HomeMy WebLinkAboutB13-0005NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES .� �ow����c . Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B13-0005 Project #: Job Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Applied..... Location......: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CT SCAN ROOM Issued. .. Parcel No....: 210107101013 OWNER VAIL CLINIC INC 01/07/2013 PO BOX 40000 VAIL, CO 81658 APPLICANT AMERICAN MECHANICAL SERVICES 01/07/2013 Phone: 303-806-7300 6810 S. TUCSON WAY CENTENNIAL CO 80112 License: C000003468 CONTRACTOR AMERICAN MECHANICAL SERVICES 01/07/2013 6810 S. TUCSON WAY CENTENNIAL CO 80112 License: C000003468 Phone: 303-806-7300 Description: INSTALL HUMIDIFIER FOR CAT SCAN ROOM. EQUIPMENT OF VERGE OF SHUTTING DOWN DUE TO LOW HUMIDITY. Occupancy: Type Construction: PRJ13-0006 01 /07/2013 01/10/2013 Valuation: $10,000.00 ..................................,,...._...........«.,.=..x...,,..............,.,.. FEE SUMMARY ..,...,..,....,.,....�.,.....,......,...,.....,,..........,....._....._..,..+.,.., Building Permit -----------> $181.25 Bldg Plan Check ----------> $117.81 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $0.00 Electrical Permit ---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check -----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit ------> $200.00 Mech Plan Check ---------> $50.00 Additional Fees--------------------> ($299•O6) Plumbing Permit --------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check ---------> $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $255.00 Payments--------------------°---------> $255.00 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 ...,� ............................,,..,......,....,..,.x....=.,........,....,..,.,....,........,.........,..�.,....,.......,...,.....,,...............,,.x,.....__.............,,............. DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM. combination permit_012811 ��� � � '� ............................................... x..........,....,..,.....,,,,...,.............,.............,........,...,,..,..,........,..........,.............,...,,......,,.,...,. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit #: B13-0005 Owner: VAIL CLINIC INC MEDICAL CENTER CT SCAN ROOM Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VALLEY ... � ......................................................................................................................................... x..................,..,,,.,...,......... combination permit_012811 i � �� V� �� ` ****««*�***««.,*,+***««***,.********«*„***.,,.««***««**««***�*««**««,.*****«******************«******««*****«**,.***.*«*.,*x****«.***««,.****«***«...**«,.,,..,** REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit #: 613-0005 Owner: VAIL CLINIC INC MEDICAL CENTER CT SCAN ROOM Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VALLEY *.,«**************************«*******�*********«*.,*****,.**.*******„�,.**********„**.,******.***„****«.********«*****�*.,**.****„****«****.,,,****,**.**.** Item: 00200 MECH-Rough Item: 00340 MECH-Misc. Item: 00390 MECH-Final Item: 00090 BLDG-Final combination permit_012811 **********************************************************+****++*******+*****************+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-10-2013 at 14:01:06 O1/10/2013 Statement ***«******��***************************+�********************�****************************** Statement Number: R130000021 Amount: 5205.00 01/10/201302:00 PM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: CG Notation: ms eric moberg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B13-0005 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-071-0101-3 Site Address: 181 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CT SCAN ROOM Total Fees: $255.00 This Payment: $205.00 Total ALL Pmts: $255.00 Balance: $0.00 *******************�***********************************************�************************ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code -------------------- MP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 Description Current Pmts ------------------------------ ------------ MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 200.00 