Re: Parking Variance at the Vail AthleticClub Dear Pepi: f have calculated the sqlSr-e footage for Fitzhughscottrs unit in the- vair ainiui:..-cr.rt ano cime-up with a GRFAof 2,101 sq. ft. _This,.;"i;; in'rere being a sufficientreduction in the,parting neqnr"Jr.nt for the vrir atnr.tlc crubbuilding, so that tne pirr<in=g-il"iu.nce is not required. .It has_al:" bggl_brought to my attention thatdelivery vehicles are stl'1 unlSading on East lrfeadow Drive.This was something that vou ri"iua ,.f tne pl;r;i;g & EnvironmcntaLcommission meetinf-would p; gi"itn"d once you were able to reusethe deli'erv room in which the iaunary facilities are rocated.The parking of any type of veticies along East Meadow Drivepresents a verv qangeious si-tuaiion, especially for the Townof vait buses. Thi;-i;-;";;;ff;; we want discontinued immediately. give rne , Jjrll" have further questions on this matter, please Sincerely, )*n't2,4. A"a-:- {James A. RubinZoning Administrator JAR/gew cc: Kent Rose lil ,"'tr Pbrce Bdnel & Fttr,hq$ SpoB lnc. Architocture Planning P. O. Box 22Sl Vril, Colorado 81657 309 47&3038 . Date TO November 9, 1977 Mr. Bill Pierce Bu'ilding Departmend Town of Vail Box .|00 Vai'1, Colorado 8.|657 Gentlemen: Wearogending io you: X herewith underseparate cover - by messenger X for your approval X for your use - for distribution to your subcontraclors - as peryour request - approved as notod to b6 co rrect€d thetollowing on the above project: I Copy - Gulf Automatic Sprinkler Company Shop Drawings '1, 2, 3 & 4 1 Copy - Riser Detail - D€stroy or mark "VOlD"any prints previously igsued to you not bearing revision date of as noted in the revision column. Vgrytrulyyours, R. L. Hiland PIEFCE, BRINER & FITZHUGH SCOTT INC, Ath'leti c JobNo. l519 .BY 5-1 E lc '-''a a L 'i . _._ __ -_.>r b.,ALL I F I 4 -1 * ro aralL I I Is/Cto ----?_ Fltt [4 {..1 I ( I_5 -4 -tt :p I RISES NOTES @ t"tL-o F/G sP/coTPC.6r(..r3 FtG tt'E.3'osY Y/9Lv€ J"pny PIPE vAl{E 3*7.L cotTi| trtGE, 3. CR. EJLt\" atc8E Y,|tvE+ro-8 Vt,'PoL.4 FLOE. '€tL 4"OrrTEBfLl VAtrrE 1" Fto,D SUTTCH +a z x+ sca fEE (eH,) ?' eB ptf s-<sf E !.s L)rr1 H 4 tll camP. FtcF, 6x6x1 rtc lfE (2\ +" SYritt tuf ftL\'E "r' CrQ E.LL . -- /-6 ;"o-loo\ @' I I o-8 0.4 0-+o'-9" Bl SER DET/?/L /2,, = /'-O" SC,qLE *x\$, all t@ qr*. lt. 6krQ. $'r cprr 0 +; fl' + Is ;l (rl Ql'*, aL & ..{o o'-tn'tt-o r''l @ @ l', EXHIBIT A T,ot P-2, Vail village Fifth Filing, County of Eagle and State of Colorado AND ia A oart of llanson Ranch Road from Gore creek Road to Gore c.reek Drl-ve l^'"i"ai.l ftt Vatl Vtllage FLfth Fl1ing, County of Eagle, St-ate of Cofor"ao, and more partlcularly descrlbed as follows: .. . . Conrrenclng rif a point on the Soutfierly llne of llanson Rnrrch Road, sal-d ,r"i"i fr;fig t-he polnr of .tangent of -tire Southeasterly curve lntersectl-on of sal-d llenson Ranch Road aird Gore Creek Road; the nce Nortlreasterly oio,ro- t.'he SoutlterLy 1{ne of sald llarroon Ran.ch Rond and a]'orrg sald ;;;;;"; 32.g4 fcct. to a polnt of crrrveg therrce along sai-d soutlterly- il"! or,a elong I culve to l:he left havl,pg a ratllus of 181.41 'fcet, a ';;;i.;i angle-of 47"2L'06", an a.c dlstairce of I49.92 feet to a point . of revcr'e curve; therrce oio.rg, sald Sori1lrerly 11*e aircl alou! a rcverse I ..rrut to the rtgirt h.avlng * tit;l,," of 20.00 ieec' a cc-ntral a.gle of g0;00 r00,r, .r, "rlr distance of 31 .42 f cet to a po{.rrL oi jntcrsection ,iaf, the Soutlrvresterly line of Gore Creek Drl-vc; Lhcnce on lrn angle to lf,.- f"fa of '180o00tgoi' and along said Soutlri+estcrly 1-I[re- B0-,00 fceL; tlrence on ao angle to tlre tert If 180'00t00" and rt1 otrg t-hc l{orth'*cstcrly 1l.ne ,of .ilnrrson-Rar-rch'Roari- and alorrg a ctrrve'to'the rlglit' hav{ng-a .-' ;;;;i,rr ot ?-p.00 fcet, rr cc.l-r'"1 ,u,',[1e of 90"00r00", an ;trc <]l'sta^ce of 3L.42- feet t:o a pol,rl of cornpour',d f,rrv"; l-lrr:rrcG alor-rg sald Ilorl''ltr"t:stc:rly llne and along sirid corlpouird curve to rhe r:lght havlrrg a ra<lJ-trs of 141.41 fcet, a ccr'rtral .l,tglc of h7oZLt06tt, o., nr," dis;tnrrce of 116.87 i";i to a p,:Int of l arrgclt; l:6c^ce .a) or''.g iald I'lortltwcsLcrly 11.nc and olo"S saj-d t-angent 12.54 llcet to a poir.rl of curvel- t.hc'ce. alorrg sa{-d ' r,r..if;r."tcr:ly,il.ne n,rd a16119 a crrrv; to tlc riglit havlng-a ratllrrs of 20.00 feet, 4 r;r:nl'r:a1 angle or 90'00t00tt' atl 8rc <llstnnce of 3l'42 feet to a polnt of I.ntcrsecl-l.orl vrJ.t:h the NoL f lr':astcrly l-J'ne of Core ir...f. ttor:tll thcncc on ar-r ,,g1e to L1e lcfL of I {J0 "00 t 00" .'.'rtd al orig sat'd 11qa111r,a$ tcil.y 1Lr-rc 80.00 Jlr'trt; t ltr'rrr:c orl arl 'rrrglc l t> t'ltc 1c ilt of laO;,lOr69rt a-nd a.lrc.tng tlrc Sortt-hcastcr-ly lJne of llarrson Rarlr:h Roatl and nlorrp I crrrrre fo tlti rlght h;lvl.ng a ratllus of 2O'66 fect, a centrat ;;;i: of 90o00r00", n,-, i." rllr;tancc of 31 .42 faet l-o t.he trr-re polnt of''lr,-'glrtrtlrr.o, I t:ottt'itlri:{rrg tlr't19.05 :;tlrrnra fac:t, 'ttrr)te ()I. l'il;s' Town of VaiI FX,ECTRICAL PMMIT Electrical Contractor Applicant-. APFROVALS THTS FORM I3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTIOT{ % H(XJRS ADVANCE NOrICE NEQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Date of Application-.-. ... .---/ g-L-. -.J-1.,7 c f, t{ Cr'zrc, -LrtJ C . r9 Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 4s0 i lr' rHr a- F. tioEarrt ao., oat|var 110452 o Town of VaiI E:LECTRICAL PERIVIIT Job Electrical Contractor Applicant--.-.- THIS .tOB Date of Application.... .... --... l t -.r..-.4-!-..--...-...-..-...-......--..tg.,1.?.-............ nl n ./.U-.trL.--..t,,t-L-sz-E--r.9-L-.?...N.J=."-...-........,-....N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee 493 $.....-....-.....".....-.-... $.a:/-a/.?.?.t.,&... $.............-........-..... $.-...............-.......... * r.... / L.?. -0.:.4....... ^.31" * &tut 4 sltr- A/rLx ?at. ab /]- -ftnS 1-tttl6" ^l4 Tor*, F4 [ut- ..2:at:y'/-... FORilI Ig TO BE FOSTED OTI SITE DURING CONSTRUCTION 24 HOTJRSI ADVANCE NONCE REQUIRED FOR INSPECIIONS 1(/) o FLUMEilNG;./MECHANICAL F EFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL tt DA'E /a | 2b /-7, roB NAME A-l- [/u h,o , Uu -A t owNER & -UAtlL.Utt Batl;ADDREss coNrRAcroRMotArrc hllo , pHoNE 8l t4-,L/r,(-/-du'x-\ USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: ffir* ! eoorlor,t I nennooel n nernrn A'\(^,1 DEscRrprf oN oF woRK: YJllrt-rn-rw;,,t2 a ) -fu,^-dJA-/ t (a:o ^{r..-t LI A-p) Q ua- UMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $ frL&4,L II Id- #^-"-f- ! orsneenove --\ ,'-1 6O roTAL FEES: $ -,aL) DESICN REVIDW BOARD ;l DATE OT }IEETING: .MEMBERS PRESENT:BILL RUOFF LOU PAN!:3R Etrfi--*rf+{€p' RONATODD ABE SHAPINO , BLOCK_, FTLTNG ACIION ?AKEN BY BOARD: Y1-l- A'rt:=t-,e; MorroN FAi).-!1t7._R sEcoNDED ev, t\l_lAPlFa AGAINST: ABSTENTION I APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUII}IARY: APPLICANT ir-vt PLUMEIIIVGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL ) \,/A.I L CLU USE OF BUILDING: AT}+ELATI' CLU& oF woRK: Xt.* fl noorlolrr ! nEruooel n nepnrn IPTION OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 70 P MECHANICAL: NUMBER- vALUArfoN $ /4, @)VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: _---t \ PERMTT ,rr,/F//25 3 --PERMIT FEE/4Pis P'o11 F,utt"outo fl otsaeenov ToTALFEES: r /tZ6P l0 , ?'77 Town of Vail EI,ECIRICAL PERIT{IT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee yt{7>w APPROVALS POSTED Oil .'OB 3TTE DURING GO]IISTRUCTIOH 24 HOT'RS ADVANCE NOIIICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS $.....-..........-......-.... / .'l| /-/ / ) ,/'J Applicant-.-...--.--.---rf)-+-x.J*---.."1f-'..---.(tl,az--tz'-----. rotarFee "tF DatePaid....... Effi Received *-. ..frq i/*/- 472 $..-........."-......"....... tfia a, f. Ialatrt a!,, oElvtl rr!atr PLIJMEilNG./MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL \t-L .--'\d'Kuf pl ?lI)qAPPROVED II DISAPPROVED rorAl FEES: , // t ,9- a f rtln //E tuVa OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E "=* [ noorrron f] nemooel I nepetn ON OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER ffi/ VALUATION $vALUATfoN $ /.{c,. ooo .4- REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMTT FEE )y'2 s-, c9/ /4*Ki oor, /0'5-77 Plerce Brlner & Fltzhugh Scott lnc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 4?6-3038 Septenrber 15, 1977 Mr. Bi'll Pierce Bui'lding Department Town of Vail Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8'1657 Dear Bill: Attached please find our check in the amount of $23'893.50' The breakdown is as follows: Building Pennit $ 3'087.00 Plan Check 2'006'50 Recreation Fee l8'000'oo Clean-up 500'00 DRB 300.00 $ 23,893.50 Upon completion of the building, we v€quest a rev'iew of these calculations to insure that they reflect the areas and uses in the building. Thank you for your cooperation' lllith best regards, ed/#,4- Fitzhugh Scott Vai I C'l ub , Ltd. FS/im TOWN OF BUILtr'IIVG t|A IL ]'EFIMIT *o APPLICATION ACCEPTED APPROVAL PERMIT + E THAT I HAVE READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WTTH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE LAWS REGARDTNG BUII,DING CONSTRUCTION. EXITS R EO. DArE oF APPLlcArloN q.q $7 TOTAL FLOOB AEEA ALTERATION ADDITION I ) AEPAIR ( I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.OFF ST. PARKING MAIL ADDRESS NO. OF LI VING UNITS MAIL ADORESS &SO. FT. COMMERCIAL WATER{ I FONCEDAIR EL€C( IUNIT{ } BLK-'.{-' -itir6, itz i tf 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I T II';Tf]'-T\] V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS WET STANDPIPE 3.usEzoNE R-/, l5-/ ', 8'4| /3'2.DRY STANDPIPE ENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WOBK AREA SEPARATION OCCUPANCY SEPARATION TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVEBED DATE ql, o \ Pl€rce Brlnat & FlEhugh Scott Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 September 8, 1977 Mr. Bill Pierce Town of Vajl Building Inspector Va'il , Col orado 81657 Dear Bill: The following figures are the contract arnunts for the Vail Club. General Contractor - Shaw Construction Total price 92,738,000 Electrical 300,000 Mechani ca'l 408,000 If you require additional information, feel free to contact nn. Very truly yours, ft.r' -)t'.'' 'j I/4,n.*( )ot,./r{/ t' ./ David K. Irish Vail Ath'letic Club Manager DKI/Jn PIerce Erlner & FlEhugh Scotl Inc. Architecture . Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3038 September 7, 1977 o RESPONSE TO PLAN CHECK - VAIL CLUB, JOB NUMBER 1519, COMPLETED SEPTEMBER I, 1977 ITEM l. Finish #36 has been revised in change issued August 24, lg77Item #.|2: "0n wall systeru, change Item #36 ,one layer 5,/8" gypsumwall board applied to finished room side only.' to ieadas follows: 'One layer 5,/8', g.ypsum wallboard app'lied to each side of studs.l Roof Assembly: Because of a design requir€rnent by the Town ofVail, fire resistantn treated cedar shingles will be used.Either the C'l ass "8" or ',C" rethod will be used. See Enclosure #l . ITEM 2. It has been decided that the ,,pREFAB', court ceiling and wallmaterial fire resistive characteristics are negligr'ble and should be ignored. Colurnns, beams joists will therefore beprctected independently by 1 two hour .pated system. Columns:. Tryo layers 5/8,, drywal'l all s.ides or appropr.iate layersof asbestos board. Beams: Same as columns. Joists: Two layers 5/8" drywal'l applied to underside of joist prior to installation of prefab ceiling. ITEM 3. An architectural drawing change has been issued August 24, 1977, Item 13, which states: "All cei'lings and wal'ls afiacent to attic spaces shall have (2) Iayers 5/8" drywall. Beams shown in Detail 6/20 shall be wripledall sides w'ith (2) layers 5/8" drywall.', Detail 6/20 is a general detail for the sarp beam shown in 3/14. o Response to Plan Check - Vail C'lub, Job Number 1519, Completed September 1, 1977 Page 2 Septerber 7, 1977 ITEF'I 4. See rep'ly to Item 3. All mechanical equipment wil'l 'be enc'losed with rBtal stud frame. All surfaces of the enclosurewill have 2 layers 5/8" drywall. ITEM 5. A11 partitions are one-hour fire resistive, in that the "3" designatic may be indicated on one side of the wall while another wall system designation may be indicated on the opposite side; together the entire wall becomes at least one hour fire resistive. With all the different wall systens, it is difficult to make a blanket statement that a 1'3" wall system shall have 5/8" gypsumboard on each side of the rBtal stud wall. ITEM 6. All openings into corridors shall have 3/4 hour rated wire reinforced gl ass . ITEM 7. A. See Sheet A-34, Genera'l Notes" Item 7: "All doors shall be undercut to accommdate thresholds and smoke barriers at corridors only - See Detail 20-A3l ." Doors 123, ?07,222 and 307 shall have 3/4 hour rated wire reinforced glass. .B. Doorr 31 5 shall be of one-hour fire resistive construction. The door opening shall have a tight-fitting snoke and draft. control door assembly with a fire pyotection rating of not less than 20 minutes. Doors sha'l I have closers. C. Doors 5.|5 and 516 wil'l be one hour. The attic space will be enc'losed $ith two I4yers 5/8" drJnral'l on ceilings and walIs. D. See Sheet A-34, General Notes, Item'10: "AI 1 e'l evator and dumbwaiter doors shal 1 be lb hour'l abe'l doors." E. Doors 3.|2 and 313 wi'l'l be fire rated at ]k HR - flush. F. A11 doors opening into hallways shall have closers or spring hinges. G. Doors 310 shall be equipped with a rated fine assembly which is kept in a norma'l1y closed position and is equipped with an ap- proved device to insure closing and latching after having been opened for use. ITEI'I 8. Windows G, F, J & I shall be equipped wjth window hardware modifjedto perm'it emergency exit without intrusion into required openings or the window type wi'l'l be changed to meet this requirement. ITEM 9. Fireplace chases shall be enclosed with 2 hour.construction. ITEM 10. Two layers of 5/8" gypsum wall board shall be applied to a'l'l ceilings. Response to September 1, Page 3 Septenber 7, P'lan Check 1977 1977 o- Vai'l Club, Job Number 1519, Comp'leted ITEM 11. See Sheet A-31 on door e'levations for locations of tempered safety 91 ass. ITEM'12. Structural frame for exhibition seating shall be protected by a two hour separation, two layers 5/8" drywall, or spray on flrc insulation. ITEM 13. Glazing at north end of Room 129,234 and east wall of Room 309 wi1'l have wire glass with the greatest fire resistance avai'lable with metal frarp. See Items 6 and 7a for glazing in doors and Item 7a for closers ITEM 14. Additional fire protection to colurns wil'l be supplied by adding additional layerc of 5/8" drywall to all sides of each co'lumn within walls, so that there is a minimum of two layers on al] sides. For free standing colurns, a I" covering of gypsum plaster on 3.4# expanded meta'l lath will be supplied. Plaster prtportioned by weight - 1:2 for scratch coat, l:3 for btown, Gypsum to sand. Lath fastened to N" diareter pencil rcds to the shape of the co] umn enclosure and welded directly to the stee'l column. ITEM'15. t,lall system #38 should be omitted frnm drawing on Sheet A-27 and from all wall system schedules. ITEI'I 16. A handicap entrance has been provided for at the second leve'l from the garage to the elevator vestibule. Signage wi'll be supplied to indicate the location of this access. One public restroom per sex urill be provided on the third floor. In addition, one handicapped nnn'toilet wil'l be provided on the first floor near the lGn's Locker Room, and one handicapped l,Iorpn's toilet will be provided on the second floor near the Women's Locker Roon. One public te] ephone as per Section l7]3 will be supplied either at the fourth floor pub'lic telephone or an additional phone will be supp'lied on the third floor. One drinking fountain per Section 1712 wil'l be supplied on the secondfloor. Appropriate s'ignage will be supplied. Elevator contyols wi'll _be accessible to the handicapped. ITEM 17. The rBchanica'l chase at the intersection of Grids 5 and G - J will be lined with two layers of 5/8" drywall ITEM 18. See enclosed drawing. oo Response to Plan Check - Vai'l Club, Job'Number 15]9, Completed September 1, 1977 Page 4 Septenber 7,'1977 ITEM 19. All acoustical ceiling tile applications will be adhesive applied to two layers 5/8" gypsum wa'l'lboard. ITEM 20. See Enclosure #2 of Sheet 1420-l fron the Specification. 0n an Architectural Drawing Change dated August 24, 1977, Item 14' it was requested that "smoke detectors be required in e'levator lobby spaces to prevent e'levator doors from opening on a particu'lar floor where a detector has been activated." See also El ectrical Sheets E-2, E-4, E-6, E-7, E-8 and E-9 for hook-up of the required detectors. ITEM 2'1. See Enclosures #3 and 4 of Sheets 781-l and 781-2. Item F-2 has been revised to read: "Interlor ta be 7/3? (m'inimum) clear wire 91 ass. Spacing between supports shal'l not exceed 25 inchesin any direction." Item F-3 has been changed: 4 inch clearance instead of 6 inch clearance. TIEM 22. A. The "Siamese" fire connectjons, water service valve, and P.I.V. wi'l'l be moved closer to the water rnctor alarm. (Ap- proximately centered on Column Line K and east of Colurn Line l2). B. A]1 the fire system connections (conbination) standpipe system, automatic sprinkler) will be located in one area at the north- east corner of the build'ing. The connections will be clearly marked to indicate their application. C. The alarm system (flow switches, pull stations, srpke detectors, heat dotectors, etc.) are wired into the annunciator pane'l(s) as per one'l ine d'iagram as shoum on Sheet E-.