HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0615NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ,. �rwr�o�vArr: . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0615 Project #: PRJ12-0288 Job Address: Applied.....: 12/04/2012 Location......: TRACT E(ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT) Issued. ..: 01/02/2013 Parcel No....: 210108242011 OWNER MILL CREEK PROPERTY LLC 12/04/2012 5310 WARD RD STE G1 ARVADA CO 80002-0829 APPLICANT GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 12/04/2012 Phone: 970-845-5656 PO BOX 373 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003084 CONTRACTOR GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 12/04/2012 PO BOX 373 VAI L CO 81658 License: C000003084 Phone: 970-845-5656 Description: USE OF TRACT E FOR MATERIAL STORAGE ,GRADING PERMIT FOR NEW CONSTRUCTION OF A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE (CURRENTLY A/B PARCELS). Occupancy: Type Construction: Valuation: $150,000.00 ....................................................................,.....,.,..,.,. FEE SUMMARY ......._.................,......,_...,,..�............,.._..,,,....,.....,,.___ Building Permit -----------> $1,273.75 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $827.94 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $2,800.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $0.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Additional Fees--------------------> $2,805.00) Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $2,101.69 Payments-------------------------------> $2�101.69 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ..............................x...,........,......�.........,,«...............................,...........,..�........,....,..,...............,..............«......................... DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 � � T���i (�F �� j ..............................................x.x........,,.x.....,.......,......,........,...................................,.........,...........,....,..........,,,........,,..,, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: 612-0615 Address: Owner: MILL CREEK PROPERTY LLC Location: TRACT E (ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT) wfL�f1`1`Y`�kYrfYrYrfiYfxxxtet`4i*�kA'�kY`rtrtNA'iFRfkfwxff/r**1`1`i(kYrrtNiFV Y'YeYe4 V4k1`�F*1�RkLffi4#f�R�R4�Rx�tf*rt4kkYlil'i1'Yilfitft�f*f`k*�k�kf'�A�YkrtfrfrRR�Rf`Afrt`1�4ili(LkkYei4i49'Yr+4RX*�liF1(4Y1#hRhW ki4lritfr4l(4�k+YlrtYr#ikitf1�444kYrtY'ff �xteRt`44t�R�k• combination permit_012811 t i �� �� �� � ***.,.,,,*x**********,.*******.*.***.,**.,*..****.,**�,************.,**x******,*******,*�**********„**„*************,*,***.******�.,****.,*.*****.,,.,.,..*.**** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 612-0615 Address: Owner: MILL CREEK PROPERTY LLC Location: TRACT E (ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT) ******«*******«****************�******«««*******************«***.,***,***,..***************«***.,**************..***�**««««********„***********«********* Item: 00542 PLAN-FINAL Item: 00543 PW FINAL Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 *********************+****************+*****+******+******+****+**************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-02-2013 at 12:10:25 O1/02/2013 Statement ***********+***************************************************�**************************�* Statement Number: R120001944 Amount: $2,101.69 12/04/201209:49 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DR Notation: CK# 106897 GEORGE SHAEFFER CONST CO ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0615 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-4201-1 Site Address: Location: TRACT E (ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT) Total Fees: $2,101.69 This Payment: $2,101.69 Total ALL Pmts: 52,101.69 Balance: $0.00 ***********+*****************************************************+************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 1,273.75 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 827.94 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOWN OF VAIL ` Project Street Address: 303/305 Mill Creek Circle (Number) (Street) Building/Complex Name: Contractor Information Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 I Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMITAPPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) EastNVest (Suite #) Business Name: George Shaeffer Construction Company Business Address: PO Box 373 City Vail State: C� Zip: $1658 Contact Name: Mitch Sturde Contact Phone: 970-390-5605 Contact E-Mail: mitchs@gsconco.com I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinanc t i a le thereto. X Owner/Owner's Representative Signature (Required) Applicant Information Applicant Name: Mitch Sturde Applicant Phone: 9�0-390-5605 Applicant E-Mail: mitchs@gsconco.com Project Information Mill Creek Property LLC Owner Name: Parcel #: 210108248004 (East) & 210108248003 (West) (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970328-8640 or visit www. eag leeounty. us/patie) For Oftice Use Only: Fee Paid:�'a1 O\ leq Received From: �E� � — ST Cash Check # O�l �� ' CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: I Auth # Project #: 'Y�J l d " DRB #: ��1.� •�.��r i �� e. Building Permit #: � � oc — � lU' � Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Work Class: New (Oj Addition (�j Alteration (� Type of Building: Single-Family �j Duplex �j Multi-Family (Oj Commercial (Oj Other �jGrading Permit Work Type: Interior � Exterior �i Both � Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Electrical �Yes O)No OYes QNo Mechanical �Yes O)No QYes �No Plumbing �Yes QjNo �Yes �}No Building �Yes �No �Yes �No Value of all work being performed: $������ (value based on IBC Section 109.3 8 IRC Section 108.3� Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Dewatering, Soil Retention, Excavation in Preperation of new single family residence construction , � _. � : • 1 . " i r, • ,,. ' �% •• � : ± • � _� - �.. ■ '-. . (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: � v � � " � D DEC 0 3 Zp1Z TOWN OF VAIL i l �-- � �° `� � a p [ [� �_�j ��%j � �, � ����' ; e �, DEC 2 8 1UiZ � E �, AGREEMENT PERMITTING ENCROACHME�IT j"� �QF VAIL. 1 BENEFITING LOT 3, PARCELS A AND B, VAIL VILLAC'iE ������-`------�----�-__ .. ThisAGREEMENTP�RMITTING� ROACHMENT BENEFITING (this "Agreeme��t") is made as of the �r _ day of � z- - � � 2a12 by and betwcen THE VAiL CORPORATIUN, a Colorado co�potation ("VaiP'), and MILL, CREEK PROPERTY, LLG, a Colorado Iimited liability caEnpai�y ("Ownet"}, RECITALS A, Ownei is the owize� of certain real piopeity located in Vail Viilage Filing l, Eagle County, Colo�ado wit[� legai descc°iption of: Lot 3, Block 1, Parcel A., Vail Villaga Filii�g 1 according to the plat iecoicied on Februax�y 2�, 1986 at �ook 0436, Page 0982, Parcel No, 2109-082-48-003, 305 Mill Creek Citcle, Vail, Colorado, and Lot 3, Block 1, T'atcel B, Vai1 Viltage Filing 1 according to the plat recoi°ded �n February 24, 1986 at Book 04"36, Page 0982 being Parcel No.. 210t•082-48-�04, 303 Mill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado (the "Premises"). g, Vail is the owner of Vail Village Filing 5, Tract E, accoi�ding to the recorded ptats thereof, County of Eagie, State of Coloiado lying actjacent ta the Ptemises {the "VA Land"). C., A site suiwey plan f'oi° improvements to be located oy� the pcemises (tlze "Plan"} prapared by Ceres+ Landscape Arcliitecture ("�xl�ibit A"} is attached heieto and made a part Lteieof by reference, D, Ex(�ibit A af' the Plan sl�aws tl�at ce�taits vegetative landsct�ping elements are to be located on the VA Land, specifically riees and sliruUs, a heated plth and ielated iriigation (the "Improvements"). E. Vail is willing to pei�i�it the Improvements to e�lcioacl; onto the VA Land i�t coiisideration of ceita'tn unde�takings by Owner as set forth lierein and subject to tl�e teims and piavisians of this Agzeement. AGREEMBNT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals, the nlutual pramises contaitied herein and othei good anct valuable conside�ation the i�eceipt and sufficiency of which is hereby ack��owledged, the paities agree as follaws: Vail heieby gl'auts its conse�tt to the existence and use of !he lmproventents ovet, uiidei, abave and tl�►oE�gt� d�e VA�L���tst nto tl e IVA I.and s stiictly 1 nited aatl e Impiove�nents The right to consh'uet the In�pto which encroach onto tlie VA Land as depicteci on the Plan. The encioachmen# iighis gcanted by tlus Agree�nent shall be siiictly Iirr�ited io and solely for (i) the maintenance, replacement and t�se of the Improvements as depicted on #he Plan, (ii} the benefit of'Ownec, and its g«ests, tenants and invitees (collectively, tl�e "Permittees") and (iii) tliose activifies i°easonabl,y necessary %t fhe peifvtmance of tl�e obligations undertaken by Owner under fhis Agi�eeineni Acceptance of the encroachnient rights by Owner sha(1 consfitute Owner's agieement and consent as follows: 3. Imp��ovenients. (a) '�lie Imp��ovements shall be maintained, replaced and aperated at all tin�es (i) by �wner at �wnez°s sole cflst and expense, and Ownei shall beai° �Sl risk of loss o�° damage wi#h iespect tl�eieto and (ii) in co�npliance with ail applicable local, state a��d fedei�al regiilatoiy autlioiities. Fuitlzei°, Ownei� agrees to keep the Imp�ovamerits in good ordez, condition, i°epair and appea��ance (b) The Imp�ovements constiucted and insta(ied by Uwner shall i°emain tl�e piopeity, and therefore the r�esponsihiiity, oi Ownei; ptovided, hawevei, titat �wi�er hereby agrees that the Impi�ovenients are adjacetit ta a reca°eation path (the "Path"), a�id 4wnec hereby covenants not to impede, hi�idei° or halt use of tlie Patli by pedestiians and/or non-�motot�ized vehicles, e.g., bicycles, includi�ig but �iot limited to allowing the a�plicable In�provements in tl3e vicinity of ttie Path to overgrow tI�e Pati� o� caF�sing watec to spray over the Path during daytiine o�• eaiiy evening hours in the iti�igation of tha applicable Improvements.. (c} Any dainage oi loss to the Imp�ovetnents c�used by or aiising fi�om Vail's use af'the VA Land shafl be %aine by Owne�� at Owne�'s sole cost and expe�ise, Not�vithstanding anything in tliis Agreen�ent, Ownei• specifcally �cknowledges a�id agiees that tlie Improvements and any poztio�i of the i�npiavements, can ouly be installed on the VA Land as designated on said Exhibit A also known as the Ai�ea of Ericroact�nent, Mo��eover; any impc�ovement iitstalled oi� #he VA I.and is suhject to i�emova! by Vait oc by Propeity Owner if diiected by Vttil, at Pi°ope��ty Ownei's sole cost and expense {d) Under no circumstances whatsoeve� shall the Imp�avements oi° Any adclitional itnprovements [as defined in this subpac�agrap�t (d)] encroac[a onto the �IA Land except as provided herein and except as sho�vn on the Plan wit�iout the prioi wtitten consent of Vail, "Additionat Impiovements" shall include but a►�e not limited to any fu�tfie� imps�ovement locatecl on the VA Land not contemplated and not app��oved in this Agr�eement, (e) No tr�ees s�ialt l�e removed fi�om tlie VA Land (f) Owner hereby covenants and agi•ees that Owner shall bear ali costs with respect to ai�y di�aivage o� at(iei malfiinctiou caused by oi atisiug o�it of ihe design, canst��uctioli, maintenance, oi iriigation of'tlie Impi�ovements, including but not li�nited to The slope failure or ove�flow of'wate�� fioni iirigation of'the applicable Impi°ove�nents. (g) Owner si�all notiiy Vail of completion of the Impi�ovements and Vail shall have the right to co�iduct a field ieview of the completed Iinpraventents. OwneFS slzall make any ad'}ustnieuts to the Impiovements as directed by Vail 2,. Reveisi�u, At such tit�le a�id i�i the event the Improvemei�ts and the enci�oachment iights thereto shall be abandoned, Ownei s i�eal pz'operty inteiest puis«ant to this Agreement shali automatically �eveit to and be thereaf'te� meiged wit1� the VA Land, In suclz evsnt, Owne� shall, at its sale cost and expense, pi�epare and exe�ute such documentation th�t Vail deems necessa�y oi appi�op� iate to effect sucl� ��eve� sion in a foim and ca o f 1�� ���C unty �(=oloi doe�In ihe ev tx# the thei�eaftei be a�ecoided in the real ptoperty �ecords g Impravemenis and the encroachment iights the�eto ai°e abandoned, Owner shail zemove, oi cause to be relnoved, the Inipiove�nents (and atl of' Ownar's personal propecty, if' any) fiom the VA Land. 3. Indemni 4wi�ai' sgrees to inde�nalify, defend and hold hatmless Vail, its subsidiaiies and affiliates, agents, of�'icers, diiectois, seivants �nd e�nployees of and from any and all liability, claims, liens, desnands, actio�is ffnd cacises oiaction whatsoevei a�ising o�rt of oF �•elated to any loss, cost, damage or injucy, including death, o#� any pai"soi� oc dainage to propecty o£ any �Cind resulting in coc3nection with the use, existenca, and eneroachment of' the Improve�nents onto the VA Land, including without limi#ation, (1) those caused by Owner's ope��ations or the znisconduct or negligent acts, arrois or omissions of' Ownar, its subconts•actois, tlie Pein�ittees oi any pe�son diiectly oi indi�ectly employed by tlieni, oi any of then�, while engaged in aziy activity an the Tmpt�ovements or tlie VA Land, and (2) those caused by the design, const�uction, opeiat'tan, and ii�iigation of tlie Imp�ovements whethei aeeuriing duritig eonstructioi� of tlie Impcovements or a# any time tliei�eaftez , 4, Insuiance. OwneE, on behalf of itself; its successois and assigns shall, at all times, have izt effect a policy of general comprei�ei�sive liability insuY�iice i�amiug Vaii as named insured in the a�notmt of $2,OOU,000 pex occu�'eence coveiing loss, damage or injui,y caused by ot atising fro�n t3�e constcuction, maintenance oi use af the Improveinents on the VA Land Stich insnrance sl�all pk�ovide that any canceltation, reductiatt in amotYilt oi n�ateiial change in coveiage shall be effect'sve only upos� 30 days piior waitten notice to Vail and only witl� Vail's consent, at Vail's sote discre#ions. Owner shall fui�nish Vail with a certificate af insuiance evidencing sucl� policy and Vail's being n�jned additional insured, 5. Eneroach�nent App«itenant. Suf�ject to the p�ovisions of� Paiag�aph b lZe�°eof' and unless terininated as provided in Paragraphs 2 and 9 he�eof; the encY�oachment rigtits shall iun with tlle land and shall be appwte�iant �°d b nefits af tlie enetoaciunent iight ntnde�tl is Ag�eementhatl automatically transfer the buidens a �. Retention of Ri l� I�Iotwithstandi��g anything to the conh�aiy in tlie Agreement, Vail specifically retains a11 its right, title and intei'est in and to the VA Lai�d. 7. Successois at�d Assi�ns, Tlte teims, covenants and cof�ditions o�' this Agieement shall be binding an and inuce to tlie benefit of the successors and assigns of'all paities heieto. 8. I�Eo Lie}is, �wner shall not cause, saf'fer oi pei�nit any mechaiuc's, materialman's or other liens to attach ta o� be recorded a�ai��st the VA Land in conciection with the work to be peifotmed by Owne�� undei tI�'ss Agreei�3ent anc�/oi the maintenance oi replacen�ent of the Icnprovements by Ow�ier, In the eve��t diat auy rnecl�anic's lien is filed against ti�e VA Land iu connection with tha Improveineitts, Owner agiees to diligenfly cause such lien io be ieleased in tiie puhiic a�ecoids eithei by payment to tlie lienor or, if such Iien is in dispute, by p�-oviding a bond puisuu�t to fhe pt�ovisions o#' §§ 38-22-13I �nd I32, C.R,S, as amended and in effect at tlie time of the lien, rurther�, Owner shalt indemnif'y and hold Vail and tile VA Land harmless from any lass, cost oc� tiabilit,y arising out ofoc iizcuii�ed in connection witli any iiens 9. Default This Agreeme�at shall be in fa�ll force and effect foi �s long as Ownea� is in comptiance with the te�n�s of t(iis Agi�eetnent; however, if any of the conditions of tl�is Agi�eeineut fail io occin o� if' any obligatio��s ate bi°eacl�ed by Owne; or if' Owne� is in any way in default he�eunder (collectively, the "DefaulN'}, tlien, upon written notice fioaz� Vail to Uwne► of a Defautt, Ownei sl�all liave the ��ight to cw�e t(�e Default w'stliin a pei�iod af ninety (90} days. If Owner cuies the Default, wa�itten notice of st�ch cur�e shaEl be pr�ovided by Vail Tf Ownei does not cui�e the Defatxlt witivn sucli a�inety days, tl�eti this ,Agreement shal# be considered terminated by its teims and automatically beco►ne null and void and of no furthei #arce and effect, and Ownei slia!! have no encroactunent t°ights hereunder, and, fitrtiier, Ownec �gcees to execute sucli clocuments as ni�y be necessaty ot� desiiable ta effect the ter�uination of this Agi�eement. 1Q, EntiE�e A�reemei�t, Tl�is Agreement contains the e�itire �greement and i�ndei°standing of the parties with iespect to tl�e entite subject matter heieof; and tllere ace no i•epresentations, inducements, promises oc agreeineuts, oial or otheiwise, not embodied hereii� Tliis Ag�eenient specifically supersedes a�ry and alt piioi discussions, ag�eemenfs, proposals, iiegotiations and r�epresentatio�s relating heieto. 11. CQUnter�aits; Facsin�ile _Transmissioz� Tfiis Agceement may be executed by facsimile and/or in any nunibe� af cou��terpa►ts, any or all of wl�ich may contain the signatures of less tlian atl t��e parties, �nd all of wliich shall be coaisttueci iogether� as but a single inst►ument a�td shall be bindiug on the parties as thou�h originally executed on one oiiginaily executed document. All facsimile cou�lteipaits shall be p�omptly followed with delivexy of original executed counterpa� ts . F2, Miscellaneous. (a) lf any clause ot p�ovision of'this Agi�eement shal[ be held to be invalid in wltole or in pait, t[ien tlie ren3aiuing ciauses and pcovisions, or portions thereof; shall neveitheless be and �emain in fiill fbzce ���ci e#fect. (b) No amendment, alteiation, modification of' or addition to this Agreemenf shall be valid oi binding �inless expressed in wtiting and signed by tl�e parties to be bo�ind theieby.. (c) Ihe captions of' each section ar�e added as a mattei� af convenience only a�zd shalI be considered of no effect in the constiuction of'any piovision of this Agreetnent. (d) If any patty l�eieto shall bi�ing any suit o� action against anothei foi� relief; declarato�y oi otherwise, arising out of this Ag��eement, the p}�evailing pacty shali have and i�ecove�• against the othei� pa��ty, in adctitioi� to all couEt costs and disburseinents, such s�im as the Cauit tnay adjudge to be reasonable �ttoineys' fees. (�) Ihis Agc'eement shalt be governed by and inteipieted in accot°dance with the laws of the State af Colorado. (� Any and all wai�anties, piovisions, iights and obii�ations af'dta parties herein desciibed and agreed to be perfoiined subsequent to the te�mination of this Agieement shail sui�ive the termination of this Agt�eemei�# (g} Time is of' the essence witti i�espect to the pecFo� manee of eacl� of the cove►iants and agleements t�erein sei foith., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the patties hereto l�ave executed this Ag�eement to become e#fective as of tl�e date fi��st �vritten above, [Signatui'es on following pa�es�j �i 5 T��� VAIL CORPp ATION, A COLORADO CORI'ORATIOI�I By: �� . Narne: � _ Li�. � �'L�,-.� Title� -- �2,-• `t� r.� -�j2�,�w3 ST'ATE OF CULORADO } ) ss. County of'Eagle ) Ihe fo2�egoi��g insti umenf was acknowledged before me tI�is �% �� day of' GG �`�----� 2�12, byf%Le.,ri5,��,,�De1���i✓ _as� Y,�� /'a� �a-��.Coa_ of The Vail Cozpozation, a Colorado corporarion� Witness m,y hand and officia( seai. My commissioi� expires: ��Wtl@I Sl page] � � -�y ._ � - ,� �° ~ � NOtFlly ll 1C � � ..,�„_,�,_._.._,�.,----- ANpraveil aa to l�orn►; + Vaii Ncsorls !,c c wrlme�rU 13�: �--���Lw^ "'� •�-� �amc• C � '--I pa�e: ,����__' OWNETZ: MILL CREEK PR PERT'Y, L By:,�_ — , , Name; �vr,v �ln«<���-. Tit}e: /I�az�1s-���=--. STAT�E OF G� D���� County af ���`' ) ) ss } The foregoing instrument was aclu� wleciged Uefoze me this �� � day of' �f MiLL vG`v��'L.- , 24(�ty�by �c l/'t�11 ,�--�.. as Hn�►-J►d.tri.-rtr.- CREEK PROPERTY, LCC, a Colorado limited liabifity company. Witness my hand and official seal. �Ay Co���mi5slon �x�lr6s 12/Ui/2013 2���}1illti7ilq����IyH .sl'`��.� SJ ;� �?• V�'! ���°✓. _. ..,��_ .' 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' � � /. r• � __•_:� -----� i�1fll Cr�eak Ctr•cte Residenca 7 �v�7.1C5t41GnkG�da i v�I,Cok� ? _-'-"- �—' --- ExxzBZT A � x�8���.h^ ���� �f�� �zti� r i� i � 4 i S�� °[ 3 � I x i?; ii i � �. .. � � � Ceres+ � w.c.nn�•+n � �F C010 �_=^ � e���"'�+�90 N �� o **��� * � '�/876* Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Facility Located at: Facility Location Defned �ischarge Outfall to Surface Water Outfall Number 001 A CERTIFICATION TO DISCHARGE UNDER CDPS GENERAL PERMTT COG070000 CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING OPERATIONS Certification Number: COG074300 This Certification to Discharge specifically authorizes: George Shaeffer Construction to discharge from the facility identified as Mill Creek Circle Residence Lot 3 to: Mill Creek 303 Mill Creek Circle, Eagle County, Vail, CO 81658 Latitude 39.639, Longitude -106372 Discharge Outfall Description The dewatering effluent will discharge to Mill Creek approximately 100 feet northwest of Mill Creek Circle. The estimated discharge flow rate is 200 GPM. Permit Limitations and Monitoring Requirements apply to OOlA as outlined in the Permit Part I.B and Part I.0 Discharge Limitations MaximumConcentrations Monitoring SampieType Parameter Units 30-Day 7-Day Frequency Average Average Daily Max. APPLICABLE TO ALL DISCHARGES AS LISTED IN GENERAL PERMIT i, (Minimum-Maximum) S•u• NA Nq 6.5-9.0 Weekly In-situ otal Saspended Sotids, and Grease, mg'� 30 45 NA Weekly mg�� NA NA 10* Weekly GPM Report NA Report Weekly Jil and Grease Visuai I I Nq I NA I NA I 64066 SITE SPECIFIC PARAMETERS Total Dissolved Solids*** mg�� NA NA Report 70295 * If a visible sheen is observed, a grab sample shall be collected and analyzed for oil and grease, **Required for discharges to the Colorado River Basin Weekly Monthly Grab Grab* Instantaneous or Continuous Visual Grab Certification is issued 11/26/2012 Effective ll/26/2012 Certification Expires: ll/30/2011 Administratively Continued This certification under the permit requires that specific actions be perfarmed at designated times. The certification holder is legally obligated to comply with all terms and conditions of the permit. Signed, � / � � y...�-r._- , ,; J s. � � ��,� : . �Y� � f � : __ _-_ � �,� I.� ;U-� � u Nathan Moore Construction, MS4, & Pretreatment Unit Manager '��C �' ��� ��� Water Quality Control Division -��wr� oF v�Ai� u�,.o 1 .,f 1 5 m � ` ���� � �1Z,����� � t L.- � � ��� � 0 pEAK LAND CONSULTAfYTS, INC. .; � ���. .;�__�-. '� � � � ��u��. � �. �.. �,u�.� s�,�y� �� ._. ,� L° (� C�� 5 �- . � ��� ��7 970-476-8644 • FAX 970-476-8616 •1000 LIONS RIDGE LOOP • VAIL, CO 81657 December 28, 2012 Warren Campbell, Chief of Planning Town of Vail Community Development Department __.._.._,_�__ __ . 75 South Frontage Road ;j � � � Vail Colorado 81657 ;I �6 ��'� �� i �� I�!` \`� � � �� , � � OEC � � 1u�� RE: B12-0615 303/305 Mill Creek Circle { � Response to Excavation and Shoring Plan Comments �,oWN 0� �A�L Dear Warren, In response to your Planning Comments dated December 20, 2012, I am providing additional information for clarification. I have included your original comments for your reference. 1. Please provide a clear description of the detention basin function and design. The detail drawing is understood, but the vault is shown to be triangular. Are perforated S foot diameter pipe going to be configured in a triangular shape? Is the hatching in the detention vault gravel? The underground detention storage vault provides additional storage and flowrate reduction for foundation subdrain drainage discharges. In response to TOV comments concerning increased discharge flows, we understand the TOV's request to eliminate the higher rate of dischaxge. The vault is designed to provide additional storage volume and also promoting extended storage time. Furthermore, the vault will provide storage while facilitating percolation flows to recharge groundwater. The proposed detention vault consists of a system perforated corrugated metal pipe (CMP) including stone bedding, backfill, geotextile, impermeable liner, and outlet pipe. The vault provides approximately 850 cubic feet of storage on a 230 square foot footprint. Please see civil sheet C1.0 and C2.0 for design and details. Flow from the foundation subdrain system is pumped from the collection manholes and routed to the vault. Based on the hydraulic report by Ganser Lujan & Associates, long-term foundation flows are estimated to be 75 to 100 gallons per minute (gpm), with potential for maximum flows of 250 gpm. Average flows of 100 gpm are anticipated to fill the vault and percolate flows back to the groundwater table. Maximum flows of 250 gpm are only anticipated during high groundwater seasonal variations in spring months during May and June. In the event of the maximum high flow exceeding the vault's storage and percolation capacity, high flows will overflow to daylight via the overflow outlet pipe. The overflow outlet pipe drains to daylight on 303/305 Mill Creek Circle property and ultimately drainage is conveyed to Mill Creek, with rip rap outlet protection at the outfall. 2. Sheets C1.0 and C2.0 show two different drainage and discharge solutions for the site. Why don't all these drainage needs go to the detention vault? There appears to be some conflict between the vault outlet and the outlet for the drainage at the lower entry to the pool house. Page 1 of 2 Sheet C1.0 is the Foundation Subdrain Plan. C1.0 provides the design for the foundation subdrain system including foundation drain pipes and pump manholes. Related to Comment #1 above, the foundation drain system will discharge to the detention vault as indicated on the plans and narrative described above. Sheet C2.0 is the Storm Drain Plan. C2.0 provides the design for storm drainage including surface runoff and roof drains. It includes the storm drain pipes, inlets, and outlet locations to daylight. The discharges for C 1.0 and C2.0 keep foundation drainage separate from storm drainage. In other words, groundwater is separated from surface water. Foundation drainage, or groundwater, is based on the discharge from the foundation subdrain system and pumps. Storm drainage, or surface water is based on runoff from precipitation flowing on the surface. The foundation drainage is clean, clear water that does not require water quality improvement; stortn drainage is surface runoff that will be conveyed through pipes and inlets (with sumps) in order to improve water quality. Please refer to sheets C 1.0 and C2.0 for foundation drainage and storm drainage, respectively. 3. Is the drainage outlet in the northwest corner of the site far enough back from the property line or is it discharging onto the adjacent property too close to the shared property line? The drainage outlet previously shown at the northwest corner of the site has been moved to the west of the lower entry of the pool house. Please refer to sheets C 1.0 and C2.0. The detention vault and piping from Inlet-(1) discharges 13.1 feet west of Inlet-(1). Note that piping from storm Inlet-(5) and the 90-degree bend is routed to the vault's overflow outlet pipe and to daylight. The discharge location is on 303/305 Mill Creek Circle property and ultimately drainage is conveyed to Mill Creek. 4. Sheets C2. 0 and C3.0 seem to show the discharge outlets along the west property line in slightly d�erent locations. Please disregard sheet C3.0 at this time. See sheets C1.0 and C2.0 for the latest drawings. I hope you find these clarifications to be complete for response to your comments. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, comments, or require additional information. Sincerely, .�- r,�-- • Romeo A. Baylosis P.E. Vice President/Project Manager Cc: Mitch Sturde, George Shaeffer Construction Kyle Webb, K.H. Webb Architects Enclosures Page 2 of 2 Email: romeo@peakland.net 1000 Lions Ridge Loop Vail, Colorado 81657 P: (970) 476-8644 F: (970) 476-8616 � KlariFiPrTM {<eepiny �Isides Greer� and �la�er�aar{s G�ean �or orer 25 l�ears� activated by: Stoi'mK1eaC. KlariFi�rTM .��*} ,� � �4�. �� �' � :��¢' � � �T �:; �. �ii .