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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120567 Dantas Previously Approved PlansO SUBJECT SITE y •,` *., li � 7� fi � k4{ SCALE. 1 " - 1000, I I VICINITY MAP GRAPHIC SCALE SET No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAF", L.S. No. 30091 ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft 00 (41 . a FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR REPLACED WITH No. 5 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 QUE RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA 17'59'16" ARC = 34..22' TANGENT = 17.25' CHORD = 34.08' BRG = N53`33'08 "E CURVE RADIUS 11 = 108.99' DELTA = 12`44'47" ARC = 24.24' TANGENT = 12.17' CHORD = 24.20' 8RG = N38"11'06"E RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 30.44'03" (CALC.) DELTA = 30'4853" (REC. PLAT) ARC = 58.46' (CALC ) ARC = 58.52' (REC. PLAT) TANGENT = 29.95' CHORD = 57.77' 8RG = N47"10'44 "E e FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR REPLACED NTH No. 5 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT 18 AMENDED FINAL PLAT �i�'�1 • . .�' �� LAND USE SUMMARY 710612005 DRAWN BY PARCEL AREA U E S ADDRESS LOT 10 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1772 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 11 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1778 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 12 0.272 AC, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1786 ALPINE DRIVE (TOTAL) 0.816 AC. Planning and Environmental Commission Certificate 1 T�hiss fin l plat was approved by the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission this day of a.d.20 0-1�. ATl' T: wn ierkrmaI Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission C� *p *,. SEAL SET No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT (BgS1, Jrr,ra f z cr_ Ow C 0) W < z - o w w o" a s <C W p fi :2Z 0 t� z to ( D O Z Z Q L.LJ W LL � �. rte, �_. iO Certificate of Dedication and Ownership Know all men by these presents that Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation, being sole owners in fee simple, and Firstbank of Avon, being mortgagee of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado described as follows: Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, Lots 10, 11 & 12, per the plat thereof recorded October 25, 1963 under Reception No. 98135 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.816 acres more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the name and style of Amended Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 10,11 & 12, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon, and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. EXECUTED this _ _ day of -ILA L& j , A.D., 2O.b . Administrator Certificate This final plat is hereby roved b the Town of Vail Administrator this eda of _ igy , ad. p Y� Y y 20_. ATTEST: OF 1, Ar _. ��wA Clerk inistrator SEAL ` Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado COCORP'C� surveyor`s Certificate Owner: Dantas Builders, inc. Address: PO Box 4015 1, do hereby certify that I am a Registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an a Colorado oratio `•� Avon, CO 81620 p p p accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of By: . T the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with Title' V f C 2 Q _ j applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. IN - �Y` - '��'`� t4 �" In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this l Z day of 0-t- , A. D,, 20 . STATE OF �1 CWe AO Mortgagee: Firstbank of Avon Address: 11 West Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, CO 81620 By:_ -- - ----�- Title: t}s1i st*nt "t c k trc�twt STATE OF 1 • a Title Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the Title to all lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: V'Gt - © y y Dated this-"-ulAday of J , A.D., 20 0 t Agent signature Agent name,•t�1�►�_ Address: 108 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81658 GENERAL NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: MAY, 2065. 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE LINE CONNECTING THE MONUMENTS SET MARKING THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10, BEING S73P65'18 "E (SEE DRAWING). 3) MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED HEREON. 4) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO SUBDIVIDE SAID LOTS 10, 11 & 12, TO CREATE THE NEW LOTS 10, 11 & 12 AS INDICATED HEREON AND TO VACATE AND CREATE CERTAIN EASEMENTS AS INDICATED HEREON. 5) THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50005006, DATED MAY 13, 2005. 6) NOTICE; ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT, IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. 7) LOT 9 AND TRACT HARE SUBJECT TO RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS AS CONTAINED iN INSTRUMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 25, 1963 iN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 149 AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED DECEMBER 8,1963 IN BOOK 178 AT PAGE 345, AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO. 8) ALL REFERENCES TO RECORD DOCUMENTS ARE TO THOSE OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE. Certificate of Taxes Paid 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable a►S a �- 1 ;1 upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. Dated this _I.-L Nday of S-ULO , A.D., 2045. Ra4tZ787 N l _ = r A Y27?S* Treasurer of Eagle CouAj no 1X.776$ Clerk and Recorder's Certificate This Plat was filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at o'clock—, on this day of , 20 and is duly recorded at Reception No. Clerk and Recorder tc• SE 710612005 DRAWN BY DATE. CXEMED BY SE DRAwA(G No.: 04- 208resub 04 -208 swa-T I of- I J08 NO. Dantas Residence -Lot 10 Lots 10, 11, 12, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1 Parcel no: 210312312051 1772 Alpine Drive Vail, CO 81657 '%'.,7eneral Contra ctor/Develo er '# Box 4! CO 81620 Mike Dantas - (970) 376-5444 Dave Dantas - (970) 376-6111 faxes and e-mails are not accepted Structural Engineer KRM Consultants,, Inc. Tim Hennum Box 4572 Vail.. CO 81657 tel - (970) 949-9391 fax - (970) 949-1557 Civil En( - - IN 0 ineer & Land Survevor i 0 " # # # • Mark Luna Vail, 1000 Lion's Ridge Loop CO i (970) ♦ :♦i i fax (970) s :s • Civil Engineer HTM Construction Co pany Chris Todd 15967 S. Golden Ri #i Golden, 80401 (303) 974-3007 fax ! 974-300 SHEET INPEX Topographic Map - survey Re5ubdivi5ion of Lots 10, 11, 12 A1.1 site I A I / r _ Plan _ : Building r A2.1 Lower Level Floor Plan A2.2 Middle Level Floor Plan A2.3 Main Level Floor Plan A2.4 Upper Level Floor Plan A2.5 roof Plan A3.1 North Elevation A3.2 North Elevation A33 ^e5t Elevation A5.4 south Elevation I A3.5 1 East Elevation specification Foundation Middle •I I ♦ Plan Main Floor r I '' Upper Floor I ♦ Plan Roof Framing Plan Foundation 111 ' I • Framing r mr)r) desiqn shorD, inc, PO Box • • CO • • c - 970-390-493 970-524-155 #- ii #- # ` ## # mam 14 15�ue DR5 5ubmi551on PRB 5ubmi55ion— �11/1a/C Final DRB Review �03/0t ,06 Permit Set 06/04.106 ., oO number: 0405 Drawn by:. — m-pp Drawing Title: a. 19 ,.. ww NMI, A , .• 4 ( CO i w 0 CIQ IL LO t 15�ue DR5 5ubmi551on PRB 5ubmi55ion— �11/1a/C Final DRB Review �03/0t ,06 Permit Set 06/04.106 ., oO number: 0405 Drawn by:. — m-pp Drawing Title: a. 19 ,.. ww A , .• 4 ( CO i w 0 • w A • LO t 15�ue DR5 5ubmi551on PRB 5ubmi55ion— �11/1a/C Final DRB Review �03/0t ,06 Permit Set 06/04.106 ., oO number: 0405 Drawn by:. — m-pp Drawing Title: a. 19 CLEAN OUT A Pw 0 CURB STOP E) sm CEO ELEQ wrm/mma '* m RE HYDRANT 4) TAM (D MANHOLE ($EVER) M UTILF Ln Ln POESTAL (PHONQ t� VALV C> PEDESTAL (CAM M VALN WATER SWT-OFF — — — — — BUILM — DEOC � DIRT R( 0% mvEW ci ENVELO 8025.6 TER FWALOW m 8026.2 )9 8 NOTES: 1) DATE OF TOF 2) BASIS OF EL 3) N0110E: ACCT DEFECT IN THIS MAY ANY ACTION FROM THE DATE 4) THE BOUNDA PLAT FOR THE ' ORDER No. V501 5) VERIFY CURB SURVEYOR'S Cl 1, SAMUEL H. I OF COLORADO, SUPERVISION, ) SAMUEL H. ECI COLORADO P.L. FOR AND ON BEHALF OF GORE RANGE SURVEYING LLC EL 8053.4 IND PIN AND CAP NO. 30091 ol;lb-lm=l Q) Q) fl Q� 'N N Ln Ln C> W � 0% ci tt .j .j 00 0. 011 0 ca 0 > lob" ol;lb-lm=l Q) Q) fl Q� 'N N W � Q) ci il CURVE A RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 17'59'16" ARC = 34.22' TANGENT = 17.25' CHORD = 34.08' BRG = N53`33'08 "E CURYE B RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 12'44'47" ARC = 24.24' TANGENT = 12.17' CHORD = 24.20' BRG = N38'11'06 "E RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 30 +44'03" (CALL.) DELTA = 30.45'53" (REC. PLAT) ARC = 58.46' (CALL,) ARC = 58.52' (REC. PLAT) TANGENT = 29.95' GRAPHIC SCALE CHORD = 57.77' BRG = N47'10'44 "E B 7o a �0 20 4o so ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 20 ft. 1 LAND USE SUMMARY 0110912006 !PRAWN BY PARCEL AREA USE ADDRESS LOT 10 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1772 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 11 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1778 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 12 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1788 ALPINE DRIVE (TOTAL) 0.816 AC. V SET No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT 9 S198, S?, . S/S OF- o �2�•34� w ACCESS EASEMENT �,�`° �o ACROSS— HATCHED AREA) `1 � - FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR REPLACED WITH No. 5 REBAR \ AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 f p \ REBAR\WTH A ALUM. CAPP, , L.S. No. 30091 091 091 EASEMENT LINE VACATED / ��,�1 � Q'. �' ,��,•(�� ,/,�� � / �2�6'��. -'.- \ \ � ��, \ BY THIS PLAT . LA \ EASEMENT LINE CREATED ! 15.00' ' rs l 0 �j SETBACK LINE VACATED \ �y BY THIS PLAT t 62� o ( �' BY THIS PLAT \ \ -\ \\ SETBACK LINE CREATED \ .+° BY THIS PLAT \ t?cA /^� ALUM CAF' L.S. 5 Na R30os1 $,k/ ° ` \\ \\ LOT 10 UD \ No. \ \ \ \ \ \ 0.272 ACRES \ 1772 ALPINE DRIVE to rd, •- \ v�.\ \ \ Oi ' INDICATES BUILDING SETBACK \ \ \ LOT 11 Nl ° \ \ \ -a` \ 0.272 ACRES \ 3• \ \ \ 1778 ALPINE DRIVE ` LOT 12 \\ \ ' .. V�" 0.272 ACRES :- �. 1788 ALPINE DRIVE LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE • \s , �• 5' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 13 j ` •~�'`` 17 4�� r� S FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR ` � REPLACED WITH No. 5 REBAR C- '`� , AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 154.83' ` 38.39 S89'41'00 "W "- 193.22' FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR • REPLACED WITH No. 5 REBAR ./' AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 SECOND AMENDED FINAL PLAT z rn 0� N Co rn fy z W —I o }a w Q w V) ON N Q rn W O Z o z z 0 z a. 8 _ Certificate of Dedication and Ownership Know all men by these presents that Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation, being sole owners in fee simple, and Millenium Bank, being mortgagee of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado described as follows: Amended Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 10, 11 & 12, per the plat thereof recorded September 7, 2005 under Reception No. 928724 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.816 acres more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the name and style of Second Amended Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 10, 11 & 12, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. EXECUTED this day of , A.D., 20 Owner: Dantas Builders, Inc. a Colorado corporation By: Title: STATE OF Address: PO Box 4015 Avon, CO 81620 )SS COUNTY OF } The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this day of , A.D., 20—, by as of Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation. My Commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public Mortgagee: Millenium Bank Address: By: _ Title: • )SS COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this day of , A.D., 20 , by as of Millenium Bank. My Commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public Tithe Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the Title to all lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: Dated this day of , A.D., 20 Agent signature Agent name Address: 108 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, 00 81658 Administrator Certificate This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator this day of a.d. 20 ATTEST: Town Clerk Administrator Town of Vail, Colorado Town of Vail, Colorado Surveyor's Certificate I, do hereby certify that I am a Registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. In Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this 1 day of 7At4W , A.D., 20 0(o... L IN Samuel H. Ecker Colorado P.L.S. No. 30091 30091 GENERAL NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: MAY, 2005. 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE LINE CONNECTING THE MONUMENTS SET MARKING THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10, BEING S73 °05'18 "E (SEE DRAWING). 3) MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED HEREON. 4) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO VACATE AND CREATE CERTAIN EASEMENTS AND BUILDING SETBACKS AS INDICATED HEREON. 5) THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50012854, DATED DECEMBER 7, 2005. 6) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. Certificate of Taxes Paid 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. Dated this day of , A.D., 20 Treasurer of Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Certificate This Plat was filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at o'clock , on this day of 20� and is duly recorded at Reception No. , Clerk and Recorder Deputy SE- ° 0110912006 !PRAWN BY DAiE• ._ _ _ MECKED BY- SE DRAWING NO... 04- 208am2 04-2018 SNEEr 1 of 1 .W No.: leeue ABB '" EV IATION5 AFF ABOVE FNI94i FLOOR EY4 EACH YiAY Lr U6Hr swr SEGTTCN -L ^sayi A4=6 ADD AOOV5TWI ELECT ELWTR7G MFR MAARJPAGTVRER 5&00 A0004M, ADDCKX H W ELECTRICAL Ca'm6TCR MAIL MATMOL 5HT 514=r AOJ AD.Y4E4r EL ELEVATION MO MASOW OM445 SVF %HEFT vNYL rLoORN A66R 'k**n6ATE EN6R EN631MR MTL METAL 5HLY 5HY1V (Es) fNd) ALT ALTERNATE W 52JAL MAX MA)O.iM sm WAAR ALM AUJMNJM MX6 MWN'u METH MEGUMGAL. SL SUGH& APPO APP%VYW E4 EXPANS'ON JGNT MC MWMA+ L CONTRACTOR 5TC 50J 3v TRAN3M;90iGt! G1B3 APPROX APPROXMATE De E#'O30'J MED mmrl(5E)(AW srftO 5PECMAT!CH AROA4 ARGHREGT1R"Q Exr EXTERCR MN MMiM,M 50 $WNM ASAP AS WON AS PG55LTLL° PO PAGE OF M#5G M35GELLAA>5%13 or 5WARE FEET OCR BASEBOARD R. D WN FN PNW SOM NOMNAL 55 STANt 55 Siffi. SM BEAM FP FS&FROOF Nl^ NOT N CONTRACT WO STAWARD DR6 135404 FPL PREPLACE NA. NOT APPLY,ADLE 5TL STEM BFF OELOA F04trwW FLOOR F8(r FU(nm W5 NOT TO °fir+ STR..GT STRL*TJRAL BET BErY4�4 FLR FLOOR O.