|6. The annunciator panel is located near the hotel desk and an exterior annunciator located next to the water rntor alarm located on the north ex- terior wa'll at Stair #3. See Enclosure #5 frrm the Specification (1660-1, 3-B-'1.) for the description of the connection of the annunciator panel to the dispatcher at the Vail Police Depart- ment. D. The fire alarm "pul 1 stations" wjl I be relocated adiacent to each exit door at the inside of the coruidor. E. At a pre'l 'iminary rneting, March .|5, 1977, it was discussed with Ray Story (P.B.F.S:), Dave Yoder (Yoder Engineering) and Jay Ruoff (Vail Fire Departnent) that standpipes were not neces- sary on sprinklered floors. However, at this stage of con- struction the standpipe system rcquested may still be installed in Stair 2. Response a9 t Check - Vail c'tub, Job.nuru"isf g, CorptetedSepterber 1, 1977 Page 5 September 7, 1977 F. A horn system has been indicated on Drawings E-2, E-4, E-6,E-7, E-8, E-9 and E-16. In addition to the requirenent of an audible device at each end of'the corridor,'an additional horn has been indicated in the center of the corridor. G. Heat detectors will be insta]led in a'lI "Maid,s C'losets" andstorage nooms. , i.Pr^.1afuffia,H. Heat detectors wil'l be installed in a'll ,'lhchanical Equiprent" and "Fan Roor6.,, I. Smoke detectors wi1l be installed with each handbal'l and squashcourt. However, to prevent frequent fa'lse a'lanns due to impact -activated detectors because of the activity inherent with handball and squash courts, we feel the detectors would better serve theirpurpose located in the ceilings of the rnzzanine comidors. J. Shop drawings of the specified fire protection system and itsequipnnt wil'l be submitted to the Vail Fire Department as soon as they are issued and approved by Pierce, Briner and FitzhughScott and their associated consultants on the Vail Club. ITEM 23. See Enclosures #8 and #9. !v. lnun box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 47e5613 office of the town manager September I, Ig77 Pierce, Briner, and Fitshugh Scott, ArchitectsP.O. Box 2299 VaiI , Col-orado 81657 Sirs: On September 1, 1977 , this office completed a Plan Checkof plans submitted for construction of the Vail Club locatedon portions of Tract B, Vail V111age First Filing, Eagle County,Colorado. Investigation of and compliance with the followingrtems (numbered 1- through 28), will be necessary in constructionof the afore mentioned building. Errors or ommissions which may occur in execution of thisPlan Check do not, in any event, preclude compliance with anyOrdi-nance of the Town of Vail . Sincerely, DEPABTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT IVilliam PierceBuilding Official- nP/di Enclosure 'i I,.,GEbTERAL DATA . ABCHITECT: PLAN CHECK VAIL CLUB \ , Pierce, Brlner; Fitzhtgh Scott Box 2299Vail, CoLoraod 81657(3O3) 476-3038 , OSI'IEB: The Vail Club Box 573Va1I, CoLorado 81657 PNOPtSfD USES: Multl-Famlly Residential- (R-1), Parking Garage (B-1), Office (B-2),Athletic Club (B-2), Assembly (A-3) FIRE ZONE: ? . $UNBFR OF STOBIES: o IOEAL FLOOR AREA (for Buildlng Code Purposes) 66,288 square feet NSiB.EB OF SIDES WITE SEPARATION (nininun separation) 3. (80' ) TTPE OF CONSTRUCTION: ' : tYPe II - F.n. ASPT,TCETT-,N BUILDING CODES I Unlform BuidJ.ing Code, 1976 Edition 'Uniforn Fite Code, 1976 Edition Unlform Meclranical Code, 1973 Edition Unif,orm Plumbing Code, 1973 Edttion. NationaL Electrical Code. 1975 Edltion o PLAN CHECK VAIL CLUB ITEM 1: Per TabLe l-7-A all permanent partitions must be t hour construction.Furthermore, per Table 17-A and Section 1906 one hour protectionis requlred for the roof assembl-y. Finish #36 is insufficient for use in thls building in that an approved assembly would require Type "X[ drywall on both sides of the studs per Item Number 7l and73 of TabLe Number 43-B. ]TEM 2: Data must be submitted regarding fire resistive characteristiesof the ilPre-Fab't court ceiling and wa11 material . I,[hen thismaterial is used as a wa1l it must be rated at 2 hours for protectionof the steel framework. When this material is used as a wa1l it must be rated at t hour for protection of non-combustible studs andfor separation purposes. ITEM 3: In locations where stool roof beams are in close promimity to skylights on window glass, a means must be provided for protecting the structural frame for 2 hours, (See sheet 3/L4). ITEM 4: If dropped ceilings and corridor wa11s are to be used as protection for the roof structural system then a continuous 2 hour rating mustbe provided in conjunction with this method. See sheet A-l-4 fortypical delineation of this method. If attic space is used for storage this method would not be acceptable. Protection, in thiscase, would have to be applied to the structural frame. ITEM 5: Type 3 wal1 system is inappropriateall partitions are to one hour firematerial on each side of the framing ITEM 6: In that openings into corridors areplate glass is not aceeptable - 3/4 must be used. ITEM 7: for use in this building in thatresistive and require rated members. (Table 17-A). required to be fire rated hour rated wire reinforced glass The following doors must be modified in the following manner: Page 2 PLan CheckVail Club c. d. a. Doors to conform with requirements of Section 3304(h) re-lating to openi-ngs into corridors: Door 119.123 (also Item 6),2OT (also see Item 6),222 (also see Item 6), 308, 311 , 317, 511, 533. b. Door 315 nust conform to 3304(h) due to its proxinity tostair # 3. Doors 515 and 516 which open into the attlc space must be off 1* hour rating if corridor wall is to be used forfire rating roof structure system. Doors 515 and 516 mustbe one hour if other means of achieving flre resistivenessare used. Unless an approved t* hour rated door j-s provided inconjunction with the dumbwaiter device then doors 364 , 476, and 566 must be 1* hour rated. In either case 1t hourprotection must be provided at level 1 and 2 at the dumbwaiter openings. e. Doors 312 and 313 must be rated at l,b hours in that they open into a shaft enclosure. (Table 17-A). A11 door assemblies that are required to be rated must wear 1abe1s to attest their rating in accordance withSection 3304(h)- These doors must also be equipped withself or automatic closing devices. A partial list of doors requiring closing devices follows: Doors: 101, 105,106, LO7, 1Og, 119, ,23, 129, 130, 2O2, 2O4, 2O5, 206, 2O7, 2Og,222,223,224,232,3O2, 307, 308, 310, (see Item 7(g)),316, 3I7, 320, 326, 331, 335, 339, 342, 346, 347, 349, 353,356, 360, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 37O, 4O5, 406, 41O, 4L2,413, 415 , 416 , 42! , 424 , 427 , 43I , 432 , 434 , 44O , 443 , 444 , 446 , 447 , 453 , 457 , 459 , 459 , 464 , 467 , 471 , 475 , 476 , 477 ,453, 457, 459, +59, 464, 467, 47l-, 475, 476, 477, 479, 501,505, 507, 511, 513, 514, 515, 516, 519, 519, 524, 527, 53l- ,533, 543 , 549 , 554 , 557, 561 , 565 , 566 , 567 , 569 , 604 , 630 , 631 . (Please not ; this list is considered partial in thatBuildiug Department will not be responsi-b1e for ommissions;Section 3304(h) must be comlied with). A rated fire assembly must be provi.ded between the entry1evel foyer (Room 311) and the exit court North of the Stair2. Thi.s device is necessary in the event Stair # 2 must be used and a fire involves the Level 3 area adjacent to door 312. f. c. Page 3 Plan Check VaiL Club ITEM 8: ITindows installed in rooms used for sleeplng purposes and designated G,F,J,I are required to meet Section 1304. Awning window hardware must be modified to permit emergency exit without intrusion into required openings. ITEM 9: Sbaft enclosures (including fireplace chases) which extend more thau one floor must be of 2 hour construstLon when provided in a building of Type 2-F.8. Construction (Section 1706(a) and TabLe 17-A). ITEM 10: Please .note that throughout wa11 section drawing details show only one layer of Type I'X" gypsum board on eeilings of intermediate floors. A11 structural members must recieve 2 hour protection in this structure.(Also see Item 14). ITEM 11: Glazing in locations subject to human impact such as glass doors and gl-azi-ng inmediately adjacent to such doors must be tempered unless the glass lights are greater than 18 inches off the adjacent floor, or the glass lights have the least diminsion of 18 inches or 1ess, or a barrier provided that would prevent human lmpact. ITEM 12: If the underside of the Exhibition Seating is to be used as storage then a 2 hour separation must be provided. Per Section 3304(h) openings into a corridor are limited to 25% of the cornmon wall between an adjacent space and the corridor- Due to the very 1ow probability of fire originating in Room L29 or 234 X}reBuildlng Official will permit glaztng of the conmon will in thisloeation under the following eonditlons: a. The gLazLng be of wire glass of the greatest fire resistance available. b. The framing be metal . c. Doors 113 and 120 be of the type required for installation in a one hour separation. (This includes installation of a automatic or self closing device). ITEM 13:_._:- Page 4 Plan Check VaiI CIub ITEM }4: Throughout the drawings, indlcations depict steel columns withinwall-s of the structure. It is required that the entire structureframe recleve 2 hours of fire protection. Typically the wallsof the structure are of one hour construction thus requiringaddltional protectlon of the columns. ITEM 15: An inconsistency occurs betwrun the detailed plan around Stair # 2,on sheet A-27 and the same area on the total floor plan on sheet A-7.Wall system number 38 is not acceptable refer to Section 3304(h)for use of glass in corridors. ITEM 16: Access must be provided for the handicapped. The drawings do notindicate whether or not there are steps in conjunction with thetransition from the concrete deck West of the building and the Westentry to the Znd floor. If this is the intended means of access thensurface characteristics of the grille immediately South of door 204must be appropriate for wheel chair maneuvering. Furthermore, ifthis is the intended means of access for the handicapped then si-gnagewill be required to indicate the location on this access at otherentranees to the building. Furthermore, at least one public restroomfacility per sex must be provided in complLance with Section 1711(b)(c). Furthermore, at least one public telepbone and one drinkingfountain shall be installed in conjunction with Section 1-7l-3 and 17l-2respeetively. These above mentioned facilities shal1 be locatedon the second or third floor then directions sha11 be provided onthe third floor providing directions to these facilities. Elevatorcontrol must be accessj-ble to the handlcapped. ITEM 17: Mechanieal chase at intersection of Grid 5 and G-J must be of twohour construction per Table l_7-A. ITEM 18: Fiver dampers must be provided i-n conjunction with Section 4306(i) ofthe Uniforn Building Code, 1976 Edition. In general they must beprovided in all separation assemblies (ceilings, wa11s and shaftenclosures). The Mechanical Drawings do not show fire dampersin required locations. Submit drawings delineating compliance withSection 4306(i). ITEM 19: Insure that where acoustical ceiling tite is used to form a rated Page 5 Plan CheckVail Club ITEM 19(contlnued): fire assembly that the material be so marked.Buidllng Specifications ) . (See Section 960 of ITEM 2O: The specifications provided do not include lnformation on mechanicalvertical transportation. Refer to Chapter 51 of UBC particularly 51O3(a)2. 5103(d), 5103(f), and 5104, for requirements for elevators and dumbwaiters. Strict compliance is expected, provide evidencethereof. ITEM 21: The specifieations provided do not include information on skylights.Befer to Chapter 34 of the UBC for requirements of skylights. Strist compliance is expected, provide evidence thereof. TTEM 22: An approved fire system must be installed in this building. Charaster-istics of this systme lnclude but are not limited to: a. Moving water motor alarm (1ight and horn) intocloser proxlmity to the "siamesen fire connectionsor moving the "siamesett closer to the water motora1arm. b. A11 the fire system connections (combination standpipe,system, automatic sprinkler) be located in one area(preferably the North-East corner of the building)Furthermore, the connections should be clearly markedto indicate their applicatlon. c. The alarm system (f1ow switches, pu11 stations,smoke detectors, heat detectors, etc.) be wiredinto an announciator panel. This panet should be locatedat the office on the third floor. Furthermore, theremust be a connection that would automaticarly alarm thedispatcher at the Vail police Department in ihe eventof any alarm being registered orr the announciator panel . d. Fire alarm "pu11 stations'r must be located adjacentto each exit door. These devices should be located. insidethe corridor or exlsting near the door latchi-ng hardware. Page 6 Plan Check Vail Club f. An audible device (be11 or horn) should belocated at each end of the corridor system on each level . This system would notifyall occupants of an alarm at any locationin the bullding. g. Eeat detectors must be 1nsta1led in al1ilMaidfs Closets" and storage rooms. h. Heat and smoke detectors must be installedln all rrMechanlcal Equipmentl' and I'Fan Rooms". i. Smoke detectors (of the ionization type) must be installed with each handball and squashcourt. They may be located in an area thatis out of the field of play. J, A set of shop drawings (lncluding equipmentlists) must be submitted to the Vail Fire Department prior to initiating any physical work on the fire system. Written approvalof this system must be registered with theBuilding Department prior to initiationof any physical installation of the fire system. Any questions relatdd to Item 22 of this Plan Check should be related directly to the VailFire Department. ITEM 23: Some means must be provided by which areas located West of Grid 7 on Level I and Level 2 may be separated from areas East of Grid 7 on Level I and Level 2. This problem must be resolved to permit nonrated walls and openings to occur in the central corridor West of Grid 7 on Level 1 and Level 2. This item was discussed at length with Mike Reese and Dave Irish of the Architect's office. The large number of potential solutions will not be presented at this time butplans must be submitted confirming compliance herewith. l. ..;t. * Plorce Brlner & FlEhoghScotl Inc. Architecture Pbnning P. O. Box2ffi Vail, Colorado 81657 303 47&3038 Date .To R€ Ju'ly 21 , 1977 Mr. Bi'll Pierce Town of Vail ' Box 100 Vail, Colorado 8.|652 Vail Athletic Club JobNo. l519 Gentlemen: We aros€nding to you: X herewith _ underseparate cover - by messenger loryourapproval -I- foryour us6 - fordistribution to you r subcontracto rs _ as peryour requesl approv€d as notett - to b€ corracted thetollowing on the above proiect: I Copy of Chen and Associates, Inc. o 'letter, July .|9, 1977. Destroyormark "VOlD" any prints previously issuedlo you not bearing revision daleof as noted in the revioion column. Very truly yours, Mi chae'l E. Reece FIEROE, BRINEF & FITZHUGH SCOTT INC. BY Z----=-av Townof VaiI EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT Job Name. Electrical Contractor APPROVALS Date or Apprication"... C / gO "........... -..ts.7..7-....... N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total F Date Paid----.-. Received By--..-- 428 $.-.----....--...........---- $..".........-.....--.-...... $...-........--..........--.. $...../-e* A&"k=-Bulldllt THIS FORilI 13 BE POSTED ('1{ .,OB STTE DURIHG CONSTRUCTIO]I 24 HOI.JRS ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS 'ce it{r c. r. H!laraL a!,, oirlvri rro.!2 &nalTlor?&tY IT _YAIL PEFIMBUILElINGi OATE OF APPLICATION NEWII ALTERATION ( } AODITION{ )BEPAIf,( I USE OF BUILDING SO. FT. OF BLDG.HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO, OF STORI ES NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR ( } ELEC ( I UNIT LOT BLK FILING 1. TYPE OF CONSTBUCTION I II III IV V I HR 2. OCCUPANCY GHOUP A B C D E F G H I J DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECI FIED FIRE SPFI NKLERS DAY STANDPIPE IPTION OF WORK ' OCCUPANCY SEPARATIOT TOTAL FLOOR ANEA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA BATIO EASEMENTS VABIANCE UNCOVERED HAT I HAVEI HEREBY zd l' l,{o 11 7 READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE T}IAT THE VE IS COBRECT AND AGR,EE TO COMPLY 7 ch;F and'associates, iry. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 30lt t toullDArlotl lllGlllltnlxG n'..1 {"- ,J''. \iP 96 S. ZUl|l 1s2{ EAST FlBsr STREET . gA9?ER:.WIOlllNG !2601 . SubJect:. In3pcctlon of Vall Athletle Colorad6. Job No. 13,876A 303/?.1&7105 307t2 -2r2e lg, tg77 Excavatlon for Club, Val | , :i-. Plercc, Erlner s Fltzhugh Scott Assoclates Vall, Colorado 81657 Gent I emen : l{e made a second tnspectton of the iubJect slte on July llr, 1977. A prevlous Inspectlon was reportcd on.July 7, 1977- At the tlme of thls Inspectlon, the excavailon had been completed and gravel was belng placed on the bottom to'provlde a r+orklng surface and to asslst In underdralna-ge. The gfavel consl'sted of, coarse gravcl up to ebout 3 Inches In slze. lfater wbs.se€plng I.h near the bottom of the excavatlon, but none was rlslng to the top of the gravel . Tro sumps had been Instailed on clther end of the butldlng. Prlor to placement of the gravel , the soft solls had been rcirpved.dom to a eoarser sand and gravil wlth cobbte stratum. Newly placed gravcl -was belng trackcd In ilttr a front end loader and was firm. By July 16, the remalnder of the excavatlon had been cleaned and the coarse clean gravel placcd. Ths underdraln Plpes are belng trenched lnto thls newly' Placgd gravel as dlscussed ln our prevlous letter. Slx:.lnch dlametel draln plpes wlll be used throughout thc system. A central Interlor draln wlll be conducted Into the sumps and pumplng wlll be from.the.perlpheral dralns to thc Interlor dralns to the sumps. l,le und.e!'stahd the floqr.has been deslgned for approxlmately 2 fect oi hydrostatlc upllft. t, Foundatlons wlll bc placed on thc neuiiy plaqed iravcl'. -Thlsmaterlal wlll be sattsfactory to suPport 3'oOO pSf as stated In our foundatlon reconnrendatlons. Prlor to formtrig'thc footlngs' wi suggest the area be proof rolled to determlnc tf any soft'spot.s occur In'the gravel backflll. ttc wlll be avallable for addltlonal the rneant lrrc, l f there are any quest lons t Slnceraly, CHEN ATID RCH./bn cc: Shaw Constructlon ComPanY Inspectlons lf please !et.us requl red.ln s0c IATES, !i!'"0-;r/, /j n;a)r( z.\ -u-t ,.)' 6.^ 1'!-"-il' ? -.o ",'3 PN". " for'+-r{t.*ot'7 Sto-mo9 By. AS t DES IGN REVINII' BOARD DATE OT MBETINGI IIEMBERS PRtrSENT: VOTE: FOR: APPROVUD: DISAPPIIOVDD: aa*(,4/ ACTIO;.I TAKEN BY BO SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTE,NTION: SUlrllrlARY: Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 383 $......-.....-.... $.. Date of tppri.^t on.&R./A.* Z-G..............1s.7-.7- Electrical Contractor 0A6 1?ffiuffi'mo//r?a tna'ffiDrl TXE E, r. {CrGrrt RD., DrllYft rroasl ,. Z.a.f $.... L.* l4D t lla :: :. .- -.- . '*'1 luwn box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476.s613 office of the town manager JuLy 18, a977 /-\I ( t.'J6 V/1;\-'u Mr. Doug Ruder Mountain Mobile Mix Box 517 Tri.sco, Colorado 80443 Sir: In response to your letter of July 12, 1977, regardinga concrete pour at the Vail CIub site on July 23, 1977, T hereby glve you permission to begin pouring concrete at 2:30a.m, This approval- is based upon the understanding that the continuous pour is necessary for structural integrity of thebuiLding. As outlined in your letter, construction will beginon the east end of the site and proceed west. As we discussed earlier, it will be necessary to usealf precautions to reduce the disturbance of the occupants ofthe Mountain Haus and other surroundi.ng buildings. It is also.necessary that under no circumstanees,will the street be closed. Due to the much publi-cized gol-f tournament on July 23 morning,'traffic is expected to be substantially above normal . Needlessto say, interference with traffic flow wiLl be resolved by thePolice Department. If I can be of any further assistance, please call me at 476-56L3, Sincerely, !rFP/ir MOUNTAIN MOBILE MIX Box 517 FRTSCO, CO 80443 (303) 46&6902 Mr. 8111 Pierce Town of Val1 Vail, Colorado 81657 ilflerno,qD Date Subject LETTER Ju.Ly L2, L977 Pourlng concrete on Vall Athletic Club BJ.dg. Dear lfr. Pierce: As verbally discussed, llountain l4obile Mix requests to atart pourlng concrete on the Vail Athletic CLub Building on July 23, L977, at 2:30 AM. We wiLl start on the East side of the bulldlng and proceed Weet. It is necessary to i' Btart at thls tine for the structural quall-ty of the buildlng. k you, /?_-J-^ Plant Manager DR:kk E Please reply necessary SIGNED rOFM 146-2 Availsbre lrotr /G;_5:7lrc., Iownseno. Mags.OraTO MOUNTAIN MOBILE MiY Box 5l .' FRTSCO, CO 8&143 1303) 468.6902 ,1,!r. BllL Pierce Town of \r.:l:-l Vall, Color auc li I [ -r .i inl-z Li, Ll tT Fourlnq concre!:e on '.,'ai1 Ath-l.etlc Club FOLLOW.UP DATE 19 Dear Mr . ,'i crce: As verbal.i-;.' - j-scus,-i--.j. ]-1.' irtl Lai:i l,cbjle lllil' reque:t= co .."ti ;:.rJr;lg .ott"i.l. oo the Vail Athletlc uiub ilul1dlng oli.ru1y 23, L971 , aE 2i30 Al"t. We wJ.l.i start on the East- siCe cf the buildlni: and p'roceed !-"est. It is neces$ai] to t start at r-irls :ifie f o; ihe structura], quality of tl:1r b':iiCing. DR:kk El Please reply ! No reply necessary SIGNED FORM lla"z Avallabl€ tromf@hc' Toxn €nd, Mass. 01470 Des I gn Rev I ew Fee Date Pa I d PROJ ECT LEGAL DESCR I PT I ON srai, lrEcr /f S ZON ING CHECKL I S UMMA RY ; ARCH usEzoNE /p ;PROPosEDUsE(s) BU I LD ING BULK CONTROL A I lowab I e rnaximum lensth Required 0ffsets Actua I length D i agona I D iagona I srrE CoVERAGE: Alowab," 5( *, Al owabte sq. tt./ffiJ-|Acrual I sq. ftActua USEABLE OPEN SPACE:sq . ft. , Actua IReq u i red Ground Le ve I ++ %, Common Requi red fi, -sg, ft., Actual % LOADlf'l G: No.Requ i red , No. Actual No.; Covered Actua Zoning Administrator DES I.GN RE V I EW BOARD APPROVAL Chairman, Des ign Rev iew Board UT IL IT IES APPROVAL ENV IRONMENTAL .IMPACT APPROVAL Town Engineer Mayo r %; LAN DSCA P PARKING I NG: AND quired ZON ING APPROVAL Da te Date Date Da te Dafe Submi Date S ubm i Date Submi Extens i on by Sect ion COMMENTS : ng Rev iew gn Review ron me n ta I tte d tted tte d of for for for Zon i Des i Envi Dea d I ine Dead I ine lJ ct ttt Da te I mpact Rev iew to Dead I i ne dafe (Seri item as p€rmi tted ,l*.:ir 'r'!_lr: ,l i': rt!...:. rt - /o 7/^offi /{ ( rrD /2xft' 0/{40 4zx 3 t- 3/t {o //, r {O lf t td f x 3z- Jtx 4 t. (x F tprl = 14lo 110 3440 t144 lb (D r00 t4o"f J{0 r1/ 2D-fiT ?o 08L f?1,{ t*17C,2( ,&,wo/t" ' 27v3/ J} x ez.( t( o t7,( /oJ t*o J{nr J3x77 l4,s x 27,6 -7,,5x Z4,g z6 yz75 ( x Z(,s 1,9* 27,€ e>x zA cxZT z4 xb /(-y' t .- 11,€Y&' ffi 7P Czt 3q{ 7( /qf 7( h'n /51 "th/ J( 344 /02-/zf /?{ s' lot'. o 3^J fr,nuolto 4,(rJt --?1,( l? v J0 a4D 2V rdt iln 'la,(t 41 4o (Ex 3( ?/httr ("4,(tl zo 24J0, ( 4407, z ( ef ,s', (. 'JLa v Lf ,( '23 '^ lf ( '4,(x {q, Jb(( 3f x r(,( 41 /,x 3?*( /qi lil /1,^t 37 {'{, 0 4z( E?(,( lfo(, ( q /\ ,/,\)r- 254, t34,s { I lb )( /+ ls> Jh x { -,-/3'-^-r'@ 4t" LE7, (r ? ir4. s- 4,(x it J] 6,(^ J0, ( ,fu, ix 2f X,(t 21,,( f.(t 2f It t 2f, ax3/ //t se.i /f,x tf -Itv 3J, { /0x2tr fx 3f /o,{x 2-{2, g' /3o ,,e{7 S 5v4 se( 2r)224 172,25 7#. tuat /4,f t 2f 40L /./{,1(f{4 oct /qf.7 utsf tuf 3X Ll, z l7-,t {1by,7 I)1 K(//t4,u^ b\ Z|,Y 7?t T0tY1{ 0F t|Atr STREEI CUT PERMIT lnrn PERMrrNo.000591 t. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. /a7-\ Name, Address and Work is for: tcircte one) WATE R GAS EL TELEPHONE ry CABLE Show rtreets with names, buildings, and but (with dash linesl, below. Lengrth Dopth Square feet of payement to be repaved by Town Lineal feet of pavement to be saw cut by Town of Vail Dats start Date complete ls all material, labor and equipment available to complcte work? I cortity that I have read all requirements of Ordinance No.7 {serier of 19711 as amended and will abide by same, and thst all utilities and the Vail Police Departmont have boen notified as required. A/"/a%o Bill to: APPROVED (Building Official) INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK BELOW f------,, (\ Blds. Dopt. -white; t Public workt - Can6ry; - Contractor - Pink; - A,ccounting - coldenrod tNsrRucrloNs FoR AppLytNG JlFxter cLAss,,c,. LABELEDcEDAR SHTNGLES As A cLAss .,s7 Roor coViirrvc Eaxlsr _ Class "C" Labeled Cedar Shingles may be applieo as a Class ,,B,, Boof Cover.ing in the same manner as is used for Jpprication a;-JcL" ,,c,, coor couuriniiri'uspeciar deck construction must b€ used below the rabered shingre instalation. To construct a Class,,B,, roof use 1/2- minimum thick plywood, applying the first 4 x 9 :h.",r* lengrhwise atong the eaves of the rooi- npp-f V-u'r"ip ot 27,,wide (.002 inchthick) plastic coated steel foil so as to cover the lower'27,,face of the piil";;;;;;;,Appf y a second strip of 27" wide foil_running along rht face of the prv*ooa ,olnui-iioverlaps the first strip a distance of 2,., and leives a1., overhang ., t'n. top ,Og. ;i;uplywood. Lav the second row of 4 x g prywood sheets on top -of th" ouuih.ni ,o ti,.ithe ioil lays up under the bottom side of the sheet. The next tayer ot foil is then laidro as to overrap tho joint a distance of 1" and aI subsequent layers of foir snouia ueplaced so as to have this same r" overrap. This wiir r.rui-uuort r +,, ou.rnung it ti.top side of each plywood sheet. Nominal 2" or^thicker tongue. and groove rumber may be used as sorid sheathing inplace of the 1/2" minimum thickness plywood sheathing. Wnen srrcn is use;; t;;;;i;may be laid sorid and the foir then secuied as a frat rayir on top of the dec[. In suchcase, a 2" overlap is used between layers of foil. After the insta|ation of sorid sheathing and foir is comprete, the shingres are appried inthe same manner as described for Baxier Class ,.C,, tabeted roof shinltes. INSTBUCTIONS FOR APPJ ,' " YY "ii?RATOft '"D"S. +; I AaEr Er'r rrEh^o erJr^rr1r | . : {i DD!D.--- INSTBUCTIONS FOR APPU \.2 TIITto.---...-. INC., LABELED CEDAR SHINGd .. .. ; .: . PREPAREOil;;i.,[l "ri"r.i ' ,' " ' til[offo3t^o,'*,*,o, ing, i r ,, 'i.: .oE-brEE oF rE: :."^.:,::l-::-.,r"*,",., i,, i ; ^ii1[l.ffie,eigffi Proper weather exposure is im po rtant, .nO-?ip-didr-turOety:;;. ;3.'1 -slopes of 4" rise in l2" horizontal run (pitch-l/6) and stJeper, the standa;d . " pos,,rns ' ' are: 5" for.16"_shingles;5-112" tor l8',shingles; and7.1li" {or24,'shingles On,ooi slopes less thaa4l12, to a mi4imum ot3112, ieduced exposures are recommenoed, shingles normarly are appried in straight, singre courses. shingres must be doubred atall eaves. Butts of first-course shingles sh.ould project l.l/2" beyond the first sheat;i;;board. Spacing between adjacent shingtes {joints) should be i/4,,. Joint, i".,.ry;;;.course should be separated not less than 1-112" trom joints in adjacent courses, andjoints in alternate courses should not be in direct alignment. Valleys: For roofs with pitch (112l. or steeper, valtey flashing should extend not le(s rhan 7,, oneach side of the varrey center. on roofs of less than one.half pitcn, tLastrinl snoutJextend at least 10" on each srde. shingles extending into the valley should be iwerl toproper miter. Do not break joints.tnto valley, or liy shingles wit'h grain parattet wiincenter line ol valley. Use center-crimped and painted galvanized or.rrminr. uuriuvi. Rool Application: Hips and R idges: length to penetrate the underlying sheathing. All hips and ridges shourd be of the. "Boston type," with protected.nairins, Factilassembled hip and ridge units are avairabre. Be sure to uie ronger nuitr oi rriri.,.nr t. ,t I 4"OVERHANG Nailing: Apply each shingle with two (only) rust-resisrant nails (hot"dipped zinc or aluminum).Each naif shourd be praced not more rhan 3/4" rrom rhe side edge or rr,"ir,i^si" ,;inot more than 1" above the exposure line. Use 3d (1.1/4,,| nails {or 16.;;; ig;shingfes, and 4d (1.112"1 for 24,; shingles. Orive niits'ilulh, but not so that the headcrushes the wood. ffis*xffiil?#s Ll|tto wL €25 B.v. 3/72 4wc%Rz a ;o'lsl9 1.SCOPE SECTION 1420 ELEVATOR an elevator complete in a first-class wo a'll labor and material which is usual'ly which is necessary for the best operation A. B. c. D. M. N. 0. Requirements of Division 1 apply to work under this Section. }Jork Included:t.General Requi r"ements Equi pnnt I ns tal 'l ati on2. General3. Shop Drawings Furnish and installIt is intended thatthis equiprent and in this Contract. . 5. Exhaust fan6. Pads and hooks for cab7. Reduced voltaqe starti 4. 5. E.I'lork by Others: l.--Treparatory work in conjunction with the installation wi 6.|0 and 420 and wi]l consist of:a. Legal hoistways properly fraredb. Block'ing for guide rails placed as per approved Shopc. Fram'ing for doors, push buttons, etc., as per appnod. Electrician to supply and connect electrjc feeder to 2. SHOP DMWINGS @e as described in the General Conditions and g information to the General Contractor for the complete 'insta Type-Hydraul i c Capacity - 3000 lbs. Speed - 150 F.P.M. Operat'ion - Selective collective Automatic Push Platform Size - 7'-0" x 5'-.|0". Travel - 4'l '-0". Power Supply - 208V, 3 phase, 60 cycle. Machine Location - Be]ow. Stops - Fi ve Car Doors - Center opening Formica, two sides, Entrance Size - 3'-6" x 7'-0". Car Enclosure:Tl-EiTat Veneer panels on two sides, rear and2. Stainless stee'l entrance columns.3. FaIse ceiling with fluorescent 1ights, Car Floor - By others. Finish-Prime whi te. Signals - Car position indicator, hal 1 position illuminated car and hall buttons. 0ther Requi rements:I-ffigenctligFt and al arm2. Erergency fire service3. Viscosity control4. Low oi I contro'l INSTALLATION By an authorized elevator contractor. As per manufacturer's reconrnendations, instructions and app P. 4. A. B. FE, Z 't.' nlike urni s hed shall be manner. as part of furni shed I be done by Section Draw'i ngs. d Shop Drawings. control box. ve al I necessary 'l ati on- Button. I t2 hours I abel ed. s.front retu indicator at fi rst fl oor, d Shop Drawings. A. B. l5l9 SECTION 78I SKYLIGHTS l.SCOPE Requirements of Division llork Incl uded: Tf-Tcope2.' General3. Material s4. Construction5. Erection6. Guarantee I apply to work of this Section. 2. GENERAL n-Td5rt--cation and erection ofB. Aluminum to be anodized darkC. Sky'li ghts sha1l be desi gnedD. Submit Shop Drawings per the 3. MTERIALSF-TTT supporting members shall be of extruded aluminum alloy 606 minimum thickness of .'l 09. All exterior and interior caps sha aluminum al 1oy 6063-T5, having a minjmun thickness of .094-B. Extruded neoprene glazing strips must comply to the fo'llowing Hardness (Shore A) 50+ or -5 durometer. Tensile (Min.) 2,000 PSI. Elongation (Min. ) 450%. Fasteners used for the attachment of the exterior and interior 300 series stainless steel . Fasteners used for bolting a1 umin and their connecting members shall be 2024-14 alumjnum. Fas attachrent of the skylight to the supporting curbs shall be of steel , unless otheruise specified. Flashing: Fi ni sh:l. To be anodized dark brown.2. Submit samples of finish for approval . Gl ass: Tl--Txterior to be N" tempered bronze glass.2. Interior to be c1 ear plexiglas or k" clear3. 6 inch minimum clearance between inner and CONSTRUCTIONA. Skylightsshall be constructed using the puttyless glazing sys extruded aluminum members, having the minimum thickness as out lights shall have a continuous extruded aluminum curb with e located as required. Insofar as practicab'l e, fitting and ass shall be done in the manufacturer's shop. l,Jork which cannot b shop assembled, shal 1 be completely assembled, marked and disa shiprnent to the jobsite to assure pnoper assembly in the field.B. All rafter bars shall be of extruded aluminum. Rafter bars sh for snap-in type neoprene glazing strips and shall have the co as a port'ion of the extrusions located on the bottom flange. A1 1 caps shall be of extruded aluminum. Their attachement shal with a'l I stainless steel fasteners into a system of alternate stain] ess stee'l fasteners shall be located at a maximum of'|.2" extruded al uminum frames brown. to support 75 lbs. live General Conditions. c. D. E. F. 4. c. *.3 781- where sh on the draw'i ngs. load per s uare foot. -T5, having aI be of extruded peci fi cati ons : caps shall be: exl rus 'r ons res used for the cadm'i um plated tempered 91 ass. outer 91 ass. , employing all ned above. Sky- sion joints ly of the work permanently embled before 1 be designed nsat'i on qutters be accomplishedrrations. The n center. f,o t5l9 D. F. Al1 clips for the attachnent of the rafter bars shallbe shop riveted or welded to the rafter bars_All welding shall be by the heliarc process. A11 exposed werto a minimum of .|00 grit finish waterproofing sha11 be done by means of a continuous neopreneabove and below the glass. A continuous neoprene glaz.ing anglthe. top Itlt,gg of the extruded aluminum curb for piope, llasswasher shal] be used beneath the heads of al'l fasieners it tneNeoprene spacers shall be used at all extrusions for glass sepapo'int shall.glass come in contact with nretal parts of the skyitTo prevent dust and snow from entering througit the curb, a consealant_sha]'l !e_applied between the ilashin! and the eitrudeoThe skylight shall have weep holes located a[ ttre'lower portio G. aluminum curb bar at each rafter connection for drainaqe ofexteri or. b.ERECTION A.Tht sfilight shall be completely erected and g'lazed by the manuwork shall be done with the standards set forlh by skylight mancontact between aluminum and d'issimirar materials-shail ieceivecoating for prevention of electrolyt.i c action and corrrsion. 