�M��..,`�+ a . . 2 ��., ���°�� : ;�i`9�� "'�" �'�,:� � � �.��;�� � t � �y . 1 �'+' �1,` .� w , k" " r /. . �.: � ' � , ii �� � 1 � � f i {'1Z,Pi (* n, � WSy �'i� "'� � � a t k V,�,� 3.. !.ir'*, r. E . ' � � R f �w .� �^"`� _ t'�'a � . �: Keeping water clean in and around jobsites just got easier. How is that possible when today's standards are tougher than ever you ask? The Klarifier�" activated by StormKlear is the answer! Midwest Construction Products' KlarifierT"" featuring StormKlear's Dual Biopolymer system incorporates a modified sediment retention bag with preloaded Biopolymer injection system inside. While the common sediment retention bag of the past works well at taking some sediment out of the water, they do not get the water to today's compliancy levels. i�����r� �II a: y.;•'.'+ ` r: �.h.,., : R,ti�: f Conta�hi�ated 1Nat� �� : �'.. How does it all work you ask? Contaminated water is pumped from the construction area with a standard jobsite dewatering pump at a rate of 800 to 1000 gallons per minute. The outflow hose of the pump is connected to the Ktarifier's Activation Injection Port. The Activation Injection Port is part of the Klarifier's injection baffle system designed specifically to agitate, dose, and activate the StormKlear Dual Biopolymer system. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 TOWN OF AIL.`' Tel: 970.479.2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator TRANSMITTAL FORM Use this form when submitting additional information for planning applications or building permits. This form is also used for requesting a revision to building permits. A two -hour minimum building review fee of $110 will be charged upon reissuance of the permit. Application /Permit #(s) information applies to: Ala. -r) Project Street Address: 30 m► t /, Ue:E k CACi✓E (Number) (Street) (Suite #) Attention: 0 Revisions 0 Response to Correction Letter _attached copy of correction letter Deferred Submittal ((C) Other Building /Complex Name: P)) LL t&.Y 9&P t! LC I Description of Transmittal/ List of Changes, Items Attached: Applicant Information (architect, contractor, owner /owner's rep) Contact Name: � D&se A AEEF61Z IAUIS r Address: r�X 3''13 City V R 1 L State:— zip: 211458 Contact Name: A " SAl JIIte Contact Phone: 2(7 3 Fo SL o S Contact E -Mail: � iTth . %LCQ ki l 0 ►^'1 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zonin Pnd subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, Inter ti - ing and Residential Codes and other ordinanc own a livable thereto. X Owner /Owner's Representative Signature (Required) For Office U se O nly: Fee Paid: Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp. date: Authorization # (use additional sheet if necessary) Building Permits: Revised ADDITIONAL Valuations (Labor & Materials) (DO NOT include original valuation) Building: Plumbing: Electrical: Mechanical: Total: Date Received: D [E C IEodFE n DEC 17 2012 U TOWN OF VAIL Warren Campbell From:Warren Campbell Sent:Thursday, December 20, 2012 2:09 PM To:JR Mondragon; Martin Haeberle; Leonard Sandoval Cc:Warren Campbell Subject:B12-0615 303/305 Mill Creek Circle excavation and shoring plan comments Planning Comments: 1. Please provide a clear description of the detention basin function and design. The detail drawing is understood, but the vault is shown to be triangular. Are perforated 5-foot diameter pipe going to be configured in a triangular shape? Is the hatching in the detention vault gravel? 2. Sheets C1.0 and C2.0 show two different drainage and discharge solutions for the site. Why don’t all these drainage needs go to the detention vault? There appears to be some conflict between the vault outlet and the outlet for the drainage at the lower entry to the pool house. 3.Is the drainage outlet in the northwest corner of the site far enough back from the property line or is it discharging onto the adjacent property too close to the shared property line? 4.Sheets C2.0 and C3.0 seem to show the discharge outlets along the west property line in slightly different locations. Warren Campbell Chief of Planning Community Development Department 970.479.2148 vailgov.com twitter.com/vailgov 1 COGGINS & S0. 31a. - 6(.0 1,5 Caisson Drilling, Excavation Shoring, Tieback Anchors DESIGN CALCULATIONS EARTH RETENTION for PROJECT NO.: 5436 MILL CREEK RESIDENCE VAIL, CO Prepared for GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 41011 HIGHWAY 6 AVON, COLORADO 81620 TEL: 970-390-5605 FAX: 970-845-7013 Prepared By: JAMES V. WARNICK, JR. P.E. COGGINS &.9Qh&JNC. DATE: NOVE 42839 gft OVAL 2012 9512 Titan Park Circle • Littleton, Colorado 80125 • (303) 791 -9911 • FAX (303) 791 -0967 COGGINS & SO 1 Caisson Drilling, Excavation Shoring, Tieback Anchors DESIGN CALCULATIONS INDEX for PROJECT NO. 5436 PROJECT: MILL CREEK RESIDENCE ITEM NO. I DESCRIPTION PAGES 1 SOILS S1.0-S1.5 2 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 25' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S2.0-S2.6 3 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 20' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S3.0-S3.5 4 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 16' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S4.0 - S4.4 5 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 11' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S5.0-S5.4 6 TEMPORARY FACING CALCULATION S6.0 7 "L -PILE 5.0" ANALYSIS OF CANTILEVER MICROPILE 12' EXPOSED HEIGHT S7.0-S7.3 8 "L -PILE 5.0" ANALYSIS OF CANTILEVER MICROPILE 9' EXPOSED HEIGHT S8.0-S8.3 9 10 11 12 9512 Titan Park Circle • Littleton, Colorado 80125 • (303) 791 -9911 • FAX (303) 791 -0967 si. o BORING .1 BORING 2 BORING 3 ELE1/.= 8210.2' ELEV. =8210.3' ELEV. =$209.6' 8215 8215 8210 Fm 8210 8180 8180 Note: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. 112111A- ��U�til LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 5/.( 10/12 13/12 8205 WC =5.4 - X200 =19 28/12 '• :,: WC =12.1 200=42 8205 APPROXIMATE MILL CREEK WATER LEVEL, ELEV.= 80/12 8202J3-(6,5/1M2)- 8200 23/12 -WC=3.9 30/12 8200 +4 =39 .:• - 200 =15 o PROPOSED BASEMENT 55/12 FLOOR LEVEL WEST ;;; a� PORTION, ELEV,= 8195,5' `•' w 8195 31112 33/12 t ': 8195 w WC =5.0 +4 =53 0 p i - 200 =12 — 8 PROPOSED BASEMENT 8 ; FLOOR LEVEL EAST 20[12 20112 8190 - �'_ :.. 18/12 —� PORTION, ELEV.= 8192.5' WC=10.9 +4 =47 8190 � g 38/12 - 200 =12 _ s 000 8185 - - 39/12 34/12 $185 8180 8180 Note: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. 112111A- ��U�til LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 5/.( 151.2- LEGEND: ® ASPHALT PAVEMENT, about 3 inches thick. Encountered only at Boring 1. CONCRETE PAVERS AND SAND; walkway concrete pavers about 3 inches thick over approximately 2 inches of a sand leveling course. Encountered at Borings 2 and 3. FILL; silty to clayey gravelly sand with scattered cobbles, loose to medium dense, moist; brown to red - brown, roots and wood debris, ?fit SAND AND GRAVEL (SM -GM); with cobbles and small boulders, silty, occasionally clayey, medium dense to (� dense, slightly moist to moist becoming wet with depth, brown to red - brown. e o GRAVEL AND COBBLES (GM -GP); with boulders, slightly silty, sandy, dense, wet, brown. a Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 13/8 inch LID. split spobnsample, ASTM -1586, 10/12 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 10 blows of a 140 pound hammer fairing 30 inches were required to drive the SPT sampler 12 inches. 0,1,6 Free water level in boring and number of days following drilling measurement was taken. TPractical drilling refusal, where shown above bottom of log indicates multiple attempts were made to advance the boring to the depth shown. > Depth at which the boring caved before installing the slotted PVC pipe. Boring 3 was backfilled after drilling and and free water level measurement. [A Indicates slotted PVC pipe installed in boring to depth shown. NOTES: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on May 16 and 17, 2012 with 4 -inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measured approximately by taping from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were measured by instrument level and refer to the Bench Mark shown on Figure 1, 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may. be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under the conditfons indicated. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content +4 = Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve DD = Dry Density (pofl -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve 112 111A I t—(B. -Ch LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURE $ HFFwp RTH-PAWLAK (B.-Ch ' 1 r 1 B w Asa ®w�r.ww� e�orw� �rr.v� �r..�mrwraw s r��i� i i•.�mr itr��i•�o ��m�r����i.� w m.�r i. ®ice aw awm�voi.rmss� ��it. �l�.s � rti �s�mimsww��w���r� ®���r•����m�m.�� �� �� �� ®mewvme0 ®� Mm�sl�� mwi.•�m.ms.�. i •! .��ss.ra�w������. ®w.r�w��sw��.� mw ®i s����mr v.� ��mra� o. ®��.w i. •me�.o Leo ./ s���ww��i .��w�.��ra����i•w�ww.�r.mri ww��■r.�w�e��r� ®w w►�rsw ��wwv.i �0i is W�IJ�.�i.0��i•. m!i1.i 4m�it� i• �i• �mOiAM �i•i��0r�l.d�� MWA�wm���.�wrom�r�0 �i•� ®���I�011i.dl.i • .�ww�r���i��ww�i_ov wvw•w�ra���rw�mwr� w ivy iw rr� w��m�.��rowwm�� ��ss m.m :1 i..�.re��. ■�wsw.��v� �� ® ®�i.nd� ®wwa.�� m�.1�i�I1.Y0♦.�mR �O ®mw���Illo�em�i.�10 �emr�m•m.v��� ��v��w��m ao �o owa • 1 w����rS�O�r .��A1� ®�.w�w1�� »www�Or.O w ®i.�swrrwwiir w i.i�wwi.rr�ww w mr� �� i.l.r•d�di�iwm�. on ®.�i ®��i•i•i•0 -� t��mwm..� 11 ���w��rw���� •�w�w�wm�wa��r.w�ei�.�r�� 1• 11 11 Il• ! • 1 ! � 1 11 •1i • 1 1 .y 112 111A 100 90 80 70 60 Z W Q a. 60 t- Lu U x LLI 40 n 30 20 �V l I GRADATION TEST RESULTS ICAI- (FIGURE 5 N S/, y >•�m�i m dlOi•1��'i•�. m� mwm. mi. ®�I�O� d � . .� wn a a�si•= MOMM 112 111A 100 90 80 70 60 Z W Q a. 60 t- Lu U x LLI 40 n 30 20 �V l I GRADATION TEST RESULTS ICAI- (FIGURE 5 N S/, y HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 1 SAMPLE BORING 1 2 3 LOCATION DEPTH 4 10 IS 15 NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT 5.4 3,g 5.0 10.9 NATURAL DRY DENSITY SUMMARY GRADATI OF ON LABORATORY PERCENT PASSING NO.200 SIEVE TEST ATTERBERG RESULTS LIMITS AASHTp CLASSIFICATION Job No. 112111A SOIL OR BEDROCKTYPE GRAVEL 39 53 47 SAND 46 35 31 LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC INDEX 19 15 12 Silty Sand and Gravel (Fill) Silty Sand and Gravel Silty Sandy Gravel Silty Sand and Gravel 12 CA M O Z 0 �y LU Z D rn LU � L7 XX ~ Q W 0 LL W U Dete: 11 -29 -2012 SneilHin 3.18 Pile-. 5436 — HILL CREEK RESIDENCE H -25 LLI W U') O Q' LL (0 CD U W Q N rn Q O M Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.59 Y =� W � ao o O � � _ = 9.0 Ft Behind Hall Crest U J Z Z Oo0O At Hall Ioe W 0 < U Z LEGEND: H- 25.0 ft PS- 24.0 Nips ^ PY- 47.0 Hsi / Sh- 7.0 Ft Su- 4.11 ft p N PHI CAF SIC 1 p0. deg psF ysi O 130.0 34 0 21.0 � I O N W W O O O -j 0 M Z 2 � Scale - 10 Ft — Y 0 X 11 < V C) �U� •1 Z Z ti � M � O OJ V LJLLJ JOB NO.: 5436 ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY. — 62.1 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:09:30 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 25.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Soil Weight Angle Length Stress (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. --- - - - - -- SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Page - 1 Unit Friction Cohesion Bond* Coordinates of Boundary Soil Weight Angle Intercept Stress XS1 YS1 XS2 YS2 Layer (Pcf) (Degree) (Psf) (Psi) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 130.0 34.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * Bond Stress also depends on BSF Factor in Option #5 when enabled. File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE --- - - - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. 1 I --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels = 5 Horizontal Spacing = 7.0 ft Diameter of Reinforcement Element = 1.000 in Yield Stress of Reinforcement = 47.0 ksi Diameter of Grouted Hole = 5.3 in Punching Shear = 24.0 kips (For ALL Levels) Reinforcement Lengths = 20.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.8 ft Page - 2 52,E 52.3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.728 4.0 78.7 20.4 89.9 5.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 43.406 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 4 = 38.390 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 5 = 33.374 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 1.585 8.0 60.8 11.5 80.9 15.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 37.782 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 1.667 12.0 54.2 12.3 72.3 15.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 39.512 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 5Zy File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 4 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 1.695 16.0 50.6 22.7 78.0 7.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 26.238 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 42.392 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 40.560 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 5 1.666 20.0 47.6 23.7 61.9 8.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 17.637 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 36.730 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 41.453 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 1.646 24.0 36.7 20.9 60.1 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.133 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 13.319 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.959 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.218 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 52• S File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 5 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 1.631 28.0 36.7 20.9 48.1 16.8 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 13.104 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.959 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.218 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 1.669 32.0 38.0 40.6 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.146 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 41.330 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 44.698 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 1.717 36.0 34.8 43.8 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 8.055 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.512 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.974 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 5 2.6 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 6 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 1.768 40.0 32.0 47.2 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 0.451 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 30.042 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 19.637 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** M O z 11 O LC1 LLI 0? z o- LU Cn u, ~ �l W O LL LO Int.: 17. -T.9 -2012 SnailHin 3.18 File- S436 - HILL CREEX RESIDENCE N- 2H J LU LI_I Cii 19 6 LL CD U LU Q N M Q M Minimum Factor Y 00 C:) of Safety = 1.85 I W U) U O rn LLJ — U = 4.0 ft Behind Wall Crest U J O O O O At Wall Iue W > _ Q 11 U Z LEGEND: 11= 20.0 ft PS- 22.0 Nips P FY= 47.0 Hsi V Sh- 7.0 ft Su= 4_S ft GAM PHI CON SIG p[£ deg O psf psi 1 130.0 34 0 21.0 CA 1 CV ti O CO /^ w 00 O v, M J O _ Z�QQ U [)� LL Scale 10 It Y O U� U Z Z � V � ~ O O J w U Lo t= � (37 J F- JOB NO.: 5436 O ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY: JNM/ File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:24:11 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 20.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE -- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coord Intercept Stress XS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option Lnates of Boundary YS1 XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.0 0.0 0.0 #5 when enabled. 53.1 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE --- - - - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS -- Number of Reinforcement Levels Horizontal Spacing Diameter of Reinforcement Element Yield Stress of Reinforcement Diameter of Grouted Hole Punching Shear --- - - - - -- (For ALL Levels) 4 = 7.0 ft 1.000 in = 47.0 ksi = 5.3 in 22.0 kips Reinforcement Lengths = 20.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.5 ft Page - 2 53.Z 533 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.853 4.0 71.6 6.3 81.9 14.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 46.857 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 43.457 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 3 = 40.057 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 4 = 33.829 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 1.972 8.0 51.3 7.7 77.1 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 40.535 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.231 12.0 52.4 17.7 78.7 6.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 46.560 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 40.165 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 2.529 16.0 43.2 8.8 55.6 17.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 41.308 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 43.782 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) 51,1 NODE 5 2.575 20.0 33.7 14.4 56.3 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 22.170 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 36.146 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 2.477 24.0 29.1 16.5 51.3 15.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 8.390 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 24.668 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.384 28.0 15.9 14.6 48.8 21.3 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 10.736 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 28.250 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.384 32.0 17.4 13.4 39.8 25.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 10.539 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 32.975 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 2.392 36.0 15.5 14.9 36.5 26.9 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi S3.5-- 2 = 3 = 4 = MINIMUM DISTANCE SAFETY BEHIND FACTOR WALL TOE (ft) 1.791 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 26.287 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE PLANE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 2.509 40.0 18.4 12.6 29.7 32.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 5.668 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.105 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 15.655 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** M O Z O W W Z rn W L7 U) O LL Date: 11 -79- 7.4717. File: S43L - KILL CREEK AESIDEXCF. II -If SnailHin 3.18 � W U O J W t0 W CO W' LLOU7 U W Q 04 rn Q M Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.73 Y = m 00 o 0, WC70Urn C7 = 4.0 ft Behind Wall Crest U W Z Z O O At Wall I.. � w � Q D U Z_ LEGEND: PS= 17.0 Hip. H- 16.0 Et FY= 47.0 Hsi Sh- 7.0 Et Se- 4.6 ft GAM PHI p.f SIG ptE deg Dsf psi O 1 130.0 34 0 21.0 O i r N_ ti /A 00 O vJ W 0 M J QXX � Q ZU< U Stale - 10 ft Y O r r� V a U r (� Z V C) O F- J 0 UCN C f— W C, 0) J JOB NO.: 5436 ISSU ED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY: JVW File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:30:15 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 16.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coord Intercept Stress XS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option inates of Boundary YS1 XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.0 0.0 0.0 #5 when enabled. 6 %1 ■. . i File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 Page - 2 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE --- - - - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT --- - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels = 3 Horizontal Spacing = 7.0 ft Diameter of Reinforcement Element = 1.000 in Yield Stress of Reinforcement = 47.0 ksi Diameter of Grouted Hole = 5.3 in Punching Shear = 17.0 kips (For ALL Levels) Reinforcement Lengths = 15.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.6 ft ,S Y, Z 5q.3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.733 4.0 63.4 3.6 79.4 13.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 39.577 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 35.039 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 3 = 30.500 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 2.045 8.0 45.0 9.1 80.5 9.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 40.046 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 44.102 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 37.719 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.246 12.0 41.6 9.6 63.4 10.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 28.650 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 39.859 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.263 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 2.326 16.0 40.6 14.8 53.1 8.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 16.654 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 38.671 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.760 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE 'UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE ' FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 5 2.243 20.0 14.9 6.2 45.8 20.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 5.129 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 24.736 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 44.343 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE 6�, MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR NODE10 2.608 DISTANCE BEHIND WALL TOE (ft) 40.0 LOWER FAILURE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) 11.3 8.2 UPPER FAILURE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) 24.2 35.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 0.323 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.827 Ksi (Pullout controls...) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 13.361 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 2.150 24.0 12.5 7.4 40.6 22.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.410 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.005 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.326 28.0 15.9 5.8 32.7 26.6 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 17.063 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 44.973 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.379 32.0 14.0 6.6 29.4 29.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 11.032 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 41.644 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 2.440 36.0 12.5 7.4 26.6 32.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 5.470 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.573 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM SAFETY FACTOR NODE10 2.608 DISTANCE BEHIND WALL TOE (ft) 40.0 LOWER FAILURE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) 11.3 8.2 UPPER FAILURE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) 24.2 35.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 0.323 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.827 Ksi (Pullout controls...) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 13.361 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** M O Z LO O IT W U Ib U o Z W rn i (n W Z Data: 11 -29-2012 SnailHin 3.10 Pile: 5436 - HILL CREEK RESIDENCE H -11 W U LO CD -� W (D LLL L M O 6 U W Q N M Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.94 Y = 0 0 LLII W C9 0 rn = 16 -0 ft Behind Wall Crest U Z Z At Wall Ioe LO 0 C9 v < V Z LEGEND: - PS- 13.0 Kips H= 11.0 ft FY- 47.0 Ksi Sh- 7.0 ft r Z Sa- 4.6 ft GBH PHI CON SIG ncf deg psf ysi O 1 130.0 34 0 21.0 ti 0 O Ln � N ti rn w 0 M V I J Z�<Stale - 10 ft p Y r J Q O 0 � U Z Z ro-11 �+ tOA O� J M � �w V O J F- (n JOB NO.: 5436 d ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY: JVW File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 12:23:50 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 11.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coord Intercept Stress XS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option inates YS1 (ft) 0.0 #5 wh of Boundary XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft) 0.0 0.0 an enabled. X5,1 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE --- - - - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels Horizontal Spacing Diameter of Reinforcement Element Yield Stress of Reinforcement Diameter of Grouted Hole Punching Shear (For ALL Levels) 2 7.0 ft = 1.000 in = 47.0 ksi 5.3 in 13.0 kips Reinforcement Lengths = 10.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.6 ft Page - 2 ss �- 5s3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 2.012 4.0 47.7 3.0 77.2 9.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 33.688 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 28.242 ksi (Punching.Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 2.164 8.0 28.8 4.6 65.6 9.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 20.509 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 30.809 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.091 12.0 10.4 6.1 58.8 11.6 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 4.930 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 18.185 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 1.944 16.0 12.9 4.9 41.5 14.9 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 21.990 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 5 2.104 20.0 10.4 6.1 35.3 17.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.383 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) <55-� NODE 6 2.260 24.0 8.7 7.3 30.5 19.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 11.360 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.414 28.0 7.5 8.5 26.8 22.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 6.834 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.671 32.0 6.5 9.7 23.8 24.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 4.798 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 2.874 36.0 0.0 7.2 20.9 30.8 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 1.412 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 3.077 40.0 7.8 8.1 17.2 33.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 7.986 Ksi (Pullout controls...) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 9.385 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 5G� 0 MILL CREEK (TEMPORARY) JOB NO: BID NAIL HEAD SERVICE LOAD Ff (pg. 97) 0.5 Ka (SLOPE ACCOUNTED) 0.503 HEIGHT OF WALL (ft) 21.0 IN -SITU DENSITY (pcf) 130.0 HORIZONTAL SPACING (ft) 7.0 VERTICAL SPACING (ft) 5.0 NAIL SERVICE LOAD (Kips) 24.0 FLEXURE STRENGTH VERTICAL SPACING (ft) 5.0 HOR. SPACING (ft) 7.0 MESH 4 WALER BARS (dia -in) (1) 0.625 VERTICAL REIN. (dia -in) (1) 0.500 ADDITIONAL VERT. REIN. (dia- in)(1) 0.000 WALL THICK (in) 4.0 GROUT HOLE (in) 5.25 BEARING PLATE 8 STEEL GRADE (psi) 60000 SHOTCRETE (psi) 4000 Cf (Table 4.2 pg. 89) 2.00 NAIL HEAD STRENGTH FACTOR 0.66 4 0.99 4.0 1 4.0 0.31 1840 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1147 0.20 67 DESIGN HEAD (Kips) 39 0.00 26 ALL. NAIL HEAD Kips 27 8 0.5 VERTICAL DIRECTION HORIZONTAL nlRFCTInN As (NEG) (sq. in) 0.99 As (POS) (sq. in) 0.60 My (NEG) ( #- in /in) 1840 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1147 NOM. HEAD (Kips) 67 DESIGN HEAD (Kips) 39 ALL. NAIL HEAD (Kips) 26 As (NEG) (sq. in) 1.45 As (POS) (sq. in) 1.45 My (NEG) ( #- in /in) 1918 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1918 NOM. HEAD (Kips) 39 ALLOWABLE NAIL HEAD LOAD GREATER THAN ESTIMATED HEAD SERVICE LOAD; HENCE, OK PUNCHING SHEAR Cs (Table 4.2 pg. 89) 2.0 D'c (in) 12 Dc (in) 16 Ac (sq. in.) 201 A c (sq. in.) 22 Vn (Kips) 38 NOM. HEAD (kips) 41 ALL. NAIL HEAD Kips 27 ALLOWABLE NAIL HEAD LOAD GREATER THAN ESTIMATED HEAD SERVICE LOAD; HENCE, OK VERTICAL BARS Lc /20 (in) 3.0 15Db (in) 7.5 d (in) 2.0 TOTAL REIN. 0.40 Lvb (in) 25 WAI FR RARS L (in) 1 12 Ld = (1.7)Ldb 20 SPLICE LTH (in) 20 MESH 1.5(Ldb) (in) 4 Swire + 2 (in) 6 8 (in) 8 SPLICE LTH (in) 8 DEVELOPED LENGTH 7.5 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po LPILE Plus for Windows, version 5.0 (5.0.39) Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading using the p -y Method (c) 1985 -2007 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to: James Warrick Goggins & Sons Inc. Path to file locations: \ \Serverl \coggins \Jobs \2012 JOBS \5436 MILL CREEK \Calcs\ Name of input data file: 3 -5 OD WALL 449.lpd Name of output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po Name of plot output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1pp Name of runtime file: 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1pr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time and Date of Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Date: November 29, 2012 Time: 12:34:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- MILL CREEK 3.5" O.D. 0.449 WALL THICKNESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program options ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- units used in computations - us customary units: Inches, Pounds Basic Program Options: Analysis Type 2: - Computation of ultimate Bending Moment of Cross Section (Section Design) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computation of Nonlinear Bending Stiffness for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Dimensions and Material Properties of Steel Pipe Section: outer Diameter of Pipe = Pipe wall Thickness = Yield Stress of Pipe = Elastic Modulus = Cross - sectional Area = Moment of Inertia = Elastic Bending stiffness = Definition of Run Messages: 3.50000 in. 0.44900 in. 80. ksi 29000. ksi 4.30366 sq. in. 5.116 inA4 148367. kip -in2 Y = part of pipe section has yielded Page 1 510 '54,i 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po Axial Thrust Force = 0.000 kips Bending Bending Bending Max Comp Minimum Depth to Run Curvature Moment stiffness Strain Strain N Axis Msg rad /in. ------- - - - - -- in -kip ------- kip -in2 in /in in /in in 0.00003350 - - - - -- 4.97030471 ------- - - - - -- .148378.20989 ------- - - - - -- 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- - 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- 1.75000000 - -- 0.00006700 9.94060941 148378.20989 0.00011724 - 0.00011724 1.75000000 0.00010049 14.91091412. 148378.20989 0.00017586 - 0.00017586 1.75000000 0.00013399 19.88121883 148378.20989 0.00023448 - 0.00023448 1.75000000 0.00016749 24.85152354 148378.20989 0.00029310 - 0.00029310 1.75000000 0.00020099 29.82182824 148378.20989 0.00035172 - 0.00035172 1.75000000 0.00023448 .34.79213295 148378.20989 0.00041034 - 0.00041034 1.75000000 0.00026798 39.76243766 148378.20989 0.00046897 - 0.00046897 1.75000000 0.00030148 44.73274237 148378.20989 0.00052759 - 0.00052759 1.75000000 0.00033498 49.70304707 148378.20989 0.00058621 - 0.00058621 1.75000000 0.00036847 54.67335178 148378.20989 0.00064483 - 0.00064483 1.75000000 0.00040197 59.64365649 148378.20989 0.00070345 - 0.00070345 1.75000000 0.00043547 64.61396120 148378.20989 0.00076207 - 0.00076207 1.75000000 0.00046897 69.58426590 148378.20989 0.00082069 - 0.00082069 1.75000000 0.00050246 74.55457061 148378.20989 0.00087931 - 0.00087931 1.75000000 0.00053596 79.52487532 148378.20989 0.00093793 - 0.00093793 1.75000000 0.00056946 84.49518002 148378.20989 0.00099655 - 0.00099655 1.75000000 0.00060296 89.46548473 148378.20989 0.00105517 - 0.00105517 1.75000000 0.00063645 94.43578944 148378.20989 0.00111379 - 0.00111379 1.75000000 0.00066995 99.40609415 148378.20989 0.00117241 - 0.00117241 1.75000000 0.00070345 104.37640 148378.20989 0.00123103 - 0.00123103 1.75000000 0.00073695 109.34670 148378.20989 0.00128966 - 0.00128966 1.75000000 0.00077044 114.31701 148378.20989 0.00134828 - 0.00134828 1.75000000 0.00080394 119.28731 148378.20989 0.00140690 - 0.00140690 1.75000000 0.00083744 124.25762 148378.20989 0.00146552 - 0.00146552 1.75000000 0.00087094 129.22792 148378.20989 0.00152414 - 0.00152414 1.75000000 0.00090443 134.19823 148378.20989 0.00158276 - 0.00158276 1.75000000 0.00093793 139.16853 148378.20989 0.00164138 - 0.00164138 1.75000000 0.00097143 144.13884 148378.20989 0.00170000 - 0.00170000 1.75000000 0.00100493 149.10914 148378.20989 0.00175862 - 0.00175862 1.75000000 0.00103842 154.07945 148378.20989 0.00181724 - 0.00181724 1.75000000 0.00107192 159.04975 148378.20989 0.00187586 - 0.00187586 1.75000000 0.00110542 164.02006 148378.20989 0.00193448 - 0.00193448 1.75000000 0.00113892 168.99036 148378.20989 0.00199310 - 0.00199310 1.75000000 0.00117241 173.96066 148378.20989 0.00205172 - 0.00205172 1.75000000 0.00120591 178.93097 148378.20989 0.00211034 - 0.00211034 1.75000000 0.00123941 183.90127 148378.20989 0.00216897 - 0.00216897 1.75000000 0.00127291 188.87158 148378.20989 0.00222759 - 0.00222759 1.75000000 0.00130640 193.84188 148378.20989 0.00228621 - 0.00228621 1.75000000 0.00133990 198.81219 148378.20989 0.00234483 - 0.00234483 1.75000000 0.00137340 203.78249 148378.20989 0.00240345 - 0.00240345 1.75000000 0.00140690 208.75280 148378.20989 0.00246207 - 0.00246207 1.75000000 0.00144039 213.72310 148378.20989 0.00252069 - 0.00252069 1.75000000 0.00147389 218.69341 148378.20989 0.00257931 - 0.00257931 1.75000000 0.00150739 223.66371 148378.20989 0.00263793 - 0.00263793 1.75000000 0.00154089 228.63402 148378.20989 0.00269655 - 0.00269655 1.75000000 0.00157438 233.60432 148378.20989 0.00275517 - 0.00275517 1.75000000 0.00160788 238.53039 148350.69714 0.00281379 - 0.00281379 1.75000000 Y 0.00164138 243.32514 148244.30394 0.00287241 - 0.00287241 1.75000000 Y 0.00167488 247.93935 148034.37488 0.00293103 - 0.00293103 1.75000000 Y 0.00170837 252.35135 147714.31215 0.00298966 - 0.00298966 1.75000000 Y 0.00174187 256.55247 147285.49031 0.00304828 - 0.00304828 1,75000000 Y 0.00177537 260.54238 146753.89112 0.00310690 - 0.00310690 1.75000000 Y 0.00180887 264.30203 146114.67908 0.00316552 - 0.00316552 1.75000000 Y 0.00184236 267.81438 145364.48386 0.00322414 - 0.00322414 1.75000000 Y 0.00187586 271.12551 144533.81312 0.00328276 - 0.00328276 1.75000000 Y 0.00190936 274.25113 143635.13221 0.00334138 - 0.00334138 1.75000000 Y 0.00194286 277.18147 142666.92998 0.00340000 - 0.00340000 1.75000000 Y 0.00197635 279.85870 141603.47710 0.00345862 - 0.00345862 1.75000000 Y 0.00200985 282.38821 140501.97511 0.00351724 - 0.00351724 1.75000000 Y 0.00204335 284.75929 139359.05313 0.00357586 - 0.00357586 1.75000000 Y 0.00207685 286.88648 138135.56217 0.00363448 - 0.00363448 1.75000000 Y 0.00211034 288.91359 136903.49293 0.00369310 - 0.00369310 1.75000000 Y Page 2 532- 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po 0.00214384 290.74115 135616.84538 0.00375172 - 0.00375172 1.75000000 Y 0.00217734 292.45496 134317.54738 0.00381034 - 0.00381034 1.75000000 Y 0.00221084 294.07026 133013.05981 0.00386897 - 0.00386897 1.75000000 Y 0.00224434 295.55736 131690.39263 0.00392759 - 0.00392759 1.75000000 Y 0.00227783 296.99460 130384.73754 0.00398621 - 0.00398621 1.75000000 Y 0.00231133 298.30781 129063.26303 0.00404483 - 0.00404483 1.75000000 Y 0.00234483 299.58977 127766.22184 0.00410345 - 0.00410345 1.75000000 Y 0.00237833 300.76678 126461.58732 0.00416207 - 0.00416207 1.75000000 Y 0.00241182 301.91118 125179.67204 0.00422069 - 0.00422069 1.75000000 Y 0.00244532 302.98158 123902.61682 0.00427931 - 0.00427931 1.75000000 Y 0.00247882 304.00302 122640.32508 0.00433793 - 0.00433793 1.75000000 Y 0.00251232 304.99093 121398.34590 0.00439655 - 0.00439655 1.75000000 Y 0.00254581 305.90186 120158.81379 0.00445517 - 0.004455.17 1.75000000 Y 0.00257931 306.81278 118951.47732 0.00451379 - 0.00451379 1.75000000 Y 0.00261281 307.63855 117742.50261 0.00457241 - 0.00457241 1.75000000 Y 0.00264631 308.44980 116558.65005 0.00463103 - 0.00463103 1.75000000 Y 0.00267980 309.23948 115396.34758 0.00468966 - 0.00468966 1.75000000 Y 0.00271330 309.96062 114237.47978 0.00474828 - 0.00474828 1.75000000 Y 0.00274680 310.68176 113106.87706 0.00480690 - 0.00480690 1.75000000 Y 0.00278030 311.36695 111990.59013 0.00486552 - 0.00486552 1.75000000 Y 0.00281379 312.00652 110884.66765 0.00492414 - 0.00492414 1.75000000 Y 0.00284729 312.64609 109804.76687 0.00498276 - 0.00498276 1.75000000 Y 0.00288079 313.25327 108738.73615 0.00504138 - 0.00504138 1.75000000 Y 0.00291429 313.81898 107682.97983 0.00510000 - 0.00510000 1.75000000 Y 0.00294778 314.38468 106651.21798 0.00515862 - 0.00515862 1.75000000 Y 0.00298128 314.93636 105637.93527 0.00521724 - 0.00521724 1.75000000 Y 0.00301478 315.43517 104629.63688 0.00527586 - 0.00527586 1.75000000 Y 0.00304828 315.93398 103643.49890 0.00533448 - 0.00533448 1.75000000 Y 0.00308177 316.43280 102678.79869 0.00539310 - 0.00539310 1.75000000 Y 0.00311527 316.88756 101720.70307 0.00545172 - 0.00545172 1.75000000 Y 0.00314877 317.32584 100777.75968 0.00551034 - 0.00551034 1.75000000 Y 0.00318227 317.76412 99854.66773 0.00556897 - 0.00556897 1.75000000 Y 0.00321576 318.20241 98950.80686 0.00562759 - 0.00562759 1.75000000 Y 0.00324926 318.58808 98049.38972 0.00568621 - 0.00568621 1.75000000 Y 0.00328276 318.97164 97165.72860 0.00574483 - 0.00574483 1.75000000 Y 0.00331626 319.35521 96299.91921 0.00580345 - 0.00580345 1.75000000 Y 0.00334975 319.73878 95451.42602 0.00586207 - 0.00586207 1.75000000 Y 0.00338325 320.07914 94606.96633 0.00592069 - 0.00592069 1.75000000 Y 0.00341675 320.41333 93777.25598 0.00597931 - 0.00597931 1.75000000 Y 0.00345025 320.74752 92963.65651 0.00603793 - 0.00603793 1.75000000 Y 0.00348374 321.08171 92165.70319 0.00609655 - 0.00609655 1.75000000 Y 0.00351724 321.39701 91377.57769 0.00615517 - 0.00615517 1.75000000 Y 0.00355074 321.68673 90597.11930 0.00621379 - 0.00621379 1.75000000 Y 0.00358424 321.97645 89831.24892 0.00627241 - 0.00627241 1.75000000 Y 0.00361773 322.26617 89079.56132 0.00633103 - 0.00633103 1.75000000 Y 0.00365123 322.55589 88341.66615 0.00638966 - 0.00638966 1.75000000 Y 0.00368473 322.82320 87611.10699 0.00644828 - 0.00644828 1.75000000 Y 0.00371823 323.07298 86888.99361 0.00650690 - 0.00650690 1.75000000 Y 0.00375172 323.32275 86179.77510 0.00656552 - 0.00656552 1.75000000 Y 0.00378522 323.57253 85483.10914 0.00662414 - 0.00662414 1.75000000 Y 0.00381872 323.82230 84798.66538 0.00668276 - 0.00668276 1.75000000 Y 0.00385222 324.06412 84124.05997 0.00674138 - 0.00674138 1.75000000 Y 0.00388571 324.27813 83453.92711 0.00680000 - 0.00680000 1.75000000 Y 0.00391921 324.49213 82795.24951 0.00685862 - 0.00685862 1.75000000 Y 0.00395271 324.70613 82147.73594 0.00691724 - 0.00691724 1.75000000 Y 0.00398621 324.92014 81511.10495 0.00697586 - 0.00697586 1.75000000 Y 0.00401970 325.13414 80885.08448 0.00703448 - 0.00703448 1.75000000 Y 0.00405320 325.33741 80266.76272 0.00709310 - 0.00709310 1.75000000 Y 0.00408670 325.51950 79653.39409 0.00715172 - 0.00715172 1.75000000 Y 0.00412020 325.70158 79049.99895 0.00721035 - 0.00721035 1.75000000 Y 0.00415369 325.88367 78456.33598 0.00726897 - 0.00726897 1.75000000 Y 0.00418719 326.06575 77872.17162 0.00732759 - 0.00732759 1.75000000 Y 0.00422069 326.24784 77297.27970 0.00738621 - 0.00738621 1.75000000 Y 0.00425419 326.42992 76731.44121 0.00744483 - 0.00744483 1.75000000 Y 0.00428768 326.58892 76169.05968 0.00750345 - 0.00750345 1.75000000 Y 0.00432118 326.74265 75614.17643 0.00756207 - 0.00756207 1.75000000 Y 0.00435468 326.89637 75067.82985 0.00762069 - 0.00762069 1.75000000 Y 0.00438818 327.05010 74529.82443 0.00767931 - 0.00767931 1.75000000 Y 0.00442168 327.20382 73999.97061 0.00773793 - 0.00773793 1.75000000 Y 0.00445517 327.35754 73478.08452 0.00779655 - 0.00779655 1.75000000 Y Page 3 573 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment capacity for section 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ------------------ 1 0.000 kips 328.6 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. C'he.%71� / /1r�5uut� =340 Gip • 3� It! E� = 37(12 X11111 , 64.W �uyt4r auc; 51r /d+e, Z F'1 -V,, ,-,, �" .E- Sur� lc a yrrr .r- yS� --1��? IqS I IT V= O1= Y3(v)(H) f{T D �3 �l� �c, lMv� �wT - ZS7o IL ,� Z 5Z > 2y £r , Page 4 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po 0.00448867 327.51127 72963.98777 0.00785517 - 0.00785517 1.75000000 Y 0.00452217 327.65129 72454.47807 0.00791379 - 0.00791379 1.75000000 Y 0.00455567 327.77994 71949.96315 0.00797241 - 0.00797241 1.75000000 Y 0.00458916 327.90859 71452.81341 0.00803103 - 0.00803103 1.75000000 Y 0.00462266 328.03723 70962.86873 0.00808966 - 0.00808966 1.75000000 Y 0.00465616 328.16588 70479.97362 0.00814828 - 0.00814828 1.75000000 Y 0.00468966 328.29452 70003.97702 0.00820690 - 0.00820690 1.75000000 Y 0.00472315 328.42317 69534.73213 0.00826552 - 0.00826552 1.75000000 Y 0.00475665 328.55181 69072.09633 0.00832414 - 0.00832414 1.75000000 Y --------------------------------------------------------------------------- summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment capacity for section 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ------------------ 1 0.000 kips 328.6 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. C'he.%71� / /1r�5uut� =340 Gip • 3� It! E� = 37(12 X11111 , 64.W �uyt4r auc; 51r /d+e, Z F'1 -V,, ,-,, �" .E- Sur� lc a yrrr .r- yS� --1��? IqS I IT V= O1= Y3(v)(H) f{T D �3 �l� �c, lMv� �wT - ZS7o IL ,� Z 5Z > 2y £r , Page 4 6sx) 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po LPILE Plus for Windows, version 5.0 (5.0.39) Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled shafts subjected to Lateral Loading using the p -y Method (c) 1985 -2007 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to: James Warnick Goggins & sons Inc. Path to file locations: \ \Serverl \coggins \Jobs \2012 JOBS \5436 MILL CREEK \Calcs\ Name of input data file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.lpd Name of output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po Name of plot output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1pp Name of runtime file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1pr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time and Date Of Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Date: November 29, 2012 Time: 12:34:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- MILL CREEK 3.5" O.D. 0.254 WALL THICKNESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program options ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- units used in computations - us customary units: Inches, Pounds Basic Program options: Analysis Type 2: - computation of ultimate Bending Moment of cross section (section Design) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computation of Nonlinear Bending Stiffness for Section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Dimensions and Material Properties of Steel Pipe Section: outer Diameter of Pipe = 3.50000 in. Pipe Wall Thickness = 0.25400 in. Yield stress of Pipe = 80. ksi Elastic Modulus = 29000. ksi Cross - sectional Area = 2.59019 sq. in. Moment of Inertia = 3.432 inA4 Elastic Bending Stiffness = 99538. kip -in2 Definition of Run Messages: Y = part of pipe section has yielded Page 1 5�V. I 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po Axial Thrust Force = 0.000 kips Bending Bending Bending Max Comp Minimum Depth to Run Curvature Moment stiffness Strain Strain N Axis Msg rad /in. ------- - - - - -- in -kip ------- - kip -in2 in /in in /in in 0.00003350 - - - -- 3.33436469 ------- - - - - -- 99540.59026 ------- - - - - -- 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- - 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- 1.75000000 - -- 0.00006700 6.66872939 99540.59026 0.00011724 - 0.00011724 1.75000000 0.00010049 10.00309408 99540.59026 0.00017586 - 0.00017586 1.75000000 0.00013399 13.33745877 99540.59026 0.00023448 - 0.00023448 1.75000000 0.00016749 16.67182347 99540.59026 0.00029310 - 0.00029310 1.75000000 0.00020099 20.00618816 99540.59026 0.00035172 - 0.00035172 1.75000000 0.00023448 23.34055285 99540.59026 0.00041034 - 0.00041034 1.75000000 0.00026798. 26.67491755 99540.59026 0.00046897 - 0.00046897 1.75000000 0.00030148 30.00928224 99540.59026 0.00052759 - 0.00052759 1.75000000 0.00033498 33.34364693 99540.59026 0.00058621 - 0.00058621 1.75000000 0.00036847 36.67801163 99540.59026 0.00064483 - 0.00064483 1.75000000 0.00040197 40.01237632 99540.59026 0.00070345 - 0.00070345 1.75000000 0.00043547 43.34674101 99540.59026 0.00076207 - 0.00076207 1.75000000 0.00046897 46.68110571 99540.59026 0.00082069 - 0.00082069 1.75000000 0.00050246 50.01547040 99540.59026 0.00087931 - 0.00087931 1.75000000 0.00053596 53.34983509 99540.59026 0.00093793 - 0.00093793 1.75000000 0.00056946 56.68419979 99540.59026 0.00099655 - 0.00099655 1.75000000 0.00060296 60.01856448 99540.59026 0.00105517 - 0.00105517 1.75000000 0.00063645 63.35292917 99540.59026 0.00111379 - 0.00111379 1.75000000 0.00066995 66.68729387 99540.59026 0.00117241 - 0.00117241 1.75000000 0.00070345 70.02165856 99540.59026 0.00123103 - 0.00123103 1.75000000 0.00073695 73.35602325 99540.59026 0.00128966 - 0.00128966 1.75000000 0.00077044 76.69038795 99540.59026 0.00134828 - 0.00134828 1.75000000 0.00080394 80.02475264 99540.59026 0.00140690 - 0.00140690 1.75000000 0.00083744 83.35911733 99540.59026 0.00146552 - 0.00146552 1.75000000 0.00087094 86.69348203 99540.59026 0.00152414 - 0.00152414 1.75000000 0.00090443 90.02784672 99540.59026 0.00158276 - 0.00158276 1.75000000 0.00093793 93.36221141 99540.59026 0.00164138 - 0.00164138 1.75000000 0.00097143 96.69657611 99540.59026 0.00170000 - 0.00170000 1.75000000 0.00100493 100.03094 99540.59026 0.00175862 - 0.00175862 1.75000000 0.00103842 103.36531 99540.59026 0.00181724 - 0.00181724 1.75000000 0.00107192 106.69967 99540.59026 0.00187586 - 0.00187586 1.75000000 0.00110542 110.03403 99540.59026 0.00193448 - 0.00193448 1.75000000 0.00113892 113.36840 99540.59026 0.00199310 - 0.00199310 1.75000000 0.00117241 116.70276 99540.59026 0.00205172 - 0.00205172 1.75000000 0.00120591 120.03713 99540.59026 0.00211034 - 0.00211034 1.75000000 0.00123941 123.37149 99540.59026 0.00216897 - 0.00216897 1.75000000 0.00127291 126.70586 99540.59026 0.00222759 - 0.00222759 1.75000000 0.00130640 130.04022 99540.59026 0.00228621 - 0.00228621 1.75000000 0.00133990 133.37459 99540.59026 0.00234483 - 0.00234483 1.75000000 0.00137340 136.70895 99540.59026 0.00240345 - 0.00240345 1.75000000 0.00140690 140.04332 99540.59026 0.00246207 - 0.00246207 1.75000000 0.00144039 143.37768 99540.59026 0.00252069 - 0.00252069 1.75000000 0.00147389 146.71205 99540.59026 0.00257931 - 0.00257931 1.75000000 0.00150739 150.04641 99540.59026 0.00263793 - 0.00263793 1.75000000 0.00154089 153.38078 99540.59026 0.00269655 - 0.00269655 1.75000000 0.00157438 156.71514 99540.59026 0.00275517 - 0.00275517 1.75000000 0.00160788 160.00527 99513.07750 0.00281379 - 0.00281379 1.75000000 Y 0.00164138 163.16408 99406.68431 0.00287241 - 0.00287241 1.75000000 Y 0.00167488 166.14235 99196.75524 0.00293103 - 0.00293103 1.75000000 Y 0.00170837 168.91841 98876.69252 0.00298966 - 0.00298966 1.75000000 Y 0.00174187 171.48359 98447.87067 0.00304828 - 0.00304828 1.75000000 Y 0.00177537 173.83756 97916.27149 0.00310690 - 0.00310690 1.75000000 Y 0.00180887 175.96127 97277.05944 0.00316552 - 0.00316552 1.75000000 Y 0.00184236 177.83768 96526.86422 0.00322414 - 0.00322414 1.75000000 Y 0.00187586 179.53926 95710.26430 0.00328276 - 0.00328276 1.75000000 Y 0.00190936 181.10127 94849.21906 0.00334138 - 0.00334138 1.75000000 Y 0.00194286 182.53916 93953.97485 0.00340000 - 0.00340000 1.75000000 Y 0.00197635 183.84163 93020.56513 0.00345862 - 0.00345862 1.75000000 Y 0.00200985 185.07318 92082.97635 0.00351724 - 0.00351724 1.75000000 Y 0.00204335 186.23061 91139.85894 0.00357586 - 0.00357586 1.75000000 Y 0.00207685 187.28601 90178.03538 0.00363448 - 0.00363448 1.75000000 Y 0.00211034 188.30184 89227.99467 0.00369310 - 0.00369310 1.75000000 Y Page 2 6a2- 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po 0.00214384 189.24089 88271.82890 0.00375172 - 0.00375172 1.75000000 Y 0.00217734 190.13026 87322.26611 0.00381034 - 0.00381034 1.75000000 Y 0.00221084 190.97660 86382.01380 0.00386897 - 0.00386897 1.75000000 Y 0.00224434 191.76258 85442.93635 0.00392759 - 0.00392759 1.75000000 Y 0.00227783 192.52508 84521.17287 0.00398621 - 0.00398621 1.75000000 Y 0.00231133 193.22682 83599.83812 0.00404483 - 0.00404483 1.75000000 Y 0.00234483 193.91326 82698.30053 0.00410345 - 0.00410345 1.75000000 Y 0.00237833 194.54691 81799.96146 0.00416207 - 0.00416207 1.75000000 Y 0.00241182 195.16415 80919.77549 0.00422069 - 0.00422069 1.75000000 Y 0.00244532 195.74345 80048.18743 0.00427931 - 0.00427931 1.75000000 Y 0.00247882 196.29765 79190.02790 0.00433793 - 0.00433793 1.75000000 Y 0.00251232 196.83440 78347.80606 0.00439655 - 0.00439655 1.75000000 Y 0.00254581 197.33108 77512.01287 0.00445517 - 0.00445517 1.75000000 Y 0.00257931 197.82777 76697.92859 0.00451379 - 0.00451379 1.75000000 Y 0.00261281 198.27961 75887.55506 0.00457241 - 0.00457241• 1.75000000 Y 0.00264631 198.72381 75094.80929 0.00463103 - 0.00463103 1.75000000 Y 0.00267980 199.15654 74317.60460 0.00468966 - 0.00468966 1.75000000 Y 0.00271330 199.55284 73546.15913 0.00474828 - 0.00474828 1.75000000 Y 0.00274680 199.94913 72793.52940 0.00480690 - 0.00480690 1.75000000 Y 0.00278030 200.32616 72052.10763 0.00486552 - 0.00486552 1.75000000 Y 0.00281379 200.67875 71319.65006 0.00492414 - 0.00492414 1.75000000 Y 0.00284729 201.03133 70604.42679 0.00498276 - 0.00498276 1.75000000 Y 0.00288079 201.36644 69899.77043 0.00504138 - 0.00504138 1.75000000 Y 0.00291429 201.67917 69203.63477 0.00510000 - 0.00510000 1.75000000 Y 0.00294778 201.99190 68523.32038 0.00515862 - 0.00515862 1.75000000 Y 0.00298128 202.29702 67855.74006 0.00521724 - 0.00521724 1.75000000 Y 0.00301478 202.57346 67193.48090 0.00527586 - 0.00527586 1.75000000 Y 0.00304828 202.84989 66545.77690 0.00533448 - 0.00533448 1.75000000 Y 0.00308177 203.12633 65912.15341 0.00539310 - 0.00539310 1.75000000 Y 0.00311527 203.37874 65284.44421 0.00545172 - 0.00545172 1.75000000 Y 0.00314877 203.62216 .64667.23688 0.00551034 - 0.00551034 1.75000000 Y 0.00318227 203.86559 64063.02338 0.00556897 - 0.00556897 1.75000000 Y 0.00321576 204.10901 63471.39767 0.00562759 - 0.00562759 1.75000000 Y 0.00324926 204.32362 62883.10149 0.00568621 - 0.00568621 1.75000000 Y 0.00328276 204.53708 62306.46068 0.00574483 - 0.00574483 1.75000000 Y 0.00331626 204.75053 61741.46918 0.00580345 - 0.00580345 1.75000000 Y 0.00334975 204.96399 61187.77751 0.00586207 - 0.00586207 1.75000000 Y 0.00338325 205.15370 60638.02989 0.00592069 - 0.00592069 1.75000000 Y 0.00341675 205.34000 60098.06720 0.00597931 - 0.00597931 1.75000000 Y 0.00345025 205.52631 59568.58922 0.00603793 - 0.00603793 1.75000000 Y 0.00348374 205.71262 59049.29351 0.00609655 - 0.00609655 1.75000000 Y 0.00351724 205.88850 58536.92600 0.00615517 - 0.00615517 1.75000000 Y 0.00355074 206.05028 58030.25207 0.00621379 - 0.00621379 1.75000000 Y 0.00358424 206.21206 57533.04868 0.00627241 - 0.00627241 1.75000000 Y 0.00361773 206.37383 57045.05276 0.00633103 - 0.00633103 1.75000000 Y 0.00365123 206.53561 56566.01089 0.00638966 - 0.00638966 1.75000000 Y 0.00368473 206.68499 56092.31458 0.00644828 - 0.00644828 1.75000000 Y 0.00371823 206.82466 55624.54310 0.00650690 - 0.00650690 1.75000000 Y 0.00375172 206.96434 55165.12468 0.00656552 - 0.00656552 1.75000000 Y 0.00378522 207.10401 54713.83756 0.00662414 - 0.00662414 1.75000000 Y 0.00381872 207.24368 54270.46776 0.00668276 - 0.00668276 1.75000000 Y 0.00385222 207.37894 53833.66308 0.00674138 - 0.00674138 1.75000000 Y 0.00388571 207.49877 53400.41801 0.00680000 - 0.00680000 1.75000000 Y 0.00391921 207.61860 52974.57885 0.00685862 - 0.00685862 1.75000000 Y 0.00395271 207.73843 52555.95729 0.00691724 - 0.00691724 1.75000000 Y 0.00398621 207.85826 52144.37140 0.00697586 - 0.00697586 1.75000000 Y 0.00401970 207.97809 51739.64527 0.00703448 - 0.00703448 1.75000000 Y 0.00405320 208.09195 51340.13583 0.00709310 - 0.00709310 1.75000000 Y 0.00408670 208.19402 50944.29326 0.00715172 - 0.00715172 1.75000000 Y 0.00412020 208.29610 50554.88714 0.00721035 - 0.00721035 1.75000000 Y 0.00415369 208.39818 50171.76177 0.00726897 - 0.00726897 1.75000000 Y 0.00418719 208.50026 49794.76641 0.00732759 - 0.00732759 1.75000000 Y 0.00422069 208.60234 49423.75510 0.00738621 - 0.00738621 1.75000000 Y 0.00425419 208.70442 49058.58649 0.00744483 - 0.00744483 1.75000000 Y 0.00428768 208.79363 48696.12300 0.00750345 - 0.00750345 1.75000000 Y 0.00432118 208.87990 48338.59875 0.00756207 - 0.00756207 1.75000000 Y 0.00435468 208.96617 47986.57487 0.00762069 - 0.00762069 1.75000000 Y 0.00438818 .209.05245 47639.92539 0.00767931 - 0.00767931 1.75000000 Y 0.00442168 209.13872 47298.52819 0.00773793 - 0.00773793 1.75000000 Y 0.00445517 209.22499 46962.26477 0.00779655 - 0.00779655 1.75000000 Y Page 3 61$.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment capacity for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ------------------ 1 0.000 kips 209.9 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. EA-2T� �Rrs�Sunc= SunG r�Mrc,� 7aT 1 466t25!�,T3 = /.2.3.33 %f, , V :!40--w141 6) s y,/ y �,Ps 101=y3(V)(I+)- Y3(y,iyxg *)= /2,yzle4 ° M ,,art 01o03'�w K�,,,Z) ­4 %i?c�.,.��.� = /3/� -r.v ? /�% ,L- Page 4 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po 0.00448867 209.31127 46631.02021 0.00785517 - 0.00785517 1.75000000 Y 0.00452217 209.38989 46302.99159 0.00791379 - 0.00791379 1.75000000 Y 0.00455567 209.46216 45978.39210 0.00797241 - 0.00797241 1.75000000 Y 0.00458916 209.53443 45658.53130 0.00803103 - 0.00803103 1.75000000 Y 0.00462266 209.60670 45343.30616 0.00808966 - 0.00808966 1.75000000 Y 0.00465616 209.67897 45032.61663 0.00814828 - 0.00814828 1.75000000 Y 0.00468966 209.75124 44726.36552 0.00820690 - 0.00820690 1.75000000 Y 0.00472315 209.82351 44424.45840 0.00826552 - 0.00826552 1.75000000 Y 0.00475665 209.89578 44126.80350 0.00832414 - 0.00832414 1.75000000 Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment capacity for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ------------------ 1 0.000 kips 209.9 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. EA-2T� �Rrs�Sunc= SunG r�Mrc,� 7aT 1 466t25!�,T3 = /.2.3.33 %f, , V :!40--w141 6) s y,/ y �,Ps 101=y3(V)(I+)- Y3(y,iyxg *)= /2,yzle4 ° M ,,art 01o03'�w K�,,,Z) ­4 %i?c�.,.��.� = /3/� -r.v ? /�% ,L- Page 4 Job Name: AI Job Address: 315 MILL C>zEEiC Cri2lY� Permit No.: Al -n a � 5 SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT (To applicants of projects requiring Special Inspection or Testing per Section 1701 of the IBC) The owner or his/her representative, on the advice of the design professional in responsible charge, shall complete, seal, sign and submit a copy of the Special Inspection Agreement and Structural Tests Scheduled to the Town of Vail for review and approval. Signatures are required on both pages; photocopied or faxed signatures are acceptable. The owner and his/her general contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the following conditions applicable to Special Inspection Testing, 1. Contractor is responsible for proper notification to the Inspection or Testing agency for items listed.(Page 1) (IBC 1704) 2. Only the testing laboratory should take samples and transport them to their laboratory. 3. Copies of all laboratory reports and inspections are to be sent directly to the Town of Vail by the Testing agency on a weekly basis. 4. Inspection agency to submit names and qualifications of on -site special inspectors to the Town of Vail for review and approval.( Page 2) 5. The special inspector is responsible to immediately notify the Town of Vail Building Official in writing of any concerns and /or problems encountered. 6. It is the responsibility of the contractor to review the Town of Vail approved plans for additional inspection or testing requirements that may be noted. A pre - construction conference at the job site is recommended to review special inspection procedures. 7. The special inspector shall use only the Town of Vail approved drawings. 8. All special inspection field reports must be left on site for review by the Town of Vail staff prior to required inspections or re- inspections. BEFORE OCCUPANCY WILL BE GRANTED: The special inspection agency shall submit a signed and sealed statement that all items requiring testing and inspection were fulfilled and reported. Those items not tested and /or inspected shall be noted in this statement. A copy of the statement shall be maintained at the job site for the Building Inspector's review prior to final inspection. Acknowledgement: Owner: �ir.J A, !sF z Signature - g !