^ ON CENTER " 5L05"VM BLK BLOCK FD FLOOR DRAM Or$ OPEN246 SLFPL 05W BAMID4T FT FOOT, FIST OPP oPPoSRE 545 5RFA4W FOUR SDES BTV BRYnw rRER4ALLT§T(5) PT6 FoorN6 ORH ORNAMENTAL %ap °.U5rt4ofED) W WARD F04 FOJHDATICN OPH OT'PO.x M HAW TEL TMAY't N: D5 BOTH WAS FURS FLRMW CD OUTSCJE 0LNR:(T3R TV mevr424 PARTITION TeSIM -W DO 516 00TMOM or 6AL 6A.LGN M yrw DVILDN6 6A 6A06E Q PENNY MAILS, MT) DIK THKAc GAD CACHET 6AW 6A3.VtTti107 M3V MMPORATETO) TLT TO"'T CL,4 CEHT[R C4✓E dG GENERAL GONTRACTGR PLtST PLASTER T46 TONdLE AND 6400,rE GL6 00Lhk5 64 6LA5%6LAZW PLA6 Mlk5m T[9 Tor. ASV 00"0" CER 6EK-m . 6R 6RADC M PLATE To TOP or GLR CLEAR GYP dYPJJM PLO( P1..EXICii.A:S T TREAD GSA GL055ET Ere 6YPWM tOLLBOARD J"e PLVMB TYP TYPICAL GLD GLOTKS DRYER H014 HARDpom PLY PLYilO V6 VWER6RCVfb GLA CLOTHES YOeXi 2 HD REED PRGU PR.OJFl.',T UNOL UN6L"ZW C0. COUA -N' HVAO HEA+TN6, VENTN&.AW PROF PRAP9{TY UNFN VWNE4i3'A GQ✓G cl:) fL' AMR CGNDfi1g4.4 OT QUARRY TLE U.N.O. UNL MS NOTED OYH� W CONSTRUCT24 JPW NOR¢ HORIZONTAL OTY (i h/ wrTY VIOX UNLESS OTNER411E NDTW GCNr CONTIH)OAS iM' HORSE PCY@R R RADUS LW UwPORM BUiLDlYi GOGE COORO COOROVATE H ri 4 HOT WATCR MATER RA ROOF DRAM VF VER FY kN FgD GTR =Mm HT HEf6HT RM ROOM PERT AMTKwAL 015 COrmow NCL NGLUDE (0) 04) RS ROJ6H 5"", VGT VMYL COMPOSTON TILE UN CP CV8K; FEET INFO MFOR.YAT04 RG5 RMUL NT GOrE BASE V VOLT DP DAMPROOrW Wee NSPECrGR, NSP'>ti"TION " REfANN6 W4tL Y44 TOTER HEATER DOsT OEPAAD-r A NSMSE D1.42°.TOt REP REFER YG YRATPR cweer DTL DL°TAL N°LL lsf LATCH Rem REFRIOCRATCR W AATERPRQOF 04A"o DIAMETER NT NTERJOR m5w RONFORCE(0) YNY rc*H7' 0" 04 EW -404 Jr JOW RWAR RONPOR44N6 SW (5) 4Y`P YEU" FW rm PAOPk- cm Di5H JGT J/NCT04 RESL RE LXW r0A ?V4706 DN DOYN KW KILOYY.Tr NGUR R 1W REG Fw YV ATH OR DRAM LAB LABORATORY R "M YVO ATHOJY OY'6 0F.AYM4d LAM LAMM4A.TE 0) Ro ROU6H ore** To POOP EA EACH LAV LAVATORY sAN SANITARY Y4c6 YIORKTL°r 6 EN ERAL NOTE5 1. All work shall be as specified and in accordance with all National, State and Local Codes, Laws, Permits and Ordinances, and shall be performed to the highest standards of craftsmanship by journeymen of the appropriate trades. 2. These documents are not intended to include all labor, materials, equipment, and services required to complete all work described herein, The General Contractor WC.) shall verify all dimensions and site conditions before starting work. 3. It is the responsibility of the G.C. to bring to the attention of the Architect any conditions which will not permit construction according to the Intentions of these Contract Documents (CD's), and to notify the Architect at once if any discrepancies appear in the CD's, or between the CD's and existing conditions. It is the responsibility of the Architect to provide details and /or directions regarding design intent where it is altered by existing conditions or where neglected in the documents. 4. Should a conflict occur in or between drawings and specifications, the specifications shall take precedence, unless a written decision from the Architect has been obtained which describes a clarification or alternate method and /or materials. 5. Dimensions: A. All dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions. B. All plan dimensions are to face of concrete, face of stud, and center line of columnlbeam. U.O.N. C. f=loor to floor dimensions are from finished surface to finished surface, U.O.N. D. Verify in field (V.I.F.) all existing conditions dimensions, locations and site conditions prior to new construction. 6. The G.C. shall submit samples of any materials proposed for substitution to the architect for review and approval before the work is to be performed. Work shall conform to the approved samples. '1. The G,C. shall submit required shop drawings to the Architect for review and approval before the work is to be performed. Work shall conform to the approved shop drawings. 8. The G.G. shall be responsible for the safety and care of adjacent properties during construction, for compliance with federal and state O.S.H.A, regulations, and for the protection of all work until it is delivered completed to the owner. 9. The G.C. shall verify and coordinate all openings through floors, ceilings, and wails with all Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, and electrical drawings. 10. The job site shall be maintained in a clean, orderly condition, free of debris and litter, and shall not be unreasonably encumbered, each Sub- Contractor shall remove all trash and debris as of result of his/her operation upon completion of his/her work. 11. The G.C. shall perform all phases of construction such that all new construction fits flush and seamlessly with adjacent existing conditions, and shall not endanger any existing conditions or other work. 12. The G.G. shall provide all necessary blocking, backing, and framing for light fixtures, electrical units, A.C. equipment, recessed items, and all other items as required. 13. Provide smoke detectors in accordance with 1ggl UBC section 310A.1.4. IS EN FERAL 51 TE' N OTE5 1. The General Contractor shall provide erosion control in conformance with Town of Vail guidelines. 2. The construction limit line is the contract line. Do not disturb any existing trees or vegetation designated to remain or located outside of the construction limit line without approval of the Owner and Town of Vail. 3. The General Contractor shall verify existing site information, including structures, utilities, property lines, limits of roadways, and curbs and gutters that may affect the scope of work prior to beginning site construction, 4. existing utilities are indicated for information only and not intended to show exact location. The Architect is not responsible for the location of underground utilities or structures, or anything not shown or detailed and installed by any other contract. The General Contractor shall locate all utilities and maintain the location during all phases of the work. The General Contractor shall be responsible for any damages to utilities or structures and any injuries therefrom. Restoration of any utilities damaged by the General Contractor shall be at the General Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the Owner. 5. Conform to eagle River Water and Sanitation District specifications for water and sewer construction. Maintain 10 feet minimum separation between water and sewer underground service pipes. Maintain seven feet minimum cover at underground water service. Sewer service shall have minimum cover of 5' -6 ". Provide sewer clean out with location to be reviewed by the engineer. b. The General Contractor shall provide drawings showing proposed utility service connections for the Engineer's review prior to construction. '7. Road cuts and any other construction In road right- of-way shall conform to Town of Vail guidelines. 8. All compaction shall be in accordance with the Soils Report prepared by the Geotechnicai Engineer. a, Provide written notification of all discrepancies between existing and proposed site improvements. 10. Contractor(q) shall take all necessary steps as required to properly protect and maintain his work for the duration of this contract. 11. These drawings do not specify safety materials, equipment, methods or sequencing, to protect persons and property. it shall be the General Contractor's responsibility to direct and implement safety operations and procedures to protect the Owner, other Contractors, the public and others. 12. All work shall comply with all applicable codes and ordinances. 13. Contractors) shall employ a licensed surveyor to establish all work lines. 14. Contractor(s) shall stake out all areas, including walks, pavements, walls, pools and fences and shall obtain the approval of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work, 15. Notes and details on specific drawings take precedence over general notes and typical details. 16. Conflicts or discrepancies with grades shall be brought to the attention of the Architect immediately and prior to proceeding with work. 17. All finished grades shall provide for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Set flow lines accurately and provide a minimum 2.5% gradient unless otherwise notes. 16. Gradually round off tops and toes of all planted slopes, unless shown otherwise in grading details. 1q, Grade away from all buildings at a minimum slope of 109'1 in unpaved areas and minimum slope of 2% in paved areas. 20. Cleanouts shall be provided for all changes in lines and /or grade or the sanitary sewer service, leeue (1) 00 r-- U 00 (Y) tr-x�� N 2 LO Lot 12 DRB Subm'n ' 0 '1 LO 0 a) 0 � 1 LO^''`��1 ems. U `#.�' Jjy/"'1�+J� r}�� O } Lot 12 CD's 10/0 -1/05 Yrr { Lot 11 DRB Subm'n V LO Lot 10, 11 Final PRE, 03101106 Z N 03103106 f � 06108106 LL V) 0 C4 N leeue 1 N Lot 12 DRB Subm'n 0'7/05/05 LO 0 0'7/15/05 Lot 12 DRB Subm'n N Lot 12 CD's 10/0 -1/05 (Y) N 10/21/05 Lot 11 DRB Subm'n r- �(Y) (5 0 Lot 10, 11 Final PRE, 03101106 Z N 03103106 Lot 10 Bldg Permit 06108106 LL V) 0 C4 N N N '� AN > 04 04 > 00 r ' 1..MI ' 0 0000 (^} (, a 1..f or) �> leeue Date Lot 12 DRB Subm'n 0'7/05/05 Lot 12 DR5 Subm'n 0'7/15/05 Lot 12 DRB Subm'n 0142-1/05 Lot 12 CD's 10/0 -1/05 Lot 10 DRB Subm'n 10/21/05 Lot 11 DRB Subm'n 12/02/05 Lot 10, 11 Final PRE, 03101106 Lot 11 Bldg Permit 03103106 Lot 10 Bldg Permit 06108106 ,lob number: 040ex Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: General Notes 4 Abbreviations Sheet Number: r Al •0 Existing Evergreen Tree Existing Aspen Tree CURVE CURVE A RADIUS = 108.99' RADIUS = 108,99' ARC = DELTA '17*59'16" CHORD ARC = 34.22' N38*11'06"E TANGENT = 17.25' OB101106 CHORD = 34,08' Lot 10 Bldg Permit BRG = N53'33'08"'F-- 7C) Lo "T Y., E M C0 > CURVE B RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 12*44'47" ARC = 24.24' TANGENT = 12.17' CHORD = 24,20' BRG = N38*11'06"E (CAL.C.) (REC. PLAT) 8013.6 8011.2 8014,25 EG 8010.6 8011 .1 01, / 8011.5 L 14 el��Xl 1(,4 �7 8025.6 8024.7 1:1 11INXIM 8026.7 r i. T 3\0 BW 42.0 TK 62,00 LOT I A ACRE Q0 Ei 11,848 SQ Fj 772 ALPKE'DRIVE 0 2m7p nn V) LOT 13 ��.-:075.50 BW �w 8052M Bw kl� 8078,58 8 T W 3.69 8059 96 xv 0 058�' F i CNI < LLJ 0 6 z >< z. --.I\189*/41'00 E,:�� 3. a. L OT w -0.272 ACRES (DO < Q • 11,848 SQ IF/T' LOT 1-2 1778 ALPINE' DRIVE 0,, 2; 7 r2 ACRES 1-'11,848 SQ P" 1788 ALPINE` DRIVE '' ---------- - ------------- -------- -------- GRAPHIC SCALE ------- I ------- �,- ------------ --------- ---------- 10 0 5 10 20 40 Sao' >�'�-O E 7" IN FEET > - — — — — — — --- — /_.- -_ — — — — — — — —_— — — — - -- — -- /— — — — — — — — - - - -- — - - - -- --- — — I inch 10 ft. — — — — — ---- — — — V 32.66' --TW- -4-20, S89'41'00"W 19 3.2 2' i n LOT 19 T 18 LOT 20 155ue— a) 00 r-, — r-, o 00 cy) (Y) Lo a N -0 Lo Lot 12 PRE3 5ubo'n X CL 00004 a) 00 o C? 0, C-4 Q- Lo 0 0 C) C) -I-- CL Lot 12 PR5 50mln F- Lot 12 W5 10/0-1/05 Co C; 0 L4-- Lo C: 01�1 Lot 10, 11 Final Z?R5 OB101106 Lot 11 Bldg Permit 05/05/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit LL- 7C) Lo "T E 155ue— Lo Lot 12 PRE3 5ubo'n 01/05/05 Lot 12 ]:>RB 5ubrn'n 01/15/05 Lot 12 PR5 50mln 0*7/2*1/05 Lot 12 W5 10/0-1/05 Co C; 0 10/21/05 Lot 11 L2R5 5ubm'n 12/0:2/05 Lot 10, 11 Final Z?R5 OB101106 Lot 11 Bldg Permit 05/05/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit LL- Lo "T M C0 > 7C) N CN ())--o (Y) CY0 ) o > N N 0 C-4 > 00 C14 00 r-, r-, t.0 r 0 0000 c- r" 0 0 04 V) I D- I-- > 155ue— Pate Lot 12 PRE3 5ubo'n 01/05/05 Lot 12 ]:>RB 5ubrn'n 01/15/05 Lot 12 PR5 50mln 0*7/2*1/05 Lot 12 W5 10/0-1/05 Lot 10 DR5 6;jDm'n 10/21/05 Lot 11 L2R5 5ubm'n 12/0:2/05 Lot 10, 11 Final Z?R5 OB101106 Lot 11 Bldg Permit 05/05/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit 06/08/06 Sheet Number: A1.1 Plant Schedule 8010.6 / Symbol Common Name Count C 0 8011.1 8011.5 8013 6 / Colorado Blue Spruce - 14-16' / - EG GM i Existing Evergreen Tree to be removed 2. 8020,43 r o> -- -- Colorado Blue E �,. BW r `ti �( N 8013. © l ( (� 00 / -- Spruce - 16' -18' Existing ,aspen Tree i °' ri.. ,/ 8025.93 ( O to be removed ,- 88� -_ / 8021.27 BW LOT 9 ; z r o o ,D TW i z i All disturbed areas of the Bite, - - -_ ` '-- w8022.77 ` 0 8016.9 8014.95 ' C v v ° W _ including benches between retaining �YQ `~'`�° I service Berry/ 6 Clusters of \t EG s. ��;-°s 69 -~ - .'., `+ / y walls, to be revegetated w/ the ° fl ° �,, �+(' SnaU�berry q ^15 Shrubs ~� 8028.77 $B2Q 803014 following seed mix at a rate of 42 _ -- -' TW °Tw cluster- �? each 4 ' COL 8028.19 8030.27 7 OQ ' / lb5 /acre; J TW _ TW gallon w/ a ° > - sw �'�*..\� y geed /O Mix \ / r` / . $w �/ ° B 8 36;27 ° 1 x8031. $837,64 - \ temporary 5hee Fescue 2a - - - - "rte p i, `� % .- / s02� 6 sq� s.6 .r��- 8037. o ,-- � TW 1 irrigation as Creeping Red Fescue 20 'zrzs << FG / s 7 - °- 8015.5 ' F� 2 16 ' _ 8037.88 $kd° f r indicated Canada Blue Grass 2C? 027.28/ _ - _. <___ _ °" '' A Canby Blue Gra55 20 Q '' ' ' __ - , 8036.27 - -- a Aspen cluster ^ 5 clusters of Rocky Mtn Wildflower mix 24 8019.4 2c.4 ,a !� ~8028.7 �! \ .- ^_- 038,50 8035 .1a 1r-3" caipier 4 -1 trees each --------- 084.7 64023: 8025.6 8024.7 8026.2 02624 TW - \ ` > 1 - -- _ BUJ ' / ?.50 -� �_J.08' r: \ " 036,12- + y -- l .. /" ! { , -•'.�- . 1 i � °. - - -° r r` 8042,66 �..�" r.•F °"`^.. , r s . DRIVEWAYA_,EA- TW o "i -•- f,,,• :..p sal D .� ^`r °- ` � �' ✓ 0' , �5Si,r fF V� i l., r t s M -.� Y, >' � 22:i0,5 / '`` - .. v�S, / /" _ _ ,-� , \ \ � � ��� � � �1�,�� 9 5`��G2 r M l 4" 8017.7 3.19 Q ° 26.0 6 . � , 035 r fi r' G "'''•.•... - ' 638 FG 8022.4 , � ,' � xf� j ,rj i�• ,o / � i� f - / -/: - .- � °^ -�. a . \ J ;� r - �" -., `- -�..., -'`Y �,�' ° -_ -. sw � .. ;� r D ° ° r l *T ,r r t _ AREA: + ii j I 4' '`- '' �` ' `/y 1, = ,.--' � J� c •:•' / f , ° / �/,'C/ } : ° " / , $0-33.73 O-� "-'' J « .-°'' •- ' ;i' ! t ,• ? + ; -/ \ \ � 1 _'� r° 553 ' 2 8019.8 3 ".57 G " FG - " «� e r °.. r ' i „`' �v'si' / '' ;,�... :•' / ° ,,/'- , FG 61 ,f, \ BJ 3 WK�� t r =° -° /,t " Mgt' �/ ' ,.'� � ,•' // ,.'' f � ♦ � \� 1 fJ/ �:�,'' ` .•^1' ~� �c.4i />�. t ��3% _ __ ..°°. -.-._ $: � ~ ~1` `} `� j � � r{'' ,s� y• y 1 � / / 6 ''" 4 ' ", .-• ' 40, r / > \ � t. � _ °'° �. ..G. ecs�.a ""°.. � r? .. ..., -- ''' + i e r0 \ i s �.^'' � I i � 1. r „ecr }y ' � Oho ;,. ,�' / � / •,.% � /7'' � s ` \ \ '�,� 1 \� i o �.1% • -a ° - -. j' �00 / .-r', - � f e„ s 8024. ,.. --'` �' 21, ` � 4 '� ' / t ./ ✓ ,� r i 1 ,85 �xa� �� � t �� -i "° `^ G „ s e�..a�5r�a __ --r ° "' •' 4 O f / '/ r / r } 1 y X \ \ �2 �. r, \ t -' -- 8Q 86b6,0 8021.7 6 \ \ AL BW r I I >.. _ ,,'` 5 y�041,00 ''/ / \ c Yr ° �P %.' -• -'8066,5 i " 22.5 5 , y 1 � 4 -' • '••- �,,- `. - ,.' .� r'% / - .- .., . / ,. ` ';i''- 'F'+�3 - i -: r. $�:'- -3.3 _ ��_' -- ~°,. "' 'i` TW k + t rte/ \ � / ,� • , \ � / \ t 80�Sp1" -8'- '}�° _,y'��..4� -ee ' f 'T r� i� '� f �,.�- 4. .,, � r✓'% 8029,I4.r / _ „Q-�.���� IliErVVAY EA:, / - \ �.eos �i -=' " "" �_ .,`rk °° --------- } ► '\ c ! ca FG ' t a Sj r r. /j 1151 FT ' _ "`^ ✓' , a 0 l .00 ' \ ' j < 27.55 T4 070,37- �/' ' 6032 00 G a _ ° _ kI „ °"'' . '?. -''' ''' - .✓�•'" i ✓�'°� r r' 8 0 -- . Vt.J rF - �?j \ 4` .pr.� ..-'"' ` •,4.. ° '' ' r ;,;,'°" fir' NG� - ,.Q'': -� -•' FGr A liIEYVAY AR > ' : / `� / '- - �t /i p`;�- _ ~so7 37 i - G! 4 r. sW �' C'~ t, \� i $b,50.31 t / FG _ TW 24.42 � t_-___ ... -.a' . l.✓''' tr' r / .32 � r .. „•- ` ,'-° �'. � ,;r ,. � � ' r 1 `, 2 %\ / x- '\""' `- � ..r° � �, 1r�t '_ r - i ''.•" .- ,r - � -�,!' . � rr _ . °•' .. f. ,. ,'" ,., r °" r f Y ,, ,. S1 '�'', -.rem ' �•." •hi S�, \ \ o .`'�. - .; �e+:..;.,. 't/ r ' ' / / r ✓ e t x 04293 r ♦ t , y& ,. a 8061,61 - °' :K:r•' „«. -- - , t \ xr ! �. s 76, - BW 37 t - -�s.o sw .• , ate,. ,, " Y ° 25.51 W , ltt It r t N50.00 r� ' ,. r r� . - .- ,`, ' � ' , �. .,. \ � �� \ l .• / t ' �\ , �. ` ` '� °+ ! \ RG7P05ED LIM 8055.00 / = - 19TURB>tZNE \ ., ^,,.�: -- -;`k. � ! `, \t � : ^�" 'r • r i � la `1;Y r«,, '�('i F..XtS .. r S� '„;! ��' - �.c, , /! � `. \\ ;.�'` ri 7 i � � ��...•� - t' / 6� ' � � • �y \ i .,- y ' , r' ° } s ✓' \ � `r ,\ / sod 't `,� \ \ � T `-� '`v: ' N � °- � k .- u •' \ BW 8077,06 ''' / 'Y � �. .S:K �t / rt � "`'�' ` \ '` ,�;\;. " '- � T ,'`,t ♦ �^ j� ` 8b , � \i' `cn�'/ 't k' \,. t / Tj� _, -, ,.... «-' 1 � ' ° \t ♦ ♦ ! ! Z+ • \ ' =' \ ` r' f G.' ' r ' / 8065.75 - 8026.7 TW t34d ..� 40.E T1- �.' -,,�' 9. ,� � ,C-} -'" � '- �,"�.,r �,� / i .� P � �` - 11'1 r ji\ c<y,•. ';`"'' <' \, r .. � t �'M `1 -I t ' 8062.00 s�� ';Y;% � ' t \ , \ \,.,�'' ,� % � /°'` -�: \\ � 'r' f '� „Y LOT `� �'' \`� \v 1 / \ ^\ � -w A a -' '.`• -'``.� � r ' >� 8004,7 to ""'� / / S! �� � � ', '., "' � ~ � ' _ / / ^ ,- t O:2i2 ACRE Ci /'; ° J _ 0-7i'50 -' i( I _ r 91,848 8Q F \', W �• , - \ - W -` - 1772 ALPINE DRIVE `� 7 `$0 ?2.00 ✓ . 1" ' �,`'� r J l ' r Al 8075.50 / RROPcED LIMITC?F.� " r- r 78.08 r� // y D15T{JR�ANGELINE ' ~' �, '* '��6 s �', � ��\ It 1 // tt w ' ; t. ri �.^--- BW /� / --' /llr // • �. '�"�G,�J/ �f �x � I 8078,58 TW `- r r r 063:69 TW / 058 .•-, /'56 .0 W ' �Q` r \ r 4,3 E 44.0 Z �q w GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 ( IN FEET ) i inch = 10 1t. GRADE 4-- -- 40 \ r f °\ �- fciRIGIN,°tL LtMITOF ' 4/ ~� } < P Ld 0 h� RC�P05ED L MITQ 6 L?i6TURBANGE L1AE z f F'f�t'JPG ED IM(TOF r �- �`�, ` , ' ' / r -�- , ` r .° r i J C_! o " - JDI5TURBAN\ E LINE r r /� / / . ,� f. -{' r , r `� L OT a. Ld r y r r f r w /'LOT I 11,848 SQ ,FT r 1 = LL 1778 ALPINE DRIVE I C 0,22 ACRES --- '- 11,848 SQ ,FTC 1788 ALPJNr DRIVE , o , r . . '` --- - - --' -- _____ «__ _ /- - - - -- -- ' /._._ --_ -- - - - - - -- \ „K° / ' r ,Y �.._- -- ' '-' ` - ---- -- -__. --- .-- -- - - -- ---- - -- - -- - - -.- - - -_,. - - - -- •- - -- / _.._.- -� J' I «---- rr r LOT 19 ! LOT 20 LOT 18 j � r rj � r r r 6 � Lo Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n X CO t LO 0 O 1/15/05 Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n 0 F- Cr CT, 0 o Lot 10 FRB Subm'n 10/21/05 Lot 11 DRB 5ubm'n r-^ QQ Lot 10. 11 Final DR13 0310110(0 Z 03103/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit i ,fob number: 0408 Drawn by: LL N't Checked by: 0. N 04 Q_ 15eue mate Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n 0"7/05/05 LO 0 O 1/15/05 Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n Cy Lot 12 W E7 10/0-1/05 Lot 10 FRB Subm'n 10/21/05 Lot 11 DRB 5ubm'n r-^ QQ Lot 10. 11 Final DR13 0310110(0 Z 03103/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit i ,fob number: 0408 Drawn by: LL N't Checked by: N 04 �C� > Vd ��C�1•� r-- ,-- Q Q) >NN' .U0N� r- r^ 00 v !lr t;`4 � trj V) O 00 GO .c hO C7 F �- U 04 CV -V) U -, I\ \ CL 15eue mate Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n 0"7/05/05 Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n O 1/15/05 Lot 12 DRB 5ubm'n 01/21/05 Lot 12 W E7 10/0-1/05 Lot 10 FRB Subm'n 10/21/05 Lot 11 DRB 5ubm'n 12/02/05 Lot 10. 11 Final DR13 0310110(0 Lot 11 Bldg Permit 03103/06 Lot 10 Bldg Permit 06108106 ,fob number: 0408 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: Landscape Plan Scale: 1" = 10' -0" Number- A1.2 LOT 12 ANALYSIS SITE AREA - ALLOWABLE GRFA - GARAGE FLOOR AREA CREDIT - 0.272 11,846 5,302 600 ACRES 5Q FT 50 FT 50 FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 648 50 FT UPPER LEVEL GRFA - 1,100 50 FT MAIN LEVEL GRFA - 1,63cl SO FT MECAHNICAL LEVEL - 188 5Q FT LOWER LEVEL GRFA - 371 50 FT GARAGE GRFA - 48 5Q FT TOTAL GRFA - 3,346 50 FT ALLOWABLE SITE COVERAGE @ 15% - TOTAL SITE COVERAGE - 1,777 1,754 5Q FT 50 FT DRIVEAAY AREA - 1,5g5 50 FT MINIMUM SNOW STORAGE 5,302 5Q FT 30% - 47g 50 FT 5NOW 5TORAGE AREA - 554 50 FT PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - 4 5Q FT PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - 4 5Q FT LOT 11 ANALY515 SITE AREA - 0.272 ACRES DRIVEWAY AREA - 11,848 50 FT ALLOWABLE GRFA - 5,302 5Q FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA CREDIT - 600 5Q FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 706 50 FT UPPER LEVEL GRFA - 1,077 5Q FT MAIN LEVEL GRFA - 1,738 5Q FT LOWER LEVEL GRFA - g54 50 FT GARAGE GRFA - 106 50 FT TOTAL GRFA - 3,875 50 FT ALLOWABLE SITE COVERAGE CAA 150/0 - TOTAL 5ITE COVERAGE - 1,777 1,774 50 FT 5Q FT DRIVEWAY AREA - 1,447 5Q FT MINIMUM SNOW 5TORA6E N @ 30% - 434 50 FT 5NOW 5TORAGE AREA - 445 5Q FT PARKING SPACES REQUIRED - 4 PARKING SPACES PROVIDED - 4 8025.6 8024.7 8026.2 E:�IrY LOT 10 ANALYSIS SITE AREA - 0.272 ACRES 11,848 50 FT IW 8011.2 ALLOWABLE GRFA - 5,302 50 FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA CREDIT - 600 50 FT Ir r e • c • Mai • �41 r ! • '•: 1 ,! = 111 • • , • .a.----- '�'�ncarr��� t z it 1 � 1 _ •• /S•.. zf 1 i 11 s s6 1 p ♦•i•ddtS i �• " f ..•.•.00v:.r+��'i�'sS�`� � 4oF J:�� f:• °A�✓ ��r,.•♦•; •�»�'C�' �J�:'�odd,•�`.�;� r�;'i�'`d: rF�ptA�d:•`O•:O•'y i::L.. x i s. ,. ♦ ' t�� O aJR �4 Si �' iv *r>ar{+ssit •C«'r ;•S «Jii'S.S' Si•� •' S• °d�� �''• as; ,� "' .,. -r _:.:+ ,r:' %. .,;�o*r� vt,�, d a;�sy: %:�rq:3:t::; ' :,,3r +:�J'h• >•° ens •; "; °« ° �2S:� :is 1 r:� 4 �^' i s' Ad S•:Nd•�S cr0•.A,O SiS Y,iL::::•+^2`w>•- O.a«c« .. rr :'S • J,.SO•• •C.dy. 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' / ♦ ,' /, �`.,,r� 1 . °yam ! - „0'.272PACRE \ /.�"j / ' \ ^ J• $ //' ~ -� , 4 `'� - 11,848 SO F a� ti ° • / va `, ° 1772 ALP DRIVE IX \ cbo ♦ ♦\t, /`, S* // ♦ \ '� / \/ 8072.00' ♦ r �� y �` �' ��,� ICJfJl,•e Pate LOT ao6��7�1 \ �` F5 ,Y ♦ // w .= , C�RIGINAi*.LIMITOF l l T 1 .J �`�� •,. ' °�; 1 1 ` / ° r ` / ,'i ” ! �\ . r • -f '/� ;.� i715TURBAbI (Nlr Lot 12 t;RB 5ubm'n _�a 0`1/05l05 8075.54 I�`l -' ` , '`., - `•"• 8052.00 ' g:12r / °: / \ c?s~` %J 3w r Bw r RR�OE'C35ED LIMITO� `� -, ,, 8.08 f/ �Y D(Bft'iR.I;3ANGE 1,N - r Lot 12 i RB 5ubm'n 0"II15105 8078,58 Lot 1.'2 VRB SUbm'n D'f /2i /D5 U0- TW Lot 12 GP'S 10/0"1/05 \`1 ' r ' • • ,! / \\ � . \` ," `;" / � •,-/' /f /' /'' \ /''- -,` fir'' '".. °., °°..,,y.••'" p (/~ } . Lot 10 RB 10/21f05 P Submn 8063.69 / 'Tw / ` � � �� � Lot 11 T�RB 5ubm`n 12 /02J05 i \ / 1' �' 8059.9 l ~ ~ 5T r- GRAPE TW / J _ {� o / , ° 1 ' / / ` rx ' ` - °• r �I Lot iD, 11 Final DRB 03/01/D6 8057.1' / - J ' �, ` �`"+ , •' ` l (r ( Lot 11 Bldg Permit 03/D3/06 EXI511NG GRAPE 18fly ° '' l / -' Lot 10 Bidg Permit D6/DS /o6 IG INAL Wt,,1 TOF r P15TURBANCE CINic W \ 1 � F'RPF`05EV LIMITQK • EXISTING GRAPE ' ORIG1�tAL 1rMITOF Q f TUi�BftNGE ! CNE ~ `~ / // / / /�'' G Job number: D4D5 8060.4 DI5TIR6ANGE Lii� EXI5nN(5 GRAPE � FK6POSFv LIM11.6 /'``� N89 °,�k1'00 "E 73. �-, /° , �I` DCaUJn btu: mpp 1 77 2 Checked by: 8061.3' D15TURBAI'QCE LINE / �t,� %' T 1 �17 , ` ,~.�" -'-. ' fr '� \• r" . ~0.272 ACRES DrauingTitle: Ij 11tG Building 11,848 SO FT' / 'ILO -2 1.1 f >,:� e ' 1778 ALPINE` DRIVE ,272 ACRES / r r, 0 / : -. ' ,. -' .• i — I � \"� tAtili3a 515 11.848 SQ,Fi'r SCE": 1° 10e_Ir ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. 09 1788 ALP1NIf DRIVE r �1 -- _ ---- - - -1Lz IA X0.00' ,'732.66 ,- .._ _ - ...tea �v- ter.' ~`•.. - —,- -�_ __ ,,- , ............. 71) 1 A r I A1.3 LO 0 N N i° r- Cy) r- z j a H � r 64 (1) N e— r- -- > W 04 C4 u •� 2d0 > / 3 t V *��y C7 , F �- �_ �y'� 0✓ CN Lr) f- r- _1-- r - 0 c c�0 CX3 0 • a N r- r-- U ~ n 11 C ' > 47 ' l \``,♦ r P < f. __ _ ,8056.6$ \'` r'' / ♦ / \ ~'"• --~ r N e 8471.90 v -j Q &044. �• ''c r q\ \` \\` \;� 9 r l <o° '`\J / 8077.96`/ ° / ♦♦ - aY r T 8 ,�: h, `s T 8065.75 BTW, ti'1} °' 4 \ /' \ ♦ i /' �`� S� . i \ \ {� \ 18075.11 Bw 60 1M 8062,00 LOT 1 � a \` }fir � ' �`A ' t� 8�6�7 / <a^" -•`� ,r '• � , ,-- .,, � ° i r ' 0 gTW- �' ✓`, ``k.. / i' \ °;t 8�� "' " \t / \' '•. ' / ♦ ,' /, �`.,,r� 1 . °yam ! - „0'.272PACRE \ /.�"j / ' \ ^ J• $ //' ~ -� , 4 `'� - 11,848 SO F a� ti ° • / va `, ° 1772 ALP DRIVE IX \ cbo ♦ ♦\t, /`, S* // ♦ \ '� / \/ 8072.00' ♦ r �� y �` �' ��,� ICJfJl,•e Pate LOT ao6��7�1 \ �` F5 ,Y ♦ // w .= , C�RIGINAi*.LIMITOF l l T 1 .J �`�� •,. ' °�; 1 1 ` / ° r ` / ,'i ” ! �\ . r • -f '/� ;.� i715TURBAbI (Nlr Lot 12 t;RB 5ubm'n _�a 0`1/05l05 8075.54 I�`l -' ` , '`., - `•"• 8052.00 ' g:12r / °: / \ c?s~` %J 3w r Bw r RR�OE'C35ED LIMITO� `� -, ,, 8.08 f/ �Y D(Bft'iR.I;3ANGE 1,N - r Lot 12 i RB 5ubm'n 0"II15105 8078,58 Lot 1.'2 VRB SUbm'n D'f /2i /D5 U0- TW Lot 12 GP'S 10/0"1/05 \`1 ' r ' • • ,! / \\ � . \` ," `;" / � •,-/' /f /' /'' \ /''- -,` fir'' '".. °., °°..,,y.••'" p (/~ } . Lot 10 RB 10/21f05 P Submn 8063.69 / 'Tw / ` � � �� � Lot 11 T�RB 5ubm`n 12 /02J05 i \ / 1' �' 8059.9 l ~ ~ 5T r- GRAPE TW / J _ {� o / , ° 1 ' / / ` rx ' ` - °• r �I Lot iD, 11 Final DRB 03/01/D6 8057.1' / - J ' �, ` �`"+ , •' ` l (r ( Lot 11 Bldg Permit 03/D3/06 EXI511NG GRAPE 18fly ° '' l / -' Lot 10 Bidg Permit D6/DS /o6 IG INAL Wt,,1 TOF r P15TURBANCE CINic W \ 1 � F'RPF`05EV LIMITQK • EXISTING GRAPE ' ORIG1�tAL 1rMITOF Q f TUi�BftNGE ! CNE ~ `~ / // / / /�'' G Job number: D4D5 8060.4 DI5TIR6ANGE Lii� EXI5nN(5 GRAPE � FK6POSFv LIM11.6 /'``� N89 °,�k1'00 "E 73. �-, /° , �I` DCaUJn btu: mpp 1 77 2 Checked by: 8061.3' D15TURBAI'QCE LINE / �t,� %' T 1 �17 , ` ,~.�" -'-. ' fr '� \• r" . ~0.272 ACRES DrauingTitle: Ij 11tG Building 11,848 SO FT' / 'ILO -2 1.1 f >,:� e ' 1778 ALPINE` DRIVE ,272 ACRES / r r, 0 / : -. ' ,. -' .• i — I � \"� tAtili3a 515 11.848 SQ,Fi'r SCE": 1° 10e_Ir ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. 09 1788 ALP1NIf DRIVE r �1 -- _ ---- - - -1Lz IA X0.00' ,'732.66 ,- .._ _ - ...tea �v- ter.' ~`•.. - —,- -�_ __ ,,- , ............. 71) 1 A r I A1.3 N -1 WALL AREA - 102 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 0 SO FT kx -1 WALL AREA - 2"16 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 254 SO FT 5 -1 WALL AREA - 180 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 180 50 FT E -1 WALL AREA - 112 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - O 50 FT N -2 WALL AREA - 55 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 0 50 FT N -3 WALL AREA - 25cl 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 0 50 FT N-2 WALL AREA - 101 SO FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 10150 FT 5 -2 WALL AREA - 1'76 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 1'16 SO FT E -2 WALL AREA - 43 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 0 Sa FT LOYiER LEVEL 6RFA ANALYSIS TOTAL LOWER LEVEL WALL AREA - 1,868 WALL AREA BELOW GRADE - 1,255 % OF WALL AREA BELOW GRADE - 61% 50 FT VAI 50 FT LOWER LEVEL FLOOR AREA - 'i'7'1 5Q FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 846 50 FT GARAGE CREDIT - 600 50 FT GARAGE 6RFA - 246 50 FT TOTAL LOWER LEVEL FLOOR AREA - 1,023 50 FT 61% OF FLOOR AREA - 685 50 FT LOYeR, LEVEL GRFA - 338 5Q FT 6RFA ANALYSIS UPPER LEVEL GRFA - 1,3g8 5Q FT MAIN LEVEL 6RFA - 1,'761 50 FT MIDDLE~ LEVEL 6RFA - 1,6'71 SO FT LOWER LEVEL 6RFA - 338 SO FT TOTAL 6RFA - 5,168 5Q FT ALLOPiABLE C7RF,A - 5,302 50 FT DIFFERENCE - -154 5aFT E -3 WALL AREA - 2G1 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 251 50 FT v� 0 6ti � �00 0 '1 �J 5 -3 WALL AREA - 151 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 151 50 FT LOYNER LEVEL YELL AREA / 6RFA ANAL10'5I5 SCALE: Yal' = 1' -0" r 5 -4 WALL AREA - 125 50 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 125 SQ FT E -4 WALL AREA - 1-150 FT AREA BELOW GRADE - 1? SO FT i Z M IPPLE L "VEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: Ya' = 1, -O" s, \7 &&RAGE FLOOR AREA 846 50 FT 6ARA&E 6RFA 246 5Q FT /� iDK ;V LOYNER LEVEL � FLOOR. AREA 7'77 50 FT LOYXER LEVEL 6RFA 1,32Q 5Q FT us tSl E -4 N LOYNER LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: Ya" = T -0" SCALE: Ya" = 1'-0" 2 MAIN LEVEL FLOOR PLAN SCALE: YS" = T-O" 0 �()00c)�"3u~7 C3 (N 'O u0 DRB 5ubmis5ion X V Nc°pC�'N o0UM Lo Final DRB Review �y OL t� 0, C�, Permit 5et > 0 V) 4-- V) Q} r .� Lo ii \� i fir/ . E 0 Lo C14 r 0 Tate DRB 5ubmis5ion 10/21/05 V - Final DRB Review 03/01/06 Permit 5et 06/08/06 LL Q} r .� Lo 0 Lo C14 r r-- — C-00 0.— C ( Q�./ C-4 . > iZ — 155ue Tate DRB 5ubmis5ion 10/21/05 VRB 50miasion 11/18/05 Final DRB Review 03/01/06 Permit 5et 06/08/06 iI ���I���. i•ii Prawing Title: 6RFA Analysis P ! t Number: l<�D B 14 (D--- @- C<�� W2 W2 W1 FB WB WA j� ---e ------- W2 W1 oC N 00 ,:,,) C, (Y.) No 00 0 x ;4- 1 , 00 p 6 0 N CO 0 Cr 01, U 6 6 0 n 011 � 0 CD 0 C; Z C: C: V) tll LO V) (D C14 r- rV (Y) 0 N C) LO 04 -4— 00 C: 0 0 < U N 6, , > Issue Date DRB Submission 10/21/05 DRB Submission 11/18/05 Job number: 0408 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: Lower Level Floor Plan Scale: 1/4" = 1'-0" Sheet Number: A2.1 i _1 �h F , f / sir / r�r , < 0 c\ o` \ wB / i� 1471 W4 --- W3 i.40'1 V U���O N - O i EL Ca '-"' '` (1) CO p�N LO OOU6 O 0 Q V) CJ 0 4-- \tJ } CJ� 0 '+D GL t'7 0— E N0pLO 0 i p O LL- \tJ } 0 '+D t'7 V"} N0pLO v <t U r) rV) UN =_ 0 .0 I > 155ue I Date VRB 5ubmi5aion 10/21/05 VRB 50mi5gion 11/18/05 Final URB Review 03/01/06 Permit Set 06/08/06 Job number: 0408 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: Middle Level Floor Plan 5r,ale: 114" = V -O" i'hp ' � � Y4A S. ry Oa dJ - - - - - - - - --- - — -- — - — - — - — - — -- tY tp ( K � YSH 4N(5) 4NF) Ar—) (iNp) (Y4C) (,NE3) (AA Q 010) (1-Y) - r -0- 0 (;3 IL C 14 2 c X 0 00 0 0 ©` 0 U 0 4- CL C:) E 0 Z) V) U- C: 7C) LO (D > Oe (Y) �! (1) CV 0 LO Q 0 Z U- C: 7C) LO (D > Oe (Y) �! (1) CV 0 LO NO 6.E 00 C) 0 N 4- 0 1 > Job number: 0405 Prawn by. Mpp Checked by-, Drawing Title: Main Level Floor Flan 5C,ale: 1/4" = V-O" Sheet Number: i i_ N:2 W1 , I Q r-I LO OC,• O• 4 LO C: iz 6 -- x •I 0 0 0 (Y) LO COU6 Q- 0 0 .+- n V) • rI-I E • 0 C�, 0 D- 4- LO 0-1 7C) 0— V) • LO 0 N I Q Pate VRB 5wbmi5elon 10/21/05 0 11115105 Final MB Review 05/01/06 Permit Set Z LL- 7C) 0— V) • LO 0 N W (Y) > c) r) LO • r N 6.soo C: C) C) V, -I-- 0 i i I Q- - > 155ue Pate VRB 5wbmi5elon 10/21/05 PRB SubmisEion 11115105 Final MB Review 05/01/06 Permit Set 06/05/06 Job number: 0405 Drawn by: MPP Checked by: Drawing Title: Upper Level Floor Flan 5r,ale: 1/4" = V-0" Number: A2,4 �� l Y4A 0 LO C: CL x r-0- 0 0 (oy,)- LO Q4- L 00066 CL , t,, V) E or, C, 0 0 H LO 0- 18) C) LO C-4 r— 7C) Cy') 3".'.'L QL 0 = N C) LO E 04 0 01 Z 0 H V) 18) C) LO C-4 r— Cy') 0 = N C) LO 04 c— O C) CL 155ue Pate VRB Submission 10/21/05 L)RB Submission 11/18/05 Final DR13 Review 05/01/06 Permit 5et. 06/06/06 Job number: 0409, Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: ------- Y42 Roof Plan kale; 1/4" = V-00 Sheet Number: 0 - I 0 I co ASPHALT SHINGLES CERTAINTEED PRESIDENTIAL TL SHAKE COLOR — "WEATHERED WOOD" 2x WOOD RAKE TRIM (TYP) COLOR — PRATT & LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" 8x OUTRIGGER BEAMS (TYP) COLOR — PRATT & LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" kT.O. PLYWOOD @) UPPER LEVEL —8O�7O-0 STUCCO HEAD & SILL TRIM @— STUCCO SIDING COLOR STO "SPECTRAL 32132" STUCCO SIDING— COLOR STO "NATURAL 32234" WOOD RAILING, POSTS, BALLUSTERS & DECKING COLOR — PRATT & LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" E12%901=11••t 0050=111;uy al q &Z-0-141wei I HEAVY TIMBER COLUMN & BEAMS COLOR — PRATT & LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" STONE LINTEL & SILL @ STONE VENEER SIDING G- "MVIL9101 UTI -\T.O. CONCRETE @ GARAGE 8039-0 I I L--j 8x OUTRIGGER BEAMS (TYP) COLOR — PRATT & LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" 1K*MNWAT1TX1*1fW0-z1"k41r I I SIT& W—T —4 T.O. CONCRETE @ GARAGE 8039'-0 C> C14 (y) Q 00 Z.JN100` 10 00 -,q- - -t 0 :t= x 00 6 ,6 C 0 0 0*- 04 00 () p, 0 06 CL 0 0" 0 LU (z r-.�� %.Ioky) (D 0 0 Date DRS Submission 10/21/05 01 11/18/05 7 0) c: LL- V) Lo —0 04 r— ry (y) C) C14 (y) No Q Lo 00 0 - < U ON --- 0 Issue Date DRS Submission 10/21/05 DRB Submission 11/18/05 Job number: Drawing Title: North Elevation Scale: 1/4"= V-0" YN2 Y42 N2 Ni IN1 N2 2 Y $12 4, N1 NH N& WE PNC NA I a) 00 r_1 I­ r__1 6 06 cy) CY) Lo C-4 10 C" V) 01 n 00 c) 4 2s 9 0 0 D V) 0- c: 4— L0 W 01 7C) LO 0 W C14 7C) cy) 04 1FM ff rMr. 0 C14 '__ C) LO E C-4 -00 0 r 7&' < 0 V) 4— CL :2X WOOD FASCIA TRIM (TYP) w4wff COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT rf "BUCKSKIN 3-105" x MIN 7 ? STUCCO HEAP 4 SILL TRIM 0 - 5TUOIC-0 SIDING COLOR STO "SPECTRAL 321B:2" T.O. PLYINOOP 0 MIDDLE LEVEL Lo�o I I YN2 Y42 N2 Ni IN1 N2 2 Y $12 4, N1 NH N& WE PNC NA I -------I------------ T.O. CONCRETE 0 6ARA6E I I I{I � WOOD HEAD 4 51DE TRIM 4 SILL 0 KNDOA COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN HORIZONTAL Y40OD 51PIN6 COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-105" T.O. PLYWOOD V UPPER 50-101-01, 9 STONE VENEER - 'TWOMIN6 MO55 10 ROCK.. 2" STONE CAP 0 COLUMN BASES 4 STONE VENEER T.O. PLYWOOD 0 MAIN LEVEL 50(001-0 BENCH BETWEEN RF-ATIN61N A4U. 5 BOULDER REATINING WALLS A 'u- _U1 2.7 -.2 FT flm _W" 1111 11Z -.FU: 111%4 7 STONE LINTEL 4 SILL 0 STONE VENEER 51PIN& Q� T.O. CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM T.O_ CONCRETE a GARAGE a) 00 r_1 I­ r__1 6 06 cy) CY) Lo C-4 10 C" V) 01 n 00 c) 4 a) CO 0 0, N Y 0oucs -I-- OL V) E 0 0 0 D V) 0- c: 4— L0 W 01 7C) LO 0 W C14 7C) cy) 04 1FM ff rMr. 0 C14 '__ C) LO E C-4 -00 0 r 7&' < 0 V) 4— CL w4wff MIN T.O. PLYINOOP 0 MIDDLE LEVEL I I HEAV'( TIMBER COLUMN, BEAMS 4 COLOR - PRATT i LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-1045" HEAVY TIMBER, BEAM @ &ARA6E POOR III T.O.- CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM -------I------------ T.O. CONCRETE 0 6ARA6E I I I{I � WOOD HEAD 4 51DE TRIM 4 SILL 0 KNDOA COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN HORIZONTAL Y40OD 51PIN6 COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-105" T.O. PLYWOOD V UPPER 50-101-01, 9 STONE VENEER - 'TWOMIN6 MO55 10 ROCK.. 2" STONE CAP 0 COLUMN BASES 4 STONE VENEER T.O. PLYWOOD 0 MAIN LEVEL 50(001-0 BENCH BETWEEN RF-ATIN61N A4U. 5 BOULDER REATINING WALLS A 'u- _U1 2.7 -.2 FT flm _W" 1111 11Z -.FU: 111%4 7 STONE LINTEL 4 SILL 0 STONE VENEER 51PIN& Q� T.O. CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM T.O_ CONCRETE a GARAGE a) 00 r_1 I­ r__1 6 06 cy) CY) Lo C-4 10 C" V) 01 STONE LINTEL 4 SILL 0 STONE VENEER 51PIN& Q� T.O. CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM T.O_ CONCRETE a GARAGE 0 a) 00 r_1 I­ r__1 6 06 cy) CY) Lo C-4 10 C" V) 01 n 00 c) 4 a) CO 0 0, N Y 0oucs -I-- OL V) E 0 0 0 D V) 0- c: 4— L0 W 01 7C) LO 0 W C14 7C) cy) 04 a CY) a 0 C14 '__ C) LO E C-4 0 01 C; 7 - LL_ c: V) W 7C) LO 0 W C14 r%.&4 cy) 04 CY) 0 C14 '__ C) LO C-4 -00 0 r 7&' < 0 V) 4— CL l9que Pate PRB 5uL)mi55lon 10/21/05 ' III i I 1 DRB Submi55lon 11/15/05 Final VIRB Review 05/01/06 Permit Set 06/05/06 -job number: 0408 Drawn by: Mpp Checked by. Drawing Title: North Elevation Scale. 1/4"= V-00 Sheet Number: e e e � r e 0 r r 0 r 0 0 0 r e r r f r r 0 0 r r 0 0 r / l i i i K WH WN& WF 1NE Wiz WG WS kNA ASPHALT SHINGLE5 GERTAINT! FP PRESIDENTIAL TL SHAKE COLOR - "WEATHERED WOOD" 0 T.O. PLYWOOD 0 RIDGE 5082' -10" r r 5X OUTRIGGER BEAMS (TYP)�� -- COLOR - PRAT LAMBERT �'BtlGKSKiN 5 -105" s T.O. PLYWOOD 0 EAVE r 0 r f 0 2X WOOD FASCIA TRIM (TYP) r o COLOR - PRATT $ LAMBERT f o "BUCKSKIN 3 -105" r r r / o HORIZONTAL WOOD 51DING COLOR - PRATT $ LAMBERT 0 0 "BUCKSKIN 3 -105" 0 r T.O. PLYWOOD 0 UPPER LEVEL r WOOD HEAD $ SIDE TRIM B SILL 0 WINDOW / COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT r o "BUCKSKIN 3 -108" / / Q r O / WOOD RAILING, POSTS, BALLU5TER5 4 r DECKING o COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT -- o "BUCKSKIN 3 -105" 0 r T.O. PLYWOOD 0 MAIN LEVEL 2" STONE GAP @ COLUMN BASES # – STONE VENEER - pSTONE VENEER - "WYOMING M055 - -�� STONE LINTEL B SILL 0 STONE VENEER SIDING y -- r T.O. PLYWOOD @ MIDDLE f f r BF. N H BETWEEN REATINGIN WALLS BOULDER REATINING WALLS T.O. CONCRETE @ MUDROOM r CRETE a GARAGE a03a -o" r� ,, r f r s � i I � a � EXISTING GRADE \� FIN15HIFD GRADE T.O. PLYWOOD 0 UPPER LEVELS j� 8010' -0'. E �y T.O. PLYWOOD 0 MAIN LEVEL 5060' -a" 1 1 1 I ' _ _ T.O. PLYWOOD a MIDDLE LEVEL 00'� --F--+ i _ _— _ = �� _,_ _ 8050' -0" T.O. CONCRETE @ MUDRC:)OM o NCB -0c�� cr. - f -''- -� X r- 0 .+..�. Nm0?N 0 0c ....._I 4- 0- ,-6 EQ`O, 0 o V) u7 CL c� Lo c t/7 • L7 N _ ('rj r-- C'7 E t`JQQLO 0 155ue - f -''- -� DRB Submission V t-- ....._I O 08/01/06 Z 06/05/0b c • L7 N _ ('rj r-- C'7 t`JQQLO N v , –i— - 0 — 0 0 - • Y Job number: 0405 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: West Elevation scale: 1/411- 11-01, Sheet Number: i�r rir 155ue mate DRB Submission 10/21/05 DR.B Submission 11/18/05 Final DRB Review 08/01/06 Permit bet 06/05/0b Job number: 0405 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: West Elevation scale: 1/411- 11-01, Sheet Number: i�r rir I I I - I - - - -- °---------- - - - - -- -------------- - - - - - - -- - - - - - \ - - - - - - - - - - T------------------------ -------------------------------- T ---------------- I ------------------ ----- T ------------------- T.O. PLYK400P 0 MIDDLE LEVEL -- — - — - T.O. D a MIDDLE LeVEL ------------- - ----------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------- ------------- - ---------------- -------- - -------------------------------- --------------- ------ ----------- I � I� � i MUDROOM - — - — - — - — - T.O. CONCRETE 0_1!�l T.0, WNCRETF — - — - — - —\ T.O. CONCRETE 0 GARAGE r- —L-T - — — — — — — — — - — — — — — — — r-'— -7 — — — — — — — — — — — — — T.O. CONCRETE 0 OARArvE 803cr-O" 0 r- 00 (Y) LO N -'0 Lo • C: X 00004 (3) CO 0 0, CN CY) Q- c- LO 00(-)66 4- CL , t-"fir t,� E 6- 0 C), 0 55) QL 3: >, ■ LO H C1 LO Q- C'4 > r- E = (Y) () CN 0 r- pate 4— 10/21/05 11/15/05 01 05101106 Permit Set 06/05/06 z ■ C: H LO C'4 > r- = (Y) () CN C-4 r) LO C4 0 -T) < U rv—) C3 0 (2 C14 4-- 0 > --j 15SUe pate PR5 5ubmi5EIon VRB 5ubmi55ion 10/21/05 11/15/05 Final PR5 Review 05101106 Permit Set 06/05/06 Job number: 0405 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: Drawing Title: South Elevation Scale: 1/4"= 1'-0" Number: EA F-5 ASPHALT 5HINGLE5 CERTAINTEED PRE51PENTIAL TL SHAKE \ \ COLOR - "WEATHERED WOCV" C T.O. PLYWOOD a RIDGE SOSB' -8 B/4" 5x OUTRIGGER BEAMS (Tl'P) COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3-108" 2x WOOD FASCIA 4 RAKE TRIM (T`r'P) COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT �\ "BUCKSKIN 3 -108" ,gk T.O. PLYWOOD @ EAVE ,-IF�801-1' -8 1/21" - —� =r-7 i I ED EE EF 1 I i 8x OUTRIGGER BEAMS (T(P) COLOR - PRATT d LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN B -105° 2x WOOD RAKE TRIM (TYP) COLOR - PRATT 4 LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 3 -108" • - • • 1► c Y r- T.O. PLYWOOD @ MIDDLE LE1(EL 8050" -0," HEAVY TIMBER COLUMNS, BEAM5 BRACKET5 COLOR - PRATT d LAMBERT "BUCKSKIN 5 -108" STONE VENEER - "WYOMING M055 O ROCK, 2" STONE CAP 0 COLUMN BASES $ STONE VENEER 1 W (Y) M !Umil i`V) 7"t N 'o `+ J — l! x � 0� ,� •� Q3m0"N E°'°` Q Z) 01 Q- 0 — 1 01 7- �• ` C} LL- N f� T.O. CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM • ..... C) LO LO ®_ (Y) «C) N r°- N 0 15eue Date - 4 S. -i C h > _ i ' 1 �• ` _ _ c _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ ___ T.O. CONCRETE 0 MUPROOM 15eue Date l ~` ` I T.O. CONCRETE GARAGE DRB 5ubmiggion 10/21/05 ` DRB 5ubmi55ion 11/18/05 L -- - — - - - - -° Final PRB Review 03/01/06 T-L- Permit Set 06/OS /0(o II 9 II i I o ~— Job number: 040e, — . Prawn by: mpp I I E I E I Checked by: i I I I I c I I I I Vrawing Title: 1 C C East Elevation Scale: 1/4 "= 1' -O" Number: A3.5 DESIGN CRITERIA: LOT 10 ALPINE DR. JOB# 0512-0 Roof Live Load (3nmx) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - pof Roof Dead Load ----------------------------------- 15 pm[ Floor Live Load ------------------------------------ 40 pof Floor Dead Load ----------------------------------- JOpof Deck Live Load ------------------------------------ 100 psf Deck Dead Load ----------------------------------- 15pef Wind (3 Second Gust) -------------------------------- 90mph (E». B) Seismic Design Category ------------------------------- EXEMPT |8C/IRCEdition ------------------------------------ 2003 FOUNDATION DESIGN: o. Design of individual and continuous footings is based on o rnoxinnunn allowable bearing pressure of 1500 psf (dead load plus full live load). b. Foundation and retaining walls hove been designed using o lateral pressure of 80 pcf. o. Footings aho|| be placed on the natural undisturbed soil, or compacted structural fill per the recommendations of the gentechnioo| engineer, below frost depth. d. This foundation has been designed according to the design recommendations set forth in geotoohnioo| report #04185 by LKP ENGINEERING, The contractor ahoU follow the construction requirements from this some report. o. Provide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of all basement woUe and at the boo* of retaining wo||a. Contact gaoteohn|oo| engineer for details. t Provide crawl space ventilation per |8C/1RC requirements. g. A representative of the geotechnioo| engineer ohoU verify soils conditions and types during excavation. Report any discrepancies from original findings to structural engineer for re-evaluation of foundation design. h. 800kfi|| around and above structural buttresses and retaining walls ahoU be compaction -tested per the recommendations of the geotachnico| engineer. REINFORCED CONCRETE: o. Concrete design is based on the "Building Coda Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (AC| 318) as adopted by Chapter 19 of the 2003 IBC. b. Structural concrete ohoU hove o rn|nirnurn 28-duy compressive strength of 3000 psi. o. Concrete ahoU be proportioned using Type |-U sulfate-resistant cement. Admixtures containing chloride ao|ta shall not be used. d. Cold weather concreting procedures nhm|| be provided as recommended in the ACI Manual of Practice. Concrete e. Anchor bolts for beam and column bearing p|otoa ohoU be placed with setting templates. t Expansion bolts ohoU be located at o nninirnurn of G bolt diameters from concrete edge and ap000d at 10 bolt diameters unless noted otherwise, g. Anchor bolts for wood sill p|ot*a ehoU be placed at 4'-0" rnoxinnunn spacing with one anchor bolt at 12" from each end or corner and o rninirnunn of two anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrete floor m|oba on grade and on noeto| decking or plywood supported by framing ahoU have sown or tooled control joints at o nnoxirnurn spacing of 15'-O" in each direction. Locate control joints along ou|urnn grid lines *here possible and provide a|ob isolation joints around columns. i Concrete coverage for reinforcing otao|: 1. Concrete cost against and permanently exposed to earth: 3" 2. Concrete exposed to earth or weather: A. #5 bar and onno||er 1 1/2" B. #G through #18 bar 2^ J. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: A. Slabs, walls, joists /#11 bar and annoOer\ 3/4" B. Beams, columns 1 1/2" REINFORCING STEEL: o. Detailing, fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel shall be in accordance with the A-CI Manual of Concrete Practice. -' Except Specification A615 and shall be grade 60 except ties, field bent bars where permitted by note on plan, or bars to be welded, which shall be grade 40. - At splices, lap --- 44 diameters. - ~` not `-~ or use mechanical splicing ^ devices unless - specifically approved by engineer. d. At oornora, rnoko horizontal bars continuous or provide corner bona Around openings and steps in concrete, provide (2)-#5 bars extending 2'-6" beyond edge of opening or step. e. Extend reinforcing steel o nnininnunn of 2"-6" through cold joints. Unless specifically located on plan or details, coordinate cold joint locations with engineer. t Welded wire fabric ohoU conform to ASTW Specification A-185. Lop welded wire fabric o nnininnunn of one full mesh plus two inches. Laps oho|| be wired together. g. Epoxy adhesive for reinforcing dowels ohoU be "HUti° or "Simpson 11 or approved equivalent adhesive systems. Minimum ernbodnoenta, if not specifically indicated on the drowingo, ohoU be according to the manufacturer's specifications. h. Metric bar size conversion table: METRIC O STRUCTURAL WOOD FRAMING: o. Except where noted otherwise, all 2. nominal lumber, except otuda, ohoU be Douglas Fir-Larch #2 and better, and all solid timber boorns and posts 3" nominal and wider ohoU be Douglas Fir-Larch #2. b. Studs ohoU be Stud grade and better Douglas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir. C. Built-up posts ahoU consist of Douglas Fir-Larch or Honn Fir #2 or better 2x4 or 2x6 studs per plan and ahoU be nailed together with 2 rows of 16d noOo @ G" on center along each stud. d. Built-up boorne consisting of multiple 2x members nhoU be nailed together with two rows of 16d nails ap000d at 12" on center, or with two rows of 1/2" diameter thru-bolts spaced at 24" on center. e. Top and bottom plates uhoU be Douglas Fir-Larch or Hono Fir #2 and better. P|otoo p|000d directly on concrete woUo or o|obo ohoU be pressure-treated Hem Fir #2. f. Wood boorna bearing in beam pockets in concrete or masonry woUo oho|| bear on o treated 2x8 bearing block. Provide 1/2" clearance around end of wood beam. Block against sides of baonn pocket with treated 2x blocking to provide lateral support for beam. g. Within floor kjoist npooeo beneath solid or built-up columns noted on p|ono' blocking of area equivalent to column above shall be provided. Door or window thnnrnera consisting of o single stud do not require special blocking in the joist space. h. Except as noted nthorwiae, nn|ninourn nailing oboU be provided as specified in the "Nailing Schodu|o" on the drawings (2003 IBC Table 2304.8.1), i Bolts used for wood framing connections ohoU be installed with standard washers and nuts. j. Unless noted otherwise, steel connectors such as those manufactured by the Simpson Company ohoU be used to join noftera, joists or b*onon to other beonnm at flush-frorned conditions. Use all specified noi|a. Connector conditions not otherwise noted oboU utilize Type U or Type HU hangers of o size specifically designed for the member supported, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for details as required. k. Wood nailer plates installed on steel beonna or concrete woUa for top-flange hangers ohoU be ripped to nootoh the width of the wall or boorn flange. Nailer plates supporting top flange hangers from one side only ahoU be installed flush with the fnoo of wall or boorn flange at the hanger locations. i Manufactured joists shall be from on approved manufacturer and aho|| be equivalent in load carrying capacity and deflection oit*ho to BC) GOOO or LP| 300 oedaa joists in the depths and apoo|ngo indicated on plan. Provide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners and other ocoenaohea as required by the manufacturer. rn. Lorn|notod veneer lumber (LV| ) oho|| have the following nninirnurn properties: 1. Flexural stress - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2800 psi 2. Modulus of elasticity --------------------------------- 1,800.000 poi 3. Tension poro||e| to groin ------------------------------ 1850 psi 4. Compression poro|!e| to grain --------------------------- 2318 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to groin (parallel to glue line) --------- 750 psi G. Horizontal shear ----------------------------------- 285 psi 7. Connection of multiple-member beams: A. Top-loaded beams i) For members 12" deep or |eao' nail each rnennbor to the next with 2 rows of 16d nails at 12~ o.c. li) For members greater than 12" deop, nail each nnornber to the next with J rows of 16d nails at 12" o.c B. Side-loaded boorno i\ For two or three member beams, nail each rnennbor to the next with 3 rows of 16d nails at 12^ o.n. ii) For four rnanober beams, bolt through with 2 rows of 1/2" diameter bolts at 12" o.o. iii) For members consisting of more than four rnornbero, contact structural engineer. n. All lumber used in construction oho|| have o rnoxirnunn moisture content of 19%. o Framing Notes: 1. Exterior *mUec A. All exterior woUa are 2x6 studs @ 16" uo. to o nnoxknurn height of 12'-6^. 2x6 studs @ 12^ o.c. to o nnoxinnunn height of 14'-6"' and (2)-2x6 studs @ 16" to o rnoxinnunn height of 17'-4" un|oea otherwise noted. WoUe taller than 17'-4^ ahoU be framed with manufactured poroUonn etudn, ommtoot engineer for spacing roquinennonte, if not indicated on plan. Cop with q double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not puonib|e, strap top plates with nneto| strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Gable-end woUo aho|| be balloon-framed to the bottom of rafters or end-wall trusses unless approved by engineer. C. Floor or roof framing nnernboro must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. D. Provide 7/16^ thick APA rated sheathing (plywood or 0SB\ rated 24/16. exposure 1. at exterior f000 of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints and nail panels with Od nails op000d at 6° along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. E. Provide (3 )-2xlO headers oveover all door and window openings, with one 2x6 trimmer and one 2x6 king stud each end, unless otherwise indicated. F At bnonn bearing locations in stud walls, provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Interior load booring woUa are 2x4 or 2x6 studs (as indicated on p|on) @ 16" p.c. with 1/2" gypsum wallboard both sides un|000 noted otherwise. Cop with o double top plate installed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. If overlap is not posoib|e, strap top plates with noetoi strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Floor or roof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath. C. Provide (2)-2x1O headers over all openings in woU. with one 2x4 or 2x6 trimmer and one 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end' unless noted otherwise. D. At boonn bearing locations in stud wo1|o' provide multiple-stud posts equal to width of bearing rnornber unless noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Provide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdifloor rated at 24" o.o., tongue and groove, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to all supports with 8d noUa spaced at G" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. |notoU sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to joists and end joints staggered. B. Provide solid blocking between floor joists at all bearing locations. Blocking material aho|| nnotoh the floor joist nnotorioi 4. Roof Construction: A. Provide 5/8" thick APA plywood sheathing rated 40/20. exposure 1. |natoU sheathing with long dimension perpendicular to rafters or trusses and and joints staggered. Nail with 0d nails spaced at O" along panel edges and at 12^ along intermediate supports. B. Plywood sheathing ahoU be applied continuously over the primary roof nnornboro (rafters or trusses) below overfronned areas to provide adequate lateral atobi|ity. C. Provide wind/seismic anchors at supports for all roof joists and trussed rafters. See nailing schedule. D. Provide solid blocking between roof rafters, trusses and lookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking nnotorio| ohoU nnotoh rafter, truss chord, or lookout nootorio|. 5. Wind Bracing: A. WoUo over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces and are indicated as shear woUo on okon have been designed to resist wind forces in 0000rdonoo with Table 2306.4.5 of the 2003 |8C. B. At shear woUo' screw 1/2" gypsum wallboard to all studs and to top and bottom plates with #@ x 1 " drywall ourowo at 7" nnoxinnunn spacing. C. Exterior plywood or 0SB wo|| sheathing is required unless specifically deleted by engineer. STRUCTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: o. Materials, manufacturer and quality control aho|| be in conformance with /UTC Product Standard P3 66-82' "Structural Glued Laminated Timber". b. Laminated members ohcd| be fabricated using Douglas Fir with the following combination symbols: 24F-V4 Simple-span beams 24F-V8 Continuous or cantilever baonno 3 Columns c. All nnernbora ohoU be Architectural Appearance Qrodo, unless indicated otherwise by the architect. d. Protect members from damage or exposure to moisture prior to and during construction. e. Adhesive ahoU meet the requirements for wet conditions of service. f. Do not comber |onn|noted rnennborn unless indicated on the drawings. STRUCTURAL STEEL: o. Structural steel ohoU be detoUod, fabricated and erected in accordance with the most current editions |S Specifications and Code of Standard Practice. b. Structural steel YV ahopau ahoU be ASTM A902. Other rolled shapes, including plates and ung|oa nhoU be ASTM A38. HS3 ahopae ohoU be ASTW A500 grade B. Pipes ohoU be ASTN A53 grade B or ASTW A501. o. All bolts used in steel fnznoiog ohoU conform to ASTN Specification A325. Anchor bolts and bolts used in timber connections may be ASTM A307. Bolt n|zao ahoU be 3/4" diameter unless noted otherwise. d. Typical framed boono connections ahoU consist of pairs of 1/4" angles using the rnoxirnunn number of bolts oo||od for in Table U-A of the A|SC Manual (ASD Ninth Edition). e. Expansion bolts ohoU be wedge type ^Hilti" or "Rawl" or "Simpson", or approved equivalent with the following rninirnurn ennbednnente: 1/2^ diameter - - - - 2 1/2" 5/8" diameter - - - - 3" 3/4" diameter - - - - 4" f. Epoxy anchors oo||ed for on the drawings aho|| be °Epcun" or ''Row|" or "Simpson 11 or approved equivalent anchor ayotonno. Minimum ernbednnonto` if not specifically indicated on the drowingo, aho!| be according to the manufacturer's specifications. g. All welding oho|| be done by on AWS qualified *o|dor. h. Delay pointing within 3" of field welds until welds ore completed. i. YVhoro corrosive soil conditions exist, steel angles that are used to support exterior stone veneer shall be galvanized and oho|| be attached to the foundation with galvanized or otoin|oaa steel expansion anchors. BA{K7LLING: o. Do not bockf| against retaining *o|a until supporting elements are in p|oo* and securely anchored, or adequate shoring is installed. Concurrent bookfiUing of each side of o retaining *oU to final grades as indicated on plan or section is required unless temporary shoring is installed. b. Verify type of fill with soils engineer and structural engineer prior to bookfiUing. GROUT: o. All grout beneath column base p|otoa and steel beams at bearing mhoU be non-shrink, non-metallic type grout. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: o. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with all elements in their final pooitiona, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, ahoU provide shoring and bracing as may be required during construction to achieve the final completed structure. Contact structural engineer for consultation (not in contract) as required. b. Dimensions: Check all dimensions against architectural drawings prior to construction. Do not aoo|e drawings. u. Construction practices: General contractor is responsible for nnoons, rnethode, tochniquee, sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structural engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing conditions. Coordinate requirements for mechanical/electrical/plumbing penetrations through structural m|ornenta with structural engineer. Joboite safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. All methods used for construction ohoU be in accordance with the latest editions of the |BC/URC. d. D*to||o not specifically shown on the drawings uhoU be constructed in o manner airni|or to the details that are shown for like conditions. These items ohoD be brought to the attention of the structural engineer as soon as possible for approval. Approval ahoU be obtained prior to installation. o. It is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the appropriate time to perform site observation visits. Observation visits to the ' boite by the engineer are for determination of general conformance with the construction documents and aho|| not be construed as inspection. t Though every effort is made to provide o complete and clear set of construction doounn*nto, discrepancies or omissions may oocur. Release of these drawings anticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer to provide the boat possible structure. These drawings have been prepared for the use of o qualified contractor experienced in the construction techniques and uyatonna depicted. 2003 IBC FASTENING SCHEDULE (TABLE 2304.9.1) CONNECTION FASTENINGO, m LOCATION 1. Joist to sill or girder 3 - 8d common toenail ADJUSTABLE ANCH. ANCHOR APPROX. APPROXIMATELY ARCH. 2. Bridging to joist 2 - 8d common toenail each end SIMPSON LSSU410 PACK STEEL WEB WHEN APPLICABLE BUILDING NOT USED BLOCKING BM. BEAM 3. 1" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist 2 - 8d common face nail 4. Wider than 1" x 6" subfloor to each joist 3 - 8d common face nail 5. 2" subfloor to joist or girder 2 - 16d common blind and face nail 6. Sole plate to joist or blocking 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail (6)-16d TOENAILS CEMENT CLG. CEILING 3 11 14 gage staple at 12" o.c. CENTERLINE Sole plate to joist or blocking at braced 3 - 16d per 16" braced wall panels wall panel CONC. CONCRETE CONN. CONNECTION CONT. 7. Top plate to stud 2 - 16d common end nail C. P. CRIPPLE POST C.W. CRIPPLE WALL 3 - 3" 14 gage staple DOUBLE 8. Stud to sole plate 4 - 8d common toenail DIAGONAL DWG. DRAWING DWL. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple EA. EACH 2 - 16d common end nail ELEV. ELEVATION ENG. ENGINEER 3 - 3" 14 gage staple EQUIPMENT 9. Double Studs 16d at 24" o.c. face nail EXISTING EXISTING EXP. EXPANSION EXT. 10. Double top plates 16d at 16" o.c. typical face nail FDTN. FOUNDATION FLR. FLOOR FRWS. FRAMING Double top plates 8 16d common lap splice GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED GEN. 12 3" 14 gage staple typical face nail G.L. 11. Blocking between joist or rafters 3 - 8d common toenail HDR. HEADER HOR|Z. HORIZONTAL 3 - 3" 14 gage staple HOLLOW STEEL SECTION 12. Rim joist to top plate 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail INTERIOR INV. INVERTED K KING STUD JST. 13. Top plates, laps and intersections 2 - 16d common face nail LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL LDNG|T. LONGITUDINAL 3 - 3" 14 gage staple LIGHTWEIGHT 14. Continuous header, two pieces 16d common 16" o.c. along edge 15. Ceiling joists to plate 3 - 8d common toenail MECH. MECHANICAL MA7^L MATERIAL 5 - 3" 14 gage staple MANUFACTURER 16. Continuous header to stud 4 - 8d common toenail 17. Ceiling joists, laps over portions 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308.10.4.1 face nail (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 4 3" x 0.131" nail 4 3" 14 gage staple OPNG. 18. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters 3 - 16d common minimum, Table 2308,10.4.1 face nail (See Section 2308.10.4.1, Table 2308.10.4.1) 4 3" x 0.131" nail 4 3" 14 gage staple PLYWD. 19. Rafter to plate 3 - 8d common toenail R.(}. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple RAD. 20. 1" diagonal brace to each stud and plate 2 - 8d common face nail RE|NF. 2 - 3" 14 gage staple REQ'D 21. 1" x 8" sheathing to each bearing wall 2 - 8d common face nail 22. Wider than I" x 8" sheathing to 3 - 8d common face nail each bearing wall SCHED. SCHEDULE 23. Built-up corner studs 16d common 24" a. c. SHEET S|k4. SIMILAR S.|.P. STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPEC. 24. Built-up girder and beams 20d common at 32" o.c. face nail at top and STD. 3" x 0.131" nail at 24" o.c. bottom staggered on STEEL 3" 14 gage staple at 24" o.c. opposite sides T 2 - 20d common face nail at ends and at TOP /b BOTTOM T&G TONGUE & GROOVE T.0.C. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple TO.F. 25. 2" planks 16d common at each bearing 26. Collar tie to rafter 3 - 10d common face nail TOP OF '[O.VK TOP OF WALL THRU 4 3" 14 gage staple face nail TRANSV. 27. Jack rafter to hip 3 - 10d common toenail TYP. TYPICAL U.N.D. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE 4 - 3" 14 gage staple VERTICAL V.|.F. 2 - 16d common face nail WIDE FLANGE W.P. WATERPROOF VKVV.F. 3 - 3" 14 gage staple WO. 28, Roof rafter to 2-by ridge beam 2 - 16d common toenail VV/O WITHOUT 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 2 - 16d common face nail 3 - 3" 14 gage staple 29. Joist to bond joist 3 - 16d common face nail 5 - 3" 14 gage staple 30. Ledger strip 3 - 16d common face nail 4 - 3" 14 gage staple 31. Wood structural panels and particleboard:b 1/2" and less 8d`1 (per KRM )q Subfloor, roof and wall sheathing 2 3/8" x 0.131" nailn 2" 16 gageP Single Floor (combination subfloor- 3/4" and less 8d' (per KRM)q underlayment to framing): 7/8" to 1 " Bale 32. Panel siding (to framing) 1/2" or less 6df 33. Fiberboard sheathing:9 1/2- No. 11 gage roofing noilh 6d common nail No. 16 gage staple 25/32" No. 11 gage roofing nailh 8d common noil No. 16 gage staple 34. Interior paneling 1/4- 4dJ NOTES TO TABLE 2304.9.1 For SI: 1 inch = 25*mm. 2 3/8~ x 0.113^ noUo and 3^ x 0.131^ noUu are standard Od and 10d Gun nails. o. common or box nails are permitted to be used except ~han, otherwise stated. u. Nails oporou at O inches on center at edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports except O in0000 at supports where spans are 48 inches or more. For nailing of wood structural panel and particleboard diaphragms and shear wo||o, refer to Section 2305. No||o for wu|| sheathing are permitted to be oommon, box or cooing. c. Common or deformed shank. d. Common n. Deformed shank. t Corrosion -resistant siding or casing nail. g. Fasteners spaced 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 8 inches on center at intermediate supports. x. Corrosion -resistant roofing nails with 7 1 3/4 inch length for 25/32-inch sheathing. ' Corrosion- _resiston staples with nominal _' 7/16-inch crown _ _- 1 `- -_ length for ^ - sheathing and 1 ./^ ..~. length for thing Pond supports at 10 inches (20 inches if strength axis is the long direction of the pono|, vn|voo otherwise marked). j. Coning or finish nails spaced 5 inches on panel edges, 12 in0000 at intermediate supports. k Panel supports nu 2* inches. Casing or finish nails spaced 6 inches on panel edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports. i For roof sheathing applications, Od noou ore the minimum required for wood otmutunz( panels m. Staples nxoU have o minimum crown width of 7/16 inch. n. For roof sheathing applications, fasteners spaced at 4 inches on center at edgon. D inoxoo at intermediate supports. u. Fasteners spaced * m0000 on center at edges, 8 inowoo at intermediate supports for oubnonr and wan sheathing and J inches on center at edges, 5 inches at intermediate supports for roof ohaotxin9 p. Fasteners spaced 4 inches on center at mdgoo. O inches at intermediate supports. q. |to'no noted as ^po, wRM^ have been changed from the IBC schedule to o more restrictive requirement, ALL LUMBER CONNECTORS IN DIRECT CONTACT WITH PRES3URE-TREATED LUMBER SHALL HAVE A S|WPSON ZMAX FINISH OR EQUIVALENT CONNECTION SCHEDULE ANCHOR BOLT SIMPSON H5 ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A.F.C. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJ. ADJUSTABLE ANCH. ANCHOR APPROX. APPROXIMATELY ARCH. ARCHITECT BD. BOARD SIMPSON LSSU410 PACK STEEL WEB WHEN APPLICABLE BUILDING NOT USED BLOCKING BM. BEAM BOT BOTTOM B.{).VK BOTTOM OF WALL BRC. BEARING CANT CANTILEVER C. CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT (6)-16d TOENAILS CEMENT CLG. CEILING CENTERLINE STEEL WEB SOLID CLEARANCE COL COLUMN CONC. CONCRETE CONN. 0=01 mg, I lffliq�"11 &B. ANCHOR BOLT A.F.F. ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR A.F.C. ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ADJ. ADJUSTABLE ANCH. ANCHOR APPROX. APPROXIMATELY ARCH. ARCHITECT BD. BOARD BLDG. BUILDING BLKG. BLOCKING BM. BEAM BOT BOTTOM B.{).VK BOTTOM OF WALL BRC. BEARING CANT CANTILEVER C. CONTROL JOINT CMU CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT CEM. CEMENT CLG. CEILING CENTERLINE CLR. CLEARANCE COL COLUMN CONC. CONCRETE CONN. CONNECTION CONT. CONTINUOUS CON3T CONSTRUCTION C. P. CRIPPLE POST C.W. CRIPPLE WALL DBL. DOUBLE DE-[ DETAIL D|AG. DIAGONAL DWG. DRAWING DWL. DOWEL EA. EACH E. J. EXPANSION JOINT ELEV. ELEVATION ENG. ENGINEER EQUIP. EQUIPMENT EQUIV. EQUIVALENT EX3TG. EXISTING EXISTING EXP. EXPANSION EXT. EXTERIOR F. D. FLOOR DRAIN FDTN. FOUNDATION FLR. FLOOR FRWS. FRAMING FTG. FOOTING QA. GAUGE GALV. GALVANIZED GEN. GENERAL G.L. GLUE-LAM GYP. GYPSUW/CYPCRETE HDR. HEADER HOR|Z. HORIZONTAL HSS HOLLOW STEEL SECTION HT. HEIGHT INT. INTERIOR INV. INVERTED K KING STUD JST. JOIST LAM. LAMINATED LLV LONG LEG VERTICAL LDNG|T. LONGITUDINAL LTWT LIGHTWEIGHT LVL LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LSL LAMINATED STRAND RIM MATER| MAX. MAXIMUM MECH. MECHANICAL MA7^L MATERIAL MANUF. MANUFACTURER MIN, MINIMUM (N) NEW N0W, NOMINAL 0. C. ON CENTER OPNG. OPENING OSB ORIENTED STRAND BOARD R PLATE PLYWD. PLYWOOD PKT POCKET R.(}. ROUGH OPENING RAD. RADIUS REF REFERENCE RE|NF. REIN F0RCE/RE|NFORCEMENT REQ'D REQUIRED RET. RETAINING REV. REVISION R.S. ROUGH SAWN SCHED. SCHEDULE SECT. SECTION SHT. SHEET S|k4. SIMILAR S.|.P. STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANEL SPEC. SPECIFICATION �Q. SQUARE STD. STANDARD STL, STEEL STRUCT. STRUCTURAL T TRIMMER T8uB TOP /b BOTTOM T&G TONGUE & GROOVE T.0.C. TOP 0 CONCRETE TO.F. TOP OF FOOTING T.O.L. TOP OF LEDGE TD.M. TOP OF MASONRY TO. TOP OF '[O.VK TOP OF WALL THRU THROUGH TRANSV. TRANSVERSE TS TUBE STEEL COLUMN TYP. TYPICAL U.N.D. UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERT. VERTICAL V.|.F. VERIFY IN FIELD W. F. WIDE FLANGE W.P. WATERPROOF VKVV.F. WELDED WIRE FABRIC WO. WOOD YY WITH VV/O WITHOUT N r- 0 0 N 00 N 3 N 0 J a N U) (� 0 N L0 0 0) C x S v� 0 v C Q C) a J C? N Lo 0 U) CL z> 0 NORTH SCALE: 1/4" = l' -0" PLAN NOTES PIT 1. ELEVATIONS OF CONCRETE FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: TYPE T.O.W. =TOP OF CONCRETE WALL T.O.F. =TOP OF CONCRETE FOOTING ° 2. TOP OF FOOTING ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON FINDING ADEQUATE SOIL BEARING 1' -2 CONDITIONS AT THAT DEPTH. CONTACT ENGINEER IF OVEREXCAVATION IS REQUIRED. 3. STEPS IN TOP OF CONCRETE WALL INDICATED: 1' -6 4. CONTINUOUS CONCRETE FOOTINGS ARE CENTERED BENEATH CONCRETE FOUNDATION x 2' -6 WALLS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. (4) - #5's x 5. CONCRETE FOUNDATION WALLS ARE 8" THICK AND CONTINUOUS FOOTINGS ARE 8" C THICK x 16" WIDE UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. x 3' -0 6. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. 2' -6 SEE ARCH. FOR STAIR RISE AND RUN TYP. #3 CONT. IN EA. 4 NOSING `1 •° 0 SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -O" 1/2" 4 x 10" A.B.'s @ 48" 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN, TYP. O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 R #5 DWLS x L 3„ @ 16" O.C. (2) - #5's CONT. 1 1/2" HORIZ. TOP & 8039' -6 1�4 1 BOT. T.O. SLAB T.O.W. ELEVATOR PIT 8038' -1 EXPANSION ANCHORS T.O. F. TYPE #5 D WLS x ° @ 16" O.C. REINFORCING 14' TO 20' 1' -2 (3) #5's CONT, LONGIT. x 1' -0 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 1 1 /4x11 7/8 TIMBERSTRAND 1/2" PLYWD. OR OSB LSL (OR EQUIV.) RIM SHEATHING 1 1/2" LTWT. CONC. 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.'s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 8050' -0 T.O. PLY. CONC. STAIRS SEE 1/S2 8048' -9 3/4 T.0.W. II a I I -JOIST PER PLAN VARIES ° #5's @ 12" O.C. VERT. F T,O. CONC. ° #5's @ 12" O.C, CONT. HORIZ. 5" SLAB PER PLAN - - -� 8039 -6 L ° ° a ° T.O. SLAB STONE VENEER ANGLE SUPPORT HEIGHT OF VENEER SPREAD FOOTING SCHEDULE EXPANSION ANCHORS UP TO 8' TYPE SIZE 8' TO 14' 4x4x1 /4 REINFORCING 14' TO 20' A 2' -0 x 2' -0 x 1' -0 (3) - #5's x 1' -6 EA. WAY B 2' -6 x 2' -6 x 1' -0 (4) - #5's x 2' -0 EA. WAY C 3' -0 x 3' -0 x 1' -0 (4) - #5's x 2' -6 EA. WAY D 4' -6 x 4' -6 x 1' -0 (6) - #5's x 4' -0 EA. WAY E 5' -0 x 2' -6 x 1' -0 (6) - #5's x (4) - #5's x 2' -0 4' -6 TRANSV. LONGIT. STONE VENEER ANGLE SUPPORT HEIGHT OF VENEER ANGLE SIZE EXPANSION ANCHORS UP TO 8' 4x4x1 /4 5/8 "0 x 4" @ 24" 8' TO 14' 4x4x1 /4 5/8 "0 x 4" @ 16" 14' TO 20' 4x4x5/16 3/4 "0 x 4" @ 24" 20' TO 26' 4x4x5/16 3/4 "0 x 4" @ 16" NOTE: THIS SCHEDULE IS FOR NON- BATTERED STONE VENEER WITH A MAXIMUM THICKNESS OF 6 ". CONTACT ENGINEER FOR OTHER CONDITIONS. #5's CONT. - HORIZ. @ 8" 4 a #5 DWLS x (° - ,> 4° @ 6" O. C. 2' -0 (2) - #5's CONT. HORIZ. 4 (2) - #5's CONT. HORIZ. TOP & BOT. ° �f / TOP & BOT. ° #5's @ 12" O.C. TRANSV. 8035-2 `l 4 ° T.O. F. • 'd - • a:• kel a. ° PERIMETER DRAIN PER 1' -0" 8" 8" SOILS ENGINEER 2' -4" — #5 D WLS x° @ 12" O.C. N 10" #5's x 3' -10 TRANSV. @ 24" (5) - #5's CONT. LONGIT. 0 I � PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER SCALE: 3/4" = 1' -0" _#5's VERT. @ 16" 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN 8039' -0 T.O. SLAB a °. (5) - #5's CONT. LONGIT. 4" = 1' -O" T.O.W. = 80,39'-0 T.O.F. = 8035' -2 V STEP x A T.O.W. = 805S-0 T.O.F. = 8038' -7 \1' / / An T.O.W. = 8068' -9 3/4 T.O.F. = 8039' -1 PERMANENT SOIL NAILED RETAINING WALL BY OTHERS INDICATED THUS: C 8 > co Q N U � o �Co o a < 00000 z C C q 0 0) ) 0p Mro U} 0c�s� z Q C .E CO w rr0¢ V-) L, U) r O Co �W) ff) LC) _(D ¢0)0) U x p �r 00 crn m 3 ^^ max C: > Q0 H designed by MPS drawn by M TN checked by issued PRELIM 044 06 PERMIT 06/08/06 REVA 08/23/06 REV. &2 03Z26/07 sheet __A d K 7) 0 JOB #0512-06 PLAN NOTES: (2)—#5's CONT. NORTH 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: MIDDLE FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1 Z42) 2. POSTS BELOW ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE ARE INDICATED: T.O. OPENING NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: M SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DD NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: 0 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FLOOR' EXP.1' SPAN RATING 24O.C. 5. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS' EXCEPT HEADERS` ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). 5. "0" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8° BC| 6000 OR LP| 300 @ 16" O.C.' TYPiCAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. I—JOIST PER PLAN BARS ACROSS WINDOW OPENING. EXTEND BARS 2'-0 EITHER SIDE OF OPENING MAIN FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = l'—O" PLAN NOTES: 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: 2. POSTS BELOW ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE ARE INDICATED: NON—CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: lZ SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED:Q 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURD|FLOOR' EXP.1' SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 5. (XXX'—XX") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS' ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). /_\" " 5. �� INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR 3CHEDULE, 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BC| 6000 OR LP| 300 @ 10" D.C.' TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. Ld 00 < 00000 0 co LO to (:L4 designed by Mps drawn by MTN checked by issued PRELIM 04/24/06 PERMIT 06ZO8/06 REV.z� 08Z2,3/06 REV. 03Z26/07 sheet 3 JOB #0512-06 CONT. FASTED LEDGEF 16" 0.( 0 o 2x1 2 CON (3)- (1) LEDGERLOK SCREW ® 32" O.C., TYP. @ ROOF U.N.O. rV TrMI llM i Ir A nrn C` A nr. vriv 1. c..wv41\ LVL LEDGER P. ANCH's @ EMBEDMENT) )ISTS W/ JNDER VENEER elffi .. �� ♦ 1 - `�. SCALE: 1 /4" = 1' -0" 1. INTERIOR WOOD STUD BEARING WALLS ARE INDICATED ON PLAN THUS: O 2. POSTS BELOW ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE ARE INDICATED: NON - CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: 0 SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED :9 3. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 4. FLOOR SHEATHING IS 3/4" TONGUE AND GROOVE APA STURDIFLOQR, EXPA, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. 5. (XXX' —XX ") INDICATES TOP OF STEEL BEAM ELEVATION. WOOD BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH WITH FLOOR JOISTS UNLESS NOTED (DROPPED). 6. "0" INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE - REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE. 7. ALL FLOOR JOISTS ARE 11 7/8" BCI 6000 OR LPI 300 @ 16" O.C., TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 8. ROOF SHEATHING IS 5/8" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 40/20. 9. ALL ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 2x12's 0 24 ", TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. f f f/ f f/ f ff f ff f \ \ \ f T \ SEE 4/S6 FOR RAFTER CONNE, HIPS /VALLEY SHOWN ON PLA ROOF FRAMING PLAN PLAN NOTES: 1. POSTS BELOW ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE ARE INDICATED: Ej NON — CONTINUOUS POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE INDICATED: SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DO NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED: p 2. ALL COLUMNS ARE LABELLED AT THE TOP. 3. ROOF SHEATHING IS 5/8" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXPA, SPAN RATING 40/20. SCALE: 1 /" = 1' -0" 4. " O " INDICATES CONNECTION TYPE — REF. S1 FOR SCHEDULE OR SEE SECTION 4/S6 FOR ADDITIONAL CONNECTIONS. 5. ROOF BEAMS, EXCEPT HEADERS, ARE FLUSH FRAMED UNLESS NOTED AS (DROPPED). 6. ALL ROOF RAFTERS ARE: 2x12's @ 24 ", TYPICAL, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 7. 'f/ `, INDICATES ROOF OVERFRAME. OVERFRAME WITH RAFTERS TO MATCH SPACING OF ROOF BELOW, WITH 2x4 CRIPPLE POSTS TO RAFTER BELOW SPACED 48" O.C. MAX ALONG EACH OVERFRAME MEMBER. '. _ 0 2x12 STRUCTURAL ASCIA, TYP. RUCTURAL 'YP. 3 @ 24 ", TYP. FTER & F I designed by drawn by _ checked by issued r , 10 i i� i .41 Im rj 1� > Oo N PERMIT 0 U ii Z_ 0 tl- 0s• <C 0 0o 00 Z Ma) , 0 0 Z;; r7 M7 Ui Lo r z < �'_'— 0 Q }- N (D V) o 0 Qy N co (7) +' LO �O U-) L �CD rn� :3 � 0')0) X 0 mot- ''t a: -J OUrntn m _lox >�:: F I designed by drawn by _ checked by issued r , 10 i i� i .41 Im rj 1� sheet Nil PERMIT #s Oi ii REV.zi, 0s• r , sheet Nil 2x6 STUDS @ 15" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 IL SLOPE LLAB , #5DWLSx m @ 24" O.C. �v 1 1/2^ |� _ Jk 8035-2 71 ` " ^ � ' a NOW REF SPREAD-- FOOTING 3CHED. SHEET S2, FOR RE|NF 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ --`� SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A.8.'a @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 0` STONE VENEER--~� PER ARCH. CONT. L PER SCHEDULE SEE SHEET S2 � ` SCHED. WIDTH .^`' ' SHEATHING O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 LL STONE VENEER PER ARCH. CONT. L PER SCHEDULE SEE SHEET S2 UNCOMPACTED FILL ON 4" LAYER OF CRUSHED GRAVEL ON SLAB - S-0 MAX. TOTAL DEPTH OVER METAL DECK POUR STOP " -5 CONC. SLAB PER PLAN, TYP. CONCRETE CURB BY OTHERS SLOPE SL —\\ — — --- — — — — — — — - 4 T.O. SLAB (8056'-6 @ S/m/ - (1)-#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @ MID-HT. 1.5VLR18 COMPOSITE c» METAL "E=` BY -�5 D�lS x @ 24" O.C. ' ^~�~'^` ' OR APPROVED r TOTAL DE ' / `~ - ~ n~ 'a CON[ HOR/Z ' ~/ #5,s @ 12" O.C., & BO[ ^ EA. WAY O° CONC. WALL. RE|NF W/-/ #5'a @ 16" EA WAY VV/ VVLo Ky O" U.C. x 4 8050'-0 INTO FDTN. WALL. ALTERNATE HOOK V-0 - DIRECTION !°^U PROVIDE (�2) 3/4"Ox6" _-/U_ 3 ''. '- HEADED STUDS EA. SOIL NAIL, CENTERED IN `^ WALL PERMANENT MULTIPLE 2x6 OR 2x4 COLUMN- RETAINING WALL REF. PLAN BY OTHERS 16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C. PROVIDE MIN. (4) IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 E SOIL NAILS (IF HEATED SLAB GLUE ALIGNED VERT. PL TO CONCRETE) W/ WALL T.O. SLAB 4 Lo tol, ry =| 4,11 ]—JOIST BLKG. PANELS @ Am 24" IN FIRST JOIST 4 8070'-0 PERIMETER DRAIN PER ENGINEER SOILS #5's CONT. LONGIT. _ `~---LEDGER PER PLAN, TYP. #5 YWLS x 01 5' CONC. SLAB PER PLAN (8039'-6 @ 3|M.) - SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-D" — UNCOMPACTED FILL ON W/ STONE VENEER 1/7^0x10"AB'a@48^OC- 4" LAYER OF CRUSHED PERMANENT PER ARCH. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 FL O.C. IN CONT. TREATED SOIL R. NUTS MUST BE ____—CONT. SEE SHEET S2 GRAVEL ON SLAB RETAINING WALL UNDER STL BM. @ 48" O.C. BY OTHERS ELEVATOR PIT �T.00 W L0 0 r- (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. OVER METAL DECK SLOPE SLAB @ 16" O.C. --L CONT. L4x4xl/4 w/ OL 8038'-4 SLOPE SLAB POUR STOP T.O. SLAB 16" O.C. TYP. (PROVIDE 6" CONCRETE CURB OIL 8038' EMDED. INTO CONC.) (1)-#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D-Hl[ cc #5 DYVLS x ~* (3'-10 @ SIK4.) @ 40' O.C. 'a CONT. HOR|Z. OlL 8035'— 2 41 TOP & BOT, -��'a VERT �� ^ 1O" O.C. PERIMETER DRAIN PER 4" 8" 4" | | | J | -r- checked by L4x4x1/4 w/ 5/8"Ox7^ PRELIM 04Z24/06 PERMIT 06/08/06 EXP. ANCH'a @ 15" O.C. TYP. (PROVIDE 0" EMDED. ' INTO CONC.) d 5 | 4'-6" | VVLo Ky O" U.C. x 4 8050'-0 INTO FDTN. WALL. ALTERNATE HOOK V-0 - DIRECTION !°^U PROVIDE (�2) 3/4"Ox6" _-/U_ 3 ''. '- HEADED STUDS EA. SOIL NAIL, CENTERED IN `^ WALL PERMANENT MULTIPLE 2x6 OR 2x4 COLUMN- RETAINING WALL REF. PLAN BY OTHERS 16d DRIVE PINS @ 16" O.C. PROVIDE MIN. (4) IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 E SOIL NAILS (IF HEATED SLAB GLUE ALIGNED VERT. PL TO CONCRETE) W/ WALL T.O. SLAB 4 Lo tol, ry =| 4,11 ]—JOIST BLKG. PANELS @ Am 24" IN FIRST JOIST 4 8070'-0 PERIMETER DRAIN PER ENGINEER SOILS #5's CONT. LONGIT. _ `~---LEDGER PER PLAN, TYP. #5 YWLS x 01 5' CONC. SLAB PER PLAN (8039'-6 @ 3|M.) - SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-D" — UNCOMPACTED FILL ON W/ STONE VENEER L PER SCHEDULE 4" LAYER OF CRUSHED PERMANENT PER ARCH. ` O.C. IN CONT. TREATED SOIL R. NUTS MUST BE ____—CONT. SEE SHEET S2 GRAVEL ON SLAB RETAINING WALL UNDER STL BM. @ 48" O.C. BY OTHERS ELEVATOR PIT �T.00 W L0 0 r- (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. OVER METAL DECK SLOPE SLAB @ 16" O.C. --L CONT. L4x4xl/4 w/ OL 8038'-4 POUR STOP T.O. SLAB 16" O.C. TYP. (PROVIDE 6" CONCRETE CURB OIL 8038' EMDED. INTO CONC.) (1)-#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D-Hl[ cc #5 DYVLS x ~* (3'-10 @ SIK4.) @ 40' O.C. 'a CONT. HOR|Z. OlL 8035'— 2 41 TOP & BOT, PERIMETER DRAIN PER 4" 8" 4" drawn by SOILS ENGINEER checked by 7 1/2" ON Zll 7/R" | JQ|3TS PER PLAN `- /~ - 1.5VLR1O COMPOSITE CONT. TREATED 2x12 W/ DECK BY ' VULCRAFT OR /2\-16d DRIVE PINS @ 16' 0.C. NOT TO BE ^ ' APPROVED ���` - SEE 7 FOR ADDITIONAL EQUIVALENT (7 1/2" � / WALL INFORMATION TOTAL DEPTH) RBNF. SHOWN `�'��' °= " VV/ #5' �� � 12' " CL{� . ` _ LEDGER PER PLAN 1 1/2" LTVVT. CONCCONC., TYP. __ I-JOISTS PER PLAN, TYP. EA. ---- �--|-J0STS PER PLAN. TYP. 8050'-0 J4 PERIMETER DRAIN SOILS ENGINEER o =| o CONT. -----/ '| 4- oll 2x6 STUDS @ 16^ {lC. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.`s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x0 B` 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN, TYP. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR O3B ---__ _� _', SHEATHING PERMANENT X ` O.C. IN CONT. TREATED SOIL R. NUTS MUST BE | M-1 80-39'-6 COUNTERSUNK INTO � RETAINING WALL UNDER STL BM. @ 48" O.C. BY OTHERS ELEVATOR PIT �T.00 W L0 0 r- (2)-#5's CONT. HORIZ. 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN @ 16" O.C. --L OL 8038'-4 OIL 8038' (1)-#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D-Hl[ PERIMETER DRAIN SOILS ENGINEER o =| o CONT. -----/ '| 4- oll 2x6 STUDS @ 16^ {lC. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.`s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x0 B` 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN, TYP. SCALE: 3/4" = 1`-O" 24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ (5)-8d NAILS 11 7/8" ]—JOISTS PER PLAN CONT. TREATED 2x12 W/ STONE VENEER PER ARCH. CONT. L PER SCHEDULE #5's CONT. HORIZ. @ 12" O.C. SEE SHEET S2 #5's @ 16" O.C. TRANSV. 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN 8039'—1 J PERIMETER DRAIN PER l'— 4" SOILS ENGINEER 2x6 STUDS @ 1O" O.C. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR O3B #5 DWLS x Lo SHEATHING ^ 1/2^ 0 x 10" A.B.'o @ ` O.C. IN CONT. TREATED |uo R. NUTS MUST BE | M-1 80-39'-6 COUNTERSUNK INTO � T.O. SLAB UNDER STL BM. ELEVATOR PIT �T.00 W L0 0 r- @ 16" O.C. --L SCALE: 3/4" = 1`-O" 24" IN FIRST JOIST SPACE W/ (5)-8d NAILS 11 7/8" ]—JOISTS PER PLAN CONT. TREATED 2x12 W/ STONE VENEER PER ARCH. CONT. L PER SCHEDULE #5's CONT. HORIZ. @ 12" O.C. SEE SHEET S2 #5's @ 16" O.C. TRANSV. 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN 8039'—1 J PERIMETER DRAIN PER l'— 4" SOILS ENGINEER 2x6 STUDS @ 1O" O.C. W/ 1/2' PLYWD. OR O3B SHEATHING ^ 1/2^ 0 x 10" A.B.'o @ 4D^' O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x5 R. NUTS MUST BE COUNTERSUNK INTO � C: UNDER STL BM. l~ TO.WL STONE VENEER--^- PER ARCH. 'V CONT. L PER SCHEDULE SEE SHEET S2 BM. PER PLAN 1 1/2' LTWT CONC., TYP. 11 7/8" I-JOISTS PER PLAN |-JOIST BLKG. PANELS @ 24- IN FIRST JOIST SPACE d NAILS -�~��-�----- INTO E4. PANEL` TYP. 14 4 SLOPE SLAB PERIMETER DRAIN PER�_/ l'— 4" 8" 8" _j SOILS ENGINEER 0 '| NO � " LL � (2)-#5'o Cx TOP 8c 8DT OST PER PLAN WPSON CP37 \-#5 BAR x 1'-5 6" T1|12" |ATTERBJ iTDNE VENEER 'ER ARCH. 4)-#5'e VERl �r -4111CONC. PIER r xi� LL 0" 2'-O /2\-�3 llE3 x ` ' " | || :-' SCHED. FOR RBNF. , 2x4 OR 2x8 STUD BRG. WALL C0NT, TREATED 2x6 R W/ 16d DRIVE PINS (0 16� O.C. HEATED SLAB, GLUE R, TO CONCRETE) ^ #4 DWLS x 0 C: 5" CONC. SLAB PER PLAN L0 0 r- OL 8038'-4 (1)-#5 CONT. HOR|Z. @W|D-Hl[ cc #5 DYVLS x ~* (3'-10 @ SIK4.) @ 40' O.C. 'a CONT. HOR|Z. OlL 8035'— 2 41 TOP & BOT, PERIMETER DRAIN PER 4" 8" 4" drawn by SOILS ENGINEER checked by issued PRELIM 04Z24/06 PERMIT 06/08/06 C: Lij L0 0 r- cc designed by Mps drawn by MTN checked by issued PRELIM 04Z24/06 PERMIT 06/08/06 REV.& 0,3Z26/07 sheet d 5 JOB #0512-06 2x6 STUDS @ 16" O.C. W/ 1C2 PLYWD. OR OSB ' SHEATHING 3/4° T&G 3TURD|FLOOR PER PLAN 1 1/2^ LTVVT CONC., TYP. /3\-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL--J /2 O" LAGS INTO POST @>END OF BM. 2x0 STUDS (0 16" O.C. 1/2" 0 x 10" A.B.'s @ 48" O.C. IN CONT. TREATED 2x6 R` OL 8039 U� 1 1/7" LTWT CONC., TYP SEE PLAN FOR HANGER SEE PLAN 8059'-9 TO. STL IV STL BM. PER PLAN W/-- CONT. 2x h, DRIVE-PINNED -----PACK WEB SOLID FOR FACE TO TOP FLANGE MOUNT HANGER. FASTEN BLKG. (DEEP BEAM @ S|M.) (2)-3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS EA. SIDE OF HANGER VM0x26 W/ 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED , �/ " 1 DECKING PER ARCH TO FLANGE ../ 1Od NAILS (� 15 . O.C, TOP 8x16 --`~- NOTCH POST FOR 5' CONC. SLAB PER PLAN, TYP. 8039'-6 T.O. SLAB #5 DWLS x @ 24^ D.C. JL xO`-51/2W/ #5o CONT. HOR|Z /2\-3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS @ TOP & BOT / SHORT LEG & /4\-7/R"m 11 7/8" ]-JOISTS PER PLAN /DTYP, JOISTS PER PLAN 12x12 POST 3/4" T&8 STURD\FLOOR PER 1 1/2" LTYVT CONC., TYP.--, vm4.�u xv/ 7" muo�� np|m .. .~'. ../ ~. .`'.L�` ~`.,� TO 16d NAILS @ 16" (lC, TOP 8t8OT COPE FLANGES FOR CONNECTION 2x6 STUDS @ 10" O.C. PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 3/4" T&G STURD|FLODR PER PLAN 1 1/?" LT�T CONC., TYP. \ '_ . \ IV TA PLYWD. . TYP. |-JOISTS PER PLAN PACK WEB SOLID FOR HANGERS, FASTEN BLKG. (2) 3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS @ 2'-0 O.C. 8049'-9 W1Ox30 THRU-BOLTS EA. LONG LEG. l" DECKING PER ARCH. OL 8059'-10 3/8 ti : VN4x34 W/ 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED TO FLANGE 18d NAILS @10~ O.C, TOP & BOl -~--2x6 STUDS @ 10" O.C. W/ 1/2- PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 3/4" T&G 3TURD|FL0OR PER PLAN / 1 1/2" LTVYT CONC.. TYP. 8060'_0 JFA `�-1/4" WEB STIFFENERS EA. SIDE OF WEB \ VV1Ox48 ---'2x6 POST PER PLAN SCALE: 3/4" == 1`--0" 5" 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED 1/4" WEB STIFFENERS EA. SIDE OF WEB /3\-1 �/4x11 7/O LVL -/ \ ` ' ' ' �-WUDx20 NOTCH LVL BM. TO RT----/ SNUGLY BTWN. FLANGES CONC. WALL PER 2x6 STUDS @ 18" O.C. 2x1 BLKG. B7 RAFTERS (0 BF 2x8 STUDS @ 1/2" PLYVVD. ( SHEATHING (3)-NAILS WEDGE ALL EXP. WEDGE ALL (3)-NAILS 3/4" T&G STURDIFLOOR PER PLAN 6'-0 (6)-NAILS PF sMBE EA. SIDE (6)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 8'-0 3/4" EMBED. INTO (5)-NAILS EA. SIDE (1l)-NAILS EA. MEMBER CONC., CENTER BOLTS 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED _Z1 0 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED W1 2x26 W1 Ox26 00 1 J(2)-3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS, X0 t a: x NOTCH POST FOR W12x26 designed by Mps drawn by MTN checked by SHIM & GROUT PRELIM 04/24/06 1/4" WEB STIFFENERS PERMIT 06ZO8ZO6 REV.,& 08Z23/06 W1Ox3O TREATED SILL W/ 3/4" T&8 STURD\FLOOR PER 1 1/2" LTYVT CONC., TYP.--, vm4.�u xv/ 7" muo�� np|m .. .~'. ../ ~. .`'.L�` ~`.,� TO 16d NAILS @ 16" (lC, TOP 8t8OT COPE FLANGES FOR CONNECTION 2x6 STUDS @ 10" O.C. PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 3/4" T&G STURD|FLODR PER PLAN 1 1/?" LT�T CONC., TYP. \ '_ . \ IV TA PLYWD. . TYP. |-JOISTS PER PLAN PACK WEB SOLID FOR HANGERS, FASTEN BLKG. (2) 3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS @ 2'-0 O.C. 8049'-9 W1Ox30 THRU-BOLTS EA. LONG LEG. l" DECKING PER ARCH. OL 8059'-10 3/8 ti : VN4x34 W/ 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED TO FLANGE 18d NAILS @10~ O.C, TOP & BOl -~--2x6 STUDS @ 10" O.C. W/ 1/2- PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 3/4" T&G 3TURD|FL0OR PER PLAN / 1 1/2" LTVYT CONC.. TYP. 8060'_0 JFA `�-1/4" WEB STIFFENERS EA. SIDE OF WEB \ VV1Ox48 ---'2x6 POST PER PLAN SCALE: 3/4" == 1`--0" 5" 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED 1/4" WEB STIFFENERS EA. SIDE OF WEB /3\-1 �/4x11 7/O LVL -/ \ ` ' ' ' �-WUDx20 NOTCH LVL BM. TO RT----/ SNUGLY BTWN. FLANGES STL BM. PER PLAN (2)-1/2" 0 x 6" LA' BUILT-UP STUD COL. PER PLAN 1 1/2" LTWT CONC., TYP. OL SEE PLAN W8x15 -7� LVL BEAM PER PLAN--/ OIL 8070'-3 1/8 AN 4^ = 1'-O^ 8060'-0 11 7/8" I-JOISTS PER PLAN PACK WEB SOLD FOR FACE MOUNT HANGERS. FASTEN 8LKG. / 3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS E& SIDE OF HANGER 1 1/2^ LTYVT CONC., TYP. \-(1)-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL BM. STL. BM. PER PLAN " 1'-0" (3)-16d NAILS INTO SOLD BU<G. 8TWN. EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. LOOKOUTS ��BRC, TYP. \ / 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB-FASCIA, TYP. \ 0 | 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN 2x12 LOOKOUTS--� @ 24' O.C, TYP. 2x6 STUDS OD 18^ W/ 1/2^ PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 2x12 RAFTERS PER 2x6 STUDS @ 18" O.C. 2x1 BLKG. B7 RAFTERS (0 BF 2x8 STUDS @ 1/2" PLYVVD. ( SHEATHING (3)-NAILS EA, SIDE (3)-NAILS 3/4" T&G STURDIFLOOR PER PLAN 6'-0 (6)-NAILS (4)-NAILS EA. SIDE (6)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 8'-0 (8)-NAILS (5)-NAILS EA. SIDE (1l)-NAILS EA. MEMBER OIL 8058'-9 7/8 _Z1 0 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED W1 2x26 W1 Ox26 00 1 J(2)-3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS, X0 t a: x NOTCH POST FOR W12x26 STL BM. PER PLAN (2)-1/2" 0 x 6" LA' BUILT-UP STUD COL. PER PLAN 1 1/2" LTWT CONC., TYP. OL SEE PLAN W8x15 -7� LVL BEAM PER PLAN--/ OIL 8070'-3 1/8 AN 4^ = 1'-O^ 8060'-0 11 7/8" I-JOISTS PER PLAN PACK WEB SOLD FOR FACE MOUNT HANGERS. FASTEN 8LKG. / 3/4"0 THRU-BOLTS E& SIDE OF HANGER 1 1/2^ LTYVT CONC., TYP. \-(1)-1 3/4x11 7/8 LVL BM. STL. BM. PER PLAN " 1'-0" (3)-16d NAILS INTO SOLD BU<G. 8TWN. EA. LOOKOUT, TYP. LOOKOUTS ��BRC, TYP. \ / 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB-FASCIA, TYP. \ 0 | 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN 2x12 LOOKOUTS--� @ 24' O.C, TYP. 2x6 STUDS OD 18^ W/ 1/2^ PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING 2x12 RAFTERS PER PLAN 2x1 BLKG. B7 RAFTERS (0 BF 2x8 STUDS @ 1/2" PLYVVD. ( SHEATHING RAFTERS /�\�� | l y/�` ��|| | !