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02-11-2013 Inspection Request Reporting V.j,�-�> , Page 16 4:09 pm Vail, CO - City Of ' -j ' Requested Inspect Date: Tuesday, ebruary 12 2013 Site Address: 181 W MEADOW DR JAIL VAIL VALLEY MEDICAL CENTER CT SCAN ROOM A/P/D Information Activity B13-0005 Type: COMBO Sub Type: ACOM Status: ISSUED Const Type Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: Owner VAIL CLINIC INC Contractor: AMERICAN MECHANICAL SERVICES OF Phone: 303-806-7300 DENVER, LLC Description: INSTALL HUMIDIFIER FOR CAT SCAN ROOM. EQUIPMENT OF VERGE OF SHUTTING DOWN DUE TO LOW HUMIDITY. Requested Inspection(s) Item 390 H-Final Requested Time: 04:00 PM Requestor AIR Phone: Comments 36 Assigned To Vj,, P; ON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action rl\ _ Time Exp: Item 90 BLDG i'al Requested Time: 08:00 AM Requestor Phone: Comments 376-1.4 Assigned To S s 'E' Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action iltU Time Exp: 11� Inspection History Item: 200 MECH-Rough **Approved** 01/18/13 Inspector: JRM Action: AP APPROVED Comment: PRESSURE TEST 100# Item 340 MECH-Misc. Item 390 MECH-Final Item 90 BLDG-Final REPT131 Run Id: 14641 TOWN OF VOAi Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Tel: 970 -479 -2128 www.vailgov.com Developmert Review Coordinator BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm & sprinkler) Project Street Address: Project #: PR S 13 — 0 too c . (81_ t J, (Number) (Street) DRB #: �� ` ` ii `' � (Suite #) V 1 V I��F 1' hEc�(,� (f Building Permit #: 13 no O S I Building /Complex Name: p, Contractor Information Business Name: H MFZ1 C 4u Business Address: 770 LaU:4A JC City Gt"OsulN State: Cc, Zip: Rib 97 Contact Name:_ Con`.act Phone: 170 -3 Lot #: E Block #� Subdivision: VAR, Vtu,AGE Work Class: New (�) Addition (�j Alteration 0 Type of Building: Single - Family 0 Duplex () Multi - Family [) Commercial 0 Other() �� c Work Type: Interior 0 Exterior 0 Both Contact E -Mail: mG�i;aiat /�rYlJ" �: Lll A; Cc+.yr I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- proved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Valuation of Work Included Plans Included Work Electrical Yes 0)1\10 0Yes ' No Mechanical Yes )No OYes cu GNo __40a Plumbing ()Yes ONo ()Yes ONO Building ®Yes ®)No (Yes ONO t: Value of all work being performed: $ 10 (,OC . 00 Owner /Owner's Representative Signature (Required) (value based on IBC Section 109.3 & IRC Section 108.3) Applicant Information Applicant Name Applicant Phone: -17() . 3 710 - L ct Applicant E -Mail: Cc� (7/17S 6r?C(Jfi4, Cet" . Project Information , Owner Name: ���� �� ityt L �✓uC Parcel #: ) 10 -7 (For Parcel #, contact Eagle County Assessors Office at (970 - 328 -8640 or visit www.eaglecounty.us/patie) For Office Use Only: ^ Fee Paid: 5 Received From: Cash Check # CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC # _ exp date: Auth # Electrical Square Footage Detailed Scope and Location of Work: 1:7UC N ISh AS *1 1, 5611 A 11 ty "A' F71'EL %w ,l LO s (use additional sheet if necessary) Date Received: I I n 1 L9 JAN 0" 2013 X ` 3 p Y_ A9 BY c% DATE +JsA _I-Z- BEAUDIN -F-VI -4- GANZEVO/ SUBJECT consulting engineers, inc. JOB NO. SHEET NO OF-- . ... ......... . ................ - - - - - - - - - - - - RA - -i 18x-12,— ...... ... . ...... www.bgce.com Project Name: Vail Med Ctr Cat scan Quote Date: 11.30.2012 Unit of Measure: Inch -Pound Hnmirlifiiarlran• N -1 : 1 Calculation Method: Mechanical Airflow CFM 2950.00 Fti t 8000.0 Desired D Bulb °F 72.0 Enterin Outside Air % 10 Bulb °F -20.0 Desired RH % 50 Load Ibs /hr 11.06 % 0 Actual RH % 50 Load Plus Loss Ibs /hr 12.77 (AII ValuPS arP nar i init 11n1eec n+henAAc n +e.