� Print Name Date Special Inspection / -„ � Agency: Project 464 Slk2tur 61 Print Nam Dale Arch /Eng: g '•,� Signature Print Name Date Ks"11 Contractor: ti,a —AZ 11101_ _ 12--12-12- gnature Print Name Date -3- t TOWN �� � SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE (IBC 1704) Project Name: 6L Ll G K C? l Permit # Owner's Name: Testing Inspection Sign ure Print flame Date Agency: 146e&-4g-(-k Testing Inspection Signature ^I� nn, Name Date Hereby cert'fies that the Testing /Inspection Agency n d above has been engaged to perform structural tests and inspections during construction as checked below, to satisfy all applicable portions of the Building Code. Prior to final inspection, the Inspection Agency shall submit a statement that all items of designated work performed were reported. Any items checked but not tested or inspected will be noted and explained. Whenever any designated items on the list are ready for sampling, testing, or inspection, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to give timely notice to the Inspection agency so that the required services may be performed. REINFORCING STEEL: Tensile & Hend, one set per heat per tons Inspection of Placement T Inspection of Welding Epoxy MASONRY: Prelim. Acceptance Tests (Masonry Units, Wall Prisms) Subsequent Tests (Mortar, Grout, Field Wall Prisms) Inspection of Placement and Grouting CONCRETE, SHOTCRETE. Gn0IIT eNn runDTAM. Concrete Shot Grout Mort ar Aggregate tests for design Sdtahility of aggregates Mix Designs Test Panel Batch Plant Inspection Cement Grab Sample Inspect Placing Compression Tests Cast Specimens Pith -up Samples Shrinkage Bars Yield Check Air Check Dry Unit Weight PRECAST CuNLHt 1 t: Reinforcing Tests Inspection of Reinforcing Placement Tendon Tests Inspection of Tendon Placement Inspection of Concrete Placement Inspection of Concrete Balchine Inspection of Panel Attachment & Inserts Compression Tests _- Inspection of Stressing/Transfer PILING, CAISSONS, CAPS, TIES: Inspection of Reinforcing Placement Inspection of Concrete Placement Inspection of Concrete Batching Specify other tests, inspections or special instructions required. H UNDERPINNING: Temporary/Permanent _, Inspection of Steel Fabrication _ Inspection of Reinforcing & Forms Inspection of Concrete Placement Inspection of Tiebacks SOIL NAILS: Temporary Shoring Permanent Wall STRUCTURAL STEEL: Sample & Test (List specific members below) Shop Identification & Welding inspection Shop Ultrasonic Inspection Shop Radiography Field Welding Inspection Field Bclting Inspection W Field Ultrasonic Inspection Field Radiography Metal Deck Welding Inspection FIREPROOFING: Inspection & Placement SOILS: Acceptance Tests Moisture - Density Determination Field Density Drilled Piers Deep Foundation STRUCTURAL WOOD: Inspection of Fabrication Inspection of Truss Joint Fabrication Sample & Test Components Inspection of Glu Lam Fabrication SMOKE CONTROL: SPECIAL CASES: SPECIAL INSPECTION: Seismic Resistance Wind Requirements GI,&A December 6, 2012 Mr. Mitch Sturde George Shaeffer Construction 41011 Highway 6 P.O. Box 373 Avon, Colorado 81658 GANSER LUJA\ & ASSOCIATES Hydrogeological and Environmental Consultants Re: Drawdown Effects of Dewatering 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Sturde: Ganser Lujan & Associates, LLC (GL &A) has performed hydrogeologic studies to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity and estimated dewatering flows at the subject site. Due to the relatively high hydraulic conductivity at the site, estimated flow rate and amount of drawdown (approximately 5 feet) resulting from dewatering we do not anticipate any impacts to adjacent properties. If you require any additional information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Ganser Lujan & Associates / I Donald R. Ganser, P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist N �AaL -F (1 p� PG -794 ��9 17 �koMIt,c? 12610 W. Bayaud Ave., Unit 11, Lakewood, CO 80228 303 - 888 -9078 rowN of va' ii% Project Street Address: 303/305 Mill Creek Circle (Number) (Street) Building /Complex Name: Contractor Information Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 -479 -2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) East/West (Suite #) Business Name: George Shaeffer Construction Company Business Address: PO Box 373 City Vail State: CO Zip: 81658 Contact Name: Mitch Sturde Contact Phone: 970- 390 -5605 Contact E -Mail: mitchs @gsconco.com I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinanceA aflthe/feM aablicable thereto. X Owner /Owner's Representative Signature (Required) Applicant Information Applicant Name: Mitch Sturde Applicant Phone: 970- 390 -5605 Applicant E -Mail: mitchs @gsconco.com Project Information Owner Name: Mill Creek Property LLC Parcel #: 210108248004 (East) & 210108248003 (West) (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970-328 -8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:,6 a \ o X_ I n C Received From: er g S1AeEF>~ —_ Q Cn J T, en Cash Check # Lou'soi l CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # exp date: Auth # _ Project #: 41"T I a — ca 8 R DRB #: �I'a C)L3 ! I &J, C Building Permit #: 2� )a _ f) & ` Lot #: Block # Subdivision: Work Class: New (0) Addition (0 Alteration G Type of Building: Single - Family () Duplex 0 Multi - Family (l J) Commercial () Other (Grading Permit Work Type: Interior Q Exterior e Both O Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Electrical OYes O)No OYes QNo Mechanical QYes O)No QYes QNo Plumbing (OYes (DNo (OYes (ONO Building QYes ONo QYes ONO Value of all work being performed: $ D DAO.mo (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3) Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: Dewatering, Soil Retention, Excavation in Preperation of new single family residence construction (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received DEC 0 3 2012 TOWN OF VAIL 12 -Mar -2012 5TATE OF COLORADO For Agency Use Only Permit Number Assigned COG07- Date Received I I Month Day Year COLORADO DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (CDPS) CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE APPLICATION PHOTO COPIES, FAftcD COPIES, PDF COPIES OR EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please print or type. Original signatures are required. All items must be completed accurately and in their entirety for the application to be deemed complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all information is received which will ultimately delay the issuance of a permit. If more space is required to answer any question. please attach additional sheets to the application form. Applications must be submitted by mail or hand delivered to: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South WQCD -P -B2 Denver, Colorado 80246 -1530 Any additional information that you would like the Division to consider in developing the permit should be provided with the application. Examples include effluent data and /or modeling and planned pollutant removal strategies. PERMIT INFORMATION Reason for Application: ❑ NEW CERT ❑ RENEW CERT EXISTING CERT # Applicant is: ❑ Property Owner IN Contractor /Operator A. Contact Information Permittee (if more than one please add additional pages) Organization Formal Name: George Shaeffer Construction Permittee the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit. Responsible Position (Title): Supervisor Currently Held By (Person): Mitch Sturde Telephone No: 970- 390 -5605 email address mitchs @gsconco.com Organization: George Shaeffer Construction Mailing Address: P.O. Box 373 City: Vail State: Colorado This form must be signed by the Permittee to be considered complete. Zip: 81658 Per Regulation 61: In all cases the permit application shall be signed as follows: a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates. b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official Page 1 of 6 Revised April 2011 Of c Dedicated to protecting and improving the health and environment of the people of Colorado ~Yr$ 4300 Cherry Creek Dr. S. Denver. Colorado 80246 -1530 s Phone f303)692 -2000 X876 Too Line (303) 691 -7700 Colorado Department Located in Gienda,e. Colorado of Public Health http:r- www.cdphe state.co.us and Environment For Agency Use Only Permit Number Assigned COG07- Date Received I I Month Day Year COLORADO DISCHARGE PERMIT SYSTEM (CDPS) CONSTRUCTION DEWATERING INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER DISCHARGE APPLICATION PHOTO COPIES, FAftcD COPIES, PDF COPIES OR EMAILS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Please print or type. Original signatures are required. All items must be completed accurately and in their entirety for the application to be deemed complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all information is received which will ultimately delay the issuance of a permit. If more space is required to answer any question. please attach additional sheets to the application form. Applications must be submitted by mail or hand delivered to: Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment Water Quality Control Division 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South WQCD -P -B2 Denver, Colorado 80246 -1530 Any additional information that you would like the Division to consider in developing the permit should be provided with the application. Examples include effluent data and /or modeling and planned pollutant removal strategies. PERMIT INFORMATION Reason for Application: ❑ NEW CERT ❑ RENEW CERT EXISTING CERT # Applicant is: ❑ Property Owner IN Contractor /Operator A. Contact Information Permittee (if more than one please add additional pages) Organization Formal Name: George Shaeffer Construction Permittee the person authorized to sign and certify the permit application. This person receives all permit correspondences and is legally responsible for compliance with the permit. Responsible Position (Title): Supervisor Currently Held By (Person): Mitch Sturde Telephone No: 970- 390 -5605 email address mitchs @gsconco.com Organization: George Shaeffer Construction Mailing Address: P.O. Box 373 City: Vail State: Colorado This form must be signed by the Permittee to be considered complete. Zip: 81658 Per Regulation 61: In all cases the permit application shall be signed as follows: a) In the case of corporations, by a responsible corporate officer. For the purposes of this section, the responsible corporate officer is responsible for the overall operation of the facility from which the discharge described in the application originates. b) In the case of a partnership, by a general partner. c) In the case of a sole proprietorship, by the proprietor. d) In the case of a municipal, state, or other public facility, by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official Page 1 of 6 Revised April 2011 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit – Construction Dewatering www.coloradowaterpermits.com 2. DMR Cognizant Official (i.e. authorized agent) —the person or position authorized to sign and certify reports required by permits including Discharge Monitoring Reports [DMR's]. Annual Reports, Compliance Schedule submittals, and other information requested by the Division. The Division will send pre - printed reports (e.g. DMR's) to this person. If more than one, please add additional pages. Same as 1) Permittee Responsible Position (Title): Principal Hydrogeologist Currently Held By (Person): _ Telephone No: 303 - 888 -9078 Donald R. Ganser Email address dganser @comcast.net Organization: Ganser Lujan & Associates Mailing Address: 12610 W. Bayaud Avenue. Unit 11 City: Lakewood State: Colorado Zip: 80228 Per Regulation 61: All reports required by permits. and other information requested by the Division shall be signed by the permittee or by a duly authorized representative of that person. A person is a duly authorized representative only if (i) The authorization is made in writing by the permittee: (ii) The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity such as the position of plant manager. operator of a well or a well field. superintendent. position of equivalent responsibility. or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company. (A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position): and (iii) The written authorization is submitted to the Division. 3. Site /Local Contact — contact for questions regarding the facility & discharges authorized by this permit Q Same as Permittee —Item 1 Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: Email address Organization: — Mailing Address: City: 4. Operator in Responsible Charge Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person). Telephone No Email address Organization: _ Mailing Address: City: Certification Type State. Zip: W Same as Permittee —Item 1 State: Certification Number Zip: Page 2 of 6 Revised April 2011 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit — Construction Dewatering www.coloradowaterpermits.com 5. 6. Billing Contact (if different than the permittee) Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): Telephone No: Email address Organization. Mailing Address: City: State: Zip: Other Contact Types (check below) Add pages if necessary: Responsible Position (Title): Currently Held By (Person): _ Telephone No: Email address Organization: Mailing Address: City: Pretreatment Coordinator Environmental Contact Biosolids Responsible Party Property Owner State: Inspection Facility Contact Consultant Compliance Contact B, Permitted Project/Facility Information 1. Project/Facility Name Mill Creek Circle Residence - Lot 3 Zip: Stormwater MS4 Responsible Person Stormwater Authorized Representative Other Street Address or cross streets 303 Mill Creek Circle City, State and Zip Code Vail, Colorado 81658 County Eagle Type of Facility Ownership ❑ City Government ❑ State Government ❑ Corporation X Private ❑ Mixed Ownership ❑ Municipal or Water District 2. Facility Latitude /Longitude —List the latitude and longitude of the excavation(s) resulting in the discharge(s). If the exact excavation location(s) are not known, list the latitude and longitude of the center point of the construction project. If using the center point, be sure to specify that it is the center point of construction activity. 001A Latitude Longitude (e.g., 39.703 °, 104.933°') degrees (to 3 decimal places) degrees (to 3 decimal places) or 001A Latitude 39 o 38 , 21 " Longitude 106 o 22 19 (e.g., 39 °46'11 "N, 104`53'11W) degrees minutes seconds degrees minutes seconds Horizontal Collection Method: 0 GPS Unspecified ❑ Interpolation Map – Map Scale Number Reference Point: ❑ Project/Facility Entrance [M–] Project/Facility Center /Centroid Horizontal Accuracy Measure (WQCD Requires use of NAD83 Datum for all references) (add additional pages if necessary) Page 3 of 6 Revised April 2011 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit — Construction Dewatering www.coloradowaterpermits.com B. Permitted Project/Facility Information Continued... Facility Activity and Anticipated Schedule Dewatering will begin (date) 12- 21-2012 Estimate how long dewatering will last: Years 1 Months 0 Days 0 Describe Activity e.g.. highway bridge and tunnel construction, storm drain expansion, etc. and a description of activities being performed, including construction schedule and months of operation. Specify source(s) of wastewater to be discharged 'i.e.well, foundation excavation, trenching, etc). Foundation excavation dewatering 4. Will the discharge go to a ditch or storm sewer? ❑ YES ❑0 NO • If YES, in the appropriate table below include the name of the ultimate receiving waters where the ditch or storm sewer discharges. • If YES, applicant must contact the owner of the ditch or storm sewer system (prior to discharging) to verify local ordinances and to determine whether or not additional requirements are going to be imposed by the owner. 5 What type of discharge will this be? 1-01 Defined Discharge ❑ Undefined Discharge A Defined Discharge is a discharge where the dewatering discharge locations and number of outfalls are known at the time of permit application. • If discharge is Defined – enter information in table C for Defined Discharges An Undefined Discharge is a discharge where the exact dewatering discharge locations are unknown at the time of permit application. The permit applicant must request the maximum number of potential outfalls (discharges) for the permitted facility. • If discharge is Undefined – enter information in table D for Undefined Discharges • Note: For undefined discharges. the site specific sampling and monitoring parameters will be selected based on the potential pollutant sources found within the entire permitted project area and will be applied to all outfall(s). The most stringent of the surface water limitations for each identified site specific parameter will be applied to each permitted outfall. C. Information for Defined Discharge Location(s): 1. In the following table, include the following information for the discharge • Include the number of discharge points ( outfalls). • Include the name of the receiving stream for each Outfall Number If the discharge is to groundwater fill out discharge information located next to G001A. G002A. etc. — Please review the Division's Low Risk Discharge Guidance for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land to determine if discharges to groundwater can be allowed under the Guidance in lieu of obtaining a Construction Dewatering Permit., • Include the approximate location of the discharge (e.g. "discharge will occur between 5th Avenue and 20th Avenue ", or "the discharge will enter the storm sewer located at the corner of Speer Blvd and 8th Ave.. which eventually flows to Cherry Creek" ; • Include the maximum anticipated flow rate of the discharge. this can be based on pump capacity or other applicable measure. OUTFALL MAXIMUM RECEIVING APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF LATITUDE /LONGITUDE I FLOW RATE OF EACH DISCHARGE NUMBER STREAM(S) DISCHARGE OUTFACE 001A Creek Mill Creek At Mill Creek approx. 100 feet NW of Mill Creek Crcle 2 O O g P m i 39,38',21"N-106,22'.20"W 002A OUTFALL GROUNDWATER APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF MAXIMUM LATITUDE /LONGITUDE NUMBER DISCHARGE FLOW RATE OF EACH DISCHARGE OUTFALL G001A G002A Add more pages if necessary Page 4 of 6 Revised April 2011 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit – Construction Dewatering www.coloradowaterpermits.com D. Information for Undefined Discharge Location(s): 1. In the following table include the following information for the discharge • Include the maximum number of potential outfalls (discharges) for the permitted facility /project: • Include the maximum anticipated flow rate of the discharge: this can be based on pump capacity or other applicable measure. • Include the name of all potential receiving streams for the entire project. If the discharge is to groundwater fill out discharge information located next to 0001A. G002A. etc — Please review the Division's Low Risk Discharge Guidance for Discharges of Uncontaminated Groundwater to Land to determine if discharges to groundwater can be allowed under the Guidance in lieu of obtaining a Construction Dewatering Permit. Note: For undefined discharges, the site specific sampling and monitoring parameters will be selected based on the potential pollutant sources found within the entire permitted project area and will be applied to all outfall(s). The most stringent of the surface water limitations for each identified site specific parameter will be applied to each permitted outfall. OUTFALL NUMBER MAXIMUM FLOW RATE (GPM) POTENTIAL RECEIVING STREAM(S) 001A 002A OUTFALL NUMBER MAXIMUM FLOW RATE (GPM) GROUNDWATER G001A GROUNDWATER G002A Add more pages if necessary Sampling and Reporting Requirements for Defined and Undefined Discharges: Sampling must occur at every end -of- pipe dewatering location (after going through your choice of BMP. if necessary). The permittee will be issued Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms for all requested outfall numbers. The permittee will be required to submit the DMR forms for each requested outfall number monthly. For the outfall numbers(s) where no discharge occurred for a given month, the permittee shall mark `'No Discharge" on the DMR forms. The sampling results must be maintained by the permittee. E. A Location Map for Defined and Undefined Discharges -- designating the location of the project/facility. the location of the discharge points) / outfalls — applicable only to defined discharges. and the receiving water(s) listed in Items C & D. A north arrow shall be shown. This map must be on paper that can be folded to 8' /z x 11 inches. F. A Legible Sketch of the Site 1. For Defined Discharges —A legible site sketch shall be submitted and must include: the location of the end of pipe dewatering discharges at the site (e.g. where the flow will be discharged from the pump or BMP), the BMP(s) that will be used to treat the discharge(s), and the sampling location(s). Refer to the instructions for additional guidance specific to sites with multiple potential dewatering locations. This map must be on paper that can be folded to 8'/Y x 11 inches. OR 2. For Undefined Discharges —A legible site sketch shall be submitted and must include: the limits of the construction site boundary to include street names (if applicable) or landmarks: description of the BMPs, to be implemented; and location of all potential receiving waters. This map must be on paper that can be folded to 8 1/2 x 11 inches. G. Potential Groundwater Contamination 1. Is this operation located within one mile of a landfill. abandoned landfill or any mine or mill tailings? ❑ YES 0 NO 2. Has the dewatering discharge been analyzed for any parameters (pH. Oil and Grease. Metals. Organics. etc.)? ❑ YES X NO If YES, please attach a copy of the sampling results. Page 5 of 6 Revised April 2011 Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit — Construction Dewaterinq www.coloradowaterpermits.com Note to the applicant: Upon review of the application, the Division may request characterization of the water to be discharged or analysis of certain parameters once the application has been reviewed. If the Division requests a representative analysis of the water to be discharged, the application processing time may be lengthened. 3. Has the dewatering area been checked for possible groundwater contamination, such as plumes from leaking underground stora �a, tanks, mine tailings,etc —or- has a Phase I or Phase 11 been conducted on the site? r, YES u NO If YES, show location of the landfill, tailings, or possible groundwater contamination on the location map or general sketch map. (Explain the location, extent of contamination, and possible effect on the groundwater pumping from this facility). Or include a copy of the phase I or Phase II report. If the reports are not available, submit a summary of the results of the report. If any sampling results are available, please attach a copy of all data. Note: Contact Water Quality Control Division for the proper water chemistry parameters to report. H. Additional Information 1. Does the applicant have a Stormwater Permit for Construction Activities? ❑ YES ❑0 NO ❑ PENDING If Yes, Stormwater Construction Permit Number WATER RIGHTS The State Engineers Office (SEO) has indicated that any discharge that does not return water directly to surface waters (i.e. land application, rapid infiltration basins, etc.) has the potential for material injury to a water right. As a result, the SEO needs to determine that material injury to a water right will not occur from such activities. To make this judgment, the SEO requests that a copy of all documentation demonstrating that the requirements of Colorado water law have been met, be submitted to their office for review. The submittal should be made as soon as possible to the following address: Colorado Division of Water Resources 1313 Sherman Street, Room 818 Denver, Colorado 80203 Should there be any questions on the issue of water rights, the SEO can be contacted at (303) 866 -3581. It is important to understand that any CDPS permit issued by the Division does not constitute a water right. The issuance of a CDPS permit does not negate the need to also have the necessary water rights in place. Additionally, if the activity has an existing CDPS permit, there is no guarantee that the proper water rights are in place. 1. Required Certification Signature (Reg 61.4(1)(h)] "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." "I understand that submittal of this application is for coverage under the State of Colorado General Permit for Discharges Associated with Construction Dewatering for the entirety of the construction site /project described and applied for, until such time as the application is amended or the certification is transferred, inactivated, or expired." Signature (Legally Responsible Party) s Date Name (printed) Mitch Sturde Title Supervisor Page 6 of 6 Revised April 2011 1V0- 44.VUU w . w t Abir IUD-c3.UUV w 1ub122.uuU W WGSM 106 °21.000' W r_ � �� �� `• I bade. /i raeos I � 7 SITE LOCATION 00 . Vail - X .J 1 i •2008 CeogapFtc . '� —� r � ,�,�.�, 106 024.000' W 106 °23.000 106 022.000' W WGS84 106 °21.000' W r TN 9 Ys. 11/15/12 SITE LOCATION 0 0 0 M 0� M z a T z 7 n T n 0 5 t tip 0 ;Jai Z]0.' T7R; <JOG DIES �7C i L.Q!rti =F$ ai _I r TN 9 Ys. 11/15/12 SITE LOCATION 0 0 0 M 0� M z a T z 7 n T n �'t V P 11010016N�RM }��� omnn oecarm na�weroaieom.rm v C,��µ' e•smcese�na roQrmo�a, •rrs • 1 Dm11M PGPWiTC NImNM \ � + //1 EGSIM! MM®111� ro ImNN "! "�/ ve,�cc nc .ssw wru9 manna T� N MR. SM e 1�i �' 4 � i��� • ,, ,'�' ���cQ ,mil mar 1 sma 1 1 L�`�� Ift KIM -TONE YOM HALL. WM TYP FEATOWWOUNTAIN �•�`.�� STOW SLAO STEM OW-r EA, MOMAR SET RANDOM (f .• i / 1 M. p HIM 9"+tLT 5EE MOD r HP tech HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL Fiepwwrtll-Paulak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenw(u)d Spring., Coloradri 81601 Phone: 970-94i-7988 Fax: 970. 945 -5454 email: hpgeo:�.9hpgeotech.cmn SUPPLEMENTAL SUBSOIL STUDY FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOT 3, VAIL VILLAGE 1ST FILING 303 AND 305 MILL CREEK CIRCLE VAIL, COLORADO JOB NO. 112 111A NOVEMBER 19, 2012 PREPARED FOR: MILLCREEK HOUSE C/O KH WEBB ARCHITECTS ATTN: KYLE WEBB 710 WEST LIONSHEAD CIRCLE, SUITE A VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Kyle(WAhwebbxom Parker 303-841-7119 • Colorado Springs 719 -633 -5562 • Silverthorne 970- 468 -1989 TABLE OF CONTENTS PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY ......................................... ............................... - 1 - BACKGROUND INFORMATION ............................. _ PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION .................................................. ............................... - 2 - SITE CONDITIONS ........................ FIELD EXPLORATION ........................... . SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ................. ............................... _ - ENGINEERING ANALYSES ..................................................... ............................... - 4 - DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS ....... ............................... FOUNDATIONS.............................................................. - ............................... 5 - FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS ..... ............................... FLOORSLABS - ....................................................................... ............................... 8 - UNDERDRAINSYSTEM ....................................................... ............................... SITEGRADING 8 - ..................................................................... ............................... SURFACEDRAINAGE - 9 - ........................................................ ............................... 