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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120567 PLANS11 oiq Lots 10, 11, 12, Vail Village West, Filing loo. 1 Parcel no: 210312312051 1772 Alpine Drive Vail, co 31657 Designer 0 pp deseign shop, inc, Michael Pukas PO Box 288 95 Willowstone Place Gypsum, CO 81637 Mobile: 970 - 390 -4931 e -mail: michael General Contractor Dave Dantas Construciton Dave Dantas #:•..0 Avon, Mobile: • e-mail: onsuffanTS, inc. rrli► i Lra i - Pea John Fee 1000 Lion's Ridge Loop Vail, r (970) j • 1 i j / (970) 476-8616 e-mail: Land Surveyor Gore Range . r .O Box 15 Avon 81620 tel: (970) 479-8698 Fax: (970) 479-00 e-mail: SHEET INDEX Original Topographic w• ' .. „ * .. A2.1 I door Plans A3.1 I Elevations IUD CO ,. co i « Lo a • N i ,.0• 0 • • CI_ 0 Lo • • • Q 70 z T Lo i .. 1 E -0 1 • ,� ,. . 0 a DRS 5ubmI551on 111/14/12 «a i number. .I ♦ fI Number: I/ •00 CLEAN OUT PIN (so © CURB STOP O SLCN (mw-) ® ELEC. METER/TRANS. TREE (EVERGREEN) CHORD FIRE HYDRANT TREE (DECUMS) 4S� MANHOLE (SEWER) -ua uum POLE ® PEDESTAL (PHONE) M VALVE (GAS) Q PEDESTAL (CATV) VALVE (WATER) WATER SHUT —OFF q U O BUILDMGJFOUNDATNON DECK ALT ROAD/PATH/WALKWAY DRD"AY/EDGE OF ASPHALT ENVEL0PE/SMACK PROPERTY UNE PROPERTY L (ADJON) WATER (EDGE) FLOWUNt OF DITCH 8024.4 8024.7 10 CN 0 r ( IN FEET ) 1 inch = 10 ft. 8022.4 SEWER MANHOLE RIM = 8016.6' (BASIS OF ELEVATIONS) FOUND #4 REBAR 8021.7 8023.3} r ©�Q se) a �tJy 6'• 0r�, 7 �Z- NOTES: LOT 13 1) DATE OF TOPOGRAPHY: 8/1/2004' 2) BASIS OF ELEVATIONS: SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV. = 8016.6' 3) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON, 4) THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50005006, DATED JULY 21, 2004. 5) VERIFY CURRENT BUILDING SETBACKS AND RESTRICTIONS WITH THE PROPER GOVERNING AUTHORITY. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE 1, SAMUEL H. ECKER, A PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP WAS MADE BY ME AND UNDER MY SUPERVISION, AND THAT THE MAP IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. SAMUEL H. ECKER COLORADO P.L.S. No. 30091 FOR AND ON BEHALF OF GORE RANGE SURVEYING LLC RADIUS = 108.99' DELTA = 30'4553" ARC = 58.52' TANGENT = 29.98' CHORD = 57.82' BRG = N47'1326 "E 8017.7`' a O 8019.8 d -� ++ �C3 LOT 12 0.241 ACRES �i 8015.5 t,t i 7 IR 8013.2 8011.1 8011.5 EL. 8015.0 FOUND PIN AND CAP L.S. NO. 30091 VIM '•t • 5' UTILITY AND MAINTENANCE EASEMENT (TYPICAL) C -Q- S89 °41'00 "W — 83.00' NIO 'Q / it i� SRI S73 °05'1 8 "E 121.34' S89 °41'00 "W — 73.22' i (}9 LO ° +r • • • !r EL. 8053.4 FOUND PIN AND CAP L.S. NO. 30091 Q) 0 CIO nl IV) N I (z) o Q '�c D W W C:J I Qt q U O 0:,1 -4 RADIUS 108.99 DELTA 17#59'16" ARC = 24.24' TANGENT = 17.25' CHORD = 34.08' :- 0: QUE-VE RADIUS Q = 108.99' DELTA = 12`4447" ARC = 24.24' TANGENT = 12.17' CHORD = 24.20' BRG = N38'11'06 "E RADIUS = 148.99' DELTA = 30 °44'03" (CALC.) DELTA = 30 °45'53" (REC. PLAT) ARC = 58.46' (CALC.) ARC = 58.52' (REC. PLAT) TANGENT = 29.95' LAND USE SUMMARY 0110912006 DRAW er.• PARCEL AREA USE ADDRESS LOT 10 0.272 AC. SiNGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1772 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 11 0.272 AC, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1778 ALPINE DRIVE LOT 12 0.272 AC. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 1788 ALPINE DRIVE (TOTAL) 0.816 AC. SET No. 5 REBAR WITH ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT 9 GRAPHIC SCAM CHORD = 57.77' Si. S (S,4s /S of a o 10 30 40 so BRG = N47 °10'44 "E 2 �, 7,3(J$,,8 ,: $�ARIN S) gyp. � -.. 