HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 TRACT B VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE & SPA ETC DRB LEGALOO.tiLl{W Etl,E|.opr*.nr Design Review Board ACTION FORIII Depaft ment of Communlty Development 75 South Front ge Road, Vaif, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 fax:'970.479.2457 web! www.Yallgov,com Project Name: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE TREE REMOV Prcject Description: REMOVE TREE Partlclpants: OWNER VML LLC 352 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT JOHN CAHILL 846 FOREST RD VAIL co 81657 ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL 0s/30/2008 DRB Numben DR8080177 05/30/2008 Pnonei 477 -5447 Location: L€gal Description: Lot: TrBC Block: Subdivision: VAILVITTAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-5504-4 Comments: Must replace 1 evergreen Motion By: Second By: Yote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Apptoval: 06/03/2008 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0010048 The applicant must replace the removed evergreen with a coniferous tree at least I feet in height within one year ofJune 3, 2008. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Deparknent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2128 taxi 97 0.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifting a building permit application. ?lease refer to tne submittll requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rs/iew cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the To^n Council and/or tlre Planning and Environmental Commission' iXitgn review approval tapses unless a buildang permit is issued and constuuction commences within one year of tie approval. Description of the Reguest: 4'C-!,,.scF 5 srbdiuition'location of the Proposal: Lot:-Blockl Physical Address: Parcel No,;(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): Mailing Addressr X owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Mailing Address: El, t"/',/ ltfiY\'Q4r. I tl tr tr tr tr n tr E-mail Addre Type of Review and Fee: Signs Conceptual Review New @nstruction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 t $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new buitding or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square foobge is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor dtanges b buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, re.roofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and rebining walls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board. Mailfg lddress! E-mail rype of Reviewand ,trt 5l9ns lE ConcephJal Review in New Construction Frank lrl . Johnson 3?fJ4773?35 I I I lMinor Exterior Alterations nfplication for DesEgn Review I Oepartment of C-ommunity Devebgnent- -lzs iorttt Frontage Rood, Vaii, Colorado -8-16t' - -tel3 970'479:2!28 laxz 97o'479'24s2 web: www'vallgov'com I 'Jun OZ O8 O4:45p p.1 ,*# f;iffil$.]?s,l.fftl""len ,.*r* musr receive approval prior to s.rbmiltine a. buildins?ermlt application' Please refer ro\the submrnar requirements for the partiola'"orr:9iil;,1{t::l*:,:;T.:i,1tl?::i gjffit#"lilrefer b the submlttal requiremenE Tor me paruluror oPPrL'lo' iil n-"'drrir-"tty Oevitbpment Dcp6rtment.. The "inn* b "*.pcil untii all requlrcd l1ioTlel-': l*v:, --r,^, +hF prannrno ."0 e#i'J"-*Ef iommisson.cannot be accepmd unu all requlrco rnrorrrtartr r| ,' ,*'ii"illiitt. iriin"f"il and Environmenbl Commisd-on. prlii,ii llav "ttb necd to-bc rcviEv'q-ry- 11lff.q5* rc iGG'F,r ,,ra constru,c#i*.--*""u wr,rnproJect ilay.also n."d_$^.T_ rcMeli,eo Dv rne rrJwrr -'"'iif['il'ii"i;';;6.rbucdon commenc* wl'tln'#ig" reniew apprciral- laPses unle65 a building penr t is 'ssueo ans s.rrtrr "'- ^-- varr af tha eDDroval-,one year of thq approval. I I ofthe Request: - * C],.afF- l-ra,<- LocaUon of th'p Proposal:- Lotl-----:Block:SubdMsion :,:Lltril---Ld Physical Address: Parcel Ho.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970'328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning! Nam€(s) of owner(s): Malling Address: X Owner(s) slgnatre(s Name of ApPlica Phone: $50 Plus $1'OO per square fod of total sign area' No Fee $650 \ For mn*rudion of a new bulldlng or derno/rebuild' $300 | For an addiuon ttn",tE'ut" i"6t"9e ts jdded.to anv rcsldential or I commerclal uulurng iinli,Jtizso "iaiuont & intcrior converslons)' $250 | ti tinol-.nlngesio' buildingt and.site lmprovements' sucn as' I re-rooflng, painbno. -;-J;- iaaiuons' landscaping' fences and r -/ retalnlng walls, etc. h/ " , E;;ffir cnarges to buildinqs and dte imProvernents' such as' ,H#;;;ds, puliu"e, ;ffi;; ioaruont' landscapine' fenccs and \' rebining walls, etc' ito iii"tJ"ti."i'to ptans alreadv approved by Plannlns staff or the:-'- .o*ign R"ur*reoird. -.' lh-ffiEilV No Fee llnl E ouno 1-12 PLS'No. ' rornor ond o rntoin Lodge rd harcon on N g4'4J'og. J_43.72' : -l @t SEE DETAIL A TIESTSAR ay, V-4o orU Ortlinc of T:1J.8J' Set No. 5 Rebor ond 1 1/2 ' Dlometcr Alumlnum Cop, LS No. 22589 (TYP) T@ CONCRETE S,I-AB BENCIIUARK EtEv = 8165.25 SEE NOTES. SEE DETAIL B STAIE OF COLORADO COIJNTY OF EAG1E My cornmieeion elglres _ lVltncse my hond ond offl ))s )Set No. 5 Rebor ond 1 1/2 ' Dlometer Aluminum Cop, LS No. 22589 (TW) 7555'@' W 166.44' R-57.50 L=26.51 a=4030'00" CB=N55'40'00'lY CH=25.96 Fannd 1-1/2' Alumlnum Cop Stomped PLS 32834 on f5 Rebor N8929'22'W-12.80', o (Pr )o. q\_ ,<\ ! o4 aJ 2 15und :bor "{ vnd. 1-1/2' Aluminum rp Stompcd PLS 32&t,+ r f5 Rcbor Set No. 5 Rebor ond 1 1/2 ' Diomctcr Aluminum Cop, LS No. 22589 (T'tP) GRAPHIC SCALE ru MUST commrncr ony lcadilrwy wlthln thrcc pws I l- -- --a --.. --.. ttoly Qoc .B.ctrlc Arc" Eornart (Book 257, Pqt 587) /-ROOF AND DEq( OIERHANG (TYP.)t _-.: :: :::=- : -** *"_i .:: ,:_ _:::: ::: ._._-* \BUT"D|NG I I I I I l I BUITDNG AT GRq.,ND I.EV€L THE VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE CONDOMINIUMS 352 EAST MEADOW 0.683''Acres 29,749 sq. ft. DRIVE CO\ERTI) ANIRY t: tr b EL- /id \\ ROf OVERHTNG (nP) \ i /-RoBF AND DEo< ovERHANc (Tt".) Hi"?:J?"$lzu bonk (n TTET) LEGEND Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,corn Project Name: VAIL ATHLEIC LODGE/SPA TREES DRB Number: DR8050480 ProJect Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A MINOR ALTEMNON FOR THE REMOVAL OF 4 DEAD ASPEN, 1 SPRUCE AND l LODGE POLE PINE Paftacipants: OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT HAPPY TREES LLC MICHAEL SMITH PO BOX 1025 GYPSUM co 81637 r0lr3l20f,6 t0l 1312006 Phone: 5249896 ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: VAIL ATHLETIC LODGE AND SPA S Y<rt\Llr\ \:r Legal Description: Lot: TrB Block: Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 2101-082-5500-1 Comments; Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvalz l0 | 161 2OO6 Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C-ond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. t Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.48.2452 web: www.vailgo/.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremen6 for the particular approval that is reguested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is reeived by the Community Development Depaftrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and oonstruction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: PhysicalAddress: 'J1L E nur-k" /n ' Parcer No.: Atal Otrz 56 oo I EL h.,< /t3"r"" Eagle Co. Assessor at 9,70-328-8540 for parcel no.)-e6? 6004-3 ,t)*?U en Zoning: Name(s Mailing Address: 9tL e',ut'e71-l\ovl dr tJ*tt CO ktbs? Name(s) of Owner(s):Pt o *6o Owner(s) Name of Applicant:ILIdnt,c( S*t? Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addfion Minor Alteration (multi-family/com mercia l) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/d uplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr tr rp-V tr tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an additon where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings re-roofing, painting, window such as, retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board, No Fee I ocl 12 2006 JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name) Ilrs v"-r0..= ?c'.n-2ta-- ,a joint o /ner of property located at (address/legal description) I5\ ( L'M,€ADb..r-ir' prwide this letter as written approval of the ptans aatea I b I tU | fi-e which have -_--1-T-- been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: ,l (r\ , I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. (Signature) F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_alt_11-23-2005.d0c rtl23l2005 Page 2 of 13 )fvvLl 4'-pa,,.J1,ent< u,,-c,".,t e"r.n/ Jr,.'( v'* (oz ,1., ,{-,+ 3\ flolc, ,gtN +\<l lbtt lrv,;e 'krut * Prr'\(,"j Stu.rct^,< ,+ i-tr+. ( /'1'^ It^,ZV;/toq.#t t blpfl tta/z fW"'ba7 - ADMINISTRATIVE ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 tel: 970-479-2138 fax: 970-479-2452 web: wvw.vailgov.com Project l{ame: MENDIK CONDO PLAT REVIEW Appllcataon Type: CondThPl ADM Number: ADM060012 Parcel: 2101-082-5500-1 Protect Descriptionr FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CONDOMINIUM PLAT REVIEW FOR Participants: OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 0il3r12006 APPLICANT AMERICAN HOSPITALITY, INC. OZ3V2OO6 PrcjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Locauon: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE, UNIT F Legal Descriptions Lot: TrB Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: APPROVED Date of Apprcvah 1210412006 Meeting Date: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $100.00 t1.* -,-":--\;i1u1.-.\ Application for Administrative $\t/t Subdivision Plat Review I0HJ{0F yAltiZ ,,g"ffiH*;1?J[1[ilm;.jffi1,,, ter : e0.47e.213e .":['ji*r.r.t General Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions ofTitle 13, Vail Town Code, or to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereofrecorded in the office ofthe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Type of Application and Fee: tr Duplex Subdivision Plattr Single Family Subdivision Plat $100 $100 o ?o C oo p trl($100 $100 Description Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Physical Address: Parcel No.: / Owner(s) Signature(s)r Name of Applicant: Mailing E-mail (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Administrative Plat Conection Condominiumffownhouse Plat 5 Phone: r< l{ame(s) of Owner(s): 12-&2005 Eagle County Government - Froperty Assessment and Ta"x Information Ergl. Co{nq Crv|fnmrnt cltlr.stsffilir,se DETIILEO NESULTS Page I ofl Fropcrty A*rasrmcnt rnd Tar Informsffcn tcfiri*rnbcn PIldlfimbd: traruG fbtr Orn r lhru rtrl*L{s tlntOilc'ttqr ro5c.lf.*r!# F[FaSr 31rXffi017 scr(B 1834r $tvA[|rc cpffi{AruH.FOr(COtLC lg0EsflHST ITTHFL r€wYofix,NY to55 CCil'C VAL HqI{Ttl{ LOoOE L}lI:F R3Smf HtFlt-tt{tRgilGoEc 11 -l'l{13 RSI Sl DEC I 2-241 Rgo4:H4 oEC 0t-29t!5 RS01315 Xrp rx-25$5 m!sz**sq rm F VATIRIA 0.05 { Provlous N€T>Record S of 41 Frlnbbla Paga http : i/fcs. eaglecounty.us/patie/index_content.cfrn 712U2006 Eagle County Government - Property Assessment and Tax Information Erglr Crun$ Glyrrnmrr* ssr*.ea{fusr4|,lrr SETi1LEO RFSULTS Page I ofl Frope*y Aar.*fmcnt *nd Tax lnfirnnffan lccqr* Lun$Gr: Mlftrrfta: Til|f6* nLrry: Or*nir lkmc Adtrr€: tt0al0c*Gfh{oru 9lUrhdld|ro.r: lcrtri nt5Sctl a0'rmF5w ff1tr| 46341 $filJSlof'|, trilCtli{s. S.I rfiRY S..E -JI c&Jl*l 2g N MAYFAR 8D SlE 220 lill\ rAll{EE, }/u stus-156 Cffl$C Vlt- ilOu{Tf,}l LO06€ t}lT:t* ffitiH a DEc m-25{5 trto€t$ r{Ap 01"2505 gXH2trGA!f,tOR H VAL ANEA s,G { PrFrirus vil-ullrctilsoffi|nrm i Pfinbub PtgE j i OonaTares h@://fcs.eaglecounty. us/patie/index_content.cftn 7/27/2006 SIXTIIAMENDMENTToAMENDEDANDRESTATEDCoNDoMINIUM DECLARATION FOR VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE CONDOMIMUMS This Sixth Amendment ("Arnendment") to the Restated Declaration (ilefined below) is made and entered into by vML, LLC, a colorado limited liability company ("vMl".or ,,Hotel Unit Owner"), SM-V;i, LLC, a'Coloiado ltunited liability cornna1l.(']JnitF Owner')' Michael S. Shannon ana r"rC'Sue Slannon ("Unit M Owner"), and the Vail.Mountain lndge owners Association, Inc., a colorado nonprofit corporation (thi "Association") and is dated this VAIL, COLORADO Zflaw "f Oecember, 2005 and shall be effective upon recordation' RECITALS A.TheAmenitedandRestatedCondominiumDeclarationforthsVailClub Condominiums was *cordJ *ittt tt u Clerk and Recorder for Eagle Cguotl Colorado (the ,,Records") on January 3, 2000 atR;eption No. 7,!?j33,amended by that First Amendmsnt recorded February r5, ZOOi aiReception No. ?g6151, amended by that second Amendment recordedJunel0,2002atli;Adil.i98Z3t1ttt""SeoondAmendment"),amendedbythat Third Amendment recoroej Nolelntff 14, 2003 at Reception No. 85E005, amended by that Fourth Amendmrnt ,*orari necembu i, zooq at Reciption No. 90152 I , and by that Fifth Amendment rerora.a l*u.iy"zJ,-i6oi atl.eception No. 904314 of the Records (as amended' the ,,Restated Dr"t*"tion"f tipituflrta tt*t used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Restated Declaration' B. The condominium map of the Project is cunartly tha! 9{1in Third Amendetl and Restated condominium 14ui';;l;;'.ry zs,z1os.at Reception No. 904315 of the Records (the ,,Third Restared Map") *hi;h;;;;irtuin n*ia*ti"r units, converted condominiumunits (and, accordingly, sp..tur ii,iiJlnini;;i;i;';eunits suumittedto The Residences at Vail Mountain f,oAge. fire ffrir-a'neJJeA fufap n rtirer aepicts the Athletic CIub Unit' the Restaurant unir, the Hotet unit, iucruiing;;; ;;;'".*.rlatioi units therein, Employee Housing units' *Alrf*.t*f. Access Easerients areas' including the Center Stairway' c'Vlv[L,asanExpandingownerunderSection}},ZoftheRestatedDeclaration' with the consent ortr," utiif'cil*t"*d the Unit M owner' has expanded' erectetl upor; improved, altered and i"t"gr"; fiions of the nroiect, specirrcally(i) combini:rg, subdividing and converting portions "i,n" cJ;;;ri"r uJ* "io "i,tlin common Elements and Limited Common Elements i"to U# M ;; r.tt"ln l-t*tta Co*oo Elements appurtenant to Unit M; (ii) subdividing uoa ronurrting ,.rtuin portions ortrre commercial units anacertain Limited dor-on Elements i"!, c;il; ilements; (iii) converting certain Limited common Elements appurtenant to the CommelrciriU"itr and Unit M into Limiled Common Elements solaly appurtenant to " co*ol.,"iJ U"iq flu; ton}lining and converting certain Limited Common Elements inro commerc;ffi"to,'i;) ;";t*tog,iutaiuains *{99ryttttng certainportions of unit F and appurtenant Li;i;a c;r*"n etemintsla[ ;;;. tuly described and de'picted on the Map Supplement t""[..'ri*ri, it r;:nxpanaing.Renovations"). vML turther desires to recalculate the Allocated i"irt*il'fi ,"r".a*..'iittt th. R.stated Declaradon' OtulWESTffSloogs Y2 D. Sections 2.4 and20.1 of the Restated Declaration authorize and permit th€ Unit F Owner inO thr U;ii M Owner to subdivide, combine, and expand their respective Units in acoordanco with the Restated Declaration' E.ContemporaneouslywiththerecordationofthisSixthAmendment,aSuppleme'nt to the Third Restated Map depicting the Expanding Renovations and including such statsments .r rrq"ii"a Uv tft. RertutiO pr"tariion lthe 'Vap Supplement')' shall be recorded in the Records. Now,T}IEREFORE,vML,theUnitFownerandtheUnitMowner,herebydeclare and publish, with the upprouui and consent of the Association' as follows: l, ueuYerlrvu vr r vr uv-e v^ "'- ---------'----- n, pOftiOnS OfthePfOjeCt accordancewitl-Sections 2.4, 20'l'nd20'2 of the Re -r!-^, ^-r i-faznotanr cc I. ilT#ffi ilffi ffi']irilffi 'il;ff ;;F'e"3'1riy:13:T:1T'"T::T**::have Deen Qomoursu' lrru\uvruv\r, v^v. eYv' ------- 'rtitr , tirat the Expanding Renovations sgt n*p*aing ntnovations. Expanding Owner hereby li^-^ ..,,*u^',* o r\rqreriet Adverse Affect.i#flTlfrffi "Jd*,'iffi ;ipil;;ii;no'vatioo'*i*'outaMarerialAdverseAffect' 6, Miscellaneous' DIvIWEST #6330095 v2 2. Reallocation of Percentaee"InteJests' VIVIL' as the Expanding'Ownerunder Section 20.2 of the RestotrdffiGffiGruby rrcalculates the common Elements Percentage' Hotel operating cort, prrrinlt;;;;ffi;,.r_ir**rrio nr Project as set forth in Exhibit A to this Amendment which r*.iJrlna rrstatos Exhibit Bto tttt n'esiateO Declaration' "Description of A[ocated Interests,,, i";;;;;;i. tul noruy.Jfies that the recalculated and amended CommonElementsPercentage'Hoteloperatingco"t'Po'*tageandVotesdonotmaterially alter tho allocated interests oitile Owneis of Units A' B' C' E' F' G' H' J and L' 3' ' YMI as ExPanding owner under Section 20,2 of the R*t.6d-D-rr1".tt"tt, h"eb@icotatts the Commol Elements percentage, Hotel operatin! i"roir*"*"g", aoaviter-u'ocable to the Rssidences as set forth in Exhibit B ro u", a.*ifrJ"iffi;;1d: and restates Exhibit B to the Second Arnendment, .,special c;;;;i"; uniis suumitteaio rne nesiaences at Vail Mountain Lodge," in its entirety, Vfi;;;t*tttftes that the recalculated and amended Common Elements percentage, Hoteibferating costs Percenlage and votes correct typo.graphical errors from prior exhibirs *d d;;;;.Jittt-"r,* ttre allo-cated inrcrests of the Residence Estste Owners. 4, FirstMorteaeeeConsent' As-providedbySection l9'l oithel:$tated Decluation, the first tnnoffi;;-.*ting this .cmend;ent below hereby consents to the Expanding Renovation, *'i*"*ar."iii^irt" n rt"trJ beclaration, and to all olhor mattcrs set toritr trerein and in the Map Supplement' 5' Approval of the AesqciStioll In accordance with Section 4 and Section L7 '4 of rhe Restated Drol.rution,ffi7iffiili6i-h.rtUy .pptJlt "f the supplement of the Third Restated Map by the Map Supplement' ry to,1i11"t""ait"*i*tJil*hted'Declaration by this Amendment and to the ioti'"'r,a obfigations irpot.a tnt tupon the Association herein' a. conflictBetweenDocuments. lnthe eventofanyconfliotbetweenthe provisions ottffied Declaratioru this Amendment shall ;;;i:;;;;rL *"p".r"."tion orRestatedDeolaration or to the Amended Map' il.p ;;Iil;i.d Map in any document or instument shall be deemed to include this effiAment and ttre Map i'upplemeut without any further or specific reference thereto' b. Choice of Law. This Amendment shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the ru*, irtn. st"i" of colorado without regard to its conflict of laws principles. c.Countemalt.ThisAmendmentmaybcexecutedandacknowledgedintwo or more counterparts, .""h;i;ltl;h;tld; otigintl' but all of whioh shall constitute one and the same document' Executed as ofthe date first set forth above' VML, L'L.C., a Colorado limited liabiliff company By: AmericanHospitality' n:":9o"loldo corporation, as attomey-in-fact for VML' LLC StutrttiP. CoPe, its President STATEOFCOLORADO l*, COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged. before me this - day of December' 2005 bv Stanley P. Cope, Presid;;-"ie*t'rt* norp.iluritn Inc" a Coloiado corporation' as attorney- iti-i*titi wl,,'L'L,c', a Colorado linited liability gompany' Witness mYhand and official seal' Notary Public My CommissionExPires By: DMWEST #6330095 v2 UMTM OWITIER: STATEOF-_-) ) ss: COUNTYOF ) The foregoing instrurnent was acknowledgedbefore me this --byMicbael S. Shannon and Mary Sue Shannon' Witress mY hand and offrcial seal' NotarY Publio My Commission ExPires day ofDecernber, 2005 [Signatwe Page to Sixttr Arrendmsilt to Restated Declaration] 5 OIM|EST #0330095 va VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado nonprolit corporation Attest: SecretarY STATEOFCOLORADO l_^.f ss' COUNTYOFEAGLE ) OiVMEST#t'330095 va as President, and bY By: Its President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged belo.t me this - Ut'*O*fl}3L?i as SecretarY bybY , = ' *- -' -- ration/ f/k/a Vail of vail Mountain Indge cri-n;ililo.iation" Inc., a colorado nonprofit corpot Club Condomininm Association, lnc' Witness mY hand and official seal' Notary Public My Commission ExPires [Signature Page to Sixth Amendmont to Restated Declaration] MORTGAGEE: The undersiSned First Mortgagee hereby consents to and ioins in the execution and recordatton ot urs Amendment and the lvfap Supplernent' WESTSTAR BA}{K a Colorado state chaficre'l bank By: Name: Its: STATEOFCOLORADO ) )ss COUNTYOFEAGLE ) 2005, by Theforegoinginstrumentwasacknowledg:1.!:1":ff .||i1.;il,"*tJl?:f il:',f:;ifr:ilffi;ttk;. cototuao tt"ta chafiered bank' WiUress mYhmd and official seal: NotaryPubtic My CommissionExPires [Consent Signature Page to Sixth Agre'ndment to Restated Declaration] DIJIWEST #63{10095 va EXHIBITA TO SD(THAMBNDMENT Restated Description of Allocated Interests Holtl Sguel| Common Openllng Colt Unlt I TYPo of Unlt ii'ot"C. Elernenb% P.rcentrge Vot" 10 11 15 16 22 23 24 25 26 2X ?8 32 3:t 3l 35 41 42 43 u 45 12 13 14 51 62 t t ? E G H J K N P A I F L M Accommodation Unll Accommodation Unit Accommodatlon Unlt Accommodatlon Unlt Accommodatlon Unlt Accomrnodsud Unlt Aocsmrnoda0on Unlt AEommodauon Unit Anmmodaton Unlt Accommodatlon Unlt Aocommodation Unit Accommodauon Unit Acoommodgton Unit AeEommodaton Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodauon Unlt Aocofinodatlon Unlt Accomtmdatlon Unlt Accammodadon unlt Accornmodatlon Unit Emptoyis Houslng Unlt Enployrt ltouslng Unlt Emgloyoe Housing Unlt Employoe HouEing Unit EmploYce Housing Unlt Commergal Commcrcial Commcrdal Fndlonal Feo Unit FtEc0onal Fee unit Frao{ongl F€8 Unil Fradiontl Fgo Unit FtadlonalF66 Unn Fradhnal Fec Unlt Fracdonal Feo Unlt Resid€nual RgsHontlsl Rcsldental R6idonUal Rssldsntial Reeirjcntial 20 Hotsl 19 Hotcl 18 Hotel 17 Hotel 18 Hotd 15 Hotel 14 Hotel 13 HotBl tZ Hotel 11 Hotel 10 Hotel 9 Hotol E Hotel 7 Hotel 6 Hotd 5 Ho!61 4 Holel 3 HotBl 2 Hotel l Hotel EHU EHU EHU EHU ENU Hot€l Ahletic Club & SPg R€staurant Residencs Club ResHencc Club ResHgnca Club Ro6idqnce Club Residen6 Club Rs6idenc6 Club Rsridancc Club Wnob o\'/nad unlt Whols o\ rnrd unlt Whol6 olnrd unit t^/hole o nrd unn Whole o$rn€d unit whols ovficd unit 1.0696 0,70 1.06% 0.71 1.17% o'98 t.r6% o:rr 1.92% 05E 1'02% o'oE '1.23'lc 0,82 1l3% 0.75 1.0.|% 0.67 1.00% 0'60 1.13% 0'75 ,t,14olc 0.69 1'02% o'6E Ln16 0,81 1.01% 0.67 o.g0% 0'60 ,1.00% 0.66 1.00% 0.68 1.10i6 0'73 0,94% 0'6:l o.oo% o'45 o.oo% o'49 0.00% 0.49 o.oo4{ o'59 0,00% 0'69 5.07% 3'36 2.50% 2E'12 2'50% 6'14 4,g7ah 2,50 4.fi% 2.8s 3.04% 2.02 3.0e,6 1.99 4.7310 3'14 4.10% 2.72 4.75% 3.15 8,417c 4'25 423% 2'E0 8.88% 5.88 11.05% 7'33 3.33% 221 6.16% 4.09 157 tl60 638 502w &l g3il 489 iul9 /B:! 4$ 450 4N 5n rlilS 389 1A rltl2 ,t78 ilo8 2S5 l1l 317 38f '!19 2,193 t8,138 4006 1,891 1,0E5 1,316 1,n7 2,0tt5 1J72 2,053 2,772 r,82t 3,84i1 4;l7g 1i42 2,36? 65,208 0.70% 0.11% 0.98% 0,77.|c 0.88% 0.58% 0.82% a.75% 0.67% 0.86% 0.75% 0,69% 0$8% 0.81% 0.67% 0.60% 0.66% 0.e6% 0.73% 0.63% 0.45% 0,49% 0.49% 0.ssn 0.69% 3.36% 28j2% 0,14% 2'ffiYo 2.8906 2.02vo 1.99p6 3.14% 2.72% 3.1566 4.25% 2,80% 5.8996 7.53'h 2.21% 4,09% 100,00p,100.00%'tq,.00 E)CIIBIT B TO SIXTH AMENDMENT Snecial Condominium Units Submitted to The, Residenoes at Vail Mountajn l4dee The Residence Perc€ntage for each Residence is shown above, as reallocated from time to time in accordance with Section 2i.f , S""t Owner of a Residence Estate is allocated a pronta shue of the Common Elements p*r"*rJr, n"tel oporating Cost Pvrcentage, votes and Rpsidence perocntage based on the number oidesidence Weeks-owned by such Owner in each Residence' Subjeot to adjustrnent * pt""il; i; SeJion zt't0(c)(iv)' each n91de11e we$.is allocated a pro rata share of 1.92%. While the Association owns ihi'Rcsiaual Residence Estate (consisting #ffi;il; ;; ti;idr";; itttf o*n"a uv * owner other than the Association will be allocated an adjusted protutu trr"tt or:.12570 and rhe Residual Residence Estate will be allooated a prorata ,n.r, oiO/" f* ,*tptt, an-Oumer of a Residence Estate consisting of four (4) Resi6ence Weeks in nesiOence-S wool'd bl alhcated a 12.5% prorata share of the Residence percentage for Residence i'ii.hnl i"ldin' a Residence Percentage allocated to such Residence Estate of 1.93%. Similarly, such Owner would have a 0.j64 vote in the affairs of the Association' UnitNo. Square Footage Common Elements % Hotel Operating Cost Votes Residence Percentage E 1,891 2.90%4,3'7%2.90 t5.420/o G 1,886 2.89o/o 4.36%2.89 15.38% H 1,316 2.02%3.M%2.02 10.730/o J r,297 199%3.00%1.99 10.58o/o K 2,045 3.14o/o 4.73%J. 1+16.68% N 1,772 2,72%4.r0%2.12 14.45% P 2,053 3.L1o/o 4,75%3.15 16.75% DlvllwEST #6330095 vz B-1 ffi*fi,*tTY (E!EL@iF$I Design Review Board ACTIO]{ FORlrl Departmeilt of Community Development 75 South Froctag€ Road, Vai[, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.{79.2139 ldxi 970.479.2452 web: www.v+ilgov.corn Project Name: Prcject Description: Paillcipants: Project Addrcss: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT VML LLC L0l3tl2ws 10/3U200s DRB Number: DRB050590 Installation of an outdoor stainless steel fire bowl on the southern deck of the Vail Athletic Club facility: approved on the condition that a bowl be installed which is UL listed and complies with TOV Fire Departrnent regulations. 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL l-ocation: VML SOUTH DECK Lot: TrB Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS 2101-082-5500-1 see condition BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 1U30l2005 '*/z/"{ Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007729 Applicant shall receive Fire Department approval before installing a fire bowl which ;-ffi Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Sor.rth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior b submiting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes within one year of the approval. Descripuon of the Request: ' fu2'/rr6 - zZ+& nzt+.sf frrrry/./ Location of the Proposalr Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Ma U Address:(0 Owner(s) Signature(s): r Name of Applicant: (- e &,o \oI'l \oa ilin $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site impIovemenG, such a5, re-roofing, paintingr window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windou, additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee e-miir address: (.zrril rft. n Uqi/'tl nullfat il,ra1: T7 0, LodJ{ .C0/vl Type of Review and Fee: D Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD ry4Hon ff Minor Afteration (m ulti-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Appmved Plans tr Separation Request $20 Mailing $fldress: $6s0 $300 For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: 7 <O '--cn..t N'.3!$X{ ay,lz-- -6{ description) JOII{T PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal provide this letter as written approvat of the ptans daved I0 / 1l | 0J which have been submifted to the To^rn of Vail @mmunity Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the noted above. I understand that the proposed 4 I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. Page 2 of L3l06l06los mnAscape Desip- Environnental Art- Ffue Features-Elena Colombo Page I ofl . nre features . wster leatures . slte photographs . land follies , m€moriala , floral irctallations . interiors . graphic deslgns . directorr's reel . bio . pllass . price list . technical lntomation ' Postcards ,link8 . contact Hotel GA htp//www.fircfeatures.cor/body.aspx?idPhoto=afb223a9-68bf40ee-acb3-0ea7053813ec l0t28l2005 -F -t* . i "f.g?'t tl,ood 'oX to"k 4,rr14 R,oc atnlAl vrEw Wlrh wolk woy olong rolorlum rtdr, dc {olP-r'wtf" I ,i't rl Wlrh wolk woy olorrg r{ver rtda. @ ':'t$" =:-_-j+ffi::::::::-:---::1 , r{t^ \ ,ot'* \ --] ]'2 -i ,J' g- ;:q T. i=a T]RIt-ll- rrlr,(b ur F-t>tz lg s. :l'$.r$' Ji ",':;*"-: --'-. ffiE I i. ( A 4 e9,A:< 1 4a I cg E 9ze i* ? eE I ;; ' FH i aa a9 E $EfiEd<1 <3 =EAEE]gE B U * b q aa R !:@o E :A Sz-tz -J t- tr: MMUNITY LO Routed To:filhrs/ttbtre Vt/w Date Routed:11t,2t05 /' Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel ' Date Due:11/09/05 Co D PMENT ROUNruC FONU J Approved with conditions I Denied Status:I Apprcved Description of work:installation of stainless "firebowl" at south side of Athletic Club Address:352 East Meadow Drive. VAC Legal:Lot:Tract B Block:Subdivision:VailClub Condos Gomments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire Status:I Apprcved Gounaunrw DEVELopMENT Rounuc Fonut I Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Public Works Date Routed:11t0ztos Routed Bv:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:11/09/05 Description of work:installation of stainless 'Tirebowl" at south side of Athletic Club Address:352 East Meadow Drive. VAG Legal:Lot:Tract B Block:Subdivision:VailClub Condos Gomments:Date Reviewed: Need additional review bv Fire Planning Administrative Action Form Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teh 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com Prcject Name: VAIL MT LODGE PLAT REVIEW ADM Number: ADM050001 Project Description: THIRD AMENDMEI,|TTO CONDO MAp Partlclpants: OWNER VML, LLC DLIZSIZ}OS phone: 476-0700 352 EAST MEADOW DR. vAlL, co 81657 License: APPUCANT AMERICAN HOSPITALITY, INC. 01/25/2005 Phone: 476-9530 2OO VAIL ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: Ptoject Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 352 E MEADOW DR Legal Description: LoB TR B Block 5 Subdivision: Vail Village First Parcel l{umber: 210108255000 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACIION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval: 01/2512005 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the a ppropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther ADM Fee Pald: $100.00 -77aof 6r:s*'b/ocF-6 V"/'( W lLe7't-f; /rt1 | TOI4'A'M tr Duple"r Subdivision Plat $100tr Single Family Subdivision plat $100 Application for Admin istrative Subdivision Plat Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 f ax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of Title 13, Vail Town Code, or to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, trac! parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, time-share estate, fractional fee, or time.share license, or any other division wlthin a subdivision within the Town unUl such suMivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Type ofApplicaUon and Fee: tr Mministrative Plat Corection $100 EaCondominiumflownhouse Plat $100 DescripUon of the Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Subdivision:Lot:_Block:_ narcel tto.:7 I 0l A &df qf 0 $ 0 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: P- f,l Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s)l Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Name(s) of Owner{s): H'Hcffi,$VHE JAN/',--r r24@Dy-coNl.DEV'F:\Users\cdev\FoRMS\PEC\admin olat review cover.doc r0 'uNm Ap p I i ca ti o n ro r i:; l'1ill H:;l{ L"#J*:u se P t a t Revi ew GENERAL INFORMATION Condominium and townhouse plats which do not constitute "conversions" from rental as defined in Section 13-7-2 of the Vail Town code may be approved by the administrator subject to Depaftment of Public Works review. The plat will be reviewed under two criteria: (1) the Mministrator will check to make sure buildings and other improvements were built per approved plans and (2) compliance with the requirements found in 13-3-683 of the Vail Town Code. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS B Applacation Fee: $100,00 - required when the application is submitted to the Community Development Department. o Recording Fee: $11 for the first page of the mylar, plus $10 for each additional mylar page; and $5 for the first page of covenants or.restrictions, plus,$S pgr each additional page; a checl! written out .. to the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, is required to be submitted once the plat has been approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission and prior to the recording of the plat. o Title Report, including Schedules A & B. o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint qwner, if applicable. o Three (3) copies of the Proposed Plat (the requirements of the final plat are indicated below) o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, ipecifications, samples and other materials lf deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. II. DETAILEDSUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS FINAL PLAT REOUIREMENTS After the Administrator has reviewed a paper copy the proposed plat, the qpplicant must submit two (2) mvlar cooies of the final plat to the Department of Community Development. The final plat must contain the following information: I r 1, The final plat shall be drawn in India ink, or other substantial solution, on myldr, with dimension of twenty-four by thifi-six inches and shall be at a scale of one hundrcd feet to one inch or larger with margins of one and one-half to two inches on the left and one-half inch on all other sides. 2. Accurate dimensions to the nearest one-hundredth of a foot for all lines, angles and curyes used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, alleys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved or dedicated for public or common uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand, 3, North arrow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of all existing and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as shown on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the oublic use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat \Vail\data\cdev\FoRMs\PEc\condo_thJrlat.doc Pagelof3 04t2412003 and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the plat. 6. A written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. 7. A description of all survey monuments, both found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision, and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey, Monument perimeter per Colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments shall be established as major control monuments, the materials which shall be determined by the Town Engineer. L A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 9. A certificate by the registered land surveyor as ouflined in Title 13, Chapter 11 of the Town Code as to the accuracy of the survey and plat and that the survey was performed by the surveyor in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 51. 10. A ceftificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of record dedicating to the public the public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances except as noted. (See Title 13, Chapter 11) 11. The proper form for approval of the plat by the Zoning Administrator and attestation by the Town Clerk. Examples are found in (See Title 13, Chapter 11) 12. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as per example in (See Title 13, Chapter 11) 13. Certificate of dedication and ownership per (See Title 13, Chapter 11). Should the certmsate of dedication and ownership provide for a dedication of land or improvements to the public, all beneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to sign the certificate of dedication and ownership in addition to the fee simple owner thereof. 14. All current taxes must be paid prior to the Town's approval of the plat. This includes taxes which have been billed but are not yet due. The certificate of taxes paid must be signed on the plat or a statement from the Eagle County Assessor's Office must be provided with the submittal information stating that all taxes have been paid. 15. Signature ofthe owner. 16. The condominium or townhouse plat shall also inclu{e floor plans, elevations, and cross-sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as approved plans. 17. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants relating to the subdivision, which shall assure the maintenance of any common areas which may be created, The covenants shall run with the land and shall be in a form suitable for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA Upon receiving two copies of a complete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the town engineer for his review. The zoning administrator shall then conduct this review concurrently. The town engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within fourteen days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require modifications on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make other required modifications of the plat. \VaiNdata\cdev\FORMS\PEC\condo_th_plat.doc Page2of3 04t24t2003 FIIING AI{D RECORDING The Department of Community Development will record the plat and any related covenants with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Fees for recording shall be paid by the applicant. The Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy, ADDMONAT REVIEW AND FEES If this application requires separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by g200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftment of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. Pleose note that only cornplae applicaians will be accepted AU of the requhed information must be sabmined in orderfor the application to be deemed complete. \VaiMeta\cdev\FoRMs\PEc\condo_th_plat.doc Page3of3 Mt24t?O03 a -t IOWNM Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProiectName: SHANNON,UNITM DRBNumber: DR8050016 Project Descrlption: CHANGE TO APPROVED PI-ANS - new walkway, SHANNON RESIDENCE, UNIT M Pafticipants: OWNER VML LLC phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT K.H. WEBBARCHflECTS PC 0U2412005 Phone: 970-477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 816s7 License: ARCHmCT K.H. WEBB ARCHmCTS rc cl.lz4lzm' Phone: 970477-2990 953 S. FRONTAGE RD, STE 216 VAIL, CO 81557 License: C000001627 ProJect Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 245 FOREST ROAD t€gal Descripton: Lot: TrB Block: Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108255001 Comments: See conditions in file l/al tiilaTcfihhT I f".4./Yw/rtt',^; (t un*ryl BOARD/STAFF ACIION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Dunning Vote: 3-0 Dateof Approvah 0210L12005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO APPRO\.|FD R./ THE .r., Application for Design Review Elepartment of Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must rcceiw approval prior to submitting a building permit applic€tion. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the partio-rlar approrral that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to b6 reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Dosign revlew approval lapsss unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withln onc yoar of th€ approval. Descriptlon of the Request: R-re l**vmS JAzu, : : TOV.COM.DEV. Location of the Proposal: Lot:ebck: @ Subdivision:LolJ!,o5 0klL wtTAl cobti \rNtf ^A. Physical Address:lgL e^aT n^e'raDw DA\rg parcel No.: Zto[ 6S2g:5la 1 (Contact Eagle Co. Ass€ssor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):MteftA€U t n *r-f €,.-rg G*irrrgloN Mailing Address:?.o.Bo< t?[6 prqCYUro v+?4€*1;ZRO Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Malling Address: Type of Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceotual Review . New Construction. Addition (multi-family/commercial) (single-family/duplex) h,fBB lt€€-*1 $650 $3oo $50 Plus $1.00 per squarc foot of total sign area. No Fee For corstructjon of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or @mmercial building (includ€s 250 additions & interior conversiors). $250 or minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, erooffng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For rE bions to plans alre€dy appro/ed by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fs $20 ( ' otanges to Approved Phns . Separatlon Request Jd'sltst!lirtqqo/lfr'q'l 00wfl0t ltYllmol vlt0ofl ltY1{0tIv[0]Hutst|0Hllit0I N01{ilvl|sull l utDrl 0aar4ru6lt t o' ni '|a JIm SJlt m r,|ucl fllDt tt6 -">a\\'L,s\lJ]0rllBc($$fEru6 t't'j$flr5N.$:s€ |r.''.dFr, tlHE triti{ 'o (! I ) \,,\r' ./ riltlfr y ',, l I I I I s?- =qE= 'k-o b?,ot0rvp. .i Lll;q=--) O,l*irqlf"-9i.!$UJ1cE ".11.t)\ zI CL LUta o Luaoo-o \rjn6 lfl,r6 066rrtt016ll9r8 0, rlY ,lI [! lt!,t (ll0t ]tflflou Hmot ft6qq0 td s!)si l|/Jj 0/v\'q'l 0fiX0l0l llV/t19001 xrvtilllot Yiil0llVi0ll lUlSn0Hil^tr0l ll0l{llVHS\./\\ LU Lu z z. Jo- IJJta o I.JJ(noo-o E.o- UJ (,llnl zl(n1 z, UJ zg6* r, l,,l IJJ t_ \I t. a f- EXTST MECH .z \ exnausr o :* -T =:-I T E lr. {OT TUB -o -cl <lt = -51 o +- -o>r- gEo < =E!->=e,=o Ii -.>o r+t2e, -, RELOCATE (2) DECTDUOUS AND (2) IFEROUS TREES NEW WALKWAY OPE ) NEW CONI (REL FROM UPSLO AREA OF NEW CONSTR "L\4 6cE?grfirp fro1rct, z5ol DRAWil BI: WllC DATt: 01.19.05 ltY|lt0ilt: (2) NEW DECIDUOUS TREES (RELOCATED FROM UP SLOPE) (6) NEW 10' SPRUCE TREES , PROPOSED LANDSCAPE PLAN tts',ry |?l*t r.'l Eu';il.@, I t45 rANl1L ,, :ESS/SCI,JPPER ERT ELEV = -7i8" t\t\ | 'r.|\ .. ..-'. --)?..t \ ,z- ./ z/z\..-.,t --.7'.. -'7t. -.': ' ' ft ---- (E) HOr rUB 4'CONC CURB BATH ,,,,,,;\ ,"' ."t ," ."(i;. G\r^) BEDROOM (N) BEDROOM mB-sEl \.# // $\ EXISi]NG LOWE V,,FLooJ PLAN ---)r stri: :E qE -eIg E I -a .-o <t) = -sz r+l -o 1-' -Q=; g. o < ==r-> Ee =oEd -,>o t-,2e -<E PR0lItT: l50t DIAWll 8Y: Wl'lC 0lTt: 01.19.05 REIlil0il5: tsLtrV d,___, f l."li"lRl ztl 5'x11' CLOSET / FUTURE ito<' ,' N) STAI 5.25'x9.75' a-- ,-----------'^"'\ PROPOSEOTOWTN FL6OR PLAN 95 .= :: NE - e I = .T -ct -cl q) = -v, -o -,2 -,O=; E=o o =Et- > =i5-o 7i-,-o l4lze, -,< PB0JECT: ?507 DIAWt{ 8Y: Wlt( DtIE: 01.19.05 iEVtil0ill: at :F :! E E e -cl -ct <t, = -52 !g -o --, -,o>t- qao<=Er-> EB -o33 -,>I ,r,ze -< PR0ltCI: 25117 DitlVll lt: WllC DATt: 01.19.05 tEilil0ll l: (E) MECHANICAL ,t /'.r/ DN G.{) --r6#;$fiFuP G (NTilTCHEN | 26ec I INING/LTVIN | 2698 I (N) D i itolti ---t 7, {' Overflow Scutr EL FLEXISTING S ulrr6rttf0r6 06trlrrDt6ltrS 0) ltl' l N ' lltfi qrcx ltuul H$ot tqq0n\ld s t ) € ! ! q ) r o'q'I 0{!r0r0) 'ltYilt00l l{YlInoI lvll'l 0lMr 0ll lUlSf|0HiliY\0I tl 01{NVHS =ooo+?ta1'Uz I TJ UJ UJ oo Jtu oU TJJ(n (a(u{ oo-od/L I( =g-: :E =!_= E e 5 E E -El -cl <l) = .52 t4l -o +-' , -,o -- t>r- qEo < =gl->=A -o=3-,-o 2& -, Pl()JttT: 2507 DltWll 8I: WllC DITE: 0l'19.05 tEvtsl0ilt: t\ \ -t- l\ '\ Ir\ \ |l\ \. 1 I t-- - -1. tll -- I ".3t-6u 3r_6il /vv ? -, ,1,,i r32 GUTTER __i________| ---T-i0.Dwc i N) BATr@ 308K1 N) qRESSING AREA - , Y Y rrl rI lit ti J+fL,l t L,f t. fl\IYIiltt UPPERtl\tl\ i LEVEL., I 's8ffiffiThI I .1,'dJ\' 2t v l\ i {)" T,O. PIER / DRAIN PIPE AT 57o SLOPE, TYP ---.- 2'-71"2':tt' NEW BUILT-IN BBQ EQ / " \ PROPOSED UPPER FLOOR PLANII 55 :E -lt - g I =:t -ct -a <t) = -\z - lll o -.2 -,O=; E=o < =Er-> =a-o13 -,>o 2e -. Pl0Jt(t: 2507 0lAWll BY: Wll( DAIE: 01.19.05 REYISI(}IIT: :5 gF :: 3: - E E; a B -o .ct €) = .sz - -o +.- -9>- t!>l- tee<=g t-> 39 -o33 -.>o lrlze, -, 2t07 lYllc 0t.tr.05 Pr0JrIT: DRIIYII 8Y: DATt: REY|lr0t{5: / c{lF{l NI NEW CHIMNEY DOWN SPOUT (DS) GUTTER SNOW GUARD (sG) NEW UPPER LEVEL PATIO PROPOSED ROOF PLAN NEW DORMERS lJ,tt6t trtllt 0d6ruf0t6tlglt O nvr ' tll lnm lS,$ O0l lWUfll ru|]o! $0qq0rv\)d sl)01!q)te'q'l t{0lsn0Hl'|00fl010t lM!1001 vll0fi trtuvl0]'l/r^ 0 t ],1 1U0il1,1 vl{s ..;a-.li :o<Fee<a66 zo f<. UJ lrJ ot, o LU.no CLo& CL a) r-{ tl (o (n IIJFFd.r<tl4tr>irqzfianf, BB UJ TIJzz l- .ll ri t-----t ----l L___J___) _.t_'-Tfi ----'1 'liri ----i1l----L-l rl,----l lltlt-t----l li----!i NEW PTCTURE WINDOW WITH AWNING WINDOWS BELOW NEW PATIO DOORS NEW UPPER LEVEL PATIO PROPOSED LOWER EAST ELEVATION 3/16" = 1'-0" gE !=s- !