10- LIMITATIONS......................................................................... ............................... - 10- a FIGURE I - LOCATIONS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 - LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 3 - LEGEND AND NOTES FIGURES 4 and 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS TABLE I- SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS APPENDIX A - GANSER LUJAN & ASSOCIATES REPORT, NOVEMBER 2, 2012 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF STUDY This report presents the results of a supplemental subsoil study for a proposed residence to be located on Lot 3, Vail Village 15L Filing, 303 and 305 Mill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado. The project site is shown on Figure 1. The purpose of the study was to develop recommendations for the foundation design. The study was conducted as additional services to our proposal for geotechnical engineering services to Millcreek House c/o KH Webb Architects dated April 30, 2012. A field exploration program consisting of exploratory borings was conducted to obtain information on the subsurface conditions. Samples of the subsoils obtained during the field exploration were tested in the laboratory to determine their classification and other engineering characteristics. The results of the field exploration and laboratory testing were analyzed to develop recommendations for foundation types, depths and allowable pressures for the proposed building foundation. This report summarizes the data obtained during this study and presents our conclusions, design recommendations and other geotechnical engineering considerations based on the proposed construction and the subsurface conditions encountered. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical previously prepared a subsoil study for the proposed residence and submitted our findings in a report dated May 31, 2012, Job No. 112 111A. Additional borings to below proposed building basement elevations and temporary monitoring wells constructed for "slug" testing to determine hydraulic conductivity of the subsoils were needed and the supplemental study was requested. The subsequent hydraulic conductivity testing was performed by Ganser Lujan & Associates with the results provided in their report dated November 2, 2012. The Ganser Lujan report has been provided to the design and construction team for the project and is attached with this report for reference. Job No. 112 111A Ge-:&ech -2- PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION The proposed construction has changed since our previous study to now include a deeper basement level. The residence will be located on the lot as shown on Figure 1. The residence will be a two story wood frame structure over a relatively deep basement level. Ground floors will be slab -on- grade. Basement floor finish elevations will range from about 8193 feet in the western and eastern portions to about 8187 feet in the middle portion of the building, see Figure 2. Additional excavation for a mat foundation and possible sub - excavation for the underdrain system will also be needed. This will require cut depths up to about 22 feet. It is desired to found the structure on a reinforced mat. We assume relatively light to moderate foundation loadings, typical of the proposed type of construction. The mat foundation will be about 2 feet thick. It is planned to shore the excavation cut slopes with temporary systems consisting of soil nail walls and micro -pile walls, located a minimum 4 to S feet outside of the building foundation walls. A temporary dewatering system of drilled wells along the south and west sides of the proposed excavation, and a permanent underdrain system around and below the building are also planned. The exterior foundation walls will be backfilled with imported screened rock. If conditions are significantly different from those described above, we should be notified to re- evaluate the recommendations contained in this report. SITE CONDITIONS The site conditions are generally similar to those discussed in our previous report. The existing building on the lot had been removed at the time of our field exploration for the current study. The building removal resulted in an excavation about 10 feet deep due to Job No. 112 111 A GeCPteCh -3- the basement level of the previous residence. Our previous PVC cased stand -pipe piezometers on the site had been destroyed during removal of the existing structure. FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration for the supplemental study for project was conducted on October 22, 2012. Two exploratory borings (Borings 4 and 5) were drilled at the locations shown on Figure 1 to evaluate the subsurface conditions. The borings were drilled in the basement excavation of the removed residence and to the north of our previous borings. The borings were advanced with 4 inch diameter continuous flight augers powered by a truck - mounted CME -45B drill rig. The borings were logged by a representative of Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. Locations of our three previous borings drilled on the site are also shown on Figure 1. Samples of the subsoils were taken with a 1% inch I.D. spoon sampler. The sampler was driven into the subsoils at various depths with blows from a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches. This test is similar to the standard penetration test described by ASTM Method D -1586. The penetration resistance values are an indication of the relative density or consistency of the subsoils. Depths at which the samples were taken and the penetration resistance values are shown on the Logs of Exploratory Borings, Figure 2. The samples were returned to our laboratory for review by the project engineer and testing. Factory slotted 2 inch diameter PVC pipe with sand backfill was installed in Borings 4 and 5 to allow monitoring of the groundwater level and for the hydraulic conductivity testing by Ganser Lujan & Associates. The wells are referred to as MW -4 and MW -5 in the Ganser Lujan report. Depths that the pipe was installed in the borings are shown on the boring logs, Figure 2. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Graphic logs of the subsurface conditions encountered at the site are shown on Figure 2. The subsoils encountered, below about 4!/2 to 5 feet of fill, consisted of medium dense to JOb NO. 112 111A Ge&ech -4- dense, silty sand and gravel with cobbles and scattered boulders underlain at depths from about 9 to 18 feet by relatively dense, silty sandy gravel and cobbles with boulders. The fill was loose to medium dense, silty clayey gravelly sand with cobbles. Drilling in the dense granular soils with auger equipment was occasionally difficult due to the cobbles and possible boulders. The subsoils are similar to those previously encountered at the site. Laboratory testing performed on samples obtained from the borings included natural moisture content and gradation analyses. Results of gradation analyses performed on small diameter drive samples (minus 1 V2 inch fraction) of the coarse granular subsoils are shown on Figures 4 and 5. The laboratory testing is summarized in Table 1. Free water was encountered in the borings at the time of drilling and when checked one or more days later at depths from about 14 to 16 %Z feet. The subsoils were slightly moist to moist becoming wet near and below the free water level. ENGINEERING ANALYSES The excavation may be up to about 5 feet below the groundwater level at the site and groundwater level may rise up to about 4 to 5 feet during spring and early summer run- off. Temporary dewatering of the excavation for construction and permanent dewatering will be needed. Wells constructed on regular spacing along the south and west sides of the proposed excavation drilled to depths of at least 10 feet below the proposed excavation where the water can be pumped down appear feasible for the temporary dewatering. The well locations and depths may need to be adjusted during construction depending on the conditions encountered. Some water may be encountered in the excavation and can probably be removed by trenches placed outside footing areas and sloped to sumps where the water can be collected and pumped. Soil nailing and /or micro -pile walls appear feasible for shoring of the excavation. Grout columns placed along the proposed shoring face prior to excavation for the soil nail walls JOb No. 112 11 IA "' H9tech -5- can be used to limit the risk of slumping of the cut face prior to construction of the soil nail wall. The shoring should be design/build by a qualified contractor with experience in the area. The natural granular soils possess moderate bearing capacity and relatively low settlement potential. A reinforced mat or spread footing foundation bearing on the natural coarse granular soils should be suitable for support of the building. Some soft soils may be encountered requiring subgrade improvements prior to constructing the foundation. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATIONS Considering the subsurface conditions encountered in the exploratory borings and the nature of the proposed construction, we recommend the building be founded with a reinforced mat or spread footings bearing on the natural granular soils. The design and construction criteria presented below should be observed for a spread footing foundation system. 1) A mat or spread footings placed on the undisturbed natural granular soils should be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. Based on experience, we expect settlement of footings designed and constructed as discussed in this section will be about 1 inch or less. 2) The spread footings should have a minimum width of 16 inches for continuous walls and 2 feet for isolated pads. 3) The mat foundation should be well reinforced with both transverse and longitudinal steel. 4) Exterior footings and footings beneath unheated areas should be provided with adequate soil cover above their bearing elevation for frost protection. Placement of foundations at least 48 inches below exterior grade is typically used in the Vail area. Job No. 112 111 A G89teCh 5) Continuous foundation walls should be reinforced top and bottom to span local anomalies such as by assuming an unsupported length of at least 12 feet. Foundation walls acting as retaining structures should also be designed to resist lateral earth pressures as discussed in the "Foundation and Retaining Walls" section of this report. 6) All existing fill, debris, topsoil and loose or disturbed soils should be removed and the footing bearing level extended down to the relatively dense natural granular soils. Water seepage encountered in the footing areas should be dewatered before concrete placement. Stabilization of the subgrade soils may be needed in areas due to the wet soils. The stabilization can probably be accomplished by sub - excavation of 1 to 2 feet of the subgrade soils and replacement with imported screened rock. 6) A representative of the geotecluiical engineer should observe all footing excavations prior to concrete placement to evaluate bearing conditions. FOUNDATION AND RETAINING WALLS Foundation walls and retaining structures which are laterally supported and can be expected to undergo only a slight amount of deflection should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 45 pcf for walls up to 12 feet high for backfill consisting of imported granular soils. For laterally supported walls taller than 12 feet, the wall should be designed for a uniform lateral pressure of 22.5 H in psf where H is the wall height in feet for backfill consisting of imported granular soils. Cantilevered retaining structures up to 12 feet in height which are separate from the building up and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a lateral earth pressure computed on the basis of an equivalent fluid unit weight of at least 40 pc£for backfill consisting of imported granular soils. Cantilevered retaining structures taller than 12 feet in height which are separate from the building and can be expected to deflect sufficiently to mobilize the full active earth pressure condition should be designed for a uniform lateral pressure of 20 H in psf where H is the wall height in feet for backfill consisting of Job No. 112 111 A Ge� -7- imported granular soils. The imported granular wall backfill should have a maximum size of 2 inches, more than 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 5% passing the no. 200 sieve. The imported granular soils should be separated from the onsite soils with filter fabric. All foundation and retaining structures should be designed for appropriate hydrostatic and surcharge pressures such as adjacent footings, traffic, construction materials and equipment. The pressures recommended above assume drained conditions behind the walls and a horizontal backfill surface. The buildup of water behind a wall or an upward sloping backfill surface will increase the lateral pressure imposed on a foundation wall or retaining structure. An underdrain should be provided to prevent hydrostatic pressure buildup behind walls. Backfill should be placed in uniform lifts and compacted to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Backfill in pavement and walkway areas should be compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density. Care should be taken not to overcompact the backfill or use large equipment near the wall, since this could cause excessive lateral pressure on the wall. Some settlement of deep foundation wall backfill should be expected, even if the material is placed correctly, and could result in distress to facilities constructed on the backfill. Use of a select granular fill material, such as road base or crushed rock, and increasing the compaction to at least 98% standard Proctor density can be done to reduce the settlement potential. The lateral resistance of foundation or retaining wall footings will be a combination of the sliding resistance of the footing on the foundation materials and passive earth pressure against the side of the footing. Resistance to sliding at the bottoms of the footings can be calculated based on a coefficient of friction of 0.50. Passive pressure of compacted backfill against the sides of the footings can be calculated using an equivalent fluid unit weight of 400 pcf for moist condition and 250 pcf for submerged condition. The coefficient of friction and passive pressure values recommended above assume ultimate Job No. 112 111A G99tech soil strength Suitable factors of safety should be included in the design to limit the strain which will occur at the ultimate strength, particularly in the case of passive resistance. Fill placed against the sides of the footings to resist lateral loads should be a suitable granular material compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. FLOOR SLABS The natural on -site soils, exclusive of topsoil, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab - on- grade construction. To reduce the effects of some differential movement, non- structural floor slabs should be separated from all bearing walls and columns with expansion joints which allow unrestrained vertical movement. Floor slab control joints should be used to reduce damage due to shrinkage cracking. The requirements for joint spacing and slab reinforcement should be established by the designer based on experience and the intended slab use. A minimum 6 inch layer of free - draining gravel should be placed beneath basement level slabs to facilitate drainage. This material should consist of minus 2 inch aggregate with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve. All fill materials for support of floor slabs should be compacted to at least 95% of maximum standard Proctor density at a moisture content near optimum. Required fill can consist of the on -site granular soils devoid of vegetation, topsoil, debris and oversized rocks, or a suitable imported granular material such as screened rock. UNDERDRATN SYSTEM Free water was encountered during our exploration above proposed excavation depths and it has been our experience in mountainous areas that groundwater level can rise and/or perched groundwater develop during times of heavy precipitation or seasonal runoff. Frozen ground during spring runoff can also create a perched condition. We recommend below -grade construction, such as retaining walls, crawlspace and basement areas, be protected from wetting and hydrostatic pressure buildup by an underdrain Job No. 112 11 IA Gegtech -9- system. The drains should be provided for both excavation dewatering and a permanent building drain system. It may be feasible to incorporate the excavation dewatering drain(s) with the permanent drain system. Gravel filled trenches should be constructed outside footing areas at least 1 foot below excavation grade and sloped to a suitable gravity outlet or a sump where the water can be collected and pumped. We should review the permanent underdrain plan prior to or at the time of excavation. The drains should consist of drainpipe placed in the bottom of the wall backfill and surrounded above the invert level with free - draining granular material. The drain should be placed at each level of excavation and at least lfoot below lowest adjacent finish grade and sloped at a minimum %z% to a suitable gravity outlet. Interior lateral drains on about 10 to 15 feet spacing should be provided below the basement floor slab and connected with the perimeter drains. Drain pipe should consist of rigid PVC pipe with minimum 4- inch diameter. Free - draining granular material used in the underdrain system should contain less than 2% passing the No. 200 sieve, less than 50% passing the No. 4 sieve and have a maximum size of 2 inches. The drain gravel backfill should be at least 2 feet deep and extend to above any seepage in the adjacent excavation face. The drain gravel should be separated from the wall backfill with filter fabric such as Mirafi 140N. SITE GRADING There is a risk of construction- induced slope instability due to the relatively deep excavation cuts planned, and the existing fill and groundwater expected to be encountered in the excavation. We understand shoring of the deeper cut slope areas is planned and along with pre - excavation dewatering should act to reduce the potential for cut slope failures. In the shallower cut areas and in areas where the excavation cut slopes can be laid back to a stable grade, temporary cut slopes should be graded no steeper than 1 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). If water seepage is encountered in the cut slopes, flatter slopes on the order of 2 (h) to 1 (v) may be needed. We should review the site grading, dewatering and shoring plans prior to construction. Permanent unretained cut and fill slopes should be graded at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter and protected against erosion by revegetation or other means. The risk of slope JOD NO. 11Z 111A ,,,Xtech -10- instability will be increased if seepage is encountered in cuts and flatter slopes may be necessary. If seepage is encountered in permanent cuts, an investigation should be conducted to determine if the seepage will adversely affect the cut slope stability. SURFACE DRAINAGE The following drainage precautions should be observed during construction and maintained at all times after the building has been completed: 1) Inundation of the foundation excavations and underslab areas should be avoided during construction. 2) Exterior backfill should be adjusted to near optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95% of the maximum standard Proctor density in pavement and slab areas and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density in landscape areas. 3) The ground surface surrounding the exterior of the building should be sloped to drain away from the foundation in all directions. We recommend a minimum slope of 6 inches in the first 10 feet in unpaved areas and a minimum slope of 3 inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. Free - draining wall backfill should be capped with at least 2 feet of the on- site finer graded soils to reduce surface water infiltration. 4) Roof downspouts and drains should discharge well beyond the limits of all backfill. LIMITATIONS This study has been conducted in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in this area at this time. We make no warranty either express or implied. The conclusions and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the exploratory borings drilled at the locations indicated on Figure 1, the proposed type of construction and our experience in the area. Our services do not include determining the presence, prevention or possibility of mold or other biological contaminants (MOBC) developing in the future. If the client is concerned about MOBC, then a professional in this special field of practice should be Job No. 112 111 A consulted. Our findings include interpolation and extrapolation of the subsurface conditions identified at the exploratory borings and variations in the subsurface conditions may not become evident until excavation is performed. If conditions encountered during construction appear different from those described in this report, we should be notified so that re- evaluation of the recommendations may be made. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use by our client for design purposes. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our information. As the project evolves, we should provide continued consultation and field services during construction to review and monitor the implementation of our recommendations, and to verify that the recommendations have been appropriately interpreted. Significant design changes may require additional analysis or modifications to the recommendations presented herein. We recommend on -site observation of excavations and foundation bearing strata and testing of structural fill by a representative of the geotechnical engineer. Respectfully Submitted, HEPWORTH - PAWLAK David A. Reviewed by: , p ",, I Steven L. Pawlak, P.E. DAY/ksw ICAL, INC. cc: The MJ Mueller Company - Mark Mueller (plinj 7mjmpe.com) Peak Land Consultants - Romeo Baylosis (Romeo@peakiand.net) Shaeffer Construction —Mitch Sturdie (MitchS@gsconco com) Shaeffer Construction- Steve Hooker ( SteveH a sconco.com) Shaeffer Construction — Jeff Kissane (JeffKkgsconco.com) J00 NO. 1 12 11 1A . Beech LEGEND.- 0 Indicates boring drilled for current study. 0 Indicates boring from previous HPGeotech study dated June 8.2012. Job No. 112111A. Note: Boring 4 refers VnMW-4 and Boring kzMVV-5inGL&A11'2'12report. � 1 �� "U'c ==TIN(TVP.) TO DAY"T ������ an APPROXIMATE SCALE Ir MW° _ .///ZL CIIFFFAI Cl8cZF BENCH MARK; SEWER MANHOLE RIM, ELEV.=8210.2', AS GIVEN 112111A / teCrj | L{]C/\T|[)NS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I FIGURE 1 BORING 4 BORING 5 GROUND SURFACE ELEV.= 8203.4' GROUND SURFACE ELEV.= 8204.6' TOP OF CASING ELEV. = 8205.1' TOP OF CASING ELEV. = 8205.6' 8205 8200 8195 FFE = 8193' WEST WING I– 8190 LL IL Z L O W J w 8185 8180 8175 fm 3 1 0 14/12 51/12 WC =3.8 +4 =41 -200 =13 68/12 1,3 FINISH FLOOR ELEV = 8187' - MIDDLE PORTION 39/12 +4 =51 0 -200=13 - 40/6,50/4 8205 17/12 8200 WC =5.4 - 200 =21 41/12 8195 FFE = 8193' EAST WING 13/12 8190 WC w =9.9 LL +4 =54 - 200 =13 Z O H Q W 44/12 8185 J w +4 =43 -200 =19 42/12 SI 8175 8170 NOTE: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. H 112 111A tech LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS FIGURE 2 HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL LEGEND: ® FILL; silty clayey sandy gravel with cobbles, loose to medium dense, moist, brown to dark brown. SAND (SC -SM); clayey to silty, gravelly, with cobbles, medium dense to dense, moist, red -brown to mixed brown. Rocks are primarily sub - angular. GRAVEL AND COBBLES (GM -GC); sandy to very sandy, scattered small boulders, silty, occasionally clayey, moist, to wet with depth, red -brown to brown. Rocks are primarily sub - round. Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 1 3/8 inch 1. D. split spoon sample, ASTM D -1586. 19/12 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 19 blows of 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches were required to drive the SPT sampler 12 inches. TPractical drilling refusal. 0.1 Free water depth measured in boring and number of days following drilling measurement was taken. 10 Indicates 2 -inch diameter factory slotted PVC pipe installed in the boring to the depth shown. NOTES: 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on October 22, 2012 with 4 -inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measured approximately by pacing from features shown on the site plan provided. 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were measured by instrument level and refer to the Bench Mark shown on Figure 1. 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under the conditions indicated. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time. 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) +4 = Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve LL = Liquid Limit (%) PI = Plasticity Index ( % ) 112111A I Qjoq�.,l teCh LEGEND AND NOTES I FIGURE 3 HFPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL I TIME READINGS I U.S. STANDARD SERIES 24 HR, 7 HR I CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45MIN, 15MIN, 601VIIN. 19MIN. 4MIN. 1MIN. ♦200 #10n #v, I 0 3( Z H w cr 50 I— Z w 60 U Cc d 70 80 90 100 c w1 074 150 300 600 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.512.5 19.0 373 782 1dS2 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE A1EgUM COARSE FINE r_n R COBBLES Gravel 41 % Sand 46 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Sand and Gravel From: Boring 4 at 9 Feet I TIME READINGS I U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 24 HR. 7 H 45 MIN, 15 MIN. 60MIN. 19MIN. 4 MIN. 1 1.11N. #200 #100 #50 N30 #16 •8 ,r4 3 8' 314' 1 1/2 3' S' 0 10 20 Ow 30 z F 40 w 50 F- z w so U cr a 70 90 90 100 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS 127 CLAY TO SILT SANG GRAVEL F,NE MEDIUM COARSE FINF COBBLES Gravel 51 % Sand 36 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Sandy Gravel From: Boring 4 at 19 Feet 112 111A 100 90 80 70 Ur Z so c/) Q 50 0_ z ao U M w 30 0_ ?0 0 11-1 I GRADATION TEST RESULTS I FIGURE 4 CHNICAL -__ ..__ _.,, 11/2' 3' 5' 6' a' 100 -:--- I , i I I I I 90 I I 80 70 z 60 Q ..__._.. 50 I I ' — -- z — w — -- — w -- - -- -.. 30 D_ 1 f I I 20 - 10 0 w1 074 150 300 600 1.18 2.36 4.75 9.512.5 19.0 373 782 1dS2 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE A1EgUM COARSE FINE r_n R COBBLES Gravel 41 % Sand 46 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Sand and Gravel From: Boring 4 at 9 Feet I TIME READINGS I U.S. STANDARD SERIES CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 24 HR. 7 H 45 MIN, 15 MIN. 60MIN. 19MIN. 4 MIN. 1 1.11N. #200 #100 #50 N30 #16 •8 ,r4 3 8' 314' 1 1/2 3' S' 0 10 20 Ow 30 z F 40 w 50 F- z w so U cr a 70 90 90 100 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS 127 CLAY TO SILT SANG GRAVEL F,NE MEDIUM COARSE FINF COBBLES Gravel 51 % Sand 36 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Sandy Gravel From: Boring 4 at 19 Feet 112 111A 100 90 80 70 Ur Z so c/) Q 50 0_ z ao U M w 30 0_ ?0 0 11-1 I GRADATION TEST RESULTS I FIGURE 4 CHNICAL I TIME READINGS U.S. STANDARD SERIES I CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 24 HR. 7HR 45MIN. 15MIN. 60MIN. 19MN. 4MIN IU. 1 2 0 30 LU Z 40 W 50 f- Z W 60 U Ir d 70 80 90 100 .001 .002 100 90 s0 70 0 z 60 c/) Q 50 d F— Z ao U Ir W 30 CL 20 10 .005 •000 .019 .007 .074 .150 .300 600 1.16 2.36 4.75 9.5 12.5 19.0 37.5 76.2 127152 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COBBLES COARSE FINE CO a Gravel 54 % Sand 33 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel From: Boring 5 at 14 Feet I TIME READINGS I U.S. STANDARD SERIES 7 HR 24 HR. CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45 MIN, 15 MIN, 60MIN 19MIN. 4MIN. IMIN. 8200 0100 050 030 016 r3 04 310' 3'T 11;Y 1 2 WO 30 Z � ao W 50 F z W o0 U W (L 0 7 8D 90 100 ®♦ ®�1�� r� IIII w� �s .001 .002 100 90 s0 70 0 z 60 c/) Q 50 d F— Z ao U Ir W 30 CL 20 10 .005 •000 .019 .007 .074 .150 .300 600 1.16 2.36 4.75 9.5 12.5 19.0 37.5 76.2 127152 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUM COBBLES COARSE FINE CO a Gravel 54 % Sand 33 % Silt and Clay 13 % Sample of: Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel From: Boring 5 at 14 Feet I TIME READINGS I U.S. STANDARD SERIES 7 HR 24 HR. CLEAR SQUARE OPENINGS 45 MIN, 15 MIN, 60MIN 19MIN. 4MIN. IMIN. 8200 0100 050 030 016 r3 04 310' 3'T 11;Y 1 2 WO 30 Z � ao W 50 F z W o0 U W (L 0 7 8D 90 100 vu ooz 100 90 80 70 Z so � Q Q- 50 � z 40 U Q 30 OL 20 10 0 .005 .000 .010 .037 .074 150 .300 .600 1.10 2.36 4.75 9.5 12.5 19.0 37.5 76.2 127152 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUTA rOARSE FINE COBBLES Gravel 43 % Sand 38 % Silt and Clay 19 % Sample of: Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel From: Boring 5 at 19 Feet H P 112 111A Gectech GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 [HEIPWORTH-PAWLAKISEOTECHNICAL ®♦ ®�1�� r� IIII w� vu ooz 100 90 80 70 Z so � Q Q- 50 � z 40 U Q 30 OL 20 10 0 .005 .000 .010 .037 .074 150 .300 .600 1.10 2.36 4.75 9.5 12.5 19.0 37.5 76.2 127152 203 DIAMETER OF PARTICLES IN MILLIMETERS CLAY TO SILT SAND GRAVEL FINE MEDIUTA rOARSE FINE COBBLES Gravel 43 % Sand 38 % Silt and Clay 19 % Sample of: Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel From: Boring 5 at 19 Feet H P 112 111A Gectech GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIGURE 5 [HEIPWORTH-PAWLAKISEOTECHNICAL HEPWORTH - PAWLAK GEOTECHNICAL, INC. TABLE 1 SAMPLE LOCATION BORING DEPTH (ft) 4 9 19 5 4 14 19 NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT ( %) 3.8 5.4 9.9 NATURAL DRY DENSITY (pcfl SUMMARY GRADATION GRAVEL M 41 51 54 43 OF SAND M 46 36 LABORATORY PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE TEST ATTERBERG LIQUID LIMIT (%) RESULTS LIMITS PLASTIC INDEX ( %) AASHTO CLASSIFICATION Job No. 112 111A SOIL OR BEDROCK TYPE 13 13 Silty Sand and Gravel Silty Sandy Gravel Silty Clayey Sand wilh Gravel (Fill) Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel Silty Clayey Sandy Gravel 33 38 21 13 19 APPENDIX A GANSER LUJAN & ASSOCIATES REPORT DATED NOVEMBER 2, 2012 Job No. 112 11 IA GL&A Mr. David A. Young, P.E. Hepworth - Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81601 GA \SN;Id I,L'JA \' , 1iSSOC'IATES Hfdrogeological and Environmental Consultants Re: Hydraulic Conductivity Testing and Estimated Foundation Drain Flow 303 Mill Creek Circle Vail, Colorado Dear Mr. Young: November 2. 