72 T Co �4 ACC SS SEM NT I inch 20 ft. ROSS HATCHED AREA)M ;n FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR ~ �� REPLACED WiTH No. 5 REBAR AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 p ` �ry SET No. 5 REBAR TH tr ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 300001 > `�-% ` EASEMENT LINE VACATED BY THIS PLAT EASEMENT LINE CREATED BACK LINE VACATED BY THIS PLAT ! .00 15 ' j 14 a' BY THIS PLAT �� SETBACK LiNE CREATED BY THIS PLAT t tP SET No. 5 REBAR WITH N4 �+j-�� ALUM, CAP, L.S. No. 30091 ZN -I LOT 1 O U*i 0.272 ACRES 1772 ALPINE DRIVE /' Q LOT 11 INDICATES BUILDING SETBACK `� \ °o -1� ` o 0.272 ACRES 1 t 1778 ALPINE DRIVE (p LOT 12 �ti t� 04 `~a°,. °g`�� `\. 4 0.272 ACRES SS �� 'e �- { 1788 ALPINE DRIVE �T►� �'�► 4 6 `• U0} \ LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE �''`� ��.��```�, �``•`' �''�. ,� 5' UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT LOT 1'' FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR ° `�'` '�• REPLACED WITH No. 5 REBAR AND ALUM, CAP, L.S. No. 30091 "`� 154,83' 38.39' S89 °41'00 "W — 193.22' FOUND PLAIN No. 4 REBAR REPLACED WITH No 5 REBAR fore Range Surveying, LLC to 953 South Frontage Road West h Suite 106 Vail, CO 8'1657 070) 79.8698 • fax ( 7o) 479 -0055 ! AND ALUM. CAP, L.S. No. 30091 LOT 18 LOT 19 LOT 20 1 VAIL VILLAGE No. A RESUBDIVISION OF LOTS 10, 11 & 12 TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO Z ry rn O LLJ N OD 0 rn (y < z W --i a I= IL W < w v 0 N Q W Q ~ 72 za z C� o �zw w 0 Certificate of Dedication and Ownership Know all men by these presents that Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation, being sole owners in fee simple, and Firstbank of Avon, being mortgagee of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado described as follows: Amended Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 10, 11 & 12, per the plat thereof recorded September 7, 2005 under Reception No. 928724 in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, containing 0.816 acres more or less; have by these presents laid out, platted and subdivided the same into lots and blocks as shown on this final plat under the name and style of Second Amended Final Plat, Vail Village West, Filing No. 1, A Resubdivision of Lots 10, 11 & 12, a subdivision in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle; and does hereby accept the responsibility for the completion of required improvements; and does hereby dedicate and set apart all of the public roads and other public improvements and places as shown on the accompanying plat to the use of the public forever; and does hereby dedicate those portions of said real property which are indicated as easement on the accompanying plat as easements for the purpose shown hereon; and does hereby grant the right to install and maintain necessary structures to the entity responsible for providing the services for which the easements are established. EXECUTED this day of , A.D., 20 Owner: Dantas Builders, Inc. Address: PO Box 4015 a Colorado corporation Avon, CO 81620 By: Title: STATE OF )SS COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this day of , A.D., 20_, by as of Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation. My Commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. Mortgagee: Firstbank of Avon By: _ Title: STATE OF Address: 11 West Beaver Creek Blvd. Avon, CO 81620 )SS COUNTY OF ) The foregoing Certificate of Dedication and Ownership was acknowledged before me this day of A.D., 20____, by as of Firstbank of Avon. My Commission expires: Witness my hand and official seal. Notary Public Tittle Certificate Land Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that the Title to all lands shown upon this plat have been examined and is vested in Dantas Builders, Inc., a Colorado corporation and that title to such lands is free and clear of all liens and encumbrances, except as follows: Dated this day of , A.D., 20 Agent signature Address: 108 S. Frontage Road W. Vail, CO 81658 Agent name Administrator Certificate This final plat is hereby approved by the Town of Vail Administrator this 20 ATTEST: Town Clerk Town of Vail, Colorado Surveyor's Certificate Administrator Town of Vail, Colorado day of I, do hereby certify that I am a Registered Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, that this plat is true, correct and complete as laid out, platted, dedicated and shown hereon, that such plat was made from an accurate survey of said property by me and under my supervision and correctly shows the location and dimensions of the lots, easements and streets of said subdivision as the same are staked upon the ground in compliance with applicable regulations governing the subdivision of land. in Witness Whereof, I have set my hand and seal this day of , A.D., 20 Samuel H. Ecker Colorado P.L.S. No. 30091 GENERAL NOTES: 1) DATE OF SURVEY: MAY, 2005. 2) BEARINGS BASED UPON THE LINE CONNECTING THE MONUMENTS SET MARKING THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10 AND THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 10, BEING S73 °05 "18 "E (SEE DRAWING). 3) MONUMENTATION AS INDICATED HEREON. 4) THE SOLE PURPOSE OF THIS PLAT IS TO VACATE AND CREATE CERTAIN EASEMENTS AND BUILDING SETBACKS AS INDICATED HEREON. 5) THE BOUNDARY DIMENSIONS, EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS OF WAY SHOWN HEREON ARE PER THE RECORD PLAT FOR THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND TITLE SEARCH PERFORMED BY LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. V50012854, DATED DECEMBER 7, 2005. 6) NOTICE: ACCORDING TO COLORADO LAW YOU MUST COMMENCE ANY LEGAL ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THiS SURVEY WITHIN THREE YEARS AFTER YOU FIRST DISCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NO EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION BASED UPON ANY DEFECT IN THIS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS FROM THE DATE OF CERTIFICATION SHOWN HEREON. Certificate of Taxes Paid I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the entire amount of taxes and assessments due and payable upon all parcels of real estate described on this plat are paid in full. Dated this day of , A.D., 20 Treasurer of Eagle County Clerk and Recorder's Certificate This Plat was filed for record in the Office of the Clerk and Recorder at o'clock , on this day of , 20 and is duly recorded at Reception No. Clerk and Recorder By: , Deputy SE 0110912006 DRAW er.• DATE: CHECKED ar.• SE DRAWNC NO.. 04- 208am2 Q4 -208 SHEET 1 OF 1 " NO.. I I (D----E4 ROOF PLAN RRM LOPNER LEVEL FLOO 4)WA (�(4 6 444 S w"M 100 0 a) •• r- (.)0• 04 '-0 • LO x C: • 00004 0 c• 011 "1 00 c) 1 0 0 ON 0 c— O'�. 0— 70 • • Issue I Date DR5 5ubmf9sion 111/14/12 Job number: 1210 r,>rawn by: Mpp Checked by: Mpp Prawing Title: Floor Plans z U- V) 0 cn I D co.