6. GUAMNTEEEl-TEE-sI-ylight manufacturer shall furnish the OWNERSguarantee after final accpetance, against defectiveconstruction and leakage for a period of two years. and ARCHITE 7Bl - be of a'l design, def r./KF - + I num shal I 1 azi ng sha]lring. A gasket xterior caps.tion. At not. nuous bead of'l uminum curb bar.of the extruded ation to the acturer.This acturer. a protecti ve with a writtentive materials, and shal'l be ground strip applied be used at "r o'l 519 SECTION 'I660 SPECIAL SYSTEMS .I. GENERALf:-Furni$ and install corplete systems for comnunications, alarmcircuit TV, and Cable TV System to extend as indicated on drherein. Where a complete system is to be provided, furnish materials, equipment, devices, and components requircd and nmaterials, equipment, devices, and components required and necthe system completely operational and functioning in a1 I respe p1 ete telephone raceway system in con requirements and reconrnendations of the Mountain Bel 1 Te'l ephonloca1 telephone company and verify all sizes of conduits and Pt'ovide 4" squar€ boxes at wall ouilets; prov.ide blank coversutilized for te'lephones. Arrange for wali space and furnishplywood backboard for main termina'l equipment and at all otherindicated on the drawings. Provide additional terminal cab.ineboard, hinged covers, and steel enc'losures where indjcated. p rggeway to nearest col d water pipe for ground connection. proall conduits. Provide main service entiance conduit as indica separation from electrical power service. provide pu1 I boxes i between terminals as required by Mountain Bell Te1 ephone Compan 3.FIRE ALARI'{ AND DETECTION SYSTEM raceway system only is specified, furnish and install al'l conwith blank covers; provide a pu'l 1 wire in all conduit racewaysfurnish and install all other basic materials, equ.i pment and dwith other sections of this specification which are applicableof these systems. 2. TELEPHONE RACEWAY SYSTEM circuit supervised fire a1 arm system designed to sound al'l operate zone indicator lights and buzzer in nnin control annunciator panel , and to transmit a signa'l to local fire whenever any break glass or manua'l fire a'larm station isor when signal is auto,matica'l'ly rece'ived from a Sprinkler Detector, or a temperature, mechanical or electrical sensi(a) Provide the following additional functions:(l) Provide a battery standby power source with a charger and automatic transfer to emergency powe power outage and return to normal power when th'i Provide a supervisory cunent f'low through entir Provide all manual a'l arm statjons with provjsion alarm signal.(4) Provide shunt panel or re1 ays in control panel and trouble signals to loca'l fire a'larm headquathat the actuation of any alarm device will act Provide %" conduit from control pane'l to telepho(5) Provide contacts as required for sprinkler alarm nections to Sprinkler Alarm System; alarm from S FurriTF and install a complete fire alarm system includ'ing a1 1 as indicated on the drawings and herejn specified. Provide a'l I and devices necessary for a completely operating and functioninto requirements_of NFPA Standard 72C and local fire codes. Allfire alarm systdm shall bd'listed, labeled, and approved by Undtories, Inc., for application as fire alarm equipment. Description of Svstem:#1 The system shaTT be a zoned, non-coded, programned, contin B. (2) (3) *=-5 J 660-l sound, c'l osed ngs and specified i nstal I al 'l sary to makets. Where a its'and outlets In addition, vices in accordance to the installation ormance with all Company. Consult rmi nal boxes.r outlets notinstall 314" locations as with wood back- vide PVC conduit de pu'll wires ind. Maintain 24" conduit raceways ring and equi pment, system to components rwri ters' equipment wi ring, conform of enti rt Labora- ringing, closed alarm horns, to nel and rernte larm headquarters nual'ly operated ystem, Smoke g device. tic 2 ratein case of source i s system at to transmit transmit alarmers. Connect so te the shunt unit. termina] . wiring, and con- rjnkler System tri ckl e normal stabi I i zrall times a test ,_P t 5l9 shall sound over all alarm horns separate zone. shal I be i (6) Prrvide two remove annunciator panel with ligh system in "0N," an indicat'ing light for each z key sw'itch to sound all alarms.(7) Provide necessary wiring to alarm sensing devi in mechanical ducts; connect to fire a'l arm sysC. System 0perati on: The actuation of any manua'l station, automatic heat or smoke approved alarm signalling device (actuation of sprinkler) shal located by the main desk to sound and the horns on the floororiginates. If this is not answered in 90 seconds all alarmIt shall also light an annunciator lamp on the main control pa annunciators to indicate zone that initiated the alarm. Theto sound and zone lamps shal'l remain lighted until the actuati restored and the control panel has been manually reset. The provide a means of silencing alarrn s'i gnals originated by one z devices, but a'l low the signals to sound again should a second The action may be repeated on subsequent zones. Control panel individual troub'le lamps for each station zone. In the eventfailure, an open circuit or ground in the system, a trouble sj lamp shall be actuated until system is restored to normal . may be silenced by means of a switch mounted on the control pa restoration of the system to norma'l , the trouble signa'l shal'l the switch is returned to normal position.l. An alarm signal from the sprinkler system sha1 'l be indica control panel and remote annunci ator panel as a separateall horns without the 90 second de1ay.2. An alarm signal from detectors installed in mechanical detc., shall actuate the system to operate in the same man a'l arm si gnal i ng devi ces .3. Provide a shunt panel of the type necessary to convert alfire alarm headquarters. Connect so that actuation of an actuate the shunt unit. Equi prnnt: The entire system shall be as manufactured by Edwards or an a shall include, but is not limited to the following components.l. Control Panel: 6500 Edward surface mounted where shown ElrcuITTmTl be capable of operating 7 vibratone horns. horn circuits. All lamps on the control panel shal 1 be re1 ays and components shall be of modular construction a shall be provisions for l2 supervised zones, independent control panel shal1 have the capability of transmitting a watch service, povlrer all audib'le {evices and indicate t zone and lock in until manually reset. The manual reset the self-restoring type which cannot be left in an abno panel shall also provide a means of silencing alarm s'igna one zone of actuating dev'i ces, but alJows the signals to a second zone be actuated. The actjon nny be repeated on There shall also be a time delay module which can be set The time de1 ay module shall be furnished with double po'le tacts- There shall be a program panel with 2l 'inputs, 56 l4anual. Fi'r.e Alarm Stations: Edwards 270SP0 model , non-coffi broken and then a downward pu shall annunciate the zone and actuate the building alarms shall have provision to operate the system for drjll and a special key. Stations shall be semi-flush mounted with A'f arm Signals: Edwards 881 Dtl , semi-flush rnunted, 24 vol o and D. 2. 5- red enamel fin'ish, grille type, vibratone horn. DC, supervised, fv'\,l-+-, >\,/ r:g -(C .1660-e dicated as a to indicate that for alarm; and s, such as detectors tector, or other cause the bell which the a]arm rns shall sound.'l and at remote rns shall continue device has been nel shall also of actuating ne be actuated. shall also havef operating power a'l and troubl e trouble signalI door. Upon in sound until on the main , and sound s, elevator shafts,r as the other rm signa'l to local alarm device will eptable equal and plans. Each signal There shall be 6 pervised and all pl uggab'l e. There n operation. The signal to a loca'l ble and alarm by witch shall be of'l position. The s originated by ound again should subsequent zones. rom 'l to 5 minutes. double throw con- outputs. , break glass andI of the 'l ever Each stationt purposes wi th red enamel finish. l5'19 4.Uact lignted, with l"l2 zones, engraved asLone7-lstFloor Zone I - Garage. Zone 9 - lst & 2nd floor spri Zone l0 - Zone II - Tone 12 - The rerpte annunciator shall a'l so contain two buzzers, on one for trouble, and a1 arm and trouble reset switches.shall sound inrnediately upon any a1 arm regard'l ess of whatfor the horns i s set for.l.liring for Sprinkler Alarm: @cy circuit, feeder, outlets, condui and nnke all connections to flow switches, supervisory switche and horns, flashing light, and a'l I other electrical devices essprinkler alarm system. Install supervisory switches at post and main sprinkler valves; instal 'l alarm horns and bells and where indicated on draw'i ngs or where directed by ARCHITECT. F alarm horns and bells and flashing 'lights furnished by others. Where sprinkler alarm system is connected to building fire ala necessary wiring and connections from f'low switches and supefire alarm control panel so that operation of the sprinkler sythe fire alarm system. Activation of the sprinkler system to separate zone on annunciator panel for fire alarm system. Remote Annunciqtor: Edwards 477-5, fror zonAs, fiusF mounted. Provide E. Zone I - Attic Zone2-6thF'loor Zone3-5thFloor Zone4-4thFloor Zone5-3rdFloor Zone6-2ndFloor l. End of Line Resistor: Edwards 1274, f'lush mounted on sin2. @dwards Type 55it-31, lead acid type, 20 ampere lour c-apacity. 3.Automatic Batter.y Charqer & Cabinet: Install where shown charger shalT ffi the vo'ltage conditionbatteries and supply the proper charge to the battery dep conditi on-4. Smoke Detectors_: Edwards 6450, dual chamber, solid state EFATT-Ee self-monitoring, ano ihall not require use of a instrurents to check the individua'l detectors. Detectors where shown on the plans. -:. Tlganql Detectors: Edwards 28lA fixed temperdture fia-Sfmfiex ZgAF-'fi xed temperature detectoi^. They 5- type mounted on octagon boxes.6. Remote Lamp: Edwards 6470-1, rnounted above doors as F. Insta'llation: 7mTfir--ng sha'l] be sized in accordance with Article 210 of Nin a conduit raceway system entirely separate from other syst shall be color coded per equipment manufacturerrs specificati installed in accordance with their directions. The entire sys under the supervision of the manufacturer's representatiye orinstaller and shall be guaranteed and maintained for a period of acceptance at no cost to the 0WNER. Provide 2 copies of sfor use of 0WNER. Entire system shall be tested and checkedor his authorized representative. A letter of certificatjon f representative shall be submitted to Contractor, to ARCHITECT,to OtlNER, that the system has been checked out and 'i s operatiput into service. F:. jQa.**>>+t *--l 1660-3 x 1"'squares ol I ows: kl er for alarm and e alarm buzzer the time delay , and wiring , a1 arm be1 ls ential to ndicator valves ashing f ights ow switches, system, provide sory switches to tem will activate indicated as a 'l e gang box.rith minimum n p1ans. Thef the wet cel I ding upon its rate o shal I The ter hal l rise the detector or special be mounted 135" detector low profile on prints. 72 and installed. Al'l wiring and sha'll be re a'larm systemI year from date wiring diagrans by manufacturers sha'l I be i nsta'll et the manufacturer's Engineer, andI and ready to be o TO: FROM: DATE: RE: at the same elevation shall be 225 feet. CONSIDERATIOI.I OF FACTORS : I4EMORANDUM P'l anning Commission Department of Cormunity Development Apri'l 28, 1977 Vai] Club, Variance from Sectjon 7.506 o Zoning Ordinance for parcels in Tract B, Villane Fi rqf Filinn. Town of Vail - Faol Colorado (Poor Richards/Short Swing) inc adjacent Parce'l s A, B, C, approximately sq. ft. the ail lnrrntv udi ng 6,952 The applicant, Fitzhugh Scott, is requesting a variance fr^om Section 7.506, Bulk Control , in order to construct an athletic club, office on his propertl,. The ordjnance requires that thelength of any face or wall shall be 175 feet and there be an offset of l0 feet in e feet of wal I length. The maximum distance between any two corners of I and ui l ding ry 70 bui 1 di ng ar rne same e revaf,ron snail De zzb reet. CONSIDERATIOI.I OF FACTORS : 'l . The relatjonship of the requested varjance to othet existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. J The proposed structure is adjacent to the Mountain Haus, across from fhe Transportation Center and backs up on the large green belt to the south. The propostd building wil'l provide a very good transition of scale and bulk between the "oversizpd" Mountain Haus and the "in scale" Vorlaufer. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or'litelral .interpretation and enforcernent of a specified regulation 'is neceslsary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among siltes in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this ordinance witliout grant of special privilege. i Strict'interpretation of the ordin.rnce could result in an altdrnative design that would be h'igher and wider. This in turn would dimjn'ish the'lar$e sunny landscapped front yard which is very desjrable as a relief from the deep shadow $reated on the north side of the Mountain Haus. I 3. The effect of the requested variance on 'light andlair, distribution of popuiation transportat'ion and traffic facilitifs, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. !,le foresee no adverse effects on these factors. l Vidl Pagc C'lub e The strict or literal interpretation and enfo of the specified regulations would result in difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship 'i with the objectives of this ordinance. FIN DINGS: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute special privi'lege 'inconsistent with the limitations o properties in the same district. The adjacent lbuntain Haus is approximately the same in length' b a much larger face due to the height. The Vail Club building has a cons smaller vertical face due to the steep shingled roof. The large vertjca in the vpof more than compensate' v'i sually, for the offset and Iength 2 That thc nr^.antinc nf thp variance wi ll not- be detri the publ'ic health, safety or welfare or matenial 1y i to prtperties or improvements in the vicinity. l.|e foresee no adverse effects in granting of this variance. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of tite reasons: (a) The large nodule of the handball courts, the'indoor swirming pool ground parking as well as the shape of the property have created obv'iou prob'lems; this, in our vievr, constitutes a physical hardship that would expensive to accommodate with other solutions and the aesthetic conside judgment would suffer. The health club in particular will greatly supplement and enhance amenities in the Town of Vail. The massing and architectural concept wi and functional ly improve and "clean up" a very 'important corner of the T of Corrnunity Development recommends approval of the requested variance. a grant of other wi th de rabl y offsets ui rements. tal to uri o us fo'llowi ng racti cal cons i s tent and under- di mens i ona'l unnecessari ly tions in our the avai'labl e I also vjsually ; the Department luun A. box 1fl) vail, colorado 81657 13031 47Gs613 office of the town Conditions of Demolition Permit for Poor Richards/Short Swing A minimum tive foot high permanent-type fence shalinstalled around aI1 sides of the property. The fe shall be chain link, wood, or other approved mater There sha11 be a maximum of two access openings tostreet compromising not greater than 40 feet of op B. A11 construction and demolition will take place wi the afore described fence enclosure. Under no cir stances sha11 the Town of Va1l right-of-way or adjgreenbelt or property be used for construction, d tion, storage of any material , vehicular parking oother purpose inconslstant with its intended use. At periods of heavy vehlcular use of the adjacentright-of-ways a flagman shaIl be employed to insur vehicular access and exit from the property does n compromise the public wellbeing. A Townof Vail Street Cut permlt shall be obtained any excavation work occurring in any utility easem A11 caution shall be exercised to gaurantee stabil the utility installations. The Owner shall cut theservice line and install curb stop valve at the p lj-ne. Sewer service shall be cut at property line capped with cement plug. A11 caution shall be exercised to prevent da-llage t isting trees on the property. If damage seems emithe Owner shall notify the Town of Vail and shalIthe Town of Vail permisslon to remove said trees. no circumstances shall any damage be inflicted upotree on adjacent property or greenbelt. c. D. E. be els. heing. entIi- any ublic thatt or nt.ty of aterperty and ex- ent ive nder any luun box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager The site shal1 be kept reasonably clean at all times, andall debris subject to displacement by the wind sha1l be secured in a manner to preveht such displacement or thedebris shall be removed. Any debris j-nadvertently de-posited on any adjacent propbrty (public or private)shall be promptly removed from said property. A Clean-up Deposit of $300.00 dollars shal1 be filedwith the Town of Vai1, If, gpon written notice, the Owner fails to maintain the property in a reasonably or-derly manner or fails to rempve debris from adJacentproperties (public or prlvatb), the Town of Vail shal1initiate such clean-up after 7 days and use whateverportion of the aforesaid Clehn-up Deposit that is neces-sary to effect such maintenahce. The Owner shal1 be re- turned the remainder of the peposit but the DemolitionPermit sha1l be declared nulll and void. Upon satisfactory completion of the denolition the Owner sha1l be refunded the Clean-up Deposit in fu11. H. Failure to conply witb any ohe or more of the aboveprovisions the Demolitlon Pefinit for the Poor Richards/Short Swing Buildings shall be declared nu1l and void. am C9, Town of Vail j. G. ug 4"/, rl., .t t. r--/-4* f(rcu/rt,<re +f nlzz $ <>ret€/Es 'J. ,auzo//2Q /42-o7- ciE / rt<. T-Hr?octci tJoctT: ' ? 