2012 Ganser Lujan & Associates, LLC (GL &A) has completed hydraulic conductivity testing of two ground water monitoring wells located at 303 Mill Creek Circle in Vail, Colorado. In addition, an analysis of construction excavation and foundation drain flows has been performed. The objective of the work was to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity of the subsurface material in the immediate vicinity of the residence as well as provide estimates of construction dewatering and long -term foundation drain flows. Boreholes drilled by Hepworth- Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. (H -P) indicate that the site is underlain by medium dense to dense silty, sand and gravel with cobbles and boulders to at least 28 feet below ground surface (grade) with ground water levels ranging from approximately 15 to 17 feet below grade. Site Data Collection The in -situ hydraulic conductivity was evaluated by performing "slug" tests; within temporary monitoring wells installed by H -P. The wells were constructed of 2 -inch diameter PVC with factory slotted screens and developed. Data collected at the monitoring wells prior to testing are summarized below: From top of casing TD DTW TOS BOS MW -4 30.06 17.25 15.06 30.06 MW -5 30.35 17.41 20.35 30.35 TD = total well depth DTW = depth to water TOS = top of screen BOS = bottom of screen SU = casing stickup above ground surface GW = groundwater From ground surface SU TD DTW TOS BOS 1.78 28.28 15.47 13.28 28.28 1.00 29.35 16.41 19.35 29.35 Elevations (from top of casing elevations provided by H -P) G W TOS BOS MW4 8187.85 8190.04 8175.04 MW -5 8188.19 8185.25 8175.25 As shown above, groundwater elevations range from approximately 8,187 to 8,188 feet above mean sea level beneath the proposed residence on October 25, 2012. Seasonal fluctuations in groundwater elevations should be anticipated as this study was undertaken during the fall which is typically, along with winter, the lowest groundwater elevations of the year. A minimum increase in groundwater elevations on the order of 3 to 5 feet during spring runoff should be anticipated. 12610 W: Bn1•uad Ave., Unit 11, Lakewood, CO 80228 303- 888 -9078 �lartseKagu�tser /ujcttt.cojn GA \SER LUJA & ASSOCIATES Hl'drogeological and Environinental Consultants GL &A conducted in -situ hydraulic conductivity tests (slug tests) on October 25, 2012 in Boring/MW -4 and Boring/MW -5. A displacement tN pe test using a 4 -foot long solid *'slug' and pressure transducer was performed. The resulting rapid rate of rise and tall in the water level as the slug was inserted and removed tom the well was recorded by a pressure transducer and data logger. Data Analvsis fhe data collected was analyzed in accordance with the published procedures described by Bouwer and Rice using the computer program AgteSoly. The output is provided in Attachment A. The resulting hydraulic conductivities for four tests performed in the two wells are summarized below: Monitoring Well Test'Fyp MW -4 falling head MW-4 rising head MW -5 falling head MW-5 rising head Hydraulic Conductivity 2.3x10 "3 cm/sec (6.5 ft/day) 3.8x 10 "3 cm /sec (10.7 Wday) 6.8x10 -3 cm/sec (19.4 ft/day) 9.6x 10 -3 cm/sec (27.3 ft/day) The hydraulic conductivity of sandy sediments can also be estimated from the grain -size distribution curve by the Hazen method. A comparison of the slug test results was made with the Hazen method analyses of 4 gradation tests performed on samples collected from Borings 4 and 5. The results of the Hazen analyses for the 4 samples ranged from 1.7x10"3 to 3.4x10 "3 cm /sec comparing favorably with the lower range of the slug test results. The slightly higher average slug test values are probably due to sampling bias where the sampled material is likely overall finer grained than the actual alluvial aquifer sediments. Estimated Excavation and Foundation Drain Flows This analysis of estimated construction excavation and long -term foundation drain flows is based on the limited data collected from the hydraulic conductivity testing, the estimated size of the construction excavation, the assumed drawdown required for construction, and the elevation of foundation drains. The results of hydraulic conductivity testing indicate that the subsurface materials tested have a hydraulic conductivity of up to 27.3 ft/day. The perimeter of the proposed excavation below the current water table (approximately 160 linear feet) was based on a scaled site drawing of the "Mill Creek Circle Residence, Lot #3, Vail, Colorado; prepared by the MJ Mueller Co., Inc. As shown on the referenced drawing, excavation depths range from 8,182.6 to 8,191.2 feet. The groundwater elevation measured on October 25, 2012 is approximately 8,188 feet. This results in a minimum 5.4 -foot drawdown of the groundwater level for the central portion of the structure. Based on these parameters and using the Darcy Flow Equation we estimate that construction dewatering inflow could range from approximately 19,000 to 29,000 cubic feet per day or approximately 100 to 150 gallons per minute (gpm) for the central portion of the structure (elevation 8,182.6). Long -tern foundation drain flows would be somewhat less than construction flows; likely on the order of 75 to 100 gpm. The estimated flow increases to 170 to 250 gpm assuming a seasonal increase in the groundwater level of 4 feet during spring runoff. The rise in the groundwater elevation to 8.192 feet would affect all sections of the proposed residence as the highest excavation depth is 8,191.2 feet. Inflows are directly (and linearly) related to the groundwater elevation. At the time of our testing the groundwater levels were seasonally low. In addition, 2012 was a relatively dry year. Please note that this preliminary estimate is based on limited aquifer test data. This estimate could be further refined by additional hydraulic conductivity (slug) testing at the site or, preferably, by a pump test. Slug testing only evaluates a very limited extent of the aquifer and may not represent the overall aquifer characteristics. For -2- GANSE12 l.i'JA�' , ASSOCIATES 4rdrogeologieal and Environmental Consultants example, a high permeability alluvial channel may easily be missed by a slug test. A pump test evaluates a much larger area of the aquifer providing a higher level of certainty than slug tests. A pump test would reduce the uncertainty inherent in these preliminary estimates. Conclusions and Recommendations The results of the hydraulic conductivity testing indicate that the hydraulic conductivity in all wells tested ranged from 2.3x10'3 to 9.6x10 cm /sec (6.5 to 27.3 feet/day). We selected a value of 4.2x10' 2cm /sec (20 ft/dav) for estimating purposes. Rased on the size of the proposed excavation, construction dew•atering flows are estimated to he on the order of 100 to 150 gallons per minute from the proposed lower level building footprint assuming October 2012 groundwater elevations. Long -term foundation drain flows are estimated to be on the order of 75 to 100 gpm. Flows will increase as the groundwater levels rise seasonally. An increase in the groundwater elevation of 4 feet will result in a corresponding increase in flow to approximately 250 gpm. Several options are available to decrease construction dewatering flows or even eliminate post - construction foundation drain flows. These include reducing the square footage of the lower level, raising the lower level floor elevation, or designing the structure to be water tight. Only a limited section of aquifer material was tested in each well due to the limited aquifer penetration. As a result these data should be considered preliminary estimates of the overall hydraulic conductivity of the shallow aquifer and construction dewatering /long -term sub -drain flows. If you require any additional information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me Sincerely, Ganser Luian & Associates Donald R. Ganser. P.G. Principal Hydrogeologist -3- ATTACHMENT I - AQTESOLV OUTPUT 10. X s P I 1. a c e m e n t 0.1 ( t 0.01 0. 12, 24. 36. 48. 60. Time (sec) MW -4 IN Data Set: CAProgram Files (x86) IHydroSOLVEIAQTESOLV Std 4.01Mill -Creek MW -4 in,agt Date: 11!01!12 - Time: 11 :36:27 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Ganser Lujan & Assoc. Client: H -P Geotech Project: 12 -1 -008 Location: Vail, CO Test Date: 10 -25 -2012 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 40. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz!Kr): 0.8 W_ ELL DATA (MW -4) Initial Displacement: 5. ft Static Water Column Height: 12.81 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 3.0_.06_ ft Screen Length: 15. ft Casing Radius: 0.08 ft - Well Radius: 0,17 ft SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer -Rice K = 6.504 ft/day y0 = 6.532 ft - 10. _I I � s P 1 1. a c e m e n t 0.1 f t 0.01 0 6. 12. 18. Time (sec) 24. 30. MW -4 OUT Data Set: C:IUsers \Owner\Documents \Hepworth- Pawlak1303 Mill Creek Circle \MW -4 out.agt Time: Date: 11/01112 -- 4 - -- - - 11:39:2 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Ganser-Lujan & Assoc. Client: H -P Geotech Project: 12 -1 -008 Location: Vail, CO Test Date: 10 -25 -2012 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 40. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.8 WELL DATA (New Well) Initial Displacement: 4.5 ft Static Water Column Height: 12.81_ ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 28. ft Screen Length: 15. ft Casing Radius: 0.08 ft Well Radius: 0.17 ft SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer -Rice K = 10.67 ft/day y0 = 4.751 ft 10. D i s 1 p a c e m 0.1 e n f 0.01 t ) 0.001 0. 6. 12. 18. 24. 30. Time. (sec) MW -5 IN Data Set: C:IUsers\ Owner \Documents\Hepworth- Pawiak1303 Mill Creek CircIelMW -5 in.agt Date: 11/61/1-2 _ _ _. - Time: 11:33:22 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Ganser Lujan & Assoc. Client: H -P Geotech Project: 12 -1 -008 Location: Vail, Co Test Date: 10 -25 -2012 AQUIFER DATA Saturated Thickness: 40. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.8 WELL DATA Initial Displacement: 4, ft Static Water Column Height: 12.94 ft Total Well Penetration Depth: 12_,9.4_ ft Screen Length: 10. ft Casing Radius: 0.08 ft - Well Radius: 0.17 ft SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer -Rice = 19.4 ft/day y0 = 4.277 ft 10. D S p I 1. a c e m e n t 0.1 ( f t 0.01 0 Data Set: Date: 11/01/12 6. 12. 1$. Time (sec) MW -5 OUT Time: 11:29:57 PROJECT INFORMATION Company: Ganser Lujan & Assoc. Client: H -P Geotech Project: 12 -1 -008 Location: Vail, Co Test Date: 10 -25 -2012 AQUIFER DATA 24, 30. Saturated Thickness: 40. ft Anisotropy Ratio (Kz/Kr): 0.8 WELL DATA (MW -6) Initial Displacement: 4. ft Static Water Column Height: 12.94 ft Total Well Penetration Depth., 12.94 ft Casing Radius: 0.08 ft — — Screen Length: 10_ ft Well Radius: 0. if ft SOLUTION Aquifer Model: Unconfined Solution Method: Bouwer -Rice K = 27.33 ft/day y0 = 29.9 ft - COGGINS & S0. Caisson Drilling, Excavation Shoring, Tieback Anchors DESIGN CALCULATIONS EARTH RETENTION for PROJECT NO.: 5436 MILL CREEK RESIDENCE VAI L, CO Prepared for GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION 41011 HIGHWAY 6 AVON, COLORADO 81620 TEL: 970-390-5605 FAX: 970-845-7013 Prepared By: JAMES V. WARNICK, JR. P.E. COGGI 01,15 S, INC. GO 42839v `S`S�ONAI-E�G DATE: NO R 29, 2012 9512 Titan Park Circle • Littleton, Colorado 80125 • (303) 791 -9911 • FAX (303) 791 -0967 COGGINS & SO Caisson Drilling, Excavation Shoring, Tieback Anchors DESIGN CALCULATIONS INDEX for PROJECT NO. 5436 PROJECT: MILL CREEK RESIDENCE ITEM NO. I DESCRIPTION I PAGES 1 SOILS S1.0-S1.5 2 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 25' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S2.0-S2.6 3 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 20' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S3.0-S3.5 4 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 16' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S4.0-S4.4 5 "SNAIL" ANALYSIS OF 11' -0" FT HEIGHT SOIL NAIL WALL (TEMPORARY) S5.0-S5.4 6 TEMPORARY FACING CALCULATION S6.0 7 "L -PILE 5.0" ANALYSIS OF CANTILEVER MICROPILE 12' EXPOSED HEIGHT S7.0-S7.3 8 "L -PILE 5.0" ANALYSIS OF CANTILEVER MICROPILE 9' EXPOSED HEIGHT S8.0-S8.3 9 10 11 12 9512 Titan Park Circle • Littleton, Colorado 80125 • (303) 791 -9911 • FAX (303) 791 -0967 st o S/. t BORINGV. ,1 BORING 2 BORING 3 EL_= 8210.2' ELE\4= 8210.3' ELEV.= :8209.6' 8215 8215 8210 r� FIE 8210 10/12 v N. 13/12 8205 WC =5.4 -�00 =19 28/12 WC =12'1 8205 - 200=42 APPROXIMATE MILL CREEK WATER o : PROPOSED BASEMENT LEl/EL, ELEV.= 55/12 •. 60/12 8202.8' (05/17/12) FLOOR LEVEL WEST ;;; • 8200 WCi 3,9 -° 30/12 8200 ` m m +4 =39 - 200 =15 o : PROPOSED BASEMENT 55/12 FLOOR LEVEL WEST ;;; • -° a� PORTION, ELEV,= 8195,5' ` m Lu 8195 31!12 Q 33112 = 8195 w ,1 WC =5.0 - +4 =53 0 p i - 200 =12 — 8 — PROPOSED BASF ENT 6 ; FLOOR LEVEL FAST 20[12 20112 8190 - �` ;. 18/12 —� PORTION, ELEV.= 8192.5' 9 W 1 = 8190 g 38/12 - 200 =12 8185 a°' 39/12 34/12 8185 8180 8180 Note: Explanation of symbols is shown on Figure 3. 112111A �°�� LOGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS I FIGURE 2 HFPWC1ciT4Lbewi nu nrn-rrr,....... 61.2- LEGEND: ® ASPHALT PAVEMENT, about 3 inches thick. Encountered only at Boring 1. CONCRETE PAVERS AND SAND; walkway concrete pavers about 3 inches thick over approximately 2 inches of a sand leveling course. Encountered of Borings 2 and 3. VNFILL; silty to clayey gravelly sand with scattered cobbles, loose to medium dense, moist; brown to red - brown, roots and wood debris. SAND AND GRAVEL (SM -GM); with cobbles and small'boulders, silty, occasionally clayey, medium dense to dense, slightly moist to moist becoming wet with depth, brawn to red - brown. 000 1.061 GRAVEL AND COBBLES (GM -GP); with boulders, slightly silty, sandy, dense, wet, brown. Drive sample; standard penetration test (SPT), 13/8 inch I.D. split spobri sample, ASTM -1586, 10%12 Drive sample blow count; indicates that 10 blows of a 140 pound hammer failing 30 inches were required to drive the SPT sampler 12 inches. 0,1,.6 Free water level in boring and number of days following drilling measurement was taken. TPractical drilling refusal, where shown above bottom of log indicates multiple attempts were made to advance the boring to the depth shown.. > Depth at which the boring paved before installing the slotted PVC pipe. Boring 3 was backfilled after drilling and and free water level measurement. Indicates slotted PVC pipe installed in boring to depth shown. NOTES: - 1. Exploratory borings were drilled on May 16 and 17, 2012 with 4 -inch diameter continuous flight power auger. 2. Locations of exploratory borings were measured ap provided. proximately by taping from features shown on the site plan 3. Elevations of exploratory borings were measured by instrument level and refer to the Bench Mark shown on Figure 1. 4. The exploratory boring locations and elevations should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 5. The lines between materials shown on the exploratory boring logs represent the approximate boundaries between material types and transitions may. be gradual. 6. Water level readings shown on the logs were made at the time and under the conditions indicated. Fluctuations in water level may occur with time, 7. Laboratory Testing Results: WC = Water Content (%) +4= Percent retained on the No. 4 sieve DD = Dry Density (poi) -200 = Percent passing No. 200 sieve 112 111A f!?'�1.,�ch I LEGEND AND NOTES I FIGURE 3 HgPWO RTHAkWLAK GEOTECHNICAL t 1 2( 112111A 15/• q 100 90 80 70 i 60 Z Q 60 F Z I W ; I U CC I W 40 a- 30 10 GRADATION TEST RESULTS I FIGURE 5 HEPWORTH- PAWLAK GEOTEGHNICAL, INC. TABLE 1 SAMPLE BORING 2 3 LOCATION DEPTH (tz) 4 10 15 15 NATURAL MOISTURE CONTENT ( %) 5.4 3.9 5.0 10.9 NATURAL DRY DENSITY (PC SUMMARY GRADATION GRAVEL 39 53 47 OF LABQRATORY PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE 19 15 12 TEST RESULTS Job No. 112111A SAND 46 35 ATTERBERC LIQUID LIMIT LIMITS PLASTIC INDEX AASHTO CLASSIFICATION SOIL OR BEDROCKTYPE Silty Sand and Gravel (Fill) Silty Sand and Gravel Silty Sandy Gravel Silty Sand and Gravel 31 12 (A a M O Z 0 LO Nr LLI CD Z D rn Q' LL � L7 ~ Q W O LL of U Date: it -29 -2012 SnallHln 3.10 Pile: S436 - KILL CHEEK RESIDENCE 0 -25 J LU LO O LL 0 LO LL U LU N rn Q M Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.59 W = W 2 00 0 C90rn LU U = bi 8.0 ft Behind Ball Crest r' Z Z O At Ball Tee LLu � Q U Z LEGEND: H- 25.0 £t PS- 24.0 Nips PY- 47.0 Nei ////����^ Sh- 7.0 ft r Su- 4.8 ft G8N PHI CON SIG p9f deg psf psi O 1 130.0 34 B 21.0 � I ti O 9 J LO O N ti _ O O LL 0 U) M -1 0 Z U ° �Q U �- Scale - 10 Ft MODEM Y O r, 0QO°' U r^ r` V � O M O OF-- J V Lr) JLu N JOB NO.: 5436 ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY: JVW File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:09:30 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 25.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coordinates Intercept Stress XS1 YS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option #5 wh of Boundary XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft; 0.0 0.0 Bn enabled. s2•I File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT --- - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels = 5 Horizontal Spacing = 7.0 ft Diameter of Reinforcement Element = 1.000 in Yield Stress of Reinforcement = 47.0 ksi Diameter of Grouted Hole = 5.3 in Punching Shear = 24.0 kips (For ALL Levels) Reinforcement Lengths = 20.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.8 ft Page - 2 sz,v 52.3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.728 4.0 78.7 20.4 89.9 5.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 43.406 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 4 = 38.390 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 5 = 33.374 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 1.585 8.0 60.8 11.5 80.9 15.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 37.782 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 1.667 12.0 54.2 12.3 72.3 15.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 39.512 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) szy File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 4 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 1.695 16.0 50.6 22.7 78.0 7.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 26.238 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 42.392 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 40.560 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 5 1.666 20.0 47.6 23.7 61.9 8.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 17.637 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 36.730 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 41.453 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 1.646 24.0 36.7 20.9 60.1 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.133 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 13.319 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.959 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.218 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 52--5- File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE (Pullout controls...) FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (Pullout controls...) 4 (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 5 = 45.974 ksi 1.631 28.0 36.7 20.9 48.1 16.8 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 13.104 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.959 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.218 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 1.669 32.0 38.0 40.6 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.146 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 41.330 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 44.698 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 1.717 36.0 34.8 43.8 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 8.055 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.512 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 45.974 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 5 Z.6 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =25 Page - 6 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 1.768 40.0 32.0 47.2 89.9 0.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 0.451 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 30.042 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 5 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 19.637 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** M O Z O v LO w °O Z rn w � XX ~ Q C/) w p U Date: 11 -29 -2012 SnailWin 3.10 File-. S436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H -28 W —I W (O U w m LO u-�oo U w Q M Q M = r Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.85 W ww cn 0 U w = Li 4.0 £t Behind Wall Crest J J I Z Z O O O OAt Wall Ioa 0 < V Z LEGEND: H- 20.0 ft PS- 22.0 Biys 0. PP= 47.0 Hsi r/ Sh- 7.0 ft Su- 4.S ft GRH PHI COB SSIq deg O 1 13 4 3 130.0 34 21.0 ti 0) O N r n O a0 W O M V / -I O . Z�Q U � � Scale = 10 ft GREEN Y O r j 0 IX d U ^ •l Z Z v O c� F- O O J cj, V ��w f>,.l rn -D F- JOB NO.: 5436 0 ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DM BY: JVW File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:24:11 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 20.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coord Intercept Stress XS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option Lnates of Boundary YS1 XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.0 0.0 0.0 #5 when enabled. File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE - NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT --- - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS Number of Reinforcement Levels Horizontal Spacing Diameter of Reinforcement Element Yield Stress of Reinforcement Diameter of Grouted Hole Punching Shear --- - - - - -- (For ALL Levels) 4 7.0 ft = 1.000 in = 47.0 ksi 5.3 in 22.0 kips Reinforcement Lengths = 20.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.5 ft Page - 2 53.2- 5 3.3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =20 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.853 4.0 71.6 6.3 81.9 14.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 46.857 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 43.457 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 3 = 40.057 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 4 = 33.829 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 1.972 8.0 51.3 7.7 77.1 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 40.535 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.231 12.0 52.4 17.7 78.7 6.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 46.560 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 40.165 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 2.529 16.0 43.2 8.8 55.6 17.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 41.308 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 43.782 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) 53.1 NODE 5 2.575 20.0 33.7 14.4 56.3 14.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 22.170 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 36.146 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 2.477 24.0 29.1 16.5 51.3 15.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 8.390 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 24.668 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.384 28.0 15.9 14.6 48.8 21.3 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 10.736 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 28.250 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.384 32.0 17.4 13.4 39.8 25.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 10.539 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 32.975 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 2.392 36.0 15.5 14.9 36.5 26.9 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi S3.57- 2 = 3 = 4 = MINIMUM DISTANCE SAFETY BEHIND FACTOR WALL TOE (ft) 1.791 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 26.287 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE PLANE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 2.509 40.0 18.4 12.6 29.7 32.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 5.668 Ksi (Pullout.controls...) 3 = 35.105 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 4 = 47.000 Ksi (Yield Stress controls.) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 15.655 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** M O Z O W ao U o Z = rn W 0 F- w O D_ U Date: 11 -29 -2012 SneilWin 3.10 P11n: S426 - MILL CREME RESIDENCE 0 -16 J Cr LO O U LL o in LL go U W Q m rn Minimum Factor of Safety = 1.73 Y =�o� o o W O rn U C ` = � LLI 4.0 ft Behind Wall Crest J W z Z O o 00 At Wall Toe W d Q U Z_ LEGEND: P6= 17.0 Hips H= 16.0 ft PY= 47.0 Xxi Sh= 7.0 ft Sr- 4.6 ft CAN PHI COH SIG pef deg psi psi O 1 130.0 34 0 21.0 � //�J \I I ti (0 M O N_ /A O O w � v, M O . Z"° U Scale = 10 ft � Y O X11 <O o' 0 � U � Z ti V 1 M FF--- O O� J Lr) H W U U a) F- JOB NO.: 5436 ISSUED: 11 -29 -2012 DWN BY: JVW File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 Page - 1 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 11:30:15 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 16.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Unit Friction Soil Weight Angle Layer (Pcf) (Degree) 1 130.0 34.0 * Bond Stress also depei - SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Cohesion Bond* Coord Intercept Stress XS1 (Psf) (Psi) (ft) 0.0 21.0 0.0 ids on BSF Factor in Option inates of Boundary YS1 XS2 YS2 (ft) (ft) (ft) 0.0 0.0 0.0 #5 when enabled. 5V File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE --- - - - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT --- - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels = 3 Horizontal Spacing = 7.0 ft Diameter of Reinforcement Element = 1.000 in Yield Stress of Reinforcement = 47.0 ksi Diameter of Grouted Hole = 5.3 in Punching Shear = 17.0 kips --- - - - - -- (For ALL Levels) Reinforcement Lengths = 15.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.6 ft Page - 2 ,S Y, L ,W 3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =16 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 1.733 4.0 63.4 3.6 79.4 13.