> • > c) L0 > •0 0- C) V) 0 _5 CL Issue I Date DR5 5ubmf9sion 111/14/12 Job number: 1210 r,>rawn by: Mpp Checked by: Mpp Prawing Title: Floor Plans ^E5T ELEVATION - NO CHAN&E5 Scale: 1/5" = 1'-0" r PLYWOOD 0 EAVE NEW SHED ROOF T.O. PL ao,o -g<ov a UpMq LEVEL A0 P BRACKET O NEW PECK FIER, I — NEW RETAINING WALL XIN NEW PATIO ON &R,4VF fill pow.01 MU - w. d1ill F-5 N4 W4 kN4 IeN& NH N1 WH ;M,P,4 F14 "go on 114 � �:ST �L�V�TIaN I NORTH ELEVATION - NO OHAN&ES Scale: 1/5" = 1'-0" T.O. FLYAOM S=99 LEVEL 0 1,.0. PLYW� 0 MIDDLE LEVEL 80W-Icr 40 TA, CONCRETE 0 MWROOM a— TA. CONCRETE a GARAGE I 00 r1--1 � r1-1 00 CV) Lo N -0 cl, Lo x C: 0 00 (D Co 01 00 c:> C? Lo 4- CL • t\ 0, CP, 0 D o V) Q- C: >, (n Lo ()0, (z 0• cn CL 0. E (D T.O. ELWOOD MW PECK EXTE1 5 qN O N I$ (D - -- -- — T.O. ft:: . U� LEVEL - - - -_ -- TD. PLY �vi=* EA Lo 0 s (D cy).> E o > Lo D • 00 0 • 4- 0 --j d- > T.O. PLYYiCCV a MAJN LEVEL � �:ST �L�V�TIaN I NORTH ELEVATION - NO OHAN&ES Scale: 1/5" = 1'-0" T.O. FLYAOM S=99 LEVEL 0 1,.0. PLYW� 0 MIDDLE LEVEL 80W-Icr 40 TA, CONCRETE 0 MWROOM a— TA. CONCRETE a GARAGE I 00 r1--1 � r1-1 00 CV) Lo N -0 cl, Lo x C: 0 00 (D Co 01 00 c:> C? Lo 4- CL • t\ 0, CP, 0 D o V) Q- C: >, (n Lo ()0, (z 0• cn CL 0. E (D Nil PECK EXTE1 5 qN (D V) Lo 0 (D cy).> E o > Lo D • 00 0 • 4- 0 --j d- > 0 MIDDLE LEVEL ---- TA. PLYWOOD 0 M2212-5LEV] _;_ri00P --------------- `5 GRADE T FN6HW GRADE — - — - — - — - — - - — - — - — _4 -- — - — - — - — - — - — -- T.O. CONCRETE tie T.O. a GARAGE T acow,-zm � �:ST �L�V�TIaN I NORTH ELEVATION - NO OHAN&ES Scale: 1/5" = 1'-0" T.O. FLYAOM S=99 LEVEL 0 1,.0. PLYW� 0 MIDDLE LEVEL 80W-Icr 40 TA, CONCRETE 0 MWROOM a— TA. CONCRETE a GARAGE I 00 r1--1 � r1-1 00 CV) Lo N -0 cl, Lo x C: 0 00 (D Co 01 00 c:> C? Lo 4- CL • t\ 0, CP, 0 D o V) Q- C: >, (n Lo ()0, (z 0• cn CL 0. E (D (D V) Lo 0 (D cy).> E o > Lo D • 00 0 • 4- 0 --j d- > 155ue I Date DRSSubmis5ion 111/14/12 Drawing Title: Elevations 5heet Number. A3.1 f BUT 9 :`may ��. � ��`:,,, :.�. ;�,; .1�. �0.'.�a�a�� ���;a. �,\ <',�,'� .',a \�`'�,� \� i• ._-- -" �: �\�?\ �, �... a,\ �1. a, � i ,. >a�,. `ti.\'.\z „ \ „,y�\•* z:. S., „`v .�, :^: <,, ;<,.'•�'\?', \ , \.;� v \.ti;��., , \.,,: 0,-0 "`.. GA I t,. :.y,T'a�., :"\,. ,,,'' aa4`.,. , y.t»:�J. , , fir. ,\`,•; Y; 4;. :.,,�.: ti- . ; •, : „. :,`\` :".:^:,,�� .... "n \�- `,». ,: ..5 ,. ,'.\. \. $'� . ,, „ \.Q \\ c'a :'a.. ;.., `v \v � *"'�•,�� ' \.\ '�-\: ,:: 4^;m.�' . \ . „<a3. � •,�„1'`w\ \.:. ,�V,�s,,.v '+. �%� dJ N „��a,,.�, `a \'a'.`\"'2'`. ,. \., .nai?. :, •\'?±`.. ;3v , \.a �`.3?- ,yam,.., ><'`.�. .��\ `c ?� „��":";.. ,.e , .,t:: \ . ;:..:c'�,.a' .,- ^^'".. z ry F, 0W00 Fp <z W -I o a. W Ir 'CLLR; a:` '•:, \ c v,. `,va `,t , \ �. 4- ���, '>- k.; , n:':, i, .:'a.,, a. `a \ \ w, ..\.v , *�, � �. x,;fi . � \ ,, $'vim ^v "".•. -/ PROPOSED DEGiG EXTENSION :5..•.. ..•h o`��' ...\ a:. `s>,v .% ..;�'S'`,,L,.1vz,M. ,`.t\S. ?, \, ,v;, �,' i,'aa`\.,.. ,y\ „ \.. »,,�, :, ti .:.,. .w,`ti,1 .. \.;,;y: .;� ..x,.,» .< :.`'�`»'>>.,,> "� :'. \. tip, v. ��.. \,v�>'w,'.` .,\,h4.. 'a,�.�` .'�\?.>, ` \....> :,,. \•>,<`., \., :.a: ^�7! �. »�., ,... \.,.,... 1J ^.., v•<� :` :�`$\. ,4 a�> ,\ :. :4���:.�,w��:?,.•'3 : \. ,a.`o �: :,'t`t',,, ., \.. °:3,`;,tia „^ia �2s., ..a , :; \'�Z`a: �, ..`w.. \,<. +. 9 P1111 BUILDING HAW':7F r' ,f EXISTING BUILDING NO GH,4NOES r � 1 W alL B5 i y� 80 *76 37 BACK EXISTING /r r BYV 50 *70.5.7 /Q-A- ZOOF OYERH, E35 f` (EXISTING) PROP05ED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE LINE V) 0 N , Q w o 6 z EVERGREEN TREES BS COLORADO BLUE 5PRUGE (5-6 TALL 4 PIGEA PUNOENS DEGIDUOU5 TREES A aUAtKING A5PEN 2 "-3" CALIPER 8 VC POPULU5 TREMULOIDE5 EVERGREEN 5HRUE35 CREEPING JUNIPER 5 OArLLON 3 JUNIPERU5 HORIZONTAL15 DEGIDU005 5HRU85 J P JA CKMAN POTENTILLA 5 GALLON 3 i POTENTiLLA FRUTIG05A 58 5ERVIGEBERRY 5 OAtLLON 3 AMELAtNGH IER /v `` DF DISTURBANCE LINE ,,. SITE