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Compatibility |QS4/QS1 |EST2 |EST3 |IRC-3/FCC E DWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY U.S. SALES: SARASOTA, FL 941-739-4638; FAX 941-727-1214•CANADA SALES: OWEN SOUND, ON 519-376-2430; FAX 519-376-7258 INTERNATIONAL SALES: 905-270-1711; FAX 905-270-9553•CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: CHESHIRE, CT•U.S. MANUFACTURING: PITTSFIELD & NEWPORT, ME For the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net. Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6 Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269 Page 1 of 4Page 1 of 4Page 1 of 4Page 1 of 4Page 1 of 4 Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes. EDWARDS SYSTEMSTECHNOLOGY TM INTELLIGENTINITIATING DEVICES MEA Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector Model SIGA-PS Note: Some features described here may not be supported by all control systems. Check your control panel’s Installation and Operation Guide for details. Features Integral microprocessor Non-volatile memory Automatic mapping device Electronic addressing Environmental compensation Intelligent detector Wide 0.67% to 3.77%/ft. sensitivity range Twenty pre-alarm sensitivity values, set in 5% increments¹ Identification of dirty or defective detectors Automatic day/night sensitivity adjustment Twin RED/GREEN status LEDs Standard, relay, fault isolator, and audible mounting bases Designed and manufactured to ISO 9001 standards Description EST’s Signature Series Model SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Smoke Detector gathers analog information from its smoke sensing element and converts it into digital signals. The detector’s on- board microprocessor measures and analyzes these signals. It compares the information to historical readings and time patterns to make an alarm decision. Digital filters remove signal patterns that are not typical of fires. Unwanted alarms are virtually elimi- nated. The microprocessor in each detector provides four additional benefits - Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log - Each Signature Series detector constantly runs self-checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in the detector’s non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or by using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. The information stored in the detector’s memory includes: -detector type, serial number, and address - date of manufacture, hours of operation, and last maintenance date² - current detector sensitivity and environmental compensation values -original detector sensitivity values upon manufacturing² -number of recorded alarms and troubles² -time and date of last alarm¹ -analog signal patterns just before the last alarm¹ -most recent trouble code logged by the detector — 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. In the unlikely event that an unwanted alarm does take place, the control panel’s history file can be called up to help isolate the problem and prevent it from happening again. Automatic Device Mapping - The loop controller learns where each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The mapping feature provides supervision of each device’s installed location to prevent a detector from being reinstalled (after cleaning etc.) in a different location from where it was originally. The history log for the detector remains relevant and intact regardless of its new location. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or “as-built” drawing information showing wire branches (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of “as-built” drawings is fast and efficient. Device mapping allows the Signature loop controller to discover: -unexpected additional device addresses -missing device addresses -changes to the wiring in the circuit. ¹ EST3 V.2 only. 2 Retrievable with SIGA-PRO programming tool. Application Notes Available CHINA S E DWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY For the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net. Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4Page 2 of 4 Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269 Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6 Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes. Stand-alone Operation: A decentralized alarm decision by the detector is guaranteed. On-board intelligence permits the detector to operate in stand-alone mode. If loop controller CPU communi- cations fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into stand-alone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each detector on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its surroundings. The detector alarms if the preset smoke obscuration level is reached. If the detector is mounted to a relay base, the relay operates. Similarly, if it is mounted to an audible base, the on-board horn sounds. Fast Stable Communication: On-board intelligence means less information needs to be sent between the detector and the loop controller. Other than regular supervisory polling response, the detector only needs to communicate with the loop controller when it has something new to report. This provides very fast response time and allows a lower baud rate (speed) to be used for communication on the loop. The lower baud rate offers several advantages including: -less sensitivity to circuit wire characteristics -less sensitivity to noise glitches on the cable -less emitted noise from the data wiring -twisted or shielded wiring is not required. Electronic Addressing: The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each detector, saving valuable time during system commissioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each detector has its own unique serial number stored in its “on-board memory”. The loop controller identifies each device on the circuit and assigns a “soft” address to that device’s serial number. If desired, detectors can be addressed using the SIGA- PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Environmental Compensation: Detection sensitivity is virtually independent of its installed environment and its physical condition. Environmental compensation means the sensing element adapts to long-term changes caused by dirt, humidity, aging etc. It even com- pensates for small amounts of normal ambient smoke. Approximately six times every hour the detector adjusts and updates the sensitivity (% obscuration) baseline for its sensing element. Approximately once every hour this information is written to its permanent memory. The detector’s “learned” baseline is not lost, even when the detector is removed for cleaning. Signature Series environmental compenstion is so reliable that it meets NFPA72 field sensitivity testing requirements — without the need for external meters. The detector’s sensitivity setting selected by the installer floats up or down to remain constant relative to the changing baseline. This is called differential sensing. Sensitivity Range: The SIGA-PS Photoelectric Detector has a sensitivity range or window of 0.67% to 3.77%. The installer selects the detector’s ALARM sensitivity level from five available settings within the range. Pre-Alarm: The detector stores one of 20 pre-alarm sensitivity values to alert local personnel prior to the sensor reaching a full evacuation sensitivity. Sensitivity values can be set in 5% increments.1 Automatic Day/Night Sensitivity Selection: Signature Series detectors may be programmed for different sensitivities during day and night periods. This allows the detector to be more sensitive during unoccupied periods when lower ambient background conditions are expected. Stability: The SIGA-PS detector’s sensitivity remains stable in wind velocities up to 5,000 ft/min (25.3 m/sec). Ambient temperature has very little affect on the detector. The detector may be installed in rooms with ambient temperatures up to 120oF (49oC). Status LEDs: Twin LEDs are visible from any direction. A flashing GREEN LED shows normal system polling from the loop controller. A flashing RED LED means the detector is in alarm state. Both LEDs on steady shows alarm state - stand-alone mode. Normal GREEN LED activity is not distracting to building occupants, but can be quickly spotted by a maintenance technician. Quality and Reliability: EST detectors are manufactured in North America to strict international ISO 9001 standards. All electronics utilize surface mount technology (SMT) for smaller size and greater immunity to RF noise. A conformal coating is used for humidity and corrosion resistance. All critical contacts are gold plated. Installation Signature Series detectors mount to North American 1-gang boxes, 3-1/2 inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, and to 4 inch square electrical boxes 1-1/2 inches (38 mm) deep. They mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. Testing & Maintenance Each detector automatically identifies when it is dirty or defective and causes a “dirty detector” message. The detector’s sensitivity measurement can also be transmitted to the loop controller. A sensitivity report can be printed to satisfy NFPA sensitivity meas- urements which must be conducted at the end of the first year and every two years thereafter. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each detector and other pertinent messages. Single detectors may be turned off temporarily from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper detector operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ULC 536 standards. Compatibility The SIGA-PS detectors are compatible only with EST’s Signature Loop Controller. ¹ EST3 V.2 only. E DWARDS SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY For the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net. Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6 Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269 Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4Page 3 of 4 Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes. Standard Detector Base, SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 Typical Wiring The detector mounting bases accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.5mm2), and #12 AWG (2.5mm²) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Relay Detector Base, SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 Test Fire Type of Detector SIGA-IS Ion SIGA-PS Photo SIGA-HRS and SIGA-HFS Rate-of -Rise/Fixed Temp. SIGA-PHS Photo/Heat 3D SIGA-IPHS Ion/Photo/Heat 4D Open Wood optimum unsuitable optimum very suitable optimum Wood Pyrolysis suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Smouldering Cotton very suitable optimum unsuitable optimum optimum Poly Urethane Foam very suitable very suitable suitable very suitable optimum n-Heptane optimum very suitable very suitable optimum optimum Liquid Fire without Smoke unsuitable unsuitable optimum very suitable very suitable Isolator Detector Base, SIGA-IB, SIGA-IB4 Application Although photoelectric detectors have a wide range of fire sensing capabilities they are best suited for detecting slow, smoldering fires. The table below shows six standard test fires used to rate the sensitivity of smoke and heat detectors. The table indicates that no single sensing element is suited for all test fires. EST recommends that this detector be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. SIG+SIG- DATA- OUT DATA- IN DATA+ IN/OUT 24Vdcin Frompowersupplyor previousbase Datain FromSignaturecontrolleror previousdevice 24Vdcout TonextbaseorEOLrelay Dataout TonextSignaturedevice+ - + - Volumesetting Default=Highvolume Cutforlowvolume Tonesetting Default=Temporalpattern Cutforsteadytone + - + - Toconfigureoutputvolume ortone,cutthecircuitboard asshown. Audible Detector Base, SIGA-AB4G Term Description 1Not Used 2DATA IN/OUT (+) 3Not Used 4DATA IN (-) 4Remote LED (-) 5Remote LED (+) 6Not Used 7DATA OUT (-) CONTACT RATING 1.0 Amp @ 30 VDC (Pilot Duty) Term Description 1Normally Open 2DATA IN/OUT (+) 3Common 4DATA IN (-) 4Not Used 5Normally-Closed 6DATA OUT (-) Term Description 1Not Used 2DATA IN/OUT (+) 3DATA IN (-) 4Not Used 5Not Used 6DATA OUT (-) 7Not Used E DWARDS S YSTEMS T ECHNOLOGY It is our intention to keep the product information current and accurate. We can not cover specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information or questions relative to this Specification Sheet, contact EST. Printed in U.S.A For the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit wwwFor the most current literature and updates visit www.est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net..est.net..A product of EST Marketing, Sarasota, FL © 2004 EST Page 4 of 4Page 4 of 4Page 4 of 4Page 4 of 4Page 4 of 4 Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269Literature Sheet #85001-0269 Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6Issue 6 Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes.Not to be used for installation purposes. SIGA-IB Isolator Base SIGA-LED Remote LED SIGA-RB Relay Base SIGA-SB Standard Base SIGA-AB4G Audible Base Accessories All detector mounting bases have wiring terminals that are accessible from the “room-side” after mounting the base to the electrical box. The bases mount to North American 1-gang boxes and to 3½ inch or 4 inch octagon boxes, 1½ inches (38 mm) deep. They also mount to European BESA and 1-gang boxes with 60.3 mm fixing centers. The SIGA-SB4, SIGA-RB4, and SIGA-IB4 mount to North American 4 inch sq. electrical boxes in addition to the above boxes. They include the SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt which is used to cover the “mounting ears” on the base. The SIGA-AB4G mounts to a 4" sqare box only. Ordering Information Warnings & Cautions This detector will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your fire protection specialist. This detector will NOT sense fires that start in areas where smoke cannot reach the detector. Smoke from fires in walls, roofs, or on the opposite side of closed doors may not reach the detector to alarm it. Catalog Number SIGA-PS Sensing Element Photoelectric - Light Scattering Principle Storage & Operating Environment Air Velocity Range: 0 to 5,000 ft/min (0 to 25.39 m/s); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH, Non-Condensing Operating Temp: 32ºF to 120ºF (0ºC to 49ºC); Storage Temp: -4ºF to 140ºF (-20ºCto 60ºC) Sensitivity Range ULI/ULC - 0.67% to 3.77% obscuration/foot User Selected Alarm Sensitivity Settings Most Sensitive: 1.0%/ft.; More Sensitive: 2.0%/ft.; Normal: 2.5%/ft.; Less Sensitive: 3.0%/ft.; Least Sensitive: 3.5%/ft. Pre-alarm Sensitivity 5% increments, allowing up to 20 pre-alarm settings Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Operating Current Quiescent: 45µA @ 19 V; Alarm: 45µA @ 19 V Emergency Stand-alone Alarm Mode: 18mA Pulse Current: 100 µA (100 msec); During Communication: 9 mA max. Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer - White Compatible Mounting Bases SIGA-SB Standard Base, SIGA-RB Relay Base, SIGA-IB Isolator Base, SIGA-AB4, SIGA-AB4G Audible Bases LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled; On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand-alone) Compatible Remote Red LED (model SIGA-LED) Flashes when in alarm Compatibility Use With: SIGNATURE Loop Controller Address Requirements Uses one Device Address Agency Listings UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM UL Listed Spacing 30 ft Catalog Number Description Ship Wt. lbs (kg) SIGA-PS Intelligent Photoelectric Detector - UL/ULC Listed .5 (.23) Accessories SIGA-SB Detector Mounting Base - Standard .2 (.09) SIGA-SB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA-RB Detector Mounting Base w/Relay SIGA-RB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/Relay, c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA-IB Detector Mounting Base w/Fault Isolator SIGA-IB4 4-inch Detector Mounting Base w/ Fault Isolator, c/w SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt SIGA-LED Remote Alarm LED SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base .3 (0.15) SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt (supplied with 4-inch bases).1 (.04) Specifications Standard Base SIGA-SB, SIGA-SB4 - This is the basic mounting base for EST Signature Series detectors. The SIGA-LED Remote LED is supported by the Standard Base. Relay Base SIGA-RB, SIGA-RB4 - This base includes a relay. Normally open or closed operation is selected during installation. The dry contact is rated for 1 amp (pilot duty) @ 30 Vdc. The relay’s position is supervised to avoid accidentally jarring it out of position. The SIGA-RB can be operated as a control relay if programmed to do so at the control panel (EST3 V.2 only). The relay base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. Audible Base SIGA-AB4G - This base is designed for use where localized or group alarm signaling is required. When the detector senses an alarm condition, the audible base emits a local alarm signal. The optional SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay can be used for sounding to other audible bases on the same 24 Vdc circuit. Relay and Audible Bases operate as follows: -at system power-up or reset, the relay is de-energized -when a detector is installed in the base with the power on, the relay energizes for four seconds, then de-energizes -when a detector is removed from a base with the power on, the relay is de-energized -when the detector enters the alarm state, the relay is energized. Isolator Base SIGA-IB, SIGA-IB4 - This base includes a built-in line fault isolator for use on Class A circuits. A detector must be installed for it to operate. The isolator base does not support the SIGA-LED Remote LED. The isolator operates as follows: -a short on the line causes all isolators to open within 23 msec -at 10 msec intervals, beginning on one side of the Class A circuit nearest the loop controller, the isolators close to provide the next isolator down the line with power -when the isolator next to the short closes, reopens within 10 msec. The process repeats beginning on the other side of the loop controller. Remote LED SIGA-LED - The remote LED connects to the SIGA-SB or SIGA-SB4 Standard Base only. It features a North American size 1-gang plastic faceplate with a white finish and red alarm LED. SIGA-TS4 Trim Skirt - Supplied with 4 inch bases, it can also be ordered separately to use with the other bases to help hide surface imperfections not covered by the smaller bases. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0581 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 EST Catalog u Intelligent Initiating 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Standard Features • Temporal or steady tone Jumper selects steady or synchronized temporal output. • High or low dB output Jumper selects low or high dBA output. • Single or group operation Optional polarity reversing module configures base for group alarm output. • UL268 and UL464 listed UL listing under smoke detector and audible signal standards allows application as smoke alarm and/or audible signal. • Attractive installation Flush mount to a wide selection of North American boxes or surface mount to optional custom-matched box. Application The Signature Series AB4G sounder base is for use with Signature Series detectors in applications where localized or group alarm signaling is required. The base uses the same address and pro- gramming label as the detector it supports. The base is listed by Underwriters Laboratories under the UL268 and UL464 standards, allowing its application where both smoke alarms and/or notification appliances are required. This makes the AB4G ideal for hotels, dormitories, and other residential occu- pancies where supplementary audible output is required to meet required sound levels for sleeping areas or areas subject to high levels of ambient noise. Overview The Signature Series AB4G sounder base adds an audible output function to any Signature Series detector. The base can operate as an independent local alarm, or as part of a zone or system alarm with synchronized audible output. The sounder base matches the finish of Signature Series detec- tors and the sound output slots complement the smoke/heat entry openings of the detector. The result is a compact unit with an attractive appearance. The base generates a loud piercing tone that has excellent wall penetration qualities. It uses the same tone generator found in the award-winning Genesis line of wall and ceiling horns. The AB4G may be configured in the field for either steady or tem- poral output and either high or low dB output. Low dB and steady output selections are made by cutting jumpers on the circuit board. The default setting is high dB with temporal output. AB4G sounder bases on the same circuit may be activated as a group or zone with the use of a SIGA-CRR polarity reversal mod- ule, and the group or zone may be synchronized audible output with the use of a G1M-RM signal master. The AB4G sounder base can simply operate according to the state of its detector, or it can be configured through system programming to operate in conjuction with all sounder bases on the same circuit, or it can be controlled by program rules. Available operating modes are determined by the system that supports the Signature data loop. MEA Pending Sounder Base Model SIGA-AB4G Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0581 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 Applications Datain From Signature controller - + 24 Vdc From listed power supply +- Listed EOL relay and supervising module First device Last device CR Datain From Signature controller - + 24 Vdc From listed power supply +- Listed EOL relay and supervising module First device Last device CR CRR Datain From Signature - + 24 Vdc From listed power supply +- Listed EOL relay and supervising module First device Last device CRG1M-RM CRR AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/ O U T AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/ O U T AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/ O U T AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/O U T AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/ O U T AB4G SI G + SI G - Da t a OU T Da t a I N Da t a I N/ O U T Detector operates the base The base follows the state of the detector, going into and out of alarm with the detector. The Signature CR module is optional, and is used to silence the bases on the line. System turns on all bases All bases on the line can be activated by system programming that triggers the Signature CRR to reverse the supplied polarity. The Signature CR module is optional, and is used to silence the bases on the line. System turns on bases with synchronization All bases on the line are activated by system programming that triggers the Signature CRR module. The temporal output is syn- chronized by the G1M-RM. If the Signature CRR module is not activated, each detector can still operate its base, but the bases will not be synchronized. The Signature CR module is optional, and is used to silence the bases on the line. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0581 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 Base Plate Trim Ring Electrical Box Detector AB4G-SB Optional Surface Box (6.8” diameter x 1.8” deep) SIG+SIG- DATA- OUT DATA- IN DATA+ IN/OUT 24 Vdc in From power supply or previous base Datain From Signature controller or previous device 24 Vdc out To next base or EOL relay Data out To next Signature device + - + - Volume setting Default=High volume Cut for low volume Tone setting Default =Temporal pattern Cut for steady tone + - + - To configure output volume or tone,cut the circuit board as shown. Configuration and Wiring Installation and Mounting Flush Mounting: The sounder base flush mounts into 2-1/8 inch (54 mm) deep standard North American 4 inch square electric box, North American 4 x 4 inch octagonal concrete ring (mud box), and standard European 100 mm square electric boxes. The terminal block makes field wire connections fast and efficient . After wiring, a simple push and twist motion locks the Signature detector into the base. References NFPA 72 (2002 edition) 7.4.2 Public Mode Audible Requirements. To ensure that audible public mode signals are clearly heard ... they shall have a sound level at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maximum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds, whichever is greater, measured 1.5 m (5 ft) above the floor in the occupiable area, using the A-weighted scale (dBA). 7.4.4 Sleeping Areas. Where audible appliances are installed to provide signals for sleeping areas, they shall have a sound level of at least 15 dB above the average ambient sound level or 5 dB above the maxi- mum sound level having a duration of at least 60 seconds or a sound level of at least 75 dBA, whichever is greater, measured at the pillow level in the occupiable area, using the A-weighted scale (dBA). Sound Level Output Signal Voltage Low dBA High dBA Reverberant room per UL 464* Temporal 16 Vdc 71.5 78.1 24 Vdc 75.5 80.7 33 Vdc 78.5 83.1 Steady 16 Vdc 75.5 81.7 24 Vdc 79.5 84.5 33 Vdc 81.8 86.5 Reverberant room per UL 268 Temporal 16 Vdc 77.5 84.1 24 Vdc 81.5 86.7 33 Vdc 84.5 89.1 Steady 16 Vdc 81.5 87.7 24 Vdc 85.5 90.5 33 Vdc 87.8 92.5 dBA = Decibels, A-weighted *For UL 464 applications low dBA settings are for private mode only. Edwards recommends that fire alarm systems and their devices always be installed in accordance with the lat- est recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0581 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb-Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T : +65 6391 9300 F : +65 6391 9306 India T : +91 80 4344 2000 F : +91 80 4344 2050 Australia T +61 3 9239 1200 F +61 3 9239 1299 Europe T +32 2 725 11 20 F +32 2 721 86 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Specifications Ordering Information Operating Voltage 16-33 Vdc, 16-33 Vfwr (continuous voltage required for temporal output) Supervisory Current DC=1.46mA; FWR=2.15mA Operating Current in mA (RMS)16 Vdc 24 Vdc 33 Vdc 16 Vfwr 24 Vfwr 33 Vfwr Low dBA 17 24 31 41 51 60 High dBA 28 41 52 48 60 66 Default Settings Output volume: high dBA Output tone: temporal pattern (0.5 s on, 0.5 s off, 0.5 s on, 0.5 s off, 0.5 s on, 1.5 s off, repeat cycle). Environmental Operating Temperature: 32° to 120° F (0° to 49° C) Operating Humidity: 0 to 93% RH Storage Temperature: -4 to 140 °F (-20 to 60 °C) Wire Size 12 to 18 AWG (2.5 to 0.75 mm²) Compatible Detectors All Signature Series Detectors (SIGA-IPHS, SIGA-PHS, SIGA-IS, SIGA-PS, SIGA-HFS, SIGA-HRS) Compatible Electrical Boxes AB4G-SB Surface Box for Audible Bases, North American 2-1/8 in (54 mm) deep 4-inch square box, North American 4 by 4 inch octagonal ring (mud box), Standard European 100 mm square box Dimensions Base diameter: 6.8 in (173 mm). Base height from box: 0.8 in (21 mm) Wall mount applications Distance from ceiling 12 in (305 mm) maximum Agency Listings Meets or exceeds requirements specified in UL 268, UL 464, and ULC-S525. (MEA, CSFM pending) Catalog Number Description Ship Wt., lb. (kg) SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Base 0.3 (0.15) AB4G-SB Surface Box for Audible Base 1.0 (0.45) Related Equipment SIGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay (Plug-in UIO module)0.18 (0.08) SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay (Standard mount module)0.2 (0.1) SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module (Plug-in UIO module)0.18 (0.08) SIGA-CR Control Relay Module (Standard mount module)0.2 (0.1) G1M-RM Signal Master (1-gang remote mount)0.2 (0.1) Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0618 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 EST Catalog u Conventional Initiating 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Overview The Edwards SafeAirTM 250-CO carbon monoxide (CO) detector is an accurate and reliable means of alerting building occupants of potentially dangerous levels of CO in the protected area. The internal electro-chemical sensor communicates with a sophisti- cated on-board microprocessor that accurately tracks CO levels over time. This commercial-grade detection technology results in quick response, reliable sensing, fast reset time, and superior false alarm immunity. Its small size allows the 250-CO to blend inconspicu- ously with any decor, and its smooth contoured design is compat- ible with both residential and commercial environments. Unaffected by normal indoor temperature variations, the Edwards 250-CO actually self-adjusts for environmental changes and oper- ates reliably under a wide variety of conditions. It also monitors its own performance and automatically compensates for sensitivity drift throughout the course of its service life. Like all CO detectors, the 250-CO has a limited service life. When it reaches this point, the 250-CO’s six-year end-of-life timer automatically triggers a warning, locally, at the control panel, and optionally, at a central monitoring station, indicating that the device should be serviced. An integrated temporal four-horn provides local signaling capability for the 250-CO, and it easily interfaces with any Listed intrusion or fire alarm system by means of its 150mA output relay, which may be connected to the auxiliary input on the control panel. Its low current draw results in little additional demand on the system power supply. The 250-CO fully complies with the latest UL 2075 requirements which allows for installation in a wide range of residential and com- mercial settings. Standard Features • Uses highly reliable, commercial-grade, electro-chemical sens- ing technology • Self-diagnostics keep the device operating optimally through- out its service life • Sensor is unaffected by fluctuations in normal indoor tempera- ture • Built-in trouble/power supervision relay • 12 or 24VDC operation and 150mA relay contact configurable for normally open or normally closed operation • Long-life six-year sensor • Transmits sensor end-of-life to the control panel and central station if the system is monitored • Fully listed to the latest UL 2075 CO standard for residential or commercial occupancies • Large terminals ease wiring installation 14 to 22 AWG • One-touch TEST/HUSH button simplifies local operation • Integrated 85 dBa temporal 4-sounder for local notification • On-board LED provides local alarm and trouble indication • Inconspicuous footprint and attractively contoured design • Adapter plate makes replacing Edwards 240-COe CO detector simple SafeAirTM Carbon Monoxide Detector 250-CO Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0618 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 Application The SafeAir 250-CO Carbon Monoxide Detector is intended for ordinary indoor-dwelling unit applications in both residential and commercial occupancies, including single/multiple family residential occupancies, hotel rooms, dorm rooms, and other areas approved by the authority having jurisdiction (AHJ). The 250-CO detec- tor can connect to either UL 985 (Household Fire Warning) or UL 864 (Commercial Fire) control panels. It is not intended for use in industrial applications such as gasoline refineries or parking ga- rages, which require different listings. The 250-CO detector has an optional adapter mounting plate. To purchase the plate order P/N 250-COPLT-5PKG. Selecting a suitable location is critical to the operation of CO detectors. Install the 250-CO in accordance with NFPA 720 Stan- dard for the Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning Equipment. Place wall-mounted detectors at least 5 ft. (1.5 m) up from the floor. For ceiling mounted applications, place the detector at least 1 ft. (0.3 m) from any wall. Recommended CO detector locations: 9 Within 10 ft. (3 m) of all sleeping areas, including areas such as hotel rooms and dorm rooms. 