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 39.577 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 35.039 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 3 = 30.500 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE . PLANE . FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 2.045 8.0 45.0 9.1 80.5 9.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 40.046 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 44.102 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 37.719 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.246 12.0 41.6 9.6 63.4 10.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 28.650 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 39.859 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.263 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 2.326 16.0 40.6 14.8 53.1 8.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 16.654 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 38.671 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.760 ksi (Punching Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE 'UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 5 2.243 20.0 14.9 6.2 45.8 20.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 5.129 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 24.736 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 44.343 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE a'v SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 6 2.150 24.0 12.5 7.4 40.6 22.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.410 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 39.005 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.326 28.0 15.9 5.8 32.7 26.6 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 17.063 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 44.973 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.379 32.0 14.0 6.6 29.4 29.4 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 11.032 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 41.644 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 9 2.440 36.0 12.5 7.4 26.6 32.2 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 5.470 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 38.573 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE10 2.608 40.0 11.3 8.2 24.2 35.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 0.323 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 3 = 35.827 Ksi (Pullout controls...) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 13.361 Kips /level 65,1 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION * ENGINEERING SERVICE CENTER * DIVISION OF MATERIALS AND FOUNDATIONS * Office of Roadway Geotechnical Engineering * Date: 11 -29 -2012 Time: 12:23:50 ******************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** Project Identification - 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE --- - - - - -- WALL GEOMETRY --- - - - - -- Vertical Wall Height = 11.0 ft Wall Batter = 0.0 degree Angle Length (Deg) (Feet) First Slope from Wallcrest. = 0.0 0.0 Second Slope from 1st slope. = 0.0 0.0 Third Slope from 2nd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fourth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Fifth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Sixth Slope from 3rd slope. = 0.0 0.0 Seventh Slope Angle. = 0.0 --- - - - - -- SLOPE BELOW THE WALL --- - - - - -- There is NO SLOPE BELOW THE TOE of the wall --- - - - - -- SURCHARGE --- - - - - -- There is NO SURCHARGE imposed on the system. --- - - - - -- OPTION #1 --- - - - - -- Factored Punching shear, Bond & Yield Stress are used. Page - 1 --- - - - - -- SOIL PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Unit Friction Cohesion Bond* Coordinates of Boundary Soil Weight Angle Intercept Stress XS1 YS1 XS2 YS2 Layer (Pcf) (Degree) (Psf) (Psi) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 130.0 34.0 0.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * Bond Stress also depends on BSF Factor in Option #5 when enabled. File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 --- - - - - -- WATER SURFACE - - -- NO Water Table defined for this problem. --- - - - - -- SEARCH LIMIT --- - - - - -- The Search Limit is from 0.0 to 40.0 ft You have chosen NOT TO LIMIT the search of failure planes to specific nodes. --- - - - - -- REINFORCEMENT PARAMETERS --- - - - - -- Number of Reinforcement Levels Horizontal Spacing Diameter of Reinforcement Element Yield Stress of Reinforcement Diameter of Grouted Hole Punching Shear --- - - - - -- (For ALL Levels) = 2 = 7.0 ft = 1.000 in = 47.0 ksi = 5.3 in = 13.0 kips Reinforcement Lengths = 10.0 ft Reinforcement Inclination = 15.0 degrees Vertical Spacing to First Level = 3.0 ft Vertical Spacing to Remaining Levels = 4.6 ft Page - 2 ss:z 5s3 File: 5436 - MILL CREEK RESIDENCE H =11 Page - 3 MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Toe 2.012 4.0 47.7 3.0 77.2 9.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 33.688 Ksi (Punching Shear controls..) 2 = 28.242 ksi (Punching.Shear controls..) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 2 2.164 8.0 28.8 4.6 65.6 9.7 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 20.509 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 30.809 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 3 2.091 12.0 10.4 6.1 58.8 11.6 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 4.930 Ksi (Pullout controls...) 2 = 18.185 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 4 1.944 16.0 12.9 4.9 41.5 14.9 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 21.990 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) ' NODE 5 2.104 20.0 10.4 6.1 35.3 17.1 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 16.383 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) Ss'Y NODE 6 2.260 24.0 8.7 7.3 30.5 19.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 11.360 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 7 2.414 28.0 7.5 8.5 26.8 22.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 6.834 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) NODE 8 2.671 32.0 6.5 9.7 23.8 24.5 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 0.000 Ksi 2 = 4.798 Ksi (Pullout controls...) MINIMUM DISTANCE LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE SAFETY BEHIND PLANE PLANE FACTOR WALL TOE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (ft) (r7PC11 (f t-) (rlarrl ( ft- ) NODE 9 2.874 36.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 2 = MINIMUM DISTANCE SAFETY BEHIND FACTOR WALL TOE (ft) NODE10 3.077 40.0 Reinf. Stress at Level 1 = 2 0.0 7.2 20.9 30.8 ).000 Ksi L.412 Ksi (Pullout controls...) LOWER FAILURE UPPER FAILURE PLANE PLANE ANGLE LENGTH ANGLE LENGTH (deg) (ft) (deg) (ft) 7.8 8.1 17.2 33.5 ).000 Ksi '.986 Ksi (Pullout controls___) ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * For Factor of Safety = 1.0 * Maximum Average Reinforcement Working Force: * 9.385 Kips /level ************************************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** 5G. o MILL CREEK (TEMPORARY) JOB NO: BID NAIL HEAD SERVICE LOAD Ff (pg. 97) 0.5 Ka (SLOPE ACCOUNTED) 0.503 HEIGHT OF WALL (ft) 21.0 IN -SITU DENSITY (pcf) 130.0 HORIZONTAL SPACING (ft) 7.0 VERTICAL SPACING (ft) 5.0 NAIL SERVICE LOAD (Kips) 24.0 FLEXURE STRENGTH VERTICAL SPACING (ft) 5.0 HOR. SPACING (ft) 7.0 MESH 4 WALER BARS (dia -in) (1) 0.625 VERTICAL REIN. (dia -in) (1) 0.500 ADDITIONAL VERT. REIN. (dia- in)(1) 0.000 WALL THICK (in) 4.0 GROUT HOLE (in) 5.25 BEARING PLATE 8 STEEL GRADE (psi) 60000 SHOTCRETE (psi) 4000 Cf (Table 4.2 pg. 89) 2.00 NAIL HEAD STRENGTH FACTOR 0.66 VERTICAL DIRECTION As (NEG) (sq. in) 0.99 As (POS) (sq. in) 0.60 My (NEG) ( #- in /in) 1840 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1147 NOW HEAD Kips 67 DESIGN HEAD (Kips) 39 ALL. NAIL HEAD (Kips) 26 4 1.45 4.0 1 4.0 0.31 1918 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1918 0.20 39 Vn (Kips) 38 0.00 41 ALL. NAIL HEAD Kips 27 8 1 0.5 HORIZONTAL DIRECTION As (NEG) (sq. in) 1.45 As (POS) (sq. in) 1.45 My (NEG) ( #- inlin) 1918 My (POS) ( #- in /in) 1918 NOW HEAD (Kips) 39 ALLOWABLE NAIL HEAD LOAD GREATER THAN ESTIMATED HEAD SERVICE LOAD, HENCE, OK PUNCHING SHEAR Cs (Table 4.2 pg. 89) 2.0 D'c (in) 12 Dc (in) 16 Ac (sq. in.) 201 A c (sq. in.) 22 Vn (Kips) 38 NOM. HEAD (kips) 41 ALL. NAIL HEAD Kips 27 ALLOWABLE NAIL HEAD LOAD GREATER THAN ESTIMATED HEAD SERVICE LOAD; HENCE, OK VERTICAL BARS Lc/20 (in) 3.0 15Db (in) 7,5 Id (in) 2.0 TOTAL REIN. 0.40 Lvb (in) 25 WALER BARS L (in) 12 Ld = (1.7)Ldb 20 SPLICE LTH in 20 MESH 1.5(Ldb) (in) 4 Swire + 2 (in) 6 8 (in) 8 SPLICE LTH (in) 8 DEVELOPED LENGTH 7.5 510 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po LPILE Plus for Windows, version 5.0 (5.0.39) Analysis of Individual Piles and Drilled Shafts subjected to Lateral Loading using the p -y Method (c) 1985 -2007 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to: James Warnick Goggins & sons Inc. Path to file locations: Name of input data file: Name of output file: Name of plot output file Name of runtime file: \ \Serverl \coggins \Jobs \2012 JOBS \5436 MILL CREEK \Calcs\ 3 -5 OD WALL 449.lpd 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1pp 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1pr ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Time and Date of Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Date: November 29, 2012 Time: 12:34:19 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- MILL CREEK 3.5" O.D. 0.449 WALL THICKNESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program Options ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Units used in Computations - Us Customary Units: inches, Pounds Basic Program Options: Analysis Type 2: - Computation of Ultimate Bending Moment of Cross section (Section Design) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ computation of Nonlinear Bending Stiffness for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Dimensions and Material Properties of steel Pipe Section: Outer Diameter of Pipe = 3.50000 in. Pipe Wall Thickness = 0.44900 in. Yield Stress of Pipe = 80. ksi Elastic Modulus = 29000. ksi Cross - sectional Area = 4.30366 sq. in. Moment of Inertia = 5.116 inA4 Elastic Bending Stiffness = 148367. kip -in2 Definition of Run Messages: Y = part of pipe section has yielded Page 1 54.1 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po Axial Thrust Force = 0.000 kips Bending Bending Bending Max Comp Minimum Depth to Run Curvature Moment Stiffness Strain Strain N Axis Msg rad /in. --------------------- in -kip - - - - -- kip -in2 in /in in /in in 0.00003350 4.97030471 ------- - - - - -- .148378.20989 ------- - - - - -- 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- - 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- 1.75000000 - -- 0.00006700 9.94060941 148378.20989 0.00011724 - 0.00011724 1.75000000 0.00010049 .14.91091412. 148378.20989 0.00017586 - 0.00017586 1.75000000 0.00,013399 19.88121883 148378.20989 0.00023448 - 0.00023448 1.75000000 0.00016749 24.85152354 148378.20989 0.00029310 - 0.00029310 1.75000000 0.00020099 29.82182824 148378.20989 0.00035172 - 0.00035172 1.75000000 0.00023448 34.79213295 148378.20989 0.00041034 - 0.00041034 1.75000000 0.00026798 39.76243766 148378.20989 0.00046897 - 0.00046897 1.75000000 0.00030148 44.73274237 148378.20989 0.00052759 - 0.00052759 1.75000000 0.00033498 49.70304707 148378.20989 0.00058621 - 0.00058621 1.75000000 0.00036847 54.67335178 148378.20989 0.00064483 - 0.00064483 1.75000000 0.00040197 59.64365649 148378.20989 0.00070345 - 0.00070345 1.75000000 0.00043547 64.61396120 148378.20989 0.00076207 - 0.00076207 1.75000000 0.00046897 69.58426590 148378.20989 0.00082069 - 0.00082069 1.75000000 0.00050246 74.55457061 148378.20989 0.00087931 - 0.00087931 1.75000000 0.00053596 79.52487532 148378.20989 0.00093793 - 0.00093793 1.75000000 0.00056946 84.49518002 148378.20989 0.00099655 - 0.00099655 1.75000000 0.00060296 89.46548473 148378.20989 0.00105517 - 0.00105517 1.75000000 0.00063645 94.43578944 148378.20989 0.00111379 - 0.00111379 1.75000000 0.00066995 99.40609415 148378.20989 0.00117241 - 0.00117241 1.75000000 0.00070345 104.37640 148378.20989 0.00123103 - 0.00123103 1.75000000 0.00073695 109.34670 148378.20989 0.00128966 - 0.00128966 1.75000000 0.00077044 114.31701 148378.20989 0.00134828 - 0.00134828 1.75000000 0.00080394 119.28731 148378.20989 0.00140690 - 0.00140690 1.75000000 0.00083744 124.25762 148378.20989 0.00146552 - 0.00146552 1.75000000 0.00087094 129.22792 148378.20989 0.00152414 - 0.00152414 1.75000000 0.00090443 134.19823 148378.20989 0.00158276 - 0.00158276 1.75000000 0.00093793 139.16853 148378.20989 0.00164138 - 0.00164138 1.75000000 0.00097143 144.13884 148378.20989 0.00170000 - 0.00170000 1.75000000 0.00100493 149.10914 148378.20989 0.00175862 - 0.00175862 1.75000000 0.00103842 154.07945 148378.20989 0.00181724 - 0.00181724 1.75000000 0.00107192 159.04975 148378.20989 0.00187586 - 0.00187586 1.75000000 0.00110542 164.02006 148378.20989 0.00193448 - 0.00193448 1.75000000 0.00113892 168.99036 148378.20989 0.00199310 - 0.00199310 1.75000000 0.00117241 173.96066 148378.20989 0.00205172 - 0.00205172 1.75000000 0.00120591 178.93097 148378.20989 0.00211034 - 0.00211034 1.75000000 0.00123941 183.90127 148378.20989 0.00216897 - 0.00216897 1.75000000 0.00127291 188.87158 148378.20989 0.00222759 - 0.00222759 1.75000000 0.00130640 193.84188 148378.20989 0.00228621 - 0.00228621 1.75000000 0.00133990 198.81219 148378.20989 0.00234483 - 0.00234483 1.75000000 0.00137340 203.78249 148378.20989 0.00240345 - 0.00240345 1.75000000 0.00140690 208.75280 148378.20989 0.00246207 - 0.00246207 1.75000000 0.00144039 213.72310 148378.20989 0.00252069 - 0.00252069 1.75000000 .0.00147389 218.69341 148378.20989 0.00257931 - 0.00257931 1.75000000 0.00150739 223.66371 148378.20989 0.00263793 - 0.00263793 1.75000000 0.00154089 228.63402 148378.20989 0.00269655 - 0.00269655 1.75000000 0.00157438 233.60432 148378.20989 0.00275517 - 0.00275517 1.75000000 0.00160788 238.53039 148350.69714 0.00281379 - 0.00281379 1.75000000 Y 0.00164138 243.32514 148244.30394 0.00287241 - 0.00287241 1.75000000 Y 0.00167488 247.93935 148034.37488 0.00293103 - 0.00293103 1.75000000 Y 0.00170837 252.35135 147714.31215 0.00298966 - 0.00298966 1.75000000 Y 0.00174187 256.55247 147285.49031 0.00304828 -0.00304828 1 7 000000 Y 0.00177537 260.54238 146753.89112 0.00310690 - 0.00310690 1.75000000 Y 0.00180887 264.30203 146114.67908 0.00316552 - 0.00316552 1.75000000 Y 0.00184236 267.81438 145364.48386 0.00322414 - 0.00322414 1.75000000 Y 0.00187586 271.12551 144533.81312 0.00328276 - 0.00328276 1.75000000 Y 0.00190936 274.25113 143635.13221 0.00334138 - 0.00334138 1.75000000 Y 0.00194286 277.18147 142666.92998 0.00340000 - 0.00340000 1.75000000 Y 0.00197635 279.85870 141603.47710 0.00345862 - 0.00345862 1.75000000 Y 0.00200985 282.38821 140501.97511 0.00351724 - 0.00351724 1.75000000 Y 0.00204335 284.75929 139359.05313 0.00357586 - 0.00357586 1.75000000 Y 0.00207685 286.88648 138135.56217 0.00363448 - 0.00363448 1.75000000 Y 0.00211034 288.91359 136903.49293 0.00369310 - 0.00369310 1.75000000 Y Page 2 :S-4.-2,- 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po 0.00214384 290.74115 135616.84538 0.00375172 - 0.00375172 1.75000000 0.00217734 292.45496 134317.54738 0.00381034 - 0.00381034 1.75000000 0.00221084 294.07026 133013.05981 0.00386897 - 0.00386897 1.75000000 0.00224434 295.55736 131690.39263 0.00392759 - 0.00392759 1.75000000 0.00227783 296.99460 130384.73754 0.00398621 - 0.00398621 1.75000000 0.00231133 298.30781 129063.26303 0.00404483 - 0.00404483 1.75000000 0.00234483 299.58977 127766.22184 0.00410345 - 0.00410345 1.75000000 0.00237833 300.76678 126461.58732 0.00416207 - 0.00416207 1.75000000 0.00241182 301.91118 125179.67204 0.00422069 - 0.00422069 1.75000000 0.00244532 302.98158 123902.61682 0.00427931 - 0.00427931 1.75000000 0.00247882 304.00302 122640.32508 0.00433793 - 0.00433793 1.75000000 0.00251232 304.99093 121398.34590 0.00439655 - 0.00439655 1.75000000 0.00254581 305.90186 120158.81379 0.00445517 - 0.004455.17 1.75000000 0.00257931 306.81278 118951.47732 0.00451379 - 0.00451379 1.75000000 ` 0.00261281 307.63855 117742.50261 0.00457241 - 0.00457241 1.75000000 ` 0.00264631 308.44980 116558.65005 0.00463103 - 0.00463103 1.75000000 0.00267980 309.23948 115396.34758 0.00468966 - 0.00468966 1.75000000 1 0.00271330 309.96062 114237.47978 0.00474828 - 0.00474828 1.75000000 1 0.00274680 310.68176 113106.87706 0.00480690 - 0.00480690 1.75000000 1 0.00278030 311.36695 111990.59013 0.00486552 - 0.00486552 1.75000000 1 0.00281379 312.00652 110884.66765 0.00492414 - 0.00492414 1.75000000 1 0.00284729 312.64609 109804.76687 0.00498276 - 0.00498276 1.75000000 1 0.00288079 313.25327 108738.73615 0.00504138 - 0.00504138 1.75000000 1 0.00291429 313.81898 107682.97983 0.00510000 - 0.00510000 1.75000000 1 0.00294778 314.38468 106651.21798 0.00515862 - 0.00515862 1.75000000 1 0.00298128 314.93636 105637.93527 0.00521724 - 0.00521724 1.75000000 1 0.00301478 315.43517 104629.63688 0.00527586 - 0.00527586 1.75000000 1 0.00304828 315.93398 103643.49890 0.00533448 - 0.00533448 1.75000000 ti 0.00308177 316.43280 102678.79869 0.00539310 - 0.00539310 1.75000000 ti 0.00311527 316.88756 101720.70307 0.00545172 - 0.00545172 1.75000000 0.00314877 317.32584 100777.75968 0.00551034 - 0.00551034 1.75000000 Y 0.00318227 317.76412 99854.66773 0.00556897 - 0.00556897 1.75000000 Y 0.00321576 318.20241 98950.80686 0.00562759 - 0.00562759 1.75000000 Y 0.00324926 318.58808 98049.38972 0.00568621 - 0.00568621 1.75000000 Y 0.00328276 318.97164 97165.72860 0.00574483 - 0.00574483 1.75000000 Y 0.00331626 319.35521 96299.91921 0.00580345 - 0.00580345 1.75000000 Y 0.00334975 319.73878 95451.42602 0.00586207 - 0.00586207 1.75000000 Y 0.00338325 320.07914 94606.96633 0.00592069 - 0.00592069 1.75000000 Y 0.00341675 320.41333 93777.25598 0.00597931 - 0.00597931 1.75000000 Y 0.00345025 320.74752 92963.65651 0.00603793 - 0.00603793 1.75000000 Y 0.00348374 321.08171 92165.70319 0.00609655 - 0.00609655 1.75000000 Y 0.00351724 321.39701 91377.57769 0.00615517 - 0.00615517 1.75000000 Y 0.00355074 321.68673 90597.11930 0.00621379 - 0.00621379 1.75000000 Y 0.00358424 321.97645 89831.24892 0.00627241 - 0.00627241 1.75000000 Y 0.00361773 322.26617 89079.56132 0.00633103 - 0.00633103 1.75000000 Y 0.00365123 322.55589 88341.66615 0.00638966 - 0.00638966 1.75000000 Y 0.00368473 322.82320 87611.10699 0.00644828 - 0.00644828 1.75000000 Y 0.00371823 323.07298 86888.99361 0.00650690 - 0.00650690 1.75000000 Y 0.00375172 323.32275 86179.77510 0.00656552 - 0.00656552 1.75000000 Y 0.00378522 323.57253 85483.10914 0.00662414 - 0.00662414 1.75000000 Y 0.00381872 323.82230 84798.66538 0.00668276 - 0.00668276 1.75000000 Y 0.00385222 324.06412 84124.05997 0.00674138 - 0.00674138 1.75000000 Y 0.00388571 324.27813 83453.92711 0.00680000 - 0.00680000 1.75000000 Y 0.00391921 324.49213 82795.24951 0.00685862 - 0.00685862 1.75000000 Y 0.00395271 324.70613 82147.73594 0.00691724 - 0.00691724 1.75000000 Y 0.00398621 324.92014 81511.10495 0.00697586 - 0.00697586 1.75000000 Y 0.00401970 325.13414 80885.08448 0.00703448 - 0.00703448 1.75000000 Y 0.00405320 325.33741 80266.76272 0.00709310 - 0.00709310 1.75000000 Y 0.00408670 325.51950 79653.39409 0.00715172 - 0.00715172 1.75000000 Y 0.00412020 325.70158 79049.99895 0.00721035 - 0.00721035 1.75000000 Y 0.00415369 325.88367 78456.33598 0.00726897 - 0.00726897 1.75000000 Y 0.00418719 326.06575 77872.17162 0.00732759 - 0.00732759 1.75000000 Y 0.00422069 326.24784 77297.27970 0.00738621 - 0.00738621 1.75000000 Y 0.00425419 326.42992 76731.44121 0.00744483 - 0.00744483 1.75000000 Y 0.00428768 326.58892 76169.05968 0.00750345 - 0.00750345 1.75000000 Y 0.00432118 326.74265 75614.17643 0.00756207 - 0.00756207 1.75000000 Y 0.00435468 326.89637 75067.82985 0.00762069 - 0.00762069 1.75000000 Y 0.00438818 327.05010 74529.82443 0.00767931 - 0.00767931 1.75000000 Y 0.00442168 327.20382 73999.97061 0.00773793 - 0.00773793 1.75000000 Y 0.00445517 327.35754 73478.08452 0.00779655 - 0.00779655 1.75000000 Y Page 3 573 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment Capacity for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ----------------- 1 0.000 kips 328.6 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. ��f'/tT71� / i�GSSnutl t� 30 c�f �l}xln.ts�, �.XiL%Sr+1� HrIG. kT a /z tt Ep • 3�1� �Lop� �unctwa.�c; 54r", 2-Pr Frl.n... 7/1 IS .k- �� E7,17- = Ep �Caua = r3 = b17 ilk = o,fs`�F V= YZ(o•4sGy��rZefj = 5►6 Lr. At=Ys(v)(N) = Y3(sl6k��Cii���= 707,6 .4T d<oo 3'x- & � m,mP,wr= 7- 5-�, 7- 5L Page 4 3 -5 OD WALL 449.1po 0.00448867 327.51127 72963.98777 0.00785517 - 0.00785517 1.75000000 Y 0.00452217 327.65129 72454.47807 0.00791379 - 0.00791379 1.75000000 Y 0.00455567 327.77994 71949.96315 0.00797241 - 0.00797241 1.75000000 Y 0.00458916 327.90859 71452.81341 0.00803103 - 0.00803103 1.75000000 Y 0.00462266 328.03723 70962.86873 0.00808966 - 0.00808966 1.75000000 Y 0.00465616 328.16588 70479.97362 0.00814828 - 0.00814828 1.75000000 Y 0.00468966 328.29452 70003.97702 0.00820690 - 0.00820690 1.75000000 Y 0.00472315 328.42317 69534.73213 0.00826552 - 0.00826552 1.75000000 Y 0.00475665 328.55181 69072.09633 0.00832414 - 0.00832414 1.75000000 Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Results for Nominal (unfactored) Moment Capacity for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Load Axial Thrust Interp. Mom. Cap. - - -- ---------- - - - - -- ----------------- 1 0.000 kips 328.6 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. ��f'/tT71� / i�GSSnutl t� 30 c�f �l}xln.ts�, �.XiL%Sr+1� HrIG. kT a /z tt Ep • 3�1� �Lop� �unctwa.�c; 54r", 2-Pr Frl.n... 7/1 IS .k- �� E7,17- = Ep �Caua = r3 = b17 ilk = o,fs`�F V= YZ(o•4sGy��rZefj = 5►6 Lr. At=Ys(v)(N) = Y3(sl6k��Cii���= 707,6 .4T d<oo 3'x- & � m,mP,wr= 7- 5-�, 7- 5L Page 4 6�x) 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po LPILE Plus for Windows, version 5.0 (5.0.39) Analysis of individual Piles and Drilled shafts Subjected to Lateral Loading using the p -y Method (c) 1985 -2007 by Ensoft, Inc. All Rights Reserved This program is licensed to: James Warnick Goggins & Sons Inc. Path to file locations: \ \Serverl \coggins \Jobs \2012 JOBS \5436 MILL CREEK \Calcs\ Name of input data file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.lpd Name of output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po Name of plot output file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1pp Name of runtime file: 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1pr ------------------------------------------------------------------7----------- Time and Date of Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Date: November 29, 2012 Time: 12:34:41 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Title ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- MILL CREEK 3.5" O.D. 0.254 WALL THICKNESS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Program options ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- units used in computations - US customary units: inches, Pounds Basic Program options: Analysis Type 2: - computation of ultimate Bending Moment of Cross Section (section Design) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computation of Nonlinear Bending stiffness for section 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - - -- Dimensions and Material Properties of Steel Pipe Section: Outer Diameter of Pipe = 3.50000 in. Pipe wall Thickness = 0.25400 in. Yield stress of Pipe = 80. ksi Elastic Modulus = 29000. ksi Cross - sectional Area = 2.59019 sq. in. Moment of Inertia = 3.432 inA4 Elastic Bending Stiffness = 99538. kip -in2 Definition of Run Messages: Y = part of pipe section has yielded Page 1 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po Axial Thrust Force = 0.000 kips Bending Bending Bending Max Comp Minimum Depth to Run Curvature Moment Stiffness Strain Strain N Axis Msg rad /in. -- - - - - -- in -kip ------- - - - - -- kip -in2 ------- in /in in /in in 0.00003350 3.33436469 - - - - -- 99540.59026 ------- - - - - -- 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- - 0.00005862 ------- - - - - -- 1.75000000 0.00006700 6.66872939 99540.59026 0.00011724 - 0.00011724 1.75000000 0.00010049 10.00309408 99540.59026 0.00017586 - 0.00017586 1.75000000 0.00013399 13.33745877 99540.59026 0.00023448 - 0.00023448 1.75000000 0.00016749 16.67182347 99540.59026 0.00029310 - 0.00029310 1.75000000 0.00020099 20.00618816 99540.59026 0.00035172 - 0.00035172 1.75000000 0.00023448 23.34055285 99540.59026 0.00041034 - 0.00041034 1.75000000 0.00026798: 26.67491755 99540.59026 0.00046897 - 0.00046897 1.75000000 0.00030148 30.00928224 99540.59026 0.00052759 - 0.00052759 1.75000000 0.00033498 33.34364693 99540.59026 0.00058621 - 0.00058621 1.75000000 0.00036847 36.67801163 99540.59026 0.00064483 - 0.00064483 1.75000000 0.00040197 40.01237632 99540.59026 0.00070345 - 0.00070345 1.75000000 0.00043547 43.34674101 99540.59026 0.00076207 - 0.00076207 1.75000000 0.00046897 46.68110571 99540.59026 0.00082069 - 0.00082069 1.75000000 0.00050246 50.01547040 99540.59026 0.00087931 - 0.00087931 1.75000000 0.00053596 53.34983509 99540.59026 0.00093793 - 0.00093793 1.75000000 0.00056946 56.68419979 99540.59026 0.00099655 - 0.00099655 1.75000000 0.00060296 60.01856448 99540.59026 0.00105517 - 0.00105517 1.75000000 0.00063645 63.35292917 99540.59026 0.00111379 - 0.00111379 1.75000000 0.00066995 66.68729387 99540.59026 0.00117241 - 0.00117241 1.75000000 0.00070345 70.02165856 99540.59026 0.00123103 - 0.00123103 1.75000000 0.00073695 73.35602325 99540.59026 0.00128966 - 0.00128966 1.75000000 0.00077044 76.69038795 99540.59026 0.00134828 - 0.00134828 1.75000000 0.00080394 80.02475264 99540.59026 0.00140690 - 0.00140690 1.75000000 0.00083744 83.35911733 99540.59026 0.00146552 - 0.00146552 1.75000000 0.00087094 86.69348203 99540.59026 0.00152414 - 0.00152414 1.75000000 0.00090443 90.02784672 99540.59026 0.00158276 - 0.00158276 1.75000000 0.00093793 93.36221141 99540.59026 0.00164138 - 0.00164138 1.75000000 0.00097143 96.69657611 99540.59026 0.00170000 - 0.00170000 1.75000000 0.00100493 100.03094 99540.59026 0.00175862 - 0.00175862 1.75000000 0.00103842 103.36531 99540.59026 0.00181724 - 0.00181724 1.75000000 0.00107192 106.69967 99540.59026 0.00187586 - 0.00187586 1.75000000 0.00110542 110.03403 99540.59026 0.00193448 - 0.00193448 1.75000000 0.00113892 113.36840 99540.59026 0.00199310 - 0.00199310 1.75000000 0.00117241 116.70276 99540.59026 0.00205172 - 0.00205172 1.75000000 0.00120591 120.03713 99540.59026 0.00211034 - 0.00211034 1.75000000 0.00123941 123.37149 99540.59026 0.00216897 - 0.00216897 1.75000000 0.00127291 126.70586 99540.59026 0.00222759 - 0.00222759 1.75000000 0.00130640 130.04022 99540.59026 0.00228621 - 0.00228621 1.75000000 0.00133990 133.37459 99540.59026 0.00234483 - 0.00234483 1.75000000 0.00137340 136.70895 99540.59026 0.00240345 - 0.00240345 1.75000000 0.00140690 140.04332 99540.59026 0.00246207 - 0.00246207 1.75000000 0.00144039 143.37768 99540.59026 0.00252069 - 0.00252069 1.75000000 0.00147389 146.71205 99540.59026 0.00257931 - 0.00257931 1.75000000 0.00150739 150.04641 99540.59026 0.00263793 - 0.00263793 1.75000000 0.00154089 153.38078 99540.59026 0.00269655 - 0.00269655 1.75000000 0.00157438 156.71514 99540.59026 0.00275517 - 0.00275517 1.75000000 0.00160788 160.00527 99513.07750 0.00281379 - 0.00281379 1.75000000 Y 0.00164138 163.16408 99406.68431 0.00287241 - 0.00287241 1.75000000 Y 0.00167488 166.14235 99196.75524 0.00293103 - 0.00293103 1.75000000 Y 0.00170837 168.91841 98876.69252 0.00298966 - 0.00298966 1.75000000 Y _0.00174187 171.48359 98447.87067 0.00304828 -0.00304828 1,75000000 Y 0.00177537 173.83756 97916.27149 0.00310690 - 0.00310690 1.75000000 Y 0.00180887 175.96127 97277.05944 0.00316552 - 0.00316552 1.75000000 Y 0.00184236 177.83768 96526.86422 0.00322414 - 0.00322414 1.75000000 Y 0.00187586 179.53926 95710.26430 0.00328276 - 0.00328276 1.75000000 Y 0.00190936 181.10127 94849.21906 0.00334138 - 0.00334138 1.75000000 Y 0.00194286 182.53916 93953.97485 0.00340000 - 0.00340000 1.75000000 Y 0.00197635 183.84163 93020.56513 0.00345862 - 0.00345862 1.75000000 Y 0.00200985 185.07318 92082.97635 0.00351724 - 0.00351724 1.75000000 Y 0.00204335 186.23061 91139.85894 0.00357586 - 0.00357586 1.75000000 Y 0.00207685 187.28601 90178.03538 0.00363448 - 0.00363448 1.75000000 Y 0.00211034 188.30184 89227.99467 0.00369310 - 0.00369310 1.75000000 Y Page 2 521.2- 3 -5 OD WALL 254.1po 0.00214384 189.24089 88271.82890 0.00375172 - 0.00375172 1.75000000 Y 0.00217734 190.13026 87322.26611 0.00381034 - 0.00381034 1.75000000 Y 0.00221084 190.97660 86382.01380 0.00386897 - 0.00386897 1.75000000 Y 0.00224434 191.76258 85442.93635 0.00392759 - 0.00392759 1.75000000 Y 0.00227783 192.52508 84521.17287 0.00398621 - 0.00398621 1.75000000 Y 0.00231133 193.22682 83599.83812 0.00404483 - 0.00404483 1.75000000 Y 0.00234483 193.91326 82698.30053 0.00410345 - 0.00410345 1.75000000 Y 0.00237833 194.54691 81799.96146 0.00416207 - 0.00416207 1.75000000 Y 0.00241182_ 195.16415 80919.77549 0.00422069 - 0.00422069 1.75000000 Y 0.00244532 195.74345 80048.18743 0.00427931 - 0.00427931 1.75000000 Y 0.00247882 196.29765 79190.02790 0.00433793 - 0.00433793 1.75000000 Y 0.00251232 196.83440 78347.80606 0.00439655 - 0.00439655 1.75000000 Y 0.00254581 197.33108 77512.01287 0.00445517 - 0.00445517 1.75000000 Y 0.00257931 197.82777 76697.92859 0.00451379 - 0.00451379 1.75000000 Y 0.00261281 198.27961 75887.55506 0.00457241 - 0.00457241 1.75000000 Y 0.00264631 198.72381 75094.80929 0.00463103 - 0.00463103 1.75000000 Y 0.00267980 199.15654 74317.60460 0.00468966 - 0.00468966 1.75000000 Y 0.00271330 199.55284 73546.15913 0.00474828 - 0.00474828 1.75000000 Y 0.00274680 199.94913 72793.52940 0.00480690 - 0.00480690 1.75000000 Y 0.00278030 200.32616 72052.10763 0.00486552 - 0.00486552 1.75000000 Y 0.00281379 200.67875 71319.65006 0.00492414 - 0.00492414 1.75000000 Y 0.00284729 201.03133 70604.42679 0.00498276 - 0.00498276 1.75000000 Y 0.00288079 201.36644 69899.77043 0.00504138 - 0.00504138 1.75000000 Y 0.00291429 201.67917 69203.63477 0.00510000 - 0.00510000 1.75000000 Y 0.00294778 201.99190 68523.32038 0.00515862 - 0.00515862 1.75000000 Y 0.00298128 202.29702 67855.74006 0.00521724 - 0.00521724 1.75000000 Y 0.00301478 202.57346 67193.48090 0.00527586 - 0.00527586 1.75000000 Y 0.00304828 202.84989 66545.77690 0.00533448 - 0.00533448 1.75000000 Y 0.00308177 203.12633 65912.15341 0.00539310 - 0.00539310 1.75000000 Y 0.00311527 203.37874 65284.44421 0.00545172 - 0.00545172 1.75000000 Y 0.00314877 203.62216 64667.23688 0.00551034 - 0.00551034 1.75000000 Y 0.00318227 203.86559 64063.02338 0.00556897 - 0.00556897 1.75000000 Y 0.00321576 204.10901 63471.39767 0.00562759 - 0.00562759 1.75000000 Y 0.00324926 204.32362 62883.10149 0.00568621 - 0.00568621 1.75000000 Y 0.00328276 204.53708 62306.46068 0.00574483 - 0.00574483 1.75000000 Y 0.00331626 204.75053 61741.46918 0.00580345 - 0.00580345 1.75000000 Y 0.00334975 204.96399 61187.77751 0.00586207 - 0.00586207 1.75000000 Y 0.00338325 205.15370 60638.02989 0.00592069 - 0.00592069 1.75000000 Y 0.00341675 205.34000 60098.06720 0.00597931 - 0.00597931 1.75000000 Y 0.00345025 205.52631 59568.58922 0.00603793 - 0.00603793 1.75000000 Y 0.00348374 205.71262 59049.29351 0.00609655 - 0.00609655 1.75000000 Y 0.00351724 205.88850 58536.92600 0.00615517 - 0.00615517 1.75000000 Y 0.00355074 206.05028 58030.25207 0.00621379 - 0.00621379 1.75000000 Y 0.00358424 206.21206 57533.04868 0.00627241 - 0.00627241 1.75000000 Y 0.00361773 206.37383 57045.05276 0.00633103 - 0.00633103 1.75000000 Y 0.00365123 206.53561 56566.01089 0.00638966 - 0.00638966 1.75000000 Y 0.00368473 206.68499 56092.31458 0.00644828 - 0.00644828 1.75000000 Y 0.00371823 206.82466 55624.54310 0.00650690 - 0.00650690 . 