DISTURBANCE DIA&RAM PROP05ED AREA OF DISTURBANCE 6"75 50 FT P05ED LIMIT ?I5TURBANCE LINE M G&APHEC 3C98 3!r NW a SiTE DEVELOPMENT DIAGRAM LOT 10 A NArLY515 Scale: 1" = 30'-0" TREES B5 OA .n. t♦r 5B G..l JP SITE - NO GH,AN6,,E5 TO EXi5TIN6 51TE AREA - �\ ► y° SETBACK AGRE5 MAIN LEVEL GRFA - A, FROF05EV LIMIT OF DRIVEWAY AREA - DISTURBANCE LINE 50 FT MINIMUM SNOW 5TORAGE 4% 50 FT !rl►Wl.F - - • 5NOW 5TORA6E AREA - 701 50 FT f r )�Q 'iris ,it `� r /►t� 4 BM 51TE D15TURBANGE - PROP05ED BN 6060.25 ALLOWABLE 51717E D15TURBANGE N1- 5E3 BELOW FINISHED FLOOR FLIT FUfTLR@ NIB NOT705CALE STRUCT STRUCTURAL @ 60% - 7,10g 50 FT EXISTING SITE P15TURBANCE - YJ i -W- "i Ali LOYqER POOL 65% ED PROP05ED NEW B5 BOTH SOE5 FLRN MAtM5H OD OVTWE VW4ETER TV TELEYrIm YSIATERFALL 675 5Q FT BLDG 6% UPPER FOOL -'I ( �►ru... ORI&IN POOL AT �► TOP OF fir, ►�!� °,` i 1 LANDSCAPE .1�► ►r cr r L CLOSET 6Y6 6YPSUHI WALLBOARD PLMB PLUMON& 7YF TYPCA. CLOTHES DRYER HDW HAXP WRE PLY FLYW OO U6 UNDER6R0{No @ 20% - TYA 50-10.25 50 FT 5�61 8064.25 1,773 50 FT PROPOSED NEON 51TE COVERAGE - 34 5Q FT TIN 80176.25 1,807 OJAI 801Z25 C✓5 COUNTER CTER SW NCL WCLLM (D) (N6) RS RCU60 SAM YCT VINYL OOMPOSITOI THE 1 W alL B5 i y� 80 *76 37 BACK EXISTING /r r BYV 50 *70.5.7 /Q-A- ZOOF OYERH, E35 f` (EXISTING) PROP05ED LIMIT OF DISTURBANCE LINE V) 0 N , Q w o 6 z EVERGREEN TREES BS COLORADO BLUE 5PRUGE (5-6 TALL 4 PIGEA PUNOENS DEGIDUOU5 TREES A aUAtKING A5PEN 2 "-3" CALIPER 8 VC POPULU5 TREMULOIDE5 EVERGREEN 5HRUE35 CREEPING JUNIPER 5 OArLLON 3 JUNIPERU5 HORIZONTAL15 DEGIDU005 5HRU85 J P JA CKMAN POTENTILLA 5 GALLON 3 i POTENTiLLA FRUTIG05A 58 5ERVIGEBERRY 5 OAtLLON 3 AMELAtNGH IER /v `` DF DISTURBANCE LINE ,,. SITE DISTURBANCE DIA&RAM PROP05ED AREA OF DISTURBANCE 6"75 50 FT P05ED LIMIT ?I5TURBANCE LINE M G&APHEC 3C98 3!r NW a SiTE DEVELOPMENT DIAGRAM LOT 10 A NArLY515 Scale: 1" = 30'-0" TREES B5 OA .n. t♦r 5B G..l JP SITE - NO GH,AN6,,E5 TO EXi5TIN6 51TE AREA - 0.272 AGRE5 MAIN LEVEL GRFA - 11,848 50 FT DRIVEWAY AREA - 1,-lg5 50 FT MINIMUM SNOW 5TORAGE 4% 50 FT @ 30% - 53g 50 FT 5NOW 5TORA6E AREA - 701 50 FT PARKIN& 5PAGE5 REQUIRED - 4 EXT EXTERIOR MN Meow SO SQUARE AS SOON AS 1105649LE FO FACE OF M56 M5Cg4ANSOUS 5F SOJAKE FEET PARKING 5PACE5 PROVIDED - 4 BM 51TE D15TURBANGE - PROP05ED CHANGE5 ALLOWABLE 51717E D15TURBANGE OFF BELOW FINISHED FLOOR FLIT FUfTLR@ NIB NOT705CALE STRUCT STRUCTURAL @ 60% - 7,10g 50 FT EXISTING SITE P15TURBANCE - 7,732 50 FT BTU 65% ED PROP05ED NEW B5 BOTH SOE5 FLRN MAtM5H OD OVTWE VW4ETER TV TELEYrIm SITE DISTURBANCE - 675 5Q FT BLDG 6% CAB TOTAL 51TE D15TURBANGE - 8,407 5Q FT CENTER LINE 6C 6ENERAU. CONTRACTOR PLAST PLASTER Ted TONGUE AND 6RICOM 11% OC'LN6 6L "LASS, 6tAnD FLA5 PLAIWr, TIE TOP AND BOTTOM SITE GOVERAOE - PROPOSED CHANGES ALLOWABLE 51TE COVERAGE CLOSET 6Y6 6YPSUHI WALLBOARD PLMB PLUMON& 7YF TYPCA. CLOTHES DRYER HDW HAXP WRE PLY FLYW OO U6 UNDER6R0{No CAW @ 20% - 2,370 50 FT EXISTING 51TE COVERAGE - 1,773 50 FT PROPOSED NEON 51TE COVERAGE - 34 5Q FT TOTAL 51TE COVERAGE - 1,807 50 FT C✓5 COUNTER CTER SW NCL WCLLM (D) (N6) RS RCU60 SAM YCT VINYL OOMPOSITOI THE GRFA - NO GHANOE5 TO EX15TIN6 6054 FEET NFO NFOR.NATON�5�+��� RCE pir.14W COVE B06e Y VOLT ALLOWABLE ORFA - 5,302 5Q FT GARAGE FLOOR AREA CREDIT - 600 5Q FT DN,¢j OV+METE2 NT INTERIOR R5W RENFORCE t O) WT YC*W GARAGE FLOOR AREA - 584 50 FT UPPER LEVEL GRFA - 1,3g8 50 FT MAIN LEVEL GRFA - 1,761 50 FT MIDDLE LEVEL - 1,235 5Q FT LOWER LEVEL GRFA - 4% 50 FT GARAGE GRFA - O 5Q FT TOTAL GRFA - 4,5g0 50 FT + 5 W M C') L (N •`Li d. Nm0MN �00U6 I f Q V O LO Q t1i W ABBREVIATIONS AFF ABOVE FINSHED FLOOR EW EACH WAY LT USHT SECT SECTION ACCOOS AGGU5MAL ELECT ELECTRICAL MFR MAN WACTATE , SEW 5154!A ADD AVOIEVA, ADDENDUM V, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MATL HATER4. SPIT SHEET ADJ ADJACENT EL M "IATiON MO NOWNWe On"N6 SYF SHEET YNYLFLOORNG AG&R A66REGATE EN'SR ENWIMER MTL METAL SHLV SHMY ME) (NG) ALT ALTERNATE SO EGWVL MAX MAXMtN 51M BIMAAR. ALL" ADAM CUM EX6 EX5TN6 MPG" FBCW{I,A. SL SUDN6 APED APFROVED EJ WrA4510N.IONT MC MIZAA04CAL CONTRACTOR STC 5OLNO- TR%H5H1155)ON CAA% APPROX APPROXIMATE F-Ir PXPosm MW HIMM, 04W (AL) SPEC SPECIFICATION ARCH ARCHITECTNRA ASAP EXT EXTERIOR MN Meow SO SQUARE AS SOON AS 1105649LE FO FACE OF M56 M5Cg4ANSOUS 5F SOJAKE FEET EBR BASEBOARD RADIATION FN FNSH NOM NCMNAL 55 STAJNL 455 51EEL BM SEAM FF FREPRLOP NO NOT NCONTRACT $TD STANDARD ER6 BFJRIN6 FPL FRE'LACE NA NOTAPPLLCABL.E STL STEEL. OFF BELOW FINISHED FLOOR FLIT FUfTLR@ NIB NOT705CALE STRUCT STRUCTURAL BET BETYfiEN FLR FLOOR OG ON CENTER " S'J05T)ME ELK BLOCC FO FLOOR ORAN OP6 OP0#i6 5UFPL Surftrlmw 05W BASEMENT FT FOOT, FEET OPF OPPOSITE 545 SURFACED FOUR SOES BTU EMTSH THERMAL UNIT(S) FTC, FOOTN6 CORN ORNAKWA1. SUSP 505FIZI40(m) ED BOARD FON FOUNDATION OPM OrrO%M NANO TEL. TELEPHONE B5 BOTH SOE5 FLRN MAtM5H OD OVTWE VW4ETER TV TELEYrIm BO BOTTOM OF GAL GALLON PTN PARTITION TEMP TEll F BLDG BULDN6 CIA GA)6e d PP2A4Y MAILS, ECTJ THK THCK CAB CABINET 6ALY 6ALYNIZED PERF PERAPRA•TE(D) TLT TCRLET CL,OC CENTER LINE 6C 6ENERAU. CONTRACTOR PLAST PLASTER Ted TONGUE AND 6RICOM CLG OC'LN6 6L "LASS, 6tAnD FLA5 PLAIWr, TIE TOP AND BOTTOM CER CLK GAMIC 6R GRADE FL PLATE TO TOP OP CLEAR 6y" GYPSM FLEX PLS*5i.A05 T TREAD GL.O CLD CLOSET 6Y6 6YPSUHI WALLBOARD PLMB PLUMON& 7YF TYPCA. CLOTHES DRYER HDW HAXP WRE PLY FLYW OO U6 UNDER6R0{No CAW CLOTHES W1 -15"M NO HEAD PROD PRO.ECT U46L UNGLA M COL COu"N HVAC HEATN6, VENTN6, AND PROP PROPERTY UNFN UNFN5HED GONG AR CONPITNNb COS6CRETE O OT GdMRrt.Y TLE U 1 . UNLESS NOTED OMB W GAiSTR,JGTON -ow NORM HORIZONTAL Ott C:)A71ltTY VAN. uNLE55 OTHERYYSE NOTED CONT CONTINUOS HP NORSE FOYER R RA015 UBC UNiPORM BULON6 CODE CDORD COORDINATE HYN HOT FNTM HEATER. RD ROOF O?-Q 1 W VEWFY N FIELD CTR COQ "T HMHT RM RCGRN VE2T VERTICAL C✓5 COUNTER CTER SW NCL WCLLM (D) (N6) RS RCU60 SAM YCT VINYL OOMPOSITOI THE Cr 6054 FEET NFO NFOR.NATON�5�+��� RCE pir.14W COVE B06e Y VOLT DP DAMFRGOFN6 Me NSPEGTCR, iHSPEGTON RW RETAINNO WALL rN YNTER HEATER DEPT DEPARTMENT O ASIDE DIAMETER REF REFE2. WC WATER CLOSET DT1. DETAIN. 045UL NSUAATON RIM REFRGGRATOR W WATERPROOF DN,¢j OV+METE2 NT INTERIOR R5W RENFORCE t O) WT YC*W PM DA DTTENSON JT JOINT REXAR RENFORCNG EAR (5) rw MLOED FIRE FASRO D5HYN5HER JCT JNC.TON RESIL Re CH lUENT YC" Y*00D 7 Dom KM KLOWATT HOUR KWO KSCUPW W/ YM DR DRAM LAB. LABORATORY R REEK YVO MHOUT VA& DRAWN" LAM LAMINATE UGH D) NO RO OPBi{N6 ro MOOD EA EACH LAY LAVATORY SAN SANITARY YACC> YU^RKII* O ETN ERAL. NOT E5 1. All work shall be as specified and in accordance with all National, State and Local Codes, Laws, Permits and Ordinances, and shall be performed to the highest standards of craftsmanship by journeymen of the appropriate trades, 2. These documents are not intended to include all labor, materials, equipment, and services required to complete all work described herein. The General Contractor WC.) shall verify all dimensions and site conditions before starting work. 3. it i5 the responsibility of the G.C. to bring to the attention of the Architect any conditions which will not permit construction according to the intentions of these Contract Documents (CD's), and to notify the Architect at once if any discrepancies appear in the CD's, or between the CD's and existing conditions. It is the responsibility of the Architect to provide details and /or directions regarding design intent where it is altered by existing conditions or where neglected in the documents. 