+\ Energy Source Pressurized Steam Water Type Potable Steam Pressure (psi) 15 Inlet Face Dimensions inches Overall Dimensions inches T e Diameter inches Position Width Height Width Height NPT 1/2 B3 32 16 41 19 Model Qty. Size (inches) Tube Condensate Position (Cv) Capacity Ibs Center Header Strainer 1 Strainer 2 #1 #2 17.82 - - 0.00 17.82 inches 89 Header Location ULTRA -SORB LH 1 3 1/2 NA 3 C C7 Valve Split Valve 1 Valve 2 Maximum Capacity (Ibs) Size (Cv) Capacity Ibs Size (Cv) Capacity Ibs One Valve 100% 1/2 0.4 17.82 - - 0.00 17.82 Duct Conditinns Absorption Dist. inches 6 Airflow Horizontal Duct Width inches 32 Air Velocity ft/min 829 Duct Height inches 16 Airflow Pressure Drop in. 0.048 Entering DuctTem °F 53.9 Entering RH % 83 Leaving DuctTem °F 55.0 Leaving RH % 89 Header Location Outside Duct Heat Gain: Assembly °F 0.68 Steam Trap Location Outside Duct Heat Gain: Steam °F 0.4 Ins. Load + Loss Ibs /hr 12.77 Selected Humidifier Options: Steam Trap Casing, Galvanized Steel Insulated Tube(s) DRI -STEEM Detail Report Selected Control Options: Type of Control, Electric Modulating Actuator Supply Voltage, 24 Humidistat, On -Off High Limit, Duct Signal By Others • 2 -10 VDC, 1/2 (inches) • Airflow Proving Switch, Pressure Page 1 of 1 Version DRI -CALC 3.24.01P STEEM' Cool discharged hot water Drane - kooler is a water tempering device that mixes cold water with hot water discharged from various types of equipment, such as a humidifier, to reduce the discharged water temperature before it enters a municipal sewer system. There are two reasons to use a water tempering device. First, most municipalities prohibit draining water hotter than 140 °F (60 °C) into their sewer systems. And second, PVC drain pipes are susceptible to damage from water that is too hot. When faced with either of these situations, Drane - kooler is the solution! How it works: hot + cold = tempered! 1. Hot water discharged from a humidifier or other appliance enters the Drane- kooler through piping connected to the top threaded connection. A vacuum breaker prevents backflow into potable water systems. 2. Cold water enters through the temperature- actuated valve. The valve and the Drane - kooler's straightforward design ensure efficient mixing of hot and cold water. The valve's sensor, located near the outlet, ensures that water leaving the Drane - kooler is 140 °F (60 °C) or less before entering the municipal sewer system. 3. Tempered water at 140 °F (60 °C) or less exits through the side outlet for safe discharge into a municipal sewer system or PVC pipe. Reliable, non - electric valve The temperature - actuated valve is time - tested to be reliable and maintenance -free. And because it is non - electric, no wiring is required! Multiple mounting options The Drane - kooler can be mounted by attaching the integral mounting plate to a wall, by attaching the mounting plate to an adjustable floor stand, or by using an assembly for suspension mounting. These multiple mounting options provide capability for the Drane - kooler to be properly supported and not secured entirely by piping. The Drane- kooler tempers .,h discharged from evaporative humi ers 6r other appliances, ,cooling water before it enters municipal sewer systems or PVC pipe. A space- efficient horizontal orientation and side drain outlet provide enough clearance to allow the Drane- kooler to be mounted directly underneath DRI -STEEM humidifiers, saving footprint space while allowing room for pitched drain piping. Side elevati Capacity and dimensions Front elevation Hot water inlet Connection 1 " (DN25) pipe thread empered water outlet onnection 2" (DN50) pipe thread Cold water supply connection 3/8" (DN105) pipe thread Maximum flow Maximum rate temperature U.S. I Urn I °C Cold inflow water 6 I 22.7 I 70 I 21 Note: This table applies only if one humidifier is connected to one Drane - kooler, with no more than 10' (3m) of vertical dimension between the Drane - kooler and the humidifier. " Cold water inflow pressure must be between 25 psi and 80 psi (172 kPa and 552 kPa). 17-7 - -- - Table 2-3: Drane-kooler dimensions Description inches mm — Height vaith floor stand (from floor to top of hot water inlet in 8.25 to 1 210 to 1 [25 mm] increments) 12.25 312 ] A Height with floor stand and extension (from floor to top of hot 13.25 337 to water inlet in 1 " [25 mm] increments) to 20.25 515 %ht from bottom of tank to top of hot water inlet � 73 191 C Height from bottom of tank to top of valve 10.5 268 i ht from top of hot water inlet to top of valve 3.0 76 E Height from bottom of tank to center of mounting hole 6.25 I 159 Height from bottom of tank to center of tempered water outlet 3.0 [ 76 i G Width of tank and tempered water outlet I i 7.5 191 Width of mounting plate holes, center