6cl/LO/r7c/ 'trtctcr //.que E,trRrateO Freltt./l': SYSrEs) ( 7-tz /r) fo F O, , Ptzz_ STqrZcrE,iii \ ' -'./ )iti f, lc,rJ i4?LiE r/ori,-/c.JT?,e rt, 3r??cr-,E,i2trrcrt:€-) Iiaf-:-.,...5. EytS:r! '---ZtEp/Oe. ,?aerr? rr)t_,67- H4u,a ++ - -;Jq{ . Ex ) r al rntcoul 6R ErrcR ( zz " r)1rN. p//7"rr? - '1 b'- ;). 14. i).s;as 7o Goretoo,< r7"u-7- dE. aELF C.c-oStrtq 4r?D 7-/q,47- F/77/Nq''r-q,.5 . \)nr) /farTom I Dq. f/2u-r /JevE ,, o/^/E U,4, PR. eEx *t oml= N.C PE-K ./! C. / F l<trcilerz= r"@ Ta {5E //26feztFr-> i r'>' . f-{-urrl,e//,le rr?L.t--,27- EE CHrcf.AD l" FRo)cr* /N /4t-L 6(EEP^-/A sP,ffi. O, Eec>t a.Frroerb) A.leut,,t/cn (tntr 6, p ct-ue-7- C. ktTtr-iE-r't 5t,t4, , C@xNe)4pl'tl,az{E ,'I /fl, of= A ofStllot?flL EX/ r e'/e/"f)c/E , / | /A, F:r/it? / /r-{;E A'jE tr./tt/s -., Nt) Q REfi i' ti-rt> 77-/fl r-; ''l5' FftcY'rZ f?"r'/f a/l1tNEr: =!(44r) 772' _JLEtl1Et g1'- OJ Ett-t 4-; =No 1 o , -.vt ) ,\ ; J,' ,i ., t)" h\* '., tS/April 15, L9?7 Mike Blair Eagle County Blanning Office ;Eagle, C0 8f631 Dear Miker It has been brought to my attention that in removing the Short Swing and Poor Richard's buildings from the Town of Vail, they are looking to place these buildings in the Buffer Creek area. As an ad.jacent property owner, I would like the Suffer CreekArchitectural Review Board to be allowed to comment on this proposed move. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Richard M. Evancho #9 gufter Creek West m o o o z+ ezWU {A) rrnnn /-- oI ccr Les Douglas, Eagle County Building OfficialI Jim Larnont, Town of Vail TTT o t- 2 )' BOX il. (303) 475-3737. VA!L. COLORADO At657 18EO f. ligrds, #4- ff l%r*"-,i.nrr1r 15, t9/t7 lb. lftr nrl- b. Idr &tnlrarb3rc Oonty nfrnfigbgl.., Ca&oredo 8163I Des $irat & u a(laocnt property orDor, r rqrd rlte ;ou to br mnr of ry conosn ove thc goporrd rcloorttsr of hor tlohertl rnd &e sbo,* $ria hrlldtryr to r prropcrty tn thr cr&dlvrda cf h^ff,cr &er[r r do rt trrl thar h'Ildlagr .hould !s a''e,.d to br nvcd rd rtond o thlr prope-ry rrsr to rrrlr by thr oounty. r alao f6or tDrt txe hffer &nk rrcbltctnr:el 0o'rno[ 0onul"tter lhffird brve t&c appGtd,ty tp rrrlr tbear elnr prior to any gpronr by thc oountn rarqk pu fen pc ccdd"ntrtr.* ta tht nttetr. lfub I. lScc sor Jtr lat, lou of hlf Aprtl l5' 197? ntrr -glltrr Ergh Cornty Pbnnrl Lrr Doughr, BultdfuB Inrprttor trglr CTnty Plannlng O??lcr trgh, Golorrds 0rrr tlr' Bhlr rnd flr. Dauglrrl Esott planr tE ravr thr Purr f,ldrerd tnd Srott Erlng proplrtierl I sultl ltkr ta rrEsut thrt plrnr nr nvlci! uy Urr 8ul'?u Cgrd( hrtgn Rrlllr Calttrt. Slncrrrlyl .//,/ ,'t ,' ." '/ .ii' ,/ Jlr gettr?on OinrFtlrilg.r ccl Jln LnEntS/dt PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Ei\GLE OF PUBLICATION rh" 'P06LtSk€Gl of TIIE vAIl, TRAILI that the same is a weekly newspaper fprintea, in whole rr in part and. publislred in th,e County of Eagle' .Stat/e of - bulorudo. ancl ha.s a gen'iral circulition lherein; that said newspaper has. been ;;irh-d "onLinuouttf an'l uninterruptedl;y in said Countv of Eaglc for a period of nrore than filty.twc, consecutive lyeei<s next prior to the tirst publication of.the ;;.;; iegal notic,: or arlvertisement; that said nc\vsDaDer has been adrnit'ted to the united States nraits ;. ;;;;;-"6; m.tter under tire- pr.ovisions of .the Act, of Irlarch 3. 1870, or any amendments thereof' and that said newspaper ls a w€eK-ly n"*io"pi, duly quatilied for publishing le6;al rrotices and advertiscmenls within the meaning of the taivs of the State of Colorado' ,. Aoteu: ho* j Aferu 3 r'n' rsXa set my hand 166 [SS. auY or of said newspape, ,,ur.o - ffet'L 8> l.D' 19f-f- and that the last publication of said notice rvas in the issue of said nervspaper dated In witness whereof I have hereunto Affa, A.D.1e7 Subscribed and swcm to before.pe, 8 notary public in Statc of Colorado, *ri. ltK a"y or On nl do solemnly swear that I arn That the annexed legal entirt isue of everl consecutive insertions; antl that the fitst pubication of said notice was in the issue Fur*llEe $tetice . PL FASE IAKE I'IOTICE thAI MT. Fitrnuqn Scorl, rFt'i ',r|.1'n,r lhe Vail Alhletic Club, hns reaua3?90 a v.rtidnce lroft Seqlion 7.506 Buil ng Eurx (-or'!ral, an ordet lo con5laucl a DUildinq approxirll.)rcly 195' long, v/rlh one build'nc vjall measurin3 ovet 70'wilh noo{f5el. Applicalron has r,'een rnade in accordance wilh section 19.200 of lhe Zoning O.clino.ce. A Poblic Hearing wlll be he:d on April 28, l9tt betore lhe Town ol Vail Planning commission !.,/ho5e recommendation vtill be lransmilled tO lhe Town Council tor lindl - ac?ion, The hearino will be held in lho Vail Municigal Building al 3i00 P.m. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTAAENT OF COMMUNIIY OEVELOPMENT Jo Kramer Published in The V;il Tra'l on April 8, 197r. 5al notice or advcrtiscment was published in the regular and number of said weekly ne\i'spaper for rie period of \ t t' .r {!"' ^l\\P \ ' for the ty of Eagle, My commission expins --[li-10[!mission expires Jiluaryelgl98l -rs72 PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT Mr. FitZhUgh SCOrt, rEPrESENtiNg the Vail Athleti.c club, has requested a variance from Section 2.b06 Building Bluk control in order to construct a buildlng approximately 195' Iong, wlth <!ne building wal1 measuring over z0rwith no offset. Application has been made i-n accordance with section 1g.200 0f the Zoning Ordinance. A Publi.c Hearing will be held on April 2g, !9ZT before the Town of vail Planning commission whose recornnendation wirl be transmitted to the Town council for final action. The Hearing will be held in the Vail Municipal Building at 3;OO pM TOII'N OF VAIL DEPABTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Jo Kramer Published in the Vall Trail April 8, tgZT John DonovanBill Heimbach Bob RuderBill tlJilto Others Present jncluded: Stan Bernstein, Acting Town Manager Larry Rider, Town AttorneY oRDINANCE llo.8, Serjes of 1977, rezoning Lot 9, Block-2, vail/Potato Patch' from HDMF to MDMF, was introduced on t..ina*".iaing. Councilman 1n1jlto moved to approve the ordinii.u on-i".ond reaaing; Counciiman Ruder seconded the motjoni the vote *ut-q-i wittr Councilman donovan voting against: and the motion carrjed. The Town Clerk was ins["Iil"a-io have"th6 ordinance published by title onlY. oRDINANCE No. 9, Series of 1977, regard'i ng transient dea'lers' licenses' was introduced on second'i.uiing. t'1". ili0"" 6xptainea that-the time period had been reduced to fouite;;-,1;i; ana tn" tee-rEduced to $50.00 with a sales tax ilil.i;-;i-noi-f "ii'ini" Slilg.00. Couniilman Donovan moved to approve the ordinance as amenoedl'iorniirt.n r,rirto'leioia.a-ltt" motjon: all present voted in favor; and the motion-cirriea. fne iown-Cierk ulas instructed to have the ordinance Published in full . oRDINANCE No. ll, series of 1977, regard'ing the sale of $450'000 of the Town's General Obl.igation gondi, ,ur.jntroduceJ oi rirst reading. stan Bernstein read the title into ih"-i"io"a: "An o.ainun." to contrait an indebtedness on behalf of the Town of Vail, Coloruao, .ia'rpon tn" credjt thereof' by issuing seneral obligation ionai oi sajd fo*n in-ttt!-principal amount of $450'000 for il;";;;p;;;';i-;;i.;v;;g,-in-,r'or".o' in puit' tt'' cost or acquirins real pro- oerty to be used as open space and/o".".i"uiion and park land: prescribing lhe iorm of said bonds; and oroviding for'it'" t"u, of taxes and for the aop'l 'i - cation of sales tax "evenres of the iown of vajl io oay said bonds and the interest thereon". The Mayor asked it"ifi *.tU.tt preient had read the ordinance' and all had. Councilman Donovan movecl [o upprou. the resolution with the addition to the titte of "municipa'l services" "t;;;!;;;i"-rit; Councilman t'lilto seconded the motion; att p.eseni-voted in favorl ini-itt" motion carried' The Town Clerk was instructed to niu. th" ordjnance ai amended published in full. RES0LUTION No. 6, Series of 1977, approving..the conveygl:: of Parcel B' Vail Village First Fifiii','wis-introduced'. The-Mayor explained that action on the reso'lution had o..n'ioilli,.,;il'iffi-ih" p."nioi,i meeting' - He added that the resotution had ueen;;;d;a-i" jnclude; il;it foot eisemenl-sllltgg to the Town, and that statements had been receiveO coirfirming that $l'500'00 was a fair price for the property- Council;;;-D;.;;;n moved-to aDprove the resolution as amended; counc.iiman'tteifrua.h s..oni!l in"'i.ii"r; all present voted in favori and the motion carri ed. RESOLUTION l.lo. 7, Serjes of 1977, approving the Morcus Subdivjsjon' was'intro- duced. Mr. Rider .*p'iiit.a that'there-wei6 tecnnical errors in the first subdjvjsion wh1ch had been approvea UV if,e-Council ,previouslv and that this resubdj vi s ion woul d correct those e116rt. - i.-iaa"d' that the" change woul d not affect the speciai-d;;;i;;";i-aititiit. Councilman Heimbach moved to approve the Morcus Subdivision; councilman RuJer seconded the notion; a'l 1 nresent voted in favor; and the motion carried' Vnil's Arhleric CLub Dnnwen ,71 ' Vnil, Colonndo 81617 ' 11011476'1104 March 16, .|977 Town of Vail Box ]00 Vail, Colorado 8.|657 RE: VAIL CLUB Gent'l emen: In order that we may build the foundations for covered parking required by the subject project, we must acquire Parcel B as shown on the attached s u rvey. Any of the following methods of transferring the property from the Town of Vai'l to the Scott-l'lartin Corporation is satisfactory so far as I am con- cerned: A. Since the land is not needed vacate the I and and i t woul d B. The Town could lease the land $.|.00 a year. for street purposes, the Town could automatically revert to the Corporation. to the Corporation for 99 years for C. The Town cou'l d deed the land to the Corporation for the sum of $l ,500.00, cash at c1 osing, a precedent set by Vail Assoc'iates in selling Parcels A and B to the Corporation. I would stipulate that the land deeded by the Town would not be used to compute the GRFA requi r€ments. I am gratefu'l for your continued cooperation jn permitting us to prtceed with this project. Sincerely yours, TT-MRTIN CORPORATION(,R_- and Sole Stockholder FS/JM Encl os ure 6[\-"" lr#e* . t'oe^^,( +o rwlyt t+*f* uruk /rtssttu(7 PROBLEMS I SEE IN MOVING THE SHORT SWING(I will take oictunes of the befone AND THE POOR RICHARDS BUTLDINGS - and afte:r for futune references ) If the buildings are knocked down and hauled away there is going to bea tnaffic problem and litter" and nails on the stneet if caution isnot used. I feel a flagman should be on hand duning high traffic pe:riods . If the Town allows a minimum variance and sells the ownen more of thestreet right-of-way the Street Depa:rtment is going to have a big problem with snow and ice removal in front of the building because of the shaded area and the boxed in position you would be putting the stneetin with the building on one side and the parking structure on the othen side. No sunligl"rt can hit the anea in the winten months. Thene is also a drainage pnoblem with the melted snow flowing West.It leaves the sunny ar.ea and nuns into the shaded anea and f:reezes eaiisirrg a icy problern with the itreet in f::ont of the bui)-ding and isgoing to cause a problem getting into the owners underground parkinglot. If they have a minimum variance f feel there will be a on the road parking pnoblem as we already have at the Mountain Haus. I feel while the building is being disnantled and the new building is being built there should be no construction vehicular^ parking of anykind on the street right-of-way day on night and no constnuctionmaterials on the street night-of-way. Since the sight has utilities on three sides of it caution is needed.f see no way you can excavate thnee feet from the water line and hol<iit in place. If you succeed I do not know how the water district vroulddig in the anea if they had a line failure in this anea, resulting in a line break, without a little room to wonk. f hope the tnees on the South and Nor:th side of the builcling can be saved and if they can not be saved the Town of Vail would like the ownens penmission to transplant them on Town propenty elsewhene. Last but not least remernber there is a bus stop night in front of the site and buses will have to have room to move back and forth. I supDosethis can be moved o:r done away with what even turns you on. Ifhink the area should be fenced in and kept clean at all times forthe safety of the genera'l public. fur-e ff?p l1"L-lYtfrCt L>Ae-' E>'1...eF urnett Stneets-?-P a TFZ:z-+y^a?€_ 6\$-:'t Oaa"4- ue^li fu fta.','l b.f- L@-k Nsst',NT PROBLEMS I SEE IN MOVING THE SHORT SWING AND THE POOR RTCHARDS BUILDTNGS -(f will take pictures of the before and after for futur"e nefenences) ff the buildings ane knocked down and hauled away thene is going to bea tnaffic pnoblem and litter and nails on the street if caution isnot used. f feel a flagman should be on hand du::ing high tnafficperiods. If the Town a1lows a minimum va:riance and se1ls the owner^ mor:e of thestr"eet night-of-way the Street Department is going to have a big pnoblemwith snow and iee removal in front of the building because of the shaded area and the boxed in position you would be putting the stneetin with the building on one side and the par^king structur.e on theother side. No sunlight can hit the a:rea in the winten months. Thene is also a drainage p:roblem with the melted snow flowing West.It leaves the sunny anea and nuns into the shaded area and freezescausing a icy p:rcblem with the stneet in fr"ont of the building and isgoing to cause a pnoblem getting into the owners undeng::ound parkinglot. If they have a minimum vaniance f feel ther"e will be a on the ::oad panking pnoblem as we already have at the Mountain Haus. f feel while fhs h'i'lrlincr r'e hai-g dismantled and the new building isbeing built there rir""iJ-u"-"I-i"i't"t"uction vehicular panking of anykind on the stneet night-of-way day o:r night and no const::uctionmatenials on the street night-of-way. Since the sight has utilities on thnee sides of it eaution is needed.I see no way you can excavate thnee feet f:rom the water' line and holdit in place. If you succeed I do not know how the waten dist::ict woulddig in the anea if they had a line failu::e in this anea, nesulting ina line b::eak, without a 1ittle noom to wor"k. f hope the trees on the South and North side of the building ean be saved and if they can not be saved the Town of Vail would like the ownens penmission to transplant them on Town property elsewhene. Last but not least nememben thene is a bus stop right in fnont of thesite and buses will have to have room to move back and for.th. I suDDosethis can be moved on done away with what eve:r turns you on. I-frrink the a::ea should be fenced in and kept clean at all times fonthe safety of the general public. urne Stneets MEMOMNDUM T0: T0llN C0UNCIL FROM: PLANNING COMMISSION RE: P00R RICHARDS/SH0RT SI,JING DATE: January 4, 1977 0n December 30, ,|976, the Planning Commission consjdered the proposed project for redevelopment of the Poor Richards/Short Swing property. The applicant requested a Conditjonal Use Permit for an architect's office and health c'lub; parking, setback, distance between buildings and site coverage variances. The Planning Conmission generally felt that it is a good project, but had some problems with the parking vari ance. Voting and remarks by each Planning Commissioner is as follows: Hanlon - Voted in favor of setback, distance between buildings and site coverage variances; voted in favor of Condjtional Use Permit. Voted against parking variance. He felt specifically that parking should be provided on site. Abbott - Voted in favor of ail variance requests except parking, , Voted in favor of conditional use permits. 0n parking variance request, he voted against because the long-standing problem of the parking contract has not been resolved. White - Voted in favor of a'l 1 requests. Suggested that entrance to parking garage be moved to the same location as the truck loading .area, and does not feel t.hat the proposed proiect creates a parking probl em. Corcoran - Voted in favor of all requests. I^lould prefer to see a green area in place of exist'ing parking lot and fee'l s the proposed project solves the problem, MjlIs - Voted against all requests because she felt there had not been sufficient t'ime to consider such an important dec'ision. Drager - Voted in favor of all requests. Felt that fireplaces should not be included in the .project. Garton - Voted'in favor of all requests. Felt that the proiect had many moi^e positive impacts than negative and that the proposed use would not create a park'ing problem. a Flnal voting for each item was as follows: Conditiona'l Use Permits for health club and architectrs office - 6 for I against Setback variance - 6 for I against Distance between buildings variance - 6 for I against Site coverage variance (if required) - 6 for I against Parking variance - 5 for 2 against &ffiI4glrmrrrFnryi'fffflffi PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION )) ss. ){"} ,, l& do solemnlY swear that I am - tr". PftBLtS1F.€f,:- ot THE VAI[, TRAIL: that the same is a wcekly newspaper_--'_- !rint"a, in whole ,lr in part and published in thc County of Eagle, -State of bolorado. and has. a general circulition therein; that said -newspaper has. been fuUii.frea continuouslf and uninterruptedly in said County of Eaglc f'r a period of iiore than fifty-twc,ionstcutive weei<s next prior to the frnt plblication of ,the annexedlegalnotic,loradvertisernent;th;rtgaidnewsnaperhas.been"admi|ledto the united strlues nrails t,; second.class matter under the provisions of .the Ac[. of I\latch 3, 18?$, or any arnendmenls thereof, and that said newspaper is a w.ee'(.ly n."rrpupit duly quelified for publishing l€[:al notices and advcrtisements within the meaning of the laws of the Stale of Colorado. FubNle Notice . PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thAt ,V\T, Fitrhugh Scoll, represenl;ng lhe Vdll Alhleli< Club, l.at reauesla'C d ?arlanae Itom ' Section 7.506 Bvildinq Bulk Conlrot, in order to conslrucl a buildinq approxlr.,atelt, 195' long, wilh one buildinq wall rneasurinq over 7y wilh no orlsel. applicalion has been macte in accordance with section 19.?cd ot lhe Zoning O.dinance. A Public Hearing will be held on agril 28, _ 1977 balore lhe Town ot Vail Planning comlnission wios€ rccommendaiion will b€ lrangmitted lo lhe Town Couniil to. linal aclio6. lhe hearing w;ll be held in lhe vail Municipal Auilding al 3i00 p.m, TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMAAUI{ITY DEVELOPMENf' Jo Krnmea pubfished in The vail T.ail on April 8; Itz. That the anncxed legal entirc iasue of ever! consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of said notice was in the issue cif said newspaper dated +€e0L 6 n'o' 19JJ ana that the last publication of said notiee rvas in the issue of said newspeper dated 1 Keu- I n.n.isf,?- hand this l8B 0", o,In witness w hercof I have hereunto set my ffRt A'D' 1e?? Subscribed and swcrn to before.lne, a nol,ary public in state of Cotorado, tr,i, ltf aay .r Or" nl for the of Eagle, gal notice or advortisement was published in the regular and t number of said weekly newspaper for the period of t My Commisslon exPires arua$eru-1981 rsJ2 ( ( !IINUTES REGULAR MEETING VAIL TOWN COUNCII,4 ,IANUARy 1977 The regiular meeting of the To\.rn Council of the Tohrn of Vail,Colorado, was convened at 7:30 p.M. on Tuesd.ay, January 4,!977, in the Vail Municipa] BuiJ.ding Council Chambers. Mayor ,Iohn Dobson and the following councilmembers vrere preaent: ,John Donovan Rod SliferBill witto Others present were : Stan Bernstein, Acting Town ManagerLarry Rider, Town Attorney The neeting was convened., and Councilman Rod Slifer was officially sworn in by Tolin Clerk Rosalie Jeffrey to succeed CouncilwomanKathy KIug. ORDINANCE No. 37, series ot 1976. rr'ra s introduced. on second reading. The Mayor explained that the ordinance would establish parkingregulations for the Vail Transportation Center. Councilman Wilto moveal to approve the ordinance on second reading; CouncilmanSlifer seconded the rnotion; all present voted. in fdvor; and the motion carried. The Town Clerk $ras instructed to have the ordinance published by tj_tle on1y. ORDINANCE No. 1, Series of L977, was introduced on first reading by Chief of Po1ice cary Wall. Ee explained that the PoliceDepartnent had recej-ved 650 burglar alarms during 1976, that 14 of those were legitimate - an excess of false alarms. He stated that the ordinance requlres a License fee of 925,00, amonitoring fee, plus a false alarm charge of $25.00, as well as prohibiting certain inferior types of equipment. Councilman D.onovan moved to approve Ordinance No. I on first readingt Councilman Wilto seconded the notionr all present voteal in favor; and the motion carlied. The Town Clerk was instructed to havethe ordinance published in full, The Mayor read a proposed resolution to rename Antholz Park "Geralil R. Ford Park", anal invited public conment prior to theresolution's fornal consideration at the January 18 regular meet ing. In regard to Poor Richards/Short Svring's request for a conditional use permit to allow architectsr offices and a health club., andfor a parking variance for 12 spaces, Gordon Pierce, architectfor the project, stated his client's pLan to remove both Poor Richards and Short Swing buildings, to construct a health club, 12 condoniniums and architects' offices. He added that heplanned to construct a walkway to colden Peak over the bridge and to use solar heating for the health club. Councilman l{ilto moved to approve the request for a distance between buildingsvariance; Councilman Donovan seconded the motiont all present voted in favor; and the motion carried. councilnan Donovan moved to approve the request for setback variance; Councilman Slifer seconded the motion; a1l present voted in favor; and the motioncarried. CounciLman Wilto moved to approve the request for a parking variance tot 12 spaces, to be replaced partially by valet parking; Councilman Donovan seconded the motion; Council- man Slifer voted against; a.Ll others present voted in favor; and the rnotion carried. Councilman Donovan moved to approve the applicant's request for a conilitional use permit; councilmanWilto seconded the motion; al"l present voted in favor; and the motion carried, , "'.1. ( \, \( uinutes,znef r meeting4 January I9Z7 Page Tlro With regard to poor Richards/Short swing request to acguiretwo adjecsnl parcels of rand, "or"-"r""J'uv anil Leased from theTottn of vail, Councilman. _ moved to table the requestfor_furrher study, councilnan --':.;;#;e-ir:.'i"ii;=il-jrr Present voted in favor; and the qrotion JJrii"a. Regaraling the Lionsheaal Theatre request for lot size, shape ofrot, distance betsreen b"ildi;;;,-;.=;ii;e-;;. thearre, and park_ing- for co.mrnercial space_ vari6ncei, couriciGan Donovan moved totable untit the Januiry- tB ;d;i;;';;;i;;; counciLman sliferseconded the notion; all present voted in-favori and the motioacarrieal. tOWN MANAGER REPORTS Acting Tourn Manaqer stan Bernstej-n announced that beginning.Ianuary 5. the town staff !^rou -".irariil-"""iivey or local businessesto determine the amount or fiscii ai^"q" Jl"=.a by the lack ofsnolt. With no further business, the meeting vras adjourned at g:30 p.M.. ATTEST: Ir htenber 28, 1976' '' uor,- Rrrrrrr, ,'-u, I 7.507 t Request of variance from Artic'le 7, Sectiod 7'.507, site coverage: '., If the two parcels of property B & C are conveyed to i['e owner this variance wlll not be needed. The problems of given handball court sizes, parking spaces, ., " and the desire to keep the profile of the building as low as possible on-a r"elatively small site has determined the arnunt o.f site coverage. The large / aryunt of open space aFound the proposed buildjng on three sides will not create a tight visual space problem, in any even. next to portion I .5 feet. In and with the the desire of the the building falls the large of the building. December 28, 1976 VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB Request of Variance from Article 7, Section 7.503 Distance Between Buildingsl :.. A portion of the underground parking garage and a porti0n of one required stairvay falls within the requ'ired distance from the l4ountain Haus. The major bulk of the proposed building is ur€ within the distance required. The parking garage is 'less.than 6t-0", on the average, above natura'l grade and does not create a serious visual or functional prob'lemr with the adjoining Mounta'in Haus. If the proposed planting on the parking structure is permittedrthe view east from the units in the Mountain Haus will be greatly improved. The problems as stated in the other requests for variances, along with the desire to keep the building wel 1 under the maxjmum height allowed, and the large amount of open space on three sides of the project, -- the proposed space between buildings does not create a poor visual problem, as compared to alternative solutions. o I VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB (Poor Richards/Short Swing) I December 27, 1976 ' : The fo1 lowing scenario is based on numer€us conversati'ons, reetings, previous requests for variances over the past four years and nnst recently the letter from Jim'Lamont dated July 20, 1976 (copy attached). These requests are also based on the assumption that the owner will acquiie two smal 1 parcels of land from the Town of vail as indicated on a copy of the attached survey. The ac- quisit'ion of this property is for the sole purpose of building underground park'ing and developing approprjate landscaping with the approval of the Town of Vail. This property is not to be used for G.R.F.A. Conditional use to permit an architects office and athletic-health club faci'lity in the P.A. Zone: The purpose of this Application is to request conditional use to construct a 3700 square foot office and a .|4,000 square foot health club facility as permr't- ted under Sectjon 7.300 of the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance. The architectural office of Pjerce, Briner & Fitzhugh scott is in the existing poor Richards bui'l ding and has occupied this space for several years. The new hea'l th c'l ub wou'ld be open to the public at large (by membership dues) and would provide a recreational amenity and health facility for several hundred persons in the Gore Val l ey. Both facilities are in l<eeping with the criteria as outlined in the Zoning 0rdi nance. .l o office of the town manager Jttly 20, 1976 box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303, 476-5613 Mr. Fitzhugh Scottc/o Pierce, Briner & Iitzhugh ScottP.O. Box 2299Vail , Colorado 81652 BE: Poor Richards/Short Swing Development Dear Fitz: Terry and r have discussed the recent correspondence betweenyou and Eldon Beck regarding the redevelopment of the poor Richards/Short Swj.ng property. Based on the review of bothletters, we have the following comments: 1. l{e are Dot supportive of allowing additionaldensities to be salculated from anv landscurrently controlled by the Town of VaiL. Z. We are supportive of allowing parking andlandscaping on Town property provided that thedesign meets with Council approval. 3. At this time we do nqt see a means of justifying a total parking variance for the property.Tberefore, it will be neeessary to provide someparking on the site lt is extremely importantthat you justify any parking reduction in termsof the variance provisions in the Zoning Ordinance.I would suggest hiring an attorney to pursue thematter for you" 4. ITe agree with Eldon's suggestion that vehicular access to the property be located on the eastproperty ]iue for the reasons which are stat.ecin his June 23, L976 letter. I believe that anapproach similar to that used at the Crossroads Shopping Center would work nicely. Mr. FrtzhueU scotf July 2O, 1976 Page Two Lot Size 19,938 Mt. Haus Area Acquisition 2,694 TOTAL PROPiiRTY OYINED 23,632 t 18 ,905Areas 3,781 Commercial 3., 781 5. The idea of Locat.ing a bank on the property raisesconcerninthattherei-sagonsiderable amount of vehj-cular traffic generated by srrch a use. It has been represented to me in the past , aliscussion that any on-site parking was to be used by the arshitects' offi'ces and the housing . unlts. I cannot support at this time any use that will be a high traffic generator during the aayfiehi hours. ft is already evident that the pt"".it bank site does not have sufficient parking for the customer volume it now accommodates ' 6. The idea of locating a restaurant on the premises does not appear to conflict with the site' Restauranti^ typically generate additional trafflc during the evening hours, which does not aggrevare the Parking situation' 7. The retention of your architectural office on the site does not appear to create a parking or tratfic sonflict. Sufficient parking should be considered for your staff and visitors' Diana Toughill has reviewed the figures in Eldon's letter' They shoufa Ue revised as follows: Based on these figures the net GRFA is 18,905' The gross ;a;;;. iooiug" of the building could be, assuming B0% of the totaL building j-s GRFA and, 20% i-s commercial and service areas' ;;;;;"il;i"rv-ssZ hisher than Eldon's letter indi-cated' GRFACirculation, Service Allowable AccessorY Sq.Ft. pROBABLE BUILDING SIZE 26'467 Inconclusion,theTo,'llnstaffiswillingtoworkwithyouon'thisproiect, however, we cannot support any proposal that will allow for any additionar p.i"ir.ges iLat are- not enjoyed bv other propertyownersinsimifardistricts'Inparticular'weeannot support additional GRFA or Commercial space than.would be iy'pic"ffy provided for in Public Accommodation Districts' tr. Fitzhugh SclJuIy 2O, L976 V Page Three I nust remlnd you that by lnvolvlng the services of Boyston, Henamoto, Beck and Abey, we are required to bill you {ortbe time which they spend on reviewing the project' 19e still have an outstanding Uiff for the last revlew that was conducted ln 19?4. lle have found in past eltuations that Eldon can be very helpful in reconcifling deslgn determinants of private lnt6rest-with public needs. I have scheduled a meeting concerning the project for 2:OO PM llednesday, July 21, L976- If this tlme is appropriate for you, please contact my offlce. ; Slncerely, DEPABTMENT OF JrL/Jk \--.- ..,<r.3. - J \ L ) l_l .J J,I 1b#YfL" I t;- I fi, {u Gr Rovston Hahamotc Beck & Abey Associarcs: 225 Miller Avenue tl.lrold N. Kobayashi ASLA Mill Valley Roben T. Battenon ASLA Catifornia 94941 George W. Girvin ASLA 415 36.i.790U Robert S. S€na ASLA June 23, 1976 Mr. Terrell J. Minger Town Manager Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vai'1, Colorado 8f657 RE: Don RicharcilShort Swing Properties Dear Temy: Following is my analysis of the above property and the proposal by the 0wner for dedication or lease of public property to him: Existing Conditions Lot Size = 19,938 square feet Mt. Haus Area Acquisition = 3,694 square feet Total Property Owned 23,632 square feet Existing Building Size - approximately 20,000 square feet Cumently allowed based upon 23,632 square feet = 18,905 square feet Pr"cpcsa'l by Civner For the Town to dedicate or'lease the adjacent property totaling 7,130 square feet for use by 0wner for park'ing and landscape. He also wishes to include this space as part of the buildable area, gaining 5,700 square feet of floor space. Approximately 2,000 square feet of the 7,130 square feet would be usedfor parking, the remaining 5,130 square feet would be landscaped in a qual'ity similar to the landscape of the Transportation Terminal. The value of improved landscape is probably close to $2.00 per square foot, .or $10,260. Adjacent Publ ic Right-Of-Way: (a) Adjacent to East Meadow Mall(b) East end of Building, triangle landscape Architecrs: Land Planning Urban Design . hrk Planning Environmental Planning = 3,300 square feet shape = 3,830 square feet Principals: Roben Rolston FASLA Asa Hanamoro ASLA Eldon Bcck ASLA Kazuo Abey ASLA Louis C. Alley AIA htricia Carlisle AsLA Mr. Terre'll J.Mj.S?-2-June 23, 1976 ANALYSIS Parki ng Parking is a'lmost impossible on the site without the gain of the 3,300 square feet parcel adiacent to East Meadow Mall. Access to parking, if permitted' shou'l d not use the East Meadow Mall Entrance but rather, should be south of the entrance. The reasons are several;thepedestrianprecinctshou]dbeasfreeofvehiclesaspossib1e as a simple pbticy statement. The intersection is complicated, bus drivers should not have to contend with an extra entering/exiting npvement. Eventual]y the entrance will be completed, serving as a puli-off anci drop-off ipot as well as being a bui entrance. Traffic arms.may be.used. trle io not know precisely what-wi]l happen in the future and it would not be coryect to reach agrLements and peimit private property planning which may compromise the beit public access solution. Therefore, the only access to parking shou'ld be independent of the Meadow Mall entrance. Probably the best solution to the site js to delete parking altogether. Landscape It is physically possible to berm up on a parking shelter and have a good lindscape in'the 3,300 square feet area adiacent to the l.lall. This lype of landscape wou'ld become a barrier between the Mall and the bui]dings. Visually thd solution is acceptable, physically the baryier is not good if the buildings are office or commercial. They would benefit from attractive, op6n access through the. landscape. The more that the pedestrian way connecis to activities of-buildings, the better the social viability of each. Buildilq Coverage and Use The objective of tne 0wner is to ach'ieve an attraciive financially v'iabie building complex. This corner lot is quite visjble, it has excellent space oi the'creek side, its potent'ia1 as an office/hous'ing unit.combination dbvelopment seems good. The presence of parking on the lot 'is "the tai'l that ii wagging the dog", (Longfellow) and appears to be dictating building arrangement and usage. If parking is deemed necessary' jt seems best to keep it to the east end of the property. It is worth questioning whether there is space on the'lot for a good qua'lity sma11 'lodge. Are small 'lodges economically realistic? Concl us i on If the land sales or lease js accomplished the ga'in to the Town is a landscape improvement worth roughly $10,000. t )\Mr. Temel'l J. Minger -3-June 23, 1976 If the Owner gains 5,700 square feet of buildable space, his financialgain would appear to exbeed the benefits to the Town. Each party gainsbut not on an equal basis. It is hard to support an increase in-build-able area gained by the acquisition of land from the Town. This iscounter to current density concerns. I would be inclined to support a slight increase in building area ifparking were deleted and if the design rea1ly worked well with the Mal'1. Then it seems that the gain to the Town and the 0wner would be moreequitable. The Town land of 7,130 square feet would then be visible and usable as quality landscape. 0ffices on the ground floor relatedto pedestrian traffic with accomnndations above wou'ld work we] I on theparce'l . I reconmend that negotiations mcve in that direction. Si ncerely, ROYSTON, HANAMOTO, BECK & ABEY (U""rdt*b*, E'ldon Beck /{J4) th cc: Mr. Fitzhugh Scott -Mr. James Lanont l/Mr. Larry Rider Mr. John Dobson KIrY FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belo'l items need to be complete before giving a permit a fjnal C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL MECHANICAL EL ECT RI CAL FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY C of 0 DATE: NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE pLANS \,-rN slor_\_ 005832 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ;,li)v I . 1992DATE dgpsrtmont of communaty development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ! PLU|| EINC ELECTRTCAL I rOUruOnrrOru MECHANICAL sF n. MEADow DRrvE En! LEGAL -DESC. LOT BLK FILING trro*^t.,vArL ATHLETT6 SLUB DEMEE OWNER NAME STAN COPE 352 E MEADOW DRIVI MAIL ADDRESSvArL 476-0704CITY PH, ARCHITECT FIRM ZEHREN P0 BOX 1976 MAIL ADDRESS trsI AVON 949-0257ctry PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM DAVID L. REEII qONST. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO, 355-X 47 6-0700 *,"'-'*ll: FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO- PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO- OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DtvtstoN I 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF wORK : - DEMO PREP FOR REI{DOELING LOUNGE PERMIT NO. 2o l- 3J BUILDING 2,000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II B 0 2,000 BUILOING PERMIT 65 t t-<) -7,1-,f ''1 a 'Cl 7- 4 * , * ry4 PLAN CHECK 42 ELECTRICAL NEWO ALTERATION4X4 AODTIIONAL I REPAIRO PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS -- ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION:TYPE THICKNESS FI-VALLUE FLOOR EXT. WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT i00 USE TAX ROOF TYPE HEAT SOLAB GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 207 DAN STAENK NOV 11, 1992 ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL rurLD|NG oFFtcrAa DA-E NO PLANNER ONING ADMINISTRATOR OATE :ONING & BUILDING NOTES: _- ro"*,"o | | .H Ei{.uI I lli GUUIJ tOR lf I,Z,J,5,U,lU, LZ,LJ, AND 17 ONLY. SHEET 1 OF CONSTRUCTION NOTES. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, Iilled out in tull the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, designraws, ano ro ou||o Inrs srrucrure accororng ro lne rowns zonrng ano suDotvtston codes, oes review approved, Unilorm Building Code and_glbacorctinanceX of thgJol|rF.qf'ptiegble thereto. CLEAN UP TO!/d/ ,*z/oza OR FOR HIMSELF I -L. 1I 75 sorrth fronlage road' Yail. colorado 81657 (303, 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: su&fEcr: ottlce of communlly devclopment ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OA VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOPIIENT MARCS 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, or.rner) rn suuunaryr.ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterJ-al, including trash humpsters, portable ioilets andworlsnen vehicles upon any streetl siaewaiX, alley or public .q1?:" or any portion theieof. rhe rieht;i-;;t in arr rown ofvatl streets and-roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir.r be strillry enforcEd. by the Town of VaiI _TPli: Works Department. pers-o1s _found vi6lating this ordinanceIirl be given a 24 hour writtef-Gtice to r"*o.r"-=-id nateriai.fn the event the person so notifj.ed does not comply witn thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puFric worksDepartrnent, will remove said nateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair project,s ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To-review ord,inance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Toern of I:i]-l:-fiding Depgrtmenr to obrain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this matter, Read and acknowledged by: ffi I ,l 75 routh trontage road rall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 ox 479-2\39 BUILDING PERI.,IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME Agreed to'by., Pfoject Name Date Work Sheet was turned inFthe Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. otllce of communlty dcvclopment !f this permi.t requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, EngineelLs. (,Pgblic Wopks) reyiew and approval,' a Planning' oepartrnentrevieror Hea'lth Department revi'ew, and'a review by the 6uiliing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas tliree weeRs:. AII conmercial ('large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tq follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and-smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residenti.al oi smaller projects impact the various above mentioniddepartnents wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt wi.1l be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as. s.qon as possibl e. !, the unders.igned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanment of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT -Et+ruMerNctr rouruolrroru tr NorE - QFv or pERMrr ro BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE DATE trNn DEC 4 ' Ig9_ PLANS ATTACBED 005262 ffigg BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK-- FILING VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB )oeNtRrrie,v. ATHLEToC CLUB KITCIIEN HOol OWNER nnrr,re VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 352 E MEADOW DR MAIL ADDRESS .,., vAIL PH476-O7OO ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM METAL MASTER 165{MTOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. --- \' 453-48t5 J'-1?'^i?3i FIRM tr{HITE RISER ELECTRTC TowN oF vAtL FEG. No. 145-E .., "949-0220 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAII= BEG.NO- M ECHANICAL CONTRACTOR ,,*, WTI MASTER TOIVN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR rrnu TRI-C0UNTY FIRE 109_s TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rELE 625-4533 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP r I tv v ABEHIRM L22a34DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ADD NEhr H00D 60r x 43t TO KTTCIIEN AT PERMIT NO. - - z E aar BUILDING 800 ELECTRICAI 200 PLUMBING EA MECHANICAL r .800 Q TOTAL 2,800 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES II B 0 2,900 BUILOING PERMIT 75 l-'-c- ts (\,il l/) PLAN CHECK 49 E LECTR ICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION(XN ADDITIONAI { r REPAIR( )PLUMBING 36 OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS HEIGHT IN FT -_ NO, F1FIEPLACES MECHANICAL gg / $9 tl4L33a5 RECREATION FEE INSU LATION lVPE THICKNESS B.VA.IUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CtEAN.UP DEPOSII 100 EXr wALLs I l- N6NE - I 1ee:-,-l-- l-- l --USE TAX oot____ wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 31r DAN STANEK DEC 9, 1991 SUILDING OFFICIAL DATE NO PLANNER ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED Y N INITIAL ST,CUT I lxl__IONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILDING NOTES. - FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED BEFOREPAFKING DEMO X X I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in lull the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan. to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning bdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordi cabSthereto. cLEAlr nP ro : /4tt-47V/E7r 4 44//) rr-+++++++t+ B5L*6rflabe2t OF OWNEF OR CONTRA z'+ r L. ee, ?las* AND rHE owNER FOR HIMSELF -- 75 3oulh tronlage toad Yall, colorsdo 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-1\39 olflc€ of communlty dcYeloPmrnl BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If' this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department,Approval ' Eng'i neel''s (Publji Works) reYjew and approval , a Plannjng Department reii'ew or Hialth Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. A]l commerci a1 (1arge or smal 'l ) and a] I mul ti -fami I y permi ts wi 1 1 have to iollow itre iUove menti6ned maximum requirements. Residentia'l ina smatt projects shou'ld take a lesser amount of time. However, if residentiai oi smaller proiects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary review' these projects may also take the three week Period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permi't as. soon as Possib;l e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. /2- Date Work SfrEAt was-futned into the Corrnuni ty Devel o pment DePartment. ll luwn u lltl 75 soulh lronlage road Yaal, colorrdo 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: olllcc of communlly develoPment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH ITIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCI{ 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alLey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordlnance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiI Public Works Departrnent. Persons found vLoLating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to renove said rnatserial .fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public Works Departrnent wlll remove said uaterial at the expense of personnotlfied. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation on this natter. ' 4Z/as?-zt4'? U'4-ot*a€-'a7'.-- / 4 4 " (i.e. contractor, owner) ledqed(= - Vei i All'IeLir: l-:li,i, Dave itl.r r jcl' a,tt Fr rJfir: I'let-a.L l1a';t.e r' ftetel. i'lirrg .1 i;,:-.ilr15 Het'e gt'e Lhe drarlirrug {or Lf:': ho+il- l.et us krrour iF yc't'r hav'e cltly Q,J€it,it.rt-r--. ,i .1rn i'a?i n'J '1 Pagfl$ i;rciudil'13 Lll" covcr IeLLr:i' T r.Lrir al. 4fj':i- {.143'? i f Lir,; j''i*x doeslt t L r:o(lr$ Lltt r;'tt0lr col't \r.:t. IY .. I ir.rr'!.'' - E *t-:;r/trl-a, _ Fc>c,,tern e'nr. (treas - P'ap :.' '0P fi -rl-J town4ZvattffimunU Health TJ C Valrdlty ol Permit Sec, 303 (c) 1S U.B.C. /6 '/ hng lt {pproved $criedo d ,fi -4-- /)s/f /,9nt-P-- -./2 t ,D)b Atil lllillcfla9'>( Goue€ .{atlPe / / c>ng1 D {ufief clu e: t 6 fi/fer-s /gnA// / iiii .rttsuance 0r granting cf a permit 0r approval 0l plans anct ri:scificeti0ns shall n0t be construed to be a oermit ior. or an:l:;iinval 01, any violatjon Of any of the provisions of this codg ':r ol any otliei' oidinanca ot the iurlsdication. The issuance of a permit based upon plans, specilications and other data shalt n0t prevent the building ofticial from thereafter requirino the correclion 0f errors in said plans, speci{lcations bnd -othe, data. " DATF ,uq'T( -',/rtr-irf-:'*-aS uJAnT GF\6g I rl "2't ujt'tc# 3 t:t' "' '/,t'"v'2t/ ffi 'P Hrng '/2'3. I' \ {lr *\ \t (J {1r fi Il q .d \] K {q {\<\tr e\s \ \f N A 4.\t lnviI \ (r * \ \ ci tr\ \ \y vl l^lrl 11. { t\ttn \,1 I t ,1rtli\, \}} F'.\j \' \ v * \ { $'t t F\J \ crl \!\ r\xi\ \\e \) N ;\).\\i $tnl\ \ VI'l \ {i i,t.t.i lr\' \}(\ N N\\J !1'\ tA tR\A I-I ; **\J I\\il Ht't \: \1 \'\ Sl \'t \lr\j rnXui .vT, }:N{R'\ ,\'r \\v \{ \ t u\\\c\\q i\j\t n''.,3 =il j,t, dtt T;t$toi n-- ,.f d "i.d q'r-J \\$q \ dl ftil $tol $l r ?,/- --!i\i;r,, -*.i} hI rAGJ-.R a\ Ir TIt' ;u \\ d- -r-ildI| ,edB I o'i $]\ sl $ (ii vl $' VIs\ ilr s\) \Ji \sNN ffiJrHe L,-,c z B OF \ )t\)tn \$LNt\ U }r N d F \ d \ s { I I mT JAN 1 41997 Dear Sir/Madam: Metal Master B+x I131 Br+ckenridg*, ((t fi(t4Z 4 january g, 19gz Torpn of Vait Community Services 71 South Frontage Road Vail,Colorado &ibl? In Decemh+r +f last. )r+ar nry hushand P+t*r Ming +f Mekt Master in Sreckenridgs contractecl t+ d.+ some work for th+ Vait AtJ:letic {:lutr. I called your office !+ find +ut what he required in the way +f lir*nsing amd permitfees. I was inforrned ov+r ifie telephone that.the m*chanical contractors yearly fer uras $?5.00. Sn the forms which were sent out to us the fe+ was listed as $7].CI0. When Feter went to your office t+ g+t his license he paid $ 100.00 instead {s+* receipt *08l?62). Why rsas the price different? I also asked ab+ut perrnit f+es. I used to work for the Summit County Building departrnent ancl I r+alizecl that I probably c+uld not g+t a sp+cific figure until you lotked at th+ plans for tfre project but I was trying to g+t a ballpark figure so that i could include tf,re fees in our bicl. 0rr+r th+ phone I was told something like $?6.00 per $ 10S0.00 valuation. Th+ ho+<l he installed in their kitch*n cost tlrem $ 1s00.00 and ire permit fee *ndeci up heing around $3S0.00. The Athletic (lulr rlid pay for th+ f+e,s but I fe+l lik+ we Wef+ v+fy mrlctr misied hy the information I r*eiv+d ocr+r the plione. Unfortunately I d+ not know the name of tfie u/eman I spoke with at ths time. I did try to call and speak rr+ith Gary atrout this right after it occured but we wer+ F'aying ph+ne tag As i am trying io wrap r_rp lgg I business I thought I vaould write to you and ask about this. Thank you f+r any help ysu {an giv+ me. Sincerely, Reb+cca Ming |,to* rNsPEcTroNrs coMPLsrBD Ibe lteoe belor oeed to be couplete before gtvl.ng a pernlt a flnal C.of 0. PleaEe check off ln the box provlded. FINAT PLUAINGL_l DATE: tl FII{AJ, UECEANICAL DATE: IAROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: FITIAL SLECTRICAI., DATE: FINAI BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:' DATE: I-ill i----:l_i I I TEUPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPA}ICY DATE: LAIIDSCAPING DI'E DATEI T'ILE NAME:\\.s\,.b I CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depsrtmgnt of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRTORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT Elxeurlotxc X pluuarruc I elecrRtcRL ! FoUNDATToNf] MECHANICAL tr NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rN 0N sEP 6, 1991 NO PLANS 0 05c65 LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK FILING Doe Nln[ar, v.A.c. RE-RooF OWNER r,rnupVAIL ATHLETIC CLUB 352 E MEADOW DR MAIL AOORESS ctrY vArL PH. 6-0700 ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL AODRESS ctw PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLATH CONSTRUCTION FIRM TowN oF vAlL REG. No. 148-8 949-r 905 ;i."?'^t?3i FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF]VAIt FEG. NO MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. T.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IRM DfVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : TEAR-OF'F' EXTSTTNC RONT' ANTI MAT.TT PERMIT NO. --- zIF BUILOING JJr+/U ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ffi MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES \t B 0 33,47O BUILOING PERMIT JI I ss F\ Nt. lb a( PLAN CHECK 202 ELECTRICAL NEW ALTERATION O AODITIONAL() REPAIR(XX PLUMBING DWELLING UNITS MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. NO. FIFEPLACES RECREATION FEE R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD CLEAN-UP OEPOSIT 250 EXT. WALLS USE TAX ROOF TYPE ELEC. OF SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 763 DAN STANEK SEP 9, 1991 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: ST. CUT Y N INITIAL tl t^l UILDING OFFICIAL DATE NO PLANNER )NING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ONING & BUILDING NOTES:"^"-^" l]FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRTD. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inf completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the info provided as agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to com all Town laws, and to build this structure according to the Town'ing and su review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ord thereto. PLATH CONST DMWER 5920 AVoN, C0 8L620 on req uired, is correct. I nces and stale CLEAN UP TO: T FOR HIMSELF o :- i,'\ I luttn TO: FROU! DAIE: SU&'ECT: 75 .oulh lronlrgG r€ld nal, color.do 61G57 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 In sunmary,.ordinance No. 6 states tbat it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, includlng trash drrrnpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public Pl?ge or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wiLl be strlctly enforced by the Town of Vail {!liq Works Departnent. persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour rritten noti.ce to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not eonply with tbenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the pulfLc WorksDepartment lrill retnove said nateiial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sfrltt not beapplicable to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. to review Ordinance No. 6 in full,VaiI Building Departnent to obtaincooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by:M (i.e. contractor, owner) off lcl of communlly devclopmcnl ALL CONTRA TORS CT'RREMILYL REGISTERED ICITTT ltIE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOI{N OP VArL ptrBLIC WORKS/COMMTJNITy DEVEIOPMENT IIARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,TATERIAL STOR.AGE please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your CONSTRUCTION PERMIT department of community dwelopment TO SE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT WPE OF PERMIT [XpluMelNcT FoUNDATIoN t-.: V. Athletic Cl ub Ho _ COPY OF PEBMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 9 /23/ 86 \t\ \x \*\' 00271E NOTE DATE mmm BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PERMIT NO. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H I R TI DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : TENNAI'IT REM0nFl 13 ,000.00 PERMIT FEESlwpe cRouP G.R.F.A. vALUATToN BUILDING PERMIT $sta- NEW ALTERATION O()O AOOITIONALI REPAIR DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-v AODITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL TOTAL PERMIT FEES GARY MURMIN ilfdK'm I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design CLEf,III UP TO:no???r:n . AND THE OWNEF, LEGAL 1}esc. LOT BLK q lstFILING VAIL V ILLAGE -JoBNAME' yASQUES / vair Athretic club OWNER NAME vasquet 1000 S Frontage Rd MAIL ADDRESS crrv Vail pr.6-4433 ARCHITECT dl KUU|I r I E KLE fir\\, I FIRM MATLADDRESS e000 S Frontaqe R crw vai I PH. GlYltr GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnuB0SS0W CONST. rowN oF vArL REG. No. 218-A TELE. ,/l 7A-' AON }[r.r*,"o.- CONTRACTOR FIRM '1-rt a.nai t- TO\'VN OE]UAIL BEG.NO, PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F'RM S.4/'n TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM > t 5/ e-y' TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. llra palntefy /va il Gord on R.Pierce . Architect . A.l.A. April 23, I9B7 Mr. Gary MurrainBuilding Inspector lown of VaiI 75 South Frontage Road WestVai1, CO 81557 Dear Gary: This letter is to confirm our meeting on April 23, L987. We discussed the minimum stair tread width for theGtrn theffi we are removingan existing spiral stair and-replacing "it with a windingstair with tread width of 30" as per the 1982 UBC. Thisis a residential stair that is trol the primary egress forthe bedroom level and is an improvement over the existingstair conditions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. ",V,", ,Q4lJr_L Larry Deckard LD/ 1rt 1000 South Frontase Road West. Vail. Colorado 81657.303i4'16-4433 '(& coNsrRucrloN PERMITn"ffifl F; d.prtmqrt of community devclopment TO BE FILLED Ot.,TCOMPLETELY PFIOF TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPEOFPERMIT E aurLorxe !I elecrnrcru nI MECHANICAL tr PLUMBING FOUNDATION FtLtHG Vail uur Jack Theimer & Assoc. MArL ADDREsS 352 E. Meadow Dri clw Vall PH.476-O700 F|RM Plath Constructlon TowNoFvArLREG.No. 158-8 949-1905 TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE sl16/89 PERMIT NO DATE r. wPE oF corrrsTRucTroN I O lll I v v ?. occuPA?{cY GRoUP eaex t n m Dlvtslox Q z za gt GENERAL DESCRIPTIOI{ OF WORI( ; PERMIT FEESWPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUA DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE INITIAL TOTAT PERMIT FEES -Nsrris JIJUWoFFtclAt DATE DetEJt Bqsalask - 5ILU89- -ADMINISTRATOR DATE revlew approveQ, Uqilorm Building Code and otherprdtrercff{t th{OgB.Bplicable ther6to.e\suurq Nb"S*, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lillod out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and stat€ that all lh€ information provided as required is correct. I agre€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat6 laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subilivision codss, design Wy 22, 79@ b: Vail Building Ommissim To whom it rnay epncern: We give Plath Construction, Inc. full authorization to do rof repairs at the Vail Athletic Club as prescribed by the bid subrnitted by Plath Construction, Inc. llris is in effect today, My D, t989. 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colondo 81557 303/4%-0700 Direct 800/526-4 144 lnside Colorado 8OO / 82747 5+ Outside Colorado 9, 1989 Page 2 o[ 2 pages Roofing cification for'Vail Alhletic Club & Hotel' AlRoof area on north side of building, on rvest end only:'' ll Tear off existing roofing down to the plyrvood deck' Remove all debris from the jobsite. Platlr Construction will keep the jobsite as clean as possible during the construction, and a thorough cleaning of the roof and grounds will be performed upon completion. Plath will protect the interior of the building at all times from water and'u/eather. 2l Remove two skylights. 3lFrame in skylight holes witlr non-comhustible lraming lumber and non-combustible plyvood. 4l Install jiffy Seal Ice and Water Guard'over entire roof area, according to specifications by the manufacturer. Use mastic as needed. 5l Install 'AEP Snap-Seam' metal roofing, accorcling to maufacturer's specifications. Include all accessories and related flashings for a complete installation. Price for work as specificd in Scction A:$31 ,000.00 ** Note - This proposal does not include any interior finish rvork. insulation, i'i--'11'i-i]litll-'l::::li-lylTl--- BlRoof area on north side of building, on east end only: I I Replace tllo missing roof panels. 2l Move panels vhich have slippecl out of placc intt'r thier original posilions and fasten proPerlY. 3J Remove chimne.v pipc which is nr, ionScr in place and re'place [rroken chimney pipe. Price for work as specified in Sectiorr B: $2,1 50'00 C]Middle roof area on nor[h side only: 1] Eramine middte roof on norlh side and make recommendations as to repairs needed. Iten c witl be priced separately after inspection is performed. DlOeneral Noles: llPJathwill provicle allinsufance anc! pt'rmits rctluircd bv thc T(,wn 0f Vail Ruilding Defrarlment. Zl Upon receipt of the contract pricc'. Plitth t;ill is"cue il \rilrianrl/ certificille guaranleeinR roofing perfc,rmdd tlnder lhis contracl nRainst leaks rlue to flil\\'s in worlintanshifr fOr a periocl of lvo years from lhe (latc rtf c(rmplction- o May 5pe j . )' \l -9I G4 \_ 3_o {\ 3\ Pt #\ /\>t 6) coNSTRUcnoN PERMITts/rl' - rnbffi/ [,,",o' dcprtmcnt of community dewlopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILD|NG ! pLuMgr.tc ELEcTRTcAL n rouHonrtoru MECHANICAL tr LEGAL DESC. LOT BLK- FlLlNc Vai-l-A;tb-lef.ic--Cl.ub- I JoeNn[te' vail Athletic club Remodel OWNER NAME MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT FIRM Boyle Enqineerinq MAIL ADDRESS 143 F- Meadow Dr clrY Vail en476-2L70 GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM VaiI Athlet-ic Cl ub TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OWNET rEl E 476-465r tE^fE_1r191: FIRM Now Fl cctri e ,o*" o, uo,a "ru. "o. 110E UUI\II{AUIUF( PLUMBING FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NOGONIHAUIUK MECHANICAT CONTRACTOR FIRM TO!ryN OE]UAILEEG-NQ- OTHER ( CONTRACTOR FIRM Garfield steel of uf;PEiBgto ftLE.949-62t2 NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE e11g 5/31/85 002083 r. wPE oF coNsrRucnoN r "@ ,u u l ft& z.occuPAr{cYGRouP $0t t '@u DIVISION 122a34 cENER.At-DEscRrpnoN oFltyoRK,,ESnndFl ot cvi s 1t't no accolrnt'l no of Tl ce Io PERMITNO.- =I E3 BUILDING dl rrn ELECTRICAL 500 PLUTIBING MECHANICAL z,u+u yfqr rPqPqr r r|sw vgrt PstTYPE GROUP G,B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES III B-2 2040 BUILDING PERMIT $ 38. 50 11 {.u DS *{ V\9 PLAN CHECK 25. uu ELECTRICAL 35.00 NEW ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL REPAIR PLUMBING OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGI{ REVIEU/ BOARO CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT Exr. wALLs I 't, tl I USE TAX lnn nn TOTAL PERMIT FEES tfro an Steve Patterson J/.fJ i-noTndoFrrd-nr-- - -4 7- - DeFe - Rick Pylman 6/3/85 ADDITIONAL ST. CUT Y N INITIAL INING ADMTNISTRATOR DATE BLASTING \X )NING & BUILOING NOTES: PARKING OEMO A: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, tilled out in lull the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the T zoni ivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other applicable thereto. SIGNA AND T REOFO OWNER. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF prlhLty/vril 75 soulh lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ot communlly developmenl BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this. permrlt requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approva'l , EngingerLs (Public Works) reyiew and approval , a p1 anning'Department revi'elrt or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Departfient, the estimated tjrne for a total review may take as long as three weeks. All cormercia'l (.large or small) and all multi-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and snall projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if resi.denti'al on smal 1er projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to neces.sary review, these projects may also take the three week period. Evgry atternpt will be made by this department to expedite, this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and tjme frame - t /grks Date l,lork Sheet was turned into the Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. bgfla Project Name boyle ergineering. irc 143 e meodor cjr suite n-10 crossrods shopprng cenler r,cil. coloodo 81&5/ 303/476:2170 F\irlwr' Ats 111-<Nll:E- -bHtlLLT)te;r{ pATtstL p,fTe i f.!tvltNlFli lrtP| 'ot|vlTioll . Vlx lz21 | H4 , t(tFa I a(t,1t l'lA I V'9hr4 I 'zfrtLV 'trbt1 ,tf ---i fot( it?V T16 .i Tun of Vell Comnunlty Devofopm€nt 47".if l{tP+rot\, (.'./l';'{ | t1-i t".i f'v? lL /+ r erril (^ : 14 *x:t.;\ : bgt^t'.I l--------4F-- V - -----Lrl I lr, fai;v '-'Atr { i.r'l rtt1il 6 ' irl(?l i I ,'0t' t4t ltit vvrn l ill F_; II I?/t f"l I3, LT Flra n n Build \ tr Plan proved .s \oied tr Health tr tr Vatidity ot pgrmit Sec.303 (c) 19sA U.tr.C. i jssuance 0r granting of a psrmit irr'aFltf0val ot plans and 'iilicali0ns shall not b€ c0nslrued t0 be a permit t0r, cr a[ )r6wl 0f, any violaticn 0f any 0i the provisions 0f this co(hli any 0ther ordinance of the jurisdtcation. The isuanca ol ermit bassd up0n plans, speclficailons and other data shall l+rz4 I,^al; /D I 1tFt96 t I lli,l2 0g- G i T4+ .Vvtf a 14 prevent th€ building otficlal from thersafler reouirino thsrection o{ orrors in said plans, specithations bnC hnrr r/nTE: , ,)sn! -.J*aT_J?-ll Ab't ).11(, '-4 h. rf- VF I L hI HLbr i--' , LU f t/ r-Ylr"l I thfr I r--t{loF ? Tl':\ boyrs eng'6eer'rng rrc | / ,/n \ naSe meodo,,/dr surten 10 I l,/ ,/ I I croosroods shoppr.vg cenfer | - {/ / ',orr. colorodo 81657Lit.t----/ n3/a7G217O (-4 ) I l l i I I| , rvv Al4 x+22 | / z-,,1zLL ?t;-t1A J I I I I I (4) \--l I I rE-#-trYVL( rJiLL l''*L^tif E tcrtit-tt3t{l t: t-t 1- EIFI, h(f 3F -.,c F'Jl l H lzi S .-; \'1 f fie;.1; gfa_EesF2Nr Ec= a:$eEEiiEEeExbFEk.9 E =@ g. g-e-.t=cEP(Je FE EEelf F EIro r-lto rJl I I lE-sEsE q ga€EEE :EE€;T h Tfl;iEEiT\ E*€EE5i$ E *:gg:;lEsrEf€." E.l-.: .:' r, i:, :* -... J .,- -'t A I I I II I i I I (7I \--l flrfi1 IL\VL 7Frr1trt4 tlo Y;1(i':-N i .-, F+ rll/, ,/2.,:l hvL tlvvL Io r'e h'b6' vvt- WWb Tc-' F? e1o NX vh I L b1 +1Lr-Tla ....1 4F, ,0 yiAY nev V'P.-1L .,t'-qrL oo lb' ac> p"'1. r'''-F h'k t aP+tr':ns I..o\"\ Xxs{: '^ ' 6) coNSTRUcnoN pERMtr*W l;; department of community danelopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION 1. wPE oF coNsrRucloN rrr rrfry'v nae'nqp DrvrsroN lA 2 2a 3 4 cENERAL DEScRTPTToN oF wonxY- TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION LEGAL DESC.rrlrnc VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB BUILDING PERMIT v tr-N rp1\o \.\l Lrt v- JOBNAME: VAIL ATHLETIC CLUB KITCHEN EW ALTERATION ) ADDITIONAL ( X) REPAIRI ACCOMMODATION UNITS - NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO.TOTAL PERMIT FEES qaly_l'Uffat! ING ADMINISTRATOR & BUILDING NOTES: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, lilled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the review approved, Uniform Building Code and OR FOR HIMSELF CONTRACTOR FIRM ,o*" oruo,a rru. "o. 2015 OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, NOTE _OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE PERMTT No. 9CI2?99 n Dtr nntr hn departmont of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT EkpluMarNcE rouruoarroru! IXJ( BUILDING Br ELectRlclr EK MECHANTCAL LEGAL DESC. JOB NAME:VAIL ATITLETIC CLTIB RNUODEL snurl nanreggslfi FIRM ZEHREN & ASSoC. MA|LADDRESS P0 BOX 1976 clry AVON aa 949-O257 GENERAL CONTRACTOR NITNNI/-IIT FT E 'NT\ICTIFIRM rowt or vrt nee. No. 1880A 47 6-3082 LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. t{5xt565x e4e-1403 ELECTRIC rrnu C0L0. PLIIMBING SERVICE T29-P TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 94s-9809 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR F|RM colo. PLIIMBING SERMc I29-p TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 94s-9809 MECHANI OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. lh. prlntcry/vail I NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE g11g aug. 1988 KEPT ON JOBSITE PLANS IN Ef,OT 0C J'i iu r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH IRM DIVISION r22a34 GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK ; PERMIT NO. --- zo F BUILDING 500, 000 ELECTRICAL 56,000 PLUMBING 42,O0O REMODEL EXTSTINC FACILITES MECHANICAL 40,000 TOTAL $ 63E,000.00 TYPE GROUP G.R.F,A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES IIFR B-2 3S0 638,000 BUILDING PERMIT 2.4>4 PLAN CHECK L,593 ELECTRICAL 9s6 NEW ALTERATION AOOITIONALX.XK REPAIR PLUMBING 4ZV DWELLING UNITS - N/A HEIGHT IN FT, N/A NO. FIREPLACES MECHANICAL 600 RECREATION FEE 300 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE OESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 750 sxr wnrrsl l- Noue - |USE TAX ROOF -?Apsr.lrc FEE 3,000 ) TYPE OF ..ec. fi SOLABHEAT GAS wooD TOTALTERNTTFEES-5$LO,Olt.OO GARY MURSAIN AUGUST 30, I98 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL sr cu' I lx I ,ILDING OFFICIAL DATT )NING ADMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ]NING & BUILDING NOTES: PARK'f-L-[ I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state lhat all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design \i \\> onroe Engineering 0nsuttants P.O. Box 1597 ' 48 E. Seaver Creek 8tvd., fl307 Avon, Colorado 81520 303,949-7768 ZE Hartl /. a==-q,c- --- t+T='D. D4t/ltr> LANE THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTET): -EW- COPIES TO Abtly-s/rt N onroe Engineering tsuttants P.O. Box 1597..41 E. Beaver Creek Btvd.. f3O7Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 Zglez'v--+- 4==qr- tlTft t . DA V_ID_-*J.,_ A,NE____ THE FOLLOWING -kk-aae=--s_L/ M Dvz . COPIES TO AbtbY-s///, hl Engineering Clunants P.O. Box l597 48 E. Beaver Creek Blvd.. f307 Avon. Colorado 81620 303-949"7768 ro fi"tr_dpnt _ j:,__fl:,,z7-fn-it7-ac. , , , ,..t. -r'&/i l- u<:" - COLUUN/- U t,t N _ tr/ oI>)E<firfl_t:nL l',tL'' /" )' * ilt rt rL ae- ' 'r,z +r' -'/'''''',./l'i )/ ,( '-:r' '-/r,. , t-.. dt- / ,/ v*tt PRESENT AT liITE I t-J=- T)se r.r COPIES TO SIGN ED Engineering tuttants P.O. 8ox 159748 E- Eeaver Creek 8tvd.. f307 Avon, Colorado 81620 303-949-7768 YfrIt . ,.,t'ii:TJse CDt-',i """ ?'-oE l'/"t-':