4. Should a conflict occur in or between drawings and specifications, the specifications shall take precedence, unless a written decision from the Architect has been obtained which describes a clarification or alternate method and /or materials. 5. Dimensions: 5.1, All dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions. 5.2. All plan dimensions are to face of concrete, face of stud, and center line of columnlbeam, U.O.N. 5.3. Floor to floor dimensions are from top of plywood subsurface to top of plywood subsurface, U.O.N. 5.4. verify in field N.I.F.) all existing conditions dimensions, locations and site conditions prior to new construction. 6. The G.G. shall submit samples of any materials proposed for substitution to the architect for review and approval before the work is to be performed. Mork shall conform to the approved samples. '7. The G.G. shall submit required shop drawings to the Architect for review and approval before the work 15 to be performed. Work shall conform to the approved shop drawings. 8. The G.G. shall be responsible for the safety and care of adjacent properties during construction, for compliance with federal and state 0.5.H.A. regulations, and for the protection of all work until it is delivered completed to the owner. a. The G.C. shall verify and coordinate all openings through floors, ceilings, and walls with all Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Electrical drawings. 10. The job site shall be maintained in a clean, orderly condition, free of debris and litter, and shall not be unreasonably encumbered. Each Sub- Contractor shall remove all trash and debris as of result of his/her operation upon completion of his/her work. 11. The G.C. shall perform all phases of construction such that all new construction fits flush and seamlessly with adjacent existing conditions, and shall not endanger any existing conditions or other work. 12. The G.C. shall provide all necessary blocking, backing, and framing for light fixtures, electrical units, A.G. equipment, recessed items, and all other items as required. 13. Provide smoke detectors in accordance with the 2o09 IRC. 14. All construction, staging, contractor parking and materials storage shall be confined to the limits of the existing driveway and the Immediate perimeter of the existing building. Ali activity performed as part of this project shall be contained on the project property. 15. Changes to these Contract Documents shall be noted in the field and maintained on -site for the duration of the project for construction observation. 16. utility meter locations to be approved by utility companies, 11. A standard ERWSD black water meter reader to be located next to utility meter locations to be read from each driveway. ENERAL. 51T1HO NOT .I.5 1. All work shall be as specified and in accordance with all National, State and Local Codes, Laws, Permits and Ordinances. 2. The General Contractor shall provide erosion control in conformance with Town guidelines. 3. The construction limit line is the contract line. Do not disturb any existing trees or vegetation designated to remain or located outside of the construction limit line without approval of the Owner and the Town. 4. The General Contractor shall verify existing site information, including structures, utilities, property lines, limits of roadways, and curbs and gutters that may affect the scope of work prior to beginning site construction. 5• Existing utilities are indicated for information only and not intended to show exact location. The Architect is not responsible for the location of underground utilities or structures, or anything not shown or detailed and Installed by any other contract. The General Contractor shall locate all utilities and maintain the location during all phases of the work. The General Contractor shall be responsible for any damages to utilities or structures and any injuries therefrom. Restoration of any utilities damaged by the General Contractor shall be at the General Contractor's expense to the satisfaction of the Owner. 6. Conform to Eagle River Water and Sanitation District specifications for sewer construction. Provide sewer cleanout with location to be reviewed by Town Engineer. -7. The General Contractor shall provide drawings showing proposed utility service connections for the Engineer's review prior to construction. 8. Road cuts and any other construction in road right - of-way shall conform to Town guidelines. 9. All compaction shall be in accordance with the Soils Report prepared by the Geotechnical Engineer, 10. Provide written notification of all discrepancies between existing and proposed site improvements. 11. Contractor(s) shall take all necessary steps as required to properly protect and maintain his work for the duration of this contract. 12. These drawings do not specify safety materials, equipment, methods or sequencing, to protect persons and property. it shall be the General Contractor's responsibility to direct and implement safety operations and procedures to protect the Owner, other Contractors, the public and others. 13. Contractor(s) shall employ a licensed surveyor to establish all work lines. 14. contractor(s) shall stake out all areas, including walks, pavements, walls, pools and fences and shall obtain the approval of the Architect prior to proceeding with the work. 15. Conflicts or discrepancies with grades shall be brought to the attention of the Architect immediately and prior to proceeding with work. 16. All finished grades shall provide for natural runoff of water without low spots or pockets. Set flow lines accurately and provide a minimum 2.5°lo gradient unless otherwise notes. 11. Gradually round off tops and toes of all planted slopes, unless shown otherwise in grading details. 18. Grade away from ail buildings at a minimum slope of 10% in unpaved areas and minimum slope of 2% in paved areas. 19. Cleanouts shall be provided for all changes in lines and /or grade or the sanitary sewer service. 20. Conform to City/Town standards for water construction. Maintain 10 feet minimum separation between water and sewer underground service pipes. Maintain seven feet minimum cover at underground water service and associated lines. New curb stops and service lines shall be installed for each unit. Curb stops shall located on the property line in a spot approved by the Town Public Works Director. 21. If utility connection points are not known at the time of building permit submission, locations to be coordinated and approved by Town and service providers in advance. + 5 W M C') L (N •`Li d. Nm0MN �00U6 I f Q V O LO Q t1i W 6 Z ..... Lo• O } > N_ a) C`0 E �'�nL0 N Q .c- 0-0 V) /�, U CN L- ; - -i-- -- h J > ! . d-,- 155ue I Date DRB Submission 11/14/12 Job number: 1210 Drawn by: mpp Checked by: mpp Drawing Title: Site Plan Number: MR