to center i 4.0 102 J Length, from valve inlet to mounting plate 12.0 305 Fits under DRI -STEEM humidifiers The Drane - kooler has an integral mounting plate for wall mounting. An optional adjustable floor stand may be ordered for floor mounting, and an optional assembly may be ordered for suspension mounting. See the dimensions table on Page 2 for the adjustable floor stand heights. Standard wall mount Optional floor mount Optional suspension mount* I I NJ I 1`LIX OM- 1114 \/ OM -1115 Note: The optional suspension mount hanger assembly includes an L- bracket, two nuts, and two bolts that attach to the Drane - kooler. Beam clamp assembly and 1/4" threaded rod are supplied by others. I Alternate water seal shown (by installer) Service union Vacuum breaker Temperature - actuated valve 1 -1116 Hot water Evaporative Humidifier / enters here Cold water enters here Drane - kooler stainless steel mixing Temperature chamber sensor Tempered water discharged here 1 " air gap (25 mm) Adjustable floor stand v Floor drain to municipal system Expect quality from the industry leader For more than 40 years, DRI -STEEM has been leading the industry with creative and reliable humidification solutions. Our focus on quality is evident in the construction of our products, which feature an industry- leading Two -year Limited Warranty. For more information www.dristeem.com sales @dristeem.com For the most recent production information, visit our web site, www.dristeem.com 14949 Technology Drive r� Eden Prairie, MN 55344 800 -328 -4447 or 952-949 2415 X952- 229 -3200 (fax) European officer Marc Briers Grote iiellekensstraat 54 b 5 -3520 Zonhoven Belgium +3211823595 (voice) +3211817948 (fax) E -mail: marc.briers @dristeem.com Continuous product improvement is a policy of DR!-STEEM Corporation; therefore, product features and specifications are subject to change without notice. DRi -STEEM and Dri -talc are registered trademarks of DRI -STEEM Corporation and are filed for trademark registration in Canada and the European community. Drane- kooler is a trademark of DRI -STEEM corporation. @ 2009 DRI -STEEM Corporation Form No. DK•PDS -1009 Expert help makes it easy Let Dri -talc do the calculating! DRI- STEEM's exclusive software, ......................... ............................... Dri-ca1c, is a user - friendly D1 software program designed to 17("' save engineering time. The Navigating - the perfect s lution. software sizes loads, selects equipment, writes specifications, generates as- configured installation guides, and creates equipment schedules for DRI -STEEM products. It also includes a library of technical documents. Request a free copy of Dri -calc at our web site, www.dristeem.com All Products Brochure DRI- STEEM's All Products Brochure features the complete line of humidification products and accessories. Download the All Products Brochure at www.dristeem.com. Your DRI -STEEM distributor is: r d V: I . J HNSON CONTR�LS Product Bulletin HC -67x3 Issue Date September 30, 2002 TRUERHTM Series HC -67x3 Humidity Controllers The TRUeRHTM Series HC -67x3 Humidity Controllers come in both wall or duct mount packages. These attractively styled controllers offer ease of installation and application flexibility. The patented All- PolymerTM humidity sensor construction improves resistance to chemical corrosion. The HC -67x3 functions as a proportional humidity controller. The output is jumper- selectable Reverse Acting (RA) or Direct Acting (DA), along with an adjustable setpoint and proportional band. Figure 1: HC- 6703 -4NOOW Wall Mount Humidity Controller Figure 2: HC- 6703 -6NOOP Duct Probe Humidity Controller Features and Benefits TRUeRH Technology Features patented improvements in circuitry and calibration techniques All- Polymer Humidity Provides accurate and reliable humidity Sensor sensing with the patented sensing element Jumper - Selectable RA or Maximizes control and application flexibility DA Output: 0 to 10 or 6 to 9 VDC RH Adjustable Setpoint Allows local setpoint adjustment and provides Range and Proportional application versatility Band All Plastic Material for Duct Improves thermal performance and complies Probe with Underwriters Laboratories® Inc. (UL) flammability