9 In a suitable environment: areas with a temperature range of 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) and with a relative humidity range of 0 to 90% noncondensing. 9 In residential dwellings, locate detectors in every bedroom, within 10 ft. (3 m) of sleeping areas, and on each level. At a minimum, place one detector outside the sleeping areas. Recommended locations for CO detectors Recommended CO detector locations in commercial occupancies: 9 On every habitable level of the building based on an engineer- ing evaluation considering potential sources and migration of carbon monoxide 9 In any area required by local building codes, legislation, or authorities having jurisdiction 9 On a firm, permanent surface Do not install the CO detector: 8 Within 10 ft. (3 m) of a fuel-burning appliance 8 Near air conditioners, heating registers, and any other ven- tilation source that may interfere with CO gas entering the detector 8 Where furniture or draperies may obstruct the airflow 8 In a recessed area Operation Test/hush button: Use the test/hush button to test the alarm and silence an activated alarm. Pushing the test/hush button silences the integral sounder for five minutes. The red alarm light stays on and if CO is still present after five minutes, the detector once again sounds in the temporal-four pattern. The hush feature does not operate at CO levels above 350 ppm (parts per million). Distinct 85 dB temporal four-sounder alarm: The 85 dB temporal-four sounder provides a distinctive alarm notification that is easy to differentiate from smoke alarm notification devices. The alarm beeps four times, rests five seconds and then repeats the pattern. The built-in sounder is a supplementary alarm notification device. The control panel is considered the primary alarm notifica- tion device. To silence the detector, push the test/hush button. WARNING: Use only with a UL Listed control panel capable of differentiating between alarm signals (fire, burglary, CO etc.) and providing distinct identification for each. End of sensor life indicator: The detector uses both a flash- ing green LED and intermittent sounder chirps to indicate that the detector needs replacing. To silence the detector, push the test/ hush button. The detector also begins signaling a trouble when the CO sensor is approaching end-of-life. When connected to a Listed control panel, the trouble relay can report a trouble condition locally at the panel and optionally at the central station, if the system is monitored. Common trouble relay: The trouble relay opens to indicate a trouble condition upon lost power, CO sensor cell trouble, or cell end-of-life. Installation The 250-CO Carbon Monoxide Detector is a four-wire device designed to use a Class 2 output from a control panel or auxiliary power supply Listed to UL 985 or 864 standards. All wiring must conform to the NFPA 70 National Electric Code, UL 2075, NFPA 720, an applicable codes. Use 14 to 22 AWG wire. WARNINGS: Connect the CO detector only to a zone dedicat- ed exclusively for CO detection and that is monitored 24 hours a day. Do not connect to an initiating circuit with fire or security devices. Failure to properly install, test, and maintain a CO detector may cause it to fail, potentially resulting in loss of life. The 250-CO/240-COe adapter plate Use the 250-COPLT-5PKG adaptor plate when replacing a 240- COe with a 250-CO to cover the footprint of the 240-COe. For example, use the plate to cover any paint discoloration left behind from the 240-COe. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0618 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 Alarm IDC (NO)End-of-line device (pro- vided by the life safety system) PWR - PWR + End-of-line device (pro- vided by the life safety system) Alarm IDC (NO) Supervisory IDC (NC) PWR - PWR + Alarm IDC (NO) Supervisory IDC (NC) End-of-line device (provided by the life safety system) End-of-line device (pro- vided by the life safety system) PWR - PWR + NO C NC - + NO C NO C NC - + NO C Configuration: Multiple devices, separate alarm, trouble zone Configuration: Multiple devices, single zone Configuration: Single device, single zone Wiring Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0618 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 2 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb-Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T : +65 6391 9300 F : +65 6391 9306 India T : +91 80 4344 2000 F : +91 80 4344 2050 Australia T +61 3 9239 1200 F +61 3 9239 1299 Europe T +32 2 725 11 20 F +32 2 721 86 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. CO detector replacement The 250-CO Carbon Monoxide Detector has a long-life carbon monoxide electrochemi- cal sensor. Replace the detector with a new 250-CO detector six years from the date of manufacture or when an audible and visible annunciation occurs signaling end-of-life. To silence the detector, push the test/hush button. Specifications Input voltage 12 or 24 VDC supplied by control panel or resettable auxiliary power supply Current consumption Normal Alarm Alarm relay Type UL rating 20 mA 40 mA (75 mA in test) 150mA at 12 or 24 VDC Form C Zone Common trouble relay Type UL rating 150mA at 12 or 24 VDC Normally opened held closed with power applied Common CO alarm level 70 ppm/60 to 240 minutes Sounder 85 dB Compatible control panel Listed to UL 985 or 864 standard Compatible electrical box North American 2½ in. (64 mm) deep 1-gang Wire size 14 to 22 AWG (0.25 to 2.0 mm²) Dimensions (W x L x D) Detector Adapter plate 3.1 x 4.6 x 1.3 in. (7.8 x 11.7 x 3.2 cm) 4.5 x 6.5 x 0.2 in. (11.4 x 16.5 x 0.5 cm) Weight Detector Adapter plate 4.7 oz. (133 g) 1.6 oz (46 g) Color White Operating environment Temperature Relative humidity 32 to 104°F (0 to 40°C) 0 to 90%, noncondensing Altitude Less than 6,000 ft. above sea level UL rating Regulated 12 or 24 VDC North American standards UL 2075, UL 2034 Ordering Information Model Description 250-CO SafeAir Carbon monoxide detector, alarm & trouble relays, sounder, end-of life signal, 12/24VDC 250-COPLT-5PKG Adaptor plate for use when replacing the Edwards/ESL 240-COe CO detector with a 250-CO Page 1 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 EST Catalog u Intelligent Input/Output 12 - 1 3 - 1 2 Overview The Control Relay Module and the Polarity Reversal Relay Module are part of the Signature Series system. They are intelligent analog addressable devices available in either plug-in (UIO) versions, or standard 1-gang mount versions. The SIGA-CR/MCR Control Relay Module provides a Form “C” dry relay contact to control external appliances such as door clos- ers, fans, dampers etc. This device does not provide supervision of the state of the relay contact. Instead, the on-board micro- processor ensures that the relay is in the proper ON/OFF state. Upon command from the loop controller, the SIGA-CR/MCR relay activates the normally open or normally-closed contact. The SIGA-CRR/MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module provides a Form “C” dry relay contact to power and activate a series of SIGA-AB4G Audible Sounder Bases. Upon command from the Signature loop controller, the SIGA-CRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc output, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. Standard-mount versions (SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR) are installed to standard North American 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations where only one module is re- quired. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. Plug-in UIO versions (SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR) are part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. They func- tion identically to the standard mount versions, but take advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes all UIO modules. Two- and six-module UIO motherboards are available. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Standard Features • Provides one no/nc contact (SIGA-CR/MCR) Form “C” dry relay contact can be used to control external ap- pliances such as door closers, fans, dampers etc. • Allows group operation of sounder bases The SIGA-CRR/MCRR reverses the polarity of its 24 Vdc out- put, thus activating all Sounder Bases on the data loop. • Plug-in (UIO) or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote locations that require a single module. • Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. • Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool; there are no switches or dials to set. • Intelligent device with microprocessor All decisions are made at the module to allow lower com- munication speed with substantially improved control panel response time and less sensitivity to line noise and loop wiring properties; twisted or shielded wire is not required. • Ground fault detection by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. Control Relay Modules SIGA-CR, SIGA-MCR, SIGA- CRR, SIGA-MCRR SIGA-CR SIGA-MCR MEA Page 2 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 Installation SIGA-CR and SIGA-CRR: modules mount to North American 2½ inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. FI RE ALARM MODULE Compatible electrical box Wall plate,white (1-gang) Status LEDs LED viewing ports SIGA-MCR and SIGA-MCRR: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and wash- ers provided. Plug the module into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. #6 Flat washers 6-32 Self-tapping screws UIO Motherboard Plug-in (UIO) Module Captive screws Cabinet or electrical enclosure Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on- board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a “soft” address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Application The operation of Signature Series control relays is determined by their sub-type code or “Personality Code.” Personality Code 8: CONTROL RELAY (SIGA-CR/MCR) - Dry Contact Output. This setting configures the module to provide one Form “C” DRY RELAY CONTACT to control Door Closers, Fans, Dampers, etc. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc; 0.5 amp @ 120 Vac (or 0.25A @ 220 Vac for non-UL applications). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configura- tion is required. Personality Code 8: POLARITY REVERSAL RELAY MODULE (SIGA-CRR/MCRR). This setting configures the module to re- verse the polarity of its 24 Vdc output. Contact rating is 2.0 amp @ 24 Vdc (pilot duty). Personality Code 8 is assigned at the factory. No user configuration is required. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST's Signature Loop Controller. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Testing & Maintenance The module’s automatic self-diagnosis identifies when it is defec- tive and causes a trouble message. The user-friendly maintenance program shows the current state of each module and other per- tinent messages. Single modules may be turned off (deactivated) temporarily, from the control panel. Availability of maintenance features is dependent on the fire alarm system used. Scheduled maintenance (Regular or Selected) for proper system operation should be planned to meet the requirements of the Authority Hav- ing Jurisdiction (AHJ). Refer to current NFPA 72 and ULC CAN/ ULC 536 standards. Page 3 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 SIGA-CR Control Relay Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 TB14 TB15 Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) TB7 4 3 2 1 1 Data Out DataIn CA T N O . MC R 47 3 3 8 7 3 5 8 2 12 34 3 4 Normally Open Normally ClosedCommon 12 34 No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. No connections required for MCR. Other modules may require connections. SIGA-MCR Control Relay Notes 1 Refer to Signature Loop Controller Installation Sheet for wiring specifications. 2 NFPA 72 requires that the SIGA-CR/SIGA-MCR be installed in the same room as the device it is controlling. This requirement may not apply in all markets. Check with your local AHJ for details. 3 The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. 4 The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. 5 Supervised and power-limited. 6 If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 7) Maximum #12 AWG (2.5mm2) wire. Min. #18 (0.75mm2). Page 4 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 AB4G Audible Base AB4G Audible Base Optional CR for disabling/disconnecting sounder base 21 1 AB4G Audible Base + - + + - CR -+Signature Controller DA TA CRR Listed 24 VDC Nominal Power Supply CT1 6254A-003 EOL Relay 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 1 SIGA-CRR Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), #14 AWG (1.50mm2) and #12 AWG (2.50mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Data Out or 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 TB14 TB15Green LED (Normal) Green LED (Normal) Red LED (Active) Red LED (Active)CAT N O. CAT N O. MC R R 47 3 3 8 7 3 6 0 MC R R 47 3 3 8 7 3 5 9 5 1 12 23 34 4 7 8 6 6 No connections required for MCRR. Other modules may require connections. No connections required for MCRR. Other modules may require connections. No connections required for MCRR. Other modules may require connections. 12 34 UIO(R) series motherboard MCRR Optional MCRR or MCR for disabling/disconnecting an audible base. 4 8 3 7 2 1 CT1 1 2 3 4 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 Audible Bases 6254A-003 EOL Relay required for supevision Signature Data Circuit UL/ULC Listed 24 Vdc power supply 12 34 For normal operation For General Fire Alarm Operation TB7 Data Out Data In 4 3 2 1 17 Signature Data Circuit DA TA ( + ) I N / O U T DA TA ( - ) I N DA TA ( - ) O U T SI G + SI G - SIGA-MCRR SIGA-CRR Schematic Power In Power Out Polarity reverses when activated. SIGA-CRR Schematic SIGA-MCRR Schematic Notes 1 Refer to the Signature controller installation sheet for wiring. 2 One Pair of Wires (24 Vdc power). 3 One Pair of Wires (Signature Data). 4 Single Wire (24 Vdc power). 5 The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. 6 The SIGA-UIO6 does not come with TB8 through TB13. 7 Supervised and power-limited. 8 If the source is nonpower-limited, maintain a space of 1/4 inch from power-limited wiring or use FPL, FPLP, FPLR, or an equivalent in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 9 Maximum #12 AWG (2.5 mm² ) wire; Minimum #18 AWG (0.75 mm² ). 10 End-of-Line Relay must monitor and report power supply trouble to control panel. 11 Class B Data wiring may be “T-tapped.” Page 5 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 Specifications Ordering Information Catalog Number SIGA-CR SIGA-MCR SIGA-CRR SIGA-MCRR Description Control Relay Polarity Reversal Relay Type Code Personality Code 8 (Factory Set)Personality Code 8 (Factory Set) Address Requirements Uses 1 Module Address Operating Current Standby = 75 µA Activated = 75 µA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Relay Type and Rating Form C, 2 Amps @ 24 Vdc (pilot duty), 0.5 Amps @ 120 Vac and 0.25 Amps @ 220 Vac (220 Vac is non-UL) Not rated for capacitive loads. Mounting North American 2½ inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into UIO2R, UIO6R or UIO6 Motherboards North American 2½ inch (64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates Plugs into UIO2R, UIO6R or UIO6 Motherboards Construction & Finish High Impact Engineering Polymer Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active Compatibility Use With: Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC, CSFM, MEA Catalog Number Description Ship Weight - lbs (kg) SIGA-CR Control Relay Module (Standard Mount)0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MCR Control Relay Module (UIO Mount)0.18 (0.08) SIGA-CRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (Standard Mount)0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MCRR Polarity Reversal Relay Module (UIO Mount)0.18 (0.08) Related Equipment 27193-11 Surface Mount Box - Red, 1-gang 1 (0.6) 27193-16 Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1 (0.6) SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Two Module Positions 0.32 (0.15) SIGA-UIO6R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs - Six Module Positions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board - Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) SIGA-AB4G Audible (Sounder) Detector Base 0.3 (0.15) Accessories MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet - Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0 (3.1) SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket (allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box)0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46) Page 6 of 6 DATA SHEET 85001-0239 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.5 12 - 1 3 - 1 2 Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T : +65 6391 9300 F : +65 6391 9306 India T : +91 80 4344 2000 F : +91 80 4344 2050 Australia T +61 3 9239 1200 F +61 3 9239 1299 Europe T +32 2 725 11 20 F +32 2 721 86 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2011 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Signature Series Overview The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly maintenance and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature device measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefits – Self-di- agnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log – Each Signature Series device constantly runs self- checks to provide important maintenance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signa- ture Program/Service Tool. The information stored in device memory includes: • Device serial number, address, and type • Time and date of last alarm • Most recent trouble code logged by the detector — 32 possible trouble codes may be used to diagnose faults. Automatic Device Mapping –The Signature Data Controller (SDC) learns where each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits between each device can be examined. Layout or “as-built” drawing information showing branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. This takes the mystery out of the installation. The preparation of as-built drawings is fast and efficient. Device mapping allows the Signature Data Controller to discover: • Unexpected additional device addresses • Missing device addresses • Changes to the wiring in the circuit. Most Signature modules use a personality code selected by the installer to determine their actual function. Personality codes are downloaded from the SDC during system configu- ration and are indicated during device mapping. Standalone Operation – A decentralized alarm decision by the device is guaranteed. Onboard intelligence permits the device to operate in stan dalone (degrade) mode. If Sig- nature loop controller CPU communications fail for more than four seconds, all devices on that circuit go into standalone mode. The circuit acts like a conventional alarm receiving circuit. Each Signature device on the circuit continues to collect and analyze information from its slave devices. When connected to a panel utilizing standalone op eration, modules with their “personality” set as alarm devices (IDC) will alarm should their slave alarm-initiat- ing device activate. Page 1 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1 EST Catalog u Intelligent Input-Output 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Overview The SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module and SIGA-CT2/SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Modules are intelligent analog addressable devices used to connect one or two Class B normally-open Alarm, Super- visory, or Monitor type dry contact Initiating Device Circuits (IDC). The actual function of these modules is determined by the “personal- ity code” selected by the installer. This code is downloaded to the module from the Signature loop controller during system configura- tion. The input modules gather analog information from the initiating devices connected to them and convert it into digital signals. The module’s on-board microprocessor analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2 mount to standard North Ameri- can 1-gang electrical boxes, making them ideal for locations where only one module is required. Separate I/O and data loop connections are made to each module. The SIGA-MCT2 is part of the UIO family of plug-in Signature Series modules. It functions identically to the SIGA-CT2, but takes advantage of the modular flexibility and easy installation that characterizes all UIO modules. Two- and six-module UIO mother- boards are available. All wiring connections are made to terminal blocks on the motherboard. UIO assemblies may be mounted in Edwards enclosures. Standard Features • Multiple applications Including Alarm, Alarm with delayed latching (retard) for water- flow applications, Supervisory, and Monitor. The installer selects one of four “personality codes” to be downloaded to the mod- ule through the loop controller. • SIGA-CT1 rated for high temperature environments Suitable for attic installation and monitoring high temperature heat detectors. • Plug-in (UIO) or standard 1-gang mount UIO versions allow quick installation where multiple modules are required. The 1-gang mount version is ideal for remote loca- tions that require a single module. • Automatic device mapping Signature modules transmit information to the loop controller regarding their circuit locations with respect to other Signature devices on the wire loop. • Electronic addressing Programmable addresses are downloaded from the loop con- troller, a PC, or the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. There are no switches or dials to set. • Stand-alone operation The module makes decisions and inputs an alarm from initiat- ing devices connected to it even if the loop controller’s polling interrogation stops. (Function availability dependent upon control panel.) • Ground fault detection by address Detects ground faults right down to the device level. Input Modules SIGA-CT1, SIGA-CT2 & SIGA- MCT2 SIGA-CT1/2 SIGA-MCT2 MEA Application Notes Available CHINA S Page 2 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1 Installation SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2: modules mount to North American 2½ inch(64 mm) deep 1-gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with 1-gang covers and SIGA-MP mounting plates. The terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Application The duty performed by the SIGA-CT1 and SIGA-CT2/MCT2 is de- termined by their sub-type code or “Personality Code”. The code is selected by the installer depending upon the desired application and is downloaded from the loop controller. One personality code can be assigned to the SIGA-CT1. Two per- sonality codes can be assigned to the SIGA-CT2/MCT2. Codes 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be mixed on SIGA-CT2/MCT2 modules only. For example, personality code 1 can be assigned to the first address (circuit A) and code 4 can be assigned to the second address (circuit B). NORMALLY-OPEN ALARM - LATCHING (Personality Code 1) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally open dry contact initiating devices such as Pull Stations, Heat Detectors, etc. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The alarm condition is latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ALARM - DELAYED LATCHING (Person- ality Code 2) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact initiat- ing devices such as Waterflow Alarm Switches. An ALARM signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed for approximately 16 seconds. The alarm condition is latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - NON-LATCHING (Personality Code 3) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally-open dry contact monitoring input such as from Fans, Dampers, Doors, etc. An ACTIVE signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The active condition is not latched at the module. NORMALLY-OPEN ACTIVE - LATCHING (Personality Code 4) - Assign to one or both circuits. Configures either circuit A or B or both for Class B normally open dry contact monitoring input such as from Supervisory and Tamper Switches. An ACTIVE signal is sent to the loop controller when the input contact is closed. The active condition is latched at the module. FI RE ALARM MODULE Compatible electrical box Wall plate,white (1-gang) Status LEDs LED viewing ports SIGA-MCT2: mount the UIO motherboard inside a suitable Edwards enclosure with screws and washers provided. Plug the SIGA-MCT2 into any available position on the motherboard and secure the module to the motherboard with the captive screws. Wiring connections are made to the terminals on the motherboard (see wiring diagram). UIO motherboard terminals are suited for #12 to #18 AWG (2.5 mm2 to 0.75 mm2) wire size. Signature Series Overview The Signature Series intelligent analog-addressable system from Edwards Security is an entire family of multi-sensor detectors and mounting bases, multiple-function input and output modules, network and non-network control panels, and user-friendly main- tenance and service tools. Analog information from equipment connected to Signature devices is gathered and converted into digital signals. An onboard microprocessor in each Signature de- vice measures and analyzes the signal and decides whether or not to input an alarm. The microprocessor in each Signature device provides four additional benefits – Self-diagnostics and History Log, Automatic Device Mapping, Stand-alone Operation and Fast, Stable Communication. Self-diagnostics and History Log – Each Signature Series device constantly runs self-checks to provide important mainte- nance information. The results of the self-check are automatically updated and permanently stored in its non-volatile memory. This information is accessible for review any time at the control panel, PC, or using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Automatic Device Mapping –The Signature Data Control- ler (SDC) learns where each device’s serial number address is installed relative to other devices on the circuit. The SDC keeps a map of all Signature Series devices connected to it. The Signature Series Data Entry Program also uses the mapping feature. With interactive menus and graphic support, the wired circuits be- tween each device can be examined. Layout or “as-built” drawing information showing branch wiring (T-taps), device types and their address are stored on disk for printing hard copy. #6 Flat washers 6-32 Self-tapping screws UIO Motherboard Plug-in (UIO) Module Captive screws Cabinet or electrical enclosure Electronic Addressing - The loop controller electronically ad- dresses each module, saving valuable time during system com- missioning. Setting complicated switches or dials is not required. Each module has its own unique serial number stored in its on-board memory. The loop controller identifies each device on the loop and assigns a “soft” address to each serial number. If desired, the modules can be addressed using the SIGA-PRO Signature Program/Service Tool. Edwards recommends that this module be installed according to latest recognized edition of national and local fire alarm codes. Page 3 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1 Typical Wiring Modules will accept #18 AWG (0.75mm2), #16 (1.0mm2), and #14AWG (1.50mm2), and #12 AWG (2.50mm2) wire sizes. Note: Sizes #16 AWG (1.0mm2) and #18 AWG (0.75mm2) are preferred for ease of installation. See Signature Loop Controller catalog sheet for detailed wiring requirement specifications. Warnings & Cautions This module will not operate without electrical power. As fires fre- quently cause power interruption, we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. Compatibility The Signature Series modules are compatible only with EST’s Signature Loop Controller. SIGA-CT1 UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL 12 4 1 2 3 4 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 TB14 TB15Green LED (Normal) MCT2 UIO(R) series motherboard No connections required for MCT2 Other modules may require connections. No connections or jumper settings required for MCT2. UL/ULC Listed 47KW EOL Red LED (Active) 12 34 CA T N O . MC T 2 47 3 3 8 7 3 5 1 Data In 3 TB7 Signature Data Circuit Data Out 4 3 2 1 Typical NO Initiating Device Input 2 Input 1 5 SIGA-MCT2 SIGA-CT2 Initiating (Slave) Device Circuit Wire Specifications Maximum Allowable Wire Resistance 50 ohms (25 ohms per wire) per Circuit Maximum Allowable Wire Capacitance 0.1µF per Circuit For Design Reference:Wire Size Maximum Distance to EOLR #18 AWG (0.75 mm²) 4,000 ft (1,219 m)#16 AWG (1.00 mm²) #14 AWG (1.50 mm²) #12 AWG (1.50 mm²) NOTES 1 Maximum 25 Ohm resistance per wire. 2 Maximum #12 AWG (2.5 mm² ) wire; Minimum #18 AWG (0.75 mm2). 3 Refer to Signature controller installation sheet for wiring specifications. 4 Maximum 10 Vdc @ 350 µA 5 The SIGA-UIO6R and the SIGA-UIO2R do not come with TB14. 6 All wiring is supervised and power-limited. 7 These modules will not support 2-wire smoke detectors. Page 4 of 4 DATA SHEET 85001-0241 Not to be used for installation purposes. Issue 7.1 06 - 2 1 - 1 0 Detection & alarm since 1872 U.S. T 888-378-2329 F 866-503-3996 Canada Chubb-Edwards T 519 376 2430 F 519 376 7258 Southeast Asia T : +65 6391 9300 F : +65 6391 9306 India T : +91 80 4344 2000 F : +91 80 4344 2050 Australia T +61 3 9239 1200 F +61 3 9239 1299 Europe T +32 2 725 11 20 F +32 2 721 86 13 Latin America T 305 593 4301 F 305 593 4300 utcfireandsecurity.com © 2010 UTC Fire & Security. All rights reserved. Specifications Catalog Number SIGA-CT1 SIGA-CT2 SIGA-MCT2 Description Single Input Module Dual Input Module Type Code 48 (factory set) Four sub-types (personality codes) are available 49 (factory set) Four sub-types (personality codes) are available Address Requirements Uses One Module Address Uses Two Module Addresses Operating Current Standby = 250µA; Activated = 400µA Standby = 396µA; Activated = 680µA Operating Voltage 15.2 to 19.95 Vdc (19 Vdc nominal) Construction High Impact Engineering Polymer Mounting North American 2½ inch (64 mm) deep one- gang boxes and 1½ inch (38 mm) deep 4 inch square boxes with one-gang covers and SIGA- MP mounting plates UIO2R/6R/6 Mother- board Storage and Operating Environment Operating Temperature: 32°F to 158°F (0°C to 70°C) Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C); Humidity: 0 to 93% RH Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Storage Temperature: -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Humidity: 0 to 93% RH LED Operation On-board Green LED - Flashes when polled; On-board Red LED - Flashes when in alarm/active Both LEDs - Glow steady when in alarm (stand-alone) Compatibility Use with Signature Loop Controller Agency Listings UL, ULC, MEA, CSFM Ordering Information Catalog Number Description Ship Wt. lbs (kg) SIGA-CT1 Single Input Module — UL/ULC Listed 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-CT2 Dual Input Module — UL/ULC Listed 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MCT2 Dual Input Plug-in (UIO) Module — UL, ULC Listed 0.1 (0.05) Related Equipment 27193-11 Surface Mount Box - Red, 1-gang 1.0 (0.6) 27193-16 Surface Mount Box - White, 1-gang 1.0 (0.6) SIGA-UIO2R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs — Two Module Positions 0.32 (0.15) SIGA-UIO6R Universal Input-Output Module Board w/Riser Inputs — Six Module Positions 0.62 (0.28) SIGA-UIO6 Universal Input-Output Module Board — Six Module Positions 0.56 (0.25) MFC-A Multifunction Fire Cabinet — Red, supports Signature Module Mounting Plates 7.0 (3.1) SIGA-MB4 Transponder Mounting Bracket (allows for mounting two 1-gang modules in a 2-gang box) 0.4 (0.15) SIGA-MP1 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1 footprint 1.5 (0.70) SIGA-MP2 Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 footprint 0.5 (0.23) SIGA-MP2L Signature Module Mounting Plate, 1/2 extended footprint 1.02 (0.46)