|�� WIDE 16d NAILING SCHEDULE (.162" 0 x 3 1/2" HAND-DRIVEN) MAX. L MAX. L PER PLAN 41-0 (4)-NAILS (3)-NAILS EA, SIDE (3)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 6'-0 (6)-NAILS (4)-NAILS EA. SIDE (6)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 8'-0 (8)-NAILS (5)-NAILS EA. SIDE (1l)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 0 Co WIDE GUN NAILING SCHEDULE (.131" 0 x 3" GUN-NAILS) PLAN MAX. L COL. ----- PER PLAN 41-0 (4)-NAILS (3)-NAILS EA, SIDE (3)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 6'-0 (6)-NAILS (4)-NAILS EA. SIDE (6)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 8'-0 (8)-NAILS (5)-NAILS EA. SIDE (1l)-NAILS EA. MEMBER 0 Co 00 1 WIDE FLANGE BM. PER PLAN HS3 COL. ----- PER PLAN " 1 1/2" TYP. - PL: , SIDE OF WEB. NOTE: WOOD FRAMING NOT SHOWN FOR CLARITY CONT. 2x TOP R DR|' PINNED T0 BM. @ 1 SEE PLAN 1 1/2" LTWT CONC.. TYP __ _ __z __ T.O. PLYWD CONT. 2x12 STRUCTURAL SUB-FASCIA, SEE PLAN 'Y/.O. o/L. oxo. (3)-16d NAILS @ STAGGERED SEE PLAN FOR BEAM SIZES, TYP. v�or o^uoc� rno �"' � '��'`��� '�"` 1/4" �EB �OFFENBR� EA. SIDE OF WEB iod YM2x2O 2x NAILER DRIVE-PINNED Uj 0 Co Co 0 Co 00 1 X0 t a: x designed by Mps drawn by MTN checked by issued PRELIM 04/24/06 PERMIT 06ZO8ZO6 REV.,& 08Z23/06 REv. A2 03/26/07 sheet BOULDER WALLS TO MATCH EXISTING BOULDERS RE: STRUCTURAL NOTE: BOTTOM OF RI ELEVATIONS REFER TO THE BOTTOM OF STRU, RETAINING WALL 1 RETAINING WALL 2 RETAINING WALL 3 • 10 20 3T#--,, SCALE IN FEET BELOW WALL 1.7:1 SLOPE STABILIZATION lREQ'D AINING WALL 'INISHED GRADE, NOT URE BELOW GRADE. RETAINING WALL 7 AINING WALL 8 RE AIK'ING WALL 9 80) 2 Bw 8078.58 - TIN RRIER/GUARDRAIL *EQUIRED ALONG TOP OF WALL 8040 - RL=6' 8040 8040 RL=5' j C) TW 32.0 8070 a) TW 66.71 8070 Tw 32.5 TW 64.74 TW 30.49 TW 63.69 RL= 4' v J4' TW 30 491, BW 33.5 8030 8030 8030 8030 TW 58.0 Bw .33 8050 TW 46.75 8050 4 *4 0 /� .0 T 8060 8060 TW 44.0 BW 60.67 BW 25.5 BW 58.67 7 BW 25.5 BW 24.83 BW 57.33 8020 8020 8020 8020 BW 42.42 8040 8040 0 10 20 26.66 0 10 20 30 40.24 B-W 41.08 8050 8050 0 10 19.61 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 87.32 RETAINING WALL 1 RETAINING WALL 2 RETAINING WALL 3 Scale: 1" = 10' Scale: 1" = 10' Scale: 1" = 10' RETAINING WALL 4 Scale: 1" = 10' 8080 8070 8060 BW 65.33 0 10 20 8030 8020 8010 RETAINING WALL LEGEND Mirogrid 3XT Geogrid or Equivalent TW XX.XX Finished Grade at Top of Wall BW XX.XX Bottom of Wall Elevation RL=X' Length of Geogrid Reinforcement SCALE IN FEET EM RL=7' TW 21.27 TW 20.16 TW 20.69 0 BW 16.93 10 20 32.1 RETAINING WALL 7 Scale: 1" = 10' 8040 8030 8020 .8020 8010 TW 7�2O 8030 8020 100 110 120 11 1■ BW 27.57 TW 28.77 BW 21.57 0 10 20 30 40 50 N.1111MI TW 27.28 D%A1 -7CZ 07 20 30 40 50 RETAINING WALL 6 Scale: 1" = 10' BW 20.24 60 70 80 90 100 RETAINING WALL 8 Scale: 1" = 10' TW 24.55 TW 22.65 BW 20.91 BW 191.57 110 123.2 RETAINING WALL 9 Scale: 1" = 10' Wal 8040 8030 8020 8030 8020 60 69.9 SEAL 11AR -- PROJECT NUMBER: 06-003 PLOT DATE: 3114/06 DRAWN BY: CLT CHECK Br. CLT SCALE: co (.0 CF) U-) C) OC) Ox C. - 0 C) Cn C) Cr) U- C- 0 C- CL PROJECT NUMBER: 06-003 PLOT DATE: 3114/06 DRAWN BY: CLT CHECK Br. CLT SCALE: 1"= 10" R W-- -2 TOP OF WALL CAP UNIT - GUARDRAIL TYPE 3 (PER CDOT M STANDARDS) 8" LOW PERMEABLE SOiL 8" Min. -► '`- 6" Nominal J LEVELING PAD (SEE DETAILS) r- STANDARD UNITS GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH PER ELEVATION ViEW 7 FOUNDATION SOIL f TYPICAL CROSS - SECTION `88- (NOM.) � � I NEAR VERTICAL AUGNMWr BATTERED ALIGNMENT STANDARD UNIT WALL BATTER DETAIL 5/8" (NOM ) I 1 i TRIM FINGERS IN FRONT OF TRANSVERSE BAR r STANDARD UNIT BATTERED ALIGNMENT STANDARD UNIT AND GEOGRID CONNECTION DETAIL GEOGRID t TO WALL GEOGRIDS AND THEIR ORIENTATION STANDARD UNIT AND GEOGRID ORIENTATION ISOMETRIC P 7�- �12" NOM.- ---- -j I 4" CAP UNIT CAP UNIT ISOMETRIC WALL HEIGHT FINISHED GRADE 8" LOW PERMEABLE SOIL TOP OF WALL CAP UNIT -N r STANDARD UNIT 4" ADS SOCK WRAPPED PiPE. OUTLETS 50" O.C. 8" Min, -► 6" Nominal I LEVELING PAD (SEE DETAILS) WALL HEIGHT 6' MAX FINISHED GRADE 12" Min. NOMINAL S" THICK CRUSHED ROCK STANDARD UN I 24" j LEVELING PAD DETAIL t 2 ! 1 TOP OF WALL 1 ! 2, Max FILL ! I I �I 1 { J CAP UNIT t J COMPACTED I NTS STANDARD UNIT STANDARD UNIT J DRAINAGE FILL i 12" Nominal ! STRUCTURAL GEOGRID { STRUCTURAL GEOGRID 1 J I ! REINFORCED J Max.2` WALL PER ELEVATION VIEW HEIGHT ! i I � RETAINED j SOIL J J 4" ADS SOCK WRAPPED PIPE. OUTLETS 50" O.C. j � r♦ • 0 2 WALL x ; HEIGHT { { ! RETAINED 1 SOIL t 4' ADS SOCK WRAPPED REINFORCED Fld;: �% 2. M2x { I PiPE. OUTLETS 50' O.C. FINISHED ! { GRADE DRAINAGE FILL { -12" Nominal { 8" Min. -► '`- 6" Nominal J LEVELING PAD (SEE DETAILS) r- STANDARD UNITS GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH PER ELEVATION ViEW 7 FOUNDATION SOIL f TYPICAL CROSS - SECTION `88- (NOM.) � � I NEAR VERTICAL AUGNMWr BATTERED ALIGNMENT STANDARD UNIT WALL BATTER DETAIL 5/8" (NOM ) I 1 i TRIM FINGERS IN FRONT OF TRANSVERSE BAR r STANDARD UNIT BATTERED ALIGNMENT STANDARD UNIT AND GEOGRID CONNECTION DETAIL GEOGRID t TO WALL GEOGRIDS AND THEIR ORIENTATION STANDARD UNIT AND GEOGRID ORIENTATION ISOMETRIC P 7�- �12" NOM.- ---- -j I 4" CAP UNIT CAP UNIT ISOMETRIC WALL HEIGHT FINISHED GRADE 8" LOW PERMEABLE SOIL TOP OF WALL CAP UNIT -N r STANDARD UNIT 4" ADS SOCK WRAPPED PiPE. OUTLETS 50" O.C. 8" Min, -► 6" Nominal I LEVELING PAD (SEE DETAILS) WALL HEIGHT 6' MAX FINISHED GRADE 12" Min. NOMINAL S" THICK CRUSHED ROCK STANDARD UN I 24" j LEVELING PAD DETAIL PER PLAN VIEW 8" Min. KCY� - I I I GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH 1 I PER ELEVATION VIEW I I I DRAINAGE FILL ! % 12" Nominal i I t 2 ! 1 TOP OF WALL 1 ! 2, Max FILL ! I I �I 1 { J CAP UNIT t J COMPACTED I NTS NATIVE MATERIAL 1 J STANDARD UNIT J DRAINAGE FILL i 12" Nominal ! STRUCTURAL GEOGRID I PER ELEVATION VIEW 1 J I ! REINFORCED J Max.2` WALL FILL HEIGHT ! i I � RETAINED j SOIL J J 4" ADS SOCK WRAPPED PIPE. OUTLETS 50" O.C. j PER PLAN VIEW 8" Min. KCY� - I I I GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH 1 I PER ELEVATION VIEW I I I DRAINAGE FILL ! % 12" Nominal i I STRUCTURAL GEOGRID PER ELEVATION VIEW t I i REINFORCED RETAINED $01 2, Max FILL ! I I �I 1 { `•-'T GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH PER ELEVATION VIEW FOUNDATION SOIL __Zr TYPICAL TIERED CROSS - SECTION STRUCTURAL GEOGRID PER CROSS SECTIONS REINFORCED RETAINED SOIL 1.5' Max. GRID EMBEDMENT LENGTH PER CROSS SECTIONS FOUNDATION SOiL Note: 1. Single Tier boulder walls do not need geo grid. 2. Construct walls per Block Wall Notes 3. Geogrid shall be the same as for the block walls. BOULDER WALL TYPICAL CROSS- SECTION STANDARD 18" _'1 v� • .. 45 LEVEUNG PAD TYPICAL LEVELING LEVELING PAD STEP DETAIL STANDARD 1.0 MSE Wail Materials 1.1 BackfilI soils 1.1.1 Reinforced zone backfill shall meet the following gradation: Sieve Percent Passing 3" 100 1" 30-100 No.4 20-70 No. 200 0.40 1.1.2 The part of the backfill soil passing the No. 200 sieve shall have a liquid limit less than 35 and a plasticity index less than 6 when tested in accordance with AASHTO T89 and T90, respectively. 1.1.3 Retained zone backfill shall be granular material consisting of at least 50% sand or gravel with a maximum particle size of 4 " and the fines content having a plasticity index of no more than 10, 2.0 MSE Wall Construction Sequence 2.1 The MSE walls shall be founded entirely on competent material. The foundation shall be over - excavated so that at least one facing block is buried below final grade. 2.2 Install the drain pipes as shown on the drawings. 2.3 Reinforced zone and retained zone backfill shall be placed in lifts no thicker than 8 ". Ball shall be placed in horizontal layers and compacted against horizontal surfaces. Only hand - operated compaction equipment shall be used within T of the back of the facing blocks. Backfill should be placed and compacted sequentially from the facing blocks to the back of the geogrid reinforcements to aid in geogrid tensioning. 2.4 Reinforced zone and retained zone backfill shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by the standard Proctor (AASHTO T -99) at optimum moisture content t2 %. 2.5 Install the leveling pad on compacted backfill as shown On the drawings. Use crushed rack for leveling pad. 2.6 Place geogrid reinforcements as shown on the drawings, 2.7 Geogrid reinforcement length as shown on the drawings is measured from the front of the facing blocks to the back of the geogrid. 2.8 Track vehicles shall not be operated directly on the geogrids. A minimum of 6" of backfill is required to operate track vehichles over geogrids and turning shall be minimized to avoid displacing the geogrids. 2.9 Rubber -fired vehicles may drive slowly directly on the geogrids if necessary. 210 Geogrid reinforcements shall be placed with the machine direction perpendicular to the wall face. 2.11 In convex wall curves, overlapping geogrids may be placed if at least 2Z' of backfill is placed between overlapping geogrids. 212 Permanent surface and irrigation water diversion is the responsibility of the owner. The backfill soils should not be allowed to saturate. 3.0 MSE Wall Design Parameters 3.1 The MSE wall has been designed in general accordance with procedures contained in the NCMA "Design Manual for Segmental Retaining Walls ". 3.2 The following values have been assumed for soil/rock design parameters: + c 7 (deg) (psf) (pcf) Retained zone fill 28 0 130 Reinforced zone fill 28 0 130 An experienced geotechnical engineer should verify the above design parameters during construction. 3,3 The groundwater table was assumed to be at elevation 4684. 3.4 Factors of safety 3.4.1 Global - FS =1.3 3.4.2 External Bearing capacity - FS =2.5 Overturning - Eccentricity -B /6 Sliding - FS =1.5 3.4.3 Internal Pullout - FS =1.5 Tensile overstress - FS =1.5 Geogrid strength reduction factor - k =0.16 3.5 Surcharge loading = 250 psf 3.6 Seismic loading = none 4.0 General Requirements and Notes 4.1 Wall geometry used in design was based on plans by Peak Land Consultants, Inc. and MPP Design Shop. 4.2 This design is valid only for this site and is to be constructed by HTM Construction or Dantas Builders only. 4.3 Others are responsible for field locating all nearby utilities. it is our understanding that there are no utilities conflicting with the wall excavation or geogrid reinforcement locations. 4.4 Retaining Wall Details may be changed at HTM Construction's Discretion. [girl t11 t /i.7►IiM111Tht ¢ "tai ��� 8" MAX DRAIN PIPE 12" PROPOSED GRADE DRAIN PIPE OUTLET DETAIL CURVE DETAIL W w i SEAL I ,DO REprS ro ; 38549 Q-#F' ►r E401Mr OF PROJECT NUMBER: 06-003 PLOT DATE: 3/14/06 DRAWN BY: CLT CHECK BY: CLT SCALE: NTS •f � r♦ • 0 PROJECT NUMBER: 06-003 PLOT DATE: 3/14/06 DRAWN BY: CLT CHECK BY: CLT SCALE: NTS R W"4 SEWER MANHOLE MH 0860 RIM ELEVATION = 8016.6' (PROJECT BENCHMARK) �Q �T Q� '110� II �r�lr i PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. 970- 476 -6644 FAX 970 -476 -8616 1000 LION'S RIDGE LOOP VAIL, CO 81657 GENERAL NOTES HIGHLAND MEADOWS " FILING No. 2 RECEPTION No, 177192° GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 6m m = m mi6mmi ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft, NO DESIGN Yl STAFF APPROVAL *n: /I / � � u-'5 will 1 PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE MH0860 NORTH OF LOT 10 AND 11, RIM ELEVATION = 8016.6'. (SEE DRAWING). 2 BUILDING TIES ARE INDICATED IN PARENTHESIS. 3 PEAK LAND SURVEYING, INC. DID NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARCH OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTABLISH OWNERSHIP, EASEMENTS OR RIGHTS —OF —WAY OF RECORD. RECORD DOCUMENTS UTILIZED IN THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WERE PROVIDED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50012854.1, DATEd JANUARY 8, 2008 AT 5; 00 P.M., 4 NOTICE; ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON, MATTERHORN VILLAGE RECEPTION No. 98291 FOUND PIN & ALUMINUM CAP L.S. 30091 IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE WAS PREPARED FOR DANTAS BUILDERS THAT IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT OR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT, AND THAT IT IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. I FURTHER CERTIFY THAT THE IMPROVEMENTS ON THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL ON THIS DATE, 11/16/07, EXCEPT UTILITY CONNECTIONS, ARE ENTIRELY WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF THE PARCEL, EXCEPT AS SHOWN, THAT THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UPON THE DESCRIBED PREMISES BY IMPROVEMENTS ON ANY ADJOINING PREMISES, EXCEPT AS INDICATED, AND THAT THERE IS NO APPARENT EVIDENCE OR SIGN OF ANY EASEMENT CROSSING OR BURDENING ANY PART OF SAID PARCEL, EXCEPT AS NOTED. DATE; E3 /y� , --------- . ,�1 .. e - T BIGGS 9 pC" ADO P.L.S. NO. 27598 HIGHLAND MEADOWS " FILING No. 2 RECEPTION No, 177192° GRAPHIC SCALE 10 0 5 10 20 6m m = m mi6mmi ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft, NO DESIGN Yl STAFF APPROVAL *n: /I / � � u-'5 will TOP -WALL 8023.2' TB C BTM -WALL 8019.4' 8020.1' TOP -WALL 8024.9' l' EOA TOP -WALL - l 8027.9' 8025.1' y / 0 M �'n TOP -WALL 8029.6' 1 TM -WAL L / 8028.5' EQAr_J EOA 8030' 802.8.7' BTM- ALL 80 1.9' EOA 8031.8' GUARDRAIL POST TYPICAL TOP -WALL 8018.5' f fA- / I ill, MIN B TM- WALL 8014.6' TBC Ll A Im m, � A\\ Y 'I_ TOP -WALL 8027,5 8027.5' EOA BTPvI -WALL 8021.5' 8035.1' BTM -MALL 8029.4' BTM -WALL TOP-WALL 8028.9' EOA 8033.6' TOP -WALL 8032. [' TOP -WALL PROPERTY LINE 8027.0' TYPICAL EDGE OF ASPHALT J_ SPRUE ;J -WALL. srmaceTIMe 021.2' u BTM -WALL 8029.9' TOP- WALL 8032.8' EOA 8035.7' LOT 10 Lq EOA 8036.4' BTM -WALL 8025.8' BTM -WALL 8029.1' TOP -MALL 8033.0' TOP -WALL 8039. 2' 0 Cv EOA 8037.3' EOA 8038.8 BTM -WALL ' 8036.8' BTM --WALL MATTERHORN VILLAGE 8042.0' A RECEPTION No. 98291 �. A BTM -MALL A R 8048.8' A A %_ A IA L TOP -MALL 8046.7° I. TOP -WALL 8050.9' <' EOA�, 14 5 GAL DOGWOOD STOLONIFERA 8027.0' \ COLORADENSE 5 5 GAL SERVICE AMELANCHIER EOA � \ � BERRY AMFOLIA ,--' 8025.0' r 5 5 GAL SNOWBERRY SYMPHORlCARPOS (("�� OREOPHILUS L. V T 12 Ci 6 5 GAL ROSE ROSA FOUND WOODSII #5 REBAR � � \ \ 5 GAL ACER 3 MULTI MAPLE GINNALA STEM 'FLAME' JUNIPERUS 13 5 GAL JUNIPER COMMUNlS 'EFFUSA` \ 6 5 GAL COTONEASTER COTONEASTER ROCK HORIZONTALIS PER PER GROUND NATIVE GRASSES PLAN PLAN COVER FLOWER MIX \ 0' 10' 20' LANDSCAP PLAN � \ e LANDSCAPE PLAN BASED UPON ASBUILT EXHIBIT SURVEY, JOB NO. 1399 AS PREPARED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. DATED 10 - 22 - 07 LOT 13 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING ICIo.1 HIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING No. 2 RECEPTION .dNo. 177192 • w u i i BTM -WALL II ° 8028.7' I EOA 8035.4' i BTNI -MALL 8020.7' TOP -WALL Y 'I_ TOP -WALL 8027,5 8027.5' EOA BTPvI -WALL 8021.5' 8035.1' BTM -MALL 8029.4' BTM -WALL TOP-WALL 8028.9' EOA 8033.6' TOP -WALL 8032. [' TOP -WALL PROPERTY LINE 8027.0' TYPICAL EDGE OF ASPHALT J_ SPRUE ;J -WALL. srmaceTIMe 021.2' u BTM -WALL 8029.9' TOP- WALL 8032.8' EOA 8035.7' LOT 10 Lq EOA 8036.4' BTM -WALL 8025.8' BTM -WALL 8029.1' TOP -MALL 8033.0' TOP -WALL 8039. 2' 0 Cv EOA 8037.3' EOA 8038.8 BTM -WALL ' 8036.8' BTM --WALL MATTERHORN VILLAGE 8042.0' A RECEPTION No. 98291 �. A BTM -MALL A R 8048.8' A A %_ A IA L TOP -MALL 8046.7° I. TOP -WALL 8050.9' <' EOA�, 14 5 GAL DOGWOOD STOLONIFERA 8027.0' \ COLORADENSE 5 5 GAL SERVICE AMELANCHIER EOA � \ � BERRY AMFOLIA ,--' 8025.0' r 5 5 GAL SNOWBERRY SYMPHORlCARPOS (("�� OREOPHILUS L. V T 12 Ci 6 5 GAL ROSE ROSA FOUND WOODSII #5 REBAR � � \ \ 5 GAL ACER 3 MULTI MAPLE GINNALA STEM 'FLAME' JUNIPERUS 13 5 GAL JUNIPER COMMUNlS 'EFFUSA` \ 6 5 GAL COTONEASTER COTONEASTER ROCK HORIZONTALIS PER PER GROUND NATIVE GRASSES PLAN PLAN COVER FLOWER MIX \ 0' 10' 20' LANDSCAP PLAN � \ e LANDSCAPE PLAN BASED UPON ASBUILT EXHIBIT SURVEY, JOB NO. 1399 AS PREPARED BY PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. DATED 10 - 22 - 07 LOT 13 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING ICIo.1 HIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING No. 2 RECEPTION .dNo. 177192 • w u i i a I Q� r A - x, a a ; i A - x, a a ;