ratings for plenum use © 2002 Johnson Controls, Inc. Code No. LIT - 216265 www.johnsoncontrols.com Product Overview IMPORTANT: The HC -67x3 Series Humidity Controllers are intended to provide input to equipment under normal operating conditions. Where failure or malfunction of an HC -67x3 Series controller could lead to an abnormal operating condition that could cause personal injury or damage to the equipment or other property, other devices (limit or safety controls) or systems (alarm or supervisory) intended to warn of, or protect against, failure or malfunction of the HC -67x3 Series controller must be incorporated into and maintained as part of the control system. The HC -67x3 controller comes in both a wall mount and a duct -probe package to suit a variety of sensing application needs. Both humidity controllers feature a quick -mount design that saves time and simplifies installation. A combination wallbox and surface mounting base connects to the unit for easy mounting directly to either drywall (spring clips provided) or a standard U.S. wallbox. All wiring connections for the humidity transmitters terminate on terminal blocks. The Johnson Controls TRUERH duct package offers an all plastic enclosure, which reduces thermal biasing. This feature lowers energy consumption, reduces condensation, and eliminates the need for thermal compensation. The HC -67x3 humidity controller proportionally ramps its output as the measured humidity changes in the proportional band. The setpoint is at the low end of the proportional band for a DA controller and at the high end for an RA controller. See Figure 3 for a typical application. Valve Acl 24 VAC _ VAC Comi Input 1 Output 2 Commi 3 Power Figure 3: Typical HC -6703 Application Dimensions Refer to Figure 4 or Figure 5 for humidity controller dimensions. Side View Surface Surface Front View Wallbox Mounted Sensor Mounted all Mount Sensor Height Height I 3-3/16 4 -3/4 (81) (121) 1 (34) IL- 3-3/16 (81) 9/3 �I 1� 1 /32 (7) (9) Side View Wallbox Mounted Side View Wallbox Mounted Sensor with Phone Jack Sensor withTerminal Block Figure 4: Wall Mount Humidity Controller Dimensions, in. (mm) I � 3.23 (83) 1 Die 098 (2 14 2.0 2 (1' 6.25 (159) Figure 5: Duct Probe Humidity Controller Dimensions, in. (mm) TRUERH Series HC -67x3 Humidity Controllers Product Bulletin Technical Specifications Product TRUERH Series HC -67x3 Humidity Controllers Power Requirements 14 to 30 VDC at 10 mA or 20 to 30 VAC, 50/60 Hz at 15 mA with no load, Class 2 Control Action Jumper selectable, direct or reverse (factory set for reverse acting) Output Range Jumper selectable, 0 to 10 VDC (factory set) or 6 to 9 VDC; 5 k ohm minimum load impedance Sensor Characteristics Element Material: All-Polymer Sensing Range: 0 to 100% RH, noncondensing User Adjustments Setpoint: Adjustable from 20 to 80% RH Proportional Band: Adjustable from 2 to 20% RH Temperature Coefficient -0.1 to 0.05% RH / °C at 5°C (41'F) to -0.07 to -0.21 % RH / °C at 65°C (149 °F) Electrical Connections 3- position screw terminal block Ambient Operating 32 to 122 °F (0 to 50°C) Conditions 0 to 100% RH, noncondensing; 85 °F (29°C) maximum dew point Survival Operating -22 to 140 F ( -30 to 60 C) Conditions 0 to 100% RH, noncondensing; 85 °F (29°C) maximum dew point Ambient Storage -40 to 176 °F (40 to 80°C) Conditions 0 to 100% RH, noncondensing; 85 °F (29 °C) maximum dew point Materials Wall Mount: White PC /ABS plastic enclosure and mounting base for surface or standard U.S. wallbox mounting, including hardware Duct Probe: Light gray plastic cover with dark gray housing and probe Dimensions Wall Mount (H x W x D): 3.20 x 3.20 x 1.34 in. (81 x 81 x 34 mm) Duct Probe (H x W x D): 3.28 x 3.25 x 8.27 in. (83 x 83 x 210 mm) Probe (L x D): 6.25 x 0.98 in. (159 x 25 mm) Shipping Weight 0.7 lb (0.3 kg) Agency Compliance Duct Probe Material: 94 -5V flammability rated per UL 94 The performance specifications are nominal and conform to acceptable industry standards. For application at conditions beyond these specifications, consult the local Johnson Controls office. Johnson Controls, Inc. shall not be liable for damages resulting from misapplication or misuse of its products. JQHNSON CONTROLS Controls Group 507 