1.75000000 Y 0.00375172 206.96434 55165.12468 0.00656552 - 0.00656552 1.75000000 Y 0.00378522 207.10401 54713.83756 0.00662414 - 0.00662414 1.75000000 Y 0.00381872 207.24368 54270.46776 0.00668276 - 0.00668276 1.75000000 Y 0.00385222 207.37894 53833.66308 0.00674138 - 0.00674138 1.75000000 Y 0.00388571 207.49877 53400.41801 0.00680000 - 0.00680000 1.75000000 Y 0.00391921 207.61860 52974.57885 0.00685862 - 0.00685862 1.75000000 Y 0.00395271 207.73843 52555.95729 0.00691724 - 0.00691724 1.75000000 Y 0.00398621 207.85826 52144.37140 0.00697586 - 0.00697586 1.75000000 Y 0.00401970 207.97809 51739.64527 0.00703448 - 0.00703448 1.75000000 Y 0.00405320 208.09195 51340.13583 0.00709310 - 0.00709310 1.75000000 Y 0.00408670 208.19402 50944.29326 0.00715172 - 0.00715172 1.75000000 Y 0.00412020 208.29610 50554.88714 0.00721035 - 0.00721035 1.75000000 Y 0.00415369 208.39818 50171.76177 0.00726897 - 0.00726897 1.75000000 Y 0.00418719 208.50026 49794.76641 0.00732759 - 0.00732759 1.75000000 Y 0.00422069 208.60234 49423.75510 0.00738621 - 0.00738621 1.75000000 Y 0.00425419 208.70442 49058.58649 0.00744483 - 0.00744483 1.75000000 Y 0.00428768 208.79363 48696.12300 0.00750345 - 0.00750345 1.75000000 Y 0.00432118 208.87990 48338.59875 0.00756207 - 0.00756207 1.75000000 Y 0.00435468 208.96617 47986.57487 0.00762069 - 0.00762069 1.75000000 Y 0.00438818 .209.05245 47639.92539 0.00767931 - 0.00767931 1.75000000 Y 0.00442168 209.13872 47298.52819 0.00773793 - 0.00773793 1.75000000 Y 0.00445517 209.22499 46962.26477 0.00779655 - 0.00779655 1.75000000 Y Page 3 s2s.3 0.00448867 209.31127 3 -5 46631.02021 OD WALL 254.1po 0.00785517 - 0.00785517 1.75000000 Y 0.00452217 209.38989 46302.99159 0.00791379 - 0.00791379 1.75000000 Y 0.00455567 209.46216 45978.39210 0.00797241 - 0.00797241 1.75000000 Y 0.00458916 209.53443 45658.53130 0.00803103 - 0.00803103 1.75000000 Y 0.00462266 209.60670 45343.30616 0.00808966 - 0.00808966 1.75000000 Y 0.00465616 209.67897 45032.61663 0.00814828 - 0.00814828 1.75000000 Y 0.00468966 209.75124 44726.36552 0.00820690 - 0.00820690 1.75000000 Y 0.00472315 209.82351 44424.45840 0.00826552 - 0.00826552 1.75000000 Y • 0.00475665 209.89578 44126.80350 0.00832414 - 0.00832414 1.75000000 Y ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ summary of Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ for Nominal (unfactored) Moment capacity for section 1 Load - - -- ---------- Axial Thrust - - - Interp. Mom. Cap. 1 - -- 0.000 kips ------------------ 209.9 in -kip Please note that the values in the above table are not factored by a strength reduction factor for LRFD. The value of the strength reduction factor depends on the provisions of the LRFD code being used. The above values should be multiplied by the appropriate strength reduction factor to compute ultimate moment capacity according to the LRFD structural design standard being followed. This analysis ended normally. EA-2� �Rr.'b5unt� �� = GC6 /fit 53 = 923.5:3 % . 0,9Z / /Z,yz>e -70 - MIL- -, k O-C�03 w )9wb(,Ct INOAP4,.r = /77U-/Iv /7/ ;> o � Page 4 AGREEMENT PERMITTING ENCROACHMENT BENEFITING LOT 3, PARCELS A AND B, VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 This AGREEMEN T PRMIT TING OACHMENT BENEFITING (this "Agreement ") is made as of the — �, day of ?. , 2012 by and between THE VAIL CORPORATION, a Colorado corporation ( "Vail "), and MILL CREEK PROPERTY, LLC, a Colorado limited liability company ( "Owner "). RECITALS A. Owner is the owner of certain real property located in Vail Village Filing 1, Eagle County, Colorado with legal description of: Lot 3, Block 1, Parcel A, Vail Village Filing 1 according to the plat recorded on February 24, 1986 at Book 0436, Page 0982, Parcel No. 2109- 082 -48- 003, 305 Mill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado, and Lot 3, Block 1, Parcel B, Vail Village Filing 1 according to the plat recorded on February 24, 1986 at Book 0436, Page 0982 being Parcel No., 2101- 082 - 48.004, 303 Mill Creek Circle, Vail, Colorado (the "Premises "). B. Vail is the owner of Vail Village Filing 5, Tract E, according to the recorded plats thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado lying adjacent to the Premises (the "VA Land") C.. A site survey plan for improvements to be located on the Premises (tile "Plan ") prepared by Ceres+ Landscape Architecture ("Exhibit A ") is attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. D. Exhibit A of the Plan shows that certain vegetative landscaping elements are to be located on the VA Land, specifically tires and shrubs, a heated path and related irrigation (the "Improvements "). E.. Vail is willing to permit the Improvements to encroach onto the VA Land in consideration of certain undertakings by Owner as set forth herein and subject to the terms and provisions of this Agreement. AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the Recitals, the mutual promises contained herein and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Vail hereby grants its consent to the existence and use of the Improvements over, under, above and tl•uough the VA Land in the locations shown on, and in accordance with the Plan. The right to construct the Improvements onto the VA Land is strictly limited to the Improvements which encroach onto the VA Land as depicted on the Plan. the encroachment rights granted by this Agreement shall be strictly limited to and solely for (i) the maintenance, replacement and use of the Improvements as depicted on the Plan, (ii) the benefit of Owner, and its guests, tenants and invitees (collectively, the "Peimittees ") and (iii) those activities reasonably necessary for the performance of the obligations undeitaken by Owner under this Agreement. Acceptance of the encroachment rights by Owner shall constitute Owner's agreement and consent as follows: 1. Improvements.. (a) The Improvements shall be maintained, replaced and opeiated at all times (i) by Owner at Owner's sole cost and expense, and Owner shall bear all iisk of loss or damage with respect thereto and (ii) in compliance with all applicable local, state and federal regulatory authorities, Futthet, Owner agrees to keep the Improvements in good oidei, condition, repair and appearance (b) The Improvements constructed and installed by Owner shall remain the property, and therefore the responsibility, of Owner; provided, howevei, that Owner hereby agrees that the Improvements are adjacent to a recreation path (the "Path "), and Owner hereby covenants not to impede, hinder or halt use of the Path by pedestrians and /or non - motorized vehicles, e.g., bicycles, including but not limited to allowing the applicable Improvements in the vicinity of the Path to overgrow the Path or causing watei to spray over the Path during daytime or early evening hours in the itrigation of the applicable Improvements. (c) Any damage of loss to the Improvements caused by or arising from Vail's use of' tile VA Land shall be borne by Owner at Owner's sole cost and expense, Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement, Owner specifically acknowledges and agiees that the Improvements and any portion of the Improvements, can only be installed on the VA Land as designated on said Exhibit A also known as the Area of Encroachment. Moreover, any improvement installed on the VA Land is subject to removal by Vail or by Property Owner if directed by Vail, at Property Owner's sole cost and expense. (d) Under no circumstances whatsoevei shall the Improvements or any additional improvements [as defined in this subparagraph (d)] encroach onto the VA Land except as provided herein and except as shown on the Plan without the prior written consent of Vail,. "Additional Improvements" shall include but are not limited to any futther improvement located on the VA Land not contemplated and not approved in this Agreement. (e) No trees shall be removed from the VA Land (f) Owner hereby covenants and agrees that Owner shall beam all costs with respect to any drainage or othei malfunction caused by or arising out of the design, construction, maintenance, of irrigation of the Improvements, including but not limited to the slope failure or ovetflow of water from itrigation of the applicable Improvements. (g) Owner shall notify Vail of completion of the Improvements and Vail shall have the right to conduct a field review of the completed Improvements. Owners shall make any adjustments to the Improvements as directed by Vail 2. Reversion. At such time and in the event the Improvements and the encroachment rights thereto shall be abandoned, Owner's real property interest pursuant to this Agreement shall automatically revert to and be thereafter merged with the VA Land. In such event, Owner shall, at its sole cost and expense, prepare and execute such documentation that Vail deems necessary or appropriate to effect such revetsion in a form and content acceptable to Vail which document shall thereafter be recorded in the real property records of Eagle County, Colorado. In the event the Improvements and the encroachment rights thereto are abandoned, Owner shall remove, or cause to be removed, the Improvements (and all of Owner's personal property, if any) from the VA Land. 3. Indemnity.. Owner agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Vail, its subsidiaries and affiliates, agents, officers, directors, servants and employees of and from any and all liability, claims, liens, demands, actions and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, cost, damage or injury, including death, of any person or damage to property of any kind resulting in connection with the use, existence, and encroachment of the Improvements onto the VA Land, including without limitation, (I) those caused by Owner's operations or the misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of Owner, its subcontractors, the Permittees or any person ditectly or indirectly employed by them, or any of them, while engaged in any activity on the Improvements or the VA Land, and (2) those caused by the design, constt action, operation, and in igation of the Improvements whether occurring during construction of the Improvements or at any time thereafter, 4. Insurance. Owner, on behalf of itself, its successors and assigns shall, at all times, have in effect a policy of general comprehensive liability insurance naming Vail as named insured in the amount of $2,000,000 per occurrence covering loss, damage or injury caused by or arising from the construction, maintenance or use of the Improvements on the VA Land. Such insurance shall provide that any cancellation, reduction in amount or material change in coverage shall be effective only upon 30 days prior written notice to Vail and only with Vail's consent, at Vail's sole discretions. Owner shall furnish Vail with a certificate of insurance evidencing such policy and Vail's being named additional insured. 5. Encroachment Appurtenant. Subject to the provisions of" Paragraph G hereof' and unless terminated as provided in Paragraphs 2 and 9 hereof, the encroachment rights shall run with the land and shall be appurtenant to the Premises so that a transfer of title to the property shall automatically transfer the burdens and benefits of the encroachment rights under this Agreement. b. Retention of 2igILtq . Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in the Agreement, Vail specifically retains all its right, title and interest in and to the VA Land. 7. Successors and Assigns. The terms, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of all pat ties hereto 8. No Liens. Owner shall not cause, suffer or permit any mechanic's, materialman's or other liens to attach to or be recorded against the VA Land in connection with the work to be performed by Owner under this Agreement and /or the maintenance or replacement of the Improvements by Owners. In the event that any mechanic's lien is filed against the VA Land in connection with the Improvements, Owner agrees to diligently cause such lien to be released in the public records either by payment to the lienor or, if such lien is in dispute, by providing a bond pursuant to the provisions of §§ 38 -22 -131 and 132, C.R.S, as amended and in effect at the time of the lien, Further, Owner shall indemnify and hold Vail and the VA Land harmless from any loss, cost or liability arising out of or incurred in connection with any liens 9. Default This Agreement shall be in full force and effect for as long as Owner is in compliance with the terms of this Agreement; however, if any of the conditions of this Agreement fail to occur or if' any obligations are breached by Owner or if' Owner is in any way in default hereunder (collectively, the "Default "), then, upon written notice from Vail to Ownet of a Default, Owner shall have the right to cure the Default within a period of ninety (90) days. If Owner cures the Default, written notice of such cure shall be provided by Vail If Owner does not cure the Default within such ninety days, then this Agreement shall be considered terminated by its terms and automatically become null and void and of no further force and effect, and Owner shall have no encroaclunent rights hereunder, and, further, Owner agrees to execute such documents as may be necessary or desirable to effect the termination of this Agreement. 10, Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the entire subject matter hereof; and there are no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, oral or, otherwise, not embodied herein. This Agreement specifically supersedes any and all prior discussions, agreements, proposals, negotiations and representations relating hereto. 11.. Counterparts; Facsimile _Transmission This Agreement may be executed by facsimile and/or in any number of counterparts, any or all of which may contain the signatures of less than all the parties, and all of which shall be construed together as but a single instrument and shall be binding on the parties as though originally executed on one originally executed document. All facsimile counterparts shall be promptly followed with delivery of original executed counterparts. 12., Miscellaneous. (a) If any clause or provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid in whole or in part, then the remaining clauses and provisions, or portions thereof, shall nevertheless be and remain in full force and effect. (b) No amendment, alteration, modification of or addition to this Agreement shall be valid or binding -unless expressed in writing and signed by the parties to be bound thereby.. (c) the captions of each section are added as a matter of convenience only and shall be considered of no effect in the construction ofany provision of this Agreement. (d) If any patty hereto shall bring any suit or action against another for relief; declaratory or otherwise, arising out of this Agreement, the prevailing patty shall have and recover against the other party, in addition to all court costs and disbursements, such sum as the Court may adjudge to be reasonable attorneys' fees. (e) This Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Colorado. (f) Any and all watranties, provisions, rights and obligations of the parties herein described and agreed to be performed subsequent to the termination of this Agreement shall survive the tetmination of this Agreement (g) Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of each of the covenants and agreements herein set forth.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the patties hereto have executed this Agreement to become effective as of the date first written above, [Signatures on following pages] 5 THE VAIL CORPORATION, A COLORADO CORPORATION By:_ Name: Title: STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss, County of Eagle ) The foregoing instl ument was acknowledged before me this _�% day of 2012, by f%Le�ss,E'�,�/Ae�2ti✓ as Y,�� %�ae3.tcor �Caa of The Vail Cozpozation, a Colorado corporation, [Owne Witness my hand and official seal. // My commission expires: ____ Y — %7 / _ page] Notaty� Approvild as to Fortn; _ Vali Resort! Ins a arintent Namec&y� i Date_ ^ SST/' -- OWNER: MILL CREEK PR PERTY, L By:_ Name:vly Title: STATE OF Gu j>AA P ) )SS County of -D-zk'iP ) The foregoing instrument was ackn wledged before me this %l day of V ~u31-PYL- , 200Zby Orl l 2)L--__ as iy�,�� rrt� of MILL CREEK PROPERTY, LCC, a Colorado limited liability company. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires 12/01/2013 My commission expires: ���111t1`114 U S E A,—'. `;C► % Notary Public ' 1.4cf 7 EXHIBIT A (Attached) Me 11b" " , �l "M It 4- 6. 1�z Staging Area for Construction Staging Agreement (hatched and dotted areas) Area subject tQ Encroachment Agreement for Improvements (hatched area only) to k (D': 0 V iro 6 1�itii� -� i �.��w ILP1.0 Receipt nds to: /� Name: c� o� �T �o�y; Mailing ddre . O �, a;� , C� g bSQ CASH DEPOSIT FORMAT Legal Description: Lot ,E Subdivision: � .. ; ��� Address: O o ; �� k Developer: Q aro .� � Permit Number: ot — (v S Project Number: � o�-� 0'�1 S Improvement Completion Date: '"7 • 3 • DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT �, �°mP�,�,r THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this �_ day of � R , 2012 , by and among � or�e �haPffer ��n�tr��r.r� �n (the "Developer"), and the Town of Vail (the "Town"). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for � n� f� n� Mi 1 1 CrPPk C'i rcl e' Va i 1 Cn _ Parcel #�� ("�0� EaGY �idP) ?l�lOf3?.4f3n�4 �wPGr Sidc�l 21O10824800"� (address, legal description, and project number) wishes to enter into a Developer Improvement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgement of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth in the attached estimated bid(s) in accordance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including completion of the all improvements referred to in this Agreement, by means of the following: The Developer agrees to establish a cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 5, 18 7. 5 o as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expense, to furnish all equipment and materials necessary to perform and complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement. The Developer agrees to complete all improvements referred to in this Agreement on or before the day of Julv 3 , 20 15 . The Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in accordance with all approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Planner, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official from the Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed F:\cdeWFORMS\Permits\Planning�Administrative_Actions\DIA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 1 of 5 complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department of the Town of Vail. 2. To secure and guarantee performance of the obligations as set forth herein, the Developer agrees to provide collateral as follows: A cash deposit account with the Town of Vail, as escrow agent, in the amount of $ 5, 18 7. 0 0 as collateral for the completion of all improvements referred to in this Agreement, in the event there is a default under this Agreement by the Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time substitute the collateral originally set forth above for another form of security or collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements referred to herein in this Agreement and the perFormance of the terms of this Agreement. Such acceptance by the Town of alternative security or collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall be and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereofl arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer my have. 5. It is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply for and the Town may authorize a partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category of improvement after the subject improvement is constructed in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition shall the dollar amount of the collateral that is being held by the Town be reduced below the dollar amount necessary to complete all uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. 6. If the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any of the improvements referred to in this Agreement are not constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail or not accepted by the Town as complete on or before the date set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, the Town may, but shall not be required to, draw upon the security referred to in this Agreement and complete the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement. Pursuant to Section 12-11-8, Vail Town Code, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy referred to in this Agreement may be revoked until all improvements referred to herein are completed by the Developer or the Town in accordance with this Agreement. F:\cdev�FORMS\Permits\Planning�Administrative_Actions\DIA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 2 of 5 If the costs of completing the uncompleted improvements referred to in this Agreement exceed the dollar amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent (12%) per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. If the Developer fails or refuses to complete the improvements referred to in this Agreement, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of Title 12 (Zoning Regulations), of the Vail Town Code, and the Developer shall be subject to penalties pursuant to Section 12-3-10 (Violations: Penalties) and Chapter 1-4 (General Penalty), of the Vail Town Code. 7. The Developer shall warranty the work and materials of all improvements referred to in this Agreement located on Town property or within a Town right-of-way, pursuant to Chapter 8-3, of the Vail Town Code, for a period of two years after the Town's acceptance of said improvements. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. F:\cdevlFORMS\Permits\PlanningWdministrative_Actions\DIA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 3 of 5 Dated the day and year first above written. STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE Developer ) ) ss. ) The foregoing D eloper Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this a�'Day of �� I�.e.✓ , 20� by fYl���crl 5-k�.rd-� Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires 0�-- OS -�o I(p STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE � j --� . l Notary Public ) )ss. ) �� T RU�i Q o �pTAq ���0 ,,', ' i �; J �� O� �,{.,•.-_:.oe �� .� `, ri� �., `QF� `1:�:' v � .4�y c�n����, �,�,es uarosizoi� The fQregoing Developer Improvement Agreement was acknowledged before me this 31 aL Day of +�— , 20�, by t�.�c�-rr'ex� �,�.-�-- ,�Q--(,1 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ��� � �o� � � , ,a ;�.. °��� �-y i R ;=s 'r - _ ..,,,:- -- � � tary P ic ��; ��`., � 8 " a � �i ,.. �� '' - F:\cdev�FORMS\Permits\PlanningWdministrative_Actions\DIA cash format_5-16-2007.doc Page 4 of 5 o� � o� >,, : � �r fqo�,�o�.4J, Vail resort propertv finish �rade and re-ve� Import topspoil for finish grade Finish grade Hydroseed and re-veg Tota I _ x �.,z���..,,.� �. : r.,: ,.�.z $1800 $1250 $1100 $4150 Edwards Excavating, Inc. 970 904-0024 s� Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vaii, CO 81657 Name: � C�'4���-C�►r L:�'Y� �-� Receipt No. L� � O Address: C�3 O v�-�L��'-r' C"_-� �-� Project: �\ �7 a l - l� 1 Date � �3 � �3 Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No. -Item No. Code # Cost Each Total 001 0000 314 1110 Address Ma s ZA $5.00 * 001 0000 314 1110 Zonin Maps ZA $20.00 * 001 0000 319 4400 Custom Maps " 001 0000 319 3100 Posta e Revenue 001 0000 314 1112 Other Code Books CB " 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/M lar Co Fees BF $7.00 ' 001 0000 314 1111 Xerox Copies XC $025 " 001 0000 314 1212 Di ital Records - CD/Jump Drive $60.00 001 0000 314 1212 co ies / faxes / CD ' 001 0000 314 1111 Master Plan MS '` 001 0000 314 1111 Studies, Master Plans, etc. MS ` 001 0000 312 3000 Contractor Re istration Fee CL 001 0000 240 3300 Developer Improvement Agreement Deposit D2-DEP10 AD � l �' 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TO� RL 001 0000 230 2000 S ec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee to Co.Dept.Rev. SA 110 0000 314 1115 Resale Commission MS 001 0000 319 4400 Miscellaneous MS Other - MS Other - MS Other - MS Other - MS 001 0000 201 1000 Taxable 4.4% (State - Tax pa able TP 001 0000 310 1200 Taxable 4% Town) - Retail Sales Tax T7 TOTAL: S \ "` all items charged tax Comments: Cash Money Order # Check # l U� 1�( Received �—� Credit Card: VisalMC Last 4 CC #'s Auth #: Name on CC I flcdev/formsladmin/sales action_form_2012 • �� ToMn of Viil **� CUSTOl�R i�CEIPT **+� Dper: AJAl11S2 Type: FB Drarer: i Date: 1/64/13 81 Receipt no: 1� Custwer Locatian hla�e A�ount 3867 3878 Bi�-9615 GE�6E Slif� AD i�-DEp05ITS t5187.58 t��DRGE SHAEffER �RMITMBI2-�15 Tender detail CK CI�CK Total tendered Total panent 197131 t5187.58 f5187.58 f51b7.58 Trans date: 1/8�/13 Tice: 9:c'4:13 TNi� YOU F� YOI�i PpYl�NT ! i '. a r � � ;: