HomeMy WebLinkAboutTimber Ridge Rockfall Mitigation 022610� S ,�r �"`�' ..... �� � y��e'�`�°`� �r� "� �¢ ��_ �'s. � � : "�`�,<� �� ���`' �':'s�c, �;,.3��' « `���" h. � q.'�T' flg q��'^y^�7 ir, ¢,.€ �'i*fi�'«IV� t ;.3 _ :�P�„xt��{&..r�}im, l:�t l.t 2 �.�_.€�#��i.w�3'ii{... ���3TU1tj3 �f?, ?�� 0 ,3 ��.;.��J 1 r'-�;3 j �€� �...t, ��,xa:. S� . i.:3 i . .:.-3 i�`J��y � . . � i I i ,: t , ..":it't '� l • _ z i : ��L 3 � , . ,.. �;,'�. , :j.�x:::'. �,1_ � .!. � .. , _.. ;1<�i�.r.<z T�ti�Jn �f ti'ail r'�ttil: George Ruther 7� �atrth Fra��ta�e Rc�ac� ��est Vail. Colc?rado 8165? {�-uther�,��aiIgo1�. cu m) Job No. 10�) 31 C1G Subject: Rr�c:kfall Mitigation Alternative Selectran Informati�n, Proposed Vail Timber Rid�;e Redevelnpment, i2�t) Nortl� Frantage Raad West, Vail, Colarado DEar l�!Ir. Ruther: r�s requesteci, u�e are praviding ��relztninai-y cc}st and otl�er informatican tiaat lnay be cUnsidered in your seleetion o� ro�kf�ll miti��tion alt�rnatives at tl�e subje�;t site in accordance wifh our proposal to To���n of Vail datec�i Januar}� "?$, 2010. Hepwortl�-Pa��lak Geotechnicdl, Inc. pi•evic�usiy cc��zducted a geoiogic site asses�ment and preliminary roci�fall risk and �iutigatian study and presented our finciin�;s in a report dated Dece�nber 17, '?009, Job No. 109 3108. Four opti���s to miti�aie the rockfall risk tc� the �arUject v�rer� presented in aur-pr�vic�us repart. Option 1 is a wire rop� net b�rrier locatec� to th� sau.th of Lic�t�s Ridge L�ap at tl�e back ofthe %uildings. Uption 2 is a��ire ro�e net l�arrier just t� tlie nortll of Lio��s Rid�e Laop. Option 3 is a ��ire rc�pe rlet laarrier at the base ofthe autcrup st�rt -r.c>ne, and O��tion � is an anchored steel me5h at the outcrc�p start zone, The tu1SE c��all for Optir�n 1, next ta the buildiiags, has been eliminated by the To��n of Vai:i �nd l�as not been considered. A t��aterial su�plier (�Geabru�g) and ai� installatiUn contr�ctor {i� enter) hatiEe been c;unsul#ecl to obtain g�reliminary cost estirnates and installation fnetht�ds for the CRSP �0% pr�bability level, as s�mmarized on Table 3 c�f o�ar De�einl�er �'?, 2009 report. Tl�e sc�lection matrix for �eotechrtical facf:c�rs is presented in tl�e attached Table 1. [f a CRSP 98°,�o probability leuel (Table 4 of our December i 7, 2004 re�ort) is selecteri, tlle cost tar �ptiQn 1 wc�uld increase by �bout 25 ;�a and the cast for OptiUns ? and 3 w•ould inerease ry about l 5°r'o. O�ation 4 cioes not ha�-e a prr�bability com�ouent. The AXI fcn��. is self support�;d {essentiaily «rithc�ut harizontal restraintsj and the RXI Eence is restraitzed witlz tie-baeks anci�ored in Yhe l�illsicie. There shouicl be nc�gligible Tnainter�ance costs ur�#il a rockfall occurs, at that time tl�e rc���fall will need tc� be reina��et� anci the fence repaired. Tlie rniti�;atit�n efiectiveness of Options 1; 2 a�1d 3 are considered the same for t11e selected CRSP probabiIity ie�-e1 with �ption 4 being the niost effective. — 3 f Y � 7 �.' , t,w ; :'� '�it'' � .li..Ii.i"I�s1£;t� :� � „��,�'°, �°-i y!-1 '.`�;z'��.7" .�i,�. �"�9 z°: : zir � 1�.,��iki�i�n(? ..j .3�._ x � J � ._ Town of Vail Fe�bruary 26, �0�1{� Page 2 if yc�u l�ave any questions oa• need fi.�rther assistanc�, please catl our aifrce. SincereI}�, HEP1�rORTH — P��'F, ' � �� �� � NIGAL INC. � � � '*t��t'��'� � a� `�'�'�'' '�.�q a � .,.Sa' r "� � ���� �'� �f ,� . �� �k � � � Ste��en I.:. Pai�• ak, ��. � � � '� � r � .T'z � : � -��� .�� � � �°.� j � � �: Rev. by: R�'rM ,�-;•a"�" �°a, �_` �,j., „u s^,,; !Sr .f�: SLP1kac �`�`�' ,. __ .'. " Attach��ent: G�otechnical Selection Matrix � U Job Nc�. It� 31UC � �tGCh � ❑� 7ob No: 109 310C Table 1 Geotechnical Selection Matrix Vail Timber Ridge Rockfall Mitigation Option Barrier Height Length Installation Material Installation Total T e Method Cost Cost Cost 1 AXI IS ft 900' Automated $130/ft $100/ft $21dk 2 RXI 11 ft 990' Part $1801ft $ZQOIft $380k Automated 3 RXT 10 ft 1060' Airlift/ $165/ft $400/ft $600k Hand 4 TECCO N/A 1J3,220 Airlift/ $2.25/sf $3.50/sf $650k Nettin sf Hand Notes: 1) 2} 3) 4} 5) Based on CRSP 90°/a probability level Costs are for feasibility relative comparisons only Maintenance costs not included No access trails are assumed for all options All barriers and netting are colored