E. Michigan Street P.O. Box 423 Milwaukee, WI 53201 TRUERH Series HC -67x3 Humidity Controllers Product Bulletin Published in U.S.A. www.johnsoncontrols.com Model P/N 406190 AFS-222=112 Air Pressure Sensing Switch with Adjustable Set Point Range Application The Model AFS- 222 -112 is a general purpose proving switch designed for HVAC and Energy Management ap- plications. It may be used to sense positive, negative, or differential air pressure. The AFS- 222 -112 is equipped with convenient barbed sample line connectors that accept flexible tubing. General Description & Operation The plated housing contains a dia- phragm, a calibration spring and a snap- acting SPDT switch.The barbed sample line connections located on each side of the diaphragm accept flexible tubing. An enclosure cover guards against accidental contact with the live switch terminal screws and the set point adjusting screw. The enclo- sure cover will accept a 'h" conduit connection. Figure I: Mount with the diaphragm in any vertical plane. BE 30 40:1 0 Bulletin dristeem222.00 5.81' (147) (49) Dimensions in Inches 3. 88 (Millimeters) (98) Mounting (see Figure 1) Select a mounting location which is free from vibration. The AFS- 222 -112 must be mounted with the diaphragm in any vertical plane in order to ob- tain the lowest specified operating set point. Avoid mounting with the sample line connections in the "up" position. Surface mount via the two 3/16" diameter holes in the integral mounting bracket. The mounting holes are 3 -7%" apart. Air Sampling Connection (see Figure 2) The AFS- 222 -112 is equipped with two slip -on sample line connectors, situated on either side of the dia- phragm as shown in Figure 2. These connectors are suitable for flexible tubing. Locate the sampling probe a minimum of 1.5 duct diameters down- stream from the air source. Install the 0.44• (1n 0. sampling probe as close to the center of the airstream as possible. Refer to Figure 2 to identify the high pressure inlet (H) and the low pressure inlet (L). Select one of the five application options listed below (on page 2), and connect the sample lines as recom- mended. (Figure 2) 0 INLET H: INLET L• High Low (Figure 3) 0 io R.o. RIOR PRESSURE LOW PRESSURE (Figure 4) To prove excessive air flow or pressure: C. N.O. ALARM N.C. CONTX OL To prove Insufficient air flow or pressure: C. N.O. CONTP OL N.C. ALARM POSITIVE PRESSURE ONLY: Connect the sample line to inlet H; inlet L remains open to the atmo- sphere. NEGATIVE PRESSURE ONLY: Connect the sample line to inlet L; inlet H remains open to the atmo- sphere. TWO NEGATIVE SAMPLES: Connect the higher negative sample to inlet L. Connect the lower nega- tive sample to inlet H. TWO POSITIVE SAMPLES: Con- nect the higher positive sample to in- let H. Connect the lower positive sample to inlet L. ONE POSITIVE AND ONE NEGA- TIVE SAMPLE: Connect the posi- tive sample to inlet H. Connect the negative sample to inlet L. Electrical Connections (see Figure 3) Before pressure is applied to the dia- phragm, the switch contacts will be in the normally closed (NC) posi- tion.The snap switch has screw top terminals with cup washers. Wire alarm and control applications as shown in Figure 4. Field Adjustment The adjustment range of an AFS- 222 -112 Air Switch is 0.05 t.02" w.c. to 12.0" w.c.. To adjust the set point, t urn the adjusting screw coun- terclockwise until motion has stopped. Next, turn the adjusting screw 4 complete turns in a clockwise direction to engage the spring. From this point, the next ten turns will be used for the actual calibration. Each full turn represents approximately 1.2" w.c. Please note: To properly cali- brate an air switch, a digital manom- eter or other measuring device should be used to confirm the actual set point. LOCATION OF SAMPLE LINES FOR TYPICAL APPLICATIONS FAN OPERATION OR TRUE AIR FLOW WITH FAN OPERATION OR PROVE POSITIVE LITTLE OR NO STATIC PRESSURE, AIR FLOW WITH NO STATIC PRESSURE. STATIC PRESSURE PROBE MUST �CVERPENDICULAR FLOW. FAN OPERATION AND TRUE AIR FLOW SUCTION OR FAN OPERATION NEGATIVE PRESSURE WITH VARYING AMOUN S OF STATIC PRESSURE INCREASES AS FILTER GETS DIRTY. 