=dR a= -I I -ct -o q) = 9g ===e =3 PR()IECT: DIAWII 8I: DITE: 01. REt|l10r5: tr| -o +-, -,Q =;o< F:>o -,-,o -n' -,< r,urttryf,"f / Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 t 38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwstailgov.com Novemb€r L7.2005 Mr. Stan Cope Vail Momtain Indge 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Mountain Lodse GRFA Calculations Dear Stan: Thank you for taking the time to review the "as-built" GRFA calculations with me for the recently compl*ed Vail Mountain Indge. As constucted, the Lodge contains approximately 34,308 square of new gross residential floor area. This square footage comprises the total new square footage of the accommodation units, fractional fee club units, and the dwelling units located with the Lodge. As you are aware, the development standards for the Public Accommodation zone district limit the maximum allowable GRFA to 150% of the total buildable area of the site. The allocation of GRFA for dwelling units is furthsr limited to a maximum of 30% of the total allowable GRFA. According to the "as-built" GI{FA calculations for the Vail Mountain lodge, no additional GRFA is available for the construction or addition of dwelling unit square footage. Additional square footage may be available for the constnrction of either accommodation unit or fractional fee club unit square footage. Again, thank you for meeting with me to review the "as-builf'GRFA calculations for the Vail Mountain Lndge. Should you have any questions with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily at (970'.) 479-2145. Sincerely,I rl f Jer'K,,-xt-'t George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town of Vail {p ^"."t,'o "'"* lhilVila4'atvll c- TILE COPT rum{Or'yAIt Departunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8j,657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgou.com August 9,2005 Mr. Jay Peterson Bailey & Peterson, L.L.C. 108 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81658 .$.ftw; Re: Extension of Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Vail Mountain Indge) Dear Jay: As you area aware the Inevocable Letter of Credit established to provide financial security to cover the costs ofthe required improvernents guaranteed under the Developer Improvement Agreement between the Town of Vail and the Vail Mountain Lodge expired on July 3 l, 2005. As of the date of this letter, the required improvernents guaranteed under the Developer Improvernent Agreement have not yet been completed. As such, you need to either complete all required improvements by not later than August 31, 2005, or extend the expiration date of the Developer Improvement Agreernent to Septerrber 30,2005. The Town is agreeable to either of these two options. If you wish to extend the expiration date of the Developer Improvement Agreement to Septe,mber 30, 2005, kindly sign on the acknowledgement line below to verify your accq)tance of the deadline extension. Sincerely, l*1-?.r,,4,,-a George Ruther, AICP Chief of Planning Town ofVail f,-p *'""""o 'n"* IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot Subdivision: Address: Developer: Proiect Number: lmprovement Completion Date: Letter of Credit Expiration Date: DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT Block THIS AG by and (the "Developer"), and the Town of Vail (the "Town") and (the "Bank"). WHE per, as of approval of the pora Certificate of for (address,description,and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement,ancl WHEREAS. the provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Towrlto for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached bid(s)with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of munity of the Town of Vail: and ENT, made and entered into this dg-S", of T\-q..C0..^ l*o-. , 2qrsa cond wH E R EAS. thle o"Gngl*,rn-", Agreement, including complE[6n of all in'il seggrity to guarantee performance of this the following: amount of $178,297.00 with WestStar Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) as partial security for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. The Developer further agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $70,160.00 as partial collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the 20 day of June, 2005,or according to the memorandum attached, whichever occurs first. The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements refened to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the C:\Documents and Settingsuay Peterson\Local Settings\Temporary lnternet Files\Conlent.lEs\WXJCW2Fg\DlA credit forma t_l12002 (1).doc Page 1 of 5 Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide security as follows: lrrevocable letter of credit # /$ i E in the amount of $'178,160.00 (150% of the total costs of the attached estimated bid(s) with WestStar Bank (name of bank in Eagle County, Colorado) set to expire on the 31sI day of July, 2005 (not to expire less than 30 days after the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement) as partial security for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $70,160.00 as partial collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the security originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to in this Agreement and the performance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder, and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may C:\Documents and Settingsuay Peterson\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lEs\WXJCW2F9\DlA credit format_112002 (1).doc Page 2 of 5 authorize a partial release of the security provided ]to the Town for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are co in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the security provided to the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or bdfore the date set forth in Paragraphl of this Agreement and complete the uncompleted i referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Tem Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this referred to herein are completed by theAgreement may be revoked until all improvem Developer or the Town in accordance with this Ag lf the costs of completing the uncom improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the security provided fo the Town, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12o/o) per annum, shall be a against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Ealle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against suclir property. lf the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subjectto penalties pursuantto Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of imorovements. years after the Town's acceptance of said 8. The parties hereto mutually agree this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writi g and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. Developer .L_ . STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE LL-QL- $$',:;:lnffstT'i"fl" Witness my hand and official seal. C:\Documents and SettingsUay Peterson\Local Settings\Temporary | before me this (1).doc Page 3 of 5 Files\Content.lE5\WXJCW2F9\DlA credit format 1 1 2002 My commission expires STATE OF COLORADO ) )ss. COUNTYOF EAGLE ) Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ;ln-( Notafu Public STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Developer lmprovement Agreem The-foregoing Dpveloper lmprovement Agreement was ackn7 oay of 't\r+/-c-t'.,.- ,z}OSby (oe-o.rc. uJliT.gc-1' tvo before me this 200 Y bv B--tr"A" My commission expires: C:\Documents and Settingsuay Peterson\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lEs\WXJCW2Fg\DlA credit format 112002 (1).doc Page 4 of 5 ATTACHED COPIES OF THE ESTIMATED BID(S} C:\Documents and Settingsuay Peterson\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.lEs\Ur'XJCW2F9\DlA credit format_l12002(1).doc Paqe 5 of 5 T 15 Benchmark Rd Avon, CO.81620 (970) 949-s99s IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT Effective Datei l2/21/Q4 Expiration Date: 07 /31 /05 To: Beneficiary Re: Customer The Town of Vail VML LLC 75 South Frontage Road West 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO.81657 Vail CO.81657 ("Hereinafter refened to as: Beneficiary)(Hereinafter referred to as: Customer) Dear Town of Vail, We hereby open our Irrevocable Letter of Credit No 826 in favor of Beneficiary. It is available by drafts at sight drawn on WestStar Bank for any sum or sums not exceeded the lesser of *ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY EIGIIT THOUS${D TWO HUNDRED NINETY SEVEN DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS" ($178,297) or the total amount due under that specilic Promissory Note Dated May 26,2004 from VML LLC, as hereinafter defined, and Beneficiary ("Promissory Note") for the account of VML LLC. ("Letter of Credif) Drafts under Letter of Credit must be accompanied by an affidavit, signed by Beneficiary stating that VML LLC has failed to make payments in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Promissory Note. Each draft must bear upon its face the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. 826 dated December 21, 2004, WestStar Bank, Avon, Colorado". Partial draws are not permitted. Drafts under Letter of Credit must be presented to an officer of Weststar Bank at the following address of Weststar Bank between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding Holidays: WestStar Bank 15 Benchmark Rd Avon, CO.81620 The amount of the draft, which is negotiated pursuant to this Letter of Credit, together with the date of negotiation, must be endorsed on the reverse side ofthe Letter of Credit. We hereby agree that drafts drawn under this Letter of Credit and in compliance with its terms, shall be promptly honored ifpresented at the counters of WestStar Bank as previously defined herein no later than 3:00 P.M. Mountain Time on July 31,2005. 'This Letter of Credit is not assignable and shall expire at 3:00 P.M. Mountain Time on July 31,2005. Weststar Bank represents and warrants to Beneliciary that full authority and power to issue this ktter of Credit in the total amount and for the period oftime stated herein: said authority being pursuant to the laws of the United States, or to the State or territory which governs the establishment and regulation of WestStar Bank, and the WestStar Bank's Charter, bylaws, and other applicable rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto. This credit is subject to the "Uniform Custom and Practice for Documentary Credits 2l-2004 TUE 02:08 Pll KsL REC | | I 'l12t2U2661 l+tzL g?og4ssssl FAX N0, i605648005 t, tt< PAGE g3 : l, I ,l' :; I !4ciofCrldtt#t2oDiqhhr 2t,2091 P6lo!t'! Ii{iiil (ff3lw ), 6s6rtlonrl Charabcr of connrqwpubtiE{lon No. j00,,'tl Aohmr+todggd $d rcccptd on#*e . Itffdrrd Sirhnc|l :,ili ili' i.,lii ,r[i 'ii' j $ i I ir i$lffitrH'T"'sffi *Hifi :;il'r,Hl:?*r-$,ltrTs,r#ffi 'tr rILE COPY IOIflNOTI/AIL Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com Noverrber 17.2005 Mr. Stan Cope Vail Mountain Lodge 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Vail Mountain Lodge GRFA Calculations Dear Stan: Thank you for taking the time to review the "as-built" GRFA calculations with me for the rece'ntly completed Vail Mountain Lodge. As constnrcted, the Lodge contains approximately 34,308 square of new gross residential floor area. This square footage comprises the total new square footage of the accommodation units, fractional fee club units, and the dwelling units located with the Lodge. As you are aware, the developme,nt standards for the Public Accommodation zone district limit the maximum allowable GRFA to 150% of the total buildable area of the site. The allocation of GRFA for dwelling units is fi:rther limited to a maximum of 30% of the total allowable GRFA. According to the "as-builf' GRFA calculations for the Vail Mountain Iodge, no additional GRFA is available for the constrrction or addition of dwelling unit square footage. Additional square footage may be available for the construction of eittrer accommodation unit or fractional fee club unit square footage. Agah, tbank you for meeting with me to review the "as-built'' GRFA calculations for the Vail Mountain Indge. Should you have any questions with regard to the information addressed in this letter, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily at (e70) 479-2145. Sincerely,)rrn ^*t- K--xl-4 George Ruther, AICP Chief ofPlanning Town ofVail f,g *"to",",t * .-. i Pre+edevelopment square footago AU sq. ft. DU sq. ft, Developed DU sq, ft. Lubin - Unit C East Penthouse - Unit F Total DU sq. ft. remaining from pre-redevelopment less pr€€xisting DU sq. ft, New addltlonal DU sg. ft. developed Total AU at end of project less pre-existing AU Net newAU sq.ft. FFU sq, ft. Phase 1 FFU sq. ft. Phase 2 (new) Unit K Unit P Unit N Total Total FFU sq. ft. Total FFU & new AU sq. ft. Allowable new DU sq. ft. (707ol30o/o) New DU sq. ft. developed in previous phases NET AVAILABLE DU SQ. FT. CURRENT NEW DU SO. FT. DEVELOPMENT Townhouse on SE corner of the building - Unit M New 2br Condo on 2nd floor'Unit L Remainlng DU footage allowed Total new redevelopment - AU sq. f, Total new redevelopment - FFU sg. f. Total n€w redevelopment - DU sq. f, TOTAL NEW REDEVELOPMENT. LODGING SQ. FT. TOTAL RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CONDOMINIUM SO. FT. VML GRFA CALCULATIONS 3t22t2004 (planned) 7962 6772 3843 4785 8628 0 (6772) 1856 9318 (7962) 2070 2066 1830 5966.'-i:rdd - 2597 '1436 - 9318 123s6 12661 -54ffi', 66705 '1012612005 (actual) 7962 6772 Variance 3843 4779 0 -o -6 't356 6390 8622 n (6772) 't850 9317 (7e62) 1355 6390 13712 5877 (1856) 4021 2045 2053 1772 5870m 13615 5E35 (1850) 3985 -25 -13 -58 -96 -96 -97 42 -6 -36 -2667 1442 - o 9317 12260 12731.ffi 65369 /l -96 70 -27 trIrrfo=, #AreP Lenbe tD 5rvr,'l Oo(. 6. n. (zO -o I Qarxl 6\K f Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 970.479.2L39 fa><: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: VMLCHANGE DRBNumber: DR8040513 Project Description: STAMPED AND STAINED CONCRETE AT GARAGE ENTMNCE, WOOD SIDING AND TRIM AT NORTH WEST CORNER, REMOVAL OF PLANNED CHIMNEY Partidpants: OWNER VML LLC 0912712004 Phonez , 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 09127 12004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001526 ARCHITECT ZEHREN &ASSOCIATE9 lNC. 09/2712004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1975 AVON, CO 81620 License: @00001626 Prciect Addrcss: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL location: 352 E. MEADOW DR. Legal Description: Lot: TrB Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS ParcelNumber: 210108255001 Comments: seeconditions YiY'r"ft"1 t BOARD/sTAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Action: APPROVED Second By: Dunning Vote: 4-0-0 DateofApproval: 10/20/2004 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constuction is commenced and is diligently pursued toruard completion. @nd: CON0O0'6745. The applicant shall ensure that the sound emitted from the louver at any time after the projecfs completion not be of a greater decibel level than allowed in the Town's applicable noise ordinances. Entry:. 1012L12004 By: ee Action: AP Cond: CON0006746 The applicant shall install brick pavers, as originally proposed, at the noffiwest siOe of'tne buildlng to match the pavers approved in 2003 and already installed at the east side of the building. Entry:. l0l2U2O04 By: ee Acflon:AP Ptanner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: S2O.0O t i .,Mrnor Exterior Alteraiions ,Application for Design Revierg Department of Communit/ Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 970.479.2452' web: www.vailoov.com RECEIVHD SFP ? 7 2iri4 TOV.COM.DEV. AII projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a buiiding permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. tur application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Develbpment Department. Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/oi' the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. TOI,\lN General Information: . Parcel No.: - (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning; Name(s) of owner(s): i nV , U* Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicantr A{ON r e E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added lo any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painling, window additions, landscaping, fences and reGining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining w€lls, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Desion Review Board. Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (mulU-family/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes tJnpproved Plans Separation Request X D $20 No Fee Description of the Requestl Mailing Address: Page 1 of 12101/28104 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDING AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS I General Information: ,'" This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and,/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval lnlCSS they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS** fl All pages of Application are completetr Checklist is completed and signedE Stamped Topogmphic Suruey*, if applicable F Site and Grading Planx, if applicableQ Landscape Plan*, if applicable F Architectural Elevations*, if applicableO Exterior color and material samples and specifications.D Architectural Floor Plans*, if applicableB Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, ifapplicabletr Tide report, including Schedules A & B to verifo ownership and easements*B Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.E Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableE Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*tr The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans. drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Contractor SignaturelrV Date sisned n ta? lo{ Can{ Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other N,otes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and.attach a color chip. {{D TFI4 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name OuantiU Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EfiSNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRiGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming poolg etc.) 12 s^|r -_ r 12 sAlv =_- -,,,"1]_--,li--2sa!---l3 t\);.*---STAINED CONCRETE BORDER EASTMEADOWDRIVE\,/L / STAMPED CONCRETE GARAGE ENTRANCE € t A d1_ o-MOTJNTAIN HAUS PARCEL :7 ., VAIL MOLNTAIN LODGE No. CtNrEtEl€/^ ^- G4tof ?/W Fr.I '{x--)\)/ r --8i75 ------ PROJECTNAME: -PROJECTN0: 20021501.00 VAIL MOT]NTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: NEW STAMPED CONC DRWE SCALE: l" = l0' DATE: 9l24lw DR WN BY: BW CEECKED BY: TL ISSTE: CA SHEET: sK-123 REF: Ll.l .- r- L rr r\ L rr - ,l AND Assocl,ATEs, tNc. - .f emrrrcru1g.n-Ara1516.Nfgo3s 7 - =ffiiil;'R,frffi?# - - mn-g63{0o-e x-rfrn-e'Eia .;,i '., 't ''1 ffi$qkU-lpsvfit . .ItR?t 'r$i ilQttt$ ''t$ 'l:rlt I lr,, LIMIT OF DISTI,JRBANCE NEWCONCPANTO MATCHEXISITNG 1/2'EXPANSION PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 021501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: ASPHALT/ PAN/ DRTVE SCAI-E: l" = l'-oi DATE: 04 D^)4 DMWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSUE; SHEET: t.r02 .-t-Lrrr\Lrr - ,l AND AssoctATEs. rNc. - /I ARcHrEcnJRE. pt-ANNlNc. tNTERtoRs 7 .-'3;o3al3,',;H'"9.T#.?#e' - bo5\9635E9o rrrx tocs! gar-o'rrz --'- APPROVEDTOPSOL CONCEDCEPAN 1,2" DPANSIONJOINT STAMPEDCONC WSNOWMELT ROADBASE,MIN6" COMPACTED SUBCRADE DRA1VN BY: Bw C}IECKED BY; TL ISSUE; SHEET: 1 .103 PROJECTN0:021501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING TITLEI DRTVE/PAN/GRADE SCALE: li=1r-0" DATE: 04/(D )4 .- .- L It r\ L Ir - ,l AND AssoctATEs, tNc. -,aI ARcHnEcruRE.ptANNtNc.tNTERloRs 7 .- '3;,1"i1?11,H'.5t[1ffi.i;3i' - (8osl953{sso rrur 6osr xr.rier DIMENSION TO FACE OF EXIST BIJILDINC CONCEDGE DOWELTODilST STRUCT AS NECESSARY IIZ'DPANSION JOINT l'-6' STAMPED CONC w/SNOWMELT ROAD BASE, MIN 6' COMPACTED STJBGRADE ZEHREN DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISST'E: SHEET: 1 .104 E}OSTING TRENCH DRAIN, REPLACE GRATEAND STL ANGLES AS NECESSARY E)(ISTING GARAGE FOTJNDATION AND SLAB LIMIT OF DISTT]RBANCE PROJECTNAMB: PROJECINo: 021501.00 VAIL MOLINTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: DRTVE/ DRAIN/ GARAGE SCALE: 1'= 14' DATE: 04/09 X - .l AND ASSOCIATES, lNc. - i- ARCHlrtcIURE.PL\NN|NG.INTER|ORS 7 .-'a";"3t1%,',;iH'6tti*f.3i" - (8cs! 9G3{8!n rru< rrosr *r-aiez ADJACENT EDGER OR PAVEMENT LIMIT OF DISTT]RBANCE CONC EDGE PAN I/2'I EXPANSIONJOINT STAMPED CONC w/SNOWMELT ROAD BASE, MIN6" COMPASIED SIJBGRADE DMENSIONTOFACE OF EXIST BUILDING PROJECTNAMET PROJBCTNo: 021501.0 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING'ITILE: DRIVF/ PAN/ EXISTING HARDSCAPE SCALET l"= 1'4" DATE: 04r'09rc4 DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: IL ISSUE: SIIEET: 1.105 .- .- L rr r\ L rr - ,l AND AssoctATEs, tNc. -/I ARcH[EcIUnE.pt NNtNc.lNrERtoRs 7 .- '3d&lK;in'#bj*?1tr - iso5:9635s!x, rrr,r:osi s6l-o2 - - I llt-[tn[fol i,iii: r], 'i Davis ColorsrM in Mix-Ready@ Color Card. Note: Ifthis chart does not appear to be on a white background, please click here- For instructions on how to use this chart, click here' Davis Colors has created the Concrete PaletterM, the digital color chart for concrete, allowing you to visually specify the exact color you want in your prqiect.For more information, visit the Concrete PaletterM Website. Bese color semptc: The base-color of cernent det€'rmines color range. Like all nafiral materials, variation is normal in concrete. These are simulations of conorete made with reference Type tr gray cemen! light tan sand and water to achieve .t -ffits maY differ. rlor Group: SubtleI-II I Sandstone Canyon SantaFe 0.75L8 5237 0.5LB 160 0.75L8ll17II Dune Outbeck Silversmoke Light Gray 0.5 LB 605S O.'LB 677 0.25 LB 8084 0.5 LB 8084 DarkGray I LB 8084 Pebble 0.5 LB 641 ColorGroup: Standard PARTTAL wEST nnvArio NOTE: DELETE PLANNED CHIMNEY IN ENTIRETY. REPLACE STONE WORK IN NEW CONSTRUCTION WITH WOOD SIDING- STAINTO MATCH EXIST DMWN By: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSUE: CA SIIEET: :ul -t-r,r-rKFry- .f ,i,!Lr, ,r.r.>L/(,rn I i). tltL. 7 ^f TSHluRE.pr^i,NrNG.rNrERroRs7 - oro,r.#rtitH,o3[i*?l$o - ,', . *,'o,,*t,**,. _ Jo r*ffi;+ rr,r' 5 ,f [*'NoJ PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION -VAI_L MOLINTAIN LODGEVAIL, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: REVTO NORTH & WEST ELEVS AT CHIMNEY sK-119 PARTIAL WEST ELEVATION r"rrrE){1\rEn RY THEAr DET DNr' PIANNER: NOTE: DELETE PLANNED CHIMNEY IN ENTIRETY, REPLACE STONEWORK INNEW CONSTRUCTION WIfiIWOODSIDING- STAIN TO MATCH EXIST PROJECTNAME: PROJECTN0: 20021501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING TITLE: REV TO NORTH & WEST ELEVS AT CHIMNEY SCALET l/8" = 1'-0" DAIEt 09120/U DR WN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSITE: CA SIIEET: sK-l19 REF: A2.2 PARTIAL NORTH ELEVATION ^- r- L II r\ L r\ - .a AND AssocrATEs, rNc. - -I ,rncnnrCru$. ptANNtNG . tNrERtoRs 7 .- =o^iii".;;'''*'ffiitEiE' - ,8{rii} 96348!xr *x os! 96}€!c2 zY ex*qz-? ft\oToa o? t' tt rl ' \ rla .r I ,l \. Nor.l- Fg:Ygzrrt(e( aatz d,anP @{#J(a. -;#- -'Y;?&* ,#{1t,, ;}J$;;,, ' iil#l""' III SunsetRose BajeRed ScquoiaSand l LB 160 2LBS 160 I LB 641 Harvest Mesquite tLB677 Taupe Yoscmite Brown zLB64l Sierra TLBS677 2LBS 61078 TII Isouthertr selmon Mcse Buff Omaha Ten ,,T"io"rro zLBS 10134 2Ln,55447 I LB s084 III I I Pewtcr Cobblestonc I LB 860 2LBS 860 Graphite 2 LBS 8084 Tite Red Brick Red Terra Cotta Spanish Gold 3 LBS l117 4 LBS 160 4 LBS 10134 3 LBS 5084r-r r Palomino rlag$one Adobe Kahlua 3 LBS s447 , ii,'J&, 4 LBs 61078 4LBS 677II w low Grcen slate ,,H!iru 3 LBs 3685 lnstructions Quantities given for each color indicate the weight of pigment to mix with each94lb. sack of cement. The swatches represent mortar made with gray masonry cement and common sand. I Beyou I LB 6130 t l-{ : Project Name: VML CHANGE Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of C-ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.479,2139 fax: 970.479.7452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Location! ,r-ffi DRB Number: DR8040340 MODIFICATION OF APROVED RESTAUMNT ADDMON TO REFLECTTHE FOOTPRINT OF DCSTING FOUNDATION WALLS. THE INTENT IS TO PRESERVE THE DCSTING LANDSCAPING AND TREES. OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE 5T VAIL CO 81657 License: Q712U2004 Phone: APPUCANT ZEHREN &ASSOCIATES, lNC. 0712U2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 ARCHITECT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, rNC. 07 12U2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO81620 r Lkense: C000001626 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL -nafu , $tt t q vfl w /h?cFifui r -lot:ffi Block Subdivision: ffi 210108255001 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Rogers Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 Conditionsr Action: DENIED Date ofApproval: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 DRB approral shall not becorne valid for 20 days follo,ving the date of apprwal. I Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and becorne void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and constructlon ls commenced ,, and is diligently pursued burard completion. Planner: EllsabethEckel DRB Fee Paldr S20.O0 t I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us VML CHANGE DRB Number: DR8040340 MODIFICATION OF APROVED RESTAUMNT ADDMON TO REFLECTTHE FOOTPRINT OF DCSTING FOUNDATION WALLS. THE INTENTIS TO PRESERVE THE EfifiNG LANDSCAPING AND TREES. Project Name: Project Descrlption: Participants: ProJect Address: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Legal Desctiption: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 Licensel APPUCANT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 07 12L12004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1975 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 ARCHITECT ZEHREN &ASSOCIATE9 lNC. 07l2IlZO04 Phone: 970-9494257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 j Licenser C000001625 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL O7l2Ll2O04 Phone: location: Loh TrB Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS 210108255001 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: DENIEDModon By! Rogers Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 CondiUons: Date of Approval: C.ond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activ_ities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 darc following the date of approval. Cotfrl.202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review General Informationr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2739 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com All projecls requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permlt application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. of the Location of the Proposal:t-ot:??-%ock:Ftu0r- Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: ?OtzUC,, lre^Cco-taD.a.f(oLj Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: RECEIVED JUL 2 g ?CI04 + Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-maitAddreu, llez Cn zdtt itt,€ltt, t"*t Type of Review and Fee: 0 Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) B Chanoes to Aooroved Plans,- tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenUal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemen$ such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Zcr{?s--rr +r4ssoc, Page 1 of L2l04l28l04 -\ _\_4\ NEw sroNE wALf \'/ TOMATCH EXIST \\ \ \dN) DINING AREA OFT BI-rrt .\.rt)-\tl(Erd- - -r| \_-/ \ COLTIMN LINE IN CENTER OF EXIST WALL, TYP ///. @.- PROTECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 20021501.00 VAIL MOI.JNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWINC TITI,E: DINING AREA 335 - OPTION'B' SCALET l/8" = l'-0" DATE: 7/16/(X DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSUE: CA STIEET: sK-070 REF: Al.l ^-r-Lrrr\LrY - .l AND AssocrATEs, tNc. - .f ,rnCXm<ruRE. pt-ANNtNG . tNrERtoRs 7 .-'3,34#,',;in'fflTffi?l$" - rsos) 9'-6E9o FN( .tlcsr e63-ei 12 -\ LO tr /-\ - tril\h \:/'\\u\ PROJECTNAME: PROJECT N0: 2002150i.00 VAIL MOLINTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING T]TLE: DINING AREA 335 - OPTION'B'- RCP SCALE: f/8" = l-0" DArE: 1tt6tv4 )---..e, ,w @ DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BYr TL lsSuE: CA 5H[ETl sK-071 REt-: A4.3 .- t- L rI r\ L IY - ,l AND AssocrATEs, tNc. - -/I ,rncrmGcruRt,pr i$ NG.tNrEnoRs 7 .-'3'"fi,3'1;^ffi'38fr1ffi6.' - iaot eo3{!e' r.rx recsl *iio: -- -' a t--_l I I I IL__ ,27 /7,| tlL-J ROOF MELT GUTTERW HEAT TAPE REF:4.101 DOWN SPOUT. SEE AI.lO FOR DRAIN SYSTEM ,t7 ,t7 ,27 /7 ,17 PROJECTNAMET PROJECTNo: 2002150t.00 VAIL MOTINTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWTNC TITLE: DININC AREA 335 - OPTION'B'. ROOF PLAN SCALE: l/6" = l'-0' DATE: 7il6iy ___-@ DIRECTLEADER STRUCTURE GUTTER REF:4.101 DR WN BYi BW CHECKEO BY: TL ISSUE: CA SHEETj sK-072 RIF: Al 8 .- r- L Ir t\ L rr - ^l AND AssocrATE rNc. - ,11 eecHmcnjRE, pu\r.rNlNc . tMRloRs 7 .-'3;.3?.13,',;H,8[Tffi.?;1fl - .oi:; i,,*t FAx .Ei: e6tf ::' - - ' - ' r:\-\-/^\1/- /;\_ \- I I I I-lbl ?F-9lo.r Fl,.rcotJll .t>..{qlrql-r o PROJECT NAME: PROJECT N0: 2002t501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL. COLORADO DRAWINC TITTE: DINhtrG AREA 335 - OPTION'B'- SW ELEVATION SCALE: l/8" = I -0" DATE| 7/16/04 DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSTJE: CA SITEET: sK-073 RtFi 42.2 -l:- rli q) F rq F.l F]F t-r-L. \Lrr - .1 nND AssoctATEs, tNc. - /1 enomrcruRE. pt-ANNtNG . tNrRloRs 7,-'"=;.;;afir;'';fi'-;l-;ii.i'a' - !Ect! 963-5a9o F-ty r!,c5196r{trr -- - STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF 6'RS WD SID INFILL E)CTERIOR STEPS TOTOWNHOME. REFERENCE 1.302 PROJECTNAME: PROJECTNO: 20021501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL. COLORADO DMWING TITLE: DINING AREA 335 . OPTION'B'. S ELEVATION SCALEI l/4" = l'-0" Dt\TEt 1/16/M EL = 8186110" ALEVEL 186 Y DRAWN BY: Bw CHECKID BY: TL ISSUE: CA SHEET: sK-074 REF A2.2 DINING - SOUTH ELEVATIOb{ SCALE: l/4": l'-0" t- t- L rr r\ L r\ - ,l AND AssoctATEs, tNc. - ^I ,rnctmrcnrRE. pt-ANNlNc. hlrERnRs 7 ^l '"=^ia'..;;;';tod;A;fi6- - rsos) 96t48eo rex (aos) ser+ioz "-' ;II lit; z1=Ole 3l# hl _11 Erl FI ?l Tl ol z1FIzl r-.l ffi V' rrt 7 z F U) -J J F Fr F Fl F. zv<e>Fr! tt2 & XOII]F PROTECTNAME: PROJECTNo: 20021501.00 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWING ]-ITLE: DINING AREA 335 . OPTION'B'- E ELEVATION SCAIE: l/4" = l'-0' DATE] 7/16/0.1 DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSUEj CA S}TEET: sK-075 REF: SK-070 .-.-Lrr,.'LrY - ,l AND AssoctAT6 tNc. - ZI mcnnrcru$. ptANNtNG , tNTERtoRs 7 .- '3#13,1;H',[t[iffiiJe' - m5! 9si{s!x, ..u r:csi goi+-,lz'--'-' i +tl3Tt-btaoolElqal'lr +*l!EF-llltot<€1. I€l-,T-rl]FU H*HT.- Eilie6gx;18IXFiEsa6>>6 +=t.-YIF,r--' .a-l!-rlElcoi>l14lJI+,t,@lJ;l<inFlrrt'IFU7HX l+ Fl$ UI ?l ml HIol zl zl El ffi ot IE]IAI\!ll--l< | c{ |,^. | |E]I I -'--lJl--J PRoJECTNAME: pRoJfCl'N0i 2002lsot.0o VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: DINING AREA 335 - OPTION'B'- SECTION SCALE: 3/8'= l'-0" DATL TrctM DRAWN BY: BW CHECKED BY: TL ISSUE: CA SHIET: sK-076 REF: SK-0?0 ^-.-L. \Lrr - ,a AND AssoctATEs, tNc. - .I enctnrcru$. ptAt{NtNG, tNrERloRs 7 .- -lr,i'T.ai;i'#toffii''o - tart ei:t.!e{, r.rx tcoo gor+ic: -- -' 1 EXISTINGWINDOW. EXTERIORWALL, SLAB. & STRUCT a EL: 8186'-10"rt'LEVEL 186 REMOVE AND REUSE EXTERIORTRIM WRAP WATERPROOF MEMBRANEIJP WALL UNDER FLASHING COPPER COUNTER FLASHING- EXTEND UP WALL MIN 8' "Z'CLOSUREw/ SEALANT @ DECK l'-6" STL BEAM AND CONNECTION. REF: STRUCT MATNTAIN I HR RATED ASSEMBLY COPPER VALLEY PAN- EXTENDUP WALL4" MINAND I'-0" UP ADJACENT ROOF 2 LAYERS OF WATERPROOF MEMBRANEAT VALLEY CONDITION METAL STANDING SEAMROOF NOTE: CANT DIMENSIONS VARY- REF FLOOR PLAN t---lI t IROOF/WALLDETAIL PROJECTNAME: PROJECT Nor 2002t501.0o VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE VAIL, COLORADO DRAWINC TITLE: DINING AREA 335 - OPTION'B'- DETAIL SCALE: l-12'= I -0'' DATE: Zt6l04 DMWN BY: BW CHECKED BYr TL ISSUE: CA SHEETI sK-077 REF: SK-07O ^-t-Lnr\E,r\r - ^/ AND AssoctATEs, tNc. - /I Aro{tIEcruRE . pt ANN|NG . rtrERloRs 7 .-'o=;"lEu,i;'';fi,.ttrffi-?d6" - (sos)e63-6seo r,$< trosl c6rJio2'-- -' r r >l- :li FILE WPY August'19,2004 Mr. Tim Losa Zehren and Associates. Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Vail Mountain Lodge changesto approved plans DRB040340 Tract B, Vail Village 1"'Filing Dear Tim, Thank you for submitting a 'changes to approved plans" applicalion for design review of a proposal to maintain the existing foundation walls for the patio enclosure to the east of the Terra Bistro Restaurant. However, due to the Design Review Board's previous decision that architectural interest and coherence be achieved, the application was denied. The Board's comments were largely related to the approval that had been given last year, which will allow for a hexagonal shape on that end of the building, adding visual interest and a more suitable roolline. Please let me know should you have any further questions or concerns. Bestregtyds, fl/W Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 enclosure ,o ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel i 97 0.479.2L39 f ax: 97 O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DR8040303 Project Description: Unit 402; change from non-operable windows to operable windows/similar style, same finishes and colors Participants: OWNER ANGELO, JOHN M. &JUDITH H.0702/2004 Phone: 1 WEST 72ND STREET APT 21 NEW YORK NY 10023 License: APPUCANT RESORT DESIGN 07102120e4 phone: SNYDER, JANE 1434 SPRUCE ST. BOUI.DER co 80302 License: Project Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE UNIT A I UL.\ u-.\ P"\''-*-- \ Legal Description: Lot: TrB Block: Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMNIUMS r { C*-rr.o-[- vc'l'r ,ftkx-k-i'r-z CL-tz) Parcel Number: 210108255001 - \ Comments: all finishes/styles to match e,\isting BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvah O7l07l2ffi4 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN)l No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and censtruction is commenced 66/2UZA64 L2i4g e78524s3lb ARENDESIGN PAGE E2 Application for Design Review - _Depafnetrt ol Cqnrnunlly Dsrrelopment 75 Souih Fronbge Rod, Valt, CdorEdo Sl6Oz tel: g7O.4T9.Z1gg tzxi 97 O.A7g 2452 !veb; www,vailgovoom c.n€ret tnformaton: lj 1 Ztii+ fl ptqecE mgullng delgn r$4e1f mutl tEceive apprrnal pior.to submiting a hrfldirq pernit application. plffi€rabr b he arbmitbt r€q{ir€rn€nG tur.tre pedlcr,rti ipeJ#i mr ir r€quesi"d, Ar apflicatr'on for Dasign Rartewcannol be ryld un0l a[ roqult€d informatton i" riiiir"u by rt" c;;fii'o"r!6i]riit D€pertr1r€nL TtrP|oJat mqt d$ n*d b bs lE,torrd ov Ure iocn c;nri-dt/a fi€ ptalrini ini-ffironrr-,frf oonrnle*qr ?-=ts-l 9*l apPToEt-lrPe.. unteri a aurmng-ftfrri tr hnrd ma qipt""tLn-"olnm.nce. withtnono },tar of lhe rppmvrl. Deocriptlon of the Rcqueet: LG tio|t of the progosEl! [ot: Physlcol Addrcaa; Pareel No.:2 A7h5ul (conhc* Eagle Co. Assemorat 070-3298840 for parcel no.) Zonlng: Namr(rf of Owner(sf : Xailing Addrreo: OwncrF) $lgnaturr(r): I{amr of Appilcant: talllng Addnso: E.malf Adrlrea*;@tFax: ' rA/*bnlO rprHes;qt : Cyn-J Pluc $lII) pr squars tuot of btrt €lgn arE. tur oonsbuctlon of a n€r, buiHing or d€Oro/r€bdH, Fof 6n addl8on wh€rE squ.rp ffigp is dddrd to any rsidantiql orcdnm€.dd building {indu&s 290 additims & intsdor onErllon3). fur mlnor cl ng€g lo buHhg' aru trib inplwsnenb, $.tr trcrqff1g, Fahtilg, wkrdorv adlime, bndqping, nsnas ,ft|r€Ehingmtb,&. For minor drangee b hrildiqo ana sib trprovvrenb, rudr es, tBroollng, pahting, Wlndon, qddifrone, bndsc+hg, ftnce! and rEbining walls, otc. Frr trviebnr b pbns .trcdy ryppiEd U pbrnirg S&aff or theDelgn Radcw Berd, RECEIVED Tlpe of Review end Fee:. Slgrts, cctooptualR.!,low . llew Comurrlion. Addition . lt*rAlbration (multi-famly/6rnnn ddl . t0roretbaeon (shgl+fiilnily/dupted . c'ilgE3 b ApFror|3ll plenB ' sbpar8fion ReqjBt s50 No Fe f650 $s0 s2so sa .^,f irat t NoFe For Ofllcs Ure OOly: FbeFaid: <-.5f) Cheok No.: 0B/01/2004 14:52 FA}( 30S 44S 338^Bi - RES()RT I)ESION @ 001 TRANSMITTAL ,' / D|fn:Jurre 1,2(xl4 / TO: Gieorge Ruther ( COfeANy:Dcpit ofConuuityllevrNopn:nt \:, fnOu; Jcnnifcr R*ilon REGABIIING: Vril Mountein Lodgc Ebvrtlon idd[ JOBNAME:AngeloBcmodd 6li'.IOBNT MEER:23198 d FAx NIrMBERz9r/0-lTt$)N 452 .{r${' PAGES: t ...{' FACSIMILE ?\rc Cnnu HdbGcuge- &3..|qq. +t33 CC: tA $ Thy! \ Per my wiccmail, pleue ftnd attached r propored changc in thc South Elcvation for Veil Mountain cleryr ud e lloor plu of Unit {O2 frr yuu rwirn Ir1p to tlc lcl*vely ninor chalgg !t trc looling for a trfr appruvrl for the proPoa€d clevgtion- Plerre crll mc if you rtlt [ccd thc dreriagr d e lergcr rcda I lill cortect you lrter totnorrury to dhcus thc proporrt ltmhyou' Jconifer Relnon Pt.s€ codr-t lb rbovc rudr rt dx nrnha b.tou if drcle rc aat qtcrri t EEEditB Ait baroittito. TrL icdoilc ir ioldd oob 6r rb drsrcc od ory mb bbrrnrrbo Ihc ir pifi6rd_rad coofd.nq+ Iftha a&r of Pi clqc ir rct fu iurdrd uiirn p- -i f.at7 ori6oa tht rry &rroiortioq ditrihrtirn or coefiry of dn cqutnirrt'r- it didt PtEDibaEd II tul Evc 6;ccird rlir eoaalric.f-. i. .cJ, plcrle aod& ur ilrr.die€lt .t dE rrnbcr hdor o rrrlgt itr rrllrr Tbal lut- t.l I4 S p r,, c c 3l ! s r l. $ rr t t c t 10, E e.u--t--tl c r, C (J-i-tf-l .,0 -3 ltsoEDESI6EE ElflE as5(}6nrEs 15 *-t tt f . ++S. i I ( 0 irn r r l: r n f o (rir Rc I s t r D "< | e rr. r o ttr w w w. Rc r r,t f t D el I g.t. c o nl @oo208/01/2004 14:52 FAx s03 44S S368 RESt)BT DESI6II zia ffi illtE3l5lfil Etr<{ll \7 IIr--t-I!_ I I I I Ir I I i . l- I I I I L I I I I I I I t-I I T- I t- I @ 003RES(]RT DESIBN386a0B/01/2004 14:53 FAt( 303 449 3 a"-,- -.- zEsasfillsfiIrglultl$rlnPlIo1. EEII<<lro III I I I t'zr- - - -1. I I It___ I'r'- - It--- r--' i--- I I I I I a oo4RESORT OESIBH388a08101/2004 14:53 FAX 303 44S 3 I't-II.:ILI I I I I .!- I I I I 'FI i I I I .F I I I I I I I L I I I Ir I I I * uo Aur E 1zl|l Illuo --t--l tl tl 06/01/2004 'l 4:53 FAX 303 449 338-Ev t',1t-, -, - : RES()RT DESIEN E oo5IlI I I I -'r- - -- ==J 14:53 FAX 303 449 3866 RESt]RT OESIOIT08/01/2004 15001NvJ.}.lnowllv^zotl|Nnltoovvsu oltDNV!iilt ttittr!E etI@di u ii it H!,i Jo H $ $A s EI4{ A llt d $ E f E E E T f, H E P E t c c -I P Hia l x :f l xi i{xI x tt !axt I nE Ea 5 E g t g F t Ii 6 H Et H I I 06/01/2004 14:5s FAl{ s0s 44s s888 RESORT DESIBN @ 007tDoolNIYINNC'WAYAzot.ltNn11(l0mu oTDNv!!iql t$iltHlE /^avtle glll $l 'l!llic ? J ,iilii TRANSMITTAL TO: COMPA]TN: ADDRESIS: RE: Elizabeth Eckel Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 SorfhFrontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Application for Design Review trROM: DATE: JOBNAME: JOB NUMBER: CC: Jennifer Ralston 0G30-04 AngeloRemodel 23198 We are sendiag via x Atlactod E Under separate cover Fed Ex E Originals tr Prints tr Copyof letler tr Shop drawings tr Specifications tr Chanep Order trffher tr i COPIES I}ATE DESCRIPTION $20.00 check for application fee VaiI Mountain Lodge Elevations and Unit 402 Plan tr For rwiew and oonunetrt O For ryproval E For your informatio E For your use tr As requested NOTE: Hi Elizab€th- tlere are larger-scale drawings forths board review. Thank yor for your help. Jennifer Surte 110, Boulder, CO 803021434 Sprrrce St NESOT;r DESIGN EI]T E ASSOCIATES phone :303..119. -l-133 fax:303..1.19.3366 e nr,r il: in fo @ Re so r tDe srg11.c olrr n'rvs'. Re s o rtDe s rgA,conr o I0t4nm Application for Design Review Depaftment of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 lax 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General lnformation: Al proiects reguiring de€ign review must r€c6iv6 approval prior to subrnitting a building permit application. Pleas€ r€fer to tho gtlbmiltal requiremenb for th€ partiqrlar approral that b r€gu6ted. An applicalian for Design Rolew caflnot be acc€plsd unlil all r€quir€d information is r€c€iv€d by th€ Community De\relopm€nt D€partment. The pmject may also ne€d to be r€vios€d by the Town Cflnctl end/or th€ Planning and Environrnental Commission. D66ign r€view approval laplGa unlsrs a buildang pormit is irc|,.d and conitruc-tion commencs3 within one ycar of th€ epproval. Doscri ptaon of the Request: -Iv^c* Location of the Propo$al: [ot:9rMivision: Physical Address: Parcel lrfo.:ltotO0745OOl _ (ContactEagteCo.Ascescoral 970-32&8640forparcel no.) Zoning: l{ame(s) of Owner(s): tailing Address: Owner{s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: tailing Addr€ss: 950 No F€o $660 $$0 $s0 $20 (sn ) No Fee E-mait Address :'.Fv.;gde.r @. ve*Ndtngn.camr ax:U Type of Revicw and Fee: . Signs . Cm@tual Reviow . l{ew Cfislruction. Addition . MhtrAltoration (multFfamty/comrnerctall . MinorAlteraiion (singletamily/dupl€x) . Ctlang€s toApproved Plans . Separalbn R€qr€st Plus S1.m p€f squar€ fool of tol,al sign ar€. For conatruction of a n€w building or d€mo/r€build, For an addition wh€rs squar€ footagp i8 add€d td any redidential or mmmercial building (includ€s 250 edditions & inlerior conlsr$ions). For minor cfia|ges to hrildims and sit€ irlprov€rnsnb, srjdl 6, rormfing, painlr,ng, wiodow additiofis, bn&ceing, f6nc6 and rotahing walb, etc. For minor chenges to buildings and sit6 improv€mentB, guch as, r€roofing, painting, window additiorc, landscaping, f€nces and r€taining walls, etc. For r€visbns to plarE alroady appro\,tsd by Pbnnhg Staff or the [hrign Rsvi€w Berd. For Office Use Only: Paid:By:- DRB lrb.:Meeting Date: Ptanner: Cteck No.: Project No.: t5 ,,-ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Solrth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 ri'/eb: www.ci.vail.co,us PrciectName: VMLCHANGETOAPPROVE DRBNumber: DR8040145 Project DescripUon: C]HANGE TO APPROVE PI.ANS Participants: OWNER VML LLC 0412612004 Phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 Ucense: APPUCANT ZEHREN &ASSOCIATET INC. 04126/2004 Phone: 970-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001626 ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: 352 EAST MEADOW DRIVE Lesat Description: Loo rm ebcrisubdivision: yffi:ftt.ftffih'Jr, (+.- ,"--..^ ..t., l,n,l\ A4t.\Lh,- CWs )Parel Number: 210108255001 Commentsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second BylVote; Date of Appruval: 08/05/2004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006590 Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development zs iorttt Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli g7o.47t'2139 fax: 970.479'2452 web: www.ci'vail.co'us Generaf rnformation: A4vco*ao 3'o ntn ni { 1' 'l All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to zubmiting a, building -pernli{ a'pptication' ebase refer to the submittat requrrements for the particulat upptJuii tfttt ls t"queied' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted unut ail required information is receiv; 6v. !n. !"ytL1v Oevetooment Deparrnent' The Droiect may also need to o.'ri],i"*uO by the Town Cou*if an'aior the Planning and Environmental C'mmission' besign review approval lapses unless a building p.#ii i"'iou"a and construction commen@s within one year of the aPProval. of the Physical Address: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of APPlicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E conceptual Review tr New Construction tr AddiUon E Minor Alteration (multFfamilY/commercial) n Minor Alteration (single-familY/du Plex) !* Changes to APproved Plans ! Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 retaining walls' etc' $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee l:l l ' , ( Cbb Co*Jar Location (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' For constructron of a new building or demoilgUyilO' - ---, Foranadditionwheresquarefo-otageisadded.to.any^residentialortit*Lial nriraing (includes 250 "iditions & interior conversions)' ;;;;;ffis.tio nuiHinss ana site improvements' such as' ;;#;;; -pii'iting, wlndoi- idditiont' landscapins' rences and retaining walls, etc. For min-or changes to buildings and site improvements' such as' ;#'ts -pli'it-i'ro *inoo'i- ioditiont' landscaping' fences and /tb Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 leli 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479'2452 web: www'ci.vail.co.us All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approva! tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within t Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no') 5DD *3 Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $:OO For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenG, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, paintng, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revi-sions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Boaro. No Fee General Information: one year of the approval' of the Location of the Propos alz totfr Block:1 Physical Addressi Parcel No.r <tOlOSLf liool Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition E Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-fa mi lyldu plex) fl Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request nppr*atrnfuDRBNo.:twv ."1 . 20021501.08 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE SECTION 08361 - SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS PART I -GENERAL 4/28/2004 RECEIVEB APN r. $ ?fiilr Da0orc{q? I.1 SI]MMARY A. This Section includes electrically operated sectional overhead doors. B. See Division 5 Section "Metal Fabrications" for miscellaneous steel supports. C. See Division 16 Sections for electrical service and connections for powered operators and accessories. 1.2 PERFORMANCEREQUIREMENTS A. Strucfural Performance: Provide sectional overhead doors capable of withstanding the effects of gravity loads and the following loads and sfresses without evidencing permanent deformation of door components: l. Wind Loads: Uniform pressure (velocity pressure) of 20 lbf/sq. ft. (960 Pa), acting inward and outward. 2. Impact Test for Flying Debris: Comply with ASTM E 1996, tested according to ASTM E 1886. a. LevelofProtection: Unprotected. b. Wind Zone One 110 mph (176 krnlh) pressure test to 3/4 and 1-l/2 x design pressure (positive and negative). B. Operation-Cycle Requirements: Provide sectional overhead door componorts and operators capable of operating for not less than 10,000 cycles. I.3 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type and size of sectional overhead door and accessory. B. Shop Drawings: For special components and installations not detailed in manufacturer's product data. C. Sarnples: For each exposed finish. 1,4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer's authorized representative who is trained and approved for both installation and maintenance of units required for this Project. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361 - I 20021501.08 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 4128/2004 B' Elechical Components, Devices, and Accessories: Listed and labeled as defined in NFPA 70, Article 100. PART2 -PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Steel Doors with Ventilated Steel Panels: a. Amarr Garage Doors.b. Arm-R-Lite. c. Clopay Building Products Company; a Griffon Company.d. Fimbel Door Corporation.e. General American Door Company.f. Haas Door; a Nofziger Company.g. Martin Door Manufacturing. h. Overhead Door Corp.i. Raynor.j. Wayne-Dalton Corp.k WindsorDoor;aMAGNATRAXCorporation. 2. Aluminum Doors with Ventilated Panels: a. Amarr Garage Doors. b. Arm-R-Lite. c. Clopay Building Products Company; a Griffon Company.d. Fimbel Door Corporation.e. Haas Door; a Nofziger Company.f. Martin Door Manufacturing.g. Overhead Door Corp.h. Raynor. i. Wayne-Dalton Corp.j. Windsor Door; a MAGNATRAX Corporation. 2.2 STEEL DOOR SECTIONS A. Construct door sections including face sheets and frames from zinc-coated (galvanized), cold- rolled, commercial steel (CS) sheet, complying with ASTMA653/A653M, [c60 (ZlS0)] [G90 (2275)] coating designation. 1. Exterior-Section Face: Manufacturer's standard flat with screening]. B. Fabricate door panels from a single sheet to provide sections not more tl:,arn 24 inches (600 mm) high and nominally 2 inches (51 mm) deep. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 0836r - 2 20021501.08 VAIL MOI]NTAIN LODGE 4/28/2004 C. Reinforce bottom section with a continuous channel or angle complying with bottom-section profile and allowing installation of astragal. D. Provide reinforcement for hardware attachmenr. E. Fabricate sections so finished door assembly is rigid and atigned, with tight hairline joints and fiee of warp, twist, and deformation. F. Finish: Comply with NAAMM'g "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal hoducts" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. l. Surface Freparation: Clean galvanized surfaces so surfaces are free of oil and other contaminants. a. Pretreat zinc-coated steel, after cleaning, with a conversion coating.2. Apply manufacturer's standard primer and powder+oat finish to interior- and exterior- door faces after forming. L. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2.3 ALT]MINT]MDOORSESIIONS A. Construct door sections rvith extruded-aluminum shapes, complying with ASTMB22I (ASTM B22lM), alloy and ternper recommended by aluminum producer and finisher for type of use and finish indicated. Join stiles and rails by welding or with concealed stainless-steel tbrough bolts, full height of door section. Form meeting rails to provide a weathertight-seal joint. hovide reinforcement for hardware attachment. B. Powder{oat Finish. 1. Color and Gloss: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. 2.4 TRACKS, SUPPORTS. AND ACCESSORIES A. Tracks: Manufacturer's standard, galvanized steel track systerL sized for door size and weight, designed for lift type indicated and clearances shown, including brackets, bracing, and reinforcement for rigid support of ball-bearing roller guides for required door type and size. Weld or bolt to hack supports. l. Provide tracks configured for the following lift types:a. Lowheadroom. 2. Track Reinforcement and Supports: Galvanized steel supporting members to provide strength and rigrdity during opening and closing ofdoors. B. Weatherseals: Replaceable, adjustable, continuous, compressible weather-stripping gaskets of flexible vinyl, rubber, or neoprene fitted to bottom and top of overhead door. 1. Provide motor-operated doors with combination bottom sensor edge. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361 - 3 20021501.08 VAILMOTJNTAIN LODGE 4/28t2004 C. Ventilated Screen Panels: Manufacturer's standard, tubular, aluminum-framed section full wire screen set in vinyl, rubber, or neoprene channel and with removable extruded-vinyl or aluminum stops. 2.5 HARDWARE A. General: hovide heavy-duty, corrosion-resistant hardware to suit door type. B. Hinges: Heavy-duty galvanized steel hinges at each end stile and at each intermediate stile. Attach hinges to door sections through stiles and rails. Provide double-end hinges where required and for doors exceeding 16 feet (4.87 m) in width. C. Rollers: Heavy-duty rollers with steel ball bearings in case-hardened steel races. l. Tire Material: Case-hardened steel. D. Push,lPull Handles: Galvanized steel lifting handles on each side of door. E. Slide Bolt Engage through slots in tracks for locking by padlock, operable from inside only. F. Chain Lock Keeper: Suitable for padlock. G. If door unit is power operated, provide safety interlock switch to disengage power supply when door is locked. 2.6 COI.]NTERBALANCEMECHAMSM A. Torsion Spring: Fabricated from oil-tempered-steel wire, mounted on a cross-header tube or steel shaft. Connect to door with galvanized aircraft-type lift cables with cable safety factor of at least 5 to 1. Provide springs calibrated for a minimum of 10,000 cycles. B. Cable Drums: Cast-aluminum or gray-iron casting cable drums grooved to receive cable. Mount counterbalance mechanism with manufacturer's standard ball-bearine brackets at each end ofshaft. C. Cable Safety Device: Include a springJoaded, steel or bronze cam mounted to bottom door roller assanbly on each side and designed to automatically stop door if either cable breaks. D. Bracket: Provide anchor support bracket as required to connect stationary end of spring to the wall and to level shaft and prevent sag. E. Provide a spring bumper at each horizontal track to cushion door at end of opening operation. 2,7 MANUALDOOROPERATORS A. Push-up Operation: Lift handles and pull rope. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361-4 20021501.08 VAJL MOIINTAIN LODGE 4/28/2004 2.8 ELECTRIC DOOR OPERATORS A. General: Provide electric door operator assembly of size and capacify recommended and provided by door manufacturer for door and operation-cycle requirements specified, and accessories required for proper operation. B. Disconnect Device: Hand-operated disconnect device for automatically engaging chain-and- sprocket operator and releasing brake for emergency manual operation while disconnecting motor without affecting timing of limit switch. Mount disconnect device and operator so they are accessible from floor level. Include interlock device to automatically prevent motor from operating when emergency operator is engaged. C. Provide control equipment, maximum 24-Vn ac or dc. D. Door-Operator Type: Unit consisting of electric motor, trolley or drawbm type, and floor-level quick release for manual operation. E. Electric Motors: High-starting torque, reversible, continuousduty, with overload protection, sized to start, accelerate, and operate door in either direction from any position. l. Coordinate wiring requirements and electrical characteristics of motors with building and existing gate electrical system. F. Remote-Control Station: Momentary-contact, three-button control station with push-button contols labeled "Q)eq" "Close," and "Stop." G. Obstruction Detection Device: Automatic safety sensor capable of protecting full width of door opening. Activation of sensor immediately stops and reverses downward door travel. H. Limit Switches: Adjustable switches interlocked with motor controls and set to automatically stop door at fully opened and fully closed positions. I. Radio Control: Radio control system connected to existing gate controls ( gate to be removed). PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. General: Install door, frach and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware according to Shop Drawings, manufacture/s written instructions, and as specified. 3.2 STARTUP SERVICES A. Engage a factory-authorized service representative to perform startup services. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361 - 5 20021501.08 3.3 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 4/28/20M ADruSTING Lubricate bearings and sliding parts; adjust doors to operate easily, free of warp, twist, or distortion and with weathertight fit around entire perimeter. Touch-up Painting: Innnediately after welding galvanized track to track supports, clean field welds and abraded galvanized surfaces and repair galvanizing to comply with ASTM A 780. DEMONSTRATION Engage a factory-authorized service representative to fain Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain sectional overhead doors. Refer to Division I Section "Closeout Procedures." END OF SECTION 0836I A. 3.4 A. SECTIONAL OVERHEAD DOORS 08361 - 6 Model MU Comrnercial Sectional Door Operator Specifications t'he tjsrru[rru,tlr"i;i in,rl, ffiffiffirt*ft1'{*iffi;ffi Page L of2 ',:jJ7 Thc ''j Model Ml) Specificedons UL Lisred StandarrJ. Vulta.ges . ll2HP l15Vac, singlephase Standard Features ' Rated at 12 Cycles per hour. Driven limit switches synchronized with the door. ' 9ry- type solenoid actuated brake. (Optional on Drawbar units)r Quick disconnect d9o-r ym for emergency operation. lOrawUar i_lnits;. Primary reduction V-b-elt and pulley, seconaary chain and,p;;il-- " fveyqe door speed of 9.7 inches per second. (Oo*t*Unt;t - . Track boom for dooT up to 12' higb. @rawbar Units). All chain carriage drive. (DrawbarUnits) ' Wood runnenr on trolley- (Drawbar Uniti) ' Versatile direct coupling to hollow or solid door shaft coupling kit.(Jackshaft Units) " Mounting brackets adjustable for either 3'A" or 5" shaft center rinedistance. (Jackshaft Units) ' Floor-level disconnect for emergency door operation (Release Mod.er).(Jackshaft Units) " chain hoist with eiectrical inierrock (Hoist Model). (Jackshaft units)" output shaft speed 25 RpM for L7.3 turns between limits. (Jackshaft Units) Standard Electrical Features . Instant reversing motor with automatic reset overload. " Built in electro'ic sensing system - automaticalry reverses during closing cycle.. Dual relay control board.: Z4-volt (D.C.) three button control standard.r Prewired to accept: Extemal sensing device such as sensing edges or photocells. Single or three-button control stations or a combination of both. 3 wire radio receiver. a a http://www'overheaddoor.comiProduct-Index/Commercial-Proclucts/operators/Sectional... 3lzg/2004 Low Headroom Track -- Springs to Back Page I afZ LOw Headroom TraCk-- springs to Back b-or Commereial Sectional Doors 'l'hr: 6unuirlu" Tf lu Originirl" ffiffi NFGT 6*lffi t{lEHr?! .-E E8-Et€g *_.*.*"\-Hcizontd -'---T In*.Ind(Assntndy | $rpport :, \-Y66ia TradAsn$y ['.r. 1'-utr11gtrgpEg r-,".i,. _--__=__]_ .E t'E E'.E|: ;Lo 2" (5lnrm) Trs.ck [15" (38lmm) Radius] 3" (76rnm) Track [15" (38lmm) Radius] Abhreviations: O.H.:OpeningHeight http://www.rrverheaddoor.com/Product Index/Commercial Prod.ucts/Commercial Section... 3lZ9l20A4 Sectionai Doors g FramEng & Faels ffi Masonry/ConcreteJambs l.,. i,ir ,,=..! Sideroom Clearance Concrete/Masonry Jambs 3" Track I odI aoFi ts o.Ad b u,.J Sidercom Clearancc Dimensione fi rlnimuin 5ld*oom ltoqulrsd s.E4 LowHeadroorn 9' ., n4l'ltliJi$r. ' wl14,.oyerhea.dDoor com " l-600-88?-t6ti? Sectional Doors For dascripth)e Wontwtim. see "Desi4n Consi&ratiotts' in Oaentieu sectiott" Speeia.l Apptic;ltisnsEIE Ventilated Doors Sp€cial Track Assertty fbr ttentilEted tloor AolNicliiion - Ventilgterl Door Sqe€r nt TyD. All P€tElg -1-,/\\- strndard go, Ret '*49$t5ftt'trga t wvw.overheadDoor.com - I -800-88?.866? s.55 DIMEN$IONS, CLEARANCES, SPECIFIGATIONS ' $6ci!$'l A /V1 a*ArK O+er,,rn_- GAS FIRED CHILLERS AIRCOOLED 5-TON UNIT ACF Series 5 Ton Capacify Available for Natural or Propane Gas, 60 Hz. Single Phase power operation. DIMENSIONS AND CLEARANCES Dimensions in inches Height Depth Width CapacityModelABc MODEL REQUIRED VOLTAGE TYPICAL KW CONSUMPTION COOLING CAPACITY ACF60-00 208/230 . /f l(w 60.000 Btr/h Table I 5 Ton ACF60 46 48 13U4 46 2v2 25132 29/64 3rR2 | 4'1tE 7' t6 5 5t8 | 4 t3A6 3U32 15t64 6 63t& .Crate dimensio,ns are 52'11 x 52"D x 37"W Table 2 NO OVERHEAD OBSTRUCTIONS - TJNIT CABINET SHOULD BE OUTSIDE OF DRIP LINE FROM ROOF EDGE. UTILIry PANEL DETAIL 5-TON UNIT Sectional Doors = f""?fi g l*A P P I i cat i o ns F or de s criptiu e dnJo rmatiar. * e " Desig n C mside mt imts" in Ot)eruigu sectian. Special Track Assembly for Ventilated Door Application ,-.\. \,.\L Standard Door Ref. I .q Vontilated Door Screenlng Tvr. All Panels @l www.overheadDoor.com. t-800-g87-goc7 Sectional Doors = Framing & Pads E Masonry/Concrete Jambs Sideroom Clea.rance Concrete/![asonry Jambs ,/ f FFF h q) 0) Sideroom Clearamce Ilimeneions Mlnlmu|n SldrrEo|r| RoCulrrd Trrt TtDe 2" lnck Stardard Lift 4 Ln' Low Headroom Uft Cleararce 4ln'6 Lfa" Fu.ll Vertica.l 4Il2' 6 Lfz' 10" @t uryw.overheadDoor.com . l-800-882-3662 Sectional Doors = Track E Headroom and Backroom Clearance Low lleadroom Track Springs to Rear d C)a HI:IIilrrl -t;rEil l- Eeadroom Clearance Dimeneions 2"l| ck 15'Ratlius 3" Tnck 15" Bndira Drr lhutt Thru 12'0' Thru 16'0' D.H. + 2' D.H.= Door Height Additional haa.d,rourn reqtired, Jor drawbar operatisn (9ee mntor operator claarorce ddrnGnsid$ qt bdrk oJ sectxqn). lliirunllrrdlrn' Thru 18'0' D.H. + 6 3/4' g3/4' *Chnin hoi,s|witlL cross haad,er shafi requires 3 1/2" ad.dtitiDnal heodromn Co rlinr of Shrft Ihhml lLdrum Doat l|.||rt Glr s{|E rf sHt 7 Uz', s.r|/l-@ www.overheadDoor.com. l-800-88?,9667 .sJ^a - -r T0: 'l'onn of Vai! TEHREN AND ASsOCIATIS, IHC. Atct-rr$aluti p:.ANriF,JG rNlEilkx$ r.4NtlsLr*l Attf, |*-r[fTLrI P.() t(j.t lg|i Ar4'|, Cr*!adr' t161* t$J$) $ts"lrisi F.r tt70t94r-i0d+LETTER OF TR{NSIVII'TTAL DATE: &{ay I l. 2{i{}"4 JOB #: ?00? 1471 .Ofi AI?N: Crorge ftuther Rf,: Vail l\{ountair: Lodgo WE ARE DELIVERING: S Attached lli Undet $epaate covcr r.ia x the following iterns: I Snop Drawings K pnnts I Phns I Sampl*s f] Speeifications f]copy of Leuer ff Change order I Orho Dept of Communitv Dev*krpmenl 75 {iouth Ftontage Rnad Vail. CO 51657 coPms DATE NO.DESCRIPTION ,|Garage Door Photos THSSH ARE Ttulf{$hl|T'II.:l} as $hc:rked hrlorv: I For Approval f] Approved as submiued f Re-submit copies ltr approval ffi For yow usc [-f Approvcrt as noted [l Submit eopies for tlistrrburion [l As reqursted il l{erume.! lirr r.crrer:tierns ] Ren,* ee,rrected p;.intr f] F'or review & commsnt I roanns ouE ?0 [ rnn*r's RETURNED AFrER LoAN To ris REMARKSI Enclosed are garage door screens that are substantially morr op€n than rvhat *,c arc proposirrg. It was nur intrlttlion tr| ticrus th* back and side llull as ir e lcarlX'rndicrtetl in tlir: lrhrntrs. {.hu' sul:-criinffne tar liui, stated that he can prtvirie a wrlded rvire flabnc nresh r,r.rthin thc paneled drxrr kr fiert ow specification* and opcning requirements. RECilUiu MAf ; f! ?tu4 SIGNEDI CffPY T(); Stan (iunc Sectional Doors l . ,\t;,.,:.>,. .. For kcriptiv e dnformatiotr see "Desigtn Conaideflttiuns" an A)eraieu sec,iian Special kdck Assembh tor Ventilated 0oor ApdrcSuon g ;:ffi*$ ffi:.,AP PI E ca t i c n s L Ventilated Door Sere€nin! Typ. All ponets i r6f#tr '14, ' www.OverheadDoor.com D l-E00-882-3662 s.55 i, .::n-,".,r:,:iii r, irrr:;:,.:i,,t, ., il, i' :,.. ., ;,;',, , .',,. I i' . '.,..: :..- r .,r ' , . ',, r, . . . r.,:i.-i . ltlr, ;'.'''; ;.,.-." !:ll' ..: :.,.: .'. . :.- ...:: , tii:. '. :,' -;,:;t'';' : , ' " :;;1 1i: ,;1:,' ir' ,.: i'i' : 1l ;;',r,:,:, ,:';,, ,,.j ,:,i;.;rir.i'i,',. I .:., ',ti,ri,l. :. ,,::t :.."i1' ,"'li.:,. :.' , ".". .l:l. I'ii' ,r:,.,-,, .'1.' r- .,i:'r:. ','", ,l : , , .: ,llt ' ,1,:,::' ., ,t.' ,1 . : ;,, ,, , .'.1''.: "t. :l .' 1'' . -r: ., . :, .. '. .,. ,,. ,,: , '..'. . .. L.:.. .:.- rj:, r,l,;t ' t' :' l, .' :',1 't: , ', ..':- 'i, . UAY t7 64 BEnunrnr May 14,2004 GnruzE g Engineers,lnc. Mr. Tim Losa Zefuen & Associates Post Office Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Mendik Residence Chiller Location Project #5822.15 Dear Tim: We have reviewed the proposed screening around the exterior chiller location based on the design review board comments. We also contacted the manufacturer of the chiller to get their opinion of how the chiller will operate in these conditions. Based on this review, it is recommended the chiller not be put in this enclosure or screening system due to inadequate airflow in and around the chiller. The proposed screening will not allow sufficient airflow to the unit thus impacting the cooling capacitg potentially cause undo wear and tear on the system, and potentially void the manufacturer' s warranty. We have also researched the possibility of using an electric chiller in lieu of the gas absorption chiller now designed. However, the electrical loading will be too much for the current design to handle effectively. Therefore, we need to review an alternate screening system design that will allow adequate airflow and clearance around the unit to perform as manufactured as well as satisfy the design revision board. Please call ifyou have any questions. cc:Wes Ploof - BGCE 110 E. Beaver Creek Blvd., #202, Avon, CO 81620 . MailOnly: P.O. Box 9650, Avon, CO 81620 . Phone: 970.949.6'l 08 . Faxr 970.949.6159 YAIL 14142 DenverW. Pkwy., #195, Golden, CO 8040'1 . Phone: 303.278.3820. Fax; 303.278.3843 DENVER 11448 Deerfield Dr.. #Cl , Trucke€, CA 96161 . Phone: 530.550.7334 . Fax: 530.550.7336 LAKE TAHOE Seals, Z:\Truckee ProJects\S822.15 Mendik Residence Review MECH ONLYL5822l5ML0'l TS.doc www.bgoe.com ^- 7^- - ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHITECIURE. NJ\NNINC INTERIORS' IANDSCAFE ARCHIIECTURE P.O. 8oo( | 976 AwO Colorado 0l 6mp'llt r49{25t F X orc) g'fS,t 060 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO: TownofVail DATE: May26,2004 Dept of Community Development JOB #: 20031557.00 75 South Frontage Road ATTN: George Ruther Vail,CO 81657 RE: VailMountainlodge WE ARE DELIYERING: [l Attached f] Unaer separate cover via x the following itans: ! strop Drawings ffi nints ! Plans I Samples ! Specifications I Copy of Letter I Change Order fl Ottrer COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 5/14t03 Letter from MEP Engineer I Elevations THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checkedbelow: fl For Approval fl Approved as submitted I Re-submit copies for approval fi For your use I Approved as noted I SuUmit copies for distribution ffi As requested ! Retumed for corrections ! neturn corrected prints n For review & comment ! ronnns our 20 n pnnrs RETURNEDAFTERLoAN To us REMARKS: Enclosed is a letter from our mechanical angineer stafing that the enclosed drawing of a screening "dormer" will not allow adequate ventilation around the chiller as well as the lack of altemates for this mechanical system. Please call me to follow up with alternative solutions to the design review board's concems and/or information on the appeals process. SIGNED: RECEIVEC MAY ? , t:iii4 COPY TO: Susan Mendilg Ron Byme ( WOOD SIDING TOMATCHDilSITNG PAINTCHILLER TOMATCHSIDING SCIJPPERS TY'i.;V" RELOCATEDHANDRAIL FROM EAST TERRACE _ *?,at33o TUWNOTI/dII -rTa*Ei 4,blo&s V'autrJaunfh /-dF- V;,tV,ltq"+lun7 t ADM Number: ADM040013 RESUBDIVISION OF UNITS 206,207 AND 208. THE VAIL MOUNTAIN LIDGE CONDOMINIMUMS. UNIT "U'IS THE RESULTING UNIT. Project Name: VML RESUBDWISION Project Description: Participants: OWNER VML LLC 2OO VAIL ROAD VAIL co 81657 License:. ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL vML UNITS 206, 207 & 208 Legal Description: Lot: TrBC Block: Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE 1 Parcel Number: 210108255024 Commentsi Condo plat creating Unit L L217012004 Phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 License: APPLICANT AMERICAN HOSPITALITY, lNC. 1212012004 Phone: 476-9530 Planning Administrative Action Form Department of Community Development 75 Sorith Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Location: Action: Date of Approval: Gonditions: EOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ STAFFAPR t2l22l2OO4 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther ADM Fee Paid: $100.00 .- i Application for Administrative Subdivision Plat Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: It is unlawful for any person, business, or corporation to violate any of the provisions of 'lltle 13, Vail Town Code, or to transfer, sell, lease or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common, condominium interest, timeshare estate, fractional fee, or time-share license, or any other division within a subdivision within the Town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the Administrator, Planning and Environmental Commission and/or the Council (whichever is applicable) and a plat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. Type of Application and Fee: tr tr tr Administrative Plat Correction El- Condominiumffownhouse'Plat $100 $100 Parcel No.: S+rt n fro t/0, / (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zonins: G,'ltlri hin^ .*-r';,- Name(s) of Owner(s):/ti1 Duplex Subdivision Plat $100 Single Family Subdivision Plat $100 Description ofthe Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:_ Physicat Address: 3L(i) S,*,EF -'--A L\ . J b, \^;A " Owner(s) Signature(s) Name of Applicantr Mailing Address: E-mail Address; Mailing Address: RH#ffiltri:F.5 nl.*s#vF r\Users\cdev\FORMS\PEC\admin_plat_review_cover. doc Unit No. 206 Unit No. 207 Unit No. 208 PARCEL NUMBERS 210108255024 210108255044 2101082ss045 a LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY KNowALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTSthatVML,L.L'c,,aColoradolimited liability company (trr. "co*puny'), hereby makes, constitutes.and appoinls the entity designated ili;;;g;"ph'r ulto*-as its true and lawtul attomey-in-fact and agent' 1. Desisnation of Asent. The company hereby designates American Hospitality' Inc., a Colorado .o.porutiiJ/ii-through its Piesiient, Stanley P. Cope, of Vail, Colorado as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact and agint (the "Agent"). Agsnt is the Managing Agent of the Company,s Vail trlountain Lodge & Sfia tttt3 'lProject") pursuant to that certain Management Agreement entered into effectirTe u, oi April g, Z1OOZ (the "Management Agreement")' The Management Agreement requires the Agent to devote such time and attention to the Project' including the sale of certain'real propert!, as is necessary to fulfill all obligations of Managing Agent under the Management Agreement' 2. Grant of power. The Company does hereby make, constitute and appoint the Agent, acting by or thrffi-its president, rviin nrU power ^of subtliTli?n, its true and lal rful attomey-in-fact with all those statutory powers list;d in c.R,s, $ 15-l'1305, Real Property Transactions, including without limitation, the power to execute and deliver an amendment to the condominium declaration, a suppiemenr to ih, condominium map, sales contracts and any amendments thereto, the deed and related closing documents, in each event related to the following real ProPertY: Condominium Unit L (to be created)' Vail Mountain Lodge Condominiums, according to the Amended and Restated Declaration, recorded Januiry 3, 2000 at Reception No' 719433 as u*ena.O Uy that First Amendment recorded February 15' 2002 at nr."pt,* ifo. iglrct, and by that Second Amendment recorded June 10,2002 at Reception No' 79823i' as further amended and supplemented from time to time' and according- t9-'1t Second e*rnarJuno Restated condominium Map, recorded February 15' ' 2002.t n...ptt"" No' 786160, as amended and supplemented fro* ti*. io iime, atl as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado' 3. Interpretation. This instrument is to be construed and interpreted as.a limited power of attorney. Tire A-gent shall be entitled' to compensation for services rendered as agent inder this Power of Attotn.y, ut provided in the Management Agreement' 4'Third.PartyReliance.Thirdpartiesmayrelyupon,therepresentationsofthe Agent as to all matters relating to any power granted to the Agent, and no person who may. act in reliance upon the representat[ns ofthe Agent or the authority granted to the Agent shall incur any liabiliiy to the Company as a result of pennitting the Agent to exercise any power' 5. Term. This Limited Power of Attomey shall commence effective as of January 1, 2004 and shall expire upon the earlier to occru of the following: (a) the recordation of an express revocation in the records of the clerk and Recorder of the -ounty of Eagle' colorado; or (b) midnight on the 7th day of April' 2005. CO-DOCS-A #13921 I v1 ^,,tL- Executed this2lff]day of January, 2004' VML, L,L.C., a Colorado limited liability company Bv: MS Vail Management, LLC, a Colorado c4r.y a! STATEOF ) COLINTY OF I The foregoing instrument w?s ac before me this - daY of January, 2004 rrrE rvrvs\rur' -''- ----z T*ugt*tnt' LLC' a colorado limited liability by Michael Shannon, as Mgna-ge_r op*{Y,ail Y ,, ,,,-, t:^L:r;}-, ^^yh,.,n1, .,whn cerrifies the:ffiff"i#**";;v;;;:Wu c"r".'ao *iitea liability company, who certifies the correctness of signatures ofi€ Lgent' WITNESS{If hand and official seal' commlsslon expues Notary Public ISEAL] SPECIMEN SIGNATURE OF AGENT StanleY P. CoPe President, American Hospitality, Inc. CO-DOCS-A #'139211 v1 ti CALIFORNIIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA couNrY oF .U{'06'ldu ) before me, personally appeared, 'fY\V \o,pl 5 .4hf'.nn rW personally known to me ( to be the person{ar whose name(s(f4€subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to netyalflsnet they executed-ihe same in$pte*ttbtrauthorized capacity{ies), and that bV 6Wh!t*sr- signaturu()on the instrumentthe personld, orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(ef?cted' executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (sEAL) XnnCnw feV lWCx CbmflSlo.t al,,|glc.2 ilgfqy tublc:goftorto OPTIONAL INFORMATION ffiffi,\W TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT DATE OF DOCUMENT SICNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE NUMBER OF PAGES FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AI\ID RESTATf,D CONDOMII\IITJM DECLARATION FOR VAIL MOIJNTAIN LODGE CONDOMII\IIUMS VAIL, COLORADO This Fourth Amendment ("Amendment") to the Restated Declaration (defined below) is made and entered into by VML, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("VML" or "Hotel Unit Owner"), and the Vail Mountain Lodge Owne;g Associatiog lnc., a, Colorado nonprofit corporation (ttre "Association") and is dated ,hts /6n aay of Zz<'-A--- ,2OO+ and shall be eflective upon recordation. RECITALS A. The Amended and Restated Condominium Declaration for the Vail Club Condominiums was recorded with the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle Corurty, Colorado (the "Records") on January 3, 2000 at Reception No.719433, arnended by that First Amendment recorded February 15,2002 at Reception No. 786161, amended by that Second Amendment recorded June 10, 2002 at ReceptionNo.798231, and amended by that Third Amendment recorded November 14, 2003 at Reception No. 858005, of the Records (as amendd the "Restated Declaration"). Capitalized tenns used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Restated Declaration. B. In connection with the First Amendment to the Restated Declaration- VML recorded that certain Second Amended and Restated Condominium Map on February 15,2002 at Reception No. 786160, as supplemented on Novembe r 14,2003 at Reception No. 858004, of the Records (the "Restated Map") depicting a portion of the Hotel Unit as Converted Condominium Units and as Special Condominium Units. C. Sections 2.4 and 5.4 of the Restated Declaration authorize VML, as Hotel Unit Owner, to subdivide and combine portions of the Hotel Unit (as depicted on tle Restated Map) into Converted Condominium Units (and, accordingly, Special Condominium Units) upon the inclusion within the Supplemental Map of a statement that the subdivided and combined unit is a Converted Condorninium Unit (and, accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit). D. VML, as an Expanding Owner under Section 20.2 of the Restated Declaration, has erected upon, improved, altered and improved portions ofthe Project, specifically converting accommodation units 208,207 and a portion of Unit 206 within the Hotel Unit into Unit L and appurtenant desigrated limited common elements to Unit L (as more particularly depicted in the Supplemental Map, the *Unit L Expanding Renovations") and desires to recalculate the Allocated Interests in accordance with the Restated Declaration. E. Contemporaneously with the recordation of this Fourth Amendment, a Supplement to the Restated Map ("Supplemental Map") depicting Unit L, with a statement that Unit L is a Converted Condominium Unit (an{ accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit), shall be recorded in the Records. NOW, TIIEREFORE, VML hereby declares and publishes, with the approval and consent of the Association. as follows: CO_DOCS_A #150397 v2 l. Expanding Renovation. In accordance with Section 20.2 of the Restated Declaration, portions ofthe Project have been expanded, erected upon, improved, altered and integrated as Expanding Renovations. Expanding Owner hereby certifies that the Unit L Expanding Renovations set forth on the Supplemental Map are Expanding Renovations without a Material Adverse Affect. ln accordance with Sections 2.4 and 5,4 of the Restated DeclaratiorL the Expanding Ovvner, the Hotel Unit Ovmer, subdivides and combines portions of the Project as a new Unit L, with limited common elements appurtenant thereto, through the Unit L Expanding Renovations and converts Unit L as a Converted Condominium Unit (and, accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit). By desigpation as a Special Condominium Unit, Unit L shall include all appurtenant rights and benefits of a Special Condominium Unit Owner set forth in the Restated Declaration. Such appurtenant rights and benefits shall not be sold, assigne4 transferred or pledged apart from the Special Condominium Unit. 2. Reallocation of Percentage Interests. VML, as the Expanding Owner, in order to reflect the Unit L Expanding Renovations and the subdivision and combination of portions of the Project as Unit L, hereby recalculates the Common Elements Percentage, Hotel Operating Costs Percentage and Votes allocable to the Project as set forth and incorporated in Exhibit 4 to this Fourth Amendment, which amends and restates Exhibit B to the Restated Declaration in its entirety, 3. FtstM.ortgagee_Consent. Asprovidedby Section 16.1 ofthe Restated Declaration, the First Mortgagee executing this Amendment below hereby consents to the Expanding Renovation, to amendment to the Restated Declaration, and to all otlsr matters set forth herein and in the Supplemental Map. 4, Apnroval of the Associatign. In accordance with Section 17.4 of the Restated Declaration, the Association hereby approves of the amendment of the Restated Declaration and to the additional obligations imposed thereupon the Association. 5. Miscellaneous. a. Conflict Bet*-een Documents. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Amendment and the Restated Declaration, this Amendment shall control. A reference to the Restated Declaration or Restated Map in any document or instrument shall be deemed to include this Amendment and the Supplernental Map without any further or specific reference thereto. b. Choice of Law. This Amendment shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado without reeard to its conJlict of laws principles. c. Countemart. This Amendment may be executed and acknowledged in nvo or more counterpafis, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document. co*Docs_A *1503s7 v2 Executed as ofthe date first set forth above. VML, L.L.C., a Colorado limited liability company By: American Hospitality, Inc., a Colorado corporation, as attomey-in-fact for VML, LLC Stanley P, Cope, its President STATEOFCOLORADO I) ss: coUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004 by Stanley P. Cope, President of American Hospitality, [nc., a Colorado corporation" as attorney-in-fact for VML, L.L.C., a Colorado limited liability company, Witness mv hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires By: CO_DOCS_A #150397 v2 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation Attest: Secretary STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss: COLINTY OF EAGLE ) Its Presidsnt The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of as President, and by as Secretary of Vail Mountain Lodge Owners Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation/ 9JrJaYul Club Condominium Association, Ino, Wihess mv hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires [Signature Page to Fourth Amendment to Restated Declaration] By: by CO-DOCS*A #150397 v2 MORTGAGEE: The undersigned First Mortgagee hereby consents to and joins in the o<ecution and recodation of this Amendment and the Suppleurental Map. WESTSTAR BANK a Colorado state chartered bank By: Name: Its: STATEOTCOLORADO ) )ssCoUNTYoFEAGLE ) 2004,by CO-DOGSJ#150397 v2 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of of Weststar Bank, a Colorado state chartered bank. Wihess my hand and official seal: Notary Public My Commission Expires [Consent Signature Page to Fourt]r Amendment to Restated Declarationl EXHIBIT A TO FOURTH AMENDMENT lotel Square Common Operating Cost Unit # Type of Unil Use Footage Elements % Percentage votes 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 203 204 zva 206 209 309 3't0 409 410 411 412 408 D I 3 1 J E H F L Accommodahon Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accomrnodalion Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodatlon unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Ac6ommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accornmodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodailon unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unii Comrnercial Comnrerclal Cornmerclal Commercial Commercial Commercial Fractional Fee Unit Fractional Fee Unlt Fractional Fee Unit Fractional Fee Unit Residential Resideniial Residential Residential Residentiai Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Employee Housing Employee Housing Employee Houslng Employee Housing Hotel Hotel Hote Hotel Athletic Club & Spa Restaurant Residence Club Residence Club Residence Club Residence Club Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied 490 Jc't 377 383 JYO 17n 372 613 410 387 801 358 406 272 4YO 225 4f8 908 a or2 6,526 18,053 8,726 1,891 1,886 1,316 1,829 3,843 4,809 1,442 64,955 0.7 5a/o Q.57 To 0,60% 0.58% 0.59% 0.61% 0.57% 0.570/, Q.94o/o 0.63% 0.60% 0.16% 1.234/. 0.55% 0.63% 0,42% 0.35% 046% 0.35% Q.7 4Yo 1 .404k 2.96o/o 10.050/a 27 .75% 13.43% 2,QQTO 2.91o/o 2.90% 2.03"/, 4.27o/o 2,82% 5.92% 7 .40Yo 2,?2'/, 100.00% 1.25% Q,94fo U. VY-/o 0.96% 0.98% 1.010/0 0.95% 0.95% 1.57% 1,050/o 0.99% 0.30% 2.050/0 0.920/0 1.Q44/o 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1,22% 2.320/" 4.92% 16.69% 2.50% 2.50Yo 3.320/o 4.830/0 4.82Yo 3.36% 7.49% 4.680k 9.83% 12.30% 3,6996 100,00% 0.75 0.57 U.OU 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.57 0.57 0,94 0.63 0.60 0.18 1.23 0.55 0.63 0.42 U.JC 0.46 0.35 0.7 4 I .40 2.96 10.05 27 .79 13.43 2.00 2.91 2.9;A 2.03 427 2.82 5.92 7.4Q 2.?2 100,00 .l-.F hnd Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION OUASANITE COIIPANT Date:. 12-76-2004 Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Our Order Number: V850003879-7 MILLENNIUM CONNECTION LLC/PMM VA]L MOUMAIN LODGE 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: PATRICK MITCHELL Sent Via Coutier+++ VML. LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 8 1657 Attn: STAN COPE Phone: 97Q-476-953O Fax; 970-476-4093 Sent Via US Postal Service ANGELO, GORDON & CO. 245 PARK AVE. 26TI{ FLOOR NY, NY IO 167 Attn: JOHN M. & JUDITH H. ANGELO Phone: ?12-69?-2020 Fax: 212-36?-3498 Sent Via US Postal Service LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IO8 S. FRONTAGB RD. W, #203 P.O. BOX 357 vAtL, co 81657 Attn: Allison Benoit Phone: 970-4'16-225 | Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: abenoit@ltgc.com DUVAL & STACHENFELD, LLP 3OO EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK, NY IOOIT Attn: BRUCE STACHENFELD Phone: 212-692-5550 Fax: 212-883-8883 Sent Via Fax BALLARD SPAIIR ANDREWS & INGERSOLL 1225 ITTH ST STE 2300 DENVER, CO 80202 Attn: CHRIS PAYNE. SELLER'S ATTY. Phone: 3O3-292-2400 Fax 303-296-3956 Sent Via US Postal Service If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Jackie Velasquez 108 S, FRONTAGE RD. W. NO3 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 816s7 Phonet 970-OG2251 Fa* 970-47G4732 EMail: jvelasquez@ltgc,com For Closine Assistance: Allison Benoit 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W, NO3 P.O. BOX357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phoner 970-477-4520 Faxz 970476-4534 EMail: abenoit@ltgc.com 12.'t8.04 F Land Title [and Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMERDISTRIBUTION CUARANIIE COIIPANY Datez 12-16-2004 Property Address: IJNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Our Order Number: VB50003879-7 DUVAL & STACHENFELD, LLP 3OO EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK, t{Y 10017 Attn: BRIAN SAMPSON (BUYER ATT]) Ihone: 212-692-5521 Fax: 212-883-8883 BMail: bsanpson@dsllp.com DE lnltr.o (8/2003) F \ Land Tith Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Buyer/Borrowerr JOHN M, ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO Seller/Owner: VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO IMO3 W COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO EO2I5 Phone: 303-237-5000 Creilil: LAND TITLE GAARANTEE COMPANy ABA No.: 107005M7 Account: 2160521825 Att e ntion : Alli son Be noit *******t+**++*:f **+*'*'f *i!t,t*++++++***r!**************,******+****+:t**+ Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. ** *{.{.** ** *** ***** * * ** * ***** ***** +* * * + * {.*** **'tt * * *{.*{.* *{.xr ** {.{. * * * *. *. ** Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directirins to anv ofour 54 office locations. - loll comlel 06 /o'l THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Date: l2-16-2ffi4 Our Order Number: VB50003879-7 Land Title Guarantee Company ESTMATE OF TITLE IIEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Endorsement I 15. lB (Owner) Endorsement 103. 1A (Owner) Endorsement Alta 8.1 (Owner) C-omprehen-sive 1A (Owner) $2,789.00 $30.00 $10.00 s300. oo $s0.00 $30.00 $300.00 If Lz!.it fixla cu.r.rt.. c@It.ay 'j!! ba oloalng xhis XE.!.t.,axl,oa.'.bov. C..a t!!! ba ooTTcoxad .t tlrrt t.tD.. TOTAL $2,909.00 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V850003879-7 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 1. Effective Date: November 22. 2004 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 1,0-17-92 $1,695,000.00 Proposed lnsured: JOHN M, ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effectlve date hereof vested inr VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT L, ACCORDING TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED DECI-ARATION RECORDED ON JANUARY 3, 2OOO AT RECEPTION NO. 719433 AS AMENDED BY THAT CERTAIN FIRST AMENDMENT, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,zOU AT RECEPTION NO. 78616I AND BY THAT CERTAIN SECOND AMENDMENT, RECORDED JUNE 10, 2OO2 AT RECEPTION NO. 79823I AND THAT CERTAIN THIRD AMENDMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER I4.2OO3 AT RECEPTION NO, 858005 AND AS FURTHER AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND ACCORDING TO THE SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED CONDOMINIUM MAP, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,2W2, AT RECEPTION NO. 786160 AND SUPPLEMENT RECORDED _ AT RECEPTTON NO. _ AS FURTHER SUPPLEMENTED FROM TIME TO TIME, ALLAS RECORDED IN THEOFFICEOF THE CLERKAND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. VB50003879-7 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additioul requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. MAP AND DECLARATIONS, ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY. TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 26,2004, FROM VML, L.L.C., A COIORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEB OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF WESTSTAR BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $12,OOO,OOO.OO RECORDED IUNE 21, 2004, IJNDER RECEPTION NO. 881264. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JLINE 21,2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 881265. 4. RELEASE OF FINANCING STATEMENT WITH WESTSTAR BANK, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED JUNE 14, 2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 880614. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO JOHN M. ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY, NOTE: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DISCLOSE(S) AMERICAN HOSPITALITY, INC., A COIORADO CORPORATION AS THE MANAGER($, THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)OurOrderNo. V850003879-7 Continued: NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. NOTE: DUE TO THE PROPERTY INSURED HEREIN @NTAININGNEW CONSTRUCTION, IN ORDER FOR GENERAL EXCEPTION #4 TO BE DELETED, A SATISFACTORY PERSONAL UNDERTAKINGAND A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE PEQUIRED. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED TF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAI.IY CONDUCTS THE CLOSINGOF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED AND ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004, AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS, NOT YET DIJE ORPAYABLE. ITEM 8 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETBD UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. **,8*+***** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTM SEPTEMBER l. 2002 '.********* Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $ I .00 for each docunent rcceived for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by stature. " ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VB50003879-7 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same aFe disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2, Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a corect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, tbr services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the eftbctive date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitnent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7, Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED IULY 12. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. 9, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 103.I TO OUR OWNERS POLICYWHEN ISSUED. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475, THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. IO, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OI.JR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 103.1 TO OUR OWNERS POLICYWHEN ISSUED. 1 1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR RBVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTINGANY COVENANT ORR-ESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE a LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY KNowALLMENBYTHESEPRESENTSthatVML,L.L'c,,aColoradolimited liability company (trr. "co*puny'), hereby makes, constitutes.and appoinls the entity designated ili;;;g;"ph'r ulto*-as its true and lawtul attomey-in-fact and agent' 1. Desisnation of Asent. The company hereby designates American Hospitality' Inc., a Colorado .o.porutiiJ/ii-through its Piesiient, Stanley P. Cope, of Vail, Colorado as its true and lawful attorney-in-fact and agint (the "Agent"). Agsnt is the Managing Agent of the Company,s Vail trlountain Lodge & Sfia tttt3 'lProject") pursuant to that certain Management Agreement entered into effectirTe u, oi April g, Z1OOZ (the "Management Agreement")' The Management Agreement requires the Agent to devote such time and attention to the Project' including the sale of certain'real propert!, as is necessary to fulfill all obligations of Managing Agent under the Management Agreement' 2. Grant of power. The Company does hereby make, constitute and appoint the Agent, acting by or thrffi-its president, rviin nrU power ^of subtliTli?n, its true and lal rful attomey-in-fact with all those statutory powers list;d in c.R,s, $ 15-l'1305, Real Property Transactions, including without limitation, the power to execute and deliver an amendment to the condominium declaration, a suppiemenr to ih, condominium map, sales contracts and any amendments thereto, the deed and related closing documents, in each event related to the following real ProPertY: Condominium Unit L (to be created)' Vail Mountain Lodge Condominiums, according to the Amended and Restated Declaration, recorded Januiry 3, 2000 at Reception No' 719433 as u*ena.O Uy that First Amendment recorded February 15' 2002 at nr."pt,* ifo. iglrct, and by that Second Amendment recorded June 10,2002 at Reception No' 79823i' as further amended and supplemented from time to time' and according- t9-'1t Second e*rnarJuno Restated condominium Map, recorded February 15' ' 2002.t n...ptt"" No' 786160, as amended and supplemented fro* ti*. io iime, atl as recorded in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado' 3. Interpretation. This instrument is to be construed and interpreted as.a limited power of attorney. Tire A-gent shall be entitled' to compensation for services rendered as agent inder this Power of Attotn.y, ut provided in the Management Agreement' 4'Third.PartyReliance.Thirdpartiesmayrelyupon,therepresentationsofthe Agent as to all matters relating to any power granted to the Agent, and no person who may. act in reliance upon the representat[ns ofthe Agent or the authority granted to the Agent shall incur any liabiliiy to the Company as a result of pennitting the Agent to exercise any power' 5. Term. This Limited Power of Attomey shall commence effective as of January 1, 2004 and shall expire upon the earlier to occru of the following: (a) the recordation of an express revocation in the records of the clerk and Recorder of the -ounty of Eagle' colorado; or (b) midnight on the 7th day of April' 2005. CO-DOCS-A #13921 I v1 ^,,tL- Executed this2lff]day of January, 2004' VML, L,L.C., a Colorado limited liability company Bv: MS Vail Management, LLC, a Colorado c4r.y a! STATEOF ) COLINTY OF I The foregoing instrument w?s ac before me this - daY of January, 2004 rrrE rvrvs\rur' -''- ----z T*ugt*tnt' LLC' a colorado limited liability by Michael Shannon, as Mgna-ge_r op*{Y,ail Y ,, ,,,-, t:^L:r;}-, ^^yh,.,n1, .,whn cerrifies the:ffiff"i#**";;v;;;:Wu c"r".'ao *iitea liability company, who certifies the correctness of signatures ofi€ Lgent' WITNESS{If hand and official seal' commlsslon expues Notary Public ISEAL] SPECIMEN SIGNATURE OF AGENT StanleY P. CoPe President, American Hospitality, Inc. CO-DOCS-A #'139211 v1 ti CALIFORNIIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA couNrY oF .U{'06'ldu ) before me, personally appeared, 'fY\V \o,pl 5 .4hf'.nn rW personally known to me ( to be the person{ar whose name(s(f4€subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to netyalflsnet they executed-ihe same in$pte*ttbtrauthorized capacity{ies), and that bV 6Wh!t*sr- signaturu()on the instrumentthe personld, orthe entity upon behalf of which the person(ef?cted' executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (sEAL) XnnCnw feV lWCx CbmflSlo.t al,,|glc.2 ilgfqy tublc:goftorto OPTIONAL INFORMATION ffiffi,\W TITLE OR TYPE OF DOCUMENT DATE OF DOCUMENT SICNER(S) OTHER THAN NAMED ABOVE NUMBER OF PAGES FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AMENDED AI\ID RESTATf,D CONDOMII\IITJM DECLARATION FOR VAIL MOIJNTAIN LODGE CONDOMII\IIUMS VAIL, COLORADO This Fourth Amendment ("Amendment") to the Restated Declaration (defined below) is made and entered into by VML, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ("VML" or "Hotel Unit Owner"), and the Vail Mountain Lodge Owne;g Associatiog lnc., a, Colorado nonprofit corporation (ttre "Association") and is dated ,hts /6n aay of Zz<'-A--- ,2OO+ and shall be eflective upon recordation. RECITALS A. The Amended and Restated Condominium Declaration for the Vail Club Condominiums was recorded with the Clerk and Recorder for Eagle Corurty, Colorado (the "Records") on January 3, 2000 at Reception No.719433, arnended by that First Amendment recorded February 15,2002 at Reception No. 786161, amended by that Second Amendment recorded June 10, 2002 at ReceptionNo.798231, and amended by that Third Amendment recorded November 14, 2003 at Reception No. 858005, of the Records (as amendd the "Restated Declaration"). Capitalized tenns used but not otherwise defined herein shall have the meaning set forth in the Restated Declaration. B. In connection with the First Amendment to the Restated Declaration- VML recorded that certain Second Amended and Restated Condominium Map on February 15,2002 at Reception No. 786160, as supplemented on Novembe r 14,2003 at Reception No. 858004, of the Records (the "Restated Map") depicting a portion of the Hotel Unit as Converted Condominium Units and as Special Condominium Units. C. Sections 2.4 and 5.4 of the Restated Declaration authorize VML, as Hotel Unit Owner, to subdivide and combine portions of the Hotel Unit (as depicted on tle Restated Map) into Converted Condominium Units (and, accordingly, Special Condominium Units) upon the inclusion within the Supplemental Map of a statement that the subdivided and combined unit is a Converted Condorninium Unit (and, accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit). D. VML, as an Expanding Owner under Section 20.2 of the Restated Declaration, has erected upon, improved, altered and improved portions ofthe Project, specifically converting accommodation units 208,207 and a portion of Unit 206 within the Hotel Unit into Unit L and appurtenant desigrated limited common elements to Unit L (as more particularly depicted in the Supplemental Map, the *Unit L Expanding Renovations") and desires to recalculate the Allocated Interests in accordance with the Restated Declaration. E. Contemporaneously with the recordation of this Fourth Amendment, a Supplement to the Restated Map ("Supplemental Map") depicting Unit L, with a statement that Unit L is a Converted Condominium Unit (an{ accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit), shall be recorded in the Records. NOW, TIIEREFORE, VML hereby declares and publishes, with the approval and consent of the Association. as follows: CO_DOCS_A #150397 v2 l. Expanding Renovation. In accordance with Section 20.2 of the Restated Declaration, portions ofthe Project have been expanded, erected upon, improved, altered and integrated as Expanding Renovations. Expanding Owner hereby certifies that the Unit L Expanding Renovations set forth on the Supplemental Map are Expanding Renovations without a Material Adverse Affect. ln accordance with Sections 2.4 and 5,4 of the Restated DeclaratiorL the Expanding Ovvner, the Hotel Unit Ovmer, subdivides and combines portions of the Project as a new Unit L, with limited common elements appurtenant thereto, through the Unit L Expanding Renovations and converts Unit L as a Converted Condominium Unit (and, accordingly, a Special Condominium Unit). By desigpation as a Special Condominium Unit, Unit L shall include all appurtenant rights and benefits of a Special Condominium Unit Owner set forth in the Restated Declaration. Such appurtenant rights and benefits shall not be sold, assigne4 transferred or pledged apart from the Special Condominium Unit. 2. Reallocation of Percentage Interests. VML, as the Expanding Owner, in order to reflect the Unit L Expanding Renovations and the subdivision and combination of portions of the Project as Unit L, hereby recalculates the Common Elements Percentage, Hotel Operating Costs Percentage and Votes allocable to the Project as set forth and incorporated in Exhibit 4 to this Fourth Amendment, which amends and restates Exhibit B to the Restated Declaration in its entirety, 3. FtstM.ortgagee_Consent. Asprovidedby Section 16.1 ofthe Restated Declaration, the First Mortgagee executing this Amendment below hereby consents to the Expanding Renovation, to amendment to the Restated Declaration, and to all otlsr matters set forth herein and in the Supplemental Map. 4, Apnroval of the Associatign. In accordance with Section 17.4 of the Restated Declaration, the Association hereby approves of the amendment of the Restated Declaration and to the additional obligations imposed thereupon the Association. 5. Miscellaneous. a. Conflict Bet*-een Documents. In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this Amendment and the Restated Declaration, this Amendment shall control. A reference to the Restated Declaration or Restated Map in any document or instrument shall be deemed to include this Amendment and the Supplernental Map without any further or specific reference thereto. b. Choice of Law. This Amendment shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado without reeard to its conJlict of laws principles. c. Countemart. This Amendment may be executed and acknowledged in nvo or more counterpafis, each of which shall be an original, but all of which shall constitute one and the same document. co*Docs_A *1503s7 v2 Executed as ofthe date first set forth above. VML, L.L.C., a Colorado limited liability company By: American Hospitality, Inc., a Colorado corporation, as attomey-in-fact for VML, LLC Stanley P, Cope, its President STATEOFCOLORADO I) ss: coUNTYoFEAGLE ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2004 by Stanley P. Cope, President of American Hospitality, [nc., a Colorado corporation" as attorney-in-fact for VML, L.L.C., a Colorado limited liability company, Witness mv hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires By: CO_DOCS_A #150397 v2 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Colorado nonprofit corporation Attest: Secretary STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss: COLINTY OF EAGLE ) Its Presidsnt The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of as President, and by as Secretary of Vail Mountain Lodge Owners Association, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation/ 9JrJaYul Club Condominium Association, Ino, Wihess mv hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission Expires [Signature Page to Fourth Amendment to Restated Declaration] By: by CO-DOCS*A #150397 v2 MORTGAGEE: The undersigned First Mortgagee hereby consents to and joins in the o<ecution and recodation of this Amendment and the Suppleurental Map. WESTSTAR BANK a Colorado state chartered bank By: Name: Its: STATEOTCOLORADO ) )ssCoUNTYoFEAGLE ) 2004,by CO-DOGSJ#150397 v2 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of of Weststar Bank, a Colorado state chartered bank. Wihess my hand and official seal: Notary Public My Commission Expires [Consent Signature Page to Fourt]r Amendment to Restated Declarationl EXHIBIT A TO FOURTH AMENDMENT lotel Square Common Operating Cost Unit # Type of Unil Use Footage Elements % Percentage votes 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 203 204 zva 206 209 309 3't0 409 410 411 412 408 D I 3 1 J E H F L Accommodahon Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accomrnodalion Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodatlon unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Ac6ommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accornmodation Unit Accommodation Unit Accommodailon unit Accommodation Unit Accommodation Unii Comrnercial Comnrerclal Cornmerclal Commercial Commercial Commercial Fractional Fee Unit Fractional Fee Unlt Fractional Fee Unit Fractional Fee Unit Residential Resideniial Residential Residential Residentiai Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Hotel Employee Housing Employee Housing Employee Houslng Employee Housing Hotel Hotel Hote Hotel Athletic Club & Spa Restaurant Residence Club Residence Club Residence Club Residence Club Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied Owner occupied 490 Jc't 377 383 JYO 17n 372 613 410 387 801 358 406 272 4YO 225 4f8 908 a or2 6,526 18,053 8,726 1,891 1,886 1,316 1,829 3,843 4,809 1,442 64,955 0.7 5a/o Q.57 To 0,60% 0.58% 0.59% 0.61% 0.57% 0.570/, Q.94o/o 0.63% 0.60% 0.16% 1.234/. 0.55% 0.63% 0,42% 0.35% 046% 0.35% Q.7 4Yo 1 .404k 2.96o/o 10.050/a 27 .75% 13.43% 2,QQTO 2.91o/o 2.90% 2.03"/, 4.27o/o 2,82% 5.92% 7 .40Yo 2,?2'/, 100.00% 1.25% Q,94fo U. VY-/o 0.96% 0.98% 1.010/0 0.95% 0.95% 1.57% 1,050/o 0.99% 0.30% 2.050/0 0.920/0 1.Q44/o 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 1,22% 2.320/" 4.92% 16.69% 2.50% 2.50Yo 3.320/o 4.830/0 4.82Yo 3.36% 7.49% 4.680k 9.83% 12.30% 3,6996 100,00% 0.75 0.57 U.OU 0.58 0.59 0.61 0.57 0.57 0,94 0.63 0.60 0.18 1.23 0.55 0.63 0.42 U.JC 0.46 0.35 0.7 4 I .40 2.96 10.05 27 .79 13.43 2.00 2.91 2.9;A 2.03 427 2.82 5.92 7.4Q 2.?2 100,00 .l-.F hnd Title Land Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION OUASANITE COIIPANT Date:. 12-76-2004 Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Our Order Number: V850003879-7 MILLENNIUM CONNECTION LLC/PMM VA]L MOUMAIN LODGE 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 81657 Attn: PATRICK MITCHELL Sent Via Coutier+++ VML. LLC. A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE VAIL, CO 8 1657 Attn: STAN COPE Phone: 97Q-476-953O Fax; 970-476-4093 Sent Via US Postal Service ANGELO, GORDON & CO. 245 PARK AVE. 26TI{ FLOOR NY, NY IO 167 Attn: JOHN M. & JUDITH H. ANGELO Phone: ?12-69?-2020 Fax: 212-36?-3498 Sent Via US Postal Service LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY IO8 S. FRONTAGB RD. W, #203 P.O. BOX 357 vAtL, co 81657 Attn: Allison Benoit Phone: 970-4'16-225 | Fax: 970-476-4534 EMail: abenoit@ltgc.com DUVAL & STACHENFELD, LLP 3OO EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK, NY IOOIT Attn: BRUCE STACHENFELD Phone: 212-692-5550 Fax: 212-883-8883 Sent Via Fax BALLARD SPAIIR ANDREWS & INGERSOLL 1225 ITTH ST STE 2300 DENVER, CO 80202 Attn: CHRIS PAYNE. SELLER'S ATTY. Phone: 3O3-292-2400 Fax 303-296-3956 Sent Via US Postal Service If you have any inquiries or require further assistance, please contact one of the numbers below: For Title Assistance: Vail Title Dept. Jackie Velasquez 108 S, FRONTAGE RD. W. NO3 P.O. BOX 357 vArL, co 816s7 Phonet 970-OG2251 Fa* 970-47G4732 EMail: jvelasquez@ltgc,com For Closine Assistance: Allison Benoit 108 S. FRONTAGE RD. W, NO3 P.O. BOX357 VAIL, CO 81657 Phoner 970-477-4520 Faxz 970476-4534 EMail: abenoit@ltgc.com 12.'t8.04 F Land Title [and Title Guarantee Company CUSTOMERDISTRIBUTION CUARANIIE COIIPANY Datez 12-16-2004 Property Address: IJNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Our Order Number: VB50003879-7 DUVAL & STACHENFELD, LLP 3OO EAST 42ND STREET NEW YORK, t{Y 10017 Attn: BRIAN SAMPSON (BUYER ATT]) Ihone: 212-692-5521 Fax: 212-883-8883 BMail: bsanpson@dsllp.com DE lnltr.o (8/2003) F \ Land Tith Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Buyer/Borrowerr JOHN M, ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO Seller/Owner: VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LI-ABILITY COMPANY Wire Information: Bank: FIRSTBANK OF COLORADO IMO3 W COLFAX AVENUE LAKEWOOD, CO EO2I5 Phone: 303-237-5000 Creilil: LAND TITLE GAARANTEE COMPANy ABA No.: 107005M7 Account: 2160521825 Att e ntion : Alli son Be noit *******t+**++*:f **+*'*'f *i!t,t*++++++***r!**************,******+****+:t**+ Note: Once an original commitment has been issued, any subsequent modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments. ** *{.{.** ** *** ***** * * ** * ***** ***** +* * * + * {.*** **'tt * * *{.*{.* *{.xr ** {.{. * * * *. *. ** Need a map or directions for your upcoming closing? Check out Land Title's web site at www.ltgc.com for directirins to anv ofour 54 office locations. - loll comlel 06 /o'l THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER! Date: l2-16-2ffi4 Our Order Number: VB50003879-7 Land Title Guarantee Company ESTMATE OF TITLE IIEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions l-3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Endorsement I 15. lB (Owner) Endorsement 103. 1A (Owner) Endorsement Alta 8.1 (Owner) C-omprehen-sive 1A (Owner) $2,789.00 $30.00 $10.00 s300. oo $s0.00 $30.00 $300.00 If Lz!.it fixla cu.r.rt.. c@It.ay 'j!! ba oloalng xhis XE.!.t.,axl,oa.'.bov. C..a t!!! ba ooTTcoxad .t tlrrt t.tD.. TOTAL $2,909.00 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No. V850003879-7 Schedule A Cust. Ref.: Property Address: UNIT L, VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE 1. Effective Date: November 22. 2004 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposed Insured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy 1,0-17-92 $1,695,000.00 Proposed lnsured: JOHN M, ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to in this Commitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at the effectlve date hereof vested inr VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: CONDOMINIUM UNIT L, ACCORDING TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED DECI-ARATION RECORDED ON JANUARY 3, 2OOO AT RECEPTION NO. 719433 AS AMENDED BY THAT CERTAIN FIRST AMENDMENT, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,zOU AT RECEPTION NO. 78616I AND BY THAT CERTAIN SECOND AMENDMENT, RECORDED JUNE 10, 2OO2 AT RECEPTION NO. 79823I AND THAT CERTAIN THIRD AMENDMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER I4.2OO3 AT RECEPTION NO, 858005 AND AS FURTHER AMENDED FROM TIME TO TIME, AND ACCORDING TO THE SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED CONDOMINIUM MAP, RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,2W2, AT RECEPTION NO. 786160 AND SUPPLEMENT RECORDED _ AT RECEPTTON NO. _ AS FURTHER SUPPLEMENTED FROM TIME TO TIME, ALLAS RECORDED IN THEOFFICEOF THE CLERKAND RECORDER OF EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements) Our Order No. VB50003879-7 The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additioul requirements, if any disclosed below: 1. MAP AND DECLARATIONS, ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMPANY. TO BE RECORDED IN EAGLE COUNTY. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. PARTIAL RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED MAY 26,2004, FROM VML, L.L.C., A COIORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEB OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OF WESTSTAR BANK TO SECURE THE SUM OF $12,OOO,OOO.OO RECORDED IUNE 21, 2004, IJNDER RECEPTION NO. 881264. DISBURSER'S NOTICE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS RECORDED JLINE 21,2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 881265. 4. RELEASE OF FINANCING STATEMENT WITH WESTSTAR BANK, THE SECURED PARTY, RECORDED JUNE 14, 2004, UNDER RECEPTION NO. 880614. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY TO JOHN M. ANGELO AND JUDITH H. ANGELO CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY, NOTE: ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION FOR VML, L.L.C., A COLORADO LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DISCLOSE(S) AMERICAN HOSPITALITY, INC., A COIORADO CORPORATION AS THE MANAGER($, THE FOLLOWING DELETIONS/MODIFICATIONS ARE FOR THE OWNER'S POLICY, ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requirements)OurOrderNo. V850003879-7 Continued: NOTE: ITEMS 1-3 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. NOTE: DUE TO THE PROPERTY INSURED HEREIN @NTAININGNEW CONSTRUCTION, IN ORDER FOR GENERAL EXCEPTION #4 TO BE DELETED, A SATISFACTORY PERSONAL UNDERTAKINGAND A TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE PEQUIRED. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE STANDARD EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED TF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPAI.IY CONDUCTS THE CLOSINGOF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(S) AND RECORDS THE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TAXES, ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETED AND ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004, AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS, NOT YET DIJE ORPAYABLE. ITEM 8 UNDER SCHEDULE B-2 WILL BE DELETBD UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. **,8*+***** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTM SEPTEMBER l. 2002 '.********* Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk and recorder shall collect a surcharge of $ I .00 for each docunent rcceived for recording or filing in his or her office. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other fees permitted by stature. " ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. VB50003879-7 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless the same aFe disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2, Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a corect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, tbr services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the eftbctive date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitnent. 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. 7, Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section I of Schedule B hereof. 9, RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED IULY 12. 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. 9, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 103.I TO OUR OWNERS POLICYWHEN ISSUED. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899. IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475, THE EXISTENCE OF THE EASEMENT SHOWN AS ITEM NO. IO, SCHEDULE B-2, WILL NOT AFFECT OI.JR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSEMENT NO. 103.1 TO OUR OWNERS POLICYWHEN ISSUED. 1 1. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR RBVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTINGANY COVENANT ORR-ESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule B - Section 2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V850003879-7 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to tbe following unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Companyr EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATEAGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10. 1962. IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE I79. NOTE: COMPREHENSIVE 1A COVERS THEABOVE EXCEPTION. 12, (ITEM INTENTIONALLY DELETED) 13. EASEMENT AND RIGHT OF WAY FOR GORE CREEK AS IT AFFECTS PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE. FIRST FILING. NOTE: COMPREHENSIVE IA COVERS THE ABOVE EXCEPTION. 14. THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS, AND RESTR]CTIONS, WHICH AREA BURDEN TO THE CONDOMINIUM UNIT DESCRIBED TN SCHEDULEA, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY 03, 2OOO, UNDER R-ECEPTION NO. 719433, AS AMENDED BY AMENDMENT RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,2OO2 RECEPTION NO. 78616I AND AMENDMENT RECORDED JUNE 10, 2OO2 RECEPTION NO. 79823I AND AMENDMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 14. 2OO3 AT RECEPTION NO.858005. NOTE: COMPREHENSM 1A COVERS THEABOVE EXCEPTION. 15. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSAND NOTES ON THE CONDOMINIUM MAP OF THE VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE CONDOMINIUMS RECORDED FEBRUARY 15,2002 RECEPTION NO. 786160 AND SUPPLEMENT RECORDED AT RECEPTION NO. NOTE: COMPREHENSIVE 1A COVERS THE ABOVE EXCEPTION. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSI]RT STATEMEIITS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Cenificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction nuy be obtained from the County Treasurer' s authorized agent. Q The infornution regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained from dre Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the C-ounty Assessor. Note: Effective September l, 199'7 , CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin ofat least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of au inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording or filing information at the top margin of *re document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior to the time of recordirrg whenever the title entity conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or frling of legal documents resuldng from the transaction which was closed". Provided that Land Title Guarantee C,ompany conducts the closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents liorn the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner nuy be available (typically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Commiunent fiom the Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commitrnent must be a single family residence which includes a condonrinium or townhouse unit, B) No labor or matedals have been furnished by mechanics or meterial-men for purposes of corutruction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 months. Q The Company must receive an appropriate affidavit indemnifying the Company against un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must reseive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or nrajor repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitrnent, the requirements to obtain covemge for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain construction iilbrmation; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium fully executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory to the company, and, any additional requirernents as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under ary circumstances for labor or material tbr which the irxured has conuacted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuatrt to CRS 10-1 1-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owner's policy courmitments cotrtaining a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood ftat a third party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include dre right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fullv satisfied. Form DISCLOSURE 09101/02 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July 1, 2001 We recognize and respect *re privacv exDectations of todav's co[sumers and the reouirements of aoplicable federal and smte priv-acy laws. We believd that riukihq vou aware of liow we use vour non-oubfic oersonal infoimaciou ("Personal Inforinatiori"), and to whom it is discloseif, 'will form the basis fbr a r-elationshiir of trui.st bcrween us and the'public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explarution. We reserve thd right to change this Privacy' Statemeirt from time to time consistenf with applicable'privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applicatiofts or odrer forrs we receive from you or your authorizcd represertative;* lrom ybur transactions with, or from the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, o'ur affiliates, or others;6 From out rntenret web srtes;'r Fro4 the pullic records maintained by governmenral entities that we either obtain directly from those entides, or from our atfiliates or othcisland+ From c6nsumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information We mainuin phvsical, electrorfc and orocedural safesuards to orotect vour Personal Information from unauchorized acccss or inrrision. We limit access to the Personal Iilfonrution onlv to tbose emolovees who necd such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other l-egitimate busineis purposes. Our Policies and kactices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We ruy share your Personal Inform4lion with our affiliates, such as insuance companies, agens, and other real estate s-ettlement servica Droviders. We also mav disclose v0ur Personal Information: * to agents, broters o, representatives to prwide you wirh services you have requested;* to fi-ird-party contractois or service providers wtro provide servictis or perfoni nrarketing or odrcr functionis ori our behalfi and* to others with whom we enter into joint marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may tind of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal lnformation when vou direct or qive us permissiol, when we are required bv law to do so. or when we i-uspect liaudulent or criminal acfrvities. We alio mav Aisclose vour Personal Infornution when otherwise permi-*ed by applicable privacy laws such as,.for exainple, wheir disclosure is needed to enforce our nghts ansrng out ot any agreement, tralsactron or relatlolsftp wltll you. One qf th9 irnportant responsibilities of some of our affiliated.companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documenrs'may contain yow Personal Informatiou. Right to Access Your p"rroo"t Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afTord you fte right to access your Personal Intbrrnation and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Persor-ral Infornition has beeir disclosed. Also. certain states afford vou the right to request correctiori, amendment or deletion of your Personal Information. We reserve ttre rilht, where permittdd by law, to charge a reasonable fce to cover the c6sts incurred in responding to such requests. - All requess submitted to the Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b'e in writing, and delivered ro -rhe fbllowing address: Privacv Comoliance Offi cer Fideliw National Financial. Inc. 4050 Calle Real. Suite 220 Sana Barbara, CA 931 l0 Multiple Products or Services If we provide you with more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from is. We alologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Form PRIV.POL.CHI VuzV,lll.r +4o>- WLA"'h&nola-o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us ProjectName: ANGELOCHANGE DRBNumber: DRB0404B3 Project DescripUon: REVISION TO DECI(S AT TEVEL 185 AND t77,VML Pafticipants: APPUCANT RESORTDESIGN 0911312004 Phone:303-449-4433 1434 SPRUCE ST., STE. 110 BOULDE& CO 80302 Lhense: C000001625 OWNER ANGELO, JOHN AND JUDITH 091t312004 Phone: 476-0700 352 E. MEADOW DR., UNIT 402 VAIL co 81657 . Ucense: ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location! 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE, UNIT 402 Legal Description: Lot: TrB Btock Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108255001 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/SIAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SfAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 091L712004 Conditions:. Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condl 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following tie date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0006693 Applicant shall match railings and style of deck to other units' decks on rear of building Entry: 0911712004 By: ee Action: AP Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ) a9/23/20U4 Aai57 2),279363A7 JUDY 8 JOHN ANGELO PAGE A2 ,,%,,**,,i"*rr7.4/w4d;rrr-W Appflcation for Deelgn Revlew _ Dapad[rcnt ol commurlty O.lrtrprn nt 76 Sdrrh Franr!0e Rd, vtt, (btorr@ !16c7t l: 07oa7l.?130 frr: 970.f792rt6? treo ; r*\rv,vall0ov.@m Gentrl Informrtlon: lllTteP |tquidng d-lgn twcl ft-! tiahc sgpro d prior b srbmtting s bultdhg p.rmtr rypltcrdon. ptar. _ nlfat b.lha rrtbmtm trqur n ntr tc.tnr panu,,lr, .pprJwl rrrr b nqrJi. Arr rpritc.iigr-& oo.tgn Rrrbv' crnrEt b. rlcrgtcd untll r nquhd.hlb.mfton tr nirrt * ry ne Cdm,n.rntty pr,'.,rt-op,rrni ryltm.nt. Th.qtpj9d mry & nid to b! rwlc. €.t Ey th. Tsfi orrrcl rniyor url Fhnnrni iru'driJ;ffitd commrd/dr.t'..lgn.w!aw appffirr.l trFr.a unlrta r bufirflng p.rmfr rJ r-r.o rnd con.trucllon Gomm.ncaa tttilno|la lnttr ol th. app|Errrt. PrE.f tto.r ?-l O | 0t7fi e I (Corilscl &gL Ca. Amor rt 970.€29+6.0 for parcct no.) Zonlng: /,ivzu RECEI!ED Ir Lote116n o; *. p]opoa.l:Ld; It r Phtdorl Addr...:2- tef 9;bdMrim: M Wi{L tlamclrl ol ownorlr)i ilrlllng Addr-r: ownff(r) Elgnrluro(r): lltnr of Appllclltr trlllng Addrlr: E.rnrll Addn||: Type ol irvlrr rnd Fo:. Slgnr. Coio.pnJrl Rovbw. t{ew Cqrtrr.ctlon. Addllon . luhor ALrullon (mtAl.frmifrcolnrdal) r MhorAte|rllon (dnf lFtrnily/dupl.x) ' ctangcc to ADfo\d Phnr ' S€o.t$loo R{l4t $50 Phrr t1.@ f .qucn toot of bUlrign e1a. NoFr toso $om $3t0 $20 ' 6 =NoFe Fo. cofi'tructidl of r nrrv bulldlng or d.mo,i1!bu[d. Fo. on rdltlon wt6.r lquart lootrce r ldo- to rny rril.nud ordnnrdrl bJlldtng (indrdi ?50 eddtionr ! hFlor @nttnJorrl. For rnlrpr Ofrm9r tO bUlldllg 966.p. lrntr.u\rf,l||rfr, ejch !, rerwllng. prlntlnC, rdndov ad tbnr. bne.plm, lerpo lrdlfiifiino trlb, .tc. For mlnor d||rE!| to brltdhgr r,! rita fflpiofirn nb, rLbh r. rcrcdlng, pdnllng, wlfitow rddtir3. hn.Frdng, fbnCa rrd r.taidng wdts, .to. F0. ruddfir to phrr rt rdy rpgro.td bt Ftnning Strtr or th. Drlgn Ranop 6oafd. TRANSMITTAL TO: Elizabeth Eckel FROM; Jennifer Cortes COMPAITIY: Town of Vail Dept. of DATE: 09-10-04 Community DevelopmentADDRESS: 75 South Front4ge Road JOB NAME: Angelo Remodel Vail, CO 81657 JOBNIJMBER: Z3t9B RE: Application for Design Review CC: We are sending via Fed Ex x Attacfied E Originals D @ly of lefier tr Specifcations tr Other tr Under separate cwer tr Prirts tr Shop drawings tr Change Order tr COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION I 09-0244 $20.00 check for cbanges to approved plans t Vail Mountain Lodge West and South Elevations and Unit 402 Deck Plan I Signed Application E For review and oonun€nt E For approval E For yow information E For your use E As requested NOTE: Hi Elizabetlt - Please find arached drawings for our prcposal to change approved plans for Unit 402 d the Vail Mqrntain Iodge. Basically, we world like to extend the decks on trvels 186 ad 177 by 2'4" tathe south. Please let me know if you need anything from me to make your decision. Thank you for your help. ,€nnif€r l.l 3"1 Sprrrce Stlcet, Surte ll0, Borrlder, {: () Slr jar 2 REsOf,T DESIGNE GiL rlcrattrE ASSOCTATES p h o n e r 3 t.) 3 . .l J 9 . -l.l -i 3 t'r \ | I (| 3 - -l.l g . I i 6 6 e tn e i I : r u io @ R e s o r t D € s I g o . c o m w t't'. Re s o t t D e s r gl . c o ut V.ur, Nfiouwr.tmv Lonon, & Sp,t September 14,2004 To: The Design Review Board of the Town of Vail Re: The proposed deck extensions The Vail Mountain Lodge Owners'Association has approved the proposed extension of the decks for Unit L (aka unit 402, the Angelo unit) and Unit P (aka unit 302, a new fractional unit) on the south side of the Vail Mountain Lodge. lt is our understanding that the application to the Design Review Board was filed on September 13,2004. Attached are the 8%" x 11" drawings that illustrate the approved changes. lf you have any questions, please feelfree to contact me at970-476-9530. Thank you for your consideration of this request. Vail Mountain Lodge Owners' Association 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 81657 Hotel (970) 476_0700. spa (970) 476_772r. Fa:< (970) 476-645r /j//.)*- /n u!/c -1til-1/mI7l I mm>X{u).-JJ>7Itl 7iXLIU rn I ,i)/ r-oIzn/ mo;#li \ I pH* -Jc\nm+Y6"d ^ (ftwm U t-J X +tmEtol^l'ntr IBlr lptblz E F Y n N tFl3A9cH ><b t$Fo98F P F x ! V v')fiA x\:,xtr 6z *:2-v- fiec;iv;d Tine S:p.i0, i:2lPiil I ||lllll AAOIIIEqIUTE. PT,ANNING, INTEIIOT, DESICN San Franclsco Offlc. t-li:a€, CA t trt Eo.rldei Offict McCall O'fflceMt !Rn- -.II ANCELO IEMODEL uNn 402 VAIL MOUNT IN IOOG€ LEVEI IZ7 AND r 85 PROPOS€O DECI( €XTENS|ON *: t-- .; II_J*_lII{l$Ei;ll i'F (-) .t.^ ila q|--{ IMlr lm tL lnJVl' I I I I o ;< o- ii\ XO 6z I tr iiacirie,i i ,1s isr l.r irillttrot.ft!,-cllaElg attEr oNIIEEFIINC!!irllll! G, @u!t{ no t!it&{ at') @at,/xro lttlll <ut|.|.tLr€l|lFt-rct -llAt.l'l'{I,id{Fr Tnt^r\l ^r '1'.A.llnf ::w |.L 0q,U"t+ +-_.'-r** --=-.-._r;h,l$ :llvo tb:/r1: -rs ,i\tt, fOr, ./,.\ j(J t\/i/io_( sl.ra . IAGOAiDD TTAEll /A UN]T 4O2 AP?RO\€D FLOOR PLANtl\t/ va'.t'-a" c tttt !1rl I'IIIEI a ht 9t/^:-an|nEr lrr,DE OFIEfrr4FtlDRarllta ARCHITECTURB PTANNING, INTERIOR, DESIGN San Francisco Office 3t8 MarG St!.r!. Sulb 30O Sar Fr.n6kco, CA 94f11 T.ft ,115392.,'lii:}3 Far 115.392.3{54 Boulder Office t{f4SF|.Gtbr.'t Sulb | 1O Bould!.. CO 80302 Trt 3ot.,f,f9..t +33Fc 3o3.rL9.3 356 McCall Office 1dr2 Fkt Sti.t ri.Cdl, lD 435:tA Tc[ 2o8.63,1.,f9o F.E 208.63,1.5498.oom ANGELO REMODEL UNIT4O2 VAIL MOUNTAIN TODGE LE\TEL'177 AND 185 PROPOSED DECK EXTENSION PROJECT #23198 SEPTEMBER 1,2004' - | --\ r-l-vt-\/t l-AF'PRCVED EDG= OF DECK FROFCSED -3- ?'\-.-t-lEr,-,.K EXTENSION R+l-r'tt-tUT I c r-lpt+ ,(t w ililililtl1l \ --------------- EXIST ING EAY ASOVE FLOUER 3C)/. W/ AUTO IRRIGATION -----------_--- FRCPERTY L INE ---=---_.-.-.--..- CK FLOOR PLAN ARCHITECruRE" PL\NNING, INIBIOR,T'ESICN San Fnncisco OfrcetrHhtg|bla 3f| Frflbo, CA 9,ll 11 T.& al539iIr4iEFc al lt :19:Lta,l5a Boulder Offlce lal|SrEhairb 110 larldr, @ to$aT.t f6r/t9Jatthc l@raC3t65 tvtcCall Offce 1@lh$r-redLD!!6rtT.l 2OA69ar54OFE 2fl.61.t 5/ttt ANGELO REIVIODEI UNIT4O2 VAt AIOUNTAIN LODGE LEVET I77 AND 185 PROFOSED DECK DfiENSION PRO|ECT#23198 SEPTEMBER 1,z(Xn /;\ gouTH ELEVATIONtl \t/ t^6'=t-@" ARCHITECTURE, PLANNINC, INTERIOR DESIGN InioORe3ortoe3ign.com www. ResortDesign.com San Francisco Office 388 Mart t Street, Suite 38O San Franskco, CA 94tll Tel:415.392.4433 Fax: 415.392.34454 Boulder Office 1434 Spruce Stre€r Suite 110 Boulder, CO 8o3o2 Tel:303.449.,1433 Fax:303.449.3366 McCall Office 1OO2 First Stieet Mccall, lD a3636 Tel 208.634.45,fo Faxr 208.534.5498 ANGELO REMODEL UNIT 4O2 VAII MOUNTAIN TODCE LEVEL 177 AND 185 PROPOSED DECK EXTENSION L:i--it L lr--r [:"]l_. F]I Ll l . - I l t-r /A 9OUTIt ELEVATION ENLARCEDII\i/ v4".t'-o" F LI;l'i ARCH]TECTURE, PIANNING, INTERIOR, DESIGN San Francisco Office 3eO M.d.a St'!.c sub 3tO 3m fnr&o, CA 9ill I IT.t al5.39L.lail3 Fac,fi5.1921,Lit Boulder Office f /f3a SFle st!!.atubrro tqrldlr, @ mto2 T.* :D3.,f4t.aat3F|r 3o3.,l,lr!t t366 McCall Office 1m2 F| Sbldrrd.ll, lO t:]6lC T.* 2(,a69445.|(}FE 2ll6.6t{tt9t ANGELO REMODEL UNIT4O2 VAILMOUNTAIN TODGE L6IEL177 AND 185 PROPOSED DECK EXTENSION PROTECT#2319E SEPTEMBER 1,2W ????????? oi? f- --+ f- -i T---_-_T n-1 NEII, DECK EXIEN9IOhI HIDDEN BEI.IIND (E) BAY /1\ UJEgT ELEVATION \--' t- "--' ARCHITECTURE, PLANNINC, INTERIOR DESICN lhfoeResonD€{igri.Lonl www.ResonDesign.com San Francisco Office 3EE Markel Stieet, Suire 380 San Franrisco, CA 941'11 ret 415.392.4433 Fa\. 415.392.34454 Boulder Office I434 Spruce Street Suite 110 B.|rrlder ar) 8n1^2 Tel: 3O3.449.4433 Fax: 303.449.3366 ANCELO REMODEL UNIT 402 VAIL MOUNTAIN LODCE LEVEL 177 AND 185 PROPOSED DECK EXTENSION l l McCall PROJECT #23198 SEPTEMBER 1,2OO4 l- ryf/g"e t/wL -frr* 6' Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparEnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.4792L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us VML CHANGE DRB Number: DRB0,10340 MODIFICATION OF APROVED RESTAURANT ADDMON TO REFLECTTHE FOOTPRINT OF E(ISTING FOUNDATION WALLS. THE INTENT IS TO PRESERVE THE DfiSTING I.ANDSCAPING AND TREES. 07l2Ll2OO4 PhoneiOWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 07 12112004 Phone: 97 0-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001625 ARCHilECT ZEHREN &ASSOCATES,INC' 0712L12004 Phone: 970-949'0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81520 License: C000001625 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TOIW Proiect Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Legat Description: Lotr TrB Block subdivision:W \ftrLt{ytu"if*^ W"- Parcel Number: Comments:led and withdrawn, 1 Motion By: Rogers Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: DENIED Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB appro/al shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become roid one (1) year folloruing the date of final approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and @nsFuctbn is @mmenced and is diligently pursued towad completion. Ptannen Bisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f2O.OO .( OctoOer z, ZOO+ Mr. Stanley Gope c/o VML LLC 285 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re; Vail Mounlain Lodge appeal of DR8040340 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract Bl/ail Village l" Filing Dear Mr. Cope, Th.ank you lor your letter indicating your desire to withdraw your appeal of the Design Review Board's August 18"'denial of the above project. In spite of the withdrawal, the Town Council was forced to vote on the appeal that evening and upheld the DRB's previous decision. However, I have indicated the withdrawal in our system the appropriate form for your records. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. enclosure FILE SgPr TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 2:00 p.m. Wednesdavs.) MEETINGDATE: OCIObCr5.2OO4 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. ll the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) Work Session Evening Meeting Site Visit TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED: 10 minutes TIME NEEDED: 10 minutes --rY- WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. YES. Specifics: Appellantwill qirc WLL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT, i.e. overhead projector, etc.?_x_ No. YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. _x_ YES. lf yes, is the material also foig![gg[g!gj!g!!q? _a_yes. - No. ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal ol the August 18, 2004 Design Review Board (DRB) denial of an application tor changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 Easl Meadow Drive, Tract B/ry'ail Village 18r Filing. ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL: Uphold, uphold with conditions, or modily the DRB's denial of an application for changes to.approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1o Filing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On August 18, 2004, the DRB went on a site visit and performed a linal review of the applicant's proposal tor changes to approved plans on the subiect property, and voted 5-0 in denial of the application. At the time of the original application in the tall of 2003, the DRB approved an enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck on the east side of the Vail Mountain Lodge. The approval was a result of the Design Review Board's request that the deck enclosure be octagonally-shaped, with an interesting roofline. Since that time, financial and practical issues arose as a result ol the enclosure shape that the DRB approved and requested. Therefore, the applicant submitted an application for changes to approved plans to keep the deck enclosure in the original, rectangular shape. As a result of the DRB denial, the appellant, Mr. Stanley Cope is requesting that the Council modifies the Design Review Board denial of his application to keep the deck foundations, and consequently the enclosure, with the same shape. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Statl recommends that the Town Council upholds the DRB's denial of the application for changes lo approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B/Vail Village 1" Filing. Elisabeth Eckel, Community Development Department TOWN OF VAIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 8:00 A.M., OCTOBER 5, 2004 VAIL TOWN GOUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail. CO 81657 NOTE:Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. T r a n s po rtati o ry,*vit*\aye M u n i ci pa I B u i I d i n g P ar ki n g Lot promptly at ff00 A.M. ),--\ ITEM/TOPIC: Site Visifs. (1 hr.) \./ ' Marks DRB Appet/ 1. ( . ) Varl Mountain Lodge DRB Appeal. 2. . Lionshead Core Hotel Site. A light breakfastwill be serued ITEM/TOPIC: Joint Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC)/ Design Review Board (DRB) / Conference Center Oversight Committee. Site Planning Update. (1 1/2 hrs.) ITEMffOPIC: Joint TOV / DRB Meeting. Re: Roles & Responsibilities. (30 min.) ITEM/TOPIG: PEC/DRB Update. (30 min.) ITEMffOPIG: Request to discuss options for addressing employee housing options on 1325 Westhaven Drive (the "Ruins") which is included in Special Development District #4. (45 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL: The applicant is requesting clarification of the Town's employee generation policy and for specific input on the appropriate number of employee housing unit beds that should now be required for a development project on the "Ruins' site and whether a pay in lieu option is acceptable to address a housing requirement. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: 3. 4. George Ruther 5. Russ Forrest 7. Judy Camp The applicant is requesting clarification of the Town's employee generation policy and for specific input on the appropriate number of employee housing unit beds that should now be required for a development project on the "Ruins" site. This property is part of SDD # 4 which includes the entire Glen Lyon Subdivision. As part of the approval for the Glen Lyon subdivision in 1979, an employee housing requirement was placed on the subdivision which originally included 32 Employee Housing units (for the entire SDD) at a total of 27,200 sq. ft. Staff has summarized the various iterations over time of amendments to SDD #4 and how that has changed the employee housing requirement on 1325 Westhaven. In 1982, construction commenced and then stopped resulting in the present condition of the "ruins site." The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) discussed both of the issues identified in Section Vl of this memorandum on September 13, 2004. Their recommendation is provided in the staff memorandum. Working Lunch (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Council Contributions. Staff will have prepared a master matrix in time for Tuesday afternoon's discussion on Council Contributions for'05. Please drop off your working papers first thing Tuesday morning, unless you have already done so, so Penny has time to compile them. (1 hr.) ITEM/TOPIG: Discussion: D Capital Project Fund Five Year Projection. (15 min.) Projection. (15 min.) 8. Pam Brandmeyer ITEM/TOPIC: Employee Anniversaries. (30 min.) 6. Stan Zemler Pam Brandmeyer Judy Camp Matthew Lindvall: Donald Gallegos: Mike Rose: Charlie Davis: Alan Bosworth: Tito Montoya: Leo Vasquez: Charlene Erickson: Ron Braden: David Rhoades: Eli Cisneros: Mike Knox: Susan Douglas: Mary Anne Odell Jennifer Butler: Fred Pena: 25 years 25 years 25 years 25 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 15 years '10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 5 years 5 years 5 years George Mascarenas: 5 years Kevin Bridges: 5 years 9. Judy Camp ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion: F Review of First Draft of General Fund Budget. (30 min) 10. ITEMiTOPIC: Information Update (10 min.) 11. ITEMiTOPIC: Mafters from Mayor & Council (10 min.) 12. Matt Mire ITEM/TOPIC: Executive Session. (1 hr.) F Litigation Update C.R.S. 24-6-402(4Xb). ) Conference w/ attorney and negotiations Re: Gore Creek Place and Lionshead Development lmprovement Ag reement. Pu rsua nt to C. R.S. 2a-6a02$) (b)(e) 13. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment (4:15 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 12 A.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2OO4 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-21OG voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. TOWN COUNCIL EVENING SESSION AGENDA 6:00 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,2004 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 NOTE:Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. ITEM/TOPIC: Citizen Participation. (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIG: Construction / Streetscape Update. (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Conference Center Update. (5 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Consent Agenda. Approval of Minutes from 09.07.04 and 09.21.04 Council Meetings. (5 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Award of Vail lnformation Centers Contracl. (1 hr.) RECOMMENDATION: The Visitor Information Centers Council Subcommittee met Tuesday, September 28, to interview both respondents to the Request for Proposal, the Vail Chamber and Business Association (VCBA) and the Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau (WCTB). lt is the recommendation of the Vail lnformation Centers Subcommiftee for the Vail Town Council to direct the Town Manager to enter into negotiations with the WCTB for a one year contract to expire September 30, 2005. NEGOTIATIONS TO INGLUDE: a. Booth Information Displays and Distribution b. Monthly Accountability Summarizing Direct Bookings from the Information Center c. Hours of Operation d. Any Other Current Matters Council Would Like to Address Subsequent to these negotiations, the Council also authorizes the Town Manager to sign this one year contract for the Visitor's Centers with the WCTB. ON-GOING PROCESS WLL INCLUDE: Recognizing larger issues remain to be considered, the Council members assigned to this subcommittee further recommend 2. Greg Hall 3. Russ Forrest 4. 5. Farrow Hitt Kim Ruotolo Stan Zemler 6. Suzanne Silverthorn 7. BillGibson Susan Marks Don Marks continued discussions with the Town Manager and staff to define more specifically the role of information centers, in serving Vail's guests and businesses. These discussions will culminate in a series of policy decisions to be determined by the full Council. ITEMffOPIC: Chamonix Property Master Plan Update. (30 min.) BACKGROUND: Since July 20, 2004, at the direction of the Town Council, the pfanning team of Davis Partnership/Michael Hazard Associates has been working to facilitate a master land use plan for the town- owned Chamonix property at 2310 Chamonix Rd in West Vail. The purpose of the planning is to accommodate the Town Council's desire for a future fire station on the property, as well as other potential uses. The planning steps, to date, have included: ) A kick-off meeting with the West Vail neighborhood on Aug. 9, in which five key themes were identified;) development of a series of fire station site plan options; D a residential density analysis showing height relationships and density comparisons to existing properties; F a second neighborhood meeting on Sept. 27 in which the most recent work was shared and comments and suggestions were collected. The purpose of the Oct. 5 presentation is to provide an update, answer questions, collect comments from the Town Council, narrow the fire station options to two or three, and describe next sreps. ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor exterior alteration (i.e. deck replacement utilizing simulated wood), located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13. (20 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overturn, or modify the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application pufsuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On October 16, 2001, the Vail Town Council adooted Ordinance No. 25, Series of 2001, amending the provisions of Section 14-10- D, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code. These amendments were "fo clarify the existing regulations regarding the use of building materials, to create review citeria for the proposed use of building materials, to codify existing unwritten Design Review Board policies into the Development Standards, to allow the Development Standards to be more responsive to the requirements of building and fire codes, and to allow the Development Sfandards to be adaptive to changing building material technologies." Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, regulates the types of building materials allowed within the Town of Vail. These guidelines encourage natural materials, such as wood, and discourage/prohibit synthetic building materials. The market for synthetic wood materials has dramatically increased in the past few years. Acknowledging the merits of these synthetic materials (i.e. low maintenance, moldidecay resistance, fire resistance, etc.) the Design Review Board has established a consistent policy of approving these materials for use as the horizontal floor elements of outdoor decks. However, the Design Review Board has also acknowledge the aesthetic limitations of these materials and has established a consistent policy of not allowing synthetic wood materials to be used for outdoor deck rails, pickets, support columns, steps, fascia, soffit, corbels, trim, etc. Since the adoption of Ordinance No. 25, Series of 2001, numerous decks thrbughout the Town of Vail have been approved in this manner by both the Design Review Board and the Town Staff, with this being the first time this interpretation of Title 14, Vail Town Code, has been appealed to the Town Council. On July 15, 2004, a Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer observed illegal construction work occurring at 2685 Bald Mountain Road. The Officer contacted the property owners and informed them that the construction work must be halted and that Town of Vail design review and building permit approvals were required (see Attachment B). On July 21 , 2004, the appellant submitted a design review application to replace an existing wood deck at 2685 Bald Mountain Road with Evergrain Decking brand synthetic wood materials (i.e. the illegal construction observed by the Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer). The Town Staff informed the appellant that the application could be "staff approved" with the condition that all deck rails, fascia, trim, etc. be constructed with natural wood materials (i.e. consistent with Title 14, Vail Town Code, and the Design Review Boards policies). The appellant requested the application be reviewed as submitted (i.e. to replace all elements of the deck with the Evergrain Decking material), so the application was scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. On August 18, 2004, the Design Review Board reviewed the design review application and informed the appellant that the application could be approved with the condition that all deck rails, fascia. trim. etc. be constructed with natural wood materials. The appellant requested that the Design Review Board review the application as submitted. The Design Review Board denied the design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor exterior alteration (i.e. replacing the entire deck with Evergrain Decking materials) located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road. On September 3, 2004, the appellants, Susan and Don Marks, property owners, appealed the Design Review Board's denial (see Attachment C). Please refer to the October 5. 2004. Staff memorandum for additional information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1 , Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13, subject to the following finding: 1. The Vail Town Council finds that upon review of the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing, that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, have been implemented and enforced correctly by the Design Review Board. In making this finding, the Council has relied upon the interpretation of the Town's adopted design guidelines by the appointed members of the Design Review Board. Should the Vail Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial, the Community Development Department recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following findings: 1. The Vail Town Council finds that upon review of the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing, that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, have not been implemented and enforced correctly by the Design Review Board. In making this finding, the Council has relied upon the interpretation of the Town's adopted design guidelines by the appointed members of the Design Review Board. Additionally, should the Vail Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial, the Community Development Department recornmends that the Vail Town Council directs Staff to amend Section 14-10-D, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code, to allow the exterior use simulated wood materials. ,l 8. Elisabeth Eckel h0., h-){ 9. Bill Gibson Jay Peterson |TEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the August 18,2004 Design Review Board (DRB) denial of an application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mounlain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1"t Filing. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNGIL: Uphold, uphold with conditions, or modify the DRB's denial of an application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract Bfuail Village 1"t Filing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On August 18,2004, the DRB went on a site visit and performed a final review of the applicant's proposal for changes to approved plans on the subject property, and voted 5-0 in denial of the application. At the time of the original application in the fall of 2003, the DRB approved an enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck on the east side of the Vail Mountain Lodge. The approval was a result of the Design Review Board's request that the deck enclosure be octagonally-shaped, with an interesting roofline. Since that time, financial and practical issues arose as a result of the enclosure shape that the DRB approved and requested. Therefore, the applicant submitted an application for changes to approved plans to keep the deck enclosure in the original, rectangular shape. As a result of the DRB denial, the appellant, Mr. Stanley Cope is requesting that the Council modifies the Design Review Board denial of his application to keep the deck foundations, and consequently the enclosure, with the same shape. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council upholds the DRB's denial of the application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1't Filing. ITEM/TOPIC: Second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, an ordinance amending Special Development District #4, Cascade Village, to allow for the creation of Development Area E, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (5 min.) ACTION REOUESTED OF GOUNGIL: Table the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, to January 4,2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On July, 12, 2OO4, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission voted 4-2 to forward a recommendation of approval, l" 10. Matt Mire 11. Stan Zemler with conditions, for the proposed amendments to Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. On August 3,2004, the Town Council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, with a condition requiring resolution of issues related to the Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision, by a vote of 7-0. On August 17 , 2004, the Town Council tabled the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, to October 5, 2004, to allow Vail Resorts additional time to resolve the covenant issues. The outstanding covenant issues have not yet been resolved; therefore, Vail Resorts is requesting the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, again be tabled to a future Town Council meeting. ITEM/TOPIC: Resolution No. 20, Series 2004, A Resolution approving the Gore Creek Place Development Agreement between the Town of Vail and the Vail Corporation, D/B/A Vail Associates, Inc., which agreement pertains to certain respective rights and responsibilities of the Town and Vail Associates in relation to the Gore Creek Place Development Site owned by Vail Associates and Affiliates. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Table Resolution No. 20, Series 2004 to October 19,2004 evening session. ITEM/TOPIC: Town Manager's Report. (10 min.) F lce Dome Staff has gathered information on the re-sale value of the lce Dome and has prepared a timetable for sealed bids. A component of the bid process will be a requirement that all bids contain a minimum purchase price of $375,000. The process includes issuing a public notice on Oct. 6. Bids would then be due on Oct. 27, followed by a bid opening on Oct. 28, and a review by the Town Council on Nov. 2. The town will specify the bubble is to be sold as-is and the town will reserve the right to accept or refuse any or all bids. ts Community Meeting The annual community meeting has been set for Thursday, December 30, 2004, at the Donovan Pavilion. Staff has already begun the process to apply for a Special Events Permit (e.9., 1 day liquor license for that event). F Joint Council Meeting with Town of Breckenridge Agenda Council is asked if they have any items they would specifically care to have included on the joint Town of Breckenridge / TOV Council meeting agenda. 12. Third Filing Authorize the Town Manager to sign permanent utility easements (see attachment) for the construction of utilities within town owned property in Lionshead to allow the relocation of the utilities prior to constructing the Gore Creek Town Homes and Lionshead Core site. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment (8:55 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19,2004,IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2106 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information .4,7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development October 5, 2004 An appeal of the August 18, 2004 Design Review Board denial of an application for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel il1. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is zoned Public Accommodation and is located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1$ Filing. STANDING OFAPPELLANT The appellant, Stan Cope, has standing to file an appeal as the property owner of the Vail Mountain Lodge. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modifythe Design Review Board's denial of a changes to approved plans application regarding the enclosure of the Terra Bislro reslaurafi at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Pursuant to Sub-seetion 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Cou.ncil is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must supryrt anclusions that the standards and nnditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title l2) have or have not been meL BACKGROUND On August 18, 2004, the Design Review Board held a public hearing on a design review application for a request for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge, located at 352 East Meadow DriveiTract B, Vail Village 1"' Filing. The design review application included a request for a change to previously approved plans for a restaurant expansion and the enclosure of an outdoor dining deck at the Terra Bistro restaurant in the Vail Mountain Lodge. The application was identical to a previous application submitted by the applicant and denied by the Design Review Board. Upon review of the application, the Board again voted unanimously (5-0) to deny the request finding: 1) that the proposed changes were incompatible with the existing architecture of tv. V. the Vail Mountain Lodge, and;2) that the proposed changes created conflicts with the design and constructability of the proposed enclosure and the existing building resulting in awl<ward architectural characteristics. Specifically, the Board found that given the highly visible and prominent location of lhe enclosure along Vail Valley Drive, the conflicts in construction and lack of consistent and compatible architecture could not be approved. The applicant stated that the following issues warranted the most recent application: The change in the shape of the deck adds almost no additional, usable square footage to the restaurant. Additional digging would have to occur to build the structure as reguested by the Design Review Board. The roots of several nearby spruce trees will be threatened if the existing deck must be demolished and rebuilt as requested by the Design Review Board. The approved shape of the deck would encroach too much from the southeast side of the building, affecting the amount of landscaping that could be added as a buffer to the new lownhome entrance, currently under conslruction on thal lower side of the building. The financial implications in constructing the new design will be severe, particularly because the entire area was completely remodeled in200112002, and included the stone walls and framework that would need to be demolished to accommodate the Design Review Board's previous approval. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE Section 12€ Admlnlstrataon and Enforcement (in part) Seclbn 12-3-3: Appeals (in part) C. Appeal A Planning And Environmental Commission Decisions And Design Review Board Decisions: l. Authority: The Town Council shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to the provisions of this Title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. 5. Findings: The Town Council shatt on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met. Section 12-11 Design Review (in part) 12-11-1: INTENT: Attractive Attributes Recognized: Vail is a Town with a unique natural setting, internationally known for its natural beauty, alpine environment, and the compatibil$ of manmade structures with the environment. These characteristics have caused a D. significant number of visitors to come to Vail with many visitors eventually becoming permanent residents participating in mmmunity life. Area Character Protection: These factors constitute an important economic base for the Town, both for those who earn their living here and for those who view the Town as a precious physical possesslon. The Town Council finds that new development and redevelopment can have a substantial impact on the character of an area in which it is located. Some harmful effects of one land use upon another can be prevented through zoning, subdivision controls, and building codes. Other aspects of development are more subtle and less amenable to exact rules put into operation without regard to specific development proposals. Among these are the general form of the land before and after development, the spatial relationships of structures and open spaces to land uses within the vicinity and the Town, and the appearance of buildings and open spaces as they oontribute to the area as it is being developed and redeveloped. ln order to provide for the timely exercise of judgment in the public interest in the evaluation of the design ol new development and redevelopment, the Town Council has created a Design Review Board (DRB) and design criteria. Design Review: Therefore, in order to preserue the natural beauty of the Town and its setting, to protect the welfare of the community, to maintain the values created in the nmmunity, to protect and enhance land and property, for the promotion of heafth, safety, and generalwelfare in the ammunity, and to attain the objectives set out in this Section; the improvement or alteration of open space, erterior design of all new development, and all modifications to existing development shall be subject to design review as specified in this Chapter. Guidelines: lt is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possibleto the individual designerwhile atthesametime maintainingthe remarkable natural beauty of the area by creating structures wttich are designed to amplement both their individual sites and surroundings. The objectives of design review shallbe as follows: 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this interdependence may @ntinue to benefit iB citizens and visitorc. 2. To allow for the development of public and private property which is in harmony with the desired character of the Town as defined by the guidelines herein provided. 3. To prevent the unnecessary destruction or blighting of the natural landscape. 4. To ensure that the architectural design, Iocation, configuration materials, colors, and overall treatment of built-up and open spaces have been designed so that they relate harmoniously to the natural landforms and native vegetation, the Town's overall aryearance, with surrounding development and with ofticially approved plans or guidelines, if any, for the areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made for such matters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light and air, vt. and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantialeffects on neighboring land uses. (Ord.39(1983) g 1) STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denial of the appellant's Design Review application in accordance with Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Gode, subject to the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requiremenls of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) have been enforced correclly by the Design Review Board, pursuant to section 12-11-4-B-2.b, Vail Town Code. Staff's recommendation for upholding the Design Review Board's decision is based on the following: 1. The proposed restaurant addition and enclosure are located in a highly visible and prominent location along Vail Valley Drive. That said, contrived roof forms, inconsistent architecture, and lack of an architecturally compatible design cannot be approved. 2. While the roots of several trees may be impacted by the construction of the addition, mitigating measures can be undertaken during the construction process that will lessen the longterm impacts of construction on the trees. To date, the applicant has successfully utilized such measures to preserve other trees on the site. ln instances where mitigating measures were ignored by the contractors, lhe applicant has simply requested the removal of the trees. 3. Ample area remains on the site lo successfully screen and buffer the expanded restaurant use from the residential uses currently under construction. ATTACHMENTS A. Appellant's appealform and letter B. Public notice and list of notified properties C. Photos ot the site D. Reduced site plan/survey t Attachment A fr:l?:*Ti'-lffi *"f,1nrnsan'oryf ',:,1"jt;.0f.:n*A:%Tl*;'.Jgffi":1trYJg.ql'?nri;;orm l; rcquir€d forfilinq 2n 3pneal or a )Eii' "';;:;l-;;;'i",nuns .,rst be subrnited lo the ffi;;i;; aton/deosion,- A qfFl-1,f:i.Ti#r,lt r crendar days or rhe osputJaoonldecision'iimtnitsron-,.ti?141ec;1Ti A co!'nplete r0IFr ano 'E::sr:a*"uii.p tr in" disputed actjoo/decision' ffiffi,by Development Deparrment witiin twentY (zu /1 - A_ ,, z^ ^e --7r+ Action / Pecislon being aPPealedl 'l'/tntt Dateof Actlon/ Decision:6u37- lY tsoard or Staff person rendering astion/decisionl If ye!, are you an adjacenr propedY owner? (ves Name of Appellant(s):LLC.. 'ft-tt-C" g/ltze,o'6 - oToo_Mailing Adclressi D ?/ts'efr. ln lppellant(s) 5i9na$re(s): if more Space 15 (a lisl of Appeals Fornr Department af Communiry Development. -- 75 ;;,!ii'iil6e n*o', vall, colorad-o.et6s7'- -tel; 970-479.zrig fo<: s70'4?9'2452 rveb; usuJBllgglcom 'ff-'ffi rT,llt#aT,il3'thsilLffi ii'\?yil5r5H+l* i'?LH*'iREiffi[i?*;' iliu coroneoo uteEz' 0. .$) Wqrys Submittal Requirements prvide a detailed explanaUon of how you are an 1. on a separate sheet or separaP-tHT,"t Ouo"r, , $+i#lfgg,'y'Ii#J!ffi g.rn.H:l1ff $il:il"'" or ne appear Prease ciu specific code senroni having relevance t *?'1o and physical address€s rn Vait) of alt owne.=of, '[*5-l r,'i.l_l.nT ill#':fffi f#l3ll['';'.oii.ft o'"ryt.o^::'rs (indudine owners oroPertf who ate $e whose propertr.. or* i.pirt o fi.om fre ,uni#'ptoJ"'ot iv a'ri9ht'of'wav' stream' or olner ine*.nlng ban'i..i,,-on*4 envelopes for eacn proper8 o*n*1 115tq6 in (3')' a Provide StarnPed' ador' F:\ Uerrs\cdsv1FORI'lS\APPLtClAppitlt'docTtc,ived Ti11,e Als'23' 8r3iA\t Vnru Mouxrnlx Lonon, & Spx September 3,2OO4 To: Community Development Department Town of Vail Re: Appeal of Design Review Board decision VML, LLC dba The Vail Mountain Lodge is appealing the DRB decision on August 18, 2004 Io the Vail Town Council. VML, LLC was denied changes that we feel are advantageous to the property and the environment immediately surrounding the portion of the building that is affected by the DRB apnlication. In 2003, the Pianning and Environmental Commission approved the Vail Mountain Lodge for changes to its development plan. This plan included enclosing the east deck of Terra Bistro. In December of 2003, we met with the Design Review Board and we agreed to change in the shape of the east deck of Terra Bistro from its current shape to an octagon shape. After digging further into the implications and impacts of the design change, we felt this was not a prudent decision. The change in the shape of the deck will add almost no additional, usable square footage yet will require two additional footers and pilasters that need to be dug nine feet below grade. This excavation will be within 5-6 feet of two mature Spruce trees on our property and will seriously threaten their root structure. Also, the "new shape" will protrude south towards a new exterior staircase that will be the main entry to a new townhome residence. The protrusion will reduce the amount of landscaping we can provide to buffer the mechanical elements on the southeast corner of the buildino from this staircase. The final but not insignificant aspect of this change is the financial impact and the waste of previous improvements to the building. The amount of demolition, excavation, steel work, new stonework on the walls and additional walls and structure is significant. This entire area was completely remodeled with new stonework and stonewalls in 2001/02 as part of lhe ieder.rr::i.cl:nent cf the \,/ail l,4cunt;in l_o,jge. Oui' ,Joai vr;i io talie the ,,.icfli and investment that had already been completed and to further enhance this work. We do not feel that the change in the shape of the deck and its subsequent enclosure warrants the destruction and rebuilding of what is already there. Design Review Board's primary complaint was that the cricket in our new roof plan was "unnatural". Regardless of the offending description, the roof is hidden from public view including the parking garage and Vail Valley Drive. There are a few feet of visibility from the pedestrian creek walkway as you go up or down the steps on the east end of the path. We do not feel that this creates a eye sore for the Town of Vail. 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 8L657 Hotel (970) 475-0700. Spa (970) 476-7721. Fax (970) 476-645r Attachment B THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ofi ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regdrd thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970\475-2356 TDD for information. i wlFri]li e'.i,r,,r&nfr*i-r.u'qd..-N 5ii'ffi? z,o(vloloJ'ltv^lDcol NtvlNnow llv^silililE!;*;ffii#i -f, r i;;':1- .1: ,t,qail 3It3l ,;!8@\S CfO EI!i--rir13iii _<a.ittf .r'l tttl""t 4i:. a:Attachment DIt) !1 1l 1s z{ ?E >.1g- tilr'1, - -TtUt{j9t Department of Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com A€usl20,2004 Mr. Tim Losa Zphren and Associates, Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon,CO 81820 Rel Vail tvlountain Lodge changes to approved plans DR8040340 Tract B, Vall Village 1$ Filing DearTim, per your request to appeal the Deslgn Review Board'g August 18rh de-nial of the above. application, I am fodng 6; i#"tp]icabli-ottinancJ regacTng the appeals,proceJs. The online ode has no information on design ievrew a#eafs €xceptto refsreic€ tn6 anacir6O ordlnance. I have outlined the most important sections for your cinveni,irice. As you will note, the applicant has twenty calendar days lrom.the dale the declslon wes made to tife an appeaf rcqrjest to UJ Cimmuhtty Development bepartment, along with the apProPriate adiacent property ;r,rd itr"rs, etd. Once the appeal hai been rdque*eA, inE Town Gouncil is allowed an addillonal forty days to schedule and hear the item on its bFweekly agenda. should you havE any further questions or conoems' 970.479.2454 enclosure i f,-P*'"""""""^ VANN, N4OUTNTANN LODGE & SPA October 5,2004 To: Elisabeth Eckel Community Development Department Town of Vail From: Stan Cope Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa Re: Appealof Design Review Board scheduled for October 5,2004 Unfortunately, I have to withdraw my appeal of August 18, 2004 that is scheduled for tonight. Late last week, our construction team gave me an ultimatum concerning the steel that is necessary to build the enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck. They had to commit to the final shop drawings and release the steel company to fabricate the steel for the erectors or we would lose our slot in the production cycle. lf this happened, it is very likely that we would nOt be able to open this section of Terra for this winter's business. As you know, we started the process of modifying our approved plans in July and we feel strongly that the current approved design is not the best solution for the town or us. Unfortunately, October is too late to modify basic structural components of a building if you are going to be in business for the winter season. Equally unfortunate, when you are redeveloping older, existing buildings even the most experienced architects and builders cannot anticipate conditions that may arise. I was overly optimistic that we could string out this area of our construction but lwas wrong. I apologize for the inconvenience and the time invested by you, the staff and the Council. Thank you for your consideration of our appeal. cc: Russ Forrest VailTown Council Stan Zemler 7 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004,, al6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIG: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEMffOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 'l , Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1sr Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. ryf/g"e t/wL -frr* 6' Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparEnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel : 970.4792L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us VML CHANGE DRB Number: DRB0,10340 MODIFICATION OF APROVED RESTAURANT ADDMON TO REFLECTTHE FOOTPRINT OF E(ISTING FOUNDATION WALLS. THE INTENT IS TO PRESERVE THE DfiSTING I.ANDSCAPING AND TREES. 07l2Ll2OO4 PhoneiOWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPLICANT ZEHREN & ASSOCIATES, lNC. 07 12112004 Phone: 97 0-949-0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81620 License: C000001625 ARCHilECT ZEHREN &ASSOCATES,INC' 0712L12004 Phone: 970-949'0257 P.O. BOX 1976 AVON, CO 81520 License: C000001625 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: TOIW Proiect Name: Project Description: Pafticipants: Project Address: 352 E. MEADOW DRIVE Legat Description: Lotr TrB Block subdivision:W \ftrLt{ytu"if*^ W"- Parcel Number: Comments:led and withdrawn, 1 Motion By: Rogers Second By: Hanlon Vote: 5-0-0 Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: DENIED Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB appro/al shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become roid one (1) year folloruing the date of final approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and @nsFuctbn is @mmenced and is diligently pursued towad completion. Ptannen Bisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f2O.OO .( OctoOer z, ZOO+ Mr. Stanley Gope c/o VML LLC 285 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re; Vail Mounlain Lodge appeal of DR8040340 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract Bl/ail Village l" Filing Dear Mr. Cope, Th.ank you lor your letter indicating your desire to withdraw your appeal of the Design Review Board's August 18"'denial of the above project. In spite of the withdrawal, the Town Council was forced to vote on the appeal that evening and upheld the DRB's previous decision. However, I have indicated the withdrawal in our system the appropriate form for your records. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. enclosure FILE SgPr TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST (Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 2:00 p.m. Wednesdavs.) MEETINGDATE: OCIObCr5.2OO4 (Prepare a separate Agenda Request for each agenda item. ll the agenda item will be discussed at both a Work Session and an Evening Meeting, be certain to check both boxes in this section and indicate time needed during each meeting.) Work Session Evening Meeting Site Visit TIME NEEDED: TIME NEEDED: 10 minutes TIME NEEDED: 10 minutes --rY- WILL THERE BE A PRESENTATION ON THIS AGENDA ITEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. YES. Specifics: Appellantwill qirc WLL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT, i.e. overhead projector, etc.?_x_ No. YES. Specifics: WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCIL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? NO. _x_ YES. lf yes, is the material also foig![gg[g!gj!g!!q? _a_yes. - No. ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal ol the August 18, 2004 Design Review Board (DRB) denial of an application tor changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 Easl Meadow Drive, Tract B/ry'ail Village 18r Filing. ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL: Uphold, uphold with conditions, or modily the DRB's denial of an application for changes to.approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1o Filing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On August 18, 2004, the DRB went on a site visit and performed a linal review of the applicant's proposal tor changes to approved plans on the subiect property, and voted 5-0 in denial of the application. At the time of the original application in the tall of 2003, the DRB approved an enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck on the east side of the Vail Mountain Lodge. The approval was a result of the Design Review Board's request that the deck enclosure be octagonally-shaped, with an interesting roofline. Since that time, financial and practical issues arose as a result ol the enclosure shape that the DRB approved and requested. Therefore, the applicant submitted an application for changes to approved plans to keep the deck enclosure in the original, rectangular shape. As a result of the DRB denial, the appellant, Mr. Stanley Cope is requesting that the Council modifies the Design Review Board denial of his application to keep the deck foundations, and consequently the enclosure, with the same shape. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Statl recommends that the Town Council upholds the DRB's denial of the application for changes lo approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B/Vail Village 1" Filing. Elisabeth Eckel, Community Development Department TOWN OF VAIL WORK SESSION AGENDA 8:00 A.M., OCTOBER 5, 2004 VAIL TOWN GOUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail. CO 81657 NOTE:Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Council will consider an item. T r a n s po rtati o ry,*vit*\aye M u n i ci pa I B u i I d i n g P ar ki n g Lot promptly at ff00 A.M. ),--\ ITEM/TOPIC: Site Visifs. (1 hr.) \./ ' Marks DRB Appet/ 1. ( . ) Varl Mountain Lodge DRB Appeal. 2. . Lionshead Core Hotel Site. A light breakfastwill be serued ITEM/TOPIC: Joint Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC)/ Design Review Board (DRB) / Conference Center Oversight Committee. Site Planning Update. (1 1/2 hrs.) ITEMffOPIC: Joint TOV / DRB Meeting. Re: Roles & Responsibilities. (30 min.) ITEM/TOPIG: PEC/DRB Update. (30 min.) ITEMffOPIG: Request to discuss options for addressing employee housing options on 1325 Westhaven Drive (the "Ruins") which is included in Special Development District #4. (45 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF GOUNGIL: The applicant is requesting clarification of the Town's employee generation policy and for specific input on the appropriate number of employee housing unit beds that should now be required for a development project on the "Ruins' site and whether a pay in lieu option is acceptable to address a housing requirement. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: 3. 4. George Ruther 5. Russ Forrest 7. Judy Camp The applicant is requesting clarification of the Town's employee generation policy and for specific input on the appropriate number of employee housing unit beds that should now be required for a development project on the "Ruins" site. This property is part of SDD # 4 which includes the entire Glen Lyon Subdivision. As part of the approval for the Glen Lyon subdivision in 1979, an employee housing requirement was placed on the subdivision which originally included 32 Employee Housing units (for the entire SDD) at a total of 27,200 sq. ft. Staff has summarized the various iterations over time of amendments to SDD #4 and how that has changed the employee housing requirement on 1325 Westhaven. In 1982, construction commenced and then stopped resulting in the present condition of the "ruins site." The Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) discussed both of the issues identified in Section Vl of this memorandum on September 13, 2004. Their recommendation is provided in the staff memorandum. Working Lunch (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Council Contributions. Staff will have prepared a master matrix in time for Tuesday afternoon's discussion on Council Contributions for'05. Please drop off your working papers first thing Tuesday morning, unless you have already done so, so Penny has time to compile them. (1 hr.) ITEM/TOPIG: Discussion: D Capital Project Fund Five Year Projection. (15 min.) Projection. (15 min.) 8. Pam Brandmeyer ITEM/TOPIC: Employee Anniversaries. (30 min.) 6. Stan Zemler Pam Brandmeyer Judy Camp Matthew Lindvall: Donald Gallegos: Mike Rose: Charlie Davis: Alan Bosworth: Tito Montoya: Leo Vasquez: Charlene Erickson: Ron Braden: David Rhoades: Eli Cisneros: Mike Knox: Susan Douglas: Mary Anne Odell Jennifer Butler: Fred Pena: 25 years 25 years 25 years 25 years 20 years 20 years 20 years 15 years '10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 10 years 5 years 5 years 5 years George Mascarenas: 5 years Kevin Bridges: 5 years 9. Judy Camp ITEM/TOPIC: Discussion: F Review of First Draft of General Fund Budget. (30 min) 10. ITEMiTOPIC: Information Update (10 min.) 11. ITEMiTOPIC: Mafters from Mayor & Council (10 min.) 12. Matt Mire ITEM/TOPIC: Executive Session. (1 hr.) F Litigation Update C.R.S. 24-6-402(4Xb). ) Conference w/ attorney and negotiations Re: Gore Creek Place and Lionshead Development lmprovement Ag reement. Pu rsua nt to C. R.S. 2a-6a02$) (b)(e) 13. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment (4:15 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR WORK SESSION WILL BEGIN AT 12 A.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2OO4 IN THE VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-21OG voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. TOWN COUNCIL EVENING SESSION AGENDA 6:00 P.M., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5,2004 VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 75 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81657 NOTE:Times of items are approximate, subject to change, and cannot be relied upon to determine at what time Gouncil will consider an item. ITEM/TOPIC: Citizen Participation. (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIG: Construction / Streetscape Update. (10 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Conference Center Update. (5 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Consent Agenda. Approval of Minutes from 09.07.04 and 09.21.04 Council Meetings. (5 min.) ITEM/TOPIC: Award of Vail lnformation Centers Contracl. (1 hr.) RECOMMENDATION: The Visitor Information Centers Council Subcommittee met Tuesday, September 28, to interview both respondents to the Request for Proposal, the Vail Chamber and Business Association (VCBA) and the Vail Valley Chamber and Tourism Bureau (WCTB). lt is the recommendation of the Vail lnformation Centers Subcommiftee for the Vail Town Council to direct the Town Manager to enter into negotiations with the WCTB for a one year contract to expire September 30, 2005. NEGOTIATIONS TO INGLUDE: a. Booth Information Displays and Distribution b. Monthly Accountability Summarizing Direct Bookings from the Information Center c. Hours of Operation d. Any Other Current Matters Council Would Like to Address Subsequent to these negotiations, the Council also authorizes the Town Manager to sign this one year contract for the Visitor's Centers with the WCTB. ON-GOING PROCESS WLL INCLUDE: Recognizing larger issues remain to be considered, the Council members assigned to this subcommittee further recommend 2. Greg Hall 3. Russ Forrest 4. 5. Farrow Hitt Kim Ruotolo Stan Zemler 6. Suzanne Silverthorn 7. BillGibson Susan Marks Don Marks continued discussions with the Town Manager and staff to define more specifically the role of information centers, in serving Vail's guests and businesses. These discussions will culminate in a series of policy decisions to be determined by the full Council. ITEMffOPIC: Chamonix Property Master Plan Update. (30 min.) BACKGROUND: Since July 20, 2004, at the direction of the Town Council, the pfanning team of Davis Partnership/Michael Hazard Associates has been working to facilitate a master land use plan for the town- owned Chamonix property at 2310 Chamonix Rd in West Vail. The purpose of the planning is to accommodate the Town Council's desire for a future fire station on the property, as well as other potential uses. The planning steps, to date, have included: ) A kick-off meeting with the West Vail neighborhood on Aug. 9, in which five key themes were identified;) development of a series of fire station site plan options; D a residential density analysis showing height relationships and density comparisons to existing properties; F a second neighborhood meeting on Sept. 27 in which the most recent work was shared and comments and suggestions were collected. The purpose of the Oct. 5 presentation is to provide an update, answer questions, collect comments from the Town Council, narrow the fire station options to two or three, and describe next sreps. ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor exterior alteration (i.e. deck replacement utilizing simulated wood), located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13. (20 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overturn, or modify the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application pufsuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On October 16, 2001, the Vail Town Council adooted Ordinance No. 25, Series of 2001, amending the provisions of Section 14-10- D, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code. These amendments were "fo clarify the existing regulations regarding the use of building materials, to create review citeria for the proposed use of building materials, to codify existing unwritten Design Review Board policies into the Development Standards, to allow the Development Standards to be more responsive to the requirements of building and fire codes, and to allow the Development Sfandards to be adaptive to changing building material technologies." Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, regulates the types of building materials allowed within the Town of Vail. These guidelines encourage natural materials, such as wood, and discourage/prohibit synthetic building materials. The market for synthetic wood materials has dramatically increased in the past few years. Acknowledging the merits of these synthetic materials (i.e. low maintenance, moldidecay resistance, fire resistance, etc.) the Design Review Board has established a consistent policy of approving these materials for use as the horizontal floor elements of outdoor decks. However, the Design Review Board has also acknowledge the aesthetic limitations of these materials and has established a consistent policy of not allowing synthetic wood materials to be used for outdoor deck rails, pickets, support columns, steps, fascia, soffit, corbels, trim, etc. Since the adoption of Ordinance No. 25, Series of 2001, numerous decks thrbughout the Town of Vail have been approved in this manner by both the Design Review Board and the Town Staff, with this being the first time this interpretation of Title 14, Vail Town Code, has been appealed to the Town Council. On July 15, 2004, a Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer observed illegal construction work occurring at 2685 Bald Mountain Road. The Officer contacted the property owners and informed them that the construction work must be halted and that Town of Vail design review and building permit approvals were required (see Attachment B). On July 21 , 2004, the appellant submitted a design review application to replace an existing wood deck at 2685 Bald Mountain Road with Evergrain Decking brand synthetic wood materials (i.e. the illegal construction observed by the Town of Vail Code Enforcement Officer). The Town Staff informed the appellant that the application could be "staff approved" with the condition that all deck rails, fascia, trim, etc. be constructed with natural wood materials (i.e. consistent with Title 14, Vail Town Code, and the Design Review Boards policies). The appellant requested the application be reviewed as submitted (i.e. to replace all elements of the deck with the Evergrain Decking material), so the application was scheduled for review by the Town of Vail Design Review Board. On August 18, 2004, the Design Review Board reviewed the design review application and informed the appellant that the application could be approved with the condition that all deck rails, fascia. trim. etc. be constructed with natural wood materials. The appellant requested that the Design Review Board review the application as submitted. The Design Review Board denied the design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor exterior alteration (i.e. replacing the entire deck with Evergrain Decking materials) located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road. On September 3, 2004, the appellants, Susan and Don Marks, property owners, appealed the Design Review Board's denial (see Attachment C). Please refer to the October 5. 2004. Staff memorandum for additional information. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Department recommends that the Vail Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1 , Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 2, Vail Village Filing 13, subject to the following finding: 1. The Vail Town Council finds that upon review of the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing, that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, have been implemented and enforced correctly by the Design Review Board. In making this finding, the Council has relied upon the interpretation of the Town's adopted design guidelines by the appointed members of the Design Review Board. Should the Vail Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial, the Community Development Department recommends the Vail Town Council makes the following findings: 1. The Vail Town Council finds that upon review of the evidence and testimony presented at this public hearing, that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of Title 14, Development Standards Handbook, Vail Town Code, have not been implemented and enforced correctly by the Design Review Board. In making this finding, the Council has relied upon the interpretation of the Town's adopted design guidelines by the appointed members of the Design Review Board. Additionally, should the Vail Town Council choose to overturn the Design Review Board's denial, the Community Development Department recornmends that the Vail Town Council directs Staff to amend Section 14-10-D, Building Materials and Design, Vail Town Code, to allow the exterior use simulated wood materials. ,l 8. Elisabeth Eckel h0., h-){ 9. Bill Gibson Jay Peterson |TEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the August 18,2004 Design Review Board (DRB) denial of an application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mounlain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1"t Filing. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNGIL: Uphold, uphold with conditions, or modify the DRB's denial of an application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract Bfuail Village 1"t Filing. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On August 18,2004, the DRB went on a site visit and performed a final review of the applicant's proposal for changes to approved plans on the subject property, and voted 5-0 in denial of the application. At the time of the original application in the fall of 2003, the DRB approved an enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck on the east side of the Vail Mountain Lodge. The approval was a result of the Design Review Board's request that the deck enclosure be octagonally-shaped, with an interesting roofline. Since that time, financial and practical issues arose as a result of the enclosure shape that the DRB approved and requested. Therefore, the applicant submitted an application for changes to approved plans to keep the deck enclosure in the original, rectangular shape. As a result of the DRB denial, the appellant, Mr. Stanley Cope is requesting that the Council modifies the Design Review Board denial of his application to keep the deck foundations, and consequently the enclosure, with the same shape. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Town Council upholds the DRB's denial of the application for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract BA/ail Village 1't Filing. ITEM/TOPIC: Second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, an ordinance amending Special Development District #4, Cascade Village, to allow for the creation of Development Area E, located at Tract K, Glen Lyon Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (5 min.) ACTION REOUESTED OF GOUNGIL: Table the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, to January 4,2005. BACKGROUND RATIONALE: On July, 12, 2OO4, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission voted 4-2 to forward a recommendation of approval, l" 10. Matt Mire 11. Stan Zemler with conditions, for the proposed amendments to Special Development District #4, Cascade Village. On August 3,2004, the Town Council approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, with a condition requiring resolution of issues related to the Protective Covenants of Glen Lyon Subdivision, by a vote of 7-0. On August 17 , 2004, the Town Council tabled the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, to October 5, 2004, to allow Vail Resorts additional time to resolve the covenant issues. The outstanding covenant issues have not yet been resolved; therefore, Vail Resorts is requesting the second reading of Ordinance No. 17, Series of 2004, again be tabled to a future Town Council meeting. ITEM/TOPIC: Resolution No. 20, Series 2004, A Resolution approving the Gore Creek Place Development Agreement between the Town of Vail and the Vail Corporation, D/B/A Vail Associates, Inc., which agreement pertains to certain respective rights and responsibilities of the Town and Vail Associates in relation to the Gore Creek Place Development Site owned by Vail Associates and Affiliates. (10 min.) ACTION REQUESTED OF COUNCIL: Table Resolution No. 20, Series 2004 to October 19,2004 evening session. ITEM/TOPIC: Town Manager's Report. (10 min.) F lce Dome Staff has gathered information on the re-sale value of the lce Dome and has prepared a timetable for sealed bids. A component of the bid process will be a requirement that all bids contain a minimum purchase price of $375,000. The process includes issuing a public notice on Oct. 6. Bids would then be due on Oct. 27, followed by a bid opening on Oct. 28, and a review by the Town Council on Nov. 2. The town will specify the bubble is to be sold as-is and the town will reserve the right to accept or refuse any or all bids. ts Community Meeting The annual community meeting has been set for Thursday, December 30, 2004, at the Donovan Pavilion. Staff has already begun the process to apply for a Special Events Permit (e.9., 1 day liquor license for that event). F Joint Council Meeting with Town of Breckenridge Agenda Council is asked if they have any items they would specifically care to have included on the joint Town of Breckenridge / TOV Council meeting agenda. 12. Third Filing Authorize the Town Manager to sign permanent utility easements (see attachment) for the construction of utilities within town owned property in Lionshead to allow the relocation of the utilities prior to constructing the Gore Creek Town Homes and Lionshead Core site. ITEM/TOPIC: Adjournment (8:55 P.M.) NOTE UPCOMING MEETING START TIMES BELOW: (ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE) THE NEXT VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR EVENING MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 6 P.M. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19,2004,IN VAIL TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call 479-2106 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information .4,7 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Vail Town Council Department of Community Development October 5, 2004 An appeal of the August 18, 2004 Design Review Board denial of an application for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel il1. SUBJECT PROPERTY The subject property is zoned Public Accommodation and is located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1$ Filing. STANDING OFAPPELLANT The appellant, Stan Cope, has standing to file an appeal as the property owner of the Vail Mountain Lodge. REQUIRED ACTION The Town Council shall uphold, overturn, or modifythe Design Review Board's denial of a changes to approved plans application regarding the enclosure of the Terra Bislro reslaurafi at the Vail Mountain Lodge located at 352 East Meadow Drive, Tract B, Vail Village 1s Filing. Pursuant to Sub-seetion 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Code, the Town Cou.ncil is required to make findings of fact in accordance with the Vail Town Code: The Town Council shall on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must supryrt anclusions that the standards and nnditions imposed by the requirements of this title (Zoning Regulations, Title l2) have or have not been meL BACKGROUND On August 18, 2004, the Design Review Board held a public hearing on a design review application for a request for changes to approved plans at the Vail Mountain Lodge, located at 352 East Meadow DriveiTract B, Vail Village 1"' Filing. The design review application included a request for a change to previously approved plans for a restaurant expansion and the enclosure of an outdoor dining deck at the Terra Bistro restaurant in the Vail Mountain Lodge. The application was identical to a previous application submitted by the applicant and denied by the Design Review Board. Upon review of the application, the Board again voted unanimously (5-0) to deny the request finding: 1) that the proposed changes were incompatible with the existing architecture of tv. V. the Vail Mountain Lodge, and;2) that the proposed changes created conflicts with the design and constructability of the proposed enclosure and the existing building resulting in awl<ward architectural characteristics. Specifically, the Board found that given the highly visible and prominent location of lhe enclosure along Vail Valley Drive, the conflicts in construction and lack of consistent and compatible architecture could not be approved. The applicant stated that the following issues warranted the most recent application: The change in the shape of the deck adds almost no additional, usable square footage to the restaurant. Additional digging would have to occur to build the structure as reguested by the Design Review Board. The roots of several nearby spruce trees will be threatened if the existing deck must be demolished and rebuilt as requested by the Design Review Board. The approved shape of the deck would encroach too much from the southeast side of the building, affecting the amount of landscaping that could be added as a buffer to the new lownhome entrance, currently under conslruction on thal lower side of the building. The financial implications in constructing the new design will be severe, particularly because the entire area was completely remodeled in200112002, and included the stone walls and framework that would need to be demolished to accommodate the Design Review Board's previous approval. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS OF THE TOWN CODE Section 12€ Admlnlstrataon and Enforcement (in part) Seclbn 12-3-3: Appeals (in part) C. Appeal A Planning And Environmental Commission Decisions And Design Review Board Decisions: l. Authority: The Town Council shall have the authority to hear and decide appeals from any decision, determination or interpretation by the Planning and Environmental Commission or the Design Review Board with respect to the provisions of this Title and the standards and procedures hereinafter set forth. 5. Findings: The Town Council shatt on all appeals make specific findings of fact based directly on the particular evidence presented to it. These findings of fact must support conclusions that the standards and conditions imposed by the requirements of this Title have or have not been met. Section 12-11 Design Review (in part) 12-11-1: INTENT: Attractive Attributes Recognized: Vail is a Town with a unique natural setting, internationally known for its natural beauty, alpine environment, and the compatibil$ of manmade structures with the environment. These characteristics have caused a D. significant number of visitors to come to Vail with many visitors eventually becoming permanent residents participating in mmmunity life. Area Character Protection: These factors constitute an important economic base for the Town, both for those who earn their living here and for those who view the Town as a precious physical possesslon. The Town Council finds that new development and redevelopment can have a substantial impact on the character of an area in which it is located. Some harmful effects of one land use upon another can be prevented through zoning, subdivision controls, and building codes. Other aspects of development are more subtle and less amenable to exact rules put into operation without regard to specific development proposals. Among these are the general form of the land before and after development, the spatial relationships of structures and open spaces to land uses within the vicinity and the Town, and the appearance of buildings and open spaces as they oontribute to the area as it is being developed and redeveloped. ln order to provide for the timely exercise of judgment in the public interest in the evaluation of the design ol new development and redevelopment, the Town Council has created a Design Review Board (DRB) and design criteria. Design Review: Therefore, in order to preserue the natural beauty of the Town and its setting, to protect the welfare of the community, to maintain the values created in the nmmunity, to protect and enhance land and property, for the promotion of heafth, safety, and generalwelfare in the ammunity, and to attain the objectives set out in this Section; the improvement or alteration of open space, erterior design of all new development, and all modifications to existing development shall be subject to design review as specified in this Chapter. Guidelines: lt is the intent of these guidelines to leave as much design freedom as possibleto the individual designerwhile atthesametime maintainingthe remarkable natural beauty of the area by creating structures wttich are designed to amplement both their individual sites and surroundings. The objectives of design review shallbe as follows: 1. To recognize the interdependence of the public welfare and aesthetics, and to provide a method by which this interdependence may @ntinue to benefit iB citizens and visitorc. 2. To allow for the development of public and private property which is in harmony with the desired character of the Town as defined by the guidelines herein provided. 3. To prevent the unnecessary destruction or blighting of the natural landscape. 4. To ensure that the architectural design, Iocation, configuration materials, colors, and overall treatment of built-up and open spaces have been designed so that they relate harmoniously to the natural landforms and native vegetation, the Town's overall aryearance, with surrounding development and with ofticially approved plans or guidelines, if any, for the areas in which the structures are proposed to be located. 5. To protect neighboring property owners and users by making sure that reasonable provision has been made for such matters as pedestrian and vehicular traffic, surface water drainage, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light and air, vt. and those aspects of design not adequately covered by other regulations which may have substantialeffects on neighboring land uses. (Ord.39(1983) g 1) STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department recommends that the Town Council upholds the Design Review Board's denial of the appellant's Design Review application in accordance with Sub-section 12-3-3-C5, Vail Town Gode, subject to the following findings: 1. That the standards and conditions imposed by the requiremenls of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations) have been enforced correclly by the Design Review Board, pursuant to section 12-11-4-B-2.b, Vail Town Code. Staff's recommendation for upholding the Design Review Board's decision is based on the following: 1. The proposed restaurant addition and enclosure are located in a highly visible and prominent location along Vail Valley Drive. That said, contrived roof forms, inconsistent architecture, and lack of an architecturally compatible design cannot be approved. 2. While the roots of several trees may be impacted by the construction of the addition, mitigating measures can be undertaken during the construction process that will lessen the longterm impacts of construction on the trees. To date, the applicant has successfully utilized such measures to preserve other trees on the site. ln instances where mitigating measures were ignored by the contractors, lhe applicant has simply requested the removal of the trees. 3. Ample area remains on the site lo successfully screen and buffer the expanded restaurant use from the residential uses currently under construction. ATTACHMENTS A. Appellant's appealform and letter B. Public notice and list of notified properties C. Photos ot the site D. Reduced site plan/survey t Attachment A fr:l?:*Ti'-lffi *"f,1nrnsan'oryf ',:,1"jt;.0f.:n*A:%Tl*;'.Jgffi":1trYJg.ql'?nri;;orm l; rcquir€d forfilinq 2n 3pneal or a )Eii' "';;:;l-;;;'i",nuns .,rst be subrnited lo the ffi;;i;; aton/deosion,- A qfFl-1,f:i.Ti#r,lt r crendar days or rhe osputJaoonldecision'iimtnitsron-,.ti?141ec;1Ti A co!'nplete r0IFr ano 'E::sr:a*"uii.p tr in" disputed actjoo/decision' ffiffi,by Development Deparrment witiin twentY (zu /1 - A_ ,, z^ ^e --7r+ Action / Pecislon being aPPealedl 'l'/tntt Dateof Actlon/ Decision:6u37- lY tsoard or Staff person rendering astion/decisionl If ye!, are you an adjacenr propedY owner? (ves Name of Appellant(s):LLC.. 'ft-tt-C" g/ltze,o'6 - oToo_Mailing Adclressi D ?/ts'efr. ln lppellant(s) 5i9na$re(s): if more Space 15 (a lisl of Appeals Fornr Department af Communiry Development. -- 75 ;;,!ii'iil6e n*o', vall, colorad-o.et6s7'- -tel; 970-479.zrig fo<: s70'4?9'2452 rveb; usuJBllgglcom 'ff-'ffi rT,llt#aT,il3'thsilLffi ii'\?yil5r5H+l* i'?LH*'iREiffi[i?*;' iliu coroneoo uteEz' 0. .$) Wqrys Submittal Requirements prvide a detailed explanaUon of how you are an 1. on a separate sheet or separaP-tHT,"t Ouo"r, , $+i#lfgg,'y'Ii#J!ffi g.rn.H:l1ff $il:il"'" or ne appear Prease ciu specific code senroni having relevance t *?'1o and physical address€s rn Vait) of alt owne.=of, '[*5-l r,'i.l_l.nT ill#':fffi f#l3ll['';'.oii.ft o'"ryt.o^::'rs (indudine owners oroPertf who ate $e whose propertr.. or* i.pirt o fi.om fre ,uni#'ptoJ"'ot iv a'ri9ht'of'wav' stream' or olner ine*.nlng ban'i..i,,-on*4 envelopes for eacn proper8 o*n*1 115tq6 in (3')' a Provide StarnPed' ador' F:\ Uerrs\cdsv1FORI'lS\APPLtClAppitlt'docTtc,ived Ti11,e Als'23' 8r3iA\t Vnru Mouxrnlx Lonon, & Spx September 3,2OO4 To: Community Development Department Town of Vail Re: Appeal of Design Review Board decision VML, LLC dba The Vail Mountain Lodge is appealing the DRB decision on August 18, 2004 Io the Vail Town Council. VML, LLC was denied changes that we feel are advantageous to the property and the environment immediately surrounding the portion of the building that is affected by the DRB apnlication. In 2003, the Pianning and Environmental Commission approved the Vail Mountain Lodge for changes to its development plan. This plan included enclosing the east deck of Terra Bistro. In December of 2003, we met with the Design Review Board and we agreed to change in the shape of the east deck of Terra Bistro from its current shape to an octagon shape. After digging further into the implications and impacts of the design change, we felt this was not a prudent decision. The change in the shape of the deck will add almost no additional, usable square footage yet will require two additional footers and pilasters that need to be dug nine feet below grade. This excavation will be within 5-6 feet of two mature Spruce trees on our property and will seriously threaten their root structure. Also, the "new shape" will protrude south towards a new exterior staircase that will be the main entry to a new townhome residence. The protrusion will reduce the amount of landscaping we can provide to buffer the mechanical elements on the southeast corner of the buildino from this staircase. The final but not insignificant aspect of this change is the financial impact and the waste of previous improvements to the building. The amount of demolition, excavation, steel work, new stonework on the walls and additional walls and structure is significant. This entire area was completely remodeled with new stonework and stonewalls in 2001/02 as part of lhe ieder.rr::i.cl:nent cf the \,/ail l,4cunt;in l_o,jge. Oui' ,Joai vr;i io talie the ,,.icfli and investment that had already been completed and to further enhance this work. We do not feel that the change in the shape of the deck and its subsequent enclosure warrants the destruction and rebuilding of what is already there. Design Review Board's primary complaint was that the cricket in our new roof plan was "unnatural". Regardless of the offending description, the roof is hidden from public view including the parking garage and Vail Valley Drive. There are a few feet of visibility from the pedestrian creek walkway as you go up or down the steps on the east end of the path. We do not feel that this creates a eye sore for the Town of Vail. 352 East Meadow Drive Vail, CO 8L657 Hotel (970) 475-0700. Spa (970) 476-7721. Fax (970) 476-645r Attachment B THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration ofi ITEM/TOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-11, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regdrd thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970\475-2356 TDD for information. i wlFri]li e'.i,r,,r&nfr*i-r.u'qd..-N 5ii'ffi? z,o(vloloJ'ltv^lDcol NtvlNnow llv^silililE!;*;ffii#i -f, r i;;':1- .1: ,t,qail 3It3l ,;!8@\S CfO EI!i--rir13iii _<a.ittf .r'l tttl""t 4i:. a:Attachment DIt) !1 1l 1s z{ ?E >.1g- tilr'1, - -TtUt{j9t Department of Comnunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com A€usl20,2004 Mr. Tim Losa Zphren and Associates, Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon,CO 81820 Rel Vail tvlountain Lodge changes to approved plans DR8040340 Tract B, Vall Village 1$ Filing DearTim, per your request to appeal the Deslgn Review Board'g August 18rh de-nial of the above. application, I am fodng 6; i#"tp]icabli-ottinancJ regacTng the appeals,proceJs. The online ode has no information on design ievrew a#eafs €xceptto refsreic€ tn6 anacir6O ordlnance. I have outlined the most important sections for your cinveni,irice. As you will note, the applicant has twenty calendar days lrom.the dale the declslon wes made to tife an appeaf rcqrjest to UJ Cimmuhtty Development bepartment, along with the apProPriate adiacent property ;r,rd itr"rs, etd. Once the appeal hai been rdque*eA, inE Town Gouncil is allowed an addillonal forty days to schedule and hear the item on its bFweekly agenda. should you havE any further questions or conoems' 970.479.2454 enclosure i f,-P*'"""""""^ VANN, N4OUTNTANN LODGE & SPA October 5,2004 To: Elisabeth Eckel Community Development Department Town of Vail From: Stan Cope Vail Mountain Lodge and Spa Re: Appealof Design Review Board scheduled for October 5,2004 Unfortunately, I have to withdraw my appeal of August 18, 2004 that is scheduled for tonight. Late last week, our construction team gave me an ultimatum concerning the steel that is necessary to build the enclosure of the Terra Bistro deck. They had to commit to the final shop drawings and release the steel company to fabricate the steel for the erectors or we would lose our slot in the production cycle. lf this happened, it is very likely that we would nOt be able to open this section of Terra for this winter's business. As you know, we started the process of modifying our approved plans in July and we feel strongly that the current approved design is not the best solution for the town or us. Unfortunately, October is too late to modify basic structural components of a building if you are going to be in business for the winter season. Equally unfortunate, when you are redeveloping older, existing buildings even the most experienced architects and builders cannot anticipate conditions that may arise. I was overly optimistic that we could string out this area of our construction but lwas wrong. I apologize for the inconvenience and the time invested by you, the staff and the Council. Thank you for your consideration of our appeal. cc: Russ Forrest VailTown Council Stan Zemler 7 THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004,, al6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEM/TOPIG: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Council of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-3, Vail Town Code, on Tuesday, October 5, 2004, at 6:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: ITEMffOPIC: An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 'l , Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for changes to approved plans, located at 352 East Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1sr Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto Appellant: Stan CopePlanner: Elisabeth Eckel An appeal of the Town of Vail Design Review Board's denial of a design review application, pursuant to Chapter 12-1 1, Design Review, Vail Town Code, to allow for a minor alteration, located at 2685 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 8, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 13, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Appellant Susan Marks Planner: Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2114 voice or (970) 479-2356 TDD for information. -Town of Vail' Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Road ..'' Vail. CO 81657 k]o 6, CAGAN. DENNI; SANTA BARBARA, C ELIA.J 'ln : -JT 5'llf i.* ar- 3 *': Ji'.-:.=:ll,,1,,,,ll,ll,,,1,1,1,,'itl,l,11,,,1,1,,,li,,l,l,,l,lt,,l,l'I Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 S. Frontage Road .Vail. CO 81657 ii t, i. ir f1 i: 1r{l li I ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP 511 E. LIONSHEAD CIRCLE, SUITE 301 vAtL. co 81657 fl ; IOWNffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.4A.27fi fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Namel CondominiumfFownhouse Plat pEC t{umber: PECO20011 Project Description: Vail Mountain Lodge Condo TH Plat review Participantsr OWNER VML LLC 02/18/2002 phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Bailey & Peterson OalLBlzWZ Phone: 476-1987 Ron Byrne 108 S Frontage Rd West STE 210 Vail, CO Jay Peterson Representing Ron Byrne 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Legal Descriptionr Loti Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Numben 210108255001 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz A712612Q02 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paidr $100.00 I Design Review Board ACTION FORM ruwm rflt c0Pr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co,us Prcject Name: Changes to approved Plans DRB Number: DR8020245 Project Description: Amendment to the approved plans revising the dormers on the east end of the Vail Mountain Lodge. Pafticipants: OWNER VML LLC 0/30/2002 Phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Braun Associates Inc. 0il3012002 Phone:925-7575 POB 25s8 Edwards, CO Dominic@braunassociates.com 81632 License: Project Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Locailon: Legal Description: [ot: Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108255001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Seond By: Acevado Vote: 5-0 Date of Approvalz O7l30l2OA2 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PLCN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 JUL-26-2Aae. 15:3?CHAP}4RN ISOI,1 LAI^J GROUP 9?A 926 ILrc P,6T/AL ,,-ffi Application for Design Review oeDaruncnt of CornmunitY Da,eloPmctrt Zs Sc[tn Font|gc f,ord, vaal, Colora|h 81557 te[ 970.f9.2$9 lax: !7O.479.2152 web: nrvw.Clveil.O,Ug Ggrcral Informaton: All prEiGdS rcquirinE deslgn tsrierv mu* rEcEirrc rpprot/.l Pior to $Smi$ing a. building psmt appliFtifrL fl€ase 16;frgr.';}111tfir-rffircmentr for tln padiadar appurar Ort G reqgefrf. {t apPudott br oesiqn Rctllew €rnnd bc aaoepbd unrif au di'rrcC frmmmi* i9 rcbwO UV Ut C,iry-tuatv Deu€toptnett DcpaftmcnL The pdjrd tnt;16 ne"a to u" rililC-by'ii;9-Tirr" cori.at r,ilor thc Plarrnhg and hvironmenbl commltt,ofr' 6&;" ;,;ltc. apprs..r-|ap;- rJG i tUfOi trecl'tt lt it Ucoca tnd oDrlrurtcdon commels wldrln sra Yur of the IDg|lurL Dcssiptiotr of Ute Rcquclt Localion offt" Proponft LorrTra4,B Ebdc. $hdlvidon: %it\,il|agefiI*.Eiling-- Plryricd eddr:rq --35?llsJ9EedS!,plt'€ Prrod llo,:',,'ii:-':,j-.lt6nUct fagE Co. Agscssor at 970-328-8640 for parcd no') Zpnlng: .tuHh AcEqtrdation -drm{s) of owner(s): v.ilL LLc --- ilNifing Add]Esst 28s Endge shEst, yeilr G),816t Orne(gl) sigmuc(s)r nane of ApCiel|R Fraun AsFoclatE ltr+ Hefing Addt€sF: Po Eor 2{50 Efrn&- CO 0$34 Phre: 92E7575 E4nall Addness: dominf@briuna5Eodetes.@m Fax: FGTC Plus S1,00 pcfsqroafudof bblsign arca. Fqcmgrdin of .new hitfiig ordem/r€Du[ft i+ il addild ,nttt ,q,rate fuoege ll added to anY residantid s ommdiUrlOing Gdudcs 250 additiont & inerior coluerslxto)' rc. *lrorOta,tget 6 orflargt attd s'!c lilp.ffemr'tts' adl at, nt'aCing, piffng, wlndow addEons, bnd;clCog, Gncct tnd rtalning mls, eir for mirpr Cjrilgrs b buildingc and sie imtro,emenb, glth as' E-rfi"& pr,fotg, w|ldow aOOtionS, landscaging, ft{cs and nblni'|g lrdlc, ei9-$10 ror rttfoom 'o ptanr alrcady rppmrcd Dy Plrnning Stitt or ule Oedgn Rade* Boad. Noh€ TY?e cf n rri.tfl end fcc: B $gtts tr Cooeputl Rcview t] NeYv @fsuclbntr Addticn MnrAErafiion (mul$frmily/comrn€rdaD HLrcr lfErction (Cngb-hmily/Ouplcx) 0nnges to ApprovEd Plans Separatlm Requed i50 NO FGc $650 f300 $zso c20 tr ct Rper ivc P.6I ir. I '.tDESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:00 P-M. PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Departnent MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Charlie Acevedo Margaret Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT '.... l-*',v)qlr1,,u' a' 12:00 pm 2:-00 pint' 1' ." 2. 3. 4. 5. o. 7. Driver: Hoffman iesiderice - 266'5 BaH Mountain R6ad Kelton residence - 1034 Homestake Circle Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive Vail Run - 1000 Lionsridge Loop Robason residence - 1139 Sandstone Drive Marriott - 715 West Lionshead Circle Alphorn - 121 West Meadow Drive Warren PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Hoffman residence DRB02-01741 Final review of a proposed primary/secondary residence. 2665 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 9, Block 2, Vail Village 13'n Filing Applicant: Scott Hoffman, represented by RKD Architects 3:00 pm Allison Allison MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That, prior to the submittal of a building permit, the staff review and approve the detail of the stone & facia.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant submit revised plans which meet all Public Works conditions. 2.Johnson/Porter residence DRB02-0175 Final review of proposed addition and exterior modifications 4857 Juniper Lane/Lot 8, Block 4, Bighorn sth Addition Applicant: Jeff Johnson, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt Schultz Architects MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, all staff issues shall be resolved by the applicant. 3. Vail Mountain Lodge DRB02-0185 George Final review of amendment to approved plans revising the dormers on the north and east sides of the building 352 E. Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant: VML, LLC MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED PER PLANS SUBMITTED AND DATED 7I17IO2 4. Robason residence DRB02-0163. Matt Final review of new single family residence. 1139 Sandstone Drive, Indian Creek Townhomes/Lot 41 , Block A, Lions Ridge Filing 1. ^-pp!!can!: e.el4Y n. & Dlnn: P-obesll, represente.l !t;r $!a,ya1 lamee Rirlsn M.OTION: Bil! Pieree SECON[|: Hans Woldrieh VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the lot subdivision process be completed.2. That the applicant meet all Public Works conditions.3. That the applicant meet all landscape requirements4. That the application be staff reviewed and approved. 5. Alphorn Condominiums DRB02-0164 Allison Final review of fagade remodel '121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D2, Vail Village 2nd Filing Applicant: Alphorn Condo Assoc., represented by Ray Story MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the submittal of a building permit, the applicant provide revised plans which indicate the center stainray roof match the other 2 pitches.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant coordinate with Public Works with regards to Meadow Drive improvements. 6. Vail Run Resort DRB02-0216 Matt Final review of minor alterations to proposed staircase 1000 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 10, Block C, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant Vail Run Resort Community Assoc., represented by RKD Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That staff approve the materials to be used. 2. That the site be cleaned up to staffs satisfaction, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the landscape plan be approved by staff. 7. Kelton residence DRB02-0193 Bill Final review of proposed color change. 1034 Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Fiting Applicant: Piper Architecture LTD MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 8. Mariott Vail Mountain Resort DRB02-O229 George Final review of proposed changes to approved plans 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision Applicant; Vail Resorts, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS DATED 7I17IO2 9. Ryerson residence DRB02-0196. Conceptual review of proposed addition. Bitl '=4859 ivieiutlw'iirlV€7l.oi"t6; Biock5, Bigilurrr'suiiilivisiiln. . Applicant Tony & Cindy Ryerson, represented by Betir Levirre, Aiciriieci CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 10. Meadow Drive Streetscape DRB02-0195 Bill Final review of proposed streetscape improvements Meadow Drive from Dobson lce Arena to Willow Bridge Road Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7. 2OO2 11. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB02-0181 Final review of proposed new park pavilion 1600 S. Frontage Rd. WesUUnplatted, Donovan Park Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7. 2OO2 Staff Denials Baggage Cheque, Inc, DRB02-0096 Sale banner 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1't Filing Applicant: Colleen McCarthy Staff Approvals Candi Johns Salon DR802-020'l Hanging sign 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village l" Filing Applicant: Candi Johns Salon George George Warren Parks residence DRB02-0203 George New single-family residence with Type I EHU 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Timothy Parks Ace Workwear DRB02-0200 Warren New awning sign 2171 N. Frontage Road WesULot 2-A, Vail das Schone Filing 3 Applicant: Judith A. Gifford Sanctuary International Inc DRB02-0176 Allison Window addition in basement 4327 Streamside Circle/Lot 6, Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Roger P. Anderson Wolf residence DRB02-0206 Allison Window addition C<rfdslream.Condos 1-476 Westharren Drive/l-ot 53 Glen Lvon Subdivison Applicant: Andrew H. Wolf Shapiro residence DR802-0207 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises TKL Properties LLC residence DRB02-0208 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail lntermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Moore residence DRB02-0209 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rossman/Eastom residence DRB02-021 0 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Spaeth/Tawczynski residence DRB02-02 1 1 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises WA Family Trust residence DRB02-0212 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rogers residence DRB02-021 3 Addition of 221 sq. ft. 860 Red Sandstone Drive, Unit 23lPotato Patch Club CondominiumsApplicant Rosalin Rogers Allison Allison Allison Allison Allison Allison 4 Warren MillRace Phase I DRB02-0221 Warren Change to approved plan - change to location of fence surrounding pool 1360 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Area AApplicant: Millrace Condo Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects RuderCemetary DRB02-0225 Judy Repair and clean-up site 2850 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 1, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Calder Cahill Lapadula residence DRB02-0220 George Replace window with slider Vail Point Townhomes Phase 1, 1881 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 1 , Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3 Applicant: Daniel & Marsha Lapadula La Bottega DRB02-0214 George Installation of exterior louvers Vail Village Inn Plaza, 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"t Filing Apptrcant: .lamm utd. : Snowstorm LLC DRB02-0222 George Install air conditioner compressor 2009 Sunburst Drive/Lot 15, Vail Valley 3'o Filing Applicant: Snowstorm LLC Marriott DRB02-0218 Waren Change to approved plans - exterior building arches from chamfered to arched 7'15 W. Lionshead Circle/Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, represented by Grathmey Pratt Schultz The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prolect planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. f gnrz|ER.AutN AssocilAttEs" |lNC. PIANNING and COMMUNIry DEVELOPI.lENT July ?4,2OO2 Georqe Ruther Chref of Plannnq Town of Varl 75 3. Frontaqe Road Varl, CO 61657 Re: Varl Mountarn Lodqe - DRB Approved Plans - East End Tenthovse Dear Georqe: Thank you for yovr assstance n helVnq the Val Mountarn Lodqe recewe DRts aVVroval on July 17 lor the chanqes on the east end oI the buldnq. We appreaate your ellorts to lacrlftate the rewew Wocess. Enclosed s a gel ol plans that reVresent what was a??rcved by the DRts. fhe Vlans show the shed dormerE on Lhe north elevatton a5 requtred by the DRE. As yov arc aware the DRB aVVroved two alf,ernat:es to the north elevaton: one wfth the restavrant ex?aniton and one wrthout the resbaurant expanaon. It yov need addftronal nlormalon please do not hegftate to contact me at 92G-7575. Stan Cope Edwards Village Centen Suite C-209 0 105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofiice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado I 1 532 P . - 970.926.7575 Fax - 974.976.757 6 wwwDraunassoctares.com IOWNffi Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.4A.27fi fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prcject Namel CondominiumfFownhouse Plat pEC t{umber: PECO20011 Project Description: Vail Mountain Lodge Condo TH Plat review Participantsr OWNER VML LLC 02/18/2002 phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Bailey & Peterson OalLBlzWZ Phone: 476-1987 Ron Byrne 108 S Frontage Rd West STE 210 Vail, CO Jay Peterson Representing Ron Byrne 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DRVAIL Location: Legal Descriptionr Loti Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Numben 210108255001 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz A712612Q02 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paidr $100.00 I Design Review Board ACTION FORM ruwm rflt c0Pr Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co,us Prcject Name: Changes to approved Plans DRB Number: DR8020245 Project Description: Amendment to the approved plans revising the dormers on the east end of the Vail Mountain Lodge. Pafticipants: OWNER VML LLC 0/30/2002 Phone: 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Braun Associates Inc. 0il3012002 Phone:925-7575 POB 25s8 Edwards, CO Dominic@braunassociates.com 81632 License: Project Address: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Locailon: Legal Description: [ot: Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108255001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Modon By: Woldrich Action: APPROVED Seond By: Acevado Vote: 5-0 Date of Approvalz O7l30l2OA2 Gonditions: Cond: 8 (PLCN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $250.00 JUL-26-2Aae. 15:3?CHAP}4RN ISOI,1 LAI^J GROUP 9?A 926 ILrc P,6T/AL ,,-ffi Application for Design Review oeDaruncnt of CornmunitY Da,eloPmctrt Zs Sc[tn Font|gc f,ord, vaal, Colora|h 81557 te[ 970.f9.2$9 lax: !7O.479.2152 web: nrvw.Clveil.O,Ug Ggrcral Informaton: All prEiGdS rcquirinE deslgn tsrierv mu* rEcEirrc rpprot/.l Pior to $Smi$ing a. building psmt appliFtifrL fl€ase 16;frgr.';}111tfir-rffircmentr for tln padiadar appurar Ort G reqgefrf. {t apPudott br oesiqn Rctllew €rnnd bc aaoepbd unrif au di'rrcC frmmmi* i9 rcbwO UV Ut C,iry-tuatv Deu€toptnett DcpaftmcnL The pdjrd tnt;16 ne"a to u" rililC-by'ii;9-Tirr" cori.at r,ilor thc Plarrnhg and hvironmenbl commltt,ofr' 6&;" ;,;ltc. apprs..r-|ap;- rJG i tUfOi trecl'tt lt it Ucoca tnd oDrlrurtcdon commels wldrln sra Yur of the IDg|lurL Dcssiptiotr of Ute Rcquclt Localion offt" Proponft LorrTra4,B Ebdc. $hdlvidon: %it\,il|agefiI*.Eiling-- Plryricd eddr:rq --35?llsJ9EedS!,plt'€ Prrod llo,:',,'ii:-':,j-.lt6nUct fagE Co. Agscssor at 970-328-8640 for parcd no') Zpnlng: .tuHh AcEqtrdation -drm{s) of owner(s): v.ilL LLc --- ilNifing Add]Esst 28s Endge shEst, yeilr G),816t Orne(gl) sigmuc(s)r nane of ApCiel|R Fraun AsFoclatE ltr+ Hefing Addt€sF: Po Eor 2{50 Efrn&- CO 0$34 Phre: 92E7575 E4nall Addness: dominf@briuna5Eodetes.@m Fax: FGTC Plus S1,00 pcfsqroafudof bblsign arca. Fqcmgrdin of .new hitfiig ordem/r€Du[ft i+ il addild ,nttt ,q,rate fuoege ll added to anY residantid s ommdiUrlOing Gdudcs 250 additiont & inerior coluerslxto)' rc. *lrorOta,tget 6 orflargt attd s'!c lilp.ffemr'tts' adl at, nt'aCing, piffng, wlndow addEons, bnd;clCog, Gncct tnd rtalning mls, eir for mirpr Cjrilgrs b buildingc and sie imtro,emenb, glth as' E-rfi"& pr,fotg, w|ldow aOOtionS, landscaging, ft{cs and nblni'|g lrdlc, ei9-$10 ror rttfoom 'o ptanr alrcady rppmrcd Dy Plrnning Stitt or ule Oedgn Rade* Boad. Noh€ TY?e cf n rri.tfl end fcc: B $gtts tr Cooeputl Rcview t] NeYv @fsuclbntr Addticn MnrAErafiion (mul$frmily/comrn€rdaD HLrcr lfErction (Cngb-hmily/Ouplcx) 0nnges to ApprovEd Plans Separatlm Requed i50 NO FGc $650 f300 $zso c20 tr ct Rper ivc P.6I ir. I '.tDESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 17, 2002 3:00 P-M. PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION / LUNCH - Community Development Departnent MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Charlie Acevedo Margaret Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT '.... l-*',v)qlr1,,u' a' 12:00 pm 2:-00 pint' 1' ." 2. 3. 4. 5. o. 7. Driver: Hoffman iesiderice - 266'5 BaH Mountain R6ad Kelton residence - 1034 Homestake Circle Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive Vail Run - 1000 Lionsridge Loop Robason residence - 1139 Sandstone Drive Marriott - 715 West Lionshead Circle Alphorn - 121 West Meadow Drive Warren PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Hoffman residence DRB02-01741 Final review of a proposed primary/secondary residence. 2665 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 9, Block 2, Vail Village 13'n Filing Applicant: Scott Hoffman, represented by RKD Architects 3:00 pm Allison Allison MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That, prior to the submittal of a building permit, the staff review and approve the detail of the stone & facia.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant submit revised plans which meet all Public Works conditions. 2.Johnson/Porter residence DRB02-0175 Final review of proposed addition and exterior modifications 4857 Juniper Lane/Lot 8, Block 4, Bighorn sth Addition Applicant: Jeff Johnson, represented by Gwathmey, Pratt Schultz Architects MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, all staff issues shall be resolved by the applicant. 3. Vail Mountain Lodge DRB02-0185 George Final review of amendment to approved plans revising the dormers on the north and east sides of the building 352 E. Meadow Drive/Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant: VML, LLC MOTION: Hans Woldrich SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED PER PLANS SUBMITTED AND DATED 7I17IO2 4. Robason residence DRB02-0163. Matt Final review of new single family residence. 1139 Sandstone Drive, Indian Creek Townhomes/Lot 41 , Block A, Lions Ridge Filing 1. ^-pp!!can!: e.el4Y n. & Dlnn: P-obesll, represente.l !t;r $!a,ya1 lamee Rirlsn M.OTION: Bil! Pieree SECON[|: Hans Woldrieh VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 4 CONDITIONS: 1. That the lot subdivision process be completed.2. That the applicant meet all Public Works conditions.3. That the applicant meet all landscape requirements4. That the application be staff reviewed and approved. 5. Alphorn Condominiums DRB02-0164 Allison Final review of fagade remodel '121 West Meadow Drive/Lot D2, Vail Village 2nd Filing Applicant: Alphorn Condo Assoc., represented by Ray Story MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That prior to the submittal of a building permit, the applicant provide revised plans which indicate the center stainray roof match the other 2 pitches.2. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant coordinate with Public Works with regards to Meadow Drive improvements. 6. Vail Run Resort DRB02-0216 Matt Final review of minor alterations to proposed staircase 1000 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 10, Block C, Lions Ridge Filing 1. Applicant Vail Run Resort Community Assoc., represented by RKD Architects MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That staff approve the materials to be used. 2. That the site be cleaned up to staffs satisfaction, prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. That the landscape plan be approved by staff. 7. Kelton residence DRB02-0193 Bill Final review of proposed color change. 1034 Homestake Circle/Lot 5, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Fiting Applicant: Piper Architecture LTD MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 8. Mariott Vail Mountain Resort DRB02-O229 George Final review of proposed changes to approved plans 715 West Lionshead Circle/Lots C&D, Morcus Subdivision Applicant; Vail Resorts, represented by Gwathmey Pratt Schultz Architects MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE:5-0 APPROVED PER REVISED PLANS DATED 7I17IO2 9. Ryerson residence DRB02-0196. Conceptual review of proposed addition. Bitl '=4859 ivieiutlw'iirlV€7l.oi"t6; Biock5, Bigilurrr'suiiilivisiiln. . Applicant Tony & Cindy Ryerson, represented by Betir Levirre, Aiciriieci CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 10. Meadow Drive Streetscape DRB02-0195 Bill Final review of proposed streetscape improvements Meadow Drive from Dobson lce Arena to Willow Bridge Road Applicant: Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7. 2OO2 11. Donovan Park Pavilion DRB02-0181 Final review of proposed new park pavilion 1600 S. Frontage Rd. WesUUnplatted, Donovan Park Applicant: Town of Vail, represented by VAg, Inc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 7. 2OO2 Staff Denials Baggage Cheque, Inc, DRB02-0096 Sale banner 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1't Filing Applicant: Colleen McCarthy Staff Approvals Candi Johns Salon DR802-020'l Hanging sign 141 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village l" Filing Applicant: Candi Johns Salon George George Warren Parks residence DRB02-0203 George New single-family residence with Type I EHU 4166 Columbine Drive/Lot 18, Bighorn Subdivision Applicant: Timothy Parks Ace Workwear DRB02-0200 Warren New awning sign 2171 N. Frontage Road WesULot 2-A, Vail das Schone Filing 3 Applicant: Judith A. Gifford Sanctuary International Inc DRB02-0176 Allison Window addition in basement 4327 Streamside Circle/Lot 6, Bighorn 4th Addition Applicant: Roger P. Anderson Wolf residence DRB02-0206 Allison Window addition C<rfdslream.Condos 1-476 Westharren Drive/l-ot 53 Glen Lvon Subdivison Applicant: Andrew H. Wolf Shapiro residence DR802-0207 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises TKL Properties LLC residence DRB02-0208 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail lntermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Moore residence DRB02-0209 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail IntermountainApplicant Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rossman/Eastom residence DRB02-021 0 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Spaeth/Tawczynski residence DRB02-02 1 1 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises WA Family Trust residence DRB02-0212 Replace deck and railing Columbine North, 2773 Kinnikinnick Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Rabbit & Son Enterprises Rogers residence DRB02-021 3 Addition of 221 sq. ft. 860 Red Sandstone Drive, Unit 23lPotato Patch Club CondominiumsApplicant Rosalin Rogers Allison Allison Allison Allison Allison Allison 4 Warren MillRace Phase I DRB02-0221 Warren Change to approved plan - change to location of fence surrounding pool 1360 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Area AApplicant: Millrace Condo Association, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects RuderCemetary DRB02-0225 Judy Repair and clean-up site 2850 Basingdale Blvd./Lot 1, Block 9, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Calder Cahill Lapadula residence DRB02-0220 George Replace window with slider Vail Point Townhomes Phase 1, 1881 Lions Ridge Loop/Lot 1 , Block 3, Lion's Ridge Filing 3 Applicant: Daniel & Marsha Lapadula La Bottega DRB02-0214 George Installation of exterior louvers Vail Village Inn Plaza, 100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"t Filing Apptrcant: .lamm utd. : Snowstorm LLC DRB02-0222 George Install air conditioner compressor 2009 Sunburst Drive/Lot 15, Vail Valley 3'o Filing Applicant: Snowstorm LLC Marriott DRB02-0218 Waren Change to approved plans - exterior building arches from chamfered to arched 7'15 W. Lionshead Circle/Morcus Subdivision Applicant: HMC Acquisition Properties, represented by Grathmey Pratt Schultz The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the prolect planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. f gnrz|ER.AutN AssocilAttEs" |lNC. PIANNING and COMMUNIry DEVELOPI.lENT July ?4,2OO2 Georqe Ruther Chref of Plannnq Town of Varl 75 3. Frontaqe Road Varl, CO 61657 Re: Varl Mountarn Lodqe - DRB Approved Plans - East End Tenthovse Dear Georqe: Thank you for yovr assstance n helVnq the Val Mountarn Lodqe recewe DRts aVVroval on July 17 lor the chanqes on the east end oI the buldnq. We appreaate your ellorts to lacrlftate the rewew Wocess. Enclosed s a gel ol plans that reVresent what was a??rcved by the DRts. fhe Vlans show the shed dormerE on Lhe north elevatton a5 requtred by the DRE. As yov arc aware the DRB aVVroved two alf,ernat:es to the north elevaton: one wfth the restavrant ex?aniton and one wrthout the resbaurant expanaon. It yov need addftronal nlormalon please do not hegftate to contact me at 92G-7575. Stan Cope Edwards Village Centen Suite C-209 0 105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofiice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado I 1 532 P . - 970.926.7575 Fax - 974.976.757 6 wwwDraunassoctares.com r\lbF(\IF9,t,'{s{vt$lIF.l-\:U3NN\Nd- !v0-30*ddvf"tkaxqrk{ir \}. 7Fc \6>q,liliillillilllfilitF".-tlIltr-lf -_ It $ ^..''.-']-".-=-'* f Scal4- , I lt APPROVED BY TI4E TOt,Vl!{)F \"rAil- DFp,,. I t' -:1"1"1 i:r-r,tRD o{ - l7 - 2c2.)2_ tuLt-,hd,: ?lz4laz \il1'-ryHll rJttNa-$'r${I)r{$zot-$$)tJt.*.?'--{6.ruzJAtrg Jruu !Atr-r"" "'1 | - o '' ii.:; il::r,1,.l.:i :t'I,.,: ,1,;;i' I'tI' ,il:'Iii, ,1.,lCI .'q' l I : ,I j.; ,.:l.,1, .t Tr I I '.1.,J ,,,1, I i,l I ,,1 ,'l ','1'ml,r.$l \i :.tl I I Ij r''li' : 1,1:., ...r1. .;l,i: i' 1'| ','| r:].'t't:l; fiilf' : 'l''l[r,.# $u ii:r ,rltJf l-. :tr tFtlrt-!: :$ii* i"1+ -; :. ,t: 1!.:li,:,.I i.'iii li r# 1.tf :;Hi ,,;:'t, i,;ili .t o o lint-;l\1I'IFlrfzi.. 'T*i.il-t-Rs:,'-t.$T) ,-r' ..'$tulgl+\t/$\I!l $lI,$ \l isiS \1.-..j -: \i\ t i I ul\r \.4 \l l rUr(\-7 N= _gbJ .'1s riztD l__. $4 \t' ,,-1.\j -ldJi| -t'-, |,/ O) d al!ZJ J' (J z UJ LJ =H o ll I --€ --€ I l'r T\l| \1./lv I I A I I I Iffif- I lil/ t/li ti I l/ I --- I I-T- I I I\l J___-Eil I t_ --.+ -+ VAIL MOUNTAIN LODCE - 3RD FLOOR PLAN _t__ I xFbntf_ll )r'' rlx)l IA _]- I O .;\_ ----\:, --@ --@ /;\----\Y/ I I anpdove urfltrm I I t- I ---+ + VAIL MOUNTAIN LODCE - 4TH FLOOR PLAN *-\--#-+I I July 15, 2oo2 Prcject Name: Proiect Description: Project Address: tegal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Pailicipants: OWNER VML LLC 285 BRIDGE ST VAIL CO 81657 License: APPUCANT Stan Cope Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us VML Roofing Material Change DRB Number: DR8020421 Change to approved plan - new roof material 12110/2002 Phone: tzl t012002 Phone: 476-9530 352 E, Meadow Drive Vail, CO Spcope@qwest.net 81657 License: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: [ot: Block Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS 21010825s001 See conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Seond By: Vote: CondlUons: Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich 5-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= I2l I8l2O02 C.ond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005706 That the applicant installs a standing seam copper metal roof atop the center and east end portions of the Lodgg prior to requesting a TCO. Ptanner: I t 'WANrwn DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 ;\ .{r -. €r i',,:3, t ftf DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, December 18, 2002 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PRoJEGT oRIENTATIoN dhfftnfOs LUd .ornrunity Development Departnent MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Clark Brittain (Clark left the meeting at 5:15) Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich Charles Acevedo Margaret Rogers SITE VISITS 1. McCue residence- 4269 Nugget Lane2. Burillo residence - 365 Mill Creek Circle3. Aalta Sports - 333 Bridge Street4. Mountain Haus - 292 East Meadow Drive5. Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 E. Meadow Drive6. Frampton residence - 14 Beaver Dam Road7. Eckenworth Gallery - 183 Gore Creek Drive8. Gore Creek Plaza- 193 Gore Creek Drive Driver: Warren 12:00 pm 2:00 pm 'PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL GHAMBERS 1. Gore Creek Plaza DRB02-0420 Final review of door replacement 0193 Gore Creek Drive/Lot 58, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant: Ladybell Partnership, LLC, represented by Bud O'Halloran MOTION: BillPierce CONSENT APPROVED 3:00 pm Matt SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 I I2. Mountain Haus DRB02-0427 Bill Conceptual review of a minor exterior alteration Mountain Haus, 292 East Meadow Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant: Mountain Haus Home Owner's Association, represented by KH Webb Architects CONCEPTUAL _ NO VOTE 3. Frampton residence DRB02-0422 Bill Conceptual review of new single-family residence 14 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 34, Vail Village l"tFilingApplicant Harry & Susan Frampton, represented by Duane Piper CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 4. Moe's Original Barbeque DRB02-0409 Wanen Final review of proposed exterior alterations 675 West Lionshead Circle/Lot 2, Block 1 Vail Lionshead Filing 3Applicant Jeff Kennedy MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE; 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 GONDITION: 1. That the trim around the doors & windows be thicker to hide the ends of the lapped siding. 5. Aalta Sports DRB02-0419 Warren Final review of two proposed signs 333 Bridge Street/Lot C, Block 2, VailVillage 1" Filing Applicant Darwin McCutcheon MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-1 (Brittrain opposed) DENIED AS PROPOSED (one sign located on the balcony on the NE corner, as the Board agreed there was no frontage). MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the applicant submit a new sign plan to staff, which better depicts the request and shows dimensions, with one sign on the NE corner over the entry and one sign on the south face. 6. Eckenroth Gallery DRB02-0426 Warren Final review of proposed signage Sitzmark Lodge, 183-3A Gore Creek Drive/Lot A, Block 58, Vail Village 1" FilingApplicant Kimberly Eckenroth MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Chadie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 7. Highland residence DRB02-0425 Warren Final review of proposed change to an approved plan 2610 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Ridge Applicant: J. Douglas Lockhart MOTION: BillPierce SECOND: Margaret Rogers VOTE: 5-0 '\APPRovED *,rtl "o"DrroN: 1 . That the garage addition be bumped out 16'-24" to create relief along the east elevation. 8. McCue Residence DRB02-0414 Warren Final review of proposed change to an approved plan 4269 Nugget Lane/Lot 3, Bighorn Estates Resubdivision Lot 10 and 11 Applicant: Robert and Harriet McCue, represented by Brown-Wolin Construction Inc. MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 CONSENT APPROVED 9. Burrillo residence DRB02-0417 Warren Final review of proposed driveway gate 365 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 16, Block 1, VailVillage Filing 1 Applicant Alejandro Burrillo, represented by Brian Gillette of the George Shaeffer Construction Company MOTION: Charlie Acevedo SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 TABLED UNTIL JANUARY 15,2OO3 10. VML, LLC DRB02-0421 George Final review of proposed roofing material change Vail Mountain Lodge, 352 E. Meadow Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village 1sI Filing Applicant VML, LLC, represented by Stan Cope MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH ONE CONDITION: 1. That the applicant installs a standing seam copper metal roof atop the center and east end portions of the Lodge, prior to requesting a TCO. 11. Tivoli Lodge DRB02- 0404 George/Allison Final review of proposed new hotel 386 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot E, Block 2, VailVillage 5h FilingApplicant Robert & Diane Lazier MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 TABLED UNTIL JANUARY I5, 2OO3 Staff Approvals Johns residence DRB02-0410 Maft Deck enclosure 3094 Booth Falls CourVLot 1, Block 2, Vail Village 12rh FilingApplicant: Charles & Jo Johns Highland residence DRB02-0418 Warren Window replacement and fireplace replacement 2610 Arosa Drive/Lot 3, Block D, Vail Ridge Applicant: Highland Properties Gore Creek Gallery DRB02-0416 Matt New awning and signage 302 Hanson Ranch Road, #206/Block 5A, Vail Village 5h Filing Applicant: Annie Egan I The Balance Wheel DRB02-0415 Warren New sign 143 E. Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, VailVillage 1"t Filing Applicant: Kevin Cannell The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Communig Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ruilnm Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the padicular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval laps€s unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. f, , ,-\ Description of the Reque"t llonftpr- /4*ta*,ttz- L'*ttrrtt;<=- Location of the Proposali Lot:_Block:_h. Cru*OrwlOtlfrtruttS Physicaf Address: 3E7 € -&tVott ---- Parcel n",, 2 I O t O? 2 s-fu: ( (contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):VUt LLc Mailing Address: .4 /--4J) /-4t<*Cu-8rcr 7 -6 oc) Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs D Conceptual Review E New ConstructionU Addition n Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alteration (single-family/d uplex) )d Cnanges to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions io plans already approveo uy eranniftGG€t't&D aDc . Design Review Board. No Fee 0tC t g tUoZ ,M Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97oA7921fi fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: Addition to an existing dwelling unit DRB Number: DRB010066 Protect Description: 98 square foot addition to condominium unit in with Vail Mountain Lodge Participants: OWNER ANGELO, JOHN M. &JUDITH H.03/30/2001 Phone: 1 WEST 72ND STREET APT 21 NEW YORK NY 10023 License: CONTMCTORSHAEFFERCONSTRUCION 03/30/2001 Phone: 970-845-5656 P O BOX 373 VAIL CO 81658 License: 129-8 APPUCANT Tim Kehoe 03/30/2001 Phone: 970-845-5556 x 30 George Shaeffer Construction Po Box 373 Vail, C.o 81658 License: ProjectAddress: 352 E MEADOW DR VAIL Location: unit A #301 Logal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL CLUB CONDOMINIUMS Parcel Number: 210108255006 C.rrmments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalt 04lLLl200t Conditions: C.ond:8 (P[AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review 8oard. Planner: George Ruther DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Questionsf llthe Planning Staff at 47g-2I38 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPR,OVAL * GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building perrnit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted untjl all the required information is submitted. The pdect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental Commi*sion. Design Review Board approval expires one y€ar after final approval unless a building perm it is issued and construction is started. LocAnoNoFpRoposAr. Lor,v'i- cet6?f ao-Fiirrltl"^ |:,d PHYSICALADD{1SS: 1TL Ib,<r Wc*cs*t qrrl-ive (uqir 3ol\ (Contact Eagle Co. Assessos ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF APPLiCANT:Tru Kehoo- Ce.*qe S**apr?L6'$^G, A. c. D. E, F. te L3bl MAILING ADDRESS: 3o TYPE tr X OF REVIEW AND FEE; New Construction - 9200 Addition - $50 Construction of a new building. Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. ! Minor Alteration - $20 DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permi! please identrfy flre accurate valuation of the projecL The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuatjon. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAT REQUIREMEilTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNIfi DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAII-' COLORADO 81657. !'i: J .- r o TOW OFVAIL Department of C ommunity Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-179-2I38 Flx 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRTTTEN APPROVAI LETTER (prht name) a joint owner of properry located at this letter as written approvai of the plans aarca E - 2 7 - a/ which are submitted to the Town of Vail Communiry Deveiopment for the proposed improvements to be completed at rhe address above. I understand tbat the proposed improveueots acn ae /t>fppraz> (Xzzrzlenz>sp) I flrnber understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the compliance with rhe Town's applicable codes and regulations. (addresVlegi description) revlew Process to e (darc) {S *otor^r", TOWN OF VAIL Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINTPROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of properfy located at orovide this letter as (addresMegal description) written approvar of Lhe r,K ffifffjd 3: '"-m*"submitted to the rown of Vail Community Development for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address <q, .{-a},,- * N} lvnr.tioe. CtuvcLgtpx -l-atr- 1O sq{n <) 9i i*-q L1_ sa ttc !l lfi##ff*H.kt ^k?^ti,#"is maybe made to rhe prans over the course orthe above. I understand that the proposed improvements inctuae l, nrff,ra-J.arzf Aprn-Oec 1E sc{rr.' review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. {p*'*,o,t' (date) Resor I Deg i 9n 303-449-3366 @3/26/O 32P P.@t1 05!o FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL DArE: 4'26.Dl ll;.^*,-rt* Ltvon&n FR.'M: &,^cREcAnDrNG,-ktA&\cg n 7b 1b Drni.g -S+ Gttr,o+ b- l^tDw I,oPt €r (qzsP)) t b+c, su^'-.r mli ^-r, Pulh tJs ove.Y 2W# i uritt slmil lh€ €+il*'o hrn mo^/' Itlcr*- crntrc{ t. tboru l!l!(. !t ilt.rrnd rr h I'rv il rh!r' lr, q'x r1e:slrrtE agrn\ rhir lr{n\dtisi,'r' .|l'i!.ro$;ih.iiintcnr|r;r.|l',n|'ftrrt|rc:K|dG5sfcnnd'triyClrntlhinfornrrtioorh*irFrlvi|tAcdetrJcoll6 ths innnrl,rJ nct'rcnr, you rrr hrr(by notrlic,I rcccilc<tthiconrrtuni(1Doiiitflol,l|c[r!Dtti|y..r|t.|lttdi[k|y:t|rhr.nrrntlrr:r|rr:|nvtr,rrlr'rrr:illllllll.lIllllylll St\!ir, SuilL tlll , ll .rui'l {: () tt l' 3 'r i' 1-:i_ .'*-Li '' :--: 1hot' ri:.ti):l.'l. r,'l l.lJ JoBNAME: AldO roBr{uiuBER, OIOYO FAX NUMBER: PAGES: CC: 40 EP -'-"i. r,r :i -a .r p -:t :Gi---. - ili ;" iir'l rr i --ir ti "ii n . i "''i \t ww, l(cf ,.irl)r trArt (tlll t - t*i,+,irr,)H;, AhFl'.,tilr)lrrr.:rol:lrUt Or:.,,,ltttP{rrrr:;.,ir,}. U:t/L:t;/rJl u9:'"i1:1rrpM, ji:ny'rer 01 O5!oResoit Des i 8n 303- 449-3386 @3/26/32P F.s,A4rrqYrylo $FE{ iH FH_+, I Cls !o@3/26/@ 1L$ IFF.$,R@ut03/2€/0l @s.32P P,@?o n---]_l r-\ |7\../ tF.tg '-5t) D1obtNJon H EI August 31,2000 Greg Hall l]ryctor, Dept. of Public Works / Transporrarion 1309 Elkhorn Dr. Vaii, Colo. 81657 fficD AUG 3 12000 '2.) i o- V ;/VMU0022000/ADMIN/MEMO/CH082300 .i Re:Addendum#l Vail Mountain Lodge Architects Project # 00220.00 Transformer: Refer to sheets A3-3, A3-zl, for plan locations. The transformer remains in the same location except for it is raised 33". Elevations of the transformer enclosure are located on sheet A5-2, North Building Elevation. slab Elevation: civil and l-andscape plans mark elevations outside the buildine slab. Refer to architectural sheet A6.5a, included in Addendum # I , for a section of tlhe front entry tower. Please call if you have any quesrions, .^Awf Princpalt Copy: George Ruther vVeL )e*^i \ Dear Greg, The purpose of this letter is to describe the contenrs of Addendum #1. we have issued this addendum to address conments from yourself and George Ruther as we agreed to in our responses on August 4, 2000 and to provide further information to the contracror,sHAw construction. These items are Flbor plans, Enlarged plans, Reflected ceiling Plans, Enlarged Elevations, wall sections, wall section betails, Exterior Finish DeLils, Structural revisions, Mechanical revisions and Electrical revisions. The foilowing outline itemizes the revisions contained h Addendum #1 to the Full phase I and II consluction Documents in reference to your_ cornments given to us July 24, zaJo. Items l-6 and 9-12 were responded to on August 4'n,2000 and the drawings were submitted to you at The Department of Public Works.Ln a+r.dr.\ ',f tr t&,r ,h ?c 7. I 1O .il(^Jr4.i\ 5 Denver office: 2301 Bloke streel suire r00 Denver colorodo 80205-2r08 303 86r.8555 Fox 303.86r.3022 Voil office:013/Moin stre€r'unircl06 Po.Boxzzn Edvords colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 Fox 970.926.8961 Dovis Portnership PC., Arch;iect3 Re: RECD AUG 3 12OOO August 31, 2000 George G. Ruther Senior Special Projects Planner 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colo. 81657 Addendum #l Vail Mountain Lodge Architects Project # 00220.00 Dear George, The purpose of this letter is to describe the contents of Addendum #1. We have issued this addendum to address comments from yourself and Greg Hall as we agreed to in our response on August 4,7OOO and to provide further information to the contractor, SHAW Construction. These items are Floor Plans, Enlarged Plans, Reflected Ceiling Plans, Enlarged Elevations, Wall Sections, Wall Section Details, Exterior Finish Details, Structural revisions, Mechanical revisions and Electrical revisions. The following outline itemizes the revisions contained in Addendum #l to the Full Phase I and II Construction Documents in reference to your comments given to us July 28, 2000 by Dominic Mauriello of Braun Assc. [nc. Items 14 were responded to on August 4^,2000 and the drawings were submitted to Greg Hall at The Department of Public Works. ITEMS: l. Tree Identification Numbers: Tree numbers are added to Sheet Ll.0 The Tree Removal Plan based on the number system submitted on May l, 2000 by JMP Architects. 2. A table is shown on Sheet L2.1 The Landscape Plan describing quantity and size of all trees and shrubs. A note is added to Sheet L1.0 The Tree Removal Plan that tree No. 215 will be mitigated with a 15' evergreen if required by the Town of Vail. Picnic Table: A note stating that a picnic table will be provided to stream tract property based on direction from the DRB has been added to Sheet L2.l The Landscape Plan. The Roof Plan: The property line of the site has been included on the Roof Plan, Sheet A4.l as wel as the floor plans and pertinent enlarged floor and roof plans showing that the building outline does not go over the property line. The elevations of roof elements, including ridges, dormers and towers, are noted on the elevations and the Roof Plan, Sheet A4-1. The ceiling of the room added to the top of the North Tower is below 48'. It is dimensioned on Sheet A6.5a. 3. 4. 5. I Denver Office: ?301 Bloke Street Suire 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861,302/ uov s fotlnerSntD r.1,. Arcnrlecl3 | lVoil Olli(e 0l37Moin Street UnirCl06 P-O.Box271l Edwords Colorodo 81632 970.926.8960 tox970.926.8961 I / 6. 7. Rooftop Mechanical: Exhaust fans, which show on the northeast comer of the roof plan are hidden in the chimney element and are not visible in the elevations. Refer to Sheet A5-l and Sheet A5-2, Building Elevations. South Elevation: On Sheet A5-1, the South Building Elevation is updated to include stonework on the ground floor that extends to the bottom of the decks above per the DRB approved elevations. A note that the stair above the Spa (between grid lines 9 and I l) and landing on ground level is open underneath to stonework beyond. The drawing has been changed to show the building beyond. It incorporates the new railing design. East Elevation: On Sheet A5-2, stone on the chirnney and wood braces on the East Entry and balconies are shown to match the DRB approved drawings. North Elevation: On Sheet A5-2, the chimney not shown is partially hidden by other architectural elements. It is now drawn and noted. The west end of the North Building Elevation includes the location of stonework as shown in the DRB approved drawing set. The omitted shutters are now included on the elevation. 10. Exterior Finishes: We are still using the similar details for the exterior finishes as submitted with the DRB application. The details are located on Sheet A6-9a and Sheet A6-9b. The Building Elevations, Sheet A5-1 and Sheet A5-2, also call out maj or exterior fi ni shes. 11. Plank Board: No synthetic plank board is being called out. Reference to this product has been deleted and is not included in the Construction Documents. 12. Fireplace Vents: Fireplace vents, including location, size, color and material are located on Sheet A5-1 and Sheet A5-2, Building Elevations. 13. Tower Element: The Tower elevations are corrected in the computer to reflect that the height does not exceed the elevation of 127' (8227'-0") shown on the DBR application set. This is shown on the Building Elevations as well as sheets A6-5a, A6-5b, A6-5c and A6-5d. 9. if you have any questions, Copy: Greg Hall August 31, 2000 Greg Hall Director, Dept. of Public Works / Transportation 1309 Elkhom Dr. Vail, Colo. 81657 Re:Addendum #1 Vail Mountain Lodge Architects Project # 00220.00 Dear Greg, The purpose of this letter is to describe the contents of Addendum #1. We have issued this addendum to address comments from yourself and George Ruther as we agreed to in our responses on August 4, 2000 and to provide further information to the contractor, SHAW Construction. These iterns are Floor Plans, Enlarged Plans, Reflected Ceiling Plans, Enlarged Elevations, Wall Sections, Wall Section Details, Exterior Finish Details, Structural revisions, Mechanical revisions and Electrical revisions. The following outline itemizes the revisions contained in Addendum #l to the Full Phase I and II Construction Documents in reference to your. comments given to us July 24,2C0iJ. Items 1-6 and 9-12 were responded to on August 4', 2000 and the drawings were submitted to you at The Department of Public Works. Transformer: Refer to sheets A3-3, A34, for plan locations. The transformer remains in the same location except for it is raised 33". Elevations of the transformer enclosure are located on sheet A5-2, North Building Elevation. Slab Elevation: Civil and l,andscape plans mark elevations outside the building slab. Refer to architectural sheet A6.5a, included in Addendum #1, for a section of the front entrv tower. call if you have any questions, lilrL-'--- AIA Copy: George Ruther V :/VMU0022000/ADMIN/MEMO/GH08230O 7. 8. Denver Office: 2301 Bloke Street Suile 100 Denver Colorodo 80205-2108 303.861.8555 Fox 303.861.3027 VoilOlfice:0l37MoinStre€t.UnitCl06 PO.Box2Tll Edwords Colorodo 81632 97A.926.8960 tox 970.926.8961 Dovis Portn.r3hip PC., Architects '1 ffiCDAUG3lZuutj ADDENDUM NO. ONE VAIL MOLINTAIN LODGE DATED AUGUST 18,2OOO 3528. MEADOWDRIVE VAIL. CO 816s7 ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: 00220.00 Date Addendum One Issued: August 18, 2000 This addendum is part of the Phase I and tr Full Permit Documents issued on July 20,2000 and contains additions, deletions and clarifications to this document. These items. shall be included in the Phase I and tr Full Permit Documents, and supersede the items it addresses. INDEX FOR ADDENDI.JM NO. ONE Architectural Items Structural Items Mechanical Items Electrical Items Architectural Items: Structural Items: Mechanical Items: Electrical Items: Page Page Page Page ATTACIIMENTS Sheer: Index, A3-1, A3-2, A3-3, A34, A3-5, A3-6, A4-1, A5-1, A5-2, A6-1, A6-3a, A6-3b, A6-3c, A6-4a, A6-4b, A6-4c, A6-5a, A6-5b, A6-5c, A6-5d, A6-5e, A6-6a, A6-6b, A6-6c, A6-9a, A6-9b, A8-1, A8-2, A8-3, A8-4, A8-5, and 48-6. Specification Section 08000, page 2. S1.1, 52.1, 52.2,52.3,52.4,52.4a, S2.5, 52.6, S2.7, and 53.1 Mxl.la, Mx1.lb, M3.1, Mx3.2a, Mx3.2b, Mx3.3, Mx4.3a, and Mx4.4a. Ex l. 1, Ex2. 1 a, Ex2. 1 b, Ex2. lc, Ex2.2a, 8x2.3, 8x2.4, Ex2. 5 a, and Ex3. I k. 2 J 4 4 #ry% ifrily $-IOI6 ADDENDT]MNO. ONE VAILMOUNTAINLODGE AUGUST 18,2OOO-PAGE2 ARCHITECTURAL ITEMS: DRAWING REVISIONS/ADDITIONS AD-l' Item A-L: On the Index Drawing replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached Index sheet dated, 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l, Item A-2: On Drawing A3-1, Lower Level Health Club Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet A3-l dated. 08-1840 revision #1. AD-l, Itom A-3: On Drawing A3-2, Upper Level Health Club Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with anached sheet A3-2 dated. 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-lr ltem A-4: On Drawing A3-3, Main Floor Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet A3-3 dated 08-18-fi) revision #1. AD-l, Item A-5: On Drawing A34, Second Floor Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet A3-4. dated 08-18-00. revision #1. AD-l, Item A-6: On Drawing A3-5, Third Floor Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet A3-5 dated 08-18{0 revision #1. AD-l' Item A-7: On Drawing A3{, Penthouse Floor Plan, replaced sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet A3-6 dated 08-18-00. revision #1. AD-l' Item A-8: On Drawing A4-1, Roof Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet A4-1, dated 08-18-00, revision #l AD-l, Item A-9: On Drawing A5-1, South and West Building Elevations, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet A5-1. dated 08-18-00. revision #1. AD-l, Item A-10: On Drawing A5-2 North and East Elevations, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet A5-2, dated 08-18{0, revision #l in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-11: On Drawing ,4'6-1, Building Sections, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached Sheet .4'6-l dated 08-1840 revision #1. AI)-1, Item A-12: South Eastern Bay window additions: Add Drawings A6-3a Wall Section and Elevation, A6- 3b Enlarged Plan Layouts, A6-3c Wall Section Details, A64a Wall Section and Elevation, A64b Enlarged Plan l,ayouts, and A6-4c Wall Section Details, A6{a, Wall Section and Elevation, A6-6b Enlarged Plan Layouts, and A6{c Wall Section Details. Phase I aud tr Permit Documents in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-13: North Entry Tower: Add Drawings A6-5a Wall Section, A6-5b Wall Section and Elevation, A6-5c Elevations, A6-5d, Enlarged Floor Plans and A6-5e Wall Section Details to the Full Phase I and II Permit Documents in sequential order. ADDENDUMNO. ONE VAILMOUNTAINLODGE AUGUST 18,2OOO_PAGE3 AD-l, Item A-14: Exterior Finish Details: Add Drawings A6-9a Exterior Finish details and A6-9b Exterior Finish Details to the Full Phase I and II Permit Documents in sequential order. N)-1, Itcm A-15: Add Sheet A8-1, Lower lrvel Health Club Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the full Phase I and II permit documents in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-16r Add Sheet A8-2, Upper L,evel Health Club Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the tull Phase I and II permit documents in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-17: Add Sheet A8-3, Upper Level Health Club Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the frrll Phase I and II permit documents in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-18: Add Sheet A8-4, Main Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the full Phase I and II permit documents in sequential order. AD-l, Item A-19: Add Sheet A8-5, Second Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the frrll Phase I and tr permit documents in sequential order. AD-I, Item A-20: Add Sheet A8-6 Penthouse Reflected Ceiling Plan, dated 08-18-00, to the full Phase I and tr permit documents in sequential order. SPECIF'ICATION REVISIONS AD-l, Item A-21: In hoject Specification Booh Section 08000, Wall Openings Schedule, add in sequential order, Page 08000 -2, Abbreviations (continued). Refer to attachment. STRUCTURAL ITEMS DRAWING REVISTONS AD-l, Items S-1: On Drawing S 1.1, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet S l. I dated 08- I 8-00 revision #1. AD-l, Items S-2: On Drawing S2.1, Foundation/Lower Level Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and U Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.2 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l, Items S-3: On Drawing S2.2, Upper Level Health Club Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.2 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l, Items S-4: On Drawing S2.3, First Floor Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.3 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-1, Items S-5: On Drawing S2.4, Second Floor Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.4 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. ADDENDIJMNO. ONE VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE AUGUST 18,2OOO_PAGE4 AD-l, Items 5-6: On Drawing S2.4A, Partial Second Floor Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.4A dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l, Items S-7: On Drawing S2.5, Third Floor Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.5 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l' Items S-8: On Drawing 52.6, Founh Irvel Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet 52.6 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. AD-l, Items S-9: On Drawing S2.7, Roof Framing Plan, replace sheet in Full Phase I and tr Permit Documents with attached sheet S2.7 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. N)-1, Items S-10: On Drawing 53.1, replace sheet in Full Phase I and II Permit Documents with attached sheet S3.1 dated 08-18-00 revision #1. MECHANICAL ITEMS ELECTRICAL ITEMS For Mechanical and Electrical Addendum No. I items. see the attached letter from Beaudin-Ganze, dated August I7,2OOO. v :\projects\vm1\0022000\cntadmin\addendan_0 1 .doc Vtil Mountoin Lodge frponsion ond Renovotion August 18,2000 ABBREVIAITONS (continued) DOOR AND FRAME SCHEDULE M,C.W'D = MeiolClod Wood W'M = Window Monufocturer {E)= Eristing LH = Lefl Hond Swing RH = Right Hond Swing A = Refer to Door/Window Type Drowinos Al.l B = Refer to Door/Window Tyie Drowing-s nt.t C = Refer to Door/Window Type DroWnigs Al.l D = Refer to Door/Window Type Drcnvings Al.l E = Refer to Door/Window TiTpe Drowinds At .l F = Refer lo DoorlWindow Type Drowings At.l 00220.00 08@0- 2 RECDAUG 312OOO Date: August 17,2000 Mr. Craig Dunhzun Davis Partnership P.O. Box 2711 Edwards, CO 81632-2711 RE: Vail Mountain Lodge 5822.06 BnluntN Canzu CONStlI,TI\G [\Gtfi[[RS, lN c. P.O. Box 39 Yail. C0 81658 (970) 949-6108 far (9?0) 9{9-6159 l{l{2 Denver Vest Pkry. Suite 195 Golden, CO 80401 (303)278-3820 Fax: (303) 278-3$4.3 Dear Craig: Please issue the following mechanical and electrical changes to the Phase I and II pennit set. I. Mechanical Drawings A. Sheet Ml.1, Mechanical Lcsend. Schedule. Diaerams and Soecifications. 1 . Issue attached Drawing Mx t . 1a, Partial Plumbine Fixture Schedule 2. Issue attached Drawing Mxl.1b, Grease Intercentor Diasram B. Sheet M3.1, Lower Level Health Club Piping Plan 1. Reissue sheet in its entirety. C. Sheet M3.2, Upper Level Health Club Piping Plan l. Issue attached Drawing Mx3.2a, Partiiil Upper Level Health Club Piping Plan 2. Issue attached Drawing Mx3.2b, Partial Upper Level Health Club Piping Plan Sheet Mx3.3, Kitchen Pining Plans l. Attach drawing Mx3.3 to the Phase I and II Drawing Set. Sheet M4.3, Main Floor HVAC Plan l. Issue attached drawins Mx4.3a. Partial Main'Floor HVAC Plan. Sheet M4.4, First Floor HVAC Plan 1. Issue attached drawing Mx4.4a, Partial First Floor HVAC Plan. D. F. 'RoJEcr vAlL MOUNTAIN LODGE Job no.: 5822.06 It: 08-r 7-00,TLE PARTTAL MECHANTCAL covER SHEET Dqsignrd b),: Rmunnr-Gmze colsutlrr{G ENCINEERS.INC. $li'8t":^:'"' i;? s',lt,, ffiit*,f,,ff;: rsii,,sria,_ DroYrn b)4 80s Mx1 .1o No.She.t I ) I @ SHOWER TL> 2 lu ZURN 4158 BRASS KOHLER K-18?24 TILE SHOWER 8Y OTHERS, PROVIDE WATER PROOF MEMBRANE SUITABLE FOR APPLICATION. I 1 ryt9 MOP BASIN NO TERRAZZO FIA T TSB-3000 KOHLER K-6907 6;\\J FLOOR SINK CAST IRON RECEPTOR WITH COATED INTERIOR JAY R. SMITH COORDINATE GRATE STYLE WITH KITCHEN EOUIPMENT SUPPLIER @ FLOOR DRAIN CAST IRON BODY JAY R. SMITH 2005 @ WALL MOUNTED WATER CLOSET YES SEAT: KOHLER K-4670-C WHITE VITREOUS CHINA KOHLER K-4450-C SLOAN ROYAL 110- YB- 5 @ WALL MOUNTED URINAL NO WHITE VITREOUS CHINA KOHLER K-4972-1 SLOAN ROYAL 180_ YB @ WALI MOUNTED LAVATORY YES WHITE VITREOUS CHINA KOHLER K-2035-4 KOHLER K82']5-Kl K-r6070-4A @ FLOOR DRAIN CAST IRON BODY JAY R. SMITH 2020 2'' FLOOR DRAIN b a\.--.\--/\-/-.a ,/\- /\-,.4- ,/\ ,/\-44.--\_,\ -.{ ^ FIXTURE EQUIVALENTS: AMERICAN STANDARD, KOHLER, CRANE, UNIVERSAL RUNDLE. FIAT, STERN WILLIAMS DRAIN EQUIVALENTS: JOSAM, WADE, SMITH, ZURN FAUCET EQUIVALENTS: CHICAGO FAUCET, SPEAKMAN, KOHLER, DELTA, AMERICAN STANDARD rRoJ€cr vAlL MOUNTAIN LODGE JOD nO.: 5E22.05 DqtC; 08-r 7-00IrrLE PARTTAL MECHANTCAL covER SHEET )caign.d b),: BdtuND# iijf;ffi'""' p,4,f;ild',1'r, #,il!llf-, [fllfii[#l",, ]iii(g"iligii:"orsg )rown by: B0s Sh.6t No. Mx1.1b NOTES: 1. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS TO BE CAST IRON OR sDR 26. MIN.4'' DIA. 2, WALLS AND BOTToM RETNFORCED THROUGHoUT WrrH 6x6-10,/10 W.W.F. J. OUTLET PIPE INVERT TO BE 2'' LOWER THAN INLET PIPT.4, DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TYPICAL MINIMUMS,5. TNTERNAL DTMENSTONS (8'-2"x8'x7'-2") VARY WTH CAPACTTY (1575 GALLONS). M IN. 2''V TO BLDG; AND UP THRU ROOF. 24"0 C,.1. NEEHAH MANHOLE COVER R-1912 OR EQUAL. rnou--"'-/ BLDG. CLEANOUT TO BE IRON BODY FERRULE WTH BRASS SCREW PLUG, TYP. GREASE INTERCEPTOR DIAGRAM NO SCALE MrN I g"urr,'r. A -+ --@ 5/4" HWS/HWR UP. REFER TO SHEET M4.3 FOR CONTINUATION. ARY OF PHASE 1 ANO 2 PRoJEcr vAlL MOUNTAIN LODGE Job oo.i 5822.06 Dot.:oB-t7-00r'.E PARTTAL uppER LEVEL H.c. plprNc PLAN D6igncd b)t B nluDlN 11142.0!n,af vlcrt P*fy. p.o. Box Je-Qnrzr ti[;_To_qs,o, i6.{bfr%t'j,8Snln'*:* t*?3J3r'iflh, rl"(didnii':5'50 )rown b),1 Sho.t No. Mx3.2o NEW WORK. U,N.O. REFER TO DRAWNC 1. SHEET FOR PLUMBING WORK IN THIS l_ ROUTE VENT PIP JOIST SPACE. 'Ro..Ecr vAlL MoUNTAIN LODGE Job no.: 5622.06 )ot!i 0E-r 7-00rrr pARTTAL uppER LEVEL H.c. ptptNG pLAN Dclignld b),: BDS Bf,ti?'J' irirl:'!i::,:-"'.' Po B'x rs &9],il,,#!:,,, t*?g9t*'l*, Hiili"'-"'l'*'" )rown by: Shcqt No. Mx3.2b CONNECT NEW 2'' C LINE T0 (E) 2" G L|NE SERVINC WATER HEATER. REGULATINC STATION. 2 LB. TO 7" w.C. 2,500 CFH. VENT TO EXTERIOR OF BLDG. AND TERMINATE PER CODE AS REOUIRE I LOUNGE HOUSE KEEPING I 126Z (E) G LINE TO LAUN CONNECT NEW G LINE TO ti).9or L|NE wrTH EQUAL GAS PRESSURE REqULATING STATION,2 LB TO 7"W,C. 225 CFH. VENT TO EXTERIOR OF BUILDI,NG AND TERMINATE PER CODE AS REQIIIRED. WOMENS LOCKER ROOM GAS PRESSURE- REGULATING STATION, LB. TO 7" w.C. 906 CFH. VENT TO EXTERIOR OF I BLDG. AND TERMINATE I MENS LOCKER ROOM 2'' G LINE TO SERVE FUTURE FIREPLACES. VESTIBULE/tw 'Rofcr vAlL MoUNTAIN LODGE Job no.i 5622.06 Dotal 0E-r7-00nrE pARTTAL MAIN LEVEL MEcHANtcAL pLAN Dt'iolrd Df BDS B glunlN rt|{il.Dnr trr Prrr. p.o. 0or Je-GNzs *i[]% o. vor, ir cii,sc#it; ffifr#; rrr&frire''" ]forn bt B0s Sh..t No. Mx4.3o I I I I--f- BOUNDARY OF PHASE I AND 2 NEW WORK. U.N.O. fu-3' v 0N. REFER TO DRAWNG I3. SHEET MX3.3 FOR CONTINUATION. --#3" v uP. moJ€cr vAlL MoUNTAIN LODGE Job no,: tE22.06 0otG. 06-1 7-00nrLE PARTIAL FIRST FLooR MECHANTCAL pLAN D.rlgn.d oft BDS I nlUOn l.riz.o-g'".r u|.r ftrr. p.0. !s ri-ClNze ilill'l% *' n;.et-s'-6rr-ffi; W3,d#; r*o1fi3ri1!%'" Drom bt? eo3 Sh!.t o. Mx4.4o -ta ; 3'' V DN. 4. V UP THRU PENTHOUSE TO 4" VTR, COORDINATE ROUTING BATHROOM GROUP ABOVE. --@ --@ coRRrDoR e 2-1,/2"CW, DN, 3/4"Hw oN To REMATN, l-1/4"G L|NE TO FUTURE G MAIN IN CORRIOOR CEILING. TEMPORARTLY CAP FOR FUTURE CONNECTION TO MAIN G LINE IN CORRIDOR CEILING, TYP, l.G DN FOR TEMPORARY SERVICE TO FIREPLACE, (E) 2-1/2"v.DRYER VENT CAP, TYP. UP. (E) 2-1/2"v DN To REMArr". T- I I IA r___o - ---------1 r /\--,/ VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE PARTIAL LOWER LVL H.C. ELECTRICAL PLAN Rmunn-ffrmu c(ttsrt'lt6 EiIG$TINSNN !1!n1"H- o'*"' Gddcn. @ E0r0l(xE)2t8-J82o Fqr (Jd])zn-JE$ P.0 8or 39 Vor, @ 81658 Ex2.1o (E) MA|N DTSTRTEUTTON SWTCHBoARD "MDS" 4ooo AMP. 2OaY/12OV, Jo, 4tV. (E) CLUB MAIN DISTRIBUTION SWTCHBOARD .CDS" 1600 AMP. 208Y/12OV, 30, 4W. (E)'cM2" FUruRE METER STACK. PANELS "*t", "*z'@ FOOTING AT ELV.= 60'-O"t FUruRE KITCHEN -'Ji PANELS "KJ" - l| - rll Itl tll - {ffi*s- - ' cLB--w UP TO PANEL rRoJEcT VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Job no.: 5822.06 Dotc: oE-r7-00nrLE PARTTAL LowER LVL H.c. ELEcTRtcAL PLAN Designed b)ii B0s ).o|* bt B0sfl nruDttt lll,l2.D.nvrr Tlest Ptry. p.o Bor J9-firuzr il11fi0.** i,,ia,!1,'-'i,BffiS,Hi* [*il"@'[iB3*" iil"(s"i0'reii:orss Shccl No. Ex2.1 b I I _l I ' -l-l----lt.-I !-t I I f--- I NEW 40IHP. ELEVATOR POWER UNIT TO REPIACE EXISTING. tew zzb AMP, 3-PoLE Norr- AUTOMATTTC C|RCUTT BREAKER W|TH NEMA 4r ENCOLSURE AND T2OV SHUNT IRIP UNIT. SHUNT TRIP TO BE ACTIVATED BY HEAT DETECToR IN MACHINq ROOM PROVIDED BY FIRE PROTECTION CONTRACTOR, 2OO AMP. 3-POLE NEMA 4X FUSED SWITCH.IFUSE PER ELEVATOR EOUIP. REOUIREMENTS. nur'r rurp 2"c ro (E) CLUB SWTCHAOARD AND CONNECT SPARE ?OOl3 FUSED SWITCh. FUSE 175 FRN_R. FIELD VERIFY. \-- >< - U.L. 50 AMPJ 2W, SN NqMA 4X FUSED swrTcH rFoR ELEVAIOR LTGHTS & \ CoNTROLS. FUSE PqR ELEVATOR EOUTP. \ SUPPLIEB REQUIRMENTS. EXTEND 2#I2, \ #12 GRq, TO (E) PANEL EM AND CONNECT 2011 crFcurr BREAIEE_ t ilil- ,RoJ€cr vAlL MOUNTAIN LODGE Job no.: 5422.06 Dote: 08-r 7-oon"E pARTTAL LowER LVL H.c. ELEcTRTcAL pLAN )esigned b)z BDS )rqr" bf BDSB multu r{2.0 v6 flcst ttry P.o 8or Je ffi*tfl, Ht#J#il, htffiifiq*Shc.t No. Ex2.'l c FLAG NOTES: coNTRAcroR To pRovrDE ALL (E) LtcHTlNc, POVIIR & COMMUNICATIONS IN THESE AREAS AS REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR T OF DEMOLITION. t2) (5) fal\_./ ADD AND FOR (2) soo KcMrL crYlAL I NEUTRAL TO INCOMING 4OOO AMP BUS FUTURE SERVICE TO ''MMS.'. REMOVE (E) FUSE CAE|NEr AND ABANDONED BATTERY CABINET FROM THIS WALL. NEW CONDUIT AND FEEDERS TO (E) PANEL"W' 214/.s/o, #3 cRD, 2rl2'c.l REcoNNEcr PANEL AND SWTCHBOARD SAME AS EXISTING. (E) ELEVEN J" CONOUIT RISERS UP TO H.C.E. PAD MOUNTED TRANSFORMER. IRANSFORMER TO BE RAISED *3' BY H-C.E. CONTRACTOR TO REPLACE (E) FEEDERS AS REQUIRED TO ACCOMODATE NEW TRANSFORMER POSITION. il[4#soo KcMrL (E) J!,!"c]. SEE PANEL SCHEDULE SHEET EX2.I FEED PANEL "K1" FROM (E) 600/3 KITCHEN DISCONNECT SWITCH IN "MDS"WITH z | 4#zso KcMrL, #r cRD, J"c.l F-soo LPN-RK N OTES: NEW PANEL ''HG2" TO REPLACE EXISTING, 2OO AMP, 2O8Y/12OV, 30, 4-W|RE SURFACE MoUNTED, J0 CTRCUTT. AIC TO MATCH EXISTING. PROVIDE NEW FEEDERS TO EXISTING 2OOAMP. 5-POLE SWITCH AT "MDS,, AND RECONNECT SAME AS EXISTTNG. 4#2/0, #6 GRD, 2"C. VERtFy. PROVIDE 175 AMP FRN-R FUSES. RECONNECT ALL EXISTINC BRANCH CIRCUITS SAME AS EXISTING INCLUDINC OCP DEVICES. >RoJEcT VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE \rgb no,: 5822.06 Dota: 08-17-00nr-E pARTTAL uppER LVL H.c. ELEcTRTCAL pLAN Dlsign.d by Bmi,?'J ilifl',H;;'"* l&,H:'tr"sffiiifi, ffi#,#;, t:l?li;ilig''* )rorn b)t BDS 5h€€t No. Ex2.2oFLAG CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL (E) LIGHTING, POWER & COMMUNICATIONS IN THESE AREAS AS REQUIRED FOR MODIFICATIONS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING PROPOSED FORr I I I I I'l-tlF Ittrlll ut,rthIll |, --]- XTENT OT DEMOLITION. ( J ) ELEVEN (r1) Jr4" coNDUrr R\_-/MOS TO (E) TRANSFORMER. H2-zo/1 D II NEW WORK r,re_ tt "( I ransronuen 1- R(MOVE (E) PANEL "1i2" ,.\ l// rru er'ro copffcr..a\t I /.\/uo I u a60190{v, vy HP,t,H.C. uFr. Xf- -7- -rs- -rz=15/J \:4t. FLAG NOTES: ( 1) t 1l (E) PANELS TO BE REMOVED UNDER FUTURE PHASES OF REMODELING. FUTURE ''AU" UNITS. CIRCUIT TO PANEL ''GJ". FUTURE CIRCUITS IN THESE AREAS TO GO TO (6) ELEVATOR LOBBY LIGHTING AS TO NEW LOBBY SIZE.REQUIRED TO CONFORM CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE ALL (E) LIGHTING, POWER AND COMMUNICATIONS IN THESE AREAS AS REQUIRED FOR PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS FOR EXTENT OF DEMOLITION.ifl*--n l'-.F-r ns -.lll@ ll.Lll--.! BEDROOMJ@w--n!lnlrut_ r--\ CLOSETI \ lszrl I t t'--rz t L:J il >RoJEcT VAIL MOUNTAIN LODGE Job no,: 5822.06 Dot.: 08-17-00 'TLE PARTIAL THIRD FLooR ELEcTRTcAL pLAN )csignad bf BDS B nlultx !a!.a2.9g"v?' w63t Pkfv. p.o. Bor rs-,$,$,[!f;, F,!i*{"t",ifJ, iii9fis;':!i'x',, Drorn b',: Sh.ot No. Mx2.5oNEW PANEL ,,G3,, 2O8Y/12OV, 30, 4W, SURFACE MOUNTED. 2OOAMP MLO WITH SUB-FEED LUGS. 42 CKT. FROM 150,/3 CIRCUIT BREAKER IN PANEL "PG5". FEED W|TH 4#1/O, #6 GRD, 2"C REPLACE (E) PANEL "PGs" W|TH NEw 20EYl120v, 30, 4U 4OO AMP MLO. SURFACE MOUNTED PANEL, AIC. RATING TO MATCH (E). BRANCH BREAKERS: 150/3 - PANEL "G3" 1OO/s - PANEL "G2" 2Ng Fr. 100/3 - FUTURE PANEL "G2A" 40/3 _ RECONNECT SNOW MELT SYSTEM 2-POrE - AS REQ'D TO RECONNECT (E) AU'S. ErC. s) 2" RTSERS (E) PANEL "PGs" TO BE REPLACED ISTINC CONDO PANEL ',G5-6:'REcoNNEcT To NEW ,'METERED'' SOURCE FIELD VERIFY. EXACT LOCATION UNKNOWN. coNDo PANEL "-- I ECONNECT TO NEW "METERED'' SERVICE.E) PANEL"HM2" a t' tgJ-?7 -Um 11 : 17 FROf'li ERA.N ffiSOCIATES 9ru%1576 T4297447Fl52_ Novcmbcr 27, 2000 Georgc Ruther ChicfofPlanning 4-. - .- Town ofVail ?5 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re : Vail Morntarn Lodge Addendum set of plars 114 Dear Georgat Davic P arBrctship will be submining to the l'owu a ncrr, ddcndum sct of plsos for the VAC. The purposc of ttrc rcvisions is to address issues raised by Crary Coodcll during thc revicw of tbc original subrrittal as wcll as makc somc ncoosssry minor modifications. Attrched is e revis€d site plan for thc east rnd of thc building. A subsrxface Ef€asc trsp is being instnllcd in the arca snuth of the dcck- 'lte landscaping in this area will bc $hiftcd sligbtly to allow for rhis undcrgrourd equipmcnt. The quantitics oftrces will remain unchanged. Additionally, thcc ernall cundrosing uriu are bcing addut to the site adjacetrt to thc €ast fid af Or€ bttilding. These units arc nccessary for air handling for tfte kitchm aud restaurant and arc k*atcd adjaccnt to a mcchanical room within thc building. Thc unib are being located suoh that thcy are scrccncd by thc building itsclfi, ncw evagrcor $hrubs, and a change in gndt (rcfsr to thc two seqtion drawingsprovidcd). < - 'Ihis is the urly logical location fu this equipurent anrl wc bclicvc thzt any visual impact has h:en adequately mitigated by the cxisting large tees and now shrubbwy proposed. Ifthere is additional information needed by you, please do not hesitrte to contact mc 2t9267575. C:Jay Petctson P.egtlw4 BA[/BRA[,IN ASSOCIATES. INC. N.ANMNG |nd COMMI,I.|]IY DH'AOfl'TENT Eduank Mltage Ccnlq:suibc C-200 0105 Gdwad Vilegc lloloard nost Ol[cc &rr 2658 Edv\lardc' Colorado I1632 h.-970.9161575 Fil - 9749)67576 urrw.brarrussochescom 4-. Ng.)-e7-?WB 11 : 17 FRt}.l: ERRIN ASSOCIRTES 97EFffi7576 P.AA?/M .. I Denrs Oflico:2301 Bhke Srr€en gub 100 oanwr, cobrdoo 8020*zlus 303,061,0555 Fax 3{xt.s1,3027 DavrS Plrtncd o P.c-. Archllocls I I Vail Ollica: 0197 liain glrEl Unil C106 F.Q. Eor?711 e(,lvsrd3, Cobrado 81632 970,Si46960 Far970.92S.8961 Nft)-?7-?WE 11:17 FR*I:ERAIN ASSOCIATES 97ffi7976 FXISIING SPRUCE TO BE PROTECTED PROPOSED EVERGREEN SHRUE PLANTING INSTALL NL.W MUI, CH IN PLANTING 8ID STONE SITE WALL ALL WORK IN THIS AREA SHALL BL COMPLITEDBY IIAND. ALL EXISTING TREIS AN MAJOR ROOT SYSTIMS SHALL BE PROTECTED DURING CONSTRUCTION OI CONDENSEI1 UNIIS AND SITF WALL. {r.. - Ttr:.976479E4* FDGE OF BUILDING P.BA3.e$4 CONDENSFR UNIT i! MTNtMtZE ROOT DIETS|EANCE IN THIS ART.F .. SITE SECTION B SCAI f: NT.S FD,J-?T-AW 11:19 FRO'l:ERAL^l ASSoCIBTES 97A9/?E,7576 EDGE OF BUILDING CONDENSER UNIT ALL WORK IN IHIS ARIA SHALT BE COMPLETEDBY-I{AND. ALL FXISTING TREEi ;N dJbRRooT_sysTtMs sHALL ae pnoircito"rir]nrnc coNsrRucrroN oF corvuirvsEn urrrris lili' srrr wnr_r_. P,ga4/eB4 EXISTING SPRUCT TO BE PROTECTED PROPO5ED IVERGRE[.N SHRUB PLANTING INSTALL NEW MULCH IN PLANTINC BID rO:'976479E45? i ,t. ' ,'q: MINIMIZE IN DISTURBANCE AREA ROOT THIS SITE SICTICN A SCAI E: N,T.5. STONE SITE WALL DEC-@7-"@EB 16:56 FROI'l:BRAl.-hl ASOCIATES 97A9?67576 'lOt97A47*4*. P.gAt/@3 I gNyBR.AUN ASSCCIATES, INC. PIANNING arrl CQt4i4trNl lY DEVAOfTMENT 4- December 6,2000 George Rutter ChiefofPlanning Town of Vail ?5 $. Fnrutage Road Vail, CO E1632 Re: Parking Calculation Methodology for the Sormenolp Pro6rtics DcarCrcorgc: ln an effort to have all of our *duclcs in a rpw," I would likc to enrure thot w€ atc using the concct tsslrmptions and metlndologr for calculating the parkiug rcquircmenu for thc Somrenalp redevelopnent pnrject. As you loow the Sonnenalp u planniog a redenelopnrent of the B4vana Haus and the .Swiss Chalel Thc ptoposal will ultimatcly create one project 0n one parcet of land.the Talismnn building will not be modificd and thc cxisting numbcr of pruking spoccs at the 'l'alisman will remain mchanged. Bolow is the methodology utilized to calculate the nunber offparking spaccs thrrt rvill noed to bc providod on the site. This methodology complies with thc T.oning Regubtions and conforms to rmmerous cxamplcs tbroughout the Town whcre this rcthodolory has boen utilized. rilc would liko a confirmation from you tbat this rnethodology is conect (assurning thesc ayc ultimately tle square tbotage numbers for the pmjcct)- Prrklng Cdcrledon: Existine_Dcvelopmelt BawilaHaut Sincc wc aro not modifuing the existing Bavaria llaus in a way that gcnerotcs ncw pffking, tlc requireurent for parkiug here is *as approrrcd" with 108 prrking spaccs. Swilrs Chalet Existing $psces on-site = 14 parking ryaccs Eduards Vitrage Center. Suhe C-209 0 105 Ed,,vardrVllage Bodward Fost Offce 8ol< 1658 Edqardr, Colondo I l612 ftt -r70.?z6.-t515 Fax - 970926.7576 r,ram'nbraunag:ociates.corn oEc-a7-efgn 1a!56 FRCI'l:BRAtht ASSOCTRTES g?M15?6 L ' TOtg7A+ZgaqSa Puking rcquirerneat t'or the existing bullding based on today's code; Uqp /l or sq. ft. Multiplicr Parkine Requirernent P-AA?/EPB Since there are 14 cxisting parting spaccs and 6l spaces requirod by code for lhis building, ttrrc Swiss Chalet is "grandththertd' for 4? spaccs. Thcrefore, 47 spaces will be applicd as a credit for the ovcrall puking requircd for thc projcct. DIJs ZAUs 59 Conferoloc 1,885 Retail 1,580 Rrxtarmnt 1,810 FFUs I0Retsil 4,820 AUs 6l Cenferencc 5,710Retail 4,100 1.4 .7 m30 23n000 1n50 Total .7 l /330 2.3/r000 Totd 2.8 41,3 5_71 3.63 7.24 60.68 or 6l spaces 42.t 17.30 943 69.di or 70 spaccr Prooorcrl New Develonmcnt Swiss Chalet ( Use # orsq. ft. Multiolir ParkingRsquirErncnt DUs I I 1.4 15.4.772.3/roo0 11.09Total 31.49 or34 rpacer New Bavaria Haw lliag Usc # or sc. ft, Multiplicr Pflrkhs llsouircmcnt Overdl PerHne.Reguiremcnt for Sonnenelp TloJcct Existing Brvaria Haus r08 New Bav*ia Haus \lling +70 Ncw Swiss Chalct +34 {\ Swius Chalet Grandfather -47 Total parking rcquircd 165 spaces r 2.5% multLu.$c crcdit = 16l parking spaces Plca.sc notc that wc have rrot includtd a pa*ing sdculiltion f{n thc "spa, uscs" proposed on-site. Plcase norc that the majority uf thc existrng usc of thc spa in the hotel is by hotel gucst. Thc spa is not at all like a privre club rrr hcahh club 0rat sclls rprnbcrships !o public. 'Ihe spa does ofTer its sernices to the publio firr a for:; however, this is a rrinor part of tbe operation. As on other pmjccts within the Town, wc bclicvc this uuc should ba teatcd ru a hotcl amcnity and not asscssed an addirional pa*irng requircrnerr|- Ws fagc 2 ol-3 EC-47-W 18156 FRB{:mflr.t ASSOCIRTES 9W-Et6 m397@479€|5F. urderstand that e/e will need to develop r morc complete justificotion fu this argumcat ard tbat it will ultimately b€ determined by thc PF.C, prrsuut to l'own Codc. lYe would hope to have a confinnation of this nrthodology frorn you in thc nrxt fcw days. Wc plan kr use this informstion to linaltze orr plurs and submit a developnent application to the Toqn for approval. lfyou have any questions, pleasc call nv at 9f26-7575. 4- {- P.Ws,W Page 3 of3 4- N$./-13-eE@ 1A:47 FRO4:BRAthl ASSoCIATES 979,9a67576 TO2974419a.4F.P.AA!/W4 BAI/BIR.A [."N N ASSCC IA]-ES P|^NN|NG tnd CQMHl,rNllY DEVELOPT4 ENT { Novodxr 13,2000 George Ruthcr Chief of Phnning Tovm of Vail 75 S. Fr(hllgc Rrxd Vail. CO 81657 Re: Addendum set of plaru #2 Dear Georgc: Davis farhership recently submitted to the Town a new addendum set of plans fot thc VAC, Thc purpose of the revisions was to addrcss issues raised by Cary Goodcll during thc rcvicw of thc original suhmittd. In the cor.rse of making changes ro the plan, the landscape area on the west end of the building wrs mrxlifierl r) create a parking area. this change was creatcd for an intcrnal discussion and wrs not interdcd to be submitted to the Town, Please disregard thosc chqrges to the plan. I have includod three 8.5" x I I " pages showing the corect lsyout of this area ftrr yourBe. Additionally, tbe patio on south side of thc building has been extEnded to the wesl. This change is neces$ilry in ordu to corryly with o burldrng code issue with regard to building height per Gary Gxdell's rcqucst. l'his minor changc udds approxinrately 240 sq. ft. of decl/patio area te lhe sitc, The site was developed with 32% landscape area snd thus there i$ aJrproximately 595 x;. ft. of ttc sitc available frr modification. If tlrere is additiongl in lrrrmation needed by you, pl.;ase do not hesitate to contact me st y26-7575. C:Iay Pctersrm Edw'ards Vllage Center Sune C-209 0l 05 Erlmn&Vlhge Boulevard Rrsr Oflicc Box 2558 Edwards, Colondo 8 l612 Plt - t)7O.926.7575 Fu - 97U.926.7576 ww\Mbraunaliociater-cdt r ( M}.J-13-AS@ 1A:47 FROITI:BRA.N ffiSOCIffTES [0i-02-2000 TIU llr48 lil 97a%7576 4-TOt97A47n4*P.A@./EB | , uu// uut ,,,-----);=''* AtL I.ANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT TO MOUNTAIN HAUS APPROVAL IN PR SPOT MOUNTAIN PR SPOT FETD VERIFY TREE LOCATIONS A}ID I{AND DIG SEWER TRENCH. MOTET ALGNMENT AS REOUIRED TO AVOID TREES AND MAJOR R00T5. PMESTT|IIE VAILM(X.N|rANLODOE EXP IIHO{'IAID REtplrAnorl IIAIE: 'll!f!o PROJECT]'P. EM DFA|TII{o1€. tx-1 Addlrtnl'||z oftttr|lilOTlTlEr llNUiC pE nAI|.YUEST1'r lg0 DIreREF: i*1.6||gGfl)fl-e LlEPL.dwe lDr rrg asl EHrSrxl Srl|.lm D..mr. CoErdc !0D5{10! 30ft.!0l.!5!f Frr $t.Utl5ortDlrN Frrhrl P P.g.. Adrlld I| lfi! oillar 01st lrlr g!|.t uril ctc p,o, gd lirr Etttrrdr. rffi flG[ gro.g.!m Fu 970.9&ffi1 NUU-13-eA@ 1A:47 ilut-lJ2-2|J0U TIU FRO,I I BRAUN ASSOCIRTES llr{8 t{ fO297@479F-45?P.BA3/W4 v,uu'uuu't 979j9?67576 z-J;:- AL IAI{DSCAPE IMPRO'EMENT5 SUBJECI TO MOJNTAN HAI,JS APPROVAL IN PR SPOT MOUNTAN PR SPOT FIEI..D VERIFY TREE LOCfrNONS AtlD HAttlD DIG SEWER TRENCH. UOOIFY ALFIIIUEXI AS REQUIREO TO AVOID TREES A!{D MAIOR R00T5. Fnl}lEsr}lrlE v tlFultill[uFEErF$[tqr^|DREsrlrn OATE: lt.oa$FRAfCtrtp. Hm D$ilfi{Oito. IJG1 AffimluilDmFt6lX-p31l'.lgf ilFRIE E}T.dUI G DRLE: tldErlf I D]|r'6bttnl lbH at 1O Or,||."|4E!{rB lB.ElJllt tu&lll|salILrr ffib P.C- Adid Il\tdQaort'rhffi uilc16 Ps,Frfl E*t.ffillE t?0.8.E Fsgm.llaoEl NOU-13-aA@ 1E: 47 FROl"l: ffiAuN ASSOCIATES xUt-l,Z-2lJtJlJ TIU ll:4U A[ 97E9e57s16 TA.974479€|y-.P-W4/EE4 t, uu'uuu't ALt IJANDSCTPE IMPRO'EMENTS SUA'ECT IO MOU$rA|N IIAUS APPRWAL IN MOU'{TAN I{AIJ FETO I/ERIFY TREE LOC.ATIOI{S AIID I{AND DIG SETIER TRENCFI. MOOIFY ALIBNMENT ^S REOUIRED 10 Ar/or0 rREEs AilD lrAioR ROOTS, ndEcrrftLe vAl.rculTlilltbE ErPA{$OrAlrDREUnir0l D fC: ll,Ol.0 FNOJsgTilq Tru ilrilts{orF. IJGl tffirzDRATIXOIINE UTNEFEHIDI.ITEBTlrrtas DtlEREt t}rd6qPFIE Lr9|.|ft --. lhirt'lbtrlElfrt SrtlB Dffi.FffiE{tC aHtlJgJS Fx$|tll@!!E n,I||nD PE ' ...'lE! lwu-rotnrrtatr Lhrcrs p.q u?|ftlrft ffirrarg rro.[-F rn rrarzrtsl Mil-l3-agal 1A; 49 FRO'13 ERTRLN ASS(rIATES 97ffi7576 fO297647845F- 4,- _ P.Wt/eB4 I gnTgIMuN ASSoCIATES. nNC. PtAlS.llNG arrd CON.1|1I Nfff D[vELOr'flB.lT Novcmbcr 13,2000 Gcorgc Ruthcr Chicf of Plaonrng 'l'ovn of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rosd Vail, CO 81657 Re: Addcndrm sct ofplans #2 4- Dear George: Davis Paruuship rcccntly uubruittcd m thc lbwtr a nsw addcodum set of plans for the VAC. The purpose of the rwisions was to address issuos raiscd by Gary Goodell during the rwiew of the original submiftal. In thc coursc of making changcs to the plan, the landscapc arcir on dre west end of the buildiag rras modifiql to crc$te a parking rrca. This chaugc was creatcd for au rntemal discussion rnd was not inlcodcd trr bc sub,rritlcd to thc Tonn, Plcasc divcgard those changes to the plan. I have includcd three 8,5" x I l" pages showing the corroct loyout of this arta for your use. Additionally, the patio rm srnrth side of thc building has brrn cxundcd to thc west. This change is neoes.rsrJr in nrder to cornplywith a huildirg crxlc issuc withreg;md to buildingheigilt per Gary Gmdell's rcqu€$t. This minw chargp adds alproximatcly 240 sq. fi. of decVpatio arca to the site. The sitc was developcd with 32% ludscape uca and thus there is approximately 595 sq. ft. of the site rvailsble for rnodifrcation, lfthercisadditional information neededbyyou,plcase donothcsitirk tocontactme at926-7575. .4- C:Jay PEtcrson DominTc F. Mauriello, AICP EdvranG Vilhgp Centcr furte G209 0lO5 Edrrr* Vrflage Bodevad Flocr Otlicc Bs 2658 Eduartls, Colorado 8 l632 ft.-970.926.7975 Fax - 970.926.757 6 wvaar}rillraseociates (cin N$J-13-EEB6 TEI3 49 FROM: BRAI.T.I ASSOCIRTES [0v-02-2000 TIU I I :48 All 91W&1576 TOz97@479P-45F-P.A@e/W4 t. uu't/uu't , -'-:; r:"' ALL IIT{DSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS SUBJECT TO MOUNTAIN HAUS APPROVAL IN PR SPOT MOUNTAIN FIEI.O VERIFY TREE TOCATIONS AND IIAND DIG SEWER TBENCI.I. UODIFY AUCNMENT AS REQUIRED TO AVOID TREES AI\ID MNOR ROOTs. REMOVED AIID NA PROJF TTITE VAILIIO(.hfiAF{L(DOE ExF|trtpfl Afp RErplrr,Itrf{ DA'rE 1ttX.A PftlECTltO. ilnzm ffiAfit{ct{o, rx-1 Addrqttnz DR CVtNOTm-e L }|OS0ADEH,X-WE8T 1'c 1Of DITO REE ITI,IIE C DFILET LrePLdtilD tD.nrg a:Ifl1 Ehlr St d g|Dlm Drni.r, CcEab 3&S{1S !OO.S1.!*' f'r !8.!!l5O? Oar[ F]tr.[rlrlt PC,r Affi |I l,dl Otnar otlt llrtfi 8!|rt uolt 0t08 P.OEUZ?II Edrr6. CoF EIEla Ct0.@.69X[ Fr t?lLgaaElEt Ntl,f,13-e@ 19349 x0t-u:l-z0uu TrtJ FRO'I; BRALN ASSOCIATES ll:{8 il TO297@7fr4ft.P.AA3/W4 P.002/002 914la51576 ,----I;:=- Att ITilDSOAPE IiIPRO'EilENT5 ST.BJECT TO Uq,NTAN HAI'S APFNOVAL IN IIOUNTAIN PR SPOT FIEI.O VERIFY TREE LOCANONS AilD I{AND DIG SETYER A€NCH. UODIFY 'UJGNMENT AS REQUIRED TO AVOID TREES AND MAJOR R00rs, FmEanTm^e VA!-mfinilLaEEEr' flqolflgEilgtrrtrEl ilAT'II€IF. u-1 Alkdnt!R tuiloTmJ* uilDmpEHrx-*EiBrl' I tol'!t. ilYGREE L$l,ilrtGlDFtli Lrnd't Dr,r hrrrrt pC* t !ilrt lLi.'ollbrll EEh &Ito fr.qEF m6'glG rnlllllt L$tl.tqu I t|0 6o: olt? hlt ffi r.il ct6 pg u atf,rfr &rbllE st!.E.F tu StGEi.st NOU-13-aA@ 1A! 49 FR0l'1: ERA|JN ASSUCIATES I|U{-UU-ZIJUIJ TIU ll:{8 M 97e]%1576 TO2976479P.45?P-W4/M t. uu'tluu't -#;:* at uilpscttPE l['IPR$trMENTS SUBJECT TO II(IJiITAN |{AUS APFROVAL IN PR SPOT uouNrdN sffin Bs 1 1/2" RrvER F()CK SHRUES 4--,. rritgl $RUCruRE SHRUBS FIETD YERIFY TREE LOCATIOT{S AI'TD HAND OIG SEUER TRENCH, IIODIFY ALENI'ENT AS REqURED TO AIOIO TREES AI{D MAJOR B0gr5. FROEfTIIIjj vAlLFuXnNtmE, EFA|rEIo|IaUnilOr rEil Rturltollc IJGl ltlbrfun2oM$normB urDFrrEnAl|-ilE8Tl'r lOf .- l[rril.O!|*a1 lrEh $-lO hnCfrloffiA t6.ll.f6!l F[!!tll{J0?Dtl FlthdtF P.c{ liilrr l.' ls5(re|llflrhlil LhrG|6 P.o.h&lt HhrlffiE|.u fr05.m ftrliau.gt fficDSEP 182000 I BNL/BR.,AUN,\SSCCIIAII-IES, IINC. PLANNING and COMMUNITY DEVEIOPI'IENT September 14,2000 George Ruther Chief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Redevelopment of the Sonnenalp Properties Dear George: This letter is intended to follow-up on our meeting of September 12,20f[., the purpose of which was to clarify the rnanner in which the development standards will be calculated on the future redevelopment of the Sonnenalp properties (Swiss Chalet and Bavaria Haus) in Vail. As you are aware, the Sonnenalp properties are currently constructed on three contiguous parcels of land which are all part of Lot L and Lot K, Btock 5-E, Vail Village First Filing. The Talisman Condominium is located adjacent to the Sonnenalp properties, but was developed as a separate project. The owner of the Sonnenalp properties plans to redevelop its properties as one comprehensive redevelopment project. In accordance with the Town's definition of "lot' or "site, " the development standards for this project will be calculated based on all the Sonnenalp lots being considered as one parcel. As we discussed, this approach is permitted by the Town Code and is consistent with the definition of "lot" or "site." Upon approval of the redevelopment and construction of the Sonnenalp properties, the owner of these properties, together with the Talisman Condominium, plan to replat their respective parcels. The replatting will not change the developrnent statistics because the size of each parcel will remain the same. However, as we discussed, the future changes to these parcels and the ownership of the parcels does raise two valid concems: c Sonnenalp parcels will no longer be contiguous Technically, contiguity is not required per the Town's definition of "lot" or "site." While the parcels will not be contiguous on the surface, they will be connected below ground in a commonly owned subsurface parking structure. Edwards Village Center: Suite C-209 0105 Edwards Village Boulevard Post Ofice Box 2658 Edwards, Colorado 8l 632 Ph. - 970.976.7515 Fax - 970.976.757 6 www.braunassoctates.com o Ownership Upon completion of the project, there will be two separate owners of the Sonnenalp parcels. Technically this is not in conflict with definition of a "Iot" or "site." The Town's concern is rnaking sure that the development rights, opportunities, and restrictions of the parcels are treated as one parcel once the ownership has been divided. As we discussed, a plat note similar to that required with a duptex plat can be added to the plat to address this issue. Additionally, development rights will be addressed by the owner in any declarations created for the properties so that future owners are made aware of developnrent opportunities and constraints. I believe this letter confirms our conversation and we will proceed with the Sonnenalp redevelopment plans with this understanding. Unless we hear otherwise from you, we will assume you are in agreement with the findings of this letter. ff you have any questions, please feel free contact ne at 926-7575. Iohannes Faessler Mike Foster, Resort Design Cc: SEF-A5-egffi E7: eA FRO'I: ERfl-hl ffiSOCIATES 9749a579t6 TDi979j.479E45P_ 4'- Scpten&er l,zffn Gtuge Ruther Clricf of Pluuring Torn of Yail 75 S. Frontagc Rord Vail, CO 8lfi5? Rp: Artffii$tupdde-Vl4/00 Dcar C:eorgp: Allchcd is Nn uglat€ to the Arborisf s rcpon bo6cd oo wor* occurriug in tbe field. Tb Arborist is continuing rcgular silc hrycctios and tec protectim n*asr[€s !re being qloyed. If yon have any qucarioos, pl€$e fecl Aec ciltact ia ary26-757|., si P.@L/e@. TES. INC. Plrlv\rl|G ntd COt4n .lfi DEvAOPll6.lT Edrf,r*Vbg! Ccr{si Suite C-209 0105 Hlnrds Vdagc iloulcvard hd Off<e 8or 2658 Hrmdr Colorado 81632 ' Ft-9:n92675t5 Fax-vllo376.7576 wwwha.rrasodidcs-co.n 4 SEP-as-Eo@ EI7 I 2O FRS4: BRALT.I RSSOCIffTES 97ffi1576 fO297A479E4R 4- A CutAborrcFoltEfry P.O.71ts Breckenfttge, Co Bo4z4 45$91stl P,W?/effi C3: *l-o,rn B61qU1J Vail Athlefic Glub Incpectlon Sunmary Inrprtion Ilab: 81144000 lrnpecior Rdr llemehe -.__ .'-o.pGedil#. Gererd snments: Orerail gmd DeuebpnnntStagn Pneordndi'on Rtrshgnadng Steet u$iiies -gt iEhe6on6hrdio6- ----. -<-JFirrsgradlngtlandscapingry Sirb Condltiom Tm# 235Cf'36 Condilions/orsne Trefnerils requirrd Saan *as ooncemett about fie imp*{ of srcavetiru near the taes locat€d out$ide the drain link ftnce arca. As 'deulsssd in fire odglnal report ttpse brees wll be impaded by the excavatiorr. These trccs wilf likery suftr root bss and snilcompadion, oudrg ourdlscilasirn sean Ht he could stay &,10'array forn the base of these lrEs, Sirnce OE roob wea dameged in ar eadler pmj6d t bet fE rcot ba willbe minimat at|hbderp. $oan calbd me on 416/2000 b hbfln rrc trat rfrie F fiiog the sfr,rmp fonr tee t?9,3 he uas seeing some rnsverneilt io tee # 23S. I rasnmenOeC *rat tn hard srcayElE the sea and crd any ro* wiur a sharp saw. tto orer probfenrs ocqrred. Recommerrdationr aod Foffu.lp ReconrmenOalf,ns induded abon R€r,ftil site derburvreoks. I TDr479e4€P.AA|/WS September1,2000 I 1 lt.. ll(l/ilGeorgeRuthcr Icrri"t-'urir*"ii"g I I I Town of Vail r ?5 S. Frontage Roud I Vail, CO 8f657 , f Ir.ll,Rc: Vail lvfuutain I"odgr; ($.a", Vap r{vorElcrnenr il:ffi ,'1,'* * *J " J -hon nrgust 3,, 20n) rlom Arthu regnr. ding tbc towcr clement beif consilcted a{rhc $il Mluntain t-odge. His lerrer i cu$la plemcnt is to trc consrnf 4.Tlbetowf T "tt " -: roof. Thar dinrcn The Byrne/Robertson agncscn(figXrrc rFchbd) indilateA {A tle top of rho cupob u I Jp' below thc roof ridge. Tbc$pproved pRB ptaos h rtr{roiect also show the diffi* f * of the cqnla ard ttre ff riuce [t t.zs' tf i dra*i"ssl. Additionally, the revised buildifi pcrmit pl.ans submiucd to rhe Town as the first adder building permit show $e dilfenfce in el,evation of tbc top of rtre cupola and tlrc rnain r exrcrly 2.75'. The sutl{nitted derip will therefore pcrmit up to o I' mugin of crrc in r proccss, nrhich we bcli{ve is goucrour,, Il trTo ass.rc rll conccmcdfrarties, a su@ wil}c nerrormed to docurmnr thp exact hcig{ oncc lr r$ conslrwtcd_ I I .l/ | f hon| this letter helps you witb continueo r{icw of tlc projo*. / r iryo"to*"*,uu*rdn*ntqascrcclfrccf,,*",T,;r, { t"si,*6) /l I ,trt t rttt trlr.r. rt'r rtr i I I I r IW rfrl ' "**.i." - , rvr.rr.u rsrrrr, r.-rr\_" I { t t C./a-,r,,'ah-1.;ln I I I Pl.ANNhlC rrd COMHUNIIY OVELOPMENT Vlhgc lid( 255E a ti I lf pola would bc exactly re differencc in elevati taddendumtotlb I main roof ridge pt rg in the. construction :t hEight pf thelnola II IIIl{Ir il lnola t iI Pt''. - 970.926:1575 Fax - 970.926.7576 vrr\rvr,v.tfalntssocialei.com I Cobrado 81632 5iF.-a:-i.sjw 15: 31 FRt},|: RnU nsSOClAreS' li) lilg | 1 tt ri '4a24.75 r.> tES.rosalO\S I Fr'zr-^ofn ( F ur**l if r --lrz.l lcitdeF W--A|-WB 15:31 FRol"l:ERAJtl ASSOCIATES /97896?5?6 TO:47P45e P-B@3/ZB5 TELEFI{O e:(970) 476-0300 'i^CSrr.rtE:197 0l 476-47e5 higlrcoirntrJrl.rrr-cqn filo|l Willc'r9,/!flrst. clrrultD t€o^r raa|6lAr.Il r{AREN ii. DUNx, CLrs JANTCE r, SCOFTELO, CtA Law OTrrcgs Dutttt, Aeeuaryaup & MeuntELLo, P-C. ^ rlot.tr'oHr, ce'erd'r I Wesisr " B^nr BvrLDrNe ric Souid* Fnoltros Flo o WEt? I surre roo vr,l,, cc.oRAoo !rGE7 JOI{N W otjilll aR?Lut A llPLAruLF, Jn DIAN€ X. XAURIETI6 ING^ XAAGEN3O}I CAUsEYt-or qou|Lu JERRY 9I. XANNAH i I 31 nu8ust ]000 IMr. George Rryher Town of Vail Depanment df Communiry Development Vail CO I{AND DELIVERED Thank you for taking time this confirming the position of the Town ofVail with respect to theperrlritted {ail At}rletic Glub redevelopneff $rojea tbe tower/cupola structure of rhe r to thelmain ridge of the is to be h.z5 feet below the As you are aware, we r /Robertson, of'Mountain Haus of Vail apd arr to height'of Are tleproject's whidr the Town reliesj but acnrally olceed tUe riage ngiSlt of the roof. \ I I I { t I I r! t I I t i Condominium. Mr. Robertson hasv$ tbwerZcupola sructure with EFeement $'hidr he reactred with V.lC tower/cupola strucnue. Mr. ne vaitYc club RedevetrT DearGeorge' | | f plannersthatttrestmcture,as comfl'eted, willconforf wi$*reforfn's designpview approval, an{, he is appreciative of the fact that pe {evelciper belifves the pr<iject is in confomity with both the Town's requirenf,nts[and rhe agrt'ement with hip. , Unfortunately, construcriotr at this point sugge$ th{, if a cupolafs placed upon the cuffenq stf,ucture, it will orceed the roof ridge, aEd it {eems approgpiate to bring tliatsurTenl $rucnrre! tr wru excees ule roor noge, anq rr qeems apPropSrate ro Dnng rsar issue to the Town'$ attmtion and thpt of the developdr. I fhe enclosed photographs iUukarc tfre apparent proUfem. tlesqphotograglu, taken fiom ttre upper level of the adjacent parking structure frofo an elevatiori ar appro*imately fie midclle of the rcwer roo$ sqgest ttrat the top of ttre oristing stnrcture is already witlin ifive feet of the ridge of the main roof, aid the location of a cupola (whidr is, according to the pl4ns, roughly an additional sid feer in heighr) on top of the current structure could not {uly ex$ed the 4.75 foot lower liryritadon upon I' r.-...I SEP-AF?2;@ 15 ; 3? FRt}|. ERAUN ASSTrcIATES I II Enclosure$ | t xct Mr. Tom Btauq The purpose orthisfetter is to call tlie pr"oJ ro *" "**oolof rhe Tolvn and the developer, with the prrrpose of preventing any lafer srtggestion that Mr. Robertson permitted constftrction m proceed without advisi{g the developer of tJre problem which has been identified. Or:r client knows that ttrb Town will take sudr action as it feels appropriatg when it decides action is appropriate. We and our dieut hope tlrat the dwdoper will take appropriate height readings of Fhis stucture to confi::rr its compliance wi$ tlre ptgu and the Toyrrn's limitatiofs, and, if necessary, tahe approprlate actipn to moaity ttre completion of rhe tow&/cupola seucture to insrr;e ttrat it conforms with the Towns apprp\rat and with the ggreement reached benveAn thedeveloperandlvlr.Robertson- , I , i \ , \ l*lif once again for vo* Lti"t*.{n'"i'i"*i .l/1 tanc$n rwiewing tlre starus of this matter.'lr s1w67sT fO247P4*.P.W4/W5 l I Ot* *1. any questioru,youmay, of course, co1act ne.iffi, I I 1r\l { I 1,r i, I ,t!l{ i Ir rlllll I I I rl 5jEP-A]-?aAA 1s:32 FR0M:BRFUN ASSOCTATES g7age61s16 ( ,oror"rot I ti I E v ,.4IEFF f__ OCT -LA-?@ 14: 45 FROH: BRALN ASSI]CIRTES 91W&7576 TO.97@479e45F_. PIANNING and COl.lML,lllTY DwELOT+'IINT October I8,2000 Gcorgc ltuther Chie.f of Plaruning Town of Vail 75 S. Fronngc Rood Vail, CO 8165? Re: Vail Mountain Lodge (a.k.a., VAL) Tower Element Dear Georgc: As promiscd, wc arc providing a starrycd and sipc<l lcttcr from a sr.rvcyor vcrifying tic constuctcd height of the new north tower on ttrs V*il Mountain Indge. The surveyor has indicated that the top of the roof cupola is at 8,227.03,' which is oonsistent with building prmii set of plans fbr this projalt. Additionally, he hes indicated thst the main roof ridge is at 8,229,91'. Ptr trc DRB approvrd plans uod ttr Byrnc/Robcreon agrccmcnq[ere was to be a l.?5' diffcrcncc in height bctwcen the top of the cupola nnd the main ridge of the building. As constructed. the difference in height betrveen the main ridge and the top of thc cuJnla is 2-88', thus allowing an additronrl l. | 3' for the ffnish matcrial on tlre cupola. I hrryc this letler helps you with continued rwiew of the project Ifyou have any qucstions, please fecl free contoct mc i19267575. C:Jay Pcterson P.@AL'W? BAN/tsRAUN ATES. INC. < Edtards Vllage Cenrer: 9rhe C-209 Ol05 E<lwards VlLrge Bqrlemrd Fost Ofrce 8ox 2658 Edwatdi, Cdol-ado 81 632 PE.-e70976:1575 l^\ - 970.9?fl7576 w\^rrn .brdrrtAsociatcc,com rcr -LA-aA?fj 14: 45 FRO'1: BRAIJN ASSOCIATES 97A9e57576 TOt91Z47n4*.P.A@?/en? October 12.2000 Waren Burke Shaw Construction, LLC 760 Horizon Drive Grand Junction, CO 81506 Rei Y{!t"t Lodge, 352 East Meadow Drivc, Vail, Eaglc Courrty, Colorado HCE Pnject No. 2000754.01 Dear rVarren: Per yow rcquest, High country Engineering, Inc. (HCE) measurcd roof elevations on october 6. 2000 on the above-refercnced project. The fint floor plarr elevation was provided to us, and the cupola and coofridge line elcvations are relarive ro the first floor elevation. Finished floor, fim floor - I 126.00, 4* Top of north lorncr cupola - g227.03, Top of main roof ridge line - E229.91' Ifyou have arry qucstions, please feel free to call mc. Sincerely. < 4r )27CqrzAtcrgIlland SViaa CO UA?l pho.. n Y$gr6.pt lmX*Htlt HhwDtnAstYbttr Etat'fi,'.ContI2 ,rrl. rt rffilltfu fl! tiB.,UttE trgr "o:;;i P. Morrison, HfiffiI t{ nPF-?7-m1, L7,45 FRffl:BRAL}.,1 ASSUCIATS I 97a9e€7576 TO:.97647P4y-.P.W1./W? I BRYBR.AUN ASSOCIA-I'ES, INC. PLAT\NNG NNd COH}T'VTTY DB'tLOPHENT March 26" 2001 DATE: TOT^'N OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL E7gpp, fJ--".+.R,ttfut George Rutber Ctrief of Planning Town of Vail 75 S. Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 Rc: tanrdscape plan for the Vail Mountrin Lodge Dear Georgc: Upoa a detailed feld review of thc existing landsctpc rutrrid located on thc north side of thc b,uildint on the rot cnd lt appears that thc new formdation wall will iryact tbe mot qrstems of th€ cxisting trcc$ !o a degree that will rupire that thcsc lrccs bc rrmowd. Thcrc arc sevcn ewrgnsh$ that re being irrpaaed, Wc would like to propose that t}ese serren trtcs bc nitigEtcd witr@' errcrgetru, snd tlvo to four smallcf, AsDcrrs. While theee existing trces arc rnstrrc md atbacti-vq lh€y werc originally plmtcd much to closc togethcr. To allow the mitigated tces to grow syrrrecically and in a location that cnsurc long-tErm tE€ health, we belicrrc this miliqhur will be in the best intercst of tlle Town, the Vail Mountain Lodge, and the trccs. Attachod is a copy of the most rcccnt landscapc plan sutnniced to the Town, This plsr shows the irupacrcd tees. If therc is ad<titional infonnation needed by you" plc:$c do trot hesitate to contsct rnc at 92G7575, C:Jay Pcterson Edwards Vlhge Center; Suhe C-209 0105 Edweds Vllage Eo.Janrd Fost Oftcc Box ?658 Edrardr. C.olorado I | 632 Ph. - 9'n.9:t67575 Fax . c7O.9L6.7915 rmnnrr}ra rnas:o<iates.coltt < m*-az-eaar r RSSOCIRTES1t45 0 FROM: RALN fO.97M1n4*. I oip P.We/W < :-::_\ --\ L' --- ---li_lr1_-- ,,-.---=-=-- __E_ il: I '. {t-;__ -:----- ;\L '-... -_1r I I rry'/'l d1fr'.1j:t8,,*'' gr;r"ii'T fri{t%t EVERY ATTEMPT WILL 8E MADE I9..llyE rHESE TREEs bunrNccoNsrnucnoN. rr-intes rurtoTo_8J_REMowo, pr_l,N-wu erMODNEO. T|ral.