0 ---e � —• — r PROBE MUST E PERPENDICULAR TO FLOW. FILTER Bulletin dristeem222.00 SPECIFICATIONS Model AFS- 222 -112 Air Flow Switch Mounting Position: Mount with the diaphragm in any vertical plane. Set Point Range: 0.05 ± 0.02" w.c. to 12.0 "w.c. Field Adjustable "Operate Range ": 0.07 "w.c. to 12.0" w.c. Field Adjustable "Release Range ": 0.04 "w.c. to 11.2" w.c. Approximate Switching Differential: Progressive, increasing from 0.02± 0.01" w.c. at minimum set point to approximately 0.8 ° w.c. at maximum set point. Measured Media: Air, or combustion by- products that will not degrade silicon. Maximum Pressure: Yz psi (0.03 bar) Operating Temperature Range: -40F to 180F ( -40 to 82C) Life: 100,000 cycles minimum at 112 psi maximum pressure each cycle and at maximum rated electrical load. Electrical Rating: 300 VA pilot duty at 115 to 277 VAC, 15 amps noninductive to 277 VAC, 60 Hz. Contact Arrangement: SPDT Electrical Connections: Screw -type terminals with cup washers. Conduit Opening: 7V diameter opening accepts Y2" conduit. Sample Line Connections: Two barbed A" connectors will accept flexible tubing. Shipping Weight: 1.2 lbs. ACCESSORIES Sample line probes. Orifice plugs (pulsation dampers). Consult Factory for special features, packaging and labeling services. Pressure Conversion Table Vwc = 0.0361psi or 0.0735 "Hg 1 "flg = 0.491psi or 13.6" we 1psi = 27.7 "wc or 2.036 "Hg HC -101 Series, HC -201 Two - Position Electric Controller These controllers provide low or line voltage on -off single stage control of humidifiers, dehumidifiers, valves, solenoid valves, compressors, relays, etc. �Features: ip t4o: • SPDT switching for humidification /dehumidification. L: Agency listed room and duct units. Long life nylon elements. 1 Standard locking feature. HC -101 (Only models with metal covers are CSA certified) Model Chart Descrir)tion. 0 \ � o �OCfl SA ' P 0 HC -201 Model No. Description Scale Range % RH Differential % RH Switch Interstage HC -101 Room 10 to 90 5 — HC -201 Duct 15 to 95 Maximum Electrical Ratinas. Model No. AC Volt FLA 50/60 Hz LRA Resistive Amps Pilot Duty VA HC -101 HC -201 24 — — $ 60 240 3.6 21.6 345 Blank cover insert and 5/64" Allen head cover screw included to convert room humidistat to concealed o adjustment if required. HC -101 Figure 1 Blank Cover (HC -101). HC -101 Series, HC -201 Installation Information. Model No. Connections Dimensions Cover Material HC -101 6 in. (150 mm) color coded leads 4 -3/8 H x 2 -7/8 W x 1 -5/8 D in. (111 x 73 x 41 mm) Beige Plastic HC -201 Coded screw terminals 4 -3/4 H x 6 -1/2 W x 2 -1/4 D in. (121 x 165 x 57 mm) Metal Control dial settings Refer to Description Model Chart. Humidity sensing element Nylon ribbon. Differential Refer to Description Model Chart. Environment Ambient temperature limits Operating: 40 to 125 °F (4 to 52 °C). Shipping and Storage: -40 to 140 °F (40 to WC). Humidity 5 to 95% RH non - condensing. Locations NEMA Type 1. Electrical Switch One snap- acting SPDT. Ratings Refer to Maximum Electrical Ratings Model Chart. Connections Refer to Installation Information Model Chart. Mounting HC -101 Flush or surface switch boxes or, for 24 V only, directly to wall. HC -201 In any position on the outside surface of return air duct. Dimensions Refer to Installation Information Model Chart. Cover Refer to Installation Information Model Chart. Accessories Model No. Description Accessories for HC -101 only AT -504 Aux. mounting base. AT -505 Wall box cover plate. AT -546 Aux. mounting base. AT -1104 Cast guard. AT -1155 Plastic guard. AT -1165 Plastic guard. 0 Brown N.O. Al Brown makes 13 contact with a drop in humidity. All (Red) N. C. Drop in R.H. units provided with Common (Orange) green grounding lead. Figure 2 HC -101, and HC -201 Switch Action and Terminal Identification. (H7E FORM 1510N MARSHALL ENGINEERED PRODUCTS CO. SPECIALTIES FLOAT 4 THERMOSTATIC TRAP - 40 SERIES /CLOSED FLOAT TRAP - 41 SERIES FOR OPERATING PRESSURES UP TO 125 LBS. The MEPCO Float & Thermostatic Traps 40 series, and Closed Float "craps 41 series are applicable to all types of steam pressure heating systems and steam process equipment. The 40 series traps' purpose is to move air and water while preventing steam frog entering the return piping. The 41 series traps' purpose is to mov( water while preventing steam from entering the return piping. Thes traps are manufactured in (32) models for handling capacities of 27 to 4,075 Ibs of condensate per hour and operate efficiently with pressures up to 125 lbs. FEATURES & BENEFITS 1. Simple, rugged construction. This MEPCO trap is a mechanically simple and durable combination of a float and thermostatic trap. All working parts are made of non - corrosive metals especially adapted for this service. 2. Sensitive the4mostatic action. Charging the ther- mostatic disc under high vacuum assures sensitive and positive response to temperature and pressure over entire operating range. Disc corrugations are shaped to reduce hinge action at the rim of the disc and evenly distribute disc motion. (Not applicable to the 31 series, closed float trap). 3. Instantaneous valve action. Design of the flop t valve assembly permits rapid and positive valve ac- PARTS/MATERIALS - 4a & 41 sarlaa /TEA! PART MATER /AL 1 _ Body Class 30 Cast Iron 2 Cap Class 30 Cast Iron 3 Disc (series 40) SST & Brass 3 Plug (series 41) Brass 4 Hinge Brass 5 Pin, hinge Stainless Steel 6 Gasket Non - asbestos F'der 7 Seat SST & Brass holder a Valve Stainless Steel 9 Clip Stainless Steel 10 Lever & Float Stainless Steel lion. Location of the valve assures a deep water seal at all times. 4. Continuous rapid flow of water. A lever operated discharge valve opens wide so that large volumes of rater can flow continuously from trap. 5. Thorough testing. In addition to tests made of the completed trap, each thermostatic disc is tested be- fore it is assembled into the trap. 6. Minimum maintenance. All working parts may be inspected, removed or repaired without disturbing pip- ing connections. Series 40 Series 41 MEPCO RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE CHANGES IN SPECIFICATIONS AND DESIGN WITHOUT NOTICE MEPCO • 811 East Main Street • Marshalltown, Iowa 50168 - 641- 752 -4281 • 641- 753 -0486 iIMT Dimensions and Capacities ft T V11LVT t - NOTE: The 40 series (with thermostatic element) 5 the 41 series (with brass plug) share the same dimensions and capacities. 40 & 41 Series' Model -215A -230A -275A -2125A NO. -415A -515A 713A -430A -530A -730A -475A -576A -775A 4125A -5125A -7125A NPT SIZE 3/4 "/1" 1 -1/4" 1 -1/2" 3/4 "/1" 1 -1/4" 1 -117 3/4 "/1" 1 -114" 1 -112" 3(4 " /1" 1 -1/4" 1 -V2" owwa .313 .344 .391 .250 .313 .391 .141 .188 .219 .109 .141 .172 1/4 800 750 980 425 600 800 300 375 400 275 300 350 1/2 825 1,000 1,365 600 825 1,100 375 500 525 310 375 450 1 1,000 1,200 1,855 750 1,000 1,450 425 600 675 350 425 550 2 1,225 1,400 2,410 900 1,225 1,800 500 710 825 390 525 650 3 1,575 1,900 3,150 1,250 1,575 2,400 625 935 1,075 450 625 800 a 10 1,875 2,300 3,750 1,500 1,875 2,9W 725 1,050 1,?50 500 725 950 15 2,175 2,700 4,075 1,725 2,175 3,400 825 1,225 1,425 540 825 1,050 20 1,900 2,500 3,750 900 1,375 600 900 1,150 25 2,050 2,750 4.050 975 1.525 _1,575 1,725 660 975 1,275 30 2,300 3,000 4,300 1,000--- 1 675 1,850 725 1,100 1,400 40 1,200 1,825 2,000 850 1,200 1,500 50 1,350 - 1.9,50 2 200 1,000 1,350 1,625_ 60 1,500 2,100 2,400 1,100 1,500 1,780 75 1,650 2,400 2,700 1,280 1,650 1,950 1,410 1,825 _ 2,100 _90 100 _ 1,500 1,900 2,275 _ 12fi 1.650 2.100_ -2.540 A 5-3/4 6 -3/8 6-318 5-W4 6-318 63/8 5-3/4 6 -3/8 64M 5-3/4 6-318 6.318 1 8 5-3/4 5.3/4 5.314 53/4 5.3/4 5.3/4 5-3/4 5,3/4 53/4 5-3/4 5-3/4 53/4 C 4-7/8 53/8 5-3/8 4-7/8 53/8 5318 4-7/8 5318 5-3/8 4-7/8 5-318 5.318 D 3-3/8 3 3 3-3/8 3 3 3-3/8 3 3 3318 3 3 E 1.1/8 1,3/8 13/8 1 -1/8 1-3/8 1.3/8 1 -1/8 13/8 1318 1 -1/8 1 -3/8 1-318 0 WQT 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 131bs. 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 13 lbs. 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 13 lbs. 10 lbs. 13 lbs. 13 lbs. Capacities oien are continuous discharge capacities in pounds of condensate per hour at pressure differential in- dicated, determined by tests conducted according to ASME Performance test Code 39.1:1980. Apply safety fac- tor as required per application. Condensate within 5 degrees of steam temperature. ,�Pca MARSHALL ENGINEERED PRODUCTS CO. 811 East Main Street • Marshalltown, Iowa 50168 • 641 -752 -4291 • 641- 753 -0496 http: /twww.